22431-22854_08-13-1918_09-14-1918saMNV1S,d0 nuane IVNOIIVN h r ' 9-1IIIII i� illlll SZ illlll r, g.�illll s.� o-z����� Y • 1 VIII m ;214 X" 10 S�ZIIIII` a y d m , X 00 40\ ��•� \ +C _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 22�i3 z' COUNCIL No.: .......... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION-FORM FILE VS7..1:.7:_19` :..........191......_ TY OM ROLL F=Yy�s AUDITED , � •. 1.i' .... PER..... ..... ... .: ....... ):,? 405 - _ TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the ,City. Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favoi persons, firms or. corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statemeui Yeas { J )Councilmen (J) Nays, Adopted by the Council 7.91-1. Cl cy' Fa worth In favor APP _-Q.-Against -_-- --....—. ._..`. ll Kel er _ A$ ' - - MAYOR M c Wu derlich Mr. Presiden Hodgson. �:xe.otv.0 tnae �( fa n a the City '1YW`Yee�rr" D. U0 herNnatt.[ .peaC Q,r< 1 for ,ot she Verxoni. An" L _ r.r th. aIDOuhu .et.: a 5649 American Supply Co., 6.00' School 5650 Bearing Service Co.7.03 Garage : kev� ... 9 9 r 5651 Blender P ar Co., 17.50 P. Bathe 5652 Board of Water Commissioners 1,245.86:, S. & S. Cing. 762.72 Auditorium 8 00 Parks 1 00 Ws;ler Supply 20 00 I 038 n 25 .76 a . 1924 ,96 5653 Wm. Clark Breckenridge8.25 ,Library.N, Books 5654 Buffalo Historical Society 2.20' Library -B. Books 5656 Chas. W. Clark Co. , 3.40 Library,.N, Books 5658 Cochran -Sargent Co., i -29.101 Fire 5657' Dartnell Sales Service' 12.00', Library 5658 ,"am Decker Aa.rdware• Co. , Workhouse 34. 4 School 2. 0 Parks 4. 0 46. $689 " 31 eo tric Mnfg.Co. , ' 21.04. Garage -5660 .Electric Machinery Ca., 2'40 }a , Water ;5661 Goodyear Rubber Co. a 2.50;_ G. P..-Mun. Test. Lab. ` 5662 Gray Notor'Car Cor. b - Garage r'; 5663 .C. -S. Hammond:`Co., 25.00 - Library '5664 House Re"autiful Publishing Co., Library -N. Hooks 5685 J." S: ,Johnson Transfer Co., " 3.50 " ;Street:.C. & R 5468 ,Lyle "Corrugated Culvert Co., 431.,20 Street C. & R. 5667 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 620a50 Fire 4.5 = Garage Oa 50 " •`5668 Midland Motor "Co. , 23.75 < Garage � 5669 ";Minnesota News Co; Lib�raxyN." Beaks .. - 5670 4icols, Dean e& Gregg Fire 2. 3 a 5. 0'. a 23. 8 a 4. 8 Garage 16. 6. ri a ) 128. Serer 4. & R, l 42 Sohool 99 Water 7 82 5671 N., W. CoPPer,&Brass Works, 4.35.,1 School 5672 N, 'W. Fuel Co.", Street C.& R. 390151 646.53 .` a 26404, a 28 04 j Water ,. 646. 3 5673 N. W. Tire.Co.y 477 80 " I. Garage Rev. 5674 Noyes $roe."$c,Cutler, �'74 70.28 'i FFire 1. 0 quarantine 3 0 - _ a .3 0 a. a 0 Sohool > = 7 70. 6 6676 P. & S. Eleotric Co., 2.60 Garage t�3 5678: Quality Printing Co., 00 `48.00 -�1 C.ivii Service _ Library 0 48 00 . 5677 Rgymer Hardware Co., `Supply aj49.56": Water •25 .... .3b Street C•..8t R. 12 •204 • .10 ., �► • 00 ';$ridgy Eldg.;" l .00 Sakooi 90 s 3.85. Library "] 9.55 "- o. 5878 Reed ,4tor Supply Co., f . '.aarage 5879 C. F,'Reifoneider "3Q Libxary..N, Booke 5680 'St.': Paul Auto Top Worke, - 3. 0't Garage 5681 St. Paul Battery Garage Rev.` 5582 St. Paul Book & .Stat"idAery oo.'', 2 60 185.7! _ Police ; School 108. 5' . Lib rarY.$�cp; .. _ , 20,. 0. 2 N. -,Rooks :. 3, 0 a R 2. 0 d 6. 9 • Parke 1: O . 185• 5683 St. Paul B'as's iofindry Ca., ': 3.2 Garage 5684 St Paul.Cement works, 24.0 5685 St Paul Motor Car Co., Garage' Rev 5586 W. H. Sch4nelzel�; &s Co.. 94.8 - Garage Rev. 14;.0 5687 C. C. Schroeder S.:& S, Cing. ' 5888 J, L. Shiely Co., 21•` Fire 5689 "Shotwel3z-obari•Johnson 10.1 seea R - t'4 "5690 '-Stamirt-Wainer, Speedometer. Co., 'Fire .5691 :Tire Service Co., 2..33' Garage k F, ggg2 TAin City Auto Specialty Co., Garage Rev, 5693 Union Library Aseln. Library -Y., Books 5694 United States Rubber Co. 60.764 _ sprinkling - , y 5695' Waldorf Bin dery Co. . 323.1.5 Library a; W. L. Web er 49.095698 School 5697 sHenry'B. Wenzel 5.38. Water 5698 Western Auto' Co. , 40 501.1 Garage 569,9 ;Western Machine 06., 63.30.,,{ Scbo o l 6700 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell 16,,64Ju Civil Service 8. Fire 4. 0 `. Auditorium a 15 56 Ka 6 0 a- ti I i gITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION,—GENERAL FORM Subjedt ........ ............ G ....... ....:.. f FILCNCIL NO.: .. wN2•� �!:DF....:. Date Presented .......... Resolved, That. the Commiss:iollar of Pub110 Safety is hereby aut�orized' to employ in the Bureau of Poli ae, One (1) . ftbulance Surgeon for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. Said employment being made necessary on account of annual vacation of one of the regular' -Police Surgeons. C. iT. No 88481—BY-$enrY MoCo11—� Rbeolvgd, That, fhe Coutmfeeloner ot gu'4]1q 6atgtY }e hereby. authorifed to; , ' 0 1oY' 1n Y21n, Bureau of Police, Ope ,� 43);Ati4b�ienne'8urt49oa foci%8 Derlod.. nnq gY'co8d1A¢g 'fltkebn ,(16) da`Ye, 9814: eaTploYID''gAY ,p91n�'made caeaarY ac4ohnt dt-ennusl-vacaefon of one ot: the Tq Rdllee' aurggeoner, - Adu ted fiY t@o.'douncll Audi I8 1918 '; Yeas 01Qouncilmen (P) Nays aworth Adopted_by the Council--. ...........IIl favor :. /eller I APPro ............ E1.4".'L:.;_191 _,191. McColl Against — Wunde5ich Mr. PresidentAodgeson ......... _:._ i -....-.. MAYOR FORM C. A. 9 JM 0-19. r - 22btl COUNCIL FILE N/Q•............................ .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.--..-.:reaonetruc.ting,....r.slaying--.and..repairing...t-he.-zem:,rt...ti.le sidewe,3.k.-to._a..wi.dth.-nf-..&..feet...on..the..slnrth..aide...of.-.�Sl]m�xe..A�e....fsom<- ; South-Hobext...Sty-- thence..west..mAQ..-feet,...... z he Matter o $a onstrueti'rw. ing sand repalring the cg. ,- atdemalk to a width of 8 Yeeu •,----•,• --•------- ----------=----------------------------- ----1 north side of ' "" "Ore 'oL - --.................._---.-..-.-.-......--....---........-. 3ohth I ,..rt :-8t-, thence• j --feet. under Preliminary 6r• _ .: iHptbved Mag.8lat. dBig n.jf ......................_....... ...................................................................... .. ,.-c .- -� _ \•1.. yiQA -ttiaci --_cub-:•- !under Preliminary Order ---------21.482 .......................... approved ............. ayr..3.1-gt,--- Intermepart Order.............................................................. approved---•-•--------------------••--------------------------------------•- A public, hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......x.eGAnatr.uct-r--.-x.e1s y-..-aztd-•-repair---.ths• C- ement.-_tL' 1e sidewalk` to a width of 6 feet on the north side of Fillmore Ave. from, :- ............................................... ...........- -- ........... --- South Rob -art St•.,. ---thence we et 100 feet, _ ............................................................_. ........................................... _.:.........--.............-..... ..........--.......... ... ........ .... _.......... .............. .............................................................................................:................_...........-..........._..-..-..........-.-.................._�.-.-..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be- made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper,city,, officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making y of said improvement in aeeordd9nce therewith. Adopted by the Council ................. ::. a.1+911........--, 191-....._ l City Clerk. '14 `' Approved................................:. 191...--... w•nC'9rNMayor. Councilman F`ifrpe<vorth a f Councilman $eller 0 IAC -J., Conncilman.l�'��oll Councilman ij�derlieh Mayor kwia-Nvo(r0y� Form B. S. A. &7. 6 DEPARTt OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he -has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... .......... __... < ..._P......__ ...... CommissioneroJ f Fiaance. 1 .- _ 4 E Vi q.' ; 9 rQs t _ t _ — I Lys t_. ,• I r , � L S l 4 VA FINAL nRnip.R In the Matter of ........... razanst-ruc-ting., re-l-aYi-n-g af1d ltep9&ring oie oement— . ei(Ijew.alk to a vi.dt1L--Qf six f eet An tha-'s-outh.....61de 4--4 h-S6-r-14&--8tV beginning at Rice St., thence west 80 feet, ................................ .......................... ......................................................................... ....................... A' F No � 23436— :In the Matter of rydbnatru0l* —Ang- and �'-npatringft'hs .................. . I ......................................................................to a .............. . ei. of ................................................ , - t '— & under Preliminary Order --2L4-79 ........:...........................approved..................... May -43-1-04-i 1-9-18.1f .............. app Apublic hearing having been roved .................... . .......................... a, ..................... Intermediary Order ................. ............................. e h a d a ...-.--.. upon th e above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is r.ac-onstr-Uct XeL&Y amd.-Te.par the--10$ms-n-t t i i p..siclaw.alk to a zidth—af six f, ee-t an th.e—so-uth sJ-Ae.--v-f Char tuinning at Ri.c.e St . . ...... thenaa west BO f set . . ............................... . ................... .............. .......... ......... .............................. ........... ....................................................................................... ............................................... ................... ...... I ...................... o ............ I ............. .................... I .... .......... I ........... ........................... ............................. I ............... .......... ....................................................................... ........................................................... I .................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Com miissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speeilleations for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said, approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, .............. 191 Adopted 4Y, the Council ............. Approved ............ -.1191. . .................... ......... .......... ..I . .................................. ... ...................... Mayor. Conncilm nswort and !1 counzweller couneitu�w' ecoll underlich Mayor 0 Form B, S. A. P. OF ST. PAUL DE MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREU,MINARY ORDER In the Matter of_,. ice.conatr=t.ing.,..r..e1&y1ng- and...rspa.iri ng...-the_•.cemaDt to a width of six feet on__the••.north__eide_•_of... Qhariee•_3t_r_ beg n i�ng...at Rice S _ St. thence west_ 80....feet. e ...... .................. ......... ......... ...... ...... .......... ......... .__...._.__... _........... ...._.._......... __._ under Preliminary Order approved..:_—NRY..-.Uat.,_..1.91.8------ _._.._...... -.....-_.... __._.... ....... ............ ................... ............ To the Council of the City. of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as' follows: The total. estimated amount. of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ •••••• - •••••• --• • - ...... , The estimated cost perrA000tefor the above improvement is - �D...a7.:.................... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as foilovst' e II DESCRIPTION LOT ASSESSED IeLocK, ADDITION VALUATION ' 1645 � II (_except_. Meet 36_feet)- I .t3 I_._3 Yagoffin(_and _.Breckenride I TOTAL. _. L_6,40 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters; and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to -the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G Dated............. . ................. .i91/•.._.... _.......... _.......... ._... _ Commissioner of Finance MRM M. N. A. 6-. 0 - y - f r e f v �X u i Y -414 -.�.-yam _._ - ' ,_v.-. ,.,..-:�_._.�.._t--.....__.._-••-_-._...-n----'_• _ _ _.. —i T r 1 r , _ 57 _ } — - p s- lo 5 n COUNCIL FILENO .. . ............. .. ..... I FINAL ORDER o In the Matter of r-8r.,Gn8-tXU0-ti-n9-r ralayiq and ... rqalr-kag th-e OSWRt--4-14 JaUewalk U &.Altk 0 Elect an,Ahe.'..eaet ai.de af AM-3-ta 0.i" �i;� I. t a Matter r, rlt11"1 and ye 11,Anghth...tr. Allew.lite!a"tt. t -on the ............• east' elbt6fAhn,St.UnOWF at ............................................................... ............................................. meet; Seventh fit; ; thmroe north 90 , feet, undet1611,01nairy a DA et X818 r6ved Mtsy�81 .. ... ....... . ................. having .. ... ........ ........ ............................. ..................... ............................................... 1P .......... under Preliminary Order ............ 21.04 ..........................approved ............. MaY 9 -8 -ti 19-1 IntondioqOrder .................................... ......................... opproyod ................................................................. ................ Apublic hearing having bpon had upon the above improvement upo 'duo notico, and t1lo C0011011 having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsiderea the Same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. Ment to be made by the said City reDons-trU.Qt,....re1&y and--repsix the eawnt—ti-18 zi.dewalk to a.zUth-of 6 feet o.nAhe—eut...,ai.de ... of at ............ ; ............. - ................ .......... ............................................................................................................................................................ ................................ ............................ .................... w .......................... I ........................ ........... I .............. ....................................... ................................. ................................................................. ................. .......... ..................... . ...... ...................................................................... and the Comeil hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, Teat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby iaBtruoted and directed cilicitions for Said improvement, and submit sam,o to the Council for apprqYd; that to prepare, plans and q oit� ogoll aro heroby outhorizod and dirootod to ProoRd with the mag Id Approval, the PrOP01 upon oil of said improvenjenth''acq'ord'anee therewith, Al ...... Adopted by the Council ............. l.. ...... ... 191 . ............................. . Approved ppr ved ..................... 191 .......... .......... ................ . . ... ...... ............. ......... Coy . . .. . . ...... Mayor. on r,,Xl C�ouneflmanvfif; ivbrth Councilman Wer, Councilman11 MIX Councilman Mayor kwk Form B. S. A. 8-7. ONTF ST. PAUL DEP OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER— (a)_ Iathe Matta of....'reaonetruct,i,ng.,..„eels,�ing,.and..rep�iri,n�,;,,the.,.cement_aile, to a width ;,of„ 6 �f ®et... on... thg...ea st.....Q.�,.��.:.R#'_.h�zL,..�t..�...be,6.�.►1.?�.�.I1��t...Weat... Seventh ._n......., St, thence...north n30....feet............................................. ............................... n..................�..n ...w.w•nxpTnxp.nn........,,px.lx.......... nu....nun...rn ...,... nPNy uun............x uu.... nxl... •.••.•.°•n•'x•x..nuux.uux....... .u.ux..n.w w............ .nq.......nu..npnu.n u9.PgxnpIYNNY,. u uuuuu n xuunu�wl.n..u.n .n.. ux xl.lu...w.....I......u.• .x... . ...... luu.... n. n.....w....... 11111,.111- ................ ............. uxnuwun,....... ....u. ....IIn11.. x.Nxw.u............ MMMI under Preliminary Order approved ... ....... .... AY ...a.01..1 _..... I ....... ........ I -, _ ............................I................ To the Council of the City of St, Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows! The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ..., n nnn ............ :...........x...,,.. equare The estimated cost pe600t for the above improvement i8 • . . . . . $.,44.0.7.......•........ n.....,..wn; The lots or parcels of loadthatmay be assessed benefits for such improvement, ad the assessed valuation of each lot or parcet as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:' -_ — _. __ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT IaIACK ADDITION I VALUATION — — — —-- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of, the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ......n .. ..................... .n ... n.....nn.. - Dated........................6...1.................191 �. Commissioner of Finance. FORM s. o. A. a•e 0 Yeas (V) Councilman iTj 31� Sys Clac�py .In favor --- Mcl . Against Wu�/ lista Mr. Presidexg; Hodgso�� PORMC. A.9 JM 6-18 Adopted by the Council. -- -.-;1y._} Approved S -----...191 ... ....:.C ---------- Y- t- .KAYOR CITY OR ST. PAUL 7777 �� ardfare , C X7 2 A ratter oy 0110a P'1, &.Fire Alarm o x•40 r,� Co�fort '6tat, Is 0'0 r a Bure.32 au Pap 16 pr 6,84; � s Parka •98. LBtin6 1.40 00 1,94. a0 6733 C.,Reiae Coil �o•', Pure i 6734 8t'. ]tnthony Park Ao'Wt later ' 9738 8t. Paul $u31dere ]daterial Co , 1.4 ' 69 B'ixe 40'66 i & Unf. 51 40 87'36 6t. Pu1 Cas' i+i6ht Co• 10dr81 4,278.48 Fire L joting a: 4,272.43 5787, 6t. Pad Milk Ca., 84.60 y� Pub. Bate 8738 Joe Zooh �Watex ` z Total V? 291.92 � n Fyrf• rip s J t dt I f r , 1 i r �A Lm A; p by the wunci4 ° X W `I t3laua�' i Hp, pon loer Cp Yn'(nM 4l7), r 1 �y w � S 2244: G?t+t/ COU E ...... - y.... ...,....................................................... FINAL ORDER em In the Matter of........furniahing...and ..:ieta.t-4141.Y16...41�.._4.pnamental.li�hti? ._e et l at<i......�,18ht.. •?r?p••o st s and l arks, .vii res _and canaunderground %ig..of 5 . conduit for conveying electric current thereto. and ....................... all other necessary �qupmnt for s>�id system on Ylaehinton St. from Third ....... . ......................... r t e�snt h tQ..,"......................�!.,,,...,.,,,....,...,, t , �jw ani i 1+9 At ;�ri,Ya 40. 10� kipiai?z,. ��k Ct ani............................................ ........................................... e7r6 ^no( T��. �tlwoll "hIB9'�.pp, ,u�uat...3rd.,....1.9J,7 under Preliminary Order............171�.59..........................approved............,. Intermediary Order .....................................................approved ............. ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and She Council having heard allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is........fur.ni-eh...and•.in8t,.a.11•••an-•ox.namentzl •••li6}atist$ r �3taeteFe, cn$18-t ng...of..-b...li-ght....I mp...poats...and••l.amps,,...uti-sea—and....vA&r-gtound cAxuiui:..f.Ar....c�nYeying...el.eat.xi.c....ctaxxe.>at....there .ta;nd...all ...o.tYla x...rze.a.e.saaxy a 1lances and equipxaent.for said syatem„on Waehinton St. from Third Sts.... o.,. Routh .:.at.j................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the'Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval; the proper. city officials are fiereby authoriied and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th �t r Adopted by the Council..... r.... 4:. 4.......,191........ • w City AUG Approved.... ..... .............191.....' . A"BlMayor. Councilman Farnsw th Councilman Goss ("Collneilman' H and 1EU Councilman eller , . Councilm McColl I Coune' an Wunderlich Form S. A. 8.7, NGE: • - - - REPORT OF COMMIS NER OF FINAiVGE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LAO n 11M the Mat`tor of :rU # 37} S— Z�-d__ .]7$ allirlQ 21 RL7'il 1D�L�ItB1_ 1 $kl-fir ._7CA�--_> 31.18 1a- si,ating :of -__5 3 fight:. 1sm�-_posts_and-..�ampe.�-:_wires_-and_ _uadsrround-_coduit-_ _far aongey---=ig___e_ectric:-,_currernt_thereto-,_end.-a_ll_-_ot2ser_.ziec6_e4ry--__- _�-- - --- z _1718 -0 -x1_ -$.t 1<SL1A---------- Th1rd-. St. ...... ---------------------- -.- ----- --------------------------- -- ---- - - ------- - ...... ._....................- - - - - -- ---- -- -- --- -- --- wader Preliminary Odes `approved. ---- lila$-'.--3., ..1912.... _.................. ------------ --- - -- - ----------------------- - - _ To tlac Council of the City' of St_ Maui - TIYe+ Commissioner of Fiaaace hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount o the assessment for the ab ove•improvement is - =" $---5--35.7_�.OD-------------' The estimated cost per; foot for tine above improvement is _ _ _ _ _ - - $------------`�+-•--Q----------• The: lots or parcels of larid that rssag be: assessed benefits for such improvement, arra the, assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: - - }} t i TI ASSE336D �' t DES - R I P T t 0- N i LOT LOCK I A D D I T t 0 N �t VALUATION i� I e-.? 3 -5010 aaaii - ---, tan tQz1Lt__ssa� -� _i� 3. 4,s_0000 - - t QQQQ st ; 6 i Auditors Subdivisions - _ 1Qo.�34 St. ul x3zi j _ # y93!!1 I to Saint ]%a -- - } s ! €et 9— _? _ d ---- ; -$1.400 217orth t 1 ' f g`orm 8.'8 3A } t i of got4. �wmd ' - �uwuu or.cwa.wncwn, M. N- LOSS; Cow�rais•�o1+cw .. --- - J,'Y. CARROLL. SasrT. R. T. GOV RLBY. DcruTT -.O _.--.. __ - - 0vw7twta or.Co'wsTRucTson.wm.Rtr�awn - �- _ . ALFRED JAers - _ • - --- 6uwuas H. W. GOETZIti c.... r wwcc.o.n M. S_ 6RYT BAK. iwn�raccw r Bwo occ �1 gg``««x�..., tlTT G. H. HERROLD. rr�ec tw�oawacw o /►� St • � `� , may.♦ �n • 24 s Z9�8 • X. N. Goan, Commissioner o:E 13'ab210 'urge Building• Dear 32r ,- As reported by 3&r. So�e3.eh oP the Department O:f PablS.cs gtllities, the cost of an o-1- xsLMental llghting system on gashin.gtoa 3t • from Seventh St. to Third 3t. - 10 $5,557-00- Tb:LS is Sn accordsace Qvitzi CO'tMC:IIL Fy..le 176b9, approved August mrd, l917. Yours very truly, OC%�8� Ch�.e� F�agtneer �' { CITY OF_w.,,9T. PAUL - COUNCIL• RESOLUTION -GENERAL ,FORM���� = — - — - ---- ' �; -------------------- � --- - "" COUNCIL - PILE NO -------------."..." ... .-..."" ... ..-.191:::x• Date Pcesented---Alt9i;:��.4,..:.:":.: Resolved, That the time speoified ma for the performance of a oertain oontraO dated Jan n.>gLry 3-5, 1417 between Keough Bros. and the ' Oity of St -Paul for the gTacding of Bellevue Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Stewart Ave., Munster S -b. i'rom W. Seventh at. to Davern Ave. Graham St. from Seventh �t to Davern Ave. and Davern Ave. from W. Seventh St.. to ISte rt �vs be and the same is hereby extended to the 13th day of Auger 3828 and the proper pity offioers are hereby authorized aid oontraot in e000r to eae u. -b-- ars amendment to sdanoe herewith provided, hOW43-wsr, that this resolution shall not have any foroe and s eat mile ss the sureties on theconntrhetor's Gity bond, oolleAt thereto. and fila sczch consent in writing with Yeas (V) Councilmen ( V) k4-3— Farfis Faruspd�th Go�-----_--1n favor SM3 cW -----Against W1�rlich " Mr oia - PORMO A:9 iM 9-18. Adopted by the Council---_" �..�11E ..191.--.-. AUG ::5 laTB 191- Approved.... ..-- ------ --.--_.. -- MA OR'. St. Paul, Minn., TO TYM CITY COUNCIL, T Y. Gentleman _ -vaould respectfully ask that your Honorable Body 1 t Te TJo✓ern i7ac db aTithe n.9✓e. to be /exp ��-c��c3 to19/S— ��sr iZ1g to it wa rio-� a ssib1e for to finish this contract within the times species i4a::c3_ 3ea3ce desire to ask that the time for completing same be made a4 3z-r--reinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There ie no objection to having -the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements o this office is • concern �n _ _ A C3zTD Supt. �4nst epai all Commiss3 ar of Pu a U7orks. Chief Engineer. S. 194 - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COLITIC IIs 0 I T Y. Gentlemen: would t your Honorable Body cause the time Of- compl ing r t or �the LGQ.G•wt-. Ay¢ . sf a�,e • �-4 to be extended to - - - - — — — — — -/'- - - - 19/$ Owing to---`—��� - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible £or t o :r, iri3- sYi thi s contract within the time specified, hence desire to as3�3-iat the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore E3 -t_ ' - 3- C C> tor: -r moi@ r z s no objection to having the t Mme �xtendecl as requested, as far as �3-se requi me nts of is office ie canc errie Su G , o Cofistru on & Repa rs APPROVED P Ja7 C scone b 1i co r� s _ Chief Engineer. CITY -:SOF ST. PAUL. .. '. '.. CO U tai C11L RESOL-:UTION— GENERA.L FORK? Subjedt --- --- - ------------------- - �- ----- --- --- - ---- -------------------------------------- 2214150 C9UNCIL _ FILe N O . ---- --- ----- ------------------- ------------ --- ----------- ` ---- ------ - .. ----------------------------------------------------------- Date ------------------"- -.---------- ----Date Presented.-.-..� 8t.. -.._14e.......:1918! f f Resolved, That the 'grac3-e: of the alley in Dawsonts Rearrangement .of Block 76 Banning & 013.ver "a Addition, from Belmont St. to Winona St,(, as abown by the r8c1 grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended Ya,y the Commissioner o3 Public Works, be and the same is hereby aclop-bBc-i a.s the established grade. ;c s xtnsstsa—sig aa:x. coca— ve . ReeWtRed ThB.G t.,he 87rade lot tie<a}- 1.eY -'D- awaon a:- genn:ont c ,nt $look 8�•Banning BR Oltvn-" AdditlQn,- . trpal HeLRlont. Street to WtaOna - Street. fy. the _.raft grade 1}ns en. ,... Ehe•.accbmDani'fag .proRib 'and as.=>CaoornYnendefl 'hY the - Coanmtee}oner ot',•P,nblio, Wcr1s,A ire and eame,te opte�l tabtfeh�pdx g8rade - Afl6Dted� ay the Coliiscll ,iYyg 16 ip18. -; Apgreved'*Aaa(( �i18 2578. - - Yeas (6 Councilmen ( V) Nays Farnsworth QMM_„_ is favor belles. 0 ” CColl' - _ 0---___-- . Y&Vunderlich FORM A.9 JM 6-15 - - - - GITY aF ST. PAUL y _+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION„— GENvv, RA.L PAO'RM ... t�`... ,. Stli')JG�'t- __ ___--__�_ ___ ______—___ — r.F LMNCiL_.. - . __ ___-------------- ---______ ____-_____.____.-__. ___-- - r Date Presented -- -r9 _ fa------ 191-_--- .. '.. _ ls `[ 1 Resolved, that the City Cleric is hereby directed to cause the estimate Of the expenbea of -the- City for the fiscal year of 1919 and of the revenue necessary to meet said. expenses submitted :to the C.OUYl— cil--by the Comptroller, to be published in the official ,paper of said C3tp on &upuat 24th, 1918- ----- Resolved further, that the Council hold public hearings from da3r to day .in the regular. place of maeting of said Council In the Court House and City Hall at 10 of cloak in the forenoon for not leas an - twenty days beginning October let , 1918, at wh cig:-'Mmes. and �n place all residents of the City of St Paul desiring to be heard may be heard in- raference to say of said estimates or any item thereof _ Resolved further that the City C1erlc prepare and -cause to be n the official- paper of the City at the same tame as said published i estimetee of axpenditures -published a notice of said times acid place. Of "public hsari.r>,gs, which guiilished no'tic-e. shall immediately precadg as Ld published estimates of expenditures in said official paper, and aha11 expre salt'' Call ett ent ion atzd refer _-thereto . - Ret:dlved. ttaaA tho' Y:'�tY Cterle id . A Y .4=l�eeafe� ate #�a-'4d6kmaL"e $D t11p� n Y to, meed ailed-jelcpaty„"�A� -- AXW Cff izt thaAN t - tan oq xTi po+n7n� _ Mr- ta. ori'* M 22452 '" COUNCIL FILE NO.. By.................................................... a FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...,....seed.ink,.1oul.egarde... with ..best ...grade..ai...grus...saed••,ul,�. Idgmte.,.Raap,..,fxom.•;exi,A9to-n Aire....,t.o... ff-ath,..6i�:i.... ' tt F 4 aa` the Mst 9r bt secdln boulevards'` With keet, grade of gbs N9eQ oq ..., edgebpmhe $cad •from zlbt;tbh , ,,,.,, ,,,, Ave, to;�evegth gt udder tellpiln ary 4rdar jG949, s�proneb Apt1l 8nd� � '� 1918; ................... ....................................................... :'A Dublle hearitlg havltig.`lfeen had' nuddo,', aqu Ob , I paon,! 6VIn� ear '........ ........ upon the dbovp IniWvemegk up6h due .. .... ...........................:...................................... i a �atlgnrt relative `the>ekQ, and hQving tuilY oonetdgred the eaM6 therefore; under Preliminary Order ..............20.8.42 ......... �rgr tLg Coungtr nt, the citr�' 1918 r ofAtli1: shpt the peease�ature of telt and kind of tmp�pvbment to be Intermediary Order....................................................... made by she rata Ctty' letaead outs................................... Yards- beat grad4,ot era.hrreed on and the Council having A public hearing having been had upon the aageenmbe Rosa trum>;asldgto,i " heard all rsena objections and recommendation Ao eevso at, ane the couveft nerebr• considered the same; ' I Y orders said improvement tabe,maAe.: Resolved Further That tpe Cemmfe- therefore,l)@ it aioaer,4t Public - orke b$ and fa Here- b taetqucted and dilevted to- prepare RE80.L'VE_D, By the Council of the City of S 'Aiana ane aAGot .. done tor. sald.am- t and kind of improve- PA t same to the provement aqi nd anbrot Qpproval,.We AroAer that gAon:aaid re Counrii ror a royal Ity oRlciele are ment to be made by the said City is.......aaed. ba her$hy suth'rlsgd�nd; diteoted to Dro A "' r� •• $89►t4 ce d Mlth the;makfn� of bald. Improve- negt'In'ac`cordaneo,h�rewit� an.. Edgy u&s..2oad.:.f rom:.Lexingto.zl.. np$ptea rri the co >;o►1 Aug �g,19Ie ............:... .. 'AiSproyed Agg..19 t918r <„ ,; �d (AUat 8;1818) . .............................. .... ....... ............................... .......................................... .................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval.; that upon said approval, the proper .city officials are, hefeby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith ��y Adopted by the Council...... . A ,f............ 191........ ...................... S' ... � r..... ... .. City Clerk r AUG = Approved .........8 .......:,191...,:... ,.......,. ayor, Councilman Faros h 1 Gauen — Couneilnian Xelylel Councilman Mcl� Councilman WuVerlich ^ r �fr �-. r -OF " � � _� 7e` _�., � G►Tir sT= awuL . - �'�TMEP�T OF FINANCE - �� REPORT' O.f M155lOWER:. OF- FINANCE ON PRELl1 1NARIf ORMER A In the Matter ofbOulevnaE rd8 with b�# �. __ :r�S _9 :=g # N ASI"-=Q2T- "` �. 1 �•�----•------- ' R Si�> -d __#'' Q1A L.�F ]13$fi Q2i__�AY� ._ a12__ wzSY �9Y1t h t • - --- - ----- - - ------ - - -------- ---------- ----------- - ' — - - --- under Prtliraixaa g- C Ycl ey approved .-- Apr i1 2�- ___1 91 8 __ _----- ------------------ -- -_-. To the Council of the City of St. Paul-- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows= The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $------------ '---------------------- _.. _ --._ _ -The -rhoes�i—ate:d cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $----�-T Q7---------------'- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed' benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported b_v the Assessor, are as follows= G E 5 C R .1 -P T I O N._ t l-OT "=m j A O O t-r 1 O Nf VALU Sim it W. That"�art__oF F_. o_.__NE-O_I�o!-so:_ 1Q• T=-.-.._R..-_.2�.r----- - - ---- - ti 1 n svutiierly of Right of *a.y of Bd• C: St. y. P. RCo. , — 4` t'- - t 14 � 4 '� _�:__—gid o _----- --- - -- --- - 17 5; It --_ea11 i t-- -----` -do:--_------- -- ---; 2Q_-1 ---------dfl — ----- a----it + { , cl to cl 0 1 '7 z- -' -- ----- —`i o -_ __ -- -- — _ 17 5 a do SOO GTY cr ST -PAYE I r a ARTMQJT of FINANCE REIP�RT Ot OMMISSIOMMM :OF FINANCE , PRELIMINARY bFtMFMM • -' A G O i T i Q H DE34= RIIF- 'Ir i.O N. - - iI-CT-- { �� wssEsscD + VALUATION c. Edgecumbe Rc3_-1__-- ' do ---- - !._ _-2.-cl do I -- --- - 300 i, - - -ate ------ 51 2- ------------ - --- ..�� ___ �- - -__ --- i _ - - 3 ��� ---d �- -- _,- - -- - - - -- ---- - ---- 2 ! __ 3- 3 30 51 CIO . 19_1 .4._' -- -d o - -- - _it 81 4 - �� - ------------ -------"--2.i 1 �.----------- �I ------r-_20__..1__1_ ._ ---------------�o------------ ------ � '----�l.1.Q i ._..__ `` � { � - 3'- 2 -------- c3a`-- --- - it _ _._.'� :_•`_�__"�Q-4— a-- -- -2 300 _T - —i -- j i ao 1--2 i ao_�- � -�- -5' -- 4- ,, do 21' 3 da i? 32 h ( d o 4 3 3 c3 o 32 5 ( y � � i �_� '• 'ti TOTAL... i � _ • - OF FINANCE � t- � � REPORT _� pBPARTMENT CtF4&_-0MMISSIC>IVEF2 Oa` FINANCE ' a ON PRELIMINARY Ow2C>ER !!!!I LOT OCK- I{ jl A53633Cfl VALUATION �_.3 - Edaecumbe act :_j ._ 4 Lezingiton do -----X350 r - ---- a� -- -- - - -- - -- , - }-_16 !_4 ' ---- __ - -- - _ d<L--- - - -- ---- I' 325 , w.20ft._)W._48ft. --c3,f-- - - !_1-5 ; ` '----..------- - - - -ate dowi_ __ _C{ _.-(Exc ept_d�ecuaab a Rd _-�-� --- _ .-- 1----�_..I7e _v_gz'n •_a._Bs3S.��Qf _$�___._ _ ._ __ -775 _ 4, 5 &0 6 of L$xingZozn 1 it - - -- - -- - _...-----_------. 1 _Aticii_ti.on __- '!----=---_- I i i --- -__13? 5 <_10 ;-- -'- - - - - - do - '' - _425 r r --dam--- _ _-------- ----__ ----� 18 �._1_. t.__ __ - ----- -- ----- ---- �---- ---- --- - ---- - _-_ ___..__ _- - - _ I-Lexingt on.._Pa=2t P1at - it in ha NE _ i ��------A:_tra ct _ of the ---- ---- -k ---- --- T _�- - 28• Et 23it - — - - bounded on north by Ni3 8s Ave i on E$ g3 t E.dg@cu=nbe Rd. on - - - _.-_-SouthBlk.l1yeziqatari._P4mr3c_Pl!eLt_-__`3.and _We_st__b :300 - t i , �9- 42_5 -__ - --- -- - - -- -- -3 ----- --- .-- - -- ----- -- -= I - - — .j: - sI _425 _ .-- ,_ .l 3,,- I ` do i 2 3 do 425 7! i, c4TY oI* sr. P-n►uL •yr t y EPARTMENT OF FINANCE RESORT t VOMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OR M (B) - _ - -- �I Assespic SLOT CK A fl m r T a Cb �, VALUATION DESCRIPTIO !�i — �SSxc,_- Edgecumb �, ;td -4 pexin ton Pgriz_,_P3at__4 __ 600 _ 50 do 13 -4 �) do - -.. --- - a4 50 _ _ 1j -70 a� -- -- --1 !. 6 ._f _I,ex ngton�P_sx.r2c tat . 11 X25_ ---- - 2 50 - 2 50 _ _41-co, - -_- _. - i i ! . --��- aQ------ -- -- - -- 'I - I 147: _5 - - do 12 _`--:W I i 2 E)o cla . - 2 0 5 --- - - ---- -- --- cl C30 cm 6__ 1 Woodford_ Par3�_Add}tion !__ X25 -ci d-o - --- - L_ - 2 6 -- do-- '- – - ii -- --- �. do--- - --- - }_ -� 6- il 2 5 1 d 42� [ _. f, _ _. GTYOF ST. PAUL GEPARTMEPIT OF FINANGW - i F?EPOR�' C WgC--OMM1SS10NE:R OF F=19"ANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tBf I _ ; LOT W.CK A Cb IM i T f O N- VALUATI N _ — I31 3-Edgcumbg._rms3_. __. 375 � -3-76, .._3.__j I 375. I 4: K:2L -o -- � - - - - -- 37 5 " 7 3[ 3 c1-o - it 500 11. �. 2 R 'I Csommencing_ _a _ 7. 39 che.3as , �3r� �znc a esL st -6.7 2 3 the na, thence rsortyi 39 1�iW* af' SES 3210 if chains thexnce ->lr�st to be inn ng( sin part of r.. - 1i of John j (Except d) ! t ! Com. _7.::39--__cYs8=1 Z3 s3 -- south:.: saf__NW _ornr_o, SE of_,Sec---__1-� _. _T 28 R 2+ F.s3 st_ I being the SW c : rriar of Anna Rxan`A la d+hence ina_._t0 i icYsg jema.__- j cha.i4is;. thetics_=_s otat2z _1_5! _.west' FZ 3 .__ch Is 87 land thence aw cszJL_kx land t3ne $�aecd R3szectl2ence__ lt ta -S north r.63. car= 3L =3 s - t o beginning except part - taiterx f yr Edgcumbe i, 3000, I{ Road beln �� t of northwes3t I of SE of Sec._. 2 .. . t..All tYiat.0;C-_SE* .O-'._�1:5.,IT.__.28.r-A_ _2_ _._--7.ouadad .. followsz s = CoaimBxaci.ng a% a ipoinon this west• 3- iae Of ass 1: oi'_ t.2-s 5 id - Ldistano 9.90 - ft .� _-s_out2z from _the _ _tJILhe _N _ e _ _ _ ,s_Eoreea thence t'' 3 0.24 ft., mors o"r less to 1Ithe center of oac3 3. S. ea i+d:-.DTi�}. Of a- ,1_ixr _ _of---- _� _3s _si arl `s_.-land. t_a .the .SW:._aor.-ner_.__.0�---.sFi_ thenC6 ontrio Se 1�ne o the place aF beg. (j ) -_... _. ------- - ---- - _.- _._ cwabe.-R d)­­---­­ 600 _ li t l 14orth_ : of--S@l�---s T.-.--=2$__._.2jj__(E#ccapt . say--4E2.---'t _-f'or _street) { The Ski* .of._.-_S__ ate' __-_Sec�___1.5_, _:T...18_R`_Zof Ii. - -- 12000 Snelling Av 6 � E- -- p't .Youngman j a 4jh A dition) �c e ! �I �� -- i _ _av_- - --_- - - j 2_r'._1- -- --- -- --- �� - -- k - 1QQ - Ij ij _3.{_..l -- 41_1__.j_.-.-_ C1 C3. Ai __- __...___-_.�_ ... .-- C1 a__-.__- ___.-_ -_____. 6. _.1 .._.-.___ . _ do _._-___ ii - TOTAL. � '. it 'ewr r. .. �• -. , 3 GtTY OF ST. PALL Y .ISji � . .. _ OEPARTMENIT OF FINANCE REPQRT C> 1 `�.GOMMISSIONER Ofr F11V�NCE ON PREL-IM ARY ORDER - (B) _ u wcolr►bN --_� G 4 -G -Bl P T_ 1_O N _ A33g3t��— � VAL A3VON i Rankin---Add-i. -do- - - --- - - - 75 �1xc..Fdg.Rd..&_lio...l0ft_�_forSL )- �_N.9..10ft•for. at- - - .-- -- ------ excNo.30ft.for do R. R. ) do_ . _ - - - T 28 R.._ 23 -- - - 7500 16, _ - -- T. 28 R. 23 3000 �! E _ of SW* of of SIR. 16 , r -- - - N31 - 3 oad) 'tscc -so �lisf _} _ _000: _. i of_ gg _5ec _24 T.- }.lqJ _ t -- "--cumbe Road) ; Clic. .Edg --" - - - - - „__, _ 3750 26�:,_ T._._28,__R. EdgR : {Rxe. . oad} R,-_23 .- _- -- - - -__ _ ,_.6555,._ ' _st of RW*_..nf__-SES-2. 28.. T 28L -,--- w 8,. R 233000, of. SW} _of NWS ofsSsc 56. �_.._ _ ,_ - - 3 00 of _ HBc_. >-6-, R. 23_. - -- 0 *__Of S' of- .of SFS.. ; ' 28 33 23- - -- 39.47-0. _s3:de sf_, scL _Sec._,- �§�_...thernce-_nortYi t} ori line tii.ru MCI sec. 945.27 ft. thence 890 4ry a 12.e--- � „--- SQf:t t o...a-..F-o int _..c� _l�$�--Q 1a.:_ �c4 - W. 2 55. 65 Ft to p o � rt j( 890 45* W. 147.03 ft. , tYaeace _, SO0 _- v off- i SOa 26' -394.60 ft the:ncB S 490 1 56' on tangent 65.70 Ft MAi?ce_ 26°_:-.25! 1_E 3?$._$4_ f t:=: _,c�_ _..ate -iron _.moz�.__h---:_N_: . 163.80 163.80 ft. to an iron anori 50 ft. clue �►. from aforesaid _ _ 180.0 t ~2 8o aacra --- A11 that past of SF* of_W-_ T _-_28, x..2.3., i a s follows; to wit: Uom. ori # Ssc, comer on South aide oP 3d SOT cu sc.16,- tne��.nQ?�?a tb_---Sac. line_ thou---ss-i_d-- �- ;_g6c. 91.60 ft. to abe iron-• to.!beeg thenc4A�'1�oft i --' ;-- �ago �- ---- on a' curve to the left, rad3u" 25( ft angle 490 561, the c3nord t I o mid :_cuF4e _be_zng_ 211._x:0 5 ---.ft _.h _and b.ear.ing € 240 581 Weat from aforesa i d Ssc. 1 ine thence nortoh 490 56 • Wsst moi_ '_9t� _tangent_ t�__eaid_:..cur s_ 254_._ t thane-3north &safo_r_eeaidt8 _ t jYft. to an iron mon Oe -'a @merest:,fro;_2n_ortharzd�soti____ Sec. line, thence north 3_! 55' t. hence south 89Q 45 • �6s� ; 'l..14'Z.:fl.3 it-.:_thenoa.:naaetY�. 40 � __�Q_� . sty _3._20-.�t_�._.t ;} ment thence" north, 89 45 �+s si; 18 . 46. ft. to an lna- 1770 i o • at a' int on" the aforlrsa id aoth so th Sec• orad) j € der nni g ��bri acres P r$ a3cen' ori 1 `_ "� � CITY of ST_ PAUL �- - -.<;' �EPARTME�7HT OF t=tNANGE � _ •. W' - }ZEPGIRT �31=�EOMMISSIONER OF , FIMANCE ; ON PRELIMINARY ORMER - (_LOT OCK" ' A t� D FT t O N '' VALYATtON - - OESCRir T70N I �9est•_ pf_RA___O°S-_ f�- of. siwr oP SES of Sgc. 16-28- 3 (xes t Edg Road} - it 28-23---(Esa-.EdB-Ran .d:}:. 1� O Fdg� 'Road C), s@�_1s t The__SL__of__SE -- Exc. :M r ng--Ae- a 2a__�a. 2 (o.�d___xa sera i � Dsvern Ave.) - ,- - i 4 a,nd i of-- - I't (Exc. Edg. -128 1_1. I)r=L s_$urren_,:Add it,ion�__ _Road) - ,27 {126 - _.. L d o 25 -- - -d.o - - - -- -- - - - --- -- - .___ 24 i 1 _ _- a o 15- {i d O i i d o__ i28 �. 4 - �-- - - ---- - '(---_! 2-7--.. 4 do - ---- - -:- do 5©' 1 '7 5 128 1 � - 2 -5 yy i { 2 50 -- -- - _do- --- 1, i� ;i' ti _.TGA�K1gS2-rte1dsLt.i_9n __w� - - _=T 5 i ----._-- _- l 13 112 � do �� � � - .. ':. " • �� l3EPAR3Nt�1VT OF FINANCE _ _ REPORT QOMMtSStONER OF FINANCE ON'PREL_IMV"ARY ORDER i 1+ VA�tlAT7CN - D SCRIPTION LOTBs_OCKE i �75 Al +f 1 - i _J_ 1 3 - - _. �_::.------- -- -- ---- t -- - — -- - -_ 75 - �' 7 --- -- - -dc--- --= ---- - 25 + 75 ,; � • �� --- s - - 75 75- ,j f - : t �Exc.._- i = _- ;i do -- _ 3 3 2 } _ _dam -_ --- u - - -- 3 0 -- do ? 1 S L0_ -- do .-3 - — do do i 3 6 do' t # ��- I .-3 ry � Wil.-_----------�--------- - -- , 100 ,t do 3Q4 7 # do is k d 5 !el '.i �• . i - 4 3111$5 The Commissioner of 'Finance further reports diet ha has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, siad hereby submits the foregoing as his report tlrCreoa to the Council, together with the report made to hire in reference to said matter by the Commisaioaer of Public Works_ v/��" 91 Commissioner of Finance_ Form 3. 8. 22 r �auee t d Nblio Boulevards: on said Road to be properly seeded w h the best grade of grass seed between the points herein above named;: at your earliest oonvenienoe i Opposite our respeotive names we have given Lot, Blook, Addition and number of feet,lioht. ,t AAA o oo__ No.of ee_ _ ron m f , r: ti !! a. I 1 ii i �' j � Gt 1 a�ppt r (Ing of ot. %Txut n OSCAR LAUSSEN. CC-1—c..c�r.a:cr. Department of Vuhtir W xzwlk 1 aU' C^U"Ewm.aaw. M. N. GOSS. Corrla�lo..cse J. E. CARROLL. aur'. R. T. GOURLEY. 0.— BUB— o wecr..s auwuu o �+ A FRED JI\C1290N,ivrr_ - - - Buwuuo H. W. GOETZING ER,, s BUR— 11 TSAK.a...caws M. S. GRY . w..a..a.oaa. at. Pa.uZ -.1 April 16, 1918. G. H. HERROLD. or'no. W.—Mcwr Mr. M. N. Goss a C0-10 s iorier o:' public Works Dear Sir, - I t rates i he recvith preliminary of cost for seeding the boulevardsbest grade grass seed oa --E:3gczzmbe Road from Lexington Ave- t o St., in acc orlon e e —rte -t;j=L Cosine it File #20842, approved Apr31 2 ' 2928 �`ipprog-'F��+te estimate2,S�i®.00 Sssess�ble frontage 3.5,667 ft. Cas; -t pgx- front foot .07V 713C ss*23 inspection necessary $50.00 Yours very t ru2Z 0C /M. Chi��gi�eer FINAL ORDER e ... ....�.�1e. In the Matter of....xecars•tx�uct�'ng•,""'re1'ay•ing'•and...rRai-ri:ri �.... thePAMOn.t DL..AA...U.1r..1Jt.if.i!...Yt1...RM3?..il.wm.X....Y.B.YT.Y....rr.....:c.r...::u....................__. begi�traixl �...59...> .ee t...�?4 Joh... o f„phi c ag9... Aa.�.:.,....k�. nce...?�Q.t..10.._.� e.,...... IC F. No. 22463 ' e Matter of re4oaatructln6r riI.......................:..................... .............................................. ,^ s .and repaltlns'the cement' 'Alk do a'tvldth ot,lfi¢-.feet ”' . _ .r Bide Itsouth Wabaahs .................................................. .. .ot'north of'Chl ....... ; •� •�b0 feet;`u' .......................... ..:..... i W i........... ........................................ under Preliminary Order ..........21306...........................approved ......... AY.. !Rtht ................... Intermediary Order................................................•••••••""..'a mppp pr A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having -, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.'Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. ,i meat to be made by the said City is....rea nstMat•, relayand re*x tha tete nt .U14 Sout /2•igatonthe �; r&ew&1k•••t.o...a.-Wi6il�.'of...14..1,..... ••wsat...eSds...o.S ...ii...�7abas�ia�t� ... f ..........eet f.... .......M „b,�gn�ng...50...feet.•north...of.•.Chica�o .Age.,.,•.thence•,north 150 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit. same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, ..... Adopted by the Council .......;�1�.�...�.�...( :................... . 191. I H 1� 1918 Approved........................................................... 191........ Councilman Farp orth �8eencil�t� r' Councilman KYHer Councilman M6G'`oll Councilman w0aerlich Form B. 8' A., 8.7. ,.rNcl............. erk.,,., ... .... ...... rM�. Mayor. PUBLISMD � under Preliminary Order approved .................Mai 18t ,1918 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is • • • $ ........................•.... square $.....0..�.Q..7 , The estimated cost perifoot for the above improvement is • , The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ _._ . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT IILCCK ADDITION j VALUATION TOTAL, 1 237 5 w The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... d._. 191..Q„.... a.......... C �___.�.---- .__ _. Commissioner of Finance. , Form B. B. 22 , 773 17'k7 e h o 1 2244 COUNQMkB NO,... .......... .............. BY ...................... .:.......................... ...................... ...... FINAL ORDER — In the Matter of.....x.f:.Q.QSI�..-.xe-paixi>rlg the...sid w k.-, vu.i Areside of .South Robert ...be.�innin�......._$...feet.-..south o�....or�-•• w.i ................................... $t.•......thence-.. eouth...438...f est, .............................. c. F. xe. 2a4ea— .....-............... In -the bfatter. of reconstructing, relay " !ng "and repairing the sidewalk to a:' width of 10 feeC with cement` tile' --•^-. ....................................................................... ..................... Where necessary, and.; wooden. plan k: '.COnStructlon where ;necessary, -; oq the west side of6outh Robert -lit : ... . ... ........... .................................. ......................... 71ng :313 feet "eouth of Plato ' ....... ...... ., J ;,r,—Ilth 436 feet, -unV •8 r n• 21204 ar • lander Preliminary Order ..2120..4...................................approved............JL, �. « r1� .....-..... ......... IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved......-..-...............-.......-.-........:...............-......-.............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully Considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. �� '.r ���d Cit �Nnrn,i��V��11111� �rrr�rrrx� �r�rlr rrr� juuj��rIL, w ,,,,,,.,,. n u I r n Iluw I e,,,,,,,,,,.. �, ,,,,,,,,, .. zext...aide.:.cf,.. Rath ...Rob.ex.t eat....a.O. th...of...Plato....at.:,.... thesica...eotlth...43.8 f.eat... ......................................................................................................................,................. ........................................................................................................_..........--..--...-......... ....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that " Apon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed withlthe makin_g.-, of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted bthe Council191y ........ �' •.... . � . ..�Cit Clerk, Approved .......................... .....„.,.,191........ �lK —M•yor,.... ..... Couneiltnan :11arnVi6th 1- _.f'rWRCihnall�= Councilman Me,,� ....V �� ,� II ,,��f ���c'�`.; ,�;,•,; i p �� f Councilman Wuverlich \j, t' Form B. S. A. 8-7. (Q1 In the Matter of T. PAUL DEPA T OF FINANCE a _REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER of.,._10.,._feet,....v, i-t..h .,cement,..._tite and,_,_necese of..._South Robert St. beginning 316 feet 4...38....f a et..........-.........._ .................................. _. r` Al • under Preliminary Order approved _.._>Y.. B.F.._1.918......._...........................................: sa To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coinmissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows, The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is • . . $ ....................................„1,111,,,.,.„......... The est mated cost per�oot for the im improve d is .... r M N The lol or pavb Qi land I61 may 6 aauld 6dll lot such iqtnvot' and 16 wad 71611,0101116 lo o ; parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT LOCKI ADDITION iI ASSESSED VALUATION ..1.1_ i _ j Auditorts Subdivision No.3� _ _ I j I 2 ! do 5 do -- -- - — I _ _. j 6 do l7 d0— 110 ! do TOTAL, Ii i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mutter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Horm B. B. 73 L� _.. _. a_ r " . Z .-. - x.. _ - 1 I o t,. , .. 6 1 — 77� CITY OF ST. PA -UL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt* ---------------------------------------- .................. - .......... ........... ------------------------ ---------------- ----------- COUNCIL FILNo .................................... Date Presented ...... Resolved, 9hat Final Order, Counoil File 422454, for reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk to a width of 10 feet with cement the and -necessary oonstruationv on the west side of South Robert St. beginning 318 feet south of Plato St.,. thence south 438 feet, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: After the word tile, omit a the words "and necessary construction". after the in lieu eL wood la thereof the words "where neoessary,,,anA woo an plank construction where necessary". Yeas V) Councilmen( V) Nays Adopted by the Council ............._.-.-----.------.--.---.......191...... .Clancy Farnsworth Approved ........................................................ IN_ Goss ---------- In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C A. 9 3M 6-16 f.SI°WS OF aWITERS "SIGNING,' ATT -ACM PETITION. ,Lexington P irk Company Joan P. Kyle Northwestern Trust Company for Catherine Wallace Metropolitan Realty Company Minnesota 2set Inv. Company John F. Fitzpatrick' W. S. Dwinnell Charles B. Dunn Robert P. Lewis Company Howard F. Ware Paul G. Maurer Kay, fiodd Holm & 0100n, NO Saah T, Colvin Main I Dawson St Paul Title & Truet Company Elizabeth K. Rankine Fiizabeth R. liagoffin S. M. Magoffin C. R. Breckenridge teary B. Maltby .Fannie B. Steele Heirs ofM C. Breckenridge J. W. Johnson Estate of Olsen Harvey B. Fuller Fred H. Koch Mrs. E. S. Roberto Peter Paulson A. Kull S. W. Pinterton Prank W, Gro avee J. W. Medicke Armand B, Medieke C. H`. Bronson P. E. Kavanagh John Halon J/ W. Nelson J. G. Wardell e Lando F. Gran Company Bernard F. Ryan E. Louise Titcomb Laura D. Re ad Joan J. Ryan Benjamin T. Goldman Nary T. Goldman Yary Ryan Catherine Daveim Samuel E. Dawson Otto 1, Btre*ch HN111i 'Jacob Tr, � n, r v , r r St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul - Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Rdgeumbe Road,do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgeumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with t ebetween-otherdesiga dand teation of making it a parkway and a co 6 ,A parkways in the city# That said Road was graded, perked and boulevarded n the year 1917 at a coat to the property sof nwof ' ds of the sisaid. y thousand (160,000) ddllars, but since completion grading,, parking and 'bialevarding, the said road has received, no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and tin many plaoee is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rangy weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seedingand sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made and any other improvements that may be made will be rendered #oily valueless to the .abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve same. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic stand - is admirably adapted for parkway purposes and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said Road may be set apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and plac6d under the supervision of the Commi- ssioner of Parke for purposes of care, improvement and beauti- fication consistent with the use of said Road as a highway. f Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parke to assume care of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along ai� Road and to plant trees thereon where advisable,, and agree ' tha our troperties may be assessed therefor., �Lot B1ook Addition . . . VOIA of Owft r L /Ulo k St. Paul, Minn* July 26, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: we, the owners of property abutting upon the Edg,cumbe Roado do 'hereby respmtfully represent: That said Zdgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it a parkway and a connecting link between other Parkways in the city. That the said road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cast to the property owners of upwards of, sixty thousand ($60,000.) ddllars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and ikn many places it is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation$ and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is'`how before the Council a Proposal for - seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards inand along saidany other* im- said road, but the improvements already made, p , rovements tat may e me, will be rendered whollvalueless to the abuttinghowners bunlesads steps are taken to preseyrve tk same. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic stand- point, is admirably adapted for Parkway Purposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that the said road may beset apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of parks for purposes of care, improvement and beautification, con- sistent with the use of said road as a highway. your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume c me of the grass Plots and boulevards upon and along said Bad; and to plant --trees thereon where advisable, and agree that Dur properties may be assessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition me, 111a lea B at's FQUI, filano 4 zly ,150 19160 to the COWIcil of Uto City of at.. Paul* Vcu, the ower of PrOPOrtY Rbutting UP" the iASCUM110 Re,d, do imr*W reapectfully raprC*44t: Thnt said Hdgcm,-,bs Deo -d wag 1*14 Out ill the Y" 1914 tea viath or oral b"'advad twjDnty (120) feet, Van the deassu 04 intpatig.-i ©l m*jn& it a pAimV, and a 001-06ting I" between otY*r partway* in, tee 10itYm that said ROA Wag graWo Ver-od a" boulavarded In the year 1917 at 4 063t totbAl Property omers of Uvdp of sixty thou&md 1.060.000) dolhall# 'but Olt' C"jng$ pr r�%Vding, the 8,04 hoad ban rejeelved na .Tking Md bouIr 'IS 0T0r8rDWU With V-000 *Xt4htsan vhatmoevoro and I, the 1.0 MdVar f waotwutes and In r-�;WW P'4009 to r'mder4d 'U"S"ble by reapoll 0 vA that the poked pext0l tba"? and the bouleltaltd# sr$ COT*r*d th ras* wSedg and 0thW VoCetationo and VIS vh016 road PrOG"tS sui appearmo4l Of neglect and dilapidation. Ir Thnt thire 19 now bo `or* the Council a pr5pusal for. 80641AS AM sodding the Pstkdd V00 -Ad the bou"Tards 'in Md axonalongsod Rof4t but 041 10provermeats oxm* imde# Fuld W o#her IMVOVW*nts that mey be is Vie, vALI be rendered vh0UY I VAU61*04 to the abutting omers u;ljasp atepas 4" t�*04 to prsiorve That the Said read IS uU0x1Ge1164'frQt1 FA Seen" stmA- -A0p%pd for parkw;# purpoSOMs and atal Isreat possibtlitiqg for further b4lautif I* -,'AlOnO \VAerafor6#-Y*ur VOUL.MOrS pray tAf�.t the s.fid "Olad set evert an a v - rJV0m 3u, -').At and 143UStOn AT*Au" 04Y I'll under the NUPDXV1410A of Us covml- to vart svleuing# at P ent ;md b4WAti- 81411aner Of ?a*$ for pur"Gea of a ro, ItoroveM fie, 7 ,tlon# Gonalsten% with the use of paid 1�osd 49 as nismeqs Your pet1t,*.1016 also PrI t Uwm19gione.- of voks� o saiwas cae of the gv,-40 plotg *M bouleVardAl UWW— that otmi 11 d*1A%IQs4nA0 va"Basdow" jWff#P&jVi%e3r0 T sams f OAS* 6 ar to 1, ploo To the council of the city a ."'t, wWls Vie, :kta o"imers of property a*%, -W9 'W" tkw 1-0X40 do hereby rompeotrully, vapresOnts U, t Thr't said 49cur-b* IO$d la $110 ntention widtA of Ale wadved tweuky feat" YItkt the dOSAW, nAM Iof sz,"king it a PPWX�Oy 'Aga COW160tuig Ilia,. betwatu other pf)xkways Ivs. the city# mad. boulOvard" 'u., tim Year 1917 at a Coot -t,6 the 11ro;mrty OvIaore 4ds 4 'six thoas;A4 (60000) d9afoof tho Colsplotiat I I Of . the not -elved Uw said roA ilm, 1,01. va WWI WV060 Is Ov"(4ro ,6nd in -�rgw places to V94dorso bepassallia by.reaw, the nre OUT"wi that tkid pwked P,,Xt" thavoof, and tileboulalkX40 wlaole VOA 04 pruavote tA,th %V4 L40&ject std d1j%pidationo Qj)*VX000 Of O'hat %hero io Isaw Won for OgGe.ine, qud sodding the PaViced. partjo ;Od t4w w"Ovads lit 04 Along smWrarta.p t -4t the iw�rbmintm thmt w*ywill 04 X044OV4.4 04011i Otto %Wttins 014116ro anl4qs atens 04 tf4keu ,,hat the 44d rq,�A is U4OXCOU44 from a Reento std K ' 4 14) groat is 64-ralre-bl 48ptad rox° VIxkway purpoAlls kW ,ogalbilities.for ur,,Mr b Your PQt1tIO11cr& Prtw that Uko $;,Ad 1,006 t at F may ba not % from OWWAit (Amd to ort S,40WU4# and ail sd undor the OUPOSVIO19" of tw 004mai- luipxovwrifat aL4 beauti- aGionev of'Y'r;40 for D'awaam O:r Ot.'ro, I eonofotswt of UvA4 road ;.4 a 11ijol w4y, yo,jr I), WOIVOL')"Ot of t' zea t I tiongro al ao, prev th* C .4 Ox,�V4,vds a ve of thIont r '500 ot$ boulk ay be at q�fflessmplv tnereon whers adviswAbd, upwk fAd agree that '�e ro ernes ed thersf U all 511 m a 1-111 11, m"011111 M,� MINI ffi I IM St. maul, Pinn. July 25, 1818. To the Counci•1 of the Gita of- St. P eul. l3entiemen� Ve, the owners of property abutting uPgn the r;Bgcumbe Road, do hers* resp.eett'ully represeatt zj'RS t Baia Eegcumbe ttoad etas laid out in the year 187.4to a vxid ode IaAndred twenty {120) feet, with thedesign end in tantiatt,o it a perkwey and a Connecting link between other parkwrsyg, iii t2ae_ ci That said Road was grimed, p.:rked and boulevarded in Uq. year 917 at a vont to .the property owners at upwrards of sixty tAdi*OA (460,000) dollare, but mince the completion of the said b4j. By parking and boulevardinng, the said road has received no attentian.vrh,stcover, end now the roadway is Overgrown with grass and iri:maY places in rendered impassable by reason of w shouts that, tits parksd parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rook Iwoods and- other vek etation, rin(l the Opole road presents an appdarauce of neglect and 41lk Idaticn. . Thrat there is nogj btdore the council a nrpposrl for seeding diad sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road,, but the ;Mprovwaenty already sn;.de, and arty other iiaprove Gai>s that zagbo ffi .yds, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken .to preserve saaoe• That the a -id road is unexcelled from a seeric stvnd- p • is C-Arrirably ,tdsgpted for pmkwrry. purposes, and ksims great lities for fuxther.beautificatipn. Ci iorefore, Your petitioners pray that the srld 3toad may be net apart as 6, Td.W4vay from $u m1t And LexlUgton Avenues to yort $dplaced under o f t-16 COM41-4- ss3.ouor'ofkerIcs forO purposes f C're,imosupervision improvement andbesuti- t3oat en, consistent with the use of said Rorer as a higWSY• your petitioners also )gray t:. a Commiss'ont?r of r arks to assume care -of tiie graze plats and boulevrxds-U'pon : and -atop$ said Road, and to 11811t trees thereon where advi*ah1A4hd agree. that our properties may be assessed therefore Black Addition 3440 of- 0 J 1 Bt. Paul, Minn. July 261, 1918. To the council of the City of 9t. Paul. Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting upon the Fdgcumbe goad, do hereby respectfully represent=. r ;he ear That said Idgoum►be Road was laideet, out thi t design and to a width of one hundred twenty ( ) intention of making it a parkway an& a connecting link between other Parkways in the City. That the said goad was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to. the property owners of upwards of sizt thousahA ($60,000) dollars, but s#nos the eomp?etion of the said MM grading, parking and boulevording,, the said road has received no attention wh laosseit n rendered inpassand now the ro oeble by$rgrown 7reason of�washouuts; ase and in matLY -.p that the: parked parts thereof and the boulevards ore covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding thq parked parts and the boulevards a and along said'ro�, but tYYiie improvements already made, and any other improveuents Chit may be mgde, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve them. That the said ro ad is uns3ceurposes,mand shasigreat stand Point, is admirably adapted for !�arkwra,Y '� p possibilities for further. beautification._ Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said road to may be aPart as a parkway from 8u mit and �,exithe q Avenuesoiomissioner ?ort Snelling, and placed. under the supervision of the of Parks for uurposgs of opxe, improvement and beautification, con• sistent with•the use of said road as a nighwsy. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume c ire of the gr ass plots and boulevards upon and ebn� said Ro ad# and to plant trees thereon where 'advisabie}n agree tha out properties may be assessed therefor. v %ot Block Addition Rome of Ganes ---� I/ J I�Aall vli; ia, July 251i, 19W4 xo.the GOW1011 of the City of ixt. Y&Al♦ Gentle�ei'i; we# the owners of Property abutting upon tiie 44SQuiwbs Hoods d6 hereby arespsotfuiliy'VeRrseent; T#at said Zdgcumbe Road auas Wd outs in tba year a, ,width of, one hundred 'twenty ?120) feet$ ulitn the dootea and intention Of makix*lf it n p'�racWWJO Md a colmeatins lirda between other p-rkWays in the oity, fisat slid keno w tided. parked i�ute].e"wded In :th*;1= sixty a coat to t'' ► o-vol"ea ttna a i inn an d f s d (3600000j ds►tl464 tha said ze d kii xoaeived na ing;$ paarkt bowls wezcti � . ttent%gn ohatooeveare and;'n6v the row w is o�aex�rc► w3f;Ja ttr e,► end in.ftayly nl.narss is rendirfd IMpcisaaible i►y srea"A 4x lvasikiiii�ts' that the izd' 6 tthOrsTO hett nldu& ' �Wd thef *Ad the uwbgjo r A presents s an saunTe weedss *tt eppri zonate Of r1e91e0 and dilta "Mian. That there is <ovr 'be�:ara ttie �: U"ll & r3>Enpos for and seeoth$ said x.# $ bV aii�iF6 and aaddix> .tt� ��Cro aent.stalready m640, vA any other sl impre yeaents , that '014 be aB gAe#. will be rendered wholly Valueless toth# abutting at'iwers uz$3:ene oteps erre tell to Preeaa;tre #4%06 Thd the Raid rosd is uxtexoel1ed from a 604�a at ld« �aaiut# is aldmir4ly (adapted for parkwe,Y i� p A 11e �,^oosibllities for further'saautific"ation. vneraforo, your etitiotiern Prey piiat txi� s•zid 10a8 m,sy beact n,,)f,4rt aN a P -,a` W,:q *rtF4 fti Wit and Leatink,ton Areziu" to yort "welling, axflATl:}0� aci f � e#*mpvatnmid beWti of the � rsione�r of p Irks for #u f id ation, a'on:+ibterjt with the ux8 of 0 fid j30a4 eg a hi�n9rgy. xnur petitioners also Crary the G3 Miasloner of r- ,rkp to aaw,Ume acre cif �2orit trot$olp i}tjitre ttdwhereerdaisa 10VtxdD 0, agreB said liao1# =td t6 ) fid' agree that our properties may, ba aesesised therefor, o i l a�1c �tupio ei' (��n�cx ROBERT P. LEWIS COMPANY, /Itilt�7 mmmml Mal I -Ulf St. Pau25,M191B: July To the Counoil of the City of St. Baul. Gentlemen: Rfe, the owners of property abutting upon the Bdg1umbe Ro a,, do hereby respectfully represent: laid out ihear 1914 That said Bdg°UMbe Road wal It. withthedesign and a width of one hundred taarkway, and a oonnectin6 intention of making it a link between pr other-parkways in the city. d boulevarded in That said road was graded, Parked an year 1917 at a cost•oto the property owners of upwards of sixty they but since the completion of the said thousand (60,000) dollars, the said road 1110 received no grading, parking and bouievow the is overgrown with grass, Places is rendered impassable by reason of wa,,d wi attention whatsoever, and now the ro btu] evards are covered with and in many P is thereof and the resents an that the parked other vegetation, and the whole road P rank weeds an dilapidation- appearance of neglect and dilap ked parte and the boU14, and in and OT That there 'Sparked before the Council a proposal in other seeding and sodding the par made, an but the improv,011 bearenered wholly valueless along said road, m be made, reserve same. to theeabutting aowneerrs unless steps are taken to p to the That the said road 1e unexaeluTp se point, i e a and°h asenicdgreatadmirably adapted for parkway P further beautifioat on. possibilities for that the :said Road Wherefore, Your petitioners pray f rom Summit and Lexington Avenues may be set apart as a p arkway thesupervision of the Gomm' to Bort Snelling, and Placed under a improvement and ur osea of Care, a highway• ssioner"'of Parke for P p fiaati-0n, consistent with the use of saSa�t Road as etitioners also Pra4' the Coaeniu upon and along Parkeer of Your P a lots and boulevards p d agree to assutde care of the 9TaB p said Rcads and to Planbe t edetherefor, on where advisable, that our propertiee may Addition ot Block ------" B.�IIerO� L. i p 7 St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul - Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgoumbe Road, do hereby respectfully r6present: That said Edgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention df making it a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and bout-evarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposalf for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards ad 8and aher sin ot along eadd road, but the improvemets already improvements that mW be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless t steps are taken to preserve Same. That the. said road in unexcelled from a scenic stand- point, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners prM that the said Roan may be set -apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues toFort Snelling, at placed under the supervision of the Commi- f ParX8 for and beauti fication,consistent with the use cOfesaidpRoad aass a highway. your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume care of the grass plots and boulevards upon and abng said Road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition IT r e- _ St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgeumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgeumbe !Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a widt;i of one hundred twenty (120 feet, with the design and in-. tention of making it a parkway and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boul'evarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwardeiof sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and in mapy places is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. Thdt there is now before the Council a prpposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and any other improvements that mEVbe made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve same. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic stand- point is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said Road may be set apart as a parkway from Sur::mit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commi- ssioner of Parke for purposes of care, improvement and beauti- fication, consistent with the use of said Road as a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parke to assume care of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along aiid.Road and to plant trees thereon where advisable,, and agree tiat our properties may be gDsessed therefor. N ane_of Owner Lot Block Addition q 1 --()IC--� - - - -- G O T 7 C. C St. Paul, min,,* July 25, 1918.. To the Gouncil of the City Of St- Baulo Gentlemen: Woo the owners of property abutting upon the Ed9oumbe Ro,,4# do hereby respectfully represent: That said adgaumbe Road Was laid out in the year 1914 a width of one hundred twenty (124 feet, feet, with the design and intention of making I 6 P8 t a connecting link between - 4MAY, s other parkways in the City* That said road was graded# parked and boulavarded In the year 1917 at &-cost jr`th-$ho property owners Of Upwards Of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the QMPIOUOin Of thC said aradingp parking and bou1eV:aj*dIn#, the -said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadwaY is overgrown with grassi WA, in mmy p1noes to rendered Impassable by rozOOU Of wbjftutgl that the parked Parts thereof and the bouleTairds, are covered with rad% weeds end other veg0tations, and the whole road pregsntO an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there Is now before the Council a Proposal for e6eding and nodding the parked parts and the boulevards In and slong said road# but the boro"mentE already made,,,. and anyu other Improvements that maty be made, ade, 'rill 'be tendered wholly valu*1008 to the abutting owners unless:,stops are taken to pr000ryd $0904 jj�a% the said road is unexcelled from a scenic stand - Points is admirably adopted for parkway putPOBOB, and has -groat possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said Road may be net apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues -to Fort Snelling, end placed tinder the'suPsivislOn Of the Commi— ssioner of Parks for purposes Of 'Caro$ Improvement and boaliti- fication, 46 . nsist-tat with the use of =raid:? Road as 'a highwBy* your petitioners also pra the Commissioner of Parke to sgsum* core of the gross plots and boul ev Ords, upon and along soid,occ-A1, and toplant trees thereon where adviva%blL agree that . our properties may DO assessed therefor. aoek Addition Lpt To the Council of the City Of St. Paul' Gentlement We, the owners Of property abutting upon the i.ldgcumbe Read, do hereby respectfully xejwesentt That said ndgeumbo Road was laid out in the yee,.r 1914 to a width of one hundred two (120) feet, with the design sand intention of making it a parkway and a coaneoting link between other Parkways in the (AtY• That the said Road was graded, opperedot and boulevofdfilixtY ed in the year 191' at a cost to the property thousand ($50,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said a= grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is Overgrown with dress and in maV pl Ves it is rendered inpassable by reason Of washouts; that the parked narts thereof and the boulevards rake covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road present* an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there im now before the Gouncll a,proposal for seeding and sodding the Parked parts and the boulevards rn and along said rori, but the improvements already made, and any other endered improve�ients thbt may be revue, will be rress rvs them. valueles1. s to the abutting owners unless steps are t clean to prese That the said ro a4 is une`eelled from a scenio atr%i point, is admirably adrpted for :)arhwsW •puxposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore# Your petitioners pray that the said road may be eet apart as a parkway from bu;:mit and Lexington AvenuOs to Bert Snelling, and planed under the supervision of the 00umissianeV of Parks for ;purposes of 0a. O, improvement and beautification, Care aiatent with the use of said. road as, a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of marks to assume o:}re of the grass, plots and boulevards upon and abug said Road, and to plant trees thereon where Advisable, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor.. .Rilockddi ion A Z -� �e of Defier Lot syj If/ Af W: .IMME I i _ I " I- -- I ,, . , ' I Ali W: .IMME N 1b the Counc-1 of the City of St: maul. (ieaitlemen; We. the owners of property abutting upon the zd.gaumbe Road& do hereby respectfully represent! That said ndgcumbe Road w -,s laid out in the year lbl4 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of makingft a parkway sand a connecting,link between other PaarkwzVff in the city. That the o sad Road was graded. peiked and boulev rded in the year 1919 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of � sixty thousand 060,000) dollars# but since the.00mpletion of the said grading, parkin# and, boulevarding, the said r*4 laaas received no attention whatsoever, end naw the roadway is overgrown with &rasa and in many plass it is rendered impassably by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the bouel.vards are covered with ran Woods and other vegetation, and the wrsale road presents an ap Saraeac of neglect and dilaapide cion. That there is now before the (:auncil a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the t;ouiev xds in and along eaaid ro gid# but the improvements already raadek and nay other improvna.ente U1aat ma be made, wi tl be rendered wholly. valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are token to .preserve them. That the said ro -d is �unewcall ed from a scenic stanch- point# is dmirably adapted for parkway nurp. eee, and has great pgatiibili4es for furtherbeautification. l Z;rher fare, Your petitioners pray that the said road IF be may mpaart as a parkway from 3w.'Olt and x,exiugton ,lvenues to Fort nniq;'ling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of Parks Vor purplses of o-^, improvement and beau tificwtioe, con- sistent i7it, the use of s _id ro-rd as a highw4A Your petitioners also pryy the Commissioner of Parks to asaa�e ogre of the grans plots and ueulev izds upon,:end abng said Road„ and to plant trees thereon where aidY4able.and nB?'ee that our properties may be assessed therefor. c &lute o>` umner lot ia1oak `c Adrzit on N W Trust Co. Trustee for E 112of SE 1/4 of ICY 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec. 16-28-23 y Katherine Wallace E 1/2 of X 1/4 of NW 1/4 of on 1/4 Seo. 16-28823 011 AFFILIATED WITH THE FIMSTNATIOWAL SANK ofPECTORSt OFFICERS: LOU15W HILL GEORGE P. FLANNERY, P-- EV CRETTH.BAILEY JOHN I TO..Ey, V1----U— JOHN J.TOOMEY E P—TY CYRUS P. BROWN HUGH W MART.., GEORGE P.FLANNERY L.ARL PE—SONE, A -1—T Scucrnx 10—RD P. DAVIS FDUIS S.HEADI-Ey, Al—T S—ITA— RE OR�CRAN E. AL MOM N­1.1—Ml.L.A--T—.T GREENMAN, —M-1-0--T—T SAINT PAUL,INIUiXESOTA Ju_. 29, 11,1u. rdi al T.if, snLnt Da—r Sir: wva ,,our cirouLar lvt,-r Lf Ju'2r 28thralatiTra to V -W --X.114 ovar to t—e Parz --card and I im-nortE7mt :.atter a",. So-, an— ci 0 s i— -i r ..1„_ --o tit_ c,. ri.,lod. --,l -as .,Cr of la'—d fro:%t,, of oF -) v r �ra- T Vic--Irz,zidla: -t mm M011MAMMMI m ofan mm R fill, Jim m ofan mm fill, Jim WMA MIS July 230 1 440 To tete Vounoil of the Cit; of St. Paul* centlemont W, , the owners of 13roverty abutting upon, thO `80'be rosdi do hRro%7 respectfully redpVOSeut= That said i� +cu:�be zoed ws Z,aSd out in the Yeti x9 4 to" u =xidt , of one iiuisdrec taic+nty l onne,o8i tli ebetwedesi"a Other" tention of, «xa�saajg it a p,MkWV and a parkways in t-ho`eivo ri2at M ie ' og.,d was grF:dedi p,ark6d Wid, bdulovarded 1s the year '1917 at ca oast to thOt�i94 0s the UOMPletivap2r fris of sixty ts a sald *,hpud+sud (a60,006) doll ice+, , the ` s abid ro a ! ktnA rao eS�rsd na grtat�f'kigc ra arking rx+d bottltfvttrd.tr, , is Oyfargrewn with aruAd attefttion WhZiLaoeVer♦ gad zaAvr the ron,IWajr .,td in = WVpiaoee ie re ul sc2sd iz�:a:1•asei,lo by rq a7. of :=e?u►uts'+ that the }�ctirked'parts thereof And the `iw aleY�de � e earr+irgc4 aai�a rdsail,¢- woods- -and other. and the w13010 turd ?xr0"1tb �n a pe&vaaus- of neglect and. dilgWidation* ,'hat there is now bE.-Soro rhe CCUrwil ra orpPo.sal for eaed'ing old Soddip ang tim arked rar+-* and tkas:bou14V-uTds ire. read F ding said road, the .mpro onty qjr0f& raAe, nand W othor ;iroprovemA ,ts that s+drb unlatch '"te�psbe ender d wholly hol y iweusf "s to the suuttiud 016. 'hst tho said roru' in ung;�oelled rum�idhas e'igromt Point ie gdiiiX E1fL%1}ia:tpted lour 'riz3,iki74Ay p}AIPdf6.8� possibilities for further bemu tirla=itian# ti srORore, Your ,etiti Mars pr&y tl&"t tho a aid ?:e =:d be rirt etP,yrt 06 a n,:arkWay f rom flu- t init zu2r� i,ezirt�t t AVOW08 to part -ar2ellAUS„ avast falaau+ad under the auper�r30oY t fandi3Etts/ti•i� ssianur of i s�risa for yt,ttislMes of ea cx+a4 i,ariivr fi�i ttan, o0aelotent .s► the uae of $.s�a dost as a rignv►r3l• with ,,r netitionars %190 7r.� t s tuuni�uion, of 2 ns to ;s�auiae o:ar0 of tf2s +I rasa plot* and boulevcxda wtaaza d €aiot� tao fyad to 1,l sot tress ther"n rheir0 ac3vi* ia2ile+s and agree that ov f rop 1401 may Do leseesad therefor. ,10 rid i 023 A E 3 j ' jI(q,�4nr•� � a To the Council of the City Of Bt. Paul. Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting the Edgcumbe R0&¢, do hereby respectfully reptewent: That sai'd�Hdgcumbe Roadwas out i tthedeeign ar Sand 14 to a width of one hundred twenty ( a fset I et, Connecting link between intention 941° making it a parkway'and d other parkways in the city. That said Road was erailed+ parked and bowlev arded in the year 191' at a coat to the propert,, owners of upwards of silty thousand'($60,000) dollars. butlsince the completion of the said boulevarding, the aaiiroad has s received grading, parking and overgrown with grass, attention whatsoever, and now the roadway reason of washouts; and in many places 1s rendered impassable by that the parked parte thereof and annd thewhole boulevards presents an th rank weeds and other vegetation, Eppearence of neglect and dilapidation. 'That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding tYe parke8 parte and the madeevarldsan,Y and abng said road, but the improveutents already 11 valueless improvements that may be made, will be rendered w3ao y j� to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve game. That the said road is unexoelusdosesr, and hagcgreaantd point, is admirably adapts baa tiii ao p possibilities for further 1'I petitioners pray that the said Road Wherefore. Your p from Summit and Lexington Avenues ervigion of the Commi- iI m be set apart as a parkway beauti- `I) to Fort Snelling, and placed under the im improvement and ssioner of Parks for purposes of Care, P highway. fiO ation, oonaistent with the use of said Road as a Yoer of parks ur jAitioners also pray the Commisaionon and along ss lots and boulevards upon d agree j. to yasume care of the gra P said Road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable., that our Properties may be assessed therefor. ; Addition. .,j Block M, dame of Owner —Lot L St. pauli uinn. �slY 2'.i, 1918. To the Council of the Citgo of Et. Paul- Rend®men: .�'_ ke, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgeumbe go ads do hereby respectfully represent; That said Fdgcuaaba Road W860 laid uut i» the year 1914 to a -width of one hundred twenty %aC) ao®neoting iwitil inkdbetween d intention of snaking it a pu:rr+uYr other parkways in thea city. a That sair� rood woe $r ::ded„ pocked and boulevarded in Wixe of six the year 1011 at a cont to the property oamersof n cfdthe saidty thousand (460,000) dollars, but since t 4e oorapl®tio grading, parkou ing and blevarding„ the said road ,1 ;a received withgg no attention schataoevEr, and now the roadway is ovorg"Ovm with rabs and in ;:cagy Flaoee is rendered impassable by reason of washouts;. that the parked parcovered ts thereof antile et euwho s rofadepresents antb ronk woods and other vet et: To the Council of the City of St. Paul. dentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgcumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent: d That said Edgcum'b* Road was laid out in the Year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making It a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property ovsiers of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000 dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatmotvery and nOW the roadway in overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable by reason Of Vasnoutet that the perked_ parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents as appearance of neglect and dilapidation.- , That there'is now before the Coo cil & proposds al. for for — aeeding and sodding the parked pnx m As, and aa3'j)thcr along said road, but the improve 08 nd slraerd3/ red wholly valuelessimprovements that may be -made, .,ill be rende to the abutting owners unlsev 30,38 are taken to premerve same. ed That the said to sd ie un ray pup ses,l andohas gregreat stand point, ie admirably adapted for park' p possibilities for further beautification. Vherefore, Your petitioners prey that the said Road may be met apart ap, a parkway from Sum sand Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and placed under the supervision and tbeauti•! msioner of Parks for p*'rpOses of o ere, p ricstion, consistent with'ths uss of 0s 14 Road as a highway.. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume 0-retotI Plots and vajds upon along t tress whereadtisable6dagrethat 080 pbSbrVes my a assessed therefor.. Block Add, its_ $etas of Owner hat St. Paul, yinn- July 25, . To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgoumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgcumbe Roadas laid out uin the yearsign 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (2)feet, connwith tinglink between intention of making it"a parkway, anda other parkways in the city. That said Roast was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 191? at a Dost tothe property ownompletiors of upwards ofthe said thousand ($60,000) dolanre, but sincel grading, packing and boulevarding, the sand Road has received no g 11� radition whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, i and in many p7soso is rendered impassable by reason of washouts: `! that the parked parts the and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road Presents an llfl appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked Pete and the boulevards aany other �j along sand Roadred wholly valueless , but the improvements alre asiydend { improvements that may be made, will be rendered to the abutting owners unless stepas are takan to preserve same. That the said road is unexcelurdosea, andchas-great point, ie admirably adapted for parkway purposes, P ossibilities for further beautifioation. �If{! that the a aid Road Wherefore, Your petitioners pray may be set apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, ad placed under the supervision of the Commi- [, to Fort of Parke for purpcase of c ere, improvement and beauti- fBe ication, oonsistent with the use of said Road as a hig9►way• your petitioners also pr the Commissioner of Parks to assume Dace of the gr ase plots and boulevards upon and along sand Road, and to ept trees thereon where advisable, and agree y ' properties may be assessed therefor. I that pur prop Addition Block 3. Bl 11 v Name of Owner. pct Z *717.... I' , rat. Vault Plant July 26t, 1016o To the Council Of the City of at. Fouls Gentlement Vet the owners of property abutting upoll the d9cumbG jjoad* do nereby respectfully repra88nt; irk the ysi.ir 1914 That enid UcCumb* Road ways laid Out one hundred twenty (120) ;ting the design 4A to a width of ting linX betwc= Other Intention of making it a ah'i a oo;ln Parkways In the City,, Matri %ded, perked and boulsVarded the said Road w -0 Sr. in the year 1911 at a coat to the property ownexo of upwards of GiXtY but sinot the C=Ptetl" of the *44 .thouseAd (460,000) dollars nx.gradins, parking and boulev-,X411160 the scald d rohas received nO attention Whatsoever, and now the roadway is ovorgrown witit grao read in ImMlY PIV00 It to rendered Anpasgable by reason Of warlhOuts" that tag parked narts tereof and tboUIM-rdo are covered with of fter vahgetAtj,)jj# (Wdhe %he whole road 0840AW ro.* weeds And appearance of neglect and dilapidntion- That t)isre is now before the counoil a DrOP05til for n =6 qd tkw boula1raids aesdjjjg and sodding t the he pIPrXSd PNrtG j6provomente alreadY mads� and any other sung said ro ., ,A, but1 -11 be rendered wholly VAlue1056 IjLproVe.,!�Gnte thAt. may be rr.des wj j to the abutting owner* unlsee steps are tJM1 to preserle them cad is uneKeelled from a acenic attmd- Uiat the seAd r or �,aarjmW purponess axid nas great Points in �Awlrably adVted f possibilities for further beautification j1ji I ro �d lit and Lexington AvonuQ8 to wherefore# jour petitioners pray that the sr4d , pc.wxvaV from SWv ,,,10,, of the (;ougtj60I0ner may be set ainArt as a Fort Suellingo alld pItMed under the SUPO Itif icationj Con - improvement and be a�l p Vks for purpo 08 Of 4 lV* roo As a Aghweyo tent Witil the use of add aso pray the comisaouer of )'�arkl Petitioners your � tAd ab ald g plots and boulfffirdg UPOn to as -1� Ume 0 of the Qr fA tereon where �-ridvi*able* �Lnd agree Idal &I goad* and to plant %rose V our properties may be assessed therefor* or —LOt LialCk W, al 0 IMYI ns tst. ,' :els m4nta. July 26, 1918. 3o the `ounell of the CI%Y of yt. a'Wl. i Oentlameit, Vie, the ovners or proporty rbatting uVOn the ;dataWtbe Roads do hereby respeotfully repreeeatt fha4i�ndrod idgauabs Rood wan laid out in the year 1914 to avridth of r3 a twenty (12D) feots wit➢t t+.s design and intention of making it a parkwt' r and is vortnecting lima between Esther a&%w'Va in the city. that the odd Road was Srsdeds parked and boultvarrded i the 3res>a lgl'� at ,most to the property ;:xiners of upwards of sixty thot Yo=($6Q.000) dollars$ but since the Completion of tragi said gr aAirt8, , parking and bouloV Vdi ng, t$e said rc aheal received no 4tentSon whaiteoovers and now the iroiyAwSW to <vrgrovn with graase and is ashy plsaces it in rendered inpasezble by reaoon of Wa8hOut8; that the oakrked parte tgereof and the bo,levards are covered with >N* wgelds and other vea;eteation, ;end the wruale read presents an opetarrance of neglect and dila-ACturn- That, ttaero is now before the council .ft propooatl for oeeding and ao4ding tRw parked parts and the bows *ardrt In wid long teed# >rozd, but the improvemoitte alrec.dy modes and orgy otrtero Improvements that mr><y to made, it v1 be rendered wW,Ily • alueless to the abutting or:ners unless etepa nese taken to prersezwe ows- `hjt the said road ig unexcelled from a ocenis attvW-• dint , is ridmiranbly txdanpted for aotrIMAV ;tutpoeee, 'tartd itns erest possibilities for further beau tifucatiorr. Wrieraefores lour petitioners grfly that the coli` ro, 8 cry be aa.t a;anrt rtise n pakkway from Su"mit• 9nd TAxing —1 A�venuaas to art analling, zand tai �osri under tris oupez.vision of "a i%oa isis3cnbt of +zr s for na vooee of c?Zo, imparveuent and beostlfLoationo oars sistent with tine ueo of otAd Road as as highway. your netiti,ansrs also rwl tkxe uonniesioner of s°aeAB to 5t8sume o:re of t:�e graze Mots rand boulevavds upon red Ob at said Ro err o and to pi trt trees tr>ilreaaa whore rivia1e, and our^ propertise may be *-3sessed therefor. Azt-of Qtuox t- 111 a Bei tions �z July 25. 1913• 2othe Council Of the City of at. Paul. Q,entlemeni ro ert abutting upon ins Xdgaunbe the 09a:ers of p �eeeriti 7llo.ad, do hereby respectfully rep year 1Bi4 Tinct said g dgoumbe Flo A was -Laid aut in e � sign and to a width of'ona ta.Ored twshVI (120) ®nt• with the intention at u►ekir�8 it a pa�r�nras►0 WA a connecting lick between other p"xwaya in the city. Thea *aid Bond Wes Faded• PrArlssd and boulevardod in er Owner$ of upxa ds of sixty Ad the y06r 1817 at a Coat Efo t i ee me completion of the 13, thoWeA (06100000) dollaras "the paid "apt n&s reaeivad of i pax] AS � 'boulff rdie�g. ie overgrown with grasso ten on yd►atswev�� ��� r Ima�assdaUe by rsrasan of ver" with aitd In maw places,, resents els thwt the parked Pmate thertea andsnd the abard"ad presents z w4edo and o the]t ves nppwavanAe of nogoet vAd dilapidation, khat there Is ncr► ""re the Councils a pxppce:� for nsedirig eisd s*dd the parked 1ia'ts and the boule�carde in other and along said recd. hntt the impzaTemsnte already madef and alueless improitemeats that May be m{a°' trill` be teken�to preserve #ames to tits abutting craters unless steps are '1`lnat said rag is usnex4olled fsee,rom aendsn� �x�w point, tsi sdmirjjbly Aapted for p�kW� pwcpo posrtibilitise for fusther,beautification. that the said road +herofotts� Your petitioner* ie irgton ,Avenue$ y be set apart as e p �� fxc►m s i . d �}lsaki under the supervision of the 00 ti. s jor purixrsee of oale� ir�tsxgveme»t akd MV* to per gnell inB rAee a� sold 'go at � a esioner of P f igationo eonaistent trig : the 1seloner Of parks Your petitionen�►o prgy the G t� of the grais loth end bouieyaaCd» 01 a Sana sag that t + SOnr m *rat8 e d there orhexo a€�vipabis. A IL" O Ong% /� P.✓rl�Lf a `�cib YaU4., &Mille July 25, 1918• To the Counoil of the CitV of 5t. Paul. Gentlemen; ,. .._ We, the owners of property abutting up.the Edgcumbe Road, do hereby respeetfully'repreeent., That said Edgqumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a 'width of one hundred twenty (120) feet. with the designs and intention of making it a parkwayo and a oonneoting link between other parkways in the city, ._ That said road was gr 4ede parked and boulevarded in the yea,lgl7 at a: coat to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousam7l J460#0Owdollars, but ainoe the completion of the said ®Yarding, grading,, V,4i M 00 bout the said .roaud has received no attention whatso#ver# and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and in many. places is rendered impssesable by reason of wa$houtsl that the parked parts the and the boulevards are covered with rank -weed$ and other vegetations an the whole road Presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That, there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and 6eddingtthe hep PxQ emente�alre�bu�ade. and vards ianyeother along said road. improvements that -may be made, will be rendered wholly :'Valueless to: the abutting ownOrs-unlese steps are taken to preserve same. st- That tbs said road is unexcelled from c�ldchae enio grea�td point, is admirably adapted for parkway p'oa es.possibilitieeL for further beautifioation Wherefore. your petitioners pray that the said Road may be set apart as a parkway from SUN pe and irvisionn oO rgtf thhee ammi- Avenue$ to ]Port Sn011it,'-ad hood undslp the. suped beauti« s$ioncr of >Park$ for purposes of ¢ares .impl gement an' ficatione oonsistent with,.the use of said Road as a highway- Yo ighway. Yo.U; pitioners also pray the.Qommissioner of Parks to ,assume care of the grass plots and uoulevards upon and along said itar�cl aa►n1d to plsnt trees thereon where adYia.ablee. $nd agree that ourai props may be assessed ,therefor. Nie of Owner Lit ,Block Addition. at. Paul. Dann. July 26, 1916. To the Council of the City of at: Paul. i4 Gentlemenf I We, the owners of property abutting upon the Rdgaumbe Roado do hereby resgeotfhiiy represent; That said Edgcumbe Ro 180 -f eot. dout utnin the year and 1914 sign intention of making it a parkway' to width of one hundred twenty and a connecting link between other Parkways, in the Qity. +ghat the acid Road was graded, parked and bowlevrsded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand (#60,000) dollars, but since the Completion of the said grading, Parking and'nd now thiinroadwway 10 overgrown with withroad has ived grass no attention whatsoe4er,- end sad iR many places it is rendered impassably by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the bouelvards are covered with rw we and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an apoearane of, neglect and dilapidation. That th®re is not -before the Council a propos 61 fOr seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards other along said road, but the improvements in and alreiy ad improvements that ma be mads, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve them. stand - That the said ro?d is unexcelled seam andahascgreatt point, is admirably adapted for parkway pure` possibilities for furtherbsautification. VPher fore, Yovir petitioners pray that the said road Y mom►. be. set apart.. as a Parkwe from Submit and Lexington Avenues to j survision Of the Fort Snelling, and placed under thementeand.beau ificatios.icon•nw oY Parks for purplesa of care,- F a sietent witrk the use of, a,aid coed as a highwQi Parks Your petitioners also prgy the Commissioner of to assume ce of the Brass plats and uoulevands upon and aging said � �Sa urpr V eoadviaable. agree that ® to -n1 basesthr®ssetherefor. Lot Addition Rinne 'of awns, bet _ Block�( -- cJ Q �Ca i/V �o-� S•W.�4 0{ 1^ �4 °IjS`�.9 °�•,, i �v U To the Co"Cil of the City of lot. Paul• Gentlemen % -We, the owners of property abutting the Edgaumbe ROO, 40 -hereby .respectfully repseerent: That, said Sdgaumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) fO8tconnecting thelindea'9een� 11 intention 4Z making It a parkway, ether : p askwey* in the city* That said Road was graded, parked and boulev -riled in the `yeas' 1919 at a coat to the property owners of upwards of sixty thoussad { 60 ©00� Bollard, but since the oompletion'of the said as rceived no grading, perOng and bouleTerding, the said grownewith grass, attention 1hatsaever, end.now the roadway is and in malty plaoes is rendered impassable by rI. eason of washouts't that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards aro oowered with rank weeds and other Vegetation, and the whole road »resents an appearsaco of neglect and dilapidation. That there is noes before,the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding tr'e peats already AGs carked Parts and the mUan any s In other Ang paid read, but the improvse► Tced `wjwllY jXprore�uants that may be madeer+le ras, wiii be rendevsiusxt to the abutting owners unless stupe are taken to •prsses,.. That the said r4 ad is unexoeludofsre.ffi sacs harogxoa point, is adaeirably adspte besot eaGV n• p possibilities for further Wherefore. Your petitioners pray that the said Road may be set ePext 8, q from Gummit and Lexington ,avenues to Rost Snelling* and plshed under tie supervision of the Comma seioner of Parks for PuxPoses. of gore, improvement aahigbwsY& fioation, consistent with. the use of, said Road s8, Your pditioners 8,180 Pray, the CoMsIssiuner of d arks to sseume gare,of .the gra9# plots and bouie0ar�is Upon t unt trees thereon where a%visabier and agree Ea jr gerjjej may be assess ad 'r therefor. 1�ase of owner to data nr at. maul, x1na* July :35, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Data. Gentlemen t Ve6, the owns" Of property abuttlnB upon the Adgaumbe So -d, . do hereby reopectfully representt That sold ,gdgambe Road was laid out 3u the year 1914 0 as width of one hundred twenttiy (120) feet, with the desig,"a and Intention of making It a parkway, and a oos,neoting lith between other p,%rrkways in the city. 'that said ro*d was graded,•• perked and,bOulevarded in the yong 1917 cis cast €, to the praperitir owners, of Upwa>srds of sixty thousand ($Ba,QQlot dollars, bast aims tae corap1411O, of the said gra4ing, parking and bouievarding, the said rgiA ham received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadwas'f is ae°ssrgroxn with grass$ WA* in =any places is rendered iupassable by rerson of WaWwutsy that tare n, abed Pette tiler and the boulev4-40 are oovera& with ra* weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road Presents en i appearance of nt+glect and dilapidation. That there to now before the Council a proposal for seeding mad sodding the parked parts end the boulevards in an8. along said trend, but the imorovements "ready made, and enyci +ether is�ovements that may be 'maie# will, es be rendered wholly valuels to the abutting osmers unlena steps sire taken to preserve sameo fhA the sald road is unsarelled from s soenlo stand - pointy 3s, s taira)ly adapted for p;-.rkwayr purposos,, and has great possibilities for further beautification. rnerefare, Yoear petitioners pray that -tae ,said €�aati I, way be twat apart .as a pa*WjW fxo1 Summit end �e�eiragton Avenues a ,and placed Under euservisl to Hort Snelling 'Beq, on. or the 4oeclw fiooneer of coraesie it moi$ ��the use eofeseid Rojaprov�A as �highw°a''� Your Petitioners alae PMr the Conaaissloner of F&Tks to Mauna ogre of the grree+s plots anti boulavar8s u'pen and along staid ga:d, .aAd to pla4tt trees thereon where advisables and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. set AUX Add, i„t, 5� f r 2(j the Oouacil of the Citj of Od"t14*4Aj lit, the cmmevo of property - awttlng Upoa Vie Adgcumbe do hereby )Osr ! pectftily -ims,,t as-Ad ;�aocumbo ;;*,o:A mro laid out III U44 YOA! l"4 to vl,#tki of ons hundred tweilty (120) f Qet# with thi'design -ad Of maXt '49 It a parkwq,, ond a coadt0tiDO liuk botwecu othor Pr,*vvv An the OIty4 ito, 104 ib .d aiA WuleVrAc the your IM at A cost to the 'proporty �,Vuz" 0 UPw,%Vdm or Dirty %OUSSM Mdcp#000) dollarsf but Siato the cobv�I;Ajof , � of tho Mr44 , v 4. the said ror4 nos GoutW no whatsOGVOrq and low Vas vordwV io *"rgrowa wiL�m grans in Is rondcr*d lavaggabl.6 W MWOn Of was�;Dutso ,ttj*.t V-* perked perts thOveof tvse, tt,.O bovlevvrds o c*vtred with W-.rj,,6 wooft rMd. OthOr wj(j the whole vold pross.,rits, ,W of dil4pid"Lion, yjj,jt there IF now bfa.ore the Voua'011 is vr-;poselt' for P:Wked Purtu and t1w bDuleTf-X-d* m"A alrO 4e IlAdO, AsAd 0;�� nthl�,r ,aong aj'jd road,, b t �ze jr.prqvg� I � ,t bv rvrjftVqd W-ho.117 VOL1411,6019 A)r U111004 t DL'3115 rrk. t' 'en to T'roi3Y "s T11ftt the PeAd Vo W- in WnSX003,1011 f"A a acamic vt,�acep �*)4rpogos, and ,Ua4 "lot' for furOux be�OUM - ti"O vriorefoe4o Your �sOtitiozlcro nalzw tz" tAf# Said �OA M4 be art nvlart ;F-2 R vaAvr.# fro4n oulmit Md LOXift%611 to Part r1ozed Undcx Um mg-erviclim of hR., rvi,,mer of PrAvIcs fft, rumcse.$ or ficatina, coaxUlatt"A Wit-q tile tme Your to a*svae *.,Are oY the gra,�a plots and boultVar" 400" -OvJ 'A I cvj-�n ryiero PA said -40 rAd Properties trees Lit Tjq*,bjo,, and. ajWe4, that our properties maY be assessed therefor. -ad * ' �T, 3c. paul, July ::5, A�3a.Et. To thQ CauriCil AP tit$ City pf 3t. Paul. Gentlemonp Vie, t'te owners of Property rat"ttine iapni> tike t?o :A* ao heraby resineOtfttlly represent-, Taut aral,d Lt3acUrstas 7'a.d WAS Irsid out in tlw year 1914r to a vdidtt► of :ne tlitared # to t*y (1270) Petit, with tile detaifup. and ititgntlota of mv.%Ir% it a Ptxkr*y, acid it cc' ;rtcc,tlug llcak "t"ven other FMrkWrv" th the olty. Sii ;t s A. d G r,4 Woo grrAeds perked t;nd bouiev:;-v4v t in thl! year 191, at +$ Brant to the property eaters of ttpwavls of OiXV thouprtttd (50 Ol�tl} doll xs, batt .!!rt+�te the enmAetiatt of the asQ gl'ttdltaklr t},XxlaB ,"qd 13hvx9."s'.rding*, the ersld road has rtCGiTed 00 st$o#tinn vh:a,t.eoetrer, --Ad neer t1vE e , dsorry #s aYo3r rof with f;r Mita+ r aRrid Yai" a�(I► p'Y"looa fa reridersd itrntasSxsble by rextf$On of �rmahouta�� that t Parked -mete therc':�f sttd they 'bo*QA ,J 45 ere aavexed tr th rssik ##ede ,,Ad *ther Yceetotiong acid the vtvile read oreeents an mp%s*ara ase of nes 10*t and di3.ln, ld�tiior. ,,,,,at there io now Were ttro .:auttall ra _pr4i i tl for ec,;et'9n{3 and ssottdi tt the the Improvements ettte LsthA b u �e,tu e y Gad Along a. -4d ro .fit, ixa roaee"a riffs thaat mvW be navde, miill be :�erndOrmd xaaas+'Velueles" tiara fatautting oi'tne'rt u"16M Mt"" ^�e3 t ilem to j'hot the sgld rfl ft is, uuexoelled from a sryxelic sttdxui.• g>~ixat, is .t►n3rably xtdrapted for p,%rrkvwl hu%"Besl ;"yid te'e "rerat posviuiiitiees for further 1,raautit'lCntian« Your r,At,i tio2:exa prcq t'hPt the a ctj T ko r?irai M(Wbe 6-ut ',rt ng 11 >•t,,1tC71Y fraM -`="Veit rtztd �ex3rt�gtpaa rexiuew to part finel"_i:iq, ;rad al.^Critt ttn6tr the turwrV cion f teetAmmi« saloner of P arks for rMYTr�60S of C sxet rK+ fieyntic�na ,c?nvi5tent �rrith Vuti- . a of rtt*!'f trs;rtl is a highway. . lovi Yerua Petiti;�ietttt jg l to , rrey;�:tut x asitnoneanctgaianl�a to �38:3tdmc C -Aa -d off th. gr . e 6w,id ria;„ti, end to nlmtt txee+r ttieretn=i i3P4T'e sactwia akalo. and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. 14 Auk— ro% a L To the counou of t"M city of lot, Paul 6entl4wesa; s# tiara o rags of property abutting too MfACUMIA Ago# do heooby respeatfully r"WOrvonst That grad 4400w*o lio&d Vmas laid out to the, year 1914 to a widua of One'tatadxed twenty (120) feat# With the d4"Snd Antectiolvet Makla s It a pawkww# ,A as *oru4*ottne link between other P�rktreys to the oitys t!* r#Sr jail' NA a oo$t to tht VnYMAY a=eon of ;ipvards of eixty thouNend (6601,000) dollars# but einatl the ooavietioaa of ttxo 0.44d arRdinas pa kung afaad 'brjujqVnr4lugs the said goad has ara460d ab 54tentian vdaatsoover# an now V-4 roa dw.vw it oewiwown vi ak Urravaa, and. #n ;,�Ow plages, to tr+ derod Impassable by canoe" of wMaboaatas; that tris poked parte taoMf mid ttae bOuleY'44e Ors airarraared with ra* , vo*ds and otba "dtr'tatiOs' and the witol,e 100d ar6sorato an pean"o Of Soffleet and dilap Al tions, That thus to caota beloyre the i4oun411 a pr*poval for ssedlre4 aa4 sodding Us priced PUM an4 tl* boUl.esasrds tea and allW oarid vocdo 'tttt tUt ixprovs0eato al rorady Vie„ and ;IV ver lop rorasaentgt that UV iso ,nade# . will to vviA404 00117 v}sltstai.eoo to t4o ";At tlus own*" t±,"Vev atevo ars tAken to .pro#►aam oafs TUaat " salt xoA is knwicoll.ed f2m as 800u10 at'a*- 5.Doial�IS iiiL ifn� furtherte hear 0 EO , PSA t mad ,zca1 sia°eaat 'alearefore, Your trstitisanove t1vcw tA&t ttte 644 ADaad UO he met opaart :ams ar rzW, frW4 di t$.and iexinl;fnia ATOMS to Fort owas1 , i?�'- Na�e�/ �YEf eWpel'119�ARi fl#" ti�i@ �1efA' sa#osae�r of Pis ipir pumollsi tai o�Xe, Impaovowant and rro t% fine ationo 4Your+: 214tent v iM use y o{f{[ 4kr�,t�4 vow Rxo MO. a$ atxa�hi l rv�# 9A tticat s also pray t" iio itii/�►+Rs#FoM'�"r of i+�lit�i/fl� to pss ne fy, a of t +g`e `:e plottl mod bnulawr� w a3 as -d tll64ti Wa 1ou" lk�ra to &O �eea se d therefor. iwct ils int. �8 agree C To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgcumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgcumbe RAAas laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it a parkway and a connecting link between other parkways in the City. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost td the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and any other toWrovements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless he abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve same. That the said road is unexceitled from a scenic stand- point, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said Road may be set apart as a parkway from Surjit and Lexington Avenues to bort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commi- ssioner of Parks for purposes of c as, improvement and beauti- fication, consistent with the use of said road as a highway. .Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parke to assume c ere of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along spid road* aid to plant trees thereon where advisable., and agree that our properties may be asoessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition t l 4.' �'= 4 a L F. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abuttiagkon the Edgoumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgeumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width_ %tone hundred twenty (120) feet, witjX the design and intention of making it a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a'cost to tye property owners of upwards of sixty thou— sand ($60,000) do -liars, but since the completion of the said grading parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadw4 os overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable oy reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered wity rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neg- lect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and any other improvements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve sage. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic standpoint, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibili— ties for further beautifucation. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray thatthe said road may be set apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Vort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of Parks for purposes of care, improvement agIdbeautification, con— sistent with the use of said road as a highway Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume care of the gr eps plots and boulevards upon and along said road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable., and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name Name of Ovner Lots /t 4 11Block-Oddi .inn st>: F. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abuttiagkon the Edgoumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgeumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width_ %tone hundred twenty (120) feet, witjX the design and intention of making it a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a'cost to tye property owners of upwards of sixty thou— sand ($60,000) do -liars, but since the completion of the said grading parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadw4 os overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable oy reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered wity rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neg- lect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and any other improvements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve sage. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic standpoint, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibili— ties for further beautifucation. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray thatthe said road may be set apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Vort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of Parks for purposes of care, improvement agIdbeautification, con— sistent with the use of said road as a highway Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume care of the gr eps plots and boulevards upon and along said road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable., and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name Name of Ovner Lots /t 4 11Block-Oddi .inn Tothe Council of the City of St. Paul. - Gentlemen; We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgcunbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgoumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred -twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it. a parkway, and a connectlhg link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost oto the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) doll ars, but since the completion of the said gaading, parking and'boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, and in many places is rendered impassable by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation;" and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards -in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and any other improvements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve same. That the said rolldis unexcelled from a scenic stand- point, W admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said road may be set apart as a parkway from Summit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commi- ssioner of parks for purposes of oare, improvement and beauti- f ication, consistent wit: the use of said Road as a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume care of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along said Road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable, and agree that uur properties may be assessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition tRNDO RAN PANP, / ey................ To till C01411011 Of the Q.ttyv of "A. V11c, the avm" Of PrOPO"Y at"Ll" U -pa" _uu_ iSp 11060, d6 imroUy r0i""W'Qtfully r.,Prv'%wt*' o;,hl,,,i or Ad iW{;,cumbs 1,10"04.'e � d A,Adt �'a 4Yu� b;+ x 1 d ,10"dd to Aa 90th t33 ono hundred t"nty toot, with tho 44610 i4l IL Intermson oft11�*"a St IA p.-xkwv* al i" thO city. Xhot 1544 POA gr4dad. pilrUed aJAd ,jUjavarclad ilt - Or'st to the twopeAY ovixers of up-maxdv 4f MIAV doll urs, but"OAnce Ina awslAstloil of Ww d,,.id 10 w"a aq�Ad rocs 04v 410 t�v:,,xdIktj; 04 eWwsvf '1�--rjcjnZ .n4 boul "a—wa wl vI`vA-,I0evcv# -IM "low 'the rfjI�,zdvFv io uvcx�j_. , 1,,Xam is roj%4crod IMPIJ bjulcV,rds ar�! qwjarOd with roof imd the that the pari -0 r.(!v`t* ti'l* ro-'a "roDOAA8 A10110 ant", the w ­IA, rw* WA diIapIdfttIQA# -0ji a .,;ru4)oa,,4 xsa I'Or jo 0AA_ u SeedIn's �,M aw.Adlm the 1*,,:xkod 'p.,frto Vie lwulci ,.;r tbj) wiprow;6ato IIA,-, Lq aUw 14040'"a 13W'C* o"tara 4�%411088 1 jKtaAcej'Lcd frola iik OCIA410 tat ad.. �ad :ror �Iuvk*,wIvj �?UrpwAsft, wid :aridgraA ,uoa. atld uu,,A 'tan 14 wn�,-.r*toros YOur '1)4 ;�"� U*S fr)vz `UL:;X'At LAd L" uny uv- H%t vpart '410 a 11"VAM"m Of Itw Un6ow tho auv)ervi to 1,4art 1,y15011n tl 4a wit and klft�,Al- Sotencr -..uvo08' of ,ioc,A ax f zl�)Ijteat W16 the U06 of a'Ad . I"I y -wit Your i-i*tj%j0jIvr" rtlao ra fqw� along orwo f. PI-Ots anti brzAkevadll `AV'a' d agreethat at to/p,LcIrlt trees oirproperticil 1A6,y,bo ausbasod therefor. iJ&A I ON ,TO tale cr)U0011 of tato Qlty Of • �,Grat'Lt�st�tt We, the awai+gt'!r of prokasrtY atutblfig ulrixal aotA, city hereby xA ?ectti`ulag=pYeria*stL: What, or -3d K&,cusaro k;earsd 'c iri/G lrt yi tx i• d to •a + idki. a rrltB kluted ed t my C�) io t, with thi. �;ettii� �lti Intention of makall3 it a �s-9i'$"7Vp a�td •x Ct?+tilM?ii�iT31 11::1c b+�twrLE;1i Ot t' ';7 r2iiv re i`i the ctitr. Tara ta *id }ixa ! w0m g'�Wd, paxkuti ;tisk totaT�avaxciad in Sika@ lr i t tZ 4t+r�$ t0 '�t ¢irie$tttlpOf AiRtY � tSi7ii$uera �riOilaof .Ci:AiYY7i��1�(i -3d bOul0'T r�rd"'R;, t to ss ic9, x a ci Is.�:� ria ivLr�A ,ln F tt�xi'ti�s� vTh7tnOQr cj, i;14 !lila$ ths rO dti / $ gvq!r 4�"Mrxt "ait9a iE1'rio�S, d i ► a riy °•: reota is rmr d:..xec2 ioip=a3sr�able by roa4ott i FAd the n„x_rd ev is trla� e4i' !and th' b�ou.t.*Tt .4`ds ar o0 vel"Od with rta* We da .Std ra�:lilt vegoti"Llorl, andghB a:310 t :ac: �xi uts;,te an t -,roe'lritnam �vf z oCjeskt skid dila idatlonr Trait tk OXV is ism r,e'ato tkie Itk>l� ill vV .rfiz 1" soadinrh >,Ad 406dSt tV xk+k€ xt 3 trv+ r s %db A 1•,.y rkUke'' .loav 6f irl �� � }1 3ki14 S'X'e11iv7@ia ti6s 1s1 4#F � i impra vw—'e'l-A6 th'A m,t t)�i xaC, Bail � U� a su<i o� aftt `Lly u lue 1. ttt> trsUm abutting Ovnern '. laaaa atok,,e We &;trsori Dole. in t: szlo=qll.ed xxi44 k.,t part}:cz rAt7 d� p¢rirlt, id >�sr f (&pttwj for ,virlcWDY irrgacas;eks, tons yrllit.°rE� f��-ruxt�x�x bis��titif3pataietlt, v x"' itozo, your votiti*noro ,�x�t €.cam. 4,�d a:�d Dior raaoir be swt *cx.t `•; a 1�;,,xkvk j fr i= f ui;l,:iS; ;tM* z.m :ibk. wl Axe .ue� Sxa ?art U:1»}, #z: S'lA j�l::;s3ed under ti7Fa+zu�i3SYia�tit_7ti� � ��i� �$ U 1rcl of d ?i a�;n6A8,8 0.n.", fi �v:, d �A'a ii1k>iit>tt, Cat )iq fi itkt .k e iaae of 6 3� >ttrd � ra Ititf ��y • Y /klij etitsrzxo7rri »�.psl ,ratY tato c;o d�i+�dDiu�lu �d1�2�.l2Y'+��$ to o,o:yMe Ogre tpwtu till b a2r.Y 3rdsr tslr�+�d agree that od ISA $n , iti ; i 1tt irsss$ ih<sxis0a �sr:cr+c f_Alivzltic. owpropertiesay;'be assAused therefor. 5 f-g�m So, ;C, eit. Paul July 260 1916. To the Couna"I of V10 city of at: Paul. Ves tkW owners of propetty abutting U90n the Ldgeuvibe Road# do hersl* That 04the Year j,e`_,--dXcumbe Ro ,7:d *-a Wd Out in 1411 to a width li"dred tv;enty (IL10) feat, wits the design and Intention of making It a pgrkway ;and a conneotIng link betve(m ottler in VM city. That the a Ad Po.,A was grad0da pgrXed and boulov.rded in ths,ye*r toll at & Oust to the PrOPerty owner* of upwards of sixty 8?�thousofid (�',-606000) dailOWS-s- but Once the COMPletlon of tale pqrkv�T ing and bouleding, the said ro,-A teas received so tton,tjon whgtooevers end now the k0ndw0y " Overgrown with ,;VQGS pl� 'Acet it is rendered impassably by re*=A of w;92ywuts, and to WrAy that the parked parts tkiereof and. the rique,.vardb are QQVGr'0d with ren veads 'and other V090tsti! I M, aAd the whole road PV6S0nt* *A aP,"R"'c Of neglect and dIld1+id&t1QU- That there IS no* before the COuncil a PrOP06"A for siked parts and the L:OulOvvds in and seeding mud nodding the P improvements aura jr meAsk and neq other alrjag *aid rotAt but the ,aproVerento that at MS b -0 moo# be renders$4 whallY T41UOIOSD � a are t,*Gu to preuarVO tr'Gm- to h te abut tAn $ owners unlege $too , That the galtj ro -d is unowelled frM a 00suic stRJ4- P . clot ep is rdmir,Oly edted1or parkwg$ !lUrP'70090 and ljax� great possibilities for f,,,rtherb*autIfiOatIan0 pray thq* rhei fore, Y petitioners�. the said road 0111ra, AVVIU03 to acy be net 0�4t as a P rk m and placed under the WAPervivion of the "fissip nom Vart IsnallIng, , irovement and beautificati0f, Con- Oc Park* for PurVIGOR Of "Ve& mp tA0. use ai *.,-Ad re?:d as s highw* Your Petitioners 4 Fy t.0 so our ev.,,rds upon fAd atua said to asouse *.,,we of the 9r . -4D plots f1-ndVrqj0uu1dvI6abLe.0A agree that t retie there n who, 9,0,.eT therefor. may as July 26, 29to. 'N the. Couno.I of tae City of Ste Paul. Gesatlar•euC Iftr txte owners 'ot prO;porty abutting upon tete %`et�;itutebe Riede- `do h0r41W reap+�a#aii r>, .epreseut= That aAid .8gcuaab$ Zio.^,.d wr a laid out in the yv� ,, 151+4 to at width a .,sae hundred twenty (120) Pet=to mitis the design and intention} of making it a p kvay sAd - oonneating link between Otner pmkwrO yo in the city. T3 rat the S 14 Y?oad was graded, prrXed csmd isauleV.,Xd@d 4 lar Owners of upwards of i is the y#�r 1917 Ut a Oast to the Pro ° aixtiy thous (-14a0,()ti0) dol'imrs, but nixie# the completion of the 4 i aid SrrAing, pW. Kint an�d.boutoy.e-Td lag, the Maid 76oc$ knees r,po®ia no atteYYtlon nonatvoeavesrw and now th0 rcnsdwrV is overgroven Frith �ars�os aa4d 3st s>aaaray pl aceis it is rendered impassably by reason Of vr;tarintst2li tv e ee ds are ts7gxt n $tas r0d with o and tfieWb*lsr%Apresen weeds that the atier g$tstiun, $t negleot and dilespidattnn. That there gal now, bet* re %UG 4:ouacll a propos.-A for Y, seeding rand. madding the Parked Parts and the ruiev:sda in crud 1 str �feeid , but the improvements 0 rejAy r3vAek and day OtWx imptrasve mnSr us't ms bemad#, vi? l bo rendered woolly valueless to .the abutting owners uhxesso si$nn Are t t$lf to pr¢searVa to +w That the soldso ,d is un#ItOontln� fro800 andOhcas" ic Sreeat� peint, is admirably ,v,.dapted°for pa ivm posaibilitiee for t"itherbeautifiestion. Wheat fore, xaur petltioners pray thst tbs said road moy be aert ap, t as & p*axkway from du=:,mit zkrt 7 eo f then 0misoa to Fort enell'InSs trod plao#d under the rey s tesvivieeetttifiOr�tlos,ou Oox'•"nar tt Paurk$ for purvisss of a :are, nd aioten% wi £ ' the. use of s. to ro r d as s nighw* 'Yonz petitioners also M the Co mui"Jonor of karke to as ailmo a . re of the gr -,me Mats end a advi � ubl upon ree that said roes there n wrier# radvisssbl+eaa ay the aseaeseee therefor. st. Paul. bins. July25, 1918• To the Council Of the City of st. Paul* Gentlemen.* we, the owners Of property - abutting Upon I the Ndgoumbe Rodd. 'hereby respectfully, rePrONOntl 'that said 19ftourabs Road WS . 0 Wd Out in tha.yoar 19�4 to 'a'wid%hvf,.Gns hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and inten'ttower"i-Aaking it a parkway, 80d a between in the q4ty. That said }toad Was graded, Parked aud,boulavarded in 7 st,4 46git to the property owners of upwards Of sixty on. of the iiaid the y . . .. f. dollars, but since the QOmP ived no thous, 0io0o) the said road has race Igr . tWih bboloyardingo Oass, and now ths roadw4 is Overgrown wit4gr q why savver tt aces is rendered Impassable by ro4son.if washouts* sod An', covered,, with part& ther.0if and d tho'boulevards are t, ition, and the whole road presents an =V, a ther Tags 4 il; of neglect and d aptdation- ' proposal for ifiat there in vow before the Council a P: Id parts and the boulevards in Vid :je:nd8 and ""'dding the park4 ade- arid any other :aid ;�ad, b3g t the ipiov.smonto alreadypx m I jogatg,that, may be made, *412"S rendered wholly Valueless Ug'd*nerx unless steps y• taiOWU PrOpreserve wmne, � m eni sa ohat the said road is unexcelled fro ando a has greatstand- loint,/4*.� gftirably adopted for Parkway Purposes' mss*ulitioo for further beantif I 'atlon* Your Petitioners prey that the said Road Wherefore, You; from SUMIUit. and LeZiuktOn Venues meq 11 t as a p arkWay. tv b set aR -under thw 0009 -vision of the, 00mia- ng, plaodA. ON el f 9 impro"ment and b*auti- for Purposes a 4-1 consistent t with the . ug& of: *aid Road as higbvV'� f to -at on. con I o� 11 It I . I I 1, . ISO Pr the Coa'soloner of Parke I I - I yoursows : Petitioners a m to A bo%ilevards upon and; a -Long th para of the grass plots, ,and ble.and agree said 00 thereon where ad*isa ea.# 'OAL to Plant tre ouj properties matherefor. jig assessed Y. , Wi6m, of owagr. !I St. Paul, a;inri. July 25, 1918. J%, To the Council of the city of St. Paul. tientipa�ea; we, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgcumbe grid, do hereby respectfully represent: That said Bgaurabe Rq Iwats laid out in the year 1914 to a Width, of one, hundred twenty (1to,) feat, with the design and intention of ineking. it a parkT-ay and a connecting link between other parove in the ctty►. said Road ad wa1.a gr parked and boulevarded in of the year }"917}"9177 at a costs bu pro thousand '($80,000) dteinoettha compl tionxofdthe saidtY o.llare,,. gradings �azking aundlboulevarding, the said :egad hasreceived no attentidn whatooever, and now the roadway i8 overgrown with grass, and in jxrany Tacos. is rendered. impaee, b?oulele y resards axeOf washout$; that thPse e 4Fed parte thereof and the ed with rank w.e�s��� and q.ther vegetation, and the whole road presents an apps+u�"' at s�egleat and dilapidation. ;khat there 3s now before the Cuunoil a proposal for seeding an�! sodding the parked parts and the boulevards m 9e� and eny.other along said.lroad,-but' improvement@ already prsgoner p tYitst may ® made# will be readeredLWb011y.Valuoless tothe,abt}ttyng owners unless steps are taken to preserve eatne• khat the said, ro,z is unexce�flfromand scenaa stand gree point •'is: a airably-Aupted for par purposes. pohi as for further beautification. Wherefore, Your petitioners pray that the said uo ad mayb� set apart as a parkwaymm from Suit and Lexington avenues to Sort Snelling, and placed under the aiurovPement oandi- tbeaut ssioner of Parke' for purposes of o�� e, mP fio tionr.Conatetent with the use of said road as a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks upon and along to assume o Ve o thegrass PIOhereoin wherevadvisaule. and agree that said; road', a93d of the our properties maybe assposed therefor. dtion tdi' ga�o of �lvaner ° g St. Paul, JUnn. July 26, 1918. To the Council of the City of St: Paul. Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting upon the Edgcumbe Road, do hereby respectfully represent; That said Edgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, -with the design and intention of 'making it a parkway and a connecting link between other Parkways in the city. That the said Road was graded, parked mnd boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and in many places itis rendered impassably by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the bouelvards are covered with r m weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearanc of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already madek and nay other improvements that ma be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve them. That the said ro ci is unexcelled from a scenic stand— point, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for furtherbeautifioation. Wher:fore, YoU petitioners pray that the said road may be set apart as a parkway from sumit and Lexington Avenues to Fort enelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of Parke for purpises of care, improvement and beautification, con— sistent with the use of s aid road as a highw4E your petitioners also prRy the Commissioner of parks to assume care of the grass plots and boulevards upon and abng said Road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition St. Paul, Yinn. July 26, 1918. To the Council of the City of St: Paul. Gentlemen; We, the_ownere of property abutting upon the Edgoumbe Road, do hereby respeotfully represent: That said Edgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it a parkway and a connecting link between other Parkways in the city. That the said Road was graded, parked sand bouleverded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the said road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass and in many places it is rendered impassably by reason of washouts; that the parked parts thereof and the bouelvards are covered with ran weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearanc of neglect and dilapidation:. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already madek and nay other improvements that ma be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the. abutting owners unless steps are taken to preserve them. That the said road is unexcelled from a scenic stand- point, is admirably adapted for parkway purposes, and has great possibilities for f urtherbeautifioation. wher:fore, Your petitioners prays that the said road may be set apart as a parkway from Sulnit and Lexington Avenues to Fort Snelling, and placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of parks for purplses of care, improvement and beautificatio4, con- sistent with the use of s aid road as a highw4; your petitioners also prRy the Commissioner of Parke to assume ogre of the grass plots and boulevards upon and abng said Road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name of Owner Lot Block Addition .. �ww I -t - *'-U , 0 i iLrt. July 25, 191.6. To the CoUnail of the 01tY Of St- 0entlemeas ver tun ovaer* of property abutting "On UW gagaumbe Road* do h034* VoSpGQtftUy reore*OAtl OUt in the . Tivot Said Ruatobo -ROA­�Wmf, laid . V*iW 1914 I hundred twenty feeto with the deala4d to a width of OrLe anoolivs a ink b4tusip eu intention of 3 o.eXing it .a park*%� and �a to otk4r Parkwayq, inthe aty* dad in 6rked and boulaYgr That "d ioaA wall gradsoo ovinaro of. upw*dS of sixty the year 19111 at a aaa%,,!Cthe property he coloplatiDU Of - tho 931A Dut since t thousent 060,000) inga the aalld rGFA )tell received no grading* , )),wIting . and brou'le? ftqw the roodway 18 Overgrown with Ara"* attention i0latooever, nasi' ,i sainwamble by resson of washou.te; ered and 1n,m.VW':pILaA09' 16 ono' j and'thS bouletardg are covered with that ithe pwOd Patt$ thereo the whole m;d presentS an snip .treads and, other v0gQt&tjlan# aAd f t, and dilapidation. ,PAAV I Mae 0 Ike'alecThat there is now before the CUUng" a propoDal 11 for ti.le bouleVaidn in and seeding and sodding the jmrltod,partO and and MY other IA;�zljy. W ,Loag amid ro-A, but the i,�Prov*menta already %OlAdo a I. I Gat may be ajado,.yjjjj be rendered iokttuag Owners unless stepe are taYcen to preef-Irve same* That, the said roLA is unexcelled from a sucnic liroly eAepted for P DrIC'NOY Purposes$ and I nas areat poia�te. is potsibilities for furthebeautif I6mtIOu- r that thc-- staid uo ad `hereforej, Your pet ,i.tionerO prtW it and Lexington AV6nUe9 dot alpaa-t as Parkway from Sum b r " sup srv101vin� of the Comi "Illy OtInelling, and PlEA949 "de sment and beauti assioaae: of to or c �.Vek ImPr6V paiko for purpoLmem of tilt use,of said road ia a hiahveye your petitioners also -pray the COOD'Issionor of PDX$ La boulevexdS Upon and along to agoUZe o,,Ta_ of the gr0lon, Plate ai� advia&le.and agree that maid torA► Aid to Plant trees thereon WhOrt our.,propertieG May be assessed therefOV- N C-1 4,j Vit. Ila. 1. , JLIL July 25, 1431 tt. To the council of the City of at. PaAl. tiantlemenL 00 own".$ ag pjaperty abuttiAg the yAgcumb* Rte, do hereby sespast.#uly ropmoventl &* R99A Was 144 Out In the Y*ax 1414 that Said Xd&QU 040,11AUW4 twenty two) rest$ with us destan am to a width 41 ug j% a PeWway # ad & connecting link between Intention .40 014,k�li Other P%*we"'An the city. Was graded$ pakod and bomleiv'�-'dad in That said ROIL the PropeOw owners Of Uvivards of sixty twyoav 19, at a *Got oemplatioa of the, Haid at. is received; no (46 #0910) dollars, but: since the grading# pixkilmg and boulorvarding, the said'vout hi - OV the roadvl I attention A*Atlaoovero and m in ~grown with 8*8000' and in many Plac*0 in rendered impassable by Moon Of WGShOwtol that th* Parked— art* thersor m " said the boulev*ds aooveroAmith -P rause' moods and other vegetation, and the Whole to at presents arcz' oppearsacto of -nealoot and dilapidation. That there It 'low before the Council & pr*p**&l for '!�ftqd per" and the boulevlMAn and seeding and 504410t UM P , V#OA*n%s ajr9SAy made, and ORY Ot4or chug i4d road, but 00 WrO L A UW be 14S4,4i Will be r0liddrOA iA'l'LY'V4U*'saM isprovemolaw thd 0 taken to proserVe asAft to the L abutting owns" Unless stQV6 ar acellic stando That the 66" " at 19 unexcelled It"= land laam great Point to aft$rably a4apted for parkV qur a 0 ppaatsiboint, for further beautiftOlitont vuerefore, Your Petitioners Prey that the said-ROSA apart as a Pa*.WjW'fWG1A SUMit der 0i SUPOrvislon of the 00"i eUing, and pl�"d uu to i"rovement and bilientl- F11013:1)ZO: rt 1960mil )?a*$ JOVL 'PU"Osao Of a aria, TWIA as a hierm.81, f 1,0 At',on' oonsi stout with the use Of your T*Jtl L Gnats also Pray the conuesiongr of Park* a upon W"d along �600 Plot* wind boule"tra Sbl#*did agree to sq$me tura Of tht IP trees tWoOn Where es may be assesses :Ro,-A, aced to Pl"*% therefor. properties t 't, our Pr dit n. July 26, 1918 To the Council of the City of St- Paul; Gentlemen; We, the owners of _property abutting upon the Edgcu"Ibe represent: Road, do hereby respectfully year 1917 That said Edgecul be RDad was120id feet,iout n e to a width With the design of one hundred twenty'( of making it a parkway and a connecting link and intention between other parkway e 1 the city. That said road was graded, Parkedo ereogfeUpwardsed lOf the year, 1917 at a cost to the property the completion sixty, thous and (,$60,000) dollars, boulevarding, the said road of the said grading,` parking and d now the roadway is he received not attention whamso�everpanlaces is rendered;im- overgrown with grass, and is thereoY weeds and other passable by re ^son of washouts; that the parks par and the boulevardhearre co whole road presentwith s an aPpe&rance of �geglection, di id ation. neglect ,end dilap That there is now before the council a proposal for seeding and sodding the parked parte and the and anyydotherng said road, but the improvemen, willbe value - to made, a taken to preserve improve::,ents that maYowners unless steps ar less to the abutting s ame . That the said rood is unexcelled from a scenic stand - That an ses , artd has gre at point, is admirably adapted for Parkway P urpo possibilities for f wrther be autification. 7,Therefore, Your Petitioners pray that thesaidroad may be set apart as a Pa" aced fPom Summit and Lexington iivenuee to siOnOf Fort Snelling, and placed under the eupimprovementtandCbe uti- esioner of Parks for purposes of onre, highway. fication, c6bsistent with the use of said road as a your Petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parke to assume care of the gr -ss P1Ots and boulevards upon and along u said road, and to plant trees thereon where advisable., and agree pro erties may be assessed therefor. Addition that our p p ypt Block Name of Owneer Q�aD�lO �%u'� ✓ '" A St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting upon the $dgcumbe Ro ad, do hereby respectfully represent: That said Edgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the sadd road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, and ,in many places is rendered impassable by reason of washomts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the Perked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and au* ther improvements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken -to preserve same. That the said road is unexcelledpurposes, andenic has great possibilitieis essiforlfurthered for beautification. l Wherefore, Your y fromoSers ummitray andthat the said Lexington Avenues may be set apart av a parkway to Fort Snelling, and -placed under the supervision a the Commi- a ssioner of Parks for pp1krposes of c tee, ,improvement x►d beauti- fication, consistent with the use of Bald Road as a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume c are of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along .said Rotel., and to Plant trees thereon where adtisabie, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name -of Owner Lot Block Addis ti_ °n i 4 � f �I r� A St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: We, the owners of property abutting upon the $dgcumbe Ro ad, do hereby respectfully represent: That said Edgcumbe Road was laid out in the year 1914 to a width of one hundred twenty (120) feet, with the design and intention of making it a parkway, and a connecting link between other parkways in the city. That said Road was graded, parked and boulevarded in the year 1917 at a cost to the property owners of upwards of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars, but since the completion of the said grading, parking and boulevarding, the sadd road has received no attention whatsoever, and now the roadway is overgrown with grass, and ,in many places is rendered impassable by reason of washomts; that the parked parts thereof and the boulevards are covered with rank weeds and other vegetation, and the whole road presents an appearance of neglect and dilapidation. That there is now before the Council a proposal for seeding and sodding the Perked parts and the boulevards in and along said road, but the improvements already made, and au* ther improvements that may be made, will be rendered wholly valueless to the abutting owners unless steps are taken -to preserve same. That the said road is unexcelledpurposes, andenic has great possibilitieis essiforlfurthered for beautification. l Wherefore, Your y fromoSers ummitray andthat the said Lexington Avenues may be set apart av a parkway to Fort Snelling, and -placed under the supervision a the Commi- a ssioner of Parks for pp1krposes of c tee, ,improvement x►d beauti- fication, consistent with the use of Bald Road as a highway. Your petitioners also pray the Commissioner of Parks to assume c are of the grass plots and boulevards upon and along .said Rotel., and to Plant trees thereon where adtisabie, and agree that our properties may be assessed therefor. Name -of Owner Lot Block Addis ti_ °n i 4 � f at. Paul, Linn. July 25, 1918 - of* ;Vls dounoll of the 01ty of St. Paule 'Ve. the ovROW"Of. property- &buttUW -upon t)xo:'Zd9QUmI* R0 ak do That, Said 31d9cumbe road was laid out in the year 1914 U a width ,4 040. hundred twenty (12,D) facts with the deoigm end intsntiow 'Zskji%Sit, a ptWkwoy and a connecting link between other p orW46 14 the C.ItYa+, U ,parked and boulsi-ar4od isthe' T t, 146 Road, was owners of iqmardg � of, 3 -k*d .,year ata 008t tOPM PrOperti, _ohof the sold j,40OCO) 4ojjx�, but $110,00.4W , I r e Ing! �zU4 boulevarding, tho. 6 sid Road has so' ived.na atfoevvili and now IroadvVil"jo 4, Forgralp. with grass In 14 "m -is rendered intpaseable by reason of washout®; that 11M Aa id t4,srool and the boulovaVO are alovired with sant "weed Aa idvthay. ygisilition, alAdIbo-whole road presents an appeal if netlect and 'dilapidation. Th at the_rsc'now "0 of or* the Couc 11 a prop oOst far reedit 8sodding tkWPo",parts %Id._the bQU14vaidp :in VdRo4k 'but il- -the" improvements already *844c and any other erreminto that may be miAst will *be rendered. WbOUY Value ONS abutting oinors, U41,699 WtOPQ2 OrO talcsil to Prooex7oL f Shat the ;said ukad As iunqxqolled from a seen, 0 13 t,,, is admirably adeptAL for parkway purposes, 'and has great 94 is jbilition;for further .10 petitioners pray .thAt the Said ;Road: as a. pw*mw frail sumst and Lexington ,►venues Al* Geiw ss t f g ,gra, improToment add beigiti-P, 1110 of P arks for purposes 0 fl al elonsistentmi-th.-the use of said Road as a hig►sq- Your potitlopeo, 4s*;,prWthe Commissioner of parks a40nj t6 assume pare of the grass plots and boulevardo upon ;jnd5d agr 0 that t trees thereonWhOrs B&TINObld" #iad aa�ad, sad to pIgA owpropertie0 may be .0368sed therefor# '. s v is . me of &at Block 'AAditioa .419 _74 -IL LEAWIM RIMMIN IMMIMI Ml] ns`.�7onm� St. abUttlnS Upon' the -;,That: B,ajd-Rdg*wft,be,Ro4 we$ 144 ' Out in the year 1914 to -a wilith 4t, one bundrodr . twouty''(120) feet, jr1th the design avid other Pax**5 In the clty. 4`1 ad", pariced I "','That malt Rosdwfts,gr the year ',4d joad 7aax received no is byorgrojkqawith grasp, thit t1wj.j and the bouleTardll� pro covered with ,^oC -ports thereof,. sped, Md g 'but 'the ftOOVOIAOn" already will be rend6red:Wb*UY TSIU014" *omentp tlint may be made a taken to Pr s9FT* abutting owaors, unless stoves or is at ,A pis#bilities for pray that the a aid Road 1W from sumit and, Mo N's PA d under' the SUP601016A Of the f ation, eonsigtent,with,the U86 Of Bald Read a$ a MOM* boulevards UPOn and that jo t6't, ss sun of the gr ass Plots and vnda'Xrh ,sw sod therefor* ogp� properties mpy be 'asses. Block Addition naffal If ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL2. .� � �7 OFFICE OF THE COMPTAOLER wuxcm �•,,» , ; ' AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM_ 5,..E Cift OF, ST. PAUL OFFICE OF, THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS=-RESOLUTION FORM tm t'll'fl_ 11- L 16 n � 6787 Branic Fi. $uebensr : � I � . 8788 `I�sai, Ssnitexy �}i�gpyly Co. "1.6© 6'79 J. "P. Keany. C $ C• $. to Prodr�et8 tip.t 2.?b" " a # �' C• H,' _su G. t'S, X5791 • yol,eughlin a Co. "Co. 80. T1 r. 6793 �; lf. 'w.' $leotr a Stpn►en E , 6T9a ' J. ]i`.•; �tsoer & 8on, 5195-< Pitt burgh Plate,Glaee Go., C H; & b?!ib Peoples Coal Iae Co., sT• 50 5�'9T,= Seeemeys Clathee Gleeuaers f 69'98 St. Paul Gss LiBh Go., 5?49` Tri-State 680n �il]s�ume Box Ae lumber 5801 H/B. ' ghitaars = .G., H, �e C• "�H., t 4 f Y _ 7 „` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL R OLUTION— GENERAL FORM .. ... . . . Subjedl . ...... - ............... . .... . .............. . ......... ­� . ............ ........................ .................... COUNCIL FILIS INO ...... - - -------- -- --------- .............. ............................................ ....................... .................. ......................... Date Presented R Wed, the That the y That Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereb authorized to purchase, with the consent of the comptroller, 130 double faced street signs from the Lyle Corrugated Company for the sum-of $780.00, without advertisement, as it is impossible to obtain competitive bids on these signs. Said signs to be letered "Safety Zone-Cars Stop Here" and safety Zone-No Parking",. to be kept in,repair for one year by the Lyle Corrugated Company without post, and to be :repainted by them Charge General Fund- at a cost of 15or each. with. coat Street Signs Regulating Traffic. Yeas (PI Councilmen (V) Nays by the Council --- --------- V) onc 3r Farnsw orth ..Approved ..................... ............................... 191 I_r ............l. favor vvvvvv 0 -COU Against ................... Iund MAYOR n F6RM,C.,A. 9 3M 6-18 a R rna CO.UN ° -� ERAL FORM M oticc s#' SubjecR: ._.. - ---- - -- - COUNCIL. FILE NO .... ..._............ ........... . Date Presented• ---August- -56,191891- •- -" Resolv That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, the following motor apparatus Por use by_the Fire Department -from the American -LaYrance Fire Engine Company: . . 1 900 --gallon motor dtiven.rotary pumping engine-6-cylinder- 16914i.pped with Sewall wheels and Christenson Starting' system for the sum of - - - - - - - 411.#100100 00 3 two -wheel, front drive 4-cylinder'gaaoline motor driven tractors for.the;sum of $6500.00. each - - - 16,500.00 l four-wheel gg cvlinler moor drive{ tractor,-eauippe ��,00,00 with. Be* 1 ee s for ha sum . o • 1. making a total of - - - - $34, 90 00 without 'advertisement, as these are patented articles and it is impossible to obtain competitive bids. Charge -Fire Prgtection-34441110t• I D� Yeas ( 6) Councilmen ( V) NaYs - Adopted by the Council;.,,--... ✓y� CY arnsworth Approve............ 1191. . -In favor cColi ..............Against ._.... ........... '. MAYOR VoWunderlich Presj4zau-+„yRnn FORM C. A.8" 8M 8-18 - Ah v fancy- . Adopfed by the Coimicil _ ly' R 191 VFattuworth ......., ...In favor I 2242 ESTIMATED COST OF LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR PROPOSED PORTABLE SCHOOLS BUILDINGS LABOR: The general labor including roofing labor and stone mason $210.00 labor Carpenter Labor 450.00 Painting Labor 105.00 32.00 Sheet Metal and Ventilation Labor Teaming and transportation 25.00 22.Q MATERIAL: Cement and brown lime Roofing gravel and sand and concrete gravel 30.50 32.00 Cement Blocks • Li mer and lath -iincluding flooring' 28.00 850.00 Rough Hardware including nails, gale. iron etc. 95.00 Simplex window hardware 40.00 Finishing Hdwe. 85.00 24.00 Composition Blackboards 12000 Compo Board . Shavings 115.0.0 Bibre'Felt 7.00 ,r Jet Sheeting Paper 16.00 Roofing.Pitch 65.00 Tarred felt 10,00 Red Rosin Paper 80.00 Painting` material Millwork280.'00 60.00 Steel stack Blueprinting— �1,995.50 Total labor per building ;x822.00 Total material per bldg. 1995.50 Total estimated cost per i Bldg. - $2817.50 I would estimate that a saving of possibly 2% could be made by figuring that all six buildings be built at ,once. w< 1 V --!:W a- �ur'r ` C•F No; 88488—Hy A:, RTunderliah=` Fte`atved. Ttiat` whereas It 1`.neoe"s• UL -e�ry,to immediately goaetruot Eve Oot ,t to66e eohoals`W Lorne account to pro NERAL FORM' Sub vide addltlonal room .tor the aor�om modetloa Of 1the large enroumen •-oY - P111- - lndhe public sa and - before,"the' �� ^ � Feu eeaelons ;dregln, a¢d; ... ..... ..........�rCU CIL il-JI left """ Where as•an.emergency eYlets where couMca fellpre• to aCt.promptly.ivnl work ]q- FILE" NO...... .11J2463 ------1 ---- ]urY to the , C[tY, the' 1?'urchaaing •......_... Agent with.ibe oon`e¢t of the Mayor .. and the-CompptroAen le •Hereby author 110" to puroha`e wlthouC, advertise ' ms¢c..40Igp44a�cro. bias, each ma Atlgtl6t terlals and•-.eupp¢ee, "r uleit-EC'by -- Date Presented :.:................... :::... - -the ; Commiseloner o[ Parlu:- PIe:Y - ground` anQ,Publla Buildings with the approval of the COmmfsel011 of-Edu cation, a`maY'-be ,neaeasprF„1n order to covstouoC and comDlet$ �before;ihe - - opening.o[ the laH term aid dve Cot- t. schools, ln- accordance with M and `peOtdoatto,ne :heretofore ap- proved. - Adopted hy.the COan Aug. 18, 1918. -..Appr19 oved Aug. ,-1918. , `(Aqg. 844918)” Resolved, That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct five cottage . schools by force account, to provide additional room for the accommodation of the large enrollment of pupils in the public schools, before the fall sessions begin, and Whereas an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work injury to the city, !the Purchasing Agent, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, is hereby authotized to purchase, without advertisement and competitive bids, such materials and supplies, req- uisitidned by the C.cmnissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings with the approval of the Commissioner of Education, as my be necessary in order to construct and complete before the opening of the fall term said five cottage schools, in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved. Yeas (0 Councilmen ( I) Nays V/ latter AUG. I6 1�ta. Adopted by the Council '_ 191__.-. Farnsworth le'r..........._. Against Approve 1t9.� ......-...191. /' In favor K� eller �....... 9.4.rlich FORM C. A. 97M e-i9 Dated this ......:.16tih....day of ..................... ................................... ..... Councilman• i PREL UNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement viz.- 4rade.._J�� Qrs.Qn..AYe.... Irm Q1fl.4.da&tld A4a.. to Cra. in gkyrYr ABY oianr4ne - ...... 1................. ......... .. . AVhereaa. -A" wrEtttea peuDokAl fdr t e gk1a6 Ot tDe follovriaB•'iiOProvemeat. viE (;rade 7ef(ereeq Avtl from'Cleve-` ............................... ... lead Ave-EO"i)reE1a Ave. hevtaroeen .preeeated td :fbo-0onnon:oL the t9 _'or . ..: • SL pawl thjpeetgtg beat' :. $etolvad ..79,'hat iIIe Wrnnita e i ........ _ et ser A _ 'PuDifo APurka: be End hq:.3a IIsMD� dr' 7o�investtyats EhasasaMts for havin8 been presented to the Council of the Crty of St. Paul by Councllmsm.---- or aesrr•roMft rte mptstatr of n1a 3alDmYementy .,. therefore. be it gpLyEp, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered i To ldveEttgate tae ascan `` a:t'' ,f Sent and estimated cost Ot aala� i. To lerafeh .e. .alas pnmo:or I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improv I sketeh of std hm4, I IODe, V t --6-:Or 6-:Or iOvement, 4. To •Suraleh the V11, lnB other. 2. To inveMgate the nature, extent and eEtimated wdt of said imp sand li formation :relenv tO ,nerd ImDrOvemoaL 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement- 3. mprovement s To state whothar;or not acrd tm- Ovement, la asked For-on the ,p� tittoa • of three ;or � rs owaera. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said unprovem yr To.,nDort epos alt of rice roreN AnR mat;texs to tea Comlataatoner pt, ,17taeaca .....�... AAOPtedh� the40itnClLAUB 16 2818. (AuB 84=1818) said improvement is asked for on the petition of three 5, To titers whether or not waardvda Aug lE ,191 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matteis to the Commissioner of F-. �.._ 191....:.. Adopted by the wuncif .-.... Nsys: Yeast z t R 191E Councilman Fa ....... 191........ •6at•a Approved....... . 01anoy MrP L v WvAerlich '^'111lIfNsyor. ;Virres� C A is (am {dr) -,, '9. ' Council File No ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22465 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the CityNkt, Paul, viz y _tlondsmning-_and•_takng.._an•_eas@meal i....;,n.._tk�e-..7nd.o-aasaxy...for .......... .... sloes,- 3or•, Data-• .......... in..gTadix�B....,�e.e:.$.An gY9.....s.A.m................:.. Cleveland-_Ava ..-..t o.-. Oret in_Av--e.•................................................................................. ...... .......... ............... --.............................................................................._ .......................................................................................................................................... Dated this...... lfzth-....day of.............. Aagns-t-:----...................... ............._, 191.-a*. .............. .....................:......................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..............Q.ondemning...and...taking...an-..eaaement...in.--the...land .ueaa#saxy....�ox...slo}iee, dor sats and-ilk--_in„.grading ,Jefferson.Ave-,.--,from.-01ege]and to Ciletlxl._AYfl..a.. ......... ................................................. ------, ... - ,C W No&-- A 1i � ro meal veno” it Len P n ovement: .Wrier of the t a n6 :Infra .. .... .... - maktnB ..........: ...... n ease. w ^ in, th , 1l s and . . d t4K B .................... - � meat in, tho ,laud 1n Sra�dtyn6 JefferOoi - --- tor.:: outs- having uts attd ZF _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.... .Zro "k, levetanarodee Odo t° QWd A.vO havla6 +Leen P am fherB- therefore, be it CugnOfl of the t:ttY °F as tDelOnor 9f toren ka It bat the Col+ i iTteko iQorlce ;be and ha JD IlerebF or-, RF$QLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby order tblteT Oor T e netees _ for desea�9Pd pire0 04 1. To invebtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improv t ,Ta ,mveaAsaq th . ot. s d � of �aesiraktltlA- of tba meYln6 �'' ve lnvestl8ate „v 2. To inve6tigau the nature, extent and ebtimated w!t of said improvement, all imProveme the -turb aztdnti Dost of Wa Imarova. and oetlma d tout o0et .thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement m s 2 ° }u nteh a ptaw Prontd . or p sketch 0 egtd h' tbA fo"b other ,.,.f , To .¢urntsh She.,tollowtn6 ro 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improv ,alta Tod,intormauon ratattvo to da+a ..... tmdDrovfe ` r or hot Daid ya. ...................... ... ......... to whathe, for o k ......................... ........................provameat,'L askod - titidil of, thrda 4r more Arraerl. 5, To dtate whether or not said Improvement is asked for on the petition of thr s ,ly roPort'aP°II all of the iorOBOL 6. To report upon all of the forego* matters to the Commissioner of Finance tn6 rneeters to the Commiset0ner o pp 0 n$tt� do e AU17.Adopted-b9 0 .! APProved;-AAuf4-191a . Adopted by the council ....._.......... -.-.. .....191.....-_ Nays: Yeas: � a: fi191� Councilman Farns*erth •9600. Approved............. 191...,...-. 0 anoy KqjWr WIyld'erlich........._:._..:..............................'y�� Mayon o gson Form C A l8 (aM 4.17) Petition, Council File No ..... ......:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22466 and PRELINNARY.ORDER- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _...Qna:txlust---.a..Aement.._tile...sidewalk .._tjo._a- W.: dthon -the west side of Fulton-_St.•--from--PalsQe- St-,...t.0-...�T x1arauoxl .Avs:...in-....... a000rdanoe-_v�ith...Petition-_heTQ.t..0 Att.aohad......................... ............................................... ... ....................................... 161h day of .............. -August.........................................-.......-....., 191.gs.. Dated thi.......... Y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vlz.: Oonetruot..-a-,o.ement.-.tile...olaewa-lk.:.to.._w_ ldth...o3..SIX ...fast ...on. -.the------ west side -...g -..Fulton_St,....fXPA...F4-laoe..S.t.......t.0....de((ffarson AXa..... ...................................................... ...................... .... ..', or the ... ........ ............................................Whereof:. Ae to lowln roPo6=o r me • making th B imp Id t�It Vle: 'Conetru4t a cement 1110 eldewa3It 6 ........ ............................................. ......... ... to a wilt ;of 6i feet.oa tha We05 aide. ............................................... of Fullo 8t lroin PA1I °9L to Sgi,tho � e n Ave. h6V1nB�been7presented to the, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. .................... ioce� oa ii tea�uy of 9L Paul there- ieolvsd, That the;Coalmiieto;; r of, therefore be it Publto Wgrka Do snd he is hereby or-,, I dared and::dlre ted tr or RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered or de1ispuie:°rt7oi =heko k! s of, 4:404, Improvemen ` a. To Investigate the nature, extent 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvemen � the, total coat thereo and eetlntated coot o[ 6014 -Improve• t.and:f. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated wilt of said improvement, and ms furnish a, 7pianpro>11e or 6ketoh.of eats lmpeoPamenL. �' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4 .To furn)ph the. fmlopins, other e dat0 gene �aform0tlon relattva Eq said 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improveme improvemeaL - n. -Ta. state whether or aot'Paid - •-•-••- - yrovemeat �le. asked; for on •ttia .. ........... tltton of. -three or -more owners ............................ ..-...:.. 6- To -report upon, all OCA he fore - 1 5, To €tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three a•inanematten to"the Cammleel0ner. of Adopted: by the Counoll Aug 16 ,1918. 6. To report upon all of the faekoulg matters to the Commissioner of Finaw==- Proved'Aug -1& 1918 1���p .f Q �• (Aug. 94-1915) NEi.. ...47 All ,. Adopted by the council ..191......-. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farm ^ 1 f. ISIS G�ns.Approved_ ........ ............................. 191........ id>dwp, o 01aannoy Wunolich ........... .................................• ^yYAIIdYI Y a or. Mayor tx '' Hodgson Foam C A 18 (6M 4.17) COUNCIL FILE NO ............... `L Y By........... •........... ......................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Hans-tsueting..a,..cement....tile --- aid.ewalk. to....a_width-.nf...s3x..feet on-. the.._east-._side.-_of--_Syndic .ate__ Ave. -__from- University_-_aye-.--_to__Thomas-..St. and-_on_._the...south-._side.._of...3herburne...Ave..-.f?om Syndicate-_Ave..,___the _Qa9 ....t4.._conn,pct._prQa_ent...conetrugted.._eiAIQM k,.......................................................__......... C. -F. No. 22467- I1 In the Matter ofconstructing a cement l ..................................................... lite sidewalk to a width of six feet - . j on the east side of Syndicate Avenue from University Ave. to Thoma ...... and on. the'. south side of Sh...................................................... ........ ........... ....... .... ....... ........ Ave. from -Syndicate Ave ease t o I seta eiima" . 1st 1918. ....................... ...... under Preliminary Order ................21].35.; Via,", ` _- "Y r... Intermediary Order ............-......._ ........................ .............. -approved ........... .................................. ........ ...------- .- ...... ..... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......c.onstruc.t...a...c.emen.t...til-e..eidewalk...to...a...wiAth...... of-..sim ..............................eet on the east side of Syndicate Ave. from University Ave. ........ .. ......... . ti.Q...ThQtA.0,.,fit ...,_and.. -_on... the: -_south, -aide--- of -._She rbu rn e__Ape-.... f ro m.__Syndis ate Ave. thence east to connect present constructed sidewalk. ______________ .-- ----------------------- - --............ .........-- ------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city .officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG 19 ITT Adopted by the Council . ............ _ ........__.............. ..., 191........ -j n 19iP. I^- Approved .................................. ._.. `Pw+tt�X�naM �fiQjta-L�� Councilman neworit Councilman lbl er F\ SOO Councilman Councilman erlicli Ma or Form B. S. A. 8-7. a t> F .ivy City Cleri / City Clerk. 191 ..................................... jrre Mayor. "Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of._.o_QhJ$-tru-o_ti-.ng.._4-.-_QBme>?t_t_Ue...Qi.dffV. 1k..._tQ.....€1.. w-dt1'k.....9..f......al;?c._f.Qet_on.._-....-.-...__.. the seat_. s.do ....oi_..Synd.leap.....AY.o.....from...un.i,ve.r.s.1ty....Ave.......t9..ThQ.m4s...5.t.,. and....... ...._.... -._Qn.._th.e..._s.o1Xth..._s_l.de..._Qf._..Sherburn@..._Ay.e_.....?.zom.....Synd.isat_e..._Av..e......tl e.nee......eaat..._tQ.................... .............. ._.._...._.___........_._._.............. .__....._...._................ _..... - ............. ..-- under Preliminary Order approved .....__.....211.39...___....:.._...___...._ ......._..._...._.._....__ _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $..--.- -- .------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-----Q •-6 -------- ........ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: jl DESCRIPTION SLOT �LOCK� ADDITION VALESSED UATION Syndicate.Ave --r -1--_ 16I 32; Syndicate No. 5 Addition 1250 - 1 15 32 dg 600 _. i 1 , 16 !. 25 ;- d9 _ _ _ 1625j 1 _.25; _. do _ _ _ 2975 I..._-. I 16 . 24 _ do 425 - 2175 _1 15i 241 _ do _. 16! _17 _ do. 15! 17 i do 5175 �.._ Sherburne Ave..j _ j TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL ARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lo—ADDITION II �.; I ASSESSED VALUATION _on � 14 , 32 ,---Syndicato No. 5 Addition. 1.3 32 _ do _ , 1211 32 I: do _ 550 11 32 do 550 :_..__. 10 :32,: do _ 550 - 9 32 do .550 8 3_2- .. do 550,:1 q32 I: do 'I _ I 2950 6do . 32 ; 2950 _ - - 5_j 32 do I 2900 . j I I; 11000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 777/ �J c .............................._........ _.........✓n._...--.... Dated_............_Il.....D.....-....... - -- -1910....... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 {-/ Office of he Commissioner of Public Works p _ r IMCEIVED 4PRNS Report to Commissioner of Finance a , ^ May 11th, ......_...... _►Y-is-.�n�s9r..8.: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coml 21139 May let ..., cil, known as Council Fi1G No.._. approved 191$relative to........... oonstructing..a_cement file sidewalk to a width of six feet on .. the east side of Syndicate Ave from University Ave. to Thomas St. ...... ................. and on the south side of Sherburne Ave from Syndioate Ave., thenoe ...._. .........._.._.._.................._._._.. . _.._ : ..._ :.. east to eonneot present cons truotecy sidewalk and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......... _._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 660 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....... _.. and the total coat thereof is $.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... _._._._................................... _....... .............. ......_........................._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....._> ___....,._..._. ............... _..........................._........_..... ........ .__....._ 5. Said improvement is:_... ..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, so jeet to assessment for said improvement. T Co(niuisei uer of Public Works. C COUNCIL FILE NO .................---------_ By.............................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......o-onattuati-ng--a-cement•--- t-#Le--sidewa3k...t-0..a...av#•�t.l}--of-..s#x• feet. --o n .............. __ of constructing a cementJ......................................................... • ....................... - """" ""'" """""' .ilk to a width o1 eta feet idea of Suburban Ave fsom SL to Earl St.underPreltm .............................. .................................................... ... ............1......r...irder 21390- aPProved Ma, 11. Su hear/n6. hauls& .h,. ................................................... .... ........ ........ .............................. ....:.-...... -...............................-........-........... ............. under Preliminary Order .......... 213.9.0 ............................approved .............. May- _24,...19.18._ ........ ........... ...... ... IntermediaryOrder .......... _............. ........._........................approved........_....._.------- .......---- ....---- ---- .......--------- - ---- __...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......Qri.H.tr13C.....&..c.emen.t...t.i1e..EideW8lk...to....a...Widtll...oi a* fast ...an..both...sides ...af...Bubuxban.. Ame...-_ffom..feate.r...Bt...A.a..-Earl... St. ....... ------- ............... N".._.. --------------------------- ------- .----------------------------------- - ........ and theXCouncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. I;ESOLVED FURTHER, That, the Commissioner of - _ _ _Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are,herebf authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........................ 191........ ..................... .......�1. -- .... ....... Form B. S. A. 8-7. { _............................ 191........ j Mayor. M ST. PAUL DEPA ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ....._construct_i. g_".a,..... G.ementt_o_,.a,.....width .._of..._Q.12; _feet,._._on... _...... _.._.. both .._sides .__of.. Suburban..Av_e.___from__Hest.er„St.,,__.__to.__Earl___St. , _.... under Preliminary Order approved _.MKy.....2_1,_...l..918-...._._............ ._.......... ............ .._........._:................. .......... ........................................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.__._...._..._.__...__..._..._............__ . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $. -G.-7-.4........_...._.........._............ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: !LOT DESCRIPTION SLOCK ADDITION SESSED VALUATON 16 9 Drakes Rear-1ement of 500 Blocks 2-8.90 and Lots 17 1 9_ i1 to 11 of Block 11 all 750 ! rt of McLeans Reservation 18 9 :,to St. Paul _ 2600 19 ; 9_ _do ;; 1200 20 9 do 300 GI. _ 21 : 9 do 750 1 i 22 9 do 300 30 - 23 9 do 24 9 do 25 9 _-- do _-- -- 1400 !1 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 — _ �, ST. PAUL II FT OF F)NANCE DEP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER" OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I D ESCRIPTION LOT IeLooai ADDITION VN ALUATIO It 1l 26i 9, Drakes Rearrangement of � � I ; 300 Blocks 2-8-9- 10 and Lots 11 27, 9 to 11 of Block 11 all of McLeans Reservation 300 28 9 ito St. Paul_ i _ 'part _ i 29 _ 9 ! - do 9; i l i - 9 do � 350 ,i � '� North 100 ft. of E- 65 ft- of 18 30 Suburban Hills 1 600 , _ �I W. 1 17 i 30 do /- ,_300 _ .Middle-1/3.0fN1N80.158ftf of do r 17 , 30 300 " ii ! 171 30; do 300 NOEast 16, 30i 174.50oftNoof5W,60ft0of do 4751 _. West of Hester St. of 13 30do 650 East 60 ft. of 17 301 do !300 � 1 � McGuire & Hoyts-Sub, of ! _I 1450 i1__,_ ' Lots 14-15 Block 30 of Hills 1�5._.:_. 2' j !Suburban _. • do 105.. _3j. do 2�'5-!j 4 - 5i do li 300 1:, 6 i do_ _ _ t 92 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.._........ f... ---- ......."_. -._.""_"19 -G ................... ...... .._._.-..-._... "- .._._...._......_.._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 8. 32 /6 i7 � �� ���. �7-0 YI 1a- 23 2i" 1d� Y6 2%. 1� 'Y9- 30 .. i� WOW St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Bodg1to.cause the following improvement to be made: • • G 7"�c7f ,. St. AVG. from . . . . . . . . St. Ave. to . . . . . . . . St. Ave. _ g A ME _ _ _ � LOT ( BLOCK� ADDITION t'. . . . . . . . ,�.Y< .... bzi, a !o ....... 6 i e .. ......d( d . . ... .....0 .. ... .. .. ddd............ d d � .. .. (6d ........ � 9 � ........ ... b dPP3. � � d d ld. ... d d d ...........ddd.... ........pp.9............ 9 d ¢ d dd.............. d d I dd.�............. 9 i 4 .......... i k.4nce of the Commissioner of Public V. 6 C* Report to Commissioner of Finance, s �(IK 7 191r June 6th;: 8 ......_...................._..........:............................-:....._.:191::.:._ ,. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No approved.. ata 34th ..... relative to.......... ............. aonetrueting a cement tile Sidewalk to a width of eix feet on ........................................................................._....,..._...........-...-..................._......................................_......._...................-......_.._....._....._............. both aides..._qf..... Sul uxb.an....Av.O..-.....f.xoan-...H.e.at.e.x...:.8t........ t.o....Earl_... St_ ......................... ............... i .......... ..................................... _........... ........................................................................ ..........-.................................._............_..-_..-........................ _......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..- ....... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. ' 74¢ per lineal foot S. The estimated cost thereof is$_............................ _. and the total cost thereof is$................................ _....... ..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................................................................................................._............... ............................. ................. _...................... ...._...._..... _................ _......................... ............ ................................ ............._._................................ .................. .....:..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_........... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. c Co issio er of Public W s. i COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. z FINAL ORDER 224P,9 7 In the Matter of.... changing ..:the..grade...of.._Wy.AlGing...St..---frATA..ChE7Cokee...�Ye.._tA to.-..co.nfmzm._tsz...She...reri..l ine...an...th e..grufil.e.--heret.Q...a:tt.aohed eemt...8xad.e... bei.tag..reg re Bent ed-..bY-..tha----- blue line thereon, ............................. ..................._...........................................-.... ',r9 of ehangin8 the Grade ............................:...........- --:ng St .from Cherokee AVe. Ave. roftle hereto 8tta;............-..........toconform to the c^' .........---------------------- ............................................................................................ 3��� .ie 'p... n -t hereot, the Pl' - Pmt^e Ty tF' under Preliminary Order ........ Z1.431..............................approved ............Belay. ............................ IntermediaryOrder ......................---------.----.......------------ approved .......-.._--- .------ .........---- ...--- .-------- .---- _.... ..... ._........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....change ...the --grade -..o.f.. Thoming.--St..-._from -..Cherokee..Ave. to -O.t.tawa..Ave_...to....co.nform...t.o..the..sed--- Line ..-on-_the---grofila... he-reto...atn... tach@d--.and-_mad-g___a--part__hereof,-- he..-present._.grade.-_being-_r-epresented bY...tkle...blue._11ne._thereon. --- ....---_._._ -------.....................-----...............---------- ........................................... ----- ......--........ ................_...................._....-------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. to prepare plane and ,..-. an'QIR Adopted by the Council ................. authorized .....................1 191........ ............................... .... .............. �! .�..-....... Cit ........................................................ �F Mayor. - • in 191P Approved.......................................................... 191 Councilman VqpKrtb Ccmnoii��eee� Counccilm (� Council ydgn 1011 Council 1n "derlieh Form B. S. A. 8-7. for approval; that CITY OF ST, PAUL "TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 601j, MMISSIONER •OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / In the Matter of ._*9Pgi.ng..._the.....grade ...of"__Wyoming.._St_.___from.Cherok_Qe_... AV, ...._t.o......_.___......._._._._._..._-- Q.t.t_otos.._Ave .......... ....... .._.-_............_.................. . _­­_ _ _......_.......... _._........................................ ............____ ........................................... - ...... ... ... - .._. under Preliminary Order approved ........ ............. ......___............. ..._....._.................... ...... ...... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is$....20-0-0.................... _..... _.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $.............. ............. "- ---.... .___ • The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCKi� ADDITION j, ASSESSED f VALUATION i 7'; 63 , Banning and Oliviers Add.:, 650 .- 8 63 to West St. Paul 500 -(Except alley)_ 1 9 _; 63 ;- do 400 _!._. - (Excep-s.10- --all _ 376 South 50_feet of L t 1- 1 2, _x13 do a North 50feet__of"Lots_6 -_ 5 4 64 do 2.700 3 .' 64 , . _ do _ 1800 North l/3 -of_--Lots _2 - 1 ; 64 _ do_ _ _. 1700 II l -- —— TOTAL. ----- 11725 II I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _7......�......................... 19 �. FnnCoGn_er L orm B. B. is _ i y f¢tty of � £►i. �ttat � oseAw cLAVsscN C.—ENOINecR DpilaCig(Erit of Vubtic Yorks .Puw6AY ed.—N.— J.•E. WRROLL. wuwT. M. N. OOSB. COMMISSIONER ,1-- CONflw 0. ANO hevAlRa A. T. GOURLEY. D—W ALPREO JAOHSON. suer. YRCAY Or �ANITATON H. W. OOETZINOER. SUPT. - WgGYOreollw6cTIONs M. S. ORYTBAN. EN61— - pCAY ore IOOCD - O.H.HERROLD.Omee[NaNmR �• �1Y rw •- ,ftV l4$8 Btoo$ 'UohangeQh}Ogg, :64" air. 1'. 1 'I`trsnsmit herewith profile for a ohsnge of grsae on Wamsng at. from Cherokee Axe. to Qttowe Are., in aoaoraanoe with Council Pile #j148ar, approved 167-87v 2918+ Approximate estimate of 000t son Yours very tr%17, Wo Mist $agineer au , COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ By.......................................................................... `.... FINAL ORDER 224170, In the Matter of....- changing -_the ...grad-e...o.f...the,-:allear...in..Bl.cck...fa,...Banaing.__ _.&.Olivier!a-_Aad.-_to conform the .red line_on thea?rofile.hereto attached and made.a part hereof, the present graae being -_represented .................:. . ...................... under Preliminary Order .................. 1432 .................... approved .......... May....27.th,...19la......................... ---- IntermediaryOrder ............. ----approved..............._...........................................................-... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of -improve- ment to be made by the said Cite ia_.,-__Change...the-grade._o.f._the...all.ey...in..Bl.o.ck...5,'i.,....Banning' &_.011-dar.'..e Add.....10 muro?c14. .9 th.e...red.l n.@...Qn..th-Q-.-P-mUI-Q-_hereto---_At- .......the..-al 14...1 1 n R.. thg reon,...................................................-........................................................... ___............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. e m ere to prepare plana and specifications for said impiovemen upon said approval the proLL q_ y, off ishr ffe' ereby an and directed to TTAdopted by the Council.........:............r............. Coupne Farnsworth Councibnan eller 0 Councilman eColl Councilman Wunderlich —3923+e*i" Form B. S. A. 8--4,, is 191........ ..., 191........ �%� that gg' (... .dwgeGMayor. i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated.... �:. _........ .....191... ..�vGy%-•••/ :. ._._... __.._... __.. r Commissioner of FitWnce. Form B. B. 13 .DESCRIPTION LOT t.oelc — - A D D I T 10 N I) AIISE936D— VALUATION -� Xo_.a_ - _2 - . �._�{ l/3_oi':-Lo��jEx 63.-nning--and_ Ea. 01 r era _ _._ Il f �__4? _. _.. 30�-PYiOy$/_oQta 1 _2 cepG- all ey-- 3� _$_i3 Add. ition toW4st:_St. J1 A So.1L3 of Lote 1 - 2 _ ____`.._..__� xceptp al`fey� - -3 �ScapS Sn.5DEt. Lotse4t-a5 g3?i 6 63I- - - - do- i 110-7 (�}acet alleyO 6_.__631.-____ ' ___._--dtr---__....__.. �I A Q_ �— _�Exoe�t alley) --- V�Y9 H Rth-} _- ��Except alle _63 ---d°-- - a0 T 425 i Except elle 6',� _ do _ a° - = �_ _ 42 - f outh 5Q flet of Lote, iQ11- .� .12 63 - TOTAL.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated.... �:. _........ .....191... ..�vGy%-•••/ :. ._._... __.._... __.. r Commissioner of FitWnce. Form B. B. 13 : (¢ttg of St. 11801 oscge cinys eeN cN a a,Ne <. IDepartmeot of SlubtIr Norbo ,�. M CARROLL.. M. N. 0099, COMMISSIONER eu1lGYor coN *R oN.w R. T. OOURLET. DEPUTY ALPREO.JACKSON.9uPr.n SY— or eANrtAnoN OOZTMNGUR. Burr: W—U OF M. S. ORTT9A14 EIwINEewons �S _ O. H. HEAMLO, OFF— e 01— . ai. BaM 1' ' ..i�y�w♦. _ ]by 31' 3.93}8• Yri 18. N. Gosr$ Colaniseloner of.Bublio Works Dear Ur,- I,transmit herewith profile for a ohange of grate of the t` alley in Block 65 Bunning 84 QUver's AAQy 3.0 accor4anoo with Council vile #4458, approve& my a6, l9li Approximate ®etimate of ooat NCNN i Yours very truly, Wi 0/$. Chief langinoer =,mil CITY OF sT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER' COUNCIL 2248 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No• ••••• - . rolasea;rw7•fa , ar --- ................. .. p -1948nap C -•TR OR s AUDITED .._��it41 ---- .......... 191 ........ • - .. PER .................................. !............................ _.... t 417 TITLE a H R-4ved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, Mims or corporations for the amounts `set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( d ) Councilmen (v) Nays Adopted by the Cl cy — Fa worth _.:.— -.In favor Ap roved....--.......-i��i ,7—�g�& ....._.191 zq Ke er —Against — — MAYOR M oll — W derlich Mr. Presider ,Hodgson Italhe c that wararte. iia drawn .. thl- the Clt&.'�4e 01 fie Dfaudo out of _ the- perefasttlirapeetd48 !,upas rad 1a fa�Qrof the p�1.gM drID DP e�dta ,3 tlw for-, tkW;"* P4u7M tha re.peettvA. aamea u apeotded-in - tps:fo11ew1og;detatted J a g.Bacrett. 180000.,.. .i7C t.Stone CBurk40 817411048.80 . • .,Cgtruseted;'Bar Co .4401'.00 ; CSe,4 &'Ordwal+ Co•i 177' 77 81. 'ortssa, Cooper B n 'a mkihett4n ()"-&,,insed- N ; W BlagBas Co 818.00 �ptetC�4p. On Co rporatlon.8ti�687 a1itY 1'rihtlnB Co4. !..98.LigbE.. Co.. _18680D:. achroeder CteamotY C?• 1 Adopted Dg-th4 Councn Aus 17, 1818: ."Approved ,Aug 17. 1818 - - QAa6•:F4-1818) 15802 Joe. H. Barrett 60,00 P. Bathe 5803 Wm.,R,.Burkhardt 148.50 P Bathe 5804 Cast Stone Co., 742.10 Gravel Walks `Mounds Blvd* 6805 Corrugated Bar Co., 401.00 Fire 5806 Crane & Ordway Co77.310 Fire 5807 Griggs Cooper'& Co., 20.79 - Parke 5808 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co;, 1.13 Library 5809 B. W. Blaugas Co., 13.50 Parke 5810 Pierce Oil -Corporation 1,727,48 Parke 5811 quality Printing Co., 34.40 Parke 5812 St. Paul Gas Light Go., 350.37 Playgrounds School 8813 Schroeder Creamery Co., 6000 Parka Tot CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ ° OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER�- COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Nc• Toro 8849, l It 7.18 . Y O PT SLER AUDITED ........AW.G..�..7.-••IvF9;D-•• 191..... 418 PER ............... ........ ;} ••-. •TITLE y &4,,d that warrants be, drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the ` unts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement persons, firms or corporations for the amo yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the CounclL _.__:AUG 17 RIg.• 191 jFaworth y AUG 17 191@ —In favor AP --.... _ .__... .........r 0Against --- — — — — �MAYOR 1Lerlich Mr. PreHodgson" 11.1.-;_._o: 88472- - .- Heiol 044 that warraPtaa_ ha drawn upon the mat . apif r9.. OM44., out In — - the •hereinafter-.ape"dfied' Yund: and k-•. ._ favor• ct; the perepu44 firma'or.caraora- 'I - - tions tor- the amongils int onvoatts thalr rejpectivenames eaapseifi ;n,thetol• I- lowln6-detslled *a%.maat - $.-A.'-Farnsworth, Comr., ,�Flnance, - 1 898.80. & A. FarasworSh: Com a, ;188.00 , S. A.Farneworth, Comr.. :'Fidaao0�� 88. - t 8. A; Farnsworth Com'r.. ;18.18&89., _ & A.: Farnsworth, C ni' , Flnatleer A0(toA0&b9;the Couadl Aug.�17 1918.• I .Approved Aug,; 37 ,1918, { - (Avg.=.'>( -3938) 11 5814 Be A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finance, 892.50 Pol. & Fire Alarm 5815 Be A. Farnsworth, Comir. 122.00 Gen. Adm..Pub. Utilities 90. 0 3iarkets 22.0 8816 8 A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance 82,274.82 ' Fire 5817 S. A. Farnsworth Com'r. 15,183.39 �'oli oe 5818 S. A. Farnsworth Comore Finance, 3,610.40 6. P. Safety 19 0 Health 152• Dairy 225. 0 quarantine 1,52 92 Pe Bathe 78 40 Comfort Stat* 14 7 Garage 58 1 _- 3.910.190 , a O Subject: 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE ' ------ --- ---- COUNCIL 2245 FILM N0 ­ I& --- Date Presented— Aug 14 10 191-- K RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons "for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Fred flhennauz.� __-- am ltioa az Roel Perron 388 Jeokson St. Thnona arra'" 518 Seat 7th+$+ Teas (✓T f� almen (✓) Nays ✓Farnsworth .In favor ler coll Q.....Against nderlich Y*ent, Mr. Pre 310.1Y�� 1 Adopted by the Council......._.U�.....,?..:19.1$I91.......... Approved....L..........._...._. _AUfi_..7...118........_......191....._.. / .......... MAYOR CITYOF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 2 2 1 6 Subject:------ -- RILs AUG191 — Date Presented----- ` That t#te following designated licenses to sell RESOLVED, ursuant to toxioating liquors be transferred as indicated p applications duly made therefor. snA. Address) AUG 17 IT.0 191 lens (✓)ilmen.(✓) Nays (,, Adopted by the Council arnsworth v .Ll favor191 ..: Approved ........ ..... A.M.1 TIM ; 1eger cColl _........ Against MAYOR Wunderlic Mr. President. 7. 7`"114> , 4 CITY 01� ,ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject ....... _ ........ --24r COUNCIL .........— . ..... FILE NO ' :......... ...... '::........ ...-- ._._ Date 4 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a lioense to aonduot Hotels or Restaurants at the 100ationP,respeotively indicated be and the wane are hereby granted, and the •"City Clerk is authorized. and direoted to issue such lioenses to said persons upon the payment_oi,„the Yee as required by law. - NAME OF,.APPLICANT: HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION. , Rommel Bros. Restaurant, 492 St. Peter, Mrs. H.; Ryder, Restaurant, 1094 Iglehart, Louis Marion,Restaurant, 153 E. 5th, MoCarthy &"Belland, Restaurant, 223'W. 7th, Chas. Ko Restaurant, 149 so. �abasha, Rapp & Crone, Restaurant, 775 Raymond. Mrs. Leonard Meek, Restaurant, 767 Raymond, Stephen Horvath, Restaurant, 411 Minnesota, F. H, ,Thurston, Restaurant, 54 E. 6th, as4io-sion,9 Itbaolvdd i+Phat.tbe appiI tion of the; tplloaRlatsfierapnti) reP ac,Lae -at to con r�lct-8atebs, ok:.;teeteurantr_;-at fkha'491, l di catibt+iV xobpectlT..ely jndice..ted. be and; tha' hams nee heraby itrantad arid, Sbb cltl t albrlr vr: augharlaed;a4 alranto4 tb tame e}mh 1lceneee to selt�lporaona; Oared fiaymafit of the Spa ea re .d<y3aw Rommeir8ro0.; Rea - Efta7.$. Ryder ;i4pb�aupant 10$4 Ygle ; A Loins oyMhaarlpa - i1RcCarthy &Sellanegtad Restaurant.. %E$V W 7th 86 t- 4'ppse SoPT1tt, Rebtauran3„ 18 �p'I Abdpreh Ht. iibpl � iCrpae,,,RoetAurani, 7Zb :Ka babha?,St. i Yci st - .Mir: sebnara-.hlbe7F, Y 70T A2av3uonfl 9,vX6 �� � Lfin/1 �t011e. 9Ltlrrstlu ��, t t�x.� $�gg.:Ii. �`huratan 1214at61t%Lhlr �i ,Nt-� , ' Ot.�pTtbpteB �X the;Capncil$g,AuBz iZ keXd �, ' AB(!ro'vea Aug`?Td 1R18)c�', yeas (FI)undlmeu (✓) Nays — • ----�� 1' t(�� .�99ry pp Cp 4 armworth Adopted by the Council.... ,AUR' y 4 E3I6 ,_,,,,„ 19 L...... ........... In favor Upload ...... A.U.& x 7 E.._ 191...:.... % - - APProv �u. �i .. ...... M,. b...... Against Wyptl' 'ch / Mr. PresidrlHw! a 9 17 2M VQ , Bill I Resolved, ✓ /LQ// CC �yc�/1,` . c�y�'^ o vz c; Yeas (✓)lNays a.mmtth ller Jo S^e�d Vmccoll ,,.Wunderlich Mr. P ddent, iwwdrj V , iONM C. a-2 Received alb papers in conne6tio>a with above ,.,ti_Otl. Adopted by the council. .....AUG_ 10 19.18... ..191....... _.__. In favor - Appro ._ . Q�6... 9..�9.1.@...._....._......191....__ .......... Against 224,84 COUNCIL FILE�N�O....-.....------------------- FINAL _.--%G--%FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....:s'IS��.T1.€>--�5'---.7,.31a,I,....17.._sZ-f--1,G.kellk...1r.A...L'.d.:;r.l?...?rxQ..N..l.S7.E.St.7.k on tx�....a ..... under Preliminary Order ............................. approved ..........l; __— approved .................... .................... ............_.................... Intermediary Order ...... .............................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. --L? aae-•-;�y---i ill iris-_in-,_suf f-�3.e.-t� t...t.Q...I_P a-xx� •-t�:�----•• eide..of..East 0. th St.. beginning t•..the. yrest l...... i of •_Jolinso �-Par �na;�--•._t'rencc- east 120 feet ......... ... ..........................._............. .............................................................................................................. ..... ................. ................................................................ ......................................................... ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FCRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that neon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............AUR-ARIV...... _......... AUG 19 19'x191........ Approved.......................................................... CouncibnanWarn.,0 h Council Clancy Councilman- 'eller Councilman cColl Councilman upderlieh Mayor;5 fFo is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. PUBLISHED EL �—/ O DEPART- .FINANCE REPORT OF'.COM ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of r@.t$ixl:a.Y�e_._eidewel:ak _north side _of-:_ zest .._Fourth -St. _be8innirt the vrest line of Johnson ....Parkway. -..._thence..:_ east..._120_feet,_ ._....................-........... _........ .............. ....... _._._......... _._._.__._..._..._._ under Preliminary Order approvedMBy..._1......._I-98.__............. ...........................___......_.....__..----....._.._.._........_._.....__........---_.......___.._..__—..__._—_ -To the Council of the-ity of SL Paul- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ - _t The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-- -�---•• The estimated coat pe foot for the above improvement is p> $....-.�. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: — ---_ DESCRIPTION LOT IISLOCKi ADOMON ED V LUASTION ---_-_ ---'_-__Joknson_Parkway_1 28 _iI 18_+ A-. _Gotziane&nger ent .estra` ' of Sigeie Addition 29 1.18..-� _ I r i l { r ; :. TOTAL. aao 11 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..... ........... ....: 919.!! _�•-� /-��'= �f'i` jCommissioner of Finances Form. R n. 13 _- - ..- 77 q Office of the Commis ner of Public WoeEtveu✓ @PAN3 e Report to Commissioner of Finance o JUN 1 1918 ...................... _.... Kay ......... ......... _... 191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul.: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 31140 y' _ May lat. 8 cil, known as Council File No.... _ ......:_.approved _. ... ........_...................191........., relative to........................... the....eidee alk'_gn.. the. north.__: side of East Fourth Street beginning at the west line of Johnson Parkway, thenoe east 180 feet ......... .......... ... .................___.._............. ....... ..._._.................. ._._....... _ .................... _._............. _..... ....................... ...... _................ _.... _.................................... _........... ......... _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _....... _.necessary and (or) desirable. $1.39 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.................... .... .....-,.and the total cost thereof is $ _.166.3f `................ and Assessable frontage 130 feet Excess inspection $6.00 the.nature/and extent of said, improvement is as follows: .............................. ........ ................ _._.................. __......................... ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._.... _._........ _.............. ....._._.._.._.._......._......_.......__._ .................. ..._.............. ................................... _._.................................. _........ ..... _ 5. Said improvement is....not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. MEN....... ... -I _ .: .._ ..._...... ......._ ....._ ...... Com. sinner of Public Works. y ar%12 MAY 3 11918 �REAU OF FiVGINEERS. (!(ity .Pf uul oscAR CLAusaeN, cniv enaneew Department of public works J. E. CARRELL. 9unTew' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER .u.Enu qf• conSTwuenoN snO wewniws R. T. GOURLEY, Denary ALPRED JP.CKSON. Suer. M. W. GOETZINGER. -TN M. 9. GR BUA-KLD. Eno...RNS i "'°°" St. Pau] Kinn. May 29, 1918. HERROOenice [NoiNCew Nr. M. N. 00080 Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading by filling in suffioient to retain the sidewalk on the north side lot East Fourth St• beginning at the west line of Johnson Parkway, thenoe ease 120 foot, in accordance with 00unoil File #81140 approved Nay 1, 197.8• Approximate estimate $166.86 Assessable frontage 120 ft. Cost per front foot$1.89 Excess inspection necessary #6.00 Yours very truly, 4,),:.. } WES%N. Chief Engineer COUNCIL—FILE NO............................. By.............................................................. FINAL ORDER -- 224815 In the Matter of....G.� .0 c..v.�.. �..�.._c, , ..< , k...t.z.i..._ a M....:..li....4u k- .., _a...a1.... feetoii both side-, of '.-,lute FCBD r alt cct%-; i1c- a s Ips��r......... o. -22{86— .ilS;:,; Matter of constructing a cement) ......... .•----,-----, .. ....... ...... .. ...... ... ... ......idewalk to s width of sla feet -""" oth aides of White Bear Road -: �: Payne Ave. to Edgerton. SL; ea-! .......................................................................................................1 -.:aro good and aufflclent. ce--......................... .............. ... _.^alk.. now exist. un-� ^-+ - 21595 LanJ� .................................................................................. ........................ ..................... ....::::: i`.:........._.............. ........................... __ under Preliminary Order .......' 1.5_��........ ...................approved ...: uxi....i r �.Y.:.,....U, a.................... ..... ........ .. IntermediaryOrder.._.....................................................approved....... .._........ .... ...... ...... ....... ................. ........... ..... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- . � - .- .. a:• n.�. . - 4 ment to be made by the said City ls...c.Uas.Lr.1,,.c.t�..::....:......_..__,,....�1i.i:....:..i�s�:^ llc...,,u...w...zc.. .......... 0I C°1% feet CI; GOtii ,:ides CI ). 's;1 Lc �; `�L.i• _:U;.:� frO�Tt.ru,�!i1t...irY.E. �...... ........... .............................................-........._...-............_.............-......._..._.............. ..- .. 1" �t elce_.t ere na ffic1 L c c:en til:: i e-...... certoi7 --- t..............-......... -- ................. 'al ;s noa C:.is ....- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and dire ed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......_........AM..:19_-RIF........... 191.....:: Aug 19 t91@ Approved... ............... ......_................. ....... 191........ ...� ..y P w Mayor. Councilman arnsworth PUBLISEWD — ¢ Councilman?*NMYd anC j Councilor: er Councilman cColl Councilman unprlieh Mayor i -t c Form B. S. A. B -i. CIT PAUL DEPAR bF FINANCE REPORT OF COM S9TONER OF FINANCE ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER In -the Matter df ..c;s.tru .t.1.n+ _...a.._o_en A.n.k...._ i.le..�1: e.Y.r.alit...._t-a......&.._Vidt.h..._Qf.....3i.x....f.aat...._4.n.............. -........... Q.,:vs.....C..F_._?'n_..t_z..._lea:r._.__9.3...__r_4.':....p yn.�..._.A..ve,...._t9..._.d..Art_cn_._2t__,...-e..:r: e.Pt.._..._.................... where .go_od .and sufficient cement the side a, 11 now e :istr in e.ccor3s.r.^.e _ ......... ... __ .......... _...;t.i..th_pat.i.t.i.o.n....:neje..t..o..._at.t.e..c.had._................................ ..............._. ............... .................. ........................... -.._....... ............. ............._.......................... ........... ......_... _ _ _...... ...- 2th under Preliminary -Order approved.._....._Jun..A_.._1.. ......._1-1P... .... -.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ . -......_....-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .......... y...._ ....... _._. A The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II I jLOT BLOCKj DESCRIPTION Ii LOT ; i ADDITION ASSESSED I� VALUATION -r 30; 3 ! Harrison Handy's Add. i 15C ;._. 281 3 do 1Q0 �I l0l 5 3c I 75 L __ 11.5 do 925 i. 12'. 5 I do 150 I ' 13: 5 I do 150 14, 5 do °50 15y 1 do 1150 16': .5 do I :. 1.50 i --- -- —�17' 5---- �9 ---- 2075'^ � TOTAL. Form E. B. 10 e of aT: Pwu� DEPA OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO 'SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D E S C R I P T I O N I LOT LOCK ADDITION '� ASSESSED i; VALUATION - 1 19 Harrison & lie,ndy!.e_Add... yy 375 2 LJ.-- do. _ 2 6 1225 - 3 , _6 da_... 150 - 4 _6 ._ do- . _ _ 15D -- rlortheasterly_:36.50 ft. of 5 o ! _dc_ ___ _ 990 _... Southwesterly 3 1/2 ft,of '! 5 6.! ) 1250 (E''x„ept S, I 1 ft. of) 6 1 do ) .:".'_1y 1 ft..- of I g 6 ;_ do _ `. (Except Sally 7 ft. of) 7 6 do )j 925 St Lly 7_.ft. c` . _, _7 6 dc- .. _-(Except C'Xt_Iy 12 ft. of) g .. g do 3 Goo SP?' 1y 12 ft.-, of. (xcept._SF'ly_5a_ ft,o a _f) _ 6 ! . do. ) 875 -_of._ _. 9_ 6_! do _ 75- __.AXcept_Parkway) _ 1 11 do. _. 8.75 - (Except Par'—way) _ ;_ 111 do_ _ 109 (F -trent _Par' -gray) do - - - 200 I n -.6ill _ I do _ 0.9 _ I 7 ill 1 i do _ 1950- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....................................191.D......._................._............__.._.. v/ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. s. 12 h R - NSI Office of the Commissioner. of Public W VECEwEu e -0., _a Report to Commissioner of Finance 8, IJUN 19 1918 June.... 18th,....... .......... ... 191_$. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of.Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No..:_a1595 ..._approved June 13141,,...._..._.•,,.._•,1918...., relative to....................... :.... constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on both --a1dae=-o€.....Whi•te...Sear:... Read .....g..rem ....Payne .....Avenue .....te.....g.dgs- ton.....gt,....i.............. except where good and sufficient cement tile sidewalks now exist. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 74¢per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof, is $_.._..: .... .._, and the total cost thereof is $............... .......-- -,--:, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........... ........................_ .....-.-................... .......... ................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.. . ............. ...... ........ ...... _................. _......... ................................... _..... 5: Said improvement is._.............................. asked for upon petition ofthree or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._...... _ _ .._..... ........ Com ' sio r of Public orks. ........... n. ....... .... COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. i By.............................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter is ' cowl^ n6L �[ f:..i1:..._ le eve' Cl -c - - - o a width .�, ea.' i'. .,f .. '..r'n o.. _ve. siue,val= �._ _ a. .ve ^= it,y _ c , nl f_ o:.. " .._ _ ren Y.eiice uroi G.. < fro... - _ - -- - --- _... --- :..-... ....... ................................ south cf SlUir Wit. -- on south .:c pc int 1 =e , u a �� _........-....--- ..................................................... ......--............................................................. r S fron:r 1,'u,,rf Lto: -Ve tte;ce east 15 fe_ o f ............................ a , . "--... ................................... --•----- ..........------- ...' .------........................... l�c� lube ].Z, l; lu. lenderPreliminary Order ........:...........................................approved......................................................,........................ C. P, No, 2206—. In the Matter of reconstructing, relay- Intermediary elayIntermediary Order ................................... . ..... ig and repairing, the cement the ................................. walk to a width of six feet on A public hearing having been had upon the aba ast, aidAVe fto uarrington Ave. a and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative p it Buren,gt. th �S icy considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.X.i.v.Ot ral a idt!- of feet un L_� arrinl tc- i.. �, • c-iyr ct is.CCs..it 1... aztl, to ao 0 fcct ut of El r t., and u_i tl.e scute sire ;�15_.fe.et. ............................... .. - .. -- .11 .......... I ..... ....... _... _.. - _....__......... _...._....._......__........_._ ._ ..._........_... _........ ..- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making_ of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ ..... ._..... AUG ._19-1918_........, 191....-... AUG 19 1919 Approved..._ ....................... ....... ................ 191........ l Councilman Farns rth' r Sauneilmaa-@o�v ��' Councilman H;;md Clarnc;� Councilman liellgr Councilman Me(2pil Councilman Won 6rheh Mayor $ThoX Lson Form B. S. A. 8-7. // ) ' - City :�Ti.................... or. "T,T.4TTED '-Z 5/--/ Y ST. PAUL. ,^ 0iSIONER T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ....._cm In the'Matter of"reconstructin_g,..,-relayi_n-g.- til . .--._ to a width of six feet on the ea -3t; side of F a.rrington Ave. from ..._..__1.._...._....._.1--.. ...._.... _.-._-. ---- ---- - ...... ......... ------------ .. Aurora _ r r _......._:_Av_e.,...._t4.__UniF..er_s _t..y- Ave . ane- � rom Van. Buren .-..st ' thence..... south t.o..._a.._point.....-._.....-....._ ------------.._--------- --- ------ ----- ...._--- ----- -- --- - - - .._....... .._.._........... ....... .._-....... -.- 160 feet south of Blair St., and on the south side of Blair st. ..........__......_ ......._....-.......-....._. _.....-._. _ ......... - - ------------------------- -- -- --- ....- --- ........ . from Farrington Ave. thence east 215 feet. .. - - - -----......_ ----------------------- - . ....... ........ _....__......._........_._....................... .._..--------------------------- -------------- .---------- ---------------- ........... _ ._...----------------------- ........._.._...._..._........... _..........--- .............. ........_............._........._--........_....._......_.....-............._... -- ------------------------------------------------------------ .- ._.. ....... ------------------------- _.-.._...._._............. _........... ._....--........... under Preliminary Order approved J-unHh........ a.!.16._.._------- -- ------------------------ _...... .;......._...._........._...---------- .-............................. . ....._. To the'Council of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ........... ..........___........._............... .... $-----Q'-d - The estimated cost pe door the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ... LOT OLOCK ' A m O t T i O N ASSESSED VALUATION Test 33 1/3. ft. Cf 20 3 r_lfelt, '?ernheimer & 4550 Arnolds Addition 1 3 23150 _.- 12 5 ! Humphry' a Add, tc St -Paul . 118.50 11 ! 5 1 doi 650. 10 5 ,a o 650 o 5 do 650 L .. 8 0 do 650 L.... 7. a do 800 7 Bacon_:- Coleman's Sub. of i, _ 875 I $-- ?1Y.212 , Lafond' a Addition ' -----_9-P,5-- - T M DEP OF FINANCE !r° REPORT OF C011OWSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �— - _� --- A33E33ED ri • DESCRIPTION LOT ISLOCK�'�, ADDITION - --- VALUATION 11 Bacon_& Coleman'e_tiub. of 511'- 1150 _-.- 7 22, Lafonde Addition. 875 _ do 950 6' 5 do 3050 - _ 4 do _ 2650 . 3 do 3150 3725 North •40 ft_. _o of 1-- 2 .. do s furthertsid mat that he has investigated all of the aforesaid The Commissioner of Financereporters, an hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �/ % 0....._....191 _!/._....�C_./.......�.-................__.... Dated.................../ -........- - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 . h u� Gb /. O . � 1�1.. �d►7" a N :E13 �17j! R✓� Z '� / ,�� 7 �� � �� �� �' ' �� .� ,� E,. � "` /G ��u � p•.. R � .. � .. A- r.`EIV ED .` Office of the Commissioner of Pubfic Wor**sC i s 10; is y, Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 19 1918 June ,..:18th , ........ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21599 June 12th, 191.._8., relative to.......................... oil, known as Council File No.......... .... approved reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidevialk ao s width of six feet on t.ha efa'st-.stde of FaTT-i-ngton Av-er. frcm Aurora Ave. to University Ave., and from Van Buren St. thence south _. to a point 160 feet south of Blair St., and on the south side of Mair St. from Farrington Ave::' thence east215 feet:"" .............. ...... ................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: L Said improvement is.... ._...:_._necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot` 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ - and the total cost thereof is$._.................... ................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ........ _............. _ ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... _....... _.................. _.............. _ ......, __..................... 5. Said improvement is_.....__ri0t asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. n r Commissioneof ublie Works. FINAL ORDER 2`A,87 t.,e c e:i:er the In the Matter ......... - to 4 Sviath of S feet onest icF -u ;ice t. rJCI.......... 1 ••---.......--•-•.......................................... -- Sheru-,e eve. L.,er.ce north to - liey, a�pro;:i:::ately 170 fe�:..t..,. ...a on bn .......... ...........................................__.........................................._.....-......_----- -------------------------------------- . ct side of'St. rom _ urors ....:--tne ea^_ c ................ ...... `C. F. No.88487— ............................... In the Matfer of reconetrveting, relay _....................................... ...................... in6 and reDalrtnB tfie. cement the....................................-. "" sidewalk to a width of 9 feet on -the went side o[ Rice St. from Sherburne i .hence north to alley,'aPDros1-.I.......................................................... .................................................................................. :,e feet:. and onthe east aide Prnm Aurora Ave. thence �.�der pre nminarti� t �l,o,. ............. under Preliminary Order .......:_:..; L.L............................ :ovff r IntermediaryOrder ......... ..._.._....... .................... _....... ..... .._approved ............... ......... ....... ....... ..... .................... :.:............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..._ ' :cor..-str ct�-_i'�1ay..@.n:a... 'E .:'... t-.-c.e; ent.•,'�ile., .,ridth of feet c: ti.e s;est side of .ice St. froom sidevaal... to a = ._....... tc ills a uroxi.:at l 170 f ct and on Shcrcurnc- �•.ve . t_�encs r_r,rtl' y, �_ .. ...................................................................................................................................... ....... the east °';"e of 3tce t. fl :.__..........- ve.. tl:er,ce..........:................................ ... - ... .tu`.o... so', i. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...... ............. AU�'1...191M.......... 191........� o ; ................1i;y Cllerer i ... � City k. AUG 1(1918 Approved .................. .._...... ........ ..... .._.......... ..., 191........ y �/ Mayor. Councilman Fa4�bsworth Cesseil Councilman & Clancy Councilman r Councilman 30coll t! Councilman Wadderlich MayoeAZImhr '.oiiison Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY- PAUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ...... x:el.ayin-and...r.ap.air.i:g.....t.he....cerrent-...t.i.l.e..-.side alk..___..._.. t.o.a...',,Ii_dth..._G..f...._5...._f.�. t......9.n_...t.he..._' e.s.t.._.e.i3e o.f.._.Ri .e.....St........fr..o.�n..._Sherhur..ne-....Av.e--------------._.-.._- thence..._nor.t.h...._to.....a1.1e.Y..,...:._3.Fr_o:�_m._'-.t_Pl.X.._174..__'. t,.._.�:na._._c.r:.....+..he......z.a:;_t.......aide........_........................... of Rice St. from Aurora Ave. therce south 288 feet. under Preliminary Order approved...._h?�X.....J1_...t_. ..... .a2.18,_... ......................._.. -' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ,as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ........... The estimated cost pera of fo he above improvement is -.- .................... n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: — ---_---DESCRIPTION it— LOT LOCK -- I — ADDITION -- _ VALUATION _.--•--•— —__. __._— ---- 1 i.3 Yagoffin ?P Breckenridge's'. 1055 2 ';3 Addition 4300 South 1/:2 of 3 3 do ii 2750 - __.North 1/2 of 3 .3 _ . do_ 27.50 . I-- II .� 4 '3. do 3300. 1 ill, Ewing &_Chutes Addition 4100 _ �j 2 Ill do I 2200 3 .11 do 2200 4 11 30 3500 ii v 5 ill do 'i, is Form E. B. 10--- TOTAL, li - e of Publicfoi' D Office o the Commission r cEtvs� deport to Commissioner of Finance oe JUN 17 1918, June 14th, 8 -- -..................................................................:........191_ ...:: A To the Commissioner of Fines-tee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Pzz3c Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- t 14 ? ? J�" _31st ,.. ,_........_...._.191... $ relative to............................. sil, known as Council File ��T o _ _ __ _____.._._ _..-__.._..approved-_....__.__..d!�_ , .reconstruct_ir1_s___ relaying-__arid_-r_eairing.-__the- cement-..._tle,,,_eidewalk t.p,., .........._a._AVI-t t north to �s11ey, approximately 170- feet, and on . ._................. of Rice St. froom-= Aurora Ave. thence south 888 feet. and having investigated the nKnv -iters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement and (or) desirable_ _ 07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost h ereof is $— and the total cost thereof is .............. _.................. ....., and the-nature and extent of Qo -a efI- improvement is as follows: ._.................................... ._._..... .....:... ...... ..........__.................. 3. A plan, profile or sem— a cYi of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - - - --------- ............. - _. .. ........: ......._ ......... 5. Said improvement ------ - --- - ----------- - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said impso�remaent_ - -............. _... _ ...: -t " - Commission r of P bho Works \COUNCIL FIS/LENO ....... ............rTi,2�'�i,;, By.../�t:../.: G :..:............ .. FINAL, ORDER t �+ tan . the Matter of �� �.:' r . J :... o,' i i..... f r.,' . ......`.. ......+.4. " u-..%.. 1.-... stfrom. L .,OG t �................ ............... r.... r ................ S Oil r .. ....`.......................A...,:(1F. No 22488-8y S. A. Farnsworth In the Matter of grading Lawson St. 'o- - °rom Daly St—to Rent St. an Loeb t ... .. ....... ........... St. from Lawson -St. toCookSt. uh- .............................. ............"--'••• -- •see Preliminary Order 20982, ap- : ...ed April 13, 1918.! -. J - clic hearing having bee. . .._._.....•., ............... .,.:.:..................:................................................... _............. s„ 1A:, shove improvement i^. .irk .rhe Council hs,. Y1 ,. .................................................... , .# ..................................... under,P eliminary'Order . tt � .........:.......................approved ii?.-:. ...:..,.... .u...................:................ Intermediary*.Order . ....:... :. approved.............................................................. I................... A public hearing having teen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. ment to be made by the said City LoebS t . f ... L0, .., o ."t t0 Co � S t ................................................................---.......----.... 5 ................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ........ ................... _.......I.....----...................................._.......... ............. ..................................................... ......-. _.................. :.................................... ........ ............... ...... ......... ...:..... ................ ........................................ . ........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTEER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that "upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making ' of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.............AU.G...]l` ...t ....._.......... 191........ ' AUG 19 1918 �t Approved............... _...................:..... .... 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Couneilmmi @@os� d• Councilman Clancy Councilmaner j Councilman M011 Councilman 46erlieh Mayors �odL scn 4 Form B. S. A. 8-7. ........................... . City Clerk. .. 1 / :....... .............. .. .............................. Mayor. PUBLISHED CITYOF L ' DEPARTMEN kANCIE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF' FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' (4) In the Matter..f .zradi_n.g..LawaP-1 ...... fromDile.._tit...._..:.t_0----In_t----_Sta _....I.O . ..._ti_t......._,fx'Q11.��.- ..:.... .......... Lr..s.on..-S_t......_...ta 0..c.r_.k.....�t.....,..._in._.ac.acsdance.._::v.-D.h.:._M.e_t.i.t. on....har.a.t.o......at_tache.d...------------..._._ ..........--............—......._...... -......_........................_..........._............................... _..... .................... ............... .......----._.. under Preliminary Order approved ............EIRx.A 1.._... _t.0. -.._1_9.1 ................ --...__...._.........__............................................ ................._.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $. .. ( . s 3�, 3 t.................. The estimated cost pe oot For the above improvement is $-.5-0 /1 ........._ ....----_..... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION — iLOT BLOCK ADDITION AS VALUATION i1 1 13: CcnO Prospect Aldition I 350 12 13 do ... 175 13 13; do I, 175 _. 14 113 do175 15 13' 30 175 ' - 16.13 . _ do , ... .. 175- - 17 1:.13 j do 1325_ � 18 i 13 : do .. 1 75 19 t 13:- 1 do ,I 850 ��- �� 20 + 13 do or E. B. 10 _ - _ _ � -1= TOTAL' mw CITY AUL - DEPARTM FINANCE wp REPORT OF COM ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - _---- VALUATION 21 13! COM-- Prospect Addition_ 825 - 22. 13' do 175 is 23 : 131 do 175 i 24 13' do 175 25 13, do 175 26 13 do 875 27 13 ; do` _ 175 28. 13 do 175 28 13 do 175 15 11. do 650 30 11 do 125 15 12 do 30 12 : do j 30 12 do ) L... 29 . 12 . do ) r ' 28 12 . do 6425 27 12 do _ 26 . 12 do r; 25 12 do 24 12 do 23 12 3c ) 22 12 do ) L 21 : 12 , do 1(111! _ 20 12 do J ))) 19 . 12 : do 18 .: 12 do _ )) - 17 12 do ---- --- -- - - ---3fi�---- - l e-- -- - ---- - - ------- — --- -', TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMVT O,r FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSf IONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION -- LOT e1c_ --ADDITION — ——I ASSESSED VALUATION-- I 15.! 11 Gomo_Proapeot_ Addition_- t 650 _._ 14 . 11 1 _ _ do ., 150 L. 13 11 . do _ 150 12 11 ! do.. 650 11 ! 11 . do 6.00 10. 11 . do 150 a 11:_ do 600 I 8_'; 11 j do 150 _ . 7 11 do BvG 6 '. 11 : do 150 do 150 4 11 do 150 I _ 3 11 do 15 _ do '_ 150- L. I II j'. 1 11 do 150 I i I f I � 6a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ....... ....... ._..19113-... /...-.............. .................... ..... _............. --- .... ... .. Commissioner of Finance. Form OSCAR,CLAUSSEN, CNlew J. E. .ARROLL,-Su— w e.wTRucn AN0 IRs ALFREDJACKSON,S.- - Ow tANITATION H. W. OOCTZINOER, SUPT. —A OF M. n. OR AK, ENOi"I— O. H. HERROLD, OFF—NNOINeeq (pity, of 6t. vital Department of Public Varks M. N. 0033,CAMMISs1oNeR - R. T. OOURLEY, On, - 8t., Paul, rCnno June 12, 1918. Sr. X4 N. Goss, Commissioner of -Public Works. -Dear Sir,, • I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the "gr riding of Towson St. from Dale St, to Bunt St. an& Loeb St* from Towson St. to Cook'.St. in accordance with Council File #80982, approved April 13, 1918 Approximate estimate }4,63846 Assessable frontage 10,847 ft. Cost per front foot 0240 Rsoess lnspeotion necessary $80.80 Yours very truly, 00/mo Chief Engineer p. y • CITY OF"�f?AIaL I �3'-+' t COUNCIL RESOLtJ N"�C=rEI��ERAL FORM Sub]eet: ....... ...... COUNCIL 2289 Fll.e No . .....-.................:..:..: ......... Date Pmesented-:-..Av:PT.Ust 19th, .191.8-._ ate, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grad.ing.of Lawson St. from Dale St. to Kent St., and Loeb St. from Lawson St. t.o.Cook St._, under Preliminary Order #209810 approved ,April 13th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22099, appfr8ved July 22nd, 1918. The Commissioner of Public`Works having submitted hid report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Faul fixes and determines the amount of land to b-e`taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts anq fills in and upon the land abutting upon Lawson and Loeb Streets, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the _sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter,.dated August 19th, 1918, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. In _. I.ggaq .seems t condemning of n thlnd necea- nary, fori. elope.; for. cote and 911. In the grad ng of Lawaon gt from.:Dale - 94lo,'Xent at., and^Loeb ♦3n`,from S ba sen-:gt., to Cook -Sty undgrPre , 1(mineLrq'sprder' , 30981, approved - April 18th, 1918, aad Iatarmediarq. Order No. 33099, approved Jnly.:. 8f'. - 1818. .. Tha Commtaeloiler-of-Pub110 Works - 4aving--.ubmltted 111. report .:and sketch-in the above Vetter, be'At- -That,- Rgeolved, the Cite of lit, Paul flaee and dmt rminea _:the Amoant of land�to be taken for the abgve:natned Improvement aX . an aeeeeemeat• for .161).Xmfor.-.cute and fills�In and .upon - the 1and,aUutting upon Lawaom.,sad Loet1 atreete; between the pointe a oriI,-. *314, t1) the extent'ehuwnupori the sketch .ttmhed to, the, report ofthb ' Commleeloner'-of-Plibllc Wv'rke 1n'the, matter. dated August-18th, 181$,, which - eketch and report are,berebyrefenred td and-nq*Ae; a part, hereof. - 'Adopted- bgthe!CounlclAug 19;181& - - Approved;Aug. 19,:1818 - (Aug. E4-191$) Yeaq (✓) Cuanrilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counca.......... �� .: .. .. 191...... Fer-Wtlth. In favor ---191@ ..... .191 APP .... - - KAA#er r M • Clancy _ _ _ _ ' _ _ ftoW ,Wunderlich - ...... ••�-'� ""' MAYOR Mr. Preaiden4A*" Hodgeori FORM C.9.2 f ng srf MFW:r_ qxw I .r �' o9eA4cL/1u3aeN.anle.eNOIN[!e -... otpartmettt ;11t ABA -imam �ittEiB 'SUR[ICY Or �NOIN6ERs 'J - - _ J. E'CANRpL1.,9 %l M_ N_ GOss� lStO- --- .CAH! - noNANDRlRMRs R_ T_ GOURLc�Y �./ 224.89 ALPWED JAON90N 9uPi, . - -. `- O (('vim OYRGU O�[ANRATWX - - - ' H. W. OOETZW OEF..9uvr. - �� RRCODONs ' M. S. .ORYfBAK ENOM[[R eRlDau D., H. HENROLO, Omce exolN¢eR -REPORT TO M33M IL - In the matter of condemning a mcl amL31c-_ :5_ _� g an easement in the land noes- .sary for slopes, for outs and fi 12as 3_ a g= aLcU3rg Lawson street, from Da18 - street to Lent street, and Loeb Lawson street to Cook street, under Preliminary Order #30981, April 13, 1918 and Intermediary Order #32099, approved July aanci, 291 i i To the Coudoil of the City o:f S'C . PAM=& The Commissioner of Public Warw cro submits tnd makes a part of this his report, a pian of the above iazpro���-merit, Showing by the shaded -portion of said plan, the fills to be< maaude - oa private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made or; property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the r1.gurerss `gyp cssite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ConMi s si o 3Mss r public Yorke / Dated PAULq� dew DEF;Xft • OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of condemnir_..g..,and__taking:_an_easement. in the land nece �sJry_for slopes, ..#'or cuts-,ni....i-i.1.1.s....n-....gradi.n.�_I,agrsAn..._2t.......fr_oza.._D.a1E..._St......,i.o.slat__Sr..........ana.....__..� Loeb.._.2.t...._... from .....L.i,a_s.on....S.t_...._.t.c__.MaQ.k.....-St ........... ..... ........................ ................. _........... ..._...................................................... ............ _........ ........... _. ..........._.............-.............._._._._......__................__......._.._..................__........._................................................_......_.._................ ..._....................... .............................................................. ............... _....... .:..................... .........._.._._...................... ........... ......................... .................. _....... _............ _........... .......... ................... ................ ......... _......................... ....._................................. ............ __....... _......... 13th 1 18 :under Preliminary Order approved" ........... AF.........r11 .._..........__..........a..._.....r...........r.__.............._..............._.._..........::.......__............._................- . _..................._........_....__.._..__.:_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: O.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is $....................._...._.._..............._..,.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------- -- - - ----- — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �) DESCRIPTION LOCK I ADDITION j� VALUATION :. "LOT Como_Prospect Addition 350 .- 12! 13 t do 175_. 13� 13 j - - do _ _ 175 ' 14..13" '_ do __.._ '. j 151_13 1 _ do 175 i..._.- 11 dO 175 ;i .. _ 17. 13 137.5_ - _ I ,...18.1.3 da _. � 1! 7 5 Ii.--- _..- _._. '-13 I .. _..- _da _ �11 850 I i 1' 20 13 do 1... TorwL, ST. PAUL. L l DEPA T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OFIDER j II - — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK _, - rIP T- i I — ADDITION y -_- t - VAWATION !! +� 21-1 13 1 Oomo_ Prospect Addition. 82 !_ _ do i 175 l 23.! 13 ! do 175._,. it 1 24 : 13, do 175 25 13 do 1,75 j _ 26 !, 13 ' do 875 • 27 13I do 175 i 28 ! 131 do 175:1._ 29 13_ I _ do _ 175 1 i I15 11) do j 6 50 ii 11 do 125 , II 2, 15g 130 j do _1 30 12 do_ _ ) ) �I _ ) 30 12 do I 28 12 1_ do , L _ I 27 ._12 do 6425 26 12 do � ii I 25.:.12do 24, do __. 23 j 12 ; _ _dc 22 do 1.12�..__. 21 12 do 20:12do_ 1 ,.._. ' 19...1.12 do. _ 18 ! 12 do 1it _i 17 12' L _ d5 _) • r _U,, 12 —_ d� —. --�— --�— f.' TOTAL. ;� .. d PAUL ' --DEPAOF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -- ici ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — :DESCRIPTION T_ LOT --`—i- LOCK ADDITION ;I ASSESSED VALUATION !-_ COLO. Proepect Addition _do .__ _ _.__.. 150 =-- _. 0 -12- 850- i-- _._ - 30 - +� 150 ' II � , 9 `. 11_ do. 00 - - 8 I - _ _156 11 __ do L 11 afl._ 1 _7 00 _ I do _ 150 5 11 ' _ dc. _4 {. 11 j do_ -- - 150 do _.. 150... ._.._... 2 1 11 j do i� I do i 1' 50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191.1// _...✓..._...:c.... -.....__ _.._ Form B. H. 12 Commissioner of Finance. - ` r2240a® CQUNCM FILE NQ ........................... J. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.chan ;in .-- he.•, ru e•, of E utumu..Gt.•...frorL Van_- .ji e. ,ve. t.. Lueh_�_-_ ve,.,. and f i el ve from liyacint. .............. o St. to itutumn 5t-., z lso - ---......-- er ¢i szla ^u+ur °� bet c n tiie points aforesa:idz also kr dint emainder. of _,,11tu,,nn St. between _:hi+e Boa=-,;........-..und...Eutr...=ve...--, YA.Y ...... ......... ...... .. to... he...Dx v.� a-.E.sz i'.,'• edr a............................................ ................ x t mKtt 4 q�s»at"nts L$s 9d1 • .............. Ry� rtt�r r i nre _ xA�4r"�ir r•- u x rsel C __-..,. under Preliminary Order ......21 uJun1. r svmm -n mr s�` a uu a nm. dv�a,vy.�:,vca vv++ Intermediary Order ................ .....L.a M :,� wli fi? d ,-........ -.. -- ------ ........ ....... � u r A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having - heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the some; ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improv: meet to be made by the said City ia_cli?rLe.- the __.rade..of--... utum............................... .on -- Vgn-.Dyl�e Ye . to -Luc l-1x...Y =re..... aaaL....oi...:Ia2 e1-- ye..: -f r om:.f y.ac.iLth__u < o...�uS u nn ..S# .......... ra3e,.sa-id-_autumn-_St. between the points _aforesaid_,_.-.also--rade rder„-nf.--_?_utumn-_St.-..between _riite Sear.._sv... a.... uth ve ”. ,to the present established €rade~ .................... -.......... - ...........• ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed' to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council CW _. �%..., 191/. , f yi �. i ..... t ......... ............f1...c...� `..."� %�,�Clem Approved.-(,IV.l ... L,. .: ., 1!11-:.... Mayor. Oowreiiwea Fain- h Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy QUB Councilman leriEU. Couneilma "Coll d /p CouncWunderlich .A C1 F ST: PAUL DEPARTME,KT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OE FINANCE , ON liR41_IM14A,RY ORDE;,R _211 4- LgEn In the Matter of:QY;?x1fiCi�..._#he _rade,_,-q-5:=at�il�4X7..�S_..__f�Ztl._=7?.t�_..LJk�,._C1.V..�_...._............ we. an of Iiazel Ave. from.._F1;yacinth,_St__„_,to_ Autumn.S_t_.,,to.__cotzfcrm-,to__ ,,, „.,._._, tha...re.d._..lin.a...._oaa..tb.e...,�r.of.1.J_P�.kere.4:>tt,�hEcl.anc..._ma.c.�-.�..;� .h.e.r_.esaf..,...... also _radinL said,AutumnSt,.___botcree”, the Poini.a_,aforesgid,totile said ,,, red .line when established, also Kadin" the remainder of autumn St. _. ... .... .-.._....... _.................................... betz.een 11lhite Near -ve. :A.nd "uth :_ve. to the present established trade. ............. ................ ........... ............... _......_..._................................... ..._........................................... I.. ............................................... under Preliminary Order approved _............. June .....12.th,....1S'1f3_.................... _............_......._......._.......-_.............................._........................ ----... ..................................... ...... ......................... -.._...._._ ............... ........................... __.......... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $..-ry.---6 '----- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is • - - - $ .-..._.i:.._%6_. ....... i1 rparcThe lots or parcels'af Land that m*y be assessed benefits "for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or- el as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel — II DESCRIPTION OT ®LOCKi i A��tT10N ASSESSED VA LUATION I F III _ . 31 i .7.(.i. _Hayde_n_-Ee.iLhts_ 1'� ..-- -_:.: - ! 3,2.. -1._v-�_ iI II �. 33 lb i._ . _ d __. _.... 100 ` - ++ 16 _-do _ _._._ I �I 1100. _ _34 _ _._. 35 �100 .. 36 lE I C1 Q, I _ I I_37 i 1G_! ___ do -... 100.--- _ 3S 1G do _ _ J 16. _ . do !i I �+ 40 1 16 ; d o a nn Vt_ J FE: B. SO_ __'--_ _ i _ __I —__ TOTAL. —___—.�_— I 1025 5 I �---- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER_QF FINANCE _ ON PrELIMINARY ORDER , j r I 1 DESCRIPTION I LOT j3LOCK I - ADDITION �� A9aESSED � VALUATION ! 42 1G doa X00 _. i5 1G j do - - 7.00 ! ,1 44 ! 16 d,o 100 I 25 �; 1G ILOII.. 100 ._ 46 ! 16 do _ I 100 - - - 47,: 10 ao b50_ ; M 4d 16 do r. loo _ do _ __ ! 125 50 _�.10 do 100 !1- 51 :, 1G do 100 52 jo 1400 g (16! do i 55 16 do _ 125. I 17 do 125 __. .15 1$ 1 5 I do 125 19 I lJ uo 5 100 . --11 i) �I 20 G 7 ; de j � 21 15 do r _ 125.: _ _! 22 ; 15 _do 120 23 L5 __ d0 _ _ L..-. 125__ - i 21.1 5 1 do i I �� do.950 i0 -- i I Ueiit,, � feet on eitiicr iue. of Strip 100 feet � :r�thl ho line U locateu ove,t rl �' oc n' . 4c � 1 'a across Sec. 23, T. �. , l22 L center _ , - 2640 _ 1G .l 14 ! Y:aY4en7 Ieihts- - - - --- -- 17 14 do 1._0:4_-__ -- TOTAL. 1, 19665 SIT: PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF_FINANCE ON PREUMINAF2Y ORI'ER D E S C R I P T I O Ti LOT LOCK D A. O tT I O N ASSESSED I VALUATION - _ --- --- le 14 _ 1. yawn kIeiLht - 100 II 14 � ' do 1✓ ': ,. _ ...100 20 ! 14 do 100 '21.!74..1 moo- 100 22do - _ 100 23 -i 1 10 100 if 24 14 -- do -_ , 75 - i' - 26 lam --c 25 if j27 14 co 25 15 2 -_e: z C, Z Di, . !>5. 150 i 1 _ d c, 100 L it 13 2 do sGU j'. i 12 2 do _ 7.00 I 1 :. 2 1 d o 100 i -- i 0 . 2.i -. -_._do 100 i o - 100- 2 loo 7 2 l0 1UO -- - - - - o ! 2 j - d o - 10.0 II 5 ! 2 do 100 41 2 do _.. 100 j�_-- ' 2 dp_ 100 il- 2 2 do 100 1 2 ! do 100 do_ 10,G Z. l a q I i i i TOTAL. " OR. asr. rAl3L: - p¢p'AF2'!'lMOrT O!r-.:F/NAI��� REPORT .OF CONtl15SIiEt� OF FIN/1NiE..:.. �— 0 e S C R I' P T 1 0 N- _. - LOY-BI-oCtc A -1fl 0 2 T I O N AaaeBaeD VALUATION ....... - ,I Sao 0'0 I i o _ - — -- 10o _ I ---------- 0o loo �o --- _ iq 1 10,Q I _ 1 o � 80¢ ,1 { y elle Vac v 1v� of_ Y ;. n j 2c 1 -- - - div. jru - 0 - _ _a___.__ __ 3-G 3 _ -- --- - __ -_-. - OfLa11ey _- 0 � i I II 'a.c.& v0 jig_. of a11eY N.,2 of slley Vac _1 .Pc `� -- -{ � Ii ff N. 2 -Of -a1lsY `Tam - - "— f - - - -- - -- - ._ I} & p i I �i IQ a of _a11ey ci j Ilk _ p - - -- - - - — , `• 1 0 3� 1 �0 .i i e. i. — - TOTAL., •oewe, Qii BT. PAUL ' DEPARTMENTOFFINANCE .. REPORT OF CdMr4SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PFIELIMINARY ORDER (C) • i _ I - DESCRIPTION I LOT COCK A D Di T I O Pt lj ASSESSED i VALUATION — ' f ' I I� 14_:_,_1 _. HN z.e.l_ p r k_ i r l_iszn �' G ; _ ' _190 - .-- %:. — _.. _. - -- - i 1300 I I 12 1 do _- ___.. 100 - _ I� _ __..... __..._ i 1800 � l '-10I 1' _ do � 100 • 100 � II I i i d' _ o .. _ .. 100 i:...._ _. it _._. I q' 1 ao 100 I ! � 6"1_.__1. 1 - - _.do __. _ _... > 100 l i 4 i 25 _ _ - ISI _ do 25 !I 2 ;1 do 25 n l,l 1 Vac... Aaa 2� _ _ - 14 _ -- - 301, 11 Hazel Park D:Lvision aoG i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......._..._..._�r ........_.........191��.... .."_ ... f .......... .___.._._._......_"..._.._.__ -' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 (ptig of of f cul oseAweuu[i[M. ewv [waix[aw RQpartnjt arVubItc Harps' wwuuor[N C.— M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. [. CA.—z [ - R. T. GOURLEY, D[rU- -u—cou— mnN" wv�r AVII[. JACit[OW [wf+ e. [wNrt�naw - • [1w1Yu M. [• [UwMY M i,o[O ltimz� July 1918- a. N.N[wwttn,•..�[[NaNm, $t. Panl, 8, W* H. N, GOBS* Qommissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of ooet of oheAging the grade and grading Autumn Ave. from White Bear Ave. to guth at. and changing the,, 3*de on Basel Ave. from Hyacinth $t. to Autm= at* in accordance with Council File #E1594, approve& June 13, 1918. Approximate estimate#9j496.8$ - Assessable frontage' 4,5 4 ft. Cost per front foot I166 Buoeas inspection necessary $1.47•00 Yours very truly, 1 •-� ��� Chief Engineer NJ t PROTEST OF PROPERTY OWNERS AGAINST ?ROPO M WROVFUENT OUTLINED IN PRELIMINARY ORDER 21694, APPROVED JUNE 12, 19181 AND .29MMINARY ORDER 31837, APPROVED JULY 21 16180 The undersigned property owners along the line of the improvements proposed and contemplated by the above mentioned orders, hereby protest against said improvements and request the City to delay the making of such improvements at least until after the war has been won , such protest and request being based upon the following grounds; I The proposed improvement it is estimated would coat the property owners $1#66 per front foot, a total of approximately $7600♦00, We believe that this expenditure is unwarranted at this time --as there is no urgent call or necessity for the improvement, the present streets being in fairly good oondition,and the prop- erty owners are struggling under largely increased burdens due to increased expenses in addition to which such property owners are straining every resource to se.eist the Government financially through the purchase of liberty Bonds and War and u through contributione to the Red Oroee and other patriotic purpoeeao In addition to such financial aseistanoe a great many of ouch prop- erty owners have sons and daughters who are now serving in the mil- itary forces of the Government and` whose absence makes it more diff- ioutt for them to get along without having added financial burdens placed upon them, We believe that this reason alone is amply suff- icient to justify the council in abandoning the proposed improvement at this time. II The present high prices paid for materials coupled with present high wages make it certain that any improvement would cost e a very great deal more than would be true if it were undertaken in normal times and for thisreasonwe believe that it would be unwise and improper to make this improvement ai this time. III The Governmen� is straining every nerve to secure men for work in essential industries necessary for 'the successful pros- ecution of the war and the undertaking of any work or improvement requiring labor necessarily reduces the labor available for such purposes and renders the Government's task more difficulP., In view �raoent etreeta are in very food Condition and or 1�18�,PV9 tl�� it 8 would be unpatriotic to initiate and carry out the proposed improvement at this time. I4. The district embraced within the proposed improvement is largely unimproved property and there exists no present necessity for the improvement. The present street,while not graded, is amply sufficient to answer all present demands made upon it and can be used without detriment to the property owners OW to the City for many. years to come in its present condition and for this reason we believe that the proposed improvement should be abandoned at this time. V. - If the street is to be graded then it ought to be Tadao all the way through. The present plan contemplates grading o -,7 s rocti= of the iatrcct =If is illogical find inadvisable for that reason alone. The property on which the pmmposed impa.Ovement would be made ie in an out -lying district and between it and the City are lands used for farming purposes - For the reasons here given the undersigned interested property owners protest against the proposed improvement and request its abandon- ment by the City Council- In doing this we ere not actuated by nny opposition 'to c-xarovements in generFl but act solely because we believe the proposed �-I:_>rovement at this partioular time is unneceseary, in- • r advisable arnca _� -r=L-r>atriotio. Under other conditions more favorable and when the d is r- c t has been built up sufficiently to justify such ex- penses �* e r.%o _� � 4=-::I--be willing to join in a request for any needed improve me n-t s _ w 1„ .. 0 f r PROTEST OF PROPERTY 01"S AGAINST PROPOSED f , IMPROVOST OUTLINED IN PRELIMINARY ORDER 21584, APPROVED JUNE 12, 1918, AND AR'TIMBARY ORDER 21837, APPROVED JULY 2, ,4o The undersigned property owners along the line of the improvements proposed and contemplated by the above mentioned orders, hereby protest against said improvements and reque4 the oity to delay the making of snob improvements at least until after the war has been won , mob protest and request beiN; based upon the followiq grog d 8; x r The propseed improvement it is estimated would cost the ;. property owners $1.66 per front foot. a total of approximately $7500.00. We believe that this expenditure is unwarranted at this Lime as there is no urgent call or necessity for -the" improvement. the present streets being in fairly good eondition:.end the prop arty owners are struggling under largely increased burdens due to increased expenses to n(A tion to which such property owners are straining every resource to seeist the Government financially through the puroh,4 se of liberty Bonds and War ,,-e& and thron.gh contributions to the Red Cross :end other patriotic purposes. In addition to such finanoi.al assistance a great many of such prop- erty ownere have eons ins daughtere Who ire now serving in the mil- itery foreee of the Govornment Md Moe obeenoe mmkee it, more diff, ioutt for them to get along without having added financial burdens placed upon them. We believe that this reason alone is amply Buff- icient to justify the council in abandoning the proposed improvement at th 8 time. II The present hi`h prices paid for materials ooupled with present high wages make it certain that any improvement would cost I a very great 6ea1 more then ,,iould be true if it were undertaken in normal ti-mee and for this reae6 we believe that it would be unwise and" improper . to make :this improvement at this time. ZIi The Gov4rnmen L is stra ining eve ry nerve to secure men for work in essential industries necessary for the successful pros- ecation of the war and the undertnking of any wor:: 0-- improvement requiring labor necessarily reduces the labor available for'such purposes and renders the Government's task more. diffioui$. In view of the feat that our present streets are in very good condition and satisfactory for all present purposes and uses we believe that it would be unpatriotic to initiate and carry out the,proposed improvement at this time. IT. The district embraced within the proposed improvement is largely unimproved property and there exists no present necessity for the improvement. The present street while not graded, is amply euffiaient.to answer all present demands made upon it and c,m be used *ithont detriment to the property owner# OW to the City for many years to come in its present condition and for this reason we believe that tha'propoeed improvement should be abandoned at this time. V. If the street is to be graded then it ought to be graded all the way through. The present plan contemplates grading only a portion of the street and is. illogical and Inadvisable for that reason alone. The property on ft loh the pamposed imp*vvement would be made is in an out -lying district and between It,and the City are lands used for farming purposes. For the reasons here given the urAereigned inLereeLed property owners protest against the p;sposod improvement and request its abandon- ment -by the City Council. In doing tiis we are not actuated by nny opposition to improvements in general but act solely because we believe the proposed improvement at this particular time is unneoessary, in- advisable and unpatriotio. Under other conditions more favorable and Shen the district has been built up sufficiently to justify such ez- penees we •could be willing to join in a requiat for OWAY needed impp9vemej/nt a. 63 9W r A/X, -- _. CI PAUL I RESOLUTION^GENE�.L FORM -" GOtJHCIL 5„bjett.:r.... ..............0....... ........... ..... - aiti011 No......�'r -'4�� .. l _ ........ .............................. . r ` Resolved, Ira tale matter of condemning and taking an land neceseary for slopes, for cuts and easement 1--z---ti:e fills in the grading of Autumn Street from White Bear Order #21837, Ave. to Ruth Ave., under Preliminary 1918, and Intermediary Order #22102, - approved July 1st, approved .Tu1y 22nd, 1918. T I-- 4e Commissioner of Publkc �orlc's having in the above matter,, be it submitted ria report and sketch That the City of St. Paul fixes and to be taken for the above determine s the amount of land improvement as an easement for slope$, for cuts and Street, named fills in arid. upon the land abutting upon Autumn on to the extenteommissiohown ner between tlza point aforesaid, of the keattached to the report + stch dated Mugu l9th, 1918, which public Y'orlte in the Matter sketch :rxad report are hereby referred to and a.ade apart hereof. ----'_" - O. r. No. 21491— adsmntnc hnd qk- In . the, matter mof ' enu ln' the ond of eI- -nd till- In e torcute .s.r D tract. from the for clop 4 the Rradin6.ot Autumn 8 to Rnth.� Bbl - :whit- B--rAveauc - under prelimlaq ry Qrdg[ Nos -,der F—r n17 1eL+. 9 [� snd -Inter• , m�pedta=rr der'Nw el o+• "+pprOr� I "SIIe Co mWloner ot'Pa-llo Works Ep 41- report and �eta4 thA -lave m-Y4m1tt4dn tar. -city ty of fit Pain p14a'dt0Rrnllth0 nee Iomount of e/ Lod tpbq tnkga for tee ►4ovo n na upatt t- , N1 n¢q--emeny ter el 14nd .. t r umeeA .-nyua� Yn118 A�nt� �n4 �tie0ty�� tut he oo ata .,o'_T �{....ttae4du a_ tha' .. Fw—wworth Goa------------------hfq~ Kellex Clancy to e runder1ic12 '• RM C.--- Olc...R CLAU536N. c..�i. o.e,.wB:.. J. 6 CARROL 1 S _� ALrREO JACK30N. iwr.t M. •W. OpETZINQE R. 3�vTM M. i. ORYTBAK E..e�Nto� ` O. M. NERpOLO, Or�CB tNOaw®. (4itg of St_ ]smut Department of Ilubtic Marks 1.1.'M. OO93. CO.�M�ssMlI6R - R. T. OOU OVVTY REPORT TO THE COUNCI L- 2.21-!' a_ In the matter o= condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopsas,. Sor auto and fills in grading Autumn street,from white Bear avenue to Ruth avenue, under Preliminary Order #31837, approved July let, 1918, and 2 atermediary Order #88103, approved July 32nd, 1918. To the Councl.2 0= the City of St Paul: The of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, t2sa kills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the caut.a to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to bs �bmLXon, by the figures opposite Such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner f Public 'Works Dated, % Z. X �TT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIE 4:::>F=- COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of - — ------ ��- ------- ----- iry in t'.gr lv - - - ---- - ------------------ ............... E, jC u4a- .. . ... ......... -- ----- --- - -- - ----- ......... - .......................... ... . ......................... .... . ....... ..... . under Preliminary Order approved --------- .. ................... ........ ----------- ....... . . . ................ .... — .......... . ........... ......... To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner of F -i : c reports as follows: The total estimated amo It of the, assessment for the above improvement is .......... The estimated cost per foot: for the above improvement is - -------"'-- --- - ----- -The The lots or parcels of I—cA 2:1-2—t: xrxa3r be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by It)— A or. are as follows: ICI 9E S C- Ft I F- -11- 1 C> &-a L.OT SI -CCK A 0 1� I Y ION ASSESSL .L.A-r.ON i L) Li C) 100 100 16 0 100 1,-, 10 C) C. lu TOTAL, Form E. 113. :to -- ------- -- gr ST. PAUL - RTAENT OF FINANCEOF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROEFt LOT BLOCK A I T I O N VALUATION � C S C R I PTI O N -iJ 3 1v is J ]f L TOTAL. u ff 4W Qr ST. PAUL ` D AR MEWT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ ASSESSED O ESGRI PTI O N LOT»BLOCK A�OITIOH !D 1LV l " 11.0 75 J � 1,00 i � G 1JU 10� -__. _ TOTAL. r 0__:� yy�� QF ST. PAUL HEPAR UNFT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROEFt lB) - ASSESSED LOT,�BLOCK A p M I T to N VALUATION DESCRIPTION - - --" 1 � � 1v� L a� i xrK Lvl. .:v � v J �L✓ TOTAL. Cti?145T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP 11= 1"^NCE CIN PRELIMINARY ORMEFt ASSESSED D .E S C R I P T 1 0 N LOT BLOCK. A O O I T t O tri VALUATION ------- The _ _---The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has rove: lgated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoiirsg as his report thereon to the Council together with the report made to him in reference to said r—tt:— by the Commissioner of Public Works_ ...__ _ -------...191. �. ---- - Dated Commissioner of Finance, Form B. B. 12 rF -ce of the Commissioner of Public Works • RECEIVED . Report to Commissioner cA Finance - To the Commissioner of Finanee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsideratioa the preliminary order of the Conn- eil, known as Conned aleJu_Snd _191 ,relative to.----- con$emanixig and taking en easement in tYse laced neaeaaary for elopes forauts an$ fills in_the___rs.ing of Atumrn-._.5 --- - } and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein.., hereby reports: _ 1. Said improvement in—__necessary and (or) des1rrz b_e_ j xXXX and the total Bost thereof is $— x]C%%__—„' and - 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------- --- _-- -�-- 3. A plan., profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5_ Said improvement is....... _.:..-.—asked for upon petition c& three or more owners of property, sub4eet o assessment for said improvement. Commissioner f Public orks CITY OF 9T, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM BY........... 1 Y CO TROLLER �``^ .............191........; AUDITED NUi>F.2•Q'•• PER.. ......................k.•'•••.• 426 TITLE 'that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved rsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following(;1`91fl cement; Yeas (d) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council........,... ........................ .......... ...... ........ 191... Cl cy �' ............... .... ' ri Fa sword► ....... ........ In favor Appr .....__........._�+� �...__� 191 _... _.................... I ........... ._.. !: Kel r D Against M oil C, F. Pa 11491— W derlich 8esoh18 t eeeceaIs ee ftwa a t o1 Mr, Preside , Hodgson #°e°ee eenin�etter asoteel�tr�Ee kol to .b� a MnL AM or oorvonr Farnerorth, CoxfroFinance, School Library Auditori= 5850 Se Ae Farneaorth, 0021re Finances Parke, I PlaygrWd ZleotdFion Sol, Bureau Fereifty Revs Graee.Cutting YWs. =crest P. Bldg* lire 0. & Be Comfort state 5851 Christ Johnson Grad. Alley Bike 2 5852 he R.. Wood Parke a,79a14 a,6 e�19 6.40 3,7 5.1 116925910 514 074 214 043 1,4 $ 66 170 .05 1 170 •60 .90 1 00 2,1 07 075 L1692 s 80 332* 60 582s 67 L to CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER co n . N6".22493 • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F L hnAAN,lIi•l. � BY........... ....... .........I.......... Qu. 20 1918 OI COMptOLLER A�JDITED ...........:................................191........ /,C/ . PER................................:............'..................... 426 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their -respective names as specified in the followingdetailed�statement: Yeas (lWnderlich uncilmen (�) Nays f 1 ' Adopted by the Council ......___......_....... ..... ..._....... _....._.......191......_._ C Cl Gtlfi 211 �q � worth .............. In favor (P111' ved.........._....................................__........6............._1 I:::......... _..V_......4ainst _..... _.................... .......... ................................._...................:................M MAYOR l Mr. Presid il, Hodgson No,, 9l191�� �e,olrod tb1 N '� Ereirr uPon t60 Cltr 01111014 out of thI bot hater opoaldod taab Bpd la ror th1 pwnMnti Arno or.00rpor� Om for tbl , AMOD44 rrt op 01 t eit 1610404t Wd w Ipso IA tke tolloelni aewlea Atatem.at: American Ineurahoe A9eaoy, 144,16. L•kes COW A -twee w., •tt. On 4 :Line.ed .CCo., tato. v E otor Sales Co.,. ara00.. W. EteotNc E,Outpment Ca( 8834goa n onR"carr°1a ecannal� zi American Insurance Agency Pub. B14.1 T�eFnex A o•. uaare. Thornton 11110.,, to •reoo. - Adop.d by h. C... C... Au s. so, -1818 AyDrove¢ A 8.18 11 Rt 6836 John D, Anderson,;Lwow Parke 6836 b. Ae k nexorth C, P. R. F. k P. Woxkel Co Ps U,lsb. Teat. 14, 5837 hr"111 0sw Kirk 8 Coe, It re Bridge Bldg, 6838 Creat Fakes Coal & Dook Co., School 5639 Liberty Printing Cc* Parlm _ .8840 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., Parke 6841 Minnesota Motor Bales Co., Mun. Varage 6842 Julia B. Morley school 44." 208,96 14.00 37.00 236.98 1.08 6.30 73.00 4.80 ui ent Co. � 68 row P bliehing Co• 684# ; 101i� u bffioial Pub# & Sande, 6 8845 Robinson, Cary -parka Street C•& R. 2 36 Cing. 7— 5846 �. Rosen Companyl.Fi re 8847 Tierney & Co., Fire 0 848 Thornton 1t Ott A�tbo�Y 6e�nr 27,52 lh� See. Tb 2,176,00 CITY OF ST. bi PAUL RESOLUTION—GENE RAL wss FORFl cLME, N O 224 --z�JVO,LX_ 4 ------------ Date . Date Presented ------ .AUS_ -2(1...191........--191-. Resolved, that water, mm,a.izss be laid in the following sueste>< Sher S dszs Ave. , Fairview to Bellewiew, wycmi ag St . , Ohio to Hanoain, 3&dg4mcambe Road. Wordsworth to Field. a2a9a-B�Keller— Res01ved, That water ,game be laid Sa..the following street.:-. Sherld" Ave:. Fairview -to Belle-; view, Wyom{aagg Bk, Ah" to Manomla. Edgeeombe Road, Wordsworth toy Fle1d.. • e Adopted by the Council Avg. X20, 1918.1 Approved Aug.. 20, ,1918._. - (Aug. 2 4-3838) - Yeas ( r) Cauncilmen ( J) Nays Au(; 20 19' 1 Fa�rnsworth Adopted by the 191 ��-- --rms^ in favor AUG 20 1918 ,Hyland APP 191... - Keller------- McCol1 � -Against —Wunderlich Mr. President ` mmiq�k Q Qt J �s MA a FORM C. B-2 � 224.91 1`i'Y�' OF^ _ '�Fi�! IYrT� r✓FZ°U4LF; Qmire;amt v August . BOARD OFWATERCOMMIaSlONE 19, OSCAR E.HELLER. Presitl r 1 9 1 8. S. A. FARNSW ORTH M.N OOSS GARRETT O. HOUSE, G.- Sup r To the table, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SA 23�x PAUL, St. Paul . MAL =&- an . Gentlemen _ - The Boatd of Water Commissioners, at the meeting 3rie3c3 this day, unanimously adopted the follow- ing resolzz Son: "Resolved, that the Council of the C_- :I- of Saint Paul be and hereby is re- elts4mm st-ed to authorize the laying of water 3mxs3 =rL__mt=3L s in the following streets; Em' 3 e r 3 dan Ave. , Fairview to Belleview, ,VVy �3ng St. , Ohio to Manomin, :M8 Arm-- a cpnlbe Road, Wordsworth to Field." Yours truly, Encl. Secretary. CITY OF ST. PAUL G OUN GIL RESOLUTION— GENE F2 P.L FORM Subjedt COUNCIL ". ........_... ---- PILENO ................. .... l................................. ._2.(�...1218.._._191..... Date Presented �����-��-- -AUG Resolved, That the0 1 �rop er city officials are hereby authorized to enter into an afire merest witl-1 John Holm, providing for the payment of oompensatic2p to 1-iim at the rate of $a peor week during such time as he sha11 —lie totally disabled, by reason of injuries received by ller *orks the him while iT—= th � employ of the Department of public of City of S -t on the 18th day of July, 193-8 • Be it Fi �^^--tines resolved, that in accorcZsxice with said agreement, the proper �� 3ty officials are hereby authorized to pay to the Workmen a Compesnsation Account of the said Jolm out of the Generale, the aum of $34.56 in partiel.l settlement of his claim, in accorda-r-A 9wvfLth the aforesaid agreement C ReBx ta3s- are - th¢ prof¢ cit oQl- �ierab=. - thorized to enter au.I �.sation into, aa. pro4ldi g. - _eeza�nt with John Holm. Lae. Da -Y— compen-1 hereby recommend the above resolu- -mor = '.week dares tntof the t $8.84 Per. _ s c3a tame as'he shall. -be tion _ o]_" psasage. totally gf re¢eiv8ad_ -� -'-� .su ®��biacl� by reason of le Plo a. fir. .h€>m -while: In the,emor "Works -� ot�tha part>�+eat of-. pl�blto lath Yaut on 'It .38th: e1- ]L_..Ba. FuriYaer— Reso3ved that to - -- �dit1 said' acre¢ net, .the G+O x of Public Works. �cordance DroD'ar - ��--��: o>l�cials are: :hereby . su- thorl John Hiton;. claim. .-is><- --accora>:fr1Ce wxn - saAdop•t.a-cam i�-�� tts-e_ Couacit Avg. 28, 1918. Yeas (1) C uugcilmea < alley VI/F fIISWOrt21 In favor ller 0----- ccoll - - - - - Against WunderlicYz - Mr. Presidelit, Hodgs on - FORM C A. 9 3M 6-18 AUG 20 � 8 Adopted by the Council. ............... _-.._..._...._._._...191.__. Aug 2O 1418 Appr .... _... 191. ............ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RES ES LUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: ----------------------- -- ----- -------------------------- - ru_M - ------- 2.2196 --- ------------ .................................... ­ ...................... -------------------------- --­------------------ .. ... ... ...... -- ----- ---- ---------------------------- Date Presented ---- :Al2a3-?U3t_A .......... 191.9. Resolved, That Oounoil File #14509, approved Jan. 23, 1917, amending Gounoil File i0323;i being a final order f6r the paving of Ninth St. from Smith Ave. to Summit Ave. and rapaving Col.3-agis, Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith Ave., be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the word "west u and inserting In 3-1eiz thereof the word "east" wherever the same appears in said resolution. C. F. No. 22496--13Y AL N. Qao.— Resolved, That Council ]Mle No. 14509 approved J�n323 Is No �1917, amending 28 ,bolng' a 11nal older for the Paving of Ninth St. from Smith Ave. to Summit Ave. and repav- 'U 'Q"IT' "_ " "_j*m .Sixth St. to S IthA "n ad -ho-e fs:�here- by Tlnded b, y strikinf,, out the word . , . and ln.ertluw lieu thereof the� word, "east" h th W erever the same l appease said resolution d opte, 4y the Coun. Ait Aug. 20. 1913. J�Proyed-Attg,.�20_1918. _(AUK., 2471918). Yeas M o ncilmen (V) Nays ancy sworth In favor feller c 0 ccoll ..... Against undci lh Mr. President'Zdgson 'k' FORM C A.6 3M 6 -18 Adopted by the Counoil� --------' - UG -- 20 1910-------------------- ...------- ---- We 20 1918 Approved MAYOR F7,7 ....... y ,,..... C, r. No. 22497 r. In the matter of the assessment ' COUNCIL FILE N0._ _....._ benefits, testis and dne penes for p:' Ing with paving 'ble 22497 - Ninth Ninth: street from Smith Ave. f i Southeasterly curb line of Surr BY ..:_...._....._....._.....,......_.................._.....� Ave:: Including curbin► qnd tbw.0 e Ing ti sidewalks anal a -I-, �^ %setting of curblr. �F ST., pAUL 1� Smith' Ave to repavl Ir m liu r resolution of "uclt Approv' g Assessment. J 4 benifits, costs and expenses In the matter of the assessment of paving with sandstone pavigg block Ninthcsudint curbinglandAthe to Southeasterly curb line of Summit ve. in 1 g laying of sidewalks and rebuildin and resetting of curbing and sidewalks at Smith Ave. and Summ t Ave., also repaving of college Ave. with sheet asphalt from Six St. to Smith Ave. except that portion of college Ave. from the line brick,Ninth includingtresetting 180 fe-at—we'e�, which is to be paved with curbing, new curbing, relaying of sidewalks including driveways and all necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made; curbing to be of granite and roadway to be thirty six feet wide. u�d14 'tnV OrdcrIRjum du VI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIulllllllllllllllllil 111 `rl � 2296, FinalOrder .....................�.323.............................. .......... approved....,,...................................................................................., 191............ and Council file 14509 Approved Jan. 23, 1917. The assessment of ..P..,..........Q�`G* ............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... th _ _day of _Sel?t.. .................. 19111, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M„ in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AUG 20 19'.8 Adopted by the Council ..... _......... ..... ... _...... _v .................... - AU6 20 1918 Approved. ......._ _................... 191_....... Councilman Fams4orth ,C lWy Koer Mc6l Wukderlich Mayor-I$F1`.*- Hodgson. Form H. H. 16 V Clerk. Mayor. ........................................ IV �1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. ry OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.--- - In the matter of the assessment of benifits, costs and expenses for the s Ninth street from th Spavinwith including curb-ingiand atl the laying of sidewalks and rebuildinL and resetting of curbing and sidewalks at Smith Ave. and Summit Ave,, also repaving of College Ave., with sheet asphalt from Sixth St. to Smith Ave. except that portion of College Ave. from the west line of Ninth St. to a point 180 feet west, which is to be paved with brick, including resettin of curbing, new curbing, relaying of sidewalks including driveways and all necessary sewer, water 4nd gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made; curbing t be of granite and roadway to be thirty six feet wide. under Preliminary Order................4a4 Intermediary Order ..8983 .............. ..... ........................ ........... _...,., N ............� . ...............191,,,,,x,, Final O�dcr 93u� , app 3 8�� .�,�,��,,.��.�,��,�,,,,�,��.,,�5Q9 R rood fan, 2t � Rnd NNII f1161 To the Cluo, til of the City of St, Paul; Thdmimissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures neceesa. ily 1 incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz, (city Cost of construction . 15.33 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-- _..... ............... ......... _...... Coat of postal tarda - - - - - - $..........__. " 13.0 9 ----- Inspection fees. - - - - - - - $._ ............ ......... ...._.... ._........ .. Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - $- 32.85 ..... .... .................... " 15,i@5869 Private Driveways $........... -'......... ...... _....__- Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$....._lu..,2.9.r5.'Q9._._........ - ... _..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewit� submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Comrrtise�oner of Finan :..atter of the assessment of COUNCIL FILE NO._ ta. damages costs and ftfr Me -`^^�" • "^ railing of I11ath street. from 22J� (a I : "Yens to g mmlt avenue,ln °I}vv oq the build 0 of retaining ! ci also hangs the grade Ott, Col BY I .Iiv to , r, � • i hu 'tinh fr°ONim',. PAUL R�soloti c� A ori Assess cot, / hen aseessmenofCou o be i ts, ages, cos si and expense, In the matter of the assessment of for grading of Ninth street from Smith avenue to Summit avenue, including the building of retaining walls, also change the grade on College avenue, from Sixth street to Smith avenue and of the alley in Block 59.Irvinets Enlargement according to the profiles hereto attached and inade a p&rt hereof. The blue lines representing the old grades, and the red lines the newly established grades. Also grade College avenue from Sixth street to Smith avenue and the alley in Block 59; Irvine a Enlargement,, including retaining walls; also chang the sewer and water mains on College avenue from Sixth street to Smith avenue, and construct a bridge on College avenue crossing Ninth street. �v/ Inlermedla Order 6538,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,�.,,,,,.,,,, under Preli6hory order... ,„,,,,,,,,, ....................,, �Y 7 p ..,,....,..,!,i1...,,,, 191,^ Final Order ..,, ..,1111.4.. '.,�1'1........ ................ approved,,. The assessment ofbenef item, damagf3g, COets .and e...... sfor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 16th RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the______day of Septemhe , 191.4__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House a�d City Hall 9uiWhs in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature. of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ �( �.t)�9).�_ _ _ 191 t __`;.r�G✓` `.! ” c'^ ' � Clark. AU6 21) 1918 Approved 191— .. 91__... ......... ._................ Councilman Farn4�dr h PUBUMON O1 Mcgof Wptlderlich Mayor ksefrt-Hodgson Form a H. is I ----- ---------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. v td OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ?, Z REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Aug ....iat,ll......._...........,191...a. d the assepsemnt of benifits, damages, costs, and Rp sesr In the matter of the assessment or grading of Ninth street from Smith avenue to Summit avenue, including the building of retaining walls, also change the grade on College avenue, from sixth street to Smith avenue and of the alley in Block 59 Lrvine's enlargement according to the profiles hereto attached and made a part .hereof. The blue lines representing the old grades, and the red lines the newly established grades Also grade College avenue from Sixth street to Smith avenue and the alley in Block 59, Irvine's Enlargement, including retaining walls; also change the sewer and water mains on College avenue from Sixth street to Smith avenue, and $onstruc a bridge on College avenue crossing Ninth street. I ���1n'{1I I • 1 �d�r �i ItlLlilll. �l , li it li�i�q Ilgllllllll., I II n �t�r�cdi� III �I Ir11yylll�'' i IIIIIpplAOppplllppllllllllllpllpllll11111I dei �111'11'01u� FinalOrder......NP..... .......................................... .......... approved .......Pi?.......1.4..r.................... I ................. ..., 191..5..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report$ to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the alcove improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Brid a $......_496$.7._....-... 903 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - Under -Pining - $ .1. 19 � ' 12019.00 2 0 10 Cog of postol cirds •14 Changing weer t Inspection ices . . . . . . . . $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,•,,,.,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,. 137504 Damages to owner, Amount of court costa for confirmation • . . . �.-............. ................. Total expenditures - - - - - -S 64841_.71..... _.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$64841 .71 .__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed .........._....................._........_. benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof; is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 .... _............. ........_...__ _ Commissioner of Finance. COJWCJL FILE NO--- - BY. . ....... . .......... FINAL ORDEP, 224T)"D 64 In the Matter CP� PI 1t--- -- -- ------- -------- athe j i�ed lir '-1-- ------------------------------------------------ 7z—:- e.a c hL�_n; t .. ..... ----­----------- - - - - - - ----- --- --------------_- . ........................ I - ------------------ ----------- ---- -- ................................. .............. ---------------- -- ------------------ --- ager ............rov rt ... ------ un . der Preliminary. --------- ------ ---......approved --- ... approved .-----J2------------------ i ' __......._approved approved --- ------ -------------------------- — ]Intermediary Order, e Council having A public hearixiL� been had upon the above improvement upon am�e notice, and th heard all persons, 43b-k==�'j 4e,_tiL4c,30Ls and recommendations relative thereto, andLaving fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, 7tj-X*?t Council Of the City Of St. Paul that the precise _xxELtaxre' extent and kind of improve � - ----------------------- .ment toby-be made - -71mot IhLe said City i -rof C�er'eto V ---------- !!�� -------- ------------------ �j yjg_ntL__- ---------- -------------­---------------- - - j S�t . ..... - - -t �_- 1: - C) i_ t n' e z' 3-' 3�_Lrt hereof, the glue ---------- ------- --------------------------- Lt------------- ................... A --------- ie ----------- ---------------------------- ---------------_-- ------- -----_------------ -`"---µ ----------- ---------------------------------------- I—— ---------- --------------- ----------- - --------------- ------------------------ - - 7� Adopted by th "mach --- e--- 191--- ----- ----- -- -- t -y ---- 61 -e -r -4c. AUG 20 k91li Approved.... -------- -------- 19 _2 - ---- --------------------------- --------------- ------------------------ Mayor. PU ITIS ' Councilman Eg-- C, laiic�j Councilman Councilman Councilman, SW erlich Mayor4kWzy- ri Form B. S. A. 8-7 - PMu 1 91 Association Mn _u ..._ u _ _ Y._. Saint Pan,, Minnesota TO THE HCNCffiATIE-B f <:WL AND WE COMEBISSIMRS OF THE CITY OP ST. PAUL. we, t 3a VEr3clersigned property owners Or representatives of property ownsrs, 110s3alkng on Tallula Place, in the City of St. Paul, County of Itamssy, State of Minnesota, do respectfully pray and petition that the grade of 7t;3hua said Tallula place be so reduced as to leave the property level or gs 32mar so as possible with the street. Nom Address or Lot No. �L '-.N ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C0619SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER de �tjjL'.•.1_--� Pla e .....to C f ,....... ....................... ............ . ...... ............ ............ . ....fr.......... ...�u In the Matter Of 9DATZ�1Z.-1`3 .... .. ....... .. 4-. + t ............................. 'clue -'rade r�pr�ent�d bV � . ...... . .............. .. .................... . .... ............ ..... .... ............ . . . ....... ma . ....... . .... ...... . . ........ I ... .... .. ... . . ........ .... ...... .... . . ....... ... line n reo, ...... ...... ...... ....... ... ..... .. ............ ....... ....... ...... ... .... . . ...... — --- — ---- ----- --- - ...... . ... . ............ ........ ..... ...... ... ....... . ..... ....... ........ .. .............. . . ............ ..... .... .............. ....... ...... I ....... . . . . .. ....................... ........... ............. ............ ..... . ... . . ........... .... .. . ........ .... . ..... ........ ......... . ................. ........... ....... I ....... ........... . . ....... ..... ...... . ................ .......... . .... .............. ..... .................. . ..... .... - .... . ..... ------ ......... .............. ...... . ....... ....... ...... . . . . ... ...... ----- -- . . ... ....... ....... ............. ...... . . . .. ................ .......... ........... .......... ... . I . .......... ....... .... .. ............ . .... .. . . ... . ...... . ... ........................ . .......... ........... .. . . . . ......... .......... ........ ........ ......... . ... . ............... . ... ... ...... ....... ...... ... .. . ... ........ ... . ...... ..... ....... . . .......... ......... ..................... . .... .. ....... ... .... ....... ...... To the Council of the CRY Of St- Paull The Commissioner of Finance hereby Molts as�ollowsl The total estimated amount of the assessment for it above improvement is $';J1.P'0 ....... ....... .... ........ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . . . . . $ ......... .. ..... . ..... .... . ...... .... .. The lots of parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last .reported by the Assessor, are as follows ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION 5 do 4 S do 1375 3 a do 275 crti 1/2 of Lots 1-- d 3 TOTAL. 55— The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_........... . ........ ........_......._..191.. .... Commissioner of Finance. f} rll 11 I' ! Ill��lnl co Y I r, d;by 'at. Paul , - Woo the uAdersignedi. being the owners of the prOPOV set opposite our ,z�+ame resp oUvely, as, hereunto OUAedp satd. isroporty ob#tirg ia� of f ecce $ . betr"A may ave_ ani 'eby-roqueet the Qlq ;a Stf u7 itis otu ge' tie grads eat-Abllshed on gala gtrbet botwooh the $ointg aforevalAp to .thy ro+3 line marked upon the. Prefile of said-OtroO au Prov_ d by the 4o f$eiovexcof . nblic i arks 'atA aumbereA .1 �3 ► s�►ib i►rofitie b ix+8 an$ we end each of us. in oo no iderstion Of the ' ohamge be'iag madeao herein lieq"ote4,', 8o hereby reYsase ern4 foxsver diech"go the ility of 8t. maul of and from AMY ane all al"M f6r demes thet xe aoVhave or that ray hereafter aaotruuue to .i01 or to .tom of as; 4wisiug oWt of 0614 pd19► s of grads, eynd da ;borelW wait, rAinquteh sttaaad a at►d ab�a4t3o : hieh we baypm or JY, �. o aaob kxr0e� jUt bp. letie 1'br tkF,a gradittg oi' esic BEr+leli '1u 400014anoe � 0b, W gra3a ;hsrsix►;rirqueeise4 to ?+o mR4#,p aid do hereby request the aiA 01ty of trot. ZaUl and. i'te eontraotor � w� ► to grads said •trsot' to soaordeWe 'Vith the ' eeid red line instead of to tha blue line upoa'eeid profito i iIT4 �+ WaRflop, ate bare hereunto est our hda to this f�•:... xp',�Btpl IOg $ „ I Sia v g f3 g �w i �i � D 1 The honorable Council, City of St. Paul, 2 St., Paul; Minn. a Gentlemen: ;9e, the undersigned, being the owners of the property set 4 opposite our names, respectively, as hereunto signed, said property b / .� /� . e abutting on � �. between (a..,,/ L(.and 8 •J , ,Atl_ ;,�J do hereby request the Ci V of, -St. Paul 7 Y to change the grade established on said street between the,:points 8 aforesaid, to the red line marred upon the profile of said street as 9 prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works and numbered /�'O, to said profile bearing date k_"l 1,719 , and we and each of it us, in consideration of the change being made as nerein requested 12 does hereby agree to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any 13 damage, cost or expense, including the expense of litigation, which 14 may accrue to the following described property: ,/ 16 po a / /' � Lot 5'`, Block 18 17 said to be otnned by ::,Huse :=i ;nature 18 has not been obtained for the Petition for chem?e of grade. 19 IAT d1ITNFSS 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal 20 this 1 day bS 1918.4 21 22l / // ��i' 23 /✓_twlQu` /Ilt_LA�L.rZWY J�4 24 25 26 / 27 28 nµ g a 29-- 30 31 az aad9...,. '_ �.x 33 34 St Paul, Minn., June 7th,1918 The Honorable City Council, City of St.Faul. Gentlemen: - Whereas it appears that a majority of the property. owners resi- ding on Tallula Place, from Clayland avenue to Fairview avenue, are desir- ous of having the grade changed as shown on profile #463, dated Lay 1918, evidenced by their petition presented to your -honorable body,dated June 1st 1918, znd WHF.F.EAS, I have a contract for the grading of this street known In the ' Comptroller's office as Contract Eo.848 L, I beg to inform you that,if so required by your.houorable body, I will undertake to grade this street in acoor dance with the change of grade above mentioned. And I will also pro- vide for drainage grade neceseary by c#anging the grade as proposed by con etiucting two catch basins near the center of the block, one on the north side of the street and one on the south aide of the street and properly con• neat said basins to the sewer in the middle of the street, all under the requirements of the Corriaissioner of Public 'corks, with out any increase or deduction in the contract pripe,sdid contract price being 241169..53 Respeetfully submitted, Contractor �* Office of the Commissioner of Public Worj� R�CE[VE[3 ��RNCIL M L Report to Commissioner of Finance . el JW 17 1918 June 14th, 1910 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsideration the preliminary order of the Cmm- 21572�ue _ 11th ..__191 _., relative to eil, known as Council File No. .._..__._._approved _._._. n_...t_. o an ins of grade 4, of iallu'_a Plaoe fron. Clay -and Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. necessary and (or) desirable. xx xxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. ._-._, and the total cost thereof is _...... _.._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - -- -- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. 5. Said improvement is......_..._ . ............ .__...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suUjoet to assessment for said improvement. Vv Co uussim •r of Publie Works. t' OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C. - 1.E. CARFJOLL. .—J,ARFJOLL. SV i'. ALFRED JACHSOory S�v crioN aro rv[cniRs H. W.oGOETZIN GER15 ry M. 5. G cTiorva G. H. HERROLD. Ovoece 1— e[n r " (&ity of 6t. haul Department of Public lVarhs M. N. GOSS. COMMIS—NER R. T. GOURLEY. OEVVTY St. Paul, Minn. Rune 13, 1918. Dir. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Publio works Dear Sir, - In reference to a change of grade on Tallula Place from Clayland Ave. to Fairview Ave. in accordance with Council File #21572, approved June 11, 1918o there is no expense involved in making the above change of grade and grading. A oontraot for grading this street was a"arded to Christ Johnson and the work, after being partially completed, has been stopped because the property owners do not want the street filled to the elevation called for in the contract. A request for the street to be graded in accordance with the grade herein proposed has been signed by all the property owners but one, who.could not be reached, and copies of these papers are attached together with letter from Christ Johnson, the contractor for the grading, undertaking to grade the street to the proposed grade without any increase or deduction in his contract price. It would seem therefore that there 1s apparently no objection to changing this grade as deeired by the petitioners. Respectfully submitted, E9S�M. Chief Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...... _ ...................................... _............... _. FINAL ORDER ....... In the Matter of C. F. Vo. 2?500— ........................ .bet,, the grade -.. �[. he t ween Ohio St. acro rclance with 'harlton SL, in ,t hereto attached and made _ _... ..._ ......... ........ ............. .. ot. th.• blue line showing - tied grade and the d c�•�ngP..^'er' .. .............. .............. under Preliminary Order approved lutermediary Order ._- approved . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - mat to be made by the said City is GUg 2n 1918 Councilman Farn('orth Councilman (loss Councilman Mftusl LCouncilman Keller ?Councilman Alio-Coll Councilman Wunderlich Mavor>"Irvin C - Forty B S. A. 8-7. `}'Vacant c . _. _... Citv Clerk. o{; Mayor. 1 4' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI&SIO NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM111011114Y ORDER In the Matter ofv ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 do 7 7 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthUr reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby Submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. 191 ............ ........... ........... ..... ... I .. .......... ......... .. Commissioner of Finance. FORM B. S. A. 0-5 0 Office of the Comm`�ner of Public Works RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Financ fl ,,_ �S r,tN Ot JJUN 21 19TS Ji..ne c� St, _., _.._ ......191_$.. '1'0 the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan": The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considcraation the prrliminary order of the Coon - 21593 June 12th, 1918...., relative to a L � n oved _.. _ ¢il, known as Council file No. .--.---- k ' change of wade on r.yor ng t, fror.. Ohio Ft. to ClTarltOn St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improveaaeat is ______-_necessary and (or) desirable. l. .xXX _„ , and the total cost thereof is :�.._.. XXX_ _.. anal • The estimated coat thereof is $ � --�--- - tlae nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.... _. ..............................._...._.. . ............................. _................. ......................... .............. ................... g. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. 3. Said improvement is.._._____.._none ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjact to assessment for said improvement. - Conuuissim • o Public Works. (4ity of Uzadl OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Cnlee enalrveww Department sf public Mocks n ene M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J E. --L'.Suwre Tiory wrvR wewniws R. T. GOURLEY. Dewury LFRED J Ci1I—T 11 H. B6OETZIN GER, 5 n M. 5. GRYTBArv. ENRlweew rva N R:RRO o.o' `EervolrveewJune 20, 1918. 3t. Paul, Minn., Mr. M. N- Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Wyoming St. from Ohio St. to Charlton St. in accordance with Council File #21593, approved June 12, 1918. Expense to change grade* None The street has been graded to the grade herein proposed* Yours very truly, OC/M. Chief Engineer -s B'45",M -FINAL ORDER Matter of....G.on kxaat,in;.,curb_in-e--.on ) airviom ...ve. betvreen Summit eve. o.................................................. ..._......... fir -and ..A.1 .. ..:..................-------.. ............. - .-.-...... .................. -- - .............................................................. 77 .................................... Ip -iAFnvaerN.FYoMa'Otr2rv2�6eb0w1ranAdveA• vbep:tWelpn cSunrmbilNnSEgt,� : .... th •--------•-------- onander 20977 aDDiov"r" .................. -.. .... ..-. ........................ -. bl.:. �� h 91nR bap ................ under Preliminary Order -.20.°--7..7 ..... ..........................approved=,i?ri1. 13,...151.3•...- ...-...-.......-..-.:-.- .. IntermediaryOrder --... ....... _... ....... ...... .......--approved ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci` of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment mprove menttobemadebythesaidCityis-.construct-curbing-or isirvie:: yve. between Sx outs # -_Lzz e -----a—' cl Gr?.nd .V9— ------ --..........................----- --- ....................... _.. .... ........ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil.......... f) I918191...._ Clty Clerk AUG 20 1918 Approved_ ......................... ............. ..... .... 191... .. /................... ..-- - ... ayor. Councilman Faruaworth p' s PUBLLIii�i>i - y Za Cc neilman la YC1a ncy �p Councilmani4derlich ller CouncilmancColl Councilman ` Mayor > Naz TOd6son Form---B-,'S. A. 8-7. OSCAR CLAUS§EN. CH—EN -- GugEAuOP[N -R. J. E. CARR. s.11. BUR—% OF TION ANO REPAIR, ALFREDJACHSON..SU— H. W. GOETZINGEFW Su U GP CORRECTION. S. ORI1TBA11. ENGINEER uwGu OP.wiOO[. O. H. HERROLD. Q--- ENGINEER (Aito of OL Paul Mepartment of pahl'u Marks M. N. 00SS. COMMISSIONER R. T. OOURLEY. On,— at. Paul, Minn. June 19, 1918. Mr. M. H. Gosss Commissioner of Pnblio Works. Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for ourbing Pairview Ave* between Summit Ave. and Grand Ave. in s000rdanae with Counoil Pile #20977, approved April 13, 1918. Approximate estimate $314080 Assessable frontage 700 fte Cast per front toot w64J Excess inspeotlon neasseery $7.214 Yours very truly, 00/M. Chief Engineer COUNCIL,FILE NO ............................. By........... t,....... FINAL ORDER 22502 In the Matter ofi .e.c nS I Y.uc.L 7t .,....1:. .i.Ja'- sideerull; to U v:idth Of six ..................................................... Lire sou h sideuo�ress ----------.........................--............ .....----�...-•-t.. .. - ,Gfeet '.,cst . ` South. Robert St. thence est 72 feet. e 1..21111' fel v1 ......._.. .....................:.:..3602 relaY-............._............ ..................... ..... �........... ................................................... '.tter Of reconstructing,hcement repairing the cemenf .tile y;iuc to e, width of eizfeet on ._.................................................. ..,thstde of Congress et. b-FSf.'.................................................................. `ry:.,at west of South Sober'- - 72-f--- do � Pr.. Cp, 4'�±'......-'._........................................... .........-..... .................................................................................................. .. ... 9 F' under Preliminary Order ............2:1.E.11.3..........................approved _ 1UrLQ....]..o.,...1N. 15..... .... .............................. .. IntermediaryOrder ............ ...................... :.........................approved .................... ...-------- ..-------------- _.......... ................ ._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; . therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is..x e.G.o.tatruG t,..,rel..' Y... _?:3-..r.e. sidevrallc to a width Of sit_ feet on `"he so..Lh side of Corlress St. -- . ........ ...._... ....- Y �iTri1 ...vQ....�.@t...SY. t-_ f...:o'. ?...i?ub I...... t. t'..en.. ...gst.........feet - - .................................. - __............_........ _._ .._ ............ ....... ...... .. _.._... ............. ........... ........._.............. .-.-........ ................. ........................ ..._............................................... _....... .......... ........... ............ ..... .- ............ ................................... .-.............. -.......... ........................... ..._......._....................................---- ............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accorf ce therewith. Adopted by the Council .....�!1G.-.?�-- ala ......................... 191........ �\ AUG 20 1918 Approved....................... .................... ..........., 191. Councilman Fatfisworth Councilman Iffd r i C Y Councilman $eller Councilman McColl c`) Councilman W,enderlich MayorlftW'w' 'T C, C0' Form B. S. A. 8-1. __...._.............................�.. City Clerk. ........ Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the ce en til -Ae-saik a i. r i n a tn e r, t 3 . . ...... ... ....... . ......... .. ............ .. ....... ....... .. ... ............ :. ....... . ... .............. . e �z - g t s; o—t c- the �;c-,t'� ci Con7ress St. 'b-i.ning ............. . ...... . ........ . . . . ........ .. ........ . ..... . __,_ S,1 fe cf Scuth Rqbert t. t- -en^-e 7192t "(2 feet. . . . ........ ........ -.-.g . . ....... t ..... . . ..... ........... ....... -- ...... . .. ........ .. . ... ............ .......... .................... . . ... ..................... .......... ............ .. ....... . . . ...... . . ................... .... . . . . . . ........... ... .. ............ . ....... .. ... . ............ ........ .. ............ ....... ..... . ... . ................... ....... ............ .......... ....... . ... -- ---- ................... ...... .............. ... . .......... ....... I ... ...... ........... ... ....... . .......... .. - I I ....... ....... ......................... . ..... I ............ . — ..... ..... - ...... .... ...... . .. . . ............. . ........ ...... ....... ...... ........ ..... . ... . ................. - .......... ....... .............. I ........... . . ..... . ...... . I .... . ........ ......... ... . . ....... . .... . .... ........................... . . ...... .. - ..... ...... I ....... ......... .............. ........ ........ ...... .... . ........... .............. .... . ........ . ... ....... ...... ............ . . ........ . ....... . ....... ....... ......... . ............ .......... .. 1-1 ...... ....... ........... ...... . ........ .... . ...... . I ........................ ... . ..... -.- .. ......... . ........ ...... ................ ................ I.-..---- . ...... ..... . . .................. ... .... . ........ .................... . . ...... ....... .................... . ..... ... . .. . ..... -- . ..... I ........... ... I ........ ................... ..... . . . ....... .. under Preliminary Order approved.......... 'lune_1:� : th,.... I � 16 ... ...... ... . . . . .......... .... I ...... ........ -1 ................... ...... ...... . . .... ..... �.. ........ . ....... ........ To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .. . .. .... ...... ... - ------ The estimated cost per,.t for the above improvement is $ .--------- The ............The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 s5 --..estSt. laul Prcper TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rcoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DaW . . ......... . Commissioner of Fiaance._-� v m Office of d -le Commissioner of Public W9 Iry Q Report to Commissioner of Finance. r O. AIL ......... ................... 1918.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known, as Council File No......:_ , 21669 approved... June ...__................ 18th _.._. ,........ 191........., relative to ....... _ ....... reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement the sidev�alk`to a of.....jaim.,f.eat.._an....the.....aouth.... aide ...-of .....Congreaa_Bt........b ginning.....HO...f.eet. nf.....Snut.h_13nb.e.rt.....St....._thane.e.....vast..22....f.e.at......._...........:......._.:............._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- ....... .......... necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $................. _.._....... and the total cost thereof is $ .................................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. ................... _... ............... ....................... ...................... _............ _. • 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 1,............................. ........ _.... _ _.......... .. __ .. ....................._I.................... :_..................................... _......_ .......... ......._ 5. Said improvement is...._. not _._._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.._....... .................._ ._ Commissioner of ublie Works. r L. i,ti :-..rEya ir.'-i....:�`7e ce:.•:ent tile...... In the Matter og'�sG:.�..G.:..::.'. . . , i as ... s ------••-- ---- sid %. dlk to , is tl: of si.: fr.�.....`......._.......•1 . -si �x r1es-------- - --- -- u -, , e x c e :v est 105 feet.------------------• ._ E ...........b - - - ........................... - --- — C. F. No. 2E625 08— ---'--'--'-"' ......._ .......... .................._..............._........................� In the Matter of. reconstructi: Ing. and repairing the c.-- .sidewalk to a widthof si--. the north aide of Charles v............................. -. ..............................................._...___.._...............,. _.. -'vg at Rice St. thence west -• Preliminary Order E1 -...18 1918. ...... —s'.. % 1-- !" — �. - .I l 11 .•St '•w•� T' Julie 15,-1L1;._. 1y Gl c( ............ ..----......---a roved ......_..........-----.................................. ander Preliminary Order .................... PP Intermediary Order ..........................._.......------ approved ------- .............._....................---------....._...-------._......... --- : �:.. A public hearing having been had upon above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully-Considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and land of improve- menttobemadebytheesid.Cityis._.r c.pnstruct,,_-re.lay..-._uiiu._rei�a r_._ l}e_ce^ .nt tile•,.,. si �:'°lic to o fee on t1 crth side of C'...ries 5 t a r .... ... .. ........ ................. ...... ... . .... F...}.`. G.': t... l.'v �S...i. C'. .............. . .................................._ ......... _............ _... _................. _. _........._............................... ._._..._...._................... ._..._.... .......... _. _.__......__.. ___.-. ____........_.....__.......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. f, `)n 191................, 191........ Adopted by the Council. ............>....................... qq// . u...... City AUG 2n 1918 Approved......................................................... ......... ..........._............ ..... Mayor. Councilman Wrrnsworth .Ccyee-Bess Councilm laud Cls r.:;y Councihyyff Keller Councilr4o McColl Council Wunderlich Mayor H Ho: L=:si: Farm B. S. A. d-i. CITY OF ST. O PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ce IathelVfatterpf._._r_ cr.n ru,a..-r.f?,._.<...:1.:_v.n .... r�. ......_•.�....r.::_:_......:'::......... _51.:... k ^... _ .......... t.c_.a...;�:i*..h....cs.....si.x....le.u....or.._u. �....__cr.t`_..s�..�:._..:.1_...Why.r.1.e�....:.t.__Me.;i.zr:..;..a�, ... ....._'u...._:...............___......._... .......... .................... i::....k.i:........._---_ _.._..-..__......._............. _........ ................ .. ......... ........ ........ .... __............ _...._... _............ ............. ......... ...... .......... _....... .......... .................._............. ....... ........................ ....... ....... __ t G Cj under Preliminary Order approved...__�un@._..:_..::.:..._�..,......e.............._._..........._....-.._.......... .... ....... .... ....... ......... ........... ...... ...... .... _.... � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.•. -- --- ........... ------ - - -- --The Theestimated cost peratfor the above improvement is - - - - - �- - -�' - ----- . - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ( x. V,. 27 ft.} 1 2 „ci`ir. x 7550 A,',-_ti.-n tc ,t. . val ,et til ft. Of 1 2 we 1_35C TOTAL. ? q�QC The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......._........ ' ' .................191.--- - ...._.....,.._.._. ..._._.-......._._.........._...... __.. :...... . Commissioner of Finance. roar e. e. �. e•e o iaA Office of the Commissioner of Public Works "C94VEn Report to Commissioner of Finance$''' :ass: roes e�NY� _ JUL.. 1$ J..191.8. ....ul........3'............._5th ... a........................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._3..1666 ... ..approved.... June 18th.,.......................191 8.., relative to........ _............ _.... reconstructingA,.._relay..ing__and,,,_repai_ring,..she..._c.ement...;t..ile,,..._i.�leA..alk__t.Q.,,.,.�.,,, width of six feet on the north side_._of..._Charle_s_._St.._..be.ginning_._at.__Ric_e_,_. .........._. ......... _..........._......._ ..........._............... ............ ... S:t ..:._.theuc.e._.w.eat.....1D8....Ye.et.,..._........._............... ..... _.... ........ ..._............ ._....... ...... ......... ...... .................................... _......... ......... ........ .... ....... .............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$._............. _....... ......_, and the total cost thereof is$....... _........................................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....... ....... _................... ...... _.............. _......... _.............. _................ _... _.................... ............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......................... ............... ............... ................ .._......... _.._............... _.._.....:._...._......_.................... _...... ... .............. ........... .................................................... _................ ... ._ not 5. 'Said improvement is._.... __.................... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............._....:....._....................... Commissioner of Pu W Works. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ...----------- '1250 By.......... _ i .......... .............................................. ........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..S±.Q.T7.=_::Zt.G.�v.kT.�--a---C.A?.QP.n.u....Ga.J..,....,...�.�.�.».�l..e....1j.:sss...... .... ................ x=4---tr�s.t Jeifer on •-v e -,Ce t sae Accu = 1 ---- ..... ............-.-.--........_...---.......-----.._...-- ��,, `'f'C i,,t s:de'rra1 IS Y1 0'A' e:: c C. F. No. 22504— ................................................................................................ In the .Matter of constructing ace -I ------ .------- . ment tile sidewalk to arwidth of -5X1 feet on the west side at Saratoga '^`•eve. from St Clair St. to .7:, eraon------------------ . ezcen` Tan.. oa6e' _ . _..._ 26 ............................................... I ................................................ ........_................................._................... ... ................ ._...... ander Preliminary Order.......?1-:4..............................approved1.E'.........................._.............. IntermediaryOrder ......... ........ ................................ .------....approved ....._............................................._........----........----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- cc_struct ? ce: en.....:yi.... s......3.1};.--_�.4..:a._Ll.:zti7...D.%: improve- ment to be made by the said City ls..........:_....._._.............................. : Meet on +r ;:'est S'de of Saratol;a ,ve. frgm 7- ir_ to si.. z „-.e r...... _.-..... _...... Jefferson. :ve. ce-_+1.er.e...E'.......r..-:_............................ .-. 1 c,; , Gent ` ................................................ .. ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - - AUG 20 1,0..... ---- - ..........._._...., 191 -- Q D AUG 20 1918 Approved------------- ............................................ 191........ Councilman Farnsworth. Cow"i Osa Councilmanrlzici-llderlich ad vciarcy Councilmanr `1 Councilmanll V Councilman Mayoritelia �i;oaLson Form B. S. A. d-1. d n/\ t�� l C ..................................... City Clerk /Mayor. LDS T '- CITT Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMFNTOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) -- — 1 • o In the Matter of to 47 "n AVe.,...._.. Lf-ren Zt, under Preliminary Order approved ......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement Is The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSHD VALUATION d 22 3 @ylvwn Perk Additior. 45G_ 21 3 do _ 375 _ 20 3 do 375 _. 1Q 3 do 1275 . 18 3 do 475 17 3 do 2275 r 1� 3 CIO 375 _.. i 375 - 14 ', 3 d o 375 ----- o--------- —3 j Form D. B. 10-- TOTAL, 7425 CITY OWAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK] ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 �,B � _ylvan Park Addition 375 23 6 do 375 P 22 ', 6 30 377 21:6 de 37 o : 5 ti0 6 de 375 1` '3 do 375 18 i 6 do 825 17 6 do 875 16_ 6 do j 1050 15 ,6. t do } 14 6 aC 375 r, 13 6 do II i I 1 375 _ ' I 13175.-�..: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..........._.......^2_lJ...._.......191.. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - Office of the Commissioner of Public rks". E' F1*RNSN Report to Commissioner of Finance s JUL 8 -1914 July 6th, .................191.. g.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, havinghad under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21624June 15th, 191 8.., relative to ............. oil, known as Council File No., ............... .. approved..... ...... ..._ .. constructing. a_cement•_tile sidewalk to_.a••_w�dth;_of:-six Peet on the ........... ,west :aide_._of._.Sarato.ga._Ape.,__from St, _Cla�r_._St_.___to Jeffe_rson_.Ave .,_._,,. . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: _ 1. Said improvement ie':::_...____ ..necesesry and (or): desirable. 650 per lineal foot ' and the total cost thereof is $ ,and 2. The estimated cost the is $--•----- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ...... .... . ............... 3. _A plan, profile or sketch.of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .._. ...... ........ .............................................. ....._ .. _..._ ....... 5, Said improvement is_;..... .._.................eked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................... .......... _.... .............. -- commissioner of Public Works. S22505 COUNQIL FILE NO ............................. By...... .................................................... .................... c FINAL ORDER ....recc,As.lruc.tic.,,...t:e1_;t;..aur�.P In the Matter of_..?S i'_. Gfee' ,ve. thence ...................::........ ............. ......... F. O. th ter of No. t In l the Matter of reconstructing, relay Ing',a l rePa w dthho cement tile. .-....... .....__.............................................................................................. ...sidewalk toawldthoP era-feet.on the south, side of Roble at. Irom Hall• Ave., .thence west. 204 .feet, under -,- ....... ...... ....... ...... Preliminary Order 21661 approved"'' „ - - June 18,public 1918. hea -_ A publlo hearing having been--:�':f." ........... ...._ upon then the xm-- - -" ................_............................................................ notice. and the -Council having. no all persona, objections and recol--o under Preliminary Order .......app de 1 relative the ra d . ,;.a ........................... IntermediaryOrder ....................................... ......................approved......................................................................... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said Cityis....='ecunsLruc t.,_..re.l4�:..,U:i_:....e o, --_4.j e.._Cen:ei t....u.11E.... s devialk to a yr ith of si:: feet e : Lhe scut!: side o _... gc .F....:......._fry;ii ............. . __ ....... .. ...... �t• ...�.....feet, . _......... ......._....._.. _........ ............ _... - ........ _.._.................................................................. .... ................._........ ......._................... ........................................ .... .._..............._..........._...._....._...................._......_........__............... ..................... ......................._.................-........ _...................._......._.......................-.._........... ..... _.............._....................... .................. _........._........... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .... _...... !Ir---2��--�91p................... 191 ........ ..1 City Clerk. AU8 Approved.. ................ ........._. 2n ..........l9iB .......... 191..---... _. -"- ......................... a Mayor. Councihnado arnsworth lu Co>mailman eeao B / �/ d Councilman Bi�srYdc u 1 r: c,y Councilman Seller Councilman McColl Councilman _Wunderlich Mayor Pi3Gii v'.ec:` Of; - Form B. S. A. B -i. TY OF ST. PAUL DE ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) _--��d--- �...1. �_.....__ In the Matter of .......� e aa� s t.run.ti.� �,._. ,.a, t...t � Le.-S to a .:iith of six feet cn the acl-,tb ai.'_e of Rcbie pt. frccc Ave. ,. oma}......... ...... ......._............. 4................................._.......__..._.. _............................._......... ........... - ...........................-... ... ...... _- .. under Preliminary Ord" approved _...... .....:;: d P..._1 R. C.,_... t h....._ _........_ ...-...._ ..- ._ .........-................__............................. -' To the CouncTof the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -- ................ c,nA- The estimated cost per foot%r the above improvement is - - - - ---..-.U._ 0..1-- ...... -- -- A The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, ore as follows' -- -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1C 84 Test C,t. 7'a11 Proper 300 1 84 do 4CC TOTAL, .7 L. C The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated............../v.._ ........ _19LE CI G.-.........._._ . .._..W Commissioner of Finaam soar a. e. w. em o �A/z office.of the Commissionerof Public orks RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance e s ;UI: 8" July 5th, 1918 - To the Commissiober of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21661. _ roved...... June 18th, 191._8..., relative to ...................... oil, known as Council File No ...................... _ _..aPP relay_in$.. and,; repairing._the_.cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Robie St. from l Hal Ave., thence west 204 feet.------ --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... ._._....necessary and (or)' desirable. .070 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._- -............. and the total coat thereof is $ ........ ......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............_..................._. ...........,. 5. Said improvement is.._ ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 00, ' ........................... Commissioner of Public Works. 22506 X10 An o once amending Administrative Ordinance No. 32501, approved August, 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, gnd`subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of; St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN.- SECTION RDAIN:SECTION 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3254, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, and>subsequent amendments, is hereby further amended.by striking out all the salary limits in Section 4-B to, Section 12 inclusive (comprising Grade O to Grade 8 inclusive); and inserting in lieu there- of the following respective salary limits: Sec. 4-b. Grade O. -Salary' limits: $40 to $90. Sec. 5. `Grade 1.--Salary limits: $50 to W. Sec. 6. tirade 2.--$clary limits: $60 to $80. Sec. 7. Grade 3.--Salary limits: $70 to $90. Sec. 8. Grade 4.--Salary limits,: $s0 to $100. Sac. 9. Grade 5.--Salary limits: $85 to $105. Seo. 10. Grade 6.--Salary limits:. $85 to $115. Sec. 11. Grade 7.--Salary limits: 19519 112 Sec. 12.- Grade 8.--Salary limits: $105 to $135. SECTION 2. That the said Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking QutL the title of "Collector" in See. 8 ('(trade 4) of Rule II, and inserting said title of "Collector" in Seo. 7 (Grade 3) of'eaid Rule II; and by striking out the title "Electrical Inspector" in Sec. 10 (Grade 6), and inserting said title of "Electrical Inspector" in Soo,, 11 (Grade 7) of said rule; and by striking out in Seo. 12 (Grade 8) the title "Ambulance Surgeon", and inserting in lieu thereof the title ',"Day Ambulance' Surgeon; and by -inserting in sec. 8 (Grade 4) the title "Night Ambulance Surgeon;" and by adding in Seo. 10 2,025e,6 (Grade 6)'`&fter the titles "Fire Alarm Operator" and "Police and Fire Alarm Lineman" the following: "Enters at $90." SECTION 3. That the said Ordinance No. 32501, an amended, is hereby further amended by striking out in Seo. 4 of Rule V the word "certification" where it occurs in the following phrase in said section: "and, provided further, that:whers.an officer or employs accepts certificationto a higher position... " and inserting in lieu of said word "oirtification" the word "appointment.�� SECTION 4. That the said Ordinance No. 3250, as emended, is hereby further amended by striking out Section 1, as amended, of Rule X, and inserting' in lieu of said section the following: "Section 1. Appointments. --Appointment to,any position or Place of`employment,shall be made at a salary rate'not'ex oeedingshe loweet`aompeneation;;.rate prescribed for the grade An which the position is:classified; provided, however, that amployeo who secure an appointment through a promotion exami nation may, if in the judgment of:tthe Commiseionsr the _poe tion held,by them 1e of, the ssme general charagter'as the position to which; promotion is made, be appointed -ata rate of salary $5. higher than the salary rate which they are than receiving in the position from -which such promotioA is made, except. that such eslary rats' shall in'no'caee,be higher than'the maximum prescribed for the.grade'to which.; the promotion is made.:.Pro- portional`advancea-in,'salary in the class., such .promotion appointees may be:iomputed in the 'same meaner as. if the 'position'. to *hioh'they were promoted had,been'classified With a minimum, or entrance, salary limit equal°to the rate h& vhioh the'pro motion appointment is made in accordance' with this .section. SECTION 5. This ordiaanoe`ehall take effect and ba in force from and after its passage and approval. Yeas ( 1) Councilmen ( I') Nays C111-*>cy Fary6l�,`Orth GR>K 6 In favor K� o -UGGS" Against Wpr[fferlich Mr. PresidVA, Hodgson FORM C A. 9 3M B-ia .1 Adopted by the CounciL,. A. Appr d. l - 191,.-' c�9'cl Ojo�� MAYOR Petition Council File No ........... ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22A7 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ourb botk..A;�49�� Rql?.Iy at 1.)etwe.on 01,r Un AY.e..* and.._FJnn .......... ........... .............. and tj Arl?.qw 4t* to lipbly-n A.7.0,* ............... . ....... in__S-Maordanee w1th Patiti-aa he-rato.- att-&ohed­----- Dated this .......... UAt day of -August ......... - - _- ............................ ........................... 1918' I_ -- -- -------C--o--t- mdlnan PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Ou - olh aide3 Ro.b.1,y.n...Ay.e.... between.- Oxatin -Ave.. and Finn ,- Ave and the from..Ann.-Arbor Zt._.t.o Ro.hlyn..Ave .................................... �40_9.f .................................................................. ................. .................. ........................................................ ............................. A written propO9-1 for, ............................ ......................... ­­ .............. . .......... ...................... ... ..... .... .. the I.U..1.9 impb r�ve both .1d.e- of no lyn having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.... . ...... ............... �',retfn Ave. and .X1nn,Av0.q- 0 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a� d he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... 5, To itte whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f",O*ng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. M the -council .191......... . � �12� i ....... ..... Adopted by . ? I Yeas: Nays: meat Couffdhft�Prth Approved... ....... . ... lancy Kew gor' mcwt WmidiAch 2 . ..... ......... .... Mayor*6 Hodgeon Ma or Form CA 13 (SM 4.17) a/ Petition =r s Council File No ...............'....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2t5O8 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: attaohed. .................. ....................... ................................................................. ... .............. ......................................................................... ........................... ' ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dated thu..........20th...day of ................ AUgu9.........................................................., 191.es.. Coun hnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade....a11eY.._n.._31ook...4...Ao.Agla.0...A.dAiti.otx...and_.Abb.ott...& Anakes!e...Ee........ ........3rom...gyPreas .St.e.. tip .Earl. .._. ....... CWhe oae2608— A written proposal vem the nt ............................................. ................ ...... making of the Yollowing 1mP Q . ...... via: Grade m,and ,ey I ttBl Block ugr�. 1dJ� ��rees- 9t, to Earl 8t hair ..................................... ........................................ ............................_._........................................................_.......... F,.ented to the Counts"..:'", p�4L 1}ttbh ore._.f'r.....i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...... _......._ ........................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature, extent and el irnated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... . _..........................._........................................ _................_...................................._........................................................................................ 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. � 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.............()ii..........Q...............191........ Yeas: Nays: / Councilmap.£ar„swer4h _ Approved ...:... ...................................... ----.191 ... Lam,• l;tidt,l0lanoy Mc�'isll, Wupderlicho Mayor koe"Hodgson D ayor.�/� F.— C A 18 (aM 4.19) I Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 22,509 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cordamning...txicl...taking. ...an...aa ement.:.in...the....land... ne.o.e.ssaxy...Tor...:slopas, .............or-- cut.s. a.nd-_f 11 s....in _. grating_. al1Qy.-._��..-Bl,ggk.._4.. Douglae-._Axa.,-.-end..-..--.. ............ Alibat.t....&...Anaker..r..s....Ra...,-... x..am...Cypraas....at.......t.o...4a.xl...St.................................................. _.................................... ..._._._................................._ Dated thia.......... 20th...day of.......................August..................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: GQAa.o. zxing....a,nd....t.a,king_.a.n....e.asement..An...the....landeme.o.e.s.aary...3ox...slope.s, _._-..for.::cu .._and._. i_lls... n.,.grad ng...glley in...B1..ook...4...Dquglae.,.Add.*._._and...__ ............Abbat.tRe....,._.from ._Gypres.s....St.,...t.o....zarl...at.a..............�.._...................... 1 ries— .................................. ........... .................................. ........... .................... .................................. .-........................................i. written proposal -for, p e following. unproven, r having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_._ ................ no necee taking for F;ti= therefore, be it BradlaA:a:.:-: c. d Ahtl RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invettigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and eltimated coot of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.......................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 21 4818. Adopted by the council........................... -- ................................._..............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman 'F�h -Gee- Approved........ 1 Clancy K M; U wJrfr�rlich Mayor �(K Hodgson Fa m CA 15 (4M 4.17) Council File No. - .......... - -10 By...... . ............... ........ . ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. VVV In the matter of the assessment of eneflite, Ost-'d �x for -Urbin� bot-'. Of 7,11L�Ljr Street bet en Albert Str-8- nd th1b'Id" .rt street r nue,.unde Freli.tn— "Y ?r(l under Preliminary Order- Intermediary Order ��47 Final Order. approved -Zec. I-- .....................................191 lst' -Q A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the *above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 4.7 equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1UG 21 1918 Adopted by the Council . ....... 191 City Clerk. Approved ........ ......... ............ . ..... .. ... ................. ......... . ...... ..... Mayor. Form 13. B. 18 CouncilFile No. .................................................. By 22-11 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ._ _. ..' I'1 +'. costs dP.' c^ i:pe i.9- 5 for �urc1-n - „alrOli :.0 `_' froff: �.j 11 -g AV -nue to PieTCe tT�e�P A. IC.F, No. 28631—BY e: F:: •. _ , IInbe eflie.ecoeteandtezDenee",.^ ane CarrolotAve.trom i ItYO / under Preliminary Order.___....1^.o.:r..f3....... _.. Intermediary Order ........... 12.Z-65.Final Order.._.._...1.3.17..1.._.__.... approved._....._....__..._.___C..t...lltlir.._..........191..5....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ,� .�1 .equal installments as to each and every parcel.of land described therein. WG 21 1919 Adopted by the Council C Approved...__..................................._.............'............19 Form B. B. 18 i c) Council File No. ..._..........._.. ........................._.... V I By .............. .._....................... 22.5112' CITY OF ST. PAUL. "Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of :_ i t:. for f„ ^rctl c. F.'No..33612— In the matter o[ the etpes:' �bene8ts, costa and esyel -��qg x-1 on_ Ave. from , .r rlboro Ave. under = +207. Intarmasi �.:'y under Preliminary Order.....%.'...` ................ Intermediary Order ....__1:. ..r.=_ ........._.... Final Order.._._.... .0 bub........_... approved ..__.. aL.�ZL -__�. '".:;..._.._......_...._....191._7....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -.. ,t. R_(...I)— equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council AUG 21 1918 191......._... _....._ f /f` �JC. L..j City Clerk. Qom/ Approved 1191......... Mayor. Form B. B. is PM F � , _/�j — o Council File No. By._-......__._..._.._..........._......................._...._....._._.... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 22.513 In the matter of the assessment of i'::� :;u t u for L. ! _u to icsir,�'o. ..v . C. F. No. 32615— In the matter of the aseesa benefits, costa and eapen9ae ing James St. from Edgecuml to Leatngton Ave: under Prel;i .18879, :Intermedin ,gat Order. 1981'-, Zs- li: .. under Preliminary Order...........�.a.Cr..ls?._......... Intermediary Order..._.'r.:'.....::�...__....._.._..... Final Order_...... ........... approved ......_....:.:.._` ..• ................ 91-7- A A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEET FU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable . 1 �. ,iequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. to_............... _..._......... Adopted by the Council_.....__��.U�1..._M.�....�9.L8.__......._......_._ _...191._.......... C City Clerk. Approved........_ ........................._._. ...... ..............19 ...._ Form B. B. 18 Mayor. f ------ Council File No. .............................................. tie By 2251't CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of b` C. F. No. 22514— in the 2514-Inthe matter of beneflte, costs and exDenc �• -ing of- Pussy St. from Chr: ..tc Pennock St.Int d rmea,a�r ��` .1 v 10982, -der 13999. e under Preliminary Order..._:.:.: `o:.v.e:._............. Intermediary Order Final Order__....._ 1:. '.S )_..._..._. approved ...._.....= 1 .: Y__......._.__.._..... -.191...v....... nt, and said assess - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improveme ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR" HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. �'t._L i...;�._4equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. v JAUG 21 1918_...._.._._191._..._... Adopted by the Council j City Clerk. I Approved.. ................. _...._....__......._......._......._......191_....._ '�......_...... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 !�� / 44 / o Council File No . .... ............................. ............ 2 q By ..._._. _.....__................................_......................... ......... 225 15 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of LBnl °i`'_, 7Cct8 11--.i 43y:=; 1i0^0 for AVeI'u C. F. No. 22616— In the matter of the benefits. costs and exp,., structing curbing on Sherburne Ave. betty rt2� and 1—ir--, A. under Pr iminary Order..........1.7 ,r Q..._...... Intermediary Order ...._la 3G ........... , Final Order...._.....�.:._-.5 .........._....... approved ...__.....__...._0_c..t:.. _.u.th..._.........._....191.....3_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. /QBE IT FU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.y- -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I I Adoptedby the Council ......_.___............. ...__......_.__....._..._.____.._.....191._.......... .-v . 1 if GC 1 i .. City Clerk. Approved..__..._............. ... .... .... _....._.........._./ ...............191-J&...... .I. .... ........... . Mayor. F.— B. s. 1s Council File No. .. ........... .. ev t0 42.51 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying' Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ? t 3, 7c, t 9 an : ' .: ',e ,.' for +' c y:: ..^tc (:Y' r -u r -Ubin6 v ai �c _:_nair,z Ave:a.e, C. F. No. 22516— Yn the matter or - thease,i benefit., costa. and ea: z curbing both sides of Vao' rrom Syndicate Avenue. t Av.3nue. under. Prellmir �, 1882.3, Intermediary (`�'- -- - v c;.13 .1.�.?ga �goR5 ,SOJ S....... Intermediary Order ......_.... _............_._...._. Final Order_....._....._- _:...:'..__..._. under Preliminary Order._....._.....-....._..._ ._.....__e....::'-.�_...4. t ; approved ' r _....__..._......_.....191.. °....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered final�y satisfactory, be it therefore ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. /B�E IT F1�RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in (6/ _. Ir/._.r..:.�_..._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1-a_.. 1 io'A.._...__........ 191._......_. Adopted by the Council ....._.....___.;'1.r7_._».._. /.. :....,--,,City Clerk. Approved ...._...._ ...... ....... ._......._. :._/...191.. '._ (//` ...� -...... Mayor. Form B. B. 18– / (� J — C) zv14 Council File No. By......_.........._ ..........................._...... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 2251r� A In the matter of the assessment of -- - r =- f i t S, 00s': anz.L e 3t. a n e i' S for Curbing 'ealey f,ve-, ot__ ai.._ pry r,- 7 ;.2ttei r the a ent or .S'J B I1ll S sees ".,leyLe A—,and both th efor aidea,eabe- •ry St. and FM_1— Ave.. reliminary Order 12469, 1',y Order 16216, Final I- t. May 28th. 107 haW. under Preliminary Order.............1°1 .._.._, Intermediary Order Final Order.._._..._1L �...._. approved ......_..._............_r:.: _ ... > _t_n.,........._.....191 _%........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment -having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable r in..._% h,.'.!e� 5:-.-.i....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ?" 1Jg 21 19" Adoptedby the Council ............_......_....................._......._.....................191....._......'. ...'°. .......t. City Clerk. Approved.._.._....... .... ...... _... \ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 a �l " Council File No . ....... ............ .................. ....._....... By........................................................................ ................. 225t8 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Beneefite, costs and ex-„enseg for CliT'0InE both sides ci =CY:1 Street ..et,,':e--- Pas. -.i fvV- u= and S t r 3 e t 7 C. F. No. 22618— In .the matter of the . cur . eate, to bing botch aides oandf Laf„ green Pascel Ave. and Albc' der Pry Ofnary Order 116:.'; medlary prder 13671, 13861} a veal Dec _ under Preliminary Order_.1.1 3.Q...._._._..... Intermediary Order .._1774771......._....._._-, Final Order_ ......._.__. . approvedna 191 ...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F7RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.../.v_'.^..'...9....... (...%............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i ......"__P..._.._...__......._ 191....__.... Adopted by the Council ... ..............4_U�...._” _j IQ r Approved_ ........ .............. _._....__..._. _......�(....__19 Form B. B. 13 S CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM Subject: --- -- --- - - ........ ........ . ....... ...... ........ .-------------------------------- --------- ------- COUNCIL FILENO.......................................... .. ........... i . ... .... ................ lip Date Presented.. In the matter of opening, widening and extending orange Sto to a width Of sixt-six (66) feet, from Forest St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order 120696, approved March 6th, 1918 and intermediary Order 422109, approved July 22nd, 1918. The Commissioner of Public 4orks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it PE60LVED "That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as What part of the north 33 feet of the South half of S.E--j Of fRiel9w3:4 of section 21, Town BID, Range 22, that lies between the west line of J. A. & W. M. Stees' Addition, and the east line of sorest St., as opened on August 6th, 1888, being 27 feet more or less* Also the south 33 feet of the N. j of the 8 E. of the S. w. of Section 21, Town 29, Range 22, extending from%1- e west line of Earl St. to the east line of J, A. & W. M. Stees' Addition, being 968.69 feet more or less as shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of public Works in the above matter dated August 21, 1918, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. V No, 22619 -By M N' GO— t6a matter of opitning, widening 'bith and e.t..di.9 Oran.: t' - Forest st. sto"YE-ar"I S(L�6) under from It or :P, r , rc Order ... an a dl. 22109, approved July -or ij Th. C-mmb 1i-'aY ofe or to having submitted I.r is Is In the above matter, be It Resolved, That the City of SL pan fkaae and determines the amount. land to be taken for the -v- named improvement , ,. to be B ': ou't :part of the north 33 f t t , I he S of ec- half Of 13- E- % 2o9f -a '2, t at lies tion 21. Town Range th t'llne of between ,tot v,.�"Addition, wand ' - set tin. Oi Forest SL, a. opened anul at 6t h. a as more or ... ;f t so t an t 3 feet ;ftending21, o the . W. tha wee[ line of Harl-SL tee.. ...... lti or r R -n t fee g a ti t ¢port the .1 f r Ito I rt 14 goat 21, 1918. are ere refarredto.' and made ai jirt tiareof. Ad.p . y t a 2.u.611 Aug. 21, 1918- Appr An - I - � i41918 (A .1918) Yeas (V) uncilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council. 2 Clancy A 1916 In favor py-ci" filer �Iccoll ...Against and rlich MAYO Mr. P?residen Hodgson FORM C A.9 3M 6-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjecR: _........ -- - ..__............... 22520 ............. FILE No. YNCIL Date Presented...... -Aug • --..21.x...-_.. 191.Q.,. Resolved, That tha time specified for the performance of a certain ooitract dated May 20th, 1918T between Fielding & Shepley and the City of St. Paul for the paving of Marshall Ave. from Snelling Ave. to a point/ 160 feet west of the west line of Pascal Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 20th day of August, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and fill such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. I oa ea, That the time epecul.d for I dated May 20th 01919. between pY 1ding t Shepley and tha Clty of St Paul for neli the paving o[ Mar.h.11 Ave. 'fr.. a 8Ave, [o a point 160 feet west o[.thwest 31ne o[Paecal Ave., be and the dme le hereby e:tenaed to the 20th day. of August, 3918 and the prop-. : to exe to ane are hereby authorised to execute as mendment. to at con- trnet in ace ordance herewith, prodld- j ad, however, that thio. resolution shall ;not have any totoo and eReet unless -[Ae sureties on the. cbntractgYebOndl consent thereto and Hle ouch. on Ont in writing with the Clty Compptroner.:� =led by the Councll Aug. 21, 1,9 i Approved Aug. 21, 1918: _ 24-1918) Yeas(') ouncilmen (V) Nays Clancy - .Tiswteworth ; as A'�" In favor �Jeller �VIccoll _Against �� Wunderlich Mr. Pre ldent, Hodgson FORMC A.. ..a -la I Adopted by the Council__191__ - - ....._..-----..._......._. .............. MAYOR 22520 St. Paul, Minn., _August 20 19 18 - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the -paving of-Iiarshall Ave. _ from Snellim, Ave. to a point 160 feet west of the west line of Pascal Ave. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to be extended to - _Aust 20th- - - - - - - - - 1918 - Owing to -labor conditions -and inability to secure -material it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVEDSupt m & Repairs 22"ibnx Publio Chief gine CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.—GENERAL FORM - -- --- ----- 2252. ........ ............. COUNCIL Subje6i. _ .___ ___ _ FILE NO._ __.. _._..._.__. A-- Date Presented-.ALlgt18' _._....2.1.,....__.191.- Tin the matter of constructing a sewer on the center line of Doswell Avenue from center of Keston Sto to the easterly line produced of Lot 26 Block 31 St. Anthony ark North under r7Preliminary Order 416776, Final Order $18598, app p d and amending resolution C. F. No. 22345, approved Aug. 9, 1918. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Ij Bete�v dti 0 �/^ 8 Y� C. F. No, 22621— In the matter of onstructing a ee— it of fromon hconto, of Keeton Stn. to the a at erly line produoedof Lot 26 Bloel 21. St. Anthony Park North undo' __, ............ .n..r No.. 16776, V Yeas W) uncilmen ( V) Nays Clancy F TleIn favor /_(_ /....Against 'kunderlich Mr. Prent, Hodgson FORM C A.9 3M 6-16 Resolved. Tfie.t the, plane, 6Decmca- tion. and eW.-ted puantlttes subm119: ted by the Commieetener Of Ppbilo i Works -for the above flamed "improve- ment be and the same are hereby up Proved: Adopted by the Council Aug. 21. 1818. Approved 1, 118 ((Auug224-19181 Adopted by the Council_._�1 191 191pr ....- ��/� _ l CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - -- t 22522 -----""""--'- COUNCIL SllbjeCR: .. .......... FILE NO., AUG Q1 1918 Date Presented-- ----' "'---- S� Resolved, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Edward King, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $17.28, in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to August 29th, 1918, for injuries re- ceived by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 18th day of July, 1918. C., F. No. 22522- cars Rc e 00 areehe that by authorizedr to tDay�o Edward King; out of the Workmen..- Coondmpensation. Account of the General, Fttia aum of $17.28. In partial set- � tlement of hi9 claim for the period up to Ap6not 29th 1918, for injuries r,. - to by him while employed bythe Department of Public Works on the.I I 18th day of 7uly. 1818: Adopted by the council Aug. 21, 1918. Approved Aug. . &, 191st _. I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner o' Public Work,. AUG ?1 '4'8 Yeas (V') ouncilmen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council__ .. ,.. _ .._....._191_... Clancy ,—._j / S 191 Fall >,+redh Approve _..__... - ... In favor rVIC-01-11 ..__ .Against --- ..--.. .. ....-...... MAYOR *underlich Mr. Prgd6ent, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 6 -la CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .� COUNCIL - No._. - Subjeft: ___ PILE --- ___ n� 191.8 �A us t 21,....... Date Presented--� �---��---���'�� 1 Resolved, Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for ve the making of the improvement under Final Order No. 18696, approved Sept. 26, bed as and as amended by Final Ave. $19321, approved Nov. 8, 1917,0 nta160 feet west the paving of Marshall Ave. from nelling Ave. toe p h the west line of Pascal Ave., a arisen in connection with the vin 0 '2.36 per aq. yd, construction of 67 sq. Yds• of sandstone pa g "40.20. $157.45; 67 sq. Tads• concrete base ra in54.8 linl.kft.63"I x 1011 headers 25 Ou. yds. excavation 0 45¢ #4.93; 21.15 lin. ft. radius 1sandstone curbiyds 2excavation Q 45� ft. straight sandstone curbing 47.as f 25• One t67.60, now thereforebe 8t'S lin. ft. straight sandstone curb g 80¢ RESOLVED, That the Oo,3noil hereby orders the con drworkotoobesdoneaid ounder �the th excavation and additional paving, supervision of the Commisthenneter 000stbthereof nolic 71OrkB tntoiexceed rthe sum Of epecifio�tions therefor, $227.33 Rnd to be allowed as an extra of theaaforreesaidas Comptroller's Contraot jL - 942 for theemakingng ma improvement. 1�°'iV. oal�aazaaw»se� Un°o: " b-1 Yeas (/Cmilmen (V) Nays y h eller J *CCon rlich ._a.,.nn � 141A i 191_._. �— /.._.__.191 .................."MAYOR CITY OF 8T. PAUL ... OFFIC COUNCIL No. ........... ......... . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A 46, 2 11 7-18 ^d �_---- - __ BY ... ..... .... AUG)1,'" �(l�b ... LfPTR ER _ u fi J C�D _.. AUDITED 191........ PER.................................... 428 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn -upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folloowing detaile�dl�statement: yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council OF �.... / _19 Cl cy i� A ved......_....... / I th favor i Against _...... _. .. _.. _ .... MAYOR K ler - M Coll nderlich Mr. Presid nt, Hodgson ___-- C. F. No. 22624— , Revolved that Warrants dile. out t upon the City, Treasury pays the hereinaer e.n.fir fund. and, in t favor of. tha person.. firms o[ corDOH- tions for the amounts vet oDDosite _ their reeDecttde�°led s�tensontaed 1n 1 the fOT,. 60.00. Joe. ii Barrett, $ 371.00. Hubbard Electric Co., $ W. C. Marlow, sr.. $400.00. 1,816,99. 9t. c. Mar 6tone Co., a Adc Approved Au80 81u 1918ncil Aug 21, 1918. (Aug. 24-1918) 60.00 6863 Joe. He Barrett blic Bathe 371.00 5854 Hubbard Electric CO­ School 5855 W. C. Marlow, Sr., Public Baths 1,216.99 5856 St° Paul She tC dOStee Cos.Re i • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.._... - Suhledt:.......................................... FILENCIL NO... ............................ a.......... .. V Date Presented.. AIX90--- 4*1► Resolved, That Whereas, A Final order for a change in the grade of Tallula Place between Fairview Ave. and Olayland Ave. has been adopted by the uounoil and aiproved by the Mayor, the plans and specifications for the grading of said street are hereby modified in accordance with said change of grade as shown on the blueprint bereto attached by a red line, and the contractor is hereby authorized to perform the grading in accordance with the modified plans without extra compensation, provided that this resolution shall be of no force or effect unless the contractor and his bondsmen shall agree in writing tro the terms thereof. Yeas (V)jouncilmen ( V) Nays !--Clancy r In favor eller / � ticColl ...... ..Against I underlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 6-18 GIJG '21. IQ IQ 191-... Adopted by the Council__..,__..... _._ .._ Approv II _._..__.191..P. MA OR PIC61(ICD Hodpon �t _MI'. �e r ,l. 6887 Attlberg Searing Co. '• ;t r 5868 "Amerioaa $apreee Co.;, 28.18 taiage 166 Lit raryW • 28 C• P, YYan. Ltb• 7b .0 ;Teat. 88691 , Amerioan Linen Oipply Co., 8083 4ara6e 3A0 y 5886 "Amer oan;Sappiy Co., 5.78 8ohool X883 . H• w " Au etin ` Bnr. Agt. �puamef" .73 _Co,rp, Onrage 17 8868 Berglund lov* or Co. 18. bC Parke 8863 Geo. C. Binder 0. ql.1".849 Water, }.. �i '- I WMIA-in Wal Pla�igr -undo. 29.13.- P. Bldg• :r: -56.76 �'iU.9�;::, ritt.Rileon l0 60 7,it�rary.A �ogke Publia Baths 4t►rags . d0 6 rankling bgbO Tire Service Ott,., b9.80. brary�R. Bootie 6�88`✓�'righ�y B�+p#'8e ¢;�}1#�,i]. �+P► fit# Mi3 "7"?fi. - St. Paul, Minn. , TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY. GetAlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the C/114e-V JZ11-6*2�/• �i27�2e�1�r YG �o-CC�1/'-p ,i 011P to be extendedto----------�1--19/�- Owing to -a`6er cp%20��474- - - - - - -_ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was ynot possible for hcE-to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Jt i Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as fax as the%qu,.,.ents of this office is conAPPROVED ��jj option & Repairs Csioner Public Wor s. Chief Engineer. be. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION. -GENERAL FORM ✓mc4.ou - �; P ;AfRerioaa Cone �!o„_ - 38.76 Pnblio Batiaa ` f ` ` :AUOtia*wTeeiisrn, Road _'faohine..Co,, 440.7? •setreet C. &.-&.. Crane de rd *-y 'Pplioe• `8oMooi 26. °� . 'Parked"1h'8. lQ - eAV,13 �;Piaygronnde;;: 21 2g'. Adameorns Co., 3.03 Farnell, 6ZAM Birk & Co:,' 78.00 School J, C.`7arssgaa, Chief Aoot. 87:78 dater s Karg Spran 37.10 PpUds M Lepitan 16.92 C, S; .Iq►om � Brother 1-.1? . �iatfonal Candy+ Co,-, ". 82.31 , �, Pnblia Sathe.' 8d. AlM1mari 90.72 :Polido - r '. CITY OF ST. -PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM �e �xtm¢rit a law CITY OF ST. PAUL -6, fir.. O'H ONEILL ~+ a r` 40HN A BURNS J.ABMIEB.SB. -RDB. OSNWAN - a��2r t slot, 1918. WILLAMJ Mr. Jesse Foot, City (comptroller. Dear Sir:- I hand you herewith Torrene oertifioate No. 19733, oertify iag<to the ownership of Slook NE", St. Anthony Park North, as being in the name of Daniel W. Doty, and a000mpanying it a Warranty deed from Mr. Doty to the City of St Paul for a portion of this blook, Whioh deed has been approved as to form and execution. It Will, be neoessary for you to file this deed with the Registrar `of,Titles and present this oertifioate at the time to have the proper division made and new Oertifioste issued to Mr.' Doty for the part retained by him, and one to the city for the part which the City is getting. ° This traot is being donated, .and therefore, I assume that there is to be no "expense to.Rdr Doty., The donation is in oonneotion with the vacation;proceedings reoently before the Council for the vaostion of Doswell avenue. The new oertifiOste may begivento Mr. Doty, or delivered to this offioe and we will give it to him. Yours truly, corporation ounss . JAB-M [1111,11111 fill li COUNCWL PME NO.: ............ .......... Bpr ........... I ..................................... . ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter St from Stryker Ave. to Ohio St ., -.-.in sAd.e.B....Of W.e.s.t pa&!�..R ..... ....................................................................................... .... . a.dcpr4smoe..with ... petitP lareto gktae.h.e.d.... ......................................... . ............................... . ....... ............ ...... ............ 4 ................................................... ................... ...................................................... . .... iFCR txl . .................... . . .......... .. . ................. .................... .............. ..................................... ord8r. u' .............. ...................................................... . . ......... ................................................................. . ........ under Preliminary Order . .........oto.!L . .................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement and havin9 considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. that the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is GonatrUZUXI& ................ _.Aidewalk to a width of six feet on...bosides .th ......... . ........... ....................... ........................... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. to.-.04io St� .............................. .............. . ...... 7. .. . .............. ................ ........................ ........... .................................. ...... .............................. ............... ........... ..... . ............... .................... ........................................................... .............................................. ................... ............ .......................................... .. .................................................... ...................... ............... with no alternativesi and that -the estimated cost thereof is $__.74 per --.lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... ....... ......... day of .................... ............ 191-8.1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in "the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in ths6anner provided by the Charter, stating thb time and place !of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, aid' the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted: by.the Council.._::. A .............. .......... 191 AUG Zl/ APP 92 roiR ........ QW&pproved City .... ..... ...... ...... ......................... Mayor., V Lamm /4/ Conucilappirlora / Coune ler Connell McColl ZY" Mayo Form B. S. A. 8-6. C. F. No. 22640—Ordinance No. ,4097—� An ordina cemending Ordinance N.• a909 approved Tuxine 16. 1917, enttt�.'" J "An ordinance flag th ched-��-•n+':y' •s ages to b paid to skilled in the Depa[[uteit oB- g ouori an Publlc B U * [h d. an the!;+-. a � r � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3909, approved � r June 16, 1917, entitled, "An ordinance fixing the schedule of wages to be paid to skilled employee in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and authorizing their employment", as amended by ordinance Nq. 4049, approved June 22, 1918. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neceseary'for the public peace, health and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDEIN:• SECTION I. tThat said Ordinance No. 3909 be, and the same hereby is amended by adding the following: ��)_'Stone Masons not to exceed a cents, "Lathers,..not to exceed 62s cents, "Excavation'Itaremen, not to exceed 55 cents, "Concrete Foremen; -not to exceed 55 cents, "Slaters,not to exceed 65 cents. I SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency I ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety.. SECTION 3, ' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force i re tely upon its passage, approval and publication. i i Yeas ( l') Cou cilmen U) Nays F Adopted by the Council __. _ _ .191 & Clancy / ✓��'ti/ p'Farnsworth ` F IO '99 Appro d 191 Cy6ss _ In favor _._. /Keller ()_ ��� _.Against W� and lith Mr. Presiden odgson FORM C a.9 3M 6 -fie Master Builders Association Of- Saint Paul 609 Ryan Building St.Paul, Minn., Sept .23,1918. To the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of St.Paul. Gentlemen% We understand that there is now before the Council an ordinance which has for its purpose an increase in the wages of Bicklayers of of alresolutioner ypassedtbytthels ordinance is to council on September 14th,covering the same subject, which;,wae subsequently withdrawn. In connection withthe ordinance referred to, we wish to renew our protest against any increase in the wages of Bricklayers, was hichtout in explainedutheoreasonafornto your making this y dated protest. gept.16th, protest. In support of our action in this matter, we wish to lay before the Council cony of the agreement made by this assoioa. tion and Bricklayers Union No.l of St:Paul, fixing the wage scale at 75¢ per hour for the period ending May 1st, 1919, also Copy of telegram sent by this association to the International Bricklayers organization, also copy of the reply of that association thereto, ana in connection with the telegrams referred to we wish to refer you to the factthat the International organization in its reply, indicates tnat it does not approve of the action taken by Bricic- layers Union No. 1 in demanding an increase in wages in the manner 1n which it was done. very sincerely, President.p copy. St.Paul, Minn., Feb.9th,1918. The following in the basis of -settlement between the Master Builders Association of st.Paul.and Bricklayers Union V0.1 of St.Paul, agreed to at meeting of committees of the two organizations held this day. First: The wages of bricklayers shall be 75¢ per hour commencing May let,1918. Second: Half holiday on Saturdays from May 16t,1918 to October let,1918. This agreement shall continue to May 10t,1919 - it is agreed and understood that the Master Buildess Association and Bricklayers Union No.1 shall appoint committees and meet in December - 1918 to settle aky+_questions relative to wages, eto.. for the year beginning May let, 1911. John Elll$t, Henry Koehler Robert Boyd COMMITSn BRICKLAYERS UNION N0.1 Geo. Jl Grant F.H.Roemer Paul Steenberg COMMITW2. MASTER BUILMB" . ASSOCIATION;' •St.Pau1, Minn., Sept.14,1W.L8 Brickiayers, masons & N.M. International Union of America, 337 No.Penn Ave., Inaianapolis, Ind. Under date of Septemoer 7th Bricklayers Union N,o.l of St.Paul asked for a conference with this association to consider increase in wages to 87joper hour, effective 88ptember ldtn, 1818. Conference was held w1tJ1 union committee and attention called to agreement now existing fixing wage at 76¢ per hour for perioa euaing ray let,1B1q. Union under date of Septemoer 13th nae notified employers inaividually that demand.would be insisted upon, effective deptember 16th. As has been our custom, this matter is being brought to your attention believing that Loom Union has acted in violation of your international rules. master Builders Association, W.A.Cameron, President. COPY Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 16, 1918. Am.A.Cameron, Pres., Master Builders Association, St. Paul, Minn. We have aired our Union that their members must remain at work pending an international officer arriving to ad4ust the demands for an increased scale. (Signed) Wm. Obson. COP Y St • Paul, Minn., Sept. 12th, 1918. Mr. James Clancy, Cmmnissioner Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Wish to inform you that the Bricklayer's Mason's and hi. M• Benevolent Union No. 1. of St. Paul, Minn. do hereby demand an increase of wages from 75 cts. per hour to 87i eta. per hour, same to take effect on and after Mon- day Sept- 16th, 1918. Respectfully, (Signed) John Beck, Secy. Bricklayer's M. and M. M. B. Union No. 1 St. Paul. on ~ u'�.a rssociati Mas ter Builders Of -Saint Paul w ci. � 609 Ryan .Building Sept.16,1918t ro the Mayor & commissioners of "the City of` .Paul. 1. Gentlemen: ` We understand that the Council on Saturday, September 14t h', voted to increase the wag o? Bricklayers to 87jo per hour,, or-.-g,hZ incieaee .of 1.0,0 i° per day, mgking the wage 97.00 instead of $6. 11 00 per days effea-to 9bgtember .I 6t'4, 1918.. Under an agreement ma&e with the Bricklayers Union February 9th, 1918, due\notice of which was given to the depart— ments employing.Briolayer! for the City o St.Paul, the wage was- fixed at ' 5¢'pex hbur_n ,qx thj,,.perlod, V ng I., lay, let, 919.` We are at a lose to understand w y the City of St.Paul,places, a premium on any class of labor. thereby Putting at a disacf4antage those who employ labor on work on which the price is based upon the wage established with the labor organizations. As citizens of this City, the members of this organiz sh to protest against the action of the Co'yn8il' n this matter. It furnishes another evidence of the willingness of men„JLU public office to spend public ymoney,without rege'd to effect -that same will have on the '' taxpayers and on the citizens, other than those who are to profit by such action. It has been customary for the various departments of the City, before changing the wage scales, to take the queeton up with this and other associations of employers in the building lines in St.Paul. We believe it 1e duelto the ,y members of this association to know why this course was not pursued in the case in question. Very sincerely, President. 1 �}�.'.a j �w�rw/IF Tra CITY,OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 1,, 2254 tmmA A 46,2111-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Q• ....... ----- - j rai ....... A AUG 24 lylp.... �_­�� AUDITED .... ... ......191438 PS ...... .TIK Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen (� ) Nays Q11P '?4 � Adopted by the Council .. __... __.... _Lwamwwth __.......__In favor PProved.... 191 z Y......Against R M� SIAYO WIlich Mr. Presid Hodgson C. F.'N1, 22641—: Resolved that tvariante De drawn' upo1 the City Treasury, vaysbie out oY the.hereivafter eppelded funds and iaj favor. of the persom1fil ms, or sb>sora,-% tions. for the ;amountb ,sat opo 'N, thein re9peo Ve' pamee as:>:epaotd.d,;lnj the following detailed statement Fielding " Shepley. 13821202 Adopted by tbe: tloulcil .S.ug 244908:{1 Approved Aug.; 24,81818: ,(.August 171916) ( 1 j 6038 Fielding & Shepley 16,212003 Pay. Marshall Ave., CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OU,CIL 22542 COUNCILAUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na• •• Form A A 46.2117-18 • ....... .............. ......... .... ................_.. .... _..... AUG 2 4 19I8 1 OAIP ER AUDITED ......191......i�..c..� PER...................................................... ----- -------- 434 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the . persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays AI1G 24 I"'r /� Adopted by the Council. ............. :....._____........ _........._............ 191_.._._ Clay �+ Asir: �4 ;IR •.lae2insfll _._..._.In favor proved....... 191---_- 1 Vey �a ,�S �_ 'L /) .......Against ..._.. . . ........._. .. - .... ... Moll V Widedieh Mr. Presid�(Hodgson C. - F. No, 2264;.'-- --- Resolved that warrants.' be dii—ij upon the City Treasurg-Da9ablq out:of, the-hereln.fty. apecify;lauude and fa taVor of the persons, firma.or car reap tion or the amounts pat oDpoeite their t itoe tiva- names ae.: pDecided is the toilowing detailed atatetuent• - . American -Insurance Agency, Baker Printing Co., ;86.00. J. Bayne: -;840 M: Burg.& Bone ;666.ok Burne'Lumber; Co.. #232.24. Capital City. Lumber Co. ;842.00. Clvmei $-Huelster, ;67.76. Adam Decker$ardware, Co., ;16.88: Tho& Finn, $60,00. -Emil Heist, ;14.66. :Deo. tierlach._;6.00. 'Handlon & Co.,; $113.05.' Haynie Insurance Agency,.;34.80.., Andrew E:oehnen, ;28,16_ Henry McColl, Com r, ;446,80. I 'Henry " McColl, Com'r., ;98.31.. - Mlnneapolis Droll Co.. ;74.08 - • . E.. A. 8toeller. ;868.00. 6011 American Insurance enc Northern States Power -Co 1606.68. 61.75 Agency Pittsburgh Plate Dlasa Co 1138.30.! Parke St.; Paul ties Light Co.,: ;262.93. — S@and. American Bank, Asalgaee' Cftisen's Ice & Fuet Co., ;697.26, Baheffer &,Resepm. s2o.77. 66.00 6012 HikDT Printing Co. , a Par&1 Foundry U•111 Machlae coi.I School ;63.00: Stearns Printing Co„ 54.06., We*koff Pagnt & Wallpaper Co.; I 06 Z.40 ;30.. 6013 J. A. Bayne. Adopted by the Council Aug. 24,1018:" Water Approved,Apug., 84. 1918. (ugust 31-1918)- 6014 M. Burg & Sons, 666.00 school 6015 Burns Lumber Co., 233,24 School 6016 Capital City Lumber Co., 642.00 Schon 6017 Clymer & Husleter 57.75, Library 6018 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 16.38 School Workhouse 6. 6019 Thos. Finn 66.00 Water 6020 Emil Geist 14.55 Library 6021 i-eo. Gerlach 5.00 School I� �l�lEl CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OU,CIL 22542 COUNCILAUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na• •• Form A A 46.2117-18 • ....... .............. ......... .... ................_.. .... _..... AUG 2 4 19I8 1 OAIP ER AUDITED ......191......i�..c..� PER...................................................... ----- -------- 434 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the . persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays AI1G 24 I"'r /� Adopted by the Council. ............. :....._____........ _........._............ 191_.._._ Clay �+ Asir: �4 ;IR •.lae2insfll _._..._.In favor proved....... 191---_- 1 Vey �a ,�S �_ 'L /) .......Against ..._.. . . ........._. .. - .... ... Moll V Widedieh Mr. Presid�(Hodgson C. - F. No, 2264;.'-- --- Resolved that warrants.' be dii—ij upon the City Treasurg-Da9ablq out:of, the-hereln.fty. apecify;lauude and fa taVor of the persons, firma.or car reap tion or the amounts pat oDpoeite their t itoe tiva- names ae.: pDecided is the toilowing detailed atatetuent• - . American -Insurance Agency, Baker Printing Co., ;86.00. J. Bayne: -;840 M: Burg.& Bone ;666.ok Burne'Lumber; Co.. #232.24. Capital City. Lumber Co. ;842.00. Clvmei $-Huelster, ;67.76. Adam Decker$ardware, Co., ;16.88: Tho& Finn, $60,00. -Emil Heist, ;14.66. :Deo. tierlach._;6.00. 'Handlon & Co.,; $113.05.' Haynie Insurance Agency,.;34.80.., Andrew E:oehnen, ;28,16_ Henry McColl, Com r, ;446,80. I 'Henry " McColl, Com'r., ;98.31.. - Mlnneapolis Droll Co.. ;74.08 - • . E.. A. 8toeller. ;868.00. 6011 American Insurance enc Northern States Power -Co 1606.68. 61.75 Agency Pittsburgh Plate Dlasa Co 1138.30.! Parke St.; Paul ties Light Co.,: ;262.93. — S@and. American Bank, Asalgaee' Cftisen's Ice & Fuet Co., ;697.26, Baheffer &,Resepm. s2o.77. 66.00 6012 HikDT Printing Co. , a Par&1 Foundry U•111 Machlae coi.I School ;63.00: Stearns Printing Co„ 54.06., We*koff Pagnt & Wallpaper Co.; I 06 Z.40 ;30.. 6013 J. A. Bayne. Adopted by the Council Aug. 24,1018:" Water Approved,Apug., 84. 1918. (ugust 31-1918)- 6014 M. Burg & Sons, 666.00 school 6015 Burns Lumber Co., 233,24 School 6016 Capital City Lumber Co., 642.00 Schon 6017 Clymer & Husleter 57.75, Library 6018 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 16.38 School Workhouse 6. 6019 Thos. Finn 66.00 Water 6020 Emil Geist 14.55 Library 6021 i-eo. Gerlach 5.00 School 6033 Soheffer & Ro.ssum Qorkhouse 6034 J. L. Shiely COTe 6035 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., School 6036 Stearns Printing Co., Civil Service 3 40 Police 0 0 6037 Weiskoff Paint & Wallpaper Co., Fire Tota - '",887.88 20,77 270.35 53.00 4,00 30x00 i 6022 Handlon & Co -1-13.05, Wo-rkhouse 3.40 3 .99 Pari, .03 - 11 05 6023 4ynie Insurance Agency 34.80 Water 6024 Andrew Soehnen 28.15 Workhouse 6025 Henry McColl, Comer. 440020 Police 275,53 School 3 91 p LibraryAw 3 40, 6026 Henry McColl Com*r. 38,31 . Bathe 6027 Minneapolis Dryg Co., 74,02 Parke 6028 E. A. Moeller 256,00 Library 6029 Northern States Power Co,, 505.68 ,. Fire **5Library 5 - 6030 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co,, 119,10 School 6031 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 252.911 Police 65 45 Fire .94 9 - Health 72 P. Bathe 3 41 Quarantine ,21 Comfort Stat, .23 Street -C. & R. ,00 S. & S. 'Ging. 1.00 Sprinkling 6 go 2.91 6032 ,Scand. American Bank, Assignee Citizens lee $ Ft91 Co,, 597,25 School 19 76 . 55 - Water 3 . 7 \5 6033 Soheffer & Ro.ssum Qorkhouse 6034 J. L. Shiely COTe 6035 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., School 6036 Stearns Printing Co., Civil Service 3 40 Police 0 0 6037 Weiskoff Paint & Wallpaper Co., Fire Tota - '",887.88 20,77 270.35 53.00 4,00 30x00 i CITY OF ST. PAUL C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 22543 Subjedt----_------------------------- .--------- ..........-----.....--- -- ----------- ---....--------------_----------- CONCIL U-------- - FILE No - Date Presented Aug........ 24.-.........191....8. nN� I j WHEREAS, The cost of paving the intersections of Dayton Ave. and Victoria St., Dayton Ave. and Fisk St. and Rem, Dayton Ave. and Avon St. has exceeded the sum set aside for this purpose, as per C. F. #21648, approved June lb, 1918, be it RESOLVED, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund the additional sum of Six Hundred Sixteen and $8/100 Dollars ($616.38) to cover the cost of above work. I Yeas(7P) ouncilmen (V) Nays dar1er nc, .In favor _......Against Wun� erlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 9M 6-I5 AIIR`,),4 101PAdopted by the Council.__._._..___......._ ..... .......... _191.._.. APpra..j... ................. -- ._.........._.._...._..191._. ----- ------------- ..................... ...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN SOLUTION --LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject-— No. 225L!4-- FILE Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to I--,' applications duly made therefor. No.__-__—__ From (Name and Address) to (Name and Address) No 351 Steve Schwietz,700 Reaney S:. �Frank 1AuBz3njBkij1 5 Cortland �n St. Kjjlism j. Vsetecka,_a_W_-_7Vh St.— No. l28_,Chas__J__,To-rdan-4l3 Cedar —St—; NO,T-ea _36,3,Vagner�&-2ugheR.37? Jackson St, 110- No- ed,44—gy Henry, That the f011oW1,n9'de8t9- ..ted ;.e.... to -11. In.xkati.Ir 1Iq ... ta,.d as 1.41dtod 0 ..... t�, No. therefor: to '0,911eatlqnx� duly. nu�de Steve Betiwfetz..700 rom, No. from NO.g. No. 128, from 1.3 No. 1��dlr 1. to William 4, IthIS 1, ko. 363. fromwaknor & Hughes 378 No. Jack ,o ___�Jloklcm 8t, to 14, F, C. Patten, 372. Ad ted by the nell Aug 24 1938. i _Avvro,ad A 9. 24, 1818. si 8 No. No. No. Noo No.--- No. Yeas lnwn (v') Nays "P .(J) C U ei Adopted by the Council '4G In favor A11r, 94 41P 0 Approved.................191........- Oil 01 Against t3eillj lich MAYOR 1*6 . ...­ -.1– .... ....... Mr. Preside IRA - ✓ 2255 ' Council File No ............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Account Of OST stop PRELIMINARY ORDER. Location. The undersign* hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: AAARUuCt....a...QQ36A-t.ti.Te.sidaWalk...tn...a--aidth._of.-..six...faet...OIL the.... cast....._ str*et.,--..hstmAkan...Day-ton ._Sad-.-8elby..saaaues.................................................. ................... .................................... .......................................... ....................................... ----................................................................................ Dated this .......... 83Td...day of ........... ...----August......................................_..........., 1918..... PRIDLIMINARY � a�.................................. ... .:........... C. W. No. , A s `� 1. Wf u of he fonow1ns t°r� Councilman "+FitYuo 9lx I.otBrn tt d; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Const. Lt4t....a::ne>etweat-...aIle.:..ei.dowalk.._to....ah..of...eix...fso.t...oa.-the..seat..__ side...ot...Elek.stxeat,...batsesa.::Daytos.;asd 8alby.._avenues ...._.... .............. ..... ......... having been presented to the Council of.the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........................................................................... therefor0. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;..... ---• ---•-•----- -•••- - ....................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Al IG 24 IRIP Adopted by the council .......... .................................. 191:.....:. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Trauerrrthh God Approved............ ih..4..!41A. 191... r Fidler t0p� WGet........................................... Mayou j�••�yn`+�. i �^-MJ%—%�� Form C A IS (SM 4.17) 225 Council File No .............. .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT (� and 4, PETITION PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unders�ned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: QCIM11U.. t—A....06"At...ti.la...si.da>talk._eiz..tent..>aide....on.._th6...eauth...aidn:..at..:_ R0>txt:t:...aTAUU6.11 Ssom...Albert...Jetract.,....thanae....ees.t...to..:nonanct...ths....pxes- 4>ax..ssauexsu�stsd...=alk,:_►RPxosim�tnllr.._44Q...Ya-nx,..........._..................._............_........................._ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.Poll ..#11Clict..st...coment,..:t.ile.'sidewalk... six.:.fe.at..wi.de...OIL th$....eo.uth...eide...oi..... FalrmquAt.._�Y..Alltxel.,.::. am.::Alhart...alre.et.,....thane..Most ....to....aonnact....the ..:pros- ant.._opnetrt>Ctsd...I a;l,k,....apRieaximaDaly:..A,.w .feet.............................................................. having leen presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invettigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invediigate the nature, extent and edtimated w!t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ . 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....... ......:_A 1 1?4......._P............. 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman FrMwomeW MIG 24 !4 A. Cser"- Approved .............. ....................................191........ �o G r -0 WuWaliMayor`ItM 0� ^°t pIJHiiida '� / Ma or. Form C A 13 (6M'4.17) Council File No...:-:.-' j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PETI TION PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Confit ]t4t.._a...0406A.1i tile, ...sidwalk...Six ..feet ---3ade...A= the... south... side...of..... Laure- ._:WVRA UIP.4:..from....Syndio.ate...avenue.,-..thene...Sast.... to---oonneot-..the.............. present. mak arox mately...1,7.p...feet.,................... .:................................................... C F. No: E264 ......... ........................ ........:..................... ... Whereas A wry .. ............. .............. ......................... eking of the fo s Consiruot a oe, - Dated this .............. six feet -Wilda oa ttte , .......--:..... .............................." 19 ....... i vel oveaoe, from ast ,to ,connecer y yrozlmatply .771. .................. . ............................ ....RY... .......: .......... ;. seated to ;A*r `,-- . Paul, ti?' lac Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetruct__a, dement tile: s c o:V4.,.k...mizc....Yaat...Wide....an...the...�aouth-aide...oY...... Laurel .._avenge., ---.from ... Yladiasta.:.avenue.,....theno-e...east -.-to..-connaat....the... .... ..... present._walk,..._UPxlta IMAte ly...:17Q... feet . .................................................:.................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................... .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and edtimated soft of said improvement, and the total wilt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ........_.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of�fo=Ning,7#tters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 Adopted by the council...........................................................191::.....: Yens: Nays: Councilman Fanipjrafth AUG 24 Iq I p arresfett}i Approved.. ........... .. ... .. .............................. 191 . ...... 11YIEld' co MGWI ICeNEr �jA^ ,� uWlich 0 ...........:.............. l.v.'...`........... Mayor lOpIN Mayor. Burin C A Is (snl 4.17) � � l I �— TVr—,MM-c"r---0-a L lr/ No.. -'Of NERAL FORM "Resolvea That" th0_41,91imt,lon, I to he .110;6g -porioiie ?0r, a, 11cem 22548 to ,&net PRotels, or- 110-t I I 'U'4at' sub�'&% - ........ .......... .......... ......... 4nalcateA ....... ................. and the,'Man3a are-, hereby eanto COUNCIL NO ...... ..... .... ............................. an thl,�(lity�clb�k is author, sea .Ie.�ted to,lasue such It so eupon itis ot ths�lsg ------------------- --- ------ ---- ............ ........... .......... VE ---- .......... se an'Quired by JaW.' a, Sojoll, nogtaur"L g =7 4. 1 WX � ` , "' t AU -St;11 I 946.itay-n ��- �t,: gorg'! R�Pl.araot� . 11 ate Presented24, Y— (1,) me, (V) Nays mond AW Reataurank 12 W,." A.. A-- C61-ra"; Ith St, ,dhaa tayratt, R6 -j% , U - rant, 449. JI.- In favor 6a 7th ft- l;28�' 33L : john yjsjIw,�,Ann_ -- Mae.! I Against 7th St 55 St. Peter Bi-, C,l 8t. peter Hotel; 48o Minns- Resolved, aota,st. - Adopted by the C 0unQII Aug , 1918- Approved A.'24'8} -"-(u g� A: for a license to conduct That the application of the following persons indicated be, and the xis respectively Hotels or Restaurant It tha jjaa� y le,k is authorized anrequired and directed to c same are hereby gran ec, the payment of the fee as issue such licenses to said persons upon by law. NJUVIE OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. '' Mlike Scioli, Restaurant, 311 Sibley, 936 Raymond, A. W. Sorg, Restaurant, 12 M. 6th, A. A. Coleman, Restaurant, 449 E 7th, Chas. Beynett, Restaurant, 228 E. 7th, John Vierig, Annex Hotel, Windsor Hotel, 455 St. Peter, Adolph Babrielson, 420 ,,,innesota, C. L. Hill, Acme Hotel, Y— (1,) me, (V) Nays In favor 6a b Mae.! I Against # Uh Mr. Presi , "M. FORM C. A-9 2M Adopted by the Coun it...................................................._....191. AUG 24 Approv........................... - - -191 . .. .... . . ........... ... ..... .......... ... ...... .. ....... ........ ....... ... .................. AY Form A A k, t A 1-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEO1L No....... 2..25 L ....... .......................`.............. .. • 16 1918AUDITED 191 R j.ER " -...: ................. ........ PE 437 -- -------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following d jailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted b the Council .... AU6 91 _.— P Y pfrr �= R .-_...i -QaUG,,„ AUG 28 14(B 1:axam+ th favor A ove _ ._..._.... .. .... ......... ._191 Gyes' Kalem ...0 -....Against .......... .......__...__...:.-----"- ....................._..._. ...... -��� �� MAYOR Malt Wu*6 Mr. Preside , Hodgson Dia ttie'BQVicat �nwa !o°Ilp��lop°em+yoo qd fa Ft'ed' CetdJleG aD°otLeoaf t°61r pa$ inUd°t Jg ae- i�6:UI. O °at: rra tD. • - do 3 Drier ia,� 00 8°nk, A.a1 �DDte°1,06 etl Y ug; - 8UAC/t - uet 1liy�g18' Ef,.1818, 6055 Fred G. Albrecht 787.00 Parks 6056 August' Johnson 76.00 Misc. & Unf. 6057 Scand. American Bank, Assignee 340#00 Peter Dickson Grad. Ivy St. 6058 A. L. Snyder 618.00 Parke it CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 225.5 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OOON°'L FILE, No . I—A A 46,297-18 ... ......... . . AUG 2 6 1918 -rY c t�TRO ER AUDITED...... .... .. ..... .. ................191........ PER.................... --------.- ---------- 436 ---...__436 - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the fi s or cor orations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed -statement: persons, rm p Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by ouncil........._._A#....._�....�__....-.........191..... i611rlay Aug 20 1 18 V"h.._..In favor p rov ...... ._....- 191.. - --/ Adopted/ ........_...._......__..._/4��'_�.-......... _.....__....-.� 1C�i _ .......Against MAYOR Mil WWLich Mr. Preside Iodgson IC zs6so— �— jucoe the elt , Tr".. drawn odut at It hereinafter. .Decided Land. aOukof tlnn rj i,.We Dereeu0.�_flr' n D4rD.Oe In Waterbm Adopted] ,ADroved. 6039 'Atkinson Menzer Co., School 6040 Auto Engine Works, Water 6041 Brooks Bros. Lumber Coe, Fire 6042 Builders Iron Foundry Co., Water 6043 Corning Donahue Brick Co., Fire 6044 Louie F. DOW CoCo., mtr. P. Works, Health r School 6065 Haas Mnfg. Cc Fire ;6046 Home Broom Co., Fire `6047 John McLaff erty VVV Fire Y -a8:3.8 -% j o:It. eDa,tatemt8 696 Co:, $104:86: .: `. k Qv. -$13.31. i&do., $332.00. 9. t80.38. U.:29.66. 1. : sa77as. Aug. o. Aug. 26. $918: tat w 14. 0 72 . 0 3.6 60.42 23,56 31.95 164.88 13.31 322.00 60.42 40.00 54.39 3.00 q.. 6048 A. Makiesky Police 6049 Melady Paper Co., -Fire Misc. Staty. 6050 Pittsburgh Coal Co;, Police 6051 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Fire 6052 Quality Printing Co., Water 6053 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Playgrounds School Library Parks 6054 Waterbury Button Co., Police To"�4 . 34 0 303 17174 178 82 :! 42 8 0 277.38 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `S 2255:1 Subjedl:;----------------------_ --------------- ------------- _--------------...--------------_-------------------- -- ------------- I COUNCIL PILE ,. Date Presented Aug.,. --26th-1.1.8191._.. Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Ctrimmittee in awarding the contract for the sale of garbage collected by the City of St. Paul, in District No. 1, as shown on attached map, for the year ending August 31st, 1919, to Mr. 0. Oehler,, at a price of $3.02 per ton; the total amount of the contract " Wproximately $5,000.00, in accordance with his bid and specific tions hereto attached. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays ,�arweosetth �. .._..........In favor J Mil 0 -Against Vxr.L __ — Mr. Preaidetft' Hodgson i¢ a40si i oon° i��lop, Relit' ,�F/ • •uot�nTosag DAOq �4Tm uozz�auuoo ei !iii[Id IIB paaF�aag Adopted by the Council.............AS+� :2i _��� 191...... Ago, 28 f91e Ap ed.. .......... ...... .....191,... -_--- ---- ................................ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM : - - ...-..._...._.... ----OUNCIL ........----------- .............- --------..... V225�2 Subje6t C PILEri 0 ......... .................................. Date Presented...-*tug,--26th—X18191..-.. Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for the sale of garbage collected by the City of St. Paul, in District No. 2, as shown on attached map, for the year ending august 31st, 19191 to Mr. C. J. Green,p^at a price of $3.27 per ton; the total amount of the contracJLL lapproximately $5, 000.00, in accordance with his bid and specifications hereto attached. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nay; qr.1--m it�Il Wpid'&rlich Mr. Presidebt, Hodgson In favor .._.. Against mately 46,000, in : accordan0e Ida blfl and: specfflcatlon hereto ted by the 'Cotlncil Aug. 28, 1918. u'ed Aug '26" 11118. Received all papers in connection with above Resolution. Adopted by the Council Appro Aug �A '1a18.... ........ ............... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --" COUNCIL . Subje6i: --'---------------------- ---'---'' ------� File NO......._ _ ... =........ ............. ........ Date Presented -- ...A g# 26th— 1191- - 191' 4 Resolved, That the in awarding hereby approves the action. of the Purchasing Committee n awarding the contract for the sale of garbage collected by the City of St. Paul, in District No. 3, as shown on attached map, for the year ending .august 31st, 1919 to the South Side Stock & Feeding Company, aa price of 41.38 per load; the total amount of the contrac ' approximately G00.00; in accordance with his bid and specifications at- tached hereto. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays ...CioGGil .Fernsormttl ( — _�% V . In favor Sg�Llf' r� . y 0110 © Against W� Clich Mr. PresiWt, Hodgson FORM O. A. B 31M 6-18 Received all papers in connection with above Resolution. Adopted by the Councll Ap ed...-........f8...}`�._...._.....,191._. ............... MAYOR MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 22554 Snb]CEt:.... ...... .... ............................................................. ...- ..... _.......... .........COUNCIL FILE N0.-....,....- ...------------- Aw 218 1q.lu ...191 Date Presented ....- - - j . . That the Com:r,issioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby instructed to have the all street crossing s defined by Painted lines, on all paved streets intersection y the Com•Lissioner of in the congested district as directed b Public Safety.. Expense for the ne.ces ary labor and material to be charged to the Public Street Sion and Zone Account of the General Fund.22664-8y Henry ;MeColi— Resolved. That ..the Commtsatotler nr-.I . V% Yeas (I) Councilmen (V) Nays Foone'Wa th •GossS In favor VI GlIer V CCotl _...Against m unde -ch Mr. President odgeson FORM C. A. 93M 6-16 Adopted by the Council Hifi ;Qin... 191. — 191.- App5d... Council File No.............z PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 225155 r PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tht undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.. Paul, viz.: ...............0la4 ng the :...9=10..._ol-trivunda...aoulevard.-.(.formexly...aaffman...Ava...)....from ltusa�id... t.....to .a..yzoint....30.0 fee.t...eaS.t.,.nf...Biver...St.....to.._o.onfarm..ta....the xed..line....on...the..--ern.file-..haxe a...attaahed...an.d....made...a-- part ---heraof --the pJcam.ezat... a s tabl-14he d...grta da...being....shiman...by.-a...blue....lins...:theneono............. Dated this .....26th .day of.. asset= a..... 1918.x... 1� wrlttea p,g f the follovting ;, tinging'the grader... .. ................................................ .............._ st" (formerly rIol, 'dd 8k3o a polnti' lConform Qq� Councilman. mate. hereto ,.�E 'e•t hereof, the r', •,•->tising ahoy.-�r-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Ohanging.._the...grade....of:..�Koands::�3aule?rard...(.3ormerly...Ea .furan-A4e...)...from .._ Euclid, St...-.to..a pol?�t.QQ....feat....e#t:.of...R).vex..t....to....apx�CQxm...ta_:the l ............red .line ....oxt...tkta:profs.le-hexet.o....attaahed...and... made ...a._part ...hara;ofi....the pramexa....eatabliahed...gxads....heing...sh.own...by:...a._blue...line...thexson.......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.......:................ ......................................... ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveitigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total wit thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile o'r,sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .......................................................... ................................................................................................................................. 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council............._.._: .•x........191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fwwwmth 6ee9r .. ....... ..� 8.... 191. Approved.......... KtjOlanoy .. ... McC�lt : Q Wundch.... .................................... Mayor Eodpon Mayor. Herm c e 18 cant wvJ (� Form A A 48, 8 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL N AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NQ It • AUDITED..... . ........ PER.........._.....................Y......_'P........... _It..... 1 438 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............ ....!4�ut..._2.rir....111.Q27 ._...._191___� Y`...In favor proved...._.............___ I9IQ .._......_..191..__..._ "r .......... Against -- _..........__.... ......._........_....._..............................__.... ..............._........_'MAYOR....._ .. J LGC Wriferlich Mr. Presidorli, Hodgson 6059 S. Berglund Lumber Co., School 6060 Brooke Bros. Lumber Co., School 6061 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., Parks 6062 Cochran -Sargent Co., Workhouse 6063 Flour State Ba7ting Co., P. Bathe 6064 G. N. Gerlach School 60665 M. Ne Goes, Com'r. Water 6066 A. C. Jefferson School 6067 Linde Air Products Co. Fire 6068 A. P. Moore C. Pe Works, Street C.& Re Sewer 6069 Pittsburgh Plate Glave Cc;; School C. F. No. 22566— . -; Resolved that Warrant. be. drawn upoa the Ctty Treasury, yayable outof -- the hereinafter epectfied Snnds and; In favor of the, versen% firm. er ..trier.• tion. Tor the amounts .et oppoette their rmDective- name. es eDeclfied; 1n 'the 1.11owl.g detstled statement: I ' 407.68 8. Berglund Lvmber.Co ;407.68. !- .'. Brooke -Bros. Latpber .Co, ;17.481 J -- Citisen'a. Ice ual ;- ('ochTe:n-8arg nt Co.,. 1817.75. . -.: Ftour3tate Baking Co„ ;6.68. O. riach tto.00i 17e 48 LindeJAeIr uducta Co.. ;4.00. - A. P. .Moore 181.90.: Pttc..orsh. Place:.tae. Qo., ;184.37.' i Tierney &'Co., ;308:80. 174.51 WestOrn Supply Co:,':;61,9%1. "- - AdoDted by the Cooncll Aug: 37, 1918. '. Approved-. Aug. 87; 4918. . (August 31-1918) 317. 75 5.58 10.00 210.39 134, 70 4.00 31.90 20 10 r .00 o_ 31. 184.37 CITY of 5T. PAUL w= OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 295r, 95r, coUh"C1L 1\O. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PILE F.— A A 46.1 tl 7-18 ................... A................. 27 lel OSI ROLLER AUDITED.. .. ... 1........ ' R........ ....... .. .. ... ..... ` 448 ♦ TITLE., Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in'the following detailed statement: ADO 27 131:8 I9L.... _ Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council . :............_............ _..._._.... _........ Cly S J �y E ..... ........ favor Gelds5 /,— .............. Kpll'er D lL._..Against _.._....................._.........................._ ..._. - MAYOR •Me6e�� WI fderlich Mr. Presideyc, Hodgson C.,F: No. 88667 Resolved that- warants be le out of upgn the City Treasury. pay the hereinefter,epeol flrmsuar�ooIn rpors- favgrot t perggns, to their tion for the .mopats_ et .61Led in the !, reep•ative names as SoHo' IL Barlett; statement: ..TOB: 1i. Farnsworth, 3, co g, r Farnswgrth, Com'r.,-,3860.6D. -So op eder Creamery•Co.• 31.610.80818. ..Adopted by the_Coui,I. g. 87, 1 Approved Aug••87- (August 81-1918) 60.00 6076 Joe• He Barrett Parks -P. Bathe 660.60 6076 S. A. Farnsworth, ComIr Interest 1,510060 6077 Schroeder CreameryParks Co., Total -. • V CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjects. 144TNG WATER MAINS 22558 ... COUNCIL FILE _......... NO. .......... Date Presented Resolved, that a water main be laid in Page street from Charlton street to Waseca street. —,-- C. 82Thet ay a r. aioiler Reeolved, ;That a water main. be laid_= in St, froth Qbarlton,'St. to Wa+ seta St. g. Adopted by the Council Au2T, 1918 :Approved Aug. 87, 1918. 1 (August :81-1818) Yeas (✓) ncilmen U0 Nays Adopted by the Council _ ___ .��}8...2.7.-1§9- 191. _.. Goss J In favor Hylan Approv AUG 27.19'18 _ _191.._ . /[feller v ea Against un derlich h Mr. P sident, l&:' N"( k FORM 0. 8-2 TP EV Vevart rZte t Vi f VVu b l'h1cU'hi;l i'h,ies Q'rea� vfF' ahe,r August BOARDOF WATER COMM ISSfONERS 26, OS CAR E.RELLER,Pro .-1 S.A.FARNS WORTN M. N.GOSS GARRETT O. NOUSE.G— S-P� To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the follow - ung resolution: "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is re- quested- to authorize the laying of a water main in Page street from Charlton street to Waseca street." Yours truly, Encl. Secretary. 22558 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNIRESOLUTION—GENERALII I FORM 2't"t 59 231: Subjedt: ---------------------------------------- : ---------------- ---- COUNCIL FILENO ............................................ . ........ ........... ............. .... ....... . .............................................. Date Presented 2.3,rd—'18-191 Resolved, That the Councilhere-by concurs in theyoconmendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchaaing Agent tognadvertiee for bids on the Grading of Alley Block 1, Lindemann Place, as no bids were received. F.B. #11721. .Resolved,Cl F NoSE366B9—BY M. N• COOS at the' Council hereby concurs 1 a onno. t. r endation of the Contra. Itand baeIret r ad - art ore asing Agent to. rua., Idangr anaX— -T-I - IeY Block 1P r a.,., '1.o.1721918 t 7,191 n9. 27, Approved. u u it : I Adopted by the Council ..191 AUG 27 1918 Ap"pve -------------------------- -- ---- _..._..._1Q1:::. Yeas (PIC ncilmen (V) Nays Cl oss, In favor K Pent, er Against underlich Mr. Pre ' Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-13 Adopted by the Council ..191 AUG 27 1918 Ap"pve -------------------------- -- ---- _..._..._1Q1:::. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjecR: --- - - 9� h�^■^■ FILEOU NCIL iso.......Mr�:.!^JV.............. ......................... / ---......_...._........_Date Presented:.Aug.i...23i'> 18._.191.... - Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertise for bids on the Brading of Belvidere St. from South Robert St. to Winslow Ave., as no bids were re- ceived. F.B. #1722. I. . F. No REELF Belvlderp i St.'trora South: Robert it. t� Winslow.Ave., 'as no bide: were receiv ed. 'p', B.,No. 1792. 11 Adopted. bytheCouncil AUB. 27. 191i Approved � Aug. 27, " 1818.'' `..(AugueU x.21-19}8) Yeas ( I) Councilmen (V) Nays CZ� _Farnsworttr\ G g " 'In favor K%Ue Against W� .e!r�lich Mr. Preside4 t'odgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-ih _ d' AN 27 10l91_ Adopted by the Council. ��-._..................... AUG 27 1919 Appre .._ ................................ __-..--..191_.. --------- - -.` --------- ........................................._... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjef _.....-----...--------- --- 22.561. ......-.-- ........... FILE NO- COUNCIL Date Presented Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertise for bids for the Grading of Belvidere St. from Harvard to ';Woodbury Ste., as no bide were received. F.R. #1732. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays 01-111 Fafnsworca. Gbss� Vveer Wunderlich Mr. President; Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 1 Gl hereby, C. Fiallo. 94681=By M. N. Gce8— ccppReaolved. That the Coun ContracttnCommlttee end h.—Y" auIon of e tkoHies the Purchasing Agent to re ` advertise for bide for the -grading of Belvidere St. from He to Wood - j bury -Ste., ae no bide wer@` received. F: 13. No. 1789. Adoyted by the Council Aug. 97. 1918: ADDroved Ang. 87, 19111. (AgBuet 81-1018) - 'V, ii Adopted by the Council Q._....!'�...__191..... S _.._..._. AUG 27 1918 APo _.---...._..__._._.191.... ...........In favor Against MAYOR CITY OF $T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .._--------...._..KP- ----- ..—__-------------------_.___-._---------......._.------ ---- -----..._.... 22562 CO NciL nyeNO.._- ----- ----------------------------- Date Presented A&g. 25rd-118 191..... v Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the Grading of Alley in Block 2 Bryant Park Addition No. 2, as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing regent is hereby zuthorized to deadvertise for new bids on same, in'accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1720. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clage� GG s� __._.In favor K�}1er ............. Against rlich Mr. Presi7tt, Hodgson FORM G. A.8 9M 8-I8 Adopted by the Council__-_...._ A� �- 7. `.).�8 ..191._. App ved . Q��... r...��i$ ...._.. 191 .. - ..... MAYOR CITY OF--S°j� PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recormendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the Grading of White Bear Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Seventh St., as the bid received was in excess of the Lngineer s Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. B.B. #1729. a F. No. 286fi8—Bx M. ounclae— R¢eolved, That' the Cou IIo hereby concura lethe- recommendation of the' i Contract Co f ittee and hereby relacta. bid: recetyed for the grading of White each `BEe as �tmhe 6bidere. It, , waget e. afal% a p eaoel6 of the:HnefnHettsad P .the PurchaeloB Agent I. hWrebx au• thor. .ato .,,.re [few bide pn eame`,Sn accordance wadvertlae.foith tba; pro f` vlelone.of the;'ChaHer. S: B. No. 1788. Adopted by the Couhcll Aug. 87, 1816. _ Approved n us'. 87rS191B]:6)_ Yeas (1,) Councilmen ( N) Nays ClajW i GFommwlaah— ..In favor K416 •il4eeatt'�' __..__.Against Wuv{iderlich - Mr. Presidp;Hodgson Adopted by the Council,._.: ADO 27 1§ 18 191..... LUG 27 191@ APPre ......... .._......_._.-:...........x........._.191 ... MAYOR Subjedt: Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM __..._..... .----------------------- ..---------------- ..------------------------ -COUNCIL 225C4 FILEN 0 ............................................. Date Presented,�.0w 2&rld--'�3�8---191..... That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the Grading of St. Albans St,. from Maryland St. to Wheelock Park- way, as the bids received was in excess of theLisngineer'e Estimate, and the P rchasing agent is Lereby authorized to readvertise for new"bids on same in acb�rdance with the provisions of the Charter. F/B. #1730. Yeas �Councilmen( V) Nays —i�ernsworttf' J Gps� In favor .� xe�ldr U Against Wpfiderlich Mr. Presideht, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-19 Adopted by the Council.._._ 7 y� - ......._ .................191.__. APpr a ...__._._. QU�..._�g.��..._........ 191 _ - ................... . ------------.._ _...-._......... MATOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - -- ................ Subjea:------- COUNCIL FILE NO.. .. /a^ Date Presented -Augi - 23rd -1-18--191..._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bids received for the Grading of A, ley in Block 14 Merriam Park Third Addition', as bias received were in excese of the 1:ngineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same, in'acccrdance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1731. Yeas (I) Councilmen( V) Nays Clprrcy, -F�nsworth l G In favor ,t Ke1Jcf `I, Against Wk-�derlich Mr. Pres* , Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-13 Adopted by the Council..... Q .�-_2.�-..t9-x$.___._191..._ Ap ov _.... .......UG-- 2"l'-.181.8 ........... 191.... i ............................... MAYOR • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- -----.......--___ Sub'edt:.- ----------- -..... ............_.._....... - . ' COUNCIL 0, , PILO ............../.../I.............................................-...-.........................-....-.............................._..........................-..... O. Date Presented . AUg-j -23rd-1.18191__. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bids received for the construction of a sewer on Page St. from 75 ft. B. of Jiumboldt Ave.. to State St., on So. Robert St. from Morton St. to its southerly intersection with Page St., and on Gorman Ave. from 75 ft. south of Morton St. to Page St., as the bids received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same in accordance with the provisions of the Charte,2. F.B. #1734. Yeas (1) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clapr5( _. Gds _•._%.._In favor, p� KpH6 C -hfce0ri— Against Lr.Wont� erlichPresidpnr, Hodgson 6. A. o aM .-- Adopted by the Council ...... 4.U.8 .274(a_-..._191..._ Ap ov ............Qui... �? %.. -� — --1911 -------------------------------------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Su�jedt:--- __------__- ........---.....----------.......------..._....._...------....__....--- ----5r.nc�5(7'. nom NO......__.....FdF.I'7 eou Date Presented..-.Aug..--23rd-1.18.191.._. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bids received for the construction of a sewer on Lafond St. from Lexington Ave. to Griggs St., as the bids received were in excess of the Eng- ineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authoriz- ed to readvertise for &&ids on same in accordance with the pro- visions of the Charter. P.B. #1735. Yeas ( r) Councilmen ( V) Nays Cla ciCy =7o In favor "' rMaC�o3L-w-' ✓.. .Against WKhderlich Mr. Presi nt, Hodgson Adopted by the Appr a AUG...27 19:1.8.._._._...:191 ��'�a MAYOR CITY OF' ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: --------- ------- ------ -- - -I ---------- --- -- -- - -- --- - -- --- ----- - ---------- -- - -- - -- --- -------- -- ** - - ----- COUNCIL 1 4) PILE NO.__ --_------------ II ------------- ----- ................. .................... ... Date Presented -Alrg� 23rd -1.18 .191.._- Resolved, 191_ Resolved, TRat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Comittee and hereby aviards the contract for the Grading of Alley in Block 6, Wann's Addition,*to 17. H. Malone Company, at the lumij sum price bid of $158.00. Eng- ineer's Estimate being 0173.00. F.B. #1719. `4 N-aol 27Z�&�U� Tha't, yth C..t La'at", the r..oza &W=Z"tha CqMMJtt. sot 1�he 'Alley 1, the b-ntm�tar a -a- 16 W an Won. ,11 a ja t on, yr�p t tfio Das. ,a bjd8..._537800,of $1 ' t U ear's Us. ate I b, � a' ftjjad b Approved 6--c-un I )-9'� 7, 1Aug; 27, 1 8 (August31- Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays C cy In favor Against Wp4erlich .Mr. Presidint, Hodgson Received all parprs in 0onneotion with above Resolution. Adopted by the Council. .191 APP v ..... ..... 191 ------------------ .................... ......................................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . .Ju left: - - - - ---- --- - ---- ............. --_..... ..-..___ -... .. N COUNCIL FILEN 0 ............................................. ..................................`,...........-....................... ..................... -........ ............ ......... -.-...........................-................ Date Presented Augi .2.ard_.11-8..191..._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract'for the curb- ing of Linwood Place from Avon St. to Victoria'St., to Carlson & Sandquist, at the lump sum price bid of 0530.00. hngineer's Estimate being $656.00. F.B. #1723. Yeas ( 4) Councilmen ( V) Nays C'a ," O — rth G:R�'_ In favor Ktue* .-4146e14— C:) .Against Wriderlich Mi. PresiXt, Hodgson aM ane C. F. NO 88 �9ba il�f�eiabr tteeolved, concurs In tba recpmmenadnd on_hereby? `- Contract- Committee �! award. Linwood 'Place tr.citom Avon St i to Vletorle.St, to Catieoa & Batidqulgt, i the lump ep�n price bid of 8680.00. Eattngineer a p)atimI te. beteg 8060.00• F•'I B. -NO_. 1728. The Council Aug• 87, 1918', j Adopted.by Approved, Aug• ".3 1918; .(August. 1-1918) Received e.. papers 1n with above connection Resolution. I� p Adopted by the Council___�_g2' IS -(A....__ _191.._.. Appro d 6'...27IRIS- .......191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 22560 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM [ COUNCIL r -t PILE N O------------------------------ ------------ -\AA P Date Presented._Aug..*);3r.d-1.1.8_191__. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the 0ontract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Cleveland Ave. from Commonwealth Ave. to Scudder St. and Scudder St. from Cleveland Ave. to Raymond Ave., to W. H. Malone Co., at the lump eum'price'bid of'$1,067,80. engineer's Estimate being $924.00. F.D. #1727. Reeeiged .11 abog"ere in Lun 0lu io � Yeas ( V) Councilmen( V) Nays Adopted by the Council_ AM- .2rj_.181.a......._191.._. Clasfy _�� ... .....- 4U..._ .....18...........191 Q„ Against .............. ........... _.. .. WUdderllch MAYOR Mr. Presidptit, Hodgson A. iM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2257-1 COUNCIL PaeNO ----.- - - - ------ .... Date Presented Aug -i Subjedt:, .. -r' •;------------- .... ------------------ =A! - Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contruct Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Kent St. from Como Ave: to Oliver St., to Christ Johnson, .for the sum of $3,977.00. ngineer's Estimate be- ing $3,927.00. F.B. #1738. r'� bL N: 415 yerehY C' Fdolvea 251'__ $he ndat.11 of .thee gn 1 W her°bY' cunetrx In 'tr Ctae tits 6r%diP6$4:1. .. Cont de the contta�o Ave: the �lsutn of to 71 pp �En6u'No 817ttm%te batnB, SS.BAd Pa4ed YA 1781 �jg18)g 87,1818. -APPr° . e,�yBA �i�b abode 8�pp1 Yeas (67 Councilmen( V) Nays Cl>ificy ` -Fer tsweTth- I Go In favor L) KoY(er }.. _._w .__Against Veu�nderlich Mr. Presid m, Hodgson rOnM C, A 9 3M 1,— Adopted by the Council.---. __ -... UQ.. �.� _.. Ig1�91 Appro d ........_...._AN 27 X9)8 191. ................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL. FORM c� Subject: ----------------------------------------- -----...------------ -_ -. - - - CO -- 2252_ UNCIL .......... FILE N 0.../�....... ..................... Date Presented Aug, 933rd- � la. 191-.-.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the con- struction of a sewer on .AMes Ave. between White Bear Ave. and Van Dyke Ave., to Christ Johnson; for the sum of $1,296.00, Engineer's Estimate being $1,302.00. F.B. #1736, That the eonaotl. of the .Resolved,. hereby ,onppurs to Committee enatid�� petNo" con M Ltl. eontmetA ga AYe;.betWeenl ` sewer on Vnn D9Reu'mVo=, -tia,Wt, of a-and.tor tha' belns to, Hear Ave gtattmate. 1 `l to 6.00 :,.,Fo a er's1788 j S1 9050. ..F B N° " "9T 1918..1 '{ AODr0 4 31 the 278 1838)g _ if Ang G — (Aum EeeeiQea &�,b $� ee •dp�pectio>A ei'�4$ psolation. Yeas (V') Councilmen ( V) Nays CY6cy In favor .............. Kole"r S-Meh�r" ___.0_Against Wdtlderlich Mr. PresidqAt, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 8-18 Adopted by the Council AUG 27_ (918 App Ove 00 27 )919 191 _ MAYOR • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _-------------------------....------------------------- ----- - -' NCIL 225"x3 Subjedt:--_................ Fire No.... Date Presented. ;}fig-; 23rd—'3a 191..... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and -hereby awards the contract for the construction of a severron Juno 6t. between pleasant Ave. and Chatsworth 8t., to O'Neil & Preston; for the sum'of $1,540.00. Engineer's hatimate being $1,593.00. F.B. #1733. C' F. No.:82673—By 3; N. Gose Resolved'That the .Couricll hereby cencur. in ;the• recommendation of. the Contract Qommltgqtoet and •hereby .*"d. tr nY-ta sewercontra. oht .1 no 9t.4batvr en: Pleasant .Ave. and Chatsworth St: of I C'Nan &-Preston ,for the cum of -Dat(mate 1640 00. E:ngineer's-.being 1,593.00. F B. NO.,1788 Adopted by the Counell Aub, 27, 1818:, ApprovedAuB' 27..198 Yeas ( r) Councilmen ( V) Nays 4346 , Infavor Vy dpderlich Mr. Presi4f(nt, Hodgson FORM O. A.9 9M s -i9 all fig tYl aboVe Adopted by the Council -_-._AUG,... 27..��1�...._...191..... Approv406 27 191.........._..191 _.. - ............................. ..K�!... .......-.... ...................... MAYOR Petition Council File No. s PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT T and PRELIMINARY ORDER. y, 5 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: . ............. Dated....... 26th....:. day of .......August............................................................. 00, ^ --� s xa' x4544— �F Counciihnary Whereas A mrltterl ply N meaking at the tolloming !m 1.. • vt,R-^inllnet a b�Bper oa Baa�t PRN11IlYIIwAi., ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: F. ..point.....: ft A.onatxuat.:.a...sewe.r-...nn..H�ard..AQe......irom..Ham7ine...$ve....tn. a 20.0 ............. east ...off--.ZY-ndi.aate...Ave..:.and,...on...Hainline...A4s:.....from:..Bayard ...A9e..- .to........... ..........Wate.on..AQ.e...... .............. ........ ...... '................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._ ............................................... ......... therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eAtimated colt of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:----.--.--.--•--..--..... - -- I ........ ......... ............................. .................................................... 5. To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .:AQ.::7 •�1.: 191..:..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Faeirawerth 8 27 1918 G�' Approved........ ......... ........... 191 olanay S� Ke,11w wipdriich `� w .....; .. __ .. ....... i. Mayor; 7- Hodgson M/ . Burin C A 13 (aM 4.14) !/ - s/ PETI,TION Council File No. ......... ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 225751 PRELUMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: fl0natruot...-a..o9au t....ti.le...aidesalk.:.an.-.tha..>fraex..-aide.-.of... Farring-'toa---avenue, fnQIIl...C.Ax.b9n_,atreaa....to._9MY.Iand...Street ......................_................................................................._ ..... _.------..................... ................. Dated 191 -tea l!'... waereae. A trrlt opoeal ,.ry, ty Councilman.making of the folio o la.. Co..truct a,ceme `-?been preeentea to a Yx. uril ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz- I�QAatxua.t...a..o.ement....tile.:.Ax' deRalk..mn.:.th-a...west ...side ... o2....Farrington...avenue, ..from.._�flx1?Qn...�atrae ...to...ltM..and:..ets.aet................ ......................................... ...:....._................................. ...................................................................... ..... . . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....... ...................._.................. ... ........... ....... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coEt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ................... _............ ......................... 5, To Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council �.....27 `�4� .......... 191 Yens:... Nays: Councilman FanawaAW B 27 l9� Grelf� Approved ........... .. 191........ W erlich............: .. ....... ......... ......... ............... Mayor I r{ue�5n� �Ma�yor. Form C A 13 (dM 4.17) .. C. F. No 22678'--O dt sate �No I An ordinance prrrlding fPr the eeN iehment operatipn management , • maln[e of a MurtSciynl Thi ante Is an emerg rtcY ordinance der d e arY fo the pre e - ! -o[ th - pub peace, a ,health d --!Z-+ N [ S T S � OP RATION, X-MANAGEMENT DINA_ o PROVIDING FOR THE EtiTAELISHP4L_T, E AND MkITlITENANCE, OF A ..Q[ID,ICI. AL GARAGF. THIS ;,IS IN ELERGFNCY ORDINANCE -RE �DERE'D ?NECESSARY FOR THE PRE- SRRVATION OF T PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: - SECTION I. That there is hereby established in the building oimed by the City of St. Paul, at the northwest corner of Third and Cedar Streets, a Municipal Garage, the care, control and management of which shall be under the Commissioner of Public Safety. SECTION II. That all automobiles and auto trucks owned by the City of St. Paul or any Departmer'_t thereof,except those belonging to the Bureau of Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the automo- bile used by the Superintendent of Buildings,.Department of Education, 20* the automobile used by the Superintendent of Parks Aphall be stored and kept in said Garage. 1 R SECTION IIT. Th_t all repairs, replacements, gasoline and oils needed for any and all motor driven apparatus ownel by the City of St. Paul, ex- cept such as are used by the Bureau of Fire Protection, shall be fur- nished and sup -lied by and through the said Munioipal Garage. The cost of storing such vehicles and of any and all such supplies, repaird and replacements shall be paid by the Department or Bureau for ;which the se_vice 1:ras rendered, on monthly bilis, out of the sp propriate fund, and all moneys collected by or for said Municipal Garage shall be credited to the tfunicipal Garage Account of the General Fund. All salaries, ,rages, purchases and other expenses whatsoever, connected with the operation and maintenance of said garage and the vehicles ` stored therein and supplied therefrom shall be paid out of the same fund.- "2n Q.GTION. IV. The charges for storage, repairs, oil and gasoline shall be so arranged that every Department call pay the same for like or similar service and so that each Bureau or Department shall pay its full pro.�ortion of the cost ofoperating and ma.intaining'said Garage, it bei -ng the.intention that the entire cost of pporating'said Garage shall be met by the Bureaus and Departments using the same. VECTION V. That for the purpose of operating said Garage, The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereb-r authorized to buy the necessary tools, equip- ment and supplies and to pay the cost thereof out of the said fund. SECTION VI. Said Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to appoint the following assistants and employes at the salaries in- dicated, for the purpose of operating said Garage and maintaining and caring for the automobiles and vehicles stored therein.: One1) Superintendent at a monthly salary of from $125.00 to $150.00 One �1) General Bookkeeper at a monthly salary of 90.00 to 120.00. One Senior Clerk at a monthly salary of $75.00 to 100.0'. One (1) Clerk (Storekeeper) at a monthly salary of'$75.00 to $100.00 One Machinist, Foreman, at amonthly salary of $132.50. $;1 Three (j) Machinists, each at a monthly salary of 20.00. Three (3) Automobile Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $120.00. Four Machinistts Helpers, each at a monthly salary of $75.00 to $85.00.` One (1) Tire Repair Man at a monthly salary of $75.00 to $100:00. Two 2 Laborers, each at a monthly salary of $75.00. Two Auto Washers & Polishers, each at a monthly salary of $75/ tP $100.6 And such other and additional permanent and temporary em- ployea at such compensation as the Council may authorize, either by resolution or by budget ordinance under the terms of Sections 200 and 203 of the Charter. SECTION VII. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Safety to see that a complete record is kept of the time when and by whom.any of the automobiles stored in said Garage are taken out and when returned. °3" SECTION VIII. All ordinances and parts of ordinances iileons tent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IX. -This is an Emergency Udinance rendered necessary for the reservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval 6 and publication. Yeas (t--') Councilmen (V) Nays rnsworthas 1:11er In favor '�)CcollQ ainst WundVich JV Mr. President, odgson7���'' FORMC A.9 31 9-19 Adopted by the Council--{(l„Jr_. _-O,a1_''.�\_f.pr- ..191.Cr;� Appr ed lL/C_-1 o Xr^ \ �h.. _ 191 u MAYOR Pus a �Y y Sk L an �. U v-EIv l W Cf+ _r,..,;,. L.a-�.?�.�;s,��;a �i�. ��^Yyx1 {'}tPi".�,t.l, kw�f '���•" a�,� 44114 .b,,,, n 'd e rf . v aI9, `.�:: 'r.•b.., �F' ` X � �1.�'vL. — L cu a� 9 ,rW � a( �� � �'''" A!c�is�`-• �e�'mt�.6;1.-'Y{lat>tNP ��4�•rAaa+�y�.:a;�� ,�!'t.. f�°,�-�+Mr�ea� iL.:�y..�i oA..,e�s l�� � � J CITY OF ST. PAUL Iry OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 177 cOL 225 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NQ . .......... ............ Form AA%2M 7-18 ......... ..... 441 �,T )LLE AUDITED - ------ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council .................. 4 191- Cla*,� In favor ppro .... 191 Goan C. jr. No. 22577j . to, be 6rG, 11 Raopi,ecd that I 10 Payable . ......................... ............ ... upon the asenry, V&",bl Kiler 0 City Treasury in .0 ad hereinafter the her, ena. set corpoX MAYOR the per . Ostia favor Of]or the amounts set -jPjPj.', in Ilona 0. Wupd'erlich tbelrf�lcspective names 00 the I.,mg detailed statement: I, Barre. $7.12. Brooks Bros., $196-00-J. W. Casein & C--, - 6 $414.54. A. Farnsworth.. C.$52 P- R. A. E. Ferries, 1180 -00 - Finch. Van Slyke ' & McCon*1111 $111.71. Hammond Byrd Iron CO., $14,357.66' Al.J $10-50' A. C. McClurg & CO., $443.47. MCOIB .-ar,& Cog $84.26. Ms.k.cfe Co., $6.7 . 2 Manhattan Oil CO-- $231 Northern State. Power �90.� $1.529.141 Perkins, TracY Printing Cocnpanyl, .......printing 'CO., $38-10- Pilot Otto W. Rohland;-.16.00. et. Paul Builders Material CorrpanY� 6078 J. E. Barre, 1 James 7.13 South ParkSh,el undry & Machine Co., Water $199.75* Western Supply CO-- $8,49. Co.. 129.46. 6079 Brooks BrothersAdopted Western Union To ho red , the Council 21, l!)l t oAug. 28,1918. 196.00 Fire An (Auguat 31-1918) - 6080 J. W. CaSBin & Company, 5.25 Water 6081 S. A. Farnsworth,.C. P. R. F., 414.54 Comptroller 11:40 0 Civil Service - 00 Police 31 40 31 40 Fire 1 .14 Health 7 .20 Workhouse 00 H . :00 Library 10 . 0 41 .54 6082 A. E. Ferriss, 30.00 1 *14 7 ' 20 -00 000 10 - 0 41 .54 Water 6083 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 228.73 Fire 6084 Haffmond Byrd Iron Company, 14,357.66 Water 6 0 ;J. Louis, 10.50 Water Res. 441 Page #2 6086 A. C. McClurg & Company, Perkins, Tracy Printing Company, .Library -N. Books 6087 McGill Warner & Company, Library G.F.-Official Pub. n G.F.-Mist. & Unforseen 6088 Maas Keefe Company, Pilot Printing Company, Parks 6089 Manhattan Oil Company, Otto W. Rohland, Police Election Schools St.Paul Builders Material Company, n 6090 Northern States Power Company, Te -62 _ 19 60 0 6 5 8 5 200643 6 23'1.92 7.70 12 0 45 1 1 0.5 30.38 65.80 27.09 .49 0 157.86 25 1 •50 1 75 443.37 -44 84.25 6.75 231.92 1,529.14 100.55 38.10 15.00 157.86 58.14 199.75 8.48 29.46 Water 6091 Perkins, Tracy Printing Company, Civil Service Library n Prtd. forms and blanks 6092 Pilot Printing Company, Printed forms and blanks 6093 Otto W. Rohland, Election 6094 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Fire u Schools. It it Water 6095 James Shiely, Water 6096 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, Schools Water 6097 Western Supply Company, Water 6098 Western Union Telegraph Company, Police Te -62 _ 19 60 0 6 5 8 5 200643 6 23'1.92 7.70 12 0 45 1 1 0.5 30.38 65.80 27.09 .49 0 157.86 25 1 •50 1 75 443.37 -44 84.25 6.75 231.92 1,529.14 100.55 38.10 15.00 157.86 58.14 199.75 8.48 29.46 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM Subjedt: CO'NCIL 11225.8 FILE No. Date Presented U1. /10 191 Yeas (I) Councilmen ( 17) Nays Clancy ECAFF19wepth ✓ Goss Keller Wunderlich Air. 41feftt4errt,—Hudgson FORM. A.9 .. 6-1a Adopted by the Council,,, 19 1, Approved 19 In favor Against Resolved, Thal, t',I:) co -1 Cit- : Cf J cers 'a-: c r tG ay t0 -: Jo` --n D. 'Hei lex an of the De.-,t--ent of Public Sa7teY) I f in —:,� ��yl , — .22i�,L (D I o � i I (� IYu rkae. nI t3 C 111 iisati^n Acccunll- t'rle Griezal t --i ,f ,;;21.32 nG in hn, I set'a' e-��Ont 0 '--i,3 rout the city for injuries e . I j .3 us t i s t e, issi-n,i, Pu)7 - ic -teY. 22578-13y Henry McC*";11 - city a, - ere are sby authorised ri to pay to J_.Ihl B. Helder anemployee cp.,t,�ey OmP OYOO Of thea , -,l" Safety "'red the �.t d or To.. 18, the Workmen's Compen' ' 1911 Acco,�,,t",,,l 1 the t e General Fun MV am of 0, In flnal settlement of his claim against the t�, f city or Injuries austalred .. f.,O- .old. 1 Adopted by the Council 28. 1918. Approved Aug. 28, 1918. (August (August 31-1918) Yeas (I) Councilmen ( 17) Nays Clancy ECAFF19wepth ✓ Goss Keller Wunderlich Air. 41feftt4errt,—Hudgson FORM. A.9 .. 6-1a Adopted by the Council,,, 19 1, Approved 19 In favor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION–GENERAL FORM 22579 Subje&:FILE NO–I.–l- Date Presented AU9-0 2a, 191.8- Resolved, That the time specifie,L for the parf"Onk--qce of a certain contract dated October 8th, 1917 between Carlson & Sandquist and the City Of St. Paul for the grading, curbing, eideWallMo steps, terracing and sodding of Fulham St. between OOmO Ave- west and Hendon St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 27th day of August, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the oontractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas councilmen ( V) Nays In favor 0 Against W&ufderlich Mr. MgMent, Hodgson FORM G A. 9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Council, 2.8 1M .19 Approved —0- 225`9 St. Paul, Minn., f427 19�� TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, YJ- would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for to be extendedto Owing to`�- - - - - - - yz _-_ - - - - - - - - - it was not r -it -le fo,,, o finish this contract within the time epecified3.-fierce desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. `k f wr-e0 ",I,— There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concar d. APPROVED Su t, o Construction Repairs Commissioner of Publicl"'orks. Chief Engineer. v DA 22580 COUNCIL, FILE NO....---_... ..... ................ 13y... .... ..--_............................. -- - ...... -- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter o£..__.c.Gnat.ru.cting..a...varaent...tile of -----•-------- six feet on the north side of-__Randolph---St--..fr-Qm-.-ft..013-ing--Ame......to................... ........................................ _._....... ........ C. F. No. 22620— B[...Ca.l6eter Av'e.....................: In the Matter of constructing, ... -... -....... .............................. -.................... ...................... tile sidewalk to a width of on fhe north aide of Randa -_:? Snelling Ave, to M1� ................... ......................• .ndgr PreltminarY C�....................................................................................... r July 22rd, 1912. 'or of, the Citr- .. ....._ _...._-._ _......_..._...__._._._...._..._..._._....._......._....._ ..................... _......_-................ ..................................... ............. under Preliminary Order...2?.x.5.6....................................approved July ...2.3rd,....1918........... ..... --......... .... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Gon-strUat._a...cement.. tile._ sidewal.kto--u...width_._of._-six..feet.._-on--the--north.-_side..-.Q#--. St. from Snelling Ave. to Macelester Ave. _..._.......................................__......_......._..._...._...._ ................................................_............................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _ 0.-6.5 p-erfront foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile.. _..30.th............_...day of .........$egt.ember- ............... .._., 191_.8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. &I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AugAdopted by the Conneil... ..1918_ _ 191_ r C Approved... _... 19x it, Clerk .. Mayor. Council4j&rr"Goss Council isen-l"fM Clancy Coungilnian Keller Couneilfnan Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 Form A A 46,2 N 7-18 . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2255 COUNCIL Nu...... ... _ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE Al .......................... . ly C TRO LLER AUDITED ._._-...._.191.... .. 442 ............ PER ................. ......-........ ............ _.. _ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: statement: yea, ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council __._–o Cl y pproved l�Vl^.lj._..... �`.191..6�. ..... _...... _.... _........ ar .__...._.......In favor K r v _ .._Against W erlich . Mr. Presid Hodgson C. P. No. 22681— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,, payable out of the hereinafter prescribed funds and In favor of the persons, firms or.corpom- tions for the amounts set oppoette therespective names as specl8ed to the following detailed statement: American Linen. Supply Co.. ;179.27. Brooke Bros., ;103.49.. Carnegie Fuel Co., ;789.66. Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co.. ;10,118.23. Hanna Coal Co., ;1.380.31. Dr. Dawson Johnston, ;16.40. John Klein. $141.81. v gpgg American Linen PSuPPlY Coe# 6100 Brooke Bros., Sewer C. & R- 6101 Carnegie Fuel CO*. School Street C. & R. Sprinkling 6102 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co., 6103 Fianna Coal Co-, chool 6104 Dr. Dawson JohnstonLibrry 6105 John Klein Parke 6106 W. C. Marlow, St., P. Baths 6107 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., Garage Fire Comfort Stat. 6108 V. E. Patnaude School c Equipment Co., ;31.63. 0.;90.00.. rporatlon, ;6,919.98. Ing Co.. ;37.40.. Co., ;408.28, 'uildere ldaterial Co., ow Institute, ;100.00. is Council Aug. 29, 1918. 99.)D3 .17 24. 1 1 31. 179.27 103.49 739.55 10,118.23 1,380.31 16.40 141.81 400.00 31.63 90.00 #2 6109 Pierce Oil Corporation Sprinkling 6110 Quality Printing Co., Parke Momptroller 6113 C. Reiss Coal Co., School 6112 St. Paul Builders Material Co., Sewer C. & x. 6113 St; Paul Hebrew Institute School Total'-LML 919.93 4 3 .40 6,919,98 37: 40 408.28 253.58 100.00 Farm A A 46.2 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°t'`tIL FILE NO........ ~.�....... '4` 1�i AUDITED ... AUG, 2 S t91 �.... ._„_:,, 191........ IT �iP ' OLL7P 443 PER ................ ._.................._.._._....._........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............ ..:._.....�Z.....`�... 191_ Cl 'S -I- favor roved..... .._..._......_eZ.'........=_'^4.__..191..2F.__ / r U �.........Against.............................. ..... ._.......... _.................._.....__..._... S xAroR erlich Mr. Preside odgson 6114 St. Paul Cement Works Cement Walks C. F. No. 22682-- - Resolved that warrants be drawn' ��the hereinafter specified pfunds and in'. favor of the persons. Rema or corpora- tfone For the amounts eet oDDoeite `: thele jeepective names u .peclded la j the following detailed statement: St. Paul Cement Works. 52.276.6 3. 1918. �. Adopted by the Council Aug. 29, Approved(Aug- 29,31 191A) gust To tai, $ 3-276-5A 3,276.53 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subjedl: COUNCIL 2'-3593 FILE NO.— -- ........ ........... —... Date Presented.. .. Aug -.. 2 191 8- &UPF I Resolved, That the grade of Hoyt Ave* from Tramline Ave* to Albert Ave*, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the CormiaBioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (I) Cour cilmen ( V) Nays CLO6 y Bala nvorth— G06 In favor AML4) MeQ011Lam.Against W,fooerlich Mr. PresidLI'411 Hodgson FORM C A.9 3M Ii -19 ... b? 0b 0 , 9 . 191 )B Adopted by the Council__ekfa. 191< r Approve Igi MAYOR —/V 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 04 Subjedl: COUNCIL M FILE Date Aug- �?B. Resolved, That the grade of Albert Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Worksp be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas ( p) C Duncilmen ( V) Nays C aucy 4P C w, In favor Against M Pr V�e lic Mr. es7id=h9son FOR. C A 9 6_18 C -FNo. 22584.—By .1 A—bi,togdke-bi— 2"Zit"Oni, Albert; rask- Ave, to H �n bhe red gradeolle, accompanying Wokeby the jr-fil. Hoyt - Ave., be d.pt-d .same IB hereby Adtq,tc��",�he establishcda-rad "'pro Y the council A e. Approved A09, 29, Aug, 9, 29, 1918. -.Ugu.t 1-1918) Adopted by the Council. 191 Appr 191 CS • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM `) Subjec4: - - - ----- ......... ....... - ... C-OUNCIL y. 2258115 ' FILE N O ............ . . . ................. 1u Date Presented- Aug. _288, ____ 1916. Resolved, That the grade of Sheridan St. from Prior Ave. to Edgoumbe Road, as shown by the red grade line on the aaaompanying profile and as approved by the Commissioner of Pablio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (V) Nays C h � In favor rJ r) _.Against / erlich Mr. Presi nt, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 6-18 C. F: No. 22685 By Mthe . N. Goss— St; oss= '. StRfromePr ornt Ave. grtoe of Sheridan Ed be m, shown by the ed grade Ifne; 1 on the accompanying proflle aad ae a f proved by the _Commi-I.ner of Phbliop .Works, be and the ame I. hereby adopted ae the eetnbllshed grade. . Adopted by the Co...il Aug. 29,. 1918:! Approved Aug. 29; 1918. (August 31-1918) Adopted by the Council_ _%/.19Lg Approve._.....`.%.VTll4....�F.....__.191.a MAYOR C. b' No ; 42626�UrdlnaneA No./Y(1!N` ByY,.tlbert-�Ya>�.derlicn- G!I���WW"••• """�F- An 2,25f 6 or8fnnnce-to amend. Admi to .�• .Ordinance NA 3226, approved`,' 3rd' amended emberd r // „•ped November °:A' O ,►:� ordinexes to emend Administrative Ordinance No. 8226. approved Jams 22, 19 4, as nmW d by ortinanse No. 8982. approved November 30, "&• An clQiaenee fi>sin$ the 'duties and compensation of the Superintendent and other necessary employees of the Auditerium. This is on emergency 9rdi- nanoo mer cordi- nanos rsadered necessary for the prosertetion of the public peaoe, health and safety. The Council of the City of. St. psul does ordain: Section 1. That ordinance No. 8226, approved Juno 22, 1914, as Mondod by ordinenoe No. $982, approved November, 30, 19170 be end the same it hereby amended by striking oat from Section i thereof the 0rd* aad,fi$pree e$' Janitors not to exceed thirty seats par hour" and subllOituting thoroorthe mords and figures 05 janitors at not to exoeed thirty-five vents per .hour." Section 2. This ordin6as 3e an omergenoy ordi.nanoo Pandered necessary for the preservation of the public psaoe, health and safety. R i 800tion B. Thia ordinance shall take of foot and'be in force immediately upon ids pat#*Be, a0Vrot4'and publication. i Yeas ( r) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Counci ._/ 191 1 ClWey�/J(�/�— FarnsMorth 'T-9 Approv "J .��..�.�_-1.!s�'./s..q-....-.191 Go� _____ .,In favor C.j, __._.Against MAYOR Wup,Wrlich Mr. Presidpe Hodgson FORM C A. 9 3M 6 -IB f v ccwxax��^�'' : �"""�xo�wvv.,.wwau.,+�.�www.wu,� 'w�wv*ta�aia�-. "."�-� 1••,''� :..�,�•.�.^'"""l,»..V..-�� ;�e,.Au,v:,.fr,;�.. w+�.�,«� � .Ts fn. dM— l. /� ,� ,� fad �.G) �, �dv�ro�."� � o+� c{ a ����f1 ( t e �-�"•-Ir- • 77 1 7 tea. %� je Gtr �L S f � h, o.3i �snre .•. c4coo L c,% o v—TA.- All 1L.- 1—. f C 225¢x'7 OAA -An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250, apprcved August 200 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570-, and subsequent amendments, is hereby further amended by striking out in Section 12, Rule II, the lines "Fire Captain (enters at $110)" and "Fire Marshal (enters at $110)" where they occur, and',. by striking out the phrase "(enters at $105)" where it occurs after the title of "Fire Lieutenant" in said Section 12, and by striking out the phrase "(enters at $97)" where it occurs after the title of "Assistant Fire Engineer" in Sec- tion 10, and by striking out the phrase "(enters at $105)" where it occurs after the titleof"Fire Engineer" in said Section 10; and by inserting in Section 11 (Grade 7) of said Rule II the title "Fire Engineer," and by insert- ing in Section 13 (Grade 9) the titles "Fire Captain" and "Fire Marehal."-' SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect.and be in force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby recommend these amendments to the Civil Service Ordinance. These changes conform to the changes.made in the new administrative ordinance for the •Department of Public Safety adopted by the Council on August 23.The effect of this amendment is to re -grade the positions of Fire Engineer and Fire Captain, placing each in the next higher grade above that of Assistant Fire Engineer and Fire Lieutenant respectively. Civil Service Commissioner. ^r Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Tn� - •y T. Clam Fq Farbgworth G* �.._:In favor Cie Ke�ff �k McColl- _ ._.Against Wun&rlich Mr.:Pr ' SEP. iQtB Adopted by the Council___.191.__._._......_ �... Approved u �J t A•eLln¢ MAYOR 1 .. - ,. ,. . .. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL N^,o•22588$ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 7B� -- _ PER—_----n.ne 446 out of the Resolve t ed that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as specified in the following 9 Sl2V/ t�� statement: Adopted by the Council- Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) NaYs A oved u _O�191A Go�sr -=In favor Iiy nd ---ID V v `MAYOR Hy er Against S aeso�vTto W derlich _ Warrants dMWn C, F. No, 2268 .... Da nda and 1n e out or Mr. President, rvin RL. nsotvea thaLe tte n the•Clii>r aDaetBed tih. Commlae S. 6213 S. A. Farnsworth, Com+r. Finance, Citig Officers "anr+8 Officers 6 00 Com r. Finance 00 Part. Certs. 32Comptroller B6Corp. Counsel A322 50City Clerk H, & C. x• 29C. Service 83Civil 93Fier. Deft• 99Mun. Court,50 6214 S. A. Farnsworth�.CP+ WoFinance rka, , 6,6 8'78 3,81 .45 Garbage Street C. & R. 2,06 .00 165 00 S. & S. Cing. 240.00 Bridge Bldg* 224. 0 Sprinkling p13,358. 0 Docks, Wharves & L. 35. 0 1,358. 9 Workhouse 115. 0 Crosswalks 50. 0 Pay. 12th W. St. A. pip, Stat. 76 28,252. 2 13,823.50 28,252.12 #2 6215 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. 16, 1.16 School 9,50 .55 N 19 .25 Library 5,79 .46 Auditorium 62 .90 16,123.16 6216 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. 3,001.18 Park 512. 2 356.33 M 197.00 Playground 282.50 P. Bldg. 1,583 33 Forestry, Rev. 70 00 3,001.1 - 6217 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. 1,418.75 C. P. U. -Gen. Adm. 25 00 Mun. Test. Lab. 317 50 Markets 12 00 Lighting 25 1,418 78 F. -A A/3,2X 7-1a k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IOUNCIL 225.39 No . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE -- AUDITED ....AL1-a-.J..Q.. 19.1-1 V. 446 - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council__. ti_ -.:...3.L) .....191.-� CI ncy Q /f .._.In favor pproved.....�^_C.:..._..(i__Fi............_..191..d_... G ss eller 0....._Against .......... ...... _ 4fAYCR - underlich Mr. Presi ent, Hodgson 22689 the — uponsolvedCI yat Warrdnta .ya In favotiereinaft- gPecig LaYab a aunt, And theirti eBPective n mee nt $ �DDOAlt. Bo F to Con rol'lE$921 te'oant. is . II. Adopted CO 0 1233.60 El. Aa➢>ovetlbAuge 30 uncl] Aug, 30, 1918, 6218 Board of Control Bd. of Control 6219 Z. L. Finney Forestry Rev. 6220 Tierney & Co. Fire 2,921.21 5.00 253.50 For,A A I8,7N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Na `> FILE............ _..._.....--:.. _ 6115 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 7.06 0 .............. i' �i R LFR AUDITED V. .... ....... _..----- ...797 201.10 444 ---- _ ......... TITLE .: C. F. No. 22590—y, dor L mt•w=,1 Resolved that wargnd to the Ctty Tr ae'a�pt�'ate It of the hereinafter specified funds anfn favor of the Resolved that warrants be draw pon theh loatt 1, e° p fltID r co roc `l firms or corporations tae f the for the a ti...to the am t. sett oppeattinn, tames as specified in the following detailed statement a>iteme persons, Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V t . y tive na Ile )Nays '�, : , Adopted by the Council A...._.191 �n _.�...Q.. O I Clancy �'`)..._..In ti.-.. (% favor proved_... ..3.0..-,, ti .........191U Against .......1 ..................... MO/R , TIler underlic P�V 09 Mr. Preson Gen. Municipal Garage .72 6115 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 7.06 Fire 6116 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 201.10 Mayorts Office .34 Corporation Counsel 1 58 City Clerk 40 Comptroller 5 39 C. Public Safety - Gen. Adr,. 4 42 Police 3 07 Police & Fire Alarm Teleg. 09 Gen. Municipal Garage .72 C. P. Works 4 08 Schools 102 34 Library 4 20 Parke 24 « 9 34 Water 13 84 Purchasing Department 6.05 201.10 164.80 6117 Berry Brothers, Library 6118 George C. Birder, 1.80 Water 6119 T. L. Blood & Company 4.90 6120 Water Board of Water Commissioners, ae,i 120.17 Police 18. 8 Quarantine Y„ 4. 2 8 General Municipal Garage3. Parke 47. 4 Water supply 27. 0 tt h 1 120.17 444 #2 6121 Boston Music Company, Library • New Books 6122 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Library 6123 00 entral Warehouse Lumber Company, Schools 6124 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway, Quarantine St. Construction & Repair 6125 Day's Presto -Service Company, neral Municipal Garage 6126 Adam Decker Hardware Company, General Municipal Garage Schools 6127 Diebold Safe & Look Company, City Clerk 6128 Dispatch Printing Company, Civil Service 6129 Dyer Brothers, Public Baths 6130 Electricical Magneto Company, Fire n n 6131 Electric Blue Print Company, C. P. Works Parke Water 6132 Elite Laundry Company, Parke 6133 Elk Linen Sup ply Company, Police Police & Vire Alarm Public Comfort Station Water 6134 Essanell Electric Company, General Municipal G rage n n n S. & S. Cleaning 5.05 6.00 11. 1,7 40. .0 19 71 93 1 .40 0 4 .7 1 69 2 00 2/ 1.25' F x.35 66.90 11.05 .85 80.85 1.50 3.15 7, 00 20.86. 38,87 3 65. o1 47.34 27.36 6135 Fairbanks Morse & Company, 13.50 Library 6136 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 177.15 Fire 6 06 Schools 6 49 " 49 00 15 36 Water 67 79 #3 Water 1.65 p 10.00 a .50 a 13.55 Parke 2. 177M r v 1089 6137 F. W. Faxon Company, Library 37.17 6138 Fisk Rubber Company, 13.77 General Municipal Garage p a 11.40 p p p 12.00'? .1 6139 Frost Paint & Oil Company, 16,00 Fire 6140 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 44.09 Schools 3.00 6141 Gray Motor Company, General Municipal Garage 6142 Great Northern Railway Company, 3.00 Pay. Grand Ace. -Milton to Cretin 69.45 6143 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 15.00 Fire Health 1.00 Workhouse �•4 69..47 6144 Hackett Gates & Hurty, - 1.40 St. C. & Repair 6145 Hoosier Paint Works, 46.03 Street Signs 6146 Hydraulic Press Bricjt Company, 183:15— Water 6147 A. C. Jefferson, 227.14 Crosswalks 6148 C. I. Johnson Mnfg. Company, 3.25 Library 6149 The Journal of the American 2.25 Institute of Architects, Library- New Books 22.60 6150 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company, 5.00 Police 2.80 Parks Playgrounds 14.80 22.64 6151 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg. Company, 3.50 `�$•� General Municipal Garage 4100 Schools Paving Depreciation 8x 2, .3 52.98 6152 Keuffel & Esser Company, Finance #3 Water 1.65 p 10.00 p .50 « 13.55 Parka 2. 35.1 6137 F. W. Faxon Company, Library 6138 Fisk Rubber Company, General Municipal Garage « « p p « 6139 Frost Paint & Oil Company, Fire 6140 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Schools 6141 Gray Motor Company, General Municipal Garage 6142 Great Northern Railway Company, Pay. Grand Ave. -Milton to Cretin 6143 Griggs, Cooper & Company, Fire Health Workhouse 6144 Hackett Gates & Hurty, St. C. & Repair 6145 Hoosier Paint Works, Street Signs 6146 Hydraulic Press Briolt Company, Water 6147 A. C. Jefferson, Crosswalks 6148 C. I. Johnson Mnfg. Company, Library 6149 The journal of the American Institute of Architects, Library- New Books 6150 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company, Police Parks Playgrounds 6151 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg. Company, General Municipal Garage Snhnols Paving Denrecig ion 6152 Keuffel & Esser Company, Finance 13.77 11.40 12.00 .1 15.00 1.00 5.4 o9•.47 5.00 2.80 14.80 22.60 3.50 4100 1`21 7 8.19 27.3; 1.89_. 37.17 16,00 44.09 3.00 3.00 69.45; 1.40 46.03 183.75 227.11 3.25 2.25. 22.60 26.35' 52.98 #4 6153 F. C. Kohnke, Parks 8 9.35"r 2 0 6154 A. J. Krank, 0.35 C. P. Works 6155 Leslie Dorahower Company, 4.86' _Water 6156 Liberty Printing Company, 2.16 Library- New Books, 6 Schools 1. 0 2116 6157 Manhattan Oil Company, 1,057.07' General Municipal Garage 5 55 n x a 91 40 « a « 92 16 Sewer C. & R. 45 12 S. & S. Cleaning 66 15 Sprinkling 59 79 S. & S. Cleaning 6 77 x n « « 225 60 a x n n 338 50 Parks 21 00 « 10.9 " 46.0a 170-57.-07 __ 6158 Mann Publishing Company, 3.28':: .Library«New Books 6159 J. Marien, 15.00` Election 6160 Melady Paper Company, 12.75'- C. P. Works 5425 Parke 7450 12 6161 Miller & Holmes, 11.25 Workhouse 6162 Mple.,St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry, 2600 Fire 6163 Morrie Book Shop, .85 Library -New Books 6164 National Cash Register Company, 49.02 Parks 6165 New York Tea Company, 46,60 Workhouse 3 .60 Parke 6166 Nicols. Dean & Gregg, 19.32 Fire 3.59 Fire 2 70 Municipal Gare Revolging 5 50 x x n 2 21 x x a 9p 4.42 19.L32 _J 11-1 I_ 6179 J. F. Ptaoek & Son, 1.50 Police & Fire Alarm 6180 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 365i3f Eire 341,,0 Sprinkling ill 0 w4ter 8.10 3614�O Paving Deprec:irtion 4J25 6167 Nolan Brothers Motor Car Company, .96 General Municipal Garage 6168 Northern Fire Apparatus Company, 18,93 Fire 6169 -Northern Malleable Iron Company, 38.35 Fire 6170 Northwestern Blaugas Company, 13.50 Parke 6171 Northwestern School Supply Company, 48*00 Schools 6172 Northwestern Stamp Works, 12,95 Comptroller 3 - Police 0 0 Municipal8 Garage Revolv, 8, 0 Schools 0 Water 12e 6173 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 452.17 Police 18 15 Police & Fire Alarm 50 - Municipal Garage Revolving 3 00 Workhouse 6o It 3 00 Schools 94 08 6597 Parke 7 30 234 70 27 5 00 12 30 7 10 7PT17 6174 A. J. Nystrom Company, 38,00 Library 6175 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, 1*03 Fire 6176 Oriental Laundry, 14*00 Quarantine 6177 Osgood & Blodgett Mnfg. Company, 84j00 Paving Depreciation 6178 M. F. Patterson Dental Supply Co. 129412 Schools 5 9.5 17 7 0 95. 0 0 0 6 0 e 0 1 9.12 6179 J. F. Ptaoek & Son, 1.50 Police & Fire Alarm 6180 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 365i3f Eire 341,,0 Sprinkling ill 0 w4ter 8.10 3614�O Paving Deprec:irtion 4J25 #6 6181 Roe James Glass Company, 40000` Municipal M*loyment Bureau 6182 M. Rosen & Company, 12.50 General Municipal Garage, 6183 "'Royal Typewriter Company, 10.00. Schools 6184 Reed Motor Supply Company, 1.60 General Municipal Garage . 0 0 6185 Remington Typewriter Company, 3.00 Mayor's Office 1.1!0 Purchasing Department 1100 • 6186 W. Resnick, 2.50 S. & S. Cleaning 6187 C. V. Ritter, 49.99. Library - New Books 6188 St. Paul Boiler & Mnfg. Company, 24.00 S. & S. Cleaning 6189 St. Paul Book & Stationery Company, 206.63 Library 5 00 Library -New Books 99 81 R R R 99 02 » R R 2 80 I 20 . 6190 W, H, Schmelzel &Company, 48.56 General Municiphl Garage 9.20 » R " 40 R " R 18704 R n a p n R n64 28 6191 Schroeder Creamery Company, 30000 Parks 6192Schulenburg-McKay Company, 3,60 Schools 6193 The Seagrave Company, 23.37 Fire 6194 A. W. Shaw Company, 5.00 Library -New Books 6195 Sherwood Company, 5.84 Library 1. 4 Library -New Books 4. 0 4 6196 J. L. Shiely Company, 28.13 Water 2 .13 " . 00 2 .1 6197 ShotwellOHobart Johnson, 89.74 Municipal Garage Revolving 76.00 » R .25 Fiie cc��99 " �'1a #7 33.56 6198 R. C. Smith Auto Company, Municipal Garage Revolving 6199 Sterdard Oil Company, Schools 6200 Stearns Printing Company, 11.75 quarantine 6201 Tacke Brothers, ti 2'87 Schools 6202 Tire Service Company, 44.10 Gene ral. Municipal Garage 0 e 18. n « 2 44. 0 6203 Twin City Auto Specialty Company, 6.24 Fire 2.1 General Municipal garage 4.08 6.24 6204 Twin City ?Rotor Car Company, Municipal Garage Revolving 4. 0 6.15 6205 Twin Oity Show card & Adv. Company, •50 Schools 6206 United Light Company, _. .9.0 Quarantine 6207 United States Rubber Company, 57.50 Sewer Construction & Repair 6208 Villaume Box Company, 10.00 Schools 6209 sae. Wallace, 3.00 Election 6210 Waterous Engine Works, 54.00 Fire 6211 L. Wolff Mnfg. Company, 48.00 Schools 6212 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 57.55 7 Workhouse 4+ Schools 52.)8b Total $5 485-99 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 22591 FILENO ...... ................. Date Presented 8/29/18 -------- 191.__ That the Purchasingent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent oComptroller, to l::rchase one ord runabout for the sum of $b48.48, without asking fcr Com- petivie bids, as s:,.me is a -patented article and no advan- tage can be gained thereby. Charge-Parks,Playgrds & Pub Bldgs,,-Pub.BldZ_s. Yeas (V') ¢councilmen ( V) Nays V31 -s- In favor eller Against underlich Mr. Pr q ident, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 aM 6-19 C. P. No. 22691—By 7. M. Clancy— Resolved, Th t the Purchasing Agent ! be, and he Is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to -pur- chase one Ford runabout for the sum of $648.46, without asking for com- competltive bids, as the same la s put- t d article and no advantage can be gained they by Charge—Parks,dPlaygrounds & Pup: Bldg Pub $lga -Ad pted by the Council Aug.. 80,11918. Approved Aug• 80, 1918. (Sept, 7-1916) Adopted by the Council_. Approved:._..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subjedt: -- _._.... --- _... - COUNCIL a FILE N o .... ........:..................... ......... . ............... .......... . ......................... .............. . . .......................... Date Presented ---$/'Z_9/18------- ------ 19-1 . Resolved, That the i'urehasin ent be nd he is herebyauthor zed. with the consent og tie Compp�roo ler to 2urehase one ord runabout for the sum of 048.46a without asking for com- petivie bids, as same is a patented article and no advan- tage can be gained thereby. Charge-Parks,Playgrds & klub Bldgs.,-Pub.$ldgs. CA/ Yeas ( l) Councilmen( V) Nays ClWy �Fe�newalh Qwsrs In favor IQ2tier Against .Wo6derlich Mr. Presid'e'nt, Hodgson POR- C. A.B 3- -8 Adopted by the Council)nj.............191.- Approved _.. ...___.191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 22592' Subjedlt: - ._.-._--...... -- _.-_......--- - - ._.._---. . ............_ - - ..-....-.._-- COUNCIL FILENO...,% ..................................... .� Date Presented Resolved, Tha tthe iurchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of.the�omptroller, 8 steam shovel bucket teeth for Brie shovel from the Ball Engine Works at a price of $108 00 f o.b. krie without askinno g for competitive bids as ;hi s �s a patChardeaPub.Worked-Pav- dvantage could be gained thereby. g Xpreciation. C. F. No. 22692 -By M. N. Goee--- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent! be and he la hereby authorized to pup%/ chase, with the consent of the'Comp-.i troller. 8 steam shovel .bucket teotti for Erle shovel, from the Ball Engine! Works at a price of. §108.00 f..0. 'b. Erie,. without asking for -competitive bids as 1 this 'to -a patented article and no d - vantage. uld bagnined:thereby: Charge—Putt. Works—PaV.,D.Vrecla-, tion Adopted by the Council Aug. 90, 1918. App-roved-Aug.nn 30 1918. _._.(Sept. i-191$) Yeas (XCI'ncy ncilmen (V) Nays . oss.._..In favor Keller 0... _ _ Against Wrlich Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council._7.. ...0 _191..". � Approve .. _....._Vl7.:._3�l..^..---_191._ _..1 ............. ............_._... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 22r), Subject: FILE NO. 5 Date Presented 8/30/18 191 Resolved, The tthe Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to q a am Purchase, with the oonoerIt of the'�from omptrollerthe BallsteEngine Shovel buollcet teeth for -6rie shovelt'rie 11 thoyt asking Works at a trice of 6108.00 flo.b. a a Patents art ale and no for oompeti ice bids as this Charge-Rub-Urks 'Pay' dvantage could be gained thereby. Napreal&tJon. Yeas ( I,) Councilmen (V) Nays 7G. In favor Against 411809W VIjWnnderlich Mr. presiAent, Hodgson Adopted by the Council__.A 3�el 191 Approved.. 191. MAYOR Subjedl: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM -A _ . __ ..NCIL 3 . 25�.3 i cou FILE N ..-...... � ........... Date Presented -----.-Aug.+_.....30.,.-..__191...8• Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enlarge the intersection of Summit Ave. and West Sixth St., the cost of same not to exceed the sum of one Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and to be charged to the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund, and to do said work by Force Account. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside the said sum of One Thousand Dollars ($81,000.00) out of the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund to pay for the cost of said intersection enlargement. �1 Yeas (V') C ncilmen (1') Nays Cla y �} ss v In favor VKeller �.. _ Against underlich Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the CounciA-X .3 Approv _...._..>.K.S...._Q--------..191 MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO — . .................... By......................................... __..................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Ak..:Wtdu Qx ax Jest ---- on b. o - t.h sides. AVi -t.0 BidWell. St.. ........... ..................................................... INTE"smikRY ORDERS. C. F. No. 225�94— ...... . . . . ... .. .. .. ... ....... ..... ...... m the t c.—tructing a cement We =ut t. . width of siE fee' f West,,Lm"­ St. or f, 'G —h sides a ......... .... ...... .... ................ .................. ............. .............................. .......... under Preliminary Order....22438...................................approved .._...., AUgUat. lZth.. 1-91S.— ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is co-netruct., ..a. .P.qm ent t 1. 1. e .... sl.d.ew.a.lx. t o a W -.JBJ&ez jof ...... .................... dt 4 f R;L;& fe.et on...b.o.th. Nest Loui.sa .3t... -ft -ora, Stryker. Ave— to Bi'dw-ell-at-.... ........... . .... .. ........ — .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 7 4 per Square foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile__.... ......._....day of September - 1 1918__ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 3o Art_._. 19. c'...._ Approved..... 191 -3 Mayor. Councilma�bss Counciialow,F).Q= Clancy Councilmipolteller Coulicilmpd'aPunderfich Mayor WW'Hodgeon, Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `' 5 Subject: ;... __ __. _. - __.. IV9 5 �,.( COUNCIL w FILE No ­ Resolved, �............... Resolved, Date Presented_ August 30.th_ _ 1918._ I That Whereas, pay roll check No. 9417, issued July 31st 1918 to W;* Ht Dahners, in the sum of One Hundred Fifteen ($115.00) Dollars, has been reported as destroyed or lost, and whereas said W. H. Dahners has furnished bond in the sum of Two Hundred Thirty ($230.00) Dollars, approved by Judge Grier M. Orr of the District Court, The proper officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicate check for One Hundred Fifteen ($115.00) Dollars to said W. H. Dahners* O Resol ed22 ThatB Whe­,n ., palyh roll check No. 9417, issued July31st, 1918. to W. H. Dahnets, in the s um of One - Hundred Fifteen ($116.00) Dollars, has been reported as destroyed or lost. fnd whereas, saidW. H. Dahners -has urnished bondin the sum. of Two Hundred Thirty ($220.00) Dollars p. proved- by Judge Grier M. Orr o1 the District Court. ' The proper officials are hereby au - 1 thorized to faeue a duplicate check for One Hundr d Fifteen ($116.00) Dollars to said.W H. Detracts. Adopted by the Councll,Aug, 31, 1918. Approved Au31, 1918. - - 'atg:. 7-1918) Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays li'..wm»f�elt y, Goss In favor ✓ Keller ..�Q.6sll• Against N" Hyland YQ.g Wunderlich Mr. RKsident, Powew Irvin FORM C.a-2 AUG 31 1918 Adopted by the Counci......__ .. _.._ ........ 191 Approved _ .... ._ .._. . �........... 191 j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 0. Claussen Council File No ........................... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 44.ging.._tte...greA.9...of.._4w.b.o t.q.Axe....►at,.a...Xroxa.:.Fair.;d4)ld..A.xaA..._t.o....11111ore... Ave. _..__,.a.-. - 4h. -.A 91ne nn the nre4418 hereto --attached and_made a Eereoffi, aleo oonstruoting a oement 'Gi.te elaeWaIJE VO a wzayu vi nza. XWOU 11ttkla...:etastexly.. side ....of...ssid.-Rohertson...3t.....from..narth..line...of Pairfield Ave o northerly 1ine.of Lot 15 Blook 7 Marshall's Addition. -.............._..._.........._..........._.............._................ Dated thia..... ......30th..day of ....................... AU9=1..............r6' ........ PRIBLIM/NA-RY OR771CRCOUIIG1m8n. C. F. No. 22696 - Whereue,h written mehin6 of thefolloa�l' nha.-Linz, thzrI4XRY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Chang-ing._the....grads....o�_Hobartean..St,.....froza...Par.fiold...A9...O., to...P111more..Ave. __n. 11__ _- +i.- ....wPi�. hsrwi:n nttrinhed ima a a to northerly line of Lot lb Blook T Marshall's Addition. ._.............................................................................................................................................. _. _..,. _....... _................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................ -..- therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;....................................................... 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................... WE -24- !. -!Ia ....191........ Yeas: Nays: 191 ..- Councilman 4bwww 66 `Goss Clanoy Keller .A4a9.Y v --- Vundertich M4I6,'*IfWX Hodgson Form C A 13 (6M 417) Mayor. Ave CITY OF ST. RAQL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 22597 COUNCIL Date Presented Aug • 318t, 19t 8 a Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for a sewage pump station, West St. Anthony Park Sewer System, under Preliminary Order #22210, approved July 31st, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22278, approved August 6th, 1918. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: Lots 23 and 24, Block 8, St. Anthony Park Worth. C, F. No. 22597— In the m Qtagremf t 1o0gnaew¢ge pump ens an r¢eveteme under PrellminarY�� der roved JuIY 81st, 1918, No: 28210, •;¢PD Order 'No. 22278, o ¢nd Intermeddiary approved Augnat 6th. 1918. The Commlaeloner of Publie Works having submitted his report and sketch to the above matter, be' Resolved, That thea Leym nes Pt.e hbre -flxee and 'aOVibProvementt to be an fele for - lows: Block 8, St. Anthony I'ts'23 and 24, Park North. Adopted by theCouncil Aug. a1, 1918. Approved Avg. a1. 1918. (SeDt:'7-1918) IL Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays f__.._ t'�Sosa __......._ In favor ,,Kdler t..Against ✓fit Clancy w-' Cd 9s Wunderlich Mr. Bresident,ft%w Hodgson FORM C.a-x AUG 211918 Adopted by the Councilt9t........ Approve �...............- ^.\..... .....R.......:... .. ............ �� `MAYO OSCAR CLAIIU39lN. FKieP eno,NaeR !. !. eunaAULLcoNeT aR4 ,oN nwo RcvwlRs ALPRly JACKSON, 9 URy.0 or SANITAT oN H. W. GOETZINOER. 3 M�9.ARYTSAK. E N O. H. HERROLD, OrO eesavolNaen (¢itg of 6t jlaul Depurtmeut of public Marks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- 225'r,:" OUNCIL- 99�2/y �**[l� MI-�.'V : i u In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for a sewage pump - station, West St Anthony Park Sewer System, under Preliminary Order #22210, approved July 31, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22278, approved August 6th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plat, whiohland is more par - titularly described as follows: Lots 23 and 24, Block 8, St Anthony Park North. is] cITY OP ST. PAUL 1Y `fri DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRECWIN%►RY ORDER A In the Matter of r ^i n yl l t a .: i nom, — f L1, i .ior-..P?.] 1— i " i��— e SttL + ry Park Sevier System, — ase:ne.it Loi::;; described --__---- 23 and_tr2 ---------------------- ------ -------....... ------ -------- -- ---- -------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved --------""------`------'----- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: �O�O• 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: j ASSESSED �- � DESCRIPTION LOT ��OCK ADDITION VALUATION �- -- - - � ?ari' 325 -_ '--, 23 Q S t . :.ntlinliy ?aria IT or 8 do 275 �c d �i C t7 Hest s '.; r i So it' ne t a of the I ... i a t. East noir alt L r R.R. por l y er.�e " t w ane ,I_ -.i soy of way hent �torth c;1onL s icl rsLht�of v:ay o Y_e t.+ ; line c� Coco Ave. ce Soot'' Easterily ajlor� said AV-. to a p'.)" -t tl r- �on l_574,06 feet esterly frvul 1ei,Fast 1'ne of aforesaid -_ thence souU 655.77 feet the e, 20 fey , �l:enc ortrL feet Section 822.27 fee �i 534.u3_Yo�T. L� a. Pointon sai�dyE sU ine of a y c� o P! from place of b)eginninL thencio t place of beginning. Part of SQ � '!Rest 4 of the North ',vest ofi Se tio� 20, Township 29, Range -23 II 8880 (Except East 20f.eet taken fol' Evistid St. ( 17 acres) i �� TOTAL, -_ CITY or ST. PAUL q .I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI4INAff ORDER (B) -I'DESCRIPTION-- i ADDITION =---- I LOT �LOCKI -Commexcing at -a --point_ on North line _9f_the_..South Yigst of 110rt> 0 feetfrom the 'hest, llin f Eustis St- thence South 1Nes.t '- 30 y and 4 poral e'l-to-.sai.d-P1es.t_line 191. 0 f-ot thence 'Out: R sterlp on a curve tanr.net to ed.1 post line, radfiust 90 feet, il 60-f:et then e orl inue n a10L-ry1C radilg:58 feet226.to a0ooin gg 44 tt � henhe out �IJHSU'rly tanCen .to �tj_L in .te Jlorthely line of Como IAve , TJ st; thence ortline, RenLEr23 t alongsaid North line to the:a.folre a section line thenc () !Sect �on:20 Towrshi p 29 beginning � h East thereon to be ir_nin in corner_ of South 19est. _3- of North at the festetolof Sectiobe nu n0;h Town I 1,11 es ip 9, ?ante, 23, thence niort Pr? j en e -. brth 100 feet to south lime, of ComG Ave, thence No- 74. . h•sftbti{�i nir.tor(pat in a tsline Hal 534,03feet. eettoplaaeofeinu partofCha. Se6 feet thence 7 piece) I I I I it i i i I TOTAL. -- CITY OF ST.. PAUL I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ( , -d) t { I r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREYMIN. RY ORDER ASSESSED M DESCRIPTION LOT I6LOOK� ADDITION i VALUATION Irl West 5 acres of N. } of 5. EJ 4 cf N1 W. of Sec. 20, 'Town 29,! .1066 Range 23 f_ East 15 acres of N of S E,Of N W (Except Co. Road and ulham St.) of Section 20, Tdwn 29,Range 23 12220 F . (Except Street) 1 ; 9 , St. Anthony Park .North.. I 1 do 23' 91 do 500 I � 9 do.� 500 - _ do 4'! 9i do d o 6 do 5 911 do 525 11 6 9do 52b do ` 525 �! do 7 ; 9 do _ 11 do do 800 _... _ 9! o I do 4750 dg i y'. 91 f 1, do 10 1 9 550 do _ 1 i I a�l do ; 11 L 9 do 2550 1! _ - 1526 t do 121- 91 do NI Io 3100 N do ; do ) 13 ' 9 d ) 14!, 9! 2200 j d0 15 9-i do ) 11 22 I do 4100 do _ I ;I do ! 21 221_ �- do 500 II do 31 221 do 500 i1 .1 do 4 i_22 500 do 1 . II do 5; 22`_ do. 500 .,do -_6 _ 22! _ do _ 500 do 71 zz1 do 700 _._. _ -do 21 i 101 do 375' i �fl_ TOTAL, j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 11 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRE i MINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION I-- --I DESCRIPTION LOT KeLO I _ ASSESSED VALUATION —� --_- ' (Except Street) 1.20 1: St.Anthony Park North 10 350 do 1� 4� 10 , do ', 47 5 y do j) 8 10 do 2475 t (. do d0 17 , 10' , 500 do 16 10 , do 525 , do 15; 10, do 550 do 114 101 do550 I do 13 101 do - do _ I! 12t 10, do _ _ ;550 ,. __... I do 11 i 10 { do i550 _ do ' 10 l 10 I do 1550 do 9 10 do 550. _. do 1 8 10 do ' 500 _ do 7 .10 do 300 20'11 2 Mann's Addition ) 150050 (Except Street) 211 2 do221 _. 0 2 do ,, 7 do 23 2 do �I do 241 2 ! do do 25 j 2 do do 12612 db ... _: ii h do 27 12 ! do it do ! 28 ; 2 _ do do 29 2 do )) Hendon - Euat4tpuj2mAnthony Perk North 275. 1 8 _ do Ij--- �4 I ' TOTAL, �- I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 I I I y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREyIMIMARY ORDER — ---- —�— ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLQ� KI�— II ASSE ssaD V I ALUATION - 1,01 22 St ._Anthony_ Park _North ! 1 by 231 101 do- - 22bI - _ -do 222.51i__: _241Oj. I 251-1Q�_ _ do_ _ J!._ I� - � 10_1 __.. _ . do it 26 O II...._ i „ Buford Ave.-. Brom -1 on to Como W, t � do- ' 450 ._267th 9911! do 251 91 -do_ _ 4251 - 24 9I-. _ __do �I g�_ ^ I _2311 _ - 22 9 I _ do 4501.: I _ I_ i I 9' d 21o , I 1� i _201 a _.do { I do II , ._4501. ' 1 50 - do 23001.-: 18(..9t_ 171 Ohs 18.6 do A5 , I_ (.Except ..Street) 15` - 9� do 2200,*- I� ! 6 23 __ ll 51 2.3;. _do. 451- 41 4".-231 do - .. 4261;_. __ -I� 24i u, .23L.do - 1850 h^. I 1' II . 16 -22 d 0 _ I 450 b2� 17 221.. -- - - - 18 22� do II 4` 1 It I TOTAL I I I I CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; ' - I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRET IMRJARY ORDER lel 1l DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK I ADDITION ASS ESSED I �� VALUATION — -- L1,9 --- 22 �- �t.._Anthony_Park_Narth,___ ;.. !.400 11 _.._ _.20 Fmerce St. Eustis to �! 475; _ 22I ___do - _. __7i-24. __da _ _. __... _ i.�75�.. 4I 1. _24;_ do , ..325.. 9 ! 241 _ ----do.. �I I I 385 24i do ` ill 24_. ao 325- -- da. 7 1.4'�5 _ _ if. 23I 350 1- 8 I 9I _ _ _-_ _. _.do - _ __._!. _ _ do 1 23. _.__ o - I0 11.10 -1,231 _ 1 I 960 _ j 11 1 231 --__d° 350 �..-12; 23' 40 _„ 1.376_1 I221 __ -__ _ _do __ _ _. __ X400 �j _ ._.14 1_._-22.,___,da 1_13 2.2.1 __ _d.o. 3.550. 22i d l �I x,775 11 d4. � (� 10 do '� 3 i 5 1 1._..22.1 5 . _.. _ _ i 22: _ do Ili15.) I _ $_t.._22.1 _ _d° __ I' — - --.._ ..__ . __._ _ �.. 7_�...-2.6.1 _ --d°-- i !.30.0. 1 - _ - ._ 300 �ff',iI rMMa �: It TOTAL. 1 ; _ CITY Or ST.: PAUL 4 1 i S DEPARTMENT OF rlN^M .- i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELI�IIN4RY ORDER (B) } . —- �. - DESCRIPTION ASSESSED. II LOT I BLOC ADDITION VALUATIIGO7N-� 5,1 26 t._ St_._.Anthony- 1'ax>c...North._._�� 77_i ' 7 i 4 _26_____ 1 300'!__ F ` L___3� _26,-. - -do 300 !I-- _ 26___do 11 3 0 2 do- do. �y _.21. 27 _ _ _I_ _22� ._271.. �I I _ do_. _._-________ _23. __27�- da.__.___ - __1..._251-._.27..1 - u ! {500i Chilcombe - Bromptonito estdn 35BQi-, I ,I � do__ 13. _26 __261 do I. 1 261 _ do___ _ _ _ i_.- - 2700 !.:... 116! __26 __ _.:. d.o_ 1 _26% do__._ ida.___... 1.8. __26 _ _ _._._ _ _._ .i9D0 - _ - 6 50 �. i _B725�_ 91_291 it 4 ! 8 291 flo �� _ 18b0 1 ;2400 ji 6 29 do f I TOTAL.-: cITT a1�. 0ma,i DEPARTMEPIT �F 1°INA y OF C©MMIS'9I0NER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRFUMI{dA"Y ORDER---- _ - (B) I, ` LOT BLOCK A D D f T 1 O N- - DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 5 ; 29..1... St.__At'�thony_ Park .North I d° - B.0 Ali i 29 do _3 29 . � 2 - do _. 57 5 ._.:. 'i _ j 1 29 o _� bOewell Euatie ito Keston I :f 2!501!_ (Except -E.. 50 feet, 8 ;i 28 do 11 II8 ..... - _ . - Eaet_ b0 ft.of i 28 do do 6:501!.- _ East of _ _I _ 7 24_j - _ _ $ , ? 23501 �1 West Of 7 28 I do `_. _45P,�. - 121 29'. _ - do _ _ I� 400 ._29. _ ._ d0. _ .I I _- 14 29.E - do 22 00-L 1 I � do _ 1200' _ 1 291-I do _- - — - _._.]200 _ ._. I II 17 � 291 --_ _ -_ ...ein---- __t- I� i 18, _29i do_ _ 3 _ _191291 _ _ do_ �� 135QIi�. �1 0i do _ 21251 2 1 29! do 22 _ 29..- - -, - do- 50 -0 0 3501 25� _ 301_ _.._ I do 32$l 26!_._301 ..__ do 30 _ 27 , do.325 _ I _.._.._ i 30, . do_.. . � I d0__ 325 _ _ I 30 _..__. dQ._._ _. _ �1 :' 1. 00 do 350 CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY Of ST. PAUL . -4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 7 1* � 1 .Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4 ON PREt,IMINJ%RY ORDER (B) ADDITION e*DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK VALUATION fLangfordSt.from Eusti t 2 ft east of west ine of L t x'21 B k (16 -1.41_ __ t. n on .. ar or I 1-5. 41 _ --do 2.7.6.._. II ._,_ �_ _14 -41 do !� -217b _. 131 41 - do !! 300 12141 .l Eustis St.from Doswell to �ierce 176-. 8�1 do ill t (Except_ East 50 ft.) �. 101 28 I do 7_b__ __ _ __ _eo 5-.- f I 28.. . __._. ___do 25 13_x__28._ _.__. _.dp f 141._28 _. __. __ _do- - a25_. 7 i 25 _ do _. i _ 376.. _81 251- I _ _ do_____ _5 22 I � 25 I _ do I __ 200 10!I -2.5: do 200_. _I! ! 1Z i-- 251 do 1225,_ _____...do. 32 _II _ 7_.. 30! —d0-__.__. b- II __ 71._7 do _ :_ 300- 617 _. do 300 i 5. 7 I i _. do-___.-. _ ______ 1000 __._ I ! 12 304. do ;_30 II East j of do P0 TOTAL. I I { .... CITY OF ST. PAUL.' rt DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINPORY ORDER 1* (B) --- -- ASSISSlD _—_ - - ---�--- Ff'� �_--.�--- I VALUATION LOTLOCK _ _ADDITION - D� lSCRIPTION 1 1 West-. of_- 6 6 St._ _Anthony_Park North _ I. II 50-- - 5 6__.. do ) II L 4 16 do 3 300 do.. _. P 16 do _. I 3010- I`- �i Brompton St - Doswell to Pi�er� 28 j do_._ . ,.. I o l - - 8251 _ ; 52.5 II 3 28. _ do _ �I 4. ._ ..__.. I I do _ , __._., 2 -i-28- 42 5 --1 . It, '11 .28 do 6 ��. 6..t_2b ' __ do _ 45 , � II I do 5 ; 25 L. _ . I•. 4 -1 25 do _ _ II 250_ f 2�9 do. li - , south of Henden Ave.�I_ Brom ton Buford to a hint 17,10-tt 28 --375_. _.. I I do. - '350- it _ _.. . ..._9 _ ....-.do__ _ 1.400, ,_...._ --- .0 do 2 5 __. 8 325 326 TOTAL -_ CITY OF ST.' PAUL CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 % k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIrINA�RY ORDER (B) _ y DESCRIPTION LOT LOOK AD DtT ION ASSESSED VALUATION Fulliem �, from a poi-41� fi, so th of Tiendon Ave, to the North Ci,tv�, mid �l _ (Except Street) 8I 10_1 St-,Anthony.Park _North li ' Vr500.:�__. 6 10 do 1375.1 L: 5 10j . do 1400.'1_. I - _ 4 110 i do. do 3 10 t 47 5 _ i I I I� II 1 2 110 do C it I I ! I I I Alley vacated and. 112.! ll i do dQ 13 ; 11 ; _ do. toI 50.0. I II- do_ .14 11 i do _ 525-11 ., ! i al _ do !15 11 i _ do _ I! 1150 { _ I i 16 11 d o _ 117 54-. I LI f I! 13 17 i do _ 575._ ;L. __ 14 i 7 _ j _ _ do__ 425_AI_ 1.5 ;400. 1 7 _ do _ _�.._ I - 116 7. !do _ i' 1900 4 II � I f 17 ! 7_ _ do - i 18 7 do. _ �' 350 f) 19 7 _do-- 350_ _ 1_.20 7_ _I_ _..do �� ._x:375_ 7 -_ dc__ 675_ i II i'. A. _22 7__ I do _ .. _ _ ._ 2.375 i �I _ 123 -7._...` - dO - ! 775-p- ��.. { l _ 187524 7 do_ Temporary Sewers for saDit ryy flow only Euat a.St, from. Langfordto osweljII --�—�-- 1 Except N, 25 ft, 17 !.41 1 .St. Anthony_ Park .North 825 i ( .. ) _ 41_ - -do p .�1 TOTAL. I 1- T .. 1 CITY Or ST. PAUL CRT OF ST. PAUL 1 $ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIJNAR,Y ORDER - --_- ASSESSED VALUATION *DESCRIPTION- LOT LOCK ADDITION= -- ---i 19, .8 .. St, Anthony. Park._`9est 8.1 _ _ _ .. do. f I_. 21, 8 1 do. - � 325_a , 32 (i 22 81 do li23.1 ado 325.-! _A . 6 1 _ - do... -. 300 5 1 I _ do - -_ I ,300_1 _ do_ _ - _ 300_ V _ � 3 ' 1 ' _. _ do !� ! Buford Ave. - Eustis to �r�ompt{on and a force dmain on Hendon 300_ Ave. from Eustis to Br�nstlon. I 6 I 241 i St. Anthony Park North do _ 325 4 24..__ 3 24_ 2 2.4.1 _-_d-o _ 1 i 24_! __ _ _do15 1 8i do, 400- 14 _. S- f do f _1.3 _- 8-I _ dQ _.__ 326.. i 1.121-- -8' _. - -do ;325- 325 3100 i.B__ 1, ___ do ';854 12 7 do i I! i .. _ ! _ _ _475 - - — do !950 t•p11M TOTAL !I �. �..tt i CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE <P V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINrAFty ORDER IBY�_---_-=---r-----.�_— DCSCRIPTION LOT LOCK ---_- _---- ADDtT10N ! - A8SlSSCD VALUATION i li (Spread St. Anthony Park forth an (lest) _._.-16J 8.i. ,Jt. -_.Anthony_ Park._ North 171 8.. 8 __do _325_ 181 _-._do _ do 325 201 8 _ do. _ 325. I- __ 211 8 -._d°. - 325.:f�, 32.6.p. .__23 8_1. _ _do _ i 325_!�� J11_. _-. _ ....-_- _.14 ._ 2.7 du _._ __. _ _..;__ 400._..1- I, j ! 3I r Evenson I a_Aegt. __ _ t If 1000--L _ 1, 1 St. _Anthony, -Park West 300 1- 21 _1. 1 - do 300_ :. 31 _1 do _ ZOO_ I; .1_ I _- do _ 3.00 �- -.... 14i I do_._. 30p ­. r 6I do _. 30'0_.�I I 241. 2._ .. do __ 32.5_1 _25. _2 26 2_ L do... 21- 5- --- -- do-, 3 .5_� _do _. 325 _22 5;.!i _.do _._._. 325 _il. d 15 32 ii 24� 5 I I do 325 II i; i 1 l.._255._1_j II _.__do_ i ! �- 2 8 . _ __ . _ . do 1 ll 3 8'1 do .325 II TOTAL.. � I (Qitg of ot.11out oeGwneuwseH, CNie�[NaiN[ep Bepecttdtnt of Ilubttt Vorko [unuuor [NBiN[as M. N. 6058. COMMISSIONER J. K. CARRColaUrc - R. T. GOURLEY, D-- eu[ R u No Aine ,,11��//��•}� ALIn6O JACKSON. I` - GO -.GKN. f211 L•.Jy OYNITAYION VVV B.I�Y alluu ol.GOIU[ONOMe - O. N. H."HOLO. OF' e[ eNOiNeq REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In. the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 2, Belvidere Park Subdivision, Lot 2, Bidwell's Addition, under Preliminary Order {21556, approved June 15th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22266, approved August 5th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the, land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plat, which land in more partiou- larly described as follows: The west 15 feet of Lots 6, 7, and 8, the west 55 feet of Lot A,a triangu- lar piece in the NE conner of Lot 9, me wring ten feet along the east and north lines of said Lot, the west 15 feet of Lot 10 and a triangular piece in said Lot 10 measuring 10 feet on the south line of said Lot 10,and on the easterly line of 'said 15 foot strip, all in Belvidere Park Subdivision,Lot 23 Bidwell's Addition to West St.Paul. Commissioner f Publ o Works Dated CIT�M1 OP�BT. PAUL: DEPA ` �T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COI SIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PREMERWARY ORDER y In the Matter o .?!�% .K£qcMa� ilfar ... ��lrr r..��ac.q�Q l.. /G.... c1.f!�/ �J j%�j ......kT./0......a•� r�... /z�k?tf.. ....... 4(t.. ./aw.?._...�oT... F..._ .... . ....... .......... .... ....... _... _..... _....... ..._............ .... .... .......... _..................... _._.._ ..._..... ...................... _ ..._..... ........ ................... _ ......._........- --------- _............ ................ ... .. ........ .............................._.... .... _......................... _.._....-- .._...._---- -... under Preliminary Order approved ._........�::'....'v..: --_._.._ .............. _.......... _................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _.......... _ _.... _.............. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $. r 47 S( — . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ the S. of each l r The lots or parcels of lima that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and assessed valuation parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC1ADDITION VASSED LUATION div i4 _ f it y TOTAL. For ST. PAUL ARTRT . - DEPMENNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C ` ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON pTIWNARY ORDER -�------^--T-=-=_ ASSESSED - ----OT (BLOCK ADDITION I V ALUATI O� EJ I; DESCRIPTION --- l � 601 G�A'i2�lia l 'I - GU ji Z.�'i 411 I v' 1 I I cy iT,r�i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ---------------- ---- - Dated--- Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Corn ioner of Public <o esI ° Report to commissioner of Finance oy 'UM is 1918 .....................Imp- To ...... 1918... To the Coiumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration the preliminary' order of the Conn, 31558. .a roved June Bth,. ....... 1915......, relative to...:. ..:..._. _.... eil, known as Council File No...:.._.... pp the opening, widening and extending of alley in Blkc 3, Belvidere Park cridth._of:.15..... .. feet by taking and condemning the west 15 feet of Lots 6, 7 and 8, the wait.:5:5.:._foet-Af..:_&ot:._py&.:..t-xlAngulyar....p.ieoe-.:.in....thy.._13E....00.rner..._of...Lot ....9., ........ measured 10 feet along the east and north lines, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby feports: 1. Said improvement -is....................... ecessary and (or) desirable. xxxx 21 .The estimated cost thereof is $_•.RXXX --, and the total coat thereof is $ .....:... .... and Y ............. -_......... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... 3.A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....__.. ._ _....._....._. _. ._..._._.' ......... ........... .._..... ......... ... .. 5. Said improvement is..... ...._.. .._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... _....... _....... . / C' m sioner f Public Works. �Y 1�/DE�QE /°,�, SIO 207 LUT .,BEL ,3 m n0n� L/JGf 4s. `l z M 3ti� �s Y 12 H., 7 9 JOMNI.FARICY • ����� JAS. J. MINER / .. CITV CLtiRK a ASST.CITYCLERK August 318t, 1918. Son. 29, N. Goss, {_ aComr. of Public Works. / fixing the amount of land to be taken 3.n tine matyer of opening, widening, etc. Fourteenth St. from Pine St. to Lafayette Ave., under P. 0. 17910, which was laid over to Se tember 10th by the Council this morning, so that the Counci m gh$"SO4l'tiee— F property and which was also .referred to your department. Also find attached blue print and Intermediary or No. 22267. 'Yours truly, k CITY CLERK• CT!W %PAUL EN lie c _. CIT! T. ENT F FINANCE REPORT OF COC SSIONER OF F INANCE ON P NARY ORDER j'o rthLeejLtLi lt�tree� In the Matte�'of — -------- . ........ eustr-rij and -cteriy directi'-n, co) feat, frcr.-, under Preliminary Order approved - - -------- ----------- - - -- - ------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . . $- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; ASSESSED i! • DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCKi, ADDITION VALUATION Bout: of south 3f 2 1£3700 north r of SOUUw Of 2 north of south of t L o f 5 o f 2 7275 Li 0 and 1,10 Of Co- of E of' So. -2L of so. Z of 1 2 do 7275 an d S 0 of of O"Atl- of 1 �2 0 rid South, -0 ft- of 2 TOTAL. CITYPAUL DEPAI TM NT OF FINANCE REI7ORT OF COSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL WARY ORDER (C) —----- ---- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK' ADDITION iI--yALUATION i i 1 1E0ft a � ce 70 , ii r.+l� 1Jvft .Of �' � J Yt:.i..2 ra`t..... ..i_it. i',n . _ J1:,0.... ._ 1!� ,,,lost 40 fee't.c' z _ '11 .e stF ._10 feet o_ ast ,0 f bf 1 _ _ 1500, 75ft.)f!_ 1 .East �5 feet of S,. .tI-,. - Ie z; t 2L ft. Jf r;. . Ci 1, Cif• - t ._ ti: 75 ft. Ji 2 l do 12nr. CC }7 t... '4_.::J... :.-0f t.. _. ZQquu `r-.) "orth - oT' 2 Oz d South r S_.- d Cul _.? I- 3 , _..._, 43-00' U 7 do <200 '. a7 .d o 1700 ,. • it L,A�� G --,di � J � i iiY'Oy -.114 COQ t, ..0 cf ry _- do OQ', d� �55G i _.... ... .. ..-_. it The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ......... .._...1914( 7- v(..I......... .. ... .. .._ ._ .._.._."... . Commissioner of Financ . Form B. B. 12 OSCAR CLAUSStN. CNler eNOiNeeR I J. E. GARR= T. N wNq RsvwIR9 ALPPlO JACRSON.I 9uPT?'O .. X. W. 00�TSIXFlR,I Sur[N ewU Or CORRscNON3 M. 9. ORYTBAR. lNOINe4w ewU OT ew100e3 ' O. H.IXCAROLO, Orrice eNOINeeR (41tg of 6t.11aul Department aEijuhlic Marks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONE'X R. T. GOURLEY. ORPUT 2250M -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening,widening and extending Fourteenth street, in an easterly and westerly direction, from Pine street to Lafayette avenue, to a width of sixty (60) feet, under Preliminary Order #17910, approved August 6th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #22267, approved August 5th 1918. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded portion of said plan, which land is more � 1 particulary described as'follows: The north sixty feet of the south 69 feet of Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 1, and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, Patterson's Addition. The south 36.3 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the north 23.7 ,feet of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, all of Jarvis's Subdivision of Lot 3 Base's Addition Outl6ts St.Paul, and all that part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Grey k Cobb's Subdivision of Lot 6 in Bass's Addition Outlote St Paul, that lies within two parallel lines sixty feet aparfl, said lines being the north and south lines of the ex- tension of said Fourteenth street, from Pine street'. ie1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER x [ermA Al8,tN 7-f8 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OOoxO1L Na FILE TY v � AUDITED .�............_. ... 191._..... V 1� ER� PER...................... ...... _;.. 449 .................. ....... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the' I au persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follo}}v,{n detailed s atement. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays AU �1 �,,J Adopted by the Council.. .._............ _ 191 +y / avor roved +Keler ..Against _._... _ _......_ .... .:....._._ .._._..... ....rlich Mr. Preodgson C F.:No 22600 - Resolved that -warrants be drawn neon the City Tresanry Datable ouYof the herelnaiter ap;cifled tunfle and; In iavor,-or thb persona flans do eorpora- Itione-Lor the .amounts set. oppaslte their. respective. hamea as ..ot:. the following detailed statement: Capital Euvelope Co.,1210.66 - i tw Adopted by the Council As, 21, 1918.: d Approved Aug: 81. 1918. 1 - f9ept. 6233 Capital $nvelope Co., 210.55 LibraryON. Books CITY OF ST. PALL _ "^ "`.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEO1L No.' I.- A A 46,214 7-18 .............................................................. AN 31 19ti .�TR LER AUDITED ........ 1.... '' x PER...................... ... 448 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follot> Wg dg jle{jWtement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the CounA _.. �J 0 .191 C ncy n favor PProv .._..- G ^ Kler _(......Against -....... �........ ..._._...._.__....---------n+arox -- derlich Mr. Presid t, Hodgson C. F. x0'22601—• �._. Resolved -that-.warrants be drawn -_ upon -the Clty Treaeary, payable out]of the—f.tsfter .n.,. ed Lunde aad(fn favor: of :the persona. erma or corpora tfone ,or �i nagmount—s set ojfI64 i thhr re6pectfve. na710a es eDeolfled -ta the -- followingjdetalted statement: _ Chrlat-Johnson, 11;226.49. Patterson Street Lighting • 54:593.04. 3t. Paul {{}}ae L1ght Co. 538.784.64. St. PauI,D2otor Car.�Co,:;1;067.60. - Adopted�by the Coupcll Aug. 31, 1918.. APProved Avg 31; 1918.. (Sept -_T-1918) 6229 Christ Johnson 1,226.49 Grad. Lydia 6230 Patterson Street Lighting 4,293.04 Lighting 6231 St. Paul Gas L6ght Co., 18,784.64 Lighting 6232 St. Paul Motor Car Co., 1,067,50 Parks To,-" 4—ft,a- CITY OF 8T. PAUL «.B. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER g26PPi AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION_ FORM F LEO1L Form AA1&!N 7-i8 No . ........... ......... J.BY ... ... ................... ...................... ................ ___...._ ?.} 1 ANTED....... 1911.. T omp OLLER Aw 447 PER..................................................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in fav& of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follow' g detailed as Yeas( V )Councilmen( V )Nays tl Adopted by the Council._......_ . USi.._g.1._��.R..__..._191-- Cl cy ; In favor /e�pproved......._.. ............. .. `............._........._.19I G ss V /// iter ......_..Against----/�.–/ -- y/ ��/ ..... .� MAYOR underlich Mr. Presi ent, Hodgson - all. No. 22602— -:-- _ Resolved that warrants be - drawn Potl[0 City 17eosuty. payable Out of the horeinafter . speotned funds out Sn favorofthePors_ona BemoDioopoa- tione for thamouno0,1rthre rOaDeotive nam's as, Bpeolned 1n the - folb' detailed "etatamsntI _ - Ctara Aamold, Widow of liana - Aamold,. "0'" Board of Control. $&925.33* &926 33. ! - 6221 Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold s.'A Far Orth, Co r. Finance, 40.00 i5a.049.62 G.F.-Widows & Orphans pens io ;86 Farnsworth, Co .60 _ ma Finanoe, s. A: Farnewortn,. Com'r:' Pluance, - 6222 Board of Control, 41S .7 A. P sworth, c 'r. Finance. 8,925.33 .41 Board of Control _ 9ocOD6 fo the Prevention of Cruel- . - - y]3elon� Sulllvan,'Widow of Michael Total , 6223 3 311vah,-E40.Oa S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finance, Adopted by the CossneilAug. 31, 1915. Approved Aug. 31. 1938. 23,049.62 ' Fire _ _(Sept 7-1918) 6224 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 852050 Pol. & Fire Alarm Te1g. 6225 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 4,237.94 C. p. S. -Gen. Adm. 395.00 Health_ 71 134 Da ixq 22 .00 Quarantine 1.25 P. Baths 60 P. Comfort Station 50. Gen. Vani.c._Gar. 601.7 4,237.94 6226 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 15,632.41 Police _ 6227 Societyfor the Prevention of Cruelty, 100.00 hatities . 6228 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan, 40.00 G.F-Widows and Orphans Pension Total , tha foltowtng pereon� for r Ceoeh'RleBlr::te k hstNnoettloovoaezlald3lnoEs66t0Tiaflrnh.—r'6ae Bt k1y1 tqhApu6-L r•wsaD O-T. PAUL Y i..U LICENSE SE A�I O 22603 Cmhereb ch.....e.Subject:, cgUNCIL ment Of IhlHrl:.' FILE --.--._— Date Presented— -- ___ _191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- hereby are granted, and spectively indicated, be, and the the City Clerk is authorized and same directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Fred H. Snyder, 372 cedar St. John H Knowd, 578 Robert St. _ 386 St. Peter St. George Hart, 7rillJam Titrnisch, _327 T. 7th St. CT ordeichik & Sereda, __ 55� Broadway. _ 117 E. St — _ Ren Fink, -_-------.____ _ __ _ --3rd 492 i�iseissippi St. phTllipO'TQglea ------ -- -- --- - ov i a Engli-n-- -- - -- ------ -�31 Payne Ave-.- - 0�5 nth St -_--_ Nel�,_•I4hnson, — -_-___ 032 Arcade St. --- o �?estern Ave. 4�4 Robert St. F1nk, G• mu 1_ - ------ -- ----- -- _ pharles A._ Nutt, _— 15 z . 5th st . -- --- Bels -C! 871 1_7 Teas ( nen (0 Nays �°'"` Adopted by the Heil . Q. 19.11R..191 GosFarawor9l 1 -Lt favor 9 l oss Approve ...- .... .... ............... ,Keller Against "Wunderlich "Wunderlich �.......... ..... -grow Mr. PrWident, p[jBL1. Y CITY TI ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE FrF� Subject:,_- _-, aeNcu. NO. _.-- --- Date Presented- -- --191__ RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations red - be, indicated, be, and the same hereby are grantedlicens , an the City Clerk is authorized and direct hebonds and thed to isue sue payment of to said applicants upon the filing the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Teas (✓) cou oilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by th ouncil _In favor Approve _ . _.......__...t- eller underl -'-"Against MAYOR . .. ........... .... fi Mr. P>v4s-ident, c Doi I in -- ��L na.nielpt - '' ZaE.r-r----- Hpnry Get ----- - --- 241-E:.— t An raw ----- --- ---- --- - —Wa321; sha �'t . ----- 620 Univer_.--s —itv Ave' mart Kercamick _—_ - �19 Ed>rilari?- St . 7.,maa F._S'9_1_e-Y-# ---- Teas (✓) cou oilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by th ouncil _In favor Approve _ . _.......__...t- eller underl -'-"Against MAYOR . .. ........... .... fi Mr. P>v4s-ident, CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject:_---_ COUNCIL NO FILE-_..__--_---_- Date Presented. RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. - { F �� 420 Jackson St - 413 t X13 Aubert St William 14 7 h ingp>" �F 4th St. Alfonso R rba o, __- 177 F. 3rd St. —_�orrsat_er- ani r.2attock-,--------- 161 L 7th St. --— __�njamin.lt,—nnn;els,.__... —.— 420 1Qinnesota St. Yeas (r) C.�) Nays ,/doss LI favor er .0, Against underlich� /� Mr. Pr�dent, Adopted by the until QJf,33 RQ }. !.n.- .R..191 _ ..... Approve ... - aT............ ........ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 226Vdt COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: couwea u NO ` --- No. No. No. No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Date Presented_ ---191— RESOLVED, 191—RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) -.v.1 Asn narcoll AV. Thomas Frain,512 E. 7th St. Yeas (✓_) SG n ilmen ( ✓) Nays oss ...............In favor Keller 6_.....against ;{Y nderlich Mr. Pr ent.3a7n Adopted by the uneil.....Q(J�j... Q..I.... u...�.....191........- Approve...... .................. ...........p/...._ .......... 19 ....... .......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 22605 ....... .... .......... .............. ....... ........ ..... .................... ........ ............. O . .... ..... CU"CIL FILENO:.........._........_ .......... .... ...................................................................... ........................................... .......... ............................ Date Presented 8* Resolved, That the application of the following Persons for " liPense t* o"611ot Hotels or Restaurants at the looationo respectively Indicatoil be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk in authorized SA4 ' directed tQ au oh 4h lJoenses to said persons upon the payment of'the fee aA.xeW4 red by law, NAME OF APPLICANT. HOT-rL,. OR BFISTAURANT0, LOCAItION'D Stephen Horvath, Hotel, 409 Minnesota.' E. Q. Hofmeleterp Restaurant, 481 mississippi St. Yeas (r') o 'Imen (07) Nays 1 � �L— Ad, IvItrAyWaRr 6 1'n favor –MLW-"l Lo, Against I-IrV d.U.h Mr. ffg;id-t. Irwin FORM C. A-9 6-17 2M _ — CITY OF OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL Farm A A 49,29 t -la - Cp - YF __` ......:... ... ....... ...$..........AUDITED )�. �P.....3......1915..... T POILER .... 791........PTPL PE......................................".........._........ 450 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Naystii �9 Adopted by the Council...... __.SfP Cl _y ?EP 3 jg A In favor roved..-.... ....__.._ r..... ...._191___. Go Kel er 1C alnst _ --.- A OR aaso6- -Resolved - that warrants be drawn u Rete City Treseury, Payable out of k,. the. hereinatter eDecided funds nnd. in tnvor-_of th Parsons, firms or corpora Mr. Preside. , Hodgson iicns for tUeamounts set opoetze their _ r.aDective• `.Ames ae aPectlled to th0 - following detailed etatemeat it W. Goetzinger..16.80. ffi. NL Goes. CoMr. Public Works. 5438.99. - - %rzog iron Works. $136.00. HuBheon,&'Whitacre. 467.60. JT, Kenny &Co 51486 Northern Coal'& Dock Co., $453.86. y,.. F:Crten B< asrinbrevner CO.. ;$8.74 B4. Pittsburgh Plat ass Co., E1 Gl Quality Printing Co $32 46 R.,sbit. Creosoti g Co $31061 79 a_tt- na t 1 Diaer. a1r. tai -c m$v40y 15.80 6234 H. W. Goetzinger, $46.30. WOrkhOilBe I st.: Paul Cru9hed stone co $4s 49 United States -Rubber Cio.� .564 80. Adopted byihe Council Sept 3 1918. 8235 M. N. GoeB, Com r. i Ayyrovea s9>pyz? ii9s> 438.99 Fire .10 Water 3 438. 6236 Herzog Iron Works, 186.00 Fire 6237 Hughson & Whitacre, 57.50 Police 6238 J. T. Kenny & Company., 14.85 p. Comfort Station 6239 Northern Coal & Dock Company, 453.85 St. C. & Repair 6240 Orton & Steinbrenner Company, 8,748.50 G.F.-Docks, Wharves and levees 117.60 6241 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 107 0 Fire 10 0 Gen. Manic. Garr. .3fl 9 9 11.7.60 6242 Quality Printing COmpany, 22.45 • om$r. Finance 1.70 P. Bldgs. 17.0 _ Prtd. forms and blanks 22. 5 6243 Republic Creosoting Company, 12,061.79 Paving Robert Street 10.03 6244 Capt. L. S. D. Rucker, Us S. A., .Lighting CITY OF sT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER sQ 2607 COUNCIL Nu• — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form 66 46,2 N 7.18 — /... .. ... y �iPT/R/pJ.LER AUDITED .:JI:._r.....Tl.... 91....... "'tL^`%v`Ayyhw— S PER..................................... ... TITLE 451 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified In the following detailed statement'. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council................c...._...__._........... ..... .......... _191_ SEP —3 1918 C cY PProved_... _ ..........._.191_-- .._ ............... In favor �- W K lerAgainst c.r, xndeIlich upon the city TreeW.urr Daya'W-drawn le o L ar n the, hereinafter spe,,,.., fundne and. lv favor of CLO yeraone; 8rmn'-or: oorporn- 'Pape tivehnamea.nEO BD8C18ed�ti tat730 tOltowing detailed. statement: Th06;-E. Davl°;:-61T2e ' Keough Hioe,. ¢2;298,00, O'Neil & Preston; x6,916.00. Scandinavian American Sank, Ae- efgnee'Peter Dick.on, x170.00 Adoyted'by t}4eCOuncll Sept.. 3, 1918: Approved BeDt. 3,.3918. - ,.(Bept-T-1818), 172.40 6248 Thos • C. H &aC. H. 2,295.00 6249 Keough Brothers, Grading Waseca, 93 0 Madison 2 5.00 6,915.00 6250 O'Neil & Preston, 00 Sewer on Fairview 5,185 0 Otto Niles Sewer 1 0 .0 6251 Scandinavian American Bank, Assignee 170.00 Peter Dickson* = & Searles Grading vY To , Form A A 66, 2 H 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER g� Sv$ rtJ couxcm No., ...... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM j FILE BY........ . l ' ... o A j SEP 3 1918 CITY \/1 P�[�7ROLL7 AUDITED..........................................191....... P E R..Z... .. 452 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ......_...._SEP__....-..$._`_�..A........... 191::.'_+ Clancy....................................... y..........._In favor Goss Keller .0 - -...--Against Against aYOR -A4eGa0. Wttarleplieh _ r. �.wn My. O 9 -12 99.7 wa v 99.7 - Axa the her0matter nv�•••-- m, or c�..v-'-' - favor -a the p>npunta at oppoafte ty ile rt,v,a tor r the 9. . eD4ceh[a In .the t.U., detailed autCo.- r inana.e, )3'ernawerth. nen..' 6130.00. 'Farnsworth. Com r• g 1913. 6109.20. Ceancll Sept. 3• Adopt.d ' pt p�pp Oved 3ept.t'3.719118�. ♦ - 6252 Be A. FarbeForth,• Finance 130.00 Armory 109.20- 6253 Be A. Farnsworth, ceP.Cotr. Finance U..Markete '&.116 0 • Gen. Adm. 109• �'otal • c _ ----------------- -- -- Yn t1f9 mattet oil f,6,0 aie '. ' ,. AeneSts, b4pta adtd eapenec 'cuFDine 9t� Alev6146d pvpoQ r Lj Council File No., ........ __..... .........._.... BsrpMit Ave'ko-:I1e84blph YtellWnary OrdBt .ii187 ', rc .• as'i::`.41rdaT 18SA8: nal C � _ ty�,, (� ,, `y\ spproyed OOG 80,tM 1818 � ��> ,; 2 ........ _.....__.._._....«. _.__.._....._.._.___ uppm,tbq assessment, ror a .. o iT� By` .� � I ptovement; and Bald --beeRi.rurther ?:ii^••,:�-. , ' 2���? CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 7 In the matter of the assessment of be ,- C f i t s , costs and expenses S for Une curbing of C12vel .nd :.ve . f1 on, Snru, it ... . tu under Preliminary Order..._ 1.1 13, j,_,,,,._.., Intermediary Order. 1 �! `.' ..-._..., Final Order_......... ' approved Otr ....................... _..... 191_ _f? A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said aaaess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable to 1-._._..__ ..... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein Adoptedby the Council ....... ....... ._............... _........................__..................191........_.. ,1.__._ ...... City Cleric. SEP 12�191_..._ Approved _. _.__.. 4- ��� _AVlayor. Form B. B. 18 Council File No . .............. :....................... _._ By, . ---. ............ ....... __----------------- ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Ler.efs oe.. nu. (2,__)911 es for nd , rfaei it'- �. jh—lt, ti:c eiLLe of -'ourtl,, :;t. ;,o _ fth St. se:T»o-xrxo Aet'.;; C. F. :No 22810— 3n tDe matter of, the n.. bipg Hte ,coate'anyl eZP Dolrirlg,and evrfacingg the�iaet' efdAot �Va'bs Fourth SL to .Fit 1 .9t/ ]o ` under Preliminary Order -1-7 Intermediary Order ._r....._:.......Y .Final Orders�.�.=....____. approved'....'._._� _.t:.1_............__..._.._ 191_:7._.. i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ......�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. IM 5EP x.19......._.._ ..............191 ._...... Adopted by the Council ..... . ......... ......... ....... .............. l._� ...:1..L..C.x.. City Clerk. _ • a a VI Approved._........_SFP....— %._......_..._............._........_..191------- ...__. _.._.. _.... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 / Y ........................... v �-`--- - -- - - - - -- -- COUNCIL FILE NO._--.—._._. By .......... ......... —........ ........._..._..._......... .._..._._..... 222' 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Uck.e i, cv' :i e 1 -I for for 51C�f it i- .�:.Ltt .'X tOc,rtI-, Fi tra Irc thb matter of theae tieneflts, coetsand nnez. olgSpeaee:'.� :the�eaaget8alde of aWebaelie�a?' :Fourth 9t.: tor'Flith Bt: uafl7. 51 ,,Order rr -Order 11900, ar,1n- "��Order 1&BYO, :Flnat .Order -S00•A DrDved 80DG�Beth 1917. � •�. !" Ton es. for ni AW. n1l", f0 g. ezpenees for :and fn counFovt I .the `aAove. under Preliminary Order .._.._17_ Q_.i._....._......_.._.._......._._._...., Intermediary Order ......_._ ._._....._..._.._. Final Order v: ..................... _..... .... approved " 1':.._.__........ 191....: L_e__ec:.r.__.. *iefi t.� cos;,s �::u e,; �orae............... and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._..._ —' ._............ . ..... day of Septe :,'. y' 191 r , at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...._ .......... ....�.1....__y....19.'................__.....191 ...... .... ........ ––......_.._........................ _....... _............ _... ............ City Clerk. Approved....__.._.__.__._AUG 3_19_ig._.._.__.191_....-- / _................ ._.... )Mayor. Councilman Farn ... Mc& -W h Mayor Form B. B. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191..._._. In the matter of the assessment oC')''. Ii ,'f it r , c os is and e is e.1se5 for the rep�iri L �_ r, scrfr oin� ._jtjl Ll �Gst :,ijc Of under Preliminary Order......._�.':._'._.__...._._....._....................... Intermediary Order ....... t_ti........... ___._........_...---- ._--- ------- _.. Final Order ...... —1= `............. _ ......................... ...._.., approved_...._aS.. ?...._...ti_G..t ...._-....................... 191...7....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $-i.c$-'---..... Coat of publishing notice $.................. G:.................... Cost of postal tarda $ .............._......._....................._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$.............._..._......_..........._.._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----.. ...------- Total expenditures k $.. ...... ................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_....._L.^:.. _� ......................... _........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. per. /rte%Oinar.........Form s. s, ttCommissioner oce. ........................................... ..................................................... n 22614 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ot.Aile LL ;1-.r......1y.G,.:.,. a ti I O f e i - i'_ t ( 0) f F -ti s ................................. ---'............. ' - - .. -.: <, ,. l: moi, ., . ......... R1VEI' FC;UZc V'�.I';:. C. F. No.'23611— wide: f .................... ..................... ._.. --- .... In the matter of opening, ............................................................ . -.-- --- "' eztending. Jef[eraon, Ave.to- .• sof. elghtv(e6), Ceet,from Cri to the: MleetseiDP1 River'R, under_` Preliminar9. f.:%t c.a• ¢'.'. i7s.; f i r9....... _------------------------- under Preliminary Order.._. c: G..------•----- approved....@.1:- i..,. Y'.1intermediary Order ---• 7.:yuZ-------...., approved 12 r -1W -r1 '.1 ._....... "'.A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in, said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. an ' -Is Pays alto aree - 191 Adopted by the Council ............................. .19I-'----- ................S�p....-- -. n. pf / � ......... .... ........-----------..:...:7r.Y'.ti...�.t._..U---�S.i_.4'.. City Clerk. SFP-t3...---.............., 191. - L/v aa11 ..... '----- ------ --- ...... Ma r. RESOLUTI,DN OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AWFIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �C. F..No saaaz—� C] In the matter ut oponlnB. wid tytie� 1 \� 22 2 and ><tendlag- Jefferaoa Ave t V width of eighty I.- feet=from tin Ave. to the Miaelae[DDI n i, Boulevard, undo Preliminary Or, `Ppruved .Sept. 21; 1917. Im der. 21281, approved Df: �Jivaoe* 11. In the matter � e "flYtJcif r o=-- -----•--••.. ...................... 1.Ve . U r e_"•t G^ feet fror.: Cr '_-', ve. t-- ch:e iosissiNii_-._.---..--..._..- Iver --------------- -- --------_.--- ..-... --------------------- ------- under Preliminary OrderL&L'1,a....-.-.----.---, approved' -.12t.!.= -l- .I4_i7----, Intermediary Order. -._21 .��......, approved -.,.uy: -lna 15.1 ........... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of 4 lie damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated foF th improvement and to ,whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and tli same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the :Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissionerof Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in_the City of St. Paul on the -...-ad}ird...................... day of ................... 191 at ten o'clock A. M. ;and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing preseribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----- ---------------------_- --------------------------, 1911 ..............:.- *P - AUG _z 1918 Approves.. -----..................................... 191.....--. M or Councilman Farw4o S- U Councilman GjW" ae1�,e v Councilman Ea��tL Councilman AeVA ���/' t Mayor iavi t a� L REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN ON CONDEMNATION -OF LANDS :., T e.: ....._ r _... ....a......... In the matter of - of_ .... under Preliminary Ordenl.'��.�-'_- approved 1. Intermediary Intermediary Order. -.C' ` ........... approved ......u... ^....,....: - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. G� ..lir..... .... ..... - -- Commissioner of Finance. 4 226.4 FINAL. ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of E.;; .:i- . !,:1'. C.;?.lt? t `` :.`::.tA f.i : J.S P.£.e1:::� ::....�... c.� - -------------------- - - ......... 'Tn-the matter ofopening, wldit'- 'extendfng J- PrAve. .................. - oC -. efght9-(80)..feet from_....,..............................to ......... ...._. . undkr ireILIJe _,. grd under Pre115lli`-.:`,Orde:n9 err... �,. 9r-� . ................................................................y4- uJ7ltit.ia'G;,:........-- R9fEFNJ<--..............._......................................................... under Preliminary Order.. -.1.: 4:.( ................ approvefl..P..:.t.. .,.� = -c----+ Intermediary Order--•--. )...0 ... .. approved..X`.�....�:. a.._l 1 ....... .. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, vis- ---------------- - .Lr._a.._.- r from Creti., .vE. i?e is ssissii:^i`--`r--,=°'al.€_'J..is.:..........................................__� ...................... ................_..._........_..........._ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz :...................................... e nortl'_r r y i,:�) fcct of Guv:r - of : °....:.......::� ' - n (3) That the assessments of benefits and toward of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............................ . ................... 191 P /�L•�' � City Clerk. Jl CCP Approved.. ------------------ -; ........................... 191 il4aycll�.' p� Councilman Gess- PUBL15i�H_1��/� Q Ceaaeiimmm' lad— (C 'hnan XfMar v T j, derlich Mayor hw+ff ' U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------_� Council File No . ........ ........ _................... __._. cct� 22161 By... ........ __................. ...... ....................... _......... _... _.__... • 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits) costs 4,nd . enses for it -71ocii 1, UY1Ci P.?"' Cil 1P. tlCil. C. F. No: 22813— '•:L• I. the matter of .the LR beaedte, costa and .at,,.: ,_ eta Addition under ePrelr °r!L'••- der 18479.' Iatermedlary -'Final Order 18448, approv 1817... ;C ypDue - sesrla4t Davtn�.,gl esMement for t! 1d'aae•: under Preliminary Order ...... Intermediary Order __17,53 ..,,,.,,, Final Order_...._18Gn5 ^. approved ._.._,>U[,.__13th.._...._.__.._.__..191:x_._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, andthe same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._..li...l^__!..IL�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ ........ _sEP_..-2...19t9 ......... __... ............ 191......_.. ...................... ...... .......... 4.4 Ci tyClerk. v4EP -•i Q1A Approved .:_.._..._.__.._....._.._ ....................... ___..__...191_.__ .......... Mayor_ _ Form B. B. r8 --------------- ----------- -------------- 4 ... .... ----........................... - •-------------------.,...-- �,13 COUNCIL FILE NO ---- ry v By_.._.____.__._.._....__.._._.._._-..____..._._.__. 2222-5 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matli ter of the assessment of bene its, costs anti e xper,ses for radi .� alleyElocA 1, under:ciood'e ddition. lst :a C. F. No. 22248— In the matter of -the aeeeeement of gradin, lle' and xyeneee e � Brading aney to BIocR }. Und wood'.e: let Addition, under-Preli 1' leery Order l."11. Inter{nedlary y,' der'17882 pLaal Order 18048, sypr_t, ed Aug. 12th. 1917. �'he assessment of benefits ?2"t 4 (tll p A Xit4 I under Preliminary Order_1.6...7JL._.._...._.......__......................... Intermediary Order—1.7..533 __...—...—_...__—_—. Final Order 180 . __ .......... approved .......... _-- _------- ._..... 191_ . . The assessment of 1 e +Ef_its, St.� _Cl�?c es..__..____. -..for and m connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found thte said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on theof .SQr—--- _------ 191 _L__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of - said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council..._...Alli.._-'? ,_... ... ................. .191... ...... Approved 191—. - Councilman Fat 91—•-Councilmat G4;� '11lla*d- Mc{ all " Vwwtderiieh Mayor 4i6}' V)rV , Form B. B. 16 l _..----- _ _i......_...._. City Clerk. .. .... _._... ......... _..._..... .... _..... ° �' Mayor. • C+lTY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.__.... In the matter of the assessment of - for the of al.i",y �,raui:i� i� 31cci, 1, i;�,�er!:ou� 1G r! Intermediary Order ......_1.7_x.. _.._._....._....__...._.._........._._....... , under Preliminary Order ........`..._...="_....._. FinalOrder ...... _.... ........ ..... .......... ............... ..._...... approved_.:'} _..__1_ th..................__.....__...._., 191._7....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ "` �N""' Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $.._......_._1..t..... -.................. Inspection fees $........... '_-':_ ......._._..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - $...... 2. ...31.-......- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._.._....v3 ;_-.. 1_ -._...___ ...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of finance. IV t Council Tile No.......... ....... ........ _...... ___._ _ 226.14 ........... .._..... ..... .......... _.._--_......_.__.._.__ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Cost: _aG e;_ijetlSes for Lra,din, „he south �C feet of Lake Coro w Pha en r.Ve. bet. een arcade Street and Forest Street. In the matter, o1 the ase-ment of benefit., costsand expenses foci grading the •eolith 60 feet gf lake Como & Phatea-Ave. between Arcade it. and Forest St. under PreL11r�'^.t„s.' Order; No. 10801. IntermedLsr49 �c,�12481 Final .Order 138? r, lslyii *- i , 'mv -t�^roe under Preliminary Order. _laaU- ------ Intermediary Order .-13481__..... `...... Final Order.--13..B2.&_._.—. approved . X:_.._.......__........____..191_6 _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orddred to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby deterined to be payable m F" in ..... ... ___: _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _............... SKQ,_.'a..a��S_.__........._...__191--.--•-- _ t _......_.._....:..... _:_ham �....+f--1L.G 1 t .E_ City Clerk. SFP —:3 o A Approved _.........._..... - _._._..__191... Form B. B. IS ----------------- COUNCIL -COUNCIL FILE NO.-- By O.—- 2 Z 2.226 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.4, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Lrad.irL the soat:! 60 feet cl. L =:e cor.:o P F1:-.len _.ve . betvieen : CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . ............. 191._..._. In the matter of the assessment ofbene fits, costs uta'. sz:_ense5 for the bradinE of tl:e south. c0 feet. _f Lone Co.- ., i'1-:-1en zae. �etr�ecn Arcade Street under Preliminary Order ......._!... �. i 3.l. ...... _ ............. ._................ . Intermediary Order ..__.1 al.....__.._....._......_....._.._._......__..., FinalOrder .......1 S2.____ .............. -................... .._..._., approved............__iie-.C.. _.._Lit,.k...... .__...... ._...._.., 191...._6.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - -$-......._�.:Z_°_sT...�..:',%.4...__.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - 1 .... Inspection fees - $._..._........._ ..r_3_�....._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $---------`--'-0_0 — Total expenditures $.........l.o.as .... ._...._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer. tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._._t. x 4_r_1.:._................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..............................._......._.................... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL .OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER LUTION FORM FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESO°IL No. Poems x48.2 Y:7-18 _ r- ..... ......_. .................................... - C Y PT LLI - c AUDITED SEP..4..... 1918....._...,9,.----... - . P.... .............. P.......................................... - 454 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and, id(avor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fo wing details tement: Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council.._._ .X.191._A___ Cl cy Fa sworth...._.In favor A prov, _ ..... ..... y.1914 _.._ Go .A._. _....._ .__... _......... _.. .. __......:........ .... .... Ke er �._._Agalnst MAYOR Wu derlich Mr. President Hodgson C. F. No. 1-1 22616— - Resolved 'that warrants be Brawn n"on thb•Ctty Treasury, payable out the hereinafter_ epeclfled funds..d `1f favor of the,-peraopa, fltme or corpora. ttone for the amounts set opposite thetr, reapecwtagtide-nameadetailed sa. Hpecifled 1n:: the follostatement: Nm. IL Burkhard, $64;80:' IX A.. R- 13ersclof6.00. $263.37. ] .Inde➢endent O11 Co., $14.$5. - Northwestern Eiec. Equip. Company; - $10.16. .Noyes Btoe.. & Cutier;�"383.02. Milton Rosen cu.t.1.$219.1s. . St. Paul Concrete Wdtks,. $82.5 0. Mr. pau' $40.00;s Lewis., Swanson, -: $1s.7s. Adopted by; the Council Sept. 4, 1918, AppTUVed Sept: 9, 1918.' 6260 Wm. R. Burkhard, 64,80 Playgrounds 6261 A. B. Enger, 5.00 Election 6262 A. P. Hersobldr, 263 37 P. Baths26 q0 Parka 2 4 3• 6263 Independent 011 Company, 14.85 Parks 6264 Northrestern Elec. Equip. Company, 10.16 Lighting 6265 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, AA 816-02 Fire 5• Pol. & Fire Alarm 2 P. Baths 13• Wgrkhouse ►QQ Mech. Arte H.S. Library Test. Labs. 1• ParksdY 4 1 02 219 15 6266 Milton Rosen & Company, Fire CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GjrNERAL FORM i, :.�--- --..- ._....-- -- `�'' Subjedt:-..------ � COUNCIL 2 FILE Nom....-.-... 6- ------------- Date Resolved, That bids for certificates for local improvements as reported to the Council, by the Commissioner of Finance, under date of September 3, 1918, be and the same are hereby accepted, the same being considered satisfactory by the said Commissioner. CF. Na. 22618—Ey S, A. $arneworth Resolved, That bld- for cbrtlfcatee. Or the Caunell,provbY the nCommtsetonor of :Finance; -;under, date. of Soptembar 8' 1818, be and the same are hereby ac- ce. pted, the'am 'se being eonelderod eat- tefactojY- by the said Cpmmteetoner. Adopted.. .by the Counetl Sept. 4,: 1918.' Apprdved' Sept. 4th, 1918. _ (Sept.. 7-1918) Yeas (6 Councilmen (V) Nays /)r/lancy Farnsworth � J/�'oss .1n favor V Keller (�,',�',y"y. 1 IJVunderlich Against Mr. PrK[dent, Hodgson FORM C A. 9 aM 6.10 Adopted by the CotmcilAr2yYlM�..-.....191.)r AP ov /......f_.191b.- ..�----------------------- ---------- -- MAYOR i � q S.A.FARNSWORTH. Gom missiORen \ _ JO HN T. HAGLU ND. DEPUTY Oo --o— September 3rd, 1918. To the Honorable, The Mayor and City Council, Buildirg. Gen tlemen:- I have the honor to report that �t a Sale of Certificates for Local Improvements held on Saturda, ULust 31, 1918, pursuant to the provisions of Section 207 of the Charter, and in accordance with the requirements of Council Pile No. 4205 (Administrative Ordin-nce No. 3423, published April 10, 1915), I received bids for the certific:teS offered for sale and advertised in "St. Paul neview" .august 17, 1918, in the amounts as per attached list, and deeming said bids sufficient, I hereby submit them to the Council for approval. Attached hereto you will also find the official"Notice of Sale" of these certificates, which shows the number of the I certificates, the property affected, the amount due on each piece of property on these certificates with interest computed to August 31, 1918, and also other unpc:id assessments if any, on each piece of property, with interest computed to August 31, 1918. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. Lot 3, Alook 1 GOVERNOR!.70HNSON'S ADDITION 1# 2g, 00 oortificalts H 1931 ....... ,.........I .................... Lot B and 7,.DAWSON'S RAIU, STREET ADDITION Certificates, 68743, D3620, D8797, 71098 32929, 55824, 01571, 66904, 61572,(16905 ,... • •.• 40,00 Lot 1, Block 1B.M.MACKUBINS SECOND ADDITION 15.00 - Certif lout es,' 394_ , X3393, 04461, ........... 0.... �.�� Lots 13 and 14 Block 4, S.M.MMOMIN'S SECOND ADD........ Certificates, 87813. 083613 37814, 08362,........ 30.00 Lot 8, Block '2 FAIRVIEW ADDITSDN ........ Certifioates, 026700 06833i..;; ................ 50.00 .58a IC4... ........ .................... Lot 12, B80CKBALR SECOND ADDITION, Certificates, 05821. 09414, R38 . ........ ....•. ....... 10.00 L Lot 16, Block 2,.DENNY HIL ADDITION, 3.32 Certifloate, 7638,00..6.......... ....... ......... ..... Lot S. Block l DENNY HILT+ ADDITION, 10.00 0ertifies;e.:H1384,.................................... Lots 8, Blookt9; Lots 1,7,8,9,10 and 11, Brook 11, ItAIRVIRW ADD. Certificates, 88117, 63326, 08342, 11943, H36, H37, 25,00 1131* R32, H33, H34, ............................0 Lot 4 FISCHERSS ADDITION, bertificatee 7763, 06015 . .................0..... .... 20,00 Lots 16,17,18,19.10,21, Block 4; Lots 12 and 13, Block 12; EASTVILLE HEIGHTS Lots 25 and 26, Block 15; ))) Certificates, 1804, a $886 7805, G5886, 7806, 05887, 7807, 05888. G6889, 90. 06898,G5899,'G5908, ... 20.00 Lot 16,22,23,and 24, Block 2, TVILLE ;HEHGHTS 38578, 69073. Certificatss,'7791, 880739074, 7798, 7796 38077.,G9074. 7797, 58078, G907lq .o......... 20.00 Lot 2 Block 16; } of I�oi'2, kook 9; Lot 1,B1ook 8; of Lot 2, Yaok 9• Lot 2, Block 8,; Lot 4, Block 10; !; -lock 10; Lot 1,.Blook 9, L 2, Block lo; Lot Albin BRAUI'RE AND KSl.LY.'S ADDITION 68209, 51000.,87�7�9 E7970, G9052 Certificates, ,46935, G6918, 09056,3791/. 57971, 06936,;71429,'87916., 13458 09055 68370 00371 71433, *999,'71435, 8998 87915, 63457, G8369 B7918, 370m, 06919, 09053 .....:..........i.......... ....:........... 50.00 . Lot 4, 'Block 17, ARLINGTON ILL'S ADDITION, 10.00 Certificates, G1618, G 989, 03350, .........i• Lot 4, Black .l, SCHOCB AND ALTHUS SUBDIVISION 07'LOT `5,HOMES FOR THEHOMELESS ', 5. 00 Certificates 83469, 04069 ..c............f........... Certif A4. ADDIT15N - moa LOt $. Bti Certificates; 83203, 73856, 64. G3363, G91101 ......... 75.00 Lots 13 and'14 Stock 10 H.F.SCHWAH%S ADDITION, 0423, 06898. 62424, G6897 .............. 15.00 -0ertltioa so; Lot 16,LLOYDtS 817BDIVIS30N OF LOTS l and 2, Lock 3. of MC LRANS.RESRRVATIOII, Certificate: 02886', ........................... 10,BlOak Si`'IiiAKS 8 R3ARRANGBMENT OF BLOCKS 2.8.9,and 10 10.00 Lot of MCLR1►NS R38MVATION. Certificatq�,;G7187,...............•.;.......,........... lO.OQ %9'd, Lot 3, Took 1 GOVERNOR 7OHNSON'S ADDITION 2b.00 certificate H 1931.................................... Lot 6 and 7, DAWSON'S EARL STREET ADDITION Certificates, 68743, D3620, D8797. 71098 929290 55824. G1571, G6904, G1572,G6905 .......... 40.00 Lot 1, Block 1, E.M.MACKUBTNS SECOND ADDITION 18.00 Certificates, E9444, .03393, G4461. .............. ...... Lots 13 and 14. Block 4, E.M.MKCKUBIN'S SECOND ADD. 30.00 Certificates. 97813, G8363. E7814, G8362....... •••...�. Lot 8, Block 2. FAIRVIEW ADDITION 50.00 Certificates, 62670, 06833......................... ,... ft '... ............................. Lot 12, BROOKBALE SECOND ADDITION, 5 Certificates, 05821, G9414. R38. ...................,,, 10.00 Lot 16, Block 2. DENNY HILL ADDITION, 3.32 Certificate, 7638...................................... Lot 8, Block 1 DENNY HILL ADDITION, 10.00 Certificate. H1384. .......... .. .. ... ..... Late 80 Block.9; Lots 1,7,8.9,10 and 11. Block 11, ]�1IRYIE® ADD. Certificates. 98117, G3326, 68342, H943, H36, H37, 25.00 H31*, H32, H33, H34. ............................. Lot 4, FISCHER'S ADDITION, 20.00 Certificates, F763, G6015. ............................ Lots 16,17.18,19,20,21, Block 4;) Late 12 and 13, Block 12; EASTVILLE HEIGHTS Lots 25 and 26, Block 15; Certificates. 8804, G5885, 7805, G5886, F806. G5887, F807, G5888, G5889, G5890, 05898,G5899, G5908, ... 20.00 Lot 16, 22.23,and 24, Block 2, BOTVILLE HEHGHTS, Certificater, F791, E8073. G9074, F795, 98076. G9073, 77960 58077. 69072, F797, 98078, 690719 ......... 20.00 Lot 2 Block 18; est } of Lot 2, Block 9; Lot l.Blook 8; IG_atof Lot 2. Block 9• Lot 2, Block 8.; Lot 4. Block 10; iot 2, Block lo; Lot a, block 10; Lot 1. Block 9, All in BEAUPRE AND KELLY'S ADDITION. Certificates. G8209, B1000. 97979 97970. G6935. G9052, 97971, 136936. F1429. 57916, 6 G6918, f? G9056.97917. 09055, G8370. 68371, 71433. G3458, *999, F1435, 57915. G3457, G8369, H998, 97918. 97951, 66919, 50.00 G9053............................................ Lot 40 Block 17, ARLINGTON PILL'S ADDITION. 10.00 Certificates, G1618, G2989. 63350,.................. ;, Lot 4. Block 1, SCHOCH AND ALTHENS SUBDIVISION OFLOT5.HOTTS FOR THE HO?4ELESS, 5.00 Certificates, F3469, G4069. 0.......................... LOt S. Block 14. TERRY'S ADDITION Certificates; 53203. 738560 64, G3363, G9110. ......... 76.00 Lots 13 and 14, Block 1. H.F.SCHwABEB ADDITION. 15.00 Certificates: G423, G6898, G2424. G6897 .... ... ���� block 3, Lot 16,LLOYD'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 and 2. of� MC LEANS RESERVATION, 10.00 Certificate: G2856......;....................••�•••••• Lot 10, Block 8. DRAKE'S REARRANGER,ENT OF BLOCKS 2.8.9,and 10 of MCLEANS RESERVATION. 10.00 Certificate: G7187.................................... #2 Lot 16, Block 8, FAIRCHILD AND HOWARD'S REARRANGEMENT OF TRACY'S OUT LOTS, ••� 5,00 Certificate: H1913. ................... 6, C.A�111922,��H19 6..... Lots 12 3, 0. U1917. Certificates: Block 25.00 Lots 2, Block 1,3 SItIDMOR3'S ADDITION, Lots 4 qnd 8, Block 5, Certificates: H1656. G9154, G9156 . ...................... 10.00 Lot 6, DITTMAN'S SUBDIVISION,10,00 Certificates: 36231, G5456. G81615, H22. ............,,,•• Lots 1 and 2, Block 82,KBNNEDY'S SDBDIVISION OF BLK. 82,of LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION, Certificates: 72984, 0560, G9912,##2405, F2985,G561, G9913, 20.00 H2408 . ........................................... TdURPHY'8 REARRANGEMENT OF BLK.20,GOTZIANS Lots 9 and 10, REARRANGEMENT OF SIBEI.S ADDITION, Certificates: 83331, 73332 . ....................0........ THOMPSON'S SUBDIVISION 07 ffiK.58, LYMAN DAYTON'S 1.00 Lots 14 and 13, ADDITION, Certificates: D7418, F2886. H1021, H1023, F2885, H1022,.... GOTZIANS SUBDIVISION OF BIX.74.LYMAN 5.00 Lots 27,25,28, and 30. DAYTON'S ADDITION, Certificates: P2942. H458. 8460, H457, H456 ............. OF §* OF NE -1. 10.00 Miscellaneous in SRA.33, TOWN.29, R.22. PART knows as RIFLE PARK., 25.00 Certlfioates:F4213. H920. H937. ........ •.......••••• Lots 1,2.3,5,6,9,9.10.11,17.18.and 34, Block 21;A GOTZIANS HE - Lots 23,24,25,26, Block 16; ARR. OF SIGEL'S Lots 15 and 16, Block 24; ADDITION, Lot 8; Block 25; Lots 1, 2,3,and 4, Block 0, Certificates: U9934, :139933, G9932, G9930, (}9929,B3338, G9927, G9926, 69925, G9924. G9923, G9922, H1660, 11651, H1652, H1653, H1655, H918. H919, G8827, D5569, 72229. 37525, 73485, G4067, 45638, H1800, H1807, G4066, H1806. -.44065, H18050 4064. H1804. .... IF.SCHIVABES 100.00 Lots 10, 11 7, 13, 14. 15,and 16, Block 1, ADD., 83548, 62421, 66900, 73549, G2422. 66899, H Certifioates: G2419, G2423, G6898, 62424, 66897, 83350, G6896, 50.00 E7498. 83551, G2426, G6895, G8826 . ............. ..•.. Lot 1, Block 8, FINCH'S ADDITION. C 67700 G7201 .. D8575 38842 G1354 'A472 1. 40.00ertificates: Lots 12 and 13, WOODFORD PARK �, 10.00 Certificates: G2678, G2639 . ........................,,,, Lot 28, Block 1, PA i' ADDITION, 10.00 Certificates: 427, H1785 . ............................... NW of SW30 feet of Lot 3, Block 9, an TERRACE PARK ADDITION 9, SW* of NW} of Lot 7, Block Certificates: C601, 04474, C9065, D7768. D9494, E4458,20,00 G5813, G6201. D7769, D9490, 34456, G5815. I.......... Lot 5, Block 8 REARRANGEMENT OF HIGHLAND PARK, 13.47 Certificateel, 35546, H1823, 1 ......................... AND SIMTH'S SUBDIVISION OF BLK. Lots 1 and 5. Block 2, DA'MSON'S LL STINSON,BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION, Certificates: G6284, 75698, H1821. F5701, H1822. ......... SUBDIVISIOid OF BLK.37, STINSON, BROWN AND 40.00 Lot 4, DAWSON'S RAMSEY'S ADDITION.15,00 Certificates: G6503, F5766, H1844.. ...................,,,, #3 Lots 1 and 2, Block 1.) Lot 12, Block 2, REDWING ADDITION $ 5.00 Certificates: 84951, F4952, F4956, ............ Lots 1. 2, 2.4 and 5. Block 1, RIVERSIDE ADDITION 110 .2, Certificates: G2699, 04481, 65847, 69894, G2648. G4488, G5848, G9895,,G4483, G5849. G4484, G5850. ......... 25.00 Except 90 feet West of *et 160 feet OX'S}, Block 30, And East 160 feet of East * of Block 30,gTIN8ON,BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION. Certifi"tes: 97844, 111330 . ..........................;. 25.00 Lots 8,9, and 13, Block 3, ASYLUM ADDITION, Certificates: G1378, G2160, 114719, H563. G2162, F4718, G7702, H564, D8579, G1379, G3463, P4717 .......... 10.00 Lots 5 and '6, Block 1 WATSON An- RICE'S SUBD. "C& of BI -K. 1, ST111SON BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADD. Certificates: 95299, 911359 G199. G6505,G.147A .......... 25.00 Lbt 6. Block 1, OLIVIERS ADDITION TO:,WSST ST.PAUL, 25.00 Certifcates: H1269. H1811, Lots 8,9,10, and 12, Block 11, N9L80N,ST9VSNS.AND-KING'S�ADD. Certificates:.H4, H574,H3, H575, H2, H576, H578•, ......0 20.00 Lot 5, Block 11. NELSON, STEVENS AND KING'S ADDITION, 15.00 Certificate: H2O51..................................... Lots 13,14,16,17,18 and 19. STUART'S REARR. OF BLK.68,BROWN,& JACKSONS ADDITION. Certificates:.H403, H404,.H40$.H406, H407. H408, ..... 20.00 Lot 18, Block 23. THE WEST ST. PAUL REAL ERTATE AND IMPROVVIVENT SYNDICATE NO.2, Certificate:- B9700 ................ ................... . Lot 12..MINEA AND 'HEDGES RPARR. OF BLK.0, SWEENEY'S ADD. 25.00 Certificates: H515, H1661................. ............. 15.00 Lots 7,8 9.10.11,12,13. PAUL MARTIN'S FIRST ADD. Certificates: H280,H281,H283, H284, H285, H286.......... 50.00 Lot 6. Block 14, JACKSON AND BIDWELL'S ADD. Lot 1. B106k 18,; Certificates: G8414, H599, G6413 . ...................... 10.00 LOt 8, Block 84, WEST ST . PAUL PROPER. 25.00 Certificates: H584, H1954 . .............................0 Lots 9 and 8 ��k.��� 3]MSTST PAUL PROPER Westl;(3 f !It. 3.4.and 5� Certificates: ;7540, H264. G9981, H263, 09980, E8887, 25.00 G5968, G5969, G5970, ............................... Lots 4 and 5, Block 148, WEST ST PAUL PROPER. 50.00 Cert.ifi.ce.tes% 97580, H874, B7581, H873. ......... �...... Lot 4, Block 105, WEST ST PAUL PROPER, 50.00 cartificatesl H262. H690, 1 .............................. Lots 12,13,and 11, Block 27,) THE WEST ST PAUL REAL ESTATE & Lots 8 and 9, Block 23, ) IMPROVEMENT SYNDICATE NO 2, Certificates: H268, H269. H267, H273, H272 . ............ 10.00 Lots 23.24.85, 21,22, Block 15, THE 'REST ST INUL REAL; ESTATE & IMPROVEMENT SYNDICATE N0.2, Certificates: G325, 68927, G324, G8926, G8932,G8929,G892%. 5.00 Lot 24, Block 33, THE MST ST PALL REAL' ESTATE & INPROVEIAENT SYNDICATE NO.2. Certificate:. --96735,..,....... ............................. 25.00 u #4, �x Lots 18,20,21,22 and 23, WARD'S REARR. OF BLK 42. BROWN AND JACKSON'S ADDITION 5.00 Certificates: G7097. H2350. H2352, H2353, H2354, H2355,.. Lot 2, Block 13, TUTTLE'S PSARR.OF BLK.13, JACKSON AND BID+WELL'3 ADD. TO W -ST ST. PAUL,' mto Cartificates: G8412. G9979 . ........................... Lot 3, Block 7, 110RRISON'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, 20.00 Certificate: G8875 . .................................... Lots 10 and 11, WOODBURY AND CASE'S ADDITION. 10.00 Certificates: G8939, H2360, G8938, 112359.;;... ......... Lots 4,5,and G. Block 4, ROBERTSON'S ADDITION Y�ST ST. PAUL, 10.00 Certificates: E7342, E7343.$7144 . ....................... Lot 7,Block 198, IRVINE'S ADD. TD.,,aST ST. PAUL. Certificates: 8142, X41,04, g7T81", 11868, H1791. .......... 10.00 Lot 3. Block 3, PAUL MARTIN'S FIRST ADDITION, .. 10.00 Certificate: H294. ••• Lot 1, TYR1fiR'S RrARR. OF 84i..186NELSON STEVENSAND KIIdGSADD. Certificates: G2525,4213, G4453, G6058 ................. 200.00 Lots 2 and 3, C.W.YOUNCTMAITIS FOURTH ADD. 10.00 Certificates: H626. R527 . ..................... Lot 27, Black 13. MICHEL AND ROBERTSON'S ADDITION :..• 15.00 Certificates: '96526, 66844. .......................... Lot 8, Block 2, SARGENT'S ADDI%ION. 5.00 Certificate: H1955 ...................................•••• Lot 29, FRANKLIN STEEL3!S SUBD. OF LOT 2. SEC 21,T 28.R 23,5. 00 Certificate: G8773 . .................................... Lots 10, 11 and 12,Block 1, ST CLAIR ST. I& SHORT LITE ADD.PLAT 2 5.00 Certificates:G4501.F4971, F4972, F4973 ................... Lots 6,7,and 8 Block 2. PACIFIC ADDITION, 25.00 Certif ibates: H359. H360, H361,• . . • •• Lot 11, Block 1. BEIFIELD'S SUBDIVISION OFLOTS12,13.and14, Wi1KIN AND HMYARDS OUT LOTS. Certificates: 08243' .... ................................) 10(00 Lot 4, Block 2. FRONT STREET ADDITION 10.00 Certificate: G8249 . ........................... Lot 5, Blockl7. yORIN'S ENLARGE,3MT OF LAFONDS ADD. 51.73 Cart ificat es:H2O28, H2496 . .................... Lot 7. Block 31. HEWITTS SUBDIVISION OF BLK.A,LAFONDS ADD. Certificates: H2O30, E2498.10.00 Lot 6, Blookl. POTTGIESMRS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 6. in WEIDES AND DAWNS GARDEN LOTS, Certificates: E 1714, 89150, G3966, H47 . ................ 30.00 Lot 3, Block 16, ASHTON AND SHMRBURN&S ADDITION Certificate: G3210,. 5.00 Lots 1,2 and 6, Block 4p LEWIS ADDITION, Certificates: 85890, G4487, G4807, G5718, G6152, G5117. 20.00 G6151. G57141i G6169. . a......• . • Lot 1, Block 4, POTTOIBSER'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 5 to 16, incl. ALL OF WISDES AND DIRlfSONS GARDEN LOTS, Certificates: G2431, G4267. H2369 . ...................... 10.00 Lot 6, Block 2, BROOKSIDE ADDITION, 190.00 Certificates: 09404, H2148. ....... Lot 7 Blk.2, BROOKSIDE ADDITION, ,. 80.00 Certificate: H2149. ........... ••..............'••" • " Lot 1, Block 6, WESTMINSTER ADDITION, 70.00 Certificates: Ia630. 07600, 09430, .v ................... Lots 1, 4, and 6 Block 4, STINSONS RIC, STREET ADDITION. Certificatee; 64489, G8697, H1887. G8696, H1888. G8695... 25.00 �5 Lot 8, Block 2 Ramsons Addition.•.�••.••�•••��•.�..�� $f8 �. ... -• • • 10.00 Certificaiel. • • Lot 19, Block 1, FAWCHT'S ADDITION Certifi6at88: 55895, B5934, G4488, G4810, G7151. H67,. 20.00 LOts 4 and B. Block 20'?1'ADDITION �532677..B$ 838 8012, 07749 Certificates: D1769,�D9171HTOIT 7925, H1731. D9112.A430, 193268, 89282, 080130 G7750 00 07924 H1732. .......I ....... .........�....:.... kb. Lot 6, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 4, POTTOIESM 'S SUED. OF LOT 5 to 16 (incl) of Lot 30, Block 3 WEIDB AND DAv.,SONS GARDEN LOTS. Certificates: 91714. 89150. 63966, H47. G2431, H2469, G2429, 04275, ....................:.............. BUBD. OF BRWSTERS ADD • 20.00 Lot's ).0 end 16, Block 2, FI.ETCHSRS CertificateeL 92489, F2490. F`2495. ................. BLOCK 2. OfST.PAUL 4.54 Lot 1, Block 2, PILZ'S SUBD. OF LOT 3, NORTH OUT LOTS. 10.00 Certificates: G8706 H46. ..... �•.••••.•• .•••• .... SANBORNIS IJIDWAY ADDITION 31.23. Lot 13, Block 1, �• Certificate: H230B. ................................ Lot 1Certifica BROS.OF.BLOCK•)..'HBRS. .WOOLPLY•ALU.•• 5.00 .............................. Lot 7, Block3 HERADDITION 3.25 7S0WOOLF.Y Certif................................ ... Lot 9, Block 74, ST.ANTHONY PARK, 75.00 Certificate: G85630 .............................. Lots 1,13.16,3 3, and 5, Block 2. UNIVERSITY VIEW ADDITION Certificates: H2238, H2240, H2242, F4490. F4814,• 50.00 H2237, F4491. 94815, A2236, ••'• ?.ots 7 :;nd 8, IffiLLY' REMI, OF. BLN.l, OX:FORDAXfDITiON. 60.00 Certificates& H2338, H2337 . ........................•. Lots 12,17.25.26 and 45. Block 3, QOADO PARK. Certificates; F5201. H1466. F5202. V1467, 95203, 95204, P02110 .......................................... Lots 25,26,27,28, Block 3, COMO PARK SECOND ADDITION. 1S. OG Certificates: 37481 F5234. 06026 X�•7351 E7482, F5235, 17483. F5236. G�6�024, 67353, 197484,35. 06025, 07352, 00 95837 G6023. G7354 . ............................ Lots 2.4,5,6,7,f1, 12,and ).3. HILLIARD'S SUBD. OF LOT 43, LAKE CO)SO VILLAS. Certificates: F5259. G7374, F5260, G7875, F5261, G7376, F5265pt F5262. G7377, F5263, G7378. 952640 G7379. 50.00 G73300 07381 . ................................... Lots 1 and east 100 feet Of 10, Blook,2, BISHOP'S ADD- 10.00 Certificates: F5252, 07438. F5257. ....... ... Lilts 18.19 SUBD. OF LOT 37,LANE CU1IUVILLAS ,20,, Certificates: F5283, F5284. F5285, F5286, F5287. F5288, 16.00 F5289, ......................... .............. Lot 6, RamSEY'S CO. LOAN AND TRUST CO.NO.2, 10.00 Certificates: G691, G6071 . ....................... ..... Lots 27 and 28, Block 17. Lots 4,6,23.and 24, Block 20 WINT?CR'S ADDITION. Lot 5, Block 10, ) Certificetes: F4465, 94777. F4466. 7447788 P446 472808, 4808, . 8 ; 10.00 F4468, F4807, 74463. . , Lot 14, Block 1, CURRY'S SUBD. OF LOT 13.BULLL & HACKUBINS OUT LOTS. Certificates:325340 34699, 37263, F4552, G2481,F4920,.. 15.00 Lots 15,9,10,11 12 13,14, Block 1, G.V.BACON'S SUBD. OF B�oak 2, LOTS. ll and 12, BUELi Lots 1 :LL'"::;''; Lot 1 Brook 3, AND MACKUBINS OUT LOTS. Lots 5,12.13 and 14,B1k. 4, INS& #6 Certificates: $7243, P4543, 74913. 84537, F4907. 1'4538, 74908, F4539, 74909, F4540. F4910, F4541, 74911, 74542, 84912, 57244, 37245, 37246, P4547. 84917, F4544, 84914, F4545.25,00 04915, 74546, 74916, .........•••••.......•••... Lots 16 and 15 Block 4, LIND&MANS SUBDIVISION. Certificates: 57239, 74525, 74874, F4873, 0........... 25.00 Lots 9, Block 1, Lots 8,9,10, Block 2 Cu_mmmin s ADDITION CartfPicetes: D8177, 737240, F4529, 74895, L7242, F4901, F4530, 74531, 74902, E7241. E9612. P4900, ....... 25.00 Lot 21. Block 1, H,AT3RS ADT)ITION 4.76 Certificates: F4881 . ...............•...........• • ... • Lot 9, Block 2, GREVE'S SUBDIVISION A,25,00 Certificates: 39593, F4876, ....... •......... Lots 1,2,and 3, Block 15, MUNCH'S SURD. OFMUCK15, LYMAN DA,,TONS ADDITION Certificates: B15175, 819173, 819669, B19880, C3709, D102, D4126. D8974, R2582, F1934,B3100, V 36202, F2822, G3362, 819174, B19668. C3702% D101, D4125, D8972,32607, 7'1935, 33099, 1'2833, 11336, B19175, B19667, C3707.. D1OO. D4124, D8972, 32601, 71936. 100.00 E3098. F2824. G3360, ••••••• Lot 8 Block 6, FLSTSHE S SUED. 06� 3WSTi BADDITION. 25.00 Certificates: 72498, G1121 . ................ W.......... AND SHiMMRNBS ADDITION Lot 6, Block, 20, ASHTON 20.00 Certificate: H1733 . .................................. Lot 11, {8 54 feet ) Block 2, LACE PARK 5.00 Cartifioate: G9787....................I- " ............ nn r Total 4 Z9or.3S petition Council File No...... .......... ....... .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22611.71 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. viz•: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, Grad®---Alhart...gue....from-.3ebr"ka...AVG.....to.-Hoyt-_,Ave. and ...Soyt...AVG ------ . ...eve.n....t.o...Hanal�n.Q...Ave ..aoQ.Q.r AAQ.a....W th...PoUllo-A........_..... xero�.o..-.attaalzad.............._....................._....-_.........._.._...._....._._.................................. ............ ............._..._ ...........__._... ......--.I .......................... 1918 -.. Dated this .......... 31...-.... day of ................ A31$il ............._............ z"A", Councilman. R'hereee. A 'written proposal Por thn chins f the 'followingImprovemer, viz: Grnde Albert Ave, from Nebr- Ove. to H.Yt Ave. and HoYP ,?..a. to Hamil n - e JYtDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grada...A]lberx...AYG& ..from... Nebr.aska...&ve......to..Hoyt.. Avs.....and...Rnyt...Ave........ . from...Albert AVG- -.to.Alsml e.. ve.. _. ........................................ ............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To invefdgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2, To inveEtigate the nature, extent and ebtimated coEt of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.. - .......................................................................................... 5, To Atat e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon a of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �. ... 191. Adopted by the council...... .._ {' Nnys: Yeas: I� (� Councilman Fargp6rth l X ..-....1916..... C s � Approved ..... .. •tw+-e Clancy ........................................ ........................yor..... wy�tf tCll ry ................ Mayor. Mayor Hodgson Form C A 19 (aM 417) Council File No..............J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22618 and PRELID4INARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemnin�._sad.._ta ng...an.._e..e..seme�gt...dZ7_tbe._land._neaeessry...fnr...slapea.a--..for outs.._ and.._fi11Q.- in.._g�.ep��7pg:.Albert..gas.._3rom..gabreeka- Ave .... to -Hoyt- Ave, and H4Yt...Ave. fr.QM_.A1b.0T1.Av0.....t.0...Hamlin_Ave..........................................--------....._......_........_............ ................__............................................_............. _. _.......... .................................... Dated thta.......3Td. day of .... ................ geP'fe4AlblL7C ......................................... . 191.9.... _ .............................. 1 C. F. No. 22616— "" ` Wha ese, IA written proposal malting of the. 1011 Ing Improv. Councilman. ment In h. land necesad sary form fl-"a for cute. and. fills in grading' AIU,' from Nebraska Aver,- ' 1'IaETLTNIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Condemning and_._taking_.an._easement.,.i,...tho...1.eitd...noo.aa.aary....ior...s1o}�ea�..ior outs .and ..Dille.._in...g. ad pg_,�,bert..:ATel......from.-Ubraska...Ave.....to... Hoyt..Ave....and Hoyt Ave. 9rom-47.1ert...A7e.,•....to...Hamme....AV.0-e.......................................................................................... .................................. _... .............. _.................... _ ..... _....... _......... _ .............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St, Paul by Councilman.............................._......._..............................._........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated coft of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report uponall the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the wunci4.....-: .. 191 Yeas: / Nave: Councilman Farn4v(orth Goss Approv ���sc Clancy Ke—pl?oll— 0 Wlfyd£rlich Mayor Hodgson Dorm C A 13 (51d4•t7) Petition Lam/ Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 226-1-9 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatruot...a...n.ement...tile ...aide.walk...to-.a---width.---of...six -..feet ...on...the ...north.-Bide R;9....1' IMQAd...at......ixom .Snelling-.Ass......t.a..drona..Ass...,...in.-aaaordan e....with..Petition herat.o...attaohed......................................................... _...--- -._..._._._........_...........__....._ Dated this........ 3rd.- ......day of ............... ..aegtamber-..... ............................... ........ . 191.$,. .........7tjjl�, ............ ........ ._.................... ....__............... (/ C. F. No. 22619-.- -'- Councilman. Whereas, A_wrltten yfor the malcing of the, followinetn n. Constroa4. a cemeAto a width of eia Yeet n_[—" of Almond SL "from shelling Av..,A Arona Ave. hnving been..presenG* j the. Council of the City of 9t,, •-d theref _, be it - d. That the CommUsh'-"y WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maklr,ry : tiP and he in h ;rovement, viz.: 4 Q r11a.t...a....uamant...tile ....sidewalk...to:..a..wifith...ot... six ..feet ....on_..tha..north...sida Almond._St.... from...Sne� 7... �Y4.•....t.G...,o7�a... aY4.•........_......_.......__ ..._ _....._ ..._ ...... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ........................... ......................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. b. To report upon all of e, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the witncil.....4 ..........191 -g....om Yeas: /// Nays: Councilman Farowrdrih q5v- Approv ...... .... ..........T..ALT 191k Clang K14a-ype_f�'y0 WtrlffierGchD /v�.................................... ....................]mayor.............. Mayor l� $odgaoII _ Form C A is (rM 4-17) _ / /� P. G. Briggs Council File No ............... ..:......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2620 . and Is PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatruat...a-_cement.... tile ...8rlvews�-...l:cs...a...wi&th- oP--$.i=...feet-on.-'he-..110Tfe_t. o ?1A t3....�3� ae ...I[ eat :...s�r Rabe.r'�....at.....ttemcs...lwtpat...14...:eet. ............................... ..._:._................................................................................ ........ 1 Dated this........3 .........day of......................saBP.j➢.eRt7]@T........................................., 91..E3.. ...............� C. F'. No 226L''_ Councilman. Who A written proposal for.the making of the .following In, r vement. Viz! Construct cementtile drivQwa';,' to a wldth ofels-feeton'thd north.?'.fir of Delos St,. beginning 138 fact of Rob rtSt„_thence west -34 feet Y, ins,*Y •eseoted tb-th•:�`+��n WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: D.onstruat...a..a8ment....tiles...dri-veway .to.. a .width .of six ..feet fln the north side ng...l3a...feet...West....oi...Robert...Sts, thenos.._west..14...feet* ............._..............I ............... ......... .............................. ................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._......................................_........................ ._._.... ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigste the nature, extent and e6timated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:-... .... ........-'- - '--' _........................................... ................................ 5, To 6tat e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report uponall the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. -- ` / ..... -- --19115...- / Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farms atth qo � Approved . ...jf .. 191...... Clancy ru. Wu ch ./ 00 Mayor I3wir Hodgson Form C A 13 (dM 4.14) E. G. Briggs Council File No.....................tom PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2,26!?!— : and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Beoonetrn•ot....ralay...aud...rapair-... the --.aemant...tile-...ai8a-walk...to...a...wi.dth...oY... AX fee.t_.on._the north-.s.ido....af..Atatatex..St...... from ..Ylie�te.7 ....doe.+...thence...5.,:..362..-i'set• . ........... _..........._................................... _............. _.. 191 Dated thia........... 3rb.....day j having bee D eeant1 therefore,: I— of the Cay 6t nt Pnul bait R aoly d Thaf thq �a bej'e .� ' Wf-fEREAS, A written propo, P." I w rU y w 3ng :+mprovement, viz•: Reannstrzlat.,...relay...and...rtvair.._the...a.emexat....ti e_..a doW� k to. a...wiath..of siz feet• fppt.._on t.bel...nortkt....elia..:.of...htImtor...�Y9•._thenoe..E.r...362__ ...................... ............... ................ ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direEted: RESOLVED, That the Commi 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invettigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ... ... ............ .... 5, To state whethet or not, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ............. l� .......191 JS.... Adopted by the council...� "" Nays: Yeaa: � Councilman Fanis+O'rth .......191.. v Gp_sa Approved ............... -"........ K � Clancy {!.fe2d1".............. ....................................... W1iQer .................... jyiayor. Mayor loof an Form C A 18 (aM 4.17) B. G. Briggs Council File No............... ...... ...... 6� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 22622 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ly The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: bY...12 V!@t�...a ct.._bef3�x tlo8...42.._fstet...fartber..."s.Aute►,.._th®xloe..-._eQ.utt�....6.0...feet..by .p .{........................................... 191..$.. P Dated this -..... ......4th.... day of...................3epf.embs7C...�I� / _„ C -_F'. No 22622. -,arra., orouosal tor -th Councilman. by 12^feet ... ... '" `Hent, VIZ.' WHEREAS, A written proposal f"t ,6a t. h.. southeentPdnei °rh t5. gaoonstruo.t.,...re.lay...and ...re. aair-...t3ie....a.exaerru--rUi e...aides$l.k..nser...pnrtinna....o� wal ..rasiteiring...a.-d jeating...to...piaa.e...a.eme....ia...go.od,._r.aDaIr... at...pro.&.e.r...grads..- on t.U.0 west....13 de....nY...,welling.:BYe,....Prom...tinivara3ty...Ave....Ahenaa...South ...P.0.0...feet, by 12 feet, and beginning 42 feet farther south, thence by ... so . ............. _........................uth b0 feet . ......................................._......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.".." "..... ... - " .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invefdgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and eEtimated coot of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and infonnajion relative to said improvement; .................................... ..................... 5, To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report uponall the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. -I.. - ... - }` �.-�..19) Yeas: ~ Nays: Councilman Farnstysth Gp_ Approv ..... ... . . ...... ......191.. Clancy ...................... ........... ..... Mayor Ho dgs on Form C A 13 (6M 417) Request from Department 6f Parks, Playgroun&13 & Pdblio Buildings* Council File No .................. ... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2267"3 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing alignment, grading, - constructing necessary Malls, fills, approaches and drainage at theoximate locations on following approximate Mississippi River Boulevard from Summit Ave.Ato West Seventh Sto 180 feet south of Goodrich Ave. 570 feet' oath of Goodrich)Ave opposite at. Clair at. 620 feet south of Jefferson Ave. 197 feet south of Bayard Ave Opposite Lots 13 & 14 Block 3 Edgeoliffs Add. #2 C' F. No. 22623— Whereas, A written Pft' making of the f01111w"s' g viz: Changing R gnmentj constructing necessary We) ,var .from Sc;,. constructing necessary walls, fills grading Changing alignment approaches and. drainage, at the following approximate locations on Mississippi River Boulevard from Summit Ave - to West Seventh St. 180 feet south of Goodrioh Lys• 00 feet -south of googIrighAT01* opposite St. Clair Sto 620 feet south of Jefferson Ave. 197 feet south of Saystd,kWe'i 01iffe Add. Opposite Lots 13 & 14 Blook.5 M90 . .............................. .......................................... ......................................... .................................................................................. 5. To ftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of It om foregoing matters to the Cmissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council . .... ti N Yeas: ays: Councilman Faqpav4orth Clancy K MeGs W..................................... ........ ........................ ............... Mayor. Mayor Hodgson 1< For. C A 19 (5M 4-17) �— 7 —IFIeK Form A A 46, 111 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL -.- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 'Rail: E9.61 way . The Emporium Mercantile Company, COUNCIL Nu..22624..................... _...... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE $7.80. Great Lakes Coal &.Dock Company. AUDITED191 `I S .lPT LLER $.._....... 191........ i :77z yrs TITLE - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds .and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, —i 1.9.1@ Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays�tP .__....._........._........._._.._....... _..... 191...._._ Adopted by the Council:.......... /Clan y - A roved..._.. 191--- favor pproved..... ..............�.��.....r,.�. �Farn worth ...__.......__In v Goss ........Against v Kell _ ..... -...............BSAYOR P1 Wu derlich Water C. F. No. 22624- Resolved- that warrants be drawn the city. Treasury' payable out of Mr�iden Hodgson Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, upon the hereinafter speclde3 funds and to 245.63 , Water favor of .the .persons, set oppositeheir "Ons for the amounts set opposite their respective names . saepeol ked to the . . following detailed statemen Chicago. St. Paul, - MPI.. & Omaha 'Rail: E9.61 way . The Emporium Mercantile Company, $7.80. Great Lakes Coal &.Dock Company. $245:63:'. Prof. N, L. Huff, $176.00. - 9 -R:alm r, E2.00. _,hw tern Fuel Co., $256.26. . 6270 Albert 9alaba, $70.00. Chicago, St.PRU Adopted by the Council Sept. 5, 1918. y, 8.61 �p Approved.SepL6, 1918. crater(Sept 7-1918) 6271 The Emporium Mercantile Company, 7.80 Water 6272 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 245.63 Water - 6273 Prof. N. L. Huff, 175.00 Water 6274 S. Kalmar, 2.00 Water 6275 Northwestern Fuel Company, 256.25 Water 12 Sohools 6.25 6276 Albert Salaba, 70.00 General Art Museud F.—A A45,2017-18 CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL � 22624 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na -. •--- ......-......–' ::F� ........................................................... SEP 5 1918 Y 1PT LLER AUDITED 191........ -..._.... -- '------' ...... ,55TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............... SEP ......'�....... .19I.. ... ....... 191......_ (,/Clan y �Farn worth ............ .....In favor pproved.............. ... ..... --S 191 ...._ Goss Kell�.....-.Against -.-.._-.._....._.....__....__......_......_........._. -.....-..._.........._....... MAYOR C. F. No. 22624— � !/ Wu derlich Ren lvea that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury. PeYsble out of Midden , Hodgson the hereinafter p ifled funds and in fa o f tho Pen s, flrms or corpor Ir tto s for the mounts set opposite their gree sa aPe.ifled in the _f,... , Omaha_ 6270 Chicago, St -Paul, Mple. & Omaha Railway, Water 6271 The Emporium mercantile Company, Water 6272 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, Water 6273 Prof. N. L. Ruff, Water 6274 S. Ka-Imar, Water 6275 Northwestern Fuel Company, Water Schools 6276 Alb er�-Sja ba, Genera4 Art Museum 9.61 7.80 245.63 175.00 2.00 256.25 127,,.6g 6.25 70.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL oncen.. �o OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No.�•�rCi ...... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE F. -A A IS, ,M 7-18 .................................................................... pp PTHOLLER,4 n AUDITED ..S.EC.tt�� ...S.......�.J.��....... _.... 191 ........ _ PE.... ......................._......_......... 456 TITLE - 1 upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn persons, firms• or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays Adopted by the Council ..._............ .tl�................. ........................191...---' Cl -y JEP ``_L _:1....._....._191.:___-- F nsworth _.....__.In favor roved. .............._.___._..__.... __ G ss K Her .......Against ................_. _........... .. ��� MAYOR No. C. F. the 22626— nderllch Resolved that wury. a able out of f O upon the City Treasury, p y Mr. Presid t, Hodgson the herelnafter spectfled funds favor of the Persons, irme or co'> done for the amounts ti<elr respective Names as set at `h• "•11� LM detalled..ete �:•.::�„u 6277 T. L. Blood & Company, 39.034 C. H. & C. H. 6278 Daily Hardware Company, 1.46 C. H. & C. H. 6279 The Dispatch Printing company, 2.24 . C. H. & C. H. . 6280 Electric Construction Company, 5.29 C. H. & C. H. o 6281 Field, Schlick & Company, .78 0, H. & C. He 6282 Haskins Brothers & Company, 5.00 0. H. & C. H. _ 6283 J. W. Hulme Company, 2'79` C. H. & C. He 6284 Maendler Brothers, 21'72 C. H. & C. He 6285 Melady Paper'Company, 15.00 C. H. & Ce H. 6286 Northwestern Elec. Equipment Company, 7.87 C. H. &.C. He_ 6287 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 1.43 C. H. & C. H. II 6288 The Skinner Irrigation Company, 5.68 u C. H. & C. H. Rea. 456 Page #2 6289 G. Sommers & Company, 10.58 C. H. & C. H. 6290 St.Paul Electric Company, 3.15 0. H. & C . H. 6291 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, 1.75 ^6292 C. H. & C . H. Western union Tel. Company, 7.50 C. H. &.C. H. 6293 H. B. Whitacre & Company, 1.15 C. H. & C. H. 6294 Wolterstorff Ran*e Company, 8.23 C. H. & C. H. 40.65 �I a Form A A 46,1117-18 CITY OF ST. PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM BY AUDITED 5.EP.._.5......�°�. �........_...--- COUNCIL FILE 457 _ir / TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fol�q}y�ng �ta�Jer} statement: yeas( V ) C uncilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted b e CounciL..._._......tt�r Clay 3EP —6 1718 Far sworth _......_..In favor Approve ._ .......... ._..:.......... ...191_..._._ Gos //'� i.JA ainst Kell r g MAYOR WMV u derlich C. F: xa 2zess— I1$LL Mr. Preside ,Hodgson t be drawn unOn the City Treasury. Payable out of'' thehereinafter eyectfled funde and i. - ^,^. 01 the peraone; time or cor0ora- ,,.r: te aet 0000�fta • �9d In 6295 Joseph H. Barrett, P. Baths 6296 M. Eberhard, Grading Clifford etc. 6297 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, Parks 4,29 .44 2,04 .35 Playgrounds 1,31 .26 P. Bldgs .80 Forestry Revl. 17 .20 Munic. Forest 21 .30 Grads Cutting.40 Employment Bureau 1 .65 - Election .20 Gt. Northern School Fd. .05 Fire 2,44 .29 Health ( Pest House) .50 St. Signs & Zones 10 .25 10,715.59 6298 S . A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, Water 6299 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, Schools. 6300 W. C. Marlow, Sr.., P. Baths 60.00 675.00 10,715.59 10,254.93 4,006.06 400.00 CITY OF AUL -' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM moi. �7�j nr ....................................... ........."......._. COUNCIL Subjedt: - -------- -..... FILE NO ........--------- ------ ....----- ---...... -_ �— \FP ""® 1918 o __........_._._.._._ 191..---' Date Presented....__.._..... F. No. 22627,-13 A.-underllch V6'No the appllcat on of C: MoUonlplto co cture Theatreeat 626 Univar= §tty Ave. be�and t eame hereby is. granted and ttie CItY, Clerk Is tlereby Resolved, ingtructed to le9ud ,such. license ainon tho PhYdrent lnfeatDf It 0 leaeurY of the customarYthe Council Sept. 6, 1918. Adopted bY, - 1918: ADDrovedSept. 6, r9cot. 7-1918). That the application Of H. J. Breilein for a license to conduct a tfotion picture Theatre at 626 University Clerk Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City is hereby instructed to issue such license uiDon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee of x'.50.00. Yeas ( Ij Councilmen ( I) Nays Cl cY F sworth r. G ss ..............In favor K Her1. Against underlich Mr. Presi ent, Hodgeson FORM C. A. 9 314 6'16 - -Ep Adopted by the Cotmcil.,_____ --. _..-__.... _. _.._....191..... SEP — 19'8 ._._191.--_. CITY OF ST, PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subjeft: - - - -- ............:.- -------- -- - ---------------------' ------ 26 -w 8-.3 FILE N 0.....4- Resolved, Date Presentee........SEP:.-�_ a'.�.......191------ That the application of H. J. Breilein for a license to conduct a motion picture Theatre and Vaudeville Theatre at 302 University Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $75-00- C. r No. 22628—By A. Wunaernch•^- Resolved, That .the application of 8I J. Breileln for a license to conduct a iMotion Picture Theatre and Vaudeville Theatre at 802 University .Avenue, be the City Clerk leand the game he, by leby is an I eatruMed to Issue such license upon payment fate the City Treasury of; the customary I'fee, 76.00. u A pted liY the Council Sept. 6,1918. A proved Sept. B. 1918. �. (Sept. 7 -191s) - Yeas (V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Cl cY % Adopted by the Council 191, F mrth 1\J Go s ._.._._....In favor 191._-,. Ke er APPro a ........__ _ ._- ;5 B418 -... 1 Against derlich Mr. Presi nt, Hodgeson MAYOR FOAM C. A. 9 sM 8.18 4611�i CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjeft --------- ----- -- -------- -- --- --- - --- - --- - ------------------------------------------------------------ 22629 COUNCIL MLE No. I -------- --- ------- — Date Presented SE . P 1191...._191------ Resolved, 191 ...... Resolved, That the cigarette License No. 70, which -expires May 6th, 1919, now in, the name of H.W. Johnson, 5th & Viabasha Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to the United Cigar Stores Company of Aa.erica, 5th & Wabas4a Street. F. No. —gyA. WunderIt h R ... lv�d, The, the bigarette 0jL;o,,.1 70.,ame w4ith. In the --PIres 11, 1919. eow Wb h of H' W" n ­p, 5th and I t be and the Cigar Stores _ _ the It., e. CO3Y,p.ny of Ajoerlea, Sth Rod Wababba street. Adopted by the CD�ncll Sept- 5, 1918. Approved Sept. 6, 1918 Yeas (1) Councilmen (V) Nays ClIcy cy Fsworth G G ss In favor K ller _C) Against underlich .a i 1 Mr. Presi ent, Hodgeson FORM C. A. 3M 6.Is SIP -15 Im Adopted by the Council....,___.._ _......._...___._....191_... Approv S F P Lj MAYOR CITY'OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION =GENERAL FORM Subjedt: - -------- ------ - - -- ---- ------ - ----- - ---- ---------------- ------- -------------------- 1— ..................................... COU - NCIL 226,'-3-0 FILEN0........----------------------'---- ------------------- : .................................................. .... . ...... .................................................. Date Presented Resolved, That the Cigirette License 1,0- 73, which ex,ires May 6th, 1919, now in the name of H.T. Johnson, 333 Jackson Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to the United Cigar Stores Comrany of America, 333 Jackson Street. �2jy A. Wund.rl C -1 the CIgArettO 1JcenBe expires n 6th.. 1919,' f n 33 kaon Nr d th 'te ar i ore I tr er f 4rien, 833 bonSept. 6, 1918. Ad ted by. e C11 'led 5 Approved elt7 1918) Yeas (PI Councilmen (V) Nays CIE icy Fa nsworth Go a .In favor Ke ler :21k boW .....0 -Against W nderlich Mr. Presid nt 'Hodgeson FORM C. A. 91144'tO SEP -F PI -P Adopted by the Council — -.. 191..--. ApprovS F P 7 191 ... ............. ........... f MAI 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F— A A 46.2 X 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE .......... sY...... . .................... ........................................ j AUDITED ClCON 7T 459 P P ............ ..... ....... - ----------- ---------------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable Out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor Of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen V Nays — Adopted by the Council_ �' �PV 11 _ Cla/y . ....... -- Farnk/orth In favor Approved......._...._........__._.......... . ..................191.._ -- CV- ........... GV- 0 — ............... Against 4OK14 macou— ,..MAYOR - M . A - Y . 0 . R -..— C. F. No. 22630%— Resolved that wiuti"ts to dm upon the City Tremuty.'payablo out of Mr. ±LQaWs&44Jadgm d, ApI_Ah 6302 Mrs A itz Library 6303 Crane & Ordway, Water Parks Schools 6304 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, Auditorium , 6305 Goodyear Rubber Company, Workhouse Fire 6306 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Library -N. Books Schools 6307 Seabury & Company, Parks 6308 Quality Printing Company, Parks P. Bldgs. Total 236.96 3.81 .52 14.03 18.36 .75 37.13 37.88 3.79 -19#38 83.17 34-.40 14*50 48.90 15.00 18.36 13.90 37.88 83,17 19.75 48.90 CITY OF ST. PAUL C�jjff�� ��}} COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ORM 631 .. _ ................. _ ................... _...... _ ........... 2";", FILENo .......................................... ?y Date Presented ....Sept..._.5tha........ ....1918..... That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby authorized to employ in various Bureaus the following: Carpenters at not to exceed 60¢ per hour. Yeas ( v') Councilmen ( ✓) Nays , V/P�rnsworth I/ sa In favor VkeIler _..Against ��jy'rlioh x Mr. PrEidentAtXIIodgeon FORM C.6-2 C. F No. 22631—By M. N: Re olved, That the Commleslonor of Fubilc Works be and .in- hereby . author-- ized to employ in varloue. Bureaus the following: Carpenters at not to exceed 60 ceate Per hour. Adopted bytheCouncil 9epG 6. 1818. Approved Sept2._ 6, 6, 1818. �1=? - 1918 Adopted by the Council..._.....__..._.._...................._.191........ Approved............_5:-.....:_ 5...1.:,.x...._ __.191........ .. ...... .... .. ... .... .. MAYOR :: Poem A A 46, 2 9 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED ... : �::.....!.....1918.......... 71V i ((jj 4�+� I ' COU\CIL Nu.._�d��J1.».�! FILE lr c n ................ . .................................................... TITLE 460 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the foll$l ipg detailed statement: Yeas ( `/ ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............... ........... Approved .....__:'........... ...:. ....._.__ ...........191 .................___..._. . j Farpet4orth T".........In favor ........... T/ r Against ctlnq...:.. Atarox_ meftit Mr. htesit nrff7o gson C. F. No. 22631%— Revolved that warrants be draw-& upon the.cIfy Treasury, Dayayyle out 01 the heretaafter .Decided fundeand tp' favor of the person.. Arms or ioo ndrIn [love for the amount. .et opDoelte, their reepecttve names ae .peclGed In the following detailed. statement: , 8. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, j E41.60. Adopted by the Counetl Sept. 6, 1918. Approved Sept. 6, 1918. (Sept 14-1918) 6309 So A. Farnsworth, Com1r. Finance Public Bathe To tal S 41. 50 43,50 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 226-132 PILE NO– ------------- ---------- ------- ---------- Date Presented..........5�..../..V...............191.... Resolved, That the City Clerk Is hereby authorized to employ two clerlato assist in the preparation for the fall election at a rate not to exceed Three Dollars (03.00) per day, to be paid out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund. Yeas ( Pj Councilmen ( V) Nay V Clancy I"Farnsworth Goss l� ✓1{eller (� / McCall. Mr. PfestIMIT"nO gson DORM O. A. 9 3M 8-18 C. F. No. 22832 -By 9. A Farnsworth neeolved, That tho Clty C1prk 1s'. hereby authorised. to'employ'two clerks to aesietin the.. preparation for 'the fall', election ata Tate notto exceed Three Dollars ($3.00)'; pee -;day; to bepaid out. of the, Electlan Expense Account. of the General Fund. Adoptedaby-the Council Sept. 8. 1918. Approved. Sept. 6, 1918,: (Sept.: 14-1918)__ s Adopted by the Council..._ ........... 191..._. Approved_..... ..._..................._................. ..191.... In favor Against --A.Otjng MAYOR 1rVV' r r Y Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Forest Cemetery Association, renewing the lease made an entered into on the 15th day of 19ovember, 1916, by and between said Association and the City of St. Paul, as to Lot 3, of Moorets Garden Lots, for a public dump, for a period of one year from the expiration of said lease. V, Yeas ( d) Councilmen ( V) Nays Far*Oo';th C4� �...In favor hwull' ..... 0.....Againat �cri 1oh Mr. Preaidmt45** Hedpon FORM C.9-2 Adopted by the Council........`_......_...................._......191._....: Approved._ 191 t..... eunn Mwvo COUNBy CIL IiE I�Q .__.__--•— r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving . Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits. costa and expenses for grading of Dudley Ave. between Chelmsford fat. and Cleveland Ave. oppgpyjN6 B81[IDNTB. I' .F. No. 0. 23834 -By S• M Farnaw rth; C, =tie.' matt costa=: and yen c' adfn6 of Dydley Ave'• metord .S[.- and Ctr.' •rte-r�nrS �'qP. under Preliminary Order ...1.51.QS.... ....... ....... ....... ......._......_, Intermediary Order ..1.81.44. .................. _...._...., Final Order .......1.866&..__......._........_.__.....__...._.. approved... -Sept ...... lB.th.r._............ ........_.._.._., 191.._'Y._ The assessment of ._.._benefits.._C_06t_B_._8n4_e]CpenBe6 for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVER,F�7 � T ERa public hearing be had on said assessment on the _...... �...6.t1i_.... ...... ....... day of ��-1, That 4Gahar- 191.._B_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as requir by fthe Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, th 1 cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom 'the ne irected. I �. Adopted by the C19 L.._..._ . I vY-: t..yCU1_i..L ' a'City Clerk. Approved ......... _--- ..... ------ .__.... _..................... 191 r .J.........................._.............._...._..... �9 Mayor. Councilman Far$.y✓orth PUBLINWD , tilc,p�iad Clancy •. K er � .. _Use" VwatfdE�C1r lYlaytoa.laTi% ' Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191....__. In the matter of the assessment oMTef ite. costa and_ exp.ensg& the .grading of Dudley Ave, between Chelmsford St. andCleveland Ave . ___-___..-... }ander Preliminary Order......._1.52.U.&.._Intermediary Order .3.._..� _ .4........._......._._._.........._. Final Order ..._ --1.f}.0_._..___......._....__..._......_, approved ..._._g.�31.•....1..$th*............___......_..._......._., 191....7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - oCost of publishing ntice - - - - - - - - - - - $..... ...._... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--...__........_.._• 9 ...... 67.38 Inspection fees - - - - - • - - - - - - - $._...�...._... .._........_.. 2,40 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-..---... --............... ---...... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $.. 2,930. .. 86 ---- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_2+.Q_�., 86__. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. d Commissioner of Finance. F- masa-s COUNCIL,FILE IJP..-- _ 222 6'—'.'5 CITY OF ST. PAUL-' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Doane Street from Raymond Ave. to Columbus Ave. C. F. 1Qo 23836 BY ,.}lr.�.�. ro the matt r f. U costa ani under Preliminary Order __1_8624.__.....__.__ ........ .... _...... .., Intermediary Order_19!I.iQ....-......... _.... ......- .... ............. ....._...... I Final Order .... ._..._......_1.9.62+.0--.._. ..... ....... ........_, approved.....D.e.Gemb9r....l7.th,......._...._....._.... 191......7..... The assessment of b.ene£.it.e coet.s....and... axpenaes ........... and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....-1.5.th._........_......day of October ........... 1918_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed_ - - N Adoptedby the Council .._....._..._......_ .............. .......... _......._................I 91 _ _....... r� .............. City Clerk. Approved....... - ..... ..... ... ..... ...... -.... _............................. _.191......... / �� //� _............ .................._ ..._�ettn4 ---. Mayor. Councilman Famrth ry c� >� >� >bmYimd�c Clansy KSW.r McColl Wunderlich Mayor*RkK Hodgson. Form B. B. 16 . „-�.�-•-- ------ CIF S1'. YAlrar ��� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT a y.._........_ 191. benefits, costs and exile �� e In the matter of the easement of _ ............ .......... .......... ___.._._,,._.._.............._._._. _�Ta.dia......... ander Preliminary Order ..___....1.652.4-.....__.._._..._.__��, Intermediary Order..._1.9AaD......._.._.............._.......________..__., 19820 _,aPPmved....._December 17th.,.......__...._...____..,191.._.. Final Order----_._....._�._......_. _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, via.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $__2-.-2N.” 0.4_...... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $----....._._ 19 1.02 Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - -$----....__...._.................... 44.00 Inspection fees - ffi.—.._.......__.._.........._....... Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.... ........._...... _2.._56._.... .. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $ _2.,_248._78._..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_2�24e =g - upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. fan B. S. A. 8-9 2261'j'6 COU CIL FI NO.__......_.�� 1 '$ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. ' for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading alley in Block 63, Banning and oliviers Addition. C. F. No. aaeas—By ri'• Inb.neat.,gtcost. ter r and grnd,.I nlley In Blo..; ( ., and Olivier'. Additle, '=,.,ry Order 1811` 18210, Final ..t 18119 18210 _.__.., under Preliminary Order......._!P119.. ............. Intermediary Order ....................._.._..._._...._..._........_.............._..- Final Order_____..1_.T..$......_....__........... .__......_., approved .....___......S.ept...._l8thl..__......._.._... 191......%. The assessment of b .. ................for and in connection with _.e net'_�t..e.,_c.Q.lst_s....a.nd....sap.ane.as....._......._....... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _......I- Ath..........._.._..day of October ................... ...... ......... 191.._8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ...................... House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JF 'r! Adoptedby the Council .......... ......_....._........_............................. ..... ..........._.191.__...._.. +_....V.._FU.LLZ:...`......... City Clerk. . ....._ x.... { ncttng .... ..., Mayor. Approved....... _._................. I Councilman Farvorth 191......... G� L . Clancy K er PPLL Form B. B. 16 191......... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of _benefits. cost a and.-_expen%#We _�rading_of........... _..... alley in Block 63 Banning and Oli•risrs.._Add;tion,_..............._._.._.........._.._.__..___......_...._........_._........ under Preliminary Order......_$11.9__..._...._----- _------ — Intermediary Order _.1.8210........_ ......................._. . Final Order __ 1.8668 ..._.__............... ..... ......1 approved ........_$ems .._....$t _..... _., 191...._7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......_.....1.4.9-95......_ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - ffi— --- -- -'_89 Cost of postal cards - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $- — - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - _ $_ .................._1-._36.-.__._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 1b2.64_.--._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finauce. Form Ek S. A. S-9 COUN FIL f -- 226:7 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits Costs and exp for � ansae constructing a sewer on Hewitt Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs Sty C. F.aNO. natter of beneflt', coat' and e tru t1m; Feu% Lrom Aaml3ne Ave. to Preltg g*y 19 rd^ under -Preliminary Order...l-9.49.2..._........................................., Intermediary Order......._..]..Q.7-$......._.._.._............._.._.....-- - Final Order ._...._2._U.].21 approved January .4.th,._................... a 3r_ 1 .. The assessment of.._.b.enef'-t.sy......CO.at.B....all(1..... _. exjl.en8.es.--- ....._--- .._..--------- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment onthe........15tI7._.._..._-...day of OCt Ob eT 191 _ $ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............................... Approved Councilman Fa swarth 14WW Clancy Kaller VAu deriich Mayor-�NE•$4'Ri�'�73"n Form B. B. 16 ��-.i--l:.:. r_ City Cleric. 191......... CtII.lr(..'_��GI G fP Aattna ....... ......_..._..____-- Mayor. ��/�/s CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.._... In the matter of the assessment of ._benefits costs and expen the—construct.i.on..._...... of a sewer on liewit_t__Ave._fr_om_liaml_ine___Ave_..- lt�Gr_igg_e...-_Street...................................... under Preliminary Order......3-1w.___........Intermediary Order _...10B3._ ................... ____ ......._.........., Final Order.__ ....20128_..__. _,approved .._.._.._._Januery-_1-414,. 1918.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - _ $ 4, 27 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-----......_3.66 83. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 $........_......._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - _ $ ................._9 ,15 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....._4.,_272. 52 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form h. S. A. A� COUNCIL FILE NO.-..---. 41 � 226:)M ,rM By � CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving alley in rear of Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, in Block 9, Whitney and Smiths Addition, from Fifth St. to Sixth St C. F. No. 22688—SY 3. A. Farnsworth— ' In the'. oY the asaeesment heneRt., ..at. and expenses for grad- ing and paving alley In ear of i.oto 1 d Smitheto 6 y Addition., in from Fifth St. ! eY an 91xth St. under Pre]1^ -. Y Order Intermediary O`, [9210, appr!;,, 0' under Preliminary Order .................. 175.7_Q. ................. .................., intermediary Order .... .... _...... _........... ............... ......_. Final Order ..__....._1_931.Q- ............ ............................ . approved.._.._..._...B.o.Y.a_...2 Qth}._...__....._..._........, 191 -7. -- The assessment of ......._...1?.9I1.@ .i...8...._Q.Q.s...s ..> .n ...._Q 8n-R1ag—..........._...........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............15th......_ -._.day of Oct_ober........_._._...__...., 191 ___8.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council..........._....._y...._.......... ..... _....... _..... .._....__..........191 ........... . _..._._.......i..14ar ...5✓ ._l^ "1L_._. City Clerk. Approved.......... -.__..._...______.... _.................. 191 UCr......... ........ .... .._........ _....... _ nS2__- Mayor. Councilman FajpgOf orth Owe d '" "11 Clancy K t Wunderlich Mayor.J�6lgee°n Form H. H. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. 'REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _......_._c_.._Y._.........._..._, 191.1 benefits,coete and expenseg In the matter of the assessment of . ....... _............_..........___..__....._....._......................... __. for the__Z.r.4_dA_n9.._3.>'Id......._.... _Whitney..& Smi_the___Additi_on�.__from Fifth__St,-.._t-o.._S_ixth_._S. ..... under Preliminary Order ....._._....12.5.20. ..... ... - ........ ___, Intermediary Order—....__.1fl934.............. Final Order._._ 19310..___._.._._......._. _.._....._, approved _..........._Nov.'.20thL ........... _... ... ................ , 191-1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-169.8.._.54......._... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - _ - - _ $----._.!.00 ........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--.... ........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—...--.—_._..............._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $_..... ._......... 1-,_50,,,,,,,,..„ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__11-91,49- t,44_ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Ferro 13. S. A. " COUNCIL`Fil E NO.___..-.._ 226.o, Br- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for curbing St. Anthony Ave. from Dale St. to Chatsworth St, C F. No. 22639—gy S, A, Farneworth— In the matter of. the assessment of I beneatscosts and eapenseefor.curb- Ing 9t. _Anthony Ave. -from Dale St. to Chatsworth St. under Frellminary Order 3834. Intermedtary.Order 6268, - --_Final Order 6929, approved- "� - —1-.nt of bso t in i under Preliminary Order...___3834 ................ _.._.... ..._._..._........... Intermediary Order._....$$fi$.............__._......._......._..__.._..._.._, Final Order.........._51 28._..__.._.._..._...._...._.._.......... approved....___8.@Rt........r1.t1]i_........................_.___..., 1916...._ The assessment of_...._...b@F?Q�_.R.,_....4o.S�.a_anddXperisas........_..._......_._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment. satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... a�1�iA_...__.._.day of 191_... ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council.-.... _.... _...................... .......................... _.............._..191._;_..._. City Clerk. Y Approved _..... Aat1aH ............ _..... _.__.........._._..... Mayor. i Councilman F" orth \ /r >>ormik- Clancy ! .• aV4enderMlrh Form B. B. 16 CITY -OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ................... _.__, 1914___ benefits, costsi4nd expentes In the matter of the assessment of — _- ...... _.._.-....._................ ........... _....... ..— for the...9.0r..b.inZ___Qf..... _..... _....... ..__Axik>.olaX._.A4e.—fr.om....ele t_eworth St..................... ...._..... ....... _.._............. ... ._._......_...... under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order ...6268._ .......... _. Final Orderapproved ..._98P.t _...7th.,._.......... _...... _...._._......_......_..., 191.._.0 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: St of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $___26.58.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - _ _ _ - _ - - $13.79 Ooet of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_..._._11.._82 ............ _ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.-.`03._15 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - _ _ - -._29.55 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._2766_.. 32 _..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.._.2766.32___ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Paan S. S. A. 9=9 Petition Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2264 and t- PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Ccnetz=.t...a...cement.._tile...aida3WIIE-.t.a--a...wilth...OY....Six-. &G.t .cm the...e.outh jr.=.:Dalin*..A9e....... to...Albext...SSt...;...iu...e6amoxdanoe .with. gett.9?...ke�CB.trQ...>ti.G9hQ.$.s................................................... .... .......... .............. Dated t}ds..........6tb . day of ......... ..... ..... Septembar................. ............ ............ 191....8. I ......................... l rnn>ar,rsuxAax oxt• •:;coo. 22040-- - - Councilman. A wrltt n arc ti t the '.Ilowln PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................ Conatruet...a.oemeat.:.til.e...sit em1k:.-to-..a..W-Uth...of Six—feet ...on...th.a..south e do....o ._P.Qx��Azad..�1to...:. xam.:HaTA]axle...Ave ...._to...Albert ....St. _ ....................... --............................ _........................................ .............................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..-... .. ..................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eAtimated colt of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;... .................................... ............................. 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tI . . ratters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...:......................................................191........ Yeas: Nays: SEP _g 19;8 CouncilmanFarn orth Go Clenoy l � Kell � M a F— CA 13 (6M 4.17) _ Approved................................ ......................191........ ........��.......................................................... AotiMayor. c. b.'xo. aasst—sv nr, x. u. Whereas, Cerleo¢ & 8a¢d tractors for the gr¢ding, cur�rli�, N E R A L FORM C O U N walker .steps, terracing and sod . h'ulham ' from Como Ave.. W.. Riendon Ave. fiave been prevents ���� completing the central boulevar - yond the work 59 clthe coat - - �_ SubJedt: - gond the control o[ the cont COUNCIL whlch clrculnetancee. Fire O.."""" a contract tet thy_' .... _,-... .............................." ......................... �� Date Presentedjjt.emb.er...6191.10 ����-���-- MIMS, Carlson & Seadquist, oamtraotors for the ggra g gpfrom ourbing, sidewalks, steps, terracing and sodding Of FulhamCosec Ave. West to Handon Avee, have been prevented from completing membMa the central the control OUd boulevardof the Portiora,fwhlahthe woircumetanoesork bsare othat 08 ®there 1s a contract let for the construction of a sewer on the abovo described portion of Fulham Street, and `HEW'Ag, The contractors have completed, to the Satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the remainder of the work, and that upon said contract the con have been 821i00�dwithholding fromatOB by Commissioner of Public Works aggregating , said contractors the sum of $609.60, Bud WHEREAS, T he said contractors will be prevented from completing the remainder of the work until such time as above mentioned sewer $ shall be built, and it is not therefore fair or just that the said contractors should be kept out of the entire balance of the eaCouncil until the remainder of said improvement is completed, sad the Council is of the opinion that the withholding of the sum of $100.00 reserve and the sum of X214.08, which sum is the anticipated coat of uaoompleted work, will fully protect the City on said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVEDS. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direoted to audit, in addition to the estimates heretofore allowed, the sum of $295.67. SEP —6 19`8 _191.__ Yeas ([I Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council,_..._.._............ _..._ t claucy SEP -'ti 1918 4-orth Approved.._.._.._........... - .......191. '... (Z In favor Goss -- {eller . Against Qi( (ij,� , ...... _.......... --.. ..-..... P ACLtIIO MAYO,�/ PUBLIC— / U FORM C A. 9 3M 0.18 X26 'r COUNCIL FI�jE� G ..................... �1,y — By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Reconstructing, relayinC and repairing the cement tile Inthe Matter of .................. ............................... .................... ---------------- I ............................................ ....................... ----------- ideW...alk.-.1.4...a..w7gktt._.#e.et-...o.n.-.thP...aR.uth..dide..aP...Gollege...�ae. ........... rnm...We.st...Tenth.,St......then-ce...vi-est..-L7.0..feet,_..and...o..jt.he...noath....side-..af--Test _Tenth.. jt.e....f rom., Col.l.e.ge...A.4e .... t e: 49e... east.. 9.0 fv_et..,........I.......................................... .......................................................................... C. F. N........_..................................................................................................---- '.In the tinder Preliminary Order...................2.20Q ei, ew"::....'."..approved .._... - JuI.Y....1.1......19i 8.---............-------......... u eX" The Council of the City of St. Paul having-recely«d the repo4 of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, la iieby'resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature, of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... ......... R.eCoh_et rue t.....Z-�la.y and repair_ the.. -cement .... tile_._sidey+al.k to a width..of...ei.ght._ feet on th e south side College... Ave. from wr st Tenth 3t'. (,hence west 170 feet ..................... .. _.and on the north side of..!trest Tenth St. from Colle.�e_Ave. __.thence ..........._... . east 90feet. .... .....--_... .._- _........ - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .. _ O .A 7 --per square f o of . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 12 ... t1? ....... _.........day of October191. .R.; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, jjpd, the�+otelacost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_. ............. ...._ - _ _. __ ..... 191 Approved 191.__. Councilman FdKsworth Councilman qo Councilman d h Councilman Ver Ccaneilman McColl-, Coancilman~ Wunderlich Mayor-- Ferm B. S. A. B-6 .� .... "7......... .. i,�..� .stir Ci e .. ttn% a or. PUBLL9Yi� ` / \ q, �� 2 6>I r. COUNCIL FILE NO—_ .................... ---------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........Rconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement t ile ......................_.------------------------------..............................- -..................................... sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the south side of College Ave. .... - ............. -......._............._............._.........._.._................... ............................---....._.................................------- from West Tenth St. thence east to St. Peter St. ....- ....................__...........__..... - ........... ............__. _.._... __.._._....._................_.... .......................... ..................... _...._..__......... ....._..._.....__..__......_ ....__.-_....._..._..................._..........._.............................................................. sidewalk to' the —th id .. ..... .. .. .. ... ... ................ We -.-...-. ...... 2026, approved July 1,..,5 ... ....... .......................................................... t St. under [ 17ounell of the C 22026 �fved the m��. e JULY 11, 1?18. under Preliminary Order ............................... ; Ftnnnee sped ..............._.......... �l�rth The Council of the City of St. Paul having receive'dthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Reconstruct, relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the .................. ..................... ._ ... ............. .................................................................. ........................--.................................... _.._,.south side of College Ave. from west Tenth St. thence east to St. .... _ _.... _...... ..... . ... ................. .............. Peter St. -- _ _.............. ..... - ... ......................... --..................._.__..__._....................-...._......_.... ...... ... .................. ...._..........-.._......_._.......__....._._.._......__.._._...............__............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.......11th .................day of October 191_8..', at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. q. Adopted by the Council.....E...... .3__ ...._._ ..... 191. Approved r �, : '._�� .. 1 191..... Councilman Faa'iisworth Councilman Artdss Councilman V4ii;md Councilman WIfer ��. Onuneil�ea-11ice`oll �. ev anciiman-Wwn-derlich Mayor , i Form B. S. A. 8-6 J;7 Mayor.- PusLI9lT�_�J 7 ( 226,111_4 C...19 ...' �u��a By.....................'...................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Reconstructi_ng,_-..relaying, and rep�:i_ring.._the.-cement tile sidewalk to a width o£ eight feet on the east side of Main St. from .-----........ -"-------------------------- ...... .......................................................... '---............. WestTenth St. .............. __...... -- ----- ...... ____.-_....__.._............................................_._.......... -- _...................... .._.._............_.......... ................. _..._._...__._..............................---.....__... ...................... ._.._... Ins ana.. sidewalk t to a w. .. ................................................................................ the east side of Ivffout...... ..---------- .............. ................. ................... .......... Tenth at. thence 8o rder .> -. der d July lth,ary 18. - Th. Council 11th 1918 - - .. .. ....... .. . "'- '-""" - -' ""' '- - The Cquncn of the Ctrt 22022 Vh, received F tae report of,;_41y 11th 1918. imssioneF of Finance _. . -..- .... . < under Preliminary Order................................... Improvemegt. and - - The Council of the City of St. Paul having rerefvea tne`report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , ?: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-.Re..t......c...on._.s..truct.........._rel ................... ay..... ...and_-_repai.r the cement tile sidewalk to a ridth of eight feet on the e.set..-e.id.e..o.f..Yair.-.St._..£rorr_VFest--_Tenth_St.._.--thence south 208 feet. _... _. __._ _.. ... . .............- _.. ...... ----- __..... - ......... _ . _. - _...... ._. __ ..... _ .... .......... ._-_... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is C) .1.0-7 pe_r square foot. ResolvedoPurther, That a public }fearing be had on said improvement oft the_ _l lth day of October. 191..0.__-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvent, and tahe total cost thereof as estimated T, Adopted by the Council ... __... __ _ _._ __-, 191 �f Approved 191__- • �// iCit rk j G. -, AAttnp Ma, or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman gnss 0 Councilman *00-1 Councilman eller Coutimbnan MceoH Counciimarr- itailtThch Mayor"[iis" y Form B. S. A. B-'�2 V I COUNCIL FILE NO.. /f ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile Inthe Matter of.. ................................ _...... .._............-- ...................----......--------......................-----.......... sidewalk to a width of six feet on the west side of Forest St. from ......................................................... ....................._........._.......................-----._.......... .............................. a.po.int...224.-fee,t.... outh...of.- 7e1_ls...St- thenoz.e...99utki_.4.0...fe.et......_......_............... _.._.-._....._... __...... ___ _...— _._..__. -_...__..._........_._._.....:........._........................ sw Forest St. :lh of W R' a: 21995 T ul.y lo, 1918. under Preliminary Order......................................................approved ._............... ...._._..._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........Reconst_uat.,.relay and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the _....._._......_.._.............._.-.................._............................._............................................................................-•-; •........... ---w.est._s.i.de...of-..F.o.rest...St.....from.a...Ro.1.Ilt---- 2.2.4...fe.et...s—QlAMI..91.3.elle 2t..... th- ..........................._.........__ ........_...................-........ --.. ......... .......... .... .......... _.. - ..... ........... _._... _.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 0-07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... _.11th day of ------------------ October... 19L.....8 -at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. —11 Adopted by the Council .. _:P ._.. __ .. ..... 191_._.. . 7 1 ;I a Approved _...__. - _.... __ ...._. , 191... . Councilman65aarnsworth CouncilmbeUoss /J r Councihnag-i�3 ) Councilmpe'Keller Conncilmaa-�4e@eil --0eaac"Wfi7f�r�i� Aiaym; Y Form B. S. A. 8-6-6 �I_ J/ .... l ity C.... — • v Mayor. 1,17 S 2126 S COUNC9E�...........------------- ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Reconstructing, relayin; and repairing--the.--ceme.nt...til_e.... sidewalk to a width of six feet on the west side of Hope St. beginning -------------------- ........._..---..._..._..........._........_...._.............................................................._.................. - .......... 64 feet north of Seventh St. thence north 18 feet. .................................. ------...........__..........._..._............................__.._......__...................--..._ ...... ..................._.......... ................................ 1 `. No. 22646—BY. S. A. F1 ............._......._....._...__.._........... ..... .._�..,�atter of rec netruct...................._......._----..._............................__.. r widthOfetz t of HODe St. be, ' ................................................................................................ n[ Seventh ct.g2................................................_........................ ..... .............................. ..................................................................: '.'.......................... .........._.............._.................... ........ 22017 .................a roved .....July..11, 1918....... ..............- under Preliminary Order........._ ........................ PP _.-... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Reconstruct, relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ and repair the .cement._tile_.sidewalk..to.-.a..wi,.dt.�..p.f--.t3i,x.-.feet....nr>_..the west- si.de...of..Hop* ..St. ...begi.nni.n.g-S.2_.fe-et...no-rth-of--se-vehth Stir --thence ........ ...nar-th...18...feet.................... .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0.•0.7__pe,x_square foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... _llth.......... __..__.-day of October. .................--.........1�.• at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the . _..... Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. _..":;2.. _•.'; _ _ .1. 191 Approved.... . CouncilmebvFarn sworth Council n"Goss s Counc' n �i�td Z; ai Counc1 : Keller t� Form B. S. A. 8-6 rk. A ett o Mayor. PUBLIS —/�/ COUNCIL FILE NO.._.---........................ ------------ INTERMEDIARY ----- --INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..i?econstructinq rela/ing and repairing_.the.,-cer7gnt..,tilr _____ sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Winona St. ......... --.._._................................................_........_.........................._............................... ........................._............._...-- beginning 60 feet east of Manomin Ft. thence east 26 feet. - ........ ........ ..._.......... ................. --. c. F. No. 22647—a In the Matter of 1:,. ............................................................................... Ing and repairin.-:-.......... .................................................................. .......... sidewalk to a width -. south side of Wlnor.. .._..__.._......____._..__..__...._..........................._:'..::n feet east of Man,'........a...................................... .................................. „! 26 feet, under, Y.: approved 'T yq ♦F+ .................................................... ...................................:.......... . .:.—.,................................. _............... 22019 July 11, 1918. under Preliminary Order .......... .................-.. ................approved .-....- ..._.................. ____ ..._............... ---------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....iieConstT.uCi,-,._x and repair the cement tile sidewalk to sa widtl of six feet on the _......I..................._.................._.._................._...................._........_............_.._.._............. _........ ........................................... south side of Winona St,beginning 60 feet east of Manomin St•thence _ ._ _.. - .............. ........................................... east 26 feet. ............................... ......_ _.. . _ _.. _.. __.- --- ....__.. __... _........._ _. ............ .. ......... ............. ............ ......_ ..._.._...... _. ......_....... . 0.07 per square foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. _ _.._........_ _. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile.____1-1-t.h........-.....day of VCtOber 19.18'.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._.__ .;. - -. _...._._..Y.._ ...., 191......... j' Approved ................. ..................... . 191..... / y Cler Aeting Mayor. CouneilmV,F'arnslyorth (� Councilmen (loss Couneilwa6-1- Councilgwd'Keller D 1 r ElattiseilmEn-f4rcivii -MayaF�J� Form R. S. A. 8-6 bf7A!� coul•1cIIyILE�";tn._ .........................� �y.............. ....-:Q�y.�..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ............ Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile .......................................................................................... sidew.lk...to_ a..width_.o.f six feet on the.south side of Laurel :4�e begi.n..ning 371 feet.e-st of Victoria St. -._thence east 75 feet. C. F. No. 22646—By S. A. Far s. ................... .. ........ ............ .. ....� In the Matter of recons[ ucU g,.. ......... .-....... ......... ......... ; ng —d repairing the .—r- ,al r - walk to a width of ais fe" ... .......... ......... ..........-................................................mouth side of Laurel Ave. b-.,... ....... .................................................... .... 1;-1 feet east., --tor: =t 76 feet ...........................................................................................!•n0.. ...............t d,v.:................................................................ under Preliminary Order ........................ approved....._........Tuly...1.1.,....1918.x..._.........------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Reconstruct, relay ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is.....................Reconst and repair the cement tile aidewal'� to a width of six feet on the _._.... ................._....-.................._...--........ - .------------------- ....................................................................................... ... south side of Laurel Ave. beginning 321 feet east of Victoria St. _.._.._..__..... __.. ........_ __....._......... ..... .................... ... thence east 75 feet. _.._...-- 1.._.._...I ................... .... ......_.............. -............ ..... _..........._................ ....... ...... _........__.....__.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ . 0,.0.5 1).e I' square fo of . 11th Resolved Further, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the -._ ..._ ._.._ ....._.day of ....................... -..Q.ato.b.er...._ . . -., 191 e, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the parsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imprnvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..._ ...................... _ ..... ..... 191 ---- Approved.................= -` i..;....^......._, 191........ Councilman FaVwdow"arth Councilman Oegs o Councilman i�iad 6 Councilman peer 1 G un e h Mayer—r Form B. S. A. 8-6 ....... 1. .... ...... � i rk. ...... .... ..........._....... Aettn.^ Mayor. pti;7BUS0 f =— COUNCM FILE NO .......... ................ By... .....%....� .Citi ............................ ! L, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the cement tile - ..._............................................_..... - -' ....._.....---.............................._.............................. sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Jenks St. beginning .................. _........ _.... .... _...._..................................................................................... 134 feet :+rest of Arkwright St. thence west 80 feet. .._. _ . _ ._.__.._ .......... ............................................................ ........_............................................. ............... ............_....................................... ........................ --- cy . No. In the 11— ..- .... .__..........__ _.__... _........... _.... ing and rel. __.............. ............................ .............................. ................. sidewalk to a ` __... ... the south Bide of . ............................................ est80 134 feet .wofu _......... __ : ,.once 'eat ­ eat feet................................................................ 22013 ^rd= .83013.-P>--: July 11, 1918. under Preliminary Order ............... .................................. .:.._�_;• .F _;...._...__....._...._._.................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the sport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..." econstruct, relay _.........._......._............ and repair the. cement tile sidewalk to___a--1,idth--of six--feet-.-on_-.the .......... south side of Jenks St .beginning 134 feet west of Arkwright St. _.._ _.. _ _--------------------- . .................... thence..Me.o.t._84... fee.t.,.._......................... --.__.._.._.._....--........... ....................... __. ..................-_._ ...... _. _ .............. _ ............... ............. __.. ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 11th P g P _. -.-.._._.day of _..............._Ootober__..-___... , 191 8•., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - mg, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._..._`: Approved...................................... _...... ./.�....//._....... ..... .�{......1::!: ;...-C....rk._... ............, 191......... .. �✓( J ity Cl . l �ottn,, Councilman Farn�Svorth Mayor. Councilman (ks's PUBLL9UjW_, Councilman Vpiliisd Councilman ILeller -eounriimatr-McColl err tomrcffirr -Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 rygkS 226 0 COUNC FILE._...._......._........... BCi: :•.sc�..i% ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile In the Matter of...__......................................................... .. .............................................................. ........-----....-----....... sidewalk to a width of six feet on the east side of South Robert St. - ............................. ......... __......_. _..._...._.._._................._.......... ................................................................... beginning go feet south of Concord St... -thence .south___40 feet....._,_ ................. .. ... . ............... ................ .................. ......................I C. F. No. 22860—H9 & A F In the 2Ratter o[ reconatrn's' .. ..................................... .............. Ing and repatring th, ns ........................................ . ...........................I e�dewalk to a w1i'. ....... the -east elde of – ginning go othet 'I ... .......................................................... . , .. �r............. ................ .................................... ............................... under Preliminary Order................... 1988..................... .approved ....._ -_-J.u.1.Y 19..,...1.9.1.F................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .....Reconstructing, ..........I ............................ relaying and repairing the clement tile sidewalk to a width of _ ............ ...... ............._.................. ..... _._............. ... _.................... ........................................ -- ------- ----- .._six feet on the east side of South Robert St., beginning 90_.feet. — .... _......._. _. ... south of Concord St. thence south 40 feet. _ ....._...... _.__......_.....__..._._........._._.._....._ .........................................-.-_..--.__........._......_...__......_.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.___.O.Ll.7...per. square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... .... ...11th..__.._.day of October 191 �' , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated CCD _t Adopted by the Council._.-- I 191..... � ar Approved..........................................191---.._ Councihnao,Farnsw orth Councihlwl�t}oss Councih�eWAiprd /v Council>ggpif Keller Cuuaeilmaa.�4aG:u11 ,h Form R. S. A. 8-6 �..•.t'.,� UL ' ..._ .... ... .- .....0 ........ '.uttnq Mayor. Pus�ts� I� �% ,.1 COUNC F�jhEr+............................. z _ y< 6(11 :c—/4 �.............. - .-._lt�. .....---......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- .... Reconet_ructing,-..relay,i,ng--and-_r; ,Airing sidewalk....to....a...isidth...o.f....cix fle.e.t.-.an... the ..-weal----sides.--of--.Q-hin...-------- the following ldcations: Beginning 136 feet south of SxdneY-_St.-------:-- thence south 10 feet and from a point 32 feet farther south, thence ........... ..................... ............................................................................................................................ .................................... ... south 10 feet. Ic.F-No. 22651—Br s.A I In the Matter a re confit - .......................................................................'--........ and rePalrinB the e. - .............................................................. pe — . ridewalk to a Id It w o -, west elde of OhSt glocations:e n1 SSdn..-- - under Preliminary Order. -......220 23 ................. ...........approved ? ::...Jilin ll,_.__ 1918 ................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.RPconstruot, relay and repair the cement ti le side..valk to a width of six feet on the _ .._ .......................... ........ ............_....-............. ....... ... ............................ side of Ohio St.at the following locations: Beginning 136 feet south of Sydney St. thence south 10 feet and from a point 32 feet ............ ..._............ ... . .. ........... ................. farther south, thence south 10 feet. _ ..... . ...........__ .. -- ......... ._.._..._ . ..... .. .................... ---__.,.._................... ...................... _ ...._... Per....._........---------- ............................ ............ 7 with no altWmatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._0......_0....!i._-..._...aquare foot... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........10 th y da of October 191...8.', at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council't::'. ......, 191........ .............................................. Approved ... ....... :: .- - ._ 191........ t f I k / '..ring M yor. Councilman Farrorth Councilman G ss Coull4ihman A$4�Ld�-__y Councilman Willer Y/ Oauaei3ersa''69vadealiaL Meyo p -/ti,, Form B. S. A. 8-6 w AK COUNC Fffi�� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ..xel4yixiz grAL-repairi.ng the ai=ent-.St". - walk to a width of six feet on th -,.n-)r S --froza .............. . .... ... ..... .......... th iiile af Imabel , t South Robert qt thence east 114 feet ......... .. ...... C. F. No.22662—By-s. A Fame".... .... . . ........ A. I. the Matter of r.e..s, C. F. No. 22562—BY —1,—Ing and rePa1d1,1h19.ftb.e1s11-1t1l W Yee d -------------- .......... ........................ ......................... .............. in the Matter of re f - as ing, and rePMA.'th walk - of d! northtBide Of Isabel .. . .. ....... .................... .............................. Robert St. thence e.d.,-,, Preliminary Ord-. o, ,8 -ly 10, 191 ................. ----- - - -- --- * ----------- --- -------------------- 21983July 10, 1918. under Preliminary Order .............. .............. a p p rV.4e d . ................................................................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Ront ec sc.t re qy._ .. ............ru..... .. ...... 1 and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ......................................................................... .................................................. ............................... ..................... ................... north side of Isabel St. from South Robert !:zt, thence east 114 feet. . ............... I .......... .... .. --- .............. ................ ............................................................................ - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0 -07 -per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 1 . 0 . th _day of October 191 e, , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council. 191 Approved. ... ........... 191. City . .. . .......... .. ... .... ........ wottnv Ma r- Councilaped Farnsworth Councipfan Goss Counc4mlan Keller Form B. S. A. 8-6 61 PUBLmrm MbEJ �1� 1 COIINCIL FILE NO .......................... I INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Rec.gnstrugting,_.__relaying---and-._reg n,..tre.-,c.ement---U,1je...... af...six_feet_.o.n..the...bo.th..ai.des... nf...Samline.—Ave..._...... from Thomas St. thence south to alley. _...._................... ................................. ............... ----------------- - ........................ � C. 10. No. 22603—BYp:,._..... ..................... ..................................... ..-------- ....-------------------- In Lhe Matti¢ o(ring �ii��. inK and ➢n wt,;y r ..................................................................tP�.�eWeth.eld Ses of =.... �. L nhenc� -_ under Preliminary Order..... 220.10....................................approved .......Suly_11,._.1318..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered'to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Reconstruct, relay and repair the cement tile sidewalkto a width of six feet on the ....................................................................................... .......... ................. .................................................... both sides of Hemline Ave. from Thomas St. thence south to alley. ........................... _........._.........._............... .......... ...............................................— ............................... ............... __ . .......... _ . ......... ...... .......... _...... _ ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.05 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-__ _. loth- ........._..day of .......--.- ....... "t O?Xt A.-....-. -_ _.. , 1918 • , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council, ------------ ------- .._..---- 191 Approved .._..... 191..... Councilman Farngtvorth Councilman los's p Councilman �d 6 Councilman Miler Can MB. S. ..18-6 Form B. S. A. 9-6 ...�hl ...... Cit e ayor. r4 \37 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... Ali I - INTERMEDIARY ORDER Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile side - Inthe Matter of_...._ ........................__......._...._..._........ ............................................................... ................... to a_ividth_.of___six_._feet-.._o.n..t}Ie.-.-pu.t.�7.-.g�.de....o£-...CDngres ...St..b.eginning 50 feet east of Hall Ave. thencel east 150 feet. _........................... ............._.................................... ............................................................... under Preliminary Order........2.20.a $.... Tee ou„l . ..apuroved ...........S.ul�:_.1L,...1316 ...--'...........---.......... having received w The Council of the City of St. Paul mpr�ovem moi, L.— _d 1, of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having eonsid, slid report, hereby reiw_hy,resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereurp)pproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... ReCOristTUct,-...Tel..y and., repe.i.r,. t.he.-. c ement...t_i 1.�..-s.i, dgwgilk---to.-_.e..:r1� :4it.h...a.�...s ix...i -at ...an...the south side of Congress St. beginning 50 feet east of Hall Ave. thence __......._.......--- .........I._...._ .._.............. ._........_._.----------- -----------_............ ........ .......----- - east 150 feet. _.__ .......... .............. ..._.... _... _ .._.....__. _...-....... _.__...._ __._ .... . ......._ --- ___.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the. _ __ 1.Qth.. ......_..day of October 1978•_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. _M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iu the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...-------.\::.- 191.... Approved .......... ...........__..., 191..-...... 1srin9 ' ayor. Councilman Fago6vorth Councilman l04 ,p Councilman �d (� Councilman JkKler ,L'nuaoi3egea-sll� lith Form R. S. A. 8-6 226x!5 3b COUNC E�7p� /1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Re.construct ng, relaying and rewiring ethe.. cemnt he . ............................................._.....__........._....................._.._.....-__....................................._.........._.......... ............... from west Third St. thence north 92 feet. _... - ... _..._ _.............. - ........................................... . ----- _.....__....... _.....__......._...................... ................... :....... ...... .......... ...................................................................... _ .. __.. _ .....__.__..._...._...................._...................... ._....... ...... ........ ..................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... 22041 .............................approved ....__.._ J.uly 12, 7.918. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Reconstruct, relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width 66 ten feet on the ................................................................................................................................................................:............................... west side of Franklin St. from west Third St. thence north 92 feet. _ _........... ... .......... ..... _.._..._ ....._.........._................ ._...... ................................................ . ........................ _......... ...... _. ........... ..._.._ _...__....... - _.._.._. - .._....... ....._..._ .._. _.__ .. _.._._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :];_ 0.,')7 per square foot. _e Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 10th day of October 197 8•, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council__. Approved ......... 191...._ C o uneiluty!Farn sw orth Councilor l oss p Councllpm]h CounciVVlytdn Beller g' r z -Mro3* �E'ouneilma:r^�V1GHti¢r l i c h Mayor Ifo' Form R. S. A. 8-6 . �.•� r' U Cie k. L/l .. ........... ... noting Mayor. r/ PUBLL9iTd$➢� � /� 22656 -I,1 15 k COUNC FILE ---- .-------_.............- ry INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......Reconstructing, rela.yi ii and repairing the sidewalk to a .. .... ............. width of ten feet on the south side of Fast Fourth St. from Jackson St, ......_..........__........................_..._._._.........._..........._.__........................-.................-----.._.......................-------- --- thence west 52 feet. _... ......... _..............__.._._..........._ ....__........_..... .... C. F. No. 22666—Br S. A Farne ortF In the Afatter of reconetructtng^egrc" ........................ ...................-..--.-......_-...-..........-...__--. .......................................................... Ing and repairing the eldewal�..gl :. K ten et n t sout Eaetwidth Fourth1eSto from .Tank ,v ............................. w� =t 62 feet, unA.... ............................................. thenre ..................................................................................................... ............... ti...:................................................ ....... ............... ........ under Preliminary Order ........92Q 41 ............. ................... approved ..1.lilY ..1.9.. 1918.e_........................_....._.._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby Qrdered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... R.ec.on-s.truat...... relay and repair the sidewalk to a width of ten feet on the south side .. ..................... ......................................................................................... ....................................... ............. ................................. of East Fourth St•from Jackson St. thence west 52 feet. . . .. ..................... .......... ..........__........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.07_.p.er square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......__... 1Q.th__,_....day of October. 191 8', at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...::. "._ ._ _ - _ ..... 191. Approved . 191_._.. OS Acting or. Councilman FarpWorth PUBLiSMS Councilman�s Councilman 1�9 P «j Councilman KAIV ' man lc 'o - 0 (::otlBeii�ich Mayo Form B. S. A. S-6 ti S. A. 3-6 COUNCIL ILEN O_ ........................_...... -------.._... 1% v INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Reconstructtng relaying and repairing the cement tile sidese- ..................— ...... walk to a width of four feet on the north side of Marshall Ave. _..__........._....... ..... ................. -_..._..._....._............. _.................................. . ..........- ...............-- ......_....-----..._.....-- begi_nning.332_feet _.east of Far.rington...Age.._thence--eaet..28-_feet.--_-_--_____- ............................................................ i;. he No. tt" Of. In the Ma[[er of rein:�....................................................................................................... Ing '"d ,"lz -- — t _.._........ tJ a —tolk to a w f ". .............................................. the north side of ,_y, ----- .--- y«:-........................_.......................-..._......................,........ nnglnning 332 feet ea: est 28 f 'r.. ice e a �.- ..:`r 2202". :9:..,v 22025 "'"' July 11, 1918. under Preliminary Order - ............. ........................... ..... ........approved ........._.....__............._........._._........._........_.... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........ReCOn8tIR1Ct.,-., relay and repair the cement tik8 sidewalk to s ..� width of a-" feet on the _........................................................................................ ................ ..........------... ............................ morth side of Marshall Ave. beginning 332 feet east of Farrington _ ...... _... ......... ..................... Ave. thence east 28 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie $..0.07 per square foot.__ ..._._..___.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ._._._...lOth.............day of ..._.._..._.Q.Ct.Qb.@r... __...__. __., 191.8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... 191 _ Approved ............. �. ...�: `.:. ' ....._.:. _. _ _..... 191.... _... Councilman FarWorth Councilman Cvass Councilman d / Councilman W. ler Counr,-liner Mn Cj�l,,, '"'J Cauncilmaa-XuRderli ch Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 i C J Cler . . «.................�j_............ .... . ............... pi7W r�`n / R 11312 6 t- I CO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......gonstructing cement curbing onboth sides of Roy _St. from St. Anthony Ave. to University ._......_.._.... __........ .. . ....... ........_ � CIn meting F rnconetFNM:a2t2t6—BYSAawoermthe t ..........._. .... ..... ................ ..-.-............................................................. curbing on both alder of ROY St-Atrom.............................. ............................ ...-. Ave. hon under tPreliminaryeO dere 2118^ � x ...................................... proved May 6, 1918. .cr ................................... The Council of the C1t3�"' I .............. he having er etV% tancee upon ,1 i0 —. f .' - d having ?` .............................................................................................olvr.f^................................................ - -.-.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6, 1918 under Preliminary Order ---....._......21182.................... ..................approved...................__....May ............._......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct cement 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ curbing on both sides of Roy St. frcm St. Anthony Ave. to University _.._.__.._..................... ....._............ ......._..........._..............__...._ ............................. -.........._............__...••............. Ave. ..._ ... _.._.. .. ......... ...... ..... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.61 _per_ front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____-9th........_..day of OCt.ober 191 81•., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ ::........-' ....._____.... _ ...., 191 _. _..... _,._.,, _ ............. Approved.. ....._........_. k�.. 191......... _ rty Councilman FVsworth .......... ........................ F stln Mayor. Councilman $6.9 p Councilman ''� Couneilman gfeller .Couneilman-ReColl Councilman^ Wunagyl ich Mayo�•1;i�r Q�� Form B. S. A. 8-6 10 \'\ z 2-1-361!_19 ry 3 COUNC FILE NO ............................... ............... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......iiec-pnetructing,....rel3ying -and repairing the cement thesidewalk to . ..................--.._...._.............................._.._...-....................................................... beginning 50 feet north of West Ninth St, thence north 40 feet. ..... ......:._ .._...... _..__......................._......_....._.......... .................................................................... ing and reparr.,:z......................................... .............................................................................. sidewalk to a wldtF.............. the west side of amiCfP> ring 50 feet north of We> .............................................................................. thence north f0 feet, nnu m ... ....................................................................... Order 21992 approv— ................................................ of the City...............................................................----........ repo: 'the �. r .. under Preliminary Order ......_21992 a -e p.D..N- July1Qr1918. _---_........................p . ...... ........._... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.R_econstruct, tela.y and repair the cement tile sidewalk toa width of eight feet ............... ...................._....................... _............................................................................ ..... ......................................... on the west side of Smith Ave. beginning 50 feet north of Nest _..._........_._............................._........_.......... -............. ...._..................................... ................ ............................. _._.__..N.inth_ St. thence north 40 feet . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.07 per square foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th ..... _ _._.........day of __0.ct.ob.e.r,.. .. -. _. 1 1918 • , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, iu the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._,-_ 191 7D, Approved _...... 191._.. Councilman Far* orth Councilman (;Ws Councilmau4i.l Councilman Heiler V/ Clainailmau-1KeCo11 GSounagmaa^W underl ich" Form B. S. A. S-6 G ty Clerk. C1K'........ ....... ................... s Mayor. >264 0 �lV21 COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------- / INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Reconstructing, relayi-ng-- and -repairi sidewalk to a width of eight feet on ti,e easterly side of Pleasant -..._ .. ............. ............. _ ............. --- - - ..-........ ._............... ............................................. .................................................... Ave. beginning 268 feet south of west Fourth St. thence south 60 feet. _..__....__................... ..................._......---..._.......--- ......------- C. F. No. 22660—By S.A Fy ........................................................................... In the Matter'of reconstruc�............................................................. ................ Ing and repafring the e eldewaik-to a Wth of elg �^ ....................... ................................... the easterly side of Ple.a.... ........ ............ ............ ....................................... `ming 268 feet sor -'t., thence or ', e .. v. .................. ................... .......... ................................ ................. i,arY Ord•, --.._.......................................................... - a under Preliminary Order ..._22027..--...................---------.aPProbed '---..,.,----......._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......ReCOnBtTu_et_�___rely and repair the cement til& sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the _............................-.........._..._ ................. .................................. ................ easterly side of Pleasant Ave. beginning 258 feet south of west Fourth ................ ........ - - _St.t-..therce_ south_60. fe.et._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0 .Q 7..per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, 9th .._day of October. 19P at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. c o Adopted by the Council. 151......... Approved .............:..................... 191....... Councilman FarAW/-`rtb Councilman G' Councilman4w�d^�,�a 7 Councilman KBNer �/ �j.�;ouneilmari"Afe'Cbti-• -•,•1 Councilman--Wnntlrrl is h Mayor. juefia ° Form B. S. A. B-6� .:,otinc Mayor. COUNCIL PILE NO ....................... .......... By .............. - _Tnit- 1]1-,1 . ... .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- _Condemning and taking--_an._easement•---kn•--t-he.-.laxed--aao-essar-y for---alopee.-_.fo-r.-cuts-_pzxA-1i11e...-icein-.31eck--.7----3aint.--------- Anthony Park North. ... .....-- - --........................._...... o- ...... ..... ....... ...... .... ..... ........ ............. .-------------------- ------------------...-- In the a leg au - ............................ ......................................... I eery for a:.-.......................................................................................................... grading ant, , thony Park No-.,.,,- aryOrder 20741 ap.......................................................................................... ...................................................................... 1918. r^unci] oI the C In ere[ 20741 under Preliminary Order...............................March- 93,. 1918. .. ............... - approved .........._...._ -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._..Condemn...ancL..take-- - as.._eae.er�ent_.in_-th.e-..1.and---n.ecessary...to.z.s-lapes., -for....c.at.s...and.Mills.... in_grading alley in Block 7 Saint.-Anthony--P-ark-..N.grtj.,...._-in...a�.a.azr..... dance with --.the blue priint.h.ere.to. at.ta.ched.and..made....a..part.her.eo.f,. thehatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions __.._. -_ ......... ..__ __. _..... ............. showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....?00....0.0....._ - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.. 7th -- .day of d..... 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. P -D _o i� 7 Adopted by the C'ouncil.__.....:.:-.:. .._:i ......__ _.... 191_ Approved....._...._ .......................... _....., 191...... Councilm dn-Fa rnsworth Councilslan Goss Council n:,B,4; 34eF Clancy Council IIya4 Keller C Ma so n Form B. S. A. 8-6 ..................... ..............._t..T.J a 4 J.._....... -'i r Clerk. '// �1 ... etinq Mayor. r�r. w /j ,50` 3 120-60 2 COUNCI[,,FlL I Q ............................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..-...$econet_ru-cting,....rea.lYi_ng-_and.._repairing__the cement tile I. __.. sidewalk to a width of ten feet on the west side of South Rovert ^t. ..........--- -.................. ..........._....................._................................_.........._.................._-------.............................. ................ feet north Fillmore-.Ave-..-.-trence._north..19_5..feet. C. F. No. 22662—b .......................................................................... In the Matterof re:.....,q.................................................................................... ins and epairfas sidewalk to a width .......................................................................... the west side of Souti. o................................................................................ `•.ginning 66 feet north +� •• thence north 196 �-�- -Ary Orde[ 22019-.1 ............................................................................................ e. .p:�..y�............................................................................ under Preliminary Order......... UQ 16 .......................... approve +..._....._ J.LilY...11,._ 1918............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Reconstruct. relay andrepair the cem... .. ......... ............ ......._ ... .... ......... ............... west _side of South Robert_. S.t•b.eginni.ng...6.6--fset ...north ...e.f-YiUmo.re,Ave. thence.. noxth_ 195_ fe.et................. .. _ . _ _... ............. -............ . . .. _ ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0 .0.7_._ per. mquare foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........8th ................. day of - ----- QOtober— --- 191.$,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........._ C. -0...- 191 _ _ ............._.....v..+ ^-�...... 1. c. `/ JApproved.._ ......:..:....--:'....;....;..-..... 191... ty Clerk. ..... lI'..- ..... Aoting Mayor Councilman sworth Councilman jkrAs Councilman, ,zg_ Councilman irKller 4 coati- 0 r ,,;f..,o, �rlich xa-FQ.• I' -- �{ ,PAM- Form B. S. A. 8-6 7W ,-3 o 101/ COUNCIL FILE NQ ---------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oLReconstruC.t.i.xlg..... rel.aYing...and...repairing-..the-...c.ement_ _td.le----- sidewalk to a width of six feet..on-.-the--_west---sidq---of--�„]bq�maxl.e...at...... . ....... beginning at Oliver St.thence...south._110...feet-............. ----------------.......---.------..--------....--....... C. F. No. 22663--gy S. A. Farnsworth— _ ..................................... In the Matter of r...................................................... .......................................... Ing ana reconstructing, elaY- . repairing the cemflnt [Ile theewalk to a width of six het en :- wn elde of Albemarle Sl. be- ................................................................................ ginning at dlllcr St.. thence .^ 110 feet, under Prellminary ............................................................ ........ ...........� ' q, o..provoA TaIY -� i................................................................. under Preliminary Order -----M14 ................ .__.-------- approved ......-.july 1.1i mei ..... _...... .._.._..___. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvem'111t, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the -said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Reoo.ns.t-rAAt,....relay. _. ana...r.epai.r...the.cement_ti.1.e_ ai.dewalk. t.o....a_widt.h_af_*i_m feet...an...the west% side of Albermarle St.. beginning. At -. -Oliver -..gt..._.thance-."uth_ 1&0 feet. _.. ....__..... _.._ _._.... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ p,0.7 -per -square foot. Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the... e tt?..........................day of _ ..............October. 1918x. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.>:.-.._-.-.':_.!=.. ....._.._ _..... 191._ ... Approved.. _..... --- _:...._., 191....._ Councilman Fati s.worth Councilman Councilman Councilman a�effer Co h llfave . Form B. S. A. 8-6 i y Cleric. -vL .. ................ _�yetr. CjMayor. COUNCIL FILE PTA ........._..................... By. ............ .:- _.__................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofCons.tzueting...a...aeme.nt.._ti-Le ...side.walk...ta..a.. width... of -.. six --- fAet the ._east_ --- Gide...o.f...Qnei_d ._St-,...-from_._St-._...Clair--..$t_.-..thenc_e._north__-..- . nart-h...end...A.f C. F. No. 22664 --BY s.:....................................................................._--------- Ia the Matter of conetr ' the sidewalk to s, wI.s ............... -------------------- th ....................... on the east Bide o[ O ................ cwn at. thence north ! ^roesmS, under approved J. ' .................. ....................................... ...........................p.... „[ the C1t_a........................................... under Preliminary Order --.......220.a2I.............................. approved......1u.ly...1&....:1.91f'................ .......... ...... --- The. Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Co.nstruct- acement - tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the east side of Oneida St. _...... _ ...._ _..... _._..._ _. .. .......... ................. frem..St.. Clair St. thence .north -to - norfth...end...of...al.le.y...cro.a.alng......... Except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.-0..65—per.--front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- ..-... ?t.?3_.._...............day of _......_........-._.—Qat.ober..-_..__., 191.8.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. �p Adopted by the Council.... ............. ...._...... ...... 191... C -J Approved....._ ........... -- 191.... Councilman Fe�fusworth Councilman NBss Councilman g,17 Councilman 5ller `A4eyer�c- Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............... .............................U..... ..U..fl. L\.:,..C✓ City Clerk. 9 // Astta9 Mayor. PUBL� ( - / 7=/'�/ O COUNCIL EIie . ....................� ,. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Constructing.-a..eement...cur-h...o.n..hath..sides. of...,9herburne.._Ave. .....from Grigge St—to....Syndicat.e...St...................-.........................--............... _.........__... _.............. C. F. No; 22666=BY S. A:, In. the Matter of construccl!:----------- .......................................................................... . curb on both sides of za -. ah 81, todo .'t.. ........................................................... .. ................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... _......................_...._............................._..........................................................................................._......................_................ under Preliminary Order 21.0-U. ................................approved ..__.APTl,j_,17,__.1918. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Construct a cement _... _........ ........ _....... curb_.on..both eidee_of Sherburne Ave. from Griggs St. ...to Syndicate St. _ ....... _ ._._..... .. . ._ ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is b. ....0,.85_per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _....?th...................... day of ---------- O.c.taber.....- 1918..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 191 roved..._......... • n _ i Approved ___ ....._.... , 191......... Councilman Ph sworth Councilman GSose Councilman,��7p Councilman 1ler ( CouZICitmB _WffiQd644eh Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............. .:, J Cit . lerk. ActtnQ Mayor. PIJBLi ssssa/,j� COUNCIL,,F_H,E,NQ.—r............................ �// nom.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Curbing_--bo.th_._sides..of..-!Woodbridge---t.,....f.cm..Atwat.er._St....... to Wayzata St. r C. F. No. 22685 g� _ i ...................................................................... In the Matter of curbin b `....... Woodbrid B rt - Wayzata St.. Gunder Preif.'.:1................................................... ...................................................................... der 21MS aPProved Jul, . r TJ!,? COunell oP the Cl" , ..eived 'th--........-............... e r!rno�r'.' ................................................................................ r............................................................ .I ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order.-....21955..................................approved.....Jt11y..9.,....ina......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingi considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Curb...bo.th...si-des- of. - ............... o o db.ri dge...S t.....fz.on..At ra.t.e r...St..to....Wa7zata...St......................................................... ... ....... _.. ......... __. _... . _..._.... .......... . ... _ .__.. .._._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 0.51 per front foot . ......... _ - Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... _..7tk1.................. day of ...............................Q9.to.ber........ 1918....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....----?.._-"._!. _�....__....,..., 191... Approved ................ CouncilmanFJinsorth Councilman toss Councilman �_e__ __y Councilman filler (/} Grvtnuiimaa—Me6el1 Caaacilm3m-VFasdeTlicL Mayo Form B. S. A. 8-6 191......... ity Cle ... C �j Aattn Mayor' PUBlJ9AD c ro0-6(!) �j 711-T 7�, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Gonetruating...a...cement....euxb...nn...hoth...aides...nf...Tiwmaa.. .-.-.. from-.Albert...st.. to...Hamline..A4e. e..................................................................-..........----.....----...... from Aiu- ------------------------ under Puly 1,- .........................................................� Proved . , 1. 19ie. The Council of the Cil "'�._._..._ haHng reo,,,.d the rePor.:j^................................................................................. mi.aloner of Finance - ., ' Improvement. and haul. ........... said _Port hereb re.ol•. i......................................................................................... ... ....................... 1 +n. �. Bald repn� under Preliminary Order........ 218,24......................... *..1. ed ....._.July...l>-..1918.-----------------------------...-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....COnBtTUCt a cement ............ Q urb:-. on ,..both -_sidesa.., o f... Thomas_ _ q.t.. f ro mAl b e rt.._St..... to _..Haml i n e...._� with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $... 0..,555. per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.... ._7th___..............day of . ............... Oat.ober.._.........__._., 1918..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. D Adopted by the Council_ .......... 191.... Approved.... ............... ........ .....---.._......., 191....... CouncilmanWal• sworth Councilman ss Councilman vd % Councilman W ler Consailwaa_MOGeli Ceuncl man �' hh°�� Form B. S. A. 8-6 ..._.......................................��<.l,. .......S Cit e1.rk. ..... . //.t).. .... . . . %atinQ Mayor. K C " INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Gonstructing a cement tile sidewalk.to a"width,.of-_six feet on-_.the..-ngrth. side. of Top.p.ing.._St..from.Farrington,.:4ve,-.,.to-..Gaultier„St• .................................r:..u. Z2668—By S. i�,........................................................ In the Matter of ecm.tr.ci". the sidewalk to a wldth� n� on the north aide of TOPP.`�-�----••••^•-----......••••--••��^-•----���--� ......................................................................... Farrington Ave. to GaWtie'� Preliminary Order 22200, ;t „IY 29, 1838. - ............................................... ...................................................................................4.., v .. q of the rqy o" -3 'he - .......................................................................................................... Y.Q_................................. .......................... under Preliminary Order......-...2.t2©p..............................approved ............ Tuly... g t -191.8............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `?. That the'nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.C9n4tru5 t,.-a-,.gemA41-t , tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of To�pl ................................................ ...............I ............. ............'......................................"'..............................._...... . St. from Farrington Ave. to Gaultier. St. )rcept where ..good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ................................... .......-_...............1......................_............... _......_........._.............................._. _...._. _........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 0.74 ----per front f6ot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_....._...7th .._ .............day of ..-,....--.................0-ctober.. ___, 191..8.:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tothe persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted -by the Council....191..._. ...............,�.c: 1.`i ...... y Cle ......... Approved ..................:: _...... p — '..... 191....._.. ✓ -' _ ............. octn4r Ma or. CouncilmanF_�/awortb Councilman �A Councilman Jftl�Qdx_rClancy Councilman Vler C 'h Mayor�gso n Form B. S. A. 8-6 1(e COUNCIL FILE�iA. ...................:......... ry INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Rgconstructins rend r,--leli sidewalk --,- to a width of six feet on the west side of Ohio St. beginning ----------- ----------------- ... -- ......._.......................--.......................... -----------.......-......................... ---------...------- ......... 6.5 feet.south..of...Page-..at, _..thence...south. 2.. f.e.et........... ................................................... C. F. ................................................................ in, the Md .• y..... ... ................... ................................................. ................ ..................... a sidewalk to a j went side of or q ......................... fee[ south of Page., :......................... ........................................ 12 feet. under Pre.., 22039, approved 7uly 12, ..................................................................FIs r uncll of the Clty of'. ......... ........... ........... .............................................. .....-. .fved the report of th,` "' a nance upon the t under Preliminary Order..... --..22039 .................::::. having eo�..�.__..July......_.1..�8.............................._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received th ,"Oo;t of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, bere%y resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isReconstruct, relay ........................................................ and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the _ _...............__.........__._......__........__.........._...._....._.................... __................................................... west -side of Ohio St. beginding 65_feet .--south._o.f Page.. St..t)jence„ south 12 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-0 .07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... . __ 8th.....__......... -day of October. 1A..' .. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._ ...... .. .. ._:..._ _._. 191... . i Approved ..................... ....-:.........._._..._...., 191........f�lty Clerk Councilman Farnsworth � Mayor. / PUBLISH& Councilman Coss Councilmanl Councilman Kehr Councilman ble,6oll Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Am. 6� Form B. S. A. 8-6 2126wo COiTN1.O.......-....- By---...........................................--...........--------.----------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .......... Reccnstruoti-ng,---.relaying--_and--r@p .-i �-- --tkLe---cement-_-ti-le sidewalk t.o a t+:idth of size feet---o.-n the south--s-idg---pf- ... Wp ix�na---St.............. _.._. beginning at Ohio St• thence east 58 feet-._..........................................------.....-..-----------.. _ ....................................................... ..... ....................................................................... . In the Matter lne and repa:i.ne h ,. ....................................................................... sidthe south to a width . ",................................-................-..................--.---..-... the at O code ., wlna m� ...........................................................................� nine at Ohio at-, thence under d Preliminary cd'sa.............................................................................. grove .p under Preliminary Order. -22038`` -........................approdei,,.'...Tuly.e................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Be.co.nst.ruct,.... relay. and repair._the cement ti4.-sidewa_Lk _t,o-.s.._width..of,_six--fe-et--9-?i---tki-e _south side of Winona St. beginni.ng.at„g.hio$.t_..._thence..east_-5,e_feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is }.. 0 .07- per square foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... eth..... _ ..............day of _._........ OCtobe T... ... - 1915 e.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St- Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_._____.i:-4.___:,:.1;,--; ._.. 191 Approved.........11.........: -? .. -._ :._h_a_.._ , 191... Councilman F>i Sworth Councilman Ross-; Councilman *"Pd Councilman Pepper k"' Pottnitittffa'1T--$TLi',Utt-, .. '�6ouneiimaxr-�9nnderli�dl Mavor-3�';��yQ-oma Form B. S. A. 8-6 Clerkt sung Mayor. . _ 306 CONCHFIL ....._................._.. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....._..Res.QXl.B Su.p.t.i.t.8..xei. x�>lg._aKnAzep.Ri.Til1z...t.YAlr....c.ement----ti. l -e. sidewalk to a width of ten feet on the north side of West Sixth St. ........ ....................... ---..............--...-......----...........:--- e inning tit Washington St• thence west 60 feetr......_.......................---...-------•-...---- ...................................................... .............. InI t er ha MaNo. 23671—By S.._ ttrecons:-,................................................................................ ............................................. tnR and repairing the ,............... -walk to a width of te,'.. -h ,•Ide oP hingtonW"'t Sisth:.;Y ............................... ............................................................................. :. Was6t., ��or Prelfmina���� ....... ....... ............... ..................... ........... .............. ......................... '....-..x .R....i............................................ ......................-------- ....---- . under Preliminary Order........_...........21991 ................... ............ approved .........___ly ..Ju..._.....10...._., ._.. 1_. 918 ......_..................._......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Reconstruct................................,.................... and repair the cement tale sidewalk to a width of ten feet ....... ... .. . on the north side of 'Pest Sixth St. beginning At Washington St. _ _._............ ... ......... .............. thence west 60 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-0 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _ _ eth......__._.......day of .._....._OCtob_ e.r 191 5.1_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice , of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council a—.;...i .:.q_.. 191. / �. r......'.. �... ,........................5W.'lwy!, . 1.....rt. - ........ Approved......._.............. _. 191. k. uttnq 11�fayor. Councilman F�al� rth PUBJ<f j Councilman l►,®4s q Councilman dfl� i Councilman W<1 G . -f!oamriima� �t+ndelji;:h -Aisyar�- Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNOM,VLE bIQ -- — --------------------- I;. Z By............................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of r_Q_j_4yjrjg the C.emiaiat ...... ......... .... tile sjd-exalk to A W-i-at.)l ox 10 f. ett Qr the aaiath 5.iiis. of WaRt—Tezith st.beginning 145 feet west of St. Peter St. thence west 12 feet. ............................ ....................................................................... ............................................... 'C. F. No. 11111—By S Molter of In the ri Ing and repairing the � I ....................................................... ........................................................ . ........................................ sidewalk to a width of louthside of WpHt 'Tent, I, — 145 feet wast of a• . . . . ... ................ .................................................................... .. .. West 12 feet, un,7 'lip .......... ....................... ............. .......... ..... ........................ ...... under Preliminary Order z 2.........................___....approved ... _,TUIY 11th, 1918.:-.__.__._......__._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is- Rec4Dn-s-t-ru-ct j- --- relay and repair the c*hent the sidewalk to a_wid.th of 10...feet... ......... . . . .. on the south side, of West.Tdiath.St... beginni 145 fe t We s t Af . ...... --- of St., P. eter ... at., �, , therme- yzest. 12 feet...__ - .- - . - .- .......... -.- - - ...... - ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -p-e.r . s quar e foot. Resolved, Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the S*th -** * ............ day of - --------------- O.c..t. o.b. e.r at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couricil.... Approved................ ..... ......... . ......... 191...... CouncilmanFarnsvIth Councilman 0 ell Councilman4##Igftl Councilman K41'er • Conn ilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 . ........... . ......... :.t- . . ... y Berk. Mayor. AAting COUNCIL FILE NO.......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER � JQ/ In the Matter ofBe.cnnst.r.uc.ting,....relaying,..an3...repairing...the-..cement ---til-a------ Bidawalk...to.---a_width...o.f._eix...f.e.et...Jan. ..th.e...eas.t..side---oi...nuke ---St— ---f r-oza.-.west _.Seventh .St._..thence.. so.uth 103...fee.t .and...an.._the west- ald4ii o-f.-nuke---St-- from West Seventh St. thence north to Grace St-.-..---�F.Proximctely--168-__feet. ........... ....... ......... C. F. No. fiu „ ...................... .... ......... ......... ......... ....... ............... In the Matter'...... ... ........................... ..................................-........................... _g and repali. _.1k to a t'. ,t Bide of Duke. ...................--- ....----- ..................................... ............ ................................................................................. under Preliminary Order.................................appfoW3'd a,i'.......... July ._10.,...L418... ........................ ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon' the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.-.geCon-etruot-, --relay- ........... and...,r..ep.ar.i...t.he-..c.ement....til.e...si.dewal.k...t.o...a width..af...aix..feet...on...khe. -east �side of -Duke St. -...from ...West -..Seventh ... St,-- henee...se-uth..1.83----------- fee.t...and-on---the...waet...aid.e..oi.t7luke--St.._from..Na-at--Seve-nth---St.....-tHenoe - no.r..th...to--Grade--St-..P.. app-rox-i-mately...1.68._feet. ....__........_._....._- ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-0.0,-per -square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ._- ..7..th...........day of .................. 0.ctob.er,......... ._ ......., 191.0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..._ .._..:- ..:.: _ :'.. 1....... 191 Approved ............: .... -.;;:._ta........_.., 191......... C1Qrk. � � p_ating Mayor. Councilman Fap/� wortb Councilman W.<, Councilman __���� L( Councilman FfEller Dlayor•�' Form B. S. A. 8-6 �ti%Dw COUNCIL/FILET ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Ee.C.Q.nAt.x'l?.QUng.-.-- relaying ...ava reDx fit-Ilg...tkle._C.emeiit.._Ule.----- _.sidewalk...on._C.edas._St.._..at...the..falloitiing. Lo.catiena.--.0n...the ..west ...ai.cLe -from-.E,--.TenthItTenth-.....by...a-feata....from...TweL th...St. thenc.e...xiarth...78...f..eat.,....by...9....f.e.et;....and...from ...College ...Ave.....to...Twelfth ..St . _._.t4.... width. o f..8. feet,___ o > . xo, 22674—BY.S.. A. Fart, ....-..� In the Matter of reconeti.ctin:.,-................................................................ '.e and repair .9 the came. , ,-yolk on Cedar St. at the f: _.......__._ ......__... _........__..._........__ ::':, '[tone: On the west etd�'.,,,. �. north 1d- ....................................................... ^t. [thence - '-'� Twelfth y,-' under Preliminary Order..21.9.a2................ _..............approvea> x;,r:J:tLhy-10.---1-91$ ............-------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Reeanst-ruetr;- 3 eiay- end...repai.r....the ...c0ment.. t.iIR.... dewal.k._Qn...C.Qdar...B1......At...the..fQ.liawinz _._..._.14.C.at.j Ono.,._an_.the.-.west-._si-de-_ from..E.---_Ten th-_ St. -._thence.. north---152-_;Ce et, .......... by..fi_-_fe,=tx--_f-rod---Twelfth..St...._thence__.ngrt.h 7-8 feet,--_by.-9--_feet.i...and_..... ... from --.College ..A-ye.....t.o-..Twelfth..Bt....ta...a..w.i.dth...o.f..8...f eeL....................... _ ------ -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....0.0.7...per. square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. _...._...-...-7th. ..... ....day of ........... QQ.t.Q.b.er........... ..........._.....1 1918.._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Bufilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... ............ f 9.. a.. 191....... Approved ..._.... a _....`..! _'�_.... ., 191.__... Councilman F r�worth Councilman Ljols Councilman-hil ewfi c i Councilman Willer l� "7-6etxatRiffiaa-�1ic6e11,... Co D£ Form B. S. A. 8=6 1 ... ... 61 i ... ler \ F,atiDq Mayor. PUBLI9%ij -dl 171a 2112161-5 COUNC E x ............. ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...._GXr6di,r19._allay....in..Blo.ck...7.... Saint ...Anthony ...Park ...Nnttla---from.- 22576 In the ` 7 Belot tnt A Antt hony - ........__.._......_....._._._..._........ Hendon Ave. to C14 ...................... .........: ^-eltminarY Order 30 �_.._ __...__._,_ �h 23, 1918i hcit,' -rtl A the report ��. _................_ ...._..............._........._.._...__......---........._...._........:... .....nce u9 �.................. ......_..._............... _........_........_......_ _.... ......... _..._.__.................. ..._................................................... ..................... .. _... _............_... _............__ ....... ....... ....._.._.........._..._._.._........._..__......_......._...................................... ........... ................... under Preliminary Order-.... 20.7.4-0 :..........................approved Marnh.23,..-19.18..---..................._............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and alopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Grade...alley im3lack __..... _..7...,St. A _H.endgn..AQa.....t.o---.City._.Limita---------.-•---------_ ............................................................ _..........._...................... .................................... ... _................... ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i4w 7y,/ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.___..... 7th...................day of ............ 0-0t?.)nx...... _............ _....-, 191$....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... v ..._..._._iL.1-_ ...., 191... _ . Approved ........ .._.._-, 191.__: Councilman F�sworth Councilman G19 Councilman_,Wmd V Councilman Pifer CaanmlAuw Vlunderliclt,, Mayor - Form B. SE"�A. S-6 61 C` ...........Citv.1 „attng - ayor. ,3o v-6 Cour. o......... �� By---------------------------------- ............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....geconst-ru.cti.ng-..relaying-..aXl.d—xnaixina...the ..cement ....Ule..... -_-.eidgwalk...to-..a--width..o£--si.x..-feet.,.o.rl.._tka-e.--.e-Ewt...- aide ...QX—Ha,Zl...Bt.....froLin . Hastings Ave.thence north to alley. ---------------•-...._..........._......_.._._..._......_._._....._............................. _....._.................................................................. . ............................................... ....._....a F. No. 22676—.�.......................................................................................................... In the Matter of rec'. ....................................................� rtia .......... Ing and and ee width ldth . i ............................................_. Qast side of Earl a'• ds - a. thence north t' Aie ........................................ ..... ............ ... ...: ,y Order 2201... -.. .....................................-........................................... ................. ...... - is under Preliminary Order ........... 22011 ................_............ -fed — ---------------------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received & red ort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....T{eco-n s-t-ruet-i- relay* ..............and.__.ep.siring.-.the.-.cement--_tile--.sidewalk tq--,a__wi:dth...o. ... the.._east._-side.,of..-F. rl._.;t...-- ,rQm..171 ti-t�ge.--AQe......thence...ncrtl� tn..alley. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....0.,Q.7...,toa 4s...� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement onle, of -- 1918.... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. r i+ Adopted by the Council.. _.....----..._.... _.. _................. 191 .... . Approved ....... 191.... Councilman F nsworth Councilman 0199 Councilman Zpiltid Councilman l�r C�raaeitzrt&!f"4�C'o'fI'„d 'h Mg-, r Form B. S. A. 8-6� �ttno Yor. COUNCIL FII,F�AIO:::......................... ..... l( cam' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- Rea onatxlucting, -Relaying... and ...repai-ri.ng...t.he.-.aement-...tdl.e..... ------ai.dew-alk_.t.o ...a...Wi.dtYl,.. of aix_.f.e a t._ o n.._t?-.e...n.a.x tk�... � z de...s� � ...�.e f.�.er>�o.tz..AYe..--- from bels. St......t.a....To.#no.t.q...-4t......a.no...ozl...the ....eaet eid.e...a.f..DaJ y &t.....fro.rr�7ef.fexeon Ave.thence rt h t oall alley. .... .... . .................... C. F.No. x3677—BY--------------- ............................................................... ...:I In ind the -and LreP f rec the �' j....................................................................... width of ---, sidewalk to s -.-.......: ,, north side of 7eRerso•s�:.................................................... .__.......___.__.._.__...._.. _-...._— �.: St. to Toronto St. __...._-._. _............. +1e of n.1y St. f. n' .: - th t< eA under Preliminary Order. ........22430... "-- d -. _ _. July ---11,19.18-- - ......__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is•.hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Recanst-rUct,....relay ..and_ repair- the .cem.ezit_.t.il.e_.s ..dewalk_.to-._e.. rtdthgf._e.fx._f.e.e.t...O.P.-the- north side .n...the..northside of Jefferson Ave.from--Daly St....to Toronto..St. on -_the. -_east, side_ of 1. aly....$t. from tlefferson. Ave .thence. north .... to. --alley..,.... .,._.... _....... _ _.... .. _ _. ..... /n ...._ .... .. ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..0.. /0.5. -7, y Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...___.......7th............. day of ..................... O.ctobsr........ -......... 1 191.8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......'.. ..._........::..-......._ ..... 191... Approved ................ \i.a...`:.,:_.'.`:.:...__, 191- . .... ._.. .�.lij ......:��liG.CI.......... .. ............ ♦,tinplfa m•. Councilman F4/011ewortb q Councilman UiSss G Councilman Councilman Lefler Cennaike�ae�el�lwb. Alayar�( Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FHX NON- .................... ..... z INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........Constructing_a_..drigeway-_of._cement.-_crosswalk.,b1 o-ck8 _t o. six..£eet....on. .t ia...eaiat...aide...af..Ahi.o...St....baginni.ng..113...%set. narth-of.. George...St.._.thenc.e..noxth...8... feet ............. .................. ...............•................................ C. 11. No. 22678—b�-- ..............................................................................-....................................................................... In the Matter of .construe:."" way width of e a feet aw the on e: ........................................................................ ...'.Ohio St. beginning 113 fee:.,................................................................__........ ct_ thence north 8n. order zao'r ........... ............................................... ............... ........................ iix .. �r'v....'-"........-'---.................._.........._....'---------`-'--'-. I .y under Preliminary Order 220-24 ................... _.......... approved'...J.tii.lf....1..1,19.18:,.................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ° 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Conef ruot...a...dri*e— way of cement crosswalk blocks to a width of six feet on the east .................................................................................. ' ......................... si.de._.of_0 i.o St. beginning 113, feet north of George St.....thence.-.-- ...._.....no.rth..8...fe.et.�........... _ _ ....... ........................... ..__..._............_.......... ....... ............ ........_ ......_..._............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.2A-pe.r...square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.......---- 7th ............ day of ......October. ............... _..., 191 ..__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__...- �.,....._......, 191..._._. Approved...:...........i14__,D_.­.'.....`.3..? ........... 191...-..... Councilman F�worth Councilman R6ss Councilman Iff'fand . Councilman VAler Cru -4-n McCnn Comtefimlm"�9'IIt�er] ich Form B: S. A. 9-6 Cleriw _U/ ..... .. ............. .......................... Act E Mayor. 14 2267 ,91 CO.�UNX� ................ ..- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.F.ieCOti.¢t.;uC ..tl&r....relax'.i.l'lg-..Daid--zepair-iS7g...t.ha...C.em-ent...t-i-7.-e..._.. -si.devgalk.--to..-a..w d h-.4 f..-ai. ....-et.o.n.._the...east...aide...oS...Ar-hox...8t---..from ..----.. ....Paln.e.. St.... th.enc e...no..rth...27.5... fest........................................................-...... ................... .............. IC.F. No..:...................................................................................................................... in the Matct. Ing and re➢£r. eldewalk'to a............._ ..... the east side o• ................._.... ....................... ............... - nt•... under Preliminary Order ............. 22037 ...............•--a roved ......_July...12�...1918....----............... .... ...................... PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isRe-c.onstmc-t.,...relay..3nd re 1�...t.o...a...Width..nf....s ig..±sat.. o n -_th8-..east ............... side.0f...Arbor..St•..from A!.Pce_ St. thee.npe...27..5...i'eet...n.QX.th.,..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0 .0.5...p.em ..square fd'ot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _......7.tp1..._................. day of O,gtpb@r..-......_.__..., 1918.#.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the -improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........__ :..:.:.........::.._-.:.:_......, 191.......... Approved..._ .......: ......:...... ............, 191......... Councilman Zorth Councilman Councilman b� Councilman K.Kr o Form B. 9: A. B-6 Ci erk. Amunq mayor. 226¢'0 COUNC FILE NO......._.__ ..............--.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile s .................... ................................---..........------------ .---....----.............. ... sidewalksto a width of six feet on the south side of west Seventh _._..._ _..... _......_._..............__..._ ..._._ ._...._.........__.._......... .......__........................................................................ St. beginning 224 feet west of Victoria St. thence west 40 feet. _....... _ __........__._..._._....................._........_.... ................... --- -------....-. _......_........_..__....._....................................._... _........ - .......... -. F. No. tier ofB a S. st Farr..,;., he Matter o[ recon'[,;. --;. find reDairinr :.:_:,................................................... ...... ...................................................................................... ...1k. to a wi^-...... `:-•th aide of ¢ 324 fe.,.; ...............................................: westr..............__._................................_.------...._...-----.-_------- 21531 June 1' 1918 under Preliminary Order .................---- ..---.................approved................._.._...........gr...........-- _....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is' hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Recanstr-uct._.relay and repair the cement tile sidewalks to a width of six feet on the ........ ........ .................. .................................................................................................................................. .........---........-..... south side of west Seventh St. beginning 224 feet west of Victoria ............ ..... _..... ....... ................... ..... ......._..... _......._.......... ........ ................................... ...................... ........... _ _..__$.t..., thence west 40 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 0 ..0.7 per square foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. . _9th ._ .......day of October 1918• at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.___._ ... ___... 191......... Approved ........... ........... ............ ... 191......... C k ssono Mayor. Councilma�rnsworth Counciima>(Ioss Councilman ot6iewcl'i�v Councilman,A eller Ala Form B. S. A. 3-6 �/ 1 COUNCIL FIILE NO— .-........ _............. J ., INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. isoonstructi_ng, relaying --_end sidewalk to a width of nine feet on the north side of of Weat _._... __......._......_.....- .............._...._ .........................................................................I ...... Seventh St. from Colburn St. thence east 80 feet. _._._ _ . _.__.........................._....._....._................ ........... ...................................... C.F. No. i.. I In M the atter ............................................................... ing and repahre._...,......................................_................... ......................--.............. sidewalk to a wla the north side of ........................................... Brom Colburn St. th—.....-............ ........................................................................... .Preliminary Or.^_ ml under Preliminary Order_UUA............................ .......approved ..__. gly...101 ..19.1.8.................. ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isleconetru_ct,-...relay_. and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of nine feet on the ..._................................................................................... ....................................................._.......................... --- north side of West Seventh St ;from Colburn St.thence east 80 feet. __.. ,._....._.................. _............__......_._.__...__..........__........._.....__.................. ......................_...........-----........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0 •05_ per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- 9th__ ..._...... day of ............... OC.tob.e.r_._, _ 1918.o _ , at the hour of 10 Weloelc A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the inlprovemept, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...----- 191 ..... Approved ? . 191..... Councilman rnsworth CouncilmaaXoss Councilman ` p Councilman Kohler '�", Gduneilitrge'MeF.o1L '� Coln�ieh Form B. S. A. 8-6 AA � City Cler . �Ktr Mayor. PUBLIiiSw�/ ��� COUNCIL PILE NdL_......................... /% i ^ f By -..C.... "v%! v ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...Reconstrucintg, relaying and repairing the cement ........... ............... ------......-- -------------------------.......----...........------------- tile sidewalk to a width of 71z feet on the south side of Co118tg ........_..............................._....._......._.............._..............__ ............................ ............._•----................................. ................ ave. beinning 93 feet west of west sixth St. thence west to Fourth -- ---- . ...................................._..........................._........................................................... ....................-- ....- ....................... St. C. F. No. 2296. .................................................... In the Matter o[..............................................._........................................._..................... ing and rePaarlwidin�.. ............................................................ sidewalk to [he south side of Callege� Hing 93 feet west o5 wea..._............... ................................................._...... _....._....... st rdto Fourth 9t. �,; er 21990 aPI 51• .................................................................weo:a.................................................... ........................................ 21990 Jul 10 191e. under Preliminary Order ............................................ -- aPProved .................__.y........ ±_ .... _......... ......._................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends -is... Reconstruct_+ I'elay- and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of 7j feet on the _ ......................_........ .... .... _.._.__......_.._......... -.........._.._.......:.................... _............................................... south side of Collgge Ave. beginning 93 feet west of West Sixth .._....... ...... St. thence west to Fourth St. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0. . 0 07 per square. foot. _.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...___9.t?7_ ...._......_....day of October_ ., 191e.1__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner providediby the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement; and -the tot >ipl cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _._. ... __.... _ _.__.__ ..... 191._-_ . . - - :: l Approved......_.......... -_._................... ._ , 191.._- C ouncilman �,Fdrnsw orth Councilmanloss Councilmanitend� Council VmB $eller a���1t1 U C�eele±�iicli Alauor�i�rj Form B. S. A. 3-6 O PUBisISiiZ,�-� / ��apor. 0.264] 9 cotrrrcrL r�a�-- ................ . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...Reconstructing rel..yi.ng...and-_repairin,._the--_cerent---tile.-.--., sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the north side of College Ave. ...............................-..._........................................................... beginning 92 feet west of Rice St• thence west 52 feet. ................ ............................................................................... ....C. F. .No. 22688—EY S. A. Farr:. I In the Matter of reconstruetint; ............................... .................................................................................. and repairing the cem•_........ sidewalk, to a width of eigl'„' ng the north side of Colle:,i` ..�a , g(nning 92 feet went ........................................ ............... 'hence meat 62 ,�: -- orae- zls•„ .. . _............... a July 10v 1918� under Preliminary Order------.$d.9-E9................ ... _... approved ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is 1�ereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Reco ri9t_T'U relyy and repair the cement ti.L sidewalk to a width of e.iPht feet _...._ .... ...... .... _.._...._._ _......... _...._... _........._ _..._............................ on the north side of College Ave. beginning 92 feet west of Rice St. thence.weet -.62_ feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _._ _......._ 0.07 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...__..9th._................ day of QCt Ober .. __. ,.._, 191..8-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1f., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- 191 Approved.._..._ ............................_...._..-...., 191..-.. / A.ttnq avor. Councilman F��aa/Vsworth Councilman1kfe99 Councilman 40OW l l� Councilman $filer Form B. S. COUNCIL �J ....... ... . Voy. X777 By------. -- .................._------------------------ ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........Reconstructing-.tk1C_-.S.1.S1.e�Pa1k...to...s1...YCi.dt-l..af...ien..feei-..oxLAhe --east....si..dje Se00-x14.43t.............................-------.... ..............._._........................................� C. F. No. etter f r. A. F+-- ......... - In the Matter of S. A. tru'........................................................... '� .,dewalk to a width of ter,;, - _ •q.st side of Mlnneeotr _y` ...................................................................................:: to Second St. un_.................................................................................... -' 23041 nPPr^,• is Y 9 ........... ... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .....22043...................................approved . _.July 12, 1918. _... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......-Reoonat- t et --the eidewalk...to. ..a. Pidth._of...ten ...feet....o.n...the_. east -..aide...o-f...,dq-xlrtesota-St-. --_from _Third St . to Second. St. _ _ _ .... __._.... ...... - - _... ............ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0._0 7..__ P.er-_ square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......8th.......................day of -_...____--_..._ .. .O.Ct..-_-, 191..8_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improVemeni 8nd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... _...` .....:........_..........__.... 191...._... Approved 191...._ �� A�t1nQ --Mayor. Councilman Vlarnsworth Councilmait,kloss - UBLASN" ?9- ��� �/ Councilma>-�U7- O CouncilmajvReller h —31fe�'o1�U,�d Form B. S. A. 6-6 t 226P.-) `Y CO)UNC LE/11IA ......................._-......................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........Reconstructing, .relaying and repairing the cement tile Bide+calk--to. a...width..o.f..six...feat ...on... the ...saut.h...Side...of...Fulle.r..--St. . from of...Toui.e._It.r....thence.-west 1-48.. feet................................................. ..------- ..............._....................................._....................... .......... y the —tt., 22695—BY of reconstruct oc nstr tin.- ...................................................................................... � and repatrinC the cem...................................................................... 'e .walk to a width of six `south aide of Fdller St. /. ......................................................................................... mast of Louis St. thence c....................... ... ............... ................_----- ..... •" `ceder T—Urninary Ord: - ,.. ,,:..1918. under Preliminary Order 22,00.2 ..................................6pproVv CitrofS,;, 7111y...11,1419.._....... ------ .__ ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the repi3k the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Heco.rls.t.ruct.,.......-.-.-.....-.. relay._a.nd_-repaix_ the ...o.ement.._t.jJ.e...si.degvalk--to_. a_.width-.of...gix.._feet on the south side of Fuller St. from 38 feet vest of Louis St. _.... _......... _................ ......I ................. thence west 148 feet. - _...... ...._.......... _..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ .0.,.0.7 per. equare foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._....8th __ _ __ __ ---day of ......... ........ O.C.tobe.r...._........., 191..&.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...._ ............. ................ ..... 191__ Approved .....__._......_. _...... .._.._.:...:...1.1 191.. Councilman Fart4th Councilman ('Huss Councilman vtg;� Councilman F;der 4 �' CkrcKeeilmas—A4el?elL. Wtifleleliieh Ilftrver� LI— Form B. S. A. 8-6 yp r` Q ! Aetin0 Mayor. PUELial�f_��/ �O CITY OF -ST. PAUL''` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject— - -- .....-- ............... - -----C F. EZ686,-CIrB'fnStiee Ne X0,88"- (y; COUNCIL r r __ .. iV 0. AT$r -. . ......-..... n ordinance .......... granting panni .........- FILE . the il .nCompany o p.._ ml'' nonarata bas., e,C - Date Presented-.-.-.-_Sep.t....._.6.' . _.191_...8• C. F. No. Ordinance No. An ordinance granting permission to the Standard Oil Company t to pave with asphalt on a concrete base, Commercial St. from Third St. to south line of Conway St. The Council of the City of St. Pail does ordain; SECTIO$ 1 That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to the Standard Oil Company to pave with asphalt on a concrete base, Commercial Street from Tgird St. to the south line of Conway St. SECTION 2 The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said pavement upon their compliance with the following express conditions; 1. The said licensee shall construct said pavement entirely at their own cost and expense to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by him. 2. The said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. 3. The said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in the street both by day and by night so as to avoid all dama#e or injury to persons and property. 4. The said licensee, after the inception of the work, shall prosecute same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work within thirty days after the said work is started. B. The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars -($5,000.00) conditioned to _ --comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, Judgments, salts, oosts,.oharges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property 000asioned by the making of the impp"ement or arising out of the same. 6. The said licensee shall, within twenty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Council; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTIO$ $ This ordinance shall take effect and bei in force thirty days after its passage and publication. _ "p 2l__19 Yeas [,)councilmen (V) Nays - Adopted by the Council___.._.191._-. 9 "Mileg oFs SFP 21 1912 Warndwerth t, ��! Approved _ ........ 191- W-dps- In favor Al 9 ...Against C�r.L9�G�f. .. C'/ • h MAYOR Mr. P esMieiit, Hodgson FORMC A.9 3M 6-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL' OFFICE OF -THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 226" 7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No•.......... ---"'-------- Form A A 4, f it 7-10 1918 ..... .... ........:.... .................................... AUDITED .......SEP............................191.--.---. Y TR LER 461 TITLE s 1 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amountspp fset opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement'. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays S`P —"r 1910 Adopted by the Council.............. ......._...__........_......... _.............. ...191......__ .ae hereli..._:_ ... Cla ' I favor of the persons, n'r,:: (.t/_ [tone for the amounts sa Z Approved..... ........ 191 FarUWorth - .h the! respective name.." er-i `� P �. � _A the following detailed stated)- _ � - Gw-Abbott Miller Co., -E16.00. , American Ltnen supply Co. K Amerlcaa Railway Ezpreer -= -_ L-`-�---'''- " _... A E6.39. Asu, 6310 Abbott Mille r impartyi Election 6311 American -Linen Supply Coipany, Police Armory " 6312 American Railway Express ComparWi, Schools Lib rary 4 a a a 6313 American Supply Companys - P. Schools Library 6314 Armour & Company# Workhouse 6.315 Board of Water Commissionersp Workhouse St. C. & Repair Library Auditorium C.P.U.- Gen. Adm. Munic. Test. Labs. Water Supply - Markets Armory 6316 T. C. Borg Companys Schools 7. 0 6. 21. 4 10 6 25 00 700 00 213 72 13 74 183.72 55.53 40 5.48 36.00 15,00 5.09 3:1 — 5. 5.39 1. . 2 • 6 . 7 7. 0 6. 21. 4 10 6 25 00 700 00 213 72 13 74 183.72 55.53 40 5.48 36.00 461 - #2• 6317 H. C. Boyeson QompaM,� 2.20 Schools' .20 rurch. Dept. .00 .20 6318 S. Brand, 9.25 Workhouse G319 F. J. 'Brings & Company, 93.89 Workhouse 39 73 Water 54 16 93 89 6320 Nicholas L. Broom, - ` Library. Nee Books 6321 Capital Envelope Company, 11.55. Civtl Service 6322 J. M. Clancy, Comm'r. Parks, etc. 8000 Election 6323 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve CoUpanys 6.49 Water" 6324 Louis F. Dow Company, 47.50 - Library 20 .0 Markets 45" 0 47. 0 6325 A. B. Enger, 3.00 Pyle ct ion 6326 rvinrgde Motor Company, 14.46 Water 6327 S.A Farnswotth, C.P.R•F• 92.79 Mayor's Office. 10 00 Schools 39 99 P. Bldgs. 42 0 92 7..9 6328 Far`611, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 85•&9 Fire 20 36. C. P. Works 4,95 n • 5.80 Workhouse 67 S. & S..Cing. 7,48 n - e 2 27 Bdg. Bldg. & Repr. 33,25 Library - New Books .72 Playgrounds .15 Fores try _Revl. 8 8 .19 638® Finch, Van.Slyck & McConville 7..25 Police 6330 Rev. Q. R. G. Fisher, 5.00 Library --New Books 6331 Golden Rule, 2.48 Library - New Books 78.75 6332 Griggs Cooper & Comparly, .Ob Police P. Baths 1 .40 Workhouse 1 .60 4 S 78 75 s. Y 461 -. #3. 6333 Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 52.40 Auditorium 6334 Handlan & Company, V 1.08.40- Workhouse 32 94 Parks 30 61 a 13 $9 108 40 6335 Wm. Helburn, Inc., 4.80 Library-- New Books 6336 Highland Spring Company, 15.00 Mayor's Office 1.50 n 1.50 a 1.5 Comptroller 6.0 Civil Service 1. Purch-Dept. U 1.5 15.6 6337 H. R. Huntting Company, Q 4.50 Library - Expense 6338 Library Bureau, 17.00 Library --- 6339 Lyle Cdrragattng Company, 10.40 St. C. & Repair 8. 5 l _ 10. 0 6340 McClain & Hedman, 44.26 Mayor 9. 5 Comptroller 5. 6 • 2. 0 Civil Service 1 0 Police . 4. C. P. Works 9. 5 a a 1 0 P..Bldgs. 2 50 Playgrounds .00 Water .25 a 5 4 .26 6341 Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safety, 765.57 Pol. & F. Alarm 261.89 Parks 8 .99 P. Bldgs. 9 .31 Water 32 3 76 .00 6342 Merrill Greer & Chapman, 96.00 Parks 6343 Miller Davis Printing Company, 12.00 Water ._ 6344 Mullery Paper Box Company, 35.00 City Clerk 6345 Nicole, Dean & Grdgg, 78.97 Fire 48 32 a 7 56 n - 3 20 Schools 1'98 Parka 15` 0-` Water 461 #4- 6345 Continued: Paving Depr. 6346 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Schools Mech. Arts H.S. Library 6347 Northwestern Stamp Works, CivilN ervice Purch.,,Dept. Prtd. forms add blanks 6348 Norwich Pharmical Company, Quarantine _ 6349 Open Exhaust, Library - New Books 6350 V.E. Patnaude State Boiler Inspector, Schools 6351 Peoples Coal & Ioe Company, Police Parks 6352 Pittsburgh Coal Company, Schools 6353 Quayle & Kelly, Water 6354 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, Playgrounds 6355 Review Publishing Company, Official Pubs. 6356 H. & Val. J. Rothschild, Election 6357 St. Paul Battery Company, - Firq 6358 St. Paul Book & Staty. Company, Library _ _ H Library - New Books a n n „ Playgrounds 6359 St. Paul Concrete Works, Water 5360 St. P&ul Foundry Company, St. C. & Repr. 1.71 136 98 3:83 14 5 0 15.40 16.15 1 ,75 65 298 40 20. 5 5. 0 99.9 99. 1 38. 60.6 11.9 9 348.85 183.14 16.15 98.40 2,00 95.00 2$8*40 87.81 3.20 I 20.00 . 92.80 15.00 89.73 348.85 25.00 12.90 461 - #5. 6361 St. Paul Gas Light Company, Gen. Munic. Gar. 6 .33 Workhouse 18 98 286.60 r 9.80 17.00 18.00 15.00 3.00 120.08 3.25 56.25 23.60 114.00 453.00 49.17 . 13.00 21.00 110.15 St. C. & Repr. 2 07 Auditorium 20 84 Gen. Art Museum 1&00 Markets 2 00 Water 91 64 Armory 69 4 286.60 6362 St. Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, Lighting 6363 Sanborn Map Company, Water - 6364 Schroeder Creamery Company, Parks 6365 August Seidler, Election 6366 Singer Sewing Machine Company, Schools 6367 South Park Foundry Company, Water 6368 Stearns Printing Company, Schools 6369 ,Stone &-Forsyth Company, Quarantine 6310 Swift.& Company, Wo rkhous e 6371 Teachers College , Schools 6372 .Thomas Charles Company, Schools 6373 Tierney '& Company, P. Baths 7. 0 Workhouse 27, 7 Parks 14. 49� 7 6374 Tri State Telephone & Teleg. Company, Mayor 6.30 n 2.00 City Clerk 3 50 Comptroller 5 00 Pol. & Fire Alm. 2 71 a 9 00 C. -P. Works 4 80 St. C. & Rea it 3. 0 Is it 6. 0 Sprinkling _ 3. 0 Purch. Dept. 19.34 Armory 7.75 73.00 6375 Underwood Typewriter @ompany, C. P. Works 6376 Waldorf Bindery Library 16.75 Library ' N. Books 93 40 110. 5 286.60 r 9.80 17.00 18.00 15.00 3.00 120.08 3.25 56.25 23.60 114.00 453.00 49.17 . 13.00 21.00 110.15 461 #6 6377 Washington Foundry, St. 0. & Repair 6378 Waterous Angine Works, Fire 6379 Joseph Zoeh, Water T 3 16.00 . �B.00 4,60 $c:z CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL w� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NQ•'-.•••'- - ' F—AA4e,2117-18 AUDITED ..SEP...7._... 19J b ............. 191......_t� PER 462 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ........... r _ ...P........— .. .._ .'?..........._...191....___ Cl�� Y Fasfl�worth .In favor. Approved_..........___C....P...._r.- i....J.9.,'�__ .....................191------ .._........ ..___•._ ..._ .. ... AAUn9- _.... Koer""'..........Against MAYOR C. F. No. 22686 Reeolved that isurrnnts be dnwb Upon the Clip Treasury. Drands Out o2 l�'Ir.-B,FBsitlew.�••wg�..n favor of tttie perg0 e,�dE rands �aorpera tions for. the amounts at oppoel - ,thelr teepeetwe names sa spec[Led Ia thw f.I%owinr detailed Ytat"I"nt: s. .A, Faraetvotth. Com'r.: Finance, $1.686A6: - Merchants National Bank,. 1149,686.9t Adoptedby the Council Sept. 1, 1918. -Appreved'Sept T. 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) 6380 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. Finance, 1,635.75 Interest 434,95 Red. of Tax Levy Certs of 1917 Issue Ind. Lori_nnn_nn r 6381 Merchants National Bank, 42,535.98 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. Red. of Bonds 1918 Interest '7Z15u5.98 Total 'S"" ♦� ro CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CpUYCIL2289 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NQ.: ----• ••-•-•.•••-•'••'– F.-AA16,tN7-18 / AUDITEDLI ........................................ 191COMPTROLLER........ � PER.................................................. 463 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the _ persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays �P -7 19 Adopted by the Council_.........__ _....._ ......................_..._......._......191........._ Far7v"rth In favor Approved ............... .......... _._._..__--__........ .................. .....191.......... G KeIIEf....Agains[3t L/L✓....�//il.......... ............... _ ; ...._................_......_ AY.OR . Mr. P,reidP t u d 4 C F. No. 22689— Revolved that 'warrents. be drawn uPon the City Treasury, payeh .'7 t of the herelnafter. vpeclded fund. and d,I favor of the pervonv, drm. or c.p pd.ra tions for the heir eapac Sve namen�nt Deetf ed tin I the following detailed etntement: ' Sae. R.�- AickeY, Aeatgnee, john � H.' McClure, S2,S60.09.. Adopteddby the Couhctl Sept. 7, 1918.E E Appr oved S.1 919, i (Sept: 14-1918) 6382 Jar. R. Hiokey, Assignee, II John H. McOlure, Paving Selby AVENUE. It 2,550.00 COUNCIL FILE NO......___ ................. By........ _.....................I.................. .. FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of ......... --- ......... ........... ............................. - .............. .......................................... . . ......... .......... F. No. -15-690- ,6eattet.fl r,:repexinj 4, suProper ---------------------------------------- -- ----- ------------ ----- ---------- ary Order 21716, ap ------ -- ------------ ---- -- ---- -- - ---------------- - ----------- - t. 1918. �"blic h.arl.g havi, .............. ...... ..................... - above fznpro!;.......................................................... ..................... , 1 thet, Coune, ......................................................... .... .............. - ...... . ..... .. ........... ........................................................ .............. ......... .. .. .... - .......... under Preliminary Order ._.<>.._'.:'::x-........ ..............approved Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- t tto made by the said C' ----------- in ry kt ..... .. .... ... .......... ........ .... ....... ... ... ..... . ....... ................................ — ............... ........ ..... . ................... ........ ..... ....................... .................. .......... ....... ... ....... . ........ ............... ... .............. ................... .................. .............. - . ........ ...... - ....... .... -------- - ...... . ............ .. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......................... .... ......... ........... 191 ...................... .... .. .... ... ... City Clerk. Approved ........................_._a......._..._......., 191- . .. . ................... ktlnq Mayor. CouncinnV&,worti PUBUM Councilman Councilman a Councilman Goaaeihrmn. A"844- tA I Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Coh)&WSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR NARY ORDER IV '7=pavin� alley Ln block 4 �t.'I,ul Proper. In the Matter of ...... .......... ----------- -- .............. . ....... ... .... - . - -- ........... - ........... ... under Preliminary Order approved ala ne- .................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ t The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is $...--.Z 8.4--- ......... .......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK AD DITTO DESCRIPTION N ASSESSED VALUATION -7- Th,3 scuthe--.rlv I c-1 1c".3 i- r ern .17ept st feet.) T h northerly 2 Cf t Y 1�3cl lots 4 do 13.0 17 c e t ..St feet. Except cCUthCrlV '-ft. fc-- 4 4 Jo 312 alley. FK,,ept sCi:,therly ft. ft- 5 4 do alley TOTAL. 180 CITY 67%—. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COWSSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PRRPMINA :RY ORDER 13 . ESC'RIPTION LOT !BLOCK� ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION alley 3 4. ;t. 11eui Proper 7 0 P t northerly 5 ft.for Lileydo 4c500 Thi ,,,,e t�rly 40 ft. C' north- -TlY 70 ft cf (7cqpt north-rly" 5 ft, for alley) 1-1 4 dc 28500 4 � _"ept ""estecly 40 ft. Cf northerly 50 ft.alsc 7..:.,-ept� northerly 5 -It, fcr sJley 1-2 4 do 7,3 700 FKcej,t northerly 5 ft -cr alley 13 4. do 107000 The ocuth-srly 1: Y. Ic 13 2 11 C 0 TLS n c r the r I y I Of lots i J do 350 ep t Y 2 C ft . 77"1 ip The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... . ..... /'o . ..... 19F Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Conuftioiner of Public Worl'ItE V Q _T Q �RNsw f' Report to Commissioner of Finance to JUL 18 1918 i; \}iaa July 18th, 8 ............._.............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under conside$ation the preliminary order of the Coun- 2171,6 June 20th 8 cil, known as Council File No ..................................... approve d..................................... -....................................191.......... relative to.............................. the repaving of alley in Block 4, 8t. Paul Proper .........................................................................._..................._ ....._...... .............. .................. ...................... ........................ _............................................... -................... ... .......... _........................................... ..... _.... _............. ........................... ..................... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. x'•3.84 per front foot 1,890.06 2. The estimated coat thereof is $__ .............. _..._......._.. and the total cost thereof is $......... _...................................... and Assessable frontage 4,929 feet the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... .......................... ..... _....... .............................. ............................ .............. ..._..........._..._........_..............._...................._................................._._..................._..._........................_.................................._...._........._......._.........._......................................_.._._............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................ ................ ........ ......................... ........ _._...................... ............. ... ........................................ _.......... ........_........................ ...... ....................................... ........ ....... 5. Said improvement is.._._not .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commies onor of Public Wor (4it ot. taut D9GAR GLAU99[N. GNi[n cN.�NccR Department V�Vuhttr Marko J. pRIIOLL. 9urre�' M. N. GOS% COMMISSIONER erRuerioN Auo nerwina R. T. GOURLEY, 0-11 ALPA:[07AGH90N,1 l—r. H. W. G06TZING[ M 9U TN M. 9. —Y—K. 9 N O. H. HlRROLD. O�oce9eHoi.... St-. Paul,, Minn. July 16, 1918. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the repairing of alley in Block 4 St. Paul Propmr in accordance with Council File -#21716, approved June 20, 1918. Approximate estimate 61,890.06 Assessable frontage 4,929 ft. Cost per front foot 03.84 Yours very �truly, Q ESS/M. Chief Engineer 22691 COUNCIL FILE NO By....................... ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._rJ- -' ....................................................................................................- ........ 1 F. a atter o to Sue °T Infr Goodrich Avea o -"i' 9 .................................................................... under Prellmt�rY r e[ proved April 3rd,1918. be F A public hearing having .........................rhe above Improvement y.,,n: ..._.-..-.-.-, ...................................................... rhf -inell hP•.:::.:.......................................................-.....-. "y - .:rig " ....................................... .............. ............................... ................ .......:........................ ........................ -...... -..................... ............. .. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ......... under Preliminary Order ............ _......._..-_..approved ..... ,._:r:_._..: t:_.,.._ :._.:._........-..__.....___.. Intermediary Order -....._.........._.._....... .._....... __ ........ ....__.__._..._._._........._......_........_.......... ...... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is - _ .......... .......................... .. ......... _ _...._. _...... 11 _ __........................... ._..._....... ....._..... _....... _........_._...._.........._................_........__........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. a -� —7 Adopted by the Council ....------ --------------- ..------- ------ 191.---.._ t ....__ ...... ............... ---------.......�/...L.R City Clerk. Approved_ ..............:.::...........—.._....._..-------- 191........ ✓ ; — /% ....... ,a -atlas SyOr. Councilman F�sworth Councilman (ipss /�� Councilman Hykffd:a: Councilman Ifolier M s Form B. S. A. 8-7. CI -;AUL DEP OF FINANCE REPORT OF SSIONER OF FINANCE I ON IMINARY ORDER (D) Inthc attaof_ . 4Q L.C-"'.�.................... �c'_...........:_.?t:. ._.;�.ZL ?yl....:.. u(�K!!!_ 4.......... �. _....... �...._................__ ..... 1'11.220. LPM ...._G ..L� _ ......._ ... __ ......... ........ --------- .------ ...._.-- ---------- ----- ...-..._._------.- _— .._...... _.__.-... _ ... - - - .... ......... ._......... .. _. ..._. ... ........................ ._........ ._........................ -....... ..... ....... ........ ....... ----------_.. .... .._____...... ....... ._.._.................................. _._........................... _..-.._._......_................... ......... .._-........ ....... ... __............ ..- ........ ............ ....... ... _......... ....... ........ under Preliminary Order approved .............. ..1.1_%..........._!t._... l�J_._..._.__._.......... .... .................. ..... _...... ...... ...... ...... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — The total estimated amount oot foof the assessment for the above improvement is - - -. - - - ..�... ........- The estimated cost per^" fr the above improvement is - - - - - - $-_..............�..:. 5....1__....-_. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of- each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as followat DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. � u The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated_.......__-._..........19f__._/L: /._..._........_._..._...._..........__._....._.�._.._ IORM M. A. a -e o � Commissioner of Finance. Office of the ssioner of -'-Public Works , W0 Report to Commissioner of Finance July 3rJ, S �� ................ ..... 1918 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 20865 .........approved April. 3rd' ......................191.._8., relative to.............................. oil, known as Council File No ........................._...........:._.............. grading Sue Street frou, Goodrich Ave. to Princeton ........................._._._..................................... 1............................._.._............................ ...................... _.........1..v.enu.e............ ...... .............. _.......... ............. .............. _..... _....................... ..... _....... _..... _.................................... _.......... _................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 87¢ per front foot 860.81 2. The estimated cost thereof $__.............._.._.._. ..._. and the total cost thereof is $ ............................................... and m Assessable frontage 991 feet Excess inspection '16.88 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................................................................................................................... ........... ry ....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................................................................................................................................................ o. Said improvement is ................ .... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------------- missiouor of Public orks. M. N. GOSS.' COMMISSIONER'F:UBUCWI St. Paul, Minn. March 6, 1918. 1 i To the Honorable CitY Council, St. Pa"l, Minn. Gentlemen, - }7e, the undersigned, of-mers of the property abiittl:=g on Sue St. from rirnour,t Ave. to Princeton Ave. do hereby petition yovx Honorable pody to cause suid Sue St.. to be graded between Goodrich Ave. and Princeton Ave. Respectfully submitted i stn of Bit. final o9DAR.cLAusaeN.CNIVENwNaw Department of fabllt Barks J. E. CARRO,L. 9YFT.�s M. N. GO$9. COMM19310NER oN All 1-11 q, T. GOURLEY. D— ALFRED JACKSON. Suver. H. W. GOETMNGERI S 7 ` M. 9. ORYTSAK, ENo N[CR N' G. H. HERROL.. 0-ee wawcew St. Paul, Yinne IIey Ed, 1918. Mr. H. N. bone, Qonmiesioner of Public Works Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of nue at. from 800d,rioh AVG. to Princeton Ave. In accordance with Ooumil File #0868, approved April 3, 1918. Approximate estimte $860*81 Assessable (routs" 991 fQ. Cost per front foot 0870 Roeser inspection nsoessary 416.88 Yours very truly, OO�iI. Chief Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... By....................... ........................ ............. ............... FINAL ORDER 4 22692 - In the Matter of r;.. .. c, ...................-... :_..:::.e.. ............................................................................ F. No. 22692- he Matter of grading Lacrosse _'"��'..a White Bear Ave. to Hsar_'- Preliminary Order Sv..::............................................ ...... _March 23rd, 1918. hearing having`." Je;�� .................................................... ............._......_..__..........ve. leu, -..............._.......................-----------*.. ......_......................................_..................................._..............._.................................................................-----------'------------_--.. under Preliminary Order..-----h.is7..x� ..............................approved ....:: `?' as...r.....?....x... i .. s:. .......----•----- IntermediaryOrder ... ..... ._-_............. -. ..... approved -- ------------- ---_ --- ........----------- ----------.....-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City ls.�.... ...:.:. ........ .... ... .. ... .... ...... _ .... _.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Crp — i I Adopted by the Council.... ..__ _...., 191........ Approved......... _ ............................... _...... ...... 191........ Councilman F lworth Councilman 0o6s' ttCouncilman Iiia Councilman Yeelier Counc an un eri Mayor �'i � � on Form B. S. A. 8-7. i City Clerk. �Ula6m.vor. under Preliminary Order approved .. ...... .... ....................... . ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $..__ ...,.........:-..._?.:2._........_.. " -- c n t The estimated cost pet' foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ....-------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7i -- d 17 do 2 125 do 0 125 ac 4-5 fto 17 ac 1025 a::_ TOTAL. .5 7 .5 Form B. B. 10 CI ST. PAUL REPORT OF COM 'STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELWNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED JALUATIGN ,o-ath cf alleY d� 2 -712:-! P -3-k 1?5 d 125 1-5 do 12 .25 1 I 5 ac i 2 5 125 i c 10 73 1 is 125 ilo 41 5 c 'I. c do 0 dc 38 15 3 do do 125 11 d C TOTAL. 3875 CIT 7. r AUL D.TT�;FINANCE REPORT OF COM O F FINANCE ON PR- ARY ORDER ED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONASSESS ON VALUATIGN p - 7 3 do 135 do 125 125 5 do i - do 135 — 'do I - 5 15-1 do 125 4 do 1-5 4 do 125 J, 125 125 -t do 125 do 135 d o lu ac The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 /% Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 13.12 �11AR3_1918 • cvm� ssiNRc�G��ss.�s St,. Paul, Minn. . . . . . .191:.. To the Honorable, The Council, . City of $t. Paul, Minn. :Gentlemen.,- � We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followingimprovement to be macle: ..... .......... . . . Ar / . . �. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St'. (►vo.- (.from rf� . . . . . . . . St. Ave. to . ✓ Office of fh e Comm ner of Public W0rkAECErvED _ P, NS Report to Commissioner of Finance p;tee; A T JUL a im July 5th, ..............1918.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- r 20742 roved............;arch 23rd,..............191a......, relative to.................._... cil, known as Council File No. ..............................app the grad ngfroa,__TIAIe. said having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... .....necessary and (or) desirable. ?1.43 per front foot 3,392.45 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--.------------- _ and the total cost thereof is $......... ...._.'. .�..... ._.......... and + Assessable frontage 24377 feet Excess inspection ,60.48 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. ............. ....... ..... _............ ......... ............... _....................... _......... .................................................................. .... _........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .........__....._ ........................_. ..........._................................._..............................................._.......... .... o. Said improvement ia_... ... ...................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.. _........................... _._..__..... Comm' si nor of Public Works. (Attu t. Ilaut - ]Departatent of 411tbUr Marks DSCAa CLAU94EN.CHiereNmNeeR J. E. CARROLL,CyN;_ s M: MD B�— G.MU u e ,oN wNO Fenuws ALFRED) CKSON. SUF/.t AT R' R. T. OOUPLEY. Dev�ix LEY H. W. OOETZINOER. SI— 'UREA1 .1 Hs M. S.OR—BA K. ENON[RR Minn. p St. Paul, June 17, 1918. O. H. HERROL' ceeN.&NEER Mr. M. N. toes, Commissioner of Public works Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of lacrosse St. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., in accordance with Council rile #20749, approved ]arch 23, 1918• Approximate estivate $3,392.48 Assessable frontage 2,377 ft. Cost per front foot # 1.43 Skoess inspection necessary $60.48 Respectfully submitted, l C) OC/M. Chief Engineer CITY OF ST` PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (�'tt,�Op Subjedt:....:..-- - -_- -__-- `-- ----.-..........._... --...---- ....._.. - -- - -----.---------------- - -- rv06,93 couNcll_ � .Fire NO......_....._.._.......-.._..------'-, -----------_..............___.............. _.........._...._._......... ..........__..._...._.._. Date Presented...-.....SO-pt....7th.,.......1915.... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading La Crosse Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0743, approved March 23rd, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22369, approved August 12th, 1918. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and- fills ndfills in and upon the land abutting upon La Crosse Avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 7th, 1918, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. L` C >!'• No. 22893-- �— In the matter of condemning and tak- YYY Ing an easement In the land d t.k- eery for elopes. fon 1b,., and ailed. gradfng� La Cr.... Avenue from White: Bear Avenue 'to u. aeet Avenue, - �aPPloVadreMa ch` a arms a Ando In. termediary. Order No. ?2389..approved . Th. uComst mleioner.. of Pub"' Work. having submitted his report and sketch Intheabove matter, be it I -Resolved, That, the'Clty of St.'paul 118es and. determines the' amount of land to be taken for the above. named ImproYement as an easement for elopes, for cute and 1, 1n and upon the land abutting upbn'La and Avenue; be tween the pointe' aforesaid, to the ez- ttheentshown upon the sksteh attached to Public Works If the n thematt Commissioner as�ear apf [ember 7th, 1918, which sketch and port are hereby refered. to -t -h and an d§ a Part hereof.. - p AAdoDted by. the Counel(gept. 7, 1918. I y D➢roved (8e t� 7. 918, P 1918) I Yeas (VI Councilmen (V) Nays cuiR1 y Far�rth Gwl ,___In favor KSIlef .l 1aca11 Against W_derl„�ah Mr. Pr FORM C. A.9 aM 6-18 Adopted by the Council__rU_,_ .s....19..�........191_._ Approved... _........ .................... _... _. _....... 191. ".4L131QAAYOR U Ity of Ot.11out GlCAR CLAU!lEN. CH­.,Ree- Department of 11uhtte works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER A!A� OF rguaTRu7" ANO R.I—. ALPREOR. T. OOURLET, DEPUTY �M 6 93 R JACHlON. 9.pT. 1-1 OF 00lTZINGERRR9O M M. 9. GRYTEAH, ENOiNewoN! G. H. HERROLG. O.poce cw.iN e¢R -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neees- aary..�or slopes for cuts aril fills in grading La Crosse street, from White Bear avenue to Hazel avenue, under Preliminary Order #20743, approved March 23rd, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22369, approved Aug.,12th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, shoring by theshaded portion y of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the ¢nits to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaaed and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner oV Public Wo Dated CITY .UL DEPARTMEF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI NER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Conde*.rninE and taking ^ e=. -cement in the land nececsary for_` _ [n the Matter of..........._.._............__....._..._-.....u....-_...........-.._...__..._..__u._:_n__.....-....................._.............._...._................_...---............._...._..._.........._.. _..... 3.he.?.__for..._cut=...._and.... i11a_ in.....€r.:�:a _n.E._Lacro Pe..._ t.r_..._from Th. te..._Pe.a.r AYe....._._ toa L e i Ave. ................................................... .....____......................__._........_.......................___...._........_.__................._..,_....._._..-.__.....:..._....�_ ..........................._................_........................_..........__.............................._... '........._...._...... ................. .............................. ............................................................. .................. ........... ...................._.._.__.___....._..........._....__................._........................._...... ........ ._........._.._.._..------- --- -' rh �7 ^, under Preliminary Order approved ._._._....._._ r....._......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $...........3-5..- -e--d--...--...........- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $......._.........................:..--......-..-.-•-•_-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK� ADDITION ESSED !'� VALUATION South )k 0 AlleyV ac,.& Adj•" 1E 1.2 Hazel Park Div. 2 _O_, :c. 17:, 2 do 125 do 7.• 2 ,° 1c5 _ . do 18 2 ''' do 125 _ _.. do 20 2 I do 125'. do !.31..2 do 475" 3 1c 1025' do 24 2" do 1?5 do . -- do 251 2 �— do I � TOTAL. 515, Form B. B. 10 — — - - DEPARTT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI RY ORDER LOT (BLOCK ADDITION -. I I. , ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION z ^.11-9y Vac-` Ad ,:'.2, 2 J ,c.el Park Div.2 125 � South _ o I 27 2 ; . do _ 125 tie do u., ,5 _ .29 do 125 �0 do 125 do 123 17 1 do 125 do 135 - c do 125 201 do 135 1 . 1 do 125 22 1 o 15 ?3 1 do 125 24 1 do 1C0 25 1 do 1cc 2B 1 do 500 27 ' 1 do IGC - 28 1 do 100 f ,o i io ICG "o 100 L . 3 do 14 12, 5 13 do do 125 I 11 3 do 125 10 3 do l.,o .2, S a do --- ---- 125 - ---------- '. TOTAL 8875 OEPARTN T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER lB) _ b ESCRIPTION LOT!SLOCIII ADDITION ASSESSED 1'I VALUATION 8 1 3 Hazel Park 7iv 2 125 --- - - --7 3_: .__ do 125 :} ! do _--- _ 125. - da __ _125._ 4 _: do 25-- 125--- do do 125 - U o 10 1825 1 3 do 125 -_ - 15 4 1 .- -dc _. _- 125_-- - 14 4 13 4 bio _ 125 - - 12 4__; do 125 11 4 do 125 10 4 do 125 9 4 do 125 - ---- - 8 . 4_: -, do -- _ --- ! 4 do 125 g 4 do 125 4 do 125 4 4 do 125 3 4_ i do 1? 5 2 4 1 do - . '_ _195 1 4 do 150 - TOTAL, 13475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he. has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..._. _..:.._/y......191.K. vC.-....._.........._._._............_..._....... Commissioner of Finance. Form 13.13. 13 ' ;'>z -._�;- f Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ----- 7 /�- COUNCIL Date Presented....._...................................:191'----• I That the application of Finkelstein & Ruben for a license to m nduct a Motion picture Theatre at 37 E. 7th Street be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50-00- C. F- No, EE694-3iY —.7 Resolved, FarnemortR- Seeolved, Thattha sypticatfon f Flnkelateln & Raben'for a liC4nee to pond'uct 'a,'ESotloit tore Theatre e£, T 97-1 .7th �Bt:. be and the eame:Rereby ie.arantedand the City Clork la[hereby Instructed- to lsaue: such. Ifcon Me: upon tha payment foto tRatCity Treasury o! the reer $60.00. - - e dopted by the Coundi Sept 7, 1918, Approved $$ept 7.-1918 - >;'Sept 14-1818) _ __- Yeas (6) Councilmen (I) Nays SGP 7 1918 alancy Adopted by the Council191 Farnsworth Goss In favor SEP 7 1912 �Celler (.� Approved 191.... �1SaCv1L ... --.....Against KI o geson FORM C. A. 99M 6-18 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL.. FORM ............................ I .......... .......... ............. - --------- 22695 Subjedt' ------------------------------- ..... -------- C UNCIL NO . ............ -1 ...................... FILE .. .. ... ... .. iii! ...... ... ....................... ....... .......... Date Presented......... ...- --------- -_._.191 --- Resolved, - -- -191--- Resolved, That the application of Finkelstein & Rubenville and Vaude for a license to conduct a Motion picture/Theatre at 19-21 F. 7th Street, be I and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk -is hereby instructed to issue . such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $75-00- C, r, No Farnsworth—.' Resolved, That the appitention of-, Vinkelat Iur.... to udp t 1111.0i I lle The' ira at 19-21 E. 7th SUM. the same hereby 'to' grantedand the Cfty� Clerk 1. hereby. InatrUatd tois- Us such Unans. ..Pon the Payment into the,01,7.Treastiry of the nust(Hoet-Y fte; "6.90. A.4 by the Connell Sept. 7, 1918. Adopted 1918. (Septi 16-1918) Yeas M Councilmen V) Nays SEP _7 IM VC-.,/.ry Adopted by the Counc ----------------- ---------------- 191 '154"sorth ...... Kn favor SEP -Goss Approved,........ ..... .......... ............ eller j It 441eee /...Againstnt , wafide6i en, 0 geson MAYOR RM C. A. 90M 6-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM subjedt -------------------------------- � :... ... - ..:. 22696 . . V .......................�COUNCIL iJ 1nLe NO... .."'. _ ......... ...... f Date Presented....... ...._.. .. 4. 191 ..... Resolved, That the application of Theo.Witte for a license to conduct a' shooting gallery at 186 East 7th,St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee of $50.00— CReeolvadNo 2That 898—ByS. te apP tcatonthof Theo." WI& for a ilcensb to conduct. a hooting gallery at 188 E. 7th, Street, be and the same hereby Is granted and - the Clty:Clerk 1e bereby Instructed, t3' Issue such llcenca upon the payment in - to the City Treasury o; the fee of-' $80.00. Adopted by the Council Sept•=7; 1910. Approved Sept. 7.14-1818).191& (98pt• Yeas (b) C uncilmen (V) Nays fancy � arnsworth oss j ^..In favor /�� f �Me6e V... Against JiYtmderlieis son 'ORM O. A. 9 3M 9-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUNCIL FILE Date Presented. RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. Tens (;) C ncilinun(i) Nays aa_J . Z�th Farn th 0 Mr. PmidMW,-Trvin Adopted by the Council p- 191 In favor 1Fp91 -7 i Approved -19, Against ' ac::z 4 From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No James Rf. 7thoSt. __aAlph, Vohralik 1�93 West -Lth,St- 99 No. No. No. C. r. No. 22697— 31111 Ind. Thals,l to. noted license is I f*1=,1n1.9 1= be transferred as indicated par. at to therefor application, duly in he ... II., from Same, ch!119i W..tLi-- 11h St., t—T ... ph Vchralik, 1199 W.atl 7th St., Adopted. by, the Council Sept. 7, 1918 Approved Sept. 7, 1918 " a iS (Sept. 14-19 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. II No. Nn Tens (;) C ncilinun(i) Nays aa_J . Z�th Farn th 0 Mr. PmidMW,-Trvin Adopted by the Council p- 191 In favor 1Fp91 -7 i Approved -19, Against ' ac::z 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... .. .......... ... . .. . ........... ............ ............. . ... ....... ........... . . ...... ........ . ..... . .... ........... C 0 U_NCIL '22698 FILE....... . ............... . . ................ ......... . ... . ....... I ................ ................. ..... . .................. .......... ............. . ...... I ............ .......... C.,P. No. 22698—, Resolved, That She all following person4h for % -& .................... Date Presented. ......... W duet Hotels or estauran cations respectjvei� . ludi, are her.bY gr-- ^Yate authorizer Ifeenses ant r - Resolved, That the _&PPlJoStIon of t 'he ft'j ftng persons forIia to lo 00nduot Hotels. or Res*W4i4jjtq at the lomtlona respeotively acted be ,u -and the same are hereby l tatty Mork Is and iudj� the va'tjl41is8 direated to iom* siteh gra and lJoinoies to Geld porsom upon the the too as required by 3. ITA= OF APPLICANT' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOO107, OR.Anna '-, smith m"imiHoNel, 39, p ebm' L. X. Booker, 1 Restaman't", 33T Pa N.. D. Green, rey 720iian L. 914olin, The Impotlim Co., Resta+ 41 Restavran ; J. Rdtahinson, Restataewt, 491, I John AleX, Balkaa Hotel i 390� W Zobzk A3 m# Res 390:' Rose N Boami54? Reetaurgat, Restaurant, 344, yeas i1qu ('V' Nuys Spp 1q ! F I orth ar Adopted by the Council ............ .. ........... lot G169 An favor UpkAd- Approved.......... .. .. .... �;_P . .. ............... Against __WeffffiWAeh mzXizm".mftqrV1n IC, ... .......... .. .... MAYOR 13 0V j1ORM A 6 2M UNAMM IWm C 'F No aa¢Q@-,)tatn'aLce No sOBi-i By7d, N tics A U L Aa- or8�aattr�e i Id obb - Co their CuGA r11r.:agRlBna �er-:GENERAL FORM I cyiestoa toba t and maaatae k basement vadgr to Ynaat cit aeeond' 4 ....... SP �QanmK'alva8 tfie R: P Cobb Cn .............. ._ "" """' manors turta8 Dlaat,61 looatgd[i BI c• "'" c n tr of SL Pavl, gaid`b semanj"i��' COURCIL 2269 4 d Under the-fulI Widte I F FILE N O.......................................... .. ..::"... ......:_ ......................6tl :of 20 Y n .............. _ Date Presented ::...Sept .......x-, S d/ COUNCIL FILE N0. 1. z01 ORDIN9NCE N0. �0 g1 �, An ordinance granting to R. 3, Cobb Co., their suooe/ssors,� assigns, permission to construct and maintain a basement under that., part of Seoond'St. raaning al6ag`tle 3. E. Cobb do. manufacturing plant located isi E1ock 341, tlity of:St. Paul, said basement to extend under the full width of`Seoond Street and for a length of forty-seven feet six inchee'(4g*'6*J measured along the center line of Second Street The Council of the Gitir of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION A �. '.:'hat permission and4 thorny are hereby granted tib` E.E.Cobh Co., , their successors or aesigna to construct and maintain a lata i a under f7tatz that part of S:econd.Street running along the R.E*Oobb ,Co., manufaotvi r" 52 �`7 t � St. Paul, said basement',- to asement ,- to extend ulgder the fa71 width of Sea -mad Strep antX' T r a &e® 641��r- lortt-seven ?feet sit nnct`hes I!' '0^),me4oured along.t$e center line o Second Street.48 SECTION 8 The commissioner of Publio Works is hereby authorised to issue a permit to said'R.IN. Cobb<C", for the construction of said basement upon their. -compliance with .-the"f9 lowing-oonditions: 1. The said'lioensee shall file with the Commissioner of<Publie'. Works a plan and. speoificatieks'of the proposed basement, which plan shall be subject to .the approval Of the Commissioner. 2. The said: licensee shall fusaish a bond to the City of St Paul in the sum of tive.Thousand Dollass, conditioned to sum= save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability damages, costs, clad and expenses of every kind arising or growing out of the construction, maintenance, use or removal of the said basement, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said basement is, maintained._- .. - - - - S. The said basement shall be remove& and said street restored to its original condition by said licensee, whenever the Could% shall so 'order.' 4. The said licensee shall, within -five days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk-innsuch.form aa, mag be approved -by'the Corporation Counehl. SECTION 3 The City, by the granting of the aforesaid privileges, reserves' the ri ht to construct and maintain public improvements and to provide:.-a�uee. or TTMc n r r e y be ordered by the Council, and any expense made necessary on account of the above privileges gnanted,.;ever and above that which would be neeeesary if the street **A,eft,'Ij:�Jts, natural condition, shall be borne by_the SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect anUbe in force thirty days ;rom and .after its passage and publication. Yeas (4� Councilmen( ✓) Nays p Adopted by the Council._:;: �Fj�_._ `�3 121 Y �Clancy �J , V., Farnsworth O u^ CFP ` 19 i A ✓Goss _... -......In favor APProv ....................................... 191. eller 'ry cColl-Against Cj��+�c ...... . (,Wunderlich �)ja error� �� y MA O Mr.�ident, Hodgson h� 2 VUL u f� 9 R • FORM G A 9 3M 8-18 F: 11 Croesva]kB Sprinkling Water Supply Docks,, Wharves, & LeveeS Engineering & insp. Tree Planting Groveland Pk. Pump Station W. St, Anthony Park System Edgerton_St. Macadam Summit ave. Intersections CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION COUNCIL FORM FILE • " ...... -. Perm AA 46.2N 7-16 - .... .......................... AUDITED ...SEP ...B--....��lb ........... 1.... - co. OL R. . C1 co, ............................... 465 V TITLE Scy Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable their respective out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the names as specified in the following detailed) statement persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite r Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays p Adopted by the Council_...__S� '� 1,4!8 CI:� ,91y Approved �_�191 oIn favor Farx;w rth .................................. .....-. .. � r� -31 O:. -.-Against K -.. ... -..... - ...... _ -..- ..-..... � aroR JVKeyser ich - . 'tFI reaaury,c. _ Comer. Rinance 6394 `S. A. Farns�erth, ' 22,592.84 5 383.12 St. C.`& Repair Swr. 0. & Repair , 1,210.83 II S. & S. Cing. 9,501.06 Bridge -B. & Repair 35365 74 R* 10 Croesva]kB Sprinkling Water Supply Docks,, Wharves, & LeveeS Engineering & insp. Tree Planting Groveland Pk. Pump Station W. St, Anthony Park System Edgerton_St. Macadam Summit ave. Intersections 507.90 112:00 779.40 2,952.80 19.?0 409.73 485.45 132,60 22592.84 Totat 22 ano_nd 1 4E 507.90 112:00 779.40 2,952.80 19.?0 409.73 485.45 132,60 22592.84 Totat 22 ano_nd 1 IN 7-18 ee—emsew PAUL PTICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No ...... 4970-1- FILE . ............ AUDITED SEP ER 464 191p, .. .......... 19 1 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council .......... 7;) - - ................ 191 C'7P --�) �J'a FarnW6rth In favor Approved . ...... 19L.- Keffe'r Against 2701— .......... ,4hatTr warrants he draw AeUn( MAYOR Dyable out I, pecd fundx andin Wqpgrlich .' Orr- 0r corpora. 1h e -et OPPOSite their US Use t -her Co.,,' 6383 Be Berglund Lumber Company, Schools 46.06 6384 Burns Lumber Company, Schools 30.87 32.63 Forestry Revi. 1.76 32.63 6385 Crane & Ordway Company, Schools 12.50. 6386 Christ Johnson, Grad. Tallulla 3 194.52 2 6387 Settler River Company, 5,394.76 ,Pay. Ninth 4,459,79 Pave Robert St. —ML -97 5,394.76 6388 We He Malone Company, .Grading Palace 2,320.00 6389 Northland Fine company, 69.13 Schools 6390 Northwestern Shot & Lead Works, Schools 71.70 6391 Pierce Oil Corporation, St. C. & R. 2,287.32 6392 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Schools Pay. Robert 46.91 289.50 6393 Standard Stone Company, Cement Walks 4,630024 Total 15,595.27 In the Matter of...glad.ltAg...�4111Pr.t,...S.t.�...xQm.._Underwood..AYAu�.--t4---�ne7linb._... Avecnue.;...P.alac_e$..treet...fr4111..3I11dQrWo.Qd-_Avenue.._to-_Sneja ing..bpenue.;...JamQ$......... Stre,et... from -_Under.wQ A.Venllc...t9._SI1e.�a. from--Rand&l-ph...Str-eet...ta...Je.fterson..A.venue.................. . -".............._.....-.......----'•-------...... .............................................................. .._.. _- . .................._... -- - _................................ ......... _................... .................................... .................................................. ...... ..................... ............... tinder Preliminary Order ....2QS03.......... ..... .................. approved ...lNarch.._2$th,.,_191$.r.._........._................ IntermediaryOrder ......... ................ ................................ ...approved ... ......... ............................... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....grade .__Juliet-..St....from_. Underwoo..__Avenue.-to............. Sne111ag..Avenue.;...Palau.e...S.tree.t..fr.Rm..-U.X1aPrwQ0A_AY9M_ue._,t.9 S. nelling_.w.erlue;. James ...St'are.e.t...from. ...Un.derWood_ avenue_._ to . Snelling Avenue and.Macalester ..... ......... ......... Avenue from Randolph Street to _ _ _...... _... _._.__........._._.......__.............................................._.._....._. ......... .. ............ ......... FINAL ORDER............. C F.„17n 22702- ... .... -.............. iytatter of grads d .. .........�........... . ........... Snderwon and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................' .._... - -- 191. — Approved ........................ ............................... 191........ ✓+Cou='an�ruc-odll sworth s ,� 'Clancy anull 1 - odll ch Form B. S. jW. 8-7. ... . city clerk. Mayor. ` H. D, D.W. P -I A. Fe.dm.—. V;a Pm;a-t B. Z:—.tea. S—t-l-T........ The Defi.el Realty Company OWNERS OF a ` MACALESTER VILLAS Twenty Cary B64- Coateiniag 550 lots T6 wty sa; y RIIII d R..W— D6t1;.e 6 e6. c4ty Ta.p6— N.W. C.d.. 6547 Room 1, Detroit B,rildiag /A St. Paul. Minn. / £ l 191 Lo /yYf G� 1111-9 /j^' , I I j -4 " kl!� ow&!!"� it CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 k DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$10WER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter*of - - - .. _... Y __.._....._._.....__...... c '. _ 1; .... _..._._.........._......... under Preliminary Order approved ._. .., , -: _ ..:-..- • . _. _... __.__. ._....._ .._..._._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-- - -- ------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $- --------------------' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCn ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION jL TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL,` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARI'( ORDER IBI ADDITION ASSESSED D E 9' C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK VALUATION CITY OF ST. PAUL i ''�• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIWAW ORDER IBI DITASSESSED D E 9C R IPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION z CITY OF ST. PAUL • T DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAW ORDER IBI D E9C RI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMtNARlY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION dc L TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL j, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAMY ORDER IB) D E%C RIPTI ON LOT BLOCH ADDITION 1c TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI ASSESSED D E 9C RI P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION aL TOTAL. CITYt)F1Folt PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE iA) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •2, In the Matter of ...::.GI ..'._7: .:.1.:. �_ "'37:k.t f1:,.-. .:.a:, _... 1;., m...+ A -.n -;"e_7aS_-ry f.Q....................... ._._... 1_?..e.+. fr.0 ;. r ccd Ave.,................ ... _ t %7.e 1 lr ve. 1 .c f ftoa _. .. ............. 1. ':/ t fry: .cd Ace tc ;r.c k:v -In 1 ,t - ✓' under Preliminary Order approved __ .1 '1l To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - ...... ................_. . ..........._..... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: v� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 cosi !.i '_t.cr; lw5 16 io 1"n 15 de ,n.0 14 7i0 13 2 do 1Cc 1, 3 io 11 do 100 10 2 10 100 ?U i0o 8 do Form E. R. 10 TOTAL, 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR-0MENV OF FINANCE I I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) O -E 5 C R I P T 10 N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 2, 125 l0 100 14 1 do 7", 13 12 1 11 1 do lv i d0 1 30 J0 E 1 4c 7� _ 1 do 325 18 3 do 135 lc12iCC C 3 do 31 do 100, 2 i.c U4 5 do 1G -5 .0 1vC 26 3 do 1 G 27 3 do ICC 26. 3 do 125 i do a 0 iS do 100 2 4 ?c 1_C 1 do 75 22 4 do 50 TOTAL. 3765 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR-iMENY OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - B) O'E S C RI P T I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .; VALUATION ' 23 4 ''='1:;: 'S GC Ci Addition +� -4 4 do SG 25 4 I do 50 26 4 is 73 1 4 do 325 17 3 do 1.5 16 do 1JC 15 3 do leo 14 3 do 1 1P. 3 do l :- is 5C 3 _io 1;G 3 du 125 U 3 .lG 1.iL 14 4 o 10C 13 4 do _�0 12 4 do 100 11 4 Jo 10 4 do 75 c 4 uc I 50 7 4 do 1 v 0 4 do 325 do 125 TOTAL, Cj 4, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR*AENi' OF FINANCE '= I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - _ -)B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 S 1r_rrrcc AA'ition 100 �0 6 1c lcc U1 6 do 100 do 75 :3 6 lc = � 24 6 do C 5 ac 75 do 100 27 6 do lc, do 125 1 � zo loc 5 .10 Lcc tic do l; c Si J -c <, do i 0 23 do 75 24 is �v 5 S do 5v 6 5 do 7 1 5 do 325 .. _ 17 6 yc 75 16 6 do 3c _ 1:i 6 ac moi: 14 O ::O 50 13 do c 1Z. 3 do ,c is ro • �. TOTAL, T CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR*MENt OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y � \ IB1 ASSESSED DE SC RI PTI O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION • 71 r/'+6n'_ A14ition I 35 S n is ry_ . 7 6 is 125 6 14 5 i U 13 5 ac 1:� 5 LLc. 75 1 11 G 30 do 7 J _1 c 50 18 7 ac 75 1 c '' 70 7 yc' 25 1 7 fl c; 25 _2 7 iG tib 7 jr,3 5 25 7 7 S �0 08 7 ., 10U 1 7 1c 100 1 8 20 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR"WENk OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9 '" lBl - _ADD 1 T I O N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION .dda tion 1 C is 1G„ 10 1 6 3 ac 1G N do 1_G 26 Fi is 1 1 ac 3-5 i3 dc; 16 9 is :cc 17 1G u do 1GG is ., is 11C 14 ac 1v� LJ v 1 C 2...c 16 5 3c 1 1^ ac 1GG 18 is 1GG' 14 4 dc SGC 15 1 3c 100 16 3o 1G0 17 4 do 1Gv 1 4 3c 1Gc 4 uc 1GG 14 1 do 7q _ TOTAL. I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR7wIENIr OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION AJd -�icn 3C i;� i de uv 18 1 yV v 1 1 ac 6 ac �cc 4 3c lcc 3 i 3G i"0 w 7 No 100 1 7 c LJ 6 is 1 C 5 S c 1cC 4 3 we 3 . acC 6d c 6 . 3 is is 3 3 3 3 2c 1 3 C1C lvc o v 3c ivG . 3c 100 f� 4 2 ...i l is o 3 2 do TOTAL. 1fi3:0:C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTIPEN'i OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y (C) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 2 Fll>:�:ood Addition iG0 1 0 do 150 16550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... 191._ �i Commiaeioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 !A Office of the Commissioner of Public Works I ---- RECEIVED ��.0 Report to Commissioner of Finance 9- SON'. =soa'R MAY 29 1918 May 21st, 8 .............. . _........_......__... __..._._..__.791__... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tile Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..30845 A1_1 2nd, 1918...., relative to__._ .... _....... . _.. ....._._.........approved fr___ ._ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, fo.r....cute..... and ..._fi..1.1e.....in....gradi.ng..._Jul.ie.t.....St.reet.....f.roa....0-nde mood_. A.v.enue...._... ......... to Snelling Ave.; Palace St, from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave.; James.....from ....Unde rwood.._..to_...Sne.I l..i.ng..._an and Yac anti s te.r.-_Av.e._..-. from... Asn.do.lFh....t o... Jefferson St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: e 1. Said improvement ie......._.__.........necessary and (or) desirable. r xxxx "L. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............. .............._....., and the total cost thereof is _............_ .. _.__.__ .._...., slid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. :i. Said improvement is_...._.._..__.._....._._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ComnnnSsle1' of Public WOr 227034 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By....................... .................................... .. . ... .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter sewer on the west side of Snelling Ave. ........................................................................... ............ �from 75 feet north of Randolph St to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave . ........... r6.6.t wi��u an.d on i I ­­.. e f "o n errotAve. 185 i t AaAe '--U -.we o -f S. eui a 6 f 4)4)d La5 - et. �9_ f cale ter A e. teen point : fro 75 e nor andph, St to es set . ...... .... S iet t no h of uli to fferson Ave. .............. .............. . ....... .. -1 .......... ... under Preliminary Order 20 8.4 a ............................ approved_AP.r. 1.1 Intermediary Order I C. F. No. 22704— In.the natter sewer . the west "o t l'.i, AV oue.,n due notice, and the Council having A public hearing having been h 11,r1h I -o-d.i1h St. to 75 feet south. Jeff-.. Ave. -d-_ .rder 20843, ePpl­d I having fully considered the same; heard all persons, objections and r,� April 2nd, 1912 therefore, be it A ­�� b­lirg h.virg, been h, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City a sewer.. on the west side of Snelling ....... ......... ..... ..... ........... .... .... ......... Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave. an I'J:6't: 21- .' 'f-roM 11 lipi L)rW00 Ve. - .. .......... I e 5 g n' e�' n Ave.,,,..-.Jamp- i:: l�::i 1,, ....fram .. nder AYe�e_ .. 0. 185_ et ... .. es 47. nI2,, T Macalester Ave. be Teen t follow ng poia s: from /5 feet /h t,orth,,%f. 0 J .:rrom feeV th of J. me Rando I -ph - S t to _J as- St J` f'r`01 S". St. , fro e north St. to Juliet qr, frl­ 75yet ..,_from.- T5 fee nort f.Pal�aq ....... ........... . S t. 0 Lnorth of Julie St. to Jeffers Ave. ... . ...... . ............ . ........... ................. ....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said an submit ,d b it same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval the proper city officials areuthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord,e Wthe with. Adopted by the Coune 4L ................. ........ Approved 191 - Mayor. Councikv_,arusiworth Coune .44-16 s Counl� Clancy Councibj5"eller Couincilmoxr'"derlich 6 Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. 22704 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............. ......... .................. .... ............... ........ FINAL ORDER In the Mattere �k-swer on the west side of Snellin& Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph S - t t . o 7 . 5 feet _. .. s . o'u'th of Jefferson Juliet t9t - _­ e"', e- t We t of Sji6 A 4Kd,,on fx6jn TjHd"6'F l. 0 r ter / as ,: tjee-'­jf01l0wiA Point/-, fro `75 feq%..no mi-77Sa66"t; h:olilh iYf":CA1n6 -'rA'- td no to fferson Ave. oi. - -. ye6 / . . .... f l ..... /1� - Y.pt I ...................... I .. j ­ .............. ......................... . ... ............. under Preliminary Order 2,0843 ............................. approvedAP+r.11--2A-C-%-, 191-8- ... .......... .... .... C. Intermediary Order ......... .. In the Matter 11 constructing a sewer11 e,t aid. of Snelling 75 f """- m due notice, and the Council having A public hearing having been If from Set north of Randolph St. to 5 feet eat South of Jeffe­n dA eh under Apr nd, 1918. 1 having fully considered the same; heard all persons, objections and re Pr,1,1,,21nSry Order 20843, approved therefore, be it A %h..1i.9 having � been b, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is 90349tr!4P.t_a sewer on thewest side _of.Snell�je, * � . .... . .... . . . . Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson ere w t 7es 111111''Ir''T'' e t -j- 8 ee --Wes ng Ave a:n� � ��uliet b . 1'ro 1111' SC 0 ne 19 rw 0 om 5 j me J 0 Th/b I w _ , 7 _177. . - �'_ 1. S I w 0 * e 7-1-7.7 Ave..., -Jame:, W st f een t follow '16 pol 5 _fe.Z2 rth Macalester Ave. be _I ph rRand6l'i5h St to _J es" St'Yrom VKeet 'I -!h of -J mes S to.. P. kalf. S S . , f _om 7 Juliet .' fr 75 f/et t. ...... ........ .,.,.f om 75 fee ..._north f _Palp�e St. t north of Julie St. to Jeffers ffer s :./Ave . . . ..... ... ............. ...... .... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvengmt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hA improve, and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord theth. Adopted by the Ctitltici'_ 191_91" Approved 19d. �.r -- ---- wwm� Mayor. Coufnciarllsworth Council -i -p -,52'-s Council ff;�_ �_ Clancy Councilman-Xeller fo— CouncilWW,�tTilderliell Mayor * Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM4NT dfr FINANCE � t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _ _ .. + .. ...... t l:L--_ ' t ,__.:. is u L f under Preliminary Order approved ... °. 1 i."_•. _... _.-.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.. `. ...__-.... . - L The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $.... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: \ DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCH ADDITION TOTAL. Form E. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION J" 1� �J J 3y5 ¢ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COWISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI p E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 OEPAR7r-MEtrT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEriT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI ADDITION D I T 10 N ASSES ED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION `r TOTAL. v�" CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED —ILL .......... L C, is 1C� do TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEtIT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION I C' J C' 17 C J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference/to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - St. Paul Finn. �':" r1 ; ";AR U��U �L i Jul 4191 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honog�able Body to cause the fo l�owingg improvement to b&made- ,74J�. /G�D�" � • „ ,s ��' S from . . . . . . . . St. Ave. t . Ave. . . . . . . _ . . . . St. Ave. LOT 1 BDOCKd DITION . . . .. . . . . . . d°° -;!� .44 ............dd d.."•. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 d .�' 3 _ ,�, . . . . . .. i.......... . . . . . . . . . . . ., • p ,� �.m .........-d 1 Fir G.�.d..... , ..Y.. r� r j 6 ' TUH of *t. Paul OSCAR CLAVSSEN• C.-- 19P}IartmPut of Publlr Work. '..E.. M. N. GOSS. C. --- J E. CARROLLE su.T R. T. GOU RLE, O—T, A— ED J4CKSON?su Tian .no nT ��ivs H. WBGOETZINGIUIIII 11 ER^s M. S. OR__of^ .. o^s G.H MERROLDporr[cEEvcivT.v St. Paul, :.Iirn. April 15, 1918. Mr. :j. T. Goss, Com:;iissioner of i'ublic *forks Dear Sir, - I transmit here,••ith preliminary estimate of cos', for the construction of a sewer on the west side of Snelling Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave. and on Juliet St. fro: -,i Undcr-:iood Ave. to 185 feet we t of Snellin.r Ave., on James St. from Underwood Ave. to 185 feet west of Snelling Ave., On :iacalester Ave. between the following points: frofn 75 feet north of Randolph St. to James St., from 75 feet north of James St. to Palace St., from 75 feet north of Palace St. to Juli.t St., from 75 feet north of Juliet St. to Jeffer:�or, Ave., in accordance with Coarcil 3ile ;x20843, approved April 2, 1918. Approximate estimate yy12,340.00 Total -frontage 7,116 ft. Less exemptions 1,116 ft. Assessable frontage 6,000 ft. Cost per front -oot w2.06 Exces: inspection necessary y�200.00 Yo -ars very truly, 0C/IVI. Chief Engineer Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance �; '� =3 An A 1918 _. Apri3_. 16.1h- .191-8.. To the Comunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pied: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary oder of the Couu- 20843__.._-.approved April 2nd, 101.8..., relative to ell, known as Couucit file No...... ..�. ---�� � � �---- constructing a sewer on the west aide of Snelling Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave.iand on Juliet St. from Underwood Ave. to 185 feet west of Snelling Ave&,' on James St, from Underwood Ave. to 185 feet west of Snelling Ave., on iacalester Ave. between the following points: from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to James St., froa. 75 feet north of James St. to Palace St., from 75 feet north of Palace St. to Juliet St., from 75 feet north of Juliet St. to Jefferson Avg. `— aad having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, iere�y repor s: - 1. Said improvement is _..__._._.necessary and (or) desirable. ��2.06 per front foot 12,340.00 aml 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... .-....___._._.__, and the total cost thereof is *__._ Assessable frontage 6,000 feet Excess inspection ?200.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __.__ ....._--........ _._....... _...__ 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is..___ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suh.ieet to assessment for said improvement. AL Co nniissio r of Public Works. 1 li i yr .t { tf JOHN I. FARICY OffiCC of C,tfli (-ftrtk JAS.J. MINER CIT,CLERK asst. ciry —R - Sept. 17th, 1918. Hon. :d. Goss, Co.ar. of PuSllc '.Yorks. Dear Sir: Attached please find Final Order, :'0.22704, covering the construction of a sewer on the west side of Snel-1- ing Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave. et s1, under P.O. 20843, which was laid over one day to September 13th and referred to your depnrt:aent, by the Council at its meeting held this dete. T Yours truly, 4 enc. CI'PY CLERK. (Qum of 0§t. t1out (Department of FnbHr'Wnrlcs Heena M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER c.l N wuo ncvnina R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY AL N. SU— o I11 19u on M. II. OR—.. H.„ERROLD.01"...-1— St. Paul, I7inn. Sept. 18, 1918. B4r: ei. Pd. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - With reference to attached letter from J. I. Fariey, City Clerk. As -1 understand it, the question is whether the sewer on west side of S nelling Ave. from 75 feet north of Randolph St. to 75 feet south of Jefferson Ave. is a separate sewer, or not. In reply will say that this is a separate sewer and not connected with the balance of the sewers called for in accompanying order. Y ours very rytruly, /� ocAl. Chief Engineer t. 2.�d r`r.6 f5 COUNCIL FILE V ............................ By............................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matterof..C4lstxuGt_in_g--a...dr.iveway.,.of,--.Q.erperiG...sx.Q4Aw?lk...._12�DGk6...LQ... a_w.idth_..of._e.ight feet on the south. side of -Summit_Ave.--be.ginning..224..,feet east of Ninth St. thence east 1O- feet. ....._...._......_..................... -.......... ............................................__........._.....................__....._......................_..._.__._.._.._ C. F. No. 22705— ........................ ..............................................._.......... - - -In the Matter t coa.walk bi ..................................................... ... way of cement erosew-¢Ik bi width of eight feet on the s ................. .......................---....... ......................................................................... Of Summit -Ave. beginning . . . . ............. .... . ....... eaet of Ninth St. thence feet, under Preliminary G .,� "cd Sun, Loth. 1916................................................................. -.. .-. .. .......... . ..........:.. .,vine .r under Preliminary Order ........21602 ...................... approved cane_ 12th,_,.1918..__ _ Intermediary Order ..__......._._............ .. _--...__.... ..... approved _._............. .._._.................._.......... __..-..__...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....99nstruc t a driveway of c.ement.._crosswalk.. blocks to a width of eight feet on the south side of Summit Ave. beginning 224 feet east of Ninth St. thence east 10-2 feet. ........ ....._...._._.... _.. _.._.....__........ __.. - _.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... ............ ._...._..._......_......_......., 191......_ \, Appreved......._.._i;.:... `a....::. � ............... 191_.._.. Cuncilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ,, ,ouncilman Umbndc Clancy S -Councilman Keller ma (-) v Councilman Wunderlich n Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Clerk. A U,og Mayor. CITY OF - PAUL JA* OEPARTM15. F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of 3Z4 it - ,�-f . ...... ... . . . ......... ..... .. ......... . .. ...... . . .. ............. ............. ... ... . . . . . ............................. . ... .... ....... ...... . ....... ........... . ...... ...... ........ ....... ... .. .... .... - . .. ..... ...... ...... ... ........... . ....... ..... ................... .......... ..................... .......... . .... ....... ... ....... ...... . ..... .. .... ... . .. ....... ............ ..... . ...... . ...... ... ......... ............. . .... . ....... ........ . I ..... ...... ... ... .. . I .. ... ................... .......... ..... . .... .... . ...... .......... . .......... . ..... ... . ...... ............ ........ ......... I ....... ...... ....... 11 .............. ..... . ...... ..... ................ .... .. .. ....... ............. .... . . ....... .. .... ..... . .. ......... .... ......... under Preliminary Order .......... . ... ...... . ..... . .... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per-ftatf.r- the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A di TOTAL. ---1 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. 14� ............. Commission MRM 2. 1. A. 6-1 1 Commissioner of Finance. 2 6, A- Alo -'I- i & 0 4 _- _ _ . . �-_ � �; . i�- , - '�, % ,� Office of the Commissioner of .Public Wok* r. Report to Commissioner of Finance !JUN j9 910 June 18th,__.__... ...7916.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun. eil, known as Council File No. ._..u1602........_approved .._._June ,12th,.. ,.___.._....191.8..., relative to .................... cro_sew_alk.. b.looke _ii_.n idth .......... of__eight...f.eet _on._.the sout aide of_Sumrit lv b,e-inning 'u4 feet . .. .. _.............. . east of Ninth St. thence east 10�1 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._ .......... __necessary and (or) desirable. 20¢ per square foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ _..................... . and the total cost thereof is .__..._...__.._.__...___.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ....... ..._ .._.......... _._.._ .........._ __._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._..._ not...._.......asked for upon petition of three or uaore owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. f� Conn sion r of Public orks. .......... ..................................... ..n.. T �:........ 21,.!06 41 COUNCIL FILE NO... ........................ By....................... ................................. .----------------- ..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..o911.8.1,r.Acting...C.ement...W.e...sideq+alks.-.Lo---a..-width.-of--.six--feet on..both---s ides---af...Blair....SL.....bH t �s�.ezl..Ls xingtAn..AA.�-,....a.nd..Aunl�A--S.L-•--- yher.e.... cenent.-.tile sidewalks do not now exist. .............................................. ....... ..... .............. ............................ ....K_ ........................--- .........------- .......------........ "a width of oP ............................................................................................................. dBt'............ Du.1. ................................-.......................... ke d' tinder Preliminary Order ._ .21698 .............. ........... approved ..__ June.,_19.th,_ Intermediary Order ..._... __ _...... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.nonstr.UC.t...G.ement_.tile _..sidewalks...to_.a._width...of,..g.ix feet ...on_.boyh..sidoeA .Of.__Blair .,St. -_between Lexington_Ave. _--and Dunlap_S-t where cement the sidewalks do not now. exist. .-_.:....................................................... ..... ....... ......................... .._.__........._........-_................................ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__.. - ----- ___:.._. _...._....._........, 191....... '�— Approved......._.....:.:.._..`.' _.:_�......_._.._._., 191...... Pe6ncilman Farnsworth councilman Goss Councilman g34M Clancy '�ouneilman Keller ,Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Cler ', Aet1n� ayor. I_ CITY OP ST..Jl; DEPARTMENT O Y FIN�NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORbER (A) ry�-7U In the Matter of . , • , ^ ., __1_.- ......... • „ . <: i._ ::._. . _.'':1.� �_i _C. ` _._.l _ .___`_ D%;�.''. ...._�1.:c.:_ Cf -71F�ir tc . .............................._ ..._......._.. under Preliminary Order approved ... _......... _......... _....... ........._........................_........____.._............... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ----------- - The estimated cost per,foot for the above improvement Is - - - - - - - - - -- ------- The lots of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or or parcels parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (C) CITY Cd=AUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �j Dated Commissioner of Finance. ronin a.e.w. a -e c — 1c aC -r - ;C y : gC »G 1.c C 1_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �j Dated Commissioner of Finance. ronin a.e.w. a -e c ..Office of the Commissioner of Public WAS RECE► IED F ^R"sk. 1 R" Report obi` e �r Report to Commissioner of Finance W i u t 8 1918 July.. 5th, __.....1918.... ._._.__._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21698 June 19th, 8 cil, known as Council File No. .. ._approved. 191.1...1.1., relative to ..._ ........_._. _ onst ucting,..e ..,..--- side+a,lke_to..._a width of six feet on both ..... aides of Blair St, between Lexin ton Ave. and Dunlar St., where good and a,.-ficient ceu: nt tile sidewalks do not now exist. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie_........__..._....necessary and (or) desirable. 65Q per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is ..._........ __.............. and the total cost thereof is $_ _ _., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is. ---- -.-- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��/"'✓�% Commissioner of Public Works. St Paul, b21nn. May 14th 1918 4 Mr. Yd. A. Goss, We -the undersigned property owners, residing on Blair St. between,Leaington and Dunlap strer-te,request that the City Council order a sidewalk constructed, in front of all lots not now having same. Respectfully, `L i J • 1[ a-�1�.•ixr - a�'_f....c.t" �r _ L Li_ 3'� _ ;eL _ _ t -l�[/� ��d� '.� . ie.lrt'is'i...-•E.ra. � - - - - ��i�'�%� f 41��:Styl��G�-;�•.'�L�.------------- �1 �� .%h�d � _'"ti_---- ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 -----------------------------L--------------------------- 1 ----------------------------- -__-----------I--------------- 1 1 1 r ---- ---------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------_____________________________ T-----_-__-_______-_____-___- _______________________________ -- -- ---- ----- -- - - - - -- < ,A /1/o. Y/ G f t BL Fd -R ST Esf eos'I"- 6 �-/Ar/;,, foot COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... I ................ By................................. ............. -- ...... ..--------------- _---- FINAL ORDER In the Matterofre.c.ans.txuo.t.ing.,...r.e.laying..and_.r.e.lZa.ir-ing...Lhe...came-at...til.e-..... sidewalk to width of. six feet__on.._the...southerly...side.. beginning ...18...fea.t..Q:ast-..4f'—We th..S.t.-1hence...e.aat..225...fae.t.................... _....... .... ..... ._................. _ ................. -......_. Of constructing, pairing theceme awidth of sfx ...................................................... ..... ...............-.......... ...................-.-........ .... ................,,. �• side of Chest- aet east of c 225 fe, under Preliminary Order .......21627......._... ........ ._ ...approved ._..June_.1.6J.tha...�.9.� $e.._......._ ............. Intermediary Order _ ..._. _ .....__..... __. ......_---..... approved .._ - . __ _ .__ _..... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsidered:the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.reconstruct-,.. relay...and.. repair.. the..-ceme_r�t.,..t.ii@---..- sidewalli...tR...a...Widt-h--of...six..feet_..on the .-..southe-rly-.-sidg... o-g----Qhe_�.Caut...St........ beginning 48 feet east of West Seventh St. thence east 225 feet. ...---- ...............................__......._...................................................._.._--------------------- .............._...... .............. .......................... ............... _....._................ _._...._.......... .... ......................__............_...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... .... ...... ...... __.._..., 191........ City Clerk. Approved. ........ � ....: - ..__ , 191..._. A&Unc C oilman Unsworth 011ncllman �ldss Councilman Head Clancy Councilman eller J 0 Councilman wWunderlich son Form B. S. A. 8-7. yl c4l aw DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted �15�, ....... ....... ..✓........ . ........ ............ .. Commissioner of Finance. �/I� � -moi .. -� �F_ �� — — �� �-- a o �. �, ., _._-_.. -._. __ ...-i I_--_-�Trs--- - ---- i �. --- � 1 l__�____ _ _. ,. _ __, <.r. ,_ n /--� �_. L� A f i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RRCFIVED % Report to Commissioner of Finance ' w ds Ni11 AE ` JUL 18 1918 July 6th, Tb the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The, Commissioner of Public Works, haying had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 216-27. approved ___ .....Jun.e...15t.h..r._.._...._....191......8 relative tn............_............. rec�nstru t.ina, r laying an} r cairing the cer,,ont tile side+,alk to a _. __...._. —.11 ................ ....... ....... ._.__............... ruidth of six feet on the suutt erly side of hestnut 't beg inning'- 48 _._. __... _._... _..... ._ ...... a... feet east of "est Seventh St, thence east 225 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _..... _._...... _.necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ pel square foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $_._ ......... ..... ......... _... ., and the total cost thereof is $__.__ ... ... .._..._..._..._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or bVeteh of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie............_no_t..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Te J Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... By............................................................ FINAL ORDER (Aj—! fi S 40 In the Matter of-..r.e.cs�Afz.�XUG.t.ing,..re,�aying,-and,_,repair in,g-,the-_cement--tile- sidewalk..ad1aC.ent....tA...the-...Cliff b---Q-%...-f Uf.#.1-c fent-__ .. id th-- to_--Place.-_same--_in............. p;^ngeL..-c_gditionon,--the__, east side of Wabasha St. from Exchanp-e St. thence ......... ........................ --- ----- south- 146- feet I C. F. No. 22708— .. . ...............................I 1n the Mn[ter a[ reconetructing.rein Y- - --------------------------------------------- Ing and repairing the cement file sidewalk ad]acent to the curb of suf- ......................................................................... clent on to place same In proper................................................................ ondi[lon, on the east side of Wabn n a St. from Exchange 'St. the- .......... _. ................`uth 196 Peet. under Prelim inar'.................................-............................--.......... 21605. a roved Tune 12th, ^,, having b, under Preliminary Order .......216.0.;5.............................. movement --_June ..._................ ...... IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved................... ................................................ ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the game; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said Cityie...I2.cszYas.truc.t, ..re.ln.y_.and,._re.pair._th..._.cement,,.tile,.., sidewalk... adj.a.c.ent_.to...tbe. curb_ of_„sufficient width to, place same in proper "riditi-an...... on. ..the.. eas.t...side ...of.1abasha St....fr.om._EzcchanE_e...St,...th-ence 'q4th..146, feet• .. ........__ ..... _. .. ._ .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. .......... 191...-.... -i ,.t._ City Approved ............ .....----- , 191........ ung Mayor. Councilman Pernsworth C ncilman P6 S onncihnan $7 Clancy Councilman $filer / �SJ' Councilman WY�fierlich Form B. S. A, 8-7. CJ�F ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 l� (D) L In the Matter of ..._r r ...... _ ........ _................_ _............... _....._ _._...._ ..._. .__.... ....... .......... ...... .... _....._....... ......._............. ... ................ _..... ... ....... ._........ ............ .......... ....... _...... ....__. - ........__......... .................... _.. ..... _..._. ............ ......... ........._..._.._..... ................ ........... ....... .......' ..._._. ._.... .. ... .... .._. ........ __... ... .....__.. .... _........ ...._ ..... _..... .......... .. .. .... .. .... .. ... ........ ........ _. ....._...____..._........... __.... ........... .... .._ __....... ._...._......_._......................_._......_..............._..._._..... .... _....... ........ ........ .... .......__....... .......... ......_....... ... ._..._._ _... _...... ..__ __................ _.... .._..... _....___........._................ ............ .......... ..._....____............_._....___._............ ......... ....._._....... ...... ......................... _. _... ._.. ....... ___.. .. _. _.......... ... ........ ... ... ._.. .... ...._....._..... ...... __ ..... ....._.......... ...... .. _. ........ undo Preliminary Order approved.....='u=.'....,•_r. .,...._i..-:........ ...... . _...... _ _ ..... -- ----- ...._ ........................ To the Council of the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..._. - -- -...-- - - - -- -- The estimated cost per foo for the above improvement is $ - - - -C' ° 7 - n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 -aai_ �w _�_.' a r.�.'.� ticr_ �a3 7 TOTAL. .„f^,'J vv The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated: all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........ e�l 4" / q / �-191S, _ I' Commissioner of Finance. c, ANO 6 Da_ ���, �,e � H P %'✓G E Sr y 3 Gu ERIN 2 j Cf �-✓ _ — -- :. ��_ __ �,, �� --a. , — Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RE' FlVED Report to Commissioner of Finance 'JUN 1.9 1918 - June 18th, 8 __... __....791...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The. Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 31605 , ¢il, known as Council file No. ....................approved _ _n ..Juun.e. 12th]91 __... -1918 relative to . __....... ._. ze.a.an.atruat.ing....... ze.l.ayin.g._.and--r..ep.alrino t.xe..._wene.n..t...t1le.....sidewa.l.k _.. adjacent to the curb of sufficient width to place same in proper c,pn.d on. the .._..eaa.t.._a..ide.. .a .St..._fro>�...E...xchan St ,then.„e,,, south 146 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__...____..._necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $...........__.._...___......, and the total cost thereof is $____.._..__.._ __:..__...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _. ......_............ ........ _. _... i .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode a part hereof. 4. 15. Said improvement is no. L l property, 7 ...._...._......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of suL uct to assessment for said improvement. Couunissione of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subic&: _..._ ... - - - COUNCIL PILEN �. .... . .................... ResbiVpd., a Date Presented $ept.ember 9th, 191.8 In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley to a width of ten (10) feet in Berryhill & Davison's Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order #21557, approved June 8th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22411, approved August 12th, 1918. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: All of Lots A and B, and the triangular piece - in the southeast corner of Lot 6, measuring ten (10) feet on the south and east lines of said lot, all in Berryhill & Davison's Rearrangement of Lits 7 to 11 inclusive, and the north five (5) feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14, of Block 3 of Ninninger & Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul. C. F. No. 22709— In the mattr of opening, widening and tending the alley to a width of ten (10) feet In Berryhill & Davison'. Yeas (4') Councilmen( V) Nays Cla ipy FarlieCvorth Gpes In favor Kej16r _MGG-U//l _Against Wuvt erlich Mr -meson FORM C. A.9 3M 6 A 22411, approved August 12th, 1918' The Commissioner of Public Works: having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul l flees and determines the amount of I-! ` to be taken for the above n a med Im'. provement to be as follows: All of Lots A and B, and the tri angular piece In the southeast corner of Lot 6, measuring ten (30) feet o the south and east lines of Bald lot, all In Berryhill & Davison's Rearrange- ment of Lots 7 to 11 Inclusive, and the rth five (e) feet of Let, 12, 13 and ' 14, of Block 3, of Ninninger & Don- nelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul. Adopted by the Council Sept. 9, 1918. . Approved Sept. 9, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) _ Adopted by the Council4 191_ , __._.--.------ Approved 191 -- -- ....QMAYOR OSCAR CLAUBBe N. GNier ev Div ccR I. 1-c . ewnnoLL.s ..fCPe ALFRED! JACKSON. 9uri.T'ov wvO vcrw�Rs H. W. GOCT NGER.'e v M. S. GRYTBAN. !C. O. H. HIRROULG. Or' _ CN _.. (4itg of fit. Wul DepurtmMt of Ilublit i lnrhs M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, O—TY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 22709 In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley to a width of ten feet in Berryhill & Davison's Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order #21557, approved June 8th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22411, approved August 12th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land i4,_more par- ticularly described as follows: All of Lots A and B and the triangular piece in the southeast corner of Lot 6, measuring ten feet on the south and east lines of said lot,@Lll in Berryhill k Davison's Rearrangement of Lots 7 to 11 inclusive and the X. five feet of Lots 12, 13 and 14, of Block 3 of Ninninger & Donnelly'a Ad- dition to Holcombe's Addition to St Paul. Commissi n r of Publ c W ke Dated L CITY PP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER N In the Matter /C: Tivai�sl.�Jt.CCG�_:•+�. under Preliminary Order approved ._ it .wL( �- �7l/ - - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcelslof land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �'Ii �.!� J �; y( ��'� f.J� i � /� � Ilisl�l%�x !�I �• oar at.tl� � cS`O . �,�� .atG; �Il,�'��.1✓` � f1 �fdQ'n% ?� �r �-� ff`a FOrm E. B. 10 TOTAL. `J CITY OF ST. PAUL DE0A1kTMENT OF FINANCE 1 . +h REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J,s- (� /6Si �7a /.Z /3-�j %XJI ,7 �MN/�.rGJ K�Ory121 tl7 7 qA'�/,•T%>M, is ��o�.G� /.1 J or� rr;- G Z7 �v .7 1Za00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-1�1 ---- 19? -/_...Clef �-- ..._.._......- —.._. IOpM 9.9.A. 99 C Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, .1,)A.. To the Honorable, The Council, 918 GO -- City Of $t. Paul, Minn.C).L'Lh OF PUBL'--) Q' IC Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .T0_0.pe;j,, V(iderk and extend an alley ten feet wide consisting of Lots A *, * - * ' * ' * . . . . . . . . . . . .and.B of Berryhill & Davidson's Rea ran e Te� t of Block 3, Nininger e _p.e1 l.y.sdiin to . Addition . th City of . St. Paul, extending . east from Victoria Street 120.06 feet; thence North to Marshall Avenue 209.72 feet. . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCK ADDITION - - - - - - - - - - - - - rAGnsrrri o . . . . . . . . . . . . JUN 10 13 ]BUREAU Or ENG11YEERS, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7F / f q- 167 - Office of. the Commissioner of Public:. Works j RECEIV€p� 4 Report to Commissioner of Finan F ' a Jut 6 1918 July nth,._...._._.__.._....791...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...21760 approved Jnne 24th, 191...8, relative to .... ...__. ._......__... _...... ....._. opening, widenins and extendin, an alley to a width of ten feet in 'erryhill & Davison's 3e-arrangt.ent by taking and oondemning all of Lots A and F., and a trian-ular piece in the ?.F. Corner _. _... of Lot 6, u.eaau1. r 11 ed ten feet on t?:e sonth a^3 east lines Of said lot and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... necessary and (or) desirable. i.XX X:SxX L. The estimated cost thereof is $.._. __....__., and the total cost thereof is $ __._ _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _..._... .._..._. __._. _...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Said improvement is - .......................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Goan ssiouui of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subjedl: _.. _._ ►'s .... ...__ _. _. _..._ q�)�"��I 0 COUNCIL y/y FILE NO. Date Presented Sept .___7, . 191..8• Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated ,W 292 1917 between Chfist Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Tallula Place from Clayland St. to Fairview Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 4th day of September, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 22710—By M N GoesResolved — [he performance of eath"s'peelfledr far dated May 29, 1917 betweens"tain —t Christ Johnson and the City of es Paul for ClaYlthe and grading to Fel—le PvISt -c, be and the arae Is hereby extended to the 4th day of September, to.d and the Red to proper executecan am hereby nuthsnor- contract In accordance herewith, pro vlded, however, that thle olutlon hall not Iv---yhforce and effect oneent tu bene the euretlea on the contractor's bond hereto and (Ile such con - sent In writing with the City Corap- troller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 9, 1918.1 Approved Sept. 9, 1918. Wept. 14-1918) Yeas (1) Councilmen( 17) Nays l Clancy VFarnsworth „Goss S. In favor t Keller :J irict'a}� Against Wunderlich FORM C. A.9 3M 6 -la Adopted by the Council ', ", 191 _. Approved. _... _... 191 «y� �� AkjWZQ MAYOR _0J) St. Paul, Minn., -d -/ - - `1- - 19/-� TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ash that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the e l 1/ �c��Qr�-may �._��q.� ..,=o.ctri (pL�ayGacc. 'f.Co_-, to be extended to - - - - -�- - - - - - - 19Owing to i1 - L_ -o----- - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours. trul• / �t/! Contracty, There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirer..ents of this office is concenn�d CQ� APPROVED Su `of% Constii'uction & Repairs Comn.issioner of Public 1"or Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7 .. Subjeft: ..... _....-- Fe1. e cls _ r -•,L^-•7 1A lNo._ _- Date Presented ..----Sept .._...7_,--_..191_8. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated Dec. 4, 1917 between the W. H. W one Co. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Palace St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. and James St. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 4th day of September, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this pesolAtion shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 22711—By Al N. Goss— Resolved, That the time spselfled for the performance of n ertaincontract dated Dec. 4, 1917 between the W. H. Msslone Co. and the Cl[y of S[. Paul Por the grading of Palace St. from Cleve- Ixnd Ave. to Cretin Ave. and Snuses St. from Cretin Avc. to Cleveland Ave. be 4th d ay of15'p tember, e1918 deddo the peed to city . leere a e hereby cutn amendment to hold contract in accorda.ce heretvlth, pro- vided, however, that this resolution hall t have any force e and ffect un - Iese he tsureties on the contractor's - bondent thereto and flie such ­ sentis wrl Ling with troller. the City Comp -3 Adopted by the Council Sept. 9, 1918. Approved Sept. 9, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) Yeas (I') Councilmen (11) Nays Adopted by the Council__. __.n.;:::_._ -.191_... � Claacy FarpaCvorth �.. �._ �_.. GeW J( In favor Approved. _ _... � 191 Kapjl`�`'r�_ Against / C..[ Wuf"t rllch A68UD9MAYOR MrrPFeaid�o,,.]irdgaon FORM C. A.9 aM 6 -le ' St. Paul, Minn. , - -/ - -� - - - 191'5' - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the���`4� ti`)f - to be extended to - - - _ '/- - - - - - - - - Owing t0 - - aZn-_Grv- - - -'.c_o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tiri.e for completing same be n.ade as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concer� APPROVED �C SUP \of, bonstruction & Repairs Commissioner of Public V'orF s. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM SubjeLR COUNCIL _7 FILE NO_ .....-... ------------- Date Presented-- Septa.. -7, 191_.a. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 24, 1918 between De Graff Wolff and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer in sandrock tunnel on a line parallel to the south line of Lot 5 Block 4 Shadow Falls Park Add* produced, and 4 feet northwesterly therefrom, from the Mississippi River to the easterly side of the Mississippi River Boulevard, and on the Mississippi Boulevard from the above described sewer to a point 170 feet south of Laurel Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of August, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any forcq and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1') Councilmen ( 11) Nays Cloney, FarqsWorth Gam' __.In favor Keller l.✓ v .Against WufjOe'rlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6 -Is C. F. No. 22712—By At. N. Goss— . the performantet thea timetssI.pecifietract dated June 24, 1918 between De nGrall A'olff and the Clty of St. Paul for the n strut tion of nsewer In ea ndrocic tunnel o n line parallel to the south IIne of Lot 5, Black 4 Shadow Falls Park Add. produced, and 4 feet north- westerly therefrom, from the MlsT.- sippl River to the easterly side of the Mississippi River Boulevard, and o the Mississippi Boulevard from the. above described s r to point 170 feet south of Laurel Ave., be and the e Is hereby extended to the 30th day of August, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby nutho rued to cute s endmen[ to said contract In u ordadce herewith, provided, how - anyre [hn[ this resolution shat not halo force and efftet unless then renes n the contractor's bond consent there- to and file such consent In writing with the City Comptroler. Adopted by the Council Sept 9. 1918. i AV proved Sept 9, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) Adopted by the Council_191 _.. Approved _.... _.... _... ..191 Ae,ft9MAYOR 12`12 7 *.2 St. Paul, Minn.,- _ - - � - - 19/f - TO f TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUFCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the 9�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to be extended to - -0' - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 19/fr'- . Owing to - - !� �`�' `` �i o -^z--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tiri,e for corpleting same be r..ade as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, l )� 'L Contractor. There is no objection to having the tirre extended as requested, as far as the requirer..ents of this office is ccncerned.r�. APPROVED Sup of Con[ t tinction '& Repairs Commissioner of Public l"o 1. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: _ _...__ _ . ._ cour4uL ... - FILE N 0 ..... ... .. ............... K Date Presented-- Sept..._ 14, 1918. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 19, 1918 between the Feyen Construction Co. and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Arkwright St. from Jessamine St. to a point 95 feet south of the south line of Jessamine St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 5th day of September, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas W) Councilmen( V) Nays dla6.'y FarwO;Orth Ggs1A In favor Keller Against W uptletlich Mr. President; Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -19 C. F. No. 22713—BY M. N. Goes— Rrsolved, That the time specined for the performance Of certain contract wocn dac.ted Co nMarch 19. stru [Ion Co1 Bandl the City of eSt. Paul for the construction of n ee r Aon rkwright St. from Sessnmine St. to a point 95 feet south of the south fne of jessamine SLAr ac be and the ede Is hereby a tended to the 5th day of, September, 1918 and the authorizedOr to sltY o toter. are hereby a xe- cuteams dment to sold c.utract In ord— herewith, provided. eve how- cr, that this resolution hall not have saforce and effect unless the sure- ties on the contractor. bond c s nt thereto and die such consent in wilting with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Counc 11 Sep. Approved Sep. 9, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) Adopted by the Council_...___....... _.___......._.. 191 Approved -- ..........191 Gl.� MSR Wtio MAYOR 6j t�V"l q, a7 St. Paul, Minn. , -'9 - - al - - - 191$ - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the-�e�seCQti- - y-%�✓� t96J�s1`��0� T ssg�,iles�f cz���.isvf.i.� ,lc s�ocrri/��s�- to be extended to Owing to - - ¢CG 44/ _ 4ohO�.Qizs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours ,very truly,�ZI��Lfi���_� Co There is no objection to having the tirLe extended as requested, as far as the requirer..ents of this office is concernet A ',J APPROVED Supt. oil Cona' xi c`tion & Repairs Commissioner of Public Torks Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ titiT _ COUNCIL FILE N o. e\✓// G// Date Presented Sept. g 191 8 Resolved, That Whereas, payroll check No. 2, issued August 17, 1918 to Gustave E.Brissman, in the sum of $75.00, has been reported as destroyed or lost, and whereas said Gustave E. Brissman has furnished bondin the sum of $150.00, approved by Judge Michael of the Dictrict Court. The proper officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicate check for the sum of $75.00 to said Gustave E. Brissman. Yeas (✓) ncilmen (✓) Nays ar ort Gds K4 ib1CC o Wurid'e'rlich Mr-124"id4"A-6— FORM 0.6-2 C. F. No. 22714—BY S. A. rarnaworth— Reaolved, Th¢[ Wherea¢. payroll heck No. 2, issued Au6'rt tthe• 191m. to Gustave E. Br soma e o $75.00. has d Qe herensrted dn: Gustave E. lost' a Brise sum f $150.00 [ur prrovedo by nd IpJ udge Michael of the Dl stri ct Cou t. The proper IRlninle are Y that to Issue duplicate check for the s of $75.00 to sold Gustave Brissman. Adopted bs be 019181 Sept. 9, 1918. Approved (Supt. 14-1918) Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Approved 191 Against MAYOR AattnO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM Subjel, _ -... .___... ........... ---._ -..... __ _ c 7-�. COUNCIL FILE No. - ....-...-.- Date Presented.,, Sapt _.-.9t_h,- -- . 191.8 - Resolved, That tho Com:nissioner of Parks, Playgrounds w Pu'l.11ic Buildings be hereby authorized to issue to the l,iidway Creo:nery Cornpony, a permit to build a Staple to accomodate more than six horses on Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, Long's Addition to the City of St. Paul. Yeas (1) Councilmen (I') Nays Clcy Far orth r --- GD -191 ✓ In favor SKgjlfr i� MQQ6I1 Against Wunderlich FORM A.9 3M9-19 ""-.-V . P. No. 22 T o Resolved, Thnt the Commies ion er o[ Parks, Thereby nus and Public IIuild- i se be hereby authorized to lasue to the 1111dwnY Creamery Company, a per- mit to build u stable to a modnte e than six horses on Lots 7 and 8. Rl ock 1. LonF's Additlon to the City of St. Paul. Adopted by the Council Sept. 9, 1918. ApprOVed'9ept. 9, 1918. (Sept. 14-1916) Adopted by the Council_ _ 191 Approved._ ..:.f._ - __.._ 191 ___... PKS"q MAYOR._ � tea■ 2127 r 115 TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL CITY OF ST.PAUL. Now comes the Midway Creamery Company and raspectft:lly petitions this Honorable Body for a permit to build a concrete stable a story and a halms high on Lots Sevan and Eight (7 and S) in Block One (1) Long's Addition to the City of St.Paul, said lots being known and numbered as 1600 and 1602 Como Avenue West; that said stable will be modern,sanitary and complete in every respect and will conform in all things to the building ordinance of the City of St.Paul relative to the erection of stables, and that said stable is to be used for the accommodation of more than six horses and the storage of automobiles and wagons which are used by the Midway Creamery Company in its business; that said property that all other used property in is business property and/ said Block is used for business Purposes; that said lots are located across Como Avenue from the State Fair Grounds. WHEREFORE the Midway Creamery Company prays an order from your Honorable Body authorizing the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and public Buildings to issue to it a permit for building such stable pursuant to the ordinance of the City made and provided. MIDSfiAY,`C/�AMiR�C:OZ�ANY� ByC%% / its President Pet it ion Council File No ........... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 217'1_6 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _...........&rade...a� 1®y....in...Dawaon'a- Re....off-- Block 76 -Banning &._Oliver. Ia...Add..t -- _...... he tw.e.en...Winona_Ht._.and_.Relmont...St .,...in .e c.o..ordant.e._.vti.th....pa.t it.i oxt....... .......................... __............... .__.._. ............ _.._.._.... ............. ....... Dated this 9th ..day of..___.....__&eptambe.r...__._............._..._..._........ 191. . a. C. a. No. zxals— — Councilman. mal Inge eine eiiey;l sroptonal ror the viz: crude alley in Dawson avRe.�of nek 76 BapninP & Otivier's Addition. = n �1'Inonn Sr Ind Belmont St " BREL t- the C1. , ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade ..alley..1n .-Dapraon'.s_.,xe...o£ _Block 76 _Banning_ & Oli Ver_*s_ Add., - - between. Win.o.na...M.......and..Be.Z.mon.t_St. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. _ .....__..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To Banish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.........._...._...._.._.___ _........._.............................. _................... ._...__........___ ................. ._..._._......._........................ .__...._.............._..._..._....__.. _.... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......... _.___....__...191....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa%W rth =9f°, Approved 191.If— 4410699—__.. ]watat Clancy KbHtr ;;}} '�7 Wugdeflich Mayor#gW' Hodgson Wap Mayor. Fo C A 13 (62d 4-17) Council File No.._............ __... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2�7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C.onde.mning...and_.. taking... an...aaaament.._in the...lan.d..naceasar.y.for. slopes, ................ fox ...eata...and... filla._in...gradIng...alley -in Dawsonis-_Be— .of $look -76 ... ........... Aiuu.Qlaa._&...D11V.Qx.'.s.Winona. Dated this....._.9.tkl...day of......_.............5..}1t.................__....,.... 191 a. .......... _.... C. F. No. 22717— Wh,-ess, A written proposal for the Councilman. ¢kl ng P the following Improveme- I'via: Condemning and taking an `^ent In the land n ary a — .note find alt o..-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 0onde..»za.kn and ..taking...an...e.as.ement in...the.land. necessary for slopes for outs. and.. f1.11a....in. _gradingalley_ in Damon.'a_ Re._ of..Bloek..76.__ Banning.. &. 0.1ye.r..'.to....A,dsd.....,._.fro.m...St................_...__ .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or dei;6,B*Qtty of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and-, . d cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;._............_..._.....___ .... _ __.._ _.._................... ..........._..................._.._._.........._.._.........._.__.................____..................................._...__..._...... _.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council......._._.........._..__._ _ ._._...........__191....... Yeas:� Nays: Councilman Farnds6brth / 1 C4� Approved ... 191. Clancy KOW Leha �G!............_.._................:..........:.... j .f..e. < rgil AACtup Mayor. For. C A Is (SM 4-17) ` 22V -M An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St . Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That the said Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, and subsequent amendments, is hereby further amended by striking out in Section 21 (Grade B) the title and words "Cleaner (part-time service not exceeding t$40 a month)", and inserting in lieu thereof the title and words "Cleaner (part-time service not exceeding $45 a month)." SECTION 2. This ordinance scall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Yeas (I') Councilmen( 11 Nays Clancy t Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller 1 i McColl Against 1 Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson ,oR 0 A.. 3M .— Adopted by the Council _. -i. 191 Approved _... _.. 191 MATOR An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1915, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3250-, approved August 20, 1915, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, and subsequent amendments, is hereby _ further amended by striking out in Section 21 (Grade B) the title and words "Cleaner (part-time service not exceeding ,^,40 a month)", and inserting in lieu thereof the title and words "Cleaner (part-time service not exceeding Pr45 s month) .". RECTION 2. This ordinance'ehall take effect and be 'in force`from I hereby request that the above-mentioned amendment be recommended by the Civil Service Commieaionar. I/ Commission I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service ordinance. Civil Service Commissioner. PLC f4 L Z7' ci A I c.r. cc... 11— OF s'r. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 `1 - ev..._._S-.(�. AUDITED 191 tu1 Lslt IPER-�_.__._U til Ti ..._. I 467 TITI.P Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons; firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V)Nays �" Adopted by the Council _. - .191._...._. 211— Farnip� In favor Approved... __._.. __.....191.... Goffs.-" ..... KgIer .d/._..Against MAYOR Nyrl erlich j !F4r. Preaideflt; -Hazl'-mr C. F. No. 22719— Re 2719— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor f the persona. firma or orpora- tions for the amount: not opposite their respective a specified In the following detailed statement: 1. Berg &. Ca, $6.00. H. LV. Bowe. $15.00. Allyn P. Soyd, $ZS B.ia. J. F. Gerlach. $15.00. IV. F. Hunt• $3.00. Mrs. S.I.ovskar, $15.00. Ilenh at tan Oil Co., $250.05. A. P. Moore. $9.42. Nassau raper Company. ,1111 gnee 6396 L. Berg & Company, illvo�th-sierntinSc ool ° Supply a 25 Co. 6.00 Auditorium $6Pilot Printing Co.. $26.75. Pitesburgh Coal Co., $427.G2. Tri State T.I. & Tell. Co., $105.15. 6397 H. W. Bowe, Albert NVunaerueh. Cemr. Eappa- 15.00 Election I Lien, $15.00 Adopted by the Conncn Sept 10, 1018. ApPr_d Sept 30, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) 6398 Allen P. Boyd,=w-'_-�I 258.75 Pump Station W. St.Anthony Park Sanitary Sewer 6399 J. F. Gerlach, 15.00 Election 6400 W. F. Hunt, 3.00 Election 6401 Mrs. S. Lovskar, 15.00 Election 6402 Manhattan Oil Company, 250.0.5 Schools 20 45 Parks 15.60 Water 27 00 25 .05 6403 A. P. Moore, 9.42 St. C. & R. 46� Sewer C. & R. 6404 Nassau Paper Company, Assignee Merchants Printing Company, 6.25 Schools 2. 0 Sprinkling 3.V5 6.125 t f ■F Res. 467 Page #2 6405 Northwestern School Supply Company, Schools 6406 Pilot Printing Company, Civil Service 6407 Pittsburgh Coal Company, St. C. & R. _ S. & S. Cing. Sprinkling 6408 Tri State Tel. & Telg. Company, Schools Library Auditorium Parks u P. Bldgs . tf Play rounds tt 6409 A. J. Tupa , Election 6410 Albert Wunderlich, Com'r. Education, Election Total X234.46 75 42 176 10 j4 .62 6.90 7.30 1 .00 .00 .25 .00 .70 .00 .00 .50 2 .00 50 1051t15 65.72 26.75 It 427.62 105.15 15. Yarm A A 46,2 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAULOFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM v Cllt NCIL N A FILEQ. ................................«+ t,. BY........ AUDITED791 Cl'r' Wvy xOLLEx - _....... -.... IPE R....--_..._...................:.....!! - - '§' 468 dTITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the` persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ....191.....-- Far nth _.In favor Approved 1 9.l 191.._.__... Goss � KelWr _..Against ll /_rr, . _.._...._.................. .......g -.1A. -:Y __.. O._.._..._: _ �R C. F.No. nh„u Resolved that warrl(nte be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of I after specified fund. and la the here n e favor of the person., firma or corpora-, tions eapeetiveheir a name. ll Bet /epec11-11 I- posite the LollowfnB detailed statement: - -St. Paul Tile {Yorks, 5650.00. Adopted by the.Councll Sept. 10, 1918. Approved Sept. 1 , 11916) 6411 St.P.1 Tile Works, Curbing St.Albany, Hamline to Snellibg 4 850800 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: LAYIM WAT.ER RAMS . . . . . . ... ...... ... ...... ... . ......... - .. "%- 227-1 COUNCIL dkFILE No.............................................. DatePresented ................_....._..------......_...._.......191......_ Resolved, that a water main be laid in Berkeley street from. Albert street to Pascal Avenue. Yeas C ... cil.c. (II) Nays r- 'Farnsworth _—Keller (,,'Wundcrlich FORM C A-9 6-17 2M C. F. No. 22721—laid CI Resolved, that a —ter -.,. be -1 Berkeley St. from Albert St. to Pas cal =.d by the Council Sept. I ' 0, 1918. Approved Sept. 10. 1918i (Sept. 14-191 Adopted by the Council, 191. .....In favor UP Approved.....-.... 191 Against AAtIng MAYOR `';I�TY'' OF' S�S�Z�I�NrT' fr;RUaL, p'ePaOmvn, of PublicU'hi'Iihies Qureau o f \y/ahv-r September BOARD OF WATER COMM I SSIONERS 1 r S OGLR EEpLE R. Pres deer l .y 1 U. 5. FARNSWORTM N GOSS GARRETT O HOUSE. Gel Sup To the Honorable, TF,' COUNCIL, CITY OF ':AI''T PZ-, St. Pa_t', Linn. Gentlemcn;- The Board of ",:.ter Cornmissio:Ze's,at the meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the fo7.1011.1- ing resolution; 117,esolved, that the Council of the City of taint aul be and hereb.�,r is requested to authorize the l vinE of a water vain in Berkeley from Albert street to Pascr,l Ave :ue. " Encl. Secretary. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: . _... . . - _... _.....-. COUNCIL ' FILE NO. --. �....................... Date Presented Sept, }0th -11491 - 1 J�Q Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase one Dodge ,'.utomobile Touring car for the sum of $1067.50, without asking for uompeti- tive bids, as the same is a,.Liatented article and no advantage can be gained thereby. Charge to the Department of Parks, Play- grounds &-'ublic Bldge, - Public Bldge. Yeas ( 11 Councilmen (17) Nays ✓lancy �arnsworth C� �I s In favor // (/Keller Mc@oit• __...,_Against y Wunderlich W -44P eeidem, lYtY on FORM C. A.9 3M 0-19 C. F. No.. 2-­_2722Bfancy— {i Agent be,d¢ndThe tie herby nt of authorized, purchaee oneeDodge automobile roller, tour Ing car for the an m t 31067.fi0, wlth- outnaking for competl[Ive hide, ea the vnmelea patented article 4nd 'no ad- ntage an be gained thereby. Charge to the Department of hereby. Bidgarounda and Public Bidge, Public Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1918. ADpreyed Sept 10, 1918. (Sept. 14-1918) Adopted by the Council__. ?_.� I� �i ;....__.191__ Approved _...._ ..._.._.191... t1Lb MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ........ _..... - ......COUU � NCIL FILE 140--_ ........ . .............- Date Presented.-.t3ept, 10th_' 18191 -- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase one Dodge .,utomobile Touring car for the sum of 41067.b0, without asking for competi- tive bide, as the same is a patented article and no advantage can be gained thereby. Charge to the Department of Parks, klay- grounds a kublic Bldgs. - kublio Bldgs. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy-�—'" Farnsworth In favor JGoss Keller wicevn­ ( Against Wunderlich M . FORM C. A. 9 3m 0 -IB Adopted by the Council Approved _ U ........ 196 . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM Subject: COUNCIL 2-2 /-,3 FILENO.... ........... ................. Date Presented Sept. Ioti1='t111- Resolved, That the Gouncil hereby concurs in the recosroendaticn of the Gontract committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of alley in Block 6 B`ann's Addition, to l:•:. H. Llalone Go., for the sum of 4190.50. Engineer's Estimate being $173.00. This cancels Resolution of Aug. 31st, 1918 G.F. No. 22568, on account of error made in amount of award. F.B. #1719. C. F. No. 2272x— Resolved, That the Council hereby' concurs In the recomendatlou of they Contract Committee ad hereby awards the -contract for the grading of alley In Block 6, Wann's Addition, to W. H. Malone Co., for the sum of $190.60. Engineer's Estimate meing $173.00. This cancels Resolution of Aug. 31st, 1918. C. F. No. 22668, on account of 'error -made in amount of award. F. B. i No, 1719. i Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1918. Approved Sept 30, 1918. (Sept. 14-1916 Yeas W) Councilmen( V) Nays i6ancy ` -#" msworth , ;P�6ss In favor Keller _. j�.,Against underlich Mr.. President. -Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-16 Adopted by the Council __.j--: ........191..... I Approvedj._. _. __ __--.--.. 191 AOCiIIQ MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By-_ .................. __ ................. ........................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter and repairing the cement tile -........._....--------------......-----......_..._. _. sidewalk to a width of 91 feet on the west side of St. Peter St. from ................................................................--....------------.._....--------.................-------- .........-------..... ----...-......--------------------- Nlath..st-' -thence..._ south51 feet................. --........................--------------------- .12729 'er of reconstructing, relay - repairing the cement tile ....................................................................................................... to a width of 9% feet ..................................................... side of at. Peter. at. thence south 51 feet. ......................................................................................................... . Order 21601 r.------------------------------------------------------------- .-- '918 .'!. .. under Preliminary Order ...........21601..........................approved.......June .12th, 1918. IntermediaryOrder ............................... . - -- ------approved ...................... --.............--- --- ------ .................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City ie..reconstruct, relay and repair the cement tile ................................................................................... sideWa.].--to_.a.._width of 91 feet on the west side of St. Peter St. from ............................ ...................-....... . _... ... ............................. ..................................... Rinth..8t...... thQ.Ur,.e...south..51...feet. .................. ............ ......._...._..................... _..........._....... _..._......_..........- ......... .... _......... -._ .......... _ _.._..................._..._........ ...... ..............._._...... _.._.......... ...... _ . ............... ............. ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Conneil__......... 191 Approved.......... Councilmat_-�aworth Councilmj;o<os CouncilmClancy Couneilm� ` Councilmad-Wunderlich/ n Form B. S. A. 8.7. �. .__.. ..._......__.................................:..::..:..:::::v...u:...:...,................: City Clerk. y ............... 191........ Actin? Mayor. CITY " ST. PAUL DEraRTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE o 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,v 9, 2 re ^c + iT - p1�,. p ,. =ir;^- siiesalk �.. i. pl. -, p�np res., r - ti e In thelVfattuof....._._..�---�t. '� -- - �..^ ..". _......-_..........._........ _.................— siie of ;t. Pe to e ::iit:z of 92 fe t o.^. t ...,,+....._....._.._..............._.._..........._'_........_......._._......_....-_.. ... thence a .,+ 51 `eet _..............................—.._...__....__................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... ............ ........... ...... ..... _...... ....... .......... ..__............... ..._._........... _...... ....... .... .............. — -- --............... ...... ........................ _..... -. ....... ..................... ... -. _........................... - ... ....... ... .... _ ....... ...... ..... _........__ _ _-........... ...... ..... _......... ..._ ......-. undo Preliminary Order approved._.._. i e....-.:t2...°l�............ ..... --............_....... ........ .-_._....... ................ .:.....- ...... ...0 To -- the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ .-..- _ ..----•...--- - . -- . The estimated cost pe^ of for the above improvement is - - - - - $ 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North � of r=,t 1.., :t. 1 10 it s _ ___ns Ai 3 , t 36750 z_c,ath e Of East 1CC ft. 1 1C Ft. P:a:l 3C850 ?orthcf 2 10 3o 64000 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the 'Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._......... ,..../..1........_191.. • U(-..�i%G%L%'.. Commissioner of Finance. C.r1v,o, R1401 �; �--- ��,� fir, y,,_.� � � � l� ��� / �. r� Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo � CEI EI) RNA 0 ' Report to Commissioner of Finance d�. �tR OF f�`• JUN 10' t9rg i June.....18th,._..........._...i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- sil, known as Council File No..._21601 approved......_._.._Jurie 12th 1918....., relative to....._......._ .............. reconst.ruo.t ing.,--_re_layin.gand...,repairing_.._the_,.. to a width of 9; feet on the west side of St. Peter St. from Ninth ............................. .. . ....._. St....._t_hence....south..._5.1.._f_eet_..:._..........__...._..............................._......._..-_..................._._............_..._............_._....._..................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................... necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._._ ............ .._............ _. and the total cost thereof is $....._......._......_...._......._........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __....._.....__ ................ ....._-...... .... ....._......_....... .... ....._................ _............... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... -..... ............... ........_......................__........................_............._................._.._............._............................................._......._........._.................................._......._..._........ _..... not 5. Said improvement is..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. ' J , _................................................._.. 1................ ......... ._........_............_ _........... Com issim er of Public orks. �t, ftl PE COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. BY................................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matterof..l^.@.Q C1Xt8.trluQ.t.j.A.fix..-.r§$.4Ar.!Tkg...thQ.._ce.m.011t----tile_ sideRtalk...to...a._Wldtll._of--.six--,Feelide,•,gf,-,ndiana _Aye-.-_at--,•t}le falLotKing..loc.>�t,ion.e.%...�e6 iru� inB.._100,_feet-.,east_.O.f...FIyde._St...,-._tklence.._e�s.t_.... 5Q.-. _Q-e.t;.-.beginning-_50--.feet-.-east thence east ............... beginning at Edward St. thence west 1.4.4 feet. zsof a of rng th uc ern, r. .................................................... ............... .----------------------------- to alrin6 the cemenl................_-............................................... ,. aide width of elx ' 21596 h side ti I : Ba it under Preliminary Order ---------------------------------.....-----....: f ride si., 1e, ..12.th ..191E..---.__----......._. :in6 5a,r. Intermediary Order ----.._-- ......................-......----.......----approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....recons.tr-Ltc.t....relay...Rnd...re.pa.lr....the....cement ....t.ile_ sidewalk..t o....a....W.ldth...p,g... six ...f e e t__.on_. the_ ..n..orth... s ids.__ oP,,..144 iana.- Ave..._ at_.t-)ae following locations: Beginning 100 feet east of Hyde St., thence east ._......._.. ......._ . . 50..-feet-;-.,beginning..60.-feet._east.. of..Walter St_..__thence.-.east...52__feet;.... ......... beginning at Edward St. thence west 1.4.4 feet. _.---.__ .. ........ ................ -.._. ......._..._...... _.... .......... . ...... ...- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _....._..................... _---..._............ ..., 191........ \ Approved........................................................... 191........ Couneihna>I'F nsworth Councibnatf0o Councihn� Clancy ® Councilor eller SCouncilme6 Wunderlich M n Form B. S. A. 8.7. ......r City Clerk. Mina Mayor. S&F 8T. PAUL DEPAR T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter r..j n,.. the ce ent til side--,r.a1"- to a ......... ... ­­ .......... r ............ . . -i J..t-h G_n� the. �V ............ St. c e locaticns' e n-A.n !CC feet ea. t ..cf H de the . .......... . . ... . ....... . . . .. ........ I _ .... .. ...... . . ...... A _feet ea t 5C .... . ........ .. ............ .. . ........ be :1 EC fcez '��Ot of Taiter �t te,_3 e:jq�_� _ft'C:.'.r. ........ ....... . .. . ........ .... ............. . . .. ...... . ....... . ....... ... . . . . .... ...... ... . .... ..... D, e�jat ... . ......... . ...... ....... ...... .... 1.4.4 f aet ........................ ...... .. .. .. ...... ....... ........... .. ..... ... . .. .............. .... . ...... -..-...._.1- .... ....... I ............ .............. ­ .. ........ .. ........ ............ ..... . . .. .......... -1. - ....... .............. ....... . ..... . ...... ............... ... ............... .... . . .. __ . ....... ..... I ....................... . ....... .............. ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ .. . ........ ...... . ..... .. .. .............. ---- - - - ----- --- . ............. . ....... ...... ...... ­ ......... ...... ............ ............ ........... .......... ............ .......... .... ..... I ......... ...... .... ............ . .. . . ....... .................... .. .. ....... .......................... . . ­­... . ... . .. .... ...... ........... under Preliminary Order approved h, - . ..... ....... . ....... ..... ... ...... . .......... .... . ............ .... ....... ........ . ........ .. ... ................... -------- - ...... I ...... ........ .. ...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.---. .... . .......... ie is - - - $. ......... ........... . The estimated cost per of for the above improvement The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (7.xoept Tat 23 fe'3-,) 2 162 e r a c A:! d e t 23CO Ea3t 23 feet of 9 162 1?U1 1300 (Except Fast 32' ft) 8 165 do 2475 East 3,91 feet of 8 1651 do 5500 165 121 165 do 1100 11 165 do 950 10 165 do 950 TOTAL. 14575 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner Of Public Works. ... . .. ...... . I ... ...... . ..... .. ......... . ......... ...... .... Dated . .. ....... Commissioner of Finance. 4w 70W Office of the Commissioner of Public�w�! Report to Commissioner of Finance G''', „,,. ' i' � ,.. I)UN 19 8?D _ June ......18th, ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Coursed File No.....21596 ................................approved...........June 12th, .....................I..........................................1918........., relative to.............................. reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk .......... to- ...a...wl dth....of.....six....f..e.a.t._..on t.he...nQxth a.id e.... o.f.....Imiian.a....P v.e.........at......t.he..................... following locations: Beginning 100 feet just of Hyde St., thence east 50 feeet;-bagtnning 50 -feet -east -of W�ter nt St. .thece eas........ 52 feet, beginning at Edward St., thence west 144 feet. ..................................................................................._....................................................................................................................................................................................................._............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ......... _......... .necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ .................................. and the total cost thereof is $ ............ .................................... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ,Wade a part hereof. 0 d...__...._.........................._.............._.........__._......_... ........_.......... ........_....._...._..._.... .............. .........--.........___..............._....._.... ...... .._.._..._...__._................................... not 5. Said improvement is__ ...... _...................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis 'one of Public W S. 4 _ COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........................................................... ............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....raaonalr.w-t.dl$,...m14.y.1Rg..-P.L.aO..Xdll��> xz3g--�tk16...Q.�m zl ...t.11fl s idewal-k--..to..-a--- width -of ...six..feeL...on....the...nar.Lh..s.ide-•-of---Hil7mnre...kv-e-..at... the follaz;Ln&--1ocat:Lons....-Baginning..a.t...Sauth...aa ert...St.......thence...east--- 1Q0 ............. fa a t;....be JbJnnJng.. a t._Robe rt son -_St-.--_ thence--.east.-138._f a et_;,__be g inn ing-- a t •._--.-..-.. Robert on -.$t.,. tk ecce t.. Eva St zs— ........ ........................... ... t ...................atttt er of reconstructing, relsr........-................. and p nirwidthhof six e[et Awanc to ...............................................................................................i: north side of Flllmore Ave.. ........................................... .lowing locations: Heginn'----..... ••,th Robert St., thence eael.' 1. O under Preliminary Order ...... --�..`>�..97.............. ;Inning .°.: glnning r:i:.bertson --.�,q.Y.�.............................. thenc., Iva St.:. IntermediaryOrder ... ....................................._...........' proved ............. .......... ............................................... .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St yPkul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......re.c-Qna.tr.U..C.t.....I.@.7 ay.. and...rQga j -T.. --t j7e-, c.e¢a_exlx.._tl le. sid..ewaJX to.._a..width__.of.-six feet on the north side of Fillmore Ave. at the . .. follow.ing...1aca.tinns.:...B.eglnn.lpg. at...S.Quth...RQbert.. St...,. -..thence,.. east... I.Q.0 ....... feet;.., beg41Aing..at..Robertson Stthence east 138 feet; beginning at Robertson ...St..._thence.-.to_ Eva St.__.. ......... _..._._ . ._._...__......... ......__ _. ...... ...... .._... .._._... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -..........-"" ....-- ..............1 191........ Approved .......................... Councilman`nsworth Councilman Goss Councilman �61ancy Councilman Zeller Councilman underlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. ......................................... .......................k..:......:.........:.... City Clerk. ................. 191- AsUne Mayor. CIT4WT. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �y In the Matter of_.._:.HCs:3wCli<.>i.Qg.,....r..sl.ayirxi...:acl�....xP.:�...C..�.=.a....the .....:..Qr;'e.:At..t.3_l.'._31 3.K _�1k..._t� — .;1.�_._C.fAV.e........a.ii..Uae2f..Q.k_... _.._.......... lag ........ ..�t...... .tl_e__2a...2aat....133._f ty..:.ezi IL -at ...n-',7t.act.{._"t_,....th_y: c.Q.._... -- Ver tit to ....:_...."._......__ ._...._.._..----- .._..........._ _...... ........... ...... ................... ._............. ......... ..........._.._..._............._._.._................... .............. ..........__ — under Preliminary Order approved......... June1 th 1P19 .,.-.. _.__..._. To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$......_......_.._......__....._......._. nR The estimated cost per f of for the above improvement is - - - - - $....•..-� °- -.-- --- n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Fxcept ':'orth 50 `t.) i0 11 1 -azil & Roberts Add. to 3975 T s :t. Paal 17 6 .Yaaranalll a Ad itior: to ":est 1500 16 5 St. Paul 1500 Fast 1/2 of 10 5 do 25:)0 Test 1/2 of 11 5 do 900 11 5 do 1250 12 5 do 1300 13 5 dG 900 TOTAL. 13$25The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_..C�l.l'...f%r.........._.191C_ . /.-...:... ��t 1.....:..._ ............. _.................... ,opp s. Commissioner of Finance. �� �C �i`/ Gni,+ ✓'��t.-C/ _J .' 1 ' _ i Office of the Commissioner of Public W&EI VED Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 19 1918 June 18th, ......._ ..............1.91..8... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21597 June 12th, 8 oil, known as Council File No.. .................... .............. approved ......... ............ I ............... ....................... ............ 191.......... relative to............................ reconstruct_ing.,_._relaying._,end .repairing the cement tile sidewalk to ...._.............................................................. a width of six feet on the north aide of Fillmore Ave. at the ........................................................ ...................................................... ._........... ..................................................... ............................................................... .................................. - ... following locations: Beginning at South Robert St., thence east _.._._..__100fee t;.,.._b_eSinn 4g.._at.__Pobe.rtson_._St__..___th_enc_e,.__ee.et..._138.___ feet; beginning ........ at Robertson St., thence to Eva St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. .070 per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .......... ............... _..... _. and the total cost thereof is $............... ............ _......_._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... ............... _....._.........__...._._.._.._............. ..... ..................... ......... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ........................................................................ ............... .............. ...... ........................ .......... ............ ............ ....... ..... ...... ....................... ... ..... ................................_............._ 5. Said improvement is ................... ................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm' riot r of Public Works. M COUNCIL FILE NO_ ................. By.................................. ................I.............. ........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-.... ...... and repairing the cement tile siclew&i-1{.._yO...a w.au.641..VL....uia-..i.r'.ca....,..u...wuw...w.s.w..............a.,...............................r....................... _..... — at -----St west 140 feet, and to a width of nine feet beginning ........................................................------................-- .........--- .......----------- -- --------..........._............ 39... feet... wes.t...0.f..RQA.Q. ...lave-.._.thence..west .81 feet .and .beginning 78 feet _east of...Bobertspzt...st.+.,.._thence east 75...feet.------...........................--------------------...._.......--............. . '727— ' or of reconatrucitn6. relay- ------------------------- ---------'-----'-----------"- ....................._.......................................................................reya, Tec the cement the ,e a wldth of ata feet on tli . th 1918 . under PreliminaryOrder ......2..60.7. of Falraeld Ave. be; :........... t.................. ............................ ' .11-1 at. thence ive... a width of nine r' w Intermediary Order ....................................... .. ..................: met _fe-est of F", �a • -.......--.---- .----- --...------- .---- ....------- .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of at. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...-....repo.natxlbC.t,...relay._and.._repa.iT__.the cement t_ile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Fairfield Ave. ................................... ....._....... ...... _........... ... ....._.....-- _........-....._..- _._ _... .... _.......__.. beginning...a.t...Aani.e.l...8t......thence... west140_.feet,.__.and to..a width f.-nine._feet beginning ......3.9...fe.at. ..X.e.St-.-o#,..Eaion_Aye.__.thencewest._-8.1 feet_.and_,beginning 78.feet_east.-.of_Robertson St., thence east 75 feet. ............. ....--_...... ..... ...................... ........... _.. _........_ _ ...._...... ..... _.... ............. _................. ._............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ ................................ 191........ Approved........................................................... 191........ Councilman �naworth Councilm as Councilman Clancy . �Councihnap.�eller Councilman Wunderlich ..., ....�...,raanon -Form B. S. A. 8-7. I i City Clerk. Aeting Mayor. el. ST. PAUL DEPART OF FINANCE <i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ril '7 i j r,ra In the Matter of ........... C.f....sis_..ieet..-0r....t: W..s.c - `_ ixa....of...._.3i.=ii 21i...A.v.�__.i ei _.at ... ....... ....... r. _K.1...-Kt......t_ . :_z -. fe..' ...._3n t 3 ., idti, .......... _e....ie_�t.........-0 _n........ ............ __..... . cl oe est °1 feet ' 78 east __..........................._................................. . _ o3_.._Robertson_-St_...... t.-:e.`:9..e_'-aat...75 feet..........__ ..............._...............—.......................................... .._..................._� ---.... ... ..-... __.... _...................... - . _- ... ...... ......__.._........ _........ ............. ....... ...... ..... ....... .... _......... ........... __........ ...... ................ ...... .-- - ........ __..... . under Preliminary Order approved.-....... June. ..i ti_.,.....1° �......... . ..---.—.......... ... ._..................._.._._,........................---.-. To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ...._. _ ... ...•.•.... - -- - _...-- The estimated cost per f t for the above improvement is $ ......... G e % i The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 196 Irvinee Ada. t_ T. 6t.Fau1 6000 2 196 do 1C-00 3 196 do 1450 1 ° azil & Rcberts AdJ. tc 'i 7125 t . P a'u ,est 1/2 of 1 -- 2 12 ..arsh�ll'a Ad. tc .St.Paul 4050 East 1/2 of 1 --- 2 12 3o 4300 West 1/2 of 3 12 do _ 1350 1/2 of 3 12 do 2:500 4 12 3o 8000 TOTAL. 37975 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � � / / Commissioner of Finance. �r /F� F.rE� o q ✓� F—�i.g FrF� v 9 yam: c R ✓r 3 ' 6 � /'. it Q2 - -/2 Q v Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor ` `' o 2\'S Report to Commissioner of Finance a 7�"ro-5, . �t 1 U N 19 1918 ... ..... ... ...._Jun.e 18th.?........ ................. 191..8... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 81s07 Jure lath, 8 Qil, known as Council File No................................._..approved..........................................._..........................._191........., relative to ...................... reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk to ... a width of siz feet on the Boutfi Bide of Fairfield AV6. b_ginning at Daniel St. thence west 140 feet, and to a width of nine feet be- ................ ..........._....................................................................................................................................................................................._......_.........................................................._.................. ginning 39 feet west of Eaton Ave. thence west 81 feet and beginning . 8f ee t...._ea0.t..._of..._Robert s..Qn_...st.........theno.e..._eaet..._75..._fee_t......................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... .._......... necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._ ........................._... . and the total cost thereof is $....... ............................ _........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ........................................................... ......... ............. ...._........... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..................................... _...................................... _................... ._.............. _.................................... -..... ........... ....................... ............. ...._............_....._._...................._.... _..._ 5. Said improvement ie.._..._nOt .._..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mmissi ner of Publi Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............................................................. ................ FINAL ORDER 4 Q-� �0S In the Matter G.eAleT1t.._tile..... sidewalk ...to ..a...width__of-_10-.feet._on__the.-_south-,side.._of-._Eighth__St_._-.beginrliAg 75 feet west of Sibley St. thence west to Jackson St. ................................................................................................ ......................... . ......................................................... .... C.P. In the No. t2 of 'In [he Efatter of reconstructln Ing and repairing the ce......................................................................_............... .................................................................. sidewalk to a width of the mouth side of Eight' ning 76 feet west of Sibl .................. west to Jackson St. ............. ary Order 21603 appr, 21.1.6.t.1n 1publie hearing d r June 12th 1918 under Preliminary Order ........ .A the above lr pp oved................................ a................e.............................. n IntermediaryOrder ........_........... .........................`.... approved -._..._......._................................._................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...re0AnatrUct.,...relay ...and...r-epair....the...cement...ti1E.... s idewalk...to...a...w.idth..of._ 10...feet. .on...the ....south.. ald.e...of..Eighth .B.t.... b.eginning 75... feel ...w.e.a.t...of...Sibley ....s..t. thence...:F sPA .to....JAgxson..Sty....................... ............... .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ., Adopted by the Council............. ....::.........:.:... - .....- 191........ Approved........................ ...................... ............. 191........ Councilman F nsworth Councilman Pas§ Councilman Clancy councilman r Councilman Wtmderlich Form B. S. A. 8•7. City Clerk. ............... Aoting Mayor. CI ST. PAUL OFOF DEPARTP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 1PR9LIMINARY ORDER �. (D) IV In the Matter of__r=ccnetructinE, rel=.vin., s.ni rersirinv the cer.:e^t tile eiie'x- k..__....... to a %: yidth of 10 feet or. the eouth aide - ri Zhth Vit, be inrin • 75 r o rAo Qom' gut G� 41D1ey �'� thence t to j3et'POr ..t. ..._.... ........... _......... _...... ..._.. .............. ........ .....__...... .- ...... ..... ' under Preliminary Order approved ......._................. _.._.....----.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $...... . ....................... The estimated cost Oct for the above improvement is - - - - - -$.............. l.0...7............_..__ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7.eet 24 3/4 ft. of 9 "avalle ^ubdivieion of ilk. r I10 1 of Whitney & Srith's 507 CO !11 Ad,!ticn and Mork 17 of Ea-t 1/2 of 12 Robert S. Randalls Additicn 82 50 1.7,'eet 1/2 of 12 do 83 00 15 do 320 00 TOTAL. °2250. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his revort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..— __ __ ...................191:._ _ _ S�/....�I �. ./�,!/!� ..�•-..._.. .o.. e. s... e a o / Commissioner of FinaaEe. P9 J•i Office of the Commissioner of Public WOAWEI VED S Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 19 1918 h................_.....191.8... ......................._J une ..........18t ............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No 2-1.69.3 ........... approved ........... Ju..n.e l2..t..h ............... ...... 191.8 relative to ...................... . ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ... ....,..�reconegg n truotin, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk - .............. - .......... . .......................... .......... . ................................. I ... ......... .... . ........ ...................................................................... ............... .......... t.'o _a IN 1A.11 of 10 f el Q .h.0 P.9 ... ............................ -0- .............. ........... T-5- te-Q..t W-Q.,at of thanae wast to J ao.kz.Q-n S.txe.el . . ............................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................._....necessary and (or) desirable. .070 per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......_ .........................and the total cost thereof is $................................................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................... ............... -- ............... ...................... -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof, 4 . .............. .. ............ ......................... ................................... . ...... ..................... - - .... ............ .......... -- ...................... ......................................... -- -- not 5. Said improvement is . .......... . ................... . . asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................ I ............. . ...... ommissio er of Public Wo a. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............ ........... ................................. I -------- .......------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..1CeCQF}st-ructing,...relaying.--and..repairing._the cement -_tile„ side�t 14;;„fee,t.on...the _north side .of _East Seventh St. heginning..BB...fe.e.t... flAtlt...Qf.da..Xsgn-. St,..,_thenc a -. ea s t..,1.90.- f ee t . .............._----.----............ iIo{d da ....................... ..............---......------------..._..------...... thence ea 88 feet st-g' thence east 190 tact, ;�, arY................................................................................ 191 Order 21604 apP 1918._.:....................................................................... ..... ". under Preliminary Order ..........2i 6.4$...........a............ a �mprit ......J}uie...l2th ...19...... ._.............._..... . immary ppi _i Intermediary Order .......... ...................................... ............. _approved .........._................... ...... ............. ..... ..... ....... ........ ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Conned having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is r.ecQ.netruct�..-relay and .re pair..the cement tile ............................. sidewalk ..t.o... ..W141h...or._14iY_ feet ...on the north side of East Seventh St. .. ............. heginning..BB...fae.t...eaAt_o#....Jackson...St_!...thence__east 190_. feet. _____________________..__ --------------- ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is here y�matructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said injEovement, and submit same to th Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials arehereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvekentt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------------------------- , 191. ------ Approved........................................................ ., 191 Councilman F Orth Councilman sa �uneilman Clancy nneilman B er F Councilman WH6derlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Clerk. .............. Aocing Mayor. ITY OF ST. PAUL DEP NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t, In the Matter of ...._...re.�9 s.t.S.M.�.t.i.A; ,._. i-eLajr, r:�....alli..s._ �..iT.l.n�....i._�......C.eII:.L .....,.1' P.....81...e.x? ....... � r ........._ 88 FSt C-- ?ackscn ^t +-^ _ncE..._east-ie..._.........................................................__.....................__........ _._.... .........- .... ....... ............ ._....... _ ......... .............._..._........ ........... .......... ........ ....... I... ....... ......_................... ... ........ .... ................. ........ — --. -- . ........... _---- -.............. _._............_.... ...... ._.._................. ....._........ ...... ....... ............................ ....... ... ..__....... _... .... -........... _......_......._........ .......... __......._......... u.. c. , wader Preliminary ary Order approved_._..._ . . A.�....�> .u..,,.....m.w..i.v........ _...... --... ...... ...__.._........... .... ....... ._.... __ ...._- ........ ...... ...... ....... ... --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $....... ---...... -- - --- The estimated cost per of for the above improvement is $-- ----------------- n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION :apalls Subd1visio i \ est 1%2 of 3 do ; 27A500 East 1/2 Cf 3. do 1 4flc )1 1569',C U_ feet of 51, do ) (F.scert `::est 2c _e2t) 5. do 254CC 'rzcert Fa=t 1C 1/2 ft) 5 do =3250 Fast iC 1%2 it. of do 137CC TOTAL. J�77JO The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by/the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......(�i�.0 /y. ............._.191 ........._...!/!_..: .onr o Commissioner of Finance. e, a... e -s L JOHN A. STEES CO., REAL ESTATE FA SENTALI;, FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE;0 STEES BLOCK; IU5 E. SEVENTH, OOH. JACKSON 3T. ST. PAUL. MINN. Office of the Commissioner of Public Workk ✓ [SCE! V Ep P I 12,1'` ,l. Report to Commissioner of Finance � Qt JUN 19 1918 •vb Junras 18th, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21604 June 13th 8 ail, known as Council File No..... ................................approved................_....:....._.._........................................191........., relative to.............................. reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk .................... ....................... _........................ .................. ................... .................................. ............................................................. ............... _................................... ............... ......... _..... ................ to a width of 14� feet on the north side of E. Seventh St. beginning ....... .............. ........_...... ....... 88 feet east of Jackson St., thence east 190 feet. ............ ................................................................................................._.............................._................._..........._......................................................................................._........................_...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ ............................. and the total cost thereof is .......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto.attached and made a part hereof. 4............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. not b. Said improvement is ................... .._...._..._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................. .......... _......... _......... ... _._...... _........................ ......................_......._...... Commissioner Pu lic Work C. F. ?i o` `. J.3 O ` ' lA�^^ v" _"_ 1V Ordinance No ... +..� An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance Pio. 5942 en— ti.q °An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the e loges and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City", approved Aug st 10, 1917, as amended. This is an emerEency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. Ic. N..--408--- ;By Hy Albert Wunderllch— N A ordinance to. emend Adminl tratw I OdinNo. 3942 entitled THE COU`.C1L OF i CITY OF ST. _ 7S ;S q' 7?.I?i: dinance Rxing the number, title., d°• andompensatl on of the _ and officers connected Section 1 servo,=,f°�° cl ` That Sedtion 1Q. of Administrative Ordinance No. 3942, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the employes a and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City", approved August lo, 1917, as amended, be and the same is 'aereby amended bT. striking out all that :)ortion of said Section 10 beginning with the words 'For the High Schools" and ending with thet:ords ":ind such Firemen as may be necessary at salaries not greater than ,277.00 per month", and inserting in place thereof the words and figures following: For the High Schools: 7nGineers, minimum „100 per month; maxirmm i„.120 per month Pireren; minimum 65 per month; maxii=m 85 ner month Janitors, minimum 60 per month; maxi=m 100 per month For the Grade Schools: Lngineers, not to exceed ,,,;95 per month, provided that engineers at the ?.:adison and Jefferson schools only may be paid not to ex - teed ;x100 per month. Firemen, minimum ,,60 per month; maximum >75 ner month Janitors as follows: For buildings of 1 to 4 rooms inclusive, maximum :Y'55 per month For buildings of 5 to 8 rooms inclusive, moxim M `;SO per month For buildin!ts of 9 to 12 rooms inclusive, :-1.aximum :.�84 per month For buildings of 13 to 15 rooms inclusive, maximum r90 per month For buildings of 16 rooms and over; maximum, :�95 per month For buildings of 16 to 18 rooms inclusive, ^There an engineer is employed, maximum ;90 per month For buildings of more t.ian 16 rooms, n*here an engineer is employed, maximum, -,;',95 per month And such ot'er.assistant janitors for .rade schools as may be necessary at salaries not to exceed r75 ner month. And such cleaners as may be necessary for either high or grade:' Schools at salaries not to exceed _;45 per month. For Cottage Buildings or reited rooms ( annexes ) In addition Co t^e amounts -fixed in the forer7_oing schedule, janitors s35 . or cleaners of 11.ain buildings ef'no also care for cottage buildin ; or rented rooms used as annexes to s•ach main ,11ildnrs ,all receive, not to exceed 68.50 .ger room per month. ,here such cottage buildings (or rented rooms) are detaciod from main buildings and1 cared for by ,janitors or cleaners hired for this specific purpose, they shall be considered as separate schools and compensation shall conform to the regular building schedule herein fixed according to the number of rooms so cared for. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the _-reservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 3 This ordinance shall tal-e effedt and be in force im ediately upon Its passage, approval and ublication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Ado:Ited by the Council C 1guC$7 Farwn-iorth Good' F� Kir otifT ``�' '�� 'y 8 1918 '?uXAerlich 9 c'ie• Approved p 1� ,, 8_1918 r�r &466. I:? ayor C. F. No 22711-0rdf mace No 4087-1 By M. N. Goss— An ordinance grunting to L K. Herz and Chau. R. Willner, --t—- do inK business — the Oxford --g— Z-1-1— rage.: rI1-1— to Install a ga .11— tank n the boulevard on Oxford street near Grand Ave. re f og ha W"naooe granting to L. X. Ran sad Chas. R. Willner, oo-partners doing business as the Oxfard Garage, perisissisa to install ✓; a gasoline tank in the boulevard on Oxford street near Grand avenue- TRB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: $action 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to L. S. Bars and Chas. R. Willner, co-partners doing business as the Oxford Garage, to metal a gasoline tank in the boulevard sa: Orford street, thirty-five feet north from Grand avenue, and acyaeeut to Lots 37 and 88, Block 39, Summit Park Additign, in said City. 8eetiem S. She Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to issue a permit to the said licensees for the lasts,11- ation of said tank, upon their compliance with the following oondi- tions: (1) She said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a glan or specification of said tank, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (8) the said tank shall be installed vader the sWervision and direction Of said COwwlssioner, and the said licensees ahali M the cost of inspeotion, if an7- (3) the said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Panl in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), oon- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that way accrue to porous or property on account of the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or X000val Of said tank, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said task shall remain. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed witn the Comp- troller of said City. (i) Bald tank shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said lloensees *hail pay any lloense fee or tax that may be required by any ordinanoe or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said lioensees shall, within ten days after the pass- age of this ordinamce, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk In suoh form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Seotioa 3. This ordlnaaoe snail take effect and be in foroe thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council FP 2S 'E YOU Nays Mr. Fatorth 'Zeller 1.� gosfi y mawl ftacberlioh Approved as t c Mayor Attest City Clerk. Yu�.►�:�ry � 1 � L; v Kzt zo e-ul ofiaeciil lam xM IXM4 eeeoneoU bins oC (e) it 'JUD ei: 10 %bg %0 tjoi,,- ulixo a yd 1)0 Ivy 5z e etit irtv ...... F,A-J, . .15G-avoo iw!t&%oq%oo .... .. .... IAaf L at ed brier'Toulls iota 1, 8 SID 0 *Oki awy DJ Tolzak 1'I'tA UR ". I. rl. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER To�a1-- 6;866.8 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMNo......:... _`.�...... ....... Farm A A I6.214 1-18 AUDITED ..SE.P... 1.1.. 1J. 1.'. 191....:'. I. tF✓!' 470 LIc Resolved that warrants he dra-1 upon the City i Treasury. parable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the I� persons. firms or corporations for the amount=_ -et opposite their respective names as specified in the f �llolrim detailed ailed statement: Deas I � ) Councilmen I �� I \'ays � � � j Adopted by the Council �I� 191 __.... (4-cY FartlswarthIn favor Approved _ .191 _._.. Goss (_ Against � ^_� �G�-E�fi. ✓�'� Meller .: ._I I,� d � A�t�q�larue n'enderlich ' \Ir. Hroirlem-FForb«rn Ali RESOLUTION!. C. F. No. 22732— Resolved that warrants be drawn , Paye out or upon the Clty Treasuryabl the her, fter specified fund. and In SrOr rpOr.-' favor orthe Derepna. ma tions for the amount. est opPa.fte their folreslowing detailed statement: ective names sal n the Badger Meter Co.. $1,258.05. J. C. Flanagan, C. A.. 825.21. George J. Grant Construction Co.. 6414 Badger Meter Com an Company, 84.46.47. 7W.4 J, Hoy co.. afioo oo. 1 258.05 a Wates, James Shiely, 8130.69. Adopted by the Councn Sept. 11, 1918. 6415 J. C. Flanagan, C. A., Approved Sept. 11. 1918. (Sept. 21-1916> 25.21 Water 6416 George J. Grant Construction Company, 4,746.47 Water 6417 W. J. Hoy Company, 600.00 Water 6418 James Shiely, 130.69 I Water To�a1-- 6;866.8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl; "3, COUNCu- FILE No. Resolved, f Yeas ( I) Councilmen ( V) Nays ClAhcy Farrtg'worth Gopd KeU& mrc—oTr wukpfferlich Mr1j-re,sTdrrlr,—rMRson FORM C A.9 3M 6-18 Date Presented 191 C. F. No. 22733— Resolved. That the application of jI11 'll G I-kY for a license to conduct a ".'i.n Picture Theatre at 14-16 E. 7th Street,b, I and the ..me hereby 11 d the CRY Clerk 1, here granted . b, instructed to Issue such license up— the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee. $60.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1918. Approved Sept. 11, 1916. (Sept. 21-1918) Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 In favor Against Amtt n I, MAYOR '�11'/ COUNCIL FILL; NO... _ . .... __... i By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Ccrstructin, a cement '::'_ac;: drivaag to a width of six _...'. `e .......................................................-----..._..... t;�.e...n.ort'11_s de of Eu,:' :r. ..1 ...1.-�, feet "o t °r -Rtes e c eft ^ `set __.. —nyFarnsnor[h— o( c ns[ruc[mg a - ........... ................ ........... .. ..............-. `rivn av to a width i north ole o1 E` 152 CeeC west oL �t 9 feet, and, 2. tinder Preliminary Order....._ ` cv 1 £ approved July 11, 191-. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon Lite above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves- 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is berebv ordered to he proceeded with. 'That the nature of lite improvement which the Council reiroConstruct_ ammends i,. __ cement clock drip, way to a widtl- of six feet on the north side of Euclid .F't. begin.- g 152 feet west of 3atcs Ave., t,_ence west. .....__ ..__ ......_ _........... .... 9 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated Post thereof is,,, C_f1C_7per square foot Resolved Further, That a public hcaring be had oil said improvement on the 12t.'-^- -_..___..day of --------Octct or 1 191 2-, , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 3C, in the Council Chamber of the Court Hdnse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement. and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted b}'the Council _. -. _.. 191 Approved 191 Councilman Fawr3,vorttri Conueilman 1$04s Iti....,.,.u- 1----Councillaa❑ IQeH'ei, J uunct man c 1tIT Councilman Wemlerlioh 'tt&yt r vin Form T.. I,. A. S -t; � J Along Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. Constructing ,t cement tile 9idetaalk to a e•idti; of =i>. feet .........._..............__.............................................. ................. on t'te rarest side of P lutAVe. begir,.ing at �ryl'_nd. Ct. therce ncrhh _ _ _._.. ..... _._ ......:... ......... ... ..... .....---.... _..... to Orange St. iaof i to 4, wo ung; - eiinek �m :i win e tn, or uomin _..._.._ .....__..- .......__..... ____.. _. ac nmry fiend sl. a .._. _........._ ooder Pr,. rJ,:r 220SD. aipp-1e11 .1 o[ tha o[ . ` "Port of upon under Preliminary Order...... 220.x.5._... _. .... approved Jul- 19, 19'_5. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the• said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with _ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is., CC^Str'a^_t P. cement_ - tile sidevja1.: to r id.t'- of cis fee* on the_`"'e t '4'd� of. D14) th— ,kve., begin-ir.g at Yaryland St, thence ro t:7 to Orange_ t.. Except ";,:ere good -.nd. s.',."fiPient �idev:alk2 noes ex_i.st— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.74 per fro -^.t f eo t . Resolved Further, That it public• hearing be had on said improvement oil theI 2th__day of vCtob er 197. .�.'at the hour or 10 o'clock A. \1., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Ruildiug in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing. the nature of the inipmvement, find the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Couueil Approved 1 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman ConneilmaIlAVkandex Cl' ncy 1'oum•ihuatyKr•llcr / 1'v�}ueilrnaa'—Nct','nH r ; C'ouneihuatwiVunderli,•h \favor Ilii - 110-d'�"sar, Form f9. S. A. c-6 Pullhtsiun ,�'�/y�`� COUNCH, FILE NO.. __ _ _ .__........ t t By. -...:__. _.... _. INTERMEDIARY ORDER ConstrucVin;; a cement tile side.:al:-: to a .-idtr of six In the Matter of__._.---....__.____ __...__. `.. p° feet on the east =ide of "alsh .%ve. frcic Cook 9t. t'ience so•tf'^. _ . _..._._.. _...... _ ..... .... ........ ......... to south Fzide of-'111ey, approxi^tz`cly 1'F `eet. - . _.... _ _ _ - __ ._._................ .... 1` 11. \n. 2!, 3v -P.� \i of c.���+t, ......... ... ..... ... „n 1„ sloe of 11vl-1, .1 ,i, l: S tl, et,c.` a utM1 t uth yi,lc a `,11,��. ,ne 22rl8 vl,p 1418. ov,nof St 2221P � cnu of tno cur u,Ta st 1st , 191 under Preliminary Order_..__ ...... ....... _...:.;. ..c:.-......... -e,1 -t If oc t� 'fit,, Council of the City of St. Taut having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. 'Thatthe said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herehv ordered to be proceeded with That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-___ Construct_3.. cement tile cidee:al'_c to _ hidt'c of si-- feet or the e^. t aide of —alsh 4�e. fro^Cook ,^,t. ..ence so t':: :o scut'n side of'ley, tppvoximn tely .. ......_... 1^5 feet. Except ere ood 2 rd sufficient 4 -'ev-11:s' hots exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is }. 0.7-1 k:'r front foot. Resolved Further, That a pubhv hearing be had on said improvement of the _ _ 12th .day of 0cto ,er 8. 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Cite Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - the nature of the imprnvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Ad.pted h%' the Council.' - Approved _....._ ._...... .191 Council Earnsworth ('oumcil os, Cuill"ifinatdyk Clarcy l'oum:ihnepi Kell-• � 0 Cotulciln101t, wunderlwil 1 SO n Fo•nl R. S. A. S -G 191 � `i - t riv. C]erly/F� Asting \lapor. COUNCIL FJLE NO... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._P?ccr.ctructin� relo.yinS :mrd ren-iiring the Cement _....__... _ _._ ......._.._...._.:.._--------------- tile- Eidelv-illx_ to :: r dt , e?,t.. Side Sf •ice _______ St. be inr.' ng 81 feet nort': of Tinnipe-, ',ve ti Once nort'r -P feet to idt':: of eis feet on t'r_e nor'.'li tide of -innipeg �ror: dice St. t'^_erne east 310 feet. F:,t asp o under Preliminary Order... ?&O 2 _-_ approved �1 ' 11, 191H. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiesiouer of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and tlae said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends i eCQn-;t-S'uCt-,. .;.el-"-;,'.. snd rep, :e cerner.t tile side-. -lk t:: ._ ri .t Qf ei:?t., feet on +hP e-st id r �' ... _ �.. ,,. _..., Wit. ce in:-an� 81 feat no rt- of .,.i^,ipea, --e. _ _.......__... _......_............ _..... .,ort': '_8 feet, ^_r -d to _ ridt'^ of rix feet on t e north Bide of "!innipeg ',.ce. fram Dice `e-.ce Ott o t ?10 avith no alternatives, and Haat the estimated cost thereof is per equare foot. Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had oil said improvement oil tile, l2t-h _ _ _-day of _ _..__.._UCLQ.'9.e r. 191 Q •, at the hour or 10 o'clock A. _Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Rnildin, in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statinv the time and place of hear- iue. the nature of the imprnvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated _adopted h} tiie Council 191 Approved........ _.. . Councilman 1oarnsworth Cuuneilrnaryr;u.s, Cotmn H eilmapl 'Gam.. --, rouucilmau 1 Couueilmall McC41 Couucilmat, R?nnderlich Mayor Irvin F01 -In N. S. A. -6 191 C'il}' Clerk Actlnp \la}'o•. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Reconstiuctin-, r-1 -- is - .,r., ce^;eat In the Matter of.. ....._. re -.. r.. n...._..e ... ti le side w,ll, to a widt cf_.9 - f@et__gn- St. Pro:^ Sm; tl Ave therce east 143 feet. _..... .... ...__....... _.. _ ..._ __... _........ ._ .._.. - ......... ........... Chi 'hr Xapproved._TulY 10, 1911. under Preliminary Order..."'1.993_._.._..__.... _ . ... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herehy ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Reno-ns.t-Tuft,-re! ,y ,rd- repair t: -e cement tile side --i1', to c •idt'^ c'' 9' feet on the r.ortvr -ide of ''est 7c�trt', from: 'r. it' ',ve. t'^.er.ce east 140 fee+. ypith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis? C.D7 Ner square foot. Resolved Further, That a public fmariug be had on said Laprovement on the 12t-,, _day. of Ucto'rer 191E. at the hour of 10 o'cloek A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Ruildin in the City- of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided bC the Charter,, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imluovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .adopted by the louucil 191 Approved _ _ ___ 191 City Clerk. Jc U� Q 1layor. Councilman (Farnswortli C'ouncilntai,ty lion, l:uunulma�E�ln�:t \ t -"fbuucihna��,,.Krller� Councilman lleC'oll l'ouncilutatt'tiVuudarliclt Mayor Irvin - Folin R. S. A. s G COUNCIL FILE NO. t 13v - _.._.. _ ..._. _.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of._.__.C.R.n.st..^ucti,n.g._a cern,C.nt__t-ile__.s_i_deA_v_ _j.1< t.,.) ............ six feet on 'Doth sides of P.ondo S fro, ''ictoria St. to I lton St. _ _ :r.'...-.. ..........- _......_ .._.................... Parns�nor. ........ ............ the Matter oI const ruet�ng llle '1 r)c"to a width o[ s�c fe . .........-- baths sloes "' of R _,[. to Milton St.. ..................... ............... .............................. ...... �..... ........ - ........... ..........-.................. under Preliminary Order ..._21-4.7.7..._ .... __ _... _ ___.._approved .. Jul1,0 . 19 i 'Phe Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby- approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. '. That the nature of tite improvement which the Connell recommends is cement tile .cl der 1' tc a idt'. o six feet on bots sidos of nondo St. fro:.. Victoria. It. to '.`i1 Ln St.E�cept wi:cre Eu )d nd sufficient sidewalks now e,:ist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is f'. 0.5-5 -p-r front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- l�ti1 day of October IN at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1C, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Ruildin ill the Citv of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. adopted be thr t.'omtcil - -. lel Approved_... _.. CouncihuP Farnsworth ('ouucihnyn Cas, C� Councilman iLX%)utK C1'rcv 'uuncilutan Iiell�•r Councilman McCall l'ounciht tn'Wuoderlioll Mayor IrCiBx "od�Son Farm R S A i -G lt)1 Cit, Clerk. 9„ i %� -'` �� ..moi ✓ - � ". ; Manor COU7L FILE -NQ.. ................;/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width....of....six...__ -....... --- ...--'- ........ ._-....--............. .....................----•-............ ' feet on the north aide of BerYle�!__r1pe.",""from._"Fredl:.Z� aj� ..... to ----------------- Underwood Ave. GePt... k?.e.r.e...Z4-R.d...-atld....Qu..ffi.ci-ent...s.id.e�zalka...nal�...esi.a.t.. .........................................................................................:.40 22740—By S. A. Porn—. : ...----.............................------.....--------......... atter of constructs the sldewalk to a n} - on [he north .1de................................................. ............................ from Fredericka e. except - side-. ............................ .................. .............. ............................. .... ....::................... ger under Preliminary Order._ 219fi0....................... ...............approved........T.-1VLlY_.110, ..19113...: ........ ....... ..._....._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improsement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. _... Congtxuc.t.s,._o.ement t.i1e_ aia_w.id.th..of..s_ix...feet....on. ..the—no rth..si.de...of...Berkley--Aue. from. Fredericka P_ve.. to Underwood Av.e.._.Exce-ot._rathere...good...and ...suffi.ai"ent sidewalks now _eYistt. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._0.6.5_ner..-front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... _...16t',______...day of October 191._ ..8, -at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._._'_-.''. ' { �� _ ..... 191 _.... Approved ............ --Z: ... ; 1-- .....'_._., 191.. Councilman rnswortb Councilm&KI�3oss �neilmaet vtoU, Clancy SCouneilmdf Keller c,/u Couneiltnffa Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 - tv Cler ,"ttngi<layor. 9 COUNCIIA,KLE NO.- ......... .................... �\ By.::..:...:-...... -= •....:.:..................................... ly INTERMEDIARY ORDER pr'S5 In the Matter of.._.G..:adi.ng...al.iey...i.n.3l.oQX...7....zg'hartAdd .---gid---------- Miscellaneous tract lying ea -,t thereof and west of Wheeler Aire. said --- ............................. ..... ...................------------.........---.......-•.......•.....A.,...... ............. alley extending from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler 1%ve. ............................................. ................ . _. ....... ............ . C. F. No 22741—By S. A Fa aworth -In the Mater of grads g alley in Block 7 Egbert 0. Handy a Add. and - ................. ------------------------- I--' ""'---"-''""'"'-"'-' miecellnneoue tract 1 of and west of wheeler Ave.seafderae- - v ^�• extending rr^m Fafrview Ave.................................................................... ............................................. ' ,eeler n. ...................................r, ler Prelimlr.. April. under Preliminary Order...........21090 .............................approved .... April - 5,._19.1:':'...._......_.............__...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.g.rade- alley i -n Blook 7_Fgbert...G....Handy-Is__.Add. and..mi.scellaneo-us tract .jying,..east-thereof-.end--- and west of 'Ilheeler Ave. said alley extending from Fairview Ave. to _.......... __ ._.._.. _ ....... .......... .... ..... ._..._............. Wheeler Ave. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...331.15 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.17.th .__ ...........day of _.. October. 191 $ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._...._ 191 _ t 4 ..5. Approved ................._:...............'._.._..::._...., 191....erk..}.. Aeung-Mayor. Councilurn.-Farnsworth Councilrpaif boss CouucilpKo"46il;: Clancy 1-CouncilpefrIelle,r J Councillmeti Wunderlich AIa Form B. S. A. S-6 ................ _... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....0 c n s t r uc t i ng--- a cement t i l_e-.- s i_4i e1Y.a� ?c...to....a- iuidth.. of sis..... feet----on..thenorth^id,e-.of.-Srcrhurne..Ar.er....ha�nning..2-40 faat-.-w-eRt-•-o-f-- -AlbertSt......thence..n:e.st...80....feet ......... .............- .......................---..............-............ 7-'2742—By S. A. Farnswo..... .......... ........................... .................................... .ter of constructing a ce - ,cik to a width of si, ....... -th aide of Sherburry................................................................................ .,.^4e feetwest 0 Al; • ., eet..i .. ........... ..... ........................... .....................................................................:.................................. ........................................... ...... under Preliminary Order.............21838................... ----- approved Ju.1y_2,..,.1918......._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..-Construct__a.,ce.Me.nt. tile sidewal-: to a width of six .feet _._.or. _the...nprtkl....oide..o.f...Bharburne...we. beginning 240 feet west of Albert _St..._.then-ge...west_.8..0 fe-e.t.....-Excapt•----------------- where good_and sufficient sidewalks -.. now .exist. - - - - - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0 .55 per- _front foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......1.7th___ ..- -- ----day of _.:—Qat.o.b.ex................. ....._., 191...8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...... ..... :.. .',. _ :., _.... 191..... . .J Approved......... 191. _ ... _ Ckt4 Cler . aMayor. Councilmazt,FWrusworth Councilr�W Goss S.-Councilmei'liFt71nmC Clancy Couneilnrprilteller _-����L cot��eama��"`re�. D R� CouncilmalT WllnderiieL lJ M Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,30`r .� COUNCII/r ��- E�O::.............................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..........�cnstructing a cement tale sidewalk to a width of six . - - ....................._.................---..................._....-.... feet on both sides of Sherburne Ave. from. tramline Ave. to Albert St. ............. . ... ..............................................................----........---.........................................................-- .......... ...................................................... .............................................. ....... -......................................----- --.. C. F. No. 22743—By S. A. Farnsworth. ..............................................................11n the Matter oP constructing a ment the e&,a`allc to e. width.............................................................. ...... feet on both sides of Sherburn o, .......... .......... ............. ............................ ...... ......� frem Hamlne Ave. -to Albert derPreliminary Order 2197 .................. ............................ --................................. proved July 10. 1918. The Co net eP the 'City of t _._._......_...... ..................... 1 o..... ••port of _......_..... ........................_.............. _......__..........__... inn th, under Preliminary Order ............... 219.76 ............:i:............ aPll%Ytbd...... July._. 101_.1918.. .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a cement °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............ ................... ........... ... ......... the aid.esraL _.tn_a wi.dtl .of...i.r_.f..eel.s.id.e_s._of.._ erbu.rn-e_.A.ne.-,...from Hemline :Ave. to Albert St. Exceptwhere --good ..and..su.ffi-ci,ent...s.idewallc.s... now..exi.s.t.. 0.65 per front foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... _ _.............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 17. t11...................day of October 19L'..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing• the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..__.___.:.:__..-r...-.......:.:�.....__., 191........ Approved...._.._... _. _.. 191.. _. CouncilW Farnsworth Councilipir Goss CncilmaeH3d kxClancy Councilma ,rCeller Councilman _...._..._....._ala �'` C ouncillnan kWu n derl i eh Mayor- -- Uodgsc n Form B. S. A. 8-6 / l/ Cityark - {{............ AOt1i.,ltlai�or. eUBi3Sl�__� 22744 COUNCIL FMK /NO ............................. �y . .%a INTERMEDIARY ORDER' In the Matter of ...... ....... Reconstruct, relay and repair the cement the sidewalk to .............. a width of eight feet on the north side of University Ave. from Snelling ............................................. .............................1......................--_'---.......---.........----...........................................----------- AveAve, thence rest 50 feet . c. F xn. U714—By S. A. Fare— . _.,--In the'Matter oP teconetructiag, relay- ......`...... "' ---- ""-"-- -"' Ing and repairing the cement ills .........................................................................................: sidewalk to a width oL eight feet oa __ _ _ ___ the no th side of Univerlety Avenue- .. from Sjnelling ,Ave. thence west . 50 - A0, under Preliminary Order 22028 nnroved July 11. 1918. ..,�.............................................. ..........................................................................................-C01-nc11 of the.—.ty of at. r- —etved fhe - of th, - under Preliminary Order....... --2028- ............................approved .. - .. _ _..July._11..... 1918...__..... __-. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isReno.ns.t.r.Aot,....relay... . and repair the cement tile sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the north_ sial -e of University Ave. from .ST1e.11i.n.. Axe......t.1.en�.e.. .eat:....50....feet... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__.__ 0.05 per square foot. .._.._..._ .. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._._._._...._1.7.th...-...day of _..._......Uct.o.b.em:.._.......... __... .., 191 So, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ................ -.1- 191 Approved .__.......... ;_: . 191. Colmcillag i -Farnsworth Counciltw Goss Councilmaklfi* Q Clancy Councilman I{eller -1 ouuoilatal�alSeGoj1 /, Councilman,Wtulderlich �✓ btavoi TgbiF—Ht�on Form B. S. A. 8-6 el � City Clerk,-' / AAUn9Mayo . 22'71i.l L� a COUNCIL i�LE ND...._ ........................_. By.._.... _._:.................................. .._.......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Qondemning and tcking__e n easement .i_n the__land__n.�ceQ. for slopes, fan cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 7 Egbert G. -----................. ......................_._....._.........._................... - -......._._.....-'---"""'-'-""---........-..........---""'-"-........ Handy"s Add, and miscellaneous tract lying east thereof and west of ........._........_.----.......--'...._...._._....._............_........_._......-................................... ............................. -----------....--"- Wheel-er Ave..,_eaid._.a11ey_.ext_ending-.fro-m_.Fairviegi---wax...t9....F/k1�el.es...AY.e............ 1. e. No. 22746—By S. A. Farnsworth— ................... ............................................................... "--'-"""-"""""---""""-""""""-""" In the Flatter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land n - eary for slopes, for eeeo cuts and ails .................................:................... grading alley In Bl?ck 7. Egbe..-...................................-......................-......-.................. Handy's Add. n• tract lying ear ,�� under Preliminary Order...... wheeleriAy- ....................approved .... .. from .1�1H.............._.........__.. from Farv'i The Council of the City of,proved A Aaving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havin4'I g _P Tired said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be siiu'the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Condemn. .-and_ -tak-ean easement in the land ne.cess.ary fo_r slones.,__.__for_._cut,e...and-..fi.�_l s.. -i....-.... ,trading alley it Block 7 Egbert 3. Handyls Add. and m67,cellaneous tract _.. _.. .... .__.. ......... — I .....__ . ................. lying east thereof and rest of �17ieeler Ave., said alley extending from _ . _........ _..._.. __.. . ....... _ ..__ ... Fairview Ave., to Wheeler Ave. In accordance with blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof. The hatched portion showing the cuts and the eha.ded portion 9howfng the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 17th day of ........... _ _... 191.8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.__. - �' __: __- �GI .._-, 191- - Approved ..................... .... :... 191_ Counciboafi' Farnsworth Councionth'-'Goss Councilerpe,,j &3id9 Clancy Councilmillf'Keller Cetmcitmail"`itft9P'6}1 C'ouncilmkjl"W underlS� Mayor y4jpfVCHodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 City erk. z�-� .. Acting ayor. COUNCIL FILE NO....... `--;�Z. By.............:.. -................... .. ................ r�3 � INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ......Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of ............. . ....----.....-----...............-----...........--- --......-------------- six feet on the west side of Pascal Ave. from Lincoln Avd. to _._...._.........._...._......._......_......._..._._............_......._._...................................................... .- -........ .. Grand Ave. Ext itrhere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. _.._cep _ .. ... _.... --------------------. * ---------- C. -. ...C. P. No. 22946—By S. A Farnsworth—I In rF 'Tatter of constructing fl cement) .;i .:: valk to a width of six feet ...................... ................................................................. t elde of Pascal Ave. fro, s to Grand Ave. e and ssidewn Preliminary --_----....... . ler Preilminary............................................................ - 918.... .. 0 of F.' .............')...::............. .................... ........................ ...................................... ... under Preliminary Order .........22oC...........-. July 11, 1918. ..................................approved .. ....... ...... .............. ...... .................... _........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct a cement .........__..........._...............:. t.i.1.e...si,dewallc_.to_._a_rli.dth.o£ six feet or. the west........................................................ side of Pascal Ave. _.. ...... - ................ from :T,inco_l_n...Ave.-..t.o..Grand kve._.- .Except where__go.od_and suffi..cient_..__._... ...sidewalks-nawexist• ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.65 per front foot. .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ____.......17.t.k1..._...day of ..._. . _. ...._0et4.b.eT__... 1918.-. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..._ ' 191._ Approved.__.....___..................... .__......__ 191. Councilm /arnsworth Councilm6ff' Doss ]r--- Conneilman�pliazi Clancy J Councilfpan• Keller 0eeseHv"r&-! ,&"1 O Councilptah Wunderlich Layer-�affi� o n Form B. S. A. 8-6 ��— City. C rk. �/ .9atfnp I1layor. w.. ..........•....:el�� 227 2 7 i COUNCIL FILE NO....._._-.- ............. �... Ry..-----...:. ' .................... ..... ............._.......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.._Gradi ng Vista Ave. from Seventh St. to Race St. .........._...................._........._........._........... --"- _...._ ............ ............._... _ _ C. F. No. 22747—BY S. A Farnswor7' ' In the Matter of grading Vista A, ................ from Seventh St. to RnceSt._- Preliminary Order 21194, n May 7, 1918. .......................................................... :... The Covncll of the CRY of "1" received the repo' y........................................................................................... ser if Fine*r' ...................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... 211..4 pp May 7, 1918 . a roved ...._... __..1 _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._...rrade Vista Ave. _..................................... from.9.eventh St. to Race St. .........._._._........................... ...................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8_ 596.85 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ... 7th _...........day of OCtob.er........._......._._ 191 8; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. `I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..__ .: _ :..?.:_ _:_ .,._ 1 191. . Approved............. 1 191.. . Couneilma4,1Pilinsworth Councilm4n­Ooss Comicilmgagf. % L Councilmo&,Keller J ta�reeil�ea/AloEh> 0 Councilmak Wunderlich MaYm Ervin Form R. S. A. 8-6 it -Clerk. Cj- L k:::.:.........�. J 3.otrnp Mayor. PUBLISIiED_7�45 COUNCIL FILE NO By-- ------------------------------ .................... INTERMEDIARY OR Condemning tang an easemen.n the lan In the Matter of.... and kit ' d----------•------•-•- necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills _in--grading-..Y.i.3.t.Q-..Ava,.............. from Seventh St - -` ........................... ............................. C. F: No.-22748—BY S. A. Fnrnew:...............................-.................-............................ .... Inthc "latter of condemning or Ing an easement in the land' ........................................ eary for slopes, for cuts and _ _ ta rorn :'rading n Race Stsun ere Prelmina�' �9 Counctled "the Citv918 ;-.__-._.- ........... ................ ......................................................................................................................... 1'—sr olt r' ............................................................ ........`. amen? under Preliminary Order 2.11 ...................................approved ....relay...7.,_-19.1E.,........................._.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......Condemn and take,,, e,n....ea.gement_..i.n..tkie...larnd...n.e..ces.s.a.ry_.fo.r._slages.,....iar....cut-s-.-and-f--Ile-in­. grading Vista Ave. from Seventh St. to Race St. In accordant@. vrit;n-.-. --.- _.. ....... _._....__ _ _.. _ . blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion _........ _. _ .. ....... ....... showing the. cut e.and the. shaded._. portion showing the fill$_. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25.QQ..... . -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 17th day of ____O...c...tober_ 191.$., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost -thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..--- 191_ Approved ...... ... ..... _ ..... .....:.........- 191.... . Councilman qKar-uswortb C'ouncilmoo,. Toss �— Counciltq�tf CounciltgwfKeller Couucilma"_M4eG4 CC�� Councilman 1.Wilmlerlich hfovor-bTt — Form B. S. A. 8-6 F ... ...... .. ... ................. �7:�::��. G Clerk. Ilayor. Aeunp PUBLISHED / l CCvrIC ' FIL ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Constructing s cement tale sidewalk._to- a width --_of-----_-----.-„ _.. _, six feet on thenorth ideof GatesSt.between..Voodb! V_y t. --.And_____________ - ...........--_ Brown Ave. ...... -............................ ................................... C. F. No. 22749—BYS. A. F¢rnewortb— Matter ;ntilee eldewalktto,¢swld h of atz feet ....._................__............_..........._..._........... on the north side of -Gates 9t. b.. ................................................... ............... __. tween Woodbury St. and Brown .....................................................................: .. under Pre]IminarY Order 22072,, Proved-JulY 17. 1918.......................................................................... The Caoncu of the ............................................................catved the ':�......... ^ .. lsale or of pYns�..................................................................................... 22072 July 17, 1918. under Preliminary Order ................................ �_ ..-approved ........ __._...._....._..................._... .... ..... ....... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .. Co Pat ruC t a Cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ndrth side of Gates St. _.......... _ ....... .......... .._._...._................... ...-._..-................ ................................ .................. between Woodbury St. and Brown Ave. Except where good and ................-- _. sufficient sidewalks now exist. _.... __.. _ ...._ .._ ...... _ - - __ ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ -. 0 o74 PeT. front foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_......l.eth................ of ............ .............Oc Qb.e.r.,.._, 1910 0 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. I l Adopted by the (W,rvil _' 191 Approved 191... C ouncilmsg,.Kinsworth Councilmg"oss C011neilmpa5Adb±Kl Clancy Councilr Ad,Keller CounciliSae **underlich hfayor ird'�'D'd'g90'n Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ ..._........._................- -------- ,�•:: 1..V La ( U City lerk� A.tlna mayor. YUI3LISHEll � 227'50 �o COUNCIL FIIE,,NO.-_...._._................... i By......._.._ ------ _--------- ...................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....0.on.at.such.ng..a...c.em.ent...t.1lesiX...-- feet..-.gn._the..so.uth_ side_.of_-Gapitol.__a9e from.,-gyndcat-e-..Gt.....t.O...CzX C. F. No. 22760—By S. A Farnsworth—..............................................._................ -- - - -- -- ------------- - - -"-Ia the Matter of constructing a c6ment the sidewalk to a width of -six feet on the south side of Ca, • - - e. from .............................................................. Syndicate St. to C .....�..i ender - ............... ................................................ Preliminary ^-� July 10, 191f- �iv.o,- TheCouncl`:...........................!4.t1........................................................................ ......._..............................................._..............m -Ing recn`. 1+�ner ........................ __.........._............... .....-__........................ ............... _.................__.._.._...._.......__._..........................._............... under Preliminary Order -.......219.8.7.................................approved ......_ j LkLY. _1.0,. 19.18.... ..... ....... .._... .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Cv.n.9t.rtz,Ct....a...C.eMent. tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Capi`ol Ave. _... __................. _.......... -........ _......... _........_............................................................................................................. from Syndicate St .to Griggs St. Except where good and sufficient sidewalks no . I ...._._... __ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :f0.65_ � __er front foot ...P. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 17.th_ ____..._._...day of October 1918'_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof r,s estimated. Adopted by the Council...___ ..__-ir._..t..::. :.,_ -- 191 Approved........_. .._.::............. 1._, 191..... Councilman rna Orth Councilman oKf ss Councilman E � Clamcy Councilman &�Iler Councilman Wunderlich b ,^,son Form B. S. A. 8-6 _.................. t _..__... �.�..!1.�.... ........rte,, ..l..0 w�tlnI< yor. COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. 7 L. By............................. ....._...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oiCo-natruct i.no_2...cement....til.Q..s.J.At-yulk....tQ---p:...lY.iSlVa...R.f...83 :...-.._... feet on the south side of Seminary Ave. from Griggs St. to Dunlap St. ....................... ............................................... _................... ....... ......... F. No. 22763—By S. A. Farn we �- ..... -..... _ .. . .............. In the Mnter of constructing a .-.:: ............ ...................... ................. the sidewalk to a width of on [he south side of Seml ....................................... ............------- ...............:. from Griggs St. to Dunlap :..................................................._..--................. relfminary. Order 21978 ; .v 10. 1918. Council of. the City - ................ .............................. ................................. ::. received the r,...o...,..................................................................................... r FI... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21978 July 10, 1918, underPreliminary Order ................ - ................................approved ........_. -...._.................._.._.._....--...... ...._........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Const rust a cement ........ ........_....... tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Seminary Ave. - ....................... .............................. ................ ....... -............... .............._..................................................------......-- - from Griggs... St--to._Du#lap .St.. Except where _.lod suf_..fi.c....i.ent..sidew...alks ..o.d and now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _ 0-,.55per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -17th day of October 8 _. ...._._ 191.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. E..::... Adopted by the Council.......__.:... Approved .......... _.: ., 191....... Councilm"tnsworth Councilma;16oss -- Councilman A Clancy CouncilmarwK*Iler fl V Councilman 1Wu derlieb Aleyor G ��b o n . Form B. S. A. 8-C, _. i Cit .10lerk. ... . _..... Mtt Ang mayor. PUBI,IBIiF� � /� 227152' 3\ b 0 7 COUNC FILE.W_ .............................14 INTERMEDIARY ORDER S In the Matter of..Rac.onetructing__.rel=yinn _and.repair sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Grace St. from ................ I ....... ......... .......-...... .... .... ............. ... .... .........._-..... - ......._�—.----.......---.............--................ F 1. 22762.�-F By. S. arnsworth— Duke St. thence west 150 feetn the Matter of'reconatructing, relayh' ..... .--... -- - - fng and , reps. ring., the cement tno':. ......................................... . - sidewalk -te. a-1,101, of era feet. 22672--n.'the -south side of Grace St. ................................................................. Mater of. Duke St. thence west 160 f. - . f Prelfmfnar Order. 77�,............................................................. and eDa t 30, la1° -� " south side of . ...................................................................... 'r. ct. thence Wr FO feetu,.:............ .... ..........................- .......... .......................... ly 21987 _......a "rd"ved..... .July 10, 1918. under Preliminary Order...--.................. ............._..... pp _ _ .......... ._.....___.... ..... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....RE4.4.I1Q ..and repair..the- cement.,til.e...sidewalk..to--.a width-.o.f_.s.ix-.,fee.t.-_on..-the south side of Grace St. from Duke St, thence west 150 feet. _..._ ._ _.__._ ... __.... .. ............. ..__ . _......................._....................._---------- . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ..0.05 per square foot__....._........_..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_......_ 12th day of ............ ................ ......, 1918.x., at the hour of 10 o'cl"k A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_._ ............._......_...- 191.. Approved ....._.. 191... Couneilm&u•Farnsworth Council%w'Goss Council ryRtl Councilpdrkeller Ga�eMilstfattYiCfLE'elY Counci0an Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 {'r Cit X Clerk. Asung Mayor. 22'7,53 b� t COUNCIL ME NO.............................. : . n By... :..._..: .. ,, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.- Constructing a .cement tile sidewalk to a width of 41, feet .......................................... ..................._.................. .............................. on the north side of Kerwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave., .... ........................_.._.... ...................---........................................................._................................................................._... .... ....-_............_..........._....-. ... ... .... .......... ..................... .................... C.F. No. 22763—By. S. A. Farnswor,` In the Matter of eoi wldtic ............ ....................... ta he sidewalk to width ong fa 4vep.......-..................................................................... on the.north side of KerwinS• o Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave ..- A.reliminnrY Order 21979................................................................................... ............ ................................................. c11-1, 1918.. en the City a ......... ......... ........ ................................ n 1979 July 10, 1918. tinder Preliminary Order.........`.............................................approved.............................................-............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Cone.t.ruCt- ...a cem-ant ......... ....... ti.l.e....aid, walk to a width of 4 feet on the north side of Kerwin_- . .............................................. ._St.._from_Phalen__ Ave.... tc Tracy^,ve,_._�xc$pt-..w�ex.e...ga.a.d...and..aufficLent sidewalks now exist. ._._.. _......_.__................ _.__......__......................_.- . -_...._..... ....... _......_............._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0.55 -per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the..____. -...12th day of ........... Qctq-W r,...._.__..________._ 191 Be, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... __.._ . _ _ __. 191._..... Approved....- Councilman pproved .. Councilman D --worth Councilman>osa ouncilman�Fptartcbc Clancy Councilman,&eller �1 �Betteei}�ea—liio+6e1L Coun cilm alr4unoe rl i c h --Mayor s'0 n Form B. S. A. 8-6 �City le Aetino Mayor. 227*m-A, ; �, ) COUNCM F�E NO . . ........................ ........................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER h In the Matter of t.Q 4 zis,5..t_h._Q.f Eiz feet at thefollowing. locations: ............................ . ................................-------_--------------------- - - ... ........................... ..... ..... --------- ----------- on 71pst side of Snelling Ave. from Randolph St. to Jeffs so .................... I., .W ................................................................... 4n ...................... — ------------ ............................ On South side of Jefferson Ave. from 26acalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... an bqth §.i-*dee of....T 4 . i.0 -t SI -1 _fmn 1"t. a r.. -ve. __ to Snel_Lng A.va..... On both sides of P8Llace St. from Tfacalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. -Gn both --sides o -f James St -i Snelling -Ave-; under Preliminary Order 2,208.3 ............................._.approved July. ................... - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Co. n et.ru.c.t c.ement., . .. ..... .... .. the awithof at the follo.:rin g.. . .. ..... .... .. . ,.... ..---...................... On.-Iff.es.t. side of. Snelling Ave. from Randolph st . to Jefferson Ave. .... . ..... . .. ..................................... ----------- On South side of Jefferson Ave. from Vacalester -Ave. to Onelling Ave. 0 1 n _bOtll sides- of Juliet Yrr*))n ,Ta . ca . 1 - e s te . r Av . e t . o Snelling - . . _ Ave. Ori '_blith -sided of Pai'&06 St-. 'from IgacalOster Aid. to Snelling Ave. - ----- on b.o.th sides --of J.ame.e...-St...fr.om-.Tv acal-ent.er- AVe to Snelli.ng Ave. Except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ...front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the l'th..day of ........... ........... O.ct.o.ber. 1918 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 41 1 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved .. ........... . _ .............. 191._ CouncilmAff'Farinsworth Council VIA-4foss Councilmap,ff. .Mgc Clardy Councilmprr'g . eller Councilm&nyOunderlieh Form B. S. A. 8-6 / City erk. z...... ... AAUnQ Mayor. 7-7- COUNCIL FILE NO......:... By........................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter Fsld(lh- s1a-ew..11C... LQ--.a._wIatn--.or...lu--ugeL on r.ne syy: n;A s, ue oi-_wes-v-..fit?-.�4.r................. begs,nning..-7.$... feet-.. West -.of -„Pleasant Ave. thence ,west 200 -_,feet.-,----,----_„_................ '1'nfAL ORDRBJ.. _ _ ..........................................................................I.I C- F.No. 22766= _ --------- !In the, he Matter of reconstructing,., relay. Ing and rePa/ring the .cement file '...._ ....................................... _-...-----..-- .................................... ......_-..............-.-.............-, iewalk to 8 wtdth of IO,feeion the -th side of West Fourth St. begin- . 72 Peet west of. Pleasant Ave.. ........................................... ,,!set -vest of. Pleasant Ave.Phenr_............................................... ,,!set under Prellndnar� ' 62 Parovea June is• ,r11ne--_15th..-.1918 ...-.-..--_-..- under Preliminary Order--.....2a----_`�------.--------•----`;oaring Having ---• - IntermediaryOrder ............................... ....................-.....approved...................................... _........ ... - ....................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due; notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having! fully considered the same; therefore, be it ^ - RESOLVED,.By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City iaf 6CQi1tPuGt,--,relay„and---re-pair-,_the Cement tile sidQwa-]k- ... to--a-,w.idth-_of 10 feet on the south side of West Th St. . ....... --............................................... -- bE2Z.1An1.n.E..7.$ feet ---west of Pleasant Ave. thence west 200 feet. . ........I .. ......... .......... ._.... ..- ........ __ _ ..... ...._.-............- .__....... .-........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereF—Y ~instructed and directed to prepare p ana-`nand specifications for said improvement, and submit same to theLCouncil for approval; that upon saidl!pproval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to piii with the making of said improve ent in accordance therewith, :adopted by the Council_....... 191........ ...::..........1..::....... City Clekk. Approved............................/. .... . ., 191 / �� ;✓ '>! ,cc 1 "fr. 1. l ;� �1`< %Q;' �G, . ............ .. eyor. Councilman orth Councilmany Councilman rydkd&/ Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman Watiiderlich elpen Form B. S. A. 8-7. I ; P. CI*'- OF ST. PAUL DEPA*;;WNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C '. �- I o Inthe Matt&of .. ..... i1c 1� ... ... . ..... . ....... .. ......... ....... ... ......... ............ ........... .. .... .. .......Ide . ..... .. ............. . . .... ... �)n 'L 1 u - �- " 1 1, . . . - 'I' E � - i i i.,, 4 6 f t ...... .... i,: C 0 L ............ . . ...7. ..... ....... ...... . -.. ......... Cf 'Ed ...... .... e ... ....... . . .. .......... ...... ............. . . ... ....... . ............ ......... ............ . ..... .. ............... . ..... .............. . . . ....... ...... ..... ---, ..... ........ .............. .......... ..... . . . .. .......... ...... .................. .... ....... ....... . ..... 11 ..... . .... ...... —1 ....... --.- ....... ....... ...... ....... I ...... ... ... . ....... ........ .... ............... ....... ....... ... . ..... ... . . ............... ...... ....... -- .................. ........... . .. . . ........ . .............. . ..... . ...... ............ . ........ . ........ ...... . ..... ....... ..... - . .......... ............ ...... ........ ...... .......... ... ... ....... .. ........... . ... ........ . ...... --l- — . ... . ...... ... ..... . ..... I ....... ...... ------ ......... .............. ..... . . .... . ...... ................. . ...1--- .. . .. ....... ................... I . . ......... . ....... ..... - - ------ ----- ------ ------- - I ............ . ...... ......... . ......... . I ........... . .... . -- .. . .. . ... ............ ............... ....... ....... . .. . . ............. ... ....... .... . ......... - ................. . .. . ... .. ..... . . ....... ...... .. . ... * ..... . .. . ... .................. . -------- ... L ' Z� - ' � 1 , under Preliminary Order approved . 1-1-1T'I-- j-t-. '-L) . . ...... ..... ... . .... ... . ... . .......... ... .... .... ..... ........... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ...... . .... ....... ... The estimated east per 1�1ath, above improvement is $ ......... . ..... ... It The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: -0 E S C R1 PT 10N LOT ... ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L C ire .7 7 f c_ c., f r t L. l co r Y oint fro,�,, th.c cor, er oi* Lot A sto-e :.sell sl -- ted or, zuid Lot t"ence 1u, i Y to a point on well -vc TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that'!. has ",jjrtd all of the aforesaid matters, and hSsc6 submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference I" R to said matter by the Dated.. Commi'stow FM I TV Ell mom ,... w. �_ ,, f: ���� '�� ;3 � � '� �.�,.�, C „ , Sp`�` �' ;�' . :., '� Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo&'gc �{ D Report to Commissioner of Finance , V July 6th, .. 6th, i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21635 June 15th, 8 cil, known as Council File No .......... ............... ............approved ...... .................................................................. ..191........., relative to ............... rBc onstruc t_ing.,..._relay_ing,.._andrepair_in.g_..t he,._c eent...t i_l z..__e i deli°i alk._..._....,_...,_.,..,,, to a width of 10 feet on the south side of Rest Third St. beginning ........................... ............... .... ........... .......... ................ .......... _._................................. ....... .......... _........... .............................. ...................................... ..__......................... .._................. __... ..............._......................._............................. I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... .._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ... _............ ................ _. and the total cost thereof is $............................ ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ...................... _......:..........._........................_...... ................ ....... .......... _.......... ........ ..... ....................... ............. ..............................................................._................................... 5. Said improvement is._....??Rt............_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... .. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. ' By............................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matterof_constructing a driveway of .cement ---crosswalk blocks to..a ................................_..._..._ width of on the east side oft—Farrington Ave. beginning 528 feet ..................................... ..-- nor..th...aY.Shezkllu.>te..we.....the eztorth-�9 feet,.,,_ . ..............................................._................... C. F. No. 22766— "- In the Mater.,f construcCal; a�drlve- wapp- of cement , robeiVa!k n•...k;. to a. ............ ......................._....................... .. wl th of six feet on the scat side of Farrington Ave. beginning: 62 ys feet north of Sherburne Ave. thenceHorth ......................................_................................. 9 feet, under Preliminary Order 21606 ............................... ay'roved June'.12tb, 1916: - A .public hearing. having been had •,non the ab.—.4.provement upon.'r:11:..............................----------------------------- .. r,.e.. and the Council. havinv. - under Preliminary Order ......._21606................._........,_gppruvatl}c`:..June...l2th....1918. ....__ ......... IntermediaryOrder --- .........................:... ......................approved -------......-------- ........................................................ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- . went to be made by the said City is.-..C4Tka.truct--a..driveway--.of._.cement._ crosswalk..... to...a..-W.id.Lh...9f...8.?.g.._feet-..on-.-the east side ofFarrington Ave. beginning 528 fe.et...nnrth..afthence...north. ,9 feet... ............................................................... ... _................................. ._.............-..._.. ....._.._.............._ _......._....._.._........................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.__.._. p... ..::...:.... ......... 191........ n (j _.__._................. .`......1......... �J City C1er1� Approved..............._ ....: ...._._..............._, 191....... Councilma4'nsworth Councilme "Conncihn� Clancy � CounciLn eller Councilor underlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. &AMI) Mayor. CITY O_ ST. PAUL DEPARTO OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f ..���,o r .,_,nn t In the Matter of... �.a.II.e �a 1.,.�. x�,.r..g.. _a....;�r.1:�.2:iraY__O A`....K.,,.�..,..x t....:a....G.�:.a ,.:..�..k.._b..7, a ^.':.a.......e.....a........... of�:.erb rT}a Y.„cr...... . _°...� Y_'................._.._.-....._._........................._...._.........._..........._ ...._._..........._ .__... _...._.__................. ........ _.......... ...... _....... ___.... ................_. ....._ ......... I............. .=i.:.._----- ...._............_------- _..---- ..._------ ...._......... ....... ...........__.__......... _.... ........... ... under Preliminary Order opprovcd...Jur'.e.._.. t_ a..._1. 1.5..r.............. .... _....... ... ...... ... -... -.......... ........... ..._.._........_._....... ...... .... ......._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is .. ...... ... . -- -- The estimated cost per\ of for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----• --'2 p ......... --- -.... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2. 4, ft.,. of 7.80 ft. of 5-5 22 ''a:_en .-ice' P.id. to 305 C-t' haul TOTAL, y 5v The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investi¢ated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the fore¢oin¢' as his report thereon to the Council, to¢ether with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ....... ....... ...... ......_........._....._.191.....__ .. ..... .... .._....... ... ..... ._............. _...... _....... _.............. ._.... ........... _....._- Commissioner of Finance. ron,n o. c. �. a•e o bj - Office of the Commissioner of Public WorISECETVEo n = - Report to Commissioner of Finance ,. c�. JUN 79 1919 f. June 18th 8 ......._ ..............._..................:..7 91-..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No�1606 ..____..approved......_June lath.t..........................191$...., relative to............................. constructing..._a._driveway _of_.._cement._................................................sslk blocks to a width of ................._..._................. ............................. .................. .......... six ....feat .....on.....the. ea. s.t..:..ai.ds.._.af.....Fas.r.ingt.o.n....Ama..:....heginning.....52.z.....fea_t.... north of.....Mherburne..._AY _-....._thence..._north....9..._faet..,.......................... .......................... ......._....................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 20¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__....... ___ ................ and the total cost thereof is $................................................, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._...............:............_................._...._..........................-............_.._........._.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........... ................ ................ .................... ................. ...... ............. .......... _...... _............ ........................................ .............................. ............. ....................... ......................... ...... 5. Said improvement ia_.._nnt............._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co issioner of Public Work 2275'7 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ..... .... ....... ...... By........... ..... ....... .......... ............ ............. .--. --------------- FINAL ORDER man Dayton's In the Matter oflg'.eiding._alle,y,-_in..LeYflaai?'a-,_Sub. oY -Block 87t••-•--_„_,.-..--•--_..._..._.. Addition- fro¢r._PXPress St. to _Earl _Str...............•------...-.....--------•-....._--•---------.............--------....- ....................................................................... FINAL ORDERS- ............... ...................................................... ...1 ................. F. No. 22757— the matter of grading alley In IR(Y...................... -.-... ........................man's Sub. of Block 87, Lyma-St Day- '?n's Addition. from Cypress Street Earl Street, under Preliminary Ur- •------------------------ .---.--• .............................�: 21161, 14 1. ed May 3rd. 1918. ” i hearo having been had ..............................................� er.nr • •?lent bPort n under Preliminary Order ....--- ..�r.�) �2�......................... approveQB.. ................... ...... ----------------- ------ :...................approved................----------------------------------------------------•- --------- Intermediary Order --------- A public hearing -having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...grsde---all-a-in-..Leffman-'--Sun..-..of -s ---Black--87-•--•---••-•• .. ....... ..... yyman.-Dayton-'.s--Addition from St - Cypress St. to r . _............................................................................... ...... .................................................................................. ........................................................ ................................................................................ .....:............................ ..................... .................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed uncil for approval; that to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Co upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. CFP 11. ;''!_°. 191....... Adopted by the Council _ ...._..... City erk. �. ... 191. .._... Approved........... .` _ _ :.:................L.. , ti.......... .............................. 1►+.ttM Councilman Farnsworth j� a r Councilman Gose` Conncilm=z0 a _"y �t } l6Bj Councilman Keller J -� Councilman McColl `✓ Councilman Wunderlich Mayor. helit3F-Hed$�e!% Form B. S. A. a'7 • l t. ,g- o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARYMENir OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE_ ON PRELJMINARY ORDER- -"Ai In the Matter of .......... _gx..actin©_....a1.7_�.y......i.n.._L.ef_=_r ast'_3.._Sub..,.....4-f__Block-_87.,...._L.ynian..._Dayton.'_a.._.-.-..--- Ad.3i.t.i.on...fr.o_rn....Cypxaaw...ut�..._td_wth petition hereto _.... attached. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.._._/O The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement is $ - -- -..---CL.---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .LOT ®LOCA ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 87 Leff:nan's Subdivision cf 375 2 87 Blocks 2-6 and 87 of Lyman 300 3: 67,Dayton' s Aad, to St. Paul 2300 4. 87, do 275 5 87. do 1400 6 87 do 150 7 87 do 100 8 °7 do 100 9. 87 do 100 10 87 �I do TOTAL, 1175 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM94T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMJNARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 .87 Leffrran'a tiub, of Blocks 150 12 87 86 and 87 of Lyr.:an Dayton's 150 13 87 Addition to St. Paul 150 14 87 do CC .15 .67 do 300 16 .87 do 1875 17 87 do 450 18 87 do 1675 G 19 87 do 750 20 87 do 250 21 87 do 250 22 87 do 200 23 .87 do 200 24 .67 do 200 25 87 do 2C0 26 67 do 200 27 87 do 2025 28 .87 do c50 29 .87 do 350 30 . 87 do 350 31 .87 do 1350 32 87 do_ 450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �... .._...._..._...........o.........n...-...e.._.._..Dated....f` ----- Commsiner_o.f Finac. Form B. B. r2 St. Paul, Minn. . . . . . . . .19].. To the Honorable, The Council, City Gf St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,^ Wep the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin mprovement to made: St. Av®. from . . . �':4. . . . . . . St. Ave. to . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. dL N A R E_ _ D L LOCK D ADDITION _ J"% rte►'+—" `'`,.F l�'"�.. � % ;_ � Sc, f .. -� �' ice/ �-t...1� �?:t'a-: w-:,�,� f��.� ;'��r'-:- � � G �✓ / t ..� . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . g D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <<; r d 4 � } � D r d( . . . . . . . . . . . . . a � � ir-�........... r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED - -- Fa*Ns4 '{ Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 o '°' :,--ss JUN 28 191@ June 28th, 7918, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 21161. _.approved Lay.. 3rd.,...._.. 6._ . ...........191 .., relative to_._. _._... the grgdin` of alley in Leffmar•'s Sub. of ?lock 87 - Lyman Dayton's Addition _ and having investigated the natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ...necessary and (or) desirable. 88¢ per front foot 'L. The estinmted cost thereof is $.._ 1 G60. 75 _......__-_., and the total cost thereof is :�__ _-.� __..__._._, autl Aseesoable frontage 1,206 feet Fxcesa inspection the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _....._ _...._. ...____. _._. _. ...................._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. l,mc iissiouer dX Public Works. A f (Qity aF fit. �tlul OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Cl— ervolneeR Department atm Vublic lftrk6 ,f.' E. cARROLL, SUP1. M. N. GO3S, COMMISSIONER BVReor coneTRVc •... ANo 1E-11 R. T. GOURLEY, --y ALFRED JACKS. N. —11. ry H. W GOETZI NGER. 5 M. S GRYTBAK. Ervo NeeRrv' St. Paul, Minn. June 25, 1918. G. H. HE ROLO. Orroee —.1— Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the alley in Leffman's Sub. .pP Block 87 Lyman Dayton's Add* in accordance with Council File #21161, approved May 3, 1918• Approximate estimate 01,060.75 Assessable rontage 1x,206 ft. Cost per ront foot .88¢ RKcess inspection necessary $20.80 Yours very truly,, ESS/N. Chief Engineer Subjeft: CITY OF ST. PAUL ..COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM //ll�y -..- -. ..................... ........ . COUNCIL No-- 2N (-5M FILE Date Presented Sept._llth- 8 Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading alley in Leffman's Subdivision of Block 87, Lyman Dayton's Addition from Cypress St, to Earl St., under Preliminary Order #21162, approved May 3,1918, and Inter. OPder #22398, approved August 12th, 1918. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St: Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Leffman's Subdivision of Block 87, Lyman Dayton's Addition, to the extend shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 11th, 1918, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (I') Chu//neit en (V) Nays CIIN1cy Faorth Go In favor Ke e Against lic1h Mr. P- 4 -FORM C. A.9 JM 6-I6 F. No. ..... — the matter of condemF l land d e. -- m er of Pub110 Work. 1 hie report and .ketch tier, be it C the City of St. Paul mines the amount of , for 7. i 9the above a Is an easement for elopes. In and upnnthe LeifmWbn's ,.>< x7. Lvmaa Pay- upon ay- _ ut othe��Commiesiaated September 11th, Of the iter, 1 t which ketch and ardoepo Qt pni[ hereby referred to and m he+sof. ASopted by the Connell Sept. 11, 1979. Approved (9ePti-?la 1. 1919. 1919) Adopted by the Council_ � 1, l _ 191 it Approved _ '. 191 IL / iCMAYOR CITY OI, ST. PAUL --I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON•PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of _._ y:.........:. -._.:_ _.._. l:.i__. t ::.; it' under Preliminary Order approved .:=Ly . ..1r - -- -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $-- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or l parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DEE SC R I PT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 J } 7 do y7 14 TOTAL. Form E. B. 10 'i ![ CRM 0%?T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION it 87 7 i3 7 7 1 7c o7 15 i,6 87 -1 c 7 'L E7 L 36 c7 is dc S 7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D.,ed1915 1 Commissioner of Finan e. Norm13. B. 12 6-1 F Office of the Commissioner of PublicVoflEIVEo �c 'n a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 28 1918 June 28th, 8 .._.......,._...................... ..........191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- , 8 oil, known as Council File No....21162 ................................npproved._.__.i:t_ay ....._.............3rd.........._..............................191........., relative to.....__.........._........ condeaming_ _and___ te.).C.ing.__an..__eaeelTient.,._in.__the..._1_and.. ne C_ess_aT.y..... foT_.,81._O X.P.K. outs......and....f_i_ll.s..._ n.....Tars'. ng.....0,11e.Y....1.11..._he.ff.rn.1�T1..'_..a._81�b....__o.�...._E1.4.4.�.._..8.1,......._ _.... Lymand Dayton's Add. from Cypress to F,arl Streets, .... ... _.... -... . ....._._. ......................... .. _. ._....._._. ...... ... .................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.....................necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $__._xXx and the total cost thereof is $...... XXxx•: and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �. ......... ... ....... _... .._. _...._... _... u. Said improvement is ............ _.......... ...._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoet to assessment for said improvement. Do Commi ioner of blie Works. V (Qitg of Ot. Patti OSCAR JBejartment of r6 it Vlarlca 'c.n. M. N. GOSS, COJAMISSIONER J. e. CARROLL. s Pr io N wv0 Rcrw�Rs R. T. CrOURLEY, DEP— ALRRED ACRSONN'9yatt H. OETZINO RM'. w. 9. DRYrewN, eNdlNcwoN. O. N. HCRROLD. O�.oiccccNoiHccR REPORT TO THE COUNCIL 227158 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Leffman's Subdivision of Block 87, Lymand Dayton's Addition from Cypress St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order #31163, approved May 3rd, 1918, and Intermediary Order #30398, approved August 13th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property z2xaa1dxp1zz,and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. / Commission of Public Work Dated COUNCIL FILE NO...........___...._.... By..........................................................._................. ? FINAL ORDER 2`'-7 3`) In the Matter oic.han.ging..the ,grade of Wycliff St. from a point 120 ft. west ............----... Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endicott.St. and Hersey .-Ave......from-..iiampden..Ave...._tm._W,yrllfi..S.t....to...con£nrm...Lo...the...sed--.J.Jae•--.041 --- the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being -shown --by...a.. blue-...line-t<hereon.,--also ._grad-ing---sa-id Wye.l-iff St -:---from Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endicott St. and Hersey.Ave.: from Hampden Ave.:..to_Wycliff-St to' c-onfurm"'Vo tYte'said red T'IYte' when established, including the relaying of existing sidewalks, where necessary, building s orni wai"er ""set"ver"-o"n"'"Braiii'iS-r6--- St:-"Yromff"WYTIlff""St":""'I:o"""a""po"iri£"174"5­f't. north of Hampden Ave. and resurfacing roadways with suitable material. ................................................................. under Preliminary Order 19.f.98 ...................................... approved ....D.P—C ....T.th,...1914.....-.............................. Intermediary Order .............................................................aPer.t„f changing hanging nthe grade point 120 feet ............ ..----- -------- -------...-...... to A public hearinghaving been had upon the above it .fromaa vit. from Hampden Hersey ce, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relat:gave to wroliR st }o con .he ed line on the proelea fully considered the same; therefore, be it ttaceeaand made a part the preeent e.tabll.h.d grade wn by a blue line thereon. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pa io IHerxeyl ave r..j" ittd ogl�plO change.. e...BPa4B... Of...Wyc.diff... at--from...a---point-1.20 f t . west of Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endicott St. and. ..-Hersey...A-ve.-fr--om-..Hampden Ave.....to._Wycliff....St- ..-.to...eon-form-..bo-...the nedline on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade--be•tag-shown--by e. blue--1-i-ne- thereo-n; -also- grading said-Wycltff.'St':'from Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endicott St. and Hersey "Ave':--'from"'Hampden Ave: to Wycliff, St. to conform -"t;6 -the Bald -"red 11iie when established, including the relaying of existing sidewalks, where_. necessary, building storm` water sevrer ori Bradford St.,from Wycliff St. to a point .1�5-ftr nor h igf Hampden_. -ye..... pd. re._s_urfaci�l.g..roa.-_.ays... With _sul.taktle,..ma.ter.lal...G._i..�.... � and the &o m1fed hereby or rs said p vement o be ad . RESOLVED FLIRT R, Th th Commi oner f he W rka be d le by 'etrug$ed and dire ed to prepare plane and apeciSca ons or said mpro eme t, an ubmit ame he �o cfor approv ;that upon said approval, the pr�er ' y offie1 a are ere authorized Ad d' c> tr to Co proEeed with making of said improvement in ad"cor nce the with Adopted by the Council. Approved ............... .............. ................ 191...... Ruy�CaJ?b 0�s��vnttt. Councilman Faros orth Councilman O�s-s C uncilman Clancy f Councihnan Keffir Co''--- @g ( ✓� Councilman Wunderlich „ Mayer�4�a-iiedgsbn Y Form B. S. A. 8-7. 191.......-JFAA .:. _._....._............. .: �. X 1 .:......«G t::...L�CZ.:. .......... _..._... AsUnq Mayor. 'CITY bF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO 'R OF FINANCE (A) , ON PRELIMINAR ORDER Q J . t fr l pcxnt i f 1 at of In the Matter of n,1 '. + 1 r _ Y 11 i c ...... r......___ ...... ..... -�radfcr-t t, tC._._1 t. fro(. a m.? ! r rp V _- t y rr to the red line cn rc 1 :i-ad1 + cl tha lx L91+ Jt x3.:'1 ale J 1'_... n y31 ilII g f� t9C ....... tr'i11 j_lif t. fr Ir :^ 1 , r• + + 1: fxtn;_ , ler h.e,_ tc ii t t r3 = r �} H� frill 1 r W tc 7y.lif% tc con`orr t _ _lr 5 a 11. xix I - r C1iLr t i. c .rr.. i r_1_ 1 i � I, _ _. a , rial. ....................._................. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_-'-._!...-..... . C The estimated cost pe'oot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _3 lwl t 74 co 2Gv � 11473 13 74 ;p i ;.11y pf 1.11ey v-,-. x 7C ac lSGC 11`y x 1C l 30 16CC .a,c 17CC 4 7 ft 1T-0 17 a liC�C p TOTAL. Form E. B. 10 CIV OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIC NER OF FINANCE ON PReUMINA4 ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ___ _ ;cat:^„__terly _ _._.Q _ 72 St, PrVcny - _ , 70n. 1375 acept =_`----..--=t:ri_,, _ _set) 3 72 A 1700 (Except 3cutho7___rly 2 feet) 3 72 1c 11700 ,( to ..t sont-X02t-_ly 2 feet) Y a TO ..,20111 _ j 72 ;ic 1140 ;-'ort..alm: rly of 7 72 10 85C :cutn1 3tarly z of 7 7w lc ! Nc.rtirr cn erly r of _ 74 10 ) FouthVA31'r 'l, Of 1 70 ._., d5v Wrt...,_-_=..+y p O :1 72 to 15 Cout.1aimmly GL 10 / -�G •I 25K 11 72 1G 12 72 0 1c 1700 13 72 17M 14 72 1c. 76CO 15 72 10 17 75 1c 4"W 13 74 do 5675 1 73 do 2200 Fw _:t 'cuth 8 feet) 1 72 1c 0375 _m .. I ly 8 :t. of _.L`_ 1 to 6 TZ ;G 175 - Hewsy Ave. tn 701!n3 It. 16 62 1c 1, SU: TOTAL, Cmf OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFW' OFRDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES LUON :.4 �:. ��. P.rt_.cr:y Y..'•:, .:ii_•;:. 1�G� -c-- __ y cf _. _1:. a3 i' .. :., _=11._,;3: = -i :nirE- t C. ..,_t-_ ^,l cr ,.., r',., 11 n _ ..i.13 :.t. t:. _. :C1:'. ., cr C_'_:. .. ,, :, .'lV -.._ _. Lct "ti-- _._ ft, r ;c_rner of aia lct, rt ,_. lote UC --312t. A- t_ior.y All t:.at r rt of o° . ,. Ar_t_,cr; . r'_ _ ir_n. 735 :3 11 c I..-. _ _.. -._ ., :. _. _"'t ".. r: .r 1 cf:, L. tr.e .oI, t ... _e line raail c 7-11-, .. t. c .. .. Ncrt!: rly tc =. r_ci .t cr. : c_t:. _ -t. ircr,: c t _crr" f. Tr__:t - rt c1 18 6,. 't. I -..._, '.-- , ._in-, lyin -7 ' 1y c -_. .711, 1ir.- c Lot 1, -lk. %, T�: t srt of 15 65' lyir - f - _711y iir_ lycf L_ ,y 7' ly of A1'_?y .,. s, A.31 ... to ly .2 A _ ',Ili.., 7 1c y ly c ,- _. . �I TOTAL, 1 152 ,1L 6 CIT4oF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFA'04DER (C) ,DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION fly A1Iey Adi.& y J- A — ,ly L A:, ASSESSED VALUATION 1.75 1775 150 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '7— Dated_ 19 IS-- Commissioner of Finance. Form R. B. 12 ;.nn. 13 7 1- 73 15 72 3G 1 1 7 z l 4 i 1 7 7 7*in, -10 22 i 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 1.75 1775 150 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '7— Dated_ 19 IS-- Commissioner of Finance. Form R. B. 12 6 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works - R Report to Commissioner of Finance P026 Isis Larch 25th, 191 8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under honsideratime the preliminary order of the C01111- 19698 December 7th 1,n 7..., relative ro .... 'il, known as Council File No. .... ..............approved ...."..._. ____.._ ... changing the grade and grading Vlygliffe St. from aradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford: St. from Hampden Ave, to Endicott St. and Hersey ............_ . ..... . ........ ... Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wycliffe St., including the relaying of e..xinti.ng._ai_d..W_a].ka.,..wh.er.e...ne.ae.saary..,__building._.at.orm._.Yi.at..er..sewer_on _._ ... Bradford St. from Wycliffe St. to a point 145 ft. north of Har.pden Ave., and __resurfacing ....roadways ....with .__suitable material and having investigated the matters and things referreA to therain, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__..._.___....uecessary and (m•) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.18 2. The estimated cost thereof is .__._...., and the total cost thereof is .4..,089. 12_...., and Assessable frontage 3,462.4 ft. Excess inspection x'80.18 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :i. A plena, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. _ .......... _ 5. Said improvement is. ..asked for upon petitime of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ]V Conila*oner of Pubic Works. t TItg of or t1w OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.........ecu Orpnrtmrnt of Publir ' Works M. N. GOSS. Co---, J. E. GARROL LCs n •.ov n.n ncv�.ne R. T. GOURLEY D—, ALFREDcJAC KS O N?sun+ H. WBGOETZINGER. M M. S. GRYTSAK .E c*on p G. H. HERROLD po rn�cc ....neon St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 28, 1917. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of changing the grade, and grading Wycliff St. from Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Sadicott St. and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wyoliff St., including the relaying of existing sidewalks, where necessary, building storm water sewer on Bradford St. from Wyoliff St. to a point 146 ft. north of Hampden Ave. and resurfacing roadways with suitable material, in accordance with Council File #19698, approved Dec. 7, 1917 Approximate estimate $4,089.12 Assessable frontage 8,462.4 Peet Cost per front foot $1.16 Bkoess inspection necessary $80.18 Yours very truly, JHC/M. Chief Hnginser 119698 w. �c C,3r J Yo:llx dc bZj --ea c)llccab-e 7-,cdZ7 it on �traded treats - 'troet zr.:. -Hersey a;cn r e H -C , frc;� rjBradfor-Ito -oey fr of! f C', -v " ct c r e �:ese se ve ltd e 21 e - u, cc";L;J-rns j- a e c z i o, Snot f the: r i) -,�. � , ulle0e at Pets -1 use - -e xe�juire,i tc teE.r:,- -,Ited s 2(til uay u uus L 0 L u r I 1:- A C E AL WORKS 17Q H. K. 17 J 0 E R N S B ` +"s:. l l``the 'Honorable Mike It. Goss, gie rj Commissioner of Public Works, City' of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Your favor of the 3rd inst. to Mr. F. M. Collester, was referred to our Committie and in reply will say that Wycliff St. and the Alley referred to was graded years ago by St. Anthony Park Co. and there is no change in grade necessary, but in order to get this Street and Alley on record in the City Engineers office so that the City can do the necessary work, we, the under- signed property owners, fronting and abuting on Wycliff.-St. res- pectfully request your Department to introduce in the City Council, an order for the grading of Wycliff'.Street from Bradford to Hersey and from the intersection of Wycliff and Hersey, to the intersection of Hersey and Hampden and the Alley between Hampden and Wycliffe from Bradford to Hersey. H K. 8 L CO ---f�S ------------- NORM N L1NSEEUU:# ------��"�"" Pr dept Very respectffally Your , Chairman of Local Improvements rovements P Midway Commercial Club. 1 Dear Sir, - In the matter of petition attached requesting the Council to accept as graded etreete, Wy►oliff St., Hersey St. and. Bradford St., in order that these streets may come under the care of the Street Department, I would recommend that said streets be graded and put in proper,00ndition before being eoceptedp since they cannot be eatisfactorilly maintained until this has been done. I therefore submit a preliminary order for the improvement, which order as submitted, provides for a change in the established grade to fit present improvements as closely as possible* Yours very trulyp, �J 9✓ - Z- L_ CA-- ESS/M. --ESS/M. Chief Engineer (9tto of Ot.' Paul Department of jJuhlir Works OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.." .. J E CARR O LLE suwr� M. N. GOSS. R. T. GOURLEY.-1—o" ALFRE D•JA CKS BON H. WGOETZI•NG M. 5GRYTBAKoe^"s opEowr at. Paul, iL��. Dec. /, 1917e . O LD •[ccrri . ci"ern G HHERR DT. Goes Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - In the matter of petition attached requesting the Council to accept as graded etreete, Wy►oliff St., Hersey St. and. Bradford St., in order that these streets may come under the care of the Street Department, I would recommend that said streets be graded and put in proper,00ndition before being eoceptedp since they cannot be eatisfactorilly maintained until this has been done. I therefore submit a preliminary order for the improvement, which order as submitted, provides for a change in the established grade to fit present improvements as closely as possible* Yours very trulyp, �J 9✓ - Z- L_ CA-- ESS/M. --ESS/M. Chief Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - --.. 7, LJ COUNCIL FILE No. i �7-�� ��"-------' Date Presented September ll�lpl 8 �3© In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Wycliffe St. from Bradford St. to Hersey It Ave.; Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to t�t, an HA e � frout H Ave 1y'clif e St. In"e eri a By3"U c�eiY $r d,Au � t eC19 The ommN o r o Du lic ork having au mitte his report and sk o in he ov mat er, b it RFSOLV at he ity f S . Pau fixe an determines t an unt f 1 d t be aken or t e a ov named impro me as a sem t f slo as, f r c a and fills in d u n th 1 d a tti upo Wycl fe t, Bradford t, d He sey Ave be een a po tB ress.id to the ten show up t e ek oh a tache to h repor m� th Comm as r o Pu is orke the att r date Sept mbar lth, 918 w chs tch d report ar here y ref rred o an mad a part hereof. n F No. 22160- Adopted by the Council.. _. _ . _.._._.._....191.... Approved __._. ..................191 MAYOR �p Yeas w dounciltri� t } Nays Cley Fa orth ' Go In favor Ke u McGeH_ Q_._. _Against W Vd&Kich MK. Pre ' FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 son Adopted by the Council.. _. _ . _.._._.._....191.... Approved __._. ..................191 MAYOR �p 09CAR CLAUl9EN, CNiev ervairvceR iry `en9 J. RPOLL. guar. corv.4n� nory wrvo ncrwiRs ALPREDR ACA50N, H H. N0 RN19 G H. HER OLD, OvrOices cry oiry ccn (! q of I*t.11aul Department of public 1porks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL r � �0 7 6 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Wycliffe St, from Bradford St, to Hersey Ave.; Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endicott St, and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wycliffe St., under Preliminary Order #19699, approved December 7th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #23397, approved August 13, 1918. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. missioner f Public 'Works. D at CIT ST. PAUL ""�' •or DEPART OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE s (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDERS In the Matter of ,'.0 a.';Lrll.::-- . Q.__1 an d n� c E -ary fcr �1���, , :c.s_ tlt '•r.1 1...1.: _n' r�..;.. :., 1 :;_�._ -t , i -I, _redfcri It, t_� ^.;z y r'e raftr t 't. f r(' r': • er. _ __ .... ........._._. I=rs''y P.0 .. r� ;iwr11 r.F✓ i t, Gl - _ d` under Preliminary Order approved - J, _ ; ., ; � 1 7, _ __.... _.._ _.. __......... _.__._ .. ............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ........... _.............._.........._...... . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - _ _ _ _ - $. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, anJ the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O E5C RI PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 74 30 _ 1Z 74 c ) 11475 y7' ly i/2' c.P Ailey vaDated -.jcininz __.:d 70 3o 1530 ly 1/ of 10 e 16vv Ji c' du Form E. B. 10 TOTAL, 7.'.! J C Ly OF ST. PAUL 7`1111"loppo'— DEPAjt-WT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 7 i c' i E c 17F t 7- 2 c 7'tI y 7 1 y 5 t 3 71 1 y Gf 7 7 21 d -y c 7 ac Ly 1; y 1y 11 c1 i 7 17 13 7 5 7 ly E t f .c' 7 17 ED TOTAL, CITY` OF ST. PAUL' IW DEPAQIT4ANT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t DE S M Fn P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f, v Fort.- a v 11� TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPArj�rMWMT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESORIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION iy i!_ C. -. - - 70 t. ..:.t .,.-,y r:, .._,-. 1500 i yit c 6 7C lc ly lig c£ _=y v-Adj. & 7 70 do ly cf A'1--y . _ C. Au 7;, Ily I A1_-- 5 7� 112 15�� iy ij c: r -. c; a : 7 1"':1,12 C' A._1 e Ad,, 7;, 312 1cvV ly 1/2 c. Alley Vt. Ad! 1 "r' ip 1000 16 73 3o 312 �= 14 7 do 14i 1...._t Ad-1 . 15 1 1 1 312 1401 17 1 ao 1475 112 1 10 1550 1C 1 is 16125 ]. ac _7� 1775 1 do id5C 1 1i i 2 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .G/u _ ..191 lY... ; . r s� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ,_4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ✓ RECEIVED u, ,i?,,,,i Report to Commissioner of Finance ;. March.._I s 1918 .........._ ..191...8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having list] under cousidel�tion the preliminary order of the Couu-, cil, known as Council File No. ... 19699Deoemb.er 7th,_ 191 7._, relative. to .._ . _approved _ .... . 1 condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- -_.-._. ..__.._.......__._. for cuts and fills in the �radinv of Wycliffe St from Bradford St. to -- ................. . _.. _......_.. ... ..... .. _._......_._.__.... Here.e_y...Ave.....,..... Bradford ....S.t._..... from._Eampde.n...Av.s...... tc_..Endi.c.ot.t.....St_.:. -a xd.-J. J..ex_se.y Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wycliffe St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.Said improvement is... ..................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ......_..........._ xX.., and the total cost thereof is __..,.X%XX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. 5. Said improvement is..._...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject /to assessment for said improvement. I ..._.............. ..... ---- ....... ........ .... ......--_...._.--_.. Conuuissi er of Public Works. yl' e -f- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM SubjeR: - _..- ... co ENciLFILN O + r f ........... Date Presented ------- _ 191_... Resolved, That a. warrant be drawn in favor of Commissioner of Education to cover the expenses of the use of the Auditorium on Sunday,ofternoon, September 29th, 1918 for a public demonstration to be given by the Czecho-Slovaks of St. Paul, to be paid out of the Contingent Fund. C. P. No. 22761—By SThat a . A. ParneWdrth— [nvnor olf Commiselanerr.oftEda atlon to over the expenses of the use of the Audttorinm on Sunday afternoon, Sept 29th, 3936 for .a public demonetra- tlon to be given by the Czecho-Slovaks, Of 9t. Paul, to be paid out of thb Cen- ti. gent Pund. Adopted by the Counell Sept 11, 1918. Approved Sept. 11, 1138{-_.- - (Sept 21-1918) Yeas (r) Councilmen (V) Nays C)Y F sworth _ In favor K�►eer (y 17 CM�!� _. . O _. Against Wungeruch h1l••-tee+tr-Ijaisson I. C A. a 3M 8 le .. 1 , id 191.... Adopted by the Council _:,_-.`....._. _....,- Approved ...........191 MAYOR Aetf n p ,11 ryv-7U1 ' St. Pau 1, Minn.Sept .1Cth,1P1P. To the Honorable Mayor,and To the City Council Of, the City of St.Paul,Minnesota. Gentlemen: - As the Government of. the "nited States of America, Sept.3,1919,,recognized the Czecho-Slovaks as an independent nation,the Czecho-Slovaks of St.Paul,Minn.Will solemnize the event by aOpublic demonstrat ion ,Sunday Afternoon,Sept.'9,1019,• Since the Czecho-Slovaks of other towns in Minnesota,and also other nationalities of St.Faul will Le invited to participate in the celebration,we need a large building for such an occasion. And since the St.Paul Association is ready to.take a leading part in this underta'�;ing',and that. the Auditorium building will not be occupied on that date, 1Se,therefore,the representatives of all the Czecho-Slovak organisations of St. Paul ,Minn .kindly petition you,Honcrable Mayor,: and the City Council,to grant us the permission to use the Auditorium building free of charce,on that date. Respectfully yours, Rev. F.T.,,avodsky, Rev. C.J.Ircka, 7lizabeth ?lima, F.B.Mat lach. C. F. No. 2276'2 Ordinan6e N0, 4088—' Br S. a. Farnewtlrtlt-� A, ordinance nurse rl n'ceg ¢ d prov[do- %� Ing for the nd le [ I Two Hundred Thou f th o,ds os fl ($200.000.00) t. value of the bonds o' I the CIf )' Of SL Pnul, for the N n.P f� I f refundlag n equal � j honda of s,.d Cir An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of bonds of said City maturing December let, 1918. WHEREAS, On December let, 1918, there will mature $300,000 in construction of sewer bonds, heretofore issued by the City of St. Paul; and whereas, there is not in the Sinking Fund, or in any other fund of said City, any money applicable to the payment of any of said bonds or any part thereof; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: \, Section 1. That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue, execute, sell and deliver $200,000.00 par value in and of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of bonds of said City for the construction of sewers, and maturing December let, 1918. Said bonds shall be executed in the form of coupon bonds under the direction of the Sinking Fund Committee of said City in denominations of One Hundred Dollars or any multiple thereof, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars, as the Sinking Fund Committee may2 direct, shall be dated December let, 1918, and bear interest at tha=iwte 6f7five per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually, and the principal shall be made due and payable on December let, 1948. Both the principal and interest of said bonds shall be made payable at the office of the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in New York City, New York. Section 3. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, counter- signed by the Comptroller, and havethereto attached the corporate seal of the City of St. Paul, attested by the City Clerk, and shall be in such form as may be determined by the Sinking Fund Committee with the advice of the Corporation Counsel. Said bonds shall be sold upon such F notice and in such manner as the Sinking Pand Committee may determine, for not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders, and the proceeds of the sale thereof shall be used solely for the purpose of retiring and refunding the bonds maturing December let, 1918. The faith and credit of the City is hereby pledged irrevocably for the prompt and faithful payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, as in the bonds provided. Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas / Hays Mr. ancy ss �HoColl Wunderlioh (� dgson) Approved Mayor Attest T7--'7- ' �.. '1 ' A _ 1 � � � V (,' t,�ei4 � �' { ,(I .� ' � r S f {:. .I �, � � ° 4 i.. �� ° w�l } `_ ' ___ ` h Gam. G U V 1 l !� { 2 , ; t ` `', �I LL-�1,1, r - � - ,. i ' .� � �G'_ _�.��.. �,._. �' _� ._."L. �V QQ ,� � ✓ r• p ;; w� . �. �:. ---___. . _. � ...�.wq _.,,� . ���� - PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ei AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL O1L Foca A A46.10 7-18 SEP 312 .._.. .........._....191........(fIA.._.................CI�TT ..l_'%\7....� ....LLFR AUDITED-81.6...TO.d3S 472 .. . .. S........_ ..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed, statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 9 ci rr Adopted by the Council ..... .... ..._ '°Y r SEP 12 I�lB Y F nsworth ._._r'�.._.In favor Approved._.. _ __SEP ._. ...191 G eller v......Against MAYOR Acting 7unde�rlich n 1,6420 H. Henderson, 15.75 Election 6421 Northwestern Flec. Equipment Company, 31.52 Fire 28.93 Parks 1.15 11 1 44 31.52 6422 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 20.85 Fire 19 70 Water 1 15 20.85 6423 Norlin & Behelberger, 15.75 Flection C, F. Na 12761. 45.50 6424 Standard Oil Company. R...I—a that ..arranre ne drawn U Water the her lnattterepecifleApf ndseand of favor oC3he .I Clone fortheeraons, arms or corpors. their. restl,.amounts ut oDposl4 the folloving detal)ad to .DeMded !a. H. Henderson, tatemeht: 1.62--egtern Elec. EpuiDment Co.. 132.61, Plttstiurgh Plate Gj.ec Co" ';E0.86. Norlln & I; heiberge}i j16. $$tanderd Oil Co, 4650. . Appr= bo .the Counoli Sept li, 1918. �Gproved Kept. 18. 1916. _(Sept. 51-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjeft: ----....__....... ..... ------------ - U. 1y FILE L 20 f �1 ,� - PILE NO .............. ............................ Date Presented -;Sept t_. 12th, - 1918.. That the Northern States Power Company be and they are hereby authorized and directed to remove their wires and poles from the east side of Pine Street between Eighth and Grove Streets, and either place said wiring underground or erect poles and wiring on the west side of Pine Street between the aforesaid limits. C: F. NQ 22784—BY M. N. GBse— hedo.YOd. That the Northern States Power Company be anu they are hervee- by authorized and directed t- remoat thele W-8 and po.es t.om the -se ds of P.nO street between Htgh[It and Grove streets. and either place said 'wtring undgground erent pplesand - wlr.ug on the wset aide of Pine a treat' between the aforesaid limits. 1918: Adopted by the Council yBpt. 12, p Approved Sept. 12, 1918. 1 (dept. 21-1918) _ Yeas (�Cct lmen ( V) Nays r' worth Gp9s ___-,�_._In favor ;Aeller //meaty Against Aunderlich Mr. 4aregident, Hadge n FORM C. A.9 JM 8-10 Adopted by the Council .......... ...... ............ _19L Approved.... --SEP_ -�-- 12�......._.....191 ACLI ne MAYOR Request of property owners on street --Request communication on file Department of Public Works. 9/12/18 Council File No .... ....... ...... .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2276- i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: cuameli4.._ tile ...si.da.Walk...eix..feet...!aide-._except.ing...where ._.walks. .. now 1%1014 on the ....anutJx...side ....of....Gr and...ay.enue.,....be tXe.en... Dunl ap....atreet....and..... Gri.gBe..._street............................................................... ............ ........._.._................... ......_....:......................... .................................................................................. Dated this...... 12..... -......day of. .................... September .................. .. ..............., 191.9... Councilman. winiLJ�thD[OVBmenr- < 1- of the :,%icy �• "" a O[ be rt WHEREAS, A written proposal for them rues, That the Commism:g6r or (t, viz,: .q Works ba and ha le herebr or- wd', Bisected: C..onatrnct...c.eman.t....iile._sfldev auiiuyc,oi thehma'mR°'tad a �di�t.i.ng..wh.ere_..w.alke_..now a ent ._an.the_south .si°mctsairseee th�e.:betw.e.en.Dunlap.etrae.t...and. at [nu ... ;..:( and ttia. to lter., ........................... ;.a?s5�e_^.. j t . ................... _ ...................................................... ........ ... GS.g$f3...R.t�.e.et........_......._...................:,,.�'r6':Suiaen. .:. . ........................... .......... ........ - .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St 1by Coun ihnan...... -- .. """' 1 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works ftp and he is hereby ordered and direbted: 1, To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of thikiitg of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ............. ........ ....................................................................._............................._....._................................. -- 5, To State whether or not amid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............. ...:_........:..... ......... ...... ........ 191........ Yeas: ��// Nays: CouncilmatYFameworth �F: i2 VP;oller i Approved........._........._..._ ...__ ......................191........ 4u •ch 0�....... ... ...... ......... .............. ..._..... .. 114ayr Aotin4 Mayor. Porm C A is (sat hU) / " COUNCIL E......_......- :^ ------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Conetructing a set?er cn the_ east si de_.c.f Snelling. -_Ave:-._ from Stanford ?.ve.to Jefferson A --e. .... .._..----......._................._... - -- --- ..._....................................----._.. 1 . -F.. matter f c S. A. ctiFar.—orth— In the Mntter of c [ruc[11 a ons evo on'[he east aide of Snelllnv ...... .................... ....... .................................:.crom Stanford Ave. t� .. .: . �_r Prellminsr�'�� ..r ' .r••Ir a. `... ................................................................................'...:..........................-...-.............................................. .................. .----------------- .-. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order 21946 ..............................approved.............duly...9.1.....191P,.............. I................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same ,s hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....on9t.;ttG.�....a,...�,�}^ex.... on the east side of Snelling _eve.from Stanford Ave. to Jefferscn ova. __...._..__..............._...._................_..._...._.... - ..-.. ....................... -- --- -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i6 $ 1526.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. __ 16th day of October 191 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Mrance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___.......__ _._. 191 Approved_.,...__Sf�.1�... ___........ 191..._... Councilman Fao,&Orth Councilman (jos Councilman * Clancy Councilman Kg14 ,,Coe�nei�-M�eC�fg Councilmanc erlich MeeeraliD4�—�teipg�sc r. Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. ..... .. . .... City k. A.etln� Blayor. PURI HEDI / /` COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....grading'Widdleton Ave. from Vista St .................. ..._........................................................ -.-and...Ro-afrs...St-'---fworn..-Ot- to....F..Y. e.:...t P. c7- q... '. `---------"'-------- t`o. 22761—By S. A. Farn— ............................................................................... M¢ttor o[ grading Midd.......... -en Vista St, to Rogers St, ar ' - .St, from Otto Ave, to F. .................................. ._....._...................................°relimlr,rY Order 2%�............_.......... "8. ......... ..------------------ ............ .... -.............. -..... ...................... ....... ........ .....:''................................... to Rowers St. .- ......................... ................ .... ........................... .. ......... ............ ..........-............ ................ ......... .. under Preliminary Order.....2.1.Q.$...................................approved .... iPrll_2.5,.. 1918. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Grade Middleton Ave. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........_ ........... . from vista St. tc Rogers St. and Rogers St. from Otto Ave. to Race St. ... _........ ......... ....._..... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....1.603..II2 _.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. _...16th day of _....__.CtOb2r 191. 8', at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........ _... ___.. __.... '._..., 191. SEP 12 tine Approved ............... .._...... ._ 197..._. . Councilman rnsworth Council C}oss Ya Councilman�ller C'ouncilmat 4underlieb Iii—.iwin Form B. S. A. 8-6 .... Ci Cler . -etlno Mayor. ,V &1. COUNbIL VI NO^__._ ...................... ------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Condemn-jug...ani---t...1c.itg-.-aln---e'G-e----ent---it_...tka..lasLd..nenessar� for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Middleton --e. from vista St. ...........—------------------------- -------*-------------- 10 Rogers St. and Pori -ere St, from Otto -Ive. toRace St. .................. -................... ._....................... ..._................ ............................. .......... ............ ..................................................... ....................................................... - ..... ...... .. 22768—By S. A Ferns Worth- --.....................--- .......---- ...................-.....-----............ .daft- of condemningn d to, an easement in the loadnec ................ - for slopes, for cats and fill" .................................. .............. -.................................... ................................................. . ing Middleton Ave from •� Rogers St. and Rogers St. \ve. to Race St. under Pr. .....__.. ..__._.... ...... .. ............. , 16 an., sued _. -. .. .................... ... _. _ under Preliminary Order 2.10-H ............. ............... ......approved April. 25 1918- .............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn and take _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......_._ ..............._...................._..... _an.eas.ement. in. the .land .nec.eesary.Sox.--. - .apes- fo.r_..cu.ts...__nd...fil- s...in..._... (?raIii, Liddleton q. -e. from Iri,sta It......td Rogers $t, from Otto Ave to Race St. In accordance blue.print__1?ereto..att ched _ _. ._.. . __. and made a part hereof, the hatched ^ortion ehowing the cuts -nd the shaded porticn showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 25.03 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... _...ldth day of _.....__.. 191...x, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. bl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the natnre of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..._..... ..... _ _...... _` 191 Approved... Councilman Fath Girth Councilman (4e,s Councilrna:X Clancy .0 --Councilman E�tiler (.o49lR�fM9 Councilman nderlieh nl�ym—>'�1so n.. Form B. S. A. 8-6 �t <- :3.oting mayor. PUBLMIM 2 27 V)9 COUNCIL FILE Nom... ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1n the Matter of. Constructing a cement tile sidewalk six feet wide ad the _..... - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ South side of Fairmount Avenue, from Albert Street, thence -Te-3t to ------------ -----_.._..-----_._-__. - ___._.-----._._.--- -- ------- ---------- -----.. ....---— ------ --------- connect the present constructed walk, approximately 440 feet. ............__..................-...__.....__......_........................_._.._...-.:._......__........................----------......_................._..... F. No. 22769—BY S. A. Farnswo ' .......................................... � n atao.oatk ,: rea�wtae o ant_ or satrn,ounc .. -' ................................................................................ ieit . e.... r.e thtIII .d 7 to conr� ^nt: 440 feet, walk. Y 54 Leet. ` ................... ........... . ........... .... 225 i6 - ................ .,ncn under Preliminary Order......225?.8................... ...._........approved ....._........-...._..August ._.2.4.,.....1. R.I. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Construct a cement ........................................ tile sidewalk six feet wide on the South side of Fairmount Avenue, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ from lbert Street, thence hest to connect the present constructed walk, approximately 440 feet. Fyccept where good and sufficient sidewalks now _ exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0 .65 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on llfzth. _. __ .._....___..__.day of _...............oc.t.ob_ex._-..__ - ., 191 _ 8 -, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- intr, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -----._......._.-----._ :_...__ .;e. 191 -_._ . Approved .... --SEP-12 1...2. .......__ -, 191....... Councilman F sworth Councilman os9 Councilman Clancy councilman Willer Councilman oder � gson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .............................._...._......... .. .. '::.ryl...... „ tl., Mayor. 42;7-0 COUNCIL -FILE NO.... ... ............. ......----- --— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._...Constructing a cement block driveway at proper location, ..................................................- ........ --....._...... -- six.feet_in n'idth by ten feet in length, and reconstructing relaying .... - ..-... _.. ..P..nd .repairing. sidewalk. six _f.eet._.ih...wi.dth... and .... o.f_.s.uff.i.r.i.ent...-Lenat.Yl...t.a... place walk in good rep-.ir on the east side of Cromwell _'.ve. beeinring _..._.._..._......._......_.............. ........................... .................................................................................................................... at University „ye. thence north approximately 135 feet. .................... ........................................................................................ ................. DIo. 28440-33y S. A Farn—, ............................................................................'.e Matter oI constructing a.............................................................. ^ "o driveway at proper in width Met v under Preliminary Order........-C<QA2............ ...... " 'h. nI recnnea.:.....irlily. ....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the t of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--Q..Pngt.TUCt a Cement black...dri-vewa;:...Ft...pro.p.e.r...i o.e.a.t.is i,...s.ix.-.Eget-..in..width._ry_.ten..-feet.-,in.-._--.- length, and reconstruct relay and repair sidewalk six feet in width _._._.. _...__...._............. _._...__ _...._.. ............................................................................... and of sufficient length to place walk in good repair on the east side of Cromwell Ave beginning a; University Ave thence north approximately 135 feet.. .......... .... ____ .....___ _ Driveway 0.2.0 per sq. ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _Sidewalk 0.0 i Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ldt.h......... .... .. day of _....--._..._Uct.cbes___.... , 191 81 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the tonal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. . --- 191... Approved...---. _. -W...12 410...._. 191.._.... Councilman Fa orth Councilman os councilman CI,3.n C y Councilmaneller bre Councilman nderlich 'rayel "91. n Form B. S. A. 8-6 . cti cl C:att:, Mayor. �s«Ssm, /moi' •� COUNCIL FUX NO..... . ............ ... 1V INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofC9.nstructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet .- ...._._........................ .................... ............-- ....... at the following locations: On the west side of Isbury --t, beginnin ..._........_...._...................._..__._._._._...._... ......._..... ......... __..._............. ................................ ........ .......•----------.. ..at. Lake Como_.&phalen ,',vs. thence _south .118 fiket, on the east side of . .................................................. ._Ce.o_itol 've. from iulinnehaha St• thence north 140 feet rad on the north _.._................_.........._.........._...................................................... ........................................ ................ side-..of_AinSehaha St• be, -inning at Capitol ?-e. thence east 55 feet. ....... ........... .... .. ................------ : o. 22771-13Y S. A. Farnsworth— Matter of constructinga cemes .... .................. sidewalk to a width o[ six;.................................................................... -�.,. he folowing locations: On. .i,ide Asbury St. beginn' under Preliminary Order... -..21.x.25 ............._--... of c Phalen AYe Aful.y_ 1,....1918. on tr The Council of the City of St. Paul having recelveot - ;;itrrortof„the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby msol.vAs: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a cement ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ t.ile...aidewalk...t.a....a..Pt01dj...o.f--.six-.feet...at..-the following locati ns:_ On the.weet_ side of Asbury St. begiftning at Lake Como Fc Phalen Ave. thence .s.o.uth.-11.8..f.eet...o.13..the._.e.a.§t._side__of Capitol Ave.. from Minnehaha St. ...... .. ....... .......... thence north 140 feet and on the north side of Vinnehaha Et• beginning at Capit6l �.4ve�.thence east ��-85feet. �---13ccept� u'here-- good and suffiri�ent- si dewaics now- exist: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.65 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the. ___ 16...t.h__. _....day of October 191 8' , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.___.._.... _ ._.__ _ _ . 191 Approved__.......5EP...U..big .__.... Councilma/Fsworth Councilma Councilman x Clancy councilman ler 0 Feed t� Councilman Wederlieh gacn. Forin B. S. A. 8-6 - � City Cle i _ CGIc 4,aC (..�1.. .. Ma r. c�t0rtir-� :j COUNCIL FILE NO - ...................----• r- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Const_ructing._.a driveway of._.cem,ent.... crossgra;lk__loe1 to ------- a width of six feet o^. the east side of Bay St. at the follol,i _..._..-......._....._....._....._........--......._......_.._.._.......-._..-....._...................................... ............ locations: '?eginning 51 feet south of palace St. thence south 8 _:- _. __ ........__ - .. ................................................... feet end beainring at a:point 219 feet south of palace St. thence south 8 - ._..._...... ................_..__......._............_............. --- ---------------------------......................................... -_... S712—BY S. A. Farnsworth— feet. ::. of constructing a drive - ....ten[ lkhblocks ito ....................... ......................................_....... fcrosswa�.............................................................. six no on te east ec. t the following location nl feet south of Pal, ........................................................................................ south 8 feet and be......-.............................................................. . olnt 219 feet south of . 22015 .;..-r a�� under Preliminary Order .............................................._.imppro'v'ei 1 COiINC II,j�....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.�onstructing a cement the sidewalk six f -et wide or. the ................................................................................... ........... __South aide of Laurel Avenue, from Syndic^t.e_.A_venue.,__..thence..East_t_o-_._ connect the. present walk....-tnp.roxim7.te1y..1.70_ feet.._. _._............._................ F. No. 22773—By S. A. Farnswort,' hI Matter of constructjng. a cam sidewalk six feet wide ---- . . ----------- ............ .. -�n aide of Laurel A, on ^a[e Avenue, then E - thepresent walk ........ ...... ......... .. ........ ...... ..... peat, under Pr,,' under Preliminary Order.2254."......_................. .._...._..approved _.....Audu st...?A,_..1.9.1.F.............. _---------- .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....-..C.P.r)..tx}1-G-t._sa G..eme-at tile sidewalk six feet i-�ide on the South side of Laurel Avenue, from .......... ...... .............................................................._. ......... ..Syndl. cat e._evpnue...... th(-,nce__.F�?st_ to,._connedt-the..pr§s nt. -_wal k� approximately 170_,.feet.. I!Mceot �eoo where d and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .............. ..... ....._.. . ..---._...... ..._.. ----........ __..-............. --_ . ......_....... _.._._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _ ..65 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. 16t.h..._..____ __.day of _........... Gat.o.b-ar..-..___......_..__., 191. 8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._._........._..- 191 Approved. .....S[P 121#8_ 191._.. Councilman sworth Councilma oss Councilman Clancy Council Keller Councilman %Pf'underlich h1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 ias Mayo-.' ✓ .y7""E y COU151EMRNR /� l B------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........Co__ - Construct a cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet .............._ "------------- ............................ ... -----.................................. — ... 2I. the west side of Futon "t• from Palace St. to Jefferson A�'e...., .................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................. .............:dIaigcns ter ofntru.0.o a --,.. ............................... ............... I.idewalk to a width of six -e westeIde of Fulrq ,;, ,. ...........................................................................................:� er_ to 7etterson Order?^:............................................................................ .................._.._._..._............... ...... ........... __..._.._........... ..... ......... ................. _....._............................. ...._........................... ...... .... ._...._.__.. ..-___...... ... .._._..... __....__... ........_.__ .._ ._._. .._............ ......_.___-.._......_.... ._....... ...__.... under Preliminary Order ....2249.6...................................approved ... AUS 15, 191i?. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. uct a cement _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._.._.._.......Const...r...__......................... tile sidewalk to a a,idt,i of six feet on the west side of Fulton St, from ........ ..... . _ .. --- ....................... Palace St, Ave. Jefferson :eExcept_17here._oo.o.d--- and ...sufii.cient...sisiz alkB -_... now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0. G5 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th day of October .............._.._.._.._ ......, ", at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ., in the Council Chamber of the 191... . DI Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._... _.._ ................... ..... 191. Approved ......... S.P.....���8.. 191. .. Councilman 1+5sworth Councilman foss Councilman Clancy Councilman ler Ecu ' Councilman derlich hf.,e, f g s o n Form B. S. A. 8-8 /./. . ...............�.�...... �ifyhllerk. .. .......... Mayor. 'hry COUNCIL N$---------- ----------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofConstructing a cement the sidewalk six feet vide on .... .......................................... ......................................... the west side of Farringtor Avenue, from CarbonStreet to Maryland S.treet.........._, a................._._._....._._Far. 'ter or constructing walkelx feet wh................................................................................... .................................................................................. . .le of Farr ingto• rbon at. to Maryl:" �'reilminary Order• ......................................................................... .. ......._ luguet '27. 1918. ...................................................................................... . 01 of the Cit " ved the repo ... ............ ............. .............. - ........-.:..nca o ...................... ..-.....-.... ...........-..........-............ nder Preliminary Order... 22575approved .. _ August 27, 1918 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves, 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._Conetruct a cement ............................................ t.ile sidewalk si ;..feet ride _on_t're._.weat .... ide..of.... Arrington--_Ayenug,............. from _Carbon Stre at. t.o.. Uar�land ...St.rest........a'x9.eP.t._zhere__gpod...and suffi_ci eat sidewalks now exist. __.... ___ _....._... _...._.. _ . ... _ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is t � r74 --per- fro n•t foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._17th day of ..........Q.cto.b.ar.........__........__ ., 191 8-1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Conneil._........_...._......._ __ ....... ..... 191_... Approved .......__......_ SEA...12...ISt8.._ , 191... Councilman Far ortb Councilman I ss Councilman Clancy ouncilman ler Gbeso Councilman erlich n Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ ......._ ....._..._......._..... .......... ut.. _�/ City Cl Mayor. PUBLISMm � COUNCIf JT,DE D ............................... „-. , INTERMEDIARY ORDER 0!! '7" 6 In the Matter of.... -Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six _..... ..-- -- ........................ -----..-... -- .................----- feet-.on,_-the..east. s d,e_.g£__Fi,sk...Street,._b_etween_.1�. tgTj and__,elby.__?,venues. ... .. - ... ;C. F. No. 2277s—ny S. A. Farneworth—...............--- ..................._-----------------....-. 'In the Matter of constructing a went �-,sidewalk to a width of I. feet r ..................................................................................... fast side of Fisk street. beta`.................................................................. —.tind Selby Avenues L Order 22646 apr .... ................................................................................... m e Cit.. .. ............................................................... .............. ......................... under Preliminary Order ............... 22.5-45 ......................... approved ..... Wg:uat_.2-4,_ _19.18.. .......................... --.- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........�on9truCt a cement That tile.. t �. width of six feet on the east side of Fisk Street, ---_....._........._......................................................................................_.......-.......................................................... between Dayton and Selby Avenues. Except where good and sufficient ..... ... ... _.....I_...__............_......................._............_.........n............................................................................... sidewalks now exist. __................. .... _._..._..................................... ..._. ........... _......_ ._. ._ _......__._..__._._..._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0.65 per front foot.. Resolved Further, That a public• hearing be had on said improvement on the ____17th .......... day of _._Q.ct.Q.1?e.T...._._ __......_ 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._.------.. ---, 191.....__ Approved_ Councilman Far worth Councilman ss Councilman Clancy SCouncilman ler v Councilman de (yy� rlieii Afavnr T.2k1 THti .. Q., Form B. S. A. 84; ....__ ... City ..e ........ --uou,mn �r u,c ,,.4�.ss"icor n„• Council File No. �•����. '�`�s "'� °'�""""` - , y rnra -., din vii„uiw,. .n�era uu. �i to[ ,il ll.id M I:I o,l< ,.�... i lith of th Resolution "�'.�ig Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for 1 Commencing at a point in the center line of Gibbs Ave., 30 feet north of the center line of Wheeler Ave., thence on a curve to the west of 30 feet radius to the center line of Wheeler Ave., and on the center line of Theeler Ave. to a point opposite center of alley in Block 32, St. Anthony Park, thence continuing westerly on Theeler Ave. to a point on the center line of N.arsh Court, 10 feet south of the center line of Wheeler Ave., thence westerly on a line 10 feet south of and parallel to the center line of Wheeler Ave, to a point 1406 feet from the center line of Gibbs Ave., thence on Raymond Ave. at an angle to the left 24 degrees 6 minutes a distance of 177,36 feet thence at an angle to the right 11 degrees 55 minutes a distance of 373.06 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 9 degrees 22 min- utes a distance of 154.57Pto a point 10 feet distant and easterly from the center line of Bayless Ave., thence southerly a distance of 274.45 feet, on a line 10 feet easterly from and parallel to the center line of Bayless Ave., continued southerly on the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company to connect with the spur on the existing sewer crossing the right of way of the said railroad on the center line of Bayless Ave. Gibbs Ave. from Como Ave. West to a point 30 feet north of the center line of Wheeler Ave. Como Ave. West from Raymond Ave. to Hamline Ave. Breda St. from Snelling Ave, to Hamline Ave. Wynne St. from Snelling Ave. to Hamline Ave. Snelling Ave. from the Bridge over the Great Northern Railway to Hoyt Ave. Hamline Ave. from Wynne St. to Hoyt Ave. Albany St. from Snelling Ave. to Hamline Ave. Almond St. from Snelling Ave, to Hemline Ave. Atlantis St. from Snelling Ave, to Pascal Ave. Both sides of Midway Parkway from Snelling Ave, to Hemline Ave. Arona Ave. from Albany St. to Atlantis St. Pascal Ave. from Atlantis St. to Midway Parkway. Asbury Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Midway Parkway. Arona Ave. from Nebraska St. to Midway Parkway. Simpson Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Midway Parkway. Pascal Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Frankson Ave. On center line of Pascal Ave. produced southerly from Frankson Ave. to Midway Parkway. McKinley Ave. from Pascal Ave. to Frankson Ave. Halton Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Como -Phalen Ave. Albert Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Frankson Ave. Sheldon Ave, from Nebraska Ave. to Frankson Ave. Frankson Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Pascal Age. Bison Ave. from Frankson Ave. to the center line of Pascal Ave. produced southerly. All of which is to be known as Snelling -Como Sewer System Sanitary Sewer on Lake Como & Phalen Ave. from Sheldon Ave. to Hamline Ave. Storm water Sewere on Lake Como & Phalen Aves. from, P-nellins; Ave. to Hamlin AVe•, trienoe east—a-y it Co:,,o Par'— or. o center line of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. produced to a point Sao foes east of the center of Hemline Ave.;thenoe southeasterly at an angle of 15 degrees 58 minutes to the right a distance of 446 feet more or less to a point on the line of a sewer described hereafter, extending from Midway Parkway to Cozy Lake. On Fair Place from Snelling Ave. to Arona Ave. On Arona Ave. from Fair Place to Frankson Ave. On Franbson Ave. from Arona Ave. to Albert Ave. On Bison Ave, from Frankson Ave. to Midway Parkway. On Midway Parkway from Bison Ave. to Hamline Ave. and thence in a northeasterly direction in Como Park on a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the north line of Midway Parkway, and the center line of Hamline Ave., thence in a northeasterly direction at an angle of 21 degress 53 minutes to the right, with the cen.er line of,Hamline Ave., a distance of 355.7 feet, thence at an angle to the ” -4,eYt 27 degrees 36" a distance of 176.6 feet, thence at an angle to the -right-31 degrees 45 minutes, a distance of 134 feet; thence at an angle to the right 33 degrees 21 minutes a distance of 268 feet; thence at an angle to the left of 10 degrees 10 minutes a distance of 534.7 feet, thence at an angle 65 degrees 18' to the right a distance of 759 feet, more or less, to Cozy Lake, so-called. Also a storm water sewer from the intersection of Hemline Ave. and Frankson Ave. in a southesasterly direction 100 feet more or less to the sewer as extending from Midaa.y Parkway to Cozy Lake as described above. All the above sanitary ani _storm eater severe to included in and made a part of the Snelling Como Se�sr "yatem. under Preliminary Order _. _._..._._.. lntermediary. Order Final Order - approved 19 L A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in iequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved SLP i2 1918 191. 191 ;City Clerk. Mayor. f COUNCIL FILE NO.. By......... ...... ._ ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter tnelayinL and reralr.nL tce cement the s1dewal,�. t..G.._a w jdt : of six fe-t. _._.. .: tale west sicie of-rundc;l St frac . .. .._.. ........... ' .... ve. te- ; t -.r-. Lve. _. Sell.:,a... ...... - ... ... --. I: , 4. Intli. �I t of I til, t [-.t on Al •.lir .=t �f�le <.P :\inni�l from �,I Jun, . ........... ... ............... .......... .� riii� li li�n,I }„ihllo n tl�. 1, �. �. i til . ,... tinder Preliminary Order _ 21G67 ._ _..- ........... on ........approved ._..TUz:@_.18..i:.,... :.1. i............_..__......._. Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is -.SFG ; I uC t� re, y pair 1'.i.e ce LilP s_dewa� �:.L ,...a_ r >.,tC.. cx. =.i:< ,.. t _''- :.e ;.e: t L,,e of i,rundel LA rcT .,Ve. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby- authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith adupted by the Council I , 191 ,l SU .6 Im6:approved._. S 191._.._. Councilman Y'a sworth Councilman mo�s Councilman �klsxj/Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman -Miweill— Councilman Wei6derlich Mayot4 IT? cT o l Form B S A. 8-7. City Clerk. �s Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..re.c.o hall .Q.ting,..-.relaying and repairing the cement tile sid.a➢➢. l.ki...L.O .p,..width-._of-..six- feet on the west side of Arundel St. from . .............-................................................... Selby-- Ave— ...to...Day-ton..Av.e.................................. .........................................................._...--- -- ..--............. C. R No. 22778 relay- .................................................................................... In the and repairing the cemcti ent the ing end ............ nfdewalk to -a width of eix feet. on ............................................... ------------------------------- ,th. weq alde of Arundel at. from ......................................... ...... ..... ..--- ............................-...to� Ave. under Pre- .Arnt.arY Selby AveOrdera21687 approved Tune .................................................. #:6 h, 1918hearing having been her publ.......................................................................................... n the above Improvement'.__^ 11. a Counri',c .............................................._........ _ ander Preliminary Order---21667__._............................approved 'i 1 �11z12..-a $�k1,--.7 Ja f .........----------------........ IntermediaryOrder .................... .......................................approved ... -- .................................._........................ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..reG.0.I1S.?:S uCt,-,.Vela_y__and_._repair...the ..cement tile_... sddewalk..tn...1...a.idth...0.f...six...f.eet.__pp. the west side of ,�,rundel St. from $e1.by:...AV.e..<....L4...Aa1ton.. Ave . .__..... ....... .. _.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ ..._ 191._..._ SEP 12 140 Approved.......................................................... 191........ Councilman*Worth Councilmanj.4'i '/ CouneilmanVOlancy Councilman Cons v J Conncilmml an*lick MayorF gson Form B. S. A. 8-7. y �Cerk. i-, , Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthe Matter of.....__ . .. . . . ............ ............ ... ..... . . . ...... .................. ... .......... ....... . ........ .......... .. .. ............ ... ............ 'j,,'jr.'ej '�V�. to ... .. ..... — . . . . ........... .......... .... ...... .... ......... ............ ....... . . ..... . ...... . .. ...... — ........ --------- ---- . . ......... . ........ . ...... ............ ....... .... .. .. .... ........ ......... ... . I ..... ........ .................... ... .......... ........... .......... ................... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTA L. e45C The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matt" by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191LIZ ..... ..... �. Commissioner of Finance. Ale, 19 Y 7-0 EG t3 Y, 717 107 Cis; /00s7 oD 72 EG t3 Y, 717 107 Cis; /00s7 oD `r.-" .� . _ �- .� l ,y S • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED 4 ARNq r Il„ f,.,0p� v 10� s x g Report to Commissioner of Finance • 4��r ;z 0� J U L 8 1918 July 5th, 7918. ................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..2.166..7 .....approved ...... ..... June .16_th� ... ......191._8.., relative to .............................. re_conetruGt_3.T�g,..__rel.ay.j,.z7z.....and .....fi.�.-m-a],. _i.11�., the,., _G.e.lie1_Q.._..i 3e;rgalk.,.,to.............. a width of six feet on the west side of Arundel St, from Selby Ave. ........._._......_........................_................._......-.........................................................................._......._ to Dayton Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ........... necessary and (or) desirable. .02¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.._......................... and the total cost thereof is $._......_......... .......... _......._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is...._n0 t asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pu Works., COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............................................................. FINAL, ORDER t In the Matter of.-r..enstns.tills.t.itzg,....r__�.aying,_and_.repairin�--the--cement--.tile_ side>Balk.-.Lo-.-a...w.idtYi...ai...e. h-twest--ai_de---of--_Robert-_St,.---from .... - -- -- ...--. Congr-ess..8.t.----the-nc.e..--Bol4.t-h-.36.-.festa...... ................................................................... ..........---------------..... ...... ..........- - ...........--............ -- - ---- ...........-.......... .......... under Preliminary Order ---.._2a 668...............................approved -....June 18th 1918._ --------------- Intermediary Order ............ .._............_.. ...........approved_ A public hearing having been had upon tic F, No. zz7xs— ta the darter o[ reeonetrucans. relay -Rice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendat tn" d repairing thtut sign efe ttton fully considered the same; therefore, be it e.e :rest s14e of covert st. from eees St. thence eaut,'ss, ss feet, un- peltinlnary Orde r RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. $:, `dune 18th Paving veer ; ie, extent and kind of improve- „ -_.,_.•- , ment to be made by the said City iare.c.Onatruc.t.�...z e.la_. &rid,_ -repair--- the ---c-ement---t ile-----.-• s-kdewal-k---to--a.--V144th...af... el.&I t...f--.e.t....On...the_We.st,side-,_of-,.,gobert,..St.__from._.._ Congress...SL..... thenc-e...south._36...fe.et..... _..... ._....._._.__..._...... ..._....................._...... _........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._... SEP 1213.1 .._........., lsl........ Approved....''... .. //.................. ........... Councilman �iarnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman g)dxmk KlanCy Councilman eller Councilman McColl Councilman, Munderlich Mayox9xntx Iiod Cson Form B. S- A. 8-7. 191.... .. .......... L i �Z'f ` City Clerk G i - ....-:�...--- ......... Mayor. CITY OF IT. PAUL DEPARTME"j5F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of . .......... .......... ...... . ........ .... ... ... . .............. .. .... . .. ........ -'�Ft. .................. . . .. .......... ........... ... ....... . ... . . ........ . .. ......... ..... . ........... ....... ........ . ... ...... . ........ . ...... ........ ...... . ..... . .... ..... I ..... ....... -- .... ......... - ..... ........... . ..... . ...... . ....... . ..... ....... ........ .... ....... ........ . I ............ ................ .. . ..... .......... . ...... .......... I . ...... ... ....... ..... ........ ........ ..... ...... I .................. .... .... ...... ..... I--- . ... ............ ........... ...... ... I - - ..... ...... ..... ....... I ....... .... . ... I ................ ........... .............. .. .... ...... — ...... ............... .. ...... ...... ... .............. . I ... .......... - ...... ........... .................. ............ .... . ....... ........ ...... . . . ... ........ .... ... - .... ....... .... 1 -1 .......... -.- . ...... .... .... ................. ....... ............... .. . . ..... ........ I I ... ............ I...- ................... .......... .... ........ ........ . ..................... .......... ........ ... - I .. ............ ...... ............ .......... .......... ................................ .......... ...... .... . ........ ... -- ....... ..... ..... ....... - ............. ... .. ... ....... ........ ....... ... .. .... . ...... .. .... ..... . ........... . ..... .. ...... under Preliminary Order approved ...... ...... .. . . . .. ...... ....... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ . . ..... ...... ... -'u-re The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. 17-C The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforkilid matterst and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner G�- �.;�2.io�nr �Onancc. No,/G6Sl Pro per j��, -, � _ � i`,=. . R r T N �� � / f ��.�� "'l'�. �, �,, i,,..--- Office of the Commissioner of Public WorkWEC ZD Report to Commissioner of Finance b I, 4'R. OF t�• JUL .8 19t8 ...................Ju l y..._5 t h ..............._.......1918.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._....-................_......._.upproved......_._..................................................._...........1978......., relative to'..... ............. reconstructing,..._re pq.ipg .end..._r_epairing..._the.,._c_ement...._t_ile...,_e_i_dewalk..._to.............. ....... ........... ..... a..._W.a..dtl on.._ the ...-n.e.a_t......a.i.de..._o.f.._Eob.e.r.t... St......_.fsow.....C.angres.e....._._... $_t......_theng_e...._gouth..._36...._feet......._....................... .............................._....................._._..._..................._......................... ....._......................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herbby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... .............. necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $..__ ........................... _.. and the total cost thereof is $....._....__............_ .................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. 4. not 5. Said improvement is ............. ............ ......_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..................... G-::-'..— t-...__...1.._............_....._._.._............... Commissio-tor- of Public Works. ................ FINAL ORDER ...........1 2) 7€',® In the Matter of ... and..re.pair.isS....the....ce=ent--Li1e- , siSiewal}t...tQ-_a---width-.of_._s ix -_feet on-,the,-,souths_ide--_of._Sims--Stb.--_.... .. ing- -- .. ........ 1a6_.fee.t east. of Ed-gerton_S %!t thence„East...256_-_feet.f...._..... -- .. ............................ ...._._................................................ . c. F .No. 227800— .................-.............---------------._..-..._---- In the Matter f reconstructing. relay-I In, ......................................................................... . sidewalk and r o aitlnR of six feet the cement t.la south s de0of Sims St. beginnin;n........................ .................._........------ .......... feet east of Edgerton St. then, ................................ 256 feet. under Preliminary, 2............................................................................ ..........._. ....................... ...... I V, -..-..-.., •tapproved Tune 1 . ing 5th..'l hav u .e... ar under Preliminary Order .--_2-� 630..............._......._.......applYPded"--....June.._15th ---1 18..--___._-___................. IntermediaryOrder .........._.............................................approved ................................... ... -- ----............. .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City isS.@.C.OX!!}truct...... r.elay... nd_._ repair... the_..cement ..ti1e sidE¢alk... tri ...a... width ...Of...s.ix...fee.t_..on.the._south.. side of Sim. St. beginning 12.6.. feet.,. east of Edgerton St. thence east 256 feet. .............................................. _...._...__........_.................__...................... .......................... ... _...... _ _..__ ._.. _.......... . ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._ ... ....... ... ... ........ ... _._.., 191........ Approved .............. SEP ...1:v AS18............... .., 191........ Councilman/Farnsworth Counci__ Goss ,, // Councilman PamdKvc lancy Council 0 Councilman Wunderlich son Form B. S. A. 8-7. .......... . , ..�. CO _ City Clerk ................. ;,;A,,j,Mayor. 3 �-Z 4F.WA.1 CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of.., T. . ..... to .. .. .................................... t in, in. under Preliminary Order approved June 15,1:18- .... ..................... .......... . ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ is $ 07 The estimated cost Per foot for the above improvement The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 4CC do 4CQ 77 a6 do 3600 do 400 n do 731C 2 al 41 6 do 1800 1 is 0 C C do 400 TOTAL, Form R. E. 10 DEPARTP"t bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C). . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION' ASSESSED VALUATION 1,4 _ 9 71. Tei--es1 .Cu :iVCC 4 C n Li, S .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works .. -- Dated.._I�LL�r..._.�/'.-------191V-- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 9-9 C 11 w STS S ST- - ,3 J ti` 1, "a jQ C, Y✓Esv Es � a �� �sT,07 G`�s �r may; ioof t « V 7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo CEIVED , F � Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL A July 6th, 791..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Colin- cil, known as Council File No,.21630.............. approved ...........June .._.15th.x....._............. ]91._8.., relative to__...._._... ... ........ . reconstructing, relavin and rewiring .the___c_ement,__._t tile ete,;ralk,.,_to_............. ... ............. a 's•idth of six feet on the south side of Sins St, begirr.ing_ 1236 feet .._ east o �d,erton St. then _ .......... ,. g._ ...a .. .. . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__._._..._.........necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $.._.._.___._..._........_.., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .. __ ............. _..... ...... ..... . ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is..._r'0t.__........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ...._..... ....... By............................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter andrepairing the cement tile side-WA.11{...to,-_a width of six feet on the north side of Sherburne Ave. from ................................................. ............... ....................................... ............ - - ...................................... Mani-o-n--.SS.t.,....t-hence--.eas-t 30Q...f.e.11c: F. No. 22781—.............. ------------ ­ ---------------­--­--­- In.the Matter o[ reconatructing, relay- ing and repairing the cement the __ �............ .............................................................................. ............................................. sidewalk to a width of six feet� or . 'he north el de of Sherburne ;; ............................... .............................................................................. . rom Marton at. thence eget ^�limin^^y n• „ -c under Preliminary Order ...-----.2.162$.............................approved ............................. Intermediary Order -- ...... -- ..._.. ..... .......... ---.....approved .. ....... ................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..reconstruct, relay and repair the cement tile .... ..... _..........._................................................... w-idth._of_.s.ix...iee.t... on -._ the _north ,_.Side of Sherburne Ave. from _......_._......._............._._ ..._ ..... Manton..-$t_..._thence east 300 feet. .....................................--. ........... ......... .__._. _ . . __ _. ............ _..__ . ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._._ . .___.._ __. _ __ _ ..... .., 191........ Approved................SEP... ...........%.@............., 191.__... Councilman�'naworth Councilman loss Councilman HjtKff cClancy Councilman Xeller Councilman underlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. ................ ....... _..l..l.... Gity Clerk. ................ . 7,,. Mayor. DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ a t i�.. - G7 C C TOTAL. -^OAC The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rcoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... G . C ........./.. ::... ......... ._ _ ✓.:... /'....::.... ( ...1............ Commissioner of Finance. 01, /z-7,14, -' / 6 �,'- �- 12- Aali 7� 12- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Ecivd • i �A�Ng.�': ro.:�..�a'QA Report to Commissioner of Finance e . JUL 8 F9}8 J ly 6thl........_..........191.8.:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 31628 June 15th, 8 cil, known as Council File No. ...... ...._..._ __..-...... approved _.._ ..............._......_........ _____.____.......__197........, relative to. ...... ..........___.. reconstructing, relaying and r pairing the event tile s'de��lk to a ........._. ._.. a.......... _........ .......... ......... _- .......... width of six ...... _...... _... thence east 300 feet. _.......... .. _._.._.. __ ....._.. . _..._.. ....__ _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $..... . ........, and the total cost thereof is _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............. .. . ........ ... _.. .... ... _..._..... _._....._ _.._ ..__ not o. Said improvement is......._._........ .......... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... ........... ................. .. .. ......._ ........... .. ... ... ......._. ... ...- Cmnmissionor of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.....:...... ........... .... By..............._ ...... _-..........._............ ....... .-........... ._ FINAL ORDER In the Matter otT..0.9nstru9tin9,-_.relayingand re-pairing.-wi-th--cement- tile. to a K,.Jjjh---of-.9-1-_.feet,..-_the cement the...sidewalk on the west side of Wabasha ........................................... ------......... -- - ........--...........--........._ St. at.the _following locations: Beginning 48 feet north of Ninth St. , __...._._....._..........................._......._..........._.....- - ...... -- ...._. thence north51 feet; beginning 110 feet north of Iglehart Ave., thence -- - ._.-..------------- . C. F. No. 22182— recoastrpctng, In the mateor relaY- IIOn1h.54-.eel,............ing and repairing with cement the to -.................................... ---..------------..------ .... a idth or 9% feet, the cement tlio -- - sidewalk on the west side or Webs - aha St at the following locations; ............... ....................................................... I Beginning 48 feet north of Ninth at.; under Preliminary Order ._......2� ° thence north t1 feet: beginning uo fee* north of Iglehart Ave.. thence �e 12th 1918. - �.. _..._...- "4 feet. under PrellminarY �.,.i.e r appro Ked Tupe 12th, 1918 Intermediary Order ............... _.............. ............................ approv fl". ..... .................... ---"-"-"-............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having :ileard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City an4... repair.. with cement tile to a .w.id.th...of....9-a' fe.q.t.,...the.__cement tile sidewalk on the west side ofWabasha .. _ ... ..........._......_..._ .._..........._......._...._.._....................... ........ ............. ...... St. at the following locations: Beginning 48 feet north of Ninth St., ...................................... ................................ ............................. __.._......._.... _ ...._.._.............._.....__..._...._....................... the.nGe...north,.51...fee.t; beginning 110 feet north of Iglehart Ave., thence north--- 54._f.eat..._...................... I .......... ... __......_ __ _ .__.................. ._.._..._.................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council,_ 191. _. ...... ._ .."l_.._... JCity Clerk. Approved ..._...__...- ...1 .. ..........._, 191._.._ � SEP 1� 1918 � Mayor. Councilman 'Farnsworth Councilman lboss Councilman XYJxx&1tlancY ,oaO'CouncihnanlKeller �f`�nnrilman M..n..lz_ _ -- J Councilman'Wunderlich .➢Sp3t4riLnYll�!is Ag3On Form B. S. A. 8.7. CITYA UL e DEPARTMW F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ......... t-ene r.crh 1 F,3e' --rj t n . ........ . ...... .. ........... . ... .... ... .. . ....... .. . . . ........ .. ... ....... ......... ...... .. . ....... ............ ......... .... ....... ...... 11 - - .. . ........ ........ ...... . . ........ .... ...... --- - ........... . ....... ..... ................. . ..... ............... - -.1 ... .... . ...... ....... ....... . .... .......... � -- - -.1 1 - - ------- --- . ........ . ..... ....... : .... ........... ....... ......... ... ........... . ..... ............ ............ ..... ................... ... ...... ............ ......... ........ .. .............. ...... ........................ ..... -.-- - -1-1 .... ..... ....... . -- . ....... ..... ............. . . . ........................... .. . ... .. .... ..... . . --------- ...... under Preliminary Order approved ...... ...... .. .... ... ...... ..... .......... .. . ..... . ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ... . ....... The estimated cost peiA tI.r 'th. above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follow= DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t 11e r..z did. 1 7 � C 11 h 5-- f 7 1 CC f+ . 11-1Z E 4 A i TOTAL. 3 0 F 7 3 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted. 191 ....... ... .. .... 1....... Commissioner of Finance. 0, r Alo, �, / 4 -f 00' 1Vx A/ -r H ;,- Ols � eoS 7.- -0/ 6 /.f) pe 1 9�) % Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor6ECErv"EU a 0; z Report to Commissioner of Finance a ;, (\ C JUN 19 1918 June....,18th,..._.........".......191..8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.__21598 June 12th, 8 _....approved__.._....._...__.............__.............................191........., relative to. .... _..... .......... ..... reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a width D.f..... t.t.he....west .....s..ide.....of.._. Wabaeh.a..........._.. St, at the following 10oatione: Beginning 48 feet north of Ninth ................... ._......._...._..._................. .._....._..............._.......................... _........ ......................_....._....._......................................... .........._.......__................._ _... St., thence north 51 feet; beginning 110 north of Iglehart Ave., thence north 54 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.... .......... _ and the total cost thereof is $..........._.._.._ .._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._ ...._......... __ ..... ....... .... ..... _ _ _ _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ....... .__ ......... ........ __ _.. o. Said improvement is .................nUt ................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoct to assessment for said improvement. ........_....__.._........_/..... _..........._.... _.... ........... . Cmrui'ssioner f Public Works. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. • �oc�b ��783 In the matter of.._...Opening.__widening._and•_extendin�,-to,,,,rz„width of eight--_ tY:ree....(5.3)_feetComo.,eve,._..y;eet...frotli._- aymonu-„�v.,e,.,,,to,,,-QjLgxr;�Lo.a ....AQ Qi. l. -.......... C. F. leo. 22783— ............ .............................. In the matter of Opening. widening and.........................-................._.....--.-........-.... extending to a width of eighty-three (83) feet Como Ave. West from Ray- ,r mond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. und..........................................._.-.....................•-•. ..................._................ Preliminary Order 16223. apprn m 1917, InterediarO y rder ...................................... ............ ............................................................. _:........ _...................... _...................................................... .: ............................... 16223 Ra -_-2- _._1917 213E under Preliminary Order ..................._...._.._., approved ..._. Y . r Intermediary Order... - Vay 22, 1818. approved............................................ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...............8th ..... ............. day of .._...Q.atobeT....._....._.......1918.,..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 12 1918 Adopted by the Council .................._........_........ ... .............. 191 SEP 12 1918 �-0ltyrk. Approves,.......__ ............................ 191........ xx 2 'Ming \iayor. Councilman Farris 14. Councilman (}qjwo' S” Councilman Hv� I 1 Councilman %ej}er V' Councilman W s'^l. Councilman WunWek Mayor 1—in W Com` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......_..Opening, vridening and extening,-to._. ._ gid..4.Jj ..f e-i-f*,klt three _.feet ...Come....Aoe.....PJeat-f-som...Ray"-nd---A*e.,.._tG-01-eve1and- Ave -v ............ _....... under Preliminary Order.... 1.6-223...___..., approved..... liay..2..... Intermediary Order.....21�F�....._.., May 22, 1918. approved............. Y................................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �_._-ice .................................. . ........... Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.` In the matter of.d.enini;nd_ extending-.3n_-alley.-sixteen_-L1E1_ _.feet in _gidth,....fror!__ifilton__. St.., -to. Vi cto-ria_ St....._c_etween..-$elt?y..,A!9............. and Hague AT e. tak�.>ag... and ....ao-nl.emnina...t:2-e r-ear---.eight---.(.E.)....f-aat._a�:...--- lots 1 to 8 inclusive,._.-Sanbo_rn!_s--Additicr-,,... P,d._.tk1e... real....eight ....(.8.) ............. f,et t o f lots 1 t ... c 5� ...i -n^ 1-u� i 1 e---ual l e r.1_@... �,d d.i ti..0.r........................_._..----------------------•------- ... .._.......................... - _.... . -..... ..... ._...... ....... - ..... ...._..... ------------------------.._...................................................................... under Preliminary Order..20.62.6........___., approvectrar. ...1&.,._.1918..; Intermediary Order.... 21351....-., zs+— ........... r of opening, widen! approvefJZ`..'-�a'.._ :.?:.,.._19.18 • �n nuey sI.teen -n Milton at. t s.1by Ave. e and co 'et of ln s A" The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............ Eth...__........... day of .....October 191.-8..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 12 1918 Adopted by the Council... ............... ................... 191........ y.._:..—CRYTIerk. Approvea...._.- SE.P j2 191.....-. ' ... ... _............. Councilman Farr6wortll f Councilman Gres Councilman KgPe]17d /� ��� Councilman %mr U Councilman Mueull Councilman Wuuderliel Mayor iia— C're-es. r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter .of..0.P..nin.g,.. ... ---.ext.ard.i*g.an.-.all-ey.ai._x�te.leheyn feet in vidth�fromMilton�t.t.4...1. hel aen ........... . •..... _... . _...._..and Hague Ave.by.taki.n. ..end._co_ndemning_.t.h.e...re.p.....ei-ght----(.E.)----faet---ni- .._...-----lots 1 to...8...inclu- .i�.e...... �nbRi'r.'..e... ldi.ti n.-•--:_d._the...r.p"r...eig:lt-•-(-Q}-- feet of lots 1 to 6, inclusive, 1iallerl s Addition. ..................... ........................ under Preliminary Order..__...2"`.E......., approvedu3Y'.,....1.P.. - 3. 1.i, -Intermediary Order..213.51._.......... approved.... T," .Y._ 21a 1 J 1 Ce_....._. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGA. 0 h+ s�9-.r 1r"7g1 r5 � In the matter of........ORening, widening and e tending an alley from St. .. .......... Albans St. to Dale St.. bethe-n Hague and Laurel Ave, s.Block S, __........._._...._...__...... ...............__......._........._.........._..........._........ ................................. T by taking and condemnin.�_-strip .of 1?.nd ---lyi.r..-g.euuth....of---- the ...a.3%,f-ent._fezae.el*. _�).n.d---ng.,rt) o- L..a-11ne...dxalti:n...par-q,.] ..el. t and...2A.1....eauth..D.S o.f... s?.id.. alley.--as...naL._1c i w...D.2at....in........_.. s3i .o.ddl.t.i.o.n...alor.p_Lat.s_.17...to....2.2...i.n.oiu.e.aoe....................................... under Preliminary Order.......16670-_- approved$ept_.2% 1917,. Intermediary Order ....._ 21.$63-,-, 22 191 fi . d78a wldenlna and a lroveY.........e................... _..... of opening. pl g an alley from at. Albans ,ale u. between Hague and avenues, Block 8, Holcombs's n, by taking and condemning of land lying south of th fences and north of a The Commissioner of Finance having subn,^nriinel of said wile,' the above matter as to the amount of n pald Ad dltlon r .•+Ive, under - damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements Hein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. gtI}._..--- .........day of ....October 191..8.7., at ten o'eloek A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said htionglg2 p ribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ................... ..........__._..... Approve( -._.......... SUP ...J.2..1y!$......, 191....... Councilman Farniwort� Councilman GcOs Councilman l / Councilman K"r v Councilman -6eean Councilman WurAiarliq Mayor lrviff— -............_...., 191.... Giby-�erk.... J .:. .....:_..... ... ........... . Mono 'Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._.Opening,.._grid.eni.ng_.and..ext-er-dirg...an...alle-y -from--St:4.1-bans _._.St.,....to__Dal-Q-._,....._e-twee.A_H4gue._.a.nd...Laur.el.-- aanuea,--Bl-0-a—k &. ----?03Bombe`s Additiontaking and c:.ndesnin-a-stri rrof lank -} ytng gout -17 of................................................ -- fences_.. rd._.no.r_thof_2-._1ine_._dran_r._.pa Ptilel__to--_arid,. _south Q- orhinofsaid.. .... ......................... e..-__lid_Q---z.--t-. ion _....ajo.ng..Lo.ts...1.7....t.a_.22...i.acluMi s.._..--- ------------ - ........ under Preliminary Order.. _.1.8. 20.........., approved.Uent. 25.,.._1.9.1'Intermediary Order......21�.5.3......., 22 19!P,. approved..... M�..._ .....t_ ..........__....__. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND DING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. q -b -b ° 227faF 1n the matter of. ._.Opering, widening _nd extending P;teKenty St re.et,. to________ t.:.------------- ................ ....... ........... ............ .................. No. 22786— ...-.... --- .---- .------ .--- .....--- .------------------- matter of opening, widening and g NcKenty street. to a width -five feet, from Simon Avenue' ............................. ............................................................................... to St. under Pro llmin..Y 0.......... 0, approves Dec. 6, 1917 21347, ar" under Preliminary Order..._19.F9J....._-......, approvedDe.q.....6_,___19.1.7.. _. Intermediary Order.21347__....... approved_...K9T_ 41, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.... _B.th ....day of October .191_.$ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP ] 2 1918 Adopted by the Council -------._................. ___...---.__ ... _.................. 191..---- ^ SEP 2 1918 Approveo---- .......................... .............. 191........ Councilman Farneyorth Councilman OQ%s Councilman HytM Councilman Kf2erd— (� Councilman MceeH- Councilman W rlicl Mayor - City C1eF1c l lrlttna 1I yor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...Qpen.ing,_ ti 1clening . and_extend.ing...McK.ent3*.-..Stx-e-et„-- "...a width of fifty -five.. -(55)_ fee t.,_...fror...Si.mon.. 1; eru.�_ t.p.-- arg.t..Q,_.St.,....................... under Preliminary Order... B5.9Q.........._., approved--DeC... .fi.,.._L919.,.Intermediary Order.21347.._.......... 96. approved May ........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..... ..... Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_...takingan easement for a sewer 20 feet in width from the .....................I...................................................................... north line of Midway Parkway to the south line of Bison .1ve., (Frankson's _..................................._................._.._......._.._................._....._..........._........_.................................................................... Como Park Addition), the centre line of said easement being the centre _.. ...._....... .... .......-.....� line of Pascal Avenue produced. ................ .._._.............................._.................................... .----..._...._.........._................-- •....... .......................I................ C. F. No. 22787— Il^a•he,.matter of taking an ease:......_........._....................I........................ ................................................................................ . Ower 20 teet In ",du, Pry. of Midway Parkw a n .-... Addy.. under Preliminary 0rder7913_________._._..__. approved .199.7. .... 2......1915, Intermediary Order.21.,.a2.4........, approved..... M3y..20.......19.18..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whmu payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.......... 8.th.......................day of ....-October191...8.', at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. crr ; 7 n Adopted by the Council .... .................. - - ........... -- ...... 191 -- SE° 12 19IA Approve o..-......... �y , -rte. C uncIIman i-arnaprth /// Councilman (lel�a Y Councilman K l .JC Councilman %ejlafr U Councilman Me8eff Councilman Wupgerliek Mayor-hVT.n Jv c.rt U . f . City Clerk.. .....__., �... ...GG....... G/l%%LG _: I ................ ,•flttn�- Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.....tF.kirg..an .els.ement__fa-r a.-aeine.r...?0...1.e-e.t-_in...wid.th-..from ..... the...�erth...1-�r.S.._of...P'lA.ay-..Parkl�.a.y..tp.._.th-e....Qo.u.th...li.ra...ni'...Biaon...Axa..*-----.---.... (Frank -son' Como P-rlc Additicn� the center lire of said easement beim ......_...............--...._............_ .- ....... - .. _.... _ .............................-- •......_.........._............... •..........-.... the center line of Pa,Fcal .Avenue produced' .................................. ................................._......_... ............. ........ ........_ ......._._— _.._......- under Preliminary 07RA3._____ .._.._...., approved._.No4•_.1.2,1915intermediary Order ..__-21,3?A.._..., TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 7 Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND%FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ry In the matter of..._Openin�, viidening and extending Pavern_-,ave. to a .................................. ridth of sixty-six (6r•) feet, from "tev,art Ave.__.tc the._Miesieai�pi... .. . . ....._ .- ............. River. ................................................ —.......... ................................ . 88—............................................................ r 0Y opening. widening and '•ig Dav n Ave. to a width c (66) feet. from Stewart .` ............................... . _..................................................... ai'sip pi River, under ........... ..--- .----- ...............------------------............ ................................................ __ ......................................................... ............................. — ............_............................................. under Preliminary Orderl9.E.7.6..._............. I approved ...DeE 5;--19.17,.Intermediary Order 21_4_R% .• approved... 1-A.ay 28 1918. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .......8th ..... _......... .__..... day of ....October . . _.... _.191.. So, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. qF° 7? ala Adopted by the Council_.....-- ---------- ---_............... 191-------. SEP 12 1.918 Approved.........._ ............................ ...... . 191....... Councilman ka!�I9 rth Councilman G4 Councilman 1XIaud . T Councilman K416 Councilman 4oQ@H— Councilman Wunderliel Mayor Irwin City Clerk. i rn;,-< Alayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..openi_nq-,_ width. of sixty-six t-.._f.?.0-tll..�.t.es,:�=i...Ara..-,-..t.o-...the..-Yi-ssi-s.ai-3�Pi-•-- River. ................._-.._....................._......._...... _...... - - _... - ........... _..... _........... under Preliminary Order_ ._19.67F._-- approved?]ec.. _5,._-1.9.17-., Intermediary Order_K.q.d-g............. Ma;y 2E, 191 . approved......................... ....................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. lboclv Z�? F 2 In the matter of__Candemning...and_.t.:.kin`s�...an..aaae>went...in...the ...Ia.nd...2 .ezazaa y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Seminary venue from Lexington ............ .- .. ..._..................................................... —Avenue.. to Chest S1Y oxt�e... J.4.s. �..J. C. P. \o. 22789— "" .In the mutter of condemning and tok- j ----------"---"--- -n en omen[ or the land c " ens ne e .- v for slopes, for cute mfr fills i Seminary Avenue from L-.`. Ave. to Chatsworth St. u �minn Order 2 ed , npp 19itermediray 8 in ------------- .------- ............................................................... .......... ... ........ ,re 24. 191°. Flnnnce aP under Preliminary Order ...2�.46_.._......., approved ..AP.ril 2, _1918 Intermediary Order.....21766 June 24, 1918. approved - ............... - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the salve is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_.......... 8.ta.,_.................... day of OCtOber 191...- ; at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 12 1918 Adopted by the Council_ - ...... _ _ __._._....... SEP 12 1918 Approver....... -------------- ..................... 191— Councilman lFa`r' n 91... CouncilmanlFarn rthr Councilman G&9 Councilman `�Fy;tead-- Councilman $�Er Councilman lOTEMIl` Pouncihnan WujGWliel Mayor h pi& ---------------------- 191 ........ =, ! Citydrk. �� tvvvii .....-...ri./"s.. F.:i�._.............� ^� *uN Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....._Con.d.emni.ng. and taking.. an...e.asemsnt...in...t.he...1Pnd...ne-=-ssa.ry fo.r... s 1.9.P.e.G.>...f o r...S.u..G..:':- � ..fills. i.n..grad. , ?...c.?�.�..T,&rv.._ Y. a27.L1.e...fsom.-•---..... -• LeYinaton '.venae to ^rats,,orth Pt _.........................................._............._._- __..... .._... ........--........................... ---•---......-- ------------------------------------ ----- ....__ . _ .. ------ --...........................................................----------------- under Preliminary Order. --.. 0.E4E approved APril 2, 191PIntermediary Order-21766. approved.... June 24, 1918. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...._. _........_......__..._... _............ Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT ANS -FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �� 7, C-11 ry In the matter of.__..Qpening,._.pi.detting..ard...est.ends-ng..1?lerce._ tts.eet....f.r.zn....... _St.,...9nt�Qn.Y...AR.e......t.o...3.nd...ca.r...amni.nF................. the -s.est....-..9...fe.Pt....sa....th.e.. vv.e.s. v�.Q...f.e_et....ar...a_.the.. ase.s.t.....5....�.ei....A.....that...Dart 4.f..the _e st990fetnorthofHomer.0�t..f...._...1/4 ........ ........ of the SE 1/4 of Gecti ? n 33 Tovm 29, Rare ?3. .... .._........... .. ...t.............................................................._... under Preliminary Order... 20356 approved Geb. 8, 191E Intermediary Order..213?..3 C. F. No. 2279 ' approved-_ lg;,y...20, --1-915 --- In the matter of epenmg. widenin; extending pierce Street1honY Ave. to from taking and condemningithe ty feet of the west 330 feet ars fe feet of that part of feet north of Hom— --!— The Commissioner of Finance having submitted 1{ ° i F w. in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the . day of......._....October. -.._ .................._..._..._19 ..'._., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 12 1918 Adopted by the Council ............ ...._----------_..., 191........ SEP 1z iyln Approve(,..._....... .... ........_.......,1191....... 9 l/�,7. Councilman Yardaworlr— Councilman f%ss Councihnan­R?Iarit Councilman KtHer Councilman Gell Councilman Wiiarliet Mayor h-vta / :'✓ z.G"-y,` c ,mss City Clerk}' .... �:.. ...:.���..........`...L.K.:1lL.l..��.`:..�....�.�........... r.#*x6' Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. and..-ext.end.ing...P-Lex-cia Sir-ee.t.-- fro= ..- -.. Antho_n:L...�i:e-,--tp....Un.i.9er.o.xt"...A.ve ki.e..._by.....t.akinm...arin ranaeumiiag,-the east 29 feet of the west 330 feet and the west 35:.feet.-.of---that-..,p'i_ tof the ..__----.. ------------- ------------ ----------- ---_...__........ ......... __....._......................... .. east...39Q....f.el.t...na.xt7...a.f...l[ omex._'i-.-Soytl.a...'dM.itinn..Ai...tha-..lTIt..1 A -.of ---the- SE 1/ of 6on 3.'.t Town 2.'.. ......e......-cti= ..._.. _.....- ...------------ .--------------------- --..... ..... ......_...._----------- ....... ....... ........... ............._.............. _._._....._... _-. - ___._ .. -.... ...._........... .................................................................... under Preliminary OrdeR..Q.3.`-r- ............... appro3'1db..... °., 19.1F-...... , Intermediary Order..21323............, approved.._ qday .. 20.., 1918 . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM �r •w/n Subjedt: _..._.... _....._ __._ ._._. _ ..___..._ _..___.. COUNCIL 22 / J1 FILE cc IN O. Ltd ... .. .......... 10 Date Presented 19 I��O ....191.._. Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to John Holm, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty-five and 93/100 Dollars ($35.93) in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to September 13th, for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 18th day of July, 1918. ICs F, No. 22791—AY 21. N. Goes— otfl- Reeolved. That nuc Proper Icy to Aro hereby the to ". jofin Ho1m. out of thoe he G.— e COmPOneatlon Ac o[ nTwentymfkll 'f,;, Fund, the sum b er 92/100 ➢chars (E26.9 t In. PPA i clement of hie claimppp forj�� ley to geptemb12th. y sI by himhle e o mPlo I eTR f 8 ment f Public Wo of Jn1Y� 1918. Adopted by the Approved g$e Pt.. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of �ljorka. Adopted by the Council. -alp 1.9 1J i4 ..191 P Approved _ ,_.... _ 191 t >0C�cf ACCLTI lMAYOR 'i Yeas (I') C ncilmen ( I') Nays , Clancy -, afnsworth Go In favor /Keller ' �j c oll� .Against.: /vVu PORMC A.9 3M B -IB Adopted by the Council. -alp 1.9 1J i4 ..191 P Approved _ ,_.... _ 191 t >0C�cf ACCLTI lMAYOR H11 CITU OF ST. PAUL .xi.xu r. r =•••• OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE F. A A 46, 2 N 7-18 BY.... .......... •- 191..__.. AUDITED ..--_.._ I'I PER..........-. TITLE 473 ss e hereinafter specified funds Out be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of th and in favor of the Resolved warrants for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations Yeas ( j Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _ .._...191._..._._ �.. >. ClVcy191 Approved._ /,� Fatft=wortll _ __..In favor I G�6G7...C7r .. ..._Against roB A�tlng 4 11c Wunkrfich -NMIr gson 22rs2— Leno.v.d tnnt warrants be drawn laity T[eea VaYnble out [ the ory. uhe nheri inaLter BVeol me nd. tl orpora� fnyor of the per...e. r c elle h'Ve mounts [lane [or 0. p.clfled In th�l[ e'wl. o e e d§16t00a eetatement: the . J.fO1lBrandl Brooks §113.68. -S-eg Cochtnn-urgent CO- §20.94. Crane & Ordw.Y, §149.16. Nortnwestern Elea Equipment Co:. 15.00 §8.44. 6425 J . j. Brandl, i_ Asp uveas pt, 13,the u1918.ncil $ept. 18.191 . Election (sept-_21-1918)�w _._. 113.68 , I 6426 Brooke BrotherstSchools 20.94 6427 Cochran -Sargent Company, Munic. P Bureays 149.15 6428 Crane & Ordway, Fire II quarantine Playgrounds 184 8.44 Northwestern Elec. Equipment Company, 6429 Playgroundsto ment lureau Municipal Emp y 11 A CITY OF ST. PAUL "`.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE p1L N...t c)r�(�� Form A A 46,2 N 7-18 AUDITED jEp.._ 1..3_1918 r ro n IIVIIA,ER . _..... 191...... _. 444 PER.... __........__ _... _ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified .funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed, statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council__........r�IIL...�.{}_.........:._..191......— C.1rcy r,. HP ]ei I11R Fakdfsworth _ In favor Approved f .� K416 --Against MAYOR rMcC Wurjp4lich I� C. F No. 22793— _ Resolved that warrants be drawn Don the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter speeifted funds and in favor f the De reons, firms or corpora. tion. for the. amoun is set opposite their rsepeetive names as specified Ia the following detalled statement: Keough Bros., $692.00. Adopted by the Cbunell Sept 13, 1918. _ Approved Sept. 13, 1918. �- (Sept. 21-1916) 6430 Keough Brothers, 692.00 Grading Bellevue, Munster, etc. rr i O CITY OF ST. PAUL _... OFFICE OF THE COMPTHOLLLK ' to�.t-rr. N 22'794 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �t ............'"' FILL �-" Psrm A A 46.114 7-19 aIIjT i. d7S = T LLh:Ii � AUDITED ... __.._ 7 PER..................... /..._ ....... TITLE 475 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treas'ur}', payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as, specified in the folloQQwinn detaileddd's[atement: Yeas ( )Councilmen 1 ) ryaYs Adopted by the Council 9� ... ��t6 _._._....--191_._...... _ W lane SEP 13 191 A 191 ....._. _ _ ��Farnsrvorth __. _._.._In favor Approved -- Keller Against . ,v_ vruR mllcoii— 'Wunderlich Mr. P" �s C. F. No. 22794— Re.olveu ..t warrante be drawa upon the City Treasury, payable of of the hereinafter specified funds and IIn favor of the person., firms or cor. phe1[lone for the amounts set oVrpit. respective n..,-. ae speelfl e0 1. the [oowing detailed statement: Adopted Chimne, 810.00. Adopted by the CouyncilSweepSept. 12, 1918. Approved Sept. 13, 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) 6431 Black Joe, Chimney Sweep, Quarantine A0 10.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. ,637Or 11, FILE ..... Date Presented.._�3C;;?:f Ilb` tr,ta 191-$-, Resolved, That ul on recon. ,endation of the Corunissioner of T_ducat,ion, and at his rc(niest, the r,roper city Officers are hereby auth- orized and directed to enter into an a reenient on behalf of the City vrith ?tarry "icat.iierby for the rental of Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixt, cn (16) in Blocic tV10 (2) of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement %f the city of St. Paul, for the period beginning September 15, 1915, at an annual rent of One tundred and rift;,* Dollars („150. 0), payable quarterly; for the urpose of estab'_ishing and maintainii-*-�ablic school to be l:norrn as the Linwood Parl: School; said agreement to be evidenced by a Lease in writing ap;.--roved by the Corporation Counsel. A. n Plercee Enlargement o fthe Ci Smof Eel L .St. Paul, for.the period beginning .Septem- hoot Lo. known ae the Linwood Park School;y said agreement to pr evi- denced oro lease 1Coun Writing approved by the ted by the Counsel. Adopted by pt Council3. Sept. 13, 1918. Approved Sept. r3, 1918. _._ (Sept. E1-3918) Yeas (IZ:'n-cilmen (V) Nays Y `Farnsworth oss �} eller s� In favor Against tlnderlich , o geson FORM C. A. 93M 8-18 Adopted by the Council. _..;8.._:___ 191 -. w 191 Approved.. - . AsunaMnro CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Snb]eCt: FILENCIL NO. / J /,- Date Presented -Sept+--.13.,- .118.. LA/�� Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated November 6, 1917 between Martin Eberhard and the City of at. Faul for the grading of Maplewood Ave. from Medford Ave. to Como River Boulevard, and Glenham St. from St. Anthony Ave. to Maplewood Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 13th day of September, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City CAe II -1—d, 22796—By Comptroller• e time ,.o 'the performance or a —1— �qT ' Yeas (I') Councilmen ( V) Nays Cla6/y Fatworth In favor -MCC_01T_ .Against Wu erlich Mn-Psaeide�s gson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-te Adopted by the Council____.. '�kRr-..1...13;♦q-. 191..... Approved 191.. ASttIIQ MAYOR Z> 2t'?.'7QT! ) St. Paul, Minn., -/"/ - 19 /ur- TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUYCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for theGl �rr+J � ��_'v��rP. /r �, ru /�' rw �� X ✓l .. ! ._ _,�5!�'„ I/ -� ., to be extended to - - - /- - - - - - - //- _ - - - 19/-l- Owing to - - -4 --Cw_ --Le- ._ - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be rude as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly G Contraotor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as fax as the requirenents of this office is concer e APPROVED �,�<,�f'J'` }� Sup ��f�Consstruction & Repairs Commissioner of Public Vorks�. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjeft: 02797 COUNCIL PILE NO_ Date Presented--- ....Sept.......]%,.....- 191.. Q f 11 Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated �uns 4, 1918 between D. 4Y. moore and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Dudley Ave. between Chelmsford St. and Cleveland Ave., be and is hereby extended to the 11th day of September, 1918 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in ac:ordanoe herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V) auncilmen ( V) Nays i /Clancy 1arnsvvorth Goss 1 _ In favor Keller f -R'tCC—oli-'—',Against f Wunderlich Mr. President, 11ndig___— FORM C. A. 9 JM 6-18 C. F. No. 22797—BY M. N. Goes— Resolved. That the time specified for the performance of a certain contractdated June- 1, 1918 be- tween D. W. Moore and the: City of St. Paul for the grad - Ing of Dudley Ave. between Chelms- ford and 1. hereb84extended and etonthe vIltheday of September, 1918 -and the proper city offlcers are hereby authorized to eze- cute an amendment to said contract in . accordance herewith provided, how- ever, that thla resolut(on shall not have `any force and effect unless the sure- ties oh the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent In wrlt-' Ing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Counell Sept 12. 1918. -Approved Sept. 18, 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) Adopted by the Council 1'91 Approved Approved . 191 kaffnq MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., -f - - -// - - -, 19/8 - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of Comple ting contract for the to be extended to - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - 19Ile - Owing to - - -ct 6s - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirer„ents of this office is concerned APPROVED Supt "A' �bl�5truCt1on & Repairs 01,-+- Corrn.issioner of Public TO Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM SubjeLR:c i _ l OUNCIL t � /�( ft �. FILE N o Date PresentedSeptemberLthl91..8 Resolved, That t):e Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Curbing_ of Sherburne Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St. to the Standard Stone Co. At lump sum price bid of ?528.90 Engineer's Estimate Being $658.00. F.A. #1757 C. V- No. 22798-- CouGOB nc,l hereby ReRolved. That the care to the recommendrebydawa da ntract for the curbin6 f Sher - Contract Cot for the worth 9t. to Ox-: the eo from burne Ave. Standard Btone V at ford St. to tie bid of 3628.90. En6$ l Inpea Eatlinate being $068.00. F. Adop the Council Sept. iS. 1918. No. 1767. ted by t 18 1918. .Approved (son s VL 81_19181 Yeas (I7)0,uncilmen (I') Nays d Adopted by the Council S�Q�..1`t}.. ��0 191 ` Approved _. `p 1 R 191 LOSS /% In favor eller Against :7-1rlich OR FORM A.9 3M 6-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - FILENCIL NO �'� (�................ .......... w Date Presented8eptember 12t1918 .A. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the .recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Canton St, from Scheffer St, to Forster St„ to Feyen Construction Co, at lump sum price bid of $1,310.00. Engineer's F.sti-nate being $1, 275,00. F. R. #1758. C. F. No. 22199-13Y � ico n�t�hereby Resolved. In the .c.c.­ ecommendatlen otoThda rs Contract Committee and herebyon nw seweconr onCanton tatat. TremrScheRern Sir to Forster St., to Fee bldCol 51.310{00. Co. at IumP eum Pre En6lneer's Estlonate betn8 11,276.00. Council F. B. No. 1768. SeDt. 13. 1818. Adopted by the 13. 1918. APPrg. sept. (Sept 21-1918) Yeas (I) Councilmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council SFP...].9j¢ _.. 191 C1 � � rth JFP fG'R FarnSWo Approved 191 In favor �. / KB�r✓/ // �/ - -McCeµ_ ., Against ((•C/` Lam' / .. Wuj�%Jfrlich "big MAYOR Mr Emaula PORMC A.9 3M 8-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL U COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM uunnl/t�.. Subjen: FILE N � . _ ti-2.rt.�r(7Vll COUNCIL ' ................ t Date Presented September 12bk 191 8 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and 'hereby awards the contract for the construction of a Sewer on Hatch St, from Arundel St, to a point 90 feet west of west line of Western Ave., to Feyen Construction Co, at lump sum price bid of $1,319.75. Engineer's Estimate being $1,330.00. F.B. x/1759 C. F. No.: N. Go' -- That the Coun dation a of Reeolvedn the r mmen hereby oncOontract Committee and the the contract Po th Oneium wardeof -ewer an Hatieet8we-t o tion del SL to .point 90 Aran Western AVe.•sum FPrice we -t line f t Sumo Con-tr-cilon Co. sneer'- it "t. bid of 31,319.76. En6 No. 1769. 1918. be1nB 41,330.00. F. H.. Approved Sept. 13u19188aPG 18. sept. al�91s> v y Yeas (r) Councilmen( P) Nays pp to Adopted by the Council L?1- 191 Cl4ey- F4y9•worth Approved ) ?_ I, A _. 191 gg i In favor Ktiller v Against Wunb6lich AQun9 MAYOR M r_PresW6HtrHvdgsott - FORM C A. 9 3M 6-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM SubjeLR: ....._. _..._ ..__. _.____ ._._.__... .... .. ...... ...... ....__.....__ _-__..... COUNCIL FILE NO._._^..[ta�.�._______________ Date Presented. -September- 12th l,91-8 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Bayard Ave, from Syndicate Ave, to Hamline Ave., to Keough Bros, at lump sum price bid of $1,465.00. Engineer's Estimate being $1,608,00, F.B. #1752 C: F. No. 22801—By M. N. Goee— Reeo)ved, That the Council hereby oncure 1n the recomendatfon of the Contract Committee ad hereby arch the contract for the grading of Bayard Ave. from Byndichto Ave. to Aamllhe Ave.. to Keough Bros. at l$1 gir.ump H timate ricebearn be ngf E7,60800. F. B. No. 1762. Adoptedby the Counefl BepL 13, 1918. Approved (Sept. 2111918) MAI Yeas (I) Councilmen( V) Nays Cly FafASworth In favor Gaps ,Against W�Wderlich IV�r.,Pfesiaenr,—ttotigi;rni° FORMC A.9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Council _ _. SEF. :10_.M.....191 Approved .._._.SF°....1_^._�,, A .......191 `t / G�ifjGGliG-tl-r/y �OL1II �, MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: FOENGIL No. n Date PresentedSeptember- 1 h 191. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation Of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the curbing of Capitol Ave. from Aldine St. to Fairview Ave., as no bids were received. F.B. #1756. Yeas (I') Councilmen( 17) Nays Cly{/fCV FaAisworth GJ In favor KeWr 0 l Against Wu rlich Mr. PORMG A.9 3M 8 -le C, F, No. 22802b Qoee— Reeolved. That oroendatlon o[rthe oncura 1nCammlttee and hereby au - Contract thorizee the Purchaei }or Abide for the continue Ld Cs,itulgAve. from Aldine urbI no bide were st. to Fairview tePefved. F• B. No. Ino Adopted by the Council Sept• 13. 1918. APProJed (ep eePt12111918i Adopted by the Council _.{X _Iri FgFa 191 ,. Approved SEP..L:i f9'.R 191 Aetlno MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: _.__.. __..... _. _..... _....._ _. _... COUNCIL r� FILE Nom....... ... ~-. _._.... �F....— �j3 ...191_.8 Date Presente-�@ifkb ember W endation Resolved, That te Council Contract Committee eand yhereby rauthorizes s in the ethe mPurchasing f Agent to discontinue advertising for bide for the Grading of N. & S. alley Rlk. 179 Robertson's Addition, as no bids were received. �.R. #1753. C. F. No. 82898-13Y Re .1`1 Tha, the Council hereby oncora In the ecomendation or the t oricee the Purchael% Aeencontract ittee and t for o dte- gradlnecr N0&lSna leY.rffik1179�rRobe gradita.ng Addltlon, ae o bide were re- celved. - F. F. No. 1763. Adopted by The Council Sept SS. 1919- Add. Sg pt121-1918) 1 Yeas ( I') Councilmen( I') Nays = Adopted by the Council + '� �'-`�. 191 - Clar&y -CFP n FarEsworth Approved R 191 G6s In favor "Ke�er MCCoI't— v Against MAYOR Wnruierlifch wouno j r--Presidenr,,`"MTgnrr-- FORMC A.9 3M 6-18 Subjeft- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM CoUNCIL FILE N O .... ....... Date PresentedSeptember 11th 1918.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and herebyauthorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the Grading of Alley B. 14 pderrian Park 3rd Add., as no bids were received. F.B. #1749. 5 I —_ N. Qaee— C'Ree o 228 4-1 the Council berth' cotesol ed the commendation of the the PPTchesinS AfieP1 6o Contract Committee fud tilde for the "or7zes dvertfelnB llerrlam pant continue of Altoyla , we ,tallMn. b ra received• F• 1rd Add.. ao no IF, B .No. 1749. Adopted by the Cou191369. ePt. 13. 191 APProved fieDt• 13, tseDt. 21-1918) Yeas (11) Councilmen (I') Nays _ Adopted by the Council J.�I'•_.1�� �9f¢ 191 Clakc/ Farly9Worth J Approved .fy.J9_'p 191 G In favor Mc v1 Against(/j, �i Wu derlich Aettng rnnron Mr - n FOA.n c n. s aw sae CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM Subject: i' FILENCIL No. O A Date Presented September- 1.2t. 191.8 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bide received for the grading of White Bear Ave, from �.Tinnehaha St, to Seventh St, as the bids received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to discontinue advertising same, F.B. #1951. Yeas (I') Q�ouncilmen (I') Nays Clwi cy Fa1>4worth i Ggss �\y In favor Keller ..,ceal; Against Wupderlich son FORMO A.9 3M 6 -le C. F.No. 22806—By M. N. Goss— Rconesolved, That the Council hereby Ours In the ecccomendathm 'f the etaral,bide Comivledee and for the Beading res White nears Ave. from Mlnnehaha it, were et. » the. bldg received ware Ia eacees of the Eng lneJ'. l;etl- he eb and the Yuruhasmg Agent is Y auth.rizad to die continue ad_ .rt,sing same. F. n. No. 1761, Y Adopted by the Coune:l S¢Dt. 13, 1918, ADDr_cd Sept: 13, 1918.. t Seot. 21-1918) I' EM Adopted by the Council. 39[F, It Ofg ...191 Approved SEP _.J3 JQIR. 191 AOt1nQ MAYOR CITY OF ST'. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -.. _..__. _. ___.. __... _.._._ _. __._ COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ........ ......... Date Presented Septemb*f 12th- 1918. Resolv That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bide received for the Grading Belvidere St, from Harvard St, to Woodbury Ave„ as the bids received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to discontinue advertising sane, P.B. #1746. j "— — ry N, Go --- N p, 228TfiatB ohe Caunoll he lOu Of Resolved• c and h rtebY refects oncura.,n the Mee aWo Belvidere Contract Com or the gr db Y Ave•.' bids raceived d St. to w' St. from 11-var were in excaea of e the bide re�ceThorE ��apnte, and th1yed to the Engtneer'ie hereby a T, B hosing Alton tlsing she' discontinue ndver Pnc11 Sept. 13, 1918• ttt No. 1748.d by the Co 1918. I Ad0POVed Sept. 13. APPr (SePL 21-1818) Yeas (1) Councilmen (1') Nays Cly Farnsworth C>46/as �. In favor KfN`er % .Against W411 rlich M--PrrsideRrr4oagson FORM C A. 9 3M 6 -18 Adopted by the Council _ SEF 1'a IS18 191 Approved SFP j_,�.IQ,p _ 191 �1 t%Otln.9 MAYOR �� CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Subject.: ____. _. _. _... _.. __.. _... ... __. COUNCIL ' FILE No. Date Presented Se.ptembeF-12th191. 9 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bids received for the construction of a sewer on Lafond St, front Lexington Ave, to Griggs St., as the bide received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to discontinue advertising same. F.B. #1748. C. F. No. 22807—By. M. N. G.—T, Resolved, That the Counil reby i concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby reject -1 bids received for the construction of a -ewer on Lafond St. from L-Ington Ave. to Griggs SL, - the bid. received c were In excess of the Engineer'- E-- timate. and the Purchasing Agent le hereby nuthorized to discontinue ad- Verti-Ing s¢me. F. 8. No. 1746. Adopted by theCouncil Sept. 13, 1918. Approved Sept. 13, 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) Yeas (1) Councilmen( I') Nays Clay �,r Fa itimiorth Goss j In favor Ktler M� (,/ Against W unk0rlich Mr FORM C A.9 3M --le ��pp: 4Q TT Adopted by the Council. SFr•_ _i�.Ft.__ .191 Approved _S.FP M ia.'R 191 &*tI! , MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM `, p Subject ............... .............. .. .......... COUNCIL No �./ Date Presented "-SeF*mb.e-r., l2th 191_.8- Resolved,That the Council hereby concurs in the recornrlendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the Grading of Ally B. 1 Lindemann Place, as no bids were received, F.B. #1755, 1l I Yeas W) Councilmen (V) Nays Clat/ Fa"Worth -NfeCoff,'^ W.oVlich Mr n ',t ^'- 44edt" rr FORM A.9 3M 6-16 C. F. Nlo. 2:808 —By At. N. Goae— Re6o0ed, That the mendntlon hereby fthe conryre in the ecom Contract Committee and hereby - thorizee the Purchaeing Agent to dffi- contlnue advertietn6 for bide for the gr¢dton b I". Aor wereB receli ed.m F.nB i No. 1755.�n Adopted by the COIT111Se 8 pt 13, 1918 Approved Sept. 13, 'i tsepL 21-1918) Adopted by the Council _,__SP -V ` ` ._.. 191 _.. I Approved CCP -i .13IQ'R 191 - In favor .(.....Against L'G't'L%'�' &stir,. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject: ... _ _... 4-39 COUNCIL - r r FILE1d (]...........................`-----...-.-.. Date Presented September --12 1918. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the Grading of alley Block 2 Bryant Park Add. No. 2, as no bids were received. F.B. #1745, rr C. F. No. 22809—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the Council hereby o ncu re In the recomme dation of the Contrite[ Commlit.. and hereby author - 1=. the Purchaeing Agent to dlecon- tinue advertising for bid. for the grad - Ing of alley Block 2 Bryant Park Add. No, 2. as no bids were received. F. B. No. 1745. . Adopted by the Council Sept 13, 1918. Approved Sept. 13. 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) Yeas (1) Councilmen (17) Nays Ig'(� Adopted by the Council1_ ._.�� -. .191..... ClaLf- FarbsWorth '� r? I, 134s/ -. ._J,.In favor Approved191 SFP R ._.A4tC8'1 Against Wu50Qrlich GL'..AotlnoMAYOR lJ Mr. P"s gson PORMC A.9 .M B -le T CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM Subjedt: l COUNCIL ,//� -� FILE NO. . ^.vM1 181.0-........ Date Presented September- 12th 1918.. 4 Resolved, That the Councit hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the grading of Belvidere Street, from South Robert St, to Winslow Ave., as no bids were received, F.B. #1754, C. F. No. 22630—By M. N. Coee— Resolve d, That the Council hereby .concur. In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby au- thorizes the Purchasing Agent to dle- continue advertising for bide for the eRgrading street, .f South obertStto Winslow Ave,as no bids were received.hFCoBuNo1464. Adopted by unit Sept. 13, 1916. Approved Sept. 13, 1916. (Sept. 21-1915) Yeas ( I') Councilmen( I') Nays dd Adopted by the Council �Grr P 1•�3 19�0 191. Cl4ey Farboworth 1 G�bFss J In favor Approved_ CFP J.j 191P 191 Against / 1 - til �iGLI� -7 Wundetlich A-6 'g ny MA MnroR Mr. P esid FORM. A.9 eM a-1. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject: _ 1:), 9 3 COUNCIL FILE N O -........ Date Presented September 12th 191 8 .h Resolve That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bide for the Grading of St, Albans St„ from Maryland St, to Wheelock Parkway, as no bids were received, F.B.#1750 7 Yeas (I') Councilmen (I') Nays ClaKcy F4Wsworth / _ In favor � KBLCr J. _q�tr� Against W uneErtich Mr. P FORM C A. 9 3M 6 -18 C.ResNO. ea2811_.B—N G °tura In theh �e the Co un ell hereby. 2 -tract Co a Itteoogndohere0 n tlnuethe Purc B A e of the ndyert1.1 paein Pen te6o author- . InS of St gIbans SLr blda for the lacon- to R'heelotk Parkwayroa a.adsd- received. F, B No. 1760 bide were Adopted by the S Apprps'ed Sept. 1Cannell ept. 13. 1918.3 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) UP '" '-���- Adopted by the Council �SEP l 191 Approved SFP 1.A. 19!R_. ._..191 Gc�%R AoUng MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM SubjeEt: _ - ^ ) COUNCIL C^JA_ ���.)gy FILE N �T--.^a'a.. ....................... Date Presented -September _ 12th 1918 Resolved, That the t'ouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to discontinue advertising for bids for the construction of a sewer on Page Rt, fro-) a point 75 ft. E. of IIumbolt Ave, to State St,,, on South Robert St, frora gorton St. to its southerl, intersection with Page St., and on Gorman Ave,ifom a point 75 ft, BoutFi—vf-'.Morton St. to Page St„ as no bids were received, F.B. x/1747, Yeas ( 1) Councilmen( I') Nays C16tfEy Farkworth �G&— In favor Keller MrCnll � Against W unze'fltch Mr. Presidetfr7t 151199m, C. F. No. 22812—By M. N. Goes--- Resolved, That the Council hereby urs to the ecommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby au- thorizee the Purchasing Agent to dle- contlnue advertising for bide for the conetructlon ofa sewer on Page St. from a point 76 tt E. of Humboldt Ave. to State St., onSouth Robert SL from; Morton St, to Its southerly Intersec Eton with Page St., and on Corona. Ave. I" from a point 76 ft. south of Morton St. to P. St., ae no bide were received. F. B. No. 1747. Adopted by the Council Sept -13. 1918.1, Approved Septi 13. 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) Adopted by the Council SGP' V3 f3fg'. 191 _.. Approved) `\'FP ..........191 J - tLotlnu_ NAYOS.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjeCt: - COONCIL66 )1. )�.t i ° FILE IN 0. ............... . �- Date Presented--�,_Se.pt.... ..A, - 191....8 G I Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is 7gereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the work and material necessary to take down and remove the superstructure of the old Fort Snelling Bridge. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above work and materials, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 22813—By M. N. Goa ResolvedThat the Purchasing Agent i be and he s hereby authorised and di-! rected to advartise.-ln the manner' pro- vided by the City Charter,. for 01 of. the work and material necessary to takedown and remove the Bapar6truc-' cure of the.old-Vort Snelling Bridge. Resolved Further, That.:10to plana, �epeelficatlone and Bath" tfBo 4uantltiee submitted by the Commiseloner of Pub- I. llc Worlts'for the above, work and ma- -'terlals, be and the game are hereby' approved. Adopted by the Council Sept. 13, 1918. Approved Sept. 13.19 18. (Sept. 21-1916) I.. Received all papers is conn, d o wi above $kso ti, 3 YeaslClatincilmen(II) Nays Adopted by the Council .aFP 1 �g�g 191ancy rFarnsvvorth` I Approved SEP J,3 1.9,!p 191 .Goss In favor -- �Keller McColl t ....Against LVeftdevlich AeUnv MAYOR Mt:-Pceaidentr-1:odgsCtr _. FORM C. A.9 3M 6-111 , /✓ COUNCIL FILE NO....'__._.......__. FINAL ORDER v�ffj'n n In the Matter of...C.on.e.txuC.t.iil$..#... Cement tO...a...W.W.th...c-f---aix..... fee.t....on....the ----S.a141h...e id.Q oF.. S.Gewart_ sive..--.-F..T 9ro...Be�..l eX.ue.. Ave ..<.... t.R...F&;LrYA.aw..Ave. _............ .................... .........._........ _................_............................_........... C. t No. 21111— In the Itdeent W lk f Loon tridth ofasixmeet e w ..... ... ................. .. ......... ............ on the south aide of Stewart Ave. .. ..................--.. ............-...-....--....-.-. from Bellevue Ave. to Fairview Ave. under Preliminary Order 21797 aP- ................. ............... .................... ...... ..:yealicu hearing lhaving been had ... .............- .... ...-................... n e iprovement upon due Council having heard .. ... ..... .............. ...........,. and recomm'....... ... ...................... under Preliminary Order .._.....212-97.`..........................approved.....J1dA.e...27.th-f...1.91$....................... :._:.-_.. IntermediaryOrder ...._ ..................._........_...................------approved ................. ...._........-----...................-..... ..... A public hearing having been hadjnpon the above improvement upon due,n_otice, and the Council having heardigll persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havingLfully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City, of St. Paul that the precise nature, a ent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said Cityis..GIIns.t.rllc.t-..£i...eeRlerit...t.ile...aiL%WaIk...to..-a...W.idth..nf.. six feet on the south side ofStewart Ave. from Bellevue Ave. to Fairview ................ ....._ ..............------------------------_-- ......._... .... ..... ----------------------... -- :-- Ave..-,.--except_.F+here...good...and._.sufficient sidewalks now exist. ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commisinner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to pretare plans and specifications for said4mprovem ent, and submit same to thecil for approval; that upon said lapproval, the proper city officials areffereby authorized and directed to p -teed with the making of said improv vent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cuoneil_...\\rF- V. 191_ City Clk. Approved. Sr.- .t.: la'A 191 Mayor. Councilman! Farnsworth Councilman �Ooss Councilman; C lanc y ✓ Councilman eller d Councilman -,Mreuti— fCouncilmariMunderlieh Mayor j3jzx-�t— Form B. S. A. 8-7. U.�� CIT T41;t1LA.1 DEPARTM T OF FINANCE M REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of cnetru...... ....... ............... ........... e C" f t fj:ct, Ave. t under Preliminary Order approved., .............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ab— improvement is The estimated cost per� foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 7b TOTAL. Jv Form M. B. 30 CITY O . HAUL DEPAR XN4r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMP4IISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION E50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._ - y--. .... -..19._U(Jl✓ Commissioner of Finance. ronM e. — 5-5 c l / / f c,�� A& 2i797- ! 'vki I E"fl,4 6,'oJ7. %fir IK f, St. Paul, I!inn. , . J]xne.... 21..........1918.. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Te, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Constrnot .e . oement .tile .s ide�al�s . t o . $ .width . o� . 6 . ieet . on . the e— St. SQuth.$ide.Q.$ewaxt.AQe.............................St. Ave. from ..Bellevue Ave........... St. Ave, to ... F$irviec? Ave........... St. Ave. N A M E LUT BLOCK C .......................................................... ''�,a - .. ........ ................. 3 ...................... . 4 i� .....................�.......................... .................. ..... ....... .......................... ........................ ... �: ..... ....... ' . .... . �..... ....... ............ I......... ...................................... r Office of the Commissioner of Public WRivEn,- O at 10 i Report to Commissioner of Finance Jul. s 1918 _._ _..__ _... _u.._ Y._._�....._..+..........................191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._21797 June 87th, , 8 ................approved.. ... ........._ .......__._....._........ .1J] ....., relative to_....................... constructing a.. ceruent the sid calk to a width of six feet on the ....._. . ....... a_outh aide of...._Stey+art..Ave,frou: ..Bell1. -A--e._-to -Fei-zvie..w Ave. ...-- ._ — _.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie._._..._..........,necessary and (or) desirable. 65¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ _.....___ ...__.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ._ _.._......... .._ _ ... ....._.... __.. .. ..._._. .._....... ..... ... ..... ... . _. 5. Said improvement is... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Woks. COUNCIL FILE NO..Or._.._............. By........................ .......... -...... ............. ....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..c.eMe t,..,.....a.- width ofitn e ufrbun_.Ave_._..beginning.. 78 ........................................... ...................................................... west-- of----R-ica--St..._theace_.wes.t--- 1.8-..feet,..-and...fr.oza .a...poin-1,_ 118 -€e-q-t far�ther- wes.t,..thezlce..vi.es.t...19...feet1_.• -C. F. No. 22815— _. ____................. _111 _ .. In the Matter of constructlns drive- waysdth of cement crosswalk blocks to o wiof siz feet on the south elder ..........................................................................-.. of Sherburne Ave. beginning 78 f ..................... 1111.. --1111. 1111-1111. t f Rice ,ves., thence west 18 and from a pof n[ 118 Peet ............................. 1111- 1111 ......... 1111... west. thence west 30 feet. un - .......... ........... -..- 1111... llm ln¢rY Order 21640 eppro 15th. 1918. under Preliminary Order ._....2.16.¢0.......... , A Pu' - -r, nari cLn.e.....15th,...1.918... l Intermediary Order 1111..___ _ _ ........_ _. approved ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City isC.anstruC.t.._drivew.ays....Qf...c-em-ent...cr.aSsW.alk..bloCka_.. to...a... width ---°f---e.ix..fee.t... on.._tbe...s.a.uth...side of Sherburne. Ave.. !).cginning_28.. fe.e.t.._w-eEt .0-f...Rine---St_....tkle.[19.e._w.e. t_.1.9_.f.eets and .from..a. point... 118...fe.et....... .. farther west, thence west 10 fee _ _. _............__.........--......_....__......._......... ............. - _111_1.--__- ........................ _1111... ......... -1111.1 . ........_ _ .._.._....._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and Vected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval.'; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.; su 1.' 1918 Adopted by the Council__ - __ _ 191 ..:: City Clerk. a^�^' Approved........_?. 4'�, 191...._-. • _ _ <,� Vit- :� i �� �G .�, �✓�-1 �: _. Rating Mayor. Councilman' Farnsworth Counmlman'dlioss Councilman fbd=AdClancy %7 'Councilman' Keller Councilman ate— l Councilman .Wunderlich Mayor $]pm 9adgz= Form B. S. A. 8-7. DEPARTF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER TOTAL, _ The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .._...�.�_......._191�i.. _�. /_ �..... G ::.G Gf I�%.GyF ........... j Commissioner of Finance. I Office of the Commissioner' of Public Works E -div ✓ a- - w Report to Commissioner of Finance 10l a IIAS July 6th, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. _31640 ........_._..._.........__..approved. _. _..._......._.........._........... June loth_'8 ..............._ _..197......_., relative to_._._..:....._.___. constructing driveways of cement crosswalk blocks to a width of .__......... _.aix...f..eat-...o.n.._ the .....eauth..... aid s..._of....sa.e.r.burne.._A.v.e....._.beginning....28_.f.e.e.t. zas.t._ Of Fice St. t`,ence west 18 fse_t,,. and from a point 118 feet farther west, ...... ..... _..... ......... ... ... ....e ._........... thence west 10 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ........... necessary and (or) desirable. 30¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ ... ..-....- - and the total cost thereof is b.- ...............-----.--.--.-- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. not 5. Said improvement is..........__........____....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said, improvement. ................._.._..._._._..._...._.._................._......_.._......_............ .. ..... . Cc nmissionor of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ...... ... ...._.. By......_ ............. ............... ....... ...... ... _._........... __.. FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of ..... __.. _._ _ .:....... - ............................................................ under Preliminary Order_........,...J.:..,..,_.._.......................approved..... '.:_.,- ....... -:.__.:.,.......:-._ .:............... ........._.. Intermediary Order ......_. c. F. `p zzsts— ____....................._ C the matter of reconstructing. relay' in d topairs]dththf 10 feettlet A public hearing having been had upoi the muowm� to auona: sefinning notice, and the Council having t a point on the south aide of Fourth heard all persona, objections and recommends: appy ""telY so teat heat of the ng fully considered the same; therefore, be it t line f seventh st. the west enth St., thence South and t1eely to Hirt St., thence east on RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of S'. tide of Tfe hird t°,� extent and kind of improve- Oraer 21381 ap-' '• went to be made by the said City is.:_:.... ---" ^.Pari-'...'._ ::...........:._ --------..._..:..:....._._...-. ........... .... :. ......... _...._ _....._..- ...... ...... .._........ .. .... _.. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. �_? _ _ _ 191.. Approved .......-._ _-SrP c.4 ';' _. 191...._. Councilman Farnsworth /Councilman Goss Couneilman Vylanit-�' - Councilman ,Keller Councilman %oQoR— Councilman; Wunderlich Mayor Irvin. Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Mayor. CITY AUL DEPART aF FINANCE REPORT OF COM SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (D) DESCRIPTION LOT e�ocx ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATiON TOTAL, . The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._ lG:(1 ./. P . .....191 �1.:. : / G /�iGd�C� :/.. . Commissioner of Finance. � _ ;, � �� . rs_ Vii,,, �� � �.,�a;� �� — .� ��J, l,: ����, � ., r i /i, AW Office of the Commissioner of Public Wotks RECEIVED • � FARNSIy Report to Commissioner of Finance s" a� 1 U L 8 1918 July 5th, __.... ....... ... ... 191.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.21637 ...-June 15th, relative to ....... .......... . .......__ _......___approved. .......... __....... reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk to a width of 1C feet at the following locations: Beginning at a po nt .. _ ..... .... ..... .... ......... . on t::e soutl: side of Fourth St, arproxivately 50 feet east of the e`aat .l..lne of F.. nth ........ .th n.,e .`ieat......t.J'1o6,Vehth St thence 9 -th and easterly to Third St, thence east.on north side of T'Ard St. a ........ ............ _ ..- ......... .... ......... ................. ......__.. . __.... _.... .... ...... distance of approximately 80 feet. out] having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__..._-.. ........ necessary and (or) desirable. 07¢ per square foot xxxx S. The estimated cost thereof is $...._... ............, and the total cost thereof is $ ._ _ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ...— __ :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....__.'Iot.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -1� w t Coinmissionor of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ............... By....._.. ....... ..... ......._........................_..._......._..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.l Q.C.oSIl3tX 1dC.t. 1�,....r.eJ.aY.ng.. and.. -S e.Pa.?.Y iTlE...the.._o1Ge: ].G.._t.7 a E--•- sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of rawtherne at. from ... ......_.--...................................-..............-•----.........._......................................................--..............._................ Pay_ae__A_V.P.,__t c::;cA...;"'s.t...43._feet..-and_on_.the...west_.-s_ide_of_Payne_-tive.,from Haw.th.orno... St. thence north 30 feet. — __..__.................. ..........-[ r of reconstructing, relay----- - d re"'Ming the cement the 1k to a width of six feet on ................. .... ........ ..... ...---... north aide of Hawthorne St from ...........-. ---.- ................ Ave thence west 48 feet and the west aide "Ave from St thence north SO feet, _-......_ __._._. .. _.. _.. under Preliminary Order ....2113B3...... _ _._...._........approved ._._.___.....:.ac.>fl._18.Lh,...1918......__ Intermediary Order ..... ........._._approved __...__ ...... ....... .......... ......____. A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.reCon8truct_, relay and.re,pair___ the Ceai--ent _tile.-..._ sidewalk--to.--a...w.1d.th.-of...s-ix_feat._on..the north s.1.de...of .HaA.LhQ.rnQ_.S.t...... from Payne__Ave-.--_thence west 48 feet and on the west side of Payne Ave. from Hawthorne St. thence north 30 feet. ...................._..........._ .. _... - - ....... .........._._.._... .... ....._ .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to thr Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . Adopted by the Council. _ _. t 13-1 .._ .._....., 191........ .. Cit i Jai I�'�l Approved..... i Gmu:. Mayor. Councilman $arnswor ✓✓✓✓✓✓Ooss gouncilman /Councilman ClancjG Councilman\'Keller Councilman UaC&1i— Councilman':Wunderlich Mayoacbtl[la Hcitlg'eert- Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTAF-0 OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE k ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 16 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... Z/Z-/'-Z' .... .......... 191,1, ....... ..... Z ....... .. Commissioner of Finance. 10.. e. e. A. !.1 ja': C, F. Ala, 9/� d 3. �� cosf 07 �vf' / `` �� �. .�� � � /�/J/ '/ V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, ✓ RECEIVED 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance G g '7'ilt„11,i July 5AU1..L. 8 1910 . . 8 _ ..... _...._ _..._ .................... _......_........791_ _.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21663 June 16th, 8 cil, known as Council File No... ..........--- ... ..... ...... approved _...._....................__........_...._........ .............. 191...._..., relative to ............. _..._.... reconstructing, relaying and repairin.� the cement till sidevralk to a- ............. ... ....- .. ........ .. ...........I. ........ width of six feet on t:n.e north side of Hawthorne St. frog. Payne five., _. __.................. __.._ thence west 48 feet and on ti:e :vest side of Payne Ave from .art'orne __ .. ....... .... ....... ...... .. ... ........... ....__ ._........ St., thence north 30 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is---- ...........necessary and (or) desirable.. .07¢ per square foot L. The estimated cost thereof is $....._ ................. ..__.._., and the total cost thereof is $_ ....._. __ _ ....___.._..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. not a. Said improvement is......_._...._.....__...._...asked for upon petition off three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. v /�C`F"5Z.7 ........... _.................._...._........................ M................_......_.....__._ _._. Commissioner of Public Works. IM COUNCIL FILE NO...._ -y._...._..__. By ............. _... ........... ............. .................. ..._.... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. -.-t'-._:-.:.----------- - ----- -.:..__... .............'----------..........--------.. --------------.._._.._- --------------------------- ............ -------------------------------- --------------- No. "I"—Matt— ofeconstruccenment y ng and 'eepalring the ...................................... ..............................................._ 'id, .1k to width of ei. feet on .................-.... ......... 'he north aide of M1dWay Ave. from •akdale Ave. thence east 90 fee un- .......... ............................ .......................... .........................., r Preliminary Order 21634 aPProva:............----.-.-.................-----..----- .. 15th,hearing —1— y.l�, r under Preliminary Order...' ......... ...............-----..........approved ........ .... ......:.__,............... ._......................... ._ IntermediaryOrder .__....._._....-- ........................................approved ...._....... ..... ..----................---------------.___...._...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meut to be made by the said City is._:.:.._---._::.:...._........,.__.__.._..........._...-.--...._..._...._.:..---_--...__..:._......._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__ �� 1 `? fg18 _ ......__. , 191...__ i\ . C1tYaii�=+ Approved............. <rp a e a A..... 191 f . � a ... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman $yl'end /1 J Councilman Keller Councilman_Ual o1i— Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Iryin Form B. S. A. 8-7. DEPARTr' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ca) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTA L. _ : ,vV The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigoted all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. U Dated I'Z,,,4.L U.%:........191J ..%f.% IoA. a. a... Commissioner of Finance. GFNo.?/¢ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED • T•� �q n��r P II„��`,•,�I G Report to Commissioner of Finance 7 July 5th�� s tislssl8 . _111.1 ..............._._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, Jtine 15th,_.__.........191E..... relative to..._.........._........ cil, known as Council File No....._ .............._ ...._....approved_ _. _..._...____............. xd.GQ.l.3.tx4^v..t..].1 ,.x.e.1ay ny...sar�..r.r iri_n ....the _.czt_ t...tile..eideialk..._...._._........ to a 'width of six feet on the nort side of Pv fron .......... .._ . y 11.1.__1. 111111_...._ _... Oakdale Avenue t'nenoe east 20, feet. ..... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....._ ............ ........ and the total cost thereof is F.___ _. .._..___.__.._..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. a. Said improvement is..__._ -not .........__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �� 1111.... ... .... ... ...... .._........ ..... ....... _._ _......... Connnissionorof Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------------------- By............................ .r.......................... _...................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_reconstruct.ing,....relayAPE -.and..repairii}g--.the_-cement..-file---- sjdQwa-j,k-_to--_a---width--- f.--1.2 feet. -_on -..the .... south--side.of--Uniy.ersity-.Ave...---_.-.--.- beginn.ing...at..R.i.ce... S.t.....tkle.rz.C.e...wgst....3..4...f..e..et................................................... ......................... C. F. No. 22819— ........................................................... �In the Matter of reconstructing, relay- ....................................................... ........... ,as andrepairingthe cement tile - dewallc to a width of 12 feet -on the oath side of University Ave. begin- Ling at nice St. thence west 850 ,der Preliminary order ^ loved June 15th. 1918. .. pu bile hearing ha•. �...................................... .................................................................................. ro.-..................................... the above Impr­ .- under Preliminary Order ..... _._21.639,,,,,,,,,,,„,,_.,.... approved ..... June_ 1-W!,­1.- Intermediary - th,_19Intermediary Order ..._- __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....L.@4Qfi$eruct,,,-re13y_.and_.re.pair.__the...ce¢l nt....t4l.e._. sidewalk_.t..Q...a....w.id.tkl...o#...12.. feet_on._the...south side.of_University..Ave...-.._...... be -ginning ...e.t... R.ic.9..J3t-,._thence...we.st...350.-feet.-...--- ..............----....----------------------------------------- _..._._.._.................... _._................- .-.................. .... ......._._. __........ _._........-.............__......_.................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... ....., 191 Approved ................. r.P_..1 �- 19 A ____......__., 191 Councilman F6rnsworth Councilman 9 _- Councilman I*damdUblanoy ;' ) Councilman $eller Councilman M,Xa1_ Councilman Wunderliell Mayor #Ej EQd,g*p*t--- Form B. S. A. 8-7. City P*y.k A'sttu, Mayor. 0” . _ �� - ' Y OF ST. PAUL DMENT Eiff OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) . In the Mailer of + . ...... ..:.i.1 :. -i 1;16 4. t.. .. .. . ..... .. . . ...... ....... --- ------- - .. .. .... ..... . ... . .. .. ... ... .... ... . ... ..... . . .......... .......... ....... ........ .. ........ .......... ..... ....... ....... ........ .... . . . .... ....... ........ ... ............ . ...... .............. ... ........ ... ...... ....... ....... ....... .... . .. . .. ................... .. ..... ..... . .. ... ............ -.1 . ...... ........ ...... 1.1- ..... ..... 1-1-1.. . .- ............. ........... I.............. .. ....... . I ................ ...... ...... .. I ... ........... ....... .... .1, - - .... ....... . .... ........ .. ............. ....... ....... I-- ... ............ ........ . .. ......... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........... ....... ... -- . ....... ....... I I........_.._ .................. ....... ... I I .... ............ ......... . .................. ............ I .......... ............ ........ ........... ......... .. .. I ..... ............ .... I .... . ....... ...- ........... .... ....... . . . ... ....... .................... ....... ............... .. ... ....... ............................ ...... ...... ..... . .. .. ......... ...... under Preliminary Order approved.......... 'V. z M. L� ., I 1E . .... ....... ..... ......... ..... ... ...... . .... .. ....... . . . .. . .... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .U—.r The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is $ ...... ...... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 7 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. -1-31-1-. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... 191 .......... .. —1. 7 Commissioner of Finance. A. -Z 7- v Office of the Commissioner of Public riEcVED • 10.. '' .� Report to Commissioner of Finance pe MCN of SUL 8 ►918 July 5th, _.-_.__..........._...1918._: ......................................... _........... .... To the Coumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pall: The Comnisaioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21639 June 15th, 191.8..., relative to_......._..._ ............. ... cil, known as Council File No .................... ..._ _ _ .....-approved. ...................... reconstructing, relaying anal repairin the gan_ent..,..tl_e_ s_ide.i_alk._,to.....a,..,. ......_........................................................ ... _..... 4 .. .. _ _ Yvidth of 12 feet on the eoutl_ side cfUniver_sity_.A_y._e,,,..._beg nnir:_E...._et_..... .... Rice St. thence We3t 350.,._fe�t.... ... - ...._._.._....... _.._..... .. ......_..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $-_..------- and the total �ost thereof is }......_.... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ..............._..__._......_........ _....._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. _. . ............ ....... _.............. _.... _.. ..._........._... ......... _...... _...... _ ..... _.... _... _..... _ ... _...... - _. _. - _......... a. Said improvement ia..._riOt ____,___.__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... _...... _ ......... _........... _........................ _.......... _ _. _............. _ .... _............ Comuissioner of Public Works. vL' �.i8CO COUNCIL FILE NO_ ...._..__.............. By....................... .................................................. of FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....reconstructing, relaying and repairing portion of cement sidewalk requiring reconstruction to place same in good repair at proper ......................................................................................................... grade on- -south ...s1de_.af...Univer.s.itj._Ave_..fr.om..Farr ingt.on..Ave.._.11 enc.e....eas.t- 2 52 . feet. . xat28te2r of reconstructing, relay- ___.- .._ .__ .__....__ ......_.. _. ,2nd rreguI ng portion of c meto at _walk re In goorI,g reconstruction e air at tiro proper ....-. same in Good co ... ice repair at Proper .................. .... ..... ....... ads on south side of Uni—relty e.from undergtoen Ave. thence +'t 52 feet under Preliminary Order 5 approved June 18th, 1918.- '•'hnc h ­ ring having been bad -. .-ovement upon du- tinder Preliminary Order.......2.16.f.5...__ .......................appror_. avmg ',F .... QGh.a-..a cJi.Q-�......................- IntermediaryOrder ---------------- - ........................................... approved ........... ....................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and iecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment Co be made by the said City is.re.o.Qnstrl�G.G.,...x e.� ay --.and.- reps F...portion„ of„.ctp�pii sidews]k..re-quiring..reconstruction to place same in good repair at proper grade. ...On.. ^,a0 ut h...&.iSle....A.#.... Un i yg P 8 -it j/. -Ave_.--_ f r Om... Fa r r in gt 7n._ Aye.._... r_ -e CI c e... eas t 52...fe.e.t.... ........ ........._......._..._...--..._....._...._.._.........._.._............._....._....................................._............................ _.._..._.. . . ......... .......... _....._ _. ..._ .._. _. .................... ........... ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That tite Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. a� 1 i i9ia 191... .. Approved .....__... ?GPA H.1A- , 191 _... Couneilman'drnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman mx%C Glancy Ji f! Councilman• ellervJ Councilman Jkeatl' Couneilman.Vunderlich Mayor Inn t IlGG�3CTi Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Clerk. Acting Mayor. l�5_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMErjT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED r VALUATION TOTAL. - -C' The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to Said matter by/the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. . .. .... 191 Commissioner of Finance. 9 4 C,"o 2164j - 0 _ � iii , r-- f ��� % 't. ��',� i ./y �- ✓'� / / -> /j ;i Office of the Commissioner, of ,Public W04ECEIVED F P�NSw O Report to Commissioner of Finance = JUL 8 1918 July 5th'_.. _..._..._....1918.... ............_............._......_........._......._.. .. To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimivary order of the -Coun- cil, June 18th, .__...... ..... _... 191.8..., relative to.......__._....__...... cil, known as Council File No......._.............._......._..upproved._..._._......._................. portion recon structing,.__relayin.g.....anA repairing of cement sideWalk requiring reconstruction to place sane in good repair at proper grade on ..south__ai.de..._of._..Unive.r.si..t.y_._A.v.e........iron....Farxington....Av.a....,.....t .e.nc.e.....eas .._5.2....i.t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.C1.7¢..necessary square (or) desirable. •h. The estimated cost thereof is $..............-._.........._-, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _..................... _. _.......... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is.._._ nO.t._......._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ...... ........... ..._............. _. _.........._,....... __....._....-__.. _. Commissioner of Public Works. r COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. ................._._.................. ...................... _......... or FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ....... ...... - : - - - . ......... ...:.......:..----- ........ -..................... .........-_...... .._----- -.........,...................... ..................... ---.::_.....'.-- . -.. - C. F. No. 22821— ................... '--"- "'-""' '.............. the Matter of reconstructing,relay- ,I 1 y Ing and re Palring the cement to eltlewalk to a width o[ 8 fee - -'--' - -- north t on th¢ -- " " '-"'---- -' -'- - -- "" ----- side o[ Unl--itY Ave. be61n- ning nt Daie St. [hence west 'b feet owed Pune- 15tht, YI Order 't- _P- ___ p- -- -- ----- '- - - --- wring having been had. under Preliminary Order ......... __.....approved _..__... Intermediary Order .............. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is ..: .......... _ :.....:.....:.,._:........:. t....' :..::....:.:_:.....:._.:_:.....- _........._....._.._.............. .._............._ _........- _............._ .._.......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . Adopted by the Council_ 0t� T13_.., 191.._.... Approved....... ? p I e N A 191 Councilmanrnsworth Councilman oss j Councilman: yla'nd �- Councilman lf eller JCouncilman _Xa6e1}•-- Councilman.VG inderlieh Mayor Form B. S. A. B -i. Atr{i`v Mayor. CITYtOF,Pi. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z�Gz_'5 _ .. ..........191�J .. Commission- of Finance. CORM e. 9. •. ! 0 0 '✓/ — 0. r, Ale, ;-/ b 3 4 - '0.4- 674s, Aov- . �� / / / � ^ '�/ ' � / �-- -- /Y `/��^ '�'( /�'�� / _ - /�' ,/ ../ ' '' ' / ' ' / / ' � // - ' - � ` ' _/�/.� r�/,,'� ./ =y(/ __ / �� ��� / , / ,�'~�� �'' '/ ' ` / ^'/ / / o '- '� ' ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance Ju l.y.... 0_t.4.,...- .............._...191..8.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul I The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,81632 June 18tU,_..._......... ...191..__8, relative to_..._.._........._.... known as Council File No...__..._....._.._....._...approved._.-__...................._._............ . z.e.c..a.n.t.x..u.c..t.i.n.,......x.e...aX.i.n._...and ._t'..:;_e.....e_eri:.e.nt.... ti1et.o..... ..... a_wIdt.h_._a.f._...E._..feet 51de_.._a.f...lir:.is:e.z:.a.i.t.y_.J.ve.,.....b.azi.n.rin ....at_... Dale St. ti.ence west 80 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ......necessary and (or) desirable. ,OS¢ per square foot xxxxx Z. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $ ...._...... ..... ..... _....._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L .....__...................._...._...._.................................................._..............................._..........._...... Commissioner of Public Works. Y6�liF��, COUNCIL F{LE NO......... By................................. _................. ............ _.......... ! FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...reconstructi relaying and reppa ria& the cement tile e1dawalk....t.R...lid..width...of..six___feet_..on.._the_ north side of Van Buren St. from -................................................................ ;... ............... Como -.Ave...... to...Fa_rr_"tQrz..Ave.....--- c. F. n. zzazz —............................... .................. 2t2822— In thge Madtter of r ec ntheucting, a the e eemen ............. ............................................................ ............ sidewalk to a midth of six feet on --....................................-.......... the north side f Van Buren St. Prom Como Ave. to Farringtpn Ave. under ....... ......... Preliminary Order 21626 approved _______________________„-,,....-................ ..................................................................... Sune F6th.*1918 b—trr. been had A i^ 1, von -------- Butt the aboh ICoyncil having hearrovement upon d .......... . ........ ..... i s I{ons and r - under Preliminary Order._.21626.................................approved ..j1i. a°d1.5th,....1.918....___...._......_ i„ Intermediary Order ........ __ __ _.. .._ ....__ _......_ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meut to be made by the said City is...recons.truc.t.,...r.elay, and ... rl*Air...the._ cement.- 11e_-, sidewalk...t.o...a.._w.idth._.of six feet on the north side of Van Buren St. from _..._ .. _............... ..... .. ..--- C.omo...Ave.......to.._. ... ............_........._.._---------__----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------- -- ................. .............. ...... -- .......... - .......... ._.......... __................... ......................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTEER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......__.l=P...,5_.�91.�....._.........., 191....... l 1pp]roved............_.`.:`...:..` ........R.. _......... 191....... Councilman F rnsworth ` Counci] oss / Councilman os,, i Councilman Xeller J (✓ Councilman mrem Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor �¢f�1}adgSOYi— Form B. S. A. 8-7. ...___ ............. `...i..:......:..:...:...... .......................... City City Clerk. bating Mayor. " CIW OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) l h In the Matter oE...:..._ .. __ .... a ' ........ ............... rit tc.. Ave. - ._.... __. .......... =..................... ......_........._....._ ...._... __......._... - ....._......... ........._.........-_._._...................... _..................._..........._.................... _......... ........ .. ...... ..... ........... .......... _......_......_..__..........__.......- ...... _................ ................ _................. .... ................. ....._........... _..... ... .... .... ......... ........ ..... ... _ _... ...... .... _. .. ... ............. ........ ... ....... _... ....... _._..._ ......... _ .........._ ....._...._.. .._....... ... .......... ........ .... ._.... ........ _..__... ................ ................................. ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ............. ........... ............ ........ .._............. ....... ......................... ...--- ....................... _._.- _.....__..._........ ..... ........... ....._... ....... ................... ........ _...__......._ ....... ...... ...... ........... __ ....._.._...... _.... under Preliminary Order approved...__ . _' _.... -? ._1 .......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..........--...-..-..__.-. -....-..- -re The estimated cost pery foot for the above improvement is $........ - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTA L. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y Dated."a.0-�...... .......19ds.._. ✓/. ........l�.......... Commissioner of Finance. ronn a. s. A. e -e o ,-r -7 - � "v - --------- '1Z Office of the Commissioner of Public WorIcErysD Q p A W.S,I/. Report to Commissioner of Financee ; c �iS .i6 p s , NCR JUL - .......__....__..._.July......6th..__................._._191.. _8. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 21626 June 15th, 8 cil, known as Council File No. ...................... ..........approved. .......__.....1.1.11_......... _........_. .............. ..... 191......_, relative to.............._..._........ rec_on_st_ruc_t ng.,...._r_ layin.g..,.andrepairing..._tt._e,_..c_er�zn_t._.t__l..e...._aid.:�.cl...k._._t.o...,......,. 0._]Y.idIh.-Q-f......a.is.._f.e_:..t..._on....t.h.e north zid-e.._.of..._4..an...Fiur.en.... t.......fs.ou.. .a�_o....Ave.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $............. ......_......._.., and the total cost thereof is 1111_ _111__1... _. _._........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......._.—.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 1111..._ .. .......... _. .. _......_.. _............_ ..._ _1111.. 5. Said improvement is...._not asked for upon petition of three or more owner s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' S Commissionor of Public Works. �2'2S23 COUNCIL Fa,E NO ............. -- ......... .. By... . ............. .. ... .............................. .... FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of X7- . ..... ........ ................ . ................ I ........................ ................................. ... ...... ............................... - .......... .......... ...................................... -.: .......... .. .............. .. ........... ............. C. F. No. 21821 relay- -- the Matter of reconstructing. . 'ng .0 repairing the cement tile ,­­Ik to . --th of 10 fee' on the ... ....... Fast side of Wabasha St. begin -91 2u feet north of Seventh St- there-, ,!rth 114 - feet, ond�rclirmriary ti ter , r ov ed , . ... . ..... .. . ... ... under Preliminary Order .................................._..---approved ... .......... ....... ...... .... IntermediaryOrder ........................._............._........._..approved............. ..... ........... . ................. ............... .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By th6 Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind ofimprove- ment to be made by the said City is ----------- - .................................... ------- - . ....... .......... .............. ............. .................... ................... : .......................... ..................... . ..... .................. ........................................... .......................... — .............. ........................ .............. ................ ...... ...... — .......... ............................ ................... ............. ............ I . 11 . ..... ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FrURTHER, That tile Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191 City Clerk. Approved 191, Councilman flMayor. swortb Councilman OLW CouncilmanjAylapdV_- b, Councilmian%'Kqjter U Councilman-XaGe*— Councilman Wun-#Qel iell Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTA L. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ....... .........1916... Commissioner of Finance. �j � .� / / • 1V / -,i ,J/rq .. .. �� �� �_. _ / / J � / ;%/ �� �" z �� � � �/ ,/ - Office of the Commissioner. of Public r RECEwEu rn • ARNS� Report to Commissioner of Finance O!� y nt OF' ;UL 8 1918 . ....�.t)11_.-.__._...__.._....191 �81 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ''1635 June 1 _oth, cil, known as Council File No. -I.- ............._......_... approved. ..... _..._....................... _...............__...__....197.._....., relutive tn_...__.._........._._.. l eo._nstruct, relay and rapair the oec.ent the aida:r lk, to a dt'; ........ . _._--_.... ...._....... ....._._..... _........... ........_......_ ... . of 1C fejt on t`:a ee�at aide of Tabasha ;t. be� innir..r 20 feet north ............ ...... ..._....._. ............_. __...__. ........... _ _.: ... of Sevtmth a_._.t,ence north 114 feet..._,. .h. _....._....__.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... ._ --necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is _._..__._............. and the total cost thereof is �__.__.._. ._ _ _.... _..., an(] the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __:...... _..__. ___.__. _.__. ..__............__._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... ___.... ...... ._ ........ ....... ......._.._ .... _.._.......... ....._..... . _ ..._.._..._. .._._..._ ._.__...... .___......._....... 5. Said improvement isasked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............._ ......._._........_. .. _. .jai.,t..............................._.._......___.._...._.. Com sarpnci of Public Works. 2'28,0,4 Vol COUNCIL FILE NO ............. .......... By........_...... ___ ....................... -_----------------------_-- W, FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofw}d.tb)eet oz}.-.tile---west--.side._.ofFry_.St...heginairg.. at Hewitt Ave. thence south_ to-..._......- c�nnEct._.tkle..pre,eent_.constructed walk approximately.-175.__fe_et._.___._ ...._._.... C. F. No. 22824— ....................................... ................ In the Matter of const. width g a at. fact file sidewalk de a width of eta feet n the west side of Fry St. south ........................................................ ..... ginning at Hewitt Ave. [hence eouth............................-................................ to connect the present constructed walk, approximately 176 feet. under ........................ ... Preliminary Order 21641 approved .................... .................................. ..... ...- Jun« 16th, 1918. -' , ' -"' 'Tr having been had under Preliminary Order _21641 ................................... rrrn. ement upon dee j� �._ 7.9] fl...................................... ng hes r; Intermediary Order _ ........ _ _ _ __ .approved A public hearing having been had upon the 1.bove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendatiom, relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.cA.ns.tSbiC ..a..-.Cegle;lt_.tile._, s.id§ w... ...to --- feet on the west side of Fry St. be€inning at Hewitt Ave. thence south to ............................................._._............ ........._._._.._._...__.. _................_...._.._......................................... .......................... I connac.L... the ...pmez.exl.t...C.4.ilstruc ted.__walk,..-approximately _..175...feet.x.._except.-_where good ...and_sutf.ic ien-t.-....aidewalks..now...ex1st........._.._._..._.........__._................................__........ __.._..._..................... ..... .._....._....-.....,__.... .._..........__._ ..._............__....._...__....__............._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. __JT 11� 1918 _...-. 191 Approved.._.__. _.... _ . Councilman F ! sworth Councilman Ooi(a I-,- Councilmen Sr C lanc Councilman Se Councilman Meep i Councilman Waiderlich Mayor 29kr-Hedr5raf " Form B. S. A. 8-7. rt n ! _. __.... _.. .... .... u„rzao, ^„ City Clerk. 191------------- > S peull uMayor. CITY OF , UL DEPARTMENUIEW FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— - 424tG�... .......... 19.11L Commissioner of Finance. v p A �,2� %17.77,x. J� L � ell 41 �" 11 i El K5, v 4- T, tr ;� Office of the Commissime, of Public WREcErvE® Report to Commissioner of Finance tea. NEl14f 4\ 1 lI L 8 .1918 - J.uY..._5th.,._...__..,......_.:..........19t$.y_ To the Coin nissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cmnntissionrr of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No....._2_1641......... approved ... Ju11E..._1=_th_......................._.....191._8..., relative to. _._...................... constructing a cement tile side: -;alk to a width of six feet on the west gide of FYy St: ti'g`nrilno at Aeritt eve tYenoe south to oonrec e p.re@�-nt...._constructed.._wa1_k, approxicatel.y...175.....f_at.... ..... _......._. ._.............._...__... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. --necessary and (or) desirable. 65¢ per lineal foot Z. The estimated cost thereof is $......._.._..........._........., and the total coat thereof is { and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ __. _..... ... ....._ ... ._._....._. ........... __.___... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ._..... 5. Said improvement is.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of. -property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. iJ 0 ST. PAUL,MINNr-,�f Ii `7 �J /6 �-z- CZ�+�vYt-9C�lY. /(�I��iiGZu� �(O �� %��!�.v-✓KJ U�b 2S1 -18C, COUNCILFILE NO......_...._..----------------- B .__<Z _r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ...... _Re_G.q; gt,h ucti_nZ,.cem.ent.............. le sidewalk -toa, widt'� of six feet at the following locations: ..................... On the South side of Tuacarora Ave. be ir.r.ing 118 feet Eas- of Vilton _............_............ . St...th.eri9.e E st_122 fe t: from 36 ._feet farther, �,]as-tr thence yaet_----------- 166 feet, and from 56 feet `.rt]ier East thence 71ast 6o feet. __. ........ .. ....... .... under Preliminary Orden. - _.....--.,,.......aonroved ____Auguzt_ 2, ._18.1.8...__......_...... 12MERMEDIARY ORDBUM The Council of the City of St. Paul — - -- • -Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consid in th. MatterfiofBreconstructing, oieiev- lag and repairing the cement tale 1. That the said report be and the theewf l to n width of et: feet aepted, and the said improvement is the following idth of s: On the. p hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ...in side of Tascarora Ave. beslR- -Ching 118 feet east 9f Din ton 8t. thence 'at 122 feet: from 38 Peet farther " That the nature of the improvement ,t• thence East 188 feet, and <rr-- t farther East, thence r,._ends is..Eec.onst,ruc.t._._r.elay.. under Preliminary , ; anti repair the. cement the side�:d.°o the' ?°:_wi it of six feet at the ............ ................. ............ ... following locations: Cn the South side of Tuscarora eve. bef*inning .. ..._. __............ . 1.1.8 feet.Za,at._.of 11ilton St, thence East 122 feet; froin 38 feet farther _ ..- ......._- .. __ _...._ ._ _. _ .......... _.. .. __.. Fastv thence...Fa.st...1.66...f.eet.,._and ...from 5.6_.f.ee.t. fartll.er...Eas.t.,....t;Ae.n.e.e...E:a. t 66..f eet................ with no alternativ¢s, and that th0.05 per square foot.e estimated cost thereof is �_ _ ..._ .._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil tile. .,.16th day of - CGt.Ohea? _ - ----- _.. .- . 191 2. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 1'ou aril SEP. V". 191a 191 Approved....._........"D I t P ...... _..... _...... -. ----_... 191........ Councilman Fahnsworth Councilman JqK j Councilman7d ta17dN.Clancy CouncilmantKeller Councilman ll Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IX11Kc gson Form B. S. A. 8-6 tO Aetinp 11layor. MUENW �191_ F.- A A 48.2 p 7-18 C CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , tOt UIL 22826 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILH] a• . AFP 714 191'8 ....... .................. ....��............... AUDITED SEP .. _�.. ..... ........� 111...._x 476 PER.... ..�Y....... ..... .....,..._ TITLE� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 _ 10.20 1.40 Farn1 " ..In favor Approved__._ . ...... 191.......... G ,t Kellcr� � Swrf.._Against 00 manor YfA O Wu�{t lerlich Njr p" aid dgs ;yw+��ntrQ�d°On c warrants be drawn _ +Treasury. payable out of "tier Pec ad fund. and in he pe".."Orme or corpora-' '. e amounts the amounts eat Afl.d I. •-1.9 ve names t ment: IpI .lowing detailed statement: ri Sn1Y Co., §18.00. A. ' Ashton,, §18.00. ;e C. Binder. E1.80. _ '• "- 6432 American Supply Company, Sprinkling 6433 G. A. Ashton Company, Water 6434 George C. Binder, Water 6435 Brandtjen Motor Car Company, Fire 6436 Builders Iron Foundry, Water 6437 Central Garage, Fire 6438 Daily News Publishing Company, Civil Service 6439 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Fire ylorkhouse q 6440 The Dispatch Printing Compaq, Water 6441 Henry A. Dreer, Parks POKASMM 18.00 15.00 1.80 50.85 8.06 10.20 1.40 11.92 1. 00 6 11.9 1.20 83.50 POKASMM Res. 476 Page #2 6442 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, Fire It C. P. Works St. C. & Repair Sewer C. & Repair n n S. & S. Cing. schools n Auditorium Water n 6443 Charles Friend & Son, Fire 6444 Gerber & Hausler, Playgrounds 6445 Golden Rule, Fire 6446 Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, Kuditorium 6447 w. J. Haas Mfg. Company, Fire 6448 Hackett, Gates & Hurty Company, Schools 6449 Highland Spring Company, On. Counsel Com r. Finance C. P. Works n Schools n 6450 Howard, Farwell & Company, Pl ayg rounds 6451 F. 0. Huebener, Schools 6452 Independent Oil Company, Schools 6453 Industrial Controller Company, Library 6454 S. A. Jacobson & Company, Special Day Schools 6455 Kenny Boiler & M- Company, P. Baths Bridge B. & Repair 6456 Leslie Donahower Company, Com'r. Finance 6457 McClain & Hedman, Pol. & Fire Alarm Schools n P. Bldgs. Water 6.60 18. 7. 5 14. 0 56. 1. 18. 148. 5.00 22.6 1.6 .3 300.0 2.0 7,5 5.2 5, 2. 2.2 24.10 5. 0 9. 0 14. 0 .10 .50 1 00 .30 .08 :9H 300.09 11.50 20.25 42.00 7.00 1.75 5..59 24.50 39.90 15.70 51.00 1.79 27.92 14.50 4.13 5.98 Res. 476 Page #3 6458 Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safety, Police Pol. & Fire Alarm Quarantine Enforcement Dog Lic. Library Water 6459 Mich. Maurus, Fire 6460 Melady Paper Company, Quarantine 6461 Midland Motor Car Company, Munic. Gar. Revolving 6462 Midway Lime & Cement Company, Schools 6463 Mitsch & Heck, Schools Forestry Revl. 6464 M. N. Moffatt, Water 6465 National CandyCa�hsany, PBaths Parks 6466 Nicols, Dean regg$ ire a Garage a n� Water 6467 Northwestern Copper& Brass Works, Schools 6468 W. S. Nott Company, Fire 6469 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Police Fire Schools i a a Cent. H. S. Library Johnson Parks ~� a 6470 Pittsburgh Meter Company, Water 6471 Quality Printing Company, Fire Health 244.77 295.34 41 48 5 00 48 46 487 24 1,12229 .00 --j-&2-5 2 .76 12125 J7. 1'5.61 2.22 9.80 1.58 5.29 5.00 4.40 2.25 1.10 0 4 .15 .60 :� .40 1,122.29 P i 8.24 45.00 51.91 191.00 24.75 3.70 35.95 37.36 .-1 80.00 59.38 425.15 304.48 7.40 Res. 476 Page #4 I 6472 Raymer Hardware Company, 127.38 Workhouse .70 Schools 12 12 .38 6473 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 253.80 Garage 7 80 Sprinkling 46 00 253 80 6474 St.Paul Auto Top Works, 24.00 Fire 6475 St.Paul Battery Company, 7.51 Munic. Gar. Revl. 6476 St.Paul Blue Print Company, 2.88 Parks 0 P. Bldgs. 1. 0 Playgrounds 0 Munic. Empl. Bureau 2.8 6477 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 1217.94 Schools 6478 St.Paul Machine Works, 5.75 Fire 3.0 Auditorium 5.74 6479 aAnford & Company, 1.02 Water 6480 G. Sommers & Company, 1.95 Police 6481 S. S. Spencer Company, 81.25 c Parks 6482 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, 178.50 Schools 6483 Streater Clay Mfg. Company, 94.50' Water 6484 Tri State Tel. & Telg. Qompa ny, 164.77 Policeit 5.001 : Water 44.25 n 21 164.7 6485 Twin City Show Card & Adv. Service, I 6.00 Parks 6486 Waldref Motor Car Company, 2.50 Fire 6487 Washington Foundry Company, I 74.00 Fire 2.00 i Sewer C. & Repr. 72.00 74.00 I i I fi+ Res. 476 Page #5 6488 Welsbach Company, Water 6489 Western Machine Company, Fire 6490 West Publishing Company, Corp. Counsel n 3.99 3.30 018.00 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,4 A46,ta 7-18 - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED _SEP__�,..1.9.J. 2178-7 COt'. SCIL No. .......... b..J......... OIL _...._............ 478 PER....._ ................. ......_.=_=.7777= _....., TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V�p nays 1.,'._�4`'$ Adopted by the Council .__.._..RFP ............191.. ..:.... Cla0q-"- Far Grtb SEP ... __tiJ...ln favor Approved _.. _.��'11, �.�.A . GTS Kelltf ....O.-Against A�tlII�r xA -o J Wpnderlich C F. No. 22827— Resotved shat warrants be drawn' 1T r. President HOSI� II-.. _-. Irk n non the Clty Treasury, VaY&ble 17pt of the heretnafter apeo4MA `____. .. - tnnda and in favor of the persons,Arms or corpora.flans far the amounts wt oppposltw their re.pective name, as acilfid 111i the followin6 detailed statemspent: $S.3.287. .. Fatneworth,' .Com'r. Finance,. 07. $5 9.37 - Farnsworth. 'Com'r. Finance, S. A - Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, $6,774.63. S-. Farnsworth. Com'r. Ftnance,g $1,55059. S. A. Farnsworth, Co7n'r. Finance, . $1,361.25. Auopled by the Council Sept 14, 1918. A, Pr oved Sept. 14, 1018. 6492 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 3,267.07 Mayor's Office 76.33 Finance 8 5.34 Part. Certs. 5.00 Comptroller 8 9.81 City Clerk 3t5.00 .75 Flection .00 Civil Service 3.50 Purch. Dept. 6.34 Armory 6493 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, Finance, C. P. Works. Gen. Adm. St. C. & Repr. S. & S. Cing. Bridge B. & Repr. Crosswalks Sprinkling Wo rk hous e Paving 12th Street Pump Station W. St.Anthony Park Sys. 6494 S. A. Farnsworth-, Com'r. Finance, Schools Auditorium Library 5,837.72 6,774.63 Total _._.j,88,69l.26 } tt Res. 478 Page #2 _ 6495 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, Parks 49975 1,450.59 Playgrounds 135:.00 783.4 P. Bldgs. Forestry Revl. 32. 0 1,450'59 6496 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 1,361.25 0. P. U. -Gen. Adm. 255 00 " —Markets 120 00 " -Test. Labs. 257.50 � " —Lighting 72 .75 1,36 .25 s, Total _._.j,88,69l.26 } ' CITY OF ST. PAUL " e.... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FQL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No...�.s�...��.......T•.. ?....... P.rmA AIB,tN 7-10 AUDITED -. ........ _...__.__,. 191........ _=R PER....'..�..__..... .. _. __......... 480 TITLP Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ` Yeas 1 ) Councilmen Nays � Adopted by the Council1.4`4..1.i_191......_.... Cla,ucy 2 � Farnsworth In favor Approved.._. _,�,._ ] 4.._.�.. R ___......191 ......... Keller } _.Against jJ 14cCoII-.. ,-y-'� \I Yo . C.-Ii, No. 22828— Mr. President;•H6doson Resufved that warrant. be drawn -' Don khe Clty Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter speolded funds and in favor of the person. firms or corpora• (Ionafor the emouata set opDoslte their espectfve names ae .Declfled la the If.l towing detailed statement: Burne Lumber Co. 5331.78. '^ Northland Pine Company, j162.b9. St. Paul Crushed 9(one Co., ,1.689.36. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1918. Approved Sept.14. 1918. (Sept. 21 .1918) 1 6503 Burns Lumber Company, Workhouse Schools I 6504 Northland Pine Company, C. 11. S. Bldg.(Bond) 6505 St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, St. C. & Repr. Total 1,983.72 1 59.78 62.00 10.00 131.78 3 131.78 162.59 1,689.35 Form A A 48, t M 7-18 r CCTV OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2282 FOL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ILEO1O1L No-- ..... ...................... _ KKI t. ........ .................... .. .... AUDITED .......71�P... 1_. �_..._ c 'I'1 PTIILIix ._...._. 1.._.... 479 PEa TITLE'' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _._.__ SftF?191_......._ Cl�roy c�D t ,� la q Farnworth In favor �Ap�p%rovveedd..... ��.............NIL- KeW'r Against J �uniCl C. F. No. 22839 •,,�, R„olved that warrants ba drawn Mr. Presydel5odgeett the herefnafthe t rea,ury, parable out of [avnr of the ,Decided funds and In 'tfan, for the amount, 11—, 1 u or corpora- fultpoec[[va names ae ,DeclHed Iio their wJo detailed a Spec fie the Dr. John IA Darlingg 170.00. K F. Dreher, A,elgnee, Ferne A. Grant. 56.00, K sd Dreher, A„ignee, Agnea camp - hell E6, 00. 9. A. Farnworth, Com'r. $7 '69 Finance. A. C. Jefrersont 5989.40. 6497 Dr. John B. Darling, S AaPtcdbytheOuuncli Sept. 14,191a. 30.00 Corp. Counsel 7 Approved Sept. 14, 1918. p i - ISept. 21-1918) 6498 K. L. Dreher, Assignee, Ferns A. Grant, 5.00 Schools 6499 K. F. Dreher, Assignee, Agnes Campbell, 6.00 Schools 6500 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 7,697.11 Interest 6501 A. C. Jefferson, 989.40 Crosswalks 6502 A. P. Moore, 70.69 C. P. Works 24. 0 It 16. 9 St. C. & Repair 18 75 Sewer C. & Repair 3 00 Crosswalks 8 75 4 70 69 Total 4 07 4 6 C� ,... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Subjedt:--- - _-- COUNCIL FILE N O .. ........... . ......... :i....... . ... .............. ................. .............. ......-.. ........... .....-.....-.... ... .......-....... .. .......... Date Presented..._......f.P...�...1478.........191..... R Resolved, That the hotel license of S. 1.:ehlaood, Farmers Hotel, 122 '.r.. 3rd Street be and the some is hereby revoked on the grounds thot liquor has been sold illegally in said hotel. C. 2i&30— Resolved ? That the hotel license of S. Mahmood, Formers Hotel. 122 E. drd Street, be and the me is hereby re oked on the ground. that liquor has. been sold illegally In a Id hotel. Adop too Approved Sept. 14, 191the 8.Sept 34, 1918., (Sept. 21-1918) - Yeas W) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth [> Goss `-' _ In favor Keller 0. —1, _ Against Wunderlich M . o gso FORM C. A. a 3M 6 -la Adopted by the Council _ : �.� I41191..... . "FC JJ -�- j� Approved --.... _.......... _. _. _....... _.. -.-..191 d�L1nQ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F,ubjedlt: -- -- ---- -- -- COUNCiL 2 PILE No. ....... _ 4L Jif' j 4 Date Presented 19L Resolved, That the hotel license of David Hammett, 221' E. 7th St. Gem Hotel 'be and the same is hereby revoked on the grounds that liquor hoe been sold illegally in said hotel. I C'e d That ,th hotel ,-, 1 I t ... ' 'David 7th - be -d the .71.hhereby re yoked ."e 1, h. been .'d ""'.Id hotel. pyypovd J", apt. "" i 34,1 18. (90pt. a1-1918) Yeas ( V) 12'o/uncilmen ( V) Nays y I- y rarmosworth Za In favor ellser ,mar.811 Against .%V��Iich FORM CL A. 9 3M 6-18 _ Adopted by the Council,..___.. JL4 ql SF 1) 14 Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL OU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. .............. CoU NCIL FILE No.. ------------------------------ ---- .... ...... — Date Presented........ 191 ------ Resolved, That the Commissioner of ParIkes Playgrounds & Public Buildings in hereby authorized to employ Dricklavers and Stone Masons in the Bureau of Public Buildings at a rate of com- pensation not to exceed eighty -sever. and one-half cents per hour. z� L /A Yeas M' ouncilmen (V) Nays 7,61ancy an In favor i�elslser C) __Ateeatim_ Against ,tWunder*h mr—swesidentrHodgeson FORM C. A. 0 — 8-18 DO Adopted by the Council 1Q.,C7 191 SFP 14, Approved 191 MAYOR ()hCITY OF ST. PAL114 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sub�e6t: ___Purchase of Land ---- --- -- --------..... COUNCIL PILE NO. ........ ......... `.w.�.. .--. .Date Presented::'.. _.Fr_�._19�8... 191._--_, Resolved, That tine Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, the Commissioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized and directed to purchase, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, as addital grounds for the Douglas School the following described propertyi Lot le, Block 12, Dawson's Addition to the City of St. Paul for a sum not to exceed One thousand dollars ($1000.00), and to execute on behalf of the City the necessary contract for such pur4hsee'j and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in favor of themwner of said land in payment of such purchase price when the proper deeds conveying such land, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be paid out of Public School F=d, Real Estate item. 10, Block 12 -Dawson's Addition City.of. St. Paul, fora sum not ceed one thousand dollars (i1 and to execute on behalf of ti the -necessary contract for sucl �. chase ; and the proper city offlc hereby authorized and empowl draw a warrant In favorof the of said land in payment of sul Yeas ( lr)'Councilmen (17) Nays J lancy 'arnsworth oss �-% -In favor d Keller _pqeevit. Against Wunderlich Ms_ R=sident;^HO"dgeSDn Adopted by the Council., Iau8 191- Approved .. sp 1 r'1r. 19'. _ 191..... r Asir MAYOR [I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL -2 21 13 115 Subjedt:FILE NO.__ J ---- Date Presented VP Resolved, "hat thej --- ) - 1'. 41, vh1ch ,a.rette T,_icense ea fres June nus; in the nan.e. of ?1cruvltz,2--1 ::airfield, be and the harobia to Hera,an,l State t Street. C. F N022836— Resolved.t the Cigarette Lieer.o No. t h I_ j..a 19th 1919, . 241, which expires M HaroV16 251 oo� 1. the a.--,,- M. the i­ Poirfleld Ave.. e a Nathan H hereby to transrerr.d to man. 131 state street. Adopted by the C*1"'II Sept. 14. 1918. 'r .. d 'tS. 14. 1918. AP (sent. 21-1918) 0 Yeas (I') C uncilmen ( V) Nays 7, Cl F;,:iyVar.th /4,0'SS ____._Infavor keller MeG*IL- 1 Against Wunderlich FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the douncil Rqp 191 Approved S. F 191 &sting CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM QQ Subjedt....... - .. __ .. COUNCIL FILENO ... .......... ...................... Date Presented___.. Sept... 14.,... 191.--18. J,. Resolved, for a license to conduct _ That the application of the following persons indicated bee and the Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively to same are hereby, granted, ani the City Clerk is authorized and directed of the fee required by issue such licenses to saM persons upon the payment law. NA%,IE OF APPLICANT. HOTT'L OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Joseph Crea, Restaurant, 421 E. 7th, 564 St. Anthony, Carl Nelson, Restaurant, 120 E. 7th, Mansur Drug Co., Restaurant, 299 Robert, Yugend & Goldman, Restaurant, 495 No. Dale St., Mrs. Alms Carson, Restaurant, 275 Sth St. Mrs. Furena Hostrasser, Boarding House, I C. F. No. 22886— Resolved, That the application of th 61 following persona ft a license to con duct Hotel'or Restaurants at the Iota- " hone respectively Indicated be, anB th same are hereby granted. and'the Cit Clerk IN authorized and directad to I. - .us ouch license. eto seaeaideeperaOns'"apon thJoecph a t Restaurants 21 y.17 Crea St. Carl Nelson, Restaurant, 664 at. An -j �thony Ave. Mansur Drug Co., Restaurant. 120 .i 7th ugand & Goldman, Restaurant. 299; Robert St. 'Mrs. Alma Canon, Restaurant. 496 --i Dale St. Mrs. Eurena Hostraeeer, Boarding Hou.%276 Sth St. Adopted by the Council Sept 14, 1919. i Approved Sept. 14. 1918. (Sept. 21-1918) Yeas (V') ouncilmen (I') Nays Clancy i ' 7arnsworth D 17�e, . Adopted by the Council SEP 1.4 191- _... _. __. Approved .._PrP i4l lG''8 191-- ._ 0R /.dt@iitt Cr MATOR . GossIn favor ,)teller .}'y.. _Against �! Wunderlich Mr Pre0idCut,Jdodgeson FORM C. A. 93M 6-18 D 17�e, . Adopted by the Council SEP 1.4 191- _... _. __. Approved .._PrP i4l lG''8 191-- ._ 0R /.dt@iitt Cr MATOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject:, -- dL'.1TICiL NOS' — FILE - - - Date Presented 9.P 19 't9`L.-191_ - RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. __ From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No- 1;52 Charles Al Sone i 7F.8t ht hT_t . _ _William_yauuelas _355 -Sihle-y No._34 like :Ha=J-o; n-_412-.Tgoksun-St_ Charles-A.Sona 452 Jqrkann St No.__---- ---- - -- _ - C. 1•. 170. 22 827 That the following deelg nested I1com" to Ball lntoxlcating _ liquor. be tranelatted ae Indicated put.— - -" — - - - -_a -- - -- - _ - euant to application. duly made there- — - -_-. for: No. 162, from Charles A. Stone, 178 No. -.. _.. --.. - Sibley 8th SL, to William Xouvalas. 396 No. Zai, from Mike Her'Sun, 468, f J, - k... SL to Charles P_ Stone• 462r ---------- No . _. Jackeon St. -- "— — Adopted by the Council Sept 14, 1918. Approved 9epL 14. 1918. No. No. -- -- No. No . No . - -— No. ---- No. - - No. ---- — Yeast" nfen (✓) Nuys arnsa•orth GossIn favor eller 7", `� �,.,•.. :kgainst 'underlieh SSP, a,�.olg Adopted by the Council ___ _ ___191......... -j:9 Iq'R Approved 191 _... ;a39stnF MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 22€x38 COUNCIL . PILE NO—_ ................................... .......................... .................... . p 14 Y• ce Date Presented .fie t. Resolved, IF That the application of the following persona fora license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively 'indicated, be, and the same ar6'hereby, denied. Same not having been approved by the Chief of Police. XAME Or, APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Richard Boss, White Bear Hotel, 444 St. Peter. 4c T .otelor Rest, -e".6 Ul­ 't t 4b _ t e re pI vely f di ated, be n d he same are hereby. dented. Same not ,- having been approved by the Chi Y Police: Richard Hoae, White Henr Hotel 444 ' St. Peter SL � � (f"V"'r/, Adopted by the Councli Sept. 21 1918. ---1Gx \:... „..., ....,I Approved Sept. 21, 1918. //���td ♦J �,/. _! -1 Sant 2R-191 Al - -_-- .J Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays ✓F,drnsworth LI_ Goss In favor l l 'N.A. 7 V McColl ._ Against :Ji,ngch Mr. 9WI.,ide."odgeson FORM C. A. 9 JM 6-I9 I \ C ry IU.1r191 Adopie ed by .. the Council_. �. (7 ,. (:. -- Approve : C P '� 1_ .....191..... MAYOR !' I TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL -of the City of St. Paul: (2D'ioes hereby make application to th n' of he Cit St. Paul^ f License to conduct a and -to that end does hereby certify as follows: G`Gf/1/� hat a full name o applicant for said License is ............... . ......----------- -_----------.._.. .__._......—.. ..._....... ...... _:_..........._..---......_._....__. and his (its) place of residence is `----- _..._ -- ....��....- ....__... street (a ue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact lgcati of h t e said applicant proposes to carry on usincss is ............................................ /......-.---�f�'9 --- --- ----> in the Cit of St. Paul. Th t the id a licant is .......-_....__...._......_.._._...._now engaged in said business at.. y --- � �.... in the City of St. Paul. Dated this_- `.'�._Cday of ..... - 61� ... _... - _.._.191.._ ----------------- Applicantnt. �) Date of expiration of License ................_ _ _---._.....------_------------.'...----.....__ _..._......__-----_.-..--.. _.._......_.....191 _- Dateof Inspection ........ ...... l.__.. 1......0-__......_....------_.__._.___.__...........____...------ ---._.-._.._.....191._. Fire Protect Ventilation of Back Yard, General Condition of Premises_._ z2:- ---------- --------- ----................ ...__.__.-_-------_._.---------------- --------- --- ._--------_-_ License Recommended: i City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. APPROVED: Approved: .................................................B/Ls _191_ Health Officer. Chief of Police. Meats and Provisions ------------ --------- Beds Beds and Bedrooms - ... - - Toilet Rooms and Plumbing.,:.^..-----....---..... ............ --- -------- ._.............. ....... Kitchen and Utensils--.. -_------------ .------------- ............_.._....._.._ Refrigerator and Store Room ----- --- ------ _..._.._...... Basement and Cellar._--- --- Back Yard, General Condition of Premises_._ z2:- ---------- --------- ----................ ...__.__.-_-------_._.---------------- --------- --- ._--------_-_ License Recommended: i City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. APPROVED: Approved: .................................................B/Ls _191_ Health Officer. Chief of Police. E G Briggs / Council File No..-..-- -.* ............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2280 PRELIMINARY ORDER. t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: d.:.drilrexay...Rix ...f.ee.t....wide ... of.._cement ...cr.nssw.alk-b.lockson the., south...si.ale....p.f..':Plini.fx-4-d....a.t.re..e-t.,....b.eginxfing_.19.2. f.eet...eas.t....of....Charl.t.on....... street.,.._thence....east...8....fse.t.,................ .--.__....__._........_..._._....._.._._._....._..........._._....._........__ ....._.. ...................................................................... Dated this ..... ...:.:..._..day of.._......._..w:::._iJ _.........._............_......_._..._._....._........._............ ........... ................. PJ >._............................. , 191...$... C. r. No. 2395/--ttten vroDoeal for the rovement. whe,—"followingix ..._.....-.._....._....._............__..._..__... ..... ._._.._..._...... ... ..... _.. making of the. I,drivway en t� vl.: CbnetrUCt a t, COUIIGI fln. widebe- �' f hC 1 ofeWlnif ed etre the I'd,, of Charlton St ginning 193 t east 9 feet, having beano N ; r thence east aented to the,Counoil of the City .genre, baa commtset_:.� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct.., a.. driveway . si.x._ feet ....wide-. _ of . g ame..n..t...,grps awa.7 k... b 7 9cks._4n . the. south.. si-de...Of.-.ftai,.frC.ad... street. ,....beginning. .192_feet. . east.. o.f_..Gh.arl.ton_.. stfleet.,...thence...east...8_.fee.t..,......._......_.._..._ ..._ _ _............_............................................................... ........-....................._......................................_._._..........................__.._..._.. ................... _..............__........._.........__.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._........_.......__._................___....._........_.._..._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .......................... ...... .... -........... ........................................................................................... .............................. .................. .... ................... ..................................................... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted'by the council ............... :1, ....._....:....... r....... 191 Yeaa: Nays: Councilman Far ort 'SEP. JA {gib Approved_ .................._........ '..:...,..._..._.191 __... <t,tve`��. Mayor. Form C A 18 (6M 414) E G Briggs Council File No. ... - vl PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . 228=10 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City* St. Paul, viz.: C.ona truc.t...a.,dsivexay...10....feet in jffj_dth.. of cement-or.osswalk... b.lacka...en...t he sa tki....si.d.e....of... Summit ...aY.anue.,....beginning...17.6...fee.t._wea.t._.of...Wabasha...etreet, tklence....aest....ten fart. ................ ..._........_..........._..._....__.......... ._..._........._.... _...__......................... v......._....................................._.,.,_..._..............._......__....._................._............._. _ _..._...................._.._ ^:: ................._......_, 1918.._ Dated t}da...�.�.............day oE................... ...../� r..... . C. F. e" 228 0— ' Wh "A" A written proposal for the making>netrroverner uctfs. driveway 10 feet -l" Z Councilman. I viz: QP. n 'rck he h n h calde nor summit aven,, 17-6. feet west of Wahan PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct...4...dryew.py._.19..f.e.e.t. i.n_W.idih...of. c.ament .crcaa.ewalk.. bla.cke__hn_..the sptAt(h._sideOf.._Summit....avenue.,...beginning _ 17.6 - feet of ..Wab.aaha..street, ....................................................................... _...ti1#i?nG1C....west....tan...f.e.a..........._._....._....._.........._..._....._ .... ......................................... ---- ................... ....--- ................_..-__.................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .........._._...._.._...._................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated coot of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:................................. ......................................................................................................................................... 5, To Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....:....:............:7P... 1.4 -.44 �a.....191........ Yeas. Nays: Councilman Earns rth� 118 Cbts Approved . ..... ..........__.._ .._..._...._............... 191.. KI4sWr Wupd'enc6 �....._�..._......._....... A�e1eaQ Mayor. Ma"rirvi:r Porm C A 19 (6K 1-17) we^ E G Briggs / Council File No. ­ - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C.onatrunt...a...dxi.veLW&y.of...cement--..cr.osswalk...blocks, six _feat vide, -on- the north---.aide....Of...F.airfi.e.ld....ay.enue..,._ beginning. 106.... feet ._Beat.r.of...Walter._.street, thane..e....WAO.t....8.,..5....f a.a.t.......................................__ _ __ __._. _ _.......... ... .._.._............. ........................ ............../._..:..........._ ........ ............................... _............................................................. W. . �^- _ ..................19( B_. Datedthis......l..................day of........................................................ . C. F. No. 22841— ....._........................ _......:.,7........ _. W harass. A rltten proposal for thei aklnS or the following imrovement. via. Construct a driveway Per cement Councilman. oroswalk blocks, eia feet wide. o' north sldr, of Falraaid Ave. beg,' c. teat west of Walter stref' having b• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct.... ...dr .X.4.W.aY...of. c.ement...cro swalk.. hl.o.eks.,aiafeet _wide.,_OrL the north.._aide.._9Y....F.017.f.ie.i.d..ay.enu.e.,. begi.nning..106_1.e.e.t..w.est Of Walter street, theme._rre.Qt....8.t.5...fe.e.t............ _ ......_._...._ _ _ ........ ..__.._._..............._............._....._._._.........._ . ........................................ _.................... .................. having beer presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman__ .........__..._.....__ ............... __.__.._.._....__...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;........... . .................................................................................................................................................. 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 5 iqlp .........191......_ Adopted by the council..................'......................:.:..X. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far Orth Ccae� Approved .._......._........ .�..._..�.........8...191 ..... KdNe9eAa:' S Wilich �i/. . J. _..... ....ayoc .. .. Form C A 19 (eM {-17) �/ E a Briggs Council File No...._._............_✓ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 44 219 n 12 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct....a...driveway..-eix....i.e.c.t....wide...o.f....cement....c.rossw.alk. bloekq,.on...the. east .d..e..,,Q�'...WeQt.e.rn....avvnue.,....beginning...104..feet.... south...of...0omo...avenue, 1�," thence... south... ei.&dt...fee.t..........._._..._........._ ..._... __...._._._....... __ ....... _................_._...._..._.__..._...... .......................................... .......>................__............_..................___._....:......__....................._......_......_.. Dated this.._..".'.. _"._..day of ..................._..... .... .::..-`.h. ..........._......., 191..$.... -- ;. ,,, re 22842 -- Whereas h written proDoeal for the ,akin^ of the foilodr e: lmprovem�n[: Councilman. �rt-n^t a dr 'rae of cement croaew.1kalk block,.'" v,t a:da of Western aven•ar -� -- ----- �nq 104 feet south e' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct,...g...dr.i.Veway.-.aix. f.e.et. wide_ of...c.ement...eroaswalk _blocks.,_ on -.the east.._aide.._Af.._We.Qt.e.x>1....axenue.,_.be.ginnimg_ 104. fe.e.t...south o.f._Como ..avenue, _..thence...south...e.i.gbt....te.e..t........._......._........... _._....__ .___.........__....................._........_..._................................. ....................................... _.............. _........... ......._._....._ .... _...........- _....._.__....._. _.._........_ ........_.._.._....... having been presented to the Council of the l.ity of St. Paul by Councilman - therefore, be it RE$OLVED,,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direEted: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and eAtimated cost of said improvement, and the total co9t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. .............. ,W ..:!,,4 ..'4(Q............191....__ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far; 4voKh osa Approved..._......._. .SFR _1'2..i0.1Q.......19L. Keller Wunderlich�C Mffyorf -17) rm mitt �0 Mayor. FoC A i9 OM 4-171 E G Briggs Council File No ......... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 228-13 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herryy proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Fie.c.onatr uet.,'relay....and..r.epair....the.-_cement_.blo.ak._dri.v.eWay,.aix..:f eet...Wide , on...thn....eas.t....aide....of...Ile.atern...avenue.,.beginning ...5.7....f.e.et... a.outh....o.f ...Coma..... aversue.,_..th.etioe....ao.ut)a 9...fa.e.t....._. ............ .......... ...................... ........... .. .......................... ...... _......._ ................. ilzl.. -h ..,191 Dated this. % day of ' _ r C. ".No. 2264E— - Whereas.'A written ProPoeal for thv................................................................ ................. ................... making ot_the following Improvemenr.. ,. vis: Reconstruct, relay and repair,the CODUCIImfln. cement block driveway. six feet wide, -the east side of western avenue, be- _.ing 67 feet south of Como avenue,- — sonth 9 feet, having been Pre-� - 711 of the Clty of F• ._. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: R1sCo7tiet.rue.t.,....r.e.lay....and._r4glai.r_ the.. cement. black..dri.v.eway., aix_ feet_ wi.de, on...th.0Aast....a.1.de...of....Wo.at.e.r.n .awenue, b.eginnimg_.57....feet-south-of __Com.o. avenue,....thence....e.c.ut4 9...f.e.e.t.,._ ._.........___......__ __.._................... ...._..........__...................._..._....._.._.. . .......... ..... ...... . __... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........ ............._...__.._........__. ......_... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered ane directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e3timated co6t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;. ............................_..__.._ __...._.- .................................. ................--.......... ................. ....--............ ................... ................... .... ..................................... ........................................ .. 5. To btate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... 191 ' Yeas:, _) Nays: Councilman Fain Orth ! c4+� Sf.P,A �q18 Approved......_. .... _....:._........191_.._. v wu erlich 5!/r...C��T :...... ............_ Mayof4mi1P" Alkeettng Mayor. Form CA 13 (SM 4-17) E G Briggs Council File No. _ A'/ - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT to and 22811t4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St- Paul; -viz.: a_UIVAWAY OiX eet. W k n. of.. c.enient...croas-Wal blocks t t Ri.U...Af Central. _gv _begin.ning. 4.8 feet. eae.t of Kent 9.treet.,... . _ 1. n.ue thence east *�9 �feAt_bY Aix ....................................... .......... ....................... . 191.8 Dated thi �:__day of .7: ................. C. P. No: 2291_ Whereas, A wr.ft.. Proposal for 1ha t, making Of the following Improvement Construct Wow viz: 'y 0" fee 7 wide of g. driveway .11, blocks on tbj - eouth nide of Central avenue. begin ainf '4 feet east Of Kent street themefoet. by six feet, bavin� PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following improvement, viz.: Councilman. i a driviiiCy _si.x_f aet.. wide of c.ement...cxosswalk blocks on.. the... ac.ut-h Bi.de_.of. -Get.tra i .,,avenue ..... beginning 48....feet eas.t..Gf .Kent . street.,.. thoxi.q.c C."t lz_faat.by_six. I ce t- ......................... I ..... ........... .... .............. .............................. _ ................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improv I ement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ........... ............................... ­­ ................... -1 ................... ­ ..... ............... ............ ................ ............. .............. 5, To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._._...._....:_ ..................._........._.._.191........Nays: Yeas: Ckvh Councilman Fs!rpVft Approved ...........191.__... ,,P- K W,Kdedich ...... . ...... ............. R.ettng Mayor. Form C A 15 (ahl 4M Petition Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 21 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb ...Eaet...yi:,-::St....3rom..MendAta...St.....to._Fa:rent...St..�.._in._aa-o:ardanae...with ....._..........._._.............._........_...............................-.................... .......... ... ....__........._......._...._........._....................... ....._... ............................................................................................................................................ .............. Dated this......... 14th.... day of. ... ....... Sept 8.. ;I C; F. No..22646— vement. Whereas. A written ProPPEat Cor the maK1 , 0[ the Collowing SmPro CPURCI man. ��L to Forest 9t. hunt nBtbee ➢rreeentefrom Mandot d "'1e CouMeitito[ the CItY of St. Paul PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....Cnrh..Eaet-...F.a fth St.*- from 21=do.ta_ St. t.0, Eo.rest_ St. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.......__............__..._._...._.._ ............ ........._............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said 'improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;..........._...._....._.........._... _.......... ............................................................................................................................................ 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. l01� Adopted by the council..: ..............'..::..:..........-.......................191........ Yeas:Nays: Councilman Farn orth C 't 4, &.........191....... Clancy K er lrmteaff Wund6lich �1 (l C �ifl �............ -toting Mayor. Maxor3oy ffdC ,8 on Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) Petition Council File No... ............ � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and f� PRELIMINARY ORDER. C' The undersigned hereby psapases the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............. ConstruA.t...a--.cement....tile...aidewa1k .to..s ..l3.jith...of_..aim-feat....on.... t1;t.N......_.._ ......._°...test....ai.de....of.-Ubort...St......fr.oza._S.t...._C1e,1r...5 a! to..._J®.ffaraon.AVIDA-a............... ixi...e c.arde fae....w� tkx....Ra.t.i.tion....??ex®t.a....> t.a....he.a._._...-_.._...__..._.... - Dated this........ 13th day of.. .................. -- Zapt.ember................ .................. . 191..8.. ...................................................................... C. F. No. 22ft6— �^ Councilman. Whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement. via: Construct a cement t11e sidewalk -to a width of Ix feet on theweat side Jor ere In be tve� hav ngg fro beenalpreeent_- the Ceanrn f the Citr pt St PRELIMINARY ORDER. herefore, be It P�bp ,A-wiitlen prop sal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ Conetruat...a...aement...t:ae_ eidevelk_to..a...Avidth..o.f..siac..fee.t on.. the_..eaet aide.---n3_.816ort..St....fx.om._S.t.._.Glair.St.__ta_.J.e.fz_eri�.on_.�ve...._..._......: _..._ .......... ...................... .................................. .._...._._._...._..............._..._._._... _.................................................. --- ..........._............... .................................... .......... .._...._........... ......... ..... .._............_.. --- ...__....._.............. .............. ._....._................ ...... ...... .. -- ._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman._...._.........................._.__.............................. _.._.._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and eEtimated colt of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;._....._.._ ................._._._......_. _..._ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. qpl _I (QIa Adopted by the council._...................=:::.......:_..._....._..........191........ Yeas: Nnye: Councilman Ferr44rt.h ,r, CSy. lel@ Approved.._.........:. r....A.._.:.._._................. 191. - Ker Clancy dif Ma110f-iffirr-'" MTge on Aettna Mayor. Porm C A 19 (dDf 4-17) CVa��' Petition Council File No— .... - I/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 01 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 2r�7n The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatrunt...a...coment--_tile...sidewalk...to a...v*idth._of sig..feet....on--.both_.... e.. des....Q.t.: % J.Qgte...Ave......rom.Ranxiolgh...3t.....t.a..l9tt.o..AYe...,...in....:................. - _..shere.to...attaohod...._ ......_...._ _....._...._......__...... ............................................................................................ _............ ......... _................. ............ ....................... ...._...__........._...................... Dated this..........13th....day of ...................September........... ......................., 191...8. tu...................... c. F. No. tts4t— Councilman. o Cor the Wherese� the [o lowing P� vement- maklnB toz width of els cement tile boetti e d not 'Syndlcata pavine been Preeented 8r ,. to �— Ottoo I i . the 9 et sL Paan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. to e, it . ., the Mmem. ' tI EAS, A for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constrtict,..a,.oement...t lo...s.1.d,Qwalk_ ta....a..width...of_ six ..fa.et. ..On hotli sides... of. ._Syndoete_.¢ge,...x.om. Randolph .to AVG.* ...___..._ _....._... .................................................................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_._ ..................._..._......._............_ ..._. _..__ _...__.._ therefore, be it o RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimeted cwdt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;... .............................. ......... .......... _. ..................................................................................................................................... .................... I.......... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. CFp 1.a 1q18 Adopted by the council..... — ............................ 191 Yeas: � Nays: Councilman Fern�6iorth 9 C p. �, p,. I q I$ GApproved ..................._............. ......... ............ 191........ Clancy Wunjortch�GG< .... .. ......................... Mayos g Hodgson �nnv Mayor. Form C A I5 (501 147) i7 E G Briggs Council File No...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 4 e;� b �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoonetr.G.t,....r.G.lmy....and...r.epair....the._o.ement.. tile.._sidewalk....si.x .fast-..w.itie. on the-._west...side.,of..Edger__Qrl....a.tx.e.z.t.,...b.e.ginni.ng....T0...fe.e.i..north ...of...Mon _..tan&...etres..,_!�'1�.cn.c.e....nor.th... 1.5.6...1eet............ . -.......... ..... _...... ...._........__......._.._ ........................................................ .......................................................................................................p a,vr,. fi4 191.8_. Dated this........�.'J ..._....day of............_.. ... .. .................. yyl roY tnG.................................... .. ..................... C. g,. No, 3269 v�vrltten 4r eltooPTepyjnethe . Whereatthe 2ollowin6 pfde Ip, COunCllman. in�aXtnR60L11eaeiduf �d6 Lon eBG.- - ,., t etas er 2tontana at n ...Leet r.°Rriaet hgv�nB Vie'. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the, following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct,._..re,lay,..and.JApair_. the .:cement _..ti.le._.sidewalk _.six. fact- wide.. ....................._............. on...the.,west....e1.d.C....of._X.dgert.on.. s.t.re.et, begi.nning._70. feet .north .of Mon- Lana...etrep..t,...th.e.aae...north ... 1.56_.. feet......... .. _............ ...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....._.._._......__......._...._......_..... ...._._....._........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature, extent and e4timated coa of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .................... ........_....... _.... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, To Efate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SSP 1 A 16'9 Adopted by the council....................:....................................191........ Yeas: (-1 Nays: Councilman Farn orth 0 SFP Coss Approved........ ._ .....:.......191__._. •Wulich/..�`��,-j �.... ................. .................................. May rimn 3/ 60 6 Mayor. Form C A 13 OM 4-17) E G Briggs Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: RpCoAet.rue t.,...re.lay....and...r.cp Oir....the ...aement....tUs- sidewalk. .six...feet.-wide san....th.+s...noxtr VA -de ....of...Sytiny... s.treat,....beginning...42... feet .... east .._of...ObA.o........ _street...._thence....Peet...45....t.e.e t.- ............ ... _..._ _ .............. ..__ ......... _......_.....__........... _......._. . .......... Dated th1s....._1 V ......day of:v.v............... ........... , 191.8. No. 22649—rHDeal for taeV ..................................... ... ... .... 0 -������� ' :,Press. A written D Recor onteruet.lrelaY --,drepthey Councilman. t"1 e sidewalks la eet w' -•ta aideel or nnln a`9t..,.,, . -. of PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: R49.pn9.true..t.,....r.a.lay....and...r.e.pair.. the ..c.ement__ti.le ..sidev¢alk. six feet....wi.de . 9n..the.._north-...e1.d...e of...S.ydne.y...street, _ beginning..43...fe.e.t-east of .Qhi.o____. etr.e.et.,....thence ._.east...45...f.eet..._ ........._...__........._. .........__....._.......__........._.......... .................. ............ ....._......__.............. . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_......_._...............___...__._........._......_ ........._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orders and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and eEtimated co9t of said improvement, and the total ce thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;. ............._............_.__....._ __...__.. _............... _...................... _.................... _............ _... _............._............................................................ 5, To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. CCD I I "1Ia....._._........I91........ Adopted by the council.. ..................................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman FarnswAith I .' I9 i fl C6d Approved._....... _.... _..191 Kir � Wu erliccfl r!(.. C��tor 46tlng Mayor. Form C A 19 (eM 4-14) E G Briggs Council File No ....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and M PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: R.ea.one.isuct- r.slay....and..mepair... the ....c.ement_.tile.... sidewalk ....t.0_.a..w.i.dtb....o.f... _P.ix...faA.t on....th.e...Ror.th_.blAs...o.f_.Br.ainemd...ay.anue...... be. gi.nni.ng...9.8_..f.a.G.t....�ra.a.t o.f...Clark .stre.et...... thane.e_. we -at ...40...fe.e.t........... __....._...........-_._.......__._.._.......__....___...__.... ......................... of G F. No. 22860— _ wkereotf thetulluWtn r tinyrovement I Councilman. maktns V12: tatileeatdewalkl to anwldthaof tTe _ — rOe bag na r6t 98 ifeettwe t Ot d ee .- ..et 40_ teat PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _the _4sm.ant...ti..le .eidewalk...to a...width of sjX..-fest....on... the ....nos.th....side ...o.f..Brainerd ay.anue.,_.b.egi.n.ni.n& 9$ feet_ we.8t ....o.f._.Clark .stra.et_,....th.ence._w.e.st 10 fact. _. _ __....._..........._.......... _................ _..............__......__ . ............. ..._....._........__............._............. ....__.... ........ .......... - ....._.. _..._ _....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman-- -.... - -- - -- - — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated coot of said improvement, and the total coHt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;........_._......._ ...............___. ......... _........................ _......................... _......... _........... _................ _......._..........................................................,... _.................. _......................... 5, To Htate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....._......._.....CP.... t )Q. x.._._191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn rth ISCP igi8 s Approved ................ .. 191._ .._ "er r Wupferlich ....................... ......... Mayor -Arvin AoUng Mayor. Form C A 13 (r!t 4-17) Petition Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............. GonBtr.wt a 08111"t tile a.:146mra-k to- a. 19dii-th- Of six f00t- = -t]m ............. qQ - k' 1 ;C .-th _O;C_O.o ..0 AV to Unji.arwood at. in 4.Q.Q_Q.rA8nQ.0 Witkk- -Petition- -hQre.to...&tt.aohe.&,&. ....................................... .......................................... __­­ ................... ..................... __ ........................................ ............ Dated this 13th day Of_ ................. a e.r.Lt-ember ............ .................. 191 84 .............. .. ........ .. .... C. F E Whereas, A written proposal for thl g of the following 1.pr. c—% Councilmen. V Construct a cement it, e� .1 Fie.I- to tdth of .1. feet On red,-- of Jefferson Ave Jr.. to lqnd.,w-- St. having .. _. -9 , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Con :trug.t R-AAM0.31at t1le A of aix feO.t On the south 9110 Qx to Unciarwood St. - ....................................................................................... .............. _ ................... I ............. ............. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.......__._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated COR Of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:. .. ..... ............................................ .......... .......... . I ................. ..................... .. ................ __ ................. 5. To itate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council . .... .... .. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa 'Orth SU Iqla Approved 191 Clancy er Wuooferlich M.yoz%,W&&—jWTg's on woana Mayor. Fors, C A 13 (5M 4.17) E G Briggs Council File No .... ........ .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: relay and...rip.p.ai.r tla.e 0.0m.ent, ..tilo A-illoWalk-eight f AAt Wide _on t.hja so-uth si.de of East Seventh street, begi.nning. 100 fe e. t east 01 I _0.jXi rx-ank ctro.e.t ------ t h. o. a.cjo e. aa.t 26 fv.elawi.. f.rom.. . a p _5_0 _.fe.A.t; far.t.h. e. r A as t t Ahwme east 40 f. ot .. ....... ----- - ------- --- ---- Datedthi ....... of ...... . ........... .. ...... ........ .. .... ..... en provonal for the ................ ....................... making Of the following improvement. Whereas. relay U vlz: R.e ... %-,et, jj,,"d repair t' eight feet ,.:I Cou sidewalk ncilman. I cement tile th side' ide of East Seventh 8, Prank atr.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: and...r.e.pair the....c.ement ti.le sidemal.k eight f eet mide ,.pR t.h.a a.auth side of East Seventh st.reet.......beginning, 100-1.eet east.of.... ZrAnk 01r.0-0t.,thence east 26 feet ..and from a point 50 fee -t- -farth.er.. a ast .thence... jo.agt 4.o ... ............... ..... -- ....................... - .................. ... ........... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve9tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and edtimated cost of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement .................... ............. I ........................................................................... - ............................................... ............................................................................... 5. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matla to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... -_ .........: ..................-.191 Yeas: 0 Kk' Nays: Councilman -.rkn aAh G686 F171 -til Approved . ........ 1.A .......... 191 Wu.&Ii.h Acting Mayor. F.I. CA 13 (5M 417) I G Briggs Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 22853 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the' malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ftec onet-Tuct.,....rel.ay....and...r.epai.x....th.e ...c emenj__ti`le-..a.idewal.k_ -six --feet-wi de- on....the....east ...si.de....o.f...Mendota...atreet.,...from ...Mi.nnehaha.. street., thence south to..._a11eY'....aPP.TOX.1ma tA.1.y...1.3Q....f ee.t ..__ ........ ........__._......_._........_.._.__........._._.._............._.... __ ..._ ��'.................... _..........__...,. _-.... .....__.............._ .y ......._ ....._..............._. ...•.1.9.1Dated this........day..of............. .v.:. .... ............. . ._.6.. .__... Na. 82,86 osao for th^ ........._..........__......._........... __...... ...................__...._..._.. __.........._ C.Whereas, A wrtttah D 1m9r pa,r . mahln6 of the folloelgy and rep. Councilman. atr ala: geconataruct. 12, teat ldewaffi acts etret.• the eeaet,e t of M --- Minnahaha p�rQe} hence a*uth nn�•,^* -a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: RCooIIH�,*tlpt.,...r91.Hy.... jr, cement_.fila....ai.dew.alk.aix..f.ee.t..wide Aa.._ the ..._eas.t...s.ide....of._Mendota...atreet_,....from. minnehaha- street, ....thenae -south .to ....gal.Q.y _.approximately ...................... ................_............._.... ........ ._._......__ ..._................_......_....................._.................._.__.........._............. .._........._ __.......__ ........._. ......_.._ ._._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.......__..........__.__......._._.._......_.__ .._. ._......._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.4Fo furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......... .................. ........................................... .................. :............................ .................................................................................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. CFP 1,4 u(Q Adopted by the council...._.............:.........:.:.._....:....._......_...191 _...... —Z Yeas: Z -P Nays' Councilman Far God Approved_..................191........ Wu erlich N .. A°iSt'�........Mayor. Form CA 19 (6M 417) CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM bb8 34 Subje�: --.....----.._.._-...--.. .- --.... ..._..._--.........- COUNCIL . ..__ FILE NO..-.. �---_..---.. Date Presented Sept. 14th, 1918 A 5 °I' In the matter of opening, widening and extending \� Hawthorne Avenue to a width of sixty (60) feet across a miscellaneous strip of land lying between the west line of J. A. & W. M Stees' Addition and the east line of Forest St.; also open, widen and extend alleys in Block 5, and Block 8 of J. A. & W. M. Stees' Addition to a width of twenty (20) feet across the same miscellaneous strip, under Preliminary Order #21381, approved May 24th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22377, approved August 12th, 1918. The Commissioner of Publ:fb Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be 1t RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: Three parcels of land in a miscellaneous strip 26.5' in width, more or less, between J. A. & W. M. Stees's Addition and Forest Street, said parcels being the land included between the north andlsouth lines extended of the alleys in Block 5 and Block 8, J. A. W. M. Stees'a Addition, and the north and south lines extended of Hawthorne Street. C. F. No. th 2286(-- Int tend) R Hawthorn. Aveenuen'tand a width of sixty (60) feet across Is miscellaneous strip of land lying be- tween the .at it.. of J. A. & W. BC State' Addition and the east tine of Forest Ft.. aIr opep, widen n*td en tend alley- In Block 6, and Block S of J. A. & t'p. 2S. 8teee' Addition to a ''.. width of twenty (28) feet ,eros. the same. miscellaneous strip Under P.re- liminary Order 170. 41E81 approved May E4M 4818 and . 381edlarY Or- der Na 22177- approved August 12th. - The Commle8loner of Public Works f having sub Ittted his report and .ketch nt Resolved, hat the (`Ity of St. Paul fi— ad eter Ines the amount of , y land tonbe taken for the above n am 1 improvement oto bo as follows: :Three parcels of land In a local. SEP. �.!� iy.ie Yeas (V) ouncilmen (V) Nays Inneoue strip 28.6' [n Width, mbte ori 'ed by the Council. _..191.__ I..., between J. A. & w. M. Steee' Ad- .....-_--_,,-,,. dltlon and Forest street..I parcels , north alleys In Block 6 and / arnsworth W. M.aS e..'ad uAdditI..' gond th lines a tentithe Ae of C & � �, �U � � 191 and Booth line. extended of Hawthorne Approved__. _SEP- 1 � .._r. __. being the land Included between Lha ' /3rKellll+err� o 1 St`lpproved tod Bept 14U 1818. Sept.the Concil 14, 1018. (Sept. 21-1918) I, AgainstC�Llil/ILI ✓iLGY%:` jWunderlich MAYOR Mr. Presidetit;'"1i'o"' S -6i FORM C. A.8 JM 6-I8 CF ST. PAUL DEPARTEN a T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OftF-R (D) In the Mattdr of"�./.,. .... . . .......... .. .............. ...... .. % tiv . ........ . ilz.- 77 . ....... .. . .. . . .... . .... ........ .. ........ .. . ....... ..... ------ - - -- --- ------ ... ............ ..... ....... . ...... .... ......... ........ ...... ...... ................. I ...... ...... .. .. ........ ....... ...... .......... .. . .......... ....... ....... ... ---- - ----- ...... . .. ......... ............ .......... ....... ......... ...... ................ . ........... ...... ......... .......... ........... ........ .... .... .. .... ...... ........ . ..... ...... .. ....... - -- - --------- ..... ...... ............... ...... Z/ . ...... N ............ . ........... ....... .. ...... . ....... ....... ..... ....... under Preliminary Order approved ... ..... .. To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- -.0 ........... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 74 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of cacE lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as followst DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.- ............. ...... ...... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner. of*Vublic Work6Elygp • FE'RN`S fV -A Report to Commissioner of Finance o 9 JUk -6 1918 _......... June... _5th.,. __._........_...191$... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coummissimrer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Couucil File No... 21381...._......approved . p.: 2y_ 24t h..�.................. 194 kW -C --r6"_ opening, widening and extending HawV-orne Avenue to a :ridth of .e.i.X.ty...(6Fr)......fee.t. aeroe.a.....a..st;.r.ip...o.f._ land ...lying. _.betwsen_...the ..West ..._.. line of J. A. & T. M. ,Steel' Addition and the east line of Forest street, also open, widen znd eXtend alleys in B1ook"5" and BTti of J. A. & P1. M. steea's Addition to a width of twenty (20) feet _.. ........... aorose the same strip of land. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie......__.__.........necessul'!Kud (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is X4Xx and the total cost thereof is $ XXXX .."I the nature and extent of said improvmneut is as follows: _...__ ..__._. ..._.... .........._._. __...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....._r.gt..._.__..._.asked for upon petitiou of three or more owners of pjtperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. b msn Public Works. os U55�!N. 111.1.1111..1 1.;R1 7 n 11111 n11A11— 1- 1, H, HERROLD, 011- 1�ralns (Qitg of it.Valtl Department of Vublic Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, wi4ening and extending Hawthorne avenue to a width of sixty(60)feet across a miscellaneous strip of land lying between the west line of J.A. & W.M.Stees' Addition and the east line of Forest St., also open, widen and extend alleys in Block 5,and Block 8 of J.A & W.M. Stee& Addition to a width of 20 feet across the same miscellaneous strip under Preliminary Order #21381,approved May 24th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #22377, approved August 12th, 1918. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more partit ularly described as follows: A Three parcels of land in a miscellaneous strip 26.5' in width,more or less between J.A.&. W.M.Stees' Addition and Forest street;said parcels being the land included between the north and south, lines extended of the alleys in Block 5 and Block 8, J.A.& W.M.Stees' Addition,and the north and south lines extended of Hawthorne street. fA Commissional of P Worke Dated /fir V V END V MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned 'hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by�c.rY_Cot�.yirti/yliiM'/,� in accordance with the standard and approv d techniqu s with a Record microfilm machine, model gp - —,L of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roJj of microfilm was made on 19�oi? by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number, of the roll of microfilm is g 4. The roll of microfilm c6ntains photographic copies of: Co Zig—/,0 r'� �vhtinPbC, 5. The last document photographed on slid roll of microfilm is: L � � a �s� S'�pT-Pm6el- l�l9lff After this certificate has been executed by the undersiged operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated q-0 19 Operator a as S(16VONVIS .A0 nv38ne 1VN011VN s•t��� �•i SZ•T _ 8 • I VIII �.>---- az����� �. - j • j II S ZIIII!' B=Z��i� p.j I III D //161, W o Yap c Ao O a o �/ u