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END UICROFILM CERTIFICATE- The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The "roll of microfilm described here in.wa's made-in the regular course of. business by r r¢ o WN v M(r�. -G.� �✓ny in accordance with the standard and approved techniqu s with.a Recordak microfilm achine� P1ode1 � of-Eastman Kodak Company. 2, The roll of microfilm was made on 1966 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 44 ,j 4.. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: •� aL,! P� Lr-mss _ _ c , r e. f= 5. The last document Dho�ogvaphed on said roll of microfilm is: i t i s � r,r .T�, � 1,.9 Lf-3y�,ar✓.._'j _ After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s). it will be,photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated START Serial J4c5. of Roll /{Of1 Department Cisy clerk - Office _ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTIOiJ Date to be destroyed " (If limited IS Date 1•Ucrofilm 1966 CONTENTS �owvtc l rL o �P¢�/nom Number or 'name of first document of regular contents By _. Operator Operator By '"� 0, Supervisor CITY OF .ST. L 9 NERAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION Subject:...- a .. .__.,. _... _..___. ..,.._.. .._....COUNCIL �'• ' FILE No. ........ ...... Date Presented ... 191 .,..... Resolved. that water main be laid in Berkeley Avenue from Underwood to - Fredricka'. ` C. 3T No 19462-13Y O.E. Reller— lTenolved,-,That water mains be tato 1n Re k IeY avenue fromUndet•wood to� Fredrlcka.N291T:,� Adopted by the Couov ncli 20., Approved Nov. 20. 1917. - (Nov. 24.1917).. - o _ Yeas (✓) fFaorth n (✓) Nays / NOV �• I ID b Adopted by the Council.In FavorNd Approv ... 191Against V,Mr. PresinMFORM C. a•_ THE WATER DEPARTMENT of THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION I (Date). November 19, 1917. y , To The Honorable, THE COUITCIL•, CITY OF _SAIITT ' PAUL, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - i The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the,followinl; resolu- tion: "Reeolved that the City Council be,o.nd hereby is 'requested to authorize the laying of -water main in Berkeley Avenue from Underwood to Fredrieka. Yours t ly, Secretary. - 1 jilgligligp }Y16 (O,C.B.Co.) OM. O¢M rub FowM No, D. - CITYOFST. PAUL - - - - COUNCIL. RES,OL.UTIO!'ENERAL FORM t .Subject:.... .....o.. .....: ............................... . _} • i9453,.....COUNCIL - FILE No . ...... .•.........r ." ........................................... ..... _ ......... _..................................................................... 4 i a Date Presented ...:..Niiv....... _20.,..... Resolved, That -the time epeoiflsd for the performance of a -certain contract dated duly 2, 1917,between (Fust Nelson, doing business as the Standard Stone Company, and the City of St, Paul for the ombing of Hondo St. from'Dale St. to 7lotoria 3t., be_and the same is hereby extended eto the 19th day of November, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby , authorised to exeoute'an amendment to said contract in accordance here th, provided, however, that this resolution shiM not have any force an effect unless the sureties on the contraotor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City 9omptroller. 186-- -� ,the nw ti edl That the if.. •.,...,._� _'L1 ' ol-Novembe eztendad to•the'1 the - �clSq oatcere are�be917 and the pro hraoth c! lm�Re eme"d & 'wto ith said ed n - cordanoe:h -I �havee any that ro Cehand DOIUtIOlt-halt ne Burettes<on the cont elect uhteaa they sent whereto•andraat0YaD.nd •sen_. �dle {uch. nt-In Wrltin Adog with the City n ADOrovedprotrCOotler ; ted Dy the Cbuncll Nov. 40.193 - � Nov, Y0, 1917, ' " 'ttNoE ar1937} Yeas (d) C ncilmen (L) Nays Adopted b the NOV 2!1 ! 9 y P Y e Councii 191........ F / r _ G V.... In favor Nou0 C K APProv .......R", �,,t7.. ......191:....... ......Against Y rg Mr. Presido ower{ MAYOR FORM C.O•a _ JLi3Lia�aS St. Paul, Dfi?in. Nov. 19, 1917., To the Honorable City Council, Q2.TY. Gentlemen, u I would respectfully ask that your,Honorable Body cause the time of oaeipleting-/the contract for the curbing of Rondo $t. from Dale St. to Victoria St. be extended to the 19th day' of jovember, 1917. r Owing to labor conditione it was,not possible forme to finish this contract within the 'time speoified, hence I desire ta'ask that the _ time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very ptruly, •• �'L`-moi¢ ll:e�t/��`_,' _ - Contractor Thers'-Iis.no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements` of t s office io re �conernecle Gc%rih tJ�C�� t. of Construction &.Repair 1APPROY&D Q• �co)ommissioner of Public Wo Chief Engineer ""t; ITY T. PAUL COUNCIL RNOL14—GENERAL FORM i9454 Subject:.,. ...................... .................................... ........... .......................... .................................... ............ .... COU NC FILE N o ..................... ............. .................... ....................................................................... ............ Dati Presented ZOT .. ...... AG, 191.1... Resolved, That the tome specified for the performance of a certain contrsct I dated Kay 2, 1917 between Xeough Bros. and the City of St. Paul for the of Carroll Ave. from east line of Lot 14 Block 2 laoilester View, froak%al Ave., be and the same in hereby extended to 'the 20th day of November, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to exeoute-an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided,_ however, that this resolution shall .not -have any force d effect unless an the sureties on'the oantractorle bond consent thereto d file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller* C. P No. 19464-�- hIteW01W4. That the time specified for t . Perfor.a.U.e of a cartel. contract Nated_11(by 2. 1917 lbetWean Heoulth d th City of F"UI for the of -Carroll Bt. AVafrom east lana 4 DIoCk I Iftealester YIsw' to Pascal Ave:, here"! to he '.0 Qvtm-: or, 1817 and the Pro 4W. ear oflloers.`, or hereby author ,, oek000 te : a . %—Urdment to eald contractin "Cori. ance herewith: provided, h w.'ar.El thls reso1Uton shall not have anyoroe ! '� I0nij.tbo.dchnsenr. uhetn,.and dieh consent gUWTIuUK with he City Comptroller. Adopted;hgahe —on.. -.1. YI-PAW"&I J P' "" Yeas (v) cilmen (V) Nays J ^ 7 fi Adopted by the Council 4_ ...... .... ..... . ............... orth G ............ in favor NOV 20 1911............191......_ 191 Against Approve ............. Mr. Presid Powers MAYOR FORM C.8•a ia� at.. Paul, Minn. Bova 19, 1917. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. ' Gentlemen,. wi would respeotfully'ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the oontrapt for the grading of Carroll Ave. from B. kine of Lot 14, Block '8'3koalester view to Pascal Avee, be extended to November 19tH,`•1917. Owing to labor conditions it was not possible for us to compl- ete this. contraofirit4n-the time specified, hence Re'deeirs toask that the time for aumpleting same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly4, Contraotor There: 'is no objeation to having the time extended ae requested, as far as the require meats of this o fine is conoerno . Approved pt. of Construction 8a 8epair Qommis3ion er of Public Works Chief Engineer CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' Subject:. __� ._...._ .. _...._. _:.__._..j_ ............:..:...... 455 _ . ,... cou NOIL r FILE NO. jj........ ......... ............................................................... ........................ .................................... . ........................ —1 j Date Presented___ :--.. __,--------- 191___ Resolved- at the proper City officers are hereby aut}TorizeA to pay . to an Larsen, out of the Worlallen?e Compensation Account of the Gen rat Fund, the eum'of424,00 in partial settlement of his claim for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds. and Public Buildings, on th6-�5th day of May 1917. C. F. No. 19466—By J. D. Hyland Rewlved,r: That the vroper City oR1- - cera a e hereby authorlaed to 'pay to Sman'�na.tIon out of •the. Workmen'. F nd; taation Account -of the General fiund: the sum of iZ1.00'In:Dartlal- dement of hl►, olalm for ipilurinre- celved by him mhlte emDloyeQ by theI _ D�ODDart bynt of Parks, Pl iou'da sad - Pnh1lp.Bvlldtngq oa .the'. 6th of - �aY'.1934. _ AaProve by the Covnefl Nov. 30, 1931.• Proved Nov. 30, 1812 I hereby recommend the above resolution _for pan e ie IA�u Commie one ar e_/Playgrounds an PUT, ildings. � a _ Yea. (✓y (I) Nay. NTU 20 ,1917 /- - - I I � Adopted by : the Council............................................................ 191 ...... ...........In favor - By 9 L917 - Approved .....�. ........ ..... *............._ b 4..... Against ,,:... .. - _ ................ ..................................................... �........ .. ..... Mr..PrrsiMXvoR FORM C. At -917' M - - - +. .. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL* RESOLUTION—GENERAL r,ORM St94Subject:,, .. ........... ...... ..:.........._I.... ........ ........ ................._..--_..._.......7.............. .. 571 CoCIL No:.-:_..........__ ................. ...... . ... .. . ............................ I .................................. .. ..... .......................... ......................................... Date Presented......._:.. Resolved, That the Cigarette Lioense No. '256, whioh expires June 29th, 1919, now in.the-name of Bert Avis, 1934 University Avenu,e be and Ithe same hereby Is transferred to E. H. Bragg, 1934 University Avenue: C. F. No 19467—BY Henry R..l�.d.Th7lheCl.�ettercen.. No. M; hInhee Lune 30th lM f'now1,the n.ofxertAvIz IOS4' I ,University`Zooue,I� nd1th. aamiwla re transferd to E. H. Brag& 1934 Unt varsity Ave. , I . I I . I I I Adopted "y7�0"fllNo'29'1917- Approved. X9201I (NOV. 241.1927) ye" (✓) Cou oilmen'({') Na a NOV 2!1 10'f Par rthAdopted by the CounciL.... ............... ............. ... 7In favor H d 7 K 1 0 Approved.......'..... .... ....... . .. W 191 Against W rkh ..................... 11 i&n Vin : y -17 2M - . CITY O'Ft-,V-n"UL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL... FORM. Subject:... _ COUNCIL No. .. ......y. • ...... ..... _ Date Pre5ented.......11�2Q�1.7.._._._._..191- Resolved, 91_Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the comVtroller, 70 blac)c enamel Windsor chairs, which, through an error.of the contractor are not exactly in accordance with the specifkcations but which Ican, nevertheless,-be used to advaItage in the children&& auditorium of the Public Library, at a price of $3.38 each,_a totalof r $236.60, without asking for competitive bide. Charge Library. New Furniture Account. Rasolved.laise—HY A. wurideill h—! - That the ' Purch rMd .. Agent be.;i d he la hereby�aothorlsed rto Durchsee, wlth'tha,epnsenb or lite -, - / 'comptrotlar, ,. black enamel Oytndeor .chalrs,whlch, through .an erroror the contractor, are ,not ezaptly� In accord , done with the eDsh. o. loin but which can, neverthelces,•be,d,ed to apvynt,$e 'ln the'' children' budltgrium-or .the,. :Public Library, of =tfa60 �withou4 "king 'comD.tltive ltlde FpEras Library New E9lnititi AeIda., 11I Adopted by the Cognell Nov - DDroved Nov 70 1917 (Nov Yeas ilmen (i) Nays -- IJ Z," , I a `►/ u worth Adopted by the Council;yy�l.__ 191 ._.... * CIf d .. In favor NDV 20 1917 � � APpro { _ .......191........ 1 11 .0.Against � ) d erlich� Mr. Prealn Irvin ( Mw"von roesi C. 8-2 - P CITYOF0".wPAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL -FORM Subject:.. ...... ..._._._._ :._.._.. _.... ' . ,......... _ ......FOUNCIL NO ILE k Date Presented ,....lif 20/17... 191..._... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be. and he iti hereby authorized to purchase. with the consent of the comptroller, 70 black enamel Windsor chairs, which. through an error of the contractor are not exactly in acocrdanas with the specifications but which can. nevertheless, be used to advaniaga in the children&■ auditories, of the Public Library, at a price of $3.38 each, a total of $236.60.-without asking for competitive bids. Charge Library - New Furniture Account. _ A Yeas (✓) Councilmen Nays "Farnsworth Adopted by the Council. .... 191 .... Coss. In favor..... ....... Hyland Keller Approved .:........... l McColl Against Wunderlich . Mr. President. Irvinl................ .............. ....................... ............... MAYOR room C. a fc rr xo.,19�69—sYxeuer- /a CITY OF ST. PAUL D { -Resolved, TAaI the Board of Water'I ¢OUa IL RESOLUTION_—GENERAL FORM - {Commiseloners o[ the CJty of 8t. Paut. r- Ithrdngb'tbelr-prober otficpra, are beta- - byauthorlead;and.erpDOWaied t0 ,ehter �7nW an agreement trltb Johnlianeoh ..._... .............. _...:.......... _.._...._.._ _.... .............. �_ ... tn' accordnnca+'wlth they terma..ot the sou Kelt. '� WONtmePtl'.CmnyeMatlOtt-Act.'-OrOvld FILE No. IIri6 tor'the.vaY..at to.:tba ufd:Han soh o1 (he hum of {11.18 per we22k dur ... ..... ........_....•.......... ......................... ...:........ tng'.auph period as hp.,mey be dlae.bled by, reason or in)utlea"recpiyed by him, on'the 16th da.y'ot Avamet. 1917, while. - - ;.tn,tde emDloyotthe said d of wa,! Date Presented....- ...___.._ ::191. Iter 4bmmtselonere of the Y Of--'at-; ..- .._.. :Nuel* auand - - . ,y liel. it further resolved, tbet `the-. - Hcar4�of Woter Comhr,mtsgeelonera bf'thaj - Offlcg are: derebY aut Itte4drend dt, m rgoted t all to Jbhn: I ._.Ow o^ the JvateDePnrtment.ll`uttd r% - of {146.0., pnrttal aettc alletT•'. COmml .lain bYh, ed, That the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, through their proper officers, are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with John Hanson, in accordance with the terms of the Workmens Compensation Act, providing. for 'the payment-t-o- the said Hanson of the sum of $11.16. per week during such period as he may be disabled by reason of injuries received by hila on the 15th day of August 1917, while in the employ of the said Board of Water Commissioners of the-.City. of St Paul, and Be it further resolved, that the Board of Water Co=. iss. ioners'of the City of St. Paula through, their proper officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to.John Hanson out of the Water Department Fund the sum of $1,JP.08, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board of Water Commissioners of the J City,of St. Paul, arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the said Board of Water Commissioners of the City of-St. Paul`on the 15th day of August 1917. - I hereby recommend the,•abovd_resolution for passage. y� en(✓)N■ye PresidentBoardq}pof-Water Comm saa oners, 1'ese (�✓/) ucilrth ._ City ofAdbp'ted 6yt ldouncil.:.... .NIIv 21 1 IQI .19!..:.... i a[ wor y........In favor .'! e rd Approv 01 .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .191........ ML_-c 11 - p:....: Againat M1v derlich .................................................. .......:.. Zid,lt Irvin �. LTL MAvon FORM C. A p •17 2M rW BLIS`lu+D D" r zJ460 - CITY OF ST. PAJL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION "ovember 30th,: 7 Date Presented -, - - - -lQl °In the matter of -grading alley in Block 1,_Kingle Maplewood Addition under Preliminary Order 17460 :Final Order 18824 - - - -.d October 4th, 7. Approved - - - - - - - - - - - -, 191 . RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and.estimatee submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Iln the matte or Wood,Addit7 la Hloe!' 1, K1n 1n&rY Order AdAftloa, Dads � 'd— 18 , & Order. IDTttO. 4 .Y)r y . a.r utat, aovror oetober ttr,,lt1T: g��iti in PF► papers in r ;y ft_+tth p:aa d.wa wort�t\a above 1. "1 , aboraaamea ImDre��mMt _ eam0 are hereby appppro.ea % AdoDtea,b7 the CoOnMI Nw !OJ 1014, Aopr Nor OO.;It1T Adopted by the- Council - - - -, - - Yeas; ( ) Nays Councilman.F stvorth H d NAV 201,4i1 K er Me- 1 O APprov - - -._ 191 1u erlich- Mr. Presid�nt; vin. - - - - - - - - - Mayox. -_ - 6 CITY OF ST. PAJL 1 C6UIICIL RESOLUTION November 20th, 7 Date Presented - - - --- - - - -1?1 censtruoting a sewer on Cretin Avenue �-' In the, matter of - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - from the centre line__of Randolph Streit to a �1 o63: t 3OC- feet ®outh . - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- - - of the center line of F.andolph .Street - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - v 18229 ' - - - - - -19313^ under Preliminaxy Omer - - - - - Final Order - - - - Approved - november 7th _ _ _ _ _, 1917-: RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimatee eubttiitted'by the Commissioner of Public Works for thQ above named ' improvement be and the eaze are hereby approved. No. 1941 1 E;Cei �In the m.,Ip [ oonstivetW8a eswar l 4ed 8.1;.]- i)3,jJel"3 n - on.: Cretinave-kc, from :the esntro i - C OTlp e C t -ion ed - line or 8andolpk street to a point ioo Wit�l. abPve - lest south or the Mpter Itne o[ Rangy ;V •. U t i. 1] . - orpk19239i'set under {7ellmtsar/ . November <14 91418838. approv- .- der That-,the °! tk , submitted y1nNa: I', - f __ time and. as m as ........ Commissioner of--Publto works,toe theboaa %• _ I Ane mdopteA by tla Oevn 1 Nob6 rA83T • ^1J �! 1 AYproyed Nov. 80 1817 . tNoc. 84 1817) Adopted by the Council - - - - •- - - - Yeas:; Naye Councilman F orth G H d �! Fi',� 1 Approved-� 19Y . iY erlich - _ - -_ _ Mr. Presid nt, in - - - - - - _ Mayor. i .1 462 '- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIOri _ Date Presented _TQv_ aoth, In the matter of oonstrue� tina sewor on_the -Centre line -of Mount Curve Boulevard from a point .160 fatter south of Randolph _ Street a Rs�int 347 feet _south of Randolph Street - - _ _ _ under Preliminary Order - 17307 Final Order --18B31_ - - Approve'd - 9etobzr -5th,z ` _ _ 1917. RESOLVED, That the, plans, specifications and eatimatee submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby approvaA. C. P. No., 10437.'- Ia the matter of canatruOttti�a sewer on,. the tenter line of biohnt Chase 13ootevard from," Dotnt.: 180 fear i Received all papers in aonth of Randolpb a, at �tpo a- 01 t connection with above 'nndor°Prdltainn�Crder 78 i�Pla �. RP, 5 0 ]. U t L O n . or 18381, aproved 'Octobor, •btb,: . :1 7 ive4 Tlut the plana, jacl•: ANtleaa and gtttDatea anbmttteA by /� •yv�j the Commlealoner of Pobllo Worka for .-../-__.. _ _�—• the be" named is Ue an.! • ___ the me arnherebY aDDtove4 f . w— bMay Cbooetl Nov S10 1817. i yryrovod 1taY-80. 1017. . Adopted by the Council - �''=� - _ _ _ _ `« °° 71d017I i �lyb Yeas: ( ) ( ) Naya_ Councilman F orth Go Hy Im 20 1$1.7 %Ke r v bic l Approv - - 19:, 1 1➢iz ar'lich Mr., Presid nt, in - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor. .... CITai OF 3T. PAM COUNCIL MSOLUTION - November 30th, o Date Presented - - - - - - 1.1 ?' In the matter of - _pqjneq:,ijtino, a eerier on_Larvson _ r- S�t zse-t _fxQra �k goint 135 feet _east of Earl .Street, to _ -crack Street. ------ --"- - - - r- -- -- -- under Preliminary Order 125$-4- -.> Final Order-., _ 18580 September loth, 7 - Approved - - - - - - - -> 191 . RESOLVED, that the TYans, specifications and estimates 9 i _ttted- -by the C$mmissionar, 'af Public Voiks�for th4' above named impiov�ment be and the same are hereby ap.)roved. c. r. Na1616L— ' lU la the matter of eonetrnotln`•a,aewer. papers on ,""n' atraet from • polat IN, foal -east of Barb atreat to ,!'rank tnl$11 -SbOV6 - rt;« t, under PmIlminar7 order 17661, 1Mna1 OFdar luso, approved Resolved, That the Dlena, ..:IL1oallona ~ 1 a� 1 On and "tlmatn submitted Y t e Comml> 1 l alo Z, of Pnbtlo Worts for the abet► . Improvement be and the"same aro tlaattd Iterebr a0woved.. r -!% y - - Adopted-bv the Cbnnci Moi 20 �D37. - Approved Nov. d0.1917. 'Mm. 244M7 Adopted by the Counpil - - - - - - - - - - -- C,012=0:1 iman ,C"ounciiman F sworth GV : Hy you°a 4►i Kc t v Approve e 'lick Mde r. Presint;IYu in _ - Mayor. Covering mod fioetioll Oi- .ding -plans as made by 0*F* 19337/ gr. approved Nov. 9i 1917. Council File No..:......... .. :..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Y� VVV - and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of e f lowing Tu mprovement the City of St. Paul, viz.: 012=61119, -the T.OlA... 356 ft. 0668{ of Yanomin 11�e 0 00 oxen O the ed 1 e a b� profile � herat n--attaaha&.. and-ms$a x. -.h the --grs� thereon by a blue line d the o ed gra be oonformity with 57, th66-- o":C-10- t# -On• Of-- gredi$g"--fer-sa d- reef- a b9•-- to the3gr approve& Nov. 90 1 , whereby said str et to a graded to the grade Datedthis.---EOt"h_day.of..................... 7. -....AT ................................................... J - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. F WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makingiof the following improvement, viz.: ----.L'l3aaSixlS_tha gra$n._4L_TY 1�, ►-31066_�Stiomia_lia��o_s-n4ia4-X66_-ite east of &(&norma Lye. to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached - S .theraan"-by-a-bine -------as�,3-mci.da-a--Part-•harsot�---tbe--p nB-��-• - 11ne. - and the proposed grade being in oonformity with the modification, of --i3ie-gracl3ag-Pians'2'or-sa strselr-as>de-bT-B:f—.-193"i-apprOved-IIvV.-9, 1917 'whereby the said street -ie to be graded to the ffrsde herein propoe"ed to be ........._.._......_........_..............__". . having been presented to the Council of the City o p� Paul by CouncH.gMj.............._.....F:............. .. ..................__ tto _ plan. for - - therefore, be it etr..l •, c.' i� luu app:. , Nor, f, 1f:..d to th y th. eafd etrmt d , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ• to be'arw.a to tq° .arraade herNa pyro- and directed pored. to be otablist harlaa hwa. prwetW to tb. Ooune" Dr tha L7t7 nt. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desimbi of at maul therefore b. u -'Rewlwd, That the-Commlmlon.e of 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti Puhuo. wortm he and he t° heresy er he total cost thereof. Qer.d anddlr.ctea: 1.- Te: Inrntlaab the bceeeltr for 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said or, a.ar.mlur or th.;mahlaa on, wa Impror. 1.at . 4. To furnish the followingother data and m x To,tareatnte the natn» went pt;—.: area ealmaba cwt of mid impror. ' t and the total coat thwrof. To: furnt.h a -plats proal. or� .... .....- .................... _ ................................. of and Impro/emwt 5. _ To state whether, or not said improvement is asked ' of three or more owners. -6. To report upon all of the foiegoing matt ers"to the Commissioner of Fin&nee. - Aidopted.by the.council..........: *'-Qr ....:._:191......._ #; ` Nays: YN eas: ? Councilman Fat Orth _ G s Approved....... -'U ... _`_ _ ....,... .................191 Ille��HyWr7 ..t. � 17M _ _ Mayor Uvin Mayor. lt1BLISFIEp � 'Y . / � ( ii�466 COUNCIL FILE ............. !.._.............. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the smatter of.....c.ondemnins--.611d...UMlag._axl-..aai1e�e,�t._i.�..t2�e i.$.rid...necessary► fcF--.z1l:opeee---for-•.cut..... fills-••in•-grading�•a11eY•--in•.Block.2 ,- -_ - ••••._ �Rhn.-.IL..-.K.Anna.1.s.-R.aaJCra-t18.Qm�nt...an8appr-cache.s...Cher-nt.o..-.afh Kanneth..-at..., 1..-.A.ccor-ding.- .to ..the ...plan..hereta:.at-tachad..and..made...a...pant..-heraof.....tha..-..... ......-....._......................................................................................... ............................................................... ............................. under Preliminary Order-.-..:..1B89.a.........................:....approved ..........._..-Oct-t 10V ..1.91.7 ............. ......... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul havingr received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sai� report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Ccil recommends is..:.....C.ond.emn..and..aaka.. g.n ea-setnent...in.-the-,•Viandneceeeary--fqt...-s1.op.es,....f.or...cuta..and.:.f.111a..Sa.. Brad-ing..a.1.1.ay__i,lx....Bl:o-ck...2.-.TOM and ............... _-........ aperoaghse...eheFet.R....on...K,-9.?Lneth...St....,...slr.c 7.4ing...t.0...the...plan..:haret.o.............. a.t-ta,cheI..and..made...a... part...h.exe-af.,... the... ha.t.ched... portion ...ahowing...the ........... cute. -.and... the ... shaded ...part.i.on...tha..Sill.aY...................... ............ .................. ................................... ,• with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is >8....U..00 .............. Resolved Further, That a public lWaring be had on said improvement on he....1.7.th.....................day of . December-------------------- 191..1-.`,(,.., at the hour of 16 o'clock A. ii. in the ' '1 Chamber of the Court Ouse and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Fina e of said teeting to the persons and in the tamer provided by the Charter, stating the time, and place of hear- ing, the pature of the improvement; and the total coat thereof.as estimated. Adopted by the Councll . ... 191-- ..: . i ,.. t l Approved... NOY 20 1917 ; 191 .... .. ..... �...............:..... ... ,Ity Clerk � . .. ............ ... ...... ........... rat Councilman uswortb : d -t a .n'.wd.._ teary tor'.NoDe4 .4. Councilman COIIIIC11maII 09 edl a1HY;-a "t- �• Reartan6evNnt •., .thereto on -Kenneth ,6;� Councilmen d �sI errt �an o a Oa �liic— (: nC11maI1 1 r :howIn6 the: cub .sad. L. •:�ortlon Ma.11b, with no,a, and that th_0 eetlmated. neilman I Is $25.00.f . — wed l.orthir, at ► Dal CoC ncilman nderlich be h.a on ..Id I provemant ;1"-daY.'uf Dec., L1t, at: a `10 o'clock A: -Id: In the Cona.- , AI yor Ir j cot the'Court Hoagie Send- C! tlld 9 in�the;Clty,of et;Pa'• Form •. $. A. 8- - Wcommteeloner of Finance si, I ,it said- meetig6 to theperso. ;the�:manner,..rrovlded, by C -statins: the time and place;. 1 --the naturtt_of the mDrov�._ ]'the total coat thatu f�.,j -,by the Councll Z- 0. . 1917 - - � (Nov. -94-1917) ' 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ INTERMIT M.: Wn W<<� Inaiy ` �APt the ' 1 / !' Y/ Medi In the Mater of::._Changing .:! nA§L$rada......of...elle}C...1II_.Black..4...aummit..X..i431 _..__ addition•_and_.Block.8_ tann!e Addition ...in ,_c,4...v►ith..the_,.rg •�•i3O•¢ .on•,the_,profiie_ hereto,_attached.:.a?.id...m0.ij.4.._d....Raxt...21e>.QRi ,..:.t1l.St...psee0AL.. A401.i.kAd:..grade...-1 eilig...ph.gn..bY...a...UTA40.Una...thereon,.:.sl.eo.:.gra.ding...... said, .ell,ey..•in.. accordance:.with••• the..said„ red.,.i ins._!!??ep...e4t&1t1.1.0.tied........... fron..Pay.P.Wl...,A.ve,:...t.A...carApt.A&4...Av.....,....................:.:.:................................_,...:................................. under Preliminary Order:.............1.9.9.. 0........... ---...........approved ............. NQX.e.9.,...1A1.?.............. I....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the t above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. :That the said report iie and the same is hereby approved and adopted, atld the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededwith. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Manga..the...grade...... oS all eq in. Block 4 Summit View Addition and••. Block_•8•.•ti4nn!,e. Addition in...accAkdance...Ki.th...the-Med.Line ....on...the..Profil.e.-hereto attached..and._.. ._mads., a_. part...hereof,..,.tl%0..._pre�ent.._eetabl ehed...gra:de..b9.1448...e.11.Q.1lJI1...bY-..a.:.... --blue..l.ine...thaTeon,....al.e.o.. r.a.d1mg....ea.i.d...al.1.ey...i}n...asc.ordance.:.with:..the:....... 0.4114....red,..I.i4ne...I2"A.. eetabl,i.ehed.,....from_, Pascal... Ave....tg...0aratoga.. Avet.,...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof k$...2.$5-6.1............ , Resolved Further, That's public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 7th.................day of .......�ecgln) q.O.K ..;........ 1 191:..7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Cit' Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of acid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvementy,,and 'the total coat thereof as estimated. e1JV" Adopted by the Council ,:..... ....., 191....... <% NOY 20 OR I �.. 1 6.. ..... Approved ..................................................... 191 City Clerk. Councilm rF srneworth ...........:.... _...... ........ ....... Manor. Councilm loss PUBLI,, \ Councilm Hyland 14 Councilm McC0110 Mayor .G 1r)X: 0:of91�j:6: A in girth rn e , Matter of ogtN•melei'and.4 - �.te�, 16'a uement An a W * )anA-neoeln' - a rad toe slop•., tu'oat. "and- an•, le, Ave.Ao Colatnlba Are. aeeordl lro m�o to the plan: hereto attached and -made a. Vv r ':c ihewina&rt herthe',aob andthe'•iohbed: �•'� .:portion the, till.:_ abler-,PnlldinarT:. - • : order 1962U Yes,8•Dtiv11:;1 11.' _____ ___ _ _._ __ 1 havin� r•C•Iv.d tha rnoort •! the.Cea- � 1. ronmot P7naneev .hon nef r.ameot, a and havtn�=tM'Md•nd - n . - herobt r-- COUNCIL FILE NO .......................... A. rga the aid t ^. A s U henhr appre: s•amedder.d to the be roo"ded Which th naoun 1. mrnUum th} Council—" ,� temn apd take te! INTERMEDIAL r"'``a;a''"SER her, In tke Matter of-...:GQI?d.Slrilni.rlg..aFtd._tak ng -_an• -easement••. in•.,the•-_land• necessary sJ..9,p s-,jor-•cuts and fill.ei ••in grading Doane St, from Raymond Ave. > to•Columbus Ave. according. to the plan hereto attached and made a ....................... ...........z..-...-.....-............. .. ,...-.-.....-.......-.............................................-. P.art•.hereof•,- the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded ................ ..........-......-....-..-..-......... ..-......... .................. ... .......... e, .............................................. ......,.._........................................ ........... ................................... under Preliminary Order ............ ... .......... Somt.a--.1.4.,.-..191.7-•.-..................... -..- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received'the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the p. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - - 1: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........CAndemn...411d............... . take... a6...va.s.4lp.Ont...a._the.-land.•neceoearY.for .slopesr for•••cuts-.and--_--•,,.• fills., -in -.grading Doane St' .- from Raymond Ave. to Columbus Ave. , agegrding-.to--•the-:-plan-,hereto_attached•-and made -_a part••hereoft .......... r ............ _............................................................. .....:................ ......-............. I-...-.-......:.........--..............-:.... ...........................................................................:......:.........................................................................................................:....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *__-959 00.... _... `. Resolved_ Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........ITO!-.........�..-..day of ...................De-Q-QTAa2.Ar.........._....... 191.1..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear— ing,'ths. nature of the ikprovement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counet �v 2.0 ..................... 191�r ....... . r NOV. 20.19L7 ' ...:.......r"...... ... .-..Lr1 yam'.-......::�:. . Approved.: ................... . ............................. 191. U City Cl4rk. ....:........................ Mayor. �; Counci arnewortb Council e o" Council a yland f k:1lfl.l�uaill�� y �/ 7 Council eller Council11ieCo11 t ouncil Wrynderlich 1lfeyor \ orm B. S. . 8-6 r � Z76 �14_Wxi'A�.Toli- 61W, Al " amor."'.eit;i4t, mutt and appeos0hee thereto on d ftrI I I 6rfl Vt' 4 o'Itflo, J, 9SIJ! , . h. C of the com haVing.recelvedo.' Pauk f the t) 46 'M tdh.Vlng "a"Sidsradi 9 herebyres.".0 )rt, That thb said d , is h.r-YY'AVg_!PiS' .p. td.6�pe 'dared to -be E .That td the improve - hs �c6u=i nds COUNCIL FILE NO-` ...................... ment oel, , John J. X Ven- rangeMsnk A. d appm"hes Kfnnoth 8L. "Wit .4. alter. e.tirnated cost An I t"t tb- 7 By .. f 4! INTiRMEDINRY, ORDER In the Matter of....'gTAW.A.A119Y !1.KqnM1k.1 P.' rang and aDT)roache thereio�_&i-Ktnneth St..... ..................................................................................... ................... . . .................. .................... ....... . .............................. ---------------- ........... ................................. .................. ........................................ I .............................................................................. N ....... ..... ................ W . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . ..... .. ............ ............. .. ........ . .............. ............................................................... ................... ........................................................... under. Preliminary Order ........... 4 ...... ............... approved ...... .... . .... ............. . -mr—The Council of the City of St. Paul Laving -received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considereo said report, hereby resolves: 1. That th-u said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be*p roceeded with. 2. That the jture of the improvement which the Council recommends is G-rad-e-AL11.ey in .......... Rearr.a.ngement and approa.ch.eja thereta...O'n ............ .................. .......... I ........................ ............................................ . .. . ........ ........... ................... ....................... ... .................... ........................................................................................... ........... .................. . ......... ......... ........................................ ....... ........................... ...................................................... ................................. : ............ 4.� .......................................... .............................................. .............................. ...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x;....854 22... ....... Resolved Further, That a p4Eolic� hearing be had on said improvement on the....,..... 1.7-th ................day of ........... DeDember .............. 191...1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. U., in the Council Chamber of the �Court House and City Hall Build'ag in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Filiance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature oftheimpi'ovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-IN.:2419.17 191 . .. ................... approved_. ........................................ 191 City as . pprove ............... Mayor. Councilma new Councilma st- Councilma yland PUBLTSM 11-81AI-1? Councilm eller ou"c"Afecoll ou-c-1 4Vunderlieh Mayor I Vo in B S. A. 8 181'(0—HY B.,A.':P'arn9Worth= -I. r In! the Matter of grading )wane at. i rrllm =.ond tAve. , to Columbus 1 `,dv4t, pbdder'Rrelfminary Order, 18614 'app17. rbvod sept. 14 18• 4 Tho,Councfl of, the 41tot �t'.Paul ' psVing'recolved y, the report ctthe Com- mluloner'-of,:Flnanea-.upon the above v 1mDrovemenp a.having conelde}ed' - wild repond' rt„bcreby resolves ', «.3: That',the. said re Dort be-4n,-tbte i sameg la ,bnreby approved aad adbpteyl, and the sold Imyrovemant3a hereby- dared to be Drocned0 with. ' ” t 2' `That then odn of tae tmpr"Is )trent which the Co unc)t•recommends L.� COUNCIL FILE NO grade. nonne-st from 'Raymond Ava 1 k j Co10 no Ava; with no alteraativee'I / j [nt 3 that the. estimated coat thereof Ae, er, ,Thai a!Dub]!b•� be had on said improvement, 7th clock A.DoMc,�fa8the Coi INTERMEDIAWfe,,.the Court Ro„+�' _.. n the Matter of...:.gn.ai.178...DonB...... t.a...Calumbla.a...Ax.a........ A- .................................. ....:........................................................................ ......................................................................................... . ................ ............................................. .:................................ ...................... .............. :......................... .................................... :.._.. r ..._................................................:........................................................................................................................_..............._...... ._......................................................:............:........... ......................_................................:.......................... . under Prelimina*y Orde .....2.852.4..................................approved ...,....... _Sept., 14.1—l.gl..ry. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finsee upon the ,above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 11 That the said teport be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to le�proeeeded with. I 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....QrELde.....;Dl) an8.. S-t....... rout-.Raymnpd• Ave:.. to. Columbu§a Ava.r.r- ......................:..............:_....._.................................. ................. ............................... ......................................................... .............. ............... _.................................... ............................ ....................... ....................................................................................................... _.................................. :............... ................ ..._....................................................I.........._.I.......................... ........ ............ ................................ ............................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x....2767...] ¢........ 1 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-. ....... .2 th.............:.day of ............... 11Aeel Ib.Q.r___.•___........... 191....T., at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,'the nature of the improvement, and the total cosi thereof aslestimated. ROV . '•911 Adopted by the Council ......... 191_..._. -.NOV 20 191.1 _ ....... .......... I...... .............................. Approved... ........ .... ........ 191... _. (`. 9y Clerk. .............. ......... ............... ...... .......... :...... Mayor. CouiIcilma a sworth Councilma ass PUBLIS CouncilmaXyland1) Arl z COUNCIL FILE NO................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Q.0. .x4�.�t. C1 .. ..sewer on..'Hest SeOnth•.St, .�rom .Vietrl,�St.. ... tt1.: Gltliart.. sti............................................. ............... ;.-=........................ ........... -....................... ;:.......................... _........ -.............. ........................................................... .......:............. ......................... ............................ .................................. ..............:................................. .................... ... ..................................................... ................................ ............. ............................ .............................. ........... ........ .............................. ...... ...:..... .... ................ ........... ................... ........... ........... ................ ........................................................ .... ukr Preliminary Order.........@Q. l ........................approved ..............00t....1.6,....1912:............................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: '1. That the said report be,and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........Gonstr-uet...a....:............ i @ewer_on-,••,.........................................tSenth St, from Vista St. to Albion St. . .. W ........................................................a.._.................. ........ ........... _.. ........... ...................... -.... .......:........................ .............................................................. _..__........ ............... . ........... ............. :....................... ........................................................... ..........................._.................................................. fi with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie....,.b5.OQ ._ Resolved Fa they, That a public hearing-lie had on said improvement on the........ 11th...............:..day of Ile.C.em.er........::.:...J...... 191....T., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hell Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the: Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improveme nt j, aild the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---V...........................�`.." 191._..;.. - .......... ..... ........ ...............................a..................... AliProved.....:.................:............ :.'............... 191......... f`ity Clerk. u It yor. Couneilm Farnsworth ane as .CN6 wild natfin ot.ipp• im, Council GOSS, ,' b• connote ndmm•• - - J 1 •ewer.. on'WML.'9•`. Counc' Hyland uLa at 3o wtb+on at.. ur•a, ane lose te• e•nq, eoe Counci Heller d Forth•r that.. a' •• , M bad. on- ald Imprown., Council n McColl Itth day. *ADO fe o'clock; b Y Iq the Cpc� Council Wunderlich mar of th.. court.. a'" a. ill Bullding; In thh. C+0 of t, Tbpt 'th• r COmmlalob•r Mayor in f,stve Dig gotice of iald Ma�tlroTTh- nd 1n;tA•-manner p timi Form B, S. A. 8-6 ache Charter, -autlnL lha ,.� > 'so-of hearin[S, the naturo of th• :ment and tae Aotal rnal tbaro �. rtlmaed ; ad by phe v. Couaoll r We IBand Ave toDunoan ilk In, , t d, ,1 4ade a ,,sa-Darthown In 111; eradinHrane at.7 in, r ye. d 13 e 41 line who istablish i ad, L, botW n Duncan -)t and I d I Aye: -from -to COUNCIL ME N_O .......... ...................... II/V Y 11 Kill YRT �►l���l , b� 1p041 �1 11 V In the Matter of changing. -the grad.e of grand—at.....fr= qAjqArUAqA ........ ... AV,, ,njq, jn �j!tabj d qt b. a gt the said red 1.1 also grading ran e weiiii-bilH64K St. and ze wood AV ' and ............. 11swz.olm.o.od Avel....f r..Qm Brand 6.0 thp .........e. .................... establLshed grade, under Preliminary Order ................. ............... approved ................ S-8p.t....-Ur ... 121.7 ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, heie resolves: Raid d improve�eut is 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the R!, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the ziure of the improvement which the Council recommends is Ung.� .yp�...to Duncan St. in accordance with( the red. .................... ............................................................... ............................ —111 .10 OnAhq P.Wile, hqT.eto, At,tache.d—a.nd, made ... a part hereofJ the ......... ....... ................. ....... .. .. .. .... .....pre.sent..Zr.g.dA. boiAg 4#qwn..by !k blye line thereon also.grading said ........I........... ........... Brand St . A bet:qeen Hager AY,e. and Ddncan St. -to the said redlinewhen established, also 9fa-dih93 'jid St ....... b6tW6dff-DUft0an—St"-- -aiTd:--Hwze1Wpoa H4.; esent,' ..qj,Xqod Ave. from Brand St.. to SeVenth St., to the'pr ............ ............ I ........................... 1 ................ .......................................... established grade with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...............•• .8th ........... day of ................ Me.c.ember ..................... 191...7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That thii Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner prokidefty the Charter, stating the time and place of hear--, ing, the nature of the.iniprovement' it d'the total cost thereof as estimated. to W Adopted by the Council ...................... 7 1191 1MV 20 I91i ... . .. ......... . ........ Approved.: ......... .................... . 19L .............. ..... ..... . Iayo..r.. Council an i�rasworh Councilan WI Council an;snd . ....... Council i an Veller 0- Council i an 1 C911. Council l an WAderlich b YNR i14ti ` 1 kt �+ `aiNortb Ia tM flattdt"ot eehdemalpg-'ted.ttk ' I � r Ip tp t1YNNMAt-IA,<the had, ANA', e ' } ufr for `dope_ tor: cub:aad oils in corrin t -the 101 m hereto the hatched ad edd. made .a. Part • - hereof the hatobekeeled oa ebowins :;,the Quid r Preliminary ppoprtbm-•tbe< ..����� ?As+tppld, under Preliminary OedTr IseN,^, • .. Vrove(lOc ot9tbelcouncilgd-et at.�s 'h►tiL�� reeelved tbe.report of tbe;tbm-1 amledonee oe-flnaaee upeu-the abe" imvroremant,, and... having eondidand ...said top bereby resolved: . . IL Roat the said. sport be and 1 the'. . aeme�trhereby approved and adopted. !'eat d;tbe mid improvement le herebyor- .............MR W ttko "'esmho Imp rCOUNCIL FILE NO red to be proceeded, wltmm. alai Irant Ip tbe; ��lryd lltclNttY tot;,t b for -dub; Pi�d�Q�1+�ln` �Oh�°�a Ip Alo�k N d �I • .ivil;,d �'sli J I In the Matter of....Q.Qndenming...and...taking. aa...eaanment...in.:.the.lIthd..n-ecaaMAY. f or_ .-pj_gpos,.•_f or•._cut_a._arod.-:fills _in..,grad ing..all ey., in•.Biock .14 .............. ....... , d4rran..1ak .Addplanheretoattach.. attached and ..... -,•....- ..., _., ,_... _-: ,gide-,g•-.part-,hereof, t21e hatched portion ehowin�_ahe cuts and the shaded..portion the fill_, ................................. .................•---..................................................... i ............................................................ ............................ under Preliminary Order.........1M.0......::- ..................... approved.:.......Det....1.0.r...191.7-......1.................. .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, aild the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Y. That the.nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......C.QndQlnn..and._t k -Q. . a .,.ea.seme.nt_.-in- theland, neceeea.ryr..fbr slopes, for cuts and_..fille__.._..... _... in- .grading.. al.l,ey-.-in_Block 14, Merriam.. Park 3rd-_Add-,-.,..s-ccording to.._.;--:-•, I the.plan,hereto attached and made a part hereo+the hatched portion �. . showing --the cuts and the shaded portion the fills, ........ ............................................ ............. ...................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 �......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........18th .......... ,••,••day of ........... ........D.e:Qsmber.:................ 191...7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building 9n the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to. the persons and in the _tanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost tbereof as estimated. i Adopted the CouncilU',191........ / � ........... .................. ......................... Approved... ......... ............... 191 .......... City Clerk.' _ _ ..........._....................t.................:............................: Mayor. nswort�i Council n ss Couucilin ui4yfand 1 I UMTsfim) I �/ Couneilm ler i Councilm n IVColl I. Council-Wodderlich m Mayor n r Form BA. A, 8-6 4/ I jn;j'�4 COII m FILE NO ................. _.............. ............... + INTERMEDIARY .ORDER In the Matter of:.....aand.9mniAg._10d.:.taKIil8. x/.1...448.0ent....i.fl t.h.0..1.4 d...AA.9.9.1m 'Y for,.. slopes} .for_ cute .and f111s ip�rariin.Brand.SU, from.Hager .Ste .to :...Ha z e� wo od„Ave,.....and....�ia z e� r►o od... A.Y. e.....�.�.Qm..:Axa:nd...�t�..:..t.o...Sa� �tlxh..�t..,..:......: ,,,acc...409thq ,........ batch d...Port'in...ehd*Ing...thepart an tb,e....f..i,].1.A.,....... ................................... ............................... ;............................. ............................................................................... ....................... under ikeliminary Order................................approved ......$ett.'..25, 1917.................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be'proceeded with. _ 1 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...C.orldemn..and.. take.....:. all...eaegment,.-,in.,the.._]and,..necessary,for,-,eloPee,�-:.for-.cute„.and„fi.j. ein gradi.flg:..Brand ..St. ,,_.-from._Iisger_ St -,_:..to- iiazelwood_ Avea,,,,,and, Hazelwood .Ave. from..Arand...St..... t.a...fav.en-th... ..-arid.. mdde_.a...par.t...hereof,...th..e...ha.t.eb.ed..p.ortioh, .showing... the...nut.n..and..:the. aharled.:.p.ortion...the LUIS, ..............:.....'...........................................................................................:... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..100...0.0 ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ Lath .............. day of ...= ........... Deaember....................... 191.7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court Arouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total goat thereof as estimated. ,i - 1 ,. Adopted by the Council...... Q..:1.0:� :..:.........:......., 191 ..... :r ..... ......................... Approved... ........ ........... 191 .. m C y Clerk. /. - r;w;oeeed wluv he n/,taro or.tti-:. ..t..... ... �.. ..... .......: ............. s teh the �oeneit nem... E18yor. . rnswortb Council a, rid Council eller . A f Vlderlich Iin 8-6 PUBLISI�D I _ 2 y— �, It i\ Win Ment the sun% aaa t ;aa t thi, iity; V ' CoUNO7 9� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. ... i3rsdA-Ae._4-1-,Qy.....J.C!..B.IoC ........................................._....._...........---.--..........................................----.._....................................................................._........... 1 ............................................... ................................... .............................................................................. _....................................... - ......................................... :.............. ........ ............................. ................................................... ............... :........................................ p .......................... :.................... ................................................................. .................................:.............................................. under Preliminary Order 1999M ...............................approved .......... Oct ...... 14,..-191.7. ...................... ::...:...... 'The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and. the. said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Fhat the nature of file improvement which the Council recommends is.....GrMde...a11Ay..in............ B1.0AX-.1:-4 NAT;JAM.Park... 3rd...Add tion.............................................................._................................. _:........................ ...... ................................. ... __L_:__..._.:......_...'....... ... .......................................... ................ ............... _........ 1 ............... ... .:....__._..._.......................................... ..... .............. ........... ......_......................... ................. ......... ............ ........................ ......... ........:......................... ............. ......... . 1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....7..54...11........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said' improvement on the .......... 18th................day of IT.................1 191.7...... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of'the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give -notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature- of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. q 1 Adopted by the Council 10120.1517 ................ ........ .. 191......... �............. ...... Approved... ......... City ..C..l.e..r:.k.... .... .. ..... ........ -hl :report L, Mayor. Councilm F�Ir eworth erebi. approved -,d,, , said Improvement ra b*+ Councilm Voss + to be proceeded .rlth w hat •-the natureof;the amp' PEMI NMI) COIIDC1Im and aeilley In Bloock 14.Merriaza Addition, with no alternatives; Councilm eller t the estimated- -coat thereof, �RSaolvad Further, .-That- a.� publ, - Councilma eColl Baring be.bad on said Improvementro ,ue-lith day o[ December„18371 at -th ' Councilman nderlich -sour or io:o dock A: lnthe. councll. — Ch�n Dar: of the Oaurt we and'C1ty - Mayor Irpf Hall Building lnthe,4l of St. Paul. // That the Commlwioner%-innanee give notice o[ -said meeting to'the` EsonC /�'Onn B. S. A. •6 and In,.the manner =provided, ry the Charter. Mating the. Ume and :•place of, hearing,, the nature 'of, ths-Improve- meet. andT. the total 'cost , thereof-sa, - - estimated. .;° t Adopted: by the Council Nov,,!0 ..1812 - Iroved, Nbv ,f0, 1817 :; . -: (Nor..Ef•1,8171., __7j COUNCIL FILE,1 ... ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ..... opani.n,%, wid lining. -e nd:...d Q1111i►8...{911..�] fast....in.._w$dth._from__Va,ckubin._St......tc..KeSt... t.....katxaan_:Igl.aila.xt...and............. ............................................(o1__through. the:.fo.]�.g..Ing...•Additl.one:j..A!est...8id�..AnnAa,........... Whiting! s-,.Subd ip i e i on.. of.,.pa rt.. of.. Lot_ 8,,.. Blk-....27,.., Aud it or................................... ei on No 31.t..11oritz! Subdivision_.."A"..and.Irvine Place,...according...to._.the plan..heret4.,attached..and made...a...part...hereof.a.........._..:........................................................ under Preliminary Order...._1_8400.................................approved .............. Sept.. -..7.,...19.1-7 ..... ......... ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to by proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .....Op.Qn,....1/i.d.Qll...a nd....._ a axt.e ld._&n. All. gy.,..fourteen_._.(14�._.feet._.in..width._fromgtdackubin. 5t.to_.- Kent ...St ....... b.etWeen.1glehart...and .:.Carroll .:_amenme..* VA.V.Q.Vzh..tk►e.,.r.0.UAwi.m... Ad.d.iti.4n@-;.:.West Side:..Annex, Whiting,!s..S.gbdiviaion...of_par.t of Lot _8, G"...and .......... Irvine Place, _according to...the plan.. hereto atta.qhsd...and..zaa�i.e..a...part.....� ........ hereof �, withWo alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $..... l Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........... iBth...............day of .............. D.eamb.er....................... 191..7..:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in ills—Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City' of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the,persons-and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the'improveMentr and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council :........................................ 19i........ 1 1 I(1�2 .. Approged.:: ._.., 191 \ .. . _ ...................... /.... 1lfayor. Councilman )?A warth. �hrough 0 q.N •nt Ids Annex n Ub Dart or rat t s rrr U ✓/_ y_ Councilman ., 1 .9 art of No.'al. Ion •A;:. and Irvine Pla. Councilman arid' 1 a to the van°hereto ace' ado impart 40reo;. with no Councilman a add. LAat the. estimated nSl[er _ or le ff00.00 ,' olved rurthar`. That a D, Councilman �1jeCo11 ni be tiW on Mm improvemeo Ifth day'ot December•: lair at t Councilman Wv6derlich icor to octeaicw„hc, la the Coen �[r 7 , .nber at�the:.court P:oppe,and Cit; -. ^'Pulidln6.la"the, q[Y or Bt. PapL' Mayor Iryin' . 2'the (lommlploaar o; Finance five If ci of aatd•.nte/tins -to the eriona'� Form B. S. A. 8-6 ° ep 1wna�ed lDir,tba} Im�earl r *r 3 rtsaw:.a°4 +atyhe) e..,the nature of th' lmDrora RtJ. and tbq: total m t:..• I J' Civ OF $7, PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1,4�7� 'an u.. - AUDIYEp CLAIMS=RE30l.UTION FORM -' COUNCIL FIB No.---- nr NOV 21 191? AUDIT80 lil_ i' " ( PIR uru. s .; ii 833 -, City TreuurT, para bIc out of the hereinafter specified funds end Resolved that warrants he drawn u a the for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in �, fo�llowi; 1 detailed in favor of the persons firms or corporations Adopted by the shtemdDt: Yeu Coo cilmen ( V ? Naya APPro f_191_ -7in favor t A41iCR MAY M Hyland llunlrlich _ Mr. preddent, Irvin -5 22049 Badger Beter Co., 837,53• ' - 4.80 -: 50 Jo� A. Bayne: } 51 Belvidere Cast,Stone.Co., 474.00 ' Li!) ry-Comp1.. No Be - , SZ deo. Benz & Son , ter-Expo 37.60 .Bra `-' 63 r �S. a .Water-�. � 'swell 1,'373.41 84' Arthur A.0 tater3xv .: 55 ColdWeli-Wilooa Co: las. do later-C. & B. = 56 Tire & Repair Co., 47.72 ,Daly Mtxn.: Garage Rev. 456.00 P7'viotiir Dupre-� Aa-ter-Exp• �� 4.8C A' 58 ",Tile Esey 3 nfg. Co. ,. Water-Exp• 1 254.85 x 59 :Y. N. -Gose, C'om14.t P. Work's 8.& R. 410 '60Street e N '18 9 .94 Bridge Hldg. 6.77 35 Pew. Inipr. Rev. P=d ' 1 B 85 �' f., lsrsA.6.11 I 22060 q Al. J. Louie; , 2.80 Water-Exp. + 6T er T3idltay Pentecostal Tabernacle v ^' 1.80 Vater-Exae 62 Northern. States Power COO, 923.87 Water-Exp. 6 11 w, Bi,ectrio quip ont Co. - 1x84 e 643 Wi NotOr Supply; Cot 9� 00 Muni Garage Rev,` 65 Louis A. Pelletier° 300000 Water-Esp. 1 I _. 66 .. peoples Transfer Co.., Library-Up. B `, Pioneer Rim & Tire Co. , Aide ; .. Goige ,Rev. 68 Plant`Rubber Co.,; 18..84 Waters- xp• be Brawn . .. 69 ,. ; Ste Paul Electric �Co. , Resolved that warraati nDon'--the Clty �'r.vutrpp Dayabte the hgbatnatter ape IEeA tanda favor o! the pepgne• Erin. o out of '; 1 ( Z V_ _ ane 1n , Soho 01.0 �... Be Hone 1oT tho amounts let oDpoelta loe�eotive Eamer:as speclEed their , Ott* t eI Se 1 f 70 JScob Schuster ory{hla led' statement:' .,.BadKerB' Metdee Co. 4637 44.15.00 Sdhs;A Bayna, 44ao Co !17100 e , Water-Ee ' + ` 9Nvidere+Gaal .Stone secieoi•,peps k eon, 4fa af. , a,wataT.4o • . 71 Ti19Priey. & CO..� ArehOr a Ca.wa11 41 arc Col4weu wilco: tro $144.90. DalY; Tim& C0 , u. 22.00 0-.Tf Water-Exp. VictorDure. 10.0. ThaaY.Re4.alc CO-;'84-l0. ,'41,l61 ' an 72 C Williams Coal o. , I doss Com'. r P WPtkr,: M�1dwaTYoulPo te�atu 41 ao: ti Pawraaots 59,20 ' Library-Exp. - - -� Northern N WStates Pdwar 4ti.:4ffLa7 .9lactrinR4hlpmentCo N.: W. Motor e4Dply Co. Y:oufe APq)latbr 3II-.. Peoplea'Tranafer Co., IIala .f-Pfoeeer !Rita"l:T1re Co. ;41Rat `Punt .Rubber -Co. IIIc ai Bt.: Paul 171eotrtn CO i1TfL "Jacob Ceebrrter,�0a TlgraiT t w.. 33.33. Wlfliuea CWl taaf fa. i�:00 'I , 16 , - _ � . ,, i �ao�t.aa#cb.'c�eranu wa: \ wltvfored ov.fl 1i1r tsi 1nry1 —•}. I I CITY OP ST. PAIS J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RM $ub3ect: ICansfer of funds .._.._..-........... - - -- .... -_ :..._..� - - - - - 194'79 COUNCIL FILE NO:...._ .................. .. - a - Date Presented ...Xnvemh'er_ 21-_._...191..:-.2 B esolved, _ That, with the approval _oS the Payor and Comptroller the sum of Thirty-tioee thousand, five hundred dollar's ($33,800.00) is hereby transferred from the Constr>lLotion do Betterment item of t1?e Public School Fund, and the f*rther sum of Twentyethree thousand dillars (*23,000.00) is hereby ..transferred from the Real asiAte item of- the Public Scheol jSund, ,being`s total. of *56,600.00, which ' Is hereby transferred to the Sollowing respe lve items of the t7 same fund ipAhe amounts s tated. Salaries item 32,000.00 Other E�eiase Item _ 20.800.00, Equipment .item 47000.00 as by- so doing , an unavoidable deiioienoy in the last named items may be met -without hanpering the world provided for by the money _. in thL_ _ items from which. said'..transfer is mads - _.er p11n mt-,00) 1 'J: af-." ,+hers (itL000tA0) !s heraby :. -tzsrerreb'.trom the R Estateitem oi'thw..'Rrblia•�gah m4befug. a".total. C- 466.600.00: -whaih is hereby"trinster- -"to'. the following respgativ. u1ma the" same fund In the :ameunts. - - stated--:. .. . Salaries • item:: 315.000.00 ' Oth'e - F71rp.nse item 20 600.00 ". - - - - Equipment, dtem % 4.000.00 , -aa Dy.;. so'dotn6 an unavoldablo, dee- cientay Tn tha last nameditems mar LE' -.rawi•withont'hsmperin6 tha work pro - Ya-aas me (✓) Councilmen (✓).Nays- `t 'Ahtahyall d trlane[er, fa �midoe' ^doDted roy.'tbt Colman Nov si islr NOV `�1 1 y 1 I Faryworth __ ADProvod' nv, it 1917. ........ 7—In favor 19l ... 21 1917 ..191....... U .. ._`.!...._ Against WetllCh... ...................... ......................... .. MA .R ..... Mr_ id Irvin _ - s�OM_..C. A-9 6-17 2M CITY OF Sr. PALJ L— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GElVEf2AL FORM Subject: `r - - -- - - -----= - _ - _. — - - 1 480 - COUNCIL FILENO. ..:.............. ...................... e w wHERM.A%.$ She Council has 'harat. o=ori by Council File No. 12596, appzcrw4wd the awarding of a con"traaat mor grading and relaying the widewa2.2t aad improving Como avenue- Feast ori the westerly side, from Commonwealth asveasza to Carter avenue, to oaf i ]K_ S_ Morgans for the sum of $385 ;- sad #EUCTLE-AS 2L now appears that no psart of- said contract has yet been performecL tsz=d the contractor has a gra emd - aad. consentedto the re- cision of siaid coat-Tact,without holding t1zB Ci'Gy liable, and it furtber. appears to ba for the best interests. of tl3Le City that said improvement be not under-baa3r-,maz, zaow therefore, be- it RES0Z.VJCI3 s YBst said Council File - ZW+o 32596 bei and the seams 1s hereby relsc tads d� and all prooeedinga l*sqLAd whereunder vacated, and said oontractor released from any obligat:i.oa Wider said contract-,-... ��OLV= That all proccedixa4j of the Council -1n rofer- ence to said improv s=ent, and particularly 3p>r4m31m1narp-_ order 5595. intermediary order 8340, -final order 8831, aagid resolution No. 19252, ratifying said ma,a;sGaament, be -and- they sre herftby; in all things- re- scinded and aLT+3+u3 2 ed. - _ C. .F: Na 18480-_. -- _ • _ ,..:_ _ - ;::_ __ _ - WiXeas Tha Council' 3 h+aieto[ore - _._ -- � by.`Covnotl':FYie No- 2ZS96�-a-pP;"oved the- . - --awardfn6. or a oontra.cL' tar-. >�sadlag and . 'rblayfnB 'the sldaw *� ._ a +3 improcln6 - Ceme ave..6 —t- OZS athG-�Peit0T29 flee:'. ......... ........ .... ....... ..... . 't CelamOrs PG t'h 8_�•Q•t'2-Zse. -{q '.Ca.Kar; .. ..... ....-....... - _ �avenve. - to one Mff- 'S_ 3e�d�+Peazs tot tKe - + sum. of Saab and. ,... ..:.. - •. , - - Wheresa_'.It sow-.ap,y@a+-: tlhart 'nb `Dart 'I. of. bald contls+et has Yet-�baan-. Der- Rece3vee3 formed, and the matte ltraa-a8 reed •ane consented to" t2a® r+ecfaf[o of .afd connecti c:, a�� pa•pers Ieontract-wtthbvi Qty H., �TR aDle, andlt. LurLbsr'-spry Lo; De: for . 2.2JOpg ! •the best th, to .os 'L City that said ,Improvement.sst be 'Fact: ss LaXan:: avW i theretore Zss - :Reaoived.<-That aa.iQ a Ss 2arraby re acln�ee.•aad alta ��-z� Jks$a.. r6 there.. leai - nnder,varated aA �-contractor re- ` sed Trost aaY � aa- wader said_ 1 contract H'urther,Reex—xxd "�++ at2 Dr{aoeed Inge oL,the Coun ii -ia,said ' IatDruVeMent. .assd -9artS_. s 39 plre2Im-: - �•.fnary; order b698.,=;.1aLez�.sc2iary.;.=0sder:. _ 8II4a, flne2 .'oT.daC -8822: _ii_ resolntion Yeas (V undlmea (ice) Nays _ No 191bi. ;r re -6 ` ! ,be -19252.- nd -they at" things, NOV1 IFarnewort6 _ �; reeclndedsnd-snav i2ed:_' - - V 23 191 i ' AdaDted by -the CotaacYl STav SY # 1? - 17 ----------- L.._.... y'_.,C+ou _ - - _-in favor ADDroVgd'•Nov_ f F.+. ..Hyland _ Yeller. _ - _ 1�Pprovt•d._----� (\......- ........ • .a. McColl - rte. ..... Against V /Wunderlirb -_-- _ MPresiden4, Irvin - _-...... ................................ .... ......... ....-___ - ...._.__ , �- _ - - -- - FORM C.A-9 6-17 2M - - _ - Council File No.: .................. .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT` and _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. f e undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of entalshade trees on both St. Paul, viz.:-TIC-...�_. _ _ ._ • -_- --- - _ _ _coin AVenue,._fram-_Macalester to _Cretin Avenue - f - 110-----------•-•-------- - - --_—_ T ---- —=--- Datedthis. ------------- 3T. of--- ..................... ........................ ..... ... ............... .... 191 ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. Tq .]zant__arzcZ �srotect.-ornamental ahade_treee _on both _ .— --r - -- --____--eids_.c�f_ir3co1z1 _Avenuet__Yrom Iiacalester to Cretin llvexns-- - - g --.......------------------------------------- -- - ____________- ........ ..y.-.- .. Ir G Noaa89hwr t I .. ..........___ ....egg Stten•Drop 1 for theix n, I OlaifDro a lmproamentaT� _having been presented to the Council of the Citofhade Yreeecon both staes.of reent.1--' •- ------.. --cola va, f from 3faoaleater to Cretin- Ave..! therefore, be it aving been presented to'the�Councllj the of BC':Psul-therefore, be.u. RESOLVED, Tat hthe Commissioner of Public Resolved That: the Commissioner oflnd'directed' - Publlc' Works be and be ••-Ir, hereby or I - - -dared and. directed - - - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit 1. ro,inveatithe necessity fas4t' Impr ovement. ility' of. the making of saga lie total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the as azre, extent and estim ,..x. To-=lnvoetimate, the nature, extent. 3. To furnish a plaa� profile or sketch of said it mea:Rand tbhee totaltcoairiec of.fgrovs-I 0, •. To furnish, a plan.` Droale or sketch of Bald-improvemenS, o't __....... .------------ - ..... 4. To furnish the folloe�i�g other data and info -71- To, furnlah'.the follosini - ' end.. inforznatlon:relatlr;+• ---------------_____—____—_-___ _- ................................ ........................ :::emenL � +,. ...._.. .-...._...._.----------------5. To state Nchether or not said improvement is asked for on -the 3etiition o£ threc'or more owners. 6. To report upon all of -the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. a " Adopted by the council ------- -------- XSIML.21_'::,:............ ... .191......_. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa vrth MOV 21 1917. Approved .- ------•.. Mjayor 11r%►$a - Mayor. Council File No..... .... ............ ------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ - and - PRELIMINARY ORDER.�- e undrsjgned hereby proposes the making of "tbe following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:___ _.T Q__,_P ._ rl j`a�-' P 4te.et_:ornamental - ahadg_.,_t.reew...on .both _ ___ irzcoln-_Avenuea,_from._Macaleater—to CretinAvenue Datedthis ---------------------------day of ................ ................ ................. -•f ................... ...................... _... 191........... - Councilman-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. R%AEP;EAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Wiz.: ect_;ornamental_ehade treoe_on both _ __-__ •_-__etas$ _ 4 yLiricoln__Avenuel__Yrom Macalester_to Cretin Aussie _- --- --- --- - ---------------- - y ------- - - - -- - - �, _ - --- -- - -- -- - ---- - -- ---- ............. ..... --------- ----------------------------- _--------- __—. C.. F. Na Si{tl— ___—.......... ..______------ --- .. -��-.y...���----��� Wheresa.. A writtea�propowi for they makla� of the foHowins improvement. having been resented. to the -Council of the Cit of via: -To pisnt-and protect .ornamentar __-:...._-_ g P S .bade trees • oa, both alder of. Tdneotn Ave..t from':t-�^�ieater to ,avtln Ave.a - - - - therefore, be it bawla city, , 6t P+tiui ineretore�bs i RESOLVED, That the: Commissioner of Public-Fteaoived That tha cornmteetoner or}nd directed - Publte Works,be and no is, hero by orad, - - dered and:. dlraeted_. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit i... To'lnveati4ateneeeaaity.kt- or: dealrabllity of the =skins of acid i - - 2. To investi ate the nature, extent and esti= pnprove�ani he total cost thereof_ _ g - -2. ;.To-lnvosttQate�itha nature, e=tbnt and petime.ted coat. of uld, improve- - 3. To furnish a p1aII, profile or sketch of said i .,nenc and'fhe total coat tharoim _ 8, -'To' furnish .a. bion. -'yroNe or - . 4. To furnish the following other data and info xeteh or said- imyrovemont. t,_.... -_..._.._A_.. _-------------------- 14' ____, -___ ,____-_ To rurnlah:.the,,;. toilowlnQ _ end"information relatir - ________ --------------------------------- __— ______-_....:...: :. _.____ .____._..___-________- .......: amen[. - - -..a.iei n: .ener, - - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for* on "th;TY tition of; three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the "foregoing matters to'the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the: couaeil---------------- . .......191:......__ - Yens: Nays. COUIIciimtin Fa orth NOV 2.1 19,17. - G Approved.____.... D�syor I17rin �. I AlUty or_ - ' Poem a s -e - - - ... ` UBT-T.'.• i GL -2 C0JJNCI1_ FILE NO_ - woo By _ CITY OF ST_ PAUL f - Resolution of Council Approving -Assessment. In the matter of the asaesatt of benefits, costs azld experisB6 for curbing on both __sides of Arkwright street between Case street York street arid` I,oak out Placer both sides . between Arkwright street and "Aestininster street, under Preliminary Order----------.._� Q_$.Q........................ ............ , Into-zrnediary Order __- ............. 13.8.,x.3._...—...._.._..�-_.-., Final Order ---- -------- __ ...... -........... ..................... .approved.---- -- - -- -------------------- - - -- The assessrraent of_..._.:__b@n.ef..i_t..5.,.._._eo-st_s----- Z1d----- 21H.e-H---- _----------- far and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council_ aac3 the Council having considered same and found the said aaseaaraent satisfactory, therefore, .be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be -had on said assessment on the .......... ...__..day of 191 .7.__.; at the hour of 10 o'clock A_ M_ in the.,Council Chamber of the Court 1-lovae and City Hall Building, in the City of. St. Paul; that the Corramissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice then time and place of hearing, the nature of the improverraent. the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against th4 lot or lots of the particular owner to. whom the aotice is directed. — III CV 21 i�4'::: Adopted by the Council -....... _.- ........... _._-.._-----------_--- --- _-- 1 9 1 --______!___ City Clerk. NOV 21. 1917 Approved a t - -- - -- �_.�.............._...__. MAyor,__ anA ra � jj • .provemasit �y� Rth1 yy����,� Councilman L�arnsworth svin t71B Couaci2 Llsfxjj Zf - y _ B cons3derea-_sa_aa, elft aasasazacaY ala - -%�' sr.'a _ e `samo fs lass-ebY_ 3a : s1 . F'urther: .f De'hzW .on oafd,Thsascaaaac - •' IK�i � - - i�dsY of'Decam'ber�--..-aBZ Tc. -.-a - - � ._ - 30 o'ctoCre < Dor A_ a�� C>tamsr tha Court 'Ya M Il (/ sett auuatag =3M she %:.-I;sssfcoizc, _ -- � (rlYe notfee'_of-sa.i�-, zaeneaiz." - 1 W erlieh DY.the Charter - sta++aAw'Sa. r .r th sad'--Dla.ca� or boar_: j 'are of-ths- Mm3rc r rlovwlo a s' ther,eor, ana aha :�raoa ." y.'.galnet x owner to, whoza' Llza rofG` - Form 8. B. 19 - .. .. -d Dss'tA• "Covascir l�o� - 31� Z.? - = CITY OUT. PAUL i ��c t� s� ' OFFICE OF.THE COMIN1SSIONER OF FINANCE - RESORT OF COMPLETION , OF ASSESSMENT In the matte==of t)be aasesment of benefits, costs and expenses for the curbing oa b ot3z s idea of Arkwright street between Casa 4treet,and York .street ax-%.d Zook Out Place, both sides, between Arkwright street and `NestminsZer street, D! under Preliminary Order - 10380 ____� •�„ Intermediary Order _._....... ______-_., Final Order-.::_-.-._2 4� Q Z .............. approved__.._.__DgC •_ _1.2.x..._... ........ _...... .... 191.._f ._. To the Council -of tape Cztty of St. Paul: The Cornrniasiioaer of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred axad to be incurred for -and in connection with the makiruWf the above improve- ment. viz: - - Cost of . �oaatzrrction - ' - $35..__........... Cost of vvbliahing notice $._...:__2.._59................... Cosf of postal cards - $........... 1...1.1...... ......... Inspccoa f��a' - $.......1.2.. f3.5...... _........... Arrzouat of court costs for confirmation $------- .5.r%...._.... .... -�otai c mpenclitures $.__4.19....45_......... _ Said Cornmissioaer fs-ariiher reports that he has assessed and Ievied the total amount as above aster- 1 tained, to-wit: the: -%*=rt+ of eacli and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said i aiprove went, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with' the benefits conferred _t%ercan; that the said assessment has been completed: and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signatzxre of tie said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, anA which is i=erewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form.. B. 17 -�.-•" ___.._._....�_..._._ :.._._____ _. ._.._..--. i Commissioner of Finance COUNCIL FILE NO. , . CITYOf: ST. PAL _ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment..- In the matter of 1he asses srr3ent of benefits,_eoets.and expenses for grading RBaney street between Hazelwood avenue and White Bear avenues under Pr irninary Order............................................ Intermediary Order .:....... .._1.36 54 Final Order - .................... ... _4Q8Q- ----- -, approved...........pe_.a..._1.9.i--._........................ 6_ - _ The assessment of -__----_._----- —_-12�ne.f..i.t.fi.,...._Q0_St.e.._aIld......e,7.yl.en.ld.e.A.._fo: and in connection with the above irnprovernenehaving been submitted to the Council, and the Councilhavingconsidered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it a RESOLVED, That the_said assessment lie and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOUVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......... 19.th......... _...... day of _D e c emb e r --__--- 19 1 _ 7_-.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting: as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature -r' of the improvement the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. -- Adopted, by the Council .... _-_ I .. . i� I / 191 ....... ------ .__..._____.__... _..._....._ __.._______...... City Clerk. �}tv Approved -- U _ ... _................. _............ `__... ....._._.r.=......Mayor. _ Councilman Falk worth enolG' ana'"ien K coedleredv same and a.e.. - 1s• . aid. ee.ment satisfactory,' here oe 1t _ Reeol `ed, That the Said aaeeeement,; sp and the Same le hereby to all re- Hyrand epecte aDDrOvd: Resolved ;urthei. That a public' - ,. K R. / lhearing be-had.on Said aeeeeament-on - AIefr the Hill day of Decembea 1917, at the - hour of 14 0110 k A ef.. �1n the Catnep" Chamber of the'. Court Howe Md Clty' INltfib� Hata HunalnB�.1n the Clty of'st. r ul; - that the Commiseloner of Finance glvq _ notice ol'aald'!a'eeting, as required by.., _ wupR1'e=ruch the Charter etaung In asta notice the -time and place of hearl,vf tb nature _ of the improyemen4 the dotal. coat Mayor - Ma j� I thereof., andae. .�'the„amount eaeed' Y v--- !. against the lot or lots of the particalat I owner to whom the ndttee AS directed. - Form B. B. 1G AflODted by.the Council Nov 11, 3937.. - Approved Nov, 11 1917. - y: �.;;(Wov. rt 3917) _. . . - - --------------- - - - - -- - - -- --- _ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL c OFFICE OF THE CQffffDW% S IONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMPI -ION OF ASSESSMENT 191 --- In the matter of the assessment of belief i L S Costs-snd expensesfor the grading of Reaney street between Ha s eiwood avenue and White Hear av enue r wader Preliminary Order ._10371 _ _-_-_I—_ _ Intermediary Order ___.___..... 36 54_... _.... _....... __.___... 409 _ ....--. _.._ approved_—_____..._.D04..:._...7_ ..__..... ._.., 191_6_._.' Fiiaal Order .__._:....._ 1 ......_..� ------------:----..-.. To the Council -of-the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance herbby reports to it 1i6Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tz xoes necessarily incurred and to be incurred for sad in connection with the making of the above improve- . xacnt, viz: Cost of construction_. - $...._7.40.9-.fiQ_...._._ Coat of publishing notice - - - -µ $..._ _8...6...._...... Cost of postal cards. - - - - - $.... Inspection fees - - - - - - $ ......... Amount of court costs for confirraatioa - = $ _.__1%...74_ ..... .... Total expenditures - - - $.......2.5.82..$9_.__. Said Commissioner further reports that he . Funs a msessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- Pained, to -wit:. the sum of $._.'ZF2$'t,. 23_---- xxpon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the: — of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with rtki,e benefits conferred thereon; that the said t has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- -tjified by the signature of the said Commissionmr, sad made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the: Coxix:ezl for such aftion thereon as may be considered pro er. For- s. s. 17 - Commissioner of inance. COUNCIL FILE. N(:>---- By NO J�JtL'3g v CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of. Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of t%e asseasment of benefits, costs and e3cpenses for _ constructing sewers -on "Albert Ste from Juliet St. _to Lansing St., Lansing St. from a point _60 feet east of Pascal- Ave. to a point 180 feet west oi• 13a33mZ"ine Ave., Jefferson Ave. from a point 60 feet east of Pascal Ave t o s point 160 feet west of Hamline Ave„ - I � under Preliminary O3nder.a..................._:_................. n termediary Order ---17J91_............. -... -_ --_' Final Order .....-......—��-------- --.......... ............... approved ............... .....JUI-V-- 6 •.............. - .................... . 191 7 The assesarnle t: of __________..__.._-b.g 1_ ?.$ t_$ -c -_-_c Q- vt.a and,_" e7Cpense_8____,.-for and in connection with rhe above improvezaneas- having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said asaessrueaL satisfactory,' therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......_.._..19th._ ....day of 191-2... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City- Hall $A=Ilding, in the City of St_ Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as require=ei b. the Charter; stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature 1 • - —' - - of. the improvement. t1hx� total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to shom the aotiee is directed. Adopted by the Coau1-icil ---.._....-.....:_.l` � �:� z. ?__......_..-.-191.. City Clerk. Approved -- ht LI V 2'i 1917 - Mayor. ?8 approved Juan., _ Coun_c.,ihaaa `F�-aiailaQw/1o'o. rth - " -'baRae•aSscntofditle:sd' e,'eetmoaegn{'t' ' fn bCo.. . 0ct siao�n •�TeSmpr,ovaa th6 council. asnaQw:vmbt- ' coneid.red name .nd•ch..814msattafaotret.eneh.n ysaet ; , aefor%behatt�a-7:;ard- th.,samo; 1. -hereby- ' - in. all re- mpects approval: •' )« bier K` L Resol4ed 'Isnrther. Thai a•.- Pabrle - • . ;Aaarrag;me.'6adon sataaesesemeat oa; ��� the• 19th' day or 1.)acembei, 193.. ax the haQul .of -10 o'clock A- M:,' 1n the- Conn - - cfl Chamber ot=the,Court Hoawa sad'. :CSty-lien Bniler *-4a toner *Z SL+, W erlich Paul: that the Commtasionec_ of F1-! - assesatva notlea or said .maatiat• as - ` r -,ragnlrp3 by the�Cher4ar;ata.Uag. is eaidt (Mayor s - notice the, time and D)aoe of ftf -, ng I - -the natgnl Of't+he improvamant; :'th0 cotal-cast-thereof. aha -rh. amount as-. _ - - Form B. B. is- sensed.. ega/hst': the 1o2 -:or lota_:-oL the - ��.particu)a ' dire=r owner Co'vrhom'ihe notioe ie " -. -Adopted by�-th-e connc11 Nov 31.-181?. .ADPrbved N¢v. 31: 1937_ • CITY PAULs OFFICE OF THE C MISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT' _4F' COMP TION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of• rJbq= dAmmustasment of benefits, .costs and expenses for the construction of= sewers on Albert St. from Juliet St... to Lansing 5t., Lansing St. -E'rasa= a point 60 feet east of Pascal Ave, to a point 180' feet west o:r Ii �3'3ne Ave., Jefferson Ave. front a point BO feet east of Pascal Ave . - t o a point 160 feet west of Haml ine Ave., under Preliminary Orei�r __ 1_56-51._ Intermediary Order Final Order-1 ? 57 6 ------ — _._....._....._-... approved._._....-...._Ju.Y...._7 6-►--------..._--_---..... 191._:... To the Council of tine City of St. Paul: The'Commisaioxxer of IF-inane'hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily ineuz reel axxcl to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: — - - - Coat of coastxuctionnA........--- -- Coat of p=sblishing notice - - -$................ T-21._........... Coat of postal cards - - - - - $------------- --. 4.._Q.Q............. Axnouat of court costs for confirmation" - - a--------1•-5-•-&5--'--'-' Total expenditures - - - 3 ��879._%._5.........._. Said Comauaaiox:cr further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as•�bove aster- tained, to-wit: the, axxxx--& of i$--_7 a79. 7-5....._..-.:'_..__._..._up on each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed -benefited-by the, said =T3c+provement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits-coaxt_Ibereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attachedi Idenn _tified by the signatixre of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said aesesament as completed by him_ , and wbiel> is lser—rnrith submitted to the Council for such action thereon, as may be considered proper. Form s., s. 17 _ Commissioner of Finance. - COUNCIL FILE NO. a Bk CITY OF' ST., PAUL Resolution -of Council. Approving Assessment. - In the matter of the of benefits, costa and expenses for construct ing a sewer on Clermont street from northerly 1 ine of Mound St. t15-iiC, point 175 feet northeasterly• under Preliminary Ordei _1 5388 -_--.__--.__-- .............. ............. Intermediary Order .._.--._-- Final Order ------- —------ ---- ------------------- approved ,..._.............. ..71i1 . •------- --- ------------------ 19-1 The assessment ,of _-.--- ------ _-- 3? De -f. ..........S..o. t -s= - a----e7Lp-en9ea ------for and in connection with, - ~ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same: "and found the said assessment satiafaetc ry, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. .r RESOLVED FURTHER.a 'That public hearing be had on said assessment on the......----- —.l�-j- of I Deceaber-_--,--_----- 191-_ 7-., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in t _ he Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, lin the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice mf said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the naLure of thq improvement. the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the: rlotice is directed. - Adopted by the Council ------�.1`r.C� 1ii_..�.1._�_U. [...............-----=1 9 1----------. --- -- - -- -- - --- -- City - C-14--wk- NOV `.Z 1917 - Councilman F4prswort1x .ement: havingd: Leen F = - _ - co•the Council ' snd ths-1 .Ad p the said aeeessmetjt esiiiafs�e . - i �- .• .. .. ,,.therefore. -,he it • - _ . "W.d, That the said suaaeez.ment- _. Hy�etid and- the same In hereby in– ats approved.-., ubflC - _ - tesolvbe Further. That a• D - �X1e atln8 be had -on weid 3r 1917; �.t- -_- K't1�"'r .,18th lay lock A- Mb uo- - _ ------ fir, -of 30 o�cloch A_ M..-in.the Council Ivleey?il— amber of the Court House and Citi. 1 - - .11 Bullding. the City of SC Pard --- -._ - at�the (7omrnissioner. of-- _`�%undCSlaclf tdao of sold meetln8.;d..aotice thb - • 7 CpaTter. stn nx f na :an piaoe or hes rins.--utal �coWat . May or t t%e improvement the Y ,.thereof, and tho aiaouat oaaeaemd agsImt the iot or loth_oL the pa,rticalsa owner to R'hcm tho notice is directed. -: Form B. B. 1-6 _ - ..;Adoptedh}�,.the Oopncti Nov. 21 181'{. - --- - A9proved l�iov; Ei. I9T?. ' - - ' . CITX pt ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE - - ; REPORT'_ OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In•the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction o:f a sewer on Clermont street from northerly line of Mound St. to a point 1;75 -feet northeasterly, under PreliminaryOrder :...._1 5+3�.___ _ _.__.__ Intermediary Order Final Order ...... ........... approved_-__..1LLly.._21............ -... ....... ....... .... 191-1 _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statemenfbf the expendi- hires rneeessarily__incurred and to be incurred -for and in connection with the making of the above -improve- - rnent, viz - Cost of construction - $.:..-BBQ- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ ....... .... -.$Q .... -'....... Cost of postal cards . - j $-........... .... _.. a5 ... _... _.... Inspection fees $ ......_.%..._6.0...._......:_. rnount of court costs for confirmation $. A..._.__.�.:.2.5__.__..._.. _ $-_.3.f39 .. "l-otal expenditures - - - - - 34- ......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tamed, to -wit: the sum of $------ 389 389-30._... in each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited byaja� said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and thift hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed . by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Councillor such action thereon as may be considered pro er. Form a. s. iT Commissioner of Finance. r i i Y t 7 1 3i . µ t)1Pi'IOIAII 'Fh00f��DINb! OM T� r, I 4+ C,�`b',,No, )691»Urdln8p9e No, 8914 ��� GIh6��C9' �r pal � p�rml9�l i jL FORM ; � CQUNCII� � DI i . t t IN mora 'James P. �oAa�lty at SU6eC1,...............yhomAsp.�Mtlhnulty, elr etre&, i . 1948 7 ,; aeslgpe, Co a Dublfo sew! CouNCIL �' r ' � 'on -tee west elle or Le:Ington -Ay nu •• •• •••• • ••' • 3. j tom Central Ave, d the centro 111 ...................... 7 . l................................ j ot.Aurora,Ave. Produced. Tlier"(nuncll or the CKof P'_ Pa ,uranin Date Presented 104. $1: 191 _?.• anc>;lox .r- 1' •F' I . Permleat ,, uw .I A W. 0. F. N0. !� �7 Or"' T • xs ti�y ordinance granting: p0=IsSion to; the St.. Paul Baseball Corporation, lohn`w• Nortohs Psesidea � tkorge t!: lays, James P Ya:Annity and thonse D. andassigns,. to construct.& publio Neuer: on the west a ide of beari�ton A", fromOentr4l iva$ to the centre �'�'0 proo i Shat permission and authority-bo.ena.the Same are hereby given to the Ste Paul- Baseball c'rporutiori,.;ohs W Norton, PresidentjfiGeorge we, ZeyaJames ''Y.;Ya 9lnnity'and .Shgmae"D. Yc,Anvlty, their heirS.aittd assigns; to construct a public sewer"on tha wept side- Lexi gton Ave. from `central -Ave• to the oentra liae:of Aurc" Ave•- produ�ed• The of polio Torke iia„hereby authoriisa to iOBue the ooaati�Ciion of eeid Biblio seller permit to � e said 1lpeneeee dor upon their o0lionoe with `1; e, folio, 19 e4rele Condition, namely; d� �b��o a�r�r anti�ol� j') l $oil 11101111 (141 Aliion 01 till thI ouportP ion of the ' dommieaioner. of hablie toile, d h , 4000rdan00: pith `the plans and specifioitions prepared by hi* : i (a) The Said licensees shall pay the cost of engineering, and Inspecting said "rk: (34, the said>lioensees Shall properly protect all excavation made In the avenue both by day and by night sc as tc avoid all damage or injury to,peraone or property; ; Shall _properly, fill and pack Said avenue to avoid , {` settl "and shall restore said avenue to its `original oonditioa• (4) The said licensees; after uhe inception of the work shall prosecute same oontinVusly, with diligence' anVf'lly oomple4e`eaid-work pithip-tb�P Clays after_the said .work is started (b) i'he said licensees shall give a bond to the City of Ste Paul ” in the panel sum of rive Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) oonditioned to comply,with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and savb the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all losa} liability, judgments, suits oosts,'loharges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) She said licensees Shall, within twenty days ftom and after tho - passage of this ordinance, file a itten acceptance thereof with"the City Clerk in such form ae may be proved by the Corporation Counsel; if.suoh acceptance is not filed with n said tial the authority'hereby given shall be void. SECTION S This ordLtanoe shall take effect emd be:4n f0roe. thirty.4aye after its passage and publioation, Nov` Z 1111, .Al A�aJ",.. '1A,�, 1 ,; ,/ IN i7ryI7 Ddtt r %'S,.G. �•,� �'!'] �dA �ay.�..E_ ' RC{v,1 rye �� d fid` is a« Yeas,(r')lrouncilmen(t�)•Nays �/ Adopted by the Council .k..A .D.:.."'...... a 4worth �... ` , Gq6! . In favor �' ' Q d Appy ov .(.. 191....... b......Againft l' f � , b 1 Mr,PresiY ,P nvr. t... ".....�l.S.. R......•. WISED ROAM C•8.2 ? 9 1 ii f a,• f 1ih CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - COUNCIL NO. _ FILE NOV m r uu w 1�i1 BY t AUDITED 181'_ b l PER 837 Resolved that warrants be drewn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for'the amounts set oppositetheir respective names as specified in the following detailed < statement: I�OV 22: !�I ,. 181 :Yeas ( J) : Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council — F sworth In favor i00V 24 Approved 1 � ' M J _Against 1 Hyland MAYOR Y - ' WUnderlid8 I Mr. President Irvin II t~-�;,xo 19486— � be' 1 ", theed that Warrrmte =ble 1 {tDbA' the CItY Treasnrr DaY4 the herelnatte! aDbotaed tner CorPoraa drawn Onk'of - � 22079 ravPi.@tabs Denoner Duna. ttone,tor the amourita lei oDDoelta Colt wlhB det ITeA etatwbat ed'. I ,Brooks Broi. iBE;SE.~ .. I BnrnfjLumber Co fE883E l ,(yano do Ordway Co ii69 J W,.•IiClme CC ' iE9 68 ' - I Notar�yy Pa7er 4b. iE64 OE N '. Electrle EQeIDmeAt ils6 74a= i, O c Ek pant-nlertrle, Co i1 TO Brooke Broe. , �AAvep=a +a iroYe$a°iai� xbv A! talT> " ttielr In thb 48 Co' E8 tett. I, 82.32. 1 School. C.` & Be lxov. 80 Burns Lumber Co.; 332.22 I; Fire -C..& Ba ,.. 81 Crane A Ordway GO.,'. 'School»Exp 369.48 '3b p' 365 48 ` 82 J. W Hulme Co.,, 29.58 Bchool-Exp. z 83 Melad�y'Paper Co. ; 254.02 School -Exp. I3. i 84 a. W. Electric Equipment Co., 135.74 Soho ol-Exp. 5 a N N 5.3 ' • 6 School -C. & B. 74. 3 t} l9 1 135 74 � 85 8t Paul Electric Co., T.70 School -Exp. N. To %al,. 4--1, 205e 06 Farm A. 6.11 r3 �/� CITY OF- ST. PAUL. COVIN L_ RESOILEJTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ------- COU o - -. '•NCIL Fee N _ ..... --.......................a•• •• 4— --- - Dgte Presented.. ...... _------- Resolved. -_.Resolved, --- That the City Clerk nncl -InL� s hereby authorized and directed to iss a license to ���Y/` to aaatluct That sai /11 Into the City Trews- tiry alicense fee of phich is the eus marg amount for amid lic ens for N!for r Ferio3 of one year f rr z � issuance'of-sald license. Th <L Said �limnppa shall not be iosueci zs °—cuae�ef 2,veQ�nti b,,- ins hus be- come 'fug y completed rid has procured from the Coma,_^ Lia_ r of public Buil4ifn3a his certificate thza—t—tie dais bulldln,� =.nom 2nt.-a zapFa Xa tus to be used in connection yr tth the exhibit ° one to be -:heroin . aro in all :e>si:eete in com pliance with the Build1rig 4040lm c:&:C the City sof St. Paul and has filed the vert lfiemte er ith the C is t Zr Ycas (✓YCCo/oun ilmen (✓) Nays I Adopted by the Council. .....f v•......:.. .........191 ...-... ,,. - ✓oes Sn favor- .. Approved f../...... ..... ...' ...... ..:..-191 -. ,i _.�Mccollgainst �- underlich V-1 - Afr.. aidrnt, Irvin - - - MAYOR - FORM C. A-9.6-17 2M - - 45* CITY OF ST. PAUL fell l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEICA—L F=PF;t 1 - - - Sa uject- :- - GOV 4" IL •- - — ..... ................ ........... -------------z - ----------- -- — --------------- �r c -V --- Date Presented---.--.- - ----191— Re3o1v Tlxza_t the proper City officials are hereby- authorized to enter into azl agreement with Michael Reichert, in accordssice i With thesrovz cions of Chapter 467 of the General Za.wa of r Minnesota. Sar 1.913, *3md amendatory acts, provi3ir2g for the payment t o . ami c3 Wichael Reichert of compensation at the ra.tc- of $7.20 per we* ---39-- Sor a period of one weei, by =4saon-of injuries --- reciGved-- -by- him while eMployed by' the Departmclra-t OS Parka, Playgrounds Sc 1h>.blic Buildings, at� the Amea School on the 20t1z t _ of 2916. Be 1--t further resolved, that the proper City officials r _ a.re Yiereby 1R-ut3zorized to pay the said Micha:e2 Beichert, out o:r the Workm-_esi' a Compensation Account of. the Gerlera-1 Fund,- the sum of $7.20 iri settleme4:V of his claim by reason of injuria oust s-irted. - 8 t0. pr� �d1 ar 1813, s-nd amendatory _ zsd� .tor thapavatent to eald _ lk[fcha¢I Relcl�esrt of comDenaatton at� � - - - - - - - LhB 'k^aT-a ar -S7_ 26: pc+r weeX for a period' l - - a!' oaer mee;c Dy-. reeaoa of inlurlas re- ' coiv®d •bg..11aiza 'while employed by the - 7lcosrtra!'.aL' Parka. Playgroande 1 Public-' Rrs3;diiags• aG the Ames' School.'( _ on .cher-20tta-. S 6optember 1916. = � � -� 330 itartlaer .resolved .that the.�t - - - Droyer•Oiiy 'o>'><icisle era hereby au - - thoriasnd to. _ saay the said affcliael Iiet Ala- ooi or tlac wor$men•s.G'ompea i`ereby recommend t1'1C .p8.B8Age Of ZhC • �' sat3oa. 8ccoa><xi 02 the.. 6eaeral::$nad '' - - - the ss or- .Z -T -So. 1a faI1 settlement of 860Q e u 0X'X hitt cIa , It y: roasoa" of Sajtjer sne talewa. a AQoDterd by -Yhe:' l;onacfl- NqV 23, 1817: "- Ycas (✓) Couucilmeq (✓j- - dPDi'ove:d:-.3�Tov_ : 22, 191?- _ CHov' 2s 1917) �.�laanis n.. P P St P.B. ii �` x {{ OO ---FarSsworth - r7 7►dop by Lite l.'on-- ---- _. ---"- -.1--�---"�� - GWr- $ - xj�t5d Approved(L-"- ___ �_ _: .__ M.06 ' __'--Against W.yerlich j' Mr..PresidaUC,Irvin - - ------------ _. nfwvot:. - RORM C - A-26-17 2M - Be Viio Brig / Council File-No.................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and ""Z r PRELIMINARY-ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City- of St. P$ul, viz_:----Rea_Qxm tac_t.r..selnX....end_xepair....thn...cemant....t.ila.:. B.ide>MLk.-..bo..-a• Ruth _ 07�_a>�t_sexi ...hn _snnth...ai13a ..n Ynrk...St._b egi ening _ Bxadl�y St • Dated this E`T.IId.__day of...............:...�n�emher............. 19x 7. CouII• PRELIMINARY -ORDER. y WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --[ess c}�tz3a :-xelct�_ �uuc►►d _rape -the---cam ant. k--ta .n-Fridth ..ni h.aida._0-f.-Xo3r3 . t_be&innYnB-pt-Bxad7ey-8G.-thoslae Where xo,. iasaz ' ................ ------------.-____.-___.__- _.-______ .............. f�'lfor'the- making , 9 foNow`j-.`� �'l yyyovatnent. - R I c vlsr, Reconetwoq reia „eynQ• repa4r - liaving been presented to the Council of the Cit of tho eemenc ttte eldewa a width of Y six'teet on' the aoutd Ida of Yock Bt .-..... ......._ beginntngg at.. Bradley gt thanes east therefore, be it - I*bi69"mving been presented to,tbq:; -_ IQ enebfe 1e,the City.of Ht Paul there _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio, and directed Resolved. That the'commles/one;for� Pubno Wdtais be and he;1s hereby or ,nt• 1_ To investigate the necessity for or desirabil� urea and-directed Sl'. .To inveetlgate ih'e."necessity'' or, 2_ To investi ate the natu_ re, extent and esti or- o3irabillty of the making oa; d the tonal cost thereof. g "nyrovement. • a i To Inveettgate the nature.' ezteni ! - - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said and estimate¢ coat or cola fmprove - Ment, dna the total Cost-there* ' _ To furnish the following other data and inf, s. To furnish a plan loprovement,- ................... _ - ,akatch,ot Bala improvemen . Isp.. the ----- --------------- ------'------•--------------------------v_................................................................:..—I "0.....:: .:...._..._.._.. ...... .......................... 5_ To state: whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6_ To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted-by the council - ----------lz;_�.....� Yeas : Nays: Councilman IFaA"s-v nth �`I� `r q;? Approved.-: ......_...................................191..:..__. - Kcil�r�-�/'� Mv�oll v V IL ; — RTyl�derlich .............. or y M Ts Mayor. 1 swssse o o•a _ - - �vBLISii>;li / -� !t - � �- - Council Fa'le No. .............. ....:...... -- Y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the' making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz......:am L1ay....and...repsAr...WIt31.:.asmant----t_33_s---- It-im---a--!9id X21 _G1i 7.S --ts° +-.tha�ras agT a-emilt....tile fiLiaAwftik_.9n._tha a s4 _ R -s � not Rr-o„apay :beg x _at__8_�vg _ Biu_Khanna... nomth...t.o...alley..—_— -- -Dated Lhf --.........]IQY9IR?JOr............. ... 1 � 1 . PRELIr4jNARY ORDER. WHtREAS, A written proaosaI for the making of the following improvement, viz_ _ _the_i?]CQl�537__.Sl�mEt2s7_.a-isiavxal&.Sfn._.ths_snst_.e.iflls__o� R�-oaawrag_he�3a,,ing .....-- ------ — ---- - - - G F re 1818 � Whereof; h �rltten v#f Pg ar Sor ;he _______ _-_ -----_-____— - having been presented to the Com= �-+cil; of the City of St. m�xlna of; the ronowing tmpr-o-� - therefore, be It Reeonetraep -relay aaa i-�r, Wlth.-aemeat the to.a wlath: al-.1[►i Ifeit teheaet a de of "t -tile , aMewa2le, airected • - RESOLVED, That the Com= ��; sinner of Public wOninB at seventh st., thea o to , �alleY. having treen_presente`d. _t- 1. To investigate the aee��sity for or desirability ezore°tee .ii �e C1ty; of St.. Paul =hare- -' 2. To investigate the extent an. Yi�cy�t matec eiic'` a,icahat ahie be a 1. ebyror= -total cost thereof_ dared and.dlrected: 3. To furnish a plats, or sketch of said ImpcF1d , �abmtytloiateeeiaa egaity' Zor s ImDroremeat. - 4. To furnish the follovczag other data and inform , zo Ibveetis;ate he , aacu ;�_ - 't�nt. "and eetlmated coat of-said."3��: _ ________ :DMvamanE'and. the total cost'thvreo>t -- ___.___,___-----_------------- __— ........_.......... __—.—_ _____.. .._f- 8 1b f-mleh n Ian. Drotllle. or Sketch of eald lmyrovemeat. ore OWnerS_ 5 �To state whether or av t said improvement 1s a a o turnlih the following oLltaer '� R Information �telatto� • —•�- 6. To report upgn all of -t ie foregoing matters to the Cmont: ..at+e- _ " f -, Whether - Adopted by the council _--___-___ - 191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa1drr!g:wor-a ( � - Approved ...... _..... ................ --- - ---=------191------ - 1 MrC"�oll - _ i _�Mayor Iseixx 1blayor. Request of Mr. -0. B. Spaeth : 0 Council,File No ° PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' � ♦ �t.��lr�4' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned .hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: ---- s ---- ss_ament,,.t.ila...s.JAe.waj-ktn...a....mldth.._o£...ZJ=4aat....oa... batiz si�e9_-of�H-.-R ...... ---- - -- - - -----•------ Dated this .------ZZnM ------ ay o£__-_...N.Q.VfiMber... . .................... ... 1917. .Council n: PRELIMINARY ORDER. _.-.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -•••_Co $t n t _I� �� _fit l_e..:sisiexva�$_tsi.� w�a+ _f�_.silc--flawt .aa---hO-tJ .-aidBs .=H9xHalaal_g�_: -.__-...-----------------._-_--- -' _ - -- _., - C•g•.No. 38484— for the - wherea.e. A written Dropos ov.re... . maR1nR., of the followin8 mD.............................. ........ .. Vte: wtdth Or alx Lcetoon-both6etile /des to ' �d having been presented to the Council of the Cit Herschel Ave_ from Ashland wve. to .� _ . - - thenrl:ounctl of vthe qty Of SLtepavl 1 therefore, be it - th refore. be It Resolved. That the oo"is heroner o e3 and dICCGtCd' RESOLVED. That thc> Comm_ issioner of Pu�Pobltc.work. be and no to hereby or- _ dered and. directed_ 1. To inveetiBate 'the n,-.. for ent. 1. To investigate the xx4e � ity for or desire desirability. of the maxtns.d 'eid ` or ImDs'ovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es i ntand I 'tfiss -ted o[ eat im the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pla a, prole or sketch,of sa.7eS::, m ehll ato-- lanco vrnM ❑fetch ti of eatd' Improvement .. 4. To furnish the foUc> xxg other data and � „a ' To surnteh the'..foviid im rovement, .. _......._..........:... ^i .and t.rcrmatioi?el ementr._ n., ........ ........ a state whether c. :...... _................. ..................... ...---.'.'.'..'_.'..'--___--_---------__-"...' .r imeslted for 5_ To state whether or riot said improvement is asked fo r* o n° etition of three or more owners. > the , 6. To report upon a12 0£ -L1•ie foregoing matters to tine Com on of Finance. - Adopted by the councilsr___—____-- r,-. '--_�.� ............ Yeas:Nays: _ Councilman Farorth it 9� Gqys— Approved. ......... _-- ............... .::.....191 ........ H�yrad Karr VY erlich ' 1..................:..... M or Iyl�a Mayor. _ i . won" c e•a - _ E. G. BrIgge Council File No ............................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT — - -- - - - .F and - - .i1.: y5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:s.... dr.ITMY....Qf.:_Mement...:nroaBltalk...l11Qn.]ss: Q.._s_ Qth....Of 1Q h St ; ------------_-.._ Dated this.. -----.._r2` kS -.-say of................NQ_Y..M'P..Qr 191%• ( G'odncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. + •{WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f4wing improvement, viz.: Cone truet;aX iva'v_y_o�.-4emQnt _Q.ra�4�P.# :k•,_'plost .. 9...a�cridtf.__o 0 __J' et - Qn he.._sest—Ri >3 o -g 7Rr0aa_T9.1.eginn4ng_68_.3aat_so th_.nf__3iath._at.._thence .. ... ... ................._ ___—___ ____._ .....:.. Not 18496.r `, �e ................ ......... . i{' _._ hereas. A written Dropo �vem nG r, �es of the'TonowlnB ntD - havr n` resented to tb.: Council of the Cit lbnetruct a, drtvewaY of eementl p y-ik •blocks Cto. a width of 30K.' _ ..__ ................._ tho;,east efde o[ BrosdwaY -h•............................... thereft, be It 66 south of atzth St, - tt : feet . " to tthe Coun tl cot tba edt9 rot RESOLVED, That t�P Commissioner of Pul,itheretore.•bec ordered and directed Flved: •That: the pommleetoner u[ 1. To investigate tI>:e necessity for or eAra< works c°.ana he uy'.rs. or provemerif. e.rd • dtrected: - 2. To investigate the Fore, extent and est;t°,gbuftv�fci te+eh'mahtc�ng�°t 'af¢ at, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pl2Lxx o'n esu dthvu4. To furnish the £o Pother data and h,kVr thereof. �`Piovement;_. ...._:....._.............. t� ...................... .........................- ,.,•�...turnish the toU _________-_--________ ................ --._.,d:.: lnLormatlon rete ISL..__ --- .... _........ ..........y....._.................................._... 5. i To state whether or cot said improvement is00�+e wa etr on the petition of three or more owners. G To report upon all o£ the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t� Adopted by the council__________________ ......... .................... —191 ...._ Yens:� �� Nays: Councilman FaYbsworth G d�� Approved .....:_..... _........... _... ............................. 191...:__. H,�✓�ac3 � M U = Widerlich t Mayor frerwia g hlnyor. Lrorty a 6.5 - �i}iSl .1911i' L,�L,�(�� /�— /7 _ y So Go, Briggs — Council File No....... PROPOSAL.PPR IMPROVEMENT 7 and _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned, hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the. City of - St- Pau1, viz,: ao.o.qx_e�sY....s>1d:_noair.._tb,P.:.-a-amAnt ...t 1..9....�iide k._to....�. Al.dine St' ............. _._.... D a te& this.....----- 22nd.... -day of ............. NO-Tamh9T.._............................ -......................... 191..7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. r�VIHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tv following improvement, viz.: ��esanstrne: �-re1sY-.-ansi.-saneir-iha asmenh._hile aideIVAI -:to_--a_sfidtb, Qf __-- >� i z_nasi.._�:_.the__.aanth._s.ide��.-.I.aural.-dss.`.haglnnin6-at_.9ldina.-.S�:�henae ......................... . .._......_. ... C. F. No: 48486 for th° ........................_... ......._._.............. - maid °({ or• the OnoptnB ua rwar ethe{� - Vls: t�tOCOAetC11QL. relBY h ......:.......... ......... ..--..-.---•• ha�rzag b) a presented to the Council of th {00 out the side S3114Oot �nrei evefi • tJflerefo>�'t be it D°ginnn8 nt Atblen Dr°eenteu e -t, . +� Confeet.nell of the City of st pe Dl t,.,.- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner i folie hoiveA. Teat th°'o°ntT°fsi1o4ero�t"I ordered and directed 1 _ To investigate the necessity for or a ruhue work* he and be 1a xer,, r ., rovement.. rubil snd& directed: Qt t• To° Investigate'the neoeulty fOA 2_ To investigate the nature, extent a or, deetrJ1Ut7 of the a'°ht°h Itt, and the total cost thereof. imDrnvement 3_ To furnish a plan, profile or sketch rent Tra+estj gna t on°tl � et"hese f• 4_ To furnish the following other data a av . on urnleh a. -Dian prof, I .or,�vement;_.............. eketch'ofatd wm Lhe Lotlorrt4*�ottiW - - ..................__........................... ............ ...... a .i^ t �tormetton:', ra .-.. , ._------ ..... _.. _ .....____. 5_ To state whether or not said lmpro 1'.lt'e'nt is as)rou the petition of three or more owners. 6_ To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ..191 _ Adopted by the council._.-__ 1 ... -.. a - 3teius: _ Nays—, Councilman Farpaworth - Goyy- ,',, Approved........ ............. .... _............. 191....:..-.. _ - Hylwnd t Kallof Mofa611 is WuWerlich __ _ �_ _.� ._.... .........._ MSyor Irofi Mayor. ►osa.. as - i 1- 9, L-1— - � PUBLISF�D��/ —1 Petition _ Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.:....'.:....Qonatract-..a... RNOr.....OIL HiWilt .Axta......�rR?A..Hs?na ink AP.. �....to.....ftigge - ........ Dated this ..i1d.-_.-.day of....... 7 ....... %•••�%f 191 �• q Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . (lnnstrnat_a senee�nn.Ha;sitt�A>ta._�rom_Htsmlina Ay�.,..to. l3x�ggge_.-9.t.s._:::.. __ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul hv�CouitGilman............................................. _................. _ therefore, be itxhat t�, ke be and he ij RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wtl vleeisate the neces��byordered and directed " blllty;ott* t making a•.j, - - — 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability; a eauB - tri, auure, eiyprovement. ym,tatod coat of asld'^Impri 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimab•d theotat; coat thereof at, and the total cost thereof: turwoh.,:a"'PI•n. Drodle _ - 3. To fish a plan, profile or sketch of said imlt ■ald lmprovemana - fornb urnh tha to7lowlas otheei IntormaFloh; relative to, e61d NCment;_.............__........-._ 4. To furnish the following other data and inforinlent.. - Aate ,o' or.ar, not Bald Im- � - „t.ls waked .for+oa"�Fba pe,•, ........ ............................. _............... -_._................................. ..................... .brae or-mora�Ownera. g ...... ........... .................... ......... ........_. ".npoa+all Or LOe t- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is nskrrpOrte to ,tga Commto.loaeorer of hree or more owners. 0. " To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Ct° 2 iC17xoy. as Isiv. e_ . 51/.191?) '+ ?' -A-dopted by the council ............ ....._.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman FaKsworth I Gly Approved... ...101......__ Ilytltina r ( r xqKr. JlJ1 _ Moeoll Wuleferllch t t Mayor Epvin/ y_ 11�Inyor: ny COUNCIL FILE NO..__ By - ._— -- �L✓��8 • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessmen* In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and 'expenses- -.—for grading Oxford street from Iglehart avenue to Rondo street, - I � under Preliminary Order .._._ ... ............................ ................ Intermediary Order ................. 221:5..__. Final Order . ...... ..:..... approved.....-......e_......._..._..n:.... 191 4_ The assessment-, of -.-._."_b_EIXL� .. f.8....._C-Q. ...ASl1j.__G P.Q a�B......._:._....for and in connection -with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. -therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. yPnd da RESOLVED FURTHER. That a ppblic hearing be ..__.. had on said assessment on they: of 1)CQ,QLRPeAX.._— _..__, 191 _.7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that tfie_Commissioner. of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating lin said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....... ..... -.............. _ ......:.......191 _......... ..----.._._—_._ City Clerk. Approved _._—._._.wav; L.._. ....----- Mayor. _ / oL Leperlts. costa Councilman Fidfi worth toe ane in conne6tlon' • a -t the council, h6vih6 —a -to, Coundl•: hnd the' -- ?considered same and (Hnd Reso ,the eafd aeeeument.-- _ �tora•.chelrefore. belt - — ved. Tbat the said eeseesment lbe.and .-.the same to hereby. in all re-,� }syeets svvraved. '• 1Ce11Gr -Resolved ptirl.her. That .,s ton bearing ie 22ndbdaYor Tldcembec�l917 at ds j M j9611 y_ . hour of 10 o•elock u . In theand Council v - Hall Bur1of, t in'the CIRT of et. Paul W�Aerlich that tho Commissioner ofrequired Finance give ; not of said meeting. se reavlred tri the Charter. etatin8 fn eatd-. notice the ; the Ch d glace or hearin6. the nature., - Mayor lVfn it, 'thsamVrovemeat. the toter cast; _ • thereof• and the'lots of the Darttst'n aaarnet.'th mot or, Form B. B. 16 r owner to Whom the notice _ ;- .. redo � by the COPoail hjdc f8 �91T '. - _ -' ..vu.•-_.t,_�'IQir►8 Aoti),.x`--. � .r .i.. .. ._. -- POST -CARD NOTICE - --- Olr THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ..- ... ..y - -St. Paul Minn jj.1917 { the a mf the .............................. --------------------'............. ..'-" ----- .....-....................-- ._ ....---_---_..............._... ...................... To_________ .................................... ..._..-....".....'... You. re hereby notified that the Cyy opf S Paul proposes to make the above -assessment• that the. total cost Oereof is the sum of. $ J''x'"l t) s _ That the following lots or parcels of Tana .have been assessed in the amount set pposite each thereof, respectfully, for the making of -aid ilrclx— irmnt; namely: -' Lot Block -- - - — -.--------- � l-�J/3�%✓ EA.:m._t.if :Assessment ---doni% ----------- o ---------------------- ----------------- ............... ...----------------.-------------------............. ....... ......... ......... --'-" .................._ $:_.:..............-"---.. That a public hearing will beheld on said assessment in the Council Chamber of the rourt House a d City Hall D ilding, in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clnek A. M., on ihe. _2,Z-. _.... - dayo£__________ ........... . ...........................1917. _. IL You 1)u Not Uudctwt—1 Your .tw�r„wmrnt. Knwl, t'nll nl the U�•c of th, . ror nn Estdnnnuon. _a2 , S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commissionfr of Finance - Lemma a _ OT wo.iww CoylLsie i LotaO•r '- OrFIG`Ha EOI I(1,2iNH80?A aT�- - ��wu .ywsw.. oww eowi.. - " u ass ♦ai .'..,. — - • �- WOAiB• - -.. - -- ..i •ro . ais �rria�ssoz-w sr� i -,A,_ -MOOR.MAN & COMPANY BANH BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION , • -- - �. �O�iPL_ 8TE ARCHITROTORAL HODIPMENTB FOR-BANHe _ - ` ST. PAUL. MINI Jan. 19th. 1918- City 918-City Co uzZ csi1; -- St. Paul•;' mdinn. Gentlemeza•: — I am etica_osing herewith asaeselpent card for grading,_ Oxford Sit...�reet between Iglehart and Rondo Streets. +va At the st Council meeting. I protested against this sasessm6szt and aspected to be at this neat meeting on the aazaa; to make another protest with the rest of the property owners. Unfortunately I am leaving for .Miontasaa; and will not be back for-another month, but am registering my protest with you in this form, and hope that it will meet with the same_ approval.. of lass paid its assessment o`n Iglehart; namely _ ewer, gas's grading, sidewalk; etc., so please tale - tewe rota . consideration with the rest of the pro testers . l - Respectfully yours, _-- ■ CITY OF S'T_ PAUL. •. OFFICE OF THIE? -c ZXN ! I_-- 1<>NER OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON4PI-f<jN OF ASSESSMENT In -the matter of the assessment of bersoftf' 3 t vs s -Costs. And expen see for the _ grading of Oxford street f'=_or•i =g2 chart avenue to Rondo street, I. under Preliminary Order _...._.. .`x.64-._.._—_�^ Iatarmediary Order Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul- z. P The Commissioner of Finance hereby :e porta to i lie Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for aad is connection with the "making of the above improve- =hent. viz:. - - - - Cost of construction - - - _ - - _ - $._9S%i�Q.Q.Q._..__ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - " _ 3__._....._..!i..9 --- _--- ----- ' o. Cost of postal cards - - - - - a ... ........... ._ - Inspection fees - Amount of court costs for coa$rsaatiioa - �_.__1Q.fiIL. Total expenditures - - - _ = $._91_@7 7.__...- - -- Said Co"ssioner further reports 01-1t: 1— i bas aaxaaed and levied the total amount -as above asce- tained, to -wit: the sum of 9 7 Z�__ -vpon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said-improvement.'and is the a=M of each "lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with thereon; that the ,laid amt has been completed, and that hereto attached, idem- the benefits conferred $fied by the signature of the said Comrnissioaer_ . aael m ade a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted io t%e Co=-wxeiI for such action thereon as may be considered proper. CommiA�of e. _ - Form B. B. 17 - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL' 4E> tJ T7 CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL _F=ORM - y Subject:. " ,..-----------------1____________________..._ :........:...................... .. ........ ;....................... ' - - - ti. - - COUNCIL rlLt No ........... 3 .: _...... f �............... --- - { sr DatePresented...... ffiay....... EE?............ 191._4.. Resolved,: That th® Cosi ssioner of Pablio Works be -and is hereby.anthoriaed and direo ea to orosswalke at- the- following looatione:. I _ — _� ales r.►.og. �;; , -;t _ .r -:• `.s- -` eoath' )Ids t7attiga�8c - _ �• -- Sonth `ilds Denny. escrow .YI'orrat 8k; west. tlde. Forest aaroes DrnnT 8k - North .-side--Denay. aoroasPbrMG:Bk' or newisowalk ". .j h.. East atda Forro►k. aaroae Hawta me Ave. - •a l W..i alde Faraat, acrou Hawthorne Ave. :. ,. _ - F.aeC{aide Forest acrois. ;orangF -1 St: - Wert ilde,.Fores4 aorosa Oraage Bk! - Worthlside'Otiose, .icrGCa. Forest Sk.' Eaatrlde Pbtsat•'ecroaa 8raolath 8k elde Forest, aaroae :HY.th BkVest'. -olds Ptireet:, aorosa Ivy atreek;, l side Pbre4G aaroae Ivr..SL orth elde Ivy. acroea Forest 8t 1Hq{pe/st t aide Foreatr acroaa Clear 8L •.. - *too Forest' acrow clear gt. ltorth `aide Clear, acroea'$oreet 8k - - aide Cottage, aero- Foieat 8t.' _ Jth at-side Woreek acroar Cotta" SCti, : SECOND WARD. .. '-- - - - _ '.. Rrlok Croaawalka. Borth -aide Stillwater, aaroae - - olds Herw/n, across -Flandreanri -- - ' Ids Stillwater, 'escrow .Ames .. ,do. Ainea. aClOw �Stnlwaiet:'il Clarke ' - - - Croaae aoroia White - - - _ •�hlts'. Hear,'.. aaroae Le, - • c"aoroaI Whites _ Yeas (✓) Cotmcilrrren ( f)1 Nays 1 t I 9' G Adopted by the Council-...... a,... 191........ Fartia+Gorth 'rA GdaC K M"i favor �APP� - - ...::...:. -------4 ----Against '.. '.. `�'�..:..U.!. '.........191...-.. Y 1 _ f Mr. t'reaideik Powers ............ 6 �.UDLi wwro I — r.0-g - ..., t . -*� WARD 1 Brick jCrosswalks, i North side Magnolia, across l;arl street 52 u Soth side Clear, across Forest street. 53 Fast side Earl, across Magnolia strut 54 North side Orange) aoro8a Foreet etreet, 55 North aide Denny) WHO Mendota street 56 South side " t across 11 ^ 57 ` _ North side Cottage, across " 56 South aide " across " " 59, }forth side Lawson) across Cypress etrdL 60 ;.. South side Ccttage, across :creat atract. 61 § f South side 1'cnn y, 62 West side Forest, across Denny street. 6I � North siae D::u:y, " Forest street. i List of new brick Drosswalks. East aide Forest,, across ilalvthorne avenue 65 West side Forest, across " a I 66 ` East side Forest,•_acrosa Orange street. 67 West a de Forest,'across Orange street. 68 North side -.Orange, across Forest street. 69 ... T - East side Forest, across Hyacinth street. 70 . West side Forest, across Hyacinth street. ► 71 Fast side Forest', across Ivy street. 78 West side Forest,°across Ivy street. 73 Horth side Ivy, across Forest street. 74';,. East side Forest, across Clear street. 75. West side Forest across Clear. str'e6t,. - ' "" ` ' -+' 76 i ,.North side Clear, aerosertores't street: 77 i g , across Forest street. . WesthaidesForest, across Cottage street_ g r w I { crick uroaati elks ' I ! South vide gtillwater, ar;rose I��nt�r0811 O�x�"� South aide xerarifi, acrosa Flrndreau altreet'. +1 North aide 'Aillwater, ao*ces Ame,3 etrest.+ i s„r17 ` East aide Ames, across Stillwater avenue. South side aryland,:across Clark street. }s^ 18 Vorth side La Crosee, across l:2lite Bear avenue. 18 Eastside n'hite Bear; across La Crosse. - 20 f Sotuh side +Anes, acroas ,9rjite Bear avenue. 21 ', FIFRI WARD COtdST�UCTI�JN West aide Douglas., across iiarrison avenue 11 Sixth Ward Brick Crossalka Jl ` North eide,Belmont, across Delaware avenue 80 East. ide Vanomin, across Bel ont.street.” 21 t North ei'de Belmont) aorose manorrin etreet, a North vide Belmont, aorose Seminole: etreet. �Arth,side Delmont, aorose Ohio street. 24 south eide Delmont,, aorose, 0h, 10 street, 35 we8t side Ohio, across Belmont street. 20 Xdrth side Stevens, aexoes ;"&�c a strd'et. 22j South side :,tevel:a, a'Voae `:.deed etreet, 2 1,orth aide pteveno, across 1'�110e18stre t, y Scutt'; si,ae"tever.e, acmes �:�lle'1s street. 3� 0 act side De110Vi ,accede stevans atreet 31 1'36 LI.Q UV `' }rent. Iy QU 011ie L1�1�1,i11, i aide };elmont, ;:,1063 1'ela';are avaruc. ,30utn ' 1 I Brick Crooswflbs South. aide. Dayton, acrosa 11%mline avenue. 17 North side Dayton, across urlap-treet. - 14 -_---rte=- Ninth Ward Brick Crosswalks Fast side De SOLO, across Je©aamine street. 10 �gx05� lis Qqto !�iarylana 8tr8B�, �d I pest Side De Soto, aorose -I r Seventh 7 rd 0 - / Cement Crosswalks South side Dayton, across Hearline,-avenue 17 North side Dayton, across_Dunlap street. . WARD ' EI G�TH Cement Crosswalks North eine Carroll, aoroee Maokubin street. 15 North side Carroll, across Kent street:. 16 IS aide Charles, across Gaultier street. 17 �`Odt 9�d@ �aultisr� aoroeo �harlea,,tract, �� North-3lde Charles, across Gaultier street. 19 �NO outh.nioe �'hn�� , �ara�� �,r ofi WWI gg 8duth aide 8t LnthaiY, aoroeo,,Yleutern avenue`, ul West side rackubin, across Rondo street. aB North side Carroll, across Xent street,, 23 North side Carroll, across Maokubin street. 24 Southside Edmund, aordse G-lultier street) 25• t North side Fuller, across Western avenue. 26. SA;a h "ji0e:`Thomas, aoroee ?clarion street. 27 m►+' iC Of"�fii'oil street.41 28 South eide Eamund, across Marion street. Tenth Ward i Cement Crosswalks NorA side Como -Phalen, aoroee Hamline avenue 33 j Weot aide Hamline, across Almond street. 34 �outh side Ellis, aoroeo• Curfew street. i� 36 „ Eatt aide Raymond,Noxth end; Raymond ave bridge. 36 II 4 'M West'•did6_Grigge, Pnse.W.nehaha street. 37 East We Grigge,_aoroeo Ll'innehaha street, 38 Eaet eide Griggs,, aorose Van Euron etr,.,�et, 391 _ West ieide Grigg`e,�'aoroso Van Buren street. 40j E4t side Griggs, aoroee Blair street. ,.,.41 WA side Griggs, across Blair street. 42 West side" aniline avenue, aoros Atlantie. i 43 118�� side Griggs, aoroee Lafo id strl't'let. 4" South `side Latond, acroaa Albert avenue. 45 West aide Hamline avenue, across Frankson avenue. 46 West side Hamline, across Midway Parkway. 47 North side Midway Parkway, acroao 1Aabury avenue. 48 South side A3bury avenue. 49 ; gOUth 9id8 CgglCw�h�',�Cil� acrolp kora Otreeto �0 south ,eide Como -Phalen, aoroaa Simpson avenue, 51 South side Cpmo-Fhalen, across rascal avenue. 52 de Goma-Aralen, acros�c VcKinley avenue. 53 4Wh.e „South side. Co�ao-P}„l°icn, ,,orae,, .hlbsrt avenue. 54 South: side Como -Phalen, acrea� Ohelddn avenue. 55 ihorth side Como -Phalen, across Arona,street. 56 ATorth side! Como-Rralen., acroep 9 Zpe^*r a4enue. 57 14 North. side Como -Ph ale n:Y.acroas Paecdl avenue. 56 North side -Como -Phalen, acr oss VoKinley ;avenu'e: 59 North side Como—Pnalen, aorosslAlbert avenue. 60 I " North side Cemo—R.aleii; across Sneldon avenue. r of F.Icver;tb Cement njoasvialka t S :cross Lv lire I ;iVeTIMP- 7 11a0c,"JI, across 1,; '- ,urej av,�nue- 4�(" Ut I i i.31,4e f ;Isc,il best Bide P-0-Irce) �irjvo, on East side Albert, across rroo,rioll avenue. r -V) i ir t RV e17.1 2 Fast S'Je Elbert, aero�s 36 East side Alber', aor,7so nvoeola avenue. East, side Albert) across qBPgent Fast side Albert, across 3treet- 83 orth side St Clair, aorog,l,t I lbert avmi:,,- 3S , i 9outh aide 8t Clair) Joroyq Albert avenlle- North 81h 1444qtp� aorm liowell MM 7 1 East side Howell, across IElehait.,avenue. North side St Anthony, ac oss Fry street. 91, tin aq'enue. 95 ,4 ne ffi 56Vth 'side Iph, a R do B RICOPAJ0,10 T 'West side 'ate aorosa, PalaoO street; 97 Syndio west side syndicate, across jMes Street. 98 East eine aacaleeter, across St Clair street. 99 ' West side Vernon, acroesSt Clair strut, 100 West side of AMer6t venue, aorose, St Clair 101 East Side 41dwin, a0ross St Clair,street, '102 West side Baldwin, aGrosa. 8.t, Fast -side Goodrich, 'across Kenneth sheet, 104 North side Pri-noeton, across Cleveland avenue. North side Princeton,acrpoB Kenneth street. + South sido Randulph, norm YarlboroUgh Pon Of Fast 8idelPasoal avenue, aoross St Clair street, 108 West side Pascal avenuellacrQBD St Plair4treet.' 109 We at side Saratoga avenue,across Sargent avenue. 110' tast aide Pascal, across Portland avenue.. 111 E North aide'Portland avenue, across Albert avenue. 112 West side 84ratoga avenue, across Osoeo.la avenue. 113 South side St Clair street,aorosa PasCal avenue. 214 West side Albert a.:enue,acroas Randolph street. 115 Faat side Pascal avenue, across Randolph street. 116 creat side Warwick avenue, aoroea 1-.andolph street. 117 fi Fast side Wary1jok avenue, across Fandolph 81,reet. 118 lyest aide Undeiwcod avenueaorm Nindolph at ; 115 Nest fide Sargent avebue, aorm at o avenue, 120 West aide Pascal acroso Clair Btreet, lal East Bide, 9aratoga avenue,aproo8,Randolph St, 122 116�th side Randolph at. aoroso Warkok venue. 123 A k 4ide $t Clair streA)aorops Pa cal avenue 124 aot ajile.Ellisstreet ,across Curfew Street, 125 South side Goodribh aVenue acro erineth 8tseet 126 East side Pailoal ave.oaorosa St lair street. 127 Twelfth Ward F. _V* Cement Crosawaike West side Hamline avenue, across Frankson avenue 29 Feat side of Hamline.,avenue, across Midway Parkway. 30 NoTth Bide Como -Phalen, across Nldbn avenue. 31 North side Front, across Ijouth 5tioet. 32 \orth side Drohard, acroso.1".1hourn stic.ot. borlh side Orchard, z=oao Grave 3trel,t. 34 South fide Orchard, across 'Irean street. 35. Hash side Chateworth) across Ant�ony avenue,. 36 CITY OF ST. PAUL — a:�u.:° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM — FILENO1 No. 19500BY AUDITED i•t•181—� l PER 1838 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firtds or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - statement: - ROV.:.0.f_.IR17 - Yeas ( J) Cosncilmen ( J } Nays Adopted by the Council - orth � f ra.1 !911 in favor Approved ) 191_ 1:) Against y. HylandMAYDR 4JG WunderlichMr. Presidenrr- Irvin f i - , • 22086 Brooks Bros.,. , f t j 44.10 j. Comtr.'P. WorksTExp'. j I\ 87 Griggs Cooper & Co., 25.15 1 Workhouse -hp i 88 Hoffman Electric Co., 58.00 i i School -C. & B. I� 89 Hoffman Lighting Co., - 47.89 School -Exp. 90m J. D. Hyland _ 39.00 Workbouse-Exp. 91 A. C. Jefferson -91.72 j Croaswalke-Exp. i 92 Kettle River Co... Pay. Minn. St., 37 .84 10,441.94 - Pay. Minn. I 1.. 10 1 41. 93 Lambert & Company, _13.50 Pol. & Fire A. -Exp. , 94 C. -B. Lyons & Bros., 53.8 - Fire -Exp. Maendlerr Eros. , !; 29.00 Fir e-Ep 05 C. °c B., 19-95 95 0 96 National Lead Co., 32.081 Heal th-P. Bath -Exp., 97 Northern%Coal & DockWo. , 4 1,542.00. , Pay. Mi ss. Riv er Blvd. Pay. Mounds Blvd. 6.21 IV— A. 5.11 22 098 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., - 116.19 � Police -Exp. 99 J. L. Shiely Co., 165.00 Pay. Alley Blk 5 • 22100 Weterous Engine Works, 25.48 Fire -Exp. g t1 - F.No. 19500— A.lvad [fiat warrants be drawn �C'Datable out of, , upon the City Treasury, the herelnatter aDeclfied funds and In or corpora•. favor of the persona, firma for the amoants set Opposite In their real ectly detailed stat ro.." the following _ Brooke Broa., 34270.: t3rIRRe, Cooper & Co., iY6.16. Ca; f56.(0.: _ Hoffman Electric - Roffman Lighting Co.. f17,.0: .. - J L'. HYlnnd, 399.00. A. tl f91.7E. � - ,eRerepn, Kettle River Co.. $30,141.9E Lambert & Co., 312.0. . 1� \ — Lyon. &Bron, f62.6.. )•taendler Bro.., 329.00. Nntlonal Lead Co., 122.06. 0. North`rn .. N. Electric E9ulpment6{2Co., 1116.19. S. L. 9hlelY CO., f165.00. EnRlna. N'orke. 326.16. . ,""ic'ea. Adopted ,, the %vincil Nov. 2E, 1917 . 'NOv' - Approved c. 1.1917) - i t f o ^ 1 .t C.;F 9 tak•J in'thd matterof,candomhing and 4171 og an easement In ihcr-land neces•, ary, for slopes for eutri and fllla 1n B . 'grading.allq in Bitri 9a dKin's ,WAp oaood Addition, , '.,Uken for th+. be"-nanipd mproVe tient being tpore •.particularly: de= �TCr�bdd ae;.e easement for •elopes.. p dr, cute an fills teand u on the, boffin ;�PQII�hital oy rn Hloc Yd��B�lAN 09111 h0 root�gl leo Cq4 t &fed i and; report are r v epil jade a.pert hereof,,,, 94{ '' ' - lamtnar); • rder' ' i.Jul vi9 t �' `FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of -...p. Qndemning---and ._taking--an.:.ea-aement---in-aha-:3and1 ne ................._ nen!.s.:ltabe>Roo cessary for slopes, for c>)its and fills in grading alley ;in Block 1 d...AdditLian:.....the land..to...he•••taken--•fox---the••abave......... _ nam�d imp-ovement being more particularly described�as an easement far....sl.ope.e -.--fox--..cute--and..-f-il1en• A..-10-.the-.lWid.•ahutt•ing upo••— :• the alley,�in Block 1 Kingts Maplewood Addition to theextent shown -u ri tlie.-..sketch. Attached...t-o- the., of 'Pu u Works in t7ie matter, dated; October 4th, 1917, which ar.e..hereby xefermed:._ta--and•.-ma-df'--a.-.par.L.-hexaoi,.......::...-. ..................................... 7��1ro�odJul � Oc„x8316 it PRlimiHri 8r"J'91i1 Intermd approved„„ Ali 29t, Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is herebyordered ho b6 made, v....................- -• .............. m as.sar-y- for .....Condemn--and...take_e1....9kA1QStt:..�A...xkt�t.-land...naa xooa.-...._...:_ ......�.os....cute.-and...till.e...jA..Bra.d.ix18. all.ey ....in..Block..1...Kirag...a..lfapl•s �1d4.3.10.a ... • ..._ • ........................................................................... ;(2) That the followipg land, lands or easements therein b;@ and the 6ame\,are hereby taken, appro- p , purpose g said improvements, viz:...1$n..ea ex"t.............. . condemned for the ur ose of making the a �-!?.li...Rlap r �ntting..Upon... .. mated an co .the alley in Block 1 Kingis Maplewood Addition to h` extent shown ee...��x...autn..and..fille..la..and..npQn..•the.lan a. i onsr•..-ot............1....;....• Public orke in the matter, dated October 4th 1917 Which sketch' upon...th ...sketch.. a.t.tanhe�d....to...the...re ort...cf....iha., ommie a-nd...r eD.ort...ar.a..her-eby-...r-eferred.-.t.o...and..made..a:.,art ..her e,�` ,....._:................1.....� ..... (3) ,That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the -above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council..... ..lal.tr r: -t41:. ................. 191..-.... r .....�.. �� � City Clerkra . Approved ...................................... 191... 9 ?� ................ • I Councilmqnsworth Couneilmad. 2s� M.am F (( Council an Lzland V Council>liafier\ `Genneil�n}e>r bfCOW,, \ Councilman erlich 3fayo V n. \ �5 f , CITY OF 6T. PAUL _ `+•�';� ACCOINJTING DEPARTMENT _ CC)UNCIL 19501h:. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FARM FILE No. ev t i'•: CITY COIIif LIIA AUDITED 191_ • 839 PER v Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter speaedi funds and favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts .set opposite their, respective names as specified in the following detailed s (V) Councilmen ( V. Nays Adopted by the Council NOV 2:3 191191_ F I Orth V -1 19171 _191—I In favor. App M _Against-- Hyland MAYOR , ii Y Wunderlich ! { President, Irvilh C F. No. Ism— ,Resolved that waTmntebe drawn' .�'. upon the City. Treasury payable out of{ 5 •the hereinafter aDeclaedfunds and In' - favor of .the persons, arms orcorpora-� [Ions for the amounts met opposite their) respective names a; specllled In the tot-� - lowingdetalled statement: A. Farnsworth., Com'r. Finance, : - Adopted by the Council Nov. 22, 19171 Approved Nov . 1917. ; ' 3 (Dec. i-1917) 22101 Be A. Farnworth,. Cc tr. Finance, 16,01 .57 Street.& R. -Sal. :31 Sewer w " 1;107' 52 S. & S. Cing. 06,83 .61 ' 1 Bridge Bldg. & Rep.' 125 .53 _ \ Sprinkling 45 .55 G.F.-Crosswalks 54 .72 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 70 .92 Pay. Rice St., a 1,1 6.52- 3 Pay. Warrendale �,. 5 9.03 Pay. E. 7th St., 87 76 Pump. Station Paynd-Edg 40 43 3 - Pave 9th -St., 9.67 16,N9. 57 el- -7k CITY OF ST. PAUL C-OUNeIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FbRM Subjec�: ....... .. .......... ........ ... ... . ...... . ... ....... ..... ............ . ...... ...... ......... COUNCIL FILE No----------------------------------'-'- ..........................................•----..................... ...... ......... .......... ----------------------------- ....... Date Presented.-----_......-----------.._...---........-- - C ResolvQ, That the B es Oil. Company, as principa.1,1_land the Aetna Aea3— - dent & Ll"11:11.-3r <—=,ompany, of Hartford, Connecticut, as surety, are hereby wel'easiecl all liability that may hereafter -accrue on that certain boxid- eaeczzted on September 10, 1913, to the City of St: Paul IndemnIfyIng, aa:L4:2L City against all costs, damage and expense because of, the Insta.12--L-b --2- i==wa by said Bartles Oil Company of a gasoline -tank under the sldewiaZ 3Mr-- with pump on curb, in front of Campbell.Bros. Drug Store, No. -"71 � o, Grand avenue, St - Paul, Minnesota; the said tazil--- and pu=p having -k=np, meeit -en heretofore removed. C. F, N.- 19502-11', I,, - Resolved. Thdt I thUe Bn,t es, -Oil C.M- clipzLli. gra ,r,],nb it d the -Actna Ac- ,cld nt pang. of Hart- ford. Connecticut.ucrt!.,. a,e he,.- by released from all 1 lability that may hereafter. accrue on that ha.t�crtain bond e excuted on Sept io. 191,eto the city or St. Paul. Indemnifying old City �baug-ln-t all costs, d.—geland expense because of the Inst.1l.tt .. by said M,tl .7 oil - Ce -p--y of a 'z�' Inc tank under the sidew-IR with pump on 'u rb- front In o Daus Store. No. 740 f -C—pbe11 Bros. DausGrand avenue,.. St. Paul, P—p Alln—.t.; the old tank and h—l.g been heretofore re—ed. Adopted by the Council Nov..23, 1917. Approved Nov. 24, 1917. (�ec. 1-1917) e Yeas () C.. I'—H—n N.y. Adopted by the Council. 9P IL ..s I ri favor X 7 -0 NOV 2-1 19 App—ed CC.11 Against Wunderlich Mr. P—iJent. lr�jn ....................... ............................ ...... ............ ........ .... FORM C, A-9 6.1,7 Vii. otg of 5t. Vaut xrtment of Vubur WAS i�J:�O12 oaewK euuaaeN .; ••, . euKLwu or L - M, N. ,dOUROSS. COMMISEY. DWaIONLK r. 6ounLer, ovu.. H. HERROLD. ALrKLD JAOKIONje hl -- - - euaLwu o. a\�J"* co°N wcrwle. _ .. - eunciu or C\ti �YIOY ' +F4PNLC. October 31s.t,.'1917. Hon. 0H. O'Neill, _ Coxpoo.ftMtn Couleel, City Dear Sir:- I attach hereto letter from the Levis- _ Hazaxd Insurance Agency, representatives of the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, regarding. bond filed-with'the.City covering a gasoline taxik n front of 7 0 Grand Ave. under the eide'Ncalk, i Our Inspector advises that this tank ' and pump has been removed, and-4nsof ar as this department is concerned, the bond may be cancelled. Vj1V you please prepare the necessary resolution? very truly you re, J' Comm esioner of public forks ATG/MH - - - -' RCRCAN.b.BULKELEY, PRE910ENT - - —_ .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - CAkE3U^ LTY INSURANCE_ `�3 u R E T V B O N 0 8 OF HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT NAME CHAnseo TO THE /ETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPAf#Y. _ �_—IE-ILdP*�Z DINSURANCEAGENC_y,,INC.. GENERAL AGENT, - ,.4,._�_--_ rcNIGHTBUILDING. -�' -- MINNEAPOLL3,MINN., Oct.26,.1917. - ' 1 7 �I . - CASUALTY LINES oc 9 "T Commissioner of Public (forks, w a,0 TY City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn._ in re: Home office Bond No. ' "E^ S-11581, Agency Bond No. -Dear Sir:- S-201 Bartles Oil Company, L ^ License Bond covering installation MKMeA of Gas oline tank under sideTralk with 1 . �uTOMOBLE pump on the curb in front of Campbell; EAMB Brothers Drug Store, _,Ir°740 Grand Aveme , fit.. Paul, Lam- - On September, 10, 1913, The Aetna Accident & Liability `^TE^T"BB Company of Hartford,' Connecticut, executed its bond as above ROLwRY captioned and upon requesting-information as to whether or not this bond was to be continued in foroo for the. ensuing year LYwNEEL from September 10, 1917; we are advised by. our principal - . 6 B.R,N EeLE.KwoE Tho Bartles Oil Company, that this bond is to be discontinued -� for the reason that the pmV and tank has been taken out. ^TER AMAZE In this 'connection, and in order that.-our company, as liability —�� LINES surety may be properly releas ed frori.further on SURETY this bond, will you kindly write, us a letter setting forth the F,oEC TY fa ct that the ab ove mentioned tank and pump was taken out a RT .as of a. certain date, and advising that our oompeny is released said �} of further liability under said bond after date of removo.l. Thanking you for an early reply in the premises, Tre are, � �a„TRACT -. FECE RAL CFFICIwL - _ Yours very. trulW-,- Lauis-HazgLrd Insurance Agency, - iNTERMwLREvcNUE -_ - 4~ y LICE%6F SFRANCNI6E Tr BY i .i J. -'�� • �])) (�\,rcJ3} E%GIBE \Y1 M,BCELLA NECYB _ 3 ST_. PAUL - - -... -.- - - -. COUNCLL RESOLtJ'TION—GENERAL FORM ' ySubjecn ---- - -- - - - - - .. -...- _. _. .. ,�.��+50 3 .- .. COUNCIL FILE No_...: .... - ..... _.... .: _.... s: -- Date Presented, Nov. 211gt....... ...191 ... 7. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Commit -tea -and hereby authorizee the Purchasing Agent _ to readvertise for bids on Grading Hemline Ave. from Rebraslca Ave. to Hoyt Ave. ; as no bids -were received. F.B. #1554. ' -the hereby' u, - - iicurs Ld tThat endo io Fooncurs inl:h¢ reco,tnna¢ndatlon of the . Contract C'onamitte¢ and - hpraby av- . - - - �thorizea tho'Purchastng AAent3oytto reed- vettise `.fore btda oprgradiag-Hemline. , . - - - Ave_"Srom-1�Te�brsalca-Av¢. to 7. . No. -were rec¢ived: '. F_ :, NO bids .8 - - - [1554.: <::_.-. .-::. - ' roved -Nov. 24,'1927_- 1-19171. Yeas i (✓]�IVays _ NOV 9•) ip, 1 �risworth Adopted by the Council.. _._.... ... _._191 ....... osacilmen In Favor _ N�V....3 1 IQ' i Approved_ _.. ........ 191........ �.Againat _ � V�TIoColl -Q.- r�il�Tunderlich Mr-zP�cTe t, Irvtn - FORM C_ B-2 - �. ....... ...... . ........ ...........:......... .... 1.. MAY CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERECL- FORM , Subject .---------- ....... .._.. JL Jt 30 COUNCIL FILE NO...::..�:.:..._...._.....__._..... Date Presented.. NOT. 21.q.t.t_...... :..:..191.7'... ` _ Resolved, That the Council, hereby concurs in the recommendatioiof the, Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertiae for bids on Grading of Alley Block 3 Nelson's Add „Prom Mendota to Arcade Sts., as no bids :were received. F.B.#1555. — "` 'c: F xo, 19ao4-Hp af.x..(3oeU—. Reaolvid• That the Connell hereby - 'concu s in tho recommendation .of the- ' th I et 4ommltt- and •hereby an - j thorizea tth.r having Agent to re-.' adVertlee f r'61da on Brading of Alley. Block J Neleon'e Add.• from D[endota Fto Arced treete• oa no bldg celveC F H.-No. 1666, Adoptod by th0 Connell Nov JJ• 1911.: Apppoved Nova t( 1917. _ `.(Deo 111917) ,. J j w Yeas (0 Councilmen Nays Cosa In favor P(;-..._,.191 ....._ �a'rnsworth Adopted by t - Council ... -. ND �23-1,17 Z yland �ignmer — APProved N . V _.. .........191:...... ..McColl __....Against #Wunderlich Mr. Pooident. Irvin FORM C. A.PAUL i. CITY OF?T' GEN901- ` »_COUNCIL-RESOLUTION— Subject:..:. the r°, Resolver, That the Council hereby concurs in I Contract Committee and hereby autriofay °pt to Eg_"vertise for bide on Gradingelved, to Alaska St., as no bide were rea - c'o auii ! CamP^�•(I11w$T^x Cotierace chi ru1�1.k»fg — aaverNea 1og�rlel�Is� -.. rrom' pjAs VI1tl �d. ae na. y Asp ' pprlv° , tDN, 1 k%, a, r Yeas (0 Councilmen (v)NaysAil- a__kworth In favor wt;L d le, i 4kMer . hh iAeCoU v........Mainst 0ypderlich _Mr. Frejffen4 Irvin FORM C.e•Z - CITY-OF_.ST. PAUL _ • 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION' GENERAL FORM - - - Subject - .. .. ....:.... ......:..... �.. - ....: .._.::.._. r� _ oourycu Fac NO ... :........ _ .................. ........_,..._ : .. -- Date Presented :,...No.v...:.21 t.,.......-.191..7.. Resolved, That the Council thereby concurs in the recommendation of the • Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent . to readvertise for bide on Grading E. & W. Alley Howard Park, a.s no bids were receivgd. F.B.#1557,; - - C.F No. !,q.8—BY N W_, (64e- - - tha,Lbuncll berebr: 1 _. - .:Resolved«;-That 4onteraitlnCw .Rtes and -berobynU-,. - - J .tfiSHaes the; Purcheeing: Agent to Ye , s.dvertlse for bide on greding I & or .in No. 4561i" na Tlds we;e AISeY Ao 'r. Adopted dtrahe ibunolNov 23.3971. .. !� Jl�it . _ .`o •+ proved .Nnv_- Ap.. ti / A - - Yeas (v) Councilmen (v) NaysN©V - — 2-; 191 Fja rrfr-t,orth - Adopted by the Council-..-.-.. .....:--191.._.-.. TO--� In favor - NOV 2.4 1917 HAW"d _ YreBer N%&0,11_.0_.:.Againat — ....... Approve.... i WM! derlich ? Mr. Frit idedW l~rvin FORM. C. 9-2 - wwvon - -- - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............................................ ........ ..... .............. . ....... .... - COUNCI FIL9 L N 0 ......... ............... Date Presinte& 1XV ..... p4sit' 191P.M.. That the Council hereby•concurs,in the recomeddatiOn Of the lontract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertise for bids on. Grading Lake Como & Phalen Ave. frd,—n'*e's`iern Ave. to Irarion St., as no bids were received.— F.B. #1558. Th �t4e 4Counell-herby' contract;comntltteeand hereby an thorixes,ibe,Purch"Ga Ag*vtqo,te: Como, & Phmlen � Ave. o• from Welde on grading stern' *V�* to Merino - St., ca -no bldi; were Teoe(Ve.'B, No1568— ."Ad.0ted -b: C"— Approved .1 11 Nov., 2a; 1937. (Ova 917 - Dec. 1-1017) Yeas < wD CounCilMen (i) Nays Farriprorth 17 . Adopted by the Council....... 191 Gov- In favor Hylwd JQ&W I / I Approved -Against WWO, lich w ....................... ..................... .............. —2 - CITY OF ST. PAUA– COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEISE,RAL FORM - - COUNCIL FILMNO...... ............... .....:......_..:.. Date Presented... Nov 21.e t., . 19 17 , i 1 esolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommednation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to :2adver__ti for bids on Grading Cleveland 'Ave. from Common- wealth to Scudder Aves., as no bids were received. 06dThat [tiereby • concurs tn-the recommendation-i.andAeA-tof'the concurs in Contthori ect tee hereby au he PburCommi 2dvartis. the Pu rd h" OR , Agenl to re -adv -,for, bldg ow. Brading Clave j rase -on eland Ave.? iro nommonwealtp to 9ondder Avea, noAlde were Fe - cetved F...B• N . o Adopted -by thCouncil Nov 88;;1917 _ - " - Approved Nov. f4 � -.' <Dea 1-1017) .�._ •. Yeas (t7 Councilmen Nays Fart�t Borth Adopted by the Council NOV...-9 3,...i9 7,._.191 " C 1�dNov In favor 24 ISO Approved...._ '. 1 .....191 _....... f __.Against r .... W2erfich A Mr. PrendelU{frvm i ...} .............. _........ . , i �wvoN _�' FORM C. 9.4 CITY 0R'.ST.-PAUL ..:. -- - _ - - COUNCIL RES0LUTIAN—GENERALrFORM. . 'COUNCI ' .Its No - - Date Presented......-Nov.:.:..21s.t 1.....:..191 That th.e . Council hereby concurs in the recommrddation of the Coritract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purcha :hg A„ent _to r4M=civertiae for bids on Grading Lake Como. & Phalen Ave., f'raxn Ares9ie St. to Forest St., ss'noo bids -were received. - 5' . B #1360.. C B Nv. �1f609—Sy '(eL N 6osa- _R.fol��d • ',CAwt' ;the Councils heteb7� �- ponCCre in the m ndattoCt Yhp' �Qontraot,:�Committ—lttee:• and 7harobY - adv re u** to r,irradl fluke. �Qpmo,aad:Phaton.; - - on. Ave iro�h' Arcade: 8t to, PbrMt RL,..ge . Lida were re - - aAdd.26U - -Adoptsd:bT tha 4buvcll Nov. fd 1117 Approved 2 1917. a , -_ Yc— s < J) CouncUrrmewx iC +7> Nays NOV 2, ; t91.. - F rch Adopted by the Council. _.... '191 ....... to Favor NOV 24 1917 Approved ,..F....: ? 191 Against — 1V\ NIS'_ QtGE9d .. SV1S1 FORM C_ 8-2 ........................_ ................. MAYOR -------- '_ ... _. _- - CITY OF..ST. PAUL - - - ' COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,q St><b]tct .. .- . ..... :... . ........... ......... -.................. ... COUNCIL FILENO . ........... .....:............... .......... « Date Presented ....Kov,' 20th, ......:191?...: R veil, That the Council hereby concurs in, the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the Grading of Arley in Block 8, Lovering Park and Block 7 quithby Park, as bid received was in excess of the Engineerta; Estimate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise' for new bids on same in accordance with,the provisions of the Charter, F.B.#1565, Preliminary Order #15725. t - - O: F. No 1883Q�By IL N. -B'esolved, That the. lbAalt hereb'i' i concurs, in the: recomendstlon of the [Contract ,�Commlttea= and+-heroibrje. - �lecte;bld'eecalVed,for the 8trading.:gf. -' : Alley 1n ,Block 8. Loverin Park "d Block 7, Quimby Park,-a"Id received' �31n,satapsnd ettie�P.. haBatnnsgln ea e hereby authorised to.. readvehneedtor naw�blda-oh came in„accordande with _ - - - - I tha -Hrovfefonb-. of the Charter F 8. N Pre Iminary. Order No 1$7 - Adoptee by the Codnen 11V_i �PHroved Nov YL 1817 ,� 1817111 _ s _ Yeas C -1) Councilmen Nays - - NOV 2.3 1917 F h Adopted by the Council 191 G ..in favor H510d NOV 24 19Fi .;I► Approve�dJ_..... ..... - ....... ....191. .. w....Againac I Mr. Presidm in ...... "" - CITY OF ST: PAUL.. - - COUNCIL RESO LUTI0N GENE RAL FORM - - COUNCIL FILENO ........... ........... ........ Date Presented........ NOq.r...20t4+...191 7.9k Jkesolved, That the -'Council hereby concursin the recommendation of the' Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for, the construction of .the Otto—Niles Sewer System, to O'Neil & Preaton,.at lump sum price bid of- $90,600.700. Engineer's_ Estimate being $90,548,00. 'F.B. #1549. 3961doge-- " Aeeolved TbnL-tborCovnoll Aereby� ttbThot,oebcontr"f-Abe Otto-Nllee S�wppe �y� m ' �`Itloo, _ ate ('Nell & -topNn LlneeYatrCettID� bid- ot- i9000000.;_� gg - `bA1o6'59004800.No Addptod bytbe. (`pnnell Kov, t8 1917:! Nov: X84 1977. ADDroved .. DSC 5 ON COU'+SCI m OFFICE 0 THE R t _S Yeas 0 en ( o) Nays worth I Adopted by the Council ....... NOV23 ...... 191. ,.... .` ' -In fa4or - �- land NOV 24. 1917 . Approved. . 191.:...... _.... AWna 1 ........ tatderueh 1 1 t Mr. FSreaideiit. Irvin .. ...�A R".-•• Council File No PROPOSAL FOR. IMPROVEMENT ' and j PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz .........Open,,., widen and .extend...Lalce._Como and. Phalen Avenue Greenbrier Avenue to T-heelock Parkway by taking and condemning the north 33 feet of the 11T, of the I'.EI of the SE-! of Section 29, Township" 29, Fanp7e 23 Dated this....._22nd,_day of.:............_.......idOvember, 7 ................................. _............191"........ Council�n. PRELIMINARY ORDI;R. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ^ � en� asidena_n`dextend Lake-_Como, and_Phalen Avenue..___ ---- from. Greenbrierv_enue_4_��hee..�G1c-..Park]Yy_by. t.akingsl ouderi.r in —.—the._narth_33 i�et_o3-. ihe._Tt �� -ai.._the_-NKK-af=-th8-�lr-af—Ssotior� ?,•-- �.QYfX18.h�h...29.,....FtenF e-23 gar: au � having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul liy Co un twtae'a oay„g m roo _.... _ 14 therefore, be. it aP� nae ftreft c parvo RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Word s be and )g a� no�tit o•° and directed- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of Ithe ma kt 5 2pe qty°OosD u'zment. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of saiii ?bbs tee cbt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sai"provement. =' 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to •said improvement ......... ............................. : .......... _.......-................ _ ...... .............. 5. To staie whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council................ .N�V 2$ {g{.7.. _..191:... Yeas: Nays NOV 2T 1917 Councilman FaEps*orth _. Gdes' _Ap�roved............ _.... ............................. Htldfid z RKndencch _._._.. .... ....... Mayor Ioviu I or. _ �owr c e-s pLi$IyISlifla-� 8. G. Hrigge Council File No.......: ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and r 1: 513 _ PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned ' hereby proposes the making of the following ' public improvement by .the City"of St. Paul, viz.: j&a03=truc.t.j1_.r.e1eV and rapair the 4em"t tile 84doWalk ..0 width _91U8 .Blde_:.Q�_Szna�eeg--batsmen �!�nrth 8t....and --------- -- - - - .__.... -_ - - -__ - -----..._..._._.............__...-- ----'- ............. - - - - - - Dated this......_.._-day of................... 30.vemher........................................... ......... 191. .......... Councilmad., PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: rttnt�_re]ay_$nd_.rapair._the'n.ementMile %1JAZ»a3.k.-to.-.4L_-a1dth--0t .... .1 on.. thy_ a@t fl .de.._.oi HraB ._bataasn_. nlirtiLBt,_and_Ftfth-ate ------- ---- - - -- 11wrltten ii4i_, y. a foHowtnc ,in ..._. .......:. ........ ruck rblap.',nd r. ._............. ....... ......... •. �ldnwylk having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cita and crow a .._.......__...... -... _ - therefore, be It That n4 is m¢ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner' of Public Works be and,'. b' H°° to n'erordered and directed ?.tigate t•":cf 1. To investigate the necessity for or-desirability of the maldtr,;nr tnsd improvement. - itigate » 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of saidteo pvement, and the total cost thereof. 3:furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative ',O-said improvement;_ ....._................... 5. ']Co state whether or not said-improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yeas Nays: Councilman Farnkrvorth Gtr' Approved....... ..... - Nov.....24 191, ...:...-..191...:.._: Hyikd React • ) � t ' . Mooll T 1 WH5`derlich \;... ..—...._....-..._,... ........... Mayor vin 11ayor. vow. a a-e - r Council File No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r v and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 'following publicrdvement by the City of 5t.-Paul, viz.:.....Heste]latrn t.,....r.8lay....and.:.repair.... the ...a.emilnt.._ttl.e..sidaisl]c...to.:...a - :_vridth ai_eight_38at.._an..±ha_noxth..a.ide...of._Zaet..:Fnllcth_3t. Brnadnay.snd-..Pine_.St.-----------=--... ........... _...... ...... - ..... ......... --...... -......... ----- ----i -Dated this.:.:.. $py,n,�� ...day of vembez ............ .191....:'1• 1"" .... Councilman._'__ . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement; viz.: --rqTeir t�.2Rn .tile�idQg-t� - width. o et3ght_.iaet_4n_the nosl.h_aide_nf...Bnet Yourth...St. ...bet ajW2..$3!eBjjWa7 gad m wrltt - ent, having been'lsresented to the Council of ihe:.Clty of St Paul ,bi8L9gt4n th lien therefore, be it Seena nee 0 Y �Ih fh° R.9tY of '� $�; ?fur tr d and;;directed r RES%VED, That the Commissioner of Public WorksZO,!Ived. d bee nil°te s �yy°rte 1: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of th +anq°es°tocae the',nepeeel emerit.- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost;^eat- lsetd t e14 Jna , and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improventr�uy �ia°ta'1 s, Dlan 4. To furnish the following other data undh mation relat,l�m,e.'I , 3nprovement;_.............. ................... s5 the .rol J rel , 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoillt matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v Adopted by the council ...:.... ........_. NOV Z 3 60. lfll - YCoun 'Yeas: ... Nays:. cilman Faesworth G Approved................ N©v.. 2� ._:..19.�.�:....1 1......— C7 xy4if.d a W9yr�fdelrlich ._................. _........_........................._ ........ Mayor Ivin — lbiayor. - S. G. Braogs Council File No.---------- - – . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �j5 r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following .public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..:Bannnatruot.,....r-slay.:-and...repa.ir...tha...cement....til-e----�h® . -following locations: -- .....M--the-east-ai4e--ot-3.inden-St. beginning -BE> •deet --fes: %tb� � OoAX St thence south 72 feet,_by 6 feet- .......... __..__._---9a t3�s-Santh"stQs'-at"�rah-St:�begtmiixfg-30'L'fe $a -3'b thenoe east 4E feet.' by 6 feet. Dated this .........�ii�711 .._..day of.............._4LXflftmw.....................................................- 191..._ w � � � Councilnzz%n.- _ + PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makipg of the following improve4ent, viz:: R®oonetraot,_� l,y_End_rQPa tAa_.S�.QI9Q�tt�tl Q�e yval]�.8 �t-a L=e looationsz _ratio xhe_seat-aids..of_7+inden.-3t.•-beginning-2&-feat- at thenoe south 72 feet, by.6 feet. .._..._::..�::-0n--bhe-�a�tlr=ef�ka--oi�--4rch-->gb.�-begtmtiag�--898•--ibet--es�a-�= -aa St. thenoe east 42 feet, by -6 -feet. - ....... ........... _.............._....................................._-........ - ....... _..__...............i......_....:...............__.................._..............-- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_ ............................________-_ _____-___–_____� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herebw,.ordered and -directed - 'the. .. - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the—making of.:::i tnorefore; cent. - That the Comm¢ 2.. To investigatg the nature, extent and estimated cost of said in:.1i, an ; beret. ,, a total cost thereof_ �e 1' to Yha' `neoedn' , 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 1411 ot-the mshtnr,' Q agate the .&W 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative Y cost of •�, fent;–..--------------------------------- "d ....... _............ ...... _....... ...................... ....... _............. .............................................. b. To state wei or notsaid improvement is asked forbn the ptrortaon of Three or more ownes r_ 6.. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _ Adopted by the council$ Yeas:Nays: Councilman Farblw_orth N } Gtr Approved...Nqy—.:. - Hyi itti � UMd oil igi W"rlich ._._.. ..._. .�--•-••• --- Mayor Iris wwe a•e 7 PT TBLISIILI7 J�2 File No PROPOSAL FOR as PRELIMIN I oO16 r . The undersigned hereby proposes the making o£ . :rQement by the City of St. Paul, viz.jteaonatrnat,....ralay...ala&- e w...af eight._fest....nn-tha_"nth.-.i.aa-. - �_� --•• - �- .P Q -s �aTa t,,c�.144.%t..�88t of ,1aQkaon...8t...thanaa._eaat_fi6 meat_, - �•. ��-a�= ter` - t U-08 –2--j=10%9 AT._ . _.....eau4:Ift-fan-to_�iM-fmo%_2_fasl- ........ .9..R.9. Qt;A .L Dated this- .....:...9r.Pi}'.1fi.....day of. ..$4'�9n!bfl --- ----------------'_- --- — - - �-3 3 —' i ,t _ - Councilman. PRELIMIN WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making ofa.owia z�c - �-_ -�-.z _ zzs_ _ RaCJDjM runt., .salag._and.-rSPair_tb Q@ a �- - �.� -�- to-a••RiBth ci; siap e-P .��� -tom .� +.r — or ._.J4C. ?6_.a%:�i.lATlQ9_.SBHx�GS_feet aa}�t}1en06 - anot-102 fee -..On UL feeta. having been presented to the Council of the City of St_- _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner dbl3ublic V4'4.=� and directed . 1. .To investigate the necessity for or desirability MX=3CX- -_ z 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate_ st o£ __-���or -' -- -:- _ - - -'�� _ - a=F tae total cost thereat. - 3.To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imp -- --- -- other data and intoe•=• 4. To furnish the following o _......_.............. _ - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is owners. - 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to - --- _ ��=T�'�`=..t..� Adopted by the council ....... - .... _.._. Yeas: -.•- - 3�Tav� _ -- - — Councilman Fark9worth G*9 A 113"d i; W4x6rlich Mayor IF" - _ hfayor l PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �f The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemex:x-r_ St. Paul, viz.:....Becoxtetruo.t.,.xeley....and-rapair....the-aeme-nt....tt1e___s_ -2 3c-- followinglocations: _.. ___.._._.......t&&..nnri:h Rule. C.-Feat--Ninth_--fit 3n*,t,,a- 1cs� 4M= asst- o� Jsokeon St. thenoe east 9 Peet, by feet and on .6 zzv► '*+ s�d6 of Eae:it_.XTinth 3t—beginnitig- arfeek..Rest 0£.-.Slbley-St - :Eeet, by 64 feet. Dated this........:.$3rd._day of ............. Xgwenber................ ........ j..... 191------- PRELIMINARY ----- PRELIMINARY ORDER. — WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz- _ _�eastz�atr]sat,.se]sy_ansi_zeytair._the.�emenlzt�xile�irle-r g _-s-. �a� a looations: JaoWon St. thenoe east 9* feet, by 6* feet, and on tk3Aap �.1c3- $ :2c -LB of $set Nin#r - tv-begin�t#�sg-34E �aeb weer cf 9lble�r 8fi s— r3x� �-� - — M#z aaL feet .:..:b'YvYfeet. ...........................�.............. _......_ _._,. .... +ro- "-- -- Mwrtftab yropteal fort --------- esb. .�"----� .. of the 'fonowln8 honrovem ,'- having been presented to the Council of the City of St yoii�a°e aea�tralk at the folio '--------------- - - — — — therefore, be it ,e north -'tae o!'P1nei xmr;` n6 194 ;teat RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public WE Wokatrte e1-0ide -G y ordered and e�_T&_tba tnnlp&.103 teat west -or - - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability toce-weet 17 •fagt,by'smprovex>Zexxt _ •been- presented' to'. ,the -'- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate{�t�' Txsc me°coarmie°%ment, aacl the tom cost hereof_ > Voris,be, And 1q hereV _ — 3. To furnish a plan, profile pr sketch of said impjofeoeaasate tr •^ 4. To furnish the following other data and informa.buuy of t N WSimla improvement;_______= - _.......................... _........ ........................ ............. .............. ....... ._....._..... ..._.--_—_________ ........ ............ ......... ............ 1. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mo inance- 6. To To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance- - 3: Adopted by the council =..^: 2•j.1? :...1411....__. Yeas: i Nays: Councilman ar>4rworth NdV `)4 1917 GoW Approved . ..:.. ....... - --- -- '- 1 - Wiwderlich `— Mayorirvin aosw a o -e .. PUBLISFIf!,t^3 Br 1999 f Council File No...............................1/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and L:y:J II 0 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...lWoane-truct..._tha-.- Go- ent....tile ..-.sidewalk...to..,.$on, tha•.8ast .aids o�-.Raymond ins..-hs8lnnin8-16.Q._Yast_..anlith_.o�_fi>d1s3L3• Dated this ...... _..... P,3r&day of....................... NiciTember._.............. .r a .................. 191 _T. Cooncjlmun-_ i� f PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Bs aQnatrnothe.. n exaent__t l e_eid e�a1.sL..a �t1.4._7c _ f Q.e_t... on the N Osgt...s.ide...a_8ay�nond�xe. heginning_16Q �'aet south„��ndlsy 8. SL�enoe ten Dropae4l foT tha) is Idt}} ___._ .__._..____......_ tda„ six feet the . -the, , e1S feet oa Me, _.-..... ...mod rCvq. beafMias .. ... ,.. �c, � _............:_. o1?l)ndtey��Bt.. fhene4-� ... .. ......... ... - tdd 'Tree ....... u. _p 6 been y santad to.; having been presented to the_Council of the City of St Paul lt,.',tne dq, At ae psnr. ...... _.............. ��at ilia tbm`mfafona[ o[„ , therefore, be it tie aad heJa bercbr or-! RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work�''1F:ltt thebtev.nieebasi r -f and directed o s 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the mats' the nature s--provement. ,coat of said tmr' --- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costishow viantb p o;nent, and the total cost thereof. '.ldImprovement -s - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvenleh the . fonow11 ormatlon::relatl- 4. To furnish the following other data and informatiof h`aj a rtt_or 43 improvement;_..... ............................. _........................... _..... ,............ ..... ....................................... ................................................................._..-......... ....... _................ _........... o. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council �.�.� 1:_� j 1 .........191 ........ 1 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fuio_ rth NOV 24 1917 W98- Approved ......_......._..... .._................ ............. HSWnd P”. o W�,i;t�(`1erlich... ....... _........................ Mayor "�''- 1�Ia °or. .. PfJBLISHED / /— ` X: G. Briggs Council File No...... ....................... e. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT lei ; q and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes -the making 'of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.:. H81ay.,...Te0.nna.trnot.... and -..repair _.the ...nerwin ...ti1.e...93d8>R&1$..to.:.g. _....alibh.:�aY._sia�aet_on._the_naxth eide_.o�2tinnahaha.St. �,•�m,_desaie..St. ----- ...................... ........- -- -- _ _-----__ `— -- Dated this .....__E3rd.....day of ...................R.Qaemher ..... .. 191. 7. _— v s Coun an. PRELIMINARY ORDER_. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _._Hels3r,._rocnnatsaint_.and_sepsis...aha.�.emelit_tiles_aide'Aalk_tn_.a._si�th._flY T • 38619- � ��'ao:; -Fthe t9nowl9B faun ........ reooaetruot . gn at .tlle'eldewelk to a ....................................... ..... .... ............ -..... ._. .::.. }on theI north ald4'"o :.....__......... ......... room 'let n $t, nt 'udag �baea reseneF. having been presented to the Council of the City. of St li ua,gty o�, et. Pan...................................._. _........... ..... _ therefore, be it a thantne eommir' 'orktt be: gad he le ' p 1 dlreolgt RESOLVED,_That the Commissioner of Public W fave:ft"l the hereby ordered and directed• .blllty.of.. the m. - L To investigate the necessity for or desirabilitynveeuC-.ie" ,of said improvement. nicoet 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated{ teeoted ,Wn iid improvement, and the total cost thereof. rfurnish: a) 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imp rt gl lin °e Whttive to said improvement;_........ ......_.......... ......... 4. To furnish the following other data and informati 0....:._ ..................... ................ ...................... ....................................................................... ....................... ........ _..................... _........... — ................. _....__...--- _ 5. To state whether, or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the couneil. !..._ _191......_. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GWSIS Approved._ NQU 2.4..! E............. 191 Hya d V I — 6C{ oll Wi9derlich V Mayor Irdin Mayor. ' soave a a•e �{.iBGISIi[CIi�_�+.r/ . ,i• B d: Br3998 CouScil File No.— ........... ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . -- PRELIMINARY ORDER - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of ' St. Paul, viz.:.......Boaaaxa :xua .,_xelay...mit ...repair....th.a.._aameX1t.-- ti1e._.aid-QTM1&...0....a Ida.h_.o�...aia.tea.�._.Dn..ghs,._nnrth._�ib�_.AiFalr�laltl Ave:._iral�.S.Qgth_.Hobert Dated this :.._..2.tsfl...:.day of .............. _.... #1.9 .%PbA C ...................... + a ... 191..._7 .. x �'--- Councilin PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..:.:..8flft_Ga>,a:1:T11C.�.*._ssley_..Bab..sflp8lr�the nement _b118_B.ida�alLt�.a-_niaLh.._Gf , z_�,iz:..feat_..fln__th.e_..north._aide.._o.�Fair1'iea..A4s.:...moat..3flath.Bnher�....St..:�henoe feet, . _. lawn-vroppoogr Cor 't - otttizi: hnp l jro, ant it relay and repaln ......_. ......._ '- ......... _................. ...... ....................._. .. eId- Wltih to a width oC�."_.. north�alde o[ P'altlleld - at Robert 8k ,thence ng been presented to the Council a[ the City of St. Phav�ng'beea presented to ---- -- •• - ---- . ---_ 1 the CttY o[ Bt•Panl - therefore, be it - 'et tbat t e eommlaaioner of'.� kba : ne I■ hereby r,!ordered and directed t - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public,Fgeeca t td o . - nv gtlgate the neceeelfgS foe 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabllit.1111 Y of the ,malting of ,aatd rovement. 2. To investigate the nature,.extent and cstlma ;"°'nests 1 nature ea —tri, and the total cost thereof. �. ted oogt of enid�.lmnrove.• -- .the .tgtei •cost tbereob, :( 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said int ttntsh .% -: plan •nrgnt/9p • id lapthev Colio0 7 4. To furnish the following,other data and Inforkj,rotmatlon:>r0"o*1 ' ,1 Improvement;_......._.. ..... _....__............... t '. - to mhetber�or nrt .........._........._._.........._._........_... .................... .. t a. fnT.: ..._. ........ ........._— .. ...... ...... ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oa the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the commissioner of Finance. Jul '4 - Adopted by the council ........... .......... ! 1 .:..._191 ......: Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn worth - N�1 24 1911 Gobs Approved ....... _..._................. :................... 1W....._... M eRe c v � t Mayor Irj . d Mayor. ,�'F.TBLISI�EA,+gL,a�.:1rr� t! �. 4. Briggs / ' Council File No .............................. l� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ® PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes' .the making of the following public improvement by the City of St..Paul, viz.:....:...$0A.one.trUQt,.;.r.01V... end...repair..... thQ...,.Dement.:,. 1lp.silLawelk...t4_.a uiUh_..Qf_.aia.- feel :_-ort..At►a..:noxth..e.i.d,o._af_3n&inns_�Ya.•_tsslxu���+a.B�•._thanoe , west to Hobertson,$t• _...:....:.:..__.;_.....--........ __... -- ................ -- —`-.��._._.._.�... ........ . Dated chis ...:....2$Pd.....day of .............NAvaember.. 191 ..rJ • ra r ���.. i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. r WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruot�- ele�_anc} xaPa�x._tho�amsn�_the_ait5awe13 _t0. &_Width._oi six feet on the nortL�. de..._Qf_..Inlliang kjM _ :E an Stotts st-_- - ihenos._west_Sn. wrlttaa pr* it t' . ......... . . ....................:........ ie totlgR'taB 1mt+ro> .._._ ........_ .....,race M1aYrrptt}l-., • dle sidewetk la a R. having been presented to the Council'of the City of 4elheea'n st4_itiangoef iman.................. ............ ...... _......... I t:-:having'been'pre;; therefore, be it }be i[ the ,CItY':oC, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publi �kehon ins hems is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabinnveetdirected.lgete the'iieci�;f said improvement. _ uty;.o[ the making.. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estir-nvaitieate "th,cost, ofe natur.hprovement, and the total cost thereof. I thed taid '.. :3. - To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said rurr total coethe•: sh p planp:" – 4. To furnish the following other data and inf, °'rndtee ins [nli° a to said improvement;_................... ' - '�rtnrttlon:re��� v............ .................................................................................._..................................._......._........_........:......__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..... :.....r tr 4 ry I t ....... .....101.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman FarnMorth ' �iaf `" ly I g Approved ......... .........191 Hyl......_. a k • - � M�c��oll � � – WqWerlich� a ayorlrou" _ _ ......... ......... ............................... _.......... WORM C 6•B - i . Mayor. wBLTs )— ; L / _ • 4• Sri 0 • Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a 1 and �J IA PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.........Construat...s...driy.awag.-: nP._oament...cr.osewslk--bloa2ml_.ta...a.-.width. of ......... s.0.:.feet_aa__tha_asst aide sf _Heymann.a......b.e8.ilg_3�eat_aQu 4Z Hampden�Ye.._thanos.s.anSh 3__feat....-------------------------•---. i Dated this...........2t'F7 4._..day of ..ROpambax.. .......:. lei TV -. •..._t F r--`----- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---•--Q onatrnat._a..dxivase.Y-.af_.cement_.axnss�salY_bloaks�t�n_��dth._.aY._uiz_:f a et - on thQT)tie 9�i✓3imonlYRs�@$--.%2...$19@#�13S2u_QiP$Q14 Ave• thella9—ED31L�_ffle�la—....._._..._. —_ iton aropp'pppp�� for the c. _...._ _ •• llowJn Ihipkovement.•� ...... .............` ........................ ._......: .. .r;:ida of rtalsroon4-.................. ...... [ al: •feet Routh of .BamMe ,.outh.e teat having F having been presented to the Council of the City of St P•,berero opunbcen t the ............ .......... _ eTbet. the, Commisfoq`' therefore, be it a be an¢ be is here,l ceded: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wore-ti=e the neceeni+eby ordered and directed- t9 of, the making o' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability P';a,"o ' - nature, I improvement. . ed coat of said -lny- 2. To investighte the nature, extent and estimator be total cost.tnereetyement, and the total cost thereof. ornieh:.a plan 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imr1xu h 'the mens c p la'the toltov;' ntormetion relati 4. To furnish the following other data and inform: t. F said improvement,;-................. ........._............... whether'+•! • -................. ..................._................_.............._..._. 5. To state whether,or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To-report upon'ali of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I Jrit '2'I Adopted by the council..... :_............. ......................... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farn4orth; Go�. Approved............. ...._............... ..........161 ._..... Hyl - • � Wuerlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. FORM a 64 , PUBLISH!iD % S . I 7 _ � �riCa vufeie�a�r>ouTs.v 1 q ���Ap I,�bs�nyt o[�aopdgDmine and � f%'� J>_J'iJ�i� t an ed,semeat.in •the.Iaad fl ;easY.lbr doyen. f6t-aob'end;s i. ing ct CroUp 1w7d Ds�+ doaphIagtL�� to Harttoai� t HarttoFd 86.: trem rlOraUrrt �h+ -;.RESOLUTION OF COUNCI �°`' . t fQr• t6. �Qpe+.DapESSMENT AND FIXING - t,.. YemeDLiuolr� more,s;�atr, �esrfbe4 s#.'irD 6a°emeat �tp•r , TIME OF HEARING f d` 10A. ° d ON PROCEEDINGS. - ?dlsartfi ,street liaL— Into "'sfof6'eWdJ int.: ;^oit- Wo ks Ix •,�fhere n ' hears'. i uG lit. 4 for In the matter of cl tach ifii sd. naki.xig._a.r�.:. :�em�n ....irt..:tk>e lans�...n.eaesaa-ry the grading of Cretin 4venue,from ?iandolph•.3i to .Hartfotd St,-and Hartford. St. from. Cretin. Ave. to- Mount Curve Boulevard„ the land to be taken for the above named'improve- went-••being-:more•.-part;i•cularly.desciibed--as an easement for slopes _for , cuts and fills Yn and upon the`land''WFaVEfH upon afet•in a'v'enue ana�� Hartford at__rest.,.between the•points aforesaid to the extent shown upon, £he sketch attached to the report -1,o f *f He�Wor&s inthe;mattex;••.datec�- ;L917. which sketch,_ and report referred to and made a part hereof, ° .......................-......................... .. .......... ........... _... __.... -under Preliminary Order ..I 2I8..: ......... approved June... 23,.1.91.7...., Intermediary Order•18331.....-•, approved......ABg..... aQa.. 1917 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his°report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements thereid, appropriated for the above improvement, and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit fo property from the making of 1 y said improvement, therefore be it i Resolved; That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms- . ' tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also nFion the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. 2.7th ................ day ` of ............Deo.ember.............191..7....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. IiCl19j � !r ,` Adopted by the Council ....:.. ....... ........................... 191..- ... .......................... v./ ,._V•••G 1 5 til iJ I j Ccitylerk, Approver .... .................. 191 .._ 1 U �....F_ _�`v.-�-............ Mayor. Councilman F� orth Councilman Wss Councilman $jnd utiL o Councilmen M# it Li5HED1 1�1 Councilman, W erliel Mayor Iiii i 1 �. e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....condemning__and„aak_ing„an..:eaaementnd.•,nec9.9. Ty for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cretin Avenue from -- ftnaolFh...St......ta_.Haxtf.osd...St...._aad...U;tf.QTd— Mount Curve Boulevard, the land to tie taken for the above named improve went, being. more particularly described as an easement for slopes. for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Cretin avenue and Hartford street_, between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the 7EYEV6H'--ai'taohed t'o-the-�"report of "'the"Usitnm sa3one'r"'ofPub�'ic •'Wor s in the matter. dated Oct, loth 1917 which sketch and report arse ........................_..._.......,....------.....................................r................x...............-.:_.._.......................-.......... _... hereby referred to.and made a part hereof, ........... .......................................... .................. ......................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 1721a.......... approved.AbAne....2.3.,19.17, Intermediary Order 18331 approved .... Abri...4.Q.,....2917.. ....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 6T. PAUL. The Commimioper of-Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of'damages therefor to the owners thereof 1 respectively, and the persons to whom suchawards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined.,he amount of benefits to property, from the making_ofsaid improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is asseastnent roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i j i , b i Comm�seioner of Finance.. . l a mat r i4'- oondbl b4np d �'ik 14 eaeembnk to t66;Inh4 inaoes - [� foY�t DDes, [or Dugsrnd'tills Irt + � `J,Jr..� " ° "ilu�.ttle pbrth bad abveh eller !h - - �1r Y79 obbrteofl'i,` Addtttoa Chtove to iaa4ana Ave„' too l'D.e taken for;the a vs i ' ivd ImDxoVement beingmere �ar 'lnrlp deecrlbed ae an eaeembnt RESOLUTI N OF COUNCIL °' f°� °pt. and�leln aha pd 'WENT AND FIXING i the land"e,Dutttng- In Blo-1; 77 RoberGon's Addl- TIME OF HEARING IN°°�°''NDEnpreon teh°o"RD h PROCEEDINGS. .,:Works to the' - 'ober 2nd, `1917 ort are hereby - parthereof ereby- part"hereof In the matter of......9411o'IVIAtI T?g.-end..,taking•_an..,eseement.._in•, the..land. nec\essary - for slopes, for cute and fills in grading the north and south alley in, Black --1.79 -..Hob.ertsan1e...Addit.i.on,.:.:from..Chicag.o...Ave....t. .o...Indiana...Aye+-r..... the land �o be taken for the above named improvement being more arti_u.ar- describe. as an easement f9. r e- es for cuts and fills in P-------.... C--1----..lx................ - a .................................................._10 .......,.......... .... and upon the land abutting upon the alley in lock 1Wn son e ..Addi.t.i-ozl ...het.w.e.en--.the ...point.s...ai aT.e eaid,....t.o....the .:.ext.ent...aho-wn-4p. rsY...th e._ sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public :orks in Q2nd._.1.917..,..._Wh��k1 a�sa4.�kl..axld...xe17.Qrt...axQ......:...:... hereby referred; to and made a part hereof, ................................' .....- --................. -------............------...-----.......----....-----•------.......................... .......... under Preliminary Order...._13093---•-,.- approved ..CC-t.....Et,.1.91.f:....., intermediary, Order approved Aug. 2.8,...1-91-7 .. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it � c Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a ednfirma= tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner oFinance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the.Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...-.....23.th......................day of --..._December Ilg1..7..'..., at ten o'clock A. AL and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be ............................... ti; is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............................................. 191 �...a--.uvk l ....... .. . ' - City CI Approve( ,...................... 191......., Q lQ Mayor. Councilman aworth Councilmaf�op ) �J Councilmanrliyland PUBLISHED 'gog Coll U Councilm ak,uderliel May IWin t .. ...... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER' OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.... ti4k.019...4:n eA. M.slat....1.C1...t.YAB...land...ne.ce.8ary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the north and south alley in. Block 179 Robertson's Additior.� from Chicago Ave. to Indiana Ave, the lana-:V6"be'''taa ken"for the bovena' ed improvement being more particularly described_ .as..an:..easement._for...sl_ep�.�...f-Gr...&.ut.a...find...Lill.a...in..and...up.an.._ £he Yanii abut£ing upon the alley 1 Block 179, Robertson's Addition, between the points -•aforesa-id.—to.-thg,,,ext,ent.-..Ph.9211_uI1.Cx1...t11A-..nitet.ch.:........ . "attached Lo the report of the commissioner of Public forks in the matter dated October 2nd .1917,_- which -sketch and r ..-....a -..-._..................... .-----........-................Qpo�t-..a.r..�...k�elr�.bx:..r.Afsxxed.. to,and made a par���Tiereot`; i ......:-----•........................__........................-......--...................................:....-•----•............................L.....•-----................__.......... under Preliminary Order�proved:.QC-ti......6,....19.16, Intermediary -Order .......1.8286......, approved....._Au�.r....28..;..19.7 7 .... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or,easements t�erein taken and appro- pria d for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof.- respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified, with the signature of the under} signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. I �Lr............. /n... Commissioner of •nance. i • a f STATE OF HIMSOTA, Rounty of '?amsey s In the matter �ofl the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and ekpenses arising. from the condemning and taking_an easement in the lands necessary for slopes,,, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 179, Robertson's Addition,from Chicago Avenue to Indiana Avenue. To the Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota:- - r I Samuel, Labovich, object'to the confirmation of the award of damages and assessment of benefits as made by the Commissioner of Finance In the above entitled matter, in so far•as.said:Aaard relates to my property known as the easterly,W feet of Lot•4 Block 179, Robertson's Addition to `West 8t. Paul, on the ground? that the a7rd of damage.so allowed is not fair and -not impartial and that naid amount is grossly inadequate to comyensa\te me for the loss and damage which Ij1will sustain as the;-resultof the.grading.of said;allley. 1 i STATE OF MINNESOTA, Bounty .of Ramsey In the matter of the assessment of.benefits, damages, 'costs and expenses arising from the condemning and taking an easement in the lands necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 179, Robertson's Addition,from Chicago Avenue to Indiana Avenue. I, Isadore Laboyich, object to the confirmation of the award Of damages and assessment of benefits as made by the Commissioner -of Finance in the above entitled matter, in so far as said award relates to my property known as the easterly 40 feet of Lot 5 Block 179, Robertson's Addition to west St. Paul, on the ground that the.award of damage so allowed is not fair and not ,impartial and that said amount is grossly inadequate to compensate me for the loss and damage which I• will sustain;as the result of the,,grading of,said alley.., q\ r to / 9 LV q r i 6 1 O 39626— In the matter of condemning and I-- .... ak- Ing n easement In the land necee- e rY for elopes, for uta and ally 1n the grading oL Belvidere street from :1 t South Robert St. to wlnclow ve.. he 1 nd to be. token_( r the aboveI - mmed , Improvement •A¢inq more RESOLUTION OF COUNC 'ar"C"'arty deeerlbetl e, " as 6MENT AND, FIX', e t for slopes. to cute d ails In -1y upon the land "hutting uyon - . �1 Idere street, between the polnta TIME OF HEARING r¢an'tl, to the ext° '"awn a°°" ROCEEDINGS. sketch nttachetl to the report oL, ^ommleloner s Public works niter dated October 2rd. - '•Ich sketch and report are rred to and made a Dart 1 under Prellminnry Order aPtr3917, Inter- , f ...9276, approved Aug. L the innitir or c.ond.emni.ng... and. _tak.inF...an....easeident...,in...t.he...land....Ce•geas?i_ry - for Slopes, fo31 cuts and fills in the sradin8 of Belvidere Street 'from South .Rob.e.rt_ St to.," insl.9W..tiY.ee.,..,the .land to_:be taken -1- or-..tne..Lbove named! improvement. being more particularly described as an easement for 8lopes.,_for...cut.s__,and_fill.s_.,n.ard,.lupon.trte..land_abut.ting upon.................... Belvidere street; between the points aforesaid, to the extent show u.R.an...the.._eket. ch..at.te,.ched...t-q:-_the _ report .... f._the...Cgpjmi.8sioner.__of.._Public ltiorka in the matter dated October 3rd, 1917, which a'ketcYi and report._ ._are hereby__.refers_ed_.to ._i^a,nd.--made._a --- �8-rt hereof, ...._..... _..... ................. - - ...... ................... uudeil 1'reliniinary 0rdm•_.17474_..-__--- approved .JU1,Y... 9.,.7.91,.7......, Intermediary Order :L.827.5 a pprove8...wE's......X8....191.7 The Commissioner of Finance having subunitted hisl repo•1 in the above matter as to the anio ilt of dauiaves awardedtbr the, taking of the land or easenn•nts therein appropriated for the above improvement - I and to whop payable: and also having snbnnilled hi,jassessment of benefit to property from the. making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of beuelits hr. ;Ind the same is hereby approved Resolved farthor, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report. and for a coilirnia- tion of the awards of damages made by the Counuissioner or Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court llousr in the CHy'of St. Paul_ on the...... ._ 27ttiA ..._.._day of -._ December -_ 1917. , at. ten o'clock A. Al. and that the.. Commissioner of Finanee be and lie is hereby directed to give notice of,said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Council......................_. .... : 191- ... City Cler]d� Approve[ ....-.__:._ .... 1.. ...., 191._.... �. . _............... ........................_....................................... .................. Mayor. Councilman Farn�rth Councilman (apes j �7 Councilman IIkffind f-CountalmlefP if�lTer" PUBLISTIED I ..Councilman WltColl 'Councilman Wfinderliet Iifayor Irvin , E Dee. 24, 1917. A i To The' ` onorable_.City Counci 1 of _-_—. St. Paul. ,ent le men: In the matter of grading 9elvi dere Street and• the awards of damages to some property. I appeal to the Counci 1 for d,images on the land of lot 1, 2, 3, Block 1, Horn +s Subdivision of Lot 7, Bid - we llsaddit•ion_ar.e. 9lock I, 'Vests 5t. Paul proper, because when the street is graded these said lots will be a Ovate!hole at least in the Spr ing, being the lowest pr operty which gives the water a Chan -.e to accumulate, it wi 11 raise to the hei;rht of the graded atreet unless boxes or pipes are laid to pre- vent t his . m ` J I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF. LANDS in the matter of_...con.demn ng and. t4kng..an..,jsa% rnkPnl...ia:,..ttie._.1.a.r,Si....ri.e.QG3.S.�?Y for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Relvidere Street from ...the..lanfl t.n...he.._taken..''-or...±.ha-abnx.e._ named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for, u? on.. the....l.grad..:ab>1t.t.i nF;...>xn.an._ .211 iclar e Street, between�theapoints aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the . P sY.etch attached_t.o:.,t.hethe...Co.^rissi_ones•__of_._Pu�l.ic._'aorksi.n__, :................. the matter dated October 3rd, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and,.made.a..Part ereof,..,_.._.,. .. ........ ...................................... _._....._ ...__ .....-.___ ...._........................................... under Preliminary Order....h.7.474....__..., Approved...dulY . 9,.. 1.917 Intermediary Order...1.927.5appr ed ...:...__, ru g29 1y17 i To THE COUNA OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages theYefor to the owners.thereof respectively', and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that'he`has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above And identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .tpf ...-1 .... Commissioner of Finance. [ ._... CITY OF ST. PAUL. - _ _✓ COUNCIL, OLU ON—GENERAL FORM L_ Subject:...:. ......:.. ..... COUNCIL FILENO_, .. ........ ......... ..... ..... _.. ....................: ............__.........................:.:. _ ..... - NOV. 2:51917 Date Presented ................................;..............191........ Resolved, That Council File NO. 194211 a resolution granting a license to Heilbron & Weiskopf to operate and oarry-on a moving -picture theater at,No. 1051 Grand avenue, is'hereby repealed and rescinded, and the license granted thereby revoked. RF. eeolved,96 That Cevncll rile No. I --1194'1, resolution granlit.ng a 'kenos _ to Hell "on & Weieko��tura thesis rry on. movlan6 D 19 hereby ro- , Nn. 1d61 CrQns i ,,n,,. the Itcenee ''.pealed nd r • ggrantedatherabY revoked• - Adoptedby the Council Nov..28. 1917_1 _ Approved Nov. 23. 1917. I (Nov_�� :.. Yeas (i,') Councilmen 2:3 i� 1 ilmen (✓) Nays -<i :...191........ Adopted by the Council ........................................... f jeFarnsworth w ie!' I Z Goss (� ..............In favor' Approv 191..:..... . LO-Mecoll ................Against � r- �Cwrg Mr. President FORM C.9•II ,IYVLr _ ' ' —CITY OF ST. PAUL - - COUN IL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE • zlz COUNCIL No. '- FILE / Date Presented RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons ,for, license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- speotively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of ,the fee required by law. . Name oY Applicant. Location. Ben F. Morgan,_ -------------------------- 321 Wabasha St. - John Pregler,_ 228 W. Fairfield St. _____--_ —.,_RY Henry hfcColl -That the application' Ben M._ SChOTr�,it gHquotrer a[ the -°'171 Front St: ; JOHe h Hilton •tlYelyIndlcatod, bo. IrebY are granted, . is authorized and di S 412. Cedar .— B. ,eh licensee to said tet. the 1111-9 - Magee & Macdonald,San; or the •br.--___._ :nt of the fee requ - 321 {Vnbasht 189 E. 3rd St. .< Charles Holstenson er, 229 W. Fal, — wrn, 191 Front 9• 7th St. Hilts-, 112 cedar 389 E. 7 � —_—._facdonnld, 169 E o eo1 389 E' Andro Johnson ' on, Innen, uo 3nek� 410 Jaokson St. kla, 225 E. 9th -- ---. ... --------------__---- -- • [ano. 444 St. - .-'---- --------- --- er, 599 E. M• . 392 V o 7th St . n 225 E. 7 c I -_ John -hi. Califano, '92' 444 St.Peter St. . Anton-gleiter, - 699 E. Minnehaha St. ----._._. _ Abdo_Kadr, _ —._-- X92 Waoouta St. ------- ------ __-____:__>81111_am Dley-, 241 E. 3rd St. Mel_v__in._E,Garlough_� 429 So. Robert St. 115 W� 19th St.-- -- — Yeas (.1 Councilmen (r) Nays Nara worthf Adopted h .__ by the Council aV �191 (; In favor Kd y { 191 Approved N. .. ? M oil t? V :\gnin5t J Nu erlich Mr. Yreditlen ruin ....._._ _.._. .......... __.._... __......._ _... MAYOR PUBhISIIED_LLL% 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ .-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subjcet. COUNCIL FILE �I NO. r� . Date'Presentef RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses — to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. hick Sauro,_----_ _-- -- 32 E. 4th St - t. -- Wm - Wm. __Lush ---- - -—=----- - 454 E. 7th St. James G. Cikanek, — 1167 W. 7th St. _ -739 University --A°. —_Cbae. Gentile, _ 435Bradley St. --—_---Charlee_Seoora.-___ _ .. _ _ ----528St. Peter St. __.Mina_G. JeA1;_jns,_-I_-- _ �Q St. Peter St. Paul _Assoc ati-on, Inc. S. E. Cor. 4th &__Wabaeha St., -- John Gardner,----_— : - ---505_ Como Av. ----_IIelz-TdenglerCo. _.468_Wabasha_St. Coon men (I') Nays Far orth Adopted by the Conneil - .__. 191 ........ G In favor . j� aEyll Against Approved _ ) derlieh Mr.I esid t. -Irvin ♦ — _...... MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1'. Subject. ..... ......... .. ............ . ......................... � FILE FILE IVO .— ............................ .................. ................................................ ..................... . ............................... /1 711. Date .Presented RY ?ii ........... 1911.1 - Resolved, That the anmlication of the folloi7ijjn persos for a license to conduct .1otpla or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated, be, an.L the _aame are, here,.y granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee,as �required '!A: . M, OF AP':.1L1('A'1TT.LOCATIOIT. HOTFL OF 1-,T7,STAT)T-LA:"_. Tony Tork, Restaurant, J 977ArcadeSt., , Co,, ,Te Shanghai Restaurant 11 �: 7 E. 6th St-. KJersten u Dracken, Restaurant, 254 E. 7th St., IC No. enr McCtton of Ththe ppl, " on. ... th- .h. following P�. Tto.t..r.-t- -d' -,n onduct H11"" - J-dlc-to -.P locations _ W.by grantedh "di d F ""' k' ie outh-11"I ..Id j tty CtIIIsrue _I,h of h. to. 'jtLd to 6n the py-.nt P Rolru.pd' by "w! 71 Arcnil. required R--tsu""t" 9 Tony ""N,, Shnngh.i EK,lAere. Co. ,,.n6. t, 254; 6 Stl & Drxcke� jteotn� 7th E;ta 1917 d.pteby the Council Nov. 2 v,, ,. 26. 1 191 7 (Dec?( V C. Coo 0 'I.— (il) Nnyn 'M' NOV 21; "Q-7, Far F. G brth 'rt' 7 ........... In favor .1 Adapted byth�C.u 191 I App,.d.....0.,R ............ Mc 0 Agait W "'u :'�rrlsid rUch r� c ruin ........... ........ .............. .................... ........................ MAYOR FORM C A.9 -17 2M CITY OF ST.aPAUL ":..° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CO L8"c" NO. AUDITED NnV 2 410, t1pi181_ . R - g 842 _ G Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - ggnn ' Yeas ( J.) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Coun�� F swotth . s - —T --In favor - APprov } 191 .- . er M ll.—D—Against ri AYlan,d Qf MAYOR ; Y Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin C. F.. No. 1952_..._ -- Resolved thatwarrants be. dra Uwn Dolrherelna[tertho City Treasury, Dayabla our of the epecined funds and'in favor of the. persona, flrmaor corpora- tion. for.the amounts set opposite that' respective. names: ss apeclfled in She fotiowing. detailed statemeutt Adopt doby t Council Nov: 2621917. -. ADptove"Nob. 26,'1917. t 22197 dleon—Boettger Electric s`�Co., 12.50 School -]d. & R. i :t L• F.. A..5.11 t CITY OF ST. PAUL ., ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT . -b-J•t�d/ COUNCIL No, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE liYlii��� . rr AUDITED, N� V 2. 4 1917. IBI_ PER � vI 841 117 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifiedfunds and - in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names. as .specified in the following detailed_: statement: w 19 1 7 191_ NOVYeas ( -1 Co oilmen ( W. Nays Adopted by the CouncilV un - Fa In favor App 181 _ Against U 0' Hyland MAYOR MAYOR Yc Wunderlich Mr. President sa- . Irvin • Pt TAt.iSt�ED�1�.1=.� - olved 630 W olved thatt wai'rante De drawn - .the CRY Trea+inri. payable out of - i�. areinarter aDeelded lance and 1.n of the Detaone, arms or-°or"It Ii .-ror .the amounts eei; oDponite ea eeDeclnad In n., d nnmee wing deRalled atatementr �Ican SuDPIY. CO !63.41. -T"t 3teat Co.. $6.40. ', t Dufresne. $370.08. \ etc Const Co:, f7466. 22184 §Leel Co.. h.. !Pay ro.. $8060. American Su 1 C10-o_ PP Y o. 62.41 , ueller,: 1481.00 .. School -C. & B. xlmin.sa.00 - iar State Tobacco.. , - - - ,.Pro.to.. "a." .. 181 Arborgast Meat Co., 11 Qorp°'T 8.40 Misc. & Unforseen 182 Bartles Oil Co., 15.25 Street C. & R. -Exp, 183 August Dufresne 370.06 Workhouse -Exp 184 Electric Const, Co., 1 74.55 Libra ry-Compl. N.B. ;1 185 Handlon & Co., 92.43 Workhouse -Exp 186 Illinois Steel Warehouse 21.30 Com'r. Pub. Works -Exp _ 187 Melady Paper Co., - Health-Daityr 60.150 Library -E 60. 1170 0. 0 188 E. A. Moeller 481.00 Library -Exp 189 Nimis & Nimis 11 9.00 Library-Compl. N.B. 190 North Star State Tobacco 18.62 Workhouse -Exp. it 191 O'Neil & Preston 40.-20 F. A.$ -it Bridge Bldg #2 t 22192 Pierce Oil Corporation 445.96 Street C.& R. -Exp 32• Sprinkling 4 .96 4t38 193 Raymer Bardware Co., 3 School -Exp .83 Library -Exp Water -EXP • 3 Spec. Day Soho 3. 0 4_ 38 194 C. Paul STaith 11.25 Worts-,ouse-Exp - 195 Tierney & Co., 30.50 World,3use-Exp 196 Henry N. Yerger - 31.qL5 i Library -New Books i TVIal 1 8 ^ 1 i CITY OF ST. PAUL ... ° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL No., • AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE AU.IT..NBV 2 A 1917/ 181_ 1 7 � , PER 840 , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out'of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective. names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( -1 Councilmen (' J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ JK h I—In favor App v 191 ms. 1 _�Ag.ainst Hyland . MAYOR WunderlichMr. Presiden—Irv,iri `7 l pi3BL1SHE17� n 2e2oa G. A. Ashton Co., 1.99 Fire -Exp. 103 Board of Water Commissioners 39.78 \ Health -Comfort Stat. -Exp .38 Mun. Garage Rev. .76 R r 2. Pay. Prescott 4 Pay. S. Side of 6th .7 i Sprinkling 3.6 1Q4 Boeringer & Son �. P. Works -Exp. 105 Albert Bonnier Publishing Co., Library -New Books ,i 106 H.CJI` Boyeson Co.1, School -Exp. 107 L. S. Br.eher St pool-B*1 t i 108 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Central H. S. Lib. 109 Capital City L r.Co., '8ahp. 110 Cast Stone Co., School -Exp. Form A. 5.11 ;� 22111 John' Clark Co.., 2.50 Library -New Books i 112 Crescent Creamery Co., 36.00 \ School -Exp. 113 Alam Decker Hardware Co., 5.44 School -Exp .9 Health -guar -Exp Water -Earp 1. 4 Pump. Station Payne -Edge. 1 .44 114 F. A. Defiel, 5.00 Water -Exp. 115 L. F. ,Dow Co., 18132 Comptroller -Exp .4 'C. P. Safety-Gen.Adm-Exp 3 t C. P. Wore -Exp 1 5 _ i 8. 2 ,1 116 Electric. Blue Print Co., 5.94 Mechanic Arte H. S. Lib. 117 Electric Magneto Co., 23.13 Fire -Exp. R T_ 118 A. D. Ellsworth, 35.58 School -Exp. i1 119 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co., \ 57.59 Police -Exp. 1 School -Exp 0 Water -Exp _ 4 5 59 120 Finch,Van Slyke & McConville, l 18.24 School -Exp. \ 121 Chas. Friend & Son, 6.50 Fire -Exp. Pol. & Fire A. -Exp /48.0 : 122 Great Northern Ry. Co., 2.00 Pay. Mounds Blvd. -- t 123. Hoff Oil Co., 16.00 Mur. Garage Rev. 124 Yelix Joswich 19.57 Mun. Garage Rev..' 125 Journal of Infectious Diseases ` 5.00 Health -Health -Exp. t i 126 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg. C,)., 38.80 School -Exp. 127 C. S. Klimenhagen 9:08 School -Exp. — 128 Leslie-Donahower Co., 1.,50— School-Exp. 129 McClain & Hedna.n 16.10 Police -Exp School -Exp 42.0 Library -Exp. nn 00 n 16.10 - #3 22130 A. C,, McClurg Co., 99.68 Library -New Boo}Ss I 131 Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safety _ 468.93 water-Exp. 132 IT. Makiesky 2.50 _ Police-E7p. 133 Manhattan Oil Co., 91.13 — Sohool-Exp. 3 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 3 134 Hich Maurus Fire Armory-M 1� 1.73 135 • Meyer Engraving Co.,10.00 Scho o iaxp. S 136 C. E. Miller, 20.76 School-Exp. 137 Miller-DavislCo., 2.55 Water-Exp. i 1138 Minnesota Chemical Co., 10.00 Library-Exp. 139 IToyes Bros. & Cutler, 104.54,, police-ExD. 85. Health-Health-Exp ; " Quar-$Xp So hool-EXp 0 5 wat�erY.3Rxp 9 58 r Mun. Garage Re.v 45 482 - a a 1 .54 140 N. W. Stamp Works, 51.35 i' Health-guar-Exp . 0 Mun.. Garage `iev. 35 Ia n 0 .35 141 N. W. Telephqne Co., 83.59_ City Clerk-Exp 3.0 Pur. Dept-Exp 13 Fire-EXP .8 H eal th-Heal th-Exit 7. 0 @uar-Eyp 6. 0 a; P,Bath -Exp 2 0 watbr-Exp 28 35 a 75, MnnF Garage .80 .3 - 8 .59 142 A. 'N. Pglmer 6.30 School-Exp, , 143 PerkinsPTracy Printing Co., I 1.75 Pur. Dept. -Exp. - 144 Pittsburgh Plays Glass Co., 3.45 I;ibrary-Exp 35 Water,-Exp .10 22145 W. G. Prussing Ar 11.00 School -Exp. 146 Quality Printing Co., 32.00 School -Exp. 147 Remington Typewriter Co., 811roo School -Equip. 148 Review Publishing Co., 130.98 Official Pub 149 N. C. Robinson, Clerk District Ct. 121.35 Perm, Impr. Rev. Fund -Court Costs Cary 150 Robinson, & Sends, 1.28\ ilun. Garage 151 Rhe -James Glass Co., 4.00 water -Exp• 152 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., - 554.69 Scho o 1 -Eat 00 Library-N.Books 99.98 9.7 n a 9 . 0 H A Central H. S. Lib 1 .0 1 r 554. 9 153 St. Paul grass Foundry Co., 8.69 Isun. Garage Rev. 154 St. Paul Foundry Co., 183.00 i School -C. & B. 155 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 455.27 Police -Exp.: 9 Health -P Bath -Exp 5 ?,S Health -Quay -Exp 0. 5 _ Health -Comfort Stat. 0 3 , School -Exp 3 5. 156 St. Paul Glass Co., 8.42 Mun. Garage Rev. _ 187 St. Paul -'Aachine Werks, 5.15 Soho of-Exp. 3 Water -Exp b.l 158 i St. Paul Motor Car Co., 135.00 ' School -Equip. 159 St. Paul Stamp Works, 29.14 Police -Exp 20. School -Exp A01 .14 160 Scheffer & Rgesum 1.16 _ Mun. Garage Rev. 161 Ed Scheistad 100.00 School_%. 162 Schuneman & Evans,, 13.22 Police=Exp 1 2 School -Exp 1 ,. #5 22163 Scoville Mnfg. CSeh1- oo ► 8.75 Exp. AP•r 164 J. L. Shie'� Co. , _.._ 27.50 Water -Exp (9633— that wnrrantr. be . Sewer C.& R.—Exp t.1t9 r TreaevrAed Y. pZ aum" . atteepeclt,I %Qhepereon.,-Armror (tlteamount. aet oppoC , a aama. as epecfAer 165 Shotwell-Hobart-Johnson A.ht$11,99. taetan�.tn,99. e: on Co..C1 41.02 I' Fire -Exp. t of Water Comm. _ - - nger &Bon 11200. t Bonnier Publl.hinp. 1 Brehen 19 0 25 Cer' 66 C. J. Smith & Co., .53 Mun. Garage Rev. Blodgett & sperm; �I y CItY Lumbe . Co., tone Co., $25 00. .. ,lark Co..1260. .1.50 167 J. C. Stuhlman Crenrne School -Exp. 168 Tri-State Telephone Co., 121.75 Pur. Dent -Exp / 5 0 health- ealth-E�[g� .00 Health-Quar-E 7.75 - School-Exp103.0 Gun. Garage/ ev. 2. li l 2. 0 121 75 169 Twin,' City Motor Caw Co., .75 Mun. Garage Rev. _ 170 Valley Iron Works, 5.00 School -Exp. 171 Virtue Printing Co., 16.00 C. Pe Safety-Gen.Adm-E 0 School -Exp n. T6e 0 172 A. J. Wampler, 10.20 Fire -Exp. 173 H. E. Wedelstaedt 18.10 School -Exp. 174 stern Auto Co., 3.15 Mun. Garage Rev. CO 13.44 175 Western Supply Y1 Fire- C. & B. 5 Mun. Garage Rev. Water 'Exp .9 13. 4 176 Western Union Teleg. Co., 1.86 Pur., Dept-Exn 177 White ,Auto "Co., 3.03 Mun. Garage `tev. 178 W.•"G. Whitehead 2721 Water -Exp 6 Sprinkling 1 179 University Garage •62 Fire= Exp _ CIT Y OF ST. PAUL 4' —GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL N "'t' Resolved, That the grade of Kennard St. from Margaret at. to Wnrehaha St., -the red grade line on the scoompamying profile in accordance with and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the eibtablished-grsde. (10 \St,frora — -— — \ � ' In Mb Work. --~ | ' _','�_!�c�±��_� -- ' / Yeas V) Cou I en (V) Nays Far orth _�_�"�,� —��—««�"� Mr. Presid p�~rsFORW C.8-2 — NOV 24B\7 Adopted by the c"°"o.__---___--`'/-- NOV 21Lt !9\7 xx --'---- . . / CITY (J*EiJT- PAUL COUNCIL REsOLLM:ION—GEN,,ERAL FO�Rm. Subject: ............ ........... COUNCIL FJLE No . ........... . .......... . ....... . . ..... ...... ... .... .......................... Presented NovIe 24. . ...... 19VI Resolved, That the time specified for the per formanoe of a certain contract dated July 9th, 1917 between J. J. Connolly and the City of at. Paul ior the construction of sewers on Charlton St. ffrom %�oming St- to Belmont Street, on Woming St. from a point 180 feet east of the east line of Ohio St. to Charlton St. and on Winona St. from a point 1,70 feet east'of the east line of Ohio St. to Charlton St. be and the same is hereby extended to the 23rd day of November, 1917 and the proper c1ty officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment" to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, howeverx that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the oontractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Go.— 'a time zpecifled for the Scrforman-c6 of a certain —truxt �date July 9th 1917 between J. J. C .... Ily and tin Citi of sL p.U1 for Ithe construction of sewers on qhiurl� on, I. from Wyoming S' to t t W St. forn a Vol 1-7-I'Lionast �.Tthng net line of Oh" 10 11 St. t6 'Charlton St. a. c Win.n. St. 1 n from a Point 170 ftets iont' of the east line of Ohio St to Chariton St. be and the '—' is h1r1b 2.rd day of No.. Ybeextended to the . r. 1917 and the propqr city officers a,re hardeby an. thOrl.ed to ...cut. an, "'m ment to said contract I" cC:nh=It1h0 Provided, howeveC, that this rca.l.ticut shall not have any force and effect un - Is.. the, sureties on the contractor -a - . Dond consent theretowand � file ut J consent In writing ith the Cith, 'Co.pt'.11cr. L , , Adopted by the council Nov. 24 1917. Approved Nov. 26. 19-H ( se J_ D 19H� ..... ........... ... I Yeas(v') ouncilmen(k)Nays NOV 2-1 1917 Adopted by the Council - - F rth ouncl'm'n F(h NOV 21�' 1917 rt G ........ ..... In favor e er Approved 191 r Against y ........... Mr. Preside owers FORM C.8-2 - ILiI'iciel St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 23, 1917., - To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, i I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contraot for the construction of a sewer on Charlton St. from Wyoming St. to Belmont St,., on Wyoming St. from 180 feet east of Ohio'St. to Charlton -St. -and on -Winona St. from 170 feet -east of Ohio St. 'to Charlton at. be extended to Nov. 23J. 1917. Owing to labor conditions it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. ,l Yours very truly, Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is mm oono ned. Gv`v `zco-��i APPRO upt. of Construction & Repair Commissioner of Public Works Chief Engineer CT PAUL .. ,•1989tiHY-M. N. (los COUNOe� 0h. 1912. by and ben%ENERAL FORM �7 alt b1e� Asphalt aJLij534 ,y, a corporation, or K. ............. ......._...- 1 .Subject: .................................._...._......saourl, and the City of Br, >-and ,h.roby the said •�. eOUrvcIL _ �Y� r.'.d and:let to ea' FILE No:""""""""""' """ .......................F nu or two years,.. on_........... - ......................... tg mnchlnee: to be uee......................................... ,. r repairing Davemeu. BL ' Paul, which contt mutual consent este Date Presented....._.. _ .....:..::...191._.— ' - ,1lerlode, the Ingt exte' """_"' _""""" _ "-P red n Tune 19th ' is same. le hereby fn, for aperlod ortwo - on the,l9th day of _ /\''• 'i - e came terms 53. :orlg Venrontractn. 1 MmDenea to <r, Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 30th, 1912, by and between the Equitable Asphalt Maintenance Company, a corporation, of Kansas City, Missouri, and the City of 8t. Paul, wherein and whereby the said Asphalt Company leased and let to -said City for a period of two years, one of its surfacing machines, to be used in the work of repairing pavements in the City of St. Paul, which contract has been, by mutual consent extended for further periods, the last extension of which expired'on June 19th, 1917, be.and the @ame ie hereby fur - extended for a period of two years, expiring on the 19th day of June, 1919, upon the same terms and conditions as the original contract, except that the total compensation to be paid by the City during the period of this continuation shall be five cents per square yard for each and every square yard of work done by the City in which.the said machine is used. 0 Received all paporn jrl ol,r,ecti. yabove --:olutior/lZ�i/ Yeas (✓) Cou n men (✓) Nuys NOV ,�„ !9 1 Far orth /% Adopted by the Counril........... ....... 101 ....... ... .....In favor t I K r _ Approved ......� (\ .. 1 ...... ._. . .. 191 Me 1 �% ...�.. Against U _ W r'IWIr - .............:.......................... -................. M Pr<aide rvin - — MAYOR F RMC A-9 •17, 2M PUBLISHEDJ,:� —% CITY OF STC PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ _L_635 COUNCIL 1 FILE N O. Date Presented Nov. 20th, _ 191.x... f Res That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bids were received for the Repairing and Surfacing the East side of Wabasha St. from — Fourth St, to Fifth St., the Commissioner of.Public Works is hereby %uthorized to de said work by City Force ccoun Procuring the necessary material through' a urc ash Ing. Department; as provided by the Council, r,.B. #1553. C, -F. No. 19626—By hL N.. goes Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the. recommendation of the contract Committee I and as no of - were received for the repairing and - - - urraeing the East side of Wabash, She. C from Fourth St. to Fifth St., h, Commissioner of Public Works Is here- J byauthorized to do said work by City 1. Force Account, procuring the neves- - eery material through the Purchasing Department ae provided Eby the Coun-' cit. F. a No. 1662. ' Adopted by the Councll.Nov. 21, 1917. Approved Nov. 26.1917. , (Dec. ),-1917) Yeas (✓) Coutilmen (✓) Nays Farth 1 ! In favor H Kdkr M . 0 Against WJklJorlich Mr. eside Foil C. 9.2 rvin NOV 2:t 1917 Adopted by the Council _ 191 IWOU 24, !q Approv4d _ 191_...... M�roa CITY OF ,ST. PAUL COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.' ..__.._._._ .. ..._. COUNCIL N FILE 1 V 0..... ........ Date Presented. ....Nov..._20th,. 191 ...7. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recon. endation of the Contract Uommittee and hereby Pwards the contract for the Grading of Cook St. from Duluth -Ave. to the right of way of St. Paul Water Works, to Christ Johnson, at lump price bid of 12,219.00. Engineer's Estimate being $2,186.00. �B:#1568. i c: F. No, 19636—By -AL N .Moen Resolved, That the Council hereby _ - i concur. in the recommendation of the - i Cgntract Committee and hereby j awards the contr-act for the grading or Cook SL from Duluth Ave. to the right of way of Ft: Paul. Water Work.. - i to Chrlst John.on, at lump; an. price ! bid of $2.219.00. Engineer'. Eatlmata being 112126.y00. F. B. o166$... - .. 1 I Adoptedd Nthe Council Ni,ov. 24, 1917. - (Dee. 1-1917) - Yeas (�/4 ou ilmen (✓) Nays NOV 1 le az worth . Adopted by the Council o .►n favor Iyl d Q Approv i ._.... . r►Cel r .._Against .. - W derlieh Mr Presid Irvin M�roa FOAM C..-2 - CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �IL :J':Jt3( - Subject: COUNCIL FILE No.-.. Date Presented _. No'v,_ 20th, _:1911. G' 'q its -- Resolved, Th4f the Council hereby conwlrs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the . Grading of' Alley in Block 11 Boulevard Add., to W.H.Malone Co., at lug sum price bid of $60.3.05. Engineer's Estimate being $668,00, Preliminary Order #1602.6, ' F.B.#1567. cB..eaolved. 6Tha$ they coN. 6 cil .hereby contuse in the rocommendatlon. of. the Contract Committee and hereby of Aleyt in Block 11 Boulevarhe contract for the ds Add. bidwof 166003.06. .Engine.,'- P7etlmate being $068.00. Preliminary Ord—No.- 16026. F. B. No. 1067. Adopted by the Council Nov. 21, 1917. Approved Nov. 26, 1917.' (Dec. 1.1917) Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays F worth C , In favoi , H iid K M yl10 _Against I derlieh Mr. P elide Irvin .FORM C.6.2 o0 . s NOV 24 1917 Adopted by the Council ... ......... 191 NOV 2!1 1917 Approv.191........ _ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ - - �L r.Jt58 Sublece. ... COUNCIL CLE No.111 Date Presented Nov l 20th, I Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Palace St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., and James St. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave., to W.H.Malone Co, at lump a'an price bid of $3,780.00. Engineer's Estimate being $3,4.90.00. F.B.#1566. —recommendation ecomm N. ttion o - concurs J d. That h t the Council hereby Contact. Committee and hereby awards the contract for the, grading ; of Palace St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave.., and James St. from Cretla Ave. to Cleveland Ave., to N. H. Me lone Co.,. ¢t lump sum price bld or 53.780.00. HnglneaYa Estimate :being — " 13,190.00. F. B. No.: 1666. n n n Adopted Dy thq. Council Nov. 21, 1917. Approved Nov. 56. 1917. ' (Dec. :I -E CF -11 C.0`. 1 COU Yeas (✓) CJ.Irvin iers (✓) Nays Frth G In Favor H K MV O Against Wlich Mr. P ide FOAM .8•e JOV 21 1917 Adopted by the Counc . -. - --- - -191 _... NOV 2q 1917 Approv�_.... _...�...-._.__191 .. , �. . ....................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL r' 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEF2AL FORM:- ao Subject:.. �t i)vv3y COUNCIL — FILE NO. -- Date O......Date Prwented.Nov. 20 th,. _191 .7... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of�Underwood Ave. from Randolph St. -to Hartford St., Juno St. from Underwood.,Ave. to the E. line of Kipps College Park Add., ✓,'Niles St. from Underwood Ave. to Kippe College Park Add., ✓ Watson St. from Underwood Ave. to KPpps College Park Add., Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave"to Rippe Cdllege.Pa.ri"Add., to W. H. ITalone Co., at lump eum price bid of $7,331.85, Engineer.ts Estimate b'ei.ng.$8,298s00. F.B. #1564-. IIC. 18638—UY M. N,' 6oes— or- No. ncurxvin thehat ommenCntlon otrthe l Contract Committee aIt d hereby' award. the contract for tho grading l ofUnderwood Ave—from Eandolph 6t :to Hartford St., one St. from Under w -I ood Ave• to the E. line of Klnne Col- _ Colloge Par', Add.; Hal't[ord. Ave, from Fairview Ave. to Kipp.Collego Park Add.. to Nil MM..o Co., at lump g,,tta, p too beds o[ i7.331.e6. Englneer'e -' — X1664. B $8,798.00. - F. B. No. _ Adopted by the Council Nov. 24. 1917. Approved Nov. 26, 1817. - (D— 1-1917) — V s� Yeas (0 Co cilmen (✓) Nays NOV ti 4.—'}4}"1 —. Fa >> rth Adopted by the Council .. 191 In favor H yea K , Appro..........191....... J� U V � : V _Against , erlich� L MI ide .Irvin ............. ...........'_....... MAYOR F-2 Petition A Council File No.....................:..J 1'1tOPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT f.' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of , the following p!1 ... rovement by-.",the City of St. Paul, viz.:_... Cade....BVgL..AA2R.._from.._I44iap.e,ve�:4jq oag9.9ive. . �n ao,aor,, ..noe ................ •'� ;:a' y,,l vrith-..gotition...hereto....attauhad........ ........ ....... .... ............ ..x......................... _. _.:..., ✓"_.. _............ ......- .................................................. ................_....... ......... F ,•,. ,J il, ... -- Dated this ............ 23rd.da. .....................�0.#f 1.. %.. �. 19 - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -Grade =ya_ St.__from Indiana__ Ave.__. to:_.C8lasgo_.we_�............. _ ......._.........................._i............................................._ ......... -- rltten pro oeal for the having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P Fj °af st.t from �neisna Ava' ........ ... therefore, be it so Ave., hewing been preesnted """"""' ' ,qunc,l of the vCity. of SC Paul RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wd . be it the d, Thos and he is herebytort ,red and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability d' k ..tea: ement. investigate the nece elty t 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate,'-:ment •abnity of the making o j;f e? aid the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imr;:umat d l cPst of ea a `+ T- and the total cost .triers, !. - 4. To furnish the following other data and mfor:. 'yyturnleh a plan, p ;menta._. .....-. .Jf eald improv .:ant: ........:........... furnleh.tt," — ........................................................................ ...... ...... .......... ...................... 'J inforT7 5. To state whether or not said improvement is askeao'r on the petition of three or more oavners. 6. To report upon all of the f�te ojp��mattcrs to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ........................... _........-.........................191........_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa"orth Goes Approved...:.............-NOV .......9.'.-........._ 191........., 6� H d K U R' erlich 2.yor Ir Mayor. lO.M C e�e Council File No.: ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The 'undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing blit improvcme4,Ky,1qc City oi St. Pa ul, viz.:.....Qoads=jng...and taking.... as .Wf� r/ of V, zf�� ... ........ ........ .. . ... . . .. ................ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......._.I..13 1eaning and. taking—an estaementL-An t e I for oxits and fills in gZ-g fzam Ind"na—ATO..—to Ohiaaga. ......... . ........ .......... I ................ ....... .................. . ...... ............. ............ . .......................................................... . ...................... . ......... .. . ......... ............... . .......... . .......... . ................................................ ....................... .... ...... ......................... Where ' 1;r�tta- P` Omil-for,th. maki.9 of the following P.... ent. having been presented to the Council of the C ,.,.:t Condemning no taking an e c . ...................................... ........................ in . 'midair no 0 he land' .—Y for .topes. for cuts and Ave. gCid-goy dil-V. therefore., bl�'it' from Indiana Ave. in -go having been presented to the miX!a RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of of th.-CRY Of St. Paul th.r for" Itrilered and directed Resolved, That th� r of 1. To investigate the necessity for or de =,.�dorkaccte r-,Ov,m,.t. d,r % d� 1. To investigate "fir 'necessity r4i 2. To investigate the nature, extent and or d.alrabilitY of the ibaking of .,cnt, and the total cost thereof. Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 6. 2T .inv.tjg.t. the nature, 6�, .. estimated cost of said Imp - 4. To furnish the following other data a —3"Tand the total cost thereof. imp ovement; ............ ................. ............. furnish a plan. Pro,. I r .k.tVV1 of said improvement. irnish M W.1" ............... -orm tion relativ,: ................. --- .................. ........... I .......... — ........ .............. . ... ........ .'the 5. To state whether or not said improvement is , askea t,,r'bil thepetition of three or more owners. E. To report upon all oNof f2rWoopmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..................... ...................... .................. 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth 26 t iq Approved.. ..... ....... ......... ............ K&KeK HjKlid A��y o r it derlich ... ... . .... . ................................. a • - o - r - soave o es PUBLISHED— �7 f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the _making of� the following pu St. Paul, viz.:.__Qonatruot...a...Bawer ....on._Juno ....St..P a. ........... Pleasant...A.V-P--..to._.Ch�tav¢arth..St..s-1n ,Dated Petition, Council File No ............................... :yej42 -it9provement Ty the City of ..................... _... _............ .. _.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ ConetrnQt.._&....f34vP@x.._on..-Al2AR.31.......rr.RA1...B...p4.lxlt....3Q...1ee.t_..east....4t... .938.a?4 t, ........ ... ...............'_ ...._...-...__............. -........ -- ............... ......-- ..... ....................... 4C._P. No. 18642-- 1 .. ,. _.........._........................... - Z: C of that followl, Z: onetruc a eewe _.............._.............. ............_............... ..................._...:-....................... ......._ from n Po1nE 30 feet.. ............. _............................. .......... _..... ........ v Ave. to Chatsworth 9.w 1,rteented to the Counci„ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. k, St. Paul therefore, be !t - --- ............ -- .......... ......._..........._. �Reeolved, that the Commles. therefore, be it bu. Worksbe and he le her, ped and directed• To Inveetlgate the nece.r RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worbtdeslrablllty of the making, red and directed• Ton1 veeggate the natu 6ment. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of 11 estimated net of. said' int, and th^ total coat tl•- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated c: Ton furl t a Ala t, and the total cost thereof. .ch of ., 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improJ, TOS ru 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......................... .......... ........... -................... ......................................................:...__..:............................................_...........:...._.........__......_..........................................:. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or'more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. —_ Adopted by the council._.............N{V.....2-1...441'1..:...........1tJ1........_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fn orth NOV 21 !qi G Approved ............. ._............... ......................... ..191.......... _ II Of K 11 � (� NUtierlich t r7r.... Mayor. PUI3LISfiED��""�lli� J J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.` The undersigned hereby proposes the making of .the foil ' g blit St. Paul, viz.:_(Trading...B.eaah... St...._f:ony�ood--.. e.....to... Dated this._.....Zlt.4z ay of.. Petition Council File No ............................... improvement by the City of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A -written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: arading:..Be.enh...St......Srom..Heaelwoati.-gTa.._t.a...Ighite--Bear_gve.....4r ...Eennar8 _'St.e..... fro .?a_=iota,6ltJ.aktB....►�'t..,.__t_0-_.Mar$arflt.._Rt.a.... -.................... __............_.._.......----......------:...._...__.......... _....................._..........................13—..............----....................... w written fhoposal for The ..................................................................... . ........ or foliowing Improvement ........................................... ............. ... .......... "" ,g Beech St. from an '+ to . white Bear Ave. and having been presented to the Council of the City of F,t. from nflnnehnha ec eo _ ........................... o the City of DSI t Paul " """" " � therefore, be it Vibe It That the he of. ordered and directed - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public �uscelca na he le here or-. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilktivt flof tthe the aking Doi en, d 1provement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima`vt.tlgati the ala ri rovement, and the total cost thereof. ted 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impl.ti th a°plan`D.r Improvemen 4. To furnish the following other data and informa.eh - ,.ve to said improvement; ...............__..................._....... 4a1 ..................... ......... ,._......__........... ,..................... ...... .......... .......... ... ......_....._._... ................................... .._..._....._.......... .............. ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9. To report upon -all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Q � Adopted by the council............ OV..._t�:....._.. i �...................191.......... Yeas: Nays: " Councilman F Vworth VV 2f� Gs Approved_.............__............................................191_........ d K r /� Ityt✓derlich __..-... ......... _..............................`............ _. ........ lV yor I 'n Mayor. ■onw c o•n PIIBLISIi D l�. / l7 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following put St. Paul, viz.:....0.Qnd.emnin,-..-a.& t,.k:rng- Council File No ............................... mprgement by the GiU-pf .... ................ - -------- . ............ ---------- -/ ..................... . .......... ......... of ...................November..........{....:_ .. ..... .... ... Dated this AA .. . ...... ......... ..... ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . ............. 0AZICI.Q.Mming an& t-skl3ag an o"ement-in-the I n-nd ne-oa-B RA slopes., -1pr amts and fIlls. In gral1ing Bee all ---St----fr-0M'--H&zelwood Alre—tO ................ .. -Bear-A-Ve and Xenrkar& ......... .. ............. ....... ........... ... - ........ ............................. . ............. ............................. ......... .......... -.1 ........... . ........ .. ........ .. ....... ........ 1; C- V- No. 10-544—� Whereas, A written Proposal for the .................. having been presented to the Council of thl rnakl.g of the f 11-wing—Proveorcra, .............. ..... .viz: ondemnlnnd taking a .`...... t I -e be Iff and "c, necessary therefore, be it I for cuts and line in n9foBccc-hVSt: ' RESOLVED, That the. Commissionerr fl-- � H -1.1—d Av XVhIt. Bendy ordered and directed Ave. and Kennard St.' to St. to Margaret St.. *hfr-ra "lle—hohn. I. To investigate the necessity for ej. acuted to the Council nee nr been P—niprovement. P, of the City of SL ram therefore. be R It 2. To investigate the nature, extent a),'ub-Ho`l'-'- that the Cornou-jonerAnkient, and the total cost thereof. works be and he is hereby ,red and directed: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch LI-drTo investigate sirab, the nece-it lity of the reemni; c 4. To furnish the following other dataponinveatlgate the ral.- :said improvement : .................................. . ... .. '-Urnoted cost ofaid- �.d the total cost ................ . ...... .. . ...... ........................ ... ......... .. .......................... .... . . ........ . 1, "t said . Plan d r. h the f 5. To state whether or not said improvomei, tarnish Is -pr.,,'.n the petition of three or more owners. Inf-ra.G., G. To report upon all of the foregoing matte to ,ente h, t mmission'cr of Finance. NOV 2'1 191 i -k, Adopted by the council ........................................ .. ........... i0i .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa orth 'o Approved ........... NOY 2(3 1111 ....... . .......... ...... .......... r U u erlich . . .... ... . ......................................... ........... ... ........ 0 Mayor. M r -.M . - "f PUBLISMD--�- 1. _ ✓ I 3. Go.BrIggel iCouncil File No ............................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. '"T J r') The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol ng blic improvement _bY7c City of " St. Paul, viz.:.....R9.vG.nstrtxot.,..xe.lay...a-ad....re r...Me t....ti1s...a rralal#f..to...a�oi th of sixefeet at the following cations- On the wd"st Bi a of?Wil Ave..:.heginning...9Q..:3Bet...s0. of...Ashl gv&.th-:3Fi--fAa .I.. onthe west side of Wilde Ave• begi Ing 136 -meet so h„df Port nd _Ave. thence loath --14 t-; and oil e..9oa ”-aides Hand 6 .— beginbe inns 86 fee - of Wilder vs. t nce west feet. ning .- ............... ....._..... .._ ......_......... ........... ......... ..................._.............. Dated this ......... y of 21.OV,)Mi�. .. . ...`r� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: iia.von.&tr.Ixfl.t.,.-relay ...and ...xapair._o.alnent_—tle...aidewalkff-.-to a..-eidth...Of-..Six feet following locations: On the west side of Wilder Ave. _.beg 90 t-- ....fee-South....uf-Ashland Ave.-the-nes-eaath 16 fleet; --aa the west de of Wilder Ave. beginning 136 feet eonth of Portland Ave. .theno-e--eo-ath--3:4feet-.---and..-olr-th-u eo-ath--u1de_.of 2nrtT6 :&."Ave_:_.begi:Ming 86 feet west of Wilder Ave. thenoe west 14 feet......-............................................_..... ......................................................................................_............................................................... . I having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmp............... _................................ ................... ,.at therefore, be itK 1ss n Av' ��e" of 7 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wort— ; nn�ng ss feet we•7Y ordered and directed thence Neet 1{ feet. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of t.%entea to the Coen improvement. :,, Paul thereforo. T. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cc ne to h.isshora si" rent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imttb. neeea, .. betty of the making t 4. To furnish the following other data and infornne VeeuRato the nate 3 improvement;........_ ....................................... n LLP.d e0 -t of. ARIn .... 5.To state whether or not ............. ......................... .._......._ t said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report updn all oflI a foqgoiff,inatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the council ............. ............................. .................... 191.......... Yens: _ Nays: Councilman Fare orth NOV 26 017 GoApproved., ............._.........................................._ 191.......... I llyd dvrlvM or NN' Alayor. sones c o. PLIT3LISI3I;D l —j— /7. / E G. Briggs Council File NO . .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ........... .. ............... - ........................... The undersigned- hereby proposes the making of th ollo ing public improvern eht by the City of, st. Paul, viz.: an /"� elia the oemnt....,til 0 - Al-&eWa4k tq,.�. a width Of Bix fe t on the e t __._width ................................... A .................................. ... BAY. Dated this f APX.01b IIA1.7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: jl...X.Alay 40A rexalr.. ............ foat Q.71 th-Q east alle--of Gallit."T . . .... to -3he- A-0.12 the w-e-st s1de of—Gaultlar St.....fratut—Umiv erflity . ..... . -AXP.!. Aqrlh 13.6 -feat bY RIX loats .... ............... ................... ................................................ .... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... -.-- ............................ .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wor`%1Zy`-no'rWh- i3f l -i ordered and directed ig been Pre.ented to th e �rovemcnt. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability 9 City of St Paul there - 2. To investigpt ate the nature, extent and estim, that the Coomiseloner of ka be and he J. hereby or-!nt, and the total cost thereof. f . I directed: he _.eelty f'! 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o said in nveatigate t •,Jjjty of the rnakin� of F' 4. To furnish the following other data and infor nt,etlgaje th, b ' s ia''d improvement; ...... ......................................... — zt.d cont the total ..................... ................... .......... .... .. ... ... .. .. . .... .. ...... ... . ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is a m the petition ition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 10i( Adopted by the council., ................... 191 Yeas:Nays: Councilman Far itrorth NO.V 26 14 i 7 GoApproved ............................ ......................... .. 191 .......... Hy K e I oll N eRch �ayo, . . . . .... ...................... ............................... ... .. ........ Mayor. roe. . „ 34?1 O AL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ' PABLIMINARY ORDER. r�r The undersigned herebyproposes the making of the follotyirrs publ St. Paul, viz.:....Reoonptruo.t.,._play.,an&...repair!...nement. E. G. Briggs Council File No .........................::.... improvement'" City of Dated this... .. .......-.day PLA.V.6.AIIT.ertai ►� t. 1 Councilma PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maring of the following improvement, viz.: Re 97.141.xwot,._T-01ILY and.... repair...aenlant _eidewaLk...on-..the.-.-north-...&:L&e....of- @Peat. 8oventh...-3t_�.._beginning__56.._Q�t._WflI}.t._o.l�sanklin...3t......thanna.._weet .......... ZBO_..deet.,.._b�._14._.��e.�..........._.._..--..__.._.._....._.......-----•. -- - 4 ................... -......................... .... _.............. - .......... ..... .... .... .......... ......... ................... ........................_................. .................................. _............. ............. .................... ... .... ....... _.._:............. ,..n having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul:St , hsvt.lg cdman. .............................................:... _'ounell of it therefore, he it emu: , :, That the Com. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Ta atrect and he le ',hereby ordered and directed• Investigate the cee. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit(muLcr of the making id improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimS, I—eaugaaa c the ota ervement, and the total cost thereof. 'A and the J.t., coat i 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said itfurnish a plan, 0c ,f said. improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and info. furnish the mn,L? ` formation r - 6 .,aid impiovement;._............................................. .....:..................................... ...... ............... ........... ......... ..... ........................... ............... ................................... ......................:............ _........................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Nov 91 Adopted by the council ........................................... ....I ... ............. 1tJ1_........ Yens: Nays: Councilman Far orth NQV•- 26 GApproved.............__..:....................... .....1tJ1.......... H nd K er \? _ \ derlich 11Ia or I i�n Mayor. naaw a o -s PUBLISHED %,� .�'■ Petition attaohed'to order for grading Cleveland &ve. from Commonwealth to Scudder Council File No ...................:........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and {M PRELIMINARY ORDER.• The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub' p ovement by the 'ty of St. Paul, viz.:.__Cone.truat....a__cement ....tila_. alrlewalle�'£o...a...w th:...of.s i, ��a c-+.on...the- t aped this at�'1y bb tjj ve connect s too..... alk. - Dated this ....... T .....d of.:.....�10.4ember................ •...... 1 ---.......... ----- -- _..__. f ........... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ COxlf3.txuat..-a....oemsnt..._t.ile...si>ie.Walg.. a_.a.-.mi(I th._oP.-.aix-Peet....on....thn.--West .._.elcle.....4j.'..._Q18.Y.aland.—Lve..._.from....On—rinBealth..A,vas_..tio-SiIIIIdder.-OM..;.....on...the ........... n9X.th....Dids.._R3....SA-Idd.er....St..MCI on -1hp. imately 55 feet, to connect present constructed walk. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and,be+is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of th" rom ENdder at. th3;—enent.. )ximately 66 feet. to con- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated n!acentedto thenstructe walkCoun, oeviti a the total cost thereof. '� of St. Paul therefore, be It 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said iIll,e�ived. That the Commissioner o•� .1 works ba and he Is hereby o' 4. To furnish the following other data and in[orn'dTo°i vl engate the necessity,4ment:............................................:. esirablllty of the making of vement. ......_..........................._.........................._......................................................... To Idvestlgate the natur.._....._............._.......................................... nd -estimated cost of "of three or more owners. 5: To state whether or not said improvement is est ,.n/ and the total cor G. To report upon all of th%ftegping mat#rs to the CobiIII ssloner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..................... ...'........:1tJ1.......... Yens: Nays: Councilman Far orth Npj 26 1�0 Approved......._..... -._............m............:............. ...... Kynd 1 1A erlich M or I �— Mayor. ►oRu PUBLISHED Zl -1-.. J2 li�549 An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-X, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, entitled,, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and. regulations therefor.' i THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in Section 10 of Rule II after the clause "Group A. Requires at least one.year's service in the next lower group . . . . $150011,whsro said clause occurs in Grade 3 of Class H (Library Service),the following: Grade 6. Positions in which the duties are admin- istrative and involve a high degree of specialized knowledge. Assistant Librarian. Group C• • . . . . $1800 Group B Requires at least one year's service _ in the. next lower group. . . . . $2100 Group A Requires at least one year's service in the next lower group ,. . . . . . . . . . $2400 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take=effect-and be in force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby request that the CiviT Service am ndment above be recommended to -the Council. Commissioner I hereby recommend for passage by the Council all the above-mentioned \,yQ�� amendments to the Civil Service Ordinance. F -.-,/civil Service Commissioner. Yeas (1) Councilmen (.) Nays ✓Farnsworth Adopted by the CouncilVE r 10 1 U �% `Coss In favor ✓Hyland �t� j (.I !® ✓Keller_Approv _�_ 191......: l2lC v Against erlich v Mr. P sident, Irvin .. ................... _........... .._..........._..... MAYOR ' FORM C. 9.2 spar. i CITY OF BT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ! 1�J550 = P, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LERCIL No. BV AUDITED .-- ce.t uc. `*. PER M.. nru 843 Resolved that warrants be diawn City Treasury, , � upon the payable in fil of the persona, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their tespe_ctive out of the hereinafter specified funds an4 names as specified in the following desulel statement: - _ y t Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council- , NC2 26 1917 191 s" _ I Far rth . ] g Go / In -favor - Approv t 19 r Against - y t 0' Hyland MAYOR !( _ Y Wunderlich , 1 Mr. President - Irvin — - �u➢oaetheed [hat war so heraln�[[e Declflad➢aYable - - out o1 favor of thapereone, funds and In �tlone for re a orcorpora- amount _ their reePective'namea ant. apponite 0 7thI �IICwlnollyetj Ia I Ri_Pau! gilt', 1711.011 temant:o I. Brand. 'American tone Co„ i1,b22.2b. - PeterDlckson.. i215C Dei Bank, A.ellrnee - Thornton Broa, j17860.00. - Clara Aamold, widow 'ot Haa6 A', $40 -'an uiG0 - - .8u111van, 8ullivaa, widow o!' =-Zi 'Adoptedi1b0.00: .. y the Council Nov, 26, 1917. APPioved Nov 26, 1917. . ^.�,q-1917) — ! i.:. F 22198L J. J. Connolly �. Sewer Chariton 2 741.00 9 199 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., Pay. Mounds Blvd. 54. 1,522.25 Pay.. Alley Bik 5 46 .0-0. Pave E. 7th St., 5. 25 1,522. 5 22200 Scand. American Bank, Assignee - Peter Dickson Grading Payne 255,00 201 Thornton Bros., _ Snelling-ComD Sewer 17,85 1 202 Clara Aamold, Widow of Moa Hans Aamold 40.00 G.B.—Widows & Orphans Pension 203 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael.Sullivan G.F.—Widowe & Orphans Pension 40.00 '"a�a----" 5 1 a ` F.. A. 5.11 .. - -� `-`CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r e Subject: ..1111.. .._ couFILE NalL �y119551L- No. 1111. ................ ... ..:.:.....................................................��.........................1111... 1111._ Date Presented-...._I>1 V-2S6—j•94.7._------ 181_— Resolved, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves and endorsee the annexed proposed amendment to the City Charter, which provides for the payment and retirement of :the tax levy certificates of indebtedness of the City. 11 Resolved further, that the Charter Commission of the City is hereby respectfully requested to take the proper steps to submit said amendment for ratification at the next general city election. No. 19661—Dy S. A. Farnsworth— Resolved. That the Council of .the City of St. Paul hereby approves and ..dors.. the annexed proposed •. amen Unent to the City Charter, which yrovldee for the payent and. retire m ment of the tax levy certidcates of In- dsbtedness of the City Resolved further, that the Charter 'Commission of the City le ha by. re epectfully r quested to tako the proper.1 etepe to eubmlt eald amendment dor atllleatlon at the noxt general city ` lection. Adopted by the Council Nov. 26, 1917. Approved Nov. 26. 1917. (D— 1.1917) �l t ,i l I i 1 'i f✓i :.c� r J� Peas (✓) Co cilmen (PI) Neya Adopted by the CouncH_....... NOV 26 191) Far orth ... ...... ......... _..1........._...._..lot ....... ..(.......In favor Ily d KO' - Approved....... .iii.. _Y.-.... ..191... Mc 11 -?� - ._�... Against - Wu lich Mr. rceidrntl rvin MAYOR F M C'A-a 6 7 2M ' C.F l5 `5s1 RESOLVED, By the Board of Freeholders of the City of St. Paul, appointed pursuant to Section 36, Article 4 of the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and the lwas,and statutes enacted pursuant thereto, that the follo•ring proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of St. Paul is hereby approved and adopted, and that the same be certified and returned to the Mayor of said City, to be sub.irdtted to the qualified voters of said City for ratification. That the Charter of the City of St. Paul be amended,by adding the following to Section 215 thereof: "7. A tax levy sinking fund, to be used for the payment and retirement of all outstanding tax levy certificates of indebted- ness of the City of St. Paul, shall be and is hereby created out of moneys raised by taxation. The purpose of this fund is to acquire and accumulate from year 'to year the outstanding tax levy certifi- cates until the amount of this fund equals the total "ouat of arch q certificates outatan"Ang as have been issued under, Section 225 of this Charter. When this is accomplished, all certificates in this fund shall be cancelled, ;and the authority for issuing such certifi- cates shall cease. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to include each r year in his estimate of expenses of the City for the next succeeding year, an amount equal to not less than four per centum of the next Preceding tax levy, in addition to -the amount otherwise estimated for the Sinking Fund, and the Council shall include the ease in the budget ordinance for each year. Such amount, -when levied and col- lected, shall be kept separate and distinct from all other moneys belonging to the Sinking Fund, and shall be invested only in tax levy certificates of indebtedness o£.this City. The Sinking Fund Committee shall be the custodian of this fund, and it is hereby ex�-ressly forbidden to sell any of the secur- ities in this fund except in case of the issue of bonds, as in this subdivision hereafter provided. The interest accruing to this fund shall each year be added I to the principal sum for the purpose above mentioned. Certificates to be purchased for this fund'may be issued in such denominations as may be determined by the Sinking Fund Committee. In lieu and instead of providing for the retirement of tax levy certificates through the Sinking Fund method as aforesaid, the Council at any time, by a five-sevenths vote of all the members elect, and without first submitting the question to the voters, may issue and sell the bonds of the City for the purpose and to an amount which with the moneys and tax levy certificates in the.tax levy sink- ing fund, will be sufficient to meet that portion of the current ex- penses of the City for any one year, which would otherwise be raised by taxation. Such bonds shall bear a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent. per annum, and shall be serial, one series becoming due and payable each year, and the last series of said bonds shall fall due not Qater than twenty years from the date of issue. Provision shall be made in the tax levy from year to year to retire each series when it becomes due. The power to issue bonds hereby conferred shall be exer- cised but.once, and when such bonds shall have been sold, the author- ity given by Sections 225 to 232 inclusive, of this Charter, to issue certificates in anticipation of the collection of-taxes, shall ter- minate. In case said bonds are issued and, sold, or said tax levy certificates paid and retired under the sinking fund method aforesaid, the Council"is authorized and required, by resolution,. not later than October let of each year, to fix the amount of expendituresiduring the .next fiscal year, as provided in and by Section 203 of the City Char- ter, and after the apportionment of the miscellaneous receipta, as defined by Section 210; shall have been 7d by resolution, the Coun- cil shall, by resolution adopted not later than October 10th in each year, proceed to make tax levy as provided by. Section 212 of eaid City Charter, for the next ensuing year. A duly authenticated oopy of said {3) w resolution shall be transmitted forth..ith by the City C, erk`to the County Auditor of Rafsey County, who shall cause said levy to be entered upon the tax duplicate of said County to be delivered to the County Treasurer the follo-ring January." Amendment to Charter. Sec. 219 - Sinking Fund. Add the following: 7. A tax levy sinking fund to be used for the payment and retirement of all outstanding tax levy certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul shall be, and is hereby created out of moneys raised by taxation. The purpose of this fund is to acquire and \c- r cumulate from year to year the outstanding tax levy certificates until the amount of this fund equals the total amount of such certifi- cates outstanding as have been issued under Sec. 225 of this Charter. When this is accomplished, all certificates in this fund shall be can- celled, and the authority for issuing such certificates by the Common Council shall cease and the taxes for city purposes shall be so levied that the expenses of its administration can be paid from funds accru- ing from the current tax levy. .It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to include each year In his estimate of expenses of the City for the next succeeding year, an amount equal tonfour percentum (4%) of the next preceding tax levy, in additionto the amount otherwise estimated for the Sinking Fund,, and the Council shall include the same in the budget ordinance for each year, such amount, when levied and collected, shall be kept separ- ate and distinct from all other moneys belonging to the Sinking Fund, and shall be invested only in tax levy certificates of indebtedness of' this city; The Sinking Fund Committee shall be the custodian of this fund, and it is hereby expressly forbidden to sell any of the securities in this fund. The interest accruing to this fund shall each year be added to the principal sum for the purpose above-mentioned. Oertificates to be purchased for this fund may be issued in such denominations as determined by the Sinking Fund -Committee. a y. 41 3I'IltI11G ?U11D PLAN - a To establish in 20 years a Fund of—t4,000.000.00, it should be determined what sum, if provided and set aside annually and invested at 4%, and interest to'be-compounded, vould;.if added ' to interest earned, provide that sum. The sum necessary would be 0,32.29 per ¢1,000.00 per annum. For a Fund of $4,000.000.00, the sum of $129,160..00 annually 1 would be required. In 20 years thet sum would be 12.583.200.00 The Tnxpayer would furnish in 20 years $2,583,200.00 In addition, he would pay on the continuation of the present plan on Tax Levy Cert of $4.000,000.00, annually - 3,200,000.00 Or a total of - U,983,200.00 T% I 20 -YEAH SERIAL AOND PLAN REDUCING PRINCIPAL I'T THE SUL: OF ; 200,000.00 A1T:TUALLY Principal Intereat 1st year $4,000,000.00 $160,000.00 2nd 3,800,000 00 152,000 00 3rd 3,600,000 00 144,000 00 m 4th 3,400,000 00 131,000 00 i 5th 3,200,000 00 128,000 00 6th 3,000,000 00 120.888 88 7th 2,800,000 00 112,000 00 8th 2,600,000 00 104,000 00 w 9th 2,400,000 00 96,0n0 00 10th 2,200,000 00 88,000 00 11th 2,000,000 00 80,000 0.0 12th 1,800,000 00 72 000 00 13th 1.600,000 00 64,000 00 14th 1,400,000 00 56,000 00 15th 1,200,000 00 48,000 00 16th 1,000,000 00 40,000 00 17th 800,00q 00 32.000 00 18th - 600,000 00 24,000 00 19th 400,000 00 16,000 00 20th 200.000 00 8.000 00 Total Interest !1,680,000 00 Principal 4:000.000 00_ Total Cost at maturity - $5,680,000 00 Any additional sum found to be necessary would affect either plan insofar as it applied to the taxpayer. According to the City Comptroller's tabulation of the Sinking Fund Plan for a Cosh Basis, the following would be ` G the result - Providing for the increase of Tax. Levy Certificates, there would be eppropriatod - 615,978,000.00, which he ellowa would earn - 3,361403.82 Which could provide a total Fund of- $9,339,403.82 . Cost to.Taxpayer $5,978,000.00 Interest Paid Out 5,428,000-00 _ Gro39 Cost for ;9,339,403.82 - 11 ,406,000-00 Lose to Taxpayer in providing $2,066,596.18 $9,339.4031.82 tinder Serial Plan: Cost to Taxpayer - Principal -$4,000,000.00 Interest Paid V 1 680,000.00_- Gross Cost for Ay4,000,000.00 Fund $5,680,000.00 Net Loss tG Taxpayer in providing a Fund of $9,339.403.32 unedcr sjT,,4i;ir- rund Plan-^;2,056,b96�8 ;let Loss to Taxpayer in providing a Fund of $4,0.00,000.00 under plan of selling 1,680.000.00 20 -year Serial Bonds - — Difference - $ ,386,596.18 December 5, 1917. . Mr. John I. Faricy, Cfty Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Deer Sir: Acknowledging receipt from your office of amendment to charter to be considered by the Chartered Commission. Truly yo rs, i tit of faint Paul OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK December 4, 1917. Hon. H. P. Keller, President. Charter Commission, St. Pell, kine. llenr Sir— I hand you herewith proposed amendment to tho city chorter and also print-d copy of ..ouncil file No. 19,551 adopted by the Council november 26, 1917. Will you kindly give this your attention, K hnd oblige, I �J — C au1 OFFICE OF - - JOHN I. F(.RICY. CITY CLERK December. 7th, 1917. Hon. H. P. Keller. President. Charter Cozmievign, City. Dear Sir. — o domptroller Foot today appeared before the Council and advocated a bond issue to retire tax levy certificates of St. Padl. After hearing him it vas the sense of the Council that you defer action until further notice, on proposed amendment and resolution file J19551 adopteA Nov. 26th. 1917 by said Council and sent you De 4th. 1917,ne per my letter which you acknowledged. i n Yours truly, City Clerk. of Iftint Paul OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK i President ^iiartor Comaission, - St raul, Minn. ,jeer Sir: — I hand you heroaith a oronoaod amend - ant t^ thF Pity Charter, which this Cour pasl,nd on Docc.rbor 319t, 1917, and which is a substitute for the •,roposod cmendmont, whit!:• t,hc Cata,cil p:10ssd 0�7 :4ovembor 26th, 1917, the s,)mo leaving boon sent to you or. L'ocember 4th, 1917. Very respacttllly ycura, I City Clark. x r p • x CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subst:........... ........... .:..... _................ ..... ......... ....: ..... '1L J 5 COUNCIL FILE No. N^V- 26 ly . Date Presented-....._ .:............_,...._._. -- v WHEREAS, P.F. Schott, in the course of his emplo-yment as a lineman in the Bureau of Po -,Joe & Fire Alarm Telegraph of the City ,of St. Paul. received certain injuries on the-17tHday of -Au ust, 1917, which temporarily incapacitated him from performing his duties: RESOLVED, Th -,.t the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to pay P.F. Schott the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars, said ,Bum beim egUl to the amount of -his ---salary --for--t::e -month of-$Ovember, 1917, and the payment thereof being authorized by Section No. 355 of the City Charter; said.sum shall be credited on any sums of money which may nolo or hereafter be due and -payable to the. said P.F. Schott, or in his behalf from the. City of St. Paul by re-dson. of any provision contained in the C1:Gharter or the Statutes of the Comr,;on Law of the State; said amount shall not be paid until a proper release or receipt in form, to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, has been executed by'Tiiai and delivered to the City Comptroller. r C. r. No. 19552—By Henry McColl— Where,,, cColl "- Whereas, P. P. Schott. In the e—rci of his employment ne n lineman In they .._. . ._. of t Pollco_&_EIre .Alnrin Tele- • ___ _ . ., ` received- c rata of the City of S[ Paul, certain In)urlee on tae 17th day of Au- '" .gust 1977. which temporarily r -o nrperforming ci- ' ; --pltafed.-him p from._. performi In .his ......-. duties: Yeas (✓) C ncilmeu (t') Nays F`a raworth 6' I jfY,/Si and Ke er Mc ell �y{Yu derlich Ihit. I'm 4Wnt Irvin 1'ORM C. A.9 t- 2M ltesoived, That the proper City Ottl- inls re herebv authorised to -pay P. - F. Schott the sum of One Hundred ({100.00) dollars, said sum being equal - to the amount or his salary for the, month of November, 1917, and in-- I— - Ent thereof being authorised by Sec- tion No. 355 of the City Charter; Bald sum shall be credited on y.sums1 0 .__._._moneywhich may now or _hereaftter bt I ' due and payable -,t6 tire - I. -"--'--"- - ------ - - Schott, r In his behalf from the City j of St. PRIII by ea of any provision - .0ntalned In the Clty Charter the f �Statutee of the C.nmmC Law of the State; sold amount shall not be paid i until ia proper release or receipt In form. to be approved by the Corpora- tloa Ceunsel. ha1 been executed uy j him and dollveredto the City Comp- f troller. h:rl� 7 U11 Adopted by the Council No -26. 1917. E �, AD proved N V. 2I 1917. (Dec. 1-1917) 1 by the Counril ... ........ 191 ..... ...........In favor !)...... Against Approved V"i� 91........ .- .......... .. __ .e......,.._OR of St. Paul on the day of 1917, and said sum is and was received by me in part payment of any and all sums of money which may now be due or may hereafter beoole due me from said City as salary or by reason of injuries sustained by me while in the employ of• the City of St. Paul on the 17th day of August, 1917, or by reason of any Charter Provisions for the payment of salary or - compensation to injured city employes or by reason of the provisions of Par:, 2 of C apter 467 of the L%ws of Minnesota V f6r 1913, and amendments thereto. h a (Seal) IN PRESENCE OF (Approved as to form and execution this day of 917 - Asst. . Corporat on Counsel - I TIRAi. osmosis. C F No. 79653— l�ttretingi Ornamental Shade Treaand n ort both sides of Grand Ave. fromFair- I view to Cretin. on both aides of Wal; lealey Ave. from Fairview to Cretin. on both .Idea of Palace St. from Fafr,I.w to Cretin, on both aides of Finn .Ave. from Summit to Berkeley. -n -both sides of Goodrleh Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both eIdea of %Prior Ave. from Summit to non- iolph, on both .ides of Fairmount ays, from Falrvlew toto. Cretin, on �afrvlewa to Cretin. on both y id.. of COU. rtland . Ave. from Falrvlew to veland. o both aides n of S—ford from Fairview to Cretin, on By..._ sIdea of Jefferson Ave. from _ view to Cretin on both .idea of Creon Ave. from Fairview to In. on both idea of Berkeley from Fairview to _ In. . UN. .Idea of vi—eland !rem So— Randolph. and on h In the Matter of..111 a nt.j ng.. a..nd. PT sides of iirand Ave. from Fairviev, from..Fairv.i.ew to...Sr.et.in,....9.s1..b.otb.. on both sides of FinnuAve, from S Av e....f rom...E�.irvia.w._t.o...gret.in.,...:9.n.. Randolph, on both sided of Fa#rmo sides ..-Of,..Fripceton...Ave. from Fair Ave. from Fairview to Cleveland; Fa i tvi.ew_t,o.:..Cr a tin.I , o n bothside e ._ ._ on both sides"of Berkeley Ave, fr �ietin�to fromSufnmit .to -..Randolph tinder Preliminary Order._..............x.:78.57..... ,L ORDER t.v.ct.ing...orr,Amezlta.l...Sba.dp Ixe.e.a....aP...b.oth.. to Or tin, on both sides of Well`Osley Ave. id.aa..tof...a1.a.c.e....t.....f.xam..ka,i.ro.i.ese..t.c....Cr.et in .it to erke.ley, on both sides tof Goodriofl o. h...a.id.s.e.. o.f...P.r..ior...Av.e......fx�om...S.ummi.t....t.a.. ,nt Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both iew to Cretin on both ides of on n both' si3es" of'" Stanfog Aver"'""f"rom""".......... of Jefferson_ Ave. Fairview to Cretin, _..__ . _...._..... -... _........... ........ _..... m Fairview to Cretin,on both sides of .and.--on..both .-aides.. of'_ Sarg nt._St.....f.rom.. ............ approved ...... Aug..._3., :1917... .... _ __....__ _ .. Intermediary Order ........... ._......... ......: _.. . _.. approved . . 11 ..... .... ._ . .-__. ..: _ .... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ..l . heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By thea Council of the City oi meat to be made b the ' St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - y id City is.....Plant - na..P.r..ote.c.t.. Creme.ntal...sba.d.e...Trees..:.oro b.9th Bide:Ffs.irvi w" p e_'from Fairview to Cretin on both sides of Wellesley Ave.. Bides of Grand ave.. tt et.i.n n,._both..sides. of talace..St. ..from Fai"i.gs....t Cretin on oth salsa of nn Ave!, from 'Summit to Berkeley; oh bo s des of Goodrich ",Ave","" from Fairview to Cretin on both sides of Prior Ava. from , Summit to R4iidolp�i on both a3'desj of Fairmount •Ave. from �sirview'io Cietin, on b.gth:_aides of .Princeton Ave, from Fairview to Cretin, on doth sides of Portland Abe: from Fairvi"ew to Cl'evel'and on both aides of StanfGid" Ave:"" from Fairview to Cretin on both !sides of Jefferson Ave. from Fairview to Cretinon""bbotlr""si'd"e9 "cf Berkel-Py-Av-e-- from "tnj FairvVew o Crst"i-on'"both """Wes of Cle+Bland Ave' from Summit to Randolph, and on both sides oSargent St. from-Cre#.n....to...F..nn.,,".............. . .................................................................................... .......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed _ to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil . _.. ...4`..P.CxI... ..�_ .a.� - 1 ........... C1typerk. Approved... ........:.... 191 ...... 1 .. _ Mayor. Councilma i FaWworth Councilm Councilm i Councilma i %i v Councilma 1 11 TVI Councilm Iderlich Mavor I " F'..r.0 H. ', A 9 i. PUBLISHED_12 a ;{ 7 ` r CITY OF ST. PAUL , 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 01 lathe Matter of'....Planting.._and.pro tectin.g_Qrnams_nt_al.-._4hade___T.r.ee....._-__o.n._b..h.:.,.gisje.e..__,_,___., of Grand avo from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Wellesley ave from Fairview to. Cr.e..tffn,...._on_ both...ei_des_.o.f. B.ai.ac_e_. et .._...from._Fairvi.ew to....Cr_eti.n,_._.a.n b.a_th._sides .......... _._ of Finn.ave. from Summit to Berkeley, on both sides of Goodrich ave from Fair- view.._to.__Cretn, on._bo.th,edera.pf.._P.riAr__ave, _fr.am summit_ .o_..Rand...o..1.ph,....G.n..bQ.th....... ....... _.. sides of Fairmount from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Princeton from Fairview to. _Creti_n.,.__on both. s, sides.of Portland, .ay.e...".".f.rom _F..airvievrt.o- "ClevelandY on both sideof Sanford ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of -Jefferson ave .'from _Fairview toC.retin,._._on both si.des..of,.Berkeley_aye__from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Cleveland ave from Summit to Randolph, and on both__sides_.. of ..S.ar_gent ._etreet._from Cretin. under Preliminary Order approved .............__August .3rd 19171 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $._... f 2,....Q.. ......._:_.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $__.._ ..... i The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: CITYOP ST. PAUL - DEP`4RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 2 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 42 1 Rosedale Park 3000- 41 1 80C 40 1 700 39 1 650 38 1 950 37 1 700 36 1 800 35. 1 975 I 34 1 , 2400 33 1 3300 32 1 800 31 1 800 30 1 3200 , 29 1 800 East 32 feet of 28 1 5500 West 18 ft of S 85 ft of 28 1 ) 3575 South of i 27 1 Sj 50 2 725 49 2 750 48 2 3850 East 4 feet of 47 2 50 (Ex. E 4 feet) 47 2 600 46 2 650 45 2 650 44 2 700 43 2 4075 row 42 2 TOTAL. 2675 - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (e) 3 . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 41 2 Rosedale Park 875 40 2 1 875 39 2 2475 38 2 2125 i 37 2 875 (� 36 2 875 35 2 2625 34 2 3175 33 2 1325 32 2 2675 31 2 875 30 2 875 29 2 2225 28,2 875 27 2 ) 3800 26 2 3 1 Kenna's Subdivision of 1150 2 Lot 53, $lock 4, Rosedale 850 3 Park. 650 4 650 5 5750 1 4 Rosedale Park 650 East of 2 4 3500 "est of 2 4 TOTAL. ------------I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI 4 DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 4 Rosedale Park- 650 4 4 4050 5 4 i 3950 6 4 2750 7 4 3300 8, 4 650 (Except S 65 f t) 9 v-- ) 3600 (Eid. S 65 ft of East 20 ft)10 4 3 12 4 550 13 4 550 14 4 550 15 4 2800 16 4 3350 17 4 650 18 4 3350 19 4 650 20 4 650 21 4 2650 22 4 2650 23 4 650 24 4 3450 25 4 3250 26 4 575 1 3 600 2 3 525 3 3 .TOTAL.' 525 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE° 1. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION D I T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION 4 3 Roeedale Park 525 5' 3 800 9 6 3 5 525 7 3 J 850 8 3 525- 9 3 2200 10,3 3800 11 3 2250 I 12 3 ) 2550 Ea8t of 13.3 Went 12 -of 2 13 3 ) 2550 14 3 15 3 3200 16 3 700 17 3 - - 3100 - 18 3 800 19 3 700 20 3 2300 21 3 ) 2000 22 3 3 23 3 2200 24 3 700 25 3 700 26 3 700 27.3 _ 700 28 3 850 700 29 3 1 - - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER` .A DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK D D t T 1 O.N - ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Rosedale Park 5200 31 3 1 750 Alley vacated and 27 1 Groveland Addition to St. 750 36 1 Paul., Ramsey Co.,Yinn. 575 25 1 3200 24 1 2500 23 1 1900 22 1 3200 21 1 310C 20 1 600 19 1 3900 East z of 18 1 Peet z of 18 1 300 i 17 1 600 ' 16 1 1200 I 1 2 3750 30 2 600 29 2, 2625 28 2 3100. 27 2 5200 26 2 600 25 2 3300 24 2 3100 232 600 22 2 2600 21 2 TOTAL. 1750 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -__- ADDITION - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 20 2 Groveland Addition to 2275 St. Paul, Rameey Co.,Mirn. 30Summit Wood 3350 ) 29 2600 28 900 27 600 26 2700 .. 25 I 3100 24 2825 23 600 22 3025 I � 21 600 20 600 19 ) 3600 16 600 17 600 16 650 31 ) 3250 32 3 33 31b0 34 600 35 3100 36 600 37 600 38 600 39 ) 1300 40 TOTAL. CITY.Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - -- _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AIDDITION VALUAT[ON Fest 1 of, 40 ummit.il'ood 2700 _ 41 42 600 2400 43 (Except 'hest 20 feet) 44 3000 Vest 20 feet of 44 45 1 Wessinger Garden Lots 5550 2 Ramsey Co., Minn. 4000 3750 3 fes._ 3000 6 5 2625 3000 4 30'3 Academy Heights, St.Paul, 200 29 3 Ramsey Co., Minn. 200 28 3 200 27 3 200 26 3 200 25 3 200 24 3 200 23 3 20Q .22 3 200 of 3 200 20 3 200 200 19 3 _ TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -A D D 1710 N .LOT BLOCK VALUATION LUAT 18 3 Academy Heights, .St. 200 17 3 Paul, Ramsey Co._, Minn., 200 16 3 200 30' 4 225 29 4 225 28 4 225 27 4 225 26 4 225 25 -4 225 24 4• 225 23 4 225 22 4 225 21 4 225 20 4 225 19 4 225 18 4 225 17 4 225 16 4 350 1 6 175 2 6 175 3 6' 175 4 6 175 5 6 125 6 6 125 7 6 1 125 8 _ 6 i 125 9 6 TOTAL: _.. 12 5 z CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 6- Academy Hei&ts 125 11.6 St.Paul,Rameey Co.,2d:nn., 125 12 6 — 125 13 6 175 14 6 175 15 6 175 1 5 200 2 5 200 3 5 200 4 5 200 5 51 200 6 5 200 7 5 200 8 5 200 9 5 200 10 5 200 11 5 200 12 5 200 13 5 I' 200 14' 5 200 15' 5 200 1 7 Louden Park 425 28 7 225 27' 7 250 26 7 250 25 7 TOTAL.'.. 250 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I B 1 .11' • DESCRIPTIION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 7 Louden Park 250 23 7 250 22 7 250 2117 250 20' 7 250 . 19 7 250 18 7 300 30, 8 200 12918 200 28.8 200 27 8 200 26, 8 200. 25: 8 200 24' 8 200 23, g 200 22 8 200 21 8 200 20 8 200 19- 8 R 200 18 g 20.0 17i g 200 1 1 1 Hoapea Park TOTAL. 750 250 250 250 - QITY OF ST. PAWL . - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 12 - -- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION SSSED ALU ATON 24 1 Hoopes Park 250 23 '1 250 22 1 250. - 21 1 250 20 1 250 19 1 250 18 1 275 1 2 225 2 2 200 3 2 200 4 2 200 3 2 200 6 2 200 7 2 950 8 2 200 9 2 200 10 2 200 11 2 200 12 2 200 13 2 200 14 2 200 15 2 225 -. 1 1 Garfield Park Addition 200 7 1 to theCity of St.Paul, 150 8 Il Ramsey Co., Mnreeota. 150 9 1 TOTAL 150 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY QRDER 13, .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 1 Garfield Park Addition 550 11 1 to the City of St -Paul, _ 150 12 1 Rar.!sey Co., Minn_3ota. 150 13 1 150 14 1 150 15 1 150 16':1 150 - 17 1 150 1 2 150 2 2 150 3 2 150 4 2 150 5 2 I 150 6 2 150 7 2 150 8 2 150 9 2 P 1 150 10 2 150 '. 11 2 150 12 2 2650- 650"13 132 I 150 14 2 150 15 2 150 Garfield Park 2nd Addition 2300 I' to the City of St -Paul, Ramsey Co., ifinn". -,, TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB)_ 14 ---- DESCRIPTION , LOT IBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19' Underwood's Acre Lots, 750 18 . Ramsey Go., Minnesota 900 l 17 1100 16 1550 15 1150 14 750 13 750 , 12 1550 11. 900 30 4 Hankee's Cleveland View 125 29 4 90 28 4 90 27 4 90 26 4 90 25 4 SO 24 !4 �d 75 23 4 90 22 A 90 21'4 90 20 .4 90 19 4 90 18 4 90 17 4 90 " 16'4 125 30 3 Hankee's Cleveland View I 125 29 3 90 28 3 TOTAL. r 50 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT _OF COMMTSSIONER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _. - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATION 27,,3 Hankee'B Cleveland. View 90 26 3 90 25 3 90 24 3 70 23 3 90 22 3 90 21 3 90 20 3 90 19 3 80 -1 5 125 2 5 00 _ 90 3 5 4 5 _ 90 5 5 20 6 5 90 7 5 75 8 5 90 9 5 90 i 10. 5 90 11; 5 90 12, 5 90 13 5 ° 90 iu 14 5 90 15, 5 125 1 6 125 2 6 90 I �. TOTAL. _. .. . CITY OP ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER le) 16ASSESSED :.-. _.. DESCRIPTION LOT ':aLoeK ADDITION VALUATION VALUATION 4 '6 Hank, -eta Cleveland view 90 5 i 6 90 6 6 90 7 'G 70 8 6 90 . 9 6 90 10 .6 90 i 11 6 90 12 6 so 6 2 Hankee'a Rearrangement 200 5 '2 ) 200 14 2 290 1 3 200 2 3 200 3 ;3 250 3 1 G. G. Thitneyle i 300 4 .1 Riverton Place 115 5 ;1 115 6 1 115 7 1 115 8 1 115 1 115 10 1 115. 11 1 115 12,1 115 TOTAL.-:- CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 17 OCSCRI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS - VALUAATITIASSESSED ON _. G. G. Thithe 1 a Riverton •• 13 1 Y 115 14 1 Place 115 1 5 115 2 5 115 3 5 115 4 5 115 5 5 115 g 5 115 7 5 115 8 5 115 i q 5 115 10 5 115 11 5 115 12 5 115 _ 13, 5 115- '1451 115 15 5 115 1 2 .x120 i 2 2 1 115 _ '3 2 115 4 2 115 5 '. 2 115 g 2 115 7 2 115 8 2 115 g 2 115 10 2- _ y TOTAL. 115. - - CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI i 18 e DESCRIPTION - LOT (BLOCK ADDITION . - ASSESSED VALUATION 11,2 G. G. Whitneyla 115 12 2 Riverton Place. 115 13:2 115 r 14 2 115 15,2 115 1 4 115 2 .4 115 3 4 115 4 ;4 115 5 4 115 6 4 115 7 4 115 8 4 115 9 4 115 1 10.4 115 11.4 115 12 4 115 13 4 115 14114 115 15 4 115 15 1 Groveland Addition to 2175 16 1 St- Paul, Ramsey County, 1200 20 2 Minn. • 2275 19!2. I 750 Alley vacated and, 20 3 TOTAL. I i 700 , CITY OF ST. PAUL jorp- DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J s (B) 19 _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED---- VALUATION Alley„vacated and 19 3 Groveland Addition to 675 18 4 St. Paul, Himsey, County, 2775 17 4 Minn. 525 18 5 525 .17 5 525 1 Summit Rood X475 30 . 3350 31 3250 60 - 2525 61 650 Horth 45 feet of 89 - 90. 3050 South 112.3 feet of, 90 3250 91 650 w. 120 875 121 1675 150 600 8 Subdivision of Lot 2 Block 525 - 9 7, Rosedale Park — '500 7 3 Oak Knoll, St. Paul, Minn. 800 8 3 850 1 1 600 U 30:1 500 l B00 _— 14 2 TOTAL. _ CITY OF ST. -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 20 DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ r--.--.- 17 1 Louden Park 450 1875 18.11 300 1 I2 300 30 2 (Ex. North 50 ft) 24 A.Bergholdla Addition 3550 (Ex. North 50 ft) 23 to St. Paul., 3000 350 22 � East 1 of 21 . 350 est of 21 '120 3900 3800 19 4200 18 4350 17 3200 16 . 3500 15 } 4800 14 3� 13 12 Djoylanle Addition to 104001 11 the City Of St. Paul, 900 (Except Street.) 10 Ramsey County, 900' (Except Street) 8 I 4200 __ .... -.. - ._.. 7 TOTAL. C - J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .1 REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1B1 - - - DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (E. 83 ft of '17.133ft Rosedale Park 1850 of (Ex, N 158 ft) 3 5 Test 50 ftof 7;est 133 feet of (Ex. "r. 158 ft) 3 5 500 (F.x..N 158 ft) F 100 ft of 3 5 4450 E 29.1 ft of W 152.1 ft of (Ex. N 158 ft) 3 5 500 East 65.6 ft of S 168ft of4 5 625 S of West 164 ft of 4 5 4100 1 1 Under>sood'-s First Add- 5175 2 l ition to City of St.Paul, 750 3' 1 Ramsey Co., Minn., 750 4 1 750 . 5 l 750 6 1 750 7 1 750 8 1 c 3775 9 l 2125 10 1 2075 11 1 2175 12" 1 2100 1 .2 4825 2 2 3975 3 '2 775 4 '2 775 5 :2 775 ro 6 2 -. TOTAL 4575 -CITY OI' ST.PAUL " DEPARTMENTS OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 IB1 '. DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCK ADDITION .,,;.• ASSESSED VALUATION .,.. 7 2 Underwood's,First 'Add= 775 8 2 ition to City�,oi St." 3775 9 2 Paul, Ramsey• Co:,,.M n1v . 33�3�5_ 10.2 775 11 2 775 12 2 I ' 775 1 1 Undenvood's 3rd Addition 11675 2 1 to the City of St.Psul, 3 ,1 Ramsey County, Minn- 825 4 1 9475 5 1 . • g .1 i 7 1 825 8 1 825 e, 9 1 825 10. 1 835 11 1 825 7.2 1 I 900 1 1 John J. Kenna's Rearrange- 775 2 1 ment 750 3 1 750 4 1 700 5 1 675 6 1 675 7 1 roww TOTAL. 650 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 23 - - -,- -.-' DISCRPPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AIN VLUATO' 8 1 John J. Kenna'e Re- 650 _ 9 1 arrangement. 650 10 11 . 650 650 12 1700 D 8 3 Groveland Addition To 750 Alley vacated and 9 3 St.Paul, Ramsey Co.,Minn. 1450 do 10 3 600 ' 1500 do 11 3 do 12 3 600 do I 13 3 600 do 14 3 600 do 15 3 600 do 16 3 600 ) do 17 3 600 do 18 3 600 do 19'.3 675 1 4 4075 28 4 575 27 4 600 26 4 600 Fast z of 25 4 300 Nest 2 of 25'4 ) 3600 )) 24 4 23.4 3100 - TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lel 24 -:- "ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 22,4 Gtoveland Addition to 3000 2.1 4 St.Paul,Ramsey Co.. Minn. 600 20 4 1600 3600 18 4 2275 South 112.3 ft of 90 Summit W(od 3250 South 112.3 ft of B9 3050 88 ; 4100 East z of 87 ). West � of 87 900 86 ) 85 4200 East of 84. West z of 84 ) )) 900 83 82 ) 900 East z of Bl' 3 Test � of 81 900 1 (S 80 79. 2675 East of 78 West 0£ 78 300 East of 77 77 — Test � of 77 � 3050 76 TOTAL - - CITY Or ST. PAUL - - p DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE- r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ° IB) 25 DESCRIPTION. LOT'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 91 Summit mood 650 92 600 93 ) 900' East of 94', }) West of 94'', ) 900 95 )j 96 ) 900 East 3 of i 97 West of 97 4 900 98 99 900 East a of 100 West of 100 900 101 102 ) 900 East of, 103 Sj West of 103 1 2950 East 30 feet of, 104 Sj West 10 feet of 104 2150 105 10 Thomas Dunn's Subdivision 4350 9 of Lotl, Block 6, Rosedale 750 East 25 feet of 8 Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. 450 West 15 feet of 8 275 7 750 4750 _�.-- - - - - - -- --6 - - —�_ -- - -- ro TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 26 DESCRIPTION LOT'eLOGH ADDITION- ASSESSED VALUATIONS 14 C.S.Smith'e Subdivi0ion 1125 East z of 13, of Lot 2 Block 6, Rosedale West z of 13 Park ) 4300 _ 12 . 11 1 5225 East 32 feet of 10' j) (Except East 32 feet.) 10 > 4275 8 ) 14 Savage's Subdivision of ` 5225 13 Lot 3, Bloch 6, Rosedale 1(( 12 Park to the City of St.Paul 725 11 1925 10 3725 9r 725 L 8 3725 --24-1- - Scott's Addition 700 23 1 to Rosedale Perk 700 22 1 3450 21 1 700 East of i 20 1 350 ,We at .'. of 20' 1 350 19 1 700 18 - 1_ - -.. .. 2300 TOTAL. CITY OI',ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI 27 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ALUATIGN 0 16'1 Scottle Addition 700 15 1 To Rosedale Park 65C 14 1 550 South 80 feet of 13,1 2775 26 1 Rosedale Park. 11550 North of 27.1 3900 South of 27'.1 3575- 26 4 575 27 4 2075 W 69 ft of N 168 ft of 4 5 ) 4100 S of Fdest 164 feet of 4 5 )) 1 2 11150 50 2 725 I 1 3 600 62::3f, 850 i. 1 :,. I Thomas Dunn' a Subdivision 4800 - 10 of Lot 1 Block 6, Rosedale 4350 J, Park, Ramsey Co..,hlinn. 1. 1 Underwoodls 3rd Addition 850 24 1 to the City of St.,Paul 5025 1 4 Ramsey Co., Minn. 625 24 4 550 1 5 525 24' 5 550 - TOTAL. 250 --- CITY. OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .28 .:._. .: i.. .-... . .. - ASSESSED D E SC RI PTION LOT: BLOCK A D D I TI10 N - VALUATION 24 8 Under,;ood.'s 3rd Addition 375 to the,City of St-PaulI,' Ramsey Co.,Minn. ri 12 2 •. Underwood's First Addition 775 13 2 to the City of St -Paul, 650 12 3 Ramsey Co., Minn. 650 13 3 600 I 1 I _ The South West v of South East 4 of South Westof Section 4 Town 28 Range 23, (Except Streets,) 21600 I 20 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 400 21 L 58, St. Paul, Minn. 500 20 2 275 21'2 250 I 3 Wes singer Is Garden Lots, 3750 4 Ramsey Co., Minn- 3000 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 2� ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 30 2 Academy Heights 225 1 3 St. Paul, Ramsey ,; 225 30. 200 I 1 6 _..._.. .,.-_ 150 30 6 10 Underwood's Acre Lots 11 Ramsey County, Minn- esota 15'2 Gar-ield Par),. Addition 16 2 to the City of St.Baul Ramsey Co., Minn. 15 2 Kipp's Macalaeter Park 16 2 St. Paul, Minn. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI 30 _ -- DESCRIPTION LOii BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 24 1 Underwoodlu First Addition 3550 23 1 to City Of St.Paul, Ramsey 600 22 1 Co., Minn. 2100 21 1 600, 20 1 2100 19 1 600 14 1 600 17 1 600 16 1 600 15 1 600 14 1 600 13 1 4575 24. 2 700 23 2 650 22 2 900. 21 2 2900 1 20 2 4250 19 2 2650 18 2 3200 17 2 3150 16 2 3300 15,2 650 14 2 650 13 2 650 1 4 550 , 1500 1 2 4 _4 2300 3 _- TOTAL. . - CITY OF ST. PAUL - bEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 31 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION , ASSESSED VALUATION 4 -4 Underwood's First Add- 500 5 4 ition to City of St.Paul, 500 6 4 Ramsey Co., Minn. 500. 7 14 500 g ` 4 500 9 4 500 10 4 500 11 4 500 12 4 525 1 3 700 2 3 950 3 3 650 4 3 1550 5 3 650 6 3 i 650 7 3 650 8 3 l 650 9 3 650 10 3 650 11 3 650 12 3 650 24 1 Underwood's 3rd Addition R 5025 23 1 to the City of St.Pau1, 650 22 1 Ramsey Co., Minn. 4525 21 1 650 20 1 .. ro �. .-.. -- - TOTAL. - 600 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 1 Underwood'.e 3rd Addition 550 -18 1 to the City of St. Paul, 500 17 1 Ramsey Co., Minn. 500 16. 1 500 15 1 500 14 1 500 1.3 1 550 1 4 625 2 4 600 \. 3 4 550 4 4 500 5 4 500 6 4 500 7 :"4 500 8 4 500 9 4 500 10 4 i 500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ' - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - (6) 33, ...... .: . DESCRIPTION :..- LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _11 4 Underwood's 3rd Addition 500 - 12 4 to the City of St. Paul, 550 Ramsey Co. Minn. 27 1 John J. Kenna's Rearrange- 425 26 1 ment 400 I 25 1 do 400 24 1 do 400 23 1 do 1400 22 1 do 400 21 1 do 400 20 1 do 400 19 1 do ) 500 Fast 9.79. ft. of 18 1 do ) i West 30 ft. of 18, 1 do ) )) 400. East 9.79 ft. of 17 1 do West 30 ft. of 17 1 do 300. East of 16 1 do 200 West of 16 1 do. ) )) 500, East 29.61 ft. of 15 1 do West 10.18 ft. of 15 1 do ) 400_ (Except West 10.18 ft) 14 1 West 10.18 ft. of 14 1 do ) 550 13 1 ) 1 2 do 425. 2 2 do 400. 3 2 do 400 4- 2 do_. _ 400,_.__ roe ss.w. e•e e TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,. ASSESSED - VALUATION 5 2- John J.Kennas Rearrangement 400 6 2 do 400 7 2 do 400 8 I 2 do 408 9 2 do 400- 10 2 do 400 11 2 do 400 12 2 do 400 .13 2 do 400 14 2 do 400 15 2 do 450 6 4 Groveland Addition to 4100 7 4 St.Paul Ramsey Co.Minn. 3125, 8 ' 4 do 475 9 4 do 475 10 4 do 3675 11 4 do 475 12 4 do 475. 13 4 do 475 14 4 do 475 15 4 do 475. 16 4 do 475 17 4 do 825 1 5 do 650 28 5 do 450 27 5 do 475 26_ 5__. ____ - do __-_ ____.- _ _ _4475.___ ronw ss.w. e•e s TOTAL° - -CITY, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . A -r - .. -:.... .. DESCRIPTION .. LOT BLOCK .. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 25 5 Groveland Addition to 475 24 5 St,Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. 475 23 5 do 475 22 5 do A75 21 5 do 475 20. 5 do 475 ,. 19 5 do 475 . 18 5 do 525 120 Summit Wood ) )) - 875 . East of 119 do Nest of 119 do 1 2750 East # of 118 do f( West of 118 do ) 550 East of 117 do 3 West of 117 do ) )) 825 116 do 115. do ) 825 ,- East of 114 do West of 114 do ; 550 „ East of 113 do ) Nest of 113 do ) 550 East } of 112 do `Nest of 112 do 82b 111 do ) 110, do 550 109, do 550 108 do East 17 feet - of 107 .: _ _ ___ 'do - ropK �.a.w. e•e ■ '°+�- TOTAL. CITY OF !yr. PAUL 0 DEPARTMENT -OF FINA E REPORT OF COMMISSIONEOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , J lB>'J _ ..- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Fast 17 feet) 107 Summit Wood ) )) 850 106. do _ 121 do ) 1675 Fast of, 122 do west of 122 do ) 1100 123- db East of 124 do West of 124 do ) 125 do )) 825 126 do 550 127 do _ 550 128 do 550 129 do 550 130 do v' ) )) 825 East of 131 d- 'Nest of 131 do 1 825 132 do ) 133 do ) 800 Fast 17 feet of 134 do ) (Except Fast 17 feet) k 134 do 700 135 do 600 South 65ft. of Lots 24 - 23 4 Underwood's First Additionl 4100 South 65 ft, of East loft, of 22 4 to City of St,Paul RamseyCo Minn. (Except So,65ft.of rastloft.) 22 4 do 375 21 4 do 450 20. 4 do 450 ---- �OnM es.�. ea e TOTAL, CLTY.OF ST. PAUL. - - DEPrARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION' 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION, T 1g 4 Underwood's First Addition 450- 18 .4 to City of St Paul 450 17 4 Ramsey Co. Minn. 450 16 4 do 450 15 4 do s 450 14 4 do 450 , t 13 4 do 475 24 3 do 650 23 3 do 600 . 22 3 do 600 21 3 do 600 20 3 do 600 19 3 do 600 18 3 do 600 17 3 do 600 16 3 do 600 15 3 do i 600 . 14 3 do 600 13 3 do 600 1 1 Macalester Place 650 14 1 do 350 13 1 do 350 12 1 do 350 11 1 do 350 1 1 Salet Addition 375 2 1 do 375 3_ 1 -_ __ . do-__ TOTAL, IOIIM O.D.A. e -e 8 CITY br ST. PAUL PEPARTNIENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 1 Salet Addition 375 5 1 do 375 6 1 do 375 7 .1 do 425 ..�B.bLiLX$gg�XIl6S$X�.Xt<$XS�II¢ffikX$$s$7C�.7CORX.�Q3$IdX'XEEXgRX�E6Z7C*. o . %91xX!`��x�xX!`�c�X�7C3Agttxl[4X�R1� 1 5 Underwoods 3rd Addition to 525 2. 5 the City of St.Paul 3175 3' 5 Ramsey Co. Minn. 3375 4' 5 do 300 5. 5 do 300 6 5 do 300 7 . 5 do 300 8 . 5 do 350 9 5 do 400 10 5 do 450 _ 11 5 do 500 12 5 do 550 1 6 do 575 2 6 do 550 3 6 do 550 4 6 do 550 5 . 6 i do 550 6 : 6 do 550 7 6' do 550 8 6 do b50 ----------- — do ----- ---- - ---' TOTAL. - -----_.550-- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' Q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) q '.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .. ASSESSED VALUATION 10 6 Underwoods 3rd Addition to 550 11 6 the City of $t.Paul ) 3925 12, 6 Ramsey Co. Minn. )) 24 .4 do 550 23 4 do 500 22 4 do 3300 21 4 ' do N 300 20 4 do 275 19`. 4 do 275 18I 4 do 475 17 4 do 275 16 4 do 425 15' 4 do 1975 14 4 do 500 , 13 4 do 550 30 2 John J. Kennas Rearrangement) 550 East 10 feet of 29 2 do )} 'Ust 30 feet of 29 2 i do ), 450 East 10 feet of: 28 2 do )) . West 29.79 ft. of 28 2- do 575 East of 27 2 do. ) West of 27 2 do ) 450 .: East of 26 2 do )) West of 26 2 do 450 Eget -of 25 2 do ) West of 25 2 do 450 --- -- ---- ---- Fast Of - - - 24 2 .:.. - - ---- d o .oar .. ... TOTAL. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDfTION ASSESSED VALUATION West } of 24 2 Jotim J.,.Kenna Rearrangement 450 FA at of 23 2 do West of 23 2 do ) 450' Ea at of 22, 2 do ti'est of 22 2 do ) 450 p Ea at of 21 2 do )) West of 21. 2 do ) 450 Ea at of 20 2 do S} Rest of 20. 2 do ) 510 (Except West 15 feet) 19; 2 do )) West 15 feet of 19 2 do ) 515 Fast 30 feet of 18. 2 do West 10 feet of 18 2 do ) 450 Fast 30 feet of 17 2 do ) West 10 feet of 17' 2 do ) )) 575 16 . 2 I do 6 5 ,x uv eland Addition to 2900 7 5 .St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn 400 8 5 do 450 9 5 do n450 10 5 do 450 it 5 do 450 12 5 do 4,q0 13 5 do 450 14 ;, 5 do 450 _ 15 . 5 do 450 =------ _.. --- --- _l6. -5-- -- -do - _. TO AL. -----.450---- ---450----TOTAL. - CITY OFr ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONERQOF FINANCE f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17, 5 Groveland Addition to 525 St,Paul,Ramsey Co., Minn. 150'. Summit, Wood i 600 149 do 550 148 do 550 147 do 550 146 do 550 145 do 1350 .144 do 550 143 do 550 . 142, . do 550 590 141, di 140 do 3550 do 3550 .. 138 do ) )) 825 East of 137 do q West of 137 do ) )) 875 136. do 1 7 Rosedale Park 8100 1 Subdivision of Lot 2 � 200 2 Block 7 Rosedale Park 450 3 do 450 4 do 450 5 do 450 6 db 450 .. 7 do I 450 da_ --- ------ -52b ---- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 'OF FINANCE. . . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) iZ LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION _d ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Oak Knoll, St. Paul, Minn. 600 2 1 do 550 . 3 i do 550 4 11 do 550 5 1 do 1 4350� 6 1 do 4400 7 1 do ) g l do 9 1 do 550 10 1 do 550. 11 1 do 550 ' 12 1 do 550 13 1 do 550 14 1 do 550 � .15 .1 do 600 8 7 Merriam Park Third Addition) 1375 )) East 20 feet of 9 7 to the City of St. Paul (Except East 20 f-eet) 9 7 do 400 I 10 7 do 800. it 7 do 800.. 12 7 do 800 13 7 do 800 do 14 7 950 13 6 do 1050. 14 8 do 5100 15 8_ - TOTAL, MiliIii 1111 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMI§SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 8 Merriam Park Third Addition 800 17 8,to the City of St. Paul 800 18 8 do 800 19. 8 do ) 9200 Past dr of 20 8 do )) West of 20 8 do 400 21 8 do 800 22 8 _do 800 23. 8 do 800 24 8 do 1050 12* 9 do 1050 13 9 do • 800 14 9 do 800 15 9 do 800 16 9 do '800 17 9 do 3900 - 18 9 do 4200 19 9 do 4200 20 9 do 4300 21 9 do 800 r 22 9 do 4650 8 10 do 5250 . 9 10 do 1 3300 10 10. do 800 11 . 10 : do 800 12 10 do 4500 10l _- do 800__._ -- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. F'AUL- „ DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �/ l DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION' ASSESSED VALUATION " 14 10 Merriam Park Third Add. 3850 9 11 to the City of St. Paul ) )) 15450 10 11 do 11 11 do 800 12 11 do 800 . 13 11 do 800 14 11 do 800 15 11 do 800 16 11 do 1150 13 12, do 4375 12 12 do 800 11 12 do 800 , 10 12 do 4300 9 12, do 750 8 12 do 850 7, 18. do 3175, 6 18, do 5 18, do 4 16, do ) )) 2350 3 18 do 2 18 do 3300 1 18. do 950 12 17 do 7850 11. 17 do 5100 10 17 do 4300 9 17 do 4800 8 . 17. _' - do TOTAL, - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ._ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALASSESSED UATION 7 17 Merriam Park Third 2 800 6 17 Addition to the City of St,Paul 800' a 5 17 do 800 4 17 do 800 3 .17 do 800 2 1-7 do 800 1 17 do 1050 11 16 do 1050 10 16 do 800 9 16, do 3500 8 16 do 4000' 7. 16 do 800' 6 16 do 800 5 16 do 3800 4 16 do 800 3: 16 do 800 2 16 do 800 1 16 do 850 7 15 do ) 1050 6 15 do 800 5 15 do 800 4, 15 do 800 3 15 do 800 2 15 do 800 i 1 15 dd 1050 . Fast 50 feet of 8 14 do TOTAL. 1050 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except East 50 ft,) 8. 14 Merriam Park.Third Addition) 900 7 14 to the City of - St. Peul 3 8 14 do . 800 5 14 . do 800 . 4 14, do 800 3 14 do 6300 2 14 do ) i 3900 Fast 5 feet of 1 14 do (except East 5 Lam) C 1:14 do 1050 8 13 do 1150_ 7 13 do 800 6, 13' do 800 5 13 do 800 4 13 do 800 3 13 do 800 2 13 do 800 _ 1 13 do 1150 The South 2.50 Chains of Fast 6.66 Chains of North of North Fast } of North west # of Sec. 9 T. 28 R. 23) 2805 1. wessinger's Garden Lots 5550 .2 Ramsey Co. Minn, 4000 3' do 3750 i 40 2 Auditors Subdivision No.58 225. 39 2 St. Paul, Minn. 225 38. 2 do 225 37 2 do 225 36 2 do TOTAL. 22b CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT'9LOCK ADDITION VALUATION 35 2 Auditors Subdivision No.58 225 34 2 St. Paul, Minn. 225 33. 2 do 225 32 2 do 225 31 2 do 225 30. 2 do 225 29 2 do 225. 28 2 do 375. 27 2 do 225. 26 2 do 225' 25 2 do 375 24 2 do 1225 23 2 do 225. 22 2 do 225 21 2 ,do 250, 30 2 Academy Heights, St.Paul, 225 29 2 Ramsey Co., Minn. 225 28 2 do 225 27 2 do 225 26 2 do - 225 25 2 do y £25 ,24 2 do a 225 23 2 do 225'',, 22 2 do 225. 21 2 do 225 20 2 do i 225' 225 ' TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAULl 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 2 Acddemy Heights, St. Paul, 225 Ramsey Co., Minn. 17 2 do 225 16, 2 do 225 301 do 225 29 1 do 225 28: 1 do- 225 27 1 do 225 . f 26 1 do 225 25 1 do 225 24' 1 do 225 23 1 do 225 22: 1 do 225 21 1 do 225 201 1 do 225 19 1 do 225 18 1 do 225 17 1 do 225 16 1 do 375 1 3 do 225 2 3 do 225 3 3 do 225 4 3 do 225 5 3 do 225 6 3 do 225 7 3 do 225 8 3 do 225 TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK A D D I T 10 N ASSESSED VALUATION 110 3 Aoadbmy Iiaights, St. Paul, 225 11 3 Ramsey Co., Minn. 225 12 3 do 225 13. 3 do 225 14 '3 do 225 15 3 do 225 1 4 do 225 2 4 do 1 225 3 4 do 225 4 4 do 225 5 4 do 225 I 6 4 do 225 ,4' do 225 8 4 do 225 9 4 do 225 10. 4 do 225 11 4 do 225 12 4 do 225 13 4 do 225 14 4 do • 225 15 4 do 1 6 Louden Park 4300 23 6 do 300 20 6 do 325 26 6 do 2925 25 6 do 325 .: do TOTAL. CITYOF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT, OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "VALUTIO" DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AN 23 6 Louden Park 325 22 6 do 325 21 6 do 325 20 6 do 325 19 6 do 325 18 6 do 325 a� 30 5 -do 275 a 29 5 do 25A 28 5 do 250 _ 27 5 do 250 .. 26 5 do 250 I 25 5 do 250 24 5 do 250 23 5 do 250 250 22 5 do 21 5 do 250 20 5 I do 250 19. 5 do 250 18 5 do 250 17 5 do 250 16 5 do 275 .. 6. 7 do 425 7 7 do 2900 325 g 7 do 9 7 do 325 10. 7 do 3025 do 325_ _ TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL �a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. (B) - _-: . DESCRIPT19N LOT BLOCK ADDITION AssesseD VALUATION - _ 12 7 Louden Park '12 13 7 do 475 Fast } of 14 7 do I V331 cf 14. 7 do ) I ) 475 15 7 do ) 16 7 do' 325 17 7 do 325 1 8 do 250 2 8 do 250' 3 8 do 250 4 8 do 250 5 8 do 250 . 6 8 do 250 i 7 8 do I 250 8 8 do 250 9 8 do 250 10 8 do 250 11 8 do 250 12 8 do 250 13 8 do 250 14 8 do 250. 15 8 do 250 6 WeaBinger's Garden Lots, 3000 5 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2625 4 do 3000 30. 6 Academy Heighte, 150. _ 29. 6-__St.kaul,Ramsey _Co. ,Minn. - . - TOTAL. __ 126--- . e CITY OF ST. PAUL I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) l - DESCRIPTION ADDITION — LOT BLOCK '. SS VAALUATESCD SION 28 6. Academy Heights, St.Paul, 126 27 6 Ramsey Co., ifinn. 125 26 6 do 125. 25 6 do 125 24 6 do 125 23 6 do 125 22 6 do 125 21 6 do 125 20 6 do 125 19 6 do 125 18 6 do 125 17 6 do 125 16 6 do 150 30 5 do 200 29 5 do 200 28 5_ do 200 27 5 do 200 26 5 do 200 25 5 do 200 24 5 do 200 23 5 do 200 22 5 do 200 21 5 do 200 20 5 do 200 19 5 do 200 18: 5 do 200 ` TOTAL. 200._-__ - CITY OF ST. PAUL- - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 5 Academy Heights) St.Paul,, 200 .' Ramsey Co., Minn. 6 1- Hospes Park,St.Paul,Minn. 400 7 1 do 225 S 1 do 225 9 . l do 225 10 1 do 225 11 1 do 225 12 1 do 225 .. 13 1 do 225 14 1 do 225 15 1 do 225 16 1 do 225 - 17 . 1 do 250 30 2 do 200 29 2 do 200 28 2 do 200 271 2 do 200 26 2 do 200 . 25 2 do 200 24 2 do 200 23 2 do 200 22, 2 do 200 21 2 do 200 20 2 do 200 19. 2 do 200 _18_ _2 - : da__.._ ITOTAL. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSE- VALUATION 17 2 Hospes Park,St.Paul,Hinn. 200 do 2001. 16 2 I 15, Garfield Park 2nd Addition 175 to the City of St. Paul 2 UnderwoodsAqre Lot's, 750 Ramsey Co. Minn. 3 do 900 4 do .750 5. do 750 do 750 6 7 do 750 g do 3750 I 9 do 750 ' 10 do 900 1 1 Hankee's Cleveland View 125 .�, 2 1 do 90 3 1 do 90 q 1 do. 90 5 1 do 90 6 1 do 90 7 1 do 75 8 1 do 90 9 1 do 90 10 1 do 90 11 1 do 90 12 1 do 90 13 1 90 lA 1-__ do-- t TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DF-PARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION _. ASSESSED D E S C R I P.T I O N LOT BLOCK VALUATION 15 1 Hankee's Cleveland Xiew 125 1 2 do 125, 2 2 do 90 3 2 do 90 4 .2 do 90 5 2 do 90 6 2 do 90 7 '2 do 70 8 . 2 do 90 9 2 do 90 10 2 - do 90 11 2 do 90 12 '2 do 80 1 1 Hankee'e Rearrangement 200 2 1 do 200 3. 1 do 250 (Except Cleveland Ave) The South 130 feet of the North 170.46 feet 4965 (of East 311.96 ft. of the South Fast j of th3 2Torth East -k and the (North 33 feet of East 311.29 ft. of South East of the North Fast (of Sec. .8 T. 28 R. 23 1 1 Ada Park 100, 2 1 do 100 3 1 do 100 4 1 do 100 5 1 do 100 6 1 do 100 7 1 do 100. --- • - TOTAL. ---- --140--- CITY Or•ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 5 ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - IN ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Ada Park 100 2 2 do 100 3, 2 dq 100 4 2 do 100 5 2 do 100 6 : 2 do 100 . 7 . 2 do 100 8, 2 do 100 9 . 2 do 100 10 2 do 100 . 11 . 2 do 100 12 2 d6 100 13 2 do 100 14. 2 do 100 15 2 do 95 ((The North 7.50 Chains of the East 6.66 Chains of the ( North of North East of North 'Nest j of S.9 T.28 R.23 . 9870 40. 1 AuditorlsSubdivision No.58 250 St. Paul, Minn. 39 1 250 38 1 do 250 37 1 do 250 36 . 1 do 250 35 1 do 250 34. 1 do 250 33 1 do 1 250 32 1 do 250 do TOTAL. 250 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI -i, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION _ AS%KSSED VALUATION 30. 1 .Auditor`s Subdivision No. 250 29 1 58, St. Paul, Minn. 2B0 28 1 do 250 127 1 do 250 26 1 do 250 . 25 1 do 250 24: 1 do 250 23 1 do 250 22 1 do 1250 21 1 do 500 1 2 do 250 '2 2 do 250 3 2 do 250 4, 2 do 250 — B 2 do 250 6 2 do 250 7 2 do 250 8 2 do 250 9 2 do 250 10 2 do 250 .I 11. 2 do 250 12 2 do 450 13 2 do 250 14 2 do 250 c 15 2 do 250, 16 2 do 250 do TOTAL. 250.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMI CRY ORDER (B) a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION -- AssesseD - VALUATION 18,2 Auditors Subdivision No.58-- 500 St. Paul, Minn. 250. 19 2 20 2 do 275 281 Lanes View 205 27 do 165 26 do 165 25 do 165 24: do 165 23. do 165. 22 do 1.65 21' do 165 20 do 165 19. do 165. 18 do 165_ 17 do, 165 16 do 165 15 do 165 28 1 Robert L. `flare's Addition 350 27 1 do 250 26 1 do 2501. 25 1 do 250. 24 1 do 250 23 1 do 250. 22 1 do st 250 21 1 do 250 20. 1 do 250 • TOTAL. ........ _... . _,.. ,..._ ....... - CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ? IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION- ASSESSED VALUATION ' 18. 1 Robert L. Ware's Addition 250 17 1 do .. 2500 1 2 Academy Heights,6t. Paul, 250 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2 2 250 3 2 do 250 4 2 do 250 5 2 do 25Q 6 2 do 250 7 .. 2 do 250 8. 2 do — 250 9 2 do 250 10. 2 do 250 11 2 do 250 i 12. 2 do 250 13 2 do 250 14 2 do 250 15 2 do 250. 1 1 do 250 2. 1 do j 250 3 1 do 250. 4 1 do 250 5. 1 do i 250 6 1 do 250 7 1 do 250 8. 1 do 250 9 1 do 250 250_ CITY OF 3T. PAUL - " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Is,• r r%' - - - - -- " DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK A D D NT I O N VALUATION llr"1 Academy lieighte St.Paul, 250 ' _ ----- --------,Ramsey Co,, Mann. 12 1 250 13 1... .. do 250 1"4 1 do 250 15 1 do 375 1 1 Louden I -ark- 475 28 1 do 300 27 1 do 325 26 1 do 325 25, 1 do _325 24 1 do 325 23 1 do 325 1 22 1 do 325 21 1 do 325 20 1 do 325 19 1 do 325 18. 1 do 1875 30 2 do 300 29 2 do 250 28 2 do 250 27 2 do 250 26 2 do 250 25 2 do 250 1 24 2 do 250 23 2 do 250 22 2 do 250 —_ -_-21-, 2--- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT-. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 2 Louden Park 250 19 2 a do . 250 18 2 do 250 17 2 do 250 16 2 do 300 6 6 do 5275 7 6 do 325 . 8 6 do 300 9 6 do 300 10 6 do 2600 11 6 do 300 12 6 do 300 13 5 do 300 14 6 do 325' 15, 6 do 2325 16 6 do 350 17 6 do 2450 4 1 5 dp 300 2 5 do ) )) 325 Fast 13 1/3 f6et of 3 5 do Nest 26 2/3 feet of 3 5 � do � 325 4 5 ) 5 5 do 325 6 5 do 250 7 5 do 250 8 5 do 250 2,5Q_ _. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .: 10 5 Louden Park 250 .11 5. 250 12 5 250 13 5 250 14 5 250 15 5 275 1 1 Groveland Addition to St. 1475' 30 1 Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn., 700 29 1 700 26 1 700 27 1 750 1 2 3750 2 2 700 3 2 3700 4 2 700 5 2 3450 6 2 700 7 2 700 8 2' 725 East'2 of Alley vac.& adj. l• 3 Groveland Addition To 3850 (doY 2 St.Paul,Ramsey Co.,Minn. North 100 ft of 3 (Ex. N,10 ft) (do) 2 3 (11 4150 North y of (do) 3 3 ) South of (do)" 3 3 925 ('do) 4 3 5 3 TOTAL. 1100 :,-_� 12 1 John J. Kenna',s Re- 700 13 1arrangement -- TOTAL. I ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ie) 63 - DC SC RI PTI ON 'LOT .BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3 Groveland Addition to 3825 7 3 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 575 8 3 Minn. 750 1 4 4075 . 2 4 3 4 3450 4 4 650 5 4 650 6 '4 4100 1 5 650 I 2 5 3550 3 5 3200 4 5 2100 5 5 550 6 5 2900 1 '7 Rosedale Park. 8100 8 7 7200 25 2 2200 26 2 925 31 3 750 32 3 I 4475 12 1 Scott's Addition to Rose- 3700 North 78 feet of 13 1 dale Park 5950 South 80 feet of 13 1 2775 12 1 John J. Kenna',s Re- 700 13 1arrangement -- TOTAL. CITY Of ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 0E5C RI PTION LOT BLOCKADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION 15 2 John J.Kennala 450 16 2 Rearrani-ment --� 12'6 Underwood'a 3rd Addition 3375 13 6 to the City of St.Paul, 225 12 7 Rameey Co., Minn. 175 13 7 325 - t 1.485.845 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION /)/�.TTgN� D 65G RIPTION LOT BLOCK d{!J Ell /Z0 0 z4,7 6- l TOTAL. - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL bEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DEADDITION SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 076 07- -7 �76- 0 c '7 0 6. CITY OP ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, / ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. (B) ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOG1(. "r�. SED ASSESSED '40-0 '! / / n 0 O '40-0 '! /A D CITY OF 4T. PAUL DEPARTMENT, OF FINANCE ., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER.' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SSED A94SSEATIO V 0 67,. / 44 TOTAL �.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cc>..___ -- -- - - ASSESSED ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION `/Z X00 r • I , d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and --R is report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing -B-8, hi reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. J...... 191..,... Commieaioner of Finance. Form 13. II. 12 I Groveland Park .Improvement Ass&dation � J. R. 80RRIOAN. - wN. nABIAIItR't'.�.tl - r�i a. n. NnnwRRxa �... ST. PAUL, MINN. To the Honorable Council of the City Of St. Pavl: We the undersi.nned, property owners. hereby petition yovt honorable body to have trees planted on botid.� s ee both ander_ according to tho plans and specifications to be determined by the city,; / f VM -1 ADDRESS ii Czroveland .Park Improvement Association J. n. aommflxo'�. asx. nwnncvierr••o. I mm. mm. nLxmmawxn. »•�• n. mm. mmnwwflne.'• � J. D. MnLAflWNY•v... ST. PAUL. MINN. To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul. We the undereir-ned. property owners, hereby petition your honors @body to have trees ted _ on bot i.es.of between and gpq nuc to the p ans a �spe¢ a• ons o o etoe no& by the city. NA2JB ADDRESS Af 5`C�T7r i i i GROVI-MM PARK IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. . J.H.Aorrigan. President. D.S.Bdwards. Vice -President. J.D.McLaren. Seo'. & Treasurer. St. Paul. Minn. To the honorable Council oS-theiCity of St. Paul: o ' We the undersigned. property owners. hereby petition your honorable body tohavetrees planted on both sides of 77 both 1>il r t / A� from��l"I to according to the plans and specifications to be determined by the City. Ate![ AADWS J. n. aonRloex. ! vroveland Park Improvement - Association. R. J. xIR2PaTIDDT.v� WM. DAaLpDiBT.v ID. R. DLIIDRATn. evr. D. ID. IDDWARDy ovv. J. n. HpLARIDx, _ ST.. PAUL. MINN. .To the Honorable Council of the City of St..Paul: We the undersigned, property owners, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees plan d on both sides of c- / uf.- between and according to the plans and Spec ificatio to be determined by the city. NAME ADDRESS , I. mom..,. Groveland Park In provement Association H. J. NSRNRTRDT.O� WH. DARLpDSRT'•L• � - . R• R. RLSRNAT[I. ..v. ' m�LARwa ST. PAUL. MINN. To the Honorable Ooundi of the City of St. Pauls We the tmd rsi ed, property owners, hereby petition your honorable body to have tree planted on both sides of �P r�c��vk betweert`j andn K a000rding to the plans and speoifioations to bo determined by the city. ADDRESS Tothe,Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul'- We aul:We the undersigned, property owners, hereby w petition your honorable body to have trees pl ted on both sides of _ betwee and according to the plans and specifications to be determined by the city. +1E ADD SS /9z0 m Groveland Park Improvement Association t[. s. xttnxwr>a>rrn� wm.nwncgmr+x�m. u. w. wnavwnnw'�•e• �. n. a[onwwxx�a•c•eY ST. PAUL. MINN. To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: We the undersigned, property owners, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees planted on both sides of � �^�wbetwee��'1 and 61—L -L accordino- to the plans and ,.specifications to be determined by the city. HALT, ADDRESS n. 4.RnxoAN. Groveland Pdrk Improvement Asisociation A..l. NRANBTHIYl.ei - wx. nwxxL4vx Tr.... ' a.....�.... •er S}. PAUL. MINN. , To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: .7e the undersi,ned, property ovmers, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees planted on both sides of�� between and according to the plans and specifications to be determined by the city. NA22, ADDRESS- ' Groveland .Park. Improvement Associj tion KH. DAtfLVII,FTww`w' R. RL18Fo T3�.vi n. R. �nwwnny r ST. PAUL, MINN. To the Honorable Counc'il.oi' the City of St. Paul: .e the undersir-ned, property owners, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees planted on both eidaa' of . 4 between according to the plans and specifications to be determined by the city. HAIM ADDRESS TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -ST. PAUL: We the.undersigned property owners ongam 71 571 x, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees planted �,�from�+ 1[r8.to4„�9cv 1�czza� �i.v Avenue - 64wo", according to plane and specifications determined by the City of St. Paul and as provided for in the Charter. Signed: ADDRESS jf-2?2' �/ . M_ ■ i 1 ,. A. ADANSOAR. Grove nd Park Improvement Association A. J. ZQIANNT�DT n.ui , W N. UAALGIIINTe.,w. a. n. amLAAxxu•c•f• Sr. PAUL. MINN. To the Fonorable'Council of the City of St. Paul: k1 17e the u2der ' pied, ' property oti�mers, hereby petition your honor body, to have trees rated on bot' ides of between and ccor ince to the plans and spec' ications to e termined by file city. FAIZE ADDRFSS �.t,,.v r 1 i GROVELAND PARK IMPHOVMNT ASSOCIATION. J.B.Horrigan, President. D.E.Edwards,. Vice -President. 'J.D.McLaren, Sec'. & Treasurer. St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: i We the undersigned, property owners, hereby petition your honorable body to have trees planted on both sides of from to n according to the plans and specifications to be determined by the City. NAME ADDRESS Grovelan . d Park improvement Asso4iation ST. PAUL. MINN. To the gonorable Counail of the -City of St- Paul: 4-1, —Ae-si—ed property orners, hereby petition yoiir honorable body to have trees planted on both si3ee of and io2inr to the plans and AFAA7-Vn z_-- t — spccfioations to be determined by the oity. HAM ADDRYESS X -A 06q7 it J#—'p 1' Groveland Park .Improvement Association 'J. A. IIOAAIO ta•• wx II. J. NtWNRTIDIYl'o N'M. OAI[tgIIlµTrvww. . W, W. tli.IWRATt�r.a n. W. WAN'AAOµ. r J. n• >v;LAAWNu"w ` ,K ST. PAUL. MINN. I i To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: We the undersi-ned, property owners, hereby petition your 'honorable body to have trees planted on both sides of ��slfz R, 91-Lbetween � and a, according to the plans a specifications to be determined by the city. ivTA iE ADDRESS ■ Groveland Park Improvement Association 1Vlf. DAtf;GI1TNT ` 11116 Tif ". v. n. -1A.... ST. PATII.. MIN - To '-he Honorable Oounosl of the Oity of 3t. Paul: We the undersigned, property owners, hereby petition yo,.r honorab body to have trees.planted on bot }> ide8 o3 between and 000rdin.r: to the plans and speoi:Lioations to be determined by the oity. RAM ADDUNS aA- LVf �Y Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aug. ZZ,.....1917 .. ............. 191..._:. To the. Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideratiou the preliminary order of the Conn- Y cil, known its Council File No.12857........ ...... approved............5-.3.!nI7..................................... 191......... , relative to ............... QrnBr.lent.a7._.._I.r.e.e.d.....Gxi....Glc.&A.d.,�e.�.ae..a.].eY.,.Pal.e.4..e.,.F... nn_,..C•oodrich.,.Prior.,................... ........... FIU mount......,YxIno.et_on.,Be.rkeleY,............. ................ ........... c4.eqe.liknd.a.....S.ugent.......................... ................_.................. .................. ........ _.................. ....._._............ ..... .._... _......... _......... ............................... ........_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-.......... _....... .necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is$.................................. _. laid the total cost thereof is $$.3.12...00..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............:.............. ............................... ... ................................................................ ................ ............. ..-................. ........... ........................... ._...................... ........ ..._............_..:..._................ -............ ......_................... ...._............................................... ................ ................ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4....... .............................. ........... ....................... .......................................... _... ..... _............. _...........:.................... ......:.:.........._.........:._.....__.................... .......... ... ............. ....... 5. Said innprovement.is................... .................asked for, upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject j to assessment for said improvement. T ......_.... ........_ /� Corm issii ncr of Publi orks. O tg of fit. tiaul £iepartitteitt of Puhlir ifiorho OSCAR CLAU55EN. ewe.. ell-- M. . G055. C... —1—R ' R. T. GOURLEY. D.—TI A-R.. [A CN SON.! ucrioN .No w.iw. Q r l.Nir.roN N —..CTnoN. St. Paul, -:inn. Lub. 23, `1917, cow -.1'.i.. Goss, �Cors�issioner of Public 7)orhs De,-.-r Sir, - I trains pit here-,,,ith prolL.linary esti:.mtc of cost for plantin;; si:d protecting g ornai,iental shade trees on both sides of a Grand Ave. from Fairview &ve. to Cretin Ave. c '3ellesley Ave. *' It . "11 It 11Palace St. " if T, It n n Finn Ave. " Swait Ave. to 3erkeleyr " Goodrich Ave. " Fairview Ave. to Cretin " Prior Ave. " Siu:ait Ave._to 3'xdolph St. F,,i::Liowlt Ave. " Fairview Ave. to Cretin Ave. Princeton :eve. " It . " n It " - - Portland Ave. " If it " Cleveland Ave. Stanford'iave• " - 'r " rr. Crejin Ave. Jefferugn &ve. 'r n " R It It Berkeley Ave. rr if IT - IT It I if Cleveland Ave. " Sm alt " " Randolph"St. 4 Sergent at. " Cretin Ave. to Finn five. in accordance with Council File +r17857, approved Aug. 3, 1917. Appro�:i:aate esi,imte x;8,712.00 rr _Yours vujL'y Gj:LLjyr, _ ¢— OC�:.:. Chie;'Engineer �; -------------—---- .a Council File No. ..:.......................:...................... By......_ ........................._._ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifyi'ig Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of- benefits, costs and .expenses for paving Iglehart Ave, from Rice St. to Dale St., including necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also the paving of street inter- sections, alley and driveway approaches and construction of cement concrete curbing, where necessary except on that portion of said Iglehart Ave, for.a distance of 1�0 feet on each side, of Rice St. beginning at Rice St., on which portion.sandstone curbing shall be installed, I, under Preliminary Order ......._12470. ............ Intermediary Order Final Order..... 1.4512 ... _....... a1pproved............__ ....... ......... 1Ta.A..__Z3.i_._.......... 191.7........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 1 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Bky FURTHER LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. :'...i ::.::.:............... ........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I ...;r...1�t7 4 Adopted by the Council ........... _..._..._.................................... _.... .............. 191 ..... _...... ,J _mow ..._........ j..:..._."...:...:-1_.1.......... City Clerk. NOVrNry 1c Ir Approved _.......... ...._ ......... .......... _... 191 ..mo[ said Igl hni: U �' of 120 fc t o ea, y: lttce `Jt :beginning d. R. Nt. 63 which portion sandstone curt shall be Installed, under Prellmina._ Order 12470, Intermediary Order I,----.-.._ ............... ............. _..... _....... _..... ._...., Mayor. Dorm B. B. 19 44140, Final Order 14512%, approved ' Jan. 22, 1917. i A Dubuc hearing having been bad upon the ".s.sment for the above im- provemenq and said "easement having seen further considered by the Coun- ch, and having been considered' anally satisfactory, be It therefore Resolved. That the Bald "easement I sad the sate is hereby In .all re - spent. ratified, and the same t. henbir a ordered to be submitted to the District; Court or the County o1 Ram.e7 for I condensation. Be It Hvrther Resolved,That the sold assessment be and It Is hereby determined to be payable In ten equal lat cllmente as to each and every par. cat land described therein. Adopted by the Council Nov. 27. 1917. Approved Nov. 27. 1917. tnwr_ 1.19171 I= Council File No. .................. .................. :........ By._......_:...:_......._..........................................._............... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. n In the matter of the assessment of, benefits, coats and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 29, Summit Park Addition, also the grading of said alley in Block 29, Summit Park Addition, un a reliminary Order _..... 12252......._.., Intermediary Order 1.346.4....._..._. ........ _, Final Order..._.__...1.381.8.......,.. approved ............._N4.._.... 29., ................ ................ 191%_...... I A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. T FURTHER OLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...._.._._..._...._ r •_.fk^_ '_!:1.1:_____.....191 ............. _�_..._......................_` of •.•V.CN: _t.Cea....:... City Clerk. C. F. a 2955- In 966L In the matter of the assessment of Q tial�C',� �bonedts, costo and ,expenses [or I` " chanRtng tha 1 $lock 89, Bummlt Park the ahApproved ... .....::.::.._............... so the graeinlr of said alley In Block E9, Bummlt Park Addition, antler Preliminary Ordar lEP6E, Intermedl- •' — \--�- approvi� �ed Nov. y9, 1918 Order 1EBIB, Mayor. ................:..................._.............._.._...... Fenn B. U. 18 YYD n theiiY e�ement lOtvthe atiovehm�. ittpv DIsn fu theand r i connlder" nDrhl the and having been aonaldarad e Reaosatisfactory,,.Tht heseaidtius�or. Da and the came la hereby !n all re- r aawta ratlded, and is ems la hereD7 ordered. to be submitted to the Dia. triol Court of the County of Rams) for oondrmaeon salsa aiseiment EeeanA /t bD heriE, datermined to Ne payable In ons epuat Inetali.anI as to enc' and every pan -cal of land desorlbed theroln. - I Adopted Counc)1 Nay. 87, 1917. II /lpproved Nov. 87, lie ;.natter of, t'h. 8.ie.fi dd ey o8 Council File No. ....... . ..... ....... ....... 7 -rcreen Place. from At: under Pro''" lot Order) 5rder 176133. approved Ery ......... . . blic hearing havlAir V e ne—en -%nd "'dt far the I n further -... I& and having he- iatlsfa't`- I-- T11" j!OF ST. PAUL. the enI _tlfled RM1U60j'.:,,Ratifying Assessment: In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving alley in Block 12 Summit Park Addition and Block 1 Evergreen Place from Avon St. to Grotto St., under Preliminary Order_...._10,22.4 ............. Intermediary Order 17141 ............ Final Order 1!766.3 ........... .. approved ..................... .. July 20. . ................ 191 1-. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is>4kVordercd to be submitted to the DistrictLCourt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BL4T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby.' determined to be payable (n equal Lmstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council -... V 01Y IC Approved... ....... ....... .. ........................... 191- For- B. B. IS - I 191 . ........... City Clerk. R�" USF_ M . . ................. ............... .. .. ............ .. . ....... . ...... Mayor. 'o. 196G7 mutter; or the assessment of _ coats p.nd xDenees for ins Amheretstreet. Doth aidas� sen Cambridge street and- treat nd o n tre t. under Prellminary Order., Int rtndl ry order ,ISM FI Council File No ......... .. _...... bra r 1219D nppro—d Sept 21 Dllc h ,ring' having been had e ne semen'or , sment ohaty- .,nt an" saidI Byd h •a further con Idered by the ---.. . . ..... "'_" a -Ing Deen considered I ,tisfactory, be ItItheretore ad That the sold aeseesment e Is hereby In all - s 8 1e her. . `CITY. �F STS EF,ALL: Resolution Ratifying Assessmi�nte In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Amherst street, both sides, between Cambridge street and. i Geneva street, C ,1 under Preliminary Order ..._......1.02.43...._..., Intermediary Order 121Z.97...:...._..._.._. ,Final Order.._1.27.4.9_._........._.. approved .................... S.ep.t_.....:.21:,...................... 191 _.b_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is her y ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it iI s hereby determined to be payable :!Mr- equal installments as to each and every parcel of .land described therein. I Adopted by the Council .. I'^191 ......... _........ _................... .. .'d.Y1..�... ...._ City Clerk. ApprovedN. N.. J 1 _ i ...�......�..'y....lC..._....._.......... 191. ....... _............. ... Mayor. 11-1 B. B. 18 j YUBLISFIED / _ 7 fitter of the asses-ea-- sses mencosta costsand expenses_ bet• '- Goodrich avenue avenue and he ,on ........ Council. File hIo gee and 6t., Paul Ito A \ "\ - .Preliminary Order 9003, • - Order 10766. Final �•o proved July 13. 1910. '. .o hearing having bre ____. �_._ ._._. 13 Y _.... _.____ _..... .... _ _ _.._.......... .............. .rtaseasment for the "bo- • Rad flnid naeeBamen. 1 . ,_ , _ �v; " further considered • been con - dory, be Itttierefor.. -haying std' assess—'–___._.:. — o+ ciTN',d to same'la n ,. .fitted to theDl oRay. Resolution Rat nty mseTF, Assessment. eselyefA, .21 m In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Goodrich avenue between Lexington avenue and the Chicago, Milvwaukee and St. Paul Railway, under Preliminary Order.. _90...0..3 ................ Intermediary 'Order _._10.7.5.5..........__...., Final Order... 1.1..5.79 ................... approved................Jnly....1fi.,...._..__...... .._........:191'_fi....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the Dis h eby orderedto be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. L•,r�, ryn ��, 1 Adoptedby the Council ............ .................. _.. _`.......__...._...._. _ ......191............. ...\.�'.,ft n._'•.:.... .'t.... City Clerk. ���•.� �I�r is :' Approved......_............._......_..._.............................._...........191....._.. .................................... _................. ............... .... _...... Mayor. Por- 13. B. 13 PUBLISHED 12-- =-,!. 9 t" 01. _ iter of thep easeo :Ocie and expenses for for con. -• - „ n eewer re Brainerd Eldd Janata nano to Edge tot S Council File No i. a on Edgerton etreae ton a nvaCnu ee not to Preliminary Ord! - .,od B; r n r CITY OF ST. PAUL. ,w Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Brainerd avenue from Jessie street to Edgerton street, and on Edgerton street from Brainerd avenue to i Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order.- ........... Intermediary Order ... ............. Final Order......... 11 -408 -- approved ........".July.....8r._....._._ ...........................191...6 . . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said amess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is he ordered to be sub ed to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B� URTHER R LVED, That the said assess�ent be and it is hereby determined to be payable tn.. „"_.. ,..- .. qual installments as to each'and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .... },'_�`._- `" ___.....191.. .. `"�rv�-•.L/.... C :;: 4...... City Clerk. Approved........_ ... _...._ ........:......191......... ..... _...... _...... Mayor. ramr B. B. 18 hh -7 Couneil File No\S By........_..........._. _.....__............_....: i. . CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution (Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Capitol avenue from Fairview avenue, to a point 145 feet horth of the north line of Minnehaha street, under Preliminary Order..___14$.22.............. Intermediary Order.15545 5545.................._, Final Order ..._.. ... ter of the assessment o[ approved .............April--28 191--�...-• •est. ens ..pati... for eor _,_........._..........._ a:s—er on Capitol even,' •v"' avonuo to a point l: h of the north slue of [1f,m rtt, and said assess- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment I�tre t' Intermrider iarellmi f 22 'ment having been further considered by the Council, and ha°In lq Order 16174, apprtfinally satisfactory, be it 19 hearing having been nsessment for the above therefore ane said assesamont further co Idered by nl having ibeen eonslc 'nfactory, bo It therefor. RESOL D, That the said assessment be and the same. That the said saaeasespects ratified, and the - e same is hereby In al. same is rdered to be submitted to the District Court,s�a, ons the same le h.naey for confirmation. b aubmitt tyed to the D' 1'^ County o[ Pay: .., T URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmentl� s neaulvof.rreby determined to be payable in. .,,._.............. ........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..: _..__...._.191._... _. 1,e14........_...41;9.t." .. City Clerk. NOV �1111 IC Approved..._._........._.....__..__......_..........__....................._191......... ...... _......................... . .................... _.............._...._ Mayor. Dorm B. 13. 1S _ RJBIISHED W, the matter of thel assessment 0f benefits. -costs, and expense. for re= .. cot,.tructing withconcrete, the pie ant sidewalk and curb on 4the South a aide' of Fourth street between Mar- Council.File No ......... ket street and . Washington street, the weet Slde of Dtarke[ .tree! be- .ween Fourth streetand Third \"\'• - _ _ trees, the north aide of Third 8t. B .. [ween Market St. and Wnehington,. - By......_............ :._.......... ................... eat. and the east aide of Wash - ton etrcer between Third etre' 1 .Fourth street, under Prelim) , Order 12944, Intermediary. Ort x:19. Final Order 16772, approv - v'29. 1017. - 1•ubitc hearinghaving been i the fie.—nic.t for the above 517 ST. PAUL. q • nt,. and Bald further or esGiut un 'ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for reconstructing with concrete, the present Sidewalk and curb on the south side of Fourth street between Market street and Washington street, the west side oS Market street between Fourth etrdet and Third street, the north side of Third St. between Market St. and Washington street, and the east side of Washington street between .Third Street and Fourth street, under Preliminary Order... _12944_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Intermediary Order 1.6219_.._.__.__,_.,_„ Final Order...._.._1.5.772..... _.... .. approved...........:.._.._ Y..._29........"......................... 191..7........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESO ED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is e y ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .....................................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .......... ;.:._?.._ i. j..._. __.......191..:......._. I /...... n!!..:...... City Clerk. SOU Approved............. ............... _..... ..... .............. ........................ 191...:..... ,. t .................... ........._........................ ..._........ .._........... _....._.............. _.._.. Mayor. I.nn B. B. 16 FMIUSHED—Z� �--�� i Council File No. :..................:...:.. .................... J By............................. ...I ...... ............... _l.`�Pi76)r l CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving with concrete alley in Block -18, Summit Park Addition, under Preliminary Order......__1.221.1..........., Intermediary Order ..7,66...2..4 ............ .....:._., Final Order. ......._1.7.184__.......... approved .............. .June._..21........ ........._ .............191..7. - ,atter _,atter of the aseessn" _ costs and er:Pens c A public hearing,having been had upon and Paving ' th i Bl"k 1s. summit Pathe above improvement, and said assess- ' under Pro11-711 ry" ment having been further considered by the (ntermedle,ry order 18. been considered finally satisfactory, be it r.11188, approved J' therefore -1 11 s 'ng having 7,e ia.-.ent for the ah ,aid nsessm� - :. 'ate - RESOL D, That the said assessment be and ire, isa`me i i -:hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is er ordered to be submitted to the District_}CoNrt of, 'the -County of Ramsey for confirmation. B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ,fi�r\rf� � �/ .... !....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...:..__..._...i','.',,.._._ .`_...'..._.__... City Clerk. Approved._ __.............. �, �_f ... '....�.....:_......._....................191......... 3 a ................. .................... _....... _...... _....... Mayor. Fo nn ll. B. 18 PTTnT.TCTTM / 4 :� ) , 7 Council File No _ e By * CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. , In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 20, summit Park Addition, under Preliminary Order ._..... l.r%.`�.`�.............. Intermediary Order...., Final Order ._......1.3852............ _, approved ....._..........._D.e.C.. _2.............__........._.....191...._x.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessmEga16 improvement, and said asse ss- ^ublle hearing baving Ideted finally satisfactory, be' it ment having been further considered by the Council, nthaisn annlafalthemt �ea further considered therefore , and having been co 'mtisfactory, be it thorn .ed. That the said as '.th snore le hereby II RES, D, That the said assessment be and the as ed, and the carne all respects ratified, and the +t/ o be submitted to tt the county or "of Ramseyfor confirmation. same is a ordered to be, submitted to the' District CoLlFurther Resolved. jssment be and i. B I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessor: to be naynme;j hereby determined to be payable " in ..........,.....each ................equal installments as to ea . i Adopted by the Council ..... .. `. -191_....... City Clerk. 91......_. n Approved......._.._......_.. r._............ .............. ......._........_............................._............ ._.................... _. %........ Mayor. Form ❑. B. 16 PUBLrsr1FD_) a.: • f i Council File No 4 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Jefferson Ave. between Prior Ave, and Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Order....._.1235.5_..._,,,., Intermediary Order ...1_51M ................. ., Final Order ._......,1.5?_4_;2............ approved ___ ............. ..... ........ /:Px.il...._5,.....:.........191......4.... tent, and said �assess- A public hearing having been had upon the assessm4 19664— n[ of 'matter of the asseseme ment having been further considered by the Council, andiertor east. and a-PPsee to b Prior ally satisfactory, be it ' and Olyderni2356, eI teamediarr' therefore arr . 'd 15136.ApriPI-9-117 16746. '<P-1 Ala hearing• haulm been had 3 asee hear agt tar the above Ira - and the R VED, That the said assessment be and the sl't, a.,—aidoneiae�ede nrI th- cts ratified, same ' reby ordered to be submitted to the District Court q; having been do 'h' been for confirmation. tory. be It there[ora at thesaidassess•. B FURTH RESOLVED, That the said assessment bc�;,I ineoearn. 1s b1.i/ determined to be payable b ��d toy the " .....................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by theCouncil '�. r . •o ` 191 ............. y Clerk. NOV "7 io Approved..............._.....:.....:..._..._ ..... ......._.._...................191......... ................. ........ _...................._..... _..................................... ..._.......... .... Mayor. Form B. PL7i3L1SIrED_../ _— 17 �T--- - att- of thenesessnf \ J' coats and--e:Denr'. U nF Nllen etre¢[ betRo h...................... ..................... \: Fd ecumhe r'-�1nrtrY OrderFinal70dc r _ - ;)rder 16138.--AL':JaJ�Jr) ed .April 6. 1917. ro.................. helli nexesement .for the nl Y ad enid aesesxm' _ �t 0t, onsided fner rth¢r ¢nod hovinhLeen th r ¢ a d, Tnhnt the bo l, CITY OF ST. PAUL. the me' ix. mt Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Niles street between Griggs street and Edgecumbe Road, i under Preliminary Order_.1.46.70.:......_. , Intermediary Order ....1.51.38......_........._, Final Order.. -.1,57-46 ............... approved....._APr.il......5........_._..............................191..7........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RE'SOLV , That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inn all respects ratified, and the same is !fir ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County df Ramsey for confirmation. B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable \ equal ins _-�_„ ,r installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Y/ i/ v Adopted by the Council ..............C:r ..... _ ..':_!_.....__._._........191............. .ts•yttf... ...LC City Clerk. NOV nn 1a Approved.._ .......:........_.... ..... ...._... ............................. ........ 191......._ 'fr � '. Mayor. .............. ... ..................................... _..... Form B. 13. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - • .., Subic IL -j"566, COUNCIL A R FILE N O - ..................... ' Date.Presented.._..-:Nov.......27-p-.IW17.-. / I y Resolved, That the plat of A. E. Robertson's Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. F. No. 19566—fly M. N. Goss— _ Resolved, That the plot or A. E. Rob - 1 ertaon's Addition, os mmended by' the Plnt Commission rad approved by the Commissioner or Publlo Works, be a ad the a Is hereby ptsd. Adopted by the CounclleNov. 27, 1917. Approved Nov. 27, 1917, (Dee. 1-1917)' i Yeas (C ),Cou iltnen (C) Nays l l {• I ?? , r Adopted by the Council. _ 191---- rf Farn orth 7NOV^ry IG . Goss __ In favor Kelp........ MCC II O _ Against A�pSovf r 191 U 11R, Nas 1 Yoe�MAVOR _....... Mr- President, owers FORM C.8-2 • �.I P7: CITY OF ST.PAUL o COUNCIL RESOLUTI CIle _,GENERAL FORM Subject: T,IffING ..'A PR'•-fI`iu • - COUNCIL • 'FILE N o.. -,' Date Presented I.?�?'; T7.. , , 191 t_ Resolved, that crater rnninE be 1<lid" in the follol".i,, ,streets, Prior l.venue, Jefferson to Juliet, Juliet, •:irview to "ndcrv.00 , ulirr., -t., 77endon to 250 feet south thereof. C. RN.. 19507—By O. P. Kellcr— Re�olved, that 'water mains 60 laid In the following streets: i Pror Ave., Jefferson to Sullet. Julet, Psi rview to Underwood, Pulham St., Hendon to 250 feet.eouth thereof. ,Adopted by the Council Nov. 27, 1917. - Approved Nov. 27, 1917. (Dee. 1.1917) Yeas (J) Counc' men (✓) Nays Tarns orth Adopted by the Council ` ? 191 ^ Goss In favor %OV r.7to :Kel Hyl d r oil �'� Against yrpreside Approved 191M W derlich 0 t, IrVln MAYOR roR1.( C. a•2 J` CITY 17F �,RIIVT I�RV'L • �eparhmeahv� �✓�blicUhilihies Q\jrvav of V)aHar BOA RD OF WATER COM MISSIONERS OSCAR E RELLER,1enr 5 N GO55 T GARRETT O -n OUSE, Gem -11 I .. 1 f. .. '"o the ?T'rlcr It l.f`. n0:'.'Cl Of tgr. 1:: hiC, iie , t .. !'1Bet1 ": rr ?,. '_:it; t`:1F ['r to, ,*-6 the Po' ti -.e cil be cu^. tcd to rjlthnrize t .e 1;:; i r, of ccat2r in th_: follct^r.F; atr et:r. Prior ;c,.1^, ::rif`err;;t to .uliet, ;:,� i .t, . • i=•; ie+'_� :_dery cod, -Bo fu,et 01th tl'c^r tr: Secret'r;. f I CITY OF ST. PAUL «wCL91. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No. 19568' AUDITED ctbi L G nU1, PER �¢ nna Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - statement: Yeas ( J) Coun men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council rtr"' 77 L' i391_ Far sw' &'OV Or7 Go In favor Approved ` 191_ K er /, { y `' Hyland Against y MAYOR a .iarlderlich a Y ft— Irvin. Mr. President, wers 22243 Wm. Bros & Sons, 615.00 Schools-C&B . =i 44 Craftsman Press, 6.12 Schools -Exp. 45 Crane & Ordway, 26,.46 Water -Exp. —-- 8— 46 Adam Decker Hardware Company, ReaolveaF.No. t1966bat ,warrants be drawn 11 e 2rj ,upon the City Treasury, payable out of Water—Exp. the hereinafter epdcl is funds and fa favor of the Deraone, drma or corpora- ions for the amounts set opposite their 47 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, respectivenames as Decided 1n the 12.70 following detailed statement: _ Library—Exp. Wm. Bros. & Sons, $615.00. -' p • - I Craftsman Press, $0.12. Crane & Ordway, $26.46. Adam Decker Hardware Co., $11.22. 48 J. T. Kenny Soap Company, Finch, van Slyk. & hfc& vine. 38,.37 12.7o. Water -Exp. $7. Kenny Soap Co., $38.37. _ B.T. ymer Hardware Co., $55.86. Tierney & Co., $740.39. ell Adopted by the Council Nov. 27.1917. eJ5.86 49 Raymer Hardware Company, Approved Nov. 27, n17. Schools -Exp. (Des 1-1917y 50 Tierney & Company, 740.39 Fire -Exp. Total , CITY OF ST.Jr ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM I COUNCILFILE t V. 1.10 IdOV 2 7 1AUDITED RER riru �r. N. 845 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 1ieyt tU 191_ Farnsw rth . _ � — NOV 27 1111 Goss In favor Apprtd 1t 191_ Keller McCo _I�Against ' ------ - - Hyland MAYOR r - Y«ea r$ - Wunderlich Mr. President, Pow — Irvin. 22212 Banta Publishing Company, -1.40 Library-NBooks. _ 13 Boned of Water Commissioners)- 201.01 P.rm A. 6•11 S. & S. Cing-Exp. Pay. Depr. 1201 - 14 Boosey & Company, 1.00 Library-NBooks. 15 Educational Review Company, 3.12 Library-NBooks. 16 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, - .63 Perm. Imp. Revl. Pump. House Payne Edgerton Sewer System. C 17 M. Falk Paper Company, 4•M Sprinkling. 18 M. N. Goss, Com'r. P.Works, 202.13 ` Pay. Depr. 19 Kenny Boiler Works, 24.50 Sprinkling. - 20 J. T. Kenny Company, - 4.95 Police -Exp. 21 `Kindling Machine Company, 8.90 5 . & S . C Ing -Exp 22 A. J. K ra nk , .2.16 Health -Health -Exp. P.rm A. 6•11 Res. E45 2222, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Viol Page #2. A. C. McClurg, 188..92 P.Library-NBooks. .McGraw-Hill Book -Company, 6.00 Library-NBooks. Manhattan Oil Company, 397.06 S. & S. C ing-Exp . 3 Sprinkling 7.06 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, Pay. Mounds Blvd, E. -Seventh to Clermont. A. P. Moore, Com'r. P.Works-Exp. 56, Sewer C&R -Exp. 1� v G.F.-Crosswalks 76. 0 Nelson Electric Company, Library -Exp. Northwestern Else. Equip. Company, Library -Exp. 48 Pol. & Fire Alarm Telg.-Exp. 3. 8 Northwestern Tel. Exchange Company, C.P.W.-Exp. 19.50 'C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 3. •G.F.-Miscl. & Unf. 3. Pay. Mounds Blvd. E. Seventh 7 0 Sprinkling .7 2.00 76.20 2.75 73.98 36.70. 'e H. Peltz & Son, 3.25 P.Library-Exp. Review Publishing Company, 29.70 Gen. F. -Official Publications. St.Paul Electro6Plating Company, 4.50 Fire -Exp. St.Paul Gas Light Company, 188.81 Fire -Exp. 152.0 St. Q&R-Exp. 20 Pol. & Fire Alarm Telg.-Exp. 1 . 1 .8 St.Paul Machine Works, 63.56 Pay. Mounds Blvd. E. Seventh.to W.L. Clermont. S t,.Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Works, ,25 Pol. & Fire Alarm Telg.-Exp. St.Paul Stamp Works, 7.25 G.F.-City Clerk -Exp. 4. C.P.W.-Exp. .25 St.Paul Suburban Sanitation Company, ' 10.00 Playgrounds Exp. H., P. Thieme, .75 Library=NBooks. Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 19,00 C .P.Works-Exp . 2.00 r45 Police -Exp. St. C&R -Exp. Sewer C&R -Exp. 41 Furman Tuttle, w Library -Exp. 42 Welebach Company, P.Schools-Exp. T Page #3. - 13.00 2.00 P.00 18.00 4.85 6.41 1,576.09 C. F. No. 9— Reeolved1966that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and ln- favor of the'Dersons, firms or oorpora- tlona for the amounts set 'oppoelta their spective amea as.eDecIppo to the following detalled atatemeaI BaIn Dta Publiheing C,-. u em Board of Nater Commissioners, .40 $201.01.oar eooaey & Co., $1.00.Educa_ Falrbanke, lMRoraee & C.., �.12. Ceats. M. Falk Papdr A, 34.36. M. N. Gose Com'r. P. Works, (202.13. Kenny Sells, Works, 1 work.. J. T. Kenny CO.,. 14.96.124,50* Kindling Machine Co., $6.90. A C. McClurg. $188.92. MOGraW-Hill Book Co., 18.00. Manhattan Oil Co. $397.06. MPIa• St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie A- P, Moore $78.20. Nelson Electric Co. $2.76: Northwestern Elea. Equip. Company, $73.98.' Northwestern Tel. Exchange Co., $36.70. ) R.view H. LPubl..hing -Co.. $26.70: 8t. Paul Electro Plating Company, $4.50. St. Paul Ges Light Co., 1188.81. St. Paul Machine Work.. $63.66. 84. Paul Rooting. Cornice & Orpe- ment Work8, 26 Cents. SL Paul Stamp Works. $7.26. 8L Paul Suburban Sanitation Co., $10.00. H. P. Thieme, 76 Cents Trl-State Tel. & Telg. Company, $39.00. I Furman Tuttle, $4.86. Weisbach Co., $6,41. Adopted by the Council Nov. 27, 1911. Approved Nov. 27, 1917. (Dec. 1-1917) CITY OF ST. PALL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... .. .......... .. ........................ ........ ...... ... ....... ........ ..... ...... . ............ ..... ........ ...... ............. COUNCIL FILE ........................................................................................... ...................................................................1 ,ANY 'Q1 Dateesented . ....... ..... - ---- ------------ ----------- - Res6lved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dennis J. Leshyi, out of the Workments Compensation Account Of the General Fund, the sum of j21.00 in partial settlement of his claim for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 16th day of August 1917. Yeas (V) Councilmen (v) Nays Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller Mcc.11 Wuraletlirh� r. President, Irvin ORM C A-0 6-17 2M .%e.olved, luat the proper CItY affl- are herobY authorized to Pay to Dennis J. Leahy, at or th'. �V.rk man', Coo,p11.. Account - f th; General Fund, the an. f $21.00 In C, F. '* .. .... 0— ' 3 1 f, In - by ' partial settlement of his c,. In �P.Jr n- J'lle cra , ecolved h1l In ad the by of P.h". Work.y � on the 16th day of AugUst.,11, 917 Adopted by the Council .0 7 1 Approved Nov. 7 (Dec. 1-1917) I hereby recommend the above resolution, for.passage. Commissioner public Works'�' ricn, 9.17 ,u'1 Adopted by the Council_ .191 In favor NOV 27 191, Approved .......... ....... Against ........... .. ... .... ... ............... MAYOR CITY„OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... ...... :..... ..:............................. ....... ...... ,.... ........ ..................... .......... _...._...._..... .... .......... ....... ... �..a COUNCIL Fn.e Nr�.................................... . .........................................................._..........................--...:................................................. ................. 4 Date Presented ..... ------- j...191...._._ f Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to George Kiley, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the spm of Twenty-one Dollars and sixty cents (#21.80) in' partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 23rd day of May 1919. �Compensatlon C. F. Ne. 19671— City ortl Resolved Th,t the proper, Isle arc hereby nuthorized to pay .s George Kiley out of the Workmen's Account r°ty th one Dollar. Fund the tial eet- and sixty s me (f^--1.69) i; pt rtI. City dement o[ his claim ga'I riaing by reason of In)UCIe9 received " by him while In theo� spay 1917, the ! Clty ¢n the 27rd day pyy[oved y the Courel Nov. 31 1917. . 27 1917 (Dec. 1-1917) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. a Commissioner Public rkill. fens (N) CounciI eu (r) Nnys Farnsworth Adopted by the Council__. it '..r......._._.. IOt ...... favor :�;I•ylend NOV 27 IM 'Keller Approved101........ /McColl .U...... Against 1, 'Wunderlich V t .............. ... ...................._.......: ... _. _........ .. MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin - MAYOR FORM C A-9 6.17 2M _ CIT OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL-REUTION—GENERALFORM Subject:. _ COUNCIL - FILE NO.... ......__. Date Presented. .T�ov,... 27.,_.....1.9�til....... Resolvedaetedtthe Dec. 28, 1915 betweenfor ChristpJohnsoonnnand the City certain of St. Pavl for the grading of Bdgcnmbe Road from West Seventh St. to Lexington Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of November, 1917 and the proper icity officers ure hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. I C. F. No. 19672-13y bf. N. Coae— Reeof- That the time speelned for the Dartormnnce of a ert¢In contract dated Dec. 28, 1916 'between Christ Johnson and the elty of St. Paul for the gr¢ding of rdgcumbe Road from Weet Seventh St. to Lexington Ave. be and the same Is hen.by extends,] to the - .28th. day of Novsmber, 1917 and the Proper city officers be -by au- - thorlsed to execute a nrnmrndment' to snid contract In ac' rdanc. hcrawlth. provided. however, that this resolwlon unless not the sureties ve any onfor tha-con treetor's bond consent thereto ad file such onsent 1n writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Nov 27, 1917. Approved Nov. 27. Intl. (Dec. 1-1917)' �ylf fir t 1 Yeas (r') ouncilmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council .-- 191.- F rnsworth G ss In favor NOV 27 IQ K Her Approved. _ . 191........ Coll Q. Against h U N Y rg ... _ _ _......... _..... _ 1...._.. MAYOR Mr. Presiden , Powers FORM C.8-2 - St. Paul, Minn. Nov- 26, 1917. i The Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, -I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause 1 the time of completing the contract for the grading of E�genmbe Road from West Seventh St. to Lexington Ave. be extended to the 28th day of November, 1917. - owing to labor conditions it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire e for completing same be made as hereinbefore to ask that the tim stated. Yours very truly, c Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the rognirem office is concerned. Al2PROVED Supt. of Construction & Repair Chief Engineer Commissioner of Pub is Works A000unt Paving Aroade.Ste Council File No..._.......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u . rsigned hereby proposes the making of the follostlmg public improvement by the City of r' St. Paul, viz.:_._Gonstruot...a._.aewar...on...Axoade. at...... rom...Sixth gt a...lfargarot Ste .to-..0 mgeot....to-;4x at.ing...B"iat...on...ea-id... rgaret...6vs......._........... /.................................. ....................................... '... __._............................ . ... .... ......... .... ........................... .................::............... ..... i' ........_...................... -......._..........- r.:. ........... _ -................................ Dated.this .. p.7th.. ay of, _ .....190.Y.embe 191 ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _gonetrunt....a....s.ewer.....on_.Ar Kae... at.,....from...Sixth..at......tn....Hargarat....at......t.o----• o.onnsa.t....t.e....existing_.aec¢Es-.-on ..maid._.llargar-et...at................................................................. __..._....................................._.............._........_.......................--------......._........._..------...._-.............................. ......... - ....... ..... ..... ....................... ._......._................ ... ............_.......... ....... .............. .._................... ......... ......... _......._.........._ .._...._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cr—Gilman............... ......._.._.................... - ..... _....... ........ _ a{si. r. - therefore, be it It d, That the Comanlesto, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public'w'orke he and he 1e hero eby ordered and directed nd dlre tea: . Inveetlgatc the neceaei' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabiR ahuny or the maktnq on improvement. nen[ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiml, • ,gato the nature, a '%cut, and the total cost thereof. t of Bald line* 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemo d* 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;...,. .... ...... __........ .... . _._ _.. ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing [natters to the Commissioner of Finance. .�:. `h...'./................191_..._... Adopted 6y the council . ...... ..T:._.........._. Yens: Nays: KID V 12 t ,1 i Councilman Far sworth GoApproved_._......................................................... 191 ......._ Ify ind Kel er t 1\'t derlich--. .... .......... ................................ _ ..1..._ ...... . Mayor Iry 'Mayor. rasa c o a PT pl T`irt`[;D Account Paving Arcade St. Council File No. -I 1. .................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Conetruat a sawar on. -Arcade. St.. froM.,& Point .110 feet.. north. ofAho ppru TL gax.dt Zt.* to Saet sa- ;r - at . . ................................................ .. . ......... 7. --- -- ......... ........ I ....... ............ ................. ............. / ............ .......................... ................... . ............. 0,/ ................... ... . ....... I .............. ................... . . I .... .......... ..... ...... . ..................... ....... ...................... ............................................................. ..... ....... .... .......... .................. .............. Dated this AM.day of .......... ...... 7y, qplb�oar ......... ........ ..... ....... -7.0 ............. .................... ............ .... .. .......... . ............. . ............. . ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. Construct a q..eAeT o.n A.r.oAA.q-.S..t f-pon a Point-11Q.-fe.01 north Of th.e.. north line of SaVenth S.t. . .......... ......................... . .................................. ...................................................................... ...........................................................I............................................:.........................................a ................... .... .... .... ..... ..................... ................... .... I ........... ................ - .............. - .................. .................. having been presented to the Council of the City of c;, 110 Councilman .. .... .... therefore, be it h.�ilncity S, hathe c"n d RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub!, . Tbet ..d he 1. he is hereby ordered and directed il,recled: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirab -tigate the at ng Of said improvement. y ofuca,the makli, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim e the nalu' improvement, and the I total cost thereof. rest of said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch otsaid,- .1 total co.t there. , ,,Ieh P, pl... or, 4. To furnish the following other data and infof: 0 to said improvement;- . ................ ........... . ........... ... ... .............. ........... ....... .... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F rnsworLh NOV '.7 !01--' Gss Approved ............... I ........ . .,..... ..... 1 ................ . 11 land Ke ler M 'oil 0 Wit derlich � � If � ) , - - 't . . . . .... .................................... ...... .... Mayo Irvi Mayor. Mayo .y0 vy, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By... . ..........G:�.....C/.::�1/7!t�z<l !tel!. ,. (.......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ..changin&..the,.-grade of..allex. in .Flock 2 Underivood!s 1st_..Addition .:.in.._accordance...with the. red._1_ine on the profile hereto .....•• attached.._and..itade_"a...part...hereof.. the.-present_..establ.ished._ grade._. being. shown --by blue line thereon, also grading said alley in accordance with.. the... said red line when establishedt ............. ...................... _.......................................... ............ I ...... ................... I ........................... _.......:.................... ......................................... under Preliminary Order .......... 159 5..............................approved , ......._ . Oct... 1.0,_ .1917 .... ....... ............ . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Change...the.. grade...... 4f alley_ i_r, B10ck._2.Un4erwoodis 1st__ Addition. i.n.accordance..with th9_:_.. red. line - on-the..pr.of i.l.e...here.t o_ attached..and-ma.d-e...a..lpast...hereof ...... :Lha ..... Pre selit, ".established,",grad e_-being„shown by_"a_blp"e_ lino ...tliereon,_.also......... grading_ aid --alley .in accordance__ with the__ said red, line when.,, ,,, , established _........_..._. _............. ....... ............ _................._... .......... ........ ...._ ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...620...67.......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile...: -/.. 7.th......_.:..........day of .................January..............:.......... 191...8.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in theil)otmcil Chamber of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _. Adopted by the Council ....:............ F-,....:`:` .. ....: 191 NOV �'7 !o17 ......1i Approved.......... .... ................................... :. 191......_ f y ....� } (,etr Clerk. ........... 1lfay oi•. Council tL Farnsworth / 3d _ Council n Goss and d " 1 - tatabil.h.lehed m Counciltn n Hyland .d all."Inegceorda,; PUBLISBED /�-1- L:— red and u Coune• Keller .iii that :oat thereof is 9010.97. - - 't COun an 111CColt ed, Further. That. u. - be had on aid Impro ,th day January I Colin i an Wunderlich .."of -. . A.iL, .I ]Mayor ruin rnamtier the urt RTha , the�'9ommieaai� Form B. S. A. B•G ;?e aoticln the -stun - '•"� : ter,.stating-th .ring•- the mai — . 'hd' the iota.. ed. - - - iovnplt Nov. 97 - . 1917. 1-1917) _ COUNCIL FILE ')-------------------------- sy... .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER l In the Matter of......C.RriS1 R111iS1f5...A.Ad...tak.frig..1%t7..:E'A.6.q,.Mq )t.... 1A._t ?e...1,A.n7d....?7eC4f} :rY f.ox..sl.Qp.e.9.,....;Cor ....Cut..e..And ... i.] l e....in...gradAne..$ll ey.-4.11 131 ock._2............................. Underyood_!e_lst Addition,, according to the ,plan hereto attached and made_a_.part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the .... ........ ........... I... ... .............. shad...... rti.on the fill....ss .. ...........................__......... ......................._................... . _......._.......... ..... ...... :........ ..... -............. ... .... ............... ........... ........................._......._.... ... ............................. under Preliminary Order......... 1-890.6— ....... ........ ....... approved . .Oct. 10, 1917.:...............:....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Co.rid.emn._and ... taxe....... _. an easement .inthe land .necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills ..... in.grad.ingalley ip Block 2 Underwood's 1st Addition, according; to ........ . the.. plan hereto.attached..and..made a part hereof, the hatched portion ........................ ... showing .the puts_ and .the shaded portion the..filt9.,. .................................... ................................. ........... .................... ....:...................................................................... ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....50..0.0............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile.......... M..................day of ....January ..............................1 191.8..,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ..,.~ RC1 - Adopted by the Cowwil.........C,Ir`:� � i.....e...i............. 151.....__ . . .. .._..__, ...............:.. l ..... �. tt..�o.... Approved..............NOV..7191riierl.1....... 1llavor. Councilor Farnsworth r �' 'ounei'm ti099 an reenter whle,h the taC.ke ± ec and take an osseor c n necessary. for alopea for cote PUBLTSFiED l l CellIICilm Hyland 11 grading in Block E U,:is _-�� Council Keller let Adaltlon according to Ad Addition :hereto attached and mad. ' qd the-hatched;Portlon she, ., uta and the all ed portion � Council n McColl - 'with no alternativea,,and tha: t.ated cost "thereof 'lta 3'00.00. - Connell[ all Wunderlich ,i,,,bah dronreaidlmpgove - Ilfayor vin th day of January. 1931 of 10 o'clock A. X i ],''arm B. S. t3 -s .Chamber of the Court Hall P•Alding In the ,J Y Cnmm''•'!' COUNCIL FII,E; ............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ...QUX.bIng...Je.e.ea.mine...St....-fr:om..Pay-ne..Auee....ta...EcxeaL-.St..,.....- . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .............................. ............... ........................................ :.............. .............................. ..................... ................................................. under Preliminary Order....-.-1880g..::............................approved-.._......_ .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......Cur!J_._J.AJU3FiSpinia.-.S.t.. --..-_from--Payne...r?ve,...to.•-Porest St. . ..........................._....-...............-_............-.....----.........-.-..--....-......... _.. _. _....._....__ .... .. _.....:................................._-...........-................................... ...._.................__..........._._. -_.......... ... ......._........................ ....._....._............................. ........................................................ ................. .................. .__................................ ..._.................. . _........... .............. -............... :............ ................................... :.. with no alternatives, and that the,.estimated cost thereof is $...3429....42......... Resolved Further,.That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the ............. 4tth................. day of ........... anuary.............................. 191...8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- . ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as'eetimated. rlr,r� q•�� Adopted by theCouncil...............:.::.:...:?..r. ................... 191........ NOV 27 1gI ................................. .... ..... ..... t �.."c± •!......_: ....... :she`s:Ari:.................................................... 191....__.n City 0 rk. ;,ruby approv .-T_., ...r .... X_ I ue prcceaded ql 'oF ter by '• -- - 1:Iey01'. rt the nature of •wrneworth :F"tDe said repo.. 1 nichtthe. Council Tec. + hereby approved. and Via• ¢examine at from Peyii a std Improvement Is c at, with no altvrnath -'d to'be proceeded with. the estimated cuxt the That the nature of, the Im' I.e•nd +filch the Council re omm.� /"ad '-Jrprther, That 'assamine at. from Payne°, PUBL1SliED7 e had on Held Imprn- e 0 with no, alst ... that, 'gy. of January, I`.Iler ha aAlmated coeq'therr o'clock +t -H, Ines. the douitxoc�CColl solved Httrther, li&t e v In the -City ng be had on Bald Improt, ' •loner of 1 ('dun-..... Wunderlich - ,e 7th day. of 1 anuary, 18' - 'dour of.,10 o'eloek... /COX t v roll. CDambar. of the Court ' Mayor Irvin v CItY Hell BulMing In the.t Forth B. S. A. 8-6 .Paul<-.That".the' Commlaelo:' .,nee g1velnotice'Of ae'd: meet Rerxone_ and . In th•! .'e by *be Charter. ^' - -i tare r[ hr^,-t�•r - COUNCIL FILE V) ............... ................. INTERMEDIARY- ORDER In the Matter of Xej�gyjng ; �tASk K�f�pf� ;K Kipg t11A qgplent ............... sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the north side of ',iest Yinth St. -- ------ - -------- .. . .. .. ...... . .. ...... ............................. * ......... . ......................... ......... . ........ ........... ........ .......... ... . . .. ......... ............. I ... .. .... ...... . ........................ ....... . . . ... ...... ....... .... ... ..... ... . ..... ............................ Itder Preliminary Order .... ... . ......:....approved ..... Nov.. 3, .1917 ......... . ............ I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Re.o.Qximtruc.t . . .... rjaay. ..and...repA,i r _.f�ijghtfeet on the ...... .............................................. north.. side of West Ninth St. begipn�ng j,�Q , . .,f - �� . . _- - - 1. 1. 1 1 1 -f.e.et east of Smith Ave: thencthence east 60.feet, . e. 11 . I I.. . .. :� - . -1 ............... . ........ .. .............. ...... ............................... ..................... .... .. .......................... .......... ....................................... ............................... ........................ ...... .......... ...... ........................ ..................... .... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0...05per SqUare foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... 4th ....................day of ............._.......January.........._......, 191...8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the. time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil .......... ... ............. 191_ NOV 2-7 1�1 I ................ Approved..... ......... .................. ............. 19J.. _41 . .,,�,d report ........... V p ppro—d — Council Farnsworth nniwith h, ��Wcced d .119 nature of the in, PUBLISf-M.D 17 Coullei n it G'08.4 n the council recomm., t, relay and repaint Counci n Hyland walk to a width of eigt. ,fth. .1d. of We. NI., 120 feet, east, of smith: Coune I Keller _.t so feet. with no at' d_ that the estimate, Coulle, an 'Mccoll 5 Cents per aquare for J d. Further, That a je had on Wd Improv. Councilman Wunderliell Ith day of January. 19- ..r Of 10. o'clock. A. X, Mayolvvin 'Chamber: of, -the court 11 I y I Hall Buildinc In the 0 Form B. S. A. 8.6 -L it the! Commiesion, x ve notice ofIn Eat." r : nnpf in and the M Charter, tal I I. and. "e. COUNCIL FILE V)—� ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.....z aoon.stxlzct.in8...with.. r.e.j# or..ed.._C Ancret.e,....xhe...etAne. slab sidewalk:.t.o...a...w1dth..of...91 feet...on-.the.,we_st....yi.de....of...2diJ�tlfl.H.S1La...Sx................ heginning... 71.--faet.._ north._.of ..F_ifth.-.St.... .hen.o.e...nor.th..20...f.e.et...t.o..all.ey.,...... ........................ ........................ ............... .:.............. ........... ............................ ................................................................ .....:.......... .... ............. ............................. ............... ........................ ..... ........... ....__............. ............... :..__.......... ......... ........ ................. _._..._........__...: _._.. _...................... _... ........_..... ..:_...... .... ......_...._........ .......... I...................... under Preliminary Order .....19394 ............ _... ._ ...- .,.._,approved . _.._ Nov—.13, 191.7...... _...... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Reconstruct ....with ..... reinforced._: concrete_ the_..stone..-Blab...sidelwalk..to..a... width... of._9-•f_- sex,- _. ,_.. ...._... on the west sde.of,liinnesota St.. beginning_..71._feet.north..of................... Fifth -,St.,thence _gorth. 20-,-feet..tc alley, _......... ............ .. _ _.. _ ... ..._ ........... ._ _................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 0..3-5 per—square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........41h..................day of .Iani=7.......................... 191...8-., at the hour of 10 o'clock A.'1., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......:_..�'._..:...Z.�.........t..__...., 191...:_.. Approved._ _.... .......... ...._ , 191.... g f ltl rl;. lisaid ev ..___ Mavm•. y app O .d - Councilman Farnsworth la Impro n -'� Ito pr0ce sed wtth.:li Councilman Goss hat the nature of the .. P1TB(.TSffiD a whlch the Counell recon", truct Ith inforced c�. Councilman Hylant Mone. slab sidewalk to n .vf set on the a1d¢ of fin; Councilman Keller ginning. 71. feet north f' thence north20feet to alle, •It¢rnativee, Bud thatthe est Councilman McColl osI thercut is 86.Cffenta per a4.. Councilman Wunderli -h ' a.olrea . Further. Th t-_ .a 0. _ •':Intl be had ala lmpr—tt, to {th dayoi January, 7018; nt • Mayor IrVln - }. pf 10 o'clock M M.. In the. conn - er of the court 8onae-.and C" orm B. S. A. 8-6 •IleingIn the CHI of HL,:- •[ meetintr to tFI ?„ 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- ..... cartat.r.u.ct.ing--a...driyo.V/Ay----91,....G.m.ngXIt-..G.r-.Q.§.el i�k...b] deka• the W..Bt:..s.i.d.....Cf..Humbol.dt.-..Aye....b.eE.inni.q&..76...feet. south. -of LpMiea.._St-......... _tiienFe---south--l4-.feet, by 6 feet, _..............................................................................._.........._..............._..........—.................._......................._._.........._... under Preliminary Order ...........................—approved .... Sept.—.28,. 1917 ..... ...... ......... 1. _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of mance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Co. net.rUCt,..a_..._..._,......... -:driveway . of Cement. _crosswalk blocks .on.,the -west. s,ide.. of Humboldt beginning 76 feet south of Louisa St.f thence south 14 feetr....by ...........................-..-..-..._..... A—feet, __....... — _.......................:.. . .._................_...._.............................. __... ........... _.__._._...._ _- ._.......... ....... _..._.... ..... ....... ........-.-...- _.........-..__._... __...__...:_..._ __.._.............._...._............_......._........... _....... ...... _............:.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0.1.6.. - Der -. square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........._Ath.................. day of ...........--_Ssnuary.__-._-.-- -_.-_- 191-.8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. �,�r., 7n •Cj� � Adopted by the Council ........... -.... .. '-:........,_` ..._ _.... 191 ..._ . 27 !c 17 ..................... ............. . r�%t.5..... ...... Approved ....._.......... ND............... ................ 191 ...... �. { r sato r um Mayor. Councilm(if Farnsworth 'I approved ane', r said improvement 1- That4 to the ;proceeded with: Councilm1{osy what the aConn& of ror m- PUBLISHED •t which the Council reromm' Councilm Hyland eruct a driveway of. cement block- on the west. aide of CouncilmKeller , , : df Ave. begfnning _76 feet eo. j .ilea 6t thence`. eourh 14 ,re• - feet• with. ao alternatives. Councilm R1ecoll a fit, cost thereof I. 16 &Q -are foot. / - Councilm if Wunderlieh 8esolved' Worthen. That - a p, -t �rlat be had on said ffrlprove �e 11h'day of Sanuary, ri1&, e - Mayor Ir in x to okfoctr ti, lY., 1a the tuber of the Court 8ouai Form B. S. _ 8-6 n aufhling 1n the city 'hat the commissioner r - n rcifee of said meet' In the manner pr! -- . 1+1tint the tin• , COUNCIL FILE * By . �.::.:.. �r�1�'.�.................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...._e9?.1JP1K 1.At.111&,..iA c.Gm.ent---.d.T..13umy...on—the ....eazt....8f dvn. f._......... Rice-... St, beginning 69 feet north-of..Psch-St., thence•. north•_1f.e.et_,. ....... by, .:.9...feet ................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... _.......................................................................................................... ........... _............. ................... .............. under Preliminary Order.....................1866..................... approved -... __ ._ . Sep.t..25,.191.7............ _...... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....C.on.&t.rll.c.t...a...c.ement.' _ driv.eway. on..the...east. .side _.of..R1.ce..st......beg_ i.nn.ing...6.9...f.e.t.... nox.th.._Qf......... ...Arch,St.,thence __.north 14 feet, by 9 feet, ................................................................... .... ... _ .................... _ ._ .- ....... ._.............................................. ........................... _.. _ . _ ............ ..._............. ...... ....... ..................................... __ ......__._.. _ .-..__....__ ... _ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $0 - 16-" ger square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............4th ................. day of ..............._January. , 191.8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paula That the.Coinmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adop,ed by the Council ................:...... 191__. - 27 191, ........... PP.V..�s� ....5 ^t............ oved...............NO..... ................._............ 191. City erk. Approved Council- Farnsworth Counci /an boss Coltucil�ieu Hyland Councan Keller I Coune an lleColi I Coupe aan Wunderlieh Mayo Irvin Form B." S. A. 8-6 1. 4thdayy 0? Jan ? I I. r of -.30 o'clock uaC ry V. Chamberof - t and Clq. 8 1-.' __..._.. 't7 of at L°auL'. Thr ••r; .. 10 Pa. ,7,; L . ay01'. wa d.d with -0111- t th. Imr a tho. romdi. recommeny cement t ELcement ons- e of tit deriv69-. beginning ',f Arch at, thence north 14i; . feet, with no alternatives, - the estimated .coat thereofis, aper eQuare toot - 1. 4thdayy 0? Jan ? I I. r of -.30 o'clock uaC ry V. Chamberof - t and Clq. 8 1-.' __..._.. 't7 of at L°auL'. Thr ••r; .. 10 Pa. ,7,; COUNCIL FILE NO .... _......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....curbing,_both-."sid.es._"of-_Van-,_Aures St, frgm Syndi.crite_St.. to_ IjA.m.line..AX.e....._............ • .......................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order........ 1.36A32-- ......................... approved .:.S.ept—..?1...... 1.91.7..... ............ .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improveiment, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `l. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....CuTb..both...aidea,,,,_.,, of„Van_".?tArprI._St.._",from"".3yndicate St. to liaml ine. Ave, t ........ ........ .. .............. ..._._...... ..... __ ........... .. ..:_.: -- ............ _ _ ._..... ....... _................ .................... .._... .................-. ............ - ...._.._ .__._...."_..._..................................__............_................................`.............:......................... _....... ........... ..................... --.......... ....... .... __— ............................. -..........._.......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.55.7•.95 .........:.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on. the........... 4th..................day of ............. Jan1mrY ............................. 191.$...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St -Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. :Adopted by the (`ouncil..........1!r ..'...2?_.`.lyly............ 191......... NOV ....27 1917 ....... •.................._......... ..... �" Cityy Cl k.. .... ..........................., 191 Approved p Mayor. Council m Farnsworth a'y, uveme, •occeded w / Council n (Joss nature of �} no c—ed : • PUBLISHED /o`—/ — / ✓ Council n Hyland .-.d of van s. -- —� to 8nmlfm -_ h .., and that t Council Keller D fe ;557.96. Farther,.: That Council n McColl hnd on eafd trn, �,;� nr. rrnuary, Council Wunderlich �•� , Mayor I . in f Form B. S. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE li — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of til.e_,aiAewal,k to a 7k.lh„_Qf--,eix,-.--- -feet.:.on_.the--.wrest side of .Saratoga.Ave, from Jefferson Ave, to ........_........_...........................--•---....... Falace St, and on the north side of Palace St. from Saratoga Ave. ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................. .........................:..............................:................................I....................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .....1 8771 ...................................approved ....... Jct.....2....1.91-7.... -......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is4 ................ cement._. tile sidewalk to width of six feet._.on.._the•.fast-_.side_of„-,_,..__,... _Sara.toga...Ave. _fr.om..J.eff.e.rson, Age..__to.,Palace..S.t_,_..a�d..on,,.the.,nort2}........... side .... pale.a ... St......from.-Saxa.t.og�s.. pve.....to.. $ne7.1.i1?g...AY.e..............:............. ............... ........................... _............................ _...... ....... .... .__.................... ............................. .................. ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-„0...6.6 mar front foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...........7.th...................day of ...............damlary........................... 191..5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._......_ r.tp.t.t..�*t..' _;.......:.. 191..._ . .................. Approved ........4P.V...f.1.7. .! p..........._._.... 191........ VJr C 7 ............. rceeded w:. . ;1 .....T'jBVOr. nature of tha - Council an Farnsworth Ane Council an Goss cemeCouncil ;1. feet on t.1ve. from Je ,C Council n Hyland and m the ' {Ave from with87 Ceuncilm Keller he satlmatea lmpreVera— utrY:' 1919.. r front. foot Councilm McColl Further, C'ouncilm Wunderlich hodon+ea r io ocloolai -. Mayor Iry .mber of at , „B Building Form B. S. A. -6 1 ✓ o Cw rao. Ave. •. torte. lag• -. YLIBLISHF,D Z— foga. Ave thereof oqt teehe reo t ieta'- publ. - lmpreVera— utrY:' 1919.. - & ,LL. in, _. Court I NN the C nines.+ - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IL 84 Subject: ............ ......... ..... ........ .. .... ...... ..... - - -----------_- ---- - - ---- ....... .......... . . ............... .......... C . 0 . U . NCIL FILENo ...... ........... ........... ............... .................... .................. .................................................................................. I ............................. Date Presented ..... . ...... Resole That the application of L.C. Kline for a license as Auctioneer for Live Stock at 647-649 Jackson Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment Into the City Tireasury of the fee, Fifty ($50-00) dollars. —By u,nry MeCOl`.f T� Res0, at he -IPII"tl" C. Kline fora. Anaw.— nlstrt Live Stock re611-61, 3 aekas nd! be and the I... heby I. grant- to "b d the City Cle,".n 'he filing Of MOT TO., te.n"yonent into the City r, ,he pa and ($50*• 00) dollar. Ury of ". f_ rifty Adopted ) b. Council Nov. 21, 11111 Nov. ". 1917 ApprOveb (Dec. 1-1911) Ve- neilmen (P) Nays 1?.rwworth Adopted by the Ccnin,il 4:U. ...... .... In favor Nfl.�27 1917 Appioved'.0 (?J'!�t "i K 1C.11 6-- Against lwunderlich ....................... .. .................................................. ............. Mi. Mi. Pre.i&nt. Irvin 1,1.R. A-0 6-17 2M W RESKUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF- DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....C9.32a0mxling- Ax d.._t kking...an...ea.sement....in tha-land...neceAz&ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 1, Lindemann Pa ace...,frotA...aimp.sori...S.t,....t o.. Ea.aoal...Av.e,..... the ...land...t-o---be.-tak.m.l..ar-. tha_ above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon 'the alley ih-Block-I;--TUidWmariri'place; between- iiie poiri£e aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report ...of--.-th..Commi.aslaner....of..1.Ubl.i.c-.-Worka:-.in:..the—ma.tt.er.,...-dated--September-...._. 18th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a... .r..........ere of.........................__............................................................. ....................... -........................................ .....-.....................................:...-------...............................---- ......--........................................................ :........................ _... under Preliminary Order -1.7182 ............... approved.—July. ... 3,1917, Intermediary Order.........1815Q-•--, approved......... Au9....2f).r...1fl17 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and coSldemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages to to'the "tent ei1 upon the assessment of, benefits "mlasttioder ofOP W; therefor, and the Council having duly considered the ealr;nateea-dated septem, it Which aketch and re' Resolved, That the taking and condemnation 01of.. T°u acrd Preumt "- in the annexed assessment roll, 2. DGrovea July a..r- identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerisi7 order 18160, ant, hereof, and the awards of damages abilchearin6 haWa-• to the owners of such lands respectively for said takiL e;tektng and nona.Yom as set forth in said assessment to or eeaements the ' .roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified ac; iti',erne t'anda e 1 - r 0 bassets 'rncll haI d• r Resolved further, that the said assesament of bend, now tll r!ro. a same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the DietrlC Court for confirmation. urther Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is •---••-----------•----------- a ein. - Adopted by the Council -- -- L2.6.191.7 .......................... 191 - NOV 2N i City Cler Approved.......................................................... 191......_ J Mayo Councihntifi Gose Colllic' � Hyland pIIHLISHED Cooncilin %eller Council it McColl Councilin Wunderlich Mayor i vin ;Dove namea improv -m i t • py particularlF :,deacrlDed-� - _� ` j ,�ent,.for stn the •for eo' ' �n and Yin •"land , - the alley to he 3 Lha 1 � between the ppn I , ?. theextent eho.ra U • �s tonere t,10 Tloepoi •ater.- dated : Septet • 'vhichsketch , and referred "to and •, '-"under -Prelim �- Dr oved Jufy F FINAL ORDER IN :ardor ij8,,,'.dNATI0N PROCEEDINGS. In the matter eao.e ont...i.o .tbQ.:.1A d---ngaoa6aTy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 1 Lindemann Place-,...-fr.om-.-Simpson-.St.-...tn Pascal or ..land._t a._bs---talon--for-..the._._ above named improvement being more particularly described as an -easement---far..•al-opeaa,••••For•••cuts..and.•f•111 s--in--a.nd---upon--- the ..-land ---ahutt ing_ ;Mnhe alley in Block 1, Lindemann Place, between the points Saresaid--.....to the --extent-...shgwn,-..u��ooc.:.tthe...alcatq at a-c#� d•-to---the...t'M of the Cofamissioner of Public Works in the matter, da ad September 18th, 1-91.2, .... wh ich. sk et:eh..and-..r-ep.or t.. ar-e--har ebyi... ref -err ed---ta..and...made.-.a..-part_-._ hereof, ..................... ... ............ ..................................... .... .........................................•-----.........-..---..-.-..-.......--------..-.-..---- _ ander Preliminary Order .......... approved -.lily --..3,1.91..7 Intermediary Order --..1-81.50-----.._„ approved.....---Aug.-20.,---131-1-----• Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz :.......:.......... Qondet[in..and--- take -..an...ea sem.ent,.-.in-.the--land._necassary-..for sl.opas' Lox.. ......--cuts Lindemann-.-P1a.ce.,....f-r-om__ .......... t..-.-.t-o--Pa-8Ca1.-Ava....... ___.............. ...................................................... _............. _ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ....an.-.es_aemeat...far.-_ ths.-land...abut-t-ing.--uP•oxt-..tAh-9 alley in in Block 1, Lindemann Place between the points aforesaid, to the -.-:extent.-- shown --.upon ...tha--.sketch--attached.--ta--the...report---of---the..................^ Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 18th, 1.91-2,....�ich.-sketch.:and_r-ata p-or--r-a-heraby-..ref:erred--.ta--and...ms_de.(2, Gpa t_ hereof, (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified_ and confirmed. Adopted -by the Council --............... ............ `- .................... 191 '2 V c 7 City C. Approved....... - NOV-.--`-=-.:..._-!--- 191- ::... VVV ....-------• - \ J ` --- -- Mayo - Councilman FAInsworth Councilman qpKs Councilman H6nd I'Ui3LISiI) ouncilman J;pt%r ouncilman Tkadoll l% Councilman .I'VVderlich Mayor IpIn 0 X RE60LUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of c.ondamning and taking an.-saaament in—the 1 a nd..nazassary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Add,1t1Qn,--.a-n,d-.a13.ay in..B1ack2,2ry:azft ta. be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for cuts and fills in and upon the n ock 2,-Bfyiiit lsayk Adwi-t-1-6ii a ni-daii-l-rie y -- in Block 2, Bryant Park Addition No. 2, to the extent shown upon the sk-etch a-ttached to,• the • repo -rt, of th4a C4mlsi-sslanex of Public, Wo-r-ke i -a the matter, dated August 8th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof I - --------- -- .................................... . .............. ............... ....................... ....................................................................... under Preliminary Order—.;AW ............. I approved..W.Y a.....19177, Intermediary Order 12.4 Z5. 0 approved jDA11 71 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and c— vfi— JCdhIne'm' ardor easements therein, 'B16.k *.1. —y.nt.p 'k Ad - for the above improvement, and the awards of damages t4e-- Va.. 2. to the extentsh.ov-Assessment of benefits , - le 31(etch attachedttoth therefor, and the Council having duty considered the samt;X'" "he cmaml..l.h.jr.- of pe,j 1. the matter, dated,'Au, 17 . which aketch and repor, Uy referred to �d made Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the,' -a�tn er Preliminary t annexed assessment roll, , , ", lrh�. 8. 1917 "y order 1745 , appro, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, ad;* and the awards of damages and hearing avinr to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking d taki and c set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and conA'.-'heo'. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, 'ile`iq;Jihe*same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted' to the District Court for confirmation. RA it Alv"- e and it is here byderemzm-"-,*—in o eac parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the CounciL .......... .14.l_ :................................. 1191 ............................ . . .... J-F4AA NOV 2�4 1c.,, city 4 Approved........................................................... 191 . Ut .. ................................. .. ................................... ..................... Mayor. Councilm)d Farnsworth Council }a Go" Councl 2anl' Hyland ';!n Keller Counci PUBLIS "t�z, McColl -i,Wunderlich ayokit In Lhe�'foaaa rntnt jdemaing-'.and tak , Ing• an easemant !n the land notes `eary. for yopp% for cuts,"nd 111. In:gradfng alley 1. nlookA nrYant i •'alk Addition and aliey'lh 111ock T Iryant Park Addition x, T, th0 lanai g be taken tort the above named Lm- -• - - •�rove=un � iut,' more particularly' \ .eacribed as an easement -for slopes - .'r cute and. aIle do and (uppon th i nd abutting -upon the - alleg M BlockT; Zen park Al _ T No. T, to the extent ahowa �."ketch.attaebed to the u• rape 'mmlealoder:.; of-Publlo w� matter. dated- August hlch-1ketch. and report ,••eferred to and. made.. under Prellminsry FINAL ORDER IN COA;i ^�" 4ri 1 1fjN PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.---_ condemning -and --_taking ...an...ea.e.emant...1n...the-land ..n.ea.Q.aA&rY for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Park...Aldition_HoL ...2,..:.the...land...ta be taken for the above named improvement being moreparticularly .deacxibed..aa..an...eaaement,..fr. ox..:.slaVIea,....fa...cuts..and...fi-Iffy in._and ._unnan_the land abutting upon the alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Addition,and alley' in..Bio.ck...2,...Bryant...Park..Add.l.tion..NQa..... ..... tt.Q...t.#le---e xent...ehown,_upon..the` sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in .the ...ma.tter.,...,dat.ed...August:...S.th,..-192.i.,.._vhi.Ch...ek4tch-,-e d._rsport--_are-:_hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order - ................ approved.. May.... ,...1.81.7.-., Intermediary Order.. 7.456 approved.......:Suly...71...1.81.7.._...... Resolved: - (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz :................_..__ _..fond.Qaca...anck.>ak.Q...an:..Qa.aament. izl.._tho.afknd....n.Q.Q1aua.ry...#:or._B1oPee....for M grading- all ey..-in-:Block- 2.a-..3ryant_. Park...Addit.ion, and..all.ey....in..M.Q ck...2,_.Bryant...PaTk...A,ddit iQn..N.Qa...2...................................... _............ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..An...ea.sement.:.for....__ elopes-:_fo-r_: r.11 e...IA and.,u-pon_.-the.-_land-_abutting-_upon..the_all_ey in Block 2 Bryant Park Addition, and alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Add- ition..iQa......the...extant....ahown...upon---the...ekat.ch..attacheil...ta-the...rep=t of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated August 8thl hereof,, (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or'easementa therein, have been ratified and confirmed Adopted by the Council .......... ................ .......... 191----- _ ` tp� NOV 2 1°' i C>�t�' Approved ..... _.......................... .......:..._...., 191.........1_ ( CJ \isyo . Councilman worth Councilman'` �s' PTMT1SHE[5 Councilman X91 d7 Councilman Councilman oil Councilman YVViderlich Mayor IrvV 1 90 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..... cnndemnine...anal-.- taking—an ...easement-An.._the—land ...naoessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 6, Wp.nn..:e..-.Addit.i.on.,.._thejE.kad..jQ_-_b.R...tait.en...far ..the -K the---named..-improsemant being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and u�bn--_the-_land.-abutting<__uponthe-_-e,li-ey-.- n,_B1pQ1�-.4,:-,._ 14ann's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the repox-t....of.... the ----C omnis.eionar..-.of—Publ3c---Barks.-- In--- the --matt-es-,..,.dated ---------- -- August 13th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to _..and-made-a---pa.rt...herso . ----------------- -.................................. ................ ....__.----...------ ------......-......--- under Preliminary- Order........ 2.6.a4,B .......... approved-...T.Une...Avl.91.2., Intermediary Order..._1:1.531........, approved ...._J.111Y....11,...1.911. -t, fart - ebein6 more .eutaaa idomeirinepat`.n of the lands or easements therein, A public hearing having been had upon the takin, abutting upon tp,. " k e, Wenn'a Addition, upon the assessment of benefits for the above improvement, and the awards of damagb shown:upoport n the aketeG p -therefor, and the Council having dui considered the ax ,bltoo—,its intens maiie� y �tteh: 1917, which aketcl y ttparthheere� referred it. the annexed assessment roll, Resolved, That the taking and condemnation o or6er 18848, approved J - identified b the signatures of the Mayor and Cit Cler`a July`it 19i7order lWeof, and the awards of damages y y b"tak� slam hcao 4,e nnl as set forth in said assessment to the owners of such lands respectively for said takid�aoevemeen% ;e iea an.' . roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and-.' f rti n and aria' ` Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits,ebetixt 'ihe same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. IIl`,! 7P tt 19 Adopted by the Council.........................1.,..........9 ...-...._.. - .... j \ LlNOV 2 'c, .................. .................... + G1dl..t..._._:. . Ci Cl k Approved.................. .....................--------........., 191......_ r ........................ -........--------.....•..........................---....i-- .......... M or. Councilman rnsw o rth Councihna ss PUBLISHEDf7Councilyland Councilm Keller CouncilmccoI,'Y Council ry�n Wunderlich Mayor rtn 7% —ut. -d , &butt 1IL:):, 91 OL46 .a -to Rd. . Pert tpm 1 I"""'order .... 4, 1117, Intermedin P FINAL ORDER IN edpr.,d JW, 11 "40N PROCEEDINGS. k"'It., the foll?WIP the R., Id. In the matter of...P-on-d-emaing fknd U.9iAg..An P.4.4.970.=t I -D PA!Lq.Lqg Sy meport Of the commissi.onex of :E?ubl-1c...Norka Auga,.ust13th 1917 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and Mae---paxt-'-here.4............................................•................--................... ....................................................... ................... ........... .............. ................................................................................................................................................. under Preliminary order.-IOA45 ................ approved June...4.,12.1.7., Intermediary Order.11".1 approved Resolved. (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ............... . CondAmn...and tAkO.-an a&aemant J_M the land...ne.c.emsary f.or ........cuts.. and.'.f_ijja in..Al.o.ck 6.,.2ffann.1.5 Addit.I.Q.U.- ....................................... . ... : ..... . .................. . . . ..... . . ................................................................................. . ............. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..an. ... efiajE�hent ................. f for ej ) Angi.SilAkAn 4r5L:42.qX! ..ai qqtj ley in Block 6 ULnn's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch ..Wt.%a.ch.ed t.o the �.epor.t of t1iQ.._C2=izjai.0A6X Of--R-Ublia Workm in the ............ matter, dated August 13th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby ..ref er.r.ed ta..and..zade...a ... part h-eraof ................................... . ............................................................ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the. above land, lands -or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .................. 1i10'1 " 1U. .!.7 ............... 191 .................... . .. Approved .. .............. CounciiFarnsworth Couuc�* an Goss Coun an Hyland Cowl an Keller o —bwt OMcColl 1 0 o loran Wunderlich May Irvin NOV 2u 10", .................. _ .............. 191 .......... 61 i. - City Clerk ............ ........................ ........... ............. ................. Mayor. PMLISHE,)_Z,2n -k / 9 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.', in. the I e? a J.. e&.e.eMp _%j�p . .03 In the matter of cuts and fills in the grading of Dudley avenue Vetween Chelmsford St. and Clevel!,�pq named . ...... . . !� land to be taken for the above ng more part'1'6ilfifly iiiiiiHbid as an iiiiEiiif for slopes, for Cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting 3Apq!j ................... .................... ............................................................................ .... . ..... ............................................ ... Dudley Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown uP.qnm..t4p -smk0ck.Att.4.01ACI 91 ..................... Public Works, in the matter, dated Sept. 17th, 1917, which sketch andreport are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, .... .... ... ........... ............................................ ........................................................................................................ .............. ......................... ........................ — ..................................................................... ......... .. tinder Preliminary order .............. approved—APM-4,-1.91.7 Intermediary Order.2.61.44 .......... approved....---.AUg A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation ofthe lands or easements therein, '�poik the assessment of benefits for the above improvement, and the awards of damages t' for ..to and . e ',,On the 1..d butting up� therefor, and the Council having duly considered the savveniue between the po nt a b. I teat: �,t a extent shown uon the ached tothereportof th, Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of -Inner to Pubun work.,',e annexed assessment roll, Ido, 'd gebt, 17th, 1917, ", and report am herdb identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clark, Itoyr' I Id, or=.r�',ff - and the awards of damages, i' to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking-IaL I Apr. 4, 1917, In' -set forth 9144%. — .7rov.d in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and ebill-, h h Resolved further, that the said assessment of beneil-taUj'14 the same is hereby in all respects ratified, 101 yJ."u, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dist - rict,Vourt for confirmation. -1—d that the said assessment be andif� ls 'hereby determined to be payable in as to each parcel Adopted by the Council ................ ............... ........... 191 . ............ NOV 2,-4 City Clerk. Approved... ................................ ....................... 19L ...............................t /--........................... ............................. Goss Hyland Keller McColl PUBLISHED � Wunderlich E master oL �£ \ Lry for eiop a for veenTC etmetord '11V _ � ve.. the .land ,to be �bove' named ImDr...- 1 . note lcnl 'Dart, �- baac.• •saement�tor. alOpe0. ala 1n and upon D upon udlay eve=" nu- M golntratoreeald, t0 the-er ' �nDon: Neeketeh attached* .ort ot-tha�Commleeionar . t•orka'dmthe matter- 1 11 wuCh:.eketeh and;'_.. ear reterred to.and`i��I ot.:' under Prellmily,{_ FINAL ORDER IN Co fpy N° '° :dN PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...... a.and—ning:..and...taki.ng._an._ea. a emeni...in...the ..land...naaaaeary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Dudley avenue between. Chelmafor�...8t.-and... Cl.ev.eland•-Av.e- ....the--•land••-to be-••taken••.for--•.the--abase- named improvement being more particularly described as an easement -f.or.-.alnpas.,,...for ...cuts--and..Xil•l.a...in..and--upon...the---land--abut-t.i ng---upon-•••-- Dudley Avenue bttween the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon ..tlLe...sleet.ch..atts.ched...to....the ...report...oLf the ...Commissioner ...af.--P.ublic...Yloxka in the matter, dated Sept. 17th, 1917, which sketch and report are .h-er.eby r-ef.esr-ed...t.o and..mad-e...pa...art,.heiaaS................. .................................................. ........... _. ..---- ......................_.............................--. .----......--.........-_.-----...---------------.---------....................... ... _ ..._ under Preliminary Order :-1.510& ............. approved... Apr,.&,...19.1.7.., Intermediary Order.....19144}.. approved........... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:................_ w Condemn and take an•_easement••_in•-_the---land-_neceaea ry:•for•-_elopes,........ —_ ......................................... for...out.s...and. ...f ll.s..in-the... grJadi,ng...of...Dudl.ey...avenue .._between...................... :- _Chelmsford.._ tta-._alld.._91.w-e1flASL.-AYe..,....................................... _............................ ....................... - ...................................................... ............................ _......................... --................----.-------------------...--................................_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .....an...easemenii............. _ _for.- .sl,ope a-e-,_for, ;cut s•, a nd •-f it l_s • i n _and;-.upon.,the_--la nd,_abut t i ng-_upon•••...._.-_ Dudley Avenue between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon --tha:..sloe-tch--at.tachad-•-Lo --the .- .eper.t--- of...ihe.. Comm'i. onex..-oi ............... Public liorks in the matter, dated Sept. 17th `191 which sketch and -r- port...areL..heraby xefarred:_t.o..and.-mada..a--- part ..hereof............. ... ........................... .._........................................................................----....•----...................------.............•-----..........-•--.------------....._....•-----................._ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council--...............:..:...:...:..........:..... 191 .......... V.W 28 ,t, •? - f city Cl Approved ............. NOU....:.. .1191 liayor. •Councilma arnsworth Council doss PUl1C,TS%ILD / �� Counc• Hyland Counci Beller �) onncil n B1eCo11 Y - ounell �4underlle fayor in 004 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONEir-ANATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT . THEREFOR. In the matter of ..en (15.) ftet im..Mxapar Aaken r.or the A.b.07.0 nAmed I*nummuty..................._ . describedasthe rear adven and one—half (7 .................. *.) pf.lots 22 and ............... ....................... .......................... ....................................................................... I .J� A ............... .............. . e4 under Preliminary Order ....... 1.7216 ........... approvedIUna..2,%.1.93_7, Intermediary Order 180-1.3 approved .......... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and",""' ' '71 o.oith.n ID.ffto 'be Ir easements therein, a6a "I Aldill.n- for the above improvement, and the awards of damages thee' of benefits .ed U the rear maven and no' therefor, And the Council having duly consid0ed the same; L (7-h) feet of lots 22 and k 14, Sylvan Park Addition 10 Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of thr40ln0171ter:n.dt!dor St. P. -I. --de'4o0"rd.r'd1J13r , exed assessment roll, "d Ave'.0G:111 identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, ax..bU. ;er oogongen.l the awards of damages the taking and U to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking irds or eaearnonts therein, fOlforth in said assessment ,minoventent, and Pa her and .60 roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and c"Maaea:'nant t oel'alrb...11t. 01 he CouncWhavinpr now therefore I Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefithilved. That tilgame is hereby in all respects ratified, "ll Of ad and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the DiA."' confirmation. 7, ed therein. .............................. Adoptedby the Council ............................................... . . ...................... 191 Nov t c........................ ....... ... . . .. ..... city Cler Approved......--------- - .. 191 ............. ... .......... ..................... ------- .Councilman/.r.naworth councum as Councilma yland PT Tri Councilm, eller Council McColl L) Council Wunderlich Mayor VIn k Addition',to, -, ' ;'r ) ;_1 r Prelim- 'J"j under 1'roved 23, U Ylvem 'ur of Order 1721" :Intermediary Order .18013' so - A Aug� 10 , 2917., ed: ani the following- Imp,o"reeat h by =tder =d.. wIdth of dtteen (If," ftgPorkee. ' 1 - FINAL ORDER IN CON fcft-ii —PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of opening,.—ViAGning-and QXtondlng.AhO fill -0Y t-0 4 XlJdh� fv.el in-Drapox Ank.ft.rkere..' 12 hQ--- Xen fox the a.b.oxe named .ajq the r.ea..r s.eme.n and, q.n.e!th.q.1.f (7j) ... f�qpt- of lots 22 and 2.3.. Block 14 ....................................... 23,__Block_.... .............. Sylvan Park Addition to the City of St....Paul, .................................................... .............................................. ...................................... City- ........... ------- ............... ... . ................ .................... * --------------- ---------- under Preliminary Order 17216 ............. approved—JUnft-2.3,191.7 Intermediary Order 1801.3 approved Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ................... 0yi4ep..a.n.d...extend...t..he ..a.l...ley. .to..a ...wi.dt.h....of..fifteen.-..(15.). ..f eet InDrapar a n d.. --a-rk A X Jal. AjdkUt, inn . .... ............................................... W .................................................... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..... ThA M-;� 99YATI.— of rk ................. ..Acicli.t.ion t.o th-e City ---'of .... .................................................................................................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. -! o' ? , - Adopted by the Council ............................. /F -.'.U' ....... ................. 191 ............. . ..... .. ... . .. .. .. ..... Gj�A I v bie, Approved ................. ..................... ........... . 191 t-il NOV 2H C'- ..............4 j y ............................. ... Mayor. Goss Hyland Kelle MCCO19 Wunderlich _ .1' �ST. CITY OF PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILCOUNCIL No. ' ��5y6 s: FILE2AUDITED IV 191<P.� 848' be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds Resolved that warrants in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:r Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Founcil lq0 V 28 19!, 191_ NOV 2`4 1017 F s orth F In favor Approv =. t 181_ r M i �+—Against y .. Hyland MAYOR - ---x Wu�degich Mr. PreaidenG P' ars" f Merchants National Ban�, 79,'441.22 22252 Red. Bonds 1917 Acct. 5,000.00 G.F.-Nisc .. & Anf. _ _ 57.47 Interest 58,903.75 Perm. Imp. Revl. Int. 15,195.00 Spec. Assess Bond & Int`. - Spec. Assess Bond Int. Acct. 2S5.00 79,441.22 53 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 100„00 G.F.Charities Acet. { k tr sift, team - r R8 UTION �_-- — .. 1 - F�-�;No.19599—olved that warraate be QraMn - j upn theClty Treasury,. payable out of the hgrelaatter eDecided funds and -' - j In revor. o[ the. Dereone, firms or cor- Doratlona for the -atAeua'a get OyyppOelte la - - - thele-reapeCtive namla ae aDeellfod the�foltowinQ detalledetatamaat: - Merchants Noilonal Rank, ,79,{41.". -. Society 'forthe Prevention of Cruelty. $109.90.' - Adopted by the Council Nov. 29, 1917. , - - :APproved Nov. 26; 1917. - .. thea 6-1917) v Yi CITY OF ST. PAUL: _ ACCOUNTING -DEPARTMENT Y pr( jL95 C0UNOIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. h AUDITED -Ply' 2 8 191 9I_ - L. - PER 849" Resolved that warrants be drawn upon, the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firM or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council xollth Ia favor Appro 'I __. I( �AIIunat :Hyland � atAYo _........ Mr. President. Wunderlich !2i"— Irvin. • g pt TRa F5S-Y�� 22254 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 76.83 Schools-Exp. 55 L. S. Breher, 135.00!.` Seilgols»Exp. s 56 Capital Envelope Company, 24.b5,;; Library-Exp. -57 - Carnegie Fuel Company, 45.26 Writer-Exp. 58 Craftsman Press, 6.61 MayorIs Office-Exp. C.P.S.-Gentl. Adm.-Exp. 3 7 11 59 W. T. Dyer Brothers, 14.48 Schools-Exp. 60 N. Gilbert, 16.50 s Armory-Exp. s 61 (&olden Rule, 300.06 P.Sohools-Equip. 62 Geo. J. Grant Construction Company,- 63.96 Water-Exp. 63 GriSgs, Cooper &.Company, 5-.70 Schools-Exp. 64 Holm'& Olson, ` 60.00 Library-Exp. 65 Imperial Year Book for Canada, 3,00 Library-NBooks. 1 Poi. A. 5-11 Bage # Res. 849 c 22266 Industrial Press, 34.20 Library-NBooks. 67 Beasby-Mattison Company, - 32.00 P.Schools.-Exp. 68 Lee & Hoff Mnfg. Company, _ 22..30 Schools -Exp. 69 Mirmesoia News Company, 84.94 Library-NBooks. 70 Missionary Edue. Movement of the Usa. & Canada, 206.47 Librar-Exp. _ 71 Karl Morande, 500 Water -Exp. 72 National Lead Company, 21.31.. Fire -I. & B. 73 Northwestern Telephone Exch 'Company, 145.72 _ Police Ftp. 67 Sohoois-Exp. 70 Armory -Exp. U75 Water -Exp.. 1 � 2 74 H Peitz & Son, lO.OQ Com'r. Finance -Exp - 75 Jivality Printing Company, 13.00 " Water-Exp. 76 Raymer Hardware Company, $1,1' 33.77 Fire—Exp. _ 2 25 yr$ srobtth... me. $300.00. ' - F ire-C&B . want Construction Water—Exp. Pol. & Fire Alarm Tel .=E Mg 1 „ e 1 6 4iEduc. -bo0er & Co.. $670 Olson. 380.00. Year Book for . - to q N h 11 ;' 1 Press. $34.30. Wattleon Co., $32.00. tl h 01 t1 „ �0: Mnf6. Co.. $'28.30. -1 News Co., $84.94. - - 077 Movem.ut. o �'e �2 o0 77 Roe -James Company, Water -Exp. 78 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 1,603,21 PSchools-'EXP. 3 Liburary-Exp• 2.10 Library-NBooks 99. 3 to a 1217 0 of 11 1 .59 n n 45 n n 65 51 - e n 3 .31 li u 1.4 _ 1,60 1 79 L. C. Smith Brothers, 2.45 - Library -Exp. 86 Swift & Company, 12.00 P.Schools—Exp. _ Xes. 848 Page #3. 22281 Teachers College, 213.08 Schools Exp. 82 Thome & tron, Inc., # .75 Library-NBooks. 83 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 34.20 Schools -Exp. 84 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 7.32 Library -Exp. . Water -Exp. 2 To tal , 4 Q T 7 777 .. CITY.OF ST. PAUL ACOOUNTINQ DEPARTMENT - AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM F�ENO1No. r,, `r KOY AUDITED PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: _ Yeas ( J) C uncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 100 �2A 1 Q 1T191_ swotth %- - ! In favor App 191_ M v ' _1LAgainst ,,,/(• HPland MAYOR _.� -.. Wunderlieh Mr. President, Irvin. _ 22285 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 105,416.17 ?' School -Bal. 86 M. ldeline, _ 0.'F No.lsbse= 10.50 Resolved that warrants be drawn Water -Exp . UPOD the CUT Tresaury. Payable out of the hereinafter specified: funds and to favor oe the Derwna, firms or corpora- - tloaa for the amouat. sat oDlealte_thet/'�.' _ r<aDe [1 nam ae epe°ta d Sn �,�a��� detail d stat went po.�, 8 A. Farnaw r[II Com -A X3817 ,185 Meld 60 - S? q f s - - by th Approve by the Council Nod s�. - �1DDroved; Noe. 18r 1a. 17 (Pe. s-18917);), Total Se7 o - `<1 '4. A Farm A. 5.11 n �'. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �ENO1j� yo. — —70 AUDITED NOV 2 b 1y17 181_ - PER k QlResolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their . respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( it Cou kilmen ( J) Nays „ _ Adopted by the Council Woy 29 i9 f? 1 Q t 7 191_ �. Far h Ia favor Approved NOV 191_ M Againstr 2 » .. Hyland MAYOR 5 _ -, Wundlrich Mr. President. Irvin. 22287 Marion Goodman, 65.00 General Art Museum.xo. issea— ,• w Resolved thab arrants bs-drawn.' _ 88 Patrick Naughter, noon the City Treasury, Payable out ot. the..-herelnafter aVeclded funds and In 55.00 General Art Musuet. favor of the Persona. H me or corpots 21ons.tor-the amounts set oDPoe![e ; _ their r..,.ttva �namee ae eDeelHad In •the following detailed etatemeap - Marton 70.00 89 Albert Salaba - Goodman, issoo. Patrick @taught.,. 166 00. ;r - General Art Museum. .13bert galaba. $70.00 ,. AdOtWtebkyotrh3390..1090 (1 Nov. SB; 1817.oveA Ov78'3837ADD 107100 90 F. 0. Wlckor, lDea.sls3T� Schools—C&8. 297. .I Be G. Br 19913 Council File No...............................� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ��600 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the "City of St. Paul, viz.:... relay.-and.-repair-theBen.ons.truat.,...._...aement _.t.ile(: 3i"dawalk--to -.a - -tgidth... of .-eight.._ eQt,..:on.._thq....nor.tit...eld.e__03.:.. Twelfth ...3t.,._.heginning...at...... ......... obert................................................................. ---................__.._.__...-.. ---- Dated this.............$-7th_day of .............. 1RXemheT...........:............ ....:_.............. ...... 191.7.a... r ........... " ........ ._------------- councilman. r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: e..c.R.n.Btxttot.r...seleY.-.and ...r.epair-._the_.nement.---tile....midewalk to-..a--width--of -- - --- — - UN[FARY ORDER'* ......... th8?iQ.---l..BB.t.-17.2...tae ...._..-----------------....._ _ ___ asoo - .. ....................... A written propo.al for the the. following reprov8ment. ..................................................:..................................._.................._................. ................dletruct. relay and. repair —......__......_...... •onllthefnorth elde or Twelttt ff having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by('feet nnvingebbeen ert gpreeent.......... ------ __ •. :unell of the city of at, Pt therefore, be it be t .d. Thnt the t7ommWlon4 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be arork. bee°nd be le hereby and directed- Inyestlgate the ..a.aelt i 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the ma%nity of the:making o4ent. ,at, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of s! lila oto tet he ea a )Ad the total cost thereof! the total east •1..;� 3. To furnish aplan, profile or sketch of said improvement.' •,leh a rr 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;._ ............................................. ........._...................................-................___._............ -_......._--- ... ... .............. ._ -- 5. .To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. t G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ .............. 191 Yeas: Nays:Councilman Fa worth NO G< Approved ............. -- ................. ........................ ... 191.......... tiSfa9d 11i6ao�yr V J C ll G7 U Iderlich __�.. _ _ ...... ......................._....................y....... ........ 11layor I;An hIa or. soa,+ c o.e.. YUBLI:}11::D CS :17 B. G Br igge Council File No............... ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t and �'y z Got PRELIMINARY ORDER. \ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:......_.C.onf .truo_t....a....n.O.W driQ.aw$y....on .the ....north ..side....OY....Tilton...St. ......... b, BlnA n$--_725....f.9o. _1Nast....ot...3t.....Petar— t.....thane.._weat...12_.3aet-,--hy--b. ft. Dated this .......... 2R.th..._day of ....................... Nosember........`............ ... .._..... .........._. 191.x.... r ! o Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -----...__4.9..RQtToot.....e....ne1�.�1riYe>Ray....on....tha:..nnxth._side...-nf.--Tilt on..St..:._b•e83nni•n8- , ,................ ---.... .............. ............... ............. ...................... ..................... _.............. ............ ..........:............� (.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counear.`Ye« ih'..`, :..;.. .... ........................ -.• ft, having been r„O or the City of be therefore, be it a; u, Id, That the Commisab and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public be a: Works be and he is her.. :d-Liga 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the and . ;yte then cesstent. ,lllty of the making 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sa; vestlgate the natured the total cost thereof. t,ted cost or said i:. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ,he total cost thsreoh , •rnish a plan,- pro. 4. To furnish the following other diita and information relative ti "fO°.”.aa°.',aicnt;_............................ _........... • ............................................. ......................... ................. ............ ...... ..................... ................................... ........... I ................... _._ _ ................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. iFlF `�n'U Adopted by the council ................. .................................:..........._.191........_ Yens: Nays: Councilman FwlGvorth NOV ,)H !9;' Approved............... . .......... ...................191.......... Il�nd t ( J I4elf YV1 nCc�C�oll (� _ nderlich........... ..................... ...... ..... .. ......... yor jWin ./1 Mayor. ROPM O O -e /—� / PUBLISH—.1i Briggs Council File No........................:..:...� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and )02 PRELIMINARY ORDER. i w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by th^.. City of 1 - St. Pal, viz.:.:.:ReconatrVo.t....-zelay....and ...repair...the ...cement .._ tile:... sidewalk -to....a. Will at.._tha...folloAdng...loo.at.ions:--....dk�.._the--.south .wide...-uf Charles ...St.....he ginning...110-..feat..:east..--of...-Victoria---St.- -the=ca--scat-:--- . Dated this.......... 27th..._ day oi_..._.........Savember.............................. ../....... ....�.... . .......... /...V.._ .1. Councilman. PRELIMINARY. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: itso_anat.ruot.,...relay._.and... repair .... tha..aement...:tile ...sidewalk to....a...width. :..of __e..is.... e�t....at.._ths.... 4 1n&-..loQa- i�na......._. ...the:...sontli...side....o3__Charlea_8t.- heginning_.110_..feat....eaat...af_.Y-iatoria--atthenca...east- 46- feet---and..--from teet.._farther ....esal thsnne.::.east.:_42... feet ....................... ....._........... .......... ..... .................. ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Workr'ronieei; 6avin6' v ordered and directed o the Council of the City , - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability, a ere ore, be�mmieetoner provement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimates a Te . no he 1. hereby c t, and the total cost thereof. investigate the necessity to, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imp,nuy of the making of .ala lvestl6nte .the-.nntar,.,, e: 4. To furnish the following other data and ipformiatea cost of mala r,.,, ..,t ................................. the 4otal cost thereof. ..a"th" a 'U. .Prot.,-. .................... .............................................................. ......._............_......................r__,vovement.:cr......_....................._—......................................... .... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for o.l -, petition of three or mgre owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................. � Iq l._ _ :Q.............191.......... Yeas:� Nays: Councilman FarWtFvorth NOV `!'7 C ; GeeApproved ...................... ....................... 14)1_........ IIYI K e Kol (f 1\I Wu Zrlich�� �L _ ... Mayor Ir in Mayor. FORM C e-0 PUBLISHED E. G. Briggs V Council File No, ..........:................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' The. undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ililprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:....Boo.onatruat.,....re.lay.....and...repair....the....e.ement...t.ile...aidawalk...to....a. width.:.n£.s-ix...feet .-..on-the .east ....aide--.at_3roada...St...._baginr__ino a....51......theno.e.._? oT.tk><...aPp .Q.XiMate.Y.:.13.0alley ...... _....... -- Dated this.............. of......................... November 191.1!.., .........................r....... i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Bac�nstsuot.,...xelay.---and..xepalr---the-.-aament...tile---aiclewalk to....a...uldth...of .--- six...feat ._.on.._tha... ae.et...aide_.of ..Arcade... at ...... heginning.._at.. biinnehaha...St.,.. ............theno.e.......................... .... .... ................... _... ........... ......... .. .... ........................... ..................-. ..........y............................ ..............1960&-- :"..A 860a--- .............................. ........ .. ..... for the having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cou at th follow) g Ixnpao7vement ..............._.. t11e sldewe ki to a and of d: therefore, he it _ the eget .1d. of Arcade at, 1.' ng at minnehuha Ht, thence nor)' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be aqo:Imatelr loo caseto to alley, ha,rected- neon presented the. Council 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of themakio� d. of sThat thet. Paul hereforeCommis ioner, Ie Work. be and he Is herebys 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sa and directed: otal cost thereof. To Investigate the nece.sitv7- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said'improvement ealfemenity of the making of! r To-1nve.t� ;.e the nature .1 ' 4. To furnish the following other data and information relalte.tlmet•, ad r t of sale ..at;_... ...... ...............:.................. . and - cos-'•' To 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition U three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ 11, (.11.............. 191.......... Yeas:�� Nays: Councilman FarlfSworth Hyl d KoMy W* de t� «" rlich M or I>�iii roam c 0.5 NOV ? le ; Approved, .................. .......... i Mayor. PUBLISIIED /7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT J�7V`�, -COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. - AUDITED NOY 3 0 1917 18 PER 852 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons -firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 1`10I� '30 �� 491_ Yeas ( J) uncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council Far sworth 76 h ji.f In favor Appro 91_ Kell Against t M 11 r oo Hyland - MAYOR - --tY - Wunderlich Mr. President, Pe Irvin. f 22291 - S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, -21099.00- Interest 6+10:90 r Red. Bonds 1917 Acct. 1,nnn-A Spec. Assess.Bond & Into Spec. Assess Bond Int.Act. 45G.G0 2,099..00� No. 19604— "'solved i upon the CIt, T, warrants be dra ' reinatter&Baaury, pruny oat ot. . orh apee, sed and 1 the peraon0._erras or sorpory UoaS for the amouah Set eDppoSlte their �follo'w1ri e.. names aa. epeclLed la- 6' detailed Lhs. dlatemeat: 78 09 00 Farnsworth. Comer. t 87aance, r Adopted Mill- Council 'Noy W i9I7. - Approved Nov.. to. 1917. '. '6.1817) J Yy ,4Form A 6.11 F'" CITY OF ST. PAUL ;ew.w•• re ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 13605 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE"c" No. e �11 AUDITED WO)i 30 1917 L lel_ PER 853 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement HHV 30 1 i / Yeas ( it Con ' en ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ NOV e3 qi' Fern orth j Goss, In Favor SPP KelleMCCO t r - -- p - Hyland MAYOR'.: -- ---roerg- Wunderlich i Mr. President,Fow —` Irvin ' 22292 Brooks Brothers, 50.96, Schools-C&B. 93 Capital City Lumber Company, 28.13`, Schools -Exp. 94 DePree Chemical Companyr 148.50 Health -guar -Exp. 95 Dr. Alfred Hoff, 60.00 Corp. Counsel -Witness Fees. 96 Joseph Lag Company, 31.68 S&S. C ing Exp . 97' Walter T. Lemon Company, 808.50 Pay. Miss, River Blvd. o 98 R. F. MCCrillis, 24.50 Police -Exp. 99 Patterson St. Lighting Company, 4,312.88 Lighting -Exp. 300 N. C. Robinson, C1k. Dist. Court, 197.25 G.F.-Mise. & Unf.. Perm. Imp. Revl. Et. Costs 5 1 01 St.Faul Builders Material Company, x53:88 St. C&R -Exp. 5 Armory-Mntce. 5 02 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 14,645..75 , Lighting -Exp. Res. 853 Page #2. 22303 St.Paul Electric Company, 94.31 _. Pole & Fire Alarm Telg.-Exp. 1 Health-Dairy-Exp. 1 Spec. Day Schools 2 d 9 .3 - 04 Tierney & Company, 45.71 Parks-Exp. 5,5 F. D. Williams Coal Company, 290.98 Parks-Exp. -To to, C:'F.Resolved that warranty - he drawn' the herel City tf Tremor aV.,lded"fnadaas at cr •.-tl' of the ':Deraon . llrms n and in In ti ons for,the amountylaetoDDoalle pn . respective d names . - aa'..e0acided In, the- .followlpg oa,- ed atatentent:• Brooks Brros:: 16086 . Capital city .lE. Dr-,. Ch.Mic atulDr, o2r4-'8 - . Alfred HoR .i6E0B. 1bC6e0or.00C1.Wat lPhrAynu T La cCoy, C y,7B1, 11P-sArccrlilla $245,0.' -.Pattereon at: Lighting Cb, $E.B N•: C. Robinson, Cik. Doti4,CIourLt' - _ _ .j, 8. Paul Buliders Elaterla, Company, I— go Gas Light Co., $14,648.78. TI Pau, Electric Co., 194.21.' Tierney dr Co„ $46.71, - - - F•.,D• Wllltyme Coal Co.,a890.98. Adopted,by the Council Nov. 70, 1917) Approved NOV- 20 1917: CITY OF ST. PAUL - «.., ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL "r ij—br AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.___ L AUDITED NOV J 0 1y1-( PER 854 _. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable Out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Counc Imen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council t' —�'d �U 191— Farns rorth Goss / Approv d _ ___1—_191— Hylan I In favor Keller 'jj�� MCCO —DAgainst MAYOR Wund rlich Mr. President, Iry n 22306 22306 Miscellaneous Funds 12,330.10 City Officers -Sal. 3,08 32 Uity Clerk -Sal. .00 _ Compttroller-Sal. 1, 2.81 ,- Com r. Fin. Sal. .' 1 53.3 Corp. Counsel -Sal . ,34,8`.32 " C.H. & C.H.-Sal.974.17 G.F.-Civil Sery.616.5 Munic. Court -Wal., 1,674. 9 G.F.-Prtic3,Aerts. 120 0 Mayor'sficeSal. 83 .66 Armory Q1. 2 .0 12, 0.10 07 Police—Sal. - 30,639.72 08 Fire -Sal. 32,828.67 09 Pol. & Fire A1m.Telg.-Sal. 1,733.67 10 C.P.S. Gen. Adm. Sal. 551,6 " Health -Health -Sal. 840. 0 n " Dairy "552 0 " Guar -Sal. `3,152 00, " P.Baths-Sal. 24 .00 " P.Comfort StS�Ssl. 20 4 Miscl. & Unf. 3 3. 0 Munic. Gar. R' 1 9 50 ✓/ 6,97 -.83 6,971.$3 Res. 854 Page #2. 22311 Dept. P.Utflitiea. - 2"788.34 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. -Sal. 45 We J It -Markets-Sal. 30 0 -Test.Labs.Sal. Lighting-Oal. 83 0 1 26 6 288 4 12 Department of Fsducatior_, 14,650.22 - Auditorium -Sal. 6 00 Library -Sal, W7 School•Sal. 7 9 140QUO.P2 13 Dept. Parks, Playgrounds & P.Bldgs. 2,648.98 -Sal. 333 'Park " Adm. Sal. - 4 0 " Aasiv.Sal. . .00' Playgounds�al . 2 B 1dg s .Insp .Sal. 6 Bdigs.Arch.Sal. 1 5 -' S oho ol+-C&B . _ 12 .34 2,6 .98 14 Dept. of P.Works, 17,911.38 C.P. i . -Gen .Adm .Sal . " Garbage G.F.-/Crosswalks 5t. C&R -Sal. Swr. C&R -Sal. 5.8S. Cing•6a1. /bridge A Bldg. & Rep/gerton Pay. tads. Blvd. Pay. Rice St._Yay. Warrendale Al Pay. Be Seventh St Pump. St. Payne E . 0 Sprinkling 4 __3 3- 17,9 .38 of , _ - Resolved that 'warrants be . draws, upoathe City -Treasury, payable out o!, thehereln.tterepeelded fund. and,ln favor of the perean0. dans oroorpora-. tion. f0rthe atn0an[D fet Op DO.Ite their respeetive pamee, "t epeclded In 'the. `followlns detailed statement: ' Mlecellaneous Funds 318,830.30. ,1 PollOe�6a1.: $80:689.7X. Fire -8a1:, "iHX.828.87. ._. Potp &Fire Alm;: Tats.. 9aL. it 7X3.87.: - VHlitlee, - i..,3334' Department al Education, ;14,B60.XX. Dept,` Park&< PIaY$round* & Ida.. S 48.98. - - Dept' Ot P. Works. 117.911.38. -Ad4 Opted v. the Council Nov. 30. 1917. - Approved Nov. 30, 1917. - �- CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTO y�`y� f AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE"cl` &- AUDITED NOV 30 1917 18 /f ^/• - PER 855 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, films or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in' the following detailed ` statement: - Yeas ( jGo men ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council,, NOV ,°-i 1 orth � � 191In favorAPP iAgainatV-- Hyland atAvoa Wtmderlioh Irvin. Mr. Prers on th ed % that Ira matits be A' — upon the city Treasury Dayabl0fawn or the-herolnaft.i, epeelgeQ ruaQ,, and, In toyyor or the persons, Army or car., % Dom ons'ror the atrlounts ant opposite �their Aspective names o e t opposite the rollowliw. detailed a ntemen4 Boat or Control. ,2.969.44. a. Adopted by the Council Nov. Ho1917.; "ADptoved Nov, s0. 1917. - SDaa 22315 Board CC Control, 2,952.46 &lard ce Control-Sal. ;b now CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ftNDIL No. Y AUDITED NOV 3 0 19- PER 856 - Resolved that warrants be drawnupon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms°or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ' statement: - H 14 i i . ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 14� % 191_ Yeas ( J )jFj worth _ In favor A01 191_ AgainstUIT Hyland MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Presidenrs Irvin. � be 8 9�ha�r Gary ,Q a. C.r ResOTe - - at arth�mo ntsr a 0%tf nttb e atton. eta tihetr Tes9ecti E ° meta a'mebr,ce: _ tnG ttollrnq LvNR.�'. Come - - - - S. A• � BuDt• Anditorturu,. F:'. lsortoa. terlal CompsuY. _ 551•i6paul Butldera��s a 70..81teltoe.. _ ehor.Nov, lt. ,S.OAdo➢ted by 0�°0081811) 22316 Burns Lumber Company, 81.34 Water -Exp. 17 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 1,225.00 C . P .W .-Workhouse-eal. 'I 18 A. F. Morton, Supt. Auditorium, 57.25 ' Auditorium -Sal. 19 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 1,187.98 Water -Exp. 20 K. F. Dreher, Assignee Joe Skelton, 5.00 Schools -Equip. <F ; - :. Form A. 5.11 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1/1IL RESOLUTION —G'ENERAL FORM Subject: ............................. ........ . . ..... : ........ . . ......_.....................U.. C 0 U NCIL FILE NO ................ ................ ......................................... ............................................. ......... ................................................ V 30 -Date Presented.... ...... . ........... .................... Resolved,, That the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized and empowered to temporarily employ not exceeding ten street car inspectors for a period not exceeding sixty days, at a salary of not exceeding Four Dollars ($4.00) per day, payable out of the Salaries Account of the Public Utilities Fund. a Vc- (,') Coo (JI) Nuys f. I/Vara worth In favor d elle CC 1 .0 Ag.i..t Wun r rlich r. President,,, via . FORM C A•9 6 2M ic. F. NO. 19009—Hy O. E. Halls— Resolved. That the C. -raft -W-61 of pam Utilities 1e herebY anthorl.ed and empowered to temporarily em - !ploy not exceedinfl ten street car n- i.pectore for a pe ,,:d so at at "sty days col.1; Four D.11�r. ($4.00) per d.Y.tPsY-bI- out of the Salaries Account of he Pub. lite Utilities rub11 9-1 - 7. A'V.P'cdby the Fund. one 7 Approved -No . 30. 191. N.V. 20, 1 (Do. 9-1917) 1 0 pjr,V 30 y,; Adopted by the Council, .............. _ ...................... ...............191....... V `ail tQi[ AppFoved.......... ..... .. .......... G ....................... ..... ............... 4- .... ........... ........ MAYOR Resolved, In. the i:,atter of,oreninr, widening and extending the alley in 31ook 29,, Gotziants rearrangement cf Siegel's Additi(V, under Pralirlanary Order 212405, approved Av ubt 30th, 1916, and Intermediary Order,7�19181, ap;roved October :39th, !917,, The Comr.;issioner of Public 1!or}.s raving subi::itted his report end sketch in the above rLatter, be it FSEOLVED;Thatthe City of St. Paul pereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be ta4.an for the abcve named iiiprovement to be as follos,e: `o A strip twenty (20) feet gide ar_d. eii-hty (80) feet, n.ore or less, long across a luiscellaneous tract bounded on the West by Griffith Street, and on the north by East Third Street; on the south by Con-ray Street and on the east by Gotziants Fearrangen:ent of Sigel's Addition. The north line of said strip being the pro- longration of the north line of the alley as now.laid out in said Gotzients Feaxrengement, Block 29.- C. F. No. 1981 In the. matterof opPninlr, wldeningl - and extending the alley in Htock 89. : G.tslan'. rearrangement of Siegel's -Addition, under Preliminary Order : I No. 18406, .approved August 39, 1916, I and. Intermediary Order No. 191x1,- approved. October 80th, 1917.. - -„1 having Co submitted r-his Public end sketch In the above matter. be it Resolved, That the City of et.Paul • .hereby fixes and determines. the: - 'amount'of:land to. be taken for -.the, above named improvement to be,” follows: A strip twenty (80) feet wide and ; acro a a8ml cellen..eo tracts boundelond, on the West by Griffith sctreet, and on the :north by East Third street; on the south by Conway street and. on. theeast - Sigel'.YAd itlon. s Thea north rtIt.. oof ft aid strip being the �rolongation of the north line of the a11a1 as nota laid out In said Gotxlan's Rearrangement, Hlork'88. - Yeaa (d) Councilmen (d) Nays Adopted the! xov, xo. Iai7: y the Council NO.V- 30 : _' .. ...191........ Farnsw(Ileo e.1e17) Gos In favor' Nola 3U !� r. KM l I Approved.. ... .. MAYOR91 .,...Against I ................................ Prden ._. .. esi FORM C.5-2 ~� (Qttu of £+t. Vaut Department of Ilubltc Works qq oacAR euuaaeN. bN c: eNowcc. M. N. Goss. COMMISSIONER r .NUI... n. - R. T. GOURLEY. D-1 - J. C. CARROLL.. l�rT. ALI... JACKSON. S N. W. 1 OOETZINl CaU • RS.cnoN. ' a. N. Nennow, orpa,eeoro.ca . -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening,widening and extending the alley in Block 29, i Gotzian's Re -Arrangement of Siegel's Addition, under Preliminaay Order $12405, approved Aug.30 1916, and Intermediary Order #19181, approved. Oot.29 1917. i To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is more partiou- larly described as follows: (80) A strip twenty (20) feet wide and -eighty -feet ,more or less long, across a miscellaneous tract bounded on the west by Griffith street,and on the north by East Third street, on the south by Conway street and on the east by Gotzian's Re -Arrangement of Siegel's Addition. The north line of said strip being the prolongation of the north line of the alley as now laid out in said Gotzian's Re -Arrangement, Block 29, Commissioner Of Pu.a-Rorke o ) t,ated �. CITY PAf1L DEPART - FINANCE REPORT.OF COM 7NER OF FINANCE \ ON PRELI NARY ORDER 1 (A) _t In the Matter of_...._... f ..... _............. — - .....__ _...... _ .o �4 .... _ .. ................... C. _ ....................... _... -✓..._...... __ _ .�..._.. ............. __/..........:....__ �.._ ....... ................... ................... ........ ...... ... . .............._.........__... _._ under Preliminary Order approved ..._._ /4t// - ! �j To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is$......_3b.'.0Q....... .................. _._. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.......__...._ ............... ....... .._.......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DE5CRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION fl ASSESSED VALUATION I' li l 41 --- ----- 17"' TOTAL 1' Form E. B. 10 " .,. =_r - .:.--.,.— — � �y CITU T. PAUL , " DEPART F�9NANCE ' REPORT OF CON -TONER OF FINANCE ON PR ARY ORDER (C)ASSE --- SSED DESCRIPTION LOT "BLOC1c' -ADDITION VALUATION ;y7 i I9 moo; The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated ........... y-_...............191.._-a/......'sc2 �2�1/��/._._....4... l Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To the Commissioner of 1 ujance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- eil, known as Council File No....._3405 approved......_AuBt30th, 197....._G relative to....._._........ ___ ..._Arx a_ngo zaxet.....ai._..Siego.11.a....A.ddit.ion,.....and....ao.rfla.e.....e_.Miaa.el.lene.ou.e..._traQ.t....in _t t� _aouxk�R�at.ern...P-axt.._o Sh�..BEREJ.,._..S.eot.i0.13 .33.,_._T.o.>!tn_29....Rosth, Hangs 82 West, St. Paul, from the west line of said Blook 39,to and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Griffith St. L Said improvement is........... _....._.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $? ;� _.._. __, and the total cost thereof is $........_?;;AA; ....._........_, and the nature.and extent of said improvement is as follows:...... _... _...................... ....... _...... .......... ...... ._........... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _......... _..... _-........... -... _._...... _._........ ....... __....... ......................... _............................. .................. ........... ... _.._............ _._................ _.... ......... ......... 5. Said improvement i&__not _ _ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. A- oj*v CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .ct: ............... C NCIL OU No .. FILE .............................. ........................................................................................................ NOV30........................................ Date Presented...—.._.._....._.._._...._.:...._.:.._.191_.. Resolved, resented...—.. - 191 -- Resolved, That the Cigarette License No. 200, now in the name of M. N. Sanftner, 606.Jackson Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to J.S. Mitchell, 606 Jaokson Street. Yeas (,1) C cilme. (Ir) Nay. F worth )C F w C t i G In favor I and, C C.I, .11 Ag.in,t dedich M ( r. Presi t, Irvin CORM C ORM C 6-17 2. C. 1, No 1-0-611—By Henry MOM,,— That the Ci,.r. name.Of IL N. 8anftnenJackson Street '— and '.'0'6 In the the eame hereby 1. transferred to J:. 711t.hell. goJ.c X... St. Adopted by the counclIeNov. 30, 1917. Approved Nev. 30 1917 Adopted by the Council..... 11111 Ll. t 1.. .......... 101 NOV 3U !9, T Approvc(U.....W lczz� ...... 191 . . ............ . ....................... ......... I ............... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM Subject: ...... .... .......... ............... ..... ......... ......... :_ ........................... ........ ............ .......... ..... _.:... ..-._.... ............ ........ COUNCIL ••.., FILE IVO ::..................................... r / Date Presented .... _....... ....._..... _..... _............. 191..___ ff��/z Resolved, That the application of Rylander & Lund for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 999 Payne Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to Issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, Fifty and 00/1C0 (050.00) dollars. Vcas (✓) Coun 'Imen (✓) Nay. IM' 11�h.lot ....... ApprovUd..... .. .. Far worth//(� Cosa - 1...._..In favor Hyl Kell r ` ....Y..... Against i Wu derlich r, Presidrn Irvin FORM C.A-9 8.17 2M C. F: No 1901 R-Ry.ilenry McColl- Resolved. That the appllcatloa, o[ Rylander- A Lund for a.. lice.... to con- 1 duct P—s' Motion Pletmo Theatre el oa9 . avenua. be and the same heroby 1a (wanted and the City Clerk�ie Aerq• by Instructed to issue each license 1: .,.her onthe. payment Into the City Trrasury f the fee, Fifty and -00/100 (;60.00) 1 -f the Adooted by the CouncllNov. 80, 1917. App Nov. ]0. 1917. (Dec. 0-1917) Adapted by, the Council.... ........ 11�h.lot ....... ApprovUd..... .. .. NOV iia q lel........... ..11ll.....:_ ............1..... r AYOR 1 " - CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " Subject:_ { FOENCII. No.. Date Presented Resolved, that the St.Paul Gas Light Co. be and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its gas mains on Stanford Avenue, from Prior Avenue to Sue Street, as provided for in Ordinance No. 2424 of the City of St -Paul, approved January 21st „1904, and within thetime therein required, and to furnish and supply gas and service to residents along the line of such extensions. G G1r � . No. t9ai9-73v o. 8t. I'nu1`�ane . Fvolved Thot the reby ordered I _., Idvht ro, be and 1t le he mains. Avenue. from prior nve_' LA.ht nulred to o%tenfr.- s' on Stanford street: as Provided for.. St nos to Sue :and Otdin g�c^rNo o ed Jannary 31vt•119 ,, _ ae ana servfoe wlthtn tha time therein reCnlred. an to furnish and -UPP.,;the B to revldents-nlonB. the tine of tiuo 1817.{ to lona. 111!!! .I pyp oved Nov �u1917 Nov. S0, (vel I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth % Adopted by the Council...i._...191. Coss In favor Hyland h�l '. j Approved .. .. ... _ __ ..191........ �. McColl Against Wunderlich. Mr. President. Irvin MA__ _ ...... YO FORM C. 8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL., RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ii)c�14 Subject / FOEncii No C, Date Presented .191 .._ I Resolved, that the proper city officials. axe hereby authorized and directed to transfer One Thousand Two Hundred ($1,200) Dollars from the Salaries & WageB item of the Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund, Six Hundred(4600) Dollars to be credited to the Expense Item of the same Fund, and Six Hundred ($600) Dollars to the New Equipment Item of the same Fund; said transfer being necessary. to relive an unavoidable deficinaoy in the latter item, and leaving sufficient funds in the item from which the money is transferred to carry out the purposes for which the money was appropriated. 1 Q F. No.. 1961h - Resolved.. that the prover cltY oRf- clala. are hereby aothorlred and direct- . H++nntr redan(11200one Toll rs eafromthe m ne�nno A tWop"blfo� Utl )tieof ea Fund. eim Hundred 0600) Dollso f , bo. code It,d�to the�F.�s R^ndrnd (fa00)hM arel F1tn o^^ eama P'� nd: aid �trnneter tb 1nRf nes RFary to rnlleoe an navoldable de-, duRlcientn fundett In �tthenl em ving from' whh th• money Is t[aneterre 1, car l, rY out thn vuooaea for which the ; money wee sonrovrlated: . Adopted by the CovnMl Nova0, 1817.' Approved Nov. S0. .1917. (Deo.'g-1917) I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth JCoss In favor Hyland IMcColl 6 Against ' Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C.a•Y it I�Ih�yt •t� 1. Adopted by the Council Approved_ 1 l NO P u 191 .191...._.. .. ..... ..... • -.. ....MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM JL Subject.. .............. . ........... .......... .................... ..................... .................. COUNCIL FILENo . ....................... . ..... . .. .... ..................... ....................... ............. ............................. .......... ........... Date Presented _Rox. 30.0 ..............191....7.. U -protect the piers of the Marshall Ave* ERPk3, It is necessary to Mississippi Rivers on Bridge due to the raising of the water in the account of the High Dam, Bridge due Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimate of quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Fablic Works for the above named improvemert at the center pier, be, ad the same are hereby approved. Connect. 'Papers inRc-'Flu . t 'on With above I r2 n ............ Yeas(OCo cilmen(t')Nays CO c Far worth GO 3 In favor M .11 Against N h Yrg I P Mr. Preside , Powers' FORM C.8-2 1 Adopted by the Council. ......... . 191 KO �J ._,1) . .1 Approved_-, 191 ............MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Be G. Briggs Council File No. .............................. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thc.followin public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..O.Gnatruo.t.:..a...oement.....til.e...aidewal-k._ _..a...wid. ...of....six foot am -the ea�t.._aide..._of.._Hom... Qve_•..._bag�?�ing.......E>yalid.. t.a _t 8—north .--............ approximately 125 feet; beginye.X t Plum a then north 104 feet and_..on—cmnor--th.,.- side ...af-•P1�m�iitn-Zug t-„)lcif n-$aey--thence east 192 feet. ............................. .........._......... ..................... -•- ..._.._...._.. ,..................................................-.... ............ Dated this..........28tI9.....day of_................_.......i1D4....................:..........._ . 1 ..%.... i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: txli4t....a... avmant....tlie.._s.1.d.ewalk...ta_a—vidth—of...aiz.-feet....on....the ....east beg.inning...at..Euclid..8t.e..... thane nor:th...apprnximately 7uu..3t.,.._thanoa_north._10..4 Saet.;....and ....an -._ the _..north 4id.e...4f... 1.>am..St..:...b.eginning....at... Roffman . Ave.....thenaa...eaet...192 .fast........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councihm written progial for the to [olloaing mprovement . thC[CIO[C, be it - f s cement the 7tASWalk- �[ elx feet on 1 e eut aide Ave. beginning at Euclid RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he iinorth &proximately In feet. 'led' . at .Plum 6t, thence north 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making oiina iiiioaman eveo eneneme' eq having been prenentedto 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sa d idJlle It tee city, of gt Paul cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . the commleeloner of 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said nd he 1. hereby or. the necessity for . . ..... —king ............ ............................................ .... .._.. .. .................... ...... ■ .....-- g of aid .... '�.• �ttlre - etten, wners. at t 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition i 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council............ `.:'. Y.._.............._......................1Q1.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .......... 2.1 iq..i.L..........1tJ1........_ McColl ll KclleF (� 1 ' 11Icll v Wunderlich_T_��_............_.................. ............................... ... _....... Mayor Irvin Mayor. P'iJT,f,TSi1EC �� �J � Request of Daytona Bluff Commercial Club Council File No ............ .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the I owing lic i ove ent by the City of St. Paul, of...o. nt. ti a .. slk.. It -114 P-ce..ari&. PArinnptriint- rnlnv wnil r.n r neirf.i -An mn11r . I'M in ions :kqj..A ��.cllh of s _._feet,_ Dated this .......... P.8.tJr.-..day of ................... X&Ydimbar ......................... l/.................... 191-U.- ....................... ;17 ....... ......... ----- - ------------------- I ............ Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: of cement t1le—eldemalk-nat in plac e amd—rec-onstruat —1— —A —+-4— ........... !ZZ 0.= Z"I-0 .... on the—west. H012311an. Axe.—hog-inntng_atEualtd.. St. thence north 336 feet. ....... ......... - .............. .... - ................... ............................ ................... .......... .... ............. ....................... .................. . .......................... . .. ................. ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................................. ........... therefore, be it rth 336 feet he RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works beland '&�it"thehr-efe'roe"ball in"'! and directed- T.I�Wd, That the 0..mb 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the makiicaaortia bcted:and he 1e c' diree To investigate the c.ce 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sai, airabilItY of the making s total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To Inveatiffato the note, latineated co.t of saliq 4. To furnish the following other data and information relativ and the total c..t tj ,To furni.h a via, nt; ... ........ ... . .. ........ . ?f Wd Imp—tr' .......... I .......... ........................................................ ............. .... ......... . ........ ............................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth NOV "-,?U 1qd' GossApproved ................................... ............................ 191 .......... Hyland —Kglr— 0 McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. PUBLISHED ZA�-- 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........................................................... �`� `63 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ....QJQ.n01 A3Ct. n9..1:i....a.tiaPo7C...oxl...1v..--9.t...fr-0m.ra...R.RUIx...1.4ffeet....._ ..e; et:. of.. Edgerton. _St,. to PayneM.i!.......... .................................................... :...... _............................... .......................... -.......................... .................................... ......................... .............................. ....................................................... under Preliminary Order ...........1.52..4.6...........................approved ............�Ct....l.r...191.7.................................... IntermediaryOrder ............ .................... ................... _........ approved ......... ........... ................................... ..... ............ ..:..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......Const.ruc.t .e...a.exer...An...Ivy— St.....1 x.Qm.. a.._p.o.1Dt............. ...:10...fAgt....Wat..Qt3d9erto? ...St.... t o.. P$3'.i►e.. AYe...,.....:............................................. `................. ............_. ........................... ................................................................... _...... _......_.................. _............. ..._ ........................---- .........................................-------............._.................................. _. ___:..... ...:.:.................. ..... .... ......... ... I .............. ................ aboYe . lmDrovemeac uy----------------_-----.-..-_. .h and -the Council ha ng ,;zona objectlona and recommen-. .. <relative; :thereto.; and _haying................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to owed. By the Council of the1ty% Pad that the preel na e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner c.nd kind of impr, •.n ; s hereby instructed and directed to prepare lana and s ecifications for said im rove��''the .ala . 't 'y Paine to the Council for approval; that P P P P P Rn M. St. from ;, Edgerton St upon said approval, the proper city officials are heref council bereil and directed to proceed with the making �ent•to be ma of said improvement in accordance therewith. ea`Fufth�r.+\ Adopted by the Council �.' .. lel .:.. ........... 191...1 :......_................ isT..'j.'\eel\...5.::..ih1.�iL.cf"..:J.............:.... lerk. Approved........................... .................................. .......... .................. ...................... ......... ...................... ...... Mayor. Councilmani F rnsworth Councilman oes Councilman yland PUBLISHED Councilman eller Councilman cColl Councilman underlich Mayor Irvi Form B. S. A. 7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE #%-f REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR,,F-WMINA1RY ORDER 1 (C) -_` _-- - — — _._ LOT riLOON�, DE S C RI PT I ON A'D DITION ASSESSED VALUAYION 9zs yo ;2 'a /zs 7-57 i The Commipsioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �..p.��. .191... - ...._ Dated_... _........... /` '- " .......Colirmisaioner of Finance. � , Form B. B: 12 l , Office of the Comtr#issioner of Public Works i. Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Connuissiouer of Finance of the laity of St. Pau: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uuder consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No......_18746........... pproved......_October lst,................. ......]97...?.., relative to ......... _........_....... the construction of a sewer on Ivy Street from a point 145 ... _........_.........._.........__...__................................................ .......... ........... _......... ......... ............. . feet east of EQgetton St. to Payne Avenue .._„_ ... haul having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._ ....... _.... ..:..necessary and (or) desirable. The estimated cost thereof is$1-1- .........ont foot 1,397.00 x'2.08 per front 2. ............................, surd the total cost thereof is �._._........................................and Assessable frontag670 feet Excess inspection 0,60.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ..... .............. ..... .......... .............. ............................ .............................. .... .... _...>.._.__............_..... ........ .............__......................................................._.........._.._..........................._....... _._........................._.. .. i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................... ............. ......._..:_................._..._......_.........:....__....._........ ............ _.... 5. Said improvement is........_not . asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � /� r�/.L� ..........__.. Commissioner of Public Works r (Qity of Ot. Paut Departlllpllt of pllbuc Morks OSCAR CLAD—N. CN1=. ........ - M. N. GO55, CONNiaawNen N ....I....• R. . GOURLEY, O=.urr J. E. CARROLL.. au.r. i�oN wina AL JACKSON. S - . awN�rwiioN - _ eaR=.,.o.C•RR=Gr.oN• M. S. GRYT.AK. E .� . _ 7 • �-" euK=.0 o " a. H. NEnnoLO. o na ENad==R �' " J. ... .,_ .. .,_._.. _. .. ... �. _.. _ .- . .. J.gtr I pc "4itg of #'t. Paul • Pepartuteut of Vuhlic Mork:; 18"146 • 05CAR c—..M. N. Goss. cOMMulIONCIi _ ^^• R. T. GOURLEY, D.wur. J. !. CARROLL. ! w Cox.xnu«pox •xo iwe .• AL C °IOIANIin.l oe.....ww.d�ox. lover. ] t . £:Ill, ...rill.,, ae`_, .. '.�.�, 1917. - Goss, Cord:iiscioi or of 2u clic ;t/orks Dear air,- I �4eferrir.,T to atta u.1 letter u.d .' date of 8,ji t. 18th frori thu ufton Grove I1^provo:nent' Au, oci :tion, -a serer on Ivy St. would be necessary for the lot:: f_onting on Ivy St. t.nd ,lso to serve for an , 4, outlet of sever o:- Searle St. 1. i The ilppovemcnt aociction evidcnl'1y thinks thiy se- or ::hould not be ..,zid b- property bencfitted, but b;: th, Ci; L. larue, 1X11 of co-x---so ca..no-, i;u :one. ,0:i attL-chin, a prel'_1:;i::a:r order i:: c�-ec you sae fit to present sa::e C o he cor._-.e ii . ve_ truly, JC/:. chiof n ;ir.eer t. itr,w .� u -c. r�ri �. M.'. s- rF<•or. ,�,...�sr � : ..r. .- «,-;, ,� �r:. rv.+r r-¢..,:. .. - � T • � (_= I���, �. � a �, ter- ; ���SS(�Ct�MON.)' )� (Y tt Af I, 1 September 18,1917. To the Honorable M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works of the City of St. Paul. I Whereas the City Council of the City of,St. Paul has been oon- vinced of the necessity of extending the Mississippi oar line from its present terminal at Edgerton and Brainerd, on Ivy Street to Payne'Ave. to the city limits and have ordered the street oar com- pany to extend this line next spring and Whereas, we understand that the street car company cannot be compelled to extend this line as the sewer has not been laid on Ivy Street and Whereas, the property fronting on said Ivy Street is largely owned by the City of St. Paul or is not available for building pur- poses on account of its swampy and uneven nature and therefore the property owners do not-deaite,'to,add additional expenses on their i v property. Be it resolved that.,we, the members of the Ufton Grove Improve- ment Association in meeting duly assembled, do earnestly request the Honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the City of St. Paul to declare the laying of a sewer on Ivy Street a public necessity and to take the neceseary steps to have this improvement made so that the large num- . I I b.er of people now residing on the outer end of Payne Ave. and adjacent streets may have the benefit of a oar line at an early date. .The above resolution was passed unanimously President.. LVZ UJ` L3DU.h�vl �/ Secretary. �� G D COUNCM M NO ............................. By...................... ........................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. C.UXb1n& both aid-e.s af.....Tamem ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................ I ........................................................... ............ .................................................... ........................... ................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. ............ ................................... I ....................................... .................. ............................................................................... I .......... ............................ I ... ............ ..... .. .................................... ............................... ................... ........................................... tinder Preliminary Order 16.6.73 .............................approved ........................ IntermediaryOrder ..............................................................approved ........................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is Curb both.-Jaidgm of.ATUMOR ........... Road to Lexington . ...........................�. -.. ..................................... .... iter of cnd6lciB. both ild,. .1X Eft..U.b. "o, pi ander A11.1-4 ,,,,,,,„,,,, .........................................................................................................Ja73r p%55..1817:........... 'Ieh.os:h.VIK— .had -h— improvement ement UPOU dnA .................................................................................................... ”na. Connell. v,,r;b................................................. tt. : - 4 reconuo" • ireiative thereto, and-b&V naidered the name; there' ...................................... . ib 6 ' � I Y the ouncti of the, •itilt the "'. ............................................................ ............ ................ 'J of, J'-Pr.v=.t� ........................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be iu�a`dfl RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wakkit be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; That upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................. .: ....... .......................... 191 ........................ City Cl Nov ,,I U Approved........................ .................................. 191_ ....... . . ... ...... ............................................................ . Council an/Mayor. F I sruaworth i Council an6l-ss Council antHyland Council an�eller Council an McColl Counci an Wunderlich SHED l2_ -L-_/ 7 Mayor in Form B. S A. 8.7. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEP"�EIJT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COWNISSI.ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . r In the•Matter of.-.. +..... _._..... .-- �!� `"Ty_.. ...... ... ... ...... _..................--_ _ .. _...... __ .. ._.......... — _. _.. . ........ _....._......... .._...__.. ........ _ . :. _ _. ..... _..... .. ... __............... ....__.._ ..._....... .. ........ ._................ ...... .... .. .................. ..... .................. - I. w 4 .... ....... . - :.... ......... _. ..._....._. _._.._...._....._..._ 1.._ ...._ ............. ... .......... ............_..._.... ........_....._.....__..__......_......_.........._........_:.........__........._......._............_........�...........____. -_./__......_..._........................................_. .... underPreliminary Order appr.oved ........_...__......__....... ............._._.._�._._(......./..........:........... ..................... .......... _......... ..........................._.. - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_.......6.91...] 7.,.--.----_.._.-- I The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $............ ..Q...43 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —1! ASSESSED- jj DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION i. VALUATIOTION--INI of I' oil t 14 io� Oil 1. j I TOTAL, I I 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPP M NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION- LOT IIBLOCKI ADDITION " VALUATION I l / 6 D Oi �7 . i JJ a ,{ �I iI' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ............./...... _ ......._.......__...191.7..... ...... .. G ... ..... ... .._................ ........ ._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. -Paul, Liinn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St.Paul, Minn. Gent eI men:- Te, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to the following improvement to be made: Curbing on the Nor, ah of JE7,.mes Street fremSpyt rrEdgecombeRoad to Lexingto Ave. N M E_ L 0 T BLOCK ADDITION -- .P ; . . . . . . . l . . . % , �L kya rte, . . . . f�� � Office of the Co 1bissionef of Public Works , Report to Commissioner of Finance October 5th, ....._.__......__......._...............___............._...:.....191.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coimnissioner of Public Works, haviog had 111111rr comsidernilioa the prelianimmy order of the Cowl- cil, known as Council File No...1861. 7 11 3 approved._.._. $epi 35th, 1917......, rel0ive to .................. curbing of James Street,from.Edgecumbe Road to Lexington Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: J. Said improvement is. ............. ......... necessary and (o') desirable. Coat per front foot 43¢ .. and the total cost thereof is . 691 17 2The estimated cost thereof is:�.........._....:............... : .$......__.......................... _........., and Assessable frontage 1,611 ft. Excess inspection *13.55 the nature and exteut of said improvement is as follows:_....._..i........_...........:._........:.._...___........_:._._:....__.............. ............ ..__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i 4. l .. ..I................ ............... ............. . ........ ......... ....... .._..... .. ............_._... u. Said improvement is......_ .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. ' w Departin6it of Vttbtir Warks OlCnP CL•aUa lCN. Cnier [xoixeen M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER . [xaix Eena J. E. CAPROLL, R . ! . C0111—T...x R L OI ACN SON. ! +NO Per+Ina - R. T. GOURLEY, D.�— _ eullE.o o. l.xl,..�ox - . C-=— M. i e YTdAN. a e. enno�o. aence eNe�Nee. - CC ". -E I , I I vo 17 r ` CITYd OF ST: PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. COUNCIL FILENO._._: .................................... Date Presented___, Nov. 30th, 191..7. P Resolved, In the matter of opening; widening and extending Mailand Road, to a width of thirty (30) feet, from East Avenue in Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, westerly one quarter mile, under Preliminary Order #18511, approved September 14th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #19182, approved October 29, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Forks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter_, be it PESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land thirty (30) feet in Adth the center line of said strip being the east and west center line of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, extending from East Avenue west one quarter mile. I the No. iter + Innaextending We laopening. d Road. torsi avenue In hR,ctlone li=e Town hip 28. Range tt. westerly one quarter mile. under Pnllmlaary Order No 18611, approved 6ept, 14th. 1811, and Inter-. medlary Order No. 19182, approved Oct. 2% 1917. The Cmmts.loner of Public Works, e , � having submitted his report and .ketoh In� the above matter, be It solved, That the City of St. Paul' fixe. and determine. the ¢mouut of -i' land to be taken for the above named. Improvement to be as follow.: - il A .trip of land thirty (30) feet In Itlth with the center line of said atfit, �belngg the east and west center line of ' 8ectlon 11. Township 28, Range22,, extending from East Avenue west one; quarter mile. est ••,�• the Counrll Nov. 30, 1917.1 Approved Nov. "i 1917. (Dee 8-1917) Yeas (d) Councilmen (C) Nays Adopted by the Council..__ . �' �._Q._ .:..!_.....191........ FaWsworth '%] GCs. 1....... In favor Keller Approved : 191........ McColl b . Against 1 _ Ya Mr.�reSitleea" owers MAYOR FORM C.8.2 (pil of i6t. Paul Department of Public Marks 03CAR CLAU!-[N. C-111 a oiR[ M. N. GOSS. COMMI311-- - n R. T. GOURLEY, .—T♦ RROLL.. • n Coxern Uc[Iex •x0 R[n•ina _ - AL�RCORJAU orT_ON. -T_ 9nN1-111 INO[R, -U— - 1 conmm�ox, - - if ' O. M. N[RROLO,-Orric[ [xciN[[n ,REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Mailand Road,to a width of thirty (30) feet, from East avenue in Section 11, Township 28, hange 22, westerly one quarter mile, under Preliminary Order $18511, aF- proved Sept., 14th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #19182, approved October 29th 1917. l To the Council of the City -of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvment, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the, shaded part of said plan,which land is more particu- larly described as follows: A strip of land thirty (30) feet in width the center line of said strip be- ing the east and west center line of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, ex- tending from East avenue west one quarter mile. Commissioner of Public orks n. Dated.//l _ _ CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q('1, (D) ON PREAW ARY ORDER ` V In the Matter of ..._..opening.,......widening ._and.....extending.. a__.r..cadway..._t.o...a._..w.id.th.._..of._...th.i.rty................. (30) feet, in Section 11, Town 28, Range 22, city of St. Paul �the _cent_er_ ine_;..__., of_sa..d opening being described as followsb,eginni.ng at.._Eaet. Av_e.:..:_at_the_.....,_._.,. S.B.: corner of the NE#.'of said Section ll,_.thence west. along the east and ....... . ........._ .. ..............._ ..... _ .. _ .. --- .west center _.line , of__sa_id..Sect_ion .11,..,1320_fe_et,. _. ... ._...._.. _. ....._.......... ...... ._ . ..._...__..... ...... .......... ........... .. _.__........... ..........._..... _......... _....................... _................ _... _........_- _...__..... .................... ... ....... ....... _...... _................... _... under Preliminary Order approved ....Sept ...... 1.4,._.1.913_.. _.__..... ....... ........ _........... __.._.................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.....1.50..._0.0...._....__..._.. . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - -$......._........ ................... __... _....... �. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ .......... ��?��....._.._...........191.7.... ..... ��1:.:.�l�_ ...._.._._._.__.._...... Commissioner of Finance. V.rn, A. n.• 13 DESCRIPTION LOT a4OCKI j ADDITION VALUATION I The E #•of SF4 of the NEJ of!Section'll, Town 28,Range 22 1500 The W } of E j of E j Of the.NEJ,of Section 11,Town 28,Range �2 3000 The E # of W of SE# of NEJ';of Sec.; ll, Town 28 Range 22 1500 The W j of W * of E j of NEJiof Section 11, Town 28 Rang9 22 2400 East of Fast I of NJ of NEJ of SEJ' of Sec.11,Town 28,Range 22 600 West j of East -}-of N j of NEj of SEJ of Sec. 11, Town 28,Range 22 6i�0 NWJ of NEJ of SEJ of Section 11; Town 28, Range 22 120 TOTAL. The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ .......... ��?��....._.._...........191.7.... ..... ��1:.:.�l�_ ...._.._._._.__.._...... Commissioner of Finance. V.rn, A. n.• 13 Office of the Commisioner of Public Works w Report to Commissioner of Finance O.c t ob_e r_.._ll th,..............791.. �.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Parol: The Commissioner of Public Works, lowing had tinder comsideratimt the preliminary order of the Court- eil, kuowu as Council file No._._18511_:....upptoved...__ _Sept 14th 71-, relative to .....__.. 1J7 .. opening, widening and extending a roadway to a width of thirty (3O) i.ee.t....in_-Sec.tion....11,.....Town.-28.,..... Range. .22,..._City.. of.....St..,...:..P-au1_,.....th.e....wente.x.......... . line of said opening being described as follows: Beginning at East Avenue at _the SE._._c_orne_ r.. oi"._.__the.__NE ouar:ter__of _.said, Section_. 11,_.... thence west alon, the east and west center lines of said, Section 11, 1320.....feat ... ..................._.............._.............._...........:..._............._......__......._........._..__........_..... and having investigated the matters and things referreil to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said hoproveimeut is.........__. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is XXXX....... . and the total cost, thereof is :1;. . hXXX _.._......, acid the nature and extent of said iaprovenieut is its follows: .......... .............:._............... .- ...... ..... ._._......._....__ _. _...._. . ............... .... .......... .....__...... __. 3. A plan, profile or sketclf`of said improvement is hereto attached and ntade.aa part hereof. -t. .. ..__.,. ............ .............. ....... __._...... _.. :i. Said improvement is.. ........ .........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said iniprovcaettt. Jl ommissionero 1 ablic Wor` _ 1 St.Paul, Minn.��� To the Honorable, The Council, City of St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the opening of a roadway as per deeeription,and sketch attached ; Roadway ,to be15 feet on each of a center line described as follows; Beginning at the East j corner between Sections it and,12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, and running thence west along the east and west center line,of said Section 11 a distance of 326+ feet. Name 1. 2. L U 4. 5. 4 r� 6. Address CI Y OF ST. PAUL CO CIL RE OLUTIorJ=GENERAL FORM Subject:, 1 ........ .......... COUNCIL ww�� FILE IY �.. ... ...:... ............. Date Presented. ..........." 191.......: n That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized' to employ, for a period not .to exceed fifty hours at not more than fifty-five cents per hour', &)painter, in order to avoid any unnecessary delay in having the office repaired and cleaned. ChargIe Gen -Purchasing Department-Salaries. McCau Tthe Purchaeine� C• V. No. That thorl 19821—BY eus9d Resolved: he 1. her. to ezceed Agent .tier and rlod not flft, 1, oem4loY•:for a 4e t tIn .der to -aftY hs et -n g or ouralnterelaY in hav cent8 per our. 4 d. evold enY. unne CePcleane gicI end I Ins gip° pan-purchanin6 Devertment. . galerloe.3 by the Covnr11 Nov. 30.1191.1- d 0,1917.d Nov. 60r 1917. ' Yeas (J) Councilmen Nays Farnsworth.�77 ws - / In favor �ot,lyland Aeller p�MeColl ..Against J Wunderlich Mr. Presidlnt, Irvin FOAM C. 8.2 Adopted by the Council....._ `....... ...... NOV Approved.&..,..... x..,_...._..._.._191......_ ............ �...........................................MANOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT �NCILy622 AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO. DEC 1 1917 f r� AUDITED PER 9 857 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified .funds and rY in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 181_ sworth Go —LIn favor App, rov 191_ r ll --O_A Wnst t , --- ry' Hyland MAYOR { Wunderlich �_ I Mr. President, Irvin PUSLISFiFD,�'�! ...� ,✓r �.oT TCT71.c 7 22322 Board of Water Commissioners, 227 *34 C .P.U.-Gen.Adm.-Exp. 25. 0 Test.Labs,-Exp,. 100 00 Fire--Exp. 2 .22` P.Library-Exp. .64 F Auditorium-ExP• Armory-Mntce. 15 8 Lighting-Exp . 2 00 x 2 7.34 22 Carol Cox Book Company, 1 2.81 P.Llbrary-NBooks.- 23 Chicago Public Library 1.00 P.Library-Exp. 24 Drehmel-Brothers, 1.34 Special Day Schools. 25 Farwell, Oamun, Kirk Company, 97.19 -F ire-Exp . 94 Fire--C&B . 26 68 P.Schools--Exp. 4 25 D 3 .70 Health-Guar-Exp .27 n .67 (;,F .-Mise . &. Unf.. .87 Special Day Schools 11 99 Forestry Revl. 1 82 97 19 26 Feature Film Company, 500 Playgrounds-Exp. 27 'Hackney Investment Company, 35.50 water-Exp. .: Form A. 5.11. - z:.• Res. 857 Page #2. 22328 Hoffman Electric Company,, 15.58 Schools -Exp. 1. Special Day Schools 14.AO 15 150 29 Hughson & Whitacre, 66.00 Sprinkling. 30 G. W. Kepa, 11.00 Schools -Exp. 31 Henry McColl, Com'r. P'.Safety, 501.06 P.Bldgs.-Insp.-Exp. 27 70 s -Arch.-Exp. 324 35 _ Health-Quar-Exp, it .91 Library -Exp. 3 .04 501100 32 F. A.'Mayer, Agent Schiefflin & Company, 430.00 Health -guar -Exp. _ 33 M. N.;Moffat, 20.50 Water -Exp. 34 Northwestern Stamp Works, 12.80• ` Comptroller -Exp. 8 50 Health -guar -Exp. e P.Schools-Exp'. .1 P.Libraq-Exp. *8 n 5 n n 1 0 P.Library-NBooks.1 00 12 0 35 Northern Ststes Power Company, 329.19 'Auditorium -Exp. 61 194L58 329 19 36 Oriental Laundry, 14.85 Health-Quar-Ey_p. ( — 37 Patterson Street Lighting Company, cof .184.90 Li hti Ex g� p' - : Book oa $2.e1: • Public Library, 38 - Royal Typewriter Company,_ l Ozm=, Kirk Cb.. i' . FLM Co: ii.00.P 72.90 P .Library -Exp . y InVeetaient Co, -.'$35.t I Eleetr,a Co, $15 .50. - - & Whitacre, 190.00. 39 L. $.gip. Rucker, Jr. Capt •,:,Comr. F. r' 17.70 ' Lighting—Exp • raver. Aset' Schletr; 40 St.Paul Gas Light Company,° n etatee mp PWo..''' Po 242.70 C.P.U.-•Markets-Ex p • 6. 0 =iIrY. 1+,' " treet;7�n -Test.Labs.-Exp. 14. b 4. 4 4_ S .&S .0 ing-Exp • _ 1 0 Parks -Exp. 9 50 Water -Exp. 99 47 Lighting -Exp. 1. 2 - Armory-Nintce. 7Z. 8 Auditorium -Exp. 20 4 Sprinkling 6 30 24 70 41 Schuneman'& Evans,22.15 Health-Quar-Exp. .p0 Schools -Exp.. t 3. 5 1. O F.Libre.ry-Exp. 17.10. e CITY OF BT. PAULl an~"° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT eta. j-962, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CCUNDIL No. ". Fn.E " AUDITED DEC -1 1 - PER T. 859 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and'. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set oppd1ite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:statement Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council UES �� 14 I % 181_ In favor App�A1{inst tForth Hyland MAYORWunderlich Mr. Presiden- Irvin C.s:xo, xasst-- Resolved' tbat , warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, paYabla out' n she harelnaftar apeelOed funds and to v farorof the p.rgoas, nrms'or corpora- i tie". fcr the amopnts s t , 1% thele " +respactira pamea u epeelded In the foi- - to Wimr:d•tatl&wOrth,, - g: A. pyrneworth, Com'r. '8inaace, om r Finance.. B. A.-8`arnlworM 'COM", Adopted by the Council Dec_ 1 1817: ApDroved.Dec a: 1817 22347 S. A. Farnsworths Comer. Finance, 91000.00 Water Bond & Int. 48 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, Finance,, 1;230-86 G.F.-Purch.Dept. Sal. Tdtt►� Tn gan_Da - CITY OF ST. PAUL: . ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT iO } AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM FIILS No c"�62 rµ AUDITED 'DEC 1 ]Il� l 860 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firma or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followingdetailed statement Yeas ( %I Councilmen ( Y) Nays Adopted by the Council 1)F -1 1 it 7 191_ F i' 191 i Go —:?—In favor APP t 191_ M �_Aga;nat t .. Hyland MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin. 22349 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 611.22 Pave Alley Be 5 Warrendale. 50 J. D. Hyland, Comtr.'Parks, etc. 1,100.52 ibrary Compl. of Bldgs. 1916 reserve. 7 .87 orestry Revl. 65 51 Leslie-Donahower Company, 39.24 Armory-ldntee. 52 Northwestern-Elece Equipment Company, 18.86 Police—Exp. 4• Schools-Elp 0. 4 V., M.A.H.S.Library, .5Q_ — d. F. No; 1152 • Resolved ,.that warrants _ ;drawn `uPOn Me.lJty Treasury Pay'Ula.'oat Of the 'hereinafter specified fundsr. and In faVO!'bf- the persons: time or Corpora- 't3ops'tor the amounts at-o,ypo•Ita their re eittva -am" a tepmntcd In tha Copher,.Lime ¢ Bement Company, j811EE' If J D.'!Hylsad. Comr Parkr.�.ate. j1 300 dL. Zeslle-Donahower CO• EE9 S4 Northwestern fee.vIDmebt : 7930. Cal jis.Es - .. Adopted by the ,1917 it Dec 3, 1917., ec. Approve d DE. 1917 ' 1Dee.; t-1817) _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION_LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject:-.----_ - --- - 'COUNCIL f�� i Ef� -/ ._ FILE 1`90...-.:-_ Date Presented RESOLVED; That the following designated licenses to sell r.t--ica,ting liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No From (Name .and Address) 7 Geo R DeCorsey 466 ldain Ave. To (Name.and eaaress) Geo.R.DeCorsey 601 Gale St. No _11�-Clemente No. No_�7� No. o . No- Lucchesi 267 Robert Sti -@�crY P..Ennis 149 E.6th ST. I I_ Sibley St• —S St- -- _ t. Sibley St- Peter J.Battis 275 6 - — ank J. Schmitz 149 E. 6th.St. ------_ Jamie Allas 395 Sibley St. NO. No. ------ — - ------ �� c. F. No. 39848 -By Heriry McCall-. Resolved. That the'tolloaing-dealg-. Hated license, togg ,-aell Intozlcatin i liquors be ., transferred as indicated 9urauant= to _aypllce1lone duly: made ttl -for: , IN 7, from ben. P- �D coney. {68 Main Ave.,' to Geo. P- ;:e .-. y. 891 Dale at. No. 311, from Clemente Lucchesi, 187 Robert .at.,. to Poter J. -Battle, 878 SIbley at. .. No. 891(, 'from Perry K. Ennll, 3499 . PL 8th at.. to Prank J. Schmlta, 149 E. in o. 888, from Gust Hrown 898 Sibley at to Jamie wiles.. a98 albely at. dopted by the Council Dec. 1, 1911. App roved ._.(Dec 3,$11914) --- ------'— No. -- : No. ---- No . -.-- - NO: -.--� L - No. --- No. -- No. ---- — Teas 01) Councilmen (J) Nays Far orth G6.4 HyUdnd K MfAl �1u crlich Mr. Presidenlrvin - Adopted by the Council .......... r7,.1n favor 0 E C - 3 1917 Approved .._ _..,...F '. __ .....191......... .__Against JU\ t w - ... .._.._ .... . ................ ............. atwron CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. ............. . .... .......... .............. .... .............. 19627 COUNCM FILXNo . ............................. - ---- .............. ...................... ............ ............................ .......... .......... ................. M 7 Date Presented Bea . ...... 1,.11 o WHERE, unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order No. 13313, described as the curbing of Cleveland Ave. from -Summit Ave- to Randolph St. have arisen in connection with the 'construction of 35 ft.; straight curbing at 30 per lino ft., 25 ft- of radius curbing at 50 per line fto . and extra labor $4.46, amounting to $29-20, lose deductions of 38 ft. of straight ourbing-at 3" and 6'*3 kt, of radius curbing at 60V9 amounting to $17.08, making the not addition to the contract price $12.12, now therefore be It RESOLTM, That the Council hereby orders the construction of said additional work, lose de&uotion as above, thC said work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of P ubli* Works and in accordance with specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $12.12 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-846 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. C " NO. 19627—By IL K. Goa wh0hae- 1 n orsson obstacles 'not provided for the making Provement under Jof the, lea - lb Vim Order No. 13313. descr ad as the curbing of Cleveland "land Ave., from El -1 1 -, 1.1�m Rand St. have art nT"nl AVa. to tl construction on with. Ahe 86 ;tr Ig t curbing at 35 e.tare,,.r lin. L. 25 ft. of radio. curbing, at . Der: ISO. ( cent. ft. $an extra. labor. $445 2 -Lyy mounting to 29.20, less deductions' of'{ 88 ft- Of straight curbipg at 35,.Ont. and 3 the a ft. Of, radius curbing at do in amounting. to $27.09, ,;,net addition to the makling, bo.ntr..t pric now therefore It lved� That council hardby 0 the c... rul�, ,=r. stj 'cu.ft Of said,addl- goal work, 1--.d the sold work to e'duction a* above.' supervision fond di .cud1n, under the on mlseloner of Public Wo ,,of, the Com - r . and in "_ � cordance with sP6cIncatlon, thorsfor.� the cost' thereof not 12 d to exceed the, :u 0 an to - Howed 48 an i it under the contract known a., t troller'. air Z , or t t .0 L-946 for a making b -,a , iid Improve- dopted�blr the Council DM 1. 1917. ,rove 3 AD,roved , (..: , I . a. 8-1917) Yeas Councilmen(V) Nays 1,4 1 Adopted by the Council._. 191 F th In favor BEE —,i i9i7Ke r Approved. .. I G;!7� .........._.....................191........ D6 X, Against 0 Nq uf Y rg il . ii .......... Mr. Presideowera M FORM C.5-2 COUNCII, FILE NO ................................. By.4 ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._c.Qx}styct i 21g-:_a,,,cement_._b oek...dr ivepav__ t o...a_..wi.,kl of,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _eight... f. e.et,._on...th.e...north... side ._of...Wee.t...Sixth.. S.t....hegirming.................................. approximat.elythe ,.114...feet west of College-Ave,_...nce._west 20...feet, ...............---.................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................... _......................................... ............ ............. ............ ............................................. ............. .......................................... under Preliminary Order......._1_9218 approved ..._.._.Nov. 1_, _ 1917 _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report be and the same is'hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....C.onstrilct...a...cement block.driye)N4_y to .a_,.vridth of eight feet on the north side of ............................................................ _We.st...Sixth.-5t.,.._teginning_. approximately 114 feet west of College Ave.. ..........._..._ ._. ............. ........................................................................... ...........I.._......_......:_......._..................................... __....._....................................._..................... ........................ with no alterrlatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.0.1.8...p. riggtlare foot, Resolved; Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile..............9th................ day of ............ Jan=r-------------- ............_. 191._8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... �......................I................... 191....... ` —;3 191..........................'�:.x:.......... ..: ...` ...................... Approved................................Ute .....................191........ U City erlc. [ ...._.-.:L_ ................ - ............. �� asheta4y'sppro•^. ill.../// 1lfayor. e the be iroceevemaa. Counciinan Farnsworth .ea to be oroceeaea With., .--.That the aatn of[he i COUIICfln Ci099 t� hi h the C an SI reeomn. t emeat b1ocR, ar1l. C�.Olmt' y )lth of eight fa t on the -north. itinan Hyland -oat Sixth.sc beglnain66 aoc FUI3LISli.D ' EKY 111 fcetweat t��Coll ge A Couneaman Keller Councilvttin. McColl. Councilmen. -Wunderlich Dlayortf/rvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......conetructing_. a._.cement__bl ock•_ drivevny• tg, $•-• ddt}1,...Qf•_........ —-•_...64-:_feet_._on.__the-.,ea.et.._ side.,_of__t7eatern._Ave•,_••,b•ggi•?7n.iXlg...90..,•f.B.�E....#Q.1#tkl_-.,.-.,• feet................... ..........................----•---.--...----.................._....... ., ........................ ........................... .P ............................................ ...................................----......,..,................,.................................... .......... ................... :......................... ........................ ................................................... ................. ..................................................... under Preliminary Order .,....19393 ........................ .......„approved ......... Nov..,..13,-191.7.,..................... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of.the improvement which the Council recommends is...Co.ns.trunt..a....c.ement. bl.o.ak.,dr.ivelyay,..to._a_.,width•,_of„6. .,feet o.n,•.th.e ea.et•._sideof••.Weatern.......... Ave.....begl.nning. 80.. feet south --of Nelaon..Ave,____the. ce.•.south._�0.-.fgGt•�,•:•••• ........... ............. ................. ............ --_............... ._........................... ..,.....,...._.....................:.. ..................................-,.__.._.. _..__ ............................... .......___............... ............................. ................................ ....... -_................._...........,................_......_........:....._............ ....... _ _...... ....................................... ;-............................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0.16-..per_.square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............9th..:..............day of` ...... .......... ..Sano&ry.......:............... 191:.8...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council......... u`.�.... ............ 191--... {1E� -,I M9 7 Approved...................................................1 191........ Councilman hworth Councilman Ges4 Councilman LWand Councilman %ler to uncilman aWoll u uncilman Ntwfderlieh t Payor I3V6 Form B. S. A. 8-6 t I' V Cify Cl _ _ ,.. �...... . ..5 . �......... , . ,.,. he gild.report - Muyor.� eby�approved and rlr_, tee'• _ Improvement in heraby or- t e-{ �BLlSiiLD�7 "Reeoly d,•'iurther, That a hearing be had on sald In'P n the 9th day'oC January, I, ' r cC to oblock.: [the Court ofenaN lndf d�in'.n^. tnthe, ' ” 1 be'ItuPsi Yrteisd ,^I ;x,( ^V 01M) Afutf rs_w' �IJra ,Anl]lIw - ■ z'( COUNCIL FILE NO......... ........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......op.eriing,.....71d.Qn;L 18._and---eXt.gX1ding..7ik1.£.8]£X..AY..�......a.CF..Q.�.Q........ tkle-_Right ... o;f.Iay__of.-Chicago,.iEily ukee &-..St....Paul--_Short._Line........................ _Ro-ilroad__to.- a-_width_-_of__66__feet,:..according_..te._ the_.plan- hereto_.. - - _atta ched.-_and.. ma de,_a__part_.hereof. ...................................................................".................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............... 34$1. ........................... approved ............ Ja11....21,....1.91.5................................. —I he Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement.is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Openr....widen................. . and extend _-Wheeler-_Ave. across the Right of Way of Chica-go.�.,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, }Milwaukee_,&.St....P§ul Short Line Railraod to,.a-..w.ldth..of...§6............... according-_to..the...pl.a.n_ h.e ret.g...atta.che-d _and..made..:a...paxt,. hereof., ...........::...... _............ ...__..... ..... .,_ ._........ _...:............... ......... ......._................_...._.................. .................................... .......... .......................... _................. _............_ _ _..__.:_.......... .........._.............. ........... :................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is...542...AQ............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ..... 9t?i.................day of _°...January ................ _.._...., 191..B.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building •ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........... I:.:'_ ..... ................ .... . 191....... Uj�......... Pity Cle lllayor. ,[ DEC-3 ! ............................... Approved................ ................................. 191......... --` approved andd ] "improvemverc ent iahe] � � COnnCilID81jIP'fiTII9WOrth th; ;haQotne q lues-olthe 1, —,,.widen: Couneilmew<089 which.the Council reconin and ettend Wheel ;oaa thgrRlggIlt of way. of t 'waukee &: gt•'Paul CoimeilmaalRyland Short Ur !,to a'wldth1,f 66 feet 'e pion, hereto attached ac Couneilmgl✓Reller �t her ,e at thaof, with noalten eatlmated coat the Council 1icCo11 V n� ved Furtyer, That e 9be aav OI ue.TY D3' Couneihtgt/ Wunderlich aB r of 10 o'clock A at-. Mayor Ifyi❑ - Chamber- of the -,Court Tha Htlh. :n1 Commlael., W. Form B. S. A. B-6 ,ea notice ofeaid'me, ',eraans and in th* mom. .'by the'Char ... .. ,. Uj�......... Pity Cle lllayor. ,[ COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. // /17By. !Gft;r-T l r ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...curb.ixlB_.&I1d...b.Q1;19Ya.xdllll;-:.+T£nk&...at.....fzom...the....east ....s.ide..._.. _of.._rar.eenb.rler...A e.......to...the....w.e.at s.i.de.._o>;....Walsh..A e► ... ..................................... ................. .......... ........... ............................................... ........................... :.................................................................... ................. .................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order --.--------18712 ..............approved ...... .._.S.ept.....28,...1.41.2......:...... ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Curb—and ...bauj evard -...Jenks... St. from -the east,., side ..-of..Greenbrier Ave. --.to the, weet aide:.......... .....Of....V4 sh..Avee................ _..._............ .................................... _................ .......................... .............. _........ ........... _....... .... .................................... .................................. .............. ...__........................................ ............................... -........._............._:...._.. _......._................ _..__.:..__...... ...... ...................................................................... _................. _............. _............_......:... _ .............. _..............-....................................... _..................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.0 42.50.......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.........9.th....................day of - ....: ............ Jaw Ary ................ ....; 191.8...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......:':..........1........................ 191._._ c Approved......illy.:..-:<i....q.J...................:.191......... 1✓ f City C Councilman Fataaworth .ala rep Dleyo . by. approved s atd Improvement le berop`�,� Councilman Oyes be, Drooeeded with _..__��y7_ Councilman 1J.);Wnd Councilman KJler . . — 'ouncilman RieColl 0 Councilman Wui dplich hfayor Irwn Form B. S. A. 8-6 -on. and and in the manner. - ,1nrr. PUBLISHED,1 L_sc _ , 066 COUNCCM FILE NO .................................. �► By. G�:......... lGG INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......9.QX1 tX)ACt11119..-a---.C.ement....bluk...dries.eve.y....t.o...a... wid-th....af......... sixf feet on thenorth.sideofXvrtleAnebegingf eetwept ,_..... _.... ._. _.__.,:_._____. 4f...Reihem.-St.►.- thenc.e.._weet__12._feet........................................... ....................... :.............................................................................. ........................................................ ......................................... under Preliminary Order ............. .......................... approved .- ......... Nov.....1.3....... .917. ........ ........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... C.omstruat...fi....cement. block.:dr,iyeway..to_.a„widt_h of,..s,ix.feet on the norih side of .................... I+Gyrtl.e..Ave.._beg nn.ing 78 feet_ west. of Pelham_St....... thence west . ...................... _... ....__ _ _....................... .... _:.__._........... ......_............................. ......_................... ... _.................. _ .................... .... _....... .... _... .... ....._........................................ _._.................................:......................._I..................._............. ......................... ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...Q.1,6 pex'...equare foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... ...... 9th........... day of .............. January ............ .....__....., 1918...,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........1.t'. :.. 1...:::...%....... ..... 191....... \ ty R A A/ Approved............Ct i ..':............. 191......... Councilman FPnsworth Councilman CPS Councilman Wand Councilman NiAl'er Councilman AlWall v Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ipin Form B. S. A. 8-6 V)e ]latgre ojt tits rt ehlch the.CounOil reComm ends I Wt f at Leet anithe north e1de off am BL thonce'weat821 Met. wlt4 lternatlree, and'tA¢t theeatfmated thereof to 4 Cegta or <equare` eotved rt el That arpnbP Init:be had on ealaa lmprooem� r' r day of 'Jarfuary. -1918 houot:10,:oof0the o a fo c11 -Chamber: o[ thCurr 'yul. Taha Hu yAinq Ir � f+ H KMLISIiED / 7 1 V:HEREAs, Under a certain contract with the City of St. Paul, O'Neil & Preston, contractors, have undertaken to construct a sewer, known as the Capitol Avenue Sewer System, upon which work the final estimate has been allowed and the work inspected and ap roved by the Department of Public Works, but as to which the sum of 50000.00 was retained as a guarantee for a period of six morthe from date of final estimate to repair any defects that may be found in the -sewer and appurtenances, or street crossings, from -imperfect work, bad material, or neglect on the part of the contractor, and IMMU AS, It appears, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Publio Worke,-that the City's interest will be preserved by retaining the suis of $1,000.00 in as much as eighty per cent of the work has been. completed for =pre than one year, now therefore be it BESOLVEI, That $4,000.00 of -the $5,000.00 so retained by .the City be paid to said O'Neil & Preston, contractors, and the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant for " same amount, PROVIDED, However, that before payment thereof, the surety on the bond of said O'Neil:& Preston consent to a modification of the plane, specifications and oontraot, as per above, in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. a Laps "lut �+ to whfo� b gie per of -Wali mOntb64 '.,., e final esttmete to ;re4ualr i , urle> QOCe.°or street crol$ nt ympeifecPwork OaA matertg �,: Yeas ( t') Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth 0 k- Goss T.... In favor . Keller O ✓. McColl ....Against V $F Mh Vk e —/ V, Ye" 4 �'.�at: Mr. President, Powers FORM C.9-2 %seas, I[".pDeay. fn` the onp•nf Commfesloner of Publfo SVor ;he Olty'a lntereet th he p- �br'...' retaf�ln6--_we•o nwm hat:4.000-0n ratalRadr �hY. .�.• dNeti Adopted by the Council......0 ..n r •. APpro ed..:.....UE."......:j...19i7......:............191........ ............................. PUBLISHED 1�8 .../� CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT• y' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CO FILEUNCIL: No. AUDITED DEC -4 1q17 —1017 PER 862 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter, specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their, respective names as specified in the following 'detailed statement: I) EC -3 Yeas %I ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council 19-1 _ILIn favor Ap.11v ri-'N -I *Faw r Against • "H ry- Hyland c MAYOR, Wundlerich ROO-1v*d that t sthe tyj�-- he fvade and In favor ppf t .,.r OM04, te their respective a.. 10'Ci 'd In, the following detaned gmr...t: r A 1, Adopted b" the 0, " d' 10,01. - NApvrdved Des 8, 3917. 22366 Pioneer EleetriC Company, 480.00 PSchools 1916 Reserve Sites & Bldgs. Aa �007� CIT+ OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING' DEPARTMENT 19C?3 51 COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM' FILE No. 1 AUDITED -191— ER 861 specified Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinilfter aped fu. -,—'f in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts se�-, opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yen ( -1) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council favor Approt fFa-rortdh r' O/Againfft HylandMAYOR --- --- Wunderlich Mr. Presidi Irvin A 22353 Ernest Boernery 49.67 Schools -Exp. 54 A. P. Boyd, 370.05 pal. Rice St. Univ. to N.P. Bridge. 55 Craftsman Presso 11.17. C.P..W.-Exp. 56 Finch, Van Slyke &- McConville. 352.80 C.F.W.-Workhouse-Exp- 57 M. N. Goss, ComIr. P -,Work- 11 Barber Asphalt Ret. AcOt. 176 7 SprinkliM 0 58- Griggs, Cooper:& Company, 34.51 C.P.W.-WorkhoUse-Exp. 26. F.SehoolS-EXP. 5 59 J. W. Hulms Companyp 44.21 Schools -Exp. 60 Johnson High SChO01 Press, 60.00.1 1 Schools -Exp. 61 Manhattan Oil Company* P.Sebools.-IsExp. .2 Parks -Exp.. 42 4 .:J Water-'Ex5 *56 2-4 ;i 173 0 k:. Res: 861 Page #2. 22362 Melady Psper Company, 7.68 Schools -Exp. 61 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 14.66'. St. C&R -Exp. +' Armory-Mntce. 5 14.66. 64 Quality Printing Company, 25:50 G,,F.-Munic.Court-Exp. 65 St.Paul Sanitation Company, 6.50. Health -guar -Exp. .. —lf — C No. 19836— - . itF. iolvea. that warraata `.be'. drawn q on.the city -Tr Treasury .fable out ana l t8 haretahe, - LU tha or persons.- In Zavor,;oflhee &xdOn4-dfms-or porationa for theamouab aet oppoa%tn. name u sped ltl.d - thefr reep.etive following detaftnd etatament:. - ;The P Hogd. 1170 06 ;87.. Cratt�mau Pre.4 113.17 Flneb Van 81gke•U.MlIvtlle, - {86380 i93t.E3. I6r 664 Coop & Co, 834.51. g..Hulme Co..itt il. -JohnsonsHlgh Bchoo17oe, . Manhattan Off Co., , MelddyPaper Co.,796 - _- .. PitteburRh Plate.6laee Co iU.88. quality, Prtntin6 Co., iib 66 - - PRol Sanitatlon;.Co i6 60. Dea 3.' bq the.Copncll 1917. - - - ; Adopted Approved Dee. f'+t e r COUNCIL FILE NO.___:_... By ._....._--.._. ..... _._..__-......... _...... ....... __.....:_...---- J i IiY63 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessmeffi. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Lincoln avenue from Prior avenue to Cretin avenue, A i under Preliminary Order........1.0.9..3.1....._....................................., Intermediary Order ............. ._12545 Final Order._ .............. approved ...... ....... _ Oct— _..5�_...__....._...,........................ 191__6 The assessment of ....._._.tJ_8:2G.j.t.8.t.....C_o..ato_and...._exp—e la.es ....................:...for -and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ..... .... .8111.....__.__.day of January,.- 191__8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter,stating in said notice the time -and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Ut.r:. '-.....................191........... Adopted by the Council ............ .... _......... ..........................._.. .. . _........ _.__.............. ., >� -. _- ..___x...5.._!:1,... City Clerk. +f = f�°L f V I Approved ...._.... 'fix • I ' � __.__ 191_.._ _._i./ �_____._ Mayor. . no se: ^-tuent o . ..................... �..._..____....._...._____._.� yri use. t.,r and:ln a above Improvement Councilman Fr invorth bmitted, to the-coun,n i_Il having- coaeldered ei: �-`- 'd t e,.d!eIt d d aeseepment salla- ohe That the said as—, PUBLISHED lv the same to hereby to a[ rsyland O olvaDedDrovea a _, 9ts That :. O said aeeesemerG IiYflei th be had oonn eday of •JanuarN.,y,, t hoar of 10•obloo& w. Yn. Chamber of ihs Court 8 ML -0-1i !y lhafth 11com In the Coq al• that tee Of said m etLt, give eoticeor said -meeting W ich •d by the Charter. statim In tha time and Place �of hew. rare` of the Imyprovementr i - dtherdoL'and�the' amount' n -slneC. ,to Wh or7ota of- - •.ownarto whom the notld Form B. B. 10 •Ie Couhcll- '. • tpul , _ j v:�S6 CIl' PAUL. +.. OFFICE OF .THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO/IPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In thematter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for the curbing of Lincoln avenue from Prior avenue to Cretin avenue, under Preliminary Order .......... 10_931 ...... __................. _—., lntermeliary Order .........12546 ..... _...... _.._._.......... ......... _..., Final Order .__._13087. .... _............ _................... _.... approved ._.........-Oct...___5................... _...... _.......... 191_._6_.. • To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $....1.1_9.45.00- -- Cost of publishing notice - - - - $.............. -,._.8...6.7......._. Cost of postal cards $.--..-_......_..3..fi$._...._ Inspection fees $........... _.... 1_3...1.5......... I Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - $........... .....KJ& ---- Total expenditures $.....2..01_4-2.5......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._.2_r.(114..1.5........... ... -------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benAted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action, thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. a. 17 Commissioner of finance.. COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ... By... _..... .`=........ ........ _...... ................ .__.:_:_......._._.__._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving' Assessments In the matter of the assessment of benefits, COBtB and expenBea for changing the grade of the alley in Block 56, Deenoyer Park, also grading said alley in Block 56, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order ...._1.3.7.fI2........_........ ...... ..:.__.......... .., Intermediary Order...........149.3..6_........ :.................. ............ ...... .... Final Order..._l..r�4'4...O ............. ........_........ .................. .. approved ........... March ....2O.r._.......:._......_...... ....... _.. 191._2_.-. The assessment of b_e119f.,i_t.`J_,...,_C O.,$i s._ 8_nd.,.._exp er.l4e9.................... for and in connection with the above improvement' having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ of ....... ......... January_ .... ...... ,._...__._.._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as _required by the Charter, statin in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council .............................. _....... _...................... ............... _..191 ........... . City Clerk, Approved 191_.__ t .. U r :cen a ___ Mayor, De it�Nmaat •.. . Y Councilman Fatnoivorth vedi that .the Wd Aft sm I the ee Is berehy In all pproved. '7 l IT ;vrtban That ` a lit o . 1-7 J R ba Aad oe utd asaeaamen! on I_ ,.,e lth day or January illijg2 H�d hour of 10 e�otocIt w >c to lhai'>7f3LISHED 11�Chamber of the Court House .• IQOlfer P� _ Sty Hall Building. in the Clpy of V : aul; that the �Commleioner of HM i 1- ae give 'notice or said meeting u Mkoll aired by the charter, stating In said Ice the time and place of .hearing nature of the. Imyyrovemeap the ..�t est thereof, end the amount u- Wultlieh a1n t the tot orN. lots o[ the wne-• - '•hmothe notice 1e -Me ZrTrrV% mcll Dec. 3, 1917. 117. Form B. B. 16 _-`--------------- _-*-----____ „ CITY.WT. PAUL (? OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPQRT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT i_ _.............__..�__.._.__.... 191 Inthe matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tkK changing the grade of the alley in Block 56, Desnoyer Park, also grading said alley in Block 56, Deenoyer Park, under Preliminary Order ......._1 3782...... _:_... ._.......... _._.., Intermediary Order _............ _............ _.J 4.96........ ... _.... _.._..., FinalOrder ...... _..... 1.5450... ............ ..... ...... .................. approved..l aR h..._2Q..._.............._..............._..., 191....x_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be in for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $....31.9....50 ................_ . Cost of publishing notice $ ............ .............. Cost of postal cards $ ....... ...... ... ,_4.5 ...... ............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$....... _.....6—..39 ................_. Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - $.......... 2-25 ............ ... - 0 Total expenditures $._329.,_6..!#........._........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...... .... 3.9.. 6..4....................... _... ..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Councillfor such action thereon as may be considered proper. _._.. ,.._�60.._._..Form s. s. t7ance. i COUNCIL FILE By............................................. + CITY OF ST. PAUL -Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ;benefits, costa and expenses for grading alley in Block 2, merriam's 6th Addition„ , i under Preliminary Order....._.50.44..................... Intermediary Order ............. ...1.5h.4.5 ............ _.................. .... __.._...., Final Order ......_._16344 .. ._._................. ... _, approved... Ila y._7 . ..... :___ .... .. .......... 19 L_7 e.Cl._....l.t_6. 905 5 �:1(f....-d&-�� .............__.........__for and in connection with The assessment of b. gs" ,---.---..-. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. 13th ---..-..day of liar. 191......F3 ourt._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots. of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..... . ............. .................................. ............ .... .............191............ City Clerk. Approved __.._____<...._._. ._.... ............ 191_._._ 18e41, at .'.cement of ben, „ --u•• =t� \=- Mayor. for snd In c n 've, Imarovement h .ng Councilman Fax�otth i'ted to the councti ar: 71 having •coheldered cam•; �� ��y 'the Bald assessment utlefa.,, ora, be 1t Qo-va` Iv h . That the said . sea... Ir ;i the. same Is hereby. In all nPProved.. Hand lved Further: That.. a It be had on said -assessor eta 'Eh , day of January„ 3.1 1¢011e[ 0 hbur of 10 o'clock A M., In i Chamber of the Court no,: M GOII cY Hat nullding. In the .City ,. � j that tha comm) loner. of P. 'glue notice df. sal meeting, ' ryY the Charter, stating 1n aa� W11 erlich time and Place of hearin Form B. B. 16 �..�-- ------------ -- .---------------- - --------------- -- CITY OF'ST. PAUL. W.0 5 . OFFICE OF THOlNM1SSlONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 16 ._---- _. -----__._, 191...:.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costaand expenses for the grading of alley in -Block 2, T/.erriam's 5th Addition, i under Preliminary Order...._......504_...9 ._......_..._.__..._. ................ _-, Intermediary Order .............. . . ... Final Order_.......1r2..+.4-4_..........._.........._........................ approved _..May ..__7.,_........_._.::........................_........ 191.....i..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $--260...0.0 ..... _..... ....... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $............1...40 ................... Cost of postal cards$_............._..6.0........_..._:... I Inspection fees . - - - - - _ - - - -$........ ..... rJ....S2Q......... ......._ Amount of court costs for confirmation $.......... 3..0.0............_..... Total expenditures - - - - - " $.._2.9.0..._6.0..._ .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._.....2.9.0...60__.._. .................. ..... upon each and every lot part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, anr' made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is he submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Findnce. I POST CARD NOT1CF OFFICE OF .Tilt: COM\II95I1/\Till OF FINANCE. Dec, 30th _ St. PauF.!CMnm.......__.. _....... ..............__.......:�. ........1917 In1110 matteryt the assessment-ryLPa.Y�.ng..�9.I'.�.�aF1C�..xV.SS.'t...fx`Qm... Pascal ta--C.lfr land.t-•il�udIng-sewer,._. water-and -gas connec.Mons,c ,.........1._�-:_.........__......................... ....... ..................... Tn...... ................... ....... ............._...._::... You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to nmke the ❑have assessment; that the total cost thereof is the sum of VD,G a�/o, (o ,� That the following lots or parcels of land have Irecn as ..sell in the mnount set opposite each thereof, te.speetfully, far the making of said improvement; namely: - Lot Block Additin� �J Amt. of Assessment ...........,?.:/.................. s,. .2.?.,.[r...1........ ................................ ............ .....__.._............ _..... ........_._...... s......... ............. That a public hearing will be held an said assessment in the Council Chalnbc of,,{1he Court House and City lull Building, in the City of St. Pall, at 10 o'clock A. 11., on the.... ?SC..-.....lull day- of..........._ P,v'1.._..-.._....... _......._--19F. Ir Ile. \at 1'e. le—and I r .It nl the "In', of rhe 1'n,lerwll•--d For An I:-olnnntlon. S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commissioner of Finance. rosT CARD NOTICE _ — -OFFICE. O ,rum•, co.uussurNren of FINANCE - -� St.-Punl, Mien ...._...PBC... _3J0Ih _...._.......... ..........1917 . HrmA cava of at. , --t f ...paving._Portland..A.- ��-�€rom.. Baua1:;.r- M-'-.veland,' Ancluding sewer-, -water and sas cei ec ns., _.e.tc _._ . To...._............ ...........`.-7.._...........__...._........_ Yen are hereby nmificd that the City of St. Paid pre; se., to t t ake the above assessment; that tite totaeen l cost thereof isosunt of S S"3 G /6•Lrj 'that the following lots or parcels of land have Ln _se-tl in the amse nuet t-opposite end, thereof, respectfully, for the making of improvement;^. namely: Let - Ill,ck I dJ 1 tion,pp �// \ et. of Assessment, ......f............ .1-.�._ -_. iY%7-Cli/1.C.QiCt'l.l.. .� dam.. g. .o2.O...7._ a.3 _. ....... ...... ..................... :....... ... ....... ..._.__.._.-.__._..__.-...._..._...._._.... S-_._...:.................. That u public hearing %ill he held nn said as—smcnt in the Coun6Il Chmnber (�t{/a Court House and City Hall Building, ' the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock A. \l., on the...:_/ 49,......... day of_ ....... . _ 19 n t r.tnna Meer **.: m, ot..." 11, ran t no• Out— or u.c n.nl.•r.,tcnea r•„r .tn V"O'loe Oou. y$ S. A. FARNSWORTH. Comtnissimmr of Finance. Fc? xZ�-,i u17, 1 COUNCIL FILE NO......oc; 0 BY .. ............. _........ .......... _... ............. .......... _.............. _._........... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution, of Council Approving Assessment . In the matter of the assessment of benefits„ coats and expenses for grading Clifford St, from.St. Anthony Ave, to Columbus Ave.., I under Preliminary Order .... .... ....... ...... ..... _.._,,Intermediary Order .................. ........1.6.11.Q. ................. __................ , Final Order_......._..__....._1...8.7.U1..`�............................. approved......... _..__TASy.._26.r.,. _......:..:.................... 191_._%__ The assessment of ....... _..beilef_ t_5,,_._.Co_et_6_._and._,._exp_e_n6e_e_..._..__...,._-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _..........8th ........... _...... day of .............. .... ......eT Lllla.rj!................ 191.8........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and! the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council......_.............`_....._...1..._........_......._....._..191.:,:.. __..._.. :.'.:.: � _....._.:._..._.._......_. .............._.'::...ar. �.:.:51...V..._tV!! L?.. City Clerk. Approved ....__.._.._S� i tQ; i_ .................... 191 L _........... ............ _.............. _.__........... _............ _.._.... ._. _._.v__ Mayor. Councilman Fatttsworth . 0-11. • - • Buttner, That a os = a had on sam aeaessm• PUBLISHED n day o[ January.. hour of 10 o'clock A M..: •• Hodi`d_ at: Chamber o[.. the Court A :ItY Hall. Building, in the C. ult that the Commleloner o give.: notice of said meetin; �IF/t1p d by the Charter, stating in the time and. place of beat ' ,• tune of the tmp rovement, �7 M oil against thereof, ealo tote lots of ��,�tt ular owner to whom the notle W4pderllCh ad. vv ted by the Councti Dec. 3, 1f . -ved Dec. 3, 1917. ,gpp-ltyl}t (D—'8-1927) Form B. B. 18 I 1 • -mow. ClI ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE t ISSIONEIt OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _._._._._......_..- ...._...- .... ... 191__._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the grading of Clifford St, from St. Anthony Ave. to Columbus r1ve., under Preliminary Order ..._1_4621--- _--- .------ ------------- ------ _.., Intermediary Order ......... _.. -._...................... ..... .._.. Final Order.........1.6..7.22....._....... _...... _.......................... approved .__...._J1a,y......26......... ................. ......� 191..._7..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The ICommissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the, above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 1.Y.20.0....0.0 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $..................... � 54 Cost of postal cards $.............. ..1..66...._.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$ ......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-..-------- - • -4 Total expenditures - - $.....� ..,_229....x.4.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..... .....1..,.223....50.............. ...... -upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 41 Form B. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO.__._.__— r'* i a " AL -.y CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading 'Nyoming street from Ohio street -to Manomin street, I d� Intermediary Or' --- under Preliminary Order ............223.41 ......................... der........__..._....._47Q6_:....._..._........._..._ Final Order _:...._...... ........_rrJ.0Q.2... .... .............. ...... ....._, approved ..._.._.._......49Y..._?�Q.r................:.......................... 191 The assessment of.........._b.enef.i.t.sr.....e.oats... nd.....exp.enB.es...................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ $ ..11._........_.....day of ...... .......... .......J&n.UaTY.... ...... ..____ ., 191-8.._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall ;Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of I said meeting, as required by_ the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... ::::..........._`............................. .................... 191....:........ j...... _...._�.!._� 1..:.__.... City Clerk. Approved...... .... _—_ ___ ._.__ ....................191__.. Mayor. ' " Eonneetl0n •. •'wamanY having Councilm/rt Flprnsworth Council, and the a: 11-idered same and fou. t assessment satlsfactorJbe it, l FUIILISHLD_ Ived,: That the said assessment d the -eame 1e hereby to all re..� •• ,Hyland � approved. j'r agree Further,_ That n Dube.; ' Ingg qbe day o on saidry, 1919. at he, „ list `� Bth day of January. 18he at the: 1Ce n ur of'10 o'�1, A X. Ia the Council /f �� Chamber of the Court novae and City; I� 2iall Building, in the City of St. Paul VV M�C'�ll ' thot the Commleeloner of PYne.nce glva notice of Bald meeting, u repaired by; the Charter, stating 1n aid notice the Wupdeilich time and, place of 'hearing. the nature of the and, the � total -cost thereof,. and the amount —etaed nifaypr•}ryjn against the lot or totsof the particulars owner to whom the pot! le directed, Adoptedd by the Council Deo. 3.:1017., Form B. B. 19 Approved ➢ec:3, 1017. ��: (DeCB-1017) ----------- .____---.___----- -------- 417:4 PF ST. PAUL //►��(� 0' - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER. OF FINAIICE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT /___._:..................... _._._.._...._...., 191 _.:.._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ,costs and expenses for the grading of Wyoming street from Ohio street to 11anomin street, under Preliminary Order ...._`234.... _......... _._........... _... ___.., Intermediary Order ...... ........... _`1YD6_._..._------------- _._._..._..., Final Order.......5Q.Q.2..... ........ ....... __.... _........ ................. approved_31ay...20 ...... ............ ....... ....... ........... ... 191 _5.__.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...2_1.0A.._QQ...._.... Cost of publishing notice $........... ... .....:1....2.5......... Cost of postal cards $..._ ........ _............ ...T5.-_._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $........_._.....42....4.$...___ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $... .............. ..3...7..5......._ Total expenditures $...-2..--52., 33....... - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._._2...1.5.2...3.3................._._........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ................ -. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance COUNCIL FILE NO._..,._,_..._ 6 a 4. ti A. B .0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving 'Assessment.,. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for paving Portland Ave, from Pascal Ave,'to Cleveland Ave,, including the necessary sewer,water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also the paving of street intersections, alley and driveway approaches and construction of cement concrete curbing where necessary, under Preliminary Order ............12512 Intermediary Order ........................ ................ ... _.._.____, FinalOrder ....._1.439B ............. ................................ approved ...... .... ._.__JA.L)•...._2rJ,.......__........._._........ _., 191_... The assessment of b.eef_t,e.,.,__c_o st_s and eXj)ense8 for and in connection with I the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......._8th...._..........—_...day of January . 191 .8,,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council ................... )_......... _....... ............ _.'..... _.................. 191 _......... �r� , _..... ...... _...._..----...........�:_'..1�:�c.<...........f!_!i.V......City Clerk. DEC -13 Approved......._..�._._...—�_.----.._..._.._......191_._.._ ,•`\ Mayor. - ement of Jv � _,,. for and in conn: - Councilman Fr#fnaworth above Improvement hav, and tthe to the Councl4 /� `.mcll having considered ea.. '- ,and the said eaeesement sails: erefore, belt _ pi(<jjj,jggjFp ,! Aand t e That tbeh said .by"at Hyland and the same fs .hereby In - ^cte apPraved. @ring a' Further. That a IQelle`L V sting be has on said Janu ma G e 8th dhour of 0 o'clock Jnnunry. Ituncii Chamber of the Court! 1 Moll 1.4 City Hall Building, in the C f% t. Paul; that the Commleloner r. Wy. derllch �'nanca give notice of said mesh ,. >? ;'reeulred by. the Charter, stating h. notice the time andplace of hea _ ^(VIa Oi.1C,PIR the :nature oC' .the .improvement. Y totalcoet thereat, andtheamoun. sassed- against the lot 9r he n.t�.- Form B. B. 16 particulnr owner to wbom the nob; illrected.. �( Adopted by the Connell Dec. 8.. Approved Dec, d, 1917 (Deo. 6.1911) CITY sj. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEy 1 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.._._._. _.:......._.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the paving of Portland Ave. from Pascal'Ave, to Cleveland Ave., including the necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where'not already made, also the paving of street intejections, alley and driveway approaches'and construction of cement concrete curbing where necessary, under Preliminary Order :....._ 2512___._,_................. __._, Intermediary Order _.............. 56._....... _............ Final Order ............ 1.4398................ ..... ........ ............... approved ........... _._J€1R..:...:_ A...:.............. ........ ... 191...2._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: -' I Coat of construction $..._4.5,..42.5._9.5...... Sewer Connections (Force a/c) 2,466.51 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $' "'�� 627.00 0 Water connections (Force a/c)9 j Cost of postal tarda - - - _ - - " - - - $.........'4.., 0.4...05..._ qurb ing Inspection fees - - - - - $..__..... _....9..5...._59..... Driveways 45:60...., Amount of court costa for confirmation - - $... .__..._.... .... _..._.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.....5.3.,..G.46....6..3__ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascee- tained, to-wit: the sum of $_.",A40 .... . ....... ....... ........... upon eaSand every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with i the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ... .._................................_......_�............._...... Form H. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of -Council . Approving Assessment,, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing sewers on James St, from Cretin Ave,to a point 25 feet west of the west line of Cleveland Ave. and on Cretin Ave, from James St. to Randolph St., under Preliminary Order .:...._15209Intermediary Order...........1.fifi.2&......._...__ ..................... _._..___., FinalOrder .__ .............. ... _..... I .............. .... _, approved.........___J.Lln,.e..._21_,...._..... _........ ._..... ........... The assessment of......_b.en.ef.i.t.s.,__..eo.st.a...and....eXpenses__....................._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... .1]............. _..... clay of _. -..._Jan uary................ 1 191....$_..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting,, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council..............:_�:.._............... ............... _........ _.................. 191..:.....__. • 1 Q i _._ ........ _....... _I ....... _......... ..- _ ..w- !.,i.._�._ �..i_E.:,....: City Clerk. Approved .......... J 16fu l�A..AJ`.nl�\ 1"9'1'7 - at _.. Mayor. :and Ii 21'bconne. and �In +tonne, Councilman Fdpriworth•fayre-neene h , So theonside ed a and t a coneldered tame t, : .. q9.* � d . aseeeemeat :nam 1'T iTtT,T$Fj.ED — `G �De 1t d. That, the said a �r tu he same la hereby for Hy)and ,proven. gad Further, 'rPhat 'a' a>e had on January, I r- O fay [Januar. in she. ao V _ J o'the A.u t so the G, .of the Court House aai� McColl ding.'l the City of at. iom, .. oner of. Penance . *-fit meegng,. as repulrr; Wunderlich ar, atating In eald -piles of hearing, the n: nprovement the total Mayer Irvin and the amount.aab. 'e lot or lotaof the Darti, - whom thnotice Is dire, Form B. B. 16 b Ube (auneel, Dee. S, (Df d ge: 1,' 3117. 1 .a. a-1137) ---------------- ----------------------------- CITY ---- ---------------------- - CITY OF,ST. PAUL I O O OFFICE OF THE COl1ONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT t _._....._..--- _--- ...... _............ . 191 _..... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of sewers on James St. from Cretin Ave. to a point 25 feet west of the west line of Cleveland Ave, and on Cretin Ave. from Jades St. to Randolph St., 15209 under Preliminary Order.__......._.........................__....._.._..........._._.. Intermediary Order................, Final Order ........ 7182......._........... ............... approved ._-------- J14179....21t................. _...._........... . 191._.'1.._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.....-.4,..82_T__50.....'... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.._---............. 3....4.3..-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - $-....:.._... ......... l..r._47 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $............._.....9.6.....5..@....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $... ....... ._......... 7..,._35,_.,,. Total expenditures $......_4.,..936.....3Q....._ I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $..._.4,..9..35.«30................ __.:_....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the sig7ature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _...._............_._..... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._ .... ___.. f � 1 • .... I C1TYOF ST. PAUL t 'Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of , benefits, costs a�d expenses for constructing a sewer on Vargaret street from a point 30 feet east of - Atlantic street to,Clarence street; Sixth street from a point 30 feet east of Atlantic street to Johnson Parkway ; Fourth street from a point 30 feet east of Atlantic street to a point 260 feet east of Johnson Parkway, and Johnson Parkway from Margaret street to Third street, and Third street from Johnson Parkway to Gotzian street, under Preliminary Order ._�._2.96_............ . Intermediary Order..........1_3.6.52..._..._......._._............:_._._._...__... FinalOrder ................................:..., approved ...... .... .:.Dec.......1$-f..._............ ............._.., 191_$.._ b_en.e.f.1.1.e............ ..,......cos.t..._a.n. d._...e.xp.enses....Jor and in connection with The assessment of _...._........ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .,..........atkl.._:........_....day of Jariva Ty 191 8_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that thf Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council ...................... .._............. ..................191............. �11-� ;i �Q �..,..._.. t ••c :�..i�.65�1.1_�...�_....... City Clerk. ' ryl Approved ..... ._—__._..________._._......_._.191 p�r Prollmlriw.^- �� .,edlarY .Order �•:__......i.........._....___.__.__._............_.�..___.._�.__. Mayor. 1081..,, Councilman f�arnsworth penseeaeeemenr oeen','? - e abovet jr and f In rqp, + - C�: " ti"� ,..ttt Y!'y �7 Omitted to the Co ne 1, '1 baving. coneldered eame�. - PUBT-iSmD ie d "Isesoment e1_ jtheretore,ba •• H'ylhnd It i Reeolvad, That the said nisei: be andtha anme •• KOPer U . Ia hereb apeetB aDOrOVad Y 1n all, Resolved-P•u�ther, / '• 'iL' 'hearinB..be find on a Hasse" nt :rhe 8th d¢Y hour Tanuq,(�ry, t; M oll �� 1918,mat of 10 o'clock A. -SL, Ia the count; 11 Or Or ti 11 InB;h In c1t� Wu erlich tha hatht: CIt1'yot 8atd 'notice o[.00 meetlnr ur Flf 131 lent &lay in _ the Charter, stating inmld otice the at thea lmvrovemen�aringthe, the nature tagatne[ the lotti� ]o alnount�0aeaeeeeO°eA Form B. B. 18 owner to who is of the particular Adoptefl spyy m the notica le dl tied. ' Approved D the8�917Il Dec, 3, 1917. ,tDed 8-3817) -------------------- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL. �, U OFFICE OF THE COOISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.. _......_.. --- 19I _.__ In the matter of the assessment of. benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of a sewer on Margaret street from a point 30 feet east of Atlantic street to Clarence street; Sixth street from a point 30 feet east of Atlantic street to Johnson Parkway; Fourth street from a point 30 feet east of Atlantic street to a point 260 feet east of Johnson Parkway, and Johnson Parkway from Mrgaret street to Third street , and Third street from Johnson Parkway to Gotzian street, under Preliminary Order _.... ..... 1296.9-....._.... ....... ....... .......... . Intermediary Order-.... _... -.................. 1.36W............. ...... ........ .. Final Order ._..._.............._._1.4084............................... approved ,_............ Dec..:.._ _ .,...._.. ............_..... 191_4._:.:. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...-...9.,.:30.0....0-0....:. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $........ .._......... 13....65..... Cost of postal cards $........_.._... ........ 5....85."... Inspection fees - $ ... ...... ..._... 1.86....0.0..-.. Amount of court costs for confirmation $........... ....... ..28..25..-_ Total expenditures $.........9_,..53.4._.?.5__. I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, sceo-tained, to-wit: the sum of $.... ....... 9.,._5.3.4...7.5................ _._..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........_... . Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILL NU._ ---- _.._...� By ............... _.... _..._..._....::........._........_..I....._......_� �...._._... ,� t _1�: 1 45 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of, Council Approving Assessment. o'. In the matter of'the aksessment of benefits, coats and expenses for constructing a sewer on Sydney St. from Ottawa Ave, to a point 110 feet. west of the west 1 iine of Ottawa Ave. , under Preliminary Order 16639 �_s.�Zl......._.'__-_. ........... Intermediary Order....._.........._.._.._............_......_......._.........._._._._.., Final Order ................... approved......._Jiun!820.,......._................. ......... ........... The assessment of..........._b..ellef.i_ts,.....C.Q..B.t.H.....and....eXp9.n..s8$...................for and in connel tion with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... Bth............ __..day of 191.._x_..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r N Adoptedby the Council ............. _........... ._ ............ ..................... _... ... .......... 191._........ Approved ........ _._u_.._.._ - Councilman (Farnsworth Hnd K-01 er ( McQ.11 WVderlich Form B. B. 16 _..... ...... ....... ............. '�J L til.. ' City Clerk. I Mayor. _._... L... . ...................... _.._._....�. _� Oder un e • it of June n of b-nne, .,nd. In connecu, Ttovement having te Council; w CITY OF ST. PAUL. �/ d OFFICE QF THE A(IMISSIONER OF FINANCE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT REPORT -------:....-._.............. ...... .......... 19 L...._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the a construction of a sewer on Sydney St, from Ottawa Ave, to a point 110 feet west of the west line of Ottawa Ave., i 16121 166 39. .............. _.._...._......... under Preliminary .Order..........._......._......._......._........_._......._._._.., Intermediary Order _.:.................._......__.._ Final Order.....:......_171.Z.0.......... ,................................... approved ._........ _Jliltt'..:21..4..,.................:..._....._...., 191._.7..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - - - Cost of construction " - $...._..31'0:..0.0 ........:...... Cost of publishing notice - - - f3Q""----" Cost of postal cards $..................... ._O.S............. - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.......... __ 6...20 ............._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...... .... ........ ... 4.5 .............. Total expenditures $:........31-2.,_5.4 ..... ....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....__317..._54_ ............... ............... _..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form E. D. tt Commissioner o _ Finance. CITY -OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._......._...:.._.._.-.._..........i0UNClL 1t 1646 _..._. FILENQ: ............................. ..............................................................:.........p.......,...................,.............. Date Presented-.__ -------- _... _.... _..�..._.:..191.... )n That, with the approval of the 1kayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby tran ferred from the Salary Item of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Budget Fund, to the Ex- pense Item of the same Fund, the sum of Four Thousand ($4000e00) dollars, --thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last named_ Item. IC. F. No. 19646-13y Henry McColl— ReeolYed,-That with the approval of 1 the: Mayor and the consent of the (Comptroller, there - le hereby tra-- tarred from the Salary Item. of the Bureau of -Fire Protection; Budget .Fund: to the Expense Item of .the same Fund, the sum of Four. Thousand ($4000A0) dollars. 'thereby, preventing - en,unavoldable dedcl ncy In .the last (named: ItOm. Adopted by the Coun�ll Dec.,.3817. i ADDroved c ye- (✓) Councilmen (✓) N-Y- �Farnsworth (pose Hyland -Keller McColl / 1 Wunderlich Mr. Predid—t. Irvin FORM C. A-9 6-17 2M Dec. 8, 191. , (Dec. 8-1937) .4 Adopted by the Council_...... _.. ... ...........................................191 ....... 07E' —:3 1917 App �3I........... .:........ t ... 191.:...... ...... r........................ _............y.�.....MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: ........ _._AL:��,4i COUNCIL FILENO : .... ......................... ........ ....... o Date Presented....._ ...... .._...._.__..__.._.191_..T That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in tie Bureau of Police, Two Hundred (200) extra police officers, at a salary of Three ($3.00) dollars per day, for a period not exceeding ten (10) days. Above mentioned salaries to be paid out of the Salary Item of the Budget Account of the Bureau of Police. • ' IC Feeolved.9Thai BtheHenryeor. Idler ., Public Safety is hereby authorized to. employ in the Bureau of Police.Two Hundred (200) eztra Dol,c otticer% at a salary of Three ' 03.0 1 dollars per. day, [or. a period . notezceedingg to (10): days. A1rove mentioned salaries to Le Daid out of .the Salary Item. of tb+Budget: Account of. the Bureau of Pollee. AuoDted by the Councli Dec: J, 1817. Approved Dea 3, 1117. (Dear 1-1117) Yeas (✓),Councilmen (✓) Nay. Farnsworth I Cosa - .:...._..In favor I Hyland I Keller - 'l McColl .0 Ag.iust I Wunderlich Mr. Presiph t, Irvin FORM C. A•9 6.17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OUNCIL Subject:... .......... .... ....... .............. I ...... ..... .................... ........ ........ ......... .. . ................ ........ . ..... .................... C CIL FILEN No ...... ......... ......... ............. ...... ............................. . ................. ....................................... Date Presented ..... . ...... 19L.— �/ Resolved, That the application of C.S. Watson for a license to conduct a motion picture Theatre at 2511 University Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby ,instructed to . issue,such I license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50-00- %'cas (ol) Councilmen (0 Nays FarWworth Hy;Wnd K./'r Woerlich _idewlrvin FORM C A-0 6.17 2M .Re.olv;d. That the &PPl Mtlond 0 t C. I S. Wat... to, .' 11.en.. to con Uc I Motion, Picture Theatre at 2511 It 'versitY Avenue' be and the here-. by 1, granted and the City, clerk 1. '�gran.lillucted li- here n V t. la,m� .such 'cense upon the payment into the City r3 Treaeury of the fee. $60 -*0. Adopted by the Councll Dec. 3- 1917. - De- ( - 3. 11%7) Approved De bec. 9-1917) Adopted by the Council_ ........... In favor Agairat Apptoved�.- ......... . . ............. .. 191 .......... ........... ...... A:_: CITY -0F BT. PAUL ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT96 9 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM F SENO" DEC- 4 1917 • AUDITED ' PER "'_"""' .. � - 864 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified floods and . in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed -' statement:. Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 F Flo orth -4�j 4 -In favor Appro d 191_ �.. Hyland �2—Ag�� r atAYOR --y - - Wunderlich Me President, r,;- -Irvin PUIITASHM-P----17 22368 Adams Express Company, 1.95 Library -Exp. 69 American Express Company, m 31.25 Library -Exp. 0 Schools -Exp 23: 2 e Spec. Day Schools 1. 3 . .31.5 — 70 American Linen Supply Company, 12.49 Armory. 71 American Supply Company, 4.00 P.Schools-Exp. -- 72 Board of Water Commissionen, 215.37 Water Supply 21 0 Pay. Minn. St. 5" 215 37 - 73 Boston Book Company, - 151.00 Library -Exp. 74 Brown Blodgett & Sperry, 6 17.30 , 75. Brown's Photo Craft Shop. 9.00 Sprinkling, , 76 — Burns Lumber Company, 2 95 21.95 Police -Exp. Armory-Mntee. 19 00 - 2 .95 77 Capital City Lumber Company, 2.50 P.Schools Exp. 78 Carnegie Fuel Company, 43.60 Sewer C&R -Exp: - :y Farm A. 6-11 Res. 864 Page #2. 22379 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul'R-R. Company, 12.32 _ P.Library-Exp. 80 Arthur H. Clark Company, '' 16.00 Library-NBooks. _ 81 Craftsman Press; 9.70 Library -Exp. T 82 Crane & Ordway, 20.20 Library=Exp. 6. Armory-Mntce. _ 14 0 , _ 20 20 83 John Cotton Dant, Librarian 5.40 Library -Exp. 84 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 10.90. C.P.U.-Test.Labs.-Exp. _ a n n a Schools—Exp. aSpec. 425 Day Schools 85 F. A. Def iel, 21.251'' P.Schools-Exp. 86 W. J. Dyer & Brothers, 5,00 \ c- Library -Exp. - 87 Electric Blueprint Company, 1.76 =Water -Exp. 88 Emporium, 8.50 Spec. Day School. 89 H. H. Engfer, 23.79 Schools -Exp. 90 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, 2.27 Pump House Payne Edgerton Sewer System. 91 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 3.00, Fire -Exp. _ 92 S. A. Farnsworth, B.P.R.F., 127.32 P.B1dgs.Insp.Exp. 50 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 3. 0 Police -Exp. 31" 2 Schools -Exp. 10.00 Library-Exap. 3 00 - 75 00 - 127 32 93 Hackett, Gates Hurty Company, .65 Schools -Exp. 94 Health Education League, 1.20 Library-NBooks. 95 Library Bureau, - 32.30. nibrary-Exp. 96 Lindeke, Wainer & Son, 19.03 Library -Exp. Ros. 864. Page #3. 22397 A. C. Mealurg.Company, 319.61 Library-NBooks . - 98 McClain & Hedman, 212.84 Comptrollar-Exp. 27. 0 Schools -Exp. 2. 4 Munic .0 t. -Exp . 13. G.F.-Printed forms & Blks. 2. Misc. Sta. & Supplies 16 90 212.84 99 0. R. Mickelsen, 35.58 Schools -Exp. 400 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, - 6.50 SFbS.0 ing-Exp . 1, 1 Schools -Exp. 254 2 25 6. 0 01 Northwestern Tel. Company, 10.25 - C.P.U.-Markets-Exp. .00 Parks -Exp. 1.25 Auditorium -Exp. _ 00 1 .25 02 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 24.28 Health-Wuar-Exp. 4 5. 0 -Lighting-Exp. Humboldt H.S. Lib. 12" 4 24 8 03 Pilot Printery, 2.85 Spec. Day Schools. 04 Raymer Hardware Company, .. 14.64 Bridge Bldg. & Repr-Exp. 9.6 C.P.U.-Test.Labs.-Exp. 1. St.. C&R -Exp., 1.3 Schools-Egµip. 0 Library-Exg. l.• 0 Sprinkling 14 4 05 Remington Typewriter Company, 1.50 Library -Exp. - Water -Exp. 7 1. 0 06 Robinson, Cary & Sands, _ 78.86 St. C&R -Exp. 5. 5 Lighting -Exp. 4. 0 Water -Exp. 62. 1 Spa+c. Day Schools. 6. 0 78. 6 _ 07 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 123.90 C.P.W.-Exp. B Schools -Exp. 2. 0 - u u 1. 8 Library-l'Books 99' 62 - Spec . Day Schools 1 46 12 .90 08 St.PauD Brass Foundry, 4.93 P.Schools-Exp. Res. 864 R Page #4• 22409 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 255.45 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 172 50 Pay. Robert St. 8th 8 95 10 St.Paul Glass Company, 12.70 Pol. & Fire Alarm Telg.-Exp. 1. 0 Armory-Mntce. 11 0 12 0 0.51 11 St.Paul Machine Works, Pay. Rice St. Univ. to N.P. Bridge. 12 St.Paul Stamp Works, 1.50 Health -Health -Exp. 13 Schulte Book Store, 4.55 Library -Exp. 14 Sherwood Company, 11.02 Library-NBooks. 15 C. S. Smith & Company, 1.90 Schools -Exp. 16 Tri Stata Tel. & Telg. Company, 27.50 = .P.U.-Markets-Exp. 2. i Auditorium -Exp. 4: 0 _ Water -Exp. 14 0 Armory -Exp. ;; 7 050 17 University Prints, ! 7.20 Library -Exp. 18 _D. Van Nostrand Company, 1.35 ' Library-NBooks. 19 Virtue Printing Company, 1.50 Schools -Exp. 20 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 4.50 C.P.W.-Exp. 1. Schools -Exp. 3 0 4. 0 21 Wells, Fargo Express Compar_y, 1.37 Health -Dairy -Exp. : 4 Library -Exp. : 0 3 1. 7 - 22 Western Electric Company, 3.42 Mechanic Arts H.S. Library. 23 Western Machine Compar_y, — 29.93 SBS. Cing-Exp. 2A.33 Schools -Exp, 60 29 93 24 Western Supply Company, 1 21.16 Fire-C&B. 5:59, Armory 9: Health-C.Station-Exp. : 7 Sprinkling 5 21. 6 25 Western Union Telg. Company, 2.59 G.P.W.-Exp• Res. 864 22426, H. W. Wilson Company, Library-NBooks. 27 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, Schools -Exp. 28 Zimmerman Brothers, Police -Exp. Pages. 3 .70 .20 11.58 h that wnrrant4r 'be dntrn CY TeeeepYY. pgY8ble am Of ;ter:.epdpiped funds, and: In .neroons, arms or. corpora` aaoupU, Set oppv0e1 1 their.) - - •pee sa speclded•,a wroeecaLef396 - • axpreee; Ca $71,26. `,' z S a YSCo �i4 00 ' i1E 49 - - bl Water. Commiselonero. Souk Co.. $16100' f Blodgett & ,Sperry. .LumberoCo-aft Shop ;800` ` - .1 Cittyyell'aae14a8U. 31.60.. go Mflwavkee & Bt. Pani 7L 311.53. _ 'nr a; Clark Co.,5., .1 s - eemap P way S9,70., Cotton an Lib. ` 6.40.. Cotton , Dana. 7.fbrarfan. ' n D kat H.rdware Co» 510.801_ D.11-1 $11.86.- L. Dyer'&,Brothers $6.00. r'laBl3u8ri t*Cm-11.76. Engler: 183.16. !•bank., Morse&'Cq•y 35.27. p.; Farn.Worth. Com r. :Fina'*' Farnawortht6 P.'R: F6fiiCmw :kett, dates 1lurty Co., iItb. F.ducatiOn league.. 1120 '.� ,nary Bureau, $32.10. ndeke. Warner-& Bon. 119.03 - C..McClurg Co-- $319,61. -� ccialn & 1ledmaA $21284. ,. R. Mfekeleen,.3366$ 1co1e.Dean &Gregg 3860. •rtbwestern Tel. -CO 330.56. -, JYes B.C,& Cutler, 324:28. .of Printery $195- (14.84: aYmerIardwaro.Co-- onaYeSe2 0' �. ybinsaC&and$78.6 Paul' - Book & Stationery Paui p,i dere uidaterinj!' :! CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTr -�-` 650 COUNCIL No. AUDITED CLAIMS—RE�S'OLUTION FORM FILE v - AUDITED LiEy -1 —191'i I — p PER a.ngiG,�.1— 866 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and - is favor of the persons, firms or corporations For the amounts set op their respective names As specified in the' following detailed, 'rite (Jt('- _4 '� ' Yeas J )Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by,thrCouncil 191— For Go rth C _4 4;; In favor App# 191 M Against — Hyland MAYOR _.... - Wunderlich Irvin Mr. President wers� C. P. No. 19860—' _.-- .....,... ` Resolved that dvsrrenle Ue! drsan — uDPn the CItq.TreaeurY.'DaYahle out of the herelnetter, eDecldedfpnde and; in. ' : -fsvor of the peraom Jim or corpoj:_ tion! IOC the. amounts Not Ito th.1r. _ , . '-.rcepeetive; namae ew epecilled 1n Q foitowtiv do etetemeat ' 'E. Not Of Allen •blerchante Nat Bank for ComaanY.:EA6.15. Dea 4, 1917. 1 "', ted by the Council Approved; Dea 4. 1917. - - fD.a 9.1917) 22.435 Merchants Nat. Bank for.E. G. Allen Company, . 225.15 Library General. j e T't - t' T - - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT s- ��51 t:oU"t lyNo. AUDITED, CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE4W DEG 4 1911 lal—O - PER . 865 Resolved that warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: UEC' -4 y r Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nsys Adopted by the Council 191_ F erthUEC In favor T4 Appr 191 M r f — Apin.t ....,_.O' Hyland MArK .. -- Wunderlich Mr. President, otsam— Irvin - - - - Resolved that Warrants be drawn inion the City Treasury, Parable out or - — 22429 Finoh, Van Slyke & McConville the he-Instter .1wided foods : and In favor of'ths *"ns, Arms 6r eorlpra• 3864 J - Pol. & Fire Alm. Telg.-Exp. LIOA0 for the amounts .et ODn % leheo- resPective name. as apectAad'In thtoltowin,detailed statement: eh: Yap Slyke & McConville, ' 52.92 30 Home Broom Company,$$Hama seem c.]'i9f.9:. Fire -Exp. 'Catherine Lettengarver, $900.00: - - Maendler Bros.: -91061?. at. Pani B1.0 Print Co, i{t.76 31 Catherine Lettengarver, J. P, Simyson. $idAO Adoptevd LY•the Co, nett Dee 4 1917. 300.00 ;9ater -Exp . APProad es 4, 1017 r(%a-1e17i , 32 Maendler Brothers, 104.17 Schools -Exp. 33 St Paul Blue Print Company, 48.78 4 Fire-C&B. 34 J. P. Simpson, 10.00 G F. -Mise. & Unf. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... ........... ........... ........ ....... I.... .... ................................. . ............. .... ........ .. • .......... .... COUNCIL �JO . .... .............. ......... .... .. ..... FILE ................................... . ............... ............................... .................... ................................ ................. ... .. Date Presented ..... ...... r4..._ Resolved,I That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to Pay to Swan Larsen, out of the Worjmento-compeneation Account of the General Fund, the sum -of $24.00 in partial settlement of his claim, for injuries received by him while 'employed by the Department of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 5th day of May 1917. Resolved. That the proper Cit5i Offl- car. are hereby suth, ri. d to the, OrPk ny to Men. Out 01 1. of the an Suran Leven. Out covenanti.n. A.C.". run the sum of $2 N: tlement of his Airfor Ived by.11111 If. employed ;Zrk Play and* -an 01 so. the 2 Publlc B.Ad". Y, at 111y�o1poUTd. by the council Dec. 4. 1917. Approved Dam -4, 1917. (Do. 8_1917) I hereby recommend the ab ve resolution for passag Comm issio-ner, ar laygr a an PUbl But ngs. 1) 1 d u N.ys Adopted by tt,� Council. .......' lot, 6_Aworth ............In favor nd App,.vqd.. VVIi,cd Against ✓ )Vunderlich ................................................ Mr. President, Irvin FORM C A-9 6.17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:................:............................................_.....__........................ y J ....................... .............. ...........COUNCIL ... FILE NO ......................`.......... .... 0E .-4 Date Presented ..... _......... .... _...:_._............. 191.._ Zesolved, That the specifications for the erection of a pier protect= T ion at the east end of the Marshall Avenue Bridge, pursuant to which a contract was -let to Thornton Bros. Company, oountersigned November 21, 19170 be and the same hereby are emended by striking out the words "Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund", 'where they i occur in said specifications and by inserting in -lieu and instead thereof, "Construction and Betterments Account of the Bridge Building and Repair BundO. No:19963—By M• N•Goee— Reeolved, That the specifications for I I the erection of a'pter protectloh at the., - met' end of the Mare hall. .Avenue Bridge, pursuant Ito which e. contract) was let to 'Thornton Bros. CompanY•I countersigned Nov.. 31, 1917, be and,, are Ittrikingeoutrtha words'Pormanent�, t .. -1" ovement. Revolving Fund", where'. �th.y nsertingiIn lieu- na lt.tesdnIt area of "Construction and Betterments Ac- count of the Bridge Building and Re• pair Fund.' Adopted by the Council Dec.,4. 1917• Approved Dec. 4.1917. I (Den _ Ycee(✓) .ouacilmen (✓) Nays � f` 1 rworth 7 Adopted by the Council,...... )�i........ ......_......191 ...-.. ss ......An favor Iaad -� • 4 I Beller f` Approved..:. ... __.. .. .. ...e'., .,. .. .... .... .101.....:. gtcColl ....U... Ageinat NunderU6 VVV ......................... ... .. _.... _. _.�................. Mr. Pre ant, Irvin �������������...............................MAYO...R FORM C. A-9 6.17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL FORM G/ N , L ESOLUTION—GENERAL Subject: ....... .... ................ _....... .._..... .......... couHCIL p l FILE NO:...............,JL.`�'.�r.�6�. T Date Presented. t /!.................. 191 o Resolved, That the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St.Paul is hereby authorized to pay to John Hanson, out of the funds of the Bureau of Water, the sum of $21.00, in partial settlement of his claim .for injuries received on the 1$th day of August 1917, while in the employ of said Board. No:19864-8y 0. E,'Keller— Resplved..That the Board of Water Commissioners of the .City of. 6L Paul Is hereby authorized to pay to John Hanson, out of the fund. of theBu- reau of Water, the sum of 421.00, In partial settlement of his claim for In - Juries received on the 16th day of Au - ' F -t. 1017, while In .the employofsaid IJ Ad pled by the Council Dec. 4, 1917. Approved Dec. 4, 1917. (Dec. 9-1917):.... . I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Pres ent o Boar of Water omm ssonsrs Yens (q<. ouncilmen (I") Nays' I It r .=A 41rI. --rth 7 Adopted by the Council _.......... _ ..... _.__.... 191 ....... ss .........In favor ,;,,.and - �. t -r ,L 1 ........ ✓✓✓✓Keller Approved. ..... ............ ... ...... `. � 91 /l _ _�.._.......... 14 cc.11 ... ... Against W"nderlieb - Mr. Preiid(nL Irvin MAvoR FORM C. A-. 6.17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM xa7655 Subject: ..._ ..............................._.._...... ..._ _._._.............cour+cit __................. .:._....._........ /..........._.... J . L/ FILE No. ................. t\ ted -...:_.......,.-r }...-.,.: 191...._ Date Presen r, Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw warrant in favor of the Comptroller for the amount of x"100.00 to pay expenses of a trip to Chicago in the matter of the sale of $784,000.00 worth of Tax Levy Certificates, and that this money be paid out of the Valuation Item of the City Comptroller's bind. C. F. No. 1886Li-_II—grnew— cerr are ehereby tauthortsed to M'.-i'orth - oarrant 1n'.favor ot• the Comptroller nranm�unt of 3108.88 to aay ezDeneae t D to. Chicago In the matter of T.evy 3°I`.ertlflcat e48nnd th t thle omoney 'be Dafd out at the Valuation Itemof •. the CItv.Comptrollere bund. Adopted 1Dy the an ell Dec. 1, 3917, ADDravod Dec: 4,-1917: - tDew 8-3817) - Yeas (✓) Cou C11men (✓) N.}- tnsworth osi V7yland Keller cC611 _ Vunderlich Mr. rr ,,t, Irvin FORM C A-9 6.17 2M II`.^ A ,` Adopted by the C-61.... ........ ..101 .. :... -7 In favor Approved......... ...._.. ..._,. r.. _..... ::.1....-......`......101........ .!.... Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............. - ---- . .... ............ *1 I -V056 COUNCIL FILE No ... . . ............... . ................................ ............... ..................................... I ................ .......................... a............ .............. Date Presented....— I -A :..........191.— Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, to John Wichtel, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $13.00 in partial settlement of his claim for . injuries received by him while employed by the Depart- ment of Public Works on the 2nd day of May 1917. C. P. No. 19056 -- Resolved. That the Proper City offl- '. A herebyUtb.rt-- d to John ;; 'PAY t Niel' out of the Wo knian'. Comoen.ation Account,of the Cln.r.1 F'ord. M@ sum of 113.00 In partial at- tlement Of his claim for Injurlen, to- P.elved by him while entoloyed by the Department of Public Work. on the 21, day. of MAY, 1917. A b d by the Concll Dec. -4.1917. Approved' De., 4. TOM (Dec. 8.1917) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner PublTchi orks. Peas (fl) C uticil... 07) NayA .1-17 Y*rarth Adopted by the Council__........ .. ........... . ..... 101 71n favor V4. land App, 6 ... _..............191........ Keller Against Aunderlich Air. Presl�r-nt, Irvin A .................... FORM C A-0 6-17 2M "CITY. OF. - ST. -PAUL .. p C ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 _.-.._.•. 1✓Ilii i Subject:._ couecu No / .. FILE .... .... f Date Presented... Dee. 2, .19t4 _ ....191.._.... Resolved, That the claim of H.C.Strucheln amounting to $601,47 for labor and material furnished in co rection with unloading coal barges be and the same is hereby allowed. Payable out o f the Public Utilities Fund -Expense. C. F..No.:198a7—.ny O: E. ,eller -. - Reeolved, That the claim ofR.C. Dorhand mater1 11 ulnle 416013ad [a con; nectlon with unloadln1l ebal be.rge.' be and. the. same- ie .hereby. allowed Payable out of the Pabllo Vtllltle. Hund—F,=panem. Adopted by the I,.hnell Dec.' 1,' 1917, Approved Dee 4, 1917. (Dee. 8-1917) - Yeas (Y),P�ntvlmen (i) Nays V/,-'naworth I, In favor t� yland ;feller /McColl Against 'd..derlieh Mr. President, Irvin FOAM C. e•] Adopted by the Council Approv .. ��'.:- ....... MAYO CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL JL i7(JlJ FILE IV o.. ......... ......... Date Presented: NOV._. 3Cthra17. 191........ That the Council hereby concurs in the recomtnendation of the. Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid,received for the Grading of Sue St. from Fairmou�-Xv—e. to 'Goodrich Ave., as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same in accordance with the provisons of the Charter. F.B. #1576. C. F. No 19Rfi9-Bv M N. Goee— Resolved, That thecil. hereby oneurs'In the recom delunlen o[ the �. Contract Committees and hereby re- leets bid recelved for the. grading or Sue St.from Fairmount Ave. to Good- rich. Ave., ae the bid received waa In cces of the Engineer a Estimate and �I the. Purchasing Agent 1. hereby su- thorised to readvertlse for new bide on e tithe in accordance BIN the 17provision. Adopted by the No Dec. /. 1917. _ Approved -Dec. 4. 1917. (Deo. 8-191b Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Fa*w*orth Goa' 7 In favor Hyldnd Ket[er / 1 M611 ,.__Against Wt derlich Mr. Preside,WIrvin FORM C. 9.2 Adopted by the Council 1. . ,.... _ 191._... Approve 191........ cz. .................... MAYOR I CITY bF ST. RAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^i SU ]ect: COUNCIL 1 i. FILE FILE. N O.. ... Date Presented -Nov. 30th_ l', .. 191.....: I Resolved, ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received .for the Grading of Orange St. from Bari St. to east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same in accordance with the,provisioas of the Charter. F.B.•#1570. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farhsivorth j GOW In favor HyJarid Iteller MSQo11 `, �i _ Against wuyderlich , re Mr.sident Irvin FORM C. a -a C. F. X. 19669—ny M. N. Go. — Re.olved, .That the. Council hereby concur. In the recommendation of the '.Contract Committee and hereby. re- tcrts bid rerelved for the grading of Orange 8t. from Earl 8t: to east line of )Phalen Heights Park Addition,, as bid recelyed wan In —a. of the Engl. neer-. Estimate and the Purchasing jAgent Is hereby authorized to read- ; vertise for new bide onsame In ac- ordance with. the I—Leon. of the 'Charter. F. D. No. 1670. Adopted by the Council Dec. `4, 1917. Approved Dec. 4, 1917. (Dec. 9-1917) Adopted by the Council U`. A.._`...:... 191 i..... 191...... AYOR IM I. - � CITY -OF ST.. PAULL _ .COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL 60 COUNCIL FILE No . . A. 1 141p, Date Presented.. Nov. . 30til&17. 191 _...._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recoimnendation of the Contract Committee and authorizes the Purchaafrig Agent to zaadyertise for bide for Grading Carbon St, from Osage St. to Wheelock Parkway, Folsom St. from South St, to Wheelock Parkwayy, Como Ave. No. from N. line Como Blvd. to South St., as'no bids were received. F.B. #1572. Yeas (J) Councilmen -(II) Nays FdrnitWOrth CQQys� In favor H, aU4 Kgljef WWI 0 _ . Against WuK� lith Mr. President rvin i FORM C. e•2 e C. F: No: 19889—B oer ' rt.eolvao ed: That. the Council herehy.�', oneure In the recommandatlon of the+ .ot PurchaelnRo ARetntet n readveitlee= or bid Rradin8 - OeaRe ..t. to Wheelock bParkws9•-Fol-� eom St.. fr`,°dmo pave No. from N.72. t)tn par8wan mo �blde Como- Bivd.. to Bout6 gii 7. were recel by the'Aouncil1Dec. 1. :1917. Ado➢ted ADDrova r(Dea. 811917) Adopted by the Council 1' . ^. 191 __... Approved .. ............. .................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ _..... _...._ N n FI ENCIL -I V.O..... Date PresentedNov.... 30th_.117.....191....._ Resolved, that -the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to xeadYertise for bids for Grading alley in Block 3 Roblyn Park, as no bide were received. F.B. #1571.. (Preliminary Order 12313j. That the COunc11 hereby - C, F..No.-ti661�t9ooea--f theatt, Reaolvedthe rec hor. a^ concur' t^ pgon to rin' Contract Committee. ^^ thorlse..the Purchar. ading ids were) . nd1(ertlne for dilds tor. Prellmin• , R14ck 3.R F1YB; Nu X1671. i received Order- or, Order by thcl�uncii Dec. '4.1917. Adop17. Approved (Decd I Yeas (V) uncilmen (✓) Nays arnsworth Coss In favor Hyland Keller %McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. Presid6t, Irvin l FORM C. 8.2 Adopted by the Council. � 191 ppprb �f ,_ .. _..191........ MAYOR I CITY OF 5T. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject-.... COUNCIL FILE N O. ...... _.... .... ... .. �� Date Presented.... Nov. 30thd!' 17) 91 'khat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to,readvertise for new bide for grading alley in Block 63 Banning & Oliver's Addition, as no bids were received. F.B. #1575. (Preliminary Orde3-`18119). Yeas Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnyvorth 7s Cash In favor Hylafid � u 0 _Against W4rliclll Mr. Presideny(Irvin FoaM C. a -Y _ 1966Y-'Bh M• .' ekl hereby'; C• . F• No. Council Y the; Resolved. 'M'recommend hereby 'aD-i Coneni. Inthe nt .t0 - Contract. Commltteo andA�e re- thorlse the Purc bide for Qradln6 al"� sd PejnleBlocK n63 Benning & 011vle e no blas were received. No I PrellminarY Order Addition. ee 1917.. H$1 9). 1676. t Council Dec•.• _ pdoDoved Dece 4. 1917. (Dec. 8-1917) I, - Adopted by the Council... 4 _....._.....�. __'191 ..... Approved ..1 191 .... F CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •`' Subject:. ! COUrY�i3t� FILE IL N o .. FILE ...... Date Presented._.Nov...3.Ot)i4.17 191..:.._. Lesol That the Council hereby !concurs in the recommendation of the Contract, Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to. readvertise for new bids for Grading Greenwood Ave. from Delo_ St. to C.G.W. Rt. of Way, as no bids were received. r.�. #1574. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays FarnV6rth Color Hybrid KeNeer '1Mef2611 Wtyrderlich Mr. Preside4j4Irvin ro11M C. 8-2 ! C. P. No. 19663—ny AL N. Gose— , Resol ed,That the Council hereby ioncure in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby au- thorises the Purchasing Agent to re - advertise for new -bids for grading; .Greenwoods Ave. from Dela. Bt. -to ..I G..W. Rt. of Way,. se no bids were rc- colved. Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 11917. J. Approved Dec. 4, 1917. (Dec. 8-1917) Adopted by the Council - -11 t r - 191. _... In favor Approv ... Against � ............ A _........ MYOR OL CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - Subject:. COENCI4 I.. FILE NO..... Date Presented.. ..NOV. -.30ti*!.1.7191...'... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the 11contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing ' Agent to,rea_dvgrtise for bide for Grading Mount Curve Blvd. from Randolph St. to a point 600 feet south of Randolph St., as no bids were received. F.B. #1573. C. P. No. 19604 -Hy U N. a.ee— Reeolved,:'That the Connell hereby concur. In the recommendation of the Contract Committee ands hereby an. - thortaee the Porch a[ Agent to re- dvertlea.for bide for RrRding Mount I�Curve Hlvd.,' from Randolph' at to a j polo[ 600 feet south. f Randolph. lit, Ae no bide. were -received. F: H. No. - 11878:. - Adopted by the Council Dec) 4. 1017. �. Approved Dec. 4, 1917. (Deo 8-1917) ' I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ll r FarnWorth Adopted by the Council - 191 - - Go t' In favor Hybnd 9 Ke4ef, Approve.. _ �._..... 191........ M,0611 U _ Against / wuniderlich , Mr. President, Irvin ._...._ .......................... ...._...... "� - MAYOP FORM e.8 -a CITY OF ST. PAUL COU IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM. Subject: `// .... _: _ t'r FILEENCIL I No.. . Date Presented.....Dec.2,19.1?___ 191....... Resolved, That the Claim of H.C.Struchen amounting to $1574.24 for labor, material and machinery furnished in unloading coal barges at public dock be, and the same is hereby, allowed. Payable out of the General Fund—Docks, Wharves and Levees. - IC. F:.No. 19666-8S O.E: Ketler ne-Wed, That-th erlaltn or It G !gtruohen amounting to 61674.24.for le, .hor. matertnl and: macbinery furnished I union clog coal bargee at Dubne I lock ,c' a"ablte Q 0"t er la the r(le a. rat Fund—Dark Wharves and I,eveee. Adopted b the C onrlt ihc:4. 1917. I I ADprored D c. 4: 1917. rI) c.. a-1917) I Yeas (✓) Cptincilmrn (i) Nays aworth 1� f Adopted by the Council t 191 _._.. Asa In favor Vland ,,Keller APProved_. .�. I..._r __.191........ �u derlich '� .Against Mr. Pry,ident. Irvin MAYOR FORM C.6.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject: .......... ......... ..... ... ......... .... . ...... ... ............... . ........... . . ................ . ..... . .... ...... COUNCIL FILE NO . ............ ................ .. ................. ................................................................ . ... ..................................... I ........................................ Date Presented..........._....._..___.. 191 Resolved, That the Cigarette License No. 29, now in the name of M. T. Tenneson, 181 Western Avenue No., be and the same hereby is transferred to Schroeder & Son , 1.81 Western Avenue, No. Yeas (V) Councilmen (e) Naym Farr ,worth CV- IIn favor Against Mr. Presidenrlrvin . '-.. .,A-. -7 .. __ -M T - T d the Cte'arelceneo it I C.Ith• T -t rn Avenue S8, - "'.3 Western o �- a - I, 'e,. y a.m. .on, t t c"roc'c' Weetern Avenue, Na Adopted bv the C-1-11 Dec. 4, 1917.' Approved DR. 4.199 Dec. 9.1 il) 0 Adopted by the C.Pit1.......:..........191 Approved f....._.....:..191......., ............. ..... ..................................... ............... MAYOR Subject: . ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...... ....... m ............ ....... .. ......... .. . ....... . .... .... COUNCIL FILE . NO: ......... ...._.... .......... .. -1 ...................... ........................................................................ Date Presented....._.....__._._._._ That the Cigarette License No. 190, now in the name of Mrs,,Mary Bach, 922 Payne Avenue, be and the same hereby is transferred to Mrs. Mary Bach, 640 E. Uinnehaha. McColl— Rrenlved. That The U.6-8: .No.. 190. Id"yl Rech, 9Y8 Payne ive:: be of Mn: Is hereby lraneferred to Bach. 640*E. Minn.h.h. Mary,) Adopted by the Council Dec. 4, 1917,1 Approved Dec. 4. 1917. (Do. 4-1017) 1 I q Ym (V) Councilmen (fl) Nays In favor HfKpd Against Wade lich Mr. 1. 'idenelrvin FOR , A-9 6-17 2M i... _®��*enc. r. \o. 19668-1)Pdln I Fordgn nc no Heol. _ • �. 4 ams \teehu . ; `. ueCon:du'f; of the C' �( -�YS11CT10\ ((\ Ilat of the nruPosh ghat. to c mp 1 •.tinvl the t'f at;annu of In;° h An ordinance to settle the claim of James Meehan. f �d one the.e. side• - Sherburne. "ularl h"" THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Jamea.Meehan, to compromise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall which he received on the sidewalk in front of 1524 Sherburne Avenue, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of November 23, 1917, upon payment to him of the sum of Twenty -Five Dollars, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of the said James Meehan, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Twenty -Five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularld(.on - account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the cirumstances hereinbefore noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Bays Nays Mr. Far worth do al*' 7 gD eld;' Yc wu llch Mr.Presid� Irvin IG Adopted by Council. DE e Approved a Mayore d la�o�. r 191 = GVfn F \V J. QA o �Ol\1VY\, TO t l� Lie! I-- 1 f 7 � .� A vvv, �Vcal a� r6' ron�w 1 C. F. No. Ordinance No. / S iiDf�y An Ordinance fixing the amount of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City Govern- ment in the City of St. Paul during the year 1918.1/ The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain SECTION 1. That the various amounts of expenditures -in dollars that,may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City government of the City of`St. Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1918 in accordance with Chapter 13 of the present Charter, are hereby fixed and determined by means of and through appropriate funds as the same are in said charter defined as follows:• CTTV nFF7 .FRS 4GT.d ]C rrrnm CHARTER FUND N0. 1. "The City Officersts Salary Fund", from which shall be paid the salaries of all officers of the City of St. Paul elected by the electors of St. Paul. SALARIES. Mayor $5,000.00 Comptroller 51000.00 Commissioner of Finance 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Works 4,500.00 Commissioner of Pdblic Safety 4,`500.00 Commissioner of EducWtion 4,500.00 Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities 4 00.00 37,000.00 MAYORt S OFFICE FrTnrD . CHARTER FUND NO. 2. "Fund for Salaries and expenses of the Mayor's Office. " E Salaries $4,600.00 Expense _ 400.00 ,000.00 CORPORATION COUNSELtS OFFICE FUND CHARTER FUND NO. 30, "Fund for Salaries and expenses of the corporation counselte office". Salaries $16,180.00 Expense 5,000,00 21,1 0.00 CITY CL=13 OFFICE FUND CHARTER FUND NO. 4. "Fund for salaries and expenditures of the city clerkds office." Salaries $8,400.00 Expense 250_00 •gb,650000= 72 - CONTINGENT FUND Charter Fund No. 5.. "Contingent Fund " $5,000.00 FINANCE Coml,AISSIONERtS FUND CHARTER MID 110. 6. "Finance COm1TPissionere Fund" from which shall be paid all salaries and expenditures of that department. Salaries _ Expense $25,180.00 2 000.00 27,1 0.00 P3rr_F FtUM CHARTER FUND NO. 7. Z Police Fund to meet all expenditures. Commissioner of Public Safet Salaries $8,100.00 — Expense - 00.00 B ,400.00 _ Police & Fire Signal Service Salaries $25,650.00 Expense 000.00 Z, 3 4, 50. o Police Fund —0— Salaries $393,000.00 Expense 37,500.00 New Equipment 5,000.00 Constr. & Betterment 4,000.00 Real Estate & Buildings 13,500.00 U453,000400 FIRE FUND CHARTER FUND NO. 8. . "Fire Fund" to meet all fire bureau expenditures. Salaries $650,000.00 Expense 60,000.o0 N�w Equipment 4 000.00 onszructien & Betterment - Real Estate � K -oo Gp .. Note:- In addition thereto all red pts�for sale of property now owned by the bureau to be credited to Real Estate Account. -3- HEALTH FUND — CHARTER -FUND NO. a. "Health Fund" to meet all health bureau expenditures. Health Account Salaries $14,000.00 Expense 2 . l; 6,6060 506, Dairy Account Salaries 6,000.00 Expense 200.00 Quarantine Salaries 40,000.00 Expense 8,000.00 4 ,000.00' Public Baths Salaries 10,000.00 Expense 10.000.00 20,000.00 Public Comfort Station Salaries 3,000.00 Expense 1.750.00 a 4,750.00 Note:- And in addition to the item for Public Baths all receipts from = activitids maintained at Harriet Island. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. CHARTER FUND NO. 10. "Commissioner of Public Works Fund" from which shall be pard all the salaries and expenditures of all extent persons working by the day or hour who are employed under the control of said commissioner; also all - expenditures in connection with his office. Salaries Administration 12,040.00 Emgineers 56,220.00 Street Constr. & Repair 13,a60.00 Sewer Constr. & Repair 4,200.00 — Street &- Sewer Cleaning 8,400.00 Bridge Building & Repair 4,100.00 99,120.00 Expense $,000.00 Workhouse Salaries 16,320.00 .Expense 14.110.00 30,4,0.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. 11. "A Street Construction and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for street construction andrepair charged to city revenues under the charter. Wages 125,350.00 Expense 53,150.00 New Equipment 1 FOO.eG 1 0,� OO.OQ SEWERCONSTRUCTION &.REPAIR FUND s CHARTER FUND N0. 12. "A Sewer Donstruction and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for sewer construction and repair charged to city revenues under this charter; Wages $21,520.00 Expense 12:480.00 4,000.00 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING FUND -- CHARTER FUND NO. 130 "A Street and Sewer Cleaning Fund" to meet all expenditures for street and sewer cleaning. Wages $217,880.00 Expense 9,920.00 New Equipment Z.200.00 " 0235,000000 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR FUND CHARTER FUND NO. 14. "Bridge Building and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for the construction and repair of bridges charged to city revenues under this charter. Wages $7,020.00 Expense 8 180 00 815,200.00 y Note:- And in addition thereto all'receipto fro+c corporations and private parties forvP rk �_fo;�m Lpd ty force. This applies to funds no. 11,12,13,14. CHARTER FUND NO. 15. "A Public School Fund" .to meet all school expenditures. Salaries 1,276,327.00 Expense 190,245.00 New Equipment 18,99$•70 Real Estate 17,500.00 COrstruction & Betterment2 100.00 1,53'5 0.70. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND — CHARTER FUND NO. 16. "A Public Library Fund" to meet all public library expenditures and all expenditures for art galleries and museums. Salaries992,956.00 Expense 8 00 $182,%51.00 Note:- And in addition thereto the unexpended balance remaining in the Library Fire Loss account reserved for new books. AUDITORIUM FUND CHARTER FUND NO. 17. "An Auditorium Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the Auditorium. Salaries $11,468.00 Expense 5,949.80 17,417..0 PUBLIC PARKS FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. 18. "A Public Parke Fund" to meet all expenditures for public parks and squares charged to city revenue under this charter. Salaries $113,709.00 Expense 47,718.00 :$161,427.00 Note:- And in addition thereto all receipts from activities maintained in Public Parks 'PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. "A Public Playgrounds fund" to meet all expenditures for public playgrounds other than school playgrounds charged to city revenue under this charter. Salaries $21,576.00 Expense 12 410.00 3 ,`9 b`o`o PUBLIC BUILDINGS FUND CHARTER FIDAD NO. 20. "A Public.Buildings Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the office of inspector of buildings. Salaries $23,920.00 Expense 3.550.00 027,�4 0.00 C =.FlISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. 21. "Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the city business under the direction or the control of said commissioner unless provided for by more specific funds. Administration Salaries $5,600-00 Expense 500.00 ,100.00 Municipal Testing Lab. Salaries 11,250.00 Expense?_ 240.00 City Markets;: Sgalaries3, .pp 3xpense 8.0� Docks, Wharves & Levies. 3,830-00 Salaries 2,200.00 Exp etise 2,800.00 5,000.00 r -6- PUBLIC 6..PUBLIC LIGHTING FUND. CHARTER. FUND N04 22. "Public Lighting Fund" to meet all expenditures for public lighting not chargeable to,a more specific fund. Sac cries' $17,640.00 _ Expense 243,868.00 New Equipment. 4 000000 0 , 0 .00 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. 23• "later Department. Fund" to meet all expenditures of said water depart- ment charged to city revenue or the revenue of said department. Salaries - $243,205.00 Expense 166,600.00 New Equipment 11f050.00 New Construction 95,600.00 Bonds & Interest 201 4 0.00 717,905.00 BOARD OF CONTROL FUND. CHARTER FUND NO. 24. "Board of Control Fund" to meet the cityts portion of board of dcontrol expenditures. _ Salaries $$49,42.66 936.67 Expense Conetr & Betterment 000:00 1 9,179.33 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE FUND. CHARTER FUND N0. 25. _ a "ACity Hall and Court House Fund" to meet the city?s Share of City Hall and Court Hou,se.maintenance. Salaries $121430600 Expense 21,0.00.00 New Equipment 6 000 00 39,430.00 .. TNTFUFs�� CHARTER FUND NO. 26. "Ari Interest Fund" to meet all current interest payments due by said city within the fiscal year. Interest $560,161.00 SINKING FUND CHARTER FUND N0. 27• "A Sinking Fund" to provide additions to the sinking fund for the pay- ments of bonds at maturity. . Sinking Fund -$220,983.00 i . -7- D 7- D CHARTER FUND 140. 28 "A Redemption of Bonds Fund" to provide for paying the principal _ of any certificates of indebtedness whether against current, .general or special assessments to maln1ewithin principal eof any bonds toar and which ematurenot twithine id out the provided for and also paying the year which cannot be pa renewe of the sinking fund and which are not to be refunded or otherwise renewed. S Redemption of bonds. $805,000,00 JUDGXMENT AND COMPROMISE CHARTER FUND NO. 29. "A Judgment and 8ompromise Fund" to provide a fund for the payment of any docleted and unpaid final judgments against the city and all disputed claims which are compromised and settled before judgment. -_ Judgment & Compromise $20,934.72 COMPTROLLER'S FUND. CHARTER FUND N0. 30. "A Comptroller's Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the Comptroller's office. Salaries $24,376.00 Expense ' O�OO _ 2 ,070.00 LiBNERAL YU30 bHARTER FUND NO. 31.. "A General Fund" which.shall provide for all necceseary expenditures in cofinection"with the government of the City of St. Paul or any of its departments, bureaus or activities, charged to city revenue and not provided for in the funds hereinbefore named. Municipal Court $20,100.00 Salaries 1 800.00_ Expense 21,900.00 Putchasing Department $157,990.00• Salaries 1 00.00 Expense 17,290.00 Civil Service 9,150.00 Salaries 1,250.00 Expense New Equipment 100.00 $10,500.00 ME City Bond Certificates upon its passage, approval and publication. Salaries $2,000.00 Expense 00000 Adopted by the Council LT—C 51 "9T7 191 02,500.00 Armory Maintenance K V, � McCei( RT [� Against Salaries 3,500.00 Expense L0 0600 . . - MAYOR , 550-00 Armory Site & Interest 7,420.00 Firemen's Relief 12,30.0.00 Police Pensions 17,571.00 Teachers Pensions 12,300.00 Widows & Orphans Pensions 2,500.00 Workmen's Compensation- 8,000.00 Official Publication 10,000.00 Printed Forms & Blanks 51500.00. Water Supply 59,200.00 Art Museum 4,000.00 Public Charities 1,200.00 City Officers Attending Conventions 2,500.00 Municipal Concerts 3,000.00 Miscellaneous and Unforseen 15,000.00 Street Intersections 25,00.0.00 Crosswalks 20,000.00 Local Improvements 25,000.00 Docks, Wharves & Levies 50,000.00 Deficiency Account 25,000.00 Election Expense 75,000.00 Enforcement of Dog Licences 5,000.00 Special Street Signs Regulating Traffic 10,000.00 Imp. Municipal Forest Reserve 4,500.00 SECTION NO. 2. That no department, bureau, activity, board or officer of said city shall have power or authority to expend any of public moneys or to incur any liability on behalf of the city in said fiscal year in excess of the fund. or of any item of any fund as fixed by this ordinance, except as in the. charter otherwise provided. SECTION .N0.3. That so much and no more of said several amounts so fixed and determined as may be neccessary for anir economical administration of the municipal affairs during the said year 1918, shall be expended through the funds hereinbefore mentioned in accordance with the itemized estimates as the same, -appears in the recent report of the -,City Comptroller to the Council, as the same have been modified, itemized and finally approved by the Council. SECTION NO. 4 This ordingnce shall take effect and be in in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. — Yeas (✓) Cowlei�lmen (✓) Nays FarrftCv rth 71. favor Adopted by the Council LT—C 51 "9T7 191 Gobi�' t� K V, � McCei( RT [� Against Approved !7 , 191 WurtWich Q T. Mr. President, levin FE . . - MAYOR ,ORM C.*.- 17 ■ s' i r. s s al u of 'saint Fain ((,LDllt�%rDIIPS'S, �1flCP i Jff.{ FOOT. C-NOL-- w. L. eaofxT. D-UT1 COMF1-1- November—twenty-third 1 9 1 7. honorable Members of the Council, Gentlemen:_ owing to the uncertain condition of the bond market at the present time and anticipating no relief for some time to come and for the purpose of making possible the sale of the Tax Levy Certificates of Indebtedness, 1918 issue, I respectfully recommend and ask that the Interest Fund be increased $49,404.00 to allow for a maximum rate of 6% on same, as provided for in Section 226 of the City Charter. This addition will bring the total of the Interest Fund up to $588,661.00. Yours respectfully, I ALE/H C (M YTROLLER . OED. 1. RIE6 Covwn Au.n.. EDWARD PETERSON D..0+r Av.n.w • 4, 1917 ;sir. John I. Faricy, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - In submitting to the City Comptroller the estimates for the proposed budget for the year 1918 of the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee, the item of Heat, Light and Power was submitted as being 113000.00. This amount covered the contract said committee had with the St. Paul Gas Light Company furnishing this service for this building. Contract has, however, expired since that time and after advertising for proposals on this service, the said committee on September 8th awarded contract to the same company on meter basis, which would bring the total cost for this service to about X19,000.00 as estimated by the City Chemist, City Engineer and Corporation Attorney. The committee at its session on the above date requested that the City Budget be increased by $3000.00 and that the County Budget be increased a similar amount, owing to the amounts placed in the budgets of the City and County being insufficient to pay the clQime for this service. Will you therefore, kindly take the matter up with the City Council at the next regular meeting, with a view of in- creasing the City Budget 83000.00. Respectfully y0urs, Geo. J. Ries, County Auditor. S t N.;;j_o, By '� _/ Deputy Ce, i F..mnwo1,7* 1Y\Puc� C iv s ;MOMMM t?q A a12', ` — ci oFst.rnuL__ LC ER , r sky OR YEAR— s •}` L 1 a INCREASE zt° D$�ASE August 15th, 1917. r Honorable Mayor and k'embera of the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ! s In accordance with Chapter X111, Section 200 of the City Charter, I have the honor to submit herewith the budget of the estimatedexpenses of the Cit • for the W next succeeding fiscal year, detailed according to theme? s funds established by the Charter. i %a The followinC .s a summary of the Budget a z� uz Estimates, Deductions, .Estimated Revenues and Estinat-d :2.7r.d 4 t f r Tax Lei*y for the year x.913, r.ompared Frith tc Authorized 3 < i s � Budget for 1917. 1918 1917 s .T # R� w.. Gross Budget 7,2c7>756.55 7,793,479.49 x Less,- Budget Deductions 1,549,372.80 c, 418,921. b0 g•t$ Net Budget 5,738,383.75 5,374,558.49 Less,- Estimated Revenues _1,11 .000.00 1 6 6 10�� •, TEjx Levy 44,038)189-3' u� t ,625.383.75 4, 038;18y.3 `a i* Based on the assessed valuation of 6127,000,000, the 2,150.00 probable t c p ax rate per 1,000 will be X36.42. The present to rate t hz is X30.45 r i, ttfr 1 . { Respectfully submit d CITY COYPTROLL.11R. r , I 5 { + + 4, 650.00 t f' rr CI F 5T. PAUL - 3 OFFICE OF E COMPTROLLER, �o COMPTRO 1nFOR YEAR-_ :BUDGET ESTI ATES,_ - o T � �� -- FUND- - ,LLER J EG,fsZA No. FUND . ESTI SES UNEx IDTCREASE DECREASE a e . 1917 1 CITY OFFICFFS SALARY 'I 37,000.00 000.0040 (xVTt L �v a s 2 MAYORIS OFFICE !I x r� Salaries 4, 600.00 60C.00 _ # Expense '. 400.00 400.00 000.00 ` . ,000.00 3 CORPORATION COTJNSFL it wn > ti z & �N E T^i 4 Salariesr 3 16,180.00 ,190.00 I �' ' Expensei� 000 00 000.00 IN u � 21,1 0.00 ,1 0.00cn _ '�T r Si { 4 CITYCLFIiK►S OFFICE s T Salaries 8,400.00 400.00"<r Expense I %L 0.00 2 0.00, ��� Y 0.00 -. - - 5 CONTINGZT FUND ✓ I ,_-- ,. d L• nv t 5,000.00 000.00 r - 6 FINANCE COMMISSIONER 04_ x� Salaries1x 25,180.00 2 290.00 � {, 'E b: xpenae 2 000 50.00 w ` 27,1 0.0000 2 030.00 2,150.00 A7 COMMISSIONER PUBLIC SAFETY ADM Salaries 8,100.00 100.00 - Expense 3_0_0_.000 00.00 ✓ ,4tl 00.00 400.00 I X B7 POLICE £� FIFT° SIGNAL S-_RJICE Salariee ,1 25.650.00 z i0000 0.00Expeneo4 000.000 000.00 0.00 4,650.00 { f 1- 201 CIT OF ST. PAUL OFFICE. OF I jE'COMPTROLLER BUDGET ESTI ATES FOR YEAR______.a.l�l$ A FUND COUPTRQLLERIJ No. FUND _... _,.. 83 PZI?6d1ATE3 II tET mlw �I1•C DECREAS E.__ Mo. 1917 1 CITY SALARY 3a i — 37, 000.00 7,000-00Al a u w . 2 MAYORS OFFICE 4` Salaries,k� 4, 600.00 4 60C. 00' } Expense 400.00 400.00 } V-5,000.00 1000.00 - 3 CORPORATION COUNSELrs,` ` 't Salaries 16,180.00 •,190.00 Expense 51000 ,00 000.00 �� ✓ 21 1 0.004 ,1 0.001 1 4 CITY CLFRK Is OFFICE Salaries 8,400.00 ,400.00 $',� Expense j 2 0.00 2 0.00 V '650.00 , 50.00 5 CONTINGENT FUND ✓ 5,000 .00 000.70 ✓ } x� . 1 �mg, . 6 FI1dA21r,E COMMISSIONER Salaries 25,18Q.00 ,290,00 'I� '}"x'�c Expense 2,000,00 1�0 00 i 41 a i - I 27,1 0.00 ,030.00 2,150.00 r k • - I A7 COM6IRSIONER PUELIC SAFETY ADM Salaries 8,100.00 1100.00f� Expense 100.00 00.00 t `d 40 0.00 , 400.00 r .....,, I ,B7 POLICE do FIE" SIGNAL S',_'RVTCE Salaries 25,650.00i a y,000.00. Expense 91000.001000.00 34,650.00 ,000.00 1 4,650.00 ! P' 1� e. r- ,r sCIT FBT. PAUL -2- OFFICE OF E COMPTROLLER R YEAR ---r la _ B----- ESTI RTES FO PM NO:.AA .i _ Coo .�,xx .... --_...._. _._.__.._ __-__ ruNo COLTTROLLERI S iORIZED No. FUND ESTIMATESUDINCREASE DECREASE 1918.....1 0T 19117 t 7 POLICE FUND t , Salaries393.000.00 63,000.00 it tz w Expense r 37.500.00 32,000.00 Equipment 5,000.00 7,200.00 Const. & Betterment 4,000.00 5;000.00 Real Estate & Bldgs. 11,500-00 .----- }' 453,000-00 07, 200.00 45 800.00 by T sr - 1 8 FIRE FIIND Salaries 650,000.00 22,000.00 J, Expense 60,000.00 35,200 00 '- G tEv�}yA 4 Sl New Equipment 45 000.00 50 000.00 f ' �' x Const. & Betterment - ---- 20,000.00 !;�k Beal Estate / --------- --------- 755,000-06- -------- 7 , 000.00 27,200- 00 ! 227,800-00 1' Note:- In addition thereto all receip e _ for sale of property now owned by the bureau to be credited to Real Estate Acct.{Pry' y 9 Health Account � F i Salaries' 1i�,000.00 0,040.00 � ' q , Expense 000 00 1600.00 y ,000.00 Bairy Account r �a Salaries 6,000.00 5,440.00 j Expense 200.00 100 00 �J 200.00 40.00 1 ti$ Quarantine Acatunt ; Salaries 40,000.00 38,380.00 €ti lxpense 8 000 0o 6 960.00 ! y ,000.00 4 , 40 1 y Pdblic Baths Account _ Salaries 10,000.00 91455.00.1 Expense hc: 4�. 1010,00.00 11 K, ! 20,000.00 20, 30..00 {} • r%T FST. PAUL OFFICE OF T E COMPTROLLER BUDGET: ESTI ATES FOR YEAR _ COMPTROLLERIS u r } FUND N O. FUND ESTIMATES A uDGE� i ..,.;..IYUMASE DECREASE X917 i 9 Hz- ALTH cont. Public Comfort Station{�C Salaries 3,a�00.00 '400.00 - Expense �� 1.750.00 "0:00 j 4,750 .00 ,7 0.00 I �` Total Health Bund 9�►950.00 7,200.00 6,750.00 h f� 111 fiote:- And in addition to the item for Public Baths all receipts from gctivities maintained at Harriet Islam. ray N ,t 10 COZFISSIONER PUBLIC MRKS — l Salaries p j {tt r e Administration 12,040.00 9,700.00 Engineers 56,220.00 7,300.00F7 sa Str. Const. & Repr. 13,960.00 5,100.00 i sSMyta ' Sewer Comet. & Repr. 4,200.00 4,200.00 Street & Sewer Cleaning �8,400.00 8,400.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repr. 4 lo0.00 4,300.00 99,120.00 9,00o.0o I F INA Expense ✓ 8,000.00 8,000.00 Wo rkhqus e Salaries t' 16,320.00 1,8?0.00arr Expense 14 1 0:00 12 180.00 t - j �_.,. 30,4 0.00 -2r,000.00 j1 I°; Total Commissioner Pub. Wor 137,570-00 -735 ,00^.00 2,570.00 l 1 STREET.COYSTR. & REPAIR. , ' wages 125,350.00 03,755.00 ,I I r ` Expenee"53,150.00 74, 595.00j� I i r f ui roent 1 00 00 �- 6 0.00 k 4 p _. V 150,000.00 01000.00 i SEVER OOiQJR, & REPAIR I� �/ 00 20 , 000.00 Wages 21,520.. � Expense V 2 480.00 -24.000.00' 4,000.00 44,000.00I 10,000.00. i Ij CITY' ST. PAUL n - OFFICEOFTHE COMPTROLLER BUDGET 'ESTIMATES FOR YEAR 1918 U0. FUND COMPTROIJAW 8 .AUTHORIZED IN(.FiT:AS�i DECREASE ,. 7 / - 18 TREET & BEWER CLEANING_ Wages 21,7,680.00 4,620.00 ! ,. ..-. Expense 9,920.00 41990.00 i. Equipment Z-200,00 5 '-0.00 1 235,000.00000.00 1 tI- 7i Y 4 BRIDGE BUILDID:G & REPAIR Wages 7,020.60. I6,000.00a # Expense 8 180.00 000 00 it iy r 4200.00 1,000.00 II 35,800-00 " 8 receipts from corporations and priv t�r� K.; Narties fornworkiterf performed all Parties p o by city Po e e This applies to -'funds No. 11,12,1 14. �$ _ CHOOT Salaries ' 1 3u S��c I!� _ 1 49,116.00 NO Expense -- 176,345 00 49,577 00 a� •n Equipment '#I�,998.70 8,937.00 i' G Const. & Betterment2,100.00 Real Estate 1 00.00 15 000.00 71 „ a 1 0,,1 .00 340929.30 I'w ,J Y PUBLIC LIBRARY I,I I, Salaries . 92, 9 56.00 731380.00 via' (f Expense y Y.�rD@0 32,231.00 �G O �.= New Books 12 000 00 51, 655.00 �� Note:- And in addition thereto the unexpended balance remaining in the Library Fire Loss account reserved F,,e for new books. i �' i <•; A MITORTin! �� Salaries V 11,468.00 10,719.20 I' Expense ✓ 1,912-80 81.80 f a� J 17,41700 10,500.001 1,082.20' ' I it �I . BUDGET a AA .1 ww oo s•irr -_... UND No. FUND CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFIC9 OF THE COMPTROLL ESTIMATES __ _ -. _ FO ° YEAR _ _.______ _ 1918 .-._-__ ..__ Y { »5- ___ _ _ COMPTROLLER tg A' LIRIZED YATES INCREASE DECREASE z.b.. �... 1918:.. DGET._ 2917 Q 18 PARK Fd.NDi ,. 4 s t t Y n IN Salaries 113."709.00 84 r00.00 8a�c Expense ' �I 47.718.00 �p &0.00 n t Phalen Beach Note: in thereto 40 000.00 E -And addition all re» 0100 1 0.00 3,653.00 U z, ceipts from activities maintained in Public. Parka. I s, " 9 PLAY ROUND_ SPUN Salaries 21,576.00 18 95.00 Expense + I o0 0o 1 e 25.00 nC a Equipment ,x 1 00.00 r 20.00 4,o66.o0 PUBLIC ,3liIZT)T*iG9 Salaries 23,920.00. 16, 0.00 =, - Expense 1.560.00 K.00 i 27,4d0-00 19, .00 7,555.00 - 1 C01� ISSIOP P R A1>B=1C UTIT TTTEg Administration r Salaries 5,600.00 K 600. oo I Expense 500.00 560.00 _ Municipal Testing Lab.,,(,100.00 1 0.00 Salaries 11,250.00 10,5 0.00 Expense ;-2.240.00 2 0.00 I { City Markets 13,490.00 12,:0.00 E Salaries 3,06o.00 3,0:0.00 !` Expense __72-0-00 0.00 Docks, Wharves &Levees 3,830000 ,. 0.00 r$, ..., F Salaries 2,200.00 1,2 0.00 ExpenseI•. 2.800.00 8 .00 i- 7,000.00 2,0:0.00 Total Commissioner Public Vtilit es 28-, 00 i 24, 0.00 I 3,600.00 . - j,28.50 FST. PAUL -6» O COMPTROLLER ' BUDGTES -FOR-YEAR Ho° FUND ORIZ^D INCRITASr DECREASE L'LGET191722 PTJTT,IC LIGHTING Salaries 171 040.00Expense 2433 ,328.50 I New Equipment -45,00-0-00 0 4 000.00 30 .505.00 29 ,2 .50 15,239.50 23 WATRE i FPART'A^IZT it Salaries 243,205.00 21,265.00 ,I Expense 166,600.00 15 ,790.00 Equipment 11,050.00 650.00 Const. & Betterment 95,600.00 38' 250.00 i I. Bonds & Interest 201 450.00 1 046.00 717,90 .00 94 1101.00 j 227,996.00 11 ~ J iII BOARD OF CONTROL fl Salaries 36,842.66 3ti993.00 Expense 79 607.00 l Const. & Betterment 000.00 1 400.00 1 9.179.3 1 000.00 59,179.33 t . CITY F! T.T. COIWTHO USE Salaries 12,430.00 J1740. 00 IE ens@ G oc 88�Q0 .,0.00Equipment 6 000 00 000 00,.7x0.00 69o.00 i e� INTEREST FUND`f r 5390-57.-00 1511. 404. 00 21,853.00 SINKI4TG FUND 220,983.00 17ii,591.00 47,392.00 r REDEMPTION OF BONDS 805 000.00 1x52 000.00 r , , 647,000.00 JUDGMWT & COIZROMISE 201,934.72 21, 284.49 349.77 0 I , e e,• CITY ST. PA41- COMPTROLLER T C O M BUDGET BUSTI TES FOR YEAk __oFUNDtS 1918 -7-y A ORIZBD JIATZ�G „i7T INCREASE D�CRFASE0 CO.EPTROLLEBIS OFFICE Salaries18 790.00 Expense 600.00Valuation Expense500.00 25,076.00 22 .0.00 ! 2,186.00 ""T, 1 G�1` Ul\L as per following details. N'# Municipal Court 'mss Salaries 20,100.00 20 100.00 �1 -. Expense 1,800.00 21,900.00 1 00.00 21`,00.00 - Purchasing Department Salaries 15.990.00 14 990.00 5$1 h - x` I Expense 1.300.00 1 100.00i� 1 000.00 a� 17,290,00 � 1 20.00 I � Civil Service Salaries 9,150.00 7 00.00 ISI ,�X. �•hgh�vdak Expense 1,250.00 00.00 Equipment P 100.00 00 00 ' ✓ 10. 00.00 X00.00 2,000.00, a City Cit Bond Certificates �. Salaries �� 000 00 1 920.00 i� t Expense V 500.00 600.00 l f �� 2-,-5-00 0 0 2 520.00 20.00 ' , I II r A- '. Armory Maintenance I Salaries 3,500-00 I � Expense xP 0 0 00 4 000 0 0 I li "y _. ,._. +�,,. - ,... 0.00 4'000.00 2,550.00 ii f Armory Site & Interest - 7,420.00 8 000.00 �I 580.00 I '-- � Firemen's Relief 12,300-00 12 180.00 ! 120.00 I Police Pensions 17,571.00, 17;400.00 - �I 171.00 I � a Teachers Pensions ✓ 12,300.00 12180.00 120,00 r Widows & Orphans Pensions 2,500.00 2,500.00 li I Workments Compensation 8,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 �I Official Publication 10,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 �I Printed Forms & Blanksi ,, ,,•; "-- O s9g 3,000.00 2,000.00 t Water Supply J L' 59,200.00 57,800.00 I ( 1,400.00 IIS V 4- . �_..�.........� _„_..,.. - .. J�EO ITY 5T. PAUL .lOF T COMPTROLLER BUTI TES FOR YEAR-913HO. AA OJNDFUND E I AU forlizED �INCREASE” DECREASE� DGET I 1W1 1,7 ,Art Museum r 00.00 II ' Public Charities l,2G0.00 k City Officers Attending Conv.��I� 00.00 K !i §~ ' d :5 -„00.00 I� 1,000.00 I k Kunicipal Concerts 000,00L 3. ,Oo0.00 I ' Mise. & Unforseen Expense-!, ; lb,000.00 ~ ,000.00 Street Intersections v' 25,000.00 K,000.00 I 50,000.00 ii tw Crosswalks, 20,000.00 1000.00 �i�� '0 Local Improvements � v 25,000.00 ,000.00 ! � � ate` Docks, Wharves & Levees ✓50,000.00 ,000.00 it Deficiency Account 25,000.00 ,000.00 ” Election Zxpense V 75,000.00 ----- �! 75,000.00 "A��t' Enforcement of Dog Licences V' 00.00 ----- 51000.00:, Special Street Signs Regulating I' x Traffic V/10,000.00 ----- 10,000.00 s s s Improving Municipal Forest Reserve � �; 40500.00 ---- • 4',500.00 Forestry Revolving ------ j900.00 -- --- 51000.00 Grass Cutting Revolving -•----- 51000.00 ------ 5000.00 Municipal Garage Revolving l 1 --- ,oco.00 ------ �o.000.9911 �.. til, Total General Fund 451,931-00 41),670.00 j: 35,261.00 Al i! I; Y ;t I� ..». u i _ °' BUESGET FUND CITY QF ST. PAUL ._. -. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERAA - ESTIMATES FOR YEAR' 1918 .9,. - sU "MARY oy 219TIliATES, DEDUCTIONS, REVFNUES & TAX LEVY COMPTROLLER'S AUTHORIZED INCREASE DECREASE ESTIhUTFS BUDGW 1918 1917 7287,756.55 7r 793,4?9.99 505,723.44 �Aoss 73ii7 'FT + Less:- g - Budget Deductions Water Department 1'717,905.00 9x5,901.00 ! f i Auditorium 17,417.80 18,.500.00 Il i City Bond Certificates2,500.00 2,520.06 Armory Maintenance 6,550.00 ------- Redemption of Bonds 80 000.00 1,452,000.00 1#549P37200 2,41 ,921.00 869,548.20 I NET BUDGET 5,738,383,75 74 58363,824.76 I Less:- I l i Eatimated Revenues ! Gen. Fd. Iliac. Receipts 690,000.00 700,000.00 j School State Appor. A& 180,000.00 180,000.00 " State Aid ----- 0,550.00 ! " County 1 Mill 120,000.00 111,000.00 I " Penalties 6,000,00 6,000.0011 " Moneys & Credits 60,000.00 140,000.00 `. Library Fd. -Receipts 43,000.00 143,000.00 Board of Control 10,000.00 10,000.00 Gen. Fd. Offioial Pub. i 4,000.00 4,000.00 New Books Account 112,000.001 Unexpended Ba.lgnces 114 81 .601 ,113,000.00 1,336,369.60 223,369.6o PROBABLE TAX LEVY 4.625.383.75 4,038,18212 587,194.36 1 ! i � 1 I rItTY &5T. PAUL - e _ •-10- .r,. OFFICE OFT COMPTROLLER BUDGET ` EST TES FOR YEAR 1918 o ESTIMAT_!, I1 a L ACTUAL zz FUND BOR OR RECEIPTS FOR ESTIMATE OF 9 7 9 _.. 918 1 1 16 ._:, - 1s -�- MISCHIJANEOUS _-RRECEIPTS �» Liquor Licences 324,000.00 14 ,000.00 424,000.00 All other Licences40 ,000.00 3'' 5100.00 37,455.00 Moneys & Credit Tax 1/3 60,000.00 4 ,,000.00 41,6.79.55£ Mortgage Registry Tax 18,000.00 1000.00 6,609.97 A�: , Penalties City Taxes i0100O.00 $,000.00 10,419.79E 3t Gross Earnings Tax 160,000.00 11. ,000.00 143,324.15 Vacation of Strews 2,000.00 '' • ,'�00.00 1,838.00 Interest on Deposits[� a 30,000.00 3 ,000.00 32,741.28 Municipal Court 23,000.00 21 000.00 21,202.00 Market Receipts 6,000.00 ',000.00 5.799•'&5 All other Misc. Receipts, Bees, Fines 1 000.00 3. 17 242. j �W�>ew and Misc. Sales of materials 90,000.00 70 ,000.00 2,3110 r n `'15 9c x sire w iW 4 . _ NOiL':--Chapter 8111, Seo. 210 of ! the Charter required thgt the Comptrol- ler omptrol ler shall detail in his report how eai -- estimates ofireceipts may be apportionld to the Charts* Funds. In January the -f Council shall by ordinance, apportion said estimated receipts according to I �. its discretion, ir specific sums to �R .any or all Charter Funds; the residue to go to the General Fund. In accordance with said require- " ments I would recommend the following 8 City Officers Salary 37,000.00 �e Sinking Fund 220,983.00 'T �� ,. - Judgment &Compromise 20,934.72 ', � ` I $ _ Interest Fund 200,000.00, y General Fund Estimated residue 211,082.28 I N3 690,000.00 :M z I I r' CITY OF 8T. PAUL _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL k96 60 No. FILE IV AUDITED I)ECC l i 191— PER . 868 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council DEC `5 191_ b-worth 7 ) ` — F 19 7 191_ in favor A- ry H-—Agunst yland MAYOR - ---- :r underlich ae Mr. President wen Irvin 22438 American S,Tnply Company, 10.03 Schools-b;xp., 39 rgn. Rar.z & Son, 350.00 Police-Exp. 40 W. F. Buth k Company, 90'16 urn ter -Exp . I� 41 Craftsman Press, 55.61 Police-Exp. 18. 7 Health-Health-Exp. e �7 G.Printed forms and Blks. 30. 7 55 61 42 Crane & Ordway, 64.30 Schools-Exp. 43 - Farwell, O=M, Kirk Company, d 177.56 Police-Exp. 97 Schou1s-6xp. 96. 3 11 0 33. 3 Library -Exp -17 . 47 03 F6 44 John C. Flanagan, C.A., Water-Sxp. 45 Hoffman Lighting Company., S c hoo is -C&B . 46 0. A. Lund Company, Water -Exp. Form A. 5.11 II 1 52.99- 74.00 33`.12 Total" Res. 868 - Page 22447 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 26.31 1, ire C&B. 5 Schools-Fxp. d water-F,xp. 17 76 2• .31 48 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 1,678.84 p Water-C&B . 49 St..Paul Electric Company, 46.38 Pol. & Fire Alm. Telg.-Exp. 0 Fire -Exp. i 6 w at er"Exp . 4 .42_ 4 8 50 Jcmes Shiely Company, 82.34 Water C&B. 51 Streator Clay MnfG. Company, 343.29 !later-Exp. Water-Exp- Toted. -3;684-,93 C. F. No. 19670-- Resolved 9870-- - uponethe Clty Treaeory.p able out ts be of ithe herelns.tter speclfled funds and- In favor of the Persons. firms, or corners. tions for the amounts set onaoslt4 their - I respective name". u speclaad In the - foliowing a.wled statement: _ American Supply Co., $10.03, G—. nenz & son, $350.00. \V. F. Huth & Co., 190.16. Crntteme. Press, $66.61. Crane & Ordway, Farwell, Ozmun, Klrk Co., $177,66. John C. Flhnagan. C. A, 162.99. HoRman Llghting Co., $74.00 . Pittsburgh Plate Olase Co., $26.31. 33.12. St. Paul Builders- Ma[erlal Co., �� $1,878,84. j sL�pPaul Electrlc Co.*34$4638. 3t d"0' ClaY �fn[g.2 Co., $343.29. , iAdopted by [he Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec.. 1917. .. ® (Dec. 8-1937) CITY OF OT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°E" L No. AUDITED LIEC 5 10'7 _u.. ER868PER- 869 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:- Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council ��� "� 1191T r sworth q In favor Appro191_ r /� Against MAYOR - --- �� Hyland Mr.Prasidmt1F ei, Wunderlich i - Irvin. C. F. go. 19671— . Resolved upthat wa on rrants be drawp the City Treasury. Dayahle out or the herelnaftar sIgdfled funds and .I. favor of the .,.eons. Arms or corpora, for the amount; set oppposite their respective. name, a; ;p OP808 a the following detailed etat%1.ntt 3. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, fa,l$7.16. - Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1917. -- Approved Dec• 6, 1917. - (Dec. 8.1917) �J zln 22452 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance. 3,127.10 Fire-C&B. 1,118.54 idun. Gar. Revl. 53.41 Health-4uar-Exp. -26.00 Library Comp* riew bldg. 113.62 School-C&B. 95.15 Park Activ.-Sal. 37.50 Playground -Sal. 243.75 II -Exp. 11.00 P.B1dgs.Insp.-S,,,. 1,064.03 Forestry Revl. 364.10 3,127.10 II I I Form A. 5.11 I . CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM x.3670 FILE INC. FILE AUDITED !)E -C J 1911 191_ _-----=Sj�'t�i PER 870 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followirig detailed statement: -Tc c ,rq+ Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council L�% 191_ Fa Wirth �- — 4 19., 7, In favor _ Appr�ie� 191_ M it _Against U �� MAYOR _...___.p y Hylerd c. F. Re.Vo.lsc7z_ oi; ------- Wunderlich er°; herin 1tYhT eaau yan to be drawn Mr. President er*- Irvin. i over of thea neraonat ardparun s1Ba°at �o folio ptive names .et o pr rpora- mounle ppoelta t . F..tejdi R ot.QFled eta[amet0ed in the T o°ETri �" 28 7 Tom: 37 Form A.5-11 rendnrd Btoneo•Co ••=.nee Christ - -E• T. Webster „40Pan}• i3,56E.77. DeA,red Ado by°1R j680.0a�a' _ APProv y Deq pbC19i 7,11 Dec• b• 1811. (Dea. 6.1917) 22453 Fielding & Shepley, 1,500.00 Pay. Warsaw from W. 7th. 00 Pay. Lexington Ave. 1.00,0—.60 1,500.00 54 Chrilt Johnson, 561.00 Sewer on St.Lawrence St. State to Fenton. 55 William Murphy & Sons, 100.00 "ooden Trestle on !.!ounds Blvd. over P-ast Third. 5F O'Neil & Preston, 13,175.00 Jefterson Cretin Sewer System. 57 Scand. AIM- Berk, Assignee Christ Johnson, 5,195.60 Grading Ldgecumbe Pc --d W. to Lex. 58 Standard Stone Company, 3,562.77 " Curbin Cleveland Ave. - 59 E. T. Webster, 3,400.00 Sewer on Sixth and Wagener. 60 Degraff Wolff, 680.00 Sewer on Middleton and Rogers. T o°ETri �" 28 7 Tom: 37 Form A.5-11 s CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM HUAI N 0. AUDITED PER ,871 .._. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed . statement: or,, ..j 2917 _ Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ fF.�orth U—::I ,),7in favor Appr ed SLAgainstMAYOR -....--'--MHyland Wunderlich Mr. Presiden4, Irvin �C. F. Nb. 19872— _ . — Re..i,.d that warrant. be drawn' ,upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter epecifled funds and In favor of the persons. arms or coroaltapora• . tions � epectivah named, as sepee/Hed.Int the folowing detalled tatement: 9 A. Farnsworth, Cora -r. Finance. _ fi2{.00. A. H. Helmbach, 28,772.80. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec. 6, 1917. - - (Dae. 8.1917) 22461 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 24.00 ivunic. Court -Other Exp. 62 A. Himbach, 6,772.80 Schools-C&B. �Po mA. b•11 !-�� - CITY OF ST_ PAUL COUNCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM Subject: . ' - COUNCIL ' FILE. NO. ............ Date Presented Dec. 5', __ 191.7_. Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and direc:bed to transfer the sum of Three Thousand Five -Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00) fro -n the 3.].ary Account of the Commissioner of Pablic Works Fund to the Maintenance Account of said Fund, and the sum of Two ThomeandFive, Hundred Dollars (2,500.00) from the Salary Account of the Commissioner of Pablie Works Fund to the Maintenance Item of the Workhouse Account of said Fund, as thereby an imavoidable'deficienoy in the item of Maintenance may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the item of Salary. C. F. No. 19674—n1' M. N. Goss= I Rd, esolveThat the City Comptroller be fid he le hereby authorized and di - led totrans or the um of Three Thousand Fire Oi j,drad D011.ra. 1$0,600.00) from the Salary Ac - c unt Fund Of the Commis - stoner of Public Works to the DI¢intennncc Account 2f said Fund, d tho sum o[ Two Thousand Five ,Hundred Dolinre [$,.500.00) from the Salary Account of the Commissloner Of Public Works Fund to the Malnte- nonce Item of the Workhouse Account of said Fund, as thereby an unavoid- able deficiency In the Item of Mainte- Ounce may be met without hampering the work provided for In the money In the Item o[ Salary. Adopted 'by the Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec. 6, 1917. IDec. 8-1917) Yeas (I') Councilmen (r) Nays DEC `J T917 191.. Adopted by the Council i/rnsworth "Goss In favor / Approved 1 n Hyl.._. 191 Keller ...... `McColl L > Against FNash "Yoerg MAYOR Ma Pr4teiilpnt� Powers FORM C.1— < �yty That, with the approval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Salary Item of the Bureau of General Administration, Department of Public Safety, to'the Salary Item of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Five Hundred Thirty ($530.00) dollars;'to the Salary Item of the Bureau of Police, Five Hundred Thirty ($530.00) dollars; and to the Salary Item of the Bureau of Health, Five Hundred Thirty (0530.00) dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency: in the Items mentioned. C. F. No. 1'eu (1') Counahnen (i•) Nuys y Farnsworth eos Ily'Iand Keller Akc.11 W, derlieh Mr. PresiW Irvin rORM O A p 6.17 2M Mrsby�In"f"o t n / preventingg a nn u u 1lclency, the Items mi Adopted by tho Counc Approved Dec.. I917: (Dec. &191' It Adopted by the Council _.........In favor App,—d6— ....UAgaimt I Aoc I I .. ............... .....:..... .._ __. .._...._..... MAYOR For a. Sewer. Council File. No. _ :... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1T G y (Y and w PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....open.,.. Widen .and...extend -Davaxn. avenue, to a..width_of sixty-.aix t.c....th.e_:....__................. .......__...... ...................._...................._........_............__...._......._.:..................._.........__.........._.......................... ............ __....... Dated this 04...._......_day of....... ....D.ecefAbeT . 1917 _._.. _..................-...... _...:.._ ............ _......... _._... _............._................................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 4pe-m.,..... widen ...and ...extend ...Day.ern... axe nue.,.....to....a..wi.dth..:.o.f._.aixty-.eix....(66).....fee t , fu.m....8t.ew.art....avenue.....to.....the.... Miezi.eaippf....Riv.er....... ...................... ........_._..... ............... ......_............... .... -1-. . ... . widen and a width or having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by, 'St .rt avon ......... .... ..:.. ..._.. Rlvcr. having e therefore, be it °be Itof the c d That the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a ai a beaand hby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the r:s investigate to he provement. •.meat .t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost t. an cost the nal a ins total cot t er 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said improveme? furnish a Plan, [ said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information re, rarnlshthe ,fonowavement :.. m ....................... . Infor+tion relath .-...__. .. ... ........ .......... _... .._........._ .........,......................................... . ....... ... .. _........... ...... .....-...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......_ __ ^ 1917 .__.........191.......... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth — Coss Approved_ _._ 191 ......... !.Hyland (,Keller i Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. o. 19M—Ordinance 24.' 39,. o nallee approprlatlnR the'.U! - Th.....d Flye HuAdred .I– IHemaotltheyColnm�IsalonhVERAL FckRM ' COUNCIL F_ 1Curba Fund for the pu rchr Ing• n ..[.mobile t• � ( I All6 to rl;enc3' ordl Subject:.. ._._ _... e}If Itl 6a r> rol' the oIf tl'• - I Ubll, pexec• COUNCIL FILE - No. .... „Inco .f till (9l . of 9t' ..._._ .._. ..__.... _.. r 51 CTIIIX 1 Date Presented__ Dec. ...6, 191 _7.. 1hereby apruprl y Ilio u Ind Flvr . F.. No. `L(z�Ordinance No. 3 % An ordinance appropriating thesumof Three Thousand-Five Hundred Dollars ($3,600.00) from the Maintenance Itemofthe Commissioner of Public Works Fund for the purpose of purchasing an automobile truck. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, hoalth and safety* THE COMTCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I SECTION 1 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,600.00) out of the Maintenance Item of the Commissioner of Public Works Fund, the same to be used for purchasing an automobile truck. SECTION 2 This ordinance 0 hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healih and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 1 Lt�r1. Jfh fit' 1.77.-.t� /.,t�ol.;.�- \ •• ..,.. Land 0�c:v ova J E- Yeas (I"), Councilmen (r•) Nays ( Z`S tui Adopted by the Council __ .Uf _ ......- ..._'-...191,...... l:/ Farnsworth Goss L .- - In favor ,,:-Keller Approve_ _ pC .,2 ._.�9!.] x.191........ ! McColl - (� Against �/ „- Nub• "l,�ir- ✓ Mr. President, Powers f, v / Mwrors FORM C.B-2 I 78-Ordlnance No. 0965`; 1^ np Propriating the um r 1 - uad Dollar,. ({6,000.00)! III onetructlon : & Better- I U L ' n oC 'the Bridge Bullding COUNC.14minknihfor the noorpoie. 1EtNERAL FORM - - 11. brl dye. Thla Is 'a em' Urdinare" rendered Subject: _ e preuervatloa of the py : health and ea ret Y. - - 0 rIUENCIL - No... tcli or the Cnr lt>'.......... ............... .. -loin: SECTION 1. ,f Pi, Date Date Presented,._.......Dec...._:..fi .191.7 out or the Conan 'tem of the h Fue ' nd rorthe. C. F. No. Ordinance Resolved, An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand'Dollare ($5,000.00) from 'the Construction & Betterment Item of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund for the purpose of strengthening the steel, floor of the Robert St. Bridge* This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, In alth and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION. 1 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Five Thoasand Dollars ($5,000.00) out of the Construction & Betterment Item of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund for the purpose of strengthening the steel. floor of the Robert St. Bridge. SECTION E This 6adinanee is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety* SECTION 3 This ordinance oha11'take effect and be in force immediately upon its pazaage and publication. � f I / -�: r -N ,.. rL cL.i P' 6'.�i� n -,..c. f,JL,< i � �p' �ti-t'• ,f l;;. e r � -�.c jg1 f 7 1. 1 ^1 1 1 Iv,_ i Yeas (d) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council__.. FarnT_19rth Goss In favor Kl•IIr f- Approved. ..... �..19!.j......._ 191_::... , U I McColl . Against I Mr. Presi51Pewers 3 ;-� Marolx FORM c.e-s - - PUBLISHF:D1�Y Subject:. No.19679—Ordinance No. 398' a elan— appropriating the CITY OF Four Thousgvd Dollars Iron' netruclion & Betterment It. COUNCIL RESOLUTIe Bridge Bulidlllg & RepRIr�RM r the e r construction of thr' alk" of lhcW,hnsha 91. - oxsn,g the Zf-1-lppi Inver - - un emrr—,), ordl nonce r r.•,t eery for the preservatlot COUNCIL t(I{� �A; 9 hllc rra— hcn•th and er FILE N0..... .... ... .......................! tbuncll tf the city oaf...,................ ordain: I 8EC7'ICN 3. j .... .- .,at u,rre la herehr ap resented..._.........Deo._.6. ....191..7.. of Four Th ... ' .f the Co..truetlon A 1l or the Bridge 13%-, I for the .recon }U( C.F. No. — — — — 9 •ke.af ih�.•, rDrdinanoe No. — — — An.ordinance appropriating the sum of Four Thousand Dollars Resolved, from the Construction & Betterment Item of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund for the reconstruction of the sidewalks. ofthe Wabasha St. Bridge crossing the Mississippi River. This is an eImergency ordin— ance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; SECTION 1 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) out of the Construction & Betterment Item of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund for the recons true tion of the sidewalks of the Wabasha St. Bridge crossing the Mississippi River. SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publio peace, health and safety. S SECTION This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and /publication. \ -i - 1.. l� '1 .,. ,.,'f ', t ,• :.r,.,,,..• _ la.t>t owt� l 'wc.c,/c %F•. % t c � •r � i'.,L a cl.a✓._. � U 12-13 —I _Sir i r . _ I� ,.:_ G a... LWri o vvt r,..r wt-t�4c �o�. ✓ ti• r_C �l�' f-�' n, z I I t r 7 t ' Yeas ( r') Councilmen ( d) Nays Far&Wi�rth —t Goss'.. In favor I�e b,I"cC II �✓ �j -- Against /p Mr. PresidPosrerr v--_. FORM C.9.2 Adopted by the Council_ _ _1)EC __...._.191........ Approved. DEC 21. 19111 ..�.._.�.191........ I MAYOR PubLibiiLD >7 r: No.`'taeso—Ordlrinnce No. ordinance. npproprintln�_the m :l.ven Thou xnnd (>ollnrs' (511,000. _ the rsp...r. A -m-1 e( 'Y OF ST. PAUL .'rldl;e nuildim & ((epalr Fund henn . costructloof pier roteotlol he center plcr & the nirxhau JLUTION—GENERAL FORM Id{,• croxxinf; [he 111sa1sF - tiv-. n account or the conxtr.r SubleCt:...-...... - '-f,the iugi Dam Vet\YeonnSt.e ........ ....... �.:J11t1i-� 1 iii neapotls. Thls Ix nInccer •nc•)' urdl n , ronderel COUNCIL tltc pr... r\-atlon Or the FILE N(].. ........... ........ ce, health and xn(ety. 'ouncil of the CI()' o[ 5�— —1.1 n : /I a Date Presented....:........Dee... 6.:....191..7... C. P. 170. 1 I (1 o__ Drdinanco Noe 3 0 An Drdinanee appropriating the sum of Eleven'Thousand Resolved, Dollars ($11,000.00) from the Expense Account of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund for the construction of pier protection to the center pier of the Marshall Ave. Bridge crossing the Mississippi River, on account of the construction of the High Dam between St. Purl and Minneapolis. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P_1UTA DOES ORDA26: SECTION 1 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000.00) out of the Expense Aoeount of the Bridge Building &Repair Fund for the construction of pier protection to the center pier of the Marshall Ave. Bridge crossing the kississippi River, on account of the construction of the High,Dsm between St. Pwa1 and Minneapolis. SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. :Lo -,.f U",-LAl. t`-�•-�-'e l•,. ..:• I- .l w.< <-t...•.-` _..._... L . • p ! U ,e-�..0 1 I- I �l I � U �-�. f .v--- •_E ^ c` s Fail eti-w ° Yeas ( J) Councilmen (d) Days ¢ '' ` ° 1 Adopted by the Council .. r 1 Farms orth C{o ...:........ In favor DEC 21 1911 . Kellor Approved_......_ _ .. 191........ 0- Against 11 ash H ire w..t..rtl--�- _.. :.......:. ............. .............. . Mr. Preside o Mero FORM C.0.2 `� �Yn^'� • ,. I.rLY1i�L�...i /+7 • ' C. F. No. 19881—Ordinanco No.' 891 ' _ .\n ordlnance. approprlating the r CIT` from the Thousand Extraordinary Ac oa'".. COUNCI L' RE Fund for rthe rreecona[ructlon'rr ORM Sammervllle Sewer Outlet. necessary on account of th - qq Subject:.. structlon by the United Stat - 'rumen[ o[ the High Dnm S t. Paul and Minneapolis. I 'COUNCIL in emergency 0rdl... co r FILE NO- ............. necessary, for the .preserve the public peace, health an '"""""---- G UP The Council of the City of DoesOrdala: ate Presented._._ Dec.. ,.. -.6.:___ .. _ 191-7 4 SECTION ' ' Tl.nHat there Is herel; In of Ten ,.e n� C. F. No. L _� 0 T ITT, ordinance No. _3 An ordinance appropriating the sum of Ton Thousand Dollars (810,000.00).from the Extraordinary Aocount'of the Sewer Construction & Repair Fund for the reconstruction of the Somerville Sewer Outlet, made necessary on account of the construction by the United States Government of the High Dam between St. PmLl and Minneapolis. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety* THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST., PAUL DOES ORDAINS SECTION 1 That there is hereby appropriated the eum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10#000.00) out of the.Estraordinary Account of the Sever Construction & Repair Fund for the reconstruction of the Sommerville Sewer Outlet, made necessary on account of the construction by the United States Government of the High Dam between St. Paul and Minneapolis. SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of tho public peace, health and safety. SECTIOZI 3 This ordinuneeishall tare effect and be in force immediately upon its passagan lication. " %1 b -I -I. F,, A ,tir 0'L— t 'L t e.ri� �ov qtr "N' t• -._.t w... ,,..{<. : U �. n..y� 'r, v. ;i l svy, is B'Lt— LSC e 1 I I I i G l J !_.1 Yeas (J) Councilmen (y) Nay py°`f {211 Adopted by the Council U} -..- ...191 Faiwsfo�orth DEC 21 1911 Cy,s 7._,_ In favor K.Iler App 191.-...... McC-611 Against r 1 Yong Mr. PresidenbPowess JA p MAYOR FORM C.B-2 PuBusmD L2 —21� —J7 CITY OF. ST. PAUL .. ACCOUNTIN&44PARTMENT_ �68P AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. AUDITED 1 , 873 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in 'the following detailed statement: Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council0EC 7f �U� 191_ F st ",rtrth 7 In favor ))` n t u t 7 Approve¢VV 1 M d Against - —....—.....Q _ Hyland M YOR ---XPSW=- Wunderlich Mr. President,p�prs Irvin - 22482 American Linen Supply Company, 36.15 CH&CH.-Equip. 83 Wm. Baumeister Company, _ 9.33 CH&CH-isquip. 84 Board of water Commissioners, 19.62 CH&CH-Equip. 85 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, 043 CH&CH-Equip. 86 Haman & Company, 3.00 CH&CH-Equip. 87 Haskins Bros. Soap Company,50 a - CH&CH-Equip. B8 J. T. Kenny & Company, 18.13 CH&CH-Equip. 89 Kerwin Paper Company, 4.00 _ CH&CH-Equip. 90 - Lambert & Company, 4.30 CH&CH-Egaip, 91. Manufacturers Selling Company, 9.33 CH&CH-Equip. 92 Melady Paper Company, - _ 12.00 CH&CH-Equip. 93 New York Tea Company, _ 2.58 CH&CH* Equip. Form A. 5.11 873 Page f2., 22494 Northwestern Telepho e'Company, _ 3.50 CH&CH-Equip. 95 J. Peterson, 11.44 CH&CH-Equip. 96 Prussian Remedy Company, 2.50 CH&CH-Equip. 97 J. F. Ptacek & Son, 3.15 CH&CH-Equip. 98 St.raul Electro Plating Works, CH&CH*Equip. 99 St.Faul Welding & Mnfg. Company, 12.00 CH&CH-Equip. 500 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 1b.04 CH&CH-Equip. 0 - C. F. No. 19682— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Of ter epelifedpfu deo and in the hereinaft favor of the persons, firma or corpora- the set d /ln t - respecor tive u peclfi the following detadled statement: 836.16. SCopl _ R'm.riBaumefisternen $971' - Board of Nater Commissioners, 519.62. Capital City Lime & Cement Co., - ` 41 Cents. Haman & Co.. $3.00. - - 'RT,TnICenny & Co..o.$1813. _ Paper00. _ 3 Lambert &Co.0$170 )lfanufacturers 9e111nR Co., $9.33. - Melody Paper Co.. $12.00. - New York Tea Co., $2.58. North,ne Co...$3.50. - — f 144ph. Pe—ter. J.rF.sPtacek & Son. $3.15' Paul Electro Plating Works, $7.66. St. Paul Welding & 51nLq. Co., Lu. V"1 ---So' & Lumbor Co.. $11.01. Adopted by the Dec. 6, 191791. Approved DDea 81197. L ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �ENO1 No.` AUOITEO 4c is 19 _ PER 875 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ind 7. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 4.0 Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ je' wrth7 In favor Approve 19111 _0 Against -: ry" Hyland MA oR -N Wuncerlich� Mr. President', [mar Irvin. 19683— �� upon the Clty Treneu y�pappable out otI the hereinafter apeclfled tttnda and In' favor of the persona, firma or corpora- J� [Ione for the.nmounte get eppo6lto their respective names oa apeclfled' In! the. folinwing detailed statement: S. A. Farnsworth, .Comer. Finance, $2,938.07. H. C..Struchen, $2176.71. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec. 6, 1917. (Dec. 5-1917) 22502 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, Finance, Schools-bal. 03 H. C. 6truchen, C.P.U.-rxp. 60 47 G.F.-Docks, Whvs &Leveesl TOME, 2,938,87 114 %,175.71 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT S4 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM' rl)U Fy.E 1L NO. - AUDITED—•UC (i ll! 1 `r 181_ PER 872 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: tU}� Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Naps Adopted by the Council 191_ F worth +7 I( r. In favor App 191_ .d M t) Against ------- Hyland MAYOR - Wunderlich Mr. Preside Irvin. i 22463 Building Directories, Bulletin & Sign Company, 36.38 G.F.-Civil Service -Equip. 64 Carnegie Fuel Company, 448.37 Fire -Exp. 78. 6 Schools -Exp. 668 n n .00 Water -Exp. 83 49.7 s 65 Daily Hardware Company, 232.00 I) SChOO1S—Exp. 66 Drewry & Sons, 1.91 Water -Exp. 67 Dwyer -Field Company, 7.24 Library-6xp. 68 M. N. Goss, Com'r. P.Works, 182.94 Water -Exp. 69 Geo. Grant Construction Company, 63._36 Water-lsxp . 70 Henry McColl, Com'r- P. Safety, 795.78' comptroller -uxp. 94. 3 19. 6 _ Pol. & l ire -Alm. T.-Exp.144 8 C.P.W.-6xp. 279 14 Sewer C&R-l;xp. 6 58 Schools -Exp. X25 _ Library -gyp• 3 4 - 795. 71 D. C. -McIntosh Publishing company, 112.93 Schools -Exp. Form A. 5.11 Res. 872 22472 Mannheimer Brother:., Schools-A;xp. 15 .00 Library Bond Account .45 73 Achille Michaud, Otat er-Exp . 74 _Midway Transfer & Fuel Company, Fater -Exp. 75 W. F. ;Moritz, water -Exp. o 76 B. C Ostrander, Fire-Mxp. 77 6ivayle & Kelley$ Water -Exp. 78 F. W. Ramaley, !'. Library -hxp . 79 Walter Salinger, G.F.-civil service -sal. ' 80 Smith System Heating Company, Schools-C&B. 81 Transit aupply Company, P.B1dEs.1nsp.-rxp. 100 0 C.Y.Q.-Gen.Adm.-rxp. 15 00 Pol. & Fire Alm. T. -SSP. .00 N q It , 11 t/ 4 1 .00 Health -health -Exp. _ - 0 145. 0 ' C. E No. 19684- - Resolved thatwarrants 3>a .drawn yon the City Trsaeury, payable out of _ the hereinafter epecltled Tunda and to favor of the peraene, firms of rpurs- tlons for the amount. setoyp..It. their respective name. 88 Decided In the following detailed Map.. 'Building DiretAorled, Bulletin. & Sign Co.. 836.38. Carnegie Fuel Co.. 8449 37. . Dally Hardware Cc 2.b Drewry & Sone. E3 - Dwyer -Field Co., 37.24. Bf. N. Goss; . Core r. P. Work., ; .8182.94. Henry Grant McColl, Carol P. 98nfety, 3795.78. -- D. C. McIntosh Publishing (Company' .6212.93.Mit.rinti- .MchilleeMichaud,liner s31361.46 Alldway Transfer & Fuel Company, 863.00. W. F. Moritz. 81.97 B.•C. Ostrander, $70.00. Quayle & Kelley. 862.66, F. W: Ramaley, %.0,856 Walter 9allnBer, _.. Smith System Heating Company.. 8363.00. ly Transit SuppheCo.. 814660. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec. .61117. Page VT. '484.45 13.61 63.00 1.93 10.00 62.55 6.85 2.00- 363.00 145.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .Subject: ............ .......... ....................... .................. ..... . ... . COUNCIL NCIL ...........FILNO.- ......... ......................... . ........ ...... I., • Date Presented ..... . ....... 0 - E - C 7F. .. .. 19 7 ---- 191 16 Resolved, Whereas Peter Ifiggler has heretofore paid to the City Of St. Paul the sum Of Fifty 1 ($50.00) Dollars as an advanced payment fora sewer or. Lot 20 Block 8, phalen Heights Park and W'h a r ea s . the assessment for the construction*df EL sewer connect- igg the said property is the sum of jilorty and 13/1Cr, ($40.13) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Nine and 57/100 ($9.57) Dollars be refunded to said Peter Irliggler and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor or :said Peter Miggler for said sum payable out of the Advanced Assessment Account, C. F. 19695-13y S. A. Farnsworth— !D Whereas, Peter Miggler has hereto- fore Paid to the city or St. Paul the sum of Fifty ($50:00) Dollar. as a. ad- vanced payment for . solve, on Lot 20. ; Resolved that the surn'of Nine and 16.7/100 ($9.67) Dollars be refunded to . Id Peter Miggler and that the proper lelty officers be and they are hereby authorixe� to draw a warrant In favor at said star Miggler for said an. 0.tnial the Advanced Assess. ment I Adopted by the Council D.C. a. 1917. Approved Dee. a'1 17. .(Dec. 8.1917) fens (V) Councilmen (,') N.y., Adopted by the Council1"Ec. u -!P. 1917 191 F.—n-th -7 G— I _...In favor HylandI 1.1c� 1917 Approved, Keller —1-1, meki.11 Against Wunderlieb ... ........ U, Mr. Presid--jit, Irvin FORM C A 9 6-17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... .. ..... .. .. ...... ONCIL CLE NO. ..... e . ............................... .. .......................... ..........................................IU........ Date Presented _PEq!PT'0 er.Aeh 191.7— Resolved, That the Comptroller be, and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sun of $100 from the Salary Account of the Civil Service item of the,General Fund to the Expense account of the same i tem and fund,'thereby relieving all unavoidable deffici-ency in the latter account. F.r. Resolve,], That1968G—By the 'mptrollerrth �el ad y I. b—the ut4.rl,5d and dirs.t.dl to transfer the seat or sioli from the, Salary Account of the civil service' Item of theGeneral Fund to the Ex - P.— at.0 nt of the Same"" 'no fund, thereby relieving an tmax.1d.bW de ficlency In the latter accounw Adopted -by the Council Dec. 6, 1917., Approved Dec. 6. 1917. (Dec. 8-1917) I'— (o') Coutunilmen (o) Nays Farm%*'orth Gnaw- In favor Hyj.d'd Kallfr Q Agait c It Mr. PresideK, Irvin FORM C A-9 6-17 2M OE� Adopted by the Council._.. ...... 191 LIE(" -F I App,.vV MAYOR Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Four Vhousand Dollars ($4,000.00) from the Nage Item"of the Bridge Building & Repair Fund, to the ffipenae Item of the oayn.o Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item Of Expense may be met .without har^peh•ing the work provided for in the money in the item of Wage. 9 Yeas (I') Councilmen ( r•) Nays Farnsworth Coss 1.._. In favor Keller t" McColl 0_ _ -Against ✓ Nash oerg Mr. Pf€sident, Powers FORM C.9-2 - C Reeolved,9 Thntlthe 6" Comptroller r cod o Itrnnefe, tAeheum d and dl- Thouannd Dollnre (=4,000.00) of the Wnge Item o[ the Rrldge Dullding & 1 ReDalr Fund, to the Ezpenae Item of the anme Fund, ae thereby nn unavold- nbla dedclency 1 the It. of ESDenee mny be met without hampering. the. work oprovlded for In the money In the' Itam f Wnge. Adopted by the Ceuncll Dec. 8, 1917.';. ADProV¢U Dec. 6, 1917. (Dec. 8-1917) - Adopted by the Council 0. ^ �,.L191: _ .. Approved �)� ^ ! .�.. 191........ l ........... MAYOR ■ " CITY OF ST. PAUL - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject: ' COUNCIL FN.6 NO..........__............._�._...__.. Date Presented.__ _ ...lcr..0-. 191..7._ In the matter of opening; Pidening and extending W Kenty St. to a 7idth of 30 feet by taking and cordeyalling the northerly 30 feet of a.miacellaneous tract of land in the northwest corner of the Sal of theII.W J Section 26, Town 29, Range 23, extending from Grotto St. to the�west line 'of Ware & Hospes Addition under Preliminary Order 0. F. Wo. "12346, approved Aug. 25, 19&6, RESOLVID, That all orders in'the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such ratter discontinued. Yeas ( t') Coyncilmen (l') Nays i"'Flir nsworth jl 1. CossIn Favor ,. ✓ Keller VI'Mccoll Against ."Nash ✓Yoerg Mr. Ptesldent, Powers FORM C.8-2 C. F. No. 19688— In the matter of opening,. widening and extending 'breKenty St, to a width of 30 feetbytaking and con- demning the northerly 30 feet of a' :nlecellaneoua tract of land in the northwest corner of the So 'A of the N. W. y. Section 26,- Town 29, Rang 23, xte ding from Grotto St. to the ! tion undernary o IlrellmiROrder C. F. No. 12346, approved Aug. 26, 1916. Reeolved, That all orders In the ! above matter be and the came are hereby cancelled, annulled In each ! re- scinded and all pyocee l imatter dlacontinueh.. Adopted by- the Council Dec. 6, 1917. Approved Dec. 6, 1917. (Dec.. 8.1917) Adopted by the Council_ Approve191........ t MAYOR E.i G. BriOgge j Council File No... ........ .............. PROPOSAL; FOR IMPROVEMENT and a ;. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'W The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. Re c.o.ns truot., ..relay_. and . repair .. the. .a ement-tile. a-idawal.k.. to _ a ori.clth...o.f..._night.._feet-locate i..cn...:the....oast_.aide._.Qf-.the...al th...St......_... _.-.. _..__Bri.dge...apps.o.ach...Srcm._F.o.urth...St.....to._.Siath..3.t...,,...heginning....at............_.-- Fourth.._St..? _th.eno.8...n rth_.apProximat.e.l.^.._.31,..fi....feet................ ......._.._•..................... ._..__. Dated thi.+_........5.th...._dny of Deaemb.er ....... 1017.._.. ................... _.....:.........................._................................_._....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..................E .Qanatxuct.,....relay.._e:fid...'I-repair.._the_..cament....t.ile.._sidewalk....tn._. a dth _........:..Q.f..._elaht..-feat .._lac.at.eti On..._the ----nast..:.slaa_ Df.._the...B.ixth...St...-Uridgs...... ........... .._aper.oaah_.fr..om-Foux.th...3t. ...... t.o....8ixth...�t...,.._h eginning...at....Fourth ...St-,... th.enae...narth ..an.Drax.imat.aly 31.6...fe.et. ..... ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... .......... .... ....... ............. ..._.. .._ _.:_...._.... therefore, brit c. IIrld Ro appro.. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ani inen at none avo�oxh• find directed [oet, having been presented t. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the.,:oucu of the city or. St. Paul l •efore, be IC 2. TO investigate the nature, exterit and estimated co!ae o�Vpr That and he a herebycommissioneror ' •IOt:ll t'OSt tlll'rCOf. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imprl' dolod jodin estigate the necessity or deslrabllity. or the making of 4. To furnish the following other data and informt fmE roToinveeugato the nature .`fit:......... ........ ..._ ___..: and, estimated cost of said . ..... ............... .._.............. ..... .......and the total cost thr....... .... ......._...... ........ To fe— - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked fo-". the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ov r —,r l; y '•) I Adopted by the c•ouncil..__.__............. 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far slvortll Cts Approved..............._ ..... .......... 101 I lOdnd K cr f� 0� 1IcC61f Wu crlich Mayor Irod A1113-or. 'G H Harrold Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.__..opan,...$ider.... and -_ extend -MoBenty--etreet,--to--a-width -of --fifty-, five.....(553..._feet.,.....fr.4Ia.... Simon.....I erne..:.to.....Gr.att.o...Atree.t............................ .:..........._..._............_........_....._......:_.._ _ ........._........._.............._....— ............_............. .............. .............. _................_..:.............._..........._. Dated this...4tk►.., ..:..... day of ._......Deaemb.er- ____....__ ._ _ 1917._ _. _.._........a.............. ......_..............__.. Councilman. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ._f.44.t.,....%ram.-.flimQn...avanue_..to. ...Grattm-..atrae.t......._.......:....... .......... _................_......................................... _.... ...._.....................................-_.._............................................................................................._..................._......................._...-.....................-.-....__......... ..... ..__ ..... .._...., ......_. ._ ...... i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cw .avenue to_...._........._._..._.___._..... ..:n presented therefore, be it City of st. re, ..�, That the Comm/sslc RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public We works he and he Is here, ordered and directed.- And dirk ed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit) 'T i u iyt� di. hmakmg o1 rovement. •ovement o t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature; extent and estimat a o I. a I go i the nit re, _ 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said ito Ted the hal eOpinhereof. profile h of said Improvement e. 4. To furnish the following other data and infornz furnish the following movement;_ _ ...__..... ..-_..._.,. •1 Information relative tr ..... ant. .......... .. tate whet[...... ....._. ... ........... ........ .. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for . r- the,petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. ...... .-_ __._.. .....__ _ _ .._._.191........_ Yens: Nays: Councilman Falb orth Goes' Approved 1. .. !./ ...... 191.......... IIXWd KgUer WutgfilillichV .t ..._._ _.__.........__...._.._..................._............. Mayor Ipvih I Mayor. roses a b�e !I PU13LISHED i CITY OF ST. PA*J p COMICIL RESOLUTION Decewber 6th, 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - - -101 In the r.;atter of - tht. conatruction_of a atorw Water relief_ aewer on Ccn.c Ivenue ?"est froii.-Carter Avenue -to Lansf¢n Avenue, and or. unaFp Place frca. Con:o Av_nue_Te t to_ Rnanp- street - - - - - - - _ - under Preliminary Order 14295 - - -, Final Ol17600der - - - - - - - - Approved - Ju -1 y_ 19th, 1917. _ _ _ 191 . RESOLVE', that the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sane a A hr rPbv c.enrnved. C. F. No. 19&91— In he mutter o[ the conetructlon of n .F;Cel'�8d 3.�-i p3peY I.II storm water ellef ewer on Como - Avenue Nest from Curter Avenue Co connection with above PiucofO'_ Com.' n on- Weiam 1+ ^ p } i1 t l en . KnnDD street, under Prcllminary Or- der 11:95, Final Order 17&00. &P - proved JUIY 19th. 1917.ans acifica. /_------- tioneR.e alnddestlmntes seuhmltted by the Commleeioner of Public Work. Yor i the ..c named Improvement be apd tho same are hereby unM Dd. Adopted by the Council Dec. &,, 1917 ' Approved Dec. 6. 1917. Adopted by the Counci: Yeas: Council//man, Fa3irlg Orth Go � Hyla 4 X9'1 Y,clphr, Me App,-:-- App,-•ov d •.- - °� , - 1Van4jz%1 -i- Mr, President, Ip. r - - i - - - - - - Mayor.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT- 1969 COUNCIL No. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE " AUDITED�.�! PER l 876 _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: — Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council ITEC ','7 19 17 191_ - .. F' VFarnsworth In favor APproed 191_ Me6oH _Against `Ga[Ss Hyland MAYOR j�X►Y-- Wunderlich Mr.Preaif1PQ-9VUL Irvin RESOLUTION& ' `�� C. F. No. 19692— be drawn Resolved that warrants ble out of pays - - upon the City Treasury, d. and In the writhe tperson., firm. ecifled or. corpora- - favor eir ti Peeor the nt.-epeclfled{t1. the - f." drums tollow l; detailed statement: Belvidere Cast Slone Ct.. £611.60:. '` •.., - A. M. Bennett, $76.68. ' Craftsman Pres-, £7.84. Co., 22504 nelvidere Cast Stone Company, iaNIa r)am Park Cash Grocery State. Power CO.. $2,022.42. 841.50 Library-Compl. new Bldg. Northern ct Paul Builders Materiel Company. $6 Adopted Bindery. $634.86.' Wal 05 W. M. Bennett, Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1917. Dec. 7. 1917. 15.68 " Appproved i. Sewer C&R—Exp. (Dec. 16.1917) — 06 Craftsman cress, 7.84 Library-Exp. 07 Merriam Park Cash Grocery Company, 37.85 Schools-Exp. 08 Northern States Power Company, 2,022.42 Library-Exp. 2,002.97 lire-Exp. 19.45 . 2,022.42 09 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 0 53.84 Fay. Rice St. Univ. to N.P. Bridge. 10 Waldorf Bindery, - 634.85 Library-exp. Total 3,613.98 M Form A. 5d1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ..(Z ' ............ .�cIoLu.Evr .F No. ......... ... . ....... ...............� -Z— ................ ............... ............ UE" -.7 1Q1,7 . Date Presented.....:_._............_............__...........191 . Resolved, That the sum of X2500.00 be transferred from the Salary Item of the Commissioner of Finance's Fund to the Maintenance Item of the same fund, to relieveunavoidable deficiency. C. F. No. 19693-33y & A. Farnsworth R, ... lvcd. That 52699.00 11 transferred from of 600 the the $1 ern-ol the corn Isslooer of Fine nee'a Fund to the, Maintenance' Item of the ..!no read. to relieve an unavoidable de. ficiency. Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1917. Approved Dec. 7 1917. (Dec. 16-1917) fess (o') Councilmen (i') Nays 1.11, Farnsworth ` -% 1 Adopted by the C.u-il 0E -.,. - � .7 . - ('.as. .-An favor 7 Hyland -KVH- mcc-11 Against Approved.. '191 4- Wunderlieb III,. I'Wilfl'nt, Irvin FORM C A-9 6.T7 2M . .. ... MAYOR ^ - CITY OF ST. PAUL I, COUNGIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 19694 Subject: FILEENCIL I N O. Date Presented Dec,` 7, 191 7 RV61M, VNhereas, G. F. Graves, record owner, paid into th'e City Treasury thesumof Sixty-nine and 53/100 (169.53) Dollars, in full payment of the Assessment of Benefits for the sewer onHythe street, for Lot 3, dock 9, It. Anthony Park North, and VIriereaa, '.[• 't!'. Barlow, purchaser of above mentioned lot under contract, on the same date paid into the City Treasury Vie sxn of lhirteeniand 91/100 ($13.91) Dollars, for the same improvement on the same lot, block and addition, therefore, be it resolved that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to issue and draw a warrant to said ,,I. W. Barlow for the 'sum of 313.91, payable out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving fund, Improvement No. 706. I C. F. No, 19694—By S. A. Farnsworth- I Whereas, G. H. Graves, record own- ( - I er. paid Into the City Treasury the of Sixty'-nine and 53/100 (369.53) Dollars, In full payment o[ the As- - -' eat o[ Benefits for the BMr on Hvine street. for I.ot 3, Block 9. St. Anthony Park North. and Whereas,N. Barlow. purchaser of above mentioned lot under contract, n the Bame .date paid Into the City Treasury the s of Thirteen and 91/100 .(21391) Dollars, for the ..me Improvement on the ea mc. lot, block and addition, Therefore, be It resolved that the proper city officials Bare hereby n Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays tholrzed and directed to Issue ad drrtw u not to ssld :1r. W. Barlow for the Bumr of $13.01, payable out of 7 Farnsworth the Permanent Improvement Revolt'-d by the Council 191 Ing Fund. Improvement No. 706. Cross In Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1917., Approved - H lDec. 7, 1917. and - y (Dec. 15-1917) ' Keller Approvl ( t 191 McColl Against WdIderlich Mr. P ldent, Irvin — — MAYOR ° FORM C. 8.2 i CITY OF ST. PAUL I - _ COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ 1969 COUNCI n FILE �V 0..... :..._... .. Date Presented. ......... .Dec.._.7.,......._191..7 r Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authori ed and directed to transfer the sum of Vour Tr.ousand 'Dollars 54,000.00) frog the F,rtraordinary Locoai-t of t?ie So-cr Construction & Repair Fund to the Wage Account of the s,;. -c Fund, ac thereby a_n wlavoidable deficiency in the item of wage clay be net tvithont hei:.- ing ;the work provided for i* the nnrezt in the item of FKtraordinary Account Yeas (✓) Councilmen (t') Nays t,Farnaworth t,.Coss -- In favor i4elkl- /� Mcwll ..Against l- Nash I lj�„ .L Mr. Pr ' ent Pewer9J+ _ ' FORM C.e•2 C. F. No. 19695—By /d. N. Goae— Resolved. That the City Comptroller { be and he Is hereby authorized and dl- ected to transfer the um of Four f Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) from the ! Extraordinary Account of the Sewer Construction & Repair Fund to the Nage Account of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidable of dedclency in I; the item age may 'be met Shout hamering tho e wrk provided for In the money In. the Item of Extraordin- ary Account: Adopted by the Council Dec. 1. 1917.1 Approved Dec. 7, 1917. (Dec. 16.1917) Adopted by the Council,..._....__.__...__..._...191....... Appro d 191....... ............ MAYOR ■ CITY OF ST. •PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:1 9696 FILE 'k% No.... Date Presented 'Oe c . 6th- 117 191. - I Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recolmaendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing on both sides of Sherburne Ave. between Oxford St. and .exington Ave.., to the Standard Stone Co., at lump sum price bid of $493.80. Ungineerta Estimate being $544.00. F.B. ;1520, C. P. No.. 19096— �yoan— ReTh'ce tm�Councll hereby - oncure In the ep CNo n'rnct C mmltI acU on of tub he dx eeeo�on trnet (pr hereby _ both Id (9hercurne Av',I'.... r l [ween , t r.] etr ret nd Lexington Ave., to the Rtnndnrd Stone Co., nt lump eum price bid of 5193.00. Englneer'e Eeti- mnte being 7641.00. F. II. No. A E Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1917.1 Approved Dec. 7. 1917. (Dec. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Unsworth GO�g In favor Iblyland Ke1kr^ / MCC -011 C� Against "Wunderlich Mr. Presgent, Irvin FORM 0.9.3 Adopted by the Council 191 J_ APprov 191_ _ MAYOR ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject: C.—CIL It 1%97 . FILE No. Date Presented Dec. 6th. -:117 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recolunendation of the ContractlCommittee and hereby awards the contract for curbing on both sides of Dayton Ave. between.Cretin- Ave. and Yrarlborough Ave., to the Standard Stone Co., at lump sum price bid of $446.90. Engineer's Estimate being $496.00. F.B.#1579. 1 E31 Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth Coss In favor Hyland — "Uen- -{pileel Against "Wunderlich Mr. President, )Irvin FORM C.8.2 C. F. No.969 17—By hl. N. Goss— . Resolved, That the Council hero' In'ell"' y I! e the r mendItion or the . Contrnet Committee and hereby —rd s the contract for curbing on both. at of Davton Ave. between Cretin Ave. a d hrnrlboro Avenue, to the Standard an Co.. at lump m Price bid of $116.90. F.ngineer'e. Es- t/mete being $196.00. F B. No: 1679. Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1917.1 Approved Dec. 7. 1917. (Dec. 16-1917) / / 1,2 ;� Y Adopted by the Council LE,n �7 '' 191 Approved) l .191 _.. MA OR No.:__.........._..._..... Council File PROPOSAL .FOR IMPROVEMENT _ ' �, . J.96195 and w PRELIMINARY ORDER. The under4igned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz .:....... ... ..... ... changing the grade of ryoiiff St. from a point 120 feet west of Bradford St. to Hersey Ave•, Bradford at. from Hampden w •. to MAioott at. and Hersey Ave. from Halcpden AVO* to Wyoliff St. 10 oo$form to the red line on tho_Vrofiles hereto attached and ands a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a Una line thereon, sleo grading said Irdliff.Bte from Bradford St. to Hersey AT", Bradford St. from Hampden two to mndioott St. and Hersey Ave* from Hampden Ave: to.tyo11ff at. to•oonform to the said red line when eetoblished, inoludUg 'the relaying of existing sidewalks where necessary building storm water sewer on Bradford at from Wyolltf St. to a point 7.48 ft• north of Hampden `ve. and resurfacing roadwaye with suitable anterial♦ — i Changing the grade of Wyoliff St. from.a point 120 feet west of Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden 'Ave* to Endicott St. and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wyoliff St. to oonform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Wyoliff St. from Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endioott St. and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wyoliff St. to oonform to the suid red line when established, including the relaying of existing sidewalks, where neaeseary, building storm water sewer on Bradford at from Wyoliff St. to a point 145 ft. north of Hampden Ave. and resurfacing roadways with suitable. -material. ... .... .......... ............... _.._._.__...•_._._....._........... .._- ._.: . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. G +qAdopted by the council......_..__...... G:...:.,....:....-- -:__.....191._..__. Yeas: Nays. Councilman Fat<stvorth — y (;got Approved__....................................................... 191 _.......: }Ivjrtnd � Iictl}6r o V IVuudcrlich t Mayor Iriin ' or/ .oa. c I FULISHE I Council File No ............................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and zeerrzbsroTMB zoaq&uv q mz4y "TPgPTG rnrPozTsT• bzom 18AoTZbb 24• Po cr boTnj TT8 :L;*nozPp o; HIImN.eV VAG* tru4 o S aTgemeTIM 1Agsze MGoeGacr 1, PrrTTgTUF- ePozm Ainoz aeasez oM BLogb � zeg IT -136 L%VeM eGPaPTTegeq' TMGTMgTMR PFG ze3'924n& o; s16TePT31& Hez602. VAG* bzom. HumbgGM VAG-* Po aOTTbb 2P • CO oouyozm Po PFO GUTg Hezae2. VAG" Bzsgyozq 8P• bzom HeabgeM 9Ae+ Po FUgTooPP 2P•• evq Sine P9e1Es030 G780 $zsgTM& egTq M7,0TTbb 8P+ $'OW BzefgSoZq 2;' Po baL4 FGzeoy� PFG bzGGGMP eGPe&ra PTToFeq ge Peru& epmsr oP2, s pTsrG ooA%Ozm Po Ppe zeg 7TMe on PFo bsobT74D8 yoxego ePPgopeq euq wcge td Via._:rooP-_3P'_ewq RGzeG21 qae+:bzom Hg�geM VAG* .Po 0QTTbb_ 2b!�o Dated this 7#L .day of_ ...................... %oo.emb.er...._...................._.. 191 1•RELIMINI RY ORUF.Re. ............. ..... ......Vo. 19696—__ :.......... _..:.................... ........ e , A written proposal of the In ow lnF Impro Councilman. 1 han,e the .grade o[ NV L point 120 feet west 1 en to l A en Ae Ave.,' lira,' --.._._._ Hampdve, to En, PRELIMINARY ORDE o'ey t °to �rn�fn m i the profiles hereto al' part hereof, the pre WHEREAS, A wri Llen proposal for the making of the followinI. grade also brnilo a .. r. 'd St. t Changing the grade of Wyoliff at. from a point 120 feet west of Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Endioott St. and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave. to Wyoliff St. to oo*form to the red line on the profiles hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Wyoliff St. from Bradford St. to Hersey Ave., Bradford St. from Hampden Ave. to Itadioott St. and Hersey Ave. from Hampden Ave.. to Wyoliff St..to oonform to the stlid red line when established, including the relaying & existing sidewalks, where necessary, building storm water sewer on Bradford Std from Wyoliff St. to a point 145 ft. north of Hampden Ave. and resurfaoing roadways with suitable. material. ...... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_.191_._..............�.:r...:.::.._.:�...r............ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farfisworth at Gge9Approved __ ..... ............ .I ..............................._..... X191_........ IlKltlnd V 1�1 heji6r Wtiuderlich t ' Itfayor Irdin ♦r{yor/ .On�l 4 O.n DELIS "'D / Petition o Council File No._ ... . ...... ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 19699 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 00ndenning. ancl...toWng an . esSeMent - In the land no 0680-ary for slopes, for outs,and fills in the grading of Wyoliff Ste from Bradford at. to A-- 9-1A4P-..A U* ZMA-4-A** - Hersey Avs.* from Hampden Ave,. to ........................... : I ........... ... ..... ...... ............ ............ . .......... I at 0 Dated this 7th day of ............. ........................ . 1917 ............. ...... .. . ..... ............................................... ................... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS:A written proposal for the milking of the following improvement, viz.: ....................... Condemning &nd_ts3dLn& au...eaaement In the land- -necessary- -for - slope a, ... ........ lar Q. -Uta andfills In. the grading..of to .......... Hersey ATee from Hampden_Ave. to Wyaliff at...._......_ ... .... .... .. .............. ..... . .................. -1 ............ ........... . ...... ...................... ......... . . . . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ ................ ................ .... therefore, be it ._Ilrof�,d om 'Idict 6 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and otors red and directed - to d.n t ins 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the ma no, r to ement. s1t, I t erefo 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sa��Jhat t 0. is i elnd the total cost thereof. . b. and � 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchof said improvement. vcs f t e o,nin �lt 0 4. To furnish the following other data and information relat nt- "tigot. the ia,to-,ement; .. .... ... . ............. ......... ted cost Of old 'ho total cost ther, irntImprovement. - P"n 'nt J. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on " :.,rnlsh the "'lloirce or more owners. dormatlon r6o. , 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Colillilisslu, e. Adopted by the council ... ......... Yeas: Nays: Councilinarq,rarnsworth Approved...... ........................ ........ d U, I'Williderlich .............. . . ...... ...... ............... ................. MayWIrvin May CITY .OF, ST. •PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! (1riOo Subject: ,.._................. .............................__.....:....... .............. _...... ......._._.. e 1 J COUNCIL No.: � 6 FILE IVO :............................................ ...........:.:.......................... -------------- ----------....... ----........................................................................................ Date Presented ..... _..... :.`_...... ...... _.... ............... 191....._ Reso That the application of the Young Womans Christian Association for a license to conduct a Female Employment Agency at 123 W. 5th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the Bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the Fee, Seventy—six and 00/100 ($76.00) dollars. C. F. No. 19700—By Henry htccoll— 1; i Reoslved. That the application of •the Young Womana ChrWon Aesocla- tio1 for a license to conduct a. Fe-ro- - st 6th B[reet�oDa and the neame hereb,•at 123 els 'granted and ttfe Clty Clerk In Instruct -I, ied to Issue such license uponthe filing f the Bond and the payment Into the 'City Treseury of the Fee. Seventy-siz ;and 00,,.0 (.79.00) dollars. j -Adopted by the Council Dec: 7, 1911. Approved net, 7, 1917... (Dec. 19-1917) i � w 1•eas (i') Coundlmen (i') Days FarRgrwrth 7__ %j Ggp- /...._.In favor _-.. tlyl�rr —� 1917. Selle>lr^, APproveJ.,. / ^__ .... .._(_.. .. .... _.... .191........ McGtf .fir./_Against U R'unilellich ! ..!....................._..__................._..__.... .. Mr. lrresiden�ip-....._.........__....M Av0R..... FORM C A-9 6-17 2M CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.. . . ......... .. ....... ........ . ........... ......... .......... ...... ............................ . ....... . .... .................... JL9701 COUNCIL FILE............................................. No. .. ..... . ... .. ........... ....................................... ............................................. .......................................................... Date Presented......_ ............ . ..... _.........:_.191..._ Re I eed, That the application of F.P. O'Malley for a, lioepBe to conduct a motion Picture Theatre at log 0oncord Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such aJoense upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50-00- r. That doe o lie.... JM�oa'G.. 0.1d.110Y or Thentre .1 ere 1 V%�tton pletur ond th ereb: ; loor cord Btrodftnd-the Otit. I gr - U. I nitru.t.d to 'It' .'z":'C ty Treasury 1917 t h. P.yooert In, o $50.00- Council Pec• the f,e, %5e.obtne Coo t �,d.tod bY Dec. 1. 1, 'proved (Dee. 15- 9 Ve.. Councilmen (I') Nays -'F.rmworth Go. In favor Hyland Keller J-)� Against 11 underlieh Mr. Pre.ido.t. Irvin. FORM C. A-9 6.17 2M L)EC -t7 1917 Adopted by the Council-- . .. ...... . ... — - 191 7 191 Approved .. 191 .......... ........... .. ............ - ....... ... .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,tet: t- - - ----- - -------- - ......... ..... . ..... ............... ... ....... .... ... ....................................... . ...... t1,9702 COUNCIL FILENo . .... ............... . ....... .... ...... ... .......... ........................................................................ .... .... .............................. ............................... i Date Presented..._--...__....._.... ...._...._191..... Resolved/1 That the Commissioner of Pub! ,o Safety 18 hart -by authorized to appoint and employ at a salary of from 090.00 to 4120.00 E:er month, for services in the Mixnioipal Garage, One (1) General Bookka3per in addition to the employes harctvfore authorized by Administrative Ordinance No. 3717, apT:loved June 5th, 1916, and amen&--,nta thareto. Re-l—cl," That be enry McColl— Cmr Public safety is hereby authorized t" 1PP1I1$1t0a1d nnI.,0aPcal., from �. to $i'o. ' r. month,, fol rvlrrs in the Afunicip.1 a ... its 0. General Bookkeeper In additl .. t� the emp, Oyes heretofore authorized be Administrative Ordinance No. 3717, apt proved June 5(h, 191 . and amend; .—t. thereto. I Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 191-14 Approved Dec. 7. 1917. (Der. 16-1917) I*— C.0—fluen N.y. Farnsworth Go.. 1. favor Hyland Keller VlAccoll - Against " W—derlich Mr. Plyd-nt, Irvin FORM C A�I) 6-17 2M I Adopted by the Council. - 191. App—cd 4�-'' f ............ .. 191 ........... .. I .... ......... CITY OF ST. k'AUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PU, Subject: .k__'ao ...... . .................:....:...._ ..............._:......__................. _..:.........:......_......:_..................... AN9 703 COUNCIL w� ' FILEIVO..............._........._........... ...... Date Presented...::°c.....ts,........._...........:...191 V Resolved, -hat the.r..p,ie ytioza of t ;e follo-:in -• for a lioenue to conduct i otolo or Fertauranto at the locations res :ec ivel;r i :dioate'_ be wn� the same mora hore';y, Egante 1, anti t':e "ity clerk is authorized and directe_t to issue <'Uoh li eno^ to a i i .:ersons upon the D4a,ynuant Of t1.e fee w r 'uirel 73y ia:1, Sitz:nan .- "itzm�n, Atlantic ;islet, 112 T: 7th 'st, , relericks, 7.00a':ei Hotel, 274 7th :_ „ :ieuran Lros, re etaur _.nt, 383rd c t„ '.11a, L. 7aziluohev, Teatwurant, 395 "'i')ley 3t., :re A. r:ramer, F:eetaurai.t, 1150 = 7th, feat ureal, 13 . 5t 1 Ut„ chune 1 vena, re3taurant, 0+,1 ;a aha :stc„ Dan ?api:aa, -..octaurant, 4721 '.t, Peter St., fens (') Councilmen (i') Nuys Ferni,orth G uysct,a ,x-F� R'l(n I Lch ' Mr. Preside , Irvin FORM C A -a 6-17 2M 1 C. F. Ao: 19703—By Henry Mccoll— t ' Resolved, Thnt the nPplic¢tlon of [hyo folloVa Pereonn for ¢ Ilcense to c n dart Hotetn or Ree[nurants a[ the lo. cnttons respectively Indicated n nh( the a me are hereby, granted, and ted Citi' Cters 1s thoriz to and directed . Inane such license to sold fe Peraone upon the payment of the fee na re- pulred by law: Kit'mnn & Kltzmnn, Atlantic Hotel. 11 % E. 7th St. C. rrcderlcks, Rosabel Hotel, 271 E., 7th St. Neuman Bros_ Restaurant, 36 «'est 3rd St. Alias & Kamuchey. Restaurant, 396 Sibley St. Wm. A. Kramer. Restaurant, 1160 E 7th St. G. M. Thompson, Reetnu runt. 13 East) 6th St. Schuneman & Evans, Restaurant! 6th & R'abasha Sts. Dan Pappas, Restaurant. 172% St Peter St. Adopted by the Councll Dec. S, 1917 Ap Proved Dec. S. 1917. (Dec. 16-1917) I� e..........In favor Against UEC -8 1911 Adopted by the Council 191 ..._.. ApploveJ....... _ l\/1 _.., _.. .__._.;�.. ....._._.....191........ V t �n CITY OF, ST. PAUL ( COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GOAL FORM Subject: :.._. . ....::.. .........................:.:......._..._................_....... ........ 19704 . COUNCIL w 000 IVO . ......... ...... .. ... FILE .................. ...... .Dec., L' 7. Date Presented ...... . ............... ........... :._............ V Re?ki:e - : oa of 'o _ :o :i —_ er: , for liter ; +,; t , e to oo;?Quct ot�l: or re the aarde aie, ne?'e —y, r-JC,te3, same not havingbeenapproved .by the Chief of Police f r .:(sI',e-heB'.n7vitz, 'anrle .otw ictal, -moi; "'�•nnetsota. :.t., c r. Tao. 197oe—a� r} riccau— Reeolved, That the np�)Icatlon of floe following persona fpr rt Ilconee tr �nduct Hotels a Restau pante t thr orcations respectively Indleated, be metnot havingrtbeen apero ebY th, ChlaL Of Police: approved by thr Dinile 4$0 The—vit., \fin nesola Hotel. - Tflnneaoln St. Adnplsd by the Council Dec. e, 1317' Approved D -c. s, )917, - (Dec. 15-1917) 6 1'eas (✓) Couacihaen (✓) Rays - Fa40worth Golo-- ...._::..In favor yt"n - �lilsll�r D1pCn11 .�,%. Against R'u�li h Die President vin FORM C A-9 6-17 2M Adopted by it Conm•il °_...-L)c.:_.� Approved...../. ,_... ...... ._.:....t_ .. .. ...............101._..... _ ... ...... ............._..,.................... _............._..._...... AYOR --__- -- ' r ~ TO THE.IIONORABLE THE COUNCIL 0 .19704 hereby make-applicagiag'to the.Council of the City o an, for a License to conduct a � and mthat end does hereby certify 'mfollows: ' his (its) place of residence (avenue) mthe City m[St. Paul; that proposes to carry on business is -.................. ....... ' the City of St. PatAl. That the said applicant is in the City of St. Paul. - �7 "^+c°r Dated Ni°----'�O«r"L--'------------------ ---- ................. ... ...... r^--- � Applicant. ' _ � � Date "fexpiration aLicense -' - '' � Fire Protection. __....... ... '... ........... .......... ........... .............. ... -_____----' veotil"a"u � Meats and Provisions ............ ... ..-..... .... ________'��________�_____ � . | | Toilet Rooms and Plumbing -.±a ........... ....... ........... --- -------------- -...... ......... --------- ---- __-............. ....... .... - Kitchen and n"aig,mm,and a,"oRoom- ----- ......... __' Basement and cou" ,__ ' u",k Yard ........... -..... ....... ....... ........... -��epe�._�'--� °- General Condition a _....... - License Recommended- .............. � City_Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. -------� -` ArxPIomE-D. a»nmv,o: Health Officer. of Police. . N Subject:_ '-- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 19705 COUNCIL No. - FILE Date Presented 1)EC 2 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. -_-- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No -g-•p-lerce_-_Wi1l_iams,329 st.Pet_er St__ 225,Jos_a;�h� Kv�iSt�P�tt. No. - I No. _ No. :C. F. ----- That the followlnF dealR-� noted llcenae¢ to Hell Intoxlratin� NO. liquornnt eto raPPli �e don edulidi mad. -___----.---_------- -"—or: Nn 225. from 7oeaph A. Krn mer. 229 No ct Tater RL, to F. Pierce will,.... -- 229 St Peter St'--- Adopted hY the. Connell 1-122,1911T.- Approved D c. 2 2911917) No. ------- - No. --- No . -- No. - - --"- - - No. « - Pena ( ) Couocilnle❑ (.'),Nays J00farnsa•ortll lu (ncor YY�'Hyland �{cller �'1('IcColl _ :\gaiust Mr. PresvInt, Irvi❑ UCC 22 1191 - 91. ........ :\doptetl by fhc Colmeil Approecll UIW �i' l9ij ..+ ........191......... ��� MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---LIQUOR LICENSE Subject: 1'9706 COUNCIL _. FILE. W - ---' "W Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant.. Location. Charles. ;G. O'Connelh - —_ --_-- —210 T 7th -St. C, i' No:. Th That Henry le-tinl— Re 1 et 1-hnt the apPllcation of [he [ 110 II�K persona for nt Itheic n locn�. __.. veil Intoxicating Ilquora __.._. _ . ....... _ 1 the s respectively In Frnnted. be arc the n y are di tCity Clerk la authorized and directed -- _ said tco leave such Ilcenee. tR ---_"- nte upon the I "I t the bond a d the payment of the dee required by Adopte'Charlesd by the Council DR• 8t 1917. _.. Approye0 8 D917. 1 ec. 161917) Yeas ('") (.'ounl•ilmen (i) Nays - Fur4ilw•ort li Gana Iii favor Hyl:Sfil 'Cellar jl bi�fi6jl _ Against 11'u� rlich Mr. Prtsident�rcin 1d�opted by the Count•il _Q 1 l MAYOR 1070t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 7th, 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - -1P1 . In the hatter of - _ constructing curbinz on all corners at the intersection of Laurel and zersohe,l- Avenues 16455 1 P911 under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - - - - - Oct_ojier 10th, 7 Approved - - - - - - 191 .. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications rd estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public -Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby tpproved. Cl- F. No. 197070 ;In the atter [ constn�c•tina• curbing R('e(LVF of all corners at the Intersection o[ .Lnnrol and Herschel xv ea naer Connect:, d 'i11 Papers j,n• Preliminary Order 16455. Final Order rr^ Op with abova�';. 18911, pproved Oct. 10, 1917: = 01_ (7 t; 1 Resolved, Thnt the Plans, pecldea- fin. it and estimates submitted by Commleeloner f Public Warks for the '..e bo,. Warned Improvement be and the -- 7 � L - '.same are hereby nPProbad. (( Adopted bythe Council Dec. 1917. `--1.-— Approved Dec. 8, 1917. (Dec. 15-1917) , Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - - - -- 4, , . Yeas: (� ) ( 0 Nays • i Councilman FaoTe5rrorth C� xy�ia { Lic ��]]. 1 Approve ` -y� - - 191 . l'lu�ider ch Mr. President FjWin - - - _ - ! _ - _ Mayor. i. - , CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL N 197,08 No.- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE N BY 0L� AUDITED ii 181_ PER 881 nru Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter ape cified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the CouncilI lre '.191_ Fa". orth q In favor Approved r 191_ M 1t 0 Against «..r.....-.a.(i)1 Hyland ._ _ MAYOR - -^gf Wunderlich Mr. President, P err Irvin. I a 22542 A. G. Eriekson, 3,804.10 y Schools-C&B. 43 J. W. Hulme company, 81.83 Library-Compl. new Bldg. 44 C. F. No. 19708-��— ponnbe drawn theoCHphTreoweury pgy able Out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the Derepn., firma or corpora - respective far the.nmoim to eeT opooslta their ` respective name. m specified In the followlnR detailed statement: A C. Hu lme Co3,804 m'any,0$81.83. .\dopted br the Co uncll Dec. 8, 1917.' Approved Dec. 8, 1917. I Dec. 16-1917) a t L 5•Il CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COU No.19709 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED d.E.0 8 lyl ( 181_ _. c./iw.�re.w• •. _ PER 88b Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective flames as specified in the following detailed statement: _g 191 . Yeas ( 11 ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council 4c Fa.�4.rth / "- IQ. 7 Gpw-, Lj In favor Approved 191_ 46161P M_Against -..—.►Aiiy Hyland MAYOR -..., Wunderlich _._--- Mr, Pres3ent, Irvin. C. F. Nu. 19709- Resolved that warrants be drawn 6 upon the City Treasury, payable out of :hehereinafter specified funds and in ' - savor ofthe persona, firma or corpora- :Ions for the amounts set opposite their - •espective names, specified in the 'ollowing detailed statement: - S.A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, _ Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1317. APProved Dec. 8, 1917. (D-. 1"0-1317) ` 22544 S. A. b'arnsworth, Com'r. Finance,16,262.06. Eng. insp. rund 3,2 40 St. C&R. -bel. 2,513. 5 Swr. C&It�Ial. 1,043 6 sS .uing-- 5,793 02 Bdg. Bldg. & Repr. 39 .82 �aprinkling _ 36 .12 G,F.Orosswalks 349 04 Mdeo.Blvd.River 162. 5 __pay. " Mds. Blvd. 968. 4 " Rice 8t. 85 25 9 Perm. Imp. Revol. Robt. Sewr 1 .40 Pay. Blk 5 Warrendale 3 2.70 Pay.. 7th St. 4 .46 Pump. Sta. Payne 47 65 Pay. Ith St. 16a 262.06 Form A. 5.11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No.19710 a _ AUDITEDgEG PER------;tJ%YC 880 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: U� U 1 ' Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council _�--191-- In 191_In favor Approv t 191_ .d611aa +� Mc9dif Hyland Against — ��� YOK/''EF Wianderlilh _ MAYOR Mr. President P ers Irvin 22541 M. N. Goss, Com'r. P.Works, 340.46 Schools-M&E ^^F No. 19710— Resolved that ra is be drawn; pon the Ctty Treasury, D yable out of _ :he hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firma or corpora -I _. [tons for the amounts set opposite -their, respective names -ae specified In the following detailed statement: \f. N. Goa., Com'r. P. Works, $30.46.1 .adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1917. . Approved Dec. 8. 1917. (Dec. 15.1917) ' Qn+aT X40.46 ` ) Por. A. 511 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT y711� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM IL F LENO1 No. ._ AUDITED IPER - 879 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: L v '.p Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Naps Adopted by the Council 191_ Farli"Vorth r — !� t� In favor Approved 191_ M1 �LAgainst _---.._Qlry Hyland MAYOFO ------�--/Wunderlich,. Mr. President ers Irvin. C' F ve1J..'at warrants be drawr. yabl out upon the City Treasury. P in hereinntter specfaed . or �orporan firms Itathe vor of the persona, lions for the ntnounts set ,Ifl.ditintht„e , resPecttvc detailed statement. _ Cnrl'n & sandqulrt. $340A0. _ .- I[o EmLL Gierke, $14.00. [{sough Brothere. 511.300.00. \V. H. Malone Co...E2.947.60. 54.000.00. O'Neil & Preeton. Adopted by the Council Dec. Avvroved o'159isiv) 22536 Carlson Sc Sandquist,Dec._ _ 340.00 Grading, curbing ewa s steps, terracing and, sodding Fulham 5t. — 37 Emil Gierke,. 14.00 G . -Mise. & Unf . 38 Keough brothers, 11,390.00 Grading Field Ave. 00 ” Bellevue 85 00 " Stewart Ave. 6,4 .00 Madison 3 3 .00 11, 0.00 (� 39 W. H. Malone Company, 2,847.50 Grading Palace. 40 O'Neil,& Preston, 4,000.00' Capital Ave. sewer System. Form A.6-11 - CITY OF ST. PAUL n. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT f97 AUDITED- CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No. - nY oau AUDITED nE�' " L I � 181 PER 878 E Resolved that waren drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and' in favor of the persons, firma or corporations for the ants set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council ��-� 'g 191_ Farkworth GPei In favor Approved _191_ a 0 Against Ryland MAYOR «ry ---- - Wunderlich Mr. President wenµ Irvin . 22512 The Bareett Company, 867.14 bridge bldg. & Rep.Exp. 2 Pay. Rice St. 45 ..79 " Mounds blvd. 12 6 Pay. Minn. St. 25 7' - 861.14 13 W. M. Bennett, 47.04 Fite -Exp. 14 Corning, Donohue brick Company, 53.00 Schools -Exp. 15 Great Lakes Uoal & Dock Company, ` 267.50 Sprinkling. 16 Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 210.28- 5chools-rap. 17 ' Chas. Hansen, 35.25 Schools -Exp. 18 Highland Spring Company, 35.25 Mayor's Uffice-Exp. 1. 0 n n w 1 50 _ „ n „ 1 50 Co�.Exp, _ 7 .0 0 3. 0 `'om r..r'in-Exp. 3'. 0 G.Purch:Dept.-Exp. 1. 0 ". 2 25 C.P.W.-Exp. 4.50 o u .50 Schools -Exp. .25 Ill It25 35 25 Form A. 5.11 - - _ Res. 878 Page w2. 22519 Hoffman Electric Company, 2.00 Schools-ixp ., 20 J. W. Hulme Loompany, 11-t17 Schools -Exp. 21 Mrs. J. UJones, 19.50 Library -Exp. 22 The nettle River Company, '267.30 St.C&K-Exp. 23 Henry McColl,-Uom'r. P.Safety, 37.44 Schools -Exp. 24 McClain & Hedman, 80.70 u.P.;,.-Gen.Adm.-Exp. 12. 0 Schools -Equip. 41 00 Library -Exp. 1 .40. Hater -Exp, 8 50 80.70 25 W. H. Malone , j 42.00 Schools-Ct&B. 26 Northern 1,oal & Dock,Companp, 31.05 Schools -Exp. 27 Northland Pine Company, 240.00 hewer C&'1 -Exp. 28 Northwestern Elec. Equip. Company, 26. 34 Pol. & mire Alm.@. -10(p. 5. 6 If n ° u 8. '3 w u u, n 11 5 n u u n 1 17 Schools -Exp. 23 26 34 29 Northwestern Fuel Company, 592.86 Fire -Exp. 571. 6 Sewer C&R-Lxp. 21.20 592 6 30 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 285.44 U.1, Civil Service-Expl .75 Health -Health -Exp. 66 22 ° Health-f{uar-Exp. 11 10 7 14 84 u n .. 95 n ° u 18 .94 Wst er -Exp . .17 PS5 44 31 Prussian Remedy Company, 7.35 ° Health-P.Comfort Station -Exp. 32 Raymer Hardware Company, 15.71 Pol. Exp. 2. 2 Fire -Exp. 4. 8 6 86 Pol. & F.A.T.-Exp. .80 Library -Exp. .25 . 5.71 33 M.'Rose.n & Company, 145.11 Fire -Exp. F Res. 878 - ' 17 Page -f3., 22534 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 414.22 Schools -Exp. 3 0 » 1.5 Schools -equip. 3. 0 - Library-NBooks. 97 25 - „ u 9 05 15. 1 - " 99 0 " .81 4 4.22 35 Williams Coal Company, 721.72 Tire-Ex�. 11 4 207. 0 Schools -Exp. 82 88 20 .00 4 .E1 n 61&. 69 _ 721 72 V- • Total 4455.37 �G�f 97[hat warrant. be' drawn S7NOq iy Treasury; Payable out of ��e.fter specified fund. and in o.A. persona, firm. or corpors. o the amounts .et opposite [hely ',ivn name. ae specified In the 4 Ing -detailed tat..c.t: .. — Hnrrett Co. 1867.14. Bennet[. .04. "Cc rning, Donohue Brick Co.. $61.00. - Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, - - $267.60. - Hang Roofing & Cornice Company, 1210.28. -- Cha.. Hansen. $35.26. Highland Spring Co., $35.25. Hoffman Electric Co., $2.00. " - 7. Hulm. Co., $11.17. Mrs. J. O. Jones, 119.60. - - The Kettle River Co., $267.30. Henry McColl, Com-, P. Safety, $37.44. McClain & Hed men, $80.70. - W. H. 3lalone, f42.00. Northern Coal & Dock Co.. $31.05: Northland Pine Co., $240.00. Northwestern Else. Equip. Company, $26.34. Northw fpatern Fuel Co., $592.86. Noyes Bro.. & Cutler, $285:44. Prussian w madr C.. $715. $36.71. Rosen Mg ..rCom Da St Paul Book & Stat lonelry Co., $414.22. .. Williams Coal Co., $721.72. Adopted by the Council. Dec. 8, 1917. Approved Dee S. 1917. (Dec. 16-1917) _ V, CITY OF, ST. PAUL - �CCOUNTINO DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COU NO AUDITED ,I r- -�}' 19— . PER 877 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified iq i t�erow q detailed statement L_ —U Yeas ( J) Councilmen.( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ Far�rth (. -.• 7 f qw y In favor Approved 191_ di+ellef l THaQof1 U Against Hyland MAYO 9. ;X -Irvin Mr. President, ;X -Irvin . Ca F. No. 19 Met ;Upon the dCity LT eaeurYt VnYableBout f the hereinafter ,Pec., [undo and In favor of the perspns, firms or cor- _ pora;:on, for Iba amounts set. opposite a their resDective name, as ,p.ctfied In the tollowing detailed statement: o Merchants National Bank. 549.101.77. Adopted by the Council Dea'a, 1917. Approved Dec. 8Dee. 164917) 22511 Merchants -National Bank, 49,101,77 Red. Bonds 1917 acct- G.F.—Misc. & Unf. Interest a Perm. Imp. Rvl. Int. Acct. Spec. Assess Bond & Int. S Assess Bond Jnt. Acct. Spec. Assess Bond.& Int. d. Spec. Assess Bonds Class "B". -IV CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. .. .......... ... ... .... .. ........ .. ......... .. ................... ..................... I . ....... . ...... .......... 97 CUON.IL F ILE NO: A ................ .................................................................... . ........................................................... — Date Presented................. ......... ..... 1911 Resolved, That the Ccmmisaioner of Education be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, pursuant to Administrativp Ord- inance No. 3942, to employ one Electrician for the Bureau of Schools at .,vaged at the rate of 62-j cents per hour payable out of School Fund, Salary account IC itV. No. 29714-13Y A. Wunderlich—, P'd Resolved, That the Commissioner of � 1—tion be, and he Ids hereby. ..u - It orized and empowered, gp Admini-tratil- Ordinaries rauant to Am o61942. to of Ploy El ---.1-n for 1h Bureau I, ffe 00 At wages at the rat. of 62% -.t. per he., p ,y,bl, out I. I1rh,,1 Fund,Salary11,ry account. Adopted by the Co -61 Dec 8, 1917 APprd Dec. 8, 1917. _(13— 15-1917)_ Peas (P) C.u.eflrn.. (I) N.y. Vrarnsworth J Ad.ptcd by t'I• C--" Goss In favor yl..d F -K -H Approved. ............ .. 191- 114.c.11 Against Wunde Hich ' j Mr. P rVpefrvi It . ........... MAYOR FORM C A-9 6-17 2M 1 Resolved, ZX That', with the approval of the J%yor and the consent' of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Equip- ment Item of the Fire Fund to the Construction and Betterment Item of the same Fund, the sum of Thirty-five Hundred (03500.00) dollars, thereby preventing and unavoidable deficiency in the last named Item. fess (N) Councilmen (s") Nays Farderio`rth GqW��- 1lylabd tnal4a 111 . «' rU Mr. Preside rvin FORM C A 9 6.17 2M 19716.=B McColl— with ten sent oOf lthy {, 'HeAW,or, That, the traIte nsfer-. { the llaYor Is hereby t nnJ II (Comptroller, th�,re tion rel from the haulpment ru Fire Fund to [he Construe Hundred 1f3600.00) t I Act[crmen[ item O( the aame Fund. t n sum of ThlrtY-flue reventlnK an u [ aollara, thereby' P dolt abl¢ SeflclencY to the Inst named Il:e d b the COuneD Dec. S, 1917{. Adopted Y P ppprared Dec. 8. 1917. N - (Dec. 16-1917) f/ adopted by the Counefl_..__. ...............Ir31 ....... Y:]_....In favor Aa�Approved ....... --._.... 1 ...............101........ .L.L.... Against ...................................._........ ... .._...... MA OR CITY OF 8 PAl]L �, �... ACCOUNTING DPA�iTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -R . SOLUTION FORM FILENOIL No ILA) 7 AUDITED- 883 UDITED 883 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of th'l*h*talnafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed. statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council QEC 14 11 e 1 i 191_ . Far rth % ) C. 1 l) !9,7 GIs t0 In favor Appro�e�l t 191_ - KeREr U Me—, � , Against, ---Hyland ! MAYOR Wunderlich I. K 22545 Leo J. Borer Company, _ 35.00 SCho016-Exp.IQR.. Ived97th.t warrant. be drawn• upon the CRY Tre 11ez payable out .1 - the hereinafter .pe^clfied funds and 1 84�Gt0 46 Hoffman Lighting Company, Iravnr ol the per.on., firm. or corpora .SChook-C&D . 64.00 tion. for the nmount..et opposite th h F mons t' name. ae .peon d In the _ Schools-Equip._20.00 to .e 4Wied .tntement. i I Leo J. Borera. , C, E36.00. 84.00 Hortman Lghting Co_ 594.00. 1.t orthwe._n'E.' . E 00. 1 en ,67.67.. eu Pmt Co.. 17 J. W. Morrisons root rrtnterr. slsso. 70.00 The Pioneer Co., $761.75. f C.P.W.-Exp. 35.00 ;R11'11r.11ardW-r, co., $7os1. _ 'aulElectric Co.. $4.25Bridge Bldg. & R.-Exp.35.00 . Trner, Secy., 316.00. ted by theCouncil De 10, 1017.7C.CO oved Dec.lo.'911 _ (Dec._ 15-19_1.7) 4S Northwestern Else. Equipment Company, 67.63 Lib rary-tixp. 3.53 Humboldt H.Libr. 64.10' 67.657- 49- Pilot. printery, 18.90 G.F.-Civil-ervice-Equip. 6.45 sohcols-Exp. 12.45 18.90 50 The Pioneer Company, 751,35 r Schools -Exp. 51 Raymer Hardware Company, 70.61 Fire-C&B . 52St,.Ys.ul Electric Company, 4.25 r 56c. C1ng-Exp. 3.53 Humboldt Libr. .72 4.25 53 J. W. Turner, becy., 15.00 ' Schools -Exp. Total 1,116.74 A. 6.11 _ Resolved, That the roper City officials are hereby authorized to I pay to John O'Toole, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of I' the General Fund, the sum of Vine Dollars and Sixty Cents, ($8.60) in full settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 11th day of September 1817. C• N. Nn. 19717— Cly of neoplproper, Thac the prop flcinls are hereby authorized to pay{ - to John O'Toole. out of the V to lCempensell. Account of the General, Sixty Ce0 or Furullntss ($9.60) inlnfull � selllstnent� f hla claim aFMust the City rt him Vy reason o[ Injuries re—Wed by theli s in the emPlOY of the C�ty, 11th do of September. 191..1 on \dopted by the Council Dec. 10,.1917. Approved Deo. 0.1917. (Dec. 16-1917)' I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commies over Public Works. 1'r,u (1') Councilmen Nay, LJi.:. r, 1„1 F.40<ort1, Adopted by the Council Iv.."..'.' . _.. 19t .....:. .. C,c ._. _..... in rover - - APPtnv _ �...::' IIL F .... .. ....191........ 1 r ; . - r O_.. Against MAYOR ' FORM'C4 A-9 617 2M I,. I 0 Resolved, That t-,.; Cigarette License No. 92, now in the name of "rs. J.V. Ritechel, 761 Snelling; Avenue, be and the same hereby is transferred to P.J._Ritechel, 761 Snelling Avenue. 1'cns (r) Caunrih�neu (r) Noy. - Ferdetcorlh 7 Gde� !......._In favor fhylf�n I .1k �_. ARvanst R' rli • � Mr. Presid, t vin FORM C A- 617 2M f ��-�_acCu11— C, F. No. 19716 --Sty Henry' ttr License Revolved. Thnt the CRe of No. 92,. n ' In the nnmlvenuetr bpJ:. Rltncll¢I, e761 SnelltnR >- the anme hereby iv trn.,Ve rred Hltschel 761 bhte1lCooncll Dec• 10, 1917. Adopted by Approved Dec. 30. 1977• . (Dec. 16-1917) . UE-' 10 Adopted by the C-61 _.... ..__._ x.......191 .... Approvrdf U ......... ._..... _...... ..._..._ .._..._...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That, WHEREAS? An emergency has arisen,'rend'ering necessary the employment of a General Bookkeeper for service: in the Muni- cipal Garage, at a salary of from $90.00 to $110.00) per month, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is here- by authorized to appoint and employ at a salary of from $90.00 to $110.00 per months One (1) General Bookkeeper for emergency service in the Municipal Garage for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. I hereby approve the above resolution. C. F. No. 19719—By Henry \teColl— Resolved. That whereon a - emer- Re-c has afl—a, renderl nR necessary -he "ranlaymenl of a Cenernl Rook• ' keeper for service In the Municipal inrnlre, at At salary. of from. $90.00 to it:'1tte d. Thn1•!hu Commissioner of nubile Safety Is'hereby authorised to appoint and employ at a salary of tram $90.00 to $110.00 Per oath, One (I) General Bookkeeper for e. as Ren cY service In the Municipal 6nraRo for a period not to exceed ten (le) days. Adopts<I by the Council Dec. .\iproarotl 10. Dec.1 15 917) 1914 1'— (11) VAaj Q - (i') ney9 (/rnsworth �oss �Ilyland Keller /recall R'underGch Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. A 9 6.17 2M % Adopted by the Council �._......In favor - t � IQ �.. Against 0 ................................... .. ..........._...... b 'CITY OF -ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Subject. ..... - F. ;e. 19; 20_ . he ' 19`7, 0 . . • Resolved, Tha( .the Clty Clerk .... ........ ... ...... nod he le hereby _nuthorlI'd and dl- COUNCIL Hoithron ..o ...:._ O: ............................. • .........................................._..--.._........... reeled to Issue aZlcenae It Rc R'Ciakanf to conduct a �totlon. Pic- FILE ...... 'lure Theatre. That said Hell'bron &----•................................. R•eleko, Vuy Into the Clty Treasur.• a Ilcen., fee of Fifty 1$60.00) dolln: Is "'on( which the customary ^ akin ❑ceh.e far gala Nl-tlah Pie• Date Presented ......................._..-..._...-..-...__.. • ••_ 191. t theatre for a Verind o[ ane Year! ......._ - - •he Ixnu:mre al anld ncI.. e. Fd ueenae t bildin ed . - - *1 ' •ffertivu until bulklfng chOIS c Pleted aha 1 ' nbron Ac WelakaVf has the Commisaloner ,ding. his e•rtlllcutc ih• - .ling and all the ftlilia. - Resolved, ect Ionwith th• .,... ,. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue.a license to Heilbron & Weiskopf to e.onduct a Motion Picture Theatre That said Heilbron & Weiskonf paV into the City Trcas-. ury a license fee of Fifty ($50.0^) dollars which is the customary amount for said license for said Motion Pi-,tre Theatre, for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. Th_A said lJmnse shall nut be issued or begome effective until b-,ilding haw be- come ful y completed and until :;aid Heilbron & Weiskopf I has procured from Lha Comfl.is�ioner of Public Buildirgu hili certificate that the sLii' buildin_, and Lill the apparatus to be used in eonnectuon with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in cum- plianee with the Building Code,of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Peas W) Counahnem(r') Kays , Farnsworth 0 Adnptcd by the Cooneil _. `C 191 I L/ Goss ..._.... L1 favor Ryland y Seller/ Apptnved { j ... 1 U.a.'.1.... 191 r*kCo11 O .. Against U 1 Woriderlich C) I/.11 r. I'—id-t. Irvin MAvoR FORM C A-9 6-17 2M , o Petitions Council File No, ...................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. Oh¢nging. the_..grada_ ot_ the. aldeeallc...on.the...north.-aide._of.. 8nbnrban-- An•.._fr.4m.. art...gt.,....to....Hea4ar...S.t...insacordanoe.._wlth...the...red_.11- --on the prohl.Q..-.herat.o...at.tacha.d....and...made ....&-.part...hereot,....the-- present....eatsbllehed gr de. _being.._aho n...hV._.a._.bltae....line....therecna p.-.... _ Dated this._........ ..1Qth_ if y of __....._D.eo.ember ............. ................ _....._._..___ 191 _2. _.........:....:........... _.......... _......................... .................. _... _............. -... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the-following improvement, viz.: 10.311 g-1itg....th.e....gra>le..-.ot.-:-thy...-sideaala..-om....the..nor-th...eide-..-of aubvrban lve. ........ trap,.Uri _-Ott ..__to....Reate.r.._SQ-..,....1n...acoordano.e.... with...tha:..re-d..line....on.... the proflla....here tA....attached ...ani ...made-..a.-..part...hereati.-.-the --praaent...aetabliehed .,.grade..bel.ng. _eh. owu...uY a...blue ....line..._there=* _...... ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._.......................__........._._. .... .. therefore, be it a 5,. . .,Pith the red line, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works b eon ° t°not phener ne tabu red and directed `1ng vit—n by a -blue " 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of th, i,avmg been Presented to,ment. of the City of St. Pnal th. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costed, That the Commleelonelld the total cost thereof. Vo0, be and he la hereb' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvclaa directed: investigate the necessl 4. To furnish the following other data and information molity of the making tvcment;...... ........ ................... ............... IInvestigate i then l re atedtest of est ......... ,d the total coat .5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for u i Th��t,_.Won of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council __,.._ __....Ld..=_? .....::..._._....___191 ......._ Yeas: Nuys: Councilman F.grohl crib - jr E-. {.f '0 ' GW- Approved...................................................... _ 191......... IIyh(t�d /-y g„ur t WutgS rlicll 3 Mayo- ._..... Mayor Iry sV�if4SiJLti No. 19722—Ordinance No, 3997— "Hurry MCCOII— dlnance npproprlating the sum of - 000.00 from the Equipment Item o[ _ .x Police Fund. for the purl, of r hasing n d constructing One balance and Two Patrol Wagons. _ •.II la an Emergency Ordinance. ndered necessary for the ealth and on of the Public Peace. Health and 1 A f1rl 2`f� )fety. , JL �7 i Council o[ tha ClU' O[ SL Paull yes ordain: / �Z SECTION I. QQ /tat there is hereby ppropriated / .0 of $7 000.00 ,t o[ the Equip-ej 11. ✓✓ its. of the Police Fund, r -- to be used for the purchase,. Ionof One Ambulananee appropriating the sum of , from the'Equirment Item of the Police Fund,- for the purpose of pur- chasing and constructing One Ambulance and Two Patrol Wagons 'This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:- Or��e-e SECTION I. � That there is hereby appropriated the sum of out of the Equipment Item of the Police Fund, the sane to be used for the purphase and construction of One Ambulance and Two Patrol Wagons. SECTION, II.. S This'Ordinanee.is hereby d -Glared to be ahiErkergeney Ordinance �dndered,neoessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. SECTION III. s; This Ordinance -shall tale, effect and be .in,force from and after its passage,,appro,val,and publication. 1'ras I, (,') C n 'hnen (,') Say. E Lwcgth/ - :,,i,,,,l.•d by Ih,. Cn, it 0 101 _ In favor Ily1,.,rfiBEC 2ts . 11!7 191 Cit,CL'C�,, 1Q °rk �yy�yCT tZ m �•q•." �'�x\`y*fi714"t+-.,,+.� ,may -140. 19722—Ordinance No. 3994-1 ,'Henry - 00.00 from m the Equ11-iip the 000.00 from the 11 the 01 Item o[ n Police Fund, for the Durpoee One ;rchaeing and conettrol R One nbulance and Two Patrol rd ne. %1a le nn.. Emergency Ordinance -_ ndered a public [or tha preeerva- 19722, on of the public Pence, Health and — rfetY.. - Council of the City or St. Paul _ OT ea ordain: SECTION /tat there le hereby nDPropriated / avm of $4 000.00 -lit of the E. t; -- of ; - i/. Item o[ the Pollee Fund. r: -- to be ueed for the purchan�- / .tion f One Ambulan1nce appropriating the sum of $� from the Equirment Item of the Police Fund, for the purpose of pur— chasing and constructing One Ambulance and Two Patrol Wagons This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. 4 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of. out of the Equipment Item of the Police Fund, the sarri to be used for the purphase and construction of One Ambulance and Two Patrol Wagons. A SECTION II. - This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an',Engergenoy Ordinance i•xendessdneoessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health Irv. �. � �. �- ' ,t.��, %fie c��► cc,�z�- `�_� A-004.1 70 0-0 w _ nsa'rrrlwo 53M55=1MTl. .. F. No. 19722—^ I..%. /(,,✓ v assessment Of 1 thrnt oats f and e•ensea for the benefit., c n rYP '- • construction o[ sewera on: - Council File No. __..._.....,.Berkeley Ave. from Cleveland Ave. Kenneth Ave. - r "tan[ord Ave. from Cleveland Ave. point 487 [t. east of the ea.t lin. 'r Bir'ell sier .Ave. from Cleveland Ave. _... ....._ Irlor Ave. •f[ereon Ave. from Cretin Ave. to a ,t 626 6; 10 [L• E. of cast line of .Ave. flet 3t. from Cretin :Ave. to Prior st. d .n the one t came•. PAUL. �ua.ea i�.m a p.mt z2o ft. ear Ins of Sue St. to the Ilne , � °°aced. mg Assessment. ReSOIU4nao ri the line o[ Cre' I n 7etteraon Av., In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of sewers on:. rrn n island ,\ ,,,ro-d \re. frog, Clrr,annd Arr. ' 1.,�• ,rinr IRi It. .nal of Ihr east Iine ' \••..��,'•Iry :\rr. tram t'I,rinnd :Ire. ' 1., l•..l..r .\r'r, mlin :lira to .� - ,..rc...,,,n t. r 1 "to ft. Is. of rnar uae c,r I--- A 4t. frm n•Iln Avr. I'rlo, under Preliminary Order.. __129.13 ............. Intermediary Order... _..14513. ........... _, Final Order . 1.5.028._._. approved ......_._February... 27th, ........... 191 7......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE{IT_ FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .._ _. 1..... rl y _............e -tea/_ '1.:311..[. .... City Clerk_ Approved......_........................ 191........ .'..J..........................._..............._.......__.... Mayor. Form B. B. 1R NOR= /3 ? r C. F: NO. 19724— ' In the mnttee of the n eaement e - benefits. oats and ezp ase for the e <, conetruett— of eew-M1�enn' to CIevG °venue from Cretin avenue from Council File No _:..... $ :. lona avenue: neck°ler w°Cleveland �°ve• swtravenuefm CInerioa to Cleveland avenue• Cretin ave,' - from Jefferson avenue u enluer fe. By ,_, ., avenue: and Jefferson .. ...............__......._............._...... :retln avenue. to the Mlee C. .Iver, known as the JeQeredn-Cr d er Sretcm• under r,d, mi'. - Arder 61.. Intermediary Order 87.3, approved Jnr' I9tG. been . yubllc hearing having the n ne meat for -the abo•„ - l meal. and Bald aaees*ment a R�I�fio further considered Y tl 11 �Lll dtory.ifeltth—ng •Assessment. 'Ive d. That the In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of sewers on Wellesley avenue from Cretin avenue to Cleveland avenue; Berkeley avenue from Cretin avenue to Cleveland avenue; Stanford avenue from Cretin avenue to. Cleveland avenue; Cretin avenue from Jefferson avenue to .Berkeley avenue; and Jefferson avenue from Cretin avenue to the Mississippi River, known as the T.efferson- Cretin Sewer System, under Preliminary Orders1.8ti._............... Intermediary Order_.._.._8.311.... ......... ... Final Order._................8..7.23......... approved ..._._._..__J.',nt rY...11..th..,_........191...4_..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_.._..._!.._V_Y' .........__equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I'r^ tr Adopted by the Council ......... _.___. ...... _ _....19 t __ _..._ _.... ._ ... _........_-.LeC04 City Clerk. Approved.__..__ ........ ....................191_..__ f . ........... .........._._....._......................_........._........_............._........._.. Mayor. Form C. B. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL - n:<::e:° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 0. 19725 _A _T AUDITED PER `-� a✓r. /1��� 888 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: LIEU 11. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ 191_ Far sworth G 1 In favor Approve 191_ Ke r , M Against �•' Hyland - MAYOR _. WundQrlich Mr. President, ~s " Irvin I 22568 B. H. Davidson, Sheriff Ramsey County, 50.00 Corp. Counsel -Exp. '* �C. Resolvd that warrante be drawn e upon the City Treasury, payable out of the in specffled fund. and In _ f.— of the persons, firm. or corpora- _ Il[lona for the amounts ee[ ppoelts their respective names as cpeclfled 1n thstate. nt: F 1HIoU �Rdxonn151aeriit Ramsey Co., E50.00. Adopted by the Council Dec. Il. 191-. Approved Dec. 11, 1917. .I _ (Dec. 15-1917) ` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CO' SENO" No. 19726 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 9_ _ AUDITED ,1hc 1 191 PER- 885 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement - Yeas ( J) Co cilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the CouncilyI_.� _ 191_ � � Fa 4sWorth G In favor Appro 191_ K dr M oil 0Against -----0, -+-� Hyland MAYOR ---^ �iWtulderlich Y IrViri Mr. President, P ers� 22558 Henry McColl, uom'r. P. Safety, 34.57 Uomptroller-Exp. 'mac ---- iCResolce 117that 21— wnrranta be drawn[ t upon the CItS' Treasury, Dayable o the hereinafter a"e sonde and In lirms or corppra- ,I' r favor f the prraun a, - bona for the amounts set opposite or tt,e ca n. specified In - their n ( 11 I F ,let ailed aG,[rment: P. Jnf,t}. 531.67 - Dl 1 1 the t'nD hell Der. 11. 1917. .\dP .IP d D- 11. 1917. t Pec. 16-1917) _ t6tfil �a 4�5'T" CITY OF ST. PAUL r.... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COU NO. 9 �F�i AUDITED �tC )- 191_ _. �J Ji//�.,--c,�-✓_ - 8u7 PER nr� ` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followigg. detailed statement: ell-, 11 Yeas< ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council - 191_ Far orth In favor App v d t 191_ K M fll Against � ` -- O' 1' Hyland MAYOR Wtn,derlich Mr. President - Irvi.n C. F. Na. 197:7— -I Tlesolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out - of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of [fie person, firms o phr'tlone for thea 9 ante art Pp..Ite espeorlve n apeclfied In the followln¢ letts� i edstatement: jS. A. Faraswni�l li. Cnm'r. Finance. $10.00. Hansen 131d.. Matcrl,nl Company.. $38.76. A. C. Jefferson. $115.80. I 1Y\ell & Preston. $1.1155.00. 22564 S . A. Farnsarorth, Com'r. Fi>jp'�°o;'e,i'nech 1i °19i Dec. 17'1'11 10.00 Sewer C&R -Sal. 65 Hansen Bldg. Material Company, 38.76 Pay. Mounds Blvd. E. 7th to Clermont. 66. A. C. Jefferson, 115.80 .' Bridge Bldg. & _Repr.-Exp, 9.26 St. C&R-ExR. 95.79 u 111 10.75 115 80 67 O'Neil & Preston, -1,445.00 Payne Edgerton Sewer System. .k Por. A. 5.11 CITY OF ST. PAUL — ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COU No. 19728 By -� n.o� AUDITED � IkIEC��y � � ' 181 _- 6. .� /' ir. PER 884 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed t 7 statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ Far orth / In favor APPr v 191— r M 1Against / MAYOR Mr. Poem A. 5.11 C. F. \n. 19748— Rrepl ed that wnrrnnta be drawn upon they Cllp Treasury. payable out of - the hereinafter specified funds and In done 1 the erso amounts . 11—as Cr ..opera- pposite their respectiven r a as specified -In the followlnR detA'led statement: ' Feyen Construction Co., [1,504.50. Garrick Bron., $5$1.15. M Howe. $1.615.00. Scand. Amerlenn Bank, ' A.M.— ,titer Plekaon. $399.550. Adopted by the Count it Pec. 11, 1017. Approved Pec. 11. 1917. 22554 F'eyen Construction Company,' ____ ogee 15-19171 1,504.5 Sewer on Bradley. — 55 Garrick Brothers, y 581.25 Grading Alley Blk. 5 Manson 198.75 Boulevarding & sodding O:;oeola 382.501 581.25 56 M. Howe, 1,615.00 Grading Wyoming Street Ohio to Manomin. 57 Seand. American Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson, 399.50 Grading Alley Blk 3 Douglas Add. C. F. No. 197:9''—Fry Henry \frColl Reaalvrd.. That there Ia hereby Resolved, That there is hereby transferred from the wage item of the Health Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Health Aecount'of the Health Fund, the sum of .one hundred ('100)✓dollars, Also that there is hereby transferred from the Wage itdm of the Health Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Accou t of the Health Fund, the sum of fourlhundred and thirty 430) dollars, also that there is hereby transferred from the Wage item of the Dairy Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Account of the Health Fund, the sum of eighty 80) dollars, that there is hereby transferred from the Wage item of the guuarantine Account of the Health rund to the E�ieii'se item of the Quarant�e Account of the Health Fund, the sum of two hundred (300) dollars, that there is hereby transferred from the Wages item of the Public Baths _Account of the Hea�lth Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Aecoun of the Health Fund the sum of three hundred and ninety (390)✓✓dollars, also that there is hereby transferred from the Expense item of the Public Baths account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Account of the Health Fund, the sum of two hundred (200)vdollars, also that there 1s hereby transferred from the Expense item of the Public Comfort Station Account of the Health Fund.to the Wage item,of the Public Comfort Station Account of the Health Fund, the su* of forty (40Y dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable defieiency•in the above named accounts. fens (t') ConIn en (1') \ups irnnxferred from the yy'ane Item of the Health Account of the Health Fund to 1{-f` ! L t 11. . Farth ' cool the F v nae Item of the, Jh,Alth Ae- L FORM Gs_._.In favorhul -. .. t oG the Health Fand, (hr eum or i dred (100) dollars, also thn Approved. �y thereI hereby trnnafrrred fru" t . Subject: _... {{r item of the Health Areon t ........ - th. Health Pint, to the h%xPrn.se It COUNCIL No. "" ' '.""-'---- "" of the. Quarnnthte Arrau nt of FILE Ileal lth Fund, the sum of Tour hon ............_ ......................................................... an(hl rt,' 1180) dollar., nlao...................... ..:-............. d there la hereby tenns[erred fee' I ran o! the Hnl rr .lccount 4 Health Fund to the F:zp en ae H—It the no of u,r Date Presented...._ .4.w..._l .......... .. .......... _191 71 of elnnt Fund. the aI of I. the 8 hay 18s' l,v [ran, that there to hof -Int the {Vales Item o[ the rl ,' the of the Heald• nenxe it,of the of the Health Fu, hundred (200) ,(Yl hereby tranelr� j I[rm of lhr, eFe • -�itl Resolved, That there is hereby transferred from the wage item of the Health Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Health Aecount'of the Health Fund, the sum of .one hundred ('100)✓dollars, Also that there is hereby transferred from the Wage itdm of the Health Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Accou t of the Health Fund, the sum of fourlhundred and thirty 430) dollars, also that there is hereby transferred from the Wage item of the Dairy Account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Account of the Health Fund, the sum of eighty 80) dollars, that there is hereby transferred from the Wage item of the guuarantine Account of the Health rund to the E�ieii'se item of the Quarant�e Account of the Health Fund, the sum of two hundred (300) dollars, that there is hereby transferred from the Wages item of the Public Baths _Account of the Hea�lth Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Aecoun of the Health Fund the sum of three hundred and ninety (390)✓✓dollars, also that there is hereby transferred from the Expense item of the Public Baths account of the Health Fund to the Expense item of the Quarantine Account of the Health Fund, the sum of two hundred (200)vdollars, also that there 1s hereby transferred from the Expense item of the Public Comfort Station Account of the Health Fund.to the Wage item,of the Public Comfort Station Account of the Health Fund, the su* of forty (40Y dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable defieiency•in the above named accounts. fens (t') ConIn en (1') \ups 1{-f` ! L t 11. . Farth r :Adapted by the Council - �. _...... � 191 Gs_._.In favorhul - ._�. AgainstMr Approved. .. .._.... .191Mc 1'resid•mnMAroR FORM C A-9 2M 1aQl \L I�r1 /f/7 Resolved, ' That with the approval of the 'Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby, transferred from the Salary Item of the Budget Account, Fire Fund, to the Equipment Item of the same Fund, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($25,.00) dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last named Item. C. F. No. 19720—nt1iy Henry 111cco11— lteaol ved, Thwith the approval the ]myon and the eat of the _ fer-PtrollO1. there Is Ohereby trnnb- [erred from the Salary Item of „the Itudl;et Account, Flrc Fund, to tht "I.lPment Ile. of the a Funcl, th.. i .am of Two HPndred Fifty and 00, lO1 1 E.50.00) lollnrn, theroby .Preventing n unavoidable de Hclener Ia the lust mtrned Item. Ado Pled by the. Co un cit Dec. 11, 1917. Approved Dec. 11. 1917. ., 1'cas (r') Conndlmen (r') lays - 2)11 ' 1. ✓Yurnsworth! J Adopted by the Council_ .._..._.191. _... ✓Goss -.. _.....In favor Keller - Approved ! McCall D. Against {\'underGth 1 ' Mr. Presidcmt, Irvin MAYOR FORM C -A-9 6.17 2M `)CITY OF ST., PA J. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL �t3R*4 �M1 VG `-� I Transfer of bunds Subject: COUNCIL .... FILE No.. :....... ..... ........................................................................... Date Presented.....,::.Daq_:11 ........................ 191..-! 4r I Resolved, That,'with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, the sum of Two thousand Dollars (02000.00) be and the same is hereby trans- ferred from the Public Library Fund, Salaries item to 'Public LSbrary Fund, Expense Item, and that the further sum of Thirty-two thousand dollars ($32000.00) be and the sur:le is hereby transferred from the "Completion of New Buildings" item of th Public Library Fund to the "New Books" item (lotherwise knoim as "Fire ?,oss Account" of;the same Fund, as by so doing I an unav-ridable deficiency in the last named funds may be met without hampering the work provided for in the respective items from which the said transfers are made C. P. No, 19731-13y A. {Vunderllch- -- Resolved, Thatwith the c nsent 01 the \fnyor :tn'l Comptroller, .the sun- of Tu•n Thousand Dollars (52000.00) bl and the a Is he1•oby transferrer from the 1 uhllc Libray Fund, salarle. _ It..to Pu bllc Mbrnry Fund, Expense ob•ln,andthat the further Aum fThirty-two thousand dollar[ ($321100.00) be and the same Is herebt transferred from the "Completion ol New flulldin F" Item of the Public LI. hrory Fund to the "New (looks" item otherwiseknown as ••Fire Lose Ac unt" of the same Fund, ns by so do. iM: idNble 1 n unay. deficlency In the (net n med funds may be met withoul hampering the work provided t.t In the respective Items from which the sold trnn sfers nmade. - - Ado n ted by theCouncilnee. 11. 1917.- . Apin•oved Dee. 11, 1917. ( Dec. 15-1917) Yeas 1✓1 Councilmen I{'1 Nays 1 �. ° // Adopted by the Council .'._._._.191 ._.... t/ Farnsworth _.. I.:' Coss .___._.In ravor . Ily ian I 6(ler D .- Approve) ..... ' ` ....191 ...... McColl Against U 111 i 111mderlick . Mr. leresid-t, Irvin FORM C A -n 6.11 2M ' Resolved, That Arneberg & Sohoeller, as principals, and the Globe In- demnity Company; as surety, are hereby released from all liability hereafter to accrue on that certain bond in favor of the City of St. Paul, indemnifying the City against damage and expense by reason of the maintenance of a public scale on the street in front of No. 886 E. Minnehaha street, in accordance with the terms of Council c File No. 18453, said scale having been removed from said location. J erns' (1'1Noy.,ntteiln"n (") Nar • TY�ns N'Ort ll (Foss a� II}•lond �pt•Cnl� ,Wulialerhell Mr. Presid,tit, Irvin FORM C A 9 8-17 2M ........ Against C. F. 9o. 19799-13y N. N. coonRe Iteoslvcd, That %rn,,b the Glo shoe'-: ler, na 1,rint•IPaln, u lemnlfy c-, P '• tt q', hereby r.leaned from all IltaibilIt', hero- afterto 1 that certain bond In favor of� the oil of St. Paul, In demnlfying the Cil}' al:'ll[ .the amain, and expConse by ,.mance (n public scute o a the ireet In front of vo. 986 L. blinnchnha SL... In nccorJnnceIth the terms of Coun •II I•`Ile .�'o. 18469, On - said id scale having: I�.e•en removed from sold location. 1917. Adopt,,] by the Council Dec. I1, "P proved Dee. 11. 1917. (Dec, 16.1917) Lll T l ,: :adopted by the Cmmvil ..... .. 191 ...... App.d __ � (-. i U .. ........ . t... � _. ... � _.. _. 191____ _... .. M OR O[O. M. LANDON. f[p1[TwfT WALTER T. LEMON. PN[SI-T . jJj WALTER T." LEMON CO. BONDS AND GENERAL' INSURANCE - - 1204 PIONEER BUILDING - PHONff: N. W'CEDAR 2162 2163 - ST. PAUL. MINN. TRI-STATE 22227 _97 corporutiot: c -art. rouso - Paul, 'I`s'6 isblic Scal=; I: Scbaellcr, Dear 31r: Ser.:^_'i!::e ado :n f>vor c' ti.e rl -; ci 9t. Vaul coverin he ..<,ilaenaro of p,tblic ,c it 6,"6 b or .•:n.. .. b,rd fo. I'e _'ane •firmccr -rir, il;t• ru ce of a St., in acc,,rda::cc• ,,e t-rr.s ,' Council FIleN:"C.2XPEZ. formerly loc-ted „t GEu I'innehLhL qt, tC .. f•tnr, _•. "+. .igb.: t,� ttni t�"- �2'��+ _ _ o _G1- i^ ycu i• itr 11 s, Tette-_ _ the olc. ^r `.l`e. li tilIty. 01! nc ir- oNr !.om-, . III I GLCB", I =4 .7GiI'_Y CO. lnr.er CO. h0:'?ori:, o✓er`.»r :1^ _ ill C � ".... ^. 7'COCIItI n 'Tn.:O CE2c .. v ° Wo rote cu. .....ar'c t}- :.rc.•, rnf;ort 01 Oxer. itior. er"ect tr.i. b, ._c -dr,. ro.( "rbr C `9 icL ;ou 5.,; }-ns b?e% aou c"111 cit p.cia icinr^. lc} to t S. -ate '_i4':_ c:. t iG old s tll—t c' :( TC, ti t• r e L:r u,rn aon ror t i.ttgr f:CL i.•' [r r o.hcia or VI -9 C1'- of ^L.JPtc t?r• er tiles succeeds tLe old—ow, "Ind t:;.t 3TI ll 111t } . t(1P.,. . R. (TAT l . k � 1 c ' CITY OAF ST. PAUL o COU�NCJL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_,._ _ 1973:3 /) COUNCIL LfL- i/ FILE NO.. /. Date Presented .._Dec. ll.,._ . .' 191_.7 e Iv Whereas, Leo F. Gallagher .has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of Fifty (4$50.00)' Dollars as an advanced payment for a sewer on Lot 11, Flock S, Phalen Heights Park Addition, and Whd4eas the assessment for the construction of a serer con necting the said property is the sum of Forty-five and 95/100 ($45.95) Dollars, therefore be it - Resolved that the sum of Four and 5/100 (,14.05) Dollars be i refunded to said Leo F. Gallagher and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of said Leo F. Gallagher for said sum payable out of the Advanced Assessment Account. c........vnrrh-F Yeas (V) Councilmen (✓) Nays Far sworth "( - Goes' . In favor I-I¢ISid K2ll'er MLCoII .Against Wtind6lkh Mr. Presidpif( Irvin FORM C. 8•2 sum or Fe Dollars, therefore OEC 11 ' Adopted by the Council Approved 1191... _ ....... MAYOR CITY OF ST.. PAUL _ .m -''•//' TION—GENERAL FORM Subject•..... �'' ( COUNCIL. R _ ...... _. 1 O FNCII N F Date Presented _ Dec. a, _ . 191.7 _ c so whereas Otto C. 5'kytte, 1083 E. Maryland. St., has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars as an advanced payment for a sewer on hot 21, Block 8, Phalen Heights Park,- and Whereas the assessl;ent for the construction of a sewer con- necting the said property is the sum of Forty and 43/100 ($40.43) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Nine and 57/100 (`*9.57) Dollars be refunded to said Otto C. Skytte and that the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of said Otto C. Skytte for said sum payable out of the Advanced Assessment Account. Cth 9RFarrC1083 Whereas Eae \rnryland St.. has heretofore paid ti the City of St. Paul the sum of Fift; (rent far asDoll on ars Lot 31, Blo k 18 Phalen Heights Park, and , Whereas the assessment -for the con - etruction of a sewer connecting th mid property Is the sum of Forty am 43/100 ($40.43) Dollar., therefore, bal Resolved that the sum of Nin n, 07/100 ($9.67) Dollars be refunded t- ' " ld Otto C. Skytte and that the prop er city officials be and they are hereb: iauthorised to draw n warrant 'in favo of a Id Otto C. Skytte tOr aly sun payable out Ace...t. the .1dva ced'Asseee jtreat Adopted by the Council Dec. It. 1917 Approved Dee...11, 1917. 15-1917) Yeas (✓) uncilmen (✓) Nays �� �1 arnsworth �� 191 � Adopted by the Council Coss In favor _ /Hyland y jf Approved .1 - ( s _ 191 _ _ / eller U t(`W der � Against Mr. President, Irvin l MAYOR FORM C. 8.1 II CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���� /r_civr�G'�io�J_ � 9'735 Subject: ..... G%. COUNCIL - ,. FILE NO. Date Presented ...... _..... .11...._.......191.. _ y Resolved, , .That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to dray+arrant in favor of Comarissioner of Finance for ,"-,23.18, for expenses in attending mater '.Pays Convention at Winona, as per attached statement, and'that the said money is to be paid out of the OfficeTe Attending Convention Item of the General Fund. I C. F \ 19iA6—Ry City rORll 1 1 •That the prop b1 R e ed, 'cert a hereby outho 1'ed favo, in st .p ted to draw •ur far f Commlesioncr f FlnanewatCrfW." In ttendl". for expenses attached, con vena.. at LV lnona, ae per the Id money 1a . atntement, and that to be paid out Of the ORtcers Attend- InR Convention .Item of the General Fund,Dec. 11..1917. dopled by theCounell Approved Dec. il. 1917. i Received all papers in connection with a.b0ve he/s�oyiuutiion. I Yens (✓) Couacilmea (61) Nsys i �E� �1 ', � , ; Fart wth, 1-1 Adopted by the Cwneil........................ ................._.......__.....191 ....... C, .i.........In favor 1i Ily�gad HeJ�F" .McCall ... Against APptovej R....� .....t ._. ...............191.......: u uildeplich Air. PresiJrpl; Irvin - FORM C A-9 6-17 2M , ................................................................................................. MAvoR Subject} CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—Gi;:N, ERAL FORM COUNCIL 36 197, FILE NO.......14 Date Prescrited.....19/1.0/17 191 whereas the Plant Rubber Company was awarded the contract for furnishing 1200 feet of three-quarter inch and 600 feet of one inch chemical hose for the sum of $498.00, in accordance with city specifications, and Whereas, said hose does not strictly comply with said specifications in all respects and for this reason the Company has agreed to Ireduce their price $108.00, which is considered a fair adjustment, and the City Chemist recommends that the hose be accepted at the reduced price, Now therefore be it RESOLVED that the offer of the Plant Rubber Company be accepted and the hose be accepted.for the sum of 0390.00, thereby avoiding the delay which would be caused by rejecting the hose and asking for new bids, as the Fire Department is in urgent need of said chemical hose. Payable out of the Fire Protectiong Fund -Equipment. C. R.N.. 19736—BY HenryMccoll— Whereas the Plant Rubber con C'_P"Y —rded the tract far Cornish - 1.,1200 feet of three-quarter inch and .0 feet of one Inch chemical hose for llto the aof $498 .00, In accordance with cityspecificatjons. and Where. said hose does' not strict- ly comply with , ith said epecldcntions In all respects and for this r....n tb Company has agreed to reduce t heir o,icc$108 00, which In considered ft fair adjustment, and the City Chemist 1-oalmend. that the b... be accepted Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays - tho.reduced price, new therefore be 112 (/ Farnsworth It R -1—d, that the after of the Plant �e Council 191 Rubber Company be accepted and the Goss In favo hose b; uc.cgpitle? for the sum og $390.00 thereby the del Hyland —nid 'y which,� be caused by rejecting lose slid asking for new bid. I" .sir. 191 th ',Keller Delinrtment to In urgent need -f'--id McColl Agains Ille.1c.1 he... Payable out of the Fire Protection Fund—EqcIpt. d ,%,topic il� th e Council Dec. 11. 1917. '�funderlich Approved proved YDec. 11, 1917. 1 (Dec. 16-1917 Mr. Presid'ent, Irvin FORM C. 8.2 Subject: O• CITY OF 5T. PAUL OUN SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM )73'7. COUNCIL FILE No.— Date.. .. Date Presented..Dee.- llth! 1,7 191...... Resolved, ' That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, one Drilling machine, -in accordance with Requisition No. 5798 'Aster, on file in the office of the Pur- chasing Agent, from the H. Mueller M-fg. Co., Decatur', Ill., for the sum of $259.00, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of sand machine to be charged to the Department of Public Utilities Water. 4 ^ I. �f F.ne.No. 19767-nth ly 11. 11. Keller— Agent be,dnnd The a ereby authorized h to purcha.e with the neon, of he Comptrotier, without king for com- F petltive bide, o e Drilling mnebine. In t. erd—e with Requleltlon No. 6798 : - 12'ater, oa nle In the office of the Pur- ' hneing Agent;. from the H. Mueller Nlfg. Co., Decatur. Ill., for the sum of - aand n0. adv nitage anaben ed article advertlaement or competltiva bide. Cont o[ eald machine to Abe b.rgcd to lHe Department of Public Utilltlee Woe- -Adopted by the Council Dec. 11, 1917.! Approved Dec. 11, 1917. 4 [Dec. 16.1917)' I Yeas (0 oouncilinen (✓) Nays Lir �1 V Farnsworth i r" Adopted by the Council 191. _. V Goss In favor i,^r 3 V, Hyland Keller Approved) (_._ _ 191.__.. / McColl 0 ..Against U Wunderlich Mr. Presdent, Irvin FORM O..•9 f CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, Subject:... COUNCIL 7 / FILE N•o ... .. Date Presented December 11th, 1917. i 1� In the matter of changing the grade and grading the alley•in Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition, under preliminary order 17768 approved July 28, 1917. Intermediary Order 16936 approved October 17, 1917. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for above improvement. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are -hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matters discontinued. C. F. No. 19738— In the mat or of and grading. the (ymy JUly ;s, 1917• Intermediary Or- der 18936, approved October 17. 1917. Also . cendemning' and taking as easement In the land necessary for lopes for bova Improvement Resolved, That all orders In the above matter bo and Thr same are Iereby cancelled, anmdl•:d a d re. sclndend. nd all prncn!ISngs In -oh • mnt[eradiscontlnued. Adopted by theCoUncl! Dec. 11. 1917. _ Approved Dec. Il, 1917. I (Dec. 16-1917) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Facfaworth J Coes / In favor Hy6M Kdk-7 Mo"I U Against WupdePlich Mr. PresiderkIrvin FORM C.8.2 Adopted by the Council191 7 . Approve_.191._^':. d. ` MAYOR •No. 19739 to .. . _to matter of the asses 6" ,ante. conte and e ' r • tnging the grade of Euclid • tween Earl etreanid[enld, nEuclld�t Council File No. ___ ...... .............. _. _ a grading of tween the Pointe eore11 aliprder y701�38,e FIna170rde�r, B ,roP.ved \r) 1"1,11 1916. .beet By - the 11 nee d ant for the abo1• 1e( ether cdneldcred by th t� havingbeen considered an�� story, be there,it thoraid Pas,'. - ' [solved, that ad-the same Is hereby in'„' a ra[laed, and the same 1* pCf•� .d to ba submitted to 't Ill _ o Resolution r�the Cnnnty of Tr 'Assessment. ar 4teeaivee e In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and expenses for Changing the grade of Euclid street between Earl street and Heater street} also grading of said Euclid street between the points afore- s ai d, I 1< under Preliminary Order......_6 3 .7 ..._..__...., Intermediary Order....... Q.a °.�.ft....._........... Final Order...:....1Q..fiT4.._�__. approved..........._May..._24th,._.........:::::....._..__191.._6..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considereA by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEITFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Xin. ........ (..... _:...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council.................... .......... ............. ....._........... _._.._........... 191.......... _. I C /. F!YYt...V._....C{ Il.._... city clerk. Approved......_..............._ .-............ _.................. .__..._....191 _....._ t Mayor. roan 13. 13. 19 ': -4, �r��rst Council File No ......... ...................... By...................1....._............... :__............. _............. CI'T'Y OF ST. PAUL i40 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade o Lafond street from Dunlap attest to Lexington. avenue, also grading said Lafond street between the aforesaid limits, also the grading of Lafond street from Griggs street to Dunlap n street to the present established grade thereof, 7� under Preliminary Order._........15547......., Interlliediary Order ......_........1.(l.j$........, Final Order ................1..$7.20...... approved..... ............ May- ...2.6t.1.... ._................... 191........7.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for graamt eoifaor-la-ement, and said assess- algge street to Dealer-gnall satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, and ha-e present established Y o[. under Preliminary 17, inter ed Order 1611E therefore Order 16720, approved May 7, tubilc 'hearing having been the assessment for the above Il t. and safd amesameat havl;ts ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the sen titter considered by the Court' 'Int[ been considered thle Co sr, for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Courtivea eche therefore hen ore. nesely th Illuned. and the tes lIe b termined to be a able BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said asseasmentao be submitted to the D pay r71p - the County of -Ram. X' in ._......V[...1 .. .-.equal installments as to each and every parcer ns fed the, ribed therein. 1 Adoptedby the Council..................... _............ I........... ................ _..__........._191... _...... { hn... .........L..i._.^� City Clerk. Approved..:..._.............._...': _t.: _. _.:_..: _...._................... _..... 191......... U ......_.... ............ ....... •_.................... _............. _ ..... .... ..._....1_..... _...... Mayor. Form B- B. 18 Council File No. ..... _.. By........:..:_..._......._..........:......................::............._...._.. 19741. CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution Ratifying , Assessment. b In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a cement curbing on both ,sides of Fairmount avenue bletween Chatsworth street and Oxford street, Xunder Preliminary Order........i.Oa03 ... .._..... Intermediary Order ........... 13632-- ..:, Final Order ...._.1..400a............. approved ............. December--12-thjr•._:...191._g_... 1 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - 'Id °"` "-ed finally satisfactory, be it Tent having been Further considered by the Council, and having beer rder 1u.,. . .13632, Flnei , therefore 11; frmnbeer`,lo2th. ad ob eaeeeement having afdered by the Coun'1 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is bi thereernders dnany :te ratified, and the re the said aeeeeemer, for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of th(> is hereby 1n nB - Y ed ,the came is h" 'unty o[ tnaeme:"'determined to be payable E I FURTHER RESOLVED, That ihz said assessment be a 1n........... ""yed. That r}' B • _ ...._......equal installments as to each and every parcel of ilgii described [herein. Adopted by the Council.._......__....._._:.___._._............._........_.............._..191........`1' ....... '6`.1..!...C..r . City Clerk. Aparoved............._`._..r,._........ _....... ........................... .......... 191........ .................. _.. _........ ..... 1�C.�l/�i` ..... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 _ Council File No . . ------- .............. ............:........... B y......................................................... Q� f CITY OF ST PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costeand expenses for curbing Gomdrich avenue between West Seventh street and the top of the Bluff, at or near theRight of Way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, under PreliminaryOrdera./Z.6.4.5$...._...., Intermediary Order .....:10.7.57 ................. Final Order.......11580---.•.-• approved ............ ::. J.1117....18th�'__..191..$...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment 'for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further epnsidered by the Council, .and having beenIt^ "tisfactory, be it .,ear the Right of.' therefore way, gunder`Priimi and Intermediary. Order; Order 11680, aI,Pro d:; 1916. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is ff hearing having been hattified, and the iaseasment for the above In; same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of then ernconslideredeby the c - onfiztnation. ' ving been conaldered :•, be It therefore BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be a That theharaelbya�.___.. d to be payable _ led, and the same ' bo submlits to bed therein. in __....... equal installments as to each and every parcef�e county of b • t'ther Resolved. d be and It 11 ' - Payabl, ' f.'l_n �] 'C •:a toy... Adoptedby the Council ..._................... .._...._....._...................... ...._............191_...._._. i n 1 .... .C._a . . ,.!, Y_..a., ... Cit Jerk. Approved ....._.........._. . _......._..._._...._.........._._...................191......._ ........................ _....._ ... .... ....._..._......._._._....._....__......_...._..__ Mayor. ._.. Ilo— B. B. 18 - Council File No............ .... .... ........ _._....... By...........:..._.... ... ............ ...,.......... _......... .... ................ __. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 1.9 (43' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for curbing Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Aldine street, under Preliminary Order.......11.3.?.3.._......_., Intermediary Order ......._. .............. Final Order.......�.j.7Q_Z..___.__. approved..._3@B.t..eMb.er.._.2l@t_... ......... 191....8._... A public hearing -having been had upon the assessment- for the above ietprovement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been b to ae� ed finally satisfactory, be it . 1916. ,ns' having ;I therefore . ant for the a. °old aaeeesment` jneidered by they Jae itetheretorered b, cta ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the, same is )that the °aid asseesma. same is herebyordered to be submitted to the District Court of thele ie heroby In all re:.r confirmation. nbmlt ed to the°I)letrlet' otintY o[ Ramsey fr BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an ` 1oi�°d That thr ; mined to be payable f s heh.t , in._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.._......................_.........._....._..........._..._....__...........191.1......... i ::`L�:.^.....�.-(/....E1 t....._.Cw. Ci Clerk. r` ..... .......... - ' _.• Approved._ ......................._............_...191.._.....' ...... ............ _...... _ ......... _.... _. ..._...._...._...................... __....._......_..._...... Mayor. form 13.•13. i6 '� Council File No. ........................................... BY'. --------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. . 1974 Resolution. Ratifying. Assessment. In the matter of the assessment o0bgnefits, costs and expenses for curbing Linwood Place between Oxford street and Lexington avenue in front of Lot 6, block 1, and Lot 6, Bldck 2, Bryant's Park, Addition No. 3. under Preliminary Order ............ 1160 A Intermediary Order .......13.6.36. ........... :...., Final Order ........:._1A4A8------ approved ....._....._December 13th4_ 191.._6..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 6 having n. nt for the abe,, said m-sament gs bee'eo..Id.-. RESOLVED; That the said assessment be and the same is hereby , ittherefore ratified, and the at the said aaae.; same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Countme I. hereby to - confirmation. and the aame le 1 submitted to the r^ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it i county or Rea.lined to be payable r Resolved, Th and It to het , ay ble In three• X in........_ equal installments as to each and every parcel of Into each and •d°therein. ,ed theretn, jha count'' h 33. lAa. Adoptedby the Council.-............._......._......................._...............................19 ............. !J f _.............._..:... ._:... -..-::...: L... .1.l..._'r ..... City Clerk. rfl Approved._........... ....:....... ..... __._............. _......_......191.._.._. (v) r .............. _...... __................... __.......... _....... ..... _................ _...__..... _...... Mayor. Dorm B, B. 18 Council File No ....... C/ ) by.......:._....._............._...:-............_..._........._:_......_..._ . CITY OF ST. PAUL.19745 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Marion street from Front street to Atwater street, tender Preliminary Order- .......1Q.2Q1.... _..... , intermediary Order .....13.479 ..................... Final Order ..... ------------- ... approved ...._........lie.9.emb.e3'.10t,.... _..... 191......6._ th` assessment ofa A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the }t -4s e estfrom et—ses onlr said assess t star street, under Pre -(factory, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, and having bee der to7o3, It nder l re. 9 must Order 33827, ary 4 hese er let. 3888. therefore eesmen for the been m and said aseosemennt having considered by tha Oo"n. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is, hertibelt therefore nnallyfied, and the L— hat the Bald asesaem 'GOnfirmfltion. ed same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the CI da ands theeeto -ame t.:" e submitt BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That the said assessment be and's county of determined to be payable ......e equal installments as to each anevery parcel of ] in......._ !-� 9 ih d andTdeacribed therein. F„ i1_,r. Adopted by the Council .................. ......... ..........191 r �..:_.`..1:.).'.....� .:... . . ...�s^ ......._ City Clerk. . V r v Approved ...... .... ................. .c]' ... ...... ........ ... .... ............ _.... 191......... A ...................... _... _ ._.... ............ _.._ _.......... _...... Mayor. Farm B, B. 18 Council F11d No. ............. ...................... By .......... ........ ..... • CITY OF ST. PAUL. -19746 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing 11 on Britahall avenue from a point 75 feet south of the south line of,Jefferson abenue to a point 75 feet north of the north line of Randolph street; on east side of Snelling avenue from a point 75 feet south of the south line of Jefferson avenue to a point 75 feet north of the north line of Randolph street,land on Palace street and Palace street produced from Brimhall avenue, to Underwood Nvenue,�� i under Preliminary Order .........7.4_.5..77..... _...... Intermediary Order ..._1177,1_.................. Final Order ..._12040................. .. approved .................. August .....29.xh............ 191..6:::.... r ebn u ; t A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for he: north of the n".'Ment, and said assess- vh street: on �eaat e mens having been further considered by the Council, and havinpoive n .Orin line Point ally satisfactory, be it enue to a point 75 fe therefore the north line of Randoll. and on Palacestreet ar street produced from l3rin ' nue to Underwood avenu, Prellminary Order 10677. Tn RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the samr.ary Orr—cder 11771, Final Ord. is ratified, and the 1916. cp hearin u Navin 9� been had same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court o_1 1amen for the above h.d:or confirmation. and said assessment havl-1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmer having been con.ideren .fetermined to be payable .tory, bo. it therefore, 'ved, That the saleeame,le herei equal installments as to each and every paecq.,, `.W: •c described therein. Adoptedby the Council............................ +................_................................... 191_....... tl..._.................... ........_.. ity Clerk. Approved...............'191......... ..._........_.'..._'Mayor. Vorm U. 11. 19 l - Council File No . .......... ..... ..............__.....:............ d By........................ I CITY OF ST. PAUL. t-974 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Vjjaoming street from Charlton.street to Ohio street,. and from Manomin avenue to Chippewa avenuep under Preliminary Order ............. Intermediary Order .._1.6472 ..................... Final Order...... 1697. ... _._.... ... approved..:.._................._Jlt.[d.�l.__1.2th#..... _..... 191.....'1.._. A public habring having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore n having b� e ament for the above r and,eatd s—esment haul RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hetv'na ueednrcon.1d.red n�atified, and the ff . ba 1' therefore same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the f,LE same tseherebv i;7or confirmation. �!(I.d, nd the mics' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be ari'the °Coounty of oitermined to be payable n •her Resolved i" 1......7l. -..._equal installments as to each and every parcel of tand described therein. ..:.:.....L\i. Adopted, by the Council,_ ........... ... 1914 City Clerk. i - - r• -1 . a 191.... Approved....__ ................ii.=,.,_. a i...._._..................... U _....__ ...... ............................................ __.....�...... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 V)748 CITY OF ST. PAUL I i COUNCIL P.ESOLUTION Date Presented December 11th., _1917 f In the hatter of - grading -alley -in Block - - _ - - �' - - m-ann'-s Add itto3 _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I 16844 18046 under Preliminary Order - - Final Order - - - - August 13th, 7 Approved -- - - - - -- - -- 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. F. No.19749- Received all InHlock6atter of A 1.,21.9-11-Yconnection papers 1[2 I llmlWy Order .19944, Flnaf order jsodowith abpYa .19946.:d What the 1817. -llti Resolved, What the Dlnne, eDeoldca- 7 - ml' nsand eetimntEe submitted by the '/ComslonerofPublle . t be for the', above named Improvement be and the f • I same are hereby approved. - Aca a by the Council Dec. 11. 1917. ApproPt ved Dea 11. 1917. 1D_ 19-1817) 11 Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - - -,191 . Yeas:(7 ) // Nays ~ Councilman F&1psworth • 0�6 s Hwi�d KekS r Mc W21 lVu ich -- Mr. President; vin - - - - - - - - - - ' ifayor. , P[JBLISIl>:B CITY OF ST. PAUL COUI:TCIL P.ESOLUTION Decekhber 11th, 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - -1Q1 . grading the alley in Block. 2, In the matter of ---------- --- _. - - -- - Bryant Park Addition No. _2- _ _ _ - 16347 17943 - - -. `under Preliminary. Order - - Final"Order - - - Approved - - - jttagst nth, - - - - , 1917. $$SOLVED, that the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received all C. F. No. 197119— p a Per$ 1[!;. In the matter of grading the alley In "Onn"tl.On with a Block 9. Bryant Park Addition No. f. Res bOV9 ;.!• underOrder 7reliminarOrder 16347, la. 942. approveed Aug. Sth,19171 O1. U1'i10n. Resolved, That the plans. speciflca- tlons.and estimates submitted for the - — � Commissioner of Public Works for the me are named improvement approved. be and the Adopted by the Council Dec. 11, 1917, Approved Dm 11. 1917. 1 (Des 16.1917) Adopted by -- - - I -,191 . ..�u� .,.,a,,,.�. - ,,11 Yeas: (7 ) e ( v) Mays Courioilman FaA orth Hyl" �. Mc. Approv'Ud Nur ich vv Mr. President, I in - - - - - - Mayor. PUBT.ISFII:F3____,�� V 750 CITY OF ST. PAJL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 11th 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - '- �-1Q1 1 " grading thealley in Block 1, In the mat ter of - -- -- _ - !-- -- - - - -- Lindemann' Place,, from Simpson StYeet' to' Pascal Ave. under Preliminary Order _ 17381 - _ Final Order - -185- - - - - Approved - Sept.- 18th, - - - - _ 191 7 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the_Commissionerof Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the, same are hereby approved.. y y I F. No. tier f ISect7iDeq all �4 In the matter grading the alley to in Dlops 1, Lindemann Place, from 'L+�nne paper's Simpson street to Pascal Ave. under n Connection With above Preliminary Order 17381, Final Or der 18681, approved Sept. 18th, 1917. ;7@8 Ju -on ,. Resolved, That the plane, peciflcs- tions and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public .Works for the above named Improvement be and the 1 same are hereby approved. 3 Adopted by tha Council Dec. 11, 1917. Approved Dec Il, 1917. ? (Dec. 16.1917) ' - Adopted by the Council - - Yeas: ( ) ( (� } Nays • Councirman Fworth G, s HYI-6d r,c z OC LIc' Approve CJun lith Mr. President; I in - - kW_ biayor. 1 - _ f CITY IST. 2PA11 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented - _December llth,1P1 7 In the natter of - Grading Dudley Avenue -between_ _ - _ _ _^he]n f9rli Street and Cleveland Avenue- - _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - u-- - - -- _-----15705 18566 nder Preliminary Order - - Final Order - - Sept. 18th, ? Approved - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tha above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. c. z. No. 19761 Received all P In the matter t Srading DudalcC1eAVee-I� connP With ha ersC[ between cneimerora sa n ctlon th above'. land Ave. under Prbllminary order I Re S o J (; t ] 16706, Final Order 18686, approved • sept. 18th, 1917. Resolved, That the .plana, d b,"Ca-i n [lone .ad estimates ubmltted by the: { Commlaeloner of PubRf u Works or they az above named Improvement be and the same are hereby pp roved. Adopted by the CounCll Dec., 11, 1917. Adopted by th Approved Dec. 13, 1917. • -.,__... _ (Dec. i -1917) 6 e Council - - - Yeas; (� ) ( V) Nay$ Councilman Fa", orth • Gp,as� . Hy1,r[nd 1C1 Approve 191 WurxTe 'lich 'Sr. President; In - - Mayor. PUP,LIS. WD__�� 19 752 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL P.ESOLUtION Decemberfilth, 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - - -1P1 In the ),fatter of UTwt4xU91;-iy19-A-sevex-OIL Stanford_Ave, from Paecal Ave. to 7amline Ave., and on Pasoal Avenue from Stanford Avenue to a point 135 north of Berkeley Avenue - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order — 27 - - Final Order _ - - - - - - - September 18th, 7 Approved ------ - - - - -- - 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates pubmitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Y ------ f" G F. No. tt— of Inath SLnnforA of tP'acnl Ave. I� j to Homlln. Ave., and n Pa'eal Ave. ileCej.ged a.LZ from stgnford,avenueAto a point 12 Connection PaPers.:3n north of - Berkeleyor aboFe Prellm1narY OrdvedlBePt. 8h,11917. Resol. U�iop. Wl th ,. c der 78561, ap.ro He'olved. That theeubmtttedDUyflthe tion' and e'tlmatea tb Comml named Improveeet tote and the aaeove ' me are hereby a *une d. .1Aopled by the Council Dec. 11, 1917.917 . ADProved Dee.11,5-19 7) Adopted by the ____—__----_ Yeas: (� ) ( V ) Nays Councilman Fal sworth Goodds ., Hy]w(pd Kc1d'jr 1;1 APprovlFd(\ -nl Lich - ) _ Mr. President, I cin - _ Y = - - _ YUIi►.w...._. Mayor. + CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented-DBcEmbel 11.tha -191 7 In the riatter of constructing_a server on Fenton Street trola Rc�ntucky Street a point 170 feet of the _- _ southerly line-of Kentucky-Street - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - - - - -- Approved - - -November 6th,- - - - - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for tha above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 19763— in the Iterf oonatruotln,, .on Fenton street from Kentucky Bt.,eepjp 8 to a point 170 feet southerly P(1 southerly line of Kentucky street! eC t j 11 jJQ nn under Preilminary Order 10001, Final I3bgp - en.ly.i th pei•8 .tn Order. 19480, approved Nov. 0th, 1917.' .1 �'1 On • abopg Resolved. That the plane, Npeoldpn•�' tlonnand eatlmates submitted by the Commissioner of Publlo Works LQr the !• t above named Improvement be and ec. ths1 ••+•,,,.�1�- _.__ - 'i same are hereby approved. i Adopted by the Council Dec. 11, 1917 Approved D11, 1917. Adopted by '61le Uouncil16.19171 Yeas: Nays Councilman Fa*ffsworth Gqz xy;aria Ke;xx x WlcGd;11 Approvd Wunder' ch Mr. President, I- - - Mayor. 19754 ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL e COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented-.-Decamber lljh�1917. In the matter of eonstructing_a_se:+er_on'inter- _ _ Street -from CapitoL Houleva.rd. to-a_pQint,_110,fa el aast_oj the _ _east line of Cajitol Boulevard - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ under Preliminary Order - 18358 - -, Final Order - _19334- - - - Nov. 8th, 7 Approved - - ---- - -I - -- - 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted .by the Commissioner of Public Works for tho above named improvement be and the same are hereby z�p roved. No, 39764— In tho matter of constructing a sewer �.�.]. 1)q,pers is on Winter street from Capitol Bnu•. Co nnecti -� v,j fh 2boVe levnrd to a point 119 feet omt of the ReSOlUt est ltne of Capitol Boulevard, andel On,. PrcllminsrY Order 18268 Fin¢i Order 19324,.nppr ved Nov. 8th. 1917. iIteeolved, That the inane. peelflthe R t hone and estimates bmltted by the Cons an oner f Pubifa Works Cor the a.+ above named Improvement be and the eame¢re hereby approved. Adopted by the Council Dec. Il, Approved Dec. 11, 1917. , Adopted b': tDe_. ts-19tx>- - -"�� - - - - - - - -- Yeas- (7 Nays Councilman Fsworth Hy4bKnd 2c1 Approve} ) lVuntSe ich Wunv Mr. President, Iin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hayor. i y'755 CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _December llthj _1917. In the natter of constructing a sewer on Baldwin _ $.tree_t_•Zoru "alpole Street !to a point 160feet north of the north line -of St. Clair $treat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - --- - - -7ovember 7th, Approved - - - - - - - - - - - - 1917. RESOLVED, fihat 'the plans, specifications and estimatee submitted b� the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ^, F. No. 197660 n the matter f ConetraetlnR a sewer on Baldwin tree[ from Walpole St.. to n Do t 160 feet north of the'' connection to Cg north Iln6 of �Bt. Clntr tree[. unaGr nnect �Cn .all Panerg j,n,,.'.; Preliminary order 19679, Final or-. Resolution, with above d r 19313, approved November .7th. 1917. Resolved, That the Diana, .Decldca -. tions n I estimates ubmitted by they. Commisaloner of Public Work. for the' abovenamed Improvement be and the' same are hereby aDDroved. Adopted by the Connell Dec. 11. 1917. Approved (D — ec 16-1917) — — _ _ — — — — _ — — 191 Yeas- ( t7 ) ( Q) Nays Councilman Fartl worth • Goa, Hylyd Ke 13' �r MCO Approve - �- 191 Pi . - - r. PresidentWun e ich ; I - Mayor. •' 8.':ia lbo--tlydinenee No. 4048— wn or" HY a Does— lnnncs gr ntins `to J. George • 4,. - 14tnitlt,W perml8elon to e r. t a shed 1 ' and 3etEo Paper ontaCeer tr1P of 9'...d not to d elght •I ` .-,�t ` tenths f a toot in wldth nd forty.: - 'V (40) feet ln. length along the easter- ly Iine of the alley running north and . outh, In block eleven (ll) of .�.£�756 - � St. Pnul PI'oper. The Council of the City of Saint Paul �' •-•• d ordain: SECTION 1. _.� O n �Q�� That Pernni i nelI .th.r1t_- - '-�av�v►_ B L granted.dt 7w. George i (any 0 '.d !ad aate rrT�. An Ordinance granting to J. George Smith, permission to erect a shed and waste papier container, on a strip of ground not a fo.t to exceed Bight tenths'ovin width and forty (40) feet in length along the easterly line of the allay running north and south, in block eleven (11) of St.Paul Proper: The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: Section 1. That!, permission and authority are hereby granted to T.George Smith, to erect a shad and waste paper gontainer, on a eight tenths of a TGDt strip of ground not to exceed/in width and Forty (40) feet in length, along the easterly line of the alley run- ning north and south, in -block eleven (11) of St.Paul Proper. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized t•o issue a permit to said "J. deorge Siiith for- the construction of said shed and waste container, upon his compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said Licensee shall file with the Commissioner of public "forks, a plan and specifications of the proposed shed and receptacle, which ;slams shall be subject to the approval of said - Commissioner: (2) The said Licensee shall furnish a Bond to the pity of St.Paul, in the sum of Thousand Dollars, conditioned �^ to save the City of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, ` damages, costs, cldims and expenses of every ki#d,arising or grow- ing out of the construction, maintenance -and, use or removal of the said shed and receptacle•;fand the -said Bond to remain in force and effect as long as said shed and receptacle are mai0tained. Said Bond to be approved by the Corporation Counsel;tand shall have such sureties, as may be approved by the mrayor, and it 5 shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City of St.Paui. (3) Tha said shzed and container shall be removed, and said alley restcred to its origian3. condition, by said Licensee, when- ever the Council shall so order. (4) The said Licensee shall, -within five days suer the passage of this Ordinancem,file a written acceptance thereof, with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force, thiry days.Srom and a£ter_its passsage and publication. '.nlssloner N ° eutnorl:ea to in aVuc We, `_frFe Sm It, for iheecop wcit h 11a sompliance nate ondltlone: ith 't_ the LlCenaeV hall 1p Commiesloner of Plic Plan t d speclflcxtiOnsubof .lanae Aailhbeau bJect receptacle: t said Commiesloner. the ap- t The saki Licensee shall fatal. 'tf tFIt ivee Thousand tDo"I In the to exVe the lista, on- s from a anitly 11 St. Paul era• o ls, lalme and liability, t ansnd, a IeInF or growej pensee' e truCtlon, main[roVjn and r remoavxl f the aid. shed and' 'mg out els: nd the Id IIond d re- ahedforce nfd eReet o.a long as and ¢ceptaIle are maln- tlond [o be approved by the tion Cousnael, and shall have �etlen ad Itmnh Ibe b-Ppr.Ved by AlCdO wl th of St, i T I•eaa (,'i C ... Vihnen (') �a>. ✓�S�J —GW- 1n f ... r 9 it>Iwld cVIC,, 'I14eArr+r Against � 'rR\•rr���/r��lich Mr. N�&nllrvin FORM C A 9 6— ZM Adapted by the Cpuncil MAV. -2n'.1918.. 19t _._. Y IL_ Approved _........191..._. _.. .......... .. ...._. _... _... MAY 04� CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ .19757 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM, FILE N0. BY 11)� AUDITED DEC IBI_ ' PER y 8889 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names .as specified in the' following detailed ' statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays -ik o Adopted by the Council I IL. 1�2 141 X191_ Farnl orth- Gow- —7—In favor Approved 191— KeIlaf- McQri1�. _Against — Hyland MAYOR MAYOR ---_ »-Wunderlich Mr. President:'�— Irvin r 22569 J. R. Anderson Company, 2.36 Library-NBooks. i 70 Auto Engine Works, 9.85 - Fire-Exp. 71 C. Bielenberg, 2.3 50 . Health-P.Baths-Exp. 16.50 \Water-Exp. -- 7.00 83.50 72 Rostnn Book Comnany, 15.41 Lib ra ry-Exp . 73 H. C. Boyeson Company, 2.50 Comptroller-Exp. 1.90 .Water-Exp. _,60 2.50 74 Brandtjen Motor Car Compa::yl'. .133.10 Fire-Exp. 75 Brentanors, 14.63 Library-NBooks. 76 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 7.90 Comptroller-Exp. 3.00 C.P.Works-Exp. 4.90 7.90 77 W. F. Buth & Company, 7.20 G.F.-Civil Service-Equip. 78 Capital Envelope Com$any, a - 4.75 G.N.-Civil Service-Esquip. 79 Central Scientific Company, 7.56 Mechanic Arts F.S. Library. _ Form A. 5.11 — L w« a CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 19757 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE Q1 No. - ❑ BV Cyt/ I1.1� 1 .• AUDITED DEI. 12_191_ PER 8869 8889 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in thii' following detailed _ statement: - Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council OIL: 1L 14 i /191_ FarnX(rorth G —7-1 In favor Approved 191_ KeI,W� Against " -----�— Hyland Ryland MAYOR +,.. ----- r ';--Wunderlich Mr. President, Pte- Irvin 22569 J. R. Anderson Company, i 2.36 Library-NBooks. [ 70 Auto Engine Works, 9.85 F.ire-Exp . - 71 C. Bielenberg, 23.50 Health-P.Baths-Exp. 16.50. Water -Exp. 7.00 23.50 72 Rostnn Book Oomnzny, 15.41 II Library -Exp. 73 H. C. Boyeson Company, 2.50 _ Comptroller -Exp. 1.90 .Water -Exp. .60 2.50 74 Brandtjen Motor Car Compa:.v,' 133.10 Fire -Exp. 75 Brentanors, a 14:63 Library-NBooks. d 76 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 7.90 Comptroller -Exp. 3.00 - C.P.Works-Exp. 4.90 7.90 77 W. F. Buth & Company, 7.20 G.F.-Civil Service -Equip.. 78 Capital Envelope Company, a _ 4.75 - G.B'.-Civil Service -Equip. 79 Central Scientific Company, 7.56 Mechanic Arts K.S. Library. Res. 889 Page #2. 22580 Chicago, Great Western Railway Company, 75.03 Fire -Equip. 81 Clymer & Huelster, 14.00 health -Health -Exp. I 82 Cochrane argent Company, 2.10 ' Fire-C&B. 83 Creamery Package Mnfg. Company, 4.00 Qatar-R'xp. 84 Daily Hardware Company, 5.50 - Schools -Exp. 85 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 4.80 Schools -Exp, .75 Library -Exp. .45 Humboldt Lite. 3.60 4.80 66 F. Defiel, 10.55 Schools -Exp. 87 L. F.' Dow Company, 11.37 Schools -Exp. .40 Library -Exp. w 2.57 8.40 11..37 88 Electric Blueprint Company, 3.25 P.B1dgs.Arch.-Exp. 89 Electric Mnfg. Company, 2.12. , Fire -Exp. 90 ,Elk Laundrp'Company, 34.53 Police -Exp. 18.07 Schools -Exp. 16.46 34.53 91 A. D. Ellsworth, 16.33 Schools -Exp. 92 Essanell Elec. Company, 9.50 Fire -Exp. 93 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, -75.20 Fir a-C&B . 8.40 Schools -Exp. 8.00 U 58.80 75.20 p 94 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 3.75 Water -Exp. 95 Fire Service Company, 6.00 Fire -Exp. 96 Gaylord Brothers, 3.00 Library -Exp. 97 The Goldan Rule, 13.64 Library -Exp. 98 Grossman lnsturment Works, 1.20 C.Y.W.-Exp• 99 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 9.74 Water -Exp. Rea. 889 Page, #3 22600 Harper brothers, 15.00 Library-1JBooks . 01 William Helburn, Inc., 4.80 Library-NBooks. 02 Improvement Bulletin, ,* 9.45 G.N .-Official Pub. 03 Johnson High Press, 6.00 - Schools -Exp. 04 Joy Bros. Motor Car Company, 5.25 Fire -Exp. - 05 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg. Company, 23.00 Schools -Exp. 06 Library Bureau, 6.00 Library -Exp. 07 Library of Congress, 120.22 Library -Exp. 99.25 Humboldt H.S. Libr. 20.97 120.2 08 Linde Air Products rompanv, 13.50 a Fire -Exp. 4.50 n 4.50 Police -Exp. 4.50 - 13.50 ' 09 Lindeke warner & Son, 2.65 Schools -Exp. 10 A. C. McClurg Company, 488-80' Library-H�T6�$ . 11 Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safety, 248.13 P.B1dos. Insp.-Exp. 98.09 - Library -Exp. 32.16 Pay. Rice St. 27.88 " Miss. River Blvd. 45.00 ,Mounds Blvd. 45.00 248.13 12 McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 31.50 Library-NBooks. n 13 Mahle Wagon Company, 2.30 Water -Exp. 14 Mannheimer Brothers, 8 5.00 Library -Expanse. 15 F. A. Mayer, Agent for Schiefflen & Company, 32.50 Health -guar -Exp. 16 Melady Paper Company, : 13.00 Schools -Exp. . 4.65 a a 2.60 a a 4.5o -Health.P.,Com. Sta.Exp. 1.25 13.00' 17 Michaud Brothers, 4.89 Library -Exp. 18 Minnesota News Company, 53.50 LibraryONBooks. Res. 889 Page #4. 22619 Missionary Education Movement, .54 Library-NBooks. 20 Mitsch & Beck Company, _ 141.00 Fire -Exp. 21 Mullery Paper Box Company, 7.20 C.P.W.-Exp. 22 National Laundry Company, 1.37 Police9Exp. X23 Northern Express Company, •97 Library -Exp. 24 Northwestein Stamp Works, 1.85 P4B1d-s.Insp.-Exp. 1.25 Schools -Exp. .15 Library -Exp. .45 - 1.85 25 Northwestern Tel. Company, 23.65 Mayor's Office -Exp. 6.60 Comptroller -Exp. 5.00 P . B1dLs .Ins p. -Exp . 2 .5 0 it IArch.-Exp. 1.90 G.F.-Civil Service -Exp. 3.50 - Corp. Counsel -Exp. 1.00 Schools -Exp. 2.65 _ - Playgrounds -Exp. 950- 23.65 26 Photo Art Shop, .50 Library -Exp. 27 Pioneer Electric Company, 5.04 Fire -Exp. 28 Polish Book Improting Company; 8.47 Library-NBooks. 29 W. G. Prussing, 10.25 Schools -Exp. 30 Public Affairs. Information Service, .50 Library-NBooks. 31 Reed Motor Supply, 2.00 ' Schools -Equip. 32 Remington Typewriter Company, 6.20 G.F.-Civil Service -Equip. .75 Sc ools-Exp. 5.45 6.20 33 Review Publishing Company, 44.50 Corp. Counsel -Exp. 6.30 - G.F.-Official Pub. 38.20 - 44.50 34 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 13.06 C.P.W.-Fxp. 1.80 Water-Ex1p. 9.96 1.30 13.06 35 St.Paul Battery Company, 3.95 Fire -Exp. Res. 889 Page #5. 22636 St.Paul as Light Company, 92.59 . .P.W.-Workhouse-Exp: 29.38 Sewer C&R -Exp. 11.00 Library -Exp .J 52.21 92.59 37 St.Paul Pattern & Model Company, k. 15,86 Fire -Exp. 38 St.Paul Rubber Company., 3.34 Libr+a ry-Exp . 39 W. H. Schmelz\el Company, 33:15 Fire -Exp. 40 Chas. Scribner's Sons, 170.31 ° Library-NBooks. 41 Sherwood Company, 14.60 Library-NBooks. 42 L. C. Smith Brothers-, .50 C.P.W.-Axp. 43 Thomas Publishing Company, 10.00 Library-NBooks. 44 Tierney & Company, 2.00 - Schools -Exp. 45 Tri State Tel. & Tel&. Company, 18.10 Mayor's Office -Exp. 2.10 P.Bldgs. Arch: -Exp. 1.50 ° Insp.-Exp. 2.50 Library -Exp. 11.50 Playgrounds -Exp. .50 18.10 46 Union Library Association, 2.25 Library-NBooks. 47 Valley Iron Works, 125.70 Schools -Exp. 48 G. Bross Van Dort Company, 68.00 Library-NBooks. 49 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 68.00 Fire-C&B. 20.00 Schools -CO. 3.50 44.50 68.00 t 50 Virtue Printing Company, 14.75 ' C.P.S.-Gen'l. Adm. -Exp. 3.50 Police -Exp, .75 Health -guar -Exp. 9.25 Library -Exp. 1.25 14.75- 51 Wallbloom Furniture & Carpet Company, 7.50 Police -Exp. 1 52 A. J. Wampler, a .4.80 . Schools -Exp. 53 Wm. L. Weber, 10.00 Schools -Exp. EeS. 889 I - I i 2,618.22 i j Page '#6. 22654 Wells, Fargo Express Company, .89 - Library -Exp. �1 Book Company. 1ni: 55 Weed Parker Company, 27.00 Playground -Exp. � k 56 Western Supply Company, -tt 27.63 Sewer C&R -Exp. 3.79 O Schools-C&B. 12.50 [press Co.. 97 Cents. a Stamo Work.. $3.86. - Schools -Exp. 8.64 -1011. 50 Center - . Arle Co.. $6.04. rater -Exp. 2,18 .g.$10 25. ire Information Service, o t4 .52 'try & Sands, $73.06. ttery Co.. Co.,9 e Light ., 27.63 el Co. ttern' & Model Company. ' 57 W. G. Whitehead, 4:50 _ Water -Exp. A• _ 'ff Co.. $14.60. ' h Bros. 50 Cents. 58 John Wiley & Sons, 5.84 Library-NBooks. e Total I - I i 2,618.22 i j • I i . �.et. Co.. $13.50., �•r & Son. 52.65. i K Co.. $488.80. j - i oil. Co.', P. Sate - it �1 Book Company. 1ni: _...n Co., $2.20.. r Bros.. $6.00. Agent for Schleftlen & - 50. 1 rt- Co.. $13.00. e., 5489. - iew. Company, 563.60. - -tt Education Movement, +df leek Co.. $141,00. er undrry Co.. 51.37. [press Co.. 97 Cents. a Stamo Work.. $3.86. - n TO Co.. $23.65. _. - -1011. 50 Center - . Arle Co.. $6.04. ' improving Co.. 58.47. _ .g.$10 25. ire Information Service, Typewriter Co.. 56.20. bllehing Co.. 544.60. 'try & Sands, $73.06. ttery Co.. Co.,9 e Light ., � el Co. ttern' & Model Company. ' bber Co., $3.34. - nelzel Co.. $33.15. . n.r'. Son.. $179.31. A• _ 'ff Co.. $14.60. ' h Bros. 50 Cents. Wishing Co. $10.00. - .. $2.00. T"g. xy Aseoclatlon, 52.26. Works $126.70. - Dot Company. $6800. - z & Lumber Co.. $68.00. 1 Ing Co.. $14.76. ' +urniturs & Carpet Co.. j ler. 54.80. # - ,ger. =10.00. Expos Co.. 89 Cents. ' Co.. $27.00. - Rupply Co.. $27.63. !itehead, $4.60. - - 'ey & Sone, 55.&4. - - ;by the Council Dec. 12, 1917. :d Ds.12. 1917. ._...(Der. 16-1917) _.... - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM F �ENO1 No. 19758 AUDITED ��B �. !t 1917 191_*l •*,°"•• . }'� ✓ PER 891 u Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and . in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - statement: _ Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council Er_1 l X191_ Farrk<o ' rth . Ges.' ._ -la favor. - App_ - _191_ Kkt.K M.C.6`11 _Against ' - � Hyland Wunderlich MAYOR M. President, % gn_ Irvin - C'Re . l 19766 tact— ' ReeM warrants be drown 'eheout of ae al atter epe IoeA [ands bIeand In favor. of the Persons, firms •or corpora- 'tions for, the amounts set oDDoslt. !thelr reeDeetive names as ryaclded In taa rollowin6 detalied statement: _ - _ K F. Dreher, Deputy Corer Educes- tion, $92.90. Raymer Hardware Co., $117.60.. - F. O.Wicko r,<$53.00. ' Wright. Barrett R Stilwell, $3,547.54. - - - Adopted by the Council Dec. 12, 1917. Approved Dec. 12, 1917. - (Dec. 15-1917) 22670 K. F. Dreher, Deputy om`r: 15 uea on; — 83.90 sepols-Exp. _ 71 Raymer Hardware Company, 117.60 _ Schools -Exp.. 72 F. 0. Wickor, 53.00 Schools-C&B. 73 Wrigh ,-Barrett & Stilwell, 3,547.54 II S C ho ols -Exp . Total 3,812.04 Form A. 5.11 i qb Fur- A. 5-11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 59 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LENO1 N0. AUDITED_a (' � `'i•I 191={ Il PER 890 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter §pecified funds- and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite .their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the CounciUF C 191_ Fa*g;',.rth G'"f�. In favor Appr ed a 191_ K!:Mn Against _ ------Q land - ,MAYOR .. ----- p� �Wunderlich Mr. President, WAWT.rvin — No. o. 1975 __.•. _.... �. 1'`. 19759— - - Resolved that warrants be drawn City Trsas Srf Payable out of he hth t reei sthefs specified funds and in avor persons, firma or corpora - ton, Ior - the amounts set opposite their respective name. as specified In the- . ,.Ilowi ng detailed statement: NY, M. Bennett. $15.68. y Craftsman Press, $254$.1 Jennie R. Forrest. $30.00: ' Independent 011 Co., $34.15.. B. W. Hirby, $2.35. Leslie-Donah—crOo., $21.16. 22659 W. M. Bennett, T. F. McCormick, $490.53. al Le i� p.. $477.06. Natio6. Water -Exp. Alber - St. Paul Builders Material Company. $1,393.10. Streator Clay3lnfg. Co., $370.96. 60 Craftsman 'Press, Ad Opted by the Council Dec._12, 1917... Pprot'ed 1—. 12 1e1 �. Gen. Printed forms and b (Dec. 15-1917) . 61 Jennie A. Forrest., G.N'.�hiisc. & Unf. 62 Independent Oil Company, Water -Exp. 63 B. W. Kirby, Health -Dairy -rasp. -- 64 Leslie-Donahower Company, Water -Exp. 65 T. F. McCormick, - Edgerton St. Pump House. 66 Ratlow4l- ?ee.d Company, Water -Exp. 67 Albert Rehbein,. Water -Exp. - 68 St.raul Builders Material Company, Water -Exp. 135.24 . Water-C&B. 1,257.86 1,393.10 69 Streator Clay Mnfg. Company, coater—F,x� . Tote l 8,960.93 d3. 15.68 25.48 30.00 34.15 2.35 21.16 490.53 477.06 100.46 11393.10- 370.96 }lays. :ipG..._.t�n ..� 1;.in o� .ice G -r . < �.,..! t : �;_�,.s • 9,"760 1n C. F. No. 19760--0rdfnance No: 3991.— l� t ergenoy Ordinance, Appropriating the sum c:: "An Emergency ,Ordinance, Dproprl-! atting the eum o[ Six Tho -a nd Dation fnr the conetrnction of Fire 0 �� �P6 (�fia&r the Construdtion of Fire Station No. 24, and Repealing An Appropriation of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, ({14:000.00) In Ordinance No. 396P. I No: 24; and Repealing An - Appropriation of Twelve Thou- . The Connell of the City or St.Paul - 'does ordain: sECTIONI. Ive Hundred ($12500.00) dollars in Ordinance No -3952. That there is hereby appropriated out of the Conetructf.n and Setter. -ot. Tt„m,. of, t>e Bureau of Fire - Protection. Budget Account the of .0 Thousand Dollars ($6.000 00), For the purpose or eon- COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: s acting a Fire Station to be known atntl Se en YI, the r E....rner' of Fsst Seventh and •Flnndrenu t 1 SECTION ° - That Section lI.pr Orden SECTION I. X62, npproved September P — oropriating Twelve Thou - ,dred ($12600.00) doll,'." - - nrtlan of the ab1 - `r:. %on^is he's' That there is hereby appropriated out of the Construction and Betterment Item -of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Budget Account, p ne of - the sum ofS� rLKe✓�a^c�°i luta ( 0 0 * ), for the purpose of constructing a'Fire Station to be known as Station No. 24, at the S.E. corner of East Seventh and Flandrau Streets. SECTION II: That Section II, of Ordinance No. 3952, approved September 24th, 1917, appropriating Twelve M20usand Five Hundred ($12,500.00) dollars for the construction of the above mentioned Fire Station, is hereby repealed. SECTION III. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Emergency Or— dinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. Sias (1") Conn6hm n (+') \:n9,.. 2 __....-- �C Far ns,rnrth �� - a�iept,•d i„ III (•onnril � r" 7 1917 uu 1 cuss ! In favor - - flyknd ( senor, i<<;, App,nred _ _ SEC 2.7. 19!7 lot Mcon .�;:. i' � Agniust S5 1 (Irrl •h i; \Ir. 1 ')e+it Irvin ntAYOP FORM C A.9 6!7 2M rL _ : t.,, •..r _ _ 19760 iff COno� C. F. No. 19760—Ordinance No. 3991.--.1, ergency Ordinance, Appropriating the sum _ "An atting the so Ordinance, p.4pnd rC•� , 1 Do]'., the tum of a,t Tho Wand e Dation far the coneirRevea of Fire /{'!. 1ppon Ntl 2 and Repealing An , For the Construction of Fire ,- Fi— H..d,en- of Twelve Theuea In Ordinance Hundred Dollnre, ($32.600.00) 1° ` No. 24; and Repealing An Appropriation of Twelve Thou— The Conncll of the City of St. Paul ::does ordain: - sEcrloN ,. I vs Hundred ($12500:00) dollars in Ordinance No -3952• That .there la hereby appropriated - out of the Construction and Better- Tt•.m or. Ib'. Bureau of Fire Protection. Budgeb account tha "f. St. Thousand Dollars - t-etin"ii For the ion purpose of own, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN:— .. .011— a o 2 Station to be known inti Se ent 2a at the S. ut i of East Seventh and •Flnndrenu r SECTION 2. - That Section 11. of Ord)na SECTION I. '.152. approved September 2 - -,rop,1,11",, Twelve Th oc - Idred 612600.00) dei1-.' action of the ab,. here', . That there is hereby appropriated out of the Construction and Betterment Item of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Budget Account, np of the sum of j �,a;;;K.,oti ,ua ( G 000 \ ), for the purpose of constructing a'Fire Station to be known as Station No. 24, at'the S.E. corner of East Seventh and Flandrau Streets. SECTION II. That Section II, of Ordinance 210. 3952, approved --September 24th, 1917, appropriating Twelve Ehousand FiNt Hundred ($12,500.00)y - � �� • �,' d vK.' . � 1N,u�%�' �.� Gam- l 1 � � i °t'�,. ov J '% Vl- l C` LP Ct � e 0 �g ��.�, , �' �< ; .��.,�..'A �h,o'/ aj! ,dry, p � a•� `� 17` U JI CITY OF ST. PAUL C LUTION—GEN LOTION—GENERAL FORM ry G Subject: f�WC Co1. usCIL ! 61 FILE No. .. _Date Presented Dec, llth_ri?191._._ 6 \ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby uthorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller' without asking for competitive bids, one 'Heaton Port_. • eter, magnetically shielded ,type, model 370f, 5/21 amp., and one 'Weston Port Wattmeter, magnetically shielded type, model 310; volts 200/100, amps. 5/10, KW 1/J - 2/1 100 line scale, in accordance with Requisition No. 536 on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from `Shite & Converse, for the sum of $163.88, F.O.B. Newark, N.J., .as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said supplies to be charged to the Department of Public Utilities - Testing Laboratories—New $quipment. C. F.. h" 10)6Thsty a.hE. Keller_ �. Resolved, That Agent po 'h end he 1s hereby I'ureh.ginl; ''CnnlDlroller, so with the eo wbte,... 'DctltlYe bid.,a one 1". xekina• foOf me meter• naxneticany eeston Port q i Ontt Wnitm370 e23r n.., endleonedlVe.type,• ied tl'De. model 3io. 1olnetically shield_ Iaeeo, an I/N,•2/1 1111olta 204/300, amD.. !olo I nth a•Ith Relryof. tion No, C 'filo In the cele,—In sumnof from hitt f I I ver.ererorsthe In. this Iso ne D cote II' Newnrk, 'advnntnue can be d artlele and no I .."t or comosti tlyealned by xtlYertiae- uDDllea In be chn0 "1 to Coat r les. j ment of Puhllc []Iilltlee� the Ds boratorlps--,�reN ' t Tcstinq P7 at= I AI -pr. edbDse.e Cou ncii llec. 12, ]917, X31 Yo Councilinen Yeas (Vi/ FarnsWOT h ✓ Nays Adopted '/ (llec. ]611934) i ) y .. p d by the Council L)E "-- � �-- 191. . Cosa .7 In favor Hyland_ l i Keller KellApproved . / L 1ILI 91 ...._ Keller -Against U !/ Wunderlich t Mr. President. Irvin MAYOR FORM C..-2 CITY OF ST.I PAUL COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM L Subject: 19762 COUNCIL ,. FILE N 0...... Date Presented December, 12, 1917._. 0 Whereas Eric H. Erickson, Earl and Hawthorne Sts., has heretofore paid -to the City of St. Paul the sun. of Fifty 050.00) Dollurs.as an advanced payment for a sewer on Lot 16, Block.7, Phalen Heights Park, and Where2.s the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting I the s, -.id property is the sun of Forty-six and 41/100 ($46.41) Dollars. therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Three and 59/100 ($3.59) Dollars be re-� funded to said Eric H. Erickson and that ,the proper.city officers be and they are hereby authorized to'draw a warrant in favor of said Eric H. Erickson for said sum payable out of the Advanced Assessment. Account. C, R No. 19762—n • -whereas Eric Hy .rlckmon,asavl nor( lof hewCty St. P ul the tofonlr Paid (260,00) Dollars as an dvuneed pay -me., Het for s, sewer on 16, dock 7 lKhtm Park. II'hRlen and o Whereas the naseeaent for the con- of R m Newer '.4ald conneCtlnR the ro rt .ad Property bo i[ Dollars, hlarn'Ore' Resolved that the -sum of Three and anDR ldOEric3 R. F.rleksoa '�a. f that dthe proper 11— be .ind they ore uutthor hereby a to ,o%v v„1 Clint Ln lover o[ meld Eric H. P•,rlckson for Laid Laidsum payable out of the Advanced Account. e Adopted by the Counell Dec. 12, 1917. Approved Dec. 22, 1917. - - (Dec. 16-1917) Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farrporth Adopted by the Council •F R 1/ ', - / - 191 Coss In favor Hyl pnd K M�PII � Against n -” Aapr�e�// 191. _ WuAderiich Mr. Preside94rvin FORM C. 9-2 MAYOR j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: .............._.... '763 COUNCIL / w� ....... ... FILE . IVO.l . .... .. ..... i Date Presented....._ _.---- _.----....._------_--------- _191....— Resolved, That there is hereby transferred from the Grass Cutting Revolving•Item of the General Fund the sum of ;'300.00 to the Printed Forms & Blanks Item of the same fund; also i "600.00 from the ^,,raas Cutting Revolving Iter.: of the i General Fur_d 'o the -orkmens Compensation Item of the sane fund, thereby preventing unavoidable defioiencies. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Fabwworlh CyS n�ljod KV,r {Yu�.d flieh Air. Presid,-nktrvin FORM C A-9 6.17 2M 11110-13yFnrneworth— Iteaolved. That there le hereby traneferred from the Green G'n-lting Revolving Item of the General Fund hhe sum of $200.00 to the Printed ,'Forma & Dlanits Item of the Ming nevolvim;0 It.. offromh theyae. General Fundto thelVorkmene Compeeatlon Item: of the name fund, thereby pre- . venting unavoidable detielcrelee. Adopted by th Council Dec. 12, 1917. Appnoved De.' ^I E, 1917.. - (Dec. 16-1917). --__ hD E �- 4 , Adopted by the C,ouncil____ .......... .l:f " _f........_._. 101 ....... .. ..._..In favor - APPloved... /...(_... ..I� 1.......191........ 0.... Agniuit 1 11 i ....._ ................._.................... _........... ........... .:........_.............. ........... MAYOR . �C. F. No ]9761— In the matter of. Il nseeeement .o[ - benefits.. oats and - e;Denser for.' Rrading .Fulham street --front Hen- don - street to north city 11ra Council, File No Its, under Pr,,IonI a nrd,t uas9, '\ ^, ' ------'"""' 7ntermedla�Y Ord r 16651.. F1 al Or -',1>\, �j(� der 16111, pProved April 29. 2917• `)�7d_` it A-Dubllc hearing having been had - - ! lJ `$ upon the aeeeeement for the above VVrovement, and saki aeeeeement having By - -' """"' Deen further coneldered Dy the Coun- Q Iell, andhaving been coneldered anally' satlefactory, be It therefore Resolved, That the said asgesament Ira. and th am Is hereby In all re- . epects caused and the am Ie h reby o de ed to he eubmitt d to the District `Court of the County t RUW-e� for .. Resolu pars sin. e P el a47 uodn Due 'ul el1P ssment. peau etni uol salols v -d oAo asuwb ,7s7 �oseP .tlaelnol7 _ryin p" toadmf_.Ppoteu ano9e oql sol In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cdBts.and,expenses for ,grading Fulham street from Hendon street to north city limits, under PlelimiAry Order., .1.4369 ....:........... Intermediary Order 1-5.531 ........... Final Order .............. 1.5141..:...... approved..........:.....APr_l_._Z6.............:........._.:...191..7.:..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and[fye-same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diat�ic Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1 in �.j�.,_V.._.1..U..�Y.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ._.._ t 191 ..... ........... . City Clerk. ..................... ......... �a Approved....... _........._...... ......_...... '...... ........ ........1........... 191......... .� t ................_..... _.._._..... Mayor. Farm B. B. 19 r Council •File No ..........n . By...:...:_......__..._........._......_.. w 39- 65 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses-- c for grading Hyacinth".-St. from Arcade St. to Forest St., I ` I • a � I under Preliminary Order ............. Intermediary Order 1_J7.Q.Q......................... Final Order ..._1.6358......... _.... _ f thasCIn Ft.hNo.mat76 approved............... 2gy.$............... ......_x...... .... .191benefit-. cost- andensemen�` \ � Or A public hearing having been had upon the asseE °sieio Forestest,hpnaer p ellm naay and said assess- Order 118,1. Intermediary Ordar ment having been further considered by the Council, r .16700. Final order 16,68, approved satisfactory, be it May, s, 1917. A DuDltc hearing hn:ving bean had therefore j purpoon [he assessment for tgqhe above 1m- been-[ rttiernconelidered ally the Coun ^ I, ('eft and having been eon-ldered finally, as.hafa.etory. be It therefore ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and t, , Resolved, That the said assJesment C; nod .the same le hereby in all re same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District tspecta rauned, and the same la hereby. confirmation. ordered to be submitted to the DI. 1, Cour[ of the County of Ramsey for. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said asseiCOnnrmatlon: -- led to be payable Be IC F'urthor Resolved, That the sold p y aeneeament be and 1t le hereby dater- mined to be Datable In flue equal In- stallmm�ta fie to each and ovary parcel `` o[ land described th-redo. rein. �. in_..... —b......_..... ... ....equal installments as to each and Adopted Dy the Cpuncil Dec. 1Y, 1917. Approved Dec. lE. 1917. Adopted by the Council ........ ...... 191............ . _......s,j(. ..f4.1..i.... City Clerk. Approved:..... ..... ........._:::....... _........ 191......... V f t 1 � � t ..... Mayor. For B. 8..18 N 1w,- 19 Council File No . ........ ...... ....... ..... ........... :_..... ..... By..................... ... ....... ................ .........:....:.._....._..__......_`.. CITY OF ST.' PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matterof the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses curbing 11.argaret St., from Hope St. ,to Seventh St., _97 66 for under Preliminary Order....8.7.90.............. _...... Intermediary Order 9.6.30............................., Final Order........j.9_Q.h4___.._.... approved .............. APT, ...._..._19.,............................. 191-6... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the abov s"o�ae=9`—, nt, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been:vpro�'ed , 7s' I y satisfactory, be it , ; havinB been ted therefore nt rot .the stove Im- d seaeeement,IdhevinR .senred C..f..j red B v RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is he°th eeaia aInes1.1, a ratified, and the Ie hetoby 1n al same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the (Id thedsio ehaev Nee for confirmation. ,wiBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be aRlesotvea. That [determined to be payable 'nd 1t fe hereby e 'able In three eqi. eech and every - i�.� ...... /f .equal installments as to each and every parcel therein. "ed therein. ...:.... ...._.. , •,Hell Dec. t; 417. kit=) ;• i19'1.......... Adopted by the Council .........::.:.:.:.:..................................:..._.........._...... .......,,..��r.......�. City Clerk. �+ r' _2 . Approved......._.__ .............. ..:.... _._.................. ......... !........... 191.__.... ; 1 .....1....:.. ............... Mayor. ' torn, B. B. 18 J JTMT 1"M" % v +, 19767 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGESAND AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR., -- In the matter of....C.Rnfl@.T0. iX19._ft.F,lSl.._UkRing.-.(`T.3iSi.._the...7.&I14�---JxO-G-Q- for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of. -alley in Block 2, Stonc`arid Rogers' Addition And J. W. Falihee's Rearrangement of Block 2,_ R- o ge r 5-t Addition; from--2diTt-on St: to vi'ctCrY'a atra9t0ft-he... rtmel t-6 nr. taken for the above named improvement bein more particularly described &.4.:all...e8,semeRt...f.Q.?....R]9p.8.>3.,...;.Qr......ute._aAd...f.��J..>i<.... in 4.0."P. the.:.1_and....:...- abutting upon the alley in,Block 2; Stone and Ro ere Addition and J. W. Falihee s R rrangement of Block 2 Ro ers' Addif on bet een the points a.f r..eaaidr.... o the ---.ext ant.... shown...upoia...tfN aket.c ..a. -&c e, he...ss; os. of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 26th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereo€.�...._........_................................................................................................................-..........._..._.........•------.. X under Preliminary Order ...17146 .............. ,approved.-J.'AX14...RvI.,.1917, Intermediary Order......1$2.; JI........, ' approved......._Aug. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condev' an'' =11 "ti'^^�s or easements therein, tting upon tnu n4 for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefq J.' ittonseat nee en Rear- ,assessment of benefits. r 'itninea`vointssu1 eain, ; therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now: shown upon to exetph ' 'hereport of the Com= Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the Ian, Pg lic er 26th In the. inesed assessment roll, ' and report. are hereby identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and ma"d made a ,.it hereof, the awards of damages „nary Order 17146, up - to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and ccPy�o917 w terme ati rth in said assessment ring having been haP roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confi?09 and condemnation asements therein; f• -went, and the aw' Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, lir°f lien n s atther,'Is hereby in all respects ratified, ,wing duty and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Ihettz� retgre n ;,ear:r confirmation. x B it furt ter_Besnlved t' r >, _ -dIERRU Adopted by the Council........................................................................t 191.%%. jj `,' ; 191Clerk. ff ,' ' I n t lllh,,,,,,,jjj} Approved......:..........:......................................... ......., tv Of Councilman vb'arnsworth Councilman✓✓✓loss — Councilman Hyland 7ouncilman eller I) onncilman doll uncilman/ nderlich Mayor I11ypfi D, Mayor. In ijje�mafl�iiof condemning mudtak: I Ing an easanient, In = the' land necas awr for-aal opeB," or cuts and 8118.1n the gradin 2, or alley I. Block Stone andRogers' Addition and J. W. Iftlihea's Rearrangement of -Block ,;1ogt,ra`sA1 ton.faro. Inc. St. Vj. or, St.111 for "the above, named! -!Imp.'ar!M.k...n1 19 76 8 'helng more particularly described as an easement for slope., for cuts and -.Illgo.ln alley In look 2: Stone an. tb:n* pon ithe land abutting Roger.' Addition and W. P.H. Ise"."'Mu"m91Bin -- R.1.1Addition, b:..ca th. �,Its aforesald, to the extent shown upon ---.the sketch attached to the report of the C --ml a-16u.r of In the matter. dated Sept;bllc Work18th, 191 s ��h, sketch and r.,,Ip f h, report are FINALOI her" Id Junm 2 1 ION PROCEEDINGS. Iii the matter of. C_QAdAMtXjng 4-nd tak.ing...an ea.aerten.t.-.Jn. th.e land naaaasaxy for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block . . _ 2 Stone.:4rd...Aoge.r.e..'Addillon We. II Reaxrangemoxft Qf l ink ,Rogers' Addition, from Milton St. to Victoria street the land to be lak.en for the abO.Ve =Ald JMP.r.Q.7.01AQ.r1t b.e;L llclre pazt.Uulaxly do.scribed as an eas'dineiii T6F slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon th.q pJ.1.§y In 2. Stone and Rqgerel Ad4.11.j.pl.i p,.Yj.d_ ' .. .. ..... . .. .. .. .. .. I.' W Fii-!-Ihiifi-l'ii"Rearrangement of nl,o,c-k 9 ffoier . a .. I Addition, . . . . . . . between the points aforesaid to the extent shown uDon the sketch attached to th-e re dft 6r..- theC& thi S,e,pt"— e =r 26th 1917 which sketch and report are hereby refbrred to and mad. e a part here-bf.................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order 1.21-40 ............ approved. -ZUT)A 21,1111, Intermediary Order.IARU ............ approved AuE-v .......... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: . .................. Condemn and take an easement in t .e.jan ! P.PgAvAa.ry f..Qr luta ...................................................................................... and fills in the grading of alley in Block 2. Stone and Rogers' Add- ........................................................ . .......................................... ......... .................................................. 1 ....................................... ition and J. W. Falihee's Rearrangement of Block 2.Roger5l Addition ................................................................................ _____ ............................. ...... ........... ................... ............ . ............. from.milt.p.n __o li.cl_oria. 51 ze.et . . ......................................................... .............................. ...... ............ .t ... t (2) That the Mowing land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for -the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .... an aa.sement..f.or..._, Slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the.land abutting upon the alley and..ILoge=a.! --- Add1t_a_on--_an&..J ..... ment of Block 2, Rogers' Addition, between Uhe points aforesaid t e .O;Xtgat j))a.Q.wn...Upon t hA sk.e.t.ch a.t.ta.che& to the mepart of the Commle-sIoner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 26th 1917, which sketch and rapoxt are..hexaby rafa r. r ad t.o amd ..made......part. h6sof . . ................................... - , (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. y Adopted by the Council ................ -------------------------- ................ 1 191 % ................... 1 Ci e . r . k Approved ... .... ...... . 191 6 Mayor. �qG - 37 69 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter oftaki.nQ...ata...ma.eme.nt.... ixl:..the ---land ...ng� qe3.4.%'y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hemline avenue from Randolph street to Otto the -land "to• be taken .the aibove named P. g .. .. Pa ............. Y ..... .......... easement for im rovement bean more rticularl described as an slopes, for cuts and fills.in and upon the land abutting 'on Hamline ' � �aderiue; -between foresa"i3";"""t"o'"tine'"`A"Set"ent"""-eiitswlf-"'upo"n""7W sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the »utter; dated Septeiriber 21sf;' Y�Jf7; wFi3oli'ieketcii'enH report"""afe"" hereby referred to and made a part hereof, .......... _.... _—_.......__..............................__.............1--.......... .............. ....................................... .............................................. tinder Preliminary Order...... 1A3.Q.'4............. approved1lay....7..,.191.x......., Intermediary Order......1.$2. 8........, b approved ...._Auguet 281 "1917 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of dam^ .^.9: ,hGlelpYea io c,^,� ";upon the assessment of benefits Comm.., ..�r.er of Public V therefor, and the Council having duly considered ti the marten dated sopa 21t which sketch and report or.referr I underoPrellminarto an>n order 1 Part 830h.4' � Resolved, That the taking and condemnat10 proved May 7, 1917, Intermed( annexed assessment roll, ,'Order 18298, approved Auguet'2, identified by the signatures of the Mayor_and City ( n 1pubuc henring haul^- -nd the awards of damages ' to the owners of such lands respectively .for said tab°on 'h' ast it e� men Ion as set forth in said assessment above- Improv—, roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified ay.da of aamagee th •.ha.4se-junent r the Coun",. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefitiT Teid4lie same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be snbmitted to the District Court for confirmation. herein,' Adoptedby the Council ........................................................................ 1 191........ .......................�.�.............. ••. Approved .............................. ....., 191 .---•...............................................................................ay..orr ., 1 /� - �? . Councilma>V Farnsworth ° Councilman; Ooss - Councihnan;hiyland . 0 Councilman Keller t Councilman :-McColl Councilman, underlieh ' Mayor Ir orovement being more, ➢articularly - ' •ecrlbed a nn easement for sloDee. r cuts end all. 1. and upon ,tha .,d abutting on. Hemline avenue, j'')770 n the�polnta ntor.:l to the 1 S ll nt shown' upon the sketch - at- :hed tothe-report of the Comm' ner: or -Public works. in the r ' •' datedaeytember. 21st, ,'.ch sketch and reportareh' - - .er Preliminary Order 1621 'ed Efay 7, 1917. Inten•' - lved296, approved Aug: 3 FINAL ORDER IN T„andTthde c°=mJJLfION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-...!?-9-ndemning--n-nd--_taki-ng:--an-•_ea.um.ent.... in-_the-.land..-nec.e-ssary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hamline avenue from Randolph j%t.re.et....t-o...Qt-t.o..:avenue, .--_the_land---t o-- tLe.--tok-en..-f ox----th.e..ahov.e..-name-cY_.-.....— improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for -_cuts.._,.and.-fills---in..and...up-on ._tb-e...land ..a.b.utting---On-.liam].. .1P &Y.enu_e— between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached --:to.-- the .--renort..-nf.-.. the ...-C �-esinnex-.-of..:Public-..�1(Orka.-in--.t e._.. matter, dated September 21st, 1917, which sketch and report are eieby _referred to and-.made..$...Dart-._hBreof........................ .................................................................. ..-.-. under Preliminary Order -..16-3Q4 ............... approved.16ELY... %..-1,91.7_ Intermediary Order -.-1_$298. ...... ..... Resolved: (1) :That the following improvement be and the same is eby ordered to be made, viz :..........:..........._ . 4-onsie-aul-..anat...tak-e-..an--.ea.s.em-ent....in...tha..land-.ne-c-essary---f-Ox---s1.0.pe s.....f.Ox .cuts -: Anil ...fi.l.i.A....?.11...cr .d.J.ng.-- -1C� ins._aveAtle.-.fr.Rfi..- .TAd-Q1P-h-..etre et -.to.......:.._ _Otta-.ay.en--.......................................... ._-.............. :........................................ -:..--....------.....------...............------------ a , (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .-.an...04.15AMQnt.... slopes, for cuts and--fille in and land abutting Hamline avenue , between the points aforesai to the extent shown upon the sketch .a•ttncYled .t0 ..tkl.e. xesl-Ort .of. -.-the.- .0mmias.i.ones...'r P'laic.-.works-_ir..... the matter, dated September 21st, 191 which sketch and report are har.eby- r.ef..e.rred to---and--made.-.a part b..(u •Of+-----...._.....•------------•---....................:::...........•-•--••--••- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, httye been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............... ......_.................--............... 191 ..........................- --: �. a,-._� �----------- - , Cit Ci rk. Approved ....... _..... i.';.:,.:.1. �:.:..-.-...: , 191.---.... n ..................'----...................--..... .......... Mayor. Council .Farnsworth Council Goss Councils Hyland O Council0i�n Beller _ Cpnnc neMeColl Council Wunderlich Mayor in i Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby 6,uthorized-to- pay to George Kiley,. out of the Workmen's Compeneation Account of the General -Fund, the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and sixty cents ($21.80) in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 23rd of May 1917. 8 C. F. No. 19771— FORM C A-9 6-17 2M 7tesolved, That the proper City offl- - to clal. are hereby authorized to nay (Gear,. Kiley, out of the Workmen's - Compensation Account of the (;,n --R) Fund, the sum of Twenty-one Dol- - ]are and sixty cents ($21.60) In partlat ttlement of his claim against the s f 1nJurles re- - 'City r1.InK by reason e Ivied by him while in the ploy of . " the Clty, the 23rd day of Mny, 1917 - Adopted by the Con I Dec. 13, 1917 Approved Dec- 13, 1917- . ' (Dca. 16-1917) --,--I f hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner—Pblic o ks. �1'cas (,,) C unci men (r') Nays ,- - �� �- -.:._191 J�'ernsworth Adopted by the Coun 1 ....__..�'+" ........h1 favor I /Kelend /`Keller _..... Apptpved ......._� .:.'.Y.�..............191...._.. - "hirc.11 __ Ageinst ,Wunderlich - t ............................ _............................ _. _..... _........ _..... _:.... .... _.... Mr. Pregid,•nt, Irvin MAYOR FORM C A-9 6-17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 19 7`72 Subject: .1 .... .. . ..... ... .................. ................... COUNCIL FILE NO.' .. . .. ...... .............................. .................................................... .......... .................................................... Date Presented........__ ........::........................... .191 Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to Swan Larsen, out of the Workmen I o' Compenslat ion - Account of the General Fund, the sum of $24.,00 in partial settlement of his claim for injuriesreceived by him while employed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 5th day of May No. 19772- J'-, Ot he p,oper Ctty Off'* Resolve ,� aulh-td to on" I " WorUmen a Or,, nt of the swan %v_unt he General In partial Cam $24.00 rand. the Sul 1. .1.1m for injuriet; the �tierncnt Of I while employe,i by v.,_d �Y him PIIIYRr of Or the 6th d -Y Public 13!IlIdIn9-. 13 1917. 191, i b" the COuur" D or. Al"Pt" Dec15-191 ApprOvei 0- 19"j) I hereby recommend the above resolution for pa a '0`7 ner ftrZ% 1ki rounds and Publ1c Aidldi go Y.. (") Councilmen (s) Nays FaroAniitb Cup Ilyl.fid Keller mecoli W11510irlid, Mr. President., Irvin FORM C A-9 6.17 2M Adopted by the Coumil -19L In favor Apfu.,rd .. ........ .... 4F Against .... ........... .. ..... ....... n.. MAYOR Resolved, That the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized to pay to John Hanson, out of -the funds of the Bureau of Water,trhe sum of $21.00, in partial settlement of his claim for injuries received on the 15th day of August 1917, while in the employ of said Board. C. 11 No: 19773— Hesolved, That the P.oard 54 Pn.1 Colnmissloners of the CRY of to John t. hereby authorized to paY I Hbnsen. Out of the funds of the t - o( \Yater, portlnl settlement fMhls elotm for 1- ' nr.e. n]nrie. r cet `+d o the 15th toy of Atl- ;9n.t, 1917, 'hile On the ploy' of said i IS d led h. the Council Dec. 14, 1917. 1d lP 1ppr lvcd De. 11 1917. �, lfi•19171 I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Pres ent, Boa of—Water Commissioners. fens (✓)councilmen (r) Nnye li/%�`ernswortit In favor Adapted by the Council _. . _ �.L,L.:. 1 _ _..191 ....... V/Coss I __.......-} !/Hyland � 1 / .. LSeller ApploYed .._ ... �.. .. __. .. ....191.,__.. i Me 11 S'1, Against nderlich ............... __J.... _.... .. .......... Mr. Pr d t, Irvin - MAYOR FORM C A-9 6-17 2M L�13iwJ��w II CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 19'774 ,. COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. 1y17 ur. J c ro.ri.o DEC, i .j AUDITED 191_ CLOG//�/+✓// PER . 892 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen — ( it Nays Adopted b¢ the Council . +^ , e -'101_ Fartw6rth '7 6 Goss In favor Approve {� ' 191_ ML6ll _Against Hyland MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Presidener j n Irvin 22674 Auto Supply Depot, 31.19 Water0hxp. 75 Badger Meter -Company, 1,220,70 Water-C&B. 76 Brooks Brothers, 22.35 \ Schools-C&B. 77 M. Burg & Sons, '287.50 Schools -Equip. 78 Camera Art Company`, i5o50 Corp. Counsel Witness Fees, Court Costs. 79 Carnegie Fuel Company, 70..66 Fire -Exp. 35.0 dater -Exp. 3 ,6 80 Mary A. Cummings, 4.05 Water -Exp. 81 John B. Darling, M.D. .65.00 Corp. Counsel, Witness fees, Court Costs, etc. 82 Mrs. A. O'Donnell, 1.00 Water -Dip. 83 Chas. Hansen Building Material Company, 46.00 Schools -Exp. 23.00 o-C&B. 84 Hartin Coal Company, Ill 979.41 Fire -Exp. 254:. ,0' Schools -Exp. 4 1. 30 6 Form A.6.11 Ree. 892 Page #2. 22685 Maud Irle, 3.25 Schools -Exp. 86 Rena Lee, 3.00 --Schools-Exp 87 Maendler Brothers, 473.34 Schools -Exp. 4 - 88 Northwestern Elec. Equipment Company, 25.94 Schools -EMP. 1.91 12.53 Health-Quay y-Exp. 1130 PC Northwestern Fuel Company, __/ 1,704.90 Fire -Exp. 89. 4 u u 2CY6 17 GchootlS-Fuxp. 5.04 f 1 .89/ u u % 0:47 WanterOh2cp. S. 6 71 6 474 37 1070f.90 90 •St.Paul Electric Company, 7.83 Pol. & Fire Nlarm Telg.=Exp. 7:3 Fealth-Health-Exp. ' 91 J. B. Vanderlinde, 6.98 Water -Exp. 92 W. J. Westphal, 375.00 - S&S. Cing-Equip. a 93 Williams Coal Company, 269.53 Water -Exp - C. F. No. 19774— - _ Resolved that warrants be drawn poo the Clty Treasury, payable Out of . the hereinafter ,pecltled funds and In favor fthe persons, firms or corpora - - - done for the . amount, het opposl to " belt respective Homes n pecliled I n - Ihe following detulledstatement: Auto Supply Depot. $31.19. Rodger \toter Co.. $1,220.70, Brooks Hrothere. $22.36. It Iiurg.& - Sons, $297.50. camera Art Co., $16.50. Carne Rle Fuel Co. $70,GG. \lacy .1. Cummings, $4.05.E66.00 - Sohn R. ,,.11. Y ^ Mrs. A. O'Donnell, $1.00. - " Chas, Hansen Building Dlaterlal Co. - $46.00. - - ' Harlin Coal Co, $079.41. \Saud lrle, $3.25. - Rena I—e, $3,00. - - - - - Tfaendler Brothers, $473.34. \orth—atern El— Equipment "Co.. $25.94. _ N.rthwe,tern Fuel Co., $1 704.90. 4y St. Paul Relectric Co.. $7.83. r.A Vnnrterlinde. $698. W. J. Westphal, $376.00. - - Williams Coal Co., $269.53. Adopted b1' the Cou sell Uec. 13, 1917.. ep Approved Der.. 13, 1917. 16-1917) r CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI EHCIL No.119775 AUDITED �IFf'•...,..� I 893 PER .__ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ani][ " in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified" in the .following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council F.,. orth Gots/ �t In favor Apprwe� 181_ Kellet Mc!Wd a . _Against --perry Hyland MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Presiden Irvin — C F. Ao r97Tb .. thed thrtt arrant. be d awn Don er City r eu y, payable out of the hereinafter atte- epe Ided funds and In (favor of the p Bon Orme or rorpora- . done for the amounts Bet opposite their eapactlde names as "Decided In tha tnllowing detailed statement: Capitan oClty 7Llme & Cement Co., I 175.35. -- Allnneaota Crushed Stone Company. E1.259.56. , r. r, shlely Co., $43.35. 75.75 22694 A . P ° Boyd, +"opted by the CO -11 Deo. 13, 1917. St. C&R—Ex Apnrovea nes. 13. 1917. P • (Dec. 15-1917) 95 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, 75.35 Pay. E. Seventh St. from G.N. Bridge. 96 Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, 1,259.56 St. C&R -Exp. Pay. Alley Blk 5 9 Cretin Ave. /i3 Miss River Blvd.° ° Mounds B iv3 5 1 59. 6 97 J. L. Shiely Company, 43.35 Pay. Alley B 5 Warrendale. Total 1,454,01 a F.rm A. 5.11 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .. .......... .......... . ...................... ............... ....... ........ .... ............. .......... . ...... . .... .......... COUNCIL FILE N 0. ....197-76 1b '!-I TST7 Date Presented ..... . ....... 191 12e ed, That the COmmissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Police, Two Hundred (200) extra police officers, at a salary of Three ($3-00) do]-lars per day, for EL period not exceeding ton (10) days. Abovd men- tioned salaries to be paid out of the Salary Item of the Budget Account of the Bureau of Police. C. F: No. 19776—By Henry McColl - 11 -1—d, That the C—leal—ar of t'ldi^ So f-tY I. hereby ,utb-I.ed 'o ..,d 'y I n the Bureau of Police. T-. Hundred (200) extra P.1ica . "' car'. at d salary or -Three ($3.00) dollars day. for a period at .-e.dl.ng ten r (10) days. Above mentioned salaries Io b a I the y pa out of Salary Item of tbeB u dKet Account of the Bureau of Put, Adopted by theCc —11 Dec. 13. 2917. Approved Dec. 13, 1917. (Dec. 1 5-1917) Vraa,(�uuafarta (J7) Nays rt . -�C: Adopted by the Council .. .... .... .. .. ..... 19L (,am ......In favor V 111' land 3K7 14 Approved.. Against Mr. Presidia. Irvin FORM C. A-9 6.17 2M ................. .................. .. ........ . .............. .. . i oR COUNCIL FILE NO ............ _:_ t f3Y1_•111. ~a._.._......_._. .... _........ .... „ CITY OF ST. PAUL 19976 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment..- In ssessment.In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Hawthbrne street from Farl street to Duluth avenue, under Preliminary Order ........... .1.40..6.3........1..__...._. 1.11 ... , Intermediary Order Final Order ...........1.5298 _ _.........._, approved._..._ _ Ms rch.. 13,._..._. ..... .......... 1911._ The assessment of ._........:._._b4.A_8..� a.r.-QG.Bt..d-arid...._ exPense8..........._keor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having consideAd same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had. on said assessment on the ............2.9.th.._..._ —day Of 147 ja:R4ATy................. ....., 191.....E%_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and,City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by the of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots pf the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. I Adopted by the Council..................._.....�ACti.._....�...,:g. 1 �.x...........:._...191.1111._.. ...... 1..t...f_..._ City Clerk. Jit. Approved........ --- --- ._..... _............... _...... _..... 191_....... ^ _ ..............f..... ....... ...... ...... ......... .... __. _1.... Mayor. 11 13, ' Councilman Fa�orth n of benente, caste and end In connection rvlth - —Provemehaving been to the Council, and the to —ing considered same nd e amid asaessmenl all mc - .,afore, ba ft ,a " 17Vy/an .,e a lved, Thar the said assessment be and the same is hereby In allure- - OJ enects Resolvedro Further. That a public - V ���,.,j lyttti011 hearing be had on sold ¢..... meat n the '_9th day of January. 1918, It the hour of 30 o'clock A. M.. In the Council VI ,{Glllch u% tyrn Voil" � ,f ayor JLVIn V Chamber of lh.R11 nuthlldl .t e Co of e 'the Charter time sad p of the Imp Form B. B. 1G 'thereof, ngninet the of hearing, the nature ment. the total coal. the amount —a ... d ' lots of the particular the notice 1. directed., to Council Jan..", 1918. (Jan. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._ ` COUNCIL ol . FILE 'NO. .... P72 Date Presented Decembor 14th, 1917, et Resolved, Thot the Buro.ou'of ?'n in ers of the nepgrtment of Puhlic "orks is hereby directed to make an invest:i7ntion -3.nd report upon tho feasilility end,desirobllity of establishing a. municipnl iiZht. heat and power plant, utilizing wholly or in part +.he hi h A y 1hde•elo ed thereb & in. ^ or pn./er p y. C. F. No. 19777—By O. E. Keller— , Resolved, That the Bureau of Engl eref the Department of, Public'; " Work, la hereby directed to make an; '7nveatigallon old report' upon Ithe feasibility. IIad deslrabnlly''or eetab-I lishing P municipal light, hent and power plant. utllliing wholly- or In part the high dam or the power de - vel oped thereby. Adopted by' -the Council Dec. Y4, 1917. Approved Dec. 14, 1917. (Deo 1b-1917) 1 p Y Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Goss In favor Hyland - Keller Approved McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C.8.2 191 _ _191. MAYOR (C E oi 19778 --By S A .Farm '"""605111PP' I atter of reconstruqtin ,nd repairing the cer `alk leawidth f'e.1gl, f„.o I nth .1d.,ut .ing at Robert St tal feet, under Prell�nln” 9 approved Oct. 16 lil' oUthe City R.!. 197�78 .,(10tuteil race ve the report of net of Ina ce u on I en a. having ,or re resolve .at-the Sal re`erel'PS, pror rove?,roceedMCOUNCIL FILE NO.......... -�th. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of x:AP.41r.ing thQ ravm.gmt til.e -siAe:WRIk t.o_a w44t4 of eight..f�eet'o.q—t.h..e south-1-§..i.d.e of E-a.s.t T-ent.h S.t.... .beginning at Robert St. therce-west15.6—feipt .. . ................... .......................................... ............... .... .............. .... .................... .............. .................... . ........ .. ...... . . . . ...................................................... 7 . ............ . ........ I ..................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... ;%99.0 .............................approved ...... ...... O.c.t. 16...1.317:.......................... The Council'of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and thesaidimprovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Reco.nE).truct . . .... r.elay -.an-d, re pa..j.r the cement t.ii.e sidewalk to a width o. f te.iS4tfeet on. ..*ti�:.� .. .. .. . ..... .. .. south side of East Tenth St. beginning at Robert St, thence west ... ....... .. .............. . . ........... I . ........ .............. ..................................................... 156 fe t .... .......e I ................................... .. - ................................ ....... — ... ....... ...... .................. ................................. . ................ I 4.. .................. ... . ..... .. — .. .... . . ... I ...... .1 .... ; - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Q 0.. P.ex square foot, 0" 0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil mprovenient on the.... .1.5.th— ............. day of e ............. januaxy-- 191 8 , at the hour of -o'cloeh A. If., in the Council Chaniber' of the 'I ' Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. P ul. That the Counnissiou'er of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provide by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the'total cos thereof as estimated. .'. 1. Adopted by the Coaticil ............... ........ 191 Approved_ 0MA 17-11 Councilman F Z.w.rth Councilman (161(l Councilman f Councilman RldllermCouncilman AodCOU3Cilm.. Wtk rli ,-h Mayor lrtpifi Form B. S. A. 8-6 C1 C . ity,Cerh.' Mayor. - -- 9 END ,;ICROFIL19 CERTIFICATE The Undersigned'hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course, of business by T nr r� _ �t1iura-F; (vn 64e in accordance with the standard and approvniqu s withed techa Recordak microfilm machine, tfodel„jRj,� of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on t 19 6 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of Vhetroll of microfilm is 444 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: 17 179 -heor. Lsek- After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated f— I " 1 r ✓0 I i