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Retition r .. Coancil He No,..............................; `PROPOSAL EOR IMPROVEMENT ' and _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following1U;1_j:1'1_1U ovement by,, they City of St. Paul: viz.:......QQ,aS..�xua.'o....a....o.ariert...... tile.... itis�rrl : uch._side._o .._1191t3o ..»S. r.Qr?.1�bss.%.a�Le,.._t.R...,.... c nrd r_oo vi h pe itiot here o t...--- t ._........... . Z 1 f ........... r # 41 Dated this... 1Qtll...... day of........ .........&P—p. 011bax ......... 191...4.... z - Councllmdn. u Y PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1, o tn....a.....4 =.eLtT.-.os.:»;no--•aaat:H...�ia$ ' ox?taac.e....S.:v.._f'ro�a_itJagr.._.................. .........._.:�_..... ....::..... i. CF. No: 18470— Whereas, A ,w�FItten.4?Tpg.al for the . ........ .. ..... ....... ..... ......... making of the 2ollow.ingg..•Improvement I ......................... .. ...... .......... vi:. construct aceras t'tlie aid walk..: to a -width of.:slx'feiv on the south having been presented to the'Council of the City side of Palace St: from Albert Ave to ' Hamllne Ave., having been: presented„ "---^......^ .. -. •-•^•• therefore; be it to the Council of the city of St. ,caul therefore; be It - Resolved, That the Cpmmiaeloner bC'; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Put Public. works be and, ne is hereby or- ed and directed • • d�;red and directed:To inves—._....._ for 1. To investigate the necessity for or desira ori desirablutytlof tthe hr4aking sofy said ment. - d Improvement..- - 2. To investigate the nature, extent hod est z. To Investigate the nature, ex- id the total cost thereof. ^ tent and'•e.dinated cost of. said 'Im- 3. To furnish alan, roSlketch of sal provement and the total cost thereof. p ,p e or s3. To. .furnish plan, profile or sketch' of said Improvement. - - 4. To furnish the following other data and i 4• To furnish the following other hent data and Information relative to saW ImpDrovement. - ' ......................_,.................._._:.................................... ................_ 6... To state whether or not said Im- L..,..._...__........................................ provement is asked for-onthe petition.'. - 5. To,§tatc whether or not said Impr'pvcmci o 4th ee r mor upre oneallI of the Lore- ee or more owners, _ going. matters to the Commissioner of 9. To, report upon all of the foregoing mate Finance. Adopted by the Council Sept 11, 1917.1 Approved Sept 11. 1917. Adopted try the council...........z................._ (Sept. s-1917) Yeas: Nays: Councilman rah -'SEP 11 IP17 1 Gti . Approved............._.......-.................................191 ........ J--Keer 1-•'ltf all U 1 r Mayor Ir Mayor. roan c e•s - Council File 01.. .......::, n. PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT ' / and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin .public improveme t% the?City of ° Si: Paul,"viz.:. C.Rn tZ. ct....t.....acueazt_ tz1c.:..alde;t�11: boys J ue". q. iu . ecvd� nc e :i-i an he-ti i02 hereto:..}�:1?.C?933_......__ ..:_.. .. ...... _ ..-..._._ ......__ 1.:..._ Dated this I.?th.....day of. ci.G.).u.C11Er 191..7..... i C uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS,-A written proposal for the making of.thefollowing improvement, viz.: :....irLes _ 1 of J43!line...ase.............. _._....... .................... ...................... _-....:......_..-....-.._,._ ............. _-............................. .... -.... ........ ........ C. F. No. 1847i— . • •• ............................ """" ' cream, A written Pro oeal for the makingot the following tm➢rovement having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P viz. no widthr o� Iz feet on11bo 1d...ee'""" ... of James Bt. [romGAlbert SL to Ham therefore, be It a line Ave., havingl been Dreeented to the' Counall of the City. of Bt. Paul there RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public War fere' be it directed neeolWo. That the Commisaloner+of I. To investigate the neceislty for or desirability of Public works be and he to hereby or- dered and dlreeted: 1: To. Inveetlgate the neceselty -for'. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated; r dmo1rment' of the making of said>tal cost thereof. 3. To furnish n plan, profile or Sketch of said impn and e umat a Icoet the eia �i nProvve. ment:'and the. total coat thereof. 4. To furnish the following other data and informs 8' To fumish a Plan, profile or sketch of sold Improvement-......... w e. .To `tate whether _or not sal` im ............................................................ .. Drovemen somas a for on the o of three' more owners. ° ............................... 5:. To state whether or not said improvement is as Ing maetereotouthe Comrat iee forego 6. p re owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to t plAdopt Adopted by the Capncll Sept. 11,191T:I : Approved BeDt: 11, .1917. 1 Adopted by, the council:.... ...........191.......... - - - Yeas: Nays: Councilman SEP 1,1. 1917 t. tr Approved .............. _......... ...................19t......_. t Q1�Iayor _ — _ �...._....._....._....:.. F.A. c e-e - - Mayor. . E. C Briggs"',, .. lli:V ' Council Fig' No, :'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned' hereby proposes the making'of the following public improvement by the City of St,PaUt,a.sAUe_,1Lt.d...a widtn of s_i7G. e t} -on the Mo_ .syn.... .:La.e..:.9f._s: 5] Clad...YarJa't�Y-- 120...ieat.....,.Hawl.ins...�aY.e...,--ii Dated this. .......... 1.Qth..._day of, ............. ..................... ... ............_:...:., 191...7..... • P _.... ........ ...... ....__..__...._ .._.... ..._._. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of. the following improvement, viz.: k.._to-_ width of...2i7 ias_t..._91'....:uhens...:�idal o.i.n.�..._1„�....f-eat•..._ . vle2 G of ny Sill(<....t�.Y4_a.i....bLi.+ G..:......V.ai�1i....i:l1ZT.Qvl Li.liL.11?.SZ...._flE..a_...�.....__-... .......................... is Poivai 7a4i usnl'~+140+ 4 -st aanoti .... .......... • .• LlyiewVY A having been presented to the Council of th lead 9Lt ,01'a 9 a7 7au76 Poo {f 4 .... _........................ 11 ... .. .............. Dune t o t o City of 9 Pant therefore, be it therefore. be 1t f ++ Resolved, That the, m comisdloner of! RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 6 Publfr Work. be and he la hereby or•brdered and directed - and directed:.. 1: To investigate the necessity ford 1. To investigate the necessity for or I or dsslrablllty of the making of Bald}rovcment. improvement. 2. To investi ate the nature, extent Ill a. To,investigate the nature: of tentlit, and the total cost thereof. g and estimated cost of said 1mDrove-� Ment:'and the total cost there of. - 3. To furnish a Alan, profile or sketch! 3. To furnish a 'Plan. profile or ;sketch of aid Improvement. ' 4. To'furnish the following other data, 4. To' furnish the following otherirovement :..................... I data and Information relative to said. Improvement. - I 6. To state whether or theot petition Im - _......... ............. _ _.,.. ....__ - ^.--"' ""' """""""""""""-' � "" "'� 'provameut Is asked for on the Patltlon� - $. To state whether or not said impr01 * 6three or To reportrup upon of the forego.) three Or m0[C owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing' lrtnance. , encs. Ing matters I' d b (9h 16-1917) Sept.n, the 11 1 o[, Adopted by the Cou 191 DA 13 1917. Approved Sept. 31, 1917. f Adopted by the council. ........S ~ t 1.J.), .qe Yeas: Nays: Councilman Funderlich Approved...............__.........................................._ 1�J1.......... _Mayor•Mayor. roam c e -e IequeUt of Bieice )iieTer, giva::it lVe. Council File No ...,: .r.. PROPOSAL FOR:IMPROVEMENT ; " and PRELIMINARYORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes'-the making of the follow9 g ubhc lmprovem t by the City of ,St. Paul viz::....a;.�.truc.t...n...._c.o::aent 1 .... i u.a.._t...,�ic�G the .ate.:......side.._s�..yl:uest.._�:.,.�.siriz�ing"..2 o y7 rsiuYe, f /._ ... Dated' this - ....._ 191..... �/ llt.kl.._.d of aCBG U'4.. .. r � o Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: >.s.i:.pec.t,....o�...:G-rw.....st mat 21"_ o f alh.er x...2.4. }�.e in5....at i'.or_t121 i.. ^yew .=benne _s e v t2L.2� O....f i......... __..... _........ ................. jt• SI 111641.,.�„R. ....... ........._... .... I D� 7pasYlau ggdindl o4if7 •lqn� • - 1 .................. ...... ... .... ...... .... ... Pau lw.t .UedaIv70o aq°6s �` having been presented to the Council of tlj"�!'� - --' - Resolved. That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and he le hereby or- therefore, be.it dared and directed: I' t To Investigate the necessity. for f Bred and directed • RESOLVED, That the Commissionetor. de.frabuitr of tho making of mid If i Improv ment. 1. To investigate the necessity for o an o i ve. i ooe0 the nature, extent pprovement. - taaid Improve. mens and t e ectal: cost thereof. ant, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent 8,.,rpa furnish a y plan, profile or Sketch of said Improvement 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket, dais a e inr r°maA n :ell ivegooth a ement. 4.1 To furnish the following other daimprov S s. To state whether br not said im Prevenient; _..... . provement is asked for. on the petition Of three or more owners. ' B. To report.upon all of the forego m In matter to the Commissioner of Of three or more OWTlerfi. 5 To state whether-or not said imp FlAdopted by the council gent. Il, 3917. G. To report upon all of the for oii Approved sept 11, 1117. mance. g (Sept is-1917) Adopted by the council .......... .................. 191........ Yeas:. r Nays: SEP Councilman t---Gss Approved ............_.......... ..:...... 191 ......._ mud c J Iter .'A coilnderlich _._,_..... ... ..... _............................................................. 1lioyor I in Mayor. -CITY. OF qT. PAluL - COUNCIL - RESOLUTi�GENEFtAL FORM Subject.. ....z...... C f.: COUNCIL FILE N O. ....... i Date Presented 5'.e.pt.. 1Q,;'.: 191.7...:.: Resolved 1'i�.t zi e s eciiied for the ncrioi :nee 'of yt certain6contreot date._ Feb. 13p 1J17;u fecn1 ,C';ri;e,.t„ "Johnson.",n:t„i of St. Paul, for the construction, of a nv,,er o* rry-St. --rota Capitol ave. to a point 138 feet south of ,;.e” Louth line of Capitol eye. be oz d the same is hereby' ex tended to ..cite 13th -ao., oi' Septel7ber,- 1417 cnr, -uhe proper city ol�`iicers are, hereby authorized to execute un, rt to said contract in abcbrcMo heree!ith," provided, hoviever, that "t!is resolution shall not have any force en6 offect unless the-ipties on the. contractor's bond 'cw sent thereto Fnu file -such conserit in writing with the City Cc.iptrolier. - j C. F. No. 18474—By M. N..l3aee- Resolved. That the time speciaed- -�for the performance of acertaln. Co.-, -... - -tract. dated Feb.; 13, 1917 between, I Christ Johnson and the City of St. - Paul for the construction of a sewer .. on Fry St. from Capitol Aver to'a. point. - 138 feet south of the south line.. of - Capitol Ave. be and the same Is hereby; extended to the 19th day of Sept; 1917: and thepropercity`offlcers are: hereby, authorised- to execute an amendment to said contract do "accordaneb.. herewith.' provided,: however, that this reppolutlon� - �'. hall not have any force and . set un- i ]bsa;the-e.retle. on ;the.contrector•s;- lb. d consent thereto and ale spelt con-, Bent. Inwriting with the City. Comp=: ! troller. - Adopted by the Council Sept.'11, 1917. - - Approved Sept. 11,.1917. 1l " (Sept.. 16.1917) Yeas ( ✓)'Coynulmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council ........ .......... 191........ C.6035 In favor SEP ] ✓Kelly rl - vYverg vJwv .Ea�..f'-..e•��i' ApproV �(91 I� 191 I-McCi,ll Against ........ Mr. �resident,PawerS U ... ..MAYOR ... ... FORM C.a-2. - - ,{ lift i Stv. Paul,,::linnr Sept. 10; 1917. To the Ho?lorable City Council, • C I .2 'l. Gentler;�Dil, - , I .7ould reopecLfully ask that yoar Hoi,:orable Bod; cause he' 'Ane of conpleting the contract for tihe-const.•uction of a svaer on Fry St. from Capitol i',ve..to c point 158i.fept sor.th of the south line of Cupito7. i:vc. be e:_t e .de;i to Scptc :bcr 10th, 1017. - to labo_• co i i.,ns it a., not po:;sible for to to finish thin ao.' act r a : ;ho rime speci.'ic , hence I t:c, ire; to . ask hat the 'ci iu for , une be isar.a.as hereinbefore Mated. YDi[10 Very truly, ri DialaCt Or There is no objectior to having the time extcnde'd as -rc; .lo teii, ac fear as rthe roduiic cnt_L of ti�hi, office is concerne(_�. /� �.:JV:'� (Supt. of Con true ionw 3epair J C'o 1ire.io`nor of 'uui is .lora. Chief ineer CITY:, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL.RESOLUTION + + + + + + a * + September lOth 7 . Date Presented - - - - - --L In the Matter of rading alley in Block 3, - - - - - - _ -._ - _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ Merriam's Fifth Addition - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - 5048 16344'. under Preliminary Order - - - -.; Final Order - - - - Approved - - -May 7th, - - - - - - 191 2 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates J submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. I� C. V' No' 18478— �OCelved 113 i I; the natter or 7jfth'�Additlonn and r Papers it prellmin to Order 8149. Final Order connection wirth above 1 18844, approved May, 1 1 1917 ap ciflca- Iteeolvede hat the evb}oittedp by the; ' Resolution. [tone and pbovainamedinn provementobe and the � _x� :�'� '•"'•_�%1"iJ/1 YY••----- eahe.r(ebY�aC-PoDurnecvleld'B.e.p. L 11, 1917. Adopted by thte.11.1917. ppDloved6Bpet.18-1917)e Adopted by the Council - - -�- '! - �- _ _ - _ -,191 . Yeas: 0 ( ) Nays Councilman eerrbR s d SEP 21 'a17 ler 0 � oll Appro�e� 'DIY derlich - — - - - - Mr. Presidkh- - - 1 1 t, rvin �� �. Mayor. CITY OF ST: PAUY, COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 10th, 7 Date Presented - - - - - -3?1 In the riatter of J aokubin_Stre_et_ from_ _ _ Front Street to Cook Street - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — undex Preliminary13657 16700- Order Final Order - - - - Approved,- _ May 34th, 7 -- - - - - -, 191 . ,RESOLVED,'fihat the plans, specifications anc7 estimates• submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Pane ived all papers 'in l: FC I6u6 V: 1. th 9.'(i O`79 -ln the matter. o[ grnding.Mackubin St. R C1 rif a(.t �n II' der P efrollen nay ron Order 12667 F.to Cook 8t Order Re�C,LU };1CT1• 16700 approved May 2lth, 1917 - R,1011,d. That the pians•. Dby the done nd tlmat a eubmltCommted by the above eloper o[ Publicrovers ., ke for, the -above named Improvementb! d the same are hereby approved. Adopted by the -Council Sept.. 11. 1917. - ADProved Sept... 11.. 1917: .(Sept. 16.1917) Adopted by the Council - -"{ a•.. --- ---,191. Yeas: i ( ) Nays iCouncilman. v& s f oil a A ro 3E _ d 6 derlich pP - - -,__191 . Mr. Presiftnt; ruin __ ----- -_ - - -_ \ ' - Mayor. J CITY OF ST. PALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION - Date Presdnted - - - - September -10th 7 In the l:iat ter of _grading -Ivy -Street from Payne . Avenue -to Edgerton Street, and Searle Street from Ivy Street -y- - - --- - - - - -- - -- - --- _ t_o, the _nort_h }ine of .Searleis Addition 13969 _ - - - 16698 - under Preliminary1 Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - -e- Approved May 24t2z, - - 191 ? - RESOLVED, That the, plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named ' improvement be and the same are hereby approved. -paper's liA - C. F. No. 19{77— p`d 3n Ahe matter of grading Ivy street a.bova . from Payne. Ave. to Edgerton Street. 771*+n and Searle St. from. Ivy St. to the C'JI;lY10 :north line of Searles Addition under Preliminary L Order' 19969. -Final Or- FiE-, _ I derlv.d.1aDDrovd May.,. clil: V ns and That the D1mitt dD-by th- ` 'alone and 'eer of, Pe lic tatted bye. the aboveCommnamed Improvement rovemc nt be tor. the .above re ereby approve. be and the .same are by the approved. - .Adopted Sept 11-1911 Sept. 11, 1917. 77lj-ADproved Sept, 11.,1917. C. �' �� lyl� � (Sept.' 16-1917) Adopted by the Council - - - - - ----- -,- Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays tl Councilman x>t13. SEP 14 io j ApprovUd ✓�Vu � rliGh `// Mr. Presiderfit, I in . --- -- -- - - - ~ : Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _September 10th _191v71 In thea natter of gradingClifford Avenue from - i-- - - - - - - - - _ _St. AnthonyAvenue to_Columbus Avenue_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'under Preliminary Order _ 14681 - Final 0, --:der - - - _ - - - Approved - - - May 36th, - - - - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans_, specifications aiid estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. R000ivtd aAll papers iti _ Not1tltdt On with ab049_ i �v a S O—f grading Clifford Ave.' eae his zi V avvOr ea 21. Resolution. 99th, 1917. i Resolved, That the plane, -aD by th . hone and eatlmatee —Innitted by. the above arced or PublWImprovement Works and the, 'above are improvement be abd they same are hereby approved, ' Adopted by the CoUMI Sept. 11, 1917.1 C, N Approved Sept: 11. 1917. -�.. (Sept. 15-1917) Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - Yeas;: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman. ria SEP 11..1917 C.J —Ke ex ✓bic Il ApprovedU - - - 191 . 4Wu er'lich Mr. Present, vin - - - - --- Mayor. 'eITY. OF ST. PAUL "�•�' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CONo.- 18479 AUDITE�O CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM HLE. BY AUDITE �FP 12 1917 IBI_ - PER - 656 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the lamounts set opposite their respective names as specified in ,the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191— jGo orth In favor APpro --o-Against WunderlichMAYOR Mr.'Presidenj /Irvin. 19707 American Express' Company, a42 Library-Exp. 08 American k5upply Company, 8.82 Schools-Exp. 09 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 24.1*MM Schools-Exp. 11 Library-Exp. 10 Geo. C. Binder, - 13.75 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 11 Best & Mussell, 3.65 h Health-P.Baths-Exp. 12M. Burg & Sons, 16.62 Water-Exp. 13 Burns Lumber Company, 20.58. School-Exp. 14 Byrne Pub. Company, 2.75 Mayor-Exp. 15 - Capital City, Lumber Company,, 25.04` �_L__, - Res. 656 Page #2: ' 19719 Crane & Ordway Company,' 443.28' School-C&B. 20 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 28.01 " School -Exp. ft. 21 F. &' AR fiel, 2.85 Exp 22 MMF;r 5` Oil Company, AShhaof Exp. 9.90- 23 YyS A Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., I�.44 School -Exp. - 24 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, --79.20 Fire-C&B•. - 25 E. S..Ferry & Son, 463,70. School -Exp. 4b 26 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 41.57` C.P.Wv-Workhouse-Exp, - 27 Robert Gehan, - 90.00 Park -Exp. 28: Goodyear Rubber Company., 5.75 Police -Exp. 29 Gribben Lumber Company, 183.26 School -Exp. 30 Handlon & Company, 71.83 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 31 C. G. Hartin Coal Company, 31.60 School-C&B,. .w 32 , A. P. Herschler,. 10.22 Health -P. Baths -Exp . 33 Joy Bros. Motor Car Company,. 17.62 Police -Exp. - 34 McClain & Redman, P.Bldg.-Exp. Health-Quar,-Exp. School -Exp.. 8 10120- i'. 35 Maendler Brothers, 13.07 Fire-C&B 10. Water -Exp. 13 0 36, Manhattan Oil Company,/ Park 24.02 ` -Exp.' _ " 18.8 3 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 5 .. 2 2 37 Melady-Paper Company, i 6.62 Health -Comfort Station. 38 Merrill,'Greer & Chapman, 10.20- C :P.W.-Workhous a -Exp. 39 Earl Moranday I 5.00 . -r ➢Pater-Kxp . I Res. 656 Page #3. - ;. 19740 G.•L. Morrison, Agent, 38.9.4 Water-E,p. 41 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 31.85 Fire -Exp. a 42 New York Tea Company, 18.80' C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. L 43 Northland Pine Company, - 17.50 Fire-C&B. 44 Pi;.tsburgh Plate Glass Company, 3.01_ Police -Exp. 45 Pittsburgh Testing Lab. 111.91 Watep-Exp: 46 Prest-0-L•ite Company, 2.13 Fire -Exp 41 Prussian Remedy Company, 7.35'. Health -Comfort Station. 48 %---Raymer Hardware Company, Q 26.40 :School-C&B Park -Exp. .85 G.F.-Mise. & Unf. /,1104 . Fare -EC& Health-Quer-Exp. . 0< School -Exp. 2 C.P.S.-Gen, Adm. -E 5 Pol.'& Fire A. -Water -Exp:. 5 .4 - 49. Reed Motor Supply Company, 30.01, Fire -Exp. 50 Rellance•Iron & Wire Works, 77.00 Fire-C&B. 51. Robinson, ,Cary & Sands, 149.65 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. /// 4 . Water -Exp. i � 0- P9 65 52 Jos. -Rothwell, 2.40:. Water-Ev. 53 St.Paul Builders Material Company, a 20.25 School-C&B. 54 St.Paul Electro -Plating Company, 5:20 - Fire -Exp. 55 St.Paul Rubber Company, 30.00. - Water -Exp. - { r Res. 656 - �,�a Page #4 156 9 St.Pa"ul Stamp WorksIrS', a rt1r 4 50- ' Police—Exp. aim+ - 57 E. L. Sudheimer, ' h.. 61.42* School -Equip. 58 Tierney & Company.. - 396.00 F ira-Exp . 3 6 h *. C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. a^ 59 Transit Supply Company, 100.00 School -Exp. t ¢ 60 _ -Twin City Brbck Company, 9.65 School -C.& .B. 61. Twin City Varnish Company, 10.00 _ School -C. & Be 62 Virtue Printing Company, r 14.00°` P BldgsrFxp.. : 1.5 Pol. & Fire A. -Exp. 3.5 C.P.W.-Exp. G.F.-arinted forms and Blks. S. ,. • _ 14 63 Waterous Engine Works g / ael3saaa4l u10QulaldaS 3o F�YZ -_ �' 1% 64 .yl Fire—Exp• as p of ell. e '"6u- yanoO ¢{9,laaolsart l a4;aa11ewPlS - �eo1 P•alnDaaap Deaad71lte 1.247 Pus P+s -. al.u+alui aaP+O s1 11 1.., dua 64 •:Western Supply _CiOmpany., .P 41-auo.a Ie a4 o111,a 111"L7 o aapWb+ au, ro 1 143.96 Fire -Exp. ui .1e1aa 1 o School-C&B. Police-Exp.ve:axu .260000.; 1 opetand, Agt.,'tE667 .. `Fire -C. & Be ftaman. Press; 79.863. Crane '&. Ordway Co.,:$44&28 • - Water—Exp. - : Adam Decker Uardware Co.� $28.91.:. F, A. Dedel 38.96. - - '-Magle 011,&, 99.90. - ' F S1!1.44. elle 65 Western Badge & Novelty Compani ry &' on '$461.70. $ Fln. Ferry & Hen,1�370 t •Finch, Van Blyke M Wnville, 54.60 -` _ Police -Exp. ;41.67. Robert Gehen, ;80.00. — Ooodyear-Rubber Co., i6 76 Gribben Lumber. Co.. $18E 86 6 . West }arid Ice Com pan y 9 Handlon & Co. $71.83. - 'C, O. Harlin GloalX12.00 - — :Fire—Exp-. - - JOY B ter Ca r BCHos`Motu� cii'Co. $17.62. n iM $10.20. ' `Maendler, Bros. $13.07.- 67 W: GWhitehead, Manhatiati:on cD., ss4:oz. , - MeladY,Pappr Co., 16 7.00 '. - Fire-Ci&B. .:Kari Moranda .62; '.Merrill, ':Greer & $6.00. Chapmaa $10.201'. - - 68 F. D. Williams Coal Company, -"'G. L. Morrladn Agent,'f3894 - Nicola, De an& Oregg 'New York -Tea CO.., o, 718.80 `Northlan&Pltio 116.70 : Sch001-EXp . Co., $17.60 .Plttsburgh�Plate: Gals. Co $8.01.. a P1ttsburgh;Testla Lab., 111181 Preat O•Ltte'Co 1818. -- - 69 C . Re Wilson i Prussian It dy co $7 E6 ; Raymer 8atdwara Co, $26 40 j 5.32 Police -Exp. p -: Reed Motor ::-SuPD1Y Co. Reliance Iron,& Wire Works $77.00. Robinson; Cary & Hands, 3349 66. ` ' 70 Wright, Barrett & tilwell, i , "Toe. Rothwell $2.40: " St. PauTBuuders Materl.l co. $20.23. 79.40 Fire-C&B.' St Paul Eleetro•Plating,co $6.20. ` ,S$.',Paul Rubber Co. $30.00. _ 8t'Paul'Stamp WOrW, {4.60. _. - . `E'L.,Sudheimer $61.42:: Tierney; &-Co, ;308.00.: `Tmnalt1,Supply Co, $100:001 . Twin C1 Y'ViNshtlr Brick' ,,Co 9-;30.00. - - - - .`Virtue --Printing: Co.. $lC00. terous.=Hn,In, Workr-71781.• - - - WeeteKa 8upDIY Co., 314E 98 ' - -Western Badge 4 Novelty Company, $64.60 -. ' :West End Ice Ci 71800' t ' G Wdltehead 170 ,W0 -, .. T .ah-�-r"',J ya.7 .4C _ F. D Williams Coal Co 711670 C; R. WilsonB$5.3L - - - 1 �I Wrlght.: arrett & 8ti11w011 S79.40'.'. - Adopted by the Councll'sapt 12"1917.; Approved Sept 18 1917,., _ - - Sept 16.1917i�, CITY OF 8T. PAUL' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT' AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM F'ENO10— SEP i `' 1917 9Y�P/iliJ 0 , _ UDITED AUDITED- 659 658 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fundi`and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names. as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Con en (J) Nays SEP IW t9i1. Adopted by the Council 191 ' Far worth In favor 2 �91a App mv 191_ t _. M I --o—Against — -0 MAYOR _ Y - .Wunderlich M. President, ft./Irvin - 19778, Review Publiehing Co. a 0156.92 G. F Official Pub. a 779 St. Paul Foundry Co., 4,879.88 Water-E a F. xe: xp. Resolved that warrants - i upon the Cit y TreuOr', , b 'drawn D•Yable out'or _ the' hernieartee'aDeclfled 780" Twin -Cit Briok Qp. [avoror the persons, - y pone for, amounts Soho B reapeetive name, _ a.1 'runds, and In firm, or corpora-. 224 60 aet.opppcslte their v speel8ad la the - ol.6. & " • following. detailed at.,? - Review Publishingg Co 3188 98:: ` • — . aul b Eary Co- • BL Paul- -" 'win--City Bt1ok.Ca, - - �" �Ad0Dted by.the Council . - ADDreved BepL lr, :1917.• (Be04�18.1917) i9r480. ;-%,' , BepL 18, 1917. '; + ... N .. F.— A.b-11 _ I _ 1 - � - CITY OF 6T. PAUL ' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 8481 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Ficl I ENO1rNo AUDIT6t16}',Z�, 2. 1917 - - lel_ PER 657 Resolved that warrants be drawn` upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the .following detailed statement: :.- Yeas ( J) Cou cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council SEP 12 1911191_ ` ' Fa orth r --6--In favor App _191_ K M er 11 �_Aaainst y _ ...pt - ty — aAroR " -VAI derlich Mr. Preddent Irvin.' ;.Resolved that 10 ! .., _ }ralTagta ,upoa the Cl Treaeurr'parable,out.o7 the herelnatter ape0fied..funda,agd'1n.'i - favor of the persons, arms or - tlone•for,theamounte seaoDDoslte 0 -OP - respective - names ba.QrawII corpora:',_ 7 " e t their s 18771 as followlni.detaued etatemOnt Cast Stone Company, Cast Stone Ca 7400x.; p y) , CraftamaaPrese ha d f t.,. �' 401¢7 . i1t74:: - water-Ex ' Sadepsndent Ofl Ca, $4*4.t );% •. 'Northwestern Electric; EQulpmeat 72 Craftsman Press, ilii4i4Paat' aglli 3&< arlal HL 'P co .` 12.74 1+11setrlc Co., jt411. water-Exp. Btandard8tase Co.. i773.o0 Adopeaa by the council teDt I} 73 �10Drovad, Beet. 14 3417. �': Independent Oil Compan _ __ _ .r`tein° 1s 141x' .1717. .44.55 Water-Exp. . _ 74 Northwestern Electrie,Equipment Company, 1.41 .C.P.U.-Market-Exp. 75 St.Paul Builders Material.Company, - 1,128.24' Water-Exp. 76 St.Paul Electric Company, 19.11 Lighting. 77 Standard Stone Company, i 383.00 Curb. Fairmount Chats. to Ox. 3 0 " Linwood,:Oxf. to Lexington 0 83 00 :. Form A. 7.11 - 'r • Y OF ST'PAO COUNCIL rW_11.UTION—G 4AL FORM ........................... .......... Subject...; .................. .......... ............ 1-8482 COU114CIL, FILE No... ............................ ........ .... ... ..................... .......... .......................... . .......... ..... .......... . Date Presented... Septl....b lZ111*1 1917 Resolved, shat the time specii'jec-L.. Tor the,, perfoxi.:an.ce of P—clertaill'.contract 'i2t, ,ew�en Js dated h1916btJ. Connolly and the 2 pity; of St. Paul for the construction of a-sevier on. Brand 5t. from. Phalen we. to Tracy Lve. be and. the -same is hereby extene-Lea to the llth de, . y -.qf" S q e)n b ew 1917; rand the proper cit.7 ofS:ioerB are hereby authorized u:lendrlent. to said contract dal accordance herew: th, pr o vi cl e d , Ilowever, that this resolution shall not have any force and.,effect unlet~ the sureties oil the contractor's b ond. consent thereto and file '„uch consent in -;rritin-, wiluh the City Comptroller. C. F. No. ;M...I.d T2.7illyhAthn'46 specified for 'they performancea certain contract i;. 19 -between J. dated Decem or 12t , 16 J. Connolly and the, C ty of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Brand St. from Pbalen:Ave. to Tracy Ave. be and the same Is hereby extend.d.to the .11th-day 69 Sept.,.1917 and the proper city officers are hereby Utho,lftd to ecute an amendment, to said-contract In accordance herewlth, provided, how- ever. that this resolution hall out have any forcoW Ltifi-effect unless theAuretles on the co t tractor'. bond consent there- to and Ille such consent In wriung with the City- Comptroller. Apprdopoved Sept 12. ted by the Counci1017.l Sept. 12, 1111T. A (Sept,,15-1917) 0 Co (V) Nays Yeas ( Council ........... $EPJ CO ...-W 191 Adopted by the ,*F, orth &.160 In favor SaA21917 61 - ................ 191 wKel Appoove� r 4de V.-o st!� ' k %x ...... ............ Mwroa. Mr. P - dent FOAM C.13-2 St. Yau�, L]inn.`. Sept. 11, 1917.- To -the 917.-To.-the Honorable City Council, C I Y. Gontlemen,- I mould respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of colpletir..-the eortra:Lt for the sexier on Brand St. .fron Phalen. Ave. to Tracy Ave. be extended to the 11th day of,;, -September, 1917. , _ D•rin„ to Tabor conditions it v:;cs not possible zor tae to complete Wip contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that- the tiale for co?apletinsame b.e made. as here inbofore stated. YourL very truly., ontractor Therc is no objection to having the time extended as requested, az. far as the requirements office is concerned. Supt. of Construction r, Repair COMI S,sio -.e.. o 'ublic 'Works Chief LnE;ineor B CITY OF ST. PAUL --COUNCI-L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •subject: 1848r3 M ' .. .:.. ._....... •. .COUNCIL ILE Date Presented191. _ I, Resolved, • That' the proper City officers are hereby authori.zed to, , pay, out of theI workmen's Compensation Account of' the General Fund, the sum of $13.00 in partial settlement of the claim of John Holatz, otherwise known as Holec,-for injuries received by him while j employed by the City on the 4th day of May, 1917. _ C. r. No. 18483-- he°Proper CltY'o¢l Resolved, of - I are hereby kmen et Compeneat/on ' Act ,q[. ;,Che. Wor count- of_,the.General FunII,et of the tha sum of cIa1Rt ofnJohntial Holatt,totharwfea known ° - a Holeo;for lnlurle. received by him • While May employed 17bY the CILY on the 4th - AdeYdoptedbY the. Council Sept- 12, 1917- - `.APprovod (Sept. 1511917) 1 hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. commissioner Public ork i Y Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 1/fiarssworth - _Adopted by the Council. .SEP,.121917 191 L'Co In Favor P 12.1911 191_ -({el r � Apov d v1(1c oil Against �Vu erlich Mr. Pr6@Qent rvin ` MAYOR FORM C.8.2 . CITY, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 18484 ........ COUNCIL FILE NO...... ......... ..... ......... e:...................................................._............ Date Pre§ented..... _............... _.. _...... Resolved, That the application of J. C. McDermott for a license to conduct a male"employment, agency' at 290 Sibley Street be and -the same hereby is granted and -the City Clerk is instructed to issue suoh license upon the filing of the bond and the paymeint into the City Treasury of the fee, $101.00. IC: t, No. 1848{—Sy Henr M _ Resolved, That .the appllca[IonlloEJ. C. McDermott for a license to,condoct. .a male employmentagencyat290.Sib- ,ey St., ba -and the same., hereby . fe �f granted and the City Clerk le instme".I ed to leeue such llcenee.uDon-the (lung: - i of the bond and the. payment Into the I City Treasury: of they. l:ee•; X101.00. ' Adopted by tha Council Sept. 12,. 7017.' Approved Sept12, 1817. (Sept... 1E-1917) t J Yeas (✓)Coub 'Imes:(✓)Nuys - orth SEP U,1917 - t P Adopted by lh.Coun 1 .. ._k.. _._...:191 .......° 1 .........In favor -` ell I �\ Approved V /:1 .. .... _-.._....r ..........191 ....... 'Mc 11 .. .......... Against I Vu erlich, hlr. PYesi .at rvin .......:.............. FORM C A-9 -17 2M CITY OF -ST. PAUL• COUNCIL-RESOLUTION_—GENERAL FORM Subject....,.... ,._ ... 18485 COUNCIL FILE Date'Presented__Sept.--10th- v.1,7191....._ Resolved, That the Couneil hereby concurs in the reconunendation of the Contract Committee and hereby Awards the contract for Grading Sommerville Ave. from Columbus Ave. to`S•t. Anthony Ave., to Lorenz Eberhard, for the lump sum price bid of $818.80. Engineer's Estimate being $1,028.00. F. B. x;1453. r • t A P. No. MAI—Ry M. N. Resolved,.-That the Council hereby concur. in the recommendation hereby Contract Committee and. he n .the contract for Gradin Y awards • ' / I! :Ave, from Columbus: q,e. gto EfrvAllna �/ 1 thou Ave„yo.Lcrena Eberhard fon the sump Gyym price bid of 8 neeYe E.timate being i 18.80: En61e NO. 3l,t. 6 i1,dLB.dd. F, g•. I Adopted bytbe Council Sept- 18, 1017. AODroved BeDt. 11, 1017. 15-3017) ' Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays - SEP 12,1917 sworth r- Adopted by the Council. 191 ✓Co �% In favor t. r Appro d .. _ :.., 12 1911.191....... - oil 0 --Against vQ,' der! ' ... —Mr. P{eSiden Iry MAYOR 'ORM C. 9•a\ .. - It.P. •.� CITY OFST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM Subject:._ COUNCIL, 1_8486 r� • FILE No.:,.... ... .... Date Presented Be pt.. 10th- Resolved, ;That the -Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract C'o{imittee and hereby awards -the contract for Grading. 'Euclid St. from Farl St. to Heater St.,.to Christ Johnson, for the lump sum price bid of $1,767.40. Fngineerts Estimate being )$1,727.00. F.B. #1452., CAF. No. 18188—t concur. In the That Eatlonl Lertbe Contract Committee and. hereby awards - the Contract for grading Euoeld at. from Earl at. to Hester at., to Christ of $1 n, for the lump sum price bid /� of 11,78710. Engineer's Estimate be. / / Ing $1.721.00. Jr. CH No ou..1464. ,r Adopted by the Counen 9apt. 18, ielli (/1/► - Approved Sept 18 ,1817. (sept. 18-1817) _. Yeas (d) CodQcilmen (✓) Nays SE'P 12 1917 fside, Adopted by the Council _ _ 191In favor Approved 191....... �% _Against ieh Mr. inMwronFORM C. _ ;CITY -OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL SRESOLUTI.O.N—GENERAL FORM Sub;ecf:. X8487 COUNCIL FILEAi NO. Date Presented Sept.- 10th- ; 17191._ , Re ved, That the Council heraby clomcurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and, hereby awards the contract for Grading Hyacilith St. from Arcade St. to Forest St., to Chr tat Johnson, for the lump sum price, bid ,of $2,564,40. Engineer's Estimate being $2,581.00. F.B. #1449. I .. C. F.:'No..1f4f7=8y 3L N. (lose— Resolved, `That- the. Couneii o herehy ... concurs in the recommendation of the - - I! Contract Committee and hereby awards _ thecontract for gradingHyacinth St. - from Arcade St. to Forest St., to Christ. Johnson, for the lump sumprice bid of f_2,584.40.En fneeYe -Estimate .being • SAdopted by he Council Sept 12, 1917• - " Approved Sept • 12, 1917: .. I (S.PLI 16=1917). Yeas ( ✓) C`o cilmen ( ✓) Nays q ✓F sworth ((- Adopted by the Council SEP l�y 191 / 191 ,�Ca V In favor S 12 X911 e er Approvdl 5\ 191..__. " oil �1 .Against U nderlich Mr. Pleed , Irvin - ���"����"�� MAYOR FORM C. e•2 PITY'OF -ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .... ::. .. COU18488 NCIL FILENO......... .............. . ...,....... Date Presented....gept;r Reso r2ht_e- Council` hereby concurs in the recommendation of - the'Contract Committee and hereby awards' the contract 'for 'Viding,and-Paving alley in Black 18 Summit Park Addition. to Beecher Improvement Co.. for the lump sum price bid of. $2,566.90. Engineerts Estimate being 92,757.00. F..B. #1456; / ( w C• teilo. 18466-BY M. No; doer ;Resolved, That. the Counell hereby .concureln -the.. recommendation of.'the - j Contract Committee' , and - hereby awards the contract for, gradingand - i paving atle cn Block 16: summit Park _ Addltlon..to Beecher improvement Co- , �. for the lump sum. pri%. bid. of. 62{666.60. Engineer'. Eetlmate being 62767.00. B. 13. No..14k6. Adopted by the Council 8?DL�12. 1917: _ Approved Sept. 12. 1917. (sept -.16-1917 r) i Peas (✓) Coiacilmen (✓) Neys .. F nsworth- Adopted by the Council..._......SEP...121917 .. _.........191 .....'.. In favor I ✓K r f 12 -1911 Appy a .... .. .. .,......... ...........:191........ �der6ch _ ZMr. P i ., 1. Irvin ... ....... .... ........ MAYOR.. FORM CA- I] '2M A- te- ,_ CITY OF'ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL .FORM Subject: .......: ....... E Date Presented......3e�it,:1;1t1_:aa Reso ed; T at the Council hereby concurs in iAl 8{reRmmendation ( .p``+ the Contract Committee and herebywarde';1' e-contract for the construction of a sewer-on Sydey St,.-from Otawa Ave. ; to.a point-110 feet west of west line of':.Ottawa,,Ave.,to the. Feyen Construction Co., for th-e lump 8i m-prfee bid of $310,..00. Engineer's Estimate being $297.00. F/B. #1446. s- C•..F.:No. 19199—By bL N.6oee— -. Resolved, ThHt the Councll hereby - IC - i oncure In -.fhe recommendatlon.of theby Contarct Committee . 'tendhe hereby hwarda-..the con. ,t for the conetruc- - t�on of a'eewen on 6ydney Bt: Yram ot- - - - - [awH Ave. to -a. Dolor 310 test weef ot- �- Gonetruotlod�Co7 [or�theo lump eeum _ pr�t..b bid of 1910.00. Engln_e. Eetl- - the heeing =297.00.:: F. B. No. 1�48. ptbd by the Councll 9eDL.12,1Droved gbpL12, 1917. (Sept. .19 1917) , )'sae W) Co fcilmen (✓) Nays ' t•a worth - - Adopted by the Counril............ .v�EC... X917...... .191 ....... ✓f r .....In favor -• •p Her .. ADplo 1') 191'7 ... .... 1: .:.. ..:191....... Coll �/....:. Ageinet Mr. F id. t. Irvin .....:...... .. . .:........... .. _...:. -` MAYOR j - 'ORM C A- 817 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL• CbUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM• Subject; .... ..... 18490 ...._ .......... -. COU Will.FILENO............... ...... ............... ....... DatePresented..:.ap.t.,:._1{}gh—•t--1•!;L 191.:_._. Resolved, Tha the Council-hereby concurs-in the recommendation-'of the Contract Commitee and-here-6y awards the contract for Grading Lafond St. from Griggs St. to Lexi-ngton.Ave., to W. H. Malone do., for the lump sum price bid of, '2,337.95.- Engineerts Estimate being 2,3.67.00: F.B. #1448. • .. I. C. F. i4.-1_8490__ 86oea .. 'Resolved` That the; Council; Hereby concurs In the recommendation of the . .• contra tthe om`t it.,and egradl g Laword.I fond St. from Griggs et. to Lexington Ave., to \V. H Merlon Co.. for the lump .... .,W'pte DeinB $2,367-00-bid 813'• B. No. 1418. ADDro ed Sthe Council ePE 12, 1917.Sept 12, 1817.. (Sept. 36-1917) ./ _7 jAo1 Veas (✓) Cou f'Imea (✓) Nays .. ./Far worth `Adopted by the Counril.._..:,. SEP 12 1911 ✓C,o ......... .. ........_.. .........In favor 12 1911 -✓r Appinv�d .� ..... .....�... ....... M191..:..... oil Agaib.t .. ✓�' derGch 4 \1 r. �11• , Irvin - 13 ........ ..... FORM'C A-8ii 6.17. 2M i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' Subject:... ............ _.. ........... --... ..-........ _..... _.... .......... 18491 CoL FILE - No:...................... ......,.: Date Presented Sept ......10th-1--i-q-191 R ved, Ttiat the Council bereby'coricure in the recommendatipn of the Contract, Committe.e'and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Paving alley in'Block 12 Summit Park-Addition and Block i ,Evergreen. Place, to the Beecber Improvement Co., for the 'lump sum price bi.d of $2,491.63. 'Engineer's Betimate being - 9 $2,848a50. •F.B. #1457:: C. P. No. — 18491—By M. N. Go$ t .. Resolved. That the council hereby - - 0 - concurs in the recommendation of the _ Contract .Committee -'nml ' hereby I awards thecontractfor grading 'alld paving alley In Block 12 Summit Park _ AdditionandBlock 1,-.Evergreen Placa to the Beecher improvement Co.. for the lump sum price bid of j ,491.62. ° ! Engineer'. Estimate' , being 32.848.60. .. I F. B. No. 1467. i. Adopted by the Council Sept. 12, 1917. Approved Sept. 12. 1917. _ (Sept. 16-1917) _ fess G!)Po u cilmen (I,.) N.Y. _ ... •* Ira sworth ��r••pp 'p pp �•,;, Adopted by thc, Council ..:..,.. LSLF....,Lf. �,7 �.�.....:... 191 .. Co - ...Ib favor . /]Kye eer _A[ .. ..�K p1..p..... I-J I! UAgainst _W ' 191 JnderGeh - - 111r. Preeidr 6 Irvin .... .. MAYOR . FORM C. A-9 6-17 2M ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........ .......... ........ .. .. ........... ... v ........ .. .... ...... . .......... : . . ............... . . ....... . . .. ............. I FILECOUNCIL .IVO} ..... IL............8492 ................. ...... .............. . . ...... V.k.. .............. . ......................................................................................... Date Presented..."aept...'-IOLth-.!-1.7191..:...- Reso-1ved, That the Councilhereby.concurs in the recommendation of the Cohtra:ct Committee an . 4 hereby awards the contract for the constructior of..a Sewer on. James St. from Cretin Ave., to .a point 25 ft. W.. of of •Cleveland Ave. and on Cretin Avel.from-Sames St. to Randolph St. to Z T.:Webster, for the lump sum price bid of'114,827.50. i4ineer's-Estimate being $4,415.00. F.B. #14-47. 'Rebommendatibn of City Engineer:, "With regard to our estimate an this sewer, rock excavation.was hot -included. It has developed ince making out estimate,* that rock._excavation would ,since en- counteied on the line of the pro»osed sewer -and under - such' 6ircumst-itnees the.lowest bid, does not appear to, be..unreasonable,.hence I recommend that contract be awarded.,to E..T.Webster at above sum." 4. nrewi No. IS492-13), AE X Go.— Vod. That the Council concurs In the recommendation her4by contract 06MMItte Moud.tj.. Of the,' awards the contract -for ad hereby tion f In crot nAve.to a Point 25 ft line Of CleVeland W a f W Ave: -from jeffip. AV.. and -Weraii; I to H. T. Webster 81- to Randolph St., 1 0 A` Bower on is..: construe-,, to- bid Of for the lump sum b Adopted $4.415.00'. p 13 ,or' r A, I 'add , the Council he 0 1447 ePL 12 1917 (Sept. 4-191j)• Y. (11) Nays' SEP 12 191? Adopted by the Council..... ... . ........... in ravor 12 X911 App,00: .. . ............. .. 191e ll cC Against. 'un rlich ....................... . .. .......... Mr. Vin ................. - ..................... MAYOR 7 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: ........ ....... ._........_ .._..... COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... ... ...... 17 )) Date Presented3apt.--lith-'..17..-.191...- ;e..fv4,. That'the Council hereby approves the action of the Coxtract i Committee in awarding the contract for the Jefferson -Cretin SewerSystem District #2, to O'Neil & Preston, for the•lump sum price bid of $49,945.00. Engineer'.s'Estimate being $45,050.06'. .F.B.,. f1437. Recommendation of City Engineer; "While it is true that our :eetimate i-s''onlVecommena* 050.00, this estimate was made quite/along--t-ime nd in the meantime material and 16bdr ha advand-our estimate; based on present 'prices,�would the sum bid. This is the only'thing/I, ould under present contAtionte;as we annot hope to get lower bids." .. !r JU Yea* (✓) Coujbcil—n (✓) Nuy. rneworth _ _ Ad, y Go ._......In favor - Again.t �� u derlich Mr. Pr *id F. Irvin - FORM -9,A-9 -17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL, FORM Subject ..,......... 1;; 18494 COUNCIL FILE - NO. ........ ................... l Date Presented..... ga 1.. 191.... T ol Resolved,_ .Thatlthe Co oil hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding. the contract for constructing storm water 'relief sewers on Sixth St. from;Hoffman Ave. to Maple St., on ; Wagner St. from Phalen Creek .to the. west line of Lyman,Dayton's Addition and thence across Lots l and 2 of Munch's Sub. of Block 15 Lyman Dayton's Addition to the intersection of Seventh I St. .and Hoffman Ave., to E. T. -Webster' for the lump sum price bid of $8,282.35. Engineers Estimate being $7,395.00. F.B. #1438. Recommendation of City Engineer; "white it is true' that our eat;imate is only $7,395.00, this estimate was .made quite a long. time ago and in the mean- time, material and labor. has ddvanced and our -'estimate, based on present prices, would exceed the sum bid.''- It appears, 'also that this work should be done, in any.%event, so that the work of paving Sixth St. can be carr"d out next year,. and if this contract is not awarded, the paving cannot be done next year. This is the only thing that I could recom— mend under present conditions, as we cannot hope.to get low— er bids." A .II 1'eaa (✓) C n 'men (✓) Nays �._,.� • . aro •orth Adopted Uy the Connoil .....��.P 12.?.S'I.. I9t . _... .... �In favor IVV! e r App�uv .. ... ..: `y 1Fi ��7 �. ..: .........191.. oll ........ Against ,,//j j' derlkh Dir. PreYid�• .Irvin _ ...................... .......................:..I:... Mn oR FORM C .1 j6-17 2M. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL 18495 ....._.. .............. _......_.................... FILE. -NO.................. .......0.:. ... Date Presented .:..Sept:.._.yy-th-..i.7191.--- Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in therecoi9mendation of the 'Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received. for grading alleys Block 2 Phalen Heights, and the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for nww bids on same, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1422. L- C. F. No.'13196—By M. N. Gose - Reeolved- That the- Council: hereby: coneura In :the recommendationof the Cgqhtract Committee and hereby ,.relecte bid received for. Grading a11eYe I :..,10 Bhae ng.AgCnt Is he�relLY aulbobrieed to - e for cordance with�the Drovlsarn elone of they ' + Charter.' F. B. No. 1433I _ Adopted by the Counc i BODt. 12.1917 ed . I ADD rovBeet: 18. 1917. - (Beet. 16-1917) i e t'ese (✓i C until— (f') Nuys - �•b*i. ,�.. o ..-, raeworth Adopted by the Council:. �1+1 ....i�,•��... ...... 191 .. ae ....._:...In favor 4resi (/,/�APPtov \f.cnll ` ....... _.. Against.0F`nderlich Mr.t, IrvinFOR6.17 2M - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.......... ............ 8496 -� COUNCIL - FILE NO .............. o ...................... . ..... Date Presented ....Sept ...... llt}�_t} 191.... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in, the recommendation of - the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received. for grading E. e1 W. .alley lloward;',,Park,. bounded by University, . Shields, Beacon & Wheeler Aves.,i'and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertse for new bids on same, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. 1419. 1 . C. r. No. 18498—Hy M. X- Gose R ... lved,c That the; C ... ell 'hereby - ....... 1, the recommendation of thel f Contract Committee and hereby rejects f bid received for grading E. & W.: alleY Howard Park, bounded -by University,' Shields, Beacon d Wheeler. avenues, and the Purchasing Agent le .hereby; authorised to reaQvertlae for WWI !an �seme, In accordance' Ith the pro- vtelone of the Charter. F. B: 1419. Adopl.d by the Conncil BeDL 12, 1917. ' Approved 6oD t. 32.E 1817. Yeas (11) Co , 'cilmea (r) N.ys _ SEP Fa worth r _ . `,? Adopted by the Council_. .. ._....... _:...._ _.__.... 19l .. '� In ._...._In favor rp Q `%�e er - /7, APPlove E 14 19 7 v //..t/.... ...:..., ... .... .. .. ..19L,.... V�M 1I ......... Against U , �,.r11 derlich Tlr. lDK*.id..n Irvin ....:.............. .... ...... ..... .. .... MAYOR FORM c. A -P -17 .2M.._ - i. CITY OF ST. PAUL. If COUNCIL:RE SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �57 Subject: ............. ..... .. ........ .... ....... .............. ....... .. ........ I ....... .......... .. . ................ 7 .. . .... .......... Ot 184 COUNCIL . . .. FILE NO.— ........... I ............... ..... ............... ............. / .. . ......................... ....... I ................. : .......................................... Date. Presented Spevt---1A-thI--1--7-.19 I Resolved, That the Council. hereby concurs in the rpeorrinendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for curb-. ing Jenks St. from Watminater St. to Burr St.,, as the bid re- ceived was in excess of the Engineer's,Eatimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same, in accordance with, the provisions of.the-Charter. F.B. .1418. i Revolved, 18497—Sy ar N eobcuros`le�4- That, tho"Co- 00fie— cant In the r.c. -Un hereby • !bfif "" Committee "M d or the i from rWeIyed for an h-r.b, .Je t the bid eotm Inster set�'rtbl"Ir -Tenk, 6T Enyinee FIcolved wo.'I., So- St. aw Ing A E:'tboat- n, of,th. advert N hereby a - Pureba. e='arA'i,a` for new bide utborf-ed to re:' Charter .711h the pr.0,10,4M.- in 41 Ad.pt*.d h; B. 1418. he of thea Approvect a Co ... 11 Set,, 18 y the 't 12, 1917. 1919 CNN 1 15-1917) Y (.1) Co.., I.e. (01) Nay., .U., " Far.; rth 'SEP =1917 Adopted by the C.u.61 In favor .1ppl.vt • -'M I Against rlirh ................ .. .. ................ ......... ..... Mr. esid— rvin MAYOR FORM C A-9 6-17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.......... :..._....... ...._. ....... �.._..... .......... ..._:... 49$y FILE No. ...... ... ... ...... Date Presented n.F vesoyv .That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for grading Hamline Ave. from TTebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave., as the'bid re- ceived was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorizpd.to readvertise for new bids on same, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F. B. #14.16. C. F. No. 18{88—BY M: N. Goes— I Resolved, That the.. Council hereby I�ooaours 1n 'the recommendation of the - . I Contract Committee and hereby refects ' bid received for grading Hemline. Ave. " ! from Nebraska Aver to Hoyt. Ave., -ae - the - bid received, was In ezcese'df the Engineer's :Estimate. aI q tha n. of,the Ing Agent Is. her6b; suthorized U to- re. advertise for hew .bide oneama In ac- cordance with the "provisions of 4he Charter. Jr. F: No. 1416.. ' Adoped.by'the.Counell Sept. 12'. 1914: - - Approved"ept: 18. 1814. ' `d ;ept. 16-1917) 1'e.s (✓) Cyuncilmeu (✓) Neys - ur "Worthy8� t't . _ ,. Adoptedby the Council, ...SEP...W� Go ...In favor rd4 . /Kell` _ 0 Approved ... ._ (, n ,..Lir 1917........ ..Ifll:...._. lug erlieN ................ ................. ............. .. Mr. 1' Idrltt: rVlnMAYOR FORM C A-9 17 2M I - 'rvC F-'Noi-38{9—ny FArnallorth= '. ---------------- In the Ma'�ter 8 of gradhl1.g at1eY•In Blogk. 0 Arlington Hills ;Addltlon under Preliminary Order 17 IlTo.nDproved Aug.-8.,,3917, Th. Councll of the City of�s, Paul. kavinq:received tJw report oLthe"Com- �Q9 r'�� m,"I... r of Flnnnto upon tae above ` � Improvement, and having considered sold report hereby resolves 1 That th ea(d report be a d the le hereby p o d a d adapted. d the Bald imp ""Tent is hereby or- 6l dared; to t hproceededawith. �,y �• Y. That the nature of the impro a ment which the Council recommend le: -grade: alley In :Block 9 Arlington Hlllst _ and that. COUNCIL FILE NO .......................:......... . :� .alternatives, � . - By.. `...... a.f!.......................G/L ........ oilgnd 9 79VS $gRiiMipsAlo9ag 7ooj -,nt sad 90.08 9t 7ogasyT-.isgo Pgt9971740 a . - INTERMED 'v' pn9 oaA139matl9 g0 . t I" je S4, bq iaai 90L Ina. wugq� ass set' -_; 7eg1 88 moa; pua_'7seiLS49-•tq 70: 60L 1090. qmr= "'7a 0.1H 'Y9 Holaul" In the Matterof...�>ad.ixl8'�]lt;y �I1 B�9Ck 9 $��iYlt,ton Hills edditon ........................ ...... ........ under Preliminary Order 17938............ approved .. Au 8 191L7 The Council of the City Of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the iabove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and, the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. —r 1' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...-CzrBde.:.alLey....in.........:. Block 9 Arlington Hills Addition Y..............t.....:...........: - .................... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ 203..51......._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the ...._ 151Ek1...... `day of :... ........Qct.obvx............. 191_1., at the hour,of 10 o'clock A. Al., in-the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iii the City of St. Paul. That the Commissionerof Finance giye notice of said meeting to the petsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of(hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Counell.......5�-ttt _ -... 191 _ SES' 1917 - Approved .........._.. , 191 ..,... � � J _Clerk , r... ... ; :.. Councilman Farnsworth 111avor. Councilman d s Councilman UY4ffffd Councilman %Atter Councilman \fr<1°;oll Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Itrvin — Form B. S. A. 8-E $ 0 n�- S 2� Ordinance No. 18-0Aft An ordinance approving the ;project of acquiring "11`_of k Block 7, Underwood's Third "dgiti:�n to the City of St.. Paul,o publicschool.purposes, orderinL the acquisition thereof by pur3hase. or .condemnation, and providing; funds therefor his is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. L. Whereas, tKb �.'ommissioner of Education has reparted to the Council that the following desrtibed piece of land is needed.as a_site for uew school building, to grit: All of Block Seven (7) in - Underwood's Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, and that the estimated cost thereof is Five''housand Dollars (65000.00); and, Whereas the Council aoproves of the project of acquiring the same ; for 'school purposes; therefore THE COUIXII, OF TEE CITY OF ST. 'PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Committee on Lands is hereby authori2ed 9nd empow,Ired' to acquire the said land by private sale,.and for that, purpose the said Committee shall secure options directly or throu-h Agents, -on said land and report the cost of securing.same and all other facts relative to such purchase 'to ti --e Council. -That in case said land, - cannot be secured at a reasonable price by purchase ati",priva.tesale,. the proper city officers are authorized and directed to institite (tir condemnation proceedings to acquire the said land pursuant to the ; provisions of the Charter. Section 2. That fo� the purpose of paying th $ cost of acquiring said land` there hereby appropriated out of the Real Estate item of the Public School Fund, the sum of $5000.00. Section 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to ben emergency ordinance rendered,necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health + r; r; and safety. J Section's. This oruirance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its pnFcage and publication. • (Yeas) Co L lmen (Nays) Adopted by the council Z 191T a.. t Fa wor th Approved- SEP 28 1917 1917 Go s Hyad a Ire r 1l ., mayor P NC u tlaa roY ee °C" s° (( ou 1 1 IT 1 nPi eo qI rlit. Wu eich ilytyb vu man'a 11i F 2 sI Pu mil c xB le ;1 1 y1 -. �v Yr. PsFCs' t (Irvin) Attest: j (9 b..<aX 1H tl saw - .algyo,d _ •yoalmaxo`J N �3 o tuat l 4tiq , City Cle ed°p Sq:,1A th:" roceedinge: toy Pro re ,ns �f the Charter. ant_to - - the. provlelona of the Charter. SECTION 2: '. That for the purpose of paylug the, cost of acquiring Bald land there la` t hereby appropriated t - L the a 11 I here4y certify that the funds Estate Item or tee Pub Ic Scho 1 Fina. - - the sum of 56,00000. '� - ing eECTION 9. ordinance are available as of this date. This ordinance la tie eby .declared to he An emergency ordl ance rendered necesary for the prep rvatlon ofi the • public peace, health ah�safety. SECTION IIIh"'4. tt . Thin ordlnince shall take effect tpnd September 12, 1917 be In force Immediately upon Its pass- age and publication. - - Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1917 Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth, Liosa,ker Hyland, Keller.. McColl, Wunderlich, Mr. Presldent (I"10-7. Nays-0. j f Approved Sept. 28, 1917. V. ArIAVIN . . Mayor. {f01for .. �OO�. Oc ��� Attest: J. L FARICY,City Clark. O (Sept. 29-1917) . �y At a aL, v SA,. J ala V=-1, G"712 TQ".L AA 1a d",� �V e, r( ao i%� oAOVV 0-- �(/l 19l Q 1 1 WWe- r, (qt r �Jt tiof P 1e+� Section This oroir.ance shall take affect and be in force immediatf.lyl upon its poecage and publication. (Yeas) Co 1meii (Nays) Adopted by the "oundilSL,4,?- 1917 Fa worth SEP 28 1917 Approved 1917 Go s 1 1'Ye r Mayor 0~— Wu In1a erlich - t riOgm 41 as>jI apW Palaal 1 eons le -uow polsa 9 Ai O'i pfa 1 1 in -o�d a i loans nd 7eg7 Pux Jo 5t �{ {++ IC aEnd uo 'apaoa iI ".21-.1i 7 Ur. Px1�8 t (Irvin,) aN ilaaH 41 nap,oa , na. U r i ap .c pave >(oo8a.o G is 'ZI6T `<Inf a qi uo beau ul elo aial5 ti of u .wall ao1 Pu4 1 PaaQ o al InaH S� 10 ao1 8o eqi ul P+oaa� 1 1... n -liow a Su4d J q v4 •SPI -i 'd -n1Q incl laauuoJ eqy 47 'a�oHxni� afq 'll H 'lI Iilalf GI A •/ •O voi9u{aa0 Sq pain In.... ZTGt '•t Attest: 10 ;j puu aqi Palati a8l P1 uO y lIn. 10 a olll� qq ul Pa.�1 na11 • 7[aalaP lagi nlfl :fgaiaH al aaiio Wf -60'I.7aUOa RODIVII .HO 331.4,11, Cit Cle. Y S I hereby certify that the funds mentioned in the foregoing • j ordinance are available as of this date. L / September 12', 1917 Comptroller. f C �. ri,� Comptroller AA Aet— St�I . J !�� I tI � (� ! 1 / C ole ,1 ata vel , Py LQ (Jj�na� oov T�4un4 A Pcitn o f ;cva I�, 6,W ��e �` )oven &-e^ F -A^ Colo t W, - 3x _ ww St Paul, Minnesota, September 12, 1917. TO THE COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: Your'committee for the purchase of land for the Department of Education, begs to recommend the purchase of Block 7, Und.erwood's Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, for the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. Respectfully eubm tted, ( L Mayor rJBLISi3rfl COMMITTFY t' ( Commis — - ( ( / urchaeing Agent i 18500 COUNCIL FILE _tJO................................. Q _ sy. � G�, ' r -,%z: a ��•�.................. , •> INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._j9.9AA910Xl.l C9...E1nd...tak;LW...a111...Ra.s.ement. n.. Is land..: .:...._.......... necessa.ry.for..Plopea.,..,for,.cuta: and. fill,e. in P.ding ........:.. .......... Ari PE:7 .Qn...1iilZO...Ad.d.i.U.Qn,_according...t.o....the...plan]her-eta ...:......... cY�eti..end...rr7a.de:..a...8s,rt._h.enaof.;... :the batched.:.p.oxtion sho.wing................ the,. cuts .and ...the.: shaded..,p.ortiorn....the .:.fills , ......... _........................ under Preliminary Order 17938 .........approved ..... . August :-8,.::1417 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I 1: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved'and adopted, and the said improvement is (j hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 2. Thatf the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......Cond-emn..A-nd ................ talc.e...X11...a&selggnt...iXl...tl?e...,l.A.4.4 Agc AA@aKx..:-.f.Q „fills ingradir.0 alley in Block 9 Arlington Hills Addition, ..a.Q.C.OxUng.:.tc..thp. Pi$.A,.here:!.q 4ttached...ani..mad.e...a.. �.x _.ktexs.Q .....:.......... the Ylatched Portion_showing ...the ..:.cut.s...and...the..shaded.:.porti.on.the.....:.:....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...20..00. _....__._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._..-.1.5th.................day of ...........Aatober ..........................1 191..7.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissionerof titin ce give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and lace of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement a th7 total cost therbof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....... 19l7 .. 1.. Approved..... -��191 /'- i . .... .. f....... ltv Clerk. r..atl with. ._ ., __.. ... _... .:.,._..... �/ ature of the Inn, Mas(Or. COIIIICilIDOII Far 9W O1•Lh - tie dht kegan le Dent: n, �,/J� !rad for slop for cuts .i COone llman 11toss g alley in Block 6 Arn, "c+ Adl..M according: to •to attached aad made A p. Councilman Ii+rletni r e h tehee portion sen— I PUBLiSi�. �� d the hadesd Portion— Yt COIIIIC11IDe.n 1{e%IeI'. Ifernatl d that tr. - ,,} - het thereof 1 $20.00. - Councilman \IC'�011 - Further, That I --11,11, - �. had on Bald Improvement play of October. 1917 At the Councilman Wlyfderlich ,-lock A. hf, in the;Council she . Court-tiMae ;'and - City. Mayor IAD 1s n the City. of St. Paul. .3 nmlesionen of•Flnance give d meellag•i tq the._persona Form B. S. A. 8-6 nnar <prav a by,me g the., tlm place of .atare.o improve- — wtal 40 reof as ee-. �e Council Sept. it, 1917. j - - r ,-77777 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 18501 AUDITED CLAIMS=RESOLUTION eNCIL No FORM'' F,O SEP 1 I9I7 1 ev AUDITED 659 ll PER . 5 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinaker specified funds' and ! {�1 m favor of the persous� firms or corporations; for the amounts set opposite their statement: teepec6ve names as specified in the following detailed " Yeas ( J) Co cilmen ( J) Nays - r Adopted by the CouncilSEP 1 �9 [T " 191_ awDrth SEP 141917: In favor _ Ap 191_ , er s ✓M 11_Against —�.....(.�I d MAYQ8- ---- -" derlich Mr. President ruin. r 18781 L. U. Allen, 671.15 r Pay. Miss. River Blvd. 82 The Barrett .Company, _ y 4,298.07. St. C&R -Exp. . 83 The Beecher Improvement Company, 287.90 Pay. Miss. River Blvd. z 84 Geo. C. Binder,, Water -Exp. y 85 Burns Lumber Company, 47.88 Bridge Bldg. &'Repair 4 0 01 Water -Exp. .88 ,86 Craftsman Press, 10.30 C.P.W-Exp. 87 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 2.20 Plater -Exp. 88 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 36.44,' G.F.-tunic. Court -Exp. 89 J. C. Flan an, C.A., 21.43 Water-Exi5. 90 M. N. Goss, Comtr. P. Works, 939.11 Lighting -Exp. 248. Pav 12th St. 15 0 Pay. Rice -St. 6 S" Pay. 12th St. 2 - Pay. mztdiesota St. •3 6 93 .11 Rea. 659 page #Z. 19791 Hartin Coal Company, 282.10 Water-Exp. 92 Herzog Iron Works, 7.00 ghting Upr 93 M. G. ,Jenkins,, 3.50 Munic..Court -Exp. C. P'' No. 19691— bat drawn that wurrantafy. 94 Manhattan Gil Company,Resolved on the ClrrTreseury pa, out of pa, the ,hereinafter sp lded funds and in. 1.06 Lighting-Fxpa favor of the person., fir.-br corpora, [lone for the amounts set,oVDoelte their - reaDectlPe names .as. epecilled 1n the: 95 Meyer Engraving Company, ' fpUowlnq detailed statement: - r: J. Allen, $071.16. 30.50 Com'r. Finance-Exp. The Barrett Co., 94,299.07.' The Beecher Improvement Co,, • i2G-0 C. .l , 96 Karl , - •Burne LSumindbeeff Co.. $47.92. Craftsman Pre.., 910.90. 5.00: - Water-Ex - p • .Adam Decker Hardware Co 92.90. S. A. Farnsworth. C. P. R. F., 926.44.' - J. C. Flanagan. C. A., 921.42 M N. tions. Com'r. P. Works. 992911.] 97 Northland Pine Company, er,og iron Work.. $77.00. 50.00 . C.F.W.-Exp. as eattant oil Co.' $1.06. .Meyer Engraving Co:. 910.60. xarl More 9609. 98 .. Northwesterine.Te 960.00. Northwestern Tel. Exchange Company, 3.00 C.P.U.-P.MarketS-Exp, Northwestern Tel. Exchange @o., 93.00. . - Noyes Bros. &Cutler. 96.60. H. Pelt'& Son, 920.60. 99 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, r,er°° °° °orp°rats.n, 6.50 Lighting-Exp. rr . •tueetl 9uleu4mnd _ � wwo0 nv,�711a1,ynee°V`ku 800 H. Feltz & Son,N1J cuu , . t,u 20.50 Partic. Certs.Fund• . in aouesea a`�Qe .aogs awD ynd, ayt ty pe a tt,. ePl41LV Ol Pierce Oil Corporation, 3,512.87 Fay. Miss.' River Blvd. 3,013 480 4 St. C&R-Exp. 7 - ,51 .87 02 R. L. Polk Company, 40.00 C.P.W.-Exp. 16 - Munic. Court-Exp. 0 Water-Exp. 6 40 Q 03 Prussian Remedy Company, f 3.75" +rater-Exp . 04 Quality Printing Company, 7.75 G.F.-Munic. Court-Exp. 05 St.Faul Foundry Company, 40.00;' Lighting-Exp.- 06 Scheffer & Rossum, 12.90 " Water-Exp. 07 Schunemem & Evens, 5.35' . - . Water-Exp. 3 G .F .-Yuni c . Court-Exp.. 3 5 5 08 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, 124.20 Water-Exp. 09 Transit Supply Company, 70.00 C.P.U.-Gen'l. Adm.-Fxp. 60 C.P.U.-+Pest.Labs.-F.xp. 0 0 0. 0- 10 Virtue Printing Company, 1.80 G.F.-�Munic. Court.-Exp. : -11 Zimmerman Bros., 7.00 Water-Exp. 7Oessse .t T CITY OF 8T. PAUL - r::° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 18502- C {),AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM = '° -No. .AUDITED SEA 13,111 A�IDIT.. 660 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite. their respective names as specified .in the ,following detailed statement,SEP Yeas (JCouncil ) en (J) Nays Adopted by the Conseil 1911 . 1 j o Fa w rth oas 1n favor Hdl .r n IrlM JLA ainst H SEPI ��)% ` APP _191_. v .' Get MAYOR Yot[g-, rlich Mr. President, Pero 19912 J. He Allen Co. s 24.80 Sohoof-Bzpo 813 Burns Lumber Co, 91.98 School -Exp. - 814 ' Capital City Lumber Co., ' ` 10.58 ' - school -BMW. a is xe: 18302- Resolved that warrants be drawn lwon Me Clty Tress Datable out of 815 Craftemana Press the hereinafter speclded Suadsand In 1 -79a 13 raver o[ tee Deroone, drme or.eorpon- SYhoOl-zxp '. tIonaa ror na mounts set oppoelte their' -.reee dive names ssepeelned -. n' the . [olloIL'Aing detailed.Co.stat went: �' FL: Allen Co, 121.80 916 Crane & Ordwayurne Co.,8 en Lumb.r Co., $91.93. 14.59 - CBDItalClty Lumber Co j10.68, _ School -E • Craftsmen P see, -17918 Crane k Ordway Co., 3143a I 817 Independent Oil Co.,a Independent OII Co.;'i1166. ,I 33818 f imes Pape Brush Minnesota Brush Co., 39278, 14.55 ' sOISO0I-B�. Note° Bro l Cutler, Co, $ Pltteburgh Plate Glass Co., 3f08.83. - : Mc ul iil(.72. Buldlers Material . -' ]elAd Paper CO., 8.14:41 otPul Rubber Co., Co 99.8{.l98 buryI 66.115 ` school ABL818 .ji Ws.tern Electrlc Co. '• "j", dopted byheCo-oil B.pL18,1124.. " .e ApprovedBL 14,u1917 819 Minnesota Brush Co., — 92.75 _ School -Exp.. 1 ;. 820 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 27.22 School-8xpa 821 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 106.84 Sohool•Exp.• , 822 St. Poul Builders material Co., 114.72 �Sohool-Expe 823 St. Paul Rubber Co. 99.96 School_�xp. 824 Seabury & Co., - _41.06 School-lbo 825 Western Eleotrio Co., F. A.&II _ Soh0ol�P�p•. I 9.48 T :. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... ........... ...... :----- _............................ 18503 COUNCIL FILE 'No .......... A ............ ....... ........ ..... ' Date Presented..:.. ...5EP 13 1911 ___._ ... _...... _.__191......_ llr- . Res vved That there is hereby transferred from the Salary Item of the Police dr"Fire Alarm Joint Account to the Upense Item of the ssme Account:, _the sum...of Thirty-five Hundred and 001100 ($3500.00) dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency In the last named Item. co 1 ra ed lvetl That e Ary, eMell_. rom ` u?eonea I .AI.rm Jolnt Accoubey" pe Po_ Account ti3a "'h1rold-hlo[pndr. ccou0 the, an unavoldtlole 'd the -and 00/1 0� I n Ad Dtee cable deAclencYy III`eve last. ADDroved 9e to 140 19117 BeDt. 13. 1B1 28=1817)..- 7. i t w 1) Coun en Coun Peas Ir JA -96- th (✓, ye SEP 10 191/ Adopted by the Council.._. .. ......._. .....191 ....... 1, -'Goss- �?.......In favor 5EP 14 1911 Approve ........ ......... .1 . .... ....... ..191........ Againstch /IJP` ,�_.................V 1 . . Mr. es - FORM C2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........:. ... ....... ....... ...... ......... .................... ....... ........ ..... .......................... _...... _..... 85� ' COUNCIL FILE NO. t:..... .......... ........................... ......... ........ :........ .....:.....,............. ............................................ Date Presented ...... _............. _..._ 'Res ed' That there is.hereby traiwferred from the Salary Itsa of the Bureau of Fire Protection to the Equipment Item of the same fund, the sum of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars (#7500.00) t 'thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last named Item. C. F. No: 1850(—Ay Fle'y Moll' _. Resolved, That there Istlereby trans (erred from the Salary Item of ' t Be- - reau f Fire Protection to. the Equip_. ' Ment Item of the Barrie fund, the U. of $evenly -Ave H10 dretl - Dollars (*7500.00)- thereby preventing D un- nvold¢ble deficiency In the last' named Item. Adopted by. theCouncll Sept. 13,1917.E Approved Sop L. 14. 1917. ' (Sept.. 22-1917). ' .Yeas.( f,Cou ciluen (✓) Nay, - SEP X13 1917 ,Far worth ,(/�-� Adopted by the Cormril_..__.... ...... ........... ... ...... ....... .... 19I _.. (o w....In favor t,. ICs r APProved P.14 191 f ....... A 191..:..... 'M 011 - 0... Against �,� �W derlich I...._ ` - e.._............................................................................. _...:................... Mr. Presid n Irvin - -MAYOR FORMC. A-9 -17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: ;..: ....... .................. ..__...... ......... _ .......:.... 1850: COUNCIL w� - - - FILE NO .. ............... ..... ........ Date Presented... o _.. r 191'__._._ fBa L. "'1'Zth- T7' Resolved,' I That the Purchasing Agent be. and he is hereby authorized topurchasewith the consent of the Comptroller. without asking for competitive bidse'one only Rear Axle, housing complete. in accordance with Requisition.No. 3107 on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from the Brantjen Motor Car Co.. for.the snm of 182.00; as this is a patent- ed article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bide. Cost of said material to be charged to the Department of Pudic Safety - Fire Dept. -Expense. G F. No. 18608— Resolved, That the Purchasing. Agant�. tie, and he le hereby authorised to pur tro er,RSO wwithout consent 6 for cohmPetltivei bids, one only Rear Axle housing come'. Plete. In. accordafice with Requlsitlon. No. 3107 on file In the officeof the - Purchasing. Agent from the Rranti.. fo; the as�this fe n Pator Car t rated article and 18 s 0 - ' I nntage can be. gained by :advertise In or .-tenni to titive charged to the tD¢ya[td - me df Public Safety—Fire Uept. Ez Penes. .. Adoptedlby the Council SePt. 13, 1917. APProved. SepL 1� 1917.. .. '(SePL 2't-1917) 6 Peas (✓) Ch�ou cilmen (✓) Days i.• 1 SEP �� 191 ✓Farworth (/,.., _ Adopted by the Council .. .......__ .... ._. 191 ....... In favor - .,._ SEP 14 1917 r /•� APPIov11.t .. .......... �. ... .. -.:_....__...191....... .: ilk nil ......:..Against U derlidi iii r. Nb44d'• Irvin MAYOR FORM C A-9 6.17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL C COUNCIL RLSOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject:..... .... ..,..: .. ......................... ... .,.. ........ ... _....... __..... ............ ......_ 1850' • COUNCIL FILENO............ ................... ......'...... Date Presented..... 19L:....._ Sept. 12th- i�17 Resolved, That the Purchasin ent be. and he is here Purchasing'Agent by authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller.,aitiiout asking for competitive bids* one only Rear..Axle housing complete, in accordance with Requisition No. 3107 on file in the office of the Yurchasin(g Agent. from the,Brantjen Motor Car Co.. for the sum of 81MOO.1 as this,is a patent- ed article and no advantage can be gained by a4vertisement .or cotapetitive'bids. Cost of said material to be charred to the Department of Pui.lie Safety - Fire Dept.-Expense. I to L i Yeas (V) councilmen cf7l Naya - SEP 13 19.11 '-fa-rnaworth - Adopted bp.the Council._. ... _.......lot....... t-coae V"........In favor ._ lid aterApproved ................ .:...... __...__ ..._ --..191....:_. vMCC.11 ......;... Agairmt fANunderlich i ............... . '..................... .......:...... Mr. Pdr6dent. Irvin - - MAYOR FORM C A-I 7 2M 1: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 1850L • - - COUNCIL -FILE NO .................................. ....... Date Presented.....Sept..-.13Lh—l•1.7191..___ solved, That the Council hereby concurel in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the. contract for grading Wyoming St. from Ohio St. to Manomin St. to R. Howe-, for the lump sum price bid of $2,283.00. Engineer's Estimate being $2,777.00 F.B. #1462. C• F. No. 18606—By Af. N. Go. — Jesolved, That the 'Council berebT! oneura In..tbe recommendation .ot the -- - Contract Committee and hereby awards; the contract for grading' Wyoming 84. from OMe BL: to Sfanomin Bt., to M: i Howe. for the lump sum brfce .bid ot. - 82,288.00. Engineer's Estimate being, .._ {8,777.00. F. 5. No. 1462. Adopted by the Council Bept. 12, 1911.1 Approved Beet 14. 1917. �..__.._...F .___.. _... SePt. 22-1917).... 13SSf1000 NOI1tlH603 H110 301330 U6l PZ AS Yeas (✓) Cou meu (✓) Knys 1` Far elth Go - ...........In -favor t"Rel U . `Me 11 ........... Against %Vu erlich Mr. {'i aWo vin - FORM C A 117 2M N CITY OF ST. , PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . Subject: ......' ._..-..: ........ :........ ._.:..:.__::._ 1CScJ�� ._........ ;.:.-:.... ...-�. -. '.' - R:-.. Y COUNCIL -FILE . NO:.... ...... ... .... ......:...., D�te Presented....Sept...-._iath:.!.1.7.191._.-_ esolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for grading Wyoming St. from Charlton St. to Ohio St. and from Manomin Ave. to Chippewa Ave., to Christ Johnson', at'lump sum price bid of $3,587.20. Engineertp Estimate being $3,730.00. F.B. #1463. _ - - j C..'F.'No. 18Sol—B— BY�6oee-- Resolved. That the Council hereby the - I concurs [n the recommendation Te cby Contract Committee and _ hereby the contract for B t awards from rrCrbn rAve. Bo Ch1DPeo, I ``,v ming -St 'i St and from Mano at lump - o °iEngineer s '� wa Ave., to Christy 687 price hi no' B 00 _... w��p..•,i ' -• •; _" n L] t" (� 1 �- Ct I 4 lI1 .. I_� I �J 1917.Ad t`db'ouucll P1' dSent8APDe(Sept 11) E .in � .-_. _i 1911 LLLIII ll SEP 24 OFFICE OSE C 0 ACOUNSEL. r�, —r_ / l - ,fens (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - - - ✓Farnsworth Gi ' Cp ;;�� f, aEP. 3 !yl7 L—f:osa - ...........In favor. Adopted -by the Council..._ ........ ......:._.............191....... ' d 'Keller U - .' Approved 4' IS I) _...191.:_.... - "rMGC611 ,. ........ Against �` Wunderlich 'w � - Df [. Presidrnt, Irvin FORM C A-9 6-17 2M _ I 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: ............. .......... .... .......... ... . ............... ....... ........ ... V ...... . ...... ............... COUNCIL 1 850 9, FILENo. .. ....... .... ..................... .......................... ............................................. ...................... ...................... ............ .. ..... ......... %L Date Presented ae-p-tr ------ Xol-ed, That t the Coun6ilhereby concurs in the recommendation of the CorttryLct Committee and,hereby xeJects all bids re- qeiVid for the construction of storm water sewer on Fair- view Ave. from Portland Ave. to alley in Block 7 Egbert G. Handy's Add. and on line of said alley produced to Wheeler Ave., thence on Wheeler Ave. to Summit Ave.; - on Stintmit Ave. from Wheeler ''Ave. to Hamline Ave.; on Macalester A ' ve. from Summit Ave. to Lincoln Ave. and on Pascal Ave. from Summit Ave. to Lincoln Ave.., as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on ame in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. .F.B. #1460. NO. 18509—By .1. 1. Resolved, That the Council hereby, concurs In the recommpndation of the ontrect Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for the construction from water sewer .. Fairview Av. from Portland Ave. to -11-Y in Block Egb.rt G. Handy'. Add. Rod on It.. of said alion leProduceto heeler Ave t hence ony Whsc.ler d Ave.Wto Smucul'i Ave.; on Summit All fr.. Wheeler Ave. to Hemline Ave.; OR M -1 -ter: Ave. from Summit Ave. to Lincoln Ave.' and on Pascal Ave. from Summit Ave to Lincoln Ave.. as the bid received was In -8 of the En&Meer a Estimate: andthe Purchasing Agent Is her .excess authorized to readverti.o for new tilde o d. vn same In accorcance with the )to. lafons Of the Charter. F B. No. 1460. Adopted by the Cou�cll Sept. 13, 1917. Approved Sept. 14 1917. '(Sept. 213-1917) yc.. 0') Co cilaten 'N.Y., sworth Adopted by the Counrillot C (_n In favor ler C , n let t . I ler App,.vcd.. It'll . ....... Cull Against nderlich UV Nit. Presid . Irvin ............... .......................... . MAYOR FOR. C A- 6.17 2M Petition Council File No......,.J-Q. A, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT s and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ Tb undersigned. hereby proposes the making of the foll public tenprove "It b/th�e y of i $t -Part Viz ..._Gatxs:tiva n... c�.aaesl.t T11 c .. .icl ins ka .. zd.ul ..a__. �olzahe.s.oath-.sicta._:of...3nas_......------ r3cc.slr.� nc.a.__rita: �aazizazl h tsz cn _._.......... _.... ........ _........ ........ ...... .......... �' _...... _.......... -... ............. ........ --........ ....... .._...... ......... Doted this 131 h.......................... .. .....a3.k o ...1.. 191..�..�.: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHiREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: � %e..._o.�.... _....... .............. _._-..... ....... ........... .............. ......... ..... .............. ......... ....... _.......................... ..... ............... ......................................................... ........................... _ ................... ,.:...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilm - _ therefore, be it sy�os RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he ,: v feltten DTt m mo rouowlne'. and directed Width of alx'feoat oat 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the makinpof Road at, from on t .dr... at., at, been i 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of say.e council Of the cety,ot total cost thereof. Rerpre,obe It 3. To furnish a plan, profile orketch of said improvementslved; That tha' Commlda ,' ,teate work. be and he is he:. .�-- red and directed: g data and information re L rtaearraInvestlity it ten6thmet"•ec•;-......__................................... 4. To furnish the following other To `Im DroVemant. .........�. and To Inveatlsate the_............ ....... _ ............................... ........................................................._......... ...... ..... ... ...... ......... estimated 5. To state whether or not said,im ,rovement is asked for De3. n and the, total three or more owners. tch of�p ,7 6. To report upon all of the for�ing matters to the Com 'A9tnner OI Finance. • SEF ! lyl/ Ext{` Adopted by the conned ....................... � --.......................191,........ , z Yeas: Nays:.: CouncilmpfIF Orth --60r Approved.....:._....191 .......... l� O l rlich Mafor If Mayor. roam c o•e porrrrs, 1 1 % PETITION g Council File No ,....48 ✓.I Q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 4. PRELIMINARY ORDER. I e Th undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pubis" improveme by the City of St. Pak viz :..9ppm,...vdde.n....and.:.e:xt.end:_an- east.,.and ... st ..al e$c,.. enty..(' f.eat. in _ .... . .... , Bl. el Subdi.nrtA.xne.t ev O_.iklextxy!..ea nil Camq l And...:Izl&bart amenuat: ......... .,r': ......... ......:........... ............................ Dated this ........1..�t1.:......day of�--...S.ep-te.mb. .....-.. .:................ 191.7...... Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of .the following improvement, viz.: den..:.and ._.ext.e-nd...an....east....and...went ....alley..,.t-w.enty.(20).ie.e,t....in; width.] through.._��.1.c2. k.._3,..._G...... V...._.Bao. nzi!.a....SubdLy.i.slon.,-and---lo-ak-..2...... uTsy_'.a--:-Subn.. divie_ion,....runnin-Z....iTc.m.:..4xf.o.x.d.._aa�.e.e.t..._t:n:-..Lexingt_on.._.Q-Ulay..ar.d....... bolween::... Carroll:._and....:lehar.t.:..avenue..a............. .....::........ .......... ...... :................ .............. ........... ...:............. ...... .... ............. ... .... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmay..a,n- tr.m. �:--_,---- On nouleva d bet therefore, he it Iglehart avanue,. ieeented to the Council of St Paul therefore, r,be It rected• RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and I• el ed, That the C.R mesion,.• .bllc Work' be and he Is hereby -or-- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the Innkl I rdTo �� est, d e [tie necc'etty for r Desirability of the make.- of y eaed t thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of srn provem.nt. 2. To Investigate the natuezt-, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. est eand lee total teat ii �d.re, ,emprr 4. To furnish the following other data and information relatJ,eWh of sald'Impr-_° ..nt;........... -A. To furnish th --,- a and Inform- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on.trie`petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. ,yl 1.........191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman�r •orth JtP 1 ly `G, Approved .............].. (__............................ 191.......... V V ` ✓K er fVI oil �R nderlich Maytfr Ir n Mayor. ..roaM c e.e Ir1;,13! .�,•??iD_7�`� PEThTION . AA. Council File No . '.:..;1$�l PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' T&+undersigned hereby proposes the making of t follow• g public improv en by the City St. Paull viz.;.....open.,.... .widen ...and ..:exten - ..r.oadw y....to..;.a...w. h....©.....thfT:tf:. .. feet in. Section .I,_.TQw..<1..$.x._F.aI.,.22.,. Ci _af.....t... ul,..t said o._bei_nf--de2ar-.t }S.ed...aa...fal . SQe:..... i.nnin� . E av�u ......a� he �e' _ rlarmeL_of:...the._. ._ex...af...a d... tinn..11.,_th _ est. al g....the ....Bast and west.center s of said Sec n11, 1320 fe Dated this.......] 3t ...: ay of...:.........September ... ....,.....:...� ........ 9 ................_ 191.7..:.... ; -- Council n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the Making of the following improvement, viz.: ext.end...a-ro.adaay._..to_..a.-. width ...:of-1hixty:j.3O'.1feet....in...Se.e.'tion 11, Town 2f3.,..._F:age.:..r32.,Cit.y.... of....S.t__P.aul.k.he.._aentei....line_..nf._sai.d.:.npening.:.being described....as._f�7.1Qw.e;.....t�.egi.nnili ...at.._E.as.t....avenue....at...-the.....5&._c.nrner.....of....the NE qu.Z F.te.rl...o.f...$.ai.d....Seclinn:...11,.th.ence..._Rest ...along -the ....the ....eas.t....and xe.at..:.Center lines of said Section 11 1320 feet. having been presented to the Council otthe City of St. Paul by Councilman .............................................: therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he; rter o: g .as the -dered and directed- .j of said Sect16 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the m%rig been yreeonted' eat. tett of the CRY of st. Pat 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost ,be I d, That the commlgnd the total cost thereof. Ah, works be and he is h 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improver ed and directed: 1. To Investigate. the ne 4. To furnish the following other data and information, pedis itY of a makrprovement:..........:......_ ................................. ._... t. Totnvestig-e the n _ .....................................................:........:.......... d estimated Cost of n ' ,nt and the total cosr............ _.......... _..................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked ;tcIt of said niimV of t of three or more owners. to fm•nlen 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Ca and I- --of Finance. Hp ] 1 `H 13 19.1 -.. Trmet L Adopted by the council.... ..._:., 191.......... Yeas: Nays: Couneilman�nair sworth LAO Approved_..........._�tF...� 4..1y � � ..:............191.......... ✓B ler I I I Coll U �� ` I nderlich Mor I in ..... .. . :.:.:............................... Mayor. .osr.a�o�e h nyor. YUtiLw.:c.il ��' �e i on Council File No..........1 851-.11 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tundersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g pu c improvegebt by a City of, - St. Pau , viz.: 011I]�.4.. 4....� ,.£.r+'n A . s -. ........ ---: :----- _........... ................... _................... _........ _... _..-..._._....__.._.—.__.................. ......... _....... F_............ —.......... ................. Dated this. ._...L l,.Ll....do ... ...:.fl :v....G .Cl'. .....:: ..... . �.... C uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ........... .... ......... ............................. ...:.......................................... _............... .......................................... .............. _..................... ......................... ...:...... having been presented to the Council of the City of grade of dY.-'ouncilman.................................................. ,erk n Additio.: to therefore, be it line on prose e RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P `ee l a oto the hereof', 3t� P'no, t hhe ore, °� Lis hereby ordered and directed • - 1. To investigate the necessity for or d'SYth�kB e° end he le here '•said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and IndinirectO tbUte the necoeeotr g o of the mohmB Uprovement,and the total cost thereof. irability . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of omnveet, ete the euro rP 4. To furnish the following other data and" the luta, a ch: ive to said improvement; ........................... '-turniah a id Impr. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.......... ......jWj.....i.y.11............. 19r........_ - �� Nays: _ Councilman'nrnsworth colss Approved......... .6E.JP �%�L...............191.......... ii'l (� /ifelarld D �. U r6iecoll `Wunderlich ---.._.._..... _........................................................ _. Mayor Irvin Mayor. ►ORM C e•e �] YUIfL191i}uD � 3 �/ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1853 AUDITED CLAIMS-RESbLUTION FORM F LENO1 No. SEP 1.41917 BY ... AUDITED 181_ } - l PER - 661 a - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the. hereinafter specified funds and, `=An favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as 'specified in the followingdetailed statement: SEP 14 1917 ouncil Yeas ( J) Con oilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council-.91— 191_ ' - _ Fa Fa orth 7_ S 14��917 -191- - G In favor Appro 91 Ke er K �l ' -D—Against _. ----A - �d -v%Undrlich MAYOR t Mr. President, rvi1s. 19826 H. W'. Austin, Purch. Agent., 5 Mayor's Office-Exp.A3.17 comptroller-Exp.8 Mayor's Office-Exp.0 „ G.F.-Munic. Court-Exp.7 Com'r.'Finance-Exp. 9 G.F.-City Clerk-ExpG.F.Purch. Dept.-ExpC.r.W.-Exp. 'Health-Realth-Exg�°°.2C.P.S.-Gen'1. Adm.-Exp.3Fire-Exp. i'9Police=Exp-%1P.Schools�$xp. 7.99 27 American Linen Supply Company, 1.10 Fire -Exp. _ 28 Ault & Wiborg Company, 99.96. G.Misc. ,taty. and supplies. + 29 B. S. Bates, 18.00 P.Schools-Exp. 30 Board of Water Commissioners, 445.61' Health -guar -Exp. 4 Health-P.Baths-Exp. .1 S. # S. Cing-Epp. 2.7 �. 21- Pay. Robert St..8th to Ce al 50 445/61 I� 31 Leo J. Borer, 35.00 P.Schools-Earp. 32 H. C.;Boyeson Company, Oom�r. Finance, -Exp. - 9.65 - health -Health -Exp. $ ; f 9 6 33 Boylston Publishing Company,- P-Library-NBooks. ' Form A. 5.11 41. 661 Page 19834 Burns Lumber Company, 35.52 health-@uar-Exp: �3 Health-P,Baths-Exp. . 2 35 Capital Envelope Company, 25,50 P.Schools-Exp. 36 J. J. Clancy, Police -Exp. 37 Clymer & Huelster, 28.00. Health -Health -Exp., - 38. Craftsman Press,, 17.15 F.Schools-Exp. 10 EF.-ifisc. & unf. rag 39 Daily Hardware Company, 18.70 Police -Exp. 6, Sewer C&R -Exp. . _ Health-P.Baths-Exp. p 40 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 3.66 - Health-P.Baths-Exp . 41 L. F. Dow Comp4ny, 1.00 -P.Schools-Exp. 42 Elite Laundry Company, 1.47 P.School`s-Exp. 43 The Emporium, .65 P.Library-NBooks. 44 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 20.00 P .Schools -Exp . 45 Foxboro Company, 7.35- P.Library-Exp. 46 Great Northern Railway Company, 1.00. St. C&R -Exp. . 47 Hartin Coal Company, 44•.41 St. C&R -Exp. 48 Albert H. Heusser, 2.00 P.Library-NBooks. 49 Dr, Dawson Johnstone 17.96 P.Library-Exp. 50 Al. J. Louis, 3.05 - Water -Exp. 51 McClain & Hedman, G.F.-Pugh. Dept. -Exp. •. i^,44 C.P.W.-Exp. l0. 4 52 Manhattan 011 Company, 27..22 St. C&Rp-Exp. 17. Pay. Minnesota St.4 S" Pay. E. Seventh St. 5 Z7 2 e Res. 661 Page 6- 19853 # Mich. Maurri:%, 2.10 ' Sewer C&R -Exp. 54 A. P. Moore, 58.30 . - S. & S. Cing-Exp. 7.5 St. C&R-Exp. 116 Sewer C&"--Bxp. C.P.W. -Exp.Bay. Y:O Rice St. Pay. Mounds Blvd. 55 MulleryPaper Box Company, 13.50: - P.Schools-Apense. 56 Northwestern Stamp Works, 5;20 - Comtr. Finance-Fxp. 5 mire -Exp. C.P.W.-Mntce. P.Library-Exp. 0 57 Noyes Bros. & Cutler,, 50.95 -Lire-Exp: . 3. _ Police -Exp. 21. 5 health-P.Baths-Exp. 6 6 3 .9 36633;4nt 58 Quality Printing Company, 27.75 G F No. for the Resolved Chat ae tee Police -Exp. - - 4 r ' J n th city .fa h 1 [te 'fav l of land t d s alnet G.F.-Printed frms and blks 2 f tha.P do o f thaw de, IT era of tb - - -- 2 7 - .. e yCCI fol] Wl g de .n 1d.' Rare . ltdsal Llm.at• 59 - Review Publishing Company, 323.33 1 an'1 t• or mloteHrt G.F.-Official Publications.. 13...Haat-wic d R 3 Rates 1 P tl of a In the. Cil - ;t Mold sour ate afore" Warrant a 610 Rice Supply Company, 4.90 H e oyeon.r! o Burns n. Pu -CCC d r1914fol ay. 1914fol P Library-NBdoks. an Lump CaDltal Env &, c`�ey :Clymer .- 61 — Robinson, Cary w Sands, 4.97 -'CraftemanI' -Dally. ea R.Dao,E e1p01 Rive. Water Supply - 3,2 Hard AdF a`w c Spri�aling > Elit. T aund I The p-im 1 - /4. .".9. A: Farne Foxboro Co.. xIDP'e.Ma! - , Great North 62 — N. C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Ct., 144.00 "Hartin Coal Albert H. H Who.. Na Aaeeeeed. - G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 13 . i ' Dr. Dawson, n J. Louie, rrm Hipp. Perm.' Imp: Revl• Ct.Csts. .. UcClafn &.H -Manhattan 1131eb, We— Moore.63 St.Paul Gas Light Company, �1 3.36 ' u R ry.P. thw P. w - Lighting -Exp. .No j Noyes Rroe.' Wttox Na _ Quality. Prtn •.Review .Publ ndt..am. d wHel 64. Raf. D. Szalathnay, � 3.50 So Ries ..P.f' Robinson, am- . am p.Library-NBooks• X C. Robin ams (i44.00. '.:. + SI,Paul .S e 65 Tierney & Company, 347.10 :i Tierney & -Tran.it BUP I Fire -Exp. , J.' 'CIty I W.Waetp � lecellaneov' AdoDteebyt Approved, ! ' 66 Transit Supply Company, `300.00 So I Police -Exp. olica-Exp. : VV 67 Twin City Iron & Wire Works, 3.50 S. & S. C ing-Exp . 68 W. J. Westphal, 41.75' Fire--'xp. , TD -to i , . _ t: CITY OF ST. PAUL s ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM COU No. '18514 SEP 1.4 1917 181_ 1-BY- " 662 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter,speI,ed funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their' respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: SEP i4 i9a'r Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 FArn orth 4 _ �In favor App6e� Jt 191_ Kel r ^ � L:—Against _ --,• i der MAYOR __— ' --- �V derlich Mr. President, ruin. 19869 Cochrane-Sargent Company, 163.9fi Fire-C&B. I' C. F. No 1861— Resolved that warrants be drawn 1. upon',the, City Treasury. Payable oat of 70 J. J Connolly, the herelnafter,epeclfled fund. and In 875.CC - favor of the persons, firms ore rpom SFewer Brand Street° tlone'tor the a mount% set r: posits their hei respeMI_ names as %pecided- 1n the following. detailed -statement: ti 71 Christ Johnson, C.c coon- garA$876. $I Z.9 a. i, 193.76 Sewer F Street. Chrlet Tohneon. 816876 l -George 8 Nlenah r 8],210.00. Western Electric C 8a0.6a 72 Geoer a B. Nienaber Adopted by the Council Sept. :14. M7. Approved,Sept. 14 1914::, .. 1 g (Sop L aa-1917)` ;1 3, 230.00 .t Grading Burns Avenue. 73 Western Electric Company, 20.52 School-Exp. \ j s.. �ay v For. A. 5-11 CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ` Subject:�8515 ►- 1 COUNCIL . .. .. FILE NO.... :. ... VV Date Presented Sept 14 1917 191. Resolved, with the consent of the .Mayor and Comptroller that the sum of $200 be transferred from the item "Salaries" in C'q:i3;ter Fund No.2, to the "Vaintenanee° in said Fund, such transfer being necessitated by unforseen expenses in the office of the Mayor occasioned by the Plederal.Draft as, well as the Saint Paul Outdoor Sports Carnival, and by such transfer an unexpected sbortgage in F said -last'j arced item will be relieved without impairing the activities provided for in said first named item. C Irvin— Resolved, wR with the cones tor of the , Mayor and Comptroller that the sum of $200 ba transferred from the Item 'Salaries" In Charter Fund No. 2, tol the Item "Mnlntenance" In said Fund. ' n sfer being necessitated by unforsee.. .Mayor' occasioned by the Federnl Draft e wall as the Saint Paul Outdoor - - Sports Carnival, and bye ch transfer n unexpected shortage In said last nflmed item will be relleVed without! Impnalring the activities provided for In aid "ret named It.. Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1917. Approved Sept. 14, 1917. I{ -(Sept '22-1917) ' I Yeas (✓) Court (✓) Nays f am orth ^' .. SEP 14191J. I Adopted by the Council 191 (�ois S In Favor � ✓Keue V Apprd a 4 1V 1 F 191 D Against U ✓rii)un rlich Mr. Pent. vin MAYOR FORM C. B•2 '- -CITY OF AUL ""7 ✓p I COUNCIL. RESOLUTION-GENER — L�JdI i Subject COUNCIL 185.6 wFac No .. ........ ........ , ..... ........ ;. .......... ......... ' Date Presented _......._ 191 ...... Resolved, That Whereas unforeseen conditions have arisen in connection with the construction of eight. Portable School Puildings, as covered by contract approved under C.F. 17771, which make it necessary to provide additional material and do additional work for three of the said Portable School uildin,,;s, at. a total cost of Seventy-one Dollars and ninety Cents (:;,71.90) therefore, be it resolved that the contre.ct for the construction of said eight Porttble School Build in -,s be z:.nd the same is hereby increased///7-9 C. F. No. 13619—By - A. Wunderitch— j Besolved, That whereas unforeseen - conditions have arisenIn connection with the construction or eight Port- able School Buildings,. as covered by - contract approved under C. F. 17771. !whleh'make It necessary additional additional material. and do additional -. work for tares of the said Portable School Building,, at a total cost or - Seventy-one Doilare and Ninety Cents -, 571.99). therefore, be It resolved .that j the contract for the construction of ,sold eight Portable SchoolBuildings I i719nd the aame Ie hereby Increased.0.! Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1917. I Approved Sept. 14, 1917,., i I (Sept. 22-1917) Yeas (V4t. (d) Nays F 1y 17 Adopted by the Council._..._......J.E.....�..:...-........:.191....._ t� J .... In favor 14 3 y A rov d. .pp ,� /� a _. Against a�a ......... ...... . _ .. ........ . ................ Mr. PoiSJA Vtiti MAYOR . FORM C.9.2 . .6 .' CITY OF'S,4 PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--�GENERAL FORM Subject. ....... ......................... :. .... (� ..... .COUNCIL 1851[ ), FILE N 0.... ...... .. ......... Date Presented ......... 191 . Resolved, That Whereas unforeseen conditions have arisen in connection with the construction of eight Portable School huildings, as covered by contract•approved under C.F. 17771, which make it necessary to provide additional material and do additional work for three of the said Portable School Buildings, at a total cost of Seventy-one Dollars and i binety Cents ($71.90) therefore, be it resolved that the contract for the construction of said eight Porh6ble School Buildings be and the same is hereby increased, /4' , , I Yeas (✓) Coun Imen (✓) Nays . rny�worth C!...... In favor Kotler mceo}h 0...._.Against 9 Mr. President, Pawers % ^rk .. FORM C.9.2 18 53 16 St.PiiO,, Ilinn., Aug, 37, 1917 City of SEAnt Paul f To Alfred? G. F,rio'l nen, Dr. Fxtram on the following portable ©olionlri i 60 ou; ft. oement bloot-n, Ilanaook IlendrI01cn 13.0!" l^rl.(itn l•`.�.Sf? 0udown treen, Slir:rl.,If n 0 ^0 ^ 71..90. I?; POYE _ Comm�aslon.roJ-Edv - " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ......... . .. .............. ......... ..... ........... : ......... .. .... ........ ... ......... . ................. . .... ......... 1851-7 COUNCIL FILENO., ................. ... . ..................... ................... § ................. . .. ;2: . ........................... ............................. Date, Presented....- . ...... Resolved, That the Cigarette License No. 61, which'expires June 19,1918, now in the name of Ban Barkus, 498 Brainard Avenue, be and the same hereby is transferred to Ben Berkus 461 No. Snelling Avenue. C. Remo] No. 18617—ByHenry ged. That the t. cenie 0- 61. Which ..ezpl ea 91%now In the name of Ben an 488 Avenue. be d I Berkus. h InInIr be er�by I. t4 to an ___!:�Msferred Adopted ...... t —nue. Approved e a Council` 14, 1917. I- 11,11117sop'- (B-Pt. 22-1917i Yc.m (r') C p. (I,) Noy, 1AF nsworth Adopted by the Council– In favor K Kr r Approved. 00 .......... Against d-lich Me. P4 W IrYin .......... - ................. .................. .................................. MAYOR FORM C. A-9 -17 2M CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: ..-RE1FU1tD OF...PX11A,U.:.)DOG...:LI0E88&.............. -..._ ....... _ .......... , 18f--) S r . COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ .........-.. ................. .........................................t......... .... ... . ... ....::1........................................ .... :............. Date Presented... T. r_..1'Ja_........... 191.�.� Resolved, That the proper City Officials are hereby authorised to draw a warrant in favor of J. R. MAHAR, 394 Ashland Avenue, for the sum of4#roe ($3.00) dollars, same being &,refund for license T for one-femsle dog tag No. 418, issued September 10th,1917. This amount is being refunded on account of applicant for above license 4418 giving wrong sex of animal which should have been Yale Dog, for which license #32,54 was issued this date. ,.•.a- rr No.18618-D— y�nikw Clete eareeheraba[ the; Proper Citi; warrant In [avorgIt orleBd to draw Threeaf78.00 venue, for R hMahgar, Rcl .jd fund for license, t r ones emalegno tag NO. ,478 leeued geptember 10th. ,. Received a 1 papers 1917• eonnecti on it abov count ofonnt is being Tetunded '% 418 ppllcant for .above ]lames - which.eh glving wrong eez. Of animal, ReSOltxt b`c"a have been ASale Dog; for which ]lcenee SVq; 8484 sae leeued',this - data Adoptedbythe Council $- APpoveA Serpt. 14, 1917, e➢t. 14,.1817. .cup itmen-(i') Naya tmworthl� Adopted by the Council....... .. �{ ...191 ._..., a V ........In favor7�.�.7..:.... rer 0 - O Approved - J.� l 1......... .191......:., - ......... Against U . der4ch .:.......................:........................................................................__...... Air. PAAf� Irvin MAYOR FORM C. A-9 '•17 2M - :5r. Goso Council File No ..._..:. �gJti ...0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - -- and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following l ublic` imp'fovement fby the City Cif 1. r, r !. t St. Paul viz.:. 3 S`.u2r]5 ?S1LL044��..^1�.....:fxoia Seven Ch St. to T ,,th St., also resecting of rb, o-I aoioaui, .�,Z, o' e .ay--I,n.ci:s.a ht�.:u.n _.:�.�cu:7.�i IIC--_�en_i,--�•-�� _ ins,- o£ �z - c._s by tY e �i � . Laul City c3._ilway�'Co,, ir_cludiryr, so,,er, ��at r. and s.-,_z of alrea ,rade, <<^.l::o 'thc pavi, ; of u1-slid da ivaaay &o(J oaches where ------........................ ^.-------- .... --- -' -- .. r : Dated this......13-th :.-...day of ......:..5e Lc 11).x ............... ......._ .......... 191._7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF7$EAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-.�3nrrai��in�---: nlc_ie..-.-_ea:L.er1d_ uirle....n�Zn. St. to Teri St., also rosettin o_ curb on t account o� he proposed ��._.BS]_�an.'t_.�ci_.tha-.1e;;ring._nf.�.i ranks by the St. 2aal City R. 11,-,,ay Co., ino1 ng aerrer, grater Zd gas ....etnnneB.l;inns.--1rn._:..st2 ..a :et- ;-her-e.---nt...-. alread; ,..ade, also the -paving of alley and driveway aj)Proe.ches, where ne-sees.ar-y......... :...................I........... ---•....._....... _._.......... .... ...... --....................._-...................-._.......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....:_........................................... .................... __ therefore, be it de, anA drlve— RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worlto •iiia °council of the "ordered and directed• at therefore, be It , - 1. Td investigate the necessity for or desirability. ed, xe ba'a a ne ie n l—aprovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima'reb- 'o I1 leeHRale the se°eael,nent, and the total cost thereof. relrublll,, 9f the making o- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said i?TInvestigate the nature, . 4. To furnish the following other data and info ana thea total cost st thereof said'mprovement;............. . io turnleha plan, pro' of said Improvement .......... r......... ................................................................................................. M furnish .the tolln..._-................................... ._..:........................... .........- na Intnrmatlr- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is astteu .or on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of, the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the council...................... aEP .-_.1._.....iy1.................. 191......... Yeas: Nays: C oun ci I in avef`n 4 worth SEP 14 lw ✓ Gro Approved...—.....:......._-_........_........ ........ 9.......... ' S- ✓irlich _.................................... .......... ....... Mwylor Ir Mnyor. E. G. Eri�,-gs r Council File Ne..18512;w PROPOSAL POR IMPROVEMENT and k PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by' the City of t r St. Paul viz... Go U.leker r.i.L.h ,sem r �q 1+1, n•(` —A n..n n.. l -:' fc,ni1. -east. line of5 ..... . Y tlien4� n4 t @fit _.. --- Dated this ........14., kt....day of .................... ....... .:....... _7... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... -.. vhe..._eLss....s.isle n;, i n g. . a>i..._uho.---xaQr.:<n lila....ni._Ohics=ga.1Y .a;'....:Lha aaat....11ua..... 01._5......A-.U.a.,hQ * .................. :...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Co tile jy lfSteetilon°the _.......... .................. -- hl 8L beginning at therefore, be it � east to Ave. and ao fe;. . S. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work,-,'t,','e north so feet having herd and directed' to the counell of the b., re 1. To investigate the necessity -for or desirability o Re olvedfOTh to the o the It went. deu edea ,o Ir eteE nd he Is bar ,nd the total cost thereof. 2.:10 investigate the nature, extent and estimate 1. To Inveettggtg the heces' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imr ImProvmneoL9 of the making 4. To furnish the following other data and infor s. TO°veaugate tine ;went;_ ......._ ............: 'and •estimated rnst`b Aaald +fes 1 J -ad the the total. cost the ......_ ........ .................. ....._-..................................._._ sketch 0Yee d lm roveme 5. To state whether or not said improvement is as To urnlsn the rof ' °f three or more owners. -•wand .In[ormnlI.. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Col `ovnet• r Finance. - . .. ._...Adopted by the council.........................................191.......... Yeas: Nays: CoSune-ilma✓✓orth Approved:..,...!.. ...�..4.... � t! T 10a Kel O 1 erlich 6IrvMy1,1 .......... Mayor. PUBLISHED fZ/ n Council File No 1852, V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and - ��, PRELIMINARY ORDER. ►� The undersigned hereby. proposes the making of all Zng public_ irypfo went by the City of St. Paul viz:..Con.d.eersuisg--- fill�..ar�eas.e nt....-in in,... a I J1 334casspr;�...:ox.:. e.IZVen,:...fo>.... X11 i�xeg. r �._.r�as sides_A MoniiR,,t at fX-0, a..;i eseh h_.at....._t.n_ k" b -a'...:. _.._..._.._..._..__......---- -...._ �� _ -•- i ............ ... _...... ............. ...... _........... _...... ---- - - ..... _-...... --.............. . Dated this ....._loth........ of ....... :.t?.© 191 .7...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: fox autia r i.... i]1Jae.er1y...siae. --°.'---I S.D.YEIl:u fl._u ri.�...5 0....lentil_ .�.• ....._ .� _ —..._ --:..---.....—..._.................. ............. _...:.._........ _..... — ... ........... .............. .... ........................ .................................... ....... _................ ..... -................. ......................... ...... _............................... ................. .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul nd akyfar 1: im necee6arY for e......................................... ...................... ,d ane In regrading 'Y Nne of I.ocu•t St. from therefore, be It t, to Tenth et. having baso „•;, r fee erose be it °f"In city or aG ted and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PublieResolved-That the Commieeloner obI E' red nd die he and he. le hereby ort 7ment. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirnbi•rea and directed: 2. To investi ate the nature, extent and estil To;.lnveeugate the neceeettr.'for nd the total cost thereof. g orovrnenty o1 tho making of Bald' - Drovement: Y To Inveetlgate the nature, exam. 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch Of Sal(.Id eeumatea -cost or .aia le"" ant To furnlehalg coat:. thereot.� rovement;_............................_ 4. To furnish the following other data and inC•, Dian, Drax P --- ' ch o[, Bald ImDrovemer+' 'Toturnleh. the fr'• ............... Informs tfo-............ __..................... _........... ........... ............................ _ sol 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 14191Y Adopted by the council......_................ ._.........................191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilmarfj1'e arth JtP 14 19 1 Approved..............__................ _..... Mn orlich...._.... ._................................. Dirt................ ._ 9 yor. roow a e•e 1£523 • ' - Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.• The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:......G.aid.ertu ;..:anc1.._takinc... xi....eas.ei:Lent....in..:.the ...7.anci...noaes ax;r for. S.1QPf .-,....f= ... cut.M..:.ens .idle.,. ...grnclin Ilnnne:.S.t......�ranL ......:._..._.-_.....---......._.._....-----....... .... ........ . ......... ...... . ... .. .............. . - - --------- ----- ----------- -------------- Dated this....... .th......_day of- ........... 3.e.,;.t . . .. .................... 191...7s., Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: for......Q., a sl_..1. .1a...... in... � x.� k.in; ..�.szr �a_St.._. � xra .. 3z yrLnud .rise.._ n_.....--•-•--....__. Colu,hu. Cava_ ............__:.............. ......... .................... ............ .... ................... _...... —:............... .....-.............................................. I., ............ ........... .... ............. I ... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St.,P»x-nece•Councilman.................................................. ......_..............- d elle. In k therefore, be it tiaypnond Av< eving been Pr RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pesti f the city of Y he is hereby ordered and directed• it a Reeolved, That the Cm 1. i To investigate the necessity for or dembue work. be and he r; of said improvement. -ed and dlrected: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ideeloeb ff'ntloLthe improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketchof efOTo, Invest sets the net .send the totnlmated cost coati Of th. 4. To furnish the following other data and ifao fnrnlsh a Plan. co sayA O7provement:.............................._.. .............. of said improvemnPt. - the ...................................................:. furnish. t1- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.................�if.4 r 194 ..............191.......... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmaWlr a+worthaEr 14 1917 1 tlich Ma� Poaw c a -e Approved .............. 191.......... 1 petition 4 Council File No X8524✓ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and T PRELIMINARY ORD } apf 0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of .the f owing public impfovement by the City of f{ St. Paul, viz.:... G mei.e..::Doarid...;;t.......f.rau .1i�ylnaIna tO:..Ltol n .�,C¢e:.y._Sn .............. ackls.iL... . -- - ---------- --------- -.:..i1.--------=-------�---_._...1_..._..._.._..._ __.: _1.-------------._--- ._.................. bated t 191...7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..._.�xe,d�...D_aans _�s`,_>v.gra:13aX�omsl�s_.__iio._S..olluabtl� 5�, .Mite, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Piunteeocoun a fman.........:..:........................ _......_... be................... o 'the. Citc, therefore, be It ed, Th1 - ed, bc and, ha t' RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Wan tnveet,,d:o the n reby ordered and directed' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability �'er.bentt'� at the . c.,,d improvement. To Inveett6Oei tot ea' p 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimatt.anla Lhe total cost Cuvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im1T of said. jmv* ve 4. To furnish the following other data and informrrnd finormauonco said improvement;_......_ .................................... '. .......... ........... ....................................... _............................. :........................................ .................... ...-................................ .....-........ ._................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. .To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...........:.SEP 1. 15 � ] ...............................191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman nsworth ss Approved......_ ........ ................. .......: ........191........_ t Iler Q t/f nderlich A _ __ _.._.._...__......_ ....... ........ Ma I in Mayor. sonN a o�e FUi1Lf^:IED ' � /7 I 9 e COMM FIL o.... - B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....conetrllCt:iri8... ...Q -0m lt...t.t1.8....@.iUWAI1S:..tQ..a_.Wiatb....OS......_.....__ six feet.,_on e...oi:.k.�fr�c_et.�C1.e.Y.oiatxd....AY.e........ to Cretin Ave. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............... ...... ..._.................. _..............._........... ................. ..........:................. ............................. ............ .....--------------------- _...:...... under Preliminary Order............IA3.39....... ........approved,......Sept......1,.1.917........... . ..........:...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......ri..9TAAt.a<.B.Q.t P ...............:.:.. cement_ -tile sidewalk to a width of nix feet•..__on,-,the,,:north-•-side„_--- of._krinc.et.on...AV, ea.—fr.om C1.evela.nd.Cret.i.o...Ave.....-•--'..........: .....,....................._..............,.... _.....__.......................... ............................. 6 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0., 66...per..lineal foot, 8 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..:.....j .. h ..... ........day of _.Antoher......._.......... _..._.., 191.7_.., at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., it, the Council Chamber .of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` Adopted by the Council SEP 1.j917 t SEP 143 917 _..... .. Approved .................. 191 ..... C tv Clerk'. ... ...... t Welouncilman Farnsworth ISm flavor. 'ent_.tile� councilman boss •set, onthe •..ve. from C ltel . QW1YWiYrR j% male no alter., sell "'t cost tlo 011ncllman Keller Q erlineurthe� That v1douneilman McColl 1 be hasvofeoctob .. _ wr of 10 0 -clock AlM 'ItYCxmhllufldlnof hecourt ln the uncilman WunderlinL gh — . - That. Cammieeh vl fayor Irvin ePl'give noilce f Bald . persona and In 'thering t' _ Form B. S. A. 8 -ti on, the Charter. etatine'�-t• !ace. of theadr ohg notal , ri ' vement�end the total-ycoeC; !_atimated._ •.ted by Councll aeDt. 1' i'oved'..Sept 14. 2811937) --------------- COUNCIL FILE NO. -- BY 18526 CITY OF ST. PAUL *Resolution of Council Approving Assessm t. • In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for curbing Goodrich avenue, between. Western avenue and Pleasant avenue, — under Preliminary Order ........_ ... Intermediary Orde, _.:._._10758 ` Final Order .._11581.... _..... _....... _............ ........ _ . approved..._ July 182. 19\._.6 The assessment of benefits costa a1id._expenses__..; f __.............__ �. _ .... ._. or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment. satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....._3,day of OOtObeT-------------- -..... 191-.7-..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Councili�hamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul '.ghat the Commissioner of Finance give'�notice of said meeting; as required by/the Charter.�tating in said notice thea me and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total ccoostLthereof, and -the amount assessed •against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... ... S.i.P-..4i...1.y1i....._ _ 191 SEP 141.917`— City Clerk. � APPROVING AS NTS Approved ....�.—__�.. / 1 I _the matter ct the aeeesem tc o[ _ benodta, oats -And apensenfor lag > Goodrich Ave between western' _ Mayor. Ave. and Pleasant Avenue undeC. .,_,_,_„._..... ,—W ,� �' .Preltminarl• :Order 8{5i"'or ertnedl-• CouflcilmarYF'arnsworth aro order 10788 Final Order 11881; Yr ed -JulY 18 1516. The111P assessment t D Bata; costs -and - •� nection tit b a above olmpro •ementr and in n having been. Ti submitted to -t �oneid, d [tied same .'e7rm+et .Council he.vinB and founds the said assessment satls X74' factor therefore be It aauiY.....». ✓Keller e: and the same Ifi here soebY. Inc all b,' reen� _ speck approve d. e/ICecoll Resolved Further. That a Dnban aearin�� bei tied[ Octo'ere1917, at `the;. tfie 18th vh flour of 10.o•clock A. X. In a and Cl V ItndGlllch Chamber of the. Cobrr"Hollee and CltY: -Hail Building, to the CRY Of SL Paul: that th Commfs loner o[ Finance give,'. M or Irvin notice nips i said meeting, as `required, by the-Charteq stating in said notice the FOfta B. H. 18 time and place of heaiing• [heal as of the i and vShe nt, t a tto assessed _ the reo[; against the lobrgr lots oCthe particular. owner to who be'C6 Snctice etlis irected.�,� �` DProved1BeAk 14„1917:; - m. V.� yti(Se t,�fE•1s17 a CITY OF ST. PAUL. OF*V_OF THE'COMMISSIONER OF 9ftNCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF. ASSESSMENT _._...:: ...... 191._.._ In the matter of the assessment of, benefits, costs and expenses for the curbing of Goodrich avenue, between Western avenue and Pleasant sevenue, under Preliminary Order x.4.5.4_._..__ ...... _. Intermediary Order_....._ -1.6.7,58.....--•-...... ........... Final Order ....... ... 11581 ... _....... _.... _..... :..................... approved ._--------- _July_.1.6r.............. _... _........ .. 191...G_._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: . I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . I ment, viz: Cost of construction $...._98.8...6.0 ............... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ...............3....:50................. Cost of postal cards $ .............. 1s..5D................ _ Inspection fees $.._.....1.9....9.6 .................. I - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - -$........... _7„_5,Q..._..:_.:.,.,._ Unforseen L 686 3.46 Total expenditures 7$10.33....9.2............ _... I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..........10 33„_92 ,_.,,..,_.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed . benefited by the said improvement, -and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and' that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. li ............... ..._..-.... a ............................ ............. _. rorm B. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. I 11 NCIL FILE NO aisl x.852 Ps,...: ........ ......... ......... . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council. Approving Assessment. In'the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing .with concrete Curb both Bild.es of .ilarrison avenue '-ettneen. western avenue and Goodrich avenue, i under Preliminary Order 84.5.1 ................ Intermediary Order ....... 10758 Final Order ...._...11$78............... ..................... ......... approved .......... ......Ju1Y;.a 8,...... :... e191_S`. .The assessment of _.... _....... ,QB.fits........CoB..t.p_ and .s.xj)e.ng9.s....... .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and, found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....:....lfith......._ .....day of 0c.tA.bar......._.....:_..:......._.._, 1.91...'T._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance-give .notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the, pature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... �1.�.. _................... 191......._. 1 ........ City Clerk. SEP 14 1917 Approved...... _... _ _._..___r.___.19 1 • ,r Jo ,ql� e4] ._:............................................._._.�.___.._._._ Mayor. ? jb pool J - unomx �ouncilman Farnsworth °Te;l-az a+ei sola" oo !�� j ••d aey an Goss tits[-zs-•das)---`---1,, A�etD. 61[0 t `Ii1tl3 'I N801 f"'�"'�' HylaanPur xeadx .cxw P 1r i: ,. I °pPr9ve . Keller I hearin Iveed Fa'then That, a g, a had on sald'ae°eeemen�botni 0 Cho 16th day of October 1917, At the McColl V hour of to o'clock A, St, In the Atu i n HanmBsI Witt ng. lnCthe LCl(yuor Bt.dPau1; �,. that the Commleelbner d[ 1✓•Inancd y Wunderlich 'It"' -if ter ldta meeting,, H° .IdTnance U tvy! ` of th. d A ,a or stating Antics the - v. Mayor Irvin Thereof:. land v an[-the. ioinl to; against the lot'dr I -ts orpthe ease esed' Form B. B. 16 owner to whom`tha:.notice: Ie dire ted' + •Adopted by the Council 8eP[. 14, 1917,) . APProved 8ep4:di 1912 - -- - -- ---- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - --- - --- -- - -= CITY OF ST. PAUL. t %I OFF13. OF THE COMMISSIONER OFA FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION -OF ASSESSMENT". _...__ ._._ ____._.:._.__. 191...._._, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the I. . curbing "with concrete curb both sides of Harrison avenue between Western, avenue and Goodrich avenue, i under Preliminary Order __.._..-_._a4: 1____----- _-------- _.__., Intermediary Order _........ ...... ........._....__..., Final Order ..._ .1157$ ............ approved......._JRly_..1$ 191...6_... .. ............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - - - _ _ $..„_6..58.._4.0.....:_......... - Cost of publishing notice $.............. 2..._59.............. ... Coat of postal, tarda . - $ .......... ................ Inspection fees $..........1.3..1.8................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $............ 5, 55---_._,___ Total expenditures - - - - ` - - $....._6.81.....43....._......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to-wit: the sum of $...._._68,1_.-43..................... ....... ..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the cane of 'each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as maybe considered proper. Form B. B.'17 Commissioner of finance. ---------------------- �: ............. -- -------- . ............ COUNCIL FILE NO By, p e CITY OF ST. PAUL ',Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both Sides of Sherman street from Seventh street to Smith avenue,. w under Preliminary Order ......._9 ..Q..%._ ........... .... ......... ...._........._.. Intermediary Order ............ 1.1_77_Q ...... _...... ....................... ._.... .... , 12399. p Final Order .... approved......_......._._..41L1P.. 49..,....:. 191....6._. The assessment of................... .._..b.enefits.r.....CAE.ts..and..-exp.ensHa......_Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment. satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing'be had on said assessment on the........1_6.tk1-.._.....__.day of .. _October 191.7.._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 5E.P 1^ 'ill 191.._:.._.. Adopted by the Council .......... ... ........................................... , ......... City Clerk. (91 t -:.: .SEP 141J t1 iC.. F.h No. 1662111�. Approved ......:_ ._..___:. In the matter of the ss a mens or b...fil cost. and. expenses for curb- ing both sides of Sherman street from seventh street to .Smith avenue under Preliminary' Order 9102, In .--... .:_....�._�.__._ Mayor. termedlary Order 11770, Fln^1 Order , ..12199, approved Aug. 29. 1916. Councilor n Farnsworth The assessment of benefit., costs and expenses for. and In connection with' 'the above Improvement having�been subm• ✓Goy j Council havihy considered thto the Council, e dnam'. story, t the. sold assessment sells- lA7m se..ls factory, therefore, be It '''""a'�2'•U .Resolved, That the said aaee.,rest - �----�� be and the ..me' Is. hereby. In. ------ .,rest ✓Kellei epeet. approved. _ R, 1, ed, Further. That a public i hearingbe had on said assessment on McColl the 16th day of October, 1917,. at the'; houra' 10 o'clock A.M.. Intoe Counclle Chamber of the Court L Hous nd city; 'Wu Hall Buuding, m the city of ss°t Paul; that the Commissioner of Flnanee'I" notice o[ Bald roasting, ae required. by Ma rr Irvin the Charter, elating In said notice the', +" lima and place of hearing, the nature o[ the Improvement, the total cost Farm B. B. 16 thereof, and the amount nasessea'. against the lot or lots of the psrtloular • owner to whom the: notice le directed 1 Adopted by the Council Sept.. 11, 1917. - Approved Sept 14. 1917. -- --__ - ------------- ------.--- 1,. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI(j THE COMMISSIONER OF FIWE REPORT . OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _..__ _.�.._.._ ... 19 L.-._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tWe curbing both sides of Sherman street from Seventh street to Smith_ avenue,. . i under Preliminary Order .............._91.2..... _.- ........... .......__..., Intermediary Order........... _..... -1.17.%II..-_............ - ... _...._..__..., Final Order .............. 1239_9_...... __............................... approved ...._....... ...... ...... Aug,..-...2.4......... ........... ,, 191.....(1.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction $.:-297,...0.0...__............ Cost of publishing notice i$................. ._4..3................... Cost of postal cards...................... ......... Inspection fees - - - - - - -$......... .:_§.._9.4................. Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - $.--....... 1....3.6.-................. Total expenditures $._305....7.9................._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $......_30..`5.....1.9.......................... ........... _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith'submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. r 'corm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ By :.: ...._.. ......_ _:.. 1$529° CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of `Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for grading Twelfth street from Cedar street to Wabasha street, under Preliminary Order ........... 1.4870_..................... .._._............. Intermediary Order ...:.._ .............15585 Final Order ... 1.6205_ ....... _...... approved...._ .. Zt$Y...1 191...7._. The assessment of ...........b.4.fl..ef its ,..... _czat.s a.nd....expenzea ......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore,: be it RESOLVED, That the;said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...............1_6tn.....__.day of tr O atAb.er...................... 191...7.__., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .............. SEP c. F. xo: lease— City Clerk. SEP 141917 In the matter of the, aeeeesment of benedta, coats and expenses for j Approved ... ..:..:.__. .__..._..:_ ......... grading Twet[th street from Cedar street to Wabaetia street. under Pre llminary Order 14670, .Intermediary t 'Order 14686, Flaal Order 16E0a, ap _....... Mayor. proved.MSY 1. 1917. __""_ '"__ _ ,// ezDenee�for rand Dinh conntectlogetewlth" COunCllmaR C8rn6woith _ the • shove tinprovement having bees submitted to the Council, sad the Council .having colVaidared the game 08D and found .the said aae,r...d t sada 1. u --'_J tactor)', therefore, be It Resolved, That the Bald assessment- be. and the eam¢ Is hereby fn all re-. -specie approved. Resolved Further,. That a Public �Iler v hearing he had on a Id assessment on the 16th day of October, 1917. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 2 in -the Council . VMCColl Chamber of the Court House and City j - Hall Building, In: the Clty of gL Paul; nolicehOr e d meetln�, oae�in.... epul ed �by nndeilich the;Ch. rtar, stating In said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature Mayr Irvin th .the' Improvement, the total cost'. I e�eo(. and [hb amount neaeesea' agalnet'the lot or lots of the particular Form B. B. 16 owner to whom the notice la directed, - ,' Adopted by the Council BeDt. 14: directed. Approved geDL 14,'1917. - (I1eDL 22-1917) P --- P --- q=qp��� CITY OF ST..PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINJt REPORT OF MMPLETION OF 'ASSESSMENT 191....._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ,costs and expenses for the grading of Twelfth street fromCedarstreet to Nabasha,street, i under Preliminary Order ....._1.487,0__...__ ............ Intermediary Order. ...... 1558__ .... _ ............... Final Order._.__1620b.................._....._.........:-.........:_.. approved _._.............: .Y._.._1..._....._......._...........-..... 191.._? To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the"Council the following as a statement of the expends - tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve i ment, viz: - Cost of construction -- $......7_0.7.__0.0. ... _....... Cost of publishing notice - - - i $................ 0..,..49.............. i Cost of postal cards $............................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ ........... ............... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ , b Total expenditures - - - - - - $......_722....0..9............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ................ .................._ . each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each; lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such -action thereon as may be considered proper. Fi Form ti. B. 17 Commissioner of nance. COUNCIL FILE NO It By:......... - y --------- - _ �,_ 18530 CITY OF ST. PAUL . 'Resolutio�oof Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of.the assessment of benefits,' costs and expenses for 1 constructing`a sewer on Berkeley avenue from Hamline Ave. to a point i 60 feet east of Pascal Avenue, i under Preliminary Order.._._.._1_4740..................................._.... Intermediary Order .................. .......... .......... .... ... ._...._..... Final Order ... 116186 ......... approved A?ria..... ........:.... The assessment of benefits costs and expenseaa_ p ... ............. . .t....... ...... _. ............... ... _...... or and In connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the. same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .:.._____l.6tn,_... _...... day of -------Oct ob &T---- ............. 191.. Z....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of i said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular ownet'to whom. the notice is directed. - SEP 14 191! Adopted by the Council ...._.... . .............._..._.... 191:_._...__ ..........__....... City Clerk. AppEP 141917 roved..._.._.._ __...___.._:...._._ ..............1 " "`'' _ ! M 1 :' V 't�po�ala fA49u its p a-b-��e43 ivaal. � Mayor. - CouncilmanW'a'rnsworth v -1-.d JQJOPun pu1 g °epjo� Jol elinpuoo mat:l4g ed -1 -aha 8u1148it. Into. w v ot7 uta ua- u ys ulnl to Jalla llala i` Connell hav ng co a it °41 .. NY1W1 and round. the Bald aesesemen[. satle- factory. therefore; be. it . -Resolved. 4unt 1. said aeeeeement . be and the: spore to kereby In -all re- - �6iCeller �} apacu aDpro ea. �,p� hearin& be 'had ronesald naceeaman[bol� - ' l'dc olI the lath day of Octoaer, 1817, at..thee hour bt4 O'o'clock A. NL, In the Ccuncll 4 Hall 6u11�dln' Inf theCthe tCltYuot BLdpCil aulY ' 'rW underlieh that the Cemmiseloncr °t Financegive �� thenot' Charter,ce Of ) stating Imeetinn said a. required n dice the May6r,Irvin tlme'nnd place of heart,,,t of, thclmprovemtli�ent. thtotal acoe[ ' Farm B. H. IC against' tho lot or lots [ the partle'. ar.: - ,. owner, Yo.:whom the notice ale directed. - Adopted by tha Council7 Sept 14,.193T. i ADP�oved BeDt 14; "1811 ° CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF* 9F'THE COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE ":REPORT OF CMPLEWN` OF ASSESSMENT _ _......�...:.._... 191 In the matter of the ass'eei,ment of benefits, cost and _expenses for the construction of a sewer on Berkeley avenue from fla'mline Ave. to.a point 60 feet east of Pascal avenue, r under Preliminary Order ...... _.... 1..4740...:.._:----- ------- ----- _., Intermediary Order......... _..... 15580....... ........... _... _............ .. Final Order 161:86................ _......... _............ approved...__._ .Ap.l<....._..3Qr_ . ........... , 191...7_-.. i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance kereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - _ - Cost of construction $...............267_0._Q.4_. Cost of ppblishing notice $..........................3._64._ p Cost of postal tarda $.... .......... _..... !.....1..,...1.x._ Inspection fees - - - - - _ _ _ _ $.._.:...................x.8....4.0... mount of court'costs for confirmation $..........._.............._�.� 80 A Total expenditures - $........ ........ 3042.,._40_ Said Commissioner further reports that he! has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- twined, to-wit: the sum of $._........ 3.0.42....40................... _........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in tht case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with. the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .: ... ... _..:.............. ...... _ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO.. i `ir . r' By.......... ;....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.0. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses; for constructing a sewer on Butternut street fr4m-3ay. street to a point 25 feet.southwesterly fzom southwesterly line of Lot 6, Audi.torls, Subdivision No. 45, thence southeasterly to a point-on south, ea.sterly line of Butternut street, thence on an easement to the — Mississippi River, 2402 y 616 under Preliminary Order............................_........... >. Intermediary Order .:................._..... 3......-............_.............•------• Final Order ............ _....._3974....................... ......._......_, approved..........-.._:.__........ rrarCn.,._5.4._._..........:.....:191..._5._. The assessment of b@ ngft_s..,:.__g.oet_s and...-_expense@__............... ,.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...............2.6t.h --.day of :Oatober.......................... 191.....7..:, at the hour of I 0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall-Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner. of Finance •give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of, the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...... ... �. P. 1:.. 191... .:... ......_ City Clerk. 5EP 141917 ;: , Approved _...... .._...-................... _....191.....__ ! L.i ivar`a.ce 9.11011 iinuourse+o 'gutMayor. '• ��t •tL'I6T-88. 7dd Mweql lRlanl PusYIo ..IT ox 'a Councilman e6) dd1 •IL List .4y.8pary L OT lda6 llounosCt ol u .cq P 7dopv Jyllroweg7 acoup +000u of iueu • _-anoadwi PI9e. 7o SUP( me47 g7ln+ Poe 1 d -oad o7 Pe7oaa(P Pus pes{aoy7nv Sqo 181oILq•t7lo +odo+d sae aa91 ( n +dd , Xeller epee a 4DProVe e V '. neeolved., Further. That a public' . `/ I,h ering be had n Bald a aeesmant on • ccoll ,the 16th day, of Cetober•' 1917• . ton hear of 10 O'clock A. At., In the Council cu am of the Court•Hotiae and City underlich Half Bullding'In the City of $t. Paul; . that the Cgnmlealoner of Finance give •r -1; henott Charter of t stating ln• said req the. Mayor l[Vin time andifulace of hearing, the nature or - the Improvement, the total 'cost Form B. B. 16 - thereof, and she amount a .seed; _ against the lot or Iota of the pa ticular' -owner to whom the-notice"te directed. Adopted. by the Council Se Dr 14,1917.E - . Approved Sept. 14 1917. - t ` (dept 211-tiny- � n CITY OVOW PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of- benefits, . costs and expenses - for the construction of a sewer on Butternut street from Bay street to a point 25 feet southwesterly► from southwesterly line of Lot 6, I Auditor's Subdivision No. 45, thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of Butternut street, .thence' on an easement to the Mississippi River, I under Preliminary Order ............ ... 2402...... __.._.......... ........... __, Intermediary Order_.__..........351..E....... ..... _......._........ _. ......... Final Order ..............3974....................... ........, approved .................... YA.X.ah_ 5.,.....__ .:..:_:_.... 191.:.5_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- I. ment, viz: .I - -Cost of construction -City Force - - - $......,_Q.4.0.....7.3......:. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$...._..__:..:...._`Z.e_6.G......... Coat of postal tarda $............ 4.....:_ Inspection fees $.._..--. ... ..... 6.Q...S?1......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.._::...._...._.:_5.._70._.-., . J. J. Connolly (Contractor) 969.87 i, Total expenditures $-....4., 040_11 --- Said Commissioner further reports that he las assessed and levied the total amount as above ascea- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ A,..QAQ.ll ..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in .accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, anal which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Ul: _ Form B. s. 17 Commissioner o Finance. I COUNCIL FILE NO.._.__ 4 _ , By _ _ a... _...... ......... ... 18532 CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving 'Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ' Costs and expenses for ' constructing a sewer on Palace St, frpm a point 220 feet east of Sue St. to Fairview Ave. under Preliminary Order ....._14623 IntermediaryOrder _,.14931 ....—. Final Order ..............1549.7 approved.. LRarch 2_3r... - .:._..........., 191_7.._._ benefits costs and a eases The assessment of _...._....._.................._._......................._............._...._..._..._.......................................:....for and m connection with the -above improvement 'having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found -the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............_ 1bth..... _...... day of -----0otaber ........................ -- 191.._.:T., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........ SrP. 14 1911. 191__.._. . )1 ............. _...... f ....; ....... ........ ._...... City Clerk. Approved ..........._J P 14 1917. ................ t atelal.- .:�.�u�.,,,._. .•«_._ .............. __._.___.�_..�_ Mayor. '47imaa 47 eaePcoaauut i ��,�,tt''// ♦,t-aeo.tdwl Pla to eut>lrew ayl ytib R o CouncilmairkaIDaworth oid o7 peloailP pus pa:).toy7ne tqe a ata alatQID- "I- �edo.td a47 'len .1dd � plaa uIdn 3ag7 :ireno.ldde.�ol Noun •• �""' Y. t e47 of awes tiwgna. Pure Yuaw n i an found the Bald assessment sells-; htetory, therefore, be it I ' „ Reaoived, That the said ...cinuoent oe and same is hereby in all re eller epee approved. Resolved Further. That a puplle s. hearing be had on sold ase�eament on r1fQCC011 the 16th day t October, 1917, of the hour of 10.o 1 ck A. A i in the council Hh' "'dingtInCthe tCltYuol 9t.and Pnuly; VFVundefllefl that the Com llseloner of Finance give - ",ties of said meeting, ae required by MdyBt fNln 1 the Charter, elating In said notice, the time and. Place of heartng,.,the- nature 1 _ of the Imp o ement,. the total coat Form B. B. 76 1 thereof. and the ....t nes as. ag Inatthet [ uric, of thePn[IcUla owner to whom the notice is dlr[ectsd.r . Adopted' by the Council Sept. i Approveds 14: 1917. ' . Pt. -,14: ls1T. --------------- � Y CITY CT.,4T. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION . ;OF ASSESSMENT :__.._..... 191....__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for the, construction of a- sewer on Palace St.from a point 220 feet east of Sue St. to Fairview Ave., 14623 '14931 under Preliminary Order _., Intermediary Order _._._...__.___ �...._......._............... _ .._. Final Order .............. 1_5497........................ ..... _. pp rch..._$3.._.... '(.._•... .. approved _._._.... _._�191. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner. of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - - Cost of construction $......_7.45..0.0._............ A Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $................. 0...2.0............. . Coat of postal tarda $......... ....... 0_...3.0.:............ Inspection fees - $..........._1.4._.90. Amount of court costa for confirmation . - - - - $...... _......... 1:..._50............... Total expenditures.............. Said .............. Said Commissioner furthe%reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- tained, to-wit: the sum of $.............. 762. 40._,,,,,.,._... .....::.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be con sidered proper. ..G� < �G!/... ...........:: Form B. B. 17 , .Commissioner of Finance. — 'CITY OF ST. PAUL: :,. ACCOI)NTING DEPARTMENT 18533 AUDITED <CLAIMS= -RESOLUTION FORM_ P°e"°'L Mo.' SEP 1 5 1917 ev a,re...r.e.�.. AUDITED 191_ JJ( l PER 0 666 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter speci ttl funds and ' in favor of the persons, firma or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following' detailed. statement:' Yeas ( J) Cou ` en ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council SEP Vqr 1`;'l% 181_', L— a orth In favor V7� r Approved _191_ ll U Against r ' Q WoUny MAYDR Mr. Presid! sy�cl v t .. 6612 -- 'C. -F. No. 19533— Resolved - that waeranta' be drawn` R ;upon the CItyTreasury. Dayable out of .: the .herelnafteY eDecldad -funds and In , ' favor of the persnne. time or torpors- -tion. for the amounts -. set : opposite — their respective names ae:.. specified In " the following datalied etit emaat: -' A. Farnsworth. Com'r Flnancel' 07. r L S: A. Farnsworth. Com•r Finance. ip,12b.00. ' - — Adopted by. the Council Sept. '16, 1917. . '.1PDroved Fept: is. 1917:; (SeDL 22-1017): 19947• 8. A. Varnsworth, Comer. 8inanoe, 94.67 Public Batht.8a1. 19948 S. A. ;Barnsnurth,.Com'r. 2inanoe, 9,426.00 • ``` W or -Bond & Into. '. A ... 9619.67 Yii — CITY OF $T. PAUL t ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. �- SEP 15: 1917 ' AUDITED IBI_ ro.u. 665 rlea - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective' names as specified in the following ;detailed statement: - .. Yeas ( it ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council SEP 15 1411 181 rth atP I�1I' In favor Approved Against - Wunderlich Irvin. Mr.Pesia �- M - 19939 Brooks Brothers, 134.45 j_, St. C&R -Exp. 57 Crosswalks -Exp. 6 3 134.45 40 Cast Stone Company, 533.556 °-` St'. C&R•Rgp. 429 Crosswalks -Exp. 6 - ? 3� - - 41 A. D. Davies; ?ay. Rice, Univ. tp Bridge. 42 Hansen Building Material Company, —� _ 934.11 ' Pay. Mounds Blvd. - C F tip .'d that •" R.A01ved that N.rrants b.dra '� `1 -,- ' oa tha: City Traasvr7 , Dayable our of the hlraloafter apeclaed 'funds sm 43 _ The Meyercord Company, In favor, ot'the Pomona, drms,er co! : 'Foratlons`for.the.amounte,aet o�doslb, 'thelr:res�ective, names d.d !n; 422a%3 a aa'spec -- the tollowln I detatled statement .l R ooka'Btoffiera„8184.46 � t - Company 8§11.6¢. '4 .Paul Builders Material 'Companyl A, D. navies 716,66 Cast 111;1.6,8 466.35 Pay. Ricer Univ. to Bridge. iB,aIm $uflding htatetlal Compaay •^'�t - 1 SL Paul BulldersoMatedalBComD ny.' 84.615. 45 J. L. Shiely Company, - �'- 250.00 s L. Bluely Company, 7;60.00. # -- Paving Mp11Yd8 Blvd. Vlllaume Boz A Lumber CompanY, -. ' 05 7. I - Adopted by the Council SePt. 16 1917 - 4' ` Approved Sept• 17. 1817 -1 46 Vilkwe Bog '& Lumber Company, (&Pt`88.1s17) G.F.-Docks, Wharves and Levees, - 1 , 9 m, .ti -9.n CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ' 18535 AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE BY AUDITED�� •1r1 A1� lel_ _. 1 urru. '• l PER 663 + . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter'speeified funds in favor ojh ons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed .. statement: Yeas (- J.ilmen (J ). Nays — Adopted by the Council SEP �ZS� l� j 181_ worth SEP J E In favor Approved - .1, -7 i 17 191 Her / 1 MAYOR----Wunderlich Mr. Presid;L_- ..Irvin• x 18874 American lar.Book Company, 20.50. Corp. Counsel -Exp. 75 Arbogast Meat Company, 10.92,."' GX.-Miso. & Unf. 76 Armour .& Company, ?.10 School -Exp. ,A,., 77: H. W. Austin, PurchasingAgent, g s 9.09 �� PaB1dg.-Epp. 5 1.3 Parrk Epp. 09 78 Basille & Partridge, School -C&8. _7. 5,98 79 Geo. C. Bielenberg, 7.00. Water -Exp. , 80 Board of Water Commissioners, 23.5E Police -Exp. 81 H. C. Boyeson Company, 3.10` Park -Exp. 82 S. Brand, 8.25 School -Exp. 83 Brooks_ Brothers, School-O&B. 84 Mrs. Mattis S. Brown, Water -Exp. r ' 5 N' Form A. �-11 • _ -- ', - - �: Res. 663 - Page'#2. 19885 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Company, 5.00" Water -Exp. 86 Crane & Ordway Companyy I- 5.96 Water -rap. 87 Adam Decker hardware Company, 2.70 Park -Exp. 88 Dore -Redpath Company, 13:00 Park -Exp. 89 Drewry & Son, 773.30 .'. Park -Exp. 90 W. J. Dyer Bros., 145 r School -Exp. 91 Electric Blue Print Company, 4.91 Fire -C. & B. 92 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, School -Real Esatet: 93 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, Library -Exp. 2 Park -Exp. 5132 94 A. E. Ferries, 66.00, , - Water -Exp. 95 Field, Schlick & Company, 4.38`. School -Exp. 96 Finch, Van Slyke- & McConva.11e, 18:97 School -Exp. 97 Foley Bros. & Quinlan, 87.50 LrA School -Exp. 98 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 10.16` School -Exp. 4 99 Handlon & Company, 62.10; Park -Exp. 900 'Mrs. Clara Hardke, 3.08 Police -Exp. 01 A. C. Jefferson Company, 159.40 School -Exp.' 68 40 School -C. & B. 0 9 40 02 Felix Josviah, 3.00 Sohool-Exp., 03 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company, .20 Park -Exp'. 04 F. C. Kohnke 3.45 _ f Park -Expense. 05 Kuehles &,Stock Company, 4.00. Park -Expense. :06 Isslie-"onahower Company, 18.64 Park -Exp. �3: /Res. 663 P age #4, 19924 St.Paul Foundry,; 22.00 ' P.Schools-Exp. 25 St.Paul Glass Uompany, 3.00- 'P.Parks-Tap. 26 St.Paul Show Case "ompany, 12.88 B.Parks-Exp. 27 St.Paul Stamp Works, 17.15 P.Parks-Exp. - 26 T Seabury & Company, 53.60 P.Parks-Exp. } 29' J. L. Shisly Co, Ina.; 65.05 - kire-Q&B. 00 Health-P.Baths-Exp. 50 or 30 The A. P. Smith Mnfg. Company., 11.00 Water -Exp. ;C. r. ldu. 3saaa- • Re�olvad that - . . warranb ,bs-drawn 31 of ,t "the Cfty Anna S rschutz of the ;r of tattePerio pa a la favor, of the Treaatlry. Daaabl. oat cllfad s or ane 10.50 ersona; drtna or cor- Polica-Exp. Doratloni for Lgar:: ropeetive the fullowln9�detatied the amounts met`onvo•Ite < .names a• >xv-1fi.d to etatement: 32 _ Amertcan Law Villaume BOX & Lumber Company, ;rboga.t Meampempafyi Bnok COMP IV 620.60. ft0.>ts 28.47 Pol. & mire Alarm Telg.-Eap. Fr W. Austin, Purchasing ,Agaat 79.09. Health-P.Baths-Exp. Beadle's Geo. C. Bf lenbrg. as.a, 77.0o. G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen — Boars ar ". H. B y _YVerg Wat.r CommluloneM. .... omDa12.30. on Comp., ' " . S. Brand. 79.26. - Brooke Brothers: Virtue Printl �COID flna on 711226.04 Brown $2.50. &FueComDaoo.4 s25. a�6 _ _ P.raft-Exp. 9trra-sateE m Pa Sao malop¢t 9sa oi�ia,�aiva RA yp a,ogi Las Jt Dtn 34 United' Charities Charities, - a i rr moaavd m ptn .g7 MDgout .LQu.4 .ws pgMt 111Dvs lLTet :Y ,Jo L 35.00 a,op,, ti - Health-uusr-Exp. .0 sD '»'u 96'0! p as ga,0777 . a w ;e(u�aq>7.nta q7 7 Rvopoat40�`;( 35 — Weisbach Company, Qo T 7.'rs •D mi.mv OT LT aarZ Q,rp ala 7oz x 4.19 au a pao, Water -Ea - __. - - 07 ti1PDy•.Laamag 'd�s¢ap`' 36 - Western Supply Company,' vl ¢ �; „ 9oatig, kozudnTa84iSt r �, 1' $.55` School-Exp.s as a.P,ae+.Js �,!l-uJr soa'o•,nty7toas ss.a+o.daa�`�'po.. alap +yia 87 Western Union Telegraph Company, Ta T? od vtat'�o„a;Rpoq, i:T-Ji. ". _ 37.58 . Police -Exp. - - - . li Das t7anoo •¢7M:7atvQ to Jo iP. '•q3 Jo =ianomswpas`LWmdAiom vgiggoi'.v'Pg9RovaD'ait!t,aRr•pno "Pouf °(+i•Wraas, n 't�:d 78 io 6I1NSo¢�i7 - qo¢7 p¢s[.Jo�etpaa,w ioIMI - Nslio.tia,i'q�p,',o io odaRr.g.gao,vd.uo o[ d7 " 1 sq navm Total qo '.agT?o us 7D>":ntmaS4gi �'=RntYra - V.m a 4" CITY CF ST. PAUL '«..� ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM .20LI c" N 1853 LHT 5 T d3S (9Y _ - .. AUDITED 191_ !) 664 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out the hereinafter specified funds and . of in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite, their respective names as specified in the following detailfd; statement: Yeas ( V) Co oilmen(J) Nays Adopted by the Council SEP 15 Isl l Y91_;. _V aworth (' V In SEP 17-,1917 , _ favor Approved ✓Kel f ✓M ll - O Against 4 I >a `PAYOR \i Ww.. ao,.QncL. - - Mr. Presiient • } Resolved that warrants be drawn - upon;. the City .Treaa..P. ' yDdYabionti 'of the hereinafter aDeclaea:.fup to and In favor of the -Deraon.. d -➢orations W6OuR 1 i _ for , the . it., @ms icord ret ooreoo s - •theltollowing dela! e!Y '9DeclLad lty Q _. Remington TypewriterCement - Adoptedbv. the -Co•• 778.96. Council i gep. 16 191 - ADDroved 7 3917, l7.; (S -Pt. . (fept 22-1917) " 19938 Remington Typewriter Co. X76.96" Corp. Counsel-llfflteea �: `t b^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'F6lM—, y Subject .:............... .......... .... . .. .... 18538 COUNCIL - Date Presented ......:. .............. I - Resolved, Thatwiththe approval of the Mayor and.the Comptroller, the sum ofIFive Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) be and the same is hereby transferred from the Salaries item of the Public Library Fund to the other Expense item of the same fund,, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in,the last named fund may be met without hampering the work provided for in the item from which said tranfffer is made. O F. No. 1953"y Albert Wunder -1 Itch— eeol ed.. That wlth.the approval oft I'Mnaydr and the Comptroller,tfie sum f Five Thousand Dollar. ({6,000.00)' be and the same le hereby transferred': from the Salaries Item of the Public _ Library Fund to -the. Other Ezpense; - -Item of -the same.tund,, . ae by so doing an unavoidable dedclency In the. last- I named Ifund may bemet withoutbarn. pering`thework Provided for In the ..Item from which sold .made. transfer le i - - Adopted by the Council Sopt IS. 1917. ( - Approved .Sept:' 17, 1917. (Sept. 22-1917) '. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) NaysAdopSEP iIgr7 ted by the Council... �L ...._....191._..... Fa Wworth1 Goss 57_.: In favor SEP 17 f917 WrApproved ............................................ .191....... Mc%ll .... Against Aiash Mr. Preside nown jr .nwClA .�nJ�r.. AsUap ..Mwv w ITY OF ST. .PAUL C NC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. 18 J39 COUNCIL FILE No.._. .._..:._ .e Date Presented Resolved, that the St.Paul Gas Light Co, be and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its gas mains on E. Maryland Street,, from Earl Street to Cypress Street, as provided for in Ordi- napoe No. 2424 of the City of St. Paul, approved January -41st, 1904, and within the time therein required, and to furnish and supply gas and aIervioe to residents along the line of suoh extensions. IiC. F, No: 18638—H— Y.TKeller`- �,andneeolved 8t.. Paul ht Co. d Ithfe hereby. Ordered eQ life ed to extend 1te. Ree. mafnH ;tt E, to glYland,. Street, ff." Earl or In Ordln>urceeNo�rg� t. ZJ o[ thevClty in, St. .Peul, lalroved 'InnerY 818t, r18a�, 'snd wlthln. the Llme therelh.I re- land're d,. and _to furni.h and. euDDlY .gaa' of euch�lxtenelongto dente along. the Mae Adopted by the Coencll Sept. 76,'1817. ADDroved B.Dt. 17:.1917: - (Sept. EY -1917) I Yeas (✓) cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted b F sworth 1 p y the Council 6EP 15 1917 _ _ . 191 In favor d_ SEP 17 1917 er Approved 191 b�M oil � Against of r W derlich Mr. Preside Irvin FORM. C. a•2 CITY OF. ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL'':FORM Subject 4 COUNCIL -5 NO..••..... Date Presented..--fi ber i5tk.W 191:.._r ..Resolved, THAT -the bide for certificates for local improvements, as reported- to the Council, by the Comissioner of Finance, under date of September 12th.1917, be and the same are hereby accepted, thesame being considered satisfactory by the said Commissioner. (C. F. No. 78610-13Y S. A.'Farneworth-� Resolved, That bide 'for certldcatea ,for- Ibcal'Improveemnt4 ae 1sported toy ;the Council by the ColntaleelOne[ of Fl nn nen. oder- date. of September; 12th. 1917, be and the a e are hereby accepted. the a the being ...elderedi satisfactory by the saldl C—rol-I-er. Adopted by the Connell Sept 15, 1917.1 Approved Sept 17.tl193 (Sept. 22-19' ) I. Veas (W) ou'•dlmea (✓).Nays 6EP 15 1917 J—Ir7 orth �Iy`'�"�" Adopted by the Council........ _ ................................lot.....,. -. �!+........In favor � - SEP 17 1917 APPtoved. ..........._ Against lich Mr. Prvin... Aoli'it....MA ORFORM 2M S.A.FARNSWORTH, CONHISS GNcn JOHN T.HAGLUNO, DE -1 COnn .aONCN - - September 12, 1917. To the Honorable, The Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Building. - Gentlemen: r. k I have the honor to report that at a sale of certificates for Local Improvements held Saturday, Sep- tember 8th, 1917, I received bids for the certificates offered for sale, as per attached copy of Publication of September let, 1917, and_ respectfully recommend the ac- ceptance, by the Council, of these bide. '^Respectfully submitted, 3 .......... 1917 - YEAS. NAYS. LJ•�CGIGZ"Gt/dl ,� 'Co'mmissi'oner of Finance. li'MRR. FARNSWORTH • /� GOSS r.H�'L'�41QD � a f� SELLER W UNDERLICH NAYS, 0 -MR. PRESIDENT (IRVIN) N CITY OF ST. P.'W_ _COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ......_ ; __. 18541 COUNCIL. FILE NO............ ....... �.......... _... Date Presented..: Resolved, That .the proper City officers be, and are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for the sum of $8.500 payable out of the officers p Attending Convention Fund, to defray the expenses of the City officers in attending the funeral of the former mayor of Red Wing. i IC.1 a olV d86ThatR thc� A. propernCityrt111 . i,Icer. be. and are hereby authorised and directed to draw a-warrant In favor of .i-.the Commlasloner. of Finance for tha sum of $8.69. payable out 9f: the 081-1 I. I.cer.. Attending Convention Fund, to - Idefray the expen.e. of the City 018- g In attending the funeral of the - l; former .mayor of Red Wing. - I Adopted by the Council Sept. 36,'1817. Approved Sept 17 .1917. I; (rept- 1•ea. (Y) C 'lmeo (V). Nays Fa worth S:.a. In favor Adopted by the Council...- `7tt.... /.............. 191...... P „ . SEP 17 1917 r I Approved........... .....:. ..191........ oil Against G der - - - _ �... \ Nr. Prea de , It, ctli6 MAv FORM G. A�P 6�t7 2M 78615-8y X. N Goan rei a•-8y solution, Council; Fhe .q 05, npptoved August letb,^.1917. �e a eclded.. for. the porformanr• COUNCII'rteP, contract-dated M., 461 etW�01 Rasmussen g $jbr IERAL FORM a` QTLY; oLBC :Peal for era' - 18542 � J�^ Subject •th-and eputh saleY In 810: r .i�o :.............. _.{t. Paul Real EeWte &.Imp-•. ._.__...._ ........_...: yh O in •Addition Np, '&, COUNCIL .3 'to conditioned, Loth dr' FIt.E. NO ^"' 1937 condltfoned howapef - - ' ....... ........ ...... ... extension SS��f: time ficin ..... .. ....... .............. 'to' by theFuretY an "cal, bond; and - ` '.eas.-3t apPears"that thr:' ., - - contractors' bond a Date Presented;._.— ._....._.......191___ n. Fidelity: Compady, "���"-' f- '"Vermoht, which said - e Aa lladulda It was then`.' to obtain. aald noneef - :s, ItaPPears. that ..have Derloimed eHl,' •^tlo -nt; rh�.� • - WHEREAS, By resolution, Council File No. 18105, approved August 18th, 1917, the time specified for the performance of a cer- tain contract dated May 25th, ,1916, between Rasmussen & Simard and the City of St. Paul for grading the north and south alley in Block 9, West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, was: extended to include the 10th day of August, 1917, conditioned, however, upon said extension of time being consented to by the surety on said contractor bon d A WHEREAS, It app , e that the surety on said contractors' bond was the American Fidelity Company, of,Montpelier, Vermont, which said surety company had liquidated and is not doing business, and it was therefore impossible to obtain said consent; and - WHEREAS, It appears that said contractors have performed said work to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, and that-'a. final'estimate thereon has been allowed, and that payment there- of has been delayed because of the provisions of said Council File; NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and direoted.to pay said final-esti- mate inal esti-mate to said contractors; and be it further RESOLVED, That said Council File No. 18105 be and the same is hereby rescinded and oancelled. I'cae (JA-96- mea (✓) Nnye A - �.�J 8rth dopted by the Council....... tF.,j........ln favor SEP17 1917 /�••�)Approved......._ ." .. ................ _ ......... LlAgainst ich .. Tlr. Yrin i MAv FORM C2M t)' CITY OF ST. PAUL U543 uracil Resolution- General Form Depar of f A* 311 "1;9 i 7 Council File No. Date Presented 191 By tnvsRESOLVED : OL EDvn. o he t. tae io 1; ties CIII. p. y it hereby � dldnecd'ed dlnded to e.te.d Ia electrinl ills by enctivs polo and sfthnt n: wha thereon tnr the Install two poles on the south side of Conway Street at Men- dota. Street. (City lights') Install' two poles an the south side of Randolph Street, one at Mt.Curve Boulevard, and dfie at Cretin Avenue.(City lights) ,Install one pole on the south side of Palace Street at Saratoga Street. (City lights) Install four poles on the east side and one pole on the west side of Bellevue Avenue, between Field and Sheridan Avenues.(City lights) i With necessary guys and and anchors. of-.ald-c- - n wo, poles ot... street at Mendo:,e.�, two Pole. on the ..nd.Iph: Street. one at Mt ` i.:vard,and one at. Cretin ey Light.). ,stall one pole on the south ,ace street at Saratoga street. - Allot Inch exteuslous, pole. ad wt—sha11 be nested and....Ina d under th dln<tl .edit°)• It. 1Id11d. and la ail thl.¢. •,L!.t to the pro•Isiovse(Ordioanu No. t/n. and of all other law/ul ordl.a.ne and rnoluuovs of �tatall four poles"on the as A11poi.sbouldbeseti. suehlecado. iv said alleysand street..s dm Commwalm,'.1 yubiht one pola on the west side ppf . rh beleht and chancier as hr •M1all dnisnate and appra•e, sad .ray svd.11...h wt. ah.11 be hken down avd removed, aIld.u(l Avenue. between Field arfd Couvcil shalt deem that [he t-nLpc lntereelae duh., and when it atoll so order. avenue.., (City lights). C� y tt a arg guys ..,I ancho; JtF! 15 i9.1!,t n ah-eltenelon., Dotes. hatI be erected and col. Adopted by the Council the direction and npp 191 .mmiasioner of. Public. C [ things subject to - Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( tairal pre. No. aa•) (BAR SWORTH 6"mcC LL �Wu ERLICH EP 17 1917 Approved _-191 ✓ICEL ER Mr. Preside�}t; TRV Aouny Mayor ./y J _ CITY .0F ST. PAUL V. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM subject:_- 18544 ' COUNCIL FILE N.O...... _ ep a 11 7 ..._. yt ate Presented g t + 191.. Resolved, that pArmiesion ble and is hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: 8 poles in alley between Loeb and N. P- Tracks from Maryland to % No. 18544—B3— Dale 8544—H9 N. N. t3oee— Dale Street solved, Thst permiselon be and'ls by granted the any to Telephone 'w graph Company.. to erect..polee_, 17 the'neceeeary anchors and to -ng wlre and' cable on the followlag streets: Polos k Iley- Mier 1n�d to ands tracks from Marglaod' to Date' ;k to bedone under the-directlon" ;•he eatle,actlon of the CommL•. - Public Work., the Teleph', pay the cost of tnepec�' Work to be dome under the edireetion-and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, .the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engin4ering and publication. Poles and wires to b.• removed when requested to do so by the Com - man Council, Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Yeas (✓)fnsworth ilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council JtF ZCJ. 1y17 191In favor dSEP 17 1917 • OApproved.._.ll Against erlichMr. Premrvin err �} ♦ 00 0A - . _ E BLI0oTTFD {�- � MAYOR - CITY OF ST.PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTIONUGENERAL FORM' COUNCIL A8545 t s..ttBy of :x: nose FILE.NO... ........... That Aermleelon be ndle� - ,nted the'; Northern etetea - pany to erect" pores and .� eeeary W1tea thereon t • -- 4 ore trom Walter to ejsie'. September S 1917. state SL from f Waylmore; p t gee and wires to be Dlaced - �rk to ba done under the dl- "d to the' eatleteetlon of the, 1. Deyt the poet oPublIcff inepeal 'glo.erl.g, and the Doles removed when reoue.•' - - �uncil of the r" ,Ion•. •.. .- - RESOLVED: That permission be and is hereb$ granted the Northern States Power Company to erect poles and string necessary wires thereon: On Fillmore from Walter to State St., and on State St. from Fillmore south to O.W.'Ry. Bight . of Way. ' Said poles.and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commis sioner of Public Works, said company to pay the cost of inspection f and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed v&en requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul,'this permission is granted under and,pvrsvant to the terms and prodisions / of Ordinance No. 2645, approved, December. 26th, 1906. (r FARM 0M. i� .1 . In favor. CO ..Agaiisst . P U ICH. JEf 15 S. IRVIN. Adopted by the Coun 1........................ Approv '19Magor. i O"ICIAL .PROCEEDINGS 0. COUNCIL C F. No. 18548—Ordinance NL By 0. E. Keller— An ordinance lCityauthorizing11"and [ 1-8546 I'll h St Paul City Rall y Q u t et et 1. consti.et from T.•n[h -,pe th treet. and uu[h - _^ [lon [.the tI'a5't [.- C real Of th ordain. e Citi/ .;%+•F �.�I - �T / (I� [Y' �`• t aee,-"'fd t. G..: -(„w. J �D An ordinance authorizing and requiring the St. Paul City Railway Company to construct street car tracks on Locust street from Tenth street to Seventh street, and authorizing the operation of the Payne avenue line thereon. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The St. Paul City RailwayCompany is hereby ordered and required, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 1227 of the City of St. Paul, aplroved September 20th, 1889, and more particularly under and pursuant to Section l8rof said ordinance, and within the time therein required, to lay and construct a double track line of street railway with'all necessary switches, poles, wires and appliances for the operation thereof, on Locust street from Tenth street to Seventh street, and to properly connect the tracks thereof with the present tracks upon Lafayette avenue and Seventh street, and when so constructed to run and operate,the,Payne avenue line of care upon and over the same. Section 2. Forthwith upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed to serve a copy. thereof upon the said St. Paul City Railway Company. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ds.ys'�after its passage and publication. Cr,-' 1391.1 ; Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr arnsworth VKya-and �eller D i 7 Coll Nunderlich f 1917 Mr. President (Irvin) Approved Attest!//Mayor City Clerk r" ov V, vti �- W `,c L� (: c� ( / tl ! > -• LY•� Ute I - �_ A f .. . (� ��•r ... r• d �1,-�"A..+�..`i.-yam. 'v. - � f � •'. ��� X8548 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... By.; ............. ............. .................... FINAL ORDER In thkatter of sAAqwAlk t.o.-A width of sir ..f ..f set--jon.-Io.th..M.1d.ea Of QIJ.T.er JSts froMg.e Oti, t.9 q§!MW.qK.A!! ................. ....... ........... .................. ... . ...... ........ ....................... ..................................................... ............. ....................... .......... .............................................................. . .................................................................................. ...................... . .......... ................ ................... ...... .................. ............................................................ I .............. ................................................. .-- .:-............ ............................................................ under Preliminary Order.......... . ......:.............approved .......................... IntermediaryOrder ........... .....................approved .................. . ............................................. I ................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon ducLilotice, and the Council having heard4!�U persons, objections and recommeCations relative thereto, and having, fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City -LT St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is constrUat-a cement tile..8idaWalk to a..vidth..-, of -six feel on-inth...44es.. of . Oliver St.,....from Rice St. to Gaultier St' ... ... ......... I ......................... ...... .... .. .. ...... ..... hanrfuk ....................................................................... .......................... . .... ................ . .. . .... .......... . ......... ........................................................................... the Council nSvlog .......... na, lbj_lonaand r:lativcAereta'a n.. ................ ................... onlder.d the sane; ...... .. ...... . ........lvi,d. By the Council P ' .. . ............ ........ .............. aul that the prey and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nd kind of hnpr ; y th said Lill RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of 'note d.k.r'%c and is herE��instructed and directed ld.. to prepare . 4pl. hs and specifications for said ltqprovemo:o`r0dc`z-au%b:mit ii-ame'to theLgouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officialsafehereby anthor"ized and directed to proEeed with the making of said improvl�n nt in accordance therewith, Adopted by the Council ..... ............ JEP 15_ 19 1.1 191 . . . . . . . . .................. ........... .......................... SEP 17 1917 Clty Clerk. Approved........ ..... .......... ......................... 191 .......... .... ....................... .. 1 C an Waim l *' ..-4• layo Counci an arnsworth oune anMeller Cownc1nankcColl Counc man,Wunderlich y0rvin ' Form's A. 8.7.i,, J CITY. OF !T. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM%M1 SIONER OF FINANCE ON PFiFj ARY ORDER In the Matter Of ._.pgnstTu tina cement tile sidewalk to a width of ......... .... ----- - --- .g . ......... —.1 ........... . ..... . ... ... ... ............ - .......... .......... . ......... . . . .......... six feet on ........ ............ . .... . both Bides of Oliver Bt from Rice at to Gaultier street, .................. .... ................ . ............. ......... . . . . . .......... . ........... .......... . .... .............. . .... .............. . ................................. ............... L- ... ....... ...... . .......... ........ .. ................ ............ .... ..... - .. ........ ... . . ..... - ........ .. .......... ...... ..... ......... ........... ............ ........ ........ ...... *-1 . .......... ....... ......... 133 ............................. ...................................... ....... ..... .. .................. ........... .......................... . . ..... ......... . . . . ............................. ........... .... ...... ...... ............. ........ ......................... .......... ....... ........ - ................ ..... ................. .. ... ................ under Preliminary Order approved. ......... h 1917 ................. . . ....... ....... ................ . .... . ......... ............. - .... .. . .. ........ ... : . ...... .. . ................... . .......................... . ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The focal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .. .. ........... ....................... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is$._0_._66._....._....._a_._....-____..__, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10,11 Auerbach and Hand'a 325 ll�l Addition to the City of 675 St. Paul 12,1 St.Bernard'a Villas 11 1 St. Paul, Minn. 10 13 Auerbach and Hand's 325 Addition toll the City Form B, B. 10 TOTAL. 1 .a' CITY Or t. , 11 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PREli1MINARY ORDER , _—.— — A LOaLOCnADDI* VASLSUEA_59TEIOD-NDESCRIPTION i- 18; 3 St.Bernardte Villas St. Paul, Minnesota r 10 ,14 Auerbach and Harfdt s Add- 1475 1114 ition to the City of 1075 1 '26 ! St.Paul 4275 20 '26 1525 1 25 275 20.25 1750 1 ,24 1500 } 20 !24 1850 1 ,23 200 20 23 ! - 975 I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by�the Commissioner of Public Works. /j �� Dated ....... :.�—/Xr .._...:191 ..L..... l/% C �.-.�. ..-._ Commieaioner of Finance: , Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 7e, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Hon`prable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . - . . /.. . . . . . . . . St. Ave from .f.":':`. ... . . .•St.•.VRF-. to "r�,: . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave, _ N A U 1 LOT I BIOCZ d _ADDITION 12 - q,�;�, , i!4%,.c.�c. e. .:,z.2r,., . J � �. i .� .`f . i . ac.'.c,(-,cr �' Y. ✓` ;x:..; � .f:,r� — �. _ %s�-A• �':'�-s ��'�.-R-; %E.CJ�-� ( ..5 Y �.. 3.. r (.,�-`...x.r A�-d�'L. ,K�Gr..t.�...�. 1 ��� U ig! 2 • �` 17 J . E . a St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 7e, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Hon`prable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . - . . /.. . . . . . . . . St. Ave from .f.":':`. ... . . .•St.•.VRF-. to "r�,: . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave, _ N A U 1 LOT I BIOCZ d _ADDITION 12 - q,�;�, , i!4%,.c.�c. e. .:,z.2r,., . J � �. i .� .`f . i . ac.'.c,(-,cr �' Y. ✓` ;x:..; � .f:,r� — �. _ %s�-A• �':'�-s ��'�.-R-; %E.CJ�-� ( ..5 Y �.. 3.. r (.,�-`...x.r A�-d�'L. ,K�Gr..t.�...�. 1 ��� U ig! 2 • �` 17 J . E Office f the Ccnissioner of Public Works R Report to Commissioner of Finance June..._41 h....... 191.2.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Coun6 File No ....... 17084 ,_.approved..... _ June... 19th,-...-. ..191_!..., relative to. _............ constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet .......... ............................... .................... ...................... ..._.............................. ........ .................. _..................................................................................................... ..................... .... .......... ............. on both sides of Oliver St. frog. Rice St. to Gaultier Street ........... ..... .... ._....... ............... ........... ...................... ........... ...._-._..............................._.._..... ........ .................... ...... ......._......_..........-_.................................._.:.. ............. ............._..._..................._......................_......................................:..........................................._..._.........._........................._............._....................._....................._....................:....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ...._...necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 8. The estimated cost thereof is$......................... :.......... . and the total cost thereof is $..............XxxxX .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ........ ......._._.........................._........... :..... ........ ......... ....................... _..... i ................ ......__.............................. ......................... ........................................................... ......... ....... _................ :_.............................. ...._............... ..... ....... ._.............. .. _ 3. a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �. ' .......... . _ .. ....................................................... .. ... ............. ..... .... 5. ,Said improvement is..._...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i1 .. .......... .................................................... .:::..._...� 3 CouCommissioneruasionai o Public lic Workss. U-Jit'49 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By. ............... ........................ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of const.ructing-a-looment tile --aidewalk-to a width-of feet 0-n..b.0th 01400 Of ..yAdic.M.e ft* b.et.veen Bandolph..,,9t.....jund....T.aft.eri3an',. ......................... .......... ........... ..................... I ......... ........... ................... .................................................................... ................ ........... I .............. ..................................... ........................................ .......................................................................... .... ........._.............I....................._....... ..... I .......... .... I . ..... ..... ...... ............. ......................... . ............ .......... ........................ ............................. .......................................... ........................... I ....................................................... .............. under Preliminary Order ..........1730.6...........................approved ................ Tune 28,...191.7 . ......... .............. Intermediary Order .......... ..... ................... ............ -approved ......................................................................... A public hearing having been hqd upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. inent to be made by the said City is....construct a.. e.ement.tila-sidewalk.-to a -width .of. six feet on bot.h.. sides of .Syndicate. St b.etwe_e_n..1R.an.d.Q1_1& .�t,._and ......Band......... .. ..... .. ......... ................. .............. .. ... .... .... '1'eolph St. and Jeffe-"'w 7 ........................... ....... ............ Preliminary Order 130v v June 29 1917 hearing having been had .. .... ....... above Improvementupon due .... . . .. . .. ..... 11,d the council having' heard objections and recommer relative thereto. It vii Is e �.ncl red the same: there( ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement 4, Ry the Council of the, that the precise nat., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission -Indof improvement e and is hereby instruct d and directed . the aid City Is COP 'e to prepare plans and specifications for said impr, 1, ld,,,Ik to a Ild,t ,th side. .1 SYndlc.�' same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are I �Pdolph St. and Jore- anff .' I ,,b-- d directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 60' 15 IS17 Adopted by the Council. 191 ........... . ...... ........... City Clerk. 3 P 1 '7 1917 Approved-J... ............ ............................ 191 ......... .............. ........................ 50 AeI kay. Councilm Fa,nrw.,th Councilin teller Councilm McColl �C 1 Councilml Wunderlich Mayor Ir in 8 Form B. S. 8-7. DEPARTMEN FINANCE 1 � REPORT OF COMM[r ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM RY ORDER t In the Matter of .....:.. COnstrucl{ine._a cen en tt.ile sidewalk to a width of six feet on_both._S des Of_Syndici�`e .street_be_tween Randolph street and J fferson _. _. _.......L .... . avenue, _ _ .. .......... _.._. .................. __.. _...__... .__... __...... under Preliminary Order 'approved ...... Tune. 28th, 1917, .............. _...._..__ ...................... I To the Council of the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_ ._ _. ___ :_......._.._......._ . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - . - - - $0.66 .................. The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK AD D ITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 30 4 Chester Park 1950 1 .4 250 I 30 3 2250 1 3 175 30 2 1 175 1 2 175 30. 1 175 1 1 175 13 4 Lexington Park Plat 8 , 550 TOTAL, Zr CITY UL DEPARTME OF 1NAfjgE REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE -0N PREL' ARY ORDER ic) DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK' ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 12 4 Lexington Park Plat 8 1550. 13 3 330 12 3 225 13 2 225 12 2 2725 13 1 225 12 1 I I 225 11350 The Commissioner of Finance further. reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submitip the'foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works: Dated _ Y7 ...__.191_. Commissioner of Finance. Iurm Is. B. t_ i Q Office .of the Commispioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ...............JulY....?_thl............ .:...........191.7..: To the Commissioner of knance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner'of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. ' 17306 June 28th 7 cil, known as Council File No ........................approved......... .:....... .._ ... ......191........, relative to .............:... constructing a cement tile sidexalk to'a %vidth of six .................................. ............... .._................................................................ .............................. _......... ;.................. ................ ..................... ................................ :.................. _................ ............... feet on both sides of Syndicate rt. bettivecn P:andolph St. ................ ........................... _.............................................. ...................................... ............. .......................... ............. .................................... ................... ..................... .:.:......... ..... and Jefferson Ave. ............ ............. ..... .... ............................... _....... .... ....................... _................. _....................... ............................. ..................... ...................... ............... ................... ..................... ....._............. and having investigated Ilie matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ................necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$............ _- ..................... and the total cost thereof is :1;................ XXX....... ..... ......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ........ ............................. ............. .................. ......................... _......_.......... .............. ........................._.......:............. ............................... .................... .................. :..................... _.......... ................. ....... _............ ................... ......... ........................... _................. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................................................:...................................................I............._.................................................. _ _.:.....:..:........ _ ... _................ _... ........... _ .... _.... u. Said improvement is.................................. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. i 18550 COUNCIL FILE NO............................ : By.................._....... ............ ......................... .......... FINAL ORDER t , In the "Matter of...co.nst.ructi.ng...a...: cement ...01.8.:..oig.*Vou.:Aq...a..wiQtn..of siz.... test.-on-the...eaet... side ..of...1hi t.e---Bear...6va....Sram 6mortkl..�.50._.feet_.to-.,connect--with-_:present ............................................. :.............................................—............_......................:....................................... .............. ....................... ........................................................................... :........................................................ ............... ................ ............... ................................---........................................................................................-'---"...... -................................................. under Preliminary Order.......175.8.5..............................approved .................111.Y..a.7,...:1.9 7.9L........................_ . Intermediary Order ... ..................................:..._...............approved.....................:.................:............................•......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent And kind of improve- Ment to be made by the said City is..... CO.nstrtlat...Q..oeAlent...t1.1.e_:.e.id..exa)k,_LO".. a""width-:of ,aix...feet...on.. the east_ side... of White-Bear Ave..,from Harvester Ave.# thence-morth,..L5D-.£eet...to.-connect.. with,present...t[alt._......._....__ _......:._._.... .-e tame• .... > t :. __ _. .. ......... ... ...:... ....... the. - `d• ny the Councll of: •nul that the preelae nn•.... ...... .. ..... . ......................... - ... .....: :❑ kind of Im r ... ................ v the aald Clty le con and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. tile r°ttheae"Ilk e°oi --ldi RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public \ 5o feet to �p,ter w��h instructed and directed " to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and s ovementt to b° hereby lmcil for approval; that P P P P P made. 1. upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorize Punilc i urke That `he proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. a direr, 5r_F' 15 lyll Adopted by the Council. __ , 191... _.. 1 Grp 17 1917 City Clerk. Approved................. ............ ...........191......: (; tForm......... ........... .. .... ...................i y. ayor,.... 8 Farnsworth !$eller 7 MCC011 Wunderlich 7. { CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F�tEPORT OF.COMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE11111111111MIARY ORDER In the Matter of _Cons tructi i& a .c.ellxb.t tile._ eidewa.lk to;. a widthof.-ix feet _..om"_.... ............. the Fast aide of White Bear avenue frons Harvester avenue thence llorth ... .............._.......... ................... .-_.._ 150. feet to car=e ::i_th Xre ert_ralk, _ .. _.. ._.._... .___.__ .. _... ._. _. _._. _. ._._.. .. ............... ........... .... ..._i:.... .:�_...1._._., _. _. _ .. ... ..... ... ... _.....:._ .._... .. .......... ..._... _... _... _ _........... . ........... __ ... .... e ....... _...... .. ...._..... ___ _....._ ....... _..._... \ a _.. .. under Preliminary Order approved :._.__. July 17th,, 1917,_ ....___....... ........................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: , The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $........ _............. ..._,.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 86 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed Benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hazel Park Div. 2 250 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r- cr, Dated_._.._...! .. �1 191,Is :...1..... ... Commissioner of.Flnance. St . ' Paul, Minn . .�� . .191 To the Honorable, The Council, City af.St. Paul,. Minn. Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin improvement to made: from LOT BLOCK d _ADDITION _ amu• -.��.- . 4"Z�, . r �s = i . 3 -- i � . ��: 2� - . .. ..i. c ............ . .... .. Q 4. � �•. :. 9 .. �.-.� (...... . ... .. .._....lC .. Jp J .. FP ; _ . �. Office of the Cotriftisioner of Public Works Report, to Commissioner of Finance July 37th, .......7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 17585 July 17th 7 cil, known as Council File No..___ ....... .........approved..._ .................._.......... ..............191._......, relative to .............. _ ...... ....... QQ tr.NC.t.1.Ag..._&.....Q&z.ons..:..t..1..1.@_:..:e.i.dew.lk__t4.a._�.id�h .............. ............thi e..flet..:...ajd.e.._:of.....Rr:kz.its3:...D.a.Ar....Av.e...._:.fTouA._,'..a .Y_.etex.....�v...,._.._thepclK...._...: north 150 feet to connect with present walk anti having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.Said improvement is. ........... ....... ...necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .... ............................ . and the total coat thereof is $................... XXxX............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as followsi.................... ... .................. __....._...:........................,..............__...._......._.._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is heretwattached and made a part hereof. 4 . ....... ......... ......................... ....... ....................................... ............... _....... _.... .... ........................... ._............. ..... ................. _.... _:........_............ ..... _.......................... _..... ... _.. 5. Said improvement is._ ............................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. • -commieaio r of Works. 18551 4r COUNCIL FILE NO .................... By.................. ... .. ... .......... .. ................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. .... cement -Ltile sidewalk to a width of six ... f igat ..an the nar.th..Aide of WatJKOn..Avs-....betweell.-Chat.awaxtll..Zt.....and a..point 234 feetwest Of Milton St.*, ...................................... I .......................... .................................. ................................ ........................ ............................... .. .................................... .......... .......................... ................................ ............................................. ................................. ........................................................ ..... ................ ................ ..................................................... ........................................................................ ................................ .................................................................... ......................... under Preliminary Order 1.765.4 ............................. approvedJU3,V 20� ................................ IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved ............................................ ............................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative'thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the -precise nature, extent and kind of improve- metato be made by the said City is construct a cement ... tUe-aldevalk.-ta &..W1dth..'Of 61 ..fe t.,on the a d of Wateon bet:Ween QU j X! h 1 ... ........... . . north.........de_,of ......... . Ave ...... at !M t. St %U4L_ 4 .................... .... . ......... . ................... ....................................... . ..... ................ ... ........... ... ......... .... ........ C .......... ...... having .... .......... . ..... ':—above improvement .. ... .. ... .... ...... e. and .the.Connell ha it. ........... _. Person% objections and r.c, at one rgiative thereto, and V ....... .... ... . ....... ....... 'u"Y considered. the same; there. and the Council hereby orders said improve.eJolt x.1-cl, By the Council of the City RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Colualig, t. Paul that the precise nature, ex hereby instructed and directed ,t and kind of improvement to F., intdo Ale sold City I width tr..t to prepare plans and specifications for said nent tile sidewalk to - width of ro the Council for approval; that it on the north upon said approval, the proper city officials t aide al.w,�� Chatsworth sof wuts" d to proceed with the making 'feet t. and 9, west of -:Allton. St, — therewith. 'nen herebs, orders'o of said improvement in accordance :be made. gala Adopted by the Council _6EP 15 IS I/ ................ . . 191 ................. .. ..... ........ ..... . ............................. City Clerk. Approved........... CSP P 1!7..JK7 . ................ 191 C o ne Im ......... U 4arnsworth ouncilm eller //7 Councilm Wecoll Councilm Wunderlich Mayor I n. Form B. S. A. 8-7. cITr or ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e REPORT OF COMWWIONER OF FINANCE JD ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ....__Cons t,ru�ting aement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the _north side of Watson ave between Chatsworth street and a point 234..fee.t..West_..o.f...ir:i.1..`oS treey, ,_ ... ............. a .-4-Y J _ .................. ...... . ...... _.._ ...... ..... ..__.._...... ........... .......... L.:....... ................... _..._.._............ ... ............... ................ ....-........__..._._:__......._......._. .:.. ......__.._......_.....-- _..... .. ........... _..... :_._............... .._ _....... ...... ... _........... _...__.._._.._....<.. under Preliminary Order approved ......_ _July_p0th, 19172 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ _ - _ _ - $_.Q The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D¢SC RI PT ION _ LOT a OCKI ADDITION VASSESSED ALUATION 28 3 Bryant's Randolph Street 350 27 '3 Arldition 325 26 3 325 25 3 1225 $4 g 325 2313 325 22.3 325 21 3 325 203 325 _.19-3--- 2025.. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated.:._,...........191....7��./. — r„r,,, ❑, ,e. » � Commissioner of Finance. R i I , St. Paul, Minn. _*ivpe 2, 1917 To the Honorary'Coundil of the Ci"ty"of'St, Paul We the undersigned property holders respectfully petition the Honorary Council.to have constructed a 6� foot 'sidewalk .on the northside of Watson Ave. between/u) Chatsworth and a point 234 feet west of Miltan Street, said 234 feet are already laid. Lot number Names Address '✓" k' 1 ■ Z,12 --,/ 1 -Office of the Comnlltsioner of Public Works Report` ,Qommissioner of Finance __... July.._37th,........ ............................ 191.7... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tile, Commissioner of,Public Works, having'had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- I 17654 July Both 7 cil, known as Council File No.. ....................... approved .............. ......................19] ......., relative to......... constructing a, cement tile..._eiderralk__to. a wi_dth_:of.,_six,.fee`V..._gn._... ,. .......................the_..nar.th..side._.ni..._F'.at.aori.._AQenue.....b.e.tvi.e.en..:..Chat.sworth.... St.,......and ....a ............. ...._ F4int:...64....fee.t....W.eat.....of....luilton. St .................... ................._.............__...........:..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ... _..... ....... ...necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is ._........................ _..... and the total cost thereof is ti..._ . %XX ..._........ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ........ _.:.......:.... ............ ............. _............. _._....... .._.............................. ..... .....;_............._...,................. ..... ..._.................._.._.__............. ............................................ _............... ..,...._._.._.......... _........._............._................. .................. .....:.................. ...:..c....._.._.... :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made is part hereof. r 1 . ......... ...._....................................... _.............................. . ............. ................... _..................... ...:............:. _._.............................. ..................................................... ..... _ ..... 5. Said improvement is.._................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject i to assessment for said improvement. r .. .... Coamais ioner of Publ7Works. 18r_5052 COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... By.................. ........... ................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of O-OX.Ont 112.0_91i.diewalk t.0 a RIA.th QX PIX feet on the west side Of Crowell St. frOM Orchard St. to McKenty. . ............ ........................... .................. ................................................................................................................ .......... . ....... ........ . ................. ................................................ .............................................................. ............................. ................. ....................................................................................... ................................. I ............... __ ........ .......... - ................. .. .................................................................................. . .................................... ........................................................... .. ............. ......................................... I ........................................... under Preliminary Order 17-58.6 ... . ........................ approved . ..................................... IntermediaryOrder ............ ................................................ . approved ...................................... ........ ............ A public hearing having been had. upon *the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having' heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is ...0onotruct a cement...tile. sidewalk-to a width .of six rafltt.on .... th e. _we at ei as_ of .K.ex.e.n.t.7 ......................... ... ..... . .. .. ........ ......... ... .. .......... .. ...... .... .............. . ....................................... ........... - ................ . .......... ...... .. .......... ... .. .......... . ............ ........... .. . ......... . ... ... .. . . ......... ........ ..................... . . ... . .... .... ... ............... ... ...... .... - ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, nd submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officialii are hereby urd and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 6EP 15 IS]/- Adopted by the . ......... 19 .............. �FP 11 1017 City Clerk. Approved . . ............ ............ res Aeting MaYOI�. oun il an r the same; th C c rnswo th 4d. By the Council of 0 '';,kind gt, 'klad improvement- - eg i'4h:1 said City is conal I sidewalk to a width, Council nXellei west aid. of Crow, I'Mimmt rz� ;7 Council d,St. to WKsair S� n !McColl I 'heb, .,d.r. Council an I arn JK, Council -1 n ill, on e 1 Me Council n _C( -ilm n Won Cou e M ay r IT Councilm n;Wunderliell *_.be mase. the I- 'd'e w; Mayor Ir in Form B. S. A., 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -- i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ..... -Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on .the R.es.t.. side .cz Croyr.ell a.t._fraLi..0rchard...at to UcKent.y...stre.e_t.,_............. ...... .f..._.: ........ - . _.......... ... __..................... ... ......... ... ......... __................. ......... - .._ ......... _ ............ ......... _................ __ ._.. _:......,.. under Preliminary Order approved ........... jU1y .17.th„ _ 19171 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ 3. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - " - - _ _ - 3.0 s4Q . . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10,5 Royal Oaks 2650 9 5 450 8 5 2450. - 7 5 2700 6-5 275 5 5 1725 4 '5 1750 3 5 550 2 5 150 1 51550 ----- TOTAL. _ _ 14250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and -hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon "to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter bytheCommissioner of Public Works. Dated .. "...... _ /D.. _....._.19 L.%.._ G� � .`!!.T�.YI:: 4roetn, n. rt.. �a Commissioner of F..--- Office `of the Commissioner -of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 37th, 7 _........................... _....... _............... _ ..... ......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of-St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 17586 .........approved..:. Jule 17th, .........1917......., relative to .................. constructing .a cement til_e__eidevalk to._"E._.width of :six feet .................... an....the ....xv.eat --- side ....Of- ..Grant.ell.._St.......i.rom....Oschard....St.,......t.a.... c.K$nty......St...:.__.._ ............... ............... _................................ _................... _..................._............__.._..................... ................... ................. .................... ._.................................... ........ .................. _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to, therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.....................necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per- lineal. foot `L. The estimated cost thereof is$......................... _...... . and Ithe total cost thereof is ....................... and and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .:_ ............ _........ _............ ...._ .... .... ......... ... ........ ......... .................. ....... ................... h........:......._.............:....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. }......................................_............... ..................... ......... ......... ................. ................... ........ ............. ......................... ......................... ...; 5. Said improvement is.......... ....................... asked for upon petition of three or more owneis of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 'n .( nunissioner of Pu tc oeks. !' St.. P:tul, ?Sinn? To the'Hcnorable, The Council, 1 City Pf St. Paul,' Minn. o LI '' ' i i ,. Gentlemen,- Uri Cil 1,��) ,- JUL G _ 1917 we, the undersigned property owners hereby pemicNi . Ql0Sc'. COM41SSIONER Of PUBLIC WUfhS Honorable Body to cause the following ppimprovement to bei, made: /4 S t . Ave . � from . St.Ave..to. �� U .Qt Ave. • — — — — — — — LOT p BLOCK j — - ADDITION_ ... ........ .5f �......7~ ......... . ......... I................................................. ....... I.................. .. ....j.... ............................ .. .... .�....................... .............. I .................. .. I.. . I MNREPUF�9_8,� . .............................. ... ...... U.1' .Laygl.•i;ija�.• ............................ ... ..j,..:. •• ................. .. .......... ,I . COUNCIL FILE mo ............................. ny............... ...... ....................................................... . ' FINAL ORDER - In the. ne St — ----'........ ................ ........... —'`........ ............... ..... .............................................. ..... ........................ ..........................—........................... ............... --.......... ...... ............................................. ............................... .......... ........ ............................ � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon -due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve ment to be made by the said City is Q0n.0t;r.U.Q of..Xdmund St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to e made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissi e of Publ' Works be and is hereby ed to prepare plans and specifications for said imp ment, d submit same to the Co ci that upon said approval, the proper city officials ar reby at orized and directed to p ceed wi e making of said improvement in accordance thereivit Councilman%$/,.r.--orth Mayor. 80tineillivall Has Councilman -�IcColl Councilman 'Wunderlich Mayor Irvin � C"'. PAUL EPA -DRT OF FINANCE.. REPORT OF COM LONER OF FINANCE. _A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I In the Matter of '..C_onetrtacting.__a. cetAgAt, __ti_7_e eidew.A.1* to a- width ...of six feet_ 9n..the. $.cu_t_h aid.e....._of.._._E41uu.n ..._%.treet-._#'rom Aldine street _to.__.Fry. stre.et, L� C.. _.._ ..... ....... ............. ................. _........................... _......_... ......... ...... . ..........._. __............... ......... ................. ................... ....... .. under Preliminary Order approved ....:........ _June 1134, 1917, _._._:........ ...... .. ..:....... ... ............ ............................. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_, ........ __. _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.0-66.. . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ! LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION - 15 a neo. J. Andereonts Midway 325 14,2 Addition to St.Paul,Minn. 200 13'2 200 12.2 200 11,2 200 10!2 200 s a aoo 8 a 200 7 .2 200 2 - --- — ---- .200 Term ,H I - TOTAL. CI' ST. PAUL ' - DEPAR r OF FINANCE 'i. REPORT OF CO SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI'NINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT `BLOCK' 'ADDITION - - ASSESSED VALUATION 5 2 Geo.J.Andereont's Elidway: 325 4 .2 Addition to St.Paul,Minn. > 250 3 2 1300 2 '2 350 1 .2 I 375 i ti 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with: the report made to him in reference to said by the Commissioner of Public Works.I ' matter —1 Dated, ........_ _ ...........191..... a..,./!/, . ... ......... . . ,.�....�11 l Commissioner of Finance. _Office of the Comirussiorfier of Public .Works t. Report _to Commissioner of Finance. ' June .....a9th......_.................. _191..: _7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the. City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 16938 _._approved........ `Tune 11th, .... ...191._., relative to crl,ritnown as Council File No..... _.............. construct_int__a,..,ceruent..__t_ile. ...eidevrt lk to,.__a__cridth.__of..six feet o.n __......... .... the south side of Edmund Street from Aldine Street to Fry Street ... ........................... :.........................._._.........._....._..........._....._...................._......................._................................................-............................................................................:._............ anti having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per .lineal foot '� The estimated cost thereof is $_.._.........._ .............._. and the total cost thereof is $........................................ and �. I the nature alnd extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ........................... ........... ........... _................ ..................................................... ........................... ................ .......... _...... ............... ....... _........ .............. _............................. .-__......................:..._..................._....................................._..........._._..... ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ::........................ _...................... .. . 5. Said improvement is_ ........... ??ut......._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... _....... .................. _...._....___ r -. _:........................... ................... Co ussioner of Public Works. i w COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............................................................................. FINAL ORDER _ J t In the Matter of. ...QC.>CAl@1TRrAr.iD$._§i. c.srwent.....1.e...vida�r l ...ta.._a, w dth...Q 10 went went--.side..of__ Chatsworth- St, beginning at: Charles St-._. .:.them.e...e.Qa.tk�:.&DProximate..ly!...14Q. feet... and.9n.the...esst....4.idS:.of...Chater..... rforth St. from Charles St. to Sherburne Ave. -------- --- ....- ' .._...........- ' = --' - ...................-......................................................................... -- -"--'---.......... ..................................... ........:.. ....... 7n the lla .1r ofconstructingto,ifth o went the .Idewaik to a Wth .t .Ix 1""""""' • .............................. (6) feet. on the we.t td, of CbnU-� ..... . .............:....... . - orth 94 beSlnninir at Charlie 54:4 - "' "' - to .th aPPr .1..t.1Y 110 feet. ......... t a,,. o[ C,.bwo"h,' - d [ sae, S4 to•Sherburn . - .......1.xiQQ ----.... ,.app,n1na Y Order 1720. y,.. -191.i-. .................................... under Preliminary Order _ been MA Intermediary, Order ......................................................... .....approved.::1::'eon r ..........................................................'--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......C.Cnstll1.C.t..-fl,... eme71t.....�le...19i.S101Cda ...1rQ....% ..wlAth..Gi ...eiz feet on the went side of Chatsworth St. beginning at Charles St.. .............._............................... ............................ thence.. south-appraximat.ely...140....feet.,....ard ..an...the...east_.sid,e_,of....Chat.er.... _worth...St..from. Charles St, to._Sherburne Av.— ...._........................ ............ ..... .... . .......... . - ......... _ ...__ ._ ._............. _.._............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making . of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... SEP Iglr _ _ ......... .., 191....-... '//��►' ! Y....P.1�.4..� Cit k: Applbved... ... ; I p ........, 191 ....... j Councilman Parnsworth Goy11Ci11de�Gass � � Councihnar�_ O-j�G Councilmanch — Form B. S. A. 8-7. POST CARD NOTICE, OFFICE-OF"-THE COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE �! St. Paul, Minn.,-Sept 4th: -- 1917 In the matter'w cgpstructing'a cement sidewalk to a-width of six"feet on the W S-of Chatsworth St beg. at Charles St.,.:t Sls� 140-ft -and on"the_ .E•S of Chatsworth St. from r e St. to Sherburne"Ave. under,reliminary Order 17806 approved, June 22nd 1917. To edar Peterson., You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make'the above improvement; that the estimated cost thereof is $0.66 per lineal foot. That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in-the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building; on the 15th alWA Sept._ 1917 in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commissioner of Finance f - G .. .% � L cmc �; �f/�� i.� � C• ;: '' ?%r.c,. c :�,.t .�"�- ✓� rE-:.f,F.-�. �?��jlf .- +. per, - i,'�- �: fi�j' .�,/.�., ._� ,�..,f �� ;�,% Wit,-`� _ � : ` ?.•.'. � � i -, � is / t_..�r, ..�.G�-[_� �t ..Z�,. � � �.���-�,C_,t' � f. � �� ' ;+�. .ti CITY Or !T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L In the Matter of ._.......... Cpl st.rapt_ ng-_a.ceaent__tile-_sidewal_k,,..to a width of six feet 9A,' -the west side ....................f Chatsworth street ...... South approxima b1y. 140 feet and on the East side of .Chatsworth street ..................._--...._...._-- ....._...._ f.ipc ChaxiQe s..tzee.t__.tp_.S.h.e.x_burns...ay..enue,..:........... ....... ............._......_............................ ---...... _..... __..._._._. ......... ......................................... ................. _....... __....... __.._._._ under Preliminary Order approved .._._..._.._.......June.....22nd,.,..1817, To the Council of the City of St..Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $....... -.,........... ..... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ - _ _ $__Q__s..6. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvemen4 and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 University Subdivision 2300 of Lots 1-2-3 & 8 Hyde Park Ramsey Co., Minn. 5 .3 Weed and Lawrence 375 4 2 Addition to Saint Paul 550, i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter the Commissioner of Public Works. — Dated.....................a .......191... / Form H, B. 13 Commissioner of Finance. _ ;y :i 1 P: � I Office ,of the Commissioner of Public Works • i Report to Commissioner of Finance June 29th 7 ...79L . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil known as Council File No .17308 approved....... June 32nd... .` .... ,191:_ ..., relative to .._.... _...,_ _._. oonstruoting a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the A_at.AxtU1.1x.....2t_.... beginnin ...... aPprox'mately._1.Q...:.f.4el.......... aDd.._Q.n._..t.h2 ..?.£.8.t _4.1de Q..f....Gbat.s. or-th.._st?ce.et.......... from Charles Street to Sherburne Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement-is ........... ._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_.................. _...... - and the total cost thereof is $...._?F ................ __ ... and I I the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................................. ...... .................. :................. ..... ' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and"made a part hereof. 4..................................... ..... ........ _....................... _........................ _...... _.... _... ._.................................................... :........... _....... _..................... _....................... _ ... 5. Said improvement .......... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject i to assessment for said improvement. ..._......_......... _.................. _..... __ ...... ............ ......... ........... /Commis iouor of Pc orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION -LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 555 COUNCIL rILF NO. - - - - Date Presented_ ___19L__ RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. From (Name and -Address) ! To (Name and Address) N6.#96,John'Belshan,564 Bradley St. Ernest`Norman,564 Bradley St. No. 225;Phi1,'(leirasert,j23 St.Peter St. J Joseph A. Bramer,323 st.Pster St. No.384,1oolf Dechter,441 Jaokson St., ti Nemerovsky & F1nk,441 Jackson St. No. i No. .No.C. F No 18666—By Henry McColl— Resolved, cColl— Ra olv d, That the 1.110-1.9 desig- . noted 11 usesto sell Intoxicating No •.+liquors betransferred as Indicated pure _ - suant to applicutiojls duly madethere- for: NO • leNo. 96, from John SO he.. 564 Brad- y 8t., to Ernest Norman, 564 Bradley at o:: 225, from Phll Gelrnaert, 323 St. Peter St., to. Joseph A. Kramer, 323 St. No . I Peter St. - No. 384. from Woolf Dechter, .441 - Jackson SL, to Nemerovsky & Pink. 441 NO •, Jackson St. - _ Adopted by the Council Sept.. 15, 1935. Approved. Sept. 37. 19— No. - I, _. a./ (Sept. 22-1917) i Teas (r) Cpun' men (i) Nays v/Far sworth i ?_ln favor ler Against nderlit•h Mr. Presitl t, Irvin I. 617 15 1.417 Adopted by the Council .......... SSP 11 1017 Approved__....... ___:.:. _._ ....:..... :...... _ .............-.....191......._ - 4otlnp w on CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR. LICENSE Stlbjeet:_�__ _- .:.- - .__. .---..___ 18556 COUNCIL r- FILE.. No. __-_-----'-_--"-= Date Presented- - ...... RESOLVED', That the application of the following persons . for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the:City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and,the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant.. Location. Obert_ M._Jobnson._ 210. 7th at. Tena (w') Councilmen (r') Nays 1' Farnsworth L-Goae In favor ' Kellll r ��'er t .-McColl...ARninst L,ii'underlich Air. Preal lent, Irvin r� Adopted by the Council SEEP. '22. `911 Approveda.. ............... _......_..._. ....:.......... ..191......._ ....... _.... ........... MAYOR CITY OF ST. "PAUL ACdOUNT4DEPARTMEN T, OUNCIL PILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CN�. r __ SY17 ,r AUDITED _ t 181— .muu 7 1s 687 r , ` Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and - in favor of t mous, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their ,respective names as specified in the following detailed atatemento Yea, en ( V Nays SEP Z? 15U Adopted by the Council a' orth SEP 181917 " — In favor Approved 19f_"_ r —0—Against .. A�L1tlyMaYOR . '. 1 — } 19949 ` AmericanExpress Company, - • ( library-Exp. 5 Road Machinery Company, 96.78". _stip-Western Sprinkling. 5 allard Fire Proof & Storage Company, 1;20 I School Esp. } 5$ /Bazille & Partridge, 6,25 Fire-Exp. 53 Board of Water Commissioners, 197.99 School-Exp. 5.8 ( School-C&B. 2 - j Health-Comfort St. 2 Auditorium-Exp. Sprinkling 1 .9 5; s Photo Craft Brown'Company, 6.50 P.Bldgs .-Szp. Capital City Lime & Cement Company, - 761•80 Pay. Minnesota' Street. _6 Carnegie. Fuel Company, 44.60- 4 60 ]Tire-Exp. FireEsp. 57 Central Garage, .36 Fire-Exp. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry.,_ 2..93 St C&R-Exp.. 59 Crane & Ordway Company, 2,65 School C&B". 60 : Adam Decker Hardwrare Company, 1.20 Fire-Exp. �fm A. 5•II Res. 667 Page 02: 19961. Frank Einck,- 2:25 Police -Exp... `h 6.2 Engineering & Contracting Company, 6.00 63 S. A. Farnsworth, CA.R.F., P .S ohoo is -Exp. 64 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Company, Fire -Exp. b. Park -Exp. f 65 Finch, Van Slyke McConville Company. P.S choo is -C&.B, 18.24 66 Great Northern Railway Company, 2.00 Pay. Miss. River Blvd. 67 Griggs, Cooper & Company, P.Schools-Exp. 14.44 P.Parks-Exp.` 4.44 68 J. T. Kenny Company, 9.9� Police -Exp. , 69 P. W. Kirwan, 200.00 " health-P.Baths-Exp. 70 Leslie- onahower Company, 83.20 FiredC&.B. 71 McClain & Hedman, 1.40 Auditorium -Exp. _ 72 Henry Meuoll, Com'r. P. Safety, 30.10 ` Health-P.Baths-Exp. 73 Manhattan Oil Company,. 64.21 Bldgs. Exp. Aroht. 3 as Sewer C &R. Exp. 4 74 A. F. Morton, Sutp., 29.50 - Auditorium -Exp.. - 75 Edward Neumann, 91.56 Police -Exp. 76 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 34.59 "ire -Exp., - 77 Northern Express Company, 1.20 Fire -Exp. 78 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 9.50 Police -Exp. p Audi to rium-Exp . p ' 9.5 79 Remington Typewriter Company, 1.65 Health -Health-Exp . 80 St.Paul Auto Top Works, 7.75 r'ire-Exp. 81 St.Paul Blue Print Company, - 22.14 " P.B1dgs. Archt.-Exp. .84 4 .� Pagei. Res. 667 Schools=Cl&B.v 8 9 1 Fire -C&B.14 1998E J. L. Shiely Company, 254.00 'Paving Mounds Boulevard. 83 C. S. Stewarts Sutpe, 174.50 , Health-Quar Isxp. 84 J. We Turner, Seoiy. 15.00 P .Schools -Exp . 85 Villa ume Box & Lumber :Company, 4.56 Fire-Exp. 86 Western Supply Company, 33.25 Health-P.Comfort Station-Exp,. Schoolswe&B. Water-Supply Fire-Exp. 3 5 87 R. Be Whitacre & Company, 19.80 Fire-Exp. - - C F No.1a567_ ., - Resolved that warant 'upon the CRY TreHea ury payaple ovt o[ the hereinafter apect0ed funds 'and fn favor'of the Demons. drme or Corpora= . tlOne,for, the amounts set optwslte their ,. respectlge- nsmes. es,*epeclded Ing the 'following detailed statement:' - ' American Ezpreea Lb:; 64 Cents,:: - _ Auetln-{Veetern'Road Machlnery,:Co., 7B. , - - Ba0ard Fire Proof .& Storage 'Co., .10. - — Bu1Rge e & Partrid, 76.26. +Roerd - of Water Commbalonere, :7187.98. ; e . : Brown•a Photo Craft Co., 76.50. ' ' City, Lima - - I Total 2,23}e51 61.80 & Cement CO., 7761.80. Carnegle Fuel Co., 14!.60: Central Oarag e, y a�Dago, Rurllneh07 & QDincY - - - it RY„ Crane & Ordway Co., 78 86. + Adam Decker Hardware ` - - Co., i1,2Q: 4 Frank Elnck, 72.25. 7680 gineering &Contracit. ComPanY. i S✓A. Farnsworth, GP: R F 78.50: -! - Farwell., Oamun, Kirk -& Co.; 76.69 { "Finch, Van SIYke, - 118.24. .. MECoa;llle Co;1 " Oreat Northern Railway Co Ortgge. Cooper & Co.. 114.44. 'J. T. Kenny Co. $9.86. ` P,�W,: Kirwan, Co. _ _ I Lealle-'in nahower Co.L.i6B.E0. McCialn &"Redman, 71.}0.' 'Henry McColl. Com'n- P .....: 73010. Safaty,+ - Manhattan oil C, 764 _ AEdw. F• Morton Supt„ 728:61201 ard Neumann, i91.fi6. :: Nicole, Dean& Gregg, 72469 Peoples Coat D&reICeC"' 1 -1120 Remington T 0 Co, iB 60 St. Paul yDewrlter Co i1 66 _ Auto Rbp Works 77.76, . St. Paut Blue Print Co.:=718 I4. T. k'Shlely'C., 7264.OK- -f i :C-S. Stewart, Supt, 7174.60. Turner, SeI-v-,:716.00 ' - - Vlllnume Boz &m Luber Co 74.60,!• �Weetern S.PD1Y Co., $23.25 - - R B..Whitacre & Cb.,.i1980 Adopted by the C-111111 Sept 17 1819 ADProved . Sept. 18, 1917.:: . • (Sept 88-3917): t^ ��'i��TN^�}.S;'njy4XW`w � `"I`SX"* H.,��7`7�`77777771 CITY.OF ST. PAULACC ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT , AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM IILUE L No '. ,'�SJra��' — Q(� 1 EP 7 1917 (BY ..,,....�.. r AUDITEti 181_ 0,l` PER n' 668 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds aad '? .favor of the persons, firms or corporations for, the amounts set oppositetheir respective names as specified in the followinQ`•detailed''' statement - a1=P 17 1911 Yeas (' V,) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council orth SEP 18 1917 in favor Approv 191 r . , Against derlioh - bffr�Ptesl . t 1'V4�J '►'Itt PvL (,' fi - 0. F. No. 18668— - Reeolved titdrawn .warrants, — - p.. the City: TreaaurY, Datable .out of the hereinafter apeclaed tunds and in - � favor of the De1eo... firma. or corpora- - tlons,for the smounta set-oppQt. their -; iespactive names. as specified In the fois liowinHt detailed etatementi: '^ 1 ' �. S. A. Farnsworth Com r. Finance, 58,677.60. :• Julius . ..f10000 FSnul, Electric Constru tl n Co, f603 H6. ' Adopted by the Council Sept, 17 1917 ; Approved Sept. (Sept: 4H-1937) •. >y i fit',. .F�N 19988 S. A. Farnsworth,"Com1r. Finance, $ 8,577.60 Interest 3,049.00 Water-Bond & Inte 497. b0 Red. Bonds 1917 2,000.00 Spec. AssessBondInt. 3,031.10 6,577.60 989 Julius F. Saul, I 100.00 . G. F.-Mico. &_Unl. <. 990. Slectric Construction Co.501.86 Library - ' Carneglie ; j ,tom Form al.5-11 tr — 41 ,559 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................:......: By................. ..... ................. .......:................................ FINAL ORDER — In the Matter of....reconstructing,...:releyina.-end ... repairing..with gement t.il.e...tn..8..xidth..:nf....six.%eet.,--.the--pr.�aer_t...jaement...til.e...s.id e3mlk.s...ttn...... Nest -ern,. Pl.ea.. ---.,Ave .,_,. ... se}�-_avenorth---sde,- bn i.nX,.jng...7..7..e....f.eet....epsgi:..of._Western-.,Av-e,,.._thence,. east --.4.4 fe.et,. ......... _ _.............................. _..:.......... _.......... _.. _,... _.....::...........-:........................................ _.......... _ .....:... _: tinder Preliminary Order .....-...1.714.5.............................approved............................ June ...21 ...... 191.7.. ................ - IntermediaryOrder .................-•---......................................approved .................. .:- ............................:.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is.-..R.e.Constr.uc.t__r_elay.:.. a f1d..cepa.i.x...w1tYZ..:G.ment....t..i1.0 .to - ,a width -._of. -:six -.feet. the present cement the sidewalks on the . ........................................... ...........••......................--....... following..streets;-- .... east side__beginning-_et_:.-_-..--_--..---,_- ,,,Sturgis.-_St.,-.,thence,_ts. beginning-_178..feet.-..ea st.._of_-Went ern.,.Ave,__. thence -_east --.44.. feet,,,-_.................:.... ..............................................................................._..........--.........._:_...__.............................................................._................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plaus and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city bfficials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said iplprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .... ......... atN 17 lyll ....., 191...- ..... ...... .......... _ ....Le.. ....: . $�P �� 190City Clerk. Approved............. ....... :.......................... ........... ly l.......: ,� ( Q Mayor. CouncilmaIIlFarnswortfl ul that the p pr'.","'l d kind o[ 1 Pro. .tithe said City le'rel and. repair. with cement - t of az feet. the proven" ' ,r( idewalke on the ' ono"" a.ouncilaian 12l' O .t'"tern.Ava eaet^slde beE ' -,,or at: thence to Pie ant iriaon Ave Orth aide begt' councilman feet envy of W stern Ave.'t; (.WBIIderheh !et 44 fee4'and the Co 4hcit h• der. eaidJmproyement io be mr Revolved trurther.":That the Con' ✓vt4711 t'yyt6 Ca%. L loner of Public Work. be and 1. - Form B. S. A. 8-i. ane°ena �aVeclnddcaitu�eteior°ea r ovementF- and 7=.it same to� ounell: for.'approvaly. that upon . . pproval, . the vroper++V�y ort)clab, ,.ereby authorised aapfdlr@clad to'- ,eed with the makiih,g ppE said Inrp - �ment in accordance ttrdreiw)th. - Adoptedabotha C4L e�itt sept 17; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELY ORDER IAR under Preliminary Order approved_..........J.Une_..21_e-t,/.1917, ___.___ :............ ....... _..... ... .................. —....--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.................. __...._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is y.:Q,-.Q6_,peT The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION - 7 Wm. J. Roy's Rearrangement 2315 6 S00 73. .Whitacre Brisbine and 1575. �Mullen's Subdivision of 76' Lots 1 & 2 of Leech's 850 -- 77 Addition of Out Lots to 850' the Town of St.Paul TOTAL. =- 6550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mattem and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - O Dated .....t...L.u.�/_.�0 .:.......191./.•:•_ 5.�1/'...�GT=.- ........ ....__.._._....__....._......_ Form B. Commissioner of Finance. n. r3 - 3 L/ Office` of the Comrsioner of Public' Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _........... ....... ld.F?d..-a. th.,........................ 191-7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 17195 approved..._....June $let.. , ..... .191_ ._, relative to...; cil, known as Council File No........._........... --- reconstrueting, relaying and 'repairing iv�ith cement tile to a width .. ....... of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalks on the following streets:. On...;"s tern..._Ave_,_•,_eaet.._._ei,de_,.,,._be,ginning.,_. ,..,...ahAn9e t to Pleasant Ave., On F.arrison Ave., north side, beginning 178. feet ..........:................................. ...::.................................................................::.................................._._................................................... seat of P'eetern Ave. 'thence east 44 feat and having investigated the matters and things, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot The estimated cost thereof is$.............._......_............. and the total cost thereof is $............XXxx and 1. ...._..._., i. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ......................... ................:.................... ................. ........... ...... ....... ..-.:_. .......... ...._...................... ............. ...................... ............................... --....... _...... ....... ................._............... --..................................................... .... ........ _.................... ............. _•._....._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atSached and made u part hereof. 4. .:................ ........ :.... ..._............................. _................ _..... .............. .... ......................... ..... _..... ...................................................... ..........e............_...... .... .................. ... ..... .. 5. Said improvement ,...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i Commissionor f Puhlic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................: By.............................................................................. AL - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....x.ecax�atruo.t.ixlg.,....relay.ing-.and ...xagair ng...tlae....c.emant.......:_.... ..........ta.e....a.i,d v aJ..k....t-a...a....Svitith...oS..six.f.e.et...on...the...aauth...e.i.d..e...of............................ .........wash inet o rl...S.t.......b.ni.nning...3.2...f.e et._ Aeat:..aS...Eag1 a.. S.t.....thena e:,; wast........._... 1.7.5..f.e.et,............................................................................................................................................................ -........ .......................................................----._......................._................. -.. under Preliminary Order .......17588.._..._... ._.approved ....,._..Ju3,y...11_141_7.:....................... IntermediaryOrder-..........................._........,..................approved ................,..........------.............................................. A public'hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....Rec.onstruct.,....r.elay..and..meppair....tl&e..cement.:.til.e- s.i.d.evac.1.k...t.a...a...:xi:dtkl...of.. SAX..f.ee.t._.on._t1ie._ e.outYl.s.i.d.e...of...Wa hing.ton...St..... _b.egi.nn.n9...32...fe.gt•. west...of..Sle...tt__thencg._est...175.:.feet....................... ......... ._ ................................. ......................... .................... ......._..._..:...._.............. .......................... _:.......... ....... .............. " 6�eref du --• — ..... ......... .... ............ " .. :.a red the'. same: there•.. ra �. •- 'ved; 89 the COoncfl o[ the -_Cit< . .. fl., •auh that the�Dreelse nature. e'^ . ........ ..... .... .... .q .trim nt _lmerovement<to r the sold' City, is rernnetr .-....:.... and the Council herebA..orders said improvement to be made. 'h revalr thecement tue s width. of -six feet hingt0n B' •° RESOLVED FURTA-ER, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks Ue e : tgl• �T&eby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that . upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with,the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. atP 17 Adopted by the Council..... ........ ., 191........ ......................... .......................................... .............. i I?'; 7 f City Clerk. Approved... 191 r �/ wpttnQ D a r. ohtncilmanrFarnaworth � � � �C�ffi'QC9S� �@ouncilman eller. p — Cai�neilat V. Councilman {Wunderlich e 1. �. . Form B. S. A. 8-7. - CITY OF' ST. PAUL OMPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR��I'KINARY ORDER In the Matter of �Iliqqqnstructing, rel'aying and repairing with cement tile ........ ....... . ........... --- .......... . ....... . ....... . --- .. ........ .......... . . ....................... ... .... ......... . ... sidewalk to a width of six feet or the south side of Washington stleet ..... ..................... ...... . ....... . ...... . .. .......... ....................... : ..... . . . ..... . ............ .. .................. ............. . ........... ................... ........ .. of Eagle street thence West 175 feet. .......... . ........................... ...... . .. ..... .......... ....... ............. . .. ...... . ........ ..... . .............. -- . . ...... ............... . . .. . . . ......... . ............... .... . . . .. ...... - ............. : . ..... . ... . ............. .. ............... . ................ . ......................... . ..... . .... -- ............... . ...... . ...... ........ . ............. ........ . ....... ............. ............ ....... ... ...... .. ...... ..................... . ........... -- .......... ..... ............ ...... .. ... ... . .. . ..... . .......... ... ......................... ....... . ........... ......... . ............ ................... .............. .... ........ . . . .... . ................. ................. .. . . ......... ...... . ... .. ............ ..... ......... . . ....... ......................... . .... ... . ... . .... — ----- .................. ....... ....... .......... .......... .................. . ...... .. ............. . ..... ............ .................... ..... ..... ...... ............. ... ......... .............. . ....... under Preliminary Order approved . . ........ Ju ly I 7.t. h,_ 19, 17 . . ................... ........ . . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .......... ........... .. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may, be assessed bdriefits In . r such improvement, and the assessed valuation oftia�ch lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT PLOCK ADDITION ASSESS VALUATION (Except West 24 feet.) 1 41 Rice and Trvine's 3200 5 West 24 feet of 1 Al Addition to St.Paul 1200 (Ex. sEly 60 ft) E, .1 2 of 4 41 1250 West of 4 41-- 1800 TOTAL� 7450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made t6 him -in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated . . ...... . ...... .............. ...... Form H. H. 23:- orrimisitioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of, Public Works �/,/,Q:� r Report to Commissioner of Finance Jul} 27th,.._ 141.: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cowl- _ . 17588 K JulY..._17th_....._ ....191...._, relative to _..:......._..._. Coun- cil, known as Council File No, ......._ , approved.:. .__..._.._... .... reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Fashington St _.beginning 32 feetr!lest of Eagle St thence west 175 feet and having investigated-fhe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ....... - ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot `L. The estimated cost thereof is$_. ................ _............... and the total cost thereof is .$...:....:_xXXx the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..__...............__..........._............._......_................_._............___......._._....:......_.. .... _................. _..... ......... _...... ............................................... ......__.............. _..... _... ...... ........ ..._............. .................. -.................................... .................... _........ _........... ........................ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._...... n t.._. _...asked for. upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. q rConuniasioa� of Public Works. COUNCIL PILE NO............................. By.................... ........ _............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....construct.ing..e•_sewer...on..-Stanford,-Aver-- from..Pascal Ave,_le.l.. . to Hemline Ave, and on Pascal Ave, from Stanford Ave, tea point .............................................................................................. ................................................................... .a .. 125 feet...north..of.Berk jeY..._Ave...r........ -...:.......:....................... .................................................................................................................................:..................:..........................._........... under Preliminary Order ........... ..................approved .........Jur1e... .1-917................ ...._..... ........... .. Intermediary Order........... ...................... _....... ..._............ approved ........................ A public"hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it — RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent"and kind of improve- . Y- ni t to be made by the said City is..:.Conetruet..a..,aewer..on-. Stanford. Ave. ._. from................... Pa.soal Agee-_to.,Haml;ine._Ave,:-and._on_:Pascal___Ave. from-_Stanford _Ave. _to__a.. Aipn _125.-ft_,_.north_..of._Berkeley..Ave._l _ ............................................. ............... abov. lmprovem ,and the . Councl4 A........................... ................................. U Demooz6 objection.' and, .... 'dation., relativo thereto. 4u ..""' .... """" WIF ,.oteldar.d the'sama Ito' Rt glued, BY the Council of ... ............, ..................-... , 0[.aul that the Dredlee na.z........ .... to d kind of lmprovemr and the Council hereby orders said improvement to the said cur';ls to er od:stanford Ave. fr. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission Ata.to.jiamnne wAV ;, :ve. north of B rd Ave:-.; 19 hereby instructed and directed north of 'e O.! e�'�' . to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, .11 hereb T o•gttmo to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthoriied and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... .-................. 191... ............. .......... ...................................... ...:................ City Clerk. cep ?i 1911:....., 191.......: Approved.. :.= .. CouncilmanLati.worth wottngmayor. Councilor er Councilor underlich A �C.2- Asa Y1t � C° o LL,e Form B. S. A. 8.7. CITY OF ST. DEPARTMENT OF F ANCE' REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF.FINANCE A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the 'Matter of.-...._.Foi%Qt�gting..-a Se+e..__Qr},_3,t.$npd ayenue;.f,ro Pas.eal e avenuto r..--_. Haml.ine avenue and on Pascal avenue from Stanford ave to a point 125 :aet Np..r.th of.._Berkel.e.y avenut�,.............. _._......... . .._ ............. .... ........... .............................. .............................................................. __.........._._ ................ _......... ......_...... ..._................................................... .............. ....... ...._.._....._................__............. :............ .................. ................. .......... ..... ................ ........__...._............_...._..._............. ..._.................. ......................... ........... _................ ....... ........ ._........... ........... ......_........... .........._.._................... .._..................... i ............ ..._...... .._............................ .................... ....._........................ .....,...... ......... _................. .............. .....-............................. ........__............. ....... ......... ......... .............. ........................ under Preliminary Order approved ....._._JUIID 4th,.__1917. ................ ................. _.................. _ _.................. ........ .._......... ...... :..._.....-......__..__.._._:_._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $........4.,..31.5....0.0 .............. __..: The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - _ - _ - _ i $. 1 43 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ',- DESCRIPTION f LOT 1 I BLOCK! .ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION fl 161.3 -; Jefferson Park Addition 250 _ 17; 3 to the City of Saint 250 18,3 Paul Ramsey Co., Minn. 250 19:3 250 20 3 250 a 21 3 250 22:3 i 250 i; 23: 3 250 241 3 250 TOTAL CITY OF DEPARTMENT F. ANCE '. - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION - ASSESSED i VALUATION 26;3 Je,ffereon• Park Addition . 250 27!3 to the City of Saint Paul ;_ 250 28 3 Ramsey County, Minneeo to 250 29 3 250' 303 250 6 4 250 7 4 175 8 :4 250 9 4 250 10;4 2250 15'6 250 14:6 250 13'6 250 12 6, 250 11,6 250 10.6 250 9 6 250 8 6 250 7, 6 250 ._ 00� 5 6 250 4 6 250 3 6 :. 250 a 6 250 1 .6 250 5 5 250 - --= — -- -- --- - -----4-- 5 - ---- - _ _ 175 ro. TOTAL. ,:; 13, CITY D1- V'. DEPARTMENT - s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` 161 •.. _ ' 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION _ � ASSESSED ' VALUATION 1 3 5 Jefferson Park Addition 250 2 5 to theCity of Saint,Paul 1000 1 ' 5 Ramsey Count"y,Minnesota 250 12'2 Sunnyside Addition to 250 11 2 the City of St. Paul, 250 10.2. Minnesota 250 9 .2 - 250 8 :2 250 7 2 1500 6 ;2 375 1313 ` 650 West of 14.3 125 East 2 of 14 3 ) 825 15:3 y 15:3. 250 17 3 750 18.3 250 1 3 375 16. 3r -,—Jefferson Park Addition _ 15 3 to theCity of St.Paul 250 16.2 Ramsey Co., Minn. d 250 16 ,1 Sylvan Park Addition 275 17 1 to the City of St.Paul - _275 16 1 275 w . TOTAL, ;.... _ CITY OF i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C)l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' j. DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK; ADDITION; ii y+419UATION 19 ;1 sylvan Park Addition 1025; 20 . 1 275 275 2? i 1 275 . ;j 23 1 275 24 1 675 35 .1 275 26 1 275 27 1 275 i 4z 23, 90.0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-........0 .._ �0 ..............191.7..... .._ _..............._ Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. - � - Office of the Com"siioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of ' Finance June . 14th,........ 191....7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:,' , The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coma- cil, known as Council File No..:..:168a7 .:._approved ...... .... June 4th,. _ •, ,__......,191....7., relative to ....:.._ . the construction of a sewer on Stanford Ave, from Pascal Ave. ............ ... .... ......... ..........................:............... _................ ... _....... ................................................ .... ......................................... to Hamline five. and on Pascal Ave. from Stanford Ave. to a point :....._................_..........._....__._............................_..............................................:.......................... ..... ........._ 125 feet north of Berkeley Avenue .................... _............. ...................... ............... ........................... ............ ..._................... _........................................ ....................................... .............. ._.................................................... _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportsl: 1. Said improvement is_......................necessary and (or) desirable. "1.43 perfront foot 4,315.00 1. The estimated cost thereof is $.. ......... and the total cost thereof is.............. ., and Aesess. Frontage 3,025 ftp Excess inspection $115.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ............................ 3. A. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made n part hereof. 4. ......... ......................... ........................._........... ................ .............................. ..................... _................. ....... ...................... _............. ._......................._................................................... 5. Said improvement is_. ................................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. } % Cmmnissioner o Public Vbgrks. i� (ditu, of `"'Ilit- Paul Pwrtntent of Pttbltt works 06CIR CLI -SEN. —111 K N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - irv[[^• - R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ' J. 6Con.TrvucNon o R[ •. AL or06"N rrvTion H. SV^T. NOER. ' . """"�"` St. Paul, Minn. June 13, 1917. G H. HERROL D`O[FDc[ F rvY[a - Mr. W. N.• Goss, Commissioner of Public Works i Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructionof a sewer on Stanford Ave. from Pascal Ave. to Hemline Ave. and on. Pascal Ave. from Stanford Ave. to a point 125 feet north of Berkeley Ave., in accordance with Council File #16827, approved June 4, 1917. AOlrosimate estimate $4,315.00 Assessable frontage 3,025 ft. Cost per front foot X1.43 Excess inspection necessary $116.00 Yours very truly, D OC�M. Chief Engineer i i �. /COYWI59wmkh UF(�UBLIC WOGK: , '�J / � ,4't0'rL?:i.s-vF•` -.� ;�y"Y � y :�.Ja... z�J 4 r1Lt ��ia �,-G � T C-Jy' Vir(.V N�Fvh' X11>t'iTi ,N LOj' l3�ocK' L�f��7{ �� �•. I Jr J Z z 1-7 .. ��f.�,q,�r? l.�'.i:`� /�fl�:f< <fr+=1C..��� +rE:jl� �J �T`�C'�?'�''�3.a..,� `'•t,.�.'"�. �%v r,• d f i J62 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................: By........:...........:.......................... .................... ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-.....r,exons.truct.ing.,....T.elaying..and..x-epair.ing...with ..Cement ........... width-..of---six.-feet--, the --,pre sent-:- c eirent-.tit a --_a id.elalk_-on--••--•-•••-... both..si¢ee.of. Spruce St. from Sibley St. to Canada St. _......__._......... .................... ... .........................._.........__.......:.:..._.___........................ __............._._...._..........._.........................._..._ _..-...:..................................................-. :... ........ _..........................................._...... .......................................................... under Preliminary Order -...... -%1.51...............................approved ..................June...21, A-91.7..-----...........--------- IntermediaryOrder....-...._..._.....................__.....................approved............. ................. --:................. :..........................-_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is--.Reaonetr'ucY...... r.el,a}t-.. and ...r'.epa.irk--.wi.tkl...coment.-:file.. t_o-_a---width of six feet .the present cement tale sidewalk on both sides - ....... ........... ....... - ............................................. ._.................... from---Sibley-.-St-.-- to Canada St. i i,droveme, - �, u the Council ba.. - ...._.........................:...._...........__.................... _...... _... ......-.... :ane. oblectlona.and.r;-.........:........._..........-............................ relative thereto, an, cotattered the . same;. t; ....... .. .. ............. ....... - .-. ... ................ -. ... .......... evlved, By the Council of t- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to dt• Paul that the preclae nate ,deaby. the is City 1. e.o.F. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cmnmissioner,y and repay with cement the?ereby instructed and directed th'of'elx'feet the present to prepare plans and specifications for said improver aidewark. on both aider . r,',,the Council for approval; that upon sold a 'root Sibiny 6t. t,.',. p approval, the proper city officials are hereby n l :rrehy iaected to proceed with the making' ,.: , of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._ ..�)`f, 17 m/ 191_...... ......... ...... ...................:........................... . p 1 i1,7 City Clerk. Approved.. ......... ..._.. ..-......... L-eunAoRazor. cilman✓i�'a/ rnsivorth Ung r �? �7 Lo Coundlman feller tV"Councilman kunderlich Y1e.0 f>ntPrll. Form B. S. A. 8-7. y f _ 'CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of_Reconstructing, .relaying.. _and _re.pa_i_r.ing with..cenent tile, ............... t.o a.:Wi.3tb_. of..aix... feet. ..,the_:..p.re.a.en_t....cement tile:_s.idewal.k..:.on-bo.th..:.a.i.deta.. Df ............ _. Spruce street...f:rom._8.i.bley:..a.tr.e.et....:to....Cana3a_etr.eet, .... .:_...... ....... ... ...... _.. ............................._ I under Preliminary Order approved ......... J.une ._21_s.t,.l9.1.7., ......-..... . ........... . ........................ ....... ................. ............... _.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is . . $............. ..... ........... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $,O.Oo p!q ,.e3 ft The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bene'ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION iLOT aLOelt AD.D(TION VALUATION 10.3 Greve, Oppenhim and Hagar.!s 9375 11 3 Rearrangement of the Stly of Block 3, Markley & Walker's Addition to St. Paul, Minn. 10 Greve and 0ppehheidte 30335 g Rearrangement "A" f 6 TOTAL 2,', CITY OF ST. PAUL l _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER ' lBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6" Greve and Oppenheim'a .5 Rearrangement ,;A", 4 a 1 . 16 3 Greve, Oppenheim & Hogan'a 4375 17 3 '--Rearrangement of the Sly - 5075- 18 3 of Block 3 Markley's and 5075 -Walker's Addition to St. Paul; Minnesota, 1 4 2 Markley' and Walker's 7425 v Addition to Hoyt's Add- ition to St. Paul 16 St.Paul Central Lots 2350 ") 15 )) 14 4000 13 ) )) 2050 West 10 feet of 12 East 20 feet of 12 1{( 2400 Fest 161 feet of 11 1 Ea. at 1.54, feet of 11 2600 " � • rr 10 TOTAL. 1125 r - 100175, _ The Commissioner.of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ _........... ........ .191..7....��i�l/1 Q...... .... _ .... ._ _ Commieaioner oEFinance. Form U. B. 12 q Office of the... Comftfissioner. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jun 9t _..................... 19L 7_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ..17151 approved.............. Jun.. 218t, ...........191...7 relative to .............. reconstructing, relaying and repairingwith ceuent tile to a width of.-._e_ix__ feet,,__: the_.. resent ceuent_.:_til_e._._s_ides __alk:.._on__both_._side_e..... ................._ . ........_ ._ .... ..........o£.....Spsuca.:.:S.t.._..fxnn...Sib.ley.....St......... to....Canada... Straet........................................................._..........__...._......_..- i anti having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.................... _... necessary and (or) desirable, 66¢ per lineal foot xxx 3. The estimated cost thereof is$._........... ..................._. and the total cost thereof is$........ _............... _............ ........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..:............. _...... :........... ......................................... ................................... ................. ................................... ........................ .._....................................................... .._...... ............................. :.................... ................... ..................... _................... .............. ......... .................... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made u part hereof. 4. ................................... ................................................... ............... ....... ........ ........... .... .. ................... ......... ..................... ._....... ...._ 5. Said improvement is........... not........._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................... ::_.... ...... ................. ......... Commis onar of Pub�ks. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By:...................................:...................:.. - a FINAL ORDER - In the. Matter of.:...reconstructing,._relaying,.and_..repairing _with cement . ................. tale-.-to._a...wldth._of.:.ei.x f.eet.,._the_-pre_sentcement_._tile-, sidewalk -..on the. east...si.d.o....Gi'..,914Y..$t.,....froM- Qst..Ce.I}tr41:..Ave,_,thence..north.._o,_all,ey approxima.tely..,. ................................. _......._..................... .... ........... .................. _........._.................................,............................................................................................................._..................... _. under Preliminary Order ...1.7.148 ......................... approved ......................... JuPfe...21.t-..1,917.................... IntermediaryOrder ............................ ....._::.....................approved ....................... ....................... .................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pain that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....R.e.c..onat.ruct.,.... .elay,..a.nd... rspa.i.r.._with ...c.ement....til.e to a width of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalk on the east ..............................................................................:.................................................................................................................... side Of Jay-_St_t...from.-West.._Central--_Ave..._thence,.north_,to._a1.l:ey,.....:....:..... .. a.P.Proximately,l,V fset, ................................... _........................ ........ ............ .... .................,... . ............... ... .... ....... ................... _:............ ..... .................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of -Public Works be and is hereby iustructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council'for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proce with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1 6tP17W/ , Adopted by the Council_ _ .... .... 191........ i . . City Clerk. - .0 Approved...... ........... 1:1t r ,,,((//..,, �ilmanyl�'arnsworth Ao Glyj yor. lved ay th co.—a Paul that the precise nate _.. and kind.. of, Improvement to by the. said City Is reconstrL. and repair. with cement the to. - 6,Onncilm� .. of .iz last,. the, present of Jay" .���� 418• -on the east pr side cc Jay CilN�}+ Q ounellman �irunderlich West Central Ave., 2feet, ,h to e11eY. aDProzimate1, 102 feet, the Council herebyorder. said im- WlQ Cy ` omens toTie meas. solved e Compels er of Public Work. be Land In here-- - iaetructed-and directed - Form B. to prepare - and .pecidcations for Bald - ". S. A. $-/. amen and submit name e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF, COJJMISSIONER OF'FINANCE ON PRM, NARY ORDER f'Ir a Reconatructinj rela In the Matter of_....,. _...._ __.. ying and repairing .with cement tile to a t/ width of six feet the_Fresent cement tile sidewalk on the East side ...... .. ...... ..._ ............. ...................................... _........ -- ............... _..... of Jay sheet froom Nest Central evenua thence toAl.lef approxinately .... 142 .feet,--_ __. __.......... . _ ....... ........... . .......................................... _.._._........... _._._ ............. _...... - . .. ...... ----................. under Preliminary Order approved ........__ June 21str1917, _.. -11 ... -- ......... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Thetotal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g._0..06_._p.eT_.._A s_ft; The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT aLOel( ADDITION _ AUASRO 6 3 Dewey, Drake and - 3450 Fence's Addition to Saint Paul - TOTAL, - 3 450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together wit4'the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..........�jk..........191.._7 CJ•�/i j^",_ Dorm n: n: 73 Commissioner of Finance. - - Office of the Corrlli9sionr of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ...............Ju :..........n.e ....._......_...29th.. !. ..:......7 91.7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Cit3Aof St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminma tr order of the Coun- ell, known-as Council File No� . 17148 approved..... JLne. 2.18t.,..........................197.......%, relative to ....................... reconstructin�,.,,..re1 X .A�_..and....iiap.air.ing.._WIth....c.emeat....-t.i2e..._to..:a..:aa.dt.h.:.._ Of six feet, the present cemert tile eldewalk mnthe east aide of ............._............................._..._......_....._.............._......_.............................................__................. _..... ................... _................ _............ ................. .................. .._.._....................... Jay St. from Fest Central Ave. thence north to alley, approximately 102 feet and haying investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. nom, <• _..._....__..$....._per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$__............... .............. . slid the total coW thereof is $............. xxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................................................................................................ ................. .... ........................... __............. ...................... ... .......................... _.................. ........................... ...................... ................................. _... ...._.................... ............................ _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.............................. ...................... _......... _........................ __............... :._......... .... .... ..................................... _.................. ...... ........... ..:..........._.._.._..... ........ ...... ,....... ....... ..... e u. Said improvement is .. ...........not .................._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissions of Public Works. i .s COUNCIL PILE NO ................:..... By....................... ................ .......................... _..........: FINAL ORDER 18=J-fi4 In the Matter of..,..r.ezonstru.cting,_.relaying...and..re-pa .irislg...With... c.ement............ _tile ...t.o:..A.Width ...oS...aiX-lee.t,....the...pr.e.a.en.t O.emen.t tile ....sidemlk...on............:. ..the...sQuth _si_d_Q,of..�,et" F.qurteenth.-,St.. beEirning--.1-Q8.fe.et.:east "of-.--.•-.., Rober.t_,St. thence_.ea.st 52 feet, __................_._.....................................,........._.......:............................................................._.......... _. _.._..............._........................................ .............................................................. tinder Preliminary Order ...171.47 ................................... approved .....Amp ...?1,...�.9�.7.:............._. Intermediary Order.............._.......................................approved .....................: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement- upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ' ment to be made by the said City is.....Reaolletru.ct......r.elay...And...I EpR-ix-_wj th„came-�t•._lr,�l-e tA -.a-,_w idth.of_s.ix..feet,. the -.present cement -..tile side1kon the - . . .............. equt#1-._s,ide•--pf,.Fa t..Fourteenth 5t, beginning 108 feet es et of ....._ . ................. Robert„St..-.thence•"_east 52 feet .. ............. ........_:......... ....................... . _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......__ ..........................................::....:. .............. - . "City Clerk. Approve(] .. .�.vP._1S.-FT ....::. _, 191 4- t: ta. au ........y ....... r tke-Councno[ the oM8 or. •: Pnul that the precise nature we. a11C1]man �aCI19R'Ol'Ih t and kind. of Improv to be� nada by the said. City te.. reconetrucgy play and repair. with cement itis to ai J :Ath of elz teep, the Dre9ea t:cement — � -- Ida th S on 4.he'south elle of Eaet �l:0UnC111naII eller � rteenth St., beglnning 108teet east tohert ll, thence Ord 68 feet. and: Council. horeby orders 'aald Jm (�Couneilman �Punderlieh cement to be er a eaoOf Further That the Commie-- •er of Public }G'orka ba -.d 1. hrri rn ` ;natructeda amtdirected to. prep" C Ce ement,a ua dsubmit for Said, PUPm B. S. A. 8-7. -n fora submit samt a e zo -vela the pP-p r e tya Officials ” 9i., thorized and direoted.to the making Of said imp. - rordance the-, lth. ,Sca _ I Y.OP ST. PAUL DEF ,,ENT OF FINANCE - . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ..._Reccnet_ruc._t.ing,, relaying._and r..ep..air;n.g_,_pith ;.c..G>uent._,tile to a eix_..f.e__e.t....th.e....pze.sena.....c-amen.t_ ti.le_s.ide.w.alk_ Qn __th.e.....e.ou.th....b14-e ..stf............ East Fourteentz,._s rzet...' n..n.;ino 108 feet_ -East, of Robert street thence _ ..... _.... ... _. ....._:... ..........._:........... ........ _.... _............. --- ... ....... ..._._ under Preliminary Order approved .._.._._ June,, 2.1-8t, __..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOOn ADDITION ASSESSED — - VALUATION 1 2 Randall's Addition 4450 -to Saint Paul. i s , TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ................d /...:Z; ..........:191_7... � 1..........___...__ _ Purm B. B. 13 ' - / Commissioner of Finance. � t 17 i Jc 's jam/ f -— 70 �1 '✓ �' `; i I _ I L I I i - fIlb- �� Office of the Commissioner of Public'Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 29th! ............._.......191_!..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connnissioser of Public Works,, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn cil, known as Council File No 17147. approved._....._June ..21st.,.:..... 191...., relative to. _: sectna.trunting—,.....r.elay.inz....and....r.e.paixi.n�;.:..w..Lth....G_@nig.n..t..._t_?_le..._t..o a width:.. of. six ._feet., .,the present cement tile sidewalk on the south side of ....... I... .............................. I._........... ............ ....................... ...... ....... ...... .................... lOE ._f_eet east of Robert St. thence east 52 ft. .....................__........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reporjs: 1. Said improvement is..:.....i_......... necessary and (or) desirable. 660 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....... _...................... and the total cost thereof is $... xX x....... ............... _, mrd the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ... ....... .................. ............ ,......._.........._............._....__....:............:......._ ........._................................._..............._._............................................................... _....... ........ ............. ....::.._......... _................. _............... ........................ _._.................................... ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.................................................... ................... ............................ ............... _... ._. . not a. Said improvement is_............ _ .. ........asked for uponpetition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement; J� n ComussioI sr of Public aVorks. In the Matter of.....an...L.rugting,,.rement.._dr.ivevrays.,:to a --width of._six feet on .Harri.son-.Av. e, . south eid be inninC 78 feet east of Western Ave. ......... ................. th.Q>1.C....e .gt...4...f.egt.:...be8 east feet ....... ............................ ......... .................................................... ..................................................................... ..:............................ .......... ....................................................................... ............. ...... ..................................... ........... .................................................... under Preliminary Order ..1.:7197 ................. .---...... --.approved ........................ InterIntermediary mediary Order............................................................ approved ... ....................... ..........:.:....:..----........................__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....C.oust.F:1Ct.V;R _.to _-width._Of.--six„-._ Aye,_ south side, beginning 78 feet east o£ ........... ................... .. ....... Wgstern..ftve....,--..thence east 9 £est; beginning 146 feet east of _. .. ..._.... . __..._._....... We.Sve....,.-_whence east 9 feet, .e.. , . _ . ...._.._ e.,. o 3 tion. and g . relative thereto, and ha,. :oneldered thecame; there: . .. .... .._ ... ._. _...... _ .. _ - _.[............. zaolved, Hypthe Cooncu of the C, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made a anal that tielmproeen nurb RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public 'tito ;It ai CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO�SSIONER OF FINANCE w ON P INARY ORDER77 Ls _7 In the Matter of..... C.ona.truc.t.lrzz.:..ce.u,e.n.t. d.ri_uew.ay.a...__ta a...width..o.f_...aix..fee.t....aII__r.:_ Ha.r.rieon.:._avenue_._.sou..th.._a.i,d.e_._te.g.in.niag 78.:_ 0e.1-_F.aa.t.af....."'eater.n.....averlu..e..,_.._ .---.-.- -thence Feet _°.._f.r.et..._t.ebinri.rb_.1.46....S.e.et_.Eas.t._of._Ve.s.t.e.rn...:.ay.e._...the.nce............ __..:__..�__._ ......... ......................... _..... _-____.._...__ ..... ........ ... ....... . .................................. '.._......_..._..__..—._........_._..__ �......:.._........ ... .... .. _.._ _ f ...._ - f� under Preliminary Order approved ...____ June... 21 a.t,...1917, _........_..: ... ..... ..-........... ........... _.._........... _... _ To the Council, of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvemen .Is k s_........... _.............. -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ _ _ _ + _ The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: n. DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCKADDITION VALUATION 5 William J. Hoy's 800 _ Rearrangement 3 800 - TOTAL., The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said �matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated...:.... ....... .... 191...:_` Dorm H. 17. 13' Commissioner of Finance. i 'Ile f�io y�S Office of the Commissioner'- of Public Works Report to` Commissioner of Finance June 29th, _.................... ....... 7.:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 17197 .approved.-.: ._........:._Jun.. 2lst,........191-1— relative to .,.....:._._.... eil, known as Council File No, ..._..__., oonatructin7 a cement driveway to a width of six feet on Harrison Ave., south side, beginning 78 feet east of Testern Ave., thence ................................ ........ .................. ....._....._..............................................._............ _......... _............................................................ ...._........ ....................................._......._.__............... ...._ east,9 feet; beginning 146`feet east of Testern Ave., thence east .......................................... ................................................ _... __...... _........ _....... _._............. _................................. _........ ....................... ............................... ...._......................................... _. 9 feet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said, improvement is... mecessarand (or) desirable. 96¢ per 1 neal foot 1. The estimated cost thereof is $. .......... )'.x......._. and the total cost thereof is $ x__....... _.......... .......... an(] the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. .............. ........ ..... ....:................. ....... . ........ _... _............. ..... .......................... ........... .......... ...._....... .................... ........ _..... ..... ..... ........ ...................... .._:..... ....... ........ :_............................... .._.............. _...... _...................................... .......... ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pmt hereof. 4................ ........................ ................. .... .................. :...................... ... _............ ............ ...... _... ...... .... :... .........._.......................... __.......................... :................................... _........_. not o. Said improvement is._............................ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of. property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �mrssiouor o Public Works. 66 COUNCIL FILE No ............... ............. By.......... ........ .... ........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. .... 9,Tikd1.nZ IMU.PY AYAm ... !!!AAq!�p q�jqjngj�o.rtl St and ....................... .................................................................................................................... *\* ............ ........................... ................. .................................. ................. ............. ..................................................................... ........... .............................. ........................................................... .... ...... .............................................................. I .............................. .............. ............................. ................. .. ................................ ....... .......... .......... ............. ........................................................ ................. o ...................... : ......................................................... ..................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............................ approved ANK4 A--191 7 ..................................... IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved ............................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same.,. - therefore, be it, RESOLVED, By the Council of the Ciky of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is QT40 PU.0.1.93r ATP.' between Chelmsford St. ................. . .................................................... ..................... .......... . ..... .......... : ........................... ........ .. ..... ........... under . mll�rcved 'Avr� -i— ......................... earins bavit., insabove lenprovemc .. .......................................... ............. -v ca, and h t The Council ection. and ............................................ .......... ...................................... -,llon. reiat ve thereto.. = ........................................................ ly d it u0naldere . the ances, '--�lved, BY the . .......... ...... .......... ..... I ....... ........... . .............. ';St- PRUI the t tbaCP0rU,nl`,'*' .. ........ ............... .. and kind .*1 lrnpro,., "-�' the Ct T r' ........... ....................... ................. ... ............... b.l.c.. 'a -a"c"d Al ............ ............. ..... ........................ Av,.. d"tbe Council Id ..i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be n Jrc�cllnmect..','. tber, " RESOLVED FURTHER, That the CommiWoner of L' . w - is hereby instructed and dira t u.i' ,a %�-itffd ed to prepare plans and specifleations for said improveme�t, aid submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and,directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 17 Adopted by the Council. ............... I .... ... .... .. ........... .............. �Ep 1 s R�7 erk Approved........................................................... 191 ................... . ...... ......... ................... 1,.Qmneilman dornsworth ayor. 77 Iler ,,o�-ftu.nc,�ilmaxn �e Councilman XVunderlich (',P L 6�. PY%� S. A. 8-7. C1 _ DEPARTb 'v FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE+ ON PREI:IMINARY ORDER A i .In -the Matter of .................. .. .._....,_ ......... ___ . _... :...- ._. -. ...... .. _ k� _ ,.. Oreding...Dudle.y_ avenue. ._be.tweea_.Ohelmefasd .............. _._... ............. .... _.. - _.......... __ .. ...__...._............._._ ........... _................. _.._ I .... ..._ .._:..._ .... .. .._....... .......... .......... _..... _........ ......... ....... .............. ......... _ ............ .... ..... ................. ............. . ............ .....:. _ ..._.....:..... ...__:.:.............._................... under Preliminary Order approved ...............April ...Oh._ _19]..7,......... ..................... .._._........... ....._._.. .__........_..__......:..........._.__ .... _................. .... _................. _._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.....2,,3.2.5...53 .__........., The estimated cost per foot for the above -improvement is $..:._.__...___. 1.14 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, aid the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16;3 St.Anthony Park North 350 1 3 400 18 2 550 1 3 625 16'1 650 1 ,1 325 The E 128.685 ft of W 257.370 ft of the N } Of 8 F, Of N°E of Seo. 20,Town-.290 Range 23, (Ex.,80.30 ft for opening DUdley a ave) 3000 - TOTAL. ... DEPAR' V CiF FINANCE - REPORT OF COME 11S§IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _lBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED V �� VALUATION E 128.885 ft of W 386.055 ft of N of 8E}ofNF of Section 30, Town 29, Range 23 5935 Z 64.34 ft of V 450.397 ft of N } of 8 E yi of N E } of 30-25-23 1300 E 64.34 ft of * 514.74 ft of N } of 8 E of N E J 'of 20-29-33 2445 1128.685 ft of If 643.425 ft of N ' of 8 E } oflN E of 20-39-23 3810 _ n The W 128.685 ft of E 678.425 ft of N of S E } of N E } of 30-39-23 38;0 IF 128.885 ft of E 547.74 ft of N of 9 E of N E of 30-29-23 4035 R 128.685 f t, of F 419.055 ft of N } of 8 F } of N E } of 20-2923_ 3645 W 128.685 ft of 1 290.370 ft of Nof $ F. of N E —of 20-30-23 3000 E 161.685 ft of N of 8 E ct N £ } of 20-29-23, 1800 TOTAL. - The Commissioner of. Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ............ . ........:191.7..... �W,-- Dorm A. 13. 37 Commissioner of Finance. -- (Gifu df $f- Paul Pejiar#meuf of 11uhlic • Porks OSCAR CLAU. B[N.CxI[IExOix[[n M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER B..[A..1... 1.1... R, T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY J. E. CARROLL. ' B Ruu N x0 R[ ALIRtO JACRBONo.yrtuci BVn4u pI BFNITATIpx Bu.[Ay O/CORA[cTlOx. Y... ORYTBAR,...IN[[R St. Paul Minn • April 16, 1917. c. N. Ntn•oLo�amc[ tx.INc[n - - I Mr. M. IT. Goss Commissioner of, Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit hererith preliminary esti6ate of cost .for the grading of Dudley Ave. from Chelmsford St. to Cleveland Ave. In accordance with Council File #15705, approved April 4, 1917. Approximate estimate $p2325.b3, Assessable frontage 2040 ft. Cost per front foot 01.14 Excess inspection necessary $45.60 Yours very truly, P. OC%Id•Chief Engineer 0 Office, of the commissioner of Public Worl�s Report to Commissioner of Finance July 26th, 7917._ To the Commissioner of Finance of Abe City of St. Paul: � l The Commissioner of Public Works, ]Having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 15705 April 4th, 7 iVe to.... ..._ . cil, known as Council File No...__.... .approved ....... • _ 191...... t�latH the grading of Dudley Avenue -from Chelmsford Street to Cleveland Avenue:........................:.:......................_.........._..._................ ..............._..._.........._.......__.............._........_...............................__.................................. ................ _........... .......... ..__....................... _.......... _........... _... ............. _.... ....... _..................... ........................................... _........ ............ .... ........................ .................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein; hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-....:.............necessary and (or) desirable. a $1.14 per, front foot 2325,53 L. The estimated %ost thereof is $ ....... .....__, and the total cost, thereof is i .................... ......., and Assessable frontage 2040 feet Excess inspection 4`45.60 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.............. ........................ .................... _..... ..._........ ... ............. _..... _.................... .... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. }.................. ............................. ................................. ............ _......... - ................. ...... 5. Said improvement ia............... ........._.__.asked for upon petition of thrcie or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................. .................... ..._........... _........ ........................... .....,... Commissioner of Public Works. _ d CITY OF ST. PAUL ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ..... ....... 1856'7. COUNCILFILN0 Date Presented. SePt. 17t4 ;.....191...: i • RESOLUTION Resolved, FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAND mR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Dudley Avenu6 between Chelmsford Street and Cleveland Avenue, under prelimi- nary Order #15706, approved April 4th, 1917, and Intermediary Order $18144J, approved August 30th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the.City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land 'to be taken for - the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Dudley Avenue between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketoh.attached to the report Of the Commissioner.of Public Works in the matter, dated September 17th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C.F No.! 18867— _ rn the matterof condemning and tak-I Ing an easementIn the land neces- nary for elopes, for cute and 011e In { the grading [ Dndley. enue be twecn Chelmsford St. and Cleveland - Ave.. under Preliminary Order No. - 16706, approved April 4th. 1917, ands`' Intermediary Order No. 18144%. 1917. . ap The Commroved issionerust hof of Works) - having submitted his report and sketch - In the above matter, be it I I Resolved. That the City of St. Paul ! Nxes and determine. the amount of i land to he taken for the above named Improvement .e so ...orno.t far elopes ! .for cute and fills In and upon the land! Abutting upon Dudley. Avenue between, the pointe'aforesaid, to the eztent who upon the sketch attached the ' repot of the Commissioner of Public - Yeas ✓) Councilmen /� Na 6 Wok In the matter, dated Sept.. 17th, : JLtr[�1f � IJ "� '1917 .whish sketch and report are here- t' - ) Y 1 by-referredto and made a part hereof. - 6 -'-Farnsworth Adopted bythc Council Sept. COURCAI l7. 1x17.-� ....... .. .. ...... 191..... Approved Sept. 18, 1917. .�In favor (Sept.22-1917) C' ✓'keiLb6r1h MM Approved......... . EP... �9 i %........ 191......_ v _ _ Against W Wjj�, President,46mes"eJ.'PI I_ , ro FORM C.e•2 AOUIIQ I -4 of Ot. Vaul 1-856 Department d j&1 E V k OSCAR CLAD—N,ACN .[ I — M. N. GOSS, COM S31ONLK J [. [..KOLL, fvr� [ R. T. GOURLEY D-- or COMSTKVCTION AND n ns - ALIKLD JACKSON. SUIT. LUKLAU 11 3.1!IAIOI N. W. OO[TtINOLK, IUKT. LN.L.0 o. COKK[cnoNs - - N. L. aeneAk, emoouK I . O. N. NLKKOLD. 011111 E11111 -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the OUNCIL-In-the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neves- Gary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Cudley avenue, from Chelas- ford street to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order #15706, approved April 4th, 1917, and Intermediary Order x}1814411'--, approved August 20. 1917. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commiesioner of Public Works hereby submite and 'makes -a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion Of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched i portion, the cu.ta'>'•o be made on private property, and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken, by the figures opposite such"shaded and hatched _parts of such plan. Commissioner_-ofP blit iror Late _✓ �4 / _Strtlimg=Atsil4yxEUJB::U►t1fCAsf.�SrS1;�appgF greet and Dlevelans d.avenue under Prelimiry naOrder approved To the,Council of the City. of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or pateels of land that may be assessed benefits for ouch improvement, and the assessed valuation of each'lot parcel as last reported by the Assessor, .are as 'follows:' DESCRIPTION LOT' BLOCK ADDITION- ASSESSGD " VALUATION .16 _B�.Anthony_,Park North i i 3p -1— 3_... 55Q ' t � 635 r .16_:a i f350— __:::..__�_.:v E Of N E �' _' of .9ea..Q,Torrn_39 � Range__.3,._ Ex. _µii _.._..�_.;� 80.30 ft for openings Dudle r laved I— _.. 1 { .. .. .. ..,_.:. .. .. t .. The`. Cornmiaioner, of Finance'. further reports thathe hm ipvestigated all of ili" afo:eaaid ntattertiu , hereby submit the•foregoing as his reportthereoti to'the Council, together 4ith.t64ip6rt made to hlru' referedce to said matter by the Commiaioner of Public World." Dated "Commimoaar:of Finanea _ l Office of the Comiioner of Public Works Report to._Commissioner of Finance Augu et.:._a.e_.._191................1 91...:.: To the Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,, having had uigder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..18.1.19............. approvedAugua.t....ZQ.,..... * 7......101......., relative to ....................... SiXe4iFng.:...fa.ia.Y. ixx....8.ioc.h.._63.....Banning .._&_.011x.ere....AdditaQu.................. ........ _........................... .......................... ................................... ............................. ................................ .................. ._..........._........ ........... ............... .................................................................. ...... .._..... ... .... ............. ............ .............. ...._.................. _............ ............................. .............................. ..............._............... ...._.................. ...:................................................................ .................. _. laud having investigated the mattersJand things reffrred to therein, hereby repor 1. Said improvement is:..,_,.............._necessary and (or) desirable. 1 1. The estimated cost thereof is y..._.:..2i.1 ..:.......]P11)( the total cost thereof i9 ..1$.7...83.................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........_....... ....... .......... .... ........... ......... ................... ...............:..........:...:..........__,.. ......... _......................... ........................................_...._.........................................................................._._...,......_.._..........,...:........._.........._...................................................._........._.......:... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part Hereof. 4. .......................... .._.............. ..._....._........................... ............. ............... _............... ............... l ................................... :i. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject i to assessment for said improvement. \ (,omims inner of. Public Worlt Qt if $t! Paul Depxrtnie%f Puhltc lunrks " OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Cxi[rEwalx[cw M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER . . • Exarxc[w. R. T. GOURLXY, DcwUTY. J: [. CARROLL.. SUwr. - UItAU I CON.iwu 11. A.1 R.wA— ALFR.. - - - . I... 1-1— H —1axH. W. GOEn�INQER, 3-1, b�w[A� ., .......... St . Paul, :inn • Slug . 21, 1917. M. S. "'T.—. C G. H. HERROLD" Owwic [[w ;.:r. J. Groes, - - - •Corunissioncr of Public 'Jorics. Deur Sir, - I transmit herewith prelLAra ' c tilfw to of cost for grading alley in Block 63 3annirl- & 0liverq6 Addition in accords:-lice with Council File , 18119, approved LUIu,:t 20, 1917. A'.prosir.:ate ectirhate X127:83 Assessable frontage 600 ft. Cost per meront foot .1215 %:zees inspection necessary,, :12.49 Yours very DCil. En ineer RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION'PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs land fills in the grading of alley in Block 63, Banningand'Oliverls Addition, under Preliminary Order 18118, approved August 30th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18311, approved August 33rd, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and'sketoh in.the above matter, De it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 63j Banning & Oliver's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 17th, 1917, which sketoh and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. • IC.F In, the meter of contlemning and fait ing an .,et n the land ., .. eflrY for ,I.n......nI...__ � I ' n roc 1361 13II1 xG to I P46 SaDI Yeas ( r) Councilmen (V) Nays u Pe At %AVarnSWOlth ' AD pit! ' 4".:.. In favor Kellei �V "me GL i..__...0. Against FORM C.B-2 t Order 1 o.` 4823 i, and Inte;_ rd, 1917. aDDroved. ieeloner of Public Work. fitted his report rind sketch mRtter, be It That the Cit y of St, phut ltermines the amount Paul ken for the nbove named of ane a Ment for sloaee. nil"! nntl upon the land )liver a agjyiltilonBlock t63 orlon the akotch attached or the C0 ro,..lonar of r' h. 1917 he matter, dated ' Jar 17 l which akotch-and ( eby referred to and and by the Council - the Council 9e ._._. ... ._.. ._ .. 91. ._ 'DL Ili, 3917 Dt. 17 191,. c IDt. 22.1917' 7 J'rp. IS lQ! l `Approved... 191. .... .. ._._.AstroMA• .....__ ... YOR i (Qity of $t. Vaut€,5�69 Department of 11iihtic Marko O[CAR CLAUaae N. Cni.r [NoiN[[n M. N. GOSS, COMMIaaION[R - .eu+..0 or ... i .n. _ _ R. T. GOURLEY, D.•ur• CARROLL.. au[r. .euRaw or Conanucnan .no R . AL R[d'ACRaoN. a - eaoerzwoiR. au[.. o. R. NeenaLo, o.•ca enoN..R _ � - _ F,EPOPT TO THE COUPTCII,- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- nary for slopes for cuts and fills in 7radini the alley in Block 63, Banning & Oliver's Addition, under Preliminar$ Order x{18118, approved August 20tr:,1917, and Intermediary Order W18211, approved August 23rd 1917. .I . To the Council of the City of St. -Paul: The Comn:i,ssioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a partofthis, I his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan,)the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, .and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Pub is Works i ....... _._......... _....... ... _..... _ ...._ ._._. .......... ..... ... . _ ....... _.. ✓/� A^ q under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul_ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3_._._20.00 _ _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the. assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION z TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matter and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..... ........ 1_........ ..191.7..... ...... ,..�Ce���t..rr( ... _ f . I� orm B. R. 13 - Commiaioner o finance. N- "ill" -office of the Commissimer 'of. Pubhc' WAs Report to Commissioner of Finance August . ..... .... 31., '11' 17 191 - To tile Commissioner of Finance of tile City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under coil sideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 191 ......... . relative to ................ ...... .... . cil, known as Council File No -18118 .............. approvedAUgUat �ap., ... .......... A 0-9-Odc'ming. 01-opas for out.m. and Bloak 63 . . ............ . ......................... ............... Banning & Olixers kddition ............. ..... - ... . ....... .... .... . ............. ........ .. . ............ ........... - ..... ................. .. .............. ........ ... . ........ .. ............. ................... . .. I .... ............................ ........... ...... ........... ........... ....... . ......... ................. 41 ................ ........................... .... ................. ......... and having investigated the matters and things referreil to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .... .. .. . .. ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. ThL eatialated cost thereof is $ .......... . .......... . ... and the total cost thereof is .......... - - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................... ........ .. . ..... ............. 1-1 . .............. I ............. . .................... . ............ ......... .... .............. .......... ... ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaelied and land(! a part hereof. 4 . .......... ............ .............. ................................ ................ .. ...................... ....... ........ .. ........... - ............... .5. Said improvement is ....... ..................... ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Public Works. _CITY OF -$T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMEPYF AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION .FORM COUNCIL 18576 �- if By AUDITEDR +181_ 5/1 // s IPER 669 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of -the hereinafter specified funds and a in favor of the persons, firms or corporationslor the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council of aEP 6 Iy I 191— L.—rarnsworth '1n favor t/Beller APP 191— Against . VOR iJ � - Wunderlich Yvi�-a I ce- P..._ Yr r- C* t. 19991 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 18.24- G.F.-Civil S. -Exp. .38 P.Library-Exp. 17.86 18.24 92 Geo. C. Binder, 19.00 Fire -Exp. 93 T..L. Blood Company,. 2.38 ` P.Library-Exp; 94 Boston Book Company, 365.00 P.Library:Exp. - 95 Brings & Company, 262.501 Fire -Exp. 96 Daily News Publishing Company, �N F .56 G.F.-Civil Service -Exp. 97 Dispatch Printing Company, r 98 Zlk Laundry Company, 44.12 35.74 , 40 `Health-P.Be the -Exp. 44.12 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 22 90 :; mayor's Office -Exp. City 10.03 `I : Clerk -h p. 12.87 22.90 20000 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 19• P.Library-Exp. . _ ry Ol' Fie 1d, Schliok & Compsny, P .Library-FSxp . ,.y �r Res . 669 •• Page #2. 20002 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 3.60 P.Parks-Exp. 03 Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 4 11025 P.Parks-Exp. 04 A. P. Herschler, 108.52 ' P.Parks-Exp. 05 Himebaugh & Browne, 16.00 P.Library-NBooks. --� 06 Mary Horan, 59.08 Police -Exp. 07 P. N. Kerwan, 112.20 Health -P.Baths-Exp. 08 Mr. John Klein, 120.23 P.Parks Exp. 09 Chas. E.;Lauriat Compa ny, _ 3-.12 P.Library-NBooks. 10 McClain & Hedman, 13.50 Com'r. Finance -Exp. 1.50 P.Librarl-Exp.. 9.00 3.00 13:50. 11 A. C. McClurg & Company, 269.79 P.Library-NBooks. 12 Munn & Company, 4.05 •' P.Eibrary-NBooks. 13 National Association of Audubon Society, .50 P.Library-Exp. 14 Northwestern Stamp Works , 1.15 G.F.-Eivil Service -Exp. .15 P.Library-Exp. 1.00 1.15 15 Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company, '23.10 G .F .-Purchasing Dept. -Exp . 13.10 , P.Library-Exp. 10.00 23.10 16 H. Peltz & Son, 5.50 G.F.-Civil Service -Exp. - 17 Pioneer Company, 55.00 G.F.-Printed Booms and blanks. 18 Pittsurgh Plate Glass Company, 1.00 Police -Exp. x i 19 R. L. Polk & Company, 96.00 Police-Exp. 72.00 G.F.-Civil Service -Exp. 8.00 P.Library NB oks 16.00 96.00 20 Prussian Remedy Company, 3.67 Health-Quar-E)p . Page #3. Res. 669 R 20021 - Raymer Hardware Company, d 11.43 P.SchoolS-C&B. - 22 G. F. Reifsneider, .50 P.Library-NBOokS. F 23 N. C. Robinson; Clerk Dist. Court, _ 246.00 G.F.-!disc& Unforseen. 42.00 P.ImpRevol.-Court Coats 20� 246.00 24 St.Paul Blueplint Company, 103020 Fire-C&B. 25 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 39068.28 P.Library-NSaakXX Expense. 26 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 50.40 Fire-Exp. 29 St.Paul.Crushed Stone Company, 33.00 Playgrounds-Exp. 28 St.Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press, 2.55 G.F.-Civil Service-Exp. ----- --- a F No. 28570— 8670—R 29 St.Paul Gas Light Company, solved that warrants be". drawn .l Resolved 'upon the City Treasury. payable out of the the 'City epeclfled funds and In I 64.33' µ-mory. - r :favor of the persons, firma or corpora- j tion.' for the. amounts set opposite I ' 30 - Schroeder Creamery Company, their reaDective nRmee-aa specified: In ' he [oltowing da[ailed statement: 'ClA W. Auetim. Purcba.1.9 Agent 8440x65 P.Parks-Exp• OeO. C. Binder, $19.00. T. L. Blood Co. $2.38. - 31 31 A • S$$edall , Roston Rook Co.,8866.00/ Bring. & Co.. $26260. Rally News Publishing Co 66 Cents. 1.30 11030- P.SchoOls-Exp• Dl.patch Printing Co., $1.26. .,- $ Tuchelt s Sons, _ Elk Laundry Co $44.12. 8• A Farnsworth, G P. R. F„ $88.80. i Farwell. Oemun Kirk Co., $19.66, Field, 3.15 32 P.Parks-Ex p • Schllek Co., 83.64: Griggs. Cooper & Co., g Roofing & Cornice Co., $11.26 A..P. Herechler. $106.62. HI Osugh & Browne, 816.00. - 21 33 Henry. Yer er y g f Maryy Horan, 869.08. P. N: Kerwaa, $112.20. .QO P.Library-NBOOkS. Mr. John Kieln, $120.23• Chea.. E. Caudat Company, ' ., 34 _ Winston, Harper, Fisher, $3.12. 'McClain & Rodman, $13.60. A. C. VIMurg & Co.,-8269.79. 1 Nations °es - 21.80 P.Parks—Exp. ' o�isiipa of wnanban 60 Cent.. �Sodety, Northwestern Stamp Works, $1.16. No- 35 Wyman, Partridge & Company, - tnw.1lern Telephone Exchange ca- $23.10. 106.31. C.P.W. -Workhouse-Exp- l14 [eQl NSAID. a831I3H 5I :dOIyON• vt - to a '3'ItlB.ar al -SO'I03----- 07f)tlOS2iOHI 3G'gOtSt „ ut IM '9uIM paH. '%.QOtd Sad Udat . ' 70 xj:t7tl.'ms ?f .LG .q'I osop'.•M 8 :7.•t hdno0 7.Qosd Jo Ia.� i 5--� CITY OF ST. PAUL - °n"�° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.185'7� 6Y.�f(cygL--. AUDITED SEP 1 6 1911 IBI_ 111 .e.... - -. l PER - 671 Resolved that warrant be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following' detailed - statement: - Yeas ( it Councilmen ( ✓ )Nays Adopted by the Council ,iF 'f9 1411 191_ I-farnsworth `Cass— In favor Appro d J _191_ lr�rfeller i 1vfcC 11" Against i d•>,�'`"• r MAYOR kinde----,� rl is h YYIA�%IU_P n. ,,e,o YNc Cec �.. • 'Resolved that warrant. be Craw. 6 upon the Clty Treasury, payable out or' the herelna[ter - voreDeclBed Lunde and In toKe. fork the 'amounts ee[r o°mora-.; their apective n¢mea as epeclDed'Ip . tha following detailed statement: - - - B• A. Farnsworth, Com•r. Finance, SI7.60. - Adopted by the Connell SIM 18, 1917. _ pproved Sept. 38, 1917. - ..A. . (Sept 28-1917) 20042 S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. Finance, 17.60 " Completion New Bldg. 1916 Reserve. Total 17.60 { X41. . 1, Form A.5-11 �-ted - 41 jas. CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTM5NT . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FOENO1 ryR. 18572 BY AUDITED_:,SEP_'T —181 - rtreua. — - - PER ma 670 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms Or Corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective 'names as specified in the following detailed" - statement: - Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( -1 Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ L f arnsworth —Gess L In favor Appro a L' . W I � _191_ ✓Keller 4 �#1eeoH-+ Against 1 Wunderlich C. F. No. 18572— Resolved that warrants ba drawn YYNA)It.(.p.:..a inneeO'L L., .upon the Cky Treasury, Datable out o[ he hereinafter epeclded rundaand in layor of the persons, arms orcorpora-I - tions for . the'. emountle set oDDoeltel their eapective names ae.. seDcided Inj the fol. Ing detailed statement:- . - Butler Droo,. 8124.80. - A. D. Davie& 825.25. � - _ - M nha lan Oil Co a i4E8.13. " _ 20036 Butler Brothers a id] . eota Crushed Stone Company, 31'187•'4 124.80 - G.F.—Docks, Wharves and Levees •3?gdopted,by St. Paul Crushed ..Stone •Company,; - the Council Sept 19 1917.; approved Sept 18. 1917. 37 A. D. Davies, _. [sept 4saelr>.. 25,25 _ Pay. Rice, Univ. to Bridge, 38 Gray Motor Company, 695.00' Com'r. Finance -Exp. 39 Manhattan Oil Company, _ 226.12 St. C&ROExp. 58.07 _ Pollice-Bkxp. 90.93 77.12 — 226.12 " 40 Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, 1,187,44 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 66.65 Pay. Miss. River Blvd, 1,120.79 1,187.44 41 St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, 2,625.00 Pave Mounds' Blvd. f t# Total 4,883.61 Furm'A. 5-11 II I - - - # , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GEaNERAL FORM Subject: 18573,' l COUNCIL FILE NO.. e Date Presented . 611-x' 1 lye]" M _ Resolved, -- - That the, Co.miissioner of Publio safety is hereby authorized to employ a physioian for a period of eight (g) days., at a salary of 870.00 per month, to act as Police Surgeon during the absenoe of Dr. R. A. Schnacke, for the remainder of his annual' vacation. The above to'be oharged to the Salary.Item of the Bureau of PaBioe. 1'�ouC F No 18673—g— y1eC011— Rl of ed, That the Commleeloner of tb(8t)od.-,-,'i-- Pub11c Satety la hereby nuthorizd-ophyslclaa fora period of nt a salary of$70.00 per es Police Surgeon durPer the atiaener [ Dr. R.. A. Schnacke for the r malodor of his annual x atlon.. The above to . chargetl to the Salary.. I I[ Adopted hby C'!u of 18, 1817. 011e Approved Sept 18, unci1817. (Sept. 32-1917) Yeas (✓)CC nciltnen (.F) Nays VFarnsworthh �� t Adopted by the Council 191 In'favor Keller U Approved. F I y 4&GO11191 . Against � 'Wunderlich Mr,-Rmsidrtrdrvin YY"I: '/ I Cf 1 L�YY�C C�..L .. ... MAYOR . FORM C. 8.2 I. CITY OF ST..>t' COUNCIL RESOLUTI ON �IERAL 'FORM Subject:... 185 74 C CIL FILE... No. Date Presented. 6FP 191 Resolved, that z-. Y-ater rn�,,in be Inid on 7orton 2treet Orcri.L.mE,,on Street to the north line of Lot 1, clock 2-1 Alahai-- 11o. 1. GF,. iW vg;�;n, o ro. iz ton mnln be 1.14 -nnorddIt. th I- AA"I'dop.. ,e.b, the ma App,.v." cu (Sept. 123817. Yeas (V) Councilmen 1) Nays arnsworth G039 L/ In favor L— Keller P Against Wtinderlich M, SEC, 1F. 'L-17 Adopted by the Council 191 Appro .191'..'' —0. TAY' Q<F S S3dIpNFT I'�R�U'L;, Ell peparhrrzeRh'vf �Jvblic�f'hiliFies .� L • BOAR OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Qureaw v f \R/ahe.r . OSCAR E. RELLER.�e P �. 5 FARNSWORTN OSS •l GARRETT O. HOUSE. Gen,. -P, - To a.e TTonorz ;, Ti? C J' CII., CITY OF L�AI_;T !'AUL, St. r '.ul., '.: inn.• - centic-cn,,- Tr,_, Eo meeting held i,i'. i3 dzI.11, , ni:".C'.1 i:� L'r...i t' . tln "r.] icw- F ia,; - cclutior:: 1 i 2-4 , i I 1 ion Council File -No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the.making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Q. 1 77 . . ............. ........... .. _: ..... ...... . ........ .. . ............ . . .............. . ...................... . ................. . . . ... ..... . ..... ....... ....... ......... .................. .... ....... ...... ........ . .. .... . ....................... .. ............... ..... Dated this 17,....., 3 .. .., ....... day:of .............. JSjg_ —juQ ........................ ... ............... ....... 191 ...... ... . . .... ......... .... ...... =z::= ----z-...........--4- C_ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz I j . . . . ............ . ............ ...... ... ......... .......... .... I .......... -1 . ...... . . ....... ............................... . . .. I ............ ............. ............. A ............................................. a .......... .... .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of.St. im, th, C�;Jman ............... ....................... .. W ........ .............. ...... It therefore, be it '.d.frn ;t'the Co' .. -J b� and h. I RESOLVED, That the. Commissioner of Publi, ' the 'ahereby ordered and directed - 1—del,111,111tY of,tin, rnad" 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiral,pro—mont, j,j,.tjg.r,th f ra s .•said improvement. 24 To investigate the nature, extent and ej I 's t.rn"'d the Wtal' -0,pro,ement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish - 3. To furnish a plan, profile Or sketch Of salij.eCh of said improv, ero -furnish th- .rl,,,d 4. To furnish the following other data and infsrasInt.— ,ative to said improvement ; ............ ................... ... .......... ..................... ........................ .......................... ........... ................ _ ........................... ...... ............................ .......... . . .... . .. ........................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Is Adopted by the council .......... S... -....P lul ........................ ................... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanParnsworth -GO57- Approved....... . .. . ................ ....... .......... 191 .......... _4+yfi* --Keller 0 f --Wunderlich 1, 1 ................. ........ ... ........ PORM C E. G. Bri;-a Council File No .............. s.r.76 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul,........ . . ii_,.._� n....�c t...1 1 n... iu.e �::_.1:.a..:sn; ------ ---.. L..... ............. --......_...........__....._......-...__.-.....----- ............ �- --•-- Dated this ........... 1.7.v.11.....day of.............S.C.:d&s : I�.CT..................... :....... ... ....................... ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .6 ..._I .ua....:L_. a.:..C..:_..i'�:...:......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. nthe f.u1 mR imp, 'relay andira ............... ................................ nt the to a width o� therefore, be it ofa tofBeaumontsbeg., 14 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public "Iie n ore ented Loathe C(by ordered and directed - Clty o[6t. Paul therefore. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabil'olved: That the commission: mprovement. c works be and he Is hereby 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esticlTo i vesiigqdie the necessttynent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said .1 -bit oN the making or "o. investigate the nature 4. To furnish the following other data and inio- 'Imated coat ld n , the total coofst oat,, -_ad improvement;_ .......... ................... ... ._........ ..................... ............ ........................................ ................................................ ........... ................................... .... ................................. _............................... ......... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council, ............:.J.:..~...j� ly ............. _.191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilmad4'unsworth j Boss A................ P 1 y 1 -pproved...._..........._............................................191.......... . _H3•� . f -Keller -311cC6th V Wunderlich Maye�r"-I�Ty��}it"n eoaw a a.e i ,•.•' vftF /%(-r,t l '-`�_ .+,e \layor.l .. Council File No s ✓✓.ir.r; , *OPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. V...:..:. I I ....Dull .. .. 4a, tl li.�CL .Z� ,tC` -Gil 1'.Z..� L-7...._1 s-. _�_:_ l .:.......1.. +5.....:....a Q....,...1...rt�:.v ......................._—..._.__._ ., ...._......................... ....LL................. _... _................... __......... ...... _„_..... ............. ........................... .... ........... _............... ... _..................... ................................ Dated this ........ lx�i 11....day of.................... .................... ......... :.......... . 191...1.... I - ........... ........... '.. .r..... ............ f-- t--•—...._ ._........_'... _.... � Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -- ..4:.' of s u ! • ,_.i1 1 e......? u...... ve........ ___ ..... ........ ................ .... .... ................... ................................................. ............... ............................................. ......................... .......... .....,............... _.. ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul,': 4, n't ieilfaan.................................................. ............ ata feel' on bo... therefore, be it between ] ng landre:. :n, Sear Ave., havibeen pre, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public VFt(orcouncil u It er the city of slordered and directed- ed. That the Commlaeloner /; 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilih,vorxB be and he le hereby o g Y provement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim a deed ea: Inveetl0 t the king of f, lrabflfcy of tae mak/na' of Bcmt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish u lan, profile or sketch of sailair ement. p p To Inveattgate the nature, ezt _ eeilmatea cost of Bald Im, -- - - 4. To furnish the following other data an d;;ne ata the to al ea at %'chid improvement;_.............:................ a. To furntah a ............... ................... ......................................................... ............................................ .................................... ......... ................................ ............ .............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 61-J, is N/ Adopted by the council...............................................................191.......... Yens: Nays: (+ Councilma6-Farnsworth Goes- Approved, .............. ............... 191 ✓Ke1I471af + r ler L-'Wunderlich Mwr-4rvm, _ _ _ _....._...._.........:... } j ,, •. �� � !.t i%,rn T)i e ru L _. ;�y�''•�-�r��'�..�,lf}ney�or. Po cit.ion . Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. .The undersignedhereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,:ori..a' µwi :...5:... L.O:._... .ao1e....3::.:...aa........PCir:t. l00 Beet Dior h- o._ :;iY...:i�R :.N.li..].i:�e..._o�3 , _.Ll�az. �., ..,_�ec.�s _:ia'r_ ................_ eticso.. 1.......................................................---_. ......._.........._----_.._.._ __...._— Dated this........1.?.:wl.:......day'ol:...................59.:..................................... ... ..... :............... . 191._4..... i -Counmlma PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:" r Q y,�, n :o.i� . 1E... _......__............_.... __ >... �.........kQ.. ` ... _ n ........ ....__........._...-...._........._,...-_ •.-..............._...-------....._._: -..._..:......_------.................. ):.....:................. ......_............ .......... ........_............_..........._ ...................._......... having been presented to the Council ofthe City of s'" . ` f ie5Councilman_................................................ ...................... . r o[n .,- ed, Thatgtthaie Cot.. therefore, be it Work. be ad he le h and directed:. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of r investlg w then ceeei ;by ordered and directed ,ilrabllity of the makin6 0. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi eo 1111- gate the naeureJ said improvement. estimated cost of - id t 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es,nd the total cost there,mprovement, and the total cost thereof. , furnish a Plan, r 3. To furnEsh a plan, profile or sketch of saV said - •orma 4. To furnish the following other data and inform , °� ie.nve to said improvement; ..... ........... ......................_...... ....... :..............................................................-_......................................-.................................................._....................__.................................... 5. To state wether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. X. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...............1.x................191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilniari-Farnsworth fivag- Approved ................. _`a........ ...... ............................. 191 .......... 444-d- -Keller '✓Kel -NVunderlich _ ._ ___..........:._............:•...................-..........__.. ........ ijzor eoew c oe V1't't v t C( 75— a 1)1 A N L L SMD _ % / •J f . i CITY OF ST. PAJL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented September 10tb,1o17 t In•the natter of - ourbing_both sides of_Marylana Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street under Preliminary Order 16777- _ -, Final Order - -1Z Z - _ - - , Approved - _ _ August -18th,- - _ 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vlorhs for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Re1§'ve' all paper® 'tt U. F. a tt- .. Connection �I In the alter- [�c Pay both .Iden of , wit Maryland 9t from Payne Ave. to,Ed- Re olut abon-6 i Erten S�, under Preliminary Order ion I f7 7 F 1 Order 11101 epprov ed �I August" g t 18th, 1117. �\ Re oiv d That the plane, aDaciflca- { V Ilona and a timate. ubmltted by the - Comml i ner of P. 11c Work. for the above d improvement be and the, 88 0 hereby approved. Ad pt d by theCo ncil Sept. 18, 1917 Adopted by the Council - - - -� tpp al Sent.tSepI aisii7 Yeas; ( ) ( ) Nays .1 CouncilmanWji"xnsworth if Y t 11 L� v3.'-eller Q -F Lyle Approved �Jundcrlich . _f t� O.Yl, !'r L - COUNCIL FILE No ..........:...........-"- By .........................By ............................ ............................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of qamt .... af Eazi St.....to Frank st . . . . ......................................... ....................... ................................................. ................................................ ........ ........................................................................................... ............ ............................ .............................................. . ................... ................................................................................ ..................................................... .............. ..................... ...... . ...... .... .. .. .. . . .. ....... ................ ....... ........... ... .............. under Preliminary Order .;-7.5-8.4 .......... .............. approved TUIY. -1.7,_7 91� 7 . .......... . Intermediary Order .. . .......... approved .... .. . .... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- tuent to be made by the said City is Coni3tr.u6t...&..a.e.wer. on-La.wean 8-t f.rom..a__._p0.Jnt fAAt ftPt 9-f FAKI fit ........................................... ...................................................•----......---................................_........ .......................................... ..... .. ,I.g having he.., ill ve Improvement upon dii, th c7l"1.111 h1vi"ll heard oblt,..and 'ecommen . ...... ---------- . ..... ....... drelative thereto,. I.& .6 .dh. dered the a; therefore ................................................ ................................... ............... ...... ...... ..... .. . ..... ....... �,,ed,,By he Council of the City he, the "rechi. nature. P'"I to so. and kind of Improvement to b! .. ........................... I ................................. ............ .......................',de-.by the said City 1. construct' ,7sr..n 1,a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to b tat ion St. from a point . of Earl st. to Frank Council hereby orders, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner �vermt 1r0.rbt1h.-.T.t ., a 1d,is hereby instructed and directed volvedd to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, wi�'7s.me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of.'said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ........... ..... ............. . . .... .... Cit Clerk. Approved .............. . ................ ................ ............. Councilmanw-rils%vorth kJouncliman11 an I. Councilm, j�iz 0 Councilman �uiiderlieli -itsir4t-* L L. Form B. S. A. 8-7. AV "A .. ..CITY OP 4:1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE£ ON PRE41MINARY 3U ORDER I i In the Matter of .Cohetructitig__a .e war.._cn__La peon.. etre ._t ;from a___po.int ,135 .. ...._ . --- .. feet,, aaet,..of Fa.rl Stree_t'..to .............. ........... _...._ ............---• ......... _......... ,......... ......._........ .................. ..................... ......... - . ,..._............. ...._._ I1 ... .......................... _ under Preliminary Order approved . .__July, 17_th.+ 1917 ................. .._....................... ........ ..... ..... _._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner -of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $...._...9.7-8.00 ............... The estimated cost per foot for. the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported,by the Assessor, are as follows: • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19•;2 Governor Johnson Addition 125 20 2 125 21 i 2 125 22 .2 125 23;2 3125 24 2 125 25 2 325 26 2 1075 27'2 75 - ',. FormnH. 8 30 '. ...TOTAL. X121. CITY OR UL - - - 'DEPARTMENT O, FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ". (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '. K- - DESCRIPTION j LOT BLOCK! ADDITION' ASSESSEDVALUATION 29 2 Governor Johnsen Addition 75 11 3 200 10,3 200 9 . 3 1700 8 3 200 7 3' 1400 6 3 ) 1500 Pleat z of 5 3 ]) East 2 of 5 '3 1200 1 3 3 3 1725 2 3 75 1 3 75 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ _...._GC ... 1/rs'....... 191.J.._. l�L %-�� Commissioner of Finance. .Form B, y i Office of 'the Commissioner of Public Works (% L Report to Commissioner of Finance July.. 28th......, :.......191.:2 . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Public `Yorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- cil, known as Couucit rile No— ._17584.. approved,:... , Ju11_; 17th .........._1917..:, relative to. .............. ....... .... ._.......... . . 'Rf...._a.....9_@w.e.;a;' Qz1.._ .&F.+.6oSt... 8. ....:_fxo.G.._?.3.5.. ;f.egt....zast....:. of Earl St, to Frank St. .................................................................._.._._........................................._..............._...._........_.................. ............................. ...................... .........._..._........... ............... _........... ........ ............ :................................ ..:................... ................. .................. ... .... .......... ................. .....:.._......................... ...... .................... ........_._............................... ..:._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ necessary and (or) desirable. $1.20 per front foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total cost thereof is ............ and Assessable frontage 820 feet Excess inspection 040.00 the mature and extent of said limprovement is as follows: ...................................... .................... ............................... :.............................. _._ .......................... _........................................................................... _.................... ..................... ............. ........._.._:..._.......__........................_................ _............... ................ ......._._ :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnelted and made at part hereof. 4 ............. .._..._....._....................................................................... .............. _..................... ............. ,........ .............. ..... ............... ......... ---- ........... ....:.._............................... _ 5. Said improvement is... ................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. // .. ..... .. .. ....... .......... -... (,omuhissiom t of Public Works..' St. Paul, Minn4." To the Honorable, The Council, �LJ t_ City of St. Paul, Minn. UUL 13 1917 Gentlemen,- G9e. the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to oa the following_' provement to be made: . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • t . . • • • . • • . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Ave. from �: . . . .. . . St. Ave. to•_, . . . St. Ave. . N A X E _ _ _ - - LOT ( BLOCK ( _ADDITION _ - - _ • . ................ d ,�`�fi?��?�n,-l:�-4, . . ' • 1 �� . �� p ��UU�% ! .Go-; .,Z t-s:i :i ... . cQ A4Q i- j.str,}e� r U Jul-.. ` r � e. .w ..vuj ✓`4� e�� . �4 . '-.cLC -At+fit .. .Aek , i�ji �4, .1 Oat . h:ti+44t-to „e. �.�,.. �o-��: . � . raj! 0 �!•��R-. y�u�f-- . �yc.�i. �. i Ll J E� 6{. _ice► ! 1' "+ �t .f - 'J. ro 1 .�/a 1 /� . r lM. is :.-•_ �s' LGA Av( r + ( ff l:</� Rtt i y i 1 i 1 0 ' (llitg oft.ttul ,1Pepartmeut 13ublic Works OSCAN N. C.1.1 [rveirvi en M. N. GO$$. COMMISSIONER - - o EErvcrv[[n[. ` R T. GOURLEY. D[ Tv vtii ALFRED JACKSON. SUnn • SAMITAt1Ory - - - M N I"IA' St. Paul, iiinn. July 27, 1917. NND. 011,11 E.1-1- yr- .1-1nyr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Yorks I . Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estirlate of cost for the construction of a� sewer on Lawson St. from 135 feet east of Earl at., to Frank St., in accordunce with Council Pile X17584, approved July 17, 1917 Approximate estimates. 4x978.00 Total frontage' 9.00 ft. Mccmptions 80 ft. Assessable frontage 820 ft. Cost per front foot 01.20 Excess inspection necessary $40.00 I. Yours very truly, tc JyC11. Chief Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO ..:......:................... BY—. ............. ..... .............................. FINAL ORDER In the Mat -ter of....t;z'a.d.ing...a.1.1.ey...i1a.:.B1.G.cIt...l..I.ir..d.em0.nn..Pl(iia,...Sx.am................... SirnP.eon...St.,.-.to .........................................y..................................: — .. .................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order J7381..._• ..............•..., npproved.........Jul.y--.3,•-:1-917 _.................................... Intermediary Order......................................... ................................ _....... ......................... ................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St..Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve, ment to be made by the said City is....Grad.e..all.ey...in..Blnck..l...Lindemann . PlA ce,....f.rom...... Si9.Pe4n............_........... . ......................................................:............. ............... ............. ............. 7881 hvy It. hes lhg he s ...... .................................................................................... , Ups,,above improvement pq' notteo m. nd the Council having: -bei ail persona, oblectlone and rscommt. _ .... _... .. .. .. dations relative thereto, and h—ft. - "'." ""..... ifully considered- thesame; thereto re-•,•.-••••.• be It ; Resolved, By the Council of the Clty " --' ..... .......... .. .:. o[ at. Vaal that the Preclee nature, ez tent and kind.. o[ Improvement to-bs ""'"' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to ;made by the said City Is Trasa aver In Block 1: Lindemann Place. from - - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner 8ouneii h r'anr orders said Improve- I, mo ve° etructed and directed •,_,.vent tube made. to prepare plans and specifications for said improveffienc�lvea Farther, That the cota,iY.ncil for approval; that On said 8 public works be anN upon approval, the proper city officials are hereby authors. 2 r direct -dared to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1� lyl/ Adopted by the Council _...._. /�_ .. ....... .. .. ............ Clerk. Approved.......1:. �...a.� t 1 ....................... 191 ................. ................................ .....:........:: .-.............. � Couneilmansworth . Nlayor. (�llaai3msao--bees_ — . Coanci $eller Q l Si3SI�ED 7 B �.� Councilm>ly. Wunderlich Ma Al e /rt, i c Form B. S. A. 8.7. _....._... ... .............._.- / 7_ under Preliminary Order approved ..... .................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $. 244.02.._..._.. ...... .... I The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $_.____ __ 031 .............__.._..,,_, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2700. 0' 0 0 0' G: / do z97.3 00_ I TOTAL, Form B. H, 10 z �,z _ CITY Or ST. PAUL - .. . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COIJ,"SSIONER OF"FINANCE a ' ON PgEbMINARY ORDER 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIAN ASSESS, ED yA UA 1 N Z 275 0. 95 O ZD l do 23 0 0 �3 3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his jeport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by.the Commissioner of Public Works. r DatedForrn Commissioner of Finance. 11. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ._August 6th,... 7 191....... To the Commissioner of, Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Covin. 17381 JLly 3rd, 7 eil, known is Council Fite No.............. .........approved ..._........ _........_ 797......., relative to __................ _..._ the..grading.._of... 11e.Y.:._in Plock..a,._LinAemann_!_s.�.. Pl�...........:..:. ........._- .................... ..... ............... ................ -............... ............... ............. .................................. .......... ............. ............ .:.......................................... ..................................................... ......... ..... .._.................. ....................:.................................._......................_............_....:....................................:......_...............__....._....................._........._............................_..........._.:.._........ I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: i 1. Said improvemeut is.. .310 pe essary t fo0desirable. 244.02 i- 2. The, estimated cost thereof is $..................................... and the total cost thereof is$....................................,......... and , Assessable frontage 797.3 ft. Excess inspection X10.22- the nature and extent of saidimprovemmnt is as follows:._...__....... ............................................................_...._.............................._........ ...................... ...:............... .............................. .._.......... .._............. _............................... ..................... ....._............... ......... ................._.........._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa'•t hereof. 4........... ...:............................ ...... ........................ -............................ -..... ...... .._... ..-........ ........... ............. ................... .... ........ ............. _........... ..................... ............. .......... o. Said improvement is ........:......................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. d. Couuuissioner of Yubls. J i — elf jk. Paul Department of Public Tturks OSCAR CLAUSE—C.", . in[ M. N. GOSS• COMMISSIONER - - [[ R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON. N. W.00ETZINOFR. Suvilory ` of Coav[criona . St. Paul, Minn.. July 26, 1917. RROLOr O[rvc[Encn[[n Mr. HE N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir,- 2.transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for gradinG alley in Block 1 lindemanntz Place in accordance with Council File J17381, approved July 3, 1917. I Approximate estimate 0244.02 As_ossable frontage i 797.3 ft. C&et per front Foot $1¢ Excess inspection necessary Y10.22- Yours ve: y truly, JEC Al. Chief Engineer I � I i i i Alfit. I Paul., Minn..:... i i ...191.. OidE�f Uhth GO To the Honorable, The council, wu k - City of St. Pauli Minn. Gentlemen, 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Hon pbl! Body cause th following impro�hement to be made .t, . ., • . ' St.' Ave from - - St. Ave.. to ' . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. N _A B d LOT I BLOCK a / ADDITION _ —�Q C�// `• d /� 1 �. s� 4 ` 1......... . ... ............ f � ........ . ......... ..idl ' ............. .............i..i.. ............. ....... .. . . i f Jut 6 —•1417. . .....� BURW� Or . _...... �__, RESOLUTION FIRING THE`AM9UNT,`OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Alley in Block 1, Lindemann Place, from Simpson Street to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order'#17383, approved July 3rd, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18150, approved August 30th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in th'e above' matter, be it RESOLVEDZ That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken -for the above named improvezient as an easement for slopes, f oz outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 1, Lindemann Place, between - the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of.Publio Works in'the matter, dated September 18th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. 1868zo By 5t N. Go In the matte f and tuning and tak- a - Ing' an easement t the land nccea- ary [or Iap.a f to d, fill, In grading Alley In Block 1, Lindemann r Place, from Simpson St. to Pascal Av under Preliminary Or<ler No. 1732; aDDrovad July 3rd. 1817, and lntsrmedlary Order No. 18160, Prove rt'1 np- e COmmisloneofPu61Ic works In. the ah l velmatter, beed his Itand sketch - 11110111,3,. That the City of St. Paul ' j rases an't deterimnes the amount of 'and tO be taken for the aboven¢med 1 provement ¢n easement for slopes• Imp - I, cola rand Ulla In and -Pun the Isnd tttina -Pon the alley In Block 1, iLl demnnn Place ,between the point; y r / f re,aid, to the extent she •n upop ' Yeas (v) ounalmen (t Nays the sketch attached to the r port oC tk COmmlaeloner of Public Works ]n , b the County ..J.� }x......191. -. i• the matter, dated Sentemae'er hethb 1817. I F rnsworth hlrnsketchand y re- i In fal teAOopo as s the is° i°� z s vi is 1x17. APP, a 1_4.1 �...... Keller , 7 191........ if �A9e6e1� (� v...Against UPI. 22-19171 t .,.Alae{►. _ ✓�oeFH't%w+^ etc • 1 Mr -President, -Powers .MAYOR' FORM t:e•2�1.K�%J.`l ill (t ri'i. t,.. 01ty of .0 haul . U. , • _ ���:,8�, Department of Ilublic Morku .— .1 `Q,[N. CNN. e Com `3817R M. N.'GOSS. MISSION[R AU e.wlNccra N I.[. CwenOLL.. a R. T. GOURLEY, D[ru" OF CON[TRUCTION wNp n[rwlq[ - ALRR— JACKSON. a r S.NIT.TIOM H. W.eOo—INo[R, SurT.. au ... u or coRR[<TION[ M. 1. annsAn, e epncwu pr elNi�mnR . N. M[RROLD, Orris[ [ -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- e�ry for alopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Hlock 1, Lindemann Place, from Simpson avenue to Pascal avenue, under Preliminary Order X17382, approved July 3rd 1917, and Intermediary Order -J18150, approved August 20th 1917, To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this. i.is report, a plan of the above improvement, sowin& by the e::aded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the natcred" i portion, the cuts to be made :n private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the fi.�uree opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. - Commibeioner of Sib orks . Lateli C1 lel _ i :hereby submits the foregoing a, his,nport thereon to :the Council, loge er wi b report ma a to hintin reference to said matter. by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ _191 Cgttim'Wonar•of Financ'" —E i _u}idergrottnd du or equipment Por co, ourrent :thereto, on..Neet Saventh..St ... between Sa� :Ao a x. .......... :....._......................... ...... ...:......... ....... and the Council hereby_ orders said improvement to be made. $ESOLVED FURTHER That the Commissioner of Public Works be to prepare plane, and speeifleations for said improvemknt, and submit amnpoa,esid approval, the; proper city officials are hereby authorized and di of said improvement in accordance therewith _ Corners and cit k ---.LY':'GV LOG.4' 1 _ .":1V X70•'. TOTAL. I H. H. 10 �sos`t�a,�tnrly_�� 52 _-We et`erly"46�.feetgf, 1 �-1-= 8S( 1 52 i 154( T,x;anp�._All_jya yr i 05( 115( _26_ � _ 54 0( Taet4r�y 35 feet. of_. .__,--.26 -.6 j5�! Westerly25 feet of _ 6 36 r� _ 73 Eaet'15 .Peet of T: 26 �e.atexlyC 45 f -"-t. Of._� 7 4,6 _ -�-•. 15th 1341 -- - - _ _2 �»;�303 �- 10 26 .� ._ _("Tsx: Weflter1yJ40 ft N 100 ft Z '.11 26v i N W 80 feat 11, 26 '+ ?7 & W .20 ft of `N W `100 ft >of 11 26 ' ;•9a is '27 N W�'1X f igLe-tL of 1 27 _ ! .s 81 627 `I ;69 row �a f • ". ( 1 . TOTAL. _ .. .�n..{.�c.�.C.`'��a�ao.�. i Addition to 8t -Paul _::� refuence to ibid `matter by thm Comluissionez, of Public Works Dated 2eL:T191_ Commissioner of Financd ;,_l+ornt B. 13. 22 :. ,. ^, ' •i:" ' -' ,. : -' . -:... . ' ::. _. ... -; L U.Lull :4V Y11G 41 4Y/ 4 U u Y -i. 4 Dated...._.�.:c 191 C�1Ylt''� Comm�uioner of Finance. •f fir' 'Df tl Dl$ o•cA.`euuoex. a«.[s w......: M.N. GC88,'.COMMI8810N8R 'to[uu or tYe�Y[[.. , R. T. OOURLM D[.uvv. ,J. C. C.R.DLLitu". 1 tV•MV o1 C.-......... R ' � •LIt[D J1tCKbN, tYrT. -' - , 'tY.GY OI MMRIITOY b �- 1 M. W.-DOtTLIN.tIt tYA -..' Pu .Y11(IY. mSt a1 , 153inn.. May 23 1917. ' i Y. t,.tY1tAN t .,... to u moot O. X XdtOLD Orrlc[ [ � �� g N. Gosso Commissioner of Publio.Works Dear Sir,- t: I transmit herewith. preliminary estimate,of cost for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of 5 light lamp Posts and lamps, wires 'and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary applian6ee and equipment -for said system on Wabasha St. 'f Tenth St. to Central Ave., in accordance with Council File #15037 approved February,28thi .1917.' Preliminary estimate 05,798.00, Yours very truly, i OCT. Chief Engineer i r i i _....♦ r`;: ................................... ........................ ....... .....::...:. under, Preliminary Order .. _........ . _.....approved: k Wtaor the above improvement i. - S K�„'. ADL)fT1oN 77 terence;to tald matter DY me wmmtapOAu-'or;r-ttonQ wor=st.' Dated -Commisi r �+v:aa .,""' a ,=ir+4�+b'�a.i*'i 5taa+, .-- � �xr. tiif-x .� +. :, .,c. ✓,yw,.rnw 'c �.a..�. terence;to tald matter DY me wmmtapOAu-'or;r-ttonQ wor=st.' Dated -Commisi r �+v:aa .,""' a ,=ir+4�+b'�a.i*'i 5taa+, .-- � �xr. tiif-x .� +. :, .,c. ✓,yw,.rnw 'c �.a..�. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner ,of Finance July 27th, 7 .......... ........................................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The'Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliiuinary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No172Q7 June 22nd, 191. ..., .relative to ...................._ ....._approved ................ i curbing Dayton Ave. from Cretin . ..........................................................._............................_ ......................... _......................................................... ............... ........... :.............. ................ .................... ............................. .................................... ..................... ................................... _.... .......... _........... ................ ................._..................................._..._............:_..............................._...._...._................_........._.................._...:............._..........._............_...... _................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 48¢ per Itnnt foot . 2. The estimated cost thereof is$.__.................. ....... ....., and the total cost thereof is ............... 573.._03_._-:. and Assessable frontage 973 feet. Excess inspection $9.28 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................. .... .:...................:................................................................... _.... ............ ....._...._................................................... ...................................... :............. ..... _.... _.............._....._....... ........ ........_....................... :........._............................. ...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof- . 4............... ............... ................................................ ................. _.................... _....... _........ ....._......_..................................... .......................................... .............. ..................... .....:... 5.. Said improvement is. ........... ....................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject - to assessment for said improvement. Count iissioner of Public Works: Paul 39epzcrtaient, of Pn61ir .30t arks s � tin M. N. GOSS• COMMISSIONER or Enc ne.•�R. T GOURLEY. DEPUTY - . ..RROLL, eu vi Lf Vc T 1-110" 1111 an1-110Notu1T f.R h.GOET2INGER. RR [GTO n, a 1 • M R �ERROLo e"""`n nLT. 3t. Faul, Minn. July 26, 1917. BIr. Li. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir.- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of curbing Dayton Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Marlborough Ave., in accordance w:Lth Council File #17207, approved June 223 1917. Approximate estimate Y473.03 Assessable frontage 973 ft. Cost per front foot.48¢ Excess inspection necessary r�'9.28 Yours very truly, JEC/L:. Chief Engineer v June 14, 1917. To the Hon. Mayor & Council. AIV Gentlemen:- NJ 317 C04411i, tv Ga We the abutting property owners on Dayton Avenue0N&?cS� between Cretin and Marlborough hereby petition your.Honorable C�c�nR�3. Body to have the curbing put in in the above mentioned block. �';, �:%'; 1 �' , .� �• �r �� -s•�. fir✓ ���-y �• Po�,r IS �cLar. `vl • /� o-7- � z.- /dry � 6 �`O°"�`'r /d� . J'7 q JUN231917- BUREAU 6 �„uiiiEERS, :1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT t ' 8586 COUNCIL '3 ^ AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. aF = AVOITEIS t PER X7-6 un 674 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified, funds and is favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as' specified in the following detailed Yeas ( V.) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Cooncil ��� 19 1917 181 klarn orth i/ Gose In favor Approv ✓`Kell 1 /M —D— Against ' MAYOR Wunderl is h Mvtresid t, as Irvin. ai�lrocn — e t No loose-tied.,o $evolved ,that w - upon the Clty„Tre ea` b - tWlieisinafter, s a favor of thamo L \o Clone for theat amo t°g a to t reepeative names a tAtea. ott following detalied t\ tbere 1r 0 96 Farnaw ' at ..wo bt 20070 S. A. Farnsworth, L'onsr. Finance 'OChreii & Preaion�: 0 beo6' 2.90:95 School-Sal. - ,>BLxPau1 rTlle ypork °t g1 { - _ - A4 P eQ by�the Coun App roved Sept. 19 'i \o° to\e. 71 Christ Johnson, teepe.ae-> aot� a 570.80 Grading Brown,Paage to Gate r , a ° 12 O'Neil & Preston, 51100.00, Sewer Bramhall. 'h St.Paul Tile Works, 743.75 Curb. Arkwright, and Lookout Place0 Curb. *rgaret Hope to Seventh 3.7 74..�tandard Stone Company, 11905.00 Curbing Lincoln Ave. Prior to .Cretin. to.l a_sie_An Form A;5-11 CITY OF 8T. PAUL • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL No. AUDITED5FG%y 1 LI _ .,/i � �••e PER 673 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the pe ns, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified, in the following detailed. statement: Yeas ( V) Coon en ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council ` 191! ✓Fara orth 1/Goss - In favor APprod / 19 t ►/fCell t� II �Aaainst MAYOR. +( -- Wunderlich Mr. Presi t, P ars- Irvin. 20048 ,Board of Water Commissioners, 402.77 St. Exp. �L . _ S . & � S. . C ln§ -hxR . // 3 0 49 02 Boeringer & Son; 1.75 P.Schools-Exp. 50 Electric B1uePrint Company, 26.24 I C.P.W.-Exp. 0 .P.Schools-C&B. 64 51 4 Elk Laundry Company, - 20.27' Police -Exp. 52 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 6.97.• , P.Schools-C&B. 8p P.Parks-Exp. / 5 .9 53 rChas. Hvass & Company, Inc., 81.00 S. & S. Cing-Exp. 54 Walter T. Lemon Company, 5.00 P.Schools--Exp. 55 Leslie•Donahower Company, 12.69 Pay. E. Seventh St. Crossing N.P..& I.N.Tracks. 56 McClain & Hedman, 4.35 P.Schools-Exp. lerk-Exp. City Clerk-Exp.- 57' 57, Manhattan Oil Company, 53.71 P.Schools-Exp. 58 Northern.Pacific Railway Company, 20.00 Sprinkling. 59 Northwestern Fuel Company, 39.70 Paving Minnesota Street.Eighth to Third. Form d.&I1 �J. - 1855$'% ' Res. 673 Page #2, 20060 Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company, 47.86 ' C.P:W.-Exp. 8.53 • St. C&R -Exp . I _-: P.Schools-Exp. / ' 4 5 ter. 61 Perkins, Tracy Printing Company, I 3.85 P.Schools-sxp4nse. - 62 Raymer Hardware Company, - 7,80 Police-Exp./ Health-P.Comf.Sta.-Exp. A.-O „ Sprinkling 63 St.Paul Blueprint Company, 6.66 P .Schools -C .&B . 64 St.Paul Book & Stationery, 9.95 P.Schools-Exp. 7� - 65 _St.Paul Electric Company, 18.12 ?.Schools—Exp. 66 St.Paul Whitelead & Oil Company, 42.34 Bridge Bldg. & Repair -Exp. ti 67 Je Le Shiely Company, 20 00 Pav $1 Miss, River Bode' vard, ; H 10�to Nil Ca S e & S clq.Exp � C. N' po.1Q6lq Ree0lved bat warralite be 44' upon the �Ct TrOaeurY,`payable oaf oC the herelna ep" apeClfled fund andao. tIDhe for;he amou APfavorW (hb peraohe Hrma or`�orpora• to ee respective names ae epe�lpfled fn the tolfopinBB detailed btatement � ' d VCahr "Ctlmmb.lopon,' —_ i1o�4 ,°t EleOKteM10605 eayuBnoilso 0 c" iiEtk 881 ` n t7 llQCh m Klrk Co 887 " 'coin 1Valt r•T�e 4 1.emop Co., 86 00 ,I.ealle•Do �hhower Co $11888 MCCiain � acQman, $11.86 teianhattaaiQil Co i6i.T1 — Northern-l'eclflc Rahway Northweeterp Fuel Co::128Co. Co $180.00. stern TeNCh:6De C,o 187 86 Exchange Perking Tracy,Printing _ ii 86 Company, Raymer Hardware"CoPau., f780 "Bookp�"Ueng Ctloge�k 8t Paul e Bt; Paul'Electric Co„ $118,18. Bt: Paul White Lead'! J of . L Bhlely Co, $18000.' Weitern'Un10n lelg Co„ ` ✓)1808 W. J. Westphal, $1014 80, Adopted by the CounCll Sept 18 1811, ` PProvedsept,18:1817' , ,I , CITY OF ST. PAUL ar, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT w.. fr, fXRRR AUDITED \CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No.T AUDITED SEP' 19 1917 - qtr COYttROLLtR _ l PER �r 675 TIM, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds add x in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Cou' 'men ( V) Nays - Adopted by the Council J— 191_ Fa orth �i VG In favor Approved 191 v'K er 11._Against MAYOR' Mr, Presi{�at: raw 1 — c t - _ C. F. No. iiie8 - ' Reaolved that warrant. be dr..n upon the City eas.ry,- payable out of, - " -. — the tiereinarter specified funds. and In favor'of the persons.firms or,corpora- tion.'ror_the amounts set oppoalte. - 'hair respective names ae specified !n tha roilowlog detailed statement:`., 20075 Badger Meter Company, IHaageCr la1prCi8794,8 reCis9 315.96Wat@r-lxq. . t Construcilo'n Company. 'ndeora Northern states Powir Co 81,880.38. 76 D. L. Clark Co. Albert Reihbeln, 83+.88 St.,, Paul Builders Material = 'Co„ +} a7a4o. 267.94 - Park-Zxp. ,'Sohioe:der creamery Co {14880. s 7amso Shiely, }838.97: 77 Geo. J. Grant Construction Co., Wootern,Zlectrle Co::. 830980 Adopted by the Concil Sept 18, 1917. Approved Sept, 19 .1917 . — 21,650.89 Water -Exp. 'sept, as,lellf_ . 78 Northern States Power Co., 1,280.12 Water -Exp. - 79 Albert Reihbein 34.66 Water-Ezp. 80 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 11373.40 T Water -Exp, 81 80hroeder Creamery Co., - 143.50 Health -P. Bathe -Exp 82 James Shiely 232.97 Water-XVs - 83 Western Electric Co., 309.80 Water -Exp, T Form A. 5.11 C ITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL F.OFJm Subject:.. -.............. ......... -....... COUNCIL ! ,y FILE. No......: .. .................... ................. ............ Date Presented_._Sept 19th...... .191.7. Resol That the name of Summit Avenue South, from St. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue, now Eageoumbe ` Road, be and the same is hereby -changed to Evergreen Place. I C.. RF ivO d. That Bthe nameOf Summit Avenue South, - A fferso South, from St.. E street to , Jefferson Avenue, 'maty Is hereby Road( be and the same la hereby 'changed toEvergreen Place. Adopted by the CauncI Sept. 19. 1917. Approved Sett 12813817) Yeas (✓) uncilmen (d) Nays " Zq 191/ Adopted by the Council. ___. _:._ 191........ rnsworth ss t �......In favor - ler Approved. .. ..._. ... ..'_. . 1 ...........191.!... Coll s. -:.-....Against ' :( rgrk.A Al - Mr. Pre'sid , PORT75 MAYOR FORM C.a-2 - _ -- CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL. FORM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM _ - Sub;ect'.: .......... ...... 1�5y0 Of i uNca N ........... .................. G.. .. ......:::...... : ......... RDate Presented....... Sept. ........ 18.. ......... 191.4._.. Resolved, That the time,specified for the performence of a certain contract dated August 1, 1918 between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Scheffer St. from Canton St. to Stewart Ave. be and the same is hereby_ extended to -the 18th day of September, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and .effect unlese the sureties on j;he contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. i . C M. No. -I 8geolve4 That,the date srane0..tor . - the�verformancew a'Fer'taln, contract... dated._;AUQgt 1;_;1914,` betgeen ,Peter tDlekaoq ana+d the -City ou'Bt . Paul !or - tori 80 to 9legoir�Ave.-be andrthe carp. le hereby extended to the..lBth day,- a...a..:.w .____" _ Yeas ( ✓) unci6en (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ......... ......... .........191........ Idt worth :......In Favor u APP(OV t '...,.....19ll....Against Mr. PP.ow=–?n ,, MAYOR FORM C.9.2 18590 -� St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 18, 1917. o E Honorable City Council, 01 T3 Y. I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause -7t-- izae o�f completing the contract for the, grading of Scheffer St. zff's-c=w - CsL3at on St. to Stewart Ave. be extended t.o Sept. 18, 1917. {hying to labor conditions it was not possible for me to :.'rsie contract within the time specified, hence I desire to 8 zr the time for-co,.1pleting surae_ be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, ContractorN' Pherp is no objcczion to having zhe time extended as requested, as far as the requirer t of y office is concerned. _ 221:OV D Supt. of Construction c-- Repair i 7-7 Toner .of public 37or' Chief Engineer CITY. OF ST. PAUL t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO -RM - Subject: ..- .. eouNciL S �� . .. FILE NO......... u. k. Date Presented.......... .... _.- . 191 ..':..:.. 'i R v That ,the Cigarette Liaenes No. 31, now in the name of He G. Hensel, 596 we 7th 8trest, which expires April 6, -1919, be and the same hereby is tra 6ferred to Frank Fuehs, 596 we 7th Street. e5 -No. 19691—B :8etiry )goCon Re.olved; That the Cigarette Lleen"e No. 31r. now In the name oCB: 0.'Ren- $96 ;.W. en$96;.W. 7th St. Whlch e:plree Aprtl 6. 1919.L be and the Dame hereby to �anRpettt,ererd �to" Pranit P'ueha, 5" W S9Pt. .. [Adopted Dy the Council Sept.' 19. 1917; • ADProvad Sept. 18, 1817 -, _ - Yeas (✓) Cou(�ncilmen ( ✓) Nays L FarAsworth / Adopted by the Council J �L �9Iy I �_ _ _ _ . 191 . In favor 1 t/ Uer APprov11 011 _Against nderlich " Mr. F id t. Irvin ...._ _ .. YOR ro9M Cie -2" - - - CITY OF St. PAU L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ .... ...._... _ ..... _ -. ---.... . _-__.._. _. .. COUNCIL FILE Date Presented..:-_._.Sap.L.---19#14-__1917.— 177 Re olved� T2%a6t the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to trsarss�er the sum of 0500 from the Intaraeotion-item of the General Btar=d tQ - tis e• Printed Forms and Blanks item oS the same .fund, thereby re2.i4wrtiag Baez stnsvoid.eL'b 2.e di ficiency in the letter item. r Resolved.-ri'ltat >tl�a Co aD ecttedr-to hereby atu. ._Tic �d and transfer ih¢ oL $600 from the In- f tersectioa-Yterri tend ]33anl-a Fite-: of the f'rSntad.Forhaiier¢bY rellevtag un the the fund. in the Iattar_ _ unavotdabl¢ A;;ft eaoY 19, 1937• - - -- -- - I item. Ift AQODC¢d by t3 19 1917.s6Dt. -ADDrov'¢d � y_791T). (✓) N.Y. _ 6r'F' 19 W/ ortL - Adopted by the Council .: ........................ . 194....... 191 � Approve .....(}_. .. ./.'.�V ./-•I. .l .... L............... :._. a \/ T O.. Against � ' CITY OF -ST. PAL-1 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-41�-RAL FORM A. Subject:..�oil"CIL 1593 wo...... (. XDate Presented:..... 191 ..,...: Resolved, That the proper City Officials are hereby direoted to drag a warrant in favor of Mrs. Florence Holmquist for the suit-of Fifteen 315.00) dollars, same being a refundment of the amount of bail deolared forfeited in the Municipal Court on September lst, base having been reinstated ion September 18th and ordered strioken by the.Honorable John Q. rinehout, Judge of the Munloipal Court. No. SS693—ny Hanry McColl— Resolred.' That the proper City oe:l clalsare hereby directed. to draw* x•arrant In favor o[ Mr.. Florencer Holmuulet for the euro 'o[ Fifteen., ;(f16.00) dollar., .ame being ..refund menu of the nmount of ball . dedarefl forfeited In thg-Munlcl sl, Court 'ion! '.tated Dn SePt mber�l8thn and enrdere- trlcken-by -the 8onornble John. '�'• Flnehout._ Judge of the SfunldDal - Court ' ' AdoDted bythe Council Sept' 18. 1817. Approved, Sept. 19.1917- (Sept. 22L 1917) 9.1817.(Sept221917) Yeas (✓) o .cilmen ( ✓) Nays !worth Adopted by the Council/ LF ly 1y-1.% G In favor . v / (� er Approved ._ / ........ r .. ......191.. V 1� _.. ✓�1�1 0}}1 .Against W. nPerlich U R, Mr. President. Irvin M" n I FORM C.8.2 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM s ....... ........ ....:.. s COUNCIL ' NO. .�........_ ..:. �: - —----------------_--- FILL. __ ---- dl4 Date Presented- That " 11110, Appliostiou of E. A. Bohret,doing business sa *2zs St- Paull Sanitation Company with offices at 209 Court Block gar m 2 iosnae to oarry "on, the scavenger. business, be and the seine �eretsy is granted and the City Clerk'is instructed to issue such 234=ease$ xxpon the f iling Of the bond and the payment into the City Tr C= the fee, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)., - - - IC. bi`:i'NO 1@68@=By AenrY McColl= . � ABohred, That'Jf..he'epRllcitlbn o'[ 18 Bohfer,d0np''•bvaines.-u tba. Ht: Panl-Eaolt nYIl with o - t Block.car- ry.dn, Court Bloek for gllcenee to cat- do •tpe"hereby,I r bvAnee "be and - - th. the eam..,I*10y ,fa edkto:I fLutie such to:.laane such City .;Clerk b'lgptIto - - - o lloense Upon the ;Runt Of rite b4nd�agd the payment )quo the•Ctty Ttroaakry. of (:76.00). - Sstee ,TwaAqcy-Rue .Doltare Copn.11 Heyt. 18 1817. - _ `Apprnred' Rept. 1@ 1817. ` - . .. .. SHabL 78 1817). } - �'eas ✓J Co !. -Lm- �c vj Nays - - -Pvortia- r Adopted by the Council,,. 19 1 y 1 .... .. ............. ... ........ 19t ....... .5:�....In favor - - Approved :....:..... ....... `...y....,.............. ..19� y--Hrc I1 -. Against- - aaR=u t U_l r Ms--. iyyEsrd�-aL E,_. Ea _ ...:................. _................................................................ ....:.......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM" Subject:. �p��t t *1595 (� nu 1V o ........ . u6t:P 19 w/ Da Presented .. _... .. 191. esolvedd - That, with the approval of the,Mayor and the Comptrollers the.ettm of Eight Hundred Forty-three Dollars and Seventy-two Cents ($843.73) be, and the same hereby 3s, transferred from the Construction of phalen.Bathing. Beach Account to the Sal— aries Account of the public Parke Fund; and that the sum of i Five Thousand Five Hundred, Dollars ($5,500.00).be, and the same hereby is, transferred from the Expense Account of the Public Parks Fund to the Salaries Account of the Public Parke Fund, as by so doing, an unavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned accounts will be met without hampering the work provided for by the moneys in the fiiet.msntioned accounts, respectively. I,Q. P. No lsfie6-8YHyland— Re.nlVed That; •Ith the approval o[I the. Mgqyor'apd the comptroller the: Fum. of Eight -Hundred Forty-three Dottsra •and Seventy-two Cent- - (f64s.75/ 6n. and tl♦e: same: -hereby _Is.� trannferrnd from the Conetntetlon of -cnl'ariee Acrount$of the Publfe Park' o sr sand,�Flve. Hundred DollareF(tfi 00.001 be. and thus -me hereby is, t an-ferred from the EzpenseAccount u the Pub- 1I1c Parke Pund to'the nd,, n Account Iof the ubllc Parke Pdefi enc y In the Ing.:: an unavoidable deficiency In .the last: "mentioned acc0unt. will be met: i - without h-mpering'the work provlde}l' for by. the moneys 1n thedr-t man tloA d'accounth reepectively. �' Adopted by tho: Council Sept. 18, 1917. } kppro"d Sept ept Isf. s- 1817. ,(g1917) Yeas (✓) ncilmen (✓) Nays ^— worth ( Adopted by the Council. j 9 I� I /--191,.:_.. l.: In favor +`IG r Approved . / y .........191..... d .Against iWu Mich ..... .... ......V..... .. ..... OR....... Mr. President. rvin FORM C. a-2 - R U. IT. Gose. Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1, and PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by i. the City of St. Paul, viz.: 0.9.0 .-e e2 -Y ... tn:..at��Wt"' ...ta.. a...w�i�3Sh..:a€-...S�i.&hty.001) _.__. i se t f r om P e_.�t t . / -, _t a]cin� in�a .txi� ni ,.. ✓ .f ,�ti ar I_e s._ _.. ., �.; L.�., e."de of Al WHIG 1A V4++.-,, a Dated this1 1 2 . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: from__Pi�4.evet.>~.e.e�_ta..5rcadvtay..,.�X_.taYine.:.and_.can�P*�n�n¢ fourteen._ 11.41... iee.t---.ixl.._rti.tLth_..n.tf._af.._the.._salitheastexly--,aitie�f.: R1.1�, 14:, o.f....S.t..Eau1.................. _.......... .......... _ ...... ...--- .... .... _........ i...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wo_rl{.gtbe and he is hereby ordered and directed• ,e ■u*. -n of said improvement. L To investigate the necessity for or desirabilitn i14 ° feet in, g P 2. To idvestigate the nature, extent and estini Aeaiiion°io°ti% c, improvement, and the total cost thereof. . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said.:, b ,,?Bt pimsent.d t' sn the cad 4. To furnish the followingother data and inf:te,work. be and ne' t and airectea. -to said improvement ....... ............... Inveetiaste t- - .. (.To. Mit "I of L -it ...._...............................---..... „.....-_...-..........._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the; petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .._........�.�� 1J . ........1. Yeas: Nays: Councilman aworth /� Approved......... .......:. ...............191 . C4- Ke r r� - V 7 -Mc 11 �-'Wu erlich _......__........... � _......... Mayor Irvin Mayor. uJ .� �9n.0150 �i'7C. s1C' i'Q_ _. yOLlt .^,'`tU 1e•c .ea�'s 0� t:ie acs!% Cis, �_:'.iu0 tc t. ,...:::olc�0 :0 Z o ro=at o., e ce:�arc line lbo ft., lirle o �. Hendon :ive. ,.... . a i +c :ur! ::ve. �o ;OJ•D J ;;U .�i ba C .i'g'_ Illi@, 30u, a"V ��i1Ul 1`JG�> a Ol 1 (�1 � JO �i ,:k,' 1,1010 _e i :! > e of Co�:o : vc.1.?ole x' io�i� �..e �aOn of�.ilt�. t�C .�01' �o . p 2lor',,.,�e4� of th z limo off' ve. 6o t, oint 40 feeti � v �;r,te, ter] �r iA o i e U!: iu' Ot '.,ve. .'Ui1 ua :is u'L'. ul7 tli�ll.LT au. �.s .OfCY AIN i ol.: 3-o !'tvll St. ',;U 'v :'C EcStF"i'lJ vl'.E Of COTlO :.Ve. �le�t. ieace�'.o,,, ';�zeai^ St. to ,:oi' 1��0 feet ^etit o.f �,or.^.o _ve.. it 1.CO'!bE tiVE:. �.l'G..T 0:'1 011 u. U0 "C' 0Ii vv. 1 01 E U18 J • � " 'Of: `ut. _30_� ue at. 'rot i.L::ula dt. the t .:anus 0f the lic o;1t se'-'er 368 feet test ai' �iie 0c:^tre o ' esto.: 3t. ioz n. C..rier -vs. frons :;19tis 5". to rile termilius of sLe .rc.:c t serer 590 ie j e_:st 0.* .is 3t . _ �u ' is 3t. fro,..i Do£�^eli i vo. -'I-o fierce -=ve. iron Dosrrell :ive. to _fierce a.Ve. 3r. s: -ton St. 'rol�n 13u o:d 3$. to ». �� 7'.T feet south o:: :iellit-on „vo. -cc uo?: ;>t. trot:i Doswell '_ve. to ._ ;oin-u 1u0 foot .:0. ._ 0l' �0arl.e .,St. oto. 3t. �-oui C'lilco ;oe-,'ive. to _;ecce r.ve. ulna i 3t. iro,,. a`j�oin 41 feet ;;outs o e :don tivc. t0 tiro l:ort Citi �i.nits. te:i-.or�ry se-;-ers for o nitary il0e� 01110 0n. ::;Sis :i'-. Lron C:_^ter —ve. t-0 Doc"!el:l ;,.vc. _ eli :.ve. i_0t: ;,. tis St. to r on 3t. _. ._ - 0 , bio- •:ell .vc. �o �=:0rce `we. r 60 :�1^tia 2t.. C', n,J!10 ..V!'. .Ictt - 111031 „v 0 fi O .Mori r�`11-.:.CC Cu.. O� 106, 2.11 Ct J..e �o -'e sic:.:1:.'nC,tod the WC 3t 3t. vstC-m .. c COL;\CIL FILE.NO.......�'... i;y.. FINALRDERo e Inthe Abitter of................... .............................� South side Como,Ave. West from a point 540 feet 'east of the West City Limits to a manhole opposite a point on the centre line 150 ft. northwest of the north line of Hendan Ave. and .from Hendon Ave. to a manhole opposite a point on the oentre line 300 ft. northwest of the north line of Buford kve., and from Buford Ave. to a manhole oppoei.te a point on the centre line 5J ft. nortil,:r;:t of "he he,tL� line of Pierce Ave. on jior.�h si(le of Como Ave, West from a m nhole opposite the intorsoction :of--the nor�h line of Como Ave. Fleet and the Ilorth 'city Lirij.t3 to e faint b feet Aortiniest of the north line of Hendon-Ave. and ;:o-a tlendon Ave. to a point 40 feet northwesterly from the westorly line o:t Fulham St. taxa.-Palhan-Btu to- tha-noTt "I"a of asap On Hendon Ave. from Eustis St. to Fulham St-. Buford 'Ale. from 3ro..1pton St. .ta the easter' y a-ide of Como + ve. West. fierce Ave. from Juatie St. to 9, point, 1,00 foot west of Como Ave. West. Chiloofsbe Avo. from Brompton at. to Keston 3t. Ucewell ave. from i;ustis St. to Keston St. Bourne at. from Da.stis St. to the ter,-;inns of the present sewer 668 feet west of '..fe oe;:tre of ;fesl;on at. north. Carter Ave. from Eustis at. to the terminus of the present sewer 69" iee J Of EL,_ t i3 Eustis St. 'from Doswell Ave.. to Pierce Ave. BrO-dtun St. from Doswell sae. to =�.erce :.Vs. Brompton St. from Buford. at. to a point; 70 feet South of ?lemon Ave Keeton 6t. from Doswell ave. to a point 100 feet north of Bourne _ St. Keaton St.. from Chiloorbe lave. to _tieroe Ave. Fulham St. from a point 415 feet so? I 1 . . ..... approved ...._approved _...... under Preliminary Order - approved Intermediary Order...... A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice; and the Council having m dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; heard all persons, objections and recommen therefore,_be it of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve RESOL�'Ell, By the Council of the Cit} .... .... r rn 11. ,nndn hr the said Cih' u._- Construct sewade on: mint n ll,, �,. �; 1,, .t .. ... _........... _..rra far ,.,..th n - n I.,i I1. til. flnm n'II .\�'r• .�..• 1 .t I I. 1 �r1111't1. .\ i-: 11 1,1 n 1— '. st ....�� ... from \I+lnsan .\— 1 I:r• :;:1.::::l t'. .. and the Council hereby orders said E ,l l t'. be made. RF.SOLPEll FURTHER, That I til 1.t - ,.r•,i ,l Ur of Publie \1'orlcs be and o herthe Co instructed a and directed to prepare plans and specificatimis fm• said improvement, and submit same to the Conned for approval; that 1% are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making upon said approval, the proper cit},otlicia of said improvement in accordanee therewith. 191 adopted by the Council __. City Clerk. :lpproved..__ .._..-: _. ............................ Mayor. Councilma 'Farnsworth Councilm '6033 Councilm Hylaud Councilm, Keller Councilm' MCColl Councilm Wunderhell 1lfavor I n r j DEPARTM OF Fit 04ce REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OfiDER In the Matter of ..: Constructing__of.._the__West_ St. Anthony _Park Sewer 4, _ e..............._.._:.._....-:.......:........_..... --::_...._._................_.......__.-._......_......_.. ........... ..._.................. ..---..---......... _................ ..................... ................................ _............... ....._._...........:..................._..........._...............__.:.........-..............._...........:......:--._.....__.: under Preliminary Order approved 1Lay__3rQ,. _ 1817 ___..._„ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.._56.a rC?'.�0 ............... .. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ /.d.. 7 CI The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E S C R I P T I O N LOT !13LOC1c ASSESSED ! ADDITION VALUATION That part of S.W.} of the N;W.i lying East of Minn. Belt.Line'f Ry. (Except- Siems - Carry Co.) 43890 Commencing at the S.E.Corner of the! S.W. Of N.WJ of 20-28-23, thence N 822 ft to plaoe ofbeginning - thence N 100 ft to south line of Como ave, thenoe N W 574.06, ft, thenoe south 665.77 ft thence East 80 ft., thence N.E.in a straight line 534.03 ft to plane of beginning (Being part of Chae.S.Halet a piece) 15185 TOTAL, -2 �CITY``r�4T1 PA Ur - - DEPARTM�IJT OF FINANCE ' - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK�. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 5 acres of N i of s.E.y of'N.W.k of Sec.2Q,Town 29,Range 23 10650 E 15 acres of N of S E }� of N w.(Except Co.Road & Fulham et.) of Seo.. 20, Township 29, Range 23 12220 (Except i Street) 1 .9 St.. Anthony Pack North 500 ^ 2. 9 sw 500 ^ 3 9 4500 " 4 9 500 ^ 5. 9 525 ^ 6 9 525 _ ^ 7 9 525 0 8 9 .800 ^ 9'9 4750 ^ 10 9 550 ^ 11 9 2550 .' ^ 12 9 525. 13 9 3100 ^ 14 9y ) 2200 15 9 3 ------ - 22 14' 4100 ^ 1 . V ^ 2 22 500 ^ a 3 22: 500 ^ 4 22 500 5 22 500 .: ^ g, 500 ^ ro f 7 22 TOTAL. 700 . ,. .. CIT-(, OT ST( PAUY. 1- - #3,� - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF .COMMISSIONER QF I INANCE 4 — ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl . D E r.,= RI P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION' A83lSSlD VALUATION (�zoept Street). 21 10 St.Anthony Park North 375 w 20 10 350 19,10 475 • 18 10 2475 ^ 17 10 500 16 10 525 ^ 1510 550 I 14 10 550 13.10 550 12 10 550 • 11 10 550 ^ i 10 10 550 ^ 9 10 550 ^ 8 10 500 ^ 7 10 300 20 2 Mann's Addition 150,050 ^ 21 2 ^ 22 2 ^ 23 2 I n 24 2 ^ 252 ^ 26 2 ^ 27 2 ^ 28 2 ) ^ 29 2 , / TOTAL. CIT,' -OF ST. PAU'._ 1 l - - #4, ..... _ DEPARTM�T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE , - ON PRELIMINARY ORDERIto DES CRI PT1ON LOT BLOCKADDITION A33 TIO N VALUATION 7R S acres of N of S E of N Wv of S60.20,%wh' 29, Rahge.23 35 acres of N of S E of N w of 20-29-23 (Ex. Fulham & Co.Rd) .24 8 St. Anthony: Park North 275 1 8 300 _ (Except Street) 1 '9 ■ 21 10 ■ 80 10 22 10 100 23 10 225 e - 24 10 2225 25 .1Q 375 1 _10 2650 27 8 I 450 26 9 625 - 25 9 425 _ 84 8 450 23 9 450 - 22,9 450 .: 81 9 450 20 9 - Y - 450 19 9 450 18 9 --- 17 9 1950 16 9 450 -St.) 15 9-- � 14 9 i TOTAL. - CITTt-T !`. PA6a 15EPARTMMENNT QF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCN ADDITION A�Sl6SED VALUATION 6 .23 St.Anthony Park North 450 5 23425 i 425 4 ' 23 3 .'23 425 2 23 2425 1 23 1850 161,22 450 17 22 5225 . 400 18 22 19 22 400 20 22 I 475 1 82 --- 7 24 375 - 8 24 325 `. 9 24 325 10 24 325 11 24 1 325 . 12 24 350 7.23 1475 , 8 23 350 9 23 350 10 23, 950 11 23 ' 350 0 12 23 1375 15 400 675 14 22 3550 : -- 12 22• TOTAL.. _ ((OF ST. - ,DEPARTCITYI�BNT - OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 'QF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER" • DESCRIPTION LOT eLOC1c'� ADDITION ASSGSTIG " VALUATION 11,22 St.Anthony Park North 775 �. 10`22.,375 9 '22 , 1375 8 22 375 (Except_ St_ ) 7 22 12,25 325 ` 1 '25 375 .' 8 '36 325 - 7 26 300 6 26 300 5 26 300 4 26 300 - 3 26 300 2 26 300 1 26 350 21 27. 525 22,27 475 23 27 675 24 27 2125 25'27 2575 (Except Street) _ 1 27 500 9 26 3550 10 26 600 11.26 3800 12 26 600 13 26 3100 TOTAL. - .. - #7, CITT[[ OF 3=. PA[.� - 1 --OEPARTP"T.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE ON PREUMINARY ORDER . G E S C Pal P T 1 O N LOT MLOGK: A Db 1 T I O N -_ _ A33CSSCC VALUATION 15.26 St`.Anthony Park North 2700 16.26 ' 600 17-26 2700 _- 18,28 11'29 _ 10 29 3785 9 29 1200 } 8- 29 1800 7 25 600: 6 29 2400 5 28 2450 _ 4 29 600 3 29 575 2 29 - 575 1 29 725 (Except E : 50 ft) 8 28 250 East 50 f e e t o f 8 28 650 East $ of 7. 28 1200 West or 7 28 2350. 12 29 450 13, 29 400 14 29 2200 15.29 1200 16 29 1200 17 29- 700 18 29 400 19,29 ` TOTAL. 375 - - CITY STI. PAUF - - C EPARTMUT OF FINANCE - - - - - F2EPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) = D E S G R I P T 1 O N LOT -BLOCK AOOITION VALUATION' - 20 29- St. Anthony Park ]Borth 1350 . 21 29 2125. - 22 29 500 25 30 I 350 I 26 30 325 27 30 575 28 .30 325 325 39 30 i 30 .30 350 31 30 350. -- 32 30 2750 33 30 2075 34 30 I 2825 35 30 425 36 30 450 - 37 30 2250. 38 30 _.. 475 .. e 39 30 475. 40 30 500• 41 30 2250 1 30 5300 24 30 375 ..-23- 30 350 — 23'30 _ 350_ I 21 3J 350 20 30 350 = . - 19 _30- TOTAL. ..,. - . - .. #9CITY11O�F 1 PAUF - 4 t . . x DEPARTM�TJT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QlF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) LOT BLOC151 r ADDITION VASLUATION rr_:r 18 30 8t. Anthony Park North, 400 i 17 30 400 16,30 a 500 15 30 2135 14 :30 450 13 '.30 975 12 '30 ' 500 11-30 600 17 40 325 . 16 40 _ 375 15:40 375 14 40 •1.1.75 13 40 3751 '. 12 ':40' 375 a 11:40 375 10 40 600 " 9 40 q 400 8 40 2025 7 40 525 25 '40 950 26,40 275 27 40 ', 275 38 ! 40 275 29'40 3001 30 40 350 31 40 2600 _ 34.40_ TOTAL., .. '. #10j CITY OF 57. PAIL . - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT QFC . COMMISSIONER PF ,FINANCE F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)'. , E 5 G R I P T I O N LOT ;BLOCK: ADDITION . ; VALUAT ON - 33,40` 4850 300 . 23,41 : _ 425 24 41 450 25' 41 450 26i 41 475 l 27 41 500 28'. 41 '. 4650 Emat J -r of: .29:41 550 We s�t OS 29 41 550 16 41 450 15 41 275 14' 41 275 13 41 300 12 41 300 (Ex. E 50 -7it of) 8 28. --- _(Ex. E 50 Pt)_ 9 28 175 (Ex. E 50 ft) 10-38 175 East 50 fest- of 8 28 --- ( East 5-0 - feet of East 50 :EeOt Of 10 28 --- 11 26 250 12' 28 250 1.1 28 450 `. 14 28 325 7' 25 375 rDwr w- w. • - 8, 25 .. TOTAL. 325 _ X11,'• b OP Sr. PAIfL,� I '• (' - bEPART NT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. QF. FINANCE (B) - ON,, PREOMINARY-ORDER - d E 5 C-R I PTION LOT 9LOCK� ADDITION - ASSESSlb VALUATION 9 25 St, Anthony Park North 200 10;25 20.0 _ - 11 :25 :' 200 12 25 325 .' 8 ,7 300 7 7 300 6 ;7 300 5 7 1000 4 : 7 - 300 3 7- 300 2 7 - 300 ., 1 7, 300 7 6 300 East of 6 6 150 v:eAt o:r 6 ;6 150 5 6 800 4 6 3 6 300 2 6 300 " 1 6 300 12 29 1129' 9 :26 8 26 ": .. � 1 East og 7 28 East ni- of 6 .26 Y'e.st � oi- 6 28 TOTAL. - - 12 CITY`'OF ST'. PAyL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE ON PREL•IMIN)%RY ORDER - m: (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; - ADDITION A33L'33C0 yALUAT�ON Weet of 7 28 St.Anthony Park North 5 28 325 I .4 28 1 82� 3 . 28 505 2 28 425 1 28 450 6 25 450 5 25 275 4 25 _ 250 3 25 250 ° 2 25 250- 50_1 1. 25 — 27 9 28 9 375 29 9 350 30 '9 _ X35 31 9 3.005 #13 , GI OF S . PA1.1L - MEPARTt�NT AE FINANCE - elf REPORT' OP COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYORDER (B) — —_- --: 9:)E S G R l P•T I O N - LOT BLOCK i ADDITION A VALLUATIU^TIGD ON 26, 31 St. Anthony Park North 3550 .I 1F 50 fat of N 25 ft of S 45 feet of 25:31 125 S 45 ft (Exc W 50 ft of N 25 ft ' of S 45 -ft) 25,31 3325 24 31 750 ® 23 31 3950 22.31 5000 2131 750 I - 20 31 4550 19 31 3500 18 31 5600 , - 1 30 2 30 4275 3.. .30 775 l a 30 3575 e 5 30 775 - & 30 5225 . 7 30 B1k : "E" 600 _ 15 27 475 J 16 27 1250 17:27 550 _ -- -- — --------18 27 - 1350 19 27 _ 2300 30,27 600 .. '. rowrw. w- • - 21 27 _ _ TOTAL-' — - . O #14, .-. 'CIT) OF 5T . PAYL - DEPARTMENT OFYFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ' DESCRIPTION. . LOT iBLOCH! "ADDITION ASSESSED I r VALUATION 1 29 St. Anthony Park North , 18 2s 1 26 (Except Street) 8 10 500 ® 6 10 375 ,le 5 10 400 4 10 450 L- 3 10 475 2 10 500 1 10 East 15 acre a of N of S .E of N W of (EX.County Rd) Sec. 20, Township 29, Range 23. I I t 17 2- Man's Add. to St. Anthony . "- 16 2 --Park North 15 2 11 3 ; Alley va.oa.ted and - la 11 1400 * 13 11 500 Adley vacated and, 14 11 525 15 .11 1150 - .16 11 17175 13. '7 575 14 7 „425 15 .7 a 400 16 7 800 17 7 TOTAL. 375.__--- .. FAIL, AOF F�FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF ,FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIONESCR)PTION 18 7 St. Anthony Park North 350 18,7 :350 20 7 375 21:7 675 22 q 2375 23 7 775 24,7 1875 16 41 17 41 825 (Except N. 25 ft) 18, 41 r North 25 feet of n' 18 41 } )) 675 19 41 20,41 275 21' 41 275 22 41 25140 . 24 40 23 40 300 22,40 300 21 40 300 20 40 300 19 40 300 18 40 300, 17. 40 /.24 30 '. 25.30 ,. TOTAL. - _ - -- f 16 CIT-( OF ST. PAUL 1 1 6EPARTMENTADF FINANCE" - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF ,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROEii�� LOT BLOCt � /\ O D I T I O N SED VALUASSESATION j S W v `S! 4 of :Sec 20, Town: 29, Range 23, (ExceptN. P. & of _ Minn. Belt Lime Ry_Co.) 81870 1 12 .St-- Anthony Parr 200 8 7 2 la 200 St vma . lying S <:>:f Doswell&' 3 la 300 _. 8 7 7 7 6 7 5 7 ,. q 7 3 ,? 2 7 7 6 East of _ 6 6 West of 6 6 5 6 4 6 36 a s 7: 6 26:8 325 1 " g 325 26 5-- - 325.. -- rover �. ...i• -.._ - 1 , <5 TOTAL. 325 #17, CIT OI= ST_ /-AI42--1 t - ' - - OEPARTArW_V_ OF t= tNANGE _ REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE -ON PRELIMINARY OF2co,Ek 4 _ ' LOT ieLOClC - A. O O t T 1 o N _ R 1 fm - A38E33E0 . VALUATION - _ 1 6 St . Anthony Park North 7 1 300 7 24 6 24 - 375 , la 8 400 _ 16 8 2 50 17 8 325- 25-18 18B - 325 19.8 325 20 8 21 8 I 22 8 325 23 8 325 24 8 W 5 ac= a to of N of S. E.k " of N.W '� o f Sec.20,Town 29, Range 23 7 l St .Anthony _ 6 1 300 a5 1 - 300 _ 4 1 300 S g 1 - 300 n 3 _ 1 300 1 1 300 -That pa-r t of S.W.y of N.W.Q. lying- East of Mi nn. Belt Line Ry. (Ex-� S_iene - Carry Co.) r Commenc iag at the S.E. corner of S-� v of IJ.4�.�. of 20-29-23; _ m thence 3tiTorth 822 ft to place of begiarirLg, there North 100 feet-__ ... CITY 1 OP ST. PAIL 1 ; *, " OEPARTNIEN7 OF FINANC •+r --c---•-- F . _.,--� .. - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF- FINANCE OtV PRELIMINARY ORDER OTIED E5GRt PT10 ADDITION a N �,oY � s�oelc VAWATION to south line of COMo Ave., thence N'W 574.06 ft, thence South 665.77 ft _ , thence East 20, it., thenoe''N E in a , etralght .line 5.34,03 ft., to,plaoe of beginning,(Being paxt d Chae.• S.. ,Hale t s pieCe) 6 .24 ! $t,. Anthony Park North 375 5 24 325 -- 4 24 325 3 I .24 325 j 2 24 325 1 ?a 350 15F- 400 325 13 .8 325 12 .8 325 Il :8 325 10 '8 1 8, l 9 (Except Street) 21 10 20 to - — _ 23 :10 23 10 , 24 10 L 25 10 1 10 I ;'.. rover .... .... TOTAL-. ,CIT{Y Or ST. PAp,(: DiPAR7FSb4TIOF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ — ASSESSED D C S G R I P T. I O N - �� LOT ieLOCK, ADDITION - VALUATION 1 11 St. Anthony Park North 3100 B 850, West 5 agree oF=PTorth of S.E.} of N.W.1 of Sec.20,T.29, Range 23 East 15 aores o::C lgc>a th of S.E.1 of. N.W,k of Sec.20,T.29,R.23, (Except Co.. RoaLc3. arid, Fulham st) 131 : 7 St. Anthony .Park North 12 7- 475 A 950 16 8 250 17 8 325 18 8 • '325.1 .. 325 I I 20 8 325 21. 8 325 o 22 ,8 325 23 8 325. 18 ;2 Mann' a Addition to 19 .2 St.Anthony Park North 20._.2.--- .- 14 27, St.Anthony Park North 400 3 Evanson's Regt. 1000 .1 .1 fit. Anthonyi Park West 300 300 -i TOTAL. A� CITY OF ST. PAUL - #20MPART*NT OF HINANCIt 4" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION- :1 A99 ASTER VALUATION 3 1 St. Anthony Park North 300 4 .1' 300 _ 5 300 300 24 ';3 325 25 '2 325 26.2 325 _l 3 5 325 .. 3 5 325 22:5 — 325 23:5 325 24'5 325 25'5 325 ' 2;8 325 3 ,8 325 4 ':6 325 5 ,6 335 82.g 325 23! 8; 325 24; e: 325 25:8 335 1:11: 300 2'11': 295� 3 ' 11 225 4 11 225 5111! 225. rosw....„ TOTAL. 636;125 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his.report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in . reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �f Dated .......QiGL......:.1 t�_._....191,r%_. _ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 (6m of '46t- Ptuti �epurhnent of PuhliF' arks. OSCAR caw Y...H..K..r ........ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER SYw�Au or......... R. T. GOURLEY. D-11. „ J e. —MULL wMLL,,.Cow.iwYor.on •no w[..iw. - IRCD JAOK.ON, aYr•t. - T H. OOETZIND.R NBY�i3On _ • Coww.otiow. St. Paul, lainn. Lay 31, 1917. H H.RROLD. Do.-ct w Goss, �Co:mnissiOyler of iuolic JorL2 Dec -.r .jir,- r I.•ti ,rstnit here :ith preliminc:ry esti:.:ate_ of cost covering the ''test; St.' Anthony Park Sevier in: acc ora--nce -:.i th Council rile T1660, approved 1a;ay 3, 1917. his system of sectors coiiprises-a s stein of per*-nent se-wers, lar_ -e enou�h to c4r_•s• off both sanitary.unl storm eater. 1'low, connected 1y a so-called temporary seder to a puic-pin„ SZa On, and yin:,_; station clic force -..ain to lift he sewage into the I existil.; saviors in St. _:nthony Park ;:Orth. Until such ti::ie as tho pu tin .r station r-nd cor::.ecting te:nporzr;; 'seder is replaced by w r^.G i.: ran' gravity sewer, ,all of the severs in the above system are to be used for sal:itary fl OW olily, and no storm vrater, can be carried in thein. The total estimatoa cost is X56 764.00 v7hich is m," -e up res -'011ovs; Perm-ment severs V35 816.00 1i11f�q, �r inspection 716.00 Temporcry seviers ; 11,200.00 ''�"_L�I,�A�� ✓� y�L,� 2% -inspection 224.00, 2-w--Lpin; Station t, tutee ?a.in 8,635.00 2;o inspection 173.00 E -` � I t C; � � � } � � k• t� I HENRY E. WEUELVAEUT CO. 5 sinwNERe S a Vaul'I6irui, 1915 Si.Pw� Yxx .. .. .Y�V -TO 00fm GrOAPR 7 - ----St. _Paul, -- COWfISSIONEH C WORKS -We ,.the-_unders.igned,.-owners.-of--property-_in.St. Anthony - 5: Park North and St. Anthony Park Proper,__ do- hereby, pe.tit1on':ye=4,,_ : b Honorable Body to cause sewers. to b -e c.onstruc_ied, oh -those. atx"Ais_] 71 in that section of St. Anthony Park Borth-and.St. Anthony -Park 81 Proper which are in that__drainage_ district which -is_ -contiguous ____ T 94 to Minneapolis, and more- -particularly- described. -as the -3. of Section 20, Town 29,_ Range 23 V.._and_the_W.__4-_of the- 11. j7,: s...Qf_,the� 11'-_N W.,_17_ of the S. W. -.1-of Section 29,_Town_29_,_Range -23 N A *d_E _-. '.LOT.BLK._ ADDITION:_.--- -- 131. 3-16 y Z `� s , 19 20 L/(/7 i.`.____ "i1. 1_cc _C._ 22 as /�/-��Li�vV✓r5t' t) �� LC i Gf. _ `: E — 24 �uvz� 1 a1� as ... - _— -- (� r 1 j� , x5 / � 1'1 i f! �'L� ,uF _ i 79'!/ J U.�4 ' �._YYL✓J�._ [!i? t -l�Glf xt._,✓ `-J"'Y��_�� --. I VV 26 30 r: 11 MEN i i i l t i c A; }. 11 MEN i i i l p� ,. tt To the.Citys.Council of St. Pa_ MrH Gcep .Qom.; of Public Minn. We, the undersigned do hereby petition your Honorable body for the following _ improvements, namely, a sewers system in that section of St.Paul known as improvements, Park melt',North and bounded by the following streets: Doswell Avenue St.Anthonyto EuetaceComo Avenue West and a , on Euetaee to ll other streets bounded and surrounded as per above description. �9e also petition that this work be aded. done on Doswell Avenue before said street is gr - C4 211Z T , COUNCIL FILE NO............................. By... ------ ...................... ..................... .............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ........... C.Rn6L.tac.Ing. . a_ sew. er...o.n.:.c.ent.ex..line.:.nf..Doenrall..a4enne from center of Keston street_ to...the__easterly.,l.i_ne.,produceLp.t...2fz,.... .... Block.31, St. Anthony Park North, thence in a northerly direction-.._.__.. ........................................................................... . ....._..... alo ng i..the....eald...eaet.e.rly...line....of...Lot....2.6.. p.ro.d.uc.edthe ...c.ent.er...o.f ................. Chia..................... ...... M ;under Preliminary Older ..:._.i 6775.. ....approved.. ._ ......_._ Intermediary Order .:.:...... ..... .. ...... approved... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- �nt to be made by the said City is.....c.onstr.1AC.t a...a.ecrer...an...cant.er...ling.//.:o%..Dnawel]......... avenue._from_-center-.of.._Keeton street to.the_., asterly linelproduced of_..-_ ......................... Lot 261 Block 31,....St AnthorW Park *forth, t ence._ip a. no.therly .............•. di.r_ection aic.ng... the :sai.d...ea.aterly...line...Ax..I,o.t..: 2.6 gro.duced...to.._the................. cent.ex...4#'Qhilcomb.e.._avelxue.....:................. ............................................. ................... :................... ................. ...................._............................---..........._......................---........................................................-----.................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the bouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the.Council . _... 191..... . .... Clt\ Cl Approved... ........... ....:....�_'..:_ / 191. �) �h .......... alyd r.. Mayor. did the sal Coity u Co Ciimall ''QI'tls\v01'tit _ - on- enter Il CO Cllm ties enter of K et n St. i z produced f I.ot Co C11m811 'I�7�Sl7in onY Park Yorth !'/ ^ her1Y Alrectlon slops Co eilm K ler !V) nue o1 r of zs p o. enter of Chllcomb n n., v C'o eilma:1 Cull council hereby order. enl, tl�r men1 to be made. Co Cilma unllerlich Resolved Furttkr. Qknt the sinner. of Public work. be and t - M r )fin i by ipstrueted and directed.. to I, l plan. and epeclflcatlone for sal provdrnent, and eubmlt same 4 Form B . A. S-i, council for approval: that up.. 1 approval, the. proper city cte tall. hereby authorized %nd directed to 1 teed with .thetook ips o1. .aid tont iment In accordance therewith. gg11,, Adopted by the council Sept. 14., 1 Approved Sept 19. 191 T: (4 pt 224917) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE` p., REPORT OF COIV SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRF MARY ORDER (D) "' } In the Matter of.._C nstrueting a sewer on the center line of Doswell avenuo,.,...:--.„-... -_ from center of Keeton at to the eaeterly-line.produced of Lot 261 .-_.---._..--_,.-- .._- ....._.._ ...... ....... ................. ......__... _ _ .._ ......... _.... _ ...... . thene in a northerly directon along Block_31, St.Anthony Park North ci ..... the, said easterly line of lot 26p produced to the center line of Chilcombe...avenue,..._ ..-.c...... .._ . .... ..__... . ........_.._................. .......__ . _ _.... _ .... ........... .tel-fir :. / / ......_7 r _ . ............. .. ...... . ..... :4 under Preliminary Order approved. June 1.,.1917.............. ..... ...... .. .... -:.._......_............ ........ ...`...... ..... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - ..58Q • QA-- - -- - --'- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is----- 2' ...... - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ..� �. - ASSESSED_::. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - - ADDITION _y A6UATION 26 31 St. Anthony Park North 3550 3 Evenaon)s Rearrangement 1000 E St. Anthony Park North --- 13 27 400 14 27 400 TOTAL. 5350 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of_the aforesaid matters; -and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, togdher with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.......(�C�4,L �. ........... 191 �.- L .. .orsr o. s... •-• o (j Commissioner of Finance. I Office of the Comm i©ner of Public Works W8 mmissioner dt Finance Report to Co June 12th,................191.:7.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminar order of the Coun- 16775 Jun Al let' 197:7..., relntiVL to ..._the_.._ roved.... ...... cil, known as Council File No ............. . ..PP ......_....._ ......._.._........_ conatrtictlon of a sewer ... .the oentre line of Doswell Ave. from Centre of 51,.. Anthony....P.urk._.No rth.,:..._the.nc.e....in....a._northerly.....dir.e.c.t.i.e.n -.along ...a_i� e..... e.a.ic� oduced to the centre line of Chilcombe Avenue. easterly line of Lot 26, pr ,a id having.iuveaigatcd the matters and things referred to therein, her4y reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ........necessary and (or) desirable. ?2.60 per front foot - 580.00 an S. The estimated cost thereof is $— ....... ...._ ,.and the total cost thereof is $.......... Assess. frontage 224 feet Excess inspection x`35 (i0 .. ........... the vat�re and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._ - 3. A plan; -profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a Bart hereof. ................. ..... _............. _.......... _.......... _..... _....... A v. Said improvement is.. not ...............asked for, upon petition of three or mora owner s o property, subject to assessment for said improvement. % Comif sinner of Public Norke. ' (9itg jli�t. Vaut Prpartment' of Vuhlir✓ Biorhs 0E<ARCLAu ss EN. Orvicr Ervcirv[[n M: N. GOSS.-COMMISSIONER or Ervcrvc[ns R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY J[ DwAc�u or Cowstnucron cryo Rcrcnv - ' ' .UR JAAV O�SAry w DDETIIwOER.SV.r.°Nrvs at. Paul, Minn. June 11, 19176 [ • S Bunceu or Snl occs - HERROLD.Orrlcc Ery 1w[[n N. lose, Commissioner of Public Worke J Dear Sir#- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the i construction o3 a sewer on the centre line of, Doswell Ave-)from centre of Keeton Sto to the easterly line produced of Lot 26 Block 31 at. Anthony Park North, thence in a northerly direction along thb said easterly line of Lot 26 produced to the centre of Chiloombe Ave., in accordance with Council File #16775, approved June 1, 1917. Approximate estimate $580.00 Assessable frontage 224 feet cost per front foot $2.60 h Excess inspection necessary $36.00 This sewer is within the district of the West St. Anthony Park Sanitary Sewer System as set forth in Council File #16260, approved May 3, 1917 and is intended to connect with that system if. built'. It will not be feasible to build this sewer unless the sewers proposed in the above mentioned C. F. #16260 are to be constructed. Yours very(�truppl�py, TtJ-'LA- 00/M. LA -OC%M. Chief Engineer.' 7r - An ordinance settling the claim of C. A. McCabe against) the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That�the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to C. A. McCabe, ,the sum of One hundred Dollars 0100.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of in juries to himself and damages to hie automobile, caused by:a pil=e of sand in -the street on Lexington,avenue south of its intersection with Summit avenue, on the 12th day of July, 1917. Section.2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said McCabe upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all. damagea sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. r� SECTION 1. Passed by the Council, _QC _� '�Lv the proper city officers re authorized to PaY on the the promise .Account of t e General to C. A, :1lcCabe, the sum of One Yeas Nays 'red Wooers cEloo.00i In Inn --nt f his claim against the CIQ �axnwvorth F by res on of In7ur1 s to him,1 magst his-automobil cal, Mr Ipneofsand In theetre ton1 venue uth of Its interserQ$$ 4ummi[ venue, on the 120, rtyland ol, 1937. "40srcrrnN 9,1underlich MrlPresident (Irvin) ►- Approve__ Attest Mayor City C k. Jk } J'L,�� �. �.— - �2.�f .•+c. :'LC!'.cU rl, _ ^°� I "' __"'_.. �� ,fp'"-� 11 �y. WtC no � b1�i7o�, r.4' J\'w:, i"ice Glc�oo�/ PW............................... ................... I.... •........... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND' FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 1 At In time matterd...takin.-9 an.... 86 men t..in_..the aand•.n6oese- ary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading Alley in BlooY 63, ............B' h1J6g.&'0li1WV.o"Edfli%*AOr; tue..lan&—to be..taten-'-far--the sbovo- .named improvement being more particularly described as an easement ...- .... - .. for elopes, for outs sad MIS, in aia", s ripon the Taal ��li�ittilt►g, on-_the..ulsy-._in•.Block_ 63. Banning & olivler's Addition, to the extent shown upon the eketoh attachedto the repo t Of t�7,191?� Commissioner.. -a ..Plt�blio._YPosl:Iw ...ia..Oha. . gap which sketch and report are hereby referred to and lade a part her..Q9 � -.................................._...:.......:.......:..._:.......................:.......::..:......:...,........................._::.................:...:. 18118 Aug.20,1917 18311 under Preliminary Order._ ...................._.-..., approved ....._. ..... Intermediary Order......................., Aug.23,1917 approved............................................ - ddilaon, the 1 The Commissioner of Finance having submittP{'iie ahore named the -above matter as to the amount of U•'inng more Pent ft _ damages awarded for the takingofthe hold: al butts q oane'the AIIeY propriated.for the above improvement tandd a3• Banning, & 1llly a on • th u,e extent shown av jlQ1lefit to property and to whom payable; and also having sm' m� saooert ort Pu_ .,' 'fks. P P y. from the making of matter dated Sept. 17. - 1917: _ ^sketch and report are herer said improvement, therefore be. it t to and made a Part here` Prenml'nary xOrder 18118. Aug. 2o..1917. Aug.erroedler. Resolved, That the said assessment o laza, aPPro,•ey PP The Cappro loner of atm is hereby approved l Ingo submitted b it to t e amounto! Resolved further, That a public heaa•iug+•R s daneor th rtin av :�icil upon said report and for u e firma aro .le and le , - tion of the awards of damages made by the .am of me of Finance, and also upon the said a e.ment of —r - ,,-for. regi .�. benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -........ .15th. .........day' of ............ OotabeT .. _....-.. .191?...., at ten o'cl ek A. Di. and that the Commissioner of Finance `be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said Ing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Co cit. ---: Z/.._. /_ 19 .::.:.. 7 ............u�IerD Approved .. . /.--+ 191.. ✓�° Slayer. Councilm 'Farnsworth Councilm Goss /? Councilm n Hyland � Council n Feller Councill, McColl Council ❑ Wunderlict Mayor len COO ,REPORT .OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ` I in the matter of......Condemni,ng...am4..-Ua ilug...Vz...asasmeut..:im tha...laa-neneaa:. ary for slopes, for outs andifills in grading Alley in Block 63, .............. Bfi g &-••OTiviiiff. Adds'tion; t;triri'-thiF1' riii' to be taken "for the above named improvement being more;particularly deeeribed ae.an-easemient .............. . ........... for slopes, for auto and fills, in and tks upon the land abutting 14 63 63� -Banning-&...O1 v78rts...ASd.. GTS,-._ R:..the..:...... .extent shown upon the eketch)attachad to the report of the --•---.....0.cmmiaa1=er...of...Public...Hoska ...im..the..matter... dated.. 8ept..12,181?........ which sketch and report are $ereby referred to and made a part ............her.eof.,.............:................................................................ ..... under Preliminary Order...... 18118. .., approve�.._Au&20,1917 Intermediary Order.18311 approvedAu .23 1917 i TO TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:. That he has fixed and determined the value of. the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro-- priated for the above improvement and the amountsfof the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof I _ respectively, and the persons to whom such awards sre payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount -of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters . . .. . _.... .............................. Commissioner of Finance. t i i Form A. 6-1t lJ'rt CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Foe"°IL NO �6Q1= j AUDITED SEP 0 1912 181_ l PER ff 676 - ►4' p Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms of corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: .- t Yeas ( J ) Conn -[ men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council y 'r �J y I / 191_ -P 211 M7 r: oss �--ln favor Appro 191_ 64el. viGj 1 ! Against a 1 MAYOR Mr. Presidpt, n 20084 Adams Express Company, 3.09 ' P.Libriry-Exp. 85 J. R Anderson Company,, 23.50 P.Library-NBooks. 86 Armour & Company, 52.53 P . Par4 s -Exp \ 87 Dr. J. H. Ayers, Vet. Dentist, 2.00 ';Water -Exp. - 88 Goo. !C. B#nder, 1.80 Water -Exp. 89 Craftsman Press, 17.20' iG.F.-Civil Service -Exp. 90 Adam!DeckerlHardware Company, 49.30 'Schools-C&B. - 91 Electric Binappint Company, 21.24 Water -Exp. 92 Engineering'& Contracting, 3.00 Water -Exp. 93 Field, Schlick & Company, 15.00 !P.Library-Exp. j 94 Finch Van Slyke & McConville,. domptroller-Exp. 3.27 95 Holtier Cabot Elec. Company, - 4.;3 P.Library-Exp. I � — • x I y.' :`lig . Res 676 Page. #2.. 20096 Joseph Kosk 6.00 P..L ary-Exp. 97 Lee & Hoff, 2.150. P.Litirary-Exp. 98 Leslie-Donahower Company, 12.56_ P.Parks-Exp. 99 Library Bureau, - 10.50 n 'P.Library-Exp. 100 McGill-Warner Company, 95.00' General Printed forms and blanks. 01 H. Musller Mnfg. Company, 12.60 Water- Exp. 02 National Geographic Society, 2.00 P.Library-Fxp. 03 NortheM States Power Company, 33.08 Health-P.Comfort Station-Exp. 22.36 Fire-Exp. 10.72 33.08 04 Northwestern Tel. Exchange.Company,/3:5, 128.87 Corp. Counsel-Exp. 100 G.F.-City C-lerk-Exp. Police-Exp. 1' 84. Fire-Exp. % 14. 5 Health-P.Baths-Exp. !.2 0 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 3 00 Health-Quay-Exp. ' .00 P.Parks-Exp. / .00 Playgrounds Exp. .00 Schools-C&B. .00 128.87 05 Perkins-%racy.Printing Company, 4.50 Armory-. 06 Purity Baking Company, 60;75 Health-P.Baths-Exp. 07 Robinson, Cary & Sands", 5'.00 P.Schools-Exp. .60 Water-Exp 4.. 08 St.Paul Blueprint Company, 3.51 Water-Exp. 09 St.Paul Book & Stationery, 36.96 Schools-C&B. 10 8chuneman & Evans, 73.40 Com'r. Finance-Exp. .6.5 P.Library-Exp. 7 r7o; 4 11 Hiram Slack, 16.85 ?.Library-NBooks. 12 Taylor. Sales Company, 19.32 Wat a r-Exp 13 TrleState Tel. & Teig. Company, 13.85 G.F.-Purch. Dept.-Exp., �5ff i �i7 i Page: #3. Res. 676 2013 Health -Health -Exp., ° -Qflar-Exp. - a. 13 14 Wallblom Furniture &*Carpet Company, 45.00 Armory-Mantce. 15 Western Grocery Company, 12.94 Park -Exp. 16 Western Supply Company, 39.27 .Water -Exp. 17 Western Union Telg. Company, 3.75 G.F.Purch. Dept. -Exp, Total 834.52 uponatl.e Ct tAat warrants. be drad•n the herei tY Treaeurq, payable ter; _ out. of, favor of tb apeclAed tunda and lh'. Deraoa0. O or Ith., pura_ thelrreepec lve,8mounte pPoelte fell..,, ,name.. aee ePecid'.." e' detailed statement: '., - Ca. ibt8�8.60. . - i Df'.J' H- AS'ere. VeL Dentist. 42.00. _. Geo, G 8lndeq Cratteman 41.80 Preee, Adam jll YO Ele H ware Co,Ii I ue rini ..119.80. �. K. 413.00, . •. Van & . ". — i;.ehne9cbliek &Yk 716) ConVille,f - - JoHoltzer Cabot Ele .eDh KoekteSB OOCo•' $4.38. 12:50 .Leede- o°nah Llbrar Wer Co., 112,68. - M•cG111 tvarneruCo.10.60 -HMueller E[nfg: (A 9 i18,80. .- Nntlo er. ..Ceates lc 50c1¢[Y..;2.00. Northw-sterntea PO War. Co, - 18.08, ,. PUrklna-TracYTPr)ntingCOL•"p 128,87. Bakln6 8Puritq Co.. ;60 76 14.60. L Peu1nHC°rY &Sand 26.00. • BLPaul.Book &at CO tl .._ • j13.61. 6.88. Ir. m 91ac & Eveae =7r�� 18 I t1� i C18 Bb,- _ I otoa1 iTrl 8tete T 1 & t e1B• Co., i13.8b. ' 4 UU ibtom _;-rnitore'& Carpet Co.,'' westere — rocer3'1 Y.94. -I Weetera SPDPIY 7. I. Western UnlOn Tel' Co,• ;3.7b.• -"AdODteddbyeD — Approve a pouncll 9epL.20, 1917.1 1937. ' (SeDL 88-1917) - i I ' CITY OF ST. PAUL - a� ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL 1860.112 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE �lo. U 191T e 2n - AUDITED SEP 181} �� C'�' •T'o`�c' l PER- 677 ER 677 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following -detailed statement: - Yeas ( V) C uncilmen ( V Nays Adopted by the Council �!� 1 y j 191_ ^cp I1 1911 sworth ' 1n favor Approve A 181_ e cColl ,_Against – n .et MAYOR: Wundetlich Mr: President, Irvin f 20118 Barrett Company, _ 521.31 Pay. Rice, C. F. No. ,1800'— 119 Berger Mnf . Co. Resolved that warranr6� t. rie di 113.29 g g a ulcutAhe City Treasury. payable puf or E]�p. 'she hereihafteapeclfled fund, and In Street C. & R•. Yavor of the per rsona, firm, orcorpora- tlona' for the amounts set opposite them reepective names a, epeclfled. In., 61025 120 Bp00k6 Br0 8. , the foilowtng detailed statement: I • Fire-Ely.Barrett Co.. $621.31. B✓kKer. Mnta Co.•.$113.'9. Brooks`Bro... $61.26... Crane At Orderity Co., $70.71. 121 Crane '& OrdwayCo. D.PrChemloal Co. $118.60. 70.71 a f Kettleee R1ver Co.. .1313:60. School -E p. :.Geo. W.'Oak,, 1 Co., $713.96. 1-1 J. 1. Shiely Co.,- $933.86. .Thornton -Broe:. $83.10 ree Chemical . " 122 De Co.,, Adopted by the ouncil Sept. 20, 1at7. 148.50 P Approved Sept. '0. 1917. " Heal th. Quar-Exp. (Sept 2s -1s17> 123 Kettle River Co., 313.50 Street C. & R. -Exp 124 Geo. W. Oakes & Co. , 743.95 G. B.-�Docke, Wharves .& Levees 125 J. L. Shiely Co. , 933.85 Street C. & R. -Exp. 162. 7 Pay. Minn.. St.85 128 Thornton Bros. , 83.10 0. FjeDooks, Wharves & Levees CITY OF ST. PAUL °"""•"° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT a,r nr. AUDITED CLAIMS_:.�RESOLUTION FORM IS.. A. ;-11 8MMM0-- '193 . COUNCIL O FILE NN SEE' a ,Si AUDITED ISO - 678 ,, l PEER • _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:. -_ 1 Yeas ( -1 Cou 'men ( J) Nays 6 Adopted by the Council �� y) 191_ r worth - In favor Approv d 1 11 7 191— r Oil _Against - - MAYOR vC` _ nderlich� Mr. Presiden t....• Irvin - _. C. F. No. 18603— —I Resolved: drawn I :that warrants -be - upon the City Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter specifiedfunds and: in favor of the persons, firms or - =a- -tion. for the amounts .set oDDoaito their respective. names as specified'In - - the following detailed statement: _ ' S. A. Farnsworth, . Com'r. Finance. I' - 810,697.20. & A. Farnsworth. Come. 83 885.45. - - Portland Slone Co, 8100.00. 'Thornton Bros.. 860.00. - - -Adoptad' by the Council .Sept 20,,1917. Approved Sept. 20'1917. (Sept 29-1917) ' 20127 Be A. Farnsworth, CcmIr. Finance, - 10,597.20 Park -Sal. e n 3 0.04 r 00.13 Park -E. 78.79 - Playground-Sa14 32145 w g Sohool.C. & Be 9 ; 4 1. Library -Comps Bldg. 60 5 - Health-Hea -Ex 2 .75 Piirice-C Be .10 Fe " 1, 5.25 o 11atnt. 73.05 Iia . 'Nheelock Pk. 1 060.88 1 Johnson Pk. 107.25 erestry Rev. 325.70 Grass Cutting Rev4 13.5 0,597.20 128 Be A. Farnsworth, Com'r. 3,885.45 School -Sal. 129 Portland Stone ;Co. 100,00 Curb. E. 6th St., 130 Thornton,Bros. - 50.00 fay. Alley Blk 13 1 - i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 8604 COUNCIL FILE NO. Date Presented 191. Resolved; That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to. John Tibhtel, outiof the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sum of $13.00, in partial settlement of his claim for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public I Works on the 2nd day of May 1917. _ I �C FNO. 18601 -- ReealveA. That the oroper Clty offl- 4. by authorlxed to nay to jTqhn Comoenelatlon. Arron Rt of tote th"General 'Fund, the sum of 717.00, in partlnl .et- tlena' of h!e elalm [or fnlur by re celved by hlm .while employed by the _ D art_ of Publlc. Works an the Eh daY of ,play, 1917. Adopted by -the Counan BeDt. 70, 1812 - ADDroved EleDt. 90. - (BeDt 77-1917) _ eby recommend the above "resolu- tion�for passage. Commissioner of clic Worlds. i f, I Yeas (✓) u 'Imen (✓) Nays F srwort6 ( Adopted by the Council 191 l? In favor ;� t► 1917 er OApproved / ! 4 1 191 oll Against U ' derlich Mr: Presid . Irvin MAYOR 2 FORM C. e• CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RF—SOLUTID-N.—GENERAL AUL•COUNCIL-RF—SOLUTID-N.—GENERAL. FORM Subject:Lc4J60 3 C FILE Nom:-._ �.. .. Date Presented 191:.___ Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to George Kiley, out of the Workmen*s Compensation Account of the General Bund,, the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and sixty cents (#21.60), in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 23rd day of May 1917. I C. F No. 16885— r City oKi ci°leeol heTe Y. auihorlied to p°Y �o °r;dtlleY• out of . the he Genera. Ceoreen tion 'f't of un- Dollars Compenea Fund. 't cum Twenty- C1tY. and e1xtY cent° 1121.90), in partial 1ve tlement ct �aa,o^°lo= lnludee received. . arleln6 by to Ot the CltY-, bYL1m while In toh= D1a0 1817. 1917.E on the 23rd def pdoPted by the Coun91 Sept: 20, - Approved t. 917. _ (Sept• 21-1917) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. _ Commissioner Of c Works. I Yeas (✓) Coin oilmen ( ✓) Nays -'Fa rr sworth f Adopted by the Council 191 X- Oil In favor biCell r f Approved I 1 I I� ^ ^191 _ W oil v"' Against tli�u derlich Mr. Pgesident Irvin i MAYOR FORM C.8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t Subject:' ;........ ... ........ ........__.....I� - x€_006 COUNCIL Date Presented.....gepb� Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid re- ceived for Grading alley Block 3 Roblyn Park, as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing agent is hereby atithorized to reT advertise for new bide on same in accordance with the provisions'of the Charter. F.B. #1467. C. F. No. 18606-13Y M.;N, .ol Resolved. That th' Council ,hereby ,i concurs in the: recommendation' of the Contract Committee andherrppbyB�oCY t2 i ��bld ecelved far grad ing al1aY- Roblyn`Park.'.as. the bid._'. Eed�ga �. and xcesthes f t einghe gAgent Ise ha eby , authortsed tq reudverti- itnew bids on same 1n accordance . with the pro-' Ivi,lons of the Charter. F. R: No. 1467. - Adopted hytheCouncll 6ept. 20. 1817. Approved Sept. 20. 1917. I _ (sept. 29-19171 l'e- I$I) C nncilmen (1�) N.ye ///nt h '- Adopted by the Council .... ... _.._.. ............... ....191 ....... .......In favor t.17 Against APPwveJ....... c► 1917 :..... ..... ....... : 191. h..... ............'_._:._...._ 2M - ................. ................. I ..........:.............I'r MAYOR CITY OF ST. -PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... ... .......... .. ........... ....... ... .................... . ..... ... ... .. ..... 1-8607 COUNCIL FILE N-- o. ............................ . .. ...... ........................ ..................... .................................................................. ....................................... Date Presented-----9-e;rt-; 19th;r'-11- 191 Resolved, That the Council.hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Conttact Committee and hereby rejects bid re- ceived for Grading Ames Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., an the bid received was in excdoe of .the Engineer a Estimate. and the Purchasing Agent is here - ,,by authorized to readvertise.for new bids on same in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. 1466. C. F. No l8607—By -ALN. Gose— Resolved. That the Council 7hereby concurs In the r.ccad.1'....'the Contract ConIitsand '.,eb'r.lt. bid received for, grading Amex Ave.. , t from white Bear Ave. . Haacl, Ave.. as thebid celved — In excess of the Engineer's Estimate. and the Pu _u ,.g Agent is hereby ta det,.e or n,,v bid. on ... I. cordance wlt h the provisions of thej Charter. RB. No. 1488 Adopted by the Council Sept, 20, 2917. Illjjj AV or oXed Sept. 20 1017 Yr.. 0') Co cibnen W) N.Y. Zo 1� I/ w6,tb Adopted by the C ... A �)Lf' I . ......... .... . ......In favor SEP 2f 1 1917 r Apin.ved.b. ........... .11 Agx;n.t flertich Mr. P I& Irvin MAvoR 1 6.17 CITY OF ST. PAUL 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM, 18608 Subjecto: . . . ........... .......... . .......... ......... ....... ... .... ............ . ....... I ......... . ....... ...... .................... COUNCIL FILE...... ........ ................. 4. ................... . .. .. ............................ . ................... . ................... ........................... No Date Presented...:.........----.._..: ............ Wiiolved, That the Cigarette License If 98, now in the name of Max fteler, 408 Franklin Street, which expires August 31st, 1918, be and the sazzi6 hereby is transferred to Max Taeller, 411 Minnesota Street. 5-608-8l, Henry Me6.1,— Iv-dTh. NO. 98, now' 1.hat AhAC...0e19,1r1a11, Tae LA.en.. 1409 Franklin It I 'Au O t 31 street, which At. 1918. be land the aartle .hereby AtY I. tr..Ar.red o max Tamilar. 411• AIM lone-ta, st, Adopted %th, council Sept. 20,1917_ Approved.Pt. 20. 1917. (Sept. 29-1317) Ve.. (.1) oilmen N.y., I') in Mworth Adopted by the Council .............. .. all ........... In laver 21),IQ'7 Mer Approved Coll Agaln.t aderlich Mr! I iii t, Irvin ........... ........... ......................... ............... FORM f.,frle7 2. CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL .RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:..... . .... ........ ...... w c�hJ09 COUNCIL r. j ..�.. .: ... ......... .... . ruc IV 0...... ............................ ....................... Date Presented.20...........191..7..... �v t a Resolved, Test the grade of Woodbury St. fro:. Curtice St. to Prescott St., as sho:m by the rel. grace line on the accompanying 'profile anC, Ls recoumendcd by the Commissioner .of Paolic ilor)m, be and the same is hereby, adopted the e::tablizhed grade. ( C. F. No.. 16609 -Hy M. N. t lve (j Rbacd, That the Brads pr `Wood- bury al.:'f am.Curtice g4 to Prescott 'gt., ea ehowu by: the rad 6ratle line on _ the. accompanying Pronla and..aerecom- �. Works ba an the 'aaAme era f hereby ..adopted ae tha eatablleI grade. Adopted by the.Councll Sept. 20,:1917. _ APDroved mt. 2D. 1917. (gePt. 29-1917) , I Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (d) Nays 191........ Adopted by the Council ............................................ �� F d vlorth ��........In favor $ `,Z O 191 i rApprov .L....:..f ...._ ......_......�..............._J91._..._ /m 011 .......Against Mr. P v. MAYOR FORMC.8.a CITY OF ST. PAUL., COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: '_..:,._ 4[[86 10 COUNCIL w� - t' - FILE IVO :................... ........... - ........ .. .. ... - - Date Presented_. lept......20th- 1.?.191...:.._ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, Repair Parte for Sand Drum, in accord. ante with Requisitions Nos.. -3888-9 and letter, from F. D, Cummer & Son Company, Cleveland, Ohio, for the sum of $241.00, 7 as these are patented articles and no advantage can be'gain_ ed by advertisement or competitive bide. Cost of said mater- ial to be charged to the Department of Public Works Permanent Improvement Revolving Bund - Mounds Boulevard. 1 . C r. No. 18610—BY at. x. Go. - Resolved. That tbp,Purchasing Agent accornance wirnvu. nd let tor, from F D. Lummer & Son `Company' Cleveland, Ohlo for the sum .I I 1 of i2o.00,as these .,.--patented ar- ticles and no advantage can begalned ;H by advertisement ar'competltive bldg. i3 Cot of said materlal to be charged the Department of -Public Works— -- -- ----- -- �I Permanent improvement F19volving it Fund—Dfounde Boulevard. it Adopted by the Council Sept 20, 1917. Approved SSept 20, 1917. + 1'cas (I') C ,tilnten (1') Nuys a J Worth (�. ���......%%% Adopted by the Council.... ouncil _.... ,......... ....__.. ..19I ..._.. ....,.\- C .........In favor _ _S 2(► 1917 9 er V Approved.......... I ..191........ Against .i 1 nderlich - Mr. Preside ,Irvin -..:.................... .......................... ._.. _:..... MAYOR FORM C A- el') 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject... ............. ..... ..... ......... COUNCIL .FILE No ..... ............. Date Presented ...gep.ti...20tty._.a.1.7,.191....._ Resolved, That the Purchasing agent be. and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller. without asking for competitive bids. Repair Parte for Sand Drum, in accord ante with Requisitions Iios. 3888-9 and letter, from F. D. Cummer & Son Comparyr..Cleveland. Ohio. for the sum of.$241:00. as theoe are patented articles and no advantage can be gain- ed by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said mater- ial to be clusrged to the .department of Public +forks - rermanent Improvement Revolving Fund - Mounde Boulevard. i Yeas (✓) Councilmen (I') Nays Farnsworth Cosa Hyland Keller McCall Wunderlich Nr. li'resid,nQ Irvin FORM C A-9 6.17 2M CITY. OF ST. PAUL .:. •. COU NCI�L ,R. ESO LUTI O N—GENERA-L FORM. _ f .. COUNCIL - .. FILE No.... .. ate Presented 4., 191 esolved, That the proper City officers are-hereby authorized to 'pay to Swan Larsen, out of. the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sud'of #24.00 in partial settlement Of his claim•for' i urieh received by him while employed by the Department of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 5th day of May 1919. __ -- I h yy rico s d above resolution o pr e. Commis sr of Parke, layground n blic�uildinga, iIC. F. No. 18G11—r1yJohn D. Hyland � terse are she ebyThat cathori-dr to payl to / Swan Imreen, ut oIthe Nork.n's Com Deneatlon Account of tm he General :Fund, the sum of224.Q01n partiarSet- it ement of his claim .for Inlurle. re- calved by hlm whlle,emDloyed by the nep tm nt f Parka Playground. and Public Buildings on the 6th day of afaY 1817 - Adopt d by the Counell Sept. 20, y917. !- �_.Approved Sept. 20, 1917.. (Sept. 28-1917) Yeas (✓jCo 5cilmen ( ✓) Nays sworth b Adopted by the Council 191 W In favor EP !I 1917 INNIS er O Apprgv 191_. a110 Against p nderlich t / Mr. Pie Irvin Merron FORM C. 9.2� - CITY OF tT. PAUL COUNCIL §ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM, Subject: .......... . . . .. ...... .... ......... . ............... .. ....... . .... .. ........... . ...... .......... COUNCIL FILENa ... ..................... ........ ............................ ....................... ;.;k ................. ..... ......................................... ...................... Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby conburs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing and graveling Capitol Ave. between Aldine St. and Fairview Ave., to the Beecher, Improvement Co., for the lump sum price bid of $4,090.27, Engineer's Estimate being $5,558.00. F.B. 1455. 1!c.—BY �Con1ur".-td1h1;.U;.7a0 -i— )o,oRiiav?" t a.reo ona j.—h,e , r. evbhd-y . ltha contr et 1 n 'ava1r% to,Ave, zn stan aVt. 6.t eaan.r,1pjubl.d- . lump menti or the e Estimate belnq; t, 1466.Adopted byno,, o 20, 1921.; Approved to L Y0. 1911• I U OT I OFFICE TI hR10 C90SE L . ................ ).A --- \ V— (V) C neilinon (V) ZO 14 —rib In, favor Adopted by the Council_._..__ .. . P 2 - 0 7 . ..... Approved..... . ... ..... . . - Ir. Against inderlich ........... ........... . ................. Mr. Pre d, t, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. A- 6.17 2M C ITY OF ST. PAUL NC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:........................................ .................... COUNCIL FILE Now- 1 13 ............... ........... ............ .......... .. ....... .. ............... Date Presented 3.c : ....21... _..191 -3 161 the aua of Fcur Handre(l Dollars ith brick, the Resolved, (9`1-400.00) to 1.1ce"U '110 e-,' 0110 e of :P 9 reVE-Virl�� i,,-.tcr2eo-jion of East Seventh 3t. ailE 3raaleY St There, is horoby sotU aside - E:m(I cjppro�,Driated oat of" the Street - :;eriorL�l Flulft, the sUT! of 110-ar Hundred Interuecv4on Item of ullo t Dollars (�00.00) to cover the cost oi-1ret. %Ezring v.,ith.brick, hc intersection of East Seventh St. and St. S Cf,fo1 2 T 1 i iz or-.Lir�L;.ncc ,-hLll -tc-,*,--e' effect end be in force thirty days after i1t; o oassage and publication. S Bradley Bo 9 . ECTIO'4 '"'Id. W berebY 'atstreet lot' lote t- L ohdred Dollars (440, f vine: Wit !t ot r-V Bay %on of ENC S r,,/ a 11*7( A-A �P, a". krV, cl 0 V LA ► of 0-1 q1 3 Ilk A V4 S 4/f :L "11117 FA- J6Ile, Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) NaysAdopted by the Council. ...... OCT �51.V.1.7 .......... 191 Worth 4 In favor OCT —5 Nelle Approved. 191 -mceew 9 Against 6,?" 141LAN 0 .......... MAYOR Mr. Progl6ent, Pww I KV I H FORM C.13-2. No. . to41�.-0tdlnari Ab % ordlnanee ; -P On the: aam _ of Biz Hundred Dollen 1n aaal4Bq CITY O F ST. PAUL to the eum heretofore aet aaldiss G g, No, Ii06, Or In -6 No. 1616'; „'to meet tti6 ex a$, or vav�o l UNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL f=0RN1 S, asphalt..: the.. -1,14 reed Do - Payne Avo. a- Mfnnahaha St. later- I section. Bald Dortion beln6 the wu ...:..... ,.eset corner; at the fatenee ...... .. .. .. .��� - ��-y 41 Payne Ave. and Mlanehahq COUNCIL 3 ! •-: '.$HQI'ION L'' NO ..... ............ FILE There Ie hereby set Gall, .................. ................. .................... ....... . �rIP[ d et Of :the etre - Item of the Generaln.4 uwiw. (160 " ihe'cast ef. Pavans - Date Presented.....: .i,........?]..... .... 191...7.. Portland, cement then !_q ^. P-01"• - /j Council Pile .;to. Jriiinanee 11o., I , =sn ordinance api.1ropriating the su.: of Six Hundred Dollers Resolved, in addition to the sim heretofore set aside b;7 C. Ord.i?.ance <3833, to neet the a ;-)ense o1 paving cith "asphalt, the ,7iaened portion of ._'t(yne eve. �:nsl ;limncl aha St. intersection, said portion being; the southeast corner of orl of 2c,. ne Ave. and `inneha}_e. •St. " S (..'hili 1 i'iiereis hurelu; sot side s,nd a,,�,>ropriate,l out of the Street Interoection Ite"n of the I'jenerLLl Fund, t} o ; i. of Six HiznCred Dollars o corer th cost of i ri ,.11 It on V 2oi lEnd c �" r1 Ile inP F I poi io ,n 0 'a nc Ave.end ion M carne n co Zo e e o ft2 . , ion, �t.1.� ;.101 „y�,i 1��_1.�; �.le �O. ., l.6ti'f.--.corner of ?:e irtersec"Cio: or i'a.;nc ;we. turd 'im7e .thy St. p _l. a - o_'C C' t ftv� its in. I !�%< fs %: + -`n v vac, i f Q 'd [,, D J�.06., cv4 �v 0 A•M� •• d ^ � d 4 � Cit Pry Sc.�1v128-'I�1� /oma D Wic/t ofd jfi �tiv f0i to Illy 7N H I i 0 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (d) Nays � t l y Adopted b the Council OCT 3 7 ._lye...:.... y .� .. to nsworth (� favor OCT G .917 Y-"-- Approved. U.-C.� 1. ........191skeal U .. Againstv'N�ltrtyLnn0 PUBLISHEDI� k� ,.U1vDERLJCN _� Mr. Pj�ideht, P-uwarsl R V I N MwoR ..FORM C.B•2 COUNCIL BILE NO ............................. By.......................................................... _..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....grading..ahe.:west.erly_.al,l.ey..bea-ring--north-•and•._south••in_.. B;09k-:-4__St,__:gnthor>y-_Park-_North•--_£__rom.,He�idon,-_St,•-_t?,:Dudl_e-_St,,,,- ...... ....__.........................._............................:... _... _.............. _ _..... _...._... _.............. _.....,........ . _:............._.............................. .................... ... :..-.._...-........_...........-.........._......_......_............ under Preliminary Order 7..7.475 .... ........... .approved _July ... 10,__k-97..7... ......... approved ::::.:............ _..:. Intermediary Order ........ ..........................................pp .. A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectionsandrecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....G.rade.._th.e w.ejateray.-. ay b.earin& rl.Ort-i}--11-17•d---'•••---' soutkl..� ra.. B1.o.ok...4.. St.... ,Azlth,n.ny..pa. xk..:Jtcxth ;:..ra .... zld.on.. st......to............................. .-+................................................................... I .... _......................... Y .......1..�,.q.................... ............................................................ .......... ............................................. and the Council hereby orders sai mprovemee t be made. — RESOLVED FURTHER, T t the Commi i er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifi ions for sai i rovement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,, t4ei erc offi ' 1 are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemsnc in cordance t ere h. .Adopted the uueil....._.. ........ _........ , 191 ...'a \ . ..... ti............... ....... . 17jp`.... .. City, Clerk. Approved................ .... ....... .........,..............., 191 _._. C'. rL,� � ...... ......................... . ``!! Mayor. Councilmarns%vorth — 6ouncilm boss Councilman Councilma eller Councilma eColl Councilmaq underlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. >t,Pr_•.t1,".in. Seut,l•.t.:!17 Con:niesion,?r of inrmo+e, St . tl , 'inn. Dear Si -.- !)„•ie our n0tiraa of. m��tin� r:t 10:00 -20th, to discuss tl:-� rra,z+n, orv,, 1 11 i in loc' 1, ..t.)...trio i ?=,T "orth. As it it i b i po =9 rl� "or as ;i tra .tiny;� A ,_ itir; you to F pr• s, oar_ rAga tAt`s t you do not �.o t'!,- „.00 s ,:v -1 in,,'.. on? '),it i:i,l not - ra ;oLtll _ n s'.Lcl: rpm+; ,t9 your oti o'r L , ertT t Ae tv ao`T t': tot ;` rt 7' n 7n ";li1T hor' i.trnt, r .n,. I >..s ss if the_ -.f , s -, : t in WZY. doubt if .,r., :.rA 1^C r of earl]; in `s^ Ylle; to uf: t;:ov `n i r nuo t int f{i e how * 'e c sl could ;•un over 30; ;, ' a P i, a'Ll.r *_h. n"t b coniit nr,s', Assuri :,o -Li Of Our Ivillinitol ou for °n .Ti^„ oar To� :11 ” rl ili'I ..t. .,. we �..1'?. u �- 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQMMrISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PMRLIMINARY ORDER 1 r �/% - 7 In the -Matter of .aQ/. ..... iCit . _ __.... __ / ....... ...7 _.. .. _. ................... .... .. ......... __................... __ _........ ___. _ . .._..... .......... ... _.__._ .. _ ._._................. __.. _. ......................... ........... under Preliminary Order approved _..._._. /..D.._ %%,_ .................... ...... .. To, the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $........ .rJ2..,. .9_....__._..__.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -$_._._....._._0_. The lots or parcels of land that play be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: e DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /5 U / 6 2 6-11` QJ". z/ do 2 73 0_ zz qz6: _ o 6 TOTAL. Q 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �I Dated .... d ...........191.. �...f rl/.... �iiiiin.o.—e-. Commiuione -Office of the Commissioner_. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance �a A Aubuat..._3rd+... 191... To the Columissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: i The Connnissioner• of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 17475..y� approved.. ._July 10th, 191 �..:, relative to........:.. .......... cil, known as Council File No. .... pp gra3inS westerly alley bearing north and south in Block 4, ... .......: St. Anthony Park North .................................. ...................... ......... .......................... ............... ..._............ .._.............. ........... ..... ............................... .......... _.... .................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ _......... necessary and (or) desirable. 46¢ per front foot'�5z,79 and 8. The estimated cost thereof is $....._............ ........_ . .and the total cost thereof is •F Assessable frontage 771.3 feet Excess inapegtion ;6.08 the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ..... ............__...................................................................................................._................_._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made at part hereof. ..... ....:........................... I............ _..... _......................... _ 5. Said improvement is ...................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . dr Cmtuwasion r of Public Wor 4 tllii Lit. 'St. Paid 39q irtmeht ' of PublicWiorks OSCAR .a N ^`�`IOMMnno A`rn M. N. GOSS.'COMM ISSIONER , R. T. GOURLEY DEPUTY _. E C - APR@G �wcRaoN�au.n� - . ' or BAMRwTON wW GOETZINGER. SUPT. M a ....... St. Pavl., Minn. 'July 23, 1917. G N NERRG�G. o: �<i FN�,N.T. or Mr. 11. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. I � ' Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary eatimate'of cost for grading westerly alloy bearing north and south in Block 4 St. Anthony Park North in accordance with Council rile J17475, approved July 10, 1917. -- Approximate estimate $352.79 Assessable frontage 771.3 ft. Cost per front foot .46¢ Excess inspection necessary 8.08 Yours very truly, . f1 JEC/M. Chief Emgineef St. Paul,`¢`(: Ziti8 .191,1. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. PPR 3 O`��ti Gentlemen,- Co ��Ss�oNE�p4 7e, the undersigned property owners hereby -p-,etition your Honorable Body to cause the followirg.improvement to be made: ......:.-N �. ... �-- .... . .......... N A X E _ _ _ 0 LOT r BLOCK ¢ _ADDITION - - - - - o.. . ... . . .. . ... .....i. o a. . ..... . ....... ... �..i r° ... r ° : . . . T 1! I . . . . . d g(jREO� .Urp L,.GINkk�ERs, ! lj. "� , ,".- (� /°`'` X .. .. ar �Er f "%t� : �r..:`i •...-t..:a;� l.•t-.;- / Nf.'A: Resolved, RESOLUTION FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I In the matter of condemning and taking and easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of the westerly alley bearing north and south in Block 4, St. Anthony Park North, from Hendon Street to Dudley Street, under Preliminary Order #17476, approved July 10th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18153, approved August 80th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St: Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the aoove named improvement as an easement for elopes, for --,outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the westerly alley bearing north and south in Block 4, St. Ant 'on between the points aforesaid, to t e extent shown upon the sketch attached tothe ep t of the Commissioner of Public Works in .t m� er, dated September ,20th, 1917, which t and report are hereby referred to and m past hereof. • \vo``V V�j Yeas W) Councilmen (f) Nays swo 1b a _..._..� In favor. eller .McColl .-- _Q� , Against �'.4�0ar�,.,���, Mr.Prrdent. jr\\/- !FOR. C.9-2' 1 Adopted by thuyncd ........ ...... 191........ Approved 191 ....... MAYOR (41tg of Of. Vaut L. SEA.fi tc}+ertmeut at Pubtit Mnrhs Ol CAR CLAUa![N. a NO _` M. N. GOM'C8Mw.l IDNCR • EMOIM[c N[. R. T. GOURLEY. D. -TV J. a -—L,, IUIT. R[�O o� GON i N .No [I•nlNa ALIR[D JAONlON, ! R - - euauu o. a.Nrt..io - x. W. GOETEI NGER. !UN N G.'x, xERROLO, 0111cc - - Report to .the Council - In the matter of condemning an'd `taking an eaeemerit. in the, land necessary for elopes,, for cute and fills in the grading the westerly alley bearing north and south in Block 4, St. Anthony Park North, from Hendon Street to Dudley Street, under Preliminary Order. #17476, approved July 10th, 1917, and Intermediary Order` #18153, approved August 30th, 1917. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of, Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on pricate property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommissione of Public W. t,v Dat CITY OF 4T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE-//--,.-' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ........... _.. .. _.............. - _- _-_ ------------ ........... under Preliminary Order approved .... ... .... �Q.....� _...... _/ ✓ l../-..: - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $...100_, The estimated cost per foot for the above, improvement is - - - - - - - $..".."_..-...-..---.--.---•-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —�_..__AssesseD {i DESCRIPTION { LOT BLOCK' - ADDITION VALUATION. 7S /Si'i do S2S" z z7s o TOTAL. i — ,Q /J ...✓ 'I 1 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. bated _........ _ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 13. 13 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance �'ef :_... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.___ 17376 July 10th, ? relative to __ _......approved.._:......... ..... ._ _ _ ..... _:1�J1 _.__, ._..._ condemning and Wtaking an easement in the land necessary for T_ slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the westerly.alley bearing i north and._south . in Block, 4,_.. St.;._Anthony__Park., from Bendon;St_ to Dudley Street: and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_......... ....... necessary and (or) desirable. i 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.... ....... XXXX and the total cost thereof is $ XXXXX _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. .......... _ _...;_...._. _.... .......... :.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .. ....._.. ..... _._ :. :.... .... ......... ...... ..... _....... _...... .............. .......... _ _............. ......:. 5. Said improvement is_............ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property", subject to assessment for said improvement. ..._.. __.._.... .... ------ __..._ .............. Commisei of ublic Works..__._ a COUNCIL FILE NO.�; - a By r i, CITY OF ST. PAUL Icl61 t, Resolution ' of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter.of the assessment of -benefits, costs and expenses' for grading alley in Summit Avenue Second Addition, under Preliminary Order .._.:1..3.7.21 ................................... Intermediary Order ............1971i_..__ __.____., Final Order _._..,15221.......... .._...................... approved........ .Parch. f3,... 191.7-- The assessment of..._._h.eneftt.sr......czat.B....and.....expenB.eH...... ..................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............a2S)_.4?_....day of Oct.ober._...... _............ 191_1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular_ owner to whom the notice is directed,, ar_f ,G0 Adopted by the Council ........ ..... .... .... .._.'.....:V .......... _ .........191. _� _..- . - ... ...__.. _.._ ..........._...._..__ .._ City Clerk. SEP 20 1917 Approved ...._.____. .__ __.__.._._191_ ( + .'._.._..:I.. ............. .__......... ._..._.._..___ _ —� Mayor. ui{ PS`sc sol ouolisoploadc on coot Councilma arnsworth d ojedeid of Paloa4lP Pun peloaJ)aut .c -gray cl Puu eq aNtoM o{tynd 7o aauo clwwop eyl 1ny� a)'n3. Panloceg .. .!'� Pn ". of un Y - (/t+� ne eiaPao. Fya�ay 11—no n •ano.idw{ pl y o ulna - 1 .. ayl.. Pt{n 'anuaen a wooRy� 7 .its? 1r' ay).ol P.D. 9Z lo'I lo.. sun •• ✓KCIIef ♦ti a Rraolred,Furtbe[i Thata UUDllCDean (J"1 Int h. had on stld We.wment on tbs Hth' day or gCtobM 1917, at the hour. 1yf�lcColl r-Ib:00`dclook A.''K.. In the .Connell Chambee of the court House ��� and City, Hall Building In the City o W [ _ _ 11 + underlich 9t. :haul; tbat- the Commlrloner. of Ptoasoe give .notice of asld meetltii, aa' .r•. ....-_..___ reyulred°DTths .Charter. statlnt In aald "'• _. Maw Irvin.— aotloe aha time -and Placa o!: hs.rtns - the nature of the-lmDrovemant, the total coat teereo[ andthe amount WNasd Form B. B. ]G esalnst-the lot or'tob of aDe Darttwtas Gr to whom the. notice U.dlreoted. ' opted 1, the Counell Sept. 80 1917 -- �..... � -. ... .. ADProYad,.BaDt•,80 1817 .-., ,>>._ .V CITY OF.ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expAnees for the grading of alley in Summit Avenue second Addition, under Preliminary Order __.._13221_..---_-, Intermediary Order __.__.1.A.711--:..-.-------•• Final Order--.._..approved---.-LaS.ch.__fl.,.._...____.._.:...191._? 15221 .....__. _.. , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement�of the expendi- ture I a :penditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . I menta viz Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice$..............�t..z!i............ _.. Cost of postal tarda $............. _0....9.6.._._...... Inspection fees - - $ .......1.0-22 ... — ...... -. Amount of court costs for confirmation $_...._._._4._fl0....._...__ Total expenditures $.:..._529 s.22...._....._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei tained, to-wit: the sum of $_..__.52.9-22........... ____.._..__..uponeach and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with id assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- the benefits conferred thereon; that the an tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /iL.. _........... .._..... .... . Form E. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. By— ... ..... -_........ -......- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of , Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of`the assessment ofy benefits, costs and expense's for "'ry grading Lydia street from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue; Stanford` i avenue from Pascal avenue to"Hamline_avenue; Lansing street from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue; Pascal avenue from Palace St. to Jefferson avenue and Albert avenue from Randolph street to St. Clair St. under Preliminary .Order ... __............ @..5.4.5 .... ....... .... .: .. 12854 .....:, Intermediary Order.............._..__...._....�..______....__..__.__.., FinalOrder......._1;3351....._......... _.:........ ....... .......... . approved ............ ........ ............. OCt.•......23+......... ............. 191. The assessment of ............... �.6__,a.nil.....exp.c.n.e_e.S.._................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.��,QQ RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......_..._....�lJ_Eef#._. -day of ..... _.... ._......... Qet.ob.er............. _._.... : 191....7._.... at the hour -of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of 0 said in as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directet . , Adopted by the Council .. .......:_........ ... .... ................. 191 ... . ___. __ _ Er .._._.... _ SEP 2(l 1917 City Clerk. Approved .....191 _._ uaardhQdf 3 - • Mayor. ' T 7H ePVo+tl. 888 I>igma.eV�la'I 7aa4lV ..._..... I � "a 3 9t8•'uoa:a7ad.'+a7ed... - CouncilmantF9mswO th 3 7H VIaQ •oX t69 '+auTVg aViy7VYt '7.H 471 ;d TeB:'uoauyof •y,-etex '7s.MID 'M sit 'uoltV3 •H:,.IllVd 3H ue814.139 tft •¢>,.no+of Sa;UV3H i '79 7+agou 8tt v q.o Wngos '31i Bled ..AV u+alaoet. 109 40.3.1 .. of 7B ao111 tog 'Pala[ 4oabr iiyfSfRl. 7H 411 "H Bt8 'e++eId'`lazed •eaev: u03RVQ Poe VIU1 ell [ /`} Resolve - I' - jVJ� hearint had an iald asssammt en ��f/,.,y tae E0t4'day ot,october, 1917, `at the T7c1.011 hour of 10 o.'alook ti -M., to the Gounoll i chaalbor of the'-. court ; -souh;l OW'underlich and, Cltr $sit Halidln6 Ib lhe, CIt7 of Ht,YaWi tYatthvCommtealon- er at rinance Ivo notice of old meet. Maybi Irvin i fns. u nyntred b7 tha Charter' stat-• - las la said notloo tho Uma aadoPf►Ve et hearin`,. the a"to n -o[ the-,lmP3'R I Form B. B. 16 - �ennthwipe�d a notethe lot of 1WY o[ the yutloular owaer to whom the '1 no Kd 0 ed,by the council Heft 1..;.-Aooroved. H00, E0,_1017 �, r.---------------- COU NCIL ""_COUNCIL FILE NO.---- By O.--- BY CITY OF ST. PAUL y. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Sheridan avenue from Bellevue avenue to Davern avenue, under Preliminary Order __._1151_3,",.","_" Intermediary Order 12730 i Final Order ............ L59;53... ................ approved........... . .......................... 191__6._ The asaessmetit of benz,fl.t,s�. Q.4.ti.@...ftnSf..._@p.e.21.19Qt9 ......:..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._....g0�_......day of rte. Oct_ob_er.................. ...... - 191.3._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of;St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature , . < of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amountlassessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. J_" zo !yl/ I Adoptedby the Council ..... ........................ _................._........ .................. 1191 F SEP 20 1917 c �� �l.............._.._.......r_....._ city clerk. Approved .._...... .._ _.. _ ...c_ _ ......................... ........ Mayor. ,..�.. plea �uoen� �q�"eaa°a ayt •tanoida" ` Councilman %rtlaworth o Tayt tlanoTada so ofgtmI.. Pua T-[touno t •. / Pta.. toT euonaoPloeda yuameno� it.�e• s/a a�eaa�d q Peioaa Pu -eual f� 1% Pue a ona 1 -almvto0 oyl 7 aK�o 4o11 ap Jo °�1 •, H 1 ^a?a _no silos eaA o7.7vau[ano pmtelsoa.m - - Y 4. [louno0 a47_As ny u.. ellerfj eao hearing be. hed on sld aa—amen on the 20th day of October, 1917 -at" the. hour of to o'clock A. H., 1n the Coun- 66.911 �cu•Chamber of the --Court House ane; City -:Hall Building.. Sa the Clty of 8t. �,��'' Paul; -that the Commtaalonec of B l- '0underlich nonce glue nou.e of said meeting, u reyulred by tbe. Charter,,,etating In aalll notl. the Lilo. and place ot: bear - M o Irvin IN. the nature of thm lmprovemenL the total coat thereof; and the amount saseseed agalmt thalot or lots of the' Form B. B. 16 �particuluowner to whom the notice to AAopted. Athe Council gept RO 1917 PProvedli 9epL 90 1817 -� (BeAL 48 X181 1A � CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE 'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 In the matter of the assessment of beriefite, "costs and expenses.. for the grading of Sheridan avenue from Bellevue avenue to Davern avenue, . under Preliminary Order...... _..... _Intermediary Order ........... i�z7.3Q__...:._-_-- -- •----. Final Order .................... 1.32:-3.3.... _....................... ........, approved--.... OCta..._13.r.._.._.... 191_s._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction$..__3.&.9...DSl .._..___ Cost of publishing notice $._.... _...0..72..........'._. Cost of postal cards $....•_--��__._:...._ Inspection fees $ ......_7..._78.._._-._.. r Amount of court coats for confirmation $.... - .... .... ¢Q ----- Total expenditures $Q�Z_t 78 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $_..,..__90.2..7@...... _.......... _.__.._...:upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, alnd made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which.is herewijh submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. i V COUNCIL FILE NO._..-__ -10 By • CITY OF ST. PAUL I ti, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Dunlap street from Dayton avenue to a point 5%feet north of the south line of Lot 33, Varney and McManigal'a Rearrangement of Block 1, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, under Preliminary Order r_ ................. ...... Intermediary. Order Final Order ....... :.... 109,43 ... _... ..._............................... approved .1 29,.__......:........... 191._7_ The assessment of beriefit.e, .QOets._.and _experisee for and in connection with the above improvement hayingbeen submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said'assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. J�O...._........... . day of RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be, had on said aseeadinent on the oun`cil Chamber of the Court gb.P,r.,_....._...... 191.2.._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the G — y House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul that;the,,Commiao.j r of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the -amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. , Adopted by the Council .......... _......J.i!' %-0 1-.-111 ........:191 i __._... SEP 20 1911 City Clerk. -_— _ ' -- f Approved 191__ L J........... _._.... _ Mayor. der 10913 eD1:.•tt Councilm Fam orth The as.ea•menY of :penes. foran4 In conne•t. the above Improvement Da -k •• 0. submitted to - the Counefl; an, _ counell havin6 cone" .n ea it touad� they enfd aeeeeement, sail tory, therefore, be It • - ••� an I ad, That the Bald In alll9 re-, b0 and%the eameaa,hefebY fh all t�• •• ell aDsets .6PDrove 4. Tfist al-publlo` Resolved Further, Learin6 De had mH.esld .1917.assessact oni the -•30th •daY o(•.Octobar, 19th at the dollLour of SO f t ILS to the Coaa• ✓LW/ Clty Ha 1 Boil I & Lothe City ote8t. underlich Faa1: that the Cemmleeoner of P9= Hance_ Blve no, of Bald hteetl, 0•. - reQatred by th -0harter, etatlh6 "In. Mar Irvin said notlee the=time and DlaCfe:ot hear•" la th e. nature. o(. the fmprovement,i B• and s=e !t ti cost . , an _ dltected he }ot or lots of the. Form B. B. 16 i assess aBdnet t �psrtlavlar owner to whom the notlee Isj. - AdoUted by the Coun 11 Beet' EO 1917 pODroved BeDt. .30 1917 .tix _ .. j � •,•,. ,„UieD,t!;ii 1017) 1. CITY..OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OFTINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION. OF ASSES 19.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits costa and expenses for the construction of a sewer on Dunlap street ,from Dayton avenue to a point 5`feet north.of,the south line of Lot 33, Varney and PLc1J[anigal's Rearrangement of Block ,1, Arens E. Ramsey 's Addition flT_92..__:.._ Intermediary Order .........1.02.2..... under Preliminary Order --� -� Final Order 1 approved _............. IraSGh....2.8. ..........._..., 191._2_.. _....._. 9_.4.3.....:_.... _.............. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $......27.-5.._00 ............ .. Coat of publishing notice - - - - $............ 0..21................ Cost of postal tarda $ ......... . 4_$.......... ... _ Inspection fees $........... .... 5....50................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... .-_0..:.4.5 .............. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $......_2.51...2.5 .... _....... _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$...............:..`.$1.:2.5............. _...... _..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, Part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been co�rnpleted, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a pa t'/ere Iof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fors� action,thereon as maybe considered proper. z....,........... . commissioner of Finance Form H. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE. NO._..:. ' By. _ _ ... _...... _._................. CITY' OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Pascal avenue from a point 30 feet south'.. .of the.south line of Stanford avenue to Jefferson avenue, Intermediary Order .._,,1.5701 under Preliminary. Order _.._1_rJ64... ........_...... _..... .................. _...__, Final Order ... _.._1 6_357_...... ........, approved.........&' Y....8, _........ ............. .......... 191._.2-_ The assessment of benefits eosts..,and_._e enaee __...... • _..................�..........._............. XP.....................--.- for and In connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inall respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......... _..X QX.-_..day of ...QC1.Qb_ez'._....... _..., 191.._...'.%.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .......................y.14 .... ... _............. 191 ........ SEP 20 19.17 CC t.; City Clerk. 1 Approved......._.__._. __._.�._� .__._._._.._.....191__._ , _............... ...... .... �_....._._. __ _�._..__.—.___._. Mayor. ` in'i'wxbment h. .:ik Councilmpn_�Einsworth f to the coon'",' ane ✓✓ i hnving consider d ams w nd the said aaseument s►tlefaetoA derctore be It Resolved That the Iold asswement9 be and the same 1s hereby In 491 ra-, I{ D cta aPpr0led -idphNw•• - j heareing be haAron� Bala utu�meYtbnpl the L20th da of Oc[ober 1817 nt the? 1 " Cllet'. ♦ hour of 30'd i It A. H.; in tas Coon,'' I V ell Chambet of, the Court Aougs and City Hatt Buildtag; to the Coll QTLY oC et Paul that the Commlplon- er o[Flnanra gtva no"ce of said mMt Ins, as reaulrsd by the Cbarler. atat4- underlich In to a44fA nope. the time and place earl W. the rature of the ImDrova. ment. the total Gest thereof..: to ro the M{ybt Irvin amoonC useseed against the tot .or tots of tbs Particular owner,to whom. ��th. n.ties Is directed. Form B. H. IC Adopted by. the CounCli Sept. 20. 0 1917. Approved Sept. ,f0 1017' , "' (Sept. 22 3017) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT-' 191 _ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thr construction of•a sewer on Pascal avenue. from a point 30 feet south, IA of the South line of Stanford avenue to Jefferson avenue, J r under Preliminary Order _....1569 _._.....__.._..__, Intermediary Order_.__....1.5.T.Q1__......._...-'_.___.._.._...., E 16 357........._........._............_. 191._...i:, Final Order ......_.._.__......_. .approved........ _._.._._�Y._.8.,..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurredfor and in connection with the making of the above improve- . ment, viz: - Cost of construction $....1.4D0...DD-...._ ._ Coat. of publishing notice $ ..............1.. 3.3...._...::. Coat of postal tarda - ^- $-5.7.._......_.- i Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $ ...... .... _28..0.0._........... Amount of court coats for confirmation $......_._._.P-8.5._.......... Total expenditures $.....7.432.4.5........__ 1 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascel- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 1-4.3.2-2.5 ........................... _...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of. land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action. thereon as may be considered roper. ..... Form n. B. tt Commissioner of Finance. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented - _September j th,,o1 7 In the natter of Brading yaplewood _Av_enue from Medford _. - _ Avenue-t9 DomoL RjvgrBou evard� end Glenh.gm Avenue from _ - Bt- 6nth9nY 6vgriueL t9 jIap1-ei600d Avenue _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order -3,403 - -, Final Order lag _ I - Approved - - Apsi1 .3Qth4 - _ _ -, 191 ? RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the COmmissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved �16691In thf - matter et Av. BrnMspldwoo4i `AVa. from'. Medford ',Ave to i lenham CAo mrBtA'tV1'1 Anvda tto mgeo• {f Maplewood Ave:, Under PrellminaT)'-0rder 14Q96 Received all papers in , ,Final Order,: 16199 approved � Apttll connectlen v:ith above :�'8Q6h, 1911, 4x alved It'hat the plane aPeotdeaa r'1 C O l. ❑ t L OA . corm and Begot. pu lic "aad by ;tho j' 'Commle#loner: of PuRlic•Worka fothe, above named.�mpxrtPemenc be and tee f4'me are ryere Y Coup .—.... SAdODted hY.4he Coup 8eµk 90 1917.1 tt,,pproVs4 BoPL , 1817.; .�Ep zU 1y i (BeDt.99191'�) s; 1 Adopted by the Co ncil - - - - - - Yeas: ( ) / ( ) Nays Councilman✓arnsworth se VE l'` I�9�� �iCeller McColl Approved 191 . Fundor'lich t Mr. President - - - - - - - Irvin -.- - - - - Mayor. 1111 g =ry 6 2 (�r3 �sDnasa�f � k• Cnuaau 8Goh n dOa.yOTa{Y t i. efocr� An ordinance to settle the claim of.Dressen • Henly_ T64t til!�yra�a..fu •awn i Amon t"o°o°otma°ooi° .� THB COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF ST. PAUL DOBE ORDAIN: ,z n.t tlf. C{ .: { 6t inTurlu - - 7- Section 1. That the:,proposition of Mathias P. Drammen a Siaon., H. Hsnly,,•a co -partnership doing business ;as Bronson dt Henly,<to compromise and settle their claim against the City of St. Paul, arising; out of injTries sustained by one,of their horses and damages to harness;; and blankets, by -reason of said horse falling into a washout in the street on Brown Ave. near Concord St., as is more particularly est out ... in.their communication to the`Coumoil under date of June 19, 1017, :upon payment to them of the am of Fifteen Dollars ($16.00), be and the same»ie:hereby accepted, add:the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of liaalacs in, `favor 'of the said Bronson & Henly, payable out of the bomprosise Account of the General Fund, is the sum of Fifteen Dollare, ., }aid sum, "howseer, to be delrrered only upon 'there, being .filed with; the Comptroller a receipt of odd:olaimant therefor,, together with a release dulj executed -by them in a fo=m to be approved by the ,Corporatis' counsel' releasing and discharging•the Oita from'anyr and all 01&128' t and demands of every kind and.naturs, and more -particularly on,accounti', of;those arising out of, the damages sustained by said olaimant'on the day and under the circumstances hereinbefore noted. Section. 2.. This ordinance shall take effect and be: in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Naym Mr. W worth and V Adopted by Council — r e vl&ndirl Approved 0 ![r, Pro miAtAt.. Irvin 'ArT�s� 0.1)4.1,p� �t�.�vT ii.%`•�17 Y4-/a'u'M�t AUDITED, CLAIMS—RE8O�UTION.` FORM AUDITEDSU Inl—') n ER l PER- 6 6 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out- of the ]ureinaftee s¢ai��il * invor of the persona, firma of corporations for the amounts net oppodtc their' respective' -names as epectfied in the Eo - statement: �i T yeas'(' V )' Councilmen (✓)Nags Adopted by the Council _ I ._s rnsworth — /b En favor A ro PP a Her 11 D Against _ Wunderlioh Z- . Mr. Predd Irvin as �t } F, Ji 20132,Amerioan Insuraasce Agenoy,' 218.13 ' sire-$xp., 3 Polioe-8�ip. 1 3 l►merioan Linen Supply Co., Po2ice.•8xp.; _ 13, Board of Writer Comtnissionere > ]Fire-8a4� , Library-Egp' = t 13 J. C. Brown, 91.00 13 Browne Blodgett & Sperry 13.33.`x; Bohool::8� 1 °Burne iwe6erCo., ). Polios-8� 1• `Water-8o�► • 1 8 -.Craftsman .Frees, Coz1r. P. Works -Exp. 9 Crescent, Creamery Co. -�•� Hesleha.P. $atjts-S�tQ:.'. 0 ' 81k Linen Bapgly Co,;, _ _ 38.76 He alth:•Pa;K;i.Szp` °' 9 .;Comfort Station Water -bap 8 0 7= ■ w: - Johta{(i80h1N4 30.0 � 8ka1t6 n ppyFtF3.wI'i1680.f4" ' _ 7C}IaDAo4e�Ca„j36�76 �4ININ ynGd, d CeAM�; Y�2tA1f'fPflA�IA `� 4AxAV�f6,03 Ma 9e�Y��,�U �Nl 31 IMIZU901129OU Nz192=2090 mini F&MAWWWRIII NO 11111 INRIM wall INA Council Resolution..= eneml Department of Bureau of Council Pil Date Presented SEP 21, j17 191 I3y RESOLV That theSt. Yaul Ca. Lieb{ Cympn7 hereby ardeted aid dhected to extend lu elavical lines by encdve pot. and .trin.iot whn thereon 1. the tra.mWion o(elecirtcty ov avd In the tollewine igen sad att." of .aW clty Install oneypole on the west side of ClevelandAvenue at the alley between Igjehart and.Marehalh Avenues.(City lights) Install one -pole on the south side of Atlantis'Street, between 'r Pascal and Hamline Avenues.. Instep"two poles on the north side of Yells Street between Forest and Duchess Streets. (City lights) Install ,two poles iA the north side of the alley between Mary— land and Rose Streets, one east and one west of Cypress Street. Install one pole on the south side of Randolph Street at Finn Avenue, (City lights) Install one pole on the :rest side of Cromwell Avenue.. between Territorial Road and University Avenue.(City lights) Install two poles on the south side of Hyacinth Street between Mississippi and MoMenemy Streets. With necessary guys and anchors. — qpt@{ Mq�ta-noctb F 11x iw�ett Na{y4In anC�Row ,:ite.�4t end On6� d lniq wadt(Bfp"�.'+? etlY p�pEgqy� Id on £Tla�ftoRtD Y tdo itee�"at p,et'd i netell dntt:p eon they eikc�`"d `�oN; ° . ]Dmwe14 AYe�' pe � sbiP�+�arrtw4oe£ptl. tted ,ipd}RIMY telt A �t1Re. ¢t C4 'nehik:£y'cQ+'lee On 4br soRth tdda • t IiyeC1yt¢keia'"eet batty en HitralWDDf ; _ iprT MeyaidM mYHtx'�ettl...y x �k{'alf-+dt`.'euoh ,e2tenllOttrRo£fY en.x avlrps �hgllr't�e ayeated turd c vK ^ ' �dilddr�tliatd4 option ¢-elnbar'�t RitoY. and a of P.aDtfr' . +:df tn,`tvA1�DInB enbl C,t t . All 0/ me6.t..low, pole and whe..bell he erected end eo trued v.der be dlrecdon sad rvpr."ue of the Commt.d.n.r of Peblk Utilittex and iv all Wives .::LSeet W the ptwuloa. of Ordlne.e. No. t.te. sed of di edu7 "wf 1 ordi.-'. i.-' ..a d n.otodoe. o/the Cl" of 81. Yavl. All pole.heuld he.et u.ueD lnex u Nd ellen sad.— ex the CommWtenec at P.M. UtMtk."I de.1min. end .b.11 be of .uch htkbt .rad Character . I .•hell dnieute and aDpro.e. and ter and all.uch pot. Ball be tai.n down end ....d. and each wiry placed u.dexv..4, wh.— the CoantR ,ball dam that the . -r c tfc inter.uo rep hre., and whey it shalt.,o,d- a" Adopted by the Council SFR 21'117 191 Yeas ( ) Cc ilmen ( ) Nays �A SWORTH ✓(� _ OLL DERLICH PP A rove SE 191 LER Mr. Preside , IR 1�jr ., t Mayor X-1 it I CITY OF�� pr��y� P�AUL COUNCIL RESOLUTrM —GENERAL FORM - Subject:::. ........... .. ... .... ......... . 1.86029 COUNCIL rlts NO................ Date Presented.....:8ept.:.:....21.,........1917..... Resolved, That e tieae specified for the perform a.noe of a certain contract dated June 25, 1917 between Carlson d:,Sandquist and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing: of Pusey St. from Charlton St. to Pennock St. be and the same is hereby extended to the, 20th day of September, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this.resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and rile such consent in vrriting with the City Co:.lptrollere G F.=No: 188Y8_•B- y,� as- - tMReaolved'That the Ume apectaed for vett••formanoe of'a certain _contract _ Wed aune'Y8. 181T.,betwee ,• plat:_nnd the St. Paul, Minn.' Sept..;20, ` 1917.: To the Honorable City Council, C •I T Y. Gentlemen,- we would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the curbing of Pusey St. from Chelton St. to Pennock St. be extended to the 20th day of September, 1917. trting to labor conditions, it was not possible for us to complete this contract within the time opecified, '#ence vie desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. i Yours very truly, ntractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the require o` is office is concerned. F,i2_,IoVED t. of Construction L. Ropaa j Comuissioner o Public i rks Chief Engineer CITY,OF''�AUL COUNCIL RESOLOT.ION—GE Subject:................ .:R.afund.._of..Aeposit ....... ........ ........... $$roi ( itincic No. f Date Presented $E{.. n�. 1 . ..191....:. �4 Resolved. That, whereas, W. H. Benjamin of the City of Duluth, Minnesota, heretofore entered into an agreement with the Commissioner of Ed- ucation for the rental of the Auditorium for the evening of Friday, September 21st, in earnest of which the said Benjamin ](aid a deposit of Forty _Dollars ($40.00) which has been Iremitted'to the Commissioner of Finance, and c; Whereas, the said agreement has now been cancelled, with the aonsent of the Commissioner of Education, and the. .City has been put to the expanse of Five Dollars ($5.00) only and has suffered no ,other Toes, therefore Be it resollred that tk7tt the remainder of said deposit being the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($3540) be refunded to the said W. H. Benjamin,, and the proper city officers are herebyauthorized and directed to draw a warrant ,in payment of the same `pe1D7t'eolaq emn'i•yi di nw`` .-sol rPm;pu4 'U, " I u1.I a 30 tett 3a 9Dii 0 7 saafIIo ayi al D�OSDY 1o."PeID loD�ayj 7 n earneee o w c �At1EZtP�t �W) 0(q a gepoaltot"rorty I)b11aH (ie000'+ - i,}yhlrh hap .been•remltted='to the Cqm-1 mieelonea• ihlInance; and.; {f; eencaaaqq thi,�safd Btt*eement has nova - ,been caneelled: with t1% onaent ot,the`� Cumm4efoner;,Eduohtlon, and she; - "ty .hew been avt ,to.thp ezpene@'of, PYvs Douare'(i600)+anty;and beb qu C[�D a8t8 tf17.� ' Yeas (IV) 'Imes (✓) Nays terod'no,otber lose .ihere[ore JLf 21 ID 1 .. ,,%,Be It?toeolyed that the>remninder oL - - egla gePoelt being the'eum o[ hi A Council .................................... ...19L....... Ave bollaro (i860% be•re[unded Lo tha rtll sale w H ;uen)emin and the proper + t cro ttdB s are a War .luthorised and i In favor dlr.ea,. to ".j'' a warren (n Darmept oAthe aame:-r. y .... SEP, 2 �S17 ...I9L....... AOoptaq bYthe Coun@iCSeDt, II C�.:.....nsalnit�l APDtWad Beet 81 ,191 11 . (Sept. 29 1917). Mr. Preld pe"" . • xt CITY OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE - -- Subject::.: , .'...Refund..:oi'...deposit ...:.:........ .. ................ •� -' COUNCIL FILE No........ ........ I Date Presented SEP. MM) ............. 191..:: Resolved, That, whereas, We H. Benjamin of the City of Duluth, Minnesota, heretofore entered into an agreement with the Commissioner of Ed- ucation for the rental of the Auditorium for the evFping of Friday, September 21st, in.earnest of which the said Benjamin Jaid a deposit of Forty Dollars ($40.00) which has'been remitted to the Commissionerof Finance, and Whereas, the said agreement has now been cancelled, with the o_onsent of the Commissioner of Education, and the City has been put to the expense of Five Dollars ($5.00) only and' has suffered no 'other loss, therefore i Be it relsolVed that kkxt the remainder of said deposit. being the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35,;.00) be refunded to the said We H. Benjamin, and the prcpdr city officers are hereby authorized and i directed to draw a warrant in payment of the same . - pe�s7e1&au.:yOto4 atiia. a47 diuwoi p .. .. U,! arnest^o w c)ld?s depoelF oRForty`37oIla' -(:10.00),�. hlrh has been `remit, D to the Coma Tnieelonerotu$Inance, and .., t,; - 1 +;'wheros� the`+eald agreement-hae I. been canee)led.'with the coasent of �ommiseloner at Eduaetlon and ,the KY ,hanb..n DUt; t0I 0 eipeMa_, 0f iftl �t[1 'y Five Dollars::(>i5:DDy aly'and baa suf- SEP (r,LP T917- Yeas (✓) Cou 'knen (✓) Naye tared-no,other 1aa., therefore 'io.ra -Xv.0 ed that -Lha reTnalndee:of tat depost' baing tha'on of Thlrty- eCouncil ...................................191.:...... dve DDllare tr0500) be refunded to aha Omit Bald W 11. nenlemin and the proDar, q 1 1 dI e oetcers are herebrr Inrlsed and SE 2 iS.l� in favor .directed to dyn . a warrapt In paympat of the,, If Adopted.h&tha Council eeDG`fi: 1911. v 11 �j ..... ry{atrtet '. ADDod' BeDt. Ol.-;1017 �I (8ept.. ]0.1037) wwa�r� (y�.�Jvwa�"u""rR v, r aYir.. i�rGld .....�. `..:..............................:.... ........: MAYO........... ` CITY OF'--$I%PAUL/�T�LLL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL. Subject: Rsfgnd.. ot..doposit................. oouRoa 18030 # .�� N o Date Presented.:......: ..........191........ I. I , Resolved. That, whereas. W. H. Benjamin of the Ci_t� of Duluth. Eiinnaaots. heretofore entered into an Weement with the Commissioner of Ed ucation fei the rental of the mitorium for_ the e-rening of i'iLdgy. September 21st, in eernest of which the said Benjamin Jaid a deposit of 3,orty Dollars ($40.00) which has been remitted to the Commissioner olf Pinnae, a:hd' 11hereaes the said ar"ement has now been cancelled, with the *sent of the Comnisrdoner of Bduoaitions and the City hus been put to the expense of give Dollare'(05.00) only and has suffered no other loss, therefore Be it resolved that 'Ji t the remainder of said deposit being the sun of,Thirty—five Dollars ($35.00) be refunded to the said W. H. Benjamin, rnd the proper city officers .ase hereby ruthorized and directed to draw a warrant in pa>,Ym=t of the sum Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays SEP �., 17 Adopted by the Council ......... ......... ........ 191....... Farnsworth Goss .............. In favor KellerApproved............ ...................... ............... ...,...191......_ McColl ..............Against Nash Yoerg................................................MAYOR Mr. President, Powers CITY .OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUT16N- GENERAL.. FORM FILEENCiI I NO-- . .. Date Presented SEP 21 IS17 191 .. I Resolved, 7a� t� , . Z L�(/DV� �%2,ea,-1��• p c�.�1 LrL2ar.(/tf r G �s-o 1g8ri-13y $.I., Coll •...7 - - � Reeglvpd That the City.: CAemtpt�le: hbteL� 1petructednd•dlrected tp go to1 - R - Ppeen S N to Ianepept ,the tnata}p'i 1 used:>In atfd thg proceee{ot mt�nufpc Yeas (J) Cc u ilmen (✓) Nays torpdol thb Seh troch Flrea Hoe. con_., ` I tract, for which an, awardey to tda,;- SEP Frt'"li 17 Orth I atnnhnttbn itubroee co ;wboee plant,tr by the Council 6 In lobptpd ,1n the Clty nhove nwiq9 C liThere is hereby:approPrlated [rgtP the 1 ohulpmghi e.ccount of the-.Ru;tau of r' : - 1 l9 t7 F Sn •,Protection the eutP dt One Bu$ :I - dred"and F1fty 1)ollnre (j36990) or s0 O m4ch )hereo[ brmaY be neadAdtto arooved... _..... ..:....191 he �neoeeeary axeneee pIra he C1ty) II AI tlhc�eptet �thne engegrd 1n pihnpea-: a� Ulich AdopteA by the Council Sept 21 1917 3 ADDrored Sept Y3 1917 r'--•"- -""-- ""- -' •'- Mr. Preside Irvin (aepp 29 1917) ; Mwro FORM C.S. - Petition Council File No �1• ., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol t g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....Q.Q.Aaji.1 a-1 ..4:..:Z-e71.eTLu..:.il.t.:. er. t.o..a..z;.idth Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 WHEREAS,_A written, proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: on.hni;h _. sides o=—Brii.ih ll'_;ayo.- SoutnT41n_.J@ x49.1Ae�_.Q..S�u_C1.iS.._$t• Councilman. ....... ......... _..... ........__ ............... .....__..... .....__ .. RDE ', t - i. .may titteh. Dro Imdear: for Wa having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmaa ne,ottgwln&,vtm eveen4 fryDf' a, ,apd�enf taeb.aldewalk dt}t or, dX.}te0t on -bot slave therefore, be it Imhah wve. south from Jettereon to=84 Glr 64.:•havin6 b6af1 Dte RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be an bl lea to the Gapeq of the -city of - at., au3therefore tie IC Reaolved T �thia Gmin inner, o{: 1. To investigate the necessity forLr desirability of the mn pu4lto ,�}orlcs�bp ani Se hereby ordered dna mlreataq 4 s 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of s L .1b,lnvastlsaie:'ibe aeepuity'tyy'r aereot. or deelra.b111ty ot,tbe maktng.ot Bald 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im rovement Improvement P P P n TAAnent. 7 -,,,she nature.` -extent. - a eenmated cost. of said 1Snorove 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative 1 rjana the total'eo■t the +m ..... ..-- ,Ad,'lh�rntah !tea. ... .. ................................... .......... _............ ......................................................... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissionerof Finance.' Adopted by the council .._.:+{.,Ta�.7 ......1191......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilm411n rth �gt7 Approved... .... U. u ......._............191......._.' /, lich w M 9 gyjJjr. - waw o e•e , Petition 1-3633 Council File No............................... f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.:: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th"If Ilowin ublic im ve ant by a ity of - St. Paul, viz.i:.......Gi?xb..._11.0 Gk1..s.id..e.s....Qf....YLxi. ..eii at....from. ynd at ..5 •...... ............... Dated this....._21fet ..__day ................ FApRt ................. ... .................. ..._ 191:.7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both _..gide.k_.p _A[?:_. use? .St.L_ snzl..S}nnirt�te_Rt.: ta.Fim,ilin"V.e. ....... ............... 3 :r:Hetnll. _..... .............:. ........._.................. ... ..,ed to the.thea t. haul reton having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cor'b& a tC eermeb9 4directed- RESOLVED, therefore, be It - Inoeettgafe We neepisi Y fio aThat the Commissioner of Public Works be iineetlsgte tfia ture a:fent t t1'matoo coat' of a or'tm0rov4 1. To investigate the necessity for. or desirability of the fptd tfio total ooerafiereot •ro fyrnleh ;�a .Dian, ,Drodto or 2. To roves ate the nature, extent and estimated cost of'4am i>nDro°amen! •otal cost thereof. qg Tq [arnfeh the+following other, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improved °namen4 rmatJon relative; to .aid 'To state whether or not:eatd Im- 4. To furnish the following other data and informationi 6n �;me o neran tha,Detltlon ............................................-........................................... ............................ .......................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all ofthe foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ... . .F .........191......... Yeas: Nays: nsworth qq•tt Councilmali'F WG TIrin Approved _.... ..:... S. P_H. S. .17...191......._. ich .......... MayMayor. IOIIM O e•e PC Umm, 7 ✓ . T Petition,t Council File No .. .'. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The 44ersigned hereby proposes the maidn of the ollowing publid' improve ent by 'the. City4of. St. Paul, viz.: ...Qr.q.4 a.t-- xe....fr.om.. `�.........- in $ecox._aWz_a_4 u110 A ztLll h tachari. JrrJ _ _. Dated this....._ 21.St.........da U� ...:............ S.e.P.te-Mb-Sx............. ... .._...........__ 91 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........ _..._..._Grine --.......... -'---- __---.� _. C'. F r(o.as9ati� ..., —77777'}— -' - win or th wrl follo*ln ro miro tom the mskfng de B rlceler'A Improvement __•._.. - .................................. ............ ............... ... ........ via redo Berkeley'' ve. trom syn dlcate, Ave. to 6r1gBe Stebavin8 ben having been presented to the Council of the City of piOsetttea; to ere omo b . or the city ;ot Sa ted, tbemefore ; be It.................— Resolved, That toe; commissioner or therefore, be it Public works be and 7e hereby ordered and directed - RESOLVED, That the. Commissioner of Public or ae�abinvestigaterbehmaldrg necessity ind directed Improvement - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabili;• - z. To investigate •ib;' attire, extent, t, and estimated coet of sold Improve - me hj, and 01 total cost thereof. - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim, , To . snrmeb a:= plan, ' profile . or, �e total cost thereof. ekotcb otsaaId Imyrovement. , 3. To furnish a plan,, profile or sketch of said il, 4., To furnieh'- the folloWtng other data and jnformctlon, relattve.:to said'' ' im rovsnievt 4. To furnish the following other data and int ; .Taata to wbetpder or not .edta Im l:- .............. -..........- provemeatl la sske4 aor on tbe,pgtittan` i of tbi80 b; mora oRAero. , ......... ._... _............................... ....... _ ....... - ..... a Tc -report upon all ob the' on ._ . ....._........._. ...... golhg matterr to the }Qommleeloner of, more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvement i Finance AdoptjQrby ibr F7 -onall Sept. -M.'1917. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters Approved gepL fl 1917 ..77„_ (gepL all .,1917) Adopted by the council fasworth gP . • .7 ........191......... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmaSEp 21�917 Approved _..... ....11 lich._......Ma�/y9 ayor. Council File No ......... ._...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I PRELIMINARY. ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the Poll ng public provement th City of St.IPaul, viz.: C ndei rir ..:.rn"RAajdz�,;..-Via.... ement.:..tn.. he:..lEn 3W rd. IIr slopes, for cuts end- fil __j�__ ;x easel Syndicate Ave_. to .S St._...— Datedthisof.............................. 3igel .............. .............................. 191..'Y.... I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: i Coricterunin vnd taking:-_ n_e gement.1__tikla_]tind_nenP-0car.„z..�n�.__� _ Slouee, Syndicate Lve to Gri W. moats Ada to .3s' , et having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paut. uaeaented to the councnot _ f at. Paul therefore, be ip. therefore, be it • � d. That tbe' Commiasloner 'of _ %v'orka; b. and Is hereby ordered rated: d and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wt o ln" ugt ate tee necessity rod Irabillty of the making or-said 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability een t- tigate the pat.n.aatpmvement. gid. cost of sell, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost k totsa ooet tt vement, and the total cost thereof. a: Dian: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. '! ;` 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said iml rovement;_..................................... ........ ...."........................_............".............__....................._........."........................................................"..........._....................................._..................._................__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......._....SEP 21.19.17 .191 Yens: Nays: Councilma> a sworth SEP 211917 ea i Approved .................... .................191....._... and' tri ✓Ji: er C1 V /I M oll � l� «-- "Vv derlich t Maydrlr Mayor. • au I I Council'File No G PROPOSAL .FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo116-.l.9public improvemElt by thsc.'tiof St. Paul, viz.:....._open.,.... widen.... and..: extend PfTer-epa'.,aveaue., U. a--widtr3S-.0-f• 81ility 891..eet, ... 1 f. ._._.....__._... ._—_.__....... ..__..._.. ........ Dated this ....._.? r.1iliti..:.._.day of. .......$Ajlti.ev> ..er............................ ...................... 191.7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: and _.ext.end.J_eif_er.ann...avenv_...... _. et.,�isom_.Cretin..avenue.__tathe_ sainaippi... River ` _ _ _---------............................... _._G 1r xo:laeas— _.....:......... .r_.- -__ .:......_..__ wfi-4 'A,wrltten. qro oval for the viz., D h,lvrlaenl end ertend 7ettar `t;' ..:..::....... ...... ...................:_ ............... .......: ma • O 8 a� .................. ...... tromlcretla'avleno, to Lhet�Lles2.111p1: - - having been presented to the Council of the 8tver Eoutevara, having bew yreeentea _ _., w t to, tde; Coanoll' ort the City. oL 8t. Paul theretore, ,, therefore, be it Resolved;That t .Co"y onar of ' Publlo weeks be and.j.herebereby ordered RESOLVED, That the Commissioner a end dlreetea, •esr rdered and directed •. 1: !Ab':'investlgate 'the�nacedelty for - or dlrhb)Iltq of t making of said 1. To investigate the necessity for or d Improvement rovement. laveatlgafe he astute, eaent I lit, and the total cost thereof. 2. To' investigate the nature, extent an end • esitmatea coat of seta Improve- m,nt. anA the toter cost thereof. Jd Yua :Olen, Droale ori - - 3. To furnish a p profile roSle or sketch To rntoakeuh o"' lmnrovemana { 1b tarnish the. Lotlbaing ;other; 1, 4. To furnish the following other data seta ane lntormatlon - t #pr6o.v.eTment.Its. -aekpaed toeraolq nuiolitoa aDtd.o sIamld'h ovement ......................... _ ................ improve 0, o:swni.......:. ...............__.. _,.1. ......._ ..........-.„..................... ........ ........._ _ 5. To state whether or not said impro of three oc more bwaera 8", 1b report upon'atl �ot the. tore three or more owners. oI"I matters u.th4��ommWtonar, ori 6. .To report upon all of the foregoing mance = ce• tf1 AdoDtadbq the ConnCtl BeDt. 11.;f17,; SEP- � IJ17 ADDrov d,"pt rl.`i91Z Adopted by the council. r ..... taepc se:lslz) Yeas - Nays: Councilor nsworth - SEP 21 19.17 s Approved.._ 191,...:._. �. an t - ller _ ccoll underlich f Ma n Mayor. rose a e-e zd -ZI-1. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................................ ...................... FINAL ORDER In .the Matter of. 9mading alley in...Black..29 st....-Anthony Park..Xox-th --------- — ........................................................................ . .......................... ............ ............. ............................................... ...................................... ... w ............................ ........................................................ . .................... ............................... ............................. ............ ................................................. .................. .................................................................................................... ............ : ................ -- ............................................. ...... ... ............................................................................ ................... . ............. ..................... ............ -- .......... tinder Preliminary Order ..1.7.47? ....................................approved ..... ............... ....... Intermediary Order ...... ......... .. ...... .—i ....................... approved ..... ........... .............. — .......... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having hearA all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- , ment mprove- ment to be made by the said City is G.ra.de allfw—in Bl.o.ck 29 t---- Anthony PALrk ................. ..Karthl f r oz—B ................... �; ............... ................ .............. Kailt-on $.t- ....... ................................. .......... . ........................................................................... ....... ..................................... — ......................... ............................................................................................................... ...... .. ........................ ............................................... ........................................................................ ........................... ..... .... .....................................•--••---•-• ................................ ................... I ..................................................................................... ... ................... z ................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the C mission PublicW and is hereby instructed and directed D ns' an to prepare plans and specifications fo aid im ent, t� a it same to the Council for approval; that ereb ed i upon said approval, the proper cit cials y ant and directed to proceed with the making ......... ... ... .. by orders said improvement T R ' That the C issi d i _ 0 - i specifications i ns fo aid in .7fic t 0 to be e t proper city be e , ..I. ereb p r c ffl' _ of said improvement in accordant with. Con Adopted by the CCon ... .. ............... . ... ....... .. .. 191- ... .................. ..................................... ..................... . . City Clerk. Approved...... . ....... ............. ... .............. 191 jj' ........ Mayor. Councilman*t�ns%vorflk ar Y Councilmzs C7= �Counn,i II1� r Councilman-'McColl Councilman" underlich Mayor 1;;W Form B. S. A. 8-7. .,, CITY OFST. PAUL. �•... _ _ " DEPARTMENT: OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI5510NER gF`FINANCE /* �I ON AE'LIMINARY ORDER _ In the Matter of __, _ _......... � ._.... 7 . -........ . ._._....I . _.... ._..._ _..... _ .. ................... .._._... ,. �- ................ ... _... ._... ......... _... __...... ............. ._.. ..... ......... .... .... .... .................... ........... . ........ ....,..... _ ... _........ ....... I .... ........ _..............._..._..._............... ...._.._....._...-..-.................... ........... _.................. _.................... ....._..._......:.. _.... ......_.._............._......_................................ ..... _. .........._:__._.......... :_... . _...... .... .. ............... _...... _..... ......... _...... ...:...... ._...... _ .......... _._..._...... _.._ ._.._..:......_... _......_............. .... ................_.... �.Q !=1= %..L l �..... .............. ... _...... _--._.-.— - - .....-.. under Preliminary Order approved..... ._ . ... -.... -................................................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $....$30..0'1 :_. . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ $._.. ,,_0.46 ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT PLO Clt1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7z I. 67 , 0aQ1i i 8 00 /aTOTAL. 1 i - CITY Or 6T. rAUL- DEPARTMENT OF FIN^NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER AF -FINANCE ON FftELIMINARY ORDER s� -- DESs CRIPTION LOT LOCK . ADDITION I A49l9S to VAL}l/arTICZN50 `S 0 11 i �.z9F do il zz o. a ti . `!2 9 / z o. o. 1 /7!29, do 7:0 0: ...... 37s 9, /3So !ZZ 2 r ?I , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... .............. f%...... 191 -7 - Form .Form R• 33.12 - - Office of the Commissioner of -Public Works . Report to Commissioner of Finance August 3rdr 791.?... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the'preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No. . approved 17477 July lOth,_.....L)17......, relative to ................... _........ _.. the inook9.a.....4t.,...Pntho.X....p.xk i..Q._tkl...................':...._._ ................ .... .................................... .................... ........... ............ .............................. _._................... ............._......._........................................ .......................... ........... .............................................. ............... ............... _........................_...._...................................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to thefein, hereby reports; 1. Said improvement is..._ ....... :........... necessary and (or) desirable. 45¢ pex front foot 2. The estinmted cost thereof is $_..:............................. _, and the total cost thereof is $ 530 04 and Assessable frontage 1,174 feat pxceas irepection ':`10. 9 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........:...:........:..... .......... .........:...................... .................. ................ ................. .................... ..............._.......... .................... ........................ ............... _........................ .................. ............ .......... ............ .................. ......._........................ 3. A plan, profile or -sketch of said improvement is hereto attached slid made a part hereof. .............................................. ..... ........................ ................... ... ......... ._............_......................... ...................... 5. Said improvement is.... ................................ asked for upon petitionofthree or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i r.... C017Nsione of Public Wot/".._ Pepttrhnent of public 3fflnrks , OSCAR u _ -M. N. GOSS•COMMISSIONER By or 6naln[[aa R. T. GOURLEY. D-UTY E. cARRou: Bari. wL.........Ur,aenon. a Bad ... ....nliwrion - - OOET2INOER. Sari. W BaR[wa or CORR[ciiona o�otorrl�:Ena,.[[a St. Paul, Minn. July 23, 1917• Mr. I1. 11. Goss, Coimnis.sioner of Public Works � Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the alley in Block 29 St, Anthony Park North in accordance with Council File #17477, approved July 10, 1917. i Approximate estimate $530.04 Assessable frontage 1,174 ft. Cost per front foot t45� i Mccess inspection X10 39 Yours very t/rruly, JEC/H, Chief Engineer i w i it Paul, Minn. z. � 7.191. To the Honorable The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. SUN 2g 1917 Gentlemen.- G O S �. i NI N ,c wor We, the undersigned property owners herebyCOP3 i%�P0� Pji�g k, r Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . St. AV*. from a - St. 'Avg". to . . . . . . . . . . . . St, Ave. NA1Q_g�--_- I LOT I BLOCK I_ _ADDITION-- — —— ..ij(.. d d d I d . ..........r..l...o. ... . ... .. o..o...l I f d ... .Id (...... t.. r...d........: d d I ...d..1. .e...... ....: I r d ................ . r d I . .d...1.. 0 ... .... I I I I I I JUL I�1'J17 BUREAU fir' "GINEERS, M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERACCFORM Subject:.... COU ecu FPLC NO...... .... Date Presented... Sept. 31st, 191....: i RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND' OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for sl pee, for outs and fills in grading the aligy in Blk 29, St. Anthony Park North, from Brompton Avenue to Reston Street, under Preliminary Order #17478, approved July 10th, 1917, and intermediary Order #18157, approved August 20th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch An the above matter, be it i p i RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named,improyement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 29, St. Anthony. Park North, from Brompton Avenue to Beaton Street, to,thA extent shown upon the sketch attached to there rtre the Commissioner of' 'Public Works int m t ,dated September 21st, 1917, which ske port are hereby referred to and made.a. t eof. 01- aim 4, Cep Yeas (r') Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council..._ ................___'...._ ...._..191.._.... v5arnsworth ss .... / .... In favor - APProved..... .. _ ... ..... ..191. „,Keller T" ,i4cwl 0 Against Nffsh- , n ^ ✓ioer W .. .. __.. g - ...... .................. MAYOR Mr. Pre", nt, Pew®rr FORM C.6.2 _. w t�it� of Ot. Vaal Department of Vublic Marks 03CAR C-53 N. a"" [ o.H[cn M. N. GoSS. COMMiaaioweR� - euR[Au o• ENO.N[[n[ - - R. T. GOURLEY. D[•ur• - J. E. CARROLL.. CON[ n. lANl ^Tt n - sunuu o•.coRR[anoN. M, a. ORYTlAN, CXOIN[[R � ' G. H. HERROLD. O•nc[ EHOiN[cn _ - -REPORT TO THE COUFCIL In the natter olf oondemnini and taking an easement.in the land necee- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in rradin.7 the alley in Block 29, St. Anthony Park North,, from Brompton avenue to heston street, under Preliminary Order X17470, approved July lOtr., 1917 and Intermediary Order W16157, approved August 20th 1917. i r To the Council of the City of St.Faul: The Coke:r.iseioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvemert,showin by the eiaded portion of said plan, the' fills to be made or private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and tatched parts of such plan. i Corrissione� bfiic Works --- r. 4 r..Aa c[ �i--( .c....��,l�,I.t i"'y •�? GJ (e� 1 T { w� zel_:ee c ao`al 1��a e awlll�. "e �y _ POST CARD NOTICE 'ICE OF THE CQjAMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.. Sept 10th 191', -in the matter of -Spading Alley 1n Blk.. 29 St . Antho Pk. N from Brompton St. to Keston St. under Preliminary Order 17477 approved duly 10th 1917. '. I �; You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul propbs s to,make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $pp ss�� That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in th`e3CouaO, Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, on the 21st, day of Sept 1917 in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commissioner of Finance _ ..r= OTTO W. MI LLCR�Pwce�.� _ ,. oS. O A V I 6,T-- 11 I'LE, I?A ).vvisi- ,Twcwe 219-22I-Sourn Fourth Sr—K 11I'LE,I?A).vvis CcrNIr1�LNW PRL\^PE1tS mx1 STNTIO EIt S LITILOGRAPHERS an(113LA\Zi ROOI�?L�\i'IN1CTi'RF.RS Offices Cot 's L1:(iAI.71La1\1iS /7 - CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMh IISSIONER.OF FINANCE t ON PRELrINARY ORDERASSESSED (C) l DESCRIPTION LOT 13LOCn"- _ ADDITION- VA.L}JrI Ir o /L z9 /7 z9 do 70 0 / 9 Z? a9 7 s 2a �-9: do /13so L ..w...e".-.. . ....,._.. . ,... _. :.... z .,......�. ...a ... �...-..r+..... 1-.e.,.. , ... .mow. �_za_.:�.. ro .. _.... .....,...._-.. ,......�.. �. ,.na .n..._. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated` all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to -him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 Dated..._.......cC / .. .............191 /// Commissioner of Finance. Form E. H. 12 Office `of the Commssiorier .ofPublic Works e Report to .Commissioner of Finance .August 3r d.�.................. 1917...: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 17478 . ............. 191 relative to..:..._.........._... condeininb and taking an easement in the land necessarY_for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading..._ alley in.._dock._Z9_,:......................................._ ...... .......................__..... ................__..........................................._...................._.......I.. St.:...._AnthonY..._Park..._North,.....from ...Eroupton....St. .:....to _Yeaton_ 4t..r......._...................................:.._. and having investigated the inatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... __.......... necessary and (or) desirable. l 'l. The estimated cost thereof is ......... _.. and the total cost thereof is $.._..._ x. ......... and i the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .................... ...... ................................ ................................. .......... ............ ..... .............. ...... _........ _.......... ........... ................ ..........._............ .... ..................................... ............:_.... _.............. .............................. ........................... _........_........... ........... _................ i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................ .....:_.................. ..._................ .......................... ..-.............._..:...._..................................... 5. Said improvement is_............ .........._.asked. for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement, i .:.... ............................................. �jA7 ` Commissioner of Public Works. t�mAnzoani�as. , = S Mader o[ changing !he'grade of ,- .line Ave. from Juno'et. to Ren. It, St. to conform to the red Ilne :eh a` yard hereof, the�pi sent as- .. 'Ished grade. being reprceented nby . Jno line Ybereon, also the grading, said Hemline Ave. between the - As aforesaid In accordance,wlth y �sald: red line when -established.; r lha it In. o['HamlIn. Avenue: - - n Otto' Ave. to Juno St, to the . ,ent a 1.1,11 hed grade, under Pre- ,nary Order 16306 approved Mar' - - L+O(;publlc head having been had - - •lrti s7 b above improvement upon due- , and the Council having'heard .mons, oblectlons andrecommen By... relative thereto. and having.......... i,msldered the same; thergjorc. ' - .d. RY Lbs Counen of tM1e Cit�FINAL ORDER ;Fetthe precise --t— In of .. In the Matter of..... changing ..the ... grad.e_.of..Hamline..Av.e..from...Suna...at:....tn............ Randolph St. to conform to the red line.on the profile hereto attached and...made..a...part. ..hexenf.....the ---pprasent...eatabliahed...ggrade .. b.sing ............................. represented by a blue Tine thereon, also the grading of said Hamline _AY..e...:..?et.weeF?.:.the...B.Ql..t9 A.: QTA.s..4.id....i.t}...$.Q.e.G.T.C�anp.Q.:.wi.?rkl...t11.@...eA.�.d...�.eS3..:.. ...: line when established, also the grading of Hemline Ave. from ..0-tt.o..:AYe...... t-3 Juno...St..... t.o....the ...pr.e.s.ent....e.s.tabli.shed...grade................ .....:..._................. : _......-- ...................._.....................................................__...._.......... - ........ ,....... .._........... __...... _.. _............. under Preliminary Order .....1639.3...............................approved ........__..._14Y T., . 1917._......_.._._..._.___. Intermediary Order --- ........................approved..... .......... :.............. ._:...... .... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- lent to be made by the said City is..:.Change...the..8?tad.e.. o.f....'+-.gml.lI'1.g...flve...... rOm._,JUnO to Randolph St. to conform to the red line on therofile hereto _attached... and..mad.e...a....paxt...her-sOf-.n,- e:q.:�4bl.isghed._gradA being,- :. represented by a blue line thereon, also the grading of said ..Hamline Av.e.....bat.we.en...tkl.e.:. .-a.iTA.15 Af4re.sg.id in..accordance vith. the .............. said red line when established, also the grading of Hamlirie Ave — fx.om ..flt.t.o...AY e.----t.o....J>xzz0 _ S.t...t 9._the..prqs ent... a stabl. i erred...grad e.................. .--......... .......................................... .......................................................................... ............................................................. ..............----- .................... .......................... _................................................... ............................!.................................---................................ and the-Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 21, tJ�p 191%f - Adopted by the Council. ...._._ 191..... tti : t City Clerk. eco 21.. Approved.. .. ........ 191 - .... ............ .................�..o-rr. ..... May . t/Grouncilmanl arnswm-th j/Couneilman II(7osa / Councilman'.'%eller � ✓ Councilman; McColl '-Councilman . wunderlielt " Mayor Irvin, Form B. S. A. 8-7, . SUBJECT: _ CHICAGO TREAT WESTE RN RAILROAD COMPANYL i,al,,� OFFICE.OF SUPERINTENDENT. - - C. 1.. BIIOEMARER ' BVPEBlEi'EFHEEi DES MOINES, IOWA, I I/ J CC Mr CITY OF 5T. PAUL r� DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE 1 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM.' IARY ORDER ...... � , �.;,...-,ate :._z-x,t ... _,��.�� -s _._..�,•_,.�, _ Changing tha_. rade of Hamline avenue from Juno street to Inthe Matter of ..._..... 'b ..-........ ..._... ........................_....................... Randolph,....street-;. 1zleo.._the raiing...of..said..Hamline avenue between the poin-te a.foresai.3.; also_:._ the _..grading�l ...of Ha_i,ne avenue from Otto avenue to, Juno, street to. the_ j resentestablished &radei ,_.... ._.:... ........ ............_...._ _...... .... ._._.. 1 under Preliminary Order approved ._.__.__._.:..._May 7-th+...... 1°•1.7.1_.._........ .... _...... ........................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows,: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ............ 0. 86 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ - --............................. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK" a ADDITION _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION 16 3 Davernts Ragt. of Block 350 15,3 4,5, & 6 of Lexington 2475 Park Plat 10. 4 N E 41 of S 4' sf Sec. 10, .Sbrn 28, Range 23 46815 16 8 'Woodford Park 450 15 8 325 South 42 feet of. 1.6.8 Lexirig ton Park Plat 11. 525 (Exc. So. 42 ft.) 15'$ __.200__ TOTAL. J2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C0141MISSIONER OF .FINANCE ON PRELI MARY ORDER I (B) DESCRIPTION LOTIBLOOK - ADDITION ASSESSED_, VALUATION 16 Hackett IB. Sub. of 200 15 Blk. 4, Lexington Park 200 Plat 5 - 15 3 F. L. mcA3an, 200 12 3 Lexington Park Plat l 250 15 3 F..L•.mcAdam'6 Addition --- 900 16 200 15 2 200, 15 1 I_ IE 2nd Addition 825 4 ;.,.Whitney 20 1 ,. G. Whitneyte Add., 325 1825 19 1 325 1a 1 8 4 J.J.Kenna'E Addition 325 325 7 4 350 6 4 I 29 5 Kensington Park Ad:ition � 100 100 3 5 100 2 - 5 100 1 5 7 4 TOTAL. 100 z � CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI.$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL NARY ORDER (C) I ' - DESCRIPTION ,' LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 4 Kersington Park -Addition 100 5 4 100 4 4 100 3 4 - 700- 2 4 100 1 4 300 3 1 100 2 1 1300 1 1 30 acres of 6 of S W u Of10-28-23, 6000 Fast 10 acres of North I . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby subrMts the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �, _ .. �� _....... Dated 191.. c - Commisaioner of finance. . Norm 13.-D. 12 -. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of -Finance 3 Y..._...."....... a: .........191.? .. Tul 3rd To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St. Pal": The Counnissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary .order of the Coun- 16303 ;. ay....7tha 1917...., relative to ..........I.:..... ail, known as Council File No............_............approved._._ the change of Grade and grading of Nr line...-+:vAnue....from .......................... Randolph Street to Otto Avenue................................................. ..... ............._....................................................................._................._................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... .................•....necessary and (or) desirable. 86¢ per lineal foot 3,704 23 The estimated cost thereof is $._.......... .: _............ and the total coat thereof is $ and r Assessable frontage 4,317.1 ft. Eseees inspeotion X72.63 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... 1.....................................__ .............. ............ .... . J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............._.............. _... .5. Said improvement is................................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... <.1t7 -�.. t......... - :....... !..............._ j Commissioner of Public Works. ai#u' of f. 133111 �cpnrinte� n#'�uhlic� �dnrhs OSCAR CLAUS sery. c�itr [nc�«can « a.a - .[Chu M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY tOu oICon ♦ory n«o Baa s... Ihc[sorv. euaVc w: sonzlrveeR, «a .. 10 1917 PU;11 , ii iln. 'tiL';j% _ R. s. aezreh... to ?.1r. :,.. I' - Goss, Cortaisjioncr of Public 'Jorks Dear 3ir,- I trwrs At ilere":It".. prelimira r. cs :itaate of o, for ch n7ir tie -do .n ding pct line uvc _roM R,-: dOlph wt. tO Otto Avc. in accordsscc .•i'c= Cour-cil ile Ji pi ovea P:1a1, 7, 1917 nrpro:_irz to e: timate 3,704.23 Asces�::able-frortaoe - a ,317.1 ft. Cost uer front foot .86¢ D cess inspectiotl necessary y1?72.63 ;To e::nense neces cry o� accowlt of proposed change of .--ade. Your,- very ljrn11y, OC Chief D'lgineer CIfOA. 500 JOHN d. KENNA r . REAL ESTATE ]LOANS -ANn- INSYJRANOIi 41fN•607 A-MILAN NA-'BAN,[ It1.11t1. Olaroh- coP•IPlrru -ANu osuw,e rre, - - twenty-first ST. PAUL! MINK. Nineteen Hundred Sixteen. ' ° a_ Mr. X. N. Goss, Commissioner Public Works, i Court House, City. Dear Sir:- Regarding the preliminary order for the grading of Hemline Avenue from Randolph to Niles Streete(only two blocks). I beg to petition t1at that order be amended grading Hamlina Avenue to Otto Avenue. We .own blocks one, two, and the South half of three Lexington Park which is practically all the frontage down to Bayard Avenue, and your engineer will no doubt tell you that the road South of.Nilee Street is very narrow and needs grading really more. than that North of Niles Street. I ask you to add to' your petition this request for the con- tinuing of the grade of Hamline Avenue to Otto Avenue. Yours truly, JJK-FS. °y 1 ,{�� ,,/yrs aitg or Paul . Vepartmex`tf of Public °Worhs —CAR < A es Ex. ex es exc�x[en - M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R T' GOURLEY. DEr QTY CARROLL,.- , . [. urr'x[ . or Cox.[nuc[iox xxo- ALrneD.IACKeDR. GRIT -K. . C.exa .::;` ul, :iinn. May 5, 1917. —D.- c. N[NROLD. Crnc[ Excx[[n Goss, Convaissioner of Public ':dor! s L Deer Sir,- i Referring to prelimirL:ry order C. P. X14520, approved Jan.. 24, 1917 for 3rading Hai line Ave. from R.ndolph St. to 0t'"o Ave., :re rind; froi:i recent surveys that a small chat ---,c o race on T.amllne Ave. will be necessary to match the i::iprovemcnts on i2a:xlolph St. Me accoipanying profile and orders corer the ,`roposal very truly, Chief, Engineer p - CITY OF ST. PAUL ..9OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR14 i�„ �UY140 ....... ..... :.......... COUNCIL FELE NtfF...... .. .. ..... .. ...._. f, Date,Presented...Sept, :.3_lst.,......... 1917.'..... RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT 0& LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs sand fills in grading Hemline Avenue from Randolph Street to Otto Avenue, under Preliminary Order #16304, approved May the 7th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18298, approved August 28th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- witted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land-abutting-on Hemline Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 21st', 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part. hereof. C. F. No. 1880--' rn the matter of po demning d tak- I; Ing a ea amen[ In the land anas c .eery for elopes, far'cute'and fillsIn�. grading Hamllne avenue from Ran- I' dolph Street to Otto avenue. under, Preliminary. Order' No, 16261. ap- proved May the 71h, 1917, and Inter- .. mediary Order No. 18298, approved August 28th, 1917. .The Commissfoner of Public Works ' having submitted'. his report and sketch In it ResolvedVeer That LthebClty of St Paul! fixes and determines the. amount. of land to be taken for the above named. Improvement as, an easement . for elope,, for cuts and fills In and upon .' the land abutting on Hemline avenue. between the points aforeaaid, to the 1 eztarit shown upon the sketch attached to. the sport of the Commleeloner of .S ' Puallc Work in tae matter, dated 11� September 21st.1917, whichsketch and report are hereby refer9d to and made ".. a part. hereof. ( �}}� `Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1917, JtP '7fl 7,� Yeas (jent, ilmen (r') Nays Approved Sept. 21, 1917. t7 1 (Sept. 29-1917) Cil.. . �_...... 191 ;... orth in favor Approve L.._. .191l __. AgainstMr. P4wersJ MAYOR FORM C42 1 (4i1g of #t. Vdul`0 i `aJ Icptirfraent of public Works - Department OSCAR CLAUS![H. Cxl[r ... M. N. GOSS. COMMISI-C R - - ...... o. of R. T. GOURLEY, D -U- L J [. .... Coxal[ �cTlox +xo f . ALIR[D JACRlOH, SU- -T —T [RROLo. O[CMG Hrr A Report to the Council .. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grafting of Hemline. Avenue from Randolph Street to Otto Avenue, Under. Preliminary Order (16304, approved May 7th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18298, approved August 38th, 1917. To the Council of the City of St. Paul, The*Commissioner of Public 'orks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of ub11c rorks. dated Y �.i j . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL,.. -- I T DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COWfV1'',SSIONER OF FINANCE 1 D ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER l In the Matter of nd; takinZ an easement I in the 1 and. neeeeeary_ for. al pes-Jor-cuts and fills in grading Hamline Ave. from Randolph St. to under Preliminary Order approved ---- -- ` .-�� 1 17----------------- ..................... --- ------ —---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is9Q----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION ASSESSED , VALUATION 15 3 Davern's Regt. of Blk4, 2475:: 16, 3 5 and 5, of Lexington Park 350` - Plat 10 6 4 J J Kenna's Addition 350: 7 4 do 325. 8 .4 do 325 _ 18 1 C, _ G. Whitneys Addition 325 .. 19 1 do 1825 325 20 1 do ` .... _ TOTAL, _ R, ror� as.w. s•e w - - CITY Or ST. PAUL S ", ;DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i - - ON PIkLIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION _ LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 G G Whitney's 2nd Add. 835 15. 1 Edward L. McAdam 200. is 2 ! do 300: 16 2 ! ao .200 15 3 do .200, 12 3 Lexington Park Plat No.l. 250.; 15: # ; Hackett' a Sub. of Blkk. 4,)I 200 16. # Lexington Park, Plat 5. )) 200. 15 8 ,Lexington Park Plat #11 200,. South 42 f t . of I 16. 8 do 525 , (Except So. 42 ft.) 16 8 do 675. 15. 8 Woodford Park 325: 16 8 do 450, N. E. of S. W.u Of 10 28:R.23 46815.: E. 10 acres of north 30 5l acres of S.i of SWyi of 10 28 9.23 6000, 1 1 Kessington Park 1300 2 1 do 100 3 1 do 300 .: 1 4 do 100 2 4 do 700 3 4 do 100. 4 4 do 100 5 4 . do 100 ' 6 4 do 100 7 4 do 100 ; TOTAL. .,y. FORM �. �.A. 0•D • - _. ..... .. t I ...-_ ..__ : -: -. _- mini 11 Office of the Conitinissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner, of Finance I July 23rd, ........... ..... ....... 1917._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the,City of St. Paid: P The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- j cil, known as Council File No. 16304 Pia 7th ? ... _............. ._...-approved ........_..._ Y ..' .........-....191.. relative...__.-- condemning and taking an easement in the land neces6ary for .... .................... ..._....._._... _Rendglph Street, to.....011 o .Z.yefltz@... ......... _._........ .............. ........._......_.._..._ ._.......... p I and having investigated the matters. and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. - . 8. The estimated coat thereof is $_.XXXX ___........_.... _....... and the total coat thereof is Vit:._...........X.X.X.X.x ............ ......... and the ,nature and extent of said improvement is as follows................ .............. ................. _........ _........ _ _............. .................. ......... ................. ... _.-_..... .:..............__.:_r..:__....._._......_...:...:.....:...... ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and trade a part hereof. #........... -.... ..... .... _...................... __.._.__:....... ...... _..__.............. ................ _. ..._ ......................................._..._ .............. 5. Said improvement is_.......... _...__:-._.__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co. issionor of- 1710 f Public Works. -ani �t 61 APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING�gp-+s N CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....nxianir.�,....1�id.ening..and ...ext.endinF..t.o...a..-Width.: of . ................. tMe.Aty.:..(.20:)...f..e.et..an..alley....in:..Blo.ck....4,...2 b.ext...G.....J3endy. ls.................. __........ . additi�•c_.land...t.o...t.e...tak.exi..fnr.... the..ab.os.e... named -..impro-uement ..... being more particularly described as a strip of land twenty (20) . fieet....iii.. width..a.cross..a...miseellan esus...tra at....of...land---in...Seatlon... 4 ............. Township 27, Range 23, the northerly boundary of said 20 foot atr#L b.eink._.the...nor-theory...-Line...out_alley...i.n..Blnck...G,....E�lgert..:0....................... Handy -'s Addition, produced easterly to the westerly line of ............................................................. .......................................................... '................. _...... _...... under Pr@liaunary Order..:1.6.906 ............... approved ...d1tnE...BT...1.91-7.., Intermediary Order: ......1.7.67.., approved....... July.... 24,..:1.91.7. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the, amount of . damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it - Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for at confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the CouncilChamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.... ----- -day of .......... OQt oher.-......._._......191....7.., at ten o'clock A. Wand that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .._:.....: � p . ' " .:-. .............. $EP 211917 IZA Cuty Clerk.- APprovera :..: 191t, C, ........ i _... ................................................................................... ....... Mayor. e/ Council n"'arnaworth 'Council an"oas _l onnci as'$eller 'Counei an.McColl Coupe an Munderlier Vilayo Irvin _ _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ;OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..:.:.QP.� t7 .,....1Y]£.n1SlU.:_A.I1d...extend.iSl(s...t.Q.-A.._Widtll...of..................... twentyf?_................... �:ddition, she._land..,to._�A._taken,-f.o.r thg„above,.pa being pore particularly described as a strip of land twenty (20) tract ...nf..:lanci...in..BecLion...Q.............. _ Township 28, lunge 23, the northerly boundary of said 20 foot strip ke.ixlg.:_t_iaa..noxthe.rly...line...of...al.1.ey...in.-Mo L...A,..:EgbBr-t.. .....ldand3�.:.s_ _...._.. Addition, produced easterly to the viesterly line of Herschel Avenue, ......................-------..............--....---............._..................................----.--...._............--------.....................--------_............. _...._.. under Preliminary Order....... 3- .......... approved ...,Iune...a,.191.7--, Intermediary Order .....i .%b.9.7.......... approved .........,7..Lily... 2.4.,....19.1.7....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that°he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ....:.Z................... �---..... Commissioner ofMnanee } An -ordinance granting to the Theo. Hamm Brewing Company j permission to r'nstruct and maintain a tunnel across Fauquier street between Greenbrier avenue and the Northern Pacific Railway tracks, and a tunnel across Reaney street between Greenbrier avenue and the _Northern pacific Rail; -;ay tracks. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOFF ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Theo. Hamra Brewing Company, a corporations to construct and main- tain a tunnel across,Fauquier street; and one across Reaney street, between Greenbrier avenue and the Northern pacific Railway tracks, as shown upon the blue -print hereto attached. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Forks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Theo. Hamm Brewing Company, for the construction of said tunnels, upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said tunnels shall be constructed under the super-. vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any'.' (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars Q5,00C.00), conditioned to save the City harmless frow any and all liability, ju graente, auits, costs, charges, da.magzes and expense that may- accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance,. operation, use, presence or removal of said tunnels; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said tunnels remain or exist. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corpor_ ation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the -City Comptroller. (3) Said tunnels shall be removed whenever the Council shall so order. (4) ,Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage Kms.: of this ordinance, file s written acceptance.thereof.:i-jb tt Li y Clerk, in such form as n.ay be arprove.: by the Cor, -oration Coun�?e'_. - _-----. �� ,, G I o See Corrcr�l`e C On fooaQy Sir o e G 07 1 - --- 18 . - > i - -�----�-�- / s I h - x i Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council OCT -5 iyi/ _ Yeas Nays - _ � v'F,yland 4-.'ICeller 4--Tunderlich UT 81917 "(•firviln) Approved, I� " Attest '1 �.-------- ----_--Mayor J -------------------- C City Cler rU)3LI8 MD �© /3 y theeupervlaro ,. L/ CommiafonetO1�tn, ��p� ���� e✓� 17 ..h., f i. C t171.. �Lt+' € Id ay the coat of sp -�- i/T-"' licensee shall furnl.' i City of St. Paul, In th J 'e Thousand Doll_ _ it boned to cava the a +t %4 d.1 � 17 ,, - ! �..%�.o% 21 0� �. Ff, . om any IlaAilfly' ludg- a✓1'1'i cw J v `A_ J eta. chargee, damages may accrue to per-% �7-- ¢y.Q on account of or arta-.�pti rites.,, tonstructlon. malnte- Uae preecnee or re- n le; the said bond to y rndseed as long id / or eziat. The Bald bC _.. /_ — 1 p 1 y D� Ftiy��/ r.�0 X1/1 uch form as may be V v l l / D fff 'orporatlon' Cbunacl, surety s y be a t .ompt and shall. be D r l e-1 1 shall be removed u / cll hall noorder. !e shall, wlthln tea gage of this ordln- ` ncceptance thereof - 'x. In such form as -,y the Corporation 11 ink o effect and -e after its pass. + fi, 1917. Keller, CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT > Vy�j!}� . COUNCIL No. — AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1917 TOITED SEP ? 191_ PER .rtu .. 684! Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified flirtQs and in Favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed , HP 22 M7 191_ . statement:- Adopted by the Council_ -- Yeas ( J) Cou cilmen ( J) Nays — 2;4 X911: ./Far sworth Approv - 191— Far In favor (Kell r .' MaC 11 Against MAYOR �iLderlich Mr.Presid Po1� _Irvin - C. F. No. 18843— . - Resolved that warrantee be drain 1 _ - upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter prescribed funds and In favorf the persona, firms or corpora- tions` for the amounts set opposite _ their respective names as ppecilled In - the following detailed statement: Carlson & Sandpulet. $643.60. _ Patterson Street Lighting Co.. $4.518.52. Raymer Hardware Co., $8.04. P. J. Ryan; $60.00. - E T. Webster, $610.00. Adop led by the Council Sept. 22, 1917. - -Ap Ved Sept. 24._1917 .; (Sept. 39 1. 171' _ 2 543.60 20212 Carlson &.Sandgquist Pusey 4,518.62 Patterson Street Lighting Co., 213 I- Lighting-ExP• 214 Raymer Hardware Co•. C. P. U, -Tdun. Teat Lab. 8.0 jr 50.00 216 P. J• RYanSewer Western 510.00 216 E. T. Webster Sewer Grand Sewer W. St. Paul Proper0 A Totalm _ l P m A. 5.11 ;c f ' CITY. OF ST. PAUL - -} c` •• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT •:!. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION COUNCIL No...; FORM FILE . AUDITED 4l" •i1+ — PER` — 683 — Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and ' in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in thefollowing detailed - .. yr). 5�� A4. 19 tF sta:imenL' Yeas ( J) Co ncilmen ( J .) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ _ :7, 24.!gO .. vFa nsworth a , _in favor -- l' 191— Approv t, -Kc ler 1 ✓M ll _Against MAYO Wunderlich Mr. President, .tttas._Irvin 1 y G 20179 Bazille & Partridge 2.80 G. F. -Armory -M. 180 Boeringer & Son 6.20 I� school-Eq4p- 181 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 6.40. School -Exp. 182 Mrs. H. S. Bryan, _ 37.50 LibrarayExp. 193 Arthur H.: Clark Co., 3.35 Library -N. Books 184 L. F. Dow Co., 14.05 City Clerk -Exp. 1 School -Exp $4051 Water -Exp. - 185 Elmer, Willie & Grant - 9.00 Lighting 186 -Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co.. 14.58 G. F. -Armory 187 Field, Schlick Co., 32. a9 School -Exp. 188 Thos Foley 35.00 - School -C. & B. F- A..', -II - #2 20189 Dr. Dawson Johnston, 'Librarian s . 17.90 sk3c� Library-EXe. 190 Mrs J. O. Jones, 19.50 Library -Exp. 191 L. Knott Apparatus Co. , 4.9b School -Exp. 192 Leslie-Donahower Co Misc. 5taty. & Supplies ' w 193 McClain & Hedman Police -Exp. 1. 1.75 Civil Service-Rquip. _ 194 A. C. McClurg Cc- , 320.44 Library -New Books o 195 Maendler Bros., 12.72 Playground -Exp. - 196 Manhattan Oil 'Co., 2.02 _ Armory -M. 197 Mich Maurus .75 Armory-. 198 Margaret M. Moriarty _ 150:00 School -Real Fe-tate 199 O'Connell Supply Co-, 6.14 School -C. & B. 200 Pionneer Co., 16.50 Viso. & Unf. 201 Pittsburgh Plate Gla8s Co., 29.15 Armory -M. 202 RELrmer Hardware Co. , 37.08 Armory -M. 4 _ t School -Exp. 3 .0 203 Red Wing Union Stoneware Co., 38.7 3 School -Exp. 204 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., - 72. 73.50 School -Ex P. Library -E*. 3 205 Daily News Co., .48 .St._Paul Civil service -Exp. 206 St. Paul Electric Co., 5.09 Armory.M. 3-? Humboldt H. S. Lib 9 1.00 207 Schuneman & Evans, Library -Exp. 208 Hbram Slack, - 10.25 Library -Exp. ' o #3 20209 G. Bross Vsn Dort Co. , 16.20 Library -Jew Books 210 Western Supply Co., 103.47 Armory -M. 45.69 ` n 5 4 School- C. & B. 211. H. W. Wilson Co. , 10.36 Library -New Bobks - C. P.- a the CRY T,• a.ary, hil'oerin�Reaolved that warrnnte. be drawn) • ' pte out of favor erelnnfter .peclded Lunda and: In tionx t th` po,.One tions _ for erma or corpora- their respective • - oa°bots-opposite the following de[a11eA aneclned in Bnzille 1 Partridge, atntement: ' Brown ser & 3.. 26.Yo2.8d. n, . • - 'Mrs. g gaBett & snerran Y. Arthur H. •Clark•537,60, L F. Dow Co. $14.05Co.. 33.36.... 'Elmer, lYlllle . Farwell, un CIr $8.00. Oz & Ir Field.. Schellek' .. Thos. FolCO•• J32.19. Dr Dilweon 135.00. j $17 90. Johnston, Llbrarlan. MraJ. O,. Jones, 119.60. L Knott Apparatus- Lealle-Donnhower. A.cC� b(cCluNedmnn. Sl 76. 4„ \taendler Bros C=3YE12.04 Mlchhat ton OII Co., 12.02.' Marne, 75 Cents: - '- - O'C nnell 9u $forlartY, $160.00. I Pioneer Co., j1660.Co 16.14. - Pittsburgh Plate Clae RaYmer Hardware Co., 137.08936. Wing Union Stoneware. CO, St. 4.Paul Book & StatlonerY :$73.5 - - - - - - Co., St Paul. Daily New. Co.; 48 Cents. Schunem Electric Co., -_ H , Sl IM, Evans. '01.00. Sack, $10.25. 6. -Groes van Dort - Western Supply Co.; :, $162 Co:;$16.i0, H. W. Wilson "o... - 310.38. Adopted by the Council Sept 82, 3917,. Approved Sept 81 .1917.5 (Sept. 28-1917) CITY OF ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMr-�--�-�-.a Subject:....... "'vvv COUNCIL y nLe NO...........U. Date, Presented .191 i... Resolved. _e _ 'l o:: .. 1e;' iii iiia.} -el' se::C );t o Union arr_, ..0... t1„ vi _O'.-._ _. .C: 0L-1 =1.. Y. Je ... .. c is aereLy ; u e. tt. is ic: C. F. No. 19616—Ry M. N. Coen— ' Rel-i"d. That the grade or th Iley In '-linkel's 2nd Amendment loeUnlon Pc -k. ae shown by the red R^ads line th1• accompanying profile end - 'recommended by the Commleeloner or - 'Public Work a' be and the name 'le hereby adopted fie the eetabliehed . grade. Adopted by the Council Sept. 22, 1917.1 Approved Sept. 24. 1917. (Sept., 29-1917) 1. Yeas W) Cou cilmen (V) Nays 'Farnworth f moss :�.......- In favor Kell 10icC II ....Against 'Yoe Mr. President, Powers J FORM C.6�2. t I 1 1n 17 Adopted by the Council. �2Z . _ _.:__191. _.... SEP 241917 Approvi d ....._ ._...._......191.......... ,• V t i I - w a ' CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTIqq0GENERAL FORM ' Subject 1`:: jysl COUNCIL FILE No.. _ _.... ............ Date Presented ..S.c 7 -.. X1.,....._..1917.. Resolved, c' i o c 1, ed d� cU ;car 12 h, 1 16 bet 'Gell lcL.:tc_ :r ;its of St 2a".1 0: ,...c .c::e' ctiOi ol" feet llo. �h O:i tii_e oo'.' r. li::e of :pts 1, ; , , 4; b t .: 6 Bloc , : ' `!c'.•. ,o ,e): 'l o lL)Olnt feet e ' lti eL ' line o_ lot: 1 flock :_ve., r.e is rel e: -„_:'Led o -j:C .1 0' t,,cr, 171'1 ,ira he v0 dC.Q, ::'OC'CVUr, i,'.t rc_elu: for a7]. nou h; e . _02•cU c ieCt 11,110L- t110 t: c t: o : o!lc C. F. No. 18646—By M. N. Coes-- Re Ived. Tppnt the time epeclfled for the performance of- n rrta to contract - - dated December 12th. 1916 between R T. Webster and the City of St. Pawl for the consiructlon of n ewer five feet north of the south line of iota 1, - 2. 3 4. 5-nnd 6 Bloek 28 West St. Paul Proper, from a point 10 tent we.t of the. east line of I.ot I mock 28 West St. Paul Proper, to W nslow Ave., be and .the same is hereby extended to the - 11 at Clay of September, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby author - Iced to. execute u amendment to anld onttact In .accordance herewith pro- vided, however. that this solution hall t haqve ny Lorcd a aneffect un- less the an reties. on. the contractor 'It bond consent thereto and file such con-'. ant In writing with .the City Comp- troller. - Adopted by the Connell Sept 22, 1917. SOD 2 Yeas (t') Councilmen (s') Nays Approved Sept. 24. .Ist7. (sept.^zs-1917) Council 191. _. o-'F'1nsworth SEP ?.1 1917 i'Go s In favor Approved 191. Kel er.....:. Me OR Against �+ 'Yoe g ....... MAYOR .... Mr. President Powers. FORM C.9 2 w � • � a� t'wu7, ..�.:r-. 3e2'''. til, 1�1'l To „irc :onorab10 Ci u�- . C0il, Gem -1 ;cu .; ._ 1, s} o ,.r Ho.:cr::ole od ii:.:e of, : o.:r z n , i:u _ o ,. b for 'j""C e:: ACIti on o`so?or _'ivc Feet nor'.i o. i:e on h li:,c of Tot,'; 1, , , 3, •_, 5 aa'L:, 6 ;31oc•1: 28 ':le: t c r; 1 ii o - c r _: o ,point 10, 'ect vx-,"; � 0. I:e OL -L:,6 l"i:."C Of Ot 1 ;310 :: L:8 rC.: i(L :11. 1'1'OpCr, !;.o . Lo lrbor :0::1: tions it ilot to 1___.. ,:o tract ::_ .a;. i :c i'ied, Let,cc I da;;ire • i to ,h_ sir.., 02: CO c ii'_. -rio b , _ i:.�e Io.'e I ate... fuc �v - C0::truc u o r ere - ;<o o c(,ti. on to 7avi.. %:�o ,, .Ln. o ._ oi'_:icc is c C1,21�� ,ZZ z oa-' Con., :.ctio). .. li .tAr - Co:n of r1u».1c_>:� G c: n-:ir:ecr CIT`/ OF ST. Prp�** COUNCIL RESOLUTION-tiJF_RAL FORM - p ^ Subject:. r i _.. COUNCIL. NO ' v >� Date Presented. .� 191 ..... Resolved. _ _ I `c= o1, -1 Cc 1 1 a i V r� __ .,_U. ..,L t. .....o:_�.' ?i- _U'_.vi :.i0.- - .:Ci C. P. %o. 18647— Resolved, That the time specified for - theperformaneeof a certn in contract. daLed May 11, 1117 betwoen Keough urns. and the City of St. Paul forthe. Grading of Jvfferxon Ave. from Fl am - line Ave, to Ed Scumbe Road, be and thesame '1. hereby extended to the -21st day of September. 1917, and the proper city officers n e hereby author - a Ixed to ccute an amendment to .n1d ntract Ia ncr.rd..m herewith, pro- " vlded. however, that this sol ut)an shall not have any, force and effect un. less the a retie. I n the con I' .to n' bond eonsrht thereto and Nle xuch r rent In writing; with the City Comp- troller. Adopted by tht Council Sept. 22, 1917. Approved Sept. 24 1917. (Sept. 29-1917) Yeas ( I') uncilmen (I') Nays F risworth :%Cos In favor r-Kel er Mc oll `1' Against Yoe ' Mr. President, owers." FORM C.. -2 1 sro 22,a Adopted by the Council_ %....__191....._. SEP 2,11 191( Approvpol .__ _. .__...._.:.191......_ ... MAYO. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE tiub,ltet: couHnt d 0) 22 .n17 Date Presented 191 I RESOLVED, That -the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at, the locations re- 1spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond, and the payment of the, fee required by law. Name of. Applicant. Location. _--Oust Browny �_.�_ 39.5 Sibley St. _.. _ C. F.: No. 18848— .._. -__. _.....__.:_. Rrsnlyed. That the xuplleatloh of the [ollowing pereane for a (leen a to sell Intoxicating llq aces at the I... t tion. reepertlyely Indirnted• be and_... I,— hereby nrue granted• and thn CIIy Clerk Is authorize, nod dlrreted to le- ue ache llernses [o said xpp d ata ' t tion' the sling of [he• hoed' and [he _-- --- '—'-- pa—ent of the fee -qul `d by law: Gust Brown. 785 Slhley 22. 181 i. ,I Adopted by lhr Connell Sept. _..-- . Approyea Sent. 74. 1717- . (Sept. 78-1817) l"ra.. (� � ('ounrilnu•u,(� I Xayx •. Adopted byLD.22 'Q�7 ._._ 101 ji Far laworih ihrCnunl•il ').1 LV,7 III ravor o Approved Kel r ./Mr !0o11 ll �� 1 'Mr. President, n"ih MAYOR ' C. F. No. 18649--6y Henry McColl— Resolved, That the application of the . - following'person& for a license 10 con- o- dart., Hotel. or Restaur.nt. at the I.- r tl ons respectively tndlcated b ' a d ' . cation. - / COIJNC thea me here y re granted; d the .AL .FO-FiM, _ - Cl Clerk Is authorized and di ected t issue licenses to' Id persons Upon the h Paym nt of. tho fee required by t Sub) 1 "L t E Reek - Boarding House, 20 W, Sumnut Ave. ^���I `tl. I v V - A. R.. Ragland, Restaurant.. 289Rob- - ert St. W. J. Utley, Restaurant,.. 331 We- bat _ 191 7.HnryTHatrPresented. sept. %din. aro St. R. T. Rockey. Restaurant, 140 Summit Ave. B. F Ferris, Ferris. Hotel, 625 Wa- - bashn So „ _ Charles W. Yenmah, Restaurant. 33 E. 7th St. ' Elul Olson, Boarding. House, 719 vmond A". - s T.O. Cochran. Boarding House trVabasha.St. . - '••. C. Lehmann. -V Resolved, Rh That the of the following persona for. a lioons'e to condtzot S application Hoteln or Reiltaurante at the looationo renpeotivnly intlioato.t be, anti the i to. same hereby arr, granted, and the City Clerk in aiithorixod the and aireoted 'fee, requ.irea by late. ienue licerim— to raid pernonni upon the payment of NA7,1F OF A_RPT,D)ATTOII. HOT L• OR RT'STAIIRAIIT. LOCATION. E. Booker Roagciing House, ?O 17. Summit, Robext, A. R. land, Utley, ilea taurantt 311 :, 317. abaraha, W. J. Rentaurant, 77 Z. 3rd, 77 Henry Verntrac3te, 'le e Hotel , gtnnntit, R. T. Rookey, . Reetawrant, r S abW,"v 62.E B. F...Fcrrin, I Ferrin Hotel � . - 33 r' 7th, Chan, U. Yennta,h,. Pestaurant, 719 Ave. L�lof Olnon, Boarding Houcle, 7abannd 633 17abanha, lirn.. T. G. Coohran, noarcling Iloune, X38 Ilra r , Lehmann �L Yenwood Hotel, 1579 Selby Ave. T'. Iritohrll, Rootatarmnt John Mahlin�or., Rentaurant, 381 Van Buren, 561 Van Thtr, John Toatuoh, Boarding Houne, 388 Kent, i John 7. Clexk, Rootaurant, . 248 2. 7th, John A. hamuoheyi Andorsor. Iiotel, 4 17. 3rd It t John '.lame, Rentaurant, lag , 3rd St. Abdo K.kixie,.• Rentaurant, 122 7. 3rd St. Abdo Xadrie,,/ Hotel, ?9Q ^aoenta, John 11ox, , ' iRentaaurant, 390 3facouta, John A1eic, Aalkan Ilott-1, Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Days SEP 21. 1917 Far worth Ado ted by p the Council 191 Gos In favor Idyl no Approve , 191 Kell r. MC II Against a Won erlich Mr. President, rvin MAYO yet lam. 1 X/. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL'RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER ! object:COUNCIL FILE NO. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That -the following designated licenses to seryl intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No'.1�2,Ei. Rohrbeok,420 Wabaeha St. Jaoob $ozberg, 420 Wabasha Bt .- No.276. George L. O'Neill,460_St.Peter St._ Andrew A. Ion, 460 St PeterSt. No -306. Clemens Debald,494-Robert St._,_ Jacob Kozb_e-_rg,494 Robert St.____ t.No.No -351- Wm. Maslowski,436_James St. __ -John Lewisgonoha1,436_ James St- No... - --- - --- -- --- - NO'. - ---- No. -- No. —.— C. F No. 18860— __ -_— NO. Resolved, That the totloing dee1R- ledliquors ilanatsonaferscat Ied Intozirnting pursuant to nppll-red as Indicated NO. ___ .—_therefor: duly made -- - '------'----' - - _ Na. 702. from .Pd. Rohrbeck, 420 Nn- asha baahn St.. to Jacob Kozberg, 420 We ' bSt. NO • _ -. -. No. 278, from George L. O'Neill, 460 -- St, Peter S9t.C, to Andrew A, Kohl, 460 St. Pet r , No.Nn, n5,from Clemens Debald 184 art9t. —' to Jacob Kozberg,. 484 Rob- - ' No. No. 351. from, "'rm.Mazlowakl, 416 - - Jame: St., to John 1,ewle Konchal, 438 NO : James St. -- - - --- Adopted by the Council .-1617 SApprovedrpt.1917,) e pt.22, 1917. sane.28 . � No. ----- - No. - - - Yens -(" ) Cutuuihuell (,) Nays 1XIr sword i "te In favor _Hy lul. Kel r Me oil Against '• Wu erlirh - Mr. President, rvin .Adopted by the Council S70 22 tIt1191_........ •?. I'�' 7 :�pprov d 1 ..191_.... ,. 1 , ' MAYOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA.L FORM COUNCIL Date Resolved, THAT, the Hotel License heretofore issued to, JOE BUCHTA, ,to conduct a Hotel at, 52J West 10th.Strest. Bf4aul. minn. (Anna Hotel) be and the same is hereby revoked on the ground that he is not a proper lie ere t I the 1917. faver 2J 1 t 4KeI Ir 0 App,ot S, P lq!7 Against MAYOR 1'—id- Irvin CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ....: ..... ............. . ... Yx�2 COtJNCIL FILE NO: ....... .. ...... Date Presented",..PLAY' 754A�"' 191.2._ Resolved, Lir. Joe Buchta. Anna Hotol. 52 "l. loth St. City. Dear Sir; Pursuant to instructions frog: the City Council, you are horoby notifiod -to appoar Doforc the Council of tho City of St.Paul, on Saturday Sop t. 22d. 1917. at 10.00 A.N. Council Chambors, Court Houce E: City hall ?luilding, and show cause �7hy your Hotol License ohoul d not be rovoked on tho groundo that you are not a proper porson to conduct an Hotol. Received Copy off b4�r_ e7ttci : CM MIRK. ... t V7, Yras (✓) Councilmen (r') Nays Farniworth Adapted by the Cannell _ .. Ifl Coss _.....In favor Ryland Keller Approved _...._ _ .__. _. ..101.....:. Akcoll _.. Against 11'undcrlich Mr. Pre.4ident, Irvin - ............._,......... _......... .. __ ._. r - MAYOR FORM C A-9 6.11 2M - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Cl JNCIL RESOLUTION p Date Presented Sept. _23nd� _1P1. 7 I I of curbing Edmund Street, both In the l ,at terof - - -------- - - - --- - sidee,_between Aldine Street and Hemline Avenue _ _ _ _ - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - under Preliminary Order - 16776 _ Final Cider - 18100 _ _ Approved - -August 18th - - - _ 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifcations and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Pi,biic Torhs for the above named C. F. Mo. improvement be be and the same are hereby- _Fproved. ']n the matter f curbing Edmund 8t., both eldea between Aldine St. and Ham] ne Ave, under in. St. and Order 16776, Final .Order 18160, ap_ ary Proved August 18th, 1D17. �r,, ;. �� x.11 a. ers is R Olved. That the plane. 'peclfiea. •� Comm] estimates subml tted by the above ml seloner f Public Works for the bove named Improvement be and I are berebl approved. the Adopted by. the Councll Sept. 22, 1917. APProved (Sapt 2�, 1917. Fi '\ ISeP[. 29-1917) Adopted by the�Coun6il - - - - -" -ol 4,0 )- - -,191 . Yeas: ( ) ( ) Days Councilnan ei�ns�iorth so t : for sc oll Approv - - X0'7_ 191 ,131'ai d-rlich v Mr. Presideryt, vin - - - - Nz - - - - - - - - - - Hayo r. i CITY OF ST. PAUL - < <�.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Y AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL No. t By -AUDITED - 19I_ PER r ' 685 _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: SEP 24 1917 Yeas ( J) C ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council y 191_ nsworth % c, r 19 17 / In favor Approved 191_ ler 11 O O Against MAYOR (,. t9`•'� Ryland 3 -- Wunderlich Mr. President, qew - Irvin. S 20217 American Supply Company, 182.50 - GF -Armory-M. 18 Bazille & Partridge, 43.00 Armory M. _. 19 T. L. Blood Company, 21.22 Auditorium -Exp. 2. Water -Exp. 20 Board of Water Commissioners, C.P.0 -Gen. Adm. -Exp. 2 150.00 Lighting -Exp. (I C.B.U. Mun. Test. Lab -Exp. 0 0 150. 0 21 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Ry., 13.37 Lighting -Exp. 22 Craftsman Press, 2.94 Corp.. Counsel -Exp. 23 John J. Dervie, 10.00 P.B ldgs .-Exp 24 Louis F, Dow Company, 1.20 Comptroller -Exp. 25 Farwell, Ozmun, Hitk & Company, G .F �Armo ry-?d. 4 . 15.47 . — Playground -Exp. 1 . 5 4 26 Geo. J. Grant Const. Company, 93.15 Water -Exp. 27 Janney, Semple Hill Company, 40.50. Park -const. Phaln Beach. Form A. 5.11 - P Res. 685 Page #2. 18653 20228 A. C. Jefferson, 39.75 , G.F.-Armory-M. 29 Keefe-Davidson Company, 1.50 Corp. Counsel-Exp. - 30 Kerwin Paper Company, 3.31 C.F.U.-Mun. Test.Lab -Exp. 31 Leslie-Donahower Company, 15.30 C.P.U.--Markets Exp. 32 Maendler Brothers, 4.0.2 G .F . -Armory-K. 33 A. F. Morton, Supt., 23.30 Auditorium-Ekp. 2 " -Sal. 23. 0 34 Northern States Power Company, 30.30 Audi torium-E3j, 35 N. W. Electric Egzipmen Company, 5.89'. G.F.-Armory-M. 36 N. W. Telephone Company, 9.00 C.P.U.-Market-Exp. Auditorium-Exp.. _ 9.0 37 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 87.25 1 G .F . -Ar mor y-Y . 38 Raymer Hardware Company, ,/ School-Exp. 16. 26.88 G .F . -Armory-M. 1 .88 _ 39 N. C. Robinson, Clerk Dist. Court. 46.00 F Corp. Counsel-Witness Fees and Ct. Costs. 40 St.Paul Cement Works, 11.25 _ G .F . -Armory-M . 41 St.Paul Stamp Works, 1.45 Comptroller-Exp. 42 F. E. Satterlee Company, - 6.25 C.P.U.-Mun. Test. Labs-Exp. 43 Schulte's Book Store, 149.20 Library-NBooks. 44 J. L. Shiely Company, .14.00 G.F.-Armory-M. - 45 So. Park Foundry Company, 53.961 - - G.F.-Armory-M. 46 B. F. Stevens & Braun, 5.55 Library-NBooks. 47 Chas. S. Schiller, 2,50 School-Exp. Page #3.8865 i Res. 686 20248 Transit Supply Company, 10.00 Forestry Revolving. �- 49 Tri-State Telephone Company, 6.10 , Auditorium -Exp. 4.00 C,p,U =Market -Exp. 2.10 6.10 5A C. A. P. Turner, - 3,896:74 Water -Expense.. / lP�._;___5�018_ 8_r 5 C. F, No, 18863- - Resolve that warrant. be dray upon theity Treasury, -payable out of the hereinafter apeclfled fund. and In favor of the persons, firm or corpora- I - tions for the. amount. '.set opposite' their reeDective' names as specified In 'the fallowing detailed statement:-- American Supply Co.. $182.50. - Bast Ile &.Partridge, $43.00. T. L Blood Co.. ;21.22. Board of Water. Commie.lonere - 5360.00. .- Chlcago..'St. Paul, 61pla &. Omaha- . By. 818.87: Craft.m n Pres.. 32.94. - . ' John J. Dervle, 710.00. . ]Hole F. Dow Co., $1.20. Farwell; Osman, Kirk & Cm. $16.47. - j Oeo. J. Grant Const. Co.." .3 Janney, o 40,61. ,80, _ A. C:Jegmp1eH111C - Kerwin aper Co., 3.31. Kerwin Paper Co., $3.31. _ Co., 716.80.. U..,Le.l. l.r Brewer.., Su 34.02. 1 A. F. a Marine. A. F. Morton, t.: 8 States r Co Nor`fier lecricPower nt Company, N. W. Electric Equipment Company. _ 56.89. N. W. Telephone Co., lass Pittsburgh Note Claes Company.', — 587.26. Raymer Hardware Co.. 328.8. N. G Robinson, Clerk Dist. Court. - - - 546.00. St. Paul 411.26. t. Paul Stamp 53.16. toCement Work., $ P.25. Co., $6. Co., " ' Sc a e*. Bokerl" BchVl:e•s. Book Store. 8149.20. .114 J. L Shlely Co., $10.00. - ' So. Park Foundry- Co.. $63.36. R.'. F... etevene & Drawn. $5.55. Chas. S. Schiller. $2.50. _ - Transit Supply Co.. $10.00. Tri-State Telephone Co.. $6.10. - C. A. P:'Turner. $3,896.74.' --Adopted-by the Council Supt. 24 1917. the Approved 24. 1917. . .. (Sept. 29-1917) - CITY OF ST. PAUL .«... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT i,54 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NO.�� R BY CC �.� l�l- AUDITED`� 181_ r 5 PER- 686 ER 686 ✓; Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - - SEP 241917 Yeas ( J )1 Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ . F nsworth SEP 94 1917 IiG ss In favor Appro -191— �C ler Coll�) _Against ary+ Hyland MAYOR. �� - Wunderlich Mr. Preside nf ol;i Irvin. 20251 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 21..00 School -McClellan. } 1 C. F. No.; 18654— Resolved that warrgnte be drawn 1 upon 'the CltY Treasury, payable out or -S the he relnafter. specified funds and In 3{#E favor of the persona, firms or corpora- e tions for the amounts act opposite their respective names as speclfied In - ». the following detailed statement: N W. Electric Equipment Co.,. Adopted by the Council Sept. Yi , 1917. Approved Sept. 24: 1117. — - I. (Sept. 2e-1917). .._. CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEN01 No. SEF 9Y AUDITED 181_ - - - PER 667 _ nr.' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the here! fter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following', detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen. ( J) Nays __ Adopted by the Council SEP 24.1917 191_ arns orth ..Goss in favor Approve 191_ Kell , Against L'a Hyland - MAYOR -- Wunderlich Mr. President Irvin. 20252 - Grace M._Benson, - 36.00 n G.F.-Mise. & Unf. c. s xa. 19655- - - Re.olv°d [hnt warrants he drawn upon the Clty Treeaury. paynb1 out of the hereinafter prescribed funds and on 53 N i 0. Hage, favorof t persons,a to QO • for the ntrs it ppo.ri e G.F.-Misc. & Un•' their reapeotive name. a. epecifled In !. the following detailed tatennent: Grace M, Benson. $39. o9. 54 N. L. Niles N. o. Hage $10.00. 10.00 , 1 N. L Nile., $30.00. - - G.F . Misc .& Unf. . Adopted by the Couneli Sept. 24, 1917. .Approved Sept. 24. 1917. - § (Sept. 29-1917) - • " .iC. IF NO. 18866 --HS' At. N 6onn 4" nenolved, That Whrrea Ae n(IJeT- - jder for nchange Intho g a PAUL' fernon Ave. from Snelling Ave -to War- 'w1ck A e.. ISrlmhnlT. Av fr m Jeaer" 'GENERAL FORM eon , I n )nt 100 f t north. and - ' Saroto Ave -e- o a no) m JeK n ad pl )L [[�� a polnt 101 t t o th. he 1 ....-._. _....... - -.. f 7'l) ��J Subject:.... ¢ - ed by the Coun lSa aaip cin axone fa COUNCIL Af yor the plans n .'Av FILE N O.; .. . Ne -grading of nald J K. .. .......... t o Snelling Ave to l6 r Ick Ave. _ _,. d nce with .......... _... .......... n her by mor 6r, In i d th co Wra �a Id h nge of grnde t r i hereby natherl d t perform the 1-rading In are"I . with the ��3 a..1... ' L - modified plane n8 hrret tt I;ea thn Date Presented...: - w grale heln[: aeh0 r 1 red 11 e thereon. �� ithonl xtr o peneati n V } provlded that the cont t -ngrade'to conform t• •ttoga Avc. trnr, • 101 feet n' - Resolved, fi: a1 CSC.e1• for f vc. ro: r,cii eve. to --ve. to t _nt 10J feet no_ h, ,�U JC f.er on :.vc. L; o L. ';oi. 3Jl feet :ur n, `c: s eon ado;, o:: c 31_e Co oil _ s; _;roved u ;c :. ;or, t :c ;1 .. _ _ :1 00 ,_.:na -or ..ve. 1.0 :.�r ll. i'. we. t 1 ve. re i:crco; racdi:'ied' _ n ., .,.. �_... .,�--Ln.,� ..,lOP _•C 71:,1L(, c. L:L:C0 o o :_: U.o r.1e, r. o r ::vc. 1 o ave. to. -foo,, 1:Grth, 't301f:� OT 1"J �CCt .t Oi:.. .._ 10...i 1' . a! X08 1;: 'SLC Jf.�__ ..,.--i 2',S L__. - vt; .�.=iCC3 o. U�.'Cet9, o.m'u, Lne ul u, _ i.lt e. c:;o c? ec°•, _.i. _.. r .:er t Yeas (l cilmen(d)Nays SEP 2 1917 .._191._ Adopted by the Council - Far `worth Kel r In favor APPrOv _ t �o--19Ir�. Mc oll - Against U 1. ;,F. ... ..... ....... .MAYOR.. Mr. President, owers_r., - -ppLLLimtU FORM C.8-2 — — CITY' OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.. .:j ......... ........ ..... tQ. COUNCIL `�JI,II� i nls NO ........ .......... .......... EDate Presented .. C; t ......... L;.,.......1911.4.. 11 �� , Resolved, That Itrhereas, 1's fi.,ai order' for a c iapge in the grade of Saratoga Ave. betnogn Je feroon «ve. and a point 278 feet south, has been adopted by the Coul:cil rid approvedt by the _aror, the plans and Specifications for the ;raging of said otrect are hereby modified in accordance v,,ith ss..id change of grade as .ho'. -M or, the bluco-rii ' hereto attached by a red liiie, arld tiiv coiitrEo�or is heresy to vei'zorm fife r' iii'v? ii; flCCOY,i.1=Ce Wil.h file 'iiolified plan,.: C,,i shout OStra compensation, orovidca that. v... racolution shall be oY: no, force or. effc;ct unless tale CO'Ytriictor Shall afrec, in vl•izing to cite tE: i'1 -:e tiioreof. - C. r. No: "I"—n-, M. N. ones— R-1-d. That Whereas, A final o der for a change In the grade of Sara - foga Ave. between Jeffereau Ave. and I n point 278 feet south. has been -adopt- ed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, the plane d pacification. for - the grading of sold street are hereby' modified in accordance- with said - I change of grade ae h.— on theblue- print hereto attached by a red line, and .the contractor Is hereby. author) -ed to. perform the grading In accordance with the dified plana. Ithout extra com-, peneatlon provided that this resolution 1 shall be of no force or effectunless the contraeror shall agree In writing to the term- thereof. - j Adapted by the Council Sept. 24, 1817. Approved Sent. 24, 1917. - (Sept. 28-1817) Adopted by the Council SE.. V 10I. 7 ...........:191. .. Approved_.. ✓ . ...... t _ •....... ..... MAYOR Yeas(V) u 'Imes(✓)Nays_ orth G :.......In favor hh ✓ M 11 V ...Against v'N 11�ic Y Mr. Praeiden FORM C.9-2 ower. C. r. No: "I"—n-, M. N. ones— R-1-d. That Whereas, A final o der for a change In the grade of Sara - foga Ave. between Jeffereau Ave. and I n point 278 feet south. has been -adopt- ed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, the plane d pacification. for - the grading of sold street are hereby' modified in accordance- with said - I change of grade ae h.— on theblue- print hereto attached by a red line, and .the contractor Is hereby. author) -ed to. perform the grading In accordance with the dified plana. Ithout extra com-, peneatlon provided that this resolution 1 shall be of no force or effectunless the contraeror shall agree In writing to the term- thereof. - j Adapted by the Council Sept. 24, 1817. Approved Sent. 24, 1917. - (Sept. 28-1817) Adopted by the Council SE.. V 10I. 7 ...........:191. .. Approved_.. ✓ . ...... t _ •....... ..... MAYOR :Lae"-, COUNCIL FILE NO ................ ............ By................................. ................. .......... FINAL ORDER 'L 0 In the Matter of aone.truvtlng EL sawar on the eazt-aid,e aLf- ...................................... i.. ......................................................... ........... ............................... ........................ ........ ................................. ................. : ......................................... .............................. - ........... ..................... I ....................... .............. ! ...... ..................... ........................ - ............... .............. ..................................... .......... - .............. ........... ...... .... ................ .......... e ............. ... .... ............ ........... .... ........... .... .............. . ..... . ..... .......... ...... under Preliminary Order ...... ................................ approved . ..... - ril.J.0 . . ..... .. ... ... ............... ........ Intermediary Order .............................................................. approved ......... ............ ......................... ------- ------ ------------------ approved/ _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improv�men upon due notice, and the Councibliaving b heard all persons, objections and recommendations relattive tber and having N1 y considered e same; therefore, be it Pa 1 th RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. ul tha he precu,d nature, t and ki of 'improve- ment to be made by the said City ir on. f ...................... . .................... 9W.P.11-ing-Amp- ;Nr..ow. X i X i n.0. ..................................................... . ............................ ....... ....... ............... ................................................ ................ ........................................ .......................... . ............ -N ..... ........................ .......... ................ ....................... I— ................................................... ............. ............... * ........................... and the Council hereby orders said impro t-o--be-`mJ.de. Q, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Q mi er of ork- e" d is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fo aid i pro em and,submit a e to the Council for approval; that ei upon said approval, the proper city .1. re lie eb ithoAred an directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance crew' i. Adopted by the Council \ ...... 191.... ....... ......................................... ................................ City Clerk. Approved.......................... .. . ............ .............. 191 ......... ....... . ....................... ........ ............. ia-y—o-r ,.,,Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ,,,eo)mcilman Hyland ),-,guncilman Keller '101 uncilman McColl AQouncilman Wunderlich ayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OP ST. PAUL.' •� OEPARTtdENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREtLIMIWARY ORDER } (B) --- - —,_- DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK A D D I T I O N ASSCSSCD VALUATION 1 1 College Place Taylor's 4100 • 2 1 Division 760 3 i 1 800 4 1 800 (Ex, W 40 ft of 8) 5 1 875 W 40 ft of 8 of 5 1 2350 W 40 feet of 6 1 W 40 feet of 7 1 East 60 feet of 7 1 450 East 65 feet of 6 1 8375 W 40 ft of E 146 ft of 6 1 - 2425 W 40 ft of E 146 ft of * 7 1 8 1 3#00 W 41 ft of E 106 ft of 6 . 1 .7750 E 46 ft of E 106 ft of 7 1 9 1 2550 10 1 2100 11 1, 650 12; 1 3275 13 1 .i 375 14 1 2375 15 1 375 1 2 1825 2 ';2 1875 3 2 -2775 4. 2 375 5 _ a__--_ TOTAL. #3, CITY Or ST. PAUL - -DEPARTMENT*OF FINANCE w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y: ON PR ELIM64ARY,6RDrpA. i IBI A D O I T O N - O I S C R I P T I O N I LOT BLOCK 4 ,AID . LUATION VALUAT 6 !2 College Place Tayloils 4425 7.;2 Division, 2575 8 ;2 1475 9 ,2 1425 10 2 1850 11:2 825 12 2 2575 . 21 .1025 14:2 325 15 2 2075 16:2 325 1 3 325 2 3 325 3 3 3025 4 3 325 5 3 650 1 4 4175 164 -725. (Ex. S 33 -ft.) 1 5 3950 (Ex. S 33 ft of E 251 ft) 2 .5 2925 South 33 feet of Lot 1 5 1150 South 33 ft of E 25J ft of, 2 5' + I 3 5 625 4 : 5 • 1475 5 5 2525 6 5 2525 . . TOTAL. _ 1 1125_. — CITY OF ST. PAUL DiPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM�AiStIONER OF .FINANCE fll ON PR LIMAMARY ORDER IBI-_- ���*** c ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION g 'S 675 9 :5 725 y, 10!5 3650 11.5 3150` .West 121 feet of, 12 5 - 175 East 34 feet of Lot 12 5 2700 West 10 ft of 13'5 West 10 ft of 14 5 West 10 ft of o 1515 West 10 feet of 16;5 (Ex. W 50 feet). 13;5 5525 E (Ex. West 50 ft) 14 5 2475 (Ex. West 61.5 ft of) 15'5 1600 E 40 ft of W 50 ft 13:5 550 " 14 5 / " 15:5 , I " 16 5 )))1 E 11.5 ft of W 61.5 ft of 15 5 25 (Exoept West 50 feet) 16,5 1325 15;6 650 14',6 650 13 6 650 12'6 2575 North 50 feet of 11,6 1800 South 130 feet of 11,6 2300 10,6 9 6 _.._ _ ::_ — .. .. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL. - ' - #5DEPART,MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMPNARY ORDER ___ �i LOT 'BLOCK' ADDITION _ - ASSG9TIO VALUATION DESCRIPTION V � ; - 1 E.C.Long's Rear. of Lots 4200 2 1 to 8 of Blk. 6, Cottage 4300 Place Taylor Is_Division 800 3 ,. 3350 4 5 4350 6 800 4950 7 700 -. 8 9 4325 5175 10 1 ,6 College Place East Division 300 2 .6 325 3 6 325 4 6 350. West 60 feet of 5 6 75 3200 West 60 feet of 6 6 West 60 feet of 7 6 , E 50 ft of W 110 ft of 5 6 2350. E 50 ft of W 110 ft of 6.6 5185 E 50 ft of W 110 ft Of 7 6 E _68 -feet of 5 '6 E ;JD6 feet ,of 6 6 )' E 68 feet of 7 6 x 900 8 6, 9 6 700 10, 6 700 11. 6 TOTAL._ i CITY OF ST. PAUL — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, I - REPORT OF COMkilStIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PR&IM(NARY ORDER I (B) h JaLOCK: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT - V ALUATION -ADDITION 12 6 College Place East Div - 700 13 6 inion 650. ., 14 6 625 1? 650 c _ 2 ,7 ';; 600 i, 3 7 600 4 7 600 506 5 17 East 50 feet of 6 ;7 (11 5275 East 50 feet of 7 7 ) West 50 feet of 6 7 3 3375 West 50 feet of 7 ,7 J: (Ex E 50 ft & Ex W50 ft) 6 i7 3700 (Ex,.E 50 ft & Ex W 50 ft) 8 7 1050 9 7900 10.7 875 11;7 850 112; 7 825 13' 7 825 147 900 8' 5 1175 9 5 450 10' 5 350 11 5 350 12:5 "32 5 ro I TOTAL. _ 335. _ #7 P CITY 0!1 ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" �r ON PRE1LIM&ARY ORDER 7 IBI - t j ADDITION SUATION, DSCRI PTION C LOT �BLoeK I: h 145 College.PlacelEast Division '300 West of 7 8 1475 East of 7 8 8875 i (Except -Wegt MF -feet) 8 8 9 i8 do 10 8 'West 60 feet of 8 8 8125 West 60 feet of 9 • 8 West 60 feet of 10' 8 11 8 1250 12.8 2600 13 8 750 14 8 1x550 East 50 feet of 8 9 4500 E 50 ft of W 117 ft of 8 9 West 67 feet of 8 9 4625 East 46.48 ft of 5 ; 9 8600 East 46.48 ft of 6 9 East 46.48 ft of 7 9 W 40 ft of E 86.48 ft of 5 9 j W 40 ft of E 86.48 ft of 6 ' 9 W 40 ft of E 86.48 ft of 7 9 West 40 feet of 6 9. 3800 West 40 feet of 7 9 West 40 feet of row 5 9 i - TOTAL. #8, CITY OF ST. PAUL - A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCI E �F REPORT OF COMMIS{S.IONER OF. FINANCE ON PRO-LIMNARY ORDER T IB) ' DESCRIPTION 1- ADDITION, 4 LOT i BLOCK ASSTS -S O J VALUATION i E. 40 ft of W 80 ft of 5 !9 College P1aoe East 3050 E. 40 ft of W 80 ft of 6 ;9 Division I, I E. 40 ft of V 80 ft of 7 ;9 4 `'8 1300 3 '9 2700 -2 ,9 600 West of Lot 3 .10 ! 5075 East of Lot 3 10 1200 4 !10 2450 n 9150 12 1 • 11.1 10'. 1 8 1. 8 1 K +� of Seeley at (vac) adj' i and 7 1 West 40 feet of 1 ,2 1475 West 40 feet of 2 2' i East 40 ft of W 80 ft 1 '2 ) 575 East 40 ft of W, 80 ft of 2 !, 2 )) East86 ft of 1 2 3100 East 86 ft of 2 2 3 2 2900 4 '2 A 5 2 row _ - 6 .2 TOTAL. 9, CITY OF 9T. PAUL- -- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \, L REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRgLIWINARY ORDER77 T IB) - - DESCRIPTION - (LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUSSED } West 6.97 feet of 6 2 Hemline Plat 1400 12 ;2 4100 A traot of land bounded by'Hewitt ave. ,Snelling ave., Capitol ave.- & Simpson et., and being part ofjW of S W >a of Seo.27, Town 29, Range 33, Being About 14.66 acres 173725 1 '.1 College Place West Division 1275 2 !1 1150 3 '1 6750 4 :1 825 5150 6 ,1 6450 7 ,1 950 South 52 ft of Lot B 1 North 124 ft of 8 1 750 9 1 850 10'' 1 5225 12 1 3800 (Ex.Eaet 2 feet) 13!1 3000 East 2 feet of 13' 1 6850 14. 1 15' 1 4575 16 1 .2625 17 1 4400 18 1 11 ) 1725 ..TOTAL.. . #10 CITY OF ST. PAUL p DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE` REPORT OF COMMIStIONER OF FINANdE ON PRgLIMIWARY ORDER Y n DESCRIPTION — — - i LOT 18LOCK .ADDITION 1, S -- ASSESSED VALUATION 3, 2 College Place West Division 850 East' d 4:2; 425 West +i.of 4 j2 3125 I 1 Innis Rear. of Lots 1 475 2.. and.2 Block 2, College 425 3 Place West Division. 4675 1 i Savage's Sub. of South ' 4500 2 of 19, and all of Lot 20, 3350 3 of College Place West 2575 "u Division 1 1 Auditor's Sub. No. 47 2425 6 1 3800 7 1 300 1 5 College Place East Div. 300 2 : 5 3Z5 3 5 325 4 5 325 1, 4 300 2 4 325 3 4 325 4 4 350 5 4 350 6 4 425 7 4 625 • TOTAL. T 11,CI.TY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT:OP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRE!LIMI'NARY ORDER n T (B) - -- - _ i D[SCRIPTION LOT IaLoen; i — - ADDITION ASSCSSZD VALUATION i) ' ® 8 4� College a Place East 650 9 4 Division 2225 10 4 350 11 4 350 124 I 325 13 4 325 14! 4 300 ` 2 3 ' 5750 2_ ! 2 1175 1 g 1125 1 . 1 675 g'1 1925; 3 1 1728 4 1 1700 1 Keran's Rear. 475 2 325 3 325 4 ', .325 5 400. 4 8 College Place East.Div. 600 W z of Lot 5 8 ) 1475 West of Lot 6 8 3 last of Lot 5 8 ) 5225 East of Lot 6 8 )J 1 9 I I 2125 West 67 ft of 9" 9 4625. _._ E_50 ft, of W_ 117 f t of. _ 9 _ 9_ 600 E 50 ft of " W 117 f t Of 10 9 TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL, .. _ • DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ^ ON PRE&IMINARY ORDER 7 (B) a DlSCRIPTION ! ADD 1 T t O N ;, LOT aLOOK.� ASSESSED VALUATION West 67 feet of 1019 College Place East Eaet 50 ft of 10 9. Division. ) 4500 3 East 50 feet of 9 9 11, 9 600 )12.9 600 West of 13 9 3150 West I of 14, 9 East.2 of 13.9 2800 East of 14 9 R 117 ft of .N 47-ii!ft of 2 10 1 2175 N 40 ft of S 80 ft of 2 ;10 2575 South 40 feet of 2.10 1875 South 472 ft of N 95 ft � of W 117 feat of 3 10 1625 E 50 ft of W 167 ft of N 95 feet of 2 10 400 S 50 ft of 1 10 2350 E 56.35 of N 125 ft of 1 10 600 W 55 ft of N 125 ft of 1 10 1100 E 55 ft ofW110ftOf N 135 ft of 1.10 550 4 10 2450 2 11 2050 East 64 feet of 3 11 1 – 3475 W 532 ft of E 1071 ft of 3 11 ! 675 E 36 ft of W 1071 ft of 3111 $750 W_.35...f_t_ 9._in..-___(£x.PL_4u It)— 3 11 -=- TOTAL. I; i ___3025_ - _.___-- .. .CITYOFST.PAUL. -" I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'•FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lBl N '! DESCRIPTION j _ " ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION j ,' I ASSESSED VALUATION r E'35 ft 9 in. of W 71 of & N 40 f t of W 107 f t 3 11 Collegei place East Division 2850 Nest Y of 4 Ill 3350 W. 57J ft of S '135 ft of E j of . 4,'11 4075 E z (Ex. W 571 ft of 5 135 ft) of 4 11 775 1;12! 1750 2 t 12 1750 3 12 2900 West 40 feet of 4 12 3225 E 40 ft ofW80ftof 4 12 1 425 _ N 40 ft of F 133.64 ft of 4 12 , 350 S 135 ft of E 133.64 ft 4 12 1675 W 115 ft of 2 13 4400 East 50 ft of 2 13 675 W 50 ft of E ,100 ft of 2 13 2E 75 North 81 "feet of 3 13 4800 S 100 ft of & N of Wesley ave. vac. and 3 13 6750 N of Weeley vac: & 13 3800 1 14 10490 2 14 2800 3 14 2575, 4 14 2575 2 15 2575 Wof .E s. _Of-- -- -..`_. - _. 3—__15;_::--- ,. ;: TOTAL. . 1DCITY OF ST. PAUL - - lPARTME r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS1,IONER;OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ) (B) 0. DESCRIPTION LOTiaLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East yl of I 3 15 College Place Bast ) 3200 W 131:,7ft •of 4 35 Division, jI E#ofW of 4 15, 800 W J-. a W of (EX.V 134) 4 ''; 15 4950 East }� of 4 15 5225 East # of.W of 3 15 6650 West }� of 3 15 " 5225 W .1 of Ea3t a of 4 15 6650 South of r,esley vac. & !, 1 16 ) 84325 2 16 alt II; II Y 16 3 10 ft oI E 135 ft c 1 18 I 530 3 1J ft of W 80 ft of 1 ld 3135 W 40 ft of Lot 1 18 3325 W. 50 ft of F 135 ft of N 136 ft of 1 18 2825 East 40 feet of 2 18 2725 W 40 ft of E 80 ft of 2 18 I 3625 W 67 ft of E 147 ft of 2 18 5000 W 68 ft of 2 18 5300 (Except East 80 ft) 3 18 11075 (Horton Park) Part of 1 17 5800 2 1 Mimline Plat 9150 > 3 1 4.1 I 5 1 6 1 TOTAL. 1' � _ - *'15,-: CITY OF ST. P^UL .. DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE-, ON,PREUMINARY ORDER - t - DE,SCRlPTION r - ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSISSCDi 'IJ VALUATION East 106.9 ft.of - 1 3. Hamline Plat 2750 E 55.20 ft'of W 60 ft of 1 3 2550 E 55.20 f t of W 60 ft of 2 3 E 106.9 ft of 2 3 2100 W 4.08 -ft. of 1..3 W4.08ftof 1 2 3 3 3 3175 4 3 2175 West 4 , fee,t of 5 3 875 (Ex. West 40 feet) 5 3 9650 (Ex. W 71.97 ft) 6 3 2225 W 71.97 ft of 6 3 7 .3. 3050 8 3 2450 East 38.3 it of 7 2 1400 (Ex. E 38.3 ft) 7 ;2 3050 South 38.66 ft of 8 2 725 (Ex. So. 38.66 ft) 8 2 725 (Ex. -N 22.67, ft) 9 .2 North 22.67 ft of 9 2 4150 South 26 feet of 10 2 (Except So.26 ft of) 10.2 11'2 9 ;3 4500 1013 2500 11 3 525 i ' 12 13 TOTAL. I 4700 * 1.6, CITY Or ST. PAVL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ V REPORT OF COMMIS510NER OF FINANCE . ON.PRE`LIMINARY ORDER ) .- -" _-- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO VN N of, Wesley av, adj ( Vac). and 1 4 Hamline Plat 1800 a 4. 3 4 10:4 1775 N of Wesley-adj(Vao.) & 12'.4 4100 East 1/3 rd of 1,2 and 3 5 - 4900 West # of E 2/3 of 1,2 & - 3 5 4700 West 1/3 of 1,2 and 3 5 1 SweitzerIIs Addition 750 11- 1175 12 800 13 800 12.6 Hamline Plat 8700 11 6 1 7 ) 7225 )) (Ex W 50 ft of N,130 ft)' 2 7 W 50 ft of N 130 ft of 2 7 75Q . y 1175. 3 7 4 3375 5 .7 I 3800 S 10 ft of Asbury adj. & .6 7 20825 W 10 ft of Asbury adj. & 1 8 4800 3 8 2425 East 50 feet of 3 :8 9000 3100 (Exc. East 50 ft.) 3 8 .8 — z. 4 TOTAL. $17, CITY OP ST. PAUL '. .. .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMIS1SIONER. OF FINANCE t ON PRCUMWARY ORDER i £, DESCRIPTION LOT' BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION East of 5 8 Hamline Plat' 600 P, West of 5 '8 650 (Ex W 10 ft for Street) 6 '8 3150 South 1/3 of 7 8 4775 N 29.34 feet of 7 ;8 ' ) )) 1600 N 29.34 ft of . 8 '8 N 24.11 ft of S 147.29 of 7 :8 2525 N 24.11 ft of S 147.29 ft, 8 ,8 8 24.38 ft of N 2/3 or N 24.45 of 8 83.13 ft of 7 '8 550 8 24.38' ft of N 2/3 of or ! N 24.45 ft of 8 83.13 of 8 ,8 N 39.12 ft of S '122.25 of 7 8 1475 N 35.12 ft of S 122,.25 of 8 8. Part of a tract of land bounded by Hewitt ave., Snelling ave., Capital ave. & Simpson St. & being part of W of S.W.yi of Sec. 27, Town 29, Range 23 450,000 1 Couch's Rear. of Lots 2525 2 5, 6 & 7 Block 5, College 475 3 Place East Division 1275 4 l 1.325 1 Waterhouse's Sub. of Lot 450 2 3, 31k 3, College Place 1850 3 East Division 350 4 375 .. . TOTAL. i 300 I.. yy CITY OF ST. PAUL '- . *DEIIARTMENA OFi FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 0 DESCRIPTION _ LOT ieLOCll ADDtTION VALUATION 1 BrownIs,Sub. of Lots 1 & 225 2 4 blk"3 College Place 225- 3 East Division 225 I 4' 225 5 225 s 22s 7 2850 8 1550 9 350 10 425 I 1 W.S.1ionroet a Sub. of u 1400 2 Lot 3 Blk 2 College 950 Place East Division 275- 3 4 250 5 250 6 250 7 250 8 275 9 275 1 Wetzel' a Sub. of Lot 4 Blkj 375 2 2, College Place East 350 3 Division 350 4 1 350 5 400 6 I ,.. TOTAL. 11 250 -.. - - *19 p1TY Or ST. PAUL . - _ DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE .. '... REPORTOF COMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI LOT BLOCK( ADDITION esseD VALUATION P DESCRIPTION 1 Hgyt's Sub. of Lot 1 Slk 600 2 11, College Place East 435 3 Division 425 4 425 5 ! 2225 1 St. James'Addition 3000 2 2775 3 ' 3125 2875 5 3350 6 3100 1 Sandberg's Rearrangement 3275 3 2975 . 3 3175 4 2575 5 875 1 Johnston's Court 5600 (Except West 4 feet) 2 4225 & all 7675 West 4 ft of 2 of 3 4 " 4700 5 4900 1 1 Auditor's Sub. No. 47 2425 2 l 2250 3 1 — 2250 2050 11.7 College place West Division 4250 12 7 6300 TOTAL. .. ...... ' - g((��� 'CITY, OF ST. PAUL' #2,UARTMENT OF.FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 GA LOTIOLOCN D D I T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION 13 17 Colfege Place West 3800 14 7 Division 4050 15 7 3950 is 7 4300 `. 17 7 - 4100 18.7 4175 W 39.18 ft of N 13(9. ft of 10'.10 3225 E 19.14 ft of N 13Q ft of 101,10 2800 E 39.18 ft of N130 ft of 9 10 W 20.04 ft Of N 130 ft of 9 .10 ' (Ex. Elly 19.58 ft) 8 110 1800 Easterly 19.58 ft of $ 10 2000 (Ex. E 39.18 ft) 7 10 East 39.18 feet of 7 10 2900 6 10 4750 5 10 900 4 10 4500 3 10 3300 W (Ex. S 40 ft) of 2 10 1 400 South 40 ft of 2 10 50 East z Of 2 '10 600 1 10 337.5 West. of S of 1 9' 5475 �a West of N Of 1 9 e 4550 4 9 900 5 .9 TOTAL.'... 900 .. • 21�: CITY OF ST. PAUL . 6EPARTMENT OF, FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMNARY ORDER --__- DG-SCRIPTION LOT JOLOCK ADDITION -, i ASSCSSlD �! VALUATION 6,.9 College Place West Division i 900 7 '9 900 Part of Lot - 1 { 1 74900 2 1 2075 3 l 4350 4 1 4300 5 '1 3125 Part of Lot 10.1 2650 6 ,2 3600 1 3 Auditor's Sub. N0.50 2825 2 !3 _ 2850 3 3 725 4 3 450 5 3 100 6 ,,3 1700 7 3 125 West 20 ft of (Ex.Alley) 17.11 collegePlaceWest Divn., 3700. E 40 ft of (F.x.Alley) 17,11 11 10 4875 12 10 3950 13,10 4450 14 10 9450 15 10 5950 West 50 feet of 16' 1000 43 East 9.7 ft of 161.10 4500 17 10 TOTAL. .. �! CITY OP ST. PAUL '*2293EPARTMEW - OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE }'• ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � (B) _DESCRIPTION 1 ASSESS LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18-10 College Place West Division 3350 North 50 feet of 19 10 2925 North 50 feet of 20 10 (Ex. N: 50 ft) 19 10 6300 (Except North 50 feet.) 30 10, 4250 (Fx. N 130 f t) 9 10 } j) 2775 (Except I1.130 ft.) 10 10 11.9 6935 12 9 2950 13 9 4,250 14,9 3250 15.9 2750 16 ,9 4000 W 10.52 ft of 17 9 (Ex. W. 10.52 ft.) 17'9 775 West of Lot 20'g i 9200 1 J. M. Finney' s Rear. 3475 g .; i 2850 s 360 4 650 1 1 Gillette's Addition to 2025 Woodlawn Park 1 '3 Woodlawn Park Adttition 725 2 3 3050 3 3 3475 v 4 3 3050 _/ - TOTAL.. kA CITY OF ST . PAUL L3DRTMENT.,OK FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l Y DESCRIPTION LOT , eLOGK ADDITION ASSESSED VALVATION 5 3 Woodlawn Park Addition 19 2 6525 Peet 25 feet of 20•2 (Ex. R 25 ft.) 20.2 ) 3400 21 2 22 ..2 1800 23 -a 4100 24'2 3800 25. 2ti i 33Q0 26 2 2950 27:a 2000 28'2 3200 29,2 600 1 :2 600 a 'a 2350 3 ,2 2950 4 B 550 5 :2 550 6 r2 5 50 1 ,1 6325 a 1 14 1., 02,,.,E 4275 3000 ' 15 1 4050 16' 1 8250 17! 1 3600 18 1 4025 1911 4406 20 1 'TOTAL. 4300 423 �.. CITY OF ST., PAUL DEPARTMENT OF- FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. 1 ION PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSlS-n �I DCSCRIPTION LOT iBLOCK- ADDITION VALUATION 21,1 Hopkins 2nd Addition 4125 West 2/3 of N. 50 ft of 1 1 1800 * W 2/3 of (Ex. No.50 ft.) 1 li 3975 " South 1/3 of 8 8 2400 9 8 1075 1 0 8 2875 South 136 ft of 1118 3950 North 40 feet of 11 8 i 4050 M 40 ft of & W 10' ft of Asbury ave. adj. 12'8 8 136 ft (Ex. W .93Ift) of 12.8 2500 W 10 ft. of Asbury ave..adj' South 136 feet of 12 8 West .93 ft,of 8 136 ft of 12 g —" E 10 ftof Asbury adj. and 7 7 4100 South 1/3 of 1 7 7225 (Ex. W 50 "ft of N 130 ft) 2 7 ))) West 50 ft. of N 130 ft of 2 7 750 10:6 750 9 2 Auditor's Subdivision No.47 2725 8 2 2325 7 2 2325 6 2 2150 5 2 2150 4 3 2650 3 2 2875 - TOTAL.\ J%4 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR'If ORDER ! DESCRIPTION - 1 LOT 15 CR ADDITION I - A89ES5lD i 1 VALUATION 2 3 Auditor's Subdivision 200, 1 2 No.47 1750 5 . 1 3600 3800 7 1 300 g .1 75 9 .1 75 10.1 I ` 8300 11 1 5225 East 40 feet of 12,1 650. West 15 ft Of 121 ) 4650 13 1 3 14.1 4350 15,1 4500 2 Sweitzer's Addition, 800 725 , 3 725 4 725 5 725 6 725 7 800 8 750 9 750 10 (Except East 80 ft.) 3 18 ', College Place E.Divn.. 11075 East 40 feet of 3 18 3375 W 40 ft of E 80 ft of. 3 16 3475 4100 E 55 ft of �._ .. _ 4 16 • TOTAL '425)CI1T Y Or ST. PAUL ... DEPARTMENT OF°FINANCE i 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) (BLOCK ED i DCSCRI SCRIP -TION LOT ADDITION VALUATIONS T 12925 s �® West 55 feet'of E 110 ft of 4 18 i College Place East Divn., i Rest 40 feet of i 4 18 ': I 675 E .65 ft of w 105 Yt of 48 )i 4800 p (Part of Horton Park) j1 X17 u 5800 6 3 116911 no Syndicate Add. ) 25550 ' 7 No. 1. )) g 600 9 3 660 ..', .. _ ------------- I 10 3 600 11 3 4500 i 12 3 1075 13 3 ) 6700 North 8j feet of 14 3 )) (Ex. North 81 feet) 14 3 13� 15 3 1815 16 3 3075 Meet 1/3 of Lot 17 3 3175 1 Dobner's Rea. of Block 2, 4225 The.Hamline Syndicate i, 3750 - 3 Add. No. 1 4850 4 5350 j 3150_ 17p6 CITY �pr ST. PAUI. DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE 'I REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI 9. DESCRIPTION LOT DLOCKi ADDITION VALUATION 6 Dobner's Rea. of Block 2 I 3850 7 The Hemline Syndicate Add ._ 750 8 No. 1. 3825 1 McCaekey's_Re. of Blk 1, - 675 i 2 Hamline Syhdicate No.l 5650 3 2650 4 3000 5 1650 6 3150 7 3450 8 3250 9 3500 10 _ 7700 1 4 Syndicate No.5 Addition 1800 i 2 q 2625 3 4 2625 1 4 •4 2375 5 4 4850 6 .4 625 2125 8 : 4 2625 9 q 625 10.4 3375 11 4 3475 12 .4 _...__ .!- -- ---- ---625 TOTAL.. CITY Of ST. PAUL _ 07dEPARTMEN'T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; f - ADDITION ASSESSED f: VALUATION 13;4Syndioate No.5 Addition 4635 144 625 154 2675 ry_. 1 :3 ( 2425 _ 2 3 ; 2375 :. 3 i3 2375 : - 4 3 625 i 5 :3 625 6 ;3 _ 3125 7 3 3125 8 ,3 3425 (Ex W 5 ft. of Lot) - 9 '3 _ :' 3125 .; West 5 feet of Lot 9 3 ) 1900 , 10, 3 3 11.3 3125 {...- �. e 12;3 625 13 3 625 q .. 14i3 '"d825 15.3 1850 - - - ,.....,, TOTAL 2.283.790 l• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter' by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. .:......_ Form B, B. 12 Commissioner of Finance.. - - l Qiit�. ofSt. Paul Pepar#ment of Vukfir Marks OSCARcuU//[N. CNlar........ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER or...IN.... R. -T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY' J. [. CARROLL. .uPi. P .uR[wu o1 CON.TRVCTION Ano R[PwIR. wLPR[O JACK/ON. /Ilrt. oI /wNITwTON N. W. YOtli1N0[ [Vrt. .YR[wU o1 co - " • "I ..Co;:"°loa :" St'. Paul, Minn. April 14, 1917. a. N. Nc[ROLo. orrlca [N.INacR Yx. Sd. 11. Goss, Commissioner, of Public Works Dear Sir ,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on the east side of Snelling Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Capitol Ave. in accordance with Council ' File, -#15816p approved April 10, 1917. This sewer is a part of the Capitol- Minnehaha Relief/ Sewer System, a district map of which haslalready been furnished the Commissioner of Finance. The extension proposed in this order will provide outlet for sub -district shown and designated on the map as A, B & C. The estimated cost of this sewer is $5,455.00 2p inspection 110.00 The estimated cost of a sewer of suf.ficient.si�a to drain abutting property.'is $ 999.00 Balance $4,566.00 Yours very truly, 0C/?'d. Chief Engineer �t!o-�i • _ , �-Gam.:/_G.._-, Res. sao Page #z. ` 1865E 20304 Price Robbins & Newtons 245.00 - School -Exp. 05 St.Croix .Mnfg. Company, 436.00` School-C&B . 06 J. L. Shiely Company/ �, 597.59 Pay. Minn. St. 5 3 Pay.r Payne Avenue.. I 1 1 ' / - - Re.olped ;-Thap • � upon tr.1 wawa ite by dr.�+,{a � Treatlb'ry�'ytpabltl oDhn „� fy e her.lAat thter -favor oLthe' - tion! Lor'ihe atQdnny . ePeeiGed LanOa anik'Iq pOraoDa .(Irma oa OatDoi•a P 08t pDDoeltt tbelr2 ; '� , q �. �res0eaf1418 nhmee i011awlny detallad ;AmerlgD,BapP17 as eDeal9ed fa.'j';LEa ; ltate7nen{ Atv�W���:�94'�f(0,}Rxr ? � yi{f•7C+�`n`�,` - - T� - - Hroltiari; +r�� -��: .. .,',Brook. _ k .. 8arne TramberPwY f ,'Cran0A, Ordway,ComDanYe 896 9R r+ii,� 119.99. +, �i1l,lim },Decker �a wars omyaby, j ` L .' .• q, ��ri - t Alfred 6 Erlclgoa, 6 •.BaRman almes•CgmDahY 14:189.67 hting Cdin0 Yl_ y{x07869^ 6; � Prlae Robbins - - �8L Cro1;=79nti� d= NaWt¢n i9�6.A0r C9mD!nY I{s110. - 3 : ,. � ,T p, i8hlelyy - , !Adopted by,ths, {ADpro CDmyvanY'; {b87{tP t� COanol ;Bey(. 96 1917x, � -- � �, air. 8e0fi 9811817). r .. 4' .• e 41 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT )60 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL N0. C. SCCp 2 5 1.9 1 i. 8Y - AUDITED PER ..... 689 Resolved that -warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J)JIG Courtmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council aEP 25 1917 orth 1 t 191_ - ( In favor p!ppry"`j lJ w _.,Mc v Against MAYOR _ j- Hyland Wunderlich Mr. Presidtus.—. Irvin 20288 S. A. Farnsworthry Comtr. Financer` 19,471.36 Street C. & R,- "I2,754.81 - Sewer " 859.67 S. & S. 0dg. 6,95 Bridge Bldg. ;-387 32' ff. F.-Crosswal 5 .00 " Water S ly = A5.00 " Docks, rues Levees 802.71- P 02.71 I� Pay. Mis River vd. 84.00 " M1 ehaha ,, 421.15 " ds Blvd. 1,798:1 " ice, 1591. " 12th St. , " Minn. St. , /2,29 83 " Cretin .70 " T. 7th t. , 5 1.46 2prinkling 68.90 19 —,4-71. 36 289 Merchants National Bank, 237,614.37` Red. Bonds 1917 n: 49 8 00 00 Interest I�� 31,6_ .50 G. F.-Misc. & U . r 6187 Water -Bond & t. , 0.0 Perm. Impr. ev.- Brest 225. 237,61 .37 290 O'Neil & Preston, - 1,870.00 Sewer Berkely 291 Rasmussen & Simard 236.00 Grad. Alley. Blk 9 €�f30 20292 Adam T. Sattler, r 15.00 Grad. Alley Blk 4, Messerli & Eschbachfe Add. 293 E. T. Webster 3,230. 00 e Johnson Parkway Sewer ,I C. F. No. 1966q-7- Resolved 86611- Resolved That warrants be .drawn tout Of he hereinafon the ter IflCdpfundseand in -favor o[ lh, person. nrm. or corpora- ttons for t heir.respective n amnt..sctpeCifl d'In the following detailed tateme1, S. A. Farnworth: Com 'r. Fluence, 139.471.36. - Dferchante National Hank, 8217.614.17. O'Nell &,Preston, 81.870.00. - RasmuaaenA& Slma d. 8216.00. - adam T. 8attler. f16.00.' E. T. Webster, 81210.00: - - Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1917. - — A'pproved Sept 26, 1917. _ (Sept. 29-1917) i CITY OF ST.. PAUL .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT itky fD L AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUti6N FORM CO ENO" No. SEP25 1917 I w r.-.,...... AUDITED- ,* ll PER. .cru 688 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) SEP �5 1911 oncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ ._ Ih17 nsworth a In favor Approv 191_ _-G O Coll _Against -- -•. — Hyland - MAYOR ---�; rgry Wunderlich M. pmsiAlnt were - Irvin. 20255 American Law Book Company, 20.50 " Uorp. Counsel -Exp. 56 American Supply Company, 7.75. P .Schools-~;xp . Water -Exp. 57 H•. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 1.32 II Corp. Counse}Exp. . 2 Water -Exp. 3 58 Auto Engine Works, 35.80 i Fire -Exp. 59 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 93.60 P.Schools-Exp- 60 Capital City Lumber Company, 62..10 P.Schools-Exp- - 61 Geo. B. Carpenter & Company, - 227.56 Fire -Exp. 62 Dwyer -Field Company, 15.00 Water -Exp. 63 Electric Manufacturing Company, .60 Fire -Exp. - 64 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 5.00 Comptroller-6xp. 65 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 1.3 17.34 P.Schools-Exp. Water -Exp. 15 r l r.r., A. c -u Res. 688 Page #2. r lr6 t 20266 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 29.48 P.Schools-Exp.; ` 67 C. G. Hartin Coal Company, 61.76 Water -Exp. 68 - Independent Oil Company, 47.22 Water=Rxp- 69 Johnson High Press, * 129.20 P.Schools-Exp . 70 Lawyers -Cooperative Publishing Company, 18.00 Uorp. Counsel -Exp. 71 Manhattan Oil Company, 34.46 Police -Exp., 72 Nbethern States Power Company, 67.44 Water -Exp. 73 Northwestern Stamp Works, 1.65 Health -Health -Exp. 1 Water -Exp. 5 74 Raymer Hardware Company, 1.57. P.Schools-Exp. 75 Robinson, Cary & Sands, - 112.80 P.Schools-Exp. - 76 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 10.54 P.Schools-Exp. 2 •4 — n n /, Water -Exp. i 5 10 4 - 77 St.Paul Foundry Company, 67.00. Water -Exp. 78 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 180.25 , - P.& B. A.-Telg..-Exp. 19 health-P.Comfort S -Exp. .94 Health -guar -Exp. 5 Z Health-P.Baths-Exp.. 5 5 Police -Exp. 6 80 79 St.Paul Stamp Works, 71.75 Police -Exp. 80 St.Paul Welding & Manufacturing Company, -1.60 P.Schools-Exp. 81 Harry Smith, 10.45 - Police -Exp. 82 Tri-Sffiate Tel.. & Telg. Company, 14.50'i Water -Exp. - 83 Valley Iron Works, 82.95 P.Schools-Expense. - 84 Wells, Fargo Express Company, .77 . Fire -Exp. - lis e Res. 688 B 9f3. 20285 R. B. Whitacre & Company, 3.51 Water -Exp. '86 W. G. Whitehead Company, ,65 P.Library-Exp. - • 87 John Wiley &Sona, 5.00 WaterExp. - C. P, No. Resolved; :That warrants be. drawn -- uponIAe Clty 1`reasury, prtyable out of - the hereinafter epeeffled funds and in favor of the ,person.. firms or corpora.. tions for th6 amounts set opposite their - - respective -names ae specified It, the _ followingdetailed statement:. - -American Law Book: Company, $20.50. American So I, CompaaY. $7,76. H. W. Austin, Purchasing. Agent, $1.32. . Auto Engine Works, $35.80.L' — Brown. Blodgett & Sperry. $93.60. - Capital City Lumber Comp any. ' Geo: B. Carpenter & a Company, $227.66. Dwyer-Fleld Company. .$15,00. - - Eleufacturing Company, 60 Centsctric Man . - S. A. Farn—orth, C. P. F. R.. $5.00. Farwell, Osmun, Kirk Company, $I7.34. Hackett, Gate. & Harty.. $29.48.' _ C.. G. Harlin Ooal Company, $61.76. .Independent OII Company. --$47.22.: - 7ohnaon HIgh,Preae. 5389.Y0. i.apyere-Co - operative Publishing Compahny, $18.00. Manattan Oil. Co., $34.46. ' Northern States Power Company, 167.44. - . Northwestern Stamp Work.; $1.66.. - - Raymer hardware Company, 11.67. _ Robinson. ,Cary& Sands, $13A80. St. Paul Buliders Material.. Company. $10.54. - - — .. , SL Paul Foundry GompanY. .167.00: SL Paul Gee Light Company.8180.16. — - SL Paul Stamp Works, 171.76: - - St. Paul Welding &-Manufacturing Company. 11.60. . Harry, Smith, $30.45. -Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, $14.50..' - Valley Iron Works. $82.05. Wells, Fargo Express Company, 77 Cents. _. R. B: 111h It, 11 Company. $3.51: . W. G. Whltehead'ComDanY. 66:Cents. - - _ - - John Wliey &Sona. 15.00.: Adopted by -the Councli Sept 26, 1917. - - Rpproved. Sept 25,,1917. (Sept. -29-1817).. 1- UL CITY OF ST. PAn. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... ( 'COUNCIL FILE 'NO. ___.......... Date Presented September 25 191 :7.. I Resolved, I That the Commis:.ionerof Education be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to employ one (1) chauf..'eur for the Bureau of public l library, pursuant to Civil oervice. rules, LLt a salary not .to exceed Ei hty Dollars (680.00) per month C. F. No.� 16662—By Albert Wunder. - It Revolved, That She Commissioner of hori. hereby zed ands mpoie rdand he ito employ non n (1) ehnuReur for the. Bureau of Pub - lie Library, pureuon[ to Civil Service raise, nt (380n nl00)nrY Per not to xceed Eighty Doll are . month . Adopted by the Council Sept 2u. 1917. APProved (Sept. 229-1917) I i Yeas ( Vu ilm en rFalnen I%) Nays SEF' Z5 191/ Adopted by the Council 191 orth 1 SEP 2 l e 17 Gos In favor pr ved ____ _._191........ Mc II Apt Against / I ' f, Yoer Mt. President. owere_ __..._... MAYOR FORM C.8-2 p - CITY OF ST. RAU..L - - I COUNCIL RESOLUTION ----GENERAL FORM- Subject: ORM-Subject �- • COUNCIL _ FILE N O. Date Presented 'i 191 . I I Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $13.00 in partial settlement -of the claim of John Holatz, otherwise known as Holec, for injuries received by him while employed by the City on the 4th day of May 1917.' C. F. No. 18663— Resolved, That .the proper City oM- . cera. are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation At. ount or the General Fund. the sum f $12.00 In .partial settlement f the claim of Sohn llolatz, otherwise known as Holec, for InJurlee received by him while employed by the City on the 4th day of stay. 1917. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26. 1917. 'App ro vsd Sept. 26, 1917. (Se pt. 29-1917) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. comm eeioner Pubes Works. I I I I Ycas (✓) Co u ilmen ( ) Nays _ Far worth Adopted by the Council SEP Z5 1911 191 ,Go In favor Hy nd Ke Appro c j �� '. ) 191_. tiVIc oil Against Wu derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin MAYOR FOaM C. I CITY OF PAUL - COUNCIL RE: O &-GENERAL FORM Subject: LAYING*WATPR MAINS. COUNCIL • FILE No. p 2, Io ' Date Presented Resolved, that a water main be laid on Hastings Avenue from Hestert Street to the east line of, Lot 5, Block 1, King's Addition. Yeas (✓) Cou men (r') Nays Far -orth Cos In favor Hyl d hell 1�1c II Against Wu erlich Mr. President rvin FORM C.8.2 f C. F. No. 18661—By O. C. Keller—' Resolved, That o venter mnln fbe told on Hnetings Avenge from Rester Street to the t Ince of lAt 6, SIotk_ I, Ings Addltlun. �dgpted by the Council Sept. 26, 1917. T ved Septa 2s, 1917. (Sept. 27.1917) J Adopted by the Council SEP 25 191119 1 . Approvedf )! " 10 " 191 CITY VV J:raLNT f,i vt �e.Pathinerthv� �JUblicUhilihies QV f t-a\j v'\WaFt- r September sO—o OF WATER 0 m -r 'ON QRS 24, SwGRTM 1 9 1 7. N 0055 Gn RRETT O HOUSE. To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St.,Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board -of Water Commissioners, at a meet- ing held this day, unanimously adopted the following resolution; "Resolved, that the City Council be, and i hereby in requested to authorize the laying of a water main on Hastings Avenue from Hester street to the east line of Lot 5, Block 1, King+e Addition." Yours truly, Encl. Secretary. 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—IGEN ERAL.FORM Subject: - COUNCIL w� .. FILE Date Presented' 191 „�P 25 IQ" 1 _A Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby l authorized to.employ the services of one Janitor in the Bureau of Police for a period of Fifteen (15) days, same being necessary on a000unt of the janitor at the Central Police Station taking his annual vacation from October 1st to 16th, 1917- C. F. No. 18666—Ry Henry 3lcco11— o -- Resolved, Thnt the Commissloner t Public Safety Ix hereby authorized to -e Ploy [he s rvlces of one Janitor in the 1%renu of" for n period of fifteen (15) days, same being n ary on .—not r the Janitor at the sCen- trxl Police Station takiltg ,his —'no1 1917. on from October let to ' 16th, 1917. Adopted I y he Council Sept. 26, 1917. d S App roveeVt. 26• 1917. .l Sept. 29-1917) Yeas ✓) ilmen (✓) Nays worth �u In favor V Hy nd rlCel Mc 11 Against Xti erlich Mr. President Irvin FORM C.8-2 191 Adopted by the Council SEP 25 191 . Approve i' 191 MAV R CITY.•OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: cou NclL . .FILE NO.. Date Presented , P '125 19'; 191 Resol4d,. ' • I That there is hereby transferred from the Salary Item Budget Account of the Bureau of Fire Protection, to the Expense Item of the same Account., the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, thereby, preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last named y - I Item. • C.. F. No.-18666—Ry Henry McColl— I Rcaolved, That there le hereoy (rune-' (erred [rum the Salary (.tem Budget Account of the ituranu .of Fir.. Prote.- don, to the Expenee Item of the same Ae.oI nt, the. sum o[ Ten Thousand • (510.000.00) dollars, thereby preventing volduhle delicleney In. the ntat ' n tudnIt.— iiaAdopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1917. Approval Sept .26. 193 i. (Sept. 29-1917) _ Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Days nsworth ss land Coll nderlich Mr. Preside . Irvin FORM c.6.2 crP 25 1911 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor APP Ve 191. Against, � �i Council File No......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ~ A; and PRELIMINARY, ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making �f the lowing p b� imp vement by the,'dy of St. Paul, viz.:....rie o ... Lc ....t �...:.. �.t f / i o ae r' c . 1:....�u� _. .......J.._._................ __.......... _...... � ,r �'.. ........ / . .. .... Dated this.....Z.s I.... L...day of.............. .c. x. MC—... 19 ..7.. . .. ............. ............... .......... . ..... ....... . .................. . . .. ...... Councilman. T PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......Xi+`, i._��....��k..lLi].�L...1.i.J.....tl..Pn.II.AI.L.l:1'1....�.r�.i.Q...� N.A....:—_.:LL._. 1. � . �. f..-.....]L.I... .:...: )_j..�—��.�.y. ... r.�L:. �. ' • .eta!:c....:;"3 .. 3.3t+.....ra:.__....:a.-__i.P_....................._..............:,..................................................._ v f......,1.�-,..CLS....._ V .................................... :.... ........ ............ ............................. ................. ............................... ...... ....................... ....................................... ....... ..............-............ having been presented to the Council-of the City of St. Paul by Councilmen.. ,,e to grope. greeeing been Pnle. ._....._.............. therefore, be it t the CltY of st. Pnu„ be It RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work p" ""Works he'and he le herevvro�f lirected 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of I deI. aT. i.vlesiisi« the neeennttr for r deefrnblllty or the making of Wald 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated a IrnZ roTve`n`int. Nugnte the - ..tore. :-dal cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improNV ovemente end a the cost, cost thereof. S. To furnish plan, proale or 4. To furnish the followingother data and informatil sketch of sola h the e.,.t. 4. To furnish the following other ..... ....... .... data and Information' relntile. to sold ...vement; I - . .:....... ......... .. ... .. ... .......... .. To elate whe.— nog t Is n 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oni„� petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP y5 1 •y / Adopted by the council..._...................................... _.__._.......191 ._.... Yeas: I Nays: Councilman Far sworth Go Approved ............ __.a...A.a.:..� 191......... Ily nil / ' iI ell ' V W derlit•h _ 1 _ ...�..__..'........................................................... ........_ Maynf Iry Mayor. POBiISII�_ _ Council File N.— PR JI:IJ PRO OSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ;.. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mgicrstgned hereby proposes t making of the owin ubltc improve ment bq the City of St. `a 9_...4:4 . Paul, viz.:..l fit.... r y CXI Vit.•..,:... ... ^.c e...n zr.'.i 1�....en' , ..:u :....2 �G'c :............_... ....... . r ........ -- ....:........ ... ..... ... ........ ....................... .................. ,,,!............. .............. ...... ......................... Dated this.... M...v f.. of ......aC. -+ /u./Ej"/:/...... .191 R -j r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..... .. ......................:.._........ ....... ........................................................................................ :....................................................... _.................................................................. ........ .........................................................__..............._..............................................._........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P;t oli In !he�fn}eollman_............................................_ ..._............... therefore, be it Thnt the C"mmisslon, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public R' ee"t ;' nd thhe fs hereby ,by ordered and directed' 4 tf Ir t e necesei el l"improvementdesirabil';nt. king oraL To investigate the necessityfor or n"' r°uaate roai o `te°r``vement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima a'mj the mtnf cost r aid 1 p 'nfeh n plan t, thcr, 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said imi' Ieh 'he` i f ou �Bnfother rovement;_._. 4. Tg furnish the followingother data and inform,;"'"tion' o ative to nota ll' -' " cher or not said I ................ _........._. m. ..........:..r nn the net 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r1 Adopted by the council . ...... ...__....._191_....... Yeas: Nays: Councilmanlf1rn orth „� Approved_.............. . o .o ..........191........_ If oil rlich ......... Mayor _._. layor. IORM O B•°y Council File No.- ............. tom. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, i4..-....----... ............. ^ ......_.................,.......................... Dated this_.......�,�i_:::cjas of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written prdposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .....:LA Fu ... r td . ....._4 2....%t.U.Yk�I:.,...:.. iJ..a. ................. ............................................ . ._....._....:___..._.:......:...........:_..........:....._.........__..... .................... .... .......... ........ __....................... .......................... ......._._....... _ ._. ....;...._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cour,. 1m?d ___ ......._....._ q-Iut c It and � � therefore, be it h ii tit s t t> of st t r an,, RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public W i ": u c 1..1 er or Idered and directed ,rk. he and he 1. herthy °r- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability . -11- t 'vestige ehe n ee..ur rnr Cement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated't. °r the makin or .aia and the total cost thereof. "' .t5ante thenature, r. i 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impro In ate icomt of ` i 4. To furnish the following other data and informatii 1,h plan, °rO' tmprovcmetit:.................. ...... ... . __ ..._... ... ...... ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Q Adopted by the council .............J' ....._........ ..................191 .... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanYa sworth 3 s Approved _.1. H and ! A Coll 1� ndcrlich Mayor Ir in Mayor. G :: Herrold ) Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and • PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foljoNin ublic improveptent by the City of St. Paul, viz::......ope�ini, ..xiueni.n;.. "d all.ey,.fiom .6i..`lbdns..„ .ts t o.. LA41 c.... a.t . ,.c.e.t&.sen.= ue-.._anci yZr P-1..-ay. uaa.,..... 1on.k E ...... - _tion ,I.q...y- takiT�....ana:.:.ao.rdeZring,..a..a.t.ri..of...:l.and..lying...gQ.uL.r.:of.....k1e..S-s 8- fen;.t�-.s ard.-..r..ox :,�...of. ..line.:.. drar�._p.arall.el....tn....;�_.s.o�tA .o.f tne- o line of said all as oav laid ou in said additio along Lois 17 to 22 Dated this ....Z5.th./._dayyr, ..._..Se.p.temla r 1 ''.?_.. �-inclusive. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 4.peni.r.;...... wi.dean,;....and extandinE....an...al.lay.,:fr.om.._S.t....Lli.ar_s...:N.t ;.t.a.._Lale..... t..., b.etiv.r.en._uavue....and...Laurel ...ay.ensas.,...._1-ock...n.,.._Lolccmhe.:.g...Addj-tian,.b_T tzkin anci...co_nlzar....j.Ir...a..at.x.i.F..-.of.....Iar,.d ly.i-rL--s.cutk�.....of.:.Ah.e.....&r.e.e_silt._:.f_Prc-e.e7...�---d..._north .of.a line ardv:n parallel to and 201 south of the north lire of said alley as:..nWX' lei.d-o.ut._�r.&sdd...aadiii:or.....alorr._Lo.ts,.1?_..to 2: .inclusi.ve..... _... ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..........__... ............._.....-.-. ...___.__..._..-. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be n•n is.hereby ordered and directed- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of„it a girt s lid nanlu�tt iprovement. ., t7 to 22 Incluelv�, h-1.9 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiv,aentad to the. Council of the ^R t, and the total cost thereof. St Paul, therefore, be It 3. To furnish a.plan, profile or sketch of said”' kTahne the hems he cby or- 4. To furnish the following other data and inft ln:�eeu�ate the n---it" for aatdprovement:_ . Inty of the makinK of - - nt nn[ure, `x- - .......... .......... ._......... .... ....... ..: .... ....... ...... o—stiKale the •etimated cont of aald Im ... ....... ....... .........._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is and thert totPl nai n, noat tnerin of three or more owners. oh,, nr,.n� pro 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to th• the "mn p p g g tn� fn toner of Finance. - don •� - Adopted by the council_ -� ..� ' I L ......,..1rJ1. ...... Yens: Nays: Council mar? arpsworth p (- vGo Approved_. .\ _ .. ,_........ 161 ......... ' By and Se l I Me oll Wt derlich .................... _.... _..... __._.............:.......................... ...... ...... Mayor Iry Mayor. wee - fc' ie1.i,;ioil Council File No.,..,, .................. ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and /ELRDER. The undersigned hereby proposes thfollowing public Improvement by the; City of St. Paul, viz.:.to ide....o .. ?'.y 1:1_L.._. t" .. . - .................... _ ......... Dated this .L..2.d:i l.._day of. .......� 191..7.. ............. ........ ._..... ... ................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: t o uC. C:.. r 7. i _t,:s ::. a� ..... p ............. .i _s i . or .:_�:n n.t w. i d e ..........s,l 1•r .. �, o ,,, n ........._..........................._.._.................................................._.._......................_._.............:.:.........................._............................ :........_............. ... ..:.. .. .......... .... � ..meat til six feet n the south Ride n having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul bv„ ; st rrom Fao-t•h•ry ,t.•e. to . + . having been presented to ........_....... .... .........._....... therefore, be it are h f the C/q• of sc, raw: are be IC I 'olWo That the ks be and he is herby or-. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Weipor-. �edeand directed: p directed - 1. To Investipntr the cessity for I 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability rdesirability of the making of said t Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate 2 To iestlgate the nature, x- total cost thereof. d� I estimated c f Id Im 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impro,, Toon turn n h a toi: said ere or of said Impr. 4. To furnish the following other data and information rcl�:'.r." "" ;aid improvement;._ __...... ............ .......................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_........ ____�.._. Ly 1............191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman 14y sworth tApproved ..._......, _:.-p y: 191 _........ nd-oildcrhthMayer .._...._....___..__............�. bfuy ... ........ or. •oaw c oro Fe-tition for a sewer. ; Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tl}c following public'igtprovement by the City of, Str aul, viz concdesnim,; and takini anwsement .fox a se%lage plarin, s> ti -on - nest St Anthony Park .ewer Sy sterr.-i the s50, of theW, ,Section 20' xn 29 "an,,e Z3_...2 ai d-. easezant bai ne- :ie -L -44 -bed pari -..€o l l.o : .... .- ..._ _ r Cor"ercin; on the •,test line of,) street s��itsiirtereeciioritli the south line of.'endon adenue produced, thence -1 est nd at./a:2i;ngle with the west line �f Fustisbtreet, a distanoe f 100/neoa t,tnA south and at a right agile with is r3escribed line distf fity(50)feet, - tinence east at a right angle with laet •d cribed l di�atar•ce of. 100 feet to the west line of Eustie street, thence north along the west line of Eustis street to the point of beginning. Dated this ._r 5.tL1 .........day of Sept__...ember... 1912 __.. Vit, tic_ ' ..........._....... . Councilman: PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ WHEREAS, A written proposal for, the making of the following improvement, viz.: Zonae¢n ny ang_:taklli__aa easeze-at ..fnr...a.�ev re .puapl �:�t.atian-test St.._P.a- thony PB,r•k Sewerasten:21-h. the SP.y of the _.A�, section 20,7own 29,1.anre 23, SaicL.ea ement.._heist.-.dEserobed--aa.-fo.}�w.e............. -......_....------------- --------------------- --------------- Colrsencinr on the nest line of Eustis street at its intersection with the anile south line of cerdon avenue produced, tuence west and at a riiht with the west line of Eustis street, a distance of one hundrea(100)feet, thence south and at a right angle with last described line a distance .of fifty(50) feet, thence east and at a richt angle e:ith last aescribed line a distance of one hundred(100)feet to the.west line of Eustis street, thence north along the west line of Eustis street to the point of begin h line ning• thence wt ..with the weat in _ ._.. .. .-_....:... .._ ....._.. ,stance of one hun- ' hence _aoulh and of having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul b,-itraatraseeri an ........... " ce angle f wlihh last ed "therefore, be it , c , distance o[ one hunarea RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public R thence he heaalona it eEw ei:red and directed E.W. street to the polot o[ ba - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability :. [at In cite of°si'ra 4 [6eiee ement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimateo ea, That the commissioner of�nd the total cost thereof. lorke be and he le hereby or - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imprta directed! the necessity [or blllty of the making of eatd 4. To furnish the following other data and informa,`,eat =ent .... _. ........ Inve! •:t+te the nature. ez- eatf at of said Im .. ......... ........... ...._... ..........,... _ .. _........_ t .....:. ___ the sot......._.. _.. ......... ..... .. ....._... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petitiot. q1e ,or (e or more owners. other 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Filo aar+ Adopted by. the council_.. ....�F%�...��.._�..��__:........191.......... Yeas: Nays: . Councilman,jrar worth Goa Approved _._.... __.._._ y...___ .. 191.......... Ilyl d J , MCCIl }Vunlerlich .................................................................... ............... .......... .... ......... Mayor Irvin! Mayor. n .oa„ a es . IYUIiLISIiID_�1j is =tion Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, d ,ave., ;.:a/f a'.e.._...._............:...._..___ ................._......_..:.�_ r ...... . _................................................ ...................... ..._...._......,.... _........ .. _ / ........... ...._.. ..._...._ ._.._....._..,r-- _... .. .............._............_............ ._... ._........................... .. ..... ....... _........ ._ ... .._ w ri .. Dated this— ..4F_th.......day �f Councilman.'- ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..._C::1T i?..._�.a_tl.{l.._C:a..tl.C:a.....a.�__J:G.....«i.,�..,..... �M.a........E... �CA..u:.j.G... _..._.0...�.eYl:. .�.an:.. Yc............... \/ ................................. _........... :.................................................... .................................. _w_. ........................................... -"....................................... fell.. ,th ei,... ......... .._........ .......... the Road to . beenprea°nte, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by, "° city of st. Pa, i, A, That the Commiselon. therefore, be it .vorka he and he IB hereh7 ad directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works. [ ttnehmnkin oiyBa and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the u `in:—thgat. the nature, ex - estimated cost of said Im- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost o `fern th n t nalPlacast renin eOt' �' total cost thereof. Bald improvement. 3. To -furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveme furmange frelative following o� 4. To furnish the following other data and information r alai »•nether or - menta ...... ........._. at is ,.fe _ ... ......... .. .. ........ ...... .. ................ .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of thG foregoin r matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 4"-) 191 Adopted by the council... _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth . -Go Approved........... _._........:._._....._ ..................191 ........ Ily Ke ❑d Ke er • Ate oil W1 dcrllch .._..�....._ ..:.._............... - .. .. ........ Mayor Irv'i Mayor. (� CoAcil File No. >✓r,<; `74 By_..................._................_. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the.mattei of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 1, King's $apleldood Addition, under Preliminary Order.....al_353_.__..., Intermediary Order _13477__ ...._.._,..._,, Final Order ........... 13830 approved�........_. _................. 191.-�..... A public fearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- mens having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be'submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. �Eir-1 vRzrinB RRS�1y__FS--Fhattiir said aesem - e t t 1 savable as to each and eve cel o ret ~ Adopted by the Council _...... ..l.�- :.45 Lail....................... 191_:: j' ... ............ . .... _........ '.fl_V.._}.✓._..tiles �; ity Clerk. Approved ..... i=P_.:_`<�.a..i0:_'__ RATr)A'rMG Ass>osermrT� %j 1 (I.T. No: 18674 In the matter o[ -the "seesment of, J - • heneflts cost..,. and e%pensee for: - , hanging the grade or the alley In _._...�._.�.:._._._ ......___�_..,.... Mayor. For. B. B. 18 Block -1 King's .Maplewood"Addition. - under.. PrellminarY Order !13368, In-'t.— n-' , termedfary Or 13477 Order:, ' 13690,. approved Jan, 10,.:1917. A public_-hearing _having� bsee . had. , apnn rha.aseeesment for the",above I.-. orovement, and sold seen dent b— Ing been further considera -by. the �Counrll.`.d.havlalt been'.. co..ldered - final". eatleanlactorY. be It therefore Resolved; That the said•assessment - be..and;the;same. fehereby. in spects retitled.. and the same 1. hereby ordered:.tg be submitted to the District , Courtof the.'County of Rameep: foe :Ad-flopted by the Counclt Sept. 86, 1917;. •Apprppgd 8ept.'r6. 1937 - i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------- -- Council File No ............................ ................ f B CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Scudder street from Raymond avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order .._..1.75 .......... ... __..... Intermediary Order .21 4._ ............... _... ., Final Order..._L602___.____. approved.....-_NOVember 17.r............. _.:....:.191...A...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. e eat _..... Adopted by the Council ..... _............. .... ............................ ................. _191 ' _ C:' �' fr:L:=i f ..._!�_ .Citt y ^p n is L. 1 Approved tot 18876— In -Cho- .mattes o[ the Lpr saeesemeat p[ — benefits costa^ and expPneee - cbanging,the Frage of Bcudde� str t', fromRaymend avenue to Cleveland,_ .-____._-____._.___.._.__.__....�..._ Mayor. Form B. B. 19 . avenue, under Prellmtnery Order 17s . intermedlarY Order, FSnai Or' der His, approved Novemberl7, 1914 p `public heartng hevinF been had upon -the. aneeeament for the above 1m -..I vrovement. end •sald aeseasment itav- Ing',been: further-oonsldered ; by the Count 1!and .having' been considprod flnnllY: satt.bmtorY: be It therefore Reeolved, Thatihe Bald assessment be nnd. .the eama InherebY -. In' 11 re —pet—ratified' and: the. same is hereby ordered -to, be submitted to theDlstrict- Courtof.the,countY of'RamseY for I coAn8rompatltedobyn.,,t^ha Council 9epti . ° - - d26, 1937., approved, Rept. ;26. 1917. _ •_______r_._____________•-___________ �C F•No. 16876 •assneament ot__-_••_-___-____.•.___--________. > Itn the"atter of>-thn., beneata the, Rrasde of -costs ndeRpe tern aoer.I• chnhRing. nun from Atwater str et jo the can _ ter "lige otOrder 687 u Intermed(srY roved Final Order 8612 aP• limina Order! Et88, t. ,)�-�.E+1 Council File No ........ .............. _. _ p son 25, 1816 been had' p y' bllc hearing ha •InR unoTM.the aeeeeement f r the atiove tm- Drov been further �considerede by htha. $ - Council: and having been coneldered y _ ....._....... _...._.__._ inR b it therefore flpnliv. eatletactor9 _ Revolved, That:the sal d. sansei' "t_ s be ,end .the ea and the someere!is hereby eDsete -ratified,et ordered•to be. submittedoto�tg Dlytt Ieondtm r -- County Adopted by the Council Sept: 26.,1817.' Approved $pL,39-1817)` Resoluthz ment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Western avenue from Atwater street to the center line of Como avenue, under Preliminary Order..— Intermediary Order...31.4fl._............... ....._., Final Order...3.$1 ...__.___.. approved.:.._.Jan_�....._2rJi...................................191.._....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it - therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County,of Ramsey for confirmation. e y e ezmme o e pays e Adopted by the Council ........ ....... .................................. ......191 _ r ; Clerk. Approved ..... :`.P .: �._._x....:.._..._......191......:. / ..... _.... ...... _...... Mayor. Form B. B. 16 , --------- In-=they matfer,af the �xpenaeent for •benefltn cosui ane-d _ -chane{ng ,the gradof ,A Pro street ' o oS ., u under r ellmelrery :Orderj „691, Intermediary Order Y310 p'Inal 'OrdeFaDDroved .Nov. been lhad l — - "A•.v-bit. hearing finving upon the seseeement for,the above lm- nrovementt and eatd nseeeement have; the Ing Ibsen her coneldered by Connoll, ands hnving been coneldered - ana11Y Resolveatfefnrtory. be itthere[ore — ed, Thnt the Bald aepee6ment I be 4nd the.6ame 1ethe hereby In. all spects Tatlded, and same le herreby ordeFed oto be eVbmltted to the Dletrle -0oprt• of the Copnty of Ramsey'; for confirmation:` Adopted t!Y the Copncit Sept 46. 1917,.1 :. P, pPFo- gent. 26. 1917 _ tsepa 29-1ei71 I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for changing the grade of Ryde street from Union street to the N.P.Right Eif Way, r under Preliminary Order §91 ............._.... ... ; Intermediary Order ..._21.1.0 ............... _....... Final approved.._._......_r..4Y.r__:1..%.....:.....:.........._..._--- 191 _.._4.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. at 15.e and it is herelSye ermt a le ....._.... a menta as to sac an ev escn eDim. Adopted by the Council ..................... c . _..... r�- ty Clerk. t Approved...._ tiP Z ......_..._._......__191......_ , .........._............. _.__ Mayor. rorm B. B. 13 __I In hang n�tmuis, iv nfa�t r. F No. 1957 cosa anA -Acker ■ *Ceti under PrellminarY Flnai Order 12732.* yippro ed 4&Dt$19, - Council File No. ,. A snbnc hearing hnving Teen hed uD n the aeeeaameanitd foeeamTotyy�Ta�_t aid en g b further, c ,been eeuin`deted: By OnAll atlefaet rY• be sial" eeament .. /ol ed, h t.the ��.d tiro s d tTe lain tt/ he-beyto 1h. Court O[ tt,C County of Rsme donnrmsctopp: T. PAUL. -Adopted TYthe Ow 391 Sept 86, 1917. — .ADDmveA,' � Dt 189.114) � ..; , t�esoilution Kahfymg Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses f'r changing the grade.on ldississiopi street from Pennsylvania avenue- to venueto Acker street, under Preliminary Order_1.0.53.rJ._.__.._._., Intermediary Order ..122.5.$..........._........ Final Order........1.2.7_-8 . approved.............3en.t....1..9_,..:........... _.bi_... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. "...__._....__......._..........._._..._.equa nistaen a as to d described therein. f Adopted by the Council :.:..._ .......... .............. 191 ....... .... _ .... Approved .....: ......... _..___.___..._.:._._..__.._._...----_..._.._ Mayor. Form 8. B. 18 .. "--------- ---= ------------------------------ - Fia:ipd--matter+o�:'tha ,asaeesmeat, Oti .tbenedts coats ;,dad eYpeq'sesyols - ` f 'chaagl.g.thaigrdde o[7eaerwn r;ausx.;hetvrepa.r',�PJdcal ava.ve •;aaa. liamllne Yveaue;C.unde Pre1lmindor. 'order ,'1{663 ` Intermediary= 'Ordss: Council File No. ... ..._.__, •181fA: `algal Order Ic719 -apptovedi i..+-�yz .. ....._......._. Mayt96.'1917.riug> .. A �publlc ,hearlgg bavlag�bben hadj upon the-saeesemeat.for the above I= - prove...l,. and .eafd ,a.—:ement, hav;' In8 been turthend.considered'tbyy- the - By ..._.... _._..__._............._._......_......_.—. _. Counce, and Dayingg been considered dgany-aatlafaatory;-be It there[ore \ - Resolved,Thst -the Bald assessment - _ be and the same Is. hereby la aU re _ pderod. t be bmittedthest t ha Dtetber;r.t Court of the' Couaty of 1a=44* - for _ Adopted Dy the oun Ccil Sept 66 1917. oved Sept . pp����mm pp77��} ApprE6,- 1917. . �SW.7111ent. (Sept 99-3937) " In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses Changing the grade of Jefferson avenue between Pascal avenue and Hamline avenue, under Preliminary Order....... 14.56-1----.. Intermediary Order ___1..x].1.4.._............ Final Order..._1..71.9 approved ..__.._ Y..._26.._................... _._......... 191.....%_.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the .aid assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. {11 , e sat as Sessment a an 1 I 'hereby-detevrni lments a`"'"' s'Yri"'e�eh-^sad-everr�palce}wf•bred .. ' Adopted by the Council 191 ._.._ � � r > s ................ City CIerE. i Approved ....... �' I� 1---- — ---------- 191_. _.__._._.._.__.___.._._....._...........—.-----__...__�._ Mayor. Vorm B. B. 18 - <�e mete— s# " N ttet otl.b's- aeaeeement otr _ I - lytgRR Wefd anQ' 'eiDetulae ;. lor, i eh tib the grade of �2tlton St be-. -- Mlan^: Lefond BC sad lair St' and;""-"---""--" _ _ _ _ _ ,oG Blafd Bt -between a point 89etfeet jt;0 ea f lU)ton SG to a DolnC898`feet M11ton 8t, under PrellminaiY - -'Order , 1086E ,Intermediary,- Order Final Order',.}8168 approved` ADrU 80 1937. `i. ] A=,Rubll, o-: hearing, havingbeen-shad Council File No.......,upon the aasea ent for the abovelm• 1 ^ provement, and sold: adaeeemint haq+ Ing beeni Luttherycondidered b -,the _ yt Council. and, having been `considered 'finally satisfactory, belt therefore - By ._.. ...... ...._.:+-Resolved. That .the°said aIn bent .., be ie and- . dame is hereby 1n ali're-:: i erecta .t. bd, Ub 'the same le hereby � Court d t6 he submitted tb the Dldtrict Conrt of the County of Ramseq'for. j :confirmation, , Adopted by the Council Sept 16, .1917., PAUL. Approved Sept, 26;,,'1917. (Sept 89_3817) Kesolution Katih ng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coets and expenses for changing the grade of Milton St. between Lafond St, and Blair St. -- and of Blair St. between a point 296 feet west of Milton St. to- . a point 296 feet east of Milton St., under Preliminary Or der_....._ 193_52___, Intermediary Order ................. Final Order......._1 approved_..Ap.r.il......3...r ........... .............. _-.;.__ 191.2...__.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by. the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified; and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. `�..........._...__..._._....._.._._..._. entsparce o f1ae . Adopted by the Council ..... _ u 191 ....__. _ ... . k ..._l. l .�_i... ity C.A. exp 2� Approved ...... _.....: .-. --..191 __._ ' f U In Mayor. Form B. S. 19 -'C F Nt.'-16881- • :` �' . — In the „matter •o["t d ', ex .n"i benefits;?,tete and can , Hr. for Ave;' b t the 'Banda on - He.mo nes Ave: between Atlantis MI 8L and 46 Point :684 leet'�north o[Midway Parkway' .r- and on FrankeomAve. from';8heldon 'Aver toHamllne -Ave., undecPrelim — 7nary'Order.14688, 11 raedlery .A r: der, 14991, Final. Order 16764, ap . Iproved•1faY 49,-1817. - - :'A yubllc hearing: having been upon the. eaeesement-for the above Ien- provemenL-and said aesesament,hay. Ing been. further considered ,by. the _ 4 -- 'Councfl.`aand having been coneldered -y finally. eatlefactory.. be It therefore Resolved, That the said sseeeemerii CITY OF ST. PAUL. be and'.tbe same 1. hereby In d11 x - epecb i'atl0 d, and the same fa aroby - o dered to be submitted to tha District, Court of..,the County. f Ramsey ftrsolution_ Ratifying Assessment. - - conflrmatton. • . AdoPq+d by the Coupcll BepL 46,.1917.. _ Approved Sept Y6,'. 1817. - • (BePL 98.1917) In the matter of the assessment of bendfits, costs add expenses for changing the grade on Hamline Ave, between Atlantis St, and a point 534 feet north of Midway Parkway and on Frankson.Ave, from Sheldo;, Ave. to Hamline Ave. under Preliminary Order...... 1.4.565.,.......... Intermediary Order ..........1.5221............... Final Order.....a.SZ�li_:—_—.. ' approved................... May.....28................_...._:.__..191......7.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED; That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ^C IT t 'RR At:C�iy n •n_ •� _ �..c9aen gable �1 O - ein. '\ SSP Zt) Nil - Adoptedby the Council .......................... ... ........... ................. _.. ..........191 _...... _% ..t/�� : City Clerk. 25 Approved ._..._ _................. _..191 _...._ / l Mayor. Farm B. B. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL. jo Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade'of Burns Ave. from Flandreau St. to a point 167 feet east of the east line of White Bear Ave., under Preliminary Order ._13.`5.44 .......... .... Intermediary Order 14935- ........ ..... _........ Final Order_.._164.52--.. approved .:_...?,Earth 20.x...: ......._._191..: �.... _..........._ - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory: be it therefore - RFSOLVF-D, That'the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. nc IT r:r RTPuco n _ t t 'r ' hereby determined to be payable Adopted by the Council ............... SL :fie y...�.� `U! 11 r-City Clerk. ___ Approved ...... ,.:. 191_..._. / U – s �...._....._...---...___.—....–`--_.`_........_...__._..._____.._..._ Mayor. Form B. B. 18" 0 ;._._ pr,� -----------------'---------------------------------------- - ebp=oglli$! �Idok•,BB, SEB Ei, and..rf6'.ot,Anni X16.: - ,s� �'1 aYY Order 1TBOt7nlntermed4ty �Or �, "� - - '-""ii�J ;;der ;198{9, Fina) Order 31014- ap- ,.� . _.droved'Dec 16, 1916.'� ' u0 n t6o ias eument [or'the abo a Imdf. ! liFoyetnent, and said a•seument , hav - [lnd 'been<farther comldered'byy the - .. ,Council, •end'- having been rosside"It - 9nally,eatls[actory, be'7C<theretore'-'_C `•Resolved, .That tha eald aeeeument lie. 'and 'the +same !s hereby In :all re- avecte'ratided, and the -same 4 hereby,CITY OF ST. PAUL. - ordared to besubmitted to the Dletrlct 1. "S or.the' County of Rameey.� for - °padrmatien. ` 1esolution Ratifying Assessment. Adopted by.the Council Sept. E6; 3817. ADDroved 9eDL 86, 1837 . ` i.(BepL 29-1937) In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for changing the grade of-the alley in Block 2, Wright's Rearrangement of Blocks 22, 23, 24 and 25 of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, under Preliminary Order.:... 116.0.7_._..__., Intermediary Order ....1.36.48_._..:............ Final Order.... 1.40.44..__..._: approved .......... ............. ...... ............ 191 6.......: A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ' mens having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be andthe same is- hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County. of Ramsey for confirmation. at t o sat asseaemen a an t es y e s described therein. Adopted by the Council ..... .S C5 ��� �:..., _ _........191 1 ./........... _._.. _......_ ` r _ y CI Approved .....: ___._.,. - ...._:_._...._ .. _...191 U...._.__...— ' ..1..I ' —'� �i��l._.•...__tt��_]] — Mayor. corm 13. B. 19 U eubmacea „G -' -for— CITY OF ST. PAUL. oqquflrmatfobe m County nt Ramsey _ Adopted. by the Councn BepL P8; 1917. �:1t u}-.fiTKA °'Approved (Sept 89.3817)' '_yvlon 1 \atlfying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses-. for changing the grade on alley in Scott's Addition, Savage's Subdivision, Smith Subdivision and Thomas Dunn's Subdivision from Prior avenue to ,Cleveland avenue, . 2367 5545 Final Order.__ 6.152 ' under Preliminary Order...:........_........._....._..__, Intermediary Order.................................. approved --July.:,_ 27.,_.._.......__...__...._...._.._.191.5,...:... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for. the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been consi4ered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. FUR a say assessment be and it is hereby determine o ........_......_......_..__.._�...... as toe _ sin. Adopted by the Council..._..: SEP .. 1911 ........191 _� t ....... . . ... .... ... .... . ........ . ........ . .............. Ciy DCk. ;co 971 Approved........... ........ ........ ............................. -.191 r ............ ...... _......__..—.........— ... ,..:__..:.._..— ._.:. Mayor. Dorm B. B. 18 — - - - cl� f CITY OF iST. PA I. ACCOUNTING 6EISA ,MF OUNCIL� o. AUDITED CLANS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE SEP 2,6.1917 er AUDITED lei - 691 L Reiolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter 4pecified funds aid:, in favor of the perxons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed:, statement: Yen V ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the &un CAY6 181 n Orth ?in SEP 243, favor Approved' I --QAgainst Hyland MAYOR 'Mr. Wunderlich Presi Irvin. 20313 Armour '& Company, 3.55 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 14 Beecher Improvement Company, 11.10. Pay. Payne Mimehaha St. Inter. 15 Bibliotheca Sacra Companys 7.50 z. Library -Exp. 16 T. L. Blood Company, z 4.50 Fire-EXp._ 17 Board of Water Commissioners, 1003& C.P.W.-WorkhouSe-Exp. 18 A. P. Boyd, 821*'15 Pay. Payne-Minhaha St. Inter. 0 90 Pav, Rice,.Univ* to Bridge 47 .4 Minnesota St. 32 15 8 8 15 19 Brentano's', 35.85 Library-NBooks.- 20 Brown, BlodEWtt & Sperry, 8.35 Librar'y-Exp. 21 Capital City Lime & Cement Company# 1,704.30 Sewer C&R -Extra Repr. 5 Pay. Minn. St. 1 1,7 9 0 22 Capital City Lumber Company, .24.33 School-C&B. Library -Exp. 23, Chemical Abstracts, 15.25: Library -Exp. F— A. 5.11 V, Res. 691 Page #2. '18685 20324 Chas. W. Clark Company, 2-.45 Library-NBooks. 25 John Clark Company; 1.50 Library-NBooks. 26 Cochran-Sargent Company, 1.60 School-C&B. 27 Crane & Ordway Companyy, 47.46 Police-Exp. _ Parks-Const. Phalen Beach • 6 28 L. F. Dow Company, 94.65 C.P.Works-Exp. *00 57 C.P.W.-Workhouse Exp. •0 4. 5 29 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 5.30 r'ire-Exp.' 30 Electric Blue Print Company, 34.32 _ C.P.Works-Exp. 31 S. A. Farnsworth,. C.P.R.F., 75.00 G.F.-Official Publications- 32 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk &Company, 137.99. eurb. Robert, 8th to Central. 33 FinA, Van Slake & McConville, 21.80. C.P.W.- orkhouse-Exp. 34 Fleischman Yeast Company, 6.25 - C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. E 35 Gaskell Jewelry Company, 1.00 health-Health-exp. 36 Goodyear Rubber company, 56.35 - Schools-Exp . 37 Griggs-- Cooper & Company, Q.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. .66..38 38 Handlon& Com any, 117.51 C.P.W.-workhouse-Exp. 39 Hansen Building Material Company, 711.36 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 40 Heating & Ventilating Company, 1.00 Library-NBooks. 41 J. H. Held, 1.75 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 42 Hickory Gas Mantle Company, 5.95 C.P.W.-Workhouse-exp. 43 - Hohmen Mauser, `29'.61 _& raV. Miss. River Blvd. 44 Kettle River Company, .597.30. St. C&R.-Exp. Res. 691 20345 A. Kroch & Company, Library-NBooks. 46 Library Bureau, Library -Exp. 47 McClain & Hedman, G.F.-Partic. Certs. OO School -Exp. 1 ' 48 A. C. McClurg & Company, # Library-NBooks.. — 49 McDevitt -Wilson Company, Library-NBooks. 50 Maendler Brotheers, C.P.Works-Exp. Police -Exp. #.6 51 Manhattan Oil Company, 6 Schools -Exp. Mun. Gar. Rev. 6 a a ■ 1 0 n n a 3 N a a a n a Fay. Mounds Bl 3 52 Melady Paper Company, Park -Exp. 53 Minneapolis Directory Company, Police -Exp. Library-NBooks 6• 3 54 Municipal Journal," Library -Exp. 55 National Gas Governor Company, C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 56 H. G. Neal, Y. Schools-zxp. 1• U .P .W.-"orkhous e -Exp. 1. 2. 57 Nicols., Dean & Gregg, Mun. Gar.•Revovlgin. 58 Northern States Power Company, Library -Exp. 59 Northwestern Flee. Equipment .Company, Playgrond-Exp. 9.89 Mun. Gr. R. 57.9 U u a 6 9 � 5. 60 N. W: Stamp Works, Library -Exp. 61 N. W. Telephone Company, U.P.W.- orkhouse-Exp. 9 Page #3. �8s8rJ 3.83 . 3.75 2,50 190.15 1.25' 4.36 333:51. • 6 .78 .60 • _' 1.50; 32.00 1.00 .75 2.40 -9.80 2.88 '165.50 1.00 3JO - Res. 691 .21 '2paaWlliobai �iodndp 047 4oI4b Tui - enoadwT.egt Jo aanYeu eq7 3g4S 'E-#4 • �� I •R7{n1.Papaaowd a4 al`Paaep (.,pQ 6Q5 ' j Sgaaaq al luawanoadwl plea - ey7 P paldopm "P p ponwdda 6agwaq IL a ia47 10.50. 20362- H. Feltz & Son, Pus: a4,laodaa p122 �1 ML .. ea :6gaaaq 'laodaa D .. . ---. ujamt; G.F. -Printed forms and b&ink l(Paaapi2gda eulna4 Pue• 7uawanw� anag8 agl noon alum.. )o aauol.ej . 1 -woo ay).)o 1.lodaa eq) P2nlaaaa,8uln •1S ay,Tf 63 Perkins -Tracy Printing Companip, Invd Jo ALTO 041 Jo 113uno0' •111, "1.1deg panaadde ET99T� 9.70 Police -Exp. — aapa0 A—ulwlteag. - aapun • •uoaaayl, cult eat4 047 AlI palua.aadesn HuP ' POl.. & Fire Al-Exp._eg aPe•�:7uatoad •ayl Joeaaq'3a9d.4 epe ay1: olaa;uo.' - .,I oaa uo cull paa ey1. P7 puo)noo of 'uoP; oil P ..,ql '-I -{PPtl 11aed eoeaaay- r 1Ioo1H ul '.Te[la. - ' )o apea8 )o 8uleveyo-7o ae73e12eg1 � 47aomauaas •tl 'ti •{fi—£SCSI 'oH�'3.1,209.36 64 Pierce Oil "orporation, , sl Sprinkling.1 CLTBTr9 7001 LIBT 'E '700 Panoiddtl • 1161'8 '7a0 11onno0 ay7 60. 407dom 65 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company,, )oaae4Y 1203 Te101 aqjP"plnawanoadl aql )o aalgeu agl'8nlaeay,o ..vId V; 3.00 mire-Fxp. aw I ?47 "aIle). 'aalavg3. oqi-"Rq pap _-oaa- aanuew 4gl,.1 P.. euoeaad'a; - 66 Company, R. L. Polk &Com an 1 01 8ullacw Pp. J. aallou•cn19 aao. )o aauoleelwwo0 -aq7 le4S - Ino T, i- ro 6110 , uI,uIPI1nEj TIeS•<31D Pi ay7 a.gwvgo - $.00 la,l. .P.W.- orkhouse-Exp. "nog lmay J. tWun •� _.•m >toala.o ao anoV 07 67 _ Raymer Hardware Company, .• 2.05. Police -Exp, 68 Remington Typewriter Company, .75 School -Exp. jo 041 ui enl;o -aenoH - 69 _ dos. Rothwell, .9n.H ...vgo.T7to 7adop ay7.)o aegwe4�. Ito a41 ul. yQ V:.Koolop 01 3o anoy 1> LIST agwanoH )a hep ytg ay .75.00. _ - - S t . C&R -Exp. luawanoaG.1 Pie. ,u psq: aq oilq.d a 7vgS: laaylanJp.' .P.Alo.a - jad. 99.0E st )o"otpF le03 P.1a 13.aj ...FIT .11A - 67.13 I '. 70 Company, St.Paul Gas Light p riy, 1-41 Pum ou R)lnl ." aupweH of s17aaQw woaJ. 19 as - St. C&R -Exp. `. )d aePJa . "rc• •a a n n S. & S.Cing-Exp. COO Sprinkling 67.13 71 Scheffer & Rossum, r it e -Exp . " 72 Schroeder Creamery Company, 9.24 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 73 Schuneman, &_Evans, 23.00 Police -Exp. 74 L. C. Smith & Brothers, .75 C.P.Works-Exp. 75 Stickland-Doolittle Company; 90.50_ Park -Exp. 76 COM Swift & Com any, Health Station-Exp- 77 ,• Tri-State Tel. & Telegraph Company, - 13.25 Eolice-Fxp. ll _ .P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 0 5 78 Western Supely Company, 24..30 .p.W.- orkhouse-Exp. •� Pol. &Hire �.-Exp. 4 Schdol-C&B. a70 4.30 79 Williams, Brown, & Earle, 9.00 Library -Exp. 1 80 H. T. Wilson Company, .50 Library-NBooks. 81 Wilson Tablet & Ticket Company, is 1.23_ Library -Exp. ^t8�? CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING 'DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUMN FORM COUNCIL 140. t FILE AUDITED SEP 6 1917 181— PER 692 Resolved that warrants be.drawn upon the City Treasury, payable Out Of the hereinaftp -specified funih ll owini.detallea specified in the fo' in favor of the persons, firms or corp orations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as SEP,10. V. statement: Yeas C V Co'_O ilmen V Nays C' Adopted li� the Council— SEP 9 7. F sworth _2 .favor Approvi 1_10:%z 7 7, I JFv LM 'M ler ler n I Against 110 UK-: MAYOR 0. V _C Fl- Hyland Wunderlich Mr. President uw–. Itvin. 20362 Badger Meter Company, WateroExp. 18.00 : 83 Martin Eberhard, G.F--M180- & TJnf Q BORG.— 0. d, that wo""ta be drawn I Of 'I 84 11111"City upon it. hereinafter Flower–Stephens Mn:fg Comp&nyo favor Treasury rY Vajabli'Out. the - ' - in 6, 447.iB 1 17 � of the Persons or on 0 -cl Water–ExP- tions for , I 9 -tiv. . their i the following Badger d6ta t e er rMst Cm 115 00' 9 85 Haack, Ross. H qm.wr-StePh.arnT, COnIDanY G.F.–Mise. & Unf. $6.447.25 00 -Ro 'lare. k $ils a. 'll.tar z 26400 r 86 2000. Martin & Peter P. Kiwus $L Clara J. M jiltion.1 IA.d 4.03. Peterson.00. G.F ..�Mjse • & Unf. BL� . 2,1 Paul. u sti 861.03 87 National Lead COmPan7# '.Adopted 2 8. 1917 s Water–Exp�.proved 34.00 88 Frark A. Petersont G.F.–Mise. & Unforseen. St*P1 Builders Material Company$ au 1,464:98 89 Water–Exp. 8,903.5Z,` U. S. Cast Iron Pi pe & Foundry Company, 0 Water-Exp. 46 4 CITY )Av-'ST: PAUL UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t,� 48687 ,.. Subject: ........ ....... .:. _. _. .. ...-...... - (COUNCIL .FILE ) NO :• • . -..................................................... ti I, Date Presented, ..... ._....... __/._. _ '.-..191. Resolved, That the principal. and 'surety on that certain bond heretofore i given by the Bartles Oil Company for the purpose of indemnifying the City against damage, costs and expense growing out of the erection, maintenance and operation of a gasoline tank in the sidewalk and curb filling -station at 740 Grand avenue, are hereby released from all further liability thereon; said tank and filling otation having been removed. 1 u C, F. No. 18687�N' Ga.— Resolved. That the prIncIPo1 and snretYon that certain bond heretofore - given. by the T3estlae Ofl Comith It the purpose of galnet do" . e Indeem [sfYa d expen6e ¢ growing out o[ the crectl 88oline is k once and operation of ,a g In the eidewnfk and curare11herebY ti e• at 740 Grand neer - oneealdrom,, anfl fllitng�etatlotn baYing too bean removed. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26,1917. Approved Sept.i6: 1917. (oct.. 6.1917) 1'eae (✓) C nrilmeu (✓) Naya V$ aworth Adopted by the Council J... �' /�-r• . 191 .7.. i -(o - .7..._In'favor J "i Y nd P 213 19i7 .....m>........ _ Approved .. ... .... _... _.. l•M, all-' l.. __ Agoinat - i I. W derlich .................................................................. MAYOR Mr. PreA, Irvin FORM.C. q-9 6.17 2M Department of Vublic 10orko 18687 ...AR CLAD33 EN. C-1 ! OM[[n M. N, Goss. COMMITSIONCR Runuu o n R. T. GOURLEY, DLnur+. J.C. CARROLL,: Toni." RURcw o. co«•+numb« . van• ALF -D JACR50N. ! lull • SwNl+w+loN • H_ W. OOCTZINOl R. Tun+. - - ` euluu or conncc*low ' Run u G. H. HERROLD. or -C ENRI«•.R September 31st, 1917. Conrpo0rationOCo noel'', City of St. Paul. Dear Sir:_ i I attach hereto letter from the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company regarding bond issued in behalf of the.Bartles 011 Company covering a gasoline tank under the eidewalk with curb filling station at 740 Grand Avenue. Our Inspector reports that the tank has I been taken up and the pump removed, and insofar as this Department is concerned it is agreeable that the bond be cancelled. Will you please prepare the necessary resolution for the Council, and oblige Very truly yours, r Commissiolir of Public Works. MORONN O.SL,LKEI,4Y, PRESIDENT. ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CASUALTY INSURANCE Q. , SURETY SONC31 1,8687 OF HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT NAME CHANGED ToYHE 9TNA CASUALTY.ANo SURETY COMPANY. LEWIHAZARD INSAMCEAGENCY,, INC, GENERAL AGENT, MOKNIGHTBUILDING. MINNEAPOLIS,M.INN.,Sept- 17,. 1917. CASUALTY LINES License Inspection Department, —ABILITYALT. City of St. Paul, . LABILITY St. Paul, Minn, In re: Home Office Bond S-11581 Agency Bond Report S-201. Bartles Oil `°M -E ... TON Gentlemen:- Company, License bond covering installation of Gasoline tank under sidewalk with pump on the curb in front of Campbell Brothers Doug Store, #740 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. We are in receipt of advice from The Bartles Oil "LIGLASS GLAS ° t Company requesting us to discontinue the above bond. FY1IIEE As the City of St. Paul is the obligee willyou kindly advise us whether all the terms of the lfoense have NNL „A&E been Complied with, and whether it is proper -for us to cancel -ER DAMAGE our bond. SURETY LINES Thanking you for an early reply, we are, - COURT °N.XA�T Yours very t , Lewis- s ano genoY, 13e1110E-SITORY Pueuc°FFIEIAL C11TDM 1015C LICENSE&FRANCHISE IXCEMXITv MISCELLANEOUS -By-- / BRLN:FQi3. - AS#R. BOND DEPARTMENT. I I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ................... ...:.............. :...................... ....._............_:.._._......_-'---._..... ...... • 6 a - COUNCIL - FILE NO. Date Presented....._..: --- --- ..:vG _...... 191._77. Resolved, That the sum of Seven Hundred ,Fifty Dollars (;'750.0^) is hereby transferred from the "WAtness Fees, Court Costs, etc." item of the fund for salaries and expenditures of the Corporation Counsells.office,. to.the "Other Expense" item of the .same fund, thereby relieving an un- avoidable shortage in paid last mentioned item, without impairing the activities provided for in said first mentioned item. ) C. eolvF..I . 1ed 8688 ReFifty the um of Seven Hundred .Fifty Dollare 876000) fe hereby tea f reed from the Wltnthe Feee,. Court Coate, tc Item u the fond for ealarlea and xpend(turea o[ the Corporation Can...f'e o ZIc, to the 'Other Expeneo" Item of the sam fable I I the' - rellevinR an _. unavoidable __. h.Ere In eald Teat mentioned item, r- Iwithhp, Imp" ng the. :.t, pro pr -' vided for In a Id "ret mentioned Item. Adopted by the Council SepL 26,-3817.., Approved Sept 26. 1917. (Oct 6-1917) ,'ens (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays worth - - Adopted by the Council._.S.)..?�(�..._-Z V.]�. .._. 10,�.... a .. .In favor. / yl 9a �._ .SEP 2(i 19,i7 �1Cel r .Approved_. ..... ... ....., ... ..... A ..... .. 191....... r Mc "II V Q....... Against /fY derlich ............................................................................................................ Mr. Presi f:• , Irvin � - AVOR FORM C'A-9 6.17 2M - Resolved, That the Application of Mrs. Amanda Tracy for a license to oonduot a l&ternity Rome and Baby Boarding House at 104.9 Van Slyke Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk in instructed to issue such lioensa upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee,($10e00)`Ten Dollars. C. F. No.: 18689-13y He nry'Mcecll— 1 ' Resolved; That the application' of,, D[— AM-nda Tracy for a license to conduct a Alaternity Home and Baby Dqiarding House at 1018 Van Slyke Avenue, be and the same hereby le grantedandthe City Clerk de 1netrucb ed to Issue such Ilecnea upon the pay i .or Into the City T�easury of the fee. ($10:00) Te Dollars. I_ Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1917. pprove A 8 pt 26, 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) Peas(✓) Couo 'lmeu (✓) Nays QXn p, Faro Orth - a Adopted by the Council,...S...l. - ? �'' . ._..191��yjj V Coaj g .....In favor Ilyfr d 'EP 1917 _.-^� ✓$elle Approved "MeC 1 0 1 !! ...... .. ... .._ .. ...�..... ...191........ ��.... Against IIAVun e,Uch 111r. Prkeidrnp ruin Mwvo .................... ................. )........... ..................:.............:..............R FORM C A-9 8 7 2M i i I St.Patl,iiinn.,Fobru--ry 20th,1917. So Doctor Justus Oha„e, Chief Iloalth Officer. Sir:- I herewith make report of inspection of the Maternity Home conducted by iSrs.,Araanda Tracy at ld6 S Van Slylx Ave.,which I have found in good order_ r_nd sanitary in every respect. The individual rooms for confinements were all occupied and the mother and child properly cared for with.the furnishings kept clean and se_nitary. The bathroom and toiler also was found in good order as also the plumbing and 'heating plant which whit—e-M'I of the most modern type passes inspection. The food receptacles such as refrigerator rand a portion of the basement were also inspected and everything found clean,fresh and_+;rotected from a:.-.y possible contamination. There is a rasidont Doctor at the place, Dr.Ryan who has charge of all the obstetrical cases which work he does exclusive leaving all clinical cases to other• physicians. The place in general seems to be .well manag§d and the old as well as now patie-As well satisfied. P.es_p ctfully sub-mitted, Ins..octor of Ward 12. I I i t " CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL•RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:: L.. - – 48690 FILE FILA N O..- .... ;..... Date Presented... /: y6 .. 19-1. P�c�✓c�. . 'pgEgEAg,,P,F. Sohott, inthe course of Yiie employment as a lineman in the Bureau of Pollioe &Fire Ala= Telegraph of the City of St. Paulo reosived oertaiu injuries on the 17th day of August, 1917, whioh tempor- arily inoapaoitated him from performing his duties: RESOLVED, That the proper City offioials are hereby authorized to pay P.F. Sohott the sum of One Hundred (#100.00) dollars, said sum salary for the month of September,1_1917, being -equal to the amount of his and the payment thereof being authorized by Seotion No. 355 of the City Charter; said sum shall be oredited on any sums of money whioh may I now or hereafter be due or payable to the said P.F. Sohott, or in his behalf from the City by reason, of any provision oontained in the City Charter or the Statutes of the Common Law of ,the State; I said amount Shall not be paid until a proper release or reosipt in form, to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, has been exeouted'by.him and de-. livered to the City Comptroller. } • 61 UMO BIO--1�U¢WAAO,y' . 18 1oalgad .0 no "i P??I°... I o -� t 1 I t. moo- plea I R`alary for the ^jay f September, 1917; and the P. or I ereef"be1.9 authorized by See - tion. sha116be ofr the ton nnyteninsalf moneyatuwhich may, n w -or he atter be Yeas ✓ �youn Imen. ✓ Nays duo and payable to the Bald P. F• - 1 1�. l Y — S hot: or 1 hla beh¢1[ from the CItY ✓►Y///•F/ by. neon o[ nny Dr vial contained' ��� 191 • / ns ylan Pb�q�°Ii'b eyyt dhby or hIn imfa�nd dtlive ea -Statutes of Y the Council tho SEP 2f3 1917 I Law of the State; said `Keller ort the- Common r e bved _. ......191 oss In fa amount shall not be paid until a proper `,1 "� thAdoi'to by he iCouncll ,.,t. 26, 1917. /MCC. –J ASairl Approved Sept. "9, 1917. U %Wund lith coca R-1917) Mr. Preudent, I in FORM C. 9.3 18600 I, P. F. SCHOTT, Do hereby acknowledge the receipt of One Hundred (#100.00) dollars, to me in hand paid by the City of St. Paul on the day of 1917, and said sum is and was received by me in part payment of any and all' sums of money which,may now be due or may hereafter become due me from said City as salary or by reason of injuries sustained'by me while in the employ of the City of St. Paul, on thel7Oh day of August, 1917, or by reason of any Charter provision for the payment. of salary or compensation to injured city employes or by reason of the provisions of Part 2 of Chapter 467 of the Laws of Minnesota. for 1913, and amendments thereto. I (Seal) IN PRESENCE OF apytroved as to form and execution this day of 1917. Asst. orporation �Counse . - — ---------------------------------- 4b- COUNCIL FILE NO .......... By............ ........................................... FINAL ORDER in the Matter of J. W. ......Fa...l...l...i..hee'.s....Re.......o.f ...B.l..ock ...2..Roger! s...Add t on fZAR Aikt91181.1 U VAPIPTAA St. .............................. ............................................ . ........... : .................................................... ............. ........................................ I .................. ....................................... .................................................................... ........................... ......... . .................................... .............................................. ............ .. ....................... s . ...... ...... : ............. .. — ................... ....". ... ................. .................. .. ..... . ................... ... under Preliminary Order ...17145 ........................ ....................... approved ................... .19 17 Intermediary Order .................. ................ .......... - ..........approved ............................ .............. . .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement up6n, due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,.objections and recommendations relative there4,",an'd having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pre,cise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the Said City is GrSIle allay I.Tx 13.1ocl a S.t.QAA &..R.Qg0r!.s Addition and J. W. Falliheels Re. of Block 2 Roger's Addition,...from Milton St. ................ ................. .. ............................ ... -1 ........................ . ..................................... ........................................... tovia St .... .............. : .......... ........................... .............. W��-abov ,�,c h - PM ............................................ ;e. and the -ou—t" -)croons, objection. and rec. ............................................ .......................... .......... . -------------relative thereto. and h..........._.........:............. , cotaild ... d the .=a; thereto-. evolved, By the Council of the,', ........... ........... ......................... 7 .................................................. .......... ... .. ---------;t. Paul that the precl.e nature, q and kind of Improvement to,-. ;d. by the said City a g d. .' ...................... ....................................................... ................... ............ I Block 2 Store & RogeareAdditto .................. .......... A 1J., W, Fallihee's RMilt . of Block : and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. sora AddlUbn, from Milton St. to Aorla 'St.. and the Council hereby RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public4ers said Improvement to be made. d and directed submit Fanner;?,Tbe but the -'I'. ' rcdc"r here- to prepare plans and specifleations for said improvement, and u'bgit-sale I,ke o",:.'rcapproval;,tbat upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the 191 .. ............ ... . .................................. ................. i 6/1 lerk. Approved....... ................ ........................... 191 ........... ..................................................... Mayor. Councilmj�.rnmvilrth Cmmnilm Form B. S. A. 8-7. ........_ ............. .... ....... ......... ....... ....... -.. .. .... _..... .. ............................... .................. ...........................-......................._...__. ...............................__............................_.......-............................._.................aa._._.....:..._....,..._........._/.._p..._ �7...............___ under Preliminary Order approved .._....... .i....j . ...... 1...! ll, ............ ....._..:......._.. ................. _._....._...._...._ - — To the Council of the City of St: Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1 _ The total estimated amount of the assessment For the above improvement is - . _ 193.95 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $.._.....--._....X.e_17,,,-,_,. ...... ...... - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed ben6ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .A'SSESSED VALUATION - 7,0 / 2 2 2 6° o So 0 Z OL° 3 0 0 5, Z .: cLo S o o %i S O 0. 0 0.. 0 0 ,. TOTAL, � zs Form E. H. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ° DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMIS$IONER OF FINANCE = ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) D E S C Fri PT ION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED A VALUTIEN II/33aa Pali, s a o z7s o so 0 % zz 50 9 zzzs ii: dv ziso: i3 � 3 ods / � aLo 3 .Z •2 s >�(o2S0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated _... ...4�........ .... 191, ....._ e��. Commissioner. of Finance: Foran D. D. 12 -. - St. Paul, Minnk Yai _22; .191.7: To the Honorable", The Council, T, �`��S• City of St. Paul, Minn, . CU�'�NtvLtia ru,;'tClvuGn3 Gentlemen, i7e, the undersigned prope-rty owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . p adin�g of Alley. between Carroll. Avenue and Fondo Street , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zxae�• victcria St. x tEer. to •-Milton . from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St • XA&?& NAXBLOT 1B_IOCIi6� ADDITIGN_----- _ — — — — — __ — —— jr�P�geTllite�;ic�fibpcf . . . . . . . . . . . 11 r 2 1. " .. 1 ........... -1 12 7 2. I ". . . . . ..113.1 -?1.". 1 14 1 .? ( .. . . . . . . 8 0 2 Store R Foger's Add._. . .� �. ....x..1...1 _ ►10r 2 1 . . . • . . . 11 i. .. . 7 r A _'. �Q JUN 21 1::17 ',�, [j Vr i„uiIyEERS, - I Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works '6.� I �r • t, A I ' Report to Commissioner of Finance .........August 3rd.,..._ .................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- 17145 June 21st 191_7.. relative too ...,.............. cil, known as Council File No....... ..... ...................... approved ..:... ........ ..._ ...... .... .....6radinµ.._a 1:.Y..._i_n.._dock 3 tone..._ ..._ O.�er.. e Addition and J. W. ............__' .F.allihee t..a....P.earsangerent.....o.f....aleck...2....Poge.rls_..Addition................. ......... ........ ..... ... ..... . _ ............. ........................... ................................................... _.............. .............. _............ ........ .... ........... ... ................. .................. .............................................................................. and having investigated the mattersand things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..... _._ ..........necessary and (or) desirable. 161¢ per front foot 193.95 I ..... and the total coat thereof is :F._............................ 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................�"'' and Assesaable frontage 1191 feet Exceas inspection Y11.20 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:--............................. ....................... .............. _...... ......... .... ...... .............. ........ ........ ...... ............................... ........_............................. .......... _....... ......... ... .._..................................................... _..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................._............................................. ............... o: Said improvement is_................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assess uent,for said improvement. / ............................... /_ ........ ...... .... .. fly.....:..... / Cana, j fens of Yublic Wor�s: of 'S Paul Pepartmeut of -public Atorks Er Evciv[cn _ M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER - - n• R T. GOURLEY. DERuTT -- J K. CARROLL `SUIT. Rr E O...1 RE St. Paul, Minn. June 29, 1917. . R. ..ta. o: aR . Mr. M. 11. Goes, Commissioner of public Works r Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading alley in Block 2 Stone & Roger's Addition and J. W. Fallihee*s Re. of Block 2 Roger's Addition in accordance with Council'File #17145, approved June 21, 1917. Approximate estimate. $193.95 Assessable frontage .1193 ft. Cost per front foot .161,¢ Excess inspection necessary 1I.20 Yours very truly , JECIM. Chief Engineer i f CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject:. . _ _........ .... _. �8692 COUNCIL Date Presented:... .Sept.. 36th,....., 191.?... I v - RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and.fills in the grading of alley in Block 2, Stone and Rogers Addition and J. W. Faliheets Rearrangement of Block 2, Roger's Addition, from Milton Street to VictoriaStreet, under Preliminary Order #17146, approveJune 21st, 1917, and Intermediary Order $18231, approved August 25th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the lalnd abutting upon the alley in Block 2, Stone and Roger's Addition and J. W. Faliheete Rearrangement of Block 2, Roger's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch att4ohed to the report of the Commissioner of Public "corks in the matter, dated September 26th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F.. No. 18692 I I In the matter [ c d'th la and tak- Ing an e—ru nt fn Lhe land cea- nry for lope f cute d .ek 1n dI of nllev I 'Aleck 2. Yeas (d) Cou cilmen (d) Nays / am orth ` Goss In Kelle NIcC I U __ Ap N -eh Y, Mr. President, wersjl FORM C.9.2 Stone and Rogere' Addilton and 7: N, 1 Fallhec'e Addltlone from Dfilt n�oSt. I 2, Rogere' Orders No.n17146e nPproved June Prelim121st 18221, npnrove1917. and d August rn C 25tth 11917 er 0 'rho .Commlasioner of .Public Werke jp in be\cimatter9 be It t and sketck Resolved, That the Clty of St. Paul fixes. and determines the amount. f Mand to be taken for the abovenn med improvement as an easement upnothe land for cuts and n)l. in shutting upon :the Wiley In ,Joel, 2. nrl Sto l and Rogers' Addition ad J. W. Fnllhec's Ronrrangemunt of Rlock 2. ythe CouneiL. e points Rogers' ogersl Addition. - ext nt nahohw Pon n t p 7 I the sketch ettu.ehed to the report et the ( P Z.tF .. �..1 I.I... cemmlealanr SoSeptemberV 26th.1n1917 pP[OV ` 191........ matt , 'Whi 1 It teb and report are herobY Ilre( d to and made -1 Part herep[_ Adopted by the Councl Sept. 26, 1917. Approved Sept. 26. 1917. (out. 6-1917) , Department,of Iiubtir Warks OSCAR CLAN!![N. Cxl[r[ a M'. N. GOSS. Co... lIONER • ENOINC[R[ N • .I. J. E. CARROLL.. T. T. GOURLEY, O[Rurr • CON[TKVCTIOX nxo [.. FRED[JACKSON. luny. - - - . lwua o. l.NrtwnoN H. W. 00[TZINO[R. lOrr. - . CORR[CTION. M. !. 6 TTlAN. CMo1N[[R - ' O. H. HERROLD, Or[Ic[ [NoiN n - -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and takir.L an easement in the land neces-. Bary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in :;lock 2, Stone 1. Rogers Addition, and T. W. Fallihee's Re -Arrangement of clock 2, Roger'e Addition, from ;.ilton street to Victoria street, under Preliminary Order x%17146, approved June 21, 1517 and Intermediary Order W13231, approved A.uguet 25th, 1517. o To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public 1'.orks hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be cr.,ade on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ouzienioner of Public Corks ! . zz"-/. .... .......... under Preliminary Order approved ,....._ ... .,_,_.. ....I.L.. .7. .................................... ...... ..... To the Council of. the City, of St: Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: rs The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ (30,._00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ - .. ...... ..... :................. -- .... - .... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK.'. ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION oil 0 Gu 2 2800:, 7�: . TOTAL. CITY Or 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE ON PREL0"iY,�RY ORDER (C) _._ - - -- ---- - DESCRIPTION ' LOT BLOCK' ADDITION j ASSESSED VALJ.!/1TIPN� sa_ o 0 /z. 2 X50 0 /3 2 /Jy ��t LYX GyGcwsc< oo. `? .S 0 O do 3 6 o . 7 of!o 2 z S a 9 do Z21z /D oCo 2�zs /a 3.4zx. /`f GGo 33 7S /s 5'), J - - ---- `z5 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ::......... 191.._7. ' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 13.12 .. p �r o • Office of the Cori iiMi8ioner . of . Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Au st _3rd.e.... ... .... _.... 1917._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works,lmving had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn 17146 June 2let � 191..7.., relative to ._................:_. eil, known as Council File No ...... _..approved ..........._... ... condemning and takinglan easement in the land neceseary for slopes,.._for,.._cute.:and._fill�.in__erading__alley _in Block 2 Stone & Roger's Addition and J. "`. Fallihee'e Rearrangement of Block 2 ...... ... ............................ _ ....................._................._• Roger's Addition from Ilton St. to Victoria St. and having investigated the mattes and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...._...._...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is __XXX and the total cost thereof is $............ x:iX slid I the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ _.................. _............ _............. _._...... ........ _.....,.......... _._....... _............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. ............._........ ---.... ........ ....... ........ ......................... .. ....... ......... _....... .................. _................ ....... 5. Said improvement is._ .......................... _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Conuniss%ner f Public We a. 48693 Alp COUNCIL FILE NO............................. By.............................. ... ............. .. ......... FINAL ORDER " In the Flatter of. ._repairing...PAI- •_surfacing--with•._aephalt...... the--eae...__eide.._...., St. .....from„ Fourth...Qt.r..._to.•Fifth.:St.r......1.... ......... ......................................... ....:.... ................................................................:............................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........ ................._.......................__.._.............._........-........._.._._...._..._..........-......_. _ . _......... ............. under Preliminary Order .......17905 .............................. approved ......... AtZ$......,....1.8........:.............. Intermediary Order ...:......... ... ......................... ...._.approved .. ......_ _. . _........_._.. A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......Rep.aiT._, end._ surYace.._With__ aephait'..- the,•.east............. sideofWabashaSt.fromFourth St. to FifthStsr ..- .:.................. .............................................. ............ ....................... ............................ :....................... .............................................................. ................................................................................................. ........... ....................... .................... .................................. ............... ............................................ ................................................ ......................................... .................................... I...................... , .............................................................................................................................................. ............................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance //therelvith. Adopted by the Council.6. q Ctiv J--A . ��. a 191..., % ((�l, i G... . ......................... EP P `2 L� - i City Clerk. Approved.................... ..... tn a1ml[dnnP uiaDanitIan h .,"'u .) aaay7 Glad 6 s -Ply Ire o F ....104- o) 1y81t ayl a ..a .q)O ayy; - Mayor. ocil an Farnsworth -aqi so none : P e a 1„p vCouncil an (loss +of +Ctaan. aelpe d d--yp .c d ui ins[ •plq.lu.na'ayv - t�Council Hyland 'd no;o o, .lqp pn,ao o •annoe As l puoq ..Loss Z) .cls,. Council n Keller t o Lg1R ' 3 7wJ a°a i % <. i-touneilm a DfeColl / VCouncilm ' Wunderlich %ifaVor - in of ns a toneniA ti ` a r 1M. prove t and pbrnit' nl t "the jCouncll. fo't'.npProv10 that p said - approval .the praDer city oRlclal ars Form B. S. A. 8-7. I hereby authorized and directed to pro. seed with the making of said Improve- meat In accordnnce therewith. _ Adopted by the Councll Sept. 26. 1917. Approved: Sept. 26. 1917..'. ' (Oct. 6-1917) CITY Or ST. PAUL , -_ 18693DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE��- ON PRELI RY ORDER In the Matter of........_ . Repairinf5 and _surfacing eith _aephal,.... the_;Sast.____,_._._..— side of Wabasha' Street from Fourth Street to__Fi_fth street, Office of the Commis Tier of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ ..: August 17th._....... ...'. . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • I The Commissioner of Public Works,. haviug had undo• consideration the preliminary order of the Court-' cil, known as Council File No...._ 17905 approved August... 6th,......... .917..:., relative to ........... c .............. ..._.............._:..... repairing and surfacing with asphalt, the east Bide of ......................i......... ...... ........ _.._...... Tabasha Street from•Fourth Street to Fifth Street _.......... .................................. ............. ......._....,...................... _...................... ............... ........... ........................ _....................... ............ .... _............... ................ mul laving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1: Said improvement is. ............. ...... -necessary and (or) desirable. ... and Ithe total cost thereof is . 379.99............... and 1. The estimated coat thereof is $ ................................. . $._..._..................... Excess inspection $5.49 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........... .......... --- ............... ............... ......._..:.. ..... _............. _.............._...................................................................... _................ ...- ........... .............. _. _............. .. ............ _............. .................................... _... _... _.... 3. a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. ......: :. ..... .......... ..................... ............ •......... ... _......... . :.......... _.......................... .................. ........................... ....... ._.......... not ii. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or uaore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ` n _ ........... . ............... .... ........ ....... . / �- Commissioner of Public Works. (l�itg of Paul Bt epartuleut n _ ulilic:11nrks OSCAR CLAD—N, a ., M. N. GOSS, CoMr+ilaoHen R. T. GOURLEY. D9F-1 J. E. CARROLLr, auFr. - eun..0 o. GOR•tsucnoR . RE•.•• i - ALFRED JACKSON. S.". 01 N. w coETzmopR. ao•T. , . Co.RECT,o.. - ,. ..=AN. E St. Paul,- ::inn. Aug. 15, 1917. e. x. HERROLD, o•F-c. ERmnEE• - , I1r. i. IT GOBS, Commissioner of Public Works Buildir:S . Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for repairing and surf&cing Frith asphalt,• the east side of 'Jubachs. St. frors TO;;rth St. to Fifth St., in accordance 'rith Courcil file x17935 approved Aug. 6, 1917.. ApprO:_i!;:ate estivate 9279.99 E�:ccoo inspection necessary 5.49 Yours very truly, xChief r;nCineer FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....conetructan _.acernent ,tile;--sidewalk--ao„_a_width,.of.__._..,,_-, eix..feet.;on,_both-,.eides_„of_.George,_St._.from...Smith..Aye.._ao. Cherokee::_Ane., a .......................... .........._ ..........i................... ........, ........... ...................................---::........................:...... ..................................................... ......................... ................................................................... ....................................................... ..................... ............. ......_.._..:.............. ........................ ...... .........._...._.....:................_........................... under Preliminary Order .....17.994 ..........................approved ........... .............. Intermediary Order ......... .... __ ..... ..... .. ... ....... _.......... approved ....____._.....__._.._._................._........._...._....:._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve° meut to be made by the said City is.....0034OZilgt...a_Oement..the-..sidewalk--.to__.a..,width_.,..,, - 4...6.ix._. f.@et....Qn. both ...8ide s...of _George.:,St_,_. from _.Smith ..Ave. to CoAe. , ............................. - ............................................. ..................................... ............................................ ............................................ ........... .................. ........... ....................... ....._.................. ..................... ........................ ._... ....... ..,........................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement.to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval; the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adoptes',by the .....,..J � .. ...._.::L d 191::.... / t ..... _ .....: Ft ..... Ciky Clerk: Approved.. .tm Yi�o all a43 viu jueP Il4 �usaojo 147 •vot7u7uaeaiuv aqt 7E Pae Auteaga�t ......... .......... ..... ...... .......... II ,/ Jo ewev Jo eta a iaoar Mayor. CoUUCllgla y}1r1181t'gl'tll ?itl paln2Za91” "pan, a deJpDUs puaPP ql! _ Councilt7t71laaH000//////Ooss "rtagr�vvw�a. 9aiaq aB, a1raet ao;. , councu gfrli ayitum Council aneller Council an McColl Council an/ Vunderlich Mayor I vini Form B. S. t 8-7. ilshield Ik ton width o1 "1 butt aides of Gcargo at.,from to Che okee. Ave ad the hereby o dela said Improve - b made 'ed Further, That the Commis- — ftedlia torks l directeda to prepare ed'epecue.U.n. for said im- - - t.. and submit thatmto as, d for approval; I, the propercity officials are utho�ieed nddirecte'd to pro - :h the akin, of spud Improve "accordance therewith. _ edby -the Council sebt. 26, 1917. _ ved.aept. 26, 1917: CIT' Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRWINiINARY ORDER '. r $694 In the Matter _�WiGfuj._...�i?c.:__�LfL. o._.._./1if1�......lJi�li✓._._.......6✓I�C2.¢L 7!_.._ ..2.a_+._...... _... r. `._........ _............._......._....___..._............_. _.. .. . .................. _... ......... _........... ...... __...._........ ..... __ ........ ......... _........ ............... ............ _...__ ......_.._._�__.........._-- _................. _._.............. _..... _.... ........ ........................... ............... __-__..... . _..... .......... _..... __...__....__.. under Preliminary Order approved _. ..__ �u..% .. To the Council of the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$..................... ............_._.__—.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -$.._....fl...fifi._....._T...__.__. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL..__ 'The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the'i report made to him in reference to said matter by, the Commissioner of Public Works. .......... 191,7. Commissioner of Finance. Dorm U. R. 13 - Office sof the Comrriils16ner of Pubhc�"Works Report to, Commissioner of Finance August17th, 7 ...................... ...... _......... ......... .... ..... .............. .... 7 91...._, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ........... approved_......_Auguet 6t ............. .1917....., relative to .............................. oonstruoting..._a o_ement....t le..._sidewalk....to....a.._width.. of six x..:feet_..............:......._... Ori both sides.-__of._George_.._Street..._ from Smith.._ Avenue to .................... Avenue - ........... ............. ........... ................................................. :....... _.............................. ........................... ......_............................ ............................................................. ................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1. Said improvement>is. ........... _.......... necessary and. (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot xxxx •l. The estimated cost thereof is $._..................... _.... _, and the total cost thereof is {............ ...... .... Ld the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ........... :............................................................................................ ........ ...... i ................ .............................. .......... _................ _.......... _............ ........... ................................................... _.................. ............................................ ................. _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................... ..... .................................... ........ ................................................. .... ........... ........................ ................................... ...................................._................_....................... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Y blic Works. "Al`. =;e onor4rle Co nail, Cizy of St. pc", - Gentler„er.:- ;.'e, t'ne undersigr7e.d gro.perty o,vnere, do n reby I petiticr. ,, ,rior_°-cle P"o J, t o have =_i eirHlk 1 _id on ,:oth sides of George Street, from ;init2: i:verue to Che -70-r k, --e Aver/ (� -,e--- ---- -- Address 11 � I i I "iil- �31 BUREAU u,'i gray a-DDlae leD teM et line of Pascal Ave» ` ter,,water and gas benr - •- �QL'(1 J v hipleto� where VOU &I. street [where to'DroDi - `7 [ 1 `7 etao lnctuding DaYing of (veWay aDOrOacb where � ting of ,eurbing,• 1 aterlalYto �be used' for , ; •,to oider, pland bride dnsr9.Order,'17DH,.aD� 16. 1L17. �ring-.having bebp had'. - _ improvement DDnn due ..........-. ouncll'bavtn6 sheaN lecthrr and-roc*bev1. �e thereto,.'.aad havla8 - id -the? same; ahero[oro, """""""""""""': -'-' I the Dru"neclse *1 the nature�"y FINAL ORDER ,ll . Of Improvement- s.d CltY,le pnYgr+, - >m 3ne1 < Y x,c , - yr fet of - -' •C, :der, of.-.-having-.Marshall. Aye.,.from-_Snelling.-Ave,--to-_a--point--••:_...... Otp1Q 4errofSp 90 .............. -connections from street mains to property lines -;-complete,------ ---, tti-,th ° f � n QFg°; not alrea3 made, a1"so including paving of alley and :driveway,_. - ,b410 tc fhet -- " ff to �pKo, eT aches and the canetruat...... . curbin wherQ nec� easy, f .. i 1e !{. ! ` ,t. Preliminary Order ...17.03.4... .... ......... approved June..;15.,....1917.... . .... .._.. — ned �n rmedtary Order -.. _..-. ........ . . .......approved ....... . _ _ ........ ...--..._...: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon "due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent .and kind of improve- ment to be, made by the said City is...,,P.aV.e.. McS9ha11_.At[.e.....-from..9nfl111z1g..AVB....ta...a...._.... pointfeet.--we-Qt,--of-. the--west.,-line_-of___Pa$cal--,Avrr,-,.-.-1u41udz.A$-.-a@}9ex.,.. water.,•and.--gas-_connections--Prom__street--_mains-_to---property-_line_Q--complete, where not .already made,-- al.eo includingPAY ing••oP--_alley--and- driveway------- appr•Q _heir and---the---constructing .of.. cuxbing, whexe Ae4�aH&xy, �- .. i... ` 'L--� C C (..... and the Council hereby orders said improd"ement to be made. % ^ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed. to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upod said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith f — Adopted by the Council20 Citv Clerk. :Approved.. ....... ........ ............. 191...... > y dy / Mayor. Couneip�J�l�anYFarnsworth Fort _ (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l i In the Matter of .....-..._.Pay.ing_.of_...Marahal.1- au -entre -from Snelling-ewentze-to a - 1.. t ... _..._... .................. ...... - ............. -... .LL .............. _-.-.... _...... _- ._............ _..... __--___-: To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $........ _.._.-_..- ................_......__ . KIND OF PAVING X APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER. IFRONT Y FOOT Granite Excluding intersections $22,581.36 $11,45 Including " 25,785.15 13.07 Sandstone Jlacluding " 20,078.64 _' 10.18 Including " 22,927.35 11.62 3j" 'Creosoted Blocks ftoluding " 18,258.48 9.25 Including n 20,848.95 10.57 - Brick Excluding " 16,324.56 8.28 Including. " 18,640.65 .9.45 Asphalt Excluding " 14,675.04 7.44 Including " 16,757.10 8.49 Asphalt concreteExcluding " 12,513.60 6.35 Including " 14,289.00 7.25 Asphalt macadam Excluding " 10,409.04 5.27 Including " 11,885.85 6.03 Macadam Excluding " 9,214.56 4.67 Including 10,521.90 5.34• Concrete Excluding '" 10,238.40 5:20- Including " x.11,691.00 5.93 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ _ _ _$,.,_.,-.,_,_.,_ I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK;. ADDITION — Y. VALUATION 8 4 ! SnellingPark to 325 9 : 4 St. Paul,Minnesota 350 10 4- 350 11 4 350 12 4 350 -` 13: 4 350 14 4 375. 15.4 400 4 ;, 400 .. K 585 city of St.Pa-atMinn. 1 G 17kii (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l i In the Matter of .....-..._.Pay.ing_.of_...Marahal.1- au -entre -from Snelling-ewentze-to a - 1.. I ... _..._... .................. ...... - ............. -... .LL .............. _-.-.... _...... _- ._............ _..... __--___-: To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $........ i.. -- CI '. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS SIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .....-..._.Pay.ing_.of_...Marahal.1- au -entre -from Snelling-ewentze-to a - _feet _west_.. of the..Tp.oj..,.1_ine of Pascal.... avenue,"..__. _.. __. _ . _.. _...... _ .___ _...__ _.._... __..... ........ ... _........__. . .._-....... ... ".._.... _..-.__ . _ . ... ...... ............. - _.._.... .......... _ ........_._. .... _........ .... .._ ..___.. _ ........... _. ........... ........................... under Preliminary Order approved_... _..._.-.Tune_I5th.,-1-917, . ..... .......... . .. ... _..... .................. ... _..._... .................. ...... - ............. -... .LL .............. _-.-.... _...... _- ._............ _..... __--___-: To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $........ _.._.-_..- ................_......__ . KIND OF PAVING X APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER. IFRONT Y FOOT Granite Excluding intersections $22,581.36 $11,45 Including " 25,785.15 13.07 Sandstone Jlacluding " 20,078.64 _' 10.18 Including " 22,927.35 11.62 3j" 'Creosoted Blocks ftoluding " 18,258.48 9.25 Including n 20,848.95 10.57 - Brick Excluding " 16,324.56 8.28 Including. " 18,640.65 .9.45 Asphalt Excluding " 14,675.04 7.44 Including " 16,757.10 8.49 Asphalt concreteExcluding " 12,513.60 6.35 Including " 14,289.00 7.25 Asphalt macadam Excluding " 10,409.04 5.27 Including " 11,885.85 6.03 Macadam Excluding " 9,214.56 4.67 Including 10,521.90 5.34• Concrete Excluding '" 10,238.40 5:20- Including " x.11,691.00 5.93 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ _ _ _$,.,_.,-.,_,_.,_ ............ __-,_,-.• The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK;. ADDITION — Y. VALUATION 8 4 ! SnellingPark to 325 9 : 4 St. Paul,Minnesota 350 10 4- 350 11 4 350 12 4 350 -` 13: 4 350 14 4 375. 15.4 400 4 ;, 400 .. - - 12 3. :.Adam_ Addition_to_the___-----: 585 city of St.Pa-atMinn. Form 8. H. 10 -C1 IARTME- T. PAUL - OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) D itS C R I IS T I O N LOT BLOCK. ADDITION I - . VALUATION 11 3 Adam's Addition to the 325 10 3 -City of .St. Paul, Minn. 325 9 3 325 8 3 326 T= 3 325 G; 4 Macalester View Addition 75 14 4 to the City of Saint Plul 1250 15 4 600 16 4 400 17 4 400 18 4 400 19 4 400 20 4 400 21 4 - 400 22 4 400 23 4 400 1 3 1580® 2 3 I. 3 3 Al that part ofote 9 to 19 3 lying Northerly of a line 75 feet Souherly from and parallel 6 the Original SoutheTYyright ofway line of said R.R.(Ex. that part of said e lots taken for widening of Marshall and Snelling ave i I TOTAL, CI T. PAUL #3bEPA-AI ' OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A strip of land 125 ft wide over and across the 9750 North West of North West of Sec.3, Town 28, Range 23 Commenting at the intreection ofthe south line of Marshall avenue i and the east line of North"Neat !of North Wes$.fthence Weetto 10840 the Northrly line of Cttdoago Milwaukee R.RRight of Way thence .South Easterly along said Right. of Way to the intersection of a ,line 345 feet west.of and parallel to the aforesaid Section.line thence north along said line „to a point 175 feet south from the said south line ofMarshall avenue thence North Easterly to a point on said Section due West from the center of the alley in Block 1 Boulevard Addttion thence Nohth to beginning (Exceptl9ascal ave 2.71 ac Pari of Section 3, Towns tip 28, Range 23 1 CardigantsRearrangement 1900 9 Bushnelllts Rearrangement 1 10. of Block 3 Boulevard Addition 125 11 140 West of 12 East of 12 35 ---49315 The Cothmissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated,..... .7 . . �%� ... 191 ..... ........ _....... ._.......... _W--.— Commissioner of Finance. Form B, B. 12 - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 11th, 191-7 .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cour- 17024 June 15th, 191_..., relutive to. .......................... cil, known as Council File No........... ........approved._. ........ ... ........ ... theving.._of:__arshallvenue._from Snelling hvenue to a_..point 1b0 feet west of the west line of Pascal Avenue I .................. _ ...........:..... ..................... . ............ ............ 7.... ............ ...................... ............................ :...:..a....._ . ...................... ....................................................... ............................... .............. _................................... ............ .......................... _.... and having investigated the matters and things reIferred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......................necessary and (or) desirable. X"xXX]cX.................. and - •� The estimated. cost thereof is$............_........ _............. and the total cost thereof is $ .............. the niture and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .......... ...-. I ...................................................._........................ .................................................. ................................................ ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made at part hereof. a t 5. Said improvement is.._.nA.t...................asked for upon petition of tbi•ee or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Work . l 95.51 ,. ♦ 7. Y� 4 clu of 'S#. Paul • �epnr#n[en# '[rf �u61iy �jlur�ts • OBM. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER eAaun[[uDrEE.......veu[ew _-R T.GOURLEY. DEROTY J E. CARROLL..U'[T. - cw w Ar.o .11A[ AL JACH.ONO.U.1V Y �oEr=,„oEq"s : St. Paul, Minn. ' M. ORYTBAH rE H July 11, 1917. - Mr. M. N. GOaa, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, — I transmit herewith preliminary eatimate'of cost for the i paving of Marshall Ave. from Snelling Ave. to a point 160 feet west of the west line of Pascal Ave. in accordance with'Council File #17024 approved June 15, 1917. I KIND OF PAVING I APPEOXISIAT2 ESTIMATE (COST PER IFBOIIT POOT Granite Excluding intersections 22,581.36 $11.45 Including " 25,785.16 13.07 Sandstone Excluding ” 20,078.64 10.18 I Including " 22,927.36' 11.62 3j" Creosoted Blocks Excluding " 18,258.48 9.25 Including " 20,848.95 10.57 Briok Excluding " 16,324.56 8.28 Including " 18,640.65 9.45. ,Asphalt Excluding 14,675.04 7.44 Including " 16,757.10 8.48 Asphalt concrete Excluding" 12,513.60 6.35 Including " 14,289.00 7.25 Asphalt macadam Excluding " 10,409.04 5.27 Including " 11,885.85 6.03 Macadam Excluding " 9,214.56 1111;691.00 4.67 Including " 0,521.90 5.34 Concrete Excluding " lb,238.40 5.20 Including " 5.93 , Where house service connections are not in, add to coat of each lot: For sewer, either side of street $50.00 For water, either side of street 43.00 For gas, S. side of street 10.50 For gas, N. side of street _ 17.00 ' Yours very truly, QQ JEC/I4. Chief Engineer >�•. \carr[[ua.NY June 12, 1917. sv,l� Jia [o ✓. n1nC W Mr. H. N. Gose, Coaasissioner of Public 71orka, Suint Pnul. Deer F'r. Goss:- I have your letter of June 12th. I tslked to our !'r. Weddell about his matter this � morning, and he said you had very kindly gone out tho,e to look the pla^o over. Our Company will eartninly be favorable to e propo- sition for paving Marshall Avenue from Snelling to the top of the hill, and I hope you will, be able to put the thing through. Thanking you for your efforts, I am,L Very truly yours, , Pr::sidunt. k Council File No By....................... ................$606 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Ivy street, from Cypress street to Orange street; Duluth avenue, from Orange street to Haryland street; Maryland street, from Duluth avenue to Earl street; .Earl street from udaryland stteet.to Ivy street; Hyacinth'street, from Earl street to Orange street; Orange etre-et from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Hawthorne avenue, from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Frank street, from Geranium street to Maryland street; Duluth avenue, from Cook street to Maryland street; Rose street, from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Geranium street, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; Jessamine street, from Frank street to % Duluth avenue; :Magnolia street, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; s c Cook street, from Frank stre_t to Duluth avenue; pumping station, necessary equipment and force mains and lands at intersection of Maryland street and Duluth avenue; all of which is to be subdivision of the Ocean street se.^rer extention, District N6'. 1, and Fo be known and designated as the Ocean sere -t se,ter extention District Yo. 3. �.,.,,�«.:mentHhavute= bea►;ftttlhee�hohuderedt-by¢.tha�Counetl;�iandi6avitfg�beeiti�r�s��#tetllp aatiefaetoiy�: "be""if ."'" therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and.the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable x^-5:........ . equal installments as"to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.. 191...... / acity clerk. SP 6191 Approved ...... .. _191_...... _........ ............ _............................&..t Mayor. ............... ... Dorm B. B. t8 0 Council File No ...........: — - ft ot the esese t nof costs and son-I " .g n sower annivyIvy et oreete[. from ' at to Orange Marylon street; D�•'• - r: P... Ot �'Orangsfree' . tr ae to E'-,' - . "II I'Ylar. � - ' 74 ._... Intermediary Order ..... ...... Final Order 1453 under. Preliminary Order....._3.. 915_. .. _ _..... approved..................S.ept-..:....4.#..........--- ........._.....191.....Ei.... n A public-hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....._...i:.'t:' '=:�'.:.....................equal installments as to. each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .....-./?� `�t 'Z'L' 191..... c/ _:...._......:..:..._.._.... j' _.�....._C(_.::::5--.: f_�...City Clerk. /// J SEP 20 1911 Approved ` ...:.:.....191 _...._ / , `� .................... Mayor. For u. U. is i RESOLUTION, „ FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPENING, WIDENING AND E%TENDING In the matter of opening, widening and extend- ing Berry Avenue, to a width of fifty-three (53),fset, from University Avenue to Charles Street, under Preliminary Order #17658, approved July 20th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18158, approved August 20th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub mittedihis'report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The west line of said opening being the east line of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9, and the east line of said opening being the east line of Berry Avenue as now laid out between Charles Street and Territorial Road extended south and parallel to the east line,of said Lot 10. !C, t,' No. 18697— in the matter of opening 1 ldnnIng j and tea In Rerry Ave t Idth of nfty-th ree (53) fret. from •Unlver- 43 Ase, to Charles St., under Pre. Iimin, F Order 'a. 17658• approved I July 20th, 7917, and Intermediary ` i Order No. 16158, ftp pr—d August 1 1117. �.! a., va�r/ ('. 20th. —� The Commissioner of Public {Yorks j • --�—" having submitted his report and sketch "- In the a.hovo multrr, be 1t 1- - - Resolved, That the City of St. Paul land tonbe (taken far.the aboveant of o named Imorovsment to be aefollowe: The wet linos f Nat'l Pening brink the east Ia f Tot 10, Auditor's Sub- j division No. 9; and the cast line of said i! opc- 119 being the cast line of Derry Ave. as now ],It,] out between Charles ? Street and Territorial Road tended y south end parall.1 to the east line. of ' 'said i.at 10. i - Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1917. 1 Approved Sept 26, 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) Yeas (t') Councilmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council. �". _)_ ..191. ". �Varnsworth 1�Cosa � ?....In favor SEP 26 1917 11-Kellera ApproveU 191'...,..: McColl '� a._... Against ✓Nasi. rtlo�-J WfN� - MAYOR Mr. PKident, Powers �Yn vn FORM C.B-2 l Vaut 18697 ']DiWartnlent of Vutir Marks o.ewR ........ ...... M. N. GPSS. CoNHI..IONea .—AO o Ra R. Y. GOURLEY, O.lua. ALIRlD JACN. W i 1, ` 19 11 H. W. OOlYLINOMR• .UNT. i ...R[etioNa _ . !. ORYTGAN. [ - G. H. HIRROLD. =1ic[aIN.—c r -REPORT TO THSCOT,'NCIL- In the :ratter of opening, widening and extendin; Perry avenue;to a width of fifty-three (53) feet, frog T-Tn/iversily avenue to Chvrles St:., � under Preliminary Order x'17,658, approved.July 20th 1917, and Interne - diary Order X18158, approved August 20 1917. To the council of tae City of St.Faui: The Con:n:fasiorer of Public Forks hereby submits ana makes apart of ttiis 0 his report, a Alar, of tc:e a:ove improvement,snowin.� the lana necesaary to be taken tnerelore by the saaded part of said plan,wnich lana is more par ticularly described as follows: Tn& weat line of said openi:-i being the east line of Lot 10,A1,11itois Sub- division 'iioa9,and tae east line of said openin.g bein; tae east lire of :e.ry avenue as now laid out between Cnarles street and Terri' orial F.oad extended youth and parallel to,the east .line of said Lot 10. �= Tom--. Commissioner of Publico ka Dated v � .I CITI? 'OF.ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER:OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (A) 1 r r In the Matte? of ...Cpening,.,,.widening.._and extending .Berry. ay.enue._to a width...,Of............. fifty-three feet, more or, lees, from University avenue to Charlee Street, the west line ef_ eead .Bpi'fining Yieing the east lids of Lot 1Q, _.._ Auditor,t.s Subdivisicn,_No 9.,..,_an4 the, east _line- of said_ opening_.being .............. the east line of Berry Avenue as now laid out between Charles Street and Territorial -Road extended south and -parallel to the east line. .... _..... - ..... _....__. of said Lot 14., ._ .............. .... _ .... :.....:.................. _.............. ..__.. . ...... ............. .... .......... ....... ............ .................. .............. .,....... -....................-....._------ _.._........_,............._...._.......___ ......................................._............................................... ...__._..._._ under Preliminary Order approved.......:TRJY.._2.Q.t_..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 9.10,0.•0-0- ............... --- . I The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ i -`-• ti =------.• i The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of eal lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �i LOT BLOCK! ADDITION DES -C RIPTION VALUATIEON'� /.2 3 -e o 32 d7 Ito do __ TOTAL 1 J ..... Form B. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPfNRTMENT OF FINANCE., REPORT QF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'ON•PRELcIMINARY ORQER CITY OF ST.'P^UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I - REPORT QF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl _ ASSESSED 41. - ADDITION VALUATIG TION D E 5.. R 1 P T I O N _ LOT BLOCK..__.. _.._ .L--` L r?...J-0-:-..� • sa�� i a, a� 19 21 ' d� G�1.t-.42, 3 � �'— I ( ) ?1 Ito — s 3 TOTAL. 2, I ' I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIIONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION. :LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION V4LUITION .S . tT s S O' ly�210J 9 . I 17236, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ........ ... ..... �� ...... ..I 91 � Commissioner of Finance. Form 13. B. 12 "� .. tz e Uric 0r:: :-zreel C1 elf:: el ":C e -'i•17. %fit i?: lll':.E Jity Of iii:. 7£-U1, cis.•ecti'Allf petition --our "%nl- ' l.0710rc. rte �.�Od„r _!Ct ..;"7(� i:.y -7f 3t.. ._ , OSU^e to be' I o;ere.l coo 'Q. :L to, 1 : r ., a^e of (:,. vel corte-in :- trect 1 1 s. i C', o,'i _ ?. 'tc, c -1 La ?f ce(i. r err_: venue, �l(io y x], Lcec?1 Jnive-: ity .venue rales :ii:'_ost. ;;e- i;elie;e .,t tory to ":c. ved�;,;- �.�c� to �,nivc_^ ,` rcy .. ,:'c-��- vonue. .Athot'.t vill, t0 ;.'.e '"t;;` of i . '.';7 . )At __^ i:0 "•'C, C'.? .t ,.`C F 4 'C-- ...4 ;.GerUE; Ful or inion t;_r t 1 7 __'Ct 6 :. 8.,r� gro'i tC7 ni:erty 7.1: Dc.ted t_. _ Gt _ of Til, 1::17, t _Pui, lia SSB '-.7p�:'•'.:iS ,ailli:elm 'Oil Jo. ve. c Cutte_: en auperior .'uel t eel Jo. 'uo "eat, ve. .. JoCrns ros. o t:L£:d 5;;i :it.. ,Jo., JUL211917, $UREATGE'".Lauu'�cc•,•�, - u i.li SS YT ,t.lpurnitura .'-Stove ';o,yr,o;:1 iiniv rsity. -rest. !iil ",to 31tc te eZ k iil:in t; .i;Y- _ C`.. liL.ors 1 t - _. Jor.-t. _ eyp o.r;. .. univ:rcity .C.St:nQe mf C. Jo. in "1i� _� Zor. �'urn. C�. :"i.;,rier., •rvo. • isclir,.ce 1Netric :._ 70. 3symo i. univorrit,- _ y-7.?'. cruenBEcan, est. a3er20 am F 2r.": .1-1t.,_:ir^ b,� iv, oit� ve c11 loin .__ain lcE _ ,',:c. ,:ai:,. .,. 710od "315 lnrr -10,. !v C., reservo_, .__.. _CcLrtl_ur, Secty. i.. :;itiJ :i ie 3 87 s_arnSa r.ve. Join L. Dunn :o. it = ir. : 1S 7 li _ cr"•it0rie ..ielltr 1 . hSe. LGr, Jo• .,11ol Lbr. cf r E.E. Jo . or., "nc_:. -.;f2:C. e ]1 31.,r,lies 2304 ',on;:; ; ve. 2110 t1.^ ...0 Ei1 :a'ity :0. .. rest. or;: :aat Iron ccl moo., errlr eUt. ss,Inc. 2r -w :1ve i.tl* v C.3.ev:,lnni;:,,`lice *. .nor. na"tt n 1 00., J" LD JUL 211917 .BUREAU VSi i (iI1VEERS, 0 July 18th,.1917. Yr. Geo. A. Brown, Pres.. Brown Sheet Iron & Steel Co.. 1000 Berry Ave., St. Paul, 7finn. i Dear Sir: ry Your letter of July 13th with petition for the opening of Berry Avenue was duly received, and I am having this checked up., Several property owners objected to this before because they were going to be assessed without getting any benefit. I am afire the Council would be -governed by the wishes of the najority of the property orners in tFii s matter. and I am sending the list down to the Commissioner of finance to check up rhst percentage of property owners is represented by the petition: Te shall be verygladto help you out if most of the interested pr•)oerty owners are, desirous of having this street opened. Very truly yours. ' ^/-ESPE LLY EFLRRED To Ftayor. . ... teSE 'T lYH C 1Y Of AF►l'F JUL 19 1917 JUL 2119,17 BUREAU Ijr' LaXIGINEERS, A97 , PETITION TO THE HONORABLE ]SAYOR AND CITY � COU&CIL OF TH^ CITY OF ST, PAUL. We, the undersigned citizens and property owners, residing in the City of St. Paul, respectfally potition your honorable body that the said City of St. Paul, osuse to be opened according to law for the purpose of travel and use that oertain street in said oity known ^nd designated as Berry' Avenue. t.; Antony Park, heti en University Avenue anh Charles ! Street, We believe that the territory to be served by ;r ` the said improvement is suoh that deme.nds an outlet to Uni varsity Avenue without having to pass into the City of Minne- apolis 134 a round-about way.to reaoh the said University Ave- nue, or oompel to detour through back streets in raid City of St. Paul :.everal blooke --in order to reaoh said University Avenue. We Farther reoommend by this petition that the said irprovement be accessed upon the benefited property in suoh proportion as may be •quitable. - Dated this 6th dray of April, 1317, at St, Paul. Minnesota. 11 1 ME4 p BUSINESS ADDRESS ILLHELM OIL Qsit Supero ey �_ �,�F fes. i rtG %4La c iai H. K. mo- .I T[Fi A By _ _PreaG 8p ler "TAMEBUSINESS ADDRESS ♦ns } • { 1. .*.. � � , a '`- "'��� I . �t, •.., •, t '�:_, -Wit', f'r < 45)1. — f d �.,t�,.. �(t..._ �. .' � ✓�.'" b�'�.t�..tit 'ice.. 4z f.: Ems.[ �ry�/7�-.-ems—f �..�, n 'YYt_ l,�l t,l.� S �•Pi � �..3, o ���-.-�.9 c-c^^c,. " E �]1( i.0. `,�' /• �7./r/��i L o /i.� .,.. :` t 1_.'CC� l� / ! 1' J/I _ �c a2e U a� -2- 1869: 'To the Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul, Mintieeota:- We, the undersigned, remonstrate, by this our petition, to the opening, widening and.extending of Berry Ave. from Charles St. to University Ave. in the City of St. Paul, to a width of 53 ft. more or less from University Ave. to Charles St., the west line of the opening being the east line of Lot 10, Auditor's Sub -division Ivo. 9, and that east line of the opening being the . west line of Berry Ave. as now laid out between Charles St. and Territorial Road, all of which more fully appears by preliminary order No. 17658 approved July 20, 1917. Your petitioners respectfully state and represent that. said proposed improvement is not a public necessity and that there is no public demand therefor and that there are now existing suf- ficient and adequate highway facilities and aocom,iodations for said district and t he property oviners thereon. Description of Number oY feet of Property os+ned lineal frontage on by proposed line of 3Name -off Petitioner Address Petitioner Improvement Z�u 675 Univ.Ave. Lots 11 & 12, Auditor's Sub- division No. 9 517.34' .S !s' 49 or f ire � 9 r 01 State of Minnesota Be County of Ramsey I, the undersigned, 3o hereby certify under oath that I am one of the signers :to the petition hereto attac'ned,and that I, of my o,vn knowledge,know that the other signers to the petition did sign the same and that the signatures subscribed thereto are the signatures of the ` persons purporting to have signed said petition, and that the addresses subscribed to said petition are true and correct addresses of said petitioners whose signatures appear on said petition. a a � Subscribed and sworn to before me this th day of Septeml 1917:. Notary Public 7l/ Ramsey County _ Minnesota My Commission expires r ' CITY DF St PAUL U ACCOUNTING :DEPARTMENT 1_ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM oouRcu 8699 FIDE No X 'AUDITED SEP � BY an mw,rou. 2 1917 �_, rkn5 IBI_ .iPER 694 Resolved that warrants be dawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds.an in favor of the rsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their 'respective Hama as .specified in ' the:, follotvin;s)ietsile statement: Yeas, ( it )`' uncilmen ( J) Nays - ' Adopted by the Councils T� 181_ SEP 2t3 _ 1917 ., eworth m / In favor n Appro 191_ ler n eColl _aZAaainst •;' q— Hyland ._ MAYOR :'.. --:Wunderlich Mi. Presi G 11aw�ars- Irvin ,20392 Anderson -Hayes Co.; 10.70 Municipal Garage Rev. - 393 'Bearing Servlcc Cor, 26.83 Mun. Garage Rev. . - 394 Burns Iumber Co., 26.46' - Sprinkling. .. 395 Crane & Ordway Co., 27.61 Armory -M. 396 Electric Mnfg. Co. 28:23 Mun. Garage Rev. 397 J. C. Flanagan, C. A. 87.28 Water-Eap. " 398n,A. H. Geisenheyner' 41.34 . 399 H. W. Goetzinger, Butp., 16.62 C. P. W.—Workh—Exp. 400 < Goodyear TTfibbe& Rubber Co. , 22.80 }sun. Garage'Rev. ` 42.30 401 Gray Motor Co., Run. Garage `Rev. 24:38 402 Quincy A. Hall '�at er-Ex. 403: Chas. Hansen Bldg. Material Co., 13.00 h Fire -C. & B 72.85 Pm e. 5.11 404 Belix Joswich Run. Garage Rev. vk" #2 ""M 204A6 Joy Bros. Motor Car Co., `- - 5.75 5 z Mun. Garage Rev. 406 J. T. Kenny Co., 5.00 Armory,M. Co., x.4.50 407 Linde -Air Products 11 Mun.' Garage Rev. 408 McClain & HedMan C. P. WorksOxp. 409 Manhattan Oil Co., Water -Exp. 0 75.26 3Sun. Garage Rev. 5 7 410 Gus Messing "ervice-Exp. 2.80 G. F.-Sivil 411 Mitsch & Heck Co., 21.40 Nun. Garage Rev., 412 A. P. Moore* 42.5 C. P. Works=Exp - Street C. & R. -Exp 1. Sewer "" " _ 6 f Crosswalks -Exp S. 2.' 5 413 J. W. Morrison, - Bridge Bldg. a Rep• -ESD• e 36.00 414' Newell Electric Go.,. 1.25 Mun. Garage Rev. 415 Nicole, Dean _$c Gregg 1:40 Mun. Garage Rev/ 416 'N. W. Electric Equipment Co., Armory-M.A - Fire-C. & B. , - Water -33P. Mun. Garage Rev. 82 - 417 N. W. Fuel Co. , 39.70 t .;v. Minn. 84. 418` N. W. Motor supply Co., 8.25 Mun. Garage Rev. 419 B. W. Parsons Co., $.00 Mun. Garage Rev. 420 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., 33.88 G.F.-Printed Forms & Blanks 4 " .Y LLa Library -Exp.. 8' 421 Prest-O-Lite Co.,` 2.02 - - Mun: Garage Rev. .{.' 422 :Reed Motor Supply Co., 22.01 w MUn'L Garage Rev. - 423. Reinhardt B roe., �. h 14.75 Mun. - Garage Rev. #3' 20424 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 6.00 Sewer C. & R. -Exp. 425 M. Rosen & Co., 28.95 Mun. Garage Rev. 3 426 St. Paul Auto Top Works; 5.75 Mun. Garage Rev. 427 St. Paul Blue Print Co., 20.64 Fire -C. & Be 428 St. Paul Brass Foundry Co., 8.78 Yun. Garage Rev. 429 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 52.45 Mun..Garage Rev. 430 Shotwell-Hobart-Johnson 28.62 Mun. Garage Rev. 431 C. J. Smith & Co. , c F. No. -3869 ;_ Resolved- 27.91 Mun. Garage Rev. -. that warranfs, upon the• glgy� Yeaeury, o(, the here be drign' Llayaba 432 Studebaker Corporation of Amerio rp Q nafter opso,ded YeVon ofoi. t , ereone, p°�tIrsspect tA• amount. [halt reeDectftre, nam fuad. and; firma and cosy e.t.eppe.l' 1 65.35 . -. Sprinkling - .'+a.'..peClded tha=;ollowlna eetalled ptatemeat Aadereoa-114yee Co.,.. :Hearinliy8eroice 810.70, 433 Twin City Motor Car Co., Co Eurn. Lumber Co 82648,: Cra.e &:Ordway CO IElectNo•Mnttr, 126188 127.82 - 5.87 -. Nun. Garage Rev.. Co 728.23. '�'C, Managua, piu„ r Iii 2 434 United Engraving Co. , Good GoetHn & toyt. Grayymotor.rL 1COL 742. Ober $166E Co iaz6o' 2* 25, • G. F. -Civil $ervioe-S', - "�t;;`ya ;4''iszlas�,MB�ert�l,c..' iia.o0. �. 435 V. 0. D. Motor Caa Co., Feltz To•tedeb, •;;;7E 86 •74YBroa Motor Car Co J.; T Tfenny':Ca ., 'j676 5.25 ` - Mun• arage Rev.. i6 QO 'L1nde a1r Produote Co., x. Mefaoln' &.8ednm 86L66- Manhattaa'011 14.60 436 - Western Auto Co. , - - COar 76,26.5 Messing, 88 60 241 tech & Heek Co i2L40. 3.85 • . Mun• -Garage.'. '. .A:P ,Moore, 142 J. W`. M01-7 n,l126.06 eel66 Nwl-HeCHoCo . , 437 Western Electric 'Co. , Ntcole .Ykan c : qe�g , N..w 171eoErio EQUipm:nt x, w.'P,,a, c�;, i2ivo.. 1140. Co. id2l6.I' 1.93 - Water -Exp. . 438 White Auto Co. e.roga ey7 8.'84 _ votln a euauig Miro• Garage SP In.d ayl Jo'laoaa� ata a Rei. ni na - 47.pa.�lioa�4.1", °41 - ' dL Jo < -"Osl to tlauno e - 439 6Llt.'7daO g panoatltla. e�-gyp 43'18 ... 1.2.1..aJ A. R. Womrath . eaua43 '78 4oaa8 1a 9ulvulya4 60E8I aap q V1nos 83 90 '18 lea Librar . New Books u; !;u 3 aPl. I.- a47 uo y- 47-. .-1 1. 4 ali7 7uawoa:.47tm 3ulilatles • las 8ul7an.ry.uaaas _ •yea Rr •. i,amoPle all. Jo 47Ptm a o7 _ pua eu Jo rtp. �- l ?.22.73 t x" CITY OF 8T PAUL ' = i "an euu ACCOUNTINC?*[)EP/1RTMENT f ?ivgy AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNOIL FILE', g SY emr m.nwm AUDITED .S€� 7�( IBI_ 695 Resolved that warrenIs be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persona, firm or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as .specified in the following' detailed' statement: Yeas ( J) CC/ouncilmen J) Nays — Adopted bq the �I� Councils?SQs��191'. �F�mswo ilk, .ttttt////// In favor Approved I 191=' ler ll { - _Agaioet v� MAYOR -: ' "WaJd Wunderlich a_ Mr. Presid Po Irvin Reeolvnd that 'warrapta De idrawri P. n the G:tY Tr a.prY DaYabis out,of d f ' f or. of they Lilone1 fl ase ceryoraa � tions' rOr.. -the :amounts eet : Dpo.tts� ' theft reepe Live na a a. y fined In " fonowl g detaD d`etateme t�: ' '� - th g, A,:'. Far Orth ..Com Flaame. =11176.00. •' � �� a' 9octetY fo :eh D ey0 ttQ L rueltY.� Adoppted'by the COUn n BeDL r7'. E(00^ts'6 ADDI'oved 1814 +5 20440 S. A. 3arnsworthm Com!r. Finance, 13;176.00 Interest Il 0 Red. ,Bonds ,1917 2 0; Red. Tax Levy `'erte 1916 1 49 x 176. 441 Society for the prey tion of cruelty 100.00 Gen. Lund-arities Acct. F .. Total �, . a+r, ,Porm A. L-11 • �t , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. rSubjec►: 18701 counca ' FILE NO... .... r �l 1 Date Presented. -> � �,. , � 191. Resolved, 'That the proper City officials are hereby authorized tt pay out Qf the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund to Dr. Herman Kesting, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in full payment and settlement of his claims against the City for an examination of Carl Lehman, a City employee injured May 29, 1917, in the course of his employment as a. street sweeper while employed by the Department of j public Works, 1� Receiver3 all paPer�t in connect I c n ...r*,- ; / r a Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (✓) Nays ,Farnworth I,.eoss . In favor ,,Wa d �Kille r - �1 vwcC 1( ) Against 4unc trItch Mr: Presidefit, rvin = FORM C. 1 •2 f1 I hereby recommend the above resolu- tion for passage. commissioner public Works. Adopted by the Council X''��'�' r�' 191 Approves 1 r 191 _ MAYOR - Council File No ...... .4:. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Pf;t ARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of ?..:., �...ae'l�r in. the ! or St. Paul, viz.: _. Q:Q..Aa.._.+i, ':; .?...:. . ..alb 1A.:::.�....f B .:.:C'.• _ .. „• _.,_� :. -..._.................... ....... .............. .. Dated this ....... day of..............u..,:. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Or se....... ........................... ......................... ....... ....._..:............................................... ._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilri4I „ ....... ......... v ptlgt _ tt 1`'8.,3 therefore, be it y/X u r > + to c n rle and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be r 1st al Ave., ` the Coal', it :ed. That the c nt i +nt. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of tl %Vo,,kse`,,e, »d t c l t r i to uto e9ait3. the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated c' ,i l,u . the n,»%i»s o[ n t 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sat imprc m l ut ue the nature. t i ti t total ro;tsaid reue» 'Hent;_._ .............. .. .... 4. To furnish the following other data and information`; ` ttill' to, » .4tan. »_ " improvement. .,.. hir»Ixit'the follot ...........................–. _ ......... 'f—Gallon •elal 5. To slate whether or not said improvement is asked for ott ..to v .- of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... / �..........�:� .......... 1tJ1.. ....N. Yens: _.J./ tays: ltp 2 7 Councilmad-P rnsworth _G ss Approved . .101 ......... .,Hy and � Ke er Mc oil '" l \ derlich .......................... ... .. ....... Mayof Irvi Mayor. ►onu a em �''d I11 rIS11'1�:D Jo c. sec:, orio ea 9i for 26 17. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of, . - St. Paul, viz.:....�a.........Jc..J_.r1.C_..�`ai............ ._........... ..............----...................:......:........::..................._...............................:_........_..........................._......._..-......-.....:....._..:_..:._......_........ _._.........................................:.:............................._..-.-._.....!....._....._......................._......_......................._..........__._....--..._...._.._... _........--- _...................... ........ _............................. ............................ ............ _................................ .................... ....................... :......... _........................................... ............ Dated this u on...day of. .................... crii{v2„-„-,-,-„-, - 1911 i . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: I _cz_ . _vt:. :Y_�..._4............ .......... ........................................................... _.......... _.................. ........................ ----...... _............ ..... ..................... _.................................... _-_................... I.......... I ...................... _...... ...................... _........................... ............ :........... _............ _........ .... _ -............ _........................... _...... ....................... :.................. ate n. proposal . tl.w1.K Intpro ............... .... ..... ........... ......... ................................................. ........_..... .:•J' A— from Unl.:.............................................. .... ................. .......... s St.. having beet having been presented to the Council of the City of St. ",, )a it or ut cur 1 That the COmmissloa th¢iCIOtC, be ]t s Lo and In, Is hereby ected: t RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public R Iii>tl11 tnt, Irmai ... 9 i .by ordered and directed' „t. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability VeutlFate the nature, ,;d improvement. IV total Cost [hereof. Im 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimatet,rnish a plan, proe rement, and the total cost thereof, Id Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impr'tl"Raphe roiaa orm re 4. To furnish the following other datn and informal, tt-heute,-JVU to -said improvement; .................. ............. .. .......... ....... ............... ......._ .. .......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is,asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. ' _1 ............. Yens: Nays: 1�'7P Councilman, nswofth ,G ss Approved ................_............_...............:...... 91-_...... l H,Hland I K ler I1I Coll K ndcrlich ........... --_..... _....... ......... ......................... ........._......_.... Mayor Ir n Mayor. IOflN C 0.0 JI1RI,1S11,,D 4,1Z4Z $ -04 CITY OF ST. PXt COUNCIL F.ESOLUTION September 27th, p 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - - -1, 7. In the hatter of conetructing_a sewer on St. Lawrence - - - - _ Ytreet between-State-Street and Fenton Street - under Preliminary Order - -6417 _ Final Order Approved - - eepteuber let,_ _ _ 1917. 1MSOhVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vlorks for the above named improvement be and the sane are hereby approved. f•, F. No. 18701— Inn St matterLawfnor conat5treetroetins ba newer etween State Street and Fenton Street under 11-liminary Order 6117, Final Order 17560. approved September ],t1917. 7 i7 7 Resolved, That the plana, penldca- S !' P�3P,r8 tion, nd ,,timate, ubmRted by the 1ti Comml„loner of Public Work. [or the 1 l i µ60V6 'above named Improvement be and the 2 "'Am,', nme nr hereby pproved. { ! .Adopted by the Couaell Sopt. 27, 7917. ,., Approved Sept 28 1117. Adopted by the Council ,Yeas; ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman rs worth . � ,Ld s �., and r, ler ( - a 11 APP=ove - �2Aj Pial erlich tor. -President,, I vin - _- - - - -t- + - i:ayor. a CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, Subject:. PurQhE-se_ of .land for .eC) a.of.. ).ux ses..:_ .._.18705 COUNCIL FILE Date Presented Se_.t 7 .__. 1917_:.. Resolved, That the action- of the Conenittee on Lc,nds, in.procurinE by pur- chase the followin_• de'cxibed-l"na', viz: All. of '51cck Seven (7) of Underwood's T}-,ira (31d) Atiui-.icn to the City o£ St. Paul, for the sum of Five thr:uj/sand 1)c1.1ars ($ 5.)OO.nC), under and I.ursul:,r.t to C. F. 18500, b=-i`nd. an erdinance •.n r v the project of acquirir.L the said land, be e.na the is Hereby ratified ar.d e<pr.roved; Goa tve pro,_er cit,`,; of iters are 'r:Preby a'Lltharil= art elig:ovrered to cprplete the s�,iQ puye'—se ::d to sial :'t'.rrant in fever of tie o Her of sz�i.il land it 1Wy_..- enc I. of the sc=id purchw ,.se price, ''ter a neper deed therefor conveyin the to t'..a Cit. .of St. P..ul, up_r(,ve;, oy .. Cor;crz♦tion Counsel, ! sh:.11 have beer, de] _vele:: tc) i.i'.e C. C•li.l'a Y' e r The cu::t of saiu lana to be _:r;.ec: to Pubic School Bund., I Real Estate item. ie7os-nr A. Icnnderlleh— 'gid, That the action of the - n Lands. in procuring by the 1.11-1— described land. '11 nr hloel< Seven (7) of Under. Third (3rd) Addition to the tr St. Pont, for. the sum of Five d Dollar. ($5000.00), under one tnt to C. F. 18500, being as ordI, 'Pproving the project of acqui at Land be and the same „t Rifled and approved; and t Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - Ity omceraare hereby Hutt ! , empowered to complete _ 1 ...._._ lase and to dr"'.. n n ward by the Council 191._i... , Y"F i [th owner f id inn j/' f the anis P h C TnaWOfth ti-. er. decd the r v n j(',�as - - Irtfavor ►' Gller V, C II ti A ainst the Clty f St P r (w .._i� t he Cnrpo. n c roved n Z t delivered to the APP 9t, s Aat 7 + .-..191......:. t t Lt..i MAYOR Mr. Prefildent, Powers., v-- FORM C.9.2 CITY OF 5T. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL�! FILE N0. D SFS J .... BY AUDITED At - _. -.. __ - 191 698 PER /{_-TAT.. - Resolved that warrants be drawn Upon the City'Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas (i) Coun linen ( N) Nays Adopted by the Council ` 191 ✓arns •ortb - �P Q -Goss , . Approved 191- - _1111 Ian WIn favor = - tiler -- v C - Against .MAYOR - 'und rlich. Mr: PresidEnt, Ir n 20454 Miscellaneous Funde13,660.45 _ City Officers.Salary 3 83.32 Comptroller -Sal. 634.31 City Clerk -Sal. -645. 0 Com'r. Finance -Sall. 1,744' 5 Pa.r. Certs., 12 00 G. F.. Pur. liept. S ; 1,20 .91 Civil Service- 6 0.00 Armory -Sal. _ O.001. G. H. c: C, N »Shc. f' 86.67 " ..Maint. %f 48.40 Corn. At rney-Sal / 1348.34 ri�ayor' Office-Sa 341.66 Vun. ourt-Sal. 1,674.99 13,660.45 455 Police -Sala 31,651.07. 456 Fire -Sal. 32,673.19 457 'Pol. 14 Fire Alarm -Sal, 1,720.00 458 Dept. Publie Safety - 6,979.15 C. P. S. -Gen. Adm. -Sal.;-- 551: 6 _ Mun. Garage 915 83 Health-Health_Sal./' 84 .00 " Dairy 4 0.00 . " Quar-Sal: -2, 20.00 " P, ?�a h Sa7r: 762..91 " P, C fort e.t. 20 .0 G. F.-Mis & U� 6B. Pmm A. a -1a 6,97 15 20459 Dept. of Education c 116,673.60 School-Sal. +101.044. 14 a N . 5.A Libra .6.Yi. xy-Sal. 72 6 10 Audit-Tium al. 59 50 116,6 3.60 460 Dept. of Public Works, 25 503.39 C. P. Works -Gen. Adm_ Sal:;,- 6,969.01 S. & S. Cing=Sal. 3,325 0 Gen. F.-Crosswalks YO .00 Street C. & R.-8a1. r'l, 0.00 " N 35.20 Sewer " 75.00 S. & S. C-ng-Ss(1. 1 140,00 Bridge Bldg. & ReP. 127.50 G. F.-Docks, Wharves & L 50.00 C. P. W.-Wilrktfo'us e- Sala 1, 227 0 LibrariF Bldg. 1 .00 - Pay. �.1Blvd. �, 4.20 N R 5. 00 ZSDprinkling n.34. 60 th 18.20 tin 40-7th 16' 40 759,88 25 . 39 - 461- C. P- I tilities 2,871.67 C. F. Ivo. 18707— q,,, Resolved tbat wnrrants be. drawn C. P. U. „Gen• Adtp.-S • X4'5 67 U eon the CILY Treaepr3'. pa, out. of " dun. Test . .� $ . 00 the hereinafter Pecided tondo and ._ N Markets - fnvor of S. .L F r .�r,,,b. Commie- Q eloper of $FF���- nn e n apecided In the • o fell tj cl llnneouvl insto$iaiso. s. Lighting 1 0 . P1 ice—Sal., .$31 66107. - Fire snl.. s3z 6721@. 2,87 67 ne't.Poniio sa{eti: s is zo.00. DePt. of Education. $116.673-60.' _ - {. DeP Utllf Beall Works' $25.602.39. Dent. Pnrka. PIn3'grounde & Public _ - C. BIdSa., $2,784.32. .ldonted by the Council 9ept.28, 1917. - 1Pproved Sept. 28, 462 Dept. Paxins ,la P yground7.& P. BldI g$ 2 784.32 Park-Sal. . , . 33 ``$.33 , ■, Gen. Adm-Sal.. " Sal. 150..' Playground-Sal. 250 .0 P. NBl g• � � 6 .66 3.33 e School-Sites Bldg 27.00 Sehool-C. B, 22 ,r7 Library- ompl. N. ldg. 7 2,78 - Tnt$11___„�,�,��ia ad CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT B' CO AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ' ENO1'No..8708 b 1x17 f DY I �� ,: SEP `AUDITED IBI_ {- /; 1 li PER U «.. - 697 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas (. J) Coun 'men ( J ) Nays C Adopted by the Council J 2; 191 �Y7arns orth s In favor el le Appr Against , a — -Hyland MAYOR - --- -,� - Wunderlich Mr. Presido rs ' Irvin. ilkx 20443 American Insnranne Agency, 16.10 Park-wBxp . i 44, Clara F. Baldwin, Seca, 10.50 G.F.-Civil Service Sal. 45 Craftsman Press, 4.41 G.F.-Printed forms and blanks. 46 Nicole , Lean &'Greer, Municipal Garage Revl. ..47 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 17.81 Pol.-Exp. F .5 Fire-Exp.9 Pol. & Fire A. -Exp. Health -Comfort Sta.-Ex 5� 17 48 Northwestern Tire Company, 232.80 Mun. Gar. Revolving. 49 Pierce Oil Corporation, 1,526.45 Park -Exp. 50 Quayle & Kelly, 47.65 'later -Exp. 51 St.Paul Gas Light Company,693.84 Fire -Exp. ,'� 4.35 Health-P.Baths-Exp. Library -Exp. ,�• Water -Exp. rr� 98 9 G.F.-Armory-hi. f 5 .4 - 6 4 F. A. 6.11 - Res. 697 Page #2. 20452 Stith & Taylor, 16.50 Park -Exp. 53 Yctm:an & Erbe'tfIanufacturing Compan r, 217.20 Police -Equip. n C. F. No. 18708- 14esolved that -warrant. be. drawn upon the C1tY Trea.urY.'peYahle Out of the hereinafter apecifled far..°9ora� '- favor o[ the persons. firms efl opyoeltc _ tion. for the amoTH unts . s theilr foll wing I-oe, tom ntded Irt Amerie Baldwtn. 3ec.. 810 60.536.10. Craftsman Pr...6 $4.41. -- Nicol., I)can & Gregg. 533.46. N. R'. Electric Equipment CompartY. $17.81. Northa•eetern on =3626.463280 - Pierce'Cll Corpora Quayle & Kelly. 547.66. 693.84. e St. Pau) Ga. Light Co„ E Smith & TgY �'ye*60bleentseturinR _ Yawman - g Co., EE17 '-d' the Councll Sept. 28, 1917. Adopted b' Approved . Sept. 28. 1917: . (Oet. 6-1917) Resolved, 0.' ctic C, 1, o.. x.Ce o_certain d—tc Jul: ., rS l:'1'%p oct,I7 L'll J.. CO1.:.011. C7'o of ._t.. 21i U1 0r i r, 0.- ,'^11C Gio: O ., Z:1?Cr On Cl .:'enCu 12'0:.: 3U Ave. to Sb. ''.)v ,,,;r „N,,, la no --%L-- .. >;te 1.: to —,'Tie .t L.th 0i Sa;;LuLli;Cr; 1 1! iv' ro C, 1. ci.t o 1_.11 o 0 are e e? j ,Stir ori zed to e _("cit'1-e .:.n 1:: _:cent o co:a;r<.Ct ill (.eco--%—nce lierc :ith; i_c.:� cv'.;I r ?;.`. .. .i .. .. 01 -tion �i1-.11 .:0 Ve' .... orCO i'cct ;u -1c, c ie: on L.0 02.' _. c Ji-.:_ 0 o;-l-er. 1 Yeas (v') Councilmen (✓) Nays LFir worth L Gos .._ In favor ,Kell I Il_... Against WyLAn[D Wvti11 c2u c t! Mr. Pre6Crfent, ewers JR v!n FORM. C.9.2 V ;, F, No. 187 09-13YGposs— perfe mance the tl ertain ctfied ontract the performance 21 1917 Cbetwecn J. J. luted July 'an .he con'onnollyatructlonand t e fto Sewer oof t nuCIsr- ince 'St. from nuns Avc. to�Ttelxe iL he and the anme'I. hereby extended to the ad a o[ _ temher, 1917 and the proper city oRlcers aTm ndmenterea t0 " lhorized to ezecuto nn n pro�ided�howevern thnt thta reract r, r solution - tea lthe eurellea Y forlho ndoniractor'a bond consent thereto and nle such con- sent in wrltlns with the Clty Comp- troller. Approved Septth . 28U 19178ept. 2"' 917 - (Oct. 6-19171 _ S Adopted by the Council S, P 2?{ �' Approved.......... ._ _ . ....__.,._.� ..._.......191........ MAYOR 8 pg I917. o 0io�:or; ul.e Ci';� Conr:c il, C I '2 Y. ._.t our iic on.:lc -W.Y cl�:nse til �i:^c of o:;, Lc';in th„ co __.:et for f :c r a „9 or. of L. se -.-r or. Cl;.rence Sta . lror.i _earns `.va. ;o T,e,. t. n. ;:cn1t,:, to the 0,- 6(1,p rn.lhor, 1917. '.-•o 1LLo: co ._i+,4-0110 i;; « no'; c:�..i iii for :ne to a4- c i:ae for CO! ,: _'.r. w.P:C rc .:t, ed. !o :ru Co::tr;.ctor '}lore is ro p_iicc?;fon E: nduci s.L r8 cd, o :is oi'ice �.: eo; corned. i a" -0, c t i o Co a o ., of l4- fore_` 1 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propo the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...Qr r:. 7.7]r;...I:i.iL'.0 '1, - _.._.. - ..._.—. .... ..... _. .............. ::::. .: _...........................---................................. .... _: _ Dated this_.......... .u1:.::.._day of,:..............n....................... ... ........... ........_.. 191... 1..r.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: u._.1.�.aln._.r_+......Ql—,. ............. ��5..: 7 L..v.......VG_•._. .��_� ....:].?l:_..2.2.10...:.u.._L9.::.i:....II_..,1,9 _-_...�._..y..:u_2.t^..L.E.....0 O: oti ai': h..4_kJ st' V C ,........_� r. tie. lsalo— �.-:..: ..._..._....................................._ t whe,eaa, a vritten proposal for th mulctng of tjte [ollo,vIrg Improvement. �. .. . ........ .. ......................... ................................:viz: Conatru •t :+ d t ............. .... .. .... tl a5 0[ m I .. e-S velk block, 0111 ti at Id 1ltnnbuldt Ave., beglt 1 g l, f t having been presented to the Council of the (South bofc I'l'u sis i s np o pepth 14 enter I. - ......... ........................ "'t' he Council bloth.GILS of St. Palll. therefore, be it therefore, be u Resolved, that the Commtasloner of rdered and directed• RESOLVED, That the CommAsioner o1 rubor tt'a l<a I,e end he 1, hereby or- den•d • nd directed: ssltY fur 1. To Inveatlgele the 1. To investigate the necessity for or dj or adalramutY of tap making of Said rovement. pnnrevement. extent 2. To investigate the nature, extent an'II z. To Inveaugat, it n: turn. t, and the total cost thereof. .'and esllmal ed coat of x:tjd Improve- mcnt, and the total co t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch tl a, To mrnlah Man• nrome o ek t I f geld Improvement 4 To tarnish the following other data 11 a r rverne, rtdah u,e m'i,n `n dam ement, d t l i t it t alnllve to aid IAV . t. ...................................... ....... .. ...... Im5 oTo tai 7 th r 'j.. p ate. t Is ks 1 [ on the p tit[ 5. To state whether or not said impro{ of To repot upon sit of the tore- three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing t going matter, to the Commissioner or ice. rmanee. Adopted by the Counell Sept. 28, 1917. ; Approved Sept. 28, 1917. ' Adopted by the council.......[?...... .............C' root. s, 1917.1 Yens: Nays: CouncilmakVal nsworth VGs Approved................ _................:......:................. ...191.......... &W3 and ) ..It ler i <) -1Ff otF Y%�' nderlich........_ .............................._ . _....... Mayor Ir in Mayor. r Council File No,. v T71D PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and t. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned. hereby propo the making of the following public improvement by the City of. St. Paul, 0 ......y t..�. ... ' _..O 1t ... 1.R .r. o:..... r.c . /!1,Z. 1. 4....U.'Q...i,..Y....S.if.,...s.._I1.C:':..A...�.�.1'{.'.....1..1_.1.4.G .�:.. L.�.1. Q.�..�..w.q........... .....I. __.... �.t.:li; ). �. Q .......l k ..1 V J r •� 1 L - ...._ .... .. .. Dated this. .:'.:...day of ...::.9 ! c.n...................::.. 191 7, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............... .cv o ;?:: 24 k 1 �.� _.... . il'1......1.21C_ y.... n..�: l? ...n ..1 n _�.. i. -y --d L .'a o: Ch .-. L. P. No. 18130— I._..;......._....................................._..... Whereas, p written proposal for n 'lnuking of the follow log Im of ` tt ..:.viz: l:enntrpet a drivew:ty of ....... .......... .... ............... .......... .................. :..-_....... ............. .. on the west side of �. """'" croswalk blocks - 1Iumhoidt .1ve., beginning i0 feet having been presented to the Council of the (mouth of Louisa St., thenen south sd fact. by 0 feet, ha'."ig been presented ........ ......................_ tto herefor �aba litoC [hl:IlY of St. Poul, therefore; be it uefawad, that the Commissloncr of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofd, public \rorlts ba' and he )o hereby or' rdered and directed - red and dlroetad: 1. To inveetlgatc the _emelt,' for 1. To investigate the necessity for or d� r desn:a,uity of the molting of maid -ovement. improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent any 2. To Int'cftigate we "tura. extent t, and the total cost thereof. r„n -bale ted cost 0 said imm•ove- ' Post theraot. 3. To furnish a (elan, profile or sketch (I el":,ch t. f i eortmwon 'nn, proala or sketch f ant. 4. To furnish the following other data t, +. To de�h ian ins t no.vtng to I a.t T� curmfn u r°Inu.�e moelain �07 entt..............................._..._.:...... apt imnroTo ,,at. ......_.... .... i 5. To state whether or not sped im. ...... ..... ................................... proventent Im asked for on [ha petition 5. To state whether or not said lmproV orstn To a,, or upon o of the fore. ilthree or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing t going matters to the Commissioner of see. Finance. Adopted b1' the Council Sept 28, 1917. Adopted by, the council.... 5 L A y G App,'oved Sept. 2s, 1917. - i (Oct. 6, 1917.) Yeas: Nays: Councilma4lra nsworth -,-Go s Approved................ tIi and i .$ ler U e� 31; Coll - ',IV nderlich........... _............................................................ 11ftt or Ir in �� bfayor. •ORM O R�f • Council Fife No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu lc Improvement by the. City of St. Paul, viz.:....,.3ec.o.n4r. -c-- .,.... ci,.,: <_?_l .r.0 : i1 i. i .. c e —�. o•—r- : idt ..........-iO.Gti-.-..- .-.....__.,f -- ....... ---- - .-..........__................. .. ...__.................- y Dated this 28tH..-oc 1 7 da,of 1....... ....... yy Councilman. ~ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. l al.. -...Q.:..-_ ..�=y7if:._ ' Y1i..�-._::�S:11t:-E... ]i.ilio.:u�. .... .L.�-....._.__�..___. . _................................. .................. .............................. ............... ...... .......... ........_'ir-........ ............. ... ........ ............... .......... Irel ath, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul It slbd: Welles.................... _ -feet West or P therefore, be it st 12 feet, having , he Connell RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Workslr ie ft°fiee Comm ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of tF'dkj% iea "a he la 'improvement. , Inveetlgate the ne 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated c a eine Y of the mall ;went, and the total cost thereof. invcatigate the nat 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvt,atea east or sola the total .coat th• 4. To furnish the following other data and inform ation'nrnl. a nI— im rovement;_._........,.........._..................... aid Improvement p - - lah the roil tin....•...' ...................... _ .......... ............................. .,,: .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....._s.. ..... ... ....... 191...7..., Yens: ' 42'y a-. n s Councilman-Farns Orth SSP t I ' 6.. Approved......_ ...... .......... _ ......._ 191 ....... 1. :Hyla dl. r' altCll lerlich _...._.....................................................I......... Mayor'Irvi�.+•. Mayor. �oaw a e•a � I � _. '1RJi3LISIiED ip Pe ifiti on Council File No,......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' e r �l and 'PRELIMINARY RDER. J -� r `T—,i The undersigned hereby proposes the makii�!/thellowing public i roveMefit by the City oLSGPnuI, vtz.:Cal�,,,.u,la JQ-. 7_@Y �51�,..S.t.a...tk e..�...iJSh I Dated this ..._._~.�:n..._day of ............ .3.!;.P ..1nLe................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _........_CU11_LP� 1r....�Cr�.._t4;t �1er1_... r.:.D� =•.v e . t o the -ae � t S i d c o i�� §r ... V e.r......_.............. .-------------- _ ...... �... ----......_.__ ... ..._......................................... ................._..._.... ..._..............� L ............_..._ .... ...... C onoant having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul y:v? onleva dnlna .............. ._... ..... therefore, be it '$, t a aaeoi Lwta.e tn�lt -1 esented to the C RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W '"', Of st Lhen commissio>y ordered and directed - vedwork� tic ad he IS here; 1. To investigate the necessity for or 8esirabilit,To dhkra gufe the neIesalmprovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiM S1 bili v of the M. as went, and the total cost thereof. v,mo invenknto the nrtture. - 3. To furnish a.plan, profile or sketch of said imlttmated coat or -tiala 1 ad the total coa' ,her;, 4. To furnish the following other data and informs, L a id Loma too sai improvement :.................................. .............. rnlah the. ' ..................... .............. .................................................. ...................... .........................rn r............................._. ...... ....................._........... ......._............_............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....5/....... _� .........191....).._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmatfF`a sworth ,EP TApprovedi IT............. . aFio ..............................................191_........ t Hy nd , May ry Mayor. - Council File No _......... ... _ 10!•1J e T , B! ................... .........:....._... . --- --•- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution .Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradin& Norton street from Lawson street to the North line of Alabama Addition No. 1, under Preliminary Order......_9881 ___. Intermediary Order_._11224 .............. Final Order._ 118-95 ............ approved ..............._Atla'..._l. .......... _.........191 6..... the n A public hearing having been had upon the assessment It si eet ir,ove improvement, and said assess- _ .;orth line r ment having been further considered by the Council, an l^:o. 1, under, Ponsidered finally satisfactory, be it X�a881, Intermedia ;Flnat Order 11896, therefore t, lsh6e shite hesmenaring for ng th .then meet for the e ' na nt assessment Bald naeeesme�. 'u then consldered by th,. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and -ing been considered stfn all respects ratified, grid the .0 y, be It therefore same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distric l-d, that the said n.r of Ramsey for confirmation. :d the same Is hereby ratified, and the eam ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said asnc!otbe submitted rto 'in hereby determined to be payable X in. 4-1� .-.. ---equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. CouncJ.<i� :Ada¢Eed by the ....._ .. i o✓�.. c .... _............. City Clerk. Approved ................. P - ... 191:........ ......._._........ _........ _.... _...... _.... ................ _.._.._..... _...... Mayor. Form B. 13. 18 - //7� Council File No.,.. ...........- i If By -1 ............. ....:............. ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa. and expenses for curbing Aurora avenue between Grotto street and Avon street, under Preliminary Order_. Intermediary Order ....12295 Final Order.IPP._..._._._._. approved ........... .._SePt...:...._'_1..t...... ......_......... _..191 6........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and havinpaoa °�,.`e� dared finally satisfactory, be it thereforeAII, hes .he eaaesa-IsIl .1 the abe, _ ..nen It, and Wald neaesement F t vit;R bees"coos ae�' d aoii_-apects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the °ary, be n uteratore same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coui\ttm same inehereby ],1 .u`sey for confirmation. tl/led, and the s s he i. i be nubmitt•d ��' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment,.c.,..,:.. ,a hereby`determined to be payable �_ x in_._,��(,1,���,,......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _...t/� !.... ._. (i .. _.__...191 ..... 't .. .>.; City Clerk. P 2'1 Approved.._ ................ ._..__............ ............_..................:...191......... � � ,C�V✓ �"'�i � i ........_ ....... _........ ..... - ...... -..... Mayor. Dorm B. D. IS *",LISMD /d �-7 Council, File No:. i.... 13'715 By... ........ .. ... .. .... ......_.........i w ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. I In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs` and expenses for grading Grotto street between Hatch street and Como avenue and Hatch I street between Jameson street and Grotto street,. I under Preliminary Orderl .10497 Intermediary Order 13463 Final Order.. 13815 ...... approved.... Nov.` 29.2................. ................ _... 191.....6.... aeh - , A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for thFmo avennc a.wement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and maeer rrenminnry'\lly satisfactory, be it D7. Inter dlary'.Order 134 . ital Order 19815, approved Nov. therefore 910 . .\ public heuringr having; been v.- •upun tl�e a ecu eVd for t—ntbh—U _.�r �gC1tdurtl er cnn Id d Eby tho Counc.' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and thI 1 nor,-, been n tiered nnallysat-',ratified, and the 'lata be It therefore same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District L:0-01 `'«1, elna °- abed asst sment confirmation. and. the •tine la T!1-eby g—. .rta ngtl neA`, and the acme BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessm'ie ofntlbe coup ��e.;.t,e0i. determined to be payable of Ith. � in... W..Y..,,...--...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 .. I /� V....' ......0 Jl. t......... City Clerk. Approved _.......z '.................. 191. U I _.......... . . ..... ....... _..... .................. _......._....._:.._...... Mayor. ' Dorm 13. B. 18 �(iiSLISIiED �� `] - -- -- - Council File No........... ' ........................ 18716 - By 187$6'. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for burbing Ashland avenue between Prior avenue and Howell avenue and between Dewey avenue and Fairview avenue, Final Order.... 10043 --..._.. under Preliminary Order.....6(i07 Intermediary Order ... "633_ .- ° approved ................ Apr 1 - ........191 .._6... -, a c; len i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for a an a'ove improvement, and said asaese- Wey n1' ment having been further considered by the Council, and havinir� aio�y..'+,i--ed finally satisfactory, be it -41, approved InP' therefore hearmF �e at eessto for thand ..old ree .her considered by it. F been nsidered a' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same uleihnih hcoenla n espeets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of to and is esabme t�6ey for confirmation. be and to It', - BE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be6c. cour,9 her etermined to be payable -,rther 11 be and ». 1 be P " 7 in equal installments as to each and every pasts as njand described them. 'Adopted by the Council..t'1}>c 1 :x.........191..)...... j 1� .:........................ ............ City Clerk. SEP 28 1911 Approved..._._ .............. ..... ......._........... .......:... ..................... 191.....:... ^ ma Garm B. B. 'PUBLISHED /� �� Council File No. ........ it 18'7117 . gy.. ..._............._ ......._....... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ' Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for I grading Germania street from East Seventh street to Kerwin street,, and Kerwin street from Hazelwood avenue to Germania street, I under Preliminary Order....._ 864_...... ... ...... Intermediary Order...._..._12303............... Final Order ........... I o approved............. ....$I$P.te......:_al-I,..._............_.......191...6...._ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the aboveimprovement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered, finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inallrespects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._...\.k`...`Y..:....... _..... .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council l-L. 1911...... �J._:.u..[ lx'1. r:• . ..... ...... City Clerk. or ath tun SEP 2H L f1 .a na ea anln tree[ I'-) �t. t he win e Approved ...__ ...._....._ ....._.:191 t r lt,:el U ,utnla t et, u ,+ Jrde 9564 Int n tl 503 I�1 1 Oder 32t sot. zr laic bb., Mayor. ' - .IIc henring having.r...............__...._._,......_..._.__....._......_....._.. . e o sessment for the tl 1 F.1111 D. R. 3S and .. Id a same.[ - her considered by tho G't q been considered .nail.; ,ued, that the Id asses•; —� t the h.t h hereby 1. cnit d, and the same Is h,, r .•.l It Cousubnty¢of Itnm Dl:+ ,Ion. •trthc,, Resolved, that Ih,• .. •. he and It la her. Y ho p.ynbl. fn i Council File No . ....... ........ .... .....:............... ... ._: By.._..........._.,......._.........._._<................. .......... __._.... CIT` Resolution R In the matter of the assessment of be PAUL. g Assessment. oosts and expenses for atreet and Bayless avenue, . . .. under Preliminary Order .....'a.4.1$. ........... __... Intermediary Order 708.7...............Final Order....7964.. _._...._. approved ..:...._NOV 17. ..............._.....191,5......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the; District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE Q�IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...._,..1...K1r°J-.'...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 444.':....•...17...t_f.:.........................._.. City Clerk. Approved _ . EP ..:.. ...: 191 r t'• l street. -[..under : v medlarYOrder, Preliminary 687. 7964 approved Nov. 17. 1....___._ .... .._........_............._..................__._......._......__....._...... Mayor. Form B. B. IS A public hearlbg having t'•. lipon the a ee ment for the abo`- .�rovement sand said assessment a been further consideridebediannll ami having been o Isfactoey, be it therefor. i Resolved, that the d to a ee f �ba and the same Is hereby 1 '-specie as rthe , and the same 1 j ordered to beeubmlttedto the 1 l'[JBLISFiEI7 Curt of the County of Rams! co armatlon. Be It Further .solved, that i ment be and It 1. herbel mined to bepayable in three In't of land d scribed bthere,e`. ceAdopted'by the. Council 3e+ Approved Sept. 88, 1917. tk (Oct. 6. 19174 Council File No. .............. ................. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs .ana�xpdneed for changing the grade of Vandalia street from the north line of I St. Anthony avenue to the southerly approach to the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway to St. Anthony avenue, also grading said,Vandalia street between the points aforesaid, I under Preliminary Order ........f36.41...........�.., ,Intermediary Order .. 117.79 Final Order I approved..... ..... :....Sep.t..-_.1,............... ................. 191......6...: A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the- District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said .assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .. r 1..V_ ...... .equal installments as to each and eve"T parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...._,,LCL z-(�..- 191 ... . .. C.. ._i ........ .................................... City Clerk. G )H �� f Approved........... ... _. _ _........ . _............ _:191 [h 3 Vandalia g hot" far e ala nd .r r ❑ ,t.. < Mayor. .41, inter— or 11': _ y..:: .'der 12449, approved Sept. _........_. _ , F.rrn R, D. 18 for the been na - hearing e meat for the ¢hove In teand Bald asse9emh`tCounct or coraidered by �a be itbeen thereforeconsidered finally eat d, rant the snla ... ce men_LISHED� the mC la hereby in all ntlned, n d the sabe ubrnittcme Ie hereby. to d to the Diet 1� I,1 the. County Of Yt say ion. urther Resolved. that the e. ,nthC Rnd 1[ is hereby a 'lc In i Council File No. .......................... r By......-. __...._.. a' J CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment: In the matter of the assessment of , benefit e, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an, ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp-poets, lamps, globes, wires, appliances, underground conduits and other equipment for conveying electric current thereto, on Rice St. from .University Ave, to Maryhand street, under Preliminary Order .......14192 Intermediary Order .............. Final Order ............ 15749_._,__., approvedAubhc heaArSpng having been had 191....7..... p . figof . . p d v on the assessment for t}'un ece ala c dolts apd d said assess- .. - eVulpment for con Ying ale } 1 current thereto, on Ince sl from 'iaEactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, an� University Ave. to ntaryland street. under Preliminary Order 14197, ln- termsdiary Order. 16140. Final Order }' therefore 16749. pprove'I April 6. 1917- A pubttc hearing hnvinF been had upon the assessment for the'bone im- provement, and said unsesamen[ hu.ving ified, and the been further considered. by the Council. - RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the i and having been conetdered flnatty eat- factory, be It therefore - Same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Cow' nesotved, that the saki n sessme.t nfirmation. d the same Is hereby to all •. to rntlfled, and the game is ho M, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmenbre. Lbe s.bralha Countye;J-11 —say ft. fit [o be payable nation Further Resolved, thn- the ��al installments as to each and every palynt.lI^,lu't s :rl d'tilerem. m... ...._. ...• - Adopted by the Council . �� Zr f vt }:....�... 191.-7_. t..'._...... City Clerk. ......_ � } Approved.. __,....._._' .CP 2`i E. _._.._.._........1917 ............. _.... 191 a _...... .............._............._:........... _................. _..... .__...._..._. yor. T•'orm 11. B. 18 ._. CITY OF :ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER a t alll)fEtt'---� -.- `. ----eouwca. 8X21 `. .Its NO. i Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. I. No From ,(Name and Address) To (Name and Address) .. ___ __.-_--.nn`.+tN+:•Jf41+att`n1M'"w:Y-W�iaMYt'"r.^43�ww -y��. No. 42 a - ' No I Solomon Bin ykin1411 M npt , ota St Marc Tasler,411 Minnesota St' No., `8t>3te`$t t n y Dennis J. Sweeney,491 llabasha_St.,, No��,�rank_Lorenz,-314 Sible St., C. F. No. 16721— n to ed of llcaneeent ttheeelu nitozlcatl g. NO. _ - liquors be transferred ae Indicated Dur- _ _ .__ _._._ eunnt to aDDllcatione duly made thero- for: No. foNo. 196. from Solomon Slnykin, 111 -- Minnesota St., to M= Tasler, 111 Min - ""'ie BL - No' m Fronk Lerenzi, 3 Wo. Sible14 y 64. to onennls J. Sweeney. 191 _- - --_ - Wopte Bt Ad . Adopted by the Ccu11.ncil Sept: 29. 1917 - No. _ Approved. O(Cct,81917) No. - — --- No. ------ -' --- No. - — - No. No.I Fens (t') Coun men U) Nays ,P'arn orlh Hyl ' 1 riKKe]I I rlich 'Mr. Pr tent, vin Adopted by the Council lei favor Approved ,..__......191....... D U�_ :ignlll5t MAYOR - I CITY OF ST. PAUL w COUNCIL RESOLUTION --LIQUOR LICENSE Subject: i8 (p2 . _-_. , COUNCIL FILE NO. ... . .... .... ._ Date Presented. RESOLVED; That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and: the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and direeted'to issue such licenses to said applicants uponithe filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. PeSer_ 8o-hultz, --_----- --- —360 -Van Buren St. -- - _---Shomas_-Flaherty,.------=---------- 819 Jackson St.' 959 Gaultier 8t. Ernst,_- -----_---_.._ -- - X61 St. -Peter St . IQH_enh A_Ske11y�--`:°�a 72 That'the application or the --- 73�•-- 3rd St. •g. pare... for n license to Bell ting liquors at the locations re- - __-__Stephen-.Schwie.tZ Indicated, be, and the eame :- --" granted• and the City Clerk - ed and directed to Issue such eatd applicant. upon the Andrev 0. "-Olson, .. bond and the .payment of fired by law: tits. 560 Van Buren SL' ".aherty, 819 Jackson SL 377_.. St -e -.peter st-• Geo.- Alverdes, ea 661 st Peter e4 L _ _- /i 1 ,—I.tSit . 73 W. an St. ".Rice._. t , 41.on, 700 ReaneY 8t. -. _-" _ �____, --.._..Jacob _--Jared , __-. _- __-'neon. 1056-F. 7th St. 377 St. Peter St. '84 Rtes St. �- John .Lewis Bnnchal, ___ '_ hnt. tab James SL 436 �) Payne Ave. - Rlco St. Frank Nordstrom, 96 n,ee St. __. _870 Payne Avb. - St. -- -- — - -- - i1 Sept. 29, 1917. John. J. Brennan, ?L 492Rioe _ ----__ ._ Michael J. MoCarthy, _ __ _-_-__.— -- 395 Rice St. --- - Maths--Hafner; --- --- 691 -Dale -Sty-- ----- sworth Adopted by the Council / In favor r --� W7 and Approved _ ` � _ •,.IAL_..... ler ndcrlich .' Mr. fres e , In ill MAYOR Hi.1SIiBD4 --•� CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION --LIQUOR LICENSE' Subject: iii �`�3 COUNCIL No. - 2 FILE - _.. Date Presented RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell, intoxicating liquors at the locations ,re- spectively Indicated, be, and the'same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment' of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. ,365 JAokson St. 498 St. Peter St. 215 R- 7th St. _-_-992-Ar-Oade__St.-----_:._ -yathia6 Di�i$04-• follllowltur Persons tar . leen . to aelI_6Q1--Wea-tLeTn- Avenu a 110. _. lntoxlcatlnx liquors atb the,locatlon* re. ,hereby a are'grantedndicated'and tha City Clee and the rk 4'13 -Peter__M.-.-Sohuma.oher' l* authorl*ed and dieted to Issue suctr 37/-806.eSt-_St_a—.--____._ licensee to said 'applicant* upon the - __PatTiok..H.-Fa110II `nttns of the bond and the llP_ W._6th_St 1. the'fee raqulrod by yaw: D.Ymant of ....� All Elsner d b Jnc ,: SL 1111 Thomas Shnncn, S98 St. Ps tur St. :-9Y9_-E._.7th._ St- --Pet..e-T--PiETTe Al bertVoLu kneiew5 E7th St • 892 Arcada gL Efathlne Dlytnch, 891. Western Av 615.. Lafond_St...— _-___-.--_ _-- North: AttO�„E.-_R9dI11aIIne -� P¢trlckf•H chumacher, 3I3 Robert 6t.; Ye ter 1Ylerro 9119n1717�ht SL 6th St. _ Clement J. Minor, otter E. Redmann, 616 Lafond St ! S..W. COr.Day_tol�&_V_irg nis____ -- Clemont J. Minor, & W. Cot. Dayton 1 sand Virslnln Ave*, J. Flynn1 B 7th S o1.hn J, Flynn, 433 Wabash. SL 1432. WabaBha St. ----- John -._ _ yIIn0 Stanley Ell ro Y. 187 MI hlcnn SL 7 Adopted b ! APProved Oct 1, 1917. SeD[: EB, 1917.1_ 391 1'• :7th St,.--,__ _ _Hale., A. Johnson, cOct 6-1917)39 ---- -- i Stanley_ Miro_v.-sky,___ ---- --7 Michigan. St. -- Yeas Cri on •ilnlen (•). Nays - _ C t�rnr worth /- • Adopted by the Council v �.. _:. 117..... ✓f;o lam_ In Gtvor _1. 0 r .fly nd Approved _. __ .. ....t .....__. ..-1411._.....: ,lea r b / 11 i� l crli<•h • I ,Ir. Presi/•nt, vin - MAYOR I i ,,?C' CITY OF. PAUL COUN IL RESO GENERAL FORM Subject: 7`�4 `....... ..... .... .:COUNCIL IV... FILE O :......................... . ......................................... ................................................ .....:.................................... / ..:... Date Presented ..... _...... _....._......_..._............. 191.:..^ R WHEREAS, An emergency has heretofore arisen rendering it --- Aecessary for the Board of Witter Commissioners to require extra service of certain watchmen inspectors; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of•Water Commissioners is hereby authorised to pay the following extra compensation to the following named persons: r August ghast, $2.00 for one-half day, Aug. 7th, at $4 per day; A- J. Stark, $2.00 for one-half day, Aug. 8th, at $4 per day; Hugo J. wollny, $16.00 for 4 days at $4 per day; service hav- ing been, rendered as follows: Aug. 2, one day; Aug. 5, one-half day; Aug. 7, one-half day; Aug. 28, one day; Aug. 28, one-half day; Aug. 30, one-half day. ' { C. F. No. 11114-11l, O. fl. Keller— I {Yhereae, An emergency has hereto fore len rendering 1t Reg, ry for theB d of Nater commsonera to . require extra service of certn watch- men inspectors: therefor bo It' Resolved. That the Boa d of Water j - Commissioners Is herebyuthorlsed to 1 pay the following extra. compen-att n to the following named porson.. August Quest.42.00 for one-half do,. Aug. 7th, at i4 per day. A•' 7. Stark. 32.00 for an, day, AUK•8th,at 44 per day: Hugo Woliny, 418.00 for 4 days at 44 per day: service having been _ rendered.:ns follows:.- Aug.. 2, one day: Aug.: 6, one -halt day; Aug. 7,one-half day: Aug. 28, one day: Aug- 29, one- ' - imp day: Aug. 90, one -halt day Adopted bytha Council Sept. 29, 1917. Approved Oct. 1, 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) Ye -s fA6-17 ilmen W) Nay. wortIt / - Adopted by the Couoril .. ... .2.9.....191 . In favor d Approved�....11 r Against erlich Vr...............................................Mr. PrIrVln FORM 2M THE WATER DEPARTMENT of THE CITY .OF SAINT PAUL. �.. INTER-OFFIC�( ICA 18 24 (Date) September 28th, 1917. i Hon. 0. H. $eller, Commissioner of Public Utilities, CITY 07 SAINT PAUL. Dear Sir.- �For the purpose of guarding and protecting the reservoirs, force mains and conduits of the Water Depart - .meat, Watchmen -Inspectors are employed and paid by the day. During the month of August, at different' times, three of the men so employed were separated from the ser- vice without due notice. causing an emergency to exist, and it became necessary for three employes to perform extra. work,&: foll6ivs, pending the selection of successors: August' Quast, August 7th,} day in addition to his regular time, ® 0 per day - $2.00 A. J. Stark, August 8th, } day in addition to his regular time, ® $4.00 per day - $2.00 Hugo J. Wollny, August 2nd, day " 5th, " « 7th, " " 28th, 1 " • 29th. " a 30th, " 4 days a $4.00 per day - $18.00 in addition to his regular time, for all 'of which authority under the charter and civil ser -- vice rules must be given by and with the approval of the. City Council. Will you please introduce a resolution which will act as an authority to pay these men for this overtime.' very, truly yours, General Su eiintendent. 9-3.16 (6.C.9.Co.) .M. O-1— FowN No. e. - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �E"cl` NQ -118725 dlS AUDITED IBI_ - PER •.0 701 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the p rsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed • statement: Yeas ( J) cilmen ( J) Nays . — Adopted by the Council 5y 191 sworth 1 , i I. In favor Approv 191_ ler L t © Against Hyland MAYCFR -`_y - Wunderlich Mr. Preside we're - Irvin. t T,JO 18186— rReaolved that warrants be drawn 20486 The Barrett Company, upon the CIO' Treaeu v Darameonto4 270-.59 the herelnafter Decided lands and la Pay. Rice St. Univ. to Bridge. favor or the peraoms drms or, corpora tions, for: tha..e.movnte eat:.:-opposlta- theirrteaDective names as apecl!Ied In the following detailed statement: 157 14 87 A. P. Boyd, The _Barrett Company, $910.69. _ Pay. Minn. St 3rd to 8th. A p•'Hoya; s16z:1+ • e Isabel M Calder, -$6 000,00. , Hansen Bullding�aSaterlel Co., 3768.41., \ Lyle ShtelYg Coe 8+7 76 B,Bal.is 88 -Isabel M. Calder, Tter Shte ,C., $47. ,000.00 School -Real Estate, W. J. Westphal, $600.00. Adopted by the CouncLL 8ept$0. 1917. Oct. 1. 1917. I� 1111.nvpr°vea Oct.1. 89 Hansen Building Material Company, (Oct.. 6-1017) > 758.49 Pay. hounds Blvd. 90 Lyle Corrugated Company, 9;623:76" St. C&R -Exp. 91 1J. L. Shiely Company, 47.75 St. ^&R -Exp. 2S Librnw Bldg. A474 0 Pay. Rice St. r ; . 92 Tierney &Company, 97.50 Fire -Exp. 93 W. J. Westphal,, 600.00 S. & S. CingEquip. .v CITY OF ST. PAUL °"°"•"' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fame"°I` NO. 18726 ' (1 BY AUDITED�FD `7,g U !.I81_ j l PER 700 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinahat specified funds and in favor of the ersons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed .statement:. Yeas ( it )'C ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council "Z 191 0-T -- F nsworth — ZA sa - In favor APP v ler _Against KK Hyland — . MAYOR - Wunderlich �YIr. Presid a. Irvin. G S. Resolved o . that warara-tte be 4rav6nI upon the City .Treaeuryl payable out of the 'hereinafter' spec find funds and In favor of: the persons, firms or corpora-; tions tor:. rthe oounterlset oppDoelt.: their respectlpe noes I epecldedln; the followfppg� detailed statement; Para Aamold, Widow of, Hans' - Aanlold,340.00..' Sew ae,. d0.i Stone Co, j1190 00 Hnard!of Control, 32,810:08 ..: Fielding dc: She ley 33,819 98 .Keough Bros, 697.00. St:•Paul'Cement�Works, 3988b08. _ " St. Paul Tile Work.; $818.60. Helen 'Sullivan. Widow..: of, Michael "Adopteddbythe Council Sept. 29, 1817. ADProved;Oct. 1, 1912 20478 Clara Aamold, Widow of -Hans Aamold, Gen. Fund -Widows & Orhpans Pension 40.00 479 Belvidere Cast StolielCo., 1,190.00 Curb. & Sidewalk around Library 480 Board of Control 2,810.02 Bd.-Of Control -Sal. 481 Fielding & Shepley 3,813.92 Pay. Iglehart 482 Keough Bros., 897.00 Grad. Jefferson 483 St. Paul Ceffent Works, 9,334.02 Cement Walks 484 St. Paul Tile Works, 318.60 Curb. Margaret 1 (Curb. Arkwright 267 31 . r 485 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan 406'00 - G. F.-Widowq & Orphans Pension Total . .56 Porm A. 0.11 - t' CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTlLS727 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM FILECOUNCIL No. SEP 2 9 1917 AUDITED - PER r,r 699 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yesa ( JCou ) en JNays () Adopted by the Council 191 ` r �T Far �o orth In favor / ` Ap o 181_ ..ILII r � 1Z—Against — Hyland PAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Presidpv<f'o Irvin 20463 BerElund Lumber Company, P3.41 P.Schools-Exp. 11.51 64 Craftsman Press, P.Schools-Exp . 9$:00 65 F. D. Freeman, - Humboldt H.S.Library• 66 Reag Roofing & Cornice Company, 90.00 P.Schools-Exp. 115.20 67 Haman & Company, P.Seahool+Equipment. 68 Highland Spring Company, 28.35 Mayor's Office -Exp. _ 3.25 Comptroller -Exp. n 1 R .25 Com'r. Finance -Exp. 3.0 n n u 3 0 _ n n " , ,00 G.Fn-Purch.Dept•^ .5 np. 2. P .Schools -Exp 2 . 0 u n - 2 5 n u 2 28 5 - - 69 Com an Kenn? B0114t_� & Manufacturing Company 40.50 e P.Schools-Exp. 13.23 70 Melady Paper Company, P .S cho ols -Exp . 35.00 71 J. W.;Morrison, C.P.W.^Expense. Form A. 5.11 - \. Des. 699 Page fP2. 20472 Neilson Brothers, P.Schools-Exp. 73 Northwestern P-lec. EquipmentrCompany, 77.77 :. P.Schools-Exp. 23.64 n n 45.38, P.6Cho ols-C&B. 8.75 77.77 74 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 39.95 P.Schools-Exp. 7.5. St.Paul Builders Material Company, - 61.94 P.Schools-Exp• 20.00 C&B . 41.94 61.94 76 St.Paul Concrete Company, 278.00 P .Schools -C &B . 77 White & Leonard Paper Company, 115.53 P.Schlois-Exp. e City. TresaurY. —>^•••- elnafter speoiaed funds snd_1r fthe 4eraone.arms or eozDora• 'or tbe' amounts set �pDPP.ltr .ow,n6 detailed set tement: as It .pnd.Lumber Co.. $63.41. r ..a. Press: $11.63. - Freeman.496.00. Roof, g & Cornloe ComDapy, an & Co... $116,80 d BDrinB Co lan.. $26.36. - l Boller & Manufasturldg Co.. dMoPiper Co.. r $son. $35300..23. _ ,0a" $16.00: ui meat Cod .Dwestern, Eleo..EG P - .burgh.Plate Glass Cod $39.96. - - Paul Qolncrete C. $279.00.361.94: ,te &-Lpoaard P&Pet;-ComDbai 3. opted Dy the�Counoll 88PL 29. 1917. _ moved Gok. 1, 1917j)' - tOok CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. ............. Subject: ......... .. .... ..... ........... ....... ... .... .......... . . ........ ......... . ..... 7P COU FILENCIL No.. :...................y/....... * ............ ...................................................................................... ........................................................ Date Presented-4ept ....... 2-7-t-h-1-17 191 Resolved, That,,the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Albert St. from Juliet St. to Lansing St., Lansing St. from a point 60. feet east of Pascal Ave. to a point 180 feet west of Hamline Ave. and on Jeffer- son Ave.'from'a point 160 feet west oflHamline Ave. to 50 feet E. of Pascal Ave., to O'Neil & PreStonl*at lump sum price bid of $7,7-00.00. Engineer's Estimate being 7693.00 #1475. J! \J OCTLJ GM No. 18728—Hy At X. ones— C E IV)�l Resolved. That the Council bereb concurs in the recommendation of the ------- and hereby tion of a veweawarder [ha 'r"orn—for the con.truc. Albert St from Ju list St. to Lansing St., Lapsing St. from a Point 60 feet east of Pascal AV.. to i Point 180 feet w`cst of Hamlin. Av.. nd� on effer—n Ave. from - point 180 feet west In P� Of Hemline Ave.o 50 fast E. of! '-,,I .Ave., '* O'NeilPre,,t.,,, al' .o .lump bid of $7.70 .Insr-'.U% price Estimate being $7.603.00. F. ti B. No. 1476.. Adopted by the Council Sept 29 1917. Approved Oct. 1, 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) 6 V— CoN.Y` ccyy C log " F'r F., worth Adopted by the C.—A -2— In favor vlf� -d Appio-d Against derlich Mr. Pr den Irvin . ......... FORM C A-94-17 2M f' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .... 18'729 Subject:' ...... _........ ....:._ COUNCIL ........... FILE' NO:.. . ... ...... ..... ... Date -Presented.Eep.t:...... 191..... Reso$fed, That the Coulil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for changing the grade and grading Fulham St. from Hfihdon ( 1-1 E N 0 t, A' Ave. to Como Ave. 'Nest and curbing, sidewalks, steps,. terracing and sodding Como Ave. W. across Fulham St. and Fulham St. bet. Como Ave. W. and alley north thereof,' to Carlson 3 Sandquist, at lump sum price bid of $2,492.00. Engineer's Estimate being $2,3.47.00. F.B..#1480. C. F• No: 18729—BY At N. -Dons — I. Resolved. That tha Counc berebyl F7, �1.L�r Irll'I U OCT t 1 +1 1`cea (,') Co •Ilnen W) Nsye.. /or worth ;11G . ... ::.In favor .X111 nd ✓Kel r Mr. Pr int Irvin - FORM C A9 1] 2M Adopted by'the Council �..�.(...'`T..,191.. (1]T —1 ..191 , .................................................... _ .............. _..... _ ............ ...... _........ MAYOR ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL p ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ..........,_..............__...._.................._. 3 873U COUNCIL riFILE' 0 : .. ........ ........................:........ Date Presented..:,.ePt r....2.gt. t..} X91...:. esolvedf'That the Council hereby concurs in"the 'recormnendation of ' the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for ioulevarding and sodding SSuth Osceola Ave., formerly called Warsaw St, frorn Pleasant Ave. to Seventh St., to Garrick Pros., at lump sum price bid of $1,499.00. Engi- neer's Estimate being $2,181.00. F.B. #1482. IC 18789—Ry M:N. Goes— That the Councll hereby concurs fn the reeommandad of the Contract Co contract o and hereby awards thee. contract for Iroulevardln land eodding South Osceola Ave.. form - Irom Ave. rlto seventhvat, Warsaw St. Garrick a oOrn s. 1 .at lump sum prlco Old of 81,489,00. OCT . ,,n �- �, Engineer's EetiMe belne 88,183.00. n� -� iF. EL No. 1482. i )ICE r Adopted by the Counclltgept. 89,1817. E ST IY C I A9proved Oct. 1,1917: (Oct. 8.1917) I Yeas (f l) Comen (✓) Nays rthlich Mr. Pin FORM 2M ..t7....Io favor Q....._. Again.t Adopted by the Council..„JS✓ q...�..��.......1917..... Approved.. '......a .. ....:....:191..:..... 1 .....:.....:............_...................... ............. .. .. _................................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... .. .......... .. ............ .................... ....... ..... 4 .. ......... . ........ ..... . .... ......... . . .... ..................... 18731 A FILE No . .... ... 4. F.. .................. ................................. ................................................... .......................... ............................... Date Presented Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs 3n the recommendation of the Cantract Committee and hereby award6 the contract for the construction of a sewer on Clermont St, from norther- ly line of Mound St. to a poi nt 175 feet northeasterly to J. J. Connolly..at lump sum price bid of $380.00. Eng- ineer's Estimate being $377.00. F.B. #1474. 18 �3!—By V��M, .R. �co 0-olved, That the C��.ola hereby Ic ncurs,in the re,coinaand&u.n of the .on r c o t it.. and hereby tion of a sewer contr Qor the _n.trtla on ort or] Clement st. frota 75 fee floe to J. ort 0 r ad st to -point t* Inaum J. Connolly n Ine bid of 9390.00: 8. 0. 7 "1 to befog $277 .00. F. o r7)to rove t C 01, oUn1ca SePt 29 2917 G-1 , 72 017) OCT FL Of j4t C0J3PC14N_1._ Peas (ol) Can cilmen (I') Nays V11. worth - Adopted by the C-,,61. In favor d Apptovt 19! 7 _A91 Wu - rUch Again.t ..................... ................. Mr. Pre' It, vin FORM C. 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-71GENEERAL FORM 32 Subject: ........ ... ..... .. . . . . ...... .......... . ........ ............. . ........... COUNCIL No ................... s..................... . FILE .......... ..... ................. ............................ ................. ................. Date Presented..:..Sept-4-7-t-h-1-1-7191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the rcommendation of the contract Committee and herebyreJects all bids re- ceived for the construction of a se-Ae-r�on)Sixth St. from Johnson Parkway to Clarence St., as the bids,received were in excess of the Engineerls Estimate,'and the Pr chasing Agdnt is hereby authorized to readvertise fo� new bids on same in accordance with the -provisions Of the Charter. F.B. #1473. --iBy BL N. Goes - Resolved, hereby a r. No. 18732 1 Resolved, That the Council to Y concura In the recommendation of ciairact and b—b i elect. all bids Committee r Ive. for a con; i.truction of a sewer on Slath Sk fro ' ex Johnson Varkway to act . the bids received are in excess of It llngipe,', 0,111, Is, and the Purchase Ing Agent 1e hereby act oriat to r advertise for new bids on eameln ae- c-dance with the provisions of the Charter. F. 83a' 1'7'il 21.2917. Adopted by 0. C Approved OCL , 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) I) C. oilmen (i) Noy- 2- ..Adopted by the C-61 'Z r worth t. -F, In favor yliyl d Against V, .......... ........... . Mr. P,*ld,,--,,,t Irvin I� 2. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-,Gr=NERAL FORM Subject: .......... ........ ..... I ........ .. . . .................. ....... ...... I.,........... . ............ ... ............ COUCIL FILENS./3...._...... .. . ........................ ..................................................................................... ............................................... . . . . . .. Date, Presented dep-tw 191 Resolved, That the 'Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committeeandhereby authorizes the Pur- chasing Agent to readvertiBe for bids on the Grading of. alley in Block 52 Desnoyer. Park, as no bids were received. F.B. #1477. - i Q'F. N..28733 --BY U.N. Go.— ... lva. That the Counctl hereby concur. 1 -the recommendationot the 0 nJ,.h..r y a. - Contract CWTL g to .ad- th.rI.- the Porch In t vertWe for bld. on the grading of alley In Block 62 Desnoyer Park u no bids ..r. received: V. B. No. li77 Adopted by the Can 11,cll Sept. 21 Approved ckl.' 69 7. -1817) Yeas (t).CO (k') Nays )' C'o WIF's r worth Adopted by the C.unril 'o In favor d T —I IQ 17 1<1 Against App,.vrdt..f ferlich Mr. 1're - '��n Irvin FORM C A J917 2M CITY' OF ST. PAUL COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........... . ................... . ... .................... ........ ........ . .......... . .................... ............ ................. .. 18734 COUNCIL RILENo.................. ................... ..... ................. .............................. ..................................................................... .................................. Date Presented Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the , Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids re- ceived for grading Hartford Ave. between Griggs St. and Syddicate St., as the bids received were in excess Of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing �gent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same in,accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1418. IoWed. That, the Cou"' C. ncl 'a" d, concur. in the recommendation the k contma Committee and hereby TaJ-at-. all bids reLelved for gr.dinK Hartford d 8 dl ate'� S't".'e%eabide r'fegc`ei`V`�daaeer'eY`ln ez- ,dvl rt foe for uslnB-Ageat. if new blus!l m-d --ioOctal; re d with the p in "Cor ancs". B No 1178. l4ro. h on Sam Cl t a of o Jar L h . 4 vision I th U il 13�e H. 1917 Adopted lar 0. .1�30 ne Ap roved Oct. 1�1717) (0,L 6 Yen. CoMen- (11) Noy. --"F, sworth Adopted by the Council_...�,P.6 ......191•, In favor I nd -1 Approved ...... ....... .. K r U .......... Against h I krli�h ........... ........... .. .... Mr. 11he Kid,- Irvin FORM CA-g -17 2M CITY: OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � . Subject.: ............ ......:... .......: ....... ........ .......: w1 73 FICLE O.- Date Presented.....Sep•t2-7th...Lb9191.....�. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs' in the recommehdation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Pur- chasing Agent to readvertise for bide on the Grading of Sue St. from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave., as no bids were received. F.B. #1479. ',�C•Reeolved,8 ThatB the C.. *near, areby - coneur, In the recommendation of the 1 entrthe Committee retia In{ ARenhereby 6 to ureaadd_ - v rt1,e forbide on th grnding of ,Sue l st. from Fairmount Av to Goodrich - Ave a, no bids we r celved. No 1479. - Adopted by the Coup it SCpL 29, 1917• Approved Oct 1, 1917.17) I., (Oct. 6-19 yea. (✓). Coh 'Imen U') Nays - - ,/Far sworth .Adopted by the Counci -._ .. -...-..._.191 .. mho ...__....In favor 7RR. y nd �/1'ie el - Approved(((}..._.. ........A __.. . ..... .....191........ I O_... Against ... derliel Dir. Pr id�•n Irvin - FORM C A-91] 2M CITY.OF ST..PAUL COUNCIL NESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM Subject; ......:. .A. .. .... :..:...... ..... .:._. ...__........ :. pp Ut4CIL WJ FILE No .......... 'i"�5...... ......... ...... ..............e........................................ ................ ............ :........................................ ...... Date Presented....£epb191..... I Resolve ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchas- ing Agent to readvertise for bids on the graveling,of Tatum Ave. from Pennock St. to Rallula St., as no bids were re- ceived. F.B. #1481. I F ho. 18736—By M. N. Gosa - Resale d That the ..Council hereby c2neur. In the recommendation of the 1 Contract Committee and hereby 4- thorizes the Purchnalort : Agent to re- advertise for bide on the gravelingof rratum Ave. from Pennock 8L-to Tal- _.lot. tit., na no bids were received. P. R. Me. 1481. Adopted by the Council Sopt. 29, 1917. Approved Oct, 1, 1917. i (Oct. 6.1917) (/F sworth r Adopted by the Coune•il __ __ .1�... _...191 ,(. y(; .....In favor and ,... Approved... }:(..._ ._ __. ..........: .191......_ er /{ I ` - U....._. Agninat U derlich L a Mr. Prr<& Irvin MAYOR FORM ,land 6.1] 2M _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .. ........ .. .......... . . ....................... ............. .... ..........._..,.::.................. ._..... .................... 1-8737 COUNCIL FILENO :..................................... ...... Date Presented..... 3ep.t"AW)t,!_17- 191...E Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchas- ing Agent to readvertise for bids on the Grading and Curb- ing of Greenwood Ave. from Delos St. to C. G. VP. Ry., as no bidd Vere received F.B. #1483. I C. F. No. 18737 -By M.: N. Goea— Resolved, That the -0ounetl hereby! cone r. Irr the recommondstlon of tau' - Contrace e. he mlttee and hereby,. tharlaee the Purchaeint; Agent to 're advertlae for bldg on the gradln8•and, - urUing of Gee�lnwoad Ave, from Ds e i St. to C. G: N, Ry.; ne no UIda were re• p j ceWed. F. 8 No. 1483. {1 Adoveplod by the Council Sept. 39.1917.1 Approd Oct: 1,' }917. (Oct. 8-1917) i Peas (✓) CCooun 'Imen (t') Nays ✓F worth / Adopted by the Counril. �' .....?l............191 . GG .4.An favor _ ✓III d ✓Kell p . Approved... ,._..r .. _.....191........ ....... Against 4 Un rNeh Mr. Przdent. vin _-_ .. .. ... ........... - ..:..... ._.......... ... .. _ .......... ' FORM C A-9 6� 7 2M CITYOF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 18 738 `9 Eject: .......: ......... ........ ......:..... ....... ...... . ............couNta FILE No. .... ............ ..... Date Presented... S eps.r.-.-�j t}3„••r. }•q•191.....� Resolved, That the Council hereby, concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids re- ceived for grading rawthorne St. from Duluth Ave. to East line of Phalen Height's Park Addition, as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby'. authorized to readvertise ___) for new bids on same in accordance with .the provisions of'the Charter. P.B. #1484. 1 C. F.No. 18738 Resolved. -Tl concurs In the Contract Co rolecta .all CO, Hawthorne si Fast tine of 1 dttI the PurchesingFA to readvertlee accordance w Charter. F• j Adopted by APProved G 1'ras (I') Co 61—(r') Rays. OF worth / s �..-...1. favor sod . U..._. Against nderRclt Mr. Pr 1d . Irvin FORM C A- 8.17 2M - N. Gdse— Council herobY. endntlonftho and hereby. ndlriB Duluth Ave..�.to� eights Park Ad- 1 rived waelrt ez- Getimatennd th on e'. ereby authorised bie same I d rovielons of the. 84. 1817. �. telt ¢epL 29, I 817) Adopted by the C.u.61. .�:. t, l�.. .. .../.. ....::...191 ... .T /_' 19!7 Approved...... ... .. ... --'_t .. ............191....... ' ...0 ........... ............ ..............................................:...:..........................:...... AYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM. Subject:............. ..... .... ........ ..... .............. ... ................ I ... ....... ..... ............. . ................. _1 .. . . .... ...... I ............. 1871.) COUNCIL FILE- No . ..................................... ...... .............. ............. ................................................... .................................. .......................................... Date Presented Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the'recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchas- ing Agent to readvertise for bids on the Grading,of Kent St. from Como Ave, to Oliver St., as no'bide.were received. F.B. #1485. C. L8739-13Y C"717ba-by" Tt��.10veId. That the s`�OX�fitoa of the concurs in the r,,grse hereby I "It . and Contract C*'Iur�hasi�g Agent. to r. aauthorizes the bids 01 the WradIng 91 uthorises for Ave to Oliver St. Kent St. from Como received. F. B. No. a, "a bid. were r... 1486 the by the COUVI Sept. 29.1917- A L , Approved Oet- 1, 191 11) (O�L 6-19 Ves, C.0 'I... (�7) Nay. 11 '&r worth Adopted by the Coune"L i;�_7 ......... 191 "on Fr In favor .Afy d 7 --Ke r Approved Against derUch Mr. P i Irvin MAYOR FORM C A-49 -17 . 2M 46 y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............ .. .. ...................... ......... ......... -18740 COUNCIL FILE I\L):...... .....:...... ... .... Date Presented..9ept28"tii;:y17_.191.....� Resoly hat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchas- ing Agent to readvertise for bids on the Grading, of alley running E. & W. in Block 3 Evans Add. ,and Block 3- Holter-huff & Mead's Addis, do' no"bids were received. F.B. #1486 C. F. No 18740-13Y M N Gose— Resolved. That. the Council hereby, concurs in the reoomenendation of the, Contract Committee - and hereby' authorizes the Purchasing Agent to; - readvertise for bide on the grading of' alley running E. -.& W-'.fn Block 8: i Evans_ Add. and Block. 8 Holterh.ff &,, + .Mead a Add.. as no bide were receiv, d. i i'F. B. No. 1489. Adopted by the Council. Sept. 89, 1917. i Approved Oct" 1, 1817. F (Oct. 9-1917) Yr.. (✓) Coun 'I en (✓) Nuys &"F,n mth / Adopted by the Council In favor / App—.....:..V-MeQ it ...._.�.. ... .......191........ .......... Against i r erlich ........... ........... .. _..................._. __._._._............_....... ........�......:........ Mr. Yrs rnt, rvin FORM C A-9 a 17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Yy sU1ljeCtt ......:..................' :: ....- "'. ....:.... ...._ ....COUNCIL' ^ f� i 41 �:! FILE NO ............. ..... .. ............. .... ........................................ :.................... ............................................................. ..................... ....... Date Presented..Sept."••28th-!.1.7•-•191..... I Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Coi=ittee and hereby authorizes the Purchases ing Agent to readvertise for bide on Grading alley in H. 3t. Ranneyte Sub. of Block 101 -Lyman Daytonte Addition. ae-no"bids were received. F.B. #1487. (C: F. No, 18741—I1y M. N. Oona- R-OlVed That the Council hereby concurs 1 th recommendation f the authorizes thori t C mmltteo - and hereby uthorizos tho Purchasing Agent to I readvertise for bide oa gr¢ding alley iin H..X R Rey'. Sub.. .r.dI. Block 181.; Lymnm D yton's A'ddltIo 0 aa. no bide' Iwere received.F. R. No: 1487. Adopted by tho Council Sept: 29, 1917.' - APProved Oct. 1,'1917. I I mesa (✓) Con Imen (I') Noy, - wa�r, I S Adopted by the Council.... worth ✓(:o �...An favor ✓Hyl d is `` - � 6 il APpmvedf....j.._._1, .. .. .-.:! ..!O.y .. ..:....191..... c ir Against U of-iderlich y Dir. Pra d:•n Irvin MAYOR FORMIC A-. -17 2M Uf. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: '.......... ............ ...... :. ......... ............ ............ _.... ........ ................................. ... ......... .................... -18742 41 COUNCIL FILE. No ................. a .............. ............. ........................................ .............. .............................................. .:................................................................. 'IV IV Date Presented.....Sept•.•--28th.J-ir7191.....� ' I . Resolved, .That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchas— ing Agent to readvertise for bids on Grading alley in Sub_, division of Block 28 Arlington Hills Addi., as no bids were.received. F.B. #1488i i j C• 10 No. 18742—By M. N. Goea— !1I Resolved.' That the Council heleby, concurs In the recommendation 'of the Contract Committee and hereby'. pautbortsea the Purchming Agont to ra- advertlar bide on grading ailing In ISubdivi.1 n of Block 28 Arlington 1ltlln 1 Add .,48as .no'bida were retched. F.B. No. 38. Adopted by the Council Sept 29. 1917. Approved Oct 1, 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) I 1'raa (1') Cou 'Imes (0) Nay. . I-IFer worth � Adopted by the Ccilnril � ..... . ... .._.......1917... oa ..:4I_ ....In favor ,/'n'1 dyl d - .,/Kell - Apptovcd. '..f... ... ........ 1 .191........ . - � .U..... Against Mr. Pmt2K(Irnt, vin ..._.................._............ ............. _..._.... _.....__......._._ ......................... MAYOR FORM C A-9 B- 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... . .......... ... .... .. ......... . ..... ...... ........... - . ... ....... ........ .................. .......... --m .............. ... COUNCIL8743 FILENO.- ......................................... . ............................................................................. ...................................... ........... . ... . .. . ...... . ............... 2 Date Presented Resolved,That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertise for bids on Grading Bison Ave. from Midway Parkway to Midway Parkway, Albert Ave. from Frank_ son Ave. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave., Sheldon Ave. from Frankson Ave. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave., as no bids were received. F.B. #-14M. C-- No. 18743-13y N. N. O.e.— Resolved. That the Council the i-eM.O.d.tl .., hereby concurs n of the Contract Committee and hereby Ou- thorizes the Purchasing Agent to read vertigo for bids OR grading Me— Ave. from Midway Parkway to 311dway Parkway, Albert Ave. from Frank— • Shel Ave. to Ke COMand do n Ave4 fromOPhalen AO%Ave,dt. Como OMO & Phalen Ave.. n Were rc-lrd. F. B. No. 14 , Adopted bthe Council Sept'29, 1917:1 Approved Oct. 1. 1917. (Oct., 6 -1017) I'— (V) 0 -cilrxcrt (.7) N.ys neworth In favor [.ad -it, ler -H emr Against lerlich Mr, Pr de Irvin FORM C A Iia -17 2M Adopted by the T 7 App,.v,d .......... ........... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. ........... .. .......... .... .... .. ..... ..... ............ ............... ... .. .......... . . .................. ........ . ..... ................ COUNCIL . ...................................... ................................................................. ............ ........................................... Date Presented Sept.;; 26.t.h_-q.rf..19l Resolived, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and-hereby authorizes the Bjurchas_ ing Agent to realivertise for bide on Grading Vance St. from.Jefferson Ave. to Grace St., as no bids were receiv- ed. F. B. #1490, F. NO. 18744—By AL N. Gas— :1 Resolved, That the council her.byl; concurs in the recocurnend.u.n of the . ......... . . n _�'t" and hereby C' , ""' C"' " g " , h*""' the P""h"'n Agent ad , ' 'or bid. on -�' Van" r, to a _ , c_ hl - . '. or. - _. -a a. d r. el . l4,.i an it Nept. 29, ADP.,led bl' h ne 0., Ye.. (V) Cou, Innen(II)INey. tel�Ln worth e 191 e Co.. Adopted by the Council In favor 10!7 Hyl. A App—ed —MCC 11 Against 111- . erlich Mr. 11rul&nt, "An ........... ........... .............. ........................ inAroR FORM C A-9 6 7 214 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: . .. ...... W.- . ......... ....... I . .. . .. . .. ....... ..... ....... .. COUNCIL FILENO., ................ .... ...... .................. ..................................................... 71 ................ ..................................... I ........................................ Date Presented Sapt.. 191 Q4 solved, That the Council hereby rejects all bids received fo I r the Pump House and accessories for Payne -Edgerton Sewer System, and orders the Commissioner of.Public Works to have the work done by -City .F t+ro,e Account and secure the e 57 .rcllr necessary material through . is ing Department, in, accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1476. C.N. G?7_ r ZZo. 18745—By M. olved. That the Council hereby Icts, all bids for the P.TP House accessories for. Payne -Edgerton Sewer system, and order. the conarals- loner of Public Work. to have the work done by city foren Account and ...or. the necessary ra-I-W through the Purchasing Department, in ae- cordance with the provisions of the Charter. F. B. No. 1476. Adopted by the council Sept. 29, _1917. Approved OeL 1. 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) Peas C neilmen (e) Nays 'isswortb Adopted by the Council lot In favor TI and '7 er i App—ed Against Irvin MAYOR Mr. .......... ........... .. ....... FORM C A-6 P-17 2" .:.� Request o� ufton.Grove I?.Iprovament.Asl~odiction' Council File No .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT rti and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....Cox,:;_Ls.11o:......._a.e..er.:..Q7a...IsJ St...£ f7 .^....D.aln.'..:14»a _t.._. .S.T...4 ... - — --• . ua......ft P ..�'.L,.l` I7,9.n..Y.�r'.r..... __..._........... ...._.—. ......... . .....--- ------- 1�...... _ _.._._...._...._../... . - ----- - / / { .......:-.......... _....... _.............:..... _:......----...._..........__......C.__ .. Dated this .wJ q:....day of/ 1 r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. I ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the-619wing improvement, viz.: + Y v: 't., zrom oint 14b £eet eL of Ei�•er_ton St. ......YQ:.:.N..k..:.u.�t..4._..L.....D..Q.V.Fw'.r.—Y: _.. .-..r..._ ... .....-..-h._....._...Sr...Y—__..............._.—...._...._......_.—........-_...........r- .fi.Q...a+;/118...$Y,E.a_-.._....._.._...:..... _...................... _.... _........... —..... _.............. _................ --..... ...---.......... ........... _.... .... ... - .......... _..._ ........................ ............................. ................. ................................ .................:._........ ._.. y s ....... ................. .......... { d having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by CotWr 1&1• ot4ic! .Lir of°s --- e, be It - -.• ............ on therefore, be It - - 'works be and hed. that the als herel RESOLVED, ' That the Commissioner of Public Works be an•z°,o ° nvesdRuie the nacemmitid directed 9irabiilty of the making,ot. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the mal,vement. To Inveetlgnte the natnre, ex 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of seanmatea et rald ImPr! otal cost thereof. g and the �ttotal netf thereof. To f—Ish a plan: PrnP 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvementch ,,offmaid h inevinn t.' 4. To furnish the following other data and information relatand Informntlon„ement;-................................... yemenq .-_......'.............................................................................._.................... ................ ...... ............... .................... .................................. _........................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for.on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...._. ?...11P.......9- .. 191.7.... Yens: Nays: I Councilman iKC sworth .T o s. Approved. ..............._..._..._...._.......................:..191.......... and '1ler O Afayor in Min Mayor. err •onw � e•e •'VWLISHLD �O �� Pe o.. •_ tLctle'. o u ?e. ; �� c: c iia2• Council File No...' ....,.t47 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of 4.Q.v i z.� .t.i3....Q. .. ',.. a '17 _.t�.�.s l �':; 11C...:I..4_•.. _�_Q. St. Paul. viz.: :�.SJ.1�.G.:r.w.S.:.L'.• t eri011 EL.. '......_. ! —--............... ...... r F .. �{ ...... .... .................. ....__ .. _.....___..___--•*._ 74 Dated this ....._�vJ 1 day of..... ... i;Aie ........................._ ... 19L. s t y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................... ..... _.._ _..._..._. —... ... :......... ......... ... _...._._•---- __...... -- —.....—....._.._.._..._.... ............................ __........... _... ..... .---------- .iC. F. No. 187W ............iWhereas. i. - ................._.. ..,..............._.......... ................... ........ ........................................................................ .. I lklnp c' tnheni. rvlz: Roulovnnlil having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P:land st from P:lgo............................................ .... ................_.. 91.. habinc been presents. c11 of9t. Paul, therrfore•. bo 11' therefore, be it Resolved. that the Lommlealon, Publlo Corks be nd he Is hereb RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Wort dered na dir-te, :: and directed 1 To Investigate the result! ordesirability of the making of ,t, 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of i o7 cement. • Tn I=. tl to the nature, c 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cola t`sit a nihe cost of cosi u Creuor` a total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvem.To furnlsh n tiler. aro 11%h r n,dd lmnrovem ort. no furnlsh the failon•inp'•� 4. To tarnish the following other data and information reloa l ntrnrmatlon relative.ent,_............................................. Ten ,ate whether or n-°, asked rur..................................... .. .. .... ............_.... .....:........_: ......... .. -o on tiers 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pdtnpn ;:'of three or more owners. 9. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... :....-_�..y..rr�.........191.._ Yens: Nays: Councilman worth 1069 Approved .............. ... _............... ..... ...... ...............191 ......... t.I{' er ��• 1 Vl��. i dencch — mayol"I n Mayor. yi ' 1 _ 18748 COUtiCIL FlrE NO ............................. By............................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ..... @tone --slab sidewalk. with ...........................:............ ...................._..._.. reinforced concrete to a width of ten feet on the south side of --- ................. ........................................ ................................................. .- ..................- .._................................................. East Fourth St. beginning at Cedar St. thence ,vest 112 feet, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ _............................---................................................................................................................:.................................................. ............................................. ....... _._...__......._..._._........... ............. ........... _................................................................................ under Preliminary Order 17878 _,_approved . Aug... 4, 1917 Intermediary Order ..._....._ __ . ... approved . _.__.. .. ....... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due, notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is ..... ..Reconstruc.t the stone Blab sidewalk with _ reinforced concrete to a width of ten feet on the south side of East Fourth St. beginning at Cedar St, thence west `112 feet, _ ........................ ................... .._............. ._..... _ __...__............. ..__.:..... ....._............................................................................_.................__....._._...................................._..............._....._ ..._.. ...................... ............................................................................. ........_...................................................._........_.......................... __......__ .......................... ................ ................................ .................................................................................................... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imRrovement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon saidLpproval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord.: c therewith � Adopted by the Council..._ /! ... Z... 191...._ ..............................���ity Clerk.... 7 , I� Approved... ............................................... 191........ / �.�......... \\.,!,(//thatttheCounen pt thi Mayor. CoUnC ll�.arnsworth abv xh d..ot-ImProone„nature. Fort '+ alde of ""dth of t 'I rolnforoed he C h t112 - Vroveeet uncll eti C° neat j neao ens t hemad Y at ]I' @loner her That r Pub jc the Com hY Instruct@ n'arka @sand are - Plane Pt)1Sl'IaIIED7 Provemand to ent P Clticatlone ➢re a° Couml- can oro°val cl�ho to �nono�hd� f 7'. ne r onlalata Math thl. �„t 1 v<lrected are - 6rve 1,. .. .nProve. ' v F). 191y! — CITY Or 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI�SS"IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM RY ORDER In the Matter of.---- Recons ruotkn.g thestone slab sideralk with reinforced ...tz._._t.Q._a .wldth__p_f.._.ten,..feet gn_the sos_`,h eiie_,.of. East.._Fourth at- beg..inr:i,ne: :.. .. ..... ... . ..... _..... ...... _............ ....... - ... - ......:......... .. ....................... _....... -............ r. _. __.. _..._ __. _ f.._...... _ _ _..-.... - __ .._.,.-........_ .. ....._..... ............ .._ --.......... ....._....... ............... ................ _... _..... . _. __.:... ........ .:. ..__....... ............... _...... _......... .......__... under Preliminary Order approved ......_August _ 4 th.,.1917 r To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$....._.........._._........_...__..._.—.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.. 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement.and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK -ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 1 23 St. Paul Proper v 229000 Forth 125 ft o Fast z of 4 23 26250 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, ''and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G� Dated. ................. A .....191..7 !//,...✓... il�Lt%zGf/� : _ Commissioner of Finance. +� rm B. B. 13- ftr Office of the Commiss�ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Au et.l7th 791.7._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The (Jonunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu• 17878Au et 4th .............. 191 .7, relative to ...-...... cil, known as Council File No.. .._.................._.._approved...._ .........�. . .......... reoonetruating the. .,stone._._elab__sidexalk .rith__reinforged .00norete__.,. to a width of tan feet on the south aide of East Fourth St. ...... _.._......................._............._......................_...................._.............................._._.........................................._......................................................................._.. . ............ beginning..at..._Cedar.._Street..thence._>Reet 113.;,feet ........... and having iuvestigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. ....... ..necessary slid (or) desirable. $1.10 per lineal foot 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $_............... ........., and the total cost thereof is 'h ._ ....- ........, slid the nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: .....:.........._.._..........._........ ..... ......._..............._.........._............ ......... ...... _... _.. ............. ................. ,..._... ........ .. .......... ..... .................... ................................... ................... ....... ........................... ......__.............._........ ........_............ _...... _............ ........... :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. I ................._........... _..................... .... .............. ...._.................. .._..... ..................... ............... _................ ........ 5. Said improvement is....._not...........asked for upon petition of three or nnor0owners of property, subject . to assessment for said improvement. 1 .................... _...................... . lsunissioner of Public W ks. 18749 41k COU,ANL FILE NO ............................. By...................::.. .......... ..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....conatructing a cement. t.ile .... @.i.Ae.w.a.lk t. o...A.. -RA. d. t. h ol ...... . ....... Aq ejmah alAo Q.f zrl. ........... C-1-ele-l.and, A.,� e. ..................................................... .......................................................... ....... . ................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................. : ................ .......................................... I ......... .... ......... .............. .................. ............... v ................. ..................................... .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under Preliminary Order .......................approved ................ A-49 .............................. Intermediary Order ............._..................;.__...__..............approved............. .................... A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..:._ qons.t..r,u.c.t....a .... cierrient t..i.l.e., sldewalk. ..t.,o,_.a..wA.d.t.h ..Q.f 0AX tpvt 0 n tji..e .... %Q.1it h e ide.. Q f.r.qm Pr.iqr� Ave t..Q. .... — f. Princeto.n ..Ave.... __Cleveland:. Ave...., ............... -1 ................................. .. ...... ... .............. . ...... .. . ... . ..... .... . ....... ............... ........................... ............ ............ .... . ...... ......... ..... . .. .... .......... ..... . . ... ....... .. . .. ............. ... .... ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of PublieWorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans,and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval•, that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized an directed d d' d oproceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thet , Adopted by the Coi ........... 19 ..... Y ............... ............................ City Clerk.. Approved.......... ........................................ lu .................... relative I, c—ld.red the earn, Mayor. Councilman sworth aolved. By the Council Councilman qs t'. . Paul that the PrecISP 'ad ki I C a— - na .1 MP Councilman' land by the said k It t Y I- I t tile sidewal an Councilman ler .0 the south aid- of from Prior Ave. to Clev' the Council hereby o' "M 1111 ove ent to be made. an ild� Councilman nderliell n Resolved Further. That the Mayor I n I stoner of Public w.rka be ant in.,,%,".,P,d directed t a. c"'.. or Form B. S. A. 8.7. Pr."v' .ent and submit .0 't Pouncli for approval; that ;:approval, the Proper city 'hereby authorized and We Jcred with the m.ki. ant in accordance th- im Adopted by the County li Approved Oct: -.1. 9 ' CITY F ST: PAUL P - ' DEPARTM OF FINANCE REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF `FINANCE ON PREL INARY ORDER (A) 1 In the Matter of ......:.Constructing a, cez>ent_..t_1_l.e .sidewalk t q a. -1 1d.th of six feet " on the south side of Princeton avenue from Prior avenue _ .................. . ....... _ to Cleveland avenue/ .. .. .. ........... _ ......._................... _......._ ....... ................................ _.... _ ............ _ ._ _... __. ....................... __... ................. .. ........... ....................... _.... _ ._...._... ... under Preliminary Order approved _.__ AU.�GEL. 101h11,1911.1.7-J. ....... . ................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $__.._. __.__..._....__...._.-...:._...._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $._ ._..66........................... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parc 1 as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 1' 5 Underwoodts Third Add— 525 2 . 5 1 tion. 3175 3 5 3 375 4 5 300 6 5 f., 300 7 'S 300-, g 5 �5g 9 5 400 •10 5 450 TOTAL. - Form 8, B. 10 . _ tla).0 ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRE INARY ORDER (C) _ DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK !ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION ;. �2 .5 UnderwoodYe Third. 550 1 6 Addi tion' 575 8 fi 550 3 6 550\ 4 6 550 S 8 550 6 6 550 7 6 550 8 6 550 0 550 9 10 6 550 0 ) 3925 11 6 12 6 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that'he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in I reference to said matter by the Commjp-aioner of Public Works. 191. /_Gly nc.... Dated.__ of-/-1 Commtseloner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn .1,57 To the Honorable, The.Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .C. 0. /7. . PT. %/!.o C! /61,7, /J 4�� • . !4c%/`ll. caG�pG . . . . .. St. AvB. from ./. TIOT. Bt. Ave. to C��Y��Q/�0� . . . . . . ZM" Ave. N R B _ _ LOT r B_SOCK d ADDITION _ 41 d 9 0 ............. r a...r.....— - r o c .F..d..r............. 4 b 9 ..........r..r...F.... 1 0 0 F ip 2 U6 � ',;j + 'I ��; . AU%3 1 i . . . . . . . . . • ��3REaLf t%' li;iil[`��ki'T?S; . . . . ........ F..r. r. a F t ...IFF, .......� Office of the Comm stoner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .....August 17th, ....191 ......................... To the Commissioner of FiaitaIA of the City of St. Paul: The Couaiaiissimrer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 17997 August 10th, 191........., relutrve to ....................... eil, known its CounciljFile No........................... tapproved....-- . _....._ 7 • a.onet.rua_ting.:...a....cement_...t.ile.....aidewalk....to.. _a...width.._.of...six ....f.eet.:...on............. the._.: ot. uk�....eine.....of....:.Pr.ino.et_oa..Avenue....f.ram:..Pr.for._. Av.enne:_.t_a_._CleQeland• Avenue:..........................._... _......................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to-therein, her reports: 1. Said improvement is ......_ ........neeesearyl and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot and the total cost thereof is �. EX7CX said 'l. The estimated coat thereof is :�.............................. . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. .... _......... ..... _..... :....__............. .................... ........._......._..................... ...._............... . :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached said made it part hereof. ...... .............. _............................................. _................. ............... 5. Staid improvement is ......:....... _..................... asked for upon petition of three or nnore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _............. ......._.........................ti......_...._........_...... Counuissi r of Public Wo i 18750 COU;WIL FILE NO ............................. By...:......................... .:.......................... :...................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ....ovnatruc-ting._a-er49!XA...tAl.e..sidewalk.8 t.o...a...width .-.of-:..six....-. at-..-th.e...f0.11-QwinK..l-Q-gA.U.0110.......................................................... .---------.-._..._...:-:........._.....--_ �Xl...ti?Le-..Ilorth..si¢e.._of-'Earsha�1-Ave.,....be_ginning..at- Sne�.-�.-in-g. A".1 .............._ _tt 8 -_feet, and on the east aide of Snelling Ave—beginning- ......................................... _" _a.t-•.ik8 gha.l l-•.Ace.-•_thence--north-,104---feet--_t O.•_connect---present-•-conatruct8d• under Preliminary Order .--..-.-1&230 ............................... approved ...................................... IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved............. ..:.......................... ................--...-............._.-. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....S9.11p.?.F.11.Fb---C.ellleAt.:..tt l.e....si,de.Y9@,1.}GQ...C.Q-..tt.. 39;Uth........._ .of...six--feet•,at..-the...following locat.iona.............-......:...........-......:...........................I.............-_... _---On-.the--_north._side-.of-Narahall...Ave.beginninE at Snelli.ng_Ave.,:.--- thence eget 4.8.3 feet and -..on -the east side o.f Snelling. Ave•,. --be--•-- .... -......... ginning at Marshall Ave, thence north 104 feet to connect present. constructed walk,__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for.approval; that - upon Said approval, the -proper city officials -are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith !l Adopted by the Council...:. -.. i T C , ' ( City Clerk. ,Approved....................................... - 191 -- _- / mDrovem oaid City la cone ............. .. .... ... ..................... .... ............ .. ..... ,,..,,�� .dawalks to a wid Mayon Councilman y'arnsworth Malde o[ b alrehaR n 'e _- SnellinAve. thence Councilmag 46ss ad on the east aid. of ' COlmC1lID .Wlend -beginning at Marshal. .north 104 feet to Gonne, Councilman dellel•v stt ted walk. and the orde s said Improvemen. Councilasm Co 1 ed Furth .That tlW Co V Councilor underlich of Public Works be and ie tructed•and directed to pn - Mayor 1 aaa pe inc.g.na for said `RtJI3i,l5HED j .Tient and submit same to U1 fo approval; that upon- - Form B. S. A. 8 1 she proper elty officials authorized and directed to. ith the making of said impm .n acewdance..therewith. .)ted by the council Sept- 29. 14' '- .oved Oct 1. 1917. (Dct'6-1617) CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM IARY ORDER In the Matter of .. ..... _-.._.. _.__._. ... ._...q _..Eck !i-.......__ _._ .. :_... _ _........... .Q/..R�C^ .:.._. .. %..... ..._: .......1f�0- c.:.d�C.RC.(._......,. .-.._...�._ -. G, �, __..._._..:.. _ _.... ----- .._ under Preliminary Order approved .._... _. J`—'� ..f 9�7. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $._...._ ...... ........ _........_._._______.. The estimated cost per foot for the'above improvement is . ........ _.__ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION VALUATION 4 3 -32._ TOTAL. 0 ii �. J aJ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the for as his report thereon to the Council,) together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by tthhJe' Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated .... ....... .. -191 ....... .......�x.... Commissioner of Finance. Dorm B. B. 13 - - zt Office of die ComwjLjor er of Public Works Report to . Commissioner of Finance ........ ..Aug, _47._1917..__..__191_.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uncle; consideration the; preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.. approved :_:..AU9.Pert1917 _.......... 191 _....., relative to. ...... _._ ......... Qf-..MUG4.1...Av01AVA._..I.O.g�nn.�r18.._at_ _ _Snelling,_Age_;thenoa M ,:_Ond:._on the..... 4yt.,__$ .dg_..of,_9nglle ng Ave begoinning at Marshall Aven thenoe north 104 feet - ...... ....................................... ........ ................................ ._......... ........ ................ and having investigated the matters and things referreA to therein hereby reports - 1. Said improvement is ._........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—.668 per, agAllief*404 cost thereof is $.......................... _...__..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........................................................a...._._...._.................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made m part hereof. r 4.. .... ..r.......... ............. ..... - _....................................... ............ _._.... ......................._.............. __ ...................... ..................................... ....... ... ...._ 5. Said improvement is ...........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject _ I to assessment for said improvement. ......... i _ _.... ..._... Commissioner I ublie Wo CITY_ 9F ST. PAUL - /COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM e J.:.._ coIENCIL IV O. �..,.. / PJ1_....... .. - Date Presented 2 Resolved, That the Miprette. License No. 126, which expires i the 30th day of September, 1918, now in the name of Theo. M. Ikbaml, 769 Wabasha Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to J.H. Fendrey, 769 Webasha Street, and; That the same license of J.H. Fendrey, 769 Wabasha Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to Nathan Tatkin, 316 Rice Street. i G r. Nq 18761—SY RenrY M� No. v.d. Th aesptrea her SOthLde.Y of BaDt•mber. 1918, now in the name oI Theo. M 1,cbaml. 789 Wabaehs 8treeb byp and the same 7e9oWabaeha s4, and - db J. R. rendrey, That the same ti,en.e of. d' hg" ; dreY 769. Waba.ha. 84 beond the eamo hereby le traneferredto Nathan 1917, 916 Rice et. Adopted by the council Oct. 1, Approved 00,4.6-1917) � I Yeas (✓) Cod ciltnen (✓) Nays -OCT 1917 - • 4 191 �F•ar sworth Adopted by the Council 1-16 In favor - -111 lid C"T —1 1911 �'K-r,II r /`i' APPr ve � � _ _ __ 191 �ihle II l/ Against. I Wu Erlich ...� ....:.......... ........:.-.....MAYOR....... Mr. President, Irvin IORMC. 9.2 CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-*UOR LICENSE TRANSFER subject:_ . . _ _ __. 18752 COUNCIL No. - - FILE -.. Date Presented 01t I" 1._191 -7 - RESOLVED, ..._191.7_RESOLVED, That the following• designated.Iioenses-to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applicaticas duly made therefor. [No. __I _O.I__ From (Name and Address) o (Name /and Address) No. yed. ( J) Councilmen (i) Nays nswortb Adopted by the Council 0 ✓_..� 191_7.... ss�7_.__III favor ��T ylnn(I - Approved 191......... ler /'�r�- eColl V __ .%gainst 'underlic•h Mr. Presi mt, Irvin MAYOR) No No. i No. . - .. C. F. No. 18762— 'r .... NO Ho.olved, That tha following dealt __.mated llcenson to ae14 Intoalcatle' --- :liquor. be tran.ferred ae Indicated pur- ;.uant to applications duly made there-, - No. for: No. 207. from CIIR Bearnard, 186 State !St., to Ray Durenberg.r, 126 State St. L _ No. '. Adopted boc ho Council Oct. 8, 1917. .—_-__,--. -Approved Oct. 8, 1917. _771.' (Oct. 1'91 No. No. No. ---- —I No. No. No. yed. ( J) Councilmen (i) Nays nswortb Adopted by the Council 0 ✓_..� 191_7.... ss�7_.__III favor ��T ylnn(I - Approved 191......... ler /'�r�- eColl V __ .%gainst 'underlic•h Mr. Presi mt, Irvin MAYOR) M OROROS P..MBTCALF - ' AM'OIZNDYAT LAW 517 CAPITAL DANS BUILDINO ' � i 2 1 a - PAUL. MINN. - : Sacterioer "9ih, la`l. Tothe:.ajOr :71d. 0.4Y;:Gi1 :711.10:11 of t; e . e , t:na i-,nd r _: ned, .,2.•editorsl of Clif or -1 3ec.rnara ,. object to t-f;'o trans -for o" n -c license heretofore =rented cn or aoout the 2ul d .;*. c 1 ?17 , t u swirl ;li'ford 3earuard to sell. li uor <.t ,12ii State treet , in the - cr —Ul , to -ay or a ,v 1c'123 Oti:aT y7?,rs uli +•i.T ,,: :i re. -son o...�t on �iie 1. n y o� Say'e:ii•U er, natition to .,::.i9 Clifford ;3aarn�rd i;lto?untar, Juii:rnit n ra 'piled in ti -,a Di,_.ce of ,lerk of the District .;east- o: united !'G::-te::On 1e u0LLYlt 0_' d.0 �� 0'• 'J 2.il1:CruptcJ alleged''6u have •c -,c rred :itiiin 0ur sonths frxi the data of filin.: of said ..,Petition, .::ii0. in -6he' event th.,t swid .1__•ford'?e'rnard L.;i;ud,;e_1 a 'Uai1.'i2.11t, �n ttalnptad I , .1 s- i- ant .;111 be -.-o Li c, _:. Df "n; --.-e 01 , -.i'_.. L,e title to the li.,als 2. J. '0,1 .." '0n , _��u Ye2:1. ��j u CITY OF ST. PAUL e COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject:---_ _ ------ COUNCIL No:FILE 1 Date Presented.. Vc� __191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. [No. . — 4_2' From (Name and Address) i To (Name and Address) p . �cynkxtj T.t., R —yo K9 . -- I No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No No.18769— . Resolved, . That the .t.1 1 -w fox des18- nated llcen trun ferredl a ant[ndleataedds liquors -be. lloatlone° dUIY pursuant to aDD. 408. No: N therefor: vel -IInk. er,669 o. 19, fom Ham p•ranklin 9t.r, tq Nickolaus Taugn Charles SL Adopted by tho 61914 I1 CcL 1, 1917. ADDroved O()cL•6-1917) 1 i Yeas (r) Cyot cilmen (r) \ays ' mac VVV AuIV sworth - s - 7..... 111 favor and , er j`� oil .0 --Against N• derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin. n I Adopted by the Council _,._ a.GL_...1.19.1-7191......_.- Approved....... 1']T io' I_ . __.. ..........191 ...... .... _...... .v_..1 1 MAYOR ,._ mr w„° CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT �S'7rJ4 AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION'FORM COUNCIL NO FaB OCT1 1917 BY zf m- AUDITED PER nru 702 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds' ind' _ or of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in fol detailed ia'/" . statement: Yeas ( J) uaci lmen (J) Nays - Adopted by the Council usworth \ ,. In favor � - ` "T -1 17 , 1 APP�� . er cColl. —O—Against U ,.... .MAYOR.. [sag Hyland . Wunderlich Mr. Presi t. - Irvin 20494 Barrett Bindery Co., 22e20:' Ventral H. S. Lib. 495 Burns Lumber Co., 326.41. Park-Const, Phalen . 3 5.63 Pay. Mounds B3,v�aY. 8 326 1 ' 496 Cemtral States Importing Co., 2.50 Library-Exp., Y v 497 Columbia University 20.25 School-Exp. 498 Craftsman Press 1b.14 Health-Health-Exp. .04- C. P. W.-Exp. 1 .10 lb. 499 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville;, 3.56 School-Exp. 500 .Frost Paint & Oil Co., 10.60; ;'_ Sprinkling__ 501 Funk & Wganalls Co., 2.00 Library -New Books 502 Gaylor Bros., 2.00 Central H. S. Lib. Farm A. b•11 #z 18754- 875420503 20503 M. N. Goes, Comir. Pub; Works, 1,181.88 Bridge Bldg. 931.37 ?ay.- 12th St., 2. - ' Ya`. Robert 3 . Sprinkling IS � i 504 Independent Oil Co;, 1.93 Sewwx C... & R. -Exp. 505. A. C. Jefferson 229.68 Police -Exp. 15 Pole & Fire A. -Exp. 50 49E Street C.&"R.-Exp. 39 -, G. F. -Crosswalks 00 3 .00 , " 5 " 40. 0 229.• 8 506 Benny Boiler Works, 123.95. Street C. & R. -Exp. Pave Rice $35 `RMDIveII " . - nDyn Lbs Clty. T/i tba fieretnatter ape of,1:12e persons De: 507 lttona - Manhattans Oil Co., - 193.09. Iavor 10,r. the am nt.' 16-3 r 0,r. t e aamea'e� School—Exp. %� 6.45 the LDuo.rt 1. a r Co., stat . Barretcemaegco 'Bora Lambe Co Co., School—C. - &: Be - Water—Exp.. 5. 28 7 - ming Central BRate. 1 DOrtinR CO.� 7Y.1' ColnmDia.Unlve .Ity, 74026 _ Garage 91. Crart.man:: Pre. 116.14. .-.at V ly ant.n Blyk a >tecoe"^ `P`roet-Paidti Olt Co., ji + V+r - - " 84 4 - - FOak"'dk Wa6tnfllle'CO....;i��,; Gs Bros:, iL 00 - - Pay. Cretin - - - - N'- 1 N QOss.. Co;;-, iilia ,.,3.09 "On" 0"Co, C 10"erson vnr Holler Worke, 08 `0'!0.0!-_ ~''nt Molia�n. 10 0s17s.96.p0 � D,. He E. Molzahn 10.00 - - •e'i8i.80. - Corp. Ccunsel—E �, fps - s- 509 A. P. Moore 23.30 C. P. Works -Exp 18 0 Sewer C. & R. -Exp.' 4 3. 510 Me Rosen & Co., 207.47 -- Fire -Exp. 511 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 9.16 Street C. & R -Exp. 512 Twin City Pipe Covering Co., 4.26 Scho ol,.E21. 513 W. G. Watson 10.50 _ Pol. & Fire Ale -Exp. 0 --Sprinkligg 4 0 0 50 514 A3bert Wunderlich, Comtr. 123.26 Fir e- C. & Be 3.14 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... 7 Subject-............. 0 ............. .................... .. .. ... .. . ... . .. ..... ......................... -A 56 COUNCIL No. .......................... .................... ............... ................................. .................. ..................... Date Presented S.Q.P.t .........2.9:. ...... 191 T. petition, has been presented by owners of property along the north side of,Junes St betwecr Bd:rcunbe Road and liexirv-ton Ave. reCueotinr7 that the CCrJont sidewalk on the north c1clo of JzLmoo St. bc"- laid on 4 grade starting at- Le%ington 4ve, at the grade -established and raisir,' to a point 140 feet west froi.i _.ve. to 2 foot above the established, grade for a distwIlcc of 3,50 fedt, Bien gradually lowcro-.' to the established grade, and 3, a.) -r&CLe is Cieeiaea a ',encfit to the a01 joining property and will not interfere with the proper drainaqe of the street, Th,- z3p_ia cement t sidewalk on ,.a-- 1 side of J, -.res St. between ELgcumba Road and Le:.ir�7,;or *Iva. be 1&i(I to a 'v,_:,_,iporary grade as ci bove Cescribed, and rlaiiltuined at tl.!-L; '~rade until such Holme as this Couiicil shall deem it necessary r�nd advisable to construct a 2iO,owc.lk on the established grade. the ea -o -t aide, ids of Tames St. be .;tlrtiog at Lexington e established and M.'." 0 feet west fro. L.Xt-A et above the established 91' litmoce of,250 feet, then gra, ,red to the established 911, field grade 1e deems, to the adjoining property >t interfere with the:p of ent nthe street, jrth d, That said 0.oaid. of J -T, :-S abe Road and xIa:. ?A to a temporary grad' _J �d , Yeas V) Co ncilmen V) Nays 1 bed. and OCT 1 1917 CO ne such time a - 0 Adopted by the Council .............. ................................ 191 it V!.. natruct a Ir --F worth . 7 favor Approved 7.:.............. 191 ler M 011 Against P ... ...... . .. ........... .... ........... Mr. Pre ent, Pawm\r FORM C.8-2 CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIOjV—GENERAL .FORM Subject ... ..................... ....... ;. ........ .... .... COUNCIL FILIF No-................ .................. _..............._..-s.. jDate Presented- ....Se.1at.....:Z Resolved, That the tine specified for- the 11erfor:ea,nce of a cortain contract dated 11ovember lc:t, 1915 and a -contract dated July 15th, 1916 bet'aeen Keou;h Bros. and the City of St. Paul for the trading of South Saratoga Ave: from Jefferson i.ve. to 13andolph St and Palace St. from Hi—Mlir_e Ave. to Snelling:. Avc., Juliet St. from He:ml:ine lave. to Pascal Ave. and Jefferson Ave.from Hamline Ave. to Snelling Ave., respectively, be End the sane are hereby e)_tendcd to the 29th day of September, 1917 and the proper cite o-ficers are hereby authorized to execute an z.=lo anent to said contracts it accordance here,:.ith, provided, however, that this re olution shall not have any force c.nd effoot unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file °such conson�t in v.r ting with the City Coptrollertc.r.xe.ls7a7=ayazN-oa— Resolved. That.. the time -pe ad for the performance of a certain contract dated November let. 1915 and a con- tract:Aated ,Tu)y 16th:h Bros. and thel1916 between' t r�tKeuhe grading nof South Sarntaga A el`_�� from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph St Innd Palace et. from Hamlin, Ave to j Snelling Ave.. Juliet 3t. from Hemline J Ave.. to Pascal Ave. and JeRereon Ave- - esD ctivom e1y' be and the samene Ave. to arehere by: eztendedto the 29th day of Sep- tember, 1917 and the proper-cityoEt- ;oersnro hereby authorized to execute an amendment to sold eontracts In nc- I,cordance herewith, provided, however,,'' that this resolution shall not have any 'force and:'eff-t mile.. the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such ...slant in writing with .! the City Comptroller. i 1911 Yeas (✓) CO ndlitlen (✓) Nays Adopted by ,the gounell Oct. 1, 1917", Y Approved Oct.1, 1917. ......... .......191....... �� (Oct 8-1917) 1 the CoLLRGIC 1 •" C worth r .. In favor _ t 1017 ler Approv ... ....... ' .................... 191........ ) vM Coll Q.....:Against ... ............ .. MAYOR Mr. PvoidAt, P,owerrf^v— FORM C.9-2 t8 75 f st: peul, :iinn. sept. 29, 1917. . To tno Honorable City Council; C ITY. Gentle yen, _ Je irould rL�;pect fly ask that your Hororo�le 3od;, cause the ti*^:e of coi.ip16' irr 'iic contract for the bra in_, of Sown uaratoga Ave.'froLl Jeffe so71 l.ve. to H�a:dolph St". and 2alalcc St. from Ha'=ilane Ave. to Snelling ,�vo.,.Juliet St. from Hairline Ave. to pascal two. and Jefferson .,ve. from Hai=aline Ave. to Sncllin.~ Ave'. be extended to Sept. 29th, 1917. ajing to the fact that this ,roric vi,-:s hold up pendinm a proposod chan a of grade, which chane-c of grtlde rzas covered by Co1mcil _ile -X18656 and r1E)o57, aT'proved SO; t. 2�=, 1917 and accepted by us or. Sept. 27th, 1917, it oLs not possible for u to cos.;aeto the contracts within the ti!1e specified, -hence vre es ire to ask that i the tiiao or co:IIpleting same be made as.hereinbcfore stated Yours vL tr_Lly, i Contractor` mere is no objection to haSii the ti: e ei.boned z,s reuumted, as f&r as tho :•c;;irireiaonts o thi: of'ice i - concer r'i'LiOT upt. , o f Construction Fa itep'r:ir -tJl Ci:ie - En:~ineer Con:,iissioner of Public t9 rks CITY OF ST. PAUL �+ „fes' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject .. COUNCIL J Q FILE No.....�."7A5.$ ... :. r_ ....... .................-........... Date Presented.._ Resolved, That the proper City Offioers'be and are hereby authorized and directed to dral¢1warrant in favor of the Comm'i'ssioner of Finance for the Sum of '45.00; payable out of the Contingent Fund to spay the dues of thle City to the League of Minnesota Municipalities. IIC. F. O. 18768—By S. A. Fnrneworth— Reaolved,:That the Proper City Offi- cera be andd-are hereby authorised and ,. dl, eEted to'draw a.warit—t an favor of !I they Commisalonerl of Finance. for the - Illlllj eum of $46.00, payable out of the Con- dingent Fund to pay the duos of the Cl ty to 'the League, of. llflnnesota Munl- �I elpatitloa :Adopted by the Council -Oct. 1, 1017., 1 Approved Oct. 1, 1917. f (Oct.8-1917) Yeas (#') C "almen (i') Nays QJ 1911 Haworth Adopted by the Council...... 0. QJ )......_�................ ...191 ._:... as ........In favor land Her -` O Approved ..... �...!Cf7 ......... -..191.._.... eColl U ......... Against - u derlich t �t 1 . Mr. Presi t, Irvin MAvoR FORM C. A 6-17 2M i At CITY OF ST. PAUL I 4- -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... O �......_..... __. ..i" I Jy OIINC L N0 (/! _. ..... ... .FILE _ Date Presented... 0Gt_.-.} Resolved, That the proper City Officers be and are hereby authorized and directed to draw',warrant in fhvor of the Commissioner of Finance for the sum of x."300.00, payable out of the Contingent Fund to pay the dues of the City to the Vississippi Valley- Terminal Teague. ,I ,,worth— Y ro er City C `I C. F. No. 1876 hat' Ree6lv,d. Thnt the P D ant In to oa . I .ere be and aadYrsee� ��vhverreby rr ha directed to 018 FlnanhA for tof oner of the • Il ,um.o1 5300.00. pay.blethet of the thea Fund to paY '. Valley Terminal. tin Bent 'City to. the DIIe,Is,IPpl ll Oct3. 1917. ppy oved Oct- 1,C1917 (Oct Yeas (✓) un Imea (i') Nay. - OCT T ;lbrn. Orth Adopted by the Council ....... ............ ...._. ._.........lot ....... A.oes ..:........In: favor t/ Ji lan APProved_.... .. ,r. ._ .10.:4. ..............191....... Iter f ]llcCol U........ Against .. Nund lich ,Pjt�'(jJ�� -........... ............ ......_.....N.`...............,.................... ........................ Mr. Presi6„nt, l in FORM C. A-9 6-t 2M _ •. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL { COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM subject: �/ ' 1£�S760 COUNCIL FILE NQ:..... ................. ......... .............. v, Date Presented....._....QCi _145-14_191--_ Resolved, That the proper City Officers be and are hereby authorized and directed to drawwarrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for the sum on $250-.00, payable out of the Officers Attending Convention Fund, as due3to the Upper Mississippi Valley Improvement Association. S' Far yrORb. 1 F. No. 187607TIiaCBthe proper Rc-ol�ad� authorise tovo to draw s waren[ to . cera he and are hereby .directed the O s of the CoZ6 ..00,� payahleFout oPund.th�- I,Rnere AtfendlnB Coor. tIeI, P, Valley., _ ' due-, to -the UDPoclatlon. lm➢roveled Ny hunell Ont• 1. 1917. pdo roved'OcG. 1, 191T• ' ADP Yea- (✓) C ucilmeu (✓) Nay- - ru-wort6 Adopted by the Council ..:.00T 1 1917 ...........191 ....... t/ oaa �.........In fevor yland — O •7 .. eller cColl J Approved ....�.. ....___.191........ - .. V .fi.. 0......... Against w Nuuderkeh - n Mr. Pre-i •ut. Irvin.......................... .. .......................... ............ ...... MAYOR FORM C-9 817 2M COUNCIL) (LE NO ............:.............._ By.............................................................. ............ .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._repaving-_Broadway..Prom,.Third-.,gt.,--_to-_Fourth-_St :,- :............._... �ncluding...Q9'A!U4.._water..and...8-a .:.c,4nlleet olk9..h?.41P.._dtree-t-MAIAR... .Q .............. property.linee_.complete, where not already made, also including ............... a1J.e.Y.:.alld...gi1-1: eway---?.Lppro0ahc.s...and...tbe.:.0.OR truat.Iob....of.........:.._ GU;roing.... beX:a_ilea.asaa6r.Y........................ .... ..:............................................... ................. ........... ............ ... . ............ .................... .....:._:....._.:..._........... .................. .:... ............... _............................. ....................................... ............... tinder Preliminary Order .........16Q00.............................approved ... ....... ..ApTii...19.,..1917 .............. ........:...._ Intermediary Order ........ . ....... approved...... . ........: ....:...... ........-...__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having Ueard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; Herefore, be it RESOLVED, By, the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City i9.....R.eP.ave. B.# oa W.9X...fr.=...Th1x61...St ...to...F'our.th...st..., including.. sewer,.. nater.. and. gas connections_ from street mains to_._.___,.. property linea complete, where not, already made.,.... also. including..paying oP,_.alley.. and...driveWay._.approaches:_ a.nd., the .,cons truction_ of .......... whvq nece.esary................... ........ -- /. � e�./1......-}— �...t?/: . IQ.o . n,r�inil o . ...... ...... .... _.................. :.... .... and a Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 7 C?CT 11917 Adopted by the Council...................................................191 .......... ....... ..i..... ........ . ........................ /) City Clerk. t / APProved.................T. ...... ...:.... 191....... "/.L.fii Al l t_ ... ..... .. a st. t nh ayor. Councilmi /arnswortL w r water r ana Ass y� n street mal to p. Iri0llIIC11m099 omplete where .not u slso 1 cludl g pavl s of 4 �7 - CounellXyland v way approaches ng tl. {�RTRT TSFIF�i G' / on of curbing. where neca Council eller /) al to be sandstone an-, v 41.hereby +ordereeald Iml �.r�1C(all'T council f and m be mase. Couneilm Wunderlich oven Further. Tlae the It [Public Wo ks be and is Bfa or I n 'strutted and dl .rte, to p S' and: speciacations for as ment. and submit name -11 for approval; that poi. -. Form B. S. A. 6-7. vai, the proper cur oft dle, :; authorised and. directed t. - ;withthe maklnR of said Imps. in c oraance therewith. ppted by the Council Oct 1, Proved:.00eL61191T) CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1b :r35 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.-.....R#)laying Bro-adway,from .,Third at_.to.,Fourth .,st._including _ sewer .,.....w.a.te.r....and ..gas. .._cnnn.ac_tions..-f.rom._atree_t...slain..tn............ - ... ----------- �...____.___: rrn.p.er.tq...le3....campl.ate.,.....where...na-.t..already....ma3e..._also..... inc.lud.ing___-.._..._ pay.ino ....of_ allay and .. dri a.ere.ay... app ro ache a...:.and.. _tile...., c.ona..true.t i-on_DI:.......___..._ cur..bin;._w.he.r..e.. ne.aessary.,. .........-. ... .... . ........................ _... ............ _................. __ ............. --.. __.._ ........... __ . - .......... ..... _... _...... _..... -- ... _...... — under Preliminary Order approved _.__.. _ ..A ri1..19 r 19.12- To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount -of the assessment for the above improvement is, $....__e�'9. X'T—ND(YF PAVING 4 --APPROXIMATE ES'PIMATEX COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite $6,496.36 $13.76 Sandstone 5,754.84 12:19 Briek 4,771.52 10.11 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - - - - $. ...... x. ...-_—. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or Parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - - — --_ ---- - _' --- � O ESCRI PTION LOT eLoen' ADOPTION VALUAASSESSED TION 6 1 Hopkins Addition 345700 5 1 to St. Paul 4, 1 3 1 i 275000' 11 of 3rd at of,5– G 61: Bittsonts Addition ) 69000 Fart of Alley vacated in 61' to St. Paul )) Part of Alley vacated and 4 61 354000 Alley vacated and 5 60i 2420000 TOTAL. 3343700 n. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report, thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said -matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datea....__.....d/1911.......... ..... ..... --._ _ ' " / Commissioner of Finance. " Office of the Comm: ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ......... ._._.J..un.e..,.l9.th.,....1912....... lsi .._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 16000 ?pril 19, 197._7.., relative to cil, known as Council File No .................. approved.._ .... repaving..._of.....Broadwj Yy.._frow..._Third..._Street...._t_�..._Four_th..._Street_............_....................._ ............ .......................... .............__..._..........._............................................................................_........................................._............... ,. ........... .......................... ................................... .......................... .................... ............................ ............... ..................... ........ .................... ...................... ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. xxxx xxxxx 2. The Istiuuated cost thereof is $.......... ........ and the total cost thereof is ....... - - ................ and = the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .........:......_:....._...........::.............._................ .......:_.... ...... ............................... _....................... ........ _, ......_.:....:_..._.s._............_..................._....._.........._..._....:..............._ :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................... ........:.:..... ............................ _............_......_........................... -a. Said improvement is._.Y10.t._...........__asked for upon petition of three. or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ✓ a .. t4 cotiamissiongr of Public Woks. i Office -of Com �'er of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance { To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Y,aul! 'Phe Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon - 16000 April 19, ..... ... 191...7., relative to ................ cil, known as Council File No ............... ..........approved............ .._ .............._ repaving of Broad ay fror..._Third Street__to Fourth Street.,....................... :.._ .................................................................................... .................... .... ........... ...................... .................... ............................................:.........................._......................... ............... ............ _............................__......_.................. and having, in the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................._.necessary and (or) desirable. xxxx xxxxx •r The Istinuited cost thereof is $._....... ............:.... and the total cost thereof is $ .......... .. ._........, and 1 the nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._........_............:.... ........ .................. __.._.................. ..:..._....._...... _............... .............. ......................... ..:............. ............. ................... ....... ........ ....:...................... .............. ......._...... ..... ..................... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... ._................ ................ .................. ..:...................... ................ ..................... ...._-_........_ _... not v. Said improvement is ................ .. _.. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject ......_... P petition to assessment for said improvement. 1 f � . ..... . Coninlission�r of Yublic Works. r, r ctg oft. Paul l . �Bepartmmut of Publir Pork -4 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R T. GOURLEY. DEnuTY - e°°`•°' "•"""• St. Paul, Minn. June .19, 1917. s. eo uu o. eemos c R HeRRoio. o... E.ma.0 Mr. M. N. Gosa, Commissioner,of Public Works. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the repaving of Broadway from Third St. to Fourth at., in accordance with Council File #16000, approved April 19, 1917. Assessable frontage 472 ft. MD OF PAVING [APPROXIMATE ESTIMATET COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite $6,496.36 $13.76 Sandstone 5,754.84 12.19 Brick - 4,771.5E 10.11 Where house service connections are not in, addto, cost _ of each lot: For sewer, ether side of street $36.90 For water, 3�4" either side of street 37.00 For gas, N. side of street 10.00 For gas, E. sidelof street 6.00 NOTE Sewer is too small and should be rebuilt. Yours very truly, OC/M. Chief Engineer plit� of ,,St_ Vaul • epartnunt if' Public Alorks CECwR CLwu.sEN. <x cf [xc xcc• M, N, GO$S. COMMISSIONER, or ENcix ccxa R T GOURLEY, D—T1 0 � ! wRPOLL. BufT. ' wIf PEO SwOPBONOBy[f"cricx .fo P.. .• . — — o _ " Y:e ....o`,�o."a .�Nx. J St. Paul, Tainn. April 19, 1917. N N[PPyLo.erre.ix x. ' Mr. Id. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir,— As the pavement on Broadway between Third St. ana Fourth St. has been laid twenty years and is beyond repair, .I attach hereto preliminary order for the repaving of this portion of the street. Yours very truly, OCChief 'Engineor G. _. J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL, f2ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM-- - Subject:..... .,... .' ...... Zrt`j!f)2 ' COUNCIL rltc No ............. .............. :........... .... .......... ._._ _.__._................................................................... Date Presented .......... ../.`/`.7_ :'. ......191.. I Resolved. I That the City Clerk be an ►e is hereby author sad and directed to is un a 1 ense t _ to aonduot a /0 e4G��u�i----� ,�94/0J__ That said 00 pay into the City Treasury a license fee of-lecoO--::�whichh is the_9 toc sry amo:,nt for said l.icena- for said 4T�eo7 /'mac I for ageriod of one year from the, issuance of attid licensa. Th't said license ahadl not be is :ued or been 3 ,offfectiv:: until bu ldin; h.,.s become fully corq,l tad anti I ntil raaill, hau - l roourad fror: the Corr ia;,i, nor of Public Buil:.iin„u hin oertifieate thatt the sal buil iins, and all the a,.i aratuv ti; i,c, ite..d In oannDotl,.-n :With the ext:ibitlunrs to be ;:,Sven therein, aro in ali real ootq in aow.lianoe wit:. the. Btlildinf Code Of the City of St. Paul nnei has filad the certificate with the City cl,rk. I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.. ...-..... -_ -191...x. Farnsworth )1 b -Z ,xt-�053,1 ...:.....?......In favor .� �} el�ler Approved.. . 191......_ .Aieslt hrvu 1.:.,L,c { r o I pa(p RM C.6-2 910 HENRY MCCOLL JOHNT. MCCOLL. coArunoN[e. - , . ruu CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY L 162 � l wVm J. TROY. BUREAU OF POLICE LIC[Mtt Ir.�[CTOt . i September 22,1917. To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- Attached application of Heilbron and weiskopf, for a license to conduct a'Motion,Pioture Theatre at 1051 Grand Avenue, is for a new location. Yours tful Lio a Inspeo. HUG IIi / i5tate of luittliesa#u, COUNTY OP kA: SEY. s` CITY OF ST. 1^ • 18762 _ .. re .r...... ... .......... ..............:........ _. ._... a inks a. id L ._•worn, .............................. i ..... ....._...............alh sdeposes and says, that he is a. •resident of the State of Minnesota, and is over trventi- dears o aL'e, that (/ �1, Cit�•+.� i St. Parol License rrhdeh authorizes lziala to carry on t1i3% 1..................._./�� ....' � .......... -business up to the...,.../rladl of�....292..�r....D at... ._........ .... .................. ... ...... ....._........... .........an tk cz�J/ rv-desarel�a, license, xrr.id nasi-a.e . , at said place, for the year eradinff.�i7�i1_.. ... ......... Srvnrn to ao�rL�fsrc�� .the be 'ore are this Imo/ Li ensr spector—Not PWic, Ramsey Count ✓Minnesota. PINE NEEDLE CABIN ' Mnnin4.rwi��e. u�Hn. �- 01�2� lal�S ? UG�iul &I-r� cCe 6zu- y _ t -t& c � ate. ;. . 1152 �f n"An' "f"'Vf OCTOBER SEWID 1917. Mr. Henry McColl. Court House. C I T Y. I i Dear Sir;- _ I understand that there is an effort being made to locate one or two moving picture sho'xs on Grand Avenue between Lexington and Chatsworth Sts and wish to enter my protest against this on account of its moral effect upon the children in,th@ neighborhood, in which it is to Ile located. By those iWho have made a study of this matter, it has been proven that the influence upon the younger people has been bad, in the neighbor hoods or communities where these moving pictures are allowed to run. Very respectfully yours. HBP GC • i - SAINT PAUL GENERAL AGENCY.,, The Northwestern M(jtual J;We Insuralnce Conipaliv OF MILWAUKEE. WIS. LANGFORD.SCHtiLER & FAHEY, General Agents, N' a LANeFoRD' 412-421 ,Capital Bank Building D.R.SceuceR. CW.FAaeY. SAINT PAUL, " October 4th 1917, Y. N. Goss, Court House, Sai-nt-Psul,I -Minn, Dear Sir:- Pm-sorry to bother you stain about a matter which I believe comes under your department. ?,�r mother,Jr.y brother and myself have three homes be- tween Dale and Oakland on Grand Ave, A permit has been asked — for a moving picture house on Dale and 'Grand. I hope it is not top much to ask your opposition to the granting of this h.icense, I believe you are too thoroughly familiar with the situation jr.- the district mentioned to desire any detailed r-easone given here, P1 though I will be glad to -rite or see you and state sarre if-you do. Yours very truly, � t i D. D. SMITH ABI BROADWAY' ST. PAUL. MrNN. Oct. 19, 1917. I Icon. V. 3.. Irvin, 2;Iayor, St. Paul, !.,inn. 'De-ir Si r: I am told that the council will have before it this morninL, sev(1ra.l applications for moving; pictures s..ows on !=rand „venue. I o•.m property near "i ctbria .�.treet and rear sent several of er nro)^rty o:%;z;ers. 7e hn.ve. several titles ntppeared before your honorable body protestin; against picture shows in this locality and you h•1ve turned t:,em dovrl. 'Pe trust you vvi.:Ll turn 'ott,1 the .present .onlic= tions "iso. ':'`e cert.Anly ftre oolosed to them in this locality. Yours very truly, Enw.�xnN.S.�rvuER�,Jx: , SAINT YAVL r i . .. ._ Ir, r. ,. ..F ber, li o— r i'_ ? nn 511 Ce thOt ' Y ' ,CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL_91lWOLJJTIOt�—GISl4dWAL FORM Subjqct:... ....... ...................... ............... .................................................................................. . .. . . ............ COUNCIL VILE No . ............................. ............ ........................ ................... ........................ .............................. ............................................ Date Presented:...,_ Resolved, That the City Clark be an)ra a is hereby-4uthorized! and -directed to is lboenoe q to conduct That said pay into the City Treasury a license f Of is the Votomary amount for said license : for for aperiod of one year from the issuance of said license. That saiddioense shall not-be isaued or become effective u�* building has become fully completed' and until a has procured from t:�C�owis!�iner �of Public Buildings his oartifisate that the said building and all the apparatue.to be,ueed . in conneot.ion with the exhibitions to be given therein are 'in all respects in; compliance with the Building Code of the City of 8g. Paul and has filed the certificate with the -City Clerk. If l 04;i 4X111 Wkt RV Yeas V) Councilmen V) Nays Adopted by the Council :19 Lle-nsworth 4,033 In favor Approved ........ .............. .... 19l Against -Nash C) vyo.rg .............. ................. Mr. 11retident, Powers MAYOR FORM C.8-2 HENRY MCCOLL - JOHN T. MCCOLL COYYI.�IONii / • - _�� D.PuTT cOYMI/IIONK, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY .wM.TROY.- BUREAU OF POLICE 18763 63 September 29,1917. To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St Pau,L, Gentlement- Attached application of Joseph Friedman to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 620 to 638 Grand Avenue, is for a new location.. RespeotfulTy, I Lice a Inspect MMG • � L I /r.' � L - 10 I Y I � ' V I I #tt#Y of IilllleSQta' COUNTY OF RAMSFY. CITY OF ST. PAUL. -. I 1 /� 611 [�3 ' es l) iding at _:..l...... ....°j/.. ..._:................ ............ .......... �..beind�lysruant, depnsesands¢-ys, t/hat, he is a resident,of the State of Blinn ota, and is over twenty-Oyeah of n¢e, that he ha^had a Gab of St. Paul License which authorizes Win to carry on the...o....' ....... __!! ..........,1........................ business up to thk.3:'..fday of 1��_.192.. --��n at....°20.............._................__...._._....------....._------._........ and that he naw desires a license for said business, at said place, for the year endindy.......... Srunna to r[n.d• srLb • ibe beJ'ore nae this ...... da .......191 _....._. ............... _.....:.......................... ....—.. .. ....... .......4..... License I ec or—JYotar Lblio,00, t�tir e�rti ����nnasey ounty * nesota. -.CITY OF ST. PAUL • F COPWW-'IIL RESOLUTION—GENER _AL ORM $ubject:.. ............................ ................... ................. .................................. ..................... ............... .1-8764 COUNCIL FILE..................... I ................ . ......... . . ..... ............................... ....... .................. .......................................... Date Presented . ..................................... 191 Resolved, d City Clerk be an e is hereb" th an That. the u directed to iss a Iftense to to I conduct a That said which PAY into the oity Treasury A license fee the tom ry amount for said licenae for said for aperiod of one year froift the issuance Of said license. Thqt said license shall not be issued or b000m ffeotive has become fully oompleteci and until.said has procured from the 00=116111( ar of public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatua to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance witil the . Btlilding Code of the City of Sp. Paul and -has filpd the certificate with the city Clerks L\ v'j' Yeas (V) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council.. _1917 tF6...rth I,Cd-..q In favor Keller *Y\ o Approved .... . ....... .... ... ..... .................... 191 Against -,Nash tA Y00109........... .......................... Mr. President,46mm-A, MAYOR FORM C.8-2 I P I I HENRY Me.CGLL ` ^ ., JOHN T. McCdLL COMYI//ION[w ,. �11 - D[.DTY COMMI//ION[w - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - WM' J. TROY, .1 BUREAU OF POLICE . ucaN/a wnacTow - September 27,1917. To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paula Gentlemen: I Attaohed application of George B. Graves to con- duct a Motion Picture Theatre at 917 Grand Avenue, is for a new location. Respectfully, 4Lo a Inep _ A , IOdG _tW 17 t �. • COUNTY OF RAMSEY. iS764 6FTY UP 51'. PAUL. ! ........ _ ..... _.. residing• at J _.._....... I ......... _. ..................................... -................ beim dale sruorn; deposes and says, that he is a resident of the State of 311anesota, and is over tttenty o� a years of age, hat he has City of St. Paul License which authorizes hint to carry on the C... .................. ..... o ........_business up to the_ day ofXJ/.,.Jj�'."- '_'-I91 ...................... / .......that he now desip4s a at.... ..... _ .. .. /�.. license for said business, at said place, for the year endindot 74,e — -- - Sworn to an.d sub. ibed be ore me this �� �... 191!.' lQ�+ ..7 /. _ ...... 9 -�-�-� .... --••—. _.._...... _............................... _s�uou X.Ali ............._ License'inspect7blic; Ramseynesota. e' 17' I74 `�Aa An ordinancesettling. the claim of Minnie Ottoagainst the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, ..to Minnie Otto, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in full settlement of.her claim against the. City of St. Paul, arising ,by-reason of in- juries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective and slippery sidewalk near No. 463 Broadway, -on the Slat day of February, 1916. Section 3. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said Minnie Otto upo/p_/ the execution and delivery of a release in full to the Cit 3n aiform to be approved by the_Corpora'tion Counsel, for7, all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. ,This ordinance shall take effect and be in„ force thirty days after its passage and publication. . .12, sfftceu are rir ,. co Per out of the O'- - ecount of.: the. General 0 Otto, the sum o[ Fllty Passed by the Council OCT 17 11y 11. oO to" he an of 1e nc of +fust the Al of _Bt. Pasl,- 'reasoi of Injuries sustain, sot, a.fnil '.on q detective .Yeas - Nays y;sidewglk near No 465 s, ��,�� n the Etat day of February ardriMr. F8 worth f money a j \ ^um of money shall be L MEnie Otto upon the exo; .very of a release lm full -% a foaqmm to be aD➢roved`b, 'om Couneel,'tor al{ dai IvEarliob, 8T _ bt her in the manner -� SECTION L Yr. evident (Irvin), Approved = i Mayor Attest City Clerk. IAI 0 V 8'Y+t DC7(l 0- i q i7 v 4AeJ a.7 7(5 G onf n . 3 nt as •' �aln r GVW a `^' Oc71I`I-t1t7 4� � ^� 0?/ 'T. At�qy714a�_tallry-l`t{� - . CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 18766 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE"c" No. - 2 1917 AUDITED= IB(— 704 Resolved beldrawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereibafter specified funds and that warrants in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite* their respective names, as specified in the following' detailed _ - - - state - t: • by Council OCT �z stt rs;>- Yeas { J) Councilmen C V) Nays . Adopted the am Orth In favor Approved_ (((���"T _;3 IQ17 ��91T , l — 11 !/ Against ` -- Hyland - - _ MAYOR. -- Wunderlich Mr. Preside Irvin - C. r. No. 19766— 8766—.be dra� Resolved that warrants Iof upon the city Treasury, p.,.hl. out the hereinafter epeclded funds and Ia } L ' - favor or theparaons: Orme of eorpora-. tlonefor the atuounte set oDPoelto thele. .8, epeclaed In the 1�;. a pective nameb [oilowing':detalled statement: 9 99 - Lackard Allen, $9.9 ' H. C.-.Boyeeon Co, 533.60. . CItY .Lime & Cement:. Co., ca -._.. ._ _ 5639.56 -. _ Crafteman Pre 53.1 C8.30. Crane & Ordway C Ti5 Statet Berk, Assignee j .Dayton's Bluf Walter; T. Le... Co., $1,637.30- t " &-Tile Co..51,344.66. Draka_Marble - - A. V. Morton; SupL, 548.80- St, Paul Electric113.18. _ J.L, Shle1Y Co.. $383.88: Ulmer Co., 5318.00: Oct 2. 1917: - ., Adopted: by the. Council •- - - Approved' Oct'3, 1837: "-.r - i (Oct. 6-1917) ' 20520 Lockard Allen Pay. - Miss. River Blvd. 521 H• C. Bo eeon Co., 32.50_ Gen. F. -City Clerk -Exp.. 522 "Capital City Lime & Cement,Co., 539.55 Pay. E. 7th St., 523 Craftsman Pres 3.18 Health -Health -Exp. 524 Crane & Ordway Co; 18.30 Fire -C. & Be 525 Dayton's Bluff State Bank, Assignee - 1,5270-30 Walter T. Lemon Co., 'ay. Mies. River Blvd. - 526 Drake Marble & Tile Co., 1,244«56' x School -C: & B. 48.'60 527 A. E. Morton, Supt., AuditoriuM-Sal. 9 528 St. Paul Electric Co., 12.18 Sohool-C: & Be - 529 J. L. Shiely Co., -363.38 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 530 W. H. Ulmer Co., 318.00 F.rm A. 5-11 Sewer C. & R. -EY_p CITY OF ST. PAUL. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - 8767 COUNCILILN0. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM- tt6Y — AUDITEIIQC+T 2 .191 t: 191_ { /% 705 (PER j n.0 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favo of the persona, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed . statement. by CouncilQET 21917 191_ Yeas ( it Cou oilmen ( J) Nays Adopted the L� -2 Ig17 at Orth' . In favor Approv t 191 1 Against Hyland_ MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin a F. No. 18767 ' i . . Resolved that warrants be drawn _ ponthe Illy Treaeu 3, PnYnDle out of , /}�T� . the herelnat[e apecifi d funds, and In� In— ofthe persona arm or car pora- itons for -the amount; act opPoelte their respective nnmoa,ae specified In the followingdetailed statement: { - J. 7. Connolly,.53,376:00. • _ •Electric Feyen Construction Co., $935.00; - y - Keough Rroe:; $1,173.00. ONell&P ton, 59,23650. rChornton -Br $12,750.00. - Adopted by the Council Oct. 2,1917. Approved Oct 2".1917. I — 20531 J. J, Connolly1,375.00 Sewer Clarence 532 Electric Const. Co.,' 5.669.50 Lighting Mounds Blvd -°0 " Mies. River Bd. 4 Miss. 6 5. • 0 533 Feyen Construction Co; , ; 935.00 Sewer xendon 534 Keough Bros., 1,173.00 Grad. Palace . 0 L Grad. Saratoga 0 1 3 536 O'Neil &Preston 8,236.50 Sewer Pascal ,1 Capital Ave. Sewer' 7 8s 0 IF 536 Thornton Bros., 12,750.00 Grad. 9th St. ,. '. Form A. 5.11 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE M0— 18768 BY AUDITEOCT 7 1917 Isl_ .rww--nru PER__ -707- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds aid - in favor.oflhe'persons, firms or corporations for the' amounts set opposite their reopective names as specified in the ' following detailed statement: UC I Fi �J1 Yeas, ( J) Coua men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ `rar orth -"T -2 1917 In favor App 191_ , If 11_AQainst _ Hyland MAYOR " _ Wunderlich • Mr. President, -. Irvin C. F. Ko.".18768= .; Resolved that warrants, be drawn - upon'the City Treasury, payableout of the hereinafter specified funds and Ia . - - favor of the. persons, firma or. corpora.- '. - [lona-for: the -amounts set, Upoelte their. '.. •`+_ *> respective names'as specified in the -. following detailed statement: _ Electric Constr. Co.. $152.15 - Lee & Hoff 3fnfg. Co' E2,000 00 St, Paul Hebrew Institute 5160.00.' Waldorf Bindery Co., $498.50. - Adopted by. the Council Oct. 2, 1917•] _ > Approved Oct. 2, 1917. (Oct 6-1917)... 20543 Electric Constr. Co., 1'52.16 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 544 Lee & Hoff"Mnfg• Co., 3,000.00 C.H. & C.' H. -Equip. 545 8t. Paul Hebrew Institute 150.p0 School -Exp. 546 Waldotf Bindery Co., A 498.50 Library -Exp. " .. it CITY Of- ST. PAUL COUNCH,,RESOLUTI Ni GENERAL FORM r 1_._ � .._ � 18 769 Subject -• . FILE NO .......:. ......... ...:..... :-...... : .« .. .:._...................................... ...... .:...... , Date rC Presented._ -...._ 21917 ..:.._191.. Resolved, That the -proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to John Wichtel, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account , of the General Bund, the sum of $13.00, in partial settlem" t of his .claim for injuries received by him while employed by the Department `I of Public Works on the 2nd day of May 1917. I hereby recommen the pbo.ve )Vee01 ion for passa 1 Co901 iss r 1 otti- t'e., (✓) cil-(✓) Nay. worth o -7 In favor y nd �Kel r o (]�c II _........ Again.t Vu erlich Mr. Prgsidcnt, rvin FORM C A-9 6 7 - 2M tl by ih JC..n.11 Oct. 2,-1917. I� ed Oct. 2. :1917. - (Oct 6-1917) OCT 2 ; 9a 7 Adopted by the Council.._ .... .19t ....... (T 2 I°'.7 Approve .._ ... .... r ..... 1 ...191....... �' r ................................................................................... ................. 1 s :.` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 18770 n Subject: ...:...:.......... ... ............ .....:.. .. _......... ...... T...... .._.... couNCIL .. FILE NO:... .......... ... .....: Date Presented.:-.._ OCT 2 1917.._......191__ rr Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to George Kiley, out of the Worl;nenrs CompeAsation Account of.the General Fund, the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and sixty cents (;21.60) in partial settlement of his claim againat the City" arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ I of the City. on the 23rd day of May 1917. ' C. F. No 18770— Resoled That theproper -City oRi-.1 18770— ,Resolved, are hereby authorued to pay to.; I hereby reo eAd,-t a aboYe Coo.1 Kiley, out f the lvorkmen's mpeneatlon Account of the Genera1li.. rea01uti6n or a a e.' Fund the sum of Twcnty-on .13.11— and sixty ollarsandsity cent. ($21.60) 1n partial. set- tlement. or his claim .9.1 net the City arising by reason of InJuries received by him while In the employ of the i omm`eeioner 1 e• rYa. Clty, on the 23rd day of May, 1917: Ad,Died by. the Council Oct. 2,.1917. I.i ADprpved Oct.2, 1917 -� (Oct 6-1sj7). .I Mess (✓) Co cil— (✓) Nay. _ ECT 2 191 f Pfar worth `'� : - Adopted by the Council, .......... ..... ..... ......... °.:.191 ....... os /........_In favor ,X�e11 r 0 Approved .I 1 191 ,.. II (/ ....._. Against erlich Mr. PrBii I. Pe tion Council File No.................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby` proposes the making of thePolI" mg public improvgment by the City/of St. Paul. viz.: ..............:�.._+ G....«.,....C_•..::....Z1..,�......u.w..a..�:_:.,~.m..�.0 .f vie id e ori 16112:1�Q2 aY.Q.�Q ..�.a ............ __----_211.....t_'._5;v e . - j, n:c• oto 1�-.-_!.- 3dp7..!r: Xi..- aL..Q...i~'.:u ^ C.ilesJ,.------- _ Dated this ............ ?=rl.......day of .....Q.Q ...... .... r .. ..... 191....7.... I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . et:--cm. -=�h e--_west sine of 3<.I'<_�R.:>.w_.:1..vE'.s�...:...:_ql:l.._J.�..:os_:::s]dt_<.Y.�:_.—G.Q-_.YiLC.e--.fit..-._cr.�....1�n_..the Y, _.....-_..... n4'::' :..�. 1 ...4 - s 1.�' c _ ,_1 io t.. a ............... ............................. ................ _................................ ............... ..... .._......................... .:................. __........ :......... ..... .... ................. .......... . •tw s�a having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul byCour l x„ 21ll............................... . —.-•--••• - s t therefore, be it .w; o pe ee op city as ° m' ~" red and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work--, a8v o-s�„1} ,pl �, h- ill To investigate the necessity for or desirability of 1F` 61 q ' ect d; h I I .ment. I, ° �4 tlirate thec xa� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costnlr enly or the making g qd the total cost thereof. -e Investigate the nature• 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improve me Im„ ted cont .ala Im ,d•the total cont thereof 4. To furnish the following other data and information relarurnn Hent,_........__ :..................... •aimd ln plan. Profmpr°vem1 _ snlsh the tolo�vl ...................._-....................:..................:-'ormatlon rslntl3:.....-_..:.-.....:.-............... .................... ...._ 5. I To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on theii6ition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. .Yeas: Nays: . Councilman worth ' GApproved.............. ..._.......... ......................:_:......1918....._ Hy nd 1 6, Ke r I Mayor Ir Mayor. "LISHED/ Council File No `::!�.22P a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i and PRELIMINARY,ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the mak' g of the flowing public improvement by the y of St Paul, viz.:......... ��....L�.._r.@ .C7T.....ti;L':..D.�::,Ca _rria n of f.4evo 4:.--�C!.1.._cl.Q v__a..S��..._4x....iiR.::k<_t1S1 1' _a1i..?9se St. .......... ---- ..... �nex�s.._s.a:ztr...1s.Q.. eet� ._..._... --- !.:_.........._..... !- ;-----.�_. --.........._....._......._ -- - _..._ .._..--_ _- - - ;._:__... - --. Dated this .2n1l_.duy of ................... ................ ............ _ 191: 7 a / Councilman. I v` PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makin� of the following improvement, viz.: �,. - ........ _... .........�4.CQ.:. _:.iLtn of . ............ a_i...ieG.'.it.,.....Ar...;i..:�..:Le;.�..t..�wG_..A`�c:.@...;it.....i.E2,*'g..at_taa�..�.t.�.,..._y}�erce ......._ ..Ott�e.e..------...------_ ....... ........... .............. .................... ......... ................ _.............. ............. -................ ............................. _.:._,............. __................. _..... .... ......... ... ... ......... . yr ai A� , having been presented to the Council of the City of St: Paul by CoureRt••p1 Bentea r ............ ......... therefore, be it 1e city of st. ram. 1, . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works J tco R. he and henie ne env 1 and directed: and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of th. i ln,cvt o trne he neceskingsity sant: 2. To investi ate the nature, extent and estimated Ci ToRInvestigate the nature• erten g estimated cost of saIca id prove.1e total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improven;o"dfoh.rn i n tau cv t t1mr onio o; o[ said Improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information o furnish r i matron following cute:nt;_............................................. :ent. ..._................ .-.................. ................................... ........................................... ............ ........... ate whether or not r.................._..._.....:............................_. le. asked for,.. .,.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for onl,--•petition of three or more owners. fl.To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council'.... .. �i�1......, ..........191...... . . Yeas:' Nays: Councilman Far worth ( T - I° GApproved ...:..._..__._...._........ ..... _ ......................191........_ H nd l./ Ke er M o (/ W erlich t Ir w —_......................... ........ Mayor ....... Mayor'.or'._........... . row. n c -s - ' lUIiLIS1�D �� 1i0 conno Q' Q_:..�`�ll:.' - Council File No ....:...:........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and J .1, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the,, follow' g public improvementthe- City, of` St. Paul, viz.:.... C.o.X0.4 _.4 1 s c u�szi a ra. lze i 1 �a� ae. .. ........_....... . a_._ ......... ._.. ................... ...... -..._...... �. —. ......:....... ._ ..__..:_ ._...._.,— ..._............ ............... Dated this. ............ y of ....LktiQ.,a:C.1V.................... ..... ... ....................... 191 ....x. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Yl .. .•1 n -- r. ' ' - LL•lL._.�1.._i11� ....... ............ tp.iiQQ..Qaat...._H.v .................__.................................................................._....I.... ................. .......... .......,...._........a.........:........................._............................................. _. I. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Conncilman..........................................._..... ...................._.. .. the .. - therefore, be ith .. 'Preeante!a th Clty or 8t Paul, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public A, that the_ commisstom-eby ordered and directed • ° works be and he Is hero1,3,. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabi'.nd directed. 'fm rovement. Investigate the neceselty p 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti Icnhiuty or the making or s.Rent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of trrovem�nt• ,�.., To Investigate the not—9, e' ' td estlmnted cost of aid I., 4. To furnish the following other data a"'ent, and the total cost the `d improvement;_ ...................................... To .furnish o Plnat Vr •ch of said ImPrefo,e T .... ...:.............................:....... ............_........._. .. .....� r, 1 h the' [oli1....... — ............ ....... — .......... —....................................._. •ion rein; - 5. To state whether or not said improvi ,: the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..._W.D. ..... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanXTC worth goApproved. ............. __ ...........................................191.......... qlvinnd ' er / r.., oil derlich ..... ........ _....... _................... ......... ........ MayomIr Mayor. roan a a•s 'RIBLI SHED Io 1 Council File No.... .........✓ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �LCy 7 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following }public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:_i�_C3.p..v.:.t: Ro.�..,...._s.1 a.t. cfa Ir 'he..a.ane 1e. _a y�er: 11....t.o.... ��idth A o� r:ix- feet o;i,_tn o c iiur�.14Ei.feeti..ewst of Dated this �'.�.115=.:;.....day of. N.Q. 1.9.'v.9.r......_ 191 I .... Codneilma'n. `PRELIMINARY ORDER. I WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Re" o .. ....._.:._....._ _.._. Y -�_._._... sfeet i o r :r ......_. ...:..:..........ir .__...._....----o ..._..,..._A i�,�l.S1_ 9iiS:11:.9 it u.......xIL'� _:.,i.�._.Jsl:i_.1L'.L:�.....C'.L:.Ci.�. Of r .............. _....... .__...—..._.................. ...... ....... ........... .............. .... ......................... .................. _............................. ............... ........ ....................... ..................... _.._i ......_....__.......... having been presented to the Council of the City.of St. Paul by Councilman...............a' ,.._................... ......... _........:.._ . t of therefore, be it feet, navinh_ . 'thG .:uncle. of. the'. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and *: `that the Commlealoneld directed• eorks be d Irected and he Is herebyi 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the mak, dI,biv gale the necessity 1 2. To investigate the nature, ex�ent and estimated cost of s m 1°" °t the making of ; total cost thereof. a investigate the mt—, exi, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement tlmnted coat nt dam mora.i th and e total coat thereof. 4. To furnish the following other data and information rele of said °iroe�o elme t. °rorit. ro furnish the fol or and Information relate; wAethe* " 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pets :.;a of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the:...:........191 .._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmakTar sworth V6os Approved...... ' 191......._. Iq" and T ( f R' er U derlich t Mayor 1r Mayor.. roaw a c�a �/J Vt;ttL[StiiD__�/ --------------- 'S/ry 5� ' COUNNCM FIDE By .. �G t r(Q^^%...'...•..... ••.............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of.......9.I?.eC..i:;i ,...:+'.+.i.d.eni.n..And ...exteAlr.i.11E3...x.Q...;..J:i�Slxh.,.Qw....S.ixty......._ _f._e.@_t jiulblard,:-3t....... 1-ron..Z.exir_:t,on._..,ie, ov.ex....0.ztd...a.crnSS... .a.s.e...:•Yal.akl.........:. Add.i.t.ion. to _the west line o+i.:n er.'s.�.d�ii.tl.o.n..:...p�..i�...RP.e�1.�.^..�..to............... con. orn.,to__t; e.lin s__ + iiubba._d St,...a_s_.1G_id g., t-,-- 1_<..__;.i- iir,'.er'Is e... 4 :. ................. .. ....d.... --.......................... .dd.it.i.o.n.,_ in, a.cc,ordance. t_o-..the-„plGn_,nereto...attr,chec___A nq_.-trade-.,a.................. part hereof. under Preliminary Order.......... 1.7.851.............................approved .:............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ' above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Open.1....wider...................... ...._jt......from._Lexington-_Ave,_ over and across 3ose ion to the w............................................tfiner!� _ t. •---.-.-•-- dition,, saidopenin to conform to the lines of Hubbard St, as ......................__-..-............_................_......_....................................-..................._............................... lai.d...ouv....i.11. sa...id....ti7int_e=-'..... ddi...... :__ir,_.accordance...t.o.tne..pla.n.................... hereto attached and trade a part hereof, ........................................................................... _............................ .................... _ ......... ..... -...... ....:.... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 600..00........_. ReaolVed VVI -cher, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......-.27.th .............day of (/ .................C.t.ok eS ...... ..__.....-, 191:_7. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber ,of.the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give noti0r, ' of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total Cost thereof as estimated. P �j ��✓1... Adopted by the Counul'. t✓ r:, 191..;:__ . � l Approved.................................................... 191 Cit CYerk. 1 � .:urd `si: Mayor. Council Farnsworth .na rose:'. the -weal line uald ,opening to-, Council boss - ,- - - a of Hubbard at as ' Counci gland wi lora aualuon, m ad. E. �� th the, an hereto attached an- ,part'hereof, with no alternative VMISI- COLLIICIIID eller -et the. estimated copt thereo 5410 00. Councilor ecollo :'Ree 1 be a,that a pu /�' ring ed had on the mproveme Councilm Ounderlielt the 27th ear of oct ber ]sf7 'ho f.10 oclock: A: M in t ll Chamber o[ the Court Hou hleyor }ri tY Hall Building In the city... y. d That the commissioner, wit Form B. S. A.. G give notice. of said meetlnr.aurl !ons and In the manner the Charter, stalln the .,1 �1! •e of hearing, the ,,: •�enrand the t, V - t 16776 Na l? i COUNCIL FILE NO............................ By...:............. ..... ................. ............... .................... .... - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..::..reoonetructin�,..._relaying,..and--repairing._with•_cement.•_•• w t.i.le...t.a----�_w at. ...Q'f 9...�....feet...t.be.._Qement...t.i�.e:...s.3dav�el ..:an... kze _seat----.....---•- side,._of.,-b,inne.eota-- St_.--:betrinning•.at---Third--St-.••_thence-,_north-.90.•;feet......... ....................................................... ............. ...................................... .................. ........................................ --................................ ...................................--...........---........-------....................................................---.....................-----.......-•----•--................................ tinder Preliminary Order .........17877............................approved ................. Au9-;.._4.,....1917............................. Intermediary Order---..........................................................approved............... ......................................... 1............... .....:.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having' heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haying fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- 2 ment to be made by the said City is Re.QonetTUCt,-„relay--and..rspair-,with•••g-Qlnent ............. t.i-1,e.._t_p.-•-,width._of...°,.b... est_..the.-cemAnt_ ti.le....sidewalk:-_on;„the ._e4st...:...... ... t...... be.1ZJnninR,.,At Third.. St ._thence.:north-,90 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and lirected.to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance herewith Adopted by the Council., j 41l—A –L.61 . ..--. 191.1 ..................... .....;...... ....... ........... City Clerk. Approved:: _.... .. 191....... . fa r Thereto, and a the - ... ..........--” ................ smet ......-....!.'.................... Council of the City Mayor. Ne.•precl.e nature; ea- Couneilm arnsworth of Improvement to be i as Clty Is: Reconatrpet. COUDCIIID 099 1r .alth cement the to a et th cemont' the atde Councilm yland c else at an.ne uta st.. Couneilm eller /1 Ird St., thence north 90 v unci. hereby orders enid �Councilia Connoilm kieColl be made. her that[he Commie Wunderlich w ke be and Is here a dl ected to prepare Mayor Ifyi at.... f-- said .m- cub It , a to tth, wa t'. tpon .nt -- Form B. S. A. 8 ;.,Ial ,4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE T��2 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .. reccn..etruct r,.b, xel{iy.itlg_..and_repairing _.m1th....cemeni..:_ti.t.le....t.c...a___................. _ width _of 9.5..feet,...the_.-e.ement__.t..i.le....ai.dew alk _on..the._. east ..:..aide..of....Kinnezota c Street beginning at Third Street,. thence north gc fset + _....- .... _..__.._........................ _.. . ...- ............. ------ .. . .. _.._ .._-. .......... ....... . .. ....._. ..........._ ..__. under Preliminary Order approved ..._AuguBt 4th,... 1917. _........_...:.. ........_' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is .$..._......._---- _------ ....._........ _..... .. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -,:$........_1_`_05........... _....... _.._.__.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED- VALUATION We Bt 22 feet of TO 11 25; St. Paul Proper 18,300 i TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports 'that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. c i Dated.. . D _.... �. _ . _.191 ..z�L'C' L Commissioner of Finance: Form R: B. 13. • Office. of the Commissioner of Public Works, 1 "Report to Commissioner of Finance August_ 17th' .:........191_?._ L , To the Counmissimier of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn., ail, known as Council File No 17877 .........apAu et 4th ......... 191.._7., rehitive to._...._........ .... ._... proved................ . reamatructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a ..................... .nidth....of....9..5.....faeL.,.....the...semen.t._t•i1.e._:aidewalk....on_...the. east--aide ...... .......... of....Mnneaota..:.St_.beginning _..at.....Third.... St.... ....thenae....north -9II_..feat......... ....... .....- and having investigated tile matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement as .................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per lineal foot • xxxx L. The estimated cost thereof is,$_................... ............. and the total cost thereof is$................ ................ .............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as folloi s. ......t.. ................................ ......................................................... _ .................... ....................... ............... ...................................... ................ _........... .............. _................... ........... .................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1............................ ......................... ................................. ........ ...................... :.._....... .................................. _.................. ................................................................. ................ ...._. 5. Said improvement is_.. n .t..............asked for upon petition of three or amore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ......... .......................... . .... _..... _........................ .................. onunissio er of Public Works. C N COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............. ....... ............................................. .......... A FINAL ORDER ILG7147 In the Matter of. P.Q.11.6tXq0ling a Q.ejzlent tllp aldcAaLIX to a..midth Q.f ........ ..... ...................... .................. ......... .......................... ............. .................................................. ................................................................................................... : ............... ...................................................... .......................... ................................. ............ . ..... ..... ........... .. .............. ............. ..... ..................... ...................... .............. : ........ . . ......... ............... ....... ... . ......... .. ........... ................. ........................................ under Preliminary Order ....:...17999........... pproved ............ _Auz,_Ws, ............... Intermediary Order ......... ................ .......... approved .................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvementl upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- maut to be made by thesaidCity i ....... 60,nstruc.t a oemant t1le .sideWalk_to a_WAdtb of six feet -on the east side of Sue -St. from Fairmount Ave ............. ...... ...... .... . ..... ............................. ......... .. . ....... .......... ........................ ........ - ................ ........................... I ........ ......................................... .......... I ................ ............................. ............................. i ........ ....... ...... _ ..................................... ............... .......................... .......... ...................... ...................................... . .. __ ...................... ................................ .................................................... ...................... ...................... ............................................. ............. .............................................. ....................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval; the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council oda"� . ...... 191 . . ........... .. ........ 4 ........ ............................... 'City Clerk. Approved.................. i .......... . ......... T 191 ................... ersons. In the Council havl.g objection � r 'ition. relative theaand thereto council III)SWorth fully considered and' Co I be It the W..: t' unci toss `T�soived, by the council of the Council an/Tylaild f at Paul that the pre I I'- end IzI.d of mad by Co eller ',h,,'. '' C iY I.- Confit el -" feet catsidewalk. improvement to Council taujMcColl r -- the cast .1d. of If am Fair.. 7 d , un Ave to Grand' Council an underli0i an the council hereby orders s It I Pr—ornent in be ads . a Mayor I n Resolved Further tra stoner 11'PublIc 'V�rl� L by instructed and direct Form B. S. A. 8-7, PPr'NUcn,'e'ndt, 'RPne,d'fl`atlonr 1 submil FOunrll for, appro%,al; t oprova , t a proper c11 —bl authorized d - with the _ CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PREWAR Y ORDER (>� In the Mahler of ._cons_truct_ing.a:_eP_rent tile, sidewalk_ to a_width of _six-, fee .,on the,__.: east aide of Sue Street,_. from Avenue to..._Grand__Avenue...__.-.,.;_--....._. __....._...,- _.... . . ........................ . ........................... -.-__...._..... _.. ........ ......... _.. __.._. .. •............... .... _........ ....... ..... .................. ........ _............ _ .:....:._._ _ _. _.... ......_ .. .. ................ _................. ... _... _....... .._..._ . .... -.. - - .............. _ -_.. _.._..._..... ....._ ........... _..... _ _........_ .. ... ....... .......:............ ...................... _.............. .. _ ._.. _.._ .... ..:..- ................................. ............. _... _...._ ._ ... .. ....... ........................... _.................... _... under Preliminary Order approved Allqust__aOth,- 1917.. .... _._..... .............. .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $...._ .............. ...:........._...... _.__.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $._._..........._x_66.:..._ ....... _.__._. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13, 1 Underwood's let Add, to 4,575 12 1 the City of St. Paul 2,100 All of 11 (Except St.) 10 Moyian's Addition to the 900, (Except St.) 3: City of St. Paul 300 (Except Street) 43, 4 Rosedale Park 375 So. 65 ft. of E. 20 ft. of 10 4 _ 3,600 .i Ex.80.65 ft. of E. 20 ft. of- 10 4 5,775 i F - y r I TOTAL, II 17,525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........ .. j -.�: ..i..........._191... ... _...'.C.;_ f _ Commissioner of Finance. Donn H. B. 13 -- Office of the ComrpWioner. of Public Works .` Report to Commissioner of Finance August 1?thylsl7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...1998 nppi•oved._...._AUgRBt 1Ot11s.... .......... 1SI1...7., relative to .. oonstruoting a oement tile Sidewalk to a width of eix feet on ahs_...e.aat....side .:..1-18.ua....SIT .4.et.. from Fairmount. _Avenue to___Grand_._Avenue . and having investigated the Mattets and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._........... ....... _necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot xxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............. .................... and the total cost thereof is )....._....... .............., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......:................... ................... .:._.__.... .......;...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto it and made apart hereof. ............................................. ................__._........._............_..._.........................._........................... ....... ........................ ....... • :i. Said improvement is........... _......... ............ asked for upon petitiot'of three or more owners of property, subject t: to assessment -for said improvement: < I I .................... ........� ...._ ....... Commissioner of Public Works. St. Paul, Minn. 74PI 17 .191.. To the Honorable, The Council, City,of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,— Wb, the entlemen,Wb,"the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the `following improvement to be made: a•six.foot cemeut,sid@ walk,on yhg gapt,elde of,Sue,Str.,,from Faitmount to. Grand. Ave., :balm . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. i ---NA-_�-- — — --_ ( LOT ( BLOCK Q ADDITION . . . . •.. . . . .((j. . .... .... . .. .............. ( ( ( ... ..... .�..�...�. .. TD TP o. 171.7, f7F I 2-4 'AM 13 BUREAU OF E;,(11NEERS,j COUNCIL FILE NO............................. By....................... ................................. :...................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of........eonet,ructing..a..cement_,.tile.:,aideWalk-.to,•,a_�1.... Of ............ sixfeet on bot................................................................... . OhioSt. ................................................ ...................... ....... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ................................................. ........................... ........................ ....................... ..................................... ........................................ _..._....................._.................................:..............................:_......._....._..........................._.............:_._............................._..... under Preliminary Order . ..... ........17793 ........... :............ approved ......... July...SQ.,...1917....... .-.... ...._................ Intermediary Order ......:.::.... ................ ......... .... ...... approved .............. .... _..... ........... ............... _...... ....... ..... ....... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...._ Construct_ a.- cement,..tile_,.sidewalk.._to.-_a_width...... of-..six•..feet-•.on._both._side_s of._,Stevens- St..___from..Chane.`ton__St ....to ......... ....... 4h..i.o....t..., ......................................................... .................... .:._............................. ............r....................._. ............. ...........: ................ :............................ .._.......,....................... .................. ....-........................... .................. ............. ...+e Improvement i' d the Council havine , na; objections and ....................................... lone relative thereto, and - - Ily considered the: same; th, ..:..................................................................................................................e It. .. ived, by the Council of the C and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.'"' pi i at the lmProv nater"' e by the sold!Clty PIs: Coy RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publint •tus sideaulic to a 6IdJ)y instructed and directed , to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and gbSt. to o Ohio of Stevens, ands council for approval; that '-braes asla Imprn•� upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorize. order. .d proceed with the making of said improvement in. accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ... ..b. 191 Y . .�..., ..11. . i City Clerk. Approved.. ..................... 191...:.... Mayor. Council rnsworth Council oes Council ylaud % / 17 Council n Keller WBL1S1iT D Council n ifeColl 0 \ Council Wunderlich JJ bfayor n Form B. S. 8-7. CIT T. PAUL F(Al' .:tJ A' •' DEPARTM OF FINANCE ,- � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMRY ORDER In the Matter of........Cori:a.tr..UQ& ng_...4._.0.eza.9.A.t .lily.: sidewalk t ..._ r :d_t .,of :eix..;feet .......................... _both.. sides :.-of-Stevena_.S.treje-t....fxam:._Oharle.ton...Street....to...Ch.io...S.tr.ee..t .......... .' _. _........ ... ............ ........... _, ................. - .... _ _..... -. ........... .............. ...............: .:........._. _ .:_:. ... _...._...._. _ ...................... _ .._.. . _. ...._.. _.......... .._ I _. _ - ......._.. __..:... ......... __. ...... L ........ .................. - ........... ........................ .......... ...... _ ._......._..... ....... ... - ........... ....-......... . under Preliminary Order approved ..._._Ju1730th,•_1p17 ............ ,........ _._.................... ..................:...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $........__......_.. L ........ . The estimated cost per foot for the abode improvement is $:j,�.6...................._ __.. The lots or,patcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp>ovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT-BLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 10 Dawson's 6aditirL to i 175 10 10`; St. Paul 200 9 10, 2300 8 10 I 1350 - 7 1(. - 1850 i 6 - 10 4075 13 : 11 1400 13 11 1 1500 I I 14 11 : 1350 I---- - -- ____--• - ----- _._-.. .-- -- --- - -._ __ ___-:1-100- --�— TOTAL, Form B. B - 30 _— � i ' clrr. sr. r WL DEPAR OF FINANCE { .•��. - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' OESCRIPTI.ON. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDIO VALUATN 16 11 T)alrson' z. Addition to 1100 1 llf St. Paul. 2350 j I The Commissioner of Finance further reports *that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._... _'..�. 7..... ...... ..191....l!1..,..4� GILLGI!t! i Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 12 .. ,� i I� � I ie i ++ � � /. (3 , � j , � 1 � y J `% � I. �. r re o ie Cnunci];,; Cis:;, of 3t. Faul. cUMAps`;� G wi'ek Uf. NUS � v - (:e�.tic-nen:- WoltkS i' ';;e, ti:eunder : ;;ned property o':;Hers, do i:ere",y tion ur cof.cracle body, to ave ?idev:el laid on 1:.o .r: si(IL e^ of'Stevc::s °.tre,:t,. from C-arleton to Ohio. -------- -------- ----Adrirese-------------- "Olt ---- -- t l �,r � Off! � �� �,,, �y '`^.�°�-•-� �i°''�'i7 ;, l7t- hum 1917 Office of the .Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .F i I Augu t......1Tth, lsl?._ To the Commissioner of Finance of-the City of St, Paul: - I The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No approved ..............Jing,. 30th, ,._,..•,,,,••1x17..._., relative to _ ......._oonetruoting.,s:;.Dement_.a_ile;...p..QA*.en...a.R ._.►.ictxb..._a ...._jai...f..e.o.t:....on............... I both sides of Stevens Street from Charleton Street to Ohio ...-..:...... ....... .......:.............................. _.... _..................... ....... _...... _........... _.................. _.................. ....... _........................ _............. _.................... _........ _.... _................... ..................... St. .......:..:....._..._..........._..._......_..................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 66# ,per lineal foot xxxxx 'l. The estimated cost thereof is ..... ...... ................ . and the total cost thereof is ....:_................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... ..... ..... ............ ............... .... .......... _....... _._.-:_....................... _............ _..... _...... ..............__........................._.........._...................._._.....-.........-......._..................._..._...-._._..,........................._._.._.....-........._.._...........................-..........._...._..............._.........._...... . I A plain, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde apart hereof. 4............... ......................_ ....................... . _......................_..._..._ ................_................................................_............... ....... 5. Said improvement is ............. __... —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ C stoner of ublie Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... By........................ ........................................................ A FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ....c.o.n.. .e.. .t..r.. .u.. .c.. .t.. .i.. .n..g a ..o.e.m.en't dY.AY.. -ew...ay tq...a wAAAh...o.f six fe.e.t .... op tbjp tp-.d Ao..Q& Qf .............. -..Victoria. ..S.t ... ..... tAeAc.e w.e..B.t eight.................................................................................. . ......... ........................................ ..................... ................... .................... .................... ............................. ............................................ ......................... ............................................................. ...................... ............................................................................. .................................................................. .......................... ! ...... ................... I ................... ................ ........................... under Preliminary Order .........17880 ........................... approved.11_1917 .............................. Intermediary. Order ........................................... .................. approved ............. .................................... ............................... I A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is qqnptruct a cemen dri w Y.,..t-o. a. width.. of.............. ........... ............. ........ . ..•..... . .. . ..... .. 0U.1 "t..n.Ahe ePqtb AIAP-Pf Aqro.rA Ave.,-)D.e.91441ng Ul-..fe.et weat of ... V. into r. i a St ........ thencia weat elglat..feat_.. ..................... ........... It ................................. . -via and ................. i.eto, .: ....... ... d the—e_ the Council of tfi • .. ............................................ ........................... .. ...................... ......... ....... 11 !hat the precise natur ........... kind of Improvement the said City. Is: C— nt driveway to -a. width o ... ........... .... the .9. th aide of Aurora and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. "3 feet want of vic west eight feet. and rab, , orders pald�ilmp,j RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be unmade. and directed rurther. that th -on •:. prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit samebll- works be .1 fi), lipproval; that .�e,nd llre.W, re upon said approval, the proper city officials ahereby authorized and direc !If' tG[,P.,ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council .......... 199 ............... "'y "er, Approved.................................................. 191- ........................................................................ Mayor. CouncilmlParnsworth Council � oss CouncilM' Myland Counci Beller 14 IMIL Council McColl Council Wunderlich WM'ISHM y77�47 Me, 'of. Form B. S..18-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN' OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISNER OF FINANCE. t°� (Dl ON PRELIMI ORDER I ` � /� ,c' c3 re ii ro y 8' '/�! � I� s � Z � __ _ _ �_.__1�� �,; , AAZ ' Office. of the Commier- of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August ..:17 t h ,..... _........191 _ ?_ To the Counnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cmnmissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- ml; known relative to a 7880 approved .._Au�tlet_.............191...._7, ...._.._ s Council File No ...1...... .._.._. oonstruoting s._aement driveway to.,.s, width, of six fact on the.._ _:__.. eaut.h:....Sid e.....Qf:.:. Aurora.:..Avenue....... b.eginning__3.6:1..fAdt.:._Xe s.t..:.-a,f...V.ioto.ris.. Street, thenoe',weet eight Feat._ .. .. ....................._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:_.:....... .........necessary and (or) desirable. 16¢ per square footIu Z. The estimated cost thereof is $_.......... _........ _........ and the total cost thereof is $-_... _.............. ..•......., and .the nature and extent of said improvgment is as follows: .... ........... ............. _.... _............................. ....... . _._.......... .......... V....................:..........._..........._............. 3. A plait, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a. hart hereof. ...._..................:................:._._...._........_................ _......._......... ... 5. ,Said improvement is, _..... _....................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 Con}n.isai uer f Public Works. FINAL- ORDER In the Matter of......_constructing a cement_.tile.__sidevralk to _ -_a width of ............ _six_ set on, the south side -of Se-lby-.Ave.._between Cretin Ave: .... and ............. t...Mar.lb.or nu gh...St ..................................._........................................:..................................................... ............ _.. _ _ .......................... ............... .......... ,:.....:....... _......... _..................................................---...................................... ......... _.................... _....................._....:.............................,..:. _......... ...................... -..:.. ....... I ............. ... _......__ ........... _... under Preliminary Order ._._:,7 $0. 4 ........ ............. ....... approved ......... ALlg.....1.1.1...1917... ............. .........._....... IntermediaryOrder ........... ......... _..... _ .........................approved .......... .... .................................. ........... ........ .. A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Coun&il having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......C.Qnatni.Q.te...Eb...C.P.M.e 1ti...ti1le....BiS elTa.lk. tQ.---6-3m dti. ...::. of .six .feet on the south side of Selby Ave. between Cretin Ave. ............................................................................... and Marlborou_'Yl._St.t..t...................................... . I :- - h. .. w . ,ce, and ti : e, ' ............................................................ ........................... ............. ..i Perrone. .objev,.. •..... i.'.::................... .............................. - nendatlonsrelative shute.. :ng fully considered the am .......................:.................. __ .............. ................................. fare, be. It .........................................._........ Resolved, by theCouncll 08. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be of at. Paul that the predlse n:: set and kind of improve-, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of?ac me ai nix City Is: instructed and directed .feet on the south elde o[ t to prepare plans and specifications for said improvementween Cretin Ave. and ars„ Council for approval; that nd the Council her by of upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby all t_ •ement eo be n; rectcu to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, A Adopted by the Counril.O.CGt..O,r>!tC. ...e1: ............................... .....:. / . i ..... City C erk. :lpproved.................... ........, 191....... U . ..................... ............. .- Mayor. Councilmaritsworth — Councilma os, 7 l'ouneilmelle Councilman IcCoTlj/ Councilman underlich �1RTfSLISI�D/U Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8- CITY CyrAUL J DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI NER OF FINANCE { ON PRELIM ORDER In the Matter of .___oona_tructirg..a ce�,�Lt _vll�,. si3e elk to...a width. of -six feet on ._...-._._ _ the.._ south.. side... of.....3a lby...Avenu.e. between. Cretin Avenu.e...and.....Kaxl.boxaugh....S.tre.et.:..__.._ ................. __ ....._...---_.................. _.. .......... . ....... _..:.__........._.._...--- ................ __... _.......... _................. ..... ............... .. _._... ........... _ .... - . _._......... _ ... ... ... ........ _...... _ .....:. ... under Preliminary Order approved ...._.__ AAust_ 11th,.. 151'i_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.._...._..._ ... .................. ... .... _...... _.: The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.,.:_ .66- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Assessed VALUATION 1 57 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey Co.', 500 F 2 .57 :iinn 475 3 57 475 4 57 475 i 5 57 475 6 :57 475 7 57 1675_ _- 1 Reuth'a Rearrangement 2975- . TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and . hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to, said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.._.... 7...:. ..191..... Commissioner of Finance. r Office of the Cornmissi�'er of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August....:1.?_th., ..: .......... 191.7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pail].• i The Connuissioner of Public Works, having had Under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- i cil, known as Council File No 18034 ........ .... approved _.... ............... 161 relative to............ _..._.._ aonatruo.t.ing..s...cement__t.Ue.....aUffmalk... t.o::.. ....width:....of.....SIX ._S_a.et.....OA .....__ o i she.,,Qouth Ae,.,of,.,$,alb.y....pv...enue batwesn.. Cretin Avenue.__and .... ............... ......_... Marlborough Street ..... _..............._........................................_..........................._..................._..........._.._.....__............. . i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.............._necessarY and (oi•) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot ......._. and the total cost thereof is �........... ..XXXX and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_............ _.._. -�-�� the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ................ .......... ............ ..... ... _.......................... _........... _........... _..... ......_. ..... ........... ........................_..._..........................................._........_............_..........._..................._.............._............_..............._..................__.._......._..........._...................._....._................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde a part hereof. ............................._..............................._........._............_..........................._.._..................._.........:...__............._.........................................................._.... 5. Said improvement ie__ .....................:...askedi for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject a to assessment for said improvement. :.........:........ ........................... ................ ....................................................................... + Conuuiss uer of Public Works. .. EIPAUL.MINN. ..duly 218t, 1917. i t?on, V. R. Irvin, 149yo.r of St.. Paul. i i Dear Sir: Via. the undersigned, petition the city council 'for a sidewalk, located on the south side of Selby Avenue, between Cretin and 1�arlbrough. ^rusting that you will give this your prompt attention. r d r �j AUG 13 191 ` DtIREAtI Ur Lu�tiiEERS. _ w i - I�\' f COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... ...... By_....: ................... ........:...... i ................................... . FINAL ORDER In the Matter _ ;�..ath.._of....QiX._fet-the...4.emen....t.1.?e ��deall ..c.r> th...noz.th............ side of Rondo St. beginning 40 feet. east of Fi.ek.._St,-,-,..tbence__eaet............ 20 feet, ............... .................. ................ ................ ............. ._,:........:.. f............ ............................. ._................................... ... ......: .... ... _ _ ...:........._ _...: - ............ ............ _.:._ _.............._:.....__._...._.__......_..._._......................._...- _.}__.... ...........-....... ................... ................... ........ ander Preliminary Order17879:..............._.......__approved ......... Ayg,... -.,,-,1917.........._.:.-.............:.....:_ Intermediary Order .......... approved ...... _... ............................................ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon a notice, and the Council having Beard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......Rego;l.st;'uCt,._:-re.la}r and repair. wltlicament............ t 11 e...to...A::H.idt.h..:af....aiX.:.feet....th---g.em�mt--.t.il�-..side calk._on...the...north......:.._ side .of Rondo St. beginning a0 feet east of Fiek.._St .,-..thence-_east.___._-__•, 20 --feet, -....................... :................................... ... :................ ................................. ..................... ..................... .....................- -......:..................:......_.._...................... ....:............------.....-------................................... ......................................................................... .................. :..... .............................................. ............................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th rewith. i 1 / � 1 f �, Adopted liy the CoI`.. J: s i✓` Ci' Cl Approved . r ^-r ... :... ' .....:.... 191. ..: Uas ol 1 ct1 n a K ... ,. / 1 to to,.an ���JJJ 111 -- Bredthe same: t..............:......................................................... ��.��,//.-.:�br. the c u oe the el. Mayor. Council u%kr& nsworth kl dt t[ {5 th Id City Is Rec tru, COIIIIC71 811 .(IOS:i 1 p lr with - meht file Council 8II * Il l - f t f et th -meat tll .std - the - north id u R. d s, ('OIIIIC71 an Eet' K 1C [ et t f Fisk SL. D !> t zo feet a the council ")BUSHED/ Council anmire ll U - are aala Improvement to be Council an underlieii r burlic works t the Co1. Mayor - here. ted and directedn to prepare --- - d apeelactitlons for said im- n�d aubmlt same to the - Form B. S. d•i. tent noon eats pro. j ^ove, I '717.{ - w CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMA SSIONER OF FINANCE U °C ON PRELIft4RY ORDER In the Matter of ...reconstructing, relaying and regiiring with cer ent tile to a __ .. width of., aix. ,fee_t,. the.......9eB.en.t_.tile.._eidewa.l.k on ...11 of Rondo Street,beginning 40 feet east of Fisk Street, they=ce _ ._.... east 20 feet. __......._ ...___._.. .......__... _ .. _..._..... . ........._ _ _......_._ ....... ._ ._.--......._ .......... _ _.._ .-_ ....._ _..__....._. ... ...... .._._....... .. ........... .................. ........... ........ ...... ......... _....... .... _._................ __....__. ...._.__... __.......... ...... .... ._........ ..... .._. ........ .. ........ ._............ _._. ___... _.._. .............. .:......_-...._......... under Preliminary Order approved _..._..August. 4th 1917. ........... _........... .^.. ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$............... ..... ... ........ ___..__..,.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $_......:7_66 .. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT sLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED ?1 3, Peans Second Addition 475 To St. Paul. is a TOTAL.i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.............�..1...Tiu......._.._.__.. Commissioner of Finance. Form A. B. 1.1 ' To the Counnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Can" - P.879 Au et 4#th r ° .......191:?..., relative to ............. ......... cil, known as Council File No.::.._.... -....approved........... reoonstruoting, -..AAA repairing sith._cement_._t,fle__tp„_;._............ ... width .....of eiz fact_,...._the...:Gement_._tile..._.@idew,a7�c...o1 .....tbe...nostk1.....Side .......: ............................ of Rondo Street, beginnipg 40. feet-eset_.of..F1_ek..,8treet......then.......... .........__..........__._.................._............... .................. .... east 30 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to, therein, hereby reports': 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 66# per lineal foot xxxzx •l. The estimated cost thereof is C.- .............. _.._. and the total cost thereof is $ ......_.. and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... .. ......... ......... t the nature and, ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. ... ...... ..... _....... _..... .............................. ................... ..................................................... ......................... 5. Said improvement is ........... not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for, said improvement. 1 ............................................. Conunissiol r of Public We I C - � r COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By__ .... ............................................. .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......x.4.QQTdd..xl?.Q 1t1g...x.0!.ay. r in�...the_.egment............. n4rah:...aide..o ..Lniver.9 t.Y.._Ave.,...from-.F ice..: St.(...........:... thence 140 feet, .to a width.of. 12 feet and--thence-•_east------••••__•,__•_-__.•. .............. :....................... ........................................ .................................................................:..............._...........................-----..........------.....---...............-----...--........---------.......-..... .. under Preliminary Order.........17906................................ approved ...........Aug,•••.B „.1917„•-:.._..- IntermediaryOrder...............................................................approved----.......................----................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having . —heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....Re.c.onatruc.t.....relay...and...r.ePair...t.Ae....c.ament............ t.1.la....a1de:R.al.k...Gn...the••.north_... A...of..Univer.eity,.,Ave.,_._fromR ae_,St,................ thence•..east...140•..feet,._.to._.a._-width of_12__feet a.nd_thence east_40 feet_ to...a.:.lv..dth...ox....OAX...fsets............... ...... .._........... ........_..._.........::...... .... ._........ ............ ........... ....... ........ ....:.........__............................................. :.............. ............ ........ ....... ... ......... ...... .... .................................. ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance t erewlth. Adopted by the Council .. 1? U ✓. -A 191.2-. cityftlerk: Approved. --... ......... 191 ...... the Council. of th ---.•••f .................. '-'. '.at the pre is natur - Mayor. ,ad Of Ci0unC1 r 1'.BTnawOrth - e sold Clty Is:� Be...sent tru, repair th c moot IIIc side. t.'ouncil tPoss the north Id of Unlvemit fg om 11 St th we sat 14, Conneil ylaud a •lain of Wit re t and tnenct) feet It n width f six feet, ant) Counci Keller unen hereby orders old im•. Council McColl Q. enI to be moa /lv d Further. that the Coomi M uneil Wunderlich ' If Public Work. be and 1 her I"Ict.sneeIIed I, ion.1e for d tosold p1 Mayor. �. and no bm It same to pnroeld: that pao - .. Form B. S. A. -7. a pren^ .` m CI - DEP RT F FINANCE REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI RY ORDER - In the Matter of . reconetructing, relaying ani rqp iringthe-„ cement the sidewalk____ on the north Bide of University Avenue from Rice Street thenceeast 140 feat, to a width of 12 feet and thence east 40 feet to a width of ..... ....... .:.. ....... _. . _..... ...._.. - ....... .... .. ............_........_._....__. _.._._....--- six feet. -........ - ..... _................ -- .._.....__ - _._... .......... ._......... ................. ...... ........ ..................... _ __....._........_ _._ _ ...... _. _ ..__. _. _ _ ........._ ... ....... .. .......... _.. ......... .......... _........ ............. .......... - - ....__.. .-- .- .......... t ....... ..........._.... ........ _. _ .._..-...... _. ..... _. _..._ . ..._.:..... .. .......... _ _.... _ ........ . under Preliminary Order approved_....-..Alibll3.t...6_th,._..1917..-...___..... -........._................ ..__......._.___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .......... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $.._...._!._._..—__..�. The lots'or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or .parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT lLooKADDITION ASSESSED _ e VALUATION U 1 1Whitney's Subdivision ofl 36,500 20 1; Blks. 1,2,7,8,9,10,15, 3,750 16 and part of 17 of Brewster's Addition to St. Paul. a TOTAL, 0, 50 .l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_:.-..... ..............................._......,._..........191........_......... _.... ............ _.......................... ...... _...... _. Commissioner of Finance. Dorm B. B.13 - �' e �f /� .. (% �' Q, - .. - Office, of, the Com ' er of Public Works � Report to Commissioner of Finance Auguet...l7th.. ... ........ 191.. _7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul i ,nic commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimivaiw order of the Coun- cil, kaiowu as Council File No....17906 . approved._ ..... Augu..........st 6th _. .. 7 7J1........., relative to........ reconstruct.ing,._.. relaying._and..._repai_rng.._ha..,_a_emznt.,,._t ....... on the north side of University Avenue front Rice Street thence ...................................................................................... east 140 feet, to a width ..of la feet and thence east 40 feet to ..................................................................... .............................................................. a width of six feet. and having investigated the matters and tbiugs referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _.... ...........necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 'L. The eatiumted cost thereof is $ ............. .................. and the total cost thereof, is $. xXXX ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........._ .............. ... .... ....... .._..__.:....................... .... ..........:...................... ...... ..... ............ ....._........._....._.._............. .................. ..........._...:........................ ....._...................... ...................._.........._..........._............. .._........_..............._............. ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnehed and made a part hereof. d. ................................_............................ ......................... ...... .......... ......... ................... ........ ...... .... ... _.........._........._.._........................................ not :i. Said improvement is__ . . .. ........................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. '2-`�G Commissioner Public Works. • Vol — • �Cf 1 JJ COit-NCM FH,E NO ........ ....... .................. 1 By.....�!L..'..GAG::.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....c.YalU,.3 ...9.;.... ;rs':.de... o=...a.1 Lgy... 1 .1.1.. rl-oc c t...Te.= r=.c e.:3.a.rk............... ra..zt.i�n,....*..0...5�.;.:n r. to. _the...red..aine on.._tiie- prof.il e._i:..ere, c ...................... - ... ttttac[aed e:rd lrz;d z; na.rt hereof, the present Crede beinc re- _._.. _ _ ......_ _ .-.... _ _.._................._...............-.....................:.................... _preaent.ed....Gy t.h= .......... ........._......_....-.................................................................. ._...... .:...... _.................................................................................... __ _ _...... _._...._ _ ......... ......._..... ............................................. under Preliminary Order ---1 ? 51. !Z .................. _ _.-......_approved ........-313-pt,—J.4. ,.1917...... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance'upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is------------------- r:�d L.11a�in 'lock 1- Terrace Far'_- �c.citi-on,_.to conform- to -... e... -...::...._......................... ............ the rad line or _--e ?r0_ it e eret.o r, y£. r. 'I'. d P Dart h. reo +'.e 7resert L_rade bei , ented line _...... .................................. tr•e.r.eor,, . ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 20.00 - Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement un the-- ............. .............day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• ing, the nature of the inilil"Vemenj, and the totallcost thereof as estimated. r ddopted by the Council v .t�...'\ % _.......... 191..1__. " .Approved.. l;T....-- ..�...:.I. ......_ 191. _.... ! � � [� 11, City Glleerrk. Cuuncilm nx�n/aworth nature :. - Couni ilm y U -h the Canned 0n,, .%�[-grade of alley In Counellm HVtXlt if •d Ilnekondhle proflle rh- - - _ ✓ ,ed a.nd made a par[ he- L:OnllC11ID8 I{�I rl' ➢resent grade being rep sae - v the blue line thereon, with no Couneilma Mel O u�ee, and Inas the eeumnc ( / thereof la 5-0.00. U {o Resolved Further, that rLitL1SHED Couneilma Wun�lieh armg be hada -aid tmn: the 27th day of Octobe .; 1<IOVOr IrA1 - hour f " o'clock A - Mayor Chamber L -the Co: •Itp }i:tli nulldlnq In tt Form B. S. A. f: ul That the Commis Fire n.,.ein oth ealMr.n #( :tt COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...................... ........................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of qZ!adIAE_AWt-bPjjd... _r _q.Q:�kth tag A'..a we.... ............................_...... .... ................ ....... .......... ........................................................ ...................... .................... ................................ ...................... ........ ................................................................... .................... ...................... . ......................................................................... .......... ....................... ................................................................................... ................. ........... ......................... ................................. ............................ ........................................ ..... .......... ............................. ... .... ................. under Preliminary Order ............ .......................... approved Oct—. -5, Irl -16 .. .... .. ... .... ...... .. Intermediary Order ......... . approved .. .. ..... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and.Tecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- inent to be made by the said City is Grade ..norlb_ and., aou..th alley, J n. Block .179. AacUtjp.r.:, f ro ......... ..wr Ch........ �qaFo AKe� to TWItanA AY -e- ............ .......................................................... .............. .. ............ .... ........................ ........ . ... .............. ............... ....................... ............ ...... ...... ...... f Yy conal th. '� ui red the s be it . ........ .......... .............. ............. Resolved. By the C.0 . . ..... . ....... ....... . ..... ....... of I th tent St.1P. ul that the pree —I kind of I.pr.1 .......................... ............. ............. made by the said City is .................. and south alley In Block and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be I.,'s Addition. from Chic an. Ave.. and the Co, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pub'-?,,!,amenhereby instructed and directed, to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit . same to the Council for approvali that updn said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed Nvith the making of said improvement in accordance there'�'4 Adopted by the Council .......................................................... 191 .. . . ........... City Clerk Approved............ OCT IM............ . ........................... .........................................................ky---o-r. �_ -Councilman Farnsworth 4X'ouncilman Goss pXiiuneilman Hyland > 'V"BLTSTYFD ,,A'ouncilman Keller WA pepuncilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. S•i. CITY OFT. ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �S (D) ON* PRELIMINARY ORDER y s � ro,_w In the Matter of _.....Gradin; Porth,_and.,.eouth_.glley_ n,..Bl.oc:c_,_179_jtotertso..n!.Q,... ... .... _....--_:.,._......... _._ _. _�1ddi_ti_on...frGrr Ch.i..c. go to...:fpdia_nc..ae...... - .... ..... ......_............_.._._..... ..... ...................._............_.:- - _ ..... _... ............... _..................... _.._ . . _..___... _.... .. _..._....... ............................ ...................... ..... _.._...... _........_ ............ ............ _.... ......... _............... ..:.......:_.....:......-- ........ _....... ..... _.. under Preliminay Order approved .__ __OCtAbe.r .6, 1916. _.__. _...... .. .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $.._........_0....55..... ........ _...... ___. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 .179. Kobe€ts.�nts jjd�ti�n 3 8 5:0. o es au Easterly 40 feet of 3 179 do 1 9 0 0: 6 179 do 1 8 5 -0 7 179 do 1 8 5 0 8 179 do ' 1 5 6 5 0 9 179 do 5 5 5 0` 10 179 do 2 9 5 01. TOTAL, 3 2 6 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DB. B. 13 ate,........_..U�.�..._.........191. , �G%:..�l..0 -I�LY�t'l! Commissioner of Finance. Dunn - - 'Office of the Comm ssio�ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........ To the Commissioner of. Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 13081 October 6th, 6 cil, known as Council File No............. ....._approved.... ......... ........191......., relative to _................... t_h4.:Br_adin�_ofthe__nort_h..._r�.nd..._eouth..._alley in...Blook....178.,......_ Roberteon�e.Addit.... .......................................................... . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..__ ...................................................._.............. ..' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 55¢ 2. The estimated coat thereof is$............................... ..... and the total cost thereof is 1....._x66!. ?..._....--... and ` Frontage 484.0 ft. Excess inspection $9.80 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :............---.--... -- ._................... _...__................. _._.._.................... ........................ ........... .........._......... ... ............... ......._............._........... ................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1 i 4. ...:................................................................ .................... ..................... ......... ................ .................................. ... ........ ......... ............ ..._..........._....................... :.............. _... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... C umissioner of Pub lfe Woks. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEFARTMlNT OFFPUBLIC WORKS � M. N. Gd S�`OMMIBBIONER ROBERT T. OOURLEV,�Denurr LOuunvox,n - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHI', E -1-11- J. E. CARROLL S- Com.?—T— k Renins ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. SIKIT.TIO. r G. H. HERROLD, 0-11 E-111 - M. W. GOETZINGER. Son. WO.n,m— :'ov.srrber 10th, 1916. I ion. ri. N. Goss, Corirnissiorer of Puolic Yorka. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prelin,inary estin:ete I of nost for t.,; --,grading of the north and south Gley in Block 179, nobertsonls Addition, front Chioago e p,vnue toIndiana Avenue, under Council ;ile X13091, J approved October 6th, 1915. Approxiruate esti!Lats ''265.02 Cost pear front foot .55 Fronta_-e 484.0 ft. . xee38 inspection 9.50 Fe6pectfully eubnatted, IS'. � fir,, iJ•9—ems.-.: zef engineer. i AW st.paul,Yin. June -20-1916 Commissioner of Public Works, City Of st.Paul Wo the undersigned owners of property abutting. on Alley running through Block 179 -Robertsons Add -from Chicago to Indiana are desirous of having alley graded through so that teams may pass from street to'strest. i ��--•-----------owner of yot---- Harry M. Robbins.. IIace C. Wint®r _ a Wa1teFHrjNl��ir'F7pa- w w r xy ......... . L•.. cvr�•sstrm,rc•:•wuwu._ _ r w w—.f-- ------------------------------------ w • , w —_-- ---- j9Gu-� y / 79�4# TO -F Cr.01,Ae,LE THE U._'Y COU1,13_:L CF C'T', (_ ST i :-i.. ie, the ur.cers_ i-ed, res fierce c^rcperty o..,ners residing in the t!✓il� Dictrict ^f '. ,e i7p.rd of the City of St. Psul, do i.ere- by r, o,ectf`il1 > ;rose the of the -.:d. South alley, Block 179, robertsons 9uc' from ..c L. '_ane Avcr:ue, ir. of St. Paul, for ?h� follo!': inE reasons: -. First: Th,t tc:, treffic a^on the ,)rcr.:,�rty ,rcoosed to be C—ded is very li Eht, Seco d: Thr-t several of the hou;;es in >aia Di�tr•ict have basements fitted up apartments, a..o thst if th? saia alley-is i, graded it will destroy en;° obstruct the light on ti— first floor a or basement of said apartments, Lreatly to the darnale of the pro- i � perty orner•s. Third: The', the conditic.s in that vicinity are such that i the proi:osed improvement is not arranted. . Respectfully submitted, i Pi r`. iY: E A D D R S E S — — — — — E S — y iI , f CITY OF ST..PAOL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM . 1r'� x7 £35 COUNCIL —' - FILE No.:... __......... -Date Presented. Oct 2nd.r.....:..1917..... RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OREXTENT OF. EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS y ,. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the.land neoessa.ry,for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading the north and south alley in Block 179, Robertson's Addition, from Chicago Avenue to„Indiana Avenue, under Preliminary Order #13093•, approved October 6th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #18284, approved August 28th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketoh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. 'Paul fixes_ and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for' slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 179, Robertson,ls Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated October 2nd, 1917-, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. uuing the A. ' block 179, RU from Chic go Alo'. I"under Prelim nary nary Order. - - ;�ro oved: October 8th, 191, , diary Order No. 1828 O 4, 't 28th, 1917. 1 - --”"_ -•• mmleelonar of Publ ! bmltted his report a - LT. ve matter, be It r �r That the Clty of d -'ermines the an. .; f- the she' easem Ile In t• n the Addy Yeas ( d) C cilmen ( I) Nays ,� Adopted by the Council OCT _A 19 x,;.._..191 _..... Fear worth __ In favor OCT IM IS17 rt,,os _....191........ ell r Appro6e,..... I0 .....Against" � ' ��"• Mr. President, Rewerit3,\* .—' FORM C.a-2 )eiIBLISHED (4up of Opt. 11tt4l Bcourtment of,Vublic Warko OICAR CLAUSSEN, C-1.1 exorN— M. N. GOSS. CoMMi!liDxeR r - R. T. GOURLEY, D-1, _ - . C. CRw -O L.. lOnr. Caxaiwv.T... •NO R[w.iws ALFRED JACKSON. 111w1. euwl.0 o. l.__.. - H. w.,CoerLixc cow..cnox. 1 - GRI.AK. [ .. G. N. HCAROLD. O�'wOicC [ orN r - - I the matter of condennin and t tir_o-n eLasement ir. the lr.na :.eces- ..sry- for slopee for cuts an- fills in gradin- the nor`.- an south :,1ley in ':lock 17 *, -c'certson's Ad ition; £rce'. "i „o .v rue tc wsr.:e .. ',sr Freli .i:.ary ^ra�r ;1:053, arr.roved ')ct.,otL, 1510, —nom Irtemediary ,,raer t load=,' a; 1 -roved A z.-,ust ctt: lv17. To tr.e Coun-cd l o% .a -iTy of ::e. ';o .::.i y ionar of Yu'-lic ';rer;c :_-e e'-ry s^'•_::.its k _—k,,5 .. n>rt of this Lis revert, a rlLr. cf Lhe �,ove .,'r,ov:i=:e t:ne sn;,.:ei portion of c -is r.larr,. :e fills to .., e nwon .rivate rro,,-�r'y, A . y .. - ..ea rcr..o:.,ata to t _.._e •.rivate property, ra the extern*., of the .,-aament to Ce t.kcn, U the FiZures cr-r)cite `s idea and ._etched rL is of 9ucrl rl::r.. crc i5,^iorer o(z FI-I":11",or k�- to Ii CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ("bo-- ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L u r Ins the Matter of ..._... Cond.emning,end takinfr an esementin. the .""__.,1"�,tld__ne_ces_sary for sl.Dp.es;_ :for...... atit.s-and.....fills ...in. arra.ding._no.rth...and.....aouth:.. allay—in--. _�, 31ock17Robertso's Addition from Chicago Ave. to Indiana Ave. " _,_ "_ under Preliminary Order approved ..._ . ...... :....... Oct o.b.Br._."6.,..1..91.6.,.... ...................... ................. .............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.... ...... .�_.,_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvementis - - - - - $..__.... _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �� - DESCRIPTION LOT i LoeKI ADDITION ASSESSED , VALUATION G 4 179, Robertsons_ Addition to 3 8 5.0 - West St Paul ; Easterly 40 feet of 5 179: do 1 9 O; 0:1 i 6 ; 179. do 1 8-..5 01'.. 7,179' do 1 85Oil ,r 8 179 do 1. 3 6, 5 01_._: 9 179_ do 6" 5 5.:_Oli M^ _ 10 , 179 -- --- --- — -- — — TOTAL. 3 2 6- 0 Oi The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.......... Commissioner of Finance. Form 13. B. 13 —' - 777, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 18th 191.6, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cominissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the, Coun- j cil, known as Council File No ....13083;,,:.._.approved OotOber 6th,,,. 191.....8 relative to ........ _._..00ndemnisig-..and.... taking .....an.--a"eme-rit..in....the ....land ... ueoasasry- elopes, for ante and fills in grading north and south alley in Blook 179, Robertson's Addtilon:from Chioago Ave to Indiana Ave and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. xxx xxxx . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........ .. and the t th.. total cost is $_......................_... ........-_, and LIIC 4L u L..uu � ... ...y.. --•-- -- -- 3:, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvem 4. _.... .......................... _.... .................................... ..... _........................ . not 5. Said improvement is_.._._ ................ _.asked foi to assessment for said improvement. is hereto attached and made a part hereof. on petition of three or more owners of property, subject C4ioier of Pub is Works. CITY OF. 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ' 18'78'7 COUNCIL No: -FORM RILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION --= AUOITWIT R 1917 I61_ PER 709 a Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinaft specified funds and it, favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite thei respective namesas specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Coon • in ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council QC T s 1917, 191_. 191 „ In favor App ` art I er V UAl1md6< MAYOR _ Hyland - Wunderlich Mr. Presided Irvin I Resolved- Abut warrant.. be drawn ,I _ Don•tba City. T=ry. payable out or - y tha: Lerelnafter-eDecided.fund. and tn. tavor'of'the. Dereone. flrmeor-corpora- ' b 'done `tor the amount. set opposite their , rrespective,l names '.asepeclled In tha. .^z lollowing detalled etatemenU k Wm. Baq..lat r• $2.041. U B.: Born {48600, a Samewortb Co. 917.980.9& Hammond Byrd Iron Cob �7 769.09. • .T.eblgh•Coa1Co.. 98,646.47 Merebanta'Nattonal Bank. i480s.64. f Aby. the CouncU�_OoL S 1917. dopted., .,Adop"dd•OcL 9.4917: 2i 1(OcL 6-1917)`' 20584 Wma Baumeister — —_ _ -- 2,047.52 C. H. & C. H.-Exp. . 585 James H. Burns 425000 Grading Griggs u 586 Be A.. Farnsworth, Comrr. 17,860.92 Water-Sal. 587 Hammond Byrd Iron Co., 7,756.09 Water-En. 588 Lehigh, Coal Co., - 3,545.47 School-Exp. 5 4 4 r Fire-E2 Water-Exy. 2 3 4 7. 589 Merchants National Bank 4,605.14 G. F.-Miso. & Unf. 4 Interest 3 .0 Water Bond & Int. 5.0 Red. Bonds 1917 4 00 _ ,605 = . 6,240.54 i P.rm A. 8.11 = r CITY OF ST. PAUL r'"' ;° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEN01L N0.� hnT 1917 Ev AUDITED Iel_�.�.-. 7 (PER nr .708 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and s in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: . Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council OU 4 '1917 191_ . I,Fa�nawnrth � "T —'3 I°�7 In favor App ro �e41 k ` r 191_ . V:. —� �ll _�AQainst Hyland MAYOR a ��[[ Wunderlich _ Mr. Preddend,.t�wsta-Irvin 20547 American Linen Supply Co., 21.42-- 1.42 -C. C.H. & C. H..Exp.: 548 The American Architect 10.00. H. Bldg. -EXP._ 549 Austin -Western Road Machine Co., 130.00 Sewer C. &:R -Exp. 550 T. L.. Blood Co. , 1.32; C. H, & C. H.-EaP• 551 Board of Water Commissioners, 97.80 ' C. H. & C. H. -Exp. Water Supply .8 Armory _ 15.90- Library -Exp. 0 un. Garage Rev. 0 552 Carnegie CbB1 .Qo.. Fire-kxp• 97.24 553 Craftsman Press 3.43 C. P. W.-Workh-Exp. , 554 Daily News Publishing 80., 2.35 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 555 IL N. Goes, Comtr. Public Works, 386.80 Pay. E. 7th` 22.5V Pay. Payne-Mitinehaha Int. 364.24 { 386.80 4. i #z _ 20556 -Griggs Cooper & Co., - 100.02 Fire -22T. S9 C. P. W.'-Wonkh-Exp 2 ✓1 2 557 A. Hubbard Electric Co., 35.50 - . Street C.S: R. -Exp. 558 N. L. Huff, 175.00 eater-ENp. 559 J. W. Hulme Co., h 4.97 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 560 Robert W. Hunt Co., 12.50 Pay. Minn. St., 561 Dr. D. Johnston, 5.79 Library -Exp. 562 Dr., Herman Keating 10.00 Corp. Counsel -Exp. 563 Koehring Machine Co., 80.00 Pay. Minn. St., 564 C. B. Lyon & Bros., 330.75 Water -Exp. 565 Maendler Bros., 18.30 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 566 Merrill, Greer & Chapman 8.76 C. H. & C H. -Exp. 567 N. Y, Electric Equipment Co., 36.16 Municipal Garage .8pr - Johnson H. S. ,Lib, 5 8 6 - 568 N. W Fuel Co.,* 354.30 Health-Sgar-Exp.: 320 School -sly. 0 - 569 N W, y'Shot -& Lead Works, 800.95 Water -Exp. 570 N W: Telephone. -Co., 22.70 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 1.75r Armory -'M• - 3.7 y, Water En Mun. Garage 24 7 571 N. Ws Tire Co. = Garage 493.22 ' sun. 572 Noyea' No e4 Bros. & Cutler, 117.13 Police-Exp.- 3.00 N p /38.4 Health -guar -Exp 6 - C. ''P. W.-Worpkh-Exp Sohool-Exp: I Humboldt H. S. Lib. / 6� 7 Johnson N / 1 #3 - ° 20573 The Peoples Coal Ic.e Co., 84.30 C. , H. & C. H. -Exp. - 3 42 Health -P•. Bltth-Exp� 8 r/ 8 0 574 Chas. L. Pillsbury 40".t - Corp. Counsel-Exp. 575 Prussian Remedy Co., 19.11 C. P. W. -'., ork-Exp. , 576 J. F. Ptacek & Son C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 577 8t. Paul Gas Light Co., 337.38' C. H. & C, H. -Exo 578 5eabury & Co., 71.20 C. P.WWorkhouse-Exp. ` 579 Tierney & Co. 41.00 �. P. W. -Workhouse -Exp 580 Tri-State Telephone Co., 32.80 _ C. H. &*C. H.-E$P• 581 Washington Foundry Co., 88.50 Pay. Rice 5 25 Pay. Hounds Blvd. 3 2, 88.5 582 R. B. Whitacre Co., 3.75 C. H. & C. H. -Exp.. 583 Wolterstor£f Range Co., 40.74 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. - " :• . - — C. F No: 18788 ------ Resolved e,L ,warrants be - drawn -ovt of ; - - _ FT _ npon-tha,Cit uurY.:Dei7aDle It +favor of �tLet'r .0-1 n 111rme or s�cootpors 1 - - -. - " tlonefor the amoiiate set o�poelte their,. ;-9- spec flfled' In tha - . reapectfVb nam.o following- detauedatatewant:-' • • Co".': 08L47. i Amerfrnn'Linen18nOplY The:Amerfcan A;chltec4 010.00. ' tern..Road Maehlae Ce•, ', - Austin=;T. 0130.00:• ,- r"- T 'T. L, Blood Co.: 61.33.' _ Board ,at Water CommlasiOn.rs,?". -' - $97.80:7= Carno87e Coal Co $9234. " " Crattaman Press. $348, - - Daily puD!tehtng Co., $3.36. D D -N. Gbea, Comr ,PubIIc Worka.' M' - $888.80.- Grlgge. Cooper.& C'* -$100.08 Hubbard Electric Co $36760. ' .. 1 - - IN L, Ruff.. $17606' •. T. W. Heinle oc« $497 Robert W. Hunt Co 118.60. - Dr...D.Tohnq.1 $678. - - ' Dr. Hermaa TCeeting 110.00 _ - RoehrfnB IMbt a Co 080.00 - - :C B LYon & Rros 33076. : Broa.:. $1 80 -Maendler :.Merrill Geer & Ch Dm 88 78 • it W Electric Eq ID ant Co., $38.18. • ` W. Fuel Co.i 3764.30. - _ - _ :N: N:: W. BhoL & Laad Worke..$800.96. N... W. TeleDDene Co; $88.70. - 8.' •N:. W. Tire Co«. Cutler Nayea Rro0. & ".Cutl r, Co.. $3. PBODIes Coal &Ice Co:; $8680. - ... The Chas:' 1:,,Rlll.bnrY ' 4' $l. - Prussian ItmadY Co.; 319.11. - - ,j P. Ptacek & Son, 11.18." ` St: Paul G" Light Co., 0837.89. 'saaburY & Co.. 71.30.. neY & Co:.,i L00. -Tler290 •Tri-State Telephone Co.:'i3j38:60., 38 + Waehington.'Foundry Co« 38860 - - - R. Whitacre Co $376 Co $4074 • W"teratorK,Reng Adopted by she Council Oct 8 1817 R. Oct 3 1917 Approved -.,. z. (Oct. $ 1917) -.,.., .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Kub ect: .......... .. .. . ......... ........... . ... . . . . .................... ....... ------ -------------- ----------- - � ;L ..... ..... . ....-- -. C NC;LNo ................ . .............. FILE ........................... ......... ............................................ ......................... ...................... ...................................... Date Presented (J Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John O*TO010, in accordance.wi I th the provisions of C4pter 467 General Laws minneseta for 1913 and amendatory acts, providing for the payment of compene&ti*m to him at the rate of $11.52 p64-week during such time-as he may be disabled after the 18th day of September 1917, by reason of injuries received by him on the lltb day of September 1917, while employed by the City an a Bridgeman. And.be it furthe+esolved tha+he proper City officials be authorized to pay the said John O'Toole, the sum of $34-56 in partial settlement of his claim by reason of the injuries sustain- ed. Such money to be paid out of the Workmans Compensation Account Of the General Bund. Resolved Th cials are her it" 1.h� In accordant Kre intoan afire t1i [he pr % :hnpter 467' General L. IV 19I3 and amendatory acts,j for the payment f.toml, �ftt at the rate ofifiz 9 Zatuch time as he m.-I I hereby recommend the passage of the % her the 28th day of s- above re solutio 11 reason of injuries re ,the 11th day of Septen. 1PI.yed -by the 610 It further re rther solved I V� 7 O.1a]. be authol TOhn O'Tobl�, Commiesiloner Public rks. esttlempr Vese (PI) -outuniltuen (iw) Nap V�Isrnsw.rth Adopted by the CO Unil ............ ............... 191 In favor 1v -T yand Approve....�'. e1ller ,,C.1 Wunderlich Against U. ........... I ........... .. .. : ............. ................... .............. ....... . .... Air. Prekid�mt, Irvin MAYOR FORM C A� 9 6.17 2M, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............................. .... .... ................ .._ 111790 F LE rqO _. Date Presented._-; Resolved, That the proper City officers are herrby authorized to ' t pay to Swan Larsen, out of the Workmen's Coapeneation Account of the General Bund, the sum of $24.00 in partial settlement ef.his claim for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 5th i day of May 1917. i I hereby recommend the `above resolu- tion for a¢ Comm s Park.6, Playgrounds` and 111c Buildings. _ O. F. No. 19790- . I Resolved, That the proper lCity oIn-� ere are hereby an thorized to pay to Careen, oat of the Work...'. Compenention• Account of the General I Fund, the um of :24.00 In partial set- . 1 Clement of his claim for Inlurles re- _ calved by him while played bythe Department of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 6thMay. 1917. day.._oV - Public Adopted by .the Council Oct, 3, 1917. Approved Oct S. 1917. (Oct. 6-1917) fees (✓) /aaellmen (✓) Nays I ( - �Farnsworth /� J Adopted by the Counril_.._ _.:: � 1.' 19t .... oea !........In favor and eller _ Q Approved. �.y..._.... 1 .1 .... .c{. O J o 191........ I. LMcc.11O .......... Against Wunderlich Mr. PreAd,•nt, Irvin......_...................................�........._......................_._........... . MAA YOR FORM C A -J 6-17 2M _ l - COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By:........................................................:.. ................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._&IraAing_Belnidvre...St_..-.between_. South Robert St, and winalom...Ave..,........ :....................................................................................................................................................... ..................:................---............................................._.............................................................._...............................• .................. .......................................... ............ ..:.......................... ................................................................... :......................................... ......................................................................................................................................:................................................................. ................................. ......................................................................... ............................................................................................. 17463 approved ._...._........_..: Ju1.Y...9,...1917 - . ander Preliminary Order ......................................... pP ........ IntermediaryOrder ............... .............................. . approved ............................................. ......... ............. ........... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...... GTad.e japlij,dere....St......belpie.en...SautZ1...Rob-arti_.Sti....... _and. Kinalow....Ave................................. :.................... ...... ................................................................ ................ .............. .................. ............................................................. ......... ... .... .... ....... ............................ ........:............ .....__....................:.. ............................... ................................................................................... ....................................... .................................. .......... .................................................................:...............................................................................................................I..................... and the Council hereby 6Yders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That -the Commissioner, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speciSeations for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that, upon said approval, t4 proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... .:...:. ....... 191 ....... (� _..: / .....C3 ..L� i Cit Clerk. (T l Approved ...: .. 191 .. p y objections n Ce t relative thereto, 1 ionaideredthe aam6...................................................................... �, by the Council of Mayor. Councilman worth .1 that the preci a na•. ♦/p kind. of Improveme. Councilman HOtlR the said City is G. Councilman DOaud 't. between South n h corder said l and e, - Ciouncilmanfp(od'erliell eV b9 orders said Improae Yds th r that the COnnCllin I �Reaoly 1 Fu,io er ofr hl as k b and rCouncilman .1 instructed and dl Betel to. and ap If tions fall Mayor 1�i11 t. and .bmit a n, .1 [or approval; that 11' the proper itv Form B. S. A. 8-7. thorieea adc ditto Ith accordance theefre,lt'' e. by the Council- ved Oct.. 3, 1917. - I (Oct. 6. :191 ` ... ....... ........ ............................ . ... ... ....... .. .............. ....... . ... .................. ... . .... ..... . .............................. . .......... .............. ......... ... .... .. . ...... ......... .................. ................ .................. . ....... . .... . . . 7317 under Preliminary Order approved ....... . .. ........................ .... . ............... ............ ......... . ......................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: . ........ ... ... The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1 385 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ....... . .... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 36 Auditore Sub of Lot 6, 100 Bidwell's Addition to Weet;St. Paul 6 1 Hoireby's Addition of 75 Lot 7, Bidwell's Add. to West St. Paul 1875 4 75 3 1 75 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 WON!! .. r ST. PAUL: - - - - - ", DEPA NT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " IB) - _a.-: DESCRIPTION LOT eL9eK' ADDITION ASSESSED.:-.. VALUATION 1 1 Ilornsby's Addition of 100 Lot 7, Bidwell'a Add. to West St. Paul 1 1 St. Pierre & Lawton's 1075 9 1 750 1 Corrected Plat of 100 2 Auditor's Sub. of the 100 3 North I of Lets 9,10, 100 4 and 11, Bidwell's Add. 100 5 to West St. Paul 700 6 X100 7 i00 $ 100 D 100 10 100 11' 500 12 100 13 100 14 350 -15 100 16 100 17 21:10 100 19 100 8 11 Tuttle's Regt. of Blocks 125 7 ' 11 10, 11, 131& Part of Blk. 125. 6 11 4, Jackson & Bidwells Add. 2775 to-West-St-.- Paul :. TOTAL.. r T. PAUL F f DEIENT OF FINANCE t, t IREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER :B) DESCRIPTION LOT eLgcK,, + A D D f T I Q N ASSESSED ygLUATION 5 11: Tuttle's Regt. of Blke. 150 1.6 10, -10, 11, 13 and part of 150 15 10:Blk. 4, Jackson & Bidwells 125, 14 10' Add. to West St. Paul. 135 13 10- 125 12 10 : 125 11 10 125 10 . 10 125 9 10'. 200 1 4" 125 , , 2 4 125 e 3 4 125 4 4 150 1 9 Jackson & Bidwell'B 2475 10 9 Acid. to We.st St Paul 250 5 6 2500 ;_6 6 350 Part Fast of Lot 4, Blk. 13 Bidwell's Addition to 1800' 153; of `St. Paul lest St Paul P rop er (Except Belvidere St.) 4 153 West St. Paul Proper 125 8 Koerner Place 1750 9 175 10 75 11 75 12 75 .. TOTAL. I PST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT AF FINANCE t� t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ,OF FINANCE (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ------------- • DESCRIPTION LOT �eL'ocw 1 ADDITION VALUATION (West of'Gorman Ave.) 12' )idwellts Addition 5650 1 Sherwood's Regt. cf the, ) , 2 South half. of Block 5 } 3 of Jackson & Bidwell's } 3550 4 Add, to West St. Paul 5 ) 6 )� ? ) 4800 8 � I --- __ _ ---__._ 3?aoo The Commissioner of Finance further reports'that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissiongr of Public Works. Dated... ...Oa:.�� ..... _.191 .... (/ ✓ ``% �� 4%�ll�-? / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. A 12 Office of •the Commissioner of .Public Works ;t Report to. Commissioner of Finance . I 6uguet..._8th,..........................191- ..� •ro the Couunissioner of Finauce of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had Under eottaideration tiler preliminary order of the Coun- �d, knows Jul Stn .. 191 7..., relative to t as Council File No. _17463 proved ...._.........?r.,,.. .. �...... .. the.....gvding....9. ..H.41v. d4r4.....&t.:.._Ci0>n 89uth Robert....St.. t9 W m.p1V* Avenue............................._.._..................................... .....:..........__... ............ ......-....._.........:..._..._............................................_.....:...._................_..._....................... ..................__...._................................._......................-.............................._._................._....... ........ ..... ................ _....._........_...._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improveutent is......_...__........necessary and (or) desirable. $1.385 per front foot 5,382.52 r The estimated cost thereof is $-................................. and the total cost thereof is$F.........-�....___....._.........._:, and Assessable frontage 3,886 ft. Excess inspection $105.54 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._ ........ _........ 3. A plan, profile or sketelt of said improvement is hereto attaelled Mud umde a part hereof. ....... 5. Said improvement is.............................. .....asked for upon petition of three or niore owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. l;onnuissioaer Public Works. St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Couneil, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- JU[V 23 TRe, the, undersigned property owners- heby� petrirfUi;gpwgir Honorable Body to cavae the following improvement to be made; - .: ` St. Av& • fro1� . . . . . . • •St. Ave. to . . . . . . . . St. Ave. N A 11 9 - _ LOT 1 BLOCK p ADDITION _ - -Z- ''------ - ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ( d l- - • . . i r d ...rr.a. o r r • . _. . . . . . . . . . . .. r p . . . . . . . . . . d ! r . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . —....... ....� f� .. . . . _ . . . '.J . 0 - �La JUi 1L1717 BUREAi 'aule ''innesct•a. Aurust tht 3fa}., 1910 u,. :c ;fir, 'iencrul,le Co,encil cf t},. Cit.; c. caul... ' _rnticr.:in. -'t ?.}, _ ndnrsiv;nxd prcperty wmers un ell✓u tzl a ;'t. betty^en l�c t'1 110be:rt Str-,'. .,id erman etvn. rnspeetfall.y i,e'.itic.n deur i0n0rah.ln c.d tc %R0.U2 I Aelleve mrs "t. betwnotn said points. 5 a i t i , - I t� u BUR 21) f i .32 CHU of 14t_ Valli �Pepartmettt of Vui,lic I' Vorks OSuasFN. cxly Ervo�x[[n M. N. GOS6. COMMISSIONER - r Exc'_ .. R. T. GOURLEY. OEPuryB-111 11 - A--AON.ON-C-1—•xo n. GOET2INOER,s� Tlox - St. Paul, Minn. July. 27, 1317. N G N. x[nx OLOr Orric[ Fxciry [[n Iter. M. IT. Goes, Co-mmissioner of 2ublic Works Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Belvidere St. from South Robert St. to Winslow Ave. in accordance with Council File x17463,approved July 9, 1917. Approximate estimate $5,382.52 Assessable frontage 3,886 ft.. Cost per front foot $1'385 Excess inspection necessary $105.54 Yours very truly, JEC/T.i. Chief Engineer R R' CITY OF ST, PAUL • _ - COUNCIL RESO LUTfON—GENERAL -FORM C � a Subject:._.. i COUNCIL w� FILE.. I `� 0 ...................... ........:. Date Presented ....0otobar 3rd ....1917........ RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in. the grading of Belvidere Street from South Robert Street to Winslow -Avenue, under Pre- liminary Order #17474, approved July 9th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18275, approved August 38th, 1917. 1 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and sketch' in the above matter, be it f I RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Belvidere Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works 'in the matter, dated ectober 3rd, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and mdde a part hereof. C. F. No. 18792— in the matter of condemning d tak- Ing an eaeemeat In the land n cee- _ - ry 'or slopes, for uteand alis no - the grading of n.lvidere Street from South Robert St. to '%Vinslow Ave. 4P - nder Preliminary Order No. - 17474, approved July 9th, 1917, and In termedlary Order No. 18276, ap- Troved he C. adXuga-loSt nerkof 9Publlc Works having bmitted. his report and sketch '^ in the above matter. be It Resolved, That .the City of at. Paull.. - axes and determine. the n unt of - Iand to be taken for the above named - Improvement an an easement for slopes, for cuts and tills In and u ponthe land' - butting upon Belvidere Street,. be. - tween the pointe aforesaid, to the ez- - tent shown upon the sketch nttaehCd I IXr tie i��f7 Yeas (I') Councilmen (d) Nays to the report of the Commissioner of I 1.7a Panic Work. in the matter dated Oc- a Council -- - - . ---_'- --' 191....-- - �,G - tober 3rd. 1917, which sketch and r "Carnsworth port, arehereby referred to and made., 4 ' �. part hereof. } lo, .. .......... In favor Adopt d by. the i Council Oct. 3, 1917. -T r - App cued Oct a, 1917 E . fed _.... r . ....�..... 191........ 'Beller r (O t. 8-19'17) :y ccoll Against Yoerg ; Mr. Pr4ddent, Powers - FORM FORM C.8.2 .. YS ; (Qit_y of Ot. Valu - Department of Vublic'Marhr OSCAR CLAU93EN. GNi[n ........ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER iK n[ R. T. GOURLEY, D[r.Vrr J. e. eu:e.JLo. —T Ce R CONlTnVCT10N w JACKSON. 3 W. • S.KIrw T10N . GOETZ NGER, S-1 euee.0 o. conmm�oN. 6. fl. NERROLO. O•nOic[[[KeiKe[n _ REPORT TO THE COU??CIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary. for slopes, for cuts and fills in i the. grading cf Belvidere Street from South Robert Street to rinslow Avenue., under Preliminary Order #17474, approved July 9th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18275, approved August the 28th, 1917. To the Counci of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Torks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be iz.ada on'private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be it:ade on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts 'of such plan. Commiesionez�-of Public v,orks. P,ated PAUL DEPAR�.:- T OF FIN;'NCE REPORT OF COMM' IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELPINI . RyORDER .Y (A) In the Matter of -_condemning and taking an easement.. in the land necessary for alo.pes, .for__cuts.._ard.....fi.1.1.e..i.^.._oxa:d.ing...Belv1d.ere.,S_t.:.. rom._s...outh _Robert..........._._ ...._._...__ Stre e.t_ to_.Wi.n.s�.ov►:...A�ttroue.......:.................. ....... __..... .................... _... ... _ .... _...... .. ..._... __ .......... _......__ ........... . ...._. _....... - ............_. ....... _ ......... ..... .......... ............... .... ... ..........._.. - ...... ............. ................... 4 ...... ... ... ............................................. ......................... _............ _ .._...... _.......... ...... ..._.......:._ _ ....... ................. ..... _...... _... _._. ._........ _..... ..._....... ................. .............................. ;............ _..:..._........................... ...................... ...._......._........... ._..._........... ........................ ........_...._......................... ...................... .... under Preliminary Order approved _......_July..... 9th,...._ 19.17........__ ..............._. ........ .. ........ ... ..... _ ..... __...... _...... __ ......_._...__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of` Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_._._100..00-... .........:::...__.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .................._.......__......_....._..._..... _.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or , parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i DESCRIPTION ; LOT BLOCK ADDITION. VALUATION t, Ia Sub. Lot 6 100 36 Auditor -of Bidwell's Add. to West _ St. Paul. i 6 1 Hornsby's Addition of Lot 75 5 1 7, Bider�-ll'a Add. to i 1,875 .4 1 West St. Paul 75 3 1 75 2 1 75 1 1 100 TOTAL. - - . Form H B 20 - ST. PAUL I 'DEPX OF FINANCE 1• REPORT OF COMNJ SSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRE170WARY ORDER IB) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKi ADDITION i VASLUATION 1 1 `' St. Pierre & Lawton's Add. 1;075 750 1 Corrected Plat of 100 _ 2 Auditor's Sub. �f the 100 3 Ncrta j of lots 9, 10 100 4 & 11, Bi•iwell'.a Add. 100 5 to Treat St. Pail 100 6 100 7 ' 100 8 l00 .; g 100 10 100 11 500 12 100". 13 100 14.. 350 15. 100 l 16' 100 17. 2,100 :. 18 100 1s 100 8 11 Tuttle's Regt. of Blk. 10, 125 _ 7 11 11, 13 and part of Blk. 4, 125 6 :11 ! Jackson & Bidwell's Add. 2,775 5 11 to Fest St. Paul TOTAL. C TY ST. PAUL - �- •'t a. DEPARk T OF FIVANCE ,/ REPORT OF COMNM5IONER, OF FINANCE . ON PREM ARY ORDER (B)_'- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK) ADDITION VALUATION 16 10 •?uttle'.s Regt. of Blks. 150 15,10:10, 11, 13 and part of 125 ; " 14 10': Blk. 4, Jackson & Bidwell's- _125 ,.1 13 10 Ad.i. to Nest St. Paul 125 0 12, 10! r` 125 l l l 10, 10 10 125. r9 10: _ 200 _ 1 4 2 4 si 135 3 : 4 125 4 4 150 1 9 Jackson R Ftiwellta Add:, 2,475 10 9 to West St. Paul 250 5 ! 62,500 _ 500 6 6 250 Part East of Lot 4, Blk. ) 13 Bidwell's Ad,!. to Test 1,800 , 153 of Woe' St.Peiul. ?:oparj I St. Paul "'.coapt 3:31vida ra . t .) 4 153 West St. Paul Proper 125 8 Koerner Place - 1, 750 175 I 9 75 10 75 - TOTAL. Y ST. PAUL DEPA M iT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIJ SIONER OF FINANCE t ON PREI-!?MARY ORDER (C) SSE DESCRIPTION. LOT';aLOCI' ADDITION VALUATION IJ 12! Boerner.Place 75 . 13 100 j. (Weal of Gorman Avenue) 12, Bidwell's Addition 5,650 12 1 Sherwood's Regt. of the J 2 South half of Elk. 5, of ') 3 Jackson & ffidwell's,Add. 3 31550 4 to West St. Paul j 5 6 7 1) 4,800 8 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �J� G Dated ......... /..7. ._...I 91 ......�e�2/% ......... _ . Commissioner of Finance Form B, B. 12 - ' Office of the Commkipiier of Pubhc Works , #` Report to Commissioner of Finance August .._.................. . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- cil, knownasCouncil File No...; 7} ,approved.._. July 9th, 1917__., relative to................. _aoademning and taking_. an_ easement in.,_the }and neoasear� for slopes{ for cute and fills in grading Belvidere St from South RobertS............ ............. ........ _..... _.._._.................. _................ ...... _........................ _............... _.._..................... __........ _...... ...... .. and having investigated the matters and things; referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said ]improvement is .................:necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ zxXX ; and the total cost thereof is $................ EZXx, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... ....................................................................... ............. .......... ._...... _...... _........ _ ...... i; 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof: 8 4.. ............................... ..... ....._......_....._._......:_....__......._.........................................................................__..........._....._...............:_....... .._........ 3. • Said improvement is _.............. ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject. to assessment for said improvement. _.................... _.............................. _...... _._.._._.... _.......... .. ........ ... Commissioner of P is Works. CITY OF St PAUL 20597 Independent Oil Co., •19.80 Scho 61-Exp. (/ . b98 Knott Apparatus Co., 3.15: Mechanic Arta H. S. Lib. Johnson H. S. Lib. 5 - 599 Manhattan Oil Co., C. P. W.-Workh-Exp 4.81 251.77 P. Bldg.-Exp .97 Water-Exp. 3.66 Municipal G 63. a a 6 6- 7 15 Pac"ds XIMI,- 251.77 - 600 Melady;:Paper Co., 21.25 school-Exp. 601 Nicolslt Dean & Gregg 32.61 Fire-Exp. 5 C. P. W.-Workh-Exp .4 - Water-Exp. Municipal Garage a a 1. 7 Sprinkling 1 40 / .61 602 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 47.87 Sshool-Exp. 2 4 Lighting 4� 47 8 603 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 80.27 School-Exp. r 604 P St. Paul Electric Co.,a i 10.23 School-Exp. _. Mechanic A H � anic rta S. - Lib. 1 605 St. Paul Gas Light Co., - 12,453.77 - School-Exp. 2 71 C. P. W.-Workh..Exp Lighting 1 7 Art museum Auditorium-Exp. Q .1 453: 606 St. Paul Rubber Co. b ,za-.0a tlrme 90.00 " - the eiWater-Exp• active t names as at.'.�,. 607 - J. H Sherwood 1tne detailed ptatem amber Co.,:70..07, ordwaY Co., sse.. 3.56 }„ Water-Exp � ` ��Coa➢ rn& Calci - - gulme Co.. 873.81. - dent 011.CoCo.819.80 at•,a ...a..:.i.826.�: .g: 67.43 i� fit, ' CITY OF -BT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 187 S.k AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE"cn NO - (1 BY-"'� OCT 4 1917 IBI_ { AUDITED ll PER f '�.. 713 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,pgyable out oLthe hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified • in the.,following , detaL'led; statement: -: men (J) Nays Adopted by theCouneil�i8'1^ Yeas ( Jfnaworth r In favor Approi^ v VAgainstVy- -Hyland MAYORWunderlichMr. Presiss-Irvin �C'Reso edithat warrants be drawn upon the CLOY Treasury. payable funds .`the, hereinafter .eDecifled j favor of. the Dereona...IIrme-or-cogDora- set .oposlte their - tions for the amounte respective nemea as epeciIIed�. in the, ! ;==. ent. ' following, detailed` statem7.34 American Supply Co., E4CO.,' 2'592.67. ' Barber :A.phalt Paving Co., s2, "Brooks Bros:77a.8a. Adopted by the -Council Oct. 4, 1837. — Ayp,.v.d Oct. 4, 1917. •(Oct.'6-1917) n699 American Supply Co., 47.34 School -C. & Be 610 Barber Asphalt Paving Co.; 2,592.67 -Street C. & R. -Exp. 611, Brooks Bros. 76:83- y G. F. -Crosswalks -Exp. 1 - o 4 , Form A. 5-I1 CITY .OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL . ESOL TION—GENERA FORM . SubjecL ..................... .............: ....... �/..G... 13796 COUNCIL Date Presented ..:Oct ......... 4.,...... .....19F..:1.. Resolved, That,the Purchasin� Agent be and he.is hereby authorized cnd..directed to auvert;ise, ir..the manner ;>rovii?ed by the City Charter., for all of the material 'necesc ary idr -the .orection of the rttro House at Edgerton St. w,, Hoyt Ave., bean;'a part of the P<:,,ne-La.gerton Sdwor System District iso. 1, Finz.l Jrder $11135,. approved June 21, 1916- R `. UL 'J _:.;J 'lT?ii4i, That bhe plails, specifiOG.�i0n9 f11d OSti'_:'.�aGCl (j 11(.la it ieu 3uOi;dtte0. by the L)oiands2ionur of 2u'liliC :i0rks SOr 'Elle above-ria_Gulials be and the sale are.hereby oved. _ s1 - 1 C. - F. No. 19796— _t _ 1 bGA� a sill diaper �tl Resolved, That the Purch¢sinB Agent Opnn }},j and he Is hereby outt a ru and y 1�lf ��T1}®j] with $bOV9 dlreeted to advertise: In the mnn¢of 1 provided by theCity Cha to for all o[.I 'i 4�+icpp 7�11 }tii thematerial a ee ary f the eractfon C30 YtQ :j, ! o[ the Pump HoueI, - Ildgt of he and Hoyt Ave" beln6 a Part - f the Pnync-Fdgerlon Sewer System District No. 1, Finnl Order No.. 11136, npProved. ant June 21. 1 916 an That the. ,plana, specifications and estimated ties submitted by the Cam " ," . lon' t Public NVorlts for the ao�. bovmnterlale be and the same are hereby approved. i - d b the Council- Oct. 4. 1917. k Yeas,({✓ )n. men ( ✓) Naya If Voss' � _ -G. .In favor .......... _....Against 1.�v F Mr. Ps6sident, w FORM c.a•a Adopte Y Approved OCL: 4. 1917. _. _. (Oct. 6-1917) I , Adopted by the Council . �� �7.... ....191........ OCT - 19{;.............191Approv......_ V ' �l �I � `. 1 .......................................... ........ ....... MAYOR CITY OF. ST. PAUL COU - NCIL , RESOLUTICMW4G.ENERAL FORM Subject: ..... ............ ............. ...................................... ................ .................. .............. .................... 18798 COUNCIL NO . .......... 4.4 FI LK W, ....................... ............... ........ . . ..... ........ .................... .... .............................. .... ....... Date Presented.....012:t . ...... A Resolved, That the tine s-peci-fiea for the perfo--'n1--nce of & certain contrrct dated !Tov. 27, 1916 between Christ Johnso-n the City of St. Pc�al, for the construction n of, a. sewer on Jaiaes St- fron a point 010 feet east of '6'?ae,.oast line of sue 5t- to R-irviciv.Ave. be said the svia? is hereby I e:iLtended to the 3rd day of October, 1917 aml- the p ! ro-per city officers are 'hereby autho:,.-itieil to exccute zlla aLientrient to said contract in accordance here-.-iith, provided, however, tliai iiia. resolution shall not have an7 force and effect unless the sureties o -.,-i -Ghe co7nti-c-ctor's bond coiaso-it -jhere'do t file wach jo in writ in - ij-i th the r14 I C, F. No. 18798--8Y X X. Gas— Resolved, t t Performance of a certain That the time specified f.1'Atraict h dated Nov. 27. 1916 between Christ Johnson and'the City of St Paul foi. the construction of . tower on J-2 SL from apo Sue SL 240 feet east of the east line of SL to Fairview. Ave. be and the same 1. hereby jextended. to the 3rd day of October. 1917 and the proper city officers ore hereby author- Ized to execute an amendment to Said contract in accordance herewith, Vr.J vided, however, that this .olutl shall not have any fares an Is= too, sureties on the con - -.tr:,ttaln� bond consent thereto and file such con4 sent In writing with �tlie city cormi-,f tt.11cr. Adopted'by the Council Oct 4, 1917. Approved Oct. 4. 1917. Yeas (V') uncilmen (%7) Nays 191 Adopted by the Council- CPU. L414 nsworth In favor Approved. .......... 191 -M 011 04Against .................. M 4d t Io Mr. Preiiiiient �versr 4- v MwraR FORM C.8-2 I. . q/Y• �tG � � I 9 St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 3, 1917. To the Honorable Sity Council, C I T Y. Gentlorien, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the t1ime of completing the contract for the construction of a sewor on Jwres St. from a point 2,0 feet east of the east line of Sue St. to Fairviee: . ve..bo o:_tendod to the 3rd day of October, 1917: This work was unavoidably delayed on account of the conoletion_of the {;railing of said Jams 5t. between the points above mentioned, hence I dosire to ask that the time for co::iulctin;; same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours vory, truly, .L UJ G✓� Contractor) a i � o There is no objection bo having; the time -e:aended a ; req outed, as far as the requi eraents this of 'icc--is M.cerned. upt., of CConsttr(�ucti.on L RL- cir �)1rL• lls�Jdr �k Co si-sioner of Puo1 c ','/or Chief rnineer I I CITY OP ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEWERAL FORM subject:....: ....... ......: ........ ....................... ...:.A..! : ..I ...... M799 . COUNCIL ,ILK NO . ......... ...... Date Presented.....:.Oc ........4.,191.7....: Resolved, That the ti.e specified for the performance of a. certain contract dated Larch 26th, 1917 between J. J. 'Connolly and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Branston Ave. fro17 a point 10 feet south of the north line of Let 7 Block 11 St. 1.nthony Park Borth to a point 20 feet south'of north line of Lot l Block 7,on both sides of i Blocks A and B. also sewer on Hendon Ave. from Branston Ave., as laid out on the westerly side of Blocks L and B, to Grantham St., be extended i to the 6th clay, or October, 1917 and the proper cit., pfficers.are hereby authorized. to executo an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sareties on the contractorlts bond. consent thereto waill filo such co.asent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. P'. No. 18799—BY . Gose-- Resolved, That the time a ecleed [oP the Derlormnnce of a eerta�q contract' dated larch 26th, 1917; between J: J -the consand eOf of St. ng Bra t uction& aen. Teton 'Ava from n point. 10 feet - south of the north line of I.ot.7 Block 11. at. Anthony Park North to apolgt 26. fee ' south of north line of 1,ut-1—B1ock 7, on both sides of Blocks A and 8, also ;sewer -onHendon Ave. from Branston Ave., m laid. out.on the westerly aide 'of Blocks A and B. to Grantham eer, ty oQlcero t. The ext8nded to the 6th day of :Ottob ;1917 and the Proper ci,nre hereby authorized to execute a _ !hereby to as contract In accord• { encs herewith, provided, however, thet �.J1 �Yt'1'7 1 thle resolution shall not ha. 1 any force l OCTOC 4 .71! 'Yeas (V).. ^ -unrilmen ( I/) Nays and effect. unless the ouratle8 on -the til.consuctor•e bond consent thereto artd pted by -the Council 7 .... ..191........ CI�Aa pts ptibyllthe CouncilIn OC[w4ih19170 fC.6-2 W,Ofth d ........ APDroVed O. 1917. (pet 6-1917) Approved .................:. 191ll Q......: AgainstMr. P,PewersJAw FORM +1 St. Paul, airm."Dot. 3, 191'1. To the Honorable City Council, I T Y. Gentleman, I mould rescectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of complotim- the contract for the construction of is sewer on ' Branston AVO -from a point 10 .feet south of the north line of Lot 7 Block 11 St. Anthony Park North, jro a point 26 feet south of the north i. . line of Lot 1 Block 7, on both sides of Blocks A and B, also seder on Hendon -vo. fro.m Branston :ve., as laid out on the t7estcrly side of Blocks A w B, to Grantham St., be, extended to the 6th day of•Cetober, 11917. C.•iing to labor conditions, it was not ,possible for us to complete this viork within the time specified, hence I desire to.ask� that the time for co;:mleting same be 22adc as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor i There is no objection to having the tine c. -.tended as recuesteci, as far as the requirg)qD of his offico is concerned. ;°i't{Ov Supt. of Construction &; repair Coiv�issioner of Public ife ca Chief Engineer CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 18800 Subject. .. ... .... .............. . ........... .......... . ............... .... ........ .... .............. . .... ....................14 COUCIL I . . FILE No . ............ ...... ...... ... 7 ..--t ....................................................................... ................... .............................. Date Presented_.. ... 41S1 /...... . Resolved_ That the 'application of Lowell Us Pierce for a license, to conduct a Male and tamale E*ployment Agency at 27 E. 7th Street be and the same hereby is. granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasu'ryof the fee, One Hundred and Fifty-one ($151-0b) dollars.. C. F. No. 19800—BY Henry McColl— Resolve%,Thatf the Ppllc.t,.. of ,0,, M. 11c ... c to c.._ Lowell M. rce or . I duct IL if.,. and Percale Employment at 2 b �d Agency. 7 E. 7th Street e an the same hereby is granted and the Cit y rpki instructed to Issue such lic .n2e upon the filing of the bond and 'thePY,,,t Into the City Treasury of. thfee. One Hundred and, Flfty-One' (F151.00) dollars. Adopted by . Council Oct. 4, 1917; Approved Oct 4. 1917.. (Oct. 6 -1917) Me. (17) Nays as (V) C'M .1 *-X.worth Adopted by the Council... OPT74 1,911 191 In favor land cc ;-o 0 . () Approved 191 (2 .11 -1 Against underlich Mr. P id t, Irvin FORM C. A 6.17 2M m. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. ..... ..... .... .... __. .C.Ou: IL880JL .... %- - - COV NCIL • FILE NO............... ......... ................... . / Date Presented._.._.:QE{__�.1__._191..._— Resolved, That the application of Ida A. Falster for a license to conduct a. Female Employinent Agency at 430 Rabasha Street, be and the same hereby is granted and.the City Clerk is hereby in- struoted to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and payment into the City Treasury of the-fee, $76.00. 1b. F. No. 18801—By iHenry McColl— Roeolved That. the application of Ida A. Falste for a license to conduct a Female Employment Agency at 410 �Wabaahe: Street: beandthe samo here- . by Is granted and the. City Clerk Is hereby Instructed. to Issue such license { pon .the filing or the bond aad ony- 1 �n.ent .Into the CityTreasury .of Lhe - Adopted by the Council Oct. 4, 1917. Approved O.L 4. 1917. '(Oct. 6-1917) 1'eae (✓) Cour dlme9 (✓) Nays , r sworth / Adopted by the Council......o�R� rX. r^1!r ........ .. .. 19l ...... .........In favor Jl 1 �� �J 1 p U t G41 nd Approved/ ( ..191...... _ �all11...... Against der4ch....._...... ............... ...................................... .....: ........ Mr. Preydki .Irvin - - MAVORj FORM C A-9 -17 2M _ /- Council File No.i `T PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of., the followin lie Improve fit y the Cl>v� of St. Pnul, viz.:........C.ux.p.ink....d.eye l�ine:...3i.....�ram..Y 3ve..,.:.� ...�lDr. :it., `..in...... . --...._..... 1 fr i Dated this ......_....''a..ti:Il_.....day o ........_............QG_u.Q. .. ......................... 91...T... I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. _...._..... .............. —.__.......... ........ _..... ...... .. ....... ........... .............. ......... .................... .............. --.......................... _........... ..... ....... _...................... _......................................... _....... .... ....... _...... ........... 1 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...:.............................................. ....... _............. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orrie¢ittand directed• the Councilo 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of §ae Lrefore, he it d. That the Commle¢lour .2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said ird`¢ "it- be ea na he 1. hereb:cost thereof. 3 te¢IraUlllty To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. T° b I,tytlgato the nese-it, . of the making 4" ovement: 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to;°imai stig¢oai the a t m4 the total coat til furnleh¢ pl¢I.._......._......_........_............ .....................................................................................I........................... sald'Improvem 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petiti'� "i°h : h:.ee or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council......... _Q .: ' ,�. .......:........191.......... Yeas: Nays: OCT. Councilma rnsworth Approved _._ ......... ..........i. .191 andyl......_. V �. ' Coll under_..._....f...........1........................................... May rvinl Ma on po¢w a eti , .1 Council File No .. .T.— Y _ �b�3ii�3, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I and �' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the 'making of the win public improvement by the. City of St. Paul, viz.: �xi.?...r.. L.1 u....aetl.ent.....1i.1.1c. _�._.<.ri.4.i;h..... r _--_s i . f e e � ,__th N �. , r al_iK! lr ..� ..sl . 1]i _ten e__s.o. a sli .... _..._....... b.CZ_..I.e _51.e� Qj'. zli w_.:i.1 .,..:..un�nr�..zjti ;' _-eD ........ ............... — .. ----- _ % 1 .._..._..... __ ....... i Dated this 4 U'11....._...day of: .........Q� u.9P..QX'_......................... ......: 91...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G%11..siX.c,_ile! ring . A + iQ.Q....ite : �nA_i.e Q.u.._. _....—................ - ... — -- -- ...... ........... .............. .............................. ................ - ......................... ---............... ........ _........ ........ ..._...................... _...... —........ ...... ... .................. .... :..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........................ ;................. _...... ...... ............. __ therefore, be it oi't having 6 „ ee ea` -'.I directed• RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ell �i to clic of se ntPam 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the msclies l- o k's' be the ho`ia here, - do and directed-nd total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost i ,. To lnvestigatq the recce' r. desirability of the making 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvem aProTemnveetlgate the' onto' rnd. estimated cost of. •ki:int��:...•.-- 4. To -furnish the following other data and information I ment, and the total Cort.'.................... --- ------- - r" ketch of said furnish vl, ................... ...... .. 4. To furnish the fo,:—........—_......._........._................._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for o ovemelnt Information re tee or more owners. To state vhetl• :f1 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissitii)e- ae' e',aehte. 7AIAdopted by the council: ............_n�+.�..y.._...17................ 191.......... Yens: Nays: Y t I Councilma ar sworth -4A (60 Approved ........:........_. ............... ............................ 191.......... and t ✓W nderlich Mayo n Mayor. - roew a e•r ' - KWISHII? /� y/ Council File No.,.................::.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1680¢ a and i.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. j The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow g p lie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....:..He.a.0.17 :.ruc.l ......2:D ay-..., yid.... - ix i ` .. e s .n is -. pj_dth.. of ;71 o ireh� f©et-..fid-1oerl_t..�-4_._ ?....� ........ _.._..— —.. ._tie Dated tlils..::..:_-._ath.._,day 0 ............ ...................... 191.. . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: a.dth.-.o%ZEeet _&d acent_'o. -y.1�_:'4r_%a:--.J.i31e_,—tle�ea�yile_yicicr _ilc..-e_.etsi� side oi' South � - `' a.L._tLaY1C.G_.11Q1':1:tl�z.E.E-��----- - ............................................................................--........_.......-.-...._.....................-.:..._............-:.....-.:-.......,...........-..._........,-......_.......... ....:-....-................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ .= 'Ter' .._........._...:-- on the fit, beg: therefore, be it worth too fee. RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he_ ',l toc th- theCreCoun, hacli;d and directed fhat the Commlas. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the maks rl,, lea red he le her-ent• Inveetl�ate the nccex" - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of a, "'e"'er the malting lthe total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 'e [eeiltl co,t ,t ie ald •e total coat there• -- 4. To furnish the following other othdata and information relative rnleh a plan• moment;_ ............................................. id Improvement..' 1Is1, the 1.11., .........................................:...._.......................-.................................................................................. —.0.1, relei,_..—.-.------__...... ...-........................... _. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ ��T... 49.-1 ...:.........191`......-.. Yeas: Nays: qlderlich worth Councilman OCT —4 lq.1 j Approved..............._ -............................................191.......... dt �'il QMaygMayor. FOR a b! itTBI.ISIi>rD � /� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The'underaigned hereby _proposes the making of the following St. Paul. viz::.._...B�.c..oi L. G. f'id&y✓ Council File' No... Ifc imnrovemeat-'by the Citi of. 3t. Dated this .._.._.A�th.:.....day, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for >he making of the following improvement, viz.: -.._.....____.:W..... ... —....... ......... — ................. _ ................ .............. .... ................... .... ._............_._....... ................ ........ - ._ --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. moki`r`°cdmro . .. ._.. ......... �s ne nt tile to. therefore, be it illi eemq the cem nt tile yR��he. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wor)� atbe cb..neensPreaented to teal &an directed - of the CItY o[ 6t• P d hOl e le fore here 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of 1 R°solved. That the he le here Y ruhllc wnrxa ha. n 2. To investigate the nature, extgnt and estimated ed:. jered and directed: 1 deTo InestlAY ot the nec king aoy to°tai cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemt nro1e° lnveetigot°.the natu;, ' 4. To furnish the following other data and information rel annma total atitierlent;_...... .._................................... To '.furnish a Plan. .....:_............................_....._..........................................................................fi of Bald lmvroveme,.._......................................._. ..................... .. -ro furoleh that-,-............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on :a j -petition ui three or more owners. . 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....................QCT.. nl.9.1%........191.......... Yeas: Nays: OCT -4 1917 Councilman(F' „ worth Approved _.._:_ ..... .._............... ............. _............. .191......_. d r r� cc l% lu erlich ............._.................................. Mayortervi Mayor FORM a a•a COUNCM PPME NO ........................ .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.:..xe,C..G:fiue.ting,..-_rlayirznd-_repairing-..the -,cement._tile ........1ide�t. 1k,...t.4..:A..v_idth_ of six the.... south... side of Midway...:_.......... Parkway ...b egisuling...a,t...e,...po.i.nt...i,20.:. f e.et....B'e.et... .0.f Jiiollne:.AQ0......_tIence... west...approximal-ely 1.5.0feet. ...........................................: ..........:.:......................................................: . ...................................................................................._:......::............_......................................................................................... r< ................................. ... ................... ....................... ....._...... .......................... ...._:............................................ ....................... under Preliminary Order ........... 119....19170 ............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said -report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. L. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....re.const.m.a.t:,....relay .._ .and ...rep.air.l.he:..cement..tile..-sidewalk to .a width of six feet, on the .... ............... -pjo1gtk1_..side,-.o.f_Midway Parkway beginning at a point 120 feet west of . Hamline-.Ave.... then.o.e_.Re.et...aB.P.roximatelY...1.50...feet................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....0. 0.6...per ...square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....6t ? .........................day of ............... NQ.aembex.. ............. 1917....E at the hour of 10 o'clock.A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building .in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......�.�!..�........., 191_... nCT —4 IRR .tthhe �. .... ...... .............<Mlay Approved--- ......... ;191 U Councilman sworth , ay naiad repaid' walk to wldth 'COuncilma os9 a uth side of N ming at a. poi at 1: Councilmen yland ieo-f t "n th nuali- that the estimated C Qr O $0.06 per square foot. id, .,Further. .That a pul �COnnCllmaII 1 0]] 7e bad ofi cull improvem - - V Ir�day of Yovember. 1917 of 10: 0 lock A. Rt In t- - C:ouncilman underlich hamber of the Court How Hall Duliding In the City i. Mayor L vin That the C-1-1—or . ot, ptJ8L1SHED /O / give notice of said meeting to Ana and. In jhe. manner pro - Form B. S. A. S- she Charter, tthe nahhe time of ovement,' and the total cost i m - eestimated i bl the Connell Oct.I4, 1917. f d Oet, 4_1917. (Oct6 1917) _10807 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... By .INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of raiaonstructing, .... relAying and xeptai-ring wi-th cement t-11 e to a width of six feet, the cement tile sidewalkon the east side of ........................... .......... .. ........ ..... .... ........... .... ................................................................................................ Forest St. beginning at Beech St.,...thence..south .9 jeet . .... .................... ................ .. ........ . . . . . ... ......... . ..... .... ... ........ ............ .9 ................ ............. ..... . ..... ........... ......................... .............................................................................. ........... .................. ............................ .............................................................. .. .... . .... .. ...... ....... ............. . .................................. : ....................... under Preliminary Order approved .. .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is r.e.C-on-st.nict ...... reLay.. and repair with cement tile to a width of -six feet, the cement tile ....................... ................ ..................................................................................................................................................... sidewalk on the east side of Forest St., beginning at Beech St., thence ........... .................................................................................................... south 90 feet. .... ....... ............................. ... ........ ............ .............................. ................. ............................ .. ........ ........ ...... ............. ............ .......... .. ................ ...... .... ................. .............. .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $,.0.0 E.--per...square foot. Resolved Further, That -a public hearing be had on said -improvement oil the..... _fith ........... day of ............ Xamemb.ex._.. 1917..., at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hill Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the ma7er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - c ing, the nature of the improvement, �t e tote cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci 191 Approved.- ----- ..... y i ark. -1.5y ro said rt -port - roved az , i -------- OCT ay -Ad Improv ment is h, Councilma arnswarth be proe". ed with. .at the nature of the, 1, Couricillil Gos,i hlrb, the Council recomr true[. relay, and repair % t Coillicilin Hyland fe.1.1i mfa K A St.. beginning at Her Council Keller ce south 90 feet, with no ; and I hat the estinmt,., Council McColl of 1. $0.06 per q..re f.0, esoly'd, Further, That a 11-9 be hed no .111 In pro I f Council" Wunderlich the, Gth , ay o 7 ovember hour of 10 o'clock A. Al.: C b� Alayor I 'i. noll ham er of the Cour! 'Cits. Hall Building In the 'au i. That the Comb c ""eie of . m Form B. S. .gjvc ad . the an' an. .,y the Ch,,�,Statlng in, the C.( no to, c6o 0 -,08 COUNCIL ME NO ................................. By-- —11 ............. I ...................................... ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter, of Q0-rLa.tr.ixtin&..a a -ewer Qn a_p.o.jxKt f.qi - 19k, ... . . .............. ................... ........................ ............................................ ............... : ..................... ......................................................... . .............. ........................ ................ ............................................ -g ....................... .................................................................... ............. ............. ................................... I ..... ............ .. - ...................... ......................... ......... ........... ..................... ;. .................... under Preliminary Order ........... ........ .... approved 114Y "L.......................:.:...--...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:A1QPAt.T.!Kt—A 4.wor on Fento.n. St , frQm Keptuplcy fit, ..to ... . ....f...eet.....s..ou.t.herl.. y...o.f ..t.he... . so.utherlyjineof Ke�qq�y. Ste....... . ........ ... ............. ..................................... ......................... . ......... .......... . ...... ........ .............................................. .............. . ....... .................... ............... ........... ........... - ...... . .......... ... ........ . ................ ........... .......... . 4 ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.345 .00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 6th..................day of .................. Romember .......... 1917.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City. Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil .......................... ..`V 7 QCT -4 1917 .. .................. . . Approved.. ; ............................. 191 Cit I r ..................... ( . -it r1ayor. ................ der C ,'eport 'oune, worth ,4'roved and e and tthL ... nt 1. hereby Cau.cll (;.::s �ee ed with. oune" e -the or the Improve.,. conn(li Hyland sewer Council recommend. to a d. 1. y t, k P a I n t 17 Pf", �t`aa`.Ir TCantue no a ernative. the `outh011y line or el r d to t and that he ounei Afecoll W ; thereof I. $34b.00. 77 b;' b nether. ThatPub1l, Counci Wunderlich ,6th d.,d an 'lid Improv meet.. of 10 -V-1be, ruin Ch.mb ,joak A_ 1, 1917, at At". r IV er of the Co El In the Mayo Vin Ilan Buildin I or � zrou.. That the -Commis oh�al City W Form B. S 8-6 IV. tleeofjU. Or Ir of xd said d ene,,, -f t , 1,Ch,,; be, COUNCIL FILE N0.-...-_ :........................ G _ INTERMEDIARY ;DRDER In the Matter of...$ding.....Snelling,.Aye.,,. from Midway_ Pzrkway._.. toNebraska Ave. ............._.._...:....-......-......-....---...:-.............................---------- .... -.............. ............... .....:....................................................................... ........-.-............-............-_...............:.......-----....-................................. , ................................. ........................................ ...............:................................... ............... .............. ......................... .-...:............... .........................._..............................._.................................. _._................. .................. .... ............. ............... .............. :. ................... -......................... _.... ......,......_........... ....._........_..._...:............_............:......-...... -•----....- under PreliminaryOrder................4846 _""-_"-_ -•-"n roved ...___.. M - -... PP ay.11..1915 .......... ....... .........._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and, the same is hereby lipproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade .0.f. .Snell ing.,Ave._ from..ltidway Parkway to Nebraska Ave. _.._... _...._ ._. _...._...... _........_............................................-......--.._..-..-----.-.-.....-...----..-..__.._.. .........................................................................._...................... ................ .............................................. ................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ,,.._1.,886.2,0 Resolved Further,'That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the................6th........"_--•day of 1PTAT bgr...----_-_.__.."- 191::7:.", at the hour of 10 'o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber of the court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the monner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,. and the total cost thereof as estimated. ldopted by the Council. OCT..—41.!917 1 _........... .... 191...... J.. -.:. _.....-. ......:...... Approved...................QCT : --j41i...., 191........ C� r 1 Clerk t �1 .................. ded Witt iayor. Council rnsworth at a of tn'' — I i the Council recoil einas Ave. from Cduneil an oss — o xe1 ra.ka Ave., a and the .sett.. Councl n vlalld 9 $1,980.20. �A. Fu tber, That be -had on aid Imp I, er Qth day of No rube /a f Lt 10. .'dock A iL�� Council a icColl , a be ld the tour[ t' JlSi:LsIll.L1���6iE / ger=. Hall e n f th 1 to 'ouuci underlkh u1 That the Comml.l. e giv glee of aid me. coons and in the mann' I<fByL 1y.he[Charter.ear .tati na' Form B. S. A. li provement. and .the tol - r ae estimated. pled by the Council oct c. , -roved _.Oct; 4, 1917. _ (Oct. 8-1917) - COUN—CH FILE �NO...... ..................... - INTERMEDIARY. ORDER ln'thd'Matter bf.... co.ndemning..anrl...taking ...an ...easement in..t he_lazsd ..nec a ssary�• for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading ... Snelling Ave. from Midway ......................................................................................................................... Parkway to Nebraska Ave., according to the pla_............... ......................... ................... ................ made a dart hereo%,__. the -hatched portions showing..,the;,, cuts..• and... the-,-._._._._,., �haded..porti.ona.•the, . _._......_............._._......... ............. ....... _:_..................... _........_.............. _........._...-........... under Preliminary Order .......... 14.90.,3.................._.........approved ...... O.et.. 3,...1916......_ .......... ............... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby^ approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of..the improvement 'which'the Council recommends is......condemn.•axld.•.take•-• a an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in ... _...........:........ grading.,iSnel�ing Ave from Midway Parkway to Nebraska Ave., according to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions . .......................... ................................................ showing the cuts and the shaded portions the fills. _.. ........ .................._.... _ .._............................................... ............................... ........... ................. ....................... .........._..........................:....................._......................................:............ _....._....................................................................... .......... With no alternatives, and that the estimated eost'thereof is $..20...QA.._...._. _.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the :. ....... 6th .................... day of ............_...... 191.7.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul."That the Commissioner of Finance give notice -of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature.:ofthe improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted byIthe .Council QrT._ ...I .7 191...... OCT -z4 191* 7 ))..(...:. a 1, ............._.......... Approved...................... C0UDc11 9WOrth and take an eaeem,: or Council 05S n cgrading east eseary for eldejo[ • from Midway Parkway - . Council d'Hylnnd aka Ava, eewramg to then _ — etoattacfied and, made a Dart , the hatched' portions, showing 1; a er and -the. shaded portions the Alla. _ f/ f„ Counei fecoll ` a cost thereof lee oefe'1. iso that the 9 ',ived, Further, That a Dubllc; Counei Wunderlich be had on sold improvement 7th day of November 1817, at' Mayor in Chamber of iia court House: -Hall Building In the City of Form B. S A. 8-6 That the : commiselom^ - -e notice of said meet and In the in nn� Charter, N Ic"3811 -COUNCIL PILE NO ...... .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening wi.dening anI ey-tending-.3ime etmzet t.0 a ................. i7;k.d.t. hipf q_j_zty__"Q) Flo..r.e.At @.t..rie.t t.o R.u.qsell ........ ........ . according to -the plan..-',iezeta..atta-checl..and-.ma-&e..&..par.t ha.r.ao-f, ............................ ....... ................. ............. .......... ..... .................... __ .................................. ...................... ; ............................ . ........................ ..... ....... . ........ .. ................... ............... ................... ............... ................................. under Preliminary Order .......... ............... .............. approved. T.U-1Y_-2* 1.9. 1 7s ................................... The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_jcip.en, wi.den..and ext end ..Sims..streat t,o Aussell, ati7eet,-ajccor.ding.to...the...pl-an her et o alliahad and..Mad.e a parthereof..... .................... ...................................... ..................................... .................................... : ...................... ... ..... .... .. ............ .......................... ..... . : ........... ........................ ................................. .............. ..................... ............ .............................. ............ ........... ................................ ..................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $N00.'P.00__.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 6t.h .............. day of .......... iffo.rembpr .......................... I at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT —4 '917 Adopted by the Council .............. . .. 9V ... ........... .... .. .. ......... Approved flrT �-4 1417 191 )(11ity rk. hat i. t het ,, S�p or I I - e said Improver—ed and ado Mayo �o be Improvement Is hereb� Councilman r sworth 'hat th�r.e4ded �Ith. . i 'turn the faipr.� Councilma os .1 .n a.Council-Mends or a -ten 6lma treat oun u n r he ,and ty 60) or Councilmn land to tr at. ding uasellf°er In hereto it. seen rr and made with no se t tive.. t c stireat o r ad t Cher of n council"i 1�ed, Further, ther. That h tid th .',d ofnovember irep-'v"! Council. mile en,• MUST "t. in flich of, 10 rr Allayor Ian 13-11di�g"inn, B _6 That the.c W Form B. S. AA. -6 e, notice f and Ch b, COUNCIL FILE NO . . ....... . ........... BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..RqRRtruc!;iP.9 a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six ................... .............................. ....................................... . six ......... ..............feet...........; the weat side of..Jdbart Jn-_in&..at...P.or.t.Land Ame., thlzzlq.e gou :th.. 2 0 fe t . .................... .. .... . ... . ..... . ............. ..................... ................ .................... ................................. _...............-...............I-......... ....... .... ................ 1: . .................. I ................... .................. ..................... ................. .... . ... .... .................. . ... ...... .. .............. .................... ............. 11 ............... I .................. ......... ........ ... ....... ....................................... ............................... under Preliminary Order ...............18. A 7.3 .......... . I ..... ...... approved Sept. 11— 1917� ............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivedthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved,and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oon.s.truct .................. cenent tile s.i.dewalk.Aja a YzA.dth of an the-zeat RIAP a .......... -of, Alb.ext.. St._beginni.ng.at paci ;CIMIA.. .. ................................ .................... W ............. . ............ . .. . ......................... ......................................................................... ... . .. ......... . I .................................................................. - .......................................................................................................... ..................................................... .............................................. .... ................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ex.. front foo t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .......... ................... day of ......................... Nomemb.ex .............. 1917. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT -4 Nt7. Adopted by the Council ....................................... ... . 191_ Approved 191-.. ;Gin -ed id improvement I. Mayor. a b cded ivith. i an trnsworth 'h . Prot, at the natoe ff he I Beaman 31.19 4"Tch I- C ... � I rer. rucilt tile at fes' fect., On the w,k I 'In .1ma. neilman yland beginning a, B' -Abel 0 feet, vvj2n,!, tand , that im 1 the at no,, �011 ad$0.66 Per front Solt , Further. Thil."t' i ecoll ..ng, ho.had on said it pa 11 1 fty of Nov— to rov, C:.U:cc underlich ,or Of'10 O'clock Abe, .19 1: Chamber of the ;� 317 MY Han Building In. unr' May rvin —1. That the Cmam he C! cn �,glv. notice Of -old .IO,.,e,, Form B. qS.A. 8- b On8 and In the manner lace the Ch.rtcr, inating the ace of hearing. the nature fEtatb"Provernent. and the, total I ft], 't mted. at Y theacuntil Qat 4 111 •oved 0".4, '1917. '6 (0 k COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. .......................... I .. . .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C.Qn.6t.r.lAq.tIns a c.ezant U1je g.j.ae.w.&jk.' ..t.0 a._Width.&f six feet-- jpt. on b..o...t,.1.j s.i.d.e.s....o.f F .......... ............. ................. .................................. . ... . . ... . . ........ . .... ................................................... .............. ........... ......... ............................ ... ............... ................ ............................................................. .......... . ... ...... ... ................................... ............... ............... .................. ................ i ...... ....... .......... _ .................................................... under Preliminary Order * .. ..... .... ......... approved 50pt!k I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 9Pr2.PtMgt 4 DqTe.n.t... t.ile . .P.J.4 eKcak .ajo A.yj#h .of••_six_.feet,_-.on--both--_sides fjauq . ....... . . between Fl.ancireauSt. and VIhite Bear Ave. ... ...... .. . ........ ....... . ......................................................................................... .............. . ........ . ............................. .......... ..... ..... ........... ..................................... ..................................................................................... .......... .... .. . ... - ....... ..... ....... -1 .................... . ......... .............................................. ................. ............ ............................. ... ... .... I ....... ... ................ . ..... ...... ..... . with no alternatives, and that the estiiff ated cost thereof is $.0.66 per -front foot. Resolved Further,- That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the..........:.........6th.......... day of ....................... .......... _., 191.7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamb�r of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coilucil _: _1917. 191 Approved.... ....... ............. 191 Cil, 26 �,by re,olves: Council Farnsworth .,byllld report be and• L hereby Counci ('08.4 .v. I. r.by p pro, d,d with. 1 Council Hyland -,a the nature of the impro%. b the C .. ell recorn—d. c M111, tilebtidewalk to U e er f: at. on but Id.�. ,of FN-,, D Flaodrea I. Ave., with no ]let.. Iv... there C McColl f6-.t.,l at of 1.10.66, Council Wunderlich rurther, I17hat a public had on d Im rovernent -"-'- Council Far. 'an.'! 'os .il Hyland 'oune c er McColl Wu.d, C'f of T.'ern her. 1917. at Mayo r of10 o'clock A lif. In th ' p�J$LISFIE�44� B S A lumber of the A. Hou. 17 Form B. S. A 6 .4all Building In the City That the Commissioner Ive notice of aid in -M.': .1. nd 1n the mar he Charter. statirn, of hear, ng. Q eatlw_ .by I, COUNCIL FILE NO..L By............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of QQ.rLS.tX.UQ.UnZ..LL cemarlt U10 old.paylak t, 1) fii.2L ...............feet,s.i.d.e.s..-ol J.,m.p.s .. ..... .. . S.t ..... from Albert- S.t ......t.o ...H.a..n.l..i.. .n.. e Amt.. ................................ ...................................... .......................................... .............................................................................. ................... ..................................... ....................... ....................................................................................................... .......................... - . ............... ............. .......... .......... ............ ............. . ...... . .... ............................... ............. I ..... .... .. ........ .... ......... .. ................ ................ ....................................... under Preliminary Order ... . ....... ...... .. ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is onnat.r.Lwt a ............ . ... .. .. r-em - nt ti.l.e..aidewalk QlAu O.f J_,n-mez St. f.rorr_-.A1b.ert.-.St...An.. H=Iine..Ava . .......................................................... . ....... ......... ........... ........... ............. .. .................................................................................................... . ......................................... ... .. ..... ...................... ....................................................... .................................. .................................................................................. ................. . ........................................................................ .......... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot Resolved Further, That a publichearing be had on said improvement on the .......... 6-th .............. day of .................m4g:lfml.e;! . .............. - 191.1— at the hour of 10,o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by,the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191..-- .. .................. .................... ..... Approved. ........ City Cie ........... 191 .... ...... '��mentis. .. . .. .dwith. . A ayor. LjGz' - I r�wrs of the, ksim i in Farnsworth seem. j cement the.d— unci 1 098 ..1. feet both from Aibert St. to' 0 ' u u "cl'm F 06 Al�-'_"�iiAy.6 "o ,96' fi �"ciil Hyland ,no aitermtti�-qsj .iced cost thereof 3 0 Further. Ths!. t u ell Al ;-". - - hod on W,; co I McColl th say of N.Jv 10 Wd.. ze, W je�c.f CA uncil Wunderlich h..b t in d-yor in Paul. Th.t '.c. 91- not Form B. S. 8-6 person. and •by the Ch •Iac. of b; I proveme, 0, 48. COUNCIL FH.E NO BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...A0n8 111.Rx.ing--&.._CeIR!<nt...U.1.e....RIAQW..a.13S...to a. WiAt-h..:SlX.. feet.-_on the north side of Juliet St. between Hamline Ave. and Syndicate -........... ...............................................-.---......................................_....................................------................_.__........ AY.e..,e................................................ ...........................---..........._....._..:.-........................................................................--•------• ... ..----..............._.................................................................... ..,.............. ................... ................................. ....................................... .................. .................................................. :.............................................................. :.................................................................... ..................................................................... _........... _ ..........................._........................................................ _..........--............... under Preliminary Order .........18575............. approved -_Sep.t....18: 1917.......... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _'. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...const- uat...a..,................. cement.... tile—sidewalk :..tn .:a...wi.dth..O S n...th e...P.o. rth...e 1 Ae...O f.................. J.uliet..:St.....bet we.en_Hamlin.e:Ave _-and `M.-d..i.cate AYV,..•.:...............................:... ............ ............ ................................ _..__..:............ -............ .......................................... ,.................. L .. ................................ ...............:.................... ........ ........ ................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....O..fzl..p.ez:..iront foot. ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ 6th.,,-,-..-.„..•,••day of ..................... gxeAIt?er........... ...., 191..7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; in the-Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci1....00T...........-41917.............. 191.......-. ” OCT 4 rci7 . _ ......... Approved .... y ....... ....... rk . a eDort a Or. aPP meed j. y. +8.8-6 rnsworth "pro ed w t h. t - proceeded w1t4."- _ 99 -the nature or the 1, - -_ ch the Councll'recomi t a cement the aldew-; land ala feet on the north . t between Hamline A,, - to Ave., with no alter at thaeetimated coat th, mer front foot. _ ccoll ,'olved, Further. That a } nB be Lad on Bald Improt, underliett a 9th day-o[ November. 1: /O ,our mr to m•mimmlt.A. nt, 1 LiclTE _ .�I[YCHa1lbHulldlmg eft the Ct That the Comm, salom; For,.nce'give notice of saidmeti' - _ ,persona and: In the. manner 11by the Charter, atat lanae Place of hearing, thethe _ Lnprovemstie,nmt. and the dotal dopted , Jot as eated. by,tt 4 191 - proved Oct, 4, 1817. . (Ocy-.9-1917) COUNCIL FILE NO . . ..................... INTERMEDIARY 'ORDER In the Matter of. tile sidewalk to a Oidth of six . ...................... . ........ ........................................................ . ...... ................. feet.—.0n..:.t.he 5.outh old.e...Q.f g., Ig...Hamline ................ ................. Ame., ........... .......... ............. ........ . ............. ............. ..................... ..................... .............. ...........................................1............... ......... ... ....... .................. ............ ....................................... ................................. . ............. ................ .. ............ . ........... ........................ ...................................... .......... ...... .... ....... ....... ........................... ............... ................................. under Pfeliminary Order ........... .......... .... approved ....... S.PPt a. .11- 191.7 ............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and.the same is hereby approved'and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ......................... ---- --- -- --a_c eawnt t1le si.d-ewalk. --- t.o a WiAth..Qf J).Lx te.at ....... Q.)o ... the . ........... . ....... ...... t.o H.amli.ne A.v.e .................... . ...... . ....... .. .. . ..... ................................... ............................................ . ...................................................................................................................... ......................... ............................................. ............... ................................................................ ............... .............. ........................... ........................................................................ ...................................... - ................. .................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof A $..Q., 66_Per..front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..............6th ......................... day of ........................ llomemb-ex! . ........... 1 191......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_:0CT419i7.......... 191 OCT 1. :... ... F ..................... ........ Approved ........ .................... . .. ....... Vit y Cl by' TI�I� t ......... .. ... .. . ..... ..... . .... 'h. aidreport Ma r. ereby approved and.' aid improvement ie h.' ve-suna X....orth 'r. d to be Proceeded with. ��t That L ?ocil n (4098 whichthe nature of th i, the Co c "truct . - tuncii recom, ouncdth of I eme. Me Wd n Hyland in.8 x eet� on the ave to, Ave.,from Albert 'th' :,t mitt no alternative' no 'i arn"Wo "o" n Hyland he estimated cost thereof Ic M front fact \ McColl :.,reg., d 'h,,.r,,,T P,: u McColl der] 0 u hVd b dim c no the 6th d., b r . 1 7 err on l or ay S. _6 o'clock t e Wunderlich f - 140" mPYover Chamber it 11Il 11 1 " vt/f.yor 11 d Pau1. at [he Co .'mace ]!'Orin B. S. -6 erso:glue n ti f 411;. a and to t e t .t Place of I - Improvement- on stjt dopted-e e,Oct.O4, 2,1, .`:(OCG 6.1 . - V _i_C, : COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oftile ...ialdeWe.Lk...tn.. a..lsidtri..af aim feet on o.n-, the... so,uth... ai de.. of..:ii4.s.�...3.....frow..Kennard..Et.....to...Y� andrea u.-F,t.-....... .............. :.-............................ .............. ............... ................. ..---.............................................................................................. under Preliminary Order 18.5109 ...............................approved.... S.ept•-14 r*,. -191.7.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....ao.n.stTUet-•s,-•eement the sidewalk to a width of sixfeet on the South side of Ross St. °from ............... _..................................................._.._.._.........._...........................................................__............................... KennardSt.._ to. Flandr-eau . St......_.................__:•.-.::....:.................................................................... _........ _.._...... _... ...... .......... .......... ............................. ._.................. .......................................... 1.......................... ......... :............. .. ................... ..... ................... ............................ _....... ................ ............... .................................. :...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _0A.&.6 Per front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ .............. 6th ............. day of ..November. 191..7.,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Dl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C'ouncil.._.... r1r '-.4 '917 191 ... OCT -� ro?7 .... Approved .................. ...........................:. 191....... r City CI k ...... 1 n Mayor. 4!-Hvlajid nsworth :royement the mature' ofitti. s Bch the Qouncii recc - t n cement the .1 e, sit from Q Kennard St.. iu h ,.with. no allernatl ey_ - the estimated cosh the r - 66pertront fool o11 neaelvea Further Abse a sting be .had aid ImPCOt I ,the Cth d ,v of 0 embe- 19..417 _Mayor gin Form B. S. 1 8.6 t ounell Chamber of the Courtili` nd Clty Hnil Buliding In the' Clt t. Paul Thai the 1. 1.. mance slue once of anld meeting the pe son and In the:. manner p. tidedTy'th Chn ter t ting the it.. the imp ovemcmatnL n tl the to[alre. a thereon as ,.tled.. adopte�tbythe Councli Oct 1; 1917 ` Ayproved Oat. "-19171 -19 - .tOcL 6-19177 ) - lot' COUNCIL FILE NO ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C.oMplet-ing aideWalk*.by s. width of .. faur and...o.ne:!!kmjV eaat Bids ... QX .... n.o..rt.hl.i.n.e o.f Chi..c.azo Av.e and 1.0 f.e.eL.w.Q.qt g.;r tjj& .east line of S Wab.a.a.h.a.L.S.t thence ri.o.r.t.h 5.0f...e.....et ... . . .... .......................................... ............... ................................................................. ..................................... .............................................................................................. ................... .......................... ........................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order approved Sept...14,...1917 . . .......... ................ The Council of the City of'St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is complete sidewalk.. by (;q;lqt r4!qti;jg wi.t.h....q..eizien.t file to a. width of four and one-half f!mt, pn.,the east side of. S. Wabasha St. .beginning-at......t..he...n...o...r...t.h.......l..i...ne...o.f ........ .. Chicago, Av and 10 feet west of the east line of S. Wabasha S _ _19A ....................... ... ... ............................. .. ............................................................ .............. thence north 50 feet. . .............. . ................. .................... . ............. ........ ...................... .............. ............... .......................................... ...... .................. ....... .................. . . .................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......... fth ............ day of ............ No.veln.b.e.r .................. ....... 191.7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the November .. .. .. .. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul: - That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the -nature of the improvemepnt, and the total cost thereof as estimated. r Adopted by theCouncil..: .......... . .. T...-......4 .19-17..................... 191 OCT ................ ... ....... .. ........... ... Approved... ........... ...................................... 191 1 ... .1 City Ole resole41�� ,,d repo .......... ............. I .............. .... ;eby approved an,: "said improvement Is li� Mayor. Council.Vf`fjsr...orth d to be proceeded 11th. . That the ..turn of the lmpr,' Fort ent which the Courell recommend :omplete sidewalk by construct, lith cementtile to a width of four 10 -hal r feet, on the cast side of Abialm. St beginning at the nc' of Chicago Ave. and 10 feet v he east line of S. Wabasha is north 50 feet, with no altern and that the estimated co. f is So .50 pe r front foot .1ved. nirther, That a publi, d I ,be had on so improvement N, be day'of,,.ovcjj November. 1917, at _th 4.f 10 o'clock Df.,. In the I hii-bin, of the Court House t ':ll Building In the City. of -It the Commissioner of of . mid meeting to Bate.. manner pro. t +atlng the' time nature of total cost COUNCID�JYME NO - By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_....Fe.ClJXlatx4i.Qtng,,__relayin..and_ cement the to.._a..widtl cf eight feet the cement tile sidewalk on the north side ....... ..... .............. Qi' . eaumont_..St.. beginning at Payne Ave. thence west 2114- flet ...................... 1 ........................................................................................................................... _ ... _...... •.---....-"---............................ .............................. .......................................... .....:......................:................................................................................................................................ _.-.............. ........ _...._.......... ............ _........... ..-...................... ................ .... ..-........................................................................... _ under Preliminary Order ............. 1857$:...............'...........approved...... Sept..._ 18, ..191%.- ................ :.........::. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......re.c-on.0truct.,................ _relay and..rep•aix...WitktaF�e -.:celnent.._ti,le_-to..,..width of eight t feet the ....................................----............................. cement-ti.l.e...aidewalk.:on..-the. north...sid-e...af...Berwnoni...St......b.egizixlillg._........ -at---Payne. Ave... then Ce .-We et...114...f ee.t............................. ............ :................ ..... ... ...................................... ............ ....................................................................................... ...---- .---- ........ ............... ._._.............................. ..... .............. .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..Q.,,0.6 per' square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 61.11.................day of ................_-Rp_e __...........,__. 1917- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the- nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by'the Council........GCT..-?}.'r91%-. -. --- 191 at ad,, .`approve-. OCT r4(7 City of St boort of the Approved.................................................... 191... _. ped- tfi a / lj Ctty Clerk v,.g eeaald e lve.: ..... ..... f&8-6 report be and .... .... ..........._......... ....... ^approved and ndop'' Mayor. rnsworth 1lnprovement le bereby,,. proceeded withature of . Council} 4 ch t the he nCouncn recommendt' net. relay. and repair with gland ! ilto a width of eight feet, t' the sidewalk on. the north e' +umont At. beginning at r,!, - nore. west 111 t 1 " ?ve athat It �'•4 Coll ---f 1 {o.os par r solved. Further, �t . •-q. t had o j•.y`- yy yr��•ry�!/ /%// underlich _ stn a s e f�n�p. s For I T J ki. COVNCHJ PME NO.; ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.--.-C-)a1A$I.rX9tCkle-.--gr.041 - Q. .. el &✓ t2e..l...a9 ...tt.4tfew�8ia.-.CxR 1DRA �X , and South Robert St, and Livingston Ave, between Augusta St, and Lot.Q...-Q9RxG.�7._t9...the-..rea.:.ine-a.-_Qn..t??9. prQIe-a—h@?.e-ti:Q.:.rhd and made a part hereof,' the present established grades being represent- --ed---thexean.-Ixy blue ..lines,.--.s.ls-o-._the ..grading ...of... said..Lipingaton--, ..-txom Annapolis t. tp Ge pre St. to the grade shown by the aid redline mben.._estadlel-esx...b.ex1R.en...A.uguata...�n.4..-.�tcud.aa..eta......:..ar�d...�A-:..the ...prWo.O.Q.41.. established grade for the remainder c.'F-xq.1sats-sYs. Far;awgrtn In tha Matter o[: changing the grade of J ....:............................ _...--...-........-................--.--......... .::..........- Eltzgbeth aG: 'betwaeq; Cibrman A .............................. qnd South Robert 8t a�d�Llsl��e'I' a... R a; .........:.................. .... ................ ..+ under Preliminary Order ........... 1-x-3.0 ......................... --..approved-......_.............July-.::50...:1916....-.--..-...::.-........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ` 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....-_ri-kltiil,ge.:-tingV.-041..0 Of wp.QA..Gorman„•Ave.---and.--South-, Robert ....................................t. and Livin at on _....---...-.. Ave. between Augusta St. and Louisa St. to conform to the red lines on the"prof hereto attached- and made a par -1 hereof j- the -pre-sent-.......... 9atabll-shed-,grade,s..being-represented. thereon by blue lines, also the ................ - grading of said Livingston Ave, from Annapolis St. to George St. to the .grade shown by the said -red line when established between--Augn'sts, and ..Louisa -..Sts-....and-..t.o._.the .pseeent .e.stabli.ahed,-_grade-, for--the--remainder, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ..13040 94..-... j Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. ... ............ ...-day of ---.---.:-........October- ...........1 191...7-.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ? Adopted by the Council .........AU.G...2.9-.laIL:.......... 191.. ..... . AUG 29 !9 7 Approved..................................................... 191 ....... _ . ..................1 Ctty Clerk... ..................... CouncilmanPa 'worth Councilman oss . Councilman Hy4nd ?� r Councilman Keifer. aSIE4._....�.,.�,,,,�. Councilyd& i fcVbll; - ' F ce. Councilor Wunr;,erlieh 1 Dlayor i•in � fi Form B. S. A. 8-E COUNCIL FILE NO......................... .... By...::........................................... ................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......00natructing...a. cement-.tile-.:eidew.ai.k to a2iidth of.............. six.•feet-._on.••the--north_.side__ of Thomas St. from Snelling Ave. to St..,...._......................._:........................................_........:_.......-:........,............................................................ ................ ................................ ...T.............................. ................. . .............. ...:.......................... _..........-.... ... ........................................ ........................ ..................................................................... _._........................... ..............._....__.._._.......:_................... ... ..... ......... -......... _.......... ...................................................... under Preliminary Order ............... 1L058....................... approved .................... Aug....14..... ............ Intermediary Order ......... _..... .......:....... _......_._.......:.......approved............ ................. .......... ,............ ........ ............ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; - therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent-and kind of improve" , ment to be made by the said City is......99.A9t=Q-ti....?'..gement.•_tileidth,;.-,._ o.f....eiX...fee.t,...on_the, north eide_of_ Thomas.. St ..,from._Sne111ng Ave,. to Aldine...St ..,..................................................: ................................. g _ '.ment uD6n d, Il havingheap .... .................................................... .. - xi$ Y+%no recommen5 .. .. ...........................- _ - ' n ,tkbylf[0. ; cad havin- - .nsldered. tbe,eame therefor- .. '..... .............. ... I...... .......... ... .. ..resolved. BY the .Conn. h of the Clt-.......................... ......... St. Paul that the Dree a nature, a.. - nt and kind' of Improvement to b ...... ..................................... ...........menHie sidewalkdCity to construct .. :Y-...... t ...... -n de t t the said C, to a width of elz and the Council hereby orders said improvemEet onthe north side of Thomas sr. m Snelling Ave to Aldine St., and RESOLVED FURTHER That the Commiss�t°oaneu hereby ,orders said 11-7iereb instructed aid directed ment t be made.y to prepare plans and specifications for said lmproof Public work. b at tl'� t=51Ye`L°� he Council for approval; that `vet d d dire upon said approval, the proper city officials are heta„ v., �.and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith /. e Adopted be the CounclL..........,.OrT.....4.ty17...._......, 191........ Ciii, Clerk. Approved............... _QCT 4 fQLI .............191........ t f V ayor, . Councilmrnsworth Councilmas Councilmlami G Councilmiffy, Coll t�'3L1SI / Councilm�derlich Mayor Ir Form B. S. A CITY Or ST. PAUL CITY or ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREgIivRY ORDER AssesseD �. DESCRIPTION LOT'BLOCR ADDITION VALUATION, �. 9 s so o. �A s o 0 'f 3 0 SS o I p /0; g,2 4fzs S7,5 0 0 46 0 A ax � 0 3 Al 0 0 70 o, L The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, .and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —_ .� Dated.. 191..7. _...................... ... _.. . Commieaioner of Finance. Form It. B. 12 I l IP Q 8 9 m rr j/ 3 y ro it i2 g St. Paul, Minn* To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body, to cause the following improve pt to be made: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Av from , St. Aow. to. . • St .~ NA—�,3_i I LOT f BLOCK d ADDITION _ _ _ _ @' @ i WWI @ @ ( .... ....@..a...! ... ........ ..... ...........@..l...d .. r r, r . ! ! ! . (°. @ @ . . . 4 @ @ .... rn FH" IP 9i d . . . . . . AUG 151917 BUREAU Ur' .ciGt[4EERS• ; Office of 'the mrnji onerof Public Work .i Report to Commissioner of Finance August...:. a a......1912...._ .:......_191.:.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.18058............. approved .:_Aug.! 14 R 1917 ............. _......1!11..._.., relative to ......... 14 fl�P.41k _on.:..Ho.rttx....side ..of..._T.homes._..from...Snelling ..:..to....Aldine .................................. _........ .................................... _.................... _.................................................... ............... ............. ............ ............... .................. .................... ......... ............. .............. .... ........ ........... _....... _...... _.._ ....................... ....... .......................... ................................................. ._......_................................. ...... ....... ................ .............. ..._...._...................................... ..._...... :........... ...... _.._..... ............... and having investigated the matters and thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. , 2. The estimated cost thereof is7,#WRMtotal cost thereof is`$............. ................... ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:,, ......... .... ... .::....... ........ ..................... _................................. .............. _...._......._... ..._...._............ ............ ........................................ ..:..._........... ............. ................. ........................................ "......... ..... ...................................... _.............. ......._..... ........... ......... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaelled and made apart hereof.. — ®. 4........................ ......................... .................... .... ............. ..................................... ..................... .................... .................. ..................................................... ......................... ...... u. Said improvement is .................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to adsessiuent for said improvement. ........................... ( mnmissioner of ub c Works. FINAL ORDER In the Matter &.0 .................................................. .1.i_etruoting_ B�j�Mpp� width of six .................................. ................................................. ....... .............. ................ ...........:T...............---......--------- .............................. ...................... ............ .. ........... ...................................................................... ............................ ........................ ................. ...... . ... .. .... ............. ... ............... .: ..................... .. ................. I .......... .......... ...... ...... .... .... . . ...... .......................... ........................... tinder Preliminary Order ........................... approved 1917 .................... Intermediary Order -------- --- . . .......... approved ........... ........... ..... . ................ . ................ .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the; Council.having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is C-On5trWA- ofRandolph..... . . . ..... .... . SIX.. f eot .............. t:4Q. )Fjejq�� Side. of Pascal. 1`9 a ��rom St. to -cal A� '� A., under. I a y�t Lpproved 1. In at Pon .................................. ........... ........... -'Zpcil having he................................_.......................... _....... and re ornmei t , ,.and h—1 ed the ...e: therefo ........................... ................... ................ ........... I ............ y'th. Council of the C1 at the preclae nature, a ......... ............................................. ........................... .......... . drirnpro,crn.at.to....................................... Nty............................... i.-nat—t . cec and the Council hereby orders said improvement to'o a width of .1. feet. Pa.-] Ave. from R; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner 1 -v -aid SL ' and the Cc impr—emaji?e and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvem I t, - T6at the r_ same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby ant I bori;..ed anti directed.tg Jrrod d the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Y7 Adopted by the Council OCT -4 1917, 191 .......................... .... .. .... Approved:. ...... _: ................................ 191 . .. ....... . ................... A ayor. Councilmanrnsworth Councilmant Y Councilman Alvland r -;1—i— TL11— cilmani6leColl Councilman JOunderlich Ni.yo, TnWn F-. B. S. A. 8.7. .CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT IIJANCE / ��. /� REPORT OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ORDER CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISWNER OF FINANCE Office of the' Corks ommissioner of Public W g Repnhrt. to Commissioner of Finance ....19.17... _........ 1til..:... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._...180.99._..approved.... Aug ..1.7.,1917...... ......... ....191........., relative to .................... S dewaL> .._QA:._R9-61 .01de.....01 ...P&eo.al..:from ....&anao.lFh ..to....Ealaae....... ...................... ......:..................... ...:................................ .............. ......_............. ................... .... ._........... ............. ..:.......... ....................... ....................................._..................................._ and having investigated the matters and,thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...-.necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is s._.rss.¢.....P....,uxi tuoital cost thereof is............ .._........._.................., and the nature and extent of said �innproveunent is as follows: :.............................................. ....... ......... .................................................. :..... .................. ............:.................................... .......................... .......................... .............. ............................ ....... _............ ...._................ .......... ..... ..... ......_........................... ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................ ................. ................................................ ......... .:........................... ............ .:......:................. ..:.....:..:..................... .......... ......:.................................... .... ......... . ... a :i. Said improvement is ........... .............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conuuiss Quer of Public \ ork st. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, Wei the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from . . .4���� St. Ave. to . . . . . St. Ave- g g M g ( LOT d BLOCK (_ _ _ADDITION,w . . . . J ( . . . . . . , .... ... f i .... ' .... ... ...�_� ....... . ...... ...! d ►.. .. d d 9 . .. .( (0 .. .. 0 i f .d.t..j ° ..... ...... i. i j.. d d 1 .... .....(d i.....,.... .. ... .. J ! l.. ... . d d d .. ..:(p .'d. d d ( d i a L'.iC3r-.•re COUNCIL FILE NO ............ By........... ............ I.................... --............--...........-:...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.repairing --.t.o..-a..xi-c1th...:........... t----t.1lP_.--aid esr:alk--...on-_the---Wart h.--sides---D.f..-.....--•-_--_------.- Sherbusne.: Ave.....beginnir,-g...116...feat--.eset...nf__itictAr.ia-.St..._.the.nce-:--------...--...-. ......_..._.......... ........... ..._......._..._._.........................._.............................-----........_ .............................. ....... _.. _.. ....... _._. ... :...... ....._ .. :._ ......... .... _. ......... under Preliminary Order ......1E 165.....:.....:_ .............. ...approved.._,_..,_.:.,, k4g,,-,21,..:, ....... ..... _..... .. IntermediaryOrder ......... ...... :................ ....... ..... _... ..... .approved -:......._:.................. ....._.............. ...................... ........ A public bearing having been had upon the above"improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- hent to be made by the said city is.....Reconatruct.,...relay...and... r.epair..Aa.. a...width .. .:........ of. eix.._fe.et,-- the._Cezhent„ tile... pidewall<_on.-. the ..north.-..ei.de--o.f-_. _ .Sherburne...Ave..._b.e.ginning..116.-.f.e.e.t....e ast...of._Vic.t.or.ia...St.....thence..................._ . e.aat...118.. feet ,......................................... ...:......_:............................................ .............. ......................... ........... .................................................... ...................... .... ntlens-relnclye thereto, at. fullyconatderedthe earn.: - be It Reaotyed. Hy the -C nail'Wh -. of'Sk. Paui that theyreclee natuie. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mtcnt and kind or Improvement it .Wade by, the said City le recanett RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pu -1, emPv e r ilioreldewalk on tof he no'aucted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and ,tt oSherbvictcrurne le St..ethboce e,i for approval; that upon said approval,. the proper city officials are hereby anthorizeson <me. Council 'h,a orac.� with the making r.`rrth er.'•chat ,az Control.. of said improvement in accordance therewith. xe be and la here. p _ •, toea9.id Dlamr,l t Adopted by the Council ........... T _ ;�17 .........., 191.....- +r th .00T 9 !N -7r city Cl ' k. Approved.. 1 Mayor. Councilma 9rnswm'th Councilma ioss Councilm yland Councilma ecoll 'im ..1- underlieh / Mayor I ' Form R. S. A. B - - CITY OFPAUL E / / DPARTMEhttyT OF FINANCE /J/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER -(D) In the Matter of _ _.._......__ ;_L / A. - ........ .... �e-w .....- _..._. 1J.6.... ....... ........... _._................ ...._. .:......... _........ __..... ........... ...... _....... ............. ......... _..._ :.......................... _._ ................... _. ............ ....... under Preliminary Order approved .. _... 9 % .... - ........... ._........................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The totatestimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $._._.............. .............. _..... _........ __.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ` -$...__..0.�..._9$.....t........ �: The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /A4.7o o V TOTAL, O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commiasionei of Public Works. Dated.. ._...t 19 `�/._..:..... _.._._.__......._.__ ( Commissioner of Finance. Fnrm B. B. 13 - i 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pail: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration tile prelimiunry Order of the Coin- cil, known as Council File No....16.1£5........approved. ......_AU94.1 ..__181.2.. 191........., relative to . Reconstruot .................Rider alk.....on....N.Orth.... side..... of......6erhurn ..heginning.....11fi..1 eat. ...East.... of.....................: V.i.c.Coria_...t.hence....East .....11a f.eet....._ .. ....... ........... ........... ........ and having investigated the matters mid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_.............uecessary and (or) desiritble 2. The estimated cost thereof is F..e.r, MWajcetc;&QQtst thereof is $:...._...._....._.__.._....._........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .-_ ......... .. .......... ....__..i .......... :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made apart hereof; 4. ....... ............ ....... . .._..... ......... ...:.. .. __......_ ....... ..... ...... ......... . 5. Said improvement is......nOa......_.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject. to assessment for said improveumut. Conlialsinoner of P11 le orks. I COUNCIL FILE NO............................ By....................... _....... _........... .................................. FINAL ORDER In the Rutter of..:.:.Gon@tr ct.ing,a_cem nttile:sidewalkto.e width cf ........ of Lafond :St. from Aldine -St, to . .... ae tiler...Ave.,..>.................................. ..................... - ---........... .......... ....._.............. ......... ..... ............ ............ ._....................... .. ... ... _............ _....................._...._...._.................................... _..........- ...... ..........__......... ........ __ ._ .:_ .._............ _....:....._-..--...... ................... -.._. .................... .... ...... ... under Preliminary Order ....16164 _approved . Aug.., K ,1917 IntermediaryOrder .-. _.:. _ ........................._ ........ approved............_.....:........... ............. .... :...... .... :....... ...:...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is_ ... Construa.t ..a...oement_..tile ...jald_- Pa1k:.t.Q....a 'Xidt.h-.-:... of six feet on .the...south. side of Lafond.St, "" QM Aldine -.Et. to ... :Ing a. P.healex... Ave... .,................ .. .._ .... ..... c. F ..I 1t ro t),t!--... .:.fond at: _ the heeler Ave•• n' ... ..... _..... .................. .... __._.... n -order 1d16b aPPr'... .._.. ....----- bil hearing g been ....... ... ............ aPpn t rovemeovement uPen .. .. ........................................... Pe m 'the Counetl haging "I h _ '�plrMl, Oh10C(lo r and rnth he' ....:.�ne'retative thereto: and re......................................................... -........................................:........................................... Y coneldered the eame:.there and the Council hereby orders said improvement tOyolved. By the councl, of the nda klndtof, !Improvement recise nature., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner y the cat!• acos act a cer• hereby instructed and directed to re are lana and s ecifications for aaid im rove!! balk to a width of e11 fe pp ,P P P P p h 11de of Latona st tro: > the Council fora royal; that upon said-approval, the proper city officials are here �°ae�eeewa �mava rected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r —A +QJ J Adopted by the Council.. `.:T 191 - Jr '1............ . nc1 �s�i f City�k. Approved. .......... . ...... 191._.... t i. ................................ _................. .-............... Mayor. +Couucian arnslvm'th I oss 4lylawl ileCoII WunderliehVq t1tl iinFor8. . _. ,.. y l / 7 .................... ................ under Preliminary Order approved .._ _ ., ____ ....__ _... .......:........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ah:we Improvement is - - - - $ __...__.._. The estimated cost per foot for the above imprmfement is - - - - - $ 0.66 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION z 5 .a zDSo -Form 3.,B. 10 - - TOTAL. -� CITY OF ST. PAUL -' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ^. ON PINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -' ADDITION ASSESSED VALU TIgN �. 7,5 o- so 0 '3-0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submi" the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.' i ° 191 . ,_ .._... eRnLnce. Dated .. �_f _ .........._ __ Commlaaloner of orm It. R. 12 .. Office of the iorier of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ..-August.-.2.3 . . ..... 6 To the Conllnissioner• of Finanee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration Lite prelimiuury order of the Couu; 1$ 64........ approved. $ .31.mV .._._...... ..... ..191......... , relative to .... :........ ..._ cil, known as Council File No,. . _...__Sidewalk..South.did ot.....L.afand....8t.ree.t...trom.... Aldine- ....-tQ:..Wheeler................ ................. ...._..._...._................................. ..................... ............._ ....... ........ I............ .......... and having investigated the matters slid things referreil to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. ......... necessary, and (or) desirable. 66 ei,,.LinaTPot •t The estimated cost thereof is $...— .................. and the total cont thereof is i ........ P the nature rani extent of said improvement is as follows: . ............_ . . ........ -....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and tirade at part hereof. ... ........ 5. Said improventeut is...._............_................asked for upon petition of tlu•ee or store owners of property, subject to assessalent for said improventeut. Cmuutissioner of Public Works. I Pill MMIgiii Af I St. Paul , Minn . — Y To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,— 'We. the undersigned property owners 'hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be wade: A,"- from St. **e to . . . . . . St. vxC• N $ M B i LOT i BZOCK i _ADDITION _ _ ----------------- — — — Irl-�"Z4 1it1- '� .�.'"`t Z, r_.C?Z., i �: Q 9 •.. ! (i •�-r•s'r- ..._.._. .:�i �...... . . ...� 0 a. ...... - F;........ ... J i 0....... . 6 9 ba1......... .. i 1(.....—...... . i i a . d i. 4.... ..... G i d �.. ... ... COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............. . .............. * .......................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of., UadknZ -AUU-JA R1Q.z% ....... ............... . ...... ........... ............................ ................ ...................................................................................................................... ...................... .......... .......... ........ .... ........... .............. . . ..... ... ........... .. .. ......... . . .................. ...... .......... ........................ ................ ..... .... ................................. ..................................... ................... . ..... ..... ..... . . . ........... .. . .......... ............... ............ ......... . under Preliminary Order ......17.460.._._ .. . ..... _....._.approved .... JUly .9,...1917.... . .... Intermediary Order . .. .... .. approved.... . ....... ...... ... ....... A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- went tobe made by the said City ' is.. Grade Alley in Elock,l, Kinale, Yr a leood ...... ...... .. ... .... . ..... lAd'it iqn,- . ................ . .......... .... .......... . ............. carl.g h.� 9 -ol ...... 'above lnoprovec. t a°or �nd the Council, ng k ,ono, . On and recoulta-, r t1ve thereto, and I,_ ....... c - der. the same: th-of, oral Av.d. 131, the Council or ............ . . ..... "', that the W--- --= ...... ........ d kind of Irepr%1 u:� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma: in, the aid City I- Irce King'. 3-1-01-a'ond Addl ,d -TER, That the Comm Council here I' or RESOLVED FURTHER, Commissioner of Pu dh e y instructed and directed �t to � b made. toprepareplans and specifications for said improvement, ana," -al. sare to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thEE,"th_4 1917 Adopted by the Council ...................... ........................... --I nCT —4 T`7 Clerk Approved • 0 , ........................ .. . ...... . ................... .......... - - ------ Mayor. Counci an priiaworth Comic a ass Coun anto it I I, I 4C,ounan Co C an Coun an underlich May ay vin F.rin B. 8,141. t5 7. November let, 1917. 1 i To the Honorable.Council, i City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - In reply to your.no.tice in regard to -,grading alley in Block 1,King's' Maplewood Addition, will say` I am not in favor of same, My reasons are as follows: There are only two families at the present time using alley-. Maplewood is the newest district in St. Paul and why should alleys be graded in that district when there are many older districts that have no graded alleys; The City has just put in -Slush Curbing,(the most expensive kind). when property just across the street have the cheaper curbing. I As I understand a petition was sent to you signed by Mr, Jesmaa.and Mr. Green to have that 'alley graded. Well just a year ago these same gentlemen had a petition signed very much opposing the alley., why the change? Just at the present time people have all they can do to pay taxes, assessments and live without paying for unneceJeary improvements. Trusting you will use due consideration in the matter, I am Yours respectfully, -4. CIT* P�UL DEPARTM04-1 OF.FINAN CE REPORT OF COF� W$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). Grading Alley. Block 1. King' p.y��.pl.ewood Addition. ........... ....................... .......... ... ... ............... ......... Inthe Matter of ..... ....... ......................... ........... .. . ...................... ... . .. ... . . ............... .......... . ....... .......... .............. ........... ...... .... . ..... .... ................. . .. ... ........ . ..... ..... ..... ........... ............... . .. .............. .......... . ................. ........... .. . ........ - . ............. . .. ....................... . . ........ .. ................. - ........ ... . .... ...... .......... .. .......... ............................................. under Preliminary Order approved -;�4.Y ............ ................. . .. . .. . . . ............ . .. .. . .. .... .... . . ... ..... ..................................... . ..................... . . . . ..... ............... .. . ............ ......................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the asscssment for the above improvement is . . . $ ....... ......... .. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ......... .. .................. . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or last by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel as reported DESCRIPTION :i LOT 13LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED j, VALUATION 1 1 Kings Maplewood Addition. 4,275 2 1 500 3 1 500 4 1 500 5 1 500 .6 1 500 7 1 • 500 f3 1 500 500 10 1 575 TOTAL. Form B. B. 30 CI ST. PAUL -. - 'OF i, .'M DEPARIT.N FINANCE I REPORT C0t11SSIQNER OF FINANCE a .OF ON PF'i INARY ORDER . (C) -- r t DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION 11 i 1 Kings Maplewood Addition 575 12 1 575 '. 13 1, 575 . i4 . 1 575 15 1 ; 575 16 1 900 :17, 1 750 I 18 1 575 19 l 3,925 _ 20 1 575 f 21 1 575 :1 22 1 57q 23 1 575 24 1 575 25 1 . 545 26 1 ' 575 !. 27 1 500 28 ,: 1 . 500 29 1 500 30 1 500 31 . 1 590 32 1 500 I 25,475 x_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ._...... :.. ..... 7r-. Commissioner of Finance. Form. B. B. 12 - . Office of. the Co' done of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Plu€;1a st.._.3.x.. .......................... 191_ _7.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No _17460 .. approved...- <1_ulj+._9th ...............................191._7..., relative to,..................., the radingofalleYinmock1Ying's:,apleuoodAddition .....g,. ....: .:.... ... ..... .... .. ....i ..._ ........................................................... ........... ..:........... _................... :.............. _................ ..................... ....:._......................................... .......... ................. ............................. ...... ....._,........... ......................... ............................. ..._ _.... ............... .................... ................ .......................................... .............. _......... ..................... ............................. -........ ......... ........... ..................... --- .......... ............................................... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary anis (or) desirable. .285 per front foot 477 11 and 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $_........................... and the total cost thereof is Assessable frontage.1,688 feet Excess inspection A1.36 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................... ............. ............... .............. :............ .......... i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and mode a part hereof. 4. ` ........ ...... .................... .................. ........... ........... .......................... ..... .......... ........ ............ .... ............. .......................... ...__...... .......... ................................... ........ ..... ......... ..... .. 5. Said improvement is__ ...................._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improventent. G / r l Cgmmisaio cr of Public W e. (ilii**f fit. Put I Prpatrtuuttt of Fuhlic Worhs M. N. GOSS• COMMISSIONER 1 E.--. R T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY J E PPOLL. eUvi. - KSON'o9111UctoN vr.o P•vv _ "`�..`.... : N.. St. Paul, Minn* July 23, 1917. Mr. X. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in Block l King's Maplewood Addition in accordance with Council File ;x17460, approved July 9, 1917. I Approximate estimate 047.7.11 Cost per front foot .285. Excess inspection V9.36 Assessable frontage 1,688 ft. Yours very truly, JEC/M. Chief Engineer i I I PETITI0F St. Paul, Minnesota. July 9th, 1917. To the Honorable Mayor and to the City Council of the City of St. Paul. GFR. tTLEIZ, N; We, the undersigned residents of the City of St. Paul and owners of property adjoining and abutting on that certain alley extending from Cretpn Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue, in Block one (1), King's Maple Brood, do hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to complete the grading and graveling of said alley at the earliest possible moment. Name Residence Lot. Block. ao j J " Jr�cur &�1xr�cx,FF ATTORNEYS AT LAW 224 END--B-DINU ST. PAU L. M I N N. July 10,1917. Lr. John W. ::Orton, 455 Shubert Hld a. , St. Paul, Linn. ieaT ;iT Enclosed please find ipetition for the �rading and graveling of the alley it Elock ore es per our curv.rs�,tion of this morning over the telephone. Ou4tr JLJ-;d enc CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL" RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..'. _ LC3ii25 FILE LE No . Date Presented Oot, 4th, 191. .... RESOLUTION . Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEFDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of alley in Block 1 King's Maplewood Addition, under Preliminary Order 17461, approved July 9th, 1917, and Intermediary Order #18316, approved August 39th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the alley in Block 1, King's Maplewood Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated October the 4th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. 18825— In the matter Uf condemning d tnk- Ing in the I nn ens -meat ,ad e - sury for slop's, for cute unit nliseln the grading of alley In 1310-- 1. 'ing•s .Maplewood Addition. under Order No provled %agustt 29th. l 17. 17481, np- VIn Culbmitt,,'d Ills repar tbll d \ketoh having s nl x _ - In the hu�'c mutter, hu It _ Ile -loud, 'Phot Lite-CI[3' of Jt.l t6u�1` fixes and determines the lan4 to ho taken or the nbovou named - IlnpruVement nx nn enxenlent fur slopley [or cuts and 1111a 'Irl and upon the 11 In Llluclt 1, lCin g's Mnplew Quit Addition. to the •ileo[ show'[[ upon the xketch `' rt of the t o nis- 1 tt hed to the rcpU Int - it •r of Public \\'ollcs in tileha,, ; It dated October aIle llereh117 e�erred k leh 1 d ` part ? OST 4 `911 Yeas (r') Councilmen ( d) Nays to nam d a purl hereof. AQoI t t O tilt c un -not 4 1917. the Council 191... . � ry'" ADP O 1. 4, 1J17. - < ' (,.r'arnstforth I _ (Oct 8-1617) - ---i - ✓,Goss In favor - `� f'� pproURI ... __..,w ._._...191•KeHBr ANNcc.11 U,.. - Against �'vNash w -a ✓YoergVlt.. ,ft : �.i _ _ M___! MAYOR .. i... Mr. President, Poo -.. FORM C.9-2 t41tg of fix. Paul Department of Public Works OSCAR CLAU13EN, -c M. N. GOSS. CON �. y�°"a� _.'5 pun[.. o ix n[ R. T. GOURLEY, DCIull J. E. CARROLL. gull - ' I Cox.inucriox • n.inf � AL IREDRJ AC...N. N. W. OOCTZINO[R. ! I ConR[crox. M. 3. GRYTSAR. E , G. N. -101D. OIIICE EMOINCLR d i REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the uiatter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in ?lock 1,- King's Maplewood Addition, under Preliminary Order #}17461, approved July 9th, 1917, and Interwediary Order #18316, approved August 29th, 1917. 1 To the Council of the City of.' St. Paul: The ComiLiasioner of Public Zorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement_ showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easer❑ent to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Cou.mieaioner of 1,U011c 7 s. Dated - i . �DEPA . OF ST. PAUL - - - - T SOF FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PREL NARY ORDER . �AS9E9SlD r- r ADDITION r D!9'CRIPTION PLOT 6LOCKA t�- r: VALUATIgNS O 7 ✓ -, d, S`7 5'. 171 I "2a'' / ; do 57S: dN s 7 s 2 9 / oCo s o o.. I ' TOTAL C Or ST PAUL DBPAR T OF FINANCE Office of the r ' of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .._................. met 3rd,.............. __191.7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideratiot the preliminary order of thT Coun- 17461 July 9th, 7 cil, known as Council File No......... __ .....:_..approved.._...._:... ....._191.......... _relative to ........_ ..._..__ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f.or slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 1, King's .............. ........... ............ _...... _.................... ... .................. .._. .........._ .......................... ;,:aplewood Addition _................. _................. ..... .............. ...................... ................ _............. _.._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said, improvement is........ .... ....._..necessary and (or) desirable. •L. The estimated cost thereof is $._........ and the total cost thereof is $ ................. x............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.........:............................ .......... .............................. __..__._.... ...... .................... :.............. ....... _...... ................................... ................... _.._................ _.._...... ...... ..................................................................... ........ ................. _..................... .......... _._............ . _ a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........... ..... .._........... _._........................................... _....... _............................... _...... _.......... :........... ..._.......... _......... ............. ........................ ............. ..... . 5. Said improvement is ............... ........... asked for ulon petition of three or more owners of property, sul)ject to assessment for said improvement. f I'....:_..............._............ lCo)umis pier of Public W CITY OF ST. PAUL *° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 18826 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �E"ca No _ BY .. IA_UDITED nC:T K ( PER , 716 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names - as specified in the following detailed : statement:' Yeas ( it Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council eCT ' i�� 191_; a sworth favor App APP t 191_ ,1 _Against — V .. Hyland - .. MAYOR — Wmnderlich _ Mr. Preside re Irvin 3 .II rG Resolved that warrantA be drawn upon the .Cltr 1're6aur7 &Y.We out funddi� aAd ..; r .. +� .:j of the hereinafter. aDecMed In favor of. the persons, firma oq cor- .. - yhen tirespectl then .unae`aiD,ec,Ced to `+ — the$followlug{detailed statement: A. A. Fu worth, Comer, Finance, 64,067.57. Peter Lauer, sand . Man LouleeLa6ar, Marfa iC - t A. Farnsworth.,Coner.. 87A.Ace. :�:, , - d496.60. - 7 $6,A • :opted by th. (bunoll'OCL 6. 1917: Approved Oct (OOL' 19-1917):_ 20628 A. Farnsworth, Comtr.Finance, 4,057.57; School -Sal. _ - 629 Mary Louise Lauer, Peter Lauer and Marie Katherine Lauer 45 00; Gen. Fund -Mise. & Unf.' 630 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 6,4®6 604 Park -Salo Park -Exp. 2. 5, Playground -Sal. 30 .75 -' w .Exp .33. Forestry Rev. 41. Impr.cWheelock Pk. -1 6 9 " Johnson Par ay 5 G. F. -Armory 9.' 7 Health-tomfor :Stat. 9 0 Fire -C. & B ,627 09 Library- p1. B.B. 7 .13 School .& B. 8 6.89 6, 6.60 tai s 4 /y °q e .Po.m A. 5.11 7 ' e CITY OF 8T. PAUL ...�..*° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1$ - .. tt..a AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION' FORM COUNCIL No: OCT 5 1917 By ITED I91_ - I PER ,.0 - 715. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followIinlg,7detailed" ; statement: - -- - OCT 3 s 1/ 191_ Yeas ( J) Cou 'men ( J )' Nays Adopted by the Council � awoah In favor APprd D_Against ` MAYOR Hyland Wunderlich Mr. Presid -Irvin - - 1 C. be draw" Resolved nthat warrant` .& le out f. I upon the. City TreaacifleaPfunds rpors- theherelnafterape ogMro ate. savorLheth. !'..°Mo.,nt•<• tions `Sor nems+ y -pent ad . their .respective, led .tat �rooraUon.- the followln Ot1aB "trice - publio Id6 - "sa.aa.. the Coancll OcL. Adopted DY - ` APprovnd Ont.,7_ ? 20627 Public Lighting Service Corporation $480.00 Lighting T9ta1 $ 480.00 .. :.`.Form A. 5.11 CITY OF 8T: PAUL #2 20619 J. D. Hyland, Com'r. Parks, Playgrounds and P. Bldg.. 15.50 jj Water -Exp. i 620 A. Knobl 7.90 Water -Exp. 621 McClain & Hedman 87.90 - Health -Health -Exp. ,•°,40 Com'r. Finance -Exp 3.25 Comptroller -Exp 3.50 G.F.-Mun. Court -Exp ` _.34 0 School -Exp. F. % 75" Library -Exp. ,.y i' .7 Teachers Trng. Saool L 622 Northern Coal & Dock Co.., 339.43 _ Police -Exp. 3 Fire -Exp... 623 Raymer Hardware Co., 28.77 Fire -C. & B. 4 , Sewer'C.& R.-Extr-Rep. ,✓� 0 C.P.U.-?iun. Test.Lab 2 80 Park -Exp. .50 .e Mun.Gera a g 1► N M .7 •er $ardwar. Co N Ca' $100A5. vorthr 1 • 6 . :1C. P" FL F : 1 ta8o#ell i=.ui 97 ' N N 7 Cryo' r Park., it&5 en 197.90 Armory- C 8. 624 H. D. Rudentt Lighting 625 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. 1,199.23 School -Exp. ' 5y 56 LibNrary-N.Booke ,' / 74 9 .63 • N 9.51 " M 9.84 99.7b . 99 3 - Central H. S.Xib 2 N - .50 Humboldt .8. _Lib. .0 Teacher Training School 1 1 � 3.• 626 Henry Stein, 10.00 Ben. Fund -Mist. & Unf. A lr''Na 18630•='":.c , Ia the Matter of'eoo�Zrq f Oa 'boW afdea•of f3barbgkrr f 6'Y••�� tweea Ozlord SG aad I,es!' _ /r`�fff//-� ii1`1` `;���/ I � nnder Pralltafnar9 order , V !(i - Droged Jvlq 1Z. 1917" VVVV 1Iu11 I �A3Pabtic bearing haglaet"• nootie and the �Covncllmba• 1t Aeno s ob7eetfona aad , — ��� 9tJoba jell a.ehh t a COUNCIL FILE-NO ............................. ca„• By............................................................................... l FINAL ORDER In the4latter of. .....cnnatxuct:i,ng...ourtllrag...on.:h.0-th..e. dna.:. Af....Sklerl?ux.T1�... ��...._ between.. Oxford._St...._and,_Lexington. Ave,J....................................................................................... ......................................:...:........................... ....................... ..................... .......... .............................. ................................. .......... ................. .........................................._...............---........................_....._...............................................---............................. ............. :......................................... .................. ...................... ..-....... .................................................................... ,......................... ........................................... _...................... ........................ ... ........... ...................... ..................................................... ....,..... tinder Preliminary Order ..----1759.0...............................approved ........... .._Tu.1y.,.!Ts...1917.............................. Intermediary Order..:..:.............................................:...... approved ............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having, fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......Ci1natruia.ti...r.UT ?.j,?:?lr...Rn.. b.9.:01 side9...Qf...........:...._'...:......:... .Sherburne-..Ave.,...hetwaen..Axford..St...:ond.:.l,e.xington.: Ave.•..,............... ........ ................... .......................... ................................................ .................... .......... :......._,....................................... .................. ....... _.......:..........................................................................................................._..............................................._.............................. . _........................................ .................. ...... .._........ ............ .......................................................................... .... ............ ......... ..................... ............ .............. ................... .... I................. .............. .................................. ................. ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for. approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed.with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT -5'912 —Adopted by the Council ......... ................................. 19 .. . V Approved ...:............... . ........................OCT —5 417 .... 191........ V �' e�4✓ w-� /1 ......... ............... _.........r..........................-'..............T.........-----'- Mayor. w<ouncilmai Farnsworth welouncilmai Goss t, uucilmaz Hyland ,::..... � lig• _Councilman Wunderlich _ "LISHEIf ,Mayor man Form B. S. A. B- . O ... CITY OrT. PAUL. f DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS�ONER OF FINANCE I -a' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G!C' I,. ADDITION `--_ AS LSEBSED - N I �D ESCRIPTION LOT � LOCKf � VALUATION _ 1/9 17 i cGo .3 ,f 0 o. o � G ! z ob•� 's: a o % S �( so 0 u Y 9z r- li The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. _ -.....aid -...... ....191... .. .. .._ Commissioner of Finance. 7' urm B. B. 12 - (014 of `t. haul Department of Vilblic 'i9nrks _ -11 ........ M. N. GOSS. COMMIfaI ' 05CAM CLwU N. pu.[wu o n. J. ! C..ci ucalaw wHO pc.wlwa R. T. GOURLEY. Dc.uTT - - euuwuLa• ALI11lO JI�C!lOM. $U.T. pU.. . UIT. H W. GOMETLIHGlR. pUlT. -- pu.cwu o. copeccnoH. St. Paul, i;inn. Aug. 13, 1917. O. H. H .... L.. Lh . 1:1. 11. Goss, Commissioner of 21ablic t7orks o Dear Sir,— Z tranonit herewith Prclininary es�ir�&te of cost for the curbin; of Shc_�burne bve. :From 0%ford St. to Zexinpton-'Lve., in accordance .!ith Council ile '17590, aPProved Judy 17, 1917. l,"Proximate eetinate y5�6.72 Assessable frontage 1,082 ft. Cost per front foot Excess inspection necessary ,a 10.72 — Yours very truly, 33CAI. - Chief Engineer i St. 'aul, Minn., 1917 01,/il To the.tCity Council,; f l I�(� court House, JUL 14 1917 St. Paul, Minn. M. N. GOSS: Gentlemen: - COMMISS10AER OF PUBUC WORT S We, the undersigned residents of the City,of St. Paul, Ramsey County, '3innesota, do hereby petition you to lay curb on Sherburne i. Ave., between Oxford street. and'.Lex_ington Ave.; Rlocks 1: and S �iL?NLex tc c subdivision, f-espectfully , j 7;Z 4-Ae lan,c2 2,tf Io ..JUL`19191 ? �1 Q. �-9 COUNCIL FrUE NO........................... a:• E. By........................... .... .........................--------- FINAL ORDER In the Ratter of.-...... .Q.IJ.Bt. llC.t.S.II. ..e...8. tv. x....4.n-t-1.].0...-C-Qt1tr.?...IU.4.0..-Q.f-At-.-.-.gw:EQ.. Qu�.�xaxa.-.f.x.Qm...a-•po-int••_16Q-_fhet-••-�Quth--•of-•-Randolgh-_St.-••-to••-• a_po nt•........•. 39T..-deet-..f10ut.kl...of-.Ra:ndolg11_St-t............ ................................................ .......:.......:............................... ........................................................:_...................... •---.......... _.......................................-.............-..---.........-....:.........:-----........- .................... .. .......... ... . ..............._...... ... -..... ........- .................... ............. ............... ............... .. .......... .... ...............--. under Preliminary Order ............17307..........................approved ........... .,,.. June.-"28,••-1917....-....-.....-..---...:... IntermediaryOrder......... ... ...... ............. ............... _ .........approved .......-..__............... ............. .......... .......... ......... ......- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......C.onst.r.u.gt.-.A $.@Wer.-•qA,. the--_centre-..line",.OP.-..--- _Mt-....Cu=:Ze...HAuLe.V.a7'd,-.-x-om--"a..polntJ. 30.:feet_south---of-Rand®lph,-St,...-to_."._-. a--point--.347-:_feet-•.. south--of Randolph St., .........................................:.........................-- .....--.-.............. ---......--.........--.......-..-......-..------...--.....-...-..............-....---....:......-.....-- - ................................................................................... -..-.-.......:---.-.....-...--....-.....------------------------..---------........ ............ ........... ....................................................... .................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper ,city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..........-. G.•r. T -:-5 ' 911.....- 191.. f e._ /J ,ems .. ................. ..... .............. ty Clerk. OCT 5 !Sti / A; Approved............. ..... ......., 191....... V i ,, the count .. ....-.. .................................................... t the prem. Mayor. nd. of Improverne: 4A. rusworth the 'aala cltr le can:•, sthe centre Ilna o[:Mt ' Sd •d from a polo[ 160 f - land Dolph acl to a Horn[ a•' Y © it Randolph and u �at� orders Bald improvem VUBUSHED ' Public Works Abe and 1 underlich tea and, dirocted eo •' epeclflmuona rot > and anbmlt same approval; thatliedpar city8• ad dlr. 'mnklns of . CIT; Or ST. PAUL Gf . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ............... _ . _._ _. . under Preliminary Order approved ........ _........ ........... _. To the -Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is —_ $... ...... Ile lots lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each Jot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �o z : 0 ` � • zz.s. j- 'j- -Z TOTAL_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and herebylsubmits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatterby the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.........._P/.._ 191✓...:'u%Q ' _. — - --- Commissioner of Finance_ ti orm B. B. 13 St . Paul , Minn To the Honorable, The Council,���b�(�`��\l,\ City of St. Paul, Minns Gentlemen,— We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �44,4 4414 from �D -. . , . a St. AM- N A M $ ° LOT ° BLOCK ADDITIONdel- _ _✓ — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — "v , �. . . . . .. . . . 6'Z� ( :Z. ! . .y. . ',�. ral ........... . . `•Office of- the COM loner of Public Works Report Co Commissioner of Finance AugUst..._8th................... _ 7b the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under comsideratiom the preliminary order of the Couu- 17307 ell, known as Council File No..._........:. ..........approveJune 38th, r d._..... _.......,.... 191......:, relative to ...........— pppstrupa.11kg..,.(..._eexer,.._on.__Yount.__Curve,,._Bouleverd.._from 160feet south of__Randolh Street _t4._._347 feet south of Randolph. Street _... ..... .. ................................... ................... ............. I.......... .. ...................... ......... ..... _........ ........ ..................... i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable $1.93 per front foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is$...... ......... .............. ....., and the total cost thereof is 1.:....... x68..00............., slid Assessable frontgge 400 ft. Exoees inspection 130.00 tlae nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ............... _....:......__....... .................. ....... ................. ............... ...... ................ ......_......_................ .............................. ..... ................... ................... ......_................._..............._................................ .. _ :3. A pla�, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d........ ........ ... ....:..... ...__ . S. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / l.oauuissimaea of Pa lic Worksl 4itq of Ot. Ilaul.. . �Je}�artioc!!�f public Works jj R Euuo.Eew en c. enc _ M. -055, CoMM135IONER - - cnaans R URLEY, Oar r [ Conatnucr oR .no R AL DJAu orol.N in [rl in St. Paul, -',:inn. Aug- Tar. ug • s 1917 ' M, aRYYSAn, e e. M. MERROLD. Orric[ Enainfan Par. 1r1. =1. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir,— I trane:iit here•::ith preliMin&r;; cotinate of cost.for the construction of a se•:rer on Ilt. Curve 7on10vard fro!"' 160 feet ' south of Randolph 3t. to 347 feet :south of Ra'1iiolph t., in accordance -:rith Council File ; 17307, arprovod June 23, 1917. Gpprotimate e:timate "768.00 t,ssossablc frontage 400 ft. Co --t PC;:: horst foot v1.92 yrcess in�:pectior necccsarnd y`-0.00 Your: very truly, OCChief :n;ineer e Nov. 10,111 111 i ` FINAL. ORDER& No.. Issu--Matter 1 L cJ / Elizabeth �St changing hbetweeenth Oona.: and South ,Robe it St. and I P :ton Ave. between Augusta -St.' ulnaSt. fo cgntorm tw the redl the profllea hereto attached 1 - Je part hereof, thepreaen` ..Itched grddeabeing rdprea'. - n by blue linea. also tb'e - of aald'Livingaton Ave: fror Polls 'St. to George St. f - .ode shown by the said r yen- eatabliahed between A, COUNCIL FILE NO.-----.- .................... d Lnulaa street, sad to the bliehed. grade:for'the re ,der Preliminary Ordel 1 .A July b, 1918. By_ ........................................................ .....ic bearing.. . ,,bove lm ; , -- FINbAL ORDER In the Matter OL... hanging _the grade of:.El-izabeth St.-- between_ Gorman_ Ave. and South Robert St. and Livingston Ave. between Augusta St. and _ 1ou.s&..St......t.o...aanJ.osm...tc the.. red..linea..:on..the._prAiilas.he zetD ........ attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being r.epresenterl..thereon..by...b.lui` linea,...also.... the :..grading ...of....wad ...Uyingato.A Ave. from Annapolis St. to George St. to the grade shown by the said red..line...tvben:..e.at.ab�i.ekled......betwe.�n:.Aup Qt.q.:_and._L.Ru a.....t.......a..nd.-to. the•_ present established grade for the remainder, ..................... .....:..............................................._.................__.................:........,.....................:.................................._.............. ............. _............... _.. _......:................ ......................... ......... ........ ............................................... ..................................... under Preliminary Order .......... 11365 ..... ... ...approved .......... 1916... .............. IntermediaryOrder ................ _... .................... .......... :.. approved .- ...... ............ ......... .......... ........................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notiee, and'the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....Cb .rV the-- grade -Of _Eliiabeth...St..., between,,,,_ Gorman Ave. and South Robert St. and Livingston Ave. between Augusta St. and--.Loul-ea-St-...-to ...conf.orm.. to. the. _r.ed-lines ...on:.the...pprbfilea..here t.o.:.......... attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being represented •--ther oon-•-by--b-lua-- l.lne a,..also---the...grading._of... said..Li-vingaton Ave. from Annapolis St. to George St. to the grade shown by the said red-li•ne--when-estabi•lahedbetween Augusta -and -Lol}iaa-••Sts and to the sexlt....g.atablshsd...�rade..:for_t.be• rer6tinder,-- and the Council he by orders said impr ement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereb authorized and directed to_pmceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith/ Adopted by the Council ....................... ........10., 191.... f %. io city ct { Approved. _....................... - , 191 - `DL ..._ ................. .......:.......................:......................... sy r. Councilman Farnsworth i�t18LtSIi>;D / Councilman Voss Councilman Hylbiul V �`,; l'. ' �.^ t 3 ^� `yµ �' Councilman Keller Councilman McColl �ot 5- Councilman Wunderliell Mayor Irvin Form B. S: A. 8-7. October 5th.1911. Ilan I N.Goao. Comr. of -ublio "Jorka. City. Doan Sir= ureuant to inatructiona from the Council# at 0eeti:6 holt this morning, I enclose hhorewith, C.F.18832 and other.paporo, covering, Change of grade of rlizaboth :,t, betveen Corium Ave d and S. Robert 5t. and Livingston Avo between Augusta and Louisa Strrato also C,B.10833 and other papers, covering Slopes, in grading Livineatdn from Annapolis to Goorgo Stroote, Both of above natters :,7ere laid, ever 30 days, to :Iovobbor 5th 1917. and all papers 7.or to be referred to you. Yours truly. City Clark. u'�ti'i"✓{n.�l't DW�,��.] ! V V D r lye St.Paul, Minnesota. October 1, 1917. To the St.Paul City Councilmen: Gentlemen: We the undersigned abutting property owners do Hereby petition your Honorable Body to ,authorize the grading of Livingston Ave., from Annapolis St. to Concord & Congress Ste. _ z ,, r� - v i %ILC%tt V !� �'-- ?;iJ r Ip � � �---*ter,^-��v� � �•'%•� (pity 'af �t� .�ixul Deparitneut of Vublic Warks OSCAR CLA11aa[N. CNI[r C-11[[ M. N. GOSS. COMM151ION[e - eu.[Au Or aNOIN[[nf , R. T. GOURLEY, D.— _ J. C. CAeeOLL,. surr. ' sunuu or eoN[r[ucnoN .No e[. ALI..O JACRlON, aurr. H. W. OO—ROae. aOrr. SIRr COa[LCTION[ . OeYTENOIN[[a U.— .1 it* Paul, lliilTl. Nov. 3, 1917• O. H...RR.LO. Orr C[[ENO NC[w Mr. Y. B. Goas� Commissioner of Public Yorke Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimates of cost for the grading of Livingston Ave. in a000rdanoe with request of the Council at a hearing held under date of October 8th, as per letter of the City Clerk under said date, and attach hereto all papers in connection therewith: Grading Livingston iron Congress to Winifred Ste. Approximate estimate #42,119.38 Aseeesable frontage 798.6 it. cost per -front foot #62.74 Excess inspection necessary #825 .86 Grading Livingston Ave. from Winifred St. to George St• Approximate estimate. $6,170.69 Assessable frontage 887.0 fte Cost per front foot $10.81 Excess inspection neoduary $120.99 Grading between these limits is impracticable on account of impossibility of providing drainage except at great cost. . Grading Livingston Ave. from Anaspolis St. to George at* Approximate estimate $161049.58 Assessable frontage, 6,828'ft. Cost per front foot $2.75 E=case inspection necessary =814.70 Grading Livingston Ave. from Congress St. to Annapolis 8t• Approximate estimate66�481.9 Assessable frontage 71113.6 tt. CoQt "per-Yrout- �CS#9�'__._. 3Loess inspection neoessarY yours very tiulY, .lam 00%• Chief Nngineer It1J if #dint Palo -- a OFFICE OF. JOHN I.'FARICY. CITY CLERK �. October 5th.1917. Hon tS.PI.Goso. Comr. of Public Works. City: Dear Sir; Pursuant to instructions from the Council,' at meeting held this morning, I enclose herewith, C.F.18832 and other papers, covering, Change of grade of Elizabeth St, between Gorman Ave d and S. Robert St, and Livingston Ave between Augusta and Louisa Strrets. also C.F.19333 and other napers, covering Slopes, in grading LivingstQn.from Annapolis to George Streets, Both of above matters were laid over 30 days, to ?Iovember 5th 1917, and all papers wer to be I referred to you. r Yours t ly. I City C erk. 00, 001P u CI OF ST. PAUL DEPAR NT OF FINANCE REPORT OFC SIONER OF FINANCE ,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ~ In the Matter of �� ................. under Preliminary Order approvedC� ...........---....------------- .-------- --- -------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ G The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -.. _. ASSESSED - DESCRI,PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION if I / 2S ��� e Lot_✓ i - z — 3 /:1 S"• �l �? �' l/ 2-1-o FORM B.S.A. •CIl ' OP5T. PAUL '' - NT OF FINANCE -_ DEPART REPORT OF 00 §SIONER OF FINANCE - - ON-PREL MINARY ORDER. - - - (B) ASSESSED • UE SC R I PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 7 z s 77.4 n "z Al 5 0 - TOTAL. .._.:,_FORM. M.B.A. ,.. ..., .., _.�.. .._..::.. _... __.. .:� - CITY OF ST. PAUL - C� DEPART 'ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO S$ ONER OF FINANCE " . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - . ... .. ...:.: .. .:. D ESC.RI PTION - LOT uBLOCK AODITION - ASSESSED .. VALUATION .,'J d-�.s. 7s /OO /s/ .�.-. r;. I011M D.D.A. O•D D. ......TOTAL. :..... _.i..... ._..... .._..... ,. �_ I _ r 'CITY OF ST. PAUL -ENT OF FINANCE - DEPART? REPORT OF COP SSIONER OF FINANCE -ONPREL INARY ORDER. - DESCRIPTIONLOT'BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION . ISO ��U�u��i✓ / v� o � 67 7,s 17 ego „ 7 s ,r 4 1469 I. TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL . - DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT. OF Q6WASSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r .(B). • -. -, .... ASSESSED. • DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK A'ODITION VALUATION .. O �z� z 4a, J,.�. • /moo' / iii tt 7s t!��-�' (Q� �oy�%� / a...-•-� �' �j� ,t /Iso X2.'0/1 30 lee yl1Z. - TOTAL. �� � 1 ✓ . i 1 5 0 O The Commissioner of Finance, further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _.... U/..1� ........191... ... ..r.!" J Tsai , of Finance. ......._ /- Office of the Coinmi�sorier of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 6th ,...._........._191.6... To the Commissioner of Financeof the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Yablie Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 11365 July 5th, 6 cil, known as Council File No... ...... _ ..................approved.... ............................................. 191.......... relative po. the gradin, of Livingston Avenue from Annapolis Street to George Street. .............._.................................... ... ,...._. i ... ............ .............._........................................................._.................. _...................................... ............ .._.......... ........... ............. ................ ..... ............ ......... _........................................... _.............................................. ..... ........... ................ ............ ........... ............ ............................................... ................................ _.._........ ..... ........... and having investigated the niatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.24 per front foot 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $_................ ............. _., and the total cost thereof is h._ 13.,_040._94 and Frontage 5,827.5 feet Excess inspection. $255.70 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ _.......................................... ........... .......... .................... _..................... .... ..............:...... ........... ................................___...................._.......... .................... .........._........._................_.........._..._._....................._................... _............................_.._..................._........... 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde it part hereof. .... :..............._........._...... ................. ._.__..... ..... ...... _....._........._....... .... ...... ......... :........ .................................. ............ ..... ..... ........ ....... ......... ._...... ......._....._ ...... :i. Said improvement is............... _._............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, Aubject to assessment for.said improvement. � 'mmuissionerJG Public Works. 5 i CITY -OF APAINT,.PAUL DEPARTMENT OP PUOLIC WORKS t, I M. N. G088WCOMMISSIONER - - - ROSEIID T. GOURLEY. DI Co..uuow[A .. OSCAR CL.USSEN, C -P ENmx1.N - J. E. CARRCLL SO- CON.rAOOT101 h R.wN.. ALFRED JACKSON, S.— S-1-11Ox G: H. HERROLD, Orrice E.... St. Paa:l,. Minn. Oct. 3 1916. ' ,f •' H. W. GOETZINGER. S. WO .,—, I - ) 11. Goss, COMIniouio11er of Public Works Deat Sir,- Im tTansn;it here•.,ith prelininE::•z; estivate of cost for the grading of Livin; cton Ave. froin Annapolis St. to Georoe St.-, in accordance •.ith Cour_cil File '11365, a—proved July 5, 1916. I ' Approxi:nato estir:ate N13,040.94 Assessable 'rontGE;e 5,827.8 ft.. Cost per front -'oot X2.24 ETcOs$ inspection neceocary - .1;255.70 Yours verJ/yy�Jt uly, r mEC/ru. Chiu Engineer f 1 i e st: �al _ s To the Honorable, % .1 . 1[ian.. 'The Council of the City df St. Paul. "�idSust, 1914. sejdtlemen - ve "the undersigned Property owners on Livingston Ave. 'between`' Coeress St. and Annapolis 8t. respectfully petition your honrallo -1ody to grade Livingston Ave. 'between said points. Residence. i• �ot IBlk. 'AiiticU,� , ( :- �t / 41 �� ♦ ♦.`�(())�.1 .!/✓'(li! ,/.�/YjI�lY7i Lam/ (i. �,'(Y - h G �C(111: 1�(�l L= r _:- 1 I tis ' r f�/ ' - J.• ylG 03 1, �2 -e. � f �, � ,:. 191• `'`` "g Ar PAUL, 4` ?di 3�y ; 59 ..,- r 4- ' CITY OF S . PAUL C. ir-lo. i In the ru.tleIrCOUNC41- RESOLUTION—GENERAL' Fo ,Ing an easement I I y for.. a]I au c.Sr4d[ Ing.ton p Is `833 reli in rd COUNCIL ved• Jul Sth, 1917 OU No . ............................. y Ordero. 8318: FILE gust 88th. 1917. 92 1. ............... ................... he TmIs.lonir of having submitted V ' sketch a the above Resolved. That th' Date Presented OPt.t _....1917 and determin, ad to betaken f- - 1pr*,,,,nt slope., lhv 111cshotilint on .. be twee to, the—tent eho '� attached to the tWrep,, Ialone, of rubli.,l, RESOLUTION. dated October he ,sketch and report art- he. - to and made a part her"t FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OF EXTENT OF EASEMENT matters n the .. continueTO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS . Adopl�- ApIj In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Liv�ingstqn Avenue, from Annapolis Street to George Street, under Preliminary 'Order 1-11364, approved July 5th, 1917, and Inter- mediary Order J18318, approved August 29th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having eub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Livingston Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attachdd to -the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated October the 5th, 1917, which sketch and report axe hereby referred to and made a part bereof._:..-...J 1. Yeas (v) Councilmen (17) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council . .... ... ........ 191 Goss .....In favor NOv Keller'_o 2 Approved 191 McColl Against Nash Yoerg President, Powers FORM C.8-2 MILISIIE� D (iffy of £4t. Ilaut Department of Pubtic W alis OSCAR-u!!!N. CM.[. ........ _ M. N. GOSS. COMMIS31ONER R: T. GOURLEY. O[.vrr - ' CONlTnVCTION .NO R[..ina � '.J ?•J AL.R[O JACKSON. lu.r. Conn[cnoN. N[RROLo. C..IC[ e. - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement I in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Livingston Avenue, from Annapolis Street to George Street, under Preliminary Order #11364, approved July 5th, 1917, and Intermediary Order fl8318, approved August 39th,' 1917. To the Council of the City of St. Pawls The Consfissioner of Public corks hereby submits and n:akee a past of this, his report a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be to be made on private property, and the extent of the easen.entItaken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Comn;iasioner of Public Torks. Dated I CITY OF ST. PAUL : I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF,COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. (3 10 "LIMINARY ORDER o In the Matter of Ar ---------. ........ --- o-- ov under Preliminary Order approved ------- --•--`S- - -•..• '-.... - .......... - - '...... -----'-- ----.— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-8�-+�4------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �, 77 .s- t TOTAL. roe. ..S.A. e.a A CITY OF ST. PAUL I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .4 ASSESSED • DESCRIPTION Lt BLOCK - 'ADDITION _ VALUATION 3 3 /7 l0 2 � so all 6V Z G�'o so �,0 7s s- ,3 r 7s --O TOTAL, .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL` J DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' I - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) DESCRIPTION `LC BLOc11 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o.o aZ any �Q j s /S% aGa S - /s/ �p 77,1 % r- C /so 7 /so So /o iso so I i 7 s 17 .:..._. _ IONM O. S.A 0.8! I ......- TOTAL. - ..-. a .•. - .. -. . o CITY OP ST. PAUL .. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' `�"►" . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - .ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LO' BLOCK ADDITION tV_ALUATION 20 ` GGir� 7s ---- , it ov/ao „ i-zs i 8 .z r ✓x � « 14-4 l Sia �r 9s TOTAL. 3007. FORM 8.3./1. 0.00 _. . _. .,,-. ,. -. .. .... ...:. .. .. .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFFINANC� ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRNARY ORDER C ' D E S'C R 1 P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION : ASSESSED VALUATION C':�so /o00 /-2, o 0 .2 r 96,; o i -/ Soso oZ s /O7 rr s=o rr /V/ o 0 --�o30o2s The Commissioner, of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Cl' 191.7- . .... Commmsioner of Finance. form 15. B. 12 - Z., lie W' ssioner, of Pub ups Office of the Co} Report to Commissioner of Finance October To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the ,City of St. Paul: The Conunissiouer ofYnblic Works, ]raving had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 11364 July 5th, .._197.6...., relative to ...._..._.._.. eil, known as Council File No ........ ...•.. APP roved. I eondetnninB•and taking an easemessary for. s opea, nt in the land nece n ston Avenue from Annapolis Street radiri Living.........._._ ................_.. for cute and fills in g ._....._.....g to Geor a Street. ......................._..._........_......................._., ............................................... mai having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... .... ....... ... necessary and (or) desirable. XXX.l and 7CXXX .. ........., 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._................_.._._. , and the total coat thereof is �--- - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... . A plan profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a Part hereof. ........ ................. .................................... not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject Said improvement is ........... 5. to assessment for said improvement. �lfi:l i� ..:. rl. Cmumisaioucr o1Public Works. 5 COUNCIL FILE NO._..._. _ By...: .....�._ e_.._....... .... _......... ............ .... _ ...... � � � � '34 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution, of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment-of benefits, coats and expenses for changi-4 ,the grade on Belvidere street between Oakdale avenue and Harvard street,. also grading the south 40 feet of said Belvidere St,, between the points aforesaid, under Preliminary Order......... :......_ _......... Intermediary Order ....._S.Z.a..,......... _................................. _.._...... Final Order..._:..1....4!i4...... . .............................. approved...... XQ9...8.*.__... 191_si...' The assessment of .......... ................. b6t1e.$ jt{1....... Q.Qsta...and..i_eXV.ens_QA....for and in connection with � the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the,&uncil having considered same and _found the said assessment satisfactoryherefore, 6e it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public,hearing be had on said assessment on! the ........:.. 5th.....__..._.....day of November .............. _.. 191_.%.., lat the-hour of i10 o'clock A. M., in thefouncil Chamber of the Court I House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fln`nce give notice of said meeting, as,,required by the Charter, stating in said`otice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, theLtotal cost thereof, and the amount a sessed against the lot or lots of thttparticular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT -3 1yII 19� Adopted by the Council ..........._........................... i._ Approved of X1.....5. ) :..... City Clerk. OCT -5 t9F71v1 ` Al a nga,eq a." uaPow put 01 al -r-. ......... ......... .. ...._.___.�:_ Mayor. tt t' a aworth :.' t -Biwuray ie° Nio 7°nervti Poo y iPew yo14•a .. � COIIDCIIma ; .7t '� 47 7 7,otlei and to Pauolu Vis, a47 0 a7a>ta a47 .uotln 4i oi, pa4aal "5- . ✓G a aolgl ui �Iall" 841 IPPV le,odn d au.aoyt iu lx *�sc I .. L-H and ' 21 n�naai1. etliuem oneluB ua lejn Past ,. M 41Q4uP�pPr411 3 .'31-1 , 4 1 4' Onn _ 1 ball. to bulPt;yta P e 47 -M o requiredjkf a lceth6Y th6 Cha�dtln notico the tlo a nad. 1 g'!n said ✓ ntlerlich ioctnahue r the, Imncovof hearing '---" ! eae dcoet thereof and th men t,"the agnln.t the lot r amount aa_. Mayor I n air tlteder o n to'.whom the notice le �tPProved O th _Council Oct. 6, 1837. Form H. D. 1C ct 6 1917. ) P COUNCIL FILE, NO...._:____.._ m Liz'ii� CITY OF ST.,; PAUL Resolution of Cooncil Approving .Assessment. In the matter of the assessment gf benefitei coFts 4nd expenses for changin& the 6rad,6 of Suburban Ave, from Earl St, to iiee-::ar St., also the grading of nail Suburban Ave, between the pointe uforesa.id+ under Preliminary Order ...... Intermediary Order .:............................ ___._.......... . J4,n. .4........ ....._... ..: 191.._7..:.: Final Order .. ..,i..�$.'+�_rJ ........ _.. ._... , approved... The assessment of ..... ....!a.e]L .f..1 $t. .49_Sts nd eXp�r_9e9 ................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t' a said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ..........._5.th__.... _...... dey of ivT, OV A r1 ............. 191.7....., at the hour of. 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of I said meeting, as required by .the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular _-__ owner to whorri the notice -is -directed — ----- — --- -- OCT B 1911 Adopted by the Council _. ........ ....... ........19 e_ _., ..... .:� �l _�._........... City Clerk. � OCT � 1.4-1-7191� fe .-�; Approved ............ _------- _.___..._..____._. ♦, Mayor. dater' r .....; ... y "!pT Puv buluweP � ),uw eql uY;. �—_._ - Councilmatr Ca sworth + (LIGT'IT -7 O) S j List 0" i O panojdd (: 'L IGI 'G 7 O Ilouno0 gl qop idol •1 V' -n Aq pagl�... Id vn 9ulana11 PP. J gJlio n? merit;. t-fiy nd lean to a' a 1H H 1 re. sPool. a edo%rther. That a. public hearin6 tie.had on Bald -assessment on the 11h -. day 11. November, 1837. t the hour or 30 oclock A. M.. in the Counetl. Chamber of the Court House .,.(�� and City Hall nullding, In the City of , W u derlich °t Paul: that the Commleloner of P'1- r - nance give notice of said meeting, an requlred by the Charter, stating in said Ma 6r Irvl notice the time nd place or. hearing, Y. I the nature of the. Improvement. the total- ost"thereof; and theamount an - - .d B. H. 16 ses d ogalnet the lot o or lots of the particular owner. to whom the notice to dl reefed. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 17137. 1. Approved OCL. 6, 1917. (Oct, 13n,1117) COUNCIL FILE NO._..=._:__ Y By............... _.................... .........._........_.... ....... _..... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. ln,the matter of the assessment of.benefit(e, costs and expenses fA grading Alley in Block:57, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order ....13.637, ._'.___ Intermediary Order .................. _........................ _.._....... Final Order .._.. 1511Q.. ...... .......... approved.. ....Mur..... .... ........._. 191...... 7.. The assessment of .......... Ve.nef.i.t.st.._cant a and-.expenses........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publichearingbe had on said assessment on the... ...........5tih.......,._...... day of .G.v.amb..es................... 191..7......, at the hour f 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St.; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed OCT -9 1y , J Adopted by the Council ....... 1. ........ ........_._ 191.... . ..,. ,...! .::t...._ 4 :a . City Clerk. Approved OCT —5 1W .. , 1o'nu"Iiewiouo�ane,oen ,o"sp nae 73 :.. ... .. ..... �.. _i_.... Mayor. u drt II unop a47 e j Pun 3, aa, PI ..._.. Councilmso✓Far sworth 1 oa4 aligns x 3g4S 47a i na to cul, PP. O47 3n4S Pa 1 as , u3 yl nd.. be°s roved." U fit� nDl1d' epeets aDP Tda Resolved Further. D. 'hear ln6 De had .Dont enNo aembement an tft. 1817 6th daY j aCovncllh Chamber. of the Coaxst llouee I rtnd CIty. H,.13. R.•IldIn6. 1n the CIfY- I- St. Pavl th^' t`+e Commisloner of FI- mance glv na'••r of Bald meeting, ae f V� derlich required by the Charter, statim In Sala notice the.. ttme and Place statim hearinB• Maydri Iry lthe nature of the 1mDr thovemamouent,nt the total cost thereof• and e eeesed agalnet the lot or Iota of thea- e Form B. B. 16 S.I particular, owner. to whom the mortes fe dtreoted. e 1817 - AdoDted by the Council' Oct. 6. . I Approvd 1 - aoac 1a-xsxt>_-.. a . COUNCIL FILE NO......_ ......... __ _...... _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL F_�1SiS Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits[ ° costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 8, Holcombe!s Addition, 1 - under Preliminary Order 1270A.....- ... lnEermediary Order 1317.69 .................................... _......... Final Order ..._. :......14254.......... _ ...._ __. , approved._... .,.._0._..Jane.._.2y_ 191_7 The assessment of ...benefits,-- costs .._and_..eapensee ..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in,all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_... 5th......_..._...._day of _N07..mb_er_.....................1 191.._'i..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ='-- House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of -the particular owner to whom the notice is directed _ OCT -5 i411 Adopted by the Council _:.. ... 91 .. / l _........... _... _.....: � ....y' � .�%`•' � 1.... ' c1.. ..._ City Clerk. OCT -5 1917 Approved.......... .......... ............. _............. 191......_ U ` `...... ..... _...... Mayor.__._ Puv Veao �a4 �... .... ;Zi Co a7geueq to Iva JOj a cua Councilma L,Farn orth [sprattPa"o+dao , u+ewaaa egyd=O oj0 PtO �tg8888r tap 't tet ILI (�� ' Pto)smi Dulutin /Daurtgp •� 1Du)3 (T- - there Resolved lThat ,d vas aui °)teaµ •• V,H: d Isp and the kme le kereby i ; 're.! erects aDDroved.. Resolved Further, That a mpub1(c .. _ hearing be had on Bald a.eesement on ' 1 l the 8th day of I ovembetl 1937. - C:. Imo" Ine. the hour of Io o'clock dtf. r, in the; d nCltyCHsit Buila Or ding elnCthetCitY .. Paul; that the Commleloner of FI i '• VWU erlich give notice or said meeting, u,. - reQuired by the Charter,: stating in; !notice the time and Dlace of hearing, the nature of Che improvement, in Mayo!'Irvin total oat thereof, and the amount ae- eesst.. rath lnet the lot. -or lots of the particular owner to whom the notleo 1, Form B. H. IC Ido Adopted by the Council Oet. 6, 1817.. Approved Oct 5.1917. (Oct, 18-1817) _ E- _ .......... ------- ------------ ----- -------- ...... ........ ... ...................... COUNCIL FILE NO.—'._.......__ By......_...r._._._..._....... ............. . ......... ........... ........... ........... CITY OF ST. PAUL Rqsdlution of Council Approving 'Msessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block 17, Merriam Park*Third Addition, under Preliminary Order _932,7 Intermediary Order ............... 1,4712 .. . ........................................ . . ... . Final Order approved Mara ...:.B,........_._ .... ...... _ 191....1.... The assessment of _benefit 3,..'costa and expennez, ............... for and in connection with the above improvement 0aving been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby iri all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ...................... day of . ......... KoXemb.er ................. _ 191..:1..:..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hduse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. , T "13 Adopted by the Council Q, I ............. . ............ . . ...... �191. OCT X C—A__ City Clerk. Approved ....... . ... .... ........ - ....... . .......... . ........... ................... . ....... Mayor. Council-15wFa nsworth to the ounc. having considered, b. aid ane—iniont I,. ,-�G iniIt — j�."..*,Z�Z'Th.t the laid I,,e be and the ...a is hereby . land 'p=,v.Pdr*V9rth.r. That . I' - in a Gn as swo I and hearing be had on said —.,b, T 0 the sib day ofN.Vern I at the hour of 10 o'clock A. X, i - -J�tttncll Chamber of the coury: 44 �7 d City 11,11 Building, in the : thl Commisioner v un SL Pool; that t c. of said meati, "—c. give ..tiCh.rt.r, t.u.%i underlich required by the notice the time and place Of Lrtj the nature of the Improve mer. total cost thereof. and the. a, --I Ma hr I in ,eased ...net he ig rt -is, .rucui., owner to _O. he Form B. B. 16 directed: Oct:, Adoptedby the council Approved Oct. S. 1917. (Oct. 13-1917) COUNCIL FILE NO.:.._:_.......... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution, of .' Council Approving Assessment. ` In the m.-of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ► for grading alley in Block 2 Oakland hark Addition, I under Preliminary Order ............... _....... Intermediary Order............... 1.400..................................... _..1......., -FinalOrder .....:....1.3n.4.......... ..... ......... . approved..... _.. ..De.Q._...1y I Id........ The assessment of ........ b_enefitll,...C_oaf.s..._and_..eXPense:E.:...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment' satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. I RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._..._._......5th ...... _...... day of - I ....... ._..... H.oventb.er................. ..., 191.7......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _.... OCT J 1W OCT —5 19l1 V.._:f....t...... ....... CitylClerk. Approved.......-... ---.._.... ..................... 191_....._ _.......... ............ .:...:_. Y ........: c'Y....�_': Mayor. . Councilm a aworth raprovet—,: •tied to the C,ouncfi.' ..,ell having considered tame ', found the esld aasetemant aattafactc." 9s the retore,ba It V Reeolved.-That the Bald aeaeetn be.. and the aameis. hereby In. all. VH land specta approved.. Resolved Purther. That.. a.. pu'. I hearing be had on Laid ataestment, 4;4 16 the 6th. day of N, lb at the hour of 30 o'clock A, M:: In Connell Chamber., of the Court Hr },� and Clty Hall Building,. in the Cl,' 4 lit. Paul;. that the of W d lona tir. Hance glue Hoots of Bald meetly 1yL $fi)✓ / Tezlich j reou red by the Charter, stating tn. fiefce naturethe tlofethe ImProvemerace at ,,Ma r" net thereof, and the am . _ ' lr nlrafnet the lot, or,,` ,,:. •vhom . Form B. H. 19 - .� COUNCIL FILE NO .............. -- - B r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoittion • of Council Approving Assessment. In, the matter of the assessment of . benefits, costs and expenseso• �r grading Alley in Block 4, Rosedale Park Addition, between Prior avenue and Sue strdet, 4--.�—.. under. Preliminary Order .......... 11.3.29 Intermediary Order....:.........a_99.39— ............. ........................... ..._.., Final Order ...........1.3.443 ............ .........._. approved....._ ........... Qct.. -.31, —__...., 191...5...._ The assessment of .. .. beneflt-e..... C08L8 and.... exP en.6ee_.,..._..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the a Council, and the Council having considered same and a i found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .............. ✓ 5Sfh......... _....day of _.K.ov_emb.er............._..., 191..2......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court I House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. �rj J ... ..... .. ..,.,. ..... Adopted by the Council ...__.._ ..._..... j I r........ .... _...� X191. ............ . • ... .. .......a r' :.......e11'.1.__�........ ....... City Clerk. OCT -� rg.}� Approved....... ----..._.__..............................191 L' � �� r _ ........._._.�----..:. M.Y.Y. Councilmatlll' /sworth m rovemo1 r. ,y0i,',q he. Ceunefl,' +� �.z co alpered ann. •• �•eretdTa'.11e dtaeeeeement aatlafr Reaolved� That the aald ease land De and the same is hereby. In L specie a Resole dovNurther. Thnt n C� I hearing be had on said aeaeeame' Ithe Bt day of Nove ber, at the hour o[ 10 o'clock A M, 1: tltl IlilfFD/� 5 •. Council Cha,, 'rul f the Court k' - !t �Fnd Cul: Hall Building, In the CI,- Paul: give a that the ce of Be[ Toner c nderlich cl red by lheiCharter, atating if the time. and place of ber 'rto^e of the.' Improvement ' Mayoil�( n - _ free. and ' e amour. A. the I l to o- Form B. B. 1G{ j ,gl?4 r COUNCIL -FILE NO.__._.v._. By , CITY OF ST. PAUL it.'i7 41 Resolution of Council Approving, Assessment. ° In the matter Of the assessment of benefits, eoets, aMd' expenses for r , grading Brown avenue from Page street to Gates street, h under Preliminary Order......_89_Pi.!i................. .............................__..:....._......, Intermediary Order......_._ _ b.�3.rJ...:...._.......;....._.............................. Final Order .... 1' QOrZ..: .... ..... .......:... approved...._ D.eC.._.._ltZ,.....__....... 191_ .._: The assessment of..._...._b.en.ef.itfl*_....cost.s...H$d__.expenses......__.........._..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. _... 5.&I ......._.....day of November: ........... I 191_7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch)flstigroFthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and .the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. T .... I � 1. Adopted by the Council ..... I t V\ City Clerk. Approved :....... ... _................. OCT -5 117..........191.;..:.... f _' _............... :'........_._�.._ Mayor. CouncilmaSFar isworthCour IdB considered. assessment t. be it That the said -he sams 7s hereby .. , proved. ,/Eiy and +ed Further, That hbe lay 1o11 eallovamb, . *eihour of r o'clock A M., a' Chamber or theCourt ) V Halt Building. m the CI' •. that the Commisloner Iva notice of said meetlnt by the Charter, stating In ( derlich he time and pines of hes - ure of the Improvement, .et thereo[,and the amoun Ma r Irvi sgalnet the lot or tote of yQ aar owner to whom the not:' Form B. H. 76 ,ted by the Connell Oct. 6, 1917) . COUNCIL FILE NO, ......... .... — By.. f... ^ 4� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoiction of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for zradinE =a irmoun . avenue betweent.�e Right o "cy o; the Chico o i'ila.;ukee'and -9t. jdul R;' to 4 point 300 feet vest of the Icest.linee of I,exini7ton avenue,. under Preliminary Order ..._...7893. .. Intermediary Order 1.039 ..................................... ..._...._..... Final Order ... ._11143 .......... .... _.... approved. Jane.. t.:-_::_. ................v. 191...8..._ The assessment of ,.b.enei.i.te,. co,atz _s.nd.._exp.en.s.ee . .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER; That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..........:._r�th.......... _...... day of Tovem'bor_........,_..,.., 191.7......, at the hour of .10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ._ House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance"give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter• stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .:............ F , U 191...._._._: ...... City Clerk. OCT —5 .Ql1 Approved.... _...... _... ............. ._.......... _......... ................ 191 _... .... .............. _....... _....._._._._.r._.._!...._......_..�.._L-._ Mayor. Councilmar�a aworth e,be l[ sdlve Thea the eal, • ,nd the m .nae le heteDl - olved Further. That ' •• land Ang be had on sold aase. •, the6th ^day. of November; - y, at the hounot 10 o -clock A. M., it CounenChamber.. of the CourE H S t/ and City Hall Hulldln6 to th< Cit ? et. Paul• .hotCommldo r of ; �� • ce Sfve noticeot e►Id Ing Z,. dredby the Charter et., o t 1 U-kinderlich +.the ttme and place, aturo of the. the , l� oat the sot and thr • MayoR.f- in � ngdinet the lot .. r o .rd was Form B. H. 16 COUNCIL FILE: NO. .......... _... CITY OF PT. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 9 - In In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for . grading Raleigh street between Como avenue west and Alden street', under Preliminary Order .:._......1.2908......... ... .... ................... Intermediary Order ........... .:....1-46..0.0 .................................. __.., _ ......__._. Mar.......1. 191....7..._ Final Order........_1..rJQ.71...._..........._....-............___, approved .................._ s................. The assessment of peaaf a,.QasL.6:.aTld:__eJC .ensC:a .,for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._.... 15tYl............. _...... day of Nov.. emb.er......_.... - ..... , 191.......7.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of I said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........._QST, �r`j.. t.y 1 I 191 City Clerk. OCT Approved............ __............ W _... _....... ................. 191 v �' �:.,._ . .... .... .... _.............. _. Mayor. inco.. t} Councilma ,Fa sworth r 'ovement 1 :o the Council. 1 ing considered sang: i Ge ebae dtaeeeeement esttata,. d. That the said asses- - ihe same is hereby I- a .. .proved. d T - Further. That a d had on r. asesem " day of Novemh.r .•our of 10 .o'clock A id. Chamber t the Court s y Hall Building. In tha C1tr J: that the Commislo er of glue notice of .said me of h.tg. nderlich d by the Charter, atating'ta the time and place of hes a ,�,•'_ ..,are of the the amour _ emen Mayb{1 •n. - ,.aost thereof, and against the lot o Iota. ...IcUiar owner to whom the not 4 Form B. B. 16 cted. Adopted by the Council Oct. F'. ADprovedOct. 6, 1917. (OCL 13-19171 COUNCIL FILE`NO._.__._.. A. By ...:. ........ '......_ r CITY OF ST. PAUL I 1t 6 7�f,� - Resolution of Council Approving Assessment'. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading %hite 13ear Road from Edgerton street to Payne avenue, I' under Preliminary Order ...2x7.5.... Intermediary Order .12.5 45 ........................... ..... ...... ..... :_._..... Final Order.... ..130_f3.fl .......... approved......._ Oct -...12.,...... .. _......._.. 191..:6__.. The assessment of ... ..benefits.,.... eoe ts__and.... exp ense_s_._.._......... _for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ............ 5th .................. day of i November 7. 191......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of i said meeting. as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and pldce of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed CST Adopted by the Council ...... 191 ✓ —.- I / _.. .. .... i............... 6 City Clerk. T 5 X561 .191......_ Approved............_.__._:�.� _,..................... -. L.: .... of benedtF-:.................. .... ........ ..... ....... _..... Mayor. • snd In oonneu.. im.rovement havin_ Councilma a eworth hfti.d to the councu, and -ncll .having consldered same nd the Bald aeeesament eatlafacto raf th be It .tandl�the_same fs he.bY all as land --leets a.v*oved.- y lie Resolved Further. That ■ D b its" be had on Bald aaseseMeat 917.- 1 '•_ she sth day of November. In the at the hour of to o'clock A. i and CityCH.11 B 11din6.ber of I rin the ,.f F House J St. Paul; that the r) laa, ro r of F1-. _ �,nanoe give notice or sold meetlnB, as l `la•1.1: underlich notice theyUm a ndt peace . tinheadn6 the nature of the 1m.rovement.. the Mayor in tOeeed oat thereof, her [f, lot or loteuof he I particular owner. to whom the notice Is Form B. H..;16 directed.' Ado.tCd. by the 1917 ell Oct. 6. 3817. '.Droved Oct. .I, 18 i COUNCIL FILE NO .......... _... _ By _..... ........... _............. ............... _............ __... _..,.... _. _ -•- :iCstr'i'-i:j 1 .. CITY OF• ST. PAUL Resolution of Council _Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses for grading and relaying sidevalk on westerly side of Como avenue west from Commonwealth avenue to.Carter avenue, - under Preliminary Order ............ ............... Intermediary Order:....:......:....._.$.34.a............................. __........ _... Final Order .. ...:$.� approved........... 22 . ................ 19L6__.. The assessment of.......... benefits, --Aosts- and --expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said aasessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ........... 5th ........ _..... day of Nov.emb..er...........__._...., 191.7........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular. owner to whom the notice is directed. C ST 13 '.Q, Ir ._ ...........191 ..:...__. Adopted by the Council .... _ _.._... .........city Clerk. DS . r ,� ...._....191......... ' Approved :...... _.._.____O.vT _.__.._. `J _..... ...... ........ ........._....................... .......... _... _ Mayor. Councilmanland th r and In to the Council; .. having considered i, the said assessment satore, be It vedThat the said' attheame Iq bereblr be ad on e, That be had on aid casco-h day of NakhourortooclockChamber or -the Coi; ty Halt Building, In ttul� that th of said ion ch $ gf Hailes or sale me Iret a the C nd pl, ce ofshe timeand plapce orMayor Itar thPreo'hs ndm%17 ":.`�� .'Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO........ B ` y CITY OF ST. PAUL uCi # it Resolution of Council . Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefit e, eonts- and expenses for paving with 3*" Creosoted Blocks alley in Block 2, Wright's Rearrange- ment of Blocks 22, 23, 24 and 25 -of Anna'E. Ramsey's Addition to St: Paul, Minn.to sidewalk on Lexington avenue, under Preliminary Order.....is.4.7'i.........:...........................:_..._. Intermediary Order .................. .16.09..3 ............. .................. _.... _........... Final Order .... 73.8..5 .................. .. .......... approved.. _.......Q.ct._ B"...._.._...... , 191.$..:.._ The assessment, of .......... ..hsnef.it.e, .. costs .-..and -.expenses--...... .... _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, andthe Council having considered same and 1, found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ................ ................day of _... _November .................. 191.....7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed. against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ .................r'?..^� ..0 ........... 191 ........_.. - f T. s r1 r' l... City Clerk. Approved .......... .......... . _............. _._�...� .... __...._...._i.:__._ Mayor. Councilman`'Fa worth a cod-'.. ling considered eam. ,/Cao a, n dtaaseaement eatlef. ed, That .the said -'as: the same fe hereby In at - -Hyl nd *"P.Pdr ea. ,:abedFurther, That a pu, �. :ngbe had on Bald aseeeement 6th day f N—Mber,. 11 ie hour of -.So o'clock A. 1, In Xll Chamber o[ the Court Lity Hall Building, 1n the Cltl, Paul; that the Commialoner.of e. glue notice of Baid meeting' li''Wu derlich `I -ea b.%the Charter, stating ea : the lima nd plane of hear'L:.lf'if:17 .tur of the Improvement, Ma or Irvi'-t thereof, and the amount f �• the Iot or lot whom •5e Form B. B. 16 ,' COUNCIL FILE NO..._..___�_ By... ,-...... __..... _ .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL 004.e Resolution .of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ` for pav':1ng Linwood Place between Kenwood Parlay and Osceola Ave. including sewer, water and gas connections where necieary, from street mains to property lines complete and where not already made. Also paving of alley and drivevsy approaches and street intersections and also cement concrete curbing where not already in. • The material to be used to be concrete paving. The roadviay shall be paved to a width of 28 feet, under Preliminary Order ........ 10.498......._. _ . Intermediary Order a_4139 .............. ..._.__......_..: Final Order .......1_4.511 ... .......:.. approved....._ _. &nuary....23, 191_7...._ The assessment of ..................... .......... ... b.enef.its,...,.eonto.. and_.expense0for and in connection with " the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......:..._5.th....._.._......day of XnV..smb.er....................... 191..4......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Cquncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against fhe lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. t rT Adopted by the Council __.... Q. _�J. y I /.. 191 _..._....... _. City Clerk. Approved ............. ... __._..Q..CJ t5 J t.7 ........_191......... \ .. .............~ .. Mayor. Councilman Fern orth ;.;spin conneccic 'iprovement havine, Council, �o ',.avinB considered san ipe said neeeeement satle['. Toro, be Th - ,Ayl nd 'eolved. That the said nese'! .ad 'the. same le hereby 1n r 're olvapped roved. That A � -eeFurther - •ing be had on said see eemd 5th. day of November,me 1.011 hour of 10 O'clock A M Il Chamber of the co rt l,� ty Hall Building In the C ,f' Wu derlich 'u; that the Commlafonar c .1 /! rive nh0,. ,rt said ting, �u. d by the Chartor. stating, ltvi he tlmo and pisco of 1. urs of the /mn Form B. B.16 �t the - ALINlD JACKSON. S.. i.Ci OOCRINOlR. lu.i. ...... O. De^^•_^_,• September 18th, 1917. O. H. MCNNOLO. O e[ aiNee. 'a' Subject: Paving.Linwood Place between,Kenwood Parkway and Osceola Avenue. Fon. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance; City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I herewith submit for your consideration s final statement of the cost of paving Linwood Place between Kenwood Parkway and Osceola Avenue, all of which was done pursuant to the require- ments of Council File #14511, approved January 33rd, 1917. The total cost of the paving including curbing (exclusive of the cost of inspection -, See Section 344 of the City Charter) amounted to $1,487.001. No sewer, water or gas connections were put in, for the reason that none were deemed necessary, inasmuch is the property .on both aides of said Linwood Place had the necessary connections already installed. Driveways. None require . Curbing - The cost of cement curbing $141.36 (exclusive of the cost of insepotion, eto.) put in front of the several lots and parcels of land is as follows _ DESCRIPTION LIN. FT. AMOUNT Lot 9 (Including part of Kenwood Parkway 183.4 $73.36 Kenwood Place Vacated) Addition Lot 10 do 92. 0, 36.80 " 33 Block 3J. C. Stout's Addition 44.5 17.80 E " 31 " $ n n a " i30.5 8.30 31 a 3 a a. _ a a 13.0 5.30 'Total 353.4 .36 After making the assessment for the curbing there remains the sum of $1345.64 (exclusive of the cost of inspection, eto.) to be assessed against property benefitted. Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Public Works. N.B. Blue Prints hereto attached. COUNCIL FILE NO._:.:._._.__.._ J "n CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.. In t6: matter of the assessment of benefits„ costs and expen see for constructing a sewer on Bellows street from Baker St, to a point 60 feet north of the north line of Morton street, r. under Preliminary Order .:....1.3863..._.._...._,_._.........._.._., Intermediary Order...... _........ _.._._............ I I Final Order .. 1.50.47............ ......... _. approved. Feb,.....2.8...... ........ _.. 191..._'%..:_ v i The assessment of hen.A#'.it.e,-vost.e....and..expeneeli ........................ for and in-connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... i5th........... _...... day of November,._ _..._. 191. 7...., t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular , owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ ..........191, 1 ........... _......... F` ? ..:_. ..... City clerk. Approved ..... __191 Councilmai6-Fa;rlsworth y ....:...._ ..._._ Mayor. 4(,Hancdl 'the aid assessment•Lore�6oiv.d, That the said' ease s�: . ind the same to hereby in all _1, ,Proved. •• :eeolvcd Further, That a Vint: .ring be had on srld,..seeemer, 6th day of November, -+t • •the hour a['30'o'clock A. M:, f•^ _ - noll Chamber or the Co t •.d Clty .Hell Bullding, In th .� Paul• th. the of sul do CJ )✓j �W derlich .e gjve notFne of said r d by tho Chartor, stn • , • .iy.•- he tlme andPln. Mayon Irvi ir, of the Im r. •h. Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO:_._._..._.. y....... ..... __...... _.. _...._..... - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. benefits costs and expenses for In the matter of the assessment of s �. constructing a sewer on Belmont street from Charlton St: to a point, 150 `feet east of Ohio St-, under Preliminary Order ...... ...1.5564._ _...:........... Intermediary Order ............................ FinalOtder:. 16621.....: .._.._.. approved..... ___..M.aY_.Zrzs. 191..7._.:__ The assessment of b.enefit , _..costs and....exp.ensee....:._for and'in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to,the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That- public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..__.......... 5.th......... _...... day of j7pp.@ig}l.8.�...._....:..._, 191...'%'....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in.the City of St. Paul; that the Comknissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature ! of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular. owner to whom the notice is directed C.CT Adopted by the ,Council ...... ... [ t 1�. s 4 .. City Clerk. I91Approved ... .. ..._..._............. - - 2 " Mayor. Councilman &aTsworth � j na consideredson -Lldeaeeesment astlet� •� ba It _ aved. Tnat. the said assess• land nd the -enme In hereby in at H •ta aDD-"d- 4 oved. 4tesolved Further, That a in, - ��Ing be had on said assesemen• or (� 6th day of November, 1•_ hour of 10 o'clock A M., fn.' ii chamber f the Court Ht 1 7ty Hall Bullding. In the Cit;' '• l; that. the Commisfoner of I- Ivernotice of enld meeting: 1..- underlich ny the Ch rtes elating In. time d pine. f h ar' of .the ImprOVemept Mayor1 in ^reo[, end the unou. Y loco Form B. B. 16 i e COUNCIL FILE NO........._._.. By.... i.t_Sli? CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving. Assessment. '« In the matter of the,lssessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer qn Clarence 3t, from nurns .vc. to ?LcLevn St.-, I. Intermddiary Order .........1 v. 83._................. under Preliminary Order ....1..4[7.9n ... ..._ _.--.------.'• Final Order..1o2Q�1............ .. .... ........ . approved _..._'rv3__I_,_ 191.7_.._. The assessment of b en of it s c o,st 2 n. d, C _A e n '.P3....._ _ , for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council,. and the Council having considered same a`hd found the saidassessment satisfactory, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 5t .....................day of Nov.e.m;g.�.x......:._....._._......_., 191.....7..::, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.• in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. C1 Adopted by the Council ....... .... ... .......... __.. ...........191 ....__ ✓""°"" - :.i ��." t '....Lr� City Clerk. OCT D..T 5 .917 ...:_ Approved ............ ... ... _...... 191... _....._ ...._..,................. Mayor. Councilman 0 rnsworth 10'the . having conslde-ci sem: ,nes-Id assessment satlafa� s3 re, be It solved, That tui- said assessment -d the soma is hereby In all re - land is aPDroved That o i uDilc solved Further. J .ring be had on sai8 aseeesmen1917 ' 6th daY of November, in -he -� • the hour of er o'clock A. rt bncRChamber of the. Court House 4nadcrlich 'd CItY Hall ,he Cngr In the. Clg, orht.Paulth o, he Of' aid li nenof1�gv notice of said meeting. repaired -0y th Charter, elating In Deuce the time and ➢lac- o[ hear ..,are f the improve mer'' �� Det thereof, and the. -•r. 1 t Mayor Irgin 1 ag•tn t th- lo• �r Form B. it. _16 ' ; COUNCIL FILE NO._.:____._. By.......... ...... :..... _..... ......... .... _................. ; CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolutift of Council Approving Assessment. Pp g . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, hosts and expenses for constructing a sehter on va street between Florida streei and Mlicago 1 avenue cnd Plato St. zrom ,va St, to State St., - under Preliminary Order.._5.s?..40...._.................._ .__ _....._.....__.. Intermediary Order ............. _1.2246 ... _................................. _..... Final Order ....... 1.32-52 .......... ........... approved... Oct ..... 1916......._ The assessment.. of .............4.en.e.fitz .....C,.O.n.t.s_dfor and in connection. with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it aRESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._......_J t:1....................day of .4'i.E.1"t,e3'......_....._....:._., 1917........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cosi Areof, and the amount assessed againsi the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..................GwT . � 1.!.l.. ... .....'191. ..._. .._...... ...., z..... .......,. City Clerk. —19QCT — i071 Approved...... _.... _............ ... _ .... __.._.......................... 191......._ ` c n hent ha _� Mayor. :;; l uneil ---- aarncmed Councilman FAr sworth ussment aatFFFR e a That' the e ` - thee soma. is hereby y In `- 6 ppro—d- - - iolved Further, That -a �- Arig be had on Bald assesame • and -'e 5th day. f November,' at ttie hour of 10 o'clock A 11f.. CouncU Chamber of the Court - `1 and City Hall Building. In the tf/ 8t. Paul;. that the Commleloner nanca-givonotice of sold .meet' M. eml Irequired by the Charter• statinF' notice the time and place of - - the nature of the lmprovem t -•W nderlich totalcast thereof. and [he am _ leasedgninat the lot or lot' particular owner to whom the Mayor 1 n ao-actea: Adopted by the Councll Oc" - Approved Oct. 6,1017: - -Form B. B. 16 :.(Oct. 19-1017) , COUNCIL FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for r.. constructing areewer on Fillmore avenue froin"State St. to Eva St., under Preliminary Order ........ .. .... Intermediary Order .......1.4510............... Final Order .. .._15055 approved.., Febe_ 28.,... ......... ........ ...... .., 191..7_.. The assessment of ........ .. zon.efits,......C_o.ats...and.__expennes..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..._...........5th........ _...... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. CICT 5 Adopted by the Council .................. .. ..................... 191 ._ U�....:i ..... City Clerk. is } Approved ............... --tr? .. ii ............... I91 _ ....... _ :... ..._ R�.:........_... Mayor. CouncilmanA:arru worth i sails' vGoss the said asses: is heroby In a� Hyla id they. That a 9 on eallovsmbemen K&IL r.�� 10 o1c1..k A M, % / ;ber t the Court ,, �.:•' Building. in the CI'_ I tho Comsmislon r once of std me t1:' I /�/ 'he Oharten se of Wun erlich me and pinco of h �' `it the tmvrovem'' .� --eo[, and the nr Ma?,r Irvin the tot om t'or lr Y� to wh' Form B. B. 1C COUNCIL FILE NO._.. a SSyJeS CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving .Assessment. .In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructinga sewer on Forest street from Rose St. to a .point 160 . feet north of north line of Rose street, under Preliminary Order......1.5Q..Q.........:....__......_.........__.._, Intermediary Order.............. 1..5.5fj51.._....._.................................. _.., Final Order ...._.........1.62Q8.... ._................ approved........ .May _..1, _. .._......... 191....7..... i The assessment of............ .......... .b_enef.ia.a,._...Caata.- and --expenses.......-:.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._ ......... -..5th ... .... _...... day of I November ........ ...... . 191...7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M:, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commis •over of Finance give. notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed C 5 Adopted by the Council ............ 1 .._u �,.. f91......__. \ OCT City Clerk. —5 iol� - Approved........ ...._.._.___._ _......................... 191...... _ { 1 t, .:.... _...... .......................... Mayor. Councilman�Fjarworth :ho sous'ld nese ement cadet • �efore,. be It•Rsolved, That the said rias �sbe and the same Is hereby In ` i, pecta approved. Resolved Further,.. That r, • hearing be had on sold — •s :the hearing, be of Novt ' -ry$t the hour of 10 oclock d .:1 L"ounMlChamber or the seCItyHall Building In ' St. Paul: that the. Comml i� Hance rrlve notice of sold n' W derlich 'nu �• ` by', he Charter.at81' _ t,, ime and place or the1mtlr MaYgr Irv[ . �.. nna n.'" Form B. B.16 " COUNCIL 'FILE NO ...... ... _.. IBY�. .....................:..._...._.._....__._.._..._......_....... LCSi7i.� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructin-; a sa`aer on Hendon Ave. from Gr�thtt:r;m ��. to point"170 feet west of the west line of Ci,el-afor _,;et, under Preliminary Order ............ ... _........ . Intermediary Order ........13=.... ......., Final Order ..16.52.3 ... -.................... approved........ ._._ ._I ay ..22,_.. .._. _......... 191.....7..... The assessment. of ........... FYIaf.1t.S.,..c.oe, t.:S..:Hrid_..e YA.en.s.e.0 ..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........ _.... .5th ............... aay of _.....i>.4.Y..e. C�_T._ .............. 191...7......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to1whom the notice is directed. '-5 ,� Adoptedby the Council _.............. ... .................. ......... _........ ..... ..... ..._........19L.— ......... ...._ _.. _._.__.... ....... .....:.._`t City Clerk. Approved ..........._— _...._.....:_.........._191__..._ �— Mayor. jf . s ement-ot benen;., coew'� Councilman F sworth b for and in connection sed to improvement Coun Ihaving vl andel the Bald asconsidered ea a sett -•,,ie, bait - `Ived. That the said eseeeem land t the same 1s hereby in sit d approved, _ '.olved- Further,. That a publ rybe.dhad on said aaesement r 'e hour of 10 o'clock A b9 In tt ell Chamber of the Court Hod.. Ity Hall Bullding, In aul: that the Coin ,. underlich Tlve notfco of said r by thte Charter. eta I time and place[]„"'"” / —w Mayj)3 I vin the impr Form B. B. 16 - I .. „ 0, COUNCIL FILE NO ......... _._....�_ CITY OF ST. PAUL #esolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of :f it P., 0OF_2 L;.nd ey-7ensps ., for corstructi7%E ' s on Hyacinth street frgn: Payne .avenue to a point F 120 eet east of t' -.o east line of EdEerton street„ I I i under Preliminary Order ....? 3fi�.4 .. .. Intermediary Order .. ........:.. 1.4 J.CJ.d.......... Final Order......1.-w.UA ................................... approved. P eb..._ 2.8,11 19L_%..._.. The assessment of ....... _....... Q.ene i,., s.,._ C..Q.B.t.S.. and ...'.en.ens.e_g......_._...........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and I found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.... ............. ..511'+. .... ..... day of ............. ..... N.Ov.emb.er..._..........., 191.7........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directee, ,T Adopted by the Council __.. .. ..:........ .... ............ --......_ t §.v ..r.v . .. City Clerk. OCT ic�f7 Approved............. _............ _... __...... _........................... 191......._ ( S _ ......._ ....`-t .. C"....................... ....... _...... Mayor. ,,!fw :nProve ht o� r.v• Councilman at sworth ,o the Council, nt .ving considered sem. +said assessment satfste' uio be it . - ved; That the said asaeeer.• ' --- -� the same is hereby 1n it . - •• 444 i nd 'approved. . .,teed Fprther, Thai a publf - - bgbe had on. Bald aseesament o •• .�.�} "!h 'day ot.: iNovember, 1917• 'lour or 10 o'clock A. M., 1n the Chamber of the Court House. Halt the Cog, li the city or that the of aJd lm ern FI-• ".e notice of said meeting. ar / (,Wun erlichv the Charter statingJa said I}/ -line and place of hee.rl,ln, the haproveme l'• _ Mayo% Irvin ad the n Form H. 13.70 ' - . COUNCIL FILE- NO ........ ... ___,_ By ....._.._......-...... ................. _._:.__......_.._...._...... _..... ._.' CITY OF ST. PAUL. r7Cy(5i? Resolution- of Council Approving Assessment'" In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses- for i constructing a sewer on Morton street from center line of Hall avenue to a point 210 feet east of the. east line of Hall avenue, under Preliminary Order .....b55 ......__... Intermediary. Order ...1.51.60 ................... _........................ _....._::; Final Order .............._1.6520..._..... ........_.._....__. approved........ .......ay 2.2. .... ............. ......... 191_.2.._ The assessment of .......... _.:..._.b.enef.it.s,..... costs _.and....eapensen........__...for and -in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inall respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on it;;.!................._5.th.._......day of OvembOT .................. , 191....%/...:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .............. +�)�..:......_ .......191 .1 ..:.... _:_... .:....: City Clerk. F iat7 - Approved ........ ............ Q. T_..-.:._..._..........191_...... � `` 1 ........... ... �....- - ._. Mayor. Councilman"Fa sworth d •• VGo " to the Counm+. _ - -�' having considered saP tae said ssseesment satlef•- - H d '+ore, be It 4'� Y ansolved, That the Bald. ease.- and the same fe hereby In r :ts approved. 1 olved Further. That a IV[ be had on said aeeeean•'' lith day of Nave - hour of 10 o'clock P•" "hamb.r: of the C, 11 Building In 1,. Wt nderlich comm+ ` a May6r Irvin nFli'.h/D Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL- FILE I B 7- -CITY OF ST. PAUL 4.esolution of Council Approving Assessment. i for In In the matter of the assessment of. benefits; costa and expenses„ l _ constructing a sewer on Morton street from a point 160 feet east of .. the east line cel Ohio street to Bellows street, I 2 ....... Intermediary Order 1 2.5.�...........-....... under Preliminary Order ...._1.Q...!i$ 12142 approved...... Atli• 10.x_:. .........191 .. .6....._ Final Order ........ ..... L._ The assessment of .-..enef.it.6x.-..cost.6 and expenses ....for and in connection' with ........ .. b _.11..'. _....._ _. _. .......:._.... _._ .___ _ the a bovelmprovement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_ __._:.._..5th.:.:.... _...... day of i NOV -ar.................. 191..7....., at the hour_ of 1'-0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court I-louse and City Hall Building, in the City of`St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature' 0 of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r1 —rj i '.' Adopted by the Council .. 191....-__. . ...= City Clerk. OCT Approved ............ ........ .... •---•• ...... 191........ v \ - _. _._ _ .._ Mayor. Councilmaktar worth '• ';oidd loonsld saseeeeem.nent eat•`, o11 be •ire. Tha[ the a.id a0 olved •• Hyl nil a the cams is hereby 1.', inPDr."Thnt a Hved -Furth: said .sees: , hg d. ont. Novembe.i hour, f 10 .'aloe. A. ri '• M t- tyCHsllb13 itdlnB.a t 1 1: that the Commlel.ner �+ Wu derlichWi vitisohari.r°faeaon )D I / •tme and �Dlaee' of r the 1mDrovem'- Mayor Irvi r,Ia a th' to ' Form &. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE By ;.4 .... _.._ - . CITY OF ST. PAUL l ,tesolution of ' Council Approving Assessme%t. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing seviers as Otis avenue from Marshall avenue-to Laurel avenue; on MoiItrose street from Dayton avenue to Laurel avenue and on- ];arlboro� 13'vz'7Ue from ''arBhall avenue to Dayton avenue, r under Preliminary Order ............ Intermediary Order ............... ......_. 134%3 Final Ordet....�.'J..S.Q......... .. .... approved... _D.e..... Z...__.................., 191:_6...: The assessment of........_..._...._._be.nex�ts�._..CA.Hte....&nd_..expe.ns.e.s........._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......_._..... 5-th....... _...... day of Xov.emb.er........................ 191....2..._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that -the Commissioner of Finance give.notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot ori lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................... .......... 191_.._.._.. OCT .{7 `' ...... City Clerk. _.r �._._ .... _._ >:.._.. Approved ....:.._._._....:_ ._.....__.___... ............. ............ 191 t ............... .. ........ .... ` ._. Mayor. Councilman LF'rnj vorth Goss - � 'aeaeeement satw- Hyla d. - )atthe sold asses, me 1s hereby In a1' '• 1 `arther. That n p' - nad on said naseaemen • L! .• U' of November, M., ock id A. •� .. ' 1 30 o'cl_ w 1 Ober of the Court, 5' J Building, in the ICII • 'wun erlich'. the Commisloner of, tics of said meeting he Charter.. stating In ••-� — j e and place of hear - Mayor Irvin )f the improvement, sreof. and the amoun"' I Form B. B. 1G- at the lot or lots of r 1 '•ner to whom the nail, the Councll Oct. S.", _ heL 6.1937. IS-1917) . . CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE, - - - Subject:-------- �9 • COUNCILrILE NO. Date Presented. OCT RESOLVED, Tlcat the application of the following persons fora license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Samuel Kozberg,_ _ 74� Mississippi St. C. P. No. .A8869 �Resolved, That the application of t� following Dereona for a license to sat intoxicating -.liquors at the. locations ra- _—JDeotively Indicated, be, and the sante'- • hereby are granted, and the City Clerk .. is authorlsed. and directed, to Issue such Ilceneee to -..d. ald applicant. upon, the, tiling of the bond and ths- payment of----- ------------- -. the fae required g, fare: •11 Samuel Kosberg 749 Coon lssinlppl et. Adopted by: the Council Oct. 8, 1817.' Approved 0 t. 8, 4837. .._(Oct 13-1817) .. Yeas (i) Councilmen (i) Nays T OCT . .6, r p-i�IpnRwerth Adopted by the Council .. t. . 191 ....... In favor I"Hyland Approved :. .'. is► J.. _191_._.... 1 / m Keller McQoi! _.. _ Against V Wunderlich NIr:'Yreslderlt.^M,I'l1 MAYOR - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION=LIQUOR•LICEN$E TRANSFER -� ---- .., COUNCIL No. Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors -be transferred as indicated pursuant to appli cations I duly made therefor. No. _.__- From (Name and Address) i To (Nam6 and Address) 11/No. 21d,John Heggi, 439 University'AVe. Emri Hegyi, 439 University. No 374, Slliam_Saw,-14_ 749�Misgissippl St. No. - — — - No. - _ - -- — -. G F."Noi 18890— ... - Reeolved, That tbe. following desix. No. nated llcensas to sell in tozlcating�______,_ llquare be transferred an Indicated pur- avant to 41,01catlons duly In . there. for: No. . No. 218, from John HegBl, fag Uni•.---=- ------ - - — — varsity Ave.,. to Evart Hegyl,: 419 Unl verslt N 579. from.. William Sas, 749 Mi.. NO. __- aleelppPl L, to Samuel 'Kosberg. 719--- -- -_. ___.-..-MlseleelDSl St: - Adopted by. the .Council Oct. 9, 3917. No. APproved'OcL 8.' 1917. - (Oct. 11.1917). No.-- No. o.No. No. No. No. — ---- - - --- -- ---- No- No. o. ---- — — --- - - --- ---- - -- -- - Sens ( ) Councihnell (r) Nays Adopted by the Cotincil 191......_. MFern9worth �; IiGoss In favor OCT -� (gI� . I rllylmul Approved � .j . _ 191......... F'Keller o U � �Coll ° Against t�R'underlieh - ... / _ ........ \1 r. Presider C Tran MAYOR - CITY OF BT. PAUL .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT r}�b a,• m.. - AUDITED CLAIMS.—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No.______-- FILE ' 9Y 181_PER717 _ Finfavor Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable outof the hereinafter specified' funds and in the Eollovriaa detailed persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified statement: Adopted by the Council fIrl `6 191E .Yeas ( J)'� '< V Nays �I�- 191_ Approv � �__ln favor xi .I..I _AaalaBL � MAYOR i,-07:eary- Hyland vYoe*-- Wunderlich Mr. n ba drawn . Rawlvdd that. �raiyb1e oyt thb101ty-T=Wn and In - — - upon funds. - the -hereGatrer' soeZKr - tdvoi'of th/�,Daaaoh4-dtm6 or lLa et - t14ns tdr tba p,nodnts Bet CDpe! In.; the resD.etivs.' names s} rs , - . tolAlo p�Hoy4 16 =tatemotat - '_..... B. 111 Q. 1L. n0,00 .. _ T.; er ardware Co•. ai3.91 .. Adam "DeeXH .'.GdagaCoODar ELb..:a88.E8. Co. - . �¢ "-:Chary Hane.n%BnlldlnB'a�terlal. a1.8E8.aE.f... — i1G37.; .Raymer —end g.rdBroswara - Ronald Preas. t Co. PPau 8L BnBoolt ,g 8 a ry - _.: . AdbDted Ily`the CpOncll OeL 8,'1817. a. 1817: --,a - 20631 "ADDrovedOct. A. P. Boyd coeL 1a-1e1v1 185.27 Pay. Rice _ 632 John B. Darling, M. 10.00 Corp. Counsel -Exp. 633 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 23.92 _ School -Exp. 634 GriggsCooper & Co., 66.25 _ C. P. W.-Workh-Exp. 50.60 Library -Exp,, 15..5 `1\ 66.25 \ .. 635 Cgas. Hansen Building Material Co., 1,336.52 Pav Mounds Blvd. 636 Maendler Bros., 1 14.37 School -Exp. 637 .Raymer Hardware Co., 7.99 School -Exp. 7.84 Library -Exp. .15 7.99 638 Ronald Press 23.50 Comptroller -Exp. 639 St. Palll Builders Material Co., 224.71 Fire -C. & Be 122.50 School -Exp 1C%2. 21 224.71 640 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 813.35 Por A. &P Library -New Books Totnl. 4k 810 703.88 CITY OF ST. PAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORK. Subject:.:.. Tr of TuP4.8 ................................. ............ ................ ..... - — ---- "U"IL ........... W FILE No . ............... ........................ .......... . ......... ................... Date Presented.. Get 6th 1917 Resolved, That,,with the UPI r0VU1 of the Payor and Comptroller, the SUM.Of Twenty thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) be and the same is hereby transferred from the Con I struction & Betterment item of the Public School Fund to the Other Expense item of the sme, fund, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in the last named fund nuy be met without hampering the work pr6vided for by the'money in the item from whish the said transfer is,made a V No. 18963—BY A. Wunderlich— twith the approval of, he Resolved, �F the r and I PtIroiiar, the som of Twenty Co 6 nt" thousand 6 se Done. ($20.000.00), and the eIs hereby �f.rrsd 1 & a from the Construction tterment ------------ (Oct. Yeas V) Councilmen V) Nays L—Gow .......... In favor I -Keller r) MeGoH_ Against Mr. eonm c.a.2 OCT -6 )pted by the Council....:...._......_ ... .... ........... . 191 Approv .......... .. .......... ...................... ........... .............. Q 6864 Council File No... ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT v and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..kYY.c ca.:,.ec 7ons.i o cicc'' •-. o _:=.i] _.....y- C -... 1 ... . _. 1.Y.�-• a.-. � 1-u. _i.: �--`v-• ':r :".'f L.:_ ..9._.._-�-•�•... ._':33t:--":Y1-tl43:'1:.:� ..A...... t... J r � - (j''.} OC-GODCT - ..... Datedthis ............._Y.......:._day of_:..:................_..................:...............:.................:._.........:........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1:1�'-in .sc .,..:_ ier lest o r ,e� li-.e. c;,r lei e, o ..._]lo+E _ as;•r',y-....+=t-i- ._ -f39....triC: }:�-��.'_. =-i;,a --vt —:"'f —t�'i �:•?_}-C"7: :...:iTi-tlAY/T^.=�y.._.....___ n oac r'4 e o w Gion of curt n rec 'IJ ...._..................._........................._.._ ...................._..... .._................. ......... .. - )r woe Na having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by a neeruct' the therefore, be it - .re neceeeery, havtn , - .o-the Covnca of. th,. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W ea theref a be ommtalecnev orderet� and directed Works h.a and be to hereby 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilitv..,a directed: orovement. •n'Inveatigate the neceeelty 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate!: el tcy of the making of ',nt, and the total cost thereof. 'inveetlgate the nature. mac. .. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impro,aemated at of .ata and the totalcoet t! n!.mprov mane °`".mprovement;_..............._...................... 4. To furnish the following other data and informatio...... h thefollowI -.................. , ......__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....._....:........rrT....�r�..4...� 191........_ Yeas: Nays: " Councilman Farnsworth OCT _8 M7 ✓G-oss Approved..............�............... ........ ............. 191....__.. 1 - ✓Hyland 't I—Xeller .-Wunderlich _- r_ .......... _............................................. ..__......... M r rvm Mayor. Pon. c e a D rlJ13LISiiIsD 44z/, CITY OF 8T. PAUL ^�w•••^ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 9 u.. - COUNCIL. 108fi6 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ' FILEN0. BY 4110", AUDITECOCT R .z _I81_ 1 as r�ru PER 720 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter ipecified funds and ts set opposite their respective names as specified in the; following detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amoun statement: Adopted by the Council " 1^ r T -8 Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays etn d isiz✓Goss - _ In favor ApproOWSI vSelle - - _�_Against MAYOR o Hyland Wunderlich Irvin. %4CReaoly� d,Au t� �ranL°t° y-;- out inI .uP4n-the tY r e Set e D Y the herelyatter epecided Lunda r ora i, Ffavor of the'9enons: nrm�. ov oy alts; . b.ttona-for .the pnounta. eetd.d. int �thelr re1'.Dectl i. KateIDSot ' l in the . of 16 - Connolly. i3.880.00..��. Asa1E Conatructlon Co i{.430.00. . •.pyandtnavtan /.ma4600;.;. nee'Peter DWollL,ni{56.00. ' - - - IA)edo➢r bYahe Oouncll Oct. - - Ayyroved pet. i. 1917. cast 33-ie17>. 2,690.00. 20647 J• J. Connolly, _-- Sewer on Branston. 48 W..J. Hov Construction Company, 4,420.00 TTnderpinning Marlborough Aparts. 49 Scarid'inavian American ,Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson, 425.00 Grading White Bear -Road. 425.00.' 50 De -Graff Wolff, — Sewer Middleton &Rogers. i I .00 Fe A. 5.11 . - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL r� - °"'�; ° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 18867' AUDITED. CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNQ1 No. OCT 8 1917 eY ' �.. AUDITA I81_ PER r 719 City Treasury, out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the payable in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective ntmes as specified in the following detailed " -. _ GrT -O.- 19 I77 / statement: Yeas ( J) Cou ' mea ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 1$1_ T -8 F917 . l�,s YL—In favor Approv 191_ ell Against — - I --- - Hyland MAYOR'.- - i -J{S Wunderlich -' - Mr 20643 Farwell", Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 1,323.00 Police -Exp. 44 Joesting & Schilling Company, __ 867.89 ,Mechanic Arts H.S .Library. 45 St.Paul Blue Print Company, 28.02 - Fire-G&B. 46 Washington Foundry Coml;any, 318.60 - - . Sewer C&R-ExtraordinaryRepr.- - uponathe the - favor "- tions their'.: - the following Farwell. - Toesting'k - 8L"",Paul-•nice -7,;74 Walhl 2 9 Adopted - Approved eCity hTreue Y. Payable oout of herelnafterlapeclaed to and In i of the persons, arm;. oc.-corpora• for . the amounts set. oh=. respective. names as-ep.cined in dctailed -statement: ' Careen Kirk@ -.Co.. i1,338,00.: 8chliling Co:; 6667.39. Print OZ. $38.01. - dg n Foundry.Co.,- 6318.60. by: the Council Oct 8, 1917. Oct3917. (Oct13.1917) J Form A. 6-11 - Y CITY OF ST. PAUL s COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ ,, .:....... ......... ................ _. Cour 1f3868 FILIZ N Date Presefited..-.._ ....._Q�T�_:.$...{.,•x-191..... I . Resolved, That the application of Phil Morgan for a license to conduct a Pawnshop at 193 E. 7th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such lioense upon the filing of the Bond and Contract and the payment of the fee, into the City Treasury of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars. No.I8B86— PhiHl Morgan fcrtat IcenenPllo conduct I a Pawnshop at 193 E. 7th Street, be CI t• Clerk le hereby (tnetgi•uacted in leeua I such Ilcenee upon the filing o[ the bond and Contract and the. payment o[ the tee, Into the CIty Treasury of One Hun- . IBred- (8100.00) I)oI)aru Adopted •by the. Cbuncll Oct. 8, .1917. ADDroved Oct: 8, 3837. 4 )'eaa (✓) C.. 'Imen (o') Nays —Far L,Vo ' .....In favor vn .Ind . IiIC Ir .. ..... Against V' derlich I tan n FORM C. A -17 2M (Oct: 13-1917) —I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUty� IL RESOLUTION—GEINERA* FORM Subject:.`........... ............... ................ . ...:.::..._ _.................................. r .. L. ' COUNCIL FILE' N O .... ............... Date Presented.......Gn:� ....3... .............191...7... Resolve' he tide• s"pecifie(i _or tr:c ,ter o stirce Of certcil con;:ract datoc La�v 1st) 1517 betire-n i- -• zloi,c Co)'ur,ny, cor;ore:tion, nu tae city of st. pt ui ;Co— ti'>e "l c.i i.{'; O'i :i ij. L1 ice' froi, FJ rVieC!-"aavee tO Cleveland ave. "uc h�nu file i:: :.ere',y e.;aended to the 6th 6. y of . October, .1317 wad i- e irrO oe O i 1S,)' of ie ers are iierejJ uttaori� oi, to h execute e.i8'•::ont to sF 1 co_:•areot in acooa is azco herewith, provi leu, ho;veve2•, -at IJILL re�olutior, shill root hc,vc =.- _o_ce .-''feet unless the sureties o: the c:ontrc.ctor`e bo,: cor. c'r' sheretiO <.,rid rile .;uch cO:isc icing ': ith ti,e -k; y Co.^troller. I Q F: No. "18889--ny M. N. (lues— .Resolved, That the. time ain contract ont rot I' datedthe. May lat. 1917 betweenW tr company. a co oratton. and Ye4almen (✓) Nays ........ln Eavor (�......AgeinrtMFO Malone the City Of BL Paul tort a Rradlnir o[ Cleveland`at. A've. robe dlr the ams to herebyl.atended to the 8th day of Oc- tober, 1917 and the proper city officer. I Ore hereby authorised to z.cut. an amendment to sold contract la ac- eordanc,. herewith, provided, however. _ that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the auretlas •t on the contractor'. bond consent there• to and ale such consent. -l. wr(tl.g with the Adopted b Comptroller. 917 ) ith th by tbs Council OM. S. 1917. Approved Oct., 0. 1917. (Oct. 18-1917) Adopted by the Council UT 19.}.]. .......... 191._.:... Approv................................x...............191........ MAYOR t 4 St. Pall, -inn.. Oct. 6,.1917. I I To the-Honora',ile Cit. Co'.mcil, C I ''2 Y. t Gentle:::eu, - ii.c e; 0111 1.,0 sect 'ully as7: ',;h,-_t our H. naruble 3od.c, urio the ti:ae of co;,,:lcting the contract nor the �rLdi: [, of St. Clc.ir „t. Troia . I Fairviewbve. to Clevelanu rve. be c,_tended 'Go the 6th da✓ of Jctober, —. 1917. a:rinrc to l.:i)o_ con'.1it:iono, it tra not Possible or uc Co finiui: thi2 contract"" t!iin the i::e ,! ecificci, hance :•e oxoire .to ask that t;_c tuna for co:xdc-lin-: sage be rage as hereinbefore stated. Yours ver; t 'ul;; , / Contrz:ctor There is no ohjeciion to having; the .tine e_:tcncicd as re yea t� ', as, Tar ab the- ret : :!is of ice i; co;:cel^Ted. Commissioner of _'ublic 'do ' s Chief L:nr;inecr t CITY OF ST.g PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEAMRAL�,FORM - t Sub] - ect _: ............... .. .. .....!....... ............... ... . . COUNCILr~0 nLa: NO...................._..:... ..........� . _.............•................................_....................., ... i Date Presented .0C1: " 1917 191:._. Resolved, That the'sum of -Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or so much thereof as . I maybe necessary is hereby appropriated out of the Contingent Fund to be used for defraying the expenses of entertaining the Librarians visiting the City on the occasion of the opening of the Public Library on October 9th and 10th. and the proper city officers are hereby empowered to drawl warrants.in payment I4 such'expenses upon presentation of proper vouchers approved by the Commissioner of,Tducation and the Comptroller I C. r No. 18870—Hy A. Wunderlich— it Resolved. That the.; sum of Fltty Dollars (150.00) or s. muc, there.[ as i may be neceeearY fe hereby aDDroprt- I ated lout of the Contlntent Fun to be tertd for ainingetheY Librarians vlelting thee! City on the o.caslon of the openingof 1 the Public Library on Octobor 9th and loth and the proper city. oRlcen are hereby empowered t,-,. warrants In payment of. suoR ezpenees uponDres- enmtlonof propper. vouchers-aDDroved. I by the Commfseloner of lOducatlonand the ComD[rollet .. _ Adopted AY the Council OCG a, 191E .ADproved Oct.'a, 1917. (Oct, 11-1917) Yeas ( ✓) Coun en ( ✓) Nays OCT —8 1911 Adopted by the Council ......... .......... .. 191- ti Coss 91_tiCoss :.... In favor OCT —8 19:17 t-Kellei Approved .../t..I ..... ...........�. 191........ ......... Against VAU ✓Nash Mr. MAYOR ...FORM C.6.2.. - COUNCIL FILE NO ...:......................... ✓ FINAL PRDER In the Matter of...._furnishing,-and_installing--an-_ornamental lighting ................ ey-et-em---con91•�t ng.,•of- '1i•ght-•_lamp--poets,-and•••lampe,-•_firita.s nd•-under•-..... grotlsld-_aonciui.t...fpr--.o, Ayjpying.. el-yctric ..cuirent--_thereto,,-.,and- all --other_ neae.asar-y-...appliance.s...and...e.Quipm.ent...£.ar...sai.d....ey-st-eln-...on.-RA.b.a aha...S .-.......... from.-.C-en-tral...Ave...... to..".Ri.a.e...St., . ...... _..... ........ :............_......................... ............................ ......... ;..._ ._.............................. ......... ........... _............. .... ....... .............. ............_.......................................................................... ................ . under Preliminary Order ............16491 approved ................... May....16.,....19.12.....-...................... Bltermediary Order ... ..... -.... .. _......approved .......... ......... ...................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cityt: Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- 1(811ineut to be made by the said City is rnish and install-•.an.-ornammental lighting .... system.. co.na.i.et.l.nglight., lamp,.poete -and- lamps, wires ---and underground Gondu.i.t..:fGr...-e.4nyeying-.electric.--current thereto, and all other necessary appl. ane,-e-,_and---eguiPment--_for ,aid system on Wabasha St. from Central .Ave -.---..to...R.ise S -t _. ........................................ .........:.............................-.-....................... .................................. :............. ........................................................ _._....._............-....--............-._.....--......_..............-........------..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. GCT 8- iy' Adopted by the Council ...... _;.. f _....._ 191.. OCT —8 1917 Clerk. Approved :...................... ........ ......... 191 ......, �% t .........:........................ ........ .............. ............... . _d of Improv.:, ayor. ]ouncilm i rl ""o _ ee said CItY le Itm ornamental llghtic• Goss ng of 6 light lamp pl wire,. and underground Hyland - .:veymg electric current, ' other ne aarl• appllac•yKeller ? 1 nt for ,eta ,ystem on N,, lm Cantrat Ave to Rice Sen 11 hereby orders ea nentto be made Wunderli h of ed F Thr That the Co:,of Public d dire be a o pr. i and and directed to pr• and apediflcbmit for said. _,meet, and submit same to B: S. A. d I - • neli for approval: that upon l,rebygl!ulhoriiedpond directeld lte - - -md with the making of said Imr. meet In accordance therewith. Adppted-by., the Council Oct. 84 Approved Oct. 8, 1917. _.. Tit- rf a t ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ' OF FINANCE 319 REPORT bF COMWO ONER ON PREL111�1, fp'e.ORDER o k• �-.�...,:,..�¢�-.�.s-;=.fie • �.,-.�,.�s-,�...-�..: • t,..��_..--�.•�-, _�,e..,e.=,� -.--.� o;rnamen..... lighting...:eyetem_,consie_ting.of.-5.;light- ...... In the Matter ofinetAllin....an lamps on WabashaStt from Central Avenue t. o Rice S treet. _._. ree...... ....__... __ _... _ .._...,_ .. ... ..` ...... _ ......... _...._. _ ......... .... ........................................... _. ._.. ...................... _ __.......... ............. under Preliminary Order approved May 16th, 1917. _................ ........ ....................... _.. ........................ _..........._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.:..5798.,.00 ........................ for improvement is $ -......-......:..3-0a-...-.. .............. .. The estimated cost per foot the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D DI T I O N - ASSESSED VALUATION (State Capitol) 1 2 Wabasha St. Addition) 150,000 2 2 3 2 4 2 5'2 6 2 2 8 2 9 2 10 2 i-. TOTAL - ,F ST. PAUL.. DEP T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COtv�MISSIONER'OF FINANCE ON PR lml4tRY ORDER - -. D E SC R I.P T ION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (state Capitol) 11 2 Wabasha St. Addition 1 12 2 13 .2 14 2 15 2 16 f2 17 2 18 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 2 23' 2' 24 2 2 1 52,750 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 TOTAL. %@&bIqFST. PAUL. * — DEPAT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI- - ASSESSED I " DESCRIPTION LOT.aLoeK ADDITION ! VALUATION �i (Slate Capitol) 15 1 Wabasha St. Addition 16' 1 17 1 !i (State Capitol) 8 3 Ewing & Chute's Additions 10 _2 0 21,90 9 2 ' (South of Wabasha) 8 2 27,.05Q (South of Wabasha) 7 2 ;i (Part t4ly. of Wabasha St.) 7 2 6 2 e 5 2 14 1 56,2001- (North of Wabasha St.) i ( South of Wabasha St.') 14 1 12,925 15 .1 - Ailey Vacated and 16. 1 (Mouth of Wabasha St.) 1 1 (North of Wabasha St.) 1 1 ® 2 1 83,35 3 1 (Except Street) 13 1 12,125 12 1 1 10 2,600 28 10 3, 80,0{ ' 27 10 4,-004 42fi3O The Commissioner of Finance further reportss that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and 4• hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.......... ........ . 191_ �`/ —._... _._....._..._..__ .. „ Commissioner oFFin ce. Form B -B. 12 - '— ' Office ,.of tfie Comm ,�iner,of P&6:Works Report to. Commissioner .of Finance -44Y ?11h ....;....................... 191-1 To the-Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connuissioner of Public Works, having had y nder consideration the, preliminary order of the Coun- 16491_ approved ...... th...................191._ ..., %dative to _..................... sil, known as Council bile No—.................... installing an ornamental Jighaing.sy„stsin consisting of .. S dight lamps on Tabasha Street from Central Avenue to ............-............................ _....... _...... .............................. ...... _... ................................................ .................................... :......................... _........................... _....... I................... .......... _ ......... Rice Street .....:........._..._......................................._..............................._..............................._................................................................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: i 1. Said improvement is .................necessary and (or) desirable. 5,798 and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _ ..............--............. and the total cost thereof is $..............._..... . ..._., the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....._ "................ ..... ............................... ...... dam_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4....... .................... ............... ........................................ ............... ..................... ......................... .......... _..................... ...._........... ............................. ............. _........... ............. . a. Said improvement is._..... 1I.Q&..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pnoperty, subjuct to assessment for said improvement. I _ wv .. y Comn isaioner of Public Works. I r, ` , - �QPnX}n►Q �lIiltt ��S � OBCAn OL..........aM. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ' Buauu or [na1Na�.. - R T.'GOURLEY, b[.urr - J. [. CAR..LL. Butt. Buumorco.neucoo. ALF' -... Batt. or B•Nn,no.- N. .00RIINB[n.Buri. St Pcu1, ii-. 7.`.e.y 2:i, 1917. WBua[,Y or COB.atT,Ora N. B. onrrsAK. [rio.au or Bnoou _ • Co: Giceior_er of Zlablic Works Dear Sir, I :it Le_et,i it pzelii:in .i e ,;c o .;oct for na installing an e:r..±sent l li ;, tine y,tem cervi ir. of 5 li,at la p poste ane lz =ps, :vires r.l imde >rotnd condaits ;'or co:,vc,;in�T clectrio curror�t ti crc;o, Mnd all othernecessary a_j'pliances ane eeuip:icnt for said syotc^i or ilabacha St. fs•orn Ccotral :Lvc to :. ce St. in accorflanoe r;ith Comieil, vile 416491, approved ;lay 16., 1917. rreli ni ark estirr:te r5,798.00 yo-rs truly, � D CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING .DEPARTMENT COUNCIL. NO AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE OCT 9 1917 13Y AUDITED lei— PER- 722 el_PER 722 L Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their 'respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - OCTYeas ( J ) Coon ' men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Couacil V�8 ��? VFar worth / C ��p� (C9 In favor Approed 191'_ VIQr l) Against° � Hyland MAYOR «i!- Wunderlich Mr. Pcesido Irvin. s I , x' 20652 Badger Meter Company, 42:00 j Water -Exp. 53 B: S. Bates, I 18.00'` School -Exp. 54 MCClain & Redman, 185.00. School -Ex p• 6.00 65 Librnry-Epp. 1 5 a .75 . .00 55 Manhattan Oil Company, 502.03 4 Fire -Exp. 8 . Sehool-EXP. • Municipal Garage 9 6 - 5 3 56 Melady Paper Company, 18.22 Health-Realth-Exp. 5.1 " fuar-Exp. 2 School -Exp. 0 Library -Exp. 30 ' R u 57 M. N. Moffat, 90.5( Water -Exp. 58 N. -W. Electric Equipment Company, 25E.78` Library -Exp. ' 59 N.. W. Fuel Company, 151.08' Realth-4aar-ExP. .85: . Sprinkling /1 • _form A. b-11 7 Res. 722 Page #2. c=' 20660 Tierney & Company, X72 0 773i8s Fire -Exp, • 39 _ Water -Expense 7 8 • k 1933.50 - Reiohed. TLat.. W+t�ants be - drawn upon tha tlty Treaea - tha herelpafter epecined�t ndseand in favor of the pereona,flrmsor corpora- . till for the ntaounts set . or cta their . respective names se epacflled 1n the I'W-. - - fol- detailed -tate.",,: .a gsb 8feter Co., 7712en . - ' 8. S 1latee: 118.00. — C Co 7deCtaln &. Oil ;'1lfanitattan'OII -811.00. .., 18.2.Da. - -:.Malady Paper,90.. 118,22. M. N... MORag28D.60: ' Electric Equfpment Company, 11 62.79, - N. W. Fuel Co, i163.Ot. Tierney Co 2772.88. b'.' . Adopted by the Counc"AOct. ,9,. 1917.. - ApprovedOct. 30, 1917: _ ._. tort: la -1x179 _ _ a k CITY OF. 8T, PAUL - n'n.`.r.' ACCOUNTING' DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILHNCIL N0. 1 OCT 9 1917 8v - AUDITED- _ 723 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ;Di:'{ in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the'. following' Acts fled " statement:- - by Council �T �� 191719l— Yeas ( J ) Councilmen C J) Nays — Adopted the Yeas f �j G s In favor APpro `Keller Ilyland '. Rea Ived that warrants be drop upo the City 1Temucy; Darable out t ' ! MAYOR ' �'y� the h.reinarter.'epecin. funds and in r- Wunderlich f vor t the Deraon1 drme of eorpOr- 0 tions Mr. Presidpetil–Rstr Irvin • tl afor the. amounts nF c1fi.d to their i Ds for t, ame4 a peclded In Ehe. n • ' ' . followingg detaned Lt=ent: = S.A,-Farnewortb:. :Com'e Finance.. ''• .-:. Coif.3,5.00 - - W Ii. afaloa..0 Standard 8tonq Co., :r;759 9 - by th. Coun17: :Adopted cil Oct 9, 39 - .. ADDroved Oct. 10. 1917. (O.L 3,-1917):__ ._ 20661 S. A. FarnswortA, Com'r. Finance; 20,988.32 St. C&R -Sal. 3,015.59 Sewer C&R -Sal. 784.8; 5. & 5. Ging—Sal. 6,356.0 Bridge Bldg. & Rep. 316 40 G.F.-Water Supply 8 .00 " Crosswalks 5 9.18 G .F . -Docks , Wharves 41.67 Library Compl. N.B. 48.20 !engineering & Insp0 ,056.15 a Pay. Minn'. St. ` 35.00, a a a / 381e74 Pay. Miss. Riv r Blvd. 326'. Pay. Minna -Payne" Pan. Moun Blvd. 1 86 4 " RiC St. 74 .39 _ " th St. 5 0.43 " retin Ave. 43.6 , - 7th St. G.N. Bridge Oak` 52 9 Sprinkling 20 .988.32 62 W. H. Malone Company;- 2,135.00 , Grad. St. Clair Fairview to Cleveland.'_ 63 Standard Stone Company, 011, Goodrich Fairview to Cretin. sa' II - 25,883.22 F" 'v F. A. 5.11 - nece��ary..appliencee and.equi�ment for said system on University Ave. from Rice St. to the West City Limite, .................................... -- ....... ....... C. F. No,18874— m - In tTe atter of turnlahfng and - ......... ........ ....... -.............................................. etalun¢ an ornamental lit In6 t...................................... tem coneletMK 01 invee-lnigdtun- 16848 . Ponta. and lamva. P under Preliminary Order _...........................:...............ap, ground coodulta for conveYfn6 ell ............................... n trie current thereto, and -.all otl r ecees.U;-PPi1&nce. and a ulPm 'er,eald r.n an Univrape ,, ., Intermediary Order ............................... ..................app r 9 re t r A public hearing having been had upon the above impro wdeih upon due notice,'and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativethereto, and -having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City ie Furni.eh_,and , install and ornamental,,, lighting ._„�y„�teln,.,go>ze;.st.ng..of,:fiYq..light.-lemp.,poste,._and..lampe-,:, Riree,,;and-_under- groundconduit_afor._ conveyinthereto,and all ._._.-,..._ ...:......... oth@r-;ne.ceesary... appliancee_.-and..egui,pment .Yor..said...system on...... University Ave. from Rice St_ to the Weet-City Limits, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceedwith the --king of said improvement in accordance therewith. n Adopted by the Council............:��1 ... {l:.1. .............., 191........ APProved-. Jul I 1�(��g. -- --------- 191..----• n V t . CR 0,4 0�4 1 ....... Councilman rnsworth Councihn oss 7.91. Hyland �. McColl 1 Wunderlich F7. Clem .�.... ... ..... M yor. o � r _ G 1C ILE ?iOi►......................... By ............... n s FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.furniehing-_and.,-installing._an_--ornamental-.lighting..eyetem i conBieting-_of- five._ light_lamp...poste..and.lamps. .wires_and underground, go. nduit. s._for..conyeying--electriccurrent--.thereto,_-•_and . all.. other_. ............ neceeeary*._appli-ancee and.eguipment for said system on University Aye. from Rice St.. to the West City Limits, ................ - WW.. ........................................... C r. No. 18871— In the matter Of lnrnlehinf and , ............................................................................... staples an ornamental ngght a ...: cansleting 9wlres andtund 16848 . posts2and Inmps, ender PreliminaryOrder....................................... a gronna conduits for convening e0 p1ntrlc eorrent thereto, and -.all oil Intermediary Order necessary aPPliancee and e�utpm 'er eatr r•n, on Unl re t. wA iary r ....................................:................appr.. ; ., ... wre e,..... "4 r.. A public hearing, having been had upon the above impro' _.Ae t upon ane notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City—of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - meet to be made by the said City ie.....Furnish and inetall_..and-.ornamental li ghtillg ...,. „exaten,. cox1ei.sting.:o f.. flve_..li.ght._ lamp..,po et-e.._and:, lamps,;,• wires -,-and. under- ground,:-conduits,.for-_conveying..: electri.c:-current .thereto, ----and all_ .............. otkqr„negeeeary..appli-anc,es.-.and--_equi_pment._ for_. said--.system-.on- . University Ave. from Rice St. to the West City Limits, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvaf;:that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........ ��1 ... { 1 l ............, 191..:. 1 ........:...��.. r ft..., rn�i. Approved -- ...1���....�'►.. fg....... ......1 191........ u c A. ave. Councilman rnsworth Councilor oss Conncilm Hyland r -. 2u:n an McColl an Wunderlich vin Fc. a -7. M yor. �113LIS J. [.WAR.RO[. IR8{l.[xt CNARL{{ M. OAVI{. {[CReTARv C. [. {[MBNT.88..x. I. N. AR8IIUON I R{T VIc4P (.... J.W. NAAR[R.TIIGeUR[R Icing Chamber of Coerce 8[ansang WeNgan ♦ CAPITAL CITY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT MERMAN MWELLER. TRAIIIC C.RMIet1.x IR REFER TO FILE Lansing,Michigan October 3,1917. Mr.J,I.Farioy,City Clerk, I St.Paul,Minnesota. Dear Sir; Referring to the matter of the proposed ornamental light N_A: stem on University Avenue from Rios Street to the West city limits oovered by Preliminary-Order 16848,approved June 5,1917 and relative to which there will be.a public Q .hearing on October Bth.1917, Block 16 We,the undersigned,owners of Lots 1 and 3/in Smith'e Sub-Division of Stinson's Division,situate on the north side of University Avenue at, the oorner' of Arundel Street hereby protest against the said proposal to install an ornamental lighting system for the reason that we do not consider such improvement at all necessary at this time and further because we firmly believe that it would be inexpedient to make any such improvements at.the present prices of labor andimaterials.' Yours respectfully, [on 1111sulul �4 MINNESOTA TRANSFER DRUGCO.Zng Company. ISIO UNIVERSITY AVE. t MINNESOTA TRANSFER - , CHEMI6T8 il No................... Dr........._..._......_....._......._... MTAXrr XCUM SPECIALTIES: - D�. E- Hn+n - ...................................._.......:...............................-............ _ ioam Ci.>n Ibn - '101II8 - 41- smvo asma..o f A,z •i"jL-f� A 1"cam r � c'" 1 — � e f 4- L- M F �r (MV of 115t. vain . �¢pttrhu¢ttt • Ilublic Works o.cAR cUU.s ER. C-1[xcixt,. M. N. GOSS.. COMMISSIONER. ...... - R T. GOURLM 0-11. .. ...... ..V. or CO...R.iRVc.iox .xo Rtl..R. LFR BYRtAV .�.AxItAT - - w ..ETS........ .ro" St. Paul, ' Finn. July 3, 1917. .. co.Rtcaox. - c R. n�nRoto.ohict lxcx..R Mr. M. N. Goes Commissioner of Public Works I Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith.preliminary estimate of cost for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of five light lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground oonduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on University Ave. from Rice St. to the West City limits in accordance with 0ounil File #16848, approved June 5, 1917. Approximate estimate, (6 light standard) $104,840.00 If a 121 ft., singlellight standard is*desired, the approximate cost will be $64,032.00 Yours very truly, oc/M. Chief Engineer M besU o ee� o Form H. B. 10 TOTAL. _... - ..... .......-_....... ...._-. ' l under Preliminary Order approved.....:..........L11Sle..._5th,....191.7..,........ ....... ......... .:.......... .................. _............. _....___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:`— ��s Q_.ea The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is „- ��, �. $� (`f43,� Ll The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is i t {��'�• �Z,�/ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and t assess valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' A D D I T fp N VALUATION J A Xiece of 12.rd cc =.�a1 'c� - e.aity ave, Rice at. Sherburne 60735 ave, and Block 4, of Magoffin and Breckinridge Add. Being part of S g 4 of N F y' of 8.36, T.'29,;R.23 16 4 .agpffin and Frecker.ridge 2000 ' 15 4 .i AdAiticn 9500 , - ,I 14 4 1800 f. (Ex. g'eSt 5 ft) 13.4 4200 f f 13 4 3500 besU o ee� o Form H. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL`NARY ORDER ^ - V DESCRIPTION l _ �^ ADDITION - LOT IiLOCK1 _ - VALUATION _, _ 12 4 &:aboffin and Breckenrid;e ' 11 4 Addition 2600 34@0 10 .4 5" 4 - 3800 West 40 feet of 1 30 Robertson and "an Etter'a 6000 E 32, f t__of 'N 722 ft of 1 30 Addition , 3625 3100 E 3221 1't of W 105 ft of 1 30 Eau. 45 feet of, 1 30 5275 1 2^ � 3800 2 ZL 2250 3 29 o0 4 00 4750 5 29 4250 6 29 2500 (ex. Hear 8 ft for alley), 1 28 2500 (Fx.'ear 8 ft for Alley)F 44 2 28 1550 `4aat 6 ft of 2 28 5550 East 38 feat of 3 28 I 'Nest IC feet of 3 28 2625 4 28 16 2 Chambar'a Addition 4750 15.2 - 1900 1,1 2 1400 1„ 2 3500 12 2 I 3900 11 2 1450 10 2 TOTAL. 1400_ W3, - CITY OF ST. PAUL - " DEPARTMENT OF,INANCE_ I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PREL INARY ORDER 161 DESCRIPTION S C R I P T I ON LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION - _ _ _ ASSESSED VALUATION 9 2 Chamber's Addition 2600 That lyik, 1 3 1600 part north of a line 119 ft. north of & par— allal to Aurora ave. of the J: Lo t 3 _ That nirt lyi.i ; north"of a line'119 .t north of f< parallel,, Au_•or-i ave the 7115.63 _ i ft of Lot 2,, The Eaet 8.38 ft of Lot 3 Part of Lots, 2 _1 3 3000 That Fart lying north of a linell9 ft north of and parallel to Aurora ave. The Wel—it 25 ft of the Fast 53.38 ft of Lot 3 3 i 1600 s West 20 ft of r 72.38 ft 4 3 1450 of Lot 14 ii1L' 3, (Ex. :orth119 feet.) 1 3 1500 2 '3 1500 w 25 ft of F. 58.38 ft of 3 3 1600 (Ex. F. 58.38 ft) . 3 3 ) 1550 E 12.38 ft of Lot 4 3 )) TOTAL. - 4, CITY OF ST.. PAUL '_ QEPARTMENT OF FINANCE :. REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF Fl.' NCE _.. ONPREL&INARY ORDER (B) S. •� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK,. A.DDI.TION' ASS SSED VALUATION - The E 21 ft of W 27.62 rt 5 3 725 That part lying N of . a line �& 119 ft N `of parallel to ) Aurora ave. of the F 26 ft of 1. 3 j 1�Jb That Fart lying I. o1 a line 119 It T :i: ,rt. __ `,.o Auror4 C; oS _ . _ :3 1500 and the E 8.38 ft of 2 3 1500 lj 17.62 ft of 4 3 1450 E 2.38 ft of Lot 5 3 W 6.62 ft of 5 `3 75 W 20 ft of -F. 22.38 ft of Lot 5 1550 6 3 . I 50 Commercin., at S "' C9rner of University ave and Jay at thence W along said - ave 66 ft, thence S to - Aurora ave thence F to Jay at thence North to begIinnino.(Pnrt of S r ,I,- of 3`i-29-23) and includes Lot 11 Blk 3, of Flfelt Berhe~in, and Arnold'alAddition 6510 N 40 ft (Ex E 36.11 ft) of 4 27 Warren and Rice's Add- 1800 (rix. N 40 it & Ex.E 36.11 ft) 4 ;27 ition 8875 North 40 ft. of 5 27 North 40 feet of 6 27 (Ex. N 40 ft.) 5 27 ) (F,x. N 40 ft of .3 37 I 11 26 1300 2 26 row• �. .. TOTAL. .. :500 CITY OF ST. PAUL - a • PARTMENT OF kINANCE DE5 OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 REPORT ON PRELI (NARY ORDER IBI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '. •DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, +26 3 3 Warren anti p cO a A3di tion . 2500 2600 4 '26 14200 5 26 A 2925 South 100 feet of 6 26 950 (cxc.South 100 feet) ' 26 15375 1 25 2550 2 25 7800 3. 25 ;( . 1500 (Ex. W 20 ft.) 4 25 900 West 20 feet of 4 25 7 550 5 16550 15 16 Smith' 13 Sub. of Blks °,10, 15 aha 16 of Stinson 4675 14 .16 13 16 Division, etc. 3225 3025 - 12 16 2360 11 16 4925 10 16 4125 o 16 V ! 1925 8 116 4775 7 3 425 6 16 6425 5 16 4725 4 16 1925 3 16 i 1925 2- 16 9000 1 16 . 12000 - -- 15 15_ TOTAL, - CIT-. OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OFkINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRET JMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCM ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 114 15 Smith'•a Sub. of B1ks 9,10, 5550 13-15 -15 and 1¢ of Stinson'a 1660 12 15 Division,etc. 1650 11 15 1900 10 15 1850 15 1850 8 15 3850 7 15 4050 6 15 2650 5 15 650 2 4 15 4950 3 15 2650 2 15 2300 , 1 15 i 4275 30 1 Nichel's Sub. of Blk 14, 4950 29 1 of Stinson's Division,etc. 2150 I 28 1 4450 27 1 2050 26 1 4450 135 1, 2300 24 1 1750 23 1 2350 22 1 2350 21 1 3450 20 1 3100 19 1 2250 18 1 TOTAL. ___2050_ #6, CITY OF ST. PAUL - ,pEPARTMENT OF. AINANCE �. 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE ORDER 'NARY I _ DESCRIPTIONS 'SLOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 15 Smith'a Sub. of Blks 9,10, 5550 13 ,15 15 and 19 of S tinson' a 1630 12 15 Division,etc. 1650 11 15 1900 10 15 f85G S is 1850 8 15 3850 7 1.5 4050 6 18 I 2650 5 15 2650 4 :15 4950 3 15 2650 2 15 2300 1 15 4275 30 1 Michel's Sub. of Blk 14, 4950 20 1 of,Stinson's Division,etc. 2150 8 1 4450 27 .l 2050 26 1 4450 25 1 2300 24 1 1750 23 1 2350 22 1 2350 21 1 3450 20 1 3100 19 1 2250 i 18 1 TOTAL. 2050.. �j 7, CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF 1 INANCE - -� .- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PREtNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION � LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION - 17 1 k iche l l s Sub. of Blk 14 of 9000 16 1 Stinsonla Division,etc. 30 2 Sub. of Blk. 13, of Stin— 19075 z� 'a son's )ivision, ..':c. 1 29 $ 14ub 27 2 6450 26 2 - 1450 25 2 4250 ?4 y 145C 23 2 4350 22 2 1'r co 21 2 ) _ 4000 40 a 19 2 4400 16 2 2800 17 2 3000 16 2 12600 30 1 Syndicate No.lAddition 16100 29 1 7300 28 1 2400 9950 27 1 26 '1 77.00 25 1 4600 24 l 2725 23 1 3200 22 1 3950 21 L .. _ ...._.. ___ " _3.550- TOTAL.. 8, CITY OF ST PAUL : DEPARTMENT OF`LINANCE- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE INARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT A,D DIT I O N BLOCK! ASSESSED VALUATION 20 1 Syndicate No.1 Addition 1200 191 4000 ' 18 1. 1200 17 1 16 1 9450 30 2 _. i 29 2 -� 28 2 3500 27 2 ,., 2605 26 2 1800 25 2 1100 24 2 1100 23 2 1100 i 22 z 1100 _ 21 2 1100 20 2 1100 19 2 1100 16 2 1100 17 2 11950 R 16'2 30 3 1300 29 3 1100 :,8 3 5200 ^7 3 5550 26' 3 2650 25 3 1000 --_ TOTAL. Aq7 CITY Or ST. PAUL 'I • , DEPARTMENT -OF (INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL I INARY ORDER - ' r w.:.. _ _. ,. :_:,. _ __.•.� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O,N ASSESSED . VALUATION 23 3 Syndicate No.l Addition, 5000 22 3 4800 21 3 975 20 3 3000 Except W 10 feet 193 750 W 10 ft of Lot 19 & all of 16 3 1250 17 3 1000 16 3 1100 30 4 1200 39 4 2000 26 4 950 24 } 3775 26 4 1000 $5 4 7000 24 4 13500, 23 .4 1700 22 4 380Q 21 4 975 20 4 925 19 4 ,. 9 25 18 4 950 17 4 1000 16 4 900 10 4 Victoria St. Addition 850 9 4 650 8 4 TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL- • DEPARTMENT OF(FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL (NARY ORDER IBI � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 0? ADgi TION ' SED ASSESTIO VALUATION 7 4 $ictoria St.A9dition 4925 6 4 7 4 Van toren Aidition 1025 6 4 1025' 5 4 1025 -4 4 1025 8 c Ve rnon' e Addition 3225 7 2 1025 6 „ 2 1025 3325 8 4 J.J.17ard's Addition 3225 7 4 825 6 4 3425 5 4 JGO c ' 4 Franklin Addition 900 74 62 5 6 4 3625 5 1 775 8 4 University ave Rddition 5650 7 4 775 6 4 750 5 4 750 6 4- Elder Addition _ 800. 7 4 ► 900 6 4 950 5 4 1 c00 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. P'.UL - _ - DEPARTMENT OFtFINANCE S( . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PREL ARY.ORDER (B) DESCRIPTIONS• • SLOT BLOCK! ADDITION. - ASSESSED VALUATION 1' 1 Teed and La nonce' e Add- 3925 2 '1 1 tion '1 825 3 825 4 1 43G0 19 2 University Sub. 1050 15 '2 .?25 14 2 ) )) 800 East 6 feet of 13 2 - We et 26 ft of 13'2 � 725 East 12 feet of 12 2 twat 24 feat of 12 2 40C 11 2 625 (Excer.t Wcct 16 feet, 1G 2 350 wuat 16 feet of 10 2 775 9 2 1 3 850 r 2 3 875 3 3 875 4 3 1 21.925 5 3 6 3 7 a 625 8 3 625 6 Hyde Park 14300 (Ex. Lexir.,gtoI: ave:.) 15 ^ TOTAL. Al2 CITY OF ST. PAUL 'V DEPARTMENT OF(FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRE,L INARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT .BLOCK! ADD 1 T'10 N - ASSESSED VALUATION I 30'2 Sin.onitsch's Sub: 1100 22 2 1000 - 28 2 975 27 2. 975 26 2 975 2 J M 975 24 2 975 23 2 I 975 22 2 975 21 2 975 20 2 . 975 19'2 975 18 2 1600 17.12 1025 y 29 6 Sanborn's Midway Addi t iLai 1501 28 c 1150 27 8 4800 26 8 1000 25.8 1000 24 8 1000 23 6 2600 22 8 1000 21 8 5200 20 8 1000 I ;3S 6 2660 18 '8 2S00 17 8 TOTAL. 1100 J113 CITY OP ST. PAUL dEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a� , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI(NARY ORDER , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC'. ADDITION - ASSESSED '. VALUATION 15 8 Sart^r 'e ;::idway Adiiti�:r 1300 3C 7 2900 29 7 1100, 28 7 1000 47 7 1000 26 '7 7600 25 7 24 7 1000 23 7 1000 7 22 7 1000 I 21 7 1300 20 17 1000 19 17 1000 18 17 1000 17 17 1000 16 17 1250 30 32Synii^ate No. 5 Adlition 9450 29 32 1000 26 32 10.00 27 32 1000.. .. 26 32 1000 1 25 32 1000 24 32 1000 hast of 213 32 1000 Nest 0f 23 ;,2 1000 , 22 34 1000 21 32 1000 TOTAL,. J 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF(FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE INARY ORDER IBI D E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK:, - ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 20 32 Syndicate l.o.5 Addition 1000 19 32 :n 1000 18 32 1000 I 17,32 1000 16 32 1o5G 30 31 10250 29 31 1000 28 31 1000 27'31 1000 26 31 1000 25.31 1000 24 31 1000 23 31 1000 23 :•1 1000 21 31 1000 20 31 1000 19 31 1000 18 31 100c. I 17 31 1000 16 31 1631 30 30 1250 29 30 1000 28 30 _ 1000 27 30 975 I 26 30 2075 29 3G ------------- nw • TOTAL. 2 a 7 5 CITY OF ST. P.IUL,, DEPARTMENT OF trINANCE �( - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIfy11NARY ORDER +l� (B) ;- DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK] ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 30 Syndica*e No.S Ad.iition 250 23 30 950 22 3„ 950 21 30 3600 2030 975 19 30 3500 18 30 1000 17 3C 1000 16 3 Or 1250 30 29 1250 29.25 1000 _ 28 20 1000 27 29 1000 26 29 1000 25 29 1000 24 29 1000 23 29 1000 22 29 4.900 21 2�l 1000 20 29 1000 19 29 I 1000 ..J// 18 29 1000 17 29 1000 16 29 1229 25 6 Lyman O.Eairil6 Adjiti;n 3900 '4 6 875 23 6 TOTAL. 875 �1 J CITY OF ST. PAUL.. DEPARTMENT -OFI FINANCE sC . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION -YDT BLOCK_ ADDITION } '' ASSESSED VALUATION 4 22 6 Lyc:,an D.Baird'a Additic•n 875 21 6 875 20 6 873 V D 675 i8 6 8.75 17 .6 875 16 0 875 15 6 875 14 6 875 13 c 875, ,I 12 '3 875 11 6 3575 23 5 1325 22 5 1250 21 5 1250 20 5 1250 19 5 1250 18 ,t) 1250 1n 5 1250 16 5 1250 15 5 1250 14 5 1300 13 5 1350 12.5 1400 11 5 1500 10 5 m 14150 i 22 } TOTAL. 27450 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - •F173PEPARTMENT OF �INANCE a REPORT OF` COMMISSIONER 'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) •. DESCRIPTION 'LOT 9LOCK:: ADDITION ASSESS O' VALUAT�ON (Except Wee` t feet) 2'1 4 Lyh.an D.Baird's Adiitiou -- Vest 5 feet of 21 4 20 4 ) 19.4 4275 18 4 5875 17 4 6450 16 4 IN 3250 15 4 4325. (Except W 5 feet) 14 4 4000 - Test 5 feet of 14 4 � 7200 13 4 12 4 7600 11 4 6300 10 4 ) 14'700 9 4 )) 28 4 Brightwood Park 16000 27 4 4600 26 4 3300 25 4 7650 84 4 2.600 23 4 2500 22 4 2400 21 4 2400 20 4 2400 19 4 2400 18 4 2400 —_.-_... 17 4 ---- 2650 row TOTAL. i J18, CITY OF 5T. PAUL - - - DEPARTMENT OF (FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF hNANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lBl 'LOT �SLOCN ADDITION DESCRIPTION VALUATION ' 16,4 Prightwood Park 2650 15 " 3025 .28 3 3025 27 3 2650 26 3 4225 25 '3 4200 24 3 3925 23 3 2400 22 3 4000 21 3 3800 20 3 3950 19 3 2400 18 3 2400 17 3 2650 16 3 2650 15,3 3025- 1 1 Dickermanla Rearrangement 4150 2 1 4150 3 1 '4150 4 1 4150. 5 1 4150 6 1 _ 4150 7 .1 41t -C i 8 1 4150 9 1 4150 1.0 1 4150 246000 A ,. _ - TOTAL. .. 'Jj1991TY OF ST. PAUL - " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - " •�. REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . -. .�-____: • .-.: ._.: :,... .,._: _ ,..- DESCRIPTION - LOT' BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 HuPhe'n',idway Addition 4050 21 1925 20 1925, 7 J 1935 18 1925 17 1925 e 16 .9250 • , 15 2825 14 2825 13 1925 1925 12 2225 11 1925 10 1925 1925 P 1925 7 1925 6 1925 5 1925 4 2725 3 2725 2 _ 1925 1. W' IIy 50 ft of Sly 1^,0 ft of 24 Verriam' e Out'LotB, 6000 9325 Wly 50 -ft cf Sly ICO ft Of 2275 Fly 50 ft of SIly 180 ft of, 33 22 13700 2� 24200.:... - TOTAL. i_ a #20., CITY OF ST. PAUL ° - DEPARTMENT OF(FINANCE •( REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONPRELIMINARYORDER IBI ___... - .. .....: •_ -.--.- - _ ,. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK• ADDITION VALUAT D 20 Merriarm's O`t Lots 7 16200 35000 - 19 . 21P00 S'ly. � of.: 18 17 39000 E'ly 25.81 ft of 16 3225 39000' (Except EIly.25,81 ft.)' 16 WI of "N W I Of (F:X.Sts.) aec.33,Town 29, Ran,e 23 58875 That part Sly of L:inn.Tfr.Ry. Co 'a 30 ft strip 3 4 Robbin's F`_ Al Rear. 570c That rarx SWly of Minn.Tf'r. Ry.Co'a 30 ft strip 4 4 - 7550 That part [My of Minn.Tfr.Ry. Cola &0 foot strip 5 4 _-_ 9500 That part Sally c' `I,inn.Tfr.Ry. 10775 Cola 30 foot strip 6 4 That part S'ly of idinr:.Tfr.'. - Cola 30 foot strip 7 4 13000 67 He`.vittIs Out Lots let P.iv. 15975 66 13650 65 17200 18150 64 .63 14750 62 7500 61 17700 61 6 700 60 81700 59 TOTAL 13000 ,CITY OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE - - _dEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ) 3.0400 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER )) lBl 93 7025 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS S -, VALUAASSES cam `'` 58 izwitt' a Out Lots 1st 12000 NEly .4 bf 57 Divisicr, 12000 ' Nally i, of 56. 1300G , S 197.ft. of.F 90 ft of 155. 52750 _ (Ex.F. 10 ft & Fx.i: ll3 ft) 54 12000 c 53 12000 - ®� 27250 W 75 -ft of (Yxc.N 113 ft.) 52 37500 (F.x.W 75 ft of S 1L°7 ft); 52 3000 1 14 000 50 13000'' _(Ex. Westerly :5 feet) 40" 12350 Wly 5 feet of 45. -- - 48 25100 97 37900 96 • i 95' ) 3.0400 94 )) Elyz of NEly 4 of 93 7025 'Sly of Fely LL -of 93 3075 NKly o%—' - K c3 i� 4950 NEly .4 bf 92 7600 Nally i, of 92, 5175 91 14075 ' bo 89 13400 ®� 27250 • . 87 TOTAL. 16 750 • .. J22, ..CITY OF ST. PAUL . • - DEPARTMENT OF (FINANCE i - REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ADDITION AssesseD VALUATION '. 86 iiewittIs '"ut Lotc 1st 13400 65 Divicion 13400 84 -- -=a 15050 ., 83 14750, 62 i 13400 81 i 5125G 80 )! 79 38150 78 77 49900 76 228,00 75 ) 20100 (Except rraat 510 faet) 74 )) Nast 50 feet cf 74 75100� 1 SS 7 28 AuditorIs Sub. No.4 46000 25 10000 _s 24° 1425 23 3800 22 28950 " 21 2725 20 21500 19 21900 (Except South35 feat) 3G f --- (ExceFt so. 35 _`net) 29 21.100 - 2600 5 � A 4 - TOTAL. 2 GOC 23yITY,OP ST. PAUL. l , DEPARTMENT OF' eINANCE �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKAD-DITION ASSESSED VALUATION'. 3, Auditoria Subdivision No".4 .2700' 2 1000 ti .12 1 Crc)mvaell Place 3000 2950 10 l 24500 1 2 3925 2 2 3. 2 ) 17500 4 2 3 1 3 Twin City Addition 59400 - ))1, . 3 2 -- 4 2 1 5 3 j 2 7 2 8 2 9 2 10 2 11 3s 12 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 21 Au.:itorl s Sub. No.9 125 W est 50 feet of . 11. 33875 8125 10 TOTAL. W24l CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - !( REPORT OF COMWIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - .VALUATION Eaatorly z of 25-Audito_la Subdi'iiBiOn ro.9 138.75 . West'erly of 25 27175 a 26 19900 1 J.leorpe.Sr.:ithla Twin City 17250 Addition 1 Auditcrls Subdivision NO -6 18500 4 ) 5600 The Eabt 6 ii,c;htcs of 5 )) (Except East 6 in.) 5 2200 10.425 fi 7 1525 3 2625' 9 2475 , 10 2600 11 2925 12 ) lcl2a 1u 1 1 Florence Adiition Cc:r�cted 2375 i 2 1 Flat 2375 3 1 2375 4 1 2375 2375 5 1 1275 6 1 7 1 1975 1 2 } j) 6 72 5 2 2 3 2 TOTAL. .... .._._.:__ - 25' _ CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFtFINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED '. VALUAATIOTIO N 4 2 Florence Addition Cor- 4.125 $ r�cte Alat 2825 6 2 1225 7 2 X225 8 2 2525 9 2 1330 10 8 11 2 6300 East 40 feet of 4 3 Elfelt,Bernhei:�.ar d 6225 Nast 10 feet of 4 3 Arnold's Addition } )) 11275 aet G feet Cf 3 3 9ast 20 feet of, 3 3 950 2 3 1750 1 3 I 2 0 U' 2 2950 5 2 8200 1 2 3 2 ) )) I 3300 2 2 1 2 Elfelt, Bernheizer .°. Arnold's 6425 6 1 Addition 5500 5 1 1750 4 1 3850 East of 3 1 2375 Pest i of 3 1 TOTAL." 2375 i 26 CITY ON 3T. PAUL ' D71EPAATMENT OF(FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. {B) DHSf: RIPTION LOT BLOOM ADDITION VALUATION 2 1 E1felt,.Dernheiu,er'and ) _ 10175 1 1 Arnold's Addition )) 1 1 Mack-lbin and Marshall's 3025' 2. 1 Addition _ 2350 B l 2125 4 1 2725 5 1 1725 6 1 I 2225 7 1 452.5 8 1 1425 9 1 1425 10 1 3825 11 1 3325 12 1 2925 13 1 40235 1.4 1 4050 15 1 105000 1 3. 4400 2 2 3050 3 2, 2500 4 2 2100 5 2 2975 6 2 2275 7 2 1275 8 2 1275 (Ex.W 8 inches) c 2 1275 .las t 6 inches of _ _. ---9 _ 2_.._.._. - TOTAL. ' .!1 �7q CITY OT ST. PAUL - u ?J13PARTMENT OF rFINANCE k. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK': 'AD DITION - - ASSESSED VALUATIONS ----------- 10 2 Mackub in and. Yarehall'-a 6475 11 2 Addition 1275 122 1275 13 2 2500 14 2 1700 15 2 - 12500 (F,xceF t Street) 3 4100- 2 3 2000 3 3 2600 4 3 2850 5 3 3200 6 3 1200 7 3 120C 8 .> . 2300 9 3 3400 10 3 5200 11, 3 1950 12 3 2450 i 13 3 131;50 14 3 1575 15 3 1 6 700 1 Beck's Addition 3600 2 3550 3 ) 27250 4 )j 5 2225 6 nw , 1 TOTAL. 142F-. ...._.. ......_ . #28) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.IFiINANCE { REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE n ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .... (B) -.._. ,.... -., ,.,. --.. ,- .: . , _.. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE SS ED - VALUATION - DESCRIPTION - 7 Beck.'s Addition 1425 1425 ,8 7425 9 6625 10 1425 11 3300 12 2350 i3 „4350 14 12900 15 1 1 Chute Bros. Division 24800 )) Fast 8 `inches of 2 1 88.50 (Except East 8 in.) 2 1 3550 3 1 3350 4 1 1900 5 1 — 1125 6 1 1125 7 1 2125 8 1 1125 9 1 1125 1125 11 1 113 5 12 1 1125 13 1 1250 14 1 15 1 Chtite Bros. "17i.li011 3850 1350 1 g 1300 2 8 TOTAL. _ - m ` J29 CITY"OF ST. PAUL. .. .. • DEPARTMENT OFIFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER-OF FINANCE; ON P.RELI+MINARY•ORD.P-R ADDITION SED ASSFS_ VALUATION SLOOI( ' DELOT SCRIPTION _ ". �-- 3 6 Chute.Droe. Division 4006 9500 4 8 1000 4475 7 8 3150. 8 8 2800 9 8 1700 10 8 1000 11 8 5850 12 8 1000 13 8 1100 1 4 g 5450 15 8 1250 1 ° � a 3600 2 6650 3 750 4 9 950, 5 9 _ -n3�� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTS OFIFINANCE ( - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED ' VALUATION 14 9 Chute Bros, Division 1000 15 9 1450 11 16_-- 8100• 2 16 .5150 3 16 . 950 4 16 6050 5 16 2750 5 16 7350 7 16 .5050 8 16 5550 9 16 4.750 10 16 3600 11 16 3150 12 16 5750 13. 16 4900 14 16 2650 15 16 1000 1 1 14ilton Addition, 7750 2 1 2725 3 l u o0 4 1 850 West of 5 1 425 East of 5 1 425 6 l I . 850 1 7 1 - 850 , 8 l 750 5 1 - TOTAL. 850 - . a31., .. - CITY OP ST.. PAUL - 7 DEPARTMENT OF IMNANCE - - -. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF' FINANCE ON PRELIM UNARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 ^l Diiltcn Addition 850 11 .1 850 12 1 - 650 13 1 850 14 1 850 15 1 1750 1 1, Slater and Riley's 950 2 1 Addition 850 g i 850 4 1 3350 5 it 850 . 6 '1 850 7 '1 0 850 8 1 2275 9 1 6850 10 1 850 11 1 2525 12 1 2375' 13 1 3350 14 1 850 15 1 950 1 1 Greve's Subdivision "A" 600 2 1 625 3 1 625 4"" ,1. 625 5 1 6u^5 TOTAL, ' 32). CITY OP ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OFIFINANCE REPORT OFA COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6, 1 ^ireve'6 Subdivision "A" 600 7 1 625 ' 8 1 825 1 1 Lindemann Ia Subdivision. 825 m 2 1 625 3 1 625 4 1 625 5 1 600 6 l 550 i l 475 g 1 475 (Ex. Lexington Pk%vy) 34 Hall & Brown'6 Addition 58000 33 to Hv de. Park 14275 Rest of 1 Auditor': Sul. ro.27 ) 40925 KE. st of 1 )) (Ex. ,fir 30 ft for St.,) 6 170525 (Fx. East 33 feet) 9 ) 16150 East a3 feet of o 3 1E 16850 19 30725 All that part of E z of S IF .I of Sec.34,Town 2�, Range 23, 15000 lying North of St. Anthony ave.(F.x.Part platted as Y.itteondale Addition, now Auditor'o; Subdivisicr, #27. TOTAL. CITY OP ST. PAUL _- ^Cj 2.TMENT OF IFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �^ ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER •lBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _- ASSESSED VALUATION The Fast 275 feet of North 122.8$ feet of N F 4 of S F of 56460 Sec. 33, Town 29, Range 23 (E:xoept Snelling & University avels.) The W 45 ft of F 320 Zt of North 181.5 ft of N F i of S F 4 4275 of Sec. 33, Toyn 29, F.ange 23, (E.'x.VD iversity ave P Roy ;t.) i (Except University ave.) F11 that part Test of Roy.St. of the. 1850 a t1 E: ft of the north 151.51 feet of th,e S.F.4 of Sec.33,Township 29, Range 23, The WUclt 50 feet of East 4531.f t. of. North 181.5 ft. of N E 4 of S E 4 3330 of Sec: 33, Town 20, Rance 21- (F.x.Univelsity Ave.) The West 7C.06 feet of Fast 523.5E ft of N 131.51 ft of N F 4 Of 4545 ^.,E 4 of Sec.33, Town 2S', RanLe 23. (Tx. 'Tn'-ersi,ty Ave.) The West 120 ft. of F 343.E3 it of Forth 181.51 ft of N F. 4 of 10935 . S F 4 of Sec.33, Town. 2C,. Dan Le 23.. (E:x.FTniversity ave.) The West 70 ft of F 7.73.56 ft of N 181.5 ft of 'N F. 4 7545 of S F: 4-, of Sec.33,Towr. 29,?an:!a 2° (F.xcelt University ave.) The West 21G.44 of East 290 it. of North 131.E1 ft of N F of S.F 12975 of Sec.53,Tewn 2s, Ranc,e 2.1-(Fxcert University) The Nest 260 ft of N FOf ,S F y of Sec.33,Town 29,Range 23 25740 (Fx.Al3ine Ct. & University ave.) - TOTAL. • *34,. CITY ;Or 3T. PAUL. .. - DEPARTMENT OF,INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. tB) "1 N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD 1 T O VALUATED VALUATION 1 ?iowarci Park . 1600 i 1800 2 1200 3 4 1200 3200 5 i 6 1p ,i 1200 e 7 3000 — e c8cc - n � 10 i 16300 I 12 — 13 14 — 5 12900 16 1200 17 2900 Last iG ;eet of 18 .� . 3500 West 10 feet of 12 12 E-ast z 01 20 .Gest 2 of 20 4500 21' G4 23 1200 24 1200 25 - TOTAL. 1300 - CITY OF ST. PAUL. - . - - DEPARTMENT OF MINANCE (" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ti ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI a _ -: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASS SSED VALUATION 26 Howard Park 2000 27 ) 71CG 28 )) 29 1200 30 1200, 31 1200 �2 I 1200 33 1200 . `4 1200 35 1200 :3E 1200 P 37 ✓ 1200 38 i 1300 39 1.00 40 7050 41 1325 42 1250 - 4;} 1250 44 1275 - 45 1.275 46 12.25 47 1225 48 1225 49 12 1) 5G 132:, 51 1325 53 •• �. s. iTOTAL: 1650 35� . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF GINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ALUATID VALUATION 26 ,. Tioward Park 2000 27 7106 28 " 28 1200 30 1200 31 1200 32 1200 33 .1200 y.4 1200 35 .. 1200 j - 36 1200 J7 1200 38 1300 39 1500 40 7050 41 1325 42 1250 y 43 1250 44 .1275 45 :275 46 _ 1225 47 1225 I 46 , 1225 . 49 1225 5G 13N5 511325 52 TOTAL. 1650 - CITY OF ST. PAUL - pp - - L 0 14TNIENT OF MINANCE REPORT OF.COMMISSIONER �OF FINANCE ON PRELZINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION AgS ATIO - V 5SE5 ON - 169 ':: r ckel r s 3rd Arw�ndu,dnt 1400 170 5500 . 171 1550 172. 1000. 173 1625.. 174 1625 176 1325 177 1625 178 16';5 179 1.700 180 1600 4 700 -183 1750 7.E4 1750 lbs 1750. 16✓ - 1750 I • 187 175C 188 1750 169 1 75G 1:- C 1750 lc:l 1650 192 2000- 193 2300 19S 19150 .200 __ __._. .. TOTAL. -- . 437, CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF-dNANCE - C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Ir ON PRELIIJINARY ORDER . - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - APDITION sSESSED UATION 3rdAuepluellt 8650 201 ii.cicel'6 4c4 ~ 203 13350 s 204 Lake Iris Park 194 2500 i 160. Union Park , 8300 ' 101 0 7000 162 5250 165 .6500 164 15000 Fasterly 5 feet cf 165 (Except Fasterly 5 feet.) 165 18950 166 ) 134uu 167 166 6200 1 7 Bakerle 4dditicn 4325 2 7 4325 >a 3',7 •4075 4 7 45ti5 ® 5 1435 5 TOTAL, 6 500 i J38, CITY OF ST. PA L 4NANCE r ' - DEPARTMENT OF - I- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELWINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 '5 Bskerte Addition 5400 I 3 b 5400 z 'S 3000 1 5 300 e i 6 4 5563 0 5 4 4 :4 3 14 _ g ,} 1 >3 1 .6 800 2 6 3100 3 g 53200 4 .6 — 5 6 E 6 1 Schoch 8 A th en I s Add it icn l 200 2 30U 3 325 4 425 (Except Curfew Avenue.) 5 - ) 375 C- 9 8 575 TOTAL. v,427�230. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing. as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._.._.. ..� 8.........._.. 191..'?_ Commissioner of Finance. Form H. R. 13 - '- i I• . • e we, the undorsigned.property owners on University Avenue, respectfully petition that a ao_called.way-of light-be installed on University Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to the West City Limits. E. G. ST A F TURING LU. Y /Qf� //�%� %�flGct cl/!C. -.._•mss - tom)_! L •_ viJ _. b., _ ,. •! /moi M. B 1 Inc. I J i j Pie, the undersigned property, owners on. University °I Avenue, respectfully petition that s so-called way -of - light be installed on University Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to the West City Limits. S, CITY OF ST. PAUL C. F Re Iced, That th'a I - d t' th sal In Riock 2 Joh e J. nnen R men t, - Ia as xhown V th d gr ad a the a om nanby t Profile and _ r r' bllcmtVork ;hto Comaulsloner. herc'hy adoPted testa- _grade. nn .the shed Adoptedr] 6v the Council Oct. D, 1917. Approve , 1977.e ("-,10 V Yeas ( ('),Councilmen (I") Nays Adopted by the Council OCT _9 !917 - 191 � (, Farnsworth L, oss' os --- Goss! In favor Approved. Q 1 191- r -� Against. VYO rg - MAYOR.\. Mr. Ptde1 , Pawcrs FORM C.8 2 CITY OF ST.'PAUL - CoUNCIL R.ESOLUTIoN—GENERAL FORM Subject: ' • ' COUNCIL - FILE N O . t Date Presented /v 191 {A`/ Resolved. _ c _ _ ' . .: _ 5 C. h•, .Yo. 18876—ny M. N. GORa— t the RlnolUlo�•kT6 aUmlerx le ood'.+ 3rdth1ddl- tion. na shown by the ed 9 -de Ilne on " the �'empnnylni; prodlc Rnd na rerom- , mended by the Commisel.—ed or I'ubllc aa.rks. he nd the Is hereby touted the Ntabllahed - d grade. IAdopted by the Council Oct., s, 1917. .t ppruved Ort. ]0, 1917. (Oct. 13-1917) Yeas (I') Councilt en (I') days OCT 99I 1 7 Adopted by the Council . 191 ✓Farnswo th I, Goss + In favor IT T -Keller Approved ( �� 19L .. t•1 19 A$cCtllJ CJ Against t/Nash I Yoerg Mr. 1'r(sident. P wers Mnvos FORM C.. - Yens (1') Councilmen (C) Nays. Farnsworth In Favor lieu 1 c Q Against flash Yoer Mr. Pr�dent, owers FORM C. - 18811— onnKrn neth C. F' 7v n. That the Frade f lrlch Reealved, 11 .rhelev Avrs Goot Ave.. as shown by the re file nd an rlrcom- the "',0mDanYlnR ptplaatoner of P,,buc by thr `,he q c Ia hereby Norhn, be and eatnblin'edO Frade. 917. ado Dtid a thr (, 9. 7 Adopted by then 1917. ,t pprpved Oct. 1 (Oct. 18.1917) OCT —9 !917 Adopted by the Council 191 . OCT 1 s°► 1917 ApprovC 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION---"GENEPA-L FORM Subject: FILE NO. Date Presented 10/9/17 191 Resolved, That the-Pzrchasing be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of. the comptroller, one Elliott Filcher Book Typewriter vh th folding desk for the sum of 1?90.00, without +.string for competitive bids as it is a )-=tented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Dept. of Finance Expense. C. F. T'o. 18878—ny A. A. F Orth— neaolved. Thnt the Purrhaxing Agent - b, and he 1 -hereby author t ecd to Pur. - ehaec, wllh thr ctl•at of thr v., troller. one 1:I1lott Flxhrr nook Type - -- wrller with fold, ng dexk for thr sum of $290.00• without asking far comprt- Itive b,dx -It len patontrd nrtlolo nral no n l%n�ntge could he gnlnrd Thereby.. Charge IIePt.n( Flannce- F.xpense. Adopted by thr Cournil Oct. 9. 1917. Approved Oct. 10..1917. (Oct. 12-1917) Yeas (1) Councilmen (✓) Nays /' -,Fart{eworth R� Adopted by the Council OCT 191 �G.4 In favor �1 lI 1917 .,yiy and ��� � ,191 �y t , �1 Against ApprovedJ �y Mr. P;refdtIrvin 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL t ' I - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE)V EI@AL FORM Subject: CA F . COUNC-L FILE NO Date Presented 10%/17 191 Resolved.That the Purchasing be ar,d he is hereby authorized to purchaeb, with the coneent of the comptroller, one Elliott Fisher Book Typewriter with folding desk for the oum of $290.00, without aekirg for �e;petiti.:F bide ae !Leis a patented article and no, a, 'run Lags could ti. g4r,ed thereby., Charge Dept. of Finance- pe se. I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays OCT _q 1917 Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Goss. In favor Hyland 141. Keller Approved McColl Against Wunderlich Mr.. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 8.2 .. - U L CITY OF ST. PAei%'.__.% lJt! ✓ c((.. 'COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS GENERAL FORM."'�Q1j'�, Subject:) M-- - FILE N 0. }: A Date Presented)-09/17 191 m ' Resolved,That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Cor.:ptroller, Perennial shades for the Lindeke School. for the sum of $248.92, without asking for competitive-rids, as these ars Patented a.rt cley a'd no advanxa�e colli 'rie �, ned tLereby. Churge Public Schools-C. nt R. . 18RT9�13Y- c ,rinR cAgent e'Reeolvep Ix hn� the s,tho ,,Ix ,,d tCo ur mn e onrent of Lin- he. and h . t [th=248i92. chnne. Ith gUuder NPe,,or, nl the co PetltlVe bl ne' 1teke r8choolfor rod SR - hoot nekinDRM1Lebeed Frt`11fdherebY there or"cnn a 191 i. odvnntnRc Oct. Chnr9e )'o bloc the Oct. Adopted d Oct. e10. 1917. Approved (Oct. 13-1917) - � v Yeas (✓) Co ci�men (✓) lays ✓I'ar sworth ✓Cos In Favor �lyl nd tKel r _ �-T'`�ll-gainst u derlich Mr. Pr4iden Irvin FORM C. B-2 I i OCT —5 1917 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved OET f''1 19 T 191 u o t MAYOR •CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM - Subject: _ I COUNCIL N O.. FILE Date Preseoted 191 I 1-J�J /17 Resolved. Tha,. th,e l'archa.sin3 Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to .nirchr se, wit' the consent of the. Comptroller, Perennial shades for.Vie .Lindeke School for .the sum of 42411•92. without ,:eking for c:m etiti;ce ':iris, as these nre Quter;ted articlearand no adva taUe co.it be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools-C. � P,. C 6r - OCT —9 t917 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) lays 191 Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss In Favor Hyland Approved 191 Keller McColl Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin FON CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLJTI*N —GENERAL FORM 1'-c )08 Subject:. - COUNCIL FILE NO:.... r Date Presented....:.... _Ge'. .....8., ._.:...191..7.. Resolved, =ie ci.,e e .__ eC. ;=1e __o_ c.r:ca of ce_-tL'ir c:0n, 1,z,ct J. 'ileajo.. Zhc Jit,-' o--" :; L 11 1Or t i.e a o Sy,. ioute .ve. i'? c*.l „m:o at . to Otco :.vc. L he Uveae i( ±•reby e__ ea) i 'O of ccl;Obe , 1x17 :I.. ,i:e ,.-o_er city .o_•iaed to e:.e u rc; olo-oion :n,,ll rot .,uvc ... a --O ce c effect ui:'_' c_:: '.-hu C, io:: oi- 1 Y" CO ;I C. F No. 18980—ny Di. N. Ooee-- That the time specified tar - Resolved, the, performance of is. certain contract dated ween ap tSt- 1C1 Olenson and the Y of Paul tori Ave. mme' the land Juno St.dtog Oto Ave•be the -e to the 8th day [- le hereby -tended Draper city oKl- October. 1917 and thecar. _ are amendment herebYto saldrcontract efncac- - an cordance herewith. provided however. that this resolutlon shall not have anY force and effect uniese the euretlesOn the contractor's bond onsent thereto d file etch consent In writinK,with the CRY Comptroller. Adnnt d by .the Cnuncll Oct. 9, 1917. l Approved Oct. 10. 1917. (Oct. 18-1911) Yea3'( r') Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays "T k 71s).-:. 9�.� Adopted by the Council ..-.-..191....._ urns orth Goss. In faSor OCT ] (� �9�� %Keller o — Approved J 191._:.... _ __Against ash ..cerg lY _.. ..... Mr. P/dent, veers FORM C.8-2 .... ..... MAYOR.. - g "Iinrl. Oct. 8, 1nI7. - s To ,.t:c ;ionor:lulc Cit-;; COlmuil, C I Y. �. ,- ,Gent 1�,. r.'7 . I wo l • x.c` c fl 1 y .,,,1,th o:.r FiCi or c - o cc u;;e the tide o_ c;0 : ;lc' in;z the Cor-_wc"t for c}:c "I',uil L; of 1.1 .icete ;ivc. I Juno 3t. to 3t'�o ::ve. be e:.ter_dea to tilc 6-'i of 3ct.,'1917./ t0 lt;.bor C.01 `.idolls, it :n0' ;)O 1'1ulC 1o: 1:!0 to filli;il trlio oontr4ct v:itil t: e t;it.tu :specified, hence 1 dcoire ;O uol: that uh-i :e for co: ;lc` rf ac be ...:lc F1c;•Q'in: e::orc st'.ted. Contrr.:ctor - ` hc:•C 10 110 00Ceti oil to c:_tcr:dec. rc !cr.tc ., -L.' t:.,.0 rc -t je': o:,cc v :;c: cu. efe—I ,._.. 'C:V"' L 3111" Of CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM, -X �ubjeet: ...... . ...... . .... ......... .......... . ....... ........ .... .. .............. ........ .................... ....... ....... ..... ...... . ......... COUNCIL .... .......... .......... . ... NLC No. . ............ ............... ........................ .................. ..................................... Date Reiblved, 'That the Council File #14551, adopted and approved on January 27th, appropriating a.275.00 for the purchase of Bronze mexican Service Medals, be and same is hereby repealed. C. P. No. Resolved. That the C;Uncil F1111.1th, 1. 14551: adopted And approvedon Janu , . - 4rY 27th61917. appro.,1.0n, $275 00 for the If Rr.—c mexilan Re pealed. e ba and hereby 'r"ee Adopted hC.III Oct. 9. 1917, Approved 0yhe—Ort. - 1917. 13-1917) 1'ea&(I') Cou cilmen (17) Nays 'ou I"1 Far wort] Adopted by the Council ..00T ��9- .1917 ./Go ...........In favor Hyl tul I V1 19,17 - r Approved . . . .... Kell r I Against %.��V,u un erlich .................... . ... . ....... ... ... Mr. ;PVr,-nt. ruin MAYOR A F C A-9 6. 7 2M I. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject . ......... . ............ ............... .. ....... .... ... ......... ... . ................. . ....... . .... .................... ......... .. COU CIL FILENo . ................................ .... ...... ..................... ...................................................... .................. Date Presented....—: .._......191..: Resolved, That the Council file f15076, adopted and approved on March 2nd; 1917, appropriating ft400.00 from the Contingent Fund for the purpose of aidtnC. the Union Printers' National Baseball League be, and same Is hereby repealed. CA• Fernaworlh—; . F- N the C,-."Va 1- d ch .16078, ad. ;led and Boor S40000 from 10 1, 7. livropriatinr pamose 2nd, i at F.., or the National the Coat ntrl',', Union r"ate" , la he'-' Of aidin9Lcegas be, and same Baseball the C.- I d Oct. 9. 1917• iby repealed. , Id Adopts bat 10 1917. 13-1917) Yea. Co ncilmen Nays OCT —9 1917 vVa worth Adopted by the C ... 13-- 191 -GOB In favor OCT I (1 1917 ,Illy ad C' ""' '. w /L. y ad App,.v,d 191- ,1 Wu derIkh Against --- ..... . . . ... I MAYOR Mr. Ppidilent Irvin FORM C A-9 17 2M imam CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - 160 Subject: .......... .. .......... ... ... .. ......... . ............ ................... .. .... ....... ..... -1 ............ ........... . ..... ........ ......... COUNCIL FILE..Nle:. . .................................................... .. ........... ................. .. .................................. ............................. .. . ......... Date Presented ..... . .. .................. . ....... ............. 191 Resolved, That the application of Charles H. Couplin, for a I license to conduct a Pawnshop at 180 E�Tth Street, be and the same hereby is granted, and the City Clerk is lbreby instructed to issue such license upoii the filing of the Bond and Contract and the payment into.the,City Treasury 'of the fee, One'llundfid ($160.0,0) dollars. C. P. No. 168"— Resolved Th111h. .11licallon of H: Charles C-upl,a'far . license to conduct a Pawnshop at be and the hereb�.5!oiE'.l;7r`ntSet�,' ,! .ad the CItv Clerk is hereby Instructs to issue such license upon the Illing of rthe Bond and Contract and the pay- -101 Into the City Treasury of he One Hundred ($100.00) dollars. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1:::,. I. Approved Oct. 30, o 1917. t Oct . ?3-10171), Y -s (V) 'I..n (I') Nays W War worth Adopted by the Council 0 . C ., T ..,....__I.... 9 1 7 . ....... 191 Co.C worth 'r . ..... In favor �flyl as T vKell r Approved �191191 Agairuit y6un er4ch ...... ........... .......... Mr. Pregi&nt, rvin MAYOR G- FORM C A 9 6- 7 2M CITY OF ST.. PAUL COl1NCl_L RESOLUTION—GEN.EIRAL FORM Subject: ,. xki 4 COUNCIL . FILE N O.. Date Presented __ 191 Resolved, That the application of Sam'Ellis for a license tol i conduct a pawnshop at 26 & 30 W.3rd street, be and Ahe same hereby • is granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and Contraot and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, One Hundred.($100.00) dollars. C. F. No. 18884 Re.oLved. That the application.. of Be. Ellis for a license to conduct a 1 pawnshop at 29 and 30 W. 3rd 9L, be and the sarnehereby is granted and the - City Clark Is Instructed to Issuesuch license upon. the filing of the bond and Contract andthe payment Into the - Clty Treasury of the fee, One Hundred (8300.00) dollars. Adq pted by the Council Oct 9.1917. Ap/roved Oct. 30. 1917. (Oct. 13-1917) Yeas (✓) CC� Licilmen (✓) Days OCT —9 I �7. ✓ irnsworth (^ Adopted by the Council 191 ,2oss In favor J3gland O6T !1 Approved .:_... � I91.� _ 191. ... Against nderlich A 1 Mr. Prrej,vin MAYOR FORM C.I - ' C WharefseTha Council In e.ed lj � • f Order krlowa aeCouncu F71e N. tiered that VIIInM avenue fro PAUL - minater etr et to A kwrlgh i ENERAL FORM C graded toe width of toiW f as 9.. -�� J �y(�il•l ° Wher ae Pu suant to y -� p1Ana and a➢eclticatlone-fo' of said work wore ➢reDared ,a.,n,1a .--. Subject} ..-- ••.- ) fret. therefor dulY award d and a COU CIL ;.terod fnto and thereafter, In and by FILE - NO.""""•"""•...... I Councll File No.'18989. the'Couroll rat- -_ - [tied an —agement oC • beneflte. costa.... ......... ............. ..:...:.. . .•......: .....-- .-•---•'...... ••••---- and asDonme of doing. Bald work and Whereat, Now th' vement,f have erty ab or Don Bald treet and aa- I' 191. ➢- q�eeed for said 1 tte Presented.....__......_....._..__....:._ _ rented a etltion to the Council - eating that .said contract be caml "d nd. annulled and. set d-aeeeee. ' est aelde;: 'lived, That Final Order No. 19C.1 - -- grading of Vlliard even.. d: M forty teet,.from Weatmin• •rnd - Arkwlght street. _ Into^ureu��t--'tk;- WHEREAS, The Council in and.by Final Order'known as Council File No. 13009, ordered that Villard; avenue from Westminster street to Arkwright street, be; graded to a width of forty feet; , and. - WHEREAS, Pursuant to said order, plans.and specification's for thetdoing of said work were prepared, and a contract therefor duly awarded and entered into, and thereafter, in and by-Council File No. _ 18369, the Council ratified an assessment of benefits, costs and exp pence of doing said work, and WHER;AS, Now the owners of property abutting-on said street and assessed for said improvement, have presented a petition to the Councih requesting that said contract ire cancelled and annulled and said assessment eat aside; RESOLVED, That Final Order No. 13009 for the grading of Villard avenue to a width of forty feet, from Westminster street to Arkwright street, the contract entered into pursuant thereto, the assess- ment- of ssess-ment•of benefits, costs and expense heretofore made under Council File No. 18369, and all subsequent proceedings, if any, in said matter, be and the same hereby are cancelled, annulled, rescinded and set aside. RESOLVED FURTHER, That this resolution shall be of no force or effect until the contractors for the making of said improvement shall have entered into an agreement in -a form to be approve& by the Corpor- ation Counsel, consenting to the cancellation and annulment of said contract. Yraa tt c faImen a Nayt OCT 9 1917 f I�Fa 0—th 1 /1 Adopted by the Council .__..._. ...._ _ ....191 ....... .__._._In favor ' APPtnved ...... ... ... _ .:..._._.....191........ M - i (�. _.._. Against Mr. P—i1 in war R FORM O A9 1 2M D i'UBLISLTo r \� . OFFICE OF - r JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK I1on.0.H.OINEILL. October Sth 1917. i Corporation Counsel. Pity. Door Sir; The Council at a meeting held this morning, referred the attached Petition of property owners on Villard Street, protesting against the assessment levied for grading Villard Street from Westminister to Arkwright St,with a request that you draw the release and proper form of resolution, to cancel contract of Garrick Bros, to grade said Street. The entire file is attached hcrewit4. and consists of, Estimates, 51ue prints, Report to Comr o3 Finance,Report of the Comr of Finance on Preliminary Order, Petition to have street 40 feet instead of 50 feet, City -Engineers Estimate on 40 foot.basis, Final Order C.F.13009,Resolution Approving Assessment, C F.17814. Petition dated August 28th1917 of prop- arty owners to annul the Contract;Resolut ion Ratifying Assessment, Report of Comr. of Finance of Completion of Assessment, Petition of Standard Gravel Cc to be allowed to remove sand & gravel on said street; and Petition of property owners dated August 28th 1917 protesting against the assessment. Y tru C`tiLL( �r Aug. 28, 19#7. 1, TO THF. MM KERS OF TAF. CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. We the'undersigned.property owners on•Villard St. St. Paul, Minn. being oppossed to proposed assessment levied for grading Villard St: from Westminster.to Arkwright Sts. do hereby petition and request'�'fy honorable Council to annul) the contraotg Yor grading saidillard SC>Z t.c� s. f i% • _ -y Ertl OITY OF ST. PA,rL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Oct. 9th, 7 Date Presented - - - - - - - -1P1 .. the construction of the Otto -Niles In the matter of - - -- - - - -- ---- Sever System - - - - - - - - - - ` - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 16049 under Preliminary Order - - - - - -, Final Order - - - - - Approved _ _ April 23rd, _ _ - _ 191 7 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. t•. F. No, 18881— Pq rP ,rs In In the ,matter of theconstruction of - CO[7f1e01; 1 G'1 Yiy1 CI1 abOV9 the,Otto-N1l0. sewer System under Pro lmi—y Order No. 8888. Final �ie60� wti0n I ( Order 1/049• approved April 78, 1917. Resolved, That the : plana. epecifl"' - tions and estimates submitted by the CI Commissioner of Public Work. for the ;nbave partied. improvement be :on d the same are -hereby approved. / Adopted by. the Council Oct. e, 1817. !ll�ii Approved Oct.- 10. 1917 i4 / (Oct. IS -1917) �• Adopted by the Council V-Xx•zZ- T1ggF -,191 Yeas: ( ) i ) Nays_ CouncilmaD F sworth �) ° s OCT IN X917 t!' v and 7Gt ler v -I,_ Approved " 191 OiVu darlichVRA- Mr. Presider ruin - - - - vt- - - - �= Mayor. 0 F. No. 18867—. s •'• w In the.-matter of condemn) - ��\ �t.s(7IC� Ing an easement In the �t1 eery for slopes, for Cute' I _ .NflPle g d A it Block ilaPleen for a aboon, the ' t nt. beings mores name' Ibetl as. Rn egeement�dt RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPi, ab�i pion the nl eSSMENT AND ING .ed I tlhe,report of the; PROCEEDINGS. TIME OF HEARING IN COIe`n1 wok` �h t'1101 r 4t11 1917, a7,1; `eport are hereby re. M1de q pRrt h¢F¢nf; Uri - 7• 1o'c"`edlarYa Orf' - ^d Aug. 29, IBI7. �(seloner of FI . - .' his rnport 1. In the matter of.......c.ondamrAing.:.and. ...taking-An .._Q&.o me t...IrI.:the._1R.tld.............. _.... _ necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading alley in Block 1, ..King.!.s..Mapievaod..,Addit.i.on,..:.the..land...t.c..be...xaken..f. or....tha...a,b.O.Y.9 .XAMAd.:... improvement being more particularly described as an easement for alapea:...f..ox.::cut.e...and ...f4l� 8....1.r..and_-.upo>►.._the•_land.: abutting. u_pon.•the. alley 1n Block 1 King's Maplewood Addition, to the extent shown upon the_._sketch...attQ.9hed...t.o_ahe.._report,. Commissioner .of Public Works in the matter, dated October 4th, 1917, which ske£cii and "'" ' part.hereofreport.erhereby.._ ._ ....._._._..__._____......____._..._....... ..................._.........................................._........ '................................--'-----................................---..........-•---'............................ ander Preliminary Order... 1.7.461. ............... approved July ...9.,-2.91.7....., Intermediary Order.:1.8316......, approved...... Aug.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to,whonl payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is.hereby approved. } Resolved further; That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefitts�s•� a Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the............ bth.....................day of .........................191 7..., at ten o'clock A. At. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .............................. _ 191 ........ ACT I'll �91� / ( � City Clerk. Approves... ..: ..... 191 Mayor. I. 12mincil a Farnsworth t/Covacil an Goss - - t�2ouncil an gland Council n eller- �LB6nncilm underlict & JWor I - t , RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. for slopes, for cuts and fills in the rading of alley in Block,ll,— In tiles matter of '-:P0Dd-0=1ng...44AS1,...�eaking..gxl...OQ.IH.Q7A...int....�.1?..�1, ..Underwood..'..e...First...Addit.i.on ....the.:. land at.o...ba...tak.en...for... the..ahnY.s..named... improvement being more particularly described as an easement for cute and...fill.e...in-And ...upon..the.land...abutt.inngg...upon ... the ............. alley in Block 1, Underwood's Fire t Addition, to the extent:ahown ..upon...the....ek.e.tch-at.tached._ to egart... of...the....Co=;La slAnar....of...Publ-ic.... Works in the matter, dated August the 13th, 1917, which sketch and ..rep.ort...ar e...hereby ...ref.arr ed.._tn..and...made...a...pant...heraof.r.............................................. .... ........:...................C................ ................ :............................... ..................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 1.6.480.---....., approved May.-lby....1911.., Intermediary Order....1.7.E132.... approved ......UlY_11.,:...Lill. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted Ili.., report. in the above maiter as to the amount of .'easement ter ala' damages awarded. for the taking of the land or r'Upn ice nicer n B appropriated for the above improvement First Addition, it, wn upon the sketch and to whom payable; and also having aubmiiublic°Works In t�inmr, of benefit to property from the making of. 'August . the -38th. I +h and report are he) said improvement, therefore be it and made a part her p - ninarr order 16180. 36. 1917, 7ntermed- iResolved, That the said assessment of ben approves July n. 1s'me is hereby approved. y loner of Finance 11 t 7 it" report In the al -. Resolved further, That a public hearing b4ae taking of thedf -pi it upon said report and for a eonfirma- •in nn tion of the awards of damages made by the Commi loner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of 1 .: benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House iithe City of St. Paul on the ..... ..6th .........................!.day of ............... NGvq m- b.er........... .191...7..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT -9 !917 Adopted', by the Council..................:............................................... 191..x... 1.:...........: OCT 1 t 1 l9 i1 i City Qlerk. Approver ................... ......... :...... ., 191....... IK 11 / " ......................................................................... ........ — Mayor. "Councilman arnsworth t,.Councilman oss 86uncilman gland -- kuncilmau eller Jl ioC!ouiacilman underliel Y LIS - iyor Irvin -.y RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING, TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGSs j In the matter of._..C.oAd.emniXlB...and _.UX.ing.-.a-T1....fte.9180.17.t..:IiA•-tho...I.O. ?4%...agim osivy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Of aotbm-1. ??and-olph...at:r..e.at....t.o...6Q0... fe.��....utkt•........?;ax>d.alrh...stz.�at .---ano— 1.51...ho taken for the above named improvement being more particularly d-Q.>.R?iibed 8--.a.p...0.4.9. Anwt...for.-IP1.9P88 forcute....4.n.4.fil.1,g.._in.4114...up.4F.l__ the land abutting upon Mount Curve BFulevard, between the points . ,aforesaid R.. to..the ..-extent .shown upon the sketch attached to the re ort 03 the Commissfoner of fyuiilfo works fn ;the matter, da ed'Augtiet"'8 'h; report are hereby ...refarred...ba..and-made...a................ part hereof, ..._.......... ........................ .. --..............:...............----....................................................-----.................................................... tinder Preliminary Order....] 6.30..? ............... approved )e,y.:.7..1.917.......... Intermediary Order...Y'1!�69......, approved....July- 7..,..] 917..... — t. _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his rehieve nBBe above matter as to the amount of n anon the report of u''o riated for the above im rovement - damages awarded for the taking of the land or easemea i-ubnc works In P P ,zd August 8th; 19)" and report are hen and to whom payable; and also having submitted J.riimtin'd or°ser 1'nPfit to property from the making of d May 1, 1917, Interm•' 'r 11454, aPProved TDiry , said improvement, therefore be it 'he Commissioner of Flo t eubmlt[ed M1te reDort In _ -,t- ded torothe taking ort �d hereb Resolved, That the said assessment of bene fi,enis therein apn" rl: y approved. Improvement nna to na also' having .nil upon said report and for a confirms - Resolved further, That a public hearing be had ent or hene. m P, P P ktre it of said P , tion of the awards of damages made by the Commisei�rThgt then°ai;ce, and also upon the said assessment of ' benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...............6th................. day of .._Nov_ember _.191..7..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT Adopted by the Council .......:........... :.................... .................... . 191........ ......... 1 :.i��.:-.%w....... f 7... ... r e , City Cle " OCT 10 1917` — Approve(,........................................... ..... ., ..... ..._..., 191......_ — I ` . / 'Mayor. P Councilman arnsworth ✓Councilman oss �otincilman Hyland �`Councihna Keller —�Councilm WunderlicY „Mayor Irvi /f a i COUNCIL FILE NO.-_.._— ...._...___...� _ _.,... t r cuc190 By :.._�.__ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a relief sewer on Minnehaha street from Fry street to Sheldon avenue and on Snelling avenue from Van Burlin street to Capitol avenue, under Preliminary Order ....9537._ ................... .:._............ .............., Intermediary Order......11.77.5......... _......... ._...... ...._._______.., r approved ....... 191.:..5.. Final Order 2:433 ..........1.. ..... ... oved......:..._Aug..__.31,.....__.... The assessment of .__....._................. b.one. f.i.t.81......0_oflt.6_Bnd.......e7Sp.ei1.9.@.A..for and in connection'with the aBove-improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be atld the saint .is hereby in all respects approved. 1% RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment oly-Che.............. O„th.... _...... day of ,., TQY8Xb.gg........... __..... 191....7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ha Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as mired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directe$CT . 9 1917 Adopted.by the Council .._.._ ....... _................ _._......_......._ ..............191. 1 .... City C k. OCT 1 el 1911 Approved j ..... Mayor. Councila sworth as .. _ ''That Is said aseee: ' as came la hereby 1a„a: land ovea, e `of No r, T,, `. ub11e � .• 167 - •^ had on eat, sees eon Y” q` y j ."day cl November, 1917:, the be.ber 0 'clock A. t o the nen I Chamber of the Court House a City ” I Hall Building, in the City'of ak aul 'that the Commissioner of Flnsnc .glue Inotlee or Bald meeting, as requl d 9tY nderlich the Charter, staling Inbald not ethe ti a and place of hearing. the aturo of the ImDro- sent,. the tots :coat Ma� thereof,- and the amount ease esGe a Wthe lot or lots of the particular owner to who thenotice le directed. ' Form B. B. 16 Adopted by the Council Ock 8, 1917- ADproved'OetA0, 1917.- (Oct, 917. lock 13.1917) COUNCIL• + y 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving. Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and eXpensee for curbing and bottlevarding Lawson street between Payne avenue and Edgerton street, under Preliminary Order ......1 .948 ___._:................................. Intermediary Order. _._M.SO..._...._........ _................ __._____, Final Order ._I..approved:. ... ..I....-.. - 191......__ The assessment of ........ b.enefit.6...... eoet_9.._and. e7Lp8Tlses for and in connection with i the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment-be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Theft public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... Ata ....... . ...... day of November 191,._.'1,_.,, at the hour of 10 c=clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give -notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. aCT !9 isiZ Adopted by the Council......_........................._.... ....191. -' .. _ OCT a tl .1917 -__._ -f��. t....._._�� _ .......... ...:'ctty cls It. Approved 191_.__ ._...._'....____.. _..._......_._�......... .._--'--_. _Mayor. Council fhali� sworth vn cpjio ion!• 'ts iemen 4'�nV4 _ - -to f .;. Council P y�8 C.' • ng considered ntglrrnnd tt as I. assessment satleffi in,, th, rIt t .tved, That the said-aeseeem'- t d the came is hereby an all #➢Droved.... ved Farther That ` at lei - be hadoneald aseeaement d'hy of N"v .Ider. 1938 at 10 o'clock p1.. the Coua u , [the Cour House and C t i,- '•Ilding,.ln the 101y of Commiseloner of Finance (. 'derlich f ald meeting, as reeuleed' idter. stating In -need notics' :place ofhearing, then.I - MIax>A A Improvement. the total 'ter" and the amount. east; - it the lot or lots of the parch. Form B. H. ]C' i• to whom the notice is der • ?opted' by the Council'Oct. 9. (Pr ad' Oct. 30 1917. - (Oct. 13-1917) CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING iDEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RE60LUTION. FORM FILE"cl` No ---.-= BY lla4 �uorrao�rT 10 1917 iel_J( l PE 726 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the -City. Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favAr of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective' names as specified in the folio persons, . ,.. '.. `. nCT..1: t��! •. Yeas ( J) , . Co men ( J) Nays Adopted by.the Council " rr 19F_ i F orth �In favor Approved 1� s 191 - 0AJtalnit Hyland Mr. Prcai ___ Wunderlich aF'xeiies .Rasotrad Lhat' war;}pier be drawn, t P fa__Ir4�n Cttt Treasury; n noon the psyAhte oa! In and In ' favar-of Pe rspeotded,tuad. 'favor or the persona, dims or corpora= f tions for the a nounts,aet�opppp�elt ,then respecttpe: names . ea ' speolded Iq the; Yal%wing'detalled statement Amerlcan'Insurance Agency =15060{ C Rlplanljers.i101 6 i A.fO F ck.oa1{576160. -� 'Mer Ni tloea Com r rld lte works. Lao..". = -Mbrsdy Yaper Co, s1A51. ` .,,P Moore; 1010.76 iN ''•w 6:Ieetrlc'b'qpIpment CO.;';'64 e0.' ,t{o7peaa8roa.;,'CdUer 1004.61. s '.• - I'yt�.nY Mqf& Co >J0.aT LYewonnB; , Adophllo Co 1050 710lo .y ddoplad yy the t6ounoil Oct. ie 3917: :. r. , .�.K�� `�. i.r•��1 '�C lb,. Ock:1015177 r y t ! a x20824 1,�Ame` icgn Insti�ance Agency 120.50 Park- ,XPIZ37 35. " P. Bld --Exp 3 Water -Exp 4 12 r 825 C. Bielenberg'" 102.75 Street C.& R. -Exp. 826 A. D: Dpiriee 32.61 Pay. Minn. St. " 827 A. G. Erickson 2,753.40 „- School -C. & B - 828 M. N. Goss, Comir.:Public Works. 18.00 f� Misc..- Staty. '& Supplies 829 Melady 2aper'Co. , 13.23 Audi torium-Ext. s 830 A. P. ,Moore 46.75 t C. P, W., -Exp 06 ; 4 Sewer C. & R. -Exp# .5 Street .; & Be Cing"Bxp 4 5 831 N. W. Electric 'Equipment cc , 54.63 II 47 6 School-Exp. Auditorium -Exp. 6 832 iioyes Bros. & Cutler, 94.53 School -Exp 833 Pyrene Mnfg,,o., - 3.67 Mune Garage ." arm A. 6.11 834 Republic Creosoting' ,Co. 1 26,720.00. s Pao Bitre Res. 725 Page #4. 20713 S. Farnworth, C.P.R. R.F. 265,8 ' Com'r. irin-Exp. 0 _ health -Health -Exp. 1 �.. �.b895 Library -Exp. 14 Farwell, .Oz un Kirk & Company, 42.56 C.P.Woms-Exp. 1 .' School -Exp, School -Equip. _ Mechanic Arta H.S.Libr. j 42. 6 15 Field Schliok & Company,.33.09 , School -Exp., Library -Exp. 3.0 •. , 16 Great Northern Express Company, .26= Library -Exp,. 17 ;Great Northern Railway CG pany, ` 6.00; St. C&R -Exp. 18 B. F. Goodrich Company, 23.94_; `s Gen. Mun.'t3ar. R. . 19 Gopher Lime & Cement', 1.20. Fire -C&B. ( . 20 M..N. Gose, Com'i•. P.Works, 1 \ 223.40 Lighting-Exp. 2 Water -Exp. t 4 23.4 21 R. L. ,Gould ComjAny, 2.00 22 - Haag Roofing Company, _ 1 P.Schools -0&B . X50 s � - 23 Hackett, Gates Hurty Company, 15.84 P.Sohools-BacB. 24 Handlon & Company, 52.19 . T C .P.W. -Workhouse-E}cp. 25 John D. Higgins, 1.60' Health -Health -Exp: 26 Highland 6pring Company, 6.7 40 55 s o P.Schools-Exp. Gen. Mun.,Gar.R. ;23:9 27• C.I. Johnson Mfg. dompany, .75 B.Library-Exp. 28 S. W. Johnson, 4.75 ; P.Library-NBooks. 29 Felix Joswich, •9.44- Gen. Mun. Gar. R'. '•4 .y in-UNHIMMINEIM 111-111121M Res..'725- Page 5* 20730 Kenny toiler & Manufacturing Compav7, 85000 rjre-Curls. 5 00 School-C&B. 16895 31 A. Kroch & Company, 1496 P,Libritry-liBooks 32 Chas. E. Lauriat Company, 1.50 P.Library-NBooks. 33 John B. Leeds, 1.50 4 P.Library-NBooki.- 34 Lewis Institute, .36 P.Schools-Exp 35 C. F. Libbje& Company, F.rrary-Exp. 36 Library Bureau 1745 P.Idbrary-Exp- Central H.S.Liblr* 37 Library of Boston Athenseums 20.0o P.Library,--NBooks. 38 Library of Congress# 1616 P.Library-Exp. 39 Lindekes Warner Companys kiealth-guar-iEXP. 40 I.,6ngmanl.s, Green 0: Companyt 12.75 P.Library-Wooks. 41 A. C. McClurg L & Company, 243.63 P.Library-NBboks.' 42 Henry McColl, Uom'r. P.Safety, 22i,50' & S. Clng-Exp . 43 MoKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, 63.00 .P.W -Workhouse-Exp- C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 44 D. D. C. MoMurtiriel, 1.25 P.Library ooks. 45 Mamiheimer Brothers, P.Library-JiBooks. -4 6 Merck & 0 ompanyt 25*43 Mechanic Arts H.5 eliibr. 47' Merrill '�Greer & Chapman, 16.20 F.Schoola-Exp. 48 Miller-Dexis Printing C04anys 40.00 �Water-Exp. 49 Wm. Harvey.Miner Cmmpany, 329:73- P.Librar"NBooks. 11 50. 0 Mitsch & Heck Company,,, 9640 Sewer C&R -Exp., Gen. 'mun.:Gar. 51 Motor Truck Sales Company,. 7.80 P • i Res . 784i : , 'Ernest ..Page mss, 20758 Musgang, '. 27.95; P.Library-NSooks. { 53 National,Vaccine_& Antitoxin Institute, mr'� 13.00 .•: Health'-Quer-Exp'. 11. 54 New York Tea Company, 3.90 Health-P.Baths-Exp. 55 Nicols, Dean &:Gregg, 2"4- + S. & S. C ing -Exp . 56 Northern StatesPower Company, 2.34 v (den. Art Museum. 57 Northern ExpressCompany, -Exp O` - P .S cho ols . 58 Northland Pine- Company, 16.67 C .P .W.-$zp • 59 Northwestern. Bedding & Manufacturing Company, Police -Exp. 6o Northwestern Copper & Brass Works, `,- 68.45:` Fire Exp. 1 Water -Ex 4 2 &_ P.Schools-Exp. p fir,. z 68 5 61 Northwestern Stamp Works, 29.20 City Clerk -Exp • 0 P.Schools-Sxp. - 45 Heaokth-Health Bap. .3 G.printe'd forme -and -Blanks 4 , P.hibrarj-Exp. / • 5 . ■ f 60 P.,"arks-Exp. 62 Northwestern Tel. Exchange Company, 15.50. P`.Markets Rap. E 3: - Police -Exp. Healtb-Health-Exp. 7 1 . 63 Noyes Bros. & Cutler,- ?.60 P.Schoole-Expense. 64 W. E. Parker, T.44 P.Librery-Exp. 65 H. Peltz & Son, , 17.40 Sprinkling. a. 66 Perkins, ,Tracy Printing Company, 30.?0 P.Schools-Exp._ 'Fire-Exp.' *0.70 , 67 Joy R. Peterson, 15.50 P.Schools-Exp. Humboldt H.S. Library 15. 68 Photo -Era Magazine Company,15.17 P.Library,-NBooks.. Res. 725 Yage'f. 20769 Pioneer Electric' Comping, 5.50 C.P.U.-Test.Labs.-Exp. 70 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, '.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. .40 Water -Exp. �" 1 0 G -F Armor-Mtce. 0 9 Yl#ygrounds-Exp. - 71 R. L. Polk Company, Viiy-Clerk-Exp. Q 32 0o P.Library=NBooks. 3 =<. fit Peoria, Manual Company, .22.50;; P.Library-NBooks. 73 Raymer Hardware Company, P Schools -Exp. 2 ,116 P.Library-Exp. • Johnson':R.S:Library - — 94 1 Reed Motor Supply C1ptpany, Gen.`Mun. "Gar. �R.;'' 75 Remington Typewriter Company, P.Library-Exp,. 76 Review Publishing-Companny, 8.10'; Corp. CGunsel'-Exp. :,' F 77 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 276.65..- K P.Scbools-Exp. 90 4 n r .54 A85) P.School -C&B. 69Water-Exp4' � •, a ■. •3 Gen. MunGar." Pay. Rice -!St to N.P. Bridge 1, 2718. - `78 M..Rosen 8e Company, 16.95 ,- Gen. Mun. Gar. R. 79 R0i1 Typewriter Company, .68 Y.Schools-Exp._ ; 80 St.Paul Battery' Company, Gen. Mun. Gar. Revolving. 81 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company,' 625.10 P.LlbrarypNB Noks 10.2 4: Johnson H.S.Library 0 r w r ,r1 ' w " n b i Mee. Arts H.S. Library 0 62b. 82 St.Paul Dispatch Printing 'Company's 3.90;`. G.F..OPurchasing Dept. -Exp.. 83 St.Paul Foundry Company, 89.7E Fire -Cas. 84 St.Paul Gas Light Company,, 72.781` - Lighting -Exp. 47.52 , Res. 725 Pale #10 0 20820 Re B. Whitacre Company, 12 0,5 C.F.W.-Workh6use-Exp. 195 d: 21 W G. whitahead,C, *701" A Library -Exp. 22 Williams UoRl COMPRMY, 52054 Water -Exp. 23.,A. We Wilson Company,' 1.06 Library-NBooka. :7 Kk -. ,1e-d;Pelrtrldaro i7 f6; "ton Hoole Co 44 Royadon M, V1010 14 B*1bber,-.{it4 40 j2roII .1 tHro=;�Bl6dge oto, Shop,, TIP"t y';, Central .g:. ClunnopiCa. ii 11 �Vhicaso M1lweuk� t, 8E -Arthur A!C1wkA* eti it ;4 J).11ey" rdww,6 CO�.. $106-25; Mardwire Co.; wTile '4t Conttaoting ,S Co.. $30.12. Eexanellfttrio aree &co� 810 &.Co- -'Imewo.4huck 4–ct�;i $SILOS. . Conte :.,G,cat- Northil- Pt C04422.91 'i V'GorArICh Wor Uoqfinj; Co:., SL W,GatcaHurtY Cu4 $M, Ine 4'Joh-M1111961nmeALGO "MVh1`ui4�,S`1wInff -- 7C1? $1410. END. — 1116ROFILM -CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1: The roll of microfilm described herein was .made in the regular course of business by—, -r- j, r- n -_r -cow T✓Alice in accordance with the standard and appro ed tech iques rnth a Recordak microfilm machine, tfodel��'&_ {t of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of miciofilm was made onr..,L, z l 3 19 6'� by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is i?R'A 4. The roll of microfilm contains -photographic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been .executed by the undd*igned-operator(s). it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: a Operator —. Dated He /3 l� �i