17984-18469_08-25-1917_09-11-1917'C- g X70 178Ei--Grdin�nce ho i8i7 ,: ' - An dl ite; utho 1 inR Smlth k Tnp for to conarucF n Io dlnS PintF_7 p, 2u m n t the cant aide o[ Plnr ht[eet i' �, ,� /q t of L.uL1 iltork 00. hitt on a Ad- I t V] _ dill i tonul. The council of the CIIY of St Paul council do ordnln:' An ordinance authorizing Smith &-Taylor to construct a r. f loading platforms on the eastside of Pine Street, west of Lot 4, Block 3 Kitteon`s Addition to St. Paula THE COUrCIL OF THE gIT_Y OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: — �: Section 1. That permission be and herebry`is granted to t. Smith & Taylor to donetruct: a -loading platform on the East -side of Pine ,Street,:weet of the lots line of Lot 4, Block--3D,�,Kittson'e Addition to'St.- Paul. :Said permission is granted subject to the- T - following conditions.: a Said Smith & Taylor shell- comply with all the ordinances of the city of -St. Paul non in force with respect to, the construction, alteration or repair of walks or loading plat] r forms .in streets, so far an they may be applicable to -the work undertaken by them: (b) They shall prepare plane and specifications of said platform and submit them to the Commiseioner`of publrks for his approval. (c) They shall,keep the Nork guarded•during its progress, by proper lights iand barriers,- and file.a. surety bond,- in the sum of $5,000.00, with. the City, in form to -be approved by'the Corpor-. atiion Counsel,,:conditioned ,to save' tPe City harmless from all damages, costs and disbursements arising by reason of the con,.. `st-ruction, maintenance, use or removal: of the said platform. s" } (d) They -shall file,an acceptance of the terms of this ordinance in a form to'be approved by the Qrporatfotl Counsel; before.any`work shall be started on said platform,' -and shall have fully complied with all the to -tins of thie ordinance' hereinbefore set forth before rsaid •work.-ahall habe'.been btarted.: (r) The*said Smith & Taylor skull ,agree in.behalf of, - themselves, their -heirs, successors, administrat•or`s,vexecutors.' and -assigns, to -remove said-pla-tform from eaid.atre'et an to restore- the,walk to its former c6lhdition of, usefulness, when' directed so to do:by the Council and they shall perform said _ t - i_ IC: X. 7 'iilt5=-0cdlnanb:Na il/f—�. Q II BY Y a an ordinance aulho Iain' the B. F. (� i'43oodrlch Rubber Co.. to .Instill i+id - malntaln an air -hose and box on tF- ast-aide of Maln Ave.. est or 1/r').I lotline [ Loti. Block F 1 ' _ �/ _ •, 1.'f a�t7r� . '.Irvin's Addltlon to'. St: T'': - _ - '. ! unrli of in a Dream: Qn ordinance authorizing the B,F: OotijricY •Rubbert Co, to install and maintain an air -hose -and box•o:n the easaide.'of Main _Ave., went of the lot line of Lot 7,Blbek , Rice& Irv'ine's Addition to St. Paul. : THE COUNCIL OF THIS; CITY 017 ST.PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: - Section 1. That the B,$. ,Goodrich Rubber Co. be and hereby is authorized to install atfd maintain an Air -hose -under the: sidewalk on the east side of Main Ave., outstde of the lot line of Lot 7, Block 5, Rice k Irvine's Addition, and to connect - the same with a covered box to be plac-d as near as possibi'e:to the curb on the'eco-at side'of sari rest, Said,:permih.sinn is ran ted subject 6 the following conditions: - (a) Said,F.'t3oodrich Rubber Co. shall comply with all the ordinances of theCityof St, Paul, .now in force with respect to the conatruc�iori; alteration or repair of walks, while going• about the construction, alteron or repair of said proposed a box ; air -hoe box — - (b) They, shall prepare plans and specifications showing j the proposed work and submit the same to the Commissioner o5'Public Works for his approval. .'(c) During the performance of the work of installing - said hose and *box.,. they ;shall keep -said work properly guarded by barriers and.lighte, and they shall furthermore, execute a surety bond in t -he sum of $1000.00 and deliver the same.to the City of St. Pa 1, conditioned to save the City harmlese'from all.damages, cats and disbursements occasioned by the construct- - �- _. ion, alters i n, repair, Maintenance or.removal of said air=hose , or said .boX». 1, (d) They shall'ggree:in behalf of themselves, .their J. heira, successors, adminiatratore,'executors and assigns, to I. remove said air -hose and box'from the street whenever',ordere'd.so to do by a vote sof the Rouncil. - a (e) They .shall performs al'I of said work under the: 1 eupervision of the Commissioner of 'Public Works and subject to his' inspection. i (f) They shall file an acceptance of the terms,o�.t� - ordinance in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and • shall file said bond before a ork shall be started on_ the i proposed hose or box. (g) ich Rubber Co. shall further pay The, said B.F. Goodr ication of this ,ordinance. the, costa of publ_ an d be in' '•Section 2. .This ordinance shall take effect . and nublicat on. — CITY OF ST. GAUL ' "FORM C'A•Y; b•t7 2M ` Petition; «'Cofiacil•FileNo. I• ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN 4 and PRELIM [NARY ORDER_.' ' The u-idersigned hereby proposes the malting of the tolloWin li improvem y e Citr'(f St. Paul. viz......:.conalr.lint..a..: aeme.nli.Ad1.e...Blae�� t UL.,rtid ... ......::.1�hQ. IIQuth...:iSie--ir�0eton AYe ar e d ve_.s Doted this....._:lOth..-day of ......... ^Ul9fi� .. ...... 1 .._'1._n -y' y Councilm> jn. PRELIM ORDER: NYHEREAS, A. written proposal for the makin of the following improvement, viz.: n' - iiIIri8.�S11C fi- ii...r E m E+st i.. 1i�1L� r4� d �'� �z� 1t ,tA.�.Sl�Cli h Af . six -Pflej'i....Gn_.. bw _ ZaUt11 ir11: 2=Inr Ay©. .....:. ......_. _....... . having been presented to'the Council of the City of St. Paul hg�..u,(dt hat} ....... ... ..._... - therefore, be it d so tha, Cor a4 That the Gema, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publicka beane be, to b 7ae;;ordeted and directed• ' ind.AlnetNs .' � - 1.To investigate the necessity for or desira;� dinbitjiyroi tiY pttktor orf-aovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and a a> reun "ted auwa; azta,-and the total cost thereof. 1 Ya Mtt43"' c er-aall s, +M� 3. To furnish a plan, profile oe sketch of s rpt 4 'tarnlaAr FCOgi nb�' t. •.rittatoe o0'aafa tmnronma 4. To furnish the following other data and, a r an lixforp. taai:;rou.�id Improvement; _. ..:... ' .bab aaa:-�-tarormatlo;=ate ......., rO�am�nL b.:. To state' whether or'not said improvement Is askLy'lor on the petition of three or more owners 6: To report upon all of the fdregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .._w..........w.191...._ . Yeas: Nayat, Councilman F.-worth AUG -1 {I 1917 1 c Go Approved..____ _ _....._ 191..:... Hy nd / Ke r 1 n 1>, tV derlich _ ...... Mayor Ir v ilay�ir rox" n MIT= - 1 1'79,x/ Council File No i PROPOSAL FOR IMPR6VEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER., The,1*¢derolgaed hereby proposes the making of t ollowing p 61te improvers y thq•Ci of. St. Foul, vis.....npdYi,....iridea....an:i_sxt.end,� . srea....etr., tr..to...a d _oS.. zty. .0) fee .,,�. 9rt►_ .t._6ath9n� n _ n_Shielda nits,_. x ka�oY A ty= txgga. ixnw._. eafie_fl_I�nise ity.. r Dated this..._ 1Q.ti1...._day of...:_.: ......August..... ..... ..:........r . JCouncilman. PRELIMINARY O1tDER. ,,{MEREAS,{1 written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.' �Dsa74,,Nisisn?:and extend .P.isrc.e_.etseet.,� o. a aidth..Of._aixiV ..(£Q.l iadl__ . _ 39m�t_dnthona!__aYenXn ta...AllJ aI a_ anise.} :.ani..;ro.s_xidth...0��eixxX-t1[4. ,I ��_..@ti.._�rOJIIM.}3i41da:..H9.AI1118:_.tGrvIl1YCT9jtyC_.aYBL11Q._... ........ having been presented tothb Council of the City o"f St. Paul by Councilmnu .. ...... ...... _ therefore; be it Irom,aIt etaa Lvenua C. renoe havldg Man re. RESOLVED, That tfe Commissioner of Public W"oro;(: �br f' rtna Cita o?at.7rdered and directed- eol eA: That tM Com�itlnlonr 1.. To investigate the necessity for or desiro&'wouna arorkL .w and ha 1a aLrLeaovement. �.�aene-ane-alteatea: I 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est; r To" In.otla.16 tee neeeeatkJi,.and the total cost thereof. , a aMlPabntty or the, makinr, c ' ,�Im ne.mesc 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sales.:°umsrnetlsata epe natnr; .. cost OUB410 4. To furnish the followin other data and mtormat a the :ow sat n-, 1m rovenlent g Nrnlah h .plan P nfa fmprooetfn ` rnlsh tber} ... ... . .. ........ . ......_. ......... �._.. ... .. ......... ... ..:. .. ...__ _ b. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pbhtlon of three or more ownels. 6. ,To report upon all of the fore o ng{ma�t'ters to the Commissioner of Finance: ' 'A1 /9 Adopted by the council ......... .� ....... _ Yeas:Nays:, Councilman Far Drib \ AUG Approved ................ ........ . .. ..... 191..._._ I nil lJ Ke er W y derlich ) - .. ... ... bis or Ir n /—/ ' IOwM C e•e - / `Council File NM, !,^�. _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and x r PRELIMINARY�ADER. We undersigned hereby propwes the making, of the followin ubhe:r provement by tho:;Cfty of St. Paul, vtc.....Qans.1zuct..m._.namentl._ti� e__�.1dox to :n. id, hof._ feet ni> ........ thas�1_t." 441. Dated this .__:_:101b...::..day of.. 3t1g118 J . > .�19 �.•_. . < Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposaffor the making of the fAllowing iinprevement,'viz.: Construct a.."_ermentiil& _.ia a1Si�_i2�__i2ili S4•» w1.{Li....^.FsairG�anf r.7.. .a .f PSil AV .. ,•art .:: »-. ,... having been presented to the Council of the City of St ' o l by Councilman ..-». ........... ... _...._ I - therefore, be it, the :. .here, _. .. -. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofPubUc V1 : T reby ordered and 'directed air.e, L, To investigate the necessity for or desimbihty'tjuIlk,t quid improvement. e� thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatit[t�tar�•ujn�- r4 � ;�t� vnment, and'.ttotal cost the tlm•t•a.:te tv 1 a �'. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said hi rurnt•6 t a ; �;rat4 r*o-. ' •+i0.-imsror•m•ar.. ''l improvement; 4. To furnish the following other data and informatnlmaito "0I'' - t r• f . ...... ............. _.._ ...... ........ ....-... 5.. To state whether or not eaid,improy4ment is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. ,To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4rJ� Adopted by, the council ....._... _.... ... ....... ......... ._181.._. Yeas: Nays: , CouncilmanfF D Approved ....._ V } h — '% Mayo(j Mayor. "iIiG19�f Paz f = sg r � �/\� /! } \� � �t \: y, w c. a !y y « \\\� � %� \ \�§ : « a », \�\ \� � � � [\ / ƒ\\ *� ^� 2° » ±<z< . \/\ \�\��! � 7 ^� ` \� \� \� /� \ \�\� \�� � \� \�/ \� \� /� \\�j /\ \� %� \ . . \� . �� f� \\ \ a ..z \� \� g: . � , x.. . \ wz:<?� . =,s g »», . > 2� ® ac:>y®o : ><«2� ... »� . <� .....� , y y \ y �§ . . . ? ©©� v:4 � \\�i � \� > :w :� t� \ _ > =:� 2� 2 a � .� . y� .� � � \� � �t \: y, w c. <� � \ \\\� < \2:� / « : . � ƒ<\ Q « d.«� � � }»� \� � � � [\ / ƒ\\ *� ^� 2° » ±<z< M�-MOV ER111 ';a Ze nz h notice.. ►q6 Cu 00 . ......... rorM 0 t FanoW .............. :�O,,'t -*-nwd, est•FINAL -ORDER,.__ ;b*r*bY .1 In the Matter. ot.....constructing.,zement ti1a..,sidewa1kaAz a-MiAth feet on the Porth- Side of 61immit avenue.:,from ..t avenue ..... ......... Cretin 'iLvenue. axe epti and auffiCle t_PA1!qA1P:LM .... ... .... ........ . ......... .............. aid' ...... ....... ............ . .......... ..... ..... ............... ............... ....... under Preliminary Order:A4?.2.6 ....01.....approved ........... ..... Ilay 28.. 19.17 ......... .: . Intermediary Order ..................... a .......... ........... . ........ .............. pproved . .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, I and the Cmmcilhaving heard all persons, objections and recommendations. relative thereto, and having- fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind ofimprove- meat to b . e made by the said City is . . ..... construct. - of six feet on the North side" of- Summit avenue.from'-Snalling to Cretin av and slifficient cement ............... ----------- ............ ... ................ . ............. ............. I ............ ............ .......................... . ..................... ...................... ....... .......... d... .. ..... ...... . .. ........... ...... .... ..... ..... .......... and the Council hereb.,,;,Arders said improvewdt to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be mid is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specific . ations for said improvement, and submit same to the -Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthorized and directed to proceed with'the. making of said improvement in accordn'nee therewith. :Adopted by the C0111161, . ............ ............... "ty :Approved.. . DUG 14 1917 J. Iii ff L ............... . ........... All 1. UBt.lt♦ Mayor.' Council u Farnsworth I Council an Gori 0 Hyland "couricill an Wun&r1jLh �Mayor. vin Form It. S: 8-7. s to 1 i i J i J I I 4 x 4 t 1 ! 1 n f t I II t i f 1 1,. I { 1 j o n�• I• I � t 1 I 1 P, 3 I i {:D l t- 1 a !, 1 r' r , r , I , •i�r } v (� ra f F I i i i lal s I o 1 :- ST. PAUIs � '� •' a:,. OF FINANCt: ' - REPORT.OF ^COMM TONER OF -FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)' Constructing aempnt +Ile sidew�lke, toe wi8th of six feet !. the Mauer of .. on the _North side of -Summit avenue.from S elling.'avenue to Cretin Ave., excepting where good_and sufficient cement tile eidewalks nc> xi 6t* '- 44 , 1917 . _ under'Preliminary Order approved Y.28th '...1. __..-. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the asseasment for the aboveamprovement is - - $ y The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $-cj?_c E The.lots or parcela of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, "and the assessed valuation of each lot or 'parcel as last reported by.the Assessor, are as follows; DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCN AD•O IT ION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 4 Thurston and Lambies 3750 18 4 Addition to St.Paul,Minn. 17300 17 4 16 4 3750 15 A r 13250 13 4 - 12450 2750 ="-= 4 3 9775 3 3 _ {'" -2200 '. i .. TOTAL. ST. PAUL . Ols KN OF FINANCF,�,- ' REPORT .OF COB*I . SIONER OF FINANCE ° ioN PREWMINAFtY ORCfER' �8) w .r ° . jr� .. LOT eLOCW A D bi T 10 N wesesseD VALUATION ' ,DESCRIPTIGN ` 14 X P. V. Di yer?:s. Addition. 13.1 To St.'Paul,minn. a200 12 1 _ 3200 z .. 11 1� 1700` ; East 31 feet of, _ s 3900 (Exoept E 31 ft)t 11 1 .10 1 East 22 feet of 9 1 We et 18 feet of 9 l 1000• 1 - 24 7 ; Egbert G.`_Handy' a Addition ' 8000 23 7 to the City Of'St.Pau1 1800 as 7 , 1800 900 East } of 21 7 .7 I s/00 Wet } -of al 20 7:. L { ti 1800 19 7 s�•. - FM1; 18 7 18001 17 7 i 18 7 - 1700 --1700 157, 14 7 1700 13 7 l: 1800 East of 9 18 Merriam 'Park Third Addition 6700 West of 9 l8 to the City; of St. Paul 800 10 18 Ina — .11 is--- -- -- -- 1600 -- - - 12.18 1600 13 18 1600 ' TOTAL ? isdo, i .. COUNCIL FILE NO........ .....::. ,.. By....: ..... .:.... ........... FINAL ORDER _ - In the -a>atter"of..:.:.eo.nai<.lcuctins:::a cernent.:tlle.—Ii4.4tvAlk feet on the west side, of Paecal avenue between St Clair ,street ............................................... .............................. ......... ........ ... ...................................... _and : St safe rd.avenue......:. .............. : ....... under Preliminary Order ..:...-;.168D.9-.................... approved..... .............. Interlediary Order ......,: .... :.approved ....... .......................... ... ................ A public hebring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations,relative thereto, and ',having fully considered .the same; j therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to mprove•mentto be made by the said City is-.:-..:ZOnstrnnt...&.,aemenL..:Lisa..eidawalk:.. ot:-- Dim ..-fast-an ...the .:.7f.R1Rt._:f114.Q af;,Pagcal avpnu!!.: bRt!►49n...&t-. `Clai.r : ...-..- •....:.:...................... :.::.:. f WVt+naa .i vli ...tea .-bHonoor11 :.. ...... -.: ....... i iReiatd-- LLenw sad .►a , ..- - - ... - to;Wa-rel •tkgi am. ;tNn - .. .. .....-.. .._ - . _. c :..:. .. at and the Couttci!-hereby orders said im rovtment Nt ��t ',improremeato tler�'e'aty. d - p t ands kinfl ,orto e bY: the .std.1•Ity^U`eop-[x RES&VED FURTHER, That the Cotntnissio2ent uls-tde.raik te• a .wtd&hereby instructed and directed tert;nn the was rise :at'p" it o Council for approval; that to prepare plans and'speciHcations for said improv between Hc;tldr. s1 ana r+ 1and the: ¢aanoi1 heret•�- upon said approval, the proper city officials are heruid improvement to ue mncted to proceed with the making . :nod lrurtherThat of said improvement in accordance therewith. r ^0110 Work- , - 4 ind t .Adopted by the Counei .. _ m 1i� �;7 r IUB 2 f 1 1917 /... CirClerk. Approved:.. 191 U t i Maybr i . Council u Farnsworth l / Council GOES _ f Council an Hyl"aud pi7B[ t / {/ /-� Council an Keller t Couttrlaa-MnCatt---� } Council at, W utuderlich Mayor cine.- Form .R- �S. ..8-7. - • ' D FJJT OF FINANCE, ; ' • ' REPORT"OF,SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' 1, ici { i Y u- 0ESCFI�Ip TION LOT BLoeM ` ADDITION t ,ASSESSED U VAL ATION 18 1. �Sy.14' an Perk Addition 275 �. 17 1' F to the City of Saint 2Z I� i8 ' i Maui 275 k • ti it . I � x r e t s , _5875*— The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters and �. hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the aeport made to him in ; reference to said matter by the.Commissioner.of Public Works _. Dated...- ..,6 -...............191..✓�y'C!mn anc.e.... , Form It. a ra I I I. I I I J I I I 18007 ` COUNCIL FILE NO......... V.. By..:........ ........ . .. . . FINAL ORDER. In the blatter of._Q0,A01.ruGtinB- J.uno�streetlfroAd Stxnbe no ad to .................. feet on the north aide of .... .. ... .. 16924 s approved under Preliminary Order .•• - - .... _approved .. Intermediary Order .- improvement upon due notice, and the Council having A:public hearing baving been had upon the above imp considered the sale; heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully ' p - therefore, be it recise-nature; extent and kind of improve- therefore, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the p to s..=idth meat to be made by the said City is......cAnast2liat... ►:-•C.OA1871t...til.a..l+idaw8lk aS.:.1....eat....Q.n...k�o._s�artl� ai4s:..of Duna et.�ce.e. Sroza:.$dBaalhm EoaQ s street .. _ .............................. :.-.. _ Cous.tli Aar,. ""a. .... aeUon. par ,ter ... - e tAmto nr W - ...... old ed tYe, cut. tNe.{t .:.. - - .. ... vea BY the Connell4e tie1� 4 a na. Ana i imnro.ameAt to eby instructed and directed. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mtyue •sa�a'cltyeis eonetm rovelp that HESOLVEP FURTIiEll,'1 That the Commisseoner oftrtuo elaewolk'to a rdacA4os on t4ta torch .las of auto :n*• Council for app to prepare plans and specifieatious for said improveuut�,ysemrnn 11 eovebytoo�aermt to proceed with the making upon said approval, the proper city officials are hercbyrerer, yusmaae of said improvement in aceordnncr therewith. eesl�. adopted by the Council. .. iQal1' 191....':. ! i ' y erk. :. L. .. �, Cit ^UG lt► 1°��... lsl oc :Approved..._ _ r... . ... ........- 3tayor: _ Couneilm Farustvnth ` PSJIiI.1 7 Councilor floss / Councilm Hylaftd _ Councilm Kellert ounci - ConncilanWunderlich _ 'bfayor I vin- _ Form B. S. J: &i. -CITY OF St.', PAUL �...+� . � T. y � €= m b.: �. I- ���n•! �,,,(�C� fG �1 .'.�� ,..�[ COQ "( �/ � �v c' ` f' "�f``� Q o-�,'C l — �„GQ.W Lam• .%' I r l� �/ COUNVIL FILE NO..: ............... BY. ................ ................ ..................... FINAL ORDER .......... In the Matter of. to a. ildth „Qx..feat on- the south„aids of ..james street ........................................ee..... .... . ......... ...... ........ ... ....... . ........... .......... . .............................. . ........ ... .. . . .................. ........... . ...... .. ................... ............... .......... . ....... ............. .......... .......... under Preliminary Order .......... �z ..... ....... ... approved .............. ............... Intermediary. Order ..................... .-approved ............. .... ..... .............. ........... .................. A public hearing having been bad upon.the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is__ construr—t—a aetnent tAls sgd*walk to a..... .. ...XiAth ALA!?; f.0.4It on . ........... . . ..................... ........... ........... ..................... .f faP t arc 1 I iT ;411 .............. . .......... .... ....................................... ......................................................... ............. .................. I ............ ...................... ............... ..................... ................. mroel;otbvj.attio.nw-An r"oL!I athto; -4 . I.""Iered aijbil. ......... —..... a..... .......�2”:...... ........... Ivd and the Council berekv'orders said improvement to be maiaw ibaii-Pnes Auzvftrj*� ndf�klnd,-.6t IMP RESOLVED -FURTHER, That -the Commissioner of pbr instructed and directed" A, M116,,sldwxlk to 4"WIC, 1 to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement arises �'street W�stb -1ou1 -0 �awCouncil for apprelval;Aat r -�to fcoftnen pioceed' with the making upon said. approval, the proper city officials are hereby authbl,h,'nmW— t� to "to y bar Th ""I of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by thi Council...., -.....AMM 1911 9 A ..... _. .... �6ierk. 191 f ................... ............. a V MaXor, Council n an Farnsworth Council u an Goss Council n an Hyland Counciln an Keller Couuciln an Wunderlkh Mayor livin Form B. S. 8-7. L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COPAMIS810NER OF-FWANOE ON P NARY ORDER In the Matter of _Conetruoting_a:_"gement tile elde?►alk1 to a Width of six TiastDl�thll 1glYtfi' iida at J�,Te. #Iraa` from ^rig_e street' t9 L.`�zlrioton ......................- ... ........................ ........ .......:: .............. ... _ __... .............. { ........... .......... _........ ander Preliminary Order approved _>.•-4UaY:_88tht_191i_ __ _... _:_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:. t • The total estimated amount of the assessment fot the above improvement is - I $------ •-------"— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - -' - Tt a lots or parcels of land that may be assessed . benefits for such improvement, find the assessed valuation of--; each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I -DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 Lexington Park Plat 7 250 r li'3 350 12:3 250 13, 3 250 _ 1 3 350 (Ex0e0t Edgaumbe Road) 17,4 350 19 q 250 19 ,4 _ 250 250 4 3o d a.. ,TOTAL, D7�E+PARTIMlNT OF;Now FINANb! REPORT OF COM ISSIO`NER OF FINANCE 4 + IN PF;Fr ARY ORDER A611C98CD ` h { ° I ADDITION .VALUATION DESCRIPTION _ ' ' j�eYu'-'^.way.e _. _ _ 1 � ...,n+.- i �.ao--.-� , rate.—m+.u•- : -s..mx s -300 \ � ` 33 4. +Lexington 'Park Plat 7 . X00 • 33 4 1 300; 300 35 4 300 38 * 300 37 4 300 38 `. 4' 325 _ 1 4 a 5: ,.�. .1.......: .. __ .. all of the aforesaid matters and The Commissibhex: of. Finance further reports that he has investigated hereby submits the foregoing as bis report thereon to the Council, together with the report' made to him in _- reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. te -- - — - Dated. ..... .. -.._ 191.. t _.. '`-'"' Commissioner t,E Finance. Form H, D. 12 ` - — z asmdarwsr?otras, - < -fir �n .isiga—•Br'AiA: Bars - - htr NSTWr or rnrnlahlag t, (ng 'tut orna}nl�nta4 ,,�. xm gp{Iatp�ing. dt,_1 tli<bil 180.09 - i. and' 7afRTti4= wbtia and' - cmednli- �..441 an'7:IIaDPitancu IaaA eco _ aldxraTetn. on'.,fCbntrot WFbpfhn 8t. tOROIYtrr §all anarr or gs�i:; I s B.'6.,as. tett ,• � '" °no°tria ibatr.P N ` 1 f o! irlT{anCb _ f - c � COUNCIL FILE NO :.... .. m. Is d INTERMEDIARY' ORDER.. - In the matter- of.....`liSnivh,iils..wx to t.l?•i• n•orr•;rer� 1 lighting•„s;Lstem C.0=�Zti-j=.A`......] ..ij Zkl-4...lslil?...:PA s.S...:?i4?.:.� NF1?.5..... rF•Is mrd unde,u„ouru'� Gond. it.:.for.:..ca.nseSrin ...ale.ctric... C.Arreret..thareta,.—and...W.1:..A,tYAer...XiaR�A.gv>Y a��liatices and i.p.m.e.n.t t f.cr s -aid si stem i)n Cet.tral Ave from 'ilabaa gt.,...ao••.Rpb ert:.:St ..r ....... ......... ......... ........ _ ............... _ ...._... _.._ ............................... under Preliminary Order .........1.5X39.....:,........_.approved ......... T -Y The Council of the City of St:,Paul having received the retort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingconsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same'is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is f^i hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..... a rnwsh••:tnd .•izsst t11 - .&71..,0.rzttimerlt.«7....�.�htfng...sy.st.e:�.:.rc.nsisiistg:-.a. .y..::tir,Yum..}.�i...pes�s••enei...iarnl s, .' t<l.r.cs .,Ind .;underground_ condui::t.. fo.r Ca--1'ae3i1sjK `el•"tTi.c current t2t�'Petif; _ } at;d•,•all...otkte ....; .ec.ess rt..cup_tanc.es:d..ec}�aipAsystem on � ^ C nt.rsl.l...AV-e..: mom.'Sabasna,fiooert.;.; ............ ...... :....... .� y. with no alternatives,. and that the estimated costthereo is 3a.105..C10•-,-.7 Resolved Further, That s,publie hearing be had "on said improvement on the....:, ...4th..: .............. day of, ......... 191...7..., at the hour of -10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of �t. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of.said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,'the nature of the improvement, and theytotal*-st thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cmtncil. AUG la -.19 r.... 191... • .... .......... Approved:. L.- . ":........ ,_191 ...... U City Clerk. ..... �....:...._.:...... v PV— Councilman v :...... or. Councilman Farnsworth ; PUilLilijL-- ^ Councilman (foes ! t Councilman Hyland' j - Councilman -Heller' Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8•6 'f Nit BY�'6... to s#i}tk/r lit�tara � t m�ao�iia! ltnlC��ot�4 l�Ytlam . }.�F Uilq lofillonvarala6 +eltictrl�' rgWtnQreto,i d aaalt btnlMp nt spa' and w nlDmlmk u1q :ryystem drt. Fourth I�'und m1 ,js to dgokaoa Bt uridgr% Ilmtaarr Ordgr16010. ►PDrP�dd t •i- � , TaiM,'COaaC1t ./1f �tLl dts a<: 8G lltln8-?00 1 !d rna iOjWIC Or tw'n ' - mblloav OL Ylaaaw upon U �l / - lmpt'o!r/m/at, aad- LaylaSg aoalld, i /ala taporr. Lary f1lolY/a - COUNCIL FILE NO lraar.a ao 1wLa raDoit W aad, 7 (� . {{apDrored and, adc,, / / ; 0 2fnl said, IWDt ... i 171 at tn4 i�/tn a t- .� •• — By.;, �l.l ......... ..... . pot �raton'the;cou cu 1, ,. rn4n d Inatali an - INTERMEI . hotel._ In the Mattero£....,SxX:nix.;1inz..:1,7'451.:..1Xt.l}t:21.1iIiE� 21...QLI] Eri &l .li3kltri_.Ss3'9 Cm e5)xsi:et.itkB...9f..5 Siahf 12 ti .P.9..:*s and_lrs,ce, ti.i rvs.Pa...l?ildF-€x:QuX14�. 9C1i�» iduits for conceyinr elkectric current thereto, ;ind Lll o her recess ry anpliances and equipz: ent for said system or. Fourth St from Sibley St to Jackson �« .... ..... 2 :.: :....... _.� .....- ..-._ .:-.... .. _.... ........... .. .... ....: under Preliminary &der. .........150.35 ......... ....:..approved—&—ruary...2E,..:.19.12._............ ..._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the 'said impruvepent is hereby ordered to be proceededwith: ^. That the nature of the improvement'whieh'the Council recommends is....furrit•ah..."d•••isrtall ian.-orrament 1 lit nor system consistiniz e` 5 ligh lamp post.• and lampas wiles_ sod..: azsder6xa:and:..carduit `4r-:.c.P :...cr.i.?lEa e�.ti.ct.xa.0 ..S u:�tlt. _Lhex.�tSt:.... . an.d­ '1.,-,��er ece sary..ap !ii?nc r ,.rd equ oment for s.i.d.s.Yster� r Fcurth.:.St.—froitt,.:si.61.ey. St,...t.4 ..�aG�e(.� St. ..:_ ............ I • ..... ......... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1, 6_1 6.00., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement.on t}ie..::. .:.....5th ...:.....dal of �e ta^berq .. E.... ... _.: 191 7...,•at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It., in the' Council Chamber of .the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of `St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the yiantier- irovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,. the nature of the nphovement, and the tal cost thereof as estimated 191., Adopted by the Council .:......... ' - Approved... .....: �U�..�..�q��..., 191 el Clerk ... /,::... . ayor. Councilman Ftarnevgorth / per- Councilman Boss ---�J Councilman H-vlanll ✓�� - (� Councilman Keller - I Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor Irvin j Form B. 3. A. B-E r -. I 1191�§121nal -------------------------- in, tpr matter of abl� tmlaary Ceder 1666 approry - !ti 3 OUN(UL FILE NO..... ....... ............ ell, an =d: ' d Bald. from set I I&L ',4 to: Ile proco4lIll ith INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1 In the Matter of fur.nishing..and zonsistIng af-5-light lamp-pauts.. a nel . ....... cond*lts far...c.on:xeying elect.ri.c...curr.ent...thematcIf awd all. other ....... ......... . n-ecaurai!y...,L;Lpi.iancaLL:.an ;equlpment... T a:iA..j3y.ztomJon Fif-th-st. JWs ...... ......a ...c . i .............. ..... ....... ..................................... ..... . ................ ................ .. ........... ... ................................ . ........ .................. .. ........ .................. ....................... .................. underXelindilary Order.. 150.36 ...... . .... . .......... approved ....... . Fe1:LrUaz7.'.-28,L.,J'gj7 ....... .. Ve Council of the City of St. Paul having -received the report of the Commissioner of Fim cue upon the ftboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is ereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature ot the improvement which the Coutkoil recommends ia--furnksh..and, install j_UA_%r4amen al.jightl.ng. imp—PARto ....aid. ............... 1A*)PA,-X'ires and underground, conduitsjc! ... r cny yit-E qjjqAtKic current ........... ..... .....o....... 1-therat.o., and all-ather-necansary &p.plianaez and aq[mipment;-fnx said. s stem on Fifth St. from Sibley St. T Zrack ......... .............. . ..... .... ..................... ........... ............ - .................. . .... ...... .. ..................... ... ............. - ............ ....................... with, no. alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-1,418.001il. i Resolved Further. That a public bearing.be had on said improvement on. the nth ............... day'of .................. Sqpt=her..-.. 191.-1 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iii 4he City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetitj to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the. nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. file Co AUG i0 1917 ..... 191 Adopted by If ....... ...... ........ - AUG 16 M7 .............. ..... r. (_ titvXlerk Approved .............. ........................ 191 ............ .... Atayor. t Councilman Farnsworth Coulicilmall (loss PUBLIX110 Councilman vlail�, �17 lf Councilman! Keller 4ZQ�m n Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor Irvin 'Form. B. S. A. 8.6 toi>t- ���'A•- o; tD tb� tar,�oSdYurn qN i{ti 4 ,aA ernaia#atait lithe — .. . - 4Artronn eaAttolta. aha othee+eat, `mAAC r hCOAYAS'(pt e100tr10%Carr, theretq• Anath'-6t. rromtJtlOaR y�.e (C Ith. Ari. IA aceoeaa+ .t„7{„) t, with Di Mon hereto attaehaa:. - Prellml thaer :- I4EEEr .aPDro- � 'ia�lat reltetrra tM�riype[ or the -C .� - a Wioair of t+7autd nDoa 0 -al •� COUNCIL FILE NO .. ' ' aoiiw aODtli 9a p� Tait.. i iai-reDor(• d L b b a • �- - - (/ , thi iiia 1mptPerroaTor B Y��K :C,4��(��4. � to. 6a Miodra0•. t t... � `, T INTERMEDIARY ORDER j In the Matter of...f uz xil:: b i n.. ld.. i zz.s t _? lixlr; . sn...os„� • P r t _.ya,zl:t isy-.sit EtaT consisting of 1-rmp post G, t3::1'..:.t.. sIo'0:.s.t._t:,ires,.a..n.Ii nc: sr. conduits and other equiprert for convevin elecy.ric gR;:Mgrt„th Cg�•g,_g• : 21i!ntr St from Jackson St. to Smith _A -ie , it accord.ncd th petition ... .............. ... hereto attached, ... ...... .0roved .F.eb.ruar• 1917. under Preliminary. Order ........:19E3A.: ........ ....... PP .....:. 'J• .. 1r. .. .......... , above improvement, and having considered add report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement. which the Council recommends is....f.==Lah•.•and••-i:nsta•11 an ornament .l lighting sys`etp, consisting of l u7� poster lanps,,,•���bgo,•_•• ..... ......... ....... ...... I sires., applianegs, =derground conduits_.and.: other:,�,gU.ip�gry,,,�or. .�a.µ...:.....� vey.in elect is cl.rrent tiaerto a or,_ L r ..... .... ........ ......... ...... �:>..n b... mow.,..«ro„>,_,,.�.rka.vn. ti.�.:.aa....:......... Smith.. Ave,... ........ .... j (with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$1.i,-40.8.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing -be had on said improvement on -the .......... lith_ . .. ........day of ............... ...Sept.embeT.:.:... ,:.. , 191.:7:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice lof:said meeting to the persons and in the'manner provided bf the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- jing, the nature of the improjement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......_. AUG i r ......F...... ?..1.......r... Approved.. ........ UG 10 19'7...., 191 .... Ctty ete�rk: Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman floss P` f Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller - is Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin jFornt B. S..A. 8.6 i _ i Hlu ",the arxter sof epnAtnp_ � cpd e�taading. ap agar+tc � of -;1L Leat ta' D»pari apd dd�lllon fit. PT 5ta� '• soadtun9inr tha »ar'!N'ap. l hall feet ofr*Q[„Lola 3! •, lock' - k. a � `�1ImlAarr QrG4r 1r31l; : a; ` i Juno ii 1Bll:e t, 1 �� l '7Ths CopnclL eL tbs CIt7 oL @ -1 A 4'.. .rtaTlpfc »cslaad.t>bs »Port o[ tt, -LJ -.tanlopsr, e[,.)I7asaceaP onaha, it - �eoapmspt,-,`aad �,haTlpi :cop. _ L '. - t._renorf, hanpr »ae1TN: 1 atabo.+sa 6;reDert-Es a `Ja Ae»br`;a9D»Ta Bald it ass i' - • o �lmProTemont <f - COUNCIL FILE NO to M yraceadea w+ ; . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ...zpening.,.....widen.ing...and.,.ext:ending . an all ey_ t a.a xridth_ oL» ..1.5::.f.eet:...1X1:..?�E'E1F.Q,t....H.174�..:��2:1t4T��?1....41$��lt.�.9.fi1•.:.:e�tir..»1?.�l��.l?3:.:.�P�i11$...f�Rld �.Q??w... ; dfsmning.:tha::rear.::seeen.-and...One. italf..-fa.et:-.off2 31 .:E1ark..14,::.SY11san._.Park,....................... .... ........: ........... ...... ,.: _ . -..... .... i 1 ..... ... _. i under Preliminary. Order..........1721& ............ approved.,....... Tune...23, .,1914........... :....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the°,Commissioner of Finance upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is Thereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends is...,.op.en,....;2i-den...2nti .:...... ..an -allay : m. -extend :to. a.eidtn:of .1.5—feet—in Drap.er-and-P�rk.eS.l c�, .:-St.. Paul , by taking. and _.nand®inning.: th.e :r.Vax... so7.Rn...V.Ad.: j.off -,of _Lots:-?2.,and..23, H1ack..l4r--:Sylvan--Parke......... ......::.. .............. i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $:_.35. QO: ••...- - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... ,..&th:........:...day of ' .............S:aptemb.er.:.:.: 191-.7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber 'ofthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. ` That the Commissioner of Finance give notice ” j of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the, improvement, and the total Coit tliereof. aa,estimate(j C..0}2 Adopted by forCuunul ...:.. 191 . s , AUG 101917, jApproved.:. ....... ....... , 191... ,. r Clty Clerk Mayo l . .,. Councilman Farnsworth _ 1rIJiSS.I�� J Coun lmau t3os� Councilman Hyland rJ 'ouncilmalf Heller Cvaucilman McC91L_ — Councilman Wunderlich I: Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6' i • i ---- �xa ^taotrBl.irarn+ hq ea4t�gr of �ternnalrugtty aaa[ rpf: t;awalit01,4 a, wh• tz (8)i�'faet on kha aauth. Yk - - lie t Wain Ave. t/'om ret wept or Bay, at..;th "Meat ep I;conitri ca Wh tt -a: cement - iehe'""t a width Butternut �t� the eegth a56, It. butternut vV -4 " m a'Dolnt,Yb& tt, wear of Hal bate weal: to rButterna[ order, .dge.+ibDrOal1 Yb feet: u, eliminary er' a7408, .aPDr. ty 6;#etP. a - a'Copnon, of eof at +. _ itt reca/Ped tha report of the Cf COUNCIL PH NO.. : �vgmeat tad mavtn �' ..� epart;--barab y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of r. gement tide.-,sidewalk t4�t1_witn ,Qt_ six 65.._ieet� nn:. tti,A...;eAll<�ih e.�.de of Butternut plus, from a„Paint ,-234 feet beat..:.of...Bey...3.t,tYAenG:e...Viet.j2:..��$t..._gAf�..ropetruct, a cement,tile side•_ test the south side of,-Butternut.Ave a.--••----- But lfrom.-a*.-point- 1.256::.ft..,.weat...aft,c... Butternut-Axe.-:..::...... 7aridge,...approximate1,V .ZO...feat.......... :....:. _._...... ............................ .:.. under. Preliminary Order.............. .... _.approved_......,Tuly... 5.,....1.9.1:7................................. ........ Th' Council of the City of St. Paul having received thereportof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, :and the laid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded witb. . That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...:ra¢oAetruat....CAMO.A. ta}.e.../31:dewttak.,.tr.Sl...A.wldth of .six feet. on .the ••souLh_..Jide"_oS Butternut Av. from.a.:.point 234:ft. .west of Bay. 3t., thence..weat:.'d..S.t...,...and.:.caxlflCxl7O.t Ia. aement._:t.ile.. eidvm1k. to. a vFidtk...4f six feet, on,. the south.•_eide or ;, ,..•,•,._ Butternut—Ave, from.a point_256.feet west_of Jay...St,�a,,thence west_.to•,••••-, But.t.ernut..Av.�x.id8e,..:ap9roximat.e7Y..30 f,eet...: ............. ............... jwith no alternatives, and that the estimated coat.thereof is s-•o.AH:..per ..:square foot, Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on-said improvement an the. ............. ath............... day of ...........Sept.Amber-.;.... 191. _7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul., That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons .and in the manner provided by he Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG 10 1917 Adopted by'the t ottnul........... �1lG 1► Igli Approved.......... ......... _, 191.ttv Clerk. . ............. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth j F7 Conncilman (Joss heUB[.1;� yam_ i- Councilman Hyl"d 1 Councilman Beller • � .. a ole Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. d-g — i R&WALM"A - - - - -------------- ,pt *14 Ilk • under r .11i j - The Connell of 111. City, ore is, bartnt tiP i& au -m al 1: lithr, Tami'. —d -gWX 47 rn' b at thb*l . w, v iQ7 td,,, Tbthe of th. Im - COUNCIL FILE NO ............... . ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of . ...... r-onstruating...a....c.ement tagj XjjdVy% width of SiX Arcade St. to Mendota St. !kAAjRs of Clear St. from Ax .......... ............. ............... . ..... ...................... . ............... r........-.._ .............:.:: ................. I ......... ............................ ....................................................................... . . .. ........................ ........... ........... ......................... ............ .... . ................. ................................ ............. .............. . ..... ........................ ........................................................................................................ .................................... . ......... . .... . .. . ... . ... ........................ ............ .. .... .. ................. I .....................:.-.-.....-...I......... .: ... ... . ............................................... . ...- under Preliminary Order.......... . ...... ........approved ,­Yune. .21.,:::1917--......:. The' Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Ftnsn�ee upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......const.r.uct­a Gemeilt Ails both.-sid-ow-of ... "LStq; ftem Arcade St. to-M-endota, St. .............. .... ........ ............... ................... .... ..... . . ........ ............ . ....... .......... . .......... ....... .............. ............................ . ... ........ .... .. .... .... . ... ..... .... .......... with no alternatives, and that the -estimated cost thereof is $..0 66 par -ftorit foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had an said improveratint on the ........... day of ............ Septamlier .......... 191. 1-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City. of St. Paul. That the Commissioner.of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the maiwer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AJ AM .. . ...... .... .. Adopted by the ('on il . .... G 19, ^UG 10 1917 " am.jp,.L.1/ . . . .............. Approved­.!� ................................. ....... 191_�_ City Clerk. .......... .. ................. lyvor. Councilman 'Farnsworth PUBLUnglo CouncilliA 11034 Councilman Hyland Gil Councilman Heller Councilm" Wunderlich Alayor. Irvin Form B. S. A. --------------- ! c • - 1t the,..tfatter of conetrna``ln� matt 43 4 south'i . a• wl R. ;Meet ott;tda Wath side of tlotttoalt¢ at` untan St thel to. MMD-.lncladl it . UmU4¢rrtOrder1 46871a ppro! 17. 7017...: ) , •^ - T�e glancli of the•ctt7 'har nff tacalved ttta reDat4 af. tk A r„���� !Won of innaae.:maon td: iV "• 'Dror ant, and�:hLr111[ aof ,. IaeptrK' hetabrdteaolru . aaaii Dart ba' lie er bi aDr7ored COUNCIL PME NO tda aald lmt .., laat �! � t'-M:.to be Orn •. .. . .. a. INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of......aonstxuati.ng_.a.:.nement..:til..e...zidsaap.].k-..to..�-zaiiit}s-a feet., on the soutr side-of-La.fond.St. , bsEi7riXjg tgt..l�t�ton,St,a;th��j�@ :.„_.• z,.....chralo..9rth,...St....:Addit!An......... ... ............ ........._.................................. ............................ ......... ......... .._........... .... ” ... ..I...: i under Preliminary Omer ...17587' .... ........approved :.....Ju2y_.17Y ..1.9].7,. L .........-. ! The Council of the City of St.. Paul Laving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: j 1. That the said report be and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is I herepy ordered to be proceeded with. j That the the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ls.........CaIIst.r ct...a. cement - tile. sidelmlk.:to..a .width'.of:,six- feet. ,-on...the..sou.th...side: of..:L4fond...St.-:....._ beginning..a.t ::.ilton. St.,_ thence .?reee.t _ta..ard..inal:ading.3;ot...3,....Bl.cek..2;.:...... IChs.t,Bworth .St .. Addi.t ion. ....... .......:.. .. ........... _ ... .. _. .,.. ..-_ ._... .. _..... ............... ..,, _:. _.. .. ..2.. .................................. with, no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..G.66...par :.:front foots ! Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..::.:..:..:...6th ............ day of ..S�t.eAlltex....... ,:..._., 191. _7.:, at the hour of ]O b'cloek A:.oL, in the Council Chamber of the Cotirt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner Provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and t1�a t til cost.thereof as`estimated. AUG to 9th , the Council: ..... ... ...... ...... 191 Adopted by i I AUG 11►1917 .....:..... v' .........� Approved ............................................. 191..' ... % f City j....... .... /........... bisyor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLl Councilman doss � Councilman Hyland. Councilman Keller Eeun ilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form R.S. A. 8-6 - ZF Kw 1 i17Y _ Iuliy arµ�r':ota¢ rMo. mus twt' hs;• r _ I � etaa.ralk p>a �dm o[ a, i : � �.ydeetsr to, the-Dro4e[tt"-Y19= ,.asst /tde �oC-6oaW We - I - ;aiaptn6 ia; teet north, [^_ -Peitpdne rnOrder.1176&t" " - Th:.Cooirou7.:or the cfd'et OT � . ` - reoelreA the eDor� of I `' , �ilonsT n[..jTtMa60 vD00_t _ � 3.ImDWreme;sL.�snA. Eellaa",k` - N,IA,[po[t. LKeDr-rMOlfeet .k ... TL►r tDa'M1Q so'Ir . COUNCIL FILE NO ru ats14 DD . _ i _Is ee1Q; 1mDrorementp,, r lot the aetnre aG By.G,>..4::.:... ......Y..�rF�::G..f/...-7.?i Y�:.C.... nth the cou¢eu. " 'Wait", INTERMEDIARY (fRDER In the Matter of. ..,rsccnstructixlg,....r.'t31s3ring..xrad.senaixiil$ Elio• valre1#-•#e- 8 dewa1k...to•as•-xidtu...of-•-ai-x-•feat•,acl, oent...to-•th-e property }-iae on the ea> side of... , Bout.h.3141amhe...S.t.....begiilning:..7.2..feat.:.1bTth:..oS_.�alorada,SL.y•_thopo4 north 156 feet ..._..:...... ....., .......................... ......... ........ ......... .. ... , .. . ..... ........ ....... .. ..... ....... i...... ............... ...:...:........::.................f........ .............:...:.. ....... under Preliminary Order............ 1.71ag............. _ ....approved .:".... T.U1y..l.71.;.1.917.. ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon tfie`' above improvement, and having considered said reportrherebyresolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is 8 hereby ordered to-be proceeded with. 8. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends fs.....r.e:e.onatr.txct ...relay Etnd..xepeii..the .cement.. tile .sldewa,11c_to. a:.width..-oE---4tix-feet.--sdja-¢ant:-to••••• pzopesty_.line..on- the. ,east. aide of-Bouth...Wba.sha... St.,...beginning..72•..Ceet---:•••••• ; northof_Colorado_St,thence.north_.156_reet.t_, ............. _.................. ...............:...: ...:... ................. _ ... _......... . .. . ...... .... ........;..,............. with, no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.:0.."06.••pax --:square foot. i T Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .::..... ...::..6th ......:..day of ........S.6ptemher. _...., 191-1._., it the hour of 10 o'clock A. AC, in the Council Chember'of the Ccurt.House and City Hail Building in the City of .St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided, by the. Charter, stating the time and place, of bear- ing,.the nature of the improvement,-and the total cost thereof as estimated. Auc 10 19WYL Adopted by the Coi14wl ._:.. AUG ti t -rte Approved-... ...... ` .. ._: ... .., ., 191... � tt f t'Iri }/ferk 1 .. 1 Dfavor. Councilman Farnsworth KTBLMM Cowlcilman doss Councilman Hyland (� Cotweilmalf KeUer.. 13�o " Councilman Wunderlich — ;lfayor Irvin Form B.. S. A. 8-6 — 1wjEzffzWMJ , 8.,w."Sarnsrr.. -_ �4tteroT-coa•trocna� a' - - e ataPrral}Doth k to ddea wlat I rths. ok 7smee y, •Ra•': et. 'to ;srndlCttte t.y -- WL7s. , �Inllaary Order-;124If.. _ , l _. 1y f, 1919 q:'^ - - • t••e: th• t• .. 01 of th• ar.. .ltlnano• uDen • r•e.ra•-noorottemen.t harlcow ononoo•he dai� ks[ rvaIn p 41 d repa aDDov*4a04 1,L117Imroce r +t COIINCMME NO ....— INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of...:.:.:.ennat ,;acting..a..csmatst.:::til$.sidasa}Ic-ao--a-�¢idth--aLb -- six feet -..on.,the ._• south side:of. James St;,;.from ,Griaggq,.;.St,;t�o_�•, ............ ................. Syndicate..:Bt......... .................................................. .. ...._.._.. �under Preliminary ryOrder_..........LM ......... .......:.approved ...... Jul - 6.[...1917, ....................................... The Council of the CiLy of St. Paul having received'the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the 1lbove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said -report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. ,Construct: a...: .;:,:...... cement. ._t le:.•sidawa.lk...to..a..widths:.of•..:six-feet....on:.•the...aoutYs•-•aide..:cSie .............. Jamee St...from, _Grigge _St., to Syndicate. St, ._ .• I ....... ........ ................. _ .............. .............. :................................. with, no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is t4•46:_per-front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..::... .6th ...................day•of ....:..........S.eptamber......._:, 191. 7., at the hour of 16 o'clock A. Al., in .the Council Chamber of the Court House and City. Hall Building- in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, stand the total cost thereof as estimated. a " Adopted by the CwmuL........ AUG -1Q 19TH 191..j- 47" ....... _... _ J � ' U6 1 u 191T � ...�..:.: ......... .:-... . Approved.:: ........ 191... f ' f rty Clerh Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ��(1 y/ ^ Councilman Mdse 1 'l – / � / / / Councilman H,vlaud (} Councilman Keller Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin For,n B. S. A. 8-6:. . - Il II�C il9filf ��------7- - Xl- atoiie aA riasea= 1a Ma�'1ti4 coaetructtn['a• c. . _ Saetionn tw dtlh eltla O[�Jxbcle� k, t»mz8dasR'RaM to Lb7[lPg�Ct4u _ - wre .n oa lha. seac Jtae.,! Tw;, InACOb Are tram, lame. 8t.: 2taq datpb- aR. under- Prellminar! jOrd• - 19 .17757,'ayprored J11Ir S6 19117 - �Tha;l:oaadl gtstbe•Cltr.;or'BL: harlai Hoet..dtw.»VaK.of,ua G, - eleeb�er of >rtpagea.000aaha>at , ~� tmrHP.,nwc haPtn� coWda _ ✓ i eatd HOoe4 Derabr moles ,. -Tpat ihatalA ri0or6 Min,Eo", i M.� haraD7'aVOHPed tad .i6 � !% COIINOII. FILE NO toe aald tmoroPemen[ � r +d to w yroeesd f i ed wit � i f a" SCtI f�7 P'�•1ha.00 /�. It INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the katter of....constr.Oct.iag..a•-•cetaetit•••tile•-•s3dawaalla •t+a-a•- itl#ri o-e#x--- ' $est on,tne nortl• side of James; St; fram•,gkcumbe,Ao�• ;;, p,,Le>)iIigtg .--_ ..... • oin the west ---aid e -of - Lexington --h�eP .. fr-om••-��lae.SL�_,.t4.. Aandnlph..St. ..:... ......... ...............I ..... .............. ..,...-:...... ..........:.................... ........... ....... _........................ :._.................................--............_...... .. _. : •............ ......... ......................................... .................:....... ................ junder Preliminary Order -......... 17.7M ................... .....approved _.....su1y.- 251.:1.81 ............•... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the repoet-of the Commissioner of Finance upon the. Above improvement,• and having considered said report, hereby resolves - 1. Thet the said report' be and the same, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the'improvement-which the Council rscommende is.,._.oanatTACt::S...oement on.. the.. n.9'rNA .jA%.a.: air...., ....... frim..Edgcumb.e. Road. to Lexington.. Avo....4zta....on tk1.c.. re.o ...vld.e..-of-L.c K .on. -.AV. e..from. ..Jame. s...St.:..to—Re nao117h. Bt—... ........... :........ ...:. ...:.... ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $..0.46 por front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... ...:.A.th......:..day of . September ... 191.....'1., at the hour of 10; o'clock A. AI., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice o1 said meeting to thh persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- - ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. UG YO igt Adopted by the Council ........... "I16 Approved.. ........ ...... ...... ... . 191 l,.,% �� P•'�.Jl�-t„ tf lt.v. Clerlc ..eyor... , Councilman Farnsworth PT'RT,i / councilman Boss , / Ccuncilmau Hyland, `Councilman Keller — Councilman Wunderlich 11layor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8•6 i LYItl , U [ OL ;patllnA.p•Wi �•�� n � - fit, ,from 8ammlu ars to. ' 7 nlra-;ITCiud[yg--.eew9r 2[.wa1• Bae`. tohARdtione'•LtOPI 1ltrae- - tiis.ProPettY'naw complete.. . f! 'Tdi. '.gq,tirtedT 'Ttill6 UDO .•1w � pavlritt o[ silex==:#nA drlge�i Off � � '��binB w6ercthe « MKY o9 -. ,catdaaca "pndRrwtt6 ',pennons "ber, �9 1111 — tadhad .,-3'rolirollParT-1 V 1T1S6 eDDrR'FedfthDi1[,-19371 rwl! _ _ 1 - - u.TW 'ConAMI oa al Citi-o[ P " eaploAar.o!llnaane,+ronb.t-.. - `' roam"i, abd - hatinB a - COUNOIL FILE NQ.a report .hetebs ?bat -tha ala report G= hereb,T,.aDDroeea aa0 ... .... .......... ... .. :.said, IafPre�emeot , ;!.,prodedea Witt INTERMEDIARY �O'RDER In the Matter of..p.P.Y.I 1g..yeet.:.sixt.:.9t.+...fxc1tA...Sxi'liGti.1:... including, sewer,'r..rater and Vias cotnec ions f om street r, ins to p operty lines completer where not already made also including -of alley ............. ................. .................r. ....8:...... . ..._...,Y and ..dsi.mnw Y... �PAra.acbs�.:liad...0 4 t. scz�.RII Q.?....CUF??.i in_accordance-with aet3tion...heretg at�ached :...:......_ : .._ .....:.. .................. ............. under Preliminary-Order...,,.... f 43.4..:..... ........approved .:. a6ay., l e:.1917, .:...... I.... ... :.. The Council of the City of $t. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is j hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....�.ax..:eS.r ..8i xtb._Sli. from S»?nit _Ace to Iagl.ehart Ave including sewert wager and tae con n.ect.iofle.;±roM,.street• Maine to, Fropertyr lines ccmjlete1;where not already I made. also,-includin�..ppxing of.'alley and drivevrey approaches and the " const.xatcti.an _R.:..CR.7Ci%1l3. where• necessary.._.......... ........ ................. ......... . ......................... ......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i9 $. _.3,. 43644 i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said -improvement on'the....:. 7.th ...::_ . day of „•, S�ptembQr 1017.....; at the. hou of 10 o'clock A. AJ.'L in the "Council -Chamber L of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commimioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-, ung, the *nature of the improvement, and the t+oofal cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Couutil „ .AUG lQ i911 j _... lyl 1917 . ..::._.., 191.. Approved..�.C'it Jerk Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBL.W.—EL Councilman (loss fCouncilman Hyleml Councilman . ouncilman Keller Councilmen Wunderlich / 1 Mayor Irvin Lf Form B. S. A. 8.8 _ d ffmf�ffnz z 01 - 7�7 _ ______ �'��+�'�i�r or'rni,'rc�to etr't'nepnk, d8NRAlldi'toavrjAtli o[.lim- �'+tA4 °lati$ t'iratAlag Ntnl. ;'aorta yds of IDut-Pbtletb b: . � tttnalat' - at John.on :Pe. .: [aansA Neat IiD feat: under J .� • ' 1n1rr OMar Ilii^ aDDrored . . � ' . - 'aN.iooir of 77a+tneouDoa [bi aaro�iaia sad Aa�lAi eor:l �/ • L tI couma yt WbtKib7�atd ;reDon tw, •t. `O t ADDM';;ae fro / d tan By, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....rectanaL.ructin r.. r:e].ay.1wc.and...reg.alri>:o..:: a..rementtile . . sidewalk:._to- a width of six (6j fee`, and baild retairini xal•L on the nostth:.side:.nf::EsaS:..Fta.urt a...St ..,.bnginnix.E._cit.:.So;hnsan..Park>itaY.....xhen.ca: t5:ee 140 feet. under Preliminary Order.._..1.........6889 ................... .approved June, ,6tn,,-:;1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and'adopted, and: the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Conceit recommends is; .... e.conat- uct............... relay ._.and...7Cep.%3F...td7.e..:�. ?�nt.._`..�.le of evial.......3...� ti-i3th of.::6ix..�6).feet...... and:,b{I11d.L..re.to:in,ing wali on, the -_?!forth., side „o£ East. Fourth St -_.... n . i_nning at_:Johnson:.P .rkway[ ..tl:enc.e west 140 feet,. •— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$$:O...Q.fa..:Per .,.6.q•ft.for relaying wt}lk. 4.50, per cu.yd.for r-etaining wall. Resolved Purther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....: ,-.7.. ................ day of — .................... St Pt.l:JA�?:t'T......:. _,19L,:7.:• at the hour of 10 o'olock A. Df., in, the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, fn the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, tie nature of the improvement, and-the'total cost thereof as estimated, , Adopted, by the l'onnul...r.. , AUG 16191 fiUG 7(11917 Approved.. .....:. 191 ff t`1fClerk -. (�,.... Mayor. CouncilmanFarnsworth _ f�17 Councilman (loss ° P[IALi Councilman Hyland ' (r, Councilman%eller " C^eaeilman Mn�—� Councilman Nuoderlieh 1lfayor Irvin — Forak B. S. A. S•6 ?3 ♦wireu � b67 Pnt _ &wlved.efiu warrwa be damn upon""the GtyeTaunry, payable ont of file heresoiFur apCeiHed' is favor of the pawn, firms or sorpoatwni for the amounti at opponte their 'rapective nama ai spe abed iu tha follorvLj aptemwt,� co— Adppted , the Council A�G �''{"' s F�rni"A _ In favor, APPro Kelkr Agniast" McColl Hyland %t �derlioh PUBti9li�i. Tds$'" - Idr. Presidant, Td'AIIM�• Irwin. 188811 AtlaTea„ Pacpres Company, • P.Library.��pense. 61 Aterioan Szpr�e' Company P.I,�Dsary��po qs a 17 St._CdtR. Sapetwo American Hoist be Derrick Company, 88 St . Cdelt. Bipens e . BS iAmsr'i kiupply Company, = ! Psoho"o1s�BixpHnse. 84 Baa? 1]s . do Partridge, P;S"chgols;CarB . Berry,., .� :.Parke Szpenas.- 68- t L. Blood Oompaay", `� Y? -.Schools :HScpbnse.. 8? _ �Bobba�Yerrill�;.,CompanY, ?P.Zibrir3KBlBooks. 68 8 C. Boyescmt .company, Heap} , HOAM iszpense. 68 rChioago ` St AIL 1, Ypls. de Omahs ay., ; P.LiUrriryp;ense 70,` Dayton's Al - Late Bank,',.Asaignee Gaiter T.I�emonn ?� �pcpensa. St._ Ir. . - le • ]Expense � deny lab r mpense i), - 1@671-`` Adam Decker �•-Sapense 33 Health -P 41 .8 , ►._gyp l Y.SChoola CampariT, ;]iig•.Expense P Xlbrarj a.-3&apeOLnse Water -sxF a^xpense,. Playgrou: 72 Dare-Redp®th` nrs;s 4 7S, Finch, San S3 PS�;ool� 74 ; (}rggs, Coopi P.Parke-1 St. 75 " Orosemeua";`Iaa° 76:baa$ Roofing P.$ohoo 77 iCbas...Henaen' PS Choo Independent' P.Sdhoo 7$ " Cleo. Hnispel P ftrkb 80 Henry_MnColl Health"- Pboe= P�Ctioc g] Manhattan 01 �.Schoi F.ParkE � ." 1�sdWay %safe, 83 i'Re YLiUri gi Northeeatie� _ ST:Gad No thwarSter Pah 88 Raymer Hard Mayor Lest le • ]Expense � deny lab r mpense i), - �•-Sapense 33 �panse 41 .8 , ►._gyp l a :�� CampariT, ;]iig•.Expense ` .i :60.4 -: a.-3&apeOLnse a^xpense,. s. s" 1. i�fl I I I If 1, 11111. 11: i P.Schools Bquip. . 0:, gg St.laul Hook Stetione Coin an 296.7", P.S01264s�-J3xpQnse P.Library l�Hooka :r jr-j"M gg SL.Piul Unitettoa Compaay,..;a+e •+� °"^O°''� -P.Sa2nols Sx ense. p = Lh��`ampauLir aKs € .. .' — °°U�4'�dam4'Y .rte 90 Cte. Scribaer's Soas,Nnw�+'' In rote.a c7° ,+,+9 ' „� n•rr! l.Libra CillBooks. xn A°+•� c }ten a4DDw..t +„ nX gl, . & Parirldte ,b+,C � 21 21 g�r000d Company, ', d'co�iisu r .'The P�Irib�a2'y 7i�ooke. � rui c° ��,oa� __ 92 - �. Tierney �e Comlia, ,it Fire -fie• ' _ � °�r 1 'S2.G 93 V_alLs3r Iron jfarks; P.5diools�Px ense •; :. 'zsoo= l.Sohoolaenss 2.55 39.4 94 Western_ Coiupany ,*94 �P.pArke i�nat..Phal643Aeach. 8b 7idnfg. companys .estern'liach'iva _ Fixe: Bpjes.e. St..CdcR-�apense 2' 4 I 96 Westeru.Supply Company• Fine.=C&H l p:Sahoole-pease 5 P.SoboolsErH 1 '2 Coal Company, . 29 P.Sahools Tsapenae. � 98 A W. Milson-Con`tpa�' PI;ibrai�,�-Nliooke . Wlson'.Tabh t &Ticket Company, 99; P:, brary pens8 . 700 Wright. Barrett & Stil�eell O,F-Cs�rll Service-Tsxpenae. go tal • io fj**-r of thepamn.'grns or corporations far the amounts set opposes their Pve names n spidiedAwjh AUG 1, Psie 1$716 jos.,A. ROBels gealtb-c�ur-�laenee.. - a " l7 .Company,. St.Paul" Blsotrio' Seger"C&R Txpca►se P.Ubrary-3*penee - _ St.Pau1 Electro -Plating Campany, 18" Eire -Expense. 19 - St.paul.das.Light Company, Armory-Szpens., 12.1 20 Schaffer Rossum, Fire-_Upense, 21 V iilsume 'Box Lumber %Company, ,dc G jF..-Pur .;:11 Dept .-SxP . Fire $xpense_. 6:10 2.:50 - Police gxpene,e Fol. de Fire:111m.Te1g.-Exp. 5.40' 22 West Bhd Ice Company,` ` `ire-Bxpenee« . _ `•90. 23 John C . 2eimder , , 4iith-F Baths-B*pense I Title L1 4 t dstbt'w•,ean4� '* YneR� 11• " . 4. 4 2 �- . 3Til a . d,• "° aft, _ spino�bivp oF,'hy a���•f'«m.4 Total 5E3.38 ' Y�tietallo RA3 t3 t�C,4t{ty at<q,atn�a¢�ccF t �F'i1Lt6" f.�i i11� y -y" Me ItO=a�9kY° e I tPRQam"Tel Sc't��;t '""R Nl °i ,Tr�°a%uiti "r �°,lPt`silJ7oiL7i�x'}'�'. T{t��lntln� {lr4q, f flGtMgr,..Wj�tL.� i '. It Aed �Ril, tt z y I; - 'AAkto��idd":�1� �/JTyrr[�fl� �tT J S I'tv uL `( l IMIR 25 Sohn Darling, M.D 50 torp '�onnaei WStneBa Fees etc. 26 lPof. N: L--. BufY, ; 175 Mater-�penee a ua>,nss� ,t4 t4 4 ,� tl sov! tt � hi�pa�#�=dr�a►p! lq wlQad x ' ravgr dTttpb�:n h z°Pddtl PbA� M"kt41RMn'M� tglt�uA:AtlF tUmtlf,cr ti ,. thM!'>TeAPMtI�.� kN �NIf gpt�f the 9nme.�u Mlto.v�ns C mecl in - 'tisruoklF,B°a��twtstabmede 3JOIfn S.eD 11` Iaultl5' t9;T T6 x pr�Caline �Aa�y+ i,rtn�€ �vtr p far • i c � (xn i! � . r >ktrt73� Total 1,158.75 , x ■ ti �o coaasilFlle Ns.....,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A and PRELIMINARY O The -undersigned hereby . proposes the making the ollowing public pro went by I e of St. Paul,, v11s.:.....Chringins._.the.-gr{�e.-oft ho-St.....:�rom. r.l... �.:-tam po t...6.4D ft. crest. of Earl 5.t. to coiiforgr`to t red 111�on p file 'atts ed hereto Siad-s+a3e--a•-1381 t areof•r•the_ -lie c n blue line thereon, also grafi Tho St. b Green t of esai limit. to __tile ss3 d'- reu-3i d- ac ­Mto. attached. Dated this_..__.1Q.th__day o _.............. ns ............. ... ....... 191...7.... 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY .ORDER. WHEREAS, A written, proposal for the making of, the following improvement, viz.: ? •S�bauB�-'fig•:•:tha-rade_5'hOr11:.,._iroarl.St.:a...eoSnG_&�i.Yi.. Ssteet of Earl 3t. to conform to the red line on profile attached hereto'e:nd — A a-?�a ie eaf� tii>le--} eaent-ge a �a3ng e�re�ellte�•dig•.-�,••-bbae-line thereon, also-grading Thorn $t. between the aforesaid. limits to the _._..sa-1-&-Tri :Hae Trhu" swtrrb ...._... ......... ............ __... ._._ ... _ _ having been presented to the Council of the City' of St. Paul by Coupcmlmgn ... . ..... ..... ,. _.....W ._.. ' ... therefore, be it 'Y a; Ulue S ` 1 •' RESOLVED, That the`Commissiener of Public Works b± it Thorn at ,4y prlhred and directed- 4, 11MUNI.ao th. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of th'inablCoa eihloiiahe`C1tY'r:pment. hererore, he It "2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated et* Iwo kihba; find cs li t �..,nd the total cost thereof. J-.nd dlraeted - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said tmprrv;Tq Inve.tl11tlte the a..e.el^I^ .Irah111t7 or the toaking 'Aleat, 4.' To furnish the following other data and informatiL*p e. 1=tt.,lh. nrT c t t >..uTeted,%eaa or xr. . - :;7d the total coat t :...� ..._.. ..... ._ .....:... ...._ .. ....... . _..... rumish. a nh,.,. ,. ._........... 5. • To state whether or not said improvement is asked fa`10'1ieoTOY; w 5Bn of three or more owners. . 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matter! to the Commissioner of Finance. Adpptcdiby the council........ t..11 . .. Yeas: t / Nays: Councilman Fa sworth AUCAT 1.911 Gs Approved _ _ ................... 191 .... . and �' --� �' I � • 1 ler ColL, ntlerlich Mayor I in; r PUBhI Mayor. _.. TUTI i rl TI, U., fl, -I I "'I z {p F ` t � � TUTI i rl TI, U., fl, -I I "'I z {p F ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTI6N-GE4ERAL FORM ..... ......... _ _,_ .... .............. i8031, COUNCIL t r": sae NO:._.. Date Presented _,_...­__ r; Resole ' That the application of �. :r.'Liachnisky, to conduct j a palTnsticp at 194 x. 7th Streat,:oe and the same hereby is"'granters and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such ' icerae u;_on the filing of the bond and ol:'Int.ract %nd the payment into..the City Breasury of the customary `fee; One Hundred ($10:.00) dollars- G F NO 1{Dil-9YcColi— .I . f Reeolv#4 Thal;the applteatlon pl D.'j "hops At Y84 M Tth Bt.,'be A. x 13l4ehnlakX to 1pond"MAE1 herehY:da granted: and tark l Ilnattad to feNa ennN np onLha:Id![0l eand Traae thttntoth urX ol.the ouetomarX lee Ons_13undre4 �. /{10000) dollue. ut•, 33 38fl:I,t. A, is ,(Al 1630171 1'eu W) Coin I •Imen ') Napa Far worth AUG 111917 - Adopted. W the Cauoca 191 ...... TI na Ke er ej// . G 7 .�:..i.. APPlov .r� .......-191 -... M II .:Against ..., ..-. Air. Preihim Trv(n FORM C A•p •17 ..........................., MAYOR . Petit Council File No.......:........µ ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY � . _i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz ...:Q.Q .s.t.llc.t,a....a�xaont.....tile_..saicio.�al)i...ta..a...Nt.atb---69.ziz:--Sea:<;.......OIL tha:..B�tlthn�id.e�a£].byT.�1xe....b8�rresn Cret3n.lix�_ �„a:7iaxauh St., . Dated this ...........1.1th-.day ot.............. A11g.wt . :.:.. .._.. ....... II_, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,: _. Atli �oi..si%eet.. on_ihe-.:youth 8 ide•_oi AA; ;•• av@ t, b:e tW.Q.9b_ r. Q 11 37 _ A W. ..a d-0jaD=U9h_3_t * .. havingbee n presented td the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmana ..,.:.... .... therefore, he it _,"Wet. tae a.a. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be anamw or tt. "atlas -d and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for. or desirability ofthemak'=t Aft coir of said Ptent. - drtte teal. cont tt.t. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost o[ sir.;�ieumprao P5" `t, ?d the total cost thereof. ..Nrd.t .the renOW o S 3:. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. iaroriaatios] vel*u+ n 4. To furnish the following othet data and information relativeit tbtt=o rr�*r7eYnentw ........ . .............. _..... :, ..... _I ... .... ..... ............. ..:• ....:..................... ..... ... 5. To state whether or not said improveipent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners i, 6.' To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 11 1911 Adopted by the council ........ i Yeas:. Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Approved AUG 11 1911 G s pp _ �..._.... __. ._... ...191 H and ler t -- -_-- - -v - - - --- ,� ---- --- a, Coll - 1 nderlich r C I `� ^ `' "l Mayor Ir in / Mayor. IOIIY OFO . /� CITY OF SYr .PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIOP!—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUMCI� ' IN, 1.550 35 FiLst Date Presented ' RESOLVED, That the following, designated lioenses to sell' intoxioating:liquors be transferred as indicated;pursuant to applittations duly made therefor. rTo (Name and Address) From. (Name and Address) . ; " No-64,Ha,nson & Hexaxn 5-Z. 5th St'. Joaaih E3rrar3s, 97 L. jth St. No.2PG,�harles T'3nx- Wabasha St I Kell & r3ellivean, J77 Viabasha St. _._J J i'l_. No. 286,Arohie�Re31ur.3,_gl- E: ihinr _$t Caora L. 0111eill,40 St- NO•,3� , iartin,_5ui�dc�uia't.j7u Carroll,. GU-t V;. Y;eisa, 37h Citrrol:l ,No Na. _ - ""--'— - C F No 1607E—HY'Henry 1feCo11- Resolved. That thei,.tollowing dealg- iI NO•+ ;Hated '11censea to "sett Int-1catin t --- --- - ilquore be traueferred- a indlCAta 'pursuant to. applicatlona duly made. - -theta ror: , ' 'No. Nm• . froHanson Heaam. 96 ]3 ------- ---�---' NO • �_._. ---- - ----5th 'gt. to Joseph Edwards, t5" E. ;6th - I. No, 220, from Chal�lln: E. Hanker.'STl�1 I NO. wanus1h�s gG to Kelly g H,111'"u, 5T! � M >136, from Areble Ttedlund, 31 791." ti ' Third `gt. to George, 1.. VNsill. jo 8t- NO. — - —-:Retergt 377 trual 74rtln'guodquti�'971 - 't'arretl to aunt W. webe, _379 No. Carroll Ave ".Adopted by the Counell`Aug. 11.1937- NO.. ,.Approved AaF 11. 1937. (Aug.: 18.1917) NO. - --- ---- _ No No. Yens ( 0 Cool ilntt,1 (r) Naysp Adapted by the Council AUG 1 7.__:.191.._...._ Goe to fncor \9i7 Hyl d M1. W dcrhrh t _ ... _ y ...... taaron -.11r. Preeidro Irvin I; j 7! ! all WHEREAS, pursuant to ordinance #3763,approved August 1S, 1916, the Pioneer Company, a corporation, was granted permis- sionto maintain a guy wire across Second Street to;eupport a smoke stack, and said ordinance required said Pioneer Company to' execute a surety bond to the City in the sum of ¢5,000.00, and WHERMAS, said Pioneer Company, through a mistake and oversight, on the 28th day of August 1916, executed two bonds, on .one of which the National Surety Compal was surety and on the other of which the Lion Bonding & Surety, Company was surety, and ' WHEREAS„the said Pioneer Company and the.eaid National _ Surety Company have requested that -the said National Surety: Company be released from all liability on the bond executed -by them, therefore` be it P` RESOLVED, that the ,proper City officials ars. hereby r ate{ authorized do execute a proper instrument releasing the said_ National Surety Company from their bond dated August 28, 1916, in the amount of Five -Thousand Dollars (6,5000.00), in which the Pioneer'Company was principal and said National SuretyrCompany, was surety. Yeas Nays Mr .. Ferstslv'rti- - { Go as d If .}.Hylan AUG 11 9 7 -,"Keller Adopted doted b y Council J- . LteColl Mr 41 !nf Wunderlich Approved ly__ Nr. Paeaident, Irvin to I' t Mayor. .. - ;.. Co-amf . - aald Plonc. . �atnk and ovt� _ day t Atnone o I hiC - da, one one aL, anted , . /� . _ . t Surety. CotnpanYw•aa at he -other of.. w•hlrh the Lh —PULL �_2 _ �& Sorel)` CO-P-nY was au Pioneer 4 . 'herena. the sold the Bald Xatlonal9uretY C - .. ttYrequested bl releaser _ Cootpanl ;.ility on .the bond execute - refore batt teeolved, that elA� , r - Ity .xyCcn} t^Y q WHIiREAS, pursuant to ordinance #3763, approved August 16, 1916, the Pioneer Company. a corporaLica, was granted permis- sion to maintain a guy wire across Second Street to support a smoke.stack, and said ordinance required said Pioneer Company to execute a surety bond to the City an -the sum of $5,000.00, and EREAS, said PioncarJCompany, .throug�t a:mietake and oversight, on the 28th day of August 1916, executed two bonds, on one of which the National Surety Company wan surety and on the other of which the Lion Bonding 6e Surety Company -was surety, and ;Pdis•.it.'Ai3, the said Pioneer Company and the said Nat-lona) Surety Company have requested that the said National 'Surety, Company be released from all.11ttb17ity on the bond executod by them, therefore be it e'111( ' -''�•�-e-r[-er-Gn� ,,EEtl�tL ,[.0-f' --�e..e.�e..%<.r" -/ RE hat the prb%er City officials ar�lhereby authorized to execute a proper instrument releasing .thesaid National Surety Company from their bond dated August -28, 1918. in the amount.of Five' -Thousand Dollars ($8000.00), in which the Bioneer Company was principal and said National Surety Company was surety.. Yeas Kaye l Mr. Farnsworth Goes Hyland - Hyland j %eller Adopted by'Counoil 1'oColl lunderlich Approved Mr. President,'Irvin _ i ` D --- ---- - GITY-—PAUL--- COUNCIL PAUL-- COUNCIL RESOL1. =GENERAL FORM a� Subject: - - CODUNCIL No...� t,slLE Date Presented . Aiig 11, i Resolved, That the ,tine. tpec'ifiatd for the pe •_'oraanee of ,a cer.t<.in contract dated Mru,h 8, 1917 bet,.rcen Cisipt Johnson- and the City of St. Paul for to.. .nn tr»vtion of a.ro7ie' seam on Lrch :it.. from Colwmria 5t.. to L'Oriert :;t. on an casement alre' a"Y secured, bc1f�;, .d the z-ame is i hereby e=xtended to the lOt;h,dL; of :iu;;llat., 1917 and :he p:'cper city officers are herob; tuthoriyed. to exeoute an cn r dment to said contra -at in accordance herewith, provided, however, that) this resolution shall not have any forte effect ui;lecs line -ureties on tho 'cor:trLetorls'bond co oont thoretci tura file h ;,sent in i _'ti. ,,,th t' -c utro'.lcr. ! C F No. 18037—Uy M N, Goss-- ' It s.n 'ed, Th.t thetlme epeoifled for - _ , con ract A tederMarch�! 181of 7 betweenChrist - Johnson and the City or gt. Paul for the construction of a relief sewer on Arch St. from Columbia Rt. to L'Orlenl vt. on an easement already secured. be - and the same to hereby extended to - the l0thclay of August. 1917 and the pro Der city oRlecranre horeby'nuttior- .. Iced to ...cu < nn amendment to -said - contract 1. aKurdance herewith, pro. - vided, however. that this resolution - h.1 ]not heves an)- force and effect un- less..the sureties on this contractor's bodn consent thereto and: filesuch con- sentin writing with. the City Comp- troller. - - Adopted by the Council Aug. 11, 1917. Approved Aug. 11, 197. (Augl 19.1 17) Yeas (I') C uncilmen (1') Nays AUfi- ie17 ' Adopted by the Council. _, � . 191..:. (, is In favor eLl) 1 e Y K ler - --- - -- ---- — ----- — APProve' - — - ai % M Coll Agatilt N It. i\ --y cg -------- Rowers Rower3 MA R FORM C.B., i St Par],inn. i r To the i?or:or b1e Cit Co'.incil, C I Y. I t7e'•,1Q reouectfld lY ask Chu , our _iOnorab1, 3ody. oa}zse ~del iL1e of co.npleting the ontract ..'or tine eon'on 01' senor on dreh'::t.- from C61-mbia St. to L'?rient 'St. or: al' eine^.tent already. secured, ire :e: ye.. :: to^ the 10t1 eta;,' of hu,,1917. - e ~io.an it cns no` poke: _ bl c ro r .;: to complete `his cevrer, i "irl tr:e ;°ine UPec=_:iei., hence I deslrel to ar tita. c i:ae uv 4r.t_ ow u , n'rc rated. Youro Vu'. f L`rri / Contrac�or I There is no ou ection to navinC the uric extended ac requested a f&" u the re:;vi aion s of ,his or_ice is conc;x .as1 C d.:I) �;- pt . o. Con c wi on :tip s Co:,::oieeior.or of Public dor: Ci.�c 3n sneer J 'I A,' - r CITY OF ST. PAUL. ...-y, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT [[��!(t����pp ` . • . _AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM counmc. No. ' FILE 'I#1 AUDITED C �t{�'{ 11,ER mu j 572 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of their respective name .af the hereinafter specified funds and specified in the following detailed in favokf the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite AUG 13 I�Ii statement: _ $eas (J J. c ncilmen (J) Nays ' - '".. / Adopted by the Council lfil_ 1 Fa naworth ID liAPPro k lot— i,. Ke er r Ke H (� Against i- ". - - - MAYOR tv- Hyland - Wunderlich Mc President, gar Irv1Ag. - 18727 H. W. tustin,aurchasirlg Agent, I; i x3.96,. omptroller-Exoense 9..8b Corp. Counsel -Expense -' .f3 G.F.City Clerk -Expense 5 0 C'.P.S.Gen.ndm.-ExpensQ% .06 i C.P.W.-Expense .98. - Health-Aealt-:.xp. _8i5'i _ Fire -Expense 8. Police-Fsspens C Pol. do Fir lm.Exp. 2 53.96 28 Berglund Lumber Company, 41.65 ?.Schools -Expense.. 29 Board of Water Commissioners, 85.76 St C&R-Exe,se . . .66 Health-4uar-Expense .90 ?.Perks- oust. ?.Beach 6. Realth-P.Comfort Sta.-. .74 5.76 f - 30 Burns Lumber Company, 339.46• P.Schoole-Expense Water -Expense ' 33 46 31 U.B. 4• Railway Company, 6.89 i" P.Library-Expense. _ rynae32 Crane p 305.54 Fire -Expense Police-Axpenss 5 PSehools-Expense 9 3 4 ; i e i }, a - pelge #3 Res. 572 do Foundry 1,009.75 Company, U. S. Cast Iron Pipe 18751 Water Fycperlse. — 3.35 ` Printing Comgany, _ = 5E Bidtue Police-Expense %E Water-Expen=e. 72.00 Was Foundry, 53 Water-EYpenae. 5.00 Zimmerman Brothers , 54 r Pomace-FPense. . --. 3,903-09 - a I Ot antl I1un0O e ppl� ql • ll PalpolP w` ,. - .. - 1 N 3.0-RI ]aer o mo, .ql Du 1 Jo. u-a,otdwj q1 J. ,nj! !.q _ rns-L gk 0m'r;.Edue&- - G. Q. t Ordaayr f70a C . 'era lo {7.97reher,,De9uty tion, Ellte:� Oimun, iilrkaCo 176.30. _ - • - - - Pacvrell,7{0: ,Orlbban Lighting 45,! 50. n ,0 - - Rro.°Armsp100. 11.ff. dy sc KenneKohler, 37.00. ' l _ 331.13: - -Lime& �� &_Redman. Gement. azo' }York.. Midway & �••d .. - .Nowestgrn.:8hot . was,., Stamp Worker iyf3. ,IR. 4«95.16.641 In 13976,99 - - - - 7t,.]: Osborne. & _ P{t..burrBa 11" & Newtom $9.80' 1 - Pdca. Pu Co.. f9{.70. w R eYle 4.91.. I O 1 f7 — - - _ Standard aa. o Ay AnYdersNlf OU. undrY �' 7 PIp• & Pb - -.- v;; S. Cast Iron ,L0089a• Go.. 17.79: Virtue Print% g0undrY• 177.00. _ WashlnBtgn 600. ,Zimmerman airga. .: lan.- • - - Adopted DY the 17 u1917.An6 i. APProvad. tA,u6B 1E-1817)- i. 1 ] � � � I G d 7 �� � r i � a � � � j c � ` � � I �' ` 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL .. _ �. r �_ _� is ��lt1. _ kx �� � r� ��. � � �:_ �— Resolrd•Thit the Bt Pan', 'QY ,•, • 1 tight CompanyIs hereby ordered and directed to extend 1te elecVical lines 1JY: erecting poles and'atrtngin6 lrlree �'"'. '7 •...� ' .thereon for the trandlealon of else- 'AUG y�qq trlcily on and,,i the following aliep anJ. t eetb o[<enld city: "—+ ) \ Inamll aeV•enteen •voles on Ithe aontA ` a t elAe and LIRhI; poleq on the north aide of'. Taylor A•e:. between Snelling add No Ct'a Oa t ■'T Sheldon A souse. (City Light.).[wlp �oyryh — ��-�- {;aaiCil Install b.. roles- on the east 81dA ai l_— a ' C-tto i XvF, etween-Start:areC-t_-^— �_ y, U'. E C) `Innt 11St v tea 'nth welt V 'lt _ and poi. on the lost IJe of .1 a,c i 1raeC Sixth St. Department of — — _l... ebarY Bureau --of — _T191 Council�F}YeNb._- '-- Date Presented' - i By ti ED, That the tit Y.vl Ga. Licht C e,p.er b M 4r urdual a d di—I'd to -111-d it. ele<nical linea bt erlctl a MI. and et inetn[ wirn tM cos for tha traeamiaatee of .ieatri had and to .l l.. Li, [ illera. and at u of utd citr ' tin south aide and eight' poles on the natall seventeen noise `between Snelling and Sheldon AvenuefIX(City north side of TaylorAvenue, lights) Install three poles on the east side of Hazel Avenue between Margaret and Francis Streets. i Install two poles on the watt side, and one pole on the east side of Dates Avenue at East Sixtil Street.(City lights) With necessary guys and anchors.,, I i 1 r of ILbii CYliiti vd 1 11 W... d . 1 ti 1 tfie Clt> 1St. Yavl 1 'ectlondwW i. oea of Ordlu dNor lard Ir' udM 1 I lordld d pth di tl d a 11 itlieC - i [e All theH Iueld be set,d .uch load i Id illera and .treeu a th C M ( 1 Y LI{ 111II111 hall de.len t a .... 6e 1 h helaht d cluncur as ull del[vm sad appr a d �[r and all ouch poles atoll In taken dawn an I temo ed, sold ucAiwl t 1 d uedert d Maer t Covecil shall dnu tMt the t4: tourpt.e reeulrea nd w6ee t= so order. HUG ` ''.�; _x_191 �. Adopted by the Council.—.---- --- —_ --- Counc lmen ( ) Nays Yeas ( ,� - FAR SWORTH GOSS MCCLL WU DERLICH I'1 19'17 l 191 , Approved HYL ND KEL ER ayor Ptesident, 1RUI f assoLD•rcoxs: ,-- - , P- 1ed. That the 8t:- Paul a" TA.ht rompany f. hereby prdered .end - - - -directed to tatend Its Nerfrlrnl It nee- by:erecting ITolee end...lrinRlnR.-1r•• CITY .OF ST. PAUL - - •h, r . for the 1r.n.mlulon .or.alec- eltT' on and In the Nllowlnr alley. .:.�reef. e( •+'A �Ity:. - - - , the went ,ounc, it Resolution---Genera Form° as4-1 Department of---- - -- --- --=--- — - - Bureau of.----- --- -_ Council Fiie gel:-. _ DatePresented--_._: _:_ . __ 191 By 1 i ' - REh 11.\'IiD, 7 kat the tit. i'aul t.a. I.taht (' 1 rrr! i r tr 1 at•.f direct t e.r a eIe<tr:.I . °< Lt rec4o< t I nd rb.nt a wires 1Lerc ° h r Yh< 'i nae• n v<eleGtt Yon and in th luliuwin< alt - .d rueata t aid cit T:' - - � �' !{ - '� Install size poles on the westt and seventeen poles on the east V Jaide of fairview Avenue betweem tlniversity Avenue and Vinnehahs, Street. ✓ Install one pole on the north side of Lafond Strelt, eighty ` feet,east of fair.view Avenue. - v1 Install one-pole or the north nide of 11lair Street. `eighty feet,-oast of lt'airview Avenue.' ✓ Install one pole on the north side.of Van Buren,Street, eighty feet east of lsirview Avenue. feet eleven poles on the west side, and eight poles on theAk easxside of !wheeler- Avenue,. between Minnehaha and Thonn:t -Streets. Install an Lafond Street one pole on the north side, eiGhty "feet east of llheele'r Avenue, and one pole on the ao:ith side, eighty fee crest of Alheavr Avenue. t� tustall.one glair"street one pole on the south side eighty feet sset of Mheeler.Avenue, and one pole on the north side eighty feet west of trheeler Avenue. y^- All'"Ine-tall on.Van Buren Street one pole on the south Nide, eighty feet. east ot4n"ler Avenue, and one pole on the north side, ei;M7 feet west of Wheeler Avenue. V InaUrifI o-•I nnehaha Dtree�oona pole on the south ,side, "eighty feet east of Vheeler Avenue, and one pole on the north side eighty feet-west of, 'l�Yde er Avenue. - t/ Install.twelve poles on the went aide and el-ctst poles on the east sideof Aldine Street,_between Thomas and Minnehaha'Strests. Install on Lafond Street one pole on.the south side, eighty feet east of Aldine Street, and one pole on the north side eighty feet went of Aldine Street. LeaskInstall on Blair Street one pole on the south side, eighty feet of Aldine Street, and one poleonthe north aide, eighty feet west of Aldine Street. V Install on Van Duren Street„one pole on the south side eighty feet eastf Aldine Street, and one pole on the north side eighty feet west Of AX&ine-"Street. y Install on Mir-nehaha Street one pole on the south side, eighty feet; east of Aldine Street, and one pole on the south side eighty feet west of 4dine Street. Install ten poles on the east side, (tad ten poles.on the ti,est side of F Street, between Mirn"ha Street and Thomas Street. Install on Thomas Street one pole on the south side eirhty feet west, of Pry Street. ,' Install. on Lafond Street, one pole or. the south side, eight, feet east`of Pry Street, and one pole on the northsideeighty feet west of Pry It-reet. With necessary guys and anchors. rn Indta7il on Blair Street one pole on the north aide eighty~ feet sant of l�ry Street, and one role on the south side eighty feet vreot of _ - V Instal! on Van Buren Street one pole on the south nide, eiL- fset east of. Fry Street, and one pole on the north side eighty feet ' west .of Pry Street. V Install on Yinnehaha Street one pole.on the north side, eighty feet Feast of fry Street, and one pole-or the south side eighty feet west of Fry Street. Install five poles on the north side., and one pole on the south'. sidtL of York Street between Clark and l/eetminater Streets:- Instgll two poles on the north side of the alley between Selby and iiague, Ave nueu,-tirotto and St.Albans Streets. V InstalX two po]ea on the west aide of Saratoga street, between . fairmoUM and Goodrich Avenues. . bassraewt�isss'and iteatwaaw �=w'��' -. ✓ Install two 'poles in the south side of the alley between Cayujp, Granite, Agate and Mississippi Streets. - tabs. S&MMtelp 933A �' tnetall. nfne Poles in nort7t slide of. the alley between ruliet and Palace Street*,_betwesn Pascal and 10s1ta/ Avenues. ;nstsll.two poles in the norU. side of the,alley between Afslon, Prospeat� white Behr and Uxel.Aveuues. Instal ninety-two P1240111 an thesouth side of Como. Avenue, west, -too tw'een Snelling-Avenue and the City limits. lith necessary gwys-e►nd anchors. ' � �r �r � �� tic � � . • j, All of ....het i Isla [ d e 1 II L<erected and armtruclrl uaav the dh<!t4oa dF. ..blest to the pror wrf I lhd a h IUs. and of all °cher lawlul'urdinavicea and eerdutivn LtK l IT f !h 1 1 All poles •he-id 6 t ru h latlttae Ie •aid ellen and'K.tak dowv andTerevv<d and LII hbl I t t la a tt d<r[ronad, whene. er tl r ! uh<II +hall Id— that the c ° he •hall dcsiavate ..d t t . a d saT .ed .11. uch puke .hall ° - p bll. tere•t.ar<q nawn ah.n.ua°peer. iUG t t 1 1 Adopted by the Council--- Yeas tf ) Councilmen ) . Nays L FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL 7 W.UNDERL071 - - --- HYLAND Approved%, r —191 KELLER ' Mr. President, IRVIN---� Mayor 1> PUAI M --------------- -- --- 'Ltj(. 45 -------18045 COUNCIL FILE NO......... .......... BY.. ..... ........... ..... ............... ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... -.grading. Alley in..Blo.ck 1, Un6e rwoodl-s Ist—Additiom,—, ....................... ........... . ..... ......................................_.......I. ........ ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under P reliminary Order .....16472 .......... ........ .....—.approved .1aY_1.61.0_...1917 ....... ....... Intermediary Order ............... ....................... . ........... appr I oved :, ...... ......... ............ -66 ne A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the7 u il having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully' considered .the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..:.gr-%4o ................. . Addition. . ........ ...... ........ . .................. I ............................... ............ ............. . ... ........................ ...................... ............................... ......................... ................ . . .. ................ ........... .................. ...................... ar .......... I ..... ....... .......................... .......... io­ thereto .. .. ..................... ................. .......... aIIthe 1W. err,, ..........................DlN ............ .......... ........................ . ...... . ........... .. ....................... of th.,,,�, rld kind OXthe 1. trd rw 4: Blade: - __ __ ....... ....................... r ...... Dods lit -futf-' and the Council hereby orders said improvement j" ; be said 1;;�j 0 d is hereby instructed and directed RESOLVED FURTrIER, That the CommissionerIs her. - to proper, to prepare plans and specifications for said improveniunt, ank�,_- le to the Council,for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized .. and 'directed I to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordtinee therewith. Aaopted by the Cmiueil, AUG: 13 .... ........... .. ...... %Ile Ci Approved ............................ ............ .............. Mayor, Councilman Farnsorth Councilmari tiw oss Councilman Hylaz,,i Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieli Mayor Irvin Form R. S. A. 8.7. .. •OP`. PAUL CITY ST ... 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' „ ---- _---•, ,-r, -.: ON: "FJ-IMINARTSORDER (A) In the Matter of _ ...::. _ ............. - -- .... _.._.. _ Al 103s-1 I_1U;1:sx,"od1•i8•,]j54-•-i iFiOAt 1....__.._ . ___.—...._._•_—__.__.� under, Preliminary Order approved 7 _.---- To the Council of the City of_St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby'rvports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $•------- G '�'-'Y' ' Thi lots or parcels of land that ay be assessed 'benefits for such improvement, and the assessed ,valuation` of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ar ' - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ~' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Underwood's First Addi— 5175 1 3 1 tion to City of St.paul 750 3 1 Romsey county, Minn. , 950 * 1 750 5 1 - 750 8 1 750 7 i _ 750 8, 1 3775 2135 ..,_ 101 3075 TOTAL; ... .,. _-a.,. y _ e�TY o� !iL •AUL s - DEPARTMENT OF FIN^NCIE w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRlMlMll4ARY,0R0ER x SSED sp ASSIE�� s DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .YIIncsrwooat`a E1Y�3^ First Add -,.L—`2275 . la ition to city o! St. aloo 13,1 :. -. ray County. Hinu. , 600 y iS '1 600 16; 1wo 17 1.. 600 18: 1 800 19; 1 600 _. 20 1 3100 Sl 1 600 as . 2100 2311 Boo 84 1 .3550 'I , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and a hereby the foregoing.as his report thereon to the Council, (together with the report made to him in `submits _ I- reference to said -mutter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __. .,71 _ 191 7. _Y!/ •flL�' r f - ij Coinmissioner of Finance. Form. It. D. 12 _ Office of die Coussioner of: Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 23rdp .......... _.791.. 7 To tile. Cmmuissioner of Finance of the City Of St. Pail]: ' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under-cousideration-the preliminary order of the Colli- 16479 i:ay 16th, 197 .., relative to .... _ c11, known as Council File No.---. .._._approved - -the__g.aiza...of:...�.ey....�n_..oa..., L'.xt�e_�,reo4_'e._�t• A3diti_on __ ::.. .. _ ... _....... i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .. - :......neeessary and (or), desirable. ":113 per front foot 135 14 _ ,;. The estimated cost thereof is $_.... ... and the total costithereof is fi.. .... _... ......... nud Asaeae frontage. 1,197.4 ft. Exceaa inspection x`12 35 tile nature alni extent_of.said improveinent is as follmvs. 13. A pian, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a, part hereof. 5. Said improvement Is .................asked for upon petition of three or pore owners of property, subject m. to assessment for said improvement. -- `11,1. Com issiouer of Yublie \V rks. ------------------- ----- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- i. I _ COUNCIL FILE NO........ ........, I3 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... _ ....grading_Alley,.in .Black-6r--..Wann.':B...Additiaa........................... ............................c..w .: _... ....................... :....... _ ... ..........................:.:....,...................................'..::. * . i tinder Preliminary Order ... _ . ...approved . June.. 4r • ..:1g.1-7.,.1........ _ Intermediary Order .._.:. _... ..... .... __..., approved .. ............ A public hearing having been hadupon the above improvement upon Aue-notice, and the Council having jheard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered -the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind ofimprove- i D • recut to be made by the said City is grade AlieY ..ill Block. 6,.... Vanr�t $ Addition 160t i ...... .. ........ .... .:. .... ..... ...._.. ._. _. .......... titter of Rradln6 allay 1n Block ... ..... / .tn's Addition, under Preilmin �' rder 18St1. "Droved June 4 ... .................................... _... ................... ..... ' been bsd ...... .. ......................, ••hllc hearing baving- .. - is above, Improvement uDoa and -the .Council havina heard - ..................................... •-.--.-.•.... ..................................... ...... ... ... ..... .. ..... ...... .. ...... ....moons, oblectlone and-reeom` In6,. relstive' thereto, and it .. _.. comldered tAa same: theratora- ................................... ...... . •ved, ha the Council so of: the , 63, ul that the Pre so nature. az• _.. .. _. _.. kind of lmDrov.ment to DQi.... ..... _:... .. 'he said Clty 1s grads sltey la and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be n,,i�enbny•ordeuttlo�n'a inmvre°"".�: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner. of Pi';. workh ti tah,°,e i'!; hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, rinuri_ !:.'Ot" r to the Council for Mproval; that j upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making- nr said improvement in accordanee therewith. .Adopted by the. Council Uri 173 !,917 �4 City1 . Q.7 _ •Cler . :UG 13 Approved. 191 i... ; �F A -A .......... �:......:::..... PUX ,mayor. Farnsworth Furusorth - �f Councilman Goss Councilman Hplabd - ICouncilman Beller / Councilman McColl ' Councilman Wundei ich Mavor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-i. l �PALM CITX OF ST. ' DEPARTMENT OF, FINANCE - RE'PORT OF COMMIfSIORIER OF FINANCE - ON..PRELIMINARY .ORDER - - - (A) ; _ -. _. . Inthe,Maflcr of - " ......... - .. ... .. Grading All in Blook 8�_ 11etan� s.-l►dd.o�►,---•-------- -...-- - -- ..... _.... _....._ _ ... _.. _ --- under Preliminary Order approved - --,1t9..�Stt�18.17... I.. :.:...- . To the Council of the City of St. Pauly The Commissioner of Finance -hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement Is ' -..... ... The lots.or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the.Assessor, are as follows: 1 • - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION , ASSESSED VALUATION - 1 g lfaan� a Addition to 836 3 6 8t. Paul TSO 5400 3 8 4 8 !S 8 850 8 $ 860 7, 8 3860 3480' 6. 6 � o=_ g - — = --- -- _ • -- ---3660--- -- .. � - 10 8 660... .. TOTAL. .I 0, CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT .OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _., (C) t DESCRIPTION LOT'eLCCK ADDITION-. .'ASSESSED VALUATION 11 8 Wann's Addition to I 5250 12 8 St. Paul 3850 13 8 3850 14 .8 850 15 B 7185 16,6 ) 950 West 10 ft of 17 6 )) East 30; ft.of 17 0 5575 West 30 ft of 18 6 , East 10 ft.of 18,6 ) 725 k West 30 ft of 19 6 Sj East 10 ft of 19 6 900 i• 90 B 31 6 725 22' 6 725 . 23 8 725 24 8 7a5 25,6 _ 725 .86 8 3825 37 6 14621 West 13 1/3 ft of a8' 6, 286 _ El at.. 86 ft_, of _. _ - - ---- -- i — — -= 28__6 _ .. -- --- ---- - — - - - -- ' --- 47$ -- \ • Office-: of the Commissioner of Pubic Works "Report to Commissioner of Finance a June 23rd, ...1'91 7 ' po tile commissioner of .Finance of the. City of St. Paat: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hold under coinsiderntion the preliminary order of the Conn. 16844 annoyed .. ,..June 4th, 1J1 ?_, rel tn:....... _. cit; kniown as Council File No. ........_ II _.... . ... the.,,,gra3ing• .of alley in ,Block.., o,,. inn_! a ....... ion and having investigated the matters u!d things referred to therein, hereby reportei 1. Said improvement is _:........necessary and (or) desirable. -.139 per front foot amyl the total cost thereof is $.__1S6 69 and 2. The 'estimated cost thereof is $...- .- "—' Aasesa. frontage 1,9U0'feet ExOeaB inapeltion tlle nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. c. I Said improvement ,s .:. __......... asked for upon 1'ietitiou of three or nwre owners of )n•oporty, subject to assessment for said improvement. Couiuussioner of l ublie- Works _ LL-- — f IT St. ?aul, minn To the Honorable, The Council, Cjty Of. St.. 2aul, Minn. Gentlemen,- • -,7e the un-lersigned property *nOrU hCyeby petition your Hono'rab 6 Body to caus- e the f ollcwring improvement to be made: St. Ave 0 from ar. Ave. t . . . . . . . . . . .-.St . Am. A U - - - - - - - LOT Blocz ADPD_ITICq -- - - --- - - --- - T 4�7 JT. . . . . . .. -1 ............. 7- Al- . . . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . . . . .. L . .. . . . . . . . . C410113SIOBER of eujLic VU., .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ i...} U JUNG 6 1917 SI—P . O3el T•ACLISHEO 1882 - Fy« 10-490NoffilA ; - - iN Youw R[n<r _PA RK 'SQUA�R �• I '' RfIC}!TO ' wtRCNOU9L N�3 , MAN OULDINO A - LSay 9, City vouncil, St. Paul, LAnn, wurhs Gentle:::ent The. undersigned property owners wish to petition your honorable body to have an I order passed at once to %rade the alley ad - Joining the following property: Block 6, '.Mann's addition, Allen running East and 'lest between, Albert Street on the Sast and Pascal street on the .7lost . Yours respectfully, A71 r- ^ 1453 Goodrich Ave. aR ,DUNE;_ 1917 BUREAU w WE_SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY: CITY OF ST. PAUL .v C6UNC1'L' REEOL'UTION'—GENE'RAL FORM Sabject COUNCIL FILE N o.:1.tiU47 ... . Date Presented-Auga0t:..130-­ 1917% RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEllEfi'P TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of oondemning and taking an ease- ment in the; land necessary for elope#, for-cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 6, Wann•s Addition, under Preliminary Order }16845,. approved June 4th, 1917, and Intermediary, Order #17531, approved July lith, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Yorks having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVEDZ That the City of 8t. Paul. Sixes i and determinse the amount of land,to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopee, for r outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 6, Vannts Addition, to the extent shows upon;the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, ,dated August"13th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made E a part hereof R�tOLr1770HIL ' i ^. F. No. It017— n the matter "Condemning anA.tak- � Ing an tuement In the land no on- p awry for slopee, far cute and till. is. the grading of glleY In "otk t.: - Wann'a Addition, .und.r Prellmlps,; - Order:.NO. '186/6, approved June 4th. 1817. and :lntermedlarY Order NO. 1 17831 apps. 1 July lith 1917 "TI Commlael ner of Publlq Work. havin6 sabmltted hie report and is.it IV ..That the City of St. Paul IanU v be taken tor.the #bola*named; - ITD ovement. as en easement for 'alapee, ror uta and .pile In and no., - i[ha land butting uppon. the alley In Nlo k 8, \t'onn'e AdAltlon. to the es. 'tent ehovan upon thn -sketch attached Yeas (I')Councilmen (I')Nays ivlu� \�orksortOlnthteae'Matter, datedli ted.b the Council AUG 13 1917 Iql AURuat 16th,whlOh sketch and P Y report a e hereby r.1 ereIt to and ---Farnsworth–"._ - ... / :made-a Darf he sot -. -�I oaneu n`u6. 11, 1817 Gou --- ,,... ����� Approved Aub 1H. 1817. - _I Keller (Aug. 25-1917) APP►o ed. _/r' \ 191._..... McColl Against J NashYoerg y l Mr. President. Powers FORM C.e•II pg of- Vevm+nnd of 10uhlic Vlorks 1.8047 �C Clvu•ct c t •. M, -N, GOSS. COMIMI661ONER -1 - • T GOURLEY. Ot.ut• _ i t C+V `BULo • R w ootrsiw•u - .. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL--' I In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills,in grading the lalley in Block 6,Wann's Addition,1under Preliminary Order #16845, approved"June 4 1917; and -Inter mediate Order #17531, approved July 11`1917. i I To,the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of -the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be ma¢6 on private property, and by the hatched I portion, the cuts to be made on'private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works � r a DateL� _ DEF TME -. INANC,Q, , - REPORT -AF IS3I,ONE R Or 17IN_AN,OE . C INARY ORDER intbeMatter�j ondemning & tak i}g_a�i aet�Qat_.�az a14y�ea,Y.flr.-.aut�a��.tilis,-iu.:gsa---- "' uGradiniz411e in B19jak .... ..:................................................._ _ ----,— --- - - - _ ._.-.....---- - ' 1 under Preliminary Order approved--••-hine ............. .... I _ .... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: S-1-D�-----=— The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is —: The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each. lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows:. .DESCRIPTION LOT- BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 '6 Wann1a Addition to 885 a 6 8t. Paul 750 3 6 _ 5400 4 8 _ 5 g 850 g g 880 7. 8 3650 8 B 3450 i -- -- • I 9- @ -- ------ - - - 3850 10 8 .. .._.� .� ..•• .. _. - 850 , . . TOTAL. ...... t <.....; CIT1i OF� bIT., PAUL r, - CPYNC,IL,qE50LUTIO,N—GENER,ALil,t'O::N! !PC — August 13th, Date Pte3ented..:.............. ......... 191.7.... n \ . REBOLOTI09` " Resolved, FIEIwo THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF. EABEI�NIT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the mattet of condemning and taking an ease- 1 ment in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fill s in the.grading of alley iu Block 1, Underwood's First Addition, under Preliminary' Order #1"80, approved May letb,_1917, and 'Intermediary Order #17532, approved " July 11th, 1917. 1 The Commissioner of Public Works having sub mltted,his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVSD, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in anq upon the land abutting upon the alley In Block 1, Underwoodie First Addition, to the extent shown Upon the sketch attgphed to`the'report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated August the 13th, 1917, which sketch and report are . hereby teferred to and made a part hereof. C. F. N. 1ip13—. Ia tae, matteF of tbaAemNn�' and tak- an['an easement ln; the'.land no"a-' 'sam tot slopes,, for outs and -ll Ila 1 1 'the tradln66 or e'lley In Blot kk 1,^11 - :duwood'e lrint Addltlonn trader ':Ilminiryy-Order' No. 16130, aDProiaryved 'MaY Iltth.^; 1317, Phd :; Intermed 'Y�� {t No.",77L3Y, apProvpd July 31th.' ,. 'Mhe Coetmlaslonor of tic, Works, havins' " aubmltted plc > reR and. sketch In the"atwve-matter be tt' 1 Rwolvea—That the OILY or At; PiuL .. A:n and-determines>tha'amounF':ot; rland.to be. _taken toe tee"above, natned'; Improvement: as an ✓eaaement.t'-torj 1 dlopea,"tor -cuts and ally In and, upon , the land abutting upon the alley'-, in \ Bloek "1, tlnderwoody-Flrst -Addition. - :to the.e:cent ahown�upon the^aketah attached, to the reppoert of the Cormla• II • : "aloner ot.Publlat Works,ln the matter. ` dated AugusE L the' 13th. 1917 which" AUGi • 7 " r eketchl and .report qre hereby 7!7r. aNrrad H: t S 191 I Yeas (✓) Co tilmen_(I.) Nays to and nutde &•Part nayeot 7 by the Counal-.... 19L Adopted 6y the Contrail Aug. 13, F worth ..Approved -Aug 13•,1314. , .I In la.. Aps'36-1w71 4UG 1 1917 _o_ . ' pPProv 7. .. .... .... ::...191........ Kell r M II ( ' .... Against � r Nas l Mr. Presi;, Power MAYOR, "FORM C.s•a j\ \ aq of o - - VS04W. ptpMjMerd of f uklic Parks ' .`. .Sam. [N C w N.`GOSS. CORMIs/IONCR D[c ClAuR-'T GOURLEY. OVYTI , r eARRou . H [YwaAY OIYOK�TAYCnoN Ano R[rArwa f . ALSR[D,ACK[ON [YK. - -• suwnu e. pNn.nDN .Yw4Y OI COww[clrOw. -" N. M[RROLO. Olr.Cl [Aarwaaw - - -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In them ter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nedes- lie in grading the alley in Block 1, Under - eery for elopes for outs and fi iminary, Order' #16480 approved May 16,1917, woods' let Addition, wader Prel and Intermediary Order #17532, approved July 11, 1917- L To the Council Of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works he,reby.eubmite and makes 'a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvemeat,showing'by the shaded pottlon ads on private property,and by the hat of- said: plan, the fills to be mohed portion, the, outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easownt to be taken, by the, figuree opposite such shaded and hatched parte: .of such plan:. r f, Commissioner of Pu lic Wore I. - - naiad - , -,-- -- ------ ---- - --- -- - CITY OF S.T. PAU.LT --- G_bUrjCLL_F�ESOLUTION-sGEMERAL FORM •. % Subject .: COUNCIL ..ntc No ...... :.... ... bate Presented....,...d�� ...,'13II..... .,191 .7... jV I Resolved; lilav h¢. rade" a� tl e r11 a: c ro>1`Jo n SL. no.:heUsterl� weross Varre t w .,'^ sl o rt e da:' i , _cr., a en o:m by th-c red fade: line on the aoco ,paijyin tmfile and ab reco:r. chdod by the Cormis§ioner of Pnbiio r . Worla, be crdtlfe` same is ::etch adoptee ac the 'e: tOblishea grade. C. P.:No. 19079=ny.]r. N.poss-- Resolved. Thab.'the ggrade or vvest- :. -- - minster 8t. from 7o hn8t..northeuler-i- .1 Aerou Wafr•n de Wltislow'a Addle: t .. ton, ae shown by .the red' grads line on the aecomppanying• proale and= so .ended by ths, &=.I. *nor of , - hereby adopWorkted as nththe stablishesamns d I. Adopted by the: Council Aug. 17,•1917. Approved Aug. l7..19ll. I '(Aug. 25-1917) - 7' Yeas ( t') ounrilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council... ....... 191....:. -_,th AUG 13 1917 u (... .... In favor Approvj �l ler Mr:-Pr eddon 1!ORM C.a.II , ° IS t RESOLUTION. RATIFYING ;AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...,:..ap-ening,-...videnizig-:and...eatarnding to 8-Xi. (20-) feet, she slley.in•Bloch63t Banning and Oliver's-.Addition, by»� �, talon& and condemning the east ten (10) feet of Lots.4 and 9t and the the , meat-ten-f.ee.t...of..Lona...3... And ... 10.....B1ock:..6.3.---Be>alug and•::011vgr! a .....:..._. Addition.. ..:.._... .............. ............................. ..........:..... - ........ ......... under Preliminary order ....1-51-rt-7......... ,:.., approved..AR3:11..9..---19.171ntermediary Order:160.80 _-:,--•__ approved_AXXIa....2.,`2..-.-14. A reds Addition ur.�•.• �• - A public hearing having been had upA 91' rder .15767. °oeaer '}.ration of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awa+� Posen near W eavine = •,also upon the assessment of benefits y the jands orkeMeand atents therdo Sor • - therefor, and the Council having dol r d the aaarA°� be it -` above':/m4rorunfoAand also, upon q roll,- Resolved,. That the talon and • a e,'aee�i+°nenLhot beneate ther°tor• a°d g Coonen hs+los aoir woara+rea :bed in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the JfayS u1°A; ei�d thin 'ih w °s °ad eO hereof, and th awards of damages ... damaatba of ths1anda dnoribed la t'` _ to the owners of such lands reapectivei aaas><ad°°eepj°OL ro11 laen�d c as act forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all re '�.�orr�d.e i'r'r of">t°a th•, iueh�+nas �r�!Neetiveis for�eeld.°taloa . Resolved further, that the said at' sod CooeatPagIt e t ydt tea tool a a is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be s 'a D7 i" Cstitor°�9°Ci° rsua d +o .1 n, aemw. mfirmation. � i - ,".Apolraben ata. W sot. -r Adoptedby the Council ....... �}g....j ;...le.}1... ......... _..., 91... ..ul]....................+.C' Clerk. Approved .................. .: .., 191 1 ...... ...... .... .... ......-. PTTM.IgB'I — Mayor. Councilman .Farnsworth G Councilman Gose Councilman Hyland i.... Councilman. Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin I W a tnattevor ovenlns:wide ' sadlni to • width of tw{ <fad4 the alts? In Block 4E, , *; e�nthe' .eoiemlna'.cut tP�(. '.of to 6: and 9, and the w - "44et of lots E and 10. Block 6: - - ;nlPee and 011"ea Addltloa ;;Pry, �Iheinary Order 16767, sy .. +3fOf0. approved April.29. 1017- U, Tbad: "(3A,Thtt tlia followereby pr. - - he,aud the .ams L hereby oc - - os mud.,°'. of twenty (lden e.t - td'-i JwldtA-Of'twantr: iEa) deet, la lit! Block 6E. Banning and - dltlon,, br'taking and condi:- tde:algt ten (10) feet"of•Lots '6 - - and,lJba west ten feat a oily 7kIs ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ..aleck 60. st tenfi t o lAts3 - a the following landlb.reln be , - In the master ofopeping..._w aen n&:.> rWg.:t.a....a.:width.:ot...t3tanty 12.0.)_ r.0eta; .2.0 Alley-, in.Blo8k„63,...Ba nning .and Oliver's Addition$ by taking..Rad::.conde=iA9.A.h* _NkIft..tQ:t! i.lo-).._feat....a-..Latia...k.wd..I. M we13t..tazia ............... Addition........ ................ ................. ............................................. ......... ........: ........... .. ii ............. .... _ under Preliminary Order 1rJ�. � ......... approved../1AP;rjk.9.t--•;1917lntermedi ry order..:16080•,_••__,� approved...APril- Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, via:-.Gpenv--4jden a (...6 t�1} ..tS2. a_. :dth.:of.::t.A�zltY..�2Q�.... e�.t, ..tha...a1� EtY::.1 B19._ �A.._Banning and..Ql ...Adtk3.A..Qast.:tOTl..:il0i::f-9-41 4t Lots 4and 19a and .the west _ten feet- of Lots 3 and 10. Block 63, 'Banning and Oliser6.@..Addition ........................ _... .............. .: ........:. ...........w _ (2) . That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .the :..eai t:.;1 n... eLt--of \ Zote 4 and 9. and the .west ten fest of .Lots 3.and.:•10,, Block.63......... .._-..-.... Banning-and ...OlL erl.a..Addit<ion... ....................................................... ............................ _.................. (3) That the assessments of benefits and swardof da ages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and cnfirmed NG 13.!q17 Adopted by the Council...... ......... ........, 191...: 7 ” 4uG :i � l '.?' 7 .......:..... :...... � ...... : - City erk. - - 1 Approved ,.191........ ..:.. .., _ - Pi TILT"M Mayon Councilman ;Farnsworth - Councilman .Goss _ Councilman Ilyland' Councilman Keller _ f Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin- N l t \ 1s05S— .t (l. r t1 f for c. o[ - 1 01 [ 1 x `��Irintf • -' 1 al hlnl St.. i ...uthl L. - - - Thud Jt. north .Id, b. - - ' ` u t u•. , It. CITY OF "ST. PAUL. r.. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. `\hill -u a ,•. Ciq, ut'ht In ,'-,r-of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses _ ..for constructing, relaying and repairing cenent .sidewalks, Estimate No.l,, under contract No. 2680 for season 1916, St. Paul'Cement Wo rk a 'Contractor, for the fallowing streets: F.O. 10174 Pleasant Ave. east _side beginning at Third St.,, thence south to Alley. F.P. 10168 Third St. north side beginning at Franklin Av.. thence east 280 feet. F.O. -7808 Tyler St. both sides between So. Robert St. and Goff Ave.. F.O. 10141 Chariton St. -west aide between Sydney 3t. and Ohib St.i F.O. 1017.5 St. Clair 3t. north side beginning at s. Seventh St., thence west 90 feet. F. Go 10183 View St, west side from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. F.O. 7806 Ridgewood Ave. north side from Milton 3t, to Victorist St._ F. 0. 8194 Griggs it. east side from James:st. to Randolph 6t. F.O. 8192 Niles St. south side between 3yndicate Ave.-and'�:azllne.Ave. F.O. 10140 Syndicate Ave. west side fromGoodrichAve. to St. 'C1,nir St. F.O. 10189 Goodrich Ave. north side from ligmline Ave. to',abert Avel- - F.O. .8196 Lincoln -Ave. north side beginn)tng at Albert Aye. thetics east 47.4 ft. and an the east aide of Albert Ave. beginning at Lincoln vivo., thence north 170 feet'.. F.O. -10873 : shiand . Ave. aol-.th aide beginning at- Pries; .tvs. "thane- to :er-rick Ave." F.O. 10895 Prior iva. both sides between niiirmount Avg. aired 4 ndolpli - Street. F.O. 10186 Yui"rvie-4 Ivo. west• hide from it. „nth:,ny alvei to the iiitht of :qty of the C.- .& yt.P.Ry. and froth the C.' .& 3t.P, iglit of 'say to Roblyn Ave. F.O. 13064 ".heeler ,v e. both 'aides from Selby Ave. to Carroll Ave. F.O. 7963' Carroll Ave, north side from :.,obury Ave. to the east line of Lot l5. Block 2y iacalecter View. . F.O. ;10184 karrett Ave. west side from Front ;t, to l cl-enty St. F,0. 8191 Front St, north aide beginning at -St. Albania 5t. thence to Jameeon .'.vs.; front iit. south tide beginning 26 ft. west of 7jalo St.. thence west Fib feat beginning " 346 ft. farther west. thence west 169 ft: - F*O. 11062 Blair it. botnaides between Avon St. and Victoria St. •F. O. 10876 Victotia St. both sides between Thomas St. and Lefoml St'. F.O. 10896 Charles Wit. so-": •h aide between Lexinitton Ave. and, Ox:"ard St. . F.0, 10187 :.axington ',ve. bot? sides from ?'lair t:tc ^•?l or a t. -:0.0. 7959 iherburne As. north side from C'ru,ta,wort, .;t. to Lexington ive. 'F. O. 19'353:air^.and �t, norili •Ade bel—vas "sundeiot." and •xho4:ubin :a. F.O. 8198 :est Central Ave. from 3avoux' at. tn:ica St. P.O. 1o65G kizt gar_ Ove, sa..th side beginning at the east line of Lot "3 , Block 14, Anna E. Rnmsey's Addition. thence east to Syndicate Avn.. 3yndiaa:.te ;ive. `.gest side beginning at Hague Ave thence to'Laurel Ave. F.O. 10ofA Coodrieh Ave. both sides beitvveon C.;:.& St.P.Ry. P.O. .10173 adderton zit. w-ot aids ljosir„-ini_t ct :itsjl1 ut.", thence Flo. 11369 ,..a.rylLnd at, north side from ?orcat Wit. to Earl St -J- P.O. 11370 htarylurd 15t. north side from 44 rl t)t •!a•-��crs' �y ?.0. 30142 Cook :it. ,rioriia elttA l9et�!'SAn Pari .0. 7803 _(!e'a`r son-iissezzable 2.0. 10190 Chxta+iortil it. .:est taide between university ,ves and shorburns Ave. A public hearing' having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement. and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council. and having been considered" finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said as .,smTnt be and thr sam, is hereby in all. respects ratified. and the game is f1lreby ordered to be submitted to the District Cft ourrof tba County of Ramsey for connn;.tion. BENT FURTFIER RESOLVED. That the waid :.a 4r Itnmt be and it is hereby determined to be payable f equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. e Adopted by the Council- " 1� `/ �C •r city Clerk. Approved 191 J Mayor. � PIJD(.11�1 X71 ,J .., CITY OF: ST. PAUL wtNpto.e. qa1:1'tt0sn5.a{T—ra, waben .. ACCOUNTIN3:DEPARTMENT 7abla onunRNp • ?tF rnnde ea• COON o raYnr.t _tb. e "'"" °` enr AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE o•a -' t. =,".1,0 1 amount..et oyy°odto. 'r.fWOUva' tr.` - • name a..Fpc �.:.rollo�RlnRAetfiled.tstMent: tO Snaln. �Yorkf:. 53.50. UritnQf &'Co $12.50.: lllehi411 hola.SL Rror1•n Pb. BY - nnrn U - AUDITEJ� L `l JIT 19t_ - - ( PER r ,577 t Resolved that wairants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the.hereinafter specified funds attd following detailedi. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their -respective names as specified in the statement:. .. Nays Adopted by the Council AUG 14 t Yeas (J) Co cumen 1* �I Fa nsworth — /' • G In favor K Her /% A G 4 1917 `i91_ Appro Co1Ly Against MAR I i easy- Hyland si-- Wunderlich i Mr: President PU13i I. �+ 18762 Auto Engine Works, 3.50 E Water -Expense. 63 Brings & Company, 42.50 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense. - 64 Nicholas L. Brown Pub. Company, 6.75 ?.Library-NBooks. i 65 Craftsman Press, - _ i 7-.36 1 Gen.F.#rtd. Forms_ and blanks. 66 ' Dore -Redpath Company, 21.50 P.Parks-Expense. 67 Fairbanks Morse Company, 867.28 P.Parks-Fvpenss Rfi .0 . Pay. Mound Blvd. 68 E. S . Ferrey & Son, 75.76 17.@ Pol. & vire Alm.Telg.-Expense G.F.Prtd. forms and blanks 5. %52 ! 6 69 H. W. Goetzingery 17.15 C.P.W.—)Workhouse—Expense- 70 Goddon & Ferguson, 1.25 G.F.pMiscl . & Unforseen—Expense. r 71-- Griggs, Cooper & Company, 58.28 li Police -Expense 4• Health-P.Bsthe-Expense 6 5 Health -guar -Exp, ,� C.P.W.+Workhouse-Expense+4 J !i F rrn jet. S•Il 1y' 1 ^�� `_ _! €_�_,_.•,�. �..,f ,�� ..� ���:®_ «.. �� ;tet �..:>.` L-u•S � r. ��,,.:. _,>. � .. _ _. Psge �2• Res. 577. 15 .Q0 187" Albert L. Haman, P.Parks-Expense. 73_ Handlon & Compa ny, 49. C.P4W.-Nork�house-Ex9eryse �j is� 6a: 5 �I ` P -.Parks -Ex ins a 1 1 .98 12.60 74 Hart & Murphy, P.Parks-Expense. - 21.46 75 Frank Hing, P.Parks•Ex,pense . 44.09 ' 76 guhlesP&Stock Parka-Exi eanse�� 53.01 77 LaSalle Extension univerai°ty, P.Library-NBooka. E 3.23 78 Leslie-Donahoeer Company,. ° Police-C&B.. 82.10 79 Manhattan Oil Company, P.Bidgs.-Exp. Archt. f 27 g4 St. C&R -Expense 3 PSchools-Expense 5 ; 2.10 1 #i 27.50 80 F-. A . Marko 4!50 P.Parks expensePParks-Const. Phalen Beach n 13.30 81 Malady Paper Company, P.Parks-Const. Phalen Beach'75 Health-P.Comfort Sta.-Exp. - " �0 99.20- 82 9.20 ,82 National Candy Company, , P.Parks-Exe ense. .75 83 National Gas Governor Compan9, C .P.W.B?jorkhouse-Expense . 345.42 84 Noyss Bros. & Cutler, 4�- C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense -Police-ExpenseP.Parks-Ex ense r C of Baltimore,Libraryj. 20.00, 85 Peabody Institute of the ity P.Library-NBOoks. 6.85 86 Perkins -Tracy Printing COmpanrg, health -guar -Expense:. 45.87 87, Raymer Hardware Company, .g4' F ire -Ex pens e 4 *g Ri r e ;-C&B Pol. & Fire Alarm-Te1g.-EX P- o s -Equi Water-Exr 0 Y. Soho 1 P " e se p n 45P7 1 M 3 � �_ _ ;__f _ ��. Y, � .�. -- •u_ J� �:I:.®._— � +. �irn_ �_.i_� .y_f �. _ ��.� fir_... :.4. Tage #3. Res. 577 18788 Rand, ,MoNally Company, 12.30 P.Library-NBooks. - 89. Rathgeb &'Sons, 3.65 r P.Parks-Expense. 90 Reliance Ir9n Works, — 20.78 + Fire-C&B. - 81 Sanitary Food Company, 12.68' P.Yarks-Excense., i 92 Seabury & Company, 2;81.07 r' P.Parks-Expense. 93 A. G. Spalding & Bros., .2.9.78 ' P.Parks=Expense. 94 Tierney & Company,. 6.00 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense. 95 Tuchelt & Sons, - ,;2.05 P.Parks-Expense. 96 W. J. Westphal, 510.00` _ Police -Expense -Equipment *5.0 97 Winecke & Doerr, 42.97' P.Psrks-Expense. 4 .I OITY OF. ST- PAUL - ga.olved tb►t warrants De.drawn q, Won tbsGlty Fr• ry, payable-,outACCOUNTING_ DEPARTMENT - tbe berelna[ter aPeclfleA fund. and In _ G,Yor.ot tht�ee Denoti.; Arms or ce&r- COUNCIL aldonr tor®tbe amepnt. .at epDo.it. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILL: NO. 'ttletr reapective: aame..a .D.cldad'ta the %"I owing detailed .t►t.ment: - 19. T. eter -t o-;,$11.424eW Adopted by the Cop+tcll AnC• 14, 1817. - < Approv6Y ed AUR• 14: 1917. (S.Pt.:1-1817) FLT 579 ... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified ,funds and in faYorof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts ser opposite their, respective names as specified in the fo11 w:nfi detailed " 1 'statement: - - 1 .Yeas J) Council en (J) Nays p �t �.� Ado ted by the CoCounc;) 181 y . ' Farris orth - - NG 14 IQ17 Goss In favor ApproISI Kelle , M II Against -Olt Hyland V"OR I' -rm -- Wimderl ich Mr. President, P ft- -1=10016 i a 16803 - O'Neill do Preston:, 11,424.00 _ Payne -Edgerton Sewer System 4,42 .00 Sewer Fairview 5 5.0 ` Capitol Ave. Sewer System 5 8 0 Sewer Palace 0 ,424.00 (i 04 E. T. Webster, 2,.615.00 Johnson Parkway Sewer System. i Y l Total _ q. - f - i I _ L ,lC. F N0. X13073- - Reaalv�d=that rental hr h. drawn CITY OP ST. PAUL - �rupon tbs' Cltp iTeaaurp. oapabla out or ntit`haretnartrr aD�clded fund. and In ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ^ 4' 4v0!•of tba panona drrire or corpora- Itt7aoft Ir',A:for the nul.c... wept eeolndDaeddin _ COUNCIL Nth. following .intervent: AUDITED.CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM pea O 1' — feiale IL Erickson. $65.00. Fn.orth,:Con'r. `Finnnce: Mehra . F A.. $77.71. cots National $7,131 .87. N. W. Tru.tCo.. I 717.78 , By Adopted by the Connell Aug. 11, 1917. _ Approved Aug. 14. 11 (Sept. 1-1917) 578 }i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter sons hnd' i in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fol owing detailed statement:- - t'.u(t 1.4. 917 Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Councit'. i 191! Farnsworth 191_ Goss In favor Approvddl5 �I Keller i McColl Against AYOR 1S I 'ULean derlichi Hyland — — f; I_ Mr. President, Irvin. 1. 3 .il tl i 18798 Bessie R.:Frickson, 65.00 ` G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen. 99 Be A. Farnsworth,\ Com"r. Finance, 6,734s96 Interest 3,090.00 Tax Levy Certs. of IInd. 1916 Acet. 2,000.00 Spec. Assess Bond & Int. Fund Red. Spec. Assess Bonds Cls"A"1,500.00 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int..Fund --Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Act. 144.96 . 6,734.96 800 -John C. Flanagan, C.A.,t '-83.73' Water -Expense. i 01 Merchants National Bank, 3,489.98 G.F.pMisc. & Unforseen 2.48 Red. Bonds 1917 Acct._, 17000.00 Water Bond & Int. Acct. 90.00' Interst ;Perm.eIm Revolt' Int. 2270-00 Imp..Revolving 3,489.98 I� 02 N. W. Trust Company" .48.59' (I G.F.-Misc. & Unfimseen. 1 1 Total 10,422.26 i perm A. 7-1t } Uri —Council File No.. 8 _ 5 --` i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT,y ': __und. ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: the. -.for. oT lOPe,:.a.....w ..:._t?y . , si... 1.:::..:f.r...: s^.: 3J] _1.t...::.v]11:8::.._J' ..... a_i.az:._ .=� zLLa St. t�........ .......................... .......... ........ _.._......... ............. .... _— Dated this_... 1,ith� day of ......... 191 7... ..-.. _ ....... .....f... t........: Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz:: _C 1,. "',...._....,..111..x._.,sir.:...:�_:..ez..,.e...iY.�....j�•�..iLe...L•�.,.n.ece�::arv-..::.nr�--=l.nnea.� _�..,. ...�i _....--. n�,. �...,,�1b: =:.a:EL►...s...n.._-:;!.:r.,.�,.l.;.n3:..:;.� ta:-._ u,.: .............._. ....._... .._ :..._... ...:...:........ . ........ ........ ... ..:......_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._ ..... therefore, he it 'Rud 4.• RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works t ;.tea- th°Sereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of tliillrl1°r ah° g Y Y na eh, ., 4d improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cosF oa auLa1 0 tin ry,.nt, and the total cost thereof. ' 3, To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemen°l'bar�yeAr il"nwh 4. To furnish the following other data and information rdaih•e to said' improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance: "UG t Adopted by the council '7 _:...`. _..... ....,. 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nsai•orth J G ss Approved /« .} 1al.).... 191 } -land --a ccoll- I 'un lerlich .... .... .... _............ a vin IN ��� Abq•ar: , roeu < e�e - . k'GtSLLOYiiY Petition 1 - Couneil'File No.:-.. 1 nUJli PROPOSAL.FOR IMPROVEMENT' { and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul: viz.: _..,4.Q _ tt .. L.s:a t 1 f nn ' ..!..:..4' .. e .:{.-v.1. ...a. t .Y ..Q.�.... �•....9,uil.�'...5.ri.. ...�._ Q °.. �.+.:+t:11.12:..-:aYS:: :.....u.>Z 1i1�'�iri@.:.i]� i,i...� -.'! ll. � . ., ..,,..a - 22: 1,ii.Sl .. :E1.'t _.A. t3C],G+'L. _._...... r .........:..:...._�..:_.^-. 31:... '.6 ..... ... ... .. ......... _........................ .......... .......... _.................................................... ..-::_.... .:---.....................:..... ., .. Dated this .._i -x -V ._...:.day of -.:.._. ...1L1, 1L1,4 -'42-t.1-1- ........ 191 _7...,. `h Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Viz.: n U. ...QTi. d1L•....Llr �h .., _.... -. .................... ....C. F.�-No: 16058- .:........ ......_.................................... ..-. Where viz: construct to Owl - via: 'Conrtn of n ami - - -.. .. .. .... .... ........ ............. ... .... to a w•Idth o[.slz fee:.,......... - - side of Th.""'. bt. having been presented to the Council of the City of St to Council of the cit,... therefore: be 1[' therefore, he it - Rwolred. That the Coon: Publta Work. bs ana he L RESOLVED, That the Commissioner.of Public ae1. TotMeit Were the ne.Edemd and �lircetcd or Q•.lrablllt7 at tb. maktn 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability 1 � fO1a'4o°11n eatiaie the nate ovement. ana wnm.t.a- eo.t or said 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eslifilntl menta and the total ..at th... ., and the total cost thereof. 8.. To furnl.h a plan. p 3. I To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im- ek�t`Toof solid iatin °ino:ei wr, •1. '1 o furnish the. following other data and inforn v vemenL�rmat:oa relau;ovement,.. i. To tate wh.tber or no' •o�.ment 1. a.kedf. 1re. or —�rw r -.:.. .1. .. -. ...... J1. To slate whether or not said improvement is asked`Mr on the' petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council IOl ..._. Yens: Nays: Councilman rnih_ sworlh Go s Approved ..... I11.nd l ( Ke cr ( l t - — - ---- Alta;alt - r % ljl 1 - -' J. �1'a denc�1. _ ._ .... ..._.. Mayor Iry 1!!Rf!!0 Alnyur. CITY -�ST. PAUL - /� ?1tJIJ .IfftGENERAL FORM -\---C1-.— — Siibject. __ _.. ........_ a .... FILE NOIL NO. ......� %1 `'• Date Yreselited..._.Al 6.11-t. 14.th.,.....191-7. t _ i • i Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be,,and he is he authorizied ` to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller,without asking for competitive bids,/ REPAIR PARTS FOR WORTHINGTON WATER METERS, for•.the sum of $291,10, from Henry R. Worthington. as these are patented articles and .no advantage can be Rained by advertisement or competitive bids. ,Cost of said articles to be charged to Department of Public Utilities Water Department Fund. Req. No.5377. 18065—By Q F. ICeiler— - - Renolv.d. Thxt the ru rohaelnR Agent. be. and he IV hereby ',"t o the to. porch....wlth th. ceo.en( of the t'omptroller, without, for com- I tone bidn, Rrexlr Fartn for -I'mWorof $29110. 1from Henry R. Wotrthington. - fxa lheee ar. Patented Iirllelet and no - ativantaRe cnn be Rained by advertise- mint or "'A bld., Cost of.ald arllrlen to'.br ch.rRed to Department ;of.. Public eqUtItiloltle6n]-7Vater Department 7.Fnd.tRdbhe Counrll Aug. 14. 1917. 11A(AR.181917) 4. 917 I (i)Cna $nee N.Y' "UG 14 �qt7 Far ..rth i .\.InpGrd by lha(bnm ill 191 Gas In favor _ i. I'd A{qn ved r Me 14 10 17 l \IdI 1 Agninsl .. \j enn •tl t MAYOR FORM. A. CITY OF ST. OAUL d 1 . COUNf.IL,RESOLI,1TIOtV—*.i-NERAL FORM _ Subject. _, _.._.. _.... _ -- COUNCIL Nw FILE om.... ._....... .. ... ..... Date Presented_... August'-14•th.•�.....1�31.7i Resolved, That the.Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorisied. to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller. without, asking for competitive bids, REPAIR PARTS FOR WORTHINGTON WATER METERS. for the .sum of $291.10. from Henry R. Worthington* as these are patented articles and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said articles to be charged; to Department of Public Utilities a Water Department Fund. Req. No.5377. I l I � 1 .. Yvan (1') Cnunriln— (I") N. l, Farn—orlh Adnpled he the C—nril 191 I... m C... In favor. Hyland - I Feller - Ap6tored __.. .191— M r 91...Mr. Pre.iW--nl, Irvin - - .. MAYOR FORM C A 9 6.17 2M - CITY OF ST. PAUL�c 00UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i snblect. \....._ - .__... .S1t�Ufll. . _ - ... ... COUNCIL vae NO..._._ . .......... ....... Date Presented 191 Resolved, t t'~ Ci arct.e Licen ., 12S,%I L cli exFi_e8 October 7t -,,191e, in o: iC, a yotat, 743 3ast 3r;1 st-c', sa:..c hareb i tra:.sf�s__ad 2'Vioodbriage L ,i I V P. Ree No Ist6o_(1— e��Y. McColl— .1 ,No -14A, whl,'ateth.I K2yr. nbcrc7th lots , now In the .name n( C. tV. lloney. I here:h7(3-H; t. 3n1 9L. be and tho G.n=y Y le LranaferreJ to C. 1V. Ifoney_ cut ddt d by t rldBe FL 1 Avprove by the Council. Aug, 14.1917 - -ADDroveJ (An !4. 1917. _!AUB. 1d-1917) . 1 I Go north Adei�tcd by the Cminril 1 -UG 14 !Q!7 Cri - � In favor .. fly, rid y d i�Ij1-�,4..�7 6e1 r Apptme,� l\_j VA. ,���, I>rl Mc II �ARainnt \t id,-nt. Irvin FON. C MD 17 3 Petition Council File No.. �.' %`106 PROPOSAL" FOR 7MPRO��EMENT , — PRELIMINARY ORDER. w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public' improvement by the City of St. Paul: vlz.: t0....:tQ e_l QL:k'`. 24., r; wz jf t ......_.. .... _....:._. ,..... _,.�...�....lzc_i.�ct__:..1�1�.e._.q..:�:5.t..::�C1............_....._�_....... ' _...: _.:.. ._.............................................. _.................... .... ................... .......... .... .... _........ ............... .._(................ e. '.... _........... ... ... ...... ......... Dialed this Lith -day of, .._.......Au4-U t �. 191 7« ._.... ................. _...._ i Councilman. PRELIAIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the nui'king of the following improvement, viz.:' r * J n. } rK W' ..tore. • " e Con. ne b . 1.,. ...... __..... ._.. ad.nd � . ._.. ... :....: ... ..... . ..__ +Haste the net having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P n b or tha maty tn_ ...... therefore, be it eoIctiltmcost the sale + rfa furnt Mall "p -t the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public plan. ereby ordered'and directdd + of Bald Improvamen. 1. To investigate the necessity for or de3irab"' and furnish atlhe rot ,fid itpprovenlent. a ant. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eprotemenitaLte wee for on° rovcment, and�the'totid cost thereof. o[ three or - asked far 3. .To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s 4. To report uponne- reins• matters to the c.11 • . - 4. To furnish the following other data ancyAcantel h}• the coca, to said improvement: t Approved .(Aug. 18 ' .. _.. . .. '...... ._ _... _.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is i,l vd for on the petition or three or more otkneis. 6. To report upon till of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - Allopted by the council I 191 Yens: Nays-_ Councilman Far sworth (} h Go s Approved .... ...... ................ 191 .......: ll� and K ter \I Coll Il/I itfiyoclr Dlnyor. sono c se _ DI71ti.i�i�— /.. _ `•. \ CITY ..OF ST. PAUL' \ �CqU NC,)L: RE$O.L•UTION-' GEW14ERAL, EQRri i - .� • .g. — � Subject: LAYING WATER' MAINS: -. eouvuL: FILE No. i Date Presen`hd 191 Resolved, that water .mains be laid on Scheffer Street, Chatsworth to Lexington;, Lansing Street, Hamline to Griggs, Lexington Ave., Randolph to, Nettleton. F. No: teoSz_nr p,.Kel . B Aeeolved, that. water malneDe laid _ • en - n; Firer S6. Chetewoith to Le71ng. - - ton: 1 1.anelnR At Homllne td 11rigg 1 ton, iington A'e., ltaodolph to Nettle- - Adopted DY the -Council A 1 _ , . ADproved AUR. u M 11, 1917. (AUR: 1!•1717) - Yeas ( ) Cou ciltnen (:) Nays Far seorth Adopted LytheCouncil °(I(� 1.t 7 191 Cos In favor, Ily nd Kel er Appro d 191 1 � l Me oil Against �../\ 1 ` t W derlich �If. res\ 7�fTr MAYOR icysF 5831.fyTFl{V'L , pepar'Frnerthves HOARD J. Qureau of V)ahvr NSTER tOMMiS$inNER•. - Augunt 13th, 1417. To the Honorable, THE,COUi1CIL, CITY OY SAINT PAUL St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen;- n The Board.of Water Commissioners,.at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the following, resolution: "Resolved that the City Council be, and hereby is.requeeted to authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets, Scheffer Street, C1u�tsworth to Lexington, Lansing Street, Hamlirie to Griggs, Lexington Ave., Randolph to Nettleton. r; Very truly yours, i Secretary.. i i. i _ G,`Fhe eaa18 I7nders and bYU rlt UL 2. } Counell Flie No. 6887. ay prove,_ C:OUN 38 1916'bs•-sand jiNtwiea, the CItr mgpd NERAL FbRM ' ,•lr-aad�of Sl: haul roc thr �' I ' - ,r erteeeuf ctaloonuthowf.ter.lYewer-on Hutt _ R 13SubIectetreet from Aar street'ton pol 1007 from come No. __ west rlr llna✓Gr i.et e.`Au7Ator .. .divl Ion No.'.IS, thgnce-sbulh.' to n lwlnt on the-.. t h e. ater T of I` tt rnut tF -t th n on e mens to thn Itla ( Ippl.Aivee• 191- ddid - ier uou,tb th finer .aw rs Dite Presented R"" t and did p'_,n_ "' F _ R "! p rfarm a K'h \ pr vld d f ther - r r ..e .i t unfore n b . i�1[ .- f ;^s.,; nt of. tt .... .. V r-nrt oIJ cont r °Fiat+. 0, I WHEREAS, Under and by virtue, of Counell File No. 5267, appr ed June 2_1915, the contract bearing date May 28; 1915, by and between J. J. 'Connolly and.the City' of St. Paul for the con- 6truction of a sewer on Butteraut,street fromrBay street to a.point " 25 feet'southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Lot 6, Auditor's 'Subdivision No. 45, thence southeasterly to a point on the southeast erly }ins of Butternut street, thence on anIeasement to the Mississippi River, was.approved, and .thereafter said contractor'did enter upon the performance of said contract and did perform a portion of the work{ provided for therein; and i"HEREAS, Unforeseen obstacles, not provided'for in making said improvement, arose- by reason of the fact.that the plane and specifications upon which said contract was awarded contemplated a sand rock sewer, and tumble rock was encountered in the process of construction; and whereas, the contractor under said contract was unwilling to complete the work for the sum estimated by the Commis- sioner of Public Works; and WHEREAS; The Commissioner of Public Works did,in fact Com- plate said work by force account; and whereas, the said Commissioner and said contractor have agreed that the sum of $969.87 is a fair, reasonable and adequate compensation' to said contractor for all the work .performed by him under said,contract; now therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby-authorised and directed to audit, allow and pay said sum of $969.87 agreed 'upon by se.id Commissioner of Public Works and said contractor, in full pthe ment-for all'u'ork done or material furnished by said contractor in the -performance of said contract; said sum ,to be payable out ,of the Per— manent Improvement Revolving Fund. Yeas (J) Co cilmen Nays _ AUG 1 1917 Fa sworth Adopted by the Council 191 Ic In favor' H nd ar� 6.►1917 191 K er �PProv M oll Against i W derlich ' Mr. Preside .Irvin �, Mar . rdRM C. a-] � .PLMLOMD J Rrt.alv.d (that wattanta bs dnwn. CITY OF $T. PAUL J _`- pp0n the Clt. Tress ry p >•.hle t r ths.baminattar;;ap.eld.d tpnda and -In a or corpora - ACCOtJNTINCl DEPARTMENT .. �!j{t,, J � favor ns the Pomona, mr ttono for I a .&monnta -gat .111,011[0 their _An.mi. n.m.. 1w; .neeldrd do COUNCIL 1.10 1�i0b ;'-.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE flY ,. tb, r.ulwhlR det& led statement (• ei.71. ':Amrrlran L W 3uPPly. • tlmlyd 1[ '.R ter Comml lonrr=_ _ _ _..__ _ __ _____-e -- 16831. Albert Ronnirr r`o,, $3.00, ( tAba Cahen, 11f 00 - BY W. S. Conmra.d.Co Rn r. 1A. F, D Cnmtnrr A ilaT:,g: t®I. A.` D D leR.ata 66 '. - (PER F F.trctrlo Cl trrint Co: /za,sa 1 r t htekDfere<tA (`0.L6Y6�J61 �. F.:R. F -47 '. - - w.mnts bednwa the City Treasury., out of the hereinafter specified fands� aid` a -w nw o eh Resolved that upon payable I' F tFi r'ri •-, r R1rk co.. • • ..- '.Field. B kllekua, Co. tt.7o. .oc of the persons, firms. or corporations for the amounts ser opposite their respective .names as specified is the followia� det{ I n a•ak TrrCor - filed _ _ i I r �r ra_ fro sz s7. t menta.. - a�(1 �.J=19 7 11 6onld e. Cot llEco. is'tm _.. - - - Adopted by -the Council_ 19L_ ( %1 Cou Imen ( t/ Nays n: R itencmer. istt.,s !; - - l m. John R. Hoffman 116.P ' -NrR tdary Hnrpn ILIA -n 1 - Pjrn - worth Iq �� x,eh.ao'a ..Fbttaem , F sync Cgrrunted Culy ' Goss In favor APProve 191, x,•.1..0 rr r wC., Com - - - - •ser eros 1110 I' ar.ar a Chane Kell M _ t ll AIIainst - s Paw sats } f .taroR'� Hyland w/t10 r - - Wunderlich- ,. ' t lar. President, Pe Irvin . PUBL1� 18807 American Linen Supply Company, 1.76 ' Police -Expense. 08 Board of Water Comms isioners, L Police -Expense 2 82 , ' St. C&R.-Exrense .04 !- C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense Heslth-P.Baths-EXpe.se 4 Sprinkling 66.84 -09 Albert Bonnier Company, 3.00 'I. P.Library-NBooks. 1i 10 Abe Cohen, 12.00 Police -Expense. �( 11 40e451 D. L. Colberg, health-P.Beths-Ex ense. p 62.481i 12 W. S. Conrad, Company, P.Parks-Expense. 13. F. D. Cummer & Sone, 157.00' St. C&R -Expense. -- 14 A. D. Davies, 15.5511` Paving Rice St. Univ. Ave. to N.P. Bridge. Bro., 15 W. J. Dyer & x.20 �i Gen. Mun. Gar. Revolvging. 16 Electric Blue Print ompany, 23.614 C C.P.W.-Expense. t- . �1� 4 17 Electric Construction Company, C.H.&C.H.-Expense. : V.I. A.3-tt�= I _ _ Res.. 581 5.2.76 18816 Fairbanks, -Morse &Company, - ' P.Pars-Expense. k 115.80 19. S. A. Farnsaortb, C.P.R.F., 4.5 �► Corp. Counsel -Expense G.F.Purch. D-,6xpense_ - P.Schools-Ex;-ense 11 .80 - - - 57.81 20 Farnell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 14. .. S S. r7ng-Expense 2 ¢.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense - G.F.-Docks, Wharves and Lvs. 4. 0 Sprinkling 57 81 - 1.70 21_ Field, Schlick .& Company, Auditorium -Expense. 3.23 22 Finch, Van Slgke & McConvillXe., - G.F.Purchasing Dept.- Pense. r 23 Ford Mnfg- Company, -St. C&R -Expense. 90.63. _ _ 24 Gabble, Robinson Company, _ P.Parks-Expense. _ 1:15 25 Gould & Company, C.P.W.-workhouse-Expense. - 221.95 26 A. Y. Herschler, P.Parks-Expense. 665.00 27 Jahn H. Hoffman, Fire-C&B 35.98 28 Mns. MHoranice-Expense. a 1 Ile - 52.27; 29. Hughson &Whitacre -' Police -Expense. 65.06 30 Lyle Ccr.rugated Culvert Company, St. C&R. -Expense. 31 Henry McColl, Com'r: pp. Safety$ 19� 527.36 ense Polo. & Fire Alm. Telg.- ,. ,g f comptroller-Expensedo Health-Quer-Exrense Police -Expense 7; b- _ 4:50 32 Maendler Brothers, - P.Library-Expense. .96 33 Merrill, Greer"& Chapman, Testing Lab-�Kpense. `. 4.10 34 Mpls. St.Paul & Ste. S.Marie Ry., Health-4uar_Expense. Res. 581 I _ 18835 A. P, Moore, 1 34.00 _C.P.W.-Expense .45 - St.0&R.-Expense j G .F.Crosewalks .55ts S.dfi.-Cing-Expense i 34.00 , 36 J. W. Morrison; _ Bdg. Bldg. &Ri-Expenss 35.0 70U.00 j C.P.W.-Exi ense 35` 37 770 National Sanitary Rag .Company, 28.75 Fire -Expense. 38.' Edward Neumann, 154.70 Police -Expense. Y' 39 Northwestern Else. Equipment Company, 75.78, 4 - Sewer -C&R -Expense. = 40 Northwestern Fuel Company, 25:85 is P.Pa:ka-Const. Phalen beach. - 41 Oriental Laundry Company, 14.84 Health -War -Expense. 42 Peoples coal & Ice Company, 53.¢3- Health-P.Baths-Rxpense. 43 Rathgeb & Sons, 9.54 `. Health-P.Baths-Expense. 44 Alex Rice, 13.30 Police -Expense. 45 Robinson- Cary & Sands, 178.57 71 Fire -Expense 4. SQo Water -Expense Sprinkling / 17 .20 57 46 - St.Paul Electric Company# 7.2tf 55.75 Fire -Expense. Pal. ;&';Fire A1m.T.Exp. 48.5 Health-P.Baths-Exp. Playgrounds -Exp. 5 5 f5 47 St.Paul Milk Company, 78.90'' Health-P.Baths-Expense.. 48 St.Paul Rubber.Company,, 11.51 Fire -Expense_. 49 St.Paul Union Depot Company, _ 901.12 G.F.-Docks, Wharves and Levees. - 50 John Schime, i Police -Expense. _ 51- C. S. Stewart, 352.50 health -guar Expense. 52 Anna Sparschutz, 14.70 ; Police -Expense.' , �. � f ! 5 � � � � 1 ' 'I ' �, I i ' is f ' t 1 � � CITY, OF ST; PAUL. -- • - GOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' $ublect: s r► COUNCIL �.l7Vl)C% FILE. NO.,. .. ..._._,,.,. Date Presented Au a,, .. 19I .q. ; r I ' Resolved, Thp- t the rade o, tint-, ullt; i?; '_dock 63 Bexinina tc .Oliver ss Ll:;ition, I &t. chat: ?l ))y:. the rv:. �Ta—ie line on r.e aQ:'0?_ponying Uro lc' and. as reco.eneaded J., the Conuniswiorer•o_ Ftulic vlork-X, Ire Em, d the ,3ELme is herc'cJ adopted a- tre e:tabli:;n'ed ;,;xade. 1 II j C. F.4\0.16068—ny. [. RemolarI That tho grndo of the .1. - Irv. In Itlnek-, 6'I lenning Q 011vees Ad�llt.en, 1. nhu;4 by the red grnd. linea" the aeeompnnylnt� P-111. and I ofre—inended by the .Amminnlener PUhilc W—ke, be and .the nnm. 1. herebyAdopted am thi, e.labllehed grade.' 1 Adbptvd by thF ceAnril Aug.I6, 1917. - ApP Fed Aug. 16. I9r7. (AUK. 25.19171 Yeas (1') Councilmen (C) Nays AUG 15 1917 Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth / "LG Ft 10,7-' Coal �' In favor Keller / App ed 191 '.... `:3de61Ri4 -_:- Atipinet t -- Nash Yoerjt Mr: President, Bowen wavuR CITY' OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM SSubject:WDM -- m COUNCIL .. .. FILE No. - - t . Date Plesented'Aug` 15th 1917 19.1 At Rmlved, that the City Clerk is he'reby�\dirscted to cause the eetimatee of the eapaneee of the City for the,fiseal year of 1918 and of the reVehue nec4tlaebry to meet said expenses submitted ye the Council by the Comptroller to be published in the official paper of eeid City on 'August 25th. 1917: Resolved further that the Council hold public hearings from day to day in the regular plan of meeting of said Council in the Court House and"'Cita Hall at 10 *'clock 1n the for -soon for not Inge than twenty days beginning October let. 1917 at which times and place, all residents of the City of St. Paul desiring to be heard may be heard in reference to 610y of said elstimatee or any i thereof . Rgsolved further tat the City Clerk prepare and cause to be published in the official *��; raper'et'the City at the stiles tinea at said, estimates of expenditures ere published a notice. of said times and place of public hearinge,which published notice shall iamediately proceed said publi>A1ted estimates of expenditures in said Official paper, and shall expressly call C. F. No.. 18009-- IIYRd1rect d that o tthe cauae ItAe le•amete her.. attention and refer thereto. the eapgnae• or the cIty _For the decal *•car of 1918 qnd, o[ the revenue, nes ted to the tcouncllib eapen•,- submit-'. In be ppubtlehed in the off, tnptroller aOld Clty. n AURuet 28th, .111 paper or , ne•olvll further. that the,Councll hold ep R,u hca rinRa from: day. to aY I O_c Rular place o[ meetln6 0[ ielA - .. Councll. J. the Caurt H "ae and -City - hell -at. to •clock In the'. forenoon for no leas than twenty AaYabe6ln- .1.1 9 tube .tat. 1917 at which times I and Place ell`. reeldcnta of the Cf it f 8t. Paul de Ir1nR to be heard may bo heard 1. referenrc to gnY.o[uld tlepare a I rtftrr�thatthere the It Clerk lhe�oelcl i°.ca°e8 ooilthe pe aubllehep In same tineas Bald eKlmate.lot.et. tin (tl) Councilmen (:) Nays dituree are• nubl!•ked a zpen- tltn a' and notice of said August 15th • 7 which plaPe Of publlr. hearingas, d by the Council g 19I ,Farnsworth putillehrd ..if ahali ImmIs ataly preerde •Old. publlahed eatlmataa r, l CO3a � 7' In e8pendlturca In-. aRid oRlclal-naner. � t I 4 tt .Hyland .0 - raf cth«retopreesly call attentidn and e by pproved t 191 7 Keller rnnrrwed Aug e°iaii.°us. 16,lat7 I 1 McColl 0 A AaR 1.1 917. _ \..� A A _ Mr. President. Irvin Fon' -FORM. C.0-2 s. , CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING 139PARTMENT .�,r.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FoUENDIL N_ 18070 , #UPITED AUU I _,$I— p- 585 81_ PEO ]� 585 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out_of the hereinaf*r�pecified funds an ' in favor of the. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their' respective names a7 specified in i4�e feo2f%ewing detailed 1 statement: -\ ) p AUbI ; Yeas ` 4 Councilmen J Nays if. Adopted by -the Council 191^ ' Farna orth tl,1 Goss - favor Apprt�e_ 1 191 Keller MCCo O Against OL Hyalnti s . x.. leovo- MAYOR10. 1.d that -arrant' be Wunderlich •on the City T--ury, ''U".= on Mr. e MPdPaw the h.relnatter .oeemeyarune. and . i -Irvin • favor of th. p.r.ona firma or rnr- 1 . � ration. for the amouatr aeroPPoetta Pf1 "�-/ 'air- re.Decth. Hamer a specified to / -' fo11ow Anel" PUrtLtameat: IIpII L_ tt' Awtin; ,Purchuln6 AQeat, 'I+I R Ber. 7111'. - •� Pryhoto Crat6t Car5. . $24.65. _fid Co.. t16.Ra. `I arrew !t' .e. li j 18860 He We Austin, Purchasing Agent, 54.26: Mayors Office -Expense .30_ �. C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. .40 P.Parks-Expense I� Mater -Expense 4.26' k 61 C . F.. :Berry, 111.35 t, P.Parks-Expense. — u 62 Browns, Photo Craft Company; !?4.00 (; Pasehools-Fxpense. (� 63 Capital Envelope Company, 24.65 Comptroller -Expense. J." h 64 W. -S. Conrad Company, P.Parks-Fxpense. - (' 65 Craftsman Press, 62_e80 P.Se hoole 4xpe nse . ".80 G.F.-Prtd. forms and blanks / .80 66 Adam Decker Hardware:Company, _ 27.79 Health -War -Expense .90 ! Schools-C&B �i P.Sehools-Equip,5. _ Water -Expense 27. 9 67 E. S. Ferret' &Son, 6.e6 JI, Water-Expenser 68 Gopher Lime & Cement,337.56` Fire C&B. 69 Hackett, Gates.& Aurty, 1.3� Pear ear1�s-Expens a . Y nn A. tall ` ; P Page 42 tRes. 585 , I 44.66 ,l `18870 Handlon & Company, 777, fi' P.Parks-Expense. 1.25 71 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company, - C.P.W.-workhouse-Expense. ye 72 Kuhles & Stock Companq, 2$.79 P.Parks-F:xpense. 81 83 73 Msnhattan oil Company,. Sewer C&R Expense St. "C&R -Expense Health-Qu&r-Expense/� 25.00 i 94 C. W. Moore, G.F.--!Civil Service -Expense. 75 Northwestern Else. Equipment Company, P.Parks-Expense. r - i Cor oration 3,579.60 - 76 - Pierce Op p Sprinkling. 79 Pittsb�irah Plate Gla" Company, 121.13 P,Schools-Expense . - 42:66 78 Quayle & Kelley, Water -Expense. 11.48 -' 79 Rathgeb &`Sons, P.larks-Expense. " .9D ' 80 Reed Motor Supply, Paving Mounds Blvd. E. Seventh . 81 St.Anthony Park_ Congregational Church, 62.50 P.Schools•Exgnse. 88 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, - 234.00 P.Schools-Equipment. 233.62 83 St.Psul Electric Company, 1 Sewer C&R -Expense 6 p.Parks-Const. Phalen Beach %" 33 62 4.70 84 Schuneman & Evans, 1 20 �! P.Schools-Expense' Playgrounds -Expense Central H.S.-Library 4. 0 64.83 85 Seabury & Company, P.Parks-Expense.ti 86 South Park Foundry & Machirie Company; 130.50 Water-Expsnse. 600".00 87 Thornton Brothers, G,F.-pocks, Wharves and; Levees. - 39.00 p _ 88 Tierney" & Company, Water -Expense., 481.25 89 Wm. H."Ulmer Company,- Pay. E. Seventh St., Page i3. Res. 585 _ 71 18890 Villaume Box & Lumbar Company, 13.00 Fire-C&B . _ 91 - Waldorf Bindery, 0 1.00 - F.Library-NBooks. �. 92 Western Display Company P,Parks-Expense. 93 Wilcozaon-Coal & Coke :Company, 315 .,75 Water -Expense. ~801.59 ,I �I I i I I I - _ I' ; a II I f i I� J • .CITY OF ST. PAUL - I ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL. N0 �i — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION `FORM FILE By- r 191 191 1 AUDITED — i l PER v 588 - ��►►. — Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City ')treasury, payable oui of the hereinaftit spec fled funds and s i; i id favor of the persons, firms of corporations for the amounts set opposite rheic respective names as specified: in UG 1.0lo'g I7 detailed statement: - Adopted by the Council 191, yeas( it C ncilmen i) Nays L� - ���� FZ �( Fa sworth APProv ' 191_ _In favor Go - t _ r Ke er — M 11 Against - eirr' Hyland, I Wunderlich Mr. President, rs Irvin l r.11 w CITY OF ST. PAUL r t� «•-I *a ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT, COUNCIL NO° .LV ! 2.' CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1`I r By �I AUDITED 7 C ` PER 586 586 _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter 9pe:ified fundayand I in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following det�tledl j,' statement: QUGt A 1917 I i Yeas ( J ) Con oilmen ( J ) Nays r _ Adoptedbythe Council_ 191_ i Farn worth 191 Gots In favor Appro d C :' Kell MCC Ill _�_Agaitist _ MAYOR ALA a Hyland - _ Wunderlich Mr. President, GGs Irvine { i 1 1, 2:.50 1889 Joe Abell, Water -Expense..,. i 95 Carlson & Sandquist, 150.00` Curbing Amherst_ from Cambridge to Geneva. 96 J. J. Connolly, 969.87 Sewer Butternut Street. j 97 Fielding & Shepley,. 17,340.00 Paving Iglehart Ave. Rice To Dale Ste i lI '+ 98 Ce 0. Hardwick,' 3.00 9 (Plater-Esxpense. �1 gg Ch Vater 2n999.14 GradirC Juliet_from-SyndicAte to Edgecumbe Road 2167.72 Sewer on Arch St. from { Columbia to LfOrient 831 :4L 2;999.14 1•i i I - 1 i; T C. F. No. 18072— Resolved 007R solved thA t warrants be dmout up. �.. n th Clty.T easurY Datable lhabetelnafter pDectded funds and Itt" favor or the persons, Arm.or corpora- !� - - ,..a for for the amounts - met ov , to' - their respective names as-�peclded 111 !� the foil wing dnalled statement: - . Joe Abell. $22.60.ub4 60 - - �' .Carlen & fiend 3100. J. J C ...Ill;'. 888 67 t Fielding p - - &wlheDle7.810.00. e0C. n Hard2 0 Christ Johnson, $299914. - Adopted by .the. Council Aug. 16, 1917. a (� Approved. Aug. 19 '19 17. (Sept. 1-1917) I _ r. II i CITY OF ST_ PAUL COUNC I L_ RE SOLUTI—O fV--GENERAL FORM Subjedtc �. - - CQENCIL 99 ````� r' 11hol4 _ N.O.... _ _ I _. Date Presented --I _ i - Resolved, ' L That the aa:lic .r. ,v Jo .n ? :irk cr, a=.icanz3c: t., 0,3" i'cot ` . _-ra est 17� Sz;V n '. E tra't, __. t. -,a sall. e' q x ay 16 �_ .� _ __._. t::e „i _ 1 k 'naLxruata_ is _,uc such o. J. .. ..art Y.,r n, y_- ,u, t,- ,.Ly._nt in c - C. F. No. 6076=RY or, me CoII— 1 - - Resolved. That. theappllcatlon of - • john F. Kirk: ear a Ileeuse to Conduct a Th etre at 176 E. Seventh 8treeq be - andthe same hereby 1s Rrnntell and ssue City Clerk le . - instructed one issue ' - the Kirk for such .license to J. P- - upon the payment -Into the City Treas- - Hundred - - - or, of the .tee. or. One 1$Ioo.o,) Oonars \Jopled by the Council Auk• 16, 3917.' - ,\,proY d Auk• 16. �i.(A 9. 25.1917) Yeas (V) ounilinen(:)Nays �ars orth r` /r' 11 Y �+ /J Adopted by the Council 191 In favor _ ! l ell d ) )'i l: 7 '-- Apuro M — -- c M II ed _—Again —` 1 ,Wu erllCh 1r Mr. President Irvin CMY—OF ST:, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—'GENERAL FORM �- irP Subject: _... .. COUNCIL 1-8075 .FILE No.. ........ ... ........... ..... " ...................../ ... _............................. ......................... ........ Dale Presented ,1.._... __.:. ....191.:...__ Resolvei ,. That.the* Cic-aretta License .iu. 372, r7hich expires Decelfoar 22nd, 151 , nu'.'r in the nacre of A—C. C. Johnson, 315 R—do Street, . be and tae same hereby is trarafarre:,to Caorge Sec::nlar, 315 Rondo Strast. I / - L. F.� \o. 18076--a)' H.nry' 11MAAIh 7•hn1 eth4. Cil,nrefl� Ilr hlei 8pir a Uecc, nL 22nd. now In the nnmc or A. C. Johnson, 2361 . 1•�tMn ferred to ""A dhe, ".m hereby Itond. Street. 81 SMI. r, 216Ado�. . 'tpprptea oved Au I, he Council Au& 19,E 1917. 16,'.19]7 f _ (Au8:26-1917) I - Wit. (1'j C litilmen (i•) .Vey, - vJF worth - ldopbd Ly Connril tot.. � In tn'or H It II - Ageinxt tY nderGch --------- "--------------------—Mxvotr---- FONM C 11-D 6.17 2M �P — CITY—OF. ST..PAUL-- -- - - -- a: - COUNCIL RESOLUTION+—GE.-NERAL-,FORM" _ COUNC-tFILE. N o � 6 1 Date Presented ..J 91 That ti a >r :ar Cit:' W iciala are to arae a fvr t'..., s,. T ._ae ';}f ' of -." �•� 3..L.;t%Slt 41, by ..r .a._1....... iU2' li^ SU2i:..J�. _f . 17.3 • .. f ai, r v' ti.a li;.ar,6e I - G p' No.1E078—U—Hey Mccoll— - r Resolved. That the Proper ! o[ff- I�lla are hereby iauthorlsal. In !r aarrantg to ou 34 for the Pula of These . ISf7 Nd dollars. tame .being s. refund- .. (.,• 197.00) .female .~ went of the amounb Dald. hYufr. gran- y w 'fund I;gls.. ,uounto la on- Iht6llrefuound- F was debtroYea In e - _ r''� t `I r 3 1 ii because dog could secure r rr,n f i r. fl ,before )Ir- Resndlunurehaeed the 11- Resol u* ' bova same, duet nav0. o 1 0 I1F Banes-. ld by t 'N^• uu atteoh 16,1917. ADD ovd d llui he 4� 1917. Aug. " l� Yeas (t) Cotineilmen ( ✓) Nays 'I iworth Ift 10:7 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor er ---- ---- Approved � is Ic 7 191 01� Against derlich /1 .1-Preald ; 17 in, ----- ---- --' ij — oat+"c.en w Ydn T' - -_ :ITY- OF ST-.- PAUL — COUNCIL.`RESOLUTION-GENERA Subject: counts"0) ri0� s ' FILE Date Presented All gu at 1681917191 l I Resolved. AREAS, the Purchasing Agent advertised for all coal required for use by the City durthglthe season of 1917161918, as required by'the Charter, and on account of unsettled conditions no bide were received, and. WHMMAS, itis necessary to obtain sufficient coal for the city require ante as rapidly as possible, and present 'conditions being such as to constitute an emergenoy,•now,therefore be it RESOLVED, that_the Purchasing Agent be, and he is he au- thorized to purchase, with 'the consent of the kayor and Cokp- troller, without asking for competitive bide.; a pro�#mAtely 2500 hundred tons,of bituminous coals at a price of 16.50 per ton, delivered to the various sc,hool0 in the City of St.Paul, being, a.total price of approximately 516,250.00, chargeable to SCHOOL NUM) -OTHER EXPENSE.' C P..:CO. 18077—IIY Albert' Wunder- - lI h— l4h•_eaF the -Purchasing Agent ad tertlsed for all coal required for use f II by the City during the season of 1917- 1918. as 9171918;as required by the Charter, and s - on .account of unsettled candltlona a. - bide -are and. Whereas. It is necessary to obtain sugleicnt "coal for the elty requln- me to as rapidly as passible.. and Ores-I.. ,. ant condltlonsbeing such aa. to Vona,,- " I tine an emergency, now ,therefore be 1 I' t ne--Wed. That the Purchasing Agent be and he Is hereby authorised to purenaae. t�-Ith the consent of rhe" _ - Slay,•or and Com pp troller, without ask- ' _ Ing far ampetitiVe blds..apDro:imata•�I - ly. 2.600 tons or bltuminous coal,. ata price of 16.60 per ton.. delivered to the various schools In th. City of 8t, Pau6) being a total price of apDrbal..tely -- 810,260.00, chdrgeabl. to School hLnd- Uther. Eapease. - - Adopted by the ncll Aug. 16. 7917.) - ADProvgd AuR. 18. 1817. - (Aug. 86-1817) Yeas (J).un men (:) INaye J6 1 1Q Farns Orth - Adopted by the Council - 191 Goss ; In favor Hyll KeIIE -`— --lot -- Mc Against- W rlich --tvlr-Presidlnt: rvim------------ - --------- - =--------------.aamaw------ "CITvOF ST. PAUIL ^, F COU NCI'L RESOLUTION--G ENE RALF-OF�WI---- 1/-,)�(-'� 7--Tf --"- Subject:, .. � FILE N O. / . ✓ 077 Date Presented a.eA. -! t.R s -e l719 Resolved, WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent advertises for all eos.1 required for use by the City during the season of 191701916, as required by the Charter. and on account 'of uneettled conditions no bids were received, and WHYti3Aa. it is necessary to obtain sufficient coal for the pity requirements as rapidly as possible, and present conditions being such as to constitute an emergency, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby au- thorized-to purchase. u- thorised to:purchase. with the coneent of the Mayor and Comp- trolier, without asking forcompetitivebids, a$$progigaftly 2600 hundred tons of bituminous coal. at a price of #6.60 per ton. delivered to. the various schools in the City of St.Peul, being a total price of approximately $16,260.00, chargeable to SCHOOL BUND-OTHEAR EXPENSE. C Yeas (J) Councilmen (1) Nays AdoptcdbythoiCouncil 191 Farnsworth Coss In favor. — McColl Against Wunderlich MAYOR ----Ms_Premdent__Icytn------------------------- ----------------------------- —OUNCIL RESOLUTIOMW*EN-ERA. FORM- Subject:. lbU7" COUNCIL. FILE N 0...., _ Date. Presented.__... but .....14.,....:_71917.... ' I I' Resolved, That the time opuci' igd for the pc.rforr.:nce of certain contracts between Oli;eil & erl _tux end the Cit;; of St. P-ul for, the construction of the Jeffer,-on-Crctin Qe ,,or , I ter7, d&',Pd J-ane 26,' 1916 and for the con.;tructior. of a senor on PLfrvio., iive. .:rota St. Clair to Jefferso-n Ave., dated S pt. ,'„0., 1916 ba end the cane are hereby. cgtended to the 15th @ O_ ii 1l_._':, 1917 anl� the ,.ropey ei�_„ of-iv4'n .are ::aret)y. .1''nO .i .�eU t0-. e:�e..?.� L'. to 9'__Q Co::tr cts in accordance here it':, providFvL, i;ovrever, that t1 _ :-c. olution shall not hove an force u e _•cet u.^.le tiro arc e:' c:* :)e-ccltrtcto.re bold mo cent. . roto L..r.:i fi1 ugh co-;,Cent in < ritihJr tlh the City co:.ipt roll or. I C. F >to. 38075— ' 1 nee0lved; That the time sp�ified [or - ' the performance of certain Eontracta between C,-4ell &'Preston and she Cltl' of St. Paut. for the conatructlon of. the -- JurterSG 781Btln. Fewer and or the c.. I, of a ewer on Fairview Ave... from St. lair St. to.: Jefferson Ave.. datedBepbL ex�tetola be and tile same are b nded to the 15th day of :August. l .1817 and the proper city officers are,. herebya authorized to execute: amend-i - herewith, Irlovidad�rhowsr�•r. rthat this! resolution. shall not have. any force.'. contractors'a bon d the thereto And file such=copxen4 In writing with the I. City Co. - Adopted. by the Council Aug. 18.7817. Approved (Aug. 125-1817) �. U6. 16 1917 Yeas (t") C nulmen (t') Nay�r / /. Adopted by the Council � 191- F F worth -_; In favor a — -- / K ler (�J r� -...-- ---- — --- APProvetl i9i ..... (' h oil I ,Against f Nh 1 — -- --Ilk- Y rg— Mr. Preside . Powers ; Miro FOR. C.9•Y 5L. Paul, Minn. Auv. lb, 1917. Tn the Honore ble flit;; Counc il, C 1.T Y. Gr," -lemon, ,r v,,Oula roepectfully acK yw.zr Honorable Body to cause the contr6cts'fortlthe construction of the time of completing the Jeffcr or .C. titin Se rer 5ystciz; , <,- CITY':OF._T. PAU.i:._ COL-NG!-L—RESCII UTLQld��ENERAL FORM Subk: FILE NO...... Date Presented Resolved, That the time spe,:'iiied for the pe_;o mai:oe of a certci:: con'iact I dated June 11, 1917 between Carl on w S1)ndcuist ard;the City of 3t. Pt=u1 for the curbing 'of :nherst. St. from Ci, -.11 die J;ve. to Geneva St. be wid the same is hereby er_tended to the Stn Say or i I AuJust, 1917 and.the proper cit; of=icers are hereby aluthorized to execute an amendment to sait"t contract in accordance hereIvfith, 1 provided, however, that this resolution shall not 'rave any force anc, o£_'ect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and Pil such consent ir. r7 .ri..-h the Ci%; Co.,l troller. A . C. F. No 18019— - H .olved. That the .time ap.clded for the performance or a betwyteen. S.c.a'Arlls"on - - - dated June 11, 1911, @ 8andpulat-and the Cherat st. Paul for'. the- curbing of AmNent Ht. from Carid ge Avc. to Geneva Ht.. be and: '- .Lha eame Ie h ruby.. -:tended to the st propeara,.Ji om ereu a o horeDTaauthor.1 , mad to execute an .amendment .to add '..'t—t 1. accordance herewith.. Dro• e. _ Tided, h. erar: that this roaalutlon ..hall no[ here TY force:nd contrfleeffaet un rd lean thn-aurettee an,-lhta bond Iona Tt. thereto end Ado .such consent fn: -writing -with t It . Com troller. Approved theAug• 18u 1917 -'AUR• 18. 1911• (Aug. :6-1917) `UG 1E; !9'7 Yeas (1') Councilmen (1') Nayli. ) Adopted by the Council 191 _ Far worth Gos ` In favor r Ir ' i 7 191 ..... Kell r (t Approve% (-1 / �_ F Me oil--- Noe r� i Yoe -- —A4r PdsidenPowers- -- - _ _ _ MAYOR FORM C.9;2 -..X j f . 1 To the Honora le Gi-; Council, C I 1. Gentl omcr., - A ;7e ,.oald respect 'u7ly as'ic, that your Honorable 3oay ceruse the time o ;:omplcting the contract for, the curhir. of n*rherlbt 5t. rom Carnuria,e 2t. to Geneva St. be e yencied to siagxet ©, 1917. Orrin...; to lrioor conditions i' rres not possible .for us to =iniuh thizc cortrLot within the timc specified, hence •.lc'de;ire to as'r. ghat the time for completinv. same be.rusde as hcrcinbeiore stcteci. Yo -Ir,- vc,ry truly, lI �-�—� � � ,-c/ c, -,^•mac f .�,�` ; Contractor a Therc is no objection to Navin; the time extended a, requested, a�- fur.a's the roo :irgn�l� of ;Li: oiPic e ;:oncerned ;roe of Construction & Repairs' Cor.�i _sior.cr o i'rilic ''+7 r're Chie' lmi3inter • L I CITY : PAUL. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—G.F•NERAL FORM is , w -Subject `OUNCIL- h080No...,_... ' LI I Date Presentee .. k .......14., . .191 7 .. Resolved, That the time sped •ied for the pe z- orml^.nce of a certain con -:Tact dated 2:i1r- 1, 1917 lbet Pecr 'Fetor Dic'%or. t)d ie CitJ . of. St. Paul for the ~rad 1., 'Of aro: pt on 3t. .ror Doswell &ve. toC'alc,o�nbe live. be and ' the Deme is herob e., -.tended to the 13th day of Luvust, 1917 and the .. pr aper sit of_'{cars are hereuy`authorize` to-orecute ar_ ezllondment to said contract in accordance herer!i„•., provided, hociarer tnat th'is resoltztion chill not have any force l.nd e=lect urleL�o the sureties o: the co^'.ractor'ls bond cotaent tnere:o and 'ilc ;;u h oor,.;ent in eiriting aith tl:e Cit,. Co:aptroller. ` C, F 10.18080—.. 1 _ BesZ'A That.: the time specified for the dated ra Ce 1917 between of a contract May 1 Peter - Dlckeon'and thei CHY of St. Paul for the grading of Brompton St. from bgewell'Ave: to. Chflcombe Ave.. bs and the 'same is ,herebyextended to - the 15th' day of August. 1911,' and the proper city officers are hereby author - is", to r eeafe' an amendment tosold eontra t In accordance herewlth pro- vided..however,. that in,. resolution shall not have am force and eReet.un- lo.. the, nurellee on the contractor's. botait In nu rttinit gereith. the eto andICity c(3amp- trollor. Adopted by the. Council Aug. 16, 1917. Approved tug. 16. 1917. (Au& E6-1817) 1+ 'UG M 1917 Yeas (t') C oilmen (i') Nays - /FS % Adopted by the Council Fa'worth Go In favoy ' Ke r f Approv w.. 19t:....... M oil! Agsin9t ' Mr. Presiden Powers itwroR FORM C.9•i- - i 1�iOso 7 St. Paul, ?dinn. Aug. 13, 1917.. To the honorable City Comic il, C I T Y. Gentlemen, r I would respectfully ask that yob Honorable Body cause the time of completin the contract for the grndi.ng of Bror.lpton Ave. fl�on-ho&lell I,ve. to Chilconbe Ave. be extended to the 13th day of Auguct,.1917. Ming to labor c-onditions it was not po2sible for no to .. fi n' .}, tl io Jnr -..act r,ithiii t:he time spei;ifie , hence I desi:'(;, to as'c twat he time for .;q talctin,; same be !:vddc u,; hercinbw ore :Mated. Your:. vers r:ily� Contractor There is no objection to ha -;-in- the time extende3 as requested, as'far as the reri4iiremcnts of this office is concerned. 2t. o.: Construction Z i2epair Connissibner oS ?nblic Worlp Chief rhgineer. - CITY OF '•&I. PAUL r COUNC.I•L'RESOLUTI1W_1*_ RAL. FORM , Subject: COUNCIL nu : N \7 Date Presented A,/� l Resolved, That thl: tiinq spocified for Ghe PLrfoxiaacnce of a eortuin contruet dated --hat. 31, 1916 between Gu -t :T !'con, .doir.-'bu:ine. e as the I - Standard Bton.e '3onpr~ry ana the 91tY of 3t. P&U1 ;'or `the c z, -bind of " Goodrich l.vo. from Le:/in-ton :1•<e. 1to the c`.icz:Lo, -:i].: uiiee St. Paul i F;;';. be 'e,ntl ;e B :ne iy hereb,,- eatenclad to tim 11--.. t;.-: of st, 1317 ani the nro.;er ci+, oi''{ ers Lre haz 1y' utl.c:ized to cz:eoute a:': t i:: las to car;'ruct ir: nc^or.:rnce herr;:i.h, p:o-.i:ea, l;or;evor, a.. a _ ra ola';io.! Iaiii .,o its \u .. _t,ro•-j a_.c.ct I trr:___. :hl. ._--u,;, .u:. �: ,_ :;c..�rw to_':. i� :c-•__ .,c�• �a .a "iia i ueh cork., in .. "he City �,30 ,7 10 •_.c_ . I I I C. F. No. 189!1-8y IL X. Go. - Iteaalved. That the time ionclae� for 4ha performnnl`e of c rtaln.contract dLted Olt. 51,. 1928, between Oust Net:, i son, dpinF butllneee ' on � the Nlnndard Ntnnc L'ompa y .0 -the City of -8t. ' ' P-1 Nr the curbing %of (T..d,lch Ave. 1. I - from 1—lnl:lon Ave. to -.the Chicago: - '�Illwnukee & Nl. Taut nl - be and the I came 1s ttrrehy. extended to the 11th. dnY. a[ An b 1917. and. the prober Iry•' bMcere or hereby author):ed to ' r ul. nn nl enm dent to aid con- t t In.+acc lance herewith:, provld- f bows •� that this resolution shall 6 h n( a v force and Rett : unless - thesu _it. on the eontrallor's bond �I - In rliintfewlth the City a Comptroller. \dell d 1 `th •. CUoncll Aag•' 18,' 1917.. Appr—ld A-9 18. 3917. (AUK. 28-1917) 1. �yls Iq Yeas (t') Councilmen (i') Nays Adopted by the Council / 191./ Far .1 worth Co ` % In favor Ke r l.i' Approv I f l 191.... M oll Against Na , Mr. Presiden Powers _--� FOR. C.9-2 ------------- `,jt. Yaul, 11::L• nLlo. 'ice., ni To'1he Honorable- Cit;; Council, C I T, Y. Gent lemen.,- I °,:oirld respectfully as 'k %ha .. your Honor::ble Body cause the time ox coaplotin;- "lie contras, or the curbinc of Goodrich Lve. 1 o`7 Txyinzlon gvo• to the Chieuiz,o, 'Iilnuu;cee & St. Paul taitcicy be b extended to Gu:,u t 11th, 3917. t.o labor crondit'iors it ,:gas not possible for he to firiieh this eor.t.Let c:ithin the tirse specified, her.ce I desire "10 ack that the time "or cotnoletin,� sano be made es hereinbefore stated. 'tour:.' very t ral;; , �I Contr&etor a Thcr no ol; jectior. to hLvi t; the ti*ne extended a: rceuested, t 'far u' the of this ef:'ico i concerned, Supt. of Cor.' tic tion 8: heFairc Cor:Imissionor o: 1'uWork Chic 2 sneer - I - I ���� CITY O PAUL .ENERA.FORM -RESOLUTION—,GL _ COUNCIL ---Subjcct: : - — -- NO. nw Date Presented.__ u.-.. 16.x.::...... 191..:,7.. Htlesolved, : -hat =o_ ,:a io. ,._.oe o $atoll o,1. iL 0,. :vo..from of _ve .11 - D 'tea ._ti o. .o ;__ - _P�oro we. _ .. 7.1 „v. o Jr�'�� - ave. .-•.• ..•. •)�_. i� ':�1", .i�J c:.. =t.'.1 ,C:. to �:'!G' 16th dL;; O_ -list,i .... + o_ 'Q--sLsru &...i n t)r0.;c: Ua.-.... o '_ hcr..,'_ , no:rev n i= �l a :: 'c 'e �n`.ies o. tni rc.la _. .-. co,.�rcc or' o. oo �._^.t. .hf__.'.o :::i _� ',toh co:. i icirr, with the . ' [_ _t Co. 18069 flY al. W Gppass- - ccontr ed 1.t - it soltvrmnnoThae oreh��ertaln l' then -lretu rem.Chrlet -^ay. 7 lath, . ror. - dated of sc rain J i -nndth City of (1tls. Ave trom. \tnrshell . - theK edlhK \ ... to t.aur.l Ave., at ntrose Ave.'. to I.aarel Ave. nhd - ft m Drtyto Ave' mariboro .I e from ]larshall x\e. here')" i -ton Ave.. br' and the to ep� oily otn ere' by' ei<1917, And thep'h'r an ( tr.' 'hereby to acontract - - ore hereby to atard. it. - aemndment: to sotd horever.l - her tth, provided. - conl.— that this rceolutfon shnll not have any I the. enrollee on ' force rtnd .etroct unless th.• contra wr'e. hon't oneent th with In writing . - ' nnA aie such eoneent the CRY Comptroller. - ug, 16. 7617. \ doited b the Cou6. ncil ux: 1,JG_ a;7 J Yeas ( 1') C � cilmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council 1/ ! 191. i F atvoith / Ga K r In favor Approv A—Against . 191.... . C•9 elf N wwroR - Mr. Presiden Powers ' .FORM C.9.2 -, ✓ 4( fir,« 116 //l To the 'Eonori.ble Cit;, o.ingdI , I Y. I ero:tld re:ipect ` .ly i:c, 'fat :ioizr, Honorable 30Lly ct:use the time of coraar;tin-othhe '.o},?,rust for hc- _ rz..3nt; of Qui:: Ave. fro ?zrahall A,;e. to la-nrcl i:ve.', 7.,ortroso ,';ve. fro,: D,.yton lvo. to T,�...rol Ave. and :, : lboro ,.va. i' -otn Murahall Ave. to D:l ton Ave. be extended lois da, of AL..,.:,., 1917. 0.:i, to .L-hor uif_ i ,; l :ic i" vw; no'c poe i le for i:ie „ } to i 1,.. h rc f_ ail, 'r.cr, e I bo as.. prat i c `'u: o '..c..i: „ &Ic ",U y,: o cr< .rbc_'o_c sited. I Con c.c';or, I no jc;etion .bo ha inn tilt: time v nd 1Lj ruquootod, the Cn 1,u n er l CITY OF ST., PAUL t. r ,• P�Mi.INCIL RErSOL - N,>—C1 fFiNERAL. FOrRM rSr i - Subject: - - .`eoumt 1 -ho Date Presented ' . i., 14.1 191 7. I Resolved, That the time specified foz -he pe o ^.a;rlce of s cortair.contract dated Feb. -20, 1917 betw0en-Chri-st Johnson and the Cit; of Sz. Paul for the „r E.?,ir. i of Juliet St. from Syndicate St. to rdaeumbe Road, be and .the seasis hereby cxtended to the lith day of Auvust, 1917 and I � the prcpe. city officers are. hereby authorised to c7ecate an a • C "re n t to said contract in, ttccordanec-herewith,.pro':ided,hoaever, t at tilts ru::olution .:he.not :ave a.: fo i e was e ec'� a.ioe tl.0 robes on the °o:: rz_c or).. Logd consent thcrc o all,-, _lt_•h co..oent in writing 1 with the 9it•d Co t otroller. s' 'C. V. No. 19090— 1 -t Resolved. That the -time sperlaed tar the performance of n certain'.—t-e toted lneh: To. 1917. between Chrlat. Johnson and the City of St. :I•aul,for I the grading of 0ullet St. from 'Syndl- eate.St. to EdRcumbe noad. br andl the nmo G herebl xteoded to the 10th - dn1 f August 1917. and: the pfoper c1q metre are hereby -authorised to x.cut. an nmendrant t6enld conlraet accordance hrewith, provided,. hox•ever. that thls resolution. nhnll. not hove .any force and effect unless the sureties on thecontractor'. bond. con- sent ythtereto and me such consent In - I w Adopted by theeCounell Aug. 15. 1917 -(Au - Approved .Aug. 126.1917) . rIG 1R call Yeas (r•) Councilmen (I') Nays / / I Adopted by the Council M 191 l arpsworth "J; V15 / o In favor / Gtr U Approved 191...... McColl Against Y Mr.freside 'Powers _ PORM C.E-9 Of , St.._Paul, To the ionoratble Cit.; no,,: cil, C I 1. Ger..' :,.,;on, - L rou1(1 re ne.ci .ally tz or.r S7o::o'_L's.lo ":od r: to eau; e the ; tF.� I:.C:I t� a�:: "r E`:��.i 1`, Ui:� iCt :it. iro7.i S,rndicate .. ti."e o�r c.Cra,.' C i. c at. '-o :Sdge mbe Road be c..tcnded to !>u;u' 15, 1917. a-An6 to Tibor :!onditionu at aaz no,;- possibl_ 1,or me to I '_ir: �,eoi ini, hence T do. ire to a.;k -,ha.t the tine" for cozr.iaetirg sa.::e tie r.>u:ie ae hoi i.r.bi;fore utrited. There is no ol,jc•ction to %:avi the time entendod rcquctel , a i4 t'.10 re i.r "'c nl— of —.iS Of-'-"CL ConCcmned. Supt. of Conut_,, ion & itcpwir Cotmmiu-'idnor of i'uu7.it _17or. Chief En: -ii icer x i _ CITY. 0 ST. PAUL - -COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION' GENERAL. FORM - Sublect: _ <4 COUNCIL FILE, N o `. 1 tSu8 r DAte'Presented 191 Resolved, 'Mat' the proper city officers are hereby authorized to payout of the Workmen's Compensation<Account of the General Fund, the.sum of $19.50 in partial settlement of the.claim ofJohn;Holatz, other wise known as Holeo, for injuries received by him while employed -by the City on the 4th day of May, 1917. I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. C. F. No. 16064'-----. -----. -----'------ "— Resolved. That the proper city oRl- jcere are hereby authortaed to pay. out Com dedfioneT Of Pub11C WOr 8. of the Workmen's Compensation Ac• - `count or the General Fund. the sum of $16.60 In partial settlement of the _ claim of John Hoists, otherwise known - nn Holec; for Inlurles ...Iled by all while employed by the Cityonthe 6th - day of May. 1617. - - - Adopted-by the Council Aug. 16, 1617. Approved. Aug. 16, 1617. (Aug• 16-1617) 1 Yeas(v)podinolmen (.'') Nays Par}1 Orth Adoptcil by the Council 191 Go In favor ' I l tt IC Hy d Kel r Approved 191 \7.- 71 —. - -----_ .-A-oa --__---- --._ _. ... _. __ �.�__........- .t W�I trlich U Mr. Presiden�. Irvin CITY OF ST. PAUL C:UNCI-L_ RES(PCUTION=GEN-ER A -LL ._ `O.R-M--,--_._¢•_t,,�_ 4 •..._ Subject:. • ' COUNCIL N... 1C.70C/r FILE NO. - - _..Date Presented _.; . , ;191_ I , er city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Resolved, That the prop John Hentgee, out Iof the,Wg I rkMOUs Compensation Account of tie.General Fuad, the sum of $14.40 partial settlementjof his claim against. the City, arieing by reason of injuries sustained by him while employ- ed by the Department of Public Works on the :37th day of June, 1917.` C. F. No 18086— H •eo1 aA That the proper city offl- - eq•a hereby ulhorleed to Pay to John Hentg,e. at of the Wo kmett a ! t. mD n tion Ab cunt of the O neral IJoel. � Fund. thee m of $14.40 1. partial t j ,harsh 'T86 Qmttlend the above alrleingl of by hreaeon m o[ aln7urle suthe te- y. - talned by: hlmwhlle empployed by the resolution for passage. bopartment f Public Work. on the - ,I 7th day of June. 1917. •• —— _— _—_-- - Adopted by tha Council 'Aug. 16 1917, Approved Aug•'16, 1977: lh (Aug:. la -1917) ,--_, Commtr of Public Works. i 7 Yeas (w),Co cilmen (J) Nays I 1 VFar $worth Adopted by the Council 19 191 Go In favor "U l ' Hy nd -- c , --! Kel - -- -----_Approved 191 - - Mc III Against — Wu erlieh v . ruin Mr. Presi4en etavoN ........ roast c. a -a '� - ...... _ ,...:... .,.. 11- CITY"OF. ST.� \P—AUL .-'COUNCIL"P�SOLUTION-- 'UEN:E-RAL�,F6RM _- - �� tsutifi Subject j cous" 'ILE No., DatePresented 191 1` Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the II,orkmente Compensation Aocount of the General Fuad, 'to Dr. 1 G: G. -Perry, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in`full settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of medical and surgical care and attendance furnished by him to Mrs. Loomis, an employee of the Department of Education, injured in the.eourse of her employment. C P• I'* 18086--nd•.. A, 1vund.rilch— tic nl ved.. That the. prover City of71- . :cer are hereby uthoprop t° ItyPay rl _ at the the Goner COmpeneatlon Ae- I hereby recommend the above .resolution count oC the General N'unA to or C p Perry, she sum r Ten "Dollare'ti1C 0 for pa sage. 1. f.1, oUiement oirWr hiD-11.. 410,00) _ the C"rY, n .-r by eaeon Ot / anA YYrg1eR1 Cara nA attentlatj-e -gait ! G E, oyar bor y hip,. to ?Ire: I.00mle, en am- -'tlon In used In the Department Ot )•"data- PloYment.. the eourea ot. her em- -- ' Adopted by the Caun011 .tug, 16,.7917. Approved Aug,. I6,. 1917. cAug�,� Commissioner of Education. 1; • ''uC' 1It Ic 1 Yeas (J) C9Uncilmen (.'•) Nays j (� t•'r north Adopted by the Council 191 / t% In favor ' l.' and 191 soil —_ ---- - --- Approved Against derlich , V Mr. Presiden Irvin -YO �DITY OF ST: PAUL -- COUNCIL- RESOL UTION—GENERAL F—ORM ----. Subject. COUNCIL FILE. NO. t' fBate Presented '. °�11 .._ ..Y6', ;:191 7.; Vim' IEi''?tea, Un orscer. obstacles not provided for in the m_king of the iniproveme,nt undersinal Order. !P11579 described ae the curbing of i Goodrich Ave. from Lexington-. ve.-to Chicui o, 71ileraukee. & St. Paul Ry. Right -of flay have s1risen in the rri4hing of 15 cAic yards of filling at BOA+ per cubic ya-rd, cauec by a :.c sho:It, amoyuiting to X9.00, now therefore be it _ 21JOh TM ^hat the Council hereby orders ithe neves nary Filling to done, the or" to be ..'eo ie Ander the Supervision and direction of the Co:2nis,ienc. of 2-xi;lic :!oris and in acoo.-dcnce with srecif•ica— tions therefor, the cost thereof not to e::ceed the s:u of X9.00 and to be allowed a:s En extra wider the contract) lmc�:m as Comptroller's Contract 11o. L-684 for the rlE idn of ';ile afore_ -aid ' improvement. C F No. 19087—By at. N Ooss— p Wheresa. Unforaeem ob tact s not (/ provided .for In the.maklog of th I. - movement described uenthe er lrurbl Rdof QooNo drlch- Ave. •from 7.ea1nR[on Ave. to Chleago, 5111waukae ,6. gt,: Paul' ny.. Right of - Rey have arisen In th. furnishing of ` I5 cubic .yard. of filling. at: 4(k, par uble 1 amountingd to x59.00.1 now thereforeobe .It t ordResolved. rs the in cessary: filhe ling to �bd done the work: to he done under the supDer- - - vision and diretlon of the r he *sloe- - erf Public Works.and In accordance with specifications therefor. the cast I thereof not to exceed the sum of $5.ft 00 i and •to be allowed as an Mari under f 11�` 1 ;p 7 i tha contract known as Comptrollses I .Contract No. L-684 for the making of; .the afore Yeas (t') ulrnen (1') Nays sa , . Adts, bld Improvement. Adopts, y the Council Aug. 15, 1917. id by the Council 191. L.. Approved Aug. 18. 1011, SWotth % (Aug. 55-1017) In favor �'!G 1 11 Ie Ye er Approved 191 N It Y r9 _.,.- Mr. Preside . Powers _ . MAvo FORM C.0•2 a CITY ,OE ST. PAUL ". GE_NER.�L FORM.. COUNCIL— RESOLUTION; • _ ! t�� �+ L COUNCIL J �IID)t.'ct: ` F1LE N O . . Elate PieScntcd 191 � au�horiaed to pay to . Resolved, That the -proper city officers are hereby Account Of the General out of the Workmen te Compensation John liiehtel, his claim for.in- IL $13.00 in partial settlement of Fund, the aumvjuries ublic- him �mploged by the Department of Public- received by while I v.. WOrkLa 04 the end day of May, 917. c. F _ Resolves, rnae tne' proper czar oal- tu. paY to - John 1Vlchtrt1. out Tufo it' . I:un7Pe:.saalnn Areount [ the o/i neral Fund nw•n[h o0 _ - 111' '1 ".00�ln �iIved hi'. him while. r ploYed by the vnurtmrut r ( th11c 11.-Y dork. b - 'Ind dnY or. a1BY. 1917... the • - - Adopted hr 1ho t-.,Yncll Aug. 16.1917. _ AVVrOYed Aug. 16. 1917. . (AUR. 15.2917) I recommend the above resolution for passage. _ ---- t ^ of Public Works. Commr � 191, Yeas (�) Co cilmen ( ) lay 3 Adopted by the Council /' Pa sworth 7 in favor I1 and `'• APProved \\1f1�`S tc 191 Against Coll "L nderlleh MwY R Mr. Presid I.'Irvin I 1 1. ", 40�` i` i 61TY OF 8T. PAUL �'. ` - o.:.:° ACCOUNTINO`DEPARTMENT -RESOLUTION _F°U"�" Nosj$089, AUDITED CLAIMS FORM �e AUG. AUDITED►y i PER- T r— 590 -be City TreasurY, out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants drawn upon the payable respective as specified in thCCe" following detailed) a in favor of the persons firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their names • statement: Yeas ( J) Cou - ' r�P -f !f ,e!7 191 + en C it Kaye ted by the Couneil ---":) B l .e tat arrant. M drawn b dtY Tro Y 9►Yabl t of od to 1"_ Far f/ ers onh b.r matt. n tn•d fu a, r er ta• y rs a.. nrm or eor,oro- I^ l s 191_ „ Coss y _ In favor ror tee _...t. •.t 0000.lteAPp .paect am•.:a..q.cld.d In - :.[Cell 110 1nR d tal •d tatem.bt: Blood Co x12.17: D - - M_ Against Ton CrocerY Ryland ,•n. 537 6 R i_ NAYOIt' ---- Mr. President. Te --Wunderlich Irvin. I L. Blood Company, 12.17 18803. Pol. & Fire Alm. -Expense $. 0 r I35 _ R f Water -Expense 04 t. Bon Ton Grocery Company, - 71.29 Park -Expense. - 05 T Callahan, 37.50 _ Playground -Sal. 5.25 ' 06 John Clark Company, A ; Library-NBooks. 07 Daily Hardware Company, 122.Ob } Pollee -Expense �.y L Fire -Expense `2• 0 '38. % - Sohools-FSRnene9 38 u ■ �` 3 , 50 Water -Expense / 2 i42 Pork -Expense 40 �/ Playground -Expense 2. Y 08 E. S. Ferry & Son, - - 17.04 Library -Expense. 09 Gamble Robinson Company, 3.881". Park Expense. 1p Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 15.921 Schools -Expense.• 11 ThoS. B. JeTmings, 4 35 Library-NBooks. i - li— - 7H CITY OF ST. PAUL • ; �' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ,�- run, - AUDITED CLAIMS-, RESOLUTION. FORM` F �e"clL NO 18090 '�` SY AUG ] 'i ,_ let_ AUDITED 7 .PER 591. Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds aud' in favor of the persons, firms or -corporations` for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaikt . „. siatement: 1917 Q Yeas (J) Coonei en (J) Nays . Adopted the Council -- ? 17 Farns orth ,1. A 1 h Goss In favor APP Kell r M ll �A3ainst — aIAVoA -A Hyland' Wunderlich Mr. President, P za- Irvin. — — 18925' Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 30.15` Heal h-Health-M&R. 5,9 5 0 9 r , 3 0 - ' -Hea1,P-P.Bath6-id&R., .70 _ _ N s .10 i Soo .00 Health-P.Comfort-5 "41118a 1.. A Police-M[&R.. , 0 u a / 1 0.15 Total ,. 5 :; _ - - A.�th that Warr M dnwa i1 - ae.onhath. C' 13' TroourY, taants raaaft.r:. oDoclaed Lunda and t.,,?, .•• tItersaror; o[ Ipe D.r.on., arms. I or Da. aatr . -tor th.corpe . amoutit. ..t.:. carport. — - eN.pec",a - name. 4 •D.olaad la ta. folloMtni derall.datat.m.nt - e -Andrew• Schoch OrocerY. Co: 18016 `. , -. Adoated hY. the CounenADE,.171912 - .. ... - (Kept.] -1917) .. Form A. 5.11 - ,. • -CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL Na'1' AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE tY Ay � SY AUDITED t 592 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an in favor of the persons, firms orcorporations for the amounts act opposite their respectiv: names as, specified 'in the � following details statement: - Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the CounciI_!Ub ! ' D 1 191_ _ uc i is�z Farnsworth . 191_ Goss In favor Ap`tro�ed Keller_ Against _ McColl Hya Ind MAYOR ------ynew--. Wunderlich - _ Me President, Pants Irvine v I 18926 t mb, 2.16.62. Capital ity Luer Company ,4+ P.Schools-Expense -/ u it / water-Exanse 11r72 lrlz,6e0 27 Etehei 0. Miles, - 20.00' G.F.-Miss. & Unforseen Expense. ' 28 Nels Nelson, 65»00. s G.F.-Msec. &.Unforseen-ExUHY1se. 29 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 745.47 Paving Rice St. from N.L. Univ. Ave. to N.P.Bdg. 30 A. M. Sharooda 403.96 - - P.Parke-Expense. 31 J. L. Shiely Companf,) 1,233.70 ' Pay. Rice St. 1 0 Paving -Miss River Blvd* 0 233 70 - 32 Wm. L. Short, G.F.=Misc. &. Unforseen-Expense. - 33 Fred 0. Smith, 25.00 G.F.-Disc. & UnPoreegn-Expense. 1 r F -No. 17091--. --7— Raselgd that warnnnt. E. ! t ' _dawn 4 Acrel alto, - - -. ,.cl�ad n d�atnd le favor or the Peraov, a °r ror0on- tlone. for the amounts t` .reep.Nlve aster 'name. -aa . DAalt. thele [ottowinq Eetalled;s tamRed in sae. C-01tal City LumliAer C �tr Melts O. Nllea, iT0.00.' ^ il19.0L f -. Qeta ii15./LPeo) Botidera atatarlal Ce„ - A. SLBharoo d, ii1.. C 01.9 J. L Rhlo:r o. 40&9 f, or Ado'Aie the IIouneN :Gog. 1T, 1717, v PUroed Aug, 17, 1917. Pprm t= } ,- A. 5.11 1 P CITY OF ST: PAUL' --- -"-"_"-- �G-OL-IYCtL-RESOLUTION-GEN-E.RAL--FORM - Subject: _ ) uRe1C tvd... 18091r. ...... ..... msµ - Dave-oresented ..r''. ? 7y. ..191:.7, j Resolved, That tho •Co.mmiseioncr of 2ublia :lo; irks bs and is hereby authorized ar c: d.irectf d to s1)ril:ile Portland Ave. from Cleveland Eve. to 7.10or-e y[ Ave. and fron-Snellir.~i ove. to Pt.scal Ave.. for the bLlrr-ce of the season of 1917. C 11 No nenolved, That. t e Comt hero nar or PuPlle Works be and to 7rereDy au- PoWl ed ends 11lted to aprinkle.Port land Ave. from Cleveland Avn. t^o I Dtoorc 'A",',, .and from anellink Ave. to! „ n for the balance of the nen- Adopted by lhe.Counoll Aug. 17. 1617. - .\DProveJ All. 17..1917. (Aug. 16.1917) Yeas (d) Cooilmen (v') Nays - Adopted by the Council "Q� ._Y % 19 -...191 Pwraworth t In Favor IQG 7 10 7 Approv�d-�__Q_ _ V` t N oll _ Againrt I \ •� N 6h U Y rg Mr.tPresid t. Powers MAYOR 7777 CIT`F OF ST. PAUL. _-` - - - COL.1NCIti-RESOLUTION- GE-N-ERA-L FOR-M_--- Subject COUNCILFILE No. Date Presented t Resolved, • I , That, with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of One, Thouearid ' be, the•same hereby ($1000,00)-.Dollare and is transferred from the Salaries Account of the Public.Buildings (Inspectors)'Fund to the Expense Account of the same fund, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in the last xsmei mentioned account will be met without hampering the work provided for by the moneys in the first menionted account. "\ �' A. C te olv. 16093 \1 ,I/yp tHyland— e 3 Iv d That with the IPP oval oT ' C!the N e gomptroilar• the on. sum f Thoo and (61,000.0 o) .Doi- �• ° Iare be: and th eam • hereby i .Lynne• -furred. (roln: rho liaiarlee Account o[1. .the. Public ' Building. (Inepeetor'e) the Icxpenee Accoout enmo to.of the ne. byeo doing anunnvold-.� able deflclency In the lalt .m¢ntloned i accountwill by -met lthou inK the work Provided fothamper- r by lhe' monvyJ In the Oret m ntloned oacount. ,� Adopted b)- the Council AUK. 17. 1917. Approved ..,. AUK. 17. 1917. (Aug, Y5-1917) Yeas (✓)Councilmen (J) Nays -. AUG 17 1717 �1 naworth IAdopted by the Council 191 ✓Go6a In favor �I�G .17 1017 iyland 191 1?-- McColl Against /Wunderlich t Mr. President, Irvin t MAYOR e CITY OF ST PAUL - ---- __ CO.UNCLL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ' . C. Lt094 Sbiect: COUNCIL - Date Pfesented.r p,tg_17,1$1'l_ 191- 1 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he isyhereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one seven passenger Studebaker touring car #18 -;6 Modelforthe sum of $1295,(with credit allowed on old.car amounting to $600, „making a total cost.for new car of•$695I chargeable to Department of Finance -Transportation), without asking for competitive bids ae same is a patented article and no ad- vantage could be gained thereby. • L C. R.ro. d.r w"Ib— That S. the FAI urehasm. i Resolved. I - '.AKent- be, end he le hereby authorised to purchase._.cost seceh passenger r etu� Comptroller. ear No. - la -•9 Madel 'debakee louring-I- for -.� rob the sum of. Ll.99a. (wtth credit to - - lolled on old or-for ni ' makinQa total coat For the new of - aaklnrc argeablo. to without ask• _ - Flnanoe-Traneportntlon), s same b • -1nK for competitive, bid,.,: -patented article and no ndvantage could begalned thereby. - Adopted by the Cdunc/l .\uR• 17. 1917. Approved (AuR•126 •1917) I Yeas (J) Councilmen (:) Nays /' - Adapted by the Council + '> ' = .l 191 Hyland Farnsworth - t - In favor Coss aruved(_t=_� F \ I Killer McV r McColl Against . is "I. Wunderlich MA OR I'v1r. Presidfnt. Irvin FORM e: e•2 i s, CITY- OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM .. ... 3abject .... .:...:.. .. .. .. '. ... :.. ':.COUNCIL': 1nU.� - - FILE No. '-.... ... ...�.. _.. Date Presented .". '- '- •• Resolved, That t.je. s: :li..wtl.n of 1 Lazarus fli a.li a a to ie 1r-antr, a t.. Sit w Q up'n L_ _ Line _ .f custva..._ r..z - 1 C X, No, 18086—R McColl— That the appli—ttln at 1. _ . i ve nesoid,, 1A=rus for a license to conduct a At 17. da tame En7 th Rr ntedt andt - - - he n hereby City, Clerinstructed-to Issuesuch h is the dilnq of the bond and ' _ license upon fthe ontract and. the Da1'ment foto 'Treasury -of the customary' ee. ' ' CIU One: Hundred fi100.00r Dollars. - the Council Aug'17. 1817. _ - Adopted by ADDroved E 1017 (Aug. I 1 � i') buy. f �. "UG 17 1917 1 ens U•) :ounedmen L Adapted hr the Council - 181 .. Jp(-rnsxorlh V Cro's: In favor 17 1911 McColl nn3eili Agaiml U r 11' nd.rWrl, '�' _ MAYOR Mr. 1'rc,i at, Irvin . .. FORM G. i ' CITY Q(: ST. PAUL. .e....,ro ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION COUNCIL 18096 FORM FILE _ 9Y ` 7C .. 1 S Iii ' AUDITED. 101_ ,. PER -- - _ — Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the,hereinafter apeci6ed funds it i� favor of the persons, firms or wrporuions for the amounts set opposite their rerpeetivG name9 a5 6pMIfIGd In the following detail statements 1m ( it Councilmen { J) Nays .. AUG 18 1117 Adopted by the Council 191," - G 1>3 1917 _. �Famsworth.. Goss in favor APProv__18a`' (feller �./ . e t Against "n1tR:0i1-iyIAYO H91and - Wundlerich _4--- - _ ,R(J�� - a F xp,twls - r, :rA.aotvM that warraeta be antra �• Mr. Pnsidentt Powers gyp „ - oyon tha G4 Tr asorr DgaD1, out at t ber.tnaft- Rueel4.d rnRd� age to 1 !or arebe P.raons;Ernt. or _ meper.. 94 me A! am",, aset 'anae.lt. Ir nat»oan asa.a relael/!!.b `s _'>IlnwlnE detailed ...m.nt:L ... .-7re.raeCo. IS,eS. .. $7.60. i 18934 .Adams Express Company, 2.fi9 P.Library-Expense. - m , 35 J. H. Allen Company! 7:30 I P.Parks-Expense. 36 American Linsn Supply Company, 105.48 P.Parks-Expense. 37 American Supply Company! P.SehoolS-C&B. 38 John D. Anderson., 172.93 P.Parks-Expense. 39 Bazille' & Partridge, x.70 P.Schools-C&B . 40 L. S. Breher, 100.74 P.Schools-Expense. 41 Brooks Brothers, P. Parks -Expense : 42 L. F. Dow Companys — 7.48 ' C.P.W.—Expense �f 8 '�,' WateroEx nee 1 L 7148 43. Elk .Laundry Company, 46 94 18 99f Police—Expense -Health-P.Baths-Expense I,. •2 P.Schools-Expense�• 4 44 Gribben Lumber Company, 97.89 i Schools-C&B. A,3 t I 0 i Page 0- Res. 593 18945 Haag Roofing Company,_ 13.6: 4 146.89 P.Schools-Expense P.Schools-C&B � . _ V 46 Chas. Hansen, 2.20 w F ire-C&B . — a7 A. Hubbard Elec. Company, I 6.22 _ P.Sohools-Expense. 48 7 W. Hulme, 15.90 P.Schools-Expense. 49. A. J. Lrank Company, .40 C.P.W.-Expense. 50 McClain & Hedman, Comptroller -Expense 3. o G.F.-Civil Service -Exp. a 15.75, r C.P.W.-Expanse 77 :..j P.Schools-Expense 15.P5 51 Henry McCollCom'r. P Safety,. 70.07 P.B1dgs.Inspec.-Expense Playgrounds -Expense AZA •� 52 ' National Candy Company, 66.3b - P.Parks-Expense. 53 Nimis & Nimis, - 11.00, P.Schools-Expense. 54' Northwestern Fuel'Comps-iy, Fire --Expense.. n :: 55 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, P.Schools-C&B b ,0 17.76 P.Parks-Expense 56 Pittsburgb Plate Glass Company, 28.00 P.Schools-Expense. _ 57. Power Regulator Company, ;-4.25 P.Schools-Expense» X4.50 58 Prussian Remedy Compamr, P.Schools-Expense. 59 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 58.95 F.Schools-ExRens.e 25, 0* e 6 E P.Schoo-ls-Equip. 2 0 58. 5 60 Staaul Book &Stationery Company, 150.50 P.Schools-Expense. 61 St.Paul Builders Material Company," 90.34 P.Schools-Expense 12. u n 13 20-` P.Schools-C &B 10.60 v n 34 ,:25 Q� .634 :� .. _ _ - x Page #3. Res. 593 !2.40 18962 St. Paul Sanitation Company, P;Schools-Expdnse. 18.88 � 63 Seabury Company, P .Parks -Expense . 64 J. W. Turner, Secy., i 15.00 P.Schools-Expense. �i I 65 western Supply Company, 13.21 P.Schools-Expense_ .09, - P.Sohools-C&B i 'I i i I - { i a.aaws CITY OF 8T. PAUL v�.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 7; COUNCIL >- AUDITED CLAIMS-2ESCLUTION FORM FILE No. }}. AUG 1 ,al_ 1r AUDITED 594 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in. favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the am;xtnts set opposite their respective names as specified in the -following detail statement: 11 '' (� Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( i/) Nays Adopted by the Council!UG-! t ' Farnsworth a 91 GossGoss l _In.6vor APp o r-- Keller (J �fl Against MAYOR O'l.aacr— Hyland - I. Yeetg--- Wunderlich Mr. President, Fwhes- SVMF#ia. 18966 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, Financa, 1,550.25 Schools -Expense.. 25.00 67 D. We Moore,: $ .. .Grading Griggs Univ. to MinnehaYia. \ 68 OtNeil & Preston, Sewer on Fairview St.Clair,=to Jefferson 3 .15 Jefferson Cretin Sewer Sysjtem 4,2 6.00 Sewer on Palace 220" E of;Sue St 10i.` Oc to Fairview f: 4,77n,15 , ,f�// 'Taut-- • C V. \o. 19097+— - 7t a Ired that'' warrants ba drawn.' s. upon. the City TreuurY. P�Yable ons'. or. the hareinatlorepeClded. rtlnda aneP t In tnvor ofthe firms od car.' .. porntfone for the; a ent at, set or aiuta • their rupeetwo names u. �Peclded IP --_ these-tonoswinB detalled statelaent. R a.: Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, - {1660.36 1> W. Moore. 925.00. - Olvelt. a: Prenton:9/•71076. 1 tdopted by tae Connell Aug. U. 1917. ( - ADProved AUB• lt, 1917. � f• DIT lel_ Re cor )N d rl Z3`M3iTs .A P P P P Ar P F L Im 'F G CITY CF'ST. PAUL 1 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT pw ttP. (■///�`{jSy�'Q COUNCIL !V.7t�' AU ED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILA Not: D, 1 R 19'7 --- AUDITED {!11 l -,PER i . 4 r L _.595 � solved that warrants, be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fundrr and in favor of the persons, firms or poratioos For the amounts, set opposite their respective `.names as 'specified in. the followin; detiiled statement Adopted by the Council - Yeas ,' i� 191� Yeas (' J) Councilmen (J sys Farnsworth L1917 GO� In favor Ap v Keller 0 'M�Ii Against MAYOR ...gt}ty Hylan -•Xeon Wunde 2ch Mr. President, POAet1•� j i 18969- S Farnsworth, Comrr. Finance,` . 14,322.92, ark -5a1. 5,353_.8 Act. -Sale ark^Expense 562 5 Park -Ac 27 .i9- naYBround-Sal. 11,3 .76 43.80 . more-MntceXp� ;' 29.03' Health -Expense 8.25 Police-C&B' - ,1 44.70 ire-C&B. / 1-59.44" 8.89 r School CSB % , i ibrary-Comppi. of New Bldg. / 5.8 pre The010ck Pk. orestgfRevolving 3.04 27 rase sitting Revolving l �' 14,3 2.92 I - - I• TO G F. No. 39.89—... Rewlved, That warrants b. dnwa aoea ' -the CltY TreneorA..Payable mit or the. .. heny.sldnoad: la .1t..I.1.r.avfoerr ' the amounts set apposite their mpeetlr. sf ass -ss specified lo- the fono~ ds-. i - tall.d .ta0ment: _ t S. A. Farnsworth. Com'd. Finance. .,11.33!.93. Adopted Dy the C.uncq Aup19. 1917. - i Approved Aub• 39: 17117. - - 19eDt 1-1817} Petition. PROPOSAL FOR (IMPROVEMENT \ ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' The -undersig ell hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the City of s: I SI Paul, -Oz.:.C4 uC a Q.e ,o wit yid. :talk to fin .. si :.fee on the �3.�.M.:. �_i c19 9�..�ti.N.G.t�a.:..�X.es ._�2 , a_.� r• . � .l,�il��.,.....t.� li.^..e..S.t....,: _ ;ie L1 ........ _._ . _......... .. .. ... Dated this ...:..11t'h .flay of ...........>ll�,.US ...:........... 1131 L. ....... .t --- �...:... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CQ.Z.w. .1�c_...:. ....s s:;:i-r,.�..... i1c..idn'¢e11L...a.. �_d: 1� af...:si�._Seet:...a ..... 91,18IIIfART 093110" - --� .......... ....: .... _. .._.. ..... ,..... .._.... ...__... ......... _.18098— A Written st pt pr for "t, _.he the PoRowtnt tale si sidewalk �����+tract a cement the ddewatk """' "" I Ade vt. from RnndolD feet on the o 84 tto, 1 having been presented to the Council. of the City of St. P,'.. bavmt been presented to 'j cbe It. the QItY oC. 8t. -Paul therefore, be It ,d.That the Commissioner at - orks be m4 bele hereby sr - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work ltrseted: d and directed •ssutats the nsesast"'r ter - - I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the 1". of ,the making of 0"d ent., 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of vei%ar iaid r myrpat the total cost thereof. to at cost thersot. 1t 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveu,-1!h�p Oe msnr promo or t. To furnish the following other data and information Mifti � to said improvement;.. .._ _..._ 5. 'I' ante whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To re ort upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 1 ti Adopted by the council_ .... _ .............. �9.�.� ._ .._. lot _.._. Yens: Nays: Councilman Fnrtisworth C s Approved ........ / lot. L..... 11, and �I{ 1t nderlich l/ ____._.......____.x .... ... Mayor It in p y 1%layor. roaw c e•e (�f��._. ... - 1��% • .•... .. j COUNCIL FILE. NO.. By:_ y FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.:: _, curbing Edmund street, both aides,,..he.t:eer..Aldine........... atre.e�._.and, H0znl.1KI-e.aver.ue..... _.,..__...... ....... under Preliminary Order :.:..1.67.7f .......... .......... approved June..1,...1912,.............'..... ...............:.. Intermediary Order _ approved .. _ _.... ... ... _.:: A public hearing having been had upon the above i.prove.ent upon title notice, and the Council having (, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conucil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- hent to be made by the said City is__..cur.b .. •'_dmund,-.atre`rt .:..beth... siAe-s_..bet.YLBeA-- A.7 .... ..........: •. .. -.. - :. _.,.. at ; W wt w� ... ..... .. ... g- ja., oo ars_ •. 7 Flt -�—Idared w V n 101ad10 tho-tol tlio e I WitR000lwad, n7 the Counelf or st. Paul that the prectr;';r - ..... .. - ' tont .and kindat 1mDr<. aitd the Council hereby orders said improvement tb',ade by be -1d city 1 ,.. both W.. b t. RESOLVED FURTIIEIt. That the Commissioner 'lir e : e . i !r.��t1'd is hereby instructed and directed' to prepare plans and specifications for ,aid iniprovewi . , t._,,, d -same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otlieials are hereby anthoTfr:ff And'direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee therewith, - Adopt,.]by for Council rUs l ti t f. City Clerkl . G� - r ey Councilms� lnlsµ`orth o fCounellnl>tl)UaY t;ounctlme}n iltlaud�Y�'/ - PUBL19iliiiill CounclLurYI{ellu Council. _XeColl Council. Wunderlich 11Iayor 11111V . Form B. S. A. 18.7. - CITY -0FST PAUL',, \\\\� DEPARTMENT 4'r'' FINANCE- 1 , REPQRT OF• COMMJSSIFNER OF FINANCE _ --- ON PREL'IM�IA Y— (A) - r In the Matter, of Curbing oY_, Edmund stre6t tioth sides, betvree.n Aldine • , . _ �•, _..-,• . -, ,etae.t-and.•Hamline avenue, 4 - under Preliminary Order. approved Jvne let, 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner.of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 3, 294.39- The estimated cost per font for the above improvement is $ 0.49.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by 'the' Assessor, are 'as follows; _ DE 5C RI PT 10 - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Geo. J. Anderson's Midway 4?5 17 1 Addition to St. Paul,Minn.. 1735 18 1 375 lg 1 350 -20- 1,. 350 21,1 350 - -.. - I 350 - , 23 1. 350 of __..-----:_-_- -24_1-- 175 East of 24 1 :. 175 . . .TOTAL. Form 9.B- 10 . .:.. ` .$ W7 CITY . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF•F•INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE 0N�0RF-Li MiNleY ORDER to),) c I O E 5 e R LP T I.O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION- ALTA [ VALUATION 25 1 Geo.J.Anderson'a Midway 350 Addition to St Paul Minn "' _ 26 1 1 - 2875 27 1 1675 28 l 2625 29 1 625 to 1 1050 23 1 R. B. Thompsonls Add- 550 �. 23 1 ition 500 24 1 1725 - 25'1 3000 26 1 500 27 1 500 28 1 500 I 29 1 2700 30 1 3200 - 31 1 3200 32 1 ., 500 . 1 1 1000 17 3 The Hemline Syndigate 725 18 3 Addition No.3, to St -Paul, 525 19 3 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2025 _W Alley vacated & 20 3 525 E Alley vacated & .1 3 500 .17 a 700 16 a 2500 --- _ ------- -- -- _ . - --2856"---- -- ,.. 20, a __ TOTAL. - 1750_ .-.• ..` _. -. - •. - -' - P CITY ,AUL W71 JJ�� . 990ARTMENT OF FINANCE' ,' \ REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY•ORDER - DlSGRIPTION LOT BLOCK-ADDITIO N `._ VALU 'PION' -- _ l a The Hamlin SYudi:ate 500 18 k Addition No.3, to,St.Paul ` 2850 19 1 Ramsey Co., Minn.. 2925 " 30 1 2825 21 '1 - --525- 221 3875 1 1 500 16 20 'Syndicate No.5 Addition 2175 17 20 2950 18 20 550 19 20 550 20 20 550 21 20 1700 as ao 1700 23 20 1875 24 20 _ 1800' 25 20 9650 Y 26 20 1900 27 20 2750 28 20 3350 29 20 550 s 30 20 1800 16 19 600 17 19 1675 18 19 2000 .19 19 550 -- -- - - ... TOTAI„ _ ' 04, CITY AUL - .-, -irk- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF 'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIrlYNARY ORDER D.ESCRIPTIOK LOT BLOCK - ---VALUATION Sl ASSES 09> r 21 19 ' Syn dicate No,S-Addition 550 as ,18 550 23 19 14a5 34 18 2850 25 19 _ 2900 26 18 1875 27,19 550 26 19 2050 29 19 .3275 30 18 3050 15,2 Geo.J.Anderson' a. Midway 14 2 rAddition to gt.Paul,Minn. 200' �13 2 200' 12 a 200 11 a 200 10 2 2ov s_ a 200 8 2 200 7 . 2 200 6 a 200 5 a 225 4 g 250 . 3 2 1300 2 2 350 1 �_3 375 14 2 R. B. Thompson's Addition 1900, -• --- - - -- 1500 TOTAL CITY CWAUL -, EFJARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER- OF FINANCE , - ON FRELINtIIVAVY-ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT OLocK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATION -412 6 The namllne Syndicate 500- - 6. 11 _Addition No.3, to St.Paul 4500 10 6 Ramsey Co., Minn. 1900 9 6 500 6 , g 1950 7' . 6 2500 15 21 Syndicate! No.5 Addition i 575 14 21 550 13 21 550 12 al 2150 11 21 550 10 21 2950 9 - 21 3050 6' 31 3700. 7 21 550 6 21 _ 2250 5 21 550 4 21 3050 3 21 1050 2 81 550 1 21 1600 15 22 3600 14 22 950 13 22 1550 12 22 550 11 22 1456 i TOTA�. • .... .rte „-- dy 7f7, CITYO AUf_ DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE .' REPORT OF,, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIW WARY QRDI�R, ASSESSED ' `I GESCRIPTI ON LOT 804CK ADDITION - z VALUATION 8 22 SyndicM e bo.5,Addiiion 550 8 22 2425 2050 r 6 22 2750 5 22 3550 4 22 525 3 ,22 2725 2 22 3025 .. 1 22 i 575 1 I ,333025_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and 'hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council,• together with the'.report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 Dated ,, __ , Commissioner of Finance. - -- ----- ---- fVic- sY>.0-� . ✓ v' 7 \ �%,,,,,r,..o• ; ���-c' COUNCIL FILE NO.......:... By.... ......... .. .. ....... ... .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing.-bo.th.-aides. of_..Max71and_straet; ftox.2axne. ..... ............ IV I avenue to E.dgArton,street. .............. ........ .................................................................................... ........................... ............................. ................... .......... I ............ .............. . ........ ........ .................... ........................... ... ... ........ .... ...... . ...... . ..................... ....... ............................... ... .... ... ........... june..J. 191.7 . .. ..... under Preliminary Order I roved Intermediary 9rder A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement, upon due notice,, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and' recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, BY the Council of the City of St. Paul tiipt the precise nature, extent and kind -of improve- 1- inent to be made by the said City is from ............... P ay .Rq avAnue to�Edgerton street. ....................... ........................................... ........... . ................. .................. 'C Unit, Q'. .............................. .............. ­.­­ .................... ................... X11(1 ............................... .. ................................... ................................ . ............ . ....... otve& )3 ........... �itbe-puncu, .* .. ... . .................... Paul - that elle VT .... ... .................. and, k ,i ii a'riaoa tete ........................................... L .................... .................. .............. - i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to, the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making -- I of said improvement in accordtince therewith. Adopte& by the Conseil City, Clerk. 37 Mayor. Councilman arnsworth -7 Councilm loss M Councilman 7 CoUneilta* Ylal"I councibn� c1W. Councilma eColl Councilman underlich I 3lavor I Form B. S. A. #' , CITY OP ST. PAUL . . DEPARTMENT- OF FINANCE REPORT OF .COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRF, , INARY ORDER -Ll 1 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC. ADDITION D I T I O N - - ASSESSED VALUATION. - 20 1 Joseph R. Weide' a 2nd'"' Via• - -Y39fr� -'- 21 1 Addition'to•the City 1050 22 1. of St.Peal,,Minn., 3050 $3 1 350 24 1. 1050 1 I. 1200 8 J. M.Warner 'e 2nd Addition: 2450 5 >" to St.Paul,Yinn., 300 4 150 I, 3 150 2, 175 1 175 I 15 1 Joseph R..Seidel a Addition i 2400 14 1 to the City of $t. Paul, 2000 13 1 Minnesota 3100 12 1 2000 11 l 2500 10 1 5350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of tl.%e aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to flim in ___.reference - to -said _matter-by--the-Commissioner._of-Pkiblir:.Worlu.-..-.-�—. -__- --_----_------�------. -. ' - �.G� �Gl/<,'_ Dated / "c3,... .191/ �. Commissioner of .. Finan e: t•'orm II. B. 12 Office'of` the Cossionex. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance I June 14th, 1 Tn.the:Continissiotter of,Pipance of,the City of, 8t Paul: The Commissioner of Public Workt�[ haviag had under conmideratiou the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known its Council File No. 16779 approved June let � ._. ..... .191._ ., relative tn.. .., _ ..,the . urbing,.of._,.,. aryland. Stre _t a roti Pavne Avenue to �deerton Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,ljereby reports: 1. Said imtproveinenl is .........necessary and (or) desirable. 460 per lineal foot 2.The estimated cost thereof is $__............ and the total cost thereof is $...... 510.55 . , and Assess. Frontage 1,113 feet Excess inspection X10.01 the nature anti: extent of said improvement is as follows: _ .---....... - i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached wind made it part hereof. 4. I - :i. Said improvement is. ........ :._..........:asked for upon petition of three -or more owners of property, pubjeet to assessment for said improvement. t 61 Coutmissionetjf Public Wgrk&?,/ • 1 lepnrhMid of Jublic. Ilnrla _ M. N.�GQSS. GOMMI661DNER y Y II R I IG URLEY. Detu.r St. Paul, ?dinn. June . 13, , 1917. . n W OOETZINOER.M.uwt ws nfAAC�O O ntlw mr. M. N. Gbse, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, I transmit hereWith preliminary estimate` of cost for 1 the ourbing of'Marylarid`St. from Payne, Ale'. to Edgerton St. in 8ccordan" with Council Pile #16777, approved June 1, 1917. Approximate estinate b10r6b Assessable frontage 1,11E ft. Cost per front foot. 1. .01¢ Excess inspection necessary $ Yours very truly, OC�Td. 'Chief Engineer. 1 I i v:17 `U� oofa bSinn 1� k% � co St . 3au1, •. /// To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Ri,nri.. Gentlemen,- - - ,'T,e, the undersig"ed Pi•opextl omers hereby petition you gonora a Body `eause'the f-0110 ging i ovement to be ma - AIV . t o ilj! from •"l�' . .'St.+ LOT 1d I _ _._ADDITION - - - • �. . . . E � 1 NAi. 6 9 r .... . • �t - - - --� CITY- OF ST. PAUL------ — `--- --- — COUtVCri RE.SOLuTION'—GENERAL' FORM' S - S,Iblet:t: _�( 1810; - _ COUNCIL-.fVO...... FILA, .. ........ .. ...... I .. Date Presented ::...AugLat:.l$th .:. j91.._7 RESOLUTION Resolved," FIXING THE AMOUNT OF, LAND TO BE TAKEN F'OR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING In the matter of opening, widening and extending t to'a width of twenty (30) feet and alley 'in Block 4,, PI ext Ge Handy's Addition, under Preliminary Order , X16906, approved June 8th, 1917, and Intermediary Order $17697, approved July 34th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub— witted his report and skethh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land.iwanty (30) feet in width across a'misoealleneous tra,^.t of land in Section 4,. Townsaip-38.,:Range 33, the northerly boundary of said 30 foot strip being the northerly line of alley in Block 4, Egbert.G. Handy's Addition, produced easterly to the westerly line of Hersohel Avenue. C. -F No 18102— --- - --Yn-the inotthrot owl -and_— ----- xtendlnRto a width of twenty 1101 test on alley in "lock. 4, Egbert 0. Orindy'.Addit der . 1a9Ue� approvedrltinehEth llist approv1917 and ed rJUIYl"giil 817 No. The: Commle.jonee or Publ1. Work.. - In the oboveltmnttet,d inlr. ba Int and ekelch - Reaglved; Thal the Clty or at. Poul �l.xeeand Aetermineethn mqunt of Impro in webe nt tonheoae to named A otrip of land twenty 120) tectln _ ,width acron, n miecellaneoue tract of .hind In "eetlgn /. Townehlp 29, Rangel ?7S. the ngrtheriY boundary or. .'aid 'a) :(oot trip bell.. the northerly Ilne ot'_ .111— In "lock 1. Egbert O: Handy'. Addition. prod. I e..terly. to the Peat (1') CtiunUlmen (1') Nays '' wreterl Y.11 ne of Her.chit A K. la. Adopted'bl• the Councli AUK. 1!, lot 7. by the COURCII US ..� . _ Approved Aug• It. 1917- 4 (Aug. 26-1917) attlaworth ` ; In favor — -s7 i Arm s �_ , 191 :! +' Ke r — -- — Approvea McColl Against41 Ns+ Yoe Mr. Prlsidll Ill MAYOR FORM C.6•II Li•CITY or #AUL DEPAtYTMEf FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMM )NER OF FINANCE ON PRELID tY ORDER (A) In the Matter o11 Opening+ wideninE and exten1ing to a width of 20 feet an _. Alley in filock 4, Egbert G. Handl a Addition, across a miscellaneous tract of land to Herschel a-venue , under Preliminary Order approved June 8th, 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as followi: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 190.00 -.-- The estimated cast per foot for the above improvement X to Ip^op.erty pwnera is $ nil The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or . parcel as last , reported by the Assessor, are as follows. _ I, - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT aLoeK ADDITION VALUATION ,The following parcel of land bounded as follows; on the We at -2660 by the East line of Egbert G. Handy' 9, Addition and on the 1450 North by the center line of the Alley produced running Eatit and West through the center of Block 4, of Egbert G.•'Handy' a Addition and boulded on the Eastby the Center line of Herschel ave and on the south by the North line"of Ashland ave Being 66.6 ft -on the North and 66.49 ft on the south and 160 ft on the East & West _--b.9­_nd4Ty_(Ezaept_Eaet '15 ft for Herschel ave) Part of Section 4 Town 28 Range 23 TOTAL.. Form Jr. B.,20 ww7 2, clTTo PAuv IAN, DEPA'TM REPORT OF COMM ,F IIrOANCE Id ER OF FINANCE O PRELf .RY ORDER I,III j LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' D 95CRIPTION ASSESSCD VALUATION flo�llowing parcel of land dsaribed as followe;Btnded on the 3000 The West`by -the East line of Egbert G. Handy Addition cn the 12275, North by the South line of Laurel ave on the Eastby the oentex� line of Alley produced'lIrunning East and Nest through the oent of Block 4 of Egbert G.I Handq's .Addition being 66.71 . feotj(n i the North boundary and 66.6 feet on the South boundary _and 160 -feet on the Eaet and West boundaries . .Part of Section 4 Town 28 Range 23 (Exoept East 15 feet for Herelhel avenue) 1 4 Egbert C. Handy's - 4500 a 4 Addition to the City of 3600- 3 4 St. Paul 4350 4 4 -. 4200 { _ 4 6850 ( 6 0 4 6650 7 4 5450 2876 8 4 j - 9 4 4075 I _ 10 4 4475• ii 4 4025 4275.' iI 12 4 - TOTAL —`.L r 10�:p,�<y, _ ... The Commissioner of Finance reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and (:further hereby submits the foregoing as his ieport thereod to' the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Co missioner of Public Works i :� _-Commissioner Dated.191 / of Finance- }orm D. D. U i Office of thegommissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June ...... To the Conuaissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conmi aeioeer of Public Works, having luui outer enasiderntion the prelimioan•y order bf the Coun- 16906 June Sth 7 eil, know , ais. Council File No. ...... ... .....:.approved 101......., relative to ... opening,widerinY and extending to a width of 20 fe -t an alley in Clock 4, Egbert G. candy's Addition, across a miscellaneous tra. t of land ,to Herschel Avanue and lmviug investigated the matters and things referred to therein; hereby reports: 1. Said. improvement is ...........necessary and (or) desirable.' xxxrxxx 'a The estimated coal thereof is and tile total cost thereof ns the nature and extent of Said improvement is as follows: I......... ......... ., S. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed auad uncle It part hereof. .t. • I I 8. Said improvement is.. nOt,_.,_..,.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - _---- 77=7- Uonnuusvoajer of Public Woks. 94 •of �t..: Valli ----- --- — _ - `- Department of 13111tiiic R:arho M N. GO55'. COMMis"N" \ " / ws U( E oc R T GO!4ALEY rCpwsTwue w. '-� _ v.M U [KntOn (use _ N W- oOETE IRGER (uwi - or-COwwsCTOws - _ ' u swY or (woioOssw , N 1.(RROIO. Orrcc Er�wslw FEPOFT TO THE: COUNCIL - In the matter of opening; widening and' extending, to a width of twenty feet an alley in L'lock 4,.Egbert G.Handy,'s Addition, under Preliminary Order J16906, approved June Eta, 1917, and Intermediary Order #�17697,`ap- � I proved July 24th, 1917. I To the Council of the City of St Paul: I - 1 I The Commissioner of Public Wolrks hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan' of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land islmore par titularly described as follows: 9 A strip of land twenty(k)feet in width across a miscellaneous tract of land in Section.4, Township.2E, Range 23, the northerly boundary of said 20 foot strip being the northerly line of alley in Block 4,Egbert G.Handy's Addition, produced easterly to the westerly line ox Ke'rschel avenue. • i lutea CITY OF.ST. PAUL -- --- COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL — i - S»blect: COUNCIL 10e) FILE. . N0. .. .... ., ... ...:. :..:................................... �.. Date Presented..... ..:_ .......... I . Resolved, That the, applicati,jn'c1 .T11au: Wil z., 1So 7th Stra t to coniuct Shuu iii. Gallery at t a' ovc '3 iT s5} je t_: s r:.a aaraby i:. _-ante a the City Cl :i is in tr�ata t'o isuua such lioarsa fur ore yaar ur,cn the r.ayl:ent intu the Cit} Ti .:aury of t""le fee, ;:50.00, I C F No. 18103— 1 - Ite olvod. Thnt the nppll-tion of l Th o' Witte. 166 F. 71h et l to e .I duct n shootinx t7a11erY. t the No 1 n 11 F • be -nnd the nme h .ret l le % RrnnleJ nnd the Clty 11-k leImtrua- I, - - ed to leeue +1+ Il . cene for one Year:: +p n the pnlm-Unto th C11Y Trenn- 1 rof tfnc 860:00. Adoptedhe b) the Cou nell AUR. 18. 1817. I _ - Approved Aug. 1!6 1917) I 1'rne O') C hdlmeq (1') Nq•a .. IUC3 10'7 �.r06trorth rj - .Adupted by the Counvil - 1✓11y d \ t \Ir 1 reaid•r� Irvin _. _ MAroR.. FORM .C'A-9 17 2M _ ' . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL "----'—_— — C;O U -NCP[_ RESOLUTION= G -EN -ERA -L. FOR -h1------=-- -- :Subject: M Date Presented '191 Resolved, That upon' the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, I the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City with the St. Paul Hebrew In- stitute,for the:-rental--and--hiring of four school rooms on the second floor of the building known as the St. Pgul Heb�ew Institute, located at No. 395 Kentucky street, in the City of St. 'Paul, for the term of one year from the let day of September, 1917,' at a •totJ. rental for said term of Seventeen Hundred Dollars Qi7CC.00), payable in monthly instalments of $150.00 for the first ten months• of said tern, and in two instalmente.of $100.00 per month for the months of July and August, 1918; said agreement to be evidenced by a lease or contract in writ- ing, approved.by the Corporation Counsel. • C. V..1o. 1810,—nY A. lv underilch— neeoived, Thnt upon tha reeommen.l - dation of thcCommiseloneJ o[ F.du n• I tion, the propendq ttic ra oro he b - authorised enA Alrertea to enterInto_ an. agreement on Hebrew I, tltut Ctor he Rt. pool 1,11h r a 1 the rentnf and Ondflo of four ooh o ,rooms on theReeond Aoor�of the bu11d- .InR' known na the -4t. PrtuF flebrew.,in- - alltute, located t 96 Krnluck) Rl., 1n . Ciq• of Rt. Paul for the,term a .one f e r. from the tat daY ot-4oVZembOr., 7— he . I9t7. At n totnI ren tel tr sold trrm of se Ynlll-1 unutre o1nate1lmvnta00oj' - Id f16P.00 or the prat. ren I I e ft of , ' trrm.. and In Iwo Inatnllmente Lot , 1100.00 prr month 'tor the .months of JuIY and \ngu at. 1911{: geld nRrcement Idwritid¢, npproi•ed Adolf IbYather COrporsco � - tlnn Counsel. d br.the rOuni•11 Aug. 1B,-[917. Yeas (') C ncihnen ( )Nays Appr v d (Aoitlisaaii) t�G sworth Adopted by the Council /r 191 I�.nd s In Favor V I _ %PprCYSd ` 191 M( Foll Wuderlich blr. Preside; reside .Irvin ' Mn OR FORM C 9•Z I ' - CITY OF STAUL --COUNCI-L—RESOLUTIO-N.—G,E.NE.RAL FORM _ - •' --'-- — Subject:.. (}S `` COUNCIL FILE NO._ Date Fresented..u;,...'-1i 191 .7. Rescl6d, 11hat Gine lruoilYed .'o, ::c pc fo.crc`.ce o> c: ;Lir., contract dated 5!ay 25, 1916 between Ziasnussen Fc, ;in,ard an, the mit of St. i'aul for Lrad1r'-; she north _,nd r:o h in Block 9 ?aal::tual i:Gtat3 and IIrIproverient :$ ndicate '.• Tj:nbcr 1 0, tid ,he eu.,c i- hcrt!b;j uxtent,ed to the 10th .dc:; of Auju:t, 1917 and �hc ;.rapers:' o. 'icurs arc herec'y au ^orized to execute 'a,; ar:er.d.:.er.t to aL:i,: co:`:tract ir. accordance herez;ith, pror.del, _or:ever, that hi_ reeollation shall not ha.,b ani :'orce and.effeet anle'os the or. t7:c• ..o.•�_ecto`src! bond co sent; hoto o and file suoh (ori .i -G?_c „it, Oor:_)troller. . That. t ra pecifi.dc oat for . - - the dertornin. of cert.!. cantrzet t91f.. ... -need 1 • I c Cityen'lineman• ithr.20, ren A: XlmnrJ nen the and or,St. !ley fir grading the north alley PontJ 1"1 in Rlnek 9, \t'.et At: nnen! Nu 1., 1. - he n 1 th dente. to h oehl' to t 1917.. 17. ancd theprop- c dor r Aa A. and the - .rodeo k •mon author-- - .— ate an pro.: - -- l-on to .—rate ac nnann•n,m Who mold - ct in t ccordnnco rtuat don- n[. rin.J, huw.v!r.. that thl. r nolu4lon 0.10, hall no[ hone any fore. nadeffect un. Iese lheeurcilea on the contractor's - .hand consent thereto and ale each - - ronxent Ila writing n•Ith: the City - I - Comntrol er. Adopt d by. the (7-u act] Aug. 19, 1917. APproved A.R. I9• 19t7. - tAug. 11-19171 - �11G I x +c'7 . 7 ' Yeas (r') C .silt.. (c') Nays Adopted by the Council -' _ _ 191 L , F. swortk i G ` In Favor i Approved .. 191 K -��_r -- ' [r7 ..- Against-— MAYOR ... • 'Mr. Presidel[C'rerr��• •'. dada -. bald C.l1•P- ' i 1` 3t. i5a:LL1, ,.jinn Aui: SG, , 1717. To e O`?OruClO c I ,7e rtotaa _v�,ec- u11;J ask thut your HOnl)rabls 3Ody CL,Se 4;ho south time of .o.;;lc 'r; the .,e::tract '_'O aii^, o"�'.1 it -210c? 9 _ I {c0 St 2a l Rc:ul'._..IF Ir:urovcn�,ntt,S .C:icste :?'o. 1 ba c-:tcnded_.to nac ust 10, 1917. -Ovuitions 'it .r... not pos: irlc foi' Ito Lo OL:'.'iQd, i.e:. c : � uccirq to s thhu iL ' 1,"Ile 4'0r Q`.. .lc A i' �S1U JtAtC -Con trHctor 1 • T:cr is nooc,,cction to hr in thu time c:ac:,de.i ter rcc_uc rted„A3 ",r as t?rc rew.;n” 0-'-' ".r. is o iicc lig c ,turned. _ .zv'I' of i Co mis;:iorar Of Public Woi1ta C'ri' .,n inecr CITY OF QST-. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ----GENERAL FORM .l hlo�fi _ - FILE No. Date Presented t 191 Resoly lzat t::a Co....15_._ r i `> ?ty i w—,t z : 1 ._ 0121an a — A_t:ur i9arr tat:i _ tn_ a�cve _ .ti.,nad : io V.:C:3ti rre nlved.BT,h tlth FCommleAlonlrr'�t - 'Pill, Hrtf phym11 Innr / r ut Perbd i.( . 11ft (,1,,).+1 7 nt wl rY 1!78.04.! pe m nils. enm topo ch rged �o Oil! 1 - Pnlnr7 Item . t the nnrenu of ] allce. I - 1<eceeelty Inr thin mPlo>mcnt le c - t - cnAl�ncA Lp. I)r. Arthur - `. tae Aliava 'mtloned tl,nmo [oc hill rnle — en- I APProved��A. F, 19u 1937AUR•.IS- 1917. Yui -19171 Yeas (J) Cct cilmen (.'') NaysQ/ayi�72 t� X911 1� 1 Fa ord, Adopted by the Coun Word, ( C' 191 (/ `Go In favor. Hy d Ke" Approv¢ \ 1 ( 191 I Me 11 Against WU t u rlich Apt_ .... ,:-P,� id ni - rVin l .. ._.. _ .. __ _.. __...__ _. ". MAY -A FORM c, 9.2-- 1 _ _ - CITY OF ST; PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GEN.E RALFORM . 1n10t Subject: counut - - No. Date Presented August 13 191 7 Resolved, 'that permission be and is he g ranted the Tri-State Telephone Telegraph Company to erect gores With the necessary anchors and to string Wire and cable cn the .following ne�eQ streets: 12 poles on Ruth Ave from 5th to Conway i 10 n in alley between 34th & Sigel from Hazel to Ruth 14 " on Lawrence Ave, from Rutland tc'W:soonain 6 n on Winthrop from Minnehaha to Farquier 20 " in alley between Farquisr & Reaney from Ruth toEastAve 1 I _ Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction the the Commissioner of Pub11a ineerWorksinghand pubhioation. one CMP8]iY ' to oost.of inspection, engineering when recuestsd to do polesFand wires to be so by the Com - mon Oounoil, Said opat to be paid by the Telepikone Compeaoy. e F. No:. 16197--ICY Al; ReaolvPd, That Permission Uo and la -I here granted theTri-3tgqt�- phone :& Telegraph Campo") to erect and i io, etriwi)gM1wiree nand cable odd" hthe fol- ' . lowing named stroets: Ii poi m) -Ruth \ve. frum 5th to, Conway to wir1 all Y 'between Rut E. tth anJ. 1 Si.set from Itnsel r truth, ' It poles on ve. from Rut- It A - land to NVb`r`mnin. ! 9 Poles on 1\'loth mp from stlnne- 4 hake to Fsrquler. - 1 ons R Vale. frnmeRt Rath between F­' Ave. \fork. to be done under the Jlrectlon ( - I r and. In the bati.f.ttlon. of -the Com- mleebnor of public \vor s, the Tele- phone Comvnny to Pa)• the cost or in- npretlon engin ,eying e r pubilc when,, • .Poles: and is to b rthe d when,. l h jq l7 e requests) tb do so t) the Cam the I • \a\.) Council. galA cost [o t Dald by the Yeas { ') C Cilmcn (:) Telepho a company i\.`thc Council I• sN'orll Adopted by the Cau 1,1 Aug• /B, 1917. Approved Aug.16. 1917. C in f (Aug. 25.1917) \ ! I lid Appro cd t 191 er 1` Against .� derllch t MAY Mr. pr_ Ide -- Irvin IOIIM C. n•2 j C-ir. mi. tataa—ar.x x. aos. - 1. Reaolrtd THpt: cba et Peul Gas _ Compapy„taAerebY ordered apd T tf dlrecr, to-astepd Ib eleotrlcal flops. 1 by erectlnR'ppa,ad}d atrinRlnfS alr a rharron foy, tHu Iatumlwlon of etee< ' - a tnd .... ap3 la' . f a'InR alleyr .Li Q r _ I and :tussle of add ole Inafnli [eurtaen: poles onlhe sou;. ' COUricII aide. and four,volaa on the north rleral A form1ltl. o[ St. Clnlr StreeA pet +�� . t — — �, and-]lnralaatarArer • --_T_:,__ ..__, i, ._ _.'. � .. AUG PJ iJi%_— Department ------.. . __ Ien. C, Bureau of--,--- - Council 'il Date Presented 191 1 R SOLVED: TNt the tit. N06” "L.ht l.' p r u h ... br deed aed di.0,d to --d it. <I....! l lin. by -di.. pole. a.d -alu'-[ sire. 0--- for'h. ,._v _ion of eleetrictr uv avd to the followim all r d -.1. 1. id city: Inatill fourteen poles on the south side, and roar poles on the nortk: side o: St.Clair Street, between 9aldwih and 1f•.acalester Avenues• (City Instal he twenty-six pole ©-'or.-trjei-aouth side, -and eijz� pees on t(Ci north side o` St. Clair Street, between Saratogayo.nd Dunlap Streets. (City lights), Install qne pole on Dunlap Street, opposite the alley between Osoeola St.1.1air Street. (City 7.ij,,ht ) Install one pole in the north nide of the alley between Osceola Avenue, St.Clair street, _�gnlao Street, and Lexint;tor Av.!nue. (Ci*,; '-:ghte) Install one pole on the north 'aide, and one pole on the s,puth side ofd St.Clair Street at eac`i of the following streets: Chatevrort Street ,Oxfo Street, ardLexingt^n Avenue. Install'onc pole on the west side of Lein„ton Ave::le at the alley between Osceola Avenue and St.lair Street. Ina,tall three poles in the, south si4e'of the alley between Lafond, and .T.onas Streets, Ynieeler Avenue, ,end Aldine street. 19ith necessary gliys and anr.hcrs • All ofm. pots avd.Ln.N1i Le eree4d and o...uncted uod.r the di, ecuvu nd mtxniab 1 d C. Liver el rublic Ulllit;ea and (v .II thlo.. .ect to 1N pr pi I thdivave. Ne. 217.. avd of all ether h.dnl mdlvay.. md.eolutloo. al the CHT oI 9t I 1 Ail pole..hoald N.et la.uch laatioe Iv said allenwd.treep u tN Cu I t ver of Wblk Uutitlea .h 11 d ... t . d NII b. of .uch 6eleM .ad cNr.cur n 11 d i[aata avd appwr...avd.oTeed Jl.ueh pole. Jell Ix ukea dove . d orad, and each wire. placed .,A ad, h.aever the L'ouvcil .hall deem tNt the .,.l:c ivtamt.0 .Nairn. avd who it.Nll If.. order. - .Adopted by, the Council--;___--._..----- Di!(i-13 I - ---- 191 Yeas ( ) Counc' men ( ),Nays FARDqSVVORTH GOSS 6 W DERLICH HYL ND Approv -, —191 KEL ER l 1 --- Mr. Preddent,_1RVrN„- p /t_ Or __ � JL TXR Gr• ST. PAUL.., T Council-Resolution--C1eneral _Form ' - AUG-] Department I — Bureau of — Council File^ N_ -_ Date Presented 191 I aOLVED That on . the St. Paul t:•• Llehl Cempaey i h by .,d,,,d I di... ttd to .rand lu.1-1tal live. by a pee tale. and •trl.alnt w.1...thereon W,the •.lot of eleeiricq ad In the lollowivt torr. sad.-.t. of aid mtr r 2• Install two poles on the wentside of 7-;;Lep Arunue, to*'.:sen Hudson Avenue and pl-im Street. I Install four poleu on the youth side, of ;he slley be ween Blair and Lafond StreetV,Dun1^p Street and Lexir.,ton Avenue. i lith necessary gl' 3 and anchor-a. , Light d That tha SL -YIr. baa; T.iaht C piny Ia❑❑er b) -ordered and; - - dlro [ d t Intend Ite lectrlc Ilnea bY' ectintr P lee and airing n6 wire.,i Mer .on tor. the tranam1,,I*n of elec•I tridty on and lti the following alleys :-d rtreets of sold city: - 'nutall t pole. n lh ' t I% , Me, Av.-nue, between kludr _ 1 1. and Plum Street « oelee un the..aout - - All of h t roe porn d cairn shall be erecud-and tructeJ undtr the dlratl.. ad •utx I 1 V. C..rah.iteer I 1 bli Lt 1 de• and in all thi e. `at to to P 1.1 0l Orth No.3.424. and of •It the u [ 1 ordin•om •ed raolutt'u ul the 4hr 191 1 I. All troln.houid he ativ nth Ix•tlun in uid •lltyt •ed ttrtet• a• the Comm oaer of 1•ubllc U111hi<• 1 ll de•itn•te, std eh•11 be t t h IaM and <har•ct r all dnitnate and •PVror•, and soy d •11.uth wit• •hall be ratio do-. •od amored, and .uch wi Plued uodertround. •h•ot er th<ICouoni •hall dam That the : lnterett.n reeuire•. and wneo it .hall .e order. 191 ed by the Council-------,--------- - :\dopt Yeas ( ) Councf men' ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH LOSS b _ I WU DERLICHAppi 191? rove — / HY ND- KE D KE 'ER -- -—hl-r P-resident,-1--R_ N__.� _--_ __—_ „__•��r•cc. _ �� Mayo - - \ 1 � Fl ln. Va 1U >✓lt N:eul.0. - t � 4 h h rieaalvad. TD♦♦b,the 9t. Paul. Uu � tnpany la, DefeDY ordere4.`and dlraCt- Iia ilnu ,�1�1 ed to. eztand alsetrte�D y. rncting poles. '.and ztringing vrlrea for the.Yeanemfialon trlcftyand In the anA 1` ttytoilowing,..11. •te of a14.^ Cour>lc.l-lRes©luhon-- General' F Department -of Public Utilit,iepe- _ Bureau of Lighting'.-- _1'l Coun!`' 4% No.__-_____._._ Date Presented - 1 R�ES.LV ED, That the St. Paul f,.. Llzht Company i. hnebr ordered and directed to extend its deetric.i Mees by a easier role. and +trlaeinc cairn thereon I., the - ttee.ml+atop of eleetrinT ov and iv tM'lollu.ine aller+avd +tresis of >.id citT' Install five poles in north side of alley betweed Fauquier, Reaney, Ruthe �. and Pedet•son Sts. Install four poles 1a north side of- aliey between Itearxeyr_- 3einnehaha. Ruth, and Pederson Ste. Install four poles on east side of Pederson between FauquSer and minnehahe sb Install seven poles on north side of Temple.St. between iiewport end Highwoods Ave $. Install one pole on.north side, and three poles on south sibs of Oltto St. between Snelling and Saratoga Sts. (City Lights,) I: Install three poles on north side of Otto St.. one at Saratoga, one at Pascal, ;and one at Albert. Ave. (City Lights.). - Install one vole on Aaat side of Efelt St. between Lafond and Thomas Sti. With necessary gays and anchors. All .1.uah.sun.ia.. sol - d U. h.11 be . tea sad contiru W ceder the di ti d re i ( 1 the Co e. et I bli Ctilitl - d it, .11 n Maes .ubjai to the irrarl.ion. of (hdi <. N toys od 1 11 otMr leelut mdinance..ed.n I ti l the Citr t 9t• Paul Ali pole .Mould M set to +uch Ixeti.e ie uid.lin. and .tresis n tM l.'ommh.looer o1 Vubhc l;tilhin .hall d.+htnate, sed shill M I ch hetpht sad chancier e. he hall dniea.t. and arvro+e..vd..,.od.11... h noise shill be cite Bowe .nJ removed, and +uch trin. niaced uodertrovod..hene h l.ouncll .hall tnm that the mblic innre.t.o rcnuin+' and wh<o it +bell . otder. Adopted by the Council------ Yeas ouncil--__- Yeas ( ) Coun linen ( ) Nays ` tFARRTH dos 1 ICH Approve l _—_191 _President, 191 1 R�ES.LV ED, That the St. Paul f,.. Llzht Company i. hnebr ordered and directed to extend its deetric.i Mees by a easier role. and +trlaeinc cairn thereon I., the - ttee.ml+atop of eleetrinT ov and iv tM'lollu.ine aller+avd +tresis of >.id citT' Install five poles in north side of alley betweed Fauquier, Reaney, Ruthe �. and Pedet•son Sts. Install four poles 1a north side of- aliey between Itearxeyr_- 3einnehaha. Ruth, and Pederson Ste. Install four poles on east side of Pederson between FauquSer and minnehahe sb Install seven poles on north side of Temple.St. between iiewport end Highwoods Ave $. Install one pole on.north side, and three poles on south sibs of Oltto St. between Snelling and Saratoga Sts. (City Lights,) I: Install three poles on north side of Otto St.. one at Saratoga, one at Pascal, ;and one at Albert. Ave. (City Lights.). - Install one vole on Aaat side of Efelt St. between Lafond and Thomas Sti. With necessary gays and anchors. All .1.uah.sun.ia.. sol - d U. h.11 be . tea sad contiru W ceder the di ti d re i ( 1 the Co e. et I bli Ctilitl - d it, .11 n Maes .ubjai to the irrarl.ion. of (hdi <. N toys od 1 11 otMr leelut mdinance..ed.n I ti l the Citr t 9t• Paul Ali pole .Mould M set to +uch Ixeti.e ie uid.lin. and .tresis n tM l.'ommh.looer o1 Vubhc l;tilhin .hall d.+htnate, sed shill M I ch hetpht sad chancier e. he hall dniea.t. and arvro+e..vd..,.od.11... h noise shill be cite Bowe .nJ removed, and +uch trin. niaced uodertrovod..hene h l.ouncll .hall tnm that the mblic innre.t.o rcnuin+' and wh<o it +bell . otder. Adopted by the Council------ Yeas ouncil--__- Yeas ( ) Coun linen ( ) Nays ` tFARRTH dos 1 ICH Approve l _—_191 _President, �� � � � �. � } � � •� � r d. { � � is �- �: � c k ' -f f _ CITY OF ST. -PAUL - Council Resolution- General Form Department of— i3ilallsL IIS1].i tie&- -- -- - j Bureau of - Council f Council. File No._____ Date Presented 191 Y. - By - ,RES0L111. That the SL 11-11 llabf l mi,t.1 t• h—bl a d 1 -d dind d t., —d IU elccpual Iron b1 meltiva Vvl • u d trineln[.4n thexov /er th< vae-wWi.v of elecvkll avd iv lh< WIv.in[-1111---d 1—,.I taldca1: Install one pole on the west side and two poles on the'aast side of Pascal j Ate.,at Lake'Como and Phalen Ads. (Ciy Lights). �- Install one pole on the west aids and two poles on the east aideof Simpson ' Ave. at Lake Como and Phalen Ave. (City Lights).' j _Install three poles on west -side of Bellevue, between Graham. and 3t.Pau1 AT j Install three poles on north side of alley between Bellevue and Bairviert Ave` Install one pole on north aide of he first street between Algonquin and Jordon Ave.,south,of Kerwin St. St. Install one pole -on north aide of the second street between Algonquin/and Jordan Ave.,' south of Kerwin St. with necessary guys and anchors. I _ Install three poles on south side of,V6AUiaden9 between Dousman and j Western Ave. - Install two poles on east side of Ann, between Yaakes-and St.Clair �St.' Install one pole on west side of Hope, between Pifth.and Sixth Sts. C Install two polaa on south bids of Nebraska. oetween Huron and Rawl-iaq Ave. Install one pole in east side of alley between Nebraska, Lake Como. sad Phalen.Ave.. Huron and Hemline Ases. Install five poles in south side of alley between Cage, dims; Cypress,: and Berl Ste. Install five poles on east aide of Arona, between Como-Ave.W. and WynnsSt. Ingiall one pole on the west side and two poles an the east side of Aron Ave..�• at Lake Como and Phalen Ave (City Lights)with neceseary guys and 811q�Fq%�lau tan.. vvin.va won -heli be necud,.d w. trusted oder the d rxti v i p<ni by ! tlw C j< k f P blit U1114Ues and iq <;I thivo' avbMct b the pro•kion• of Ordiw.a V.. t -b: and.f all ether 1-vf 1 and n d e i tt n• l .ih< Ci11 t 91 1'a 1 All pain Yho.ld be ut iv such l.utlw in uid-1111, and •txeu the l:.mmtut..n of Yubli Uttlitia -h-11 de iw tea and -hall iw al -uch 6<itlk-1 clml,ctu u he-NUdn4.au andaot..•e.,.d .vr,.d.Il-uch miaA-il lx uk tfd a.d rcm d. avdauh i.. placed.d<r[r uvd, rh ur the Council hall dxw^hat the Wbik ivtuntw eepulrp. wd whw it �h.11worder. Adopted by the Council ----- en r,;1 ..� 191.. Yeas ( ) Counc`lmen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH t 1. GOS — McC LL rl WU_ DERLICI{ { HY N.D Approved 191 KE ER Mr. esident, IR IN Mayor t CITY ,OF' ST. PAUL •.-i� -C(DUNCIL F3ESOLUTION GENE�AL�FORM au. -.• 'I: .Irr � . w n rI r a F 1 Subject• - - COUNCIL FILE Nom Date Presented Aiig. 18 a 191 7. r, Resolved; That the application of the following persons for a lioense'to-conduct HotelsorRestaurants at the locations respectivelY indicated be, and the same hereby are granter?, and the City Clerk is authorized :and directed to issue such licensers to sail applicant upon the rayment.of the fee required by law. TvkIE OF AP?LL.A:'.T. 'Ho T^L OF RF."1A FAIIT. W)cA.ION. 11a Haeasig, Restaurant, 495 Dale St. 527 St. Peter, . Dem,. Restaurant, 54 r. 6th, F. H Thurston, Restaurant, 1868 '(issisaippi, Baker, Restaurant, 314 Lowry Annex,, Bennett Feetham, Restaurant, 300 c;, 6th, A. .:igoni, restaurant, 149 S0� 17aba3ha, Charles :,oplitz, Restaurant, C V IN.ed.BThhti��atlon Tor a Ile .... to I' - the following Pereonn conduct 8oteln or itratauI, to at the Indicated be.l - Iveatlaaa rem D•'ettvelY eta beuthortacd rood d/ ---- lheand .city Clerk rectodto tesue ouch llcenees to Bald _ the 9.7. In of lha Teo - - - nPDllcanS ubon reaulred by .law': o neetsurs,nt. /98 Dale I . _. - Ens, Haven, St W, nam. n ntaura t. 527 9t. Peter. .. in... Ston Restaurant. 84 E. i, g 6l F. 1). 13akcr - n nts,uradt. 1888 afu1PP1..- nennrtt & Feelham� IImUuranp 114 - - - 1,owrY Annes. 300 A. n11Toni limn Reettaurant. 149h9o. j(ODnt[. Charters 1917. Wnbaahn. teCc 16,t 191.7Au6. 16. - ADDiovad'�Auhg• tAug• 88.1811) - Yeas t.' Councilmen (.') Nays r i i Z 'i Farnsworth nIt' Adopted by the Council 191 Coss In favor eland' .Keller K � � Approved McColl Against Mr. Presidint. Ir,in Maron ., ..,. roll. C. e•2 J ' CITY OF -ST. -PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOL.0"TIO.N---GEN I`_RAL-F-ORM I Subject 1; 1b"�'i ti CO.up CIL FILE - N -O. a, ------- A.0-.. 18, 7, Date Presented 191 Resolved, ,+ That the armlication.of the following_ persons for a license to conduct Hotels or ReStaurants at the to^lationa resne—otively indicated, be,.ant the Sane are ;zere':y, 3enied,�r.Y _..-•.- ^~ ,e- - ( e!!Y— 7' .�.L. LA,i7 OF APPLICA" HOTi� L OP. PFFITA?:Ai'. LOCATT011% Lee Cornell, Hotel, 409T'7innesota, I 1 r p I i II I f Yeas ('v) Coulcilmen U) Nays Farrhsirorth Adopted by the Council I 7 191•? Goss In favor Hyl4bcl . Keller Approved t 191 Mccoll - Against ♦ i M f feeldent, Irvin , MAYOR FORM C.9.2 -. ` ..... I - COUNCIL ' TU THE IIDNURAl1LE THE' - ! of the City of St. Paul: - b i" - I. -.-__-___....__..... ... ....-. :...... _ ......._. ._..... .. :._... ._..._ ...:.._..dOCs r hereby make application to the Council o v f St. Paul fora License to conduct a _...._.. _...... __:. .. .. ......._..... ..:.:....... _..._...._.........:...._....._.................:..._.....;...:._............:.._.._ 1. and to that end does hereby certify as- follows: Tha fill name of the p Aicant for said License -is _ . .......,. ........ and his (its) place of residence I............�.11... 1/ y� treet (avenue), in the City• of St. Paul; that Y t e�ac 1 tion of hieh the said app' ant proposes to carryon Uusiness is _.............. in the City of St. Paul. - pat the said applicant is ...... __..__ non' engaged in said business at.7 in the City. of St. Paul Dated this._ 1;:eday of ...... ........._ :... 191.'_y� —Pplicant. Date of expiration of License Date of Inspection...1i............. .......... 191.._. hire Protection.. ..... .:_ ....:......... Ventilation of Building. ---._'z .......... -....... ....: - Meats and Provisions ... ... %Lim -e.. _ ........ _ _._.... '_. :...._. _.._._ 1 Beds and Bedrooms.. _- ...___ ...._- ; Toilet Roomi and Plumbing. :o _=`yam ......... Kitchen and Utensils. . _ ..........__..... ............. .._ .-...:_............_........ .>. Refrigerator and Store Room .... ....... .. .........:....... Basement and Cellar ..._. ...... !'_.. ...... . ..... :................. .......... ......... .... I BackYard......_............_.....__ ._._. _... .... -. : _ _ ................... :.--._ ... ........... General Condition of Premises........, .. - License Recommended:. — ....... � . City Hotel and Restaurant Inspectof. Approved: .............................. _... r ...... -....... Health Officer.. �' II — - I 3 _ _ r t d i ... __ # _:.. 1. _. _. " - ` 'CITY OF BT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°EN61L No, 181t3 er(�12( 1 AUnITEaJiln 4._ �- 1A]�_iBt_ J —� . .Ally PER - 596 Resolved.that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereioaher speci lied funds acid in boor of the persons, firms or corporations for the agp. s specified following detailed mounts set opposite thir resective names aified; :. sgvjent:. - ... in t .. .Yearn ( ✓ -) Coum en Y Y.) Nays . - Adopted br the Council �''( : 40 � j l % .191_ Fa oil], - In favor " ISeI r APProv L 1 lei. " M 11 Hy !rind Alpaat ry— -- Wunderlich C. E \o. 16!13— -MAYOR - ... ... i Mr. President wen" , -Irvin a Resolved that waraota . bs the CItq.Tryppr,: the Payablt out el: — Ptavor alnarter'mpael8ed tundSend ts.' — favor or the Darwna, Orma.or,.norpon- U - lor;imOnnts met 0 Pooln' their "resDactlq namas el ad In . the rollowla dmtalkd=atatement: - �. i - Brookm'.Brothers, 14180. Eseanell ffilectrlc Comppanq, 131.87. '_Bldt. illi lien Naterla] CoulpnnY. A. C„IeK.r.on. 8101.87. Stldway Llme Cement Company, � iaAPjit0.6. Perkins, ia.Ob. - .. $20,04.sburgh. Plate Olaa Company, - ' Rt. Paul Bullders hater! -1 Company, 'ia0l.ti. -.. AAddit.d by. the Connrll Aub• a0, 1417. PDrored. (a.Pt33,_iIt � 18173 140 Brooks Brothers, 9.80 '• F ire -C” . )1 Essanell Electr c Com an P Yr 11.67,' II i - bore-&xPnn 11.25 0 S.&h5.-Cing- .dense .22 11.67 Hansen Bldg. Material Company, _ 144.75 Pay.. Mound. B1. vd 7 A. Co Je3'fare on., 104.671. - G.F.-Crosswalks 104.52 '. - Polioe-Expense ,15 104.67 74 Midway Lime & Cement Company 6.00 Schools-Expenc.e._ 75 A. G. Perkins,8.05 Schools -Expense. 761Pittsburgh Plate Glase Company, 20.04 Sprinkling . 77 =St.Paul Builders` Material Company, 301.83. i Fire C&B 32.72 Pave Rice Street. 769.11 801.83 f � Total i,106.E1 r — - .Pam A.b.11: �zy: y�l r: `/� ''• rt'Z• `. r .. �.. ' I CITY—OF BT. PAUL - °- ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - COUNCIL ND.�-� + .i ;• AUDITED. CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE By AUDITEDAli"> 598 - : L Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite ,their respective names as specified_ in the following, detailed - -. - statement. Yeas ( J) Cou ' men ( J) Nays �- Adopted by the Council; rT_191_ , Far sworth ` % Gu In favor Appr4 �a Ke ler M Coll Against — - q Hyland MAYOR ' --y 9:- Wunderlich C. R..fa.: 13116—� Mr. President, oylgtZ— Irvin i- Raaslred that ' warasb . i' aooa fir CltT Treyurr. P17able:Ont�Of ria hsreloatter a",iled lna0s aa0 I — le - fa„oratha Dersena,;OMnapr, COrpem: h - dons ter tin amounts anemt.0satw:IN their - ' --. atamlleeQ a - - troelalpoeweitnlng AnuateD.oed tie - ' Standard $tone Cumpa, 1337,00. - Fred O. Albrecht.; 8737,00. 4 +- Inhofe t3, Forreet.'.1339.07. -- - ` N, r -{Y. 6TrustMwror nded.Company.ru 143.60. Trustee Alex. - '� Adopted by the Councll Aug. 20. 1917. APProved Aug: 80,.1837. - 1� - _($ept.. 1-1917) ' r� Standard Stone Company, 827.00 !'- Curbing Goodrich Ave. Lexington to C.M.BSt.P�.Ry. w c 80 Fred G. Albl?echt, 787.00 .; P.Parks-Expense (Music). (i 81 Jennie B.. Forrest, 3996! Perm. Itrip. Open. Alley Blk 26, Rice & Irvinces: 'stee Alexander Crawford. N. W. Trust Tru 48.59: Perm. ImP opening Alley'Blk 26, Rice & _. hI'I :. Irvine's ° Total- 2,061.66 x 1� { PETIT -101' . Council: No. PROPOSAL .FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER..- The RDERr The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement, by th.. Uty •of St. Paul, viz.:, open ,....widen'..and...extemd Pieroe e•treet,to a W'i'dth' .of-8iX1l;*-six feet., . nth,QnY...:avenge....to Shi.elde_evenue.,. and to..`.a...�ti �h.:.of elxtnt:.o..._(.Fi3)._f1e.4.,-..-ir.OXIL-6ile.lds....alcenue .,to....Univer.eit�C..avenue................... I' ... .......... _... Dated this ....._Zoth. .day of August�F� 1917 Councilllfnn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: QFe,n, Bei.nC.n.....e, d._Oxxend...Pier.Q.e._etr.e.et, .ta._.a-Width....Of .eixty-.aix,.:..(66.)—feet, -.. I. fro» St Antt►.QnY... ay.eAue:...t:o . SAi.elde.._avenue.,_ . and:_t.o--..a...�.idh.j.oi... ixty t.twio.. feet1,..irom...Shlolde. avenue..._t.o_..Uni.xerai.ty_..&V-enUe _..:.:_._ hiving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cotmcifma�.yy✓ - rive q Onlva.•. therefore, be it - - on preeented to lho RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be amt.aa Tbat theacomemlealonei directed War], be and he u herebY t. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desir+lbilitY of the m4and directed: To Invesunate-the necessity to - ,tearabinty Of the meRlha of wanf -cost thereOr. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost iyrovement To lnvaetlpte the nature, "stat 3. To tarnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.'t�a`the totem cosi `hereoo IME turaUb a. plan, pro 4. To furnish the following other data and information relaliveeald nuprovemear, ;.tt,. __._. _.. _ ... ^rush the to, 0. R. To state whether or got said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Financc. Adopted by the council 191 .... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fart}sworth 1 G Approved 1111`�_....... fly nd Kc cr � `r — - — L211 oh ' Mayor Ir n Mayor. 11 77 No. 18117 -by J, b. 13Yland— ' Rpeolved, That the eommlaxlaner.o/ - "„ frit Playgrounds and.t'uDllc llulld- ` inq.l.. be, and he Is hprobyauthorlaed to employ In tho tiurena of ! uDllc pI L FORM C:OU NCRultdlna! such persons ae m'Y_4e nec� -- ---- -- -wura In cariytnq on aoch' co"T tion; or r pair :work as hemay 4ertl- arter'duly be authurt.,4 10- perform, and to pay the'rto skilled schedule or COUFCQ' appointed per hour. to ekllled mployeae sett. : No. ' nprforned and such wd 6y .hlm In tha' - - rrormnnce bf such wo+k: - xenvetion Foremen. nett. atFeed Par hour ' +nor<t Foremen, not to axe<sd 6a. s per hour. to Piresente�d 191 'Anter Fol.enco not ,fo axr,xd is ger hour. employ In the burev SII Got—r the , eed thl.+v o Resolved,ht the Cor.misaioner of Parke, Playgrounds .and :Public fui'_dings be, and he is hereby' authorized toemploy in the Bureau of Public Buildings, such, persons is may r �. i be necessary in carrying on such conetraotion or repair work as he may hereafter duly be aathorized to perform, and to pay the following schedule of wages per hour to skilled employees appointed ar.d employed by him in the performance of, such work: i Excavation Foremen not to exceed 45 cents Per hour Concrete Foremen,, not to exceed 50 p8x cents per hour Carpenter Foremen not to exceed 70 cents per hour also to emplo-,r in the Bureau of Parke, one (1) Golf Attendant at the rate of ndt to e>:ceed thirty-five cents, ($.35) per hour, said'salar�y to be.pa4d out of the Salariee Account of the Parke Fund; ar.a one -Bath Hous. Attendant at trot to exceed Two Dollars t #x2sa ($2.00) per day, to assist in the care of the bathing beach, said salary to be paid out of the Salaries Item of the Park (Activities) F.thd. Yeas U) Cou oilmen (d) Nays " Fa aworth Adopted by'the Council r ^� 191 C In favor H end 191 K ler Approve \ , --_.-- ----'•�-'1- - -oIl -_._._ __`_"- -Against __ _-:--:.�__1 -- LI_ W derlich _Mr; Preside ,,Irvin+short .. roues aa -a Council Oil! No—: .............:...... PROPOSAL•FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINAAY ORDER. The' undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of ,I. St. Iraul. vIz.:..^ k t;..l£:::.'1�...:... L_a...v�_..._�... .,.L�'l..-.EE9 Clia�.2.i,...i � ._ ...1cC .1'�=:.1...S1C.C.G^.LaYa'_. _".OT � L:10:)q- 0 c, a 1 1 hi: i , 1. i... _ �. er..._?.?_..Y� o'.._.,�_.ta ...................... .-.._•_... _ Dated this (lay of:. ...................L lu jlio! .. .. ........... ... CCS., ..... .'d-'. .............. __ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITERHAS. A written proposal for the mhkingof: the following improvement, viz.: ..'...' ._�.._j . .. .. ..._ 1 s.... i... .�A :r_L+..-+.h..w.11..�,.:_..�. ..aye ]�.....�.,�._ 7t......._-:,..._�__�l i r.c.r.'s i \ ....._..... ..... ..... ............... ..................._................... ......... :....:.............................. . ... 1 a having been presented to the Council of the City of St.,n in Councilman m Dreeerc therefore, be it. r or x,. r .d. :That th, a,rectaaa�a'nd he is hereby ordered and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ9d 1. "l o investigate the necessity for or dGsir. Imbuuitoi the king of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and csti,.',m�ua ott tot :ll.�tprovement, nod the total cost thereof. +. the total. Cost • theree 3. To fuTnish a plan, profile or ketch of said improvt a Dlaa. pron. aproeetaen" •I. To furnish the following other data and informaii5ainn r:' niir°� improvement; whether or. r," tk.d for on..._ ... _...... , ....:.. .. re owner. 5. To sttilc whether or not sni }improvement is nsli UDor �n the petition of three or more owners. 6: To report upon all of the fgregoing matters to.,ne.Commissioner of Finance. - Adopted by the council Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth : t IC Goss Approved _ -.. _ ...... ... 7!11 :..... Hyland _ Keller r l Mk -Coll � Maydr Iri•n, . ..-..-..... q•ory • y"3i:CI11ESt C ^t male, _ Council Filc'No..� f j.,)t. • .��- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ - — ,and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the -following public improvement by, the City Of- St. Paul, f-St.I'nul. viz.: i 1 .._{, .?�. x.El �xaac...,llsa....a..�.l.oc: 6 .� _i r ...:_._..........._...._ .... ..._..__ Dated this_ ......of 191 r r% Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. I WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......:._i :.._�.ra....;:_.7..ea'.....in....1.o.,.k._63...�rs1..1�_ ,:.�.... ........................... sit ek b. ng •--- •-d 011ver'a. lddttlon -i,eY —Ing been pro. s.ntad l the C encu of lh' eClly of . - 'SC Paul lke at .re. he It having been presented to the Council of tile' n°soired. That the commisdoner or Public Works be and he is horsby or- therefore, j)c it dared and directed: , 1. Toinvestlaste the nscesalt4 for or deslrabutty or the making of said: derCd and directed' RESOLVED. That the Commissioner o %proretnent Z To Isvesttgste the asters, s.to ot 1. To investigate the necessity for or deaf. °.° oa iee toi:i eit�it»rwr°ret'' vcntenl. turnlsh a .Dian, Dr;Ve`mCnt, nail the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate e111 ImD_­ne •vuow,_ ., 3. To furnish a pian, profile or -sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement::. _... J. 'I'o slate whether or not said is'asked for on the petition of thimprovement .... ree or more owners. rs. (l.. To report upon all of,the foregoing matters to,the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the council_ . 101 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .... ..... ......... 101._....: Nyland i IJ ?Vetter cCull - -- Wnnderlich .. . or. Mayor Irvin ►oar a es . _. .. _���/���.., � _ � I - Council File No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of _ ,.; .. .. ;he St. Paul, viz.: ^_Ca.._��:.._ ...........;......�.:a..�.. .w.. Q...a...Jw•,L...t.k1 ... .. 1 _.....Q.�.._u:l :li .... - ..........'__.._ .:._......... � _..... 1917.1.... ' Dated they _...... day of ...... ....... ----tet_ ..... ... ....... .' # t Councilman. P PRELIMINARY ORDER. or— WHEREAS, A writtenproposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . 1 n .................._........................ 1 - _... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City • n[ St. Paul ar,.,.un�jlman ta prnat t e Pelnt 61 therefore. he it114.9 bene po. :f the city [ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of'Public Work net the Commti creby ordered and directed, 1. To investigate the necessity. for or desirability of teoiea n° °i �e °aid improvement. ,tlset. tke "N'2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cc,or the meklnloventent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improv" - for ;. a r1 Will —t the" • -. 4. To furnish the following other data and informttUo,-%a pian. .and lmprovemeni; , 5: To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon. all of .the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _ Adopted by the council' _.. 191 ....... Yens: Nays; Councilman Farnsworth G`69 Approved ...... . 191 ....... I(' land I�llcr Mayor \ unf�idt rlich _ ___ I.�.... ..... _ _. 1 -ala •o . _•' CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCIL- AULCOUNCIL-. RESOLUTiON—GENiERAL'-FORM Subject couNc!f Fmx i. r Date Presented 1,114-. 191 7. Resolved; T) at the a_inc _e i co :'_rzct bet-;ree th Cit o' er. 2kinl 'and tho 7orthorn StockCosp n y, for trc sale of rbLge by the Ci% of :;',Paul y t t ..o .-rh Sto; k Co.:-J-nning Senterib _ _ ru par,y, �cr .e• •ea. be er lots 1.917, it those certain 6ar'a jc- .'istricts n=t bered 201', 202, 203, 20, 205, 206, 207, 203, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 and 229, is hereby racifiod and ap;r,•ovod, a..:1 ::c proper city or,icerc are r..creby ,w—norized eu;: ciirecttac9 to enter irs ea 80-,1 ,m';ract on beiialf of tho City. ' ChP Vo�a181E1._p,, a- q: ors- I ;betw°en ti; 'at the °nnexG - f ;North., stock of P•t P°uI ntraet of'Rnrbe Heb -.-VnnY,. for l the:.Yenr esi uln aytpck of m ehe ale ;the yt l'nu1 to !In those b Pt.berg nY, for r8U m=ore Y020, 01r4tfn e_nrbn UI UIttpOta (j��((j Ijjj777� n u SOb, 206 I re Y nJ�the retiy rntfaer n Slb, D :hereby authorls Cro"d c1tY oRleery °r. 1317 in ttodonfrnt t, eml afr are . AUGU ' r APP�ovayhA uhter a Cuu ncll AUK t0 1817 OFFICE � P_COUNSEL rnuR2z'a ieir, Yeas (r•) Councilmen (t') Nays Adopted by the Council 191. rnsworth G 2f t u $s In Favor, • -- eller_ .__ Approved _, -- - 191,...., cColl Against ash "'" oerg l.. ., ,. ..... ....... ... ..'.... F '.MAYOR .'��- Mr. Press nt, Pow'ers .. .FORM C.e--- CITYOF. ST. -.PAUL `. _COU.NCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM- Subject. - • COUNCIL. - N O.. Date Presented t ; a 1911. Resolved. a `hc,rtxoa contract6 bet?aco. t.:e Cit;; of ;t. Pt:ul, rind Li }.c Rushnot,for the sale of,by the Cit-„- of at. i'aul to the said _:ike 2ushnot, for _':e Cur lc , -,Ii., : in3 Sgpwe cuur lat, :1917, in hose aortair. garbaE; .itntricta nurnbered 224, 225, 426 avid 227, is hereby ratified and approved, and tl>e proper ciay officers are hereby authorized,and d'•.r6cted to anter inito'sr-iP_ contract on behalf of the City. 1 C. F..No. 18122—a, SDI. -N. Oosa— - h0twaer.theTCitytof Ht: Paul and�dl ke., - - )tuahnnt: far the Bale of garbage by ,Ru not: for of the lelnrPbegI WdnIng Alike" - ? tembe l.t. 1817, In tho.e ertaln gar.. '.tinge dl t let. numbcrrd 2P I, 226,:226 H nd .le hereby ratlaeA arm ep proved. and the proprr cityoRl en an hereby authorised and dtrectrd to enter - - : Into .nld .contract on behalf of the CItY. Ada Vted by the Counell AUR. 20, 1917.. ' APP roved Aug. 20, 1917.. - (Aug. 26-1917). - OFFICE "IpE CuprTI COUNSFI i Yeas ( t') Counl:ilinen( I') Nays I h 0 1111/ Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsorth ^;1 1C 7 Coss In favor _Kelly rived. FF \\ McColl \ Against 1 l t Nash V Yoerg , Mr. President. Poiven . MAYOR -ORM C.8.2.... CITY- OF ST-.- PAUL— -- - --� --- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G,E NERA _ FQRM' y. 1. � Subject: ; - '. � ii°enat 1� �'� No. Date Presented - Lu=_uat -�^.nat the annexed. oontr-c_t la•etwoen the Cil:;; Of St. Pa nl all. lntOn �2esolved, ' "einholzer, for 'the sale of ~b'e: e by the Cit;; of Wit. Paul to the J� J 1� said .ntor. WL'r.holzer, -or.the car'ue,.i �:: iepferi�er lut, 1917, in those cart_in Barba 'e dialricts iramb, red' L17, 21'3, 219, 2u0, 221, 12223, 230 and 2:31, is hereby ra%ifieil cJ:€i ap.provefl, ana the 1 prover cit;,, officers are hereby authorized an! directed to enter into said cont._act on behalf of thc" Cit•, . i 18Th., IY Woo' nceolvad Th., the nnnexed contraot hrtwa nth Cl q• of St )�u, and ,\,ton �(���j j`jI ('� \\'ei Ci Is r t r the I. of gnrbnge by L7 V tj �� D the Clt)_of. 91. Pau1 ! { u�f - SeDtemb r t t i 3 �nr. e� d Anton for Ih gglnnlnq 191 8 In t d rtaln �•• p^ •... �'• . Iq.nl m23 d 17. 21'8,: hr b • t. 222 . 230 and 583, 1 �� 1. o r ntllle I Wend. SRP o •ed u S OFFI9EpF TH ORPO 10 OUNSEL Ix a ana �dR elad'to 4 bl and .1h- conlr V t d b I, halt of the tryt,lnto Said Ado t ) the Cou Well Aug, 20, 1817. 1 , AUUroved Aug. 20, ]e1Z (.\uR.. 25-1817) Yeas('') imcilmen(r•)Nays kits ZU 1` I,( 19L_... 1 Adopted by the Council Flsworth In favor -- C< -- -`-- Approved A Keer nit oil Against Net 1; rg _..- ,v... MAYOR Mr. Preside ,Powers . >s �• ,- — FORM C,e•2 I .. - - -- - - -- - - - - -- COUNCIL FILE NO..-... ............. By. . _. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....constT.uctin,;...3 cement..tile sidewa1k....4 ...f.eet.:.side...on.:...:.. . the .eeet...side...ar..:e.e7.ex..:.a!iacen.ue..:..xhenc9. nortn._approx -7R4Vgly_„100 feet, to connect with pr sent conatruct.ed walk under Preliminary Order 1.6807.. .. ..approved _ June- Intermcdinry .Order - ... approved A public hearing baving been had upon the nbove improvl•uicnt upon due notice• and the Council having - j heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto. and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of.St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- tnent to be nladeby the said.City is... construct...a cement file sidewalk 4} feet ...wide-:- on ide- -on the east aide of Wheeler, avenue beginning'at.University avenue._ !thence north.'approximatel; -100 ,feet, to connect _w.ith.present_ fconstructed C €. .........................:. .. a ...... .. : _....._ ._.__ _. :..._. '. ... ...___.. _......... _:....... .................. ......... .......... . and the Council hereby orders snid unprovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, 'I'Imt the Cnmiuissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed -to prepare plans and specifications. for said improvement. nod submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials arc herchv authorized and directed to proceed witlii making _. of said improvement in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the Council, 1) 9i7 _,. — 191....... City Clerk. ria )11 Approved.... Lt 1!Il .. tee Counel. ..... .. _........ ....._. .. .... u, that the precl - Mayor. .akind of Improvem . - - Counci n FarllFN'nrtll. _.. �Y id the said City Ie cons, Colinci all ( Il.� •t tile t. e sidewalk 4% feet Pio yet side of.. Wheeler avenue be`.. _ - 1'otlnci an 11% Intel at University avenue, theac. .f 7 + approximately ioe feet. to eon. )Diiltt.t. -LU l.�Ol1aC1 an htRvl• with present constructed talk. ('.)unci all MeColl t Caunctl nereb y orders said-int. Coun aft-Wunderliell nt to be made. ad Purther,Taat the Contorts' Mavor -in f Public Workr.. bs - -- •eructed and directed And H. S. A. 87. sad apaclanstlona far asN - 'F,ittu - and aubmlt. me t, . t }st upon . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FQKLLMINARY ORDER In the Matter of:.:._Constructing a cement -tile.—oidewalk 41 feet_wide-on the ;aide of Wheeler, avenue bel#nning.at Unive . rqity..aye thence North apprq;ima a y_100 feet to connect. with...pro.ee t q.q.a st-r A. ko ... ....... ...... .. .. . ........ ...... ... ... ......... ..... . .... ..... . .. under Preliminary Order approved June .. .. ....... . ..... To the Council of the City St. Paul. The Commissioner, of, Finance hereby reports as follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 5 D.. 50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such. improvement., and the assessed Valuation of each lot or par"I as last reported by th"sscssor, ore as follows: � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION Parkway in Diokerman'.9 Rearrangement 300 TOTAL. 300 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, .and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the -Council, together with the report made to him in reference - to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. ...... ..... Commilsionir of Finance. ------------- Office of theComtoner of ,Public .Works Report to Commissioner; of Finance June 11th, f , .... . ..... . . ........... .... _... ..191._ To the Commissioner. of Fimmee of the City of. St. Paul: i 'file commissioner of Public Works,having had nualer eousidernliou thc1ire lioduns;v order of the Coun- 16807 June let, 7_ eil, known as Couuml File No. .. .. ...:... .appi-oved IN re, lot ive to onstn.cting s_ ement tile sidewalk 4� feet wide on the east side ... .._. . ..._............. ._ ....._ of...Thealex–fim.a...-_beg.i.nni.ng—a-t....University ..P.v_.._. the.nce....n.or..tb, Aprrgxi.nat.ely I 100 feet, to connect wit' present oonstructed stalk. - nud having investigated the .otters sad things referred to.therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _........ and (or) desirable. 50¢ per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $... __ _._:.. _,,., and the total east thereof is *: XX X and x tine nature and estmt of said improvement is as follows: :1. A Olein, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnelied and node a part, hereof. d. 5. Said improvemeiet is.. no? ..:_.._..:asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subje)I to assessment for said improxement. l;OUNCIL FILE NO... ._ . By FINAL ORDER In the-3Iatier of...::..r.ecanat.r..tcting, ..relaying, and..nepair-inZ..the-..:C.ement.....:...... til.e....sidewalk ._.to.._a..Width...af....eight-.."Y.eat.:..on...tile -..sa.141 BlAe .off:.:U"nimerAi y. a'if:enue, b.eginning...at- .rarringto-a...MmenlAe, .........: i Tinder Preliminary Order 16992 upprovetl June 14, 1927. Intermediary Order :. approved . A public hearing having been liat"pon the above iuiprovonit•lit upon due notice, and the•Conncil.having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativ," thereto, and hating fully considered the same; 'Ihereforc, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of' the City of St. Paul that the prceise nature, extent and kind'of improve-. I ment to be made by the said City is.., reconstruct., relay. and repair the.. cement _ ...- Zile sidewalk .to a width of eight feet on the south. side of Uni.7er-sity r r3venue, begi.nni.lag at Farrington agenue_, thence...west 254 feet. I ::. .. ... "-....... ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED IT RTIIER. That the Commissioner of Public Worlts be and Is hereby instructed and directed Qo prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity otiicials are hereby authorir-ed and directed to proceed Stith the making of said improvement in accordance ther6vith. 'S 20 19!7 Adopted by the Council... - - - City Clerk. - 'I .Approved:. .. .. ..._... 191..... -. - 1 - the council ;oft llayor. ( ountih>� u l arnsivorth at the prsede Hatt, i ,nd of Improvement f Unntil n Los. the said City, is recur, nJ repair the cement the Fowieil en 1ii'Inud in a rldl6 telght feet o. - 1'ounci4l En Rell,•r nib skis of univeralty avenur inning at Farrington .avenue. tl- 1 at 254 feet and the Connell h, , 1'oun.il it ltci'nll rders nld improvement to he mn, C'ouiici n \Vuu,lerlicll •Resel-d p'urthen That the Co., ,,Her of patine Worx. he-and b• , • MayerrJu _ r.b7ad�nddtreete6 t0 Yplana and-speelfkatfona fora rovement. and submit same t0 1 it for- approval; that nFon.nForlu R. S. 8-7. protal. the proper eltr ptf can a robY authorised and dlr�eted. to lin . • Mf with the maklnt of Bald Imprua. , at in aeeoreance. tberawltlL I` dapted by the Council Aug. 20 3817. approved Aug 20. 1937. tAut 34�if17) , 7 j F CITVOF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In ihe:,Mattcr of rue t i ng, relaying qAd repairing t4e.pjame,41t t11.01.. ........... qt40?ra7,jc t.Q.. a_:qidth of eight fqje..t--on the %ov.th....9ide_of avop4o :"gixMtng_it Farrington ay a nu..e th.e1k0_V."gt a 54.1 f. 0 OS6­ .... . ....... A"! • .... ..... . under ,plelimit Order approved June. 14th,1917,.. To the' tcuncil-9f the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner. of Finance hereby reports as followv. ,The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is aq wire Thr estimated cost perZotit for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation -of each lot or r C1 is last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 2 Elfelt Barnheimer and 2950 5 2 Arnold"s Addition 8200 4 a to St. Paul .3 2 3300 6425 TOTAL, 20875 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and i hereby submits the foregoing as his reDort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L91 Dated. Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of -Public Works v Report to Commissioner of Finance June..: 29th:.,...::..:.]91- 7. I'o the Comwissioner of Finance. of the City of St. Ynid ni,- vomwimioner of 1'uhlle \Yorks, having had under eoai�ideration the projininary order of the Coua- l4th 191..7...., relative to cit, knmi•n as Couneil File No...�.��.�r3 . _approved.._. J.0 , _.._ — I reconstructing, : relaying, and epa riring the cerLent the sideec-lk to'_F width of eight feet on the south side of University Ave. begin nirZ at Farrington Ave., thence west 254 feet i 111111 having iuvestigsted the matters and things referred'to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .necessary •and (or) desirable. 660y per lineal foot_. aad is. and the total cost thu•cof is $. .1 'rhe estimated -+nst`thereof �_.._ ....._.. the notate and ccten;. of said, improvement is as folloe•s; _...._ phm,.l>roflle or sketch of said ingirovement is heretii nttuched and ouide a putt hereof. •1. - not G. Said improvement is.. ..asked for upon petition of three fir more oIwnery of property, subject . to assscssmcut for said inlimovmaeut. commissionw• if Public works. C� r - -- -- - COUNCIL FILE XO.....:.. By..,. - FINAL ORDER In the ilfutter of... eonstzuct 4. cement tile. sidewalk to....a.seidth.`..o.f..aix._......... side .of Ma.et....SeX.slt . stree.L...h.eWinain8 at.,.`?.azelwA.ad... avenues,..t'1e.nce_to,.,yPh te_5ear_aw•enue. _...... under Preliminary Order 17209. ` _ approved Juno 22. 9`17. i Intermediary Order ... _. approved .. �— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and -the Council having heard all persons, objections and. recommendations relative .thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council dT the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ' nleut to be male by the said City is.. _.construct .a..ce-ment- ti.lei eidewa1k-,'.ta:.:a..Width. aix..feet...on.. the._s,outh side of East. Seven.th.s.tr.eat..b.egizining ,at:...... ................ ...................... ............:..._ ...:........... ............ .................... ...::..........:............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pnbli,• Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for nand improvement, and submit sane to the Council for approval; that. upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby autborized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in necordanr-• tb-•r,•with.. - - i ildopted I.} tlu• Couueil :Til 20 !917 WI Approved,. - t,ouacilmad Farnsworth Coulleillual Goss ki 1'ouucilmall Ilylaml In Couneiltllal Keller ions Couneilmal JleColl Couucilma Wuuderhi,h be, -. Mayor Iry 1 _ Ind For. B _J- A. d-1. � [o � \ 1 ..ml ..... "ttavor re Councll c - .he ptecl.e r _ t Improraat j d City I. co - r.lkle•.a wt'- - - n old. of F .. _ LL Haso", ra�•enu, e. tiier.Work., b.,o of .nd drecG - - peentcatlone pr V '1:cItY ea! - udd: Alrect - ,nee t er aatl he 20 1917 Any - uq•=9 -1419) 1 - COUNCIL FILE \0...... ...... By.... - FINAL ORDER In tlhe Matter of Cana truct. k cement tile sidewelk..to...a..Wi>&L-i...0X_six............ . t £eet fl.n...t.he...sot:z.aide..,c.L..3a5.t....S.ex.e'I:..a:v.ze;t...b.einnin�*.:.azelwaod... avenuet,_.thence to White_.Bear.aWenue. under Preliminary Order a72Q.9. approved June 2.2. 1217• Intermediary Order ... approyed A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recotnmendations-relatiie thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it .. RESOLVED. By the Council of the Citv of $t. Paul that the precise nature, exteni and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. construct .a .cement-. ti. le..sidewalk.--to.. a..-xidth.- f AL...aix..Ye et....or_.-the..southside of East. Sets.en.th..-s.tr.e.et ..b.eginni.ng at: ............ Whjt.q.Be&r":avenue.,............ ..... ... ....:....:....... . .... ...... ..:...... .. _...._ _.. _ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the. Commissioner of Publie \Worlm be and is hereby instructed and directed To prepare plans and', specifications for said improvement, and subunit name to the Council for approval; dint upon said approval, the proper cit• otlicials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aeenHanr,• thereavith. - :\dupL•d by IIIc Coolwil ,:% 2() !Q;1, 1!Il ..::.:.. _..: .__ ............. _ \pprnve,l ( i Cut Clerk. 01 l _ ............... . Couneilnta Faro4worthIIy the c reelae r that the P conneilln Goss - kind of lmpto�am - the Wd . 1 `1e co Cuuueilm Ilvhtu,l Ite Adewaix m s wt - ' :the eoutDtel1feseiwoo - Cuuncilma Kelh r lo,` n , a nu- Couneilinal McC•ull ' ee"rebpe near der: Mdd Councihua Wunderlich be mad" TDat eer a,dFutcher. lfavor Irv' - _ t Publle vrorka De .. enent. and &P -111-N s, -. and. ea bbrm IS S. A. 8-o.•i. m.for appro-1; thei the prover' city of - 4horls,d and AlracR the reeking of wit ccordancglherewltt. - I by the Y�u1917 Auk A AV0" 16-1917) ' . 'tAa&, _ - CITY. ON ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE R6,ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 8N PRF'.UMINARY ORDER r Conetructing'a cement the eideealk _to a *tdth of ei � ftget c,. the Vlatte� of •.. on, the South aide, oY East etree.:,beginning at Hazelwood aven-u_e thence to White Bear avenue, June 22nd,1917, under Preliminary Order approved k -G To the Council of the City of St: Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ $ 0.66 _.. The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement is ,The lotsar parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the,aasessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION ASSESSED yALUATION 10 5 D-nalowle,Rearrangement 200 9 5 of Lot 5-F-7-8-9-10-11- 150 8 5 12 Block 2 Lots 9-1n-11-12-13 _ 150 -14-15-16-17-19-19- Block 2150 7 5 6 3 and Lot it Block 4 150 5 5 5 Cruickehankte Garden Lots 150 ;5 2504 4 3 5 200 2 5 200 1 5 " 1900 i.,.:, ...R. .-Form B. n..10 - _ ....:. . ..-.. r 2 ,' F SY. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORbER -.•- _ 1 DESC RIPTION -�-- ..: g-DlTION - .. ALUAT17 (Ex. East 30 feet),'I 8 ,,13 Cruickshank's Garden 2025 East 30 feet of 8 .3 Lots 1575 Beet j of. 7 3 2650 4. East of 7 3 450 (Ex. South 15 feet) 6 3 825 5 3 .900 4 3 5700 (Ex.East 2C ft of South 62 set) 1 3 3 5825 (EX.E 20 ft Of S 62 ft) 2 3. 3 1 J. N.Roger Is 3rd Addition 200 2 1 to St.Paul,Rarnsey Co.,Minn. 200 225 15r 1 J. N.Rorer's 4th Addition 250 14 1to St:Patkl 1800 13 l 1700. 13 1 1700 11 1 2200 10 1 200 _ 9 1 350 r 8 1 200 7 1 200 i 6 1 200 1800 4 1 2200 _ 3 1 300, 2 1 1500 $3, PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE • . 44 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ,. LOT aLOCK 'ADDITIONASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 J. N.Rogere 4th Addition 2500. to St. Paul 15 1 Kuhl'e 9n1 Addition to 400 14 1 St' Paul 250 13 1 1200 12: 1850 ._ 2000 10,1 1700 g: ,1. 200 8 1 200 7 1 200 6 1 200 5 1 2200 4 1 1500 , 3 1 500 West of 2 1 East of 3 1 } 2350 I 1 1 - 60475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference.to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated , r 19f c./ - !� c G'Gli Gl/ Commissioner of Finance. '+wy.. � ... � �dM.+. .,.., .. 1 .. QfFce of the' ComiYnssioner of yb4c Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .._7tJ1.....7 ' '1'o the Conuuissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Yawl: The Commissioner of Public Works, hnving had under consideration the preliminary order of tthe Conn 17209June 22nd, 191.7.., relative to cil, known as Council File No. approved constructing a cement.tile sidewalk to e :vidth of Six feet on the ..._ ..... __ ._ ......... south side of East Seventh St. beginning, a, Hazelwood Ave., hence i to",.rite_ Bea r._Ave ... _... _...... _ aatl.haviug investigated the matters and.things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement iw necessary and (or) desirable. 66; per lineal foot xxx:c The estimated cost thereof is $..... and the total cost thereof is T slid the nnhu•e and extent of said improvement is Ps follows: J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade n part hereof. 5. :Said improvement is: ... _.. _._ ......asked for upon petition of three or.more owners of property%ubjeci to assessment for said improvement. O - Commiri. on�r mf 1'ttidit: worker .�. � � � _ � � i � 7 1 � � COUNCIL FILE NO....:... .._._........ BY.— . FINAL ORDER - In the Matter af....rec.onstr.ucting, relaying..and...repai.rinx..vzi.th..cemMt.,.-:...... tile, to: a_width_o.f aiz..feet,, the..•cement _tiles..eidewalls.•.cn:.the;.north............. side of. East 8eventh-, street,,. beginning 140, feet,. west o.f, finnehahA.;... atr"t, ..thence west. AO feet_.__ under Preliminary Order . 16860... approved . ..June Intermediary Order approved . _ ...... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the Cih' of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and find of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....reconat.rttat,...rola,}c and ...rep.air...with .:.cement ...tile to a width ...of six feet, the cement the sidewalk e n on _thort'a_si.d.e•.of_•_ wast...Seventh.•st_reet,••.beginaing..140 feet__.weat. of, annehaha ... A.t.,....... ,...._ thence ....... y........Weat AO feet. ..... ........................ ................. ........ ...... .. _... ...... _... _......... ... .. _....__ ._. _ ..._....._ .... and the Council hereby"orders said improvettient to be made: RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Coit inNsioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby nuthm'iwil and directed to proceed with the making' Af said iulprovenlent. in. accoribille,• therewith rZ i \tluph•d by dn' l•olllwil :t)s U t, q.. t !.: City Clerk. V F t i rA kItl:,e eame:ther torr, ... :........ �Iay0� I�rul.tha't t[he precise netm — I,OIItICiIIUUn 1" •use•urth -d of Improvement Councilman li 84 by lhe: said l`,,Y is recon. and repair with cement tit, C0UI1Cilmall I \'latLl- on six feetthe n rrth aidethe rern—t Lit. of goal ae, Councilman el lt•r holt r+ti th l/0 testi 10 f eft re w- Counmlman IeO.11 Couneil hereby orders Bald e ent to be'made. _ - Councilman Vunderlielt aolvaA Further. Thal.the Co. - er o[Pub1lc :Works; be and Is n_ .MayerIrt'7 'nsnni epeLadaulonetetdoro�p, _. old , vetneut,. and submit same <to Form, I3. S_ A. i, - ,.,act] for .approval;- that uPon . r prove 1. tho. Proper city official. - :r by- a tbarlsed and directed. to: p d wllh the makntg of .aid lmPro., int In accordance therewith. r Adopted by the cannot Aug. 20. 10% : a Approved Attg. 20, ion : (Aug-jR-1nt3 t . A. T' '-K-J."L CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF; FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) lk In the Matter of ............. Reo.onstrticting, ..relaying -and ;084;ing..rith 0-0.men.t..Ails, ....... ......... to a width -of six feet tb I a cement tile sidewalk on the North side of . . ........ . ....... . .. .... East Seventh street begivining 1.4.0 -- feet - west o . f M.in.ne.h. ahs. street ...... . .... —7� . .. ... 49 feet, . ....... ... .... ... ........ .. ....... ....... . . .. ...... . .... ... .. ..... ....... .. .. . . .... ..... ........ . ....... ..... ...... .. . . . ........... . . un& -r Preliminary Order approved. JUAM] 6t34, --10;7 To the -Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the ass ssment,for the above improvement is $ square The estimated cost per,400t for the above improvement $ Is of land - that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed, of each lot i The lots or parcels valuation o ;iarcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED.. VALUATION. 12 Johnstone'a Subdivision 1100 of Block 112 of. Lyman .Dayton's Addi tion TOTAL, 1100 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he his, investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated . ..... .... . ..... ...... .... .... Commissioner of Finance. ✓ F ? Office ofd tire' `C:ommis!i r of Public Wotks Repott.to Commissioner of Finance . June 13th, ............ 1J1..7 To`tlie, Conunissioner of Finnace of the City of St. Pald: The Coaouissimier of Pohlic .Works, having hnd under eousideratioo the preliminary,order of the Colin- cal, known as Cotineit File \x..:16860 ttpproved ._ _._JLne 6th, 1 )17::...,-relative to'.., _ .._:... -_.. vt.i.dth...af...six....e.e..t.,_.tne___-ex�ent...ti'_.e. side.arlk on-the..._north..side of .Girr,ehaha t.., m thenO.e w t 40 feet uad hiiving nipesttglite ie mutters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -necessar, mid (�or)) de irable. ao per Ivinea foo 2. The entinudeil cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is j ... XXXXx_ _ and the uatore anis extent of said huproveiilent is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto fit Welled iuid umde n part hereof. 4. _.... _ . 3. Said iuiprrovenient is .. not _._ .._..asked for upon petition, of three or store owners of property, sobjcet _--'—la�rssesshs-ot foH'ituid-imprattmcuto-_.- { i t oinaiiS.6 r of Public. Works. . f COUNCIL FILE NO ......... B FINAL ORDER In the )ratter of._cona.ttuoting. a cement tile. a..WiAth:.a.:C Zi.x... e.et...An:..tbe...scut.h._�.ide...o.F...St.,..._Antlia. ..evenue...fro, . `?Ere.ci>t:1:.aYenu.e...t.e.... Aldine street, ander Preliminary Order 169.77 _.approved June 12, 1917. Intermediary Order .. _. approved . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having _ beard all.persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore,, be it RESOLVED, By the Council•of the Cityof St. Paul that the precise nature, extent find.kind of improve- stent to be made by the said City is...., COC1Bt.T.wt....a....cem.mt....tile a...Wi t21..... _of ..:aix..f.eat::an.the .aouth side o: St. Anthony ..avenue _.i'ro.m..Aersahel.:.... avenue.to Aldine street and the Council hereby orders said improvernent to. be-nmdr. - RESOLVED FURTHER.That the Commissioner of Public \Voris' be and is hereby instructed and directed to .prepare plans and specifeations foi- said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon,said approval, the proper cite officials are hereby authorized and direeted to proceed with the making of sniol. improvement in neenrdancc tlwrvwith. - - �£ � .\dople.l by tlic Couo2Uril 1!Il .. ............. l l" Cit Clerk. . ApprovetL." " 0 _ o. and ' .... .... . •ams; tber.. Councilman h nisunrtlt ine Council of the Councilman l � t the precise: nature >nd of Improvement t " l'ouncilman t•lan.1-.ie said City is cenetru, "t. •UtlnClllnatl eller - .ne xdutb!side [ St. Anil, - IlUllt,'lhllatl 'C(dl a horschel Ave. to Aldine • bund! hereby order. "sal.,. Councihumilunderbeh nt to be made. red Further,That the Com�lit�'Or IryIn .fPublic work. be and 1. tucled and directed to pre`nd specifications for. eat.,ent. and submit 'fametoForm It S. A. 8 - it for approval: that upon mef at. the proper city oals authorized-and"directed to fth lho making of .aid tmpri , - r :accordancetherewith.. j - 'ed by -the Council Aug. YQ,1 . Aug. Y0. 1917. ved 1'Aug: _lb -19177 '-j a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i t — _ REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PFiEDAOINARY ORDER (D) 'In the Matter of _.a Constructing a cement the sidewalk to a width of ;six le.et:...oa...the. eouth aide o>'t...6nthony :.avg _,.jrpm..Hereohel ave to.., . ......:.:. Aldige ..et?eet, ... under Preliminary Order approved Jt1IIe 12 y 1917. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment. for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .0..66- The lots or parcels of fond 'that may be assessed bendits for such improvement, and the asscss:d 'valuation of each lot Or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows-- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - - AAYD _. VALUAI'ION 6 1 Quinby Park 675 5 1 3350 4 1 600 3 1 .600 3 1 1475' 1 1 650 - .TOTAL 7250, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, .and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matte by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 � Dated r ... ..:........ 191 ::......... ... . it 1 Gc )i Commissioner of Finance. Office of the .Comrnussiorier of Public Works � I . Report to Commissioner of Finance • �Lne, a�th ._ ............:..:191..7.. ro the Comiaissioso• of Finpnee of the City of -St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, hnviug had +u+der,eousi+leratioa the prdimi+�mt order of the C'oun- T ' File 16 7? upproved __."t.rie 12th, 791....., ncl+ntive to . oil, kngwu as Council 1''nle Nn. __ ... _._ . ... upproved ocnatrLetin a .,et. rt t 1 bide t p to e ridth of six fe t on the �...... _... . 6cuth Side of Ft. Anthony Avenue frog. Ferschel Avenue to Aldine street and liftvinig iinvestiguted the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is uecessury and (or) desirablo.. 66¢ per line,al foot xxx j 'Pine egilftMed cost thereof is slid the total cost thereof is T and the uaUu•e and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, lirotile or $ketol+ of said improveweut is hereto attaehrd "I'd umde It part hereof. d. ;�. Said iwproveinent is.... _ ...: _._usked for upbu It, of three or more owners of property,:subjeet to assessment for said improvement. Cosuoiss mer of Public Works. I ------------ --- E: COUNCIL FILE NO ...... _...... ......_...... BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter oL...cona.tructing.a cement tile. sidewalk ...to....3..width..of.Six_ �eP...on..;the...wa.at .ei.de. c`.. eau]ties..:.s.;rre.L,:.b.egi.niizt;..at:..�rary aad..n.treet.r themce. north to Ce.rbon strut.,..- ..... ...... - - r ` under Preliminary Order 171.1-9. 5 _ .approved . June 21, 1917., Intermediary Order ... _.. _.. approved . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -having J� heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; I therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Colineil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- nleut to be made by the said City is_.:-cons.tr-Unt...it -.Cement .tile... sidewalk to...a...w.idth...o.f" ei.?S . f e.st... o n.. the.: fast.:- si vie o f Gault i C r at rpt: be.ki..Wizit?:...at...YarYI.snd.: , .at:x ee.G.....thence...�?ort.h..4.o.. Gac3on ..e.t.reet _......... _.... .. .............. ..:. d and the Council hereby orders.saitl intprovenientto be made. IRESOLVED FURTHER. That the. Coin inimioner of Public Works be andis hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity, offiviuls are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking or said improvement in aecordanevtij{!I ! 1dopL•d bt the f]nuu•il ltll. 7 City Clerk. ,Lp�d•uvrd.. - IBI U I(l ....... . i t Mayor. ({ the Council'v..-.-- l:oulcilma Farnsworth at the precise paw. t Kind at :lmpro.eI t Ilj CouucllIn t109a tho said City is conetro i l'ouucilm Iilk ylaud lie he Eat to so wldtt on the Bast aide of Eau. Cuuneilm Kellar nning at Maryland at •rth to Carbon street. anu 1,'ouneilm' 3luCup .^.1,•• orders sold Impr a made: — Councilm Wunderliell o e'urtoer. That the Coma 1Public Works be and he Mavor Ir n ,truc[ed and directed to W and specifications for a; _ •so and subml[ acme to tb Fona $ S. A: 8•7. or ap the proper oper that upon ea1� •elq ottleero an thorlsed anddirsetoro.ro p- i the maknir of e►IQ ted lmp wl ecordanee there"' _ by the Council Aug. 40,4917. 1 Aug. -40. 1917. �... - ,tAug. 46.19[7) " CITY OF ST. PAUL _ .. DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ior ricMatter of ....Constructing a cement the sidewalk to a width oP six feet _on,the ._East aide of Gaultier at .beginning at Maryltaad e4 thence North _to Carton e,treet, _ . I ..... ... ....... ......... _. 1 under Preliminary Order approved dime 2101,1917 , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: F I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ { } The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.0...-66. Th: lots of parcels of land that may be assessedEenrfits–for such improvement, and the assessed :valuation of each lot or parpel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows { i DESGRt PTION LOT et.ocK- ADDITION" VASSESSED ALUATION j 15 Rice Street Garden 8735 i — Lots i i i ,TOTAL. `3735 Thi Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has ylnVesti¢oted all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as, his rcoort thereon to the Cohn IN ,'6zcthcr with the report made to him in reference. to said matter by the Commissioner of Public-Works. �.G.� Dated, 191 - /..� Y Commissioner of Flnanee. i roeu �. s. w..•e. o - - A .. _ St. Paul, Minn .}/ct t(-<�, J !� .197 s I To they Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- We, the undersigned property_otivners hereby;petit'ion your " Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: tutu.:?. C'Gtc2rt2� fromztica��. .;�. . • . St. Ave. to St *ver N A m E _ _ @ b'OT' r BLOCK @ ADDITION _ _ -- — -— -T -.T--— ( ——— — ..r J J. .. .. ... .. 7 @ @ .... ... ... @ ) r . .. J . J @ @ @ @ ......... (@ J 1 ( f. . . . . ► ! @ ( i(..@ JJ J . J r @ Office. of the Commissioner of Public "Wom. Report to Commissioner of Finance ..iq>..?:. I • ro the commissioner of Fionnee of tltc City of St: YauL The Coniutissioner �f Pnblie Works, having hnd under coosidert�tiou ilio prelimiotny order of the COUo- 17196Jure 213t_7..., relative to _..,.__. t eil, known as Council File \o.....:... .a l toed P conati>.gtin_ a ecrert,,,til •._sidelzlk•.to a_.'TF 4tR_99_0_X_ fee• on the ,. east aide of"Gal- tier Street oegirnr at urylard St. thence north ,;o Carbcn_ treat __:..._.. nntl lotviug in vest iguted the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Suitt iotprovetnrrtt is _...::..neeessory and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot •3. '1'hc estimated cast thereof is $_...-......_ and the total cost'the•eof is $ I the nature and extCotOf said improvewent is as follows: i • a: :t dau, profile or sketch of said intproveuitent is hereto attnhed and trade a part hereof. 4• 3: 5nid iugtrovcuuent is not ...I•....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessutent for said improventeot. Coon ssioner of Publie WO.�/ ------------ A COUNCIL FILE NO........ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....canatzmating...a...cement ...:tile ...AliSi,e olk...trR...4..:TdAth..q� feat-on;.:_the. _east ..:.eiSle .oi..�it.e.Betu:•pve ,_from Harvester Ave.,.,thenca. north 150 feet to connect with present walk,_ _. _ .:..'... ._........ ....:. . .....................t. under Preliminary Order17585_ .... , approved ..:. July. 17,, 1917 a . ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the saltie is hereby approved and adopted, and: the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recommends is....:cozntruct ok C_egm►it sire .b1d.1l1talk.tio_a width of six feet on the .sect side of *bite Bear Aye. •from Harvester' Ave., thence no.rth.150 fe.et..t.o...cAfirlfact.:.eitkr................ jpresent walk. ... __ __ ...r.... . r with no alternatives, snit that the estimated cost thereof is $.-0.66::per front foot.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said.iluprovenient on the. .15th_. :.......day of , , , .Sept etnb er) 191 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building is the City -of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice _ of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- iug; the nature of the improvement, and the total, cost thereof as estimated. adopted by the Council 191 Approved: _ 181 City Clerk. ............ flavor. Councilm n Farnsworth "` �•: - nr.ure oar.. . tea Counell re t:0U,lCllm n (.iUa9 comeat'tll...1 - six feet on .the Couricilm M Hvlaud tear Ave. from Ha. •- north i6ofeet tocc'. walk alth do altarnt - Couneilnl it Keller ne estimated coat tael Der front foot. - - 1•oaneilm n McColl - Iyed Further, That - T 'De had on That IID, - Council Wunderlich loth ear f -sept. i ur of 10 o'eloek A. A. 1 -Chambers In . th - Mayor I in ane city Han - city l. . oL'otrAf urawt ."Pau Forin HS. A.344; if 17 T. Ahuaqt terdnaactive totesonadod aD P"initL.-ofLer -at that-.1--t- She .Uah • theConnell t30. 1M.. - - - - - e•1017)' FT i) 1 FSSS� COUNCIL FILE NO ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...conB.tr.Lio6a.. a.ement...ti.1a_,.a> de al?is:.. a a..!►id_t#►..of...e x. feet„ an the north .zide_of. Net son. C�}atew4.Fth..,$t etnd a poi-nt_ 234 f6et pest. of Milton Ste, _.............................................:. under Preliminary Order .......1?.65r1.......... ...... ...... approved . _ July. -_20s_ 1917x... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report -of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...... C.ons.tr.VAt.. b....cement tile- sidewalk'.to..width_.Rf :.siX feet.. on, the,.north,.eide ot_.1Pateon_Aye. between Chatsworth .44t. and s: point 234 feet.: we. et_:of. Vilton_.St........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1 0*66..per froth foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had.ou said nuprovenignt on the 1.5th .. ....afay of September 4�1 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St7Pau1. That tho+Con)missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ' iue, the nature of.ihe improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. T1 :adopted bvl the Council 191 - Approved 141 .. _ City Clerk. ms Mayor. e proceeded ,. Councilman Farnsworth the nature alt; 'ch the Council reco - - Councilm (10ss - A a,cern"t the aide f six. feet. on the noxi Ave. between Chats - - Councilm 1 Hyland ,Int aai reet west of), alternatives nndthe Councilm i Heller cost thereof to 6a C r- - t.;uuucilm n 3[eColl That a — be had on ed Further. veld amain Councilw 1t Wunderlich !sth- day or sepa. of 16 o'clock A Y, Cls mber In - .the Mayor It In • d rautuall B nditthear of Finance give notice _ - Eurnt B. S. A K -t; r to the ppersona and - •provleed by she Chart. ti1e' sad plane of hear, of tt a of larovement. a - et tDfas -8 estimated. 'ed by the Council Aug. 2( led AUR• Io, lilt Mr. f6-1917) COUNCIL FHiF. NO..... By..J _.... <.11..__.: -<� a.. C,::6::t� 1..{%oJ.G _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._ constructing a Cement...tile ...eidavalk..to...a..w.idt ..O:c siz;.. feet on both aides of dicate 8t. between_Randolph.,.S1S.and., ff.Q, t1{qn .:... . Ave., under Preliminary Order. ... _ ..1.7.30.b........ ......approved ._..:..:.J =e .28,..::1917.......... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance.upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, herebyuresolves: ' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is r hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That tt nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. zonstzuot a.;Cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on both sides of Syndicate St. .... .. .. .... ....... __... ..........b.... ...... ...... . ,..t�tween Randolph $t. and Jefferson.Ave. With no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.86 -per front foot. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th- ..day of ...... ..September,. - 1917 at the hour, of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That. the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - imp. the usture'of thl• imjus,vetnent, andthe total cost thereof as estimated - Adopted by the Council . _.. ...:. 191 . Approved. 1:11 Clerk \iayor. ; Councilman Faruaworth Councilman bass Councilman Hyland Council nu Keller Council all Mccoll `o nci an Wunderlieh t, n t ifo e 'ilayor rvixt, ... city of - nor of Fla. _ Furin B. S A. d -C 1aR to to provider 51ma and - - - of the : coat in ' yfell AUit.. 8 ( ¢ ---------------- 4. COUNCIL, FILE h0 . BYd ll�.' �G.�t•r .. �: ... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.co.ne.tructing .a..Cement...tile.-aidevalk..to...a.sSdth•••of.•a....•••••- feeton both ®ides .of Oliver St. from Aice St ` to Gaultier St.B........... _.:.. ...:........:...................................................:..................................::..._.. ................................................. .... . under Preliminary Order 17084 approved".... 5 4...19.r..���ia. ....... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of -the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,' and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which .the Council recommends 1s...._-ConetrUct.. 9....:.-., ...;• cement _tile sidewalk. o ,a width of,six _feet _on. both sides....... .... t.t. from Rice St. to Gaultiet St. _........ with no alternativis, and that the estimated cost thereof is jO.66..per. front foot. : Resolve Further, That a publiv hearing he had on said improvement oil the:: 15th ._ ..day of 6t LembeT 191 7 at the hour or lU o'clock A. it.. in the Council. Chamber ofethe Court House,' id City Hull Building ix the Citi of St. Paul. 'That the Counnisaiouer of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• iiig. the uatnrl�. of the iwpnwealent, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted Iry the Cmwcil _..._ 191 21, Approved, 191 1 1 It. Clerk ' "._.... _ .... Mayor... Counaihpan Faruaworth a to r race Counei Tian liu5efrm " - 3 alter atRive, Counc• an Hyland arc of theero; atfurther Counc man Heller' 15thbe had of ae�tY - Cuune [man Mccoll Asi of etas v Count lean Wunderlich all aullalnr mCO� " That, the 9, Mayor Irviu • IiOa� aOtic.fA r .ti 1 +Y the Charter, ify. — Form b S. A. tS-G - to of e•arla�r: at,.: i tote •e0 hy, the Council •led : Au.20 .1877. ..(Au. i i 4. COUNCIL, FILE h0 . BYd ll�.' �G.�t•r .. �: ... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.co.ne.tructing .a..Cement...tile.-aidevalk..to...a.sSdth•••of.•a....•••••- feeton both ®ides .of Oliver St. from Aice St ` to Gaultier St.B........... _.:.. ...:........:...................................................:..................................::..._.. ................................................. .... . under Preliminary Order 17084 approved".... 5 4...19.r..���ia. ....... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of -the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,' and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which .the Council recommends 1s...._-ConetrUct.. 9....:.-., ...;• cement _tile sidewalk. o ,a width of,six _feet _on. both sides....... .... t.t. from Rice St. to Gaultiet St. _........ with no alternativis, and that the estimated cost thereof is jO.66..per. front foot. : Resolve Further, That a publiv hearing he had on said improvement oil the:: 15th ._ ..day of 6t LembeT 191 7 at the hour or lU o'clock A. it.. in the Council. Chamber ofethe Court House,' id City Hull Building ix the Citi of St. Paul. 'That the Counnisaiouer of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• iiig. the uatnrl�. of the iwpnwealent, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted Iry the Cmwcil _..._ 191 21, Approved, 191 1 1 It. Clerk ' "._.... _ .... Mayor... Counaihpan Faruaworth a to r race Counei Tian liu5efrm " - 3 alter atRive, Counc• an Hyland arc of theero; atfurther Counc man Heller' 15thbe had of ae�tY - Cuune [man Mccoll Asi of etas v Count lean Wunderlich all aullalnr mCO� " That, the 9, Mayor Irviu • IiOa� aOtic.fA r .ti 1 +Y the Charter, ify. — Form b S. A. tS-G - to of e•arla�r: at,.: i tote •e0 hy, the Council •led : Au.20 .1877. ..(Au. i i }----- r - m1k. COUNCIL FILE NO ... _... ......:.... By..S ,z INTERMEDIARY ORDER L• I)1n the Matter of...00nstsuoting..a.Coment...tile.=.eidewslk-Ao- a.sid,th..DS..:Hiz..teet gthe ..eouth_eide of Edmund_ St. from A1d4ne...8t. to B,ry St.,e. .._......... _ _. ....... _ .. ............. .................... ...................... under Preliminary Order..._.iam...... ..... ..... ...... approved ....'....Tune . j jThe Council of the City of St. Paul having received the, report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, abo}e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 'I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .t That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is......COAetSliCt a ••CemtIIt tile...sidewalk...to..a.-width..of.,.4ix.. feet on-.the_..eouth aide of Edmund••_$t�,• ?;om.Aldine St. to Fry St, _ _ ..... ............................ ...... I I W ith no alternatives, and that the estimated -cost thereof is $.0.66...jt@r : front foot - - i Resolved Further. That it publi.- hearing he had -on said improvement oil the. .18th* :::__day of :S,ep,tembe.r. 191 7 , at thehourof 10 o'clock A. if., in the Council Chnmberof thk ('oust House -and City flail Building in the--.Cit.y of St. Paul. 'rhatthe Comntisviouer of Finance give notice of said meeting to tile persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the -time and place of hear- ine, the nature of the-itaprovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Xduptedby the Couuril n Approved 1 I ' 191 hlAty Clerk ilayor. _• Councilman Farnslvorth Councilman uoi� that in. •• hlehiha�C ,truct a ce— Councilman Hcland ,h of .11 feet - lunit St.. from. - no alternative: Councilmal Keller iea even thereof _..t foot. I.uuncilma Mccoll solves 1+urthen r.': elhW'D.-had on eald im. Couueilm Wunderlich I9tlt day of sept; - mDirs otoek� R. flavor Iry , CItT 'Hall .;�Hltlldlt - '.or 'OL aLPauL That Form K. S A:;;-(; oto tea Dir ons an' S yrovided h1 time-saa Dtaca of he. _ ra oL tha Improvement. the et reof u astlmated Adopted tij the- ouncll - i - APDr. edh Aug• 9, 1917. .. :(Au8. 2b-1917) ------------ ------ �:� S -s COUNCIL FILE NO ..........,. - > INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. _ co.ne.ttuoting..a.. cement ti.ia_lij tCVAjk..tR....A,..n1..dth...ax._gi>,c.jeet on:.the; west side .of Crowell ........................................................ f oOrchrd t.tYcKenty ,- ... ................_ :... ................................................ .............. I ....... ................ .... ......:-..... _ .. _........_... __....._..._. _._:..... - uader Preliminary Order.: ....:.17588........ approved ... July.. 1.7.. ':1817 ! The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. :,That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. "_ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... aonstruct- a .cetn4nt tile, sidewalk to . a..Ri dt>t of.: Ox .feet .on the. west aide of Crpwell„_St, from Oxohard St. to Moxenty St, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .O i66._.P.gr front foot.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _. ._:15th'.. ......day of September . 1917 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1[., in the Council Chamber of the.: Conn House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated: Adopted by the Council :r X11 i0'� 191 Approved . _ 191.(rty Clerk. ..... ......... Alavo Councilman Farnsworth ` ir(eeeu Vouncildlall I;o%4 - nature Jt tha . i Le,Counell ..coma Cuwltihbnli Hvinml cement Ula aWm.,'. sl: reef on the. ' est St, from:. OrchardSt Council ell Keller A. with to alternative estimated cost. thereot Council an McColl troll! lost d Furber. That a - i.. ,3, had on sold t.. 191. C'ouneily'au Nuaderlieh or 0 or sept.; tst.. — 4 ] of 30 o'clock 'Mayor tin Chamhor or .the Co nd City lTan Building If St. Paul. That the Cozuuet . Fora! B. S. 3. tl-O Finance. Al'. notice ot. a.14 f to the yeraons and [n tha - 3 re,Ided D7 the Charts,_ stat 'to and. Placa of hsarlaL'it - [ the dmpro�emenQ and the by the o e cil - - by the'. Council Aug.AUB': 20, 1917.. - � - - 1 Aug. 20„3912 ----- - � 1Asi.ifi. CII. FILE NO..:...... .............. ..:......�:.r j.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. CONNts of.bag..&:.C.eme.iAt...til.a.:.sidewalk..tot &..width:..at_BiZ_.. (6) feet on the west side of Chatsworth St. beginning at Charles St.. .thenad•. eouth...approxilnat ely :140 , f egt......apll...o n-tbs...east..:.wide;::of....Chatiaiarth St. from Charles St. to Sherburne-Ave. ........ ......... ............ .... ........ .............. . ...... I ..... ... ..j - under Preliminary Order ...17208...... •.; , approved .. Juns .22, .1419.• ••:•. ----- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the i above improveiuent,'and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be find the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is heretiy ordered to be proceeded with. _ - r - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... t One •tiCt -•a CeetgilL the .eidewalk_•to s width:of.••eix_.feet on the At.et aide,,; f:,Cklat troxxh...St. j _beginning at. Charles St., thence south .approximetely.:.140 fept....a44.:Qn the east, side-:of Chatsworth._.St.. from Charles St., to Sherburne. AV,_._ j withuo alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a.66.,per„ front foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ._.:...... 113th ---qday of Septembei.,_ 191 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, o£ the Court. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunisiioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons.and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear inw. the nature of the improvement• and the total cost thereof as estimated. alar 9l)10 1` Adupted by thr l'uuucil ... 191 2! I ,:.:..:.. :.. Approved. 191 _ r � Cttr Clerk. a V.. �. - aayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilmotf Uosy upprui ' Councilma�d Ilylnud porn Charlie A. - with. no alter tJouneilui Keller a estimated cost, t mer trout toot. 1ve4 Further. Thai' Councilm 1 AleWl - R , had on .&IA IT., - - e 16th: day of Cuunetlttt Wunderlich our of so o'clock A. .. Il - - Chamber of t d- and city Hall E ilayur 1111'n ty of at. Piul. That tb of rinanee ,;Ivenet3 Form R. y_t; M to the plreesa' a r provided b1� lie "h. . •time band`place of h .of the improvement t th.reef a eat,mate. - s "edbY the C.unell Au- - �. 'ved AuS 886 1817) ."aAu6 _- ------ -__________ ____ - . .;U(INCIT, FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.:ecorstr: y',atrg,,.relevin ._2r i =ersi rl; ti 1 __,•er nt•__ fileto L it feet, „ he ,ore.r3ent,-.cement the..s,icev,�l•I e.,•or,.___. tre folloViingstreets_ Cn.'.Yestern _Ave.. Niche.,..ae�i:nf.xl?a...§a........... Sturgis st...,thence-to Pleasant rve,,, On u.rr�©cit �ve,.,.,.,.north. side........ begin:^ink 1178 feet shut of -'::extern Ave. thence, e,.et. 44..feet.. under Preliminary Or•der....-..',..719.F ._. upproved June 21, 191.2 ............. ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received thereportof the Co7i7miemiouer of Finance upon:the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is -hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to to proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the C9uueil recommends is...-BAC.l1YlSt:rliCt.,,_........... :. relay Ind repair with cer.:er. the to .d width of s let, the oresert cer:ent, tile side elks on the.followin streets:. 0r 7.estezr ire , es: ets'ce eewinning.f SturGis..�t teen p tc ?1 ea sera Av.e, , Or., arrison Ave north side, be hint; Z?8 `? t ,. _ _ a. .......... Q.1 7..ar.atern.49:e.`_.taence ec_t 44 feet with no alternatives, and that,the estimated cost thereof i. -i$ 0.04. Per Bq. ft, -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement oil the.: .7tki.................:.day of ...... )17 1:)17 tit the hour of 10 o'clock A, \I., in the Council Chamber of tile. Court House and City Half Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time told place of hear - hull, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Aduptrd b} thr 1`onucil ,�i1 .... .... 191 Approved 191 �. . 1 lit Clerk Councilman Farnsworth_..ar a 'i 11", aa[le to •wldtl (•llllnl'dI110a I t��Sti t preee.1nleYtt Llle . . I;mul0 in Hylniul east dde. heilnnlna- et Stu . A encs o Pleasant Ave., oa F Couneihu 1 hrlh:r net••' north side, belrl think 7: j - - teat,-withof tnowalternatiiea, and. the: - Councilm n'.11CCu11 emulated -.Cost ,therear 7s 6 cents - sQuare- toot. Cuuneilm .Wunderhrll ns.o7red ■++rther. Zhar no a bearla�•he Dad on said on the 17th day. of a. t., 7977 Mayor I •in anus or w oaoek w tt., l917 1011 Chamber or the.. urt He u. Forte R R. ^-G :t i:gThaBulpa Commloloni�ro aaace. pre sotica of said. =-stir Z the persons sed In ire =sonar Dpro 07 the Charter, atatlaa ih.ar&ro Place of: hearluir tha natel ure or protehtehL, and the tow coat it - u thiumatea. AdopteApproved Aute S& 12'ell'Aug,•!e, 1 ( 1 > t f 1 t A,s .l s s f - A- — C..INCIL FILF NO ........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. re.p.Vnstzucting.,.rele.yin .and repairi.. ._ahe cement.;tile sidetlk,to.a_widt:.4f six.feet on the south side of Washington St. b.egihr,.ing 32„feet Veit. oS4FflEl:e_St.. thence. vest 17.5 feet .......... under Preliminary Order... l'i59B ... _:approved :. Jury .27; .1917...... .... :....:.. 'Phe Council of the City of St: Ynul having received the report of •'the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,.and having considered said report, herebv resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. ' ' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..., .ReCOnHtrLLC.t....... .... . relay and rerair.the cement tile'side^rlk to a width of six feet on the south side of - Washington St beCinning-32 feet vest of _Eagle.. St *re Ge_}^est 1.75..feet.,. . with no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.06.. oer sq, ft. Resolved Farther, That It public hearing be had un said improvelia•at oil the, ..1.7th.....- .... day of Sep.t.ember .,_ Nil 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building_ in the City of St. Paul. That the Counuissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the.persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear iag, the nature of the improvement. mill the total cost thereof as estimated.. - vl,,,,. Adopted M• Ill, Oaitwil. r 2i l 7 _... 191 e r,.l r Approved 191 Mayor - Cuuncilmari Farnsworth Avail lleilln 1 uti• - lo be proceeded with. t'b►t the -.nature of the l'uttacilm a Hvinu,l . which the CounelI recomt . act, relay and. reDalr .Ile Walk 'te a width - 1'uunciha 1 Keller the Hoath efda ,:7 .Waahf ;Innln6. EE'[eeC went o[.1 - CuuaCllm a Mccoll - •ttt'Weat.176 feet. with n , .,anPC*,,* at he eciare ted Couacilw Wunderlirit r �o1rM Purther. Thu ;• ti,. lag t. be bad.. o eald lmeroren \favor lz in - n the ,ph day oersent., 1 7.: t - : _ lour of d o'clock A. Y.. In the at - CbamDer o! the Court 8oneeand Cl Form B. S A t -f1 - ,Hall Building lh aha C. 0! Bt Pau:. That th♦♦ Commleeloner of 1110".6 Bhe - notico'.o[ aid _meeting to the Verona aad In.. the manner pDrovided Dy the Cb•rter, etatlag the qme aad:placa of nearinL eDo -natn» of ;ebe-Smpre�r malle sad -tb total cwt, therw! as :.,Adapted by the Council AUR•..EO, 3137. t • 1 COUNCIL FILE NO— ..................... By, ..:...� :Y..<t,....:.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-.._C.QAAt.rAc.ting..a.... sewer :.A1L-.StanfoxLi...6Y.e.:..fram.:PaenaL..Axe..... to Hftmline Ave, and on Paecal•.Ave., from,_$t$nforil Avg to 4 Rohit:.............. 125. ft.•_ north of Berj *Jfy.. Av_e. ,: .............. _........ ...... _ under Preliminary Order...:. 16.$27.._..... _ -approved . June, 4, 1917.._:, .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and )raving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2 That the nature of the improvement' which the Council recommends is.. Constxuct_.a._ sewer on Stanford Ave. from Pascal Ave,: to Hamline Ave and,_.on-..-•••••-•••... Pascal Ave. from Stanford Ave. to a point 125 ft. north of i Berkeley Ave., _ — ..... _ _...... _..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is : 4315.0.0. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on quid improvement on the. 17-th,.. .........day of September .. 191 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I:, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Ruildiug in the City of St. Paul. That theCounnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ine, the nature of the improVment, and't_he_total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Coum il. �(1 il', 1.__'.._. 191 Approved 191 _ Cuh Clerk. _-:isyor Councilman Farnsworth Councilluan doss tto Hr ,e .w� - Canueilmau Hyland r .: 14.Stanford Av .t 116 tl: north of Berkeley Couneilmau Keller no-all.rnativea and that thu, 'tad coatthereof Is $4315.00. Councilman McColl solved Further. Thata no .Ing be had on'. said Improvem .l- he 17th da)•. of Sept-. 1917, _ CounAulsu Yunderlidi hour of 10 o'clock A. li In ell Chamber, of r the Co - - Mayor Irvin lrviu ,t`ccuai'ePal:.Ththe Coma, of Finance -Rive notice *1 a . Forst R. 5. A ` it to `the pDersons and Ia t IF provided D r. the charter. ata. - — e nme and place of hearing. the . - r of the ""*Vsment.g_ana TM - .t4tr-br the COUnelt Au• 10, 1917: oved7Aui, iq 131Z- - -(Aug. 33-3937) _ LJ L A ---- -------------- 16140 Ai COT NICIL FILE NO.I:. .. ... BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... ............. -tile to.a width of six feet, the, p.r.e.g.en.t. C.qqqnt._tjle A!4,e-A%jx Q.P ................ both.sides of Spruce,.St.. fr.o.m. Sibley St,_ to Canada. St.. .... ...... ... ......... . . .. ..... ... ........ . .. .......... under Preliminary Order 1715 June 21—_1917;- The 911..The Council of the City of St. 1!aul.having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above i , mprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I- -That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement Arbich the Council recommends is... Reoonetruct . ......... . ..... . relay.,end. rep ..t jj.!e_ eir.. wj.th, riemqrjt 7 4ft ................ Pf! AjXj:A5ftt..t k present cement. tile stdeM.lk on ............. Sibley St,.. to Ca.nadL -St., . ....... .... . ...... . .. . .. ..... ......... ....... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *$ 0.06,,per sq. ff. Resolved Further. That it publie hearinli be had ou said improvement on the 17th..-__. _day. of . ................... . 5.0sitemb qr_ 1!11 T . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Nl.: in the Council Chamber of tile Court House and City flail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cotninimioner of -Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sitting the'time and place of bear- inu. the.nature of the-impr"vement. and the total cost thereof aq estimated., _G 20 7% Adopted by th'. Vmllwil 191 Approved 1 1.41 1 ilerl;- .seeded with. By CouncilLd n Farn-iworthnature .f the I.: the Counc recomme relay -and repair. wl Voulicilln it 4;U44 to 4 1IdIh of. *IX fee - cement tile .1dowalk on coullcilm it livinbA pruee St. from Sibley in. with no alternativet Coulleilin 11 Koller�.tlruated coat thereor 'qWA1h'.0r't_ Th;t Id. It McColl 00 had on said tpr.v. th 44Y of Sept., 1017. a� Coutieilwi it WunderliL'll 0 O'clock A. W, In the Cot of the Court Houba and Uding In tha� City of St. F Nlayorjr III icommissioner of Finance i said. meeting to the. Von L Y the manner provided -by. H. S. A 6-1; stating the time and plact • the nature of the impit-, 'd the t7otalcmit thereof as by the Council Aug. .10, 1 vd Aug. 2001117. (Aug. 2 - ------------ 16141 COUNCIL. FILE N0.-..::... ............. - By...:L i ..........GLS INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. X.C.Q.QX3fxL.Tt1Qt L1�....T.,E'lfl:l.f 3?6..aFlSi . rgP#li� r8...!Pith.. ceAsellt...t.i1.4 to a width of six feet,the present cement tilesidewali in the eget side of Jay St. from West Central Ave. thence 'north to alley approxirate.ly 102 feet, _ ........... . under. Preliminary Order......l 714$, . .-..approved .. _ June_ 21,_1917 „ .............................. Tilt- Council of the City. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and havilg considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. - That thm said report be and the same is. hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ That the nature of the improvement which. the Council recommends is-Re.Conatr31C.t.,.................. . .relay and, repair with recent the to a width of six! feet the ZP St from resent cement t e side=11k on the east aide of Jay.•.•... ',.eat _Central _Ave.. thence north to alley, approximately 1.02 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.0.6, per sq. ft.' Resolved Further. That it public hearing be had oil said iuuprovenuvut"on the.. 17tk(' ':..day of S.ept.e>zbsx 191 7 - at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL in the Coililcil Chamber of the Court House mid City Hall Bididin;; in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating this time and place of hear-, ine, the natureof the improvement; and the totals cost.thereof as. estimated ?n -7 adupted by th,• Colweil 191 �......_ Approved .. ltil / Ih Uer1. . id - `Mayor, Couucilurti Farnsworth •Oaths . t'olulciltta 1;us: azure of t, mR Council tern' - tct, ,ay; and repair - Couneil. IN Hvisl,d a to a width of aur ie cement the sidewalk. 1'uUtldll l h:rllrt• Je of Jay at., from Wett C, - - hence nort1 t0 a,,,y. up, 102 feet. wlthno altcrns - Colmcilu IN MLI. oil .It tae.-eanmated wet theca - . t per a0uare foot Couueilln n l Wunderlich -- :ed hrther. That • ) g be had:: on Bald Imp,*,. ' MIN day. of sept.. 1917 \(a COr "]L ar of 10 o'clock A. Y: In Chamber. In the Coot 8 Fury, f1. A `�•G f18t Pau4..'all Tbto il ,the coins of Tlnaace give notice or e - r to .the... V. -cm,- Bud in I. Provided by the Charter.. ata.,,. time had..place; of hearing thr. ' of the Improvement. and the gat thereof u estimated. I ted by the Couneli Aug. 20. I.., - "tvad. Aug.: 20. 1917. - (Aug. 25.-1917) - + ^-----^_____------------------- COUNCIL ----------------COUNCIL FI/LE NO By.:J 1...: ...�LLL�.G...J...<..G ��.:.:. INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of...r.econstruct.ing,.., r.elays:ing..snd...repa.ir.ing...t ith...cament ............ t.il.e.to, a .width .of, _s.iz fe.e.t...... the the _.south. side of East, Fourteenth Sty begi.rin-ing10,! :feet:..ea,et i of.:..,:...,.. Robert._St, thence east, 52 feet, under Preliminary Order... ,__ 17.1.47... .......approved% June 21, 1.917_ ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received tlte'report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby I approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ ` 'r _. That the uature.ot the improvement .which the Council recommepds is.:...Rac.onaSTuct, .............. relay_ and repair with,.cement ,tile ...to;a._.width,,of,.s r:fee!3,.. the,,;......••;,.....,,, present cement tile s.idetsaTk on th.e. eo.uth, s>de...of; Fast o..egirning... l0fi._feet _.east...of..Robert_ St;.,thence_etlet_,$2,,feet....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is t 0.06...per, sq. .ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement un tile. 7tr+_.._ __.day of S.eplamber._ 191 7 , at the hour uf'10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building 111 the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hens- iue, the nature of the itnpr.wement,_and the total cost thereof as estimated - „h 9F !c 1 a Adopted by the I'oul.eil 191 — . .... .. :.. .... Approved- " I I ' 141 tr ,... I itY Clerk of ... Nluyur. _ C, uneilman Farnsworth .C11 rorA..� t' . I'anneillaan li4q, uct. relay. -and repair _Wit h- letoa widthof nix reek the Cuun0ilman Hyland eement tile eldawalk an the, - - '.de I, East Fourteenth al., be- Counci an Keller - 10t feet east f:. nobmrt ap i east 6: feet, with no siterna• - nd that the estimated- cost. I'uunei all ,\[scall a 9 Cents per ea it Oe. hslaid ldalmptvremena -Couuei -an Nunderlieh rIh dad of Sept. 1917, at, the — DIa}oe ruin nti o'celock. A: N... III - the :1 a e Court In the Mails. It mud In the stab i , th• a • 1 s i_�:y COUNCIL FILF NO.::13 i - /. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of, constructing cement drive:xay .t0.. vri.dth• .......... on Harrison. Ave:,:. south side,.-begirnirg_ 79.....e.e.t....et►.st....af E$. rii..lt)L6.a.e ..thence. -east --9. feet; beginning .146, feet _east of Western ktr,ethence . E: st 9 feet,.. oil( ler Preliminary Order.. .1719') j--Iipproved , "June 21, 1.9117 'rh,. Conneit of the City of St. Paul )awing recel•ed the report of the C'onlmimiod/er of Finance upon it :if v,- improventent, and heaving considered_udid.report• hereby resolve:;: 1. That the said report lie ana the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said iniprovemen is her.•hy pfdi-red to Ise proceeded with. - - rhat the nature of the improveuu-nf which the Couueil recoianlcnds is Construct - cement drivevnys Lo a width of six .,feet on.Harrison Avet south aide, beginning 98 feet east of Western Ave., thence east 9 feet; beginning 146- feet east' of. flesterr. A4e, , thence Past 9 feet, a ,r with no alternatives. and that thc'4j;lintatcd cost thereof is i 0.96 per foot r Resolved Further. That h publie hearing Im had on said improvernew on the 17th :. ..,..day of September vji 7 at the hour of 10 U'eloek A. ., iu the Cothwil-Chitinber of the Court !louse aiid City Hall Building- in the City' of St. rail. That the Commissioner of.Tinauee gave notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charlcr, statim the time and place of hear- ine, the nature of the improvement, and the total. eost thereof as estimated '' G " 1dop1.•d h�-Ila• I'uuu.•d �i] .,(I r l i Approved. t . Y. 191 ! ' ( 1 Ira Clerk . rad ti vement (�UIIIICIIInlllt' (ar/illt'urlli asded wil .areof the - - 1'.iuuciluilw I,og �.ouncll racoma —drivewaYe,tb, a' n Harrison Ave:, mouth 1'V bait•thl it 11v1'umlt 6 feet: -,let of Neatern ea fest•tbeglnning 7161' 1'.giacl.._T-n iG•llri'- _ Western; 'Ave.. then- Be t no alteruatfvee, and that -.d cost: thereof la 96 Cents 1'.auleilu a \h:l'.dl . .ved Further. That a. pubo. 1'uluu•Ihn a \1'umlrl•i i,.li be dad. on Bale improvement - 77th day of Bept.. IBI7;. gat the — _ 4 70 o'eloehoA. M.. In the -Council - \Iavur 11• in or of thin 'het House and cit r - - ullding le 'he Clty;,I,. L'Paul- - Furur Commisalonor of Finance glvs Of Bald meeting to than" -. the manner provided b7 -.the - .'.slating : -the timeand :plass at - •'the nature ofthe , improve - nd the tot Bost thereof. as sat ped by the Council Aug. 20, 1817.+ - "rod'Aug: S0' 1917. ' "i . (Aagti 9�i-19111 _. -- COUNCII.,FILS-NO:.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .gr$d.ing Dud1 ey Ave. tetwe:en .Che�mafprd. S.t,•,_, fknd , CIeveland .'Ave. , .. ... .. under Preliminary Oider....1,57!)5 approved. April 4, 1817..: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report 'of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abuse improvement, nnd•having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the-name is hereby appr6ved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereh, ordered to bi• proceeded with. -. 2. That the utcture oil' the improveuocal witialt for Council revommeuds is _. Graded. Dudley.. Ave, between Chelmeford_St. and•.Cleveland Ave.,, _......_ u 11, alternatives• lift(] that till. e.tiuueted (.list thereof is .r 2,325..53 Resolved knrther, That ;e-puhli.' h'll614- be hod un %:lilt imprrveni -lot un the 17th - _ _day of September- 1 117 , at the hour ul III .'ct oeh k 11 • ill the t ouacil l'h.uubel' of tin 1'ouri Ilonse and Pity. Hall Rnildiu • iu. tL.- Cnty nl` St. I .nd.- Th 11.. Ill ('olomissimtct of Finance give notiec -oC said meeting to till.. persons and ill the manner provided by if t; (, ilio,barter, statine the firm and place of beat; ilie nature of the ilnl.uril.ment, and the total'co,t therenf .n.i r5tiuiatril Aduplvd Lr til.• lluuu•iI f M �,?0I _ Approved 1'l..Approved71 t I • _ Ili l,lcrk. n�Dort .....- .. Coon ilinan Farnsworth DDrored a Mayor • Improvement 1. (.•urn ilaian liu.< - Cited to with, r - - - - t •n f�onalure of the 10pr4+ - Cuilli iluuul 11%. �l - Councn . rseomm-ad. - aevelene' bveen el I. - . . I thbe e Avs., elth no alt..'. 1'u11n llalau Fr•Rer d$2,325.6E, the a tlmated co; - - t'ouU ilmau Jlet.bl) - be rtopnro`ageat..a.. Duhita - 17th da Drormgent - r.. of 10 Y t our it man Wunded evil to 10 01e 0 e w H. In th.� ad CItY Ha11 l m u1101n`-s '111trU 11'rIn - rt Finanaa' That els Comin its no il 1 I'urnr IS, :1,-8-1i ' Ororldsd DDetAeaC and 1n:sth� .. + time a nd D�ea of healn atat- oA the tmDt[orelnan rR. the •atther•nf e• e•nniuid�nd .the _ ed by the Counelt AUR 17, p0, 1817: vedAUH. 70,18- (AUF. 25_19171 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- 4W t VOjjtJCII, FILE NO -- — - ----- - By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter)of- cond.m.wirle and tak i ng. en ".9 . for cute and ills in .....tween ........... for sl op_qs fills- 11, . - " :plan hereto Chelmsford �st.. ,,.nd Cleveland Ave., according to. the a . ttamched and.. made,a Part hereof, the hatched portlon_*hQWing,thO cuts and the .shaded portion tho,.fills, Under Prk-liminary Order... 15706., :,,)proved -Apr 11 4, 1917 Till- Council of the City Of St. Paul having received the report of the commissioner of Finance iiino 1 11 the 'abuve improvement. and loving considered Will report. -hereby resolves 1. That the said report be a: nd tile same is hereby approved and adolited�,. and the said. improvement is hereby . ordered to be proceeded with. the Council recommends is.. Condexan and.Aa"_ 2 That the natUre of the imPTOve'llent which t an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ..for cute and fills ....... .... in grading Dudley Ave. between Chelmsford St. to the plan hereto.attached,and made:a part .hereo f, the according hatched portion -showing the cuts and the shaded portion the ..f ill ti�jtlj no alternaiiyusk slid that till! "tiloatol cost thereof is 25.00 Resolved Further. That a wIlkii.. bearingill, had on said ilolor(MI-11"'Ill on tile I 7th of Septeinber. 1117 . at the hour of I() o't!locjc A. 11.. in tile T,ollocil clianil)e r of the Court House Ind City Hall Bilif(lill in till. City,or St. Paul. That the Co"I'llisSil"ller of Finance give noticeo - of said meeting to thepersonq still in the manner provided b * v the Chattel, slatting till line and place ofhear.' inur, the lintur, of tile ok Il. '"Velaell t, ,oil therf0tal cost thereof as f4timated % c Adopted In' Ilk, Coull.-il 9n I 7 191 -- - Approved 1!01 mayor. F uuacllan eallement in 1, or opkill, for cut. an.., Council.n and Coullei ill llylall.1 to Plan hereto.t. AttachedP-t her'lit, the hatched .lalkkpr the'"" '"I Ill* Collnei ,.'the All.. wokk . Uttar. that the' lkatlikkatell con, "nh-, net Patine S.00. ,a on i-pro—kinim Coun'tilolit A'P4U."`lW'th`,t 10 Nlavor ,*-b*r kin luc *.r king art the Foran R. ', ancenR .In the milve notice t la likk - I e"ink 1 xa 1. the the A" kirt.r. stat- -ad plikes of heart.,. the he the Cc net,• US. 20. I8I7. %Or. RUMP At 4. ^ C01jN0H, FILE NO_ .... By:.C�G!!/Ji1it4.Cllis ..�... - INTERMEDIARY ORDER $••-R•Q t In the Matter of...Got>,13xru.Gt4n&-. • � -,......................... .......... _ 135..fee.t,'eaet �� approved . July 17, .1.917 . nee upon the under PreliminarT Order. 17 8.4'.. pl Th Council of the City of St. Paul having nccivcd the report of the Commissioner of Fina nhove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: adopted, and the said improvement is 1.. TheI the said report be and the same is hereby approved._ herehy ordered to be proceeded tvitb. ConatruCt a.; ee?rAT. That the nature of the improvement which the council recommends is.. .. on iawsot5 St. ffroma point.135 feet east of Farl St to Frank . , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is f. 478..00. Resolved Further. That u public hearing he had on said iulproventcat,na the day of Se.ptgm er • IN . at the hour of IO o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber of the ('cart House and City hear - Hall in the City of St. P¢ul. That the Co_ounisi ioner_of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stutiag the time and place of hear• int, the nature -of the iniprnvetnent• and the total cost thereof as,estimated i :ldupted by the t'nuuciL __. _.... 141' .t,.y erk Approved 14l to be. Prom _ . Council an Farnsworth 2. That the nature of tn. .. loUnllh nl� li.w•r ;went whtoh tbe.Counoll reoomma construct a sex'erire on laweon.at.. a PEarl I olnt i1G-.vitht no aaiterallvea. l'euucil nu Hylnua Frank st.. that -the eetlmated Coat thottof , 9978:09 That a Pui Councilman Keller neeolved avrtLar. haaring ba hal on old I." 191 n It I�JUnt'll ¢n �It.CuII' on -14e 19th daY. of g A. • the<bour of 19 b o clock A. Y. la tl Ct1UUelh atl Und 001 couiitto /himcftr 8111 Holidta['f.. the city of at Paul Thii netfea o!' \Incur mtaeleaar of I in Tlaaaea gi mann s Oio�lAlA Ai Cparte 'tat For in B. S. '�'h ! 'tog tba Uma and Placa Of baariog, the of Ih� 'tmproremenp sad the " itetalneat thereof ou aaUmatad. _ Adopted by the Councir Apg. 39, 1817: t ADDroyod A 6176 39117) i; _ q Ll T :- ": 1 _..i..� ria 44 L : COUNCIL FILE NO... Bj INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. gra d.ing, .aI18y .in . Bl oCk 1. 1.in.4Ama. n.AP.ULS.a to Pascal Ave..• under Preliminary Order _ .17381.. .:. approved JU1-y 3, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Pnul,having received- the report of the Commissioner ofFinance upon the ubove improvement, and having considered.5fid report, here1.by resolves: — 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is i' berehv ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the impruvement whiel ,the Council ret`ommends is.. firgde alley.:..in.._ Block 1 Lindemann Place, from S mpaon.St. ::to..Paocal .Ave..,.._... .._.._. .. .............. with no alternatives, and that the estiinatetl coact .thereof is i 244.02.._. Resolved Further, That it public hruriliv Iw had oil said improveutetrt on lice 19th day of r - ..September I t17. at the hour of W o'elurlt A. JI it, the Conucil Chamber of the Court douse and Citv Hall Ihtildiu ill tic City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of .Finance give notice t of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time uud Place of'hear• - 1 ins. the uattlre of the imL•ovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopt. -d by tlo• Coot it Approved , t 1 ! 1!tl t \ 11 th Clerk tn•. - sport, her.by . Couueilwan Farnsworth tte uta report co ,. ureb7 appro.ea t 1, e Bala' Improvement la � C'uuuc;lntaa IntCq - '. teSN proeeeaedwltb. . the nature of tbs !c . -.11114�ltnun llvlmtd 'wb"h the council recon :Je Nlcy an rBlock 1. ,In - - , from Simpson Se t thatG' Voila( Iman Keller' nn elternatives, crd cosy therent to $244.07. 1'uuu Kato \Pcl',tjl'. ieeo1, "1t'urtbea That • ring be baa on Wa lmpro9 _ e 19th day- of .Sept•. 191 Coullhuan «nndvrlicic _ j Mayo Irvin ma:.boor o1.30 .'clock IE ' Copacll Cbunber`of the Souse and Cttyliatt Hnildlui l=` Form R A A. `•t; Clty o! St Iaul That the Come' .stoner of Flnanea. give notice of at , meWest to the penon.. and In t• - mannrr pprovldea b7 IS. Charter, sth r InCths tlma ana P see ut. hearlug.`U, notate of the Improvement, sad tt total coal tbereo[ Y "[tested. Adopted by' be Counell Aug• 70, 1919 Approved a l =. COUNCIL FILE NO............................ .... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of.. furnishing•.and,.. inetai.i.ing..aP....:Vr. A1.eilk l...li.8?xte.lS18:...e.Y.Atr.1370.1 •._ c,on i..pt,i.ng.,.o.�...laA1,p .posts.,...1.amP.a.,:.gl.ob.es;....mx.xe.e.,....a.ppl:ian,~ea,...undar.-,:..: ` grounck. conduits .and other equipment. for__conveyi.nta„. ect.ri.o..:.cµrrQl7t..•._. :..ther.et.o.,_..on:Wes.t..S.eyenth_.St.. b.e.tureen..S.even...C.orneris,..and...Smith..Ave..,.:..... udder Preliminary Order.-...1963b __ approved Feb:. 1., The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Filihnee upon the above improvement, and Having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1: That the, said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, .and the sold flIrovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:.:Burnish..aztd..-install an ornamental light-ing system conaietingo` lamp... Qoeta,,leaFa globes; wires, appliances, underground, condui,te and-.gther. eguipgtent..or.;iQR • tleying electric current thereto,.,.on Weet Seventh St, ,.betwe_eq. Seven: Corners and. Smith five., __ '�..:'_...... i _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $- 9?07. 0,0.- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had-on said improvement on the.,,.l8trh._ ....... :....day of Sept.ember_ ...,..._ ... , 191 7 .. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ill the Council Chamber of the j Court House and City Hall Buildiu, in the City of St. Paul. That the Colnlnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, tivtllthe total cost thereof as estimated Adoptrd iv Cllr Cuuneil "I .... . 191 r Approved 191 t itv Clerl, ) cow., Mayor. - tlouneil all Farnsworth tem eomiellna of _ .globes. wlrs•..aDDllaat:.. Council Ian lias'; globes. and other cutup- veYlpir electric current :test Seventh BL, - between. Caducei nn Hyl rni s and Smith Ava with no'. and that - the -estimated Cound an. Keller 1. 39207,00. rartn•r.:That. a. poCRs had on said Imptnvameaf t'oliuci au'McColl th day - of .sept.. 3017, at f 10 o'clock -A. Y.,-in the. (.'ouuei tan A'underlirh 'hambel of then Coun r -Ha Building Jlayor rviuof at. Paul. That the Cons of Flasnna Was notice oi is_to the persons And In Forlu R. 1. c-E Provided ..bY the •: cher i1nR the me ➢soca a. the nature of the li...Ove• d; the total coot thereof aeee• d by the Council Aub. 20,.1!17. ed. kla;:.20 ,1917• -::: -tAn[26-1917) ---t------------------------------- COUNCIL -----------COUNCIL �ILF NO._......................... .... By a INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the �hfatte; of. _furxi.i.shi.ng..and..imUkIling--an brpatrent.4l..-]fighting eyetett;-�c,onsi:eti.n& of 5 light. iamp,.poste-.a.nd.:.]amps, vri�es q,nd:,,under--,.--_ ground,I�conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other tjecessa.ry appliances and equipment for said-syster* on, ......... ..... - tbeshe( St, from Tenth St. to Central Ave.,................. I � under Prel%urinary Order..:... .150.37—. — ._..approved : Feb. 28,_1 917 .... The C-�uneil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ahoct imp ovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemenf-is hereby ori�ered to be,proceeded with. S. That the, nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:. and.... .......... install _an-ornamental. lighting system consisting of 5 light lamp ... posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto and all other, necessary appliancds and equipment for said .system_on Wabasha St, from Tenth St to Cent.rfal ..AY.e.. ,. _..... .... with no alternatives, and thst'tiie estimated cost thereof is f 5, 79,8. 00 Resolved Further. That it public hehriltg he had oil said improvement tilt the lath _._...day of :..... September.. 191 7 , tit the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber'of the 1'0urt House and City Hall BiCiilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Comuli4siuner of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons find in-the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-inv. the nature of the improvement. anti the totnl cost thereof ny estimated Adopted by lite 1'ouneil Approved 1'+l 1 IIy Clerk- It Mayon l:uuncil n Farnsworth " v.l o. _ Council 11 ll%lrwd e'.' i-eaulPm9n. - ., on Ruhasha at, from Councihn n Kellrr entral ,Ave with no al — �rndthatlheeatimated cost - iS.i119.00^ Cunncilm it 3IMaI1 1 i'urihe6' That a Pnhuo . re bad oil Aid 1m0rovemant - CoGneilm 1 Rrultderlich isth day 'of septi, 3917. at of 10 o'clock A. Y.. In the . chamber of the court %favor lrt-i, — and city Hall of, 1n.th. s omm u. - < 8t: Pant. That they C H orm R. S. A Ir - o[ 3'lanpce tiva nodes 03 said aa' to the -none `and In the - ar Prodded 1Dy the charter. stat- nee mtheaamPPriiamenear"`. tho %Coat tReeeot.a� •atlmateA- d toiteQ-by tha Councn Aug. 20. 191T.. iProveA Ang, 20. 1917. I I . •- .ilii) COiFNCIi. FILE NO..... '.. l �,- INTERMEDIARY ORDER i. In the Matter of....C.OnQ.tF.114.t:1.ri6. curbA)ng.... n...MY.t07?.:.!aY..?.....be and..hrarlborough.Av-e.., ...... .... _ _.. ........... ... ..... ... _.._......................,..........:... under Preliminary Order.. 17247 approved June. 22, 1917.--- ,._ Tho Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finauee upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the game is hereby- approved and'adopted, and the said improvement is herebv ordered to be proceeded with. _ That the. nature of the improvement which the Council recotamends.is...ConatTuct... curbing... on_Dayton Ave, between Cretin Ave, and harlbo.r_o 0i Ave...,.... ............ with no alternatives, and that tile estimated cost thereof is s_ 473.03.... Resolved Further. That at publie hearing be had :on ,utid improvement on tlw� _18.tkt ... , ........day of 1:11 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the'Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building .iu the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give -notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statin_* the time' and place of hear: ing, the nature of tile.improvenient, and the totnl\cost thereof as estimated. :Adopted by th'; I'ouocil r Approved • "' 1 I ' 191 rib Clerk, j .. _. :1tuym•. 'Colizibilixin Farnsworth Colinl'ihl all Gmi..ae.dad. with. lure of the dm., Council reeomme,.. - Cunncil a fly'laod u on Dsyton Ave: - wt,. and Marlhorr. - 1 •oilneil n in Kellrr c alternatives, alta .t thereof la 9471.u- - - ".vrther. .That 'a pu ,i'ulIDcllu a ylcl'ull .,ad on said hnorovem• day of SePt.: ]9IT' Cuunciha u Wituderlieh to oeloek A. m.. In' nber of, the: Court 110,. ylRfUr I 'ill l building In -the City - .,at. :the Commissioner - nonCe of said-meatlns .. j. Forel It. '4. .� d-li - ,no In the manner Dr.vh, ,tier• stating the time at tnB' the natureofthe Im - - ad the total cost thereo, the council Aug. _80. 1917.. � •,g SO 1917 ! COUNCIL FILF \O By_:; /llilL2rLcfi v1fZ INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe 'Matter of. Condemning and _takingi.an_.eaa.emett.An_.th.e land ..n.e.cenea.ry.. for elopes, for cured and fille_in grading ,alley in Block 1._;:,.• Lindotrann Place, from. Simpson St. to Pascal, Ave. .according:,'to_the..,,,•„ plan hereto -attached and made apart hereof, the hatched portion;.,_.. . showing. the cute and the shaded,portion the fills, I under Preliminary Order . . 17.382.. approved .. July 3, .1917. _ ncc Council of the City of St. Pmll having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the j _.shove improvement. and having consideredsaid report, hereby 4esolves: - - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reeolnmends is_. Condemn_ and... take an easement in the land necessary for, elop.es,__for, ,cuts and ...fills in grading alley in Block 1 Lindemann Place, from Simpson St to Pascal Ave. , according to _the plan .hereto attached and made a part ' hereof, the._hatched portion�ia owing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills._ With no alternatives, and that tile estimate' edit thereof is s 30.00 - Resolved Further. That n publi,• lo,ario� be had oil said improvenwilt on the 18th day -of -. ......Septembers .. , 191 7 . at the hour of 10 o'6,ck A., \I iu_the l oullcil Chamber of the Court House all(] City flail 1laildiuu in the,C ity of St. Pani. That the cnio tis ioner of Finance give notice j if said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the C hnrter, statin, th_r time and place of hear• illy; the nature of the iWpnw,•ntenl, :in(] the total cost thereof ils estimnteJ Adopted by do- Coluo•il 191 .Approved - 1711 AI ul 1)lerlc ('ouncilmun Farnsworth — ey In - T,ace from- 31mpe, ('oulleillad 1 IioV: '-e.,. according to t. ttacded and Made pat - - _ - hso'hed -Portion s howin;' 1, u1I11Z'ilWtl l 11 t'laad and the eh.d.d Portion the no alternatwee, and that th - I'illalk 1 firllrr tted cost lh otmcot to 430.00. - .I. - iesolvod erclrurtheo That a} .Int be had on Said improv: I'uunellin t McColl -.he 18W,dity of aePt., 191, - - i boor'or 10 o'clock- I'ounrihtia (\� tindrrll„il Sell Chamber , of tds t 1 Se and ells Balltaut - :ta City of. at Paul. That t4a \Itivur Art' a loner of rinanea rive aotl' .atastlat'to the penins: and I - (•.Wm Ik. �.:�. -b _ - ?ar; rovided b the. charter, - - _ t a,im fiePdmDroiems ttane - COat therbt: 4'NnID&red. - _ opted by the Council Aug• 30, Proved Aug. 40, 1917, (Aug. f3_191TY - i COVNCII, FILF. NO... ...... Bx INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Blotter of. ' Constructing sewers -on: South side of Como. Ave. west from;point-540 .feet, end-on the north side of seat of'the •west-City Limits to Pierce Ave. the intersection of the 'Borth City - ,. Como Ave. wast from a point opposite Limits and the northerly line of Como Awe. West to Pierce Avenue. Hendon Ave. from Eustis St. to A ham St., from Brompton St. to Como.Ave.Wast Buford Ave. PierceAve. from Eustis St. to a point 100 feet west of the westerly -I line of Como Ave.west. Chilcombe Ave. from Brompton St. to Keston St. Kebton-St. s Doswell .Ave. from St. to Bourne St. fron E_- St. to the-terminus of the present sewer l -e 368 feet west of the Centre of Keston St. Horth. Carter.Ave. from Eustis St.to the t erminus of the present Bawer 590 ?set Beet of Sustie St. . 20.feet,sast"Qf the west line Langford St. from Eustis St.to a point of Lot 12 Block4l St. Anthony Park,Borth. Eustis St. from Doswell Ave. to Pierce Ave. Brompton St. from-`Doswell Ave. to Pierce Ave. BlomyL"on'St. froia Buford St. to a point 70 fist south of Hendon Ave. Ave. Keston St. from Doswell Ave. to a'point, 30 feet north of Bourne St. 90 feet north of Centra line of"Doev►ell Ave. to Keston iron a po—j#t Pierai Ave. pulham'St.•from a point 415 feet south of Hendon Ave. to the Horth - City Limits. i,. --Also tWpOrary sewers for sanitary nv*` only On: - Eustis 8L. iros L►ngfsrd Ave. to Doswell. Ave. Doswell Ave. from Eustis 8t, to lGanson'St. ' E6snson-S1. from Doswell Ave. to °Piyrce Ave. Pier oe Ave. from lta�isin St. to Eustis St. Eustis ;St.' frown Pierce Ave. to Cos[eAve. West. Buford Ave. from Eustis,St. to Brompton St. a force main on Hendon Ave. from Eustis St. to Branstoq St. and together with a pumping station and all aooessories. a71 of the Park Sanitary Sewer System. 40 above to be designated theest 9t.AnthOliy Brompton St. from noawei Ave. to Pierce Ave. 3t. to 70 south of Itendcn Ave. Brompton St. from Buford a point .feet Keston St. from Doswell Ave, to a polnt.30-feet north of Bourne Ave. iceston st. from a point 90 feet north of centre line of Doswell Ave. to pierce Ave. ?ul,ham jt,, from a point 41.5 'feet south of Hendon Ave. to the I,orth City Limits. Also.temporary aeaera for-sanitary flow only on: °+'ustis at. from LangfordAve. to TJ well Ave. _ Doswell Ave. from ' ustis 4) to J'a s Wit. to Pi a Ave. Uane6n St.,from Doswell Ave. Pierce Ave. from Manson at. to --,,,'us 14 6t• "Vest. justiarst. from Pierce Ave.-to Como qve. from :�t eti s 6t to Brompton fit. Buford Ave. o a force main on Hendon Ave. from '�ustis ot. to Branston c,t. and together with a pumping station and all accessories all of the dt. Anthony Psrk, eanitsry. savor_ stem. _=J above to be d4siBn8ted ;the Fest. „ •r .. M;,, �. `i< �., s. Llr� . x J+S” r 1 , f i1't,`. t , .,„ .. r -_ a { -F t' i% .' ..yi_..L •Fry r l . h!f` y.J. �y+ _ r °.� 1t _ _. comtructlnR •ewer;, Como Ave W ....... wren• sideof ,r, 540 feet -east of ' frlmll. to Morce.Ave..' . ' g etch: of Como. Ave. I - •,ynt-oDDoata the Intl. - - - ,., -.. - Cort" it Llmlls an of 0 .... n from Eustis St.. — from TimmDto.. May, Z, .191.7. ... .__... :,.from Preliminary Order.. 16260 .. under _ ' from F•udis et. ! Of tIIC Con1NISSinner Of Finance Upon the The Council Of the Citv of SL. jrall1 INting I' of the wean � rt tibUt'.• 1N]#rat'enlenf, And IlAvin,^, Considered Said .t' f r .;resolves:. ? ]. That 1}IC said report be And the .same is liL. , „ ; -oved and adopted, and the said, improvement. is . herebv ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council resoinulends is_ Construct 54Wsts On: 'beat from point 540 feet east gf the South side of COmo Ave. on-the north side Of Como Ave. Fest gest. City Limits to Pierce Ave., and of the Horth City Limits and the from a point opposite the intersection northerly line Of Como Ave."cast to Pierce avenue, Hendon Ave. From suatis St.to'3ulham st. :set Buford. Ave. from Brompton ::to to,Como five. St.to a feet west 'of the westerly Pierce Ave. from l3uetis point-100 line of COMO Ave. °;set. Chilaomba Ave. from Brompton St. to Keeton St. Doswell Ave. from 73u8ti9 St: to Keston St. St.to the terminus of the present sewer Bourne St. Prom Zunis 368 feet went ;of the centre of Keston St. north. Carter Ave. Srom.Sustis-8t. to the terminus of the present sewer 690 Meet east ,of 3u8tie St. Langford 6t. from rued■ 'St. to a' point 20 feeteeai c=fththe line of Lot 12 31ock 41 it.-Anthony Park met ruatit 3t, from Doswell Ave—toNerve Ave. biompton z>t. from Doswell Ave. to Pierce Ave. from Buford ?t. to s point 70 feet.south of Hendon .ave. •33rompton St. Keston 6t..from Doswell Ave. to a-point 30 feet north of Bourne Ave. :aston Vit. from a point 90 feet north of centre line of Doswell Ave. - to Pierce Ave. 415 feet south of Hendon Ave. to the. ldorth lham Wit. from a point City Limits. Also temporary severs for rani"tart' flow only on: Eustis St. from Langford Ave. to Doswell Ave. " Doswell Ave. from "ustis'St. to ]'Anson at. 13anson St. from Doswell Ave. to Pierce Ave. Pierce Ave. from Manson St. to :3usti.s St. 3ustie St. from Pierce Ave. -to Como Ave. ''Vest. Buford Ave. from Austis 3t. to Brompton St.. force main on Hendon AV e. from 'rustis Str to Branston 3t. and a together with a pumping station'and all aceeesories, all of the Park Baal,t&-Y. Sever dystam.: above to ,be d6signated the 'West St. Anthony. IJk R ,R g "" itis ,rf 1,i T`Ff �. �e t '� 47 `v� Y �'F •nM% �. _���� i.MFa�lt� • vl � ,•'il�n'ii { �' I '- � ,. 4.. i c.. 4:F <A'>t r res= Y.Y». .� div.• '- I r i # 1 with no alternatives.'and that the"estimated cost thereof is = 56,7.64.00 Resolved Further. That a public 1 -mina hi• hart ou said � Septemb.eT 1917 . at the hour of til Wcloek A.:11.. in lilt. I'ouucil Chamber of the Court hoose and City hall ltuildinv in the City of St. Paul. That the Covuni.csioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by t 1. � ��� I �^', � Adopted by tht t'aotleil .. '1 191 � � � { •i, r , 1 i ('oimcili au Farusu•orth q Vollii d Ina llyl:utd - } tbunellDoll Kr111-1- - - j , Vouliel nalt :ICI',,It - * 1 Collael 111611 W andtl•iitil - I -:lal-or. Irvin - Form R..:�. d.g R ;% ! _ ,r t`. £ r `.t• G` ,: <1 7 'Y rt T•3 �° - 3itG?r ��� t� �"71'!•1�['�i 7v ,� �.. _ IJk R ,R g "" itis ,rf 1,i T`Ff �. �e t '� 47 `v� Y �'F •nM% �. _���� i.MFa�lt� • vl � ,•'il�n'ii { �' I '- � ,. 4.. i c.. 4:F <A'>t r res= Y.Y». .� div.• '- I with no alternatives.'and that the"estimated cost thereof is = 56,7.64.00 Resolved Further. That a public 1 -mina hi• hart ou said iteproccan-Ht tei lilt 19th day of Septemb.eT 1917 . at the hour of til Wcloek A.:11.. in lilt. I'ouucil Chamber of the Court hoose and City hall ltuildinv in the City of St. Paul. That the Covuni.csioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, slating the time and—i4ace of floor - ins!. the naturt-of the'intl,rttvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated I �^', Adopted by tht t'aotleil .. '1 191 a.. tilt.,'. 'Ierk ! (e ; t I Approved lt�l lt} r , Mayor. i ('oimcili au Farusu•orth q Vollii d Ina llyl:utd - tbunellDoll Kr111-1- - - j Vouliel nalt :ICI',,It - * Collael 111611 W andtl•iitil - I -:lal-or. Irvin - Form R..:�. d.g - - - - - - - - - - V: i'COUNCIL FILE NO......._.. . .................. By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ..... canst,ructing..a bawen ozL_zent-ex_-1i-nil Doow-e,11 av-4nae—.. !from center of Keeton.street to ...the LQ.t .... 2.6 ...... ... .... .. ..... ................e . ..... 4��e�rly llng� p 3loc1'31, St. Anthony.PapX:,.Nqrt ...1th4k n qe I.D. a..no.r.th.erly dix.ec.t1an .......... 'along t.h.esaid easterly _,..1Ane of Lot 2.6..pro.d.uc-ed..,t.o the centere.r of.....•............ .. .. .. .. . .... .. ChUcomb.e avenue...... ............... ........................... ............ ............ I .............. ............ under Preliminary Order 16775.......... .•... ....... .. approved. June. 3_1917., The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance Apon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be And the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is I liereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.-ronatmucta...ajewer... on center lin of Doswell avenue from center of ..... Keeton s.tx.e.6t to th.q ........ easterly line produced of Lot 26, Block 31, St.Anthony Park North, ...................... ,tberce in anor.th.erly. direction ,along the said, easterly line of. Lot . 26 produced to t.h.e. center of LhilCombe, avenue. with no alternatives, find that the estimated cost thereof is s� 580.0.0 i Resolved Further, Thut it public hearing be had on said improvernolt oil the. 19th of September, 191 7 , at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give'notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mannerprovidedby the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof -as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 •.... .. .... .............. City Clerk. Approved 191. . .... . .... ................ Payor. Councilman Farnsworth. Counciftma4 4;os., .1, on center line of , from center. of -Keston - ",ter ly line prodUcedlof lot Colincilmat, Hyland It. h. I Anthony Park ort loortherly direction along er y 1 26 Pro. Councilmajil Keller I e lo," of !-at ce �t r Ch -.be A— Councilmat Afecoll —ti—, and that the call. ,he,..f 1. $690.00- Couucilra�u Wunderlich h d ,. That . public -.Further.. . . said itnor— ... nt day of Sept. 1017, at the fYclock A. souse the Council, Afayor Irvi the Court House and City Ing in the City of SL PSUL Form fi, S: A. -t; oplaussioner of Finance Live t aid mesting, to the persons 1manner provided by the tang: thetime and via" of natureof the lzuprov*= 'At totlu,cost thereof " "4 the C.11ftill'Aug. 20.1217. jr, JiC71017..� k ---------- - - - - - - - - COI INCH, -PILE f4L9 . ...... .... .. BY... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. and.. taking_an A&a6ment_.in the...land nec. xy. for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the westerly alley -bearing north and south 1n.Block.4 St.----AnthonyPaxk_17orth from --Hendon st, ......... . to Dudley St. according to the plan hereto attached and made a part r -the cuts -and-:the...shaded .-plart.ion here,?,, he. St. showing the 10, ... ....... ... ......... ................................... .. .. .. .... ........... I ......................... ..... under Preliminary Order 1. 7 V.6 ... ...........approved . ..... .:,T ................................... The Council of the City of St. Paurhaving received the t o mmislaoner of Finance ppon, the _I above improvement, and having considered said report, 1. That the said report be And the same is hereb approv d adopted, and the said improvement is. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature' of the improvement ch e veil recommends is Cwridemn and ..................... take• an easement in the• lAnd ne e nary for sl•opeet 'for _cuts and ................. ,-fills.. in..g;14.41 x@0.qK! . ......... ey :b.qgTi.ng n.o.r.t.h ... a.n.d south in .................... ... ........... 1 accorting...to the n.. . o .attached and made a,pa .... ........... .......... the hatched.. on:. wing the..cuts and Nvith no alternativ and t at ie estimated cost thereof is 100.00. Resolved Further, Th it public hearing be had ou-sa '%I] improvement oil the- ..... ....:...day of ..September 1917 . at tile hour of 10 o'clock A. .11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coinutimioner of Finance give notice i of said meetingto the persons and in the mazWer provided Ly the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- itiv, the nature of. the inn 1 wavement, and the total cost thereof as estimated 11IF 20 1-7 Adopted by lite Council Approved. .. 191. !tri t leek. Mayor. CounoilmJP ru,worth r slopes. C ounei'm lo" I 1the I W outh ,.a according 1 Keller led Portion h, shaded portlo, Councilman leColl n.al yes. and th,' ereor 'a $160.0, do Oar...,,rha, Couneilmail, underlieli do , I 4V• y of S,,,, I,11 .1;nJtgk A. 3L. ju I, Mayor Irviu I . Court uoua*�­ B, 8 A. at the 09 In 1he city 0* Form notios"'To""done, Of On- and 1. ,.Said Meet,. A ;he Charisr,� a I sent. and nature of the Atha lot enlit the aced bd)� roved 4 the VOUnCIPA ------------------ COirNCIL VIjj.F 1140 EYG.rrl�h 1.G12ts ¢ uL::......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of:._..9r.iL inE tlie....a-A.d.... ._..... .. in Block 4 pt—'.Anthony. Paxk..rtart.h. f.r.am. d.evdpxl..St..to...jta.dl.ey.-.St..._......... : .._.............................................. ...... ............ under Preliminary Order ....l"7475 .......:.: .......approved ... .......JUlY:.-1.0:,....1911..._... The Council of the City of-St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. ". That -the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:GT@ d e--the ..":---,--,.... westerly.a,lley.: g :Fingr rth and south in Block St. Anthony Park North,-, from Hendon_ St. to Dudley St. �. .............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated east thereof is s 352.79.. Rt7wlved Further, That it publie henriug be had ml said iutprovement un the 20th day of Sapt ember 191 7 : Ht the hour of 10 o'clock A. JL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House Had City Hall Building in ,the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice (if said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing; the nature of he impmve4lG 1, Avg ,tbe.1total cost thereof as estimated _Adopted by the Cuuncil 191 Approved t... 191.. t itv-Clerk. . Port be Mayor. tot vad .and. CUUneilm Farnsworth eerneat b� Proceeded with. Councilman t10Si - cAt t6s council rathoemlm:r :he : westerly - alley bea. y - Councilman Hyland , ,d South In Block / st"-tnth- . orth, from tiendon.St. to Dudle,- - ,,Ith no alternatives, and that the Councilman Keller Sed Coac thereof la, sf32ae: .olved. lrurther, That. a: pnhlle Councilman McColl is be had on said improvement _io 20th- day Of Se t.. 1917. , at Councilman untierlieL it°r Chamberl� of A. the inthe • and City Hall Bvlldln` In the', 3feyor Irvin :r of slnince:givee notice of Commis Forin' R. S. A.' $.. anft to ..the Derson and:. m . the - - mar provided by the Charter. stat the time and plans of hearing. the ore of the Amprovement. M4 Ur .. 'Ll Cost thereof, u unmatea. ported ' the Council Aug. 20. 3931.pprov6- �d6ptea by the 20. 1917,: 1 ------------------------------- --------------- A COUNCIL FII.F. NO... . _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......changing. the..gra..510, Of...Hamlina..Av.e.....fro�l...dlulo...;;t .±.a.......... Randolph St. t -o conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached. and .made.. a _part hereof _ ^the:..ppr.event....eatablIshald..grad.e..ba.ing.• •• represented by a blue'line theregon also the. grading of said Hamline v b..tween.,tthe points a_oresaid in accordance rites the as id red Otte..Aven e 11totJlynished tglso the resin oP Hemline Ave, from A . e .... . *' present establ.i.she.d_grade,..... .... under Preliminary Order... 19303 _ :..approved ..Y . 7, 1917 _ ,... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be andthe. same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the icallrotem� t.w ich lie fdoltilpl re otmmetnds is...nkaga .th rade... of Hemline Ave. froml JJuuno o n o n o con o to h� hereto ed and red line on theshed eaede bifnnetAvehbetteenmtho• pode a inte aforesaid art hereof he 'present established grade being repreaented by a blue 13ne thef IsoYi""' :also the gradin in accordance with the said red line when established, also grading of_.Haml.ine Ave. from..:.Q1,t.o..:,Qv.ex .to:-Tuno._.St _to_.the present established grades with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is + , 370.4.23 Resolved Further, That it public hearing he had oil said improvement un the .. 21 at .... .........(lay of - September _....._ 191 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chnniber of the t'ourt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That thr Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing. -the nature of the iuyaiwement, and the total cost thereof as estimated _ lOG 210 I9'7 Adoptedby the I'uunril .. ... .'.......... 191 . Approved .I 1 191 �~ ' 1 Ily Clerh _. Councilman Farnsa-ortfi" rrPa^^ - -�; 1 a i,ln a; tlso the tore sing of Bald I.%.. o ; between the polnta nforexala C Cu11111•111� all Iiu5: - curd ace vlth the old r d 11— .when — eetabllehed..nlen the krndlnK of Ham-. Council all Hylnml one Ave. from Otte Ave. to .luno St. to the. present ex[nbllehed g ode. Ith ,no .1'uuueil nut I rllrl. - atternnttves or, the, t�e-eWoulted coxt thereof Ix i2704.22. - Ilesolved Further. That a public - - Council all Nlecull hearing be -hold on said. Improvement ._ 1917 at on ext da 3'oLaepF,. , Council It Wunderlich the hour of 10 o'clock A. x..In the Council. Chamber. sof the Court House, and City 11011 Bull ng - - �IayOC miseloneryoff Finance• give tn ticeo of I arla'11. 1. A. t{ L said meeting to the persons and in the manner. Provided by its Charter,stat- . Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. and the total .cost thereof as eatlmated.- Adopted by the Connell .tuft• 20: 1017, Approved Avg. 20. 1817. (Aug. 28-1917) - COUNCIL FILF NO.. ',. _ By �'�,::L:.' GL2r��- l�iJli.�............. — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the llfatter'of._.gxl.d1 rIB.:.a11;ex....i„n...B1.o.1:k ?9..St•, AraLho>ay •1?ark 1`?orthe..from... ; �zOaoA.ton..'t.. to.Keetogat.... .._..._<:_..... . 5 .. ...___._._ ...... .... :-. ... .. ._.. _.. _.__. _. _._..... __................... ..... .................... .. ................ under (Preliminary Order... _. _17.47.7. _..approved July 1.0., 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul, having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ribove, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Grade.All.ey..In.:...:...: Block 29 St. Anthony Park .North, from 15rompton St, to Keeton St. I _..............:....:......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is }. -530-04-.. Resolved Further. That it public hearing be had on said improvement oil the. 21mt__ ..... , ...day of _....a.egt£IAb.e3 1917 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., is the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in l the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fynance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the- time and place of hear- iuq, the nature of the_iulprovement, and the total cost.thereof as estimated, - Adopted by if., Lunneil..__.. -.._. 191 �.• .v.l... ti. approved 141l S f Ih ClerkV + Councilma u Faraswortbrest the .am no, to hereby. app.' •'"uh. - and the said Improv., ant fa-.hire: Colulcillll n Liusv orlore to De proceeded wl . : went phlcht thenCouncll reeomm Cdr 1. lnlllll'1lW Il, Ilvinn.l gnd.i JelleY in nlock E9 St: Anthony Park, North• from Brompton Sb to Ices 'ouncilmi 1 Feller ton at.;,.with no alternatives,: and that the estimated Cost. thereof le $620.04: (7uuticilul 1t . McColl Resolved' Further.: That a .Putin. - — hearing be hadon said improvement - I'ouneilule \Vllndcrlieb ds Dour or 20 o'clockof sAp �IC I1 the Connell. Chamber of the Court \favor In' 1 CI .. and Clty Hall-Bnitdlns fn the City of at Paul. That the Commie-. Form H. S. A. diner ;of Finance give notice or saki Mount to the 'Pomona and 1, the manner'. provided b7.the Charter, stat- - - lug the time and; place of hearin the nature of the Improvement anG' the total man thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council Aug. 20, 1017. Approved: Aug. 20.':1817. - - - i... - $.:(AUX. 26.1917) 1 l COUNCIL FFI/LF N9 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. conde=i.ng and. taking _an..easement in the•.•land,..nece$sftry,- _for slopes, for cuts,and -fills _in .grading ,alley. in, B1ocY.29;_.:,_ ..••.......... St. Anthony Park North,.from Brompton St. to Keston.St ,.,acc.ordi.rlg.__.. to the.Plan.hereto attached and glade a part,here-of, the..,hat,ched :..._.. . portion showing the cuts .end the shaded portion the fills, ., .. under Preliminary Order .1747x. approved. J�,191.7...........- The Council of the City of St. Patel having reeeived the r rt of ti<C&missioner.of _Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hey resole - 1. That the .said report be and the same is hereby pro -,I adopted, an a said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvrmrnt velli le ('awn, o I reeumme is..Condemn, and take.,... an easement. in the land neti..ffi . slope ,...fox...cut..e.:and.:fil.l.a...�a..:.. grading alley in.'3lock 29 St. An nY P _. . T1gi ,:. f>+ofc..�rowton...at......... . to Keaton St`. , according to p a eretQttached and trade a 4 _ _ .. part hereof, the hatched p _ion owing he cuts and the shaded _. _..... portion the _fills. ..... with no alternatives,•aud.11i the tillia!4 cost thereoi 25.00 R •solved Fu ler. T it a pi h L iu but• be had leo said improvement nu the 21.0t dry of _ Sept b ... X417 at' the hoar of IU .)'cloek .1. JL. in the Council Chamber of lila Court House and laity 11111 in'the City of St Patil. That the. commissioner of Finance give not'i'ce of said meeting to the per. s,Btld In this manner provided by the Charter, stating the brie and place of hear- '.�in¢, the nsture of the i1n11.,'�%rtncut, and the total cont thereof as estimated.. - ur, �1► r!7 Ow - 1,lupted I c Ow t',nii it ..,..,,.t .'7 Approved nail U tl( (lty Clerk. Proceeded with. !`Jin}ur the. natureofthe tan uch the. Council n recomm.. Culiuciltil Fa iiiwortb - an and .take an. easement it rere arl, for slope., for cuts L Coullellll nil 1-ieb<,. alta In grading pit., -In muck 29 S Anthony Park North. from nrompton st, to Keeton C at., rcordinto tha wIlleiln all llyfimd plan hereto nttnched and madgam Dart r .hereof, the hatched portion eh.w.lig Couneiln ah Kelh-l' .the rota and the shaded portion the - line, with no alternative., and :that the eetlmated cost thereof In -126.00: 1'untiellit tin \Ice doll 'Resolved Further. That'. a Public 6earlug De had on aid Impruremmt - Couneila ur Williderlielt on the 2tet ay .of Sept 1917. at the"hour of IO o•etoeit A-8, la tbt - JlayUr 1 '1❑ Council Chamber of the Court House and. '.City Sall Building- In the City of at Paul .That the Co Flit'ui lf. 5.:\ `.-G mbaloner of Blaaace give notice of - .. Aid meeting to the persona and •la the ?banner provided by.,the Charter. - -luting the time and place of hearing. - - the nature of the Imu sprovement sad the — total coat thereof Umatebl Adopted by the Council Aug, 20, 1917,- _ - Approved Aug. 20 1917 ,(Aug:�f0-1917), . -------------- Ila ------ la 1869! COUNCIL FMF NO .:...... ............ .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In t e Matt r of...q).. • 4'+eet,more?orale'ssxtendin' ,Berry Avenue to, a width h gg of fifty-t�lree p3� .roiti University Averse to j.Chsrlt3s..atreet...the.west line of said opening being the east line I of Lot 10-,- Aua torfls Subdiwisiiii TSo.9;and the' east line or _said -'""""'' i opening -,being the _east Line of Perry,.avenue zs now...1.ai.d...out...hat.we.en:...... I,.Charles.street and Territorial Road extended south and parallel to the . .east. line _of... said.. Lot..10,,.:according ...tn:. the... plan..hex.et o...a.ttta..ah.gFL.a,X1si....... made a part hereof, ............................................................. .I.........._.......... i Under Preliminary. Order ........ 17658 :.....................approved :.. July.. �Q:1917 .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: i i 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Co eil re ommend ' . _Q Fe :t rt£....widen extend Berry avenue to a' width of fif y-tlree t es more or le a...Srom ninersiy..avenue to Charles street the weet�line.of saidopeninget -line of 1;'ot 1'0'*Aud'itor''s'SU''li&ly'i'e'iGt1"2±a;' 9, Bdd,the. east.linenoftsaid ,opening being the east lime of Berry avenue as now laid out between Charles street and TerTitgray'i�oed exteridi3d'""" south -and parallel to the east line of said Lot 10, according to the' plan hereto attachel and made a port hereof, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is #: 9700.00" i. Resolved Farther; That it publie hearing be had on said improvemeia eu the. .. , ._....218t...._.day of _ ._. ..._. Sent ember.. 191 7, at the hour of lli o'clock A. \L• iu the Council Chamber of the ' Court House and City Hall Building hi the City of St. Paul. That the Cotnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- t iutf, the nature of;the improvement, and the total cost'.thereof as estimated ,Uuueil fUtl a 11 1y1Ida ted by UP, ..approved.. ...... _ .191 � � � / 1,\�tt Clerk. Sr i 1., 3 iVNN ... l .5t r 1[3 Mayor. t t t tan _ Councilman Farnsworth ;el ' - - t a sub 11 h( ioaen [\lo. o. 9�enl the Councilman doss t fine of nal 1 pening bring tho eaet — Ila f fie 5 tt ae ow laid. out I_ Counc lman Hybrid 11=11e" %'h r I ureet and Territorial the.set bine of uld I. ad 70,r alcttlyd j Couneli man Keller IW to thepint hereto uttaehed and if fe u -put hereof. wl[h. no allerna- tire.. nd shut: the eatimeted cost - l'ounei�man McColl eDereoi le satoo.00. - - _n..olved t .0t 0%er, That a puDlls Councilman Wunderlich hearing be had on paid-Improvemnt on the flat day or aeD[:, 1817, at the - sour or 10 o'clock A.I' Iq the -to the Mayor y�rCln Chambcr of the: Court Houps and City Bal t. Building in the City of 8k Fapl,. aFor a B S. A. &G That the Cominhad ar of plhanee gNJ. not of said meatlat to the DataoaY and In .the manner:. Charter, stating the prorldpd time aqd Dlacaot . haring., the nature of the lmprovr emstftuate�dd tit.tolot cost thereof ar - 'Adopted br,the Counoll Aug. 20' 1817, ' Approved Augr 50 1117. -COUNCIL FILE 0... . ...... By.... . . . . . . . .......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER j In the Matter, of... construct i.ng a.sewer . .......... ..... . ........ .... ..... .... on the east side of Snelling Ave. ............... ............... . ......... ............. . .. from Minnehaha at.. . to Capitol Ave., . from .. .. ....... ... .. .... ........... . ..... . .. . ..... ... ... ................ ... ......... - - ------- .... ............. . ............. ...... ... ...... ... ........ . ....... ....... ... ....... ........... ............ .... ..... ................... is t ............ ........... . ..................... .................... ....... . .......... w ........... under Preliminary Order 8.116 approved _April. ............... I The Council of the City of St. 'Paul Laving received the report of theIn manupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I Co Mmance1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and ado pted the improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededwitb. That the nature of the improvement which the Council r in e is Cjanjatr.,ac.t EL ..................... sewer ,on, the east side Snell Irlinnehaha St. .......... . ............... .. t o ........... .... .... ............ z ......................... . ... . ........... . ....... .... .......... ...... ........ ....... . ......... .............. ... ................ ........................ ................ ............. . ........ .... ...... ..... ... ... . ... .... .............. . .. ............. . ..... ......... ...... ............. ........ ............. I with no alternatives, and tha If esti ated atthereof is$ 5565..00.. i� Resolved Further, That publiiah - iuKhe-had on said iinproveinei!t oil the _24th of 191, t the hour of 10 o'clock A. X. in the Councif.Chatuber of the Court House and.City Hall Building i he City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement• and the total cost thereof as estimated i, GU6 20 IM i Adupted b.y.the Council 191` At.p`;Oved 141, I City Cleric. ay or, i Colmeilmax, Farnsworth That the nature Of the 8 Vou e ilman flusi *D' -h',h he Council MWO ,_er on the east, ..,nnr I'Uu' oilman Hyland C _ — ll""ell,,, - it no It,rfi.t,, i.d That the. nnh jt,deo.t thereof i.1 Cou e0man Keller Resolved Further, That a public aid Improvement Cou cilman McColl "'a hsa: on the he 141h do,- Mt., lliI7. at *'o'clock A- M, In the COUNti of the Co. I Cou ilman Wu Inlerlich®ourrt House and fir Hall Building, in the City of SL Paul. notice commission 1,18 - Irvin er of Finance Mye notice or &aId meet, Or to the perso.5 and in the utarovir pr.,Id.4 by the Form B. A 6-t; charter, stating the time' e &.4 place or hearing. the nature o tU a rprove. msnt� and the total cost thereof sx�ss- Almated. AdoptedCo2 09 1, 7. A 20 1917 - Approved b the11 U11* Ap 4 5A...' - (Aug., 2 -1017) J, CITY, OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL 816 COU1, No. 0 Z11", AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM FILE BY= 2 1 1917_181_ AU1I7s1rNj)r-. PER— • 5-99 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of ille- hereinafter specified funds and I in favor of the ran for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followi nglll detailed. ns. firms-or corporations he statement Yeas ii! Co iliomen it Y Nays Adoptcdby the Council Co Fn ✓ F r worth W. In favor App 191 f in b. ' el r el IlJ Against C. 4.o`1v;d1'lh,:! warrants be drawn rabse out Pts, d d ;uVon the CRY Treasury. MAYOR: Nyland hereinafter specified funds itbe derlieff f.,o,;of the prr.oni, orrmi or oDDoata Wun lions for t. set is p.lited In' co ne . -vin. Wriou',"pi.., dit-tl.d Mr. Presiie . c, the 11"4 - A Ordway. Comi;.-Y. Farwell. Ozmun. CO-P-ny- l3r.ther., $15.00, M-th.'. Cook & Dock Company. Rina. C..pxn piorihi.nd Fic, C ..,any. S29.61, lorlh catern, nice 7 .00. rice " In" & N wton P C Raymer Hardware Company- Jos� Rothwell, 166- 13.44 8983' Crane & Ordway, 4ehroede- Crran,.r, C... $1.4gs.30. Chas "chro6"rs!'n,: 131.1 P.Librar-y-Expenst 11 hI.,, Comm 2. P-laygrowid-Expn T1,grney I '.go A t 'I b� .Comp on Approved Aug.21. 1917 Water-Expense- I 84 Farwelis Ozmun, Kirk Company$ 24.73 P.Schools -Expanse 9.00 P.SChools-C" 6*83 p Sebools %quip. 8ego- _24.73 r 85 Hansen Building Material Company,240008 Paving Mounds Blvd. E. Seventh to W.L. Clermont.. �86 Neilson Brothers, .15.00 p.Schools-Expense.. 87 Northern� Coal'& Dock Company, 81.59 St. C&R.�Rxpense 41.39 Sprinkling 40i.20 88 Vorthland Fine Company, 37*20 G.F.-Docks, Wharves and Levees. 89 Northwestern Fuel Company, 29.61 St.C& V-Expense. 90 office Appliance Company$ 2.00 G.F.Purchasing DOPt--ExPOnse- i i r 91 Price, Robbins & Newton Cc mpany, 6e5O F.Parks-Expense. It 1 IYurm A. 3.11 T Ree 599 Page #2. 18998 Raymer Hardware Uompany, 'C&R-Expense 38.64 Sewer 2.50 S. & S. Cing-Expense _ 1.30 L C.P.M.-Expense 2.50 P.Schools-Expense ■ .35. PSahools-E 1.65 .50 18.04 P.Psrks-Expense Perm. Imp. Revl.' Paving Rice St: Univ. to N.P.Bridge _ 5.80 — 364 93 Jos. Rothwell, G.F.-Docks, Wharves and Levees. 65.00 1. 994 Schroeder Creamery Compny, 1,48g,3A _ P.Parks-Expense. 95. Chas. Schroeder, S.&S.-Cing-Expense. 7.80 96 J L. . Shiely Company, 34.92 St. C&R. -Expense 3.12: Sewer C&R. -Expense 21:00 Paving hounds Blvd. E. 7th 10.80 CITY OF: ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT i COUNCIL 1:t`Slh1 AUDITED CLAIMS.—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO.—. • NUG 11 191 i BY AUDITED r l PER 4f I) 601 I; Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,.payable out of. the hereinafter specified funds and' in favor of the pe ons; firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective' names ad speciliet�in the fotlowtng det:ded., statement: Adopted by the: Council��a. .1.�-1L191 j Yeas, J) Coup, men (�) Nays V Farns cth l J lnlavor Approv 21 Q17 191_ a r Gou, l Keller, I I M Against -- —, MAYOR N H land ` C F. vo:.19103— ♦:. I- I J'L' . - R solved that warrants be din: Wlinderliih uPon the Ctty Tr.seury, Dy.ble ovt ofi 0! jtlwAerelnatter eVacjOed fund. and In' Mr. Pient,'!: err;, ZI'Vin • favor or the paraone, arms orcorpora tlons for the amounU xat oDDodte Nl1r r..Deetivo names a! sDaclA.d In I. the followlnc ,detall.d t temint:' James 1L Burns $630.00 0 N R. A. Farnsworth, Com•d. Flnnnce. $3.99L7L Feyen construction ComOany. 332b.00.t. rnhnwn ,tc390.7a. I W. A !!alone COIDDany+ fi,300.OD. - - _ -. A .1. Zimmerman, 310.00. Adopted by the t:ouncll Aug. 21. 1917. ADDr... d Aug. 21. 1917, I _ (Sept. 1-1917)1 j ! 510.00 19007 i James H. Burns, to St.ClairGrsding Grigg L s Sanford i pg S. A.,Farnsworth,"Com'r. Finance, 4,062!7$ School-Sa`l . I; Og Feyen Construction Company, 635.00 Sewer on Forest St. from Rose to pt. 370.00 Sewer on Dunlop. _ _._96. 5 QO 635.00 1,400.75. u 1 Christ Johnson, 1 Grading Otis -Montrose -Marlboro. '. 1 Weis Malone Company, 2 580.00I Ii Grading -Palace Juliet. ' A. J. Zimmerman, 10.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen. - L - I 1 � I ff Total 10,068.48 � - I } l 'Pmm A. &It I ..-CITY OF ST. PAUL ..rwp ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM - t��O:'^'Q Lbar�J /, f COUNCIL IY� FILE AUG . I,9'}, AUDITED --IDI— .-• ZPER • 6021 nu - j Rssolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out f the hereinafter speeifiad funds and _ is favor of the persons, firms or corporationsfor the amounts set opposite thein respective .names specified in the folloiing detailed j statements Yeas (J) Cogncilmen ( J) Nays - Adopted by he Councils i• lf)1_ , Fa nsworth G In favor APP e K ler I 11 Against MAYOR IIi Hyland" i s underlich c.F.xo.lalss— Mr. President, ewers Irvin R.. owed -4hat ; warr. 1. De dtawa upon the City-Treasur; Payahlo'oat or. - ({ the hereloafter: Well, feed. aLd 1n. favor of the Pomona, dPma ;or eyrpora- - n _ p e " - [Ions for. the amount. get oc oodte [halt as�OpeOiEed 1n th - reapeetire- names . following detailed etarsoU -o-pia �Nrlo [400.00 Adedhy ado Council Aug . 21. lot APpro:ed Aug al 7911 "(H.pL 1.3517) " 19 3 W. (;. Marlow 400..00 . Health -Public Bathe -Exp. '20 to 1 $v400. 00 1 !. L_T - _- 8 I j i < Form A. 5.11. IS 161 Council File No,................ ...... )PROPOSAL FOR. IMPROVEMENT and _ t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned `hereby ptopgdes the making of the follop•i' it lie provement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:, x.4 tc.. fc.:.,..r. � . w. ,.e,__........' ....L ... ...,..14.:.. �.��:... ........... l:i_ of c la L is n - ..ti ...G ma,r. � j•An ...::...�L.. :.E:.....�._..].:w.:.1 ...Mich! .a „-:• ... 'si:s: ...,.L IL3t.G C1 o. T.t _i ... Jc. to. C,...0 Ord it ........-.. v..e�..:..,:a_ .«�-x•:<.ed ... ._..,> .. .......t, i_,_..,t1_.....�:aa.. .. '..r._.�_�ctr.l...u.Y.• .' . ____.__ . _ — _ .............. _— Dated this .........�.N......day of.as7 ..11u.l:.... ........ �� L L z C ._._.._............. .......... _,.._............... .._..._..._._........................... ........_...._ i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... .:..G....d..'�r_iL:..�.tL1A .a.:....1....:._.iu.».0 .,Z:....:.._.. ._....... , L.......�:_ to having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council u the folt • - or Livinwelo therefore, be it nt. to conedrd at. to south pldo er ]aebel 8 rd RESglArED, That the Commissioner of Pubht on the Porth- side a of co-e-tiered and directed- from Livingston Ave. to ias , 1. 'ho investigate the ]iecessity for or desira¢il h-1mr been presented to the of the 00—f AL Pool thereroiovemenl. Rrlc works That the comate',• and tile. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estinl dared And dire-t-4: -t dna he 1a her. dared and dlracted: 3. To furnish a than, profile or sketch of said1. To la—tfgata the eeces,' or.deslrabllltY or, the making lmorovement -_ t,_ Tolurn furnish-thc_following ot4vr.duta ontl_ info s. _To estimated the natur•wement; _ dna - ssUmstsd Bost of sa18� --, --- - ---`-� - - ment.and'thetotal Cost tk^ .._. _:.: _.: ........ -.. .. L,_ 7' Tb rurnlah. a plan,... .... __._._.._ akeleh of said 5. 11,o state whether or not said improvement !•,,,T? !'un'thc petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the: Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yeas: y Nays C� Con nciIinan'Farm-o 'lIG t p Gols Approbed ......... ... ..... �....._l 191.:......: II and / I IC Her I under nde unticrlic� Mayor vin]/' ? Mayor: P Y1 021' Cou.etl File No i:..t..... '-PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 9 and PRELIMINARY ORDER , r' The undersigned hereby pr oses the making; of the folloirin to ovement by the City of. St raul. viz ..�:3�.:.�.. h31 7 Ihded this .1 .�.�1ny of - _.. . '. - Council n: . l -- -- _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. - R'IIEIIEAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement viz YMMk, ..... ......Y..e ... .: ................ ... .. �....... .. .. .LLtll ... ..... ... the l;1ly. u St. l'nut baying been presented to the Council of the City of St. ner'the commissioner of „be end he le herebror- - '. .-eetedt therefore, be it diets the n—ii-Ilr for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubhe We of the mekini of essay ordered and directed veetipu the nature, kkaty improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilUteed iooteir eossed ; i 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimn:°idnthelatt a .ID'n°' unprovemcnt, and the total cost thereof. rnUh the ton 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said "Atormetlon rei• - - I . "ehe-i._ cnt roves lowiogothcrdata and iniorueewksdth��Ative to 9. To furnish the ol o . 5• ment is asked for on the petition of three or more owner. . To stale whether or not said improve 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of FinnInee Adopted Ly the council- Tens: y Nays Councilman Farnsn Goss h/ , Approved ,,, .......r � _ t Nyland Ri•Ilcr � ' 1' McColl • till .._.............. _._ _ — 1Cundulith �— 11ay Mnvor Iron �l ----- ---- is i - Council File No, . .�...:�_k) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. f The undersigned hereby proposes the ranking of tbc'fplloning public improvement by the City of. x`• 11 � St. Paul, v1z a S • f ........ ....: -_ ....... ._.. ....... 191 J day o[ Datkd this ..._ .a,t T-77�co- ................__.- .. ncilmmn. i _-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. .WHEREAS, A written proposal for t11e ranking of the following improvement, viz.: �C + a ... i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul y, Councilman ...: F lO ..1t) •o[ et 1,1 nut the,, therefore, be it Koeolved.lrhat the ns •; hereU ordered and directed* RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1 QO'ta aydoatrociea y 1. ,I'o investigate the necessity for or des o�1. T : iitisnorttoobIDa> said improvement y`OTo 1n+atl�Onl - of .arovcment, and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and s as Tc1 osted `lt tt life 7. To furnish a'pinn, profile or sketch of s.�st n At furalle mo°a. -_ _.__ the to improvement: f. To furnish the following other Into olid"i1.: To ihrn,naattoa n" - a,dmencorm le. wheth9- _ __.. _... I,. ...._.. ,•a..._ - 5. 'ro stale whether or not said improvement 1s asked 'f tr on the petitimt of three or more owners. ' G. To report 111)011 all of the foreaoilif.matters to t11e Cominissioner,of Finance. t Adopted by the council__..... Nays: Yens: / councilman Farnswor Y Approved \ r Goss / f 4r' Keller r i... �\ - &Iter � i W 4 ,i �l I��{ A1cCol1 .......... -.- _---Alaeor Irvin _: --------------- li COUNCIL FILE -NO...:.......... .'� FINALORDER III c ig n tem• consisltfnf*tto`�1�3 pnpoetn,.lamp•sn$.c,1••obee$..�.ap.,lllana .u,� uttdez rAtutd it conduits and. other equipment for conveying electric; IUQrent .tneretg_;oI7.... Jackson street to Robert streets ,..", Third street from Ja, _ .. _ _ ...... a I I _ is • I' ander_Prelimivary Order 19195_ approved Dec. 28, 1916. �I Intermediary Clnler .. ,ggn•ovcd.. _ IA public hearing having been had Cyton the above improvement upon due notice, aifd the Council Having heard all persons, objections alid recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 'i RESOLVED, By the Comwil of -the Ci(v of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - !neat to be made by the said ciy i,.,. Purni sh and install.. an ornamental, lighting.. . I� system consisting of;lam p-poata,_lamps, _globes,...wires,,_applianeea.,- j� underground conduits,and other equipment for cc a ing electric.,.. Ij current thereto on Third street from Jackson street to Robert•._stre•et•,.•._ __. ....................................................... and the Council hereby order,.; Said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cbnunissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed. to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval-, that upon said approval, the proper city officials arc hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance t) emwiplk to " Adopted by the Cuuneil -a c tt rk it Appriwed IM -' I sae C kind or Into. ..., ... ._. _.. !! - by the '.old City le t1faYU1'. _ n o ntal ligh L t oullcill u 1 Irnswol th lalenng of rap-pont In i Ir . ppllanc under!, n coullellli 11 Cos, - done and th , e4ulpm sat + y-' - '!- (�UUUCII 1 II)Iau.l Ingele trlc current thereto - Thlyd-=��-----.- I.. - �� St fr m Jack n St. to Robert St., and -"�"—, s 1.'UlmCll all .Keller ` the Council hereby order. said I. - In be made. t'ouncih all jlct'UIh Re.olvad Further. That the tbtamu adorer of Public Work. be cad be, 10 Council an Wuuderhtll / J hereby In.tructed and directed to ✓ F. Dlar. and aDeclacatlon. for .aid i 1layor rIn - ImDroremenp. and submit .ams to the - Council for approval; that upon said !i approval., the proper elty-officers aro I hereby aulhori.ed and directed. to pro- - c Funa R 8 A. ti 7. card with the matin r of old lmvToy« m.nt in accordance therewith ! Adopted by the Council Aug. 21. 1817. Approved Aug 21. 1.817. (Aug :26 li I a OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ! -� 'REPORT,6717 OOMMISSVONE•R OF FINANCE -- -_.. — ON-PRMIDUKRY- ORDER 1,_, (A) FLrni,ehi gsn3 i talling..an Oye rnamental lighting Stemf,aoit- In the butter of _...... . . Bi sting-.of__lamp poster_.lampaL:.globee,._wiree�._ appliances under grouna. oonauite and other.. acs igme ` for convoy+ y_,electric -current t.hereto'...o.n..Tk>i.rd Stre.e.t...frolro_eiac.kson st__t.o_.Robar _BSxe.et,....... _._ ___..:. ....... - _....... ._ . under. Preliminary Order approved ......�eC..•...-�$., .-1916.:..._.... ....-.... __.._.. :.....:__ . L_.:.: To the Council of.the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance•heieby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -----.--- g_.:._ 1.99 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED -� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK _ADDITION VALUATION East 67J feet of 14 and 13 26 St Paul Proper ) 22200 (Ex. E. 67J ft) 14 and 13 26 12 26 24500 11 26 21750 10 26 23950 9 26 17500 East 1.76 feet of'. 8 26 (Ex.E 1.76 ft & ex. West 41.06 feet) 8 26 23300 TOTAL. ronw esu. e -e • - - .. F ST. PAUL _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM;',n1!§$IONER OF FINANCE cTt:'rRELIMINAh4Y ORDER ` CE SC RI PTI ON LOT, BLOCK '. ADD.ITION _ ASN VALUUATIOATIO West 141.06 feet of 8 26 St. Paul Proper 90000 1, AuditW 9. Subdiv19ion 44000 2 No. 35,St.Paul,Minneeota 26750 _ 3` 23225 4 44600 5 800 I g 10450 7 10900 East24feet N of Alley; of 2 31 St. Paul Proper 18400 >F 20 ft of E 44 ft,N of Alley 2 31 10700 (Ex.E 44.56 ft) North of Alley2 31 ) 44300 Ex.W.22.78 ft) North of Alley 4 31 )) W 22.78 ft North of Alley of 4 31 , 27200 5001875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has. investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference'to said matter by the Commissioner, of Public Works. Dated 191. / Commissioner oFinance. t'arm 11. B. I'S - .. Office 'of the Commisiotier of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance i May 14th, 7 _ ...,_ ........_.....191...._ i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. Thr,Coaunissioner of PublicWorks, having had, coasideratioa the prcliwiusry order of the Couu= ril, known a"ICouacil File No. 14195 ..approved ....Dece. her 38th 1916..._, relative to- . . .. inatallin¢tar ern enttxl li�htirg rtyetera 'on "'hird Street frolr. Jackson Street to Robert Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ._.....:-necessary and ('or) desirable. xY 1 3. The cstiauted cost thereof is $ and the tot l cost thereof is k... _ ,515.00 and file nature and extent of *said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. 4. _._. 5. Said improvement is ...asked for upon petition of three or wore owners of property, subject to assessment for sail) improvement. 1 C011111 issinaer of Puhli 'orks. qf -bepurhnenf Dale Fublic lnrlis M. N. GOSS: COMMISSIONER - R. T GOURLEY. Dfpurr .ve eu ,..0 ooN, au.r aun.0 er co•ncno+. - � � :., p 1. S71 i or .. 60 L� I;O= .. {.: f,..G': 0?' anc!. ,,. '. ,,. -0 �, i�E ...^l�il J�� I • z. : o -., �. _ w�;e rl f 5.07 1 �. STaul his ation-of - ommerce 514 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING' - x. w: ccnA. aA:tm I ina�NWO{TIII.[LAT� tTyi ,. ' ADDRESS wCCCUMMUNfCAT 4 t0 I - - • 1Nf. ASSDCI COM CRCEUL. MINNESOTA,- ST. -PA June Twenty -First,. 1 9 1'6 mr. Oscar i:. Keller, Commissioner pf Public Utilities, City Hall, Saint Paul. I, Dear Sir':- Y6, the under igned or:ners of property on Third Street from Jackson to Robert, respectfully oeti.tion that the City of Saint Paul, acting through your offices, provide the district mentioned in -this adequate street lighting that shall con - petition with form to the established system in the down to-pn busi ness district. CK B , T _ y Mf.MRCR GNAMOCn Of t:OMM1:Rtf. OiTNf' UNIT :D STATI.4 01 AMf-NICA ° matter of the aesesstner tts, eoetx and expense* to _ - ruat19, of a sewer on Y t K Council File No. "t betty?nn •eeminole +trc•' '" s[r1nirrr.df YtCttminarY 9 I Order. 132dlarY Ordkoven _ 1 nrdtr. t921a, aPDroVed t hearing hisvinc be BY bj i•assessment tb� 46•at n6 and sald aaaaese6smer. �y �O 6 •sldered AnallY;nWs}• - •�e. 0 That.. a aam CITY OF ST., PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 1In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the'conetruction of a newer on Mortoq street between Seminole street and OPlio street, under Preliminary Order 11929 12735 ..............; .Intermediary Order ...... _. ,Final Order October_ 13,,. 191..6._. approved -......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and. the same is hereby ordered to be.submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable . in equal installments as to.each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council . 191 / City Clerk. Approved _. 191, _._ �) ...: .. _. Mayor. -- -- .......---- CITY OF yT, PAUL; 'TMF. EOFFICEOFHg!JANC REPORT OF COMPLETION --OF- ASSESSMENT _� uly...,.19 , ...:........_.. 191.7. In the matter of the assessment of benefit costs and 'expenses for the construction of a'newer on Morton street "between Seminole street and Ohio street., under Preliminary Order _ 118.29 Intermediary Order 12735 . -- -. - - Final Order 132.40 approved.. Oct. 13, . 191...fi_.. 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for -and in connection with the making of the 'above improve- - menta viz: Cost of construction $ 890.04._ Cost of publishing notice / - S ..77 _.. Cost of postal tarda $ .33 Inspection fees - - - - - - - $ 17.80 Amount - _ - - -- - - -.la5- nt - of court coats,1tor confirmation - - - - - $`--.. , �---- ----- ---1-- -' Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ 910..55 __ _.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied thel total amount as above ascel- twined, to -wit: the sum of $ .910. 55 upon each and every lot• part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and.that'hereto attached. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed y him and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. cormn, n. fl Commissioner of Finance. _:. Cotineil File No --- By CITY OF ST.PAULa " Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of, the assessment of i benefIits, 4osto and expenses for ' the construction of a relief sewer on Selby avenue from Herschel avenue to Saratoga. avenue, -13.2........: , rmediary Order. _10.698.__ _ Final Order.. under Preliminary Ordaz 9Inte_. ._. . approved ... _:-July ._ 17, A public hearing having been had upoll the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- " ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it I therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for, confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council . _ 191 _.. _ ... ,ICC2 L t/L/L/.City Clerk. .✓ I C. F. No. roved - In tha matte`¢ and, a=Denshe e. tort theApp- ronaructlon of a <rellef eev.•dr ¢n , lb pv6nue [romHerschetnv nue - , to Fnratoaa avenue. under Pr,llooln- ,..- Mayor, my Order. 9132: Intarmndlnr)' Order 10808. Final Order 11060. oPDroved v arm 11• U. 18 Aly Minl hearing having" been' Dad thaaue.sment tor. the above lin - provemant. and+aid .......antharin( 1,'L'1ll-l5lltil)._.- - baen further condd.r.d. by lhe. C¢unell, nndhaving been con.ldered nnallyeat- Isfactory. be It" lhiretor- Resolved -Th¢t the sold n.e.ument , pacts Ta°lfla andslhe ..malls h.raDy ------ - ------ -. �, .-._ w_tt1 d ID_ths; or--Ct order w -¢ i Cont o[ tha County of Itam.e7 rsr v- , armatto¢. ald - ... Be. It. Further Resolved That the 4 r a.en.maat be 'and. It b helaby de-. - terminad to bo pn )•nble In nve equal, Installments ne 1¢ en eh and every Dar- j - eel of land ' 1 Adopted by the CuunetlAug. 21.1917- AGDroVed Aug. 21. 1917. tAug; 24-3917) i CITY OFs ST..tPAUl, OFFICE OF THE COMM6' LONER OF FINANCE 1 �1 (r7 VVV REPORT OF COMPLETION - OF . ASSESSMENT_ ......... Inthematter of the assessment of ' benefits, costaand expenses for the construetion.of a relief sewer on Selby Rcgnue from Herschel,avenue to Saratoga aventlei i under Preliminary Order . 9132___ ... Intermediary Order .. 10.b98 - Final Order- 11550 approved.. July 17,_ 1916 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- . tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making ofitheabove improve- - ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 7425....95 Co.F of publishing notice $ Coat of postal cards - - - - - $- Inspection fees - $_ 14ft_.5E .. --:---Amount -of court -costs -for -confirmation__ --_c. _-- _$, 2_5._65 Total expenditures $ 7617.22 _ I I Said, Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster-, tained, to -wit: the sum of $ __761?.22 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: thatlthe said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed . by him, and which is herewith submitted ouncil forsuch'action thereon as may be considered proper. — --- ------- -- -- - - -- - -- -- -- - -- �-- --- F."n a `tt. s: Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. r �- I By ._ . _.., . .:.. CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the•matter of the assessment of benefits, costs -and expenses for the construction of a sewer on the Meet side of Lexington a feriae from Central avenue to 50 feet north of St. Anthony arenas, I under Preliminary Order 12943., ........... . Intermediary Order. 13465 ...... , Final Order. 13813. i approved, . _November, :. 29. _..: 191. 6..:.., r-- above improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been had upon the assesamere cuna r ra. merit having been further considered by the Council, rn 'oIntermediary a eriaedaryyinsidered finally satisfactory, be it . therefore " he.ring halting been +eesment ror the O.Y. rqd esld. u.e.ement. 1. =trlher considered br. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and tl "having . he letntheer.fore' all 'respects ratified, and the Tat. the ead.nenm same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Crime tome ..bmslle e11 I Ramsey for confirmation. -brat". to the -Dl - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assess& the county at-nem.yby determined.to be payable n T'• ' in („ equal idatallmenta as to each and,every parcel of land described therein... Adopted by the Council Oc- _- City Clerk. Approved _....._::..-_._._ Mayor. CITY Q t .. PAUL. OFFICE. OF THE COIVEMi55lONER OF FINANCE 1 RESORT OF CC)MPLETION O"F'-ASSESSMENT.I H ....'_..d.uler.....19.,._..-..... 19.17. _ for fhe In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses constnactijon of a sewer on the west side of Lexington avenue from Central avenue to 50 feet north of St. Anthony avenue, .. I , 1 .13465 under Preliminary Order . .121143 .-...-.. Intermediary Order roved... ..Nov.. 29, _- .191 6_, - Final Order . .- , 13fl13 . approved ' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- for and in connection with the making of the above improve lutea necessarily incurred and to be incurred- - ment, viz:.- ... ' Cost of construction - - - $ 620.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - $ Cost of postal cards - - .21_ Inspection fees - - - - $ 12.40 - Amount of court costs for confirmation - $ Total expenditures $634.15 I G Said Commissioner Further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster tained, to -wit: the sum of $. 634.15_ _ upon each and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has bean completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- . ner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed tified by the signature of the said Commissio -tiy him, and whicn Is karew'::hsubmitted-to-the_Councll for such action thereon as may be conmdere proper. Commissioner of Finance. Toru, B. It. 17 . j--------------- Council -- -- -- Council File No. e < , / ) I CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. F j In the matter of the assessment'of benefits,_ costs and expenses for ja the construction of a sewer on Branston avenue from a point'ten (10) feet I south of the north lined of Lot 7, Block 11, St. Anthony Park No to a l point twenty-five (25) feet south of the north line of'Lot 1, Block 7, on both sides of Blocks A 'and 3r also'sewer on Hendon avenue from Branston... Avenue as laid out on the westerly side of Blocks A and B,to rrsntham street,' under Preliminary Order _ _10884.......-, Intermediary Order 13640- Final Order.1.40.22_.:. December 14 61..... approved r. 191._ j A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assew Ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the i o confirmation. of the Count of Ramsey for I ordered to be submitted to the District Court y Y same is hereby BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i,__..: _.� equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DIC. - fAdopted by the Council .. 191 City Clerk. y Approved 191 1J �{/(/�) i on Hondo 1 r_ �/ ( t_ 1 as-laid out on the we ,< -11locks A and B, to Cara __ . ..__.. -. Mayor. a undec IIrellminary' Ordrr ---._.... Farm B. B. 19. termedlary .Order 11810. FI .. - 14022,.aporoved December A publlo-hearl.n & having - - neon the usenment for tha a yrovement. andlldd esesumer= - ' been- considered anally satlsta_.. :therefore Reeolvod. That the said eseeument be and, the. same1. hereby In all 're-- spects relined. and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Romer for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the _ said: Access cut be and ;It Is hereby determined to_be payable'in ave equal instailmeuts to each and every per.. - !oel-of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Aug., 21, 1917. Approved Aug. S1. 1917. aAug.. S9-IS17) ` .� -r- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - -- CITY QF.ST PAUL /� f70 OFFICE ,OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT - 2: 1912' for the iIn the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses . Iconstruction of sewer on Cranston avenue from,a point ten (1C) feet south of !the north line of Lot 7, 'Block ll,.St• Anthony Park North to a point twenty- five (25) feet south of north line of Lot 1, Block 7, on both'sides of.' Blocks A and B, also sewer on Hendon'avenue from Branston avenue ,as aid i I out on the westerly side of mocks A and B, to Grantham'street, under Preliminary Order 1Q.884 ._._..._ Intermediary Order 13sA0.. -- _-• Final Order. 140.22J _.. _._ approved... 1.4, ._ _... 191 a.... o the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statementesPthe ezpendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be' incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- memt,. viz: -- - - Cost of construction'. - - $,43a5-.00 - Cost of publishing notice $___ Cost of postal tarda; 3 ' _.1..26 i � Inspection fees Amount of court cos , is for confirmation 3 .30 ,......:... Total" expenditures $:4483..20 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- — ' I.20._ ... ..................upon each and every lot, part or parcel. of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of 3....9483, -benefited by the said improvement,''and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the, benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed i by, him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered. proper. .. ..... .. .. ! � Commissioner of finance. ----------- -- -- -- I . Co ;net) File No. .. .:.... ....: ' - By'. _. _..__. ... ........ - i _ CITY .OF ST. PAUL Resolution- Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for the construction of a sewer five feet north of the south line of Lots 1, 2, 3, h, 5, and 6, -Block 28, %Beat St. Paul Proper from a pointe 10 feet west of the east line of Lot 1, Block 2e, West St. Paul Proper to jWinslow Avenue, ' under Preliminary Order. Intermediary Order.- _ ....._ . Final Order....12f�D_5 ___.;... j approved ._September 21,_ .......__191 jli A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said asses- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore j RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the i same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined tobepayable in jj_..... _._._ equal installments as to each and every parcel -of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ___.191 ........ City Clerk. _ y„ 2 4 1, t Approved ._ _ ..-...... 191 tbr[c: I3, Ff. 14 .diary Ore, ra.pt�itns•i ............. Mayor. _th• w�Q .said oaaaam - .;,•y,au,. turthet cou•Idbre ... .� Wing b•belt tha �Co.been ..%,NUataatory, aid finallyl %&. That. that,;jOY e"nbY 1i•a t• speea rstill tMfAlit•da o fihi ylr. ordered_to. Ys Couut7. of pataN7. _ orlel-Court of itis This the - i forojdrFn test De•iaA t fa h•rsD7 de s, ed mo be yaYabl. every' 9 a1 ar- tbatallmeau..aa , sac th•rat - evjtdoPt adbY„4a S o ltlt.Auq• 21. 1417. ,-ADOrovd Ai1q. , td.1f1T) .-.--- ---------------------- , _ I CITY OFy' PAUL 1 \ C- - - 'OFFICE (iF THE'COINMIS5IONGR-OF FINANCE -- - REPORT OF COMPLETION ` OF :ASSESSMENT ......... 191..7.. In the matter of the assessment of 'benefite't costo and expensee for the construction of a sewer fire feet north of tre-south linei of Lots, 1, 2, 3,• 4, 5 and 6. Block 28, West St. Paul Proper from a point 10 feet west i of the east line of Lot`1, Block 28, West St. Paul Proper to Winslc.w Avenue, 1 under Preliminary Order _111$.3 ._ .... __... .._ _ ..._.. Intermediary Order ..._-_12288 Final Order 12�.Q5. approved .,.September 21, 191_..6..... --- - =' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports td the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- _ meat.. viz: Coat of $_475..0Dconetruction - _- - Cost of publishing notice - , - - - - $ •35 Cost of postal cards - - $ ...5 � Inspection fees Amount of court costs For confirmation - - - • Tolal expenditures $ 485..75 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to-wit: the sum of s...48.5.75 upon each and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed, benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment hes been completed, and that hereto atinched, Iden- ___._„.: tified b, thn signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Furan n. H. 17 ........--e - - - - Council File No. CITY OF ST PAUL - Resolution Ratifying 'Assessment. In-the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for the grading of St. Clair Street from Fairview Avenue.to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 10466..........• IIntermediary Order .: _ 11791- -- Final Order_._ .12428. _....._._. approved , Sept -. — 5r .... ....... 191.6... . -A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and acid assess - Inent having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. and the . same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ------BE-1T_I U .HER RESOLVED That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council / ezl- -L.,& 79< City Clerk. (.Approved I _...191 : .•r � , I .lea sant ,— sarins havrna beef T •. se.eement for the shove, C�r msnt: 'and said aueesment- r. .... ::.:.. .... ..:.:.:Mayor.-- "' been further aoneldered by I .i- 1'ormis 6 lY nuncll 'and havina boon conddered and1Y ntbtactoq. be It therefore - _T Resolved, That the esld rus"Binant the—A".hsr b-. in:, r1I r '_-_- or t1s rrttlfie subs the enure le isreby Courtf6 heenbmlltad to. the District _ Court of the County of Rnmeey for- confirmation. Re It Further Resolved, The" I said It be and It W horeby de- tarmineJ to be payable In nve equal - I -- Inetallmanle ab to each and. everY9ar cal . of lend described therein. AdWI•d 1 r. the Cauncn "Aug. -t.. 19IT. V Anprovaa Aug., a•'t 6t 7. t.tuR. r5-19171 CITY OF ST. PAUL 01 I OFFICE OAF THE COMMISSIO 11 OF FINANCEG REPORT OF COMPLETIw OF ASSESWENT . ^ .1-14Y-- .-jg , 191...7. i In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fouthe grading of St. Clair -Street from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, 1 under Preliminary Order 10.4.5,6._ _._.:__., Intermediary Order _ _..117.91. ..... . Final Order . 124.78 approved.. Sept. _5. 191_6...... i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and. in connection with the making of the -above improve - J' ment. viz: Cost of construction $ 2,1.5.5..00. I Cost of publishing notice $-- -. 5.9.5 of -postal cards $ .2.55 Inspection fees $- 43..10 _ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ Total expenditures - . . . $:2, 219..35. __.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained„to-wit: the sum of $:..2# 219.35_ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed _. benefited by the said. improvement, and in the case of each lot.- part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, Iden- -_.- d - rt hereof. -is as completed a 'd e aa -- ._._ _... -- tified by the signature of the seta omhunso.,o.. _. d • &:p art- him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of finance. form it. R 1” -CITY OF 'ST. PAU` COUNCIL RESOLUTION' -GENERAL FORM Subject- rCOUNCIL dd _ Date Presented Aug. 21 .1917 191 Resolved, That the Council 'hereby concurs in the reco=cIcndation of the Contract Committee, and hereby awards,.to John W.% Hildred & Glompany, the contract for furnishing and install- i `.ing complete, ready for continued use, twoelectrically- driven pumping units in duplicate, together with piping, wiring, valves, fittings end other accessories necessary to fully complete the work on the pumping station for the Payne Edgerton Sewer-Sy4tem, all in accordance with plane, specifications and Formal Bid.No.1415, for the sum of $1686.25. 1917- 13Y It C. F: No: 1617hat t ar: D7. Coes h noica in That the Cound. hereby anenra in The, recti- anatlon or _ the Contract COmm7ttee, and hereby awarda. to John N'. Hlldred & Com- .•}. I Deny- the contract .for furnlahlnR and - tied�uele.gtwO a/ectrfeallY'. drivonor cDump• _ Ing units_ In lupticale. at Or with 19.19_-1919 —1919— 1919-- 1919__-1919.___._—•—•-pl Pln R. wtrinR -vales--altin6s—nnd--_-1919__-1919- othrr re....rle. nereaenrY r0 fu11Y cpmptet the work k on the pumping � fl tin D tntion. .1 the RUne• EAR It gewer 3yetem, all h necordnn .n Diana, peareatlone and.Far mnl nld No. 1116, L1nul J (or the sum Or 2166626 Adopted by the Council Aug. 21, 1917. Approved Aug. 21, 1917 ) (Aug. 26-1917 OiFIC THE ORP ATION COUNSEL (Aug. 1 � 1919. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays ailfem,worth Adopted b the Council 19) _ ' f}M,�oss 1919 ....... Y_._._ ,,Hyland i I lf7 ,7 1 i• o r . Keller Approv / �) r 191 McColl, Against Wx,riderlich Mr. President, Irvin M) ron CITY OF PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM LAYING WATER MAINS Subject: ' 11out.ul ae No. • � Date Presented 191 , I- Resolved, That .water .Qaine be laid on Jefferaon Street, from Hamline to Syndicate, Kilburn Street, from Orchard Street to the I I --- Northern Pacific Railway, Hawthorne Street, from Duluth Avenue•to the Water Works right of way. I I . C. F. No.. 19174—By O. E. Krllrli; Resolved, That water main. e laid - on efferson St -rt, . from' 1lamllas to Syndicate. - - Kilburn Strert, from Orehrad Street ' . _ to the, NorthrRra Paclde Rall—Y. Hawhnrm• , trees, from I)y loth Ave-- - I npe to the 11'n [er \1'nrk. rl Ktil. or. way. ! Adopted by the Coun •ll Aug. 21. 1917. . Approved .Aug. =1, 1917.. (Aug. =5-191"') yeas (i) Nays �I Ounellnlen I / "IG .,1 10 �arnaworth .adopted by the Council 191 In favor ----------------- ---- -----,,� - , . t--'� 'Hyland ----'--=- i Approved Keller .r McColl tilt. President. Ir6^' ~OR } r. `'ITY vv %v IMT IV,-SRvi VvFa0mv0vf publicUhilihies i Qureau df �aher ' BO>RC O�-w G!ER CJN.+S-JrvER5 ,. OSCePCkE �i R." •. ... - .w t 20 1917. To The Honorable, THE COMICIL, City 'of Saint Paul, Minn. 4 Gentlemen: The Board or Water Commissioners, at a meet- ing held this day, unanimously, adapted the following resolution: "Resolved, That the City Council be and hereby is requested to authorize the laying 'of water mains in the following streets; — - ---- — — �efiersotr—Street-,—f- rem -Htmiline Kilburn Street, from Orel -Lard S treet to the Northern Pacific Railway, Hawthorne StreeL,' from Duluth Avenge Eo the Nater '.,forks Right of "Nay." Veriruly yours, !� CITY OF ST. PAUL -I COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:COUNCK n Date Presented. _..1 t,.:_.21, 191'7. Yy I- ., C a �U of 3pu2-1.. r r; ,,:1rt ..�t rl1'_l� Y -.:1'C4 u to & '.'.-i,.::.r 0. �1�d,; 1ccC _o. p2:i �._.�_ a:_. :O a._1 -.,itis Ave. c116 •to a width 02 � - �;o _eye' roy, iald -v0. to Uiliti ai:;� Ave. wu er P :^Lii der ,117998, .r,rovecl .1L 1D, "417, Resolved, `'rlat :Al 0. ill th_ -.er -Ly ch i.i; Lter , I C. F. ilo. 18176-13Y SI. N. 0., In the matterofopening, widening and eatendlnK Pierce St. to . width - of misty feet-frnmSt. Anthony Ave.' - to 'ShlellIA Ave. and to a width bf Izty twto. feet from Shield.\ve. to 1 n1 Jty —. under Prellminnry - Order 4\n. 17088, approved Aug. 10: , 1017. _ Resolved. Thpt nil c ler. In. the _I hereby mvtnellid,a annullead tho d and to- .cinded, tad itli proceeding. In such matter dl.contlaned.. 11 r ted by the. Council AUK• 21, 1017. App ved Aug. 21. 1917. '(Aug. 26.1917). f nil, Yeas (F) Co cllmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 ------------ - ---- `' L - -- - — --- Coss r f In favor Kell Approve /� 191 111cC 11/, . % Against Mr. President. ' , MAYOR ronM C-2 i --- ---- '-- CITYr OF ST. PAUL •'� - coU L T 6N- •,GENERAL FORM Subject[ COUNCIL FILE - N O. Date Presented 191 ht Co. be and it.is.he'reby ordered Resolved, that the Bt.Pau1 Gas vg end its gas mains on Hubbard Ave., between and required to est ., as provided for in Ordinance bo. Syndicate &Griggs Ste, 2424 of. the Citi of 8t.Paul, approved Jamar9 Blot, 1904,, and within the time therein required, and to furnish and supply gas and service to residents along the line of such extensions. EKeller— Itnvnll d Thnt "' St, foul Gan Light- Co be and It I hgeby,ordered: • {and evqulri.�l to extend tte Ran mains - - on t4 ub4ard.. All.. between Syndicale'' an orPgt,n t as provided for In or. Iinanca.\ 2424 of the Cit) of St. I Fa 1,epi dJnn r) 91st. 1904, and Ithin thetlm ,th-r 1n reyul ed. and 1 furnish and it ly I.na and aervI- toresidents .long the line or aueh gx- tennlon4 i- Adopted by the .Council Aug. 41. 1917. Approved Aug. 21. 1917 (Aug..."6-1917) Yeas (J) C ynciluien ( ) ��a3'� ' )''t•± 721 Adopted by the Council - 191 V,F.rnsworth ---In favor '•'._Co _.. _. .__. ---! t-- 1 f�l�_ t �C_� ------- ----- l -- ---- - '---- IIyIPnd McColl -- _ 'viColl Against Mr. President. Irvin — -- FOAM C. a•] IV ... CITY OF ST.,PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION"GENERAL._FORM Subject: 1 FILE Nq. . Date Presented r f'r'ay 5th 191 7 1 RESOLUTION F:X1FG TFE AY UNIT OF L•A.' I` OF EXT, f'Zt OF Et SF-12 NT 5O BF. TAPE?' I-' C01TT I! FATION PPOCFFrVTG Resolved, In the matter of condemnn -and taking an easgri.ert in the land necessary for slopes, for cutd and fills in gradin; Alice Street, as laid out north of Alice Park from Cherokee Avenue to a point.212 feet east, and of Alice Street as laid out west of Alice Park to a point opposita t'ne south line of Lot 24, 3-ock.5, Dawson's Addition, under Preliminaru Order 11512; approved July 14th, 1916, and Intermediary Order No. 14617, approved January 30th, 1917. The Co%miasioner cf Pubi is "nor_ a favi ng Submitted his report and skatch in the above :,.atter, be it _ FES^L ED, That. the City of St. Paul fixes and deteruanes the ar:ount of land to be taken for the above r.arr:ed iu:rov rent as an assernent for slopes, for cut3„ and fills in and upon the land abutting upon A'_-'ca St'teet b between the points a`'oresaid, tc the extent a--.own upon the aeatch attac`:ed to the report of t e Cot i .loner of Pubic +crka in the attar, dated,;Lay 5th, 1:17., w`ieh sketch and z--ort are herby referred to and ade a part _ Yeas (I') Councilmen (r') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 . Farnsworth — - Keller / Approved 191, McColl Against _.. - Nab Mr. President.Pew�rgl '. MAYOR FORM C.8.3 aitv of jit. Ian"l" �epnrtment of pumic Works 'ccwuas[.... , M N, GGSS. o[cwn .u..wu or ■........ - T GOURLEY. D..D.♦ R" [ - ' 1 iiFpOi i TO -E `Oli"JIL anJ t ir. aa, ent in t�:e lana Jr. t e matt::r of condee.r.in: lo.z� for outer ani fi;l.s in �r Alice Street, ae _ai3 na eaaary-for 3 , oat nsrta of Alice n 1 r n ";arokea Av nue a :o int 318 et east; and of Alice .ttr0e�t as laid oi:t slat of Alice Park to a point olrositz z aouth line of Lot 34 cl 5, 'e..:aon'a Ajditicn ..de y 'rzT_ i*.aiorder "o, I15 all:rovz July 1tt,,, 1916, and Intz,rr �.ii ry �raer ',c, 14017, aP&rovad Jr,n',.ary 3C tit, 1Si7, 1� ` a vii roil of t Ca.1 of St, Paul: cr:a ":.f *° a' i.3 _tart ., t ar ;Ubr:. T )iz Lor..::.. j�ionvr �:f PL.,: i., o" t':.i, .:ia .t, - .an of in., v srcv- „T . •'.ailed _ port-ion of 9r 1:iV�i8 th= I'ii.13 be -ale ^. P. r'.V�.t:? froye:t-`., and r.'' - t;; a ,..aie on :r v"te Prc erty, and the `a dhe9 ro� i71 Lt' extent 0i, t .- _,29-1:..-nt �J be tc:,en, -y t)je fig... .,d o;ra ©ait.. 31i .^.r ani ..atchad er of I Dated _Qf�'ice d _the Comm Toner of Ptibfi 'Works Report to Commissioner. of Finance �1 _.._September 36th,_ _ 1J1_.. s . To the Cgnmtissioner of Fivance of the City of St. Paul: The Coannissioner of Public Works, having had under emtsidcratign the preliminary order, of the Conn- cit, knowri'as.Council bile No.._.._11512. _.approved.._.Jtil _,14 hr _ _.,.. 1016 relative tot oondemnin��aad take11 easement _in the land neoessar�! for sl�ee, for outs and fills' in.grad ng Alice 8t as laid out north of Alice Park from Cherokee Ave. to a point 218 ft. east, and of Alice St ae kis ou�'west of ~A1 oe+Paxk to a point opposite the'eou h line of•Lot 24, Blook S,-Dawsonts Addition. and having inveatigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement �is......_. _necessary and (or) desirable: XX]C _ : and the total cost thereof is :R._,_.._?�x?f —_ and 'L: The estimated cost thereof is $__...:.._.._-- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows. ......... _ ..__..I_.: _...__._�.._..._. _..._._...... _. _ _.. _ ....:. _. :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmdea Bart hereof. 5. Said improvement is ------ UOI...._-_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cmmmssione of Pu is Works ��J - COUNCIL FILE NO. BY CITY OF ST. PAUL e ''resolution -of Council . A rovin Assessment: J In the matter of,the assessment of bdnefita,, .costs and expenses ehsnging the grede`of Burns Ave, from'Flandreau St.to a point 167 feet east of the east line of,`White Bear Ave:, under Preliminary Order __.13544 Intermediary Order ..... 14935 .. ..... _..,_ ..____.... 1 Final Order _....-_15452 _...... apfroved. __ _ 4r, ch.,.20e..... ...... .. The assessment of b8nt3f..... _COets and.,_@XpQ.xisee.„_ for and in connection with the. above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the,eaid assessment be and the same is hereby in.all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..._.Mth.:._..__._.day of i September .... 191...7._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall- Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, 'stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Ic Adopted by the Council . ............. ... .. .....191.___.., C .._C. q C!/L.. c ___.. City Clerk. Approved »._L.._� e u� 2 1 ? ........... 19L _.:. _ / ✓/ __. _.:.W_.___.___.._...._ _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth .. { : aspspen for and la._ Goss "inOmltlarda, lmororamat .- to tea .Cat Coaaell Aarins ooalide Hyland t bad ths:said Lessme o t�aratore;:Aa, TAIt i 26601T8 st- lbs' Let saamaat Keller 1 he aadA "In4js. LonA3. la all. w apa0u approra6 . lteso Ted' Surtaer. -a'Aat a ..nettl* ` McColl Aeatlnte,Arhad On said asthe eanmaat on 'homr- to da! of 8aptt,,� 1817. at ,the - :Aear`Ot ld,' 9Seei-7L 'Y; in tai clemew ”- --'—n-d—erli—ch 14�8 0eaestaWuInn.city of BC;Pial: thremission. oanca .ao4Mayor Irvin Ot "Vin 41d heticii%tiWe a0pTe_o. Form B. B. li' rot Aearshr. the nature at. tea IiaDrorw .. ttotalaLcost tAaree4'�aaL - LaIOYLL' a1/aad LsaILLL tiL lot O! - lots or las paettRYlar. oaraar to whom the pdsa,la Olraetad- L Ato$,Ay taa� u8ali.ta� tii -1f17 � f: OF ST. PAUL OFFICE. OF THE, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -- REPORT QF`' COMPLETIOI`c� Off' 'ASSESSMENT In the matter of the`assemment of benefits, costs and .:expenses for t%X changing the grade of Burns Ave. from Flandr_eatt St. to a point 167 feet east of the east line of White Bear Ave., 1 under Preliminary Order ..:13544„ __ Intermediary Order ....,14935 Final Order -1b4b2 _. approved-...191_x._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expepdi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: mprove- ment,viz: Cost of construction - - _ _ Cost of publishing notice - - . - - - 3_..... 4 5..$....:__........ Cost of postal cards - _ .. . _ . _ $.: - .._,.27.............. W Inspection fees $.._... i Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......._1...315.:_... ......... .. Total expenditures $.......... 2..25......._.._.__ � 1 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of ..--.--..upon each and everylot. part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a +art-hereof, is the said assessrttent ns completed by him, and winch is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - – --- = --- - i F.r. B. B. tr - '- `Commissioner. of Finance.- ..m. 1 � r_ COUNCIL FILE I O--711%_ CITY PF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. �. In the matter of the assessment of -ban .ei et .Costs and expenses for �. ' changing the grade' on Hemline Ave, between Atlaptia St. and a_point 534 feet north of Midway Parkway and on Franktson Ave. from Sheldon Ave. to Hamline Ave., '1 1 14565 Intermediary Order...._._ 16221 under Preliminary Order ...... "" "'_""' ""`.'_' 6approved...,,.May 1754 28e 191 7 Final Order .. _ 6..... The assessment of ._.._, beriefiLse ,_GO_Sts anll: t37tpeIltl96 , ...,___.. for.and in connection with to the Council. and the Council having considered same and the above improvement having been submitted found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all'respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._.....25th-...__._.day of ---September .... 191_-? at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ' House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice,ie directed. at!C, 91 1' 11 Adopted by the Council ........ 191.... LfG2 City Cleric. hflC 9 } 111r.. • Approved -191_, aeo`'t'etsi ' ,tot beneata, co. ._r_.. ._. _.._..—_—.-=� Mayor. - sd In isonnecllow .. slaeot Aty1or, { tba Couaell ar. Councilman Fn aworeh' ,i oonsloend aav ' '.d Welem?d{ Mtla!: All Ga@sme to he y n .1i to- - •, H end �.,.:. iorSv4i5ir,-%wi a vu6tib ,e dao en nld Weesment on /�/ day of September SBti Capty the ' K ler _. / s °ot okth Qnete 1i nie Mt Coll / oc r give that the Caid m atoner ' mce give notice of, said m+dttn`, u{red by lha Charter,:taItni'n ' W nderlich notme the tlma;ane place otbaar- ; - . the nature of tba improvement ' . .,. .. c°e.tot4,eoet,therso4,and,tsa &mount Mayor I n asseoseci,aialmt the 161 or lots. of the - parneYlar owner to Whom tb� series la i _ airaote6" ' - Form B. B. 16 Adopted 6y lha (Ouficii Ault 41,4917 npproved A i. 1t: 1i17 i p , CITY. OF STj PAUL T -----,---OFFICE OFTHE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 7A)Q. 5FS 1ON'OF- ,,S-MF-IqT REPORT OF COMPLETION 191 fn for tax of benefits. costs and exp ensee the matter of the assessm . . f no avenue between Atlantis street and changing the grade. on Hamli a point 534 feet north of Midvay parkway and on Ftankson Ave. from Sheldon Ave. to Haml i,ne Ave - under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order AM Final Order.-...- approved.— ZB,. To the Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner I of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- IL,king of the above improve- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the ment. -6z: Cost of construction $ - — _--_ -- _- --------- -- -- Cost of publishing notice3,_._1..12......_...... ... . Cost of postal cards $ . . .................. Inspection fees - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation s Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of .. . .. .... _,- each and every lot• part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each. lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with t has been completed, and that hereto attached, ide,n-, the benefits conferred theteow, that the said assesamep tified by the'signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part I hereof, -is the said assessment as' ompleted --------------- ----- --idered prone by him, and which is herewith submitted to theCouncilsuch-aztion thereon ww3r ba -con Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 --------------------- COUNCIL FILE' NO..^....,.,; ---- — B CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 1 changing the grade of'Jeffereon avenue between Pascal Avenue and Hamline avenue _ - 1 i under Preliminary Order 14.561,,. Intermediary Order ...... 16.114 .._.... _.... lda 26 191._7_., Final Order - ePProved...._ _ Y.. • . Thea berieflLe CtstB.and eXpQY#Qes _...., . ,...-.for and in connection with ssessment of... _ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ..,.25th-..- ­day of Sep.t.eMber 191._7....,' at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as. required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council City Clerk. l Approved �. �. Mayor. ;i.,.d May as timsnt of benMts..+ - Councilman FaPorth for And to oonneet I.Improvement Aavlaa sd to the CovnalR .Aa tQ• G ,nnotf bavtAa nal or crams ars f round tbe'eala YNxmeAt Artletaatoq ! _ I. to and M "41tb•, erme.ts b.reQ7 In W r•- eD•et@-aDDrevea. Ke er pRaeolved lvrthor Tdat r. Dobl�• ----..__. -.. =�- ----- y,y9A1t.Qe.A•o on otd axeism t on. -.... tt,e llih 44Y o(-'aeDI.: tfti.` d !Ata _ McColl boer'or "'0 oloek w M , m ab• Rau" ell ChamMr of the Court 8enx - and -_ Ctty HA11. Dollalnt:- In ' .lbs Wunderlich clty'ot 8R Paul: that tbs CommlxloAer art r n" sive notlx of uld meetly`, ... as'-rrnulNd•Qy;tna.Cbrrfe6;atattat'tn Mayor Irvin mth etice tTe tlma and Dlae• of sear ` .'tbs Aaterirtot the Im rovemeAR: ' to total Cost ttereot And sas asod afalastcthe lot a, let• of t\e Form a. D. if pattleua►r owner; to v{bom .thr vette• Is A rsetsa.-r - . A�bpted by the Covntlll Ana i1 18tT' , � � ;; DPrAved CITY OF ST. PAUL. — __OFFICE OF THE_COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT, .. ' ' . _..�.--.._•_.. 191.:._ , In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for OFA[ changing the grade of Jefferson avenue between 'Pascal avenue and Hemline avenue, m under Preliminary Order _ ..._14561__.-- •-------•• Intermediary Order _ ...... ... _..:1•bh1.4._.__`... I Final Order .:....1671.8._.....__..._.... ... _ . approved._.....Miyf._:26:... _... 19 L..'1_... To the Council of the City of St Paul.• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $... Cost of publishing notice. - $.-Z.78 Cost of postal cards $ 1...6.2..,. . Inspection fees $._ ..:.. ....... fAmount of court costs for confirmation $.- •,___..,- . Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aacaw tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...13.5Q. _.. _ ._. .:...._:_upon each and every lot part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed } --_.. _n t_.'oneidered ptnner by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for eocii'action [Hereon as m e IF /f__ ._ of.F - - - Commiwioner inance � Form D. B. 17 - .. COUNCIL FILE NO._._ - BY._ — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Milton St. between Laford St, and Blair St. . and of Blair St, between a point 296 feet west of Milton St. to a point 296 feet east of Yilton St. under Preliminary Order ._.-.10952 - Intermediary Ordez�...5.`J._ __.-._ .-._.._ Final Order ..l.bl.E3.8_.. _..-__...._........_, approved._.- April 3Q,.. _ -. 191._7 The assessment of ------- _.Ao.atb _and._.exp-en_Q.8.8 _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and �I found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore: be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ... 25th .-.._ ._.day of 58pt 4tnbBT,__, 191 _.J.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissionerof Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature i of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. `j Adopted by the Council _.._....._ ... .- .�:� I _ ') 1_._ i ° ...'..191.. _.... - Jnr 2! 1e 7 - - 94 cCity Clerk. � Approved _—_ _ __191.. ` Mayor. Councilman F orth �tsaaatr cote .Connection, • ' _ ?Z s.ment haypi Mia 't Cooaett, aad :aheC .. GO - the .r1beeer..1d.red .afao' ytdr - 1fO4R lx t..moat ea - Hyl d to oltp19..That tie add asesetsa.at . e'asd tha`+aam. to h.r.by to a11Yp.. j speots aDDre�.a. a :. Kell r lheoiwa.taer .Taal a puhllo . .heerfnt be .b&dhad . on .atd;a■ewemgat%oh ,the s6th ,ddP of aeDt;. 1914 , at ^ah." Me 11 'raonr of,io ceetoen k tbaaml - c ttlumber, - the Cot 116. Yad 4Mtr�y'fnalt gallalaa , ln; eta - Wu erh'ch. c,ts or st. P[at�'thaft5. cammbsro6er, vf'DTaaaoe _ t y t1ry a tltr or .ald me reCalt.dD,f the Cbact.r etaua�n, :la j Mayor Ervin eatd aottc. #ha time aadlplaes.of„bear- Y tE tAs tont taieeo4Te4 or aim ao nt= j Form a B. 1C vara�tlaa�Tar o7{aat tip g4om9"tAa matMifi dIAA Pte a ahCoyncit••. tP,r tI CITY 'OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF TI t C6MMIS6IPNER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPL ETION Off` ASSESSMEISU In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa. ad expenses for the changing of te grade of Milton St, between Lafond St. and Blair St. h int 298 feet weet of Itilton St. to a point--_— and of Blair St. between a po 296 feet east of Hilton St.' r ' 'under Preliminary Order _. Intermediary Order ...... A i i 3Q,.-_ _ 191 _7�... 16 88 approved_.... ........._.P._' 1 Final Order,......... �...._....._. ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: o the Council the following as a statement of the exp The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports tendi• I' for and in connection with the making of the above improve tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred ment. viz:, . Cost of construction , Cost_ of publishing notice - - - - - - S ._.�7 � Cost of postal cards - - . Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4« 90 - k Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and lexied the total amount as above aster- . �0 ...:....__...._..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed faired, to-wit: the sum of __ f3 benefited by the, said improvement, and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- ; tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed _ _-. . a . it -Cowie il for:Buch action-thereon as may be considered proper. by him. and which'is nerewitlreub itis...- the _.. .. ............ Commissioner of Finance. " Form U. U. 17 ..................... - -- COUNCIL�FILE NO.-..—'-. "44r` �. e BY _...�. .,, CITY OF ST. PAUL Res1olution of 'Council Approving Assessment. In tha mai` of the asseaament of benefits costs and expenses for cnan;ing tae grade! on `dississiopi street from Pennsylvania avenue to. Acker street., 1063b. _:... Intermediary Order 1°288 under Preliminary Order ....... "' """` approved.....:. Se t.�....a9, _ . 191-6--- Final Order - The assessment of ......... .....beaafits.,.- nos:ts.._a d.sxperiasx.. ,.._.for and in connection with the above iraprovement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory.therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. Theta public hearing be had on said assessment on the .25th._:_.._._.day of SepAfiber-- - 191.7._:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice. of said meeting, ,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lota•of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.7 rile 21' ! Iv Adopted, by the Council ...: __ ........ G n c City Clerk. i Approves ...... _..... _. IMayor. et, pproved aeseument o[ bonen a Councilman Farn orth er3enes* for, and r,y eat the above :D the mgoanofl,, �: Goa aabtrlln Counetl ha sad o ."Mored - aa: ttland�the odd pseMmeat Bath Y theretohe be It •• Hyl d Rss?tved. That the "lit set tie and the, same is lit !A; eau approva rtber. 'that s: pahllo� - Kell �' eirint be.h:u on nf4 aesaesmeat the; lbihdar of 3097817. at : .. Is Mcoll� .be I li.- tlt tAe- ell Chamber i , nos CSSv . H!)It Hulldlnt.• mleefonet- _ ,.WLInderlich Clt of Ht. F►nl. rice o Cot+ ff. ;ot `Iva notice of u14 faeeLit f sa rpalred .bv the"Charier etatlat ?, Mayor Irvin ;'esf4 nottee tb! tl of the Dmprevama Y the aatutt>b G n i � Yteefe04 Mn; I lotaortlot foto tha t Form B. B. Is r rnaalar awns to wpom tee aotlaet A'llept vid Altli Council AuR !7 1614. �._- •_:. . � �aaApzp.�ti�a!!►p`}3i.`flil �4F�, ... ,.x = CITY OF ST. PAUL. ,OFFICE-OF THE COMMISSIONER OF_FINANCE. 1EPOR ' OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191_-_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for > clanging t:ie grade on lf.iesissippi street from Pennsylvania avenue to Acker street under Preliminary Order _.__---------- _ .., Intermediary Order Final Order .....;12782...... .... . _. approved.... ._3ent..r_._19....._: _. 191_x_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred fol and in connection with the making of the above iprove- ment, viz: I Cost of construction5.:.......... __....__....._..... Cost of publishing notice $.­.­1.1.$ .......... Cost of postal cards $.:,_..... 48 Inspection fees - E..:...... ....... :_...... ... .:: Amount of court costs for confirmation 3._......P _:........... __ Total expenditures E:..:..-4 Q©........ ...... .:.. i i Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount. as above ricer rained, to-wit: the sum of $ h..QA._... __.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in- accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the W4 assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- _tified bv_ihe_eia_nnture oEthe said Commissioner,, and made _a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action-thereon as may be considered proper. _._._.._..._ . _. ................ :..........: Form D. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance, COUNCIL FILE NO.__._.� By , CITY OF ST -PAUL- - - -- ' Resolution .of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment -of benefits, C08te and expenses for changing 'tko grade' Of Ryde street from Union street to the N. P. 4, Right of *LY, under, Preliminary Order,....897..__.._.. __: Intermediary Order.. Final Order _ ....._..259.6 .:...... approved.....: _ JZov. _17 t 191 4 The assessment of.__._10.0n-PTI-t,0.9 ...C.a,j3,t.B__and exp_d.nBes _ for and in, connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment. satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had onj said assessment on the 2501 day of Sept ember 1911 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the'Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement: the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the,lot or lots of the particular - owner to whom the notice is diiected: Adopted by the Council ..__.....__ 191.. i t,ntlit I�'j City Clerk. Approved........ _.._�_. _ 1 ... ....:..191 - 4nd in ;. Councilman FarnsworthcAteaa' to- ° he co°utaiiY .. toagd• aa bald bepmaAt, alt Goes - the lora,r*; Da•tt' - ltseolred, That the said a sae=.baa the same to harebs •.iia Hyland apeate appryrei• �B4Whi��s. had'nuedalso Abttei... .. .: Keller the; 14th day of 8ept 1417. atmton' hour of 10 o'clock A lC lathe Conaall; . Chamber at the Caart 8otue McColl and -.ettr salt 6114in III Cltb we a .AL•.teat the C mmiaidoli;- - rin of `o rle4aa dare notate of said meet. Wunderlich. - . I las,y reaAtrod by the Chatter mat. lA'a�tn,aatd notice the time add plaoe,ef;, hOarinR the u ees - therpoImptoee- '• Mayor Irvin mens the total cost Hereof; sad the: of Chet abeeoaed FOltut the -1st ortata; of tba. DartloAlan:owgar to.whom the: Form B. B. 16 f Aotlasb dlreote0. ff1 dgopted by IDs Liruacll Ant[. Sl 1411' ADDMved Ans 4L U37: -r - f.lAq X44 14tr1 # , „y CCI'Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE CyF`-THE Cbh1MfSSIONER OF FINANCE • REPOT OF COMPLETION OF: ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs 4nd expenses for the changing of the grade of Ryde street from Union• street to the X. P. Right of 'HeY t 591 .; Intermediary Order. _.._.. ��-----•--- - ---• under Preliminary Order .. ,. .._.-. Final Order ......_._._ .._2.59.fi .. ......... _.......... _.:. .:. approved.....-.-...II.ox... 17, .._.._: ........... 191--4... To the Council of the City of St. Paul. - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, .viz: Cost of construction $ ........... _.._... ........... _:... Cost of publishing notice $ - 0-114 Cost of postal cards $..._4....3fi. ......... Inspection fees - - - - - $ .. 1.80 Amount of court costs for confirmation' $- ---- --.. - s Total expenditures $ .....3....04... ..._.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to-wit: the sum of $_----- �. 09-- __._..-...-.- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon, that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- _. ----- - tified_br tha sixnature of the said. Commissioner and made.a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed _ by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such iaction thereon as may be considered proper. f _ . Form B. B. 1: Commissioner of Finance. i COUNCIL. FILE NO.__ 1 , CITY OF ST. PAUL it s1�7�5 Resolution of CouncilApproving .Assessment. In the matter of the asseaamenhof benefits; costs add \expenses for changing the grade of Scudder. streetfrom Raymond avenue to— Cleveland dvenuet Intermediary Order .............114 under Preliminary Order ....l ry g: - _ 2602 approved..._ Nov. 19 ..... 1914.. Final Order r The assessment of beneiite�;_Q_06t,Q._alld.; 8Xp8316@e .,._.,___.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereb� in all respects approved.. RESOLVED FURTHER. ]That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the :.....'ZSth......___..... day of _, _.• S.ept.emta@T _...___., 19 L2 at the hour of 10 o: clock A: M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in: the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter; itating in said notice the,time and place of hearing, the nature - I of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed, Adopted by the Council .... _.. _. _.... 191.. � �_.... City Clerk. �LG ;i t 1 O' i Approved ^,.. Mayor. .. r all t _.................. �.. ._..._..._._._._. Nov.=17e - ent of banedts. e _ Councilman Farnsworth and m- conneet- "tmproramant D" So - .d -to the Couoell,� and •• .Goss ..ell D►vini .,coaefderod ame , Jad3he said aesgemant 0161d , -.... _. _.-... ",itatotrve�d�,Tpst'ihk`Yaa Hyland roe anOtthe same to harob7 1n all aDeete all as ` TDat " et AUDI Keller beRaseta lwe h 9�apsiald anwamant on j _ _--. wr ii.nt..',1817. At' eDel -- i .. Dour of 10 0 olook A+ Id.: In the Won• -. McColl i. CLamher or : the Court HonN I „ City o%8i Pmol; that thinComm taloa- Wunderlich er.Qt Tlnsatbe sive notlee of eatd meet- tn[i es.rMVtrsa•ba the-Caasterq,.Rte -__ - tn[•,la.seld notice the tlms and::.plaea Mayor Irvin of $sarins. the nature of the 1WDrore meA4, tho total 'post thereof, and We Form B. H. ]i - :t uoof th±ayttlyru6jaar�oti the" tphom. .�• .. tb�dopt -o �7 r6a C0u cit Ava, it Ift7.. • _ ADDrovad AUR til -Ii1T '. CITY OF ST. PAUL: ' _OFFICE OF TM CWMISSIONMOF FINA`N'CE --- - -- — REPORT OF COMPLETION OF A$SESSIVIENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for two ! changing the grade ofiScudder street from Raymond avenue oto Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order . .............:..,. Intermediary Order .. ...... _ Final Order ....:2602 approved_...:. -NOP ..._+..7. .. ....... 191.4__.` To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ! The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of.the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- : menta viz: - iI Cost.of construction ` - I $- Cost of publishing notice 3__Q-s.2.fw._:........... .... Cost of postal cards $ -0..1Z........,._..._ Inspection fees - - - - - 5......._.:._ _.. . Amount of court costs for confirmation a,,,, f2., f)Q... _.... 1.... ..:.... Total expenditures - - - - - 5....1._0.0.: Said Commissioner further reports, that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asces- tained, to-wit: the sum of $__1A0 _..._... .....__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with 4te and that hereto attached. -iden- the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment-has been rompl . d, tifieby the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said aessment ea completed ss by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as maybe eonsidmed proper. . _-.:._ .. .......... _._....... __ ....... -- Form.. R n. 17 - .- - -.-- Commissioner of Finance. ------------- COUNCIL FILE NO..-.---. • By CITE OF ST. PAUL y1�- ution of ` Council A rovin Assessme�c. Resol PP g -6 the matter of the, assessment of benefit a, costs and expenses for i changing the. grade of West.yn avenue from Atiater street to the center line of Como avenue, under Preliminary Order ......497.__, . Intermediary Order Final,Order..._i.,.._3512.,...... _. ._:..-. approved_._ The assessment of benefit.S,.,_l OBta_8ild__8Xp@Ilaea_.,., for and in connection with, the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it- RESOLVED. tRESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.,...2bth....- - _day of Sept.ember.. ......., 191.7_.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City'of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of I said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount aisessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed- Adopted by the Council _..:._ __.. 191:_ •. _..__ ..... ... ... C . , ...... City Clerk. nG v' Approved ......_..._.___.._.= ---.._......_.._..}91 t , s. rer.e ......._.... ............ ............. .__..._..._ Mayor. .,dmsnt of benedtr. Councilman Farnsworth tar' pnd: fn coon. " ova Improvement t •mlttad to, the Coun .,- and h . .ounell 'bavini comldared same sea Goa toun'ither•ald assessment aatt.faotory, - thg4�etara, b• It P yrigsolv". Thatthesii&�,assssinis"t ' Hyland . bs and"thq same.ls.hsreby to all -'r*-.• e'It....apprOvad. ,� 5 Resolved had an' s That `a pasha .-Kellet• garl C be sad on said seaasramant an: hour;ot id o'clock 'A. X, In the CounQll McColl Chatnx_ o_ th_ naur, Mauas and cltY Hall. auflding, to '11 - City br 8t. Paul; what tba. Commlssloa t Wunderlich er of Btnanaa clue novas orasld meet -L' Ing .aa ,required b�11�� 1ae Cp►rbr aylp -,�-. hearing. ear ng . the tlas tae. time and PlaCq.ot i. May?y Irvin he nt. t the aatut. of the- tmbr4ve- -man.. t, tootal Tasst thereof. sad tb• amoout assalesd apIt Its the ]ot or lots Form: B. B. IC of, thace't a t�laar._;owaer, toJwbom tae-.� - Adoodd by ehs,Connell Aog fi lal'f ,�.pprylY•d An1G !V CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - -" REPORT OF COMPLETION OV ASSESSMENT p In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tl[sG n avenue from Atwater street to the center changing the grade of Wester line of Como avenue, under Preliminary Order __.f39- -•.--- -- Intermediary Order _.31-46 _._._-.:.__-�� ._ . Final Order ...:__.._...3b12 approved......._J811 2b. .................... 191_._5 .. To the Council of tfte City of St. Paul* The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- I tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: mprove- ment.vii: Cost of construction - S._......:_._._:...... ...... Cost of publishing notice $.."=.Q, Cost of postal cards $..__.-A.«33.. Inspection fees $ . -- Amount of court costs for confirmation a . _ 1. g 5................ ' Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of S_ ........ • rt. 7.5.. ,:-- " - - .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in the the benefits conferred thereon. that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- _ -w utd Commieaianet, and made-apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed Ziftea oy the .l - -- - -_ --- - - — - - - - - itted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith subm Form B. n. IT - Commissioner 4f Finance. . COUNCIL FILE NO_ - •CITY OF ST.,. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessments In the matter of the assessment of benefits, eoate`and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 1, King's b,apleifood Addition, 11353 13477 0` under Preliminary Order ........ .... ............. Intermediary Order .......... ....._ _ .._..�. Final Order .:...13830 ._.. .... ..:,approved.... -' Jan.10, bene 1 6,...;QO-q 6.. .:.....eq_ n 88- .._--.- for and in connection with The assessment of .... ...... . ...... the above improvement having been submitted"'to- the Council, and the Council having considered same and i found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public heaftdig be had on said assessmenC on the._:.::25th ...... _clay of 3ept.ember -- 191_1. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City.Hall.Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular ' owner to whom the notice is directed. t- I !)' 1 Adopted by the Council , ._.._.._. _ .._ ... 191 .... . JV City Clerk. .2 , Approved 191 , Mayor. considered Councilman Farnsworth a asaeument nueneu ;� e n TArt . A d. ttie.eata uewamaa. Goss .'Sha eameiy harebVia;alt n' ....e a��ro�ad. a •: .Dahlle.j - seebiii3 Surthq.. Th�.. e - _ Hyland aearini:ar Dad oa'•N13 alae■■meat'an the 16th d, tole of >Ze1,, 1937.. .at the bear ambit o'clock -Q tiro ar.'eaurt , CHouee - - Keller -.. er+l_cer Haii Jputldlne', .ta ahs _CI., . ._---- 'ot`bt;Peul..th■: hs wS6ssr.:e..er-set---------- -:-= McColl Ftaancr etre vnotice of sal m �nsala'. Y »dolred D7, the charter.. eatd n-ttee the time and DLoaor haat Wunderlich' tna, she nature of the ,I Vrovemena the iotsl enNt eh•reor. sad th-4 moa �ietlnular�oNe rtto whom tea nonan --------- _.._-_ vi-.._.- __Mayor Irvin • _.._ y �s alrestad. Adept' DY Ihd Counoll Au6a3 1917. APDraVed;Ans. x1. 1911. ;. Form B. B. 16 i CAusr:: x6a9iT)` CITY OF Si, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION Off' ASSESSMENT ' exp"ense.s torte In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs.and changing'tho'grade of the alley in Block 1, King's Maplewood Addition,: under Preliminary Order __._.11l3b3_.... �_ ' ...____ Intermediary Order 13830 -. approved..........-Jan 10,___._... _ ..:.. 191 Final Order.....! .... ..... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. aures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction _ . _ . $ .... _... __.... _. Cost of publishing notice - - - $.......2...31 Cost of postal cards E...__._._98.............. _._ Inspection fees 3 .......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - a .......... Total expenditures 3_: _•.i.. L5 -- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assesged and levied the total amount as above seem ,.._ @.25.:. upon each and every lot, part tained, to-wit: the sum of E__or panel of land deemed nt, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordenc. wi benefited by the said improver7teth ____ ._:_the:beotflta_cunfarred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idem- tified by,the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as co, mpleted— _,by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissianec of Finance. - Form B. f 1 -- -.................... -------- .. - COUNCIL FILE NO._.,,.-_, 4 By O .._._.- By _ — - ti CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Resolution'- of Council Approving .Assessment.- In the matter of the assessment of, benefits, r,-osts and expenses ` _ •� for t chanting the grade on alley in Scott's Addition, Savage's Subdivision; Smith `Subdi•rision/ard Thotias Dunn's'Subdivision from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order ...26.?...._ Intermediary Order 56.4rJ.....:. Final Order approved.:_' July rL�. , 19i::.5.__ The assessment of..........._..benefita,...._C.o.ets .arid_:._expenaes.._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and Found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the name is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had'on said apsessment on the - ._2.5.1;11 day of $8pt.e(111 eT 191 ..T., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M,, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building: in ,the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot of lots of the particular s owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted, by the Council ._...:..._. - ....a........ 191 City Clerk. Approved.... .... ..... 191....__ ......... _.. ..-....... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth aumineryy ora. ,�aoe,rYe ordear -&:1r. 1.D . . ve Goy d1.uynntbenGf-aoe meatormPnetoa FT .-.._- Hyland 'tacit ha to teonet *d , and the Wald apsessmmt ia_ Kellei Resolved, That,the maidt, i - -- - - -- ------ beand the same: to hereby,. re•; McColl aPbcu ayvroved. .Resolved P'arthar, That. ' a Publle! • bauing•ba hadonsold nesanment t,on, hour of 10 a cloeR A P9, Inn lbs coune+ Wunderlich boo .. oil Cham r of the Court House �. ... . led hIRM IraU- -Building,­An _,ths Mayor Irvin CITY or Bt. Paul: n ti that id the Comm. e r- oF8lnanee siva settee of sold een[: u it 7eeutred Ay.lhe Chatts�s ohurl - Form R. R. iC met noticeHbe Sims and'P - tm i,"the• nature bt the• ImvroVeman4 the to N. and jab amoon4 .,_mee■edEataln■t. th • iot'er.lots of tae. ` irtleular owner to whom the nbtlea., t dtrwted _. CITY OF ST. PAUL I p o OF'r'ICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE DEPORT - OF •'COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In she matter of the assessment of benefits', costs and expenses for tlfit I changing the grRde on alley in Scott's Addition, Savage's Subdivision, Smith 'Subdivision and Thomas Dunn's Subdivision from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue, .._ under Preliminary Order ..::35'1.__._ ._.__x._ Intermediary Order _..__.:.55.45_...... Final Order :....__........._&182.._................... ........., approved_......._...... July- 27 ........... _ .. 191:5.._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement oFhhe a:pendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred Eor and in connection, with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $` Cost of publishing) notice - - - _ _ Cost of postal cards 5" 1-9.8 ......... ...... ... _ Inspection fees Amount of court costa for confirmation - • _ S.......... 9..90........._....... s a Total espenditurea $....1&:..50._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained. to-wit: the sum of $ .---6....rJQ ------ •- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed T ..... .benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- _ a a is the said assessment as completed tihed"by the signature of the-said'Cammts tnn_, !+t r _ made a pert_hereoF, '_. by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. b orm B. n.. IT Commissioner of Finance. .:.. ............. t7 ---------- -- COUNCIL FILE NO - CITY OF ST, PAUL 1 n.J Resolution of :.Council Approving .Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, i:nste and exp enee for changing the grade of the alley in Block 2, Wright Is Rearrangement of docks 22, 23, 24 and, 25 of Anna E. Ramaeyte Additions ;t 116o7 13649 under Preliminary. Order ......_..... Intermediary Order ..._..._ . _ _..__..., 14044Dec. 15, __.._ 191_._6 Final: Order ...._..._ __.. approved .. _ befits, costs and expenses for and in connection with The assessment of .............._en the above improvement having been submitted to the Council; and the Council having considered same and found the aaid assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it -- -- RESOLVED, That,the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._._..25.t L --day.of 191.1—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Paul: that the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. I._ said meeting. as required by the Charter, stating in aaid notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council .. _ _.:.. .... _.... _ ....._-__...... ........... l 91 _... City Clark. Approved ......._.. _._. __._..:.._......_191._.__ j �-: .neat ..... .......� Mayor. .s°;tohve emCeconovtnnahaving nail, Councilman Farnsworth acbam nde•` indf he said uaaumaat;weaotir7. Goss ora bs'tt .ewlved, That the Bald aeaement . _ y and the acme }a henb7 eaIn a1l,r� _. .Hyland i aDiBQ lippca4ed: -SMolved rurther. That a 'pab11e -- hMring Oe had on Bald aaeeeement: on Keller I tpa inch dal 0[ Sept 1817, t the _ .h. i��Oor ,th �t7aarrtte 41tu -- air- ulla; McColl learlar. c'lq tlt7 of 6bi•of 11'Inancs:ra,notbe et aboticWunderlich la add mottos the.tle athe astuf ha l a thement. the total aFalnat�td lot or lob Mayor, Irvin _ - . 1 amona,assn _ of, the"partleatar • owaer:to .wbomtbe, notice b air aoit, Form B. B. is Adopt d. G7 •tae Covnetl Aug t1. 1817: . Approved, Atljj 814817. • ..(A�f► 38-18171 • ----- ---� ---- ---- ---------- CITY OF. ST. PAUi.. OFFIC! OF THE COMMISSIONER OF F'INANICF REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSI�iIE�,- 191_.. In t�ematter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and ex 'of for ifi changing the grade of' the alley in` Block 2, Wright's Rearrangement of Blocks 22, 23,24 and 25 of Anna E. Rameey'n Addition, 1,36 under leliminary Order _. _._� �Q% _.. __ . _.__ _ . Intermediary Order Final Order._...144_.4...:...._... approved _...... ._..-De.C.._.l.bv:.:._ . ...... 191...0... To the Council of the City of St: Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred'.for and in connection %{ith the making of the above improve- ment. viz:. - Cost of construction 3 .:__ ._....... ...... __.. . Cost of publishing notice Ob Cost of postal cards $ _:.....,a7 __.._... Inspection fees - _ _ - - - - - $ _ ..... ........... Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures Said Commissioner further repojts that he hasassessedand levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ ..................... upon each and every lot, part or.parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred there n; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewithiubmitted'to the"Cbumc's1 for:ucb ..c'.an-tleerehn ws may ho_conetdero dytopen_ Form H. D. 21 Commissioner of Finance. j a eaa a Commluloaer6. r 2}2 191? 1B1_) s AUDIT[O�UG 1 �'��: ark. GWaay .P! arDiL t Or°' 603 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the, in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite; statement: C� F 2 o tens— Yen Council en 1111yyyy a.wty.aewa,,. ,neon tb.,Clty Iter 6.•50 �S's '; tb. heneloatNr„sp hYOr od. tbs:.peraa., r"a Ferns d.na ase ,ttas w tb.)r Ta.v.cthc-n Gass la fa.t►a teu.wtas A.t. .. A1.4ricon JAhoa 35:81 (Celle ./// wut. tazor.0 Co ltaeltla .Sr%Partri Agot-'scare txjj/ ntoes 3IOa94 Y wuY nde'rl 8 woe[»:� �l]bltKaq $Y!W[1 Mr. President Irvin at ar .CAIea"�I�roSC Pa Ity i2 at. 235,.00, r1 hr - 3110.94. 19014 American yinen Supply Co., �tzn. 3.26 Garage Rev. i5Auto:Eicprees Co. 11.02 F.: -Civil ery"icejExp. i I Bazille &.Partridge ; Fire -C.. & B.1' • t -::Rna wA nt Wi +A, 0.i:a ai nnnrn a eaa a Commluloaer6. 9WFtY 1346 1 �'��: ark. GWaay .P! arDiL t Or°' 6.25` 7.75, 2.78 , 0 Chicago'., Burlington 8e quincy Fty. _ 6.•50 1.37 r"a 35:81 1 Chicago, St. Paul,-�pls. & Omaha, R- 2 61 3IOa94 37.88. Fire -Exp s 235,.00, X52 - 3110.94. 6.50 3.26 `s 9 Browns Blodgett & Sperry. 7 76 Go F. Pur. ept. Exp. 1: 50 Park -Exp 6.25` 7.75, 0 Chicago'., Burlington 8e quincy Fty. _ 1.37 Health-Health-Exy. 1 Chicago, St. Paul,-�pls. & Omaha, R- 2 61 " Sohool=Equip. 1.88 Fire -Exp s 2.51 2 Cochran -Sargent Co„, 6.50 sohooa,66: Ba 3 'Craftsman Press, 11.02 F.: -Civil ery"icejExp. i IF2 19029, Adam pecker Hardware ,Co. ac t­ onst. 7 & 11 P*; 425 '14.9"6 4 aik-Bxo 3.66 X5.65 pav- Mound 331vd. 3.68 ` ' T. 25 zi 14.95 ectric. Blue -Print C. Fire -C. Park -C* onst 6'.95 Phalen: 3. .12 17 28 lectric MrIfg. 'C 0 . Mu n- Garag, Re v. 27 Elk Laundry Co., P.1 ayerou nd-Zirp. 28 S. A.'Farne worthWOOCOM'r- Finance eaj. Z,ttl 29 -Pisk el. Rubber C 0.0 1.� no Ga -rage Rev. 30 Chas., Fiiend & Son, 44. 37 I re-ztp 31 Goodyear Rubber Co., 32 Grigg a Cooper .36 & CO p ark -A 33 A. P..Re rechle 32.10 rk-19 Health-p-V 167.6.1 , Bethe-EXP ' 171.88 4-27 77- 34 Rome Broom Co. 35 A. C- 8."do Fire -C; & B. 36 Pelix jo swicli 13.72, lfun. G arape Rev. 37 JoyBros. 57 70 MotorCa Cc. Mur4G arage 'Olt 38 'Lealle.DoriRbow 39 Henry: McColl, Comir. Pub. Comyr. M Safety Pin 40 Maendler Bros. 54i 60, SchOOI-C- & B Parlc.Zzp 10.41, 43.10-41 Maklesky. nv Police-%. 42 Manhattan0 Oil Linseed, 2 iS Co. , P. Bldg_.L. NI re-Z.V ;.78 1p Plies-% 486/39 02 8 hool o�"oo OL PIrk-v U, _ 10.:oe Ga '15 9 7 4 4 V .1 11 Ft rl 1114 1 -lit H: 1, L I i4.45,4i soCo.,:19026 ke5, St `Const. 0 -Ex. 3:60 park to 5' 65, 3:65 pay._Mound Blvd. 74". 9 25 Electric Blue Co. 7.126.95 -Print Fire -C. & B. park -Const Phalen Be .17 7.12 sieotric nfig. Co., 216 U 62,19, Mun.'Garage Rev. p,7 Elk ;aundry Co.,' 1.65 28\ S. A. Far. newo rth, Comir. Finanapt School -?'Real -Estate 29 Fisk Rubber Co.44.37. Garage Rev. 3pChas.Friend & -Son 3.45 31. Goodyear Rabber-Co. , 2. -36 Police-]: XPS, 32 GriggsCooper & Co., 32.10 Park4w. 33 A. P. Hers6hl e§;rk-3.V 167.61 sal th-P , Bathe -Up 4. 27L 71.88 34 Home Broom CID bark -En. 8.00 L 13.12 35 A. C. Jefferson, Fire -C. & B. 57 36 361JX JOeWiob L Mun. Garage Rev., 37 JOY Bros. Motor car CO-, 1.50 Ja u . Garage 38 Leslie -Do rl&ovTr V : 39 He nry McColl, Comer. PUb. Safety ty COmIr. Tinancei-ZiV 40 ILLendler Bros., 8. 10-41 School -C. Park-Emp 3._ 6 5 10.41 2. 41 N. makiesky police -z"• 42 Manhattan 0 il Linseed Co. 486/39 BJU -ZXP. -3.78 276.02 Fire-EmE, Police-Imr-20 84 00 J. Solio o 1�.Z" -C* B. !! 1048 Park -Exp? 18.15 Mun. Girag '99.80 70.56 603 Page f3. 19043 Hcelady Paper Company, 27;5 health -Rua r. -Face 2.80 Park ExRense 7.50 17.25_ - 27.55 44 Mitech & Reck Company, 113.8 yore -Expense - 64.95 NUO. Gad. Rev. 2.50 2.90 7.15 8115 M p • 11e" u " 10`.05 6,45, _ 113.85 - 45 Motorcycle Accessory Company, 25:: -Mun. Gar. Revolving.` 46 =Municipal Reference Library, 1• G.F.-Civil Service -Expense. 47 Nicols, Dean-& Gregg, 108.E Fire -Expense 73.98 2.0.6 Schoole=Expense Murk. Gar. -Revolving 5.85 - u a; 6.48 5$ 108.95 48 Northern Coal & Dock Company, 1i2�' Dire »Expense. 49 Northern States Porter Company, Fire-Sxppens a 10.45 g { = Realth-Comf.Station-Exp. 19.19 29.64 50 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, - 37. C P .S .-G en.Adm-Ecpe nse 15.50 Pol. &Fire A.' -Expense 6.27 thin- Gar. Revolvirg 37.27 51 N. W. Tire Company, 687, Mun. Gar. Revolving. 52 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, _ ompirolier-Expense. 25, St. C&R -Expense .48 Health -guar _HxP • 4.20 - Perk -Expense 8.75 - Armory -M 6.73. 20.41 53 B. W: Parsons, - Mun. Garage Revolving. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Fire -C15 5.30 Pollee -Ex 'kense ,.98 6.35 .. a . 1.00 Playground -Expense. 1.37 15.00 55 Prest-O-Lite Company, - 1' Mun. Gar. Revolving. _I.;-...-��:' 111 1AWWMMAWWM -Res - 603' 1 19056 8, p6ljee-Ripepse 4.11 Polo :,&Fjre A• -Expense. dj.4isd. &,Unf EZ p• .83 -Playground-ExP. *35 .45-- 57 ReeMotor Supply Company,20.1 Fire -Expense MAin. Gar. R .75 2.00. 6.47 9..10 lo80 20.12 58 Robinson, Cary. & Sands, 2 405' ' Bridge Bldg. &R -Expense 4.60 -Expense St. c&R. 6.46 ?a54- Playground -Expo 2356 59 Milton:Rosen ComP&rrY,, G.F.-Mun, Garage. .60 St.Paul Battery Company, mun. -dar.'Revolving. 61 St.paul _Bottling Company* .� atbo;.Expense 62 St.paul ButIders Material Company, 'pi e-C&Be 63 St.Paul Electric ' Company.' 4*97 Hun. GarReVolving 64• St.p&uj Electro-PlatiMWorks,. Fire -Expense. 65 St.paul Glass,ComPanTv Park-R*ensO 66--- Welding Company, St.paul'-wel Sprinkling. 67 F' C ood ompany, .�enitary s 26 Park -Expense. 68, --Andrew.Schooh Grooery Company, 414 Health-P.Baths-Expense 3.10 G.F.o*un�. Gar. li 69opder, Chas. Sobr' 8" Parkd-Expense.- 70 Sebroeder. Creamery Companyp Park-A%Oense. 71 m J. L. Shiely Copany*. 5.00 7' p3.aygrc)undp-Fjcpense Fire: Caa. 787 72 Sho twell-Robart-Jobw On ­ ' F tre-Ri tpe rkse. 111MON ��=N�ffzffl i 4 #5 Res 603'� 19073 0. 3. Smith & Comp&nyt, 5 Police -Expense 5.31 16in._'Gar. Revolving *50 74 Twin City'Motor Car Company, 33*11 Mun. Gar. Revolving. 75 -Twin City Pipe Coyering Company, 13:4 Bcho-ols-Expense. 76 V. 0. D. Motor car Company, 25.7 Mun. Gar. Revolving.' 77 Washington Foundry COmP&nYs 4 Sewer C&R -Expense. 78 Wells Fargo Express ComPan7v 2418 St. -C&ft-Expense. 79 Western Auto Comp&nY4 40.5 Police -Expense .34,50 Mun. Gar.ROV. 40*50 Company# so western Grocery Health-P.Baths-ExpOnsf) T al Western Union r6lg. Company G'.F.-Purchasing, V.-BxP6n,09 1.23 P� olico po 9400 G.F-oDofts', Wharves and L. Paving Ales Street 2.80 14.82 82 W. J,:. Westphal 48. Fire Expense. 83 White Auto Company* 4!; Fire -Expense 440 Mun. Gar. Revolving 77 4.77-. 84 R. Wilsons 8.1 _.C. pollee -Expense. Total 3#061.91 mom® Imo® IN 11011111 f MENT 1�Mt r. No,; ISE UTION FORM l=!t. AuolYa AUG 2 2 1917 lal_ S er I 604, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treuury, Payable out of the hereinafter apeafied farads to in favor of the persons, firms or commations for the amounts set opposite their ` respective'' names as specified in the following, do eila statement: ,. -AUG 22 Adopted by the Council ►at �lfl_ Yeas (�) Councilmen ( J) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor ' ' 191_ APPro b4l", ' 3 I9 7 Keller ,MMCCOII:: AgainstaLem MAYOR;': 'Y ' Air. President, Powers ' Rsaolre that warrants be : drawn upon tbb t.lty Trewury„Datable out of the hernina(ter .peol11 funds and In favor XV411 prion, dnn. or corpora- r'tbe amounts set,. opposite their- thelr`ieapecIV ' : k� d names at=to ed'ln ikK'lofolwtng� detailed ataument: — Patrtek t{nukl,�ire 00:� _ - Frank &zphry'at,; Truat.. for Cor., ne anaor, baa.rs, Cbeisthln. IAnon, .jot bs.> A.'Snydaq jtlt0a.� . AdoDtdd by the Councll Aua, ra, lill ADDwVed Aug 13. ' 1 �;, -1,1 19086 Patrick Bruski, 25.00 lWorseen 86 Brack S. Chryst, Trustee for 36':26 Cormelis K. Harmon Ope n. Alley Blk.26 1 - Christian Larson.48. b9 _87 Open. Alley Bile. 26 88, A. Snyder, 618.00 ' Park - 31:W. i Total _ 727.85 ` f Zi Form A. 5.11 — i . CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ - General 1917 Count cil Resolution-- t C tgaaolved That: the St-,P°nl 4°ly' Lltt �umV°ny a herebieatrloal`� Jnr Ct""t0.ir Department Of . draeted la a=tend Jd } r _ — p py ereoUn¢ Vol°° and etrtnilnit "her*gags°ind IPt ie a [olloKinE auga' Bureau of and .etrerita ob eat .-etall tb lvoeen KeeneY.� indehsha. the alley - - Clarence and gtnalairan the a of Sen-,. - i•.atalllhree !re �aad one V 4� the asst r=d 1 No. dote 1dL. Ith n;;tt='rhy an` --` A anY 191.. —t—" e:reata wltrt necasaari L°Y ,.rented ichore. . All of eschar dtadeand t, rr atrea'�pell b rtien and /'StESOLY6D. TMt IM St Paul c.. Ltabt Comwer k hereby ordned d dirtdd to uteed �u ele<triol Ilan br necdv(twin cod .Wedea wireeabereoe for tM Mmlmiw of eleaaictr o. fed 1. the tolloaoa aliq. aeditrum al s.Idcitr . Install two so in the south side of the alley between, Reaney, Minnehaha, Clarence and Etna Streets. Install three polea on the west, side, and one pole. -on, the east side of Mendota Street, betIV.11L1"hird and Conway Streets. With necessary guy!3 and anchors. (City Lights) i Ali of a.ch eattmiwa, rota sed witn.hall b e—b sed tonatn¢ted n.der tb dh.ctiw and eonerrkme at 01 Commiulner of P.W. Udlhta sad 1. all tbl.a nb}ut to tM morkloo. of Ordl No. flys. sed of all edsr m.1el ordigancn sed reeolonew e. tlmtlry of 8: Pnol. All nolo .hwld b est is exh lentlm le aeW ailen and strum u tb CommWleom of P.blk Unlitm. aa" .dant m. d' aball b et eC h b t ned cbarae.' a. b atoll dniewt. cad aptvore, and ser sed II cosh nolo Jmtl b mtea do a ami umored, sad .och rlrn nmud wederaroeM, whewru the Cwecl MII deem tbt tM ry Vublk lemrut.o rpelrta.'avd whu It eMll ao order.. Adopted :by the Council AUG `22 1°;7 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWOR� H i GOSS McCOLL / WUNDE!RLICH HYLAND Approv 191 -- --- - - - KELLER Mr. _President, IRVIN ) Mayor - - ------ - -- — - R;Z1 11 M:0 JklICA 4 't�t �'E'C AT Ola W'r rtbar°tiAAUG council. 74-1 . , , 1. 1, 'al Form It Department01. on �..Third Bt between� ureau of otlta 1annnyno 63 sad Art CoonI F'le o. Date Presented 191 -1 b. S[.14.1 Goo .] Ght C. od a d dh�w ed to t,d Its el"ItA 11— by etectlaa toles and atinalac vim th— for th. sad i. the 1.119W. alien and .trees of sold Try: ono an 2. Install nine poles in the- southside of the alley between FoUrth, Sigel, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Install nine poles in the south side of the alley between Sige.13, Third, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. i Instair one pole on thenorth aide of Third Street, between Hazel. aad Ruth Avenues. pe -les -in- the south side of between Third, Install seven -the alley Conway. Hazel and Ruth Avenues. e of the alley between Minnehahai Install two poles'on the west aid Blair, Snelling and Asbury Avenues. IJ Install three -poles on the east side and one pole on the west side^ of �;resa Street ,at.Minnohaha Street. (City lights) install twoy poise £he Smith sidi and one pole _6rf'the north side of Beech Street at Inandreau Street.. (City lights). Install one. pole in the 4oUth side of the alley between:.Laurel,�,i-.;" "bland; Dale and Kent , Streets. Install three poles on the north side, of Cc= an*salth Avenui e "twe en Keston Street And County Road. Install five poles on'the east side and one pole on the was aide of Hazel Avenue, between Margaret St -reet and Sigel Strad;-: Install one pole on the north side of Fourth Street, between. ii Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Install nine poles in the west side of the alley betileen Haaal, Ruth, Francis and Third Street. Install ninepolesin the south side of the alley between. Francis Fourth, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. With necessary guys and anchors. Ali o! and whom shall Ine t— ad and mostructed undar the di—flon, and lo—IsIon.1 the rAtnadaal... of P.1,11c UtIlIt1b, .4 Wall thin. r.11omt to =7611.aca No. W4. and of ardblincep of the a add UtHIM-291i d2tate. and shill be of ... h height ad dau� as I=, Idj;-*f* I= anth.1-11—oll'ablic d .1'. uku davu and —ed. and ancts wh" placed undenczoand, vh—. tbe Council hall d— that the U. hitt—t ad wban It "I . ft*. Adopted ed b the Council AUG 22 19-7 191 Yeas Councilmen Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS .4 MCCOLL WUNDERLICH AUG IM HYLAND App roved 191 KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Moor 'A nuvs _1E 7 A Z JklICA 4 't�t �'E'C AT Ola W'r rtbar°tiAAUG council. 74-1 . , , 1. 1, 'al Form It Department01. on �..Third Bt between� ureau of otlta 1annnyno 63 sad Art CoonI F'le o. Date Presented 191 -1 b. S[.14.1 Goo .] Ght C. od a d dh�w ed to t,d Its el"ItA 11— by etectlaa toles and atinalac vim th— for th. sad i. the 1.119W. alien and .trees of sold Try: ono an 2. Install nine poles in the- southside of the alley between FoUrth, Sigel, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Install nine poles in the south side of the alley between Sige.13, Third, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. i Instair one pole on thenorth aide of Third Street, between Hazel. aad Ruth Avenues. pe -les -in- the south side of between Third, Install seven -the alley Conway. Hazel and Ruth Avenues. e of the alley between Minnehahai Install two poles'on the west aid Blair, Snelling and Asbury Avenues. IJ Install three -poles on the east side and one pole on the west side^ of �;resa Street ,at.Minnohaha Street. (City lights) install twoy poise £he Smith sidi and one pole _6rf'the north side of Beech Street at Inandreau Street.. (City lights). Install one. pole in the 4oUth side of the alley between:.Laurel,�,i-.;" "bland; Dale and Kent , Streets. Install three poles on the north side, of Cc= an*salth Avenui e "twe en Keston Street And County Road. Install five poles on'the east side and one pole on the was aide of Hazel Avenue, between Margaret St -reet and Sigel Strad;-: Install one pole on the north side of Fourth Street, between. ii Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Install nine poles in the west side of the alley betileen Haaal, Ruth, Francis and Third Street. Install ninepolesin the south side of the alley between. Francis Fourth, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. With necessary guys and anchors. Ali o! and whom shall Ine t— ad and mostructed undar the di—flon, and lo—IsIon.1 the rAtnadaal... of P.1,11c UtIlIt1b, .4 Wall thin. r.11omt to =7611.aca No. W4. and of ardblincep of the a add UtHIM-291i d2tate. and shill be of ... h height ad dau� as I=, Idj;-*f* I= anth.1-11—oll'ablic d .1'. uku davu and —ed. and ancts wh" placed undenczoand, vh—. tbe Council hall d— that the U. hitt—t ad wban It "I . ft*. Adopted ed b the Council AUG 22 19-7 191 Yeas Councilmen Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS .4 MCCOLL WUNDERLICH AUG IM HYLAND App roved 191 KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Moor 'A nuvs _1E CITY OF ST., tfL COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL:-FORM :--- - -- Subject .......... . . ..:. ... .pp COUNCIL J..J• ' I Date Presented....::...... Avg ......... 1.....:191...x. l yy , f esoJved. That the tine anec'i ied for the performance of a oertain contract I d4L,;ed April 9, 1917 betmee-n Chriot Johnson anc? trc Cit;, of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on AsburyAve. fron Edmar: St. to a point GO feet south, of the south line of. Thomas',St. be ard he salve Jhereby e__t© ded to i he 21st fla;,r of august, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby autilor.ized to excoute an anendmont to said I contract in ac3lordance herx.-frith, provided, hovrcver, '':hint thio reaoluoion :;hall not hal LX -co rna e_'fect unle.e the ureties on the contractor's. bond consent thareto,_-.r_d �;ilz' ;;uch consont in wfitin:3 :rzth the Citi Co.:.ptrollor. -61v at That the'19199-Hy. ttme. specified for: lthe - .1f.1mance or a certell, coet—V I.trvA April 9.- 1917 between e Job n.on an1Q1 the CI of Is ui for [ha - I t construelloh [ o aewor on Asbdrr - Ave. tro—Edmund. at. to a paint -.60 feet south ofthesouth fine of Thotnaa Fit. be and the, Be 1. he a:WnA+, ad to the 91st day of -August. 1917, A114 the a -Ver Aty ofilrers areh.1, I .AuthogisaA to :execute an amendment to'-eald -contract In.seoordanoe hero- [ with, provlded however, the' this I resulntlon.:ehell' pot h0.ve any farce ,hnelreet unless the;suretlee on the - - contractor's bend consent: theretn and dies .qph .0 -rot in writing with .the City Comptroller. ' Adopted by: the C....II Aug. 9A 1917- - - Approved Angg. 29, i - Yeas (t') Councilmen (d) Nays AUG 22 lel — -,"- , _- I Adopted ly the Council... 191 .... Farnsworth --.. r ..-_. - _. ---- - - (5oaa!l, 1 . In favor V 1%2.3, 141 7 Approved/ >" :_r�- McColl Against Nss6 Q>r9 Me. President. Powers ------- —-------- -- — - --- a-- --------- - -- - ISIk -- --- CITY_ OF sST_ PAUL•. COUNCJL RESOLUTION--GENERAL. FORM RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND . AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.' AWARDS OF DAMAGES In the matter of.... op.@FA�fige !!� a#%li l�� a>xs1...n7Gt.en�ting:.to...a..xidth...of....sixty_...... (60) feet, Berkeley avenue from osephine street to Fairview avenue; by 'taking and condemning a strip of land sixty (60 )feet in widbh a6r6s.e. trie 'etcit one'tiiird of"tYte noTih half of':£he 2�E of tf�e NW J, Section 9, Town 28, Range 23, City of St. Paul., the center of- -- said to and 3.33 feet alertIT oY the north Pine aY'— said section. Which ie t1le center line of St. Clair street, a F. No. is the matt6r o! oDenlnR. widenlni dad- ..._............ .... .....« -- • eztandlhgY to a width o! Baty .(ee) `•--- .................. � feet. narketeY Ave•-+from ToeePD, 8t to Falrvtew Ave.: Dr ta41n-s• . ' condemning a elr1D of 1 ..:...... ...:......._.... - ... tht:r to=.width a- ;......... .:..... I under Preliminary Order ...:]=4. ......... approved_A.Ug-.L7-,-111.6••, Intermediary Order 1621.6 1, approved:........ 1917.. ...._._._ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits - therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the, lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll,: be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordgred to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. esd Na Adopted by the Council............... ..... i 2... ........... 1191 2 +07 • i' r ' .l I i t City Cler k. App ved. - - . 191 :...._ ......... ........ ..... .......... m? Mayor. Conac' Farnsworth Co(mcilm Goes - Cotmcibn Hyland Connc Keller- 77 Cotmailmbn 3feroll Councilmen Wunderlich - Mayor Irvin _ j I — FINAL ORDER. IN. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..:openinge••••v1d emi ng.::an1d...exteRdS1R6...t9.. 4 Wd th:.:Qf ..Q x�z_ (6o feet, Berkeley avenue from Josephine street to Fairview avenue, by tak•#ng•••and-•wortdem»ing•••a••-str P-.-0oX...and••sixty...(:6Q•)-.-feaL.:in:..taidth...: _ across the east one-third of_the north half of the NE * of the N9Y .3ecti-on••4; Tomb..2e.j...RanSe..95-i ... Qity...og...8t. �Patt1�...Site oetste� of._Y said strip being pawl -el to and .331 feet south of the north line of esi3"'section; wHioH""i'b''t2Ye-�•ce7n'C•er'`'2tnE'�'o'f•-St':'•'�ia1r�-l�treet�-•••�• - J. ..... :.:.:.................. ................... .....::.. ........................... ............_ . _i.'....._ :.: _ ... _......................... ...... ...... ........ .......................... andir Preliminary Order.,:1220:.4.............. , approvedAuga17...191.6:..., Intermediary Order ....... nnu>v cwnelass. , approved ......Mb4X.._L ........... a mita Ince— -x I Is asife .matter'ot �ioventns, wid"Inj s eatenQlat ..to a wldtA' .o � - Resolved: ci=ty. (e0) feet,,. He .+•r. Yenuq from JoeODhlne,.•t-...... ..,, (1) That the following impro, ement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, widen and _•extgnd to_. width of..gj,gy••_i60).. feet, ;Berkeley ,avenue from Josephine street to Fairview avenue .... _.. _......... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro• printed and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements Viz:...QR:Ae.YlxoR4 gild. _ ixty (60) feet, extend to a width of s j Berkeley to gilhtieetg4r-*1-n•e ay (60) widthacr s h vast one-thirdof the north alf of geySt:;;Fsltl�_the .eenter,^ th of ;said et.rip being parallel, to and 331 -feet south of the north line of _.. ...........................__ sgid` �eat'ion; `w7iioFi"3sili"e `cerit'er' Zine bf'SC: Cldir bt gbt; .. ......... ...:........................:......................._.....:....... ................... ......... .................. ...................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and. appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed Adopted by the Council........... I'.tl......:. .... ...:.... i i � �Cltq Clerk. Appro •ed :....... ........ ....... ..::.... I - ...................................... Mayor. Councilln Farnsworth I'. Councilor n Hyland 1� ' � Council n Hyland Counci n Keller Council n McColl f• Couneil*n Wunderlich Mayor Irvin I _ ,m RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND j AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND..ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...cando7(0.i11J.1g...dad ...tai.ng..:R.Tt..-I;-Aum—ant.-..CJD...t.11E...Lmd.:ar-Q-0-ft _ sorry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Carbon'St. from Osage St. to Wheelock Parkway, FolsomSt from south St to Wheelock Parkway; i� Poland St,..irom South tti' Iiem6k'P-, ay; and `C"omo"elve�nbr'tii fmm north line of Como Boulevard to South St. the land to be taken being j, mor,a--parti-cu-1•arly described as an eseecerrt--4cr alopea� fo-r e- IC•s•-artd• — f, 1. in and upon the land abutting upon Carbon, 7oleom, Poland and, .4ma.-Axe.2ior.th.:..batw.eeII...khe.:.pA3n1;B .afo.reeaid.....t-o: the ext-ent...AbAND.UPAXI the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works ih the matter, dated May 31et, 1917, which sketch and 'report are hereby _-.- r,eferred to and made p part hereof, r tinder Preliminary Order.. 14282 ..:........... approved..) Intermediary Order.16280 ...... C. F. No. Iti97=': M 4th• _.l_ _ 1917 in the matter or, eondematng adq tak= approved MAY. .-..._ QQ Ing an Baa WPt In tho land neon- - nary for "alopas,`;ror Fut% and ails to - grading Carbon S6, from ' �olVheetock Parkway Folwm. Rt A public hearing having been hear upoA_tr'�O°tahnd8t8i :to, Wh.,utitieuiiiation of the lands or easements therein; 'trkw%v1. for the above improvement, and the awards of damaea§• therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, nolo therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annezed:asaessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be'and-the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i' • CUG 22 I0'7 Adopted by the Council .......... .................. .....:.. ......... _.................... 1 191.--..._ 2..x . Clerk. Approved .......................... 191.... ................................ ........ ............... - .... ._......... Mayor. Colin ' Farnsworth Coune' an does - i. Couni an Hyland h Counei an Keller Cbunci McColl Counci Wunderlich i' Mayor rvin - ...........................................• •V •�.••�• FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.-G9.nAeM)3;L g..-.aAd--.t.nk i ni;. an...-easement...is..:th-e_.land..0 eaes.•- eary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Carbon S7t.f-rom Osage St. to...!!heelack.Par-kwayr;-..Rdleom••-St.::..from--•.Sou-th••-SL.•-..to-Zheeloek F•arkwey;-- !' Roland St. from South St. to Wheelock,Parkway, and Como Ave.north from north-li-ne o.f••Como• 42oul-eva-rd-4c So-uth &C:; t-h-e l-and--to.--av--tak8n-b-el g••' more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and.. f3c31s in arld-upon the ia�fd"'aDvt tYztg ugtin''Car ydyi'" Pt31eo-m 8o=arid a`nd� Como Ave. North, between the points aforesaid. to the-extent shown uupptin t]ie"'"sinet6h: attached'-"to "tai report o3'-• the Commies @ner of. Public Rorke in_the ..matter ,-..dated'May are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. under Preliminary Order....192@2.............. approved.aaz4 3,-1517:.., Intermediary Order:...l.(>$BQ..._ . Pproved..:_XaY .Ath,..:.191.7.. c. r xw tult 104 ot.condeinning and talc- int, n lk'tka land nee.a uq Sor slopa% for eutr-and all. in, Resolved: aradln` Qargon<ot- from Oaa=e St. :to -Whaelook ParkwO:,8bI st.Srom south ek to: WC.alock ".Pnrkwsy•�; (1) That the following impro - i °kaPPd,ra`k :fO a oo net: *:+boy ordered to be made, viz . M.Rd t?4- and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and `fills ies grsdi-n•�-.:Garbo•n gt• from ...ps.ag-a---Gt,.tt►.-VAwelook-P•ar-kWay.,...-Sal,som.-St.---- from South St. to_Wheelock Parkway; Roland St, from South-St• to Wheelock Parkvrsy; anri- Co�¢a .Rve 'Tt o rth f`ram north %in-e of.- C•o� 1'ottl evaxd','+0'• S&4trh St . ............................_.......-.......................... ...................... _............................ ._ (2) ;That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby takeii, appro- printed and condemned for the purpose of making Efle said improvements, viz:�AX1S)SRk?#.::at}d ,tal4e• an easement in'the land necessally for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Car�on...St:.---Srom..Osage-•St..--to-•�bee2uck...Parkwag.;_..F.c�].snm..Sx.....frpra..South�.St . to Wheelock.Parkway; Roland St.'-from South St. to Wheelock Parkway, and Como Ave.•---north frow--north-l4-ne o_€••Come oo�keVf1Pd k8 So Lh•St. to be-.taken being more particularlydescribed as an easement for slopes, ft3:r- dUt->Y---ajld...filT "tYi -aYYd u Stln the"i'atfQ sbBttStIR'upon t;arbon; Poisom; Roland and Como Ave. North_, between the points aforesaid, to the ,extent g o .the ItsTc da t c ea-' 6 tYa re" r£ o `the 9e -- esio" er-or P'tffi1ic �y 1 197 ch se ch g anepor ar get ebY referred to. T etlllee aesefifi*nts o �ien. tr. ahar o enrages or he and madj&ove land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. a part 'UG "'1 7 ` hereof, Adopted by the Council.. ....._...."............ .._.... , 191..._.:. t ........................ ..... ..:..�.fef-? _ILV:........... _ A_ C�t§ Clerk. Approved .......... • ....... ........ ,191..:..... ............................................................... _. , Mayor. +Coon• an Farnsworth I;oun mac, Goss Coun ilman Hyland Bou ihnan Keller Co oilman McColl Co Gilman Wunderlich — Maybr Irvin i RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....:candemninB...&Ati..:-t.akin.ii..an_ras.emenx..:-in. . thE..land..LtGC88t313ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley_ in Block 2f ?Serrialn Park Stn Addition! the land to be taken being ....- . m6re particularly described ae an easement fbr slopes; for cuts and dills ixt.and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 2, Merriam Park 5th Addi'tfan --to the"'ext•ent-.-ehown-.•-Won- the wket*chr att•aenvd••ta"'thu--i etb o3' the Coailnissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 7th, 1917, w4ich••-ake-tch--- and- -raport—arR herebraSerrad...to••-and.aaade,••a--part_.her4wf S61ff=. In the,matter,of: eondemning and tale - Ing'an, easement In the Ian ,neer........................................................ i ...... .... .... ........... .................. asrY fOr :elopeF ter'ctlh and. ally :..and uponthedand ab0ttla;uDON - alley In SlooIt 2 -Merriam Parks �2a�tlon, the! U. tn-bats..' -9 � 1cuiarIy dcscr;', ............................ ........ ... .:.. .:...:... - �eloDea for i under Preliminary order .......... approved._Q9t.a9.,.19.J.0....Intermediary: Grder..15646 ............ approved. aiarch._N......I9a,.7> - A public heading having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits " therefor, and the.Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it i Resolved, That the taking and condemnation•,of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,_ identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, al�d the awards of damages to the_owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment. ,-roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, sad the same is hereby. ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. able in iUr P2 M7 Adopted by the Co 191....... uncll........... ...... ..... .... ...... ......_..., ........................... III .. vl I ......-: U � .:. ...a ............. 191Approved ...:. .... ...................... ....... _ ,,.,........................... Mayor. Gonne an Farnsworth �t Gonne an Gose Connc an Hyland C man Keller — u011n donne man McColl Counciman Wunderlich Mayor grin t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of... qg�AOPMI rtg .-a>Zdthe::.land.:neneasary for slopes, for cuts and fills. in and upon-the landabutting upon the al.Ley i.n..?flock... 2r...Merriam.-P=k.-.5t.h:-Addition,...Lha•-•• land ...to,.be...taken -t}eing mare particularly described as an easement for slopes, for'cuts and fills i'a..:and-.upon..the }•and:.:ebutt•ing i-rt-$3cck 8i Merriam i'ark- 5th Addition to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report 0?­the-Commi-eei'one-r of Pub11 a--'Vt rks in'-t?reF" a tt d'r ttat d' I7fAy "'7 CFT; Z9I7; which sketch and report are herebyeferred tro and made a part hereof. :.:.............................................................................. _ .. . under Preliminary Orderapproved.Q.Ct.Intermediary Order...25G4fi_... pproved •-.....Max CkI..Qe...•7.81.7..e a. F. xo 'Terse= - In the'm4ttar of coademnina end tak - Ina an. eteetnent In the land,mcw - wary for plope4.' for burr: and allaTfn' P :and upon, the land abutting upon the Resolved: ;alley to Block°e; Merriam Park 6th Addition, theland to to taken bNna. - more'.p►rticularl -daeortbed. u. ex (1) That the.following improve �ernentna uoonpihe iietia� w.,.ered to be. made, via:.�pndeNA-- snd take an easement_ tt., upo stn llayalnon Iotok-f 1�or slopes,; for acts and fills #1...aritL.,uppel...#kte-lei4(1-4lttttr#r#1�o ", npoa the altatch :1 Cy in !33OCk 'd,e2~riactt F31k-5th -�� rt ot, for t;omIn - i ddition, the land to be-tak �.t'::hla,i� particularly described ae.an . esasrmemt Por aiopes; -ror-cut� 'a1'few ', red n zxli3"'LYp6ff t'he"Ionil YKWUtii:ii'-Up . the alley in Block 2, Merriam Park )5th Addition to the extent shown upon t i'e' ske'tcfi 'aitaciied'`i'o "tj'ii reporgoi the Commisefoner of Public 11or a in the )matter dated May 7th,.1917,which_,sketch.••grid_reD.QrL....A .e:..kle .qb.y re..e rad to and made��a part hereof. - (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are horeby taken appro- n easenAnt for slope priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements viz: • A -•• -•- n - p e_ for cuts and fills in and upon the alley is Block 2, Me*•riem Park 5th Addi ii-e-av-to...the••aXcteni:..ahoayss_upcuz -ths:. skaLc9iattache Y: .:tne ..repartLAf the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated hjay 7th, 19170 which w•• P .... Petah,..and...regvrt... are ...lserei�y-..referred�••tti...and...mad -e:.., art...Ytereof,...... .•_. .........--•-•.................. ................ _..... _..................... ............ _.... _. _. ....................._............................................._.._ r(3) That the assessments of benefits-and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. - & Adopted by the Council.....— ...................................22 to-• , 191.:....._ i L... �fty Clerk. prove d .... !. �...1..................... 191.......... ................. a ..... �I or. rou cilman Farnsworth Co cilman Goss I;o cilman. Hyland 1; cilman Keller G ncilman''Mccoll i] uncilman. \Wunderlich 'f;>• ayor Irvin _ -------------------- 4- RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...cand-ring...and...taking _.aa:..eas.ement...in .the-1and...necessaxy - for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Wyoming St. from Charltok St. to i Citic' St, and from Manomin St, to Chippewa Ave., the land to be being morn par'tioular y described as an easement•'for slopes, for cute and�rfills in Ind upon _the land abutting upon Wyoming St. Between the point., aforesald, j tc -extent shown--upon the.._'sketch attached--'tu•-the-'-repOrt'uf-'t?re COMIT"- aioler of Public Worker in the matter, dated June 12th, 1917, which sketch )..nd...r epoxi.. ar-e-..hereby-.•referred --to...and...amde ••a•-•part ••h-ereof................................ _..._.._ •............ - I. G r.: Nw 10301— and tRu ,! _ _......._ .. .......... . ...:..... ....In tAe,-�tUr of cond.malna ........................ .... .. ...._..__... .. IaR.• ole,°Lloi auto andS7ipc� un ler Preliminary order..... LWOa .............. approvedDzt..:.-3,_1g1.6••, Intermediary Order -164736--- -. approved }de'J-15thr...1917 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, fm • the above improvement; and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits the refor, and the Council having duty considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said asseksment ro 1, be and the same is hereby in ali respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and, the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ail I jI Adopted by the Counoil ....................... . r...J.. 191...... �' IS ..:_.... ...... ..... ...Gr c ..... _... b Approved ....... �� � i 191 ...... ' / ( /f� City Clerk. ....... (J • ..................................................... ......... May r., Coanc: n Farnsworth Connc an Goss Counc an Hyland Courlman Keller I Coun lman McColl Can Iman Wunderlich - Moyo Irvin .III _ I i. i FINAL ORDER TUCONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. I I In the matter of..QCtadomnixig...and ..taking...an...ees.emenL...inAhe...22nd..neceassla$c 1-for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Wyoming St. from Charlton St. to ohla:8t•-••.aMi nd::.from---noain . ct:...to:..Chi-ppewa..Ace,.r the }sad.. tri be tekest-•bung more.particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills, in a d *on---the land ab-uttfirg upon FFgominp 9t: tretwesrrtiie pointe aforeBaid, Ito the extent shown u7pon the. sketch attached to the report of the Commis- sitm--r of Pub11c Worra.I Life minter, ..tiiACed:71rffe I2th,^ 1917, in7tiCFH' ekeich. and report are herety referred to and made a art hereof _ ......... ... .... .... i under Preliminary Order.... 1.3000................ approved.QCk...a,..-l2lfi:., Intermediary Order 1647Z•---•. teaosi-- apF roved...,.. Ma,y.:..15t27y...•1.9.}.'�...• In�t4eftir amaetermf condemnlnsr and tak. r aaement.ln the'land aecea. wry for aloOn;for cub and fin. 70 ' gradin 'Ryomtna'st. from Charlton at to Ohlo at and Irom hfanomh I • Resolved: ao •akChIplNaa: Ave.' the` l.n+e,-- • ' - w bila[.:mora vargn »d •.. d: Us jn: t condemn and (1) That the following improvement be y6tt'taaQ o�q!y°gy� ereby ordered to be made, vu tMi,pr upo atop ta*gl an easement in the land necesawn Itnon.tl.elopes,•.for guta,•.a ¢,.,ij, ]s i ..... +L ranor� .. _ gr illB..RSfRJAinE_S..Isom..�harlLon..St._tDta • I° Chippewa••-Av.e., ......... ....... ........................................... ......... ................. ..� (2) That the follotping land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- rioted d condemn fo'- the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:.Romlemn.:.and..t&kE•••8Tt Ilea�emen in the lanrd necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Viyom ng...St. frS2..CF1Rx1...St,:.tR.i2$io.Si....-incl.Som..lSannmin.Sti.•...to.wGhipgewa- Ave., the land to be taken being more particularly described;as in easement I for.. i1opez,_..for...cuts...and...fill-a...ist•--sM—upoi3...the ...}.and--•abort-#-ng tsgo-n_�4yem#ng !St. between" the points aforesaid, to the extent shown' upon the .sketch at taam$hed-•-toPubit-c Wtrrke to t?re msttere Idateti Tune 12th,1917, which sketch andreport are hereby referred to and made- -a: -part--kre-rear, ..._.. _-.:_....... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating. the she ve land, lauds or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. - ! Adopted by the Council....... ...AUG c21 Iq17 . U 191:....--- Ua 13 Iq! l tyClerk. MCI ' e Approved .......................... ........:Z ., 191..._..... ............._..._.................................:.................,........ — ayor. Co un man Farnsworth Co Hman Goss �r m Co oilman Hyland I Co oilman Keller' _ Co oilman D,LcNll._, Co oilman Wunderlich Dia or Irvin. I .----- -- -- - - - --------------- -- I RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF --DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..cnndemnint;...end..tskinfz;...tkn...amsement...in...the..land..neessnar3r for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Mackubin street, from Front St. Lto Cook St the land to be taken being more arlloularl described as.-Ian•eaeeraerit for'elope.s f.o.r c'ilie acid- fills in upon the land abutting upon.Mackubin St. between the points aforesaid, to the extedlt shoertupon the sketeh attec'hedtc tYte report cYf° 'the ConiBsi'oaer c Public Works in the matter; dated May 24th, 1917, which sketch and repor-t.,:are-hereby-.:.ref-err-ed•_to•--and..wade••:a••gar-t-:heraoY....... :..:.... ......:. "...__. ....._. _.. ........; .... -stn rhe matter of eondemnlnil and t.k + trot 4n-easement in ,the Land 'neves-, t4Zgorslm k for outs and ally in s ttcradlaR.:: lfaa .1"n' ouv from......... ..-..... . .. ......_. ......P FrZUSL"to Cook aG the land. t� - _ _ ._. .i •Fnr mgrs bn 2nud' Preliminary Order t.- 1299Q_ approved.AA s. 191 •, Intermediary Order...:.1. 1Q.9..-......., app roved.•BAF-Ti.a....?.5..... 1913... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therflor; and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved; That the taking"and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature& of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. _ I , it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in :. equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...... ru�1..2.......................................... 191...... ' .- k....... ��..�C .. City Clerk. A proved ............. .......:.�....._:, 191.t Ma or. > Coun ' an Farnsworth Conn an Goss 1/T Comac an Hyland Coon Keller Coune , man McColl i Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin i x -r i j FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: In the matter of. ...o jndetmfl.ilig:.and...taking-an...eelaement...in:..the..-Iand...neaeaaar`y j for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Mackubin street, -from Front St:.:-:to....CQok...St-,_-the...land••-to•-ba---taken•••be#•ng...more pert•ieulerl deeer4bed I as an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutti-ng--upon Vackubi•n at-w •between tzre portntis•-•aftresarir...to..:th:e...extenr shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of PutilY-C"-WaSrks"Tn..ihe'iriatE•e"r;...dat•e3'•7day'--?4ih;...T9'17,...>b�ii:c'h sT�'etoh...arid.....` report are hereby .referred--to.._and made.. a.. part_ hereof._•.... .:....:......................................................_....._.:.................................................. ... 12996............ e 3 under Preliminary Order. ... pproved......Q��.a..,.1.�.1.f2„ Intermediary Order...151AR.....__.. ; ARK! spproved..:..P.. Iaitits matter of condemaing.and tak-. la['tan easement In We land,neves= :.,B"YJor.Ylopea_ for-cuts and fins in In _ aradlnRMac e1Nn street, tram Front - Resolved: (1 That the fell owin i prov vent be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, vis: .condemn - and fi a an easemenU ` n tfte land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills iln•:- rading.:Mackubif} _,$t .�� ..f�A.m F QpL....St..._.kn....C.c.ok:.Sk..,...the_land:.io. he . 1 taken bding more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for gut j; gn.d fi11.6_:in_ and .._upan.:.the._land..abut'•ting..upom...Maekabin--St....betweezt- I' the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the ...reps-A.-a.f'... the•Cos$tties#starter-•ef wtblie iYorke in hv-ma-t-ter; dab d _ , May 24th, ,1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and mails--a..p&rt---hereo-f;; ....... .... ... _._� . ........ ...... _.. _ __ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same ;are hereby taken,. appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..::An...easelnent or._ slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Mackubin St--between•- the p-o4 t,•s..a#o reeef tl~,— o..tshe•--eretertt •shown••-upen- t-he sleet.e2r7_ attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated. May 24th; _M11wYlLeh ek itC2r' spas Telyurt aIle" ne-r6t yq r-efe'rreai..'to..._. and made a part hereof. .............._ ...... ... ............._ ._............ .._............................. ........ ..........._.._ j (3) That the assessments of benefits and sward of damages for the taking and appropriating the_. above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed Adopted by the Council ................. r�iT, 22 ...... lei:...:.._ I ` ,.............. Clerk Approved ..)ri)i: 1117191 r _ Mayor." Council an Farnsworth ? " Coune' an Goss Coun man Hyland Cou ilman Keller- Co ilman .McColl Cou Gilman Wunderlich _ - fa r Irvin RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF 'DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matte e.djament in :Lhe laILd-manjossa.37 for slopes, matter cuts and 'fill"n grading Ivy street, from Payne Ave. to Edgerton street, and Searle street from Ivy street to the north Zine df'* Laken 'being E6Fi j�-6:Ftf....... WfiiFfy' described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon -the. Tvy--•=id q;-f1aTzra-1d7— to the extent shown upon the sketch attached'to the report of the of.-P.ublic. Woxk-s i -a tbe..=at;:ter.,. dated--Uay which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ............... ................ ............. o N%' '10t' -4L X ...I k- -------------- ,;. L. 1. U t. -'tusan' ea mslzt'jutea 1"4;nfte.- . in.... .......•^••• ...... ............... . ......................... Anon tea 170 Intermediary Order.IA191 ........ . ... tinder Preliminar�y Order.....!.M P�ql!v approved APAI... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damagestherefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the anfiexed assessment roll, i identified by. the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment I roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects L ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 0"111 FA VNJ PUG 2 7 Adopted by the Council......... ..................................... ..................... 191 4;--N Clerk. Approved... . ............._..........191.,...... . ..................... . ...................................................... ..... ........... Mayor. Councilma'n Farnsworth a Couinci an Gou Conner an Hyland Coun a n Keller CounIman McColl Coun ilman Wunde rlch hfay r Irvin -- - --- - . FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.:_CA.ixsislttzling... and ... > }titl:.: m..:e.ls.emeat...in.-tha.-1.and...ne.cessazl;Yv for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Ivy street, from Payne Ave. 'Ea:..Edgerton...street;... and .-Searle ••stsse t_.f r-o=a..I4�c:..at-reei..-to....the ::.no r 4h--...—�.._ :Line of Searle Addition, the land -to be taken being more particularly Aeseribed se••eri easement ror 9lopea; 3'or cut-d and fi31s-in an& upon......_. the land abutting upon IVY and Searle streets, ,between points afore sat-dto the extmit b-mvT upbt5 tYIL IM-Lun'h a't'tonh' d to n1e report of 'the Commissioner of Public. Works in the matter, dated May 24tnt.1917, *Yudli "6ket6li and" repd•rt 'are fiereby''r'eferreII to 'arld :riacYs"'s' part hereof. under Preliminary Order 13970 approvedIntermediary Order.....1.810.7......_. approved-AR.r11••.2 ►-••1917...... I.a tAe matdc of cppAamnlna seQ tafa:_ - iqt iR aaapaat Ise this Lad n.Caa�?• .'aFry SoraStover rftroo m-paynaauAa vtxo 1, lrdr.roti.atrwt'and . - - P Resolved:, rrnm Iq.atreat to.th..' .lddlNoa.tbs la' n (1) That the following improvement be and t* Saone is hereby ordered to be made vis: .:.cnndetsn.-and >I stake an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Tyra.ding-.Zxy_.street.,.... fxosn.:P.a.3rua...AY-e «-.•to.... Edger-t:on.:.etreeLi.... and ...- Sea n3: e.:.s4-re et I'from Ivy street to the north line of Searle Addition, the land to be elven-being more garb-f'eu-ia:riy--deacribeA as an..-easement fvr wiv"v Tm- cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Ivy and Searlostreets; ;tretReen goiata aforesaid, to—tTitE extent �1�iDwn upon the skeie'h itfaa}iir, to the report of the Commiosioner of Public Works--in the •uatter,dated May 2dtri;T9T7;' ibldh'"iffetbh and iepafy :are hereby rEferred to and made <is part he reb6f That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same .are hereby takes, appro- risted-and c r t purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ...An...easem.Ent...fox ...slopes , iQor cuts and 11 1 and the land abutting upon Ivy erdSearle Sts.' 'b.et.w.eon--po.i -ts... ' aaishwa uperl..t:3e eketeh ettaeiieel to . the report o h' Co sinner of Public Forks in the matter, doted May 20-, 1937; w- h sketch-and. sego rt sre-heretry reterred...to...and•made FL part hereof., ......................... .. ...I... ................ ........ .... ..... ...... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed, ni+r io 7 Adnpted by the Council ....... .....ls l..............................191 p /� { 22�C,i ...... �',City Clerk. OZ.- .1 proved....... ...... .. .......................191... ... - 'Mayor. 'Counci man Farnsworth z Counc' man Goss Coun man Hyland _ Coun man Keller Counc' man McColl Councilman Wunderlich _ Mayor'Irvin i j i II. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND 1 AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. L, In the matter of..:C.Q.nd.emnixla..azasl...taking ...an.:.eaa,ement... in...t11e-.-laad..ne AAaarY i for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Clifford St.; from St.Anthony ,eve to. Columbus Ave.'the the land to be taken being mare particuYarl�� 3eacrib•ed a -a a'n eas'e'ment fii—f opee, for "tints and fills in anti upon the land abutting .upon. Clifford, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown--upon---the-:-sketch a�Ctached to tine re Vo•rt uP.-t-h-e.--Ccmmi-sutunrer iiDf Public Worhe . in the matter, dated May, 25th, 191%. which sketch ;and report... are...he.r-eby-.:raf-erred.--to and...mada...a..Xx...hereof .•.................................. --.__ ..... .T ............::..... Q F. No..tfi07—, ._ ...--. .- Ta tarmatbc at condemning, tah tataaaepie for the land 111- -•- nr7:[or, ell iford ' cub and alb n ............... ...... ..:::........................- ndlni Cl Qord 8t. from at - ._.:.1. ...................-.r. ... ... ......:. - Ave. to C01um4or. , under Preliminary Order ......14622 ......... approved-1ari. ;1lr_111% Intermediary Order .:.16111 ...... _... approved-..�.ri 1 .25. 1917. %► A. public bearing having beenhadupon the taking. and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, lior the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, noir therefore be it — Resolved, That the'taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, Identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City: Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages ito the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and, condemnation as set forth in said assessment troll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects, ratified, rend the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. eso ve that the sal _ _......... .........-equa taste meats as tosac Yef-iwd.deearibed therein. Adopted by the Council ......................................-...... ..... -, 191.,...... CG 2;G C .......-_... . -.. .... ... �. _ r /City Clerk. Approved �w��.. `�'i...... -. ..., 191.....-.. L, � t ._...._....................-. ........................................... _........_ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth . ;Councilman Goes Councilman Hyland � Councilman Keller Councilman McColl ;i Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin INININIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII101 ................. �,�t Y FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. fc�In the matter of Co.ndAmn J ng -and. tkking an eas=aat in the-iand-n-ea""ry r slopes, for cuts and :fills in gradin"lifford St., from -St. Anthony A s.... -to 4oltvhb-us Ave --j the land -to be -taken -ken Inei-n-g-MaTer p-aft-t-cul-a-rly dTescribed as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon t-? e land abuttiri-g,-*�hpon,*-CT17ff'o'rd; p -a -1 -fit -6 iffid-fe- 60-9 e>tent shown upon e sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner nry 1917which sketch and . ........................ .............. j ............... .... ........... ..................... ........... . ......... . .................. ................ . ................................... unliler Preliminary Order.... 1.462.2.......:.., ............... approvadff.an..31 19.11, Intermediary Order 1,6111. 1 25 roved Apr 1 .. ..... app ...... ....... dYt am.m 4annoneit In -the lan&noeboa nary tor.alo and," , iI :Int aT aradinx., M114 Resolved: than It tap 'by ordered to be made via: cada=31- (1) That the following improvem to sun 11; land a a In U a . Ii—the Into.afore t h -o n �'u or 43 -1 -o -pea-, I n t a rt Clifford St., r i grading 'IAve. to Columbus Ave.,. the -b-e tak-en-bei-mg.-me-re -fdr— A A I-J� , md- -t�aslopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Clifford bie+ween the potmtw attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the dAt6d-7dreferred to� made PliM Aegftg"g-iand, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby! taken, appro- Friated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: A!j !slopes, ' or cuts and fills,in and upon the land abutting upon Clifford, b ' etween the up -&n toth&- report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter,, dated Billy 25th, whi-ch sketch and re-gart arrv--t-ereby-Teforre4--tv awdT* hereof. ..... ... . ...................................... . ........... . . ........... ...................... . . ..................... ....... ................................................................. ..................... .................................................................................... . . ....... . .. - ... . ............................................. .... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the ab6ve land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed: . ...... ................... Adopted by the Council ....... 191.. /7 4::9!-1 ........... . . ......................... CitV Clrk. 23 Approved .......... .............. 191 ......... e .......... _1 .. ........ .............. ........... Miyor. Councilman Farnsworth Coanl cilman Goss "�% i Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller COneilman 'McColl Councilman Wunderlich Bfilyor Irvin COUNCIL FILENO­ ' By! CITY OF ST. PAUL . \ 18696 Resolution of ouncil Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of, benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Ivy street, from Cypress street to Osage street, Duluth avenue, from Orange street to Maryland street; Maryland street, from Duluth avenue, to Earl street; Earl street from Msx,land attest to Ivy street; Hyacinth street, from Earl street to Orange i striet; Orange street from Earl street to Duluth avenue'; Hawthorne avenue, from Earl street to Duluth'svenus; Frank street, from Geranium street to MarYIW street; Duluth avenue, from Cook street td Maryland street; Rose street, from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Geranium street, from ft iW street to Duluth avenue, Jessamine street, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; Magnolia street, from Frank street -to Duluth avenue, Cook street, from Frank-stre;t to Duluth avenue; puwying station, necessary, egnIpment-and force naina and lands �at interseotiloa of tlaryYand street and ' Duluth avenue; all of which is to be subdirleion of the Ooean street aewer extention, Distriot-Ho. 1, sad -A .prV*mmR0VTffW archeaai�tatsd as the Ocea�t street sewer extention Distriot No. $ '�'�"`' :�C P NotifOFr"', � ... _ in Po..——n above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tli-at a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_26th�— day of 191 _ %_., at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court' i .. Blouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissionei of Financegivenotice of siIid meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature ofi the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of. they particular. iiowner to whom the notice is directed. I Adopted by the Council ._..___ . __. ��.2___._7_..�_.191_ ._ City Clerk. Approved { - — mayor. 1 Councilman Fardswortk Gor _ .. Hyland I Keller - McColl Wunderlich llseeb�_��L � Meyer Irvin '..Form B.. B. 16 .j. CITY OF ST. PAUL. j OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 18696 `REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the'matter.of the assessment of benefits, costs and expert 8 for An _ , +I constructing a elver on Ivy street, from Cypress street t1] Orange street; Duluth avenue, from Orangs.street to.Mgryland street; Maryland street from Duluth avenue to Earl stre-t, Earl street from Mfir 1 and street to Ivy Ystreet, Hyacinth in+ h etr' est, from Earl street to Orange a'tSeet; Orange street from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Hawthorne avenue, from Earl street, to Duluth avenue; Frank street, from Geranium street to Maryland street; Duluth avenue,-from Cook street to 14aryland street; nt�9e street, from Earl street to Duluth avenue; Geranium stre--t, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; Jessamine street, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; Magnolia street, from Frank street to Duluth avenue; Cook street', from Frank street to'Duluth avenue; pumping station, necessary' ktuipment and•foros mains and lands at intersection of Maryland street and- Duluth avenue; all of which is to be subdivision of the Ocean street sewer extention, District No. 1, and to be known and designated as the Ocean street sewer extention District No. 2.' The Commissioner.of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, vizi • Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards - - - $...__ _.. 1_r b7 Inspection fees - - - - E._.... ;.. 525 38. i Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $_.____.107.85 _ . Machinery a0b.6b Total expenditures S.__._..a7y.37A.1.3 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- .teach and every loot, part or parcel of land deemed- benefited b the said mpr vement, and in the'case ofueach lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with _ 27 3T4 13, y the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. idem- . i,tified by the signature of the said- Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him• and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. stem B. B. 17 ` 1 Commissioner of Finance. t 1 -49j x COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .. 9TadiAg. alia.Y la.:D1..GAk... 63:Begin?n�,UA:.Q.U.Ve&'..a...�#�1�? Qn,_ ................................................................... _ ..... ............... ................................................... ...................................................... f...... _... under Preliminary Order 18119 ......... ...... ... upproved j The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of; Finance upoli the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 3s.......�ax�4d�..:a 7.� 9y....ID......... Blook:63 Banning,& Oliver)a Addition, I ..................................... icith,no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1217.23... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile_.., 17th .day of 191 7 , lit the hour of 10 o'clock A. NL. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the natureof the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted h.%l the tnuull.::._......... :... 191 approved _, 19L_ _ L' Cttt Clerk ...... ........ .. :........... -04-.arid ha .+ 'Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ' ,port horobs raw,. _ That the. &aid report..:. _.. acme la herobj approved tint y Councilman does aad 'the^eald lmpeonmant L�Th'ai tnaei w ceded wl op. - lure of tug Councilman Hyland — IDipt_whteh enc oeutlott n °aces le gra<I allep In mock 68 &D-°��ee•�'�k — 1 outiciltuatl Kellet' 011veen Addltton. Blth ono al - and:eb;t the tatlmated loot ty�� — t'ouncilmau AlcColl ilszet. htuniH l�Di hrtner, That 'a pnDnal mt Oa eald •ImproeaIDeat, Couttcillnan Wundet-1101 loa ,the 17tA do"t Sept.,: -1917; ► modbohoto aE"o;athet ". facor'Irtiu Clbeee thte ' Curcouncil and CI cut nnamn m. 8L'r bq ss tha!Clt7,Ot 1?suL That- tile, Comminloaer•et j Urm B. A. S•G Flaanea.tlre nouta efwed maettaa to theDiaeae and to thf manu�r prorld- ed'Dr.tne;Cnartar,<atatint o ttma.aad. plan or•hearl d thes'oaturt., of the ells proremaaL and the Rotel coat. tha»ot - u aatimat d. A Aapradopted by the e"i"ell AuF ed AYR. 93.7437.. ` (Aer.:::33.tatrt _ I 11�1 62111 �........�------- --- - COIINCII?FME NO ................................ i G INTERMEDIARY ORDER f 1n the Matter of... C.A.AS14RIt31?1g.:tiAd...t6►1c1Ag. sn..:0d01pS�Tlrr.._lTl.._thA ..7.a1(iS�:..ile.GQBefllry for`.elopas,.; tor•:oute..and.filla in grading alleq„ in_Blook 83, .....Banning-and...Oliverl.a. Aiddit.ion.....: aacording.._to...the.Dltla::haxeto...at ached I' .and._madea..part hereof.,...the hatched portione_•an3laating tha, ........... i.:. _and the shaded Portion....the fills,. ......................... r .......... .. 18118 UPreliminary Order .. :. _approved -' The Coimcil of the City of St. Paul having received .the report of the Commissioner. of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered'said report, hereby resolves: — 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is.: Condemn and ..... _ — ,.sa• e�eement, in.the land necessary, for. slopes, -for outs and fills is grading alley. n Block 63 Banning & Oliverte•:;Addition,r according_to the �lan..hereto stt.ached.an¢.made...a..-Part . hereg , t1xQ-hA0hed,porttona -I indicating the cute and the, skidded portions the fills, iwith no alternatives,and that the estimated cost thereof is is 20.00 .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement in, tlie. _ l7th . .....day of $@pt.Qmber, . 191 7 : at the hour of 10 o'clock A. it., in the Council. Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Builditig_in_the City of St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finnnee give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear i e 'inc, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. rAdopted by lite (.'otuleiL1U 1q?$ -4P}7 .1_ .._ .,., 19, ll Approved ylr I 4..t .. City Clerk. L,...... favor. Councilman FarnsworT'<or apps IV Addltfonnaecp," �Councilman�4;-)s.4planb.tato• attached and her Oe the hatched porth • Councilman Hyland nunafry cat, ■na tea ahead .ons alta„ wttd no alternr ea, and tbak:ehe eatlmated mat tbereot s � i'OIIOeIhaBn Keller iaaoo. � - bgiwttee satKbar, Teat a psbne . Councilman �lcl'oll an. en� idea a■y of erpp1.3 I olr7oveme a b•ar of 1�•o'CIO A.;]IL. la tb• petpnap. C'ouucihnan Wuudr.rlic0 Qaambrl:,ortb• ooget 80 uas auA Clt - ..sate Ealtelas-m eb. a er se.r„L _ i. Rlayor Irvin17at,tb•CemgilaeIoav of 7lnaeo•sfv Aotbe'ar'abtQ ib••tlps; to'•ebs;ppee - - Ye la :til• Waane! .Farm h.. R. A. KG fAaetee,>atatln�; tb•; elms aaA ol■oe of - bwtla�tb• salsa at: is*..Impress.'. mane. anA. las total ooattb•raoty _ et A46 tL - dbpeQ bq th4 Cob poll AUR, tt: 3917. Approved Avg c]37. ,. (Auer. 1 7- "$ coumiil 1£3f: "0 k AUDITED CLAIM8=RE8DL-UTION,. FORM' f1�E � 1817By AUDITED IYI— JJ( 605 Resolved that warrants he A rawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter fwi is favor of the now, firms or coryontiona for the amounts set oppaite their 'respective names as specified in' tLo follmdf e AUG 2'.3 I91�r, statement Yen (�) Co ndlmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council l It F sworth �in favor K r P, Apinat Hyland Y — Wunderlich, ,wlvaC that L warrants .>» Crain tlu LMq�Tr.aaeq 4►7��1. OoR e! j e.r•{aafttR •o.de•E :uPm a.a to ;; t Dor. President, Irvin r at ta•�esMan Ernte Or e p .tor taa amonab sat o9t� nRfede nyry'•aIEM to nil _ r Con. Co ala.ie. 16.00. \t r Comml•.lonara, .. FI Ameiiban .Cone Co., 15.50 f Health�P. Jjathe-Bxp. 90 Ault' & Wiborg 6.013 t Mi so. Staty. & Supplies' }( 1 Board of Water Commissioners _ 608 14 Park -Exp. 7.x08�� Sewer-Edgerton A4 2 8. Brand, 41. 25 ' Fire-Bxp 30.00, SP r nkling 11:25 a 4T. 25 93 Borns Lumber Co. , 168.03 Fire=C. & B. 96.53 police=C. & B. 15.;58 park -Exp 52.92 165.03 94 Capital; City Lumber Co.',. Fire- C: & B. f 95 Cochran -Sargent Company 90.25 SohoolC. 96' Craftsman Press. 261.80. Park; -Exp 227.50 R ,. R 5.63, F -Printed Forms & Blanks a 97 A.'D."Davies' 15.45 nice. �. F.I. A.:rlt rairmitiffalffs I 13�222=mm W" mmm-01 m EM T: 1909&'. L. F. 'Dow .,C 7.30, 6,ckPur. Dep t-zxp 050 6.80 7.30 99 DuPont deNemours & Company, Park -Up., 19100. C41as. T. Puess, 1.62. LibraLry-New Books. 101 C. Gerhardt," 8.25 Library -new Books 102 Mrs. J. 0., Jones, 19. b0 Library -Exp - 103 Md qlai n & Hedman 35 .79 Mayor's Off ice-E.V 1 4 q omptroller-3,4xp 1 2.00 G. � P. -Civil 6ervice-Exp 6.00. Police-zzp 3.�60 Comjr. Pub, Works- Lip 12.00 35.79 A. C. McClurg & Co.# 4065 A Library -New Books 105 He ray McColl, 'C6i0r. Public Safety 55.94 P 106 Joe. McDonough Co 7.35 Libmry_k�� Books 167 Manhitta n "Oil , Co. 73.3} Police- School.X. 8.06 Park -Exp 7.178 5L 108 A.'Moeller 11.90 C. P. Works -Exp. 109 A. P. Moore 39.20 Co P. Works -Exp 24.55 Street C. &:R. -Exp 2.55, Sewer r Yav4 Rice Sewer. Edgerton 2.10 Pav­ Mounds Blvd. 1.95 20 110 Nicols,,Dean & Gregg 34 10 G. F. -Docks, Wharves & Lev6es 111 Rimle & Nimis Library-Zxp 112 N. W. Stamp Works, —.10 G. F. -Printed Forms & Blanks 2.00 3.0 rairmitiffalffs I 13�222=mm W" mmm-01 m EM �VIAMAI�Mm I IN= 19113. Noyes Bros.. & Cutler, 8.32 Comptroii6r-Exp I. Police -34 1.47 School -C. & B. 4.95 G. _F.-Misc.. � & Unf. Health -P. Baths-zxp .90 S. 32 114 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 199.76 Libra7-New -books 115 St, Paul Daily News .84 G. F—Pur. Dept._Exp. 116 Schulte's Book Store 5w60. -Library-New Books 117 Sohuneman &f Evans' 4. X41 Library -up'. 118 So., Park Youn dr y. & Machine. Co., I S. & S. Clr*-Exp. 119 Taylor Instriment Co .40.52, street C.-,&.R.-Bxp. 120 Western Supply Co. 40� Fxp R.-Exp 2.00 School -C. - & B. 41.40 121 H. W. Wilson Co. 4.10 Library- New Books 122 Winecke & Doerri 17.88 -Park-Exp. Total 2,268.71 a ,' :;CITY OF';BT PAUL_ ACCOUNTING IEPARTMENi � •• - ACCOUNTING;PEPARTMENT' ' _ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ' - COUNCIL No. AUG,?, 3 DY ,G�o 1917 - AUDITIO � 607. l P!R nru ' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified for in favor of the pend ,firms or corporations -for the emounts set opposite their respective ' names as specified in they following, statement Yeas ( V:) Council - AUG° 23 -1917 an (�) Nays Adopted by the Council' Farnawo :Goss 7-1n favor Approved Keller McColl _ — c / Assinst .� .vCa6 Hyland' A611" !WAY __..fit. (Wunderlich ' Mr. PreadenGYEW "Irvin. _ - ' C.• F. No. Yttl4=wamnta M"Aratlm R.a.1ro0 that ; ble;obt or i, neon th. CltP.,Trwnrl tori tb. h.r.loart.r.aMotE.a=.fna00,,ah6,1n - eor,or ,. -laror of^tA� Mnoas.'eragmat - •.. dohs Sor::..,W amouet. act.°. 0PW.lt., taatr'rwMetlro tumso. SA N.Otaa; l� .. :. th. rollowtn[ Oaa11.0 stat.mout AOam ,; D.ehar'..=IiarOware Co.. S A. Farnsworth Comr ,Fiwace,' lFBhePlayy it0727 b0 .'.. . - Cbrtst�ohba0n it6i.6t chms T8b1e1yy 11.167 DO _-t AOoyted^btbaCounea'A�It at,1i1T. ADP t, 19 5 Adam Decker Hardware Company, !.~ Beach. oust Phalen Phalen: 2 S. A. Farnstrorth, Com'r. Finance, g.• !Nater=Bond & Interest. 27 Fielding &'Shepley, - 30�T Taving Portland Taseal.to'Clevelands- - 28 Chriat Johnson, s Grading'Ailey Blk. 56 DesnoyerrPark 309.50 _ Grading Alley Blk 57,Nenoyer Park 14.00 4� J. Shiely Company; 1, laving Rice. St. -Univ. to N.P. Bridge 811.2aD laving liou nds Blvd.; B. 7th to Clerlsont 244.09_ ' Water -Expense ug 1,157.86 Total 429621.97- 1 'CITY OF ST.: PAUL COUNCIL RE.SOL`UTI0N=GENERAL FORM SUbjtCi. C.� `No.-17E1°78p ?f. it, one -- - -- ---—R'hareaf i sidealk onrordeyed -the - council- , relaying o[ 5 sidewalk on -the Westerlyy'' .� raa - No. 'r alfa of 1101Ht L atteht ,betlrmin Ninth. - - „ and 'd'enth etreei.;'Mn eonnectlon -.wltk ' .tbe'nateseaty ,. repaln, otter Ald.ning RbDert street ;'and whereaassA�onel4ltus - '_sJornstad Is the owner ,o[Rhat car, p!Me, or .parcel, oP land known a• .Los ate Presented. 191 / 1; •Block 11. Lampprey's: 8,thawfslL of ,'�/ • Rbbert� A,1tandalls, 'AdQltlon.:. rt lch. abuts upon Bald Robett,etreet between "3Ald' andrllfor !tai Contemplates ontemplate the Bald Jutlus'n�ormtad ContemDlates:tha *Wtlon..or a new, bulldIcg ` on . the aDowe described premises,+.and has (aD:. - .; DIlad to ther,Commissloner of •Parke Ivirrouhds-:and Public' fluilding■'fo••: AIbbllding permit for the' erection 11—d t - - thatlon. r Bald bulldlnR and 1 ' - - hmi•ed heretbrR a•rr: P 11i AS,' 'The City iiae or the relaying of a sidewalk on the westerly side of Robert street between Ninth and Tenth streets, in connection with the neceseary repairs after widening Robert street; and whereas, one Juliue,Bjornetad is,the _owner of thlat-certain piece pr parcel of land knownasLot 1, Block 11, Lal'+lprey's Subdivision of Robert $ Randall's.Addition, which abuts -upon said Robert street between Ninth and Tenth streets; and whereas, paid Julius Bjornstad' contemplates the erection of a new building on the above described - premises,,and has applied to the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings for a buildingpermit for the erection of the foundation of said building and has scoured therefor ,Building Permit "". No. 70664; and whereas, said Julius Bjornstad has applied to the De- - partment of Public Works for a permit to construct an areaway adjacent to the above described property,.and has given to the City the re quired bond of $5,000 for the maintenanceofsuch areaway; and whereas, it is impractical that the sidewalk be .laid adjacent to said property. at this 'time because there is no lateral support or building upon which to build a sidewalk or'against which to fill the street; now therefore, be it RESOLVED,'That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Ys hereby authorized to issue to said Julius' Bjornstad a permit to con- struot a temporary wooden sidewalk in front of said premises and to maintain the same for IL period not exceeding one year from the date hereof, and that said woodensidewalk be constructed i accordance with the orders of said,Commissioner, and 'before sal pe e r d or �c said tbmporary sidewalk, said Julius Bjornstad bond -to fire ttr Ong to nd�tmni- fy ani save the City harmless and defend it against any claims, judg- ments, suits, costal, charges, damages and expense which may accrue to persons or property ole cunt gitarising by reason of the,con- struction and mainten a s e parary sidewalk. 1 Yeas (✓) urOlmen (Q Nays L !UG 2� 10') i F%rnaworth, / % Adopted by the Council 191 i/ as / In favor eller Approved McColl Against 4underllch/ --- �9r Preside__nt, l[vm' __---- — Plltra._ � v 'CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM„ Sublee- - coueat ( rlls NO. . Date Presented_ 191" I , Rea9lrlH// / . That there id heraby transfe_red fru::. the iItem of t :e Fire Fund tc the uxp::nse Item o£ the sa.ma Fund, the aL= of to overcome an una- ;dabie deficiency in the latter IterA. I C F. No. 19816-11y Henry -,Coll— Ii Resolved, Th"' Ie hereby trans- terrad trom the Eqyutpment Item or the {{{ Fire srund"lo the "Expense Item of Abe 7600 to ovr- same Fun.dnavheeldubm oedcome 1., 0' In the '. !alter'.Itelp. Addpted by the Qoun611 Aug. 83. 1917. 'I APproved'AuK.83, 1917. �.. (Au& 86-1917)....` Yeas (v) Councilmen !).Nays n(I[ '?�{ 1017 Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 (Farnsworth 1n favor y!flylagd . I'l91 Keller _Approved LMcColl Against q-- Mr. President. Iry — - "- A4ti" _ _ W CITY OF ST. PAUL CouNCIJ. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r, Slihlect._.._� _... _ .... ...._.. ..... .: .......« COUNCIL .. .r ...._. ,-. FILE ....... .... ... . ................. Date Presented _ ---- ._..__._._......... _ .: 191_.:., L Resolved, That the Commissioner of publio Works is hereby authorized' and directed to grant a'permit to Richards M.'Bradley and others, the owners of the Chamber of Commerce Building, situated at the southwest corner of Sixth and Robert streets, in the City of St. Paul;, for the erection and maintenance of a steel trap-door p9 at present constructed in thel alley in-Block 11, St. Paul Proper, as shown by ,a plan or sketch attached to said petition, upon their com- pliance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul in reference to the filing of a bond to indemnify and save harmless the City from fff any and all damages and expensee on account of the'oonstruction or maintenance of said.trap-door. 4 � C F No:llt14 ReaotveA That. the gommfotoner oft .PnbilP V1VFke i■ hnrobT authorha{gqd ip � - dire�ted.L4 brant a permit to'!ichard M}f.. etedil -and otkera;jia ownan�ot w . - ,,the, Chemher of Commareq' Bulldin6 "dtuated- at the ■outhae■b eoeaar 'ot? n6L Pao dfor the elrahtlon� aod�inte� ❑ Y. 1 L':7 �naneaRt'a steel trap-door, w' at .pre■- . i 'ent constructed In ,the a11aY-hr Bloek� t On ll.=Ptp PgUI Moes . a■ shown DY.a Plan i .or iketeh attached 'to" id petltlop, uD^ on their compliance' with ':the br6in-' - ancea,ot the CttY: 0"tg b d, tosln- _... _. .:_.✓ aran" to the N ng .:. .... ... ...... ...7 �demnlfy and save,.harmla■■��the City. 'from•. any and. afi. damaa"' and ex from' e■ an account to Ahe-eonpyatAP- tf? deDtadaDY the'Cov elt AIM ii, 3DSt: : - Approved Aug. .2% 1911. q (Bepc 1-1911) rosworth Adopted by the council .. / ........ .: lot .._.. ..........In favor it tanJ /( 101...._:. McColl Against <Wunderlich Mr t mid. t. Irv(. . t ronin c A•D a-n iz .- ._. i• I 1 1 r "t�Fi�Li '% 17 F 4'FikM u^k� - _— : s> Y " •LCOPtm)M10D•1'�aY� YDAiI W IXV& Yr"'tAD" a' a — - OILeLN RtavYFa�a tmt�to #•• a 3 lC. 'tynR dtheta. Rhe osrn ..yy tA4�aLti�t of '.['Ammar•a .BitUdlDt.l sltva +t({leeAe wv;h.--J eet ooXal of� .-� 1.D� 11 Traoee .tA tlD..RTl CIt7 0!' . rnu1.'tor Wa Uoga'•Ad malate 7 : Dtnee 4t.� 9 al trap-door Dd-a!, roe � i or Dthel ;kttacAed to,eald petlfloa, vp , ow thalr :"compllend z"wltH the' Xl'dlq - ancea o[ ttfe Qt of a PanV areata ta,'tth9 d1�4.6t a fiond„to Vq , I demnitY aqd, save AXrml9ee tbs QtT IMm aT7 aT�1 X11 Qanu1[b .nd AZ � . eipeTeee eh tCOODDC'OC tb• CaDet(Dtl + m E _: V tion orm�InbnaDtla ;o27 ealA tra -door TO COTIXIT, 0_ THE CITY 0F ST _ . 1JL: AaapNdArth.couDeuAn�ii1917 ADDrOvad Avs 2i 1917 [tt•pt. 1-1917) The indersigned, Richards 3radley, Henry. B. Cabot .. and Arti'_ur Lyman ae trustees under an ,agreement and declaration of f trust recorded in the office of .the Register of Deeds, in and for ( Ramsey County, Mi�inesota, in Book 53 of ;.iiscelianeous Records at page , 203., owners of the Chamber of Commerce Building situated at the sout-h_ west corner .of Sixth and Robert Streets in the City of St. Paul, here-, by apply for permission to maintain a steel trap door as at present onstructed in the alley in B3.ock ?:leven (11) .of St`._: Paul Proper. 1p,;,,,N 6.k1�f!- Sdid alley is entirel';� situated on land owned by the undersigned. In consideration of the granting of said-permiesion the. unders:..;ned hereby agree; First; That they wills pay the cost, if any, of inspect- #. 3 ing said trap door. Second: That they will furnish a bond to the City_ of St. Paul in the sum of five thousand (5000) dollars, conditioned to save- the -City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgmentq suits, costa, charges, --damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property or account of, 'or arising by reason of the cchatruction, j The said i maintenance, use, presence or removal of said trap.door. . bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said trap door remains or exists.. The said bond.shal7..be in sAch,form as maybe approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall have ouch sureties as o'ii may be approved by the Mayor and shall be filed with,the Oomptr011er � of said city. ._ Third: That they wil' remove said trap door whenever the _ eouncil shall so order. Fourth: That they will pay any taxes or license fee that may be required.by any Ordinance or Law of the City.of St. Paul. Richards M. Bradley. ) As trustees Henry B. Ceaot j and -not as i - Arthur Lyman ) individuals 1 - i X4'1' . 1 r "t�Fi�Li '% 17 F 4'FikM u^k� - _— : s> Y " •LCOPtm)M10D•1'�aY� YDAiI W IXV& Yr"'tAD" a' a — - OILeLN RtavYFa�a tmt�to #•• a 3 lC. 'tynR dtheta. Rhe osrn ..yy tA4�aLti�t of '.['Ammar•a .BitUdlDt.l sltva +t({leeAe wv;h.--J eet ooXal of� .-� 1.D� 11 Traoee .tA tlD..RTl CIt7 0!' . rnu1.'tor Wa Uoga'•Ad malate 7 : Dtnee 4t.� 9 al trap-door Dd-a!, roe � i or Dthel ;kttacAed to,eald petlfloa, vp , ow thalr :"compllend z"wltH the' Xl'dlq - ancea o[ ttfe Qt of a PanV areata ta,'tth9 d1�4.6t a fiond„to Vq , I demnitY aqd, save AXrml9ee tbs QtT IMm aT7 aT�1 X11 Qanu1[b .nd AZ � . eipeTeee eh tCOODDC'OC tb• CaDet(Dtl + m E _: V tion orm�InbnaDtla ;o27 ealA tra -door TO COTIXIT, 0_ THE CITY 0F ST _ . 1JL: AaapNdArth.couDeuAn�ii1917 ADDrOvad Avs 2i 1917 [tt•pt. 1-1917) The indersigned, Richards 3radley, Henry. B. Cabot .. and Arti'_ur Lyman ae trustees under an ,agreement and declaration of f trust recorded in the office of .the Register of Deeds, in and for ( Ramsey County, Mi�inesota, in Book 53 of ;.iiscelianeous Records at page , 203., owners of the Chamber of Commerce Building situated at the sout-h_ west corner .of Sixth and Robert Streets in the City of St. Paul, here-, by apply for permission to maintain a steel trap door as at present onstructed in the alley in B3.ock ?:leven (11) .of St`._: Paul Proper. 1p,;,,,N 6.k1�f!- Sdid alley is entirel';� situated on land owned by the undersigned. In consideration of the granting of said-permiesion the. unders:..;ned hereby agree; First; That they wills pay the cost, if any, of inspect- #. 3 ing said trap door. Second: That they will furnish a bond to the City_ of St. Paul in the sum of five thousand (5000) dollars, conditioned to save- the -City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgmentq suits, costa, charges, --damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property or account of, 'or arising by reason of the cchatruction, j The said i maintenance, use, presence or removal of said trap.door. . bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said trap door remains or exists.. The said bond.shal7..be in sAch,form as maybe approved by the Corporation Counsel and shall have ouch sureties as o'ii may be approved by the Mayor and shall be filed with,the Oomptr011er � of said city. ._ Third: That they wil' remove said trap door whenever the _ eouncil shall so order. Fourth: That they will pay any taxes or license fee that may be required.by any Ordinance or Law of the City.of St. Paul. Richards M. Bradley. ) As trustees Henry B. Ceaot j and -not as i - Arthur Lyman ) individuals 1 - i V' i ,� � � . - - _ , { �� � _ ,: �. 4. .. �' � � .. .. �. � �- 4 �� 1 ' v, _ i.. .. � �{ .FM �aY�. F e. � r 'A1RrtiOIAL �P90CCRDimas, or - - C. iP. N. 18319—Ordinance NO. .11y Alotwrt Wvnderllch— Aa ordlannee to amend AWed YS Wlnanco No. 333, entitled dlnancsdsfaR the avmber,of tY ylea and compensation plogn and oRlcon connect - Yhe Dab11c sehoob or the Cl Ir anemerHancY,oWlnaocm oncq ordlnancnaceanary ror the yrenewal, r "' public peace, health and ••roved Au6mt.10Ih.19L, merge r •• _ rnr the preyAn ordinance to amend Administrative O�dirl=015No. 3843, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and oompenear tion of the employee and officere connected with the public schools •f of the City.' This is an emergency oriinanee rendered necessary for thepreservation of the public peace, health and eafety,11 approved August 10th, 1917. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section L That Section 3 c.`-said Ordinance No. 3942 be and the aan:e is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures "One principal at a salary of Thirty-three Hundred Dollars (fZ300.00) per year and and substituting in place thereof the words !One principal , at a salary of Thirty-five-Rundred Dollars ($3500.00) per year." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the _ public peace, health and safety. `f Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and.publieation. Passed by the Council _ �✓F."> -� Yeas Hays Mr. Far)(sworth, Gone HylKnd / Keltar Mc 11 rlioh _ Yr. Prep^ident (Irvin) Approved Attest Mayor _ PUBL1SI3lll' City Clerk 34 6'9,, J '_ ' 'ti'-'° C.._'r _C - •"�< . F f• -. �'" { : yt ,� on/ 3 /�.Q.. P^'•` / 1 • .=err^ IL. 4L" a� O 1/ t.^✓ to J I � ....yi v' G�! J • � . .. I` - "G..3ri'rt*s __= - – -- --� -- — Council File No. PROPOSAL :FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemen4`by,the City of St. Paul. Viz.:. 86C 0..o. r:G1C.u,...1 .E1 L� _ u._ r�;..'lr =Ei.. r�� l follO ii locations: Or,::e '•iG.. :.iC:C C_�i e.J�...i "c rr Lc e, ti le ice "o'act, uy 9eut. rGl --,cel 1 t v• _'Cts Jt• amerce v ^t 1 F e,b G Xee J:7G e o 'Oo bC. _• t Oe _::1 c 'uco�'oe i) c: �n. 1 ,e u,~Jj' 'CCS• `fO�iO:1111:T l'JC8.�i01'ln1 - an the vreot aide of Ste �eter at. bogyinning at Central ierreae, thence south 63-90014 b7,9 feet* on iehc uouth nide o: Central Tor a, baginninr at St. Peter St. thence vast 126 foet4 by 6 loot. . On the went aide of Harriet at. bo;cinning at obntrt.l i'erraco thence aol:th 26 foot by 6 foot* On north sid of Control Torrooe begiauiing nt "ice Ste, thane exist 170 feet by 6 fact. On South aid o4 Centrr-1 Terrnae baffinning at Riao St., themoo oast 107 foot, bq 4;r tact, trod froms 88 fe(lt fr.rthor octet, thonoo east 106 fact, by 4$ feet. .. _. - .......... ... y..• ....... ..pw. w. J.• m w .... u...0 t........m uuee J, inure - I'). To report upon all of the foregoing ,natters to~tile Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by tine council _.. '.......... .. 191 - Ycai: �.. Nays: ---Councilinnn Farnswnrth Goes \ I/i Approved 191 Ryland V Keller Mayor Irvin Mt1np\ler ,r.I .o,. ..• PttBL1StT! D - — - / - - - Council File No.... .1.. . r i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' — T i 1 L Dated this _ .. P 3r.a day of c.t1n Rua 191 7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. \\•IIIi11E:1S, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: TG±...--�. F.:•u...._.. ..ir y;1tii._..G;.,-.L.u_�....y8:...C.;,G:.L.�..Ai=% .Av..:..�..... - i0� 0l1.Y,; ZOCP.�1011'J7 �. - On the vtout aide. of 3t. Peter St bel ening at' Centr" Terrace, ithenae south 63 feet, by 9 Peet. On the Lsouth aide o' Contral Terrace, baginninq At St. Peter St. thenoo.went 126 feet, by Gleet.Cn the went side of Harriet 8t. be(rinning at Centrr;l Terrace theme noi:th 26 rest by 6 root• On north side of Contrul Tormoo beginning lit nice 6t., thunoo suet 170 rest by 6 root. da youth nide of Centrnl T rraoe bnrinning of I3100 St., t6nee deet 107 root, by 4+ Peet, and from 93 feet f&rthnr oast, thence east 2.06 rest, by 4* feet. .. . _ .;�.. .... ...0 .,,, ..., u.� 1.. u ...... ...... 6. To report 111)011.111 of the foregoing matters to the commissioner of Finance. - Adopted by the council Yens: r j Nays: Couucihnm. Farnsworth Goss Approved.......... ... Hyland lJ Keller \(.yor Irvin PUDLISI 1 , 1 . CITY OF S PAUL I At COUNC IT, r is y»» M-» »» r a I» v•♦ r Date Presented - —• - r — —1'O1 7, I In the clatter of-Eirt�: �n .allta iri, 31nck.3_I,obl,m Park'. - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - I under Preliminary Order it:.nal. Order APproved - I: rch 2,_1917 _ - - - - 191 . RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vlorks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Roves • ri all r3rh c in t, F. No:ltz3o— -- Inthe mntterot KrndlnRlalleY In Block CO.,.�^Ct n V1�.. .. ,.�.d 3-RobU-nPark undor PrellminarY .Omer-1YSI3 Flnnl older 15003, -P- 17 p- I.. - DrovedMareh Y. 1817.. / Yr Revolved, Thnt thr Dlnnv. .Decfllcatlona -� and eetimatee submitted by the Commla- nloner. at Yublle �Yorkv for the above named 1mDr u 11 eat be and the cattle are . / ....1..... - hereby eD�coved. Adopt. h)"tbe Council Aub• Y3. 1817. / r, i l �• r l ., Approved ' U 39. 363. 1"1. . Adopted by the Council - - - - - -- Yeas. Yeas: ( ) ( ). Nays I CouncilmEp F .sworth G, Go Hyl d .el r Laic 191 _ . 1 ---- -- - A Wun rlich Mr.. President; I in t ,I 4 ----- -- ----- .. - -. - - -- --- - - CITY OF ST. PA-JL COUNC31, RESOLUTION' f _ B tbgSt. �3a - _ 0 7- Date Presented 1.1 , In the )natter of .grading 17Y-PLI"Z yt. -f?:-OM: Qarlton_St. to 9hio_S._alld_from �clnoz�in Eve. to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order 117 - -, F'J.nal Order- Approved -June 12, 1917_ - - - i 191 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public-Vorks for the above named improvement be and the sante are hereby approv Irl the MIMer of grading Wyoming. St. X", ,•hurl tun St.. to Ohio SL .ad t \t nomin Ave. to :Chippewa ,).��, Y. rhr•^ in \ t.r Preliminary Order'11728. Filial Or-ler 18987, approved June 12. C ^ nt..,. lleealved. That the - plane. a eel- deatlbns and »tlmatea" 8ubmltt*4 by i . J ' �� the Commlaeloner o2<poDlla Workeaor r'1 ',��% the above named Improvement be and • fl (- / d 1.1 , the same are. hereby..appravei t l 1 b1. tho Council Aub. 22. 1917. .,-.. ....... - {/ - 'Aug. 25-1817) ?�i Ir); �: ,r,,,.,:.. - Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - -,191 . Ott Yeas: ( ) ( ) Rays Councilman Farn orth • Goss Hyj 1:L 11f r 131 ic00 Appro - _ - -- - 14und lich Myr. President, Ir in.- waunIF J CITY OF .ST. PAWL COUNCIL RESOLUTION I Date Presented-AV-9ne_t 9a, _ _1017•, In the natter of -•G•� 9- $iora�ri St•- °bio St_ to Manomin .Aye .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order - Final Order .5002 - _ Approved -14y- 20 ,_ 1915- - - - - 191 . RESOLVED, that the plans, specifications and estimatea submitted by the Co:4missioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved: in r. F. No. 1832"= N yoo,,g In thematter oCgra6ipg from Ob lo gt. to-8lanomlS1II{+e.unil der Prollminary Ordar 1f16. espReeolee6. Tbaorder 4002 •-tbe plans pee tlono an6 Bell aatee enbraltte6 by the t Commleeloner of Rills Works for the above. named lmoro�ement be "d the came: are bereby lCoounved. Adoote6 by. the dl Aug•"ii, 1837. . l�l�,' l)•i� Aoor—ed Aug..13, 1817. (Aug. 25.1 lb Adopted by the Council - - - - - - Yeas: ) i ) Nays Councilman Far sworthi Gos j Hyl; d f Kel er L.CO 11 Approve - - - 191 1Vun rlich .aL President, -'j vin w• yor. CITY :OF ST. PA':L � COUNCIL RESOLUTTN Date .Presented --`ahghst : 2:i _ -191 7. In the )natter of �ructing�srbon.S.t._from-OwFle�+c•_tQ Wheelock-Parin7ayy, ']'olsoeLAYe� .�ry�t SQuxh_ S •_ !9 37hPUQ-qk Rarkw_aYa $olamd_5t.-fro= South St.. to Orbe-OlDek-2LUIUMY zrd -QQPQ.ILvcie -iTUth from-iiarth_lino Qf_CQmp Boil,Dvp.rd o South St under Preiliminary Order -1-42,B3- -, Final Order Approved June IS -- - - - - - - 191 RESOLVED; 'khat-.thc plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be , and the same are hereby approve] i % m:uer of 91 Wheelock Garb°rt 8t I from 01-0 aG to from Sot Park- ` 1111 W.Y.eloek imarkwe yllrgndBCoMo Ave Received all papers in WhNoreelock from u- AhgLlAd erCrrelmole ! conl�ecti on yjith abOVS J. OrW 14281, Flad "'Order 16190.4 . Res6lution a1tPe o� 0"d Joe- m:7'gt ltt aWelA.f an Q utlman w m1ta- ---- • w ".. 6 - Oo i aihtj med Imv Public Work, "a 1310' • �� ! 'b'v are hereby aPProvad. ll Aub• Si. 1a1l. r i 1(; • i - Adopted by the Cooec APVroved Aub. 91.di17. - (AVar 36 Y917) Adopted by the Council.- Yeas: ( ) ( ) idays Counoilman Far sworth Gos Hyl d J Kel er - ban - - - - -- 191 / Wun 11 ' Approved_ rlich• P-rez3. t - _T ---- - �►• nor. i CITY ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject '.,. i... • �' , J . COUNCIL �J��} .ILa wx� Date ' i Resolved, That the -plat of The L1`mar ao recommended by the flat Co;sniasion and approved by the Coramissiorer of Public Works be and the eame is hereby accepted. i i _ 1 ' - N. tloe C. F..No, 18224—Uy M e— „ - neaolved, That the. plea or The Elms- se.recommended by She PI^t Commla slog and approved by the COmmI@WOn-!, _ m er at Public A orke, be and the sae. hereby aceetod. Adopted Lby tphe Council Aug. 23, 1917. , _ .... .. _ ... Approves. Aug. 22. 1917. (Au6,. 75-1917} i Yeas (r) Council den (r) Naya VIS .�r` I IC Adopted by the Council. 191. ... Farnsw / Coss In favor Mccol t/ Against Nash yoerg��� Mr. President, we FORM C.6•2 �. MAYO �Unp - { CITY OF ST. PAUL % ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILe"�"' N0i1�3` � AuG f. 4 1811 � BV��-•(, . � AUDITED ' IB(_ !,7 688 a Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and _ in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in—ihe 101lowina dgtailed statement: Yeas (J) Con oilmen E J) Nate r. F. No. iszrs-. • a-'tted by the Council N..oltrd m warteats b. .taws ' �n the CIty.Traaeary. payable sat at .n` bustoattar. spectaod roads saa:Ja, - rill, Iy r: # ✓'/// worth / ; or or W. wnooa arms. or torpors• s [ot la.:-emouau sat oppMld.A rove�L In favorr rMp.otb. aamw u spwla.a v' FF r SeU r 'roum.mr a Ia1i.e etet.m.sr. `-prlcan Coae Co., 171.50 e. itto 1_ -. Il Against. ' Partridge, $45.30 MAY -- -M --� •d 365177 :i•► - Wunderlich✓' Mr. President, -' Irvin. J ^ - RUB11S11P1)_- 19130 American Cone Company, 77.51Y, �. P.Parks-Expense. 31 J. A. Bayne, Water Expense. 32 Bazille, & Partridge,, 45.31! Water -Expense. ` 33 OF A. P. Boyd, B21.7? Y Fay. Rice St. Univ. to N.P. Bridge. F 34 Brooks Brothers, 282.24 Schools-Rxpe.toe. 35 capital City Lumber Company, 317.67 Fire-C&B. -Ja+-, 36 Craftsman Press, 51.45 , . - C.P.W.-Expense. 37 Crane & Ordway Company 174.92; Fire—Cat. 137* 98' ' Wa or -Expense 26.90` "^ 6.74 - .3 Armory 34 l.� 92 38 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 65.86_,' Water -Expense .30 P.Parks-Expense 22.65 ?.Parka -Const. P.Beaoh 42` " If 65.85 '. 39 Elk Linen Supply Company, 13.9 Water -Expense. 1. t. li 6f i t I 901 T, I Res. 608 page 19140 Fairbanks., Morse & Covipa-riyo 56.81 Water-Expe=6 . 8.66 ?,Parks -RNA nse 1:15 o cean St. Sewer Ext. No. 2 46-.00 ---/55.81 41 A. Ferries, 66.00. Water-RzpOnSe Ap 42 -Gray Motor Car'Companys, 54*70,. S.86.-Clng-fixpen8e. 43, Hamlim Ice & Fuel Company, 121*70 Park-Rxpense. 44 C. G. Hartin Coal Companys 42.72. St. C&R. -Expense. 45. Howard -Farwell Companyt 45.25 Fisyground-Expense. 46 W. J. Roy Const. Company, 42.77 Watera-Expense_ 47 A. P. Huldeen Water -Expense. 48 A. C. Jefferson, .52.26 G.F .-Cross walks-Expens e 49 Richard Jensens Water -Expense. - 50 Les lie-Donahower Company,, 14.2E health-P.Baths-Expenseo 51 Meledy Paper Company, 18.13 Park -Expense. 52 Now York. Tea & Coffee Companyp 13.00 Park -Expense. .53 No rthern Coal & Dock Company, 2,07382 Schools -Expense. 54 Northern States Power -Company, 1,140.98:, Water -Expense. 55 N. W. Electric- Equipment Company,', Water -Expense 3.45' Park­Exj�ens.e 8.15/-_ 11.60 56 N. W. Fuel Company,, 704.10 St. C&R* -Expense. 57 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 34.91 Pagk-Ex pens 99.41 re 2.00, Water -Expense 3.00 34.41 58 Nettie Patterson.— 5 59 J..J. O'Comor, Chief of Police,` Pollae-Expense. 60 Pierce 011 Corporation, 2,330.4E, Sprinkling. 901 T, I t Lill }t gy (y i I . " , Page W3. Res . 608 191 1 Pitner Lighting System, : 4.86 Water -Expense. 62 >� Pittsburgh plate Glass Company, 16.17 Water -Expense. I * 9B.cact� 63 2 Price, Robbing 8: Newton, ; Health-P.Cemfort L)tetion-rxuensa. _ 64 Purity Baking,Compan;: , 291.2 Park -Expense. = - 65 Raths-Seavolt Film Company, 310.00 - Sohool-Expense. 66 St.Paul Bottling -Company, 70.8E Park -Expense: 67 St.Faul Builders Material Company, 3,021.48 Water-F,apenee.7 . -- 68 St.paul Foundry Company, 306.53 Q.F.-DDcks, Wharves and Levees. 69 St.Paul Rubber Company, 09.09 . Fire -Expense. : 70 St.Paul Show Case Company, ".'19.go —Sx n se. parkPe 71 Schroeder Crea ety Com s� , - 227.80 Health-PBaths-Expense. 72 Seabury & Company, 7.15 Park -Expense. 73 Troy Laundry Company, - .43 Water -Expense. 74 Webb Publishing Company, 960.00: G.F.-official Pub. 75 Williams `'oal Company, 30.75 Sprinkling. 76 Winecke &'Doerr, ` park -Expense -4 77 R. B. Whitacre Company, 6.88; Water -Expense 78 W. G. Whitehead Glass:Company, 7' Water -Expense. Total 14,044.7E i I . CITY OP -87. PAUL ACCOUNTINU E)EPAKTMENI COUNCILS AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ►ae " No I _ i \ BY / 2—�«� 4 ♦lrco�i-2 PCR. ryK. 609 Resolved -that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter speeiAltlJoads and, in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their resp"ve ,names. as specified in the followin;, clawed _ statement 2 d Yeas ( J) Co cilmen ( -1 Nays Adopted by the Council I � arnaworth f, . In favor APProv _191__ - - t%ffeller t McCall — �_Aaainst _ _ .tr --y Wunder�ch MAYOR ------ .y-�- Irvin. C. F x. 16226— be drawn Mr. President. Cdwera R.wt..d that warraCt. Uoa th. clay • Traaanr� va aDt.�ont -,her ed .noa- _ a[; tb.afpa2t.r'.D•o e�or In a►vor otlise.p.rYnt` atnouata sat oDDo.lt. .. poratlo..t.rtha !halt rtlpeoUr. same. Y_ ap.elB.d 1h the 1011ow1ng d.1 .d sUtemahtt - 710.00. ' - : Nulla. Pu.lc.r. '- Pioneer - - -:Pioneer. [,umber A xluflding' Co - E 760.00. . 1V. Itohland 710.00: - Avava A• RnU 710.00. - - - r'U , R Iwar,K710.00 X7.00. - -Ars. 1.L ly the Connell Aug. 21, 1617. _ ADDroved; AUX. 26l 1917. (Sept: 1.191x2 :. _ ' 191 William Baker,10.00 G.F.-Mise. & UnforseenExpenlse. 0 Pioneer Lumber & Building Company, 60.00• 1 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen Expense. 1 Otto W."Rohland, 16.00 Q.F.-Mise. & Unforseon-Expense . 82 August A. Rolf, .10.00 G.F.-Mico. & Unforseen-Expense. 88 Mussel E. Van .Kirk G.F.-Mise. &'Unforseen Expense. 84 Mrs..B > . Wilwer, 10»00 .I G.F.-!disc. & Unforseen. • Total 175.00 II L G I ii E - - CITY OF ST-. �t - • r COUNCIIL RESOLUTION=ORAL ,FORM Subject �.. soul: tJ -P rias. No.... h..rt...... ,. 1r Date Presented:.,:dug._.. } r Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of. e,certain contraot dated March 301916 8et:reen i:eouwh Bros. and thQ: City ,Qf St. Paul for the r radin , of Race St. from Alas3ca St. to Chatsworth St., be and fife same is hereby, ext :nded to the 23rd day of d uguat, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby suthoriyod to execute an amendment to said contract, in.aecordence herevrith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond ccnsent thereto and file such consent in -biting :•rith the City Cow:ptroller. I C. R No. 36226— Resolved. That the time.pecifled fon -tho performance of a cartel. contracts - Idated march 2o.. 1916 between Keough'. ; Brea and the. City of St. Paul for the. - - grading of Race Bt. from Alaska SL to Chatiwgrth,' Ft.. be and. the same'. le I hereby extended to- the 22rd day of A. - 'goal. 1617 and thqq prop.,-,,Ity officers ;are hereby. authorised. to: execute: an - - flmendment to. said c..tract. In ac- cordance herewith. c-rdaneeherewith.- provided,however, i that this resolution shall not have any - force -and 'effect unless the eureti.. on 'he contractor's bond consent. thereto and file such consent In writing: with. the City:Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Aug. 2/, 1917.: _ Approa•ed Aug. 26, 1917.. -; - (Sapt 1-1917)' yeas (t' ). Councilmen (y') Nays Adopted by the Council I1Iht - )5 Illi_ _ _ _ - ...lost �n favor 191...... �' , Appro �✓Keller e*7cColl r. Against f A MAYOR .,.. Mr. %esi&nt. Powers St. Paul, Uinn. l;ug. 23, 1917. To the Honorable City Council, C 1 :c � I Gentlemen, we woA& roupectfully ask your'Honorable Body to cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Race St. from Alaska St. to Chatsworth be e_:tended to August 23, 1917. Urrinz to the fact that this work was delayed, ponding the construction of a sower on said Race 3t between the points above mentioned, it was not possible for .us to ^ornti;lete this -,,,or: ;vithin the ti!:--e sneci io:', hence i.,ie desire to ,ask jhat '.;he time for corijtleting same';be made as hcreinbef,orq stated. Yours very truly, Contractor: There is ua objection to havinE; the time extended as renficsted, no far.as`tne rc,uire::cnts of thiso;l'ice is ooncorned. �.rG-.- - ire �.,J+ ;� eaaj,t., of iJoiiotruct,iou d Reps. "SIC oner. of i'uLliorks Chien Engineer Petition Council File No,.thez PROPOSAL FOR iMPROV9MENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ► ` The undersigned her pro ses the making of the following public , im ement by the Cit of St. Paul,�:.a.o., .e_:.,Ol C— ..G .iri..:1.4.8.•..: n...:•t�e:... c.er tre._.line....o�f\ QUt3Qa?_.f.ee.t..:.3Q' ni._. c:...n.l trB_1ine...9i...i ndolph t.......... I -- ! Dated this_......-2.Jr(k day of.............d1a Ast 191 7• Y/ivL� rARf,llRrfART ORDRR/. • — Councilman. teris— Wing of h wrltten proyoeat Te-; v�skmConet�ucF aleewe� oimprove-; Cretln AD' --- from the c tre llneoT-ItanAolpha• PRE -w; point ao` tact 'eouttr of th -- of itendclPh .9L. ha.t?r WHEREAS. A,written proposal for the making of tho following improvement, viz..: _Q4.n yruct a...$.e._er:of...3r i lAh._Dt _._._t_o_..e....paint,..Z.G.0.12111_-outh...ef_.-th csntseliuc._ef... �f-nlph. St....._ ............ ...... -. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..:... ............._:.!_ ..__ .........._ therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed L. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2:. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improventeritl. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted I)%, e counci......... .- Yeas: Nays: Incilmat Farnsworth r i 25 1917 C.QRa---- Approved.:...._.._. 191 ......... ..: C -Hyland _ -- -- 0 c / 1 w- McColl Wunderlich _ . .. .......... Atxyor Irvin ;Mayor.... - IOew a MMISHED_W/2 noces"ary for High .3chool students. - _ Council•Filc No,1.'"%30::1. - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �► and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby, proposes the making of the follow' publ - improvement by !ye City of St. Paul, viz Con Bract cc -h ..�ilb i•..4..c: .. s.:k:o....t..:: t dl-h....of_a aat.,...at...the follo.iing looe,tions: eLLst 483 feet, and 'on the e as ide of Snelli O. 'oel;imang a 1 .aY.'.e_...he11G.e_ vrc.l It. .................... ._........ ..... Dated this .......... Z4.t? ...day of-..,.........:a33.63Uat.. ;....... 191.-..�.. i a F. No. 18330- ....... z-- whereai. A written Proposal for the making of ,the following ImProvement. via; contract cement. file .laewal1, Coun Iman. t toawidth of elz feet. at tha following looatlons: ' - - -- pa the north; ride o[ bfarshall Avet baginning atanelllngi. Ave;.thance east I13 ng Ave ,�beBlnning at M.rahal! Ave. I lhenee north lot feet toconn WHEREAS, A'written proposn em; conbt�ute3� oriilc �oilowmg improvement, viz.: Co; oc ' nc__ ions: _4.4 G.•'•_-.:4a,�,e:.._s3,�;-e1La7..:tca..._tn.._a<.::t::c':{h .a.�.....:;:3::...r'eet, .�.i....;,c.e...iolloc�- _.i.......l...htialie.:_.O...._. . e east 483 feet, u21 on the east; side of noiling- save. be -inking at Ys......u��1M.o..ao-ted- erals; having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.....:...:i. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed –1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and.estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. 'To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_.- _. ..._..... _..- __....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three ormore owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...-., ... ...... .................. Yeas: j' Nays CouncilmnnV�brnsworth �J �b1 G'ss Approved .... ......... _ .....................101...:. lyland V 11tecoll Q'underlich I Mvor Irvin ilnyor. PIJRLISIT$D J -�--- ----------- ---- 18691 VOITNC;L FHjF NO-.,...... . . ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. gr.p A.Igg. alley.:in Blo X of Block 2 .Rgqt! a Victoria St., .... ... ...... .... .............. i under Preliminary Order.... ;?145... Approved June 21, 1911 ...... I The Council of the'City'uf.St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of -Finance upou-the I nbove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves! 1. That the acid report be and the game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to Ile proceeded witb, SThat the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. . ....... Block 2 Stone & Roger's Addition and J. W. Fallihee's Re. of ............. ..................... Block 2 Roger's Addition, from 3iltonSt. to Victoria St...... ................. F. N 823S.-113, a. & Farn:.or Anoth."'IdUtter of gradAng oal;­I, Bl.�k 2 and J. WSton6& Rog-, Falllh..'a F. Roger. Addition.- tror.• vict0r1a at., under I.— . . . .........i_ der 17146. TbI 1!l,nn el! ..o,l;17 Cdtli no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 193­95— Resolved Further. That a.publie hearing be had oil said improvenn-ut on the ..day of -September 191 7 . at the hour of.10 Welock .%.. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court: House and City Ball Buildin-1, in the City of St, Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and Ili the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and,pluee of hear- inil. the nature of the improvement: and the total cost thereof its estimated 24 Adopt. -d by flo. Colull-il 191 Approved fill Ciel Council) all Farnsworth Coulkeilu all Collneiln all HvIllod I Coined fill Keller* s. ll A1;A',-Ii ""Une", a C. u I la n Wunderlich M favorayor rvin FOrin K S. A. 6�6 _____---------------------- __ jCOi1NCq, FiLF. NO.: .... .......................... / y. INTERMEDIARY ODDER I, I in the Matter of..x.eF>1?Cn3. a;td..t3urYaCing tvi_th•._aephalt,._the asst side of ...................._......_.. i W.abt}�ha_St. from_. Fourth St to Fifth St. ..............:.......... .........:.................... ............................ _........... L.... ...... ... .....:. _.... .... ..... _......... _ ._.... ................................................. .. ,:.. under Preliminary Order. .. 1.... 790 5 ._ ......................... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance•upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. s That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ts... RBpair and surf ace vrith•__aeQhaltt the east side of Tabasha S.t. from Fourth St._to aF:NO- 1722J.-18r.&A..1 ( - - Fifth_Bt• r..:. . In the !latter of repair ...... . ............................ .............. I' wltAai;Uhalt; tt, - - %Vabnaha SL -from Foor . ::.....e... St.. under 1'renminar.......................................... :......::.................. . ......... _.. .._... .... ...approve,• �Prell :tp•'1 ... ° .- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is j 279 99 Resolved Further, That a public nearing be had on said •mprovement on the._ : 26th „day of - September.:..... _ . ,lel 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated 24 iw Adopted by the Couueil _. 191 . !! y l r .... Approved J...... 191 C/ (`ltp Clerk i p ...... /Councilman v Councilman Farnsworth 11 Councilman IJuse % Councilman Hyland t �% 1PlHu Oji r t Councilman Beller • Councilman McColl V Councilman Wunderlieh j y'. Mayor Irvin - Form S..S. A. a•a t ; A ' A' 18694 COUNCIL FILF NO By I' • INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. oonetruetirp a e.ement' tile,.,.eidexalk-.,tp,..e..wl�ith„-_- feet on both sides of George St. from Smith Ave to Cherokee Ave . _............... ........ ......... ander Preliminary Order. 17904 _ __..,.approved Aug. 6, -1917 ...... ....... _ ...... Th.- Council of .the City of St. Prod having received the report or the Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said'report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - jlwrebv ordered to he proceeded with. ". That the unture of the improvement which the Council recommends is ,.. Construct a cement j the sidewalk to a width of six feet on both aides of George S. I, from Smith Ave. to Cherokee Ave., _..... e F. Na -19234-87:9: A. Farnaw•ortbti 'In the :Mtter �oGrnnetructing a te- ! meat tiala sidewalk. Co a' wIdth- - _ (*IX feet on both eldea of. George at. feem Smith Ave: to Cherokee Ave.. _ under Freliminarr Order 17904, uD• - - - -e•N Aux. 6.`1917. ell of the City of bt Vaal `jhrnDart of the Com;,.... e noon with no alternatives, and that the'';estimated cost thereof is f. 0.66" per front ft. Resolved Further. That a pithlic hearing lie had on said improvement on the 36[11 Ja}' of --.SepteIDbeT l!Il 7 aC the hour. of 10 o'clock A. 11:, in the Council Chamber of the I;mlrt house aiul City hall 1luildin in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ine, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated: dduptrJ. by qId• i'ouucJ 191. to Approved . ,; .4 r 191. / City Clerk..... i. Councilman Farnsworth C� layor Councilman 4- Cuuneilninu If land i Counulmon 1C, lh•r v. t'umicilulau 1ki'nll sCoo»eihaan Wu»derlieli i Mayor Irvin Furai R. S. A. F -s � I --------------------------- - 1117 - --------- 18695 CO UNCIM FILE P110L. I: G By:. l!'✓..Gl < c ,G clir!... �.. .... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER III the Matter of.-p&.Y.1Tig..Ysr.e a71 /eve.... fr9F?...$ne7,ling Ave.......t4 .A.:P-0?A.............. (: ..160 lest 'west of the west ,line ,of Pascal ,.Ave•.,_ including•.sewer,•_-•-••-......_ water and -gas connections from street mains toproperty lilies-.,com-:••,.•_• plete,,where .,not alrea4y made, -also including.paving.of 611ep and•_ ..driveway approaches''' and the. aonetruoting. cf_.garbing,.-.�eber.e.:.>aestesaazy.. _ . .......:..... under Preliminary Order. _.....approved , _ . June, -15.,..1912 ......: ........... .. The. Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. ThatAhe said report be and tb- °a„, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to lic proceeded with. r F: No. tazas-ey s. A_Fanuworth In the. Matter or avlus Marshall Axe - trcm an4111ng Ave. �t° a-'-01" ` if •' That the nature of the ,im rot teat waa, a the wear ane of rsr,lends ts;..., .$YQ... .9.�1d� ..:/�P.Q... P Ave Including-: "ewer, orate I: from Snelling Ave, to s yoint 1!I°1°ora meet of the Wes t••line•oY••••• ................. a ing sewer, watei and gas connections from street Pascal ,Ave., includ . ..... .. . t maina..to.prays.rty.lines..o4WP..lete,.where..not already,.:miide,::,aleo..tnclud- ing-paving_of.alley and .driveway...approaches ...and. the _aonatnio.ting.:.oV. curbing, where. necessary . with no alternatives. and that the estiulnted cost thereof is 20,$48..95 — Resolved Further. Thut-a 1itlblie bearini., be had on said haprovenit-io au the _2sth day.of $aptsmbeT - 19] 7 , at the hour of 10 Weloel• A. \l.• in ibe Council Chamber of the Court House and Cily hall Railing it, the City of St. Paid. That the Commissioner of Finanee. give notice of said meeting to the persons and iti lite manner provided by the. Charter, stating the time and place of bene- Lj ing• the nature of the improvement, and the totgl cost thereof as estimated. - adopted by the Council ... .. _.. 191. - - I% Approved 191. Uh (ler6 Councilman Farnsworth - �.., Councilman tau+x _ Cuuucibnuu liytnu.l - - i Cuuurilmalt fierier �' r�' 1'uuncilwaa Jlcl"'oll �. couucihuao Nunderlieh t' Mayor Irvin Vor1n R: S. A. 9.6 ' f Ll 'ALj'LJA1H__ _J� U tJ L u J �,� It L0.1-111 CITY OF St. PA ACCOPNTING DEPARTMEN T, AUDITED OLAIMS—RESOLUTION: FORM CouIL W. By •N AUDITED AUC 25 4-: PER 611 Ir Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable Out Of the hereinafter specified, funds sind, 6 mos 'as specified in -the. following � detailed: @_ set site their, respective a !D favor of the penionstfirfns or corporations for th i.amou ts opposite statement: " V Nsys Adopted by the 'on '. Council A0 'B"It: a Yeas V Cou man ( Far sworth 60/ Far'wo., G ✓ In favor a -K e C., 11 No. 18239-- U " 4 - K er V '.'. 111-11 It warrents 'b U✓ Aga* drawn( inst 0. Call reuIlli 'thj'h..j..fter A apacinfle'd food...— f.—".f th*-P."ons. firms or an tions for tbo. amounts � set 'P It; Hyland.. MAY-'. 1 Wunderlich h:1 lori I'v4"j Xjm. d". faft't a m'peen t: L rvizV American press Co., Mr. President. Rousal . "W's'R " . &-K.; improvermut co.. Board of ,Water 19186 American Express Company,. 1.76 ?.Library—Expense. 87 Austin-WeSteM Road Machinery, Company, 4.75' St. C&R—Expense. BOecher Improvement Compd ny, 317.79 St. C&R—EXPe 1368. 8Board of Water Commissioners, 227.63 p.Schoolo-Expense 1*18 Health—F.Baths-sxpi. .07 38 Ninth St.Grading 'k - - 2 7 63 9 Brown, Blodget t & Sperft,, 5*45 poljce�-Expensei •5 Wgter..;Expense 4 9 5. 9i Burroughs Add. Machine Company, Comptrolle r—Expense. 1340 912 Callaghan & Company, Corp. Counsel—Expense.li 3 ChicaEp , Burlington & Quincy R.R., PsLibraryo-Axpense., 94- Chicago, St.paul, Minneapolis,* Omaha. Ry., P.Schools"Expenseo Crane & Ordwayq -P.Sohools-Expensei 6 Dore -Redpath CompRnyt 4.501. P.Parke—Expense. s - Page #2. Res. fll 2.031 19197 A. L. Eggert,— Gena Misc . & Unforseen. 24'92 98 Electric Blueprint Company, t P S cho ols-C&B . `40.45 99 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CompanyY P.Schools-Expense P.Library-Expense P.Parks-Expensa200 A. P. Herschler,91.46Health-P.Baths-ExpenseP.rarks-Expense'O1 1-20 McClain & Hedman, 32:E5 Police-ExpenseP.SchoolsExeenae - 32.25 OE Mp1s. St.Pau1 & S.Ste. Marie Ry., - •8q - Schools-C&B . 4 447.I:E 03 Moeller Bindery Company, `'orp'. Counsel-Esp. i .00 P.Library-Exp• 41 .l5 R Health-Health-hxp. 4 .15 25.65' 04 A. P. Moore,(' C .P`.W.-Expense 18 ` 5' Sewer C&R -Expense 3 C G.F -Crosswalks 25 _ 05 . Northern PacilicRailway Company, 1.67 P.Llbrary-Expense., 06 Northern States Power Companya 341.37:: P.Library-Expense. 07 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 11.00 P -.Library -Expense. Og�. ' Raymer Hardware Company, i 65.77 P;.Bldgs.•Arcth. -Expense St. C&R -Expense - Health-P.Baths-Expense° 5 4 7a 3 C.F.W.-Expense l 38 4 4 p.Schools-Expense Water -Expense P.LibrarypNBooka 13 9 _ • 7 09 H. C. Rizer, Chief Clerk,' 5.55 _ P.Schools-equipment. - � 10 St.Paul Book & Stat onery Company, 62 P.Library-NBooks 17 - 1 rary Trust C.H.Lib 28.2 i, u 11 _ - ;St.Paul Builders Material, � t' 63.12 i P.Schools-Expense. r ;i t ) V r p l } f ,., T 4r.: Res. 611 32.82 1921 St.Paul Electric 4ompany, 29 82 ` P.Schools-Upense 3 1 �w Water -Expense 32 82 25.06 ' 1 St,.Paul Foundry Company, St. C&R. -Expense. +� 1 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 1. 9 408.40 St. C&RMExpense 40. 0 n n u a 48 92 S. & S. Cing-Expense 4. 0 13. 3 Health-P.Comfort Sts. -Exp. 5 2 _ Health-quar-Exp. 222 48 Police -Expense 60 00 P.&F.A.1.Telg.-�P• 1 .76 t Sprinkling - 40 .40 134.57 1 5 Valley Iron Works, s P.Seboole-Expense. 6.67 g Wells, Fargo Express Company, — P.Library pense. e Tablet & Ticket Company, 2.29 1 Y Wile:,on P.Library-Expense. I it f --,!dotal i 2 8 I i Ir COUNCIL-FILE NO:...-... By..................................-_ ....... _ E FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....Conetruc cement ourbinsr on both sides of •Baldt�in St. .......................... ......._... �.rinoat.on.:.AmC.............. VINAL Ouni1Ia. I -.-.--. .............. .... .... ....... .... .... .._.. _. .. ..:.... _......-. .. . C. V. tio. 186!9 I - tn the >fataer o[ const ructiof `r . •.. 'CITY OF ST. PAUL O,j,1NC_IL_ RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Subject:ar GciG c c�i.. f _ % 4COEHwt N O CU-L,C LC-vLL-G-I BGG G�G,II'Titi' r Date Presented 191 Rt147 In the matter of condemning and .taking Tote 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Auditotr`s Subdivision 456, for Public Playarounda. Under Preliminary order 1116,. Approved August 10th, 1914. i RES94VED: i That cad ordere.in the above entitled matter are p hereby repealed, cencelled,and annulled. n e pY ,o e 0 g, Oto. mai of eg°9� `�,So. Qr8111 I, ink R.wo S. g uotun�e. °oyea Aa& pa blla S'1nYRlll6. opp tnt e. tY Orae.r.. nit Ord" rebY r - ryas vea• ted wm°tnd nInptuga'y6: Bove to calncewa. Nounau .. - Da Aa �toa byA �; 29,.1titt7r �pptove l�tp4 1 • o- • � I Yeas (J) Cpuncilmen (�) Nays AUG" 25 191 , arnosssworth Adopted by the Council 191 In favor yland 27 1917 Approved/ � 191 i Wunderlich Mr. Pres dent. Irvin Ma on .oRm C. A x i ' .CITY OF'ST. PAUL .._-, .I COUNCIL RETSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �i Subject: act e COC L nL2U NO., _ Date Presented Aug -25,1917 191 ell Resolved; That the Purchasing Agent be, and heis hereby ^authorized toopurchase; with the consent of the 'Comptroller, three Modei-lls one aiid'one-half ton Republic trucks at,a price y of $1988, per truck,'tetal of $5964 net, f. o. b. St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids, as same are patented articles and no advalntage can be gained thereby. These trucks to charged to Fire Protection -Equipment. 1 I C. P. No. 18241—BY :Henry McColl— - neselvrd, That the Purchasing Agent be, and. he le hereby authorised to.� Cthe a ptroilervl three Model 1conse1, one and. one-half tan ePublic •trucks at a price or 81;888...per truck, total of 8a-. 984 ne[..f. o. b. St. Paul, vrlthout ask- , lug. for comp.tltive bido. as_Same are patent ague.. -and - no -..advantage C. Abe gained thereby. These trucks to La, chorged to. Plre Protection - Equipment. - .. Adopted by the Council Aug. 28, 1817. Approved Aug. 27. 1917. fSept•. 1-1917) Yeas (J) call cilmen NaysQUU 191 n 2 ,w 1011 - at swort6 -- ✓f -- ---------Adoptedhy-the Council ,... (/ In favor AqVC-- 27 0117 =— — -- ------ L1--�--t_ 191 -- ler npp7bveu \ , 'i41�Coll O Against W nderlich Mr. Presidet . Irvin MAYOR CITY OF ST., PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FO.R IN _ FILE Date Presented Aug. 26.1917 191 1 ' Resolved, That the Purchasing, Agent be. , raid he is hereby authorized r to purchase. with the consent of the Comptroller, three -Model 11, -tine -and --one-half ton Republic trucks_at &.price of, $1988 per truok,'totel of $6964 net. f.o.b.8t.paul, without asking for competitive bids., as same a-rre patented article: and no advantage can be gained thereby. These trucks to charged to Fire Froteotlon-Rquipment. r r CN t L' Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays -" ' �Funsworth "� Adopted by the Council 191 ✓ C / In favor yh nd 191 O _ Apwvv_ai_-== --- V McColl Against "Wunderlich Mr, Pesident, Irvin I MAYOR I �%�%;'_•rte,/�. � '' t�f.,%�.fi As Ordinance Agending an Administrative Ordinance #3946, en titled •An Administrative Ordinance relating t0 the Department - Of Public Safety, its organization, its officers and employes, their qualifications and appointment, compensation, powers and dutise•, approved February,l6th,1917. Thio is an Emergency nen Or the Ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Pub - 110 Peace, Health and Safety. 8ECT10\ That \A Inlxtr tl - - ]816. r titled A \drat . Iinenee r t floc to the i/ Publlc.4af t It°rcanb; ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:- .flees and employes, their THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY Oy, _ -•nd anpol tment. compo a r1 dutlea appro '6th. 111:. hn nl the - "- ndeh follow.• By 1e1kingo t from. of tl nl ••p>= r >- SECTION I. " Word.ia11c _ ,ln t,n Si.n aN That an Administrative Ordinance #3846, entitled "An Adminis- trative Ordinance relating to'the Department of .Public gafeiy, its organisation, its officers and employes, their qualifications and appointment, compensation, powers and duties•, approved f'ebruary 16th, 1917, be and the same is hereby amended as follows.- By striking.out.from the third (3) line of Section "E•, of said Ordinance, the words and figures, "One Junior Clerk at an is anneal salary of from $540.00 to 6720.00•, and inserting in lien j, thereof, "One Senior;Stenographer, at an annual salary of from - SM -00 to ;1020.00.1 SECTION II.! i This is an Emergency. Ordinauos,4 rendered nsosssarY for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take j effect and be in force immediately on tts passage, approval and publication. Ilex. \ar• i"Faro - rtL Adol t>d •p i 1..• 1 uul c z. rirrvwf�t lel �. oar . Ia favor, �1 - ".teller •'\I Coll �.4foinet iMr WFald•.nt.lrvm 1o�Tt ±.ORM C A9 - N j FARC City 11�^ w�Wr� An .... Y, A :.:ini.zr::.tiv:: OE.Li.lh a .. :tiol.":1�,n is A_...i�:iet_�f ^ .'iL LU t.::.- Lv— tarta.ent Of Pu. -,-i., 4si' tY, itis vrv::iasti its iii ers 1,15- COM.—IL ,l5 - COM.—ILTL J ih�t a:. Adninicir_, iv a;.ce��:'t_ ietr t i v a i e of3 If 1%is , t:�8 y_tii io f _ 13) ina QFl .:actin 117H ci is ar_ce c _ ni J frog 72v.v:" ir.6artir.,, it ii'au none S- :rr Stanj:3.i_ 77 • IxQ!L = a is icres _ i=t iLs pass - IX � � � � Sires- �� l?' i► � ` f � I II _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL--RESOLUTION._-GENERAL_ FORM 7 ... Subject: ._...___...... s • COUNCIL N t. FILE NO.:.` ....... ......._.. a...e .........._ ......._... ... Date Pre--sented.r t . �..... ..._...... ...___•_191..... / I Res I That the Cigarette License,_u. 42,_`whieh,expiras April 24th, lyl;, now in the inane of G. S, Peck, 751- =urth Snelling i Avenue, be and the sahe hereby is tran6fera-- tu- u. Peak, 682-84 Selby Ava nue. Ban xecolr �[gTeril 34th. Resolved, wh1�h eapiraa A4 peek. aenca 0 *_• 11819. now In the °pmirsnue. De end -da trana7erred to C, $• I66 North Sn is t nno. fame hxr. th Ave. 16.1917.1 pack. 6bi-b4 9e Y 1 AdoDwd Au[• 37;n 1f17wu[. <Appro :t8ep r _ 1'eaa (1") o erilmeu (r) N.Y. AUG iiJ 19+1 rmwortL. '//�J AJopted by tLe Council .. .. -... 191 . ....._In favor 0. 27 iu)1 yl.nd w •eller ll App.nal A. _...191 .. - - ...... ..ate... Ur. Pneid� 1. Irvin - MAYOR CITY OF'ST. PAUL -COUNCI-C' RESOLUTION— 43EN.ERAL FORM Subject. ..• COUNCIL FILE NO.;....:... _. .. ..... �Date. Presented 191...7.r %Nv 1 Resolved. That t )e -rade oy the lley in orchard Place, sho• by, the red grade line on the accoap!;,nyin.; pro_ile mid as recom--ionded by the Comraisl ior.er of �'ublio 'J r2_ , be and the s„n;,e is hereby �.dopted as the o. abliuhed grade. i . a tt. No. 18944—BY �11. N. f)oee-- _ Resolved. That the Grade or the al� ` 1 rppbdlnr+deh line pone the-aeeomDahown nytn97 - C m�elulons yf PUDIIc Workh. Da and j - heWhe Ots oreq aduDtad u;tha X, .Adepte d'Aug. 9T 19117Ani-9E, 1911. - (SepL.:1.1917) 1' Yeas ( I') Cou oilmen ( I') Nays AQS 1J Iy i 7.. 191........ 7 Adopted by the Council., F 9worth Q 2i IQI� t.Go s In Favor ApPro 191 ....... "K ler sh oem Mr. Presid n Powers FORMI C.6-9! ..ii. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION -LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject couwch N� }im Date Presented._191That o?VED,iquors 7oating the following designatedlicenses to sell be transferred as 'indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No: _.._ No. - ,.*5 No No. r. . _ No No _ .. , No _ - -- C. F. No. 16910 -Hy Henry: 39Cing 4-I •Resolved, the tocoInt dn16= No. .._ _ -_._ :--- - -- --- ..a to nrtod 11- bnetr to sail -: I Indicated add. liquorspur"u"'. be tronaterred u Indicated - pursuant to aDDllcatlons duly made. No._-- ----_ - No, 400• Sam H. Scheln, 106 la' r 1 Fourth. SL. to Charles dentlle. 996; - NO • _. -.- _— - .__ __ ' -"""' '-`" credit" tr:• - Adopted by the counelI Aug. 36. 1917.-- ""-' Approved Aug.97. 1914. ug. 2l-1917) No --- I No i -- .-- --- - - No No.No. No - Sens (� 1 Couucilalcb (�) Nays - AUG w 1917 Adopted by the ('011116119l _....... _ r arnseurth % r'q ?Ryland Keller �) In favor Q I),7 \ppmced i •tIIIIFt t WUnderlirhwwroa OR , Mr. President, Iniu CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION!—WdJOR _LICI=NSE Subject:/y . 1 COUNCIL.. No - FILE . 16 i � fjrt — Date Presented 191 /J�/ ` RESOLVED, That the"application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indiLitited, be, and thelsame hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorised and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the, filing of the bond and the payment of th'e fee required by law., Name of Applicant Location. C. F. No. 192{9—By. Henrr McColl-- ' I '.Re-Ived. That the application at the `G 110 S t �:::.., tollowlnttFF DanonM for a license to: ggqll Intoalealing'-1laauon at"-. the IOCatlena ` [respectlrely Indicated I., and tn. am* - i 6Gl xus 1 tl :, hereby are ■■,acted, aad the City Clerk C113i1 Is-auth-1-and directed to Issue such -- -- lie to aafd• apyllcana upon the ., .filing of the bond`aod.lhe Payment, of 1 7tP. i @ =T v_I�,i,._.._ _ the taen u1Fed byy law: 2L -- Wolf and Koch, i9b Wabasha Bt , Nicholson :Taugner, 669 Charles St :. 'PeterOil. b. 227 W.7th SL"' S t —___-L SIiB_, J- c_•-'': JJfI Dennis I. Sw-neYlc.k: _92491 WabashaSt 'r Albert A.: Kamm0 university. ADanlel >, Foley 430 Jackson St. 6`� �1 1 •JP.T =ti}�_ AV3. +t n JB iGm i• s•l ..Otto A. Kohl.. 191 E. 7th 8t------ _—_ - li—man Ebert 937E 7th St _ \• William -:Luch;gner.-139 E. 4th St '4 Ferd. Naumann. 121 :1111th 8L' ZC j3.,._z C �..-�.��y, Mns. "a... ntr, 1049 Rlce-.-----__-_.- Charles A. Nutt IS EL 6th St. - ti Nnls G. Nelaon, 971 Payne Ave. - 1 Andrew A. Alcon. 969-Payne Are. (j -• ., _ __ - _ ; _ ' Clemens Deb;d. 414 `Itpbbrt SL ' John n. Kohler. 639 Edmund Bt - . Ross N. Bag" 347 .Robert 8l. t:: . Nels E. Jahneon. 963 Aresde St. 737. -. -- -- Petrr Dombek. 396 Western. Ave: Him.. and A Ieeen. 412 Robert 8t. Rudolph A. Wilke 833 Payne Ave. iS i _, i3;:: LL as Inger " wndraw Le01n, " E '7th St. ) _ •� "s. . Henry Meteger. 876 E. Mlnnehaha St. - • _, Osorge: H-L 396 8t .Meter SL ` l •OeorBe L O'Neill, 460 8t. Peter 8t.: --- Lucla.and: Conti 43Y E. 7th 9tr Houle Chrletense11 90 E. 6th St... - Fred H.'8nyder, 373, Gedar 8t. - - ___....3:C Daniel Vogelge—ng:.: 919 Randolph 9 lc_r Ai�t'. •. ___ '... .. Charles itorenmon. 290 E. 7th 8t 1 e •� i Oeorge Krawchuk 669 Broadway St ` Ci.a;..�lvti , •.L'. ., ` Dent Flnk 117 E'3rd Bt Alfonso Barbato 177 F 3rd St.. f - - 'al Phillip OToola. 492:111-14; Dl St' William C Mattocks -163 Tih et' g71 1y 2 Avg----------- ---- - .John H.-Knowd. 679Robert 8tr Patrick Finley. 916 W. 7th 8L. 11"1 i ii Jl�J:.I ; Adopted by theouncli Aug. 261917 Approved. Aug, 37 1917. .. ... _.. ,._ _.__... - . ISO" 1.19173 1'cles ( ) Cuunrihnen (� i \np9 AUG...2J 1917 101 ,\;opted hy.the Council Farnsworth 1ylnnd Approvt4l I t 101.. �j ler / U �h7cCo11 lJ .\t;nin9t � I 11 r.1'rc.ldtnt,lrtiB MAYOR — r i� CITY OF ST. PAUL — — �F_OUNCIL- RESOLUTION t Ir 4JOR LICENSE —. subject COUNCIL � y IAV. , FILE' Date Presented 191, RESOLVED, 'That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- speotibely indielted, be, and the same hereby are granted, and 'the City Clerk i& authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment.'of the fee required'"by,law. 'Name of App�,ioant. " Location. Gleaans-.: :li .. T 'art i Jc n a � y c a Bo gs — 32:7 St. :;els a = 2 Ar ada St. .3 atAve., :.:iaser: r 'r13 Rp9ert :lt._ Ra lr.'i A , iike, t Andr_�.t La.. in ,)4i -:t t ZK�.'c� i 67 1 George 3E Ct. Gavl �. I:.aill, Yo., `>tI Lucia wn Go:.ti -+21 _. ?tn t r iv Ch..iats ::, 9G E. 5th St. Yeas'(.) Councilmen (.'1 Xnyx AU ;:J 151 1t1V Adopted by the Council lnl rnsworth oxe In favor 7 lylnnd Keller /1 Approved 1411 I // ► 1. \1 r:1'Srsidrnt, IrCul MA�OH S CITY OF. ST. PAUL y COUNCIL RESOLUTI614•4Gi$VOR LICENSE , �tll,je�'t GOU"CtL ` ti' •o_i No: Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the followin persons for a license to sell intoxicating' liquors at. -the locatVis re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are .granted, and, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the p nt of the fee required by law, game of Applicant. Location. Daniel Vo�al.� _ _ �1; 3z::a�1* h lit :. 7th t • Charles Suren:,on, ,----------- _ e uk, --- ------ i. Fink, ��7 .. 3ri S 177-.31 A_. on2u .._"_cat - -- -- -- ai li, J'i _la, fid' 1 St. ill lam __- lcl 76 Z.t jo 65 `,. 7t'' St. F f3t�riCi( Finley, � 5 1•eo. ( ) Conueilwcu ( t 4lys I A,lopled by die Council Nnrnswurdl I!1l ,''I:oss I � N tacor v'Aylaml�pluo�al S Il11 ✓ Keller j' . r 14underlivit U T — weroo Mr. Prtvidrnt, Irvin i--------------------------------------------- COUNCIL ------------------ - - -COUNCIL FILE N0. ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER avi Iv Street from Arcade Street to Earl t In the Matter of.......P..........�.......Y ......... ......... .................................................. ................ $...14A�u.....:. including sewer; nater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made,.,also .including.•paving,_pf,;elpy afld_,drivsway-.approaches _and_ the:.con0t.xuct7.on._o.f...cement.:.curbimg,... mhere... necessary. _... . ............. .................... .................. ......... approved :.._.D etober..:.4th�_..1.9.14. under Preliminary Order_.................. ......�3Q..3Q............... The Council of the City of St.Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of.Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and,the said improvement is hereby ordered to be�o i037M. discontinued. ,QOWyal�,tpaPaali,e.,ae - ......_. .... ...... ...................:.................. .......................... ..........:......_........ ...... _........ � .. .. ....... _................ ......_ ....... -.................................... ............................................ ._.....:._.._........ :................ ......._................................................................................................................................................ :. _. ........... ......: ...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated ereo hs. jResolved Further, That a fearing lie had on said imp:it on the. ..... . .... ...............day of .......... ................ : ............... 191_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. J[., a Council Chamber of the r. Court House ityHall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Comms Finae issionnce give, notice ng to t of cling persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time an of hear- Adopted - adopted hy.the Council... .... _ .... ..-... 191 _ .... -. ........ Approved _ 191 __ . pity Clerk. .... Mayor. - Couneiimatie�aarnswurtti Coutieilmaw(A"d Councilmetv)Hylw,d ..•• _ 1 Councilmen" jCeller �Pngt]01.�% Syy Lip �J ln. d Councilman McColl Councilmen Wunderlie6 Mayor Irvin _ Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL. i DEPARTMMT OF FINANCE. c Report of the Commissioner of F€nance on Preliminary Order 13030, Approved -October 4th, 1916. To the Council City of St. Paul. _- Gentlemen: - The matter of paving Ivy Street.from'Arcade ,Street to Earl Street, under Preliminary Order 13030, Approved October,_Ath, 1916, was referred to my department to state aa -to whether,property csa be found benefitted. I have investigated the possibilities of -finding property benefitted and respectfully report that the total estimated coat for paving -same with asphalt concrete is $20,136.90;.the,estimated cost per foot is $4.08. :The average vacua per lot,forty.feet in width is 0200-00. In view -of the above facts I respectfully report that the property cannot be found benefitted to defray. the cost of the improvement, as proposed above. i' Respectfully submitted, COMWISSIO FR 0" ANS-�- I i 'I • CITY OR St PAUC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `I REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE. - - = ON.PRELIMINARY ORDER (191 DESCRIPTION ' LOT GLOCIt ADDITION ASS SSID.:._ VAL�ATION. _.. ,. YG .� b• c � fl I � y�, r04 2.1 0 it J (J a 16 r f� r a � µ �'} � � �" � ��, �. � � � � � � � �YI..�'�`t. j� •rte �') l �i D^ - -.. TOTAL. n; CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ' DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT •OF - ON PRELIMINARY 04RDER ASSESSED - LOT BLOCK ADDITION. DESCRIPTION - VALUATION - A 17 i I " 61 y,- _trs'' /0 � Ya 3 i 3 ,} 04 )'o U 4 Sv r iN rts that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, The Commissioner of Finance further repo- and hereby submits the foregoing as his ,report. thereon to the Council, together with the repprt made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191-....._ Dated : -� -- ••__ ._._. _ . .. -"" "" "� � : Commissioner of Finance. ,- t)L Office of the Coof Public Warks Report to Commissioner of Finance November 30th. 6 i_ i...._ ..._. ........ ........ .191...1.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City pf St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ander cousideriition the preliminary order of the Cotes. 13030October.. 4th, 1_)1.g., Ielntive tn.._._ .._-.. eil, known as Council File No. . ...._.., approved.... ............ ..._ i the pavin of Ivy Street, frotti, Araat3e _Streat_to :sr1 ;gtreeL, M1 .- ....... ... mud [in q investigated the nmttors and things referred to therein, hereby reports: L Said imProvenleut is. .._.necessary and (or) desirable: XEZ2 •/ The estimated cost thereof is $_._ 7[Z7CE aid the total east thereof lY I .`; _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketeli of solid improvement is hereto att urhed and Made. a part hereof.) 5.. Said improvement is- ..__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject --____ t l filtFeN$alEait_fMC_aad_lIIIpYgYelaelll_, _,_ : ,: LunuliFlmur,'nf PuLlic Works. --- - - - - -- - J.2 COUNCIL. FILE NO...... .... . BY........................................................................ : INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....CondemniM and taking an easement in the land necessary ::.....for 210yea,...fQr".. 4.0 .AAS... Harves.ter..:Avenua...and..Kermin..fitraat,...according..,to.:.the ...plan..hereLa part,hereoP,,hatched-portiop e}}oing-_thy cute _:_and the shaded..per,'Lion..the ... fula ......... i _....... ............ ..:.. .......:... ...................... ....... I............. under Preliminary Order . .....:,. ...:.:...approved September; 28, 1816 The Council of the City of St. -Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby teaolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereb i approved and adopted, Y ed � hereby ordered to be l P p , at d the said improvement is _ PIDm4latodntitk discontinued.: _ .............. ......... th no alternatives, and that th ` unated cost thereof is _.. Resolved Further t a public.hearing be had on said improvement'ot e.....: day f 191 at the hour of 30 o'clock A. 3[. m th0 cil Chamber of t e ourt H and CitY Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of. Ft —eideno U' e of meeting to the persona and in -the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plac e - UN146 406-1 --- I 'hereof an e8iiessied. Adopted by the'Council .,..:..,... 191......... j , Approved ..................... :. ........................ :... 191..:..... City Clerk. Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Aoav P000eq�r Councilman Hyland hwd� Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich C� ylCl Mayor Irvin Form B: S. A. 9-6 : •CtTT CIP $T: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (�) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' In the Matter of .._.OP)pdemning_AD taking nn.. easement .in the lgnd, necesea_ For__ .___ lopes for ;cuto_anc-_f_illq in grading Vnn.,Dyke.Ave from Fisrvettter�Ave to_Kerwin St ....._._ _.._�_... _._ ... . _..._ under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: e l l The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is E1QOrIQQ___A.., The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is a The lots or parcels of -land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or " parceltas last reported by the Assessor, are as follows. T.�,. DESCRIPTIO N LOT FLOCK ~ ADDITION ASSla6E0 _ �. vALUATION 15 ': 1 hazel Park Division No 4. 100 16 1 do 5o, ;.. 1 2 do 12Q0_1 30 2 do 225 1- 3 do 50 i30 3 do Ti0` 15 4 do _ 28" Z 16 4 do 215: 15 • 5 do b@_ 16.5 do 15a;. 1_. 6 do TorwL, 2128, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and i hereby submits the foregoiag as his report thereon to the Council, together with .the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works,,_ Dated-..,-. ......... ._...... 191.._..._ F orm R. B. 10 Commissioner of Finance. �s Office of tie Commoner of Public" Works Report to Commissioner of Finance i ......:...F.bbauaxy_..1?.th..........._�91.7_ "• e To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, haviag lord under consideration the preliminary order of the Coni- cil, known its Council rile \0,12911 ............approved, _.. _ $ept... ast� ....:.. _I )1.8:.:, relative to ..........._. _ ,..... condemning and taking.en eaeement• in .the land _neoee,eary.....for ..Q.Igpaei..._ i for outs and fills, in grading_Van Dyke, we,.,._b,�twp.ana�v�exs.�_..ApG....._ ._ ._..._............. . and Herein St. and having investigated the mature and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I I. Said improvement is.. .... ........ necessary and (or) desirable. ,. L. The estimated cost thereof is $._. . xXZX......, and the total cost thereof is $ .:_.... _.. x X......., and r the nature and exteut of said improvement is as follows: .-.._:....__ .i.._._........._._ ..... .. '.._..._ . _......, _. .. _.._..._, .:. i J. A plan, profile or sketch of said iinprovmuent is hereto attached and made a part hereof. I- a. Said improvement is—..not ..-.._asked for upon p titiop of three or more owlicro of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissmncr of Public Works. I CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENTOFFINANCE:_ In the matter of grading Van Dyke Avenue between Harvester Avenue and Kerwin Street, Under Preliminary Order 12910, Approved September 28th,. 1916. _ To the Council, _.City of St. Paul. - I have investigated the poesibillties of finding-ts property benefitted by the above -improvement and respectfully report that the total estimated cost thereof is $2,918.53, The. estimated cost per front foot for the abutting property is $2.10'. The total assessed valuation,, including improvements for the twelve lots along the line of the improvement is $2,125,00. The average value of an unimproved lot is $70.00; the average - assessment per lot, $243.00. 4 In view of the above facts I respectfully report that the property cannot be found benefitted to defray the cost of the improvement. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSI t ER. OF FINANCE. Jp& ..................................................................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. .......................................... INTERMEDIARY -ORDER In the Matter, ot Van .:Dyke.Avenuq bettaeen Harvester avenue and ... -Kerwin.-Striset . . ............... . ..... .. .... ............... ..................... ......................................... ................ . ........ ..... .. .. ........... .... ..... ..... ............................... ...................... ......... . ... .. .......... ...... ............ ........ - ............. ...................... ........... .......................... . . ............ I .. .......... .................... . ...... .... ....... .................. ................... ................. under Preliminary Order .....approved_September 28, The Council of the City Of St. Paul -having received the report of the e Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to heZaW92%k*j9ftbx. discontinued. nwr" P ............. .......... .............. .......... .............. ................................. ........ .. ............ ................................ .. .................. ** ith no alternatives, end that the sled cost thereof is $.. .. ........ .. Resolved Further, a public hearing-4had on said improvement on -the .................. day oj ....... .............................. .. . .... 191 at the hour i-,' 10 o'clock A. X. -in the Council Ch er of the Court Hon d City Hall Building.in the City of,St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance 91 otice f sat ceiling to the persons and in , the manner provided by the Charter, stating, the time and place of h Adopted by the c 191 Approved..191. Vit Y Clerk. Couueilmaj4n ?jworth Couneffinad'i)osi 49/% Couneilinan, McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor lrviU1 Form B. S. A. SA; CITY,Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON-FRELM4114ARY ORDER din Vand Kerwin, St..... 1:ntheMatterof Gra .,g,. ppyXe. Ave between Harvester &.r AveAv e- -------------- .. . .. ......... . ....... . . ... ..... . ....... . ..... .... . ........... . under Preliminary Order approved Sept- 28 1916 . ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for -such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are an follows: DESCRIPTION LOT IMLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 1 Hazel Park Division No 4 100 16 1 do 50 1 2. do 1200 ZO 2 do 225. 1.do 50 30 3do 50 15 4 do 25 16 4 do 25 15, 5 do 50 16 5 do 150 1 6 do 50 ��30 6 do - TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance -further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference -to said matter by the'Cornmissioner of Public Works. .. . .. ... Dated .... Commissioner of Finance. It. 11. 13 Oike of the Coma wloner of Public Works t f�eport to Commissioner of Finance r ebruery.. 37th:..:.:..:..1917..- To the Commissioner of Finance, of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of )lie Works, hating had under consideration the preliedilary order of the Couu- eil,.kuown its Comicil File No 13810_' ..igiproved .Sept 38th 191 g., relative ht. z the grading of Van Dyke Ave between Harvester Ave and Kerwin St .._....._.._..._.... _ .... _.... -_.... ..._ ...._...... _. _..... _............ and lmviog investigated the matters slid things referred to therein,.hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is---. necessary and (or) desirable. $3.10 per front foot 3918.53 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $-.,- . ... ..... - and the total cost thereof is r.._ .... . __-. and Frontage 1393 ft. Excess inspeotion $57.33 the nature nod estelit of said improvement is as follows: :l. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaebed.nnd made it part hereof. d. .i.. Said improvement is. ....... i...,. ... . __.asked for ,upon petition of three or More oWaers of property, subject `— `to assessment fgCsidTmprovemeut. I f - Conuaissi(Mei• of Yubltu''rVorks. A CITY.: QF *SAINT PAUL OEFA11TMEMT OF NlILIC WORKS M. Mi Ga6B. Co MMIo810HER - ROBERT T. OOURLE'. 01— C....:axe+ i OSCARCLAUSSEN, C+ar 1—mJ. E. CAR ROLL S_ Co..rn.crgx ALFREOJACKSON.. S—'a.�rt+no. .. _ 0. H. HERROLO, Ors— E -- H. W,•GOET21NCE R: 5—., Wo+. «nf, October 31st, 1910. yon. 114.Goss:, Con:J;:iasioner of Public Yorks. Dear Sir: - I i I I trans!idt _-erewitn''preliminary eatimate' )f cos? for the gralim, of Van Dyke'Avbrue, between arveater'Avenue and Kerwin Street, in accordance V;it L. ncilis 1.,',91Q, gr.r:revP S?t,t$tsDPr 88th., 1910, Aperoxitrate estirr,ate "2918.53 Cost g:er front foot 2:10 Frontage 1393 ft. ?:xcees inspection 57.33 Yours truly, ' CoxuAssioncr. of Public 17orxs. JFC/:w? TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CoMmISSIONFRS OF THE CITY. OF ST. PAUL. Greeting: — We, the undersigned, citizens of-the City of your honorable 1! St. Paul, would respaotiull,Y pray that body and maintain for public use all that part I of Van Dyke Avenue, between,Harvester Avenue and Kerwin Street, in Hazel'Park Addition No. 4 to the City of St. Paul. DATED this 20th day of June, 1916. NAMES. RESIDENCE. SEP x$1916 .l Adopted by the Council_ .......... .._..... YEAS. -NAve. V -MR. FFARNSWORTH VGOSS HYLAND • KELLER VMCCOLL I WUNDERLICH NAYS, 0 'MR. PRESIDENT (IRVIN) i COTINCIL FILA NO... .. ....::....... r INTERMEDIARY ORDER — - a In the 3tlitter of. . Grading Merton Street from Waseca Street to Bellol+rs Street. .. ........:.... ................ .............. r under Preliminary Order... 1.6927. ...... - .....approved June llthl. 1917. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said' improvement is hereby ordered to belEdtl6&X9dt�6 . dieContinuefl. - nu alternatives. wui th le estimated solved Furt hat a public hearing 141 .."" and City 1101 .13uilding, im the ing to the persons and in the manner LZ. Adolited },y thr Comwil�.— _... .. cost thereof iy f' lie had oil said impmvenu•ut utt day o lit the hour "ul' 10 o'clock A. 1I., iu the Coun "'hamber of th City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finauc - e notic provided bv,the Charter, stating €he 1i apd place o ._- 191 ,Approved Y+L_ �.r�.. 1 ity Clerk. ,/ t' \leyor. _CouncihvalY jarusw-orth r� �" ..y� _ CouncilmanVfws. / �•� - CuUlivilmall. Ilyland /-_ Councilman Keller / Councilman Ne'641 Councilman Wunderlich 1. Mayor Irvin - Form Is, S. a' : A; a . - - 1b�3:3U► - CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, In the matter of grading Morton Street from Waseca Street to Bellovrs Street, under.Preliniinary Order 169213, Approved June 11th, 1917. To the Council, City of St,. -Paul. Gentlemen: - I have investigated the possibilities of finding property benefitted and respectfully report that.the eatimatdd cost for proposed improvement is !2,342.41; the estimated cost per front foot is $3.14. 'The average ..value of the lots, being forty-five feet wide, abutting along the line of the proposed improvement is $50.00. The total value of the property abutting along -the line of the proposed grading is $700.00. The petition dccompaW•, "- ing`is signed by persons who are not -subject to an assessment for the above -improvement. _ In view of the exhorbitant cost of grading and the relative position of,th�e property to the street after grading, I respectfully report..that-.the property cannot be found benefitted to defray the cost of the improvement. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ,tnj ;:5 1917 i t' •'� CITY OF ST.: '- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 06MMISSIONER`OF FINANCE �Z u _-I -1 - pN-PRELIMINAiY-'-- (A) _ Grading 3%rton street from r s,ca street to Bellow streets ' In the Matter of ,oP .......... __ _. ._ ._ __.. _ _ -- ------- _.._..._ under Preliminary Order approved — .. ..... sTLln9.._.�,..tikl�_e7..--...:. - .:: _....... _._.. .. i ....._ :.__..__ .._.._ .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby Ireports as follows: - Ny The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $-- .. ----- . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - 5---- ----- .... The: lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of . each lot or parcel as last reported. by the Assessor, arc as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S 14 Nelson, Stevens and 50 9 14 King'a Addition to a5 . 10 14 West, St._Paul 25 .11 14 25 la 14 35. 13 14 25 , 14 14 s0 1 17 75 3- 1? _ 25 3 17 25 TOTAL, 1. tlx'rt-CITY OF ST A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 1 ' REPORT_ OF COMMISSIONER 6F FINANCE — pN PRr=bmiNAPY_ORDER — - --- —. — (C) t R ADDITION,, ASSESSEO DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - -VALUATION 4 17 Nelson, Stevens and 25 5 17,�>jin3,e Ad'ditioil to 35 6 17 west. St.- Paul 35 7 17 75 r f - l 500 . 'The Commissionerof Finance, further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, }ogether with the report made to him in reference Yo �,ad „?atter by theCommissionerof Public Works. '] -- 1 191 ? ` !. <G.rf •t.0 Commissioner of Finance. It. It. 12 - cpnrtmcuf of Idublic larks M. N. GOSS. CDMM1661CNER' 'R. TGOURLEY. D[Puiv mwm W 1 21 I j I; --- Jk imom ,L T - r COONCH, ENO " By.. .!... ...zr_..arf............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the 3tatter of..condemning. and..taking._an ese.gat�nt.,, B „1 }lg,,,I,op _.............. _�.,;_-„ necessary for slopes, for cute -and fills'in grading Morton Street ....... .................._.._............................. ......... ......... ........ from Naaeca Street to Be11o�s Street. ..................." under Preliminary Order: 16828, ,. .... ....,.approved .....1.PA..9 111h.—IRI? . ................. .... The Council of the City of St. Vaul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the"aaid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is ;hereby ordered to be 30163eabdoddL discontinued. -i _ .............,_............ ......... ...i.......................................... .................. _........... .. .._...... ........ ith no alteina3ves, and that the estimate thereof Is $. Resolved "Further, That W, hearing be had on said improvement on the..: ..... .... ...:........:day o :................ ...... . ........ .......... 191:. _. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Counci mber of th "curt Ho City Hall Building" hl -the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of.Finance i notic f i. seting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place o c1hcjuu,uaZCgjVjL and the total coot Yhw,j�f sa autimotwd- Adopted by the Council , ..:....... _....: 191... .. ... -. ... Approved . _....... .... , 191. .. Cit Clerk. ri........ . �` `/��� Mayor. QODUCIIm �L9tt Orth COUACIlmB Si09y _ ✓p Councilmar •Isnd Councilman Keller Councilman McColl' _ Councilman /*uuderlieh. - Mayor .Irvin - Form B. S. A. 8.6 _ - - ciTill Ilir.PAULallow. --6EPARTIVlL',_4TtOF, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FIRkOWINARY ORDER ; - - tA) In the Matter of -�•Q 111217 ng—Aggl ti3�C1T1�--2 1--e&98m8Dt_ln the 1<lnd neQe89BTy► iOT liartan�etreet iromlieaeos azfd fills la Grading 4_BQl]ywq�etreet,� ____�__ —_� --—..—..:_.. -- - -...... _..:......:..........:...._ ..---- _------- ..,.... ..... ..,_ _._:.. --- _......_._.W -----......._._. ..._-----...... — _ ---- .--- - --.._. _.:_..:.:-------- ---.............:............. .... ... -- - — i under Preliminary Order approved .._ ......... J1121e-_ lltb 1917_.-._-,; _...... _ _.:...... ..:. .:._ ..__._ I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: o U The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $---�• `The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $11. -_------- The lots or parcels of land that may. be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation 'of L. each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DEsCRIPITION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION I SSEsSED ,- VALUATION 8 14 Nelson, Stevens and King's 50 _- 9 ,14 Addition to West 25 4 10 14 St. Paul 25 i 11 14 25 12 14 25 a 13 14 25 14.14 50 75 2 17 _ _ 25 3 17 25 r TOTAL. J. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT' Of COMMISSIOWER OF FINAN�:E — .. ON PRHLIMAVARY ORDER•— tC3 t DESCRIPTION .:LOT Blocic ADDITION - .. : . �.., z ,...--...,, r..,-...,,..... ..., ASSU15A V'.L TION - v .. 4 ,17 Nelson! Stevens and f25 5 K'ing's Addition to 26 �17 6 -12 . West St. Paul 25 .: 7 17 75 }, t 71 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters.. and neteby .uoc ..s a forms -t. a- heir^LfOTt thereon to the; Council, together .wi Ih the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y .._... _...1.7... •`'.:. .. _. _., ...�.. i..:Dated .......°../_/ 19Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner 'of Pu*. Works I Report to Commissioner of Finance June 29th, ` To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of 3t. Pont: The Couumissioner of Public Works, having,hud under eonsiderotior the preliminary order of the Com- , i o 16948... �ovui ..... .'.... June 11th j ' _.191 ...., relative to...... _.. eil, known as Council File No• _ .• ,i 1 p' ...............oande.mnino....d_..takin ' r slopes, for cuts and f ills in arsdin�, .;orton St from; ae,aoa _. to Hello's St. And having investigated the nmtters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . ..........necessar Y and (or) desirable. 2 'l he eatimmted east thereof is �._I Xd�c ....._ ....... and thereof �.. Y s .., mid and the.totnl d is '. 5..__.. .. .. _._.: .. the nature and extent of said improvement, is as follows: _._... 1 8. A plan; I)rotile or.sketch of said improvement is hereto attached find made u part hereof. I . ... 4. u. Said improvement is..._ ... __._......asked for upon lietitioin of three or more owners.of property, subject to asncssnneuC-ror saiti Ynj;ro, v.., C nomin6ronor of Public Werke. Adopted by the Council-—--. .._--------- __ _191 YKAS.' - NAVS. I _MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS y' I HYLAND KELLER V WCOLL r i WUNDERLICH NAYS, 0 1 MR. PRESIDENT (IRVIN) i. i - L - - -------- - - --------------------- - �. COUNCIL ME NO.......... - g �. ' G-Utz -.rev. 1iT• : /-"L: $y..::_� ter. r. ...L.... .. .. ` '�,....... INTERMEDIARY' ORDER In the Matter of. opening," widening and extendin�_an, alley,, didth.from the east line:of_..loc]t..,1,.. Forest Lawn._Addit,#on, xd, pf.__,_,,..•_... R,lock 2, Gillettes Addition.to Woodlawn Park to the east line, of Wheeler ALvenue, the centerline of which alley extends from the intersection: of .................................... .. .................... the center of the alleynow laid,with the ,east _line of Block 21 Gillettee. Addition as aforesaid and Block 1, Forest Lawn Addition, -to_:a po.nt.;on the east line of* Wheele'i"Ave, a d'istaace 117 'rt. eouth of Stan Buren Street. under Prelimivary Order......... 4.. upproved'P. ne 24th..._ 1914. ....... ..,, :.._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and'having considered said report, hereby resolves: ° I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve$ and adopted, and the said improvoment .is hereby ordered to baxpWaVisamM di eeontinued. r a� ............ ..... ' ................ ..,,- a' .._ ..... ............ [thno alternatives, and that the estt oat the o`t Resolved Further Th ublic hearing be had on said impro rt ou the....._ ...._day of 191.... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I itt-thrCCouncil Chamber of thet Houss Citi -hall Building in the City -of St. Paul. That the Cofnmis.9ione bf44uece give notice id meeting to the persons and -in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and ' Atea.of bear We t„ r ,� Pruveeteuksaod,.theatocol.eoat `„,ore o.f .t Adopted by 1111' Counul....._.. ... — 191 ....... ......:..... Approved.. ...;._._... 191. Cit} Clerk. ..... // Mayor. CouncilmanlrFarnsw•orth - � _ ✓ 1'ouncilman[Liue, ' l'ouncilmaulalid � "�t' - _ - Coancilmmr.Z� Councilman �'Alecoll 1 Councilman Wunderlich d Mayor Irvin ..1 Form B. S. A. d -v r t fir? #.I;U CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 feet in width from the East line of Block. one fl) Forest Lawn Addition and of Block two(2) Gillettes Addition to Woodlawn Park to the East line of Wheeler Avenue, the center line of which alley extends from the intersection -of the center of the alley now laid with the. Fast line of Block 1 Forest Lawn Addition and Block 2, Gillettes Addition, as aforesaid, to a point on the East line of Wheeler Avenue, a distance 117 feet South of Van Buren Street. Under Preliminary Order .404, Approved June 24th, 1914. To the Council, _ City of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- - I have investigated the possibilities of finding property' benefitted by the above improvement and respectfully report that the improvement as outlined above is not desirable, as it does not propose to give any better alley facilities and conveniences than are enjoyed by the property at the present time. All of the property that is to abut along the line of the proposed opening is now -being served by a twenty -foot alley running diagonallythrough the block from Vheeler Avenue to Aldine Street. The proposed opening will not. serve the property any better than the alley running diagonally through the block, and will - necessitate the removal of four sheds and, the destraotion of some valuable bak trees and will so. divide the property se"to ieave a remnant of eight lots on the oppo.eite•side of the alley. In view of -the above facts I respectfully report that the property cannot be foundbenefittedto defray the cost of the improvement. o� Respectfully submitted, pr ��,(y Uff, - - ce v h grafi �ionet J- 177 Report to Commissioner of Finance To thePuuuissiouer of Finaoee of the laity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hod iuuler considc•ratiolr the preliulillary order of the coup. E sir .. ul, kilo�iv as l omlcil File, No. 1C 411.. approved i 1:17 relative to an E"lC'fZQ. ft `_ C!i(ltt` i'1G.. the t.,.flt ^... I !'*18. OI .-ZO �O r_L:..... ; G1�6 .,_L. .a1.�3, .�. �.lOri n3 ter. .a0 } I+.jiG 1, +.'v+c^,8 .... ..._ r .. r _Ciit.iOTI to t'Otl.t N to t�':C &st -'no of 1 C IE*• e , cent F, C1f.,�+.. -•1 C �x_dn..::.. .A _. CE... .. t}'E. i ^:eq 017 a,ft ^ }.-e _..ctt in of �) 1, G est n d c s :w �vt a ?.r J': ac line . � ... _.. of The 3.0. -tb, 117 ft. Of .Vf. 7l-., dmdhaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:. _ 1. Said improvelaeut is _.__.._...uecessary rand. (pr) desirable_ 2. The eslioulted cost thereof in Y .:;'._..., mld the total coat thereof is } :',-........ mud I the unture and extent of said improvementis us follows; _. ___ .. ... _..__ ....._ pian, profile or skyteh of said improvement is hereto attached and elude it pont hereof. 5. Said hallrovellleut is .. ... asked for upon petition of tbree or more owners of property, subject i to assessalent for said improveweut. - - um u6siouer of Pnhlic Works, e - r }9 f101INCtf. FILE NO..: .......................... _ By IN'T'ERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. _ QQT101rtAPt1.n9.-4- Qeime.Tit Jlle.;a.I,d¢wa1.tC....t.P..._&..A2111 Q.r. ............... si.x SeAt. on, the south side... of. ... Prior ...A,xs.....tQ.............. Cleveland Ave.._ ............. ander Preliminary Order..:..:approved :... . ,....Aug .;.,10,.„ 151,7 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance -upon. the — ubove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct- a _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is ................... ..._........:....:..:_ - cementt..tUe....aidewalk... ta...a.: w.13th...of...e_11t...f.ee.x:.:nn...t.b e....U011 .a.111s......._........... Qf, Px.inQetgn_Ave,,-fromPrior Ave:to Cleveland ...v _ ................. . C. F. No. 18551 BY S. A. Farnsworth -.. _ In the Scatter of. ronetrueting ac - "'-'.-...... meat tits sidewalk tD a width of six - _ feet on thesouth aide of Princeton - Ave. from Prior Ave. to. cieveland 1 .. ,Nye., under Preliminary Order 17987. approved .AUR. 10..1817. .... ... .... The Coapelt o[ chs CnY of 6G Pant eavinr. r:eetved th* report of.the Coto_ . .... ..... ...... mlealoasr of 87a►oei uDo ..: With no alternatives, and.tlat the estimated cost thereof ii.* 0.66_ per. front ft. — Resolved Further, That it public+ hearing be had oil said improvement un the _ ai°.th._ ............ day of 191. 7 , at the hour of 10 o'elock A. M.. its the Council Chandler of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coinmimioner of Finance give notice -- of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and piece of hear• iue. the nature of the improvement. and the total cost thereof as estimated - Adopted by tit, Cotlneil 7 �►r,.... Approved �� ,. 1.. 141 i �� C th Clerk. Mayo. Councilman Faruswvr h Councilman (Joys ✓, Councilman Hyland Councilman fieller Councilman \IcCoIY Councilman W underfich %favor Irvin Form B. S A. 846 i ---_ --- _ --------- F - - *. $t4"<48 COUNCU, FILF NO_ ...._............:.. INTERMEDIARYORDER - In the Matter of. ing.theatore slab sidewalk with reinforced concrete to.a width of ten feet on .the south side of Eaet Fourth St. _................................... _............ ................................ ............................... , beginning at Cedar St. thence i.eat 112 feet, _.__.._..._....__..........._........ ................. ..................................... .. under Preliminary Order 17878 _approved ... ._ Aug _,,,4.,...1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, herebv.resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the nature"of the improvement which the --Council —recommends is.....Aeco7atruct __the.gtone sidewalk arith reinforced concrete to a tiidth of ... ........ .............................. ....... .... ten feet on the south side of East Fourth St. beginning at , Cedar St. thence west 112 feet, r.. F. I— te:ai-nx s. A. Farnsworth— ... .... ".-...... .....: In the Matter. a[ reconstructing the at slab sidewalk with reinforc d: conrrete to a width of ten feet on the souta�aiijc of East Fourth'St beginning at Cedar St.. thence west o ii- under Prellral.—Y. Order _ ,\ng. J. 1917. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.10. per lines; foot,' Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had oil said - improvement ml the_.__ 2Wl.... :_... -.. _day of _ ....September _ : 191: 7 , tit the hour of 10 o'clock A. K. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iu the City of St. Paul. That the Coinulissioner of Finance give notice of Said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iiw. the nature of.the impn.vement, and the total cost thereof as estimated �fCra Adopted h} the C'nweil �% 2 S_. 191 A in,7 Approved.. (��. ,... _. 191 (I[y Clerk. 1 ✓ . Mayor: Councilman FarnaworW — Councilman Boss Councilman Hyland. Councilman Keller Councilloan McColl V' Councilman Wunderlich _ t'tCttirli� �� Nleyor Irvin Forfa B. S. A 8-6 ----------------- - COUNCy FILE $0 � r Br!":',':.�._:. ........... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .: repaving.�roa4�ray. from Third St to .Faurth.,St , _..•_•....... including s,e^fert water and Pas connections from street mains to t property_ linea. complete, where not already made, also including _ paving of alley - and ..BP>;,roac e9.an3 tne...u.4n.9truct .n o.f.............. curbing, fishers ne ce.a.sary, ..c. F. No. 18235—By S. A. FarnewortA fo the Matter f repaving Broadway - Tram, Third St. to Fourth St., Includ- - Ing newer... water and. gan connee. - 1 ne from, aetreel, --In. to Property, .......................... . ............... . .. bead under Preliminary Order. 16000 -__approved �= �� 1 :19, 1917 ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the f above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the aaid report beand the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. — That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ...RjaPaMe...AXAaA14.a}f......._ ffrom Third St,...to Fourth St., including.!ee water and as con-pectione,_from. .street mains to property 1nss, ccmp3ete, uYe.re not. already lna3e,, also including, paving of alley ar3 driae-gay approachesand the construction of curbinC, crhsra necessary r_ .. _........ ......� ..._._:_.....:_. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is } _6496..36 Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the 'lot day of October IJl 7 , at the (tour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City -of -St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice' of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear• i, intr, the nature of the iatllnivement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the ComwiC 191 tllr n 7 4 Approved L 191 City Clerk. 'favor. ' j Councilman Farnsworth ✓ _ j Councilman (1039 t/" - - Couueihnau Hyland Councilman Keller t� 1 .I'ouncilman 3recull Councilman Runderlielt", Mayor Irvin Form B. S- A. 8•6 - _ f i ¢ M CITY OF &T. PAUL «...ro AC60UNTING DEMENT. : ► COUNCIL 1_r.FtJl lJr. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PILe N0. AU04TE0 Ii J 1912 101_ ' 613 PER I - Resolved that -,warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ssrd h r_ ' h fits set o to their respective names as specified in the following detsiled to i -hr of the persons, firms or corporal on% r t e amou pposl .. ... I,.. 044 ?7, 19' i j statement: Yeas ( J) Coutl'Imen ( J) Nays_ Adopted by the Council 191_ 1i FaresOft¢ r� C. F No. 13257— / Resolved that, wnrrants be' drawn' h Goss ( ✓ ! (n fa .upon tha C1ty Irreasury. payable out of .pproved - the herelnalter specified funds and In - Keller{ .laver the persona, rtr-. or corpora- (� Ilona ot. .for [he amounts at OPpoalte j McColl) Agai their respective names ae apecMad In y-- 4--} H land -✓ Ath• to lowln detailed statement: meifca. Cone Co., 112100 .. h .MAYOR i jWunderli h Henry Bodmnn a 220.00 ro<� a taro 117612 Irvin.. __ p Mr. President, Power 1922 American Gone Company, - 124.06 Park -Expense. 2 Henry Bodmann, 30.00 Park- Expense. i 2 BurnsLumberCompany, - 175.43 Schools -Expense 130.34 u _ • 5.40 . 1 Health-P.Baths-Rxp. 39.69 175.43 �! 5 Browns, Photo Craft Company;, - 17.50 f Park -Expense. 6 Gaily Hardware Compsny, 21.00 ' -� -Fire-Expense. 7 Elite Laundry Company, - 489.73 II I t Park -Expense. _ � I Thos. ole �, y, 35.00 School-C&B. i' 2 A. P. Herschler, 192.69 li Park -Expense, 3 Home Broom Company, 47.04 �r I � --kire-Expense. - 31 Those Horan Carbonat3r & Gas Company, 57.44 - Park -Expense.. 32 Illinois Steel Warehouse, 152.83, 4 Health-P.Baths-Expense. 33 Frank King', - .17.86 �. Park -Expense. 34 Manhattan 011 Company, 50.41 eFire-Expense 17.15 Health-P.Baths-Exp. - SchoolesExp. 6.15 _ Park -Exp., 8.06 • - rave Mounds Blvd. 18:90• Paiar A. 6.11 • j(ji _ _ 504 , 613 I Page #2. - 19235 Mitsch & Reck Compft. I 390.61 Fire -Expense 28.00 a 68.85 •' ° 53.21 o 85.35 95.20 _ Y Y 56.00 Mun. Gar. Revolving. 3.00 1.00 390.61 - I M 36- -A. F. Morton, -Supt., 7.17 . Auditoriumel . 5.50 " _Expense 67 7.17 37 ols -Dean &,Gre Hic , BBs 18.05 _ Fire -Expense. 38 #. W. Motor Supply Company, 1.69035 - Fire -Expense. - 39 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 972.68 School-C&B 65.57 n ■ - _ 3.46. ParkrExvense r 901.85 1.80" - 972.68 40 Raymer Hardware Company, 91.22` Police -Expense 2.23 P.Bidg.-Expense .95 Fire -Expense 56.19 a_ " -C&B 5.80 Parlp-Expense 15.24 Playground-Trp. 9.31 1`.50 91.22 . 41 St.Paul Milk Company, 590.15 Park-isxpe ns e. - 42 St Paul Rubber Company, 6.17 s, Library -Expense. - 43 St.Paul Sanitation Company, 36.00 - Park-Tsx, ease. 44 Seabury & Company, 3.17 Park -Expense. 45 Schuneman & Evan, 80.70 Fire -Expense. I _ 46 Stone-Ordean-Wells Company, 23.83 Park-Rxpense. 47 Twin city Varnish Company, 23.51 Schools -Expense. 48 A. H. Vander Bie, 1,836.65 _ Park -Expense. 49 Vaughan Seed Store, 4.41 Park -Expense. - 50_ f� a 1 Pouition - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIiaiINARY ORDER. The underligned hereby' proposes the making of the following/publicimprmens: by the City of St.Paul, viz.:.. ..C.o_sxr.:aaia .a..s.e:. r....an._:a!x,li:.ve�:ri.�._.i:i.-.a.ac.ard- , li:�... yc t. �...:.e�.:..z....ai..b�e.....• m ...... - Haled thn ala of sau�.... . .... ...-u......... _............... ._s L7 C. 1,.No. IBY66— al for the Councilman. / Whereas, A written propos making of the following lmpr inter 4 vla: Construct -n "ewer ort: Wlnt"r 84 Cr�lt4�. ar the lenetdllpeaot Capitfeet al _ Itouleva J havingc U r- p. it 1'eul lh Council - f the CIt). •- Herefore Ue It - d Tmt'the Commleatoner of I WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making'ul-t rsh" rvement, via.: Co s._ uc.....�:orrec_ o, or S sol_. 1p 3e r,:.i, to.._L joint.... i .. a1 Q';'�1 ............ Q . v...aFi...Qllw't'..V.....i.M�.!..._�....St�._..� 4.Y _...................._.......-... .............. ._............ _ ................ ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeteJ 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabdlty a making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estlmat ost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,, profile or sketch of said improvement. &. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement.... 5. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of 'Finance.- Adopted by the council.......: l Yens: Nays: CouncilmanTarnsworth AUG 28 191 191.C...... Goss v Approved ...... Hyland _ 1-r McColl fj I I� t' k Wunderlich v ...-_ A----.................. M��r� Mayor Irvin ��/ ') LrL,, Council File No. .... -• ' i By .Ai rte: CITY. OF ST. PAUL.' Resolution ' Ratifying Assessment: In lthe mater of the assessment of benefit s, coats and 8xpensoe for' the constructicn of a sewer on Palace St. from a. point 3 0feet east-of ._ the center line of Hamline Av•'to riggs street and on Griggs St. from Palace St. to Juliet St., n�i[rv[xasasssaeexrsr . C F. No to 5 a In 4 l tile mnttrr ( the allncaem nt ,n •111a stn ,mA a>sDenera (ar the 1 tract lon n[ D newer on Palace t� [roma. point 330 [ret under Preliminary Order 11162.......... .._,:Intermediary Order ...: 13639... _ . Final Order. 14020.-.......,_..... -- .II i approved ... ___Deoembel•_14(_... .....191.6.__... 1 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council. and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That,the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable I .in equal installments as to each'and.every parcel of land described therein. Alar �+ Ic Adopted by the Council _ 191 c ! City Clerk. AUG Ti Approved .., ._ _._ 19 L U�4ayor. l�oclu Iz. Ii. 13 cwSLISHED Council File N"o..'.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying .Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefite, cos`.s and expenses for son. avenue from 1'amline avenue to Edi^cumbe Road, the grading of Jeffer S. F. So. 18480 lnbeneatbacoLu �andhexpen�ee tori lhnl -ggrndlnB of JeRenon Ave. from Hnnt- llne-Avm, to F.dgecumbe lload. under OrdIn ter�1880J. Final OOrdern12917; lnp prov 14ept =1:-1016. 94F9...-.;.....-• Interltiemtil3 Order _12304 __ Final Order-- under Preliminary Order approved ....,. Sep— 21, .. ....... 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said, assess- ment having been further considered by the Council• and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. and the same is hereby ordered to be, submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is herebydetermined to be payable in .- �S1-..- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein.' MUG 2-7 1c' j 191. Adopted by the Council, - - .....,.. �6 Gy2t G City Cleric. J AUG F, Approved _ _ 191 ___ ` Mayor. J Council File No.. ..... By CITY OF ST. PAUL., Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expen—r- for grading and paving with concrete, the Alley in Block 4., ilaldernant.s• Addition, — In the -mn"if",—.r the nn eeement ot or` b.—M.'- . be.. o to .and: CxOeaace r I Rredlnk end paving Ilh. conerala. I_ the Alley In Block �• tlald mnn'nrAer - under Preliminary Order, 12113+8-__...-..1...,- Intermediary Order ..13657.__.__..._ .Final Order.. '.1.4057_ _.._.... approved . Dec.. 18, 191. 6... Apublic hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and thI same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County 'of Ramsey for confirmation. 8E 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in (.17,_...equal installments as to each l and every parcel of land dehcribed therein. Adopted by the Council. 19) + �tt 2L Zra ✓. _ _ City Clerk. AUG —4 Approved (J-; t _...'.__......_...__...._ Mayor. r. 7urm It. V. 13 .�.. , Council File No.. By— CITY OF ST. PAUL. � Resolution Ratifying Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of. benefits, costs and eiS enoes for grading of.Tallula Place from' Clayla.nd avenue to Fairview avenue, C... F. No. 14284— - In Ihe' matter o[ tho` neaeaam.nt _ heneatn.. costs and 'espeneea for arading ,of-'l1annla Place from Clny-tI 'land Aveew Ave., . to Falrvl.and. Prenminarv, CIM-r.10372. Int-rnei', I under 'Preliminary Order 19373,.., Intermediary Order .._137 Q.............. Final Order. 14252.._.:._..... approved .....Janv&Ty 2nd, . _ _ ._ _..191.._7..:.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement. ;and said assess I ment having been further considered by the Council.. and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it the;efore t RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same in hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be,, and it is hereby determined to be payable in _. :_..__ .:equal installtpents as ,to each and every parcel of land des4ribed therein. Adopted by the'Council _ MU� 7 h j _ 191 A-[ >_ c, e,lCity Clerk. , �t I i Approved _, _ A.UG2°i7 . _ ._.. 191...... _... .__.. Mayor. - -- — ... _ .- .Council File BY . . a ,CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the, assessment of benefits,coets a.nd_'expenses for the grading of Palace street from Griggs street to Edgecu^be Road, F. No. 16:63- 7n tho matt -of the , C 1 r. fir^ �r+: coat. nil -per for the i� �RRl�ta �rF IRCen rnl p tlt0 11 (71IRR� II A 'Pvointifeu Y112iw r to n9 r _ under Preliminary Order _ 10.49.9 ...... ... , Intermediary Order.. 11222 Final Order. approved .!� VgUs.t .. 1, .._.:....191.._6.... y " A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having, been further considered by the Council.z and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inI all respects ratified, and the same thereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said. assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. _ _._...: equal installments 'as to each and every parcel of, land described therein. I 6UU' 2/ gt1 Adopted by the Council 191._ c,( City Clerk. Approved . __....191...... _.......... _ I..:.... ... _........... .....�:. __..._. Mayor. form [s, n. I6 PUBLISHED 4 j Cogncil File No... By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In•the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the trading of palace st,ree.t from Fairview avenue to Underucod avenue, Juliet street from Fairviev, avenue to Underwood avenue, Jefferson avenue from Fairviewavenue to Underwood avenue, and Fredericka avenue f F No 18861 from St. Clair street to James street, I laLenents atpat no ,xp ansa for lhn . Nraeln, of 1 toe alre t from Falr- 1 o nu lo -t, nderwo d venue. r.;ltet atrret from Fnlry le-d at n•• under Preliminary Order 9.411.. Intermediary Order __117M....... ... .. , Final Order....'..1.2448...:...... approved .: __ .. Sept. 1, _ _ _.......191. 8..... ' I A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for .the above improvement, and said assess• I . ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment. be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEIT RTHER RESOLVED That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ' I in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land de$cribed therein. Adopted by the Council. . _ _ _ _ 191 ....... City Cleric. `Approved .::..... .: _. _...._191......_. f Cljh QF ST. PAUL _. -___ •� ----- -- - �- I t� 1 COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GEtSERA�� FORM w� 5.� { - SUblect. ... COUFILNCIL ) . .. y. .w ..... -..........:�r............................................ 1` Date Presented :...-_. _ ._.:... _......... Resol d, That 'lotion ?i.tura Th a.�e _ic nbe 13, rr ich A-ril nu•'r in h aan.2 Of Jaz Lir 'ihill, 371-')73 Selby Avenue, san cy ib yr3nb� t as 't Jacu :u zisu:., 5i1-393 S_i;u7 Aveniz I C. F. No. 1818b—[ly FlenrY: EldColl— solveA That the 3/orlon 1•Icturn I Theatra IteILlcenae Xo. 7J whfeh exDlree !1 1 Ap rll 11. 1818 now Ih then Nlhlll.- 881.48E eelby Avenue�De Jnnd 1 the eme hereby Ir I• tranar.rr.- to ' Jacob.Mogelson,D81.494 Selby Ave, Adopted by the Cauncll Ang. E7, 1817. �' APDroved Ab& rgept 1-1817) f{oone Io,.. (1•J Nays - AUG 27 IM t� Farnawort6 ' Ad-Ilt it by t6, CO1-111- t 191 .. - - - - � !- Go a - In favor " Ily6n11!'r _- % :.. - App... ! ✓ 101 _. .- � ..richer= Ci •.. -. -. - , / -_- _- %IrCall � ARainat W1MAYOR I. .. MAYOR _.. \Ir. Preaid.•nt, IrJin� .. t.J.- � I ,,.. __FORM C -A -D 017-24_ -------------- COUNCIL-FILE HO...... ___. t CITY OF ST. \PAUL Resolution .of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of belie_`ita, ocats ard. expenses fur curbing Ashland avenue bet a-: n prior, avenue and Ho.bell avenue and netween -Dewey avenue and Fairview avenue; G F. \n t8 66. t•t th nxeennm i. t. _ In the M -1- h, thlA�•e 1 et e . uW1 1`1-`j` 11 t,j c 1 -- ndc,�•t .. M 1r 70017 pPro cd. Ilmtn r) - 19. 1916. _ 1 :'l'he a ecseme• 7 66)7 Intermediary Order 9632 under Preliminary Order 10043 approved Apr. 19, 1916 Final Order ._ L' benefits., coats., end expenses for and in connection with The assessment of - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 28 -til.-.... _ day of September 191.7.- . at the hour: of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting. as required by the Charter,- stating in said notice the time and place of hearing. the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the'Council 27 1 f 191 _ City Clerk. 1-7 191 . _ I Councilman Farnsworth .. PO - Hyland �. KlIler McColl - ----- Wunderlich Mayor Irvin _., ...Form -B. B. If .-ITYOF ST. P L OFFICE OF THE-,-U. MfaSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT, OF COMPLETION : OF . ASSESSMENT � for *e In the matter of the assessment of tienefiia, Costs ani'expenses curbing Ashland avenue between Prior avenue and Horsell avenue and between Dewey avenue and Fairview aysnue, under Preliminary Order ....:........f3(i02 Intermediary Order _, ..........9632 ...... 10043..._ approved.. Apr, 19, 191 Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: rts to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi The Commissioner of Finance herebyrepo • I necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve, tures . -ment, viz: Cost of construction - - $_ 467...04_ r . - _ _ Cost of publishing notice $_ Cost of postal cards - - $ 1..05 ......... z Inspection fees $- 9..34 $ _..5,25 Amount of court costs for confirmation -i{otal expenditures. - $ 1' 485.09 ..__ , Said Commissioner further reports that' he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- $ - 4H5.09 -... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to-wit: the sum of benefited by the said improvement,' and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idemtified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, in the said assessment as completed { considered proper. by him, and which is herswith zubmiti a. to17 the Council for such action therton as ney be Commissioner of Finance. PUMASHID - - COUNCIL FILE gyt ,-:... — -- CITY OF ST: PAU11- py Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. --,q ., in the matter'of the assessment of benefits, coaft "s and expenses for curbing Cromwell avenue between lanvel street and Bayless avenue, 1o..I8r87— , - inAaneata.�coRs and�exPr a for m'. let airaot Anda BaYlo�a as Von— f ` der I'r01.1n.* or Flnal 8 Int. lordM 1 d1arY. :Order ..511. 1 - approval tiov. 17. 1815. TP sancaament ,ot bonen• 8 7587 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 641 i Final Order 7964 approved .,;. 191.5..:... The assessment of _. bepefits, oo_ete and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered name and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore.be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 28tL1 - day of September -- 191.,7.-. at the hour of. 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting• as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing. the naNlre of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council hl)ii_._ "7 1' 191 -t-, < <..�. -... City Clerk. Approved . ..... 191 _ .. _. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth cess Hyland ' •• Ketiler � I McColl-- Wunderlich -- Irvin Form B. B. 14 - - -- C(TY OF ST PAUL. r OMCE OF THE COMMISSIONF#OP FINANCE ..REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _._.._._................ 191:._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tkgt curbing.Crown ll avenue between Manvel street and Bayless avenue, i under Preliminary Order _6�i18._ ..•...-- Intermediary Order ....... 75-8-7. .......... :.... ..... . Final Order.. l:?6.4,_. _... _._ approved... NOV.... _17, 1915:__.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily •incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- .. menta viz: - 1 Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - $ . 3..85... Cost of postal cards $ 1'65 $ O Inspection fees b Amount of court costs for confirmation $ Unfoi'seen31.50 Total expenditures $ 1095.44 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as -above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ — 1095 ,_44 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified, signature of the said Commissioner. and.mads -ps.- b-r__f. t th�.xpid assessment as compl by theeted by him, and which is herewith submitted, to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. r (� ti r Ic trr r: tli=jetlul I..r ro.r:nir rncst•Ic 111.11 1 Sept. 18th lh� ,f urbi rommell Ave. a St...yle ev ._ I I 11 1 II f(� I l r t .1A.. IL,• .1L,.� -. - I: 1 1 ql ( ' 0 y `i� 1111 f II 11• L.t- l 111 1 nl I rill .1'11 "'d. - . •l.. (11 f... 11 I, � ,If 1. ......... I.t 1� 1 fId .. 1 u.• IinII • C..11 11. I I •r frtUp f.nurl n i 1 1 l 1 I R.ul. I7.I I.1 .�y I l.. . FAIiNS\P(tlilll ( 1 In 1•+mn1•r n( Financ,• COUNCIL FILE NO CITY OF ST. PAUL , 1° Resolution of Council' Approving' Assessment: In the matter of thy,assessmenl of benafite, 6ost8:and exile . for furnisbinL and installing an"ernalrental lighting systeih consisting of lamp-posts,Ilarrps, globe.s� 'Riree,'app?iances, underground conduits and, cr other ,equipment for oc'rveying electric current thereto, on Rice S In t th arts: ut the assessment ben fits r4nla and expenses tar tur- f rot:; University Ave, to Ys-rylard street, nlshlnR and lue[u111n6 an ornamental IlRhtln6 eyetem conelntln�eet--.nDPil• poste. - lamps: gin d , -M' - anren.. un ergrounA condultn and other equipment In cunv >Ing eters^-: - - It,,r.r,­tthereto nq Rl 9t 14197 Intermediary Order V. t under Preliminary Order _ I ._.. Final Order 1.3 ^4 9 approved Apr. 5, Thi assessment of benefit e, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the. Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment he and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Z th --.day of ^,eote�her 191 7- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court N I. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of S said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular - 1 owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted.by the Council Luc 27-19-11 191 �!c' i t-- G c. City Clerk. Approved .... ........... 191_.. `.... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss „ Hyland ` . a.t.ui.t.,....., Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Worm B. U. 16 ------------ CITY OF ST: UI )+ -- 1 - `OFFICE. OF ST* R-OF-FINANCE__-- REPORT OF COMPLETION OF I ASSESSMENT d. In the matter of the assessment of oenef its, ,co8te and expen5e8 for bloc Tarnishing and installing an.ornamental lighting system consisting of` _ lamp-posts,-lamps, globes, wires, appliances, underground ecnduits and other equi.ment for conveying electric current thereto, on Rice St. from University Ave. to waryland street, under Preliminary Order _14197 .- Intermediary Order .approved_. jp 5 191._?. Final Order . ... 1574.9_. - prey r To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarilyincurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, vii: Cost of construction - $ 18,7DC.On-- Cost of publishing ,notice $ Coat of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - $ 394...00 Amount of court costs for confirmation ' - $ __ ___45.60 . Total expenditures $ 20,170.00_. L� Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $- _ 2D, 170- 00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance. with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assesament.has been completed, and that hereto attached. Iden- __,_____ tified by_the signature of the said,Commissioner and made a part hereof. is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon asImay be considered proper. corm u. u. r. - Commissioner of Finance_ Sept . 18th a'n7. ra i t furniolgng and instgllin an or e al li in at e on Rice St. f�om Un vera. Y o. rY i, I t. r1id •�11\Ild I I it 1 I �> IQ II ��JJ//,,��II I.l rl (n it I. ..L.1( l t. I.:I,•1 ItL;r � \d.li1�'7�Ir \ort. ( \.: ,�mSnt _ •mak c _. _ . I I1JM;,I 'll I Il.m I- t. d 1, lrl. L ^(Ul oun I •:I I q llnll. 11 ,611 1. r 0 I I . I 1 11 1 A:\. \J...d Y l a IIIIIII.1+1: 5.:\. r�:\IIN,\vulrrll. rust /.tiro NOTICE 111/'111. 111"I'l11: 111\i \I1" 111\I:II 11r' 1.1\\\1'1: i 'Il M "': Sept. 18th 191; "''' itl nr•It In fur�nishing and Installing az ornanenssa y� 6hti ig �yysttfp/ etc., -On Rice St. .tram Univerait; to N,aryZ.nZi \1 1 IL II I I I tI I I I rl7 I i t.. II I r 1 iUli II d. I i I III I II I I I I .n,t t .,, r ..II, u1r do r•. t. n•p.,ILJ ,, b.r.lhr rlaLm,�,:( L.n IP .rlc 111 r,.'u $ II I I dl I 'llI h.II ..6.1 i I11 \ .it1! rll r(dly Gnat 11, I I I it II II It -I Lr r• r 'Ih 1-1 1 I I d t lu i 1, V \I fo.f ! d.11 f C4�4 1. � IiI � �, - N. A. F \It\SWoltlll. (.ono I ion.•r ul Fin una• S:BLJOR McBEATH . . , ATTO[N [Y AT L.. .. 9TII.LWA-MR. M:NN. .. lesl'7. t7ost:al :'totifinition, d7ted tlio 18+Y1 t}:e i.o^I-; tlpione Of 1C', ... _.Ot 5, ' 1�7c i { c i:P,ti o. -4- (u,. ..ots, .:4 1 -,rete. opt e '.n.i .st :i e r.'. :0 i i> ;eso _ :t is it" e ,t -Z' 'il'G is ^_�: 1': ,.R, 1 rael;, ...._.: er E+1BF.8 ::41- Wasteilil t I COUNCIL FILE NO - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cC9 and expenses for c;hangin9 the grade of Vandalia street froze the north. line of St. Anthony avenue to the southerly approach tc the bridge over the C'ricago, ` Jwaukee and Et. Paul Rail'Way to St. Anthony avenue, also Iia strebt between the points aforesaid, grade said Vanda Ir n v�,aszss- - .. � + heneflte altcoatnf t nd 0. sprneen t.. h0.nKInKnr to the Kr de of. Vpnd0.11 St.l ' f om the Orth 11.e f -ht. A, n>• I A 11779 .., . ... under Preliminary Order Intermediaty Order ' Final Order .. 124499 approved _ Sept. 1,. 1915_..._ benefit.a, costs and expenses for and in conneetion'with The assessment of .. -"-°- the shove improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and foundthe said assessment satisfactory; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RFSOL� ED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the t?ath ... _day of Sept.embS 191 7_.. , at the hour of I Q o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ? House and ,City Hall Building. in the City of St. Pauli that the Commissioner .of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature I of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular I owner to whom thanotice is directed. _ Adopted by the Council 11IG `•dry 1- 7 191 City Clerk. , Approved gllr .� i�._).: -......__.191 Mayor. r Councilman Farnsvd/orth G�sd Hyland Koller -� - — - - - - ------- ------- --- - • - -- - McColl Wunderlich - - Mayor .Irvin Fortn D. D. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COA4hSMMONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLE `ION - OF ASSk.SSMENT _._....._..... 191 or, tbx In the :natter of the assess of" benefits, costa and expenses f changing tho gra-4e of.Vandalia street from the north line of Bt. Anthony avenue -to the southerly approach to the bridge over the Chicago, fLil�askee and 8t. Ps it Rail,,vav to. St. Anthony avenue, also :;rade said Vandalia streeti between the pointe aforesaid, 1 _ under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ....:..18445.. approved... Sept. 1, 191 .6.... Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby relorts to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurrJd and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ . 410­00­ $ 10...00._ Cost of publishing notice - I Cost of postal cards - - - $ Inspection fees - - �. 45 Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $ 418:.95 ..._._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total 'amount as above assetu on each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of E: _ 418 .5 p benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with ' the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed _ - _..--- by him. and which is herewith submitted is :he-lvouncil for *!!ch action thereon as may be considered proper. _— Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO _::..._._ B ► � F �tt�ti y CITY OF ST. PAUL ..1 •� ! 1 7 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In; the matter of the assessment of benerits, costs and expenses for . grading Germania atreat from East Seventh street to Xer:,in street, and 7errrin ,street frcmc Hazelwood avenue to Germania street, .lnh erfltn, tto to� rtnA 111!r" a ne ror! aad SF {o. Krrxnlnt Rt fro". 4Kerwin - cc nom Hn:elwooA A earn �ermn ren - .yt., media Prelim ln, - - Int�rmndlnry- ltAla, mroll" - Arr .ra 0fi - - under Preliminary Order _ '804 Intermediary Order 123C3 1.813 e t 21, I91 Final Order approved , i The assessment of _ bet.efits, costs and expenees for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and `found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. " RESOLVED-FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 28.th._ _. day of Sapts6ber - 191.7__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court i House and City Hall Building. in, the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature a of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner, to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council AUG ?? i 7 191 t ✓' r (:2_�. �'_4j. City Clerk. Approved....._...: .191...._. L; I(y _........ :.... .._....... Mayor. Councilman Farn4rth Hyland " Keller McColl - -- - Wundgrlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 CITY OF S11rWUL. / % /t OFFICE OF. THE COMMI ►ONER OF FINANCE 1J t REPORT Off' COMPLETION -OF 11SSESWE,NT 4. 191 In the matter of -the assessment of benefits, costs" and`.pXperise0 For7Ue grading Germania "street from East Seventh street to yer•ein 'st%eet and ;erwin street from razejwood avenue to Germania etre-t,' under Preliminary Order .. .9..86.'k.__. _ Intermediary Ordea .._. 12303_,. 0 Final Order 12813approved _. `w. 21, i91..6... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the Following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for' and in connection with the making of the above impro ve- ment, viz: Coat' of construction - - - - $ _ 4029.,66 Coat of publishing notice $- Coat of postal cards $ ..99 .._: Inspection fees $ B1.99 Amount of court costs for confirmation $-= ---_...4.95 Total expenditures $, 41899..90 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above_ascere tained, to -wit: the sum of $ _ 4189.90.. ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the.Council •for such action thereon as may be considered proper. a2 t o.m'tt. It. 17 Commissioner of Fin ce. COUNCIL FILE NO ......... .... .... -.. _ — -- -- --... CITY OF sT,'P,AUL ( U 7 Resolution of Council. Approving Assessment. for _ In the matter of the assessment of benefit B, c00ts and expelABe_s Hatch str��t and Como &Venae and Fatcn Ersding Grotto -treat betseer. street betvre'n ; a::eaoh ao (I F. No' 18t i- tm-GrOttc street, o the. tter of [hs sussem�n+ ' beneat-, cost- .- ..__._._._... nanbd grndlnK Grotto :St..et ad andawraeenzntp°aeh nHaSr:L _._-_.____. _Ht nd -ch hf6otr- .._.. _ - __.-._. ---------- Ord,lirY Order )3161, Flnnt Order fR - I -t orr benecis costs. t hs)Cnr under Preliminary Order 1.1497 Inte..+,<•,.n,y . ' IT 13453 Final Order 13E15 _ approved idGV,, 99, 1916_. % The assessment of benefits, c.osts and. expense for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the saidassessmenLbe and the sante is�hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 48-th -. day of fi�ptemner _ 1917 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of $t. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance gi7ye notice of said meeting, as required by the Charier, stating in Jaid notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the gotice is directed. 17 0 Adopted by the Council wJC l T I91 J `fI 1!. �.` City Clerk. 1'G 2 ti I Approved ........ .......... ..... _ ....... . 191.... y LJf4/J ' _...__. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth on Hyland PU1lLL�au.0 / / Keller I McColl Wunderlich—_---- Mayor l0ln Form B. B. 16 .. CITY. of ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE t-6mMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ,v C- -o VIPL ON OF_:�SSE. S ViENT - 191....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits; costs and expenses .for tkx gra3ing Grotto street betseen Hatch street and Wotno avenue and ?latch' street between dame eon street and 0rott_o street, under Preliminary Order ..10.462 --- ....... Intermediary Order Nov.0 191 6.__ 13815_ approved. T. . V, Final Qrder � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of theexpendi• tures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- I ment, viz: Cost of construction _ _ _ $ sefs.5s Cost of publishing notice ;Cost of postal cards - - $ S 19.77 Inspection fees - - - - - Amount of court coats for confirmation - $ 2_70 Total expenditures - - - - s1012.83 ' Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster twined,�o-wit: the sum of $--.1012.83 .. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. by himl and which is herewith submitted to Commissioner of Finance. '}•orm lt. It. 17 'COUNCIL FILE NO. By -n �-•--ter CITY`OF ST. PAUL /a 7-/ - - -Resolution- of _ �-council -approving Assessment. - W the matter of the assessment 'of benefits,. coats and expenses for . grading 1, -ton street from Lawson street to the iicrth line of Alabama t F. No. IS-272— Addition 9: Addition NG. I1 In the matter '( tae assesement of + heneate: costa and expeneee_ for KrudluK \orlon St.(rom Wwaon St. ' to the' north line' of 'Ambama Atha. tlun No 1. under Preliminary order i " x80.1. IntermedlnrY order 11E:l, Flnnt 9eea, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 11x44 -. i Final Order 11895 approved, Aug. 1, 1916..._ A The assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council. and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the s:nne is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 28th .,_._ day of September 191 7 : , at the hourlof 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of i said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the amount' assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to wl�om the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council WC 77 �' 191 1 City Clerk. Approved ^':JC .� :........ 191 U ...L. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Gass Hyland Kiner t uuL1SIiED-r_ McColl Wunderlich Mayor .Irvin Form 'B. B. 16- - UT CITY OF ST. PA. OFFICE OF..THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -- .. REPORT-- OF COMPLETION OF- ASSESSMENT I 191,.._._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs an:1 expenses for tha grading Norton street from Lawson street to the North line of Alabama Addition No. 1, 1 under Preliminary Order . _ _...... .. ........ Intermediary Order _... 7123.4... Final Order A l 1995_ _,. approved . _ Aug. 1, 191.6.... . To the Council, of, the City of St. Paul:" TheiCommissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred ,for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: i Cost of construction $ 99B_.64 Cost of publishing notice $ 1.96 Cost of postal cards $ .89 Inspection fees . - - - - - - - $ 19.77 Amount of court costs for confirmation . _ - $ 4..•20 - - D Total expenditures _ . - $ 1015.41 - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above lacer tained, to-wit: the sum'of $ _. 1015.-41_. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that, hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed' by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. I ' F.— it. it. IT '.Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE, NO..- By O .. Resolution' of 'Council Approving, Assessmen�. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ccst8 and excenses for curbing Aurora avenue bet'Feon Grotto_stre3t and' Avon street, the matter. or the assessment of baneate. ­jt.r-Pal ekpensee rtr, c t bl - to venue betty n ttratt t. nd Av1-1, Intermediary under Pre - Order 1 Order 11 Or12796..11 t� 1 r 1YY96 Ftnal Order' 34795 n PI—A 19e4t.21• 1916 ' Preliminary 10991 Intermediary Order 1`'295 under f reliminary Order Final Order 12795 approved Sept' 21, The assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the. Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all :expects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That n public hearing he had on said assessment oo the :8th day of $epts{r,{ sr-- 191 7 , at the hour of '10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance.give notice of said meeting, as, requiredby the Cljarter• staling in said notice the time and plac I of hewing.• the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against, the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council rq, 191 :� ✓ `a 1 ,, er' City Clerk. Yr Approved . _._..... ..... 1 .......... ...... _..... __ .. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss .. Hyland . Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form a. Il. IC ------- ------ -- - -% -- - --- CITY OF SVO� - — - --, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF .ASSESSMENT —1 n 191. • for tl�c In the matter of the assessment of benefits, C0t3t8 ani expenses C. bing Aurora avenue between Grotto street, and Avon street, under Preliminary12x95; Order 1Q�91 _.. Intermediary Order 2 795 Sept. 21, 1916_.. Final Order 1 _- .approved.. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as. a statement of the expendi- ecessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve' tures n ment, viz: Cost of construction $... 41e..00 Cost of publishing notice - - $ 1.82 � Cost of postal cards Inspection fees $ 8.36 .. Amount of court Costs for confirmation $ 3.90 _ $' Total exp432.86. enditures - - I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster tained, to -wit: the sum of $.. 432.86 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefi"ted by the said impravlement. and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in, accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tificd by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed -- — - — --- by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Y L Commissioner of Finance. Form n.�n. 17 1 - IN 77 COIiNCIL FJLE NO .•. By....G_.: INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of..gr ..�'.ink:-E,elvi3eze,,�tf-_bettise-;n-.routh-,-Pgbert- Winslow Ave , .............. ..... ............... ........................ . ..:... ..... ........ .:_.... _.. .:.... __. .......... :_..............::............- ...................... ................... ................ under Preliminary Order.17463 upproved .. J'u. y_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: -1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That she nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s GT3de �e,ly,ideTe:..4t,. j.between.mouth..Kotex.t..wt.a_.aziSl_.1S .Il..lOW Ave.. ........................................ C:1t:7t-Hy S. A. Farosworth— & _ - - the !fatter of cradina Belvidere SL.. .. .... between South "Robert St. end vVln............................................_.._.--.... tow Ave.. under Pr rl lminar) o er •7460., approvi-d: Julr31817. - - _. -, .Quponot tba ' abed tb� report of tbaCom .. Ftaaaw uDoa the show ... ,; rnd; ..... _............_ areby. re... . .Id- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is �.. 5.382...5$..... . Resolved Further. That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the-._.. 3rd ..,---..:--.......day of ........ .......Qc-t. bar...:.... _.:..., 191...7..,. nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the - Court House and. City .Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said. meeting to the persons and in the inanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing. the nature of the imps»vement. and.the totalcost thereof ns. estimated - Adopted by the Council ........ ... f/ SII Approved Mayor. Councilman Fdrusworth. Councilman unV�ss/ Councilman ljJ(znj _ Councilman Couneilman of oll I'tiuncilmue,rlich Mayor I an u Form R. S. A 1-6 it _ - - ----- -------------------- COUNCIL --------------COUNCIL FILE NO......_ ........ ,r sy...! INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..c9nd..enning...ard_taking an eaeeaentin the lard recea3ary .for.._ al.opese:..fo.r..outoand fille.in_..grail:nt..Belyidgre._.at:.._ from 5-nth Fctert- St. to Winslow Ave., according to the plan. hereto _........ ._ . _....... _.........._ ............................. I.......................... attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion's indicating - .................................. the,cuts and the shaded portions the fills -j C. F. No. I8275-ny. S. A. Farnsworth _ - - - Yn the Staffer of condemning and til....... . Ing an. easement In the land net -- ._. - _............... .. enrr !or Preliminary- _ tinder Prclimery Order _..._17474aloDea. for cuts and fill. ., grading neh•Idere Sc, from • july:.9, 1917 Rob-1, I. to tt•Inslor - - The Council of the City of SC. Paul ha• 11 t, ,, plan mer• part hereol.:port of the Commissioner of Finance upon'the ahove improvement, and having considered said rt pV tit, hereby resolves: J. .That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is heiebv ordered to be proceeded with. i That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._a 0Ad10MIA 3r4 t ke i. an eaeement ixi the lard recessary._for.alopes,.,,for cut:s;,•and fills..._.,,-._ in, 1rading Belvidere St. from South F.obert 3._. t.to-inalow. Ave , according tc the plan rereto'att.aehed-and made. a para hereofz the hatched p rtions indicatingthe...cuts and t;g_ahaded_porti�n's the .......... fills/ With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. Resolved F rtber, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile :3T4 .......day of ...-...Qcta e2 ......... :... 191 7_ : at the hour, of 10 o'clock A. K. in the Council Chfimaber of the (ourt House and City hall Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the-pemons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ilig, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ae estimated Adopted by the ("oil "UG 27 1�•7 :.. 191 i.Approved 191. .. ... .. City Clerk. DL-��� Councilman Farn/aworth Mayor. Councilman 4Ald, Councilman Hyla Councilman Kewr Councilman 11ek4t11 Council um�rlich .Mayor Ir 1?orm B. S. A. S-tt -------- --- OPUNCIL FILE NO.— ... _. ...._..... y._S.. .t �... ::C �. �: ............ �l .�.(._.:.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER in rhe Matter of.. ?e.Rstzlet.xu.Ctl.n,, relayln.g..3nd re�airin -:tie ep,ent tile s.ideir.alk .Cn tL.e.-the.side pf,,University Av from. Rice 2t tnence t ... east,. 140_ feet,.._ to a,xidth of 12 feet and ,thence east 40 feet to a Width 0* six feet, t IP. � is vs—ni 8 a ra nxw rth - -- I - In th �t ttre of rt on troctl K rele9- . ... I tK and repalrinK the: f meht the ......- ntd walk on th north eld f Unf- .. -... ..... ...... rrrxlti .tve. from wifdth of. 12 feet ...... .... eaxt "o feet. to n and thence east io .feet to n' wldtn.. fix- t t under Prel'rq" a under Preliminary Order_ 17?Q6 .. ......approved j The Council of the City of St..Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the — above, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby; resolves: — 1, that the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - baeby ordered to be proceeded with. P .., •' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is R Co^etrugt-,•....... relay snd•repair the. cen nt tile sidewalk on thenorth Bide of _ _ ..... ........ .... ............................... univereit.y Ave. from "?ic.e _St.•• thence •east 140 feet.,..•.t•p.__a__?,ictt .- fe.e.t.,and• theme east 40. feet EL Width•.of•-Qix f•egtr,.... ..... ................... ..:..... ............ .............._ _.... frith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0 0.6._p.er. sq.ft. Resolved Further, Theta public hearing We had on notaid one rovemeut oil the an&-. _ .........day of . ....,Oct.obe.r . -. i lock A. \L, in the. Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cominimioner of Finance give notice -o[ said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided, by the: Charter, stating. the time and place of-hear- iiig, the nature of the impltiivement• and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Conueil 11 ?.!7 IE'1 141 — Approved 1..� ?�i I " •' cc z �, �.1 � n•r t Ih Clerk. Iq1 �fayoi . Councilman FaV.w.rth' Couneilluan i i�fy L'ouneiImail Hvifial YUliLioilL•ll Councilman Kt'Ife% U lbuni•ilmun JltlC�o/ll • II t_buncilwan 'R'uffderlich Mayor l 1n F;orui B. S. A. 8-6 — ---- --------- ----------- COUNCH, P11-11? NO ....... . .. ............... . ...... .... ............................ f r BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER, In the Matter of. _.1Aqq4@.t 9tIPFL,, cement .. ............................ c f, six fact, th, ............. ... I ....................................... ............................... _tjle..,t.o width e cement tile eidcwalk on the north side cf Rondo St. beginning 40 fe.-t east Of FiBk St., thence .................... .... I ........ agt AQ feet., In ecce... ............. ......... ..... ............... Ing Ih or .1. feel [he cement -[lle Ik on the north .1d, of Rondo . St_ hogi—Ing 40 feet ellet Of Fis' ................... St. then- d- en.t,!o feet. under Pr 8, 0 �%.epproved A ........... . .... . under Preliminary Order... ....1.7879..... approved .. Aug. _4., .19.17 ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvem6nt is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomLaends is RP.C.Q.rkat =CJU ... ............ relay aizd.x.eRRix. cem..e..n.t ....t..il...e. to....a... .w.idt..h.....c...-f..six-.feet:.. the._ cement- tile. tile. aide.waak.ca'..the..nortb slde.Q.f...R.Qndq 31 Imal7r1n..AQ ................. east of Fish St, thence east 20 feet, ........... .......... .. ............................ .. ..... ..... ............ ....................................... ......................... . .... ..... ... .......... ................. ................. ........ .... .... ..... ........ . ......... .�­ ....... . ..... ...... With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ C.06 per sq., ft. Resolved Further, That it public hearing lie had on said improvenieut on tile.. .......... ...day of 141...7:, t the hour of 10 Welock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House -and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. 'That the Commissioner of Finance-gide notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by t : lie Charter; stat ' ing the time and place of hear- iug. the nature of the improvement, still the total cost therecd as estimated AUCI 27 IQ'7 Adopted by tilt- A'01111eil. IG 28 jr . A Approved 191 )tv Clerk.. Iftlyor. Couueilinaii Pat- worth Coulleilinall (IL-4 i Cuuiwilmaii Hylasilf Councilman Kter Couticilint"I lleft/, I Councilman underlich Mayor Ir i Form B. S. A. 9-6 COUNCIL FILE NO..- ........:................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER' r airin titith cement la in _...3 e In the Matter ot.__.r.eccnetruc_.,ng,._re.,_,--y.._._�•--.-•.,.--,•,-,-•;,p �,. tile to a widthof 9.5 feet the cement tile aidewalk on theeast side: _. _....___. _ ........__ _ ..... ._.........................:.... ............ .......................... _.......... cf. Minnesots. St. beginning at. Third St thence north, 9'0 . ft- et .......... -...._.... .: IC:F 4'V. 78276—B3' 3 A F rrel .....•. - ' ..... ...... 1 Lt the ?latter o[ recon tructlng, nB, rela7 - - - - Intl ehelref5(ring with a err ent til o a wl Ith of 8.6 feet the Ment til .. .. _ ..... .:. , .dewal6 on the en.t We of Minn .. _ _ - - -; b.ginning et ThlrA — j X7877 under Preliminary Order..." ... ... ....... ._ _ .,.. approved . Aug .._ 4, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement and having considered said report hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be•and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..ecorietructf, relay and. repair With cement..t,ile to,.a.w+dth.:o' ....9......5....f...e...e...t ...th.e cement ;tile ..sidewalk „on. ,the east .side of Minnesota.•St beginning .: at_.Third St;, thence north °0_ feet, ... ........ ........ ...... ...... .. ............ _..__ . i with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is t .0.06...par. sq. ft. Resolved Further, That apublic hearing he had ml said improvement on thea...zna......... .........day of 191 .� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Vourt house and City Hall Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing. the nature of the improvement• and the total cost thereof as estimated 2� t Z Adopted by Ill.- tbuucil........ ..._ _.... 191 '11r ......... ....... l Approved_. _ _ �. .191. m Clerk. 11ayor. Councilman Farnaicorttt' lunuiilma I litMI/ i t_'onncilmau IiylanU! ' O Councilman Keller <`t�ilk.iJF3F� 7 Councilman 1leddll L Councilman�v uLiderlich �IayuF.lrViu i Form B S. A..r-E i -------------- ' COUNCIL FILE NO_........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER .'or,structins a cemert tile sidewalk to a width of slx In the Matter of. r................................................................... f?et...gn,tte:"east aide of _ue..St. frorr' airn.ount.Ave•.."""to Grand" Ave. " .............:.... ........................... - .............. . under Preliminary Order .........7..7.9$4......... ..... _ ...,...-approved ... Au g... The Council of .the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That. the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is cement the sidewalk to a width of Pix feet on the east aideof Sue St, from. Fairmount Ave. to Crand Ave. r— P. No. iSS79—By 9. A-Farnsworth— _. _. ...� la tha Matter of constructing a. cement ... ....... ....... ..... . t the sidewalk to a iridth of six feet - un the east elde of sus St. from Fair- ; _ mount .Ave.. to Grand Avn - 17999aPproved .... .. ........... ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ., Q, (6q..por-, lineal f oct, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 2.nd..............._.day of QktQC.S.X..... 1917.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. ` That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons wad in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of tllZ-1improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council.__... h'.7 _.. 191 r4►r, . _approved. 191 .. - Clerk ` \layor. Councilman Fsr/adworth 1'ouueilwau iiMz O Councilman IIvItw, � / 1 v�yd,y+t.0 Councilman KAHrr Ctuuneillaan \fevoll Couucilwau ul04rlich \layor Form B. S. A. S-t; ------------------------------- COUNCIL FILE - ------- ---- - -----COUNCILFILE NO........ � INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .Q9.Tlstrt Ftine__8. Cement, tile-,cid-etvalk to a width of _.six f-eet on both __sides of Stevens St from, Charle on St. to .......lft..........................................._. C.F. ?.o_ 13280-13Y a, .t: Farnsworth— _ Oh1.o-.-ut...,___ .. In the ]tartar otcon'trueting a cement - -w1dth of .1. fuer on bota. codes f 9teeens at. trnm - Cperlton al tooOhlo .at, under Pre- : ........................ ...:. ..... .......:....... 11m1narY Order-17793,:aPProved. .r:::.........-........... 1917.. - - .. under Preliminary Order - _....-..17793....:...: .... approved . Ju�y. 3C, 1917. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isonetrl et E aemen.t. tile eldeivalk,.to a R•idth ,of_aix feet.. .......................... Stevens St, from G ,arle)Itor. St. to Dhit..St._,_- ............ ............................. i __...... ................................................... _...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s per lineal foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on saidimptovemelit on, the. :�.2.nd...................day of QC.t.Q.CeI. .:._.._.. ... , 191.7._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 31., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ball Building io the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegivenotice.. � of said -meeting to the persons and in the manner provided be the Charter, stating lois time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated -adopted by the Counvit. {�1i. `.7'7 1 191 clic its r, .......... Approved 191. / City Clerk. Councilman FA�worth Iavo•. Couneilman tiW Couneilman Hylkhd 'Councilman Kelt V Councilman \I A-vfl Couueihuau }K un ilieh Ilayor_ Iry Form H. S. A. c:t; ----------- ------COUNCIL FILE NO......... .............. II y' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In thelKatterot:..conetrueting a.oement•..tile.••sidewalk,•.to a•�idth•.of six 91.'e of...'selb Ace, 'betlAPr...Cretin...AY.e.....an3.................. arlbOrGllur.:.nt . t C. F. 18881—I1Y 4. A: Farnsworth— - • •--- •• .... ..tn tbi atatler of eonetntetinlc n cement .....:... ............... tlle nlde,,,Ik to n width n[ I. teat I' e ton weene Cretin It Ave. oandclMnribee.^be- - 8t., under Yrellmt-•-v, .Oros ......... ...........:...... ...... , ..:.._.. .... ...:..._. ... _._._: .... ... ..._...... ......... !. ....................... ..,. .. .... .. ................ li_.. _. .... .... ..... ...... ... ......... ... - .... ... under Preliminary Order... -....1.........-... ..:.. ...approved . Aug._ 11—, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. f Y That -the Mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is o2l�tru¢, 2 seri^Tlt .c .. on .the :south .side .of-...-• j Selby. Ave., between Cretin Ave. and Larlborou h �t cite: aldena,k., to a id h of s.x. est ....................... J with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is g...0 6.6 pex. lineal foot, Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....:.:..2nd.....................:day of Oo.t.obaS 191 7_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chamber .of'the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iag, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Couneil.....�.��.� ?�_�.^-'7 SSSS... _... 191 - Approved. ^Ifr. ...._. • -191. / 1 ut Clerk ... __. .._.._:.... SSSS .._ ..: � 31a w. Councilman Faltresworth • - ('011nrlhllan I l� � - Conneilman li C'v'l'/ 'ouacilmmt Ket►�(•/r Councilman \Ie(ialt Councilman 0hrlicll \lliyor Ire' Form B. S. A. E-6 o ._---------------------------- --- 1 7 i COUNCIL FILE NO...... ................. ...... � V INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. constructing,. a__ cement driveway .to a -width of six feet Vai th..g:_.south aide, of Aurora.,.Ave.,...begirining.263 feet n et of Victoria St., ..thence west eight feet _ _ •. ,... A. In the Matter o[tconntruc Iq,iy a cement to n A of al feet on the south Olde of .uroru AYe heRln- nlnK 263'teet a t_o( vlclorin aL. Then o " t Iltht ( t. and r. Pre- . Ilmt nrY Order 171te0:.a�•.. - .. .. _ -.. ...... ........ .. .. ' 'i 1817. .The Ce..Iv of th Gassion-eof r the .. .. .. O . mtuloner of Tlna - 17960 tmorovetnent ani• under Preliminary Order. ' et ort .. _.approi'ed . Aug. A,. 1917 r � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the I above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is :.. constr1lC• .. s,- cement drivesay. t.c.a..lvidth.:.0°._six,..feB.t_or} tl g•...@outh,.ei3e;,.of .Auror.a.•.Ave." beginning.263 feet..iveet cf\Yictoria_Gt. , thence ei rt eet, with no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is _ CO.. 16 .:pgr _ sq. ft. I . Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement oil the._ . 2nd,...... .........day of _..Octob.eT 191 , at the hour of IO o'clock A. K. in the Council Chamber of t'ne Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- hue, the nature of the improvement, andthe total cost thereof as estimated �t11p ,,ri •7 i Adopted by the Couuul 191 � I Approved ! 191 v ltayut•. Councilman Far tiortb r� Councilman iltyft l'ulluel mall Hyl rfil Councilman KOK il�,yayey 5 Councilman 31c all, C } Councilman 1Yu44lich Mayor Ir\•i , Form A. S. A. a-t 1 COUNCIL FILE No_ : ...... ....................... ' - -INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-. Z'adin.;�- north, and 13cuth alley in Block 179 Pober. Additi.or_, froe,^hioa,o.Ave-. to Indiana Ave , ....... ...................................................... " ---- C R No. ]8383 n7 a. A: I•hrneworth— i In the alleyMatt r o[ Blograck ing179 nober and south alley In Chic go v.. t sone. - -- Addition. Ave..nder Preliminary to In din 1. r under0. 1 y Order I ."•••........ .•.•-.. ............ The unci ed Oct.L 8, .1918 ._... _...... The Coonoll of thA"Cllr of P under Preliminary Order 13091 .....,..approved.. Oct. .6.,. 1916 _.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ✓ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby -ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is '....GTade••north., and _.South_ alley in Blook 179 Rcberteorits Additiontfrom Chical Ave .. ... _... to Indiana, Ave., ......................._................ ..... _ With no alternatives, and that the estimated' cost thereof is $ _Z65A,4.w..._ Resolved Further-3het a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.... 2nd day of ........................... - - ' • ..;1Q1.Obt;x ....... -... 191.: 7. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall iluilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner.provided by tile. Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iug, the nature of the iuya-ovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated ell(i n.r ...7. ,. Adopted by Ills Council . 191 1 ..'..� _._._ .. ,... C Approved. 191 Cllr Clerk. Councilman Farus%/ rth layor. CouncilmanMoll/ 1 Councilmso Hyla1/M +/ Councilman KOW hulie,IlCuuaci Cnuau IV 'rlch Irv.. - Form H. S. A. b -t; L 1 1 --------------------------------- COUNCIL ----- -------- -COUNCIL FMF. NO ................................. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Afatter of 'And ._taki..nj;, ar. Aseerre..^.:t,-.-kg,:_tkje_,-� for slopes, for cuts and fills in-radin,-ncrtr anJ1south alley Block 179 Robertson's Addition, from Chicago Ave to.lndianaAve,, according to the plar. hereto attached and madea part hereo`. _the hatched portiono indicatints the cuts and the shaded porticne the th— ... ri116,. �I Ftho Matt— of condemnink and t k- - �Ing t In thf. hid fill In - ea > t o thntor d south 11 y under Preliminary Order........... _?OKw...:'' : ....:..st t o a waalt� jCt ..,.v:, ..19J �.......: ......................... The Council of the -City of St. Paul having received the report of tbe'bommissioner of. Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: , 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is Hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends as Ccnciemn„ endtakg,,,,,, ....,7.n_._easem.'nt.;i.n..the..-land.._necessary„ for'._6loreEx,...for...du.t.e.,_and_.,fill®;„in-, grltding north and south alley. in Block 179 Robertson's Adaltion, from Ol1.i .at,c_Ave., _to Indiana Ave.,,,accor..din.g..te..tr:a...p7,.an..he.retG.......:..... attached, and. made a part _here.o.f.. the hptched_ port ions..indic.ating ....... the cuts -=d the shaded perti-cne the fills,,_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 50.0: :_. Resolved Furtber, That it publie hearing be had on said improvemegt ml the, end.. ...day of .. _.. -October 191 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the . Court House and City Hall Building in the City -,of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of impt,-vement. and the total cost thereof as estimated. .. Adopted Le the l'olttleil A U.G 4% ��.Li 191 Approved.: r 1�. `{..; . , .. 191. _ . City Clerk. {/ Mayor. Councilman Farusw-ortL Councilman Bose Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller j!� !��/ % .Councilman McColl Councilaran iV inder/h - 's Mayor Irviu Form B. S. A. 3.6 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - DUNO` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FCILE IC3No. Ai By Alin 2 8 1917 �sl_ /� PER n. 617 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favorfof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite 'their respective names as specified in the JoHowina detailed statement: Yeas ("J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council AUG 2-1 r , 19I_ FarDawDJf6 _ GOW//� In favor 'pprov 7 191_ I G 8 No. -11316— anb be drawn ffellsl g.,pited that w�' of - �;' / le out McC*j upon th. CttT TreourY. "N" -N. corpora' _—L1—%ijalDt I I or -.� � Hyland - .t ihn harrinafter raons'�DrmeoDD. ite f tar of. th,, D thea amoupta b a .otfled In .. MAYOR. Y°ar&- :'Xi... t r Wunderli4h th it r ap'nUve P 110 is D thn fallou�tnb detallgd aWtammL' S1o,36t.6a. Mr. President, Poyuta. Irvin. i3onrd at t ontro3 Fra hllehto t0 ' 1E1 1 aul Tharnto, Tiros 39.360.00. T. T. iYe�atthe. C7oun •Il Aug. if, 1937. Adopted 3 yg, 1937. j .. tpprovnd kµapt.-1-1917) 192Di Board of Control, 10,384.65 - Board of Control -Expense: 2 Paul Froehlich, 6.40 �om'r.:Finance, Transportation. - -' 3 Thornton Bros., 9,350600 Grading Ninth Street. 94 E. T. Webster, 75:00 Sewer Capttol 45.00 Sewer Princeton 30.00' 75.00 Total------ 19,816.05 _ Ili For. A. 5.11 w A. tJ Lk: -I.- r7777 CftYdrST._PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 22P AUDITED, CLAIMS—RESCIIJTIQN FORM C 486 Is 10LUENOIL NbL8i__-' BY 7 AUDITEDIn- -lei— I PER - 615 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the, hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts Set opposite their respective names as specified, in the foUnwing detailed statement: yeas it Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council MG 28 7 191 FarnswoZ Go.' V' _Lln favor Kelleir/ Ap V Ef MccnIV JD__Agai..t C. r" X. 19Hyl28G.— R - Solved "but warrant be' drawn i MAYOR Wan lich nP.- he ':It'. -rr... abja ch. 11--ttuller at of - Mr. Pzesideni`fpw . f Irvin. favor of the Persons,'firma tions for the amount. getoDPoxltn L their respective names ea h e foil otvIng detailed statement: American Co., upply $31.85. tf. C.,Haye... Co., $13.60. I (;.rage, $2.40. .19256 American Supply Company, 31.85, r. Schools-ExRonse 2.50 1 .14 it o35 M .86 School -Equipment 4(00 31 85 57 H. C. Boyeson Company, '13.50 1 10 Mayor's Office -Exp. Fire -Expense .1. 0 ILII Health -Expense 6. 0 Police -Expense 4� 13.5 5 Central Garage, 2.40 Fire -Expense. 59 Clemens, Implement Company, 3.95 Park -Expense 60 Crane 00rdway Company, 9.55" Schools"Expense. 61 Dore -Redpath Company, 13.50 Park -Expense. r, 2, Essanell Electric Company, 12.22 Fire -Expenses 63 Finch, Van Slyke &.McConville# 6.30 Park -Expense. 64 M. N. Goes, Com1r. P. Works, 22.26' Sprinkling. �65 Handlon & Company, 60*46 Park -Expense.' 66 *a Hubbard Electric Company, 3.40 Sehoole-Expense. 5.11 - Page #2. 615 'Arlo 19267 J. W.'Hulme Company, 9.65 I, Schools,Expense. - 68 i H . W. Johns -Manville Company, , 30.04 Schools -Expense. 3.10 69 h P Shop, Krantz , grant Art r Library -Expense. - 3.90 70 - A. Kroch & Company, P.Library -NBooks-. 71 Library Book Company, :75 P.Library.-NBooks. 72 Melady Paper Company, 7.50 C.P.w.-Expense. 73 Minnesota Chem. Company, Inc., 8.46 P.Library-Expanse.. --11.40 74 National Candy Company, - Health-P.Baths-sxpense. i Else Equip. Com any,75 -Northwestern 33.91' police -Expense P.Parka-Const. Phalen Beach 17.73 16 1 - 33.91 76 Northwestern Stamp Works, 3.75 6.25 Police -Expense 1.50 G.P.W.-Expense .50 -. P.Lib ra ry-Ex ens a 6..2605 L 77 F. M. Parker & Company, ,2.00 - Police -Expense. 107.99 78 . Robinson, Cary &-Sands, 2.34 St. C&R -Exp ena a 94.00 _ P .S chaols-Expense . - Water=Expens e 5.65: 6.00 P.Library-NBooka 107.99 79 St.Paul Blueprint Company, _ 1.23 C.P.W..-Expense. 36.00 . s0 St.Paul Boiler Works, Fire -Expense. gl St.Paul Electric Company, - 5.26 84.53 _ - P.Parks-Expanse P.Parks-Const. Phalen Beadi 79.27 84.53 -St.Paul 82 . Gas Light Company, 173.93 P.Paiks-Expense 10.25 140.57 ■ n 8.77. playgrounds -Expense 14. 24 173.9383 24 7.2 2 83 St.Paul Rubber Company, P.Parks-Const. of Phalen Beach. - .I Page 0. Res. 615 - 19284 { St.Paul Welding Compan?e,+ .40 . Water -Expense. �i. 8; Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 1 4.40- _ _ Water -Expense. `- 88 schurmeier Wagon Company, 1.50 Fire -Expense.: 87 Transit Supply Company, 10.00 Pol. & rdre A1anu=Telg.-Expense. 88 Valley Iron Works, 75.00 r P.Schools-Expense. _ 89 Virtue Printing Company, 10.05 C.P.W.-Expense. j Total 1,048.50 js. -_ by a ! ` j r ii CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITEDCLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE N0. A COU AUDITED AUG 2 5 1917 616 t PER-A�i _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fugds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the , following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Q�[i;.Z'{ ' Adopted by the Council t r 181_ Farns Irk 211 In favor . ppro Ai 191 _ r— Iiel� t�1 'ate` Hyland,AtArolt . - Wund.4*lich Mr. President Pews.. Irvin. i 1929b S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r.-Finance, 1.00 Library-Comp1. New Bldg., 1 I a Total 1.00 j G R X0.. 18287— HeaOived that vrnrrante ,be drnwn upon the CIq-..TreasurY. Datable out . < the hereinafter-ePeclded. fundsaYabl endriof n - — Corpora- favor of the Dtnon0. firma br corpora I tions. for the.. amounts get `..PDoelte their re"Pactivo names as elreelEed In the foltot;:It detaned etrtement: �. & A• Farnew'orth, Com'r. Finance, - 181.00.; Ad' pte-11d by the Couneli Av6. 48, 7917,1 �I. A"ITd Au'..2t, 17. fS(Sept.1-181791) I l F.rm A. 5.111 ._ CITY OF, St PAUL ------.. -- ----CITY OF ST.- PAUL COON IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject:COU . FILE No ....:.. Date Presented....... ...................... 191.....:- c Resolved, . That the arrlio.tion of J. 5railien, for a licens to c.:nauc -a woticn Pictu_-e Tueltre at o . r.ivera ity Avenue, be na t -.a ea ne:e.%y is gr3nt�;a a,,d t:r' .ity Clerk is in- 3truetex t, i aua au,,:, lican:a uc:on the rayn.ent into the City iraa3ury of t fs, ;jC.CC 'C F. No. 18289—By Herin-A(eColl— .,, Resolved, oraa the 1-nea Ito condutoo ct a H. Motion Picture Theatre at 626: Univer - ally .Ave.. be and the Bameherehy Is, granted and the City Clerk IB Instruct ed to Issue uch'.Ileenae upon the.'pay- Ment Into the Clty Treasury. of the fee. $60.00. Adopted h1• the Council Aug. 28. 1817. Approved Aug. 28, 1817. ' (ScpL 1.1817) Yrsa (t') (:nu0ril <n (t') Nuys Fah4w1orth Adnptrdby lhc(bunril .Ails q44 In•7 Ilii. ($rise./ � In fBAror f. 98 10.-7 PDPnAe - A --i, J 1 Against U 8 %it iresid.• .Irvin r. ■ORM C A-0 6 17 2M t - - CITY' OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM L Subject: COUNCIL . FILE NCr ...... .. .... ... .... Date Presented .-......-------- .............. .19..1......w llesolved, That tze aF_licat on of H. J. Breileir. for a '.icense to conduct a '.o,ti n Picture and Vauaaville at 302 cnive. sity Avenue, be ,nd t'p� 5afi.e here'oy granted, ani . the City Cl-,k is instructed to icsu', suoh license upon ine paY- r aent _.� ae ity: T.- oi of C. F.18290—BY Henry C.U.— N•aelve\o. d• That the application of 11. J. llr",,,In for a license to conduct -- Motion n Picture and\audevllle Theatre. 110' 0dmiaalon) at 102 uni-relty Ave., , be a Zt the aame hereby le granted. end the City Clerk in Instructed. to Inane such .11cenae upon th0 payment' Into the City Treasury of the tee. I' $75.09:' - - - - A4opteil 7i' ug. Council Aug. 28, 1417. Approved (S' pt2el 1917) I 7 I Cof..6lmen W) Nays -. AUII2811-7 . . Fa�•Imttpfth —1 Adopted Lc the Cmmril.. 191. _. _..�ic6'� I to -fav r i_— I.:_AIIFIe.rd mill--nk 'McColl lj Agna eil. _...._.� .'�. C�b�'.".- _ ♦ - �i�L - Mr. 1'rceid.•nl. IVPIn -:MAYOR - - - FORM C-A-9 6.I7 2M ` - .... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL- _--- ---- COU NCI L'-RESCYLU T�,1ON--GENERAL 'FORM •,'� L Subject:. FILE .No.- \. Date- Presented 191' t` Resolved 1 ofa st; - is y .iLaa _.y cn 1�.. r. -G) a....-_arm �� �•- ��1 �i�l ,,.k at f n o_ u_ c _ .S.Ti.. .t of .. -i[; C -__y• ' R Iv�.l TI tt the Commirnioner ut1 1 uhli,' Snf t- bn n0 h ^Cn hly< I•alice I , . IhorlZPd t 'mVlOy n ` - h Alrtrm ()pe nt Inr e1Rht 18) drm er T n nl I work nt2 the flninexo St ntc j f xV .rn to n.lftof-the llfiurr�w �o:. jt Ih.. _. xalnr} nml Fire Al m Tele):rn Vh ot. th- Ue-I Vnrt ment of r blit Sntoty: �LO.�Ptvedb Al R. "-B.tt1917.AUR.:8. 19)7. Tppr'• (Sept. 1-[917) i Yeas (J) Courjcilmen (:) Nays t'fr Tn ^.'l IUI. iyarn worth- - Adopted by the Council I/Gosa� In favor 41eGoll .' j ._ Against Approve I N l nd / �. - Wunderlich Mr, Presidyht, Irvin FORM C'" - CITY OF ST. PAUL C OU NCIL,R E SO I". UTION - GENERAL- FORM_' Sdbject. 1' C QNCIL N'O. M11 _ Date Presented. 191 , Resolved, That the groper City officials are her out Co pay to George Kiley. out of the Workmen's Compensation Account' of the General Fund, the sum of I Twenty-one Dollars and 'sixty cents, (121.60), in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him Thils in the employ of the City, on the 23rd day of )ray 1917. I I hlreby recommend the above resolution for passage. yJ- omla es oner u c or e:. (' F .fin. 1820:— r MY ofti- Tt oh•ed That .the 9 Ve •Iniv nre hrebYt tuttfo Izethe dl\'orkman'a Cmmpenentlon Account ofthe (ie Ible. I. Ih.• eu nle r. Tw—GO),o In Onrllatl . d Flit> 1 clnlm aRninel .the _ ttl mrnt of h.e CIU• ri.InK hY reason of Inlurlea re- ,. j, 1 by him ahlle In the m01oy f he dupird by tbeZC Council Aug. 6or H, 1617.1 A 28 loll Pnro 11I �9n-t. ..1617) ll Yeas (J) Copnciltnen ( ) Nays 1UG 28 10' 7. 191 Adopted by the Council Faint" rt ri G / In favor _ 4,,,1'1 191 Approvc 11 IcG41 J Against Wuccrlich �/ Yon Mr.Presidegt. Irvin_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COJNCIL- RESOLUTfONi=--GENERAL'FO.R:M Subject:COUNCIL 1 FILE No. 0.: _. Gate Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $13.00, in partial settlement of the claim of John Holatz, otherwise known as Holec, for injuries received by him while employed by the City of St Paul on the 4th day of May 1917., I r' I hereby ecommend the abo4e resolution for passagp. Commissioner of Fu is Corks. C. F. \n. 1929a— Pr olu d 7h- t thr proper City oRl- I 1 r he eby authorlsed topeneatDay -oAutl - f try R 1<men's' Comion r- 1 of the [;coccal Fund,; the evm of • 1nor 1300. In partial- settlement bf the _ claim f John li'ol.l. otherwise known Holer for In1ur1 r e elved by him hll rmni sed L1- the Cita• ot. St. Poul - on the /lh- daY of May, 1017. - Adopt"] by t he Couneli.Aug. 10.1917. 19 Appro iAllI(Sept 1-1917) 24 Yeas ( ) Counc mcri U) Nays Farrvatrorth Adopted by the Council 191 coy - I _ In favor `�- Hyland ' \ roved !91 �1cCollJ Against Wu9(derlich U' Mr. Presideptfrvin Ma on -. "CITY OF ST. PAUL --• _-' -.---,..--,.COUNCIL.'..'R.E$a.LLJTIOIVT. ERAL'_FORM,.:... Subject:. hall not have ntrac less the ipu,Wes on the contraetoYe -and con- i `�e6a NO. - Date Presented. _ Lu. . - 27,. ..1917::_ troller. Adopted by the Cooncil Aug. 29. 1017- - ADProved i Resolved, hat ;:fie ti:ae s,, c_fied for ;he dated :.z:r h 8, 1x17 be..r.eari E. '_'. Webater alfa he Ci` of S's Prul. for ';a(; co,,etrac ; ie:i 01, - t. saner 011 Z;t, fro Fry Ht . to I Sheldon Ave. and on eau;; side of 3nelli:r..r we. from Vrr' s+ren St. to in:.el:alia 3t. be end ;.he sano i;; horeey e:rtendod to .the ;:7th day - of 1317 and thC. ,1'e "�(. r' e'i­,, oi_leer9: are.7.erd Uy t:.A�-.lo_i^.ed. to execute o,.. ,: :. ;o ,,, t. co:. ,et iii accordtir:ce here;ith, provided, however, tr,a re_.cln�ion�uh:ll nlL hk'velar4 force er..t of <:et unles ...sotiea o:: t:iie co>cr. ctorta bond consent taeroCo ante rale such in;.z Birt the Cit, Co,:.Earoller. I C. F No. 16284 -DY -1l. N. Go..= bld, That. the time epe',ul d rot _ R ue - theerrormance of certnla cotEra1t I between r St. Pant for (sewer on arinne- _ • to Rheldon Ave., or RnelllnR A—j to.*rinn'eaded St .. - -----I •_-- ---..-Agamat ----- ----_ .__ yq ---- Mr._Prcaide�t4. P-__jN')-- FORM C,9-2 ' 191 4iir `?'�. �,,,I -- — I 191 ._ find to execute on-amonumen. ce herewith. ;W - c .tra t In accord., vlded, however.. that thlF r oluttnn any torch and nn-' hall not have ntrac less the ipu,Wes on the contraetoYe -and con- i bond consent thereto ale such ,cut Ind wrltlnR with the MY Camp- . troller. Adopted by the Cooncil Aug. 29. 1017- - ADProved i ('gept.11917) Yeas ( I') Councilmen ( t') Nays Adopted by the Council Far onh aIn favor K06.r /) Approve I -----I •_-- ---..-Agamat ----- ----_ .__ yq ---- Mr._Prcaide�t4. P-__jN')-- FORM C,9-2 ' 191 4iir `?'�. �,,,I -- — I 191 ._ -aul, 11inn. Au€;• 27, 1717. To t o :-ono. ble City Council, C I i Y. Gont1cmcn,- r I rroui;l ro t ---ally aok that ;.ois Honorable 3odJ' ca e the rine of co:.i.,letir..- the contract for tho eoi: t.uction of t sc rox 07; ainnchaha 3t. fr0:9 Fry Sur to .Sheldon Ave. and on the east side of 311e1in.- -vc. fron Vrv: 3nrer. St. to ir.^e^ai:;, St. be. extended to tine 47t11 uny of "Ugus�,y 1J17. Oingto -tabor con -A ors it rras! riot possible for !.ie to finl:iii Zhi.: : o.. r_cct .i hin i; e_ irsc_si?ccified, hence I dcuire to ask Lha- t}e tin ., e for c.o:: letir.:: rc:a e bo made as hereinbefore stated. Yours V,.- `7 GL-� Contractor. Puerc 2 0 o jec6ic,:;0 1rviY ile ti::ie Ox, -.0 0 u: ' - req,'.G t9d, as fair a.. the rcnuircj.c.:-s of t iia ofiicc i o�'tccrned. of Conotruc io.. iiepaiirs Com-!) : ian o: 2uijlic Joras C'ciie �c-ineer �r tt 5 +Y ... G F. To Itffi6-=IIY M. N.'t7oaa—' -I - R.eolred. Tbat the it. Ywl One Llibt:� r f70mDSY U bareD7 ordereA'snd direct-- , ed to extend Its. deetrleill Il111188 Y� ereotlni 'DOIea and 'strinilni - ( 4hereon for Sbh Mnemiwton of H`'AULe +� -tr1r1U• on and e" the following alb ;A i and etreatl of saki CItY: .. Install twenty dvo poles on- - north aide: 11-4 one . - on the . u 3 rdda. of 8. Plmrth SL, between P' _ and Conart-O al A tont-. I,__ - ColtIl� T.etall at. nolo. ,cit iiCieneral rAn. et COMM' ^onwaY. Department of-- - - --- - r. i Bureau of--�1-------- --- u i tr o._f.--___._- Date Presented —191 BIo------ RESOLVED. That 11. St. P-1 f:a. MA, Compa.r 1. henbrordned a.d directed to eateed in electrk,l lien br ereni.e Val. sad wiavine wires there.. I., the .I.—hetion of duarictr ov and to the fallewft all and.tr U.t.id city: Install twenty-five poles on the north side, and one pole on the south aide of F.Fourth Street, between Pine Street and Commercial Averne. Install six poles on `the southwest side, of Commercial Street, be- tween Fourth and Comwaj Streets. i eighteen poles on the south aide of Conway Street, between! Commercial and llaplce Streets. twelve poles on the north aide of Conway Street, between Maple and Forest Streets. Reset two poles on the east side of Forest Street.- between Conway Street and Hastings Avenue. Install eighteen poles in the south side of the.alley between Wake- field Avenue and Hastings Avenue,.Forest Street and Heater street. Install three poles on0e west side of Hester Street, between Wakefield Avenue and Hastings Avenue. Reset four poles on the north -side of Hastings Avenue, between Hester.3treet and.Grilfith Street. Reset twelve poles on the south side of Hastings Avenue, between- Griffith Street and English Street. f With necessary guys and anchors. F All al .ach.uvaiova, pot. sed wfr. shall be —huh and ea.etrveted under the dkectiov .ad aupenirian of fief Commi.tw. of P blic Utilltie avd mall tbive: r4laaa of Ord�iaae. No. tut. and of all ether bw1u1 ordiwecea .ndo1... oP.bif Ali .l n rflu C7ry of 9lt. Paul: t - - beat -h vd 1uldiauu andawvdam sdaledowvJ '!',h., thelaaeh Volea ba dh.aavc, be Couil�halid« ...r •> ivterol ao revuirn. and whey it atoll w order. - - �II(j ^ : rr• Adopted by the -Council—_—_ �:._ _-_._ 191 Yeas ( ) Councilme�n. ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCQeL WUNIgRLICH HYLAND Approved 191 i KELIWR t Mr. President, IRVijiQ Mayor Itaprover..ent necessary a�c Minch School 3or:1C_.: C+_ i_1LC_•V ,, nd•_ l ch Council File No :a:.., ,. ;.;v.;•• r 3 „ PROPOSAL FOR`IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDER. proposes the- making of the following public Improvement 'by the City of The undersigned hereby prop B :r{1u c: II 0:' LYi St. Paul, vIz Al _�........ .. 1. itfl:u. 191 ,1. ' . Wher ss p wrlttun DroDaeal tortha ._L. mnklnl Of the .folio Heol file nldewotk Councilman. via; t•onstruclu _ to nwldth. of olx teelun the uth side of.. 1.aneto St. from Hnmllne Ave •- _. SYndlceto lid, h-vi hoe- n^- __ _.. the Council _o[ the c11', tl,ernrnre.PRELIMINARY' ORDER. pr. \VIIERL;ks, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement viz. - DLoh .�:.....G t,,,,,,E.l++... i-�.L.t-l.:.iillil'+_.�L . L.�..f;.. ' 14..._...fi ' ✓,],,,...Le (_ V ..D+. �lc;.c.,._o... ..; ... having been presented to tileof St. Paul by Councilman Council o[ the City + therefore; he it Th ,'at the Commissioner of Pabhe VFprks be and he is hereby ordered and directed _RBSOLVED,• - 1. of the To investigate the necessity for or desirability making of said iniprovemcnt. - - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. other data and information relative to said improvement .I. To furnish the following 5. 1'o stale whether or not said improvement is asks+d for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. 11.41proffHlRgnjtters to tilem Commissioner of Finance To report uppn all of.. Adopted by the council _ ._. .. RG \ays: Yens:. . Councilman FardAi'orth Approved...... .... _ .: 191 ........ I l lylfu(d t (j /i KeIk(r 1 �(cOoll. ✓ I 1 V, C� . .......... \i uaucrlirh '. _—"-�"•.... IOPM C Oe ' rrovc.t.c.,' .n ceo"ar„" a%c oc : : ics ., s _, ig'h t t; t t zav 1' uh school. itG e , e 7.1 council File No-,: . . .. ..... . -PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A � atiJ PRELIMINARY ORDER. rovcment tm by the City 1 fit• Thc.:undersi'gned hereby proposes the mukin6 of ,title following pubi c P the St Paul. Li$.. .... __........ :i t. of .._... , Dated this ....... ..?: -.day of u tN v 191 7 a it No. 13 297— ..... ._......... .:..r.. --'L... - wprop nal to the making r the e tollou wingImpr at Councilman. ' Y 4 nxt t me tt. tId wmealK to"-' wid a th. f.xl tet Ile utl xld - of Aurora A,", h,tw•een Cedar st. and . Itohc�t 3t... having. keen Yrenented to the Council .of thecity of 9t. Pu -/ therefore; ko It I c1i;,.:NAkY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. .. ::ice..te..._.Lh—..south O . :--. `n.... ..�i. .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said 4mprovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1• To furnish tile be followinother data and information relative to said improvement:._ 5. '1'o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on Iht petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Codllndis.ioncr of Finance. Adopted by the council_ 191 Nays: Yens:. II Councilman Far>'(///worth pp.................... Approved ,_ .. Goth Ilyhufd - �\'untldrlich . Mayor. -- -Alayor-iyvuir---- row L COUNCIL FILE NO.. By........ 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of.....CCndemnin g...ar}�i..taking.an easement in the land ..:..nareaeary:.,f�r..s1.4.rr�g8.....for...cut.e...ana...fil1_s..ar...�ra3in� uamlin� Ave. fFGi Rf ?clph ct t Otto Avg .--pl. an hereto at*ac? e' and ma3e.._a part 'rereof� tt e,--hatched..porti.one indica it ilr........ . the cute and the port.i.ons the fills, -- . tinder Preliminary Order, 1&004 p g p.. approved po 'day _7 1917 ....... 1'be Colmcil of the Cityof St. Paul havingreceived therert of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above' improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1v the sai ordered to be proceeded with. That the said report be and the same is h llrreby ereby approved and adopted, and d improvement is " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:..COndemn...and ...take ..esti eaaerzant..i,n._ the, land necessary for sloes, .for. cuts..ar3 _fills in grading Harrline. Ave. from Randolph St, toOtto Ave 4ecQ1: i71Z to. t,-he_hereto attached and .made a part hereof, the hatches pertions indicating the cuts and the shaded portions C. F. No. 18]98-Q y ....-.-. .... the fills i A: Farnsworth— ' i -. _.. in tke t. tier of t, i. the I. nd tak war a moment'or wope,, r the lt. .d mores attaei; a and tang till with no alteroetires, and that the esti St. to OHomA!h�'ac o�aingaio.1, . I L. Resolved Further. That a public hharmg be had ' said improvement oil the. -September temper ........day of . j -. 1917._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al.,.in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and ill the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing. the nature. of the iww'ovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adupted. by the Council . - -�UG 2`i is • 7 . .... ._. -. 191_. i Approved.. _1...... 19L. / �........ it Councilman Fartuiworth 'Mayor. t'ouncihnsti - CITY OF 8T. PAIY-•'- ri" ACCOUNTING D61:ARTMENT ` FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—R.UTION FORM ;�"' °O"""` N` a i 8V � avnro�u. AUoaao {�(a' •, t)-'. 1�1 t 191_ - PER 620 P,tved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter 'specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms r corporations for the amounts set opposite their, respective names as specified in the foUowiot detailed ' statementsdetailed, statement - Yeas Yeas ( J) Councilmen C ) Nay's Adopted Fry the Council Farnsworth AUG Approv NI 191_ Goss✓ ]f tal![V/ —S—In favor __-. L] (/ �) 1 -—`—AaVQ� `iponathe CItYn TreuurY.t OnynD e�nout� .rat the her einaf[er..epeclEed [undo-; and i 1, MAYOR Wund O�r(Doratlon Lich favor of th :persona, firma or car- to the setoppo.ita ; et -ped Mr. President, ho n as IrWln. thel reepevtive nnme. as In 4th tallowing detallyd .mtement• %dams Exprene Company, $2,11. American Exp_feas Company. ,Cents. '� ARtW7OL'li I 19299 Adams Express Company, 21.11 j' Library -Expense. - _ 300 American Express Company, - .43. ; ! Library -Expense. X01 American Supply Company,. 6•.42 j} School-Tsxpense. !" !02 He We Austins Purchasing Agent,_ - 4 48.87 _ Schools -Expense 45: 0 Mun. Gar. Revolving 48. 7 I i64.82 f03 Ball Engine Works, -- �t St. C&R -Expense. 1 ' Q4 Belvidere Cast Stone Company$ 44.20 ! School-C&B. E 05 T. L. Blood Company, _ 1.08' Mun. Gar.. Revolving. - R O6 Board of Water Commissioners, I 562.92` I Water Supply 48 84 -Library-Expense 4 .98 Park-Ex6ense 38,.00 56 .92 �ft . Craftsman Press,— . 4.58 } C.P'W.-Expense 3. 3 Library' -Expense 4.68 1 0 A..D. Davies, 15.55 Pave Rice St. Univ. to Bridge.. I Res. 620 Page #2. • 19309 L. F. Dow Company, 3.65 Schools-Expense. 10_ S. A. Farnsworth, C,P.R.F'., Pub. bldg.-Expense. ll- Farwell, Ozmun,-Kirk & Company, 103.56 • Fir-e-C&B _35:05 Scho,l-C&B - 5937 103. 6 "12 E. S.Ferry, 6.25. , IG.F.-Printed forms and blanks. i 13 Ford Mnfg. Company, {; 69.47 School-C&Br - 14 GriGgs, Cooper & Company, - 2.40 , - Health-P.Baths-Expense. 1 _ 1 15 A. C.. Jefferson, 94A3- 4.1.3-G.F.-Crosswalks-Expense. _ G.F. -Crosswalks -Expem e. _ 16 Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safety, l 1,241.76 _ St. C&R-Expense 97.179 _ " • " 1,120.8p C.P.W.-Expense 23.17 1,241.76 17 Maendler Brothers, 1.90 L Library-Expense. - 18 Manhattan Oil & Linsied Uomnany, _ 562.26 S. & S.Cing-Expense 429.20 r Sprinkling 133.06 562..26 19 R. F. Marvin & Company, 5.50 = Comptroller-Expense.' 20 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, i Library-Expense. 21 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 16.46' Sprinkling. i 22 N. W. Copper & Brass. Works,- 2.10 School-C&B. i 23 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 15.38 S & S Cing-Expense 14.11 Perk-Expense i 15.'y8 24 N. W. Telephone Company, 75.55 Mayor's Office-Exp., 12.$0 „ Comptroller-Exp. 5. 0 G.F.-Pur.Dept.-Fxp. ► - 14. 0 P.Bldg.-Ex�. 2. 0 fit. C&R-Exp. 3.10 ■ n n• 5. C C.P:W.-Expense 18. 0 PlayEround-Exp• 6. O • 0 Park-Adm-Exp. 1. 0 Park-Park-Exp.. 1. 5 3.08 rinl ing - 5 Pr 75 5 Res. 620 Page #3 . 19325 Perkins -Tracy Printi*fiompany, s - 7.25 G.F.-Official Pub. 26 Pittsburgh Plate Glass"..-_ _ School-C&B .65 Auditorium -Exp. 6.00, - - 6.65;. ✓ { 27 Raymer Hardware Company; 86.58 Br !dge Bldg. & Repr.-Exp. ` 1.21; S Noo1-C&B 69.43 n n 15.94 • � _ 86 5A� - 28 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 9.00 Playground -Expense. - 29 5tJsul Bottling Company, 17,50 - Park-Ex,_ense. 30 St -.Paul Builders Material Company, -659.48 " St. C&R -Expense 109.0 Vire-C&B 25.76 it n 13.27 School-C&B 79.3e. - Pay. Rice St. 632.07 859.4, 31 St.Pau1 Elec tric-Company, 14.31 F ire-C&B. 32 St,Paul Electro -Plating Works, •80 Fire -Expense. s 33 L. Shiely Company, - 90.70' School-C&B 27.50 15.00 Water -Expense 5.00 Pay. Mounds Blvd. 90-70 3�4 Tierney" Hay _& Grain Company, 472.40 Fire" -Expense, 36. Tri-State Tela & Telg. Company, ` 55.10 " -- Mayor's Office -Expense 4.00 G.F.-Pur. Dept. -Expense 5.20 P.B1dEs .-Insp-Expens a 2:50 P .Bldg . s-Rrc ht . -Exp • St. C&R -Expense _ 2.00 S 8S -C ing -Ex pen s e 2'.00 C.P.W.-Expense 2.00 - — Pl�v?round-Exp. n 15.40 -. P.Parks-Earense 13.Q0 �. .tiQ � g.50 - 55.10 36 V. C. D. Motor Car Company, 21.30. '! Gen. Mun., Gar. Revolving. - a , _._ ., �� �, ! _. I .,1 i � � t _„ ti_ � -..: is ,L... �. _ , ,�..�.. .v..,� ,� ..., .. t; CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE N. 0. 4 J AUDITED AI_IG 2 :yHR_ 621 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,—payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and 'detailed in favor of the persons, fiv or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respectiva names as specified in the following. statement:H Adopted by the Council A 23 iV, 7 191 yeas -1 ) Councilmen V Nays FilinxworthCV � 1111 C 11:;� �1_ In favor 0 - App _2, Kaer/. / -Mccou —f_)—Against MAYOR XAw&- Wun 4Eirlich, Mr. President,.Plawa u-.4in. jr Q F. No. 18300.— Re"IT04, that A,ra.t., Is. drwa, u '. pay.101. 41st Pon 't '!ftz".V%A.4 .1 the t-& in 1"or of rth a, ut�droa .1au.o. to ast V=t@ l%::=:& Ne. lnled statement: Board of Control. $2.812.94. St. Paul Cement Work $a Cluno Au,. 21. .9 Ad*old by h, '1, .0'17.! "ro,.d it A u. 29, 1927. (Sept 1-1917) 19539 –Board of.Control# 2,812,84 Board of Control -Sal. 40 St.Paul Cement Works, 11,088.07 Cement Walks. Total l3s900'.91 4 E. G. 3r z.E',~s - _ — WL LCyt Council File No..., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The undersigned hereby,. p poses the makin/the.foll ing public improve�ent by the City of. St. Paul.1.%__i.:_ t,_��1Sif'd#Q :.V �i.Q' a_.._.........................................._.. Dated this_...2$.ih ......day of ..............tiA ,11 .,................. :................... .......... _ 191 ._.7... . a Wi{f :✓ pror.mant.b e•Yad ocoa the Dattttop \( �a or three ormore owaen. IL To rnporc uma atl of the tor« Council mn . �RRolag matter. to Atha Commt..toaer of Adopt Yt '..AAoptedUy the Council Aug. 28,.1917. Approved.Aug. 39. 1917. 0 :.(Sept. 1-1917) ,iaata Eg WHEREAS, A written proposa or t11e making of the following improvement! viz.: a_..... TftlE„�__�Tizl.._2'.B.1ZE:j.T..�uA@ X11£.'S.::I�.i.Q..._._...lilia:l.._QZ.....Q1.:�:u.....SHE.� s� i.._t..e._.usw�_..3iilQ.._su.._i�u.aun...;:x.�y.Q-._.�y_a Yx_ ::1:._..: t eca.iwrth 6.. woe. _....... .. ....... _.._. .. _...... 1 ....._.. _:..................._............................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.... ....... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ..... _ ...:.:.. ....... _ ..................... 5. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cotnulissioncr Lf Finance. Adopted by the council..x......191 _.., ... ,) Yeas: Nays: i Councilman Ferns{ orth t �` AUG, `�� i� r Goss . Approved ........ ..... ..... 191 ......_ Ilylal dd' .t KelkV Gj \IcCoI1R/ _ \\ undfrlich.... _........ _.... ........ .............. _ _ Mayor Ihvin Mayor. t :.►oar a. e•e ,:. - ---,. __ __-_-- --_-. __-_. _... _ - __- „sfi: -Council File No.- PROPOSAL o ..PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersl hell hereby pro lioses the making , of the 'followine public in by • the City of St. Paul, viz.:., a....I...Uay..anµ..lv.,r. h � LLe,rs1__...on. �..e _,°rem icie of -_--....._4 9....0 01..., CL' CL'. n.1:iL 0 ...:a.1 .u11...S.T. 0 1 k.,A....a,.9r�...�. .:. _...�� ._.__.-_ ._.. ,.._....._.. — i. _..... .: ..... .. (.. Dated thi _.. _.2?.uh......day of ....... ...................... 1917..:... • 4 To furnish in* --tollowInc otharl data and Information relattra to uld /// - Councilman. Impror want T state whathar or sai not d Ins' i - Droram nt Is a. ad for on tna. Pallno0 - at three or, mor°. owners. - i. T0''SPOIL upon all of th. fore• s: .Olaf Natters to. anti COIDmlostonof Of - Inanc .\dentedbr the Counell Aun. 29,1917. \nnroved \ult• Y9...t917 WlIrRE��S, Awrftten, , _ tsaot 1.1911) I,vmgimprovement viz .....:4 ......A�4k�.::..w..ri.llSe.K.+._.I.G.�.LJ�_.f:]1fL...r.Qp.CST....u1n...SiE'.....�._.01...._:,�G..._.G::.0 ..,7.-i?G...A�.... 30.;Gi381 o� 9.... o...a._ ........ ....... ......... ............... a -._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman __....... therefore, he if RESOLVED, That -the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement. and the total cost thereof. 3. Tp furnish a plan, profile or,sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other duty and information relative to said improtement,_ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coinntissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 101 I Yeas: Nuys: Councilman Farn \torlh N, "fir �a) t; Approved .... 191 _...... Kell hyla MCC411 U ► l \Culch �....._.. .... n __.. Ala yor Irvin Mayor. w. won” 1 ul :99Alo»4 4gNOQ hJOdaJ PPe j �. 5 t - 9411*111 o fup.•q,: Pa• 1¢amuwdmt ' r 7 .A,q, .q7 aodn ...I& io . J.aoi»Im W IDt7Q •qi Io laon.A.g7 pgAl■o■J fulA•q < Ind 7O io Alto ggl so ltounoo .qz -- 1 i Lt6L: 6 eny PaeoJd;�.. °u ra0710101ID 01 106L, JaPJo Aa,utwlla"I JuPutt 'ant . •aAy 411WRW0JJ . - •79 ONJoao 70 .api■ gloq.. u0 1-1 mt• } y Jo g7P1A7 • ol. 11 .Pig ODI.. 7uaw S (. -an a Sunana7ouoa. Ja Jnil,pt 0111 ul —gtJom,¢a,g y 1g •t'a-7taat 'ON ',1 ':7 y y .•- : -1 61-.1 Z 'XR) � 't un 9E any Ppoldopy 'L76t'ia'eny Ilauno� ay7 Sq p07dOPtl 041 o11Y. 7v.my.4.1 .In io; a .47 '>•¢N•oq io ,a,tdDv •mil �gl 701 i - 41to ell It peptAodd �^�l� 0tp al D¢• ■¢ouod .g1 07 1at7»m neral Forme. WLIIiC .51=0, gill 7I" Tn•d'111 io Alto' 0tyyl' . at 211191laa "IN AO Pus `0 ..p - _ UnaD - Oqi i° : J•gta,.0 11201163 .qi ai ''R 'Y goalgA pt )o Jnaq oqi Department of 1, Ltot'7d1R Jo Alp y18a'ay7 u 7¢.maaoJdmt Pt■■ vo P q .q f..J»g .ngnd . 7•gx 'J.giJOd POAl66QtZ7y AUG'2 19 Bureau Of .t .,t JoaaoyP loon pal•wil•a 0477441. Puu- -- .- wo.1111--liv Ou .Ulla '•7R .41113.01 .'1ReW J�T ' " at,,. d II a4n•4,AL Jo epic 2 047 11■Yd■■'. g7{Ja an,PRO Du, .+Pada' I - .I •pvmmoo.t.IlnunoD aql 4a14r 7¢Om : - - -.A6udmi .q7 so..Jn7,u ■n.7,4i Y •g11r..p.P•OnoJd oq 01 paJ"Ja { 191 Cou' He No.-aqu•g n 7»mOAoadmt pl» ag7 P¢•:nted 'pgdop• p¢, POAOJdp, Aq-10ti V.1 .m•■ { ••.Alo,a,t Lq.a,q .'7Jt7dw Pig. . 7¢lAvq pull q 9=11dmt u,q, .q1 aoda .aq,vlS tJo J.aepgm7 — - OLCED That the 51. Mni Gu LIOM1t 8 q1. 30 7a°daA.gt Y•yl.a.J !atop 6ical lien br ereotive polo and nrine a-.ko the ..n Ivr the m .7 0 41 141 to Davnop oq t lav o! eleMk,! ov avd to the MI 1-9 il. -, _ v install three poles on the west side of Desoto Street, between 'j Geranium Maryland Streete(City Lights). Install two poles on the east side of Easel Avenus, between 1[arga- rat and Francis Streets. , Install two poles on the north aide of ]gran -ie Street, between i � I Hazel Avenue and Ruth Avenue. Install one pole on the west aide..and one pole on the east side of Easel Avenue at Fourth Street. Install two poles on the north aide of lburth Street, between Hasa) Avenue,and Ruth Avenue - V/ Install venue.V/Install one poison the north side of Third Street, between Rasel' i, Avenue and Ruth Avenue._t - ,v/ Install eight poles on the meet side of the alley beween,Hasel and Ru Avenues, from 7rancis Street to Third Street. Inetall nine poles on the south side of the alley between'Yrancis Street, nrth Street, Hazel and Ruth Avenues. I Install nine poles on the south side of the alley between Fourth f Street, Sigel Street, Easel and Ruth Avenues. 1 I' Install nine poles on the south side`of the alley between Sigel I Street,Third Street ,Hsssl and Ruth Avenues. 1- Install seven poles on the south side of the alley between Third) i Street, Conway -Street, Hazel and Ruth Avenues., _ With necessary guys and anchors. _ I ..t; MAll W -h u the pr hone o/ (1 diva �dN i .3174. land odrall eedihe 1 :- or I unnd t d dh lutltov. of th Q r of ] I I� j ommiuianer of Pubik. Ldlvt avd [o ell rhino.. .11e poen .M1oild be set in .vcM1 loutiov Iv W d illen and taco u the Co h o(Pubiie U,llitin shall de k ate. and .lull M al h heleht'and dnracto 0 Ildnhvau avd atT*b•e, a•d ave avd all.vch vola .M1all Ee eke• do» d eno•ed. and .uch.hn Plead uadert¢ouod. 4never the C ocll .hall &am that the ..c Intern, eo rn .I—. ed masa it "It w order. •l ;, n .7 191 Ac,opted by the Council- Yeas ouncil Yeas ( % ) Councilmen ( (D ) Nays FARNS RTH GO - McC�l// eUBLISBL�� ,r- WUND ICH HYL Approved d t 7 KE i x Ala Mr President, IR ` j r s I " CITY 'OF ST. PAUL "- _- COUNCIL RESOLUTION • GENERAL.•F-ORM. Subject: y■ COUNCIL irhC7il- N O. FILE , - Date Presented I9:1 • I 1 Resolved; That the proper City offiaiale.aro'hereby authorized to pay to Mike Miller, out of the:workmea's Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sum of Twenty -Bight Dollars and Bighty Cents, ($28.80), in full settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the. employ of the City, on the 28th day of June 1917. I hereby, ecomme the above ' resolution for as Comm e o er Pu e o Be F 'C. F. No. 18308— er City ottl- nneolred, That. the Pro P dwa11W, miller,. hereby ao[hotheeJ\\orkrnena ('nmpensatioo Account or the Genoa, Fund. Ila .um or TWCent.entY•P:Ight Do:- .ettioment ofhhle ci Im again t�the City in l arl.ing 4Y reneon or -injuria. r Oro d ........... .........._... .:.___-___...__..... by him while tnthe emP1.Y of the City. on lho.981h da) ,or June, 1317. Adopted by the t;nuncll AUK Y9, 1917. APProvod AUR• Y9, 1917: lttepe 1.1917). Yeas (v) Co ncilmen (.') Nays µI1 G P nsttb[h" Adopted IU the Council 7 191 C In favor J land 4UG 1 / ter App -11 191 cG^'c!I .-_- — - - - Against -__ __.. --.__ 1 _ _ 1 1 urfderlic6 12 - Mr. President -Irvin w R F • -z 1 L.. l o COU NCI L RESOL_UOTI ON—' -G NERAL' FORM jCITY ST, PAUL T � � Subject:: ��'1 "`oERct No. t T Date Presented 'AuguSt 20, 1 1917, It. Y. . t..� ..__ ._t..... ----- -- an - Resolved, that permission be d i0 hereby -granted the-:Tri-Stste_xelephone & Telegraph Compeny to erect poles with the, necessary anchors and to string wireeiand cabli on the following named Streets: I seven poles on nAoan Street between Autumn & 00m0 Phslen Ave, a F. xo: iaaos-By ns, N. Goes— Resolved.. That permission be and IsTri-tate Ti,l­ . _ Nn". &g Teltmj egraphthe . ComDanY to erect - poles with the necessari anchors and to string wires and cable on tha fol- ' lowing ' named'ntreet.: - Seven Doles on Uunran St., between Autumn & C mo-l'Rnlr .'i'•r. work to be dopa under lbs direetloa and to the satisfaction of the Commin-.ioner of - ComDnnylouDlic nY thercoettof Insphe ection. - 1 engtneerinB and Dubllcallon. : l•olra and wire. to be removed when requested to do � by the Common .. •Council. Bald coat.. to a paid by the j TelephonoCompany. - - Adopted by the Council Aug. 29, 1917. ADProved Ang: 29. 1917. _I (Sept. 1-1917).: tion of Rork to be done ander the di, the°Telephone Compto the any to�pay,the the Commissioner of Public Rorke, and publications cost of inspection, engineering requested to dO.so Poles 4nd wirSaid ooetto b rtcobedpaidnbyhe Telephone Co Fanyhe Qommen C ounoi3 , i Yeas (1) Council en (1) Nays Farnee rth I I Adopted by the CouncilGoss til�� —) 1 191 In favor Hylan Approv "K 29 I ; 191 Keller / \1cCo 1 4 Wun rlich MwoR \lr. Prestdell(. vin t.. ...-....... .._ ,. _ _... .. _. _.� _. --. r y- __. F CITY OA ST.. PAUL -- -- C- OUNCIL—RESOLUTION',.-GENERAL "FORM - Subject: • `o ENV L 'No. - -- IL Date.Preseoted 191 C:OTT, In the ;.f sa f n ea 10,:.art is Fes, a of o, i e. d ri eVA1�f.t. is grpth u the City s Lina: ar 1 u t_n a u� A o ,1717r ;„:cz tan.- ceive:i ert � °in irlidri u': ti: ti 1 :h. t uLe Cis;. t i i ire cyi au- J ho izad ay r' J ctt :. u .i Vo 1 t: mQ .t” of said aun• bein- ,a 1 t a y din 1 a o:� Sactf Am ust, lyl , r t a} [ ynt reoE it- ^ f mune`. Cit n f t a 3 6*' a.: Vn"er f ze a' fie: ba aaeiu a ably to aaia n tt, o kat. i y ! o f i� n� . nen f 5 atu�aa u Co=_r La v ,e State; :r. �_:e Civ vi1 t _fu - r,.U, s n 1al of e >1 t in i' nt it e v as cu` fu.~ T� t :vva: oma. "_st+�T Go rsel, y 0. F: Nm 11301-89 Henry McColl— - . r we. P. T. ticDott- In the coarse _ - nt:his employment Y a'Ineman 1n the . Bureau' of Ponce �eceived cartel low. 1 'furlq on the 17th dsy. of August. I aDncitalcd Atm whlch temporarily Inc from pertorminI, his duties: City Offl- Re o1�td,That .thtthorlud'to PaY P.. - clal h,_hy a 't 111,'1,0-ll o liunedre I F v.h tt [he "sold um hrin for�the tn100 VO)n no.i[0 or hla aad the lnry month of Auauet• 171 tlutrla d by pgec- Ment thereof hel-K nu Charter: aald qon No. 29G. of the ltedtton any eumn-of sum ehaVl ho Frhkh a w or hereafter he du° or D.Ynblc to the saki 1'.: y y l I--- jr in hla h1half ton vont-lnedbin the r _ on °Chnr[e or tha &tot lttnie of eahid:, ... Irw' of r the roper nmpunt ehal`ecetlpt rinatonn tiro be aP- r Iort i lY the Corporal lond to' *h' to 1r ; re,. Ind Iv hlmnn _ tho CItY Coro ironer: 173E An�ted h> Ihr''ouncll Auq. 2�• ADDroved AUK•29• 1917. ' t ISePr•.1-19171 Yeas (J) Coup ilmen (J) Nays NIG Adopted by the Council --f/ 191 C:arn worth J � In favor 1UG?9 16-' r Flyd Appro d M 191 n_ -- — =-- oil l l.✓ ,rga ..: ----_ - ---- -- ` V . � � `'"`—' •`-"- _ _ F -- --- Wu erlich M Ynn I Mr. President. Irvin 1011M C.4-2 I - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL—FORM Subject: .._. :._. ........ .... .. .......... ... ....... .. :..___ .:..:r COUNCILFILE NO. Date Presented,.__.... ......... 191.....x.• �taer+9iii�r � _ WHEREAS, The Council, by File No.- 16696, approved May 34th, 1917, accepted and approved the official surety bond of John D. Hyland, Commiseioner,of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, I, :vritten by the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, upon the advice that the American Fidelity Company, of Montpelier, Vermont,, surety on said Commissioner's originalbondhad become insolvent; and WHEREAS, It now 6peara that the Natiotlal Surety Company, a corporation of the State of New York, and authorized to.do busi- ness in this state, had theretoforeand on the 2nd day of October, 1916, by agreement with the American Fidelity Company, re -insured the liability of the said American Fidelity Company upon the 'said bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond of the Lion Bonding & Surety ompany be -and the same is hereby ca.ncelled,_and,the obligation, hereon discharged, and the Comptroller is hereby directed to re- turn said bond to the representative of said Company. FURTTiFR RESOLVED, That the agreement of the National Surety Company to re -insure the liability of the American Fidelity Company be and the same is hereby accepted -and approved. I : F ho 18307 - b F!1e Nn- �,. 19696 ul pr red 'May t24th.Y 1917.. ac - ••.l 1- P - I thenglrl 1 eupaly F, tj 1 beItlognd of john D 17)IanndtwheCoaIm.1 d n public l I+ k 1 11 ob > It lldlla rrCrely tomPanYofOmahaN0- & -- , FaSujuic•e that the A. - ,,,a. erican Fidelity Company, I [ M,nt {� 1 (ler, V r o t.-euretY on "'A Com•: 61rall bond hod Mlr9ma i . ( ✓M Insolvent Rud `(l tt ber a It how npp.nl. that the J\ 11 not 4t 1 tY COMP Y• w Cart era ♦ ! �r I-.` tl m of the 4mte of %',w York and au-. I / _ -•� �. Jlhori-d to do bludnelal In thh, 4tate, hod h t f— d on the 2n 1 J if # a 1/4 loctober 1916, by agreement wllh tho Amerl In Fidelity CoulpanY• re -Insured . J J 1 the llabll(tY of tho sold Am rlrnm FI- 1'ena Ga J 1 de11t3 COmPnny upon the .-I d hand: ih rotors, be dt - J j1 Is t i •- !'7, jteeol d. !Clint the said bond of the Farpew•a fi '�:1 / t. �'� f , Lion Bonding 8 Surety. Company be AUG /r{1 / andiho same: Is herebyoancelled and M�ll rtia 1:'� .IBI (-o�. /. - ,� ` -� the-obitgnllon thereon hereby directed and 1 '" Ilor"' , ( //jt• In fn•or tha- Comptroller la hereUY resO ted to I ` y6ild h. + , !slur saki band to theropresentativs n I'! �) , .. J ; of said company r�UG 2f I!% hdJel. •,�,. Further Baaoived That the agree• ///��� \\uI J .101 / Tnt of the National Surety Company McL7111_ _ �I •` to_ _r Inenre Yhn IIab111tYof tha Amari. { _ 1 aaa: Ind. Ry _mv R'dndedirh la. he shyaccepted and apifl,al . Adopted by the Council Aug 39, 1917. 1�n 11 r. ire id,n(, Irvi I Approved Aug: 39, 1917. - ORM C A (9ept• 1-1917) f '- I MAYOR 9 6-1712M" zl� 1-1 J A --------------- Col INCIT, FJLE N '0 �. ..... . .... ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER, To the Matter or.. _pq.R@truqtirlg a eewsr­,oln.the centre .line of tit. Curve ....... .. . . ..... .. .. .. Boulevard from a point 160 fet south cf Randolrh St. to a point ............... ........... .......... 347 feet south of Randolph ... ...... .. . ......... under Preliminary Order ....approved. June .......... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That.the. nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...... clone.tln.4.ot l4t.' Curve Boulevard from on the cent.re .......... ................ south of Randolph St.. to a Point $:t, ­ worth - the of on a ewer ............................ .................. . ......... on the rear an& or .%it. c.,,. rou. levard Itdfrom a point 160 feet south aPoint 24", feet south o!: h ., 'j. uoder P - iv Order n3u7, approved the Cit, he re with I,u alternatives, and flont fill- e.4tiniated cost thereof is $ 768-00 Hesolved Further. That it publi, hearing be had on said improvement (lit the 5.th. __..____day of 013 totter ll.il 7. at' the hour of 111 Welliek A. K. in the Council Chamber of tile - Court House and City Hall Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons said in the manner provided by the Charter-, stating tile time and place of beat-- ine. the Nature of the iinilrovertient, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted lip Ih, Couneil ILI v') Approved im f m Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Faiti.,worth Councilman 144ovs Councilman Hyltitid - Councilman Keller Couneilman:lfetolf Councilman Wunllerli,h Mayor lrvVi Form B. S. A. 8-6 a COUNCIL FILE NO ............ .............. .:............ .: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........C.p.ijet,xlc.in .:curbi.ng_.cn bctb.,aides„of ...S.. herb...u..r.n..e Ave: _ ..._betvte.en.. Qxf oxd.:.: t......atld._Lexington...AV ........................... .......................................... _ - C. F \,i 18309-113 S A. Fnr in thr worth—...... ... . ...... .. ........ tlntter fit •unetruotlnR curbinR ........................... ............... both sIIt— of aherburne Ave., be 1 ” 'der IrellminnrY� Ordrrin76. Jnr ............. ........ ...... 'vert July 1. 191_ , ' !' ..Itr of at - ..... ............ ......... ..... .......... ..._amort of......... .............. I 1 under Preliminary Order. 17oQ0... ....approved. July 17, 117. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s..C•gnBtrgpt,..g4rbin,g. on both sides of Sherburne. -Ave. _betweer,_Qx.ford.. t,.. and .,.... .. Lexington Ave., _. ....... _.:. ............:.. 1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That,a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._. 5th,.:__.. „.,.,day of ......... ..._Qct.CbeT ._ .._. . _:., 1911 _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. JL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.: Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time find place of hear in¢, the nature of the imtirovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. . 11 _ I rug 1 j ..adopted by the Councrt . :......................... 191:._ .. I _ r Approved PP 191 Ity Clerk. Councilman Farnsworth PUBL(Si- Couneilluau llyiaful _ �_' Councilman K$115r Y'ouncihuan \IcJjoll -.. C'oubcilr uiau und11 'erlic 3layor Ir ft Form B. S. A. 3-G i COUNCIL FILE NO .... ............................ -INTERMEDIARY ORDER i In the Matter of... cot?etruct, ng..cement.._curbing-..on both eides of _.._.... ... ......:. _.. ........ ....:.. .... _._.. ... ......... ..r._. I tinder Preliminnry Order 1- 479 approved . July:10, 1917.. . Thr Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abort' improvement, still hat;ng considered said report, bereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:._Qcn.s.truct., cement curbing on both: sides of Baldwin St, from St, Clair St. to ... Princeton Ave, r CF \o. 18310—•Itp S. A. Fnrnaw•orth— r, 4P .:atter of ronet_ting —ent........ .... ......... ... � .. �:t ~e�'t:� of il,tA•s' ^t. .. '. _ no alternatives, and that P g d. .. 64 5th-:✓ da of i inthiteaohed Further, That is theestimated IIDarin cost ethad on f said -improvement on the ._..... - y II , 4R.tQ)J r- 191. 7., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Halt Building in the City of. St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice i of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear•. j 1 mv, the nature of. the -improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - - Adopted by tilt• Council ...... 191 .... . C Approved 'II( Vin:..' 191 V laym f'uuaeilmeu Fttfnaworth ; r f'uuncihnau tiMa PL;BuSllgll / Cuuaeilmuti llyltiud- ---�� Coun •ilman &1d1Yr F� Coup •ilntuti c11e('ull l Cuutieilwa Wuntierlich V. Ilayur lr in Form B. S. A. is -G I' COIfNCIL FILE N j By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......x.V,.Q.flAE.. rli.w.SiAm,....T..Q:.&Y.. of_ six ...f=.e.t.,:.:.t.he.:..chmeat walk ...on the ..mox h..aiAe....of _:.. ........he. fee •._eaa.....af-. .i.a_`crie.- a. •• * Zence •east .. 118 •.eEt, ........ - ..... _ under Preliminary Order 18105 approved. A a 21, 19 7 The Council of the City of St. Puul having, received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon -the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebv ordered to he proceeded with. Y That the nature of the improvement which the Council reeommends is . R.9CQAe Kq v, ,,. •.;., J I relay and..repsir, to a •14th of, six, feet, ,the..ceirient tile...side alk on the north -aide of Sherburne Ave .=ginnimg. 11.6 feet.. east of ............. Victoria St, thence east 118 feet,F �0• 15711—nr S. A. FA the 7f atter of reconatructing, veiny- .. ... C. and repairing to n width of I: the ment.tlle Idewalk on - �d °! Sherburne Ave he, _.. ." rla.. .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $ :..0.06... per square foot / Resolved Further, That a public Learing be bad on said improvement on the................. day of j 1;11. 7 utthe hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the. Council Chamber of the - Court House and City Hall -Building in the Citg of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- j in¢,, the nature of the inlpilwement: and the total cost thereof as estimated. I ! Adopted be the Counted. ..........���..LQ 1�.j...., lyl.:.. Approved ... _2<<' Councilmaa�'. rn5worth Mayor. C oullcilluo buss Couneih�ea Aylnnd .—' � . . • t'ouncing&tt IG•Ilrr O. � c^•rtr IcJrm 9�7. � � 'Crluucihq�ill \IcCerll Vo:unciliqiii \t uaderlich . J[nioriu Voru. R. S. A. Tit j -- 1----- --- COf1NGIL FILE NO......_ Ii INTERMEDIARY ORDER I Inthe Matter oG....constrac inc a er nt tile vinev alk to a width f six ............... „.: e t.-qr.h..e. north Aide.cf.,Thor-a©,.St.....fros CrgA1'!T..Ave•:tc-_- A1cinE _..` ,..._. ..... ...... .......... i . ..... ......... under Preliminary' Order............ 18052 ..... approved . _ Au F.. 14, 1at7....................:. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said Ireport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with: -. "_ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is a :cement tile. _sidewalk ...to- ;_w.idtn._.o.f„-,six .feet. ,c.n.the•'.ncrt.h side cfThomas from Snelling Ave._ to Aldinc St., 1 28:112—u,' S. A. i rlh— �-of conn( t{ g n to enl - ......••. tll. blew Ik to.nwidth of. i. feet n [lo,-nor[h nide of T1111— St. fro,• .. .... ...... 0 W9 ',. A lc. to .\Idinc .tl.. 1;t2 , il..:innr)' Itnler ReaR. n - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .0.6.6, per lineal foot,` Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _. 4th... .day of 191. 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \f., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buildiug in the City: of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said, meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear 'lin¢, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof. as estimated. Adopted by the Council. _- 11! 191 2!1 r 2 c c Approved.Cit} Clerk. _ � Mayor. Councilman Fdrialworth — i I'Ul,'LLtilfin Councilman tjnss 3i Councilman 110and 1 Councilman Koller Councilman \le(y'bll 111 Councilmen Wun4encch �[avor ldiu Form B. S. A. 3-6 ------ ----- I _. COUNCIL FILF. NO ........................ - aS•. !• f....: -......J- l INTERMEDIARY ORDER I II In the Matter of.....:•,G491TUC* ing cetcent tale . sidewalk to a n idtn cf _sixL._ f.ee.t...oz::.aea...9,..a.....AvP,.fron PardoF2a ..... ......... ........ t ....... ..............: ....... ............... _ _ _. _. _... . _ _;..:.._.. _._ ...... .... ........ ...:..... .......... under Preliminary Order: 1469 ... .......approved . Au;;. 20, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the tbove.improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ ' - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement to jhereby ordered to he proceeded with. Y. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. . QCL19tF.1G+ ti...cesent the .sid.ewa i. to_a.w.idth_of six _`e -t on the eat side of Pascal Ave. om Randolph St. to Palace St F No. 18575—nya. %. Farnsworth— the t — Matter of conntrucit.9 o cement - --•--••-- ••- i £Z',Ile sidewalk to n 1,19h of nix few - - • 'the we t. I Ir of Pascal Ave. fr-, n Im r5 0'"r1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s. 0.66. -.per lineal foot, Resolved Further, That a. public bearing be had on said improvement on the. ....4th......... _.-day of - - - __..Gat.cber. 191.7. . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 3L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Luilding in the City, of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said'. meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imptowement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - .adopted by the Council .. Approveii7,h Clerk � � 1[ayor: Councilman i•`l niworth f l Councilman I#41. YUlti.hlll:D�� 7 jCouncilman Hyland — }Councilman hKtler I 1-ounetlmau Sl�'oll Couucih'ua/-u Wui derlieb \lat•or Iplill Form B. S. A. S -t; t COUNCIL FILE .NO........ ........... ::........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In '#e Matter of...cjgpnttilesidewalktoewidth of ,. ,,, •.••,_ .six .fe.e.t<:. on .t:ne. aCut.h, pide.__.of Lafond .4t.. from .Aldine,..,�t,.. to 3?heel.ex....Ave ,.......... .. ..._.. ......... ....... ........................ - ............................... ........................................... ........................................................ i _ .. ........................_ .. ............................... tinder Preliminary, Order. 18164 _...,,,.approved : Au.�. 21,...1.9.17..... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finahce upon the (hove improvement, and having consider_ ed said report, hereby resolves: - ¢ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is uereby ordered be That Ute nature of'�itl�t proceeded the improvement which the Council recommends is ... Const rugt a cement tile .sidew.>ak to .e width of _:six feet on the south side of Lafond St, from Aldine t: to Wheeler Ave.., ......... _.... h Fu nx th! - •. • •rt+r ^f ronxt ructlnq t t�.me .... ... . Onnn",••Idth of xlz. f j nlll P r,nd _. , i With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is •T,.._ C.o6., per lineal foot, j Resolved Further, That u public hearing be had on s, aid improvement on the.. 4t ...._. ........day of i 4-*ober. 191 7 at the hour of I0 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber of the Court hoose and City Hall Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- . iu¢. the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. { adopted by the Council. 7. -.. 191 UG ��!6Un z vc� Approved ... ..... . .... ; 191.:_ ( �' f ih Clerk itavar. 1 Councilman Far�istvorth Councilman Q61, Councilman llyleunt PUBL151i13D J / /y�� Couneilman Kltllct �) - j Couuciligan IIF(bll _ l'ouucilman Nuyderlieh )lavur Irvin E Drat B ' S. a. y COUNCIL FILE NO.- ............................. r Bye l_.:i..L�LtLtZGs'lYTi�4............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER •—rsain�..flll.ey- in..Blocl 1, :l C's zple?tioud iY3i+tion Io the Matter of.... ✓.. ... ._. ...._.. ti j - i under Preliminary Order. 1.74C�r..... ....-.... _ _ ._...approved . July 9, 1c17_... _... ..: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ai,.ove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves j 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:..,.GTade.All•e,y ..in jPlock 1, Binz'a Maplewood Addition, , '. F. \e. 18316--I1y 1;:.\. Farnnu•orlh— In thr.]inl[rr ..f Fra,Il nit allcY 1n 131-k - 1. hinl;'n �IaPh•wood .\dditioaunder....:............................................ 1htnmfnary Order 17460 approved.. — 1 July 9. 193 i. - - - The Connell of the City or st. Pa -- . -- .--- ....- - hn -law --1-1 Ih+' art of, tF! i _.. - c..... '.... _ .. _..._ _. _. _ ........... _. ...... ..... __. _.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...477..71.... i i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 4 rh.. .... ........:day of - -2. -......Ctatobar 191 ? , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court Iloitse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - in¢, the nature of the impmvement,.and the total cost thereof as estimated. p ado ted by the Council :. wIUG .rI.tl :J 19L Approved !11G_ 1.9.. 191 �/� / f 1t\ tIerk �� ayor. Councilman Fary6worth l'onncihnan 14AS t`uuapiluldu Ilyluad Councilman iietilrr 1'ouneihnun Ilevoll touneihpuu Wuuderlirh r 3[avor Irvin i I Form B. S. A. 8-6 { j h •- ----- --- COUNCIL;.FME NO ........:.......................: s By...�..::...l..t. G.rF< r . ....:. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....conde¢ni^c;,-and• taking -_2n -_easement in the land necessary ...aiier..i-nlo..k....1...Y.,ir.8..: — 2"aF. Addition,_2o^ordi:g to,_the plan..ner.etc att.ached._an3 made _g_part_•hereof,, the hatcYed„portiere. indicating the cuts and tr -.-... _e shed@d portions the fills -.,, Fh%..183161Bya.A Fan ertn .._ _. . ............_ y nee 1 K td tax ............. the t.tnd'neer, nIV 1„ ie. ror 0d fil 111n -kI ncider-Preliminary Order........ .: .... .... ...._,approved .: July 8, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ah'ove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves _ T. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is 1wreby ordered to he proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the.Couneil recommends is.... Condetrn. and take an easement in the land necessary for -slopes, for cuts and fills in .,rading alley in Block 1 ” nG!"e laYlesood_ Addi.tior,...accordinE,ao.....he Flan. heretc attached and m.aae a.,part_ hereof, _tae hatched _portions irdimting the cute and the..shaded-portiere the fills, • - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s 2Q.`JQ....... _. j Resolved Further. That,a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... _.. 4th V......_.,. --day of ...... 191 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C•,,)urt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice o1'said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of'hear- inia. the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated n PIT' - - Adoptedby,the council.. ........ ..."�..... ._.,.: 191.... O Approved. 191ay 01% Councilman Farftaworth I, 1'oluleilwaa iiyai Coll neilmall Iiyl+tnd L_[, 1'oinicilwatt Ktll.•r :i Y'otweilmau:llwofl Coulleilla i \1'ua4erlich Mayor I�t-la Floral It. A. n=6 COIINCII. FIILF. NO-_ L By.•_,...... .. . j INTERMEDIARY ORDER fn the Matter of. f..UTn .Hing. anci inetalli.ne ..$T1...Gxn3{Q�7Cit...ti}CetP•m ;._ conol..et.inZ of. 5. light ,lamp .,,Poots .and. Tarr; 8,-•,wires an3•.un3ergrqund•, _ c —uit for ocnveying electric.... current .thereto_annd..al.l...o.ther ;........ .,. nece.asary appliances. and equipzent . for said . ay:atem...r P..\o Ib81 1') S. A. Fort worth- - .. fxdlm .Central.. Ave. to Rice. 8t ,alt the ti! u.r `t turtdehing and tn• .. ...... ......... . M1011.6 t t nam utal lighting eye. _ 1 - 1-% ..... - U119 of tight 138111) D X wlree —dunA rbc un' condu4 tor, eonveyingelea-�• a .. .... . '': •o. and ,It other. under Preliminary Order... 104 1 tt'l t" Il t. ?S8v 16, 1°17 _....approct•nSt- u St. e.at.. undo - Th Council of the City of St. Paul having received the-r, approved -he Commissioner of Finance upon the of the C above improvement, and having',considered said mport, herel'a the revs:- . Finance. - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby app; -h ebY �`, adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. the Wd r nl' Imp-r � which the Ct _ieeommends is.. � rnlsh' and install) Thatthe nature of the improvement whi , ......... ............. an ornatue:ntal..li.ght'i•;ng.system cone.ietinE,..of 5,lig4t._la;?ip.••poets sett ,.-•.• lau ,.. wired and .undezrRund .C4nduit,.:fcr .conyeYirg,,.alec.`ric-,•current•.•„- thereto,.. and.. all o.tX�.ex ..zle.c.e.El.o.aFY....a9»lian o . sT4 equi.Pment...for said . . system on Tabaeha St,_ from Central Ave. to Rice St., with uu niteruxtives, and that the estimated cost thereof is T 5798. C0: Beuolvel Farther,_'Ihat'a publi: 6eiu'ing be had ml Suitt improvement on the. 8.th... .............. day of October 191 7 • at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I., ill the Council Chamber of the j (hurt House fund City Hall Building ill the City of St. Paul: That till, Commissioner of Finance give notice of sai&meeting to the persons all in them anner provided by the Charter, stating the time mitt place of heir j ling, the. nah ore,of the improvement. -and the tota1_eost thereof.as estimated i Adopted by the Council 191 r � � Approved )til V 1 Ih l.lerL. \taym•. Councilman 1 arnsworth Councitrflail WI •y: t_'oitneilmau Hyl+aui -'-"�! Cuimcilmml fSE•ller _ ;•� • Couueihnair I1/.nll councilman % u4derlieli \favor Itliiu — F.orrn R. S, A. d-E _ - --T ------ — ------- COUNCIL ---COUNCIL FILE NO ......_ .............. 4NTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ot.....qQ.?ld Pllli.hg..a3?d..talcing--an-.eaaemAnt in the land• neceseary fstr ..aQPe, ,fpr Yute;.and_fills•_in,.�rs3ing• Livingston•,Ave•..•••rom _ - /�nn-applie....$t...-,ta �eorj3e St-.••,--•.ac ording to -the plan hfp�eto•_attached and—made ...a..paxt..hexeof,....the ...hat.~.i�sd 11,111, s A Farnsworth al}d tre•, aha ed-portions the fills, Iln th )lett r o[ condemning and tak-1 . ...... ........ ........ Ing-nn a ment in the iand netex- j... ..• daq- forelopes. f., cute and 011e In i i�rn.nn,., under Preliminary Order........... .:...........approved ... ...... July,.;5,. 1916:-•_. ..... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul-having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the l above: improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 11 That the said report be and the same is hereby approved, and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Condemn and take- an: esaem�nt;.11> tkle l.and..n�.ce•3eaxy for, slo�ee,, fey cute and fills in grading.Livingston Ave, from Annapolie St to George: St according.-.: __.. . C10 the. plan-hereto attached.and_made a part hereof', the hatc.red_,,.__ portions indicating the cuts and the shaded_portiens.t.he.fills, with no alternatives, and tbat the estimated cost thereof is s'.:. 830-0C..: f . '/ Resolved Further, That a public hearing.be had on said improvement on the.. . 5th.? .......:day of October. 191. 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 2I., in the Council Chamber of-the - Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. . adopted by the Council... _ _ ... 191 Approved f . .... ... ._.._.. , 191..... Clty Clerk. •\ avor: Councilman Ffrnsworth _ rr (.'utiurilman libss r Councilman llyinud �I+ Councilman Keller j Councilman )le(.'all Councilmen Wut derlieh Mayor h4in F'orut .B. 3. A. a-t; I LK "i t JL_ 7 �.T. CIT, OF is ACCOUNTING 0 TMENT -AUDITED CLAIMS—R UTION OUNCIL -18320 FORM FILE No. 13Y AUDITED let— PER- 622 Aesolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurl, payable Out of the hereinafter, specified funds and, :, I in favor of the persons, firms of corporations for the amounts set opposite their respectiva namis as specified in the following detailed" statement: the Council YG R11 1917 191 Adopted by't Yeast Coll vV.( Nays me a a Z In favor Approved 191_ cl 0 Against MAYOR! *fiapd Wupder liq h - Mr. P.Cuid,. 39VL— IrvK- C. F. 1". 183 20--� Resolved thwt warrantx be drawn out of the favor of the P*=. pppr tions for the otnfltam: ecrpo,a­ their respective names a. In lol, an =119 d*,CII!,ed ft: ins 1, American too c. S �wllo. j B. S. Rates. 136.00: ' O.o. Distant IAO J. Borer 136:00. 9 Arend. 14375 Americ-ah Insurance Company, Carl 62. CA 72 'I, Craftsman Press, $46.92. G.F.-Mise. St-Unforseen-Exp a. Cracks, $17.50. Rocible, Robinson Co.. $1,0.00, Robert IL Cohan. $90.00. - 1 11 , Q -, i 36.00-1:_,111 gd1."g'nd1_.H%'j �41 B- S Bate S '0 415.8t Co., 516.6%- X_ P schools -Expense. F..tY Me 111.80.1 Plo B jelenberg, %V. Cults ' Welding X. W. . Electric&aulmment Co.. - 3.50 'N. IL98. Water -Expense. WW- SM.% 1iP.%'YW.,kd, $517.77. 11 1 1ph*"* Co. el Plate Olasa0s.. 117.06. Quayle at Kelly, 1144.72. 1 3 .5 rR`ob`in'a,onr' 4 160 J. Borer, C'I'LI,"k I.d. I P—Schools-Expense. SL Paul BuIldera-140. 92..148 U 2�35. , 4P S. Arand, . 9LL Pauk' MG-aching—hroCrk., 11114.56. St Paul Wqildlng Co.. $1.4L, 75,� Albert Salsba, 1170.00. I` 43. Schu I I I Evans Vq�ExpenBO. . na �.I.! _,,41. Tri -I Tel.it, I. T"chW":,1in& So.. 1946.. t doPted by 'h� ._ A15 _0. 103-1.! 60.f30;'1t�' L. S BrehO�_. pp 10, 1.17. 1 hool xpanse P.Se—s (Sept. t-191711 17 Capitol Ci ice Company$ 184.58 Park xpens8 0,1vs Capit" City -Lumber Company, ter -Expense. 45 121,01 Health-P.Baths-Exp*. 80 52 Robert E GehOLn.o 9A tQ Par;-Fxpense. j t lo� R88. 622 Page #r2. 1915 Quincy A. Hall, 8.99 �. t Water-Ey_pense_. Independent Oil Company, 15.94 Water -Ex ease. Geo. Knispel, Park Expense. 56 Fasty McDonough,. - 13.80 Water -Expense. 57 N. W. Cutting & Welding Company, \ 1.50 Fire -Expanse. 58' N. W. Electric Equipment Company, _ 171.06 G Pol. & Fire A1 -Expense - 4 61 Park -Const. Phalen Beach 38 5 - 'Water-F,xpense 92. 0 n " 1. 0 Park -Const. P.Beach 34. 171. 6 i t 59 N. W. Motor Supply Company, 3.08 Water -Expense. 66 N. W. Shot & Lead Works, Ii 517.77 Water -Expense. 61 N. W. Telephone Company, ? 205.22 G.F.-City Clk,-Exp. 50 - Health-Quar-Exp. x12.00 " P..Baths-Exp-' 4j00 - f Fire -Expense 14 55 P. & F -Alarm -Exp. 111120 1417b Health -Exp. Police -Expense 79.a12 - 3:b O 1 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 3.p0 School -Expense 24.35 later -Expense 45.80 05:22 J 62 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 7.06. Parke-Exense. 6:3 Quayle & Kelly, 44.72 Water -Expense. j 64 E. Rexer, a 12.00 Water -Expense. j 65 Robinson,.Cary & Sands, 909.92 St. -C&R -Exp. 5. P,Schools-Exp. 5. 21. p r .... n .9 0 P.Sohools-Equip. 9. j P.Schools-C&B. 474100 n n 391.69 909.92 j -6-6 9t.Paul Builders Mtl. Company, 2,182.35 P.Sebools-Exp. 39.70 P.Schools-C&B- 2.72 Water -Exp,. 1.035 - n u. 2.138.58 2,182.35 Res. 622 I Page #Z3 19367 St.Paul Gas Light Company, - 292.42 Health-P.Comfort*t,R:-Exp 4656; Park -Exp. 5j.00 Water -Exp. ' 901.62! Health-P.Buths-�'xp. 9 .36 P.Schoo s -Exp., 48.80 : _. Parks -Exp. 0 Gen. Art Museum OD;: 29 .4pj U8 St.Paul Machine Works, - 14.96 ` Fire. -Expense. !- f9 St.Paul Welding Company, 1..40 _ Water -Expense. +' ' X7 0 Albert Salaba .. 70.00 G F. -APT Museum. , 71, Schuneman & Evans, 32'.00 Park-ExRense 7.20 - 18.00 t.00 Water -Expense 3:80 c 32.00 ? - 72 Tri-State Telephone Company, 157.80 i Police-Expe nse � 12;3 Health-P.Bathe -Exp . 5:5� Health -guar -Exp. 155rp Health -Exp. 2.00 School-Exp. JJ. 15 835 Fater Lxp. — " " 15.bo 157.80. - 73 Tuchelt & Sons, 9.45 Park -Ex oe ns e . 74 Western Grocery Company, 71.54 Park Expense i Total • 5, 530.24 'I i i j. CITY. OF DT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL N0. L 96 � u 1917 6Y— ;aUG g m....... AUDITED IBI_ _ .. PER- ;624 ' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City: -Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter. specified funds -and_ - in favor of the. persons. firms rrms or corporations for the amounts set opposite 'their respective names . u specified in the following detailed j-statement:. Yeu Coup men ( J) Nays Adopted b3 the Council Faro rah In favor APP191!_. e . I I IA . Go Q KeHU M it �,. .� 'A`ainat - Lo M �. I- 8,tig $y1ndy� - MAYOR - Wunderlich Mr. President. IrvV, C. F. No. ]8ai1— _. Resoivcd that warrants h. drawn upon the the: hereinafter of Pfun $Pe (fled ds�andout fain vor of the Persons, m orcorporn. Itoo" for '� tha amounts e.( OP Poelte. their reepectty names as apeclfled 7. 1 the following detailed state..., - �' - 3 t{•m. SOunR4au.r,t700000.- I Adopted by the Cou.ell Aug. 10. ]917. - Approved Aug, i0. '.1817. � '.. - (Sept1-1917) _. 19/ 7 Wm. You.ngbauer 2,000000 1 Library-Compl. New Bldg. I CITY OF 8T. PAUL` - „°"t ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL ND, �. C1t1.�r� AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM _ FILE tY AUG , it M17 BY AUDITED- . _ PER '/ r — 623 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable oat of the hereinafter specified funds and . iu.favor:of the Persons firms or corporations for the_atnounts set opposite their respective names I as specified in the Wowing detailed statement: - : vlr) e: i } 7 Yeas ( t/) ou ciltnftI ( J )' Nays r Adopted by the Council ✓ ��% Approved... F n ort6 � In favort.' t s' ' Q Ifel A_k_� Hylan�]/ — MAYOR s Wundd*lich Mr. PresidenLZA Irvj.fi. c -F. '*ed s.... - Rre 1th [ nle 2 drawn - Pa. th CILY Trc Y. Daynbl out of - thnhrrelMfteeeporlfledrund cid in favor of the pereons_nU o arV.ra tion° for the amounts eet DDontla , their eep—tivo names -ne- ePeHf ed 'ir the toll -1m; .detailed star.... t: Df. J. O'Kalil:. 531,1. 00. Standard Stone Co., $1.017.00. Adopted by the Council Aug. S0. 11137. - Approved.. is Allis. 03 39337) 381.00 1937 IA.,J• O'Neill, Carnegie. Library. 7(6 Standard Stone Company, 1,037.001' + Curb Power -from 11der to Uleveland 220.00 E Curb Ashland from Prior to Cleveland '8 70 '1'037.00 I - j i II Perm A. r -I I j �' I t ►fie, a F. xo: aaa:a— CITY OF ST. PAUL, i7n the matt r o7 rc .trueting s sewer _, n-R,.ib St.. from Johnson. Parkway to Clarence St., . under.Freuminarq COUNCIL RESOLUTION j Ordar 79002; .Final Order 17816,.nV- - Droved July 19.-1917... Resolved. That the plana, apecldraUons t* • # • • * 4 x • • * ♦ q p and estimates submitted by the Commla- stoner of Public Worka' for thee- above. - -.. .named-tm;- ,auept-be-and the-A3ip• atv ____._.-. _ - fierebTapprovtd. _ .. Adoptedby the (70-11 Aug. -a0. 1917 Approves Aug -01 a: 1917. Date Presented (Sept. -7917) 1 In tae riatter of9n_si t._St. Troia I y. iio 1'L'IiCQ. 4t J• _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - under Preliminary Order -1&542_ - Final Order -UrAE - - Approved _- July 19, 1,J!77 - - - - - , 191 RESOLVED, That the planta, specifications, andestimates submitted by the Commissioner. of Public 71.6rks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved: Received Qjl papers in connection wiLbp7v R ou.io I Adopted by -the Council -,191 . Yeas: ) i ) Nays Councilman F n0orth Go 1?yl d }telMoo r Wun 1 Approved {t e!/4MM 191 (tan ich (� - - - - - hayor. � G: F. No. 16541— - 4 in _the maSS�r t r netructinR a sower- ``T^Y OF S". PA�rt.� - - - - ' of Monhd nRLS to a Dol" 175 feet •. - - northea�toriv..under Prellminnry fir- i - -COUNCIL RESOLUTION - der 19466: V49 1 Order 16619, nDDt'.ot'- - ed 7nly S3, c191T. - 'RaaoFred. That the. plana, aDeeldM ttane and-aetimatn anbmltt•d by tha a. `e k� s , • r ; ;. ; QOWmbafoner of PubIW. Works for the aperr nad�d Improrement De and the . ,=a ►re hereby aDDrotad• I - _ - AdopteA hY'the Connell AUB• 40, till. _ A"pro��dA.B.30.1917 DatO Presented - tlu'_ -'�4� _ -1oZ7• (Sept 1-19171 - In the natter of-cnnar'=rr� !, eucl 9rLC1 5;:'_oT_" t_ irola (4 o�l:ci i :o_a_P4iDt_1gt _fe SoTts:egl,.L't;_'1;� _ 153u616019 under Preliminary Order - - -> Final -Order - - - - Approved July ^11 1917. _ _ _ _. _ -, 191 RESOLVED, that the plans, specifications and estimates- I submitted by the Commissioner of. Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sane are hereby approved. Received all p9peT$.iri COnnecttion with a�o'Ve 1UG ;?t► Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - Yeast( ) Lil�; Rays Councilman Forth Hd ppro lived - -, 191W'th nUr. President,in-- - - - - - - - --=- - - -- - - - - - --- - -- ---- ----- - ---- ! ;r e C. F. W.. d8325— 1i5-1nte matter f constructing aewera in"" ' en .Albert 4l. from Juliet 8t. to 1,a0- , e1nR.81:, onInnelpR 8t. from epolnt 60 feet eawt o[ Pnecwl Ave. to a polo ' 180 feetweet sof Hamlin" .Ave.. .end on JeRcreon Ave:,from a polnt`te0 CITY OF ST.. PAIL"t feci _t. of'.Hamiine Ave. to. a. polnl bdfeet anal of.Pnecnl Ave., ander Juiy 16� AMunder � COUNCIL RESOLUTION .IT678m6pproved Reeolved,.That the.Dlane. aDeclden-' .. done and eetlm.tee apbmltted by tha .1'. Camminlem,, #t Pubiln Work. for the r # # # » * # » + # * i » ► # �. above named Improvement be and the ,-, 'are.. hereby. approved Adopted by.. the C-61 AUR. 30, 1017. Approved Ault. 00 1917. (Sept 1-1917) Date Presented - hi`L%' - `-O Ian the clatter of - e.Qn;? J' 1-'iJ }' ��ar,aS 4n:g1t P-.r t' fro^ -J�13c; vim. Lo- ..OIL Tt - '- at xa1.1j _paitit_i>U fee�t_oest OX ''.::c=1_Ayeyo_D_ ILO js,t-1E30. _c e' Vires=o ic_:.line „ve_,_e;nfl on _ _!J•citt:r^D:LAYs� 1r9=LfLT91PIi 16J _cit tve�_ oi'_iI_ lire ,,ve_ to-a_point - - q 50 feet Of,,-'t of 2a:'enl &ve. -�- - -, Final Order _ 175_76 under Preliminary -Order - - - Approved - _ Jul; -1u' - - - - - - - 191 7. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the came are hereby approved. Received all oaners inl ccringe" a:i.th shove Adopted by the Ccc:noil - - - - r11=� i ' I I- �- - - -,191 . Yeas: ( ). ( ) IJays Councilman F sworth Gov H d /i UG. ,'3t1 !1'7 Ke er V 'to 11 Approved - �, - 191 . l7 z &rlich UMr. President, 1[Vin _ _ _, _ _ •.r Mayor. 4' C. P1: No. 182W-13), Henry-NrCoti— Rhefeas. JOseph•A..MaMUI.Y• in the course, of his eployment s the Hu ,.,Intendant' (.Police' &- biro Alarm C TelegraPh of the CRY of Ht. Paul, re- . - c Ived certain' Injuries n the StitdAY' -COUNCIL RE at Auga L I1117,Swhl.h temDorarlly In-ORM capacitated him from Derf._IRg his subject: Reenired, That the prober Clb 014 11• . ) . clals-rtrs hereby. autherfsed to Day Jo- aeDfi-A.-a(acaulaY th0 sum of Taro Ilan- COUNCIL •' dred: (1300.00) d.URM seld sum being rile No. epual to .the amount of his salary. for _the month Auguat., 1817, and the payment thereof being authorlsed b7 . i eectlon No. Sal of the Clty Charter. wid.sum 4 n any aotw'ented,. 191 of mono erea$er. be ;d Jo,apb .R1 et P l0. .Ja aseQ But" la I siert )0 41PIM a 03.._18 4ixlH--1- ino as qlf_ _- WHEREAS, to a Joseph A. lfaoaulay, in the o0 uses Of his em P Ymnt as the.' Superintendent of Poltoe & Fire Alarm Telegraph of the City of Ste Paul, received certain injuries on the Sth day o:f August, 1917,`ahi0h tem- porarily incapacitated him from: performing his duties: RESOLVED. I That the praper city officials are hereby authorized to pay_ Josdph A. Macaulay the sum of Two Hundred W00.00) dollars, said sum andntheppayment thereof beingf authoriized by4rSectionnNo- 355Ofthe917, City Charter, said sum shall be credited on any sums of money which may now or hereafter be due or payable to the said Joseph 11hosulay or in his behalf from the City, by reason of any provision contained in the Clty Charter or the Statutes of the Common Law of the State, or as compensation due or to become due under, the provisions of Chapter No. 467, )!laws of 1913, or amendatory sots; said amount shall not be paid until a proper release or receipt in form, to be approved by the Corporation Oounsel, has been executed by him and delivered to the City Comptroller. . Yeas (J) Counc• men (J) Nays Far Orth Adopted by the Council : � 1.e, '. ' 1 ' ' ] 191 Gbd In Favor l�lyl Cl ;rl .7 191 M I v Against - W lith Mr. Presi rvin MAYOR lr ■yay 99918 - - ami/ 49itH p 1'Sft S 41 i�'m•31Ryu3'.i9f1H y; •i118:a'I yanmgA •i■o .t -1tga�ab /m■x arogA1 yI- Ia4ul3I rm . . _ ��iSiarg. a•p/etsaelQ 'ES X ootH 70 ,r - imalu■[t■aH AtUVR11At.'Pu■ Sg1I-A150 •itpt�tlaeR¢ a ci COIINCH, FILE NO...... / sefu of i (•is a i> ta7 0 .. .aygag [uogtuV 898TH w `Y . "! • f../-S.G`�/.� aN 'tllH Ay.. ., . _ ... ... ..... t P•°ia�emyx woget ut 'ae ro 7.mV. 7 M INTERMEDL u*a �o;Y tt.➢gna It.9XAVEj 7t' •rsoTran=ata — - : In the Matter of....::c%A.PIXuet ing cement .e.r�a traw+a yidth of six .... ..y 'Sial 7e ■■//a• ep a.µ■t 'A+•M : 9 ...........__.... .. . iayaYJ Pad 7a •a4 N ta■aiwe +•f feet,, at.._the folluwirlo i ,..'•■ai.�nae>7l•+•r - ° hlae rshHll Ave . a...in.yNwg1-!-J s ........,.._.._.......... eget side he, • ....beginningatSnellingAge, :•SE a mw 2111tH - am- 21,8111 W b innin at Mar .. i 2 0 104 feet uf.: 3ne11 i ni; . Av.e.,.... eg, g 4' .1t n , ...... ai/oeut u■q.trT 94tlfi _ t . m■pt/wq[syt TuctedWalk,lVWo i ..G.011e.CtP................... •'o�ro� ...................... nn th nom Ido "d t7IPDV y" nine - t Sno111nR tv�e 49t t t n l o the east /t•' - - "under Preliminary Order .......... 113230 ............... . s� n:n� `.... . Aug....' 5,..1.912.........:.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: , 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.. 2. That the nature of the improvement, which the Council recommends is. .... C.ont3t.ruet...aement .... t the sidewalks to..a ,width of si., feet at the following locations On the north side of Larshall Ave beginning. ret Snelling Ave..thence east 483 feet,:and on the east side of Snelling Ave.beginning at Marshall Ave. thence north _10,4_fset, to connect pr6.ssnt constructed ...- a walk, I n•1th no alternatives, and that -the estimated cost thereof Is+ 0.66 aer linealfoot f Hc -solved Further, That a puhh hearing be had on said improvement a1 the 29th day of September im 7 , at the hour of 111 o'clock A. \l., in. the Council Chamber of the Court House and City, Hall Building is the City of St: Paul. That the Conimissioner'of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iuR,,the nature -of the improvement, and the toal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- _. 151. Approved 4UG ?t1 ? l 1. Clt� Clerk. TF Mayor. Council Fapjt worth; Council n (1044. ` Council an Htltbnd [ J ('ouneil van Ktilier f Counei an Jll �llf Counci en.-Nud[lerIial Mayor ] in 4 1 , A COi,lA�Cl/IFILF�iQ . ....._ .......... i INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of.. ;n ar3...installinb,,,an, ornnmmetitsl,_li htir ..... ........ aya..ec: ^�nslating...af..fava..li. k t...l n:..Feat.a...ard...laups.,..:�kire.a..ani............... ..rderrround-crduits. for ca-_ve.ging.electzi.c... cur.rent:... th�ret.o.r..acd............ all other e.caosary.. ap; lian^.ez sed..equiplxer_t...fcr..:. said :syat.eW........................ ........ ........ .. - - - - •. F �'o: 113:8—ny S A.Farneaorth I. - ............:........... .......... ... ................. r the AlaltcornanlentaI IIIRh 11nK e.M .. ...:..................... ............. .1.11,.. nn - under Preliminary Order. .....:.15 Aa........ ... ............ approved- ...... _._ June ..S.,i:.l°12............. The Council of the City sof St. Paul having received the report .of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report by and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.Furnla'fi_and .................. install..-azi_ox.Aa1<? al. li. htinl zyater ,consisting cf. five light _...... ..... j lamp Festa ted, lamps, vires asidl_u>ideso nd.a..for cq.gey............. }' ' 1 r ce.la � � l� c..Curr'ent _thAre.t.a,..az3 X11 c.�. r _ia~ el..etri . and equipment :or: said system on. University Ave. from Ri.q.e t. to tae7eat_ City Lixits, For 5 light Standard ;.`104940.00. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is } " _ single dight 64,'03F,.00, ' Resolved Further. That it public hearing be had oil said improvement on the nth:...+/ ........day of OQtg3.eT L11 7at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ��1; .a'7 'r''7 _... 191 .Approved. lyl._ ... City Clerk. 'e .�., // ?flavor. Councilm /.p.worth Councilm [loss PCIji'.1ti111:D Councilm fyland 4I Councilm Keller- Councilm McColl _ CouncilinitV Wunderlieh )favor Irvin Form B. S. A. 54G COUNCIL FILE NO .... ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER I' In the MatterAM! .,....:gr..Randelph_..$t,r,,;,te„Hartford St.,, az13..Iiazt.forw.:.S`.... f:rom.�r.eti Ave. to !ount„^urve oulevard ... ._ ., ..... ._ ...... ... r .._..........:.. _..................... ...................::.................:......._........................... i ...... ...... ............. .......... ........ .. .......................... .................... ander Preliminary Order ............ 17211. approved ........... .Juae..23., .l°17 ..::................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon-ne above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: That the said report be and the same is, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........ .vr?.de.. Cr.e.tiA ....:... ..Ave.:. from ...fiardollJa_. t....to..V;�z.t#QIa 5...ar._!ar�f4r'....t....fr9fi. Creti,r.__ Ave. to `dci nt Curve 5oulevar3 ......R ........... :.... .... ............... . 1\Fnrne82e8—na In the3tnttworlh—_ aCev . .. _... ... -. : _. _... ....... Imm n s with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s 3064,74 Resolved Further. That s public hearing be, bad oil said improvement nn the. 10t.h •........day of October 191 7 , at the boar or 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the ” t'uurt. House uud Citv Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice ' of said meeting to the persons end in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impI,rt'ement, and the total'cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the council _ G e IC'`7 181 Approved . ellG "I 181 `CI , Clerk. .. A \layor. + Coun lman Farnaw'orth Counc lman (;Osj Counc man 11yfand —L7 Counc man Wiler Counei an !{t{CoII. Council nan '%!eerlieh 1 Mayor rvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 I - . COi1NCIf, FIUF NO C �1 . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ot..:.."onetructin.�„curbin.g,,on_ all_.. corners,..gt.._=P...tr l.e. Ci1_QD of Laurel and Herschel Ayei.ue.d., ._........................................... ...... _... ............. ............................... ................. . i ..................................................:.....---....................._, ..................... ..........................::............................................... under Preliminary Order: !6iU..............................approved ...........=:ay. 15, ..1317..........................:......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the xhove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: j 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends • ......... ccr .ir. ..the intersection „of_.Laurel . and „•...... Herschel Avenues, t.F. �o. 1s33o ny�S. A. Far aworth- In 1h, latter of eonstructing eurbing all eornere at the Internoet.-er..... ..:. ..... ' I.nur' ' tteroehel .Avenue... under p., ler 1641551 approved - with no alternatives. still that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1'7.7.2 Resolved Further. That zi publi,r.`hearing be had oil said iulprogemew oil the 1Ct.h ,__day of -0C Cher 191 7 . at Lite hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of flit: Court ]louse and City Hall !Building in the City of St. Paul. Thut the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. iug, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil p ".... _ .._.._.191. 17 .- Approved -.r.1 ..:1 . 19L // Glh Clerk. �.:. ............. i v Mayor. Counci mail Farnsworth . C.Ul1IlCl IDaiI.Y('I�OYY - - /) Conne' man Hytend Coune' mail Kr�l!ler V �I Coune man SI:ool C'ounc than nrubderlieh' \luyorr •in - Furca B. Si A. 5-K COUNCIL FILLS NO .. ... ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......4Aa13eml?j:nIi...eAaf� RtcXI ...l>»:.. 11...1 3Ad............... .......... neceaearg.:.fcr....oape. a,:. I=...cut.a...and:_ fills :..i.n:...cading..Or.at.in..Ave................. i a..h33b'.tfgr.... ...from ........................... _......... ...CF.e.t.lFL.:Ave.,,..to_1�cunt•.. urve. ficulevard, 3000rding to the .an.. ................. her.eu.o...;wt.taobed .aald...�a3e.-,_a:•part,..hereof,,-the. hatched;.p.or•tione :.showing.. the_ cuts,. and the shaded, j under Preliminary Order...... .... 1.2218.....__.. ...approved.. .._June. 3.3, 1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aGave improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: — _I 1. That the said report be and the r. 1 1x,:1 a S. .%. r n.-th-ed, and the said improvement i hereby ordered to he proceeded with 1^ In �I tl1 r or 1 1 Ins an rt k 1 ^ melt 1 the Innd n s - - 1.pm far.cut and aIle In •, .• gra Alnw G rtl Ave-frons Randolph - That the nature of the improvem . S't to Hartford St d Haru ra St h�„pr .n.rye. 1p Mount Curve . ._.. take ,an easemr!rt ir. the Land necee34hry'or slopes, .for cute .and .......... fills in grading Cretin. Ave. from Rardolnh St, to Hartford St.- ... ani Hartford St. frcm Cretin, to Mount Curve 3cul.ward, ., according to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof. the hatched portion; showing-the cuts and the shaded portion the fills _ _ ....... _ / . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2.5 Q:..:... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement0-atoher on the..... lOt.h day. of — 1917 . , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- inR, the nature of the improvements and the ptal cost thereof as estimated. rut' X11 Adopted by thr.Connul 191... .. Approved... Outs :.!It 7 — .� :::2 oc.c .... / .. ........... . Iql �Itt Clerk. 1 Launeilm Fa nsworth Mayor. __ � (�011lll•IIIU 1 lyr.(q Cuuncilm u Uphuld I( I'uuucihn n Ijrllrr {1 — l'uuaeilRI a -NKc;'ull t'nuueihn u . Wduderlich S[n}ror iu Von B. �.:1. ti-G i ------------- 186 By INTERMEDIARY _ORDER I� { In the natter of. eond@toning and taking, an._.eaeerflent in.•thq-_land :� ce.e ary for..al�e� _ici cute ani fills In grading alley in-.Alo.k 2 Stone 8� .................... R06er!.e Addiaion and J. P, Fallhee!s_Re.-of.Block _-a Roger! -e --Addition, fr.otA..l�.ilt.c.t}---St - t.0..Victor,ia St,.,_ agcording-,to.•tne,_P•lan hereto atach .-_.-.t ..,.__ . i ed and.made a Part hereof, the.•hatched portions indi�atinB-the cute and the shaded portione the fills,. under Preliminary Order...—.171413 .. -.approved . June $1, 19 1.7. The Council of. the City of St. Paul Laving received the report of tl+e Commissioner of Finance upon the uhove iwprovrntent, aud, having considered said report, here y resolves: 1 That the said report be and if t ^t. t ....,t ^;t hereb ordered to Le proceeded kith. I jl'ted'°ttd the said improvetacn is ltrrttesrea/.ulY oatottetaa C.. F. No 1!231—II7 S A Fer swam!•— - - '^• ^• — emning e That the nature of the improteniont which the „ ear tan -amends is Condemn'an.talc an easement in the land neeee'eary for stapes, for outs and fills i grading alley in Block 2 Stone & Rogerts Addition and J W. Falli3,eta Re, of B-Iock 2 Rogerts Addition from Milton St. to Victoria St., according to the plan hereto attached, and made a part hereof, the hatched portione indicating the cuts and the shaded portions the f Its, • with no nit crnatives: and that the estimated cost thereof is .+ 20. ... Resolved Further. TLut erpuhli.- Lenrinit he had oil said hnprovenwia aei the 26th .dav of - September. , 191. 7. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ill the C-'ouue-il Chamber of,t to Court flouscand Pity hall 12uihlin_ if' the City Of St. Prod.That the Commissioner of Finance give notice ' Of said meeting to the, perilous will it, the manner provided by the Charter,, stating tiletimetied place of het r- iu¢. the nature of the iniprovetaent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - Adoptrd Lc th, +',iuui•il l9! 12, IC1 z L Approved,. 191. C v 1 CIty aerk.... Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. t'uuuciltnuu Ih+vt Cuimcihuan I1+1Lind ^! l'unncihunn lirlinr � -� / (� f; Couucihnan 11c "t„611 Couneiln+an W1111404-lich 1Gtvor irvit+ FOt91l R 8 A. s -t; CITY OF ST. PAUL T - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT I .. COUNCIL t. y AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEy'— i uUG U BY 4 AUDITED: .a.7 . 191 ,/ y PER "✓ O 1�. ► 626 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the (Nty Treasury, payable out of the hereinarter spevilied funds and in favor or S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as speliified in the following detuiled statement: AUG 31 1°'!>- Teas ( s' Cdtilcihuen 1 v) Nays Adopted by the ;:ouncil __ Farfiswortll llyldnd In favor U� ID 1.Ut ll � A'gainst _ \\ ut(derlich \Ir. PresideM'' Irvin I� I • _ 1 I i I- 5 . i 19396 Miscellaneous Funds, 13,671.15 City Officers Salary 3.083.32 - Comptroller-Sal. 1,79':26 Corp. :Counsel- ° - 1,34 .32 1fayorls Office-Sal. 34:66 65 11 Cit Clerk-Sal. • City 1 Qom'r. Finance- " 1,69 .28" G. F.-Part.- Certs. - 11 `90 G. F.-Bur. Dept.Sal. 1,231 .66 s c 5 - 58 0 -C a ice .. 1. G. F. idil ry a I _ _ 0 Armory= 18 0 G. F,(hrunicipal Court 1,67 .99 T3-,67 .15 7 Police- 89 Sal 31,913.22 }98 Fire-Sal. 32,820000 Pal. & Fire Alarm-Sala { 1,700.00 1900 Dept. Public Safety v 1.8� 8.112.13 C. P. Safety-Gen. .Adm.Sal.. Municipal Garage 1. 3.40 Health- t+-ealth-Sal . 5.00 _ a --Dairy-Sal. 0.00 aluarantine-Sal. 2. 3.17 a _P. 1B�aths-Sal. 1, 9.90 • P.Comfort Station-Sal. 22.50 - G. F.-Miec. & Unf.. 96.50 8, .,12.13 P � L 19401 Dept. Public Utilities -� 2,871.67 C. P. U. -Gen. Adm -Sal. .67 ■ ■ Markets / 2 .00 r Mun Test. Lab,/ 5 r ■ Lighting ,' .00 i ,871,67 A . 402 Dept. Education 14,412.1d' ' School -Sal. S49.1 r r ' Library -Sal. 59 b i Auditorium -Sal. 5 7b 142 16 14, 20 16 403 Dept. Public Works! ) 26,044.67' 0. P. Works -Adm -Sal. 978.33 j r r Engineers 3,912.0 I " Street C.-& R. 83043 ■ Sewer, " 168/90 r C Street 1 55 .00 1 "Sewer �' 1 0.00 r Bridge Bldg. &Rep % 58.33 d8 g 8. & S. Cing-Garbage�� G. F. ,326.00 100.OQ", -Crosswalks Street C. de R,- �'7 Se/nk 7 .040` xStBr. 150. 0G., Wharves 75 00Woal.1,30 •00Pa...River Bl .00Paa Blvd. 0.00Pa'45.00Sp 12 213.66 I 26044.6T 404 Dept. Darks -Playgrounds & Public Buildings i 2,786.77 Park -Adm -Sal. Park -Sal. 425 65 3 33 Park -Act -Sal. .Q Playground -Sal, Bldg.-Inep. / 0. t4 . OV*CUL-Crc-al"e os sP. P. Bldg. Arch. -Sal. 7/0 c •F! rn. ieu:- School -Si tes d Bl Library=ColRp1. .N. ldg. 119. 6 44 4b Risolved that warmnta b. dnwa aoPtt the CRY TresaurY. DaYabla out o3 .peelM1ed ,fundi and iu _ School -C, & Be2 r • - - - 9 the.'herelnatter avor of a A. Farnaworlh Commtr donor of finance as ipeclded fa th. , .oll.wlni detalled at Cem.nt t13;37L1{ �G 2,7 U(se llaneous Fun, rale.-s.l {311TH: . . •77 Fy,re-8aL• 13f 830 0 .. .p & fln:Alarm O'8a1 {7701100'1' . DyDt. 3'ubiio Satetf 33.11313 i - PubUc Utl ttlea. `:! 37L87 D¢pt 7Cduextlon. {36e1L16. j DapL PubUcWorki{L60ei Ditpp4 Parlu: I'ISY.routlda & pub110. - - ,. .,Adopted-b>,the Counoll Au. {1 1/1T AlpProvid .debt 1. 1917. . - - 134,331.77 i i CITY j'oAUL ACdOUNTI PARTMtNT COU AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL NO.AUi� 31 19.17 ByellAldl 41--fle AU61TEO_ -1b PER - 625 Resolved that, warrants le drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter ipedfied funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaflid'- statement:G 31 1917 191 Yeas it Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Coundj_ Far"o SEP In favor Approv wi_ lfel7 MAYOW lapd Wurrderlich. I r-4en Mr. President, Powers 889 510 J 19 J. Allins Paving Miss. River ver Blvd. Board 79 of We -ter Commiss ioners P.MarketS-EXP. C.F.U.-Gen. Adm. -Exp. -2 .00 .39 i\2 Testing Labs.! -Exp. 10 000 St. C&R -Exp. 1 87 1 P.Library-Exp. 21 16 NP., 25 0 25. 8 Sprinkling 229.: 61.74 I.80 Brooks Brothers, G.F.-Wharves, Docks and levees. Com 34.38 81 Burns Lumber panys F.Schools-Exp.- 3 .38 Water -Exp. 3 .00 38 82 Crnftsman Press,. 6.12 Munic. Court -Exp. A 83 Crane & Ordway Company, 72 Health -P.00 mfort Sta.-Exp. 3-54 P.Schools-Exp, 5x.26 Water -Exp. 2. 60.72 84 M. N. Goss, ComIr. P. Works, 113.47 St. C&R. -Exp. 220i 10 C2 Pay. 12th St. 46.211 Pay. . Rice St. 32.861 113.4�71 . _ 1_1.1. T I - 2e 2 S. & S. Clng-Exp. Res :62 Page #2. 19385 Hackney Investment Company, 9 .67 81'.00 St. C&R. -Expense. 94 St.Paul Gas Light Companys 7 86 McClain & Hedwans it Markets xp. 92.88 P,.Schools-Exp. 74.8 Lighting -Exp. 4,3 $_42 G.F.trtd. forms and blanks 5-. 5 0 0 25 11. Water-Fxpqnse 10* 0 --------- E!.layion, Assignee Doyle Mnfg.. ompany, I 110.00 it 3: 5 up.0 the .d. and 1. ,he t Or Of t .LQ a av 0,Onto ti.n+ for, the .'amouao -set opppDslte 87 Henry McColl, Comlro P. Safety,' All... 160-w B. -d Of.Water COmmisslOneie, 369.8 P.Bldgs .-Exp. 23!99 & Ordway 0�72 C.F.W.-Expense 345 83 McClain & He&man, safety. Henry McCNIll- rIm" 369.82 88 Maendler Brothers, j H. Peitz & son. $44.7 161.02 S. & S. Clrg-r:xp- 158L9 �4114.72. E. T. SlAYtOn, AYtLnee Moyle )Antr. Water -Expense 2L7 3 ­ App,d 89 vicolbf Dean & Greeg, 50.13 Water -Exp. 917 Sprinkling 40 96 50 .113 90 N. W. Electric -Equipment Company,', 13.56 Park -Expense L2.831 1 731 Lighting -Exp. 13a 6i 91 Patterson Street: Lighting Company, -Lighting-Expense. 92 H. Feltz & Son 46.75 Munic. Court-sxl)..- 22!.751 Comptroller -Exp. 2�75 School -Exp. 21 25, 46 75 93 Robinson, CFkry & Sands, 96.67 St.. C&R -Expense . _ 1_1.1. T I - 2e 2 S. & S. Clng-Exp. 5 25 S p rink 1 -Ing 7 35 9 .67 94 St.Paul Gas Light Companys 11,414.72 C.P.b.-Mun. Test. Lab.-Exp. 19 05 it Markets xp. 100 : Library -EYP. 1000 Lighting -Exp. 4,3 $_42 0 0 25 4 4*72 --------- E!.layion, Assignee Doyle Mnfg.. ompany, I 110.00 ,mnt,—bq dr.-- fte.olved "htOL".,"y payable out Of zocilool-Expense, city up.0 the .d. and 1. ,he t Or Of t .LQ a av 0,Onto ti.n+ for, the .'amouao -set opppDslte their r., i. 011owills detailed statement: ti"Ll All... 160-w B. -d Of.Water COmmisslOneie, {338.36llrw6 arom. $61.74.54*v,66-- But— Lumber -,CO.. $34.38. -Tot EILI -^^. & Ordway 0�72 ne C -A, .a- V.-Works, $113.47. Xt. ",I ... .. MA. H, McClain & He&man, safety. Henry McCNIll- rIm" P. amCompany. ttWrl Walt Lighting j H. Peitz & son. $44.7 Rubinson. 21 & gs.49, $96.67. EL Paul Gas Ight Co..$20 �4114.72. E. T. SlAYtOn, AYtLnee Moyle )Antr. $210-00 Adopted -by the COuncil AUK- ­ App,d . _ 1_1.1. T I - t 1 i t a z t CITY OF. ST. PAUL I r: InACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT v/ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM F10LUE No.By : '- AUDITED AUG'S :1. +4' f 181_ � jt'� �j// '..•�*� 6A ' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds'.nd in favor of the Persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified' in , the following 4etailed li statement: - .. .. Yeas ( J) Coupcilmeo i V) Nays Adopted by the Council AI I6 ' 31 1911 1!!1� F�k�l ' SEP -1 1917 In favor Approv ■ _101_ :71 =-- Hyl WL171 ylith c'ls xo: uut— 444;47— Resolved that, warrwta be drawn 1T, 1. _ uponth. City Trueu- Payable out of Mr_Ptesident lE Owers the h.reloatten'.Mned•tunda oad: In favor, ot the peraope, nrmror eorporo- - tions for, the amouota net' oDpoaita ' [bear=mpectlra-names specified In the foil 1. detapad statement: ClaraAamold. Widow of Hans am - Aold. 910.00. R. - A. Farnsworth. tamer.. Finance, _ 1196.00. _. :. 'Nerchanta� Natlonsl Rank,. -924.329.22. _ - t3ociet for the v ' 1100:00. y �e antlon:of Cruelty. � seuiran. <Helen Sullivan94o.oa.. Widow of A9lchael' ' .I _ Adopted by the Council Aug. 31. 1917. ' - ADProved &Dt'1, 991T. 4 inept ;.1917) i 1940 Clara Aamold, Widow oi''Aans Aamold, 40.00 G.F.-Widows df Orphans Pension. _ G.F.-Widows & Orphans frenslone - f 6 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'P. Finance, 196ogo 4 z Interest. 7 Merchants National Bank, 24,855.'22 -Interest .00 G.F.-Hi Unforseen.97 Water -Bond & Inte _ .50 - _ Red. Bonds 1917 -e00 J24,8 j Spec. Assess, Bond and Into I Fund Red. Spec. A.Bonds 'C1.B :00 Term. Impr. Rev. Fund Int. 5` .22 08 - Society for the --Prevention of Cruelty, � � 100.00 G.F.-Charities Acct. 09 Ifelen Sullivan, Widow. of Michael Sullivai>' 40.00 _ G.F.-Widows & Orphans frenslone - � �. � �, I ! � J .: :: a, it37i-0rdlnance- No iq7—; ' nine-'--NMI-tlnRs " +t of toavee of ErcaanA r Quu-i .. • ' '/ ". ,• •,oc./fand far ease ., e eama. wit be labeled h the r thereof and the.nama ofeh to r ell. of the Cityofst Paul i lour ofalto tir •ew�J i \V w • FW 3"/ / � y .ed f ree f 1 h o An ordinance regulating the size and weight of loaves of bread sold, exposed or offered for sale,'and requiring; the same to j be labeled with the weight thereof and the name of the maker. f THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 'That.every loaf of bread sold, offered or ex- posed for sale in the City of St. Paul'shall weigh one pound, avoir- ` dupois, exoept as hereinafter provided, and such loaf shall be con- sidered to be the standard loaf in the City of St. Paul. Bread may also be sold, offered or exposed for sale 3n one.and one-half �vtsad veer � o►l.e iiar� '1 �"4x ' double, triple, q:addle^euintuple or sextuple loaves, and in no other way. Every loaf of bread sold, offered or exposed for sale in this City shall have affixed thereon in a con- I.:spicuous place a -label at least one inch square, or, if round, at I least one inch in diameter, upon which label there ,shall be Printed, in plain type,; not smaller or making a less conspicuous letter than, the type commorl�y known as twelve pointgt full face, square Gothic j capital letters and figures, the freight of the loaf in pound, pounds; or fraction of a pound, avoirdupois, and also the business name and address of the maker,.baker or manufacturer of the loaf. -A toler- ance of one ounce over will be permitted on the standard one -pound loaves, and a tolerance of one and -one-half ounces over on all the other sized loaves hereinbefore specified, but no tolerance will be _ permitted under the weights contained upon the label attached to the loaf. Section 3. Every maker, baster or manufacturer of bread, _ every proprietor of a bakery or bake -shop, and every seller of bread in the City' of St. Paul shall keep -scales and weights suitable for the weighing of bread, in a conspicuous place-wherever_such bread is E' sold -or offered for sale at retail, and shall, whenevei requested by the buyer, and in the buyer's presence, neigh the.lcaf or loaves of bread so sold or offered for sale. Section 3. If any person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer or expose for dale any bread, the loaf or loaves of which are J _M f i not standard, one and one-halfwpeNOW, double, triple, quadruple��'`� '�✓anc�•r. U quintu4 or sextuple loaves, as defined in Section one of this ordinance, or shall sell, offer or expose for sale any standard loaf or loaves of, bread which do not weigh one pound each, or any bread, the loaf or loaves of which do riot weigh as much as the weight marked thereon, or exceed the tolerance permitted`by Section l.here- of, or any bread, the loaf or loaves of which do not have affixed f 'thereon -the label marked as hereinbefore provided, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, such person, firm or corporation shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars, nor more than One Hundred Dollars,.a for each. offense. _ Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to crackers, pretzels, biscuits, buns, scones, rolls, or loaves of I fancy bread weighing not to exceed three (ounces, avoirdupois; nor shall the provisions of this ordinance as to weight; apply to stale �I bread sold as such. Section 5. The City Market -Master and his.deputies. and -assistants shall be charged with the duty of .enforcing this ordinance, and for,that purpose may at all reasonable times enter and examine any bakery, bake -shop, store, grocery -or other place in said City where bread is sold or offered for sale at retail, and ^neigh up any bread'found in any of said places, seld or offered for sale. Section -6. That Ordinance 'Mc. 3097, approved november 2nd, { 1912, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force; thirty days after its passage and publication. _^ Ydas (:) Councilmen (:) Nays y c(� 14t t - FarnYForth — y -- Adopted by the Council ' � t27- Cqy ! In Favor .� . liyl d A j K ec /�. �O.ySI: Approved �. '9 { 191 Zoll Against Wu�erl" .0 4 �1 r. President, in/ �i9'9� _ Avow - Jt — orf.. •. 'S % 1n ordinance regulating the. size ,and weight ofd �breed-sold, prepered or offered for sale, and requiring the dame to be`labele4 'with the weight thereof and the -name of the maker: - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.- PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ;That every loaf of bread sold, offered or exposed j for sale in the City of St. Paul shall weigh one pound, avoirdupois, except as hereinafter provided,.and-such loaf shall be considered to +` be the standard loaf in the City of St. Paul. Bread may alio be sold,. offered or exposed for sale in hpMi. Oft, double; triple, �r.quadruple, quintuple or sextuple loaves, and in no other way. Every loaf of broad told, offered or exposed for sale in this City shall have affixed thereon.in a conspicuous place,a label at least, one inch-, square, or if round, at least one inch in diameter, upon which label there shall.,be printed in plain type, not smeller or making a less conspicuous letter than the typecommonly known as twelve Points, full face, square Gothic capital letters and figures, and the weight of the lost in pound�pouado, ,' avoirdupois, and ileo the business name and address of the maker, baker or manufacturer of the loaf. Section 2. Every maker, baker or manufacturer of bread, eve proprietor.of a bakery or bake -shop, and every seller of bread in the City of St. Paul shall keep scales and weights suitable for the weigh!• Ing of bread, in a conspicuous place wherever such bread is sold or offered for sale at retail, and shall, whenever requested, by the buyer, and in the buyer*s presence, weigh the loaf or loaves of bread so sold or`offered for sale: Section 3. If any person, firm or corporation shall sell', # offer or expose for sale any bread, the loaf or loaves of which are not standard, double, triple, quadruple, quintvoll or sextuple loaves, as defined in Section one of this ordinance, or shall sell, offer or expose for sale any standard loaf or loaves of bread which do not weigh one pound eaoh, or,any broad, the loaf or �.. '. loavesof which do not weigh as such as the weight marked'theraon, it any bred, the loaf or loaves of which do not have affixed thereon the label marked :as hereinbefore provided, contrary to the provisions if this-orflinance, suoh person, firm o- corporation shall..be-fined ilot lose than Ten Dollars, nor more than One. Hundred Dollars, for each offense•. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance ahe11 not apply ,loo rackers,.pretzel.a, biscuits, buns, scones, rolls or loaves of fanoy bread weighing; less than a quarter of a pound, avoirdupois; nor shall -the provisions of this ordinance as to weight apply to ]stale bread sold as such. j Section 5.i The City.Market Master and his deputies and assistants shall be:eharged with the -duty of 'enforcing this ordinance, and for that purpose may at all feasonable times enter and examine any " bakery., bake -shop, store, grocery, or other place in said City where bread is sold'or offered for sale at -retail, and weigh up any bread found in any of said places, sold.or offered for.sale: s Section 6., That Ordinance No. 3097, approved November 2nd, 11912, and all ordinances and parts of .ordinances inconsistent herewith Tare hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council --"-- _ ---_- Yeas Nays f. Hr. Farnsworth { Gose Hyland ]Geller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President (Irvin) Approved Mayor Attest ,City Clerk / ti !J iot^� h'.•..1 n� r�ctww't� ��'"�'dAl `�► r,.. 7 CITY OF ST., PAUL ,Council Resolution- General. F,4in , Department of_ Bureau Council File No. _ _ _ Date Presented--------__, _ _191 By _..___. ---- -. -- - -- ------------ ._ RE51)Ll'FD, Thal the .t. I'avl l.aa L(ehl C-,- 1-11Y rdtrnl avd dirtctcd iu e.rcvd iu clatr:tal licca Lr crHtiaa i++lea avd atriosive ..rn thcrtov for the ' eriva.4.1.h of 4-11111 ov and iv the Ivilo i- a11tr vd tre t W said tali - Install three poles on thenorth aide and three poles on the south aide.of MoKenty Street, between Barrett Avenue and Como.Plaoe. (City Lights) Install one pole on the west side of Barrett Avenue, near No Kenty Street.(City lights) Install six poles on the north side and sixteen poles on the south.side.of Orchard Street, between Chatsworth and Jameson streets. (City lights),( Install one pole on the west side, and one pole on the east - aide of Kilburn Street, near Orchard Street -.(City lights) Install one pole on the west side and one pole on the east side of Hyde Street, near Orchard Street.(City lights) Install cps pole on the west side of.Colne Street, near Or- cl`iwd Street.(City lights) Install one pole on the west side of -Louth Street, near Or- chard Street.(City lights) With necessary guys and anchors. l - ..Install One... _. - i pole on the east aide of Barrett Avenue near Orchard "Street. (City lights) Install Otte pole on the east side of Victoria Street, near Orchard Street.(Citr lights). Install one pole on the east side of Como Place near Orchard Street.(City lights) Install one pole antheeast side and oneppoole on the ,Nat aide of Crowell Avenue, near Orchard Street.(City li6hts). Install one pole on the west side of Jameson Street near Or- chard Street. (City lights). Install nineteen poles_on the north side and fourteen poles on the south side of Hatch Streetm between Kilburn and Grotto Streets. (City lights) Install ,one pole on the west side andone pole on the east side of Kilburn Street, near Hatch street.jC,ty light.) #ith.necessary guys and anchors. Install one pole on the _wait side and one 'side of Hyde Street, near Batch Street.(City lighterle on the east Install one pole on the west side, and one pole on the east side of Colne Street, near Hatch Street.(City lights) Install one pole on the west side and one pole on the east (side of Louth Street, dear Hatch Streete(City lights) Instal! one pole an TIZIC de of Barrett A'r@nu46,lig;ts) .ear Hatch Install one pole on the west side and one pole on the east i side of Como Placej near Hatah Street.(City lights) Install one pole on the vest side, and one pole on the east a Lde of Crovell,Avenue,',near Hatch Street. (City lights). Install one pale on the want side, and one pole on the east a Lde of jmgson Street, near Hatch Streets(CitY lights) With necessary guys and anchors. Install one pala on tM,wesi aid* of Grotto Street, near Hatch Street. (City lights) Install thirteen poles on the north side, asid eight poles on the south side of King Street, between Ohio and Bellows Streets. I (City liiftktG) Install one pole on the east side'of Ohio Stre4t, near King Street. (City lights) install one pole on the west side of Charlton Street, near King litreoto'(CitY lights)- In gtoal one pole on the West side of Waseca Street, near King Street.(CIV_ lights): Install one pole on the south side of the alley between Sixth, Vifth, Gotzian and Atlantic Street$ ­ stall two poles on the vest side of Asbury Avenue, between Igle- In hart and Xarsb&llAv enuSe. j south side of the alley between 1910hArl 01A.ysk.jk Install three P01408 in the Instalone r -Li 4 -ton the east side of Victoria Street, near Hat h Street. lCity lightsi With necessary guys -and anchors. pof al. an the ;i- t (city light -4 IlWh re. 0 1_ene pole the weer ,mideCity Grotto St., near 1�atch L stree light-). le. on the norti, inmt-11thirtee tho. mouth aid .1de. and eig t P street. between oj�lo and R i of Nl"9 Sir.. lowit (C In,to11 01 , pole on..the steg.t.5 aWe, Street. near King re I one pole on the i Charlton Street, near (City Lluon, ht.).pol. C serol Nbli, V.11hi. ..d 1-11 lhiein "d­.o­j,d ad,, the P. I -j,1- I OrdlN132 as.c. .1 14 d �..: d 11 r d ! .1 Y.bik of tUV t 9t ed h.11 b� .1 —h W61 ed O.W. til elu should be set 11 01 ..dr,v ... d. h ...... the C...61 h.11 dram hat the; pek. A.11 i. .1w. d... ..d le -ed. -I —I -il- 11 -I'd .7 Ailopted by the Council_ -Cou cilmen Nays Yeas FAINSWORTH GO 8 S 0 Mc OLL. WL NDERLICH P 191 Appro­d HY AND KE ;LER VVII ____4 IN Mayor Mr, President, IRI - ----------- t } t F !_. as-" y tat. N. Ooes . ` That the.. BL Paul Hu ' ! t� SAY' fa hereby; ordered and i;. O`extend Ito el t 1 1 11ne4 _ ­1­1­ f Oe 4 t I Iwi [ 1 . On of I the f011oWing alloys ) 'and aneta of .old e1tY: �. PAUL in a" tourtern poles on the South - e and one role on :the north .Ids of /� Clair' gl:, between: Haldwla anddist- t titer Ave.: (j`Ity.11gpt.). a lnta)1 tw f St. prfe .- Doles an : the -.--General Form- •. VL d aide. of SL• Cta/r St., betwean _ (• _ i . toga and SyndI.M. Sts (City 'IS tou .pole. on the south aide of t Ialr SL; between- Oakg,.y,. and e artment of—l.'1115,1. (Clt, light.) P we p.les on to we.t .iaa o — --- ----- - p St. between Osceola Ave. So -.. J Fiureau Of__—,x11 °^^ D le In the north side I ley between Osceola Ave.. F— """'— _ —'"" "'- - — - Durillp SL and Oakgro : .. (Clty Ilh o^. -411 one pole the north aide ley between Osceola Ava, _ -- 't.. Ogigrove Place and. Leal �levard. (City light.). ouncil File No.__, .ne polo on thn north Date Presented ---- I_191 p! - "I on the sonth. atn.. - D t Lexlgmton _ - RESOL\'ED, That the St. 1'sul f:n I.ishl C,mpasr is lareby ordnrd.vd directed to steed its lahit.l C... by rned.e Dole. sed strio¢ine .kei thvevn for the niae.iaioo of el....im o.aod 1. the Wllowi.. ellen and eueeu til.aid city. Install fourteen poles an the south aide and one pole on the north side of St.Clair St., between Baldwin and Macalester.'Avee.-.(City lights) Install twenty-three polse on the south side of St.Clair St., .• between Saratoga and 'Syndicate Ste. (City lights).. Install four poles on the south side of St.Clair St. between Oakgrove"and Dunlap Ste. (City lights) _ Install two poles on the west side of Dunlaot.between Osceola [venue and St.Clair St.(City lights)' Iustall'one pole..in the north side of the alley between Osceol Ave., St.Clair St.- Dunlap St. and Oakgrove Place.(City lights) ' Install Ane pole on the north side of the alley between Osceola Ave.. St.Clair St., Oakgrove Place and Lexington Boulevard.(City lights)'. Install one pole on the north aide and one pole on the south f side of St.Clair St., at Lexington Boulsvard.(City lights) Install one pole on the north side, and one pole on the south wide of St.Clair Stat Oxford St.(City lights) Install one pole on the north side and one pole on tho uth-" elide of St.Clair Stat Chatsworth St.(City lights) Install one pole !* the west side of Oxford St.,be.tweenoo Plaoe#nd St.Clair St.(City, lights) Install one pole on the east side of Chatworth St., between Lip - wood Place and St.Clair St.(City lights)' I as on 43 areRL-aid41-and �... ulevard. Vi e...pe3as•�ow:..sha-tet--side j { t"V Install one pole on the south side of SteClair St., near the I 'kississippi River Boulevard. (City lights) i Install five poles in the northside of the alley between Lawson SL., Ratoh St., Park"and Sylvan Avenues. Install ons pole in the south side of the alley between Lafond, Thomas, Kent and Mackabin Sts. With necessary guys and anchors. i I All of sash est i e. pok. avd wtra .Nil Le erected..d c-mouceed under the d'uectlos sed suyenietav e1 the Comminieser of Yuhlic l til tees sad 1. .11 thorn_ 3. 1 [.W, to the Isesialoos of lhdivaou \o. Ia)a: sad of all other lawlul ordioavicea avd reeoludoveal the CitJ of "' Paul All pule should beat Iv wch IontMo iv said .lien avd nreeta n the Coes mover of Yublk U,11,,Ie .h esat<. end hall be of such h i 1 t and cluncter u ', 'oil dat:vate sed approra. sad a' .vd all such roln .hall be takes dos. avd.­rd...d each who Ida ed uedernouod, whenner the l'uu il'.hall decor that the j civterntso tea ...and when Ithall so order. A +opted by die Counci —1`J1 Yeas O Co ncilmen ( ) Nays j F RNSWORTH G SS M COLL i�11 Vit' NDALICH P Approve H LANK I. K LLER Mr. President, IRVIN,9 -/7 1�layor j'UBLltilihll 1 -- - P(y''_ :an Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 , The undersigned hereby proposes 'the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: QQ'' iuC'',.I__ .t:Q 0 "oho ac._ c c �z e ... - cct n ..L.u.'..�..Ja.Gil.o.' .. ...,... ._........._`._....._ ...._..:....___. i . Dated this ..... J_. $...:day of xl ; W.'u ........ 191 _ T. ounciluuui PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIlrREA5, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: t ,. :: .. .., m.w O -....J m.�i..LS...r.'..A.a....r Y .. , .Sl.... •.:. �._...:r.�.tL. ....... .... ... ... ....:. .._.. .... ..._..:.. PRWLrtlrIfART ORT .------- ........... .. -. \o, 18339—.,__ - ..rens. A written I o a ........... ........ .. ....... :.... _.... .... ...... pp or the rermn8 tm0 ' un.lrucl n rnment vile - havin • been ,ted to the Council of the Cityldth or .Ix reet, on the teilman _... .. _ .. 6 presented nsaan Are• tram Clere - �tln Av r., having Ween 1 therefore, be it Couil or the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1 Clty or 'inc ` l -e hat the Camml.. is herebyordered and directed Work. he and he 1. h. L To investigate the necessity for or .iesb oin --Mate w,. sere A said improvement, r 111lity or the ranking 2. •'ro investigate the nature, extent and es ^in enthe nninprovvment, and the total cost thereof. itle.d gconote t or Moldnr : 3. To furnish a plan,. profile or sketch of sot, Tr•rhe ttnt•mt e•r r mq 4. To furnish the following other data and it;, 1• utive, to said improvement-.. 5. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. To report upon nil of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the councilI__..-.191 _..... Yeas: '// Nays: u Concilman Fl"worth � (o6s APprov(d .. ....:. ,,•, I(vkind , l i — .. Kel«r — -- _ Wand1 C ---erlich Mayor irviil - _--1 v.,.:1._n n7_2 ,.'.' CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCIL AULCOUNCIL RESOLUTION GEERP,L--F-ORM -- ___.----__.-_-- Date Presented .Au�cust 2;7 191, 7 Resolved, tl{at .ermission be.und isere y grant 3-tira-Tr Ststo-Ts-l-sphon±3 & Te3egraph Colnaany. to erect poles with the necessary anohors and to string wire and cable on t,e follaviing named streets: 9 poles in al_ey between Hazel& Ruth from Fourth to Conway, 9 poles in alley between Si el and. Third from Hazel to Ruth. 19 poles in alley between Thr& and Conway from Hazel to Ruth. G P. No.'lj']0 X. M N �6F, AeResolved. What. permteelon 6e and Iathe - phoney&ATTelegraph Com' rpa ly rect tto to e poles -'with the. he......) ..ehState Ij to tel -9 wile ad .able on the rdl- 1onamed 8 it•oles I- s".y-between Baas, and Ruth trom Fourth to Conway. tl °JPoly laa�F71y'f i-ttuwee- 819.1 and tr- k+lasoYl-'To`/-uu-1i"rtr-n,•.:t-.. aoPuv ow b°Irenfpxn xulyi�Gh%3 _ I. • d4Jd 147 +.II tl IU IJIIOJ 41 i _.... .. ... �o 171Nid all; l enel J 14 . •� 4i bulrli Paen8uipo . u, • .o.n.......v .. .ulwuop dalC 1<. - . Work to be done under t.:e direotion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the Teleul[one Cgmi:any to pay the cost of insoeotion,'engineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Com- mon Counoil. Said cost to be paid by tLe Telephone Company. i. I , 1 eas l ) Couneilnren harV5'e-orth I. Adopted by the Council 191 Gobs In favor Hyland 191 --____-- 1 raa•c l - -- Kelt • - --- - �� \1ccou l ) Against 1Vultd lick J .. Mr. Presidenvin CITY OF ST. PAUL - ! ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 1 L . COUNCIL an AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. . AUDITED _191 PER— A630 ER X630 L ;% Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of this hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective, names as specified in the foUowin; detailed i statement: _ ! • t Yeas ( J) Couficilmen (J j Nays Adopted by the Council —� t 191— . I Gov, T` Fn favor Approv 191_ i Kelbri McCp1Y`—6Apiost ,.. II -G eary- Hyi9 MAYOR . ! i ------ oerg-- W n erlich Mr. President. laowerr—Irye- C. F. No. 18341.... = Resolved that warrante - he' drawn - upon the City Treasurer, payable out of the herelnafler apeclaed funds and In favor, of the penalre:.7lrms. or oor- poratlons for theamounts set oppoelte theirrespectivename- ae specified In. the following detailed -statement:. - Corllcelll Silk Co_ 86.29. - St. Paul Olue: Co., 316.70. ' Adopted by the Council Sept. 1. 1917. Approved 8eDL S. 1917. - (BepL. 8.]p17) i 19453 Corticalli Silk. Com'pary, _ P .Sehools-M&R . j 8M .St.Faul .Glass Comparsy, 15.70 P.Schools-MO.' ' y • ±'v ourour -,---_...__...__..._ 21.99' . , j . ,j I is - �_.,,I,•w.waa a• - CITY OF ST. PAUL .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fo"°'L No. z �77181._ ll AUDITEO`SEP 1 1917 f BV__e ua. 1 PER - - (/ �• 629 i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and i in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective . names as specified in the following detailed statement: — Yeas ( %I Councilmen ( J) Nays by j -1 � ' � .. adopted he Council=_ 181__ Fain' fifth h do �In favor Kell M�Against 191'— ii » O' Hy]Ky'I'1d MAYOR _ Yoe Wunderlich Mr. President, Po _-» Z3r4 in ' I • t. —I 19411 Aldine Book: Comnung, 7.5 I P.Library-NBooks. - — 12 _American Express -Company, - _ 1.75 _ P.Librsry-Expense. 18 American Library Association, 87.46 i.., P . Lib re-ry-Exp . 14 G. A. Baker & Company; 9.Z5 P.Library-NFooks. 15 G. Broes Van Dort Company, 48.60 Ji P.Library-NBooks . 16 Brown, Blodgett & L Spaeerp, 2.00' P.Bldgs.-Archt.-Expense. 17 The John Clark Company, 1.50 P.Library-NBgoks. 18 Daily Frazer Hardware Company, 6:08: P.Schools-i''xpense . 1; 19 Louis F. Dow C'bmnany, . Mayor's Office -Exp. 58.80 13. 0 ; P.Schools-Ex 45. 0 5 0 — I' 20 Adam Decker Hardware Company, ?5.99 ?.Schools -Exp. 20 AS' Water -Exp. 5�6A 2,� ,�g Res. 629 - 19421 pa.; , F airbanks,Morse & jlomr. = 31.50 i P.1Sar.cet.-E.xense . i22- Gre::, Northern F.allv"ay Company, i 6.Oo- Pay. Rice St. 'Univ, to N.P. PridEe. I 23 Holm & Olson, 1?.b'0, P .Library -Expenses . I 24 A. C. Jefferson,' 20.27 St,. C&R -Exp• j 25 Kennedy Bros . Arms Cocnaaa;�, Pollce-Expense. - I 26 Kuhlee. '&Stock Comp any - , ?9.75'' P..Parks-Exoense- ; �f I 27 Mahle Wagon Company, 4.05 Water -Expense.- 26 Manhattan 0il Company, 53 ;Z P.Pa hs -Exp. 4 `ZZ Pay. -Miss.River Blvd. 29 Meyer Engraving Company, Mayor.'s Office -Exp. j30 Minnesota News Company, 17 ?? -- P.I4brary-NRooks. - 31 MitscY: & Heck Company, 7.15 WgtPr-Expense. 32 New York Tea Company, 23.00 1 i P.P�„La-r:xp. I 33 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, C.P.W.-Fxa. - �• Water ExP• 5r X751 -Lir_htinC-Exp. 34 Ottawa Silica Company, , - 24.O0 :Aunic. Testing Labs. -Exp. 35 P-eoples Coal & Ice Comoamny'. P.Parks Expense. i - - 36 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, P.Perks-Fxp. 37 Pierce. Oil Cor; oration, Spri nkltnE. _ 3E Raymer Hardware 28 651 Fire-C&B 7 46 1? .Schogl^-r;x” .17/ n.. P.Llbr-F,xnF.Perks-F:xp.66 f6i5 j 39 heliance Iron Works', 4.50; P.Markets-Exp. 4C St.i-.,ai "r tie ErinGom.�••y, ` 2 CC Cam'r, r. 7.0,x• G>:n. pp,ze3. 629 19441 St.raul' Electric -Company, 20.10 Perks- ons,,. Phn_gyen B0 ch. { 4 _ % j, I ibr�ry Exp. z 5' 10 2 5' 10 - t 42 u St.Pal Rubber Company, 31.67 Pr:rk-Expense. 43 A. Schoch Grocery Company, C.F' .U.-Yun. 'T.esi. Labs.-Fxp. 1 n _Markets-dxp. xAq 44 Schroeder Creamery Company, 1,40 heal th-P.Baths -h:y. p. _.5 Rot." U. Szalatnay, 7.90 Library-NBooks, _ 46 Union"Brass & Metal Company, 5.50 C.P.U.-Mun. Test.Lab.-Rxp, 47 Union Machine Company, fa 6.00 Water -Exp. 48 H. E. Wedelstaedt," 21.00 School -Expense. - 49 '.9estern Electric Company, 41-.09. ire-Exp. 5. 9s P!ay. *wounds Blvd. 1 6 - TVA eachers Trg. School-Libr. 3 5 �; ¢' 9 - 50 Western Supply Company, 26.75 Sehool-Exp. a� A Water -Exp. 2 6 1 R. E. Whitacre Company, 15.001 School -Exp. 52 Williams foal Company, 345.72 P e-rk -Ex cens e . - 1,27560(;rd� 'Total - . 41110 0 7163.65.' •. 't•� 4 p0 vR Co.. $12.60. _ - _ •q epllrs Ce.. $17.22. - ' k.. Co... 37,16. > 4P�Ya o., $13-00. 5. " tlt$14 00 .°M• fy ca Co.. bu 0.11.& Ice Co. ;76.30. . tfracY FTIntInR Co., {9.10. tkeo.. ' Ho dware 326.65. IFon Worke. 31.60. 1. F ue Print Co. f2 00. _ Tut LYeclrlc Co:, f20610. t'a�aul Rubb Co..IIIAT. ' - -- - :' wchoeh.'Croc r) Co.. $1.35. - hroeder ;Creamers Co.,: 31./0. - - Rev, D. BaelatnaY. 17.90. Union Braga h Hctal 36.50. - 6.0. H E. M.wedine Co., 21.0. at $53.00. • H..t - Electric rn El - Veatern E Ipp1Y Co. $26.75. - - - it. B..Whllacre Co.. 316.00, Wllll... Coal. Co.. $3!5.72. Adopted 113' the Cannell Sept. 1. 1917. -.. ApproYed. Sept. 5. 191'. , 1 (F•pl. A-7917) 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE AUDITED' IBI_ - 631 G, _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spedfied funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names j as specified in the following detailed Yeas ( J) Coun ' men ( J) Nays _ _ .Adopted by the Council --- 7 ccp _moi o 7 Faros orth GdSr� In favor Approv-181_ — Kel M l C) AgainstMAYO M�Y�._ —� b Iiyt—d WA�`derlieh Mr. President. eq IP4in c, F xb. Ieasa— Reaolved thnt warrant. be des, of upon the City TmaauI ' Paynble. oat. 1, the hereinafter, : apeclDed funds and In floor of the tN nmounaaact oPDodte theft rasDeetive names as npeclded In - therollowlnN detalied statement: Keough Bros.1a.00. $1.170.00. P J RYon.S.. F,. T t1d by the t.4 until. Adopted by theCouncll 9ePL 3. 1917 ADPrberd Sent. 1.ad91917. (SePt17) 19455 Keough_ Brothers, 1,170.90 -. Grading Trace St.. Alaska tj Chatswort.h. - 56 P. J .' Ryan, i5.1 0 Savrctr on Jessie St. Maryland to Brainerd. 57 E. T. Webster, 4,906.66 Sewer on Minnehaha and Snelling. L CITY[ OF ST.'PAUL \ '.CC)UNC I L- RE50LUTIO tV— GENERAL FORM ' Subject:' FILE • No. r � Date Presented 191 7. ��r � � a ' 01•a�lic Jo_ is __::,; � ....o__aeu Reso4ad u S . _r0 : .u.ttc: _.t<::..,it _.ti'e.. 01.1C .CC 0 6G„'G,? 0-i i✓1%. - • r. F :gin. 18[41—ltr tfihr. po.a-- I I C.mml.nl enrr o[1 Imn h r.L)' V01, l 1 1[rnol,`..d kn h lam. P 1 kle All t r.0bltr L 1 1, t Y o loll n•'� . .. Ave. tr miC nn1 n pt 1917. - I [oAloote ll� 4. O1r6 1911 �.9 yl. 1 Anvro 1ery I t i I i .i I Yeas U) I uncilmen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 F worth In favor 191_ G µ Approve. M Goll � Against -- -N ah —— — ----1 — --- —�--f '—�-- — -- Y l�lti l3 If.. MAYOR I.1111 Mr. Preside . Pow.re _ I" CITY. OF ST. PAUL' C:OU'NCIh RESOL;UTIOr4—GENERAL FORM .Subject: COUNCIL 15 FILE NO. Date Presented 4��` Resolved. _":ie e_ D ,'rear er :,vc., reao:. -,c.,.1� � ,. �::c .o...:�...,�o::n• o_. : �ui,c for -., .,.. .� ...:e l L F \ 183J 11; N \' t -Oe n n l 1 Th t th V-1. " r rienny .art mt'.. rl I th. r It ¢� 1 it nn [h.• - yl n n>1 n nnR P pN nA nn recnm- enAeA by the t nmmla a Il. her f'ubllc ;I {ee, be nnA the same e hereby ropte A. Adopled by the Cmtnell Sept. 1, -... ( APII—ed Seat. 5. 1917. - -- - tRept. 8-19171 l 1 Yeas (t') Cc (1 ) Nays _ 1 191 nccilmen Adopted by the Council 4worth ^_I — i IP 7 Far G ) r K �, In Favor APP ve� t 191. _ M oll Against a 1 Ytgl��Mr. MAYOR PresidePn� .. "CITY OF ST.- PAUL. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL,FORM Subject:. - COUNCIL V I FILE No. 'i, Date Presented v `� • q 191 7. Resolved, -17L.;. �:•:e. -'Tattle of Ott a '.:Ot...,VC.7 A'C £-"ll8 z.vc.. LO - 1ii1t;C10,t i,.. :H l,..�.r ... !v, J, ,::1 t. TC'. .:jTE....-11:C 0;:. o;- _...;i1C 02 ._„� ue C. Vn: 18x16 t t nen— Th the dPny. Ree lure• rrnmv C k Ph.,_ e'• hown Ly the _ e .. - to �Vheeloak_ParkwaY ae - rad .rad. len, the necomDnn>'th andr I mended hY - -Camml+aloner. Vroeln: at Puhlic Work..he In hereby nJnplad'aa the n and foe e a aelahllnheA{. 1 - 'f l Sept. 1, h` ttl. Adopted a ]9"I - AVproved `�sl,•nl. 8.1'!171 I l Yeas (t) Councilmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council 191, Farre worth— s Goss - Got% J � In favor. � - 191... Approve ,1 _ _ t I fl1dloll I •. Kgnutat , 1 FORM C-1 i—. n C. E.No MIT—, By O l« Keiser 11—fled lltatthe 8l .P ul 6ns ± Idltht Co.Ia h eb) orderrd and direct- LL to xt n 1 Its elect I< I Ila by - _ I"-• C I erecllnit poll's adlrl ging a Ire. th.rru t Iht nxmilit t I-1 RM 1 1j COUNCIL RES irlelt7 n ind in ch follo.."Ir alleys nal xt set. tIJ ltl - c1 --lnxtall n hun 1 I a 11 me"y-Ilvn- " f 61.4 on thee e t x11 1 rnty, tlne:Iol tho t. Id If the 311.- I. IPII O NI.IghtO. Itivcr Itoul.vard (Citysite All of -h xl n I n. V I.. ad ' �Irex h.I 1, er t 1 and 1 structed -=---� -. ----- ------'- '--'-' Andes theiiri.. t inn. and aupervi.lan of the .tom nI.alone of 11u1,11c L'lliitles _ I() 1I4 1 all things subject to the Pro. led . ' vl.ion t Grdlnun Y•tp\Q...�/.}�yqq at _ ail 1411A 1Llogauull.; ' Jo .)loR17�314 - y jo s 3 pl II\ 10. loll. t u i uv <II noG Int at Ihv t Ih / it C m a11I vl w7aJ OL 7 . 14 47 ul IPllnll 7. n1 ai4 7v aagiz a41 u _a uo do., woa PIFv . of oA Lto v PO ) .(doo .47 �.a.uav of Puv'nod uodn Ponaav 11 —C l' • Duv. Paxauuv. o7aaoq sl:7uleiLLwoa 4a14r" _ , - Resolved, - that the St.paul Sao Light Co. is• hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical' lines. by erecting and stringing wires thereon for the trahemission polen of electricity on and in the fo�lowing alleys and 1 streets 'of.said city: y install one hundred and twenty-five poles on the west nide and.seventy-nine polee'on the east side of the Mississippi River Boulevard. (City Lights) All of 'such extensions, poles and wires shall be e- and constructed under the direction and super- reoted vision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in -all things subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3434, and of all other lawful ordinances and re- solutions of the City Of St.Paul. All poles shall be set in such location in said al�eys fit root a as the Commissioner of Public.Utilitiss and, designate, ani shall be of such height and char- shall actor as he shall deeignate and approve, and any and. taken down and removed and such all such poles shall be the Council shall wires placed underground, when -ever so requires and when it dere that the public interest shall so order. G lays Adapted by the Council 5 9 19l awarth iJnIn In favor JEP j`� I nd ------ 1pprocxr 191 I-- ler -- - Against Ili h ala Presidl. Irvin 1:. F 7n: S3N:.-0rdlnance _ - At, ord ante grantlamp to s stall . aY Company to 1 tall u DiDe Ilne u, - The G>unclt a, th City - daeajardafa 1uffKorit) n I p mfenlr fi _ _ 0 AIS en [D ). o Imstrn "et. t t t75 (r t J. t nd ' An ordinance granting to the Northern Paeific.Railwa0c paay Permission to install a pipe-line under Prince street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section I. Authority and permission are hereby given to the Northern Pacific Railway Company to install a pipe line under Prince i street, at. a point approximately 175 feet eastofthe west line of Broadway, and about 4 feet below the surface of the street, as shown upon the plat hereto attached, for the purpose of conveying heat from the plant of Foley Brothers & Quinlan to the Northern Pacific Building. This permission, however, is granted upon and. expresely_subject to tYie following conditions: '(1) That_ said work shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City if S't. Paul. (2) That said Northern Pacific Railway Company shall save �._ the City harmless and-Indemnify it against all damages, claims, judg- ments, suits, costs and expense whatsoever in any way arising out of the installation, maintenance, use, operation or removal of said pipe. (3) That said pipe shall be taken up and removed from said street and the street restored to its original condition at the cost I and expense of said Northern Pacific Railway Company an whenever.the Council shall so order. (4) That the said Northern Pacific Railway Company shall signify in writing its acceptance of this ordinance and all the terms thereof, within thirty days after the publication thereof: Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after-its passage and publication. �:...,.I,,l.•d i„ I�rcn mar ) �. tai In favor ieurr j. :1ppnSrd' Srp ql 191 1 "'�/liunderin6 _ l/7A pLR31,iS1 tla� t A ^:» 2M - Y: I; roma t.a >u vorthern valctfi* ilrua Gout ari - - LAND DEPARTMENT. - —_ THOMAS COOPER, NOTICE GRAF70N h1ASOV,Laud Att..e , - Laudt.—stoner. St. P,,_. him. St. P.M. hf W., The comPanY hax no 1 1 Is a ept R th La 1 Commissioner, thr Eastern Land Agent and 'Th \Y t Laml Agent. d pe—n ea. . eepti,g the Land Commissioner Is authonred M h,m1 the ComPany by J: L WATSO� J. Id. lfUOtIES, - , ogreemems or acts whatsoever in relation tots lands.. P'ncip,I R ghtrof-Way Agent, Eastern Land Agent• The Trrasu... tethe only pe'r'son authodaed M rec prf r paymenh Sr. Pea. hf sxx. St. Feet, hirx�. fnr IaMa and the Company a,ll nos 1>< reaponaible for anv Y until it - I. rccetved h • the Treasurer, the Land Comm:asioner, or the Land Agenu above n= - D. E. WILLAJRD, G. Ili. PLUhthtER,All Prim avoted subject to chang<and lands suh)ect to avle�srithent Devcbpment Alf-1. Waters Land Agent. further notice. - Sr. P+sit• hirxn. TAC—. Wean. - - St.Pu ,Ki i ot, , (+ ass 117 !1- To the _ I j:U:iJm+l,:a COu�'CIL, � i Cit:; of St.Paal._ { Gentlemen: One or tvro of t: -.e cie, i_tments of the ;Northern Pac- ific Riz' _ Co:.,-,un,� !rti)1 �cc'dry +);e old Ge eral Orrice Fuildzl, at "-•e foot of Foirt?r Street, - -9 i zs tPCessrtrY t l it t a^ t _. mef t L r z r.1 v.! e* Lf rz the i z::tcr ::o:ah Ir c der to oLvz cte t e tae it^ o� opera in,- ' e :e ;,- , Ina v:.. c? f^rrerl ea ?:e e..tirc t a .ld- in c ^r*; ern 1 cif! RaJi y Co: a , : L tide an azr..nEe- rent z Y• Foley ?3rot.ers ,; y,ui^1In t;) ezcby the lot`ter Will rl:ish t Le he..t re4airr ? .t E, i, c. able _.: rinh, in cert +- , rsrt .rn 'P_i;:i f, C - Befl can ,Le `'.,-,r•:i:Jt:ela it llill, of cni,rse, be necesnary to : act e i es in the oldl,, or'th crn Pi^.ific. .Genernl. Off_ce. L'n_ 1 ir.(7 •.`-!, Fa.'.c:, wrat: --'CITY._A.F ST,_ PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:, COUNC4 .l'ie )ii .) _ No. Date Presented 1.91 Resolved, !That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings* and the Superintendent of Parke be, and hereby are authorized to attend the convention of the American I National Park Superintendents, to be held in Ste Louis, 1 Mo., September ll, 13 and 13 inclusive, -and that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00), or:so`much thereof as may be necessary is hereby directed to be paid out of I the City Officer" Attending Conventions Account of the General. Yund. C. F. No. 12210—ny J... rTityIand Resolved..That the Commissioner of . Parke.. Playgrounds and Fublle.-Rulld- 'Jngs'and tha Superintendent. or Parka be,5andr hereby' are:.authorlsed to at. tend the convention of the -American NationalParkeeuperintenderim to be • '. heli -..In tik Lluls.-ale... Sept. 11, r2 rd '3iitiriuslve, a ndthetthesumo. Four - - `"Nund�ed'Dolla. C$400.00)• or eo much - thefeor am may be necessary. Is hereby directed to be ppold out of the.: City officers,Attendlnit 'Conventions Ac- I count or the :0eneraS. Fund. Adopted by. the Council Beek 1, 19I7.I - - Approved' Sept. 2, 1917:. (Sept. 9-1917) Yeas U) Councilmen Nays CI FWorth `l AdoptedbytheCouncil r 191 V In favor " H --- ----APPro. Iter l — -- -- — Coll J Against nderlich Mr. Preeid�[. Irvin - +.ron ", ..FOAM c; .2 ... I CITY OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION —G ENERAL_PORM Sub,ect... ; edVnOIL FILE. iPl O. Date Presented Sept ►.1917 191. F: ReWve That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract,Committee, and hereby awards the contract for grading Jefferson avenue between Prior avenue and Cleveland avenue, in accordance with theplans and specifications on file •in the office eft .thee Purchasing ',A'gent to L.A.Bumgardner I Company fot the lump sum bid of $4,240.00. Bng.Bet.$4222.00 F.B.1431. C F, No. 18350—By M. N Cosa Rosolved. That the Connell hereby j. concur. In the recommendation haro>•Y 1 Eontraet Committee. and f awards the contract Yor Rradlve Jet• y fer.on: Ave. betty,.en,ac arordanee �'wllh Cleveland Av.., fone thethe Vl a or the •Purcha.tnR ARenc to L- AfIf3umgardner Coo U t. uE 6r Fr ; lump of Bb i4,]]].00.`B'. R. 14]1. 1817. } - Adoplad by the Canoe Sept. 1, Approve d ( D�?•8-1017) i. Bei, e' ca all gaper§ ill n n rn (' .,— !-;n With above SEP 101917 ......._...__._ _.._ ��_ u�-ICE 0f CyyUi.,111 ' ,t ' I Yeas (✓) ouncilmen (✓) lays 191 �Jnaworth Adopted by the Council _ - j t I J tfoes In favor 191. I WOO ll a Against J _ U C ndulich won 11 ...ow:.l..-_min -.-_- ----- --. -_,- --_- „. FORM -C.6-] . ,'.... -CITY OF ST.; PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... FILEEBeiL fV b......[ ..... - - • Date Presented..._.. bept.......1,.......191 z7.. I e Resolved, That, -.ihleraao ul forseen obstacles have been et vli-uh in the construction of a savior On 01,:irence 6t, between Birks "ve. and is ;call 5t. °,.hie ii dere 'not co tt�:)plated in the plans Lud opeciiica- tions -for said serer, the said ulnas a::ci specilieetions are hereby nodified in accordance ;ri h the black linea and bras shocm on the blueprint hereto attached Mrd :lade a part hereof, and the contractor i3 hercuy authdrizod to construct said savior in accordance the 1A04i1.ied p1Lne withwat extra cojapensa-6ionj proviLLed �zhat i this-aeeolu*,ion shall be of no force or effect unless the contractor -,hall agree in writing to the zorlas -thereof. I i C. P. No. 16161—ey X N, host-- ed - nesolv. That Whereas unforseen I obataclas have been met' with in the l'. construction of n sewer .on C St. between .ilaronee i min : AVC sad Ncraan - - s BL. which were not contemplated In the _Bret plana and specifies. Ions for aid Sewell _ .Ma4Cs the said plana and speci dations arehereby modiffed _ RgCe'1Ve� �i�h gb�s n,accords.ri" with the °black noes and d' gasattaes shown d and on the e e a Ct,l O.SI Dart herooq ane`. tha `eontarotor-'la ,ez L1t ©�� sewer in �ordance with tR'1 ieodlaed aeld Fg501 plans without astir. in '" be fro. force that effect unless .,coneafhno theca a affect uNess tha ,the tem. hall ae In writing to the farms :t thAdo j Adopted by the Councll Sept -1 1617. l - Approved He t. 6, 1917. fSePL.d-7s17) ,. Yeas( r' ) Councilmen (I') Nays / Adopted by the Council 191... F 11sCvorthCCP `i i c i Gals In favor g Appro 19! ..... jvl j Against J rA =Mr. Preadea P.a�re,. � FORM c.O-2 I t Resdinded on account o, vialk oonstructed E. G. gr ags 1 under` a periit. • _ -. .CITY= OF SS. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - rl �tljN 0......... ... jDate Presented.:.._.. Sept...1, .II91 "T., N�✓ In -It ra�to. of constructing a ou tont rile S•ido.ralk to a Iidth nN of six feet at the. following locations: On the we,,t side of Livii.aston tt Ave. fron Ioabel St. to Concord St ,.Oi. the aouth side of Isabel St. fro: ; Li,ringww or ave. to Concord St. ,,nCL on the no ;:h side of Concord St fro : Livingston ave.; to Isabel St. underYreliL;i, ar;i Order, ;'18163, �� approved Au . 21, X917. Resolved that all orders in the t.b :vc ,hatter be rna tic ;:ams, are hereby cancolleci, &nnulle,d'and rescinded, ouu t,ll proceedings,ir. such matter discontinued: 1 G P--N-.1888—HY1 M. N. O..s- In the matter of constructing a esmaat 1 - tlle sidewalk to&.width.. at ACemeet' �. At the. following locWestatlonr.':. On .the 1"bal��St- t Concdo of ord nStbel SL . oatrem ithe ron Ave.�t of 0M 8t., a d oln�the 'I north: slA0 of Concord St. from Ingst0ft Ave, to. Isabel St.. u,def,^,ra• -, IiminarY: Order No: Il103, aPIR'oved - Au Re7. i Iv" t23. h t all orders In the above Cit10te1LA 'oo��anulleAaandnres rescinded, and 1 d iii proceedla94 In such matter disco.- 1. timed. AdoOledby the Council SePt 1..1817.1 Approved Sept 6. 1817. .. (Sept 8.18L7).. Yeas oilmen (1') Naya Adopted by the Council -1 l�.l./...... 191. ... F worth C In favor _. i 191 ..... e APprov t U A suet ' 7 N�jd M 011 � 8 U . I C, Y ri; MAVOR 1VIr. fresider..+ewers j.,J— U 11, Gone « — Count XiltrNo::a int>:S j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes, the making `of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz :.�_:.open..,....eide,R and...extend-Looulit_-atxeet:y to a-.width .af-ei_ghty180) fnet.,_:_fz-om....Teath.::at-rest--zc►...g#.*tL e5reetybyF--tsk#.�r� scud•-eondemn#-rtg--6:-sir#� o f_f 4.Ur.t e.t.1....-i.l �)._..f.e.o t..:.ia._g.idth.-.of f_:.of....tha...aonthexly_ --aide-. the.zanf. Dated this...._: jet....-day of ...... _ Saktamber ... 1917 Councilman. - — PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: QP.4i?,:-_w.lsi4n....and--ext.and-..Locus.t...stxr.et.,:-:to...a.,.>g.idth .nS.:..eight.y i9t1J...:%eat,.......: t0- Siacth--etra�rt,-.:.b3t.....Lak1A�.:..and-coade land.._fQt;X.tl<.4A_..{1off ._of..:.tn -eolitherly,..side._theraoi:...... .. s.. .ew,ramg xviC 1t t­ .......... -.. .. _.... . • Jep,0 6ivet 'BT 6e °?, R Pano.iddaY/99t ._-... ...� having been presented to the Council of the t- ° Ipeutiamr x181 '[ vunp a.. -. therefore, be it presented to t the Council of Me City Of es. Paul tThat ra.be it iercd and dirreted• RESOLVED, That the COmm1HS10OCr OI 1 Resolved, That the Commissioner hereby, of dored and directed: be wnd_he le hereby, or-. . . 1. To investigate the necessity for or des aeI. To vie■stigate the necessity fewement. or desirability of the making of aala and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ImnrovamenL r. To Investigate the nature, extent �. To furnish a plan; profile or sketch of aivt°and tn°a toil cost thereof. rove -. S. To-furnbh a.. plan, .proal. orvement._ ,.... _: 4. To furnish tre other data an sketch of-■aid Improvameut - •8. To furnish Yhe.. following ,-.other `data_ avid Information reiativa to ■aid,,.,.,,;.._ _.. 1. ..... .... _.r.._. S. Tent In whether e f r or not said Im-.hrce or more owners. 5. 10 state whether or not said improver opiiriree oe more owner. for the peuuonr 6. To report upon all of the foregoing in e. To report upon wq of the fore. cc. I - g g going matter■ to the Commisalener or Finance. I . 1 i y Adopted by the Council 'opt. 1. 1917.. Adopted by the council- ..._. Approved sevt a. 1912 (9ept. l-1917). �. Yeas: Nnys: . Approved i,EP Councilman Fa worth , �& C,191......... _) II d i K r N ' eCrhetl _ ... ..V ........... Mayor Ir ' Mayor. ra t+ Goes - rty�r•i Couneil!Filc No. PROPOSAL FOR ,IMPROVEMENT L ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of. St. Paul, vlz.._....o.pen.;.....wi:dea..and-:.extend- Lafayette. -avenue, fr-om -tb e• "Soo"-bridg4 bYtllklnY:...3A.d,...cA-lldesnninF...:L:..-atrip...of....land...fourte-en...te.et. the._weet§X......................... _...... ..................... ... _........... ::_:- Dated this ....:..-lat........... day of................ September- .__...... `- 1111 __.-.. ....:. ......�. Z Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qp.S.A....... .widen._and....nxtend...LsY.ayatte-..avenue, Line_P.:�aL .kln.e7,.. .a:..Gxave_..atTee.t.,..... to a_width...o.f-.:ei.gY.t}r.._.jBD).....feet.,.b.y..:.:taking and .,con¢eani_p� ill Ullith....off --- o.f:...the .-:.xtat.erly Bide .th ETOO,f,, .:. maklnNpoot the fotlo Whereas' A written proposal for the _ wing Improvement baving been presented to the Council of .ta: Opent, wlden ane extend Gri g. .... .. etre avenue. from the "Soo'• brldgs. al' therefore, be It Roo Llno Plat No. 1 to Grove street. to a width of el6 htr (10) fest`by teklnR - - nnd consent. 119 a atriv o[ lana tour- eby ordcrcii-arid directed RESOLVED, That the Commissiot teen liav nRtbeen vroKfiiedr to tho 1. To investigate the necessity for Council it 1f the City. of St. Paul)here-1 improvement.for. - Resolved. That the Commisslonor otClnlnt, earl rite )oral cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extel Public and afire be he is hereby or- II 3. To furnish a plan, profile or slit or I'deelrab111tY"o[ fthoa naklnR soty for Bald Improvement Improvement,. 4. ITo furnish; the following other d' - S. Tel nvest)Rate the nature. extent ' ._.., .... and nicd coat -ot aaid.,tmprove- estimment ane the total cost thereof. Prat"3. TO"turnleh -.a plan Prat"or_-: sketch of sold Improvement 5.. To state whether or not said im t• To tarnish the 1o)1towinR ol"roil of three or more owners. d At and In fermalloe relative ao safd 6. To report upon all of the forego 11 r"To tile waeitier or not ■ata im= Finance. provemont Is asked:-tor on the :petition , _ 1 I of throe or more owners. Adopted by the Council........ 1 RO qR-matters Ito fha Commi eioner_rai'- FlOonce:.- - Yens: , AdopteA by the Councll Sept. 1 1917-1 Avvroced B.pt s:. 1917. - - Councilman Faritsworlh (Rept., i.1917) N .—rt 1,1 1 (robs Approved _. 161........ Hyland KeRl f Mctoll WilAilerlich Mayor Arvin Mayor. CITY OF ST.. PAUL —__ COUNCILRESOILUTION-=GENERAL— O -`- ---- sweet ` COUNCIL FILL No. ... 7t, 1, Date Presented 1917 I Resolved, That the ani;lication of the foliowikg persona for a license to conduct riotele or Restauranto at the 1 catlo resp c ively T" a b ,, nd the. same are :hereby; denied, rrLd L CATION. Nk.! Or APP,10A , I!oTFI, A r.A:'T. John `?eloff a Co. Restaurant, 390 Tacouta, i Yeas (J) Councilmen (:) Nays y'IFarnaworth 7 Adopted by the Council 191 Cosa / In favor Hyland 'e 1 Approved Against ^ (� 191 ''.'�1cColl U • C Wunderlich Mr. Pident. Irvin Mwvon ife 4 TO THE HONORABLE THE COU MqIL. _ } of the City of St. Paul: _--does hereby make appli- n to the C St. Paul for a -License to conduct a ... . ... . ............................ and t hereby certify as follows: tt th anie th icant" said License is-,.,, .... .. and his (its) place of residence `!'D...._-. .......... street (avenue) in the City of,St. Paul; that ` th act 10 f Khieh the sae<i ap cant proposes to carry on business is in the City,gf St Paw l- aw _:2That the said applicant is now engaged in 'said business Ss at --- in the City of St. Paul. Dated at this _/day of O .................. .................... Applicant. Date of expiration of License Date of Inspection.,.: . ...... Fire Protection___.... ... ...... ...... ... ... ......... Alentilationof Building- ..... ... . ........ Meats and Provisions ....... Beds and Bedrooms.-__: ... .... . ....... ....... . ...... .... . .... . ....... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing..... . ...... .... . .... . . ........... .. Kitchen and Utensils- ------ - — ------- — ------ Refrigerator and Store Room ------- Basement and Cellar ... ... . ........ . .... . ..... . ....... Back Yard__... General Condition of Premises-....,& . .......... . ... .�­­......­____� .. ...... . .......... I. License Recommended: .. City Hotel and Restaurant jhpec!p5t ...... .... . .... .. : .......... Approved: .......... ................ .................................... A CITY OF ST{. PAUL: 1 C.OUhLCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL-, FORM i eougcii Subject......... ........ . .........., Date Presented.. 191......_ Reno That that 0011112166loner of Public 8alety is hereby authorized to employ s physician for a period of Hfteea of $70.00 per mouthy 86120 to be Charged to the "yo, at a salary y Item of the Berea i of Policesalar. Necessity for this eta- ployment is occasioned by Dr. LeRoy Brottln tsting the above mea- tioned time for his vetoation. C. F.. Na 19889-8q henry McColl - nesolved, .That the COM Watopor otx 1 Public Safely is hereby .authorised to� employ a physician for a porlod o[ FI[ teen' Ua) daya:at a ea1drY. of 870,09 per, i-onth, same tp be charged: Mile - aitem of the. Bureau of Polle Ne-. j eeulty for thin emPlogmant b , Cees- . - iisloped by Dr:l.eroy: P.romn ta8ing thl� i above mentioned time or his vacation. Adapted by the Counclt Sept t. 1917•, - i Approved Sept a. 1917, (SePL- 1.1817) r Nay9 _ :... 191:....... Yee Co Co ncilmen ( ) Adopted by the Council sworth f rl � — — _ . 9i — -- —' -- -----lB,a:c----- _ --------- `Approved— - -- -i K ert ( l 1 oil Against 1 Mr. Preuder0l �n•i�. 111 ---'CITY_OF ST..:PAUL... " COUNCIL RESOLUTION-LIQUOR LICENSE I:PUMOIt: NO. t'ILE Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at thelloeations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are`,granted,.and the City. Clerk ,is authorized' and directed to 'issue, such licenses to 1sai4 applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by ,law. Name of Applicant. Location., 420. Benjamin meDaaiels, Minnesota St. _ — -- C. jr. �No. 18367-89 Henry McColl— Resolved That the application of- - — the..11 i Mowing person. for .a hensa to t1ons respective gy liquors at then loch- floor. respecherebtive are ledlced..andbe. and the'.:. -- - — same Issue the city Mork is such lieorlaed"and directed to upon .the lleemea. thesold aP nd nts the upon the dtingo['thebond and the-- payment of the fee required byy. law. Benjamin M. Daniels. 420.Mloneaota :.St. dopted by the Council Sept. 1, 1017.': - Approved AeDI. 6. 1017. - Mept : 6-1017) I I I + Yeas ( 1 l'ou,u, it,,, { 1 Nays -1 Mopled by the Council 1!11 Fa n ortli lu favor11 (:oYa , llyl I Approvetl Mc utl lirh ` MAYOR 'Mr. President; I in - CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... Sub)ett ............. ......1. cocNcll Date Presented .:.............. .......:: 191....._. 'r Reso( / That the PIS" and speoifications toe a Firs Station, to be known as Fire Station #24, located at the Be )re corner of Ze 7th and Flandrau Street, prepsred,by,the City Architect, under the die- eotioa of the Commi$sioner Of Parks, Playgrounds and Public, Buildings# and Iherewith submitted to the Qounoil, be and the same hereby are appsoved,`the same being satisfactory to the Commiesioner of Public Safety, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised aid directed to advertise for bids thereon. c F. No. 1W69—njreColl— i dcatlonle etorTa•Flrao`: Btwtion�d toPec�-j r knotvn ae Fire 8"'1" No: 71, located at the & IL C rner of L .7th and. alen-: :draw etree4 preppred'- by the -.city :Commbelonerdeof tlMrkw plaYerounda reubmlttebdl�to �beaCoaanclloDa'I owithl. uma hereby aro-approved, the: came 'mirP.'$ 'belnq eatbroctoryyy to the Comminlont. er. • - ill wgePnutDl'.: Sne�eDY and the P and A16 reefed to edvertlee for bide thereo Adoptod by the Council Bent.. 1„ 1j17. ApprovedAepr. a. 1817. _fBeDt !•1917) 1 Yeas (r) Irnen (✓) Nays Adopted by the COUDC . C...' �. i 1........191 I � F worth _ _ - - -- EP.._._ --5 1911 — -- — InJ..or — — 11eir Appro t — - oil 0 Against\ J Mr. Preaid . Pawra..i • �••.- � ., : PONM. C.a•a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLLIT'�ON—GENERAL: FORM `. Subject.. _.............. ' COUNCIL ................... \ "Date Presented....... ......:. ........191...,..:. I Resolved, + ' That the Plan` and Specifications for a Fire Station to be knottfn as FireStationf2, located at the N. E- corner of Sth & waocuts, Streets, prepared by the City Architect under direction of the Commissioner ofdpark&, playground and �public .'Buildings, and,her"ith submitted to the Counail, be and the same hereby are approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the purchasing' Agent is hereby authorised.and directed to advertise:fos bids thereon. I C. F. No, 1a369—By-Henry McColl— so ? Relved: That the r lane Fnd 6Dec1-� ricatlons for a Flre Station. to be kn... Received RZ I. gripers in as Ftre'8tntlon No,'8; located r at the C,,^,i1r ec 1: i Ga Kith BbOVB prepared by the eClty�Ar eii �� aa� - fi�„ l the direction a[ the Commissioner Of- Parka,.Pia>Brounde .and Fubl'c Build Ings, and her,lllh aubmltled to the Co._"' be and the dame hereby ere ,to the Comm"lonerote pof, Pubsla fB&f tr ad the PurchulnR:ARent led hereby. authorised' and, directed to avart so 'or bidet erwn. ' Adopted -by the Council SeDb 1; 1917.� Approved 8epGL 6, 1817. ;gL.8-1817) Yeas ('d) Couaalmen (1') s Nayr —1 + (� J\ Adopted'by the Council. .. 191 ..... - -----F worth— In favor, 10 — afCsll ' App 191 :.... II Against .... ..�7 i/�✓,+ .... .MAYOR Mr. President. ` guvg r7uT4waK'9t8^ . ' •da 'd, . � COU 'lot gallmolop :)col ... panop +)vgwal )o' pa - O R M . oy m ofi ro3 Oid )o oHpnr ��aA . 4i►i'1141 SUbICCt: _. Io list's w 37 gtnop pP7 )o 0 Par 6 caau7l F.. (: it, \)i/ - - Je lm Its of Hulp+oaav mowu anal 7@ 443 �i -wrgl UONvatlgnd Aq'p Atgo aq•uoUv FILECOUNCIL .,rIL1 1�IO- .. _. Id w 443 .31.41-Pua •uoNUOW Pha. )O'aaA.. o41 of HUlpt000s 'o)7710 Ivan. pier I . _ c .. -' " .. / os ealv3u11atdat. VIVO01 palu7tH .. 300 pluogr aluaop A4m 'aq 4-111 Aur rsa` Awl. 0l at6y1 Pus uoyl Uun .. :. - pt, 11 Dtw ul 'lord 1� )o ASID a41 ui: rn sCpied -1917 llm Id; 1tnOp oy1 Sr uoouoto) ay3 UI X..I gas Si Ltal Q 'lr. 'togtuald.9 to A :. I, gIL1 rIII VIy n uo ltno? olvgwd P Jo)oq a7oddo 03 Pott. at Pur P - 8 LL og!37374 pI„ uI ;pollata)ul BUM IR Svyy. 'potopto..4to)ota" 71 1 , •,j,�; y .. VIVINO Ivo P171 t 01 P-VA& "171 )0 1l7waiu{ 71aq ayi l/ ...1 - at 11 3743 'Stoop o4i )o uo11a71r1 o43 03, YoNg: pt77 Ag HuWarduv - Resolved. pua 'Duda PM ot9ulHuotoq. oivlla 1 141 Ilo7 of yy0luvte vrg 03. aq 0:0: �3743 . 'eulAttd Dtiro-Pawru.DAOg7. )O aAt177Yr1aiQa�. 'Y011a3ad. aYOIWt, That the a_rpiication of the following ?iereons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively,indicated be, and the same hereby are granted ani the City Clerk is authorized and directed'to ieeue such licensee to said applicant upon the. payment of the fee required �,y law. NXIE. OF A.PPLICANT.' HOTF, OR FIFSTAU?AIT. LOCATIOI:, ilorian L Nicolin, Eestaurant, i 1 35 .7. 7th, r4.. re. 'd, F. Getman, Restaurant, 2,225 University Ave. Kathryn ernan, Restaurant, 1754 'Como ?est, F. H. Ramlow, Restaurant, 353 University, The-�mporitlm Co. Restaurant 7th u Robert, J. utohinson, Restaurant, I 891 F. 7th, L. v', Decker, Restaurant, 378 Jackson, Henry Rape; Restaurant, 775 Wabasha St. Fauze iT, Farris, Bison hotel, 418 Sibley, Chas, G "heekman, umYit : ....�Y s ... ..i' xi: �..;,.,i' ���...., 'L. e .�.'•=. {�-s. ";ice, ��—�./.- % ka CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION DORM Fllff No. BY �EP`1917tel— AUD14 PE 632 Resolved be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds!ani in favor of the pers pen that warrants firms at corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed,, - firms statement: Adopted by the Council S- —4 ijii T -1 CA Colun n men V Nays me X -In art' ort' I orth Alln favor Approved—W e .)We M M Apiart Hyla H M✓AYOR, y nd WOnderlicb Mr. PresidenL-So Irvin. 1945e American Cone Companys z 15.50 HealthQP.Bathq-Exp. n 59 Bazille & Partridgeq G.F.-Armory. 60 Geo. Beni & Sons, 350: Police -Expense. 61. C Bielenberg, 282:87• Health-P.Baths-Expense 62 T. L. Blood Company; 80.85, School__Ck B. 63 Board of Water Cotmissionersp 89,9000 Pq'v Robert St. 8th to -Central 49,C 0 Pay. Grand Avenue A. 9 00 64 ;& Compan B ring.s yj 331, 50 0 Fire -Expense. ._1 65 Brooks BrQtherE;s. 134.45 G.F.- rossw&3ka--Rxp. -66 Wm. R.-Burkhard Company, 40.00 Police-Exrenee. 67 Burns Lumbar:Companys83.34Fire-C&B 3 4 G.F.-Armory 2�8 60 (3 34 68 BurroughIS'ADDING, Machine Company, Com'r. P. Works-Fxpense. 69 Capital City Lumber Company, school-C&F Police=ExVenna 18.00 203'93 :i IA Res. 632' Page 42. 1= 18470 Cochrrn�-Sargent Company, P rk^Expense 3 .9 341.97 G.F.-Armory. 3 0 71 Crane 8_ Ordway Company, 21.95 - G.F.-Armory. I 72 A. D. Davies, 15.45 Paving Rice Street. i` 73 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 11.60 I,.. C .? :W. -Workhouse-Exp . 74 Electric Blue, Company, 61.90 _ C.P.W.-Exper,, se. 715 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, 7.40 Pava Mounds Blvd. 1. - 76 Ford Mnfg. Company, - ?.5.. Schoo-C&B. _ 77 Farwell, Ozmun,, Kirk & Company, 322.37. St. C&R -Exp. 3 .681 - - 6 : 34 Health -Qua r -Exp• Bride Bldg. G.F.i rmory fYater-Exvnse VZ. 78 Goodyear Rubber Company,. 56.35 School -Expense. 79 W. J. Haas Mnfg- Company,; 65.70 Health-P.Baths-Expense. 80 Hansen Building'Material Company, 945.15 Psv. Mounds Blvd. _ •81 Ho fman Lighting Company., 103.00 I .y School&8. ; J: W. Hulme Company, 23.5282 School -Expense. 83 Leslie Donahower Company, 78.61 Sehool-C&B 1 11 G .F .Armory 4 5` �.6 84 Maendler Brothers, _ 30.77'' Q.F.-Armory-Exp. 13,.. 2 School -C 17 8 ,30P71r 85, National Candy Company, 3.70 Health-F_.BRths-Ex,,. 86 National Lead Company, 102.75 School -CSS 64. 9 Armory - 102 87 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 56.76 Police -Ex!). .47.75 w 7,23 Pol. & Fire xp. r1.78 ,— � 3 f - Page3 Rea. 632 30.00 18488 N. W. Telephone Company, ' a F. -Civil S--EpP- G .F .Manic . Court �0' C.P.0 -Markets-Exp. 3 0 3 .00 6.60 89 N-. W. Stamp Works, /46 Comptroller-Exp.J G.F.-Civ1 Service -Exp. Com I r-. P. Works-ExD. 7.35 1 90 Prussian Remedy Company, - t Health' -Comfort Station. - 24.24 91 Raymer Hardware Company, f Pol. & Firs A --Exp- .94 G .F .-Armory 4: 0 " If 1 of „ 16• 24 4 39.48: 92 Jos. Rothwall, 36. Fire-C&B a' dI Bridge id �e Bldg. P . Re. & .4 1: 122.30_1 93 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 57.p Realth-P.Bnths-Exp.' 64: C .F. -Armory - 2.22 .-Armory 122. 94 St.pa,-O. Daily News, , 2.22 j C,F,-Civil Service -Exp. 95 St.Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press, 6.15 1 G.F,_Sivil Sarvtce-Bxn. 1.00 96 Schleh Bros:, Pe -v. Rice St. Univ. 276.21; 97 kyTd. Schoch Grocery•Company, `1.6 PolAce-ExP• 84. ; Health-P.Baths-Ex"p. 10` 0 7 2 20.00 gg J. L. Shiely Company, F ire-C&B . L j: 12,3 00'' 99 Smith & Taylor, _ Police-Rx.ense. r Company, 9.60 500 Thompson Auto Radiator - St. C&R-Exa. i O1 Tierney & Company, C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 10.00. 02 Transit Supply Company, Health -Health -Ex P• Twin Comnany,- 15.4�2� _ 03 T ., _n r itv Pipe Covering 5c pool -Expo nsa . 04 United States Reddi:C Company; Fire -Expo 1 I - ;1 Res. 632 Page I 18505 wallblom Furniture & Carpet Company, 76.44 School -Expense. 06 Western supply Company, 62.31 II _ Sewer C&R -Exp. ' • School-C&B , 2 A 6 - t.. 07 Frank Whitmore, _, _ _ 75.00 G.F.-Civil Ser. -Sal. - P. 08 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 95.47. School-C&B . .- Ii - - Resolved that war"P. ba drawn Of the CItY_TreseurY 9aTable o A.ln upon the, hereinafter, apeclaed.xtupds ep a favor of the parson. arms orcorpora- flans' foraha, amounts •et oDDOHte thall reapeagve name• u epacided 1v ` the follewlns detalled s"t.mOnt: American Cone Ca, M. a. a �I. .. Da:ala'Q Partrldar� tt0.00. 6ea'Bena dg .11T. .. $21 G %BlelepbeK .1S O.Bs T. Blood! Gla. a0.t6. ' - Board :: of star Comminionen. - r t I � 3!4!.00.. - ' Brings `do CO -S3 1-50 -. Brooke -Bra» 7174.46. Wm.,R.Burkhard. Co., 710.00. Bums Lumber ,193.71. Burroughs - Adding Machine Co. - + s4.00. Lumbe Total 5,771.18 11" - CocphranCBargent Co.,,Ca{ 941A7 Crane ! ordwaY. Co i11A6.---'"""^^ - - A. D. IMviea t16:/6. — AdamDecker Hardwnro Ca, 311.60. - -. - Bleotrl0 Blue -Print Co.. . 7.0. i746d10 n1C..F an[. Co., $1 Mail, up, rCo» il77.it. dyar 766!6. - - iFHlaoaoeRnlbhar Co » W J , 9•OL70 Ca, men Bu1fill t*rlM : Hoffman "Noting Co.. 1101.00: 7. W. ;Hulme Co. ...377.67. 1 - T.eslle-. Donahower.Ca.iil71..� Haendler Bros» 1130-77- Nati(onal Candy co.. $2.10. Kstlonsl,Iwad Ca.. tif2.T6. N W.;&IeatAo Equipment CempanY• N W.fStsmgoaeto 17000. - .1660 N W.Ign-Ttemady C ' R&M@ n=Reme&i, Ca {T 76. Raymer Hardwen Co.. ii/.fl., - - JoalRothwelt.936.11. - '9t <panl `Bnlldan Haterlal Ca, • .9t Paul DMIY News, ' - St; PaYI �D��p b Ones[. :Prase. Bros» 1.00. tkn& lyronCo» ATtgl. And: Schoch J. L Shly .. lor.. Smith & T$lE Thompson n pnto.Redfator Ca:.N.f4 Tierney i C0.. 1lL37, - _ 1 Transit BY ly Co 620.00. - III7 vin)iea Lt4wD Bwmi saw WM10Umrnitufo� �. Carpet C0.. 1IL41. .,: Western ItaDD1Y do» {60.7L ,Frank Whltmoro. {76A6. ' WrILAt Barr att;Ji'atllwe7l. {16.11. ,. Adapted br the, mindtI Bept: 4•,4f1T. Approved LaDL 6. t61T. - M to -1717) - CI F ST. PAUL ' ' COMJN•CIL.RES.O (TION-GtaNERAL•FORM, _ Subject COUNCIL Date Presented191.7.:::. / o Resolved, - �,•wa °i.c vi` o eci�ied o_ - _a' _ 'ac1:-.c_ ..• .e.e o� sr6LLin_ Uo ��•stote dated :Ly ,21st an . Ju:^.e 11th Uetmicn 3u: t hi:}dUulad, cioi - 'uu;ciness a the :lit. .'. -.tl _'ile ',/or I tAnL1 ..a City O^� .c.(swal o::• 'ciao curbing 1 � of i t _:caret St. iro `: _ioi ,c 5 `� " to Seventh 3c. an(l betviet_ri. Ca 3e :it- rx:d -o .0 z;'u. u 00iO:.t 21E.0e U0VV0011 s i:.:Iri �Lt St. tend ,lcs�:li._�. St., reapeetivcly, be turd ci:c se::le i :.ereiy e=tendec to the xta o: ; u e l,ar, 1,,117 t_hq ti.o _)er tits off icers are hertii,y authorized to c.-ccute ....._ 4,ent io 4a.ti uo1-111 ,ot it accord=ce-here•,,ith, pr O4,ri.teu, h0%7ev r, ;"hEl t 1'. S' re olu-cion :;rtal not il;>ve zu { _'orcu e =ect 'Iviless tl:c ..I.e2 e on ;c .e co:.tractors bonu conse..c .:ne.e o _d ilu ..uc__ c.110011S ill n= .-he City Coatrollere a F. xa: tuet—s,1r a. ri. sons-- . R.aoived, That tha.tlms apaclSed for - - 12.1d" he peKormnntt of certain pontracta - dnteA Hay 8lot and `June 11th between l _ . UI of :LIndDI.,]. doing hualnese.:aa the. - f RL. Paul We Wurka and th.. City. of 8t: Paul fnr tbecurbiog.of-Margaret 8L'� from Hobe et. to .Seventh- St. and Ark- - .•right BL between Case St. -and •TorX - - St. Q Lookout .Pl.. between ArkwHght.- ' yI SL and. Westminster St., respectively., - I be and: the same ta, hereby extended to; the 4th day f Sepptember: 1917, and the: '� 9ropartY 'cl; oft"" aro harfby an i thorised to eYecutean amendment -to provided, howevet In r. that th c "sordance lution �. shall not have any force and effect no- lose the sureties :on the >-Ont racton bond consent thsreto'and die such con- J a.nt In .:writing with the City"ComD� troller. - Adopted by the Council Sept., s, 1917.' Approved Sept. :,4917. - .leept. 9.1917E ••L9 1 / I Yeas (i) uncilmen (d� — ) Nays "` / Adopted by the Council 191...... ✓� nsworth / ✓ L _ In Favor ✓K ler App _M oil 0 Against � Mr. Prepfdent Biafra^ n MAYOR FORM C.a•2 S 3 �.3 SL'. i'Su7.," ditm• 3o'�t. ' 4, 1:11'1., To the ;Io;:oreble Cis✓ Coa cil, C I i Y. i 1 Ger tl0en,- ;!e srou reo, ectjally ask that tour Honorable 3ofly cause tlio limo o: coi:ip7 o yin_; the contract or the curui.n;- of Lookout glace groi., '.lest:ainster St, to. ,.rkerri_ht St. cnd �sr vrif=ht St. l£rom Cork St. to Caau St., also for ecuui�c, of L'argaret St. from Hope St. to , 1•r 17. � Soventh ot. be extended to the 4th c a,, o- je"�� o� uer , uii ,r_: moons it v: not Ego : iule for' u� to to lebor uon finish these co:itractj : itiiin the "�i:::e upccified, hence the desiro to ask,that the limo for co;..lsleting sa.=ic be -ado as "i:eicin cforc stated. f YouriL very truly, c-4�i J li/, /t Contractor There is nu objcctibn iso' ha:viDS the bi ?o e::te dca as ren aestad, as :'ar as . ti.e reuirei,ients of this offieo is concerned /`� apt, of Cons 61.u0tion zc Reljairs 'u'; C o: mis.zioner l of ublic "to '03 Chef LnGineer 1 1 CITY OF S'•. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTI,ON,,:6ENERAL, FORM --Subject' / FILE t"N l Date Presentee{.... .:S.Gg w .....:.<E ::_....1917 . I, Resolved, Ttu ;:o sae p0 i ic;a poi of L. ocrtz in co ,;reset ,C18`v CCS Jif, 19_'// 0!'. .1 i. '711 t.. Ui--j 0 f S';. YF.aU1 nor ae co:: :uc io7: o_ se er ot-�,.uinth St. fz•o :,:wne rive. to s -?pin: 1sQ fuct eas'; of Lo ei -t live of •Ed; or'�on St. be �.rc jhe lu),ic 1: "ICs. ' e>: o :e 1 0 e?� riper, 1917, rr. ',-he a51, �. Uli:,;� O11 i.0 BiB tir0 �_ni'i: u�; Z:u oi7Ui i'GCci 1;0 Oi:Gviuy 2a;i ln....l.l...'.tOnt ;O a; i,. .. .:0: u'C"� F:CCG 21:Le 11C 1-C'.`4 , -: ovJu: 7;,.. h0?':ever, 1;1=& .11 n0 aurG'.ie:, On .,..c co!.,ri;c'�or : oc;:(: co. sc.. .::c.c;o il; oll-ch coial::� i; ii e Ci- Co ;arollei. iI Q F. No. 18294—Ry M. N. Goes— Resolved. That the time specified for thu performance of a certain contract dated-?tay Sth.. 1017 between 'O'Nell A Preston and the city. at at Paul for.. I the constructlontq of a newer on Hya clnth St. from Payne Ave, to a, point 190 feet east of .the east line of Eager- ` ton gene and. the. same Is hereby a:. I. ` - tended.. to the lel day of September. , 1017, and the .proper Illy officers are hereby:. authorized;' to ezecute an emondment to mid: contracts In accord.: s area herewith, provided, however; that, - this resolution (shall not have .any force and effect' unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto t and.11le, such consent In writing with the CitComptroller. City ` v Adodtgd 6y the Cpunell gapt./.11817.1 IVprov,d geDt1 6;01017. I t6sYA '.-1817) _ Yeas (t') . ncilmen ( tr) Nays r ' 4 I J I / 191 Adopted by the Council �F � worth ff a e lr In favor k. rC er Approved ,iM11 0ll AgainstAA -- - - - -- Mr. PresiderP.owvee Jr r atwvon y -G655. Cow ssio«e« - - O P. T. COUPLET• Onur. f , co we so i w weePq �'e«n.«aan _ Ta C I .. ez.;lse -c,c ,.:,iii. .. Liia� ;;1• : m;or_1,_c :?or,y tie ir.;r o_ o:", 'L.e3i:1v tiho cor. rcct' for . o'.ac ' •c for o t: oc:,cr on .?y�0lnti; it. iron; 'z ne t ve. to a "ao"�;a 1a i ee ea.:: t o o.1 lino o c. 'on St. be c ;ended to •:c l , • 1L'17. i ,;o l .,a o:.l 0-113i cr,„ :ot poulc . or .e t o o _icc�, :Oi':ce`e ::� .ire �o :beo c L.tec U;, Zhu; 1U :1 _Jr ,:0 ..� %j nt c oujcc, .or. o ..4u1 e,tc c re e�tec, t_s r aiu Lice o o_jieo is ec:neern— c is C:. Lo :.;i3 ioi:ur o_ :•clic aor�s I, CITY OF ST. RA i- CO"UNCIL- RESOLUTION --.GENERAL-.. FORM • _ r. _-�. - - • �• i COUNCIL No. ' Date Presented 1911 j a Resolved, That the proper City offieials.are. hereby authorized to pay out of the Workm*ns Compensation Account of the General Fund, j the sum.of $40.00 to Dr. Be Paul Campbell in full of all claims, held or asserted by him against the City for medical and surgical care; attendance and supplies furnished or rendered by his to or for Lambert Reach; an'smployee of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. paul, injured in the course of his employment. C.F.-No. 18aa5 - "Resolved, eby the pro per .City.o out' - elals are: hereby authorl.ed to fay out' of the lVorkmens Compenmat lon Ac- - onnt'of the General. fund. thesum or i(o.00 to Dr E. Paul Compbeil In fun i hereby recommend the above resolution of It ctaime held - Itaterted by hlm. for passage. I ' Against. the, City for medleai and sur- - 1 Rlenl -to.. attendance and euppli'e. fur- nl.bed or rendrred by htto to or. for Lambert Resch, n employee of the - 1 Department of Public Norks of the i City of- St. Paul Injured In the course or We empl YmenL \ Adopted bA the Couneli Sept. 4, 1917. CODjm 88 OnOr 1IC WOrkOa "I. Mproved ST! o,. 1917.V. 917. - - (&.p4 5.191x) Yeas ()') Cou Innen (1) Bays' 11�r orth Adopted by the Council 191 Go In favor' 1 1fJy1 d r CJ Approv - ► 191 ✓ 1 r r? �''tVlc 11 '`.i Against y�� W "lich -- �M 11 el]idln Irvin - ' MAYOR ►t)RY,9 C. a -a J' U, ;• 4 ► CITY OF PAUL { °'""'•'° ' ACCOUNTINPARTMENT _ _ COUNCIL o AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILENO: �t�� SEP AUDITED I PER 636' -Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City J Treasury, payable out the hereinaher ipeafied funds and - is favor of the persons. firms or corporations for the amounts met opposite their respective .names as. specified in the// following detailed. L _ ani'm'al: Yeas.( J-)Couneilmen ( J) Nays - Cl / AdoptedbytheCouncil `Fu rth �la favor SEP -5^1917 191 APP — s. --- -� Wun lith moo . Mr. Pl siders o ]� 16b17 Amerioan.S Company, 16.60 ; F'I School= _ nee. 18 Capitol City ;Amber Company, 9.60'. 19 - Dayton's Bit' State Bank, ASS lgnee .Walter T. Lemon, 1,901.78 St. C+i?&tp. 20 L. F. Dow CO>jlpaay 14.90 Coo'r. 'p. l.•SSp. .4 Water 8. 0 N " 6 0 21 The 1leieohman Company, 5.00 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Sag.,, 22 X. N. Goes, Cols'r. h. Works, — ''169 94 Water-Szp. St. C*t Nxp. 1 E3 Geo. -(i. Grant Constar Company, 27.1E Water Emp`• i 24 Griggs, Cooper & Company,. C.P.W•Worthouae-Tap. 65.E9 C .P.U.-ldarket-Sap . do IS 25 Handlon & Company, 174.68 C .P.W.-Workbollse=Ezp. - 26 McClain & Redman, 380D4 Res .' 635 Paige C.PA.-Work-Bap. 4 Health -Health -Exp. _ 27 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 466 02 ' <t , Police -EIV. 98.96 _ " ■ 75 46 ..{ j St. C&R -Exp. 00 Water -Exp. 9 .20 1 10 a91 Fay. Miss. River Blvd. 6.02 { 28 New York Tea & Coffee Company, 27.50 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 29 Nee1h Star State Tobacco Company, 18.00 C.F.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 30 H. W..Fuel Company, 96.68 St. C&R. -Sap. 35 _ ■ . ■ 39 Sprinkling 594 9 68 31 M. J. OfHeil, 34.73- Water -Exp. - _ j 32 Raymer Hardware Company, 46.30 St. C&R -Exp. SewerrC&R-Exp. 4 6 • 0 - 33 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 10629.96 Water -Exp. 1,05. 6 I Pay.`Rice St. 5 9 0` - 1— 29. 6 84 - Seaburq & ComparAY0 C.P.W. orkhouse-Exp. 4E 63.17 Water-Rxp. 2 6 .1 - 35 H. 1. Wedelstaedt, 28.50 School -Exp. _ �riwn C.:nB�e 11367— t :7rarranu ams out ol! 36 Weed, Parker &'Company, Qr nyt nrelnlity :°t6'.'a' fIrW`cVy rvaq%k 40.00 C. P . W.+WO rkhous a-EEp . ions sor Ltbe ami °"cRlled0.ltln tb° 37 Zimmerman Brothers iono°�iAed°a'°vr sltifPao:' Cd 1.35. Water -Expense. Amerleen' omMr D'Y�a,'•: 1310 j%901M A.a6 .. - .. JAMOn WUter-X& Coln Cop{ orif7: y6f.f4. The H7 "i.. C0= CO1j6.ft. . •J grant Coa Co .. - + 6rI,dIOn H d an. # ed C.•• 2120.02 `- llandatn ! 1 ,i' nbatten OA g Coffee Co.. { 27.60. Tea h Co.. 116.00. Naa York ,lbbaeeo � tal Bute Narth, Ster 100.0{. w T1 W 'dN.i1.1i'03.Co.. 146.10 CO. — .. - - - ir+nrer..u5liarsuna i• . llat°rnV1 8t. "I . — I.burY e6.17 .21.y ff.£9:•1V dCaiadt. 2fE.60. I 240.00.{ Zlmmer the Counc(1 B.Pr! yy Adwroved ge0t. 6. 1917. APD � ;z.x 77,st� <t , Nereaa a'Patltlon of Reonstrance. agalbn.t taking and condemnlnli. the,.-ITY OF ST. PAUL Berlin., [ollowlnI tiescrlbad. land for Prospect Park'7loulevard In H1oak 7, :Auditor's cSOLUTION---GENERAL. FORM Subdtvldon No. at: - - West fifty (60) feet of lots 1. 2. T. 4. Subject- b. 6 and 7. )l)V All of lot t. - `oUaclt- NO. F.aat fifteen (t6) feet of Let 8. - All of Lot 11 except the west les. - - _ f All of lot 1T. All that Dario[ tots and 11 that IBas norlbautarly of 11,1111L drawn from : 191 l a int op the-wutA 71nr o4'Lot 13. _ Date Presented )eb a oe o of the Couthwnt carom of: same to Northeast caner of Lot 70 of 1 Pnacott's AdLdd • -. In 3'rescott's ,tddltlon. Tnat part of lot' =11 ea north- easterly of ne. The west fifty (6d) feet of lot al. -` All of lob 3 E b 4, b, 23, 34. 36 a¢d -- _ Sit ihe cad !," (60) feet o[ ot E0. , AU that Datt %. drawn ana' . [bat' i t l an ti,°a : i it naoinian io iv :i is mo �rence, against taking and conde36ning the following III t60pled north pt the Southwest corner o[ Gama to a DOtpl'Op WNL Itne of Lot deeoribed 11�ib, re.nU (TID"fre� norm or tha�7Brd. In Block 3. Atldltae- Subdivision - rloothwut a rner of Mme. n 36: In Neat 8L .7>su! Planar• heat drty (50) feet of lots 1, 2, 5, 4•' All'lhat part 6 & t;" - b• band 7. Bill, that.11ea tmrth ' of is Ilnr All of lot 8, Bi _ lPR•lrOm t-Dolpt on thr'eest Ifae o[ East lift-. (15) feet of Int 9.. same.;UO lNb norlk-o[ ma,Baptheaat All of Lol 11 event the const 105 cornarr to a Dolnt an the west Ibe o6 fec: _. . same.: lt@ fret:Porth of the Southwell All of .lot 12. .. j cone!. til that p t [lots t3 and :Id, that j Atl nkat Dart of lob 3 {: b k'f. Ile ro theast rl fit line drawn from _ j ,,belt 10 that Ilan north of a Ilne' p !t lora the $ nth Ila at tut 13. ArawR.[rom it Polar on north east line o[utheast- tot k tens[ f th vnuthw �.t a rcr of cornerlto. feet, pointran the the90line of lues alts 1 Noriftion corner of Lot 30 of ' same,•110 feet north of the )louthwest in 1 n•srottn A Iditim, '. corner. That part of lot 92 thnt 11_ north- - All that part of lots 1, T Md 3: Ter- ...terly of alae leacrihed floe: - race Place• tbnt ilea north otilut de' The west flay t50) _feet of lot 21. atribed line. \II f I,� i .. ?. f .t _ .S +••A r AlCthat Part of Iota I. 2, 3.14 6 aad 8. of;Hlock TS„that ltes acrth of a llnr TI en t atu f t) f"!_"! et t -- l drawn from the Northeest: Forner of � \ ❑ t t t t t t 'a u t aald :Block to a point on wed IIn ot_ ❑ tt t B h, n r \Int t j..Aid. sald-Btock. 295 fset nor m of Southwest f601 1f � t nortih i+f the Sldthwtat c 27, izt r •corner o[ esmr. oP "nme t u point on' ,It IBte of Int - h. 1.11 o)tertwn'F:Addltloa.'. Alihs.t part o[ Iota 1, 3, T. 4. 6, e,'7 x c.t (i0) feet nnrtit o[ th and'd, Block T, .mat lies .mouth ,ofa SIIthReat c roar of.n m - and drawn fraap the NotthwNt targe.. I \i at t 7•nul Frop r. It of Prescott o 'Additlo¢ to a• point o All tl a, { art of lots 1 3. {. 6 & r wesfUne o[sald Block. alghtY-pve (t6 Workilt, ihnl It.. north of 0,lint He been pre feet south 4 lh1a Northwest a rner,o mawnl o tea PoinnortOn t then.t ILneaet k eoneiderat on. same r All that Dart of lob 1, 3.'i, 4, b„ a same' . ton t .. h the awrAt Qou h* of ee0170d That 7 t 3. Sloak 3'`tkrl flu Boum ofa 11R a+tmr. 784 feet north';o1 the Southwest t0 be a public r drawn from a:Dolpt on the out lin corner. " 1 of uld block. t6 fret south o[' th. Rloek All that 1ttAsY Ilea.north oC ,.n &Ito I; nedceeeit drua•n from n Point on the cant Iu of Y ` Northlut t:oraor of same to i` VO 11 Oa aamc. 180 teal north et the Southeast the Wed lips 41 Bald Hlock.A03 fur corner to -n point on the 'net line of fir•. wnttr.ot the Northwest toner of same gam 110 feet north of the Southw t All .that party or Iota 1 7 3;' 4, b and: corn r`Vj ! 7; Bioek f. that"lies south 01 Is Ilse All that port o[ !nb 1. 2 and I. T drawn from s polmt on the seat line or race Place. that lira north or Inst de - drawn i. -I'd Block•203d4rotauum ot. the Norm -,I scribed11ne. - peat conte o['same to a Dolpt on.thp All that part of lots 7 . 3, 4. 6 ."d vest line of lot F,i00 feet south of tbai 6 of Rtock 8 that ilea north o[ a If e Northwest cornea of said. fat 6 and drsx•n Yr m tit. Nomhon t corner t , l tbb lln4 inadhii ,to the wed')lae Of� aid Bloch to a Pohtt on we.t: line or said b108k.` n Id Black 95 feet_)forth of Sonth ellt Allithat,Dart of Block 168 [bat Ilex, n r t ram nort,t of a itna •drawn from a point on; . In Iron mann ..Wdttlon the asst In of :�Nbi block E87 teat All that port of lob 1 3, 4, b 0. i north; of theBootheut corner to a and 8 Itlock T that Ile outh of u potntan the want 11¢e'oL same 763 tut ❑ i itw n fl t tl •� rlh •rsc. of ?_ north of ma &Wmweat cotaet o[ feel _ o[ I reeeott s Addl[Ion [n n paint on in Irvine's-hdditlon. •et 14te f nil Iatoek. elahq'-0\'0 1851 - All that parlko[ Lob 4. 6 4 6, Block V fe t south of the northwest corner of _ 197. that ileal south of a Jlne drawn came. [rom'me-northttut Corner o[ ' I.ot 4. •, All that Pato[ Int 2 3, {; b It - to a point on tha'soutbwest Ilse testa All; mol k d th t Ile autit a[ tin Block. ahcW <80) feet aoothuderly drain from plat on the net line ' from thr wed conn O[ damp f old I1 k b6 feet gonth 01 rho Tae youth dtfY (60) test of Iat 36, `forthenst Corner ot. same to a :point on Yeas t)� C BI= 196.. 11t 1 the coo L 11 of 6 1 L Bloch 03 fit t ..4 AIFof'lots 38'and 17, Bloak 19a south of. the. Northw.tt for res f coma F All' that Dart of lob 16 and 18 Sloek i UI shot part of late t 2 T { 6 and I9i 193; :lost lira -north of, a line drawn r e, Block �, that Iles south of n, I — 1ndl G scants said lots.:.:240 feet north of the dawn fr m a Point on the east line of - G aouth'llae.of Mama i'llth,o aid Block, 207 fret south of the Narth- 1 All .that Part of lot 20, Idlock'196, thatoat !,rant!! of coma to n point nn the llereasto the west line of`1ot 16 pro- inet Ilse of tut 6, 200 feet aoutb of thq f 191 K dueed.narth escrow Bald Iot20 ort west reser of shed Lot- : pad 1( DOW g , bowrver, t the rights of the[his lion produced'. to the west line of Mriti owp�rrsa,, thaq• hdrr and-aulgna folsid block mdptala and'etttend the sabting uvea:.All that p'\rt of I)lork 169 that Iles - to pucb Cxbnt as b concht(�nt with tkepnorth o[ n Iine drown from n nolo[ on Mr. P TBC^malntenttnce of�. for surface for mo:{lu• net tine of cold block 28 fret � vacs -:.end pnrDOfMa [or which it 1. as-,Enotch o[ the South ase corner to a' MAYOR rosM c. e•x galred, wlm mo:'atbrnattn4 and that, the estimated cost thereoLL 366,00000.:oint. on it tiro of anmo. 152 feat bee. beep pprerentad to the: Co¢nCll and t f rho Southwest corner o[ same. duly-consldend; now after such eon-; In n•ima Addltlon. _ - aldarafloa, t r All that o rt of .tut 4. 5 A 0, Itiock i ? Resolved. 'S'ltat the S%ounell dentes. IK7 that 11 month u[ n ilne. drawn Y and hereby dretpns such Improvemrht. from thr tl net r er o[ Lol {, to leo,&Publlo necaultY - to a nolo[ th outhw set ilne of Bald Adopted b[ ms CO ndl StDt. 1 1917a� III Ck;, slzty (60) tett wuthearterly_; ,Appzrovad 9. 4 4. 1614 from tAIt sect .artier of game. Hit), (50) tract o[aar 16 Bloch IDB. „ AR I{,tha of Iotat.part of 16 andlob 37, Dloc ld nd k 187 ` Aa.lDt BIoCk< I96J that Ilex north at Ilne'drawa 4.1.088 84 If 1, 1". feet norlh,of,tha sol ill :lin f nc•. All sal„t t t r tat u lye •k 311 tltafa l�tn 1.'t(, r 1at„11 , of eatp,lb r 1 1 1 lot - FSE BubJaM, ho r_ W the rlghta o[ tbix Q F'r:o: 13388-, ? _•__ , R hareas,a Palltlon of"Remonstrance. aRpinrt: uklnz and condemnintr the O -I TY O F ST. PAUL fotlOwior dnertbad: land for Prospect Park Boul esrd Ia.Block E, Audtor•/ cSOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Bubdivlaton Na 46t1 Weptdity 5601 feet "ot lata I. S. S. 4.I SUb)eCt: 6, 8 and 7 . .. All of lot t " COUNCIL ]Taaat: Atteen a tntnf LotS9. Fn.6 NO. ' oL I.Ot 11 except the wnt 306 i ll tb L�partio[ lots 13 SO44. that ire■ n'rtbeaste IY of a line drawn tram I91 a Colne; on therwuth Ila. of f.os 13. Date Presented. 106 tecteaat o[ f.rief)outhwat corner of nme to Northewfcorner of Lot 30 at, pre■coti•s'Additlon:' 1 ' C.4 x rth•• t ;at Ilne c ,h +'uld In howi•vor. to the ihelr bines .:and.. andextend thee, In PrNe " a ddlt Op. oli-l'11 that ]lea Porth- That'part asterll' of above da■crMed line The wmt fittN (6p feet o['Iot „ •� 5 a lab L3. 1, t. 6, ib, !e. 26 app 1 39A&.f The amt firth (60) foal or lot 20. All that part at 1. 37 and ,St that Irom aDobt taking llrid cdnde]aning the following . , 1 ue, north o[ a upa:drawp imouetrancet against" on theeast Ilse of mid lot. 31.1-41-11, . - l (6q -[set noHhol.tba lfouthweK rnr¢er. to a .let'on WntAtne o[ iat dllscribed 11 at same It',aeeanty (TO).%,Aaet' north Of th0 pard In Black 3. Auditra Suhdlvlalon ` 10 �6 8oul"W".t tOrpar, at Mpta In WHt SL Paul 1nroDar. \Peat oily (00) feet Of iota 3, 2; 3, 4, � f AD that. &'t, 6 6 and 7.- BIOek'= 3Ithatallea Porth o[. a line All of lots 4_WtvtrOm a Dola[ op the ea■t line of north of• the South mat Enet fifteen t15)e feet of Lot 9. _ 'r All of 1-1 11 zceDt th • west 105 Nmw ..310 ,felt "mor: to a point. n the weat It.. of same..330 feet'nsrth o[ tba Southwest Teri - t All of lot 1 - - corner.- - I All that Dart of loo 3, 4.' 6 d: 67 .All,. that: Pdrt of In[s 73 and 14; that'. Ilesnortheasterly: of a line drawn from ,Inc 1p that ,Iles Porth of a line line p Col 1 .o- the uuth line of "Lot 13. Southwest of dr¢Wp.from.e 'Dolnt on Cha east of same. It6 feet"'Porth Ot. the 8outheut l05 fn.. t.. spat of lh turner a me to ,Northeast. corner of l.at 30 0[ [$rivers to a -let on the west Ilse ot" I e r It a: .57d[tlon. .I -me, 110, feet nortb'o[ th. Southwest -me,r1 in Pr•scot[ Addition. -that riveAll'that part of lots'\. 3 and 1. Ter- That part of let 22 tie north. en to l of Abovedescribed Ion . 'race Place. that Iles north of last da. scribed line. �1.�4. The west fiftl (6), feat o[ lot 22. W f I, t .. 10 1: t 1 -A A', that part of. Iota 3. 1. b sad- 6. of Block EA.that Iles north. of a line TI t ❑tq �.- 'drawn' from ih.'NuIA[ Hh-t"corner of Blnek t0 n DoD mt 1/ne Of \11 h t t [ ! w 1. ri h t !i t If 1 1 f a l 1 • laid ■aid-BtOCk. Ea6 Tea[ north OL lionthwa/[. 11 ..x[ It - f 11 1 l I%e' [r0) f t north f the th t c ` - i ' comer oi�aama _' /a Rphartaota'a-Addition. , All that part of lou L IL 1, 4. S. 8, .7 that .' f m C R pole, n t IIne f s enty ! 0) f ­north o[ the_ 1 nnd'B: Dlocle 7. that lis of ; -- voutha oat' r er [ s mt.- •.. POUI Pr.peT. . It.. drawn from-Unillorthwast [n1rp6 Prescotts •Additlon to -a, DGlut o ! tS'eat 1l All that part of Job 1. 2. 3. 4.:6 4t 6 ! ' of West ane o[sa1d 81ock..1Bbty-fiY6'(t6 Block 11, that Iles north of ninlint f tph consideration., Hall been pre feel South of •theNorthwasI. eorn6r o drwfrompoint t uta so�t� same. .ams: -: All that part of lob.\, 3r t, 4. 6,. -6 7 k t; Slpok 1, that'll mouth ti[ a lin corner. t0 n point ad the west line Of 9t same. 180 foot north of the Southwest 1� Ed be 8 public sashed That 4- drawn tram a• point m the lin is nth et th cornor. All that part of late 3. 4. 6 air 6 L3 of m1d .Dlockl-36 . on' Block 10 'that Ilea part o[, n Ilne 4 dr mon from a Ile. part on Cha ..at. tin C �e 6outhe t pec eeesity. NOrtht:ast caiaar of same to'`point Bioelt,-\Sit fsaC 111 Gama 380 toot n-th o[ to n on: the west line f the we Ilse ql NId 'To '=M corner, o[ same : south -o[ Cha rner Point mm . 110 feet north. of the South st All that Dart, of tots 1, 1. 3. t, b and corner:`>. i• Block' 9, that Iles South': oh a- Ifae Seat Ilna ot. lit Chet part, of Iota 1, 2 and 3 T e Place. that Ile.. north of least d draWn Prom a point on the said Block 101 feet mouth *loth* NOrtb- mote scribed lino t j Bast. erornee Ot same to a potat 00. the; we■t'line of lot 4•:300 tact -oath of thea Ali that part of lo[ 1. 2. 3, 4;.5 and 6, of Btork 28 Rhot*Ida north oi'a Itne Northwest carper• of said Lot b and drawn .from the Northeast corner of this .Ilna Dro4pdM„ t�tha west line oC I paht Block to_n POtt(t on trext line of , mid IIII "'. "t Bald Block '+5 feet: derth of 6outbw08t - All ihs.t, Vyart of Block 169 Yhat Iles north':: of,a Ilp. pre from s Dolat 0.1 corner T cm IKJtohrrt ann'a.Addltlon. . the' east, line ot.; -block':332 feet :, All that part of lou 1 -, 3. 4. S. G. 7 _- t lint to A' 1 6 Block 7 'that Iles anuth Of ' the;at ,Id north; mt corner -on the weat:fbs o[ same 182 fast: _ an ❑ Irnw t Irom the.Northn•rst corn'" point north of the southwest ourner of same. = of Pr scott lddltlon to n p0tnt l It". [ Id III nck IRh[3'-ave (Sul - 1. Irvin6•■ Addltlop. . st Ali .that part qr Lott+ 4. 5 t 8 Bleck - tett south of the'NOrthIlest cornor at Ilne drawn,. 187. ihat'llei �oulh of s Irom the cerner.o/' Iot 1. cam All lint part. t'lots 1 Lt" 4,.6, 8 & ,northemat to a pointon the aouthwemtlba of Bald. E: 6 Dlt k R thnt'tiea aquth of n "[rum east lin Slociu Slzty, (80) teat, southemlert, 1r¢wn n o,Int on Cho 85 feet south of the rrom tba west corner pC Yam_a,' f aajd 11 .ek. . Tho'south fifty (60 . feet of rot 16. Northenat corner atimme, to e. point on ' Yeas (✓) C Rtobk,19,9. `: All "ot,tob 16 and 17. 81"dk 19t. Wrst Ione of ant I Block, .O3 tett ; - ` _4_ y south of. the Sarthwesl cuTn r ut same ; l! 1 .F Alt Ghat Part of lob St app 19,^,Block + All that part o[ iota 1 E 3, 4,-5 app lien -n Ilns Intel 191 ' 39t, Wet Ilep north et a line drawn., 6, Block's. that south -Of tact or the (dran•n fmm n poln'tc. tho .a9fBno at ' - aerow mid Iob.-EIO north ot, Mama ..14 Block III fret south o[ lir NOT[h- - H K southlips All that per! tit lot 20, 81ork 19t, that )Iea *Let o[ the'west Ilne 0tlot 16 Dro-. duead.north moron said lot 10. moat •:arc r nt xitmo to u ppinton it). not tine of l of 5, :00 teat mouth of t 1 Aort� nest earner o7 said Lot s. and line . 191 " M Snblect; bowers"; to the rights of the , thls line produced t0 the West of and -a at..- 'to ' epht Klock - -` -- . - owners. thein 5h6lrs malptaIn and aztepd the mzlatbe eaves . All that pvt oC. Dtork 159 that Bea to such ezten0 Sm b eopds ant with the- for the nortri of.:n lin. drawn from a nolnt m lin. of,eald block .82 fart [ Mr. Pro dpi maintenance of the sn tl .at s ae- f[h of the Southeast rner t • n '. ' uses' --and purposes for whleh ft it,"! MAYOR i FORM C.e•E qulred, with no <albTpatives, and that. the estimated cost thereon- 666.000.00. is t I has been ppresented-.to the Council and such can- p on th. at Ili +f same 16. feel nurth of .the SouLhweet cornet of soma duly .:rpnelder'ed;:now '[ter ddantlon. + Resolved. '('hat the Connell denies In /n`Ine'e Add Ill... All. tine p n: of Iota 4 5 in S. Block ; 197,. that 11 oath [ Ikne. drown + and"'hereby declare$ such Impfevemaut tp: b0 a�uDllo�natroulty from - the n th est. +rive f .Lot 4. to a point +n th0 eouthwit line a[ itdoDtad by�tba Council BaDt. / 19II said Block; aI.ty t60) feet aoutheaa[erly: `!tpproYOd IlapC_ 1927 .. from the west cornerofsame Th.....,,,,,h - . _- _.. C.4 x rth•• t ;at Ilne c ,h +'uld In howi•vor. to the ihelr bines .:and.. andextend thee, N--nv'uaoiaaal')oaPla lyse aya••a ni,••- _opla.epi luawao A41 '}aal YIv:.JO 4WiA (►'t) s 8 al 0111 ludwaa..471•a 11UdbJ putl 6@]a $S11tl '748Isa1S i n- y0nJleoodaa ,el A7I3 VI¢a o41 Sq apuu hano3 olvgwd 10 IvA • -q. ota }uawanoadwl J0 Pul4 .Pau lose -at ngoag`jo -eP^C, -xo 'oanlvu -gonad .41 lag) to 78 • e7 - 'JggI H ,M 1 �. <= &IIC) 04} Jo Itauao3 .4168 'Paolo$!lla S) - 'LIOT 'Iona 'oaoloaoyi 7PIun,.-4i PaaaPiauoa 611^S RM to A@P 416 $147 Ina3'-'1S Ie Pase<" e.,.aq lua oloaa4l Wl-,Ila ...n -I - + 'A7uno3 PP$ uT PP -uamwo o pur won0a(qu luoraad IP - Subject: ILT •qnd pun Palo ad a-dvd-Aiau lv8q: ) paaaY >tLLl @4 IIWm o3 47 lwv rob{3Ul„ •.}} alotaol; pied 7B ^41 -.vi vgaaM anlo anp uom 7u wawaawl oAU4a'. aqi uodt COUNCIL d. {') }t)6.,. Ae "one-4441Jo1 30-A gbna cit aauo'ao 7 pny . uaaq 8ulnny eulJHaq alt4nd Y FILE N O. Plus 8utuengnd 471J347ao7 dq 'ala tOt / f Ir n a,'1 gra 01 -P Piey cit P01a447ut $uoeaad Pun vao71 aapap C I lic id a 7 + Jd 1 u 1 - - 1 of uoAle oq eula@ay ganV 10 7yaa aud41 ai ua. : a 1 1 lv Y 1 Q, "'GU 18q, .Paaapap -til-3 y_7i. Pu -43 U 1" .17 001 J. upla JU041 ,g BPuei d41 uU 1 iv la 1 Osu 41jou a ua4i _ eo Poli Pwl@Ib play len(pu puc aulw '14aAIa Pu -JI -1 1u auluuly:q n ded 191 1114• 7ano0. -Iagwd Play 447 as uta7ea.l\ to .Ply len. 41 uo ollaa Pie IvyPn@ va4AA oaBld. pun ewp ay7 ae atu PIII luowa 441 'teal x14'7^ Napl of -da PF Agluay own5agl'pun oq. d7u 3 •NIl-audwaa y7ta ltulaluSaa'puu `Iul Pl@$ al IIIVd 'iS Jo,.A71a ^41 'ul "sae °.{ulna •nupaualauoaaJ Ju Je1313A N3 ¢ ul 3an0J ^ql: la'. Play ag. 01 tanu3' aq "oad Plus J. W.I.J. taaouao n la ..1 - 1Qe Ifooto.^ OI In 41fiT genas[ ul P'. (L IGl-tt 7rn8ntl).: 1 !yap 441 WILL 'PIIIWa .. aogl4n3.l.,I LLIt L N^V Pa a px 41 .�J 'LIFT :In1' IWun^3 ^41 n4 i 11 17 da. a-n-ac1 Qq .. an •abuaxop@ pu@. o V+lAiaaa43 aauapavaaa ul Iu ul 17 mora ao1:'A7uno3 PInP o Ono - •aaoadwl pine pOp uiltvw 4in 411. tar Condemning the i011owing lay -old aqi ul awn 441. alit 1 Pe In -oad of P-laa. ua Pa.1 .1 ne dgaaa �V oan •P?raaoaP,' Play 441 lint,, P apo an undo 6714 jVA0A 4,J l I Jod b. ^3 op ao. $uttai0 suFtini so aaad 11@ 4ai Va.. uumi 1943 I IIIAOaddII, JOJ Ilau� �;.., _. -Ir a/ •aoPJO-$141 Jo a7vP oy7 aaUv' o4, 07 odinr ilw4n@ pupulw u o a" - described I ^i moll. paAopa AgaJay .$i awns+oql, Play ao1 $uollnoYlbadP Pu8'.euIto -env ^3 pq Innuow. zp 1a4y: 'p.aa a • •ud'oI paladalP Pull Polon1lrul 6qu 1. .i ul •eaago7 hl I PI a4, Pus oq ygaoll oll4nd'-)o J uoll -yluiwo3 ogi aegy veg74ii3:'W"oag - •apuw -q of 7uawPJoaTut plve..eaapao Sq. -It Ilauno3. 447 Pun 8u -eaoao S.H. aNt Jo glnpe -1gnT sena ) - Ala)elulxoaddn 9otWaaxal0aal2 ytzi 3 01..47a^u aJua41'"'7a4a1P 41713 leay 1@BUTuulBaq leanly salad. -7S Jo ipi '. - 7.9-. ay1 no :VYv: `i0bJ µ yeaa)a 1aluS.. Iv 8u1u1u8aq lean ! 471!3: 7ea.11 to 31PIn y7Jou -.041 -.apla u111 luawaa ay} Taal raar ., )^ 4111 - <Y•T) 3 is w 4111 lww a 411•u alpna •nr, o4I Ay .P. u aoin*s.3..03 A.UAO31 al. "t.. .1 Sin Pli '10FRIss ;-v 04'02ue—odwl ;^ Pulp Pun lug 3 niuu yi I. I in -a iS 1 • . y�t .tl:�qi 1a^uU7 -yl As 'P-.Ioe3T v uoeraoo - _ WL '3 :l 1 - - 11 .; ).... V3 cad 10-gpot °ivgoad 10 to its'. . 'L {1-V 'Y 8rtv 1- Av(r 3 39algi U 0.) Pip to VAX -47 $Paull, a[ rtgl to airy -ul wwl:. aaaddu $o hS J�. -ti@, ua nmav -tourivanw�an�iv.' . . V r Tgae been presented to the Council and duly ceonsidered; Newrafter such consideration. eiohed, That the Conseil'denies, and hereby declares such improvement to be a public' `nucceeeity.. Yeas (v) Councilmen (:) Nays Fark<orthr Adopted by the Council 191 Gisse' L in favor � Hyldid MfQo11 0 Against Mr. P • ent Irvin ` MAYOR FOAM C. 9.2 - �� t� 1 y �' r __ { c 7 �'� �• {ttaT iSltan�m{)lana • t ) kk I ( { l j Lt6! v a 1 cion,! a!1 l P 1 •5: }( a ! I ,�@ L7E1, 9 8ntl TI jj Moaaya aauava 0m1 u 8unlltpnw1+o ;� Ad j: a � t � �'}n ilN}43�Pia 70 41aa' A Y ASsn, Jaz i � r Y i a. i veaQ a7 -P lvaJ1V P'+n Vat�nitaul -5• �. � z li � �� � 1 � ■ ao oll4^S JU 3'R �ipuwwJ oqi ia4S�juauilaauii' - 4 { 1 �7t OPaweW �``� eJ lu^ - {, gaa4 • 11?un � a itvj -nu �. auaui iit t4 i� .� •$pow ;ail-: N--nv'uaoiaaal')oaPla lyse aya••a ni,••- _opla.epi luawao A41 '}aal YIv:.JO 4WiA (►'t) s 8 al 0111 ludwaa..471•a 11UdbJ putl 6@]a $S11tl '748Isa1S i n- y0nJleoodaa ,el A7I3 VI¢a o41 Sq apuu hano3 olvgwd 10 IvA • -q. ota }uawanoadwl J0 Pul4 .Pau lose -at ngoag`jo -eP^C, -xo 'oanlvu -gonad .41 lag) to 78 • e7 - 'JggI H ,M 1 �. <= &IIC) 04} Jo Itauao3 .4168 'Paolo$!lla S) - 'LIOT 'Iona 'oaoloaoyi 7PIun,.-4i PaaaPiauoa 611^S RM to A@P 416 $147 Ina3'-'1S Ie Pase<" e.,.aq lua oloaa4l Wl-,Ila ...n -I - + 'A7uno3 PP$ uT PP -uamwo o pur won0a(qu luoraad IP - Subject: ILT •qnd pun Palo ad a-dvd-Aiau lv8q: ) paaaY >tLLl @4 IIWm o3 47 lwv rob{3Ul„ •.}} alotaol; pied 7B ^41 -.vi vgaaM anlo anp uom 7u wawaawl oAU4a'. aqi uodt COUNCIL d. {') }t)6.,. Ae "one-4441Jo1 30-A gbna cit aauo'ao 7 pny . uaaq 8ulnny eulJHaq alt4nd Y FILE N O. Plus 8utuengnd 471J347ao7 dq 'ala tOt / f Ir n a,'1 gra 01 -P Piey cit P01a447ut $uoeaad Pun vao71 aapap C I lic id a 7 + Jd 1 u 1 - - 1 of uoAle oq eula@ay ganV 10 7yaa aud41 ai ua. : a 1 1 lv Y 1 Q, "'GU 18q, .Paaapap -til-3 y_7i. Pu -43 U 1" .17 001 J. upla JU041 ,g BPuei d41 uU 1 iv la 1 Osu 41jou a ua4i _ eo Poli Pwl@Ib play len(pu puc aulw '14aAIa Pu -JI -1 1u auluuly:q n ded 191 1114• 7ano0. -Iagwd Play 447 as uta7ea.l\ to .Ply len. 41 uo ollaa Pie IvyPn@ va4AA oaBld. pun ewp ay7 ae atu PIII luowa 441 'teal x14'7^ Napl of -da PF Agluay own5agl'pun oq. d7u 3 •NIl-audwaa y7ta ltulaluSaa'puu `Iul Pl@$ al IIIVd 'iS Jo,.A71a ^41 'ul "sae °.{ulna •nupaualauoaaJ Ju Je1313A N3 ¢ ul 3an0J ^ql: la'. Play ag. 01 tanu3' aq "oad Plus J. W.I.J. taaouao n la ..1 - 1Qe Ifooto.^ OI In 41fiT genas[ ul P'. (L IGl-tt 7rn8ntl).: 1 !yap 441 WILL 'PIIIWa .. aogl4n3.l.,I LLIt L N^V Pa a px 41 .�J 'LIFT :In1' IWun^3 ^41 n4 i 11 17 da. a-n-ac1 Qq .. an •abuaxop@ pu@. o V+lAiaaa43 aauapavaaa ul Iu ul 17 mora ao1:'A7uno3 PInP o Ono - •aaoadwl pine pOp uiltvw 4in 411. tar Condemning the i011owing lay -old aqi ul awn 441. alit 1 Pe In -oad of P-laa. ua Pa.1 .1 ne dgaaa �V oan •P?raaoaP,' Play 441 lint,, P apo an undo 6714 jVA0A 4,J l I Jod b. ^3 op ao. $uttai0 suFtini so aaad 11@ 4ai Va.. uumi 1943 I IIIAOaddII, JOJ Ilau� �;.., _. -Ir a/ •aoPJO-$141 Jo a7vP oy7 aaUv' o4, 07 odinr ilw4n@ pupulw u o a" - described I ^i moll. paAopa AgaJay .$i awns+oql, Play ao1 $uollnoYlbadP Pu8'.euIto -env ^3 pq Innuow. zp 1a4y: 'p.aa a • •ud'oI paladalP Pull Polon1lrul 6qu 1. .i ul •eaago7 hl I PI a4, Pus oq ygaoll oll4nd'-)o J uoll -yluiwo3 ogi aegy veg74ii3:'W"oag - •apuw -q of 7uawPJoaTut plve..eaapao Sq. -It Ilauno3. 447 Pun 8u -eaoao S.H. aNt Jo glnpe -1gnT sena ) - Ala)elulxoaddn 9otWaaxal0aal2 ytzi 3 01..47a^u aJua41'"'7a4a1P 41713 leay 1@BUTuulBaq leanly salad. -7S Jo ipi '. - 7.9-. ay1 no :VYv: `i0bJ µ yeaa)a 1aluS.. Iv 8u1u1u8aq lean ! 471!3: 7ea.11 to 31PIn y7Jou -.041 -.apla u111 luawaa ay} Taal raar ., )^ 4111 - <Y•T) 3 is w 4111 lww a 411•u alpna •nr, o4I Ay .P. u aoin*s.3..03 A.UAO31 al. "t.. .1 Sin Pli '10FRIss ;-v 04'02ue—odwl ;^ Pulp Pun lug 3 niuu yi I. I in -a iS 1 • . y�t .tl:�qi 1a^uU7 -yl As 'P-.Ioe3T v uoeraoo - _ WL '3 :l 1 - - 11 .; ).... V3 cad 10-gpot °ivgoad 10 to its'. . 'L {1-V 'Y 8rtv 1- Av(r 3 39algi U 0.) Pip to VAX -47 $Paull, a[ rtgl to airy -ul wwl:. aaaddu $o hS J�. -ti@, ua nmav -tourivanw�an�iv.' . . V r Tgae been presented to the Council and duly ceonsidered; Newrafter such consideration. eiohed, That the Conseil'denies, and hereby declares such improvement to be a public' `nucceeeity.. Yeas (v) Councilmen (:) Nays Fark<orthr Adopted by the Council 191 Gisse' L in favor � Hyldid MfQo11 0 Against Mr. P • ent Irvin ` MAYOR FOAM C. 9.2 - �� t� 1 y r 1 f � a ! i 3 r c i N--nv'uaoiaaal')oaPla lyse aya••a ni,••- _opla.epi luawao A41 '}aal YIv:.JO 4WiA (►'t) s 8 al 0111 ludwaa..471•a 11UdbJ putl 6@]a $S11tl '748Isa1S i n- y0nJleoodaa ,el A7I3 VI¢a o41 Sq apuu hano3 olvgwd 10 IvA • -q. ota }uawanoadwl J0 Pul4 .Pau lose -at ngoag`jo -eP^C, -xo 'oanlvu -gonad .41 lag) to 78 • e7 - 'JggI H ,M 1 �. <= &IIC) 04} Jo Itauao3 .4168 'Paolo$!lla S) - 'LIOT 'Iona 'oaoloaoyi 7PIun,.-4i PaaaPiauoa 611^S RM to A@P 416 $147 Ina3'-'1S Ie Pase<" e.,.aq lua oloaa4l Wl-,Ila ...n -I - + 'A7uno3 PP$ uT PP -uamwo o pur won0a(qu luoraad IP - Subject: ILT •qnd pun Palo ad a-dvd-Aiau lv8q: ) paaaY >tLLl @4 IIWm o3 47 lwv rob{3Ul„ •.}} alotaol; pied 7B ^41 -.vi vgaaM anlo anp uom 7u wawaawl oAU4a'. aqi uodt COUNCIL d. {') }t)6.,. Ae "one-4441Jo1 30-A gbna cit aauo'ao 7 pny . uaaq 8ulnny eulJHaq alt4nd Y FILE N O. Plus 8utuengnd 471J347ao7 dq 'ala tOt / f Ir n a,'1 gra 01 -P Piey cit P01a447ut $uoeaad Pun vao71 aapap C I lic id a 7 + Jd 1 u 1 - - 1 of uoAle oq eula@ay ganV 10 7yaa aud41 ai ua. : a 1 1 lv Y 1 Q, "'GU 18q, .Paaapap -til-3 y_7i. Pu -43 U 1" .17 001 J. upla JU041 ,g BPuei d41 uU 1 iv la 1 Osu 41jou a ua4i _ eo Poli Pwl@Ib play len(pu puc aulw '14aAIa Pu -JI -1 1u auluuly:q n ded 191 1114• 7ano0. -Iagwd Play 447 as uta7ea.l\ to .Ply len. 41 uo ollaa Pie IvyPn@ va4AA oaBld. pun ewp ay7 ae atu PIII luowa 441 'teal x14'7^ Napl of -da PF Agluay own5agl'pun oq. d7u 3 •NIl-audwaa y7ta ltulaluSaa'puu `Iul Pl@$ al IIIVd 'iS Jo,.A71a ^41 'ul "sae °.{ulna •nupaualauoaaJ Ju Je1313A N3 ¢ ul 3an0J ^ql: la'. Play ag. 01 tanu3' aq "oad Plus J. W.I.J. taaouao n la ..1 - 1Qe Ifooto.^ OI In 41fiT genas[ ul P'. (L IGl-tt 7rn8ntl).: 1 !yap 441 WILL 'PIIIWa .. aogl4n3.l.,I LLIt L N^V Pa a px 41 .�J 'LIFT :In1' IWun^3 ^41 n4 i 11 17 da. a-n-ac1 Qq .. an •abuaxop@ pu@. o V+lAiaaa43 aauapavaaa ul Iu ul 17 mora ao1:'A7uno3 PInP o Ono - •aaoadwl pine pOp uiltvw 4in 411. tar Condemning the i011owing lay -old aqi ul awn 441. alit 1 Pe In -oad of P-laa. ua Pa.1 .1 ne dgaaa �V oan •P?raaoaP,' Play 441 lint,, P apo an undo 6714 jVA0A 4,J l I Jod b. ^3 op ao. $uttai0 suFtini so aaad 11@ 4ai Va.. uumi 1943 I IIIAOaddII, JOJ Ilau� �;.., _. -Ir a/ •aoPJO-$141 Jo a7vP oy7 aaUv' o4, 07 odinr ilw4n@ pupulw u o a" - described I ^i moll. paAopa AgaJay .$i awns+oql, Play ao1 $uollnoYlbadP Pu8'.euIto -env ^3 pq Innuow. zp 1a4y: 'p.aa a • •ud'oI paladalP Pull Polon1lrul 6qu 1. .i ul •eaago7 hl I PI a4, Pus oq ygaoll oll4nd'-)o J uoll -yluiwo3 ogi aegy veg74ii3:'W"oag - •apuw -q of 7uawPJoaTut plve..eaapao Sq. -It Ilauno3. 447 Pun 8u -eaoao S.H. aNt Jo glnpe -1gnT sena ) - Ala)elulxoaddn 9otWaaxal0aal2 ytzi 3 01..47a^u aJua41'"'7a4a1P 41713 leay 1@BUTuulBaq leanly salad. -7S Jo ipi '. - 7.9-. ay1 no :VYv: `i0bJ µ yeaa)a 1aluS.. Iv 8u1u1u8aq lean ! 471!3: 7ea.11 to 31PIn y7Jou -.041 -.apla u111 luawaa ay} Taal raar ., )^ 4111 - <Y•T) 3 is w 4111 lww a 411•u alpna •nr, o4I Ay .P. u aoin*s.3..03 A.UAO31 al. "t.. .1 Sin Pli '10FRIss ;-v 04'02ue—odwl ;^ Pulp Pun lug 3 niuu yi I. I in -a iS 1 • . y�t .tl:�qi 1a^uU7 -yl As 'P-.Ioe3T v uoeraoo - _ WL '3 :l 1 - - 11 .; ).... V3 cad 10-gpot °ivgoad 10 to its'. . 'L {1-V 'Y 8rtv 1- Av(r 3 39algi U 0.) Pip to VAX -47 $Paull, a[ rtgl to airy -ul wwl:. aaaddu $o hS J�. -ti@, ua nmav -tourivanw�an�iv.' . . V r Tgae been presented to the Council and duly ceonsidered; Newrafter such consideration. eiohed, That the Conseil'denies, and hereby declares such improvement to be a public' `nucceeeity.. Yeas (v) Councilmen (:) Nays Fark<orthr Adopted by the Council 191 Gisse' L in favor � Hyldid MfQo11 0 Against Mr. P • ent Irvin ` MAYOR FOAM C. 9.2 - �� '_�1:Lf � •oi► L� Council File No• BY .... i CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses fqt the grading of,trillard.avenue to a width of forty (40) feet, from Westminster street to ArkwriFht street, T2533 Final Order..130-0.9�---- under Preliminary Order._ 10.102..... - intermediary Order - - ._ approved ._.:......_ Qet.ObGr 24. ... 191_ jb.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess he Council, and having been considered finally. satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by t therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and. the same is hereby in all- respects ratified,' and the of the County -of Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby, ordered to be submitted to the District Court B FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. y �.✓.___.._.._ _equal installments as to each and every Parcel of land degcri i ed therein. _ _ Adopted by the Council . �! / , /� ?/ 1 ity Clerk: )i ..191 Approved aAojpntoyny`°-1_11d er /�. N 3� o0 4 �u otVat'u Da Pu p7uen Mayor. 4odn uoJ."a, tt °ato p°r PeP+ y t eV 7 .form ll. U. IS q;- �L,Ly,G..Je41 o8P Vtit4,. -.0 bo) JOnr eouvu �. .... / aeno °V1 uo � to Iio4a1 ( 03D41 orders tier ..Cgnrt or- �. Ri It Further Reso1ve3(zrrl'hat -�. -- nald atl[eaentent b and'IC U hereby de- t[ermined. to be Payable"fn dve a9ua1 �. Inetallmenta e t cochand overy.Du eei o(land desc (bedtherein. Adopted, by tha Council BePt.. b. 1817 ry^ APProVeG aeyyt iiBI:.--_- (9apt:8.1817) CITY IPAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ; REPORT OF COMPLETION -OFASSESS ENT 191.7._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the grading of Villard avenue to a width of. forty (40) feet, from WeetTnitieter street to ArkWiight`street, r /.._ ..:_..1253b_........ ' under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order's....__ _.., __.1Q108. _.._.._ . _ _, Final Order 1048 approved.....__. . O..cOber_ 2.4,,_ , 1916.._._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner"of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the etpendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost pf onetruction S<"191L.OL1 Coat of nulie ing notice Cost of postal cards -5 inspection fees - - - - - - 5. Amount of courtcgsts for confirmation' S 2•.5: `- i Total expenditures 5"-19.53.47.._._... i Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above escei- tained, to-wit: the sum of $. 1. 9.53..47 __. _.... . upon each and every lot, port or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of.. each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with " the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said auessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. rw Commissioner of Finance. Form n. T6 t. - 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject. ` OENCIL. NO. Date Presented191 i Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay. Swan Larsen out of the Workmen's CoJncene�ation Account of the General Bund the sum of Seventy-two Dollars 072.00) i in -p,i tial settlement of his clair. for injuries received by him while employed by the Department of larks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 5th day of Lay, 1917. ( I hereby reeomrend the above resolution for passage. 0orri s one o, Par .s , Play- gro s Pdbli _3uildings c, F. No' 18979 Aneolved. Thatthe O.�o?to'per a,0.an1 ere are hereby Rut - ' Tanen out of the War eu' in en - earl... Account or the .nor Dollar. 1 the Rom of Seventy-`` .. _ ($7E.00) In perilaI-it!Ament of We. %.falm for InJurlea repel nd - by hire while: employed. by'thn.1).partment of . .hit- Plnygrounde . and 111917.1oil - I _ " on the 0th day pt ataYa Adopted by the CO -U01 Heol. 0, 917 I Approved SePt. 0. 1917. (Sept. 9-1917) ' / Yeas ( J) Co n ilml (J) Nays Fa nalGorth I� Adopted by the Council 19) IS r In favor HP -5 'c 1 H ttfd K er - Approve 191 M I U J Against Mr. Presiden Irvin MA V OR FORM C.e•a CITE' OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -,RESO N-- .GENERAL FORM Subject: ) p f - l COUNCiL 'itE No. . Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper City officialsare hereby authorised to pay to John Wichtel, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account - of the General Bund, the sum of $13.00 in partial settlement of his claim for injurive received by him while employed by the De- partment of Public Works ow the 2nd day of May 1919. C. V. No. 28271— Resolved. That the,properCity offl-I _ elate are :hereby authorised to Day to John Wiehtet. out of the Workmen'.1 - Fund a thetaan um at ]7]UO In nArttDn iei�� tlend. h1. claim for tnlurlee re -;.i hereby recommend they above resolution 'I eelved LY 1". white employed by the, Denn�rtment of I`ublic. Works on th. for pasea6e. ]nd. day Duplay. 1917. Adopted by the Connell Sap4 6, 1917. ApProvcd BeDt. 6, 1917. - • I .(9ePt. 8-1817). Comm se ones Public wovle.- Yeas (J) Cou ilmen (1) Nays 'ar worth - - Adopted by the Council ( *Z) 191 7 dos - In favor Hyl d ► �a 7 Kell r (] Approvr�i 191 KII Against ---Wuefliell Mr. Presideftt. Irvin � WAroR 'ORM C..•2 ' CI,TY OF ST. PAUL - G,OUCiL, RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM ji Subject: ,\ couecu FILE No. -Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to George Kiley, out of thv,'Workmen tP Compensation Account of the Fund.—the Fund,the sum of Twenty-one Dollars and sixty cents, ($21.60), in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by'reason,of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 23rd day of May 1917. I _ , 4 - 2 hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. 3'ss oner o Bllc' Works. H;.hJ;.d. :That ,h'tCru .n 'C. F. No.- I.I..nre'horeby suof theda orkrae' 11 '6an, Be,lttin gout oL tt, General{• 'Comg6neatlun Account of .the Fun ..the sum of Tvrenty-on rt nll- -It { In D� the. CltY 'and siilYcente (ti1.89a stns[ by rason of Iniov of lheeClty.� . gee ment b}t' hl. claim R bnl ltlm on pr to of Dt.YD1917. 1911. . doPledabY the Co19t• 1r,1SePb. . APProve d t4ep4 •[.18171 1 Yeas (v) Counilmen (:) Nays 1-:n orth 1 Adopted by the Council 191/ G6 - In favor a P, —) 1g j 7 — Hyl ,l K e l APPr e i 191 Mc I V ✓ Against Mr. Presi 7rvin MAYOR FORM C.e• .... t Pe4,�ition ' I CITY OF. ST: PAUL_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM.. Subject: couecu L. FILE No.:.. AIL .5,. ._-1917 j Date Presented ._...��,.�...._ 9 Resoved�—mor �.;s� o=�cr o ?u_li- fog r3-c e ci�a iier�n.orizoc e.i:c arectc �o , _n '10 Como Lvc.. Ic �, ros:, Do:.rtcll Ave. --oic;.: ,,,on i olvo. for cae "bwlrxot o eiio ttea_on o. 1u17. �. -F. No. 18373—BY it: N. GO-- Re one— - Reselved. That the eommieeloner,of Puhiia Work. be and le hereby ..the,. teed and directed to iprinkle Como-Ave. - Weep .ham D.-Well Ave:- to .Hendon .Ave. for the balance. of the ereson or; 1917._ AdootedbytheCounclL Bept. 6. 1917.' Approved Sept. 6:1917 - (Sept. 8-19117) Yeas U) Counglmen ( t') Nay$ " Adopted by the Council F v rth CC —5 10 7 J in favor 191- K Kdem App NMI— C! Against f— –-- -- – – -- ii - , -- I W \I•�r �y�Jf.C�f MAYOR Mi. PresidVVc — FORM C.9.3 _..� iL.. /j WHEREAS, Heretofore under and by virtue of certain contracts en Bred into by and between the Barber Asphalt Paving Company, a Went Virginia corporation, and the City of St. Paul, the -said Company paved with asphalt the following streets in said City, between the points designated: —East Fifth street from Maria avenue to the head of the steps; ---� East Seventh street from"Cedar street to Pine street; East Sixth street from Sibley street to Washington street; ---) University avenue from.Cedar street to Rice street; �St. Peter street from Third street to Tenth street; —St. Peter street from Tenth street -to Central avenue, in- eluding Central avenue from St. Peter street to -Rice street; Seventh street from Wabasha street to Seven Corners; ",Oakland avenue from Ramsey street to Grand avenue; " Sixth street from Washington street to Main avenue; Park "avenue at its intersection with Capitol `Drive; AND WHEREAS, Said contracts and each of`them obligated the Company.to make certain repairs in and to the said streets for a period of years from and after the completion of the pavement and the accept- ance of the same by the City, and bonds were given -to secure the per- formance of the guaranty repair clauses in said contracts above re- ferred to; 1 ANI) WHEREAS, The, City retained, in accordance,with the terms and provisions of said contracts certain sums of money known as guar- anty funds, aggregating in all the sum of $19,136.05 to secure.the performance of said agreement on the part of the Company too make such repairs; _ AND WHEREAS, Said guaranty periods have expired -upon all,of said streets except: 1 St. Peter street from Tenth street to Rice street, anC ae to that the guarantee period will expire upon the 18th day of October, 1917. Seventh street from Wabasha street to Seven Corners, and as to that the guarantee period will expire on the 22nd day of Octob r, 1917. Oakland avenue from Ramsey street to'Grand avenue, and a to j that the guarantee period will expire on the 30th day of June, 18. Sixth street from Washington street to Main avenue, and as to that the guarantee periodwillexpire on the 2nd day of November, 1918. AND WHEREAS, The said Company has failed and neglected to keep said pavements in repair as required by the said guaranty cliauees, and therefore, the City has expended from time to time"certain su!me of E money in and about the repair and maintenance of said streets, using , ! all of the money out of such retained sums, together with aceruea.- interest thereon, and in addition thereto has used the sum of Hine Thousand, One Hundred Thirty-eight and 561100 ($9,135.56) from other funds deposited with the City to guarantee repairs upon oertaia Cher streets upon which settlement was made under date of January 11 1916; AND WHEREAS, It has been afire©d between.the said -Paving Com - ;i parry and the City that it will be necessary to`expend the sum of Seven Thousand, 'Five -Hundred Dollars (7,500.00) in -addition to all sums and amounts on deposit with the City, including Interest, media by said Paving Company for the purpose of guaranteeing Its -contracts as°afore said, and the Council, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of. Public Works, believes that it will be.advantageous to the'City to accept the lump sum of $7500.00'in settlement and in lieu of sai guaranty clauses in said contracts, and-:tbereby".settling all,;ijett are i (2) -in controversy now existing or that might hereafter arise in referencit to said contracts; RESOLVED, That the City hereby agrees to accept from the said Paving Company the sum of $7500.00 in cash, in addition to all moneys of said Company now on deposit.with said City, as a full compliance with and in lieu.of the guaranty clauses and bonds given to -secure the performance of said contracts. RESOLVED FURTHER, That said moneys shall be used solely for ,keeping in repair the streets above enumerated, on which the guaranty. period has not expired, or upon which the guaranty period has expired and which were not, on the expiration of the guaranty, placed in the condition required by the contracts aforesaid. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proper city officers are hereby authorizekand instructed to enter into an agreement in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, with said Paving Company, in., accordance with the terms and general conditions of this resolution, and such officers are.authorized to-a-Keoute such additional releases. a required b the bonding company or companies which are s may be Y q n S sureties upon the bonds given by the .said Paving Company in connection with said contracts. — 7coher; 191x. enue. from Ramsey at. avenue, and as to that e period will expire on ti _ aoth day of June. 1918. Sixth etrpel from Washington -tree to Main .n -venue. and as to that tht gu-rn t period wilt expire o the YnL , _ 111 n[ vo ember. 1919. faUed and anY It enegleele 1 19lkeep Bald pare: o menta in repair as repaired by the Bald guaranty clauses a d therefore, the:od`��. Passed by the Council t city has eu -Pr of money Ifromnlinan e da thlou[ 3Y ther pair �and�mal t nan a of Bald _ ! / streets, a Ing ail b[ th mon y n t'ot,k �.e� gays such .mined an legal er Ith e- crucd interest there. . and In n y4yW, hereto has used the sum.? houeund. One Hundred Thlrt Mr.lFarnswortb d 69 d fi9.1Jh! from oil- �. ited with the Cit" Gc1;e rt I n Hyland 'Keller McColl Wunderlich\ Mr.. President (I rv1IIT Approved - Mayor. i PCfBLISFiLD Cl i L i LOO of Vit. Maul lrµartutrul of Public.lUorkri C C ♦u ! •• M. N GOSS. C..."--- OMR li —R RT.GO'RLEY.O[r,— O T4iR0 Co w[w' ' _ I I I .�.tt L a .j' Department of am % CITY OF•$T. PAUL O. H. O'NEILL .......TION COUNT 1 •e JOHNfP.rKYLE [r • ,,�1 1 JOHN A. BURNS •i W1 le M. MIASEK:oN ` Cyi 11 \; I .-September let, 19,17,• Q Frr p� � , �• Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works. Deer Sir:- D r I'am herewith transmitting a form of resolution author- izing a -settlement with the Barber Asphalt Paving Company as to certain enumerated streets, which, I understand, are all the streets paved by that Company still under guaranty. The basis of the settlement 1e that the Company withdraws all objections to repairs already made on these streets, amounting to $31,061:98, and allows the City to retain all moneys on deposit with the City, including interest, in the guaranty funds of 'these streets and all other streets, and agrees to pay into the city treasury an additional sum of $7500 to keep these streets in repair for the"remainder.of the guaranty period. In consideration of these agreements on behalf of the Paving Company, the City agrees to.re- lease the Company from all further liability and responsibility in reference to repairs on the streets in question, and to release the Company and surety on.its bonds from all liability, both as, to the future as well as the past. i Please look over the resolution and have the streets checked for the purpose of ascertaining whether the resolution embodies the agreement as talked over by youiaelf,,Mr. Claussen and myself and the representatives of the paving Company. If you find the resolution carries out the idea you had in mind, and you have the same adopted by the Council, I am advised by Mr. McDermott, on behalf of the Paving Company, that the $7500 will be forthcoming without any delay. Yours truly, '4 "Coloration Counsel. r CITY OF .ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: _ .. [ n l ! ) .' �• COU NCII I ...... FILE N0. ..... .... ..... ..... ii::...............tt..........:.... Date Presented....ggpt.•-•5th-t.Lg>19i;..-_- �� luk/ - , Resolved, That the Counciil hereby concurs in 1the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby.awards the contract for construct- ing storm onstruct.ing'storm water relief sewers on Sixth St. from. Hoffman Ave. to Maple St., on Wagener St. from Phalen Creek to the west line of Lyman Dayton's Addition and thence across Lots l and 2 of Munc'r.'s' Sub. of Block 15..lyman Dayton's Addition torthe inter- section of Seventh. St. and Hoffman Ave., to E. T. Webster for the lump sum price bid of $8.282.35., While it is true our estimate is only $7,395.00 this estimate was madg.quite a long time ago and in the meantime, material and labor has advanced and our estimate, based on present prices, would exceed the sum bid.: It appears also, that this work should be done, in any event, so that the work of pavin4 Sixth St, can be car- ried out next year. F.B. #1438. 'C P. so. lea76--,y oneurevint' . IC the. Councll hereby - comract the reenmmendatlon f the 'aawatde the concravt efor aco hereby torm Meter relic! sewers on atrurt,oa : \Vqm nn/fman, Aa•e. to.ltt. Sixth Rt. Bene- AL from Phalen Creek Sto' the and man tihence Lyman Dayton's Additlon 'Hunch's -Sub, .cross Lot- a and e ' ;tont Addltloaf Dl ark l6,L,vmnn :Day �: :Seventh BL and to the Intenectlan of y Web.ter fot^th jH nmen. Ave, to Lr. T. I1'11�1 18,28a,36. R'hll , It ,.P eum our Price bid of l • ��r,7� Ij? mnda'Qu t.. ion, tl l fru etlmate tmWaa d L7 lJ 11� J'LU� orlon to end In varMdme m -t-1.1 and lnba hes-ath - SEKI31 l Cie°eii n "dce.. wa�ij":rPea hexed an np,mt. also m OFFI, TN of ATN)N COON E,_ '-hould be tone, In a' that thteework the work of pavin nY event, co that raroU out ..at It Sixth St, an be Adopt..ed by the ear. l,Se•. No. 1438. Approved Pt. 6, 1817. PL- 1 t,' 6. 1817. - 18171 Sena (I 1 (' uadlnlen t.•) N.Y. •• KF--oortb - r / tduptrd by the Council `^� 191 jF f. sa In favor [ —) It) J r _.. t .land ' Her ^1 'App—rd �,. �? ....191.. •Coll r"�rf '1 AR-iiut \Ir. Preshld t. Irvin MaVOR .ORM C --Y 6.17 2M CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - Subject. COUNCIL NO. '•.L.. Q ++' Date Presenied gtp{ Resolved, That the C'ouncil-hereby'concurs in the recommendation of. the Con- tract Committee and hereby,.awarde the contract for t e construction_ of, the Jefferson-Cretin Sewer District #2, to O'Neil & Preston,'' for the lump sum price bid of $49,945.00. While itis true that cur stimate is .only x{45,050.00, this estimate was made quite a long "time ago, and in the meantime material and labor has advanced 1 and our estimate, based on present prices, would exceed the sum. bid. F.B.. #1437, 18376—Ily 3t. N. ooea— - ItesalYed, That the Council h.rebY concur. In the recommendation of the - contract Committee Rod herehor award. the contract for thelI.con.true- it.. of the Jefferenn-Cretin :hwer Ula• trlet No. 2, to owrli & Preston. for the lump sum price hid of ;49.916.00. While it 1. true that our a tlmate. la nniY . {1b,Ob9.00 thla estimate wua mad. quite rt lonK timenK.. and -In the meanllme our mnterlugond labor has advgcned and. would lex .cod ,the tum bi A.eeF B. so _ 1137. Adopted by the: Council Sept. 6. 1917 A6proved 8-t, b, 1917. - i � .. 18eD[.: 8-19171. � SEA-7 3 19 OFFICE ME10 0j�N,SI - \•can U') Con. 'lm- (t'1 Soya Y, Bataworth Adopted by Ito,, Counril In -favor � hellr '�, Appu.rnl t 191 ' \Ir. 1'reeid.•nt. rYin .. __._,.. f MAYOR FORM C A9 6 17 2M . -CITY-0F AUL. COUN61t- RESOLUTION -.—GENERAL FORM Subject.•courimt v 1 FILK No. >} Date Presented._ 191191 (Resolved, it .v lice C iC or St: L' 1. ..Cu J_ Cu i 1 CU._"TU6 ...17 ue �... dr. '_ t of g s.ul _or oa ui.:_ o� i1 rio.. �t•. 'o':. rlui ,; ; . o �1 �tcrUE,a.nd the o ..:e _t%. ._, o.. o arbor, 1u17 n:e 7r��; __ o _iG�rs ��•� :o- .moi. �:: _sed to e:. e.:u,ic �.;;;or� uta;.:L� ...,: .as. _o.c�> --, c.�ec� u�ac:.• `-` 1 C, .1`.. No. .tB17 N. Goear_IMd - lteeolved. That the tfmcrtaln con - for the VertormADee of t. tit. trnct dated Joe- 11. 191`„x"' leen-1 n do t- da -let end Pxul for lhc-eurliinR of'a I' he st�trt :ten 1 d to tho elh It dame I Sher Ly ewnte. St. he t e [ l9 tf --Pn are 1w. Y no t 1t •d r eac- of September• 1917 an,1 the ntrKCr to cute an nmendment tr vl Isl. how,• _ ecvord thug erewllh•olutlop hnll not tr. force and tertect unlrat on�.. hna•« nny iho con[rnc[ore bo^ ent. 1n ture[1ce on o sent thex�.11 the CIIY troller. wrftlnR b the Council Sept. b Adny[Yd d. Approve t3oPt. 8.1917) _ - Ycas (1') COUnCllmen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 f ..-t �,-- �1 (; . ft'rth - -. In favor 19L_...ApproveAYOR .-A.r, :_. FORM C.S.2 a j _ r i - -g,,. 'aul, ;ir,'r.. SLI:t. , I�31'7• . I T01 i:c :ono�:.'ulc 01,a Ooancil, ' 1 0 I !0 ..o F_ i L. _:ect ull ask 'Alai ;Ia.:_ r:cr.ort:41c .30d�, ca:ulse t%e tiro 01. o: .oLing til..'aY:.Ct i0I' ��;:v G 11'bi-71;; of '.a_r i3OTI ut. fr0:. -ont :.ems to n ._..:G_ Jt UL 0i:1;e..deL .O :iie ` (i±:j- 01 1917. ,irFtp0Ue r u7 0 1-,uor cor_ oroto ..:L or oo le;il. --,-:.Ie lie .it r:^ hc_ -- -core felted. iv ver,..1,', .. .. i9;crc i o o iceCic.: `;o IinL: the ti::le 1:_r &u '6he o ri 0 '_ icu is or:uerned. (.:✓ 3.t•,i1. o`' v 0.,' is < 17 L3 CO::.o- C.. _ _:r,,-irecr - In tha afntter:.ot rural hingg and atoll's an ornamental llghtinlr -: tem cunxielink uf.5 light lamp. y' _ and lndullamna,_ alren nd :undaniro .ta .fur conreYing electr9c 1 '+nt'therrto,anJ all other. ncecat' 1pllancea, nnJ �4 ulptnent far, • stem on Flfth st:, from-SlLlcy w . Jackson st,. under Prelimin - der 16036,uppruved February 17. - puhll"hearing haul's been ' ➢ the above ImUruvement. u, -- 'tice. and ` the - Cou'ell h nrd all persona, obJectlona •ndatlon. rnIntl o the(eta, WUNCIL FILE NO.._... fully, fit `pt aidnrea thn L fly the t.ouncll o[ t: . that the Dreclae no : By... -.... .. .. Ind 'ef h.". r x41,1 Clt•: FINAL OkkDER In the.flatter of.....£urr_i.Bhij4;_.and...insta11.3.ng-art-•oar:&�etlta� iigl�ti-irsd syates Gt�nfs.i.stin� ..pS.:-,5..1'ittiYlt...tars...go.et.e:�snd:..la.�n-a,....prir-ea••tea:d-..>ynd•er•�round........:_ conduits for conveying electric current theretoF.;end all -. .. :ther n..ec9oeary ..a;gpi. i F ncap. -and.: equi.pmeat....fo.r.. said . ay.at.em-na:.F'.ift11 tit. frlam..Si)J1e�r ..St... to Jackson at., under Preliminary Order 1.50.36_ upprvived M.::: , _`_', 1 Intermediary Order ..: :_..approved A public henring,haviug`been had upon the above improvement upon due notice. and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto. and having fully considered the same;' therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY the Council of the City of St. Paul that the, precise naLure, extent and kind of improve- ment tojle made by the said City is.. : '.r. is ..-:.t.d.. 1 '^._ems e._�_.1 :ii y t i M..; .s.-s.t err, cone ;r.- rf' lijit — r e ar _i <,;c rd Y-tir e fc i s1* ter on =''i* _.. ,t :om i1,1: ey st.` to'r J�ckscr. '... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVE]) FURTIIER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed, to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that. upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed t ,proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _-Adopted by the Council., ._ t V � �f '.j 191 Q(ty Clerk. :Approved:.. / � 1911, ,\\af .......... .. ........... i Gf31•ISJUm L� �% Mayor. council aFnrnswortb _'L;•., `' Council arri(;oss Counci Iart Kellrr t'oun'i mn'[cf'nll - v'- ('ouue' an \Vinhlerlieh �, ' " t �inyor ruin . F..rlu H. 11A. 1 - l .1 n - • , CIT. ST. ISAUL DEPARTT OF FINANCE - ' REPORT OF CO SIONER OF FINANCE r __ - -ON PRE ARY ORDER In she Mane* of Furnishing- Etnd Ynetalling` an Ornamental._ Lighting Syetem - . ...-• consisting of 5 light lamp; poste and lamps, wireB and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on Fifth st. from I l Sibley at to Jackson street, I under Preliminary order approved February 2f3.th, 1917, - - To the Council of the Ckity of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Financehereby reports'as follows: The total es[imated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1, e:E.0o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last deported by, the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED' - X._ DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A Drake's Rearrangement•"A" 557400 I 1 a Auditor's Subdivision No. 32, St. Paul, Ssilln. 2 3 1500000 3 2 4 2, 5 3. - _ 6 c a a g $ ,. Form L. U. 10 , 2 , D , r ST. PAUL - y , DEPA T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO SSI'ONER OF FINANCE .: AN PR (NARY ORDER (C) ... ASSESSED - CE SC RIPT10N LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION g 9 Whitney and Smith' a 87000. 7 9 Addition to St. Paul ) 61500 (Except Alley) ). South 44 feet of (;'.x.Alley) 9 9 95000 S 4.4 ft of 8 1 9. 13 St -Paul Proper i n i i i 2,30090Q , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in i reference tI o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, 191 __--- �_-- ,---------. __ ---- Coll.... oner of Ymnnce. I is eparttli¢nt ofJubbc ,lochs M. N. DOSS. COMMI6SIONLR -. .[. w T GOUALE? Df-* • St. Paul Minn.- July 100. 1917• Fdr. J. U. Gose: commissioner of Public 17orks Building. Dean Sir, - I transmit herecrith.preliminary estimate of cost for furnishing, and installing an ornranental lighting system consisting of 6 light lamp poets end lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on,Fifth,St. from Bible, St! to Jackson St in accordance crith Council File #16036, approved 9eb. 88,',1917e Approximate estimate $1,618.0¢ Yours very truly$ 00/M. Chief Engine.er i a I Of%ce As- OE tlYeWir-of Publ c Works . A Report to Commissioner of Finance \ Judy 1Gth, ..191 7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Ytuil: I 'fits commissioner of Public War kit, having had under cmisidcration the preliminary order-of the Coon- eil, known as Council File No, .15006 _aiPproved to ll.ery 28tt {...:191-7. relative to fl:zniehing_..and...haat.mll.inn.._ar.._.0xncu:.en.t�tl,.li�;k�.:v:i.n ...aY. ten on:_ .....:... r'ifth Street fruit :.ioley Etreet to J-rckson Street aml linviog investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 $aid improveatent is ..:.....__-necessary and (or) desirable. , 1 2. The estimated cost thereof is ... _..._._.__.., and the total cost thereof is �. ,b18 GG nud I the nature and extent of said improvement is us follows: — l 3. ,\ plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnehrd and made it part hereof. d. S. Said improvement is_ not ... _...._naked for upon petition of three or sore owners of properly, subjeet to nsseawm_nt for said improvement. Cwuwissiouor of Public Works. ----------- -- ---- '• CFS 0 11A74'• rrrtrt Y�i'p - ln�the oT�iM_ enfal�ilt no `i¢mpett"wl'reu and aiid 'un dults for conveylnA'+elaelrlc ... - thereto: and all other:necmm , Pllances and. equlPment.tor-9. - tem-on-Fourth:sr. fro!bl•e•- Jockeon I,,_atnder['rellminar • j • .13086 aDProved Feb::8, 1917 --- ..\ 'udllo hearing.. having. h•ad - - (upa th ahov6 {mprm-amen[ all tlPcreone:-ol lection. landnt t• - - [lane relative thereto,.and '-• t e:^Idered 't Coll lh COUNCIL FILE NO......... ,abed. ny the eml ---- Pnul that the PL kind of Im `to Bald Ce _.... - •gin mens, . FINAL ORDER In the flatter of ..... .. n. ...:...... ..... ..l. .:�. . . '•....1 w). r....,... ..:... nt. ,n:.. ......f._:.t......S.II.....-x�..iit....�i::` • cc -:e, f 71yt 11 t , rd un d r r,- 'i --!:t., iG l t tc, i n,., - p: _.. _..... ._.� wa _t....e::.._ . fox. .9 :U.11 s.' at . _,_ ., G ._. £ra:: i . _ Zt....u_.... G J. under Preliminary Order l dy3° approved 7e1ru4F_; 1917 Intermediary Order .. approved ,1 public hearing having been had upon the ahovo improvetacut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relutivc thereto. and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it CRESOLYED,$y the Council of the Cit) of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve meat to be made by the said lady is r .� 8 h .`- yet czt'.S 1, "- Cf = _ _ti, t. iz tC U e ,lo `nd r r e' ectri c current u c r cl.: 'n 1,. ;.::e .e Ll S 7.: f .. ut ct C:. •+ from_ al .S'.. y -r v to Jackson ,,..-. . . and the Council herebv orders said improvement to be nla4e. RF.SOL\'EI) FURTIIER, That 1Ie Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, find submit shine to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith /- 191 ' Adopted b.• the Council ! .. . _ City.Perk. Approved... �. �.'_ 191 Mayor. Counciln in Farnsworth 1'LItLISIiI?D / �a �' Council III 4;os, .� Council In feller 0' . I Council in �IeCnll , Council n 'Wyndi•rlieh '` Mayor e Form k S. N -a. F ST. PAUL DEPA T OF FINANCE.. REPORT OF CO SSIONER OF FINANCE r . o� P (NARY ORDER I In the. Matter of 'Furnishing and inetalll g an Ornamental. Lighting System ccn.- .....__.. slating of five light lamp _poete,_,,iires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto and all other necese'ary appliances and equipment for said system on Fourth _at from Sibley._st• to Jackson etreet_, . under Preliminary Order approved I February 28th, 1917+ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: nr The total estimated amount of the asseaasnrctd for the ab%vc improvement is Is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ i9 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits f dr such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each.lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOC" ADDITION VALUATION A Drake's Rear ranget;ent "A"3 557400 I I` B S) C 3003450 D 15 2 ) 619150 i 14.2 13 2 i North .130 ft of l and 2 27 St.paul Proper 183775 North 130 feet of 3. 27 _ 67700 TOTAL. Fort., 11, 11, 1). 10 -A #2OF ST. PAUL REP0R3T OFC ISSIONER OF'FINANCE 11 ON MINARY ORDER ASSESS�D LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION CESCRIPTION _ 1 North 130 feet of 4 27 St. Paul Proper 67700 North 96 ft of E ,t of 5 `27 ) 219425 North 91 ft of West of 5 '27 North 91 of of Lots 6 — 7 ' 27 i 1 - i 4716600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and - reon to the Council, together with the report made to hi l in hereby submits the foregoing as his report the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. // I Dated Sl�� 191 Commissioner of Finance. S7 ' • `Office of the Co ssioner of Public Works 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance July To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St. Ynul: t 'file commissioner of Public Works, having load under cousiderutiou tilt, prelimisiary order of tile Coua- 150 35 c'r>Aary 46th 7 ,eil, known as Couueil File No.... .. .aliproved..,, relative to > rin . dna irsTelling an corer er ? t stirs yeter on t•,.r. o JacYeon treet ._ C..G4i.1 .4.ir.....n'. 4.,i..A .v..V.. A i u• .ti:. .J... P ............ ........ ..... 111111 having investigated the matters and things referred to therein hereby reports: ]. Said improvement is __..necessary surd (or) desirable. •r Tile estimated cost theredf' is _. . and tlic total cost thereof is 1 r 1118. GG load file ordure and extent of said 1111proveureut is us follows: :1. A plan, profile orsketch of said improvement is, hereto ottinrhed and made it part hereof. -l. i. Said improvement is_. not ...asked for inion petition of three or more owarera ot-property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cutmurssio or of I'uLlie Nor ___ Q oft. Haul rp:,rtmr�ct' nf` uhlic Blorhs r ':o.c.w cL•u.� r. M', N. GOSS. COIMMISSIONlR ' rr.y 'R T GOL'RLEY D"'v' 1 Paul Minn.July lb, 19x7 , Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir,— i I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for furnishing and installing an.ornamental lightin system consisting of 5 light lamp posts and lamps, Nvires and -underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on Fourth St. from Sibley St. to Jackson St., in accordance with Council File ,15035, approved . Feb. 28, 1917. approximate estimate $1,618.00 Youre very truly, w' /M. I - Ch icf Mng in Ger i - .. CITY OF ST. 'COUNCIL. RESOLUTION- AL'FORM- Subject: FILENo.NO. Date Presented 6c 1917 Resolved, t .. 2. L .. _ty .. __..__. PEI PI.:'_. .� ._..o .:� ..v.."L'r t•_f c _.: Z.: 6.. ..�_.�.. ..._J. .. <. U ]assn—uy MN. Gos- licsnlY.d. That Iho time speellled for '..the perform..... of n taln •nur..t - tinted April 1,J911 bele n F. T Nen. -ter and the CIU rf S . 1'nul. for the -. onntructlm of -ewer A 1- -ial Ave.. : from 11e a'Itt - \ e ln. point -o-. fe., - - - - - - outh of Tt 1 \re, h ad the -a - - - I- hrrebY •s tended to Sett her 4th. 1917 u,nd Ill. proper city oRlc�•r- are hereby authorised tos!ut,, nn amendment to -ald contrnetIn Accord. anc- hrrewith, Vru'Ided, bowevrr, that this reaolutlon-hall not have Any. forceand,eirecl unit -s the sureties un thecontractor'. bond consent thereto And file such consent In writing with - the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Counc., Sept. S. 1917. - - - AV prorml Sopl. S 1917. (Sept. 8.1917) -- ----- Yeas ( I') Councilmen ( t') NaysAdopted by the Council ' 191 J Fartlsworth In favor —moi 7 G. 191 Ke*'r Approved _-1-Against- Y44109 Against 144109 W.MJ'.Y...e. MAYORt .. Mr. President. Pow"s,J, i — _ — --- - -- FORM. d.8-]. r 1 l To e ro;.or..oie moi` Cou;'c ice' I i. e:. c,,.,r ;r:oTr.i.lr a: c^uce i:. r. of on. the o- .o::;rle'i PC_:or_1 .,v• 11o.:: .ie�._ _.v... to c-�)o_ir' U i< - > t �o.,t7: o_ s - for ..re be e tcrdc.l o ti,c _':h rt o_ 4r c,a 1 t0 7.L�i��O_ .. �. ..3 „i Jfi a i� .J rU.;' =-�r�,Ct0 - .:1 l „i:.il, U.L1rG 5: 0. to a r: c i.:e 0_ o 1c .w'.c hc.'einuc:orc OI JtC,d. C -C or. _ 1i)ere i::' 1110ot, jection ';:o :a vin e tine c act uu. r:: c:;ue Leda G er t tile Cor:cornec. , COilu tr1:Cl v, o:: i,: 3i%p:c_T9 vti .D Coc._.i., iorer of ol.1c :lor a C::ic._ _. ince. L COUNCIL FILE \0...;:.. ___......_.. I B FINAL ORDER In the Matter lir i u i cors, f _.1 -:t- a i o r_.._ .. _,...:__tom.:... _..•S ...:::-...r .-... _._.. _ _..... _1._ .-:a_. ... _..: .. ...Y ::._........-__ - .... ... ........_v. E _ .. rr ... a' id _ P: `5 74 under Preliminary Order ,q,lavlved .a ..'y' Intermediary Order .. approved . A public hearing having been hnd upon the Ii ialprovenlcnt upon due notice, and the Council having � heard all persons, objections and recommendations xelativ,• thereto. and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is "ti r zIn r, r. t_ ___ - e.. r c:,' tr.re r ".nd rz;- =t.' tc 7,0'e-, It and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement is ne.cordmlee therewith. - Adopted by the Council.... 91/.. City Clerk. 1 Approved. ,.. 191 . Council mantFarnswo Ity le or aane.1nl near " _ _ s untie 1-1 collln Illllll ll l ,. . and u d Rro 7 Ing 1 CtYlo uR loulicihn:m Atl.uoI - ecee nrY \ounl.ihnsn htll.'r nl.'>• � Conneilman 31c1•,dI Councilman AVuuderlirli u \lavm• Irvin - - Furw 1: ti.:\ ti;.. : - CITY*O AUL .. PEP C ARTM FINANE REPORT OF COMM NER OF FINANCE ON PRELI Y ORDER F In the Matter of Eurnishi.nfb. and. in0tall:1-nE an Ornamental Lighting System_... ccr.t;isttng of 1 light. lamp p o0te and lamps. wires and, underground conduit for conveying electric:.4rY urrent ther.to and all other neceas, appliances and equipment for said system -on Central avenue from Tabasha street to Robert street,_. , under Preliminary Order approved February 28th, 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5.30:.00 The esilmaled cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and'the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: . _ ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , DESCRIPTION- - .. 8. Auditor's Subdivision `10.10, 54225 St. Paul, ?,inn. 2 2 Central Park, 5700 -1 12525 All that part of 1 2 . I lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on Easterly line of said Lot 49 feet Southerly fror..iorth Easterly corner thereof to a point 0n the wester line of Said lot -58.53 ft S'iy from North Fest corner t::ereof, - -- --- - - -- - — —-7OT.6. Form U. U.. 10 i. , . . CIT .PAWL .. - DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COM IONER OF FINANCE ON;PREL RY ORDER (C) l DE�SC Ft PT:ON� LOT BLoc. AD DI T16 N- VALUATON Central Park in Central Park 120850 s N 95 ft of T. 120 ft of 7 Rearr`Angement of Blocks 6300 (Ex. S 50 ft & Ex.Robt.St) 6 and 7, Central Park. East of .7 12000 2. 150000 4 Apditorts Subdivision .1:0. 35000 5 10, St. Paul, Minn. 3 1 Central Park 35000 2 1. 33150 1 1 387175 651925 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the -aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woike.--- n i 7 191 y, :. , l i �:: L -t � . C mm.asioner of -Finance.— t I - Office of the'Co ner of Public Works N-. Report to Commissioner of Finance 1'o the Uiuuuissimter tyf b'imem'se of,thc city of St. Paul: The L'amwissioller of Public Works, having lutd uuJer cousidrration thi preliminm•y nrdvr of the tabun - 15039 Approved �brt ary 28th, tilt.?.., reltitive to ell, know❑ as tiomnitl Vile No. .. _ .__. -_ _ _. 1 htir. ay sten. on ft:rnishir.€ and instcllin ar urnar ent 1?E _....._ ^antral t•venue iron: ' aba h to ..,obert. :t,,.. .. . and having investigated the neuters sod things referred to tilereiu, hereby reports: 1. Said uaptovtmettt is ry slid (or) desirably. uu.essu 3 , 105.00. ; nuil� ' The estunated coo thereof is p....._.. Li _.., sed_to, total Bost thereof is r • the nature and extent of sold improveuteut is as follows: a. :\ pinu, profile or sketeh of said improvement is hereto:nttaeh,•,{ and mode n pnrt.hereoC. 4. not asked for upon petition of three orutore owners of property, subject t, Said improvement is. _... to hssessmetd for said improvement. Comuaissiouior of Public WOkks. - - a F -U 1 � i , •, . ' I. . ,�C�riCtltlClt ' .0 �llil(IC • 7:a'IlICAS � u � ' ' ' i «cl•Ut5[ t c. M . GOSS. COMt�_I SSIONER _ nu.[.uo [r.ar,•••. ,r•, .- R T GOVRLEV,. iv - BUAt�uo St. Paul', i,iinn. July 3, '1917. t s .. w w .DID O , v P. • U w .. , .. Mr. I.I.' 11. Goss,. , Commiocioner of i=ub'lic 17orks Dear Sir, - I transmit here::,ith preliminary estipnate of cost for furni,_hin- and installing an ornamental lightin stem consist - 1 , ng of1 light lam p pots and lr,.ps, :fires end tndrround owe duit for: conveying electric current thereto, and all othler necessary appliances and equipment for said system on'Central Ave. from 'Iabasha St. to 3obert,St., 1u aquordance %r,ith Cous:gil .rile 115039, approved Peb. 28, 1917. Approzilate estis:ate '13,105.00 Yours very truly, 0C�I1. Chid Enineer i I - i 4 ' � l_ �r ,, ♦ � � 83.1,_ COUNCIL FILE NO_ ..._..... ........ _... tiy... ....... . _ _ FINAL ORDER` In the Matter of.....` ......:.:.- �:_.._:.5`_.::1.'_i:.::..__.. t,,. ,,..'.... _. r.:i .- �. i 1..::. .....r. ....- a. Ln under Preliminary Order x :..s approved _ , _ • .... ._. Intermediary Order .. - approved . j A public hearing having been had upon the above impruvenu•nt upon duc notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; r therefore, he it - RESOLVED, Ily the Council of the City of 5t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is_ �._.. <:...._:'.. " I : .. G nt C-1. 0 n.,. '•rte and the Council hereby order3 said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed toprepare plans and,.specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that ,upon said approval,the proper eirt oair_hds are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council._.. // , City Clerk. Approved. .. r'. __ 191 _�..�t_4z:� _......... ............ 1 ihnt the pre" _ �tlayar. 1 kind of Improver, r[ ' CouneilmaiKarnsworth the said city in furnish-and // so ornamental lighting system, /- �'Oln.(•IlnnlllYitiUa+ ...eting of lampposts. lamps. globes. C(11111Ci1matl l'I lluul, tr.s•. appliances, underground con- y dulta and otber equlpment for convey- 1 l'utlneihli8l {/,,��elh•p St. ro. i current hereon. on Ninth . 11,n at. from lackuri 9t. to Smith Ave.. - ( ) and the Council hereby orders said im-. - ('n11nP11111af1 provementt6 , Resodshot al the Commis-. l'omu•ihnanr7 uodcrlic6 lve. Furtber.T e � loner of Public Work. be and L here- I, \ltlyOr II't•i by instructed and directed: to prepare 1 Diana and specldcat lona SOC said lm- - provement. and suborn-same to-[he j Form H. S. A. t(-i. council. for approval: that upon said - approval. the proper city omcI&Ia'' ars j.. hrreDY luthorfsed to Drocsed with the - =it of said Improvement In an. cordance therewith. — - 1 ✓ - - Adopted by the Councll Sept 9. 1917. Approved'" 1. 191.1 t uzpP E 1917) CI PAUL - - - DEPAF�T _.OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF CO SIGNER OF FINANCE,-. e, �N p NARY ORDER _ y (A) ?. k� n 3 steinon Flarniahin_ ani installing �1..:Ornament�al fn the Matter,of wires, apgli ancee� underground ......... 9.�_e.ting .e _1&°p-Poste,-lamp6'-globes. QgnvP.X�?R� elgQtrlc,_ourrant_thereto _.._.......::_a.ondult.e:...and....athsr.,:equiplaent--for: _ cn.Ninth..:etx et...fxotn..J.a4keon. etree..t to_.$mlth.avenue,-_: i roved under Preliminary Order alpp To the Council of the City of St. Paul R The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:J...Qy t of the assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated amoun-' The estimated cost per fool for the above improvement is - • - uch improvement. and the assessed valuation of The lots. or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for s - each lot or parcel a5 last reported by, the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK - 'ADDITION - VALUATION E 14 10 Roberts aat 11Q it of 13- and Randell'e 59000 I 14 10 Addition to Saint Paul 11660 #Set 40 feet of 13- 19650 ll 10 11650 10 110 12650 g 10 45000 S 10 ' 80825 1 15 2 _ 15 3 15 TOTAL.. That part described'ae follows of 5 15 i `commencing at Norih.East corner of said Lot thence Westerly on southerly line of 9th at 30.3 ft,to a.point 119.80 ft from ” ,.Easterly line of Robert str.'thence southerly 34.75 to a point 120.15 ft Easterly at right angles .to Robert at. thence Westerly on a line pail. with 9th at 1.35 ft to a point 118 �t distant ;Easterly at right anglae to Robert at thence southerly 86.25 ft to a point on Soultherly line oflsaid Lot 5, distant 31.14 ft West— erly from South East corner of edict Lot 5 thenoe Easterly to said South Easterly corner thence Northerly on'Easterly line of said Lot 151.31 ft to point of beginning TOTAL. T. PAUL - .... .-.. DEPAR OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF CO SIONER_PF FINANCE"., . ON PR ARY ORDER P., LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ADDITION - . ASSESSED That part of 4 15 Roberta & Eandahl'a 11,450 lying East of a` line'drapn from Addition to Saint- P*ul the South Westerly cor. of said Lot ,4 to a point on Northerly ,line of said _Lot, 1.95 ft„Easterly from Forth West,Corner thereof ° That part, of 4 15 lyir{Z westerly of a line drawn from South westerly corner of said Lot to a point on the No�therly line of said Lot 1.95 ft Easterly from North westerly corner thereof That part described'ae follows of 5 15 i `commencing at Norih.East corner of said Lot thence Westerly on southerly line of 9th at 30.3 ft,to a.point 119.80 ft from ” ,.Easterly line of Robert str.'thence southerly 34.75 to a point 120.15 ft Easterly at right angles .to Robert at. thence Westerly on a line pail. with 9th at 1.35 ft to a point 118 �t distant ;Easterly at right anglae to Robert at thence southerly 86.25 ft to a point on Soultherly line oflsaid Lot 5, distant 31.14 ft West— erly from South East corner of edict Lot 5 thenoe Easterly to said South Easterly corner thence Northerly on'Easterly line of said Lot 151.31 ft to point of beginning TOTAL. 43, o OF FlN�NCE R DEPA. _ REPORT. OF CO IONER OF FINANCE ON PR PRY_ ORDER 1B) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION _ A39 SSED VALUATION ' All that part. of 5 and 6 15 Roberts &.'RandallIs 6800 described as follows: cowmen- Addition.to Saint.Paul Bing ata point an the Southerly line of West Stn at 84 feet Easterly, from Robert 'et thence Easterly 35.80 ft thence Southerly 3Jr75 ft io'.a point 120.15ft Easterly from Robert at at right angles thereto thence southerly 30.25 ft to a point 119.35 ft easterly from Robert at at Right Angles thereto thence westerly parallel with southerly line of 9th street 85.35 ft to a pt. 84 feet'Easterly from Robert at thence Ncrtherly iarl. Wi4II noQvlt 65 feet to place of beginn- ing North 521 ft of W 84 ft of Lots 6 and - 7 15 Roberts.and Randall's 53000 (Except Robert street) 1 14 Addition to Saint Paul 5,1175" (ex. S. 25 ft of E 49.15 ft) 4 14 20000 5 lq 28500 (Except Robert street) 15 Lamprey's Subdivision 1 I 31250 . - 14 of Part of Block 11 ) 13 Roberts & Randall�s ) 27400 12 Addition to St.Paul 3 11 29400 10: 7 ) ) 16250 6 ) TOT.L. - #4 DEPARTIVIEW OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - LOT 9LOCN A -D DITION ASSESSED VALUATION O E SC R IP T I O N I' 7 11 Roberts & Randall's, 43950 „ Addition to Saint Paul s Commencing at a point on Easterly line of Lot 2 Block 12, 125'.23 ft Southerly from the North East•corner of said Lot 2, thence Westerly to Westerly line of Lot 3 in said block 12 to a point 119 feet southerly from the intersection of said iWest erly line of Lot 3 with Northerly line of Baia Lot 2 extended in a straight- line Westerly'to said Westerly line of Lot 3 thence southerly along Westerly line of Lot 3 to Northerly line of 9th street, Thence Easterly along Northerly line of 9th street to'intereection of 9th & Minnesota at thence northerly along westerly line of Minnesota street to place of beginning being'part'of Lots 2 and, 3 12 Roberts & Randall's I n 26450 i Addition to Saint Paul 23500 Easterly 1010 feet of 10 12 JEx. Easterly 1C0 feet) 10 12 66700 and also that pert of Cedar at vacated lying between the Westerly line of said lot and the present Easterly line of, Cedar street 15500 East 51 feet of 1 13 _— - - (Except East 51 feet) ----.8500 1 _ a I �5, ': T..PAUL ' - DEPARTM OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE . ' ON,.pRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIdN LOT BLOCK ' ADDITION ASSESSED EVALUATION Easterly 51 feet of 2 13 Roberts & Randall's Additibn to Saint Pawl the westerly boundary there- of being parallel with East- erly line of said Lot � ` • 1'. Lots 4 and 5 13 98000 also all that part of 2 13 .lying between aforedeld 1 produced to Ninth st and a line 51 feet Westerly from and parallel wi�h Easterly line of said Lot 2 3 13 94000 also all that part 2 13 lying Westerly of Easterly line of said Lot 3 extended to Nintl street North of 8th at of 1 13 Bazil & Guerin's Addition 128500 North of 8th at of 2 12 to St. Paul North of 8th et of 3 12 East 7/10 of 4 12 West 3/10 of 4 12 4500 5 12 120900 6 12 All South of North 145 ft of 3'77500... Lots 1-2- 3 7 - .. T. PAUL ..6. DEPARTM OF.FINANCE. - REPORT OF COMMIS$IONE!R OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • ,. LT BLOC. IOP • I ADDIT DESC RIPTIOO _ \ e SSS � VA.�LUCATtO[DN 9 7,Bazil and Guerin's Add- 28500 b 71 ition to St. Paul, 263000 7 7 1, South 50 feet of 11= 12 8 157000 bouth 100 feet of 10 8 48100 East of South 100 ft of 9 8 West of South 100 ft of 9 8 101800 South -100 feet of 8 8 South 100.feet of 7 8 1 11 ,221500 (Except S 28 ft of W 775 ft), 2 11 68150 North of East 100 feet 1 10 36750 I(Except East 100 feet) 1 10 10500 South 60 feet.of9 9 43000 South 60 feet of 8 9/ East 42 feet of 7 9 3520 (Except East 42 feet) 7 9 199600 6 9 Commencing at the intersection of the S.E'ly line of Exchange.st with the Westerly line of Bazille and Guerin's Addition to St. Paul, thenoel South *esterly along the South Easterly fine of Exchange at to•,the North Easterly corner of 9th at and Exchange at, thence Easterly along the _ E Northerly line of 9th at, to Westerly line of Bazille and j Guerin'a Addition, Thence North Westerly along last mentfohed LTNF Tr) place of _N a__ .._� 2LS—Aa na$ 2i2 Dn�lTtii'iTig—voa+ag ya.ao �. .. ...,..y 4 ..n� Ua :=z0-6;To.....�.., .,_..o — ro��..• -. ;-. - TOTAL. D'7 .PAUL DEPARTM OF FIt1ANCE REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "D ES6PIPTION ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION S ASSESSED VALUATION North 65 feet of �^ 6 2 Rice and Irvine's 19500 Addition to Saint Paul- 20000' North 40 feet of 1 3 ' 2 58750 3 23750 3 3 East .30 feet of 4 3 9275 West 30 feet of 4 3 8875 5. 3 East. � of 5975' Beet of 5 3 7750 N 871•2/12 feet of 6 3 26100 1 N 371 feet of 4 6450 2 4 31200 (Except W 20 inches) I 3 4 8950 West 20 inches of 3 4 15900 4 4 East } of 5 4 5100 N 1/3 of W of 5 4 11000 North 1/3 of 6 4 Northerly 60 feet.of 1- 2, 56 Rioe and Irvine's Addition 25900 3 56 to Saint Paul and partly 10000 4 56 in Irvine's Enlargement 194750 5 56 That tract in N.°.�, of Sec,6-Town 28 Range 22 _bounded on___ 255150 the North by the line between Township 28 and 29 on the Easterly. side by Sazil and Guerin's Add. on the Southerly side by Exchange at and, West 9th at and on the West by E.Rice's ' Irvine's Addition to St. Paul _En3ar_oAe�nnt_.of_Rice-_?._ __ ... TOTAL a `. A$ CITY�T, PAUL - - . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF.- FINANCE ` r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e'(C) DESCRIPTION -.,''LOT BLOCK .,-ADDITIQN - ;ASN VALUUATIOATIO E.Rioe`', Enlargeiient of 8 a 7 - Rioe and Irvine! a 6 Addition to St. Paul 5 1' 66 .Irvine's Enlargement -of 10050 Southerly of 2 66 Rios and Irvine's Add- 11150 Southerly 40 feet of 8 57 ition to the Town of 11000 7 57, St'; Paul. 12200 6 57 32700 5 .57 I I 9300 , Southerly of 4 57 l 29300 ' i ' I 1 , 3623675 ----Phe C`omFni aioner-of Finance -further reports that he -has investigated all of the-aforesaid,motters. and --- • - C hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I):ln1 U / - Iii / x� ✓ — f- _ __� I Commissioner of Finance.- Office of theCtnmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance t May 14th, 7 .. _. _ .. . _. . _....7;17...... '1'o the commissimler of Finmiee of the t'ity of St. Peal F `II 'Phe Commissi�me`rfof Public Worka;lmviug haul under emisiderution thr preliminm•}• ordi+r of t11e Coon - 1463* rebruary 1st, 7 sil, kuowi lis Couneil Nile No. ..... _.._. __ nppeuved _.._. 1.11......, relntivr hC inetali ng an ornauental,.licY,tina, sys,tpp. on _I'inth St_.,. fa Jackson Street to Smith Avenue ud having investigated the matters u1d things referred to thrreiu, hereby reports: L. Suid improvement is ; mecemary and (or) desirable. _. 'rhe estimated cost thereof is s XXX __.., and the.total cost thereofis $ 13,403.00 and the nature and extrat of said improvemelit is as follows: :1. A titan, protilo orsketeb of suid improvemelit is hereto Idlnrhed hind nude it part, lnrreof. .L.. 3: Said improvement is.. __ _._ ._askrd for upon petition of three or more uwacrs of lirnperty, sulijuet to assessment for said improvement. +L�� 1 ' / CU111111Yh111111!1-Ai ❑blie Works. I . September 4. 1917 , To tko venerable Cit-I Council of St. Paul Uinnesota wo., tke undersigned proport;► owners wn Aintk St, are actively in favor of installing tko ornamental ligkte wits out dela*, upon -Ninth Street henry Defisl 85 seat betw Jackson & Robert St Josspk Viltfn 45 feet 11 James ?..Sperry , agt.'90 foot bets► uinnesota & Robert JaYn F. Barnes agt 100 feet " Cedar & Wabaska RRUM Prow. Cs 100 foot Rlizabeti; Fitzpatrick 1781foot' " -Wabaska & St. Pstsr urs. 14 King 125 ?set Janes F Sperry agt 1251 feet Ed Turgeon aRt 150 feet Kass. Srt. Ce 100 feet " Franklin & ,St. Peter Drsis tstats 100 feet 1 Studebaker Auto Ce agt 60 foot " r1anklin " Esakands Cal.. Oakley -Piedmont Apts betty -smith & Bain T. U. C. A. in favor of sane Junior Pioneers in favor, of -saris Cd4 Follows in favor of sag• r �si i I _ CITY- OF: ST. PAUL - -' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....._ ..... Subject: _..... courcit cour NO. . ` -.FILE ; •` Date Presented ._,.s„e11t.,,,_.5th--1..}7...191.....•__ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the, recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received, for grading Sue St. from Fairmount hve..to Goodrich Ave, as,the rids received were in excess of the engineer's 'esti—. mate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to;re- k; advertise for new bids on same, in accordance with the pro— visions of the Charter. F.B. #1430. i I. • C. F. No 8:93—f1Y 31: N. Gaza— _ ite.olved, That the Council hereby concur. In the recommendation of the -0entract Committee and ' hereby 0r t. nil bide received far Krad,m; A ' ur-St. from Fairmount Ave. to Good- rich Ave.. A. the bid. received tr.r. In - oxce.. of file -,ulcer'. 'entlmnte and the 1•nrtha.tmr Agent I. hereby au- thorlred to readverll.e for net, bid. an - - if Same, In nccordnnc tt-Ilh the .pro- vitann of the Charter F. It, No,. 1110. Adopted by the Council Sept. &, 1917. . Approved Kept. 6. 1917- ' (Srot. s-1917) 1' I,') Cnup yb len (,-1 Ney. F00amrth ldaplyd I y the t'nlin •it _.— - -_ - ____- -__191 _.__. In favor , -U. r� �C 7 Ily d SSSS - App ... vrd .. !- ._:191 - Jill - �%.-.Apiti t . Z ( __..__ _• -_.. __ __ MAYOR ....._NIr f OaM C A 0,;a 17 2M. n _ CITY OF 'ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM Subject: ..:.... iii'• - - COUNCIL F1Lq NO. .. t Date Presented...6ept.r__5th,,.191 J......_ esolve4l, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommenbation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received'for changing the grade and grading Fulh$m St. from Hendon Ate., to Como Ave. West, also building cement curb, sidewalks and steps on said Fulham St. between the aforesaid limits," and curbing on .the northerly side of the roadway on Como Ave. west ,across Fulham St., also terriaping and 'sodding"that portion of Fulham St. between Como Ave.-West•and alley north thereof, as the bids received were in excess of the engineers estimate, and the 'Purchasing Agent is hereby autho ized to readvertise for new bids on same, in.accordance with/the provisions of the . Charter. F.B. #1429. �— C F No. 18394—BY 31: N. Goes— thehereb concurstinl the That rncammnhdatloln of the Contronr C'ommltt and hereby reject. ' ail bide .res«l1 1 ror rhangIng the I.rnde and grading Fnihan, vi. from buildingAv.. 1. 0cm, •\tt 1. IN the I" - .tep.,o said Fulham St. between the aforn aid lin it ad . cu111111 at the - - nnrtherty.ld f th. rndx l -'I Como _ Ave. West clnl and across 111-9 that no tion of Ful- ham St. betty n.(:omo Ave,%teat and alley north tl t reaf. s, the rids veered worn In er of the enllne.e. e.'Imete.nail the rurchasing A.,.t I- - herehY authorlred in remlvertlse for a­ hid. nn same. In nc,.,d..ce with the provisions of the ChartrI, F. 11. Nn: 14_9. - Approved b the 6, 191711 Sept. S. 1917. (Sept: 9.1917) I I 1'e.. 01 Councilmen (I) N.Y. -"Farn.warth------- Ro- _. --- ---- -:_— L A lop led by the t ouneil 191. / ar 61 !sear - ... 7 Ryland _ • ':, �� ... . __ _- 191 Appioved O` ... Feller ' j[ // , .. Nell Against W nderGt�t v Jlr,_1d(Iitt. loin ; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t Subject: .. �. J ... '.. COUNCIL .. FILE NO. .. :.:...... ..... ...................:........... ..:r �. ..::.........................:..........,..... ....................:............... Date Presented Sept ...... bth.. J .,. p i 1 I Resolved. That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and 'hereby rejects'all bide receiued for furnishing all labor and material and.erecting complete, pump house and accessories for Payne -Edgerton Sewer Systim, as the bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate and the. Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids, on same, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1443. tr, F No, nlvrd, That ttY N• ttcst thea Council hereby the -rcromfiandatlitn-pf the `_.._ C,intmct Committee and hereby. reject, lir b!'n Ir�t material on dr rn1ectingcom - -' Plata pump house and ac•ree—l- for Payne -Edgerton Sen er System. as the - - bld eecelved was In zcees of the on, ' glneer'e!Ptimate and the Purchasing - Agent Is hroby authorised to toIkendver- .at for n bid.. on same, In accord- : - 1' Pare •It h. the. provlslonx of the Char. - ter. F.tt. No. 1119. Adopted by the Council Sept 6.. 1917 a - Approved Sept. 6. 1917. - (Sept 8-1917) I - 1'rx. (t') Coun/till leu (t'1 Nuys - - - Fxrdanctelb ,ldaptrd- 4y _— f6ns It, favor Agxinnl 1PmMerlirh - _ 111 rrrld.•u(.I vin - - -. FONMC Aa -C.•7 :M - MAYOR _ CITY OF ST:PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . COUNCIL FILE No........... . .......... . ...... :. .............. '04 )`,4. .................... ...... .......... ...................... Date hresented......�epy ._:.�Lh—.+-1.•7•..191...__ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of )1- the Contract Committee and hereby rejects•all.bide received for gradink Hartford Ave. from Griggs St. to Syndicate St.., as the bids received were.in°excess of the engineer's esti- mate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby, authorized to re - advertise for new bids on. same in accordance with the pro- visions of the Charter. F.B. #1433. C'F.So. 10386.—_ Resolved. That ¢the LNCou elle hereby concur. In the recommendntlon. of the Contract. CP,mmltteO end hereby re)ecte AVe. from GriggsSt to. SYnAlcal �t . th theIII"'c eUmate nd the•Purf` h e1nR AR nt le__hrreb)l.nthorl_ed-to -- feed Velli for new GIAn o . - aecordnn . wl[tl thep-1.n saeme In Charter. F It. lone f thel Adapted h the CO—11 Sept. 6. 1917. LDProve i S PL b. 1917. - - 13ePt. 8 1917) - I Fa xVnrlh '''```��� \1 Ited 1t 11 •Cmm d J w> 191 fl` In revor /Appl 1 d .. ('J/- 191 11 �gilat erlich)Ir i�lrnirvin MAYOR FORM C A11 3M CITY OF 8T. PAUL •;, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT J� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM , COU No ' - — �f T=— -- -_-----'---� —s ---yam. <- BY AUDITEbr F{J. ll .1917 181— PER l O 640 _ i Resolved that warrant" be be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and. in r the aou i ts set opposite their respective - names as specified in the folio ng detaikd favor of the persons. firms or corporations fo statement: r Yeas ( J) Coun ' men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Councillf)1� !{, Far orth In favor APPro Kel lyj (J �_AalIDSt MAYOR Y WtA tad Mr. President, RESO TIVIONS. No. 16167= Resolved that warrants be drawn lip o"I" City. Treasury; payable out of tbe.herelna[ter. aprcifled tondo-: and: In — favor of theperson., firm. ercorpon- llone for' thea amounts set. aapoelte .their respective n.= tft- apeclfled to - the following detailed atatemant: American-R.pDly C.. $16.02. S. A. Farnsworth, Co.',. Finance. 15.745.45. Edward'. A. Knapp; As,lgoee.l622.55. Adopted by the'Coonc,, BepL 6,7917. Approved Sept. 7. 1917. -- (Septa 15.1917) 19555 American Supply Co., 16.82 Street C. & PBV. Mound& Blv 556 S. A, Farnswoth, Comtre Fi1nance, 5,745.45 School -Salo 537 EdwarPet r Dic.keonAssignee'l+aw on , -'" -34.6o,r 522.55 Curbing I. 2 - Grading Bro'noto r C / D 2. 5 _ I� I Total i0 . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AIO._ F.('JeiC7C7_ ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE' ., SEP 6 -1917ev— —�, ' AUDITED Ial_ /•. G` 7. PER 3 6 9 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and . in favor of the persons, firms or corporations, for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fall og detailed i _ •statement: - �J Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council ' / 2 1_._191 // 7` – Farwsworth In favor Approved 181 Grist_ KdWi I M" _Against! l MAYOR ---- $if�and, -�- W derlich - Mr. President, TUMir IryAn. I _ C. F. No. 18a8a—' - - - - - Resolved that warrant. be drawn'. Upon tfle.City Treasury, payable out. , - - ;o[ the . herelmfter. g.cl0ea dunda and in'favor - or the persona. arms" or 101 - their respective matmileenn , spec10ed 1In.1 - the. following detailed statement: C. Bielenberg f768.B0 _ T N. Clow &Eon, 8,3.38941 John, B. Darling. BLD $10.00. 752.80 19543 C. Bielenberg, Farwell, 0amun, Klrk k Co., 13386. N. I. 6.00. , ,,,-o St. C&R—'}, P. C Prank C. James.' 8,3.00 Fatahurgh Coal Co.. $895.90. Sb Paul Builders Material I Co., 44 J. N. Clow & Son, $1.131.42. 8t Paul Cement Work.. $553.35.1= 2 169'.Al e. Water•Fxpense . J. 7. Sfllely Co., Inc.. 3880.72. Tranalt 8upP1Y Ca. 8300.00. ' W. 0. Watson. $88.00 i Adopted by the Copnoll Sept..8,3917. 30.00 , 45 John B e Darlings M . D. g f , Approved sept T. 1x37.I (Sept 18-1937) Corp. Counsel -Witness -oaa .cv. nJovar. 46 ' Farwell, OzmT1n, Kirk &Company, 31.65 1 Sewer C&R -Exp. St. C&R. -Exp I 7., , r -'22 Water -Exp. 47 N. L.`Huff, 175.0.0 Water -Exp.. _ 48 Frank C . James., _ 3.00 ' Water -Exp. `7 `-"49 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 295.90, Water -Exp. ` Material Company, 1,131.42 ' 50 St.Paul Builders Water -Exp. Works, 553.351 51 St.Faul Cement Wate r -Bxp -52 J. L. Shiely 'CO., Inc. 680.72 Fay. Rice St. ° Blvd. 66 60 r 15. 53 Mounds _� Transit supply Com pp pany, 200.00 Water -EXP. 85.00 54 W. G. Watson; Gen. MU. Gar.l Revolving. 7Q-tel1 6,108.25 ff-Fi a1`. i. :I i I \ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sukiject. .. COUNCIL FILE...-.I�i0.._..... .......... ._. Date Presented,-_ ..... .......In....� • a Resolved' That the applioatlon of Tinkelsteia dt Ruben` for s license to'Conk duct a motion picture and vaudeville theatre at19dt21 &. 7th. Ste (10 ots. admission ). be and the Sams hereiiy is granted and the j. City Clerk is instructed to issue: such'liosnse upon the payment into the City. Treasury of the fee(675.00)seventy flys dollars _...— Reaolved. Th.I the. applirotlon of Finkelstein-& Ruben, for nllecnee to conduct a mation picture and vaude- villa the at 11 and E. 7th SL, (lo . cis. admission) be and the same hereby Is granted and the Cay .Clerk is Instructed to Issue such lies.... upon the payment Into the CRY .Treasury of the. fee (i 7&.00).. seventy five. dollar.. - Adopted bY. the Council Sept S, 1817. - A1proved Sept. 7. 1117. - (Sept. 1&.1117) 1'va. (�') C uhrilnter. W) Nay. �. rn.worth _ - Adnphd by the Council lot 1 ylan 1 Cp —'b IC � eller 'underhrh III,. P—id -at. Irvin wArog - _. roww Cas CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL ,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. Subject .. `. .....,.. ... .......: ... ....... .�... ..,...COUNCIL w� .. FILE IVO. .: r Date Presented. ................................ .._ i Resolved, That themapplioastion of p.C.Primt for a license to conduct m theatre at 494 Wabasts. St. be and the same hereby is granted and the Oity Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the pay went into the Oity Treasury of the fee of one hundred dollars (100.00) C. F. Na 14790—nq Henrq BteCall— - - aeeolved, That the apDllcatlon of F. C. Priest for a .license to conduct a theatre at 494 WAbaeha St. be and the - - -_- - anmehereby Is .granted and the Clt Clerk a Instructed to Issue sue . _ h 11- cenee Upon the pagment Into the City TreaaurLo[._thz_tee-o�ons—hundred "-"—� --- L—- dollen (9100.00). Adoptedby the Council debt. 0, 1911. - ADprovedSept. 7. 1917. . IS L 11.1911) - C—milmen W) \eye Farm rlli ✓ Jt \J 11 •d, by th Vou-3 C In favor -- --- 7 A.Itfer, � App{aYd Mr. Prr.i.L•nt in - - - - MAVOg w CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION' -GENERAL FORM Subject:, .... -• FILE L 'FILE No. ......... .: ...... .. �w Date Presented ._....._ .........................191.....__ I 11 Resolved, �t the application of Jemee Gilosky,' tor lioenaa to opnduot bnl motion pictures theatre at 14&16 s. 7th. St. ba sad Ahe: 90441 baby l lark le instauotea to issue such "Can"; is granted and the City O ity Treasury Of the 0U&t0MWy tee of upon the past into.tha O 1 fifty (,dollars (50.00). _.-_r-F.-No-19314FHy Henry T1cCo11— _ ed• _ ..hn"-(:..It:atton_nf Jame. 011osky'tor R Ileen.e to conduct a motion Picture tfimtre nt 11 and 16 -P: 7tb- St. be awl thr .rtme hereby le granted to lneue .0ch Ifceneo Upon the pay mentInto the Cit7•Treneury n[ the euelomnry tee of f tunclll Sept 166 1917. Adopted try th^. .Approved HePt- 7. 11917) .. 7 . h') 0. nlmeu II•) says / G., • 1 In favor- ` Idyl. - - Applmed. 1 191 /AFanst,, �,11 i Il'•' 1 Wun Gch- - - MAYOR ryryt1tt►�r� y _ CITY'OF-ST. PAUL COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C � I 1 Subject: ... .. FOENCIL NO. .-..'.' .� .....\ Date Presented-,....:..__...... ............ _ ....::191...... Resolved, That the, spplioation of riukeistein & Fab for s license: to 00D­ duct ar motion picture theatre at 37 to 7th- Stbe and the same her etly is granted and the City 01ask is instructed to issue such license upon the psywMt into the city TseaRu►ry of the customary en Yee fifty dollars 050.00- I - -- - I - --------------- - - -- - -- --- H �(cColl--o[ yo. 1>1 Thnt 1> ppllc=n I ' F rl the t r. n.It eon g7 Flnk�lntcl lou ptrl thcntr� h ' ondoctS� ""'b tt n, th CI njeto lnxtruet E.. 7th t d t o cmn upon t o[ n th. Frnntrl*nue h 11t rrrenaur- - mr iomnr� ten lhot CuUtdl SeY0l0.CU loll. � n'Appro)od �Septl.l Inwn .-_Fir (•� - .' hl furor' '.: / _ � 'y Ilyla _._ ApIn.—lr. / ,. r 191 YrallFr i V / t -� tic `` - j✓ % AI(N116t MAYOR \Ir i'rrnid•ul - m c , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub ect = t t-.......... _. ,. .. - F!LE r, ,tjt3 Q � - FILE No. .. .. .. .. .... .. Date Presented....__. ......... ........:1�1 ......- Resolved, that the cigarette license no.19 which ezpiree F*1"24th.1919. . now is the name of John Yeloff &00.390 Vwcata 8T. be and the ape hereby is transfered to John Aiez 3q0 ll�oouta St. Tte 1 e1. That the cFe.b. t[.• ,&10 x�• \a..19 high axplre9 Feb. {th; 1919. now• 1 -the nmo of Jafin ]ic1oR &. Co. - ___—_______-39b-{ rec tr-3t..--be hereneferrMl tL John Atex. -390 \vncouta.St. Adopted. by the Council Sept. 6.1917. - 'I .\pproved Kept. 7. 191.7. (Sept.. 15-1917): I . 1 a (r 1 (tnn Irt t (1•I \ay. (� �arth...__ _ _ -'-' .- .ld(�Gd 6}'t)irY'n t b,li _— r Far 7 ,. Goq ' Fell W erllCll .... MAYOR .. 777 ..•n _ •ORM (. A Y 17 2M r CITY OF ST. PAUL[{ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM` SLIbJCCt ..::.... .'. ..... _...... ... ::. ..: .. ,.- ..._..,. ._.{ ........COUNCIL1 ;1 FILE - Cl i L: NO. ... .......... .... Date Presented...... .......... _...... ............ 1....___ That the oigerette liosnse No. 244 whioh expires June 6 1919• 1 Resolved, now in the name of Y.Siiverman 131 Sts"111 St.be and the same hereby is tromfered to Joe Bonsext 131 State St. p C F No. 18991—Ry Henry. McColl— R solved. That the clRarette llcen.e ' N 841 which expire. June8 1919, now - --.--- in the-n.." at A1.-911Yotmsfl--191-State St., be and the eamahereby 1s tr.n.- i [erred to Joe RORR.rI. 191 State B 1 - i Adopteil by the CounetlSept. 8; 1917.' Approved 9e Pt. 7. 1917. - (Sept. 18-1917). , a 1 F.r urth � Adnptrd by tI • 1 .0,61 �16 -. _ (i.e -_ __ In Tavor II)I IdfI[. -. 6 App,[ d �- .. 191.. •. ANninst �_- _._\ 1 1 IL I In At, I I nl, inI 1 , FORM C Aa �M AYOR CITY OF 5T. PAUL I COUNCIL RE.SOLUTIQ.KC- ENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL - FILE No. -, Date Presented 191 eso1v ed Ci4 Li y it- net e p C. F. No, 18396—try Hrn"Y ` -- - 1',eaalYed, That there is hereby lrrtne - •I. Terred from the Saint,- Itemof Bureau- - - ar OFFndd pettermentl 1.. of o tr then ame fund the um of Twriva thousand Five _ l -Hundred r) II s (81:600.0 0) thereby g "re ventinn nnvoldeble deWe In the last named item. Adopt. 1�b> the Council Sept. G. 1837.. Approved Sept. 7, 1978. (Sept -8-1917) - 1 Yeas ( t') CauCihnw. ( ) Nays Fworth - Adopted by the Council V 191 In favoros _ - — f - Flyla d Approved 191 Kelle V Against iIr PresidtRit, Ir in CITY OF ST. -PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL. FORM - _- Subject: nLa NO. _ Date Presented. •, . ` o, �iII19(7 . • .S_ i ,t.J�:U J �J _:@ +'o1L. J Ji - -� ,., ,.�. � -. ,, .1L ..� u../i`-; t,i divvi' v Resolved, ,I:e 137, c:.; .... e.. J. . _C.: i tied. 01, bu .. :G _ 0 a)O .':)' UJC:i F No. '16396—RY U. N. dose— Whorcas. It 1e neceaeary to protect _,_-.,--_-_ _ _ , the Di ere at the alarahall Ave: Rrldge. - .. _ -_. ____... _._due-totthe-ralsing-ol-the -water -ln_the lliselselgDl River on account of the High Dem. Reeolved. That the plane, pecilica- � tionsand estimate or Quantltlee .?b - tied by the Commis. oner of Pu? ' mlblie Work. for the above named Improve- '• '- - - - - menl be nad the same are hereby aD-' tl6cei.Ced fl. �.� p?r�ra j n - �r=t., by the Council Sept. a. 1917. Approved Sept 7. 1917. CetlrleC+l,n Pll t❑ &[;Cve - (Sept. 36-1917) Peso] Ut i9l,�. I Yeas ( t•) Co cilmen ( t-) Nays -- Adopted by the Council % � 191 -Far worth G In favor _ c Ke Approved 191 ....._ M I, ✓ • Against Mr. President, era, ' MAYOR FORM C.9.2 \-- CITY OF ST. PAUL • '- CQUNtrIL R r50LUTI �J',fGEN E.RAL,FORM '• - .Subject: COUNCIL No. _- raa Date Presented J . I' -, 191 / G C/ = Resolved: 1.17 oc vm Ji.. 1314. SZ_ JI'. y'•Ji .�� ',0'i ... CO.:., b..C.-„_.... J]. .. ,:C".; t to v__„u.. .1'. - ... F. .. �.y .. ,, - '-Y S'I _.•__' t :.ice— - _----- --- ..._._--- --- ._-- --_ ' CJI'. ;;_...G _.. . 1... 0,• -. •. ,_ i; -"I. p•._ (.0 I i .,rl• ,, ..FL':' in - - C. P. V. 18997 -By It N. Coos— Re oI1cd. That the time apeclded for 1, I - the Performance of a certain contract dated May lel,. 1917 between Christ i Johnson and the City of SL Paul for the construoticn of . Imwer, on Eva tit be- tween Florida 9t and Chicago. Ave., and on Plato St from Eva St.. to State - - St.. be and the same le bereby..atended to September Uh, 1917 and the proper -- city officers are hereby ,authorised to 'e:scute an amendment to said: con- - tract In necordance herewith, provided. however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the - - - sureties on the contractor's. bond ton - sent thereto and Ne such= In writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sept. S. 1917. Approved Sept 7'1917. ftiepL'16-1917) Yeas ( I') Councilmen ( I') Nays Adopted by the, Council /�O 191 FaKiwort11 favor 191 Obis In -..-.. Approved t / Meller f AgairRt f /'\!l i --Moll / -..k/ , MAYOR Y .•..� :. _ Mr. Preside 'Pow«: 1 . . '.: CORM C.8.2 j... Ic I 0 ��'t: Sv ,. .. -!C311 i'1. <,. ..6 .-_.� r .C.. CO 1_':C• ,Il E. _. .:U 3G V`` _y�.tl �i f. 4�u1 _. _ �� J_�f:7':;Cr, 11.7• i5 v :o u �- 'e on _ Council File No. _..: PROPOSAL -FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The unuctsigned hereby proposes the inaliing of the following public improvement by the City of Paul. viz.•.:'-:... Sl. 1 c 1.,I.li...t.L'...11..3.t7.:....1L: ...... . ..: ................ .......... _ .. ..._,� ......�.................................. ...... ... ..... ...�.... ........ ..... ...... i... ...... _.... .......�....._. _.. Dated this _.. p vii___:_(lay of .iQ l+..f: 191 1 . ' 1 A 71 j r .. _..-4- .j ..::f:.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \1'111 RI tS, A written pro for the making of lile following m{p�ovement viz .......... J"....... .. ......... ....... ....... ....:... PREL[MINARY ORDERS.. ..: ... ... .... C. 1r. erw 7' A w Whereof, h written prorofal for the .......... - %-ix: c 0[ the Yollow ewer n Ark meet ....... ....:...... ,. --- tlf. 'Construct a sewer on point) It St from Jeesamine St to a point 116 having been presented to the Council of the City of feet south of the eoutff line of testa mine St having been presented to the mine It - Council. of the City of St. Paul there- _ fore. be it .� RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PlIblit Public )works be and honk herebyror�l and til reeled' tiered, and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabili , 1•ae o in.vevt of )the the necessity 6f sold' ' . 2. To investigate the nature, extent Holl estim Improvement. r• To Inver ... the nature. pextent rove-lhe.lolal cosi thereof. and. eatt ,, cost or said Improve- . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said i_ma t, a dt the totnncpinnost heproalc' oT sketch of ram improvement, nth,rnl:... .. _.. .... . 4. TO furnish the following other data and inf( t; To furnish � tho following data anti intormatlon relative to: eafd Imprnvemrnt; whether or not -aid Im- - --- - ' '.""' . i.. _._ __.... _. -. ;.... 6. To state. - procomrnt Is asked for on petition ti. TO slate whether or not said improvement i ofathree e or more e " nllsnl the forego.>r more owners.' h. To report upon all of the foregoing matters, inW matters to tato Commissioner o[. Ad.p b(9the Council Sept, 6, 1917. ; .J-- pa 7.4917.. '} ! Approved (Sept. 16-1917) Adopted by the council Yens: Nuys: Councilman Fa sworth t - --- ---- • ---._Cris'Approved__--._ ----- Ilya nd n 7 K r f lir Ile \1'q erlich t i _..__ ....._..................... Mayor irri, Mayor. Council File No. ✓... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,Vigned hereby proposes the wanking of the following/bIri,mprovement by i�e Gity 'of . 1 t of St. I'aul. VIZ. -e.l u bC.:;a:i.al i n �.. vur.e...�d.LL ,... ...... _....... - _--- .... _...---- u:� ���ch.:.4..... .... f 1?nted tilt o...b .day of 4.W..k.... 191 (.r. - %i _ 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: 4.h.r. _. 'taeBV Lute y . hfISSRV 'm 'H 'K the .'cemenr the sidewalk: on thee: east side of. Forest St.. beginning at:. neech having been preBented to the Council of t11C 1 SL, thenco south 90 feet, having been presented to the Council of the City of tIICI'C[orl• Nt. Paul therefore, be 1t - he.it Resolved, Irhat the Commissioner of ItE50I1'ED,'fhat the Commissioner o Public{Yorke be and he is hereby 'WordMed and directed' tiered and directed: 1. To Investigate the necessity for rOt'CIt1Cn 1. - l. 7'O investigate the nl`ecssity for or d or dcslrabltity or the making of said ' Improvement. _' To Investigate the nature, extent t, and the total cost thereof. 2. TO investigate the nature, CXLCnt an, . and e.tiTated cost of said improve - the , anthe total cost thereof 3. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch t a. To furnish w pian.:: proa or ekech of said Improvement. - - -1. To furnish the following other data' data' andinformationf information relative tother en d rovement; Imorovement. - 6. To state whether or not said Im- - - ---""' --- - - - - -—` d for on the petition -' or la Aske of three a more on all [ three oe.more owners. ;). TO State tt'lICt11l'r Or not sa111 Ilii. g To report upon all of the forego- Ing matters to, the Commissioner of nee. ' ti. To report upon all of he foregoing Finance. Adopted by .lite Council Sept. 0, 1917. V_6 Approved Sept. l 1917. Adopted by the (j council _:1. . 6...... laevt 1 -191» 1 Yeas: /� • flys: - Councilman 1 n aworth -- -- G Approved.... n • 1�'ttpiltfYich _..._..... _...__..... ................ - Aicyor-jpd"_1nMayor. ------ — �7 e.s-.-- PETITION ('6111161 File No._ a�.',i ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT . and " i PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of- the following public iutprujement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: open, widen`. and:.. extend: an alloj fourteen (�4J�. f.ea.t.._iA.:rridthJtom 'dackub rt. s.ti.x'9e.t...t.R_ K.c.at...sues..t.:_bntaee7i.:I4l.ehiar.t ay.enua...and....G rrc.11:._6tsanue thro�h.,;the..f.o.1. owl.ug: addi.tin.na ..Wsbt....Side.:..Annexe:`."ait.in�,!.c .S a3iYi.nifln iof ppat.:.a rt Lot ._tl..31•k...27- Laalci:bi:n.:.....isL}al.l.ta.Ad'diti.oa.,�1k...3,.Auditnr-!.a aubdivi sio'n Subdivision IlAff'and Irvine Plaoi. Date) this .._.-5th. _ _..-:day of ... .September1917 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ___ O�en,w,iden rzl1,extend an_a11ey...fourtrean.....(14)_--fwidth from Laakub_in St., tl...Kant....S.t.. „bs.txr.acn._l.lsHart ..ani. tions;._W.eet S.ubdivision. ....of .pant of tat L.., .l.k.. 27,dLtditore Subdivision ;io:.31,'oritz'. Subdi.vi.sion "Al! and Irvine Place: having been presented to the Council of the City If St. Paul by Councilman rinsla 000 4*ad ,.out- stir onan •l., thCiclO[e, he It .adnp u1 polrlmgns ►q 01 s,. spIH3 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public° �,ea+ l,ae s o uo. sola na ,o c . 1 wd dinxted f x oa:.• A,asaJ .Lila q,L 1. To investigate the necessity forlor desirnbilit morlts Subdivlxlon�e Pince hnving been presonted to the t' .Council of the. C111' of at Paul there 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima fore, he le 1e total cost thereat_ - 11 olved: That the Commleeloncr_ of 3. To furnish a plan..prof3le or sketch -of said it Public 1vorke be and he Is hereby or- dered and directed: 4. To furnish the following other data and into] or"dedrabllltytlof lthehmaking eofyssold Improvement a ' To Ia to the nature, erten[ and estimated coot of said Improv meat •---- — 1Jand the total cost. thereof. - 5J. To state whether or riot "ail improvement 1 x, To furnish a plan. proalo or r more owners. I sketch of Bald Improvement fl. To reporU spoil all of tJu f regoing matters I / To furnish the following other -- C� lata. and Information relative to onld Im . o . at. Adopted b ' the council ><_,. o b. To state whether or not Bald Im- f S provppmeat le naked for on the pelltbn of terse or mora owners. Yeas: 6 ' in report upon 11 m the fore- - going ma,t3re to the Commissioner of Councilman Farnsworth I Finance Adopted h3• the. council Sept 6 1817. (; wprove] Spspt 7. 3817 lul ept:-lb 1817) llylk { K/l�i5l \t�+C I V 1 _ � 1 \1' dcrlirh liayoiiil✓vin Mayor. -------- -- PIVA16 Oar— . C. 18107 the M - In the Matter orronsu - 'theIdexrth to a —. - on the north'eWenl r0rumbe . It ad to - ` �nd on the west eld, _ Ave. from James I. t — tinder Preliminary Ot . provwl July 26. 1917. - - I Apublic hearinC hav t the above Improver Ir tl.-e, apd the Connell COU\CIL 7.1LE NO.... pereone. objection. a Hope relative therm, flyconsldered the e It IIy... .olty 1. By it,, t.tSPI nl that ` FINAL ORDER ''" ��''�a� I, } In the Matter Of... ..G.Qn13t.T1Gting.3. GBIrer .tide-.sills lk---ttl G-d a -W#th-ef•-• •••• tir feet. 0- .tla._..north_.fide...of...Jmmea-.St...... sola�..Ed�c t,,ae..Foad...te-.1,,exingt.0n... lv e' .t ... and..or. t, e...>ata.at...si,.a.. t.,...:ta..Band o}.ph...St. ; ander Preliminary Order 17.233 approved i � Ii rtermediary Order .. aptroved .' A public hearing having been had tipon the abovt. ituprov,,in lilt upon due notice, and the Council having heard nl�ersons,, objections. and recommendations relative -thereto, land havin ' fully considered the same; therefore, be it , RESOLVED, By the llouneil of the CitV f St- Paul that the precise umture, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made, by the said Cily is.. conet.ruct a cez.ent.. tile- sidexalkto I- vridth.. af, r.ix feet on the north'fide of James St, from adgcumbe lioe.d toLexington I Ave;. and _-on.the-west- side--of Lexington Ave. from James St, to-Randolph: St,' j' and the Council hereby ordtls said improvement to be made. RF.SOI.VED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public \Vol ks be and is hereby instructed and directed to', prepare plans and specifications for shill ini}trotenlent, and submit same to the Council for approval;. that upon saMepproval, the proper city otliejals nre;hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of' said improve} nt in accordance there}iith. j Adopted by the Council- 191..rC .............-.... ..... ....... ' ...... City Clerk. ' Approved.., 19] t% — Mayor. Councilman Farnsnorth / Councilnlaril lions Councilmal{/itt hard Couneilman Keller I\ - Cooneilmmi 11CC011 t✓ Councilman lvuuderlieb \Llyor Irvin - F'urtu It j - Z' I - CITY PAUL S DEPARTM F. FINANCE. REPORT OF COM' IONER,OF FINANCE - ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. A In the Matter of .ConatrucVing aceLu t .tile sidewalk. to a width of, eSx feet on the North aide of Jan.as street frog. F.dgcumbe Road to hexington ave, and on the West side of Lexington ave frcm James st.to Randolph street, . under Preliminary Order approved July 25th, .1917, To the Council of the City,of St.' Paul: The Com i issioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ---.—The total-estimated-omoenl- f the.a•nespment_for_,the-.heve_impro_vement_is The estimated cost per foot for the ahovg improvement is $ 0.66 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asse;eed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the V\ssessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Fz. F.dGctn.Le Roud, 17 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 350 16 1 250 15 1 250 14 250 13 1 300 12 1 2600 11 1 2900 10 1 300 -o - 1 - 1160. 8 1 300 ,. 13, 10 ....- CIT`. PAUL -- - - l DEPART OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE — ON PRELIMIN�RY ORDER (C) . . ` DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK-' ADDITION - .ASSESSED VALUATIONS 7 1 Laxir.gtctt Park Plat 7 600 6 1 300 1 325 1 4 Lexingtcr. Park Plat.? 325 2 4 250 1 Sternberg's.Addition, 175 2 St. Paul, linneeota i 375 1 i , 10530 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his.eport thereon to the Council, together with the report ) rand e to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. __... 19d � LG__lvt - i�tited --��(/ : Commissioner of Finance. X77.3 3 hqh, Office'of `the comrru,ioner of Public Works Peport to Commissioner of Fina�ncel rt:_-L.iat 4.tr. _._....191 Tu the.Uonunnisyiouer of Fivanee of tbc`(itr­of St. Poul:. I'he Couuutssioller of Public Works, booing bad 1111,14.1. consideration the preliminary older of the Cann relative to.. ,. cin, knowo us Council Fill. No, 17733, pl)proel d ...__.... Y . ...._... r _ .......1 11 - Dona r �ie t t 4iie lk_ to 2 ^riflt' of 6'x f t on tre = - north side of yet: � t. roc acurLb oe o La Z ton r r h i an on e N�,zt aj.,Ie c,f trait. Sind having investigated the uutttera land thitip referreSlto therein, InrrcU, reports:` I 1. said iulprovmacut is _,._.ueu�a$,try ontl (or) desirable. oB¢, per lir. a'_ fo.ot „ cost .thereof is . 'PhD estiaulted cost thereof is S- "lit' the total 'd the nlrlure ltml extent of said inlpeovegleut is Jul follows: II. 3. A Ono, profile or .letch of,sdid improvement is heretO :dtached and made it part hereof. 4. d, Said improvement is.. . _._ _.:asked for upmn petition of three or more nwaers of property, subject to assesxmeot for said iolptovemeut. -_ ioolluissioner.of PuUlic_ Woek(j— ' — ----------- — Matternf constructing a, cernen' c to n Idth r .1. Jarr". at. J!"', Z ct t ndlr 1 St.. nd, lltrdaIII.nr.Ord,, 17,414. Ppl­ 0,11, ­rlrix h­lrig be- h rd.Prif­ ..d ntl­ tbereto, and h-1 lered the -r; therefo 11, thr V.ti.ru f thr C COIJNCIL Hold Clty 1. Ir th Hoath 'Id'. rdf J.. BY'. St. to SY.41rllte Il heroliN ord— t he - srther. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... car-Etructing a eezer.t tile •aidswa-lk t -G. C- -=J -d% -h OT ............. .............................. Syndicate �t........... ... . ........... I ..................... ................................... .................. .......... .................. 6� ............... . ..... .... .. . ........ under Preliminary Order approved July .6, 1917s- In termediary Order approved 'A public hearing having been had upon the abOV-- improvement upon 411C notice• and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relatit', thereto. and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the CRInneil of the Cite or -3t. Paul that the precise nature, ektent and kind of improve- inent to be made by the said Cit.y is, cznAtrv.ct1 F_ cer-ent, tile sidewalk to a Wid til of six feet.on the south aide, of James St. from Griggs St. -to Syndicte .St.._ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUIRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifleations for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that i upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby amborized and directed to proceed Nvth the making I 4 said improvement in accordance t Fh r eZt' b. Adopted by the Council 6 19 171. ........... City Clerk, Approved Mayor Councilma n4arnsworth Councilinan/Ooss TL. Council man/vyla it d Councilman '/Nei Ier Councilman 'McColl Councilman Wtinderliell Mayor Irvin FUR. U B - F ST. PAUL '_--- OEPAR TOF FINANCE REPORT OF COPWSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR NARY ORDER fl In the Matter of Cons tntctt j.Tsz, a _eewen t t.ile side, ali to a wi3th of. six_fe G on, the:eouth side of Janes street._frou, Grigge.street tc Syndicate etrleet,:_ under Preliminary Oidei approved Jlll }' .6th, 1917 � I I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ y The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the abIoe improvement is $ The estimated cosi per foot for the above improvement is $ 0 86 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E 5 C R I P T 10 N LOTA O D 1 T I O N , BLOCK ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 4 Lexington Park Flat 6, 3700 300 2 A 725 Fast 9G feet of J. 4 3 1 1125 gest 10 feet of 4• Fast 20 feet of 5 4 --- 1125 West 30 feet of 5 4 Fast 10 feet of 6 4 � ci E 4 ---PeE1__S_ett -------- 1175 TOTALS:. T:: PAUL DEP' ENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT :C ISSIONER OF FINANCE ,OF :. _. ON p INARY' ORDER, (C). - I ASSESSED "LOT BLOC ADDITION VALUATION " DESCRIPTION ' • -- - g 4 Lexin tori Park Plat c 300 300 9 4 I 225 Fast36 feet of 10 4 1225 West 12 feet of 10 4 East 26 feet of Ill .4: L' 1550 West 24 feet of 11 4 13 4 • ,1 I 11750 _ -_-_ he has inves4igated all -of-the aforesaid mnttera, am The Commissionerof Finance furtheF reports that foregoing his report -thereon to the Council, together. with the report made to him in hereby submits the as — -- --- ___reference t_o_sald mntter by the Commlamo�ie _c .D.s Work., .,� � .. ----------- -- �fl- 191 f L):rted—�ti i Commissioner of Fi�nce. It. tt. 1 Office of the Coma issioner -of Public Works Report to Commissioner of. Finance n ' Jul} 27th, 1917.:: '1'o the Commissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Conunissimter of Public Works, hoeing hnd wader eo tilidet•tttion the preliminary order of the Col cit, known as L;ntlncil File No. .17414.. approved uU�} °thl. 1917-.... relative to.:. -oonstrl c`__n;—a : -m tile aide �_ cY to .,idt" of six feet an...the-_tc,:.Zyndizz-,te mrd having investigated the matters turd things referred to therein, hereby reports: I f 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable.., 64 per lineal foot ., Tile estimated cost thereof is ._ _., and the total cost thereof is j _ yXx.__ mrd the nature hod estivtt of said improvewtent is w; follows: a. A plat, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached mrd made it part, lurreof. i 4. 5. Said improvement is:.. I!Qt __ _ ...asked for upon petition (if dirce or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. — r -_Commissioner of Public Wo ki. ----------------------- In the Matter f r.,.notructing, n, Id th relayonn0, pr...line'feet adJ. the. rt. olthet .[do of South I ab.oha t - canbe- nn 71t 21 AtAd vacuo aaV �Vzq call 1. edwlrtVY 0., 'COUNCIL FILE NO.. . ... ... . .. .114qed, V env By-.. pun autwb nano is 3Si to Ian Vt .114 1"," q.14- .41 FINAL 101 "al ol Qq al V old a iq. In the Matter of reconstructing, tI.F--accent t•31•e sidewalk to a width or pix, UP . .......... . t.o .................. .............. 'eipzt side of of CaloTa-dG Gtw-j therce th,.156, feglt, . ...... under Preliminary Order 175E9 approved Jul y 17, 1917, Intermediary Order i. A public hearing having been had npoll the ahove julproveluent upon lite notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; !therefore. be it RESOIATD, By the Couneil of the City of St Paul that the greesenature, extent and kind of improve anent to be made by the said City is reconstruct;. relay. -Lad repair the cement tile sidetalk-to.-a width of six.feet adjacent to D'roperty line on the east �side. of South 'Nabau'rx. St., 'beginning 72 feet north of Colorado St,, 'thence north -156 feet.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RHSOLVFD FURTHER, That lite Conunksioner of Pubije-Works be and is hereby instructed and directed 'to prepare plans and specifications for said iniprovement,,aild submit game to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity officials are hereby authorized acyl directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ti ith. Adopted by the Council..../..._ IJl... �: City Clerk. Approved. Mayor Councilrind Farnsworth Councilman �(;osl_i 7 CouncilthanItyland Councilman'Keticr. C '0 '1 uneilinall 10,oll Councilman Wunderlich Mavor Irvin Form H. 1), A. 8-7. D9PR� FINANCE REPORT OF STONER OF FINANCE (NARY ORDER IntheMatterof ....`.'econstntctir.L, relaying and repairi.? the cera^_.t tile sideway to a width o. six feet adjacent to the FroFert7 line or. the Fast Side o: Sc ` Tr-,Lasla s} " ° et north of Coloraio Street, �tnerce ...... ..._ -�_.. _ it , .. .._.... -........ ..17, . I under Preliminary Order approved_ July 17th, I.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The,total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- square The estimated cost per ooT for the above improvement is — $0.06 . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed beni.fits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, ore as follows: — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION- ASSESSED VALUATIONS 1 d Auditor' P'vtdivision 50- St. Paul, Yirn. I i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hire in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /} Dated %/ /L 191 4a i J /���<.l..: .GL r�G/1...... Commissioner of Finance. IOM e. w. • o 'I Office of the Com ones of Public r_ Report to Commissioner. of Finance i 1 July 27th t. t _.1917.. To the Couuuissitoier of Finnnec ofthe l::ity of -St. Paul:. 't +' 'I'lu• Conttuisnioner of Public Works, hoeing lain undIM. cottsiderotioa the prrliminory order of the CMot• 175E9Ju'y 17th, 1117 tcluticc to 1p eil, knows, as Cntul File \o approved -- raoore iuotin., relaying ane set airing t.e cen rt i:!o eine alk „-ice h of tiix f`et adj e tl to the, f_iofe,:�Y lin cn ane c 3aat e� e of 5vt�th at.GSEa t..'beginr.in� 72 feet -ort? of,, _ JoGarado thence ncrth 156 feet. and haeittg investigated the Matters and things referrvil to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said iM{uoceweut is __... necessary nud (or) desirable..' . o¢• Ter .lirewl foot no, estimated eost thereof is $ ,.and the total cost thereof, is, $ the tuttur,. nud esteut of said improvement is its folloo•s: nchrd and uuule o part horrof. a. A plan, protliv or sketch of said inyrroveutetd is hereto aU 4 ;,. tiuid improvementis ..._ gpt_.asked for upott petition of three or more owners of property, subject w assessuu•ut for said iMprovement. l'oi uuisiipler of Publi Works. L _......... -^-------------------------- r I ( COUNCIL FILE NO..... By:. FINAL (ORDER In the Matter of...-...const_uc.tinig-a..c.enient..:tila ."4e-wall-t-c--i-w•:•dt._ �.-••-s� I -feet—on...tk e,..sauttl _ a i '.e ---. innd S.t behin axil at jai ta) t.•)•.. ti:arsce west to and in i fair 7pr 3 .t -o :.-...... ..L -.....ort .............._....- ._ ......... ,..,....... I under Preliminary Order _ .17.5.87 _:-approved July. 17, 1917, - Intermediary Order :. approved . A public hearing having been had upon the above i {l Ijrcov�lnent upon due notice, and the Conully having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative• thereto. and havingfully considered the 'same; - therefore, be it — RESOLVED, lir the Coulivit of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,extea't and kind of improve- . -i. f ment to be made by the said city is... CotistrtlC.t E. CaLl C;rt -fila sidewalk: to G width—of six feet ,on.,the south ide'of, L.fonu `•t beginrirg..at A.'il.ton St.,. thence. ve.1 t.. to -mrd _incl..d_rl- S ct 3, �, o addition.. oc.i_: Chet-oworth „t. ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ! _ RESOLVED FURTHER, 'That the Commissioner of Public! Yorks be and is Hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and; submit same to the Council for approval; that _ upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized -and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordant thle\cith. Adopt -:l3 by the Council. - . -: ,z..... _ 19(1... r C i t v Clerk. _ p I :Approved. . _ . -_ 191,... -- � I f tit that the, iPncl 0.- _ �11lVOr. �� I t t l kine f Iml n) e Councilmnd I arnsn•ort I n :e 1 t If,, Id City la nd[r to -11111-1k t Width Couucilmal# Boss r eett t n fit,- t o n r) r 1 S— beginning oulleilluail Il\lanel 1l eglnnl 1. t \ten t of IU t to 1 1-11.111.9 I t 7 l luck t.hats- j Councilman elh:r crib St \ndulu iu m Council J bur ny o 1 all n P m t to be t:'ouncilnan YeColl J I man i R ao11 1 Further. That th. Commla- councilman Wunderin.il slon s f lulu works l and 1 h•re h)• I t o t- l 1 1 " ,l to Prepare Mayor Irv'tf Pla ,and- P In tl r to, cold Im- J - pro e t d t It to the Council for p{ 0 1 that UPon said 1••u l7a F:. ti. a. Ke.approv,1 the{ V Cif) fel 1 her 1) atl,or! od d. I t 1 to Vro- rerl with the.naking'oE anll 1mVrovr- - meet In ace rd n e. ther•swlth. - -Ad {t 11 'th 1 tel 4 pt, 6"19n. - - Approved ePt. 19171: - (Sept 15-19 7) . r ST. PAUL , T.OF FINANCE 1 DEPA REPOR OF CO STONER OF FINXLNCE - ON PRE ARY-ORDER. --- — 0onstruc'ting iia ceu.erit the sidewalk to a width -of six .feetton In the Matter of thence "°est to . thesouth siieof Lafond, street beginr,ing at tdiltcn street, Lot 3 Block 2, Chatsworth street Addition, and including 1917 17th July , under Preliminary Order approved Ju, _.:..' To the Council of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ae follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ? -- - _ $ 0.66 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or last reported by the Assessor, are is follows: parcel as .. ' DESCRIPTION j LOTi BLOCK ADD IT ION _ I ASSESSED r VALUATION 1 2 Joseph R. 9eide's. 300 I 2 3 5th Adii tion to S t. 1725 . 625 3 a Paul 225 4 2 70C 5 2 225 ' s a 225 -7 2 2125 6 2 225 9 2 - TOTAL. ° Ma, T. PAUL DEP ENT OF F."N6E _ REPORT OF ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON P INARY ORDER iC) _ ". �. DESCRIPTION - LOTsLocn. ADDITION __- ASSESSED VALUATION 1' 2 Ch€}xawogttr Street fiJzi:ion : 1925 a.. 2 to the (City 0 St,paul, 1 2�5 . 3 2 Ramsey County, &i inn. 250 1 - t ' 8975, The Commissioner of Finance further reports .that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in _-leferenc�_m_ .Y the -Commissioner -of Public Works. Dated 191 :� G ..It.Fr. — 7: Office of the Com Fio'wof Public Works Report to. Commissioner of Finance ' I'o the Couuuissioeit of Finance of the City of St. Yaul Tile Commissioner oFPublie,\Yorks, h6ving hod uudcr rmisiderutiou tile preliminary m•dii,,,C 1111• Coiiu- . 175'7novrd jt:ly 17th, 1!11'7_, relative to n , _ cal, known as Couneil File No _ 17587pproved constr> ctinc,. Im�n ale a�de..alIL to „._ldth of ix f"et.. � � I Ito, o Aide of Igf... --- - - - —-. 0.1L 1j _... d r tii.in-tr3,Lot „eo� �o r . , .. �.. 111111 Laving investigated the matters and things t1derred tit lhereim, here reports: 1. said improvemwit is __mecessary and (m') desirable. oG¢ ler lire cd foot . ix I. The estimated east thgrgof is $...... all(,the total Bost tilt the oatin•e.ltiml extent of said improvement is as follows: _ - i :{. A phmi, profile or sketch of said iapiroveweat is hereto attaehed fwd made it part hereof. a: _ a. is... __..._.... _......asked for upon petition a• of three or more omers of snbjee Said iuq,rocememt t to Itssessmtetit for said improvement. i - — - -- - - _ l.mnuussimtta• of Public � of kms: — June 18._1917' To the Council of city of, Saint. Pauly M nnesota.- � - Gent'ler pn: We the undersigned;"o,vners of property, do petition your ,Honorable, body to have, a cement` stone side, alk laid on the South side La Fond Street begin- ning at Milton Street thence West, to. and including Lot cumber 3 -Block number -Chatsworth Street add%tion GGf�Gr �i4;�Lt,rG� i 1 -- — —r- ---- --- =-- — -- — - C. 1 NO. 18406— , \tatter e1 construct . `l mcnt tli. IJ Ik to. 1. •, .,r1mree ttc on Jr St. IAfen+t.-wt Joa 1 1 n•IIm1n r1. Order 171 \ p , obll n h rinKkihavin/t be. _ n the bove ImprovamentUp. , Ice. .nnd the Cauncll hnving persona UJcettorm and: re"' ons relotivo thereto, ore 1 c nalderod the enure; d .11 IveJ. nY the Connell ar thr. Paul that the.. precise n: COUXCIrJ.FILE VO....... end kind or Improvement . hY the oldClty In constr' the sldew nik [o a width t. - By.:. ._.. Inth side jClea .at w. lo. ai , lot. Ht St. r 1 - UY rs said I' e - FINAL ORf-^ :- Toe; - In the Matter of._. 0=13truct:ing a.. cement tile. s1deM. '1X..te _ .width of_:•.._.•i six_(.5.j...f.e.at...an: both _e4A.P.6..of.Cleer...5t,....from arcade•.St...•to endota_.St....•� i . _...... mnder Preliminary Order 1'-150.- approved .tune 21, 1917. hltermediary Order .. glprovetT. _ A public hearing haviiiir been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,.and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relatice'thercto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve,) . meat to be made by the said City is:. constru.et .a._Cement..%ile: sidevaik. to...a..Vidth.._. of_.six f.eet _an .both.. asides of .01ear Ste -frgm A;iFA40e. St..._ to ISendota..St,,_..• ..:... .. ....... _.... ............. ., I ...... arid the Council hereby orders said improveinent to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Norksl,be arid is Hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, nnd submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city o4i�AIs are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making] of said improvement in accordluier thyiv with. - - - / f Adopt, d by the ('nun •il f �' lel i tIh• Clerk. � Mayor. Councilnlau Fitrnsw-nlh Colllwihuul4th.. - ?L'13LItitIGID _,-J Couucilmoi:IIVhuni ' Couucihnan Kell. r f Cuuncilmolllct-'ull :.i � � ` 1'ouncilman';lVuuderlich \savor Irvin Furut It S A r< Z — - PAUL F FINANCE REPORT OONER OF FINANCE JPRAVRY ORDER f` 1n the. Matter of Construotin.g a anent.. tile• eidaaalk "to a Width of .six feet on both sidee'of Clear Street from Aroade street td Mendota street, under Preliminary Order approved June 21st,1917' _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The.total estimated amount of the assessment for the abjve improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or - parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DP_SCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS LUATI D VALUATION _ 17 6 Lanese Phalen Grove 200 18 6 Add., St, Paul,Minn., 475 19 6 125 20 6 125 21 6 125 West' of 22 6 ?5 East of 22 6 ) 200 23 6 3 • 34 s 125 25 8. 150 TOTAL... " 1'onn 11. 11. 10 .. ' .. .. # T. PAUL t - DEP NT OF FINANCE I' REPORT OF C ISSIONER'.OF FINANCE - ONAM INARY ORDER (C) D E.5 C R I P T I O N LOT SLOCIt ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION 26 6 Lane Ia.Phalan. Grove Add- 150 27 6 iticn, St. Pahl', Minn. _..__ 150 28 6 175 12 7 350, 11 7 175 . 10 7 175 9 7 175 175 8. 7. 7 7 175 6 7 175 175 175 4 = 175 3 7 175 2 7 175 1 7 • i t - 4,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him; in reference to said -matter by the Commissioner ,of Public Works. — — — _.... r/ Q191 7- v s t U S i Dated Commissioner of Finance Fdnn I1..11.. 12 Office of 'the Comtri ssioner of Public Works =- Report to Commissioner of Finance June 74th,.. 'Po thin Colmuissloner of FinAilclIe of tit, city of St. ,Paul: Thr Conlnlissioticr of I'ulilie ivoi•ks, ha'•ing hatl under comidrl`at4ol the prcliAlitinry order of the Colne 17150 Jun 21st / ,_._,....1!11.:., relative tn:_. .. n. 11roved ......_ , cil, knowit as Council 1• ile Na.... ,pproved th Ons ruc.tin_.a`.Cellrt ,tilt, aiae{., 1k_... o. — Pt r� eta street L rx tree�l t c_ -- — •oO+,r siee of ,1 ar - t nntl having ittvestigtltril the oultters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said ilnprovemcllt is necessary And (or) desirable. A&, per lit 3 i1 f-.otx:; nud ' V ,nud the tetnl coat. tficrooE is n_ 2 The Cstillltltell cost thereof is �-_ L .. the Aat trod ccteut of said improvement is as follow": 3. A plan, protile or sketell of said improvenlrnl is hereto lIttIjellcd nud made n part hereof.. )aid 11111/C0\'l`nlCllt 18 n t .. ._. ABkCII forIlpUll I1r11(lon elf three 111' more U\\'11l'rN9f property, suhji:ct to nssessnlcnt for snid improvement. 1 Cowmiseiml r ofl'ubliq \� orks. — - 1, ___- III"' o. Matter,of reooanteuctlnRe sidewalk to a width of ai t on the vwuth eldeh fate. from a point l81teatwe St., :thence weat o teen,. construct a. cement the .:1 fecal - n width/6) feet on the.F nide of Butternut Ave„ Yrom. a 1 ) ft. west of Ba; St., thence d o Butternut .Ave, DridRe, appry _ -lately 10 feet. under.. 1•rellmI" —' •der 17100, appruved luly6.191 p blic. h arinR. havinR been - t. tt bn improvement upoF •r i. ot)a tions In d recor COUNCIL FILE NO... a retauve thereto, and h ......•,. _ eonalJered; the same; the, , By the Council of By... ..,-ul- th t th precis -..,,. .. _ kind oro••, FINAL ORDER' In the Matter of-:._ rannna_ructire cement t1li side_K<..1k:.to- a,•lu 3tFi -o.• s x•• (..6.)....fee.t....on...the.._snuth-..a le...of..3ut-ternut...AAe.:.:Exom..a. naSt;i.;.234..i set.:...-. west .of, Ray St, t'%encs nest 22.,.fe.et,, Rnd... .Qnatkuet..-a-.cement tile..aide= vlalk to. a. width of six (3) feet on the ec to side of. 5uttcrnut hY. I , . from a -ac-int °55 ft. •nest ni' ??Fy St.. thence west to 'Futternut AvA! 3r.idge, approxi.-sagely. 30 feet. tinder Preliminary Order 174f)0 approved July 5, 1917, luternlediary Order:. _: approved .. . A public hearing haviplf.heen had upon the above improvement upon due-notice, and the Cmfnci! ha mg heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sate; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the;!precise nature, extent and kind of imp ve- ment to be made by the said City is. reconstruct cement tile aidewa1k.,,ta- F- . xidth... f_ Hix feet on .the south side or Butternut _ fev from a...Point--•234, ft,a,,.w at _ af-..5ay.-_St..,..t"ace.. west. .22-ft..,,...and..const-ruct-.a.-cdmant--tila aidawa.l..c. to a •width o". elx feet on the swath aide:'of 3ut*ernut. �v :.frc� D ter* •.aE ,ee�' . •5; of :. %.O... ni .3L..,...... met .ly 30 --eet. ............................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed.and dire ted to prepare plans and apecifientions for said. improvement, and sat )mit same to the Council' for approval; tat upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are. hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thepi•i`1tln. Imo} Adopted by the Cumwil ! `J - 141 City, Cler. . - —� C _ 1 — 'May. v. , Councilmenl Pnrnxty-tb 7-/5 -// 7 Couucilmnti llw+ ,tTii9 —rte. Councilman-1lyland- 1 c7o uneilmau Heller t'ouneilmau SIr-Coll - . Cuuncilmati Nut,lerlicnt Mayor Irvin- Funs R 1 A 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM STONER OF FINANCE ON PREL ARY ORDER IntheMatterof_..._Reccnet.ructing a cement tile eidetralk-to a width of eixx fe t G.A_thi<Squ..,th @13e..,of Butternut ave from a point 234 feet wee .. t of Bay. St., ......_.. thence _reet_33 _feet, and ccnatructing a cemexlt tale eidewalk tc.a width e of nu e. from a of._ Bay..stree.t,,l thence uT,estito. to -e. _appor*icimately 3d west - - feet, L under Preliminary Order approved .:July.. 5th., 19.17.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is.. . q u. --r e _ The estimate3 cost perLfoot for the above improvement is The lo!s or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot 'j or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - DESCRIPTION LOT tl[ocK ILII ADDITION ASSESSED _ VA-LUATION 6 3 7 3 Riverside Addition to St. Paul, Minn. I i 300 t 7!5_ tr i a i. TOTAL. 3 75 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of .the aforesaid matt rs, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, ,together with the report made to him in r ferenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 ..' ✓!... _ c. %_5.:1 `.?......:,. Commissioner of Finance. v/ ffice of the. -.Commmmmmmm�oner of Public Works ;;, --� ° . Report to Commissioner of, Finance iL1y 10th; To the Coaunissioner of Ninunee of the City of St. Paal:,, i The Conuaissioner of Public Works, lmviug laud coder consideration the preliwiwu•y order of the Confit 17400 July 5th, 7 eil, known its Council bile No. --- ......_`ipproved AM1 ,.. relative to- :.econatractinC L cewont tile aide -ac -1k to Cf ai feet on r t, e soot` nine o. . titternut f ;fr.Gm_a...k4int...dox.:.f.t._..w. st.....cf5ay °t. ' t en,e wear ,',d ft.„x._.and 'S n ,rL t. a� t.vrt ,f six f..at lo^ t_.e agqLtdd.. 'Sid of L.ternL� Av frou a r-oint 256 ft. wast nntl huviag itnc� �ntc IYhe nit{tersYi ad titinga cifcrrl io nitre un�i'c�j�rejtdrtss:�I'rOX, iC feet. I. Said itnprovesnent is necessary and (or) desirable: 66¢ per lineal foot The k•stinotted cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is f and I. the nature sad extent of said iniproventent is us follows: t ti. _ A plan, profile or sketch of paid huprovensent is hereto attoehed aad wade at part hereof, . d. not _atsked for a ion ss litiwt of three m• wore owners of property, subjeet 5. Said iwprovcwent is 1 I ' to assessutent for said itnprovewent. art ui issionair of Public Works. i I I ,- CITY.•OF-ST. . PAUL COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL'-F=ORM Subject: a _:-. COUNCIL • rihc No.r „ 8eptember M491.7 Date Presented. .... -- - -- --- _, ---. _-RESOLUTION...__ .. __. Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OPENING, WIDENING AND EST9NDING. In.the matter of opening; widening and extending she alley to a width of fifteen `15) feet in Draper and allePorky t Addition, under Preliminary Order #17216, I approved June 23'rd,• 1917, and Into Order #18013, approved August 10th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Rorke having sub - 8 his report and sketch in the above matter, be it determines SOtheEamountThat f City of St- Paul fixes and - � and to b8 t><ker,' fir --the above named improvementbe as follows The rear seven and one-half (TJ) feet of Lots 22 and 23, Block 14, Sylvan Park Addition to,the City of St. Paul. r - - C: F. No. 18107 f.— wldenlnR and - In the matter oopenT ' , extendlnR the all to a wldlh of j Hfteen h6) feet in Draper and Park- - I Aadltl n and rP eliminary Or- der \0 17218 a{ broved. June .43rd, �1x17. pl 1 term liar Orler \o. 1R013 aper d AuR 10th. 1917 Th C mmWenner of P blie Mork. having .ubmltted hla -portwad bketrh -- in the above matter, l . It. - Resolved, That the Clty of 8t. Paul ti. a and determine. the amount. of - land to ne in en tar the above named Improvrment to be .n follows: -. The rear even and nn•h.1f t7 feet of luta 22 nn 1 33, t ttlock 11. 8YI- - - van Park. Addition to the. City o[ 9t. P4UI. , Adopted b1• the Connell Sept. 0; 1917• Approved (e �l.7is 19yj .. — Yeas (I') Councilmen (t') Nays Adopted by the Council . orth FarAd�ir _ 7 . - " In favor lot-. �, Approved Keier. /, I . t� A1c�b`ll U Against �u.t11)V tA�i K{-) L.. LJ ' MAYOR — Ma_f'rosident. (�itg of $1. Pattl ' Deparinietii of rultlir ifiuritr, oaewe'e[.wusxe: a o. M. u GOSS. COwMl sloe[• _ i iaa R. T. GOURLET, O[ru•• ' CA o[ . 6 M eeOLO OrrOicc [ea e[[w - _ - --- — -. _..- — -F Ep0FT_ TC ThF OOU O I1 - In the matter of opening; widenin,; and extendini alley to a width of fifteen (1�) feet in haler F rkers' Addition, under'FreliLinarY Order a and Izaern:ediary Order n16O13, aP- fii7alb:, prroved •Tune 3rd, 1917, 'Proved Au uat loth 1917 a To l O.f.-tt c Ci..L, 0I St I - I Tne o .a.Ie=+Iorez of iULli.: ;'cIKE �•e1eLy sL�urite and mikes apart of t:,ia lana necessary to :.is report, a Flan of the a'cove iiaprovement,si;ov;ine the be takentr.erefor 'by the shaded part of saia plar.,ai:ic'c, land is more par- ticularly described as follevrs: Sylvan rear sever. ar.d one-t:alf(72)feet .of. Lots 22 and ;-.3, ='lock 14, ?erk Addition tq tre ity of St.Fau1. —.7', rulbei'ontr of Futlic orke ?AUL D ; OF.-FINANCE REPORT OFC SIONER OF FINANCE �\ ON PR NARY ORDER' �A ,,_._,yM( ._y -. 77 Opaning,rwidening_and tendiisg -am .Alley iln.the Matter of feet in Draper .dnd., Paicker!_8.:.:Addi.tion St- Paul, by .taking .and icon. ..:.......... ___� damning the .rear. eaves and .911x-half_ Peet:....off. 1,A .s 32 and. .23..H.lo.ak .19., . --'— ... ._ Sylvan-Park, - 2.3xd _ 1817 _.. _.. .. . under Preliminary Order approved _ _ June , -"'- ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 1 _ The Comm issioner_of Finance hereby reports as- follows: ---- - < The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.35.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is a..xil ._._. ...._ The lots or parcels of 1-�d that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,'are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT "aLoCKI VALUATION `Fast of Alley adj. and 22 ',14 Sylvan Park Addition 275 ' 2 14 to the City Cf St.Paul East of Alley adj. and 3 275 1 Draper and Parker's 300 y.� 2 Addition, St,paul, 250 3 i Minn. 250 4 250 I 5 - 250 (i 250 250 7 TOTAL. 1. PAUL - �p W OF'FINANCE / REPORT OF SIONER'OF FINANCE ON NARY ORDER ' M"LUA" - ADDITION VAONLOT BLOCKDESCRIPTtON 96raper and 'Paricert is lg Addition,, St. Paul,1Linn. 275 17 275 .: 18, r 275 , X19, d75 20 275 21„ 275 2a 275 % 23 275 ;. 24 , 275 , 25 275 n 28 275 27 a 275 10 375 11 425 _ 12 425 ; 13. 425 14 425 15 L375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as I<is report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to himin reference to said matter by. the Commissioner, of Public Works. -191 Commissioner. of Finance.. CITY OF ST_. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' September 6th,0 ? Date' Presented - - - - - -IPI,, In the matter of /grading Mount.Curve.Boulevard from Randolph Street to�a point 600 feet south _af_ Randolph Street - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - -' - - - - - - -- 16306 _ - under Preliminary Order, - - �, Final Order - - -_ - - -- Aug(1et 8th, 191? RESOLVED, That the plans, specijications and estimates submitted by the Commissipner.of Public,Wgrks for. the above named G S. No. 18408-- improvement be and the same are herebyapproved. , In the matter of grdding Mpunt Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street a0 a 0olnt 600 feet south. ph Randolpph' 8t„' under Preliminary' Order 19900.' RAD9iaad all papers la stlha19o7der, 1794., approved Auauah / Reeotved, That 'the plans. apeo(flmi wCtlnDeCtio$ With Above I - tion and eetimatea agbmlttaa•by the. �i660119ft��m. ` Commlesloner of F'ubll0 works for Wel i � nbove named improvement be and the same are he eby aproved. Adopted by. tae CounC11 Sept 8 1917. Approvell BepL 7. 1919. l / !�-t�"✓.,�(j�-'i'/.. _ tdepL Ye -1917) Adopted by the Council - - - G - L - - - -,191 , Yeas: _ (, ) ( ) Nays Councilman r7i worth r A reved�/-(r'l ch Mr. P esidentn-Mayor. r - .... ... . . . RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND'FIXI#G TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of:... Q.411d9xRA.i.Ag...4110 og.I.�A1.ei7CiL...1XI.A??4.::land ....... _ neceesary for slopes, for cute and fills in the eroding of Alley in Block:.11-Block. ion,.:.thn...land-to...i>e..taken.: f-or.:.tha:_abo.v.* _ �..- named improvement being more particularly described as an easement ..:f or.:.alop.e:e.,....for. ...cuta:: a 11d...Pi11.a_in ..and..ugnn...the::.land...abutting:.ugnn.: ..-. the Alley in Block 11, Boulevard addition, to the extent shown upon-, ,Pt :.akgt.c}�atta �Wd...tg-..th�...�e� or�- - nf....the..:Calami eainner... of-..P.ublir. ............. orks n e ma er, a e u y , bih, 1917,'I which sketch and report are hereby., referred to t -••part hereof, .•• ................ .........._ ......... ......... .... .......:: ......................................... .......... .......... ...... ....... ..__•• under Preliminary Order... 16Q27.,•-;-..,.-,_; approved ..ap.z....21,131.3.., interme iary Order:l.ZQ:$@......., approved ...June 19�.%1917 The Commissioner of Finance ha it 4 It Houtteti.d gd;-,11,0 t in the' above matter as to the amount of ,ot. vhowa. v;"m for "7lkea - yed.to'the-teport ot. the - damages awarded for the taking of the In'u.Gtd: niy�tietd °i9 i;}` appropriated for the above -improvement to Atla pM& sre tereb� ' to sad made a Dart -he and to whom payable; and also having an; P eylimi =r form eteemabofbenefit to property from the making of 'Tdtt 1. proved Jnne 7f. t - ". nYtifw opar'; of a'Inanoe said in provement,.therefore be it "tea.hu'report.tn thea to thazsaroltpt-U dam. r the'taktna oGtih°7an . Resolved, That the said assessment of bihvemani anap0o shooi tta is hereby approved. Lo hs'JoIr ubtppttttet . . r' beneat to protterty. Resolved further, That a public hearing be of "Id. ImvrovAincii upon said report anid for a confirma- ui tion of the awards of damages made by the Cotun .iouer of Finance, and also upon the said, assess eat of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court llouse in the City of St. Paul on the .............. 12th ............ -.day of .........October„ .: ._ . 191..7....., at ten o'clock A. At. and' that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearin as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council...._........:C ... ...:... .. ., 191; ............... :'.r' ................................................_. C City Clerk. ilpprovet, . .:. , 191�� , .. .......... ................. ..... _................................................................ �Mayor. Councilman Fafnaw%orth Councilman d Councilman 11: / } Councilman K (r/ _ Councilman NeC,oll Councilman Wsitlerlick Afayor Iryhr — -- -- •yxtba auttrt+�eC���Aa . v[ran'eaaamebt !Q� land n.� t�F:a.:. i.Yi . i �7+tor rtKKooa+:�tar onu saA AI - .t�wPiek.�inda Sipoe�t67154V, - - - ,d �he"tanA,ao tN takap IC- �f«r DartaularlY�da o 11kA •i^ • RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APF ° qhs° ; mar ;a W LNT AND FIXING -ParR and.8lock 1"4ulrpby,=1?e!� TIME OF HEARING IN CC �- Honer oftPublfeD�V rki'nCEEDIVeSe ar, dated Jp1Y Sn4- x917. . . Kutch and rrpor} are' -^rete •vred 'to ands;ttuMa a=part , - - - •-oder Perllmtnarr'Order`767: ved ADr.:16., 1811:, Inter• ier 16878.: Droned June 8 " —sa Commise%ner. oUrinar. . ,bmitted,: hta •rdoortla::.0 • as to the smouni-oi.. d Ion Th�.aaklry o".an - - - In the matter or..:._.earidemnirls..and...tak.ixl9:..a.n..:teak.acmerlt:...in...thsi...larld _.... ..�__ necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills inJthe grading of alley in Mock .:.8 -lo er..inB...P.a.xk...arca:..BI.R� ._ ...4tlii}b1r,.Pgrk, :the land to.wl e._teken........ for the above named improvement being more particularly described_ &A -A n...ea.sement...f..or...:sl.opus,.:.foz..:ettt.a.:.aztd...fi��� .::�.si..ac?tl.:mport the_•land.:__.._. abutting''upon the alley in Block 8 Lovering Park and Block 1 4ii n P.a.rX...:t.Q.Ai718...e7tt:QrAt...> 4 ..upon the„aketch.'.atta4. S the ;rep4rt.:Q1..._.. the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 2nd, 1917, ►i.Gk1:..AkOtC.YA..>i<x1d..:�eDQ.T.t...a.FO::.kI.R#C�?Y..r.Qf4F..red`tc:. .rid >? ae....a.:.P.art .............. hereof, ......... ....................._................ . ................. .. .............. .......... �_.. ander Preliminary Order.. }.5726 _.. _..... approved �!�Pre...1.5,, Oil, Intermediary Order: 6878,•,___, approved The Commissioner of Finance having aubmitted his report iu the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the, taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; still also having submitted his assessment 'of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore he it — Resolved, That -the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Fint I Luce, and also upon the said asdment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the y St. Paul on the .......... day, Cit • of _ of ...........l;.t.P.P.e.T?......_.. .191.:T.., at ten o'clock A. At. slid that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said heart g as prescribed. by ttiie Charter. - Adopted by the Council......_...... i. .:....... ., 191...:.. ....... .:...... ... ................................ City Clerk. Approver ............... ............. . 191....... / Mayor. Councilman a��nsworth —151 Councilman IB'osa __ — 15�I 9 Councilman $stand 7 Councilman t) Councilman34�Coll f r Councilman .ddd -W erlick - Afayor 04.r n j --- ----- ----------- -- x ..Iekim0.�E�rr"dG conApmntns and=;t �. ink an .easement ; onWPew t cubocland v8-otml'UfeM .' 11-411[Un aUa ndtPark AddttTTa�I,a T IlYerKreen MbAl^lhe,�land- t-1 taken for the abovq.aamed -lapr Ment belott mora',.--:particUlarl�o! ' - eeribed.aw aq casement f�'• RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVUinde c a"' t�4pbtn she nayr AND FIXING Block I6, summit; Perk Addltl! -' ' tME OF HEARING IN CONDEWeck 1;>iCM4rs rean PW* -i to�`y�, nnthehrozrut oC tba'C�mm esLDINGSe 'ubllo .marks In the matte 7uly. 10th.. 1817, WAlch';ake mePort' aro ba1%wre ...r, under ade s':Pnrt :eereoG'under: 87YI1Trrt0etrm11d68la8r6L1a�l1pp Dd reorve,id . - rovad;JJnge !q'38,1T; he Commlastoner of ]39nti, z 'wia hL'report In40 Iter aceto S9samoun' In the matter of 9QIAd.6A>x1. iA&:..A.t1ttli'*Xing...€t.t?ixl:..the ...lA17Sj....t7.19Q.miary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading, the alley in Block 12,_ Summit...Park:.Additlon..and...B1'.o.ck...1.,...Evergr.eenl-•plaas�-• the-land ta..ba..... .--.-.._ taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described a.s..an._easement._f or.::.slapeal..;fax...aut-&-and.-tills...in..and:..upon ...the .:.lard••,--•-• abutting upon the alley in Block 12, Summit Park Addition,and Block 1, g he...sketch..atta.ched•.tA-••the...... Etter$saes..Pls.ce,....t.o:._the...ezit.ents ...h.awnu ..-oa..x report of the Cotmnissioner'of Public 'Works 1n the matter,dated July-•24thy 1917;.••-whioh...skatold•:a-nd•...reportt-..ar-e...hsreby..refs-rred•... t-o-••acid......... made 4art heroof, _:.............:....:..................... . ...........--.............. ....... .......... ......:. ........_...._-... . I • under Preliminary Order 1.6,56.5 .. _..., approved .May...l•9.,19L7••••, ,Intermediary Order.l.7.1.42..:....., approved June—.20._.1917.. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report.) in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for, the taking of the'laud or easements thereil appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the duce is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paid on the..... .1.2tih.. .........da of .... ..QCti_Q.bleT ;..........191...2.., at ten o'eloek A. �I. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of isaid hearinngg�asp scribed by Ithe Charter. Adopted by the Council........... ....( f�_. ....... ....... ............................1 ' . CCity Clerk - Approver, i.:...... .....:....:.. ...... ....... ............... Mayor. Councihnarnslvocth 5 . CouncilmVa Goss CounciliomeHyland Counci� Keller Councildfnn DLeColl . Couneil*& Wunderlict 3tayor IW n RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL A j TIME OF HEARING IN d t. in the iiiattLr,i)f.*.,COnde=ing..Rxdta nerpaspry for B10n86_ for cuts,a --- - -------------- ut"eaaement,am the la foi atopee, -for; bub at bed: ',41.-FSMENT AND. FIXING pon shed.0"'-:.Ii: R.Ae'-nk- sketeh stinth;.."to CEEDINGS. 61tho 9 the Comentaidoner oT'RO In theni,etm. 'dat endsierebr hereof, und.rjg�%&a 121 W, S. approved.A�r. 11,-19 Aar t[ Order aj) nt.d ag..an ea.s.emant in_the land ........................ fills in grading alley in . Immun, .qK..jqMts..and fills in a;jA �Apq!j. and abutting u .. ........ .. the alley in Block 18 Summit Park Addition, to snt­, sh'own ."P.0.n tho.** .Co i.S.B.i.o-ne.r of ......................... Public Worke in the matter, dated June 20th, 1917, which sketch hereof, .................................. .......... :­ .................... .................................. .............. .. .................. ..... ......... ............................................ 4 ........... tinder preliminary Order. . ............ j approved Aug.....17.� 116..Intermediary Orde I r.JA§�?§ approved ....... 1-14LY 2t.,191-7 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his reporl in the shove matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements thereL appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his wisessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the came is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing, be had lwfor'.! the Couneil upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Fi nance, and also upon the said a& asment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City.61 St. Faid on the ............. 1.2th ..... . ........day of .............. O.c.tober-_.. 191...7--., at ten o'clock A. W and that the -Commissioner of Finance be and he � is hereby directed to give notice of said bearin as prescribed bythe Charter. Adopted by the Council......::.......... .. ... ........ ............. 19 . ........... ................ .................. City Clerk. Approves .......... . PjV ........................................... ........................... Mayor.. CouncilmKIE" worth PUBListr M, F CouneilmaW(losa CouneilwpdRyland oun Her C HeHer () Can. i McColl Conn EWunderlicl Mayor I" r: la the mpttar o[ donAeolping e i lar ,f lWaems;,lor:tha Isno,. • 0 1'vary, SOb'alope.i%Spr _Guts and. ''the kraditr, of Coot street tr.. luth'Ava: te'the'Rl ht of ww. 8t. Paef'Wat.t�ork.. be Hken. Sor shshe raboys nam RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVuo° �:naffl`�=M?d,=1T AND FIXING Q. abbe' r upon .q--ld- - :� polaL.0 nealdy TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEII�b'mp� r:p-o--,h t.. ,,EEDINGS. ser of PGbi1. Work. l0 b. dated July e, 1F17, which, 1..raDort are .:.hereby ;r4" - t'made a Dart Lereot, and• . - (nary-" Order >I104e, '.,.. •1t fa,': 1117 Iermedlar• ta,- approved Juntno e, 1AT - Commlasloner'at 871&• "ubmPCled bb*report to 1 - 'ae!'to the amnuntn• 9 t+ir the taklps 4 .. In the matter of....c.ondemni ea.cementin-tha .... ..land...ndcneeary ' ng..and_..taking.. an for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cook street from Aul-uth-Ave...1.Q....the...Right ...-of:_WAY..:-ot_.th.0!191a... Pala ...�ter' land.to be taken for the above named improvement being more easement .:.fox....alap aa.Qr 0.ut.r3.:.atad.. in and upon the land abutting upon Cook.street between the points ..Afax asaid.,._.t.o.._thfl..:ext.ent.:.ahQ.wn..:up.on._tha t.Q...,tha................ report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated sketnh..and..xHp:ort.: �re:.hezaby..:S.e£grseA.._to..&nd.._...... made a part hereof, _............................... .:..:............................. I... ........._.-.................................. I............ . ......................... _...... under Preliminary thder....160.44............... approved April -•,23y1.91.7., Intermediary Order..IABB6......,, approved.... Tune.. fz.,....191.7....... , The Commissioner of Finance_ having'•submitted his report in the above matter as to'the amount of damages awardedfor the-taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above. improvement I and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessm'eut of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eonfirma. cion of the awards of damages made "by, the Colmvissioner"of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of - )nenefits at the Council Chamber, in the ('Dorf House in the City of St. Paul on the..... 12th V ••• day 191..7..:, at ten o'clock. A. M., and I Commissioner of ._-.....O.Qt.obsr ..,._.._...... that the Commissloner of Finance be and he is hereby direetted to give notice of said hearing as rescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council::..--.., ...:... 1 ....: 191. .....:.. a City Clerk. Approver,................................ J . .......... .... ..._........... .I, ......... Mayor. Counei)� oune Goss Farnsworth Ct ULL1511L'U� - / Councl Hyland Coune Keller . ? Counejn McColl- Couneian Wunderlict Mayor ]Epfin Fit i#+— d�' "''-fir `In the mY pt eortdemnlna=�an� lna: art ement-.In, the land . 77 airy [oe. elopes, for, cuts and ne, Eastt,�,, Ilae'o['^Pliatan H: nrk Additfon, the land to t;e t the?kpave namad;ImP.V. .. ng us : partloalarly desertt f AND FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROY, a,ement torslopas Tor cue In apd upon thaaiand a>x n Orapse at. "aagvean the - esald,^totha 4ztent'sporrtt Canso ached to'the rep TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEAt oID Vii-vt nen oT ITapUc Wp�EDINGSe matter, dateU July .16th. h sketcp and report are ' rred::3o-and made'a.part'_ a PreltIDinary :Older tet to, ir-17Pf0.:apWrad;Jun a COIDnt:aalOner at Mus:• hIDluad hla;repOrt In tCl as to the amount ot,:.• d for the taklnK for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Orangt 111 ,from El. l St. In the matter of....aondemnin&..and...taking .all... OrangeSt. from Earl St. to... the ...Es.at...1.ine:..of...Phalen..H.eight.s:..Park..Ad 1itian,...tklaa:l,�l �d to la taken for the above namAd improvement being more partfcularly dnacr3bed..a.13... 1n...CQfleJ9eQt_..fQr, si.opes for ,cut;e_.and fills in and u2on the land abutting upon Orange street, between fhe poinio'aforesaid, to... t.�e....axtoont..::skim+!l�._t1�.RA.:.tba....skQtck�.. tte.><k�.�d...to. the:..reBo t:4r: the. _ 66mmissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July t6th, 1 17, �rhich._ek.etrli.:and...report...ara..hexnhy...x.efarxed.._ tjxAnd-ma.da:.Q...PiLt. hereof, under Preliminary Order :...1_`19.8.4.. ......... approved Apx.....19,1.91.7....., Intermediary Orden.l.7.Q�Q......., approved........ June..19,..:1917 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his iepo'rt in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of be to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it . Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said a sement of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Hobse in the City of St. Paul on the 12th .:. .........day of ._.:..5?.Ctgber,,, .191...7...., at ten o'clock A. M. and'',that the Commissioner of Finance be and-he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing reseribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Connell:.....:. 191 C 7 .. .. !...... 191........ �r_................................................ ' Ctty APProve l a f J l- a... / Clerk. r 4 c .Mayor. Councilm F rneworth Couneilz4ff ~ oss Councils yland Council#Wb Keller Conn �� eColl Counciriein WunderlieY 'Mayor Ipin I s - _ 'yi tpe mitttiY�otgeoadernnidls° - .Ins' an+pA�albent !a#tha le. ;ot•alooee, for 'Cote am tr;. a�) - P;��farr QlDC=�I'a1LCe •.A�enns �tb;'•Cle�etand '�Ayen - - - — - .'Jalnee st: • h:!11 Crettb Avi. eveland„ thi _land tole.ta• - e the above vamed-h; rovi, tna• more """toula t $tectibe RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPR! A°mop.na u�wnpthe land �iT►ND FIXING .. avon pa oe and lames 8t `t the DDtnta.afo�,ate.:....tb..t�e.,EEDINGS. TIME OF HEARING IN CON. -thews upon the akatch atom plebe "%.of the6eammtear. rPubne �i'orka Itt tha.'matter.'. July'3t,`:. wplCh";;eketch.:a .aopart he of uodorrrPeellminu tler 76N6, apDrovedADr. 13,!191 - "termadlary Order 17107, app dune 19, The Commlasioner of-8'limnoE '?s eabmlI.d hla. report-!n•the . amoant!.of,dr e+ded tocthe taking, or t6 . ,Bente tbenin approprlet - In the mutter or.._.c.ondemning...and...takinl� an:1.eas.emeriL...in__tha.land...naaessaxy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Palace street-from Cretin Avenue..: o._Clay.eland...Av.enu.e,...nnd:..Jame-s..St.....from::Crair.in..AY.M110.aa-:........_._.... Cleveland, the land to be taken for the above named improvement , b.e.ilig rlore..Ba:x.t.i�.9ula.�ly.: deQGFiI2ed.:a:9...4S1-4A9@lneXlt. r.4F.....��.4Be.Q:...:for ....... __..... cuts andfills in and upon the land abutting upon Palace and James St.,'. b.eVwje1:A).1e......t.9... t??g--•ext.l11& attached to the report 3f the Commissioner of Public. Works in the 1.Ai3.ttar,-...dat.ed...J.aiy_.:18,...1911,:... ninh..sketnh..as3fl.. xapt ort...aMa:-hereby.................... referred to and made a part hereof, P _...:. under Preliminary Order ....-.1.58.4-5............ approved ..Apxe•. .l.,...1917 Intermediary Order..1..2192.......,. approved The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his repllSrt in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessuleut of benefit to property from the making of - said improvement,-therefore be it Resolved, That the said ossessuleut of benefits be alul the stove is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and fora confirma- tion of the a wards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the saiiassessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the. Court }louse in the Ciy of St. Paul on the.... ..... of............QC.t..Qb.QS... ....... ..191_T _ at ten o'cloek A. \I. and that the Commissioner, of Finance be and he, r i is hereby directed to give notice of said heariipg as/escribed by the Charter. r Adopted by the Council........ .......... ./......_(�.......... ...i... •191 �fry.---- ........ ... ........... ... _.... ..... _City Clerk. Approve(...... ..:............. _... ...:.. 191....... i 1 �-L.. •..............................................Mayon Councilman worth Councilman `Goss Councilman 1gC and �✓•'yy Councilman i Councilman 3 oli CmincUman Wt$de'rliet - ` - tfayorjfvin xasn:tic_' Sn tk♦ wager Dt eondam o t M int-,aaaaaamel land-aet In lots end-no }try torlalopaa, for=anU 'slid tltir - ,eeradlns ,aL-Anthony`: A�enna :.� iw+tIniton; Are. to Snemni Ma - land to •Ue`taken toe>.tbe ♦bora nu- InlDrovara♦tt Aero` mon gaM", AND FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPR(1 �� ooiaedand alb In }fid npoh . abuttlnt npoh et. <Anthon Ade }� ///ttt (1�. -, batMeen the DOInU iter♦aa�d *y1N/tna TIME OF HEARING IN CONDI. shown upon ahr aintck:::,D ■V�Y\ aehed tntha reDoeh ofth ♦Comm loner, or'Pabllo. Works `tn the m �G dated• Jnne 1{tM 1117; wh - 'vetch and report jsara hereby rred to and nut 'I.-t,-­E •n• Prenmtntry . Crder tlOT77t.'<" — o d June 1. Ytii. Inter 04 dar.ltl{{..apDroved :play 19.^ ro Commisetonario,, Hlnanee - • Innitted. bt., report la the,'• ee t.. be amount er. du ........ ........ In the „u,tter'nf...condetpfling, alis taking an, lea-M.— • in• the• Anth 11 venue necessary for slopes, for cute and fille-in grading St. Anthori A ii.om.iexiagtun..Ave.:-:.t.o...Snel.ling...hve.......the..land-..to. :.be._taisen..fos..: above named improvement being more particularly described as an . )AD .:And :.,i.il].a.:iz�..a.pd:..ueotz:.tk�e..:iai}d .......... abutting upon St. Anthony Avenue between the points aforesaid,to the ...A t.ant...:d o.Ytxl...UP.Qxl..S�h9....A14.QtCh_xtxlkAh§.d..t4. trhe:..report...of the:...:: ................ Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated June 14th; 18171 which:;.sketch...�.>?.d.. r. Dort are.„hereby re> e>•.reSi to„apd_ ma e; a ,part hereof, .,_ .......... .... - - under Preliminary order .:..lQ.7.2.2............... approved June intermediary Intermediary Order..1fN4....., approved._.....Y...7 y.,....1.9�7... The Commissioner of Finanee having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement waking of and l0 whom payable; and also having .submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of hellelits he slid tile'saine-is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be hail before the Council upon said report and for a coon irma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Cmmnissioner of'Finance, and also upon the said assvtiameat of benefits; at the Council Chamber; in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.. 12th.`./.../..........:..day of .._......rl�CtObeT.•.• ... _ .......... at ten o'elock A. At. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing or scribed by the Chanter. Adopted by the Council.:... j% 191::,1.. f l ........ ::.. ...... r C t f City Clerk. 7 Approve(,............ ...... :... , 191:..... �. , .,. ......... ... ........ Mayor. Connci n Farnsworth T`--Z Counc Goss Counc gn Hyland ; �'�.. Co..” Keller f Coun�McColl Connalfman'Wunderlicl _ Mayor kvin 1 I tc' > '"a 14 L forif#�o tt 0 �spaa ty .: A �s�rd Av`,rni b tmmz vnGrl!ood"eAY0. toq t! i Vad oodPA a ..71-tlfitjy1. FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVINI . a ;;•m ;„;°r ata 1?atk Hirt[oM' pia - / - ;pafeviaw w7e.io'oDaI� (Qj TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMN ag,, mwetp� d.,marn.• ;beltlt more.p onlarl7; de- 11 .. '- ` - as paaewant`=tor - the oa` - ani .ln and-upon.the nda4 JnnoNleaeb upon, onx and=,$ord.' Utwoda. . - tart atorauldd,, to.tl5eas On - - •ion tbs:akOte6�ittacbed;to .1 - .wrt o[�ttn�tae m�atler¢diir .. - 1917-wWob•eketeh.4nd : . - areb>I <rot¢ered tor: and ' - �kot� Under Tra11nIP; ........: In tile matter of._.. ...' ... ..-, .....,...+.n.- condesning and taking an easoaent in t>tie sand necessary for slopes, _ for outs and fill a In grading Underwood Ave. from Randolph St. to Hartford Ave.: Juno St. from underwoodlAve. to B.,line of Kipp's College Park: Hiles Street, Mm Underwood Ave. to B..iius of Kipp's College .Park: Watson Street from Underwood Ave. to Zi line of 81pp's College park: Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to E. 11110 of Kipp's college Park, the land to be taken forethe above named improvement being more partioularly described as an easssent for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Underwood, Juno, Hiles, Watson and Hartford, between the Points aforesaid, to.the'extent shown upon the sketch attached to the ;report of the Ccmmaissioner of public *orke'in the matt or, dated June l4th;i1917, t soh sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part,hereof, .- wo M1� The Commissioner o�nance vin' itte'd his repoit�'�che .a04 ove matter as to the amount of . damages awarded, for the laking of the laud or easements theirein `appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assess hent of benefit to property from the making of m said improveent, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before this council upon said report and for a, confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance; and also upon the said as csament of -- a- City of St. Paul on the:....:]..2.th..........day - benefits;atthe Council Chamber, m the House m the C . of ..... Optgb_gy.., .....1917....:, at ten o'clock A. d1. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be ' rescribed is hereby directed to give notice of said hearin p by the Gbarter. ! 191 —7 Adopted by the Comicil............. ... ..... . yf City Clerk. ,E... ? ICJ c APProvca...... ..:................. .. ......:: . ........ 1. ... ..................................: Mayor. Counciltiod'Farnsworth _ Councilmie>f oas } Counci�110Y and Pt t,t �e1iF'ii 1 Councilman Xeller Councildfanrh1cColl Couneilklia ; wunderliel -- Mayor I�td'n — I I .., Titgtr. •i►n` rtrt�`Gnt>.>riA'' f�e,.nF�iri'`�n�• . .:.............._...................... .................................... ..... .......... under Preliminary Order..1.57-0-4 approved .Apr..A,-1W .:...., Intermediary Orden ...18.54f2....., approved .......... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the shove matter as to the amount of damaites awarded. for the taking of the laud or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it 1 Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved: Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eonfirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the commissioner or Finance, and also upon the said na�cssment of m the City ity of St. Paul 'on the......12.th V.............day benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court (louse of ......Ot;tt)beT ............... 191....., at ten o'clock.A. \I. and that tile n e Commissioner of Finance be at he is hereby directed to give notice of said.hearin s prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.. .....,19 • O Ctty Clerk. Approve(-.............. .....+o...�...... , 191...,... V \R Mayor. Councilnoo" Farnsworth Councilm fr' oss Council Hyland Pl t't (¢tTi t7: -' )Council an Kel1'er _ Council�a"McColl r Counciljfan Wnnderlict Mayor *vile t tt 11 j f ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT84 = } COUNCIL No., -1. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM FILE . �7 rf SEr 1917 ry `_ �,. .,...�. �►" AUDITED Irl— ' ((( PER 641. _ .... ', .. .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, paYable oui ofthe hereinafter spacifiO:. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective " names as specified in the followin statement: r r _7 J' Yeas ( J: ), Councilmen ( Y') Nays Adopted by the Council Farn rth tC IqR� >• God �In favor APPmved ' land ._Y do lith in Mr. President.rV • 19558 American Linen Supply Company, t � 1Q Armory 59' Bazille & Partridge# Water -Exp. 60 Board of Water Commissioners, 2� C.H. & C.H.-Exp. `61 John Calander`Mfg. Company, 1 C.H. 62 Chicago;, Milwaukee & St.Paul Ry"is Fire Exp. 63 Chica� , 5t.paul, Mpls.' & 0maha Ry., 5C St. C&R p. 64 Craftsman Press, Corp. Counsel -Exp. - 65 Adam Decker $ardwelre Company, - 17 St: C&R=Exp. 0 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 0 Bridge Bdl &Repair -Exp. 3 11 30 66 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, 15< C.H. & C.H.-ti. - 67 Louis F. Dow & Company 9 4f C.H. & C.H.wH*0• -: i _ 68 - M. N:' (loss, Com4'r. P. Works,,r Paving Oakland 1,464` 4 Paving E . Beventh 9 E, 9. 1 R -m A. +.11 r9 - 1 1 11 Page #2. rw Has. 641 w 19569 R L. Gould Company, •� C.P.W.-Workhouse-Exp. 70 Haman &Company, C.H. & C.H.-Exp•; 71 Frank 0. Huebener, 60.50 s f4 C.H. & C.H.-Exp. 72 Keefe Davidson Company, 3 00 Corp. Counsel -Exp-. " 73 -Fred` Landmark 8.00 3 .H.--Y-P• C.H. & C.H.-EY-P.- 74 r 74 McClain & Redman, 58.Q0 C.H. & C.H.-Exp. 75 Malady Paper Company, .• 6 E5 C.H. & C.H.-Exp. 76 N. W. Elec. Equip. Company, a C.H. & C.H.-Exp. 77 _: N. W. Telephone Company, 1.7b C.H. & C.H -Exp. rs 78 The Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 30.94 } 4 C.H. & C.H.-Exp• 79 Raymer Hardware Company, 6 14.Q6" S. & S.'Cing-&xp. C.H. & C.H.-Exp. Auditorium-Exv. / -- 4. 5- 14 14 0 6 . 80 Sands Robinson, Cary & , 183.7T -St. C&R. -Ex. 81.0 - Water -Exp, 3. 7 81 dos. Rothwell, 21.00 4 _ Sewer.C&R-Exp. 82 St.Paul Foundry Company, 3.50' St. C&R -Exp. 83 St.Paul Gas -Light Company, 541.67 C.H. & C.H.-EXP- St.Paul Letter Company, 8.95 - 84 Mayor's Office -Exp. 85 St.Paul Machine Works!, 7.8D, C.H. &'C C.H.-Exp . 86 St.raul Rubber Company, 78.40. Sprinkling. 87 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company,' Sprinkling. 88 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 48.82' Pol. & r ire Alarm Telg.-Exp. 4.00 G.P.II.-Markets-Exp. C.H. & C.H.-Exp'• C.P.W.-sorkhouee-Exp. 32. 0 2.0 Auditorium-&xp ., 4.00 i 48.92 d + Page Res w 641 �► 19589 Twin'City Carpet Cleaning Company, 2.98 C.H. & C.H.-Sap; 90 Villaume'Box & Lumber Company, 118.54 C.S. & C.H.-Exp- OLer r 91 R. B. Whitacre & Company, C.H. & C.H.-Exp- .H.-Exp.Water-Exp. Water-,Exp. 92' Wolterstorff.Range Companyy 18.68 C.H. & C.H.-Exp. k f . _. — R..olxgd that trerrenb be 4eq�twD aybotJ! �� the he�re�Deft� Q';IaDR. aD}t;;ln - hv4r"ettAe1`Re�ie baf311rma ar earpora- - Hoar toY L13a;amouttte'aat,-:oppo.lte tkatr t4ope°tlae Hamel 'MtiOp ed 1D .the fo11Dp]ng detailed ,�'. - `;.t .. .tatement enrer .Idnen eu > ':86t7110 d: Partrld6ep 7a 60 i]0 da. '. _ • sEoer4. b[i ; Wa@er Com le erg;. p3.8d .. mJt�a �•'. i ?oho Calendar . altlt Co. 1117a i -ChloatR Nllxault.e ! •8f, Pantq.,:. is.ob " _ CNbego 8t; Petli, MFI� � Omitha �Y.Ata000„a - y ' Csattematt'. Plea. Mft- . - Adam 2Tdckar $nrdwere Co, j]]A0; ' QO.t kom'r ; s P Work` .. -v 6oW4�.Co.r CeatR - �NamattEA: Co:' 7a Ceata - 1 srat O`Huebsne /60 a01 'aeu -NCt7lalh i:HedDfan, jU,00 — • HRladq Pepen Co ji 46 •. ' N. W ■lea°Ettalpu Co. i17� � N W TeleDbone Co., i3:77a 'The teoDler:Con1 ac Igea:o �jE0.�i..,. - t�yym�eR 13arGware Co i141�t 9 ,_ �,To,!L en ! 4Carq Sattdy'�i]tt•7`7 ,To,! Rdthgell, jaLbO l - 8t: Pavl ybapdry ICpoo ja.at ' BL Paul au,i ta4irCo.; i6/3Ea7 'PaD] - • flflk 7wttes Company • ii Oa : .. St. Pani Meohlne Worka:' tq t0. - • ,BLPaa1 Rntdter Cq i7t1�0 Pan1,..Ws14inR MtF Ca, Trr BtaYe'e1.�4: T 1 Co. 7/ts8a 'Ttin 'C74 'Carpet C1eanlnS Ca -VI1laumeD Boz d; 7[.nmber Compin7 ' i11R6e - - - - WuuerWithur6.8ean6s°Llo=Situts, - Adopted by the Coattoll Sepk.T, 3917: - APProred Sept': a. 1137. I "i i I t V1 ,I `CITY OF 8T PNUL�- t ACCOITNTINQ DEPARTMEMT" C7La7'. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNOIL FILE NO.--- hEY__ 1, AUDITED ? 19-17 +.' i��.', • PER �C 42 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Citi Treasury, payable out of, the hereinafter; specified "funds an in favor of the penona, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respeaive,'nama er apadfied in the follohiDg'detailed statement:Adopted the Council Yeas ( J) ` un ' en (J) Nays. P by .. - _ CCP !01'j F onh: In favor — Appro r 181_ r r -- - --- land fteeol e4.+tDrt tYarrahiy >>e drawn --i derlich i�« Aw^ttFe;�kaanny panDl. opt ur YAVOR Mr. President' Vine .......flt41i4psew s. okha ���a�nn pdns Yee tbivmoenra t o Iter thalr ' — t0epty h/amq ale�peyttlld In the `. l -a AetalleE statement Cak4on k Ean440geG Bi 00 �:. — ii1Li0. r iaTnaaes. -. — �ti. i°� t'e°�tkeetoa Ca ts,rro oo.� _ irene4ir(�NeO° t2rata.tt . tionnel sank . O,Netl �.�ri i1te.Ti" i � A4eptehl�y tde iC,00ne4 &pG f iD17 �_ r !tDptoY�� �L STS:, t _ 1K1 — 19593 Carlson & Sandquiet, 9b0e00:' Curbing Marion St. front .to Atrater.,.` _ 94- S.'As Farnsworth, Com'r„.Timms, 112.50 r Spec. Asses.. Bon d..& Int.:Fund 'Sped;. Assess Bondiln�t. 'Acct. _ Spec. Assess Bond &:[nt. Fund, Red. Spec. Assess•'Bonds Crass "A" 95, W. J. Roy Construction Company, 2,720.00.' Underpinning Marlborough'Apts. 96 Christ Johnson, 2,822.64,;' Sewer on Eva Florid. to:'Chicago. 97 Merchants National Bahkhk 466.72," G.F.-Mise. `& Unf.' z4f Water -Bond & Int.` �_ Interest - 555.00 Perm. Imp. Revolving Int. Acct: X6,6..72 98 O'Neil,& Preston, 938a00 Sewer Hyacinth St. Payne to a;pt. 98 E. T. Webster, 572.00 Sewer;on Pascal.. �" a_SA.�.r..� Tom... �t Y:; \1 --- -•-- --- CITY F. COUNdll- FRESOLUTtON=GENERAL. FORM i !S&jb ct: Y i .:.� iii ri o. i - • `, ^ L :'del ,'�. oouncitf. . - FITC ;, ^, l O. _. ..- ` Date Presented, Sept. 7th -117 .191 Rewind,Th%t the Purchaaing Agent be, and he is hereby authok ed to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without ask- ing for competitive bide, dne #104.Crane-3vglve�Lifting Trap, in accdrdance with Requisition No. 7694, onIf in the office of the Purchasing Agent; from Crane & OrdtAay,Co., for the sum of $240.00; as this i -s a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bide. Cost of said trap to be charged to the Department of'Bducation - Public School Bund - Construe. & Betterment. r C'Reeo vgd,18�Thatt the Purchasing Agent "b%,and-he to herobf-uthorlsed - 1 topurchasewith-the nsenc Of the fgmp4rnrleP without aekioonR�for Dom-_ -. tltive,bid., one No.: 4 Cranc..s volve - tiling TrapD. In > accordance with ' Requisition No. 7804. on file In the of. - flee of the Purebaslnx Agent, front Crane & Ordway Cc; for Ltho:-.um .c[" : 1240.00; an this Is a.pa}ented articlej. `and no edvanAge can be gained" by ad- - vertlsement or competitive blds. Cost' !of said trap to be Charged to the De partment of Sducatlon—Public" School { Fund -Construe, h netter"" Aonpraved eeoht Council 6Sept. 7, 3017. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Fartfiworth � "� cod' In favor Hylknd KSl v 1 Mull' �/' a L/ Against Wunderlich. Mr. President: Irvin t --- - - ------ i 2 i2 + - LOr18Rt^reeL br mogdi�maatt }RK 4n¢" _ tak call th4t".parto nota-'�f ? • r ' Bock;,, o� rittoaD4t- north*41 rlr°b1=15zti 306 W. (� - , _ lido of a41d Itbarteeath-8t!}et °yro.- � Q daoed:4aroaaW¢alot; rteSo{'atiss to: \ - the Dielt parato attaoDe¢ iRa - Dar{,+b2eeb� rmaar+PreltmlRarle 6r•. der TNii, �-app{roYed IPo9amDer ,1E, 1'bez poil of the Cltl+ at at Pahl havin'of 'too COUNCIL FILE NO miufoaer of Plaaaos utwa ehexabove ) // INDrbrame4 r`iad +.baWag conRlBared- /. .. e4id`rTappr��aniby:>teadtve4 �Y^fir/ I haq t4bbT 11 ,rove aadf ap" I `. By..... r ............�"G..:mak t ................. was/14 tier 4ad the se,d }mDroveaia" le Derbbr or , aeras-to he'broe.Mgd_wtM, . _ INTERMEDIAS ' Vh4t q a, of td,,wtOrove: meat=lrhit,t eAb}. Svaommanda 1. ope4 ��wld:n d �0slen4 +P'oartsaaW- atroeL of IJOtieat etrset�'bl �ao4= - _ 1 demnln� ugd�`takla� an thit�parf�00t ^- ` . Lots ,'.aa T EI i •D6130L ,Add1- In the Matter of..ogening....J[i.dening:_and-. non. eh4r ttat;a°o°t DRae4rtpptpt aoutaeaetartv.*linq'.of e►Id lrowleeRtD — 8treet?'D eltl'eea 'ampaa card t4ta. as ooralat' r tp. your T, to-atuabeaLots 6 and L Orient St rest by oo ndemning a>td t aaa maav a p47 trhraDt{wAtb nb a1teY •••• nattry°lt;aa¢�that.the-eetlma aoaF - Z•,7Qck 3•., :Dakyton';e•:Addition..that Re40tr«tt'�Itrtherslmisr5a sPobuahfl. 44ufb : bear(n6J1•blvb4d,op". qt¢ fmddr YemiAt' f an'the 11ntda� "g4;trebber Ii17F'at th eterl line of said Fourteenth St D°nrot 1MosrooltrM Ac fn tbA a lote� �:it .Y rll CMm4er of thdxCo°rt'Notntt"#4nd - {Fan %•�1'44tF'uatb��gmYbm�Mlo akt` otOf e according to the, plan. hereto attacht xtRaac: mypnDe,or.Rtnmeenn6lo " - the ereo�,tad the mallael��b�. — a¢ : ;tae rai' etaga�t the - and sea at arras? a nawrC .. ... waopta val. (abd tae total co,t under PreliminaryOrder. ...79..rr�3..... bt Habx te`sLtinnoB Boat 7 I,IT`tr�.4....... . nF wPprorea Bevc taept,,rU1T) The Council of the City a St. Paul having received .� ur caecea,ia,�tnuer bi Finance upon the above, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Thai the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. — 2. That the nature of the improvement "which the Council recommends is.....Q.Ren..:..Isi.d.6A..and ......... `_extend. YOU rt.eentb:-,"$.t.Teet at•;.L.I.Qrient Street.by,•;.tiond4mn�ng;•aad taking,-• all that part.of Lots 6 and 7r Block 3.* D tonne Addition that lies. ...._... ..... ... . ...... .............. -.. __ _,. northwesterly,of the southeasterly line of said Fourteenth Street produt;ed acroree:,said,rote.,...aaco•rding,•to..the:.plan hereto attahhed and madam:. ..Rart...hsraaf . .;....: :::...... ..:...... ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3.00O..0.0...._ . Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the....... __11_th............. day of ............ OS t."a • ....r.._............ , 191.1- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 3I., in -the Council; Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. Thai the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing; the nature of the improvement, and the t tal cost thereof no estimated CSN 7 19 Adopted by the Council...... .......:...:.: _ .... 191 . Approved.:... .. .. 191.. rty Clerk. Mayor. Councilma'a' Farnsworth Councileaan truss - Councillian Hyland Counei6an Keller } ` Coune man \iecoll V Counev. u. Wunderlich llfeyo�/Irvia Form B. 13. A. 8,ti it ` 1 'I 1 1 COIINCII, FILE NO .:.: , i BY....S;2% •y v pair. INTERMEDIAR . In the Matter of-:o,},1.ening•....Wl deni.ng sad �l1cL+�nidia6 �t7t ns� ' LrS. Street by oondemnin� and_takink_al1 that. of lots Q acid Daiyton! e. Addition••that; 1,igs.nQ t lIIad—stlY..'91 thA eeterl3! line of said Fourteenth St•,• produceti aorose•- eaid:•loter •••.,,,,•"•••• . according to the pian hereto attached and m de a part hereof. .......... ..:._ ..... .,... ...:. ... .. ...... ........................ under Preliminary Order.........7.9..59'5...... ....... ..: ... approved., .Av.P.14ber .1.5, 19.1.6.c. ......._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the \report, of the Commissioner: of Finance upon the above-improvement,, and having considered said report, hereby, resolves: 1.: ,That the said report be and the same is hereby approved-and adopted, an&the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ` 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....QP.ei.:•••wi.den.-.and...-••• ext.end-Foprteenth"..$.t.#eet„at•••1,!QFient $Crest by.:oondQmning and taking., all .that part of Lots 6 and 7r Block 3, Deyton'-s, Addition that liee ....... . northwesterly of the southeasterly line ;of said Fourteenth Street” - producedacroee said"-iota",.._accortifn , to.,.the:•plan hereto. attahhsd and mads.:a.:>aart...h.areQ .�.......... :.........:.... ..._ ....• with no alternatives, and that the estLt ated coat thereof is $.3. 000...0.0.,. f Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. uth •.••••-••day of .............. ........... 191..x_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time. and place of hear- ing,:the nature of the improvement, and7t e 11tal cost thereof us estimated. �rN — Adopted by the Council ........... 193 V.. ....... .Approved`... ......: ....... :.... ::.... 191,. �h Glerk. Mayor. Councilmtdi Farnsworth . Councileaan tlosi, ' Councilman Hyland Couneik6at Keller Counci�/lman Mccoll V ` Connei�° u Wunderlich Mayo$/Irviu Form B. S. A. 8-6 LTbl 4'¢+aqi7aa8 pasoaaaoDYY. •� ; J18t ': 7aa$ Ilou o� 6q Pat4 - - _-esaaam Rirr.aagi-wuePaox,f ni iva,� t 11(ff'Jo Hul7lfm avi •R7W P oaa pat Paflaogim 6q as ;Old. at eT♦lomodaaaa aR7,•lynoaaa , i Pi» ]roan 7eyi �:ieaotaae aoJ-'IWun „ 7 { avi o/.. amu 7imgrtf Due 'luayso,l. i u+t Pies �oJ fuoµroYWpaf par rue1S: oaea.qaa o] opolo"Ip, pus p.3oN7fu1 L? -w.q'Pmr .q nray ollartd Jw a uolr _ .Immo .ai 7egS a 97ar:a poelo aaf ^ - �y . ap m a4 0l mama � , f COUNCH, FILE NQ.--........ Pnl tie siiai or as aqj •i:..x a o9 -nvor 7 HuiaalH.a:`ia 4iano,;:i.f$ ii \� / 1 ..... aPte Riaoa .qy uo Iltx 9 Iulelaa Pila.; By:..'�.. < �..- !�...t_.r IBM COUNCIL FILE NO_.— ......................... . .TnoacGwd'ag7 jij''<la fa711aUtn. VJ - • 7 'L BT 's gdog. uu rt •Iliad 7H t oalno,vx,oto 7/0 ' .. �,� 7 +astri ao,; �:, o?�!IIa1Md�Y, is ' aapol, :r — (tippt , . it�t .'t'•S�P. Peso+ddy 'LT6T '9 •yaY :ltoggo(/ ogi..tq pa7dopY ye _ , ( , •971.1a709t uogfplO0a1 q/ lu6WYAU+' -wl Plgo to Puq ngglllqw ,193`.9AWddVaao+.l . • 01 Paiaa+IP Pos/aog7m dgaaagja faa�fL•' o.lddu p/%r -� y�' � //��7777// ` / /'7 vodn lsgt-. P♦oiddq +oJ °Tlaunoo:roq '- By..`!.✓'.�.L..:....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-.r.e.CQlad.�iLlCt.�AS....T.91.aJ'.�SIS....t1S�=ePA..?F.Y}S...tl?e...p.Gie.lk........._.. west sid•g;of wks: qu*s,.5�•x_;beginrii-rig,•,-... ixth St ,.thence. north 60. feet,.. under Preliminary Order.:......1-fl301 ....:. ......approved AAg.. 29,. -1.917.............:........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves': — 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved apd adopted, and the said improvement is. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoLmeuds is Reconstruct 1 ............... 37(40:y -R;14, repair thA sidevettlk to,a..width..�f.eight;•feet on_;the _...... .. west side of Wscouta 'St, l eginning._at. Sixth.; St thence•-nort. •........ 60 S'eet, with no alternatives, slid that the estimated cost thereof is _ 0.06?..par. sq. ft. Resolved Further, That it publie hearing be had oil said iloprovwlu•ut(ou the . 11th,_ . - ... _.::day of .Ootober....: 190 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chataber-of tbe. _ Court house slid City Hall Building, ill the Cita of St. Paul. That the. Ci lnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner. provided by the Charter, ytuting the time and place of hear_ in¢, the nature of the ;improvemi ht, and the total cost thereof -as estimated Adopted by the Canuul �.7 Approved_ 191 ✓ t .__ Ceunc'I Farnsworth t'Oullel lllgrl .BUSY - 1,uuuuh�/an Iltlaail l uunclimail Keller O (,ouneivMccoll .l'uulicil/aaeu luall Wunderliell \layorVirvilr Farm R. S. A. 8.6 • Q;a xo{ tltlt-gr� �,pyarai: ,_ ' � 7a":the matter of raEonatra9tfs _ I Iay1rtR an i reDaifinR : hill, - i t11e gidewalkr at the rollow` eat • Onn iiewatt aide of Ht.Pe ::slnningBSfeaatt: Central Tarraaet : •uth by ! foot. {.. :On the;sonth dda pt.Cenfn . • t'� . ree. MNMn12RR at,Sk .tor. hence- '0.wea..t •teat br-o rah: - ` n. the west aldiof Harr.. `�. 'dnnlaR'. it, CeatrarTasrats,: ID ' - _ sorthlS feet by 64eek t' On tha<north alda` ka,: at ace beatnning at ,Rlaa at COUNCIL FILE NO .. Ito fe' nninr .......... to INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....TBR.OnBLxuct:iYlg,....>`el>�Y-ix3g=.Et21d...�i4D10.iTipB..the ...C9II1e11t-_UlH.. sidewalks atthe following locations; Dn..the:.xes..sidw_of_St....P.eter...St.....heginning-..at,..Cmtxal-:.Terras.E,...... thence south 63 deet byy la feet. On the ou_h_sid ff C@ntTTt;1 Te c.e. ...begi.ntli>zg..at Sta....ke Gs<1 t en a Wes ` y.2. Test, by eet, azra�.�............ thence north 26 feet by 6 feet _ On..north side of,,,Centr Tgrrace:.beg.�n}1.;rag.Rx,:.Ri.s.e $L..,....th9x1.G41:....... east 176 feet by �a feet', On. South $fde of Cenal Terrace beginninBg..:at Rice St thence 846VIO g --_feet, by 4 eet, and fioia 93 feet farther east, thence under PrelslyzJlderf e} tQi9y......feet.!.. approved. Aug 23i 1917 .:.........: ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner -of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1. - That the said report be and the same is hereby, approved -and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is.. R9conetTuct,Teiay., and repair the cement tile. sidewalks at the following locations on. .th ..wast..:. aide..nf.::St....F.at:es..&t .:..beginning.:at...:C.entxal...T.errana, .„............ thence south 63 feet, by 9 -feet, ..On..tka _scuth,:si, gff..C.dnt7CQ11 T.#&.C.e.,.:.?egi.rit7i1(Jg.:.t...a5�e...:Pflt.B.x St.............. hence weds128 feet, by feet, On- thnor h '26 ifee fb fides St,• -beginning at. Cen1.tral._:TerrAca thence ..•. On noxX h $ids of Central �erface beginning atRice St., thence east T O...ft et..by...6 feet/ ._....... _ . ....._,. .... _.. ...... ... on Sgutg4_ . ft PC. , C$ tFal Terr$c? beg��n�rt� at Nce St, th ce east 107 e Y ee , wn rota e t fa her ea8wt, fence Bast-105'get� br 4 >jset with no a ternetives, allha 'the stim tec cost'thereof ie i 0.06...per square foot, / - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement ou tile. _11th:..:.y` ........day of _.........:. ,O.ct.tlbeT.:.. doll , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City lull Building in the City of St. Paul'. That the Commissioner of Finance give:notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided. by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, a the toal cost thereof as estimated. P Adopted 4y the Council ..:...c�. 1017 191 Approved.. _ _.... 191.. f y Clerk. Cr 1._...., ... ..�. ..y........ ' fa or. Councuis. Farnsworth 7 CounVmau buss PUBLiSIlEU / / Couno�,il/iiiau Ryland Counth�,li�an Keller . Coun7rwan McCall I CounAman Nuuderlirh .d :1(ayo�Irvin _ - Foriu B. S. A. B -G --- ------------------------ COUNCIL FILE NO:..... .............. IIN RMEDIARY'ORDER -In, the Matter of:....CA715-tiTdCUnBa;q....:Ridth s. x feet.on, the;eouth_side of Lansing_, St. from Haml•ine Ave..to. ____•.__. Syndce.te. St..:..1 under Preliminary -Order: . ,18296 approved.... ...Aug....28,. 1917......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of,the Commissioner of Finance upon the above -improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; andthesaid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...'_C.onstxiwt..8...cement p ' tile :..a.id.e..waak..:to.a-.wi-dtJ .g#,.six_.feet on..the,..south;.•side of Lanafng•._St! from H&mline_Ave, to, Syndicate St.�... _ ... i . with no alternatives, and that the estlmatid cost thereof i- 0 6f1 pelT foot, Rgolved Further, That It puhlit• he¢rI be bud ou said improvement on ihe......11th.../...Aky'of __9.ctob.or ..._ .:.. .. _ .; 191 7 ., at.the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., ill the Council Chamber of the Court house and City Hall Buildingin tike City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of •Finance give notict- j;of said meeting to the persons and in.the manner provided by the Charter-, stating the time and place of hear- iul;.'the.nature of -the iolprovement, and the -total cost thereof ¢s estimated. - c 7 1917' Adopted by the t,onnr il. _..._. 191 PrP '4 Approved.. :...... .. 181 .. (tt Clerk. ilfayor. (]ouncitw![u Fat•nslvorth trio nature ui• the t / which the Council recom o Councilman IiUss - d,tructn cement the aidewai , // width of eix feet on the.wuth t Couneikilan fi}Inad naneing et. from ltamune wv , Syndicate e, with ao ; alteraar ea. � and. that the ertlmated Cat thereof .0 Loimeilhjan Keller per tool. _ - Rasolved Further That a public i:Ullnel n Ate, -Oil baarin6 be had: on aald Improvemout' . on abs Itth day of October 1917, at.the _ hour qt 10 o'clock A It.. is the Cone - 'it lltlt¢n Wunderlich cit .her nr the court House ane �,t° City ball nitildinK 1 t4. City: of. at. �I¢yOH'ltt'11t Pnul. Thnt . th C mmie 1 r.' f Floes e rave ti f Bald: t Bang 10 FUrtu Ii, ti. ,�. N fi tho p e ,,, l the monaarprovw-- ed -by the-..0bar ter,: etatIng ::tho itmo anaplace of hearing. the,natu to of the - Improvement. aid the tgtal toot them-. - ots eatlmateda Adopted h the Coonan sept 7. 1917:: Approved:&apt Dt.1g17 '� J;(aep61618171 tee. oo-t6n;eanth slde of Anro' -, - Eetwsen'-Gdee aC' and Itoher»t- indar lysthalaari-Ordar Iltf97. ., he Cdnna�t. of the:Clt7 Iit.Bt.:` _ - � 6 received the AU {sport of the t y . � toear o[ r7aaate uVVon the a - wamaot...,. aad havint soul<' � w - eport: hera4yy resolves - tl�` - •hat.tde esld report lbs ao.' hld IM approvnd Ish adr said racovdid rtment Is hast, \ be the n1ture' with - - - t tttn nature o[ the 1a; •. . .; COUNCH. PILE NO ch the Pnuncti r'cnm By..C�..�? ✓u wGYf�l .... A - INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of......c.onetructing...a:..cement ...t.iia...a.idalalk...ta.:t.�-:w.idth:..oS_ a.ix...2'eet....on.:the ....s.outh. a.ide.:.of...Aux.ora...Av.e....Szatween.._Cedax.-St.. ................ .....and Robert _St........... ............ .................................................. _., under Preliminary Order..-I.829.7.................... .-.............. approved .....Aug._.28.r...1917 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having: considered said report, hereby resolves: l: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved aad adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:Conatzurt..a .............. cement tile sievalk to awidthofsixfeetonthe south side . .. _•-, ._ -.: . .... .......Atuora Ave., between Cedar_St.. and ...R<obert .S.t.,.,... ................................. _... .. ..... ..... _.._.......- with no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof ie $ 0.66...per-foot , Resolved Further, That u public hearing be had on said improvement on the;., .:3 4ti1 .. _ ...:.day of - ` .......... 1917 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.' in the Council Chamber-of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof-as estimated. Adopted by the t uuuctl Cr P_�?..�y�� 181 n y Clerk approved.. t91... �� .... r ittayor. Councilman Farnsworth CounciRnjaau (loss Coui`cian Hyland 1 , Councipt>'an Keller (% Counei4oan McColl - Counciltean Wunderlich Mayor lh•in . Form B. S. A. 8-6 uY?tatter of remnativntln8. r - _ and D trint[ the .eemen+ 1 _ build to l lh-of als (8� ` l Dilld- retalnt tr.",wall, th Ide_ or ICnat F' Ina ):Johnson Parkway', _ rat 148afeet. under P eehMn 1 r tsasz,.avv as in nubile-hearin6'. ,baelns b - end in r. ICouacll:-hav1' - - ons: obJee[bna_and r. �. relottve. thereto:.; or . _ onsldered thee.. same:. - COUNCIL RILE NO..:.. .......... h,t•ea.l Hy- the council ` paarthat.thea Pree, - Bf...:. FINAL ORDER In the.Matter. ot..7creg ayi= and repairing- I.he Lemer i.l-e,.. sidewalk tc a t;id_h c` six (F) -feet, and build retaining' wall or the _.............._..........................i.....:..................-..............._..,.................... ........ .-....,.. r ...... I nortr side o Ea. 1 o r a St beginning at Johnson P rkwa4y. :hence•, Nest ... .... ............... 1,....... . 140 Yee under Preliminary OrdeI _..approved . Juae 6tr. 191?. ...... Intermediary Order .-. ..I _.:. ...- approved . ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improye- ti)ent to be made by the said City is.....r.econstra.c.t_re-la;,^_.L-,-d-repair . tae..-aement.,..tile_ 4 - s�f etiS r 1 _etc ..- w" c�... C north. side - f t e lr St.* be�irrinc- at". To'-- son. Parie- ::.x, +�Xjjc.O ........... 140 feet. - -,-. ... ...................... ......._................................... ....... ........... .... ....... ................................................_.-...... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed_ to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, cep -7 'w7 1 19L. Adopted by the nucil _. __ . . Clerk. :\1 11 )roved 1 .. :...... Mayor. Councilman Councilman Farnmwdrth PUBLi�.LIL••U ��7 Councilnii6l floss _ Cinincillden Hyland Councilman Keller % Caunciltllbll McColl - ` Counciilditu Wiu derlic6 Mayor Ifrin Form B. S. A. 8.7. �; M"211 II !TY OF ST. PAUL T I MENT.OF FINANCE WN �IREPORT P MISSIONER,OF FINANCE IMINARY ORDER In the Matter at Reconstruoting, relaying and repairing the oement tale .... ........ ........ .... . . feet and build retaining wall on the north sidewalk to a width of six ..... . .... . ....... .... . .. side of East Fourth street beginning at Johnson Parkway thenoa west . . ....... . .. ... . ............... . .. ........ ....... ... ........ ............ . ............ .. . . .......... .... ... ... .... .......... . ... ....... . ....... ... . ... .. . ...... ..... . ...... .......... . ... .... ..... .. ... ...... .... ....... ...... .... . ... . . .......... ... . . ....... ........ ....... . .... ..... ....... ...... .......... ... . . ...... . .......... ........ . .... . .......... .......... ... ....... ........ .. ...... .... . ..... .......... . . ... ....... ......... . . .............. . 1917 under Preliminary Order..... ..... ... To the Council Of theL city Of, SL Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ Uare The estimated cos not for the above improvement is ( r e 1 ziy-i nj77 v; r.1 $"OE.... Cu. Yd. '.-.r rct:tining vvall is ^14. 50 The lots or par'CcFs of land that may be assessed bencli't's for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by t : he Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT. i3LocK ADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION- 24 18 A.Gatzian's Rearrangement 100 25 18 of Sigelle00 ,Addition - 26 is 75 27 18 75 TOTAL. 3'50 The Comminioncl r of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rcoort thereon to -the Council, together with the report made to. him' in reference to said matter by the Commission" of Public Works. I it Dated....". - _...........1917_ . Commissioner of Finance. Office cif the ioner of Public Works 'J Report to Cgmmissioner of Finance June 13th, 7: - .......__�..�: _ ._..._._ __•_._,. _..._191 To the Conul»ssioner of Finance of - the City of St. Baal: The `Counnissioner of Pu•blie Works, having had under cousiderntion the, preliminary order of the t�tjua• 16887 June 6th, _i91_�, relative to oil, known as Council File No. . __ _... r _._..approved ......... ......_ , xeognt}tuctng,�relal,;,and:,Wr..�airing the :cement the .'side- . walk to a width of six feet, and build retaininz _Rall on the north. ©ide of E�iet Fourth .fit :beginning, at Johnson Parkway, thence west 140 feet. and having investigated the matteFs and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.___. necessary and (or) desirable: X66¢ per lineal foot xxx 2. The. estimated cost'thereof is ..... ..... ..._..._, and the total. cost thereof is $._.._.__v the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ...:........... .... _.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto clinched nn�l uuide p �mrt li�reof: - _ 4. _ ----- ..... _................... ..... ... v. Said improvement is. Il�t • _._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm ioner of Public Works. I --------------------- _7 "'A t% COUNCIL FILE NO'y...... - Iiy:.................... .................... ............................... ......: FINAL ORDER In the Matter O'L.PATAX19_70-st....Sixth.:.S including sewer, rater and as connections from street mains to property .................................................................................................................................. lines complete, wherenot already made, alao includin vind•••o. all_e-y,- and..chi.v.eway....npxaacs.e;s..:.azjd:..tb.e...v`a.na.t.nx.ct.i.an_.o.f...c.urbin�e .:wY,e.re..ne.cesuary; in accordance wit.peti tionher to_ attached ..__.. 1i; WAL ORDER!' Y"111432— 1 ..tatter of p.vtps w..t sixth ac 1917. tinder Preliminary Order .1.6.434 .... S=t A.e. tom Iglehart Are __-...:... . adin['..Mer, wat r and a- eo.1- :.MfrOfa atre.tman nl [O'-Prop- Intermediary, rop• Intermedias Order.. un eoR . where not a! Y. .. .... -- ar.• .' •le Jr, ..,Alns' pa-lnR A; . .. ........ __ .-.... . A public hearing Having been had upon the above improvemcu, upon due notice, and the Connell having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED By the Council of the City �of 8yt�� Paul that the poeviewto o Improve- ._7e...... ..0 1;;1.::3art Are.:..inc;l and..Sas: R9.nnec.t.Agnl`3 .`rom::..str.e.et.:.mains_ A.0—_ . property lines' comp}etet vvherP not already ra?et:_slso. including p.ving_• of._alley and rivew/ay �a/pproaches and /the cons ruction of curbingy wherg neceasa i .--_..-. .....t- .. ............... .... . _......, . ...--.... - .. ......�--...--.. .....--..... ...... :..._....-.._ and the Council hereby orde said i ovement.I b/,na �/- EESOLVED FUIiT That c Cmnmis " r io Work a and is he y instruct aad dtre%dto prepare plana and a cificati a for snid ' proved su it same to a Cotmcil approv ,that upon said approval a prop city oAici are he ty authori• d and dire ed to pro with th ma Adopted by the �mac rdnnce the tvlth p p Cdbucll r ..:....1 ....:......... 191..... . of said im rove nt Air _ (� City Clerk Approvivl.. y... ....._, 1.11 ..... � — N •&Ata"ac Mayor. _ Councilman naw•nrah / t �f' FUBLIS11ED 9-16 Councilmau ht6s / l;ouacilmatl�4rinn l ! "'t t Councilman jisllti'i• �' ��, ' �•fa � C e! mon un erlicii �1"-zr 114arorIre'1a_"'' � p Form B. S. A. 8-7• T. PAUL DEP11IN' OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF CSIONER OF FINANCE (C, ON PARY ORlSER. 'OCSCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDrI VALUUATIONS 13 Summit Crescent 30300 (Ex. S 5 ft of if 64.80 rt) 14 1200— Coma:encing at North Easterly corner of -Lot 1'Gummit Crescent., thence sou th 100 ft thence E 50 ft thence N 100 ft thence W 50 ft to 6105 beginning, Fart of S F.: of •S R w of Sec.36, Town 29, .Range 23 A tract of land -bounded on,the-N by Lot 14 Summit Crescent, 13200 on Easterly aide -by -Lot 13 said Addition_ & on the South by Lvt 3 hereinafter iescriberl and on the West by West line of said Lot 3 produced North, also= All of - 2 83 Dayton & Irvine:'a tv (Except West 25 feet) 3 '83 : Addition to St.?aul, The 8 5 ft. of W 64.80 ft of Lot 14, Summit Crescent 5240 & a tract bounded on ,the N -by said 5 foot strip, on the East by East line of Lot 4, hereinafter,described on the S by said Lot 4 andWwi,it-ViIla and-- on -the W --by eaid-Summit-Villa-,—also----- - The Nast 25 ,feet of 3 '83 Dayton &Jrvine'a All of, 4 83 Adjition To St.Faul __..Summit:Y_illa,. Sa.Pau1.,Id,in►s-. _:._3AQMQ�_ I ( Office of die_ ! ''ssionex of Public Works ' Report: to Commissioner -of Finance - June 19th, To the Conosissioner of binnnee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner Of PphlielWorks, knviug had iwiler couxiUrration the Im!1ioiva yorder of the Colin- -- ;teaY 12th 7 16434 _> roved 191 ._... relative to._.. cil, known as Council File \o nI p paving west Sixth, Street frac Summit Ave to I.g1 I e hart Avenue ' i and having investigated the platters slid things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is iceceasury and (or) desirable. xxxxx XxXx sad the total east thereof is T ...._ and 2. The vstinuded cost tliereof is b_._........... the uatare will extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A pian, profile or sketch of said improvement it; hereto attaehed and made it part bereof. d. ir. Said improvement is . . ..............asked for upon petition of three or more levers of property, subjee.t c. to assessment for said improvement. i Commissioner of Public Wor}c9. I 39epurtnwnt of Iubtic. 30arks �........ M.. N. GO$$. CoMMI651oN ER .0 [ w. ' "' q T 'GOURLEY, 09rU nnDu �.CR.OHO.u.Tvc• , ' ° BOETi1HDEn: Bu -.c I .R E`.9'.^°`• St. Paul, Minn.June 19, 1917. ' •s Commissioner of Public Works I Dear Sir. - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving West Sixth St. from Summit Ave. to Igle*rt AYe.•in accordance with Eouncil File 116434, approved May 12, 1917. --"_...,p,ssessable frontage 776 feet Z11d) OF PAA UG (AFPi?OXI U.T:. _,a : 2 %teiTE O COST i':9' c:i01tQ'. FOOT GraniSandstone 9'5.50 one y4,281.20 3,769.68 4.85 3^ Creosoted Blocks 3,436.08 4.42 Brick 7 3,046.88 3.92 Asphalt 2,724.40 Asphalt Concrete 2"1-290.72 2.95 Asphalt Macadam .1,879.28 2.42 Macadam 1,645.76 112.12 Concrete 1,957.12. 2.52 Where house service connections are not in, add to cost of each lot: For sever, either Iaide of street $22.50 For water„ 3/4" either side of street 5428.00 For gas, W. aide of street $ 3.50 For gas, E. aide of street --5.60 Yours very it/!ruly, OC/M. Chief Engineer CITY -0FST. PAUL.., ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU CFILEOUNCIL NO..�`4— SEF, 1 By AUDITED-:QIT IBI_.. �'c PER i. - 646 • ResolvWthat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out ofLtiLe hereinafter specified funds;aad in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts setopposite their, respective names as Specified in the following deviled Statement: Yeas ( it Councilmen (i/) Nays Adopted by the Council Fart w/6'rth { 1 In favor Appro r _�I81� fk �����. M p_Ai�inst _ �.pl,.. Hyland uvoR - --4mj underlich Mr. President•8ow }(Irvin. r= 1960.8 Crane & Ordway, 9.96':jR 51,il, Fire -Exp. > }4 Playgrounds -Exp. 6 ;' - Parka -Exp. 0 51.78 09 Adam Decker Hardwqre,Company, 11:5E# -Park -Pxp-. 10 A. G. Erickson, 4,246.94 P.Schools-C&B. it Chas. Hartak, 12.36 . Park -Exp. :18 Northwestern Else. Equip. Company, r 6.40 Pol. & Fire Alar(d!'elg'.-Exp. 13 Pierce Oil Corporation, 2,233.12'. 1Fark6-Exp.1,0 6 Sprinkling 1' S 6 — .233 12 It. 14 Pittsburgh Platee Glass Company, 18.60« School -Exp. 3.50-1- Schooi-CllrB. X74 5 Playground -Exp. 5 18.60 - 15 Prussian Remedy Company, Health-Quar-E7�, . 16 St.Paul 'shite Lead & Oil Company, 18.52; bridge Bldg. & Repair. 17 J. L. EVAiely Co. Inc., 166.60 - -lay. Miss.` River Blvd. T«. A. 5.11 J� Iil 1 -IJ .11 1] Rese 646 Pae #g- 19618 Tierney & Company, 160.00 Park -Exp. • 19 Weiskopf Paint Company, 26.46 r'ire-Exp. 20 Western Electric Company, 39.16 = Parks=onst. Phalen Beach. i - - - Resolved -that warrants be drawn Upon the City. Treasury, payable on': of - - the h%Ihafter. speclded. funds and in thepersone, ,drmr or corpora-: ; . - 'lone for theamounts set oVVPodte their — regleMIV& name. as $Peetfed 1n the following detailed statement:- - Crane &,Ordway. 333.7 t. : - Adam Decker Hardware Co... $13.68. ' A. G. Erickson.:4,246.94. Cha.: Kartak, 212.116. Northwestern. Elee. Equip. Company,) $9.40. . Pierce OilCorporation$3,233.Ii - l4ttabursh Plate Glass J._ $18.0. - Prussian Remedy Co.. $12.74. I _ St.: Paul While I.ad & Oil Company. - - $18.32. ' J.lerL ShlolYC,.. 1, 21660.00.:60. - - - Tnay &Company, 316 West Pohl Co, 31 - rn Western Electrin Co.,.fi8.i6: .11' Adopted by; the -Council Sept. S.1817. - - - - Approved SePt10. 1917. - _ (Sept. IS -1917) y Ji"- I l }: JL. u - s� _ _. '. CITY OF ST. PAUL. x, _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.' rat.. ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°�EN9" No. z SEP 5 PER 647 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon The City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of thaperaons, firms of corporations for the amounts set opposite theirrespective names as .peri ed in the following detailed . •) statement, y 1 Yas (. J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted. by the CouStcil S-7 ' —� 191 }~'It.. Far orth t,a In favor Appro 191_ �// .. t I McCO �/ Against land.NAYOR Y_,g nderl'ioh Mr. Presiden — Ir C. 1r No. 19416--.., - - ' Resolved that w,*rr&nt-y b- drawn I x — - - upon the CItY'TreuurY, payable out of (. - the : herelnaf[ar speclded funds and In favor o[ the Person.. dans or corpora-. tions for the amount(.,[ oppoalte thelr� re.Decelve names -u speelaed' In the, following detailed statement:' - A- A. Farnsworth Cam'r. Flnanea.l 329.70!.16. - P.. J.Gleason. 9920.00. - - Holmes,& Hallowell. 96,276.96. - ' _ $enngh Srua11.700.00. - Adopted hY ti.%ftcll flop- 21 1917.1 Approved 9eP-'.10. - Seep- 1bd917) 19621 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r.' Finance, 2667026-46 Street C. & 16 -Sal, 653 ,49 Sewer " "' i,1 49 -0irg. 8, 0,37 Bridge Bldg. 56.97 w G. F. Vat er Sup 98000 ,. Crosswa s 667009 - • Docks, rvee & Loves480e4b Engineer & Inep. 3,488x60 �. Pay.; ce 108. • 3,012r 3 ;. Pav iso. River Blvd. 1,76 80 r P Xinnehaha.Payno 1 35 V.Younde Bivd. 3, 7:08' Pay.—Ili nn. 3rd to 8th 424029 l 4 t r Cretin 14.00 7th .1521,42 Sprinkling, 590.02. 26,702.45 I ,' 622 P. 'J. Gleason 660.00 Grad. Syndicate 623 Holmes.& Hallowell 5,275.65 _ School.3mv• 624 Keough Bros. , -1,700,00. Grad. Jefferson 69 .00 ; • Vasesca _ / 1.7 0 �r To•tal $ 34,358.10 I iln the matte—,'—, takln6 an for Ins land ProeDeet ] vard under PrtIIPllntrY �\ .. Ibt31 nPpV o ed AD+ft 19tAUL - .. Infetm diPry Or er, Nb.. r vedfnustlet3th,1917:'t-GENERAL FO M COUNC p o. having CommleMoner Ol PtI i havinR aubmltte, hle report -/. . In the above matter, bt It. t SU6]eC1: " neeolved. Tnat the CItY' file# and; determines the 1 Oounat N O`. 'land to behnken�[or, t>!P ¢b : . t. rILa ... .. ..: .,... ... ^ Improvement to he ae to,b— In fu ek 3, 1A.dltor'e.Bbbdl 3EN et fifty(50) feet of LOti 1 y ] yy �� S. ,8 ant 7. Date Presented !/ .:fifteen (1 b) telt o[ , All crv .All of lot 11 ezpt the v feet ) Resolved, , In the matter of taking and oondemning, land for Prospect Park Boulevard,-under Preliminary Order `$15A31 approved Aptil 10 j, 1917, and Intermedlary i; Order ;1?936, approved at eth, 1917. The,Commieeionerlof Publia Works having submitted his report and"tskatoh;in tb� above matter, be it ;.RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and 3eterminee the amount ,0 land to be taken for f the above named improvement to be-as follows, I + ''d In Block 3, Auditor Ia Subdivision #36 '•;�. .AV-1- fifty (;0) 1,, of Loto 1, 2. 3. 1. _ - Lot S. II [Ilftee (1 ) feet of L` AI I or. let 11 —,.t the1 fit 10"0 feAit of lot } t u[ rAtn 13 and 11. All th t p / it n tl u t [I). t ulla dr 'n - r' t t� 111111 9, In iltio of Ii t t of lh `+ t thw t cur, iihh" 1 ie, N1erthe t orner f IAL i a at Ve Ad tltl it. nf I p[ 1. l that Il or fib \ d,,; cribed iinr" lry7y Jj ant fill) ( O) f< t L V S 23 rl 1 1 Icre,':1ihelr hetra ant neelgn a �Hi Sa fid rrrY t ••+aiiab m Intaln n 1 eat n9 "I'll to fit <h extent 1 coneletent wltb the m U t nonce of the•. a rf¢c.• for the - ty --.- 1 ea. and lurpexu far bleb It_I - Ycas (t') Councilmen (I') NayY nntred Adopted by the Council. � �� �I� 1917. 1 `i orth G f� ' In favor d i;os i i • Approved. .191. fiKel f I i 1'61 'Il: Against . —""itaroR-- Mr. Prdpidcn'q Z `�tA t FOR. a.9.2 tt�ity'of Ot. foul Departnint,t of 11ithUr 91viks OSCAf M. -. GOSS. CO...,,-.... . ........ a. T. GOURIEr. a. U or GOw[TwYCT1oN ..a -1-0 JACKSON. s -T. w. ageTt'...". fact. au .... .. ... In. -REPORT TO THr couNCIL- In the matter of takingiand condemning land for Prospect Park 30jle_= vard under Preliminary Order 015831, approved April 10th,1917, and lnter- mediary Oraer W17936,.appr6ved August 8th 1917.1 To the Council of the City'of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Tiorke her -by submt-t_e ens makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, snowing the—land.-necessary,to be taken therefor by the ..shaded part of said plan, which land is more pdr- ticularly described as follows: in Ellock,3. Auditor's 9.bdllrWO.; No. 36-..- It"'It fifty (60) feet"[ let. 1. ;. S. 4, 5• 0 Ind I All of Gt 8, I-. fr... t 9. n : 15). feet Of L. All of I rop rho -eft 105 tent. All of rat 12. Ul that Part of lot. 13 and 14. that 114;; of a I I..,d—. fell - I rl"t o" the "Ihjll­ of 1 13 joI,'tatOfWeSo.o. corker of saine to sortheast, corner of Int 30 of'- Prexcotes' Addition. ln,,Presco rx Addition. ..That rlt at 1. hatV IMe north at art ril.i. .2_! 2.2 - line. acribed f Public worits EThe .meat Afty (50). .feet q[lot SL—'— - . 4: S, 2t 24. 215 and The waxi flitle (50) ;feet of lot All r of—Iota 2T and 28 Jhnt no re"n 'r—' It 27' point nn t A ljtiliat said 1, t go) fen.arth of, o ..in it.. .,Oer f "c"t or 28. f -t .rth f' it. South - 1. tomer Paul al e. I ated , 1� " 4 -,-. . l- - _­ I I- - I.. Ve 1. Z '"I V St. all per A at art Of 1014A. i. 2. 4, 5 &'o. Mck IL that Ile. north of A, line drawn 0 a ain't on t 0 amet 1 0 Of f t er a. '. Ih I e 00 mule, 140 feetnorth0 the SOU9. =74"corner. to- t 1 '18,004 0' T "Naith'.* Q.g, corner , All ihat� part at aI""' ;that Ile., north of a Iln ter- damtrot PoItoI a at ]In f Ile Southeast corper-t.i4 point ,on I a e!t It..0 .i3Oteat.at corner. lh M `Ilebest he W Moilnot t* rf�Of Block 159 Ih-t ties J. from - '-let -1 north Ot a line&--- IjOe lPt, sold block Ur to the [alit 0 Vthe Son f I,.. of a-,J,,"eagd. Will. area, . out ..... northIn'2 l$A Brock 1,OW I. I -: 4 anoth or a it.. drawn 1,Ot ";n 'fro itit, .*.`rtgeat corner of W to a point,on I a aoutti, it t line at said '..Uthe"t.rly II Block. Xxill (10) .,*Off te"M-t 6 t r. a... feet of lot 16. ;sell be fifely (50) III end 11 E31ok 188t`_ kAhsOr ofOtt 18 and 19.dull�:- Al� i t'it r. IS ce arth�.f . "not of the feet nor be at 0 ZO, Block -716, ­rZ' trt Lhe Wost line of, lot, I ' P ft sald lot 20. .171 1x it Al 4 ...... 1AC SO.. c -w... 4 In- the mattQ for Prospect Park 3 Ule- vard-unde� P.,r roved April 10th 151? and, Inter -Ac Orders 1917. yr t up ya■ilk pi .Inv 11- qA 14 4oi To the Council ;411 .11 o,,II,.4 gtd.4,.O.OyaA0100+ f, V 'go". The Commiss11 1 'rek '4 pl,'jubmits 'and makes a par of this -ZN."t +y 114 i13.s report, a p• ",%Ix showin.g the land necessary "A to jo be taken theref uu11ja330{fytiaaiig plan, which land.is more par- Vlo descri . . . . . . . I I I . . . . it ToTm_jss-jone—r -o7C-f Tb -17i -C-- forVa-- a •� '� - ; �� .�Y 0r ST. PAUL { OF FINANCE. -` V, ;. DEPt?Mt:NT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF �F'N�ANCE, ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER: (A) M P eo. Park_.Boulevard,._.. - _....... In the Matter of 1= __.. _._.. ......... . .. ... . under Preliminary Order approved _, __ April 10th 1.917 ..._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commisgoner,of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost) per foot for the above improvement is The iota or parcels of land that may be'assesse4 benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of eachvlot or ' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i '' LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION. .� ASSESSED _ VALUATION - i 1 3 Auditort,e Subdivi Bion No. 7800 600 I36, St . Paul, u1nn. 3 3, 300 3 3 300 . 4 3 300 5 3 300 6 i3 900 600 7 3 - 3 380Q..- 8 Form H H 30 t :. �.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Od f, RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER 63 - Y " ASSESSED '`• .,.. DESCRIPTION A DDIT10N • LOT BLOCK ` VALUATION 9 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1500 i 36,St.Paul, Minn. 1250 11 3 - 200. • 12 3 25 133 / 200 —14 3 1000 200 21 Piesoottls Addition 400" 23, to`St.Paul 1500 200 1 + 100 8 100 I 3 100 4 100 5 100 23 Prescott's Addition to _200 24 St. Paul 200 25 350 (Ex.S 50 ft of W 15 ft) 26 ) 3100 1900 (Except South 50 ft) 17- 28 )) South 50 ft of W 15 ft of 26 ) 3300 400 Routh 50 ft.of 27-- .28 ) 29. —30pppp 00 1 11 WeetSt.Paul Proper 2600 2900 TOTAL. - . • i nn3 CITY OF 9LoPAUL �t,+RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY BORDER (a) .' 4 ` . DESCRIPTION ADDITION LOT BLOCKVALUATION ASSESSED West } of 2 11 West St.Paul 'Proper North 113 ft' of E of 2"• 11 1200 ;. 2250 West 113 feet of - 3 11 :1T3 -f on -line &'120 ft on west line - 4 11 (Except South 100 ft) 5 11 . 825 (Except South 100 ft) 6 11 1900 , 875 North of 3 10 _ 600 775.. 4 10" _ 1226 North 67 feet of 5 _ .6 10 l 4100 1175 1 Terraoe.Plaoe 1200 .I 600 2 1150 soo 3 1250 650.. 1 28 West St. Paul Proper 725 2 28 600 3 28 3750 :725 4 28 1000 725 (Ex.S.150 ft) 5 and 6 �8 4500 700 - TOTAL. 44, CITY OF'ST. PAUL .4 DEI MTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON,PRELIMINARY ORDER AssCsseo DESCRIPTION LOT !LOOK ADDITION `VALUATION 1 1 7 Robertson's Addition 1500 500 to ,We et St.paul 2 7 ' 75 —= — = ---- - — •-------------- 700 1050 3 ,L 7 650 ' 4 7 200 650 5 7 750 600 - 6 7 606 600 7 7 I: 600 B• 7 1 8 600 g 600 3 6 600 4 6 600 5 8 ) 5500 All that part of 6 6 )S described as follows: Commencing at a point on the line between Lote 5 & 6; said block where said line intersects north line of Gruggeman'e Brewery thenoe south westerly along northerly line of IEasterly ng 8a to to the North West corner of said Brewery thence South Easterly along Weeterlq line of said Brewery 40 feet--to-South Westerly corner of said Brewery thence south Easterly to South East corner of said Lot 61- also commencing at same ,point'thence'North on line between lots 5 and 6 -10 feet thence West 37.80 ft thence Southerly, 10 feet thence on line of Brewery to beginning. TOTAL. -roar.... Ir _.. _. _ .,.... :... _....,. ......_.. �..�.._ ...: ._.. r .. 5j CITY OF ¢T. PAUL ' DEddARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, I6) - ..-t " DCSCRIPTION LOT eLOeK'A ADDITION 1 T 1 O N i- ASSESSCD EV A LUATION (Ex. Marie.Mouohenotte'a part)6 8 Robertson's Addition" 9750 75 To Fleet St. Paul 7 8 _ - 8 8 - f 2001 300 1 .9 7505 2 9 800 . 3 ' 9 200 00 - 4 9 50 7 5 9 750 6 9 30550 i 1 6500 ' ' South 194 feet of 1 159 ' 1200 .eat z of 'South 194 rt of .2 159 - (Ex.Soufh 194 feet). ;1 159 1500 (�x.S.194 ft of We at 2 159 3 159 5000 1300 4 159 1300 -= 5 159 1300 6 159. 1300 7 159 1300 8 159 1300 i 9 159. TOTAL. 1300 - , #6+ CITY OF ST. PAUL •I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRFTLIMOVARY ORDER A93l99CD- bESC RIPTION LOT BLOGN ADDITION I -V ALUATION 10 159 Robertson!a`Addition to 3500 West a. -,Paul 4 197 Irflne?a Addition �o d 2500 500 East 25 ft of N,107 ft 5 197 West St. Paul 4.50 (Ex.Heisingerla part & ex. J. H.Ferodowil11a part) 5 & 6 197 - 350 SEly part of 86 on Ely line 5 197 i 1900 SEly part of 203 ft on Wly line 6 I 800 i 15 198 Irvine's Addition 1600 16 198 to West St. Paul. 3650 2200 - 17 198 I 18 198 1000 10 198 1050 20 198 500 TOTAL . . $7, CITY OF ST. PAUL - , ,.... OEVRTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER {gy _ " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION "ABLUATIONBEB!!D VA 14,198 Irvine's Addition to 1600 13 198PleetSt._ Paul 5775 12 198775 11 198 675 . 10 198 875.: , 9 198 2675' 8 198 300 7 198,; 125. 1 199 550,. 2 199 500 3 199 1575 4 199 2150 5 199 2550 6 199 2650 _�7 ,199 2250 8 199 1150 9 199 650 10 199 3450 11 199 3600 13 199 3950 . 13 198 4375 14 198 4675 15 199 4675 16 199 1925 17 199 2075 18 199 675 TOTAL. -- #8CITY Or ST. PAUL _ i / • I �', . • DHFJXRTMENT OF FINANCE / / /- REPORT .OF iCOMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI - O E 3 C A i P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADO 1 T I O N - VABSlSSlD L AUATION 20;199 Irvine's Addition to 1425 21 19.9, West St. Paul 2025,. 4075 23 199, 3375 :. , 24,199 26751, 35199, j 5150 26 188, 11 200 785 I . 2 200 ' 3375 West of 3 200 1000 East of 3 800 I 1300 West 10 feet of 4 200 125 ' (Except West 10 ft) 4 200 2250 5 200 1875 6 200. 2175 ' 7 200 I 3275 8 200 297.5 9 200 3075 - 10 200 2875 11 200 4075 la 200 y 675 13 200 " , 3950 - - 14 200 4025 :. 15 304 3875 16 200 2250 . TOTAL. - . #90 CITY OF ST. PAUL DE4ARTMENT OF, FINANCE:: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, IB) . bESCRIPTJON LOT ADDITION .. o - AS3E591D , . VALUATION " 19 200 Irvine's Addition to 3125 20.300 West St. Pauli ` n 525 -- _- - ----�1-200- .--- ----- 3225 , ' 22 200 , 1925 23,200 3025 24,800 I 3175 I 25 '.200 525 36 200 - 4700 Went. 115 feet of 1 201 , ` 4875 5 N 115 it of W 8 ft of 2 201 South 10 feet of 1 201 3050 l (Ex. N 115 ft of W 8ft) 2 201 3 201 2975 4 201 2675 5 201 2.275 6 201 2925 7 201 475 i 8 201 1475 Went 41.58 ft of 9 201 2100 East 8.42 feet of 9 201 2075 West 29.08 ft of 10 201 East 20.93 feet of 10 201 2050 11'201 a075 . la 201 2559 13 201; 4400 14 201 am ... - 15,201. TOTAL. _ 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL Z --DEARTMENT OF FIN CH_. ft REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. DESCRIPTION -LOT eLOelt • ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 201 Irvine's 4edditionto 5275 17,201 Weet8t. Paul" 2175 -- ---- -- - -- ---18-30i--=--- - -- `- 1575 �. 19,201 225 30 201 3i 201 _ 200 22 201 175 23 301 1775 24 301 135 25 301 125 as aoi 200 a Dawson's Addition to 8700 3 3t . Paul 2850 1 4 550 g 4 4200 3 4 3200 4 4 i 2000 5 and --6 4 950 7 4 2900 8 4 2400 9 4 3000 1 6 635 - 2 8 '600 3 8 600 a s 600 TOT:\L. - -.. CjITY OF ST:. PAUL, ` _.DEFtARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE q REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . ' DESCRIPTION . LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSEl* VALUASSTI N '. 6 :6 Dawsons Addition -to 100 �• 7 6 Bt.Pau1 100 1Q0 8 6 9 6 - - 10. 6: 125 y •535 11.6 3100 13 6 3400 13 6 3335 14 6 3000 15 6 1 158 Robertson's Addition -to 750 2 158 West'Bt. Paul 6175 3 158675 I 675 4 148 t 800 �' of 5 158. .West 1335 East � df 5 15$ i J i 6 158 3350 3750 7 158 3850 W 33 1/3 ft of 8 158 ) 3850 E172/3ftOf 8 158 3 West 17 2/$. ft Of 9 158 2860 East 33 1/3 it of 9 ,158 2 350 10 158 2735 11 158 3035 12 158 1775 13 158 14 158; _ _ =J13fATY Or ST. PAUL '.. DEOARTMENT OF FINANCE , • :REPORT OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '• ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ra -Ar - it -�- DES CRIPTION '- ADDiTiON- -- / LOT oLOOK ... --VAWATIOH a .._ 15 158, Robertson's Additidn 675 16 158 to West St.PauL , 3025 17 158 + 2425 -- --- r 18 158 -2835 ,; , , 675 19 158' 20 158' 750 1 157 750 2 157 , 675 3 . 157i 675 `` l 4 157 3375 5 157 1925 6 157 ' 1425 7 157 675 i 8 157 1975 9 157 3475 _ 10 157 9550 11 157 5200 13 157 2025 13 157 2525 ' East of 14 157 - 975 West of 14 157 975 15 157 625. . 1475 16 157 17 157 19?5 '18 157 825 19 157 625 -- '.., a TOTAL.. 2050 $'CITY OF ST: PAUL REPQRT.OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE 0N'PRF_L1M1NARY'0RbER. 41 691 PiEiCRIPT,IdH •-LOT, BLOCK. A:DDADDITION-k Asmssm V4LUATIGN N150,6 of 'W 45 ft of 1 156 Robertson's Addition to (Ex. N 50, ft), W 45,ft,of 1 156 -West St. Paul' 8860 East 5 -feet of 1 156 2800 3 156 625, 4 156 5625 5 156 3925 6 156 625 7 156 625 8 156 3275- 9 156 32215 10 156 3550 11 156 3375 12 156 2275 East of 13 156 1150 West of 13 156 1100 14 156 2125 15 156 1875 16 156 1875 (Except Wlet 18 inches) 17 156, 1450 West 18 inches of 17 156 925 East of 18 156 West of: 18 156 1200 19 156 2850 20 156 1225 1 155 3750 TOTAL. ! #14�CITY OIr ST. PAUL -OEf ARTMENT OF FINANCE --'REPORT-OF- COMMISSIONER, -OF FINANCE --- ; _� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ~�ate~' '- DE SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADOITioN , - ASLJATIODN 3 158 Robetteonls Addition to 2700, 4 155 W.eet St. Paul 1700 5 155. 3600 1 —6-1-5 3400 155 2700 ' 8 155 3400 9 155 1000 10 155 1 76�o 1� 155 2750 12 155 2900 .13 155 8200 14 155 1100 15 155 3800 16 155 - 3300 17 155 3300 18 155 2300 1? 155 1350 N 29 ft ,& li inches of 20 155 1050 S,29 'ft & li inches of North 58>; feet of 30 155 950 N 29 ft & 1} 'inches of South 58JIfeet of 30,155 900 S 29 ft & li inches of 20 155 925 N 50 ft of S 150 ft of 5 -'6 28 West St, Paul Proper 4250 N 50 ft of 8 100 ft of 5- 6 38 3350 South 50 feet of 5- 6 28 775 Or"FITY OP ST. -PAUL OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _4E0ORT ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER ... r [DESCRIPTION OT BLOGN ADDITION ALUATION �. i _f /. . ._,. ....y.�...- 8 28 West 8t. Paul Proper 1850 9 28 2150 10,28 I 5175 - (Frx/, w 100 ft) Lots 11-12-. 13,28,E ', 850 . -- , West 100 feet of —13 850 West 100 feet of 18 28 I 7950 West 100 feet of 13 28 14 28 735 We at 50 ft of 1 and 3 29 : 4150 I East 100 feet of 1- 2 29 3850 (Ex.E 50 ft) Lots 3-4= 5 29 9400 • East 50 feet of Lots "3-4- 5 29 2250 6 28 3350. 7 . 29 1650 8 29. 1700 9 29 1775 10 29 1850 West 1/3 of lots 1 - 2 58 625 West i of East 2/3 of 1- 2 58 ) 3100 East 1/3 of 1- 2 58 3 3 58 3025 West 100 feet of 4 .58 1800 ,East 50 feet ,of 4- 5 58. - 275 (Ex. N 22 ft) W 100 ft of 5 58 1625 North 22 ft of W 100 ft of 5 58, 975 6 58 3300 7 56 TOTAL.. 1125 18y CITY Or ST. PAUL" 1 DEFtARTMENT OF; FINANCE.•`. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OaSCRIPTION . ADDITION �' LOT BLOCK ., ASSC35lD - VALUATIONS Easti of 8 58 West, St. Paul Proper } 1550 South 15 ft of East of 9 58 , S} North 35 ft of East } of 9 58 - - 1825 East f of 10'58 '2825 10 58 _ 1 2525 1 ' Miller's Rearrangement of 2075 2 the North Half of Block 59 1725 3 --West St. Paul Proper 1375_ q 5 1325 6. 1.350 7 I i 1375 g _ d 1425 8 0awson'a Rearrangement 5275 9 ' of block 59 of West St. 1450 10 Paul Proper - 1425 11 1575 12 1575 13 1975 14 875 West 1/3 of Lots 1-2- ��? 1 _.(� 'r ,,%,..: , 3 81 �- � �; _ Jc 4100 ,West I of East 2/3 of 1-2- 3. 81 4.150 East 1/� of 1-2- 3 81 700 West of 4- 5 81 I 3950 East of 4- 5 8.1 3575 West 1/3 of 6- 7 81 1150 W of E 2/3 of 6- 7 .81 TOTAL. 1000 - n. - $17 C O!' ST. PAUL - e� \ DEF(ARENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE OKI PRELIMINARY'ORDER IBI _ OESCRIPTION LOT FLOCK ADDITION VALUATN N �;• 1475 East x/3 of - 7 81 West St. Paul Proper (Ex.E 100 ft) 8. 81 3275 West 50_ft'of 9— 10 81 "East.100 feet of 8 81 425 W 50 ft of E 100 ft 9— 10 81 2100 East 50 ft of 9— 10,81 2175 South jof 3 10' 800 (Ex.S,100 ft_& Ex N 67 f.5 6 1 I 3100 N 50 ft of S 100 ft of 5— 6 10 2350 South 50 feet of 5— 6 10 3375 4 ? Terrace Place 1725. 5 1575 6 1625 (Private Alley) 7 150 1 _27 West St.Paul Proper 1100 2 27 5950 3 27 5050 4 27 950 5 27 3800 6 27 1100 7 27 5550 8 27 3350 i 9 27 2475 10 127 4450 1 30 4400 North 5 feet of 2 30 - TOTAL • #18 QITy OF ST. PAUL " -•P \ DE+R�TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT dF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) D -E S C R I P T I O N � LOT BLOCK ,ADDITION ASSESS VALUATION (except North 5 feet) 2 30 r Wgst St,.Pau1 Proper 850; 3 30 3785 A West 40 feet of 4- 5 30 _ _ 1475, 11 East �O ft of W 90 ,tt ' 4- 5 30 5825 Elis o0 -feet of - 30 2100 .6 . '30 10525 7 30 8 30 9 30 2150 10 30 5000 West 60 feet of 6- 7 57 5525 (Ex.West 60 ft) 6- 7 57 . 6985 West 1/3 of Lots 8-9- 10 57 2475 East 2/3 of 8 57 _ 6550 East 2/3 of 9 57 3000 I East 2/3 of 10 67 B4 3850 1 Union Cottage Company's ) 3100 East of 8 Rearrangement ofthe the West; West of 2 half of Block 57 West 9t.) 1850 3 jgul Proper. )) 4 4250 5 1500 g 2100 7 2650 8 1675 1 Meyers Subdivision of 3200 'Blk 60 West Saint Paul s Proper � TOTAL '$19 OITT. OF ST. PAUL 1 DE f ARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF _COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' D E S C PI PTION .. LOT BLOCK ADPITION ASSESSED VA4k/A„TiON2 2 1Meyer9 Subdivision of -4350 - 3 - Block 60 West Saint Pahl, 1450 4 Proper, 6250 5 3550 6 3500 . 7 825 g 2925 9 3175 10 I 2775 11 2775 12 2525 West 1/3 of 1- 2 80 West St.Paul Proper 1650 Vast 1/3 of 1-• 2 80 3050 West of East 21/3 1- 2 80 5695 3 80 6200 West of. 4- 5 80 X3575 East }.oi 4- 5 '80 1700- 700West West•50fec-t of 6- 7 80 3450 (Ex.West 50 ft) 6- 7 80 2125 i I West 40 feet of i8-9- 10,80 2025 (Ex.W-40 ft) -8-9- _ __ 10 80 6150 (Ex. N 113 ft) East of 2 11 5675 (Except North 113 ft) 3 11 (Except N 120 ft) West 5 ft 411 East 45 ft of S 100 ft of 4 11' 4350 South 100 ft ofd_ 5 11 -___.__._ -- 1325 South 100 feet of 6 11 TOTAL. 4825 v CITT OF ST. PAUL dao, D.q'RTMENT OF FINANCE -. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ". ON.PRELIMINARY ORDER D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A p I T 10 N - V ALUATION �^ 1 26 West St. Paul Proper 2650 2 26 950 . 3 .26 2300..W 4 26 2300 East lI3 of 5 26 350' West 2/3 Of 5 26 7050. 6 26 7075 i South 30 ft of 7 . 26 (Except South 30 feet) 7 26 + ) )) 2150 8 26 9 .26 2350 10-26 1225 1 31 Dawson's Rearrangement of 4600 2 31 Lots 1 to 1C of Block 31 2075 3 31 of West St -Paul Piroper. 2175 4 31 in the City of St.Paul ) 9350 5 31 Minn. )j 6 31 3525 7 ;11 4825 North 30 feet of 8 31 1230 3975 (Except North 30 feet) 8 31 9 31 2975. 10 313675 i 11 31 5485 West of 12 31 .12 } S3a5 East � of 31 )) 13 31 TOTAL. ` 7f2 CTy, Or SL PAUL..— DE AtTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CffffffOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI a. DESCRIPTION ___ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 14 31 Dawson's Rearrangement of 2450 Lots 1 to 10 of Block 31 of West -St. Paul Proper n ne.City of-5t:i�airl, Minn. � West of Lots 1-2- 3 56 West St. Paul Proper 7200 ' We at 35 ft,of E 75 ft 1-2- 3 56 2275 East 40 feet of 1-2- 3 56 3700 4 .56, 3400 5 56 2350 6 56 875 .7 56 750 8 56 1675 West 1/3 of 9- 10 56 3100 Ween j of East 2/3 of 9- 10 56 4�00 East 1/3 of 9- 10 56 2325 West 34 feet of 6- 7 61 ' 1325 East 37J ft.of W 75 ft of6- 7 61 1225 i West 35 ft of E 75 ft of 6- 7 61 1450 4950 East 40 feet of 6- 7 61 8 61 1375 9. 61 ) 6050 10 1 Wicker's Addition 675 2 to St. Paul 1575 - TOTAL.. #24tT br ST, PAUL �.. 'DEP{4RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE OH PRELIMINARY -ORDER -. - DESCRIPTION i, LOT HLCG,t ADDITION -VALVATION x 4 Wioker'e`Addition 5500 5St . Paul 6OfJ 1 Merrill!* Subdivision of -3 20510 g the We et j of_Blooi 79 2000 3 West Suint Paul Proper 4300 4 500 r. 5 1650 g 2400 7 2550 S 2300 9 2700 6 79 West St.Paul Proper 8750 7 79 _.- B 78 1500 9 79 _ 6000 10 79 700 S 50 feet of 27 - 28 PreBaott'Q Addition to 3900 30 gt.Paul,Minn. 8500 10 3 Auditor's Subdivision 1900 15 3 No,36,St.Paul,linn. I 500 (EX.S.50 ft) 8 100 ft 16 3 3175 (Ex. South 100ft) 16 3 375 i South 50 ft 4f, 6.100 ft of 16 3 1 2475 E 50 ft of S 6 ft, & the E 2 ft of -N -50 -f -t 4if--g_.7.6_ft-:oL -----17-3----- - — ---- �- — — ---- ----'- . -. - TOTAL. ' `3, \ CITY -Or ST, PAUL ' \� DE+RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF .COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) \ iOESC"RI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ED V .LUATIOrl (EX.E 50 ft of S 6 ft & Ex.E. 17.3 Auditor'e Subdivision No., 150:. ft of N 50 ft of 8 76 ft) 36, St. PmA, Minn. IS 34..00 19 3 3075 l 32 West St.Psul Proper 1225 2 ,32 3800 3 .32 1100 4 32 6900 5 32 6 32 250 b`. .18 7 550 B . , 32 925 E of Dakota ave -of 1- 2 33 -N- North 25 feet of 4 33 2050 (Except North 25 feet) 4 33 1500 , West 118 ft of 5 34 4925 '(Except West 118 feet) 5 34 675 6 34 19625 4 35 13700 5 35 2875 5 36 ) 8900 4 36 3 West 50 feet of 6 - 7 36 3450 (Ex.W 50 ft) 6 - 7 36 22950 1 55 5300 .. rww.... 3 55 TOTAL. 950 - I \ #84, GTY OP 9T. PAUL DE,RTMENT- OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " I' i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION - ASS ' VALUATION 4 '55 West St. Paul Proper 3250 15 55, _ 4600' W of Goff ave adj.. & (Except'All.ejr) 6 55 4450 W of Goff ave adj & a (Except Alley) 7 55 500 W of Goff ave adj. & l 8 55 (Exoept Alley) 550 W -i -of Goff ave adj & (Except Alley) 9 55. 6850 W i of Goff ave adj. & (Except Allev) 10 55 600 A 45 ft of Lots 1-2- 3 54 7900 East i'of Goff ave adj (Ex-cept Alley) (Except. Forth 45 ft) 1-2- 3 54 650 East J. of Goff ave adj (Excwp -- - .Alley) 5 54 4950 West i of 6 54 575 East i of 6 54 3550 7 64 8 54 3150 9 54 23000 North i of 10- 11 54 1900 South i of 10- 11 54- 10700 (Ex.West 10 ft) " 13,54 1500, -... - -..-....�. - .. TOTAL. CITY• OP, ST. PAUL ,"... ,--._- , _ • --- :-.. DE+RTMENT OF FINANCE ,. OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER �(B) . ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION - LOT BLOCK• -. ,... DESCRIPTION i , „, .....-:- 12 54 West St. Paul Proper 2825 B 100 It oP W 10 -ft of E 30 It of S 100 ft of 13'54 3000 W 10 It o 2,.54 (Ex: W 20 It of S 50 ft) 13'54 (Ex.E 30it Of . S 100 ft) 13' 54 14 54 (Ex.South 50 ft) (Ex.8 50 ftp that part East _ 15 54 of Wabasha St) i 1075 W20 it of 8 50 ft of 13 54 South 50 it Of 14 54 F S 50 It of Part` East o; Web. 15'54 16 54 17 54 1 E 3' of Goff ave Vac. &'adl & 18 54 1 - 1200 1 53 . 750 -. 2 53 also 3 53 7450 West 90 feet of 4 '53 700 East 42 feet of l 4 53 I 750 53 2325 1 51 ;ii , North 25 feet Of 2 51 7700 (Exoept North 25_Peet) 2 51 3 51 2704 4 51 2850 5 51 6 _ ..: .51- .._,. TOTAL. e -r: . 26 CITY:OF ST. PAUL l 020, RTMENTOF PINAN cIE REPORT OF CMMISSIONER'OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' - DESCRI,16TION ', i_LOT BLOCK, ADDITION - - ASSESSED. • ' VALUATION , 7 51 West St.'Paul Proper .#.. t 1500 8, 51 1§00 South; of — 9 51 .750 North j of -- 9 51 2756 10:.51 6625 W 2/3 of Lots 1 j 2 62. 7000 E'1/3 of Lots 1 - 2 62 2700 3 62 ' 1775 - W 100 ft of. 4 62 1675 West 100 feet of 5 62 4150 East50ft of 4 - 5 62 4875 6 62 4800 7 66 . 62 650 8 400 9 .62 2050 10 62 600 W of Dakota ave 1 - 8 163 325 E of Dakota ave 1 - 2 63 2175 3 63 3050 4 •'63 3850 4 5 63 200 1 _64 25 2 :64 50 3 1 64 75 East 30 5 64 125 6 64 . 1500 TOTAL.' - - CITY-0F ST. PAUL ' I DPATMENT OF FINANCE , ' - REPORT OF-COMMISSIONER_ OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lBl -=.ASSESSED .. v Di ESCRIPTION ',LOT ,BLOCK 1 ADDITION VALUATION 8 '64 West St. Paul Proper 300 4 West 20 _feet, of .9 '.6 . N 175'ft of Lots 11- 12 64 - 39300 750- (Ex.N 175 ft), 1l - 12-64 ' 13 64 2700 .All that part of, 15 .64 5900 lying Northerly Of,& line drawn from a point on,Conaord �t 17 feet, l S6utti Easterly from North West oorner of said lot to a PointOn.west � .line thereof,- 17 feet from-said ,North West Cor. (Also except a Triangle e in North West corner being 17 feet on Aoaoord at and 17 feet. on West lin i All that part North of a line drawn at right angles to west line from a point thereon 150 feet South from Concord street of 14 64 West Ip. Paul Proper All that part Of 14 64 350 lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on Concord eJ.17'it South Ealy 'from North West co�r.ot said Lot toa point on West line thereof 17. fI from N West oorner of Lot 14 Commencing at s point on West line of Lot 15 - 17 feet from North West corner thence North Easterly to a Pointon Concord at. 17 feet from said North West corner thence South Easterly along said street 4 feet thence South Westerly parl. to first described line to a Point on the aforesaid West line of Lot 15 the.nos North to point West St. Paul Proper 50 of beginning Part Of 15 84. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL " � •'* ARTMENT Oft FINANCE - REPORT OF- COMMISSIONER- OF FINANCE ON PFJELIMIIJARY ORDER Y DESCRI PT_ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSFSEO VALUATION -1200 (Except a Triangle in NW 15 =64 went St. Paul Groper , -- Oor. being 21 fW on Concord & 32- feet on South Eaetetlg;`li1LtT - All that Part Of 14 64 5&50. lying South Of a line drawn at right angles to the west lille fr�m a point thereon 150 feet South Of Concord street p i 16 64 t 1:85 5150 2 85 1700 1 78 700 2 78, 2300 77025 3 78 4 76 5 78 6 78 7 78 - e -78 9 78 10 78 1 ,76 250 2 76 ', 250 3 76 500 250 4 76 5 76 250 ------_- ----. __ ----- - �---- ----_ S_125 ft of 6-7= ----650- -=-- ' - TOTAL. uJILp^.. z:'.+: -moi.-av--arta:sv+'�.-r.:w-`t..=.-+.-_....-+:..c.........—�-. .. - •. ... .t _ •\ EEyyyy����C!TY Or ST. PAUL _• �, DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I ' DESCRIPTION - ,' LOT SLOCIC ADDITION - ASiSS" VALUATION N 25 ft'of .6-7- 8 76_ 'West St. Paul Proper 125 ' 9' 76 _125 - 10 ?6 1175 1 75 -730 North of 2 75. South of a 75 675 [ I 3 75 I ` 4 75 2500 5 75 . 6 75 1 74 225 12 74 200 3 , 74 - 200 I I 4 _ 74 aoo 5 74 200 6 74 225 I 1 Vollmer's Rearrangement 300 2 175 3 325 4 175 5 1?5 6 175 7 3350 6 _ 3300 9 3300 10 , 3575 -- ia TOTAL 7 �g�r..• OITT OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \� REPORT OF_.COMMI SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER BI ADDITION '. ASSlSSCD . VALUATION - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, _ 1 87 ;,West 8t. -Paul Proper 450 675 a eT North it1 3 87, - 675 877 _ 4..87 11251 5 67 1825 W50ftof6-7— 8 87 3675.. (ESC. W 50 ft) 6-7-1 8 87 850 (Ex. W 50 ft) 9 — 10 87 , 300 Peet 50 feet of 9 — 10 87 !; ' 900 1 86 400 2 88 ; 400 3 86 500 4 86 600 5 86 4250 6 86 7 86 I 150 8 88. Of South 200 North of 9 86 . 10 86 3000 W 100 ft of 1-2- 3 85 2600 (Ex.W 100'ft) 1-a— 3 85 100 4 85 150 5 85 11350 6 85 7 85 _ -. ___ TOTAL $31! CITY Or ST:"PAUL DEP RTNIENT OF FINANCE ` •. -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON,PREUMINARY ORDER D �S C R I P T I O IJ ADDITION LOT BLOCK - q• (VALUATION B 85 West It. Paul Proper. 1450 - 1950 W 50 ft of_5- 110 85 , 7925 East 100 feet.of 9- 1085 1 84 - a 300 Bh 150 North, bf, 3 84 - 2850 N1/3oY3of 3 84 E 40 ft of w 90 ft of S2 3 84 West 1/3 of 4-. 5 84 ) E 40 ft of W 90 ft of 4- 5 84 i 7350 E 60 feet of S # of 3 84 East --6Q' f6et.Aof 4- 5 84 (Ex. East 50 ft) 6-. ? 84 575 7 3700 Eagt 50 feet of 6 - 84 100 8 84 100 9 64I 300 10 H4 ) 3275 (Ex.East 50 ft) j 1, 93 (Ex.East 50 ft) 2 83 1 2675 : )Cast $7 ft of Lots 1- 2 83 • 2625 W 33 ft of E 50 ft of .1- 2 83 1800 3 83 1800 4 83 3950 5 83 2350 West 50 ft Of 8- 7 83 2175 W cS ft of E 100 ft 6- 7 '830' 1350 - - - P 40 ft of E 75-- ft o- ,... / --- -- - -- TOTAL: 02 ,CITY OF ST: PAUL ' DEP RTMENT OF.FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER10) ASSESSED O ESCRIP TION - LOT eLOCKI ADDITIONS. . VALUATIONS East 35 fee_of 6-., t 7 `83 • 2325 8, 83 425 9' n83 500 10,83 250 West of 1- 2 82 725 ,� East of 1_ 2 82 2350 3 82 1350 West 2/3 of 4- 82 2825 -East 1/3 of 4- 5 82 1425 6 82 3550 1 7 82 8 82 3600 9 82 3900.' r 10 82 6750 1 Hor neby' a Rearrangement 2275 2 of the West Half of Block 2950 3 101 of West 8t,. Paul Proper 2350- 300 5 350 6 400 W 50 ft of 6- 7 101 2525 W 50 ft of 8 of 8 101 East 100 ft Of 6 101 2275 Etat 100 feet of 7 101 2726 East 100 feet of 8 101 1250 W 1/3 of N J of 8 101 450 - YJeet 50 it Of 9- 10 101- -. e .,.. _ TOTAL. —.. . • 33 , 4 CITYbF ST. PAUL DEP¢ RTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. oN P,REI„IMINARY'ORDER DESC F LOT eLocn � ADDITION. ASSIUSED VALUATION ' 15001 E of W 2/3 of 9- 10 101 East 1/3. of ` 9 101. 1100 East 1/3 of l 10'101 1650 West 50 ft of 1- .2_ 100 3625 E i of W 100 ft -of 1- 2 100' 1900 East 50 ft of 1- 2 100 3825 3 100 3100 s (Ex. South 10 ft), 4 100 400 South 10 ifeet of 1 4 100 ) 5050 5 100 .6 100 9550 South of 7 , 100 North i of 7 100 ) 1400 South i of 8 100 )) E 100 ft of N of 8 100 ___ i 900 W 50 ft of N of 8 100. 1000 4st 50 feet of 9- 10 100 _ East 100 feet of 9- 10 2125 West 100 ft of 1- 2 98 I 3675 . East 50 feet of 1- 2 99 1250 3. 99 3400 4 99 - 2300 5 99 4575 W 50 ft of 6 - 7 99 12750 (Ex.W 50 ft) 6- 7 99 West 50 ft, of South of 8 99 • ----------- --- -East-100-ft of S ` 1 of East-100-ft 8 99 . _ .. i - 2275_ TOTAL. .3 CITY OP 5T. PAUL - - DP"TMpJT OF,FINANCB,. FPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER \' IBl -TION I ADDITION LOT BLOCK - A55l55lD VALUATION -: DESCRI P -. East 100 ft of 99 West 8t,. Paul Proper 400 • �9 1250 North.j of 8 98 10 99 2200 165 0 (Except West 50 feet) : 10 99 2600 1 98 3400 2 98 - 150 2 3 98 ' 2800 4 98 3600 5 98 3100 6 96 18050 7 98 8 98 2735 (Ex.E 50 ft) 9- 10"98 5025 East 50 feet of C- _ D 10 ..B , 450 4 1 97 2 97 475 3 9 7 475 4 97 l 6400 5- 97 30000 6 97 7 97 I 8 97 9 97 - 10.9? 1750 -L T 1/3 of ots 1- 3 96 W 50 ft roar • . of _ --3,- 96 - - -- ----- - ;__z-. - TOTAL. '.... ,._..". - ,-- - -I ... ..: a . '35J CITY ON ST. PAUL RTMENTOF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / REPORT ON,'PRELIMINARY ORDER ` / .,. - DESCRIPTI OF4 _. p LOT B�OC1c ADD/1T1 N EVALUATION . I ± / I 1 .. ... n. - West of East 4/3 of 1-1 2 96 West St. Paul Proper 1950 East 1/3 of 1- r2 , 96 1 2100 west - Of 3 96 - 200 E of W 2y3 of 4- 5 96 / 1225 1\ - West•, 1/3 of 4- 5 96 925 East 1/3 of 4- 5 96 j 1025 - g ir'�East,1/3.of - )) 3 96 p s 96 1 I 1900 1 7' 96 350 West 1/3 of 8-9- 10,96 4675 East of W. 2/3 of 4=9- - 10 96 -- 3375 East 1/3 of 8-9- 10 x'96 4100 West 1/3 of 1- 2 95 2225 W 1/3 of N 1of 3 95 East 2/3 of 1- 2 95 575 E 2/3 of N i of 3 95 W 2/3 of S 'of 3 951 2525 W 2/3 o f A- 5 95 , Fj 1/3 of S of 3 95 325 East 1/3 df 4+ 5 95 -E 50 ft of 6- 7 ,95 450 E 50 ft of 4 of 8 95` W 50 -ft o£ F. 100 ft 6- 7 95 425 W 50 ft of E 100 ft of South Of 8 95 TOTAL r #36CITV OF T. PAUL `DEP �TMENT OF FINANCE'.. �MISSIONER OF FINANCE -. — REPORT OFC ON PFJI;L IMINARY ORDER IB) AR 0, - r-- LOT BLOCK -t �_-- VALUATION .,. SCRiPTION 7 95 West St.Paul Proper ) 4225 West 50 ft of 6- ` 3 W 50 ft" of S } of @ 95. 8250 8 95 E 1/3 of'Lots 9-. 10 95 425' . bleat 1/3 of N J,<FP 8 95' } 1) West 1/3 of 9- 10 95 1775 bl of E 2/3 of': . of <; 95 W of E-2/3 of 9 - 10 95 2800 E } of 's- 10 108 2675 West 112 of 9- 10 108 t A025 i East 1/3 of 1- 2 : 108 I 2125 E of W 2/3 of 1- 2 108 W 1/3 2. 305P - Bx*xw:zxi[x'%A of 1- 108 i 2825 E 50 ft of 9- 10 107 2625 middle.50 ft of 9- 10`107 -.. 1525 gest 50 ft of 9- 10 107 1675 1=z EaCet 1/3'' 107 of 2350 E of W 2/3 of 1 107 of W 2/3 of 2 107 . t1 of E 1725 W 1/3 of i 1 107 Pest 1/3 or 2 307 . 2300 -Of E,2/3 of S # of 2 107 975 10 106 950: 9 106 9675 1 106 1875 2 106, _ -1700 East 2/3 Of 10 105 -:.. TOTAL. .;.... ..,.. • ,.<.- ..q.:t�. / #07Z, CITY OF ST. PAUL . \ ..: .`. . DEP TMENT OF FINANCE. MMISSIONER OF FINANCE , REPORT OF,C. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, IBI A4SlSSlD DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. - A D OI T I O N V DATION West tt lPaul Proper 1800' East '2/3 of 9 105 1150 West 1/3 of B- 10 105 1575 -- -(ER _ .92.f- 1 .-5175 West 92 ft Of 1 105' 1 1 400 2" 105 650 10 104 300 9 104 1 a90o 1 104' , 300 2 104 -- 1450 m 10 403 1480 9 103 500 1. 103' 2650 2 103 . - 350 10,102 300 . 9 102 4925 (Ex. W 1/3)i1-2- _ 3 102 4800 West 1/3 of 1-2- 3. 102 1025 South'45 feet of 1 1 Nelson, Stevens and 1 1 King's Addition to 1550 North 90 feet of West Saint Paul" 1850 2 1 3050 3 1 2550 4 l 1550 5 1 550 6 .l 1675 East of 7 1 1950 . 1 -- -- -- -1---- - ---- ---- -` 2175- 8 1 _I �,_... _.. . 8 / CITY OF ST. PAUL #38 3 DEP TMENT OF FINANCE . OF OF FINANCE REPORT CZMMISSIONER ON PRELlmiNARY ORDER , ,y ADD�T 10'N t. ' DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK � �I.SSES E VALUATION • ` 9 1 Nelson, Stevens and 2000 l 10`1 King'a Addition to 2100 all1—o-at -saiattatts 700 a1i00' 13 1 , 3950 14.1 1825 1 550 2 2 3125 3 ..a 1850 4 2 300 5 2 1700 6 2 3800 7 a 4600 3685 8 a 9 3225' l0 2 400 11 a 3000 12 a 3875 13 2 275- 14 2 350 1 3 250 4 3 150 5 3 450 8 3 500 10 3 ,1500 --- -- - — _.--- - . — -- ---L. 7-3- - ---- =--- -- = - -- ----------.-135 12 3 900 TOTAL, #39 t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP RTMENT OF . -FINANCE, REPORT OF CdMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI . DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N SWATION il' VA 0 3 Nelson, Steven' a.& King'e 360 3 3 Addition to West.St.Pau1"- 150 6 3 7 3 1500 9 3 6, 4 4850 7 4 925 8 4 400 9 4: 350 1 Haas Pbaee 10800 8400 a 1 5 Nelson, Stevens & 'King' a 1875 Addition to West Saint 4025 3 5 3 5 Paul 5225 4; 5 4025 2975 5 5 625 6 5 7 'S 725 8 5 375 300 9 5 300. : 1 0 5 ; -- 11 5 390 3550 1 2 5 West 10 feet of 13 5 w' 250 (Ex. West 10 feet) 13 5 ---- ------- - 4875 - - — -- — 3450 1 fi �. , TOTAL. #40 CCITT -0P ST. PAUL, - '- • DEP RTMENT 0E-FINA4CE: REPORT OF CC5MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER 1B1..� - '- - D,ESCRIP.TION ADDITION LOT BLOCKALUATIO VA35ESSlDN 2 6 Nel-eOn, Stevens and 2850 3 6 Kings Addition to 1050` 37 5--f,t) 4 6 wpp{�aintPeul West 5 feet of f 4 6 2500 (Except West 5 feet) 5 6 West. 51 feet of 5 8 ) 4000 6 6. )) .6 13775 7 North 20 feet of 8- - 9 -6 1500 (Ex. N 20 ft) 8— 9 6 i 7450 1 10 E 2500 North 25 feet of 11 6 9625 (Exoept.North 25 feet), 11 6 ;75 - 12 6 .200 E 5 ft of S 86 ft of 13 6 ) 3250 }) South 86 feet of 14'i (Ex. E 5 ft of S 86 ft) 13 6 23QQ (Except South 86 ft)1 1 7 ,bawson's Addition to 2525 N 36 ft of W 115 ft of I 2 7 Saint Paul 13125 8 20.6 ft of W-115 ft of 2 7 ti ) )) 3675 a N 13.4 ft of W 115 ft 3. 7, . N 35 ft of 6 43.2 ft of I , I W 115 ft of 3 7 4600 South 8.2 ft of W 115 ft 3 7 I 150 East 15 feet of 2— _. 3 7 _... TOTAL, --------- #44,,Y OF ST. PAUL ( ,, - + bEPTENT OF FINANCE -- ` I - REPORT -Opt, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i IBI „ c. If �, U +,• . .. DESCRIPTION ADDITION "1 LOT BLOCK I' WSWIO VALUATON West 40 ft of;A 5 7 Dawson's Addition to 4150 5 0 ft of W 90 ft 4- EI 5. 7Saint Paull East�eetof-'—_5-7 I 4�5 6 7 i 1500 7 ? r 600 1 _ 8 __7 _- I 600 9 T 600 10 7 5450 11 'r - 200 12 7 425 13 ` 7 135 -I 14 7 , 125 -15 7 125 1 + N 25.7/12 feet of 1 10 3575+ South 24;5/12 feet of 1 10 ) 7250 a 10 3 — 3 .10 1700 4 10 100 5 10 i 4075 I 1 6 1p 7 10 1850 8 10 1350 8 10 2300 10 10. 200 11 .1 10 _ 175 3600 TOTAL. ' 1200 TOTAL 1 5 1 2 5. 3 5 4 5 1 5 5 6 '5 E of alley fac. and 7 5 E of alley vac. and 8 5 E of alley vac. & 9 5 E �,of alley vao.(Ex. N 10 feet) 10 5 N5 ft of N10�tof 105 and E of alley vac. & 11 5 E of Alley vac. andl 12 5 E of alley vac. `and 13 5 E of alley vac. & 14 5 E of alley ,vao. and r 15 5 E, j of alley vac. and 16 5 E j of alley vac. and, 17 5 (Ex.N 5 ft of N 10 ft) East Of alley vac. 10 E 'W � of alley vaO: and_--- —It's^5 1200 TOTAL . ,. #42 FIT,Y.OF ST. PAUL • . I " ` DEPIRTMENT OF kL1NANOE'• " REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE- - y, T .ON PRELIMINORY ORDER " IBL , " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKA.D D I T I O N D - ASSESSED 19 5 Dawson's Addition " w+ > 1100 " 20 s, to Saint Paul 1100 21 5 5800 22 5- — _� _, - 1100 23 5 1100 24 5 .1150 25 5 1200 - 26- 475 /. 27 5 475 28,5 2400 29 5 1900 30 5 1625 31 5 1300 32,5 , -400 33 5 L 1300 34 5 ? 3800 35 5 W # of alley vac. and 36 5 3500 37 5 3500 Alloe. Park in 5 1675 East 2/3 of 1- i 2' 8 4400 West 1/3 of 1- 2 8 1425 3 650 4 8 ;650 - 5 g 4600 .. 6 i 8 --- ----- ----- - -- -- ----7--0 ---- - - - -----� - - - ---- - --- -`-'$ -- 4 ! --.... ,F .. _• TOTAL. . CITYOF Sr. PAUL / , • #4313EP ! � TMENT OF FINANCE 1 OF FINANCE REPORT COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `r ASlESfl�'D• 4 D E S C R I P T I O N; LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION 8' 8 Dawson'a Addition to 3050 / 9 8 Saint ,Paul r 10 8 525 ` 11 8 F— 600 2450_ 12 8 13 8, 2700 14 8 I 675 15 8 625 16 8 600 1425 _ 2 g 1425 3 g X375 4 9 1225 I 5 9 ; 1425 6 g 1000 - q g ) 1850 , East 5 feet of 8 9 )) (Exoept East 5 feet) 8 9 1325 9 9 5300 10 9 1650 11 8 9350 12 9 I 2550 13 9 500 14 9 500 15 ,g 1700 16 9 i f __._ TOTAL. 1475 1--_ - CITY or ST. PAUL #44 OF FINANCE- / / Th COMMDIP ISSION. ER bF FINANCE REPORT .OF QN.PRELIMINARY ORDER •;. � .IBI r _ „ LOT SLOG/N ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION -- DES C RIPT ION A �r _ '•. 1 , 13 Olivier' s AdAtion to 19400 - 2 13 West. st.-Faul. r. , 3 ' 13 I `- 1950 strip on E side,adj. & 4 13 3100 „ 8 13 3100 7 13 3150 8 13 is 1800 East 80 feet of 1 - a 3925 (Ex. E 80 ft) l 3 ,l2 1550 3 12'. A strip 5 ft wide adj &East (EX.W 64 ft & Ex. N 2 ft 5875 of Lot 5) ,5- i 6 18 W.64 ft (ExoePt N 2 ft 3235 of Lot 5) Lots 5 - 6 12 ..... - 550 1 ' 2100 2 9 1700 North of 3 9 1050 South of 3 9 3400. 4 9 2300 5 9 6 1325. 9 8685 1 14 ) 2050 West 50 feet of 2 - 3 '14 3 1'4 )) 600 4 14 for) CITY OF 4T. PAUL , _DEP TMENT OFFINANCE' - - ' REPORT;OF TONER OF FINANCE ComMilt ON PRELIMINARY' ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION.VALUATIOM ASSEsseD 5 14 Olivier's Addition"tol 600 6 14 West St. Paul 8375 East of. 1- West of .1- 3 i'1 1850 Al 0 4" 11 3700 West 50 feet of 5-,' 6 11 3835' (EX.W 50 ft) 5- 6 .11 _ 3835 West 60 feet of 1- 3 10 1900 (Ex. W 60' ft) 1 110 3835 East 63 5/13 ft of 8 10 900 3 10 3500 4 10 2850 , _ 5 10 3550 East of 6 10 835 West j of 6 10 1075 West 86 ft of 16 I 1850 (Ex.W 86 ft) S 64 feet 16 1175 (lx,W,86 it & ex.S 64 ft of the pert E of W 86 ft) 16 5175 1 17 Lienau's Rearrangement of 4400 2 17 Blocks 17 and 18 3 17 Olivier's Addition to 8650 West. Saint Paul 4 17 5 17. ) 3650 I 6• 17 3 ,' - TOTAL. ' '.1 46 CITY Of ST. PAUL ' D€P+ TMENT OF FINANCE - - t ' REPORT OF C(JMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION ' LOT eLOew A D D9 T 10 N ASSESSED' VALUATION 7 .17'' hishWis Rearrangement Of) 2650; - 8 17 Blocks 17'=4 18 Olivier' s) 9' 17 'Addition to West\ Saint - 300 1 10 17 Paul 300 0 11-17 12 17 1625 13,17 425 14 17 3950 15 17 16 173150, I South of 17 17 1 )} North of 17 17 3150 18 17 19,17 " 375 L' 20 17 375 21 17 ) 3550 22 17 )) 23 17 375 24 17. @ 375 1 1 is 2300 2 18 250 ,. 3 18 I 2400 (Except South 10 f8et) 4 18 South 10 fact of 4 18 2800 5 18 Forth 5 feet of . 6 18 I . #47i CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEP+TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CLIP�MISSIONER O.F. FINANCE l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 IBlMEMO y . DESCRI RTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .VALUATION L. South 20 feet of 6 18, ienau'e Reatrangement 1900 i North 20 feet of 7 18 o Blocks .17. and'18 South 5 feet of 7 18 olivlor! o Addition to 2050 8 18 west; St. Paul ' 1 (Except South 15 feed) `,, 9 18 South 15'feet of 9 18 I i 2550 10 18 North 5 fee of 11 18. (Except North 5 feet) 11 18 2575 18 18 13 18, 2475 South of 14'18 North } of 14 18 2500 15.18 16 18 550 17 yyy 750 18 18 19 18 $75 20 18 I 2075 21 18 ` 375 22 18 2050 South'i of - 1 23 18 iNorth of 23, 18 2725 24 18 2 27 Balme's Addition to ) 2800 )) 3 27 Vilest St.Paul -... � ...: ' #48 FITY Or-ST..PAUL ' 'DEP. TMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE I� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK iiDDITiON VALUATION 4 27 BalmeIs Addition"to West 1(c 2000 South 15. feet of 5 '27.St. Paul, P Horth 10 feat of 5 37 550 I South 12 feet Of 7 2? 1775 North 13 feet of 7 27 1950 8. 27 .of 9 27 3350 South 15 feet 10 27 North 10 feet of 10 27 ' 2425 - 11 27 South 5 feet of 12 27 North 20 feet of 1a 27 _-, 3675 (Except Street) 13:27 (Ex. South 10 feet) 16 27 675 17 27 18 27 5800- 800-1927 19 27 c. 20 27 i 400 I 21 27 1350 22 27 2300 South of 1 23 27 North of 23 27 2950 (Ex. West 35 feet) 24 27 W 35 ft of -(Ex. Street) 24 27 100. (E�cept street) 25 27 , 400 e .26 27 .. - TOTAL. 375 " #49, CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEP TMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF CMISSIONER OF FINANCE. „ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r a 1 ADDITION a� ASSESSED DeS.CRIPTIO q LOT BLOCK VALUATION (Except Street) 27 27 Bilme'e Addition to, 300 n 28 27 West Saint' Paul 200 29 27 100 1 3 Langevin'e 4th Addition. .150 2 3 to Saint Paul 18'001 3 3 2475 i 4 3 — 3900 5 3 2250 6 3 2350 N of 1-2- I 3. 4 900 S of 1-2-.p 3 4 4300 4 4 2675 5 4 n 12575 4 6 ,4. 2875 7 4 .4250 N 120 feet of 1 5 4300 (Except North 120 feet) 1 5 325 2 5 800 r 3 5 4375 4. 5 475 , 5 5 5300 North 10 feet of 6 5 S 30 ft of N-20 ft, of Stevens at vac. adj. 6 5 4600 N 20 ft- of Stevens at. vac and adj. and 8 5 985 TOT*L. CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCIL RIESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.. .._.Y ��.............. ............ .... ......... ...... ....... ....� ..»:.._ Date,Presented.l.:_:,9/ i Resolved, ' Tha4 tM�otyolLioenes heretoloro issued to .. .. �;•..y.i:�.lil/........'..:. lr°.'1. ............ .............. ............ _. to conduct a Hotel at...�.�:��rY.... N...�• .�.................... ........ fI � 1 be etidthe eaam is hereby` revoked on the around of having, been convicted of selling liquor illegal 174 lieeo vedi� Tha e1` licene. - - h.ntvforo leeued to Co ft alana .1 stN4{4�t'9 nPeter 9t, be and the came - I les here'}.i. Yblon oHe6 on the 8round of 7 ---- ltglvine'-convleted of eellln6 .. 11 uor We .11 1917. Adopted by tRe Councn Sept• 9. , APProVed ae V 'is 1917. (SeDL 16-1917) y Yens (7'j I lmen (P): Nays Adopted by the Council Y orth /,cIn favor . y{(� Approve91 l-AgainstMAYOfl Mr, P[esld�+�e[s 'd!tll OF, ST. PAUL / COUNCIL /RESOLUTION--GENE,RAL'F014M - \ r \ Subject: f covNCIL f ILE. IV o. _ / Date Presented 191' Sepiosdter Sib. 1911. - �` Resolve Chnn Jtnoenlli. 4441 St.. Peter St.': y Desr, Sir.. .. PuJrousnt to instructions from the City Couaoils you are hereby notitied.to app4mr before the Counoil of the City of St= Pful on 6ATU UA7s $X crltMR 5VH u., at `'C � ... == in t, Cotetoil Cheuaberes Court :rouse A City Rau buildings and shoe caur why your HOTS. LIWASd should not ba revokod on the grounds that you;havn boeni sionViGtfld of selling liquors illegally in said Hotel. Yours �rNi '�1 1 City 'clerk. / I i R000iYRd oopy of above letter I Yeas (J) Councilmen (!) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Coes In favor Hyland Keller Approved 191 McColl Against Mr. President. Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 8�2 - - ,; .'CITY OF ST. PAUL r - ' 4'ipUN6IL RESOLUT)ON-GENERAL FORM I ' r� Subject. / COUNCIL rae' NO... _.:..... ._ ..._ :. ..... I Date Presented..... lt I ' e ResolvedI Ifhat4the:Hotel Lisense heretofore i.i,4Sd to....1Q .+.f�1•!� �:! : V . to aomfuct . Hotel at ...r4.�e$:- .-....J. ............... . ..... be and the same is hereby revoked on the ground of having been convicted of.keePing at I 'disorderly,house. C.F.-Na 1p1aa— - - Itawived. That the hotel license' - heretofore leeued to S.h A. tQtr.1Cbon.'An duc-tdaereonlHtel169E.Eht9tS beteat9- - beand the - eono In hereby, revoked on the ground / - of having been convicted. of keepinga .- dleorderly house. - AdoDtedhy the Councll Sept. S. 1917, Approved Sept. 10. -. - - (Sept. Ss-18193717) i - yeas (I) CougcilMcn (h) Nays / Adopted by the Council71 $Far1w0A In tavor Vapproved �.li191Ljt. Presida:rs:i^v".�,: _ _ _ - - __ .. .taros CITY OF ST. PAUL. -. �._.. COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM Subject: iOU CIL NO.ILE _ Qate Presented, 191 } ' soytnabef 5thr 141�i , S. A. Oribbs. .r . Anderson Hotel'+ •2C1 YI 7th. St. Deer Sir. Pursuant to instructions from.the _Sty Cewwil. you are hereby nstited to •py�•r duy_..M1eotenbsr 8166. 1917 at 10.00 A. g•; before the veunoil et the ""yty Pf S's. P.. on our HOWL L10089ip Cow+oil t:hanbers, Court IIouve a City Hall Build Ina. and 1 shew setae shy y sheuld net be rrreksd on the grounds that you have been aonviated o! keepleg a disorderly house. ai said loe•tion. --I' Yours truly — 1 Receive, aopy of above letter. { r 4 Yeas (v`) Councilmen (J) Nays N a j r . f� ' 191 Farnsworth .- A opted by the Council L // f r Goss In favor r�A. [ ... Hyland PProvetl McColl Against Is -- ---Wunderlich — – –` �-- _�+ 0 – –.J _� �j _ l l.- ----� - ---- V �. �_ r -errors Mr. President. Irvin` r.Rm c. 6•z ! J I / 1 CITY OF ST. PAYL COUNCIL RESOLUTION= LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COn MOIL N Qr Date Presented _191'' RESOLVED, That the foil wing designated lioenses'ta'sell intoxioatin�quors be transferred as indioated pursuant to applications duly made t ere or, No ___. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No.6 John Larson 511 Rice St. Butler T. Ostrom 511Rias St. -_:$$..l._ HiObLid:_.J'tr' 4W:68VII T. UshoneY 412_Dodar St. Joseph B. ,Hilton $12 COW St. o.. o• O.: N I C-F No. 18130—By Henry McColl Resolved,L..-�.. .-- -. netedllca venal tope eelLo nitoii catlnR -.--- --- -. IlQuore be�',traneferred ae indicated NO. - �+ Pursuant to S. from llohn duly made e - -- -- - — -- - LI enee No: S. from John Lnr.on.811- �--- --- -Bice St., to-Butler E. Oatrum. 811 ltlee ---- - ; No. - l : 9tLlcen.e N., 420. from.Joeeph T. )fn- _._.___,.---. honey. 412 Cedar St., to: Joseph B., Hit- on. II- — ton.-/12 Cednr 9t. No. Adoptedby .the Coun 11 Sept. 8, 1017.. Approved Sept. 10. 1 17. (Sept. 15-1917) - No. No. o I No. No. No. No. -- _�— I I I< ' I Tens (1 (ouncillnen 1 ) Nays 1•arttiw''7 1/ Adopted by lbe Council 191.....1.. orlh - Golgi 7 In favor �` Ily• a'1 - Approved( 191........ .; Keffir Mwrg l against V ff \\'I do lithT1`'va T �fr. P1. Ien ; 6Kvin MAVOR No 764'40-73Y 3L N 4oae—• That tha 8L i.A� Light ComDanY t[ {tereby ordorad and . / Sl dlracted /o ast.ndlta tloctrlcal Ore. ing Doi and stringing wire& / � � ��, theraontor hs tran.mlulon of etec l u r q 5t ct r on aP�t In the in uo r10. &flava ' and t, iti pf aatd IhutaU thfI 011e. on:the mouta1c. h 1 aide -_o[ Council lni� "�' d P�•�al, Form s ck .e ITC U ao.in. uT o a 4 UMN �Ia , Seg1 t•:aAID dHaaH SI 3DT161♦ a IVa sun so-ioau0A aDVDsuox do cdntd Departmpnr Ofnt ---- - -- or v tm.. MAI,Pali. Bureau of z= ssllr wawnd va �S Ylsgedd l0 1p.ID ,'goalM.aOD M- i aYisLT+r6-dT—lQtt oYs,DAbst#i4fw'a;l d' ag )o SsP Ijo II 191COUnCII dD plea 70 .w oaPnr .41 u11,t •Yl -7anoa algl lo..wlS P41 was) r / . -da,[anatPPs D a0�Pu gs04m luay _ _ . B It vED t the St. P.ui Ga• Lkht Comwar 3& hereby ordned and directed to esti;d ite elecuk i lin- by erecd.. Pole. and ...1.[in[ .ir- thereon for tM1& ttaum a o1 el ctr on and io the /ollawio[ ilIlIn aed &l &4 of uld c1, Install three poles on the South Side and one ole on the north eiAe of LouilaWstreet, between Robert and State SLreete.fCity lights) Install one pole on the southeast corner of Curtice and Harvard ; Streets.1City lightai Installone, pole onthe west aide of Harvard Streets near Bel- videre Street.(City lights) '• Install one pole in the south side of the alley between Lincoln, Goodrich. Sue and pairview Avenues. install four poles in the north side of the ally between Autunet[ Hyacinth, Ruth Avenues, and the -Twin -Clay -Rapid -Transit -Railway _Company tracks. With necessary guys,and anchors. I II ' i All of h t i poles and wb-&hall be netted Rod coectrucled d tl db d d eupenieteo -1 'be CammL&fs[er of Publ Ldlite& d Ii th - -t to N m 41 0/ Ordlwon No. SCN..od o/ill other hwlul ordi d­-Wvo l the Chy of 9t..Pau1. All poln &hoold be -t le &lith loc.tie. (v uld illen aed etreeu u 1M C ndP. 1 P bile Ut11id &lull de&i[ t nd &Fa116 1. h 6 taht d ha ter - ••uil de,lg a lod approve, lad for 'Id.11 &uch wln &halt be liken down mod removed. and &lith wir pl ted u.der)r d, wFeo-er the Ceuodl &hall deem that the - ..< inter -t &o io;uinr. and whin it dull &e order. - 0- ' .l;iopted by the Council J i Yeas ( ) Cou cilm ( ) Nays FA ORTH GO Mcg LIQ W � LI H H, U Approved_ i ---- -- ------ - _x gt ER -- Mr. President, IR1V Mayor ,. ,^ OITY OF ST. PAUL 'I COUNC I L, RESOt UTION,---GENERAL FORM - V Subject'cou�at .:( FILE No. Date Presented Argus t 31 i .191 7 tj l t at oermiasion be end iS hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone & edr r anchors and to e sa 1a s with the necessary 0 o y. 0 to erect � To egrliph 4 m�lelyy P 1 ring wire. and cable on the following named streets: 8 poles on Ruth from parquier to Jordans g Jordan from Ruth to. Stillwater Road., 1 " " Osage St. Between Como Ave..!To. and Wheelock Parkway. Work to be done orris: the direction and to the satisfootionthe of the --- -Comnllssionar of Public Works, the Telephone Coop any pay oost'ILP inspeotion,-engineering and publication, poles and wires to be removed when requested t o do .so b the Common Council.Said cost to be paid by the T el aphone, 0 ompany. C. F. No. 23441—Hy ILL. N. Ao. - ' - H... Wed, That permission be and Is hereby granted : the - Trl-Slate.TeI.- - phone.& Telegraph Company to erect Poles with the necessary Anchors and to stringe" :"wirand cable.. the "fol- lowing named. streets: 6Poles on. Ruth from Fauauler to Jordan. 6, Poles on Jordan from truth to -Stillwater noad.; I Poleon.Osage St.. between Como - - t Ave. No. and Wheelock Parkway. -- Work to be done under the direction. " i and to. the satbfaction'of the Commie - - slonerof Public "Works, the Telephone. - t Company'to pg tko cost of, inspection. enginllrtryg and PUbllcatlon, Poles .andwires to be removed when 1 ^eq led to do,.. to by the Common , Connell. Said cost to be Paid by the _' 1 ' Telephone Company. Yeas (J) Cou' ilmen (J) Nays adopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1e1T. Approved Sept. 10, 1617. 1e Council i / 191 7 Far -orth (Sept. 1a-1617) / Go In favor IiYI Approved ( 191 K '� M ll r Against / l --- ___ I Erlich__: - - ------- Mr. - -- - --- V t - — - - -- - Mr. Presiden Irvin - •vow `T ,oAm C. eta - : ' CITY OF ST. PAUL v COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE • v ;1 11 - Sub jest t : ,� \ COUNCIL u WILK ' Date Presented I i RESOLVED, That the applicatioRl of the following, persons icexls_e_to sell intoxicating_liquorsat the locations re- speotively indicated, be, and Phe same hereby are granted; nd the City Clerk is authorised and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of thef bond and the payment of., the fee required by law. ( Name of Applioant: Location. Abdo-1miftie G F. No 1t46—EY Henry dtecoll - 7Tai Lhe:aPDltcntfon0[ thel.- �.- -^ following Dersons for n license<to soil - IntoslcatlnR 11 uors at the locations � Mepectleely Indicated. be, and the same ,. hereby aro Rrnnted: and the City Clerk - ls. allthorize(i and directed to issue such the I - Venose. to said applicants upon filing ofthe bond and the payment of -_–__-- •I ___.-__ {I ]the [ne:i•ehulrcd-by_Eaw: ._ Abdo Kndrie. 133. :. _... 3rd SL 1917. Adopted by the Council Sept B. Apmed Septa 10. 1917. - (Scot.- 15-1917) • I Sen, Coil lawn( ) Nays cf , ` ( it ' Adopted by the Council /Far . wortli In favor. /� 1:09 - U �,1i fbi f .'H91 II Approcnl 1!11 Kell t Mc II % Agaiu9t \Cori rlirh . -qtr-1'rc•9idpntr ynr --- ----- --- — -- -- — -- MAYOR CITY OF ST: PAUL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL. RORtM - Y Subj it COUNCIL rac NO. i __ &�KZ.7. Date Presented Sept•6, 19Ila" , R6solved, r � , That the applioatian o� the f lloaina person, for : license to onr wt be, the 'hotels or Restaurants at the looatidnR renpeotively indloated and Same hereby are grantej and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to, issue nuoh lioenses to sai l-applloant-Won the payment of the toe required ' by J&W. MAIM OF APPLICANT. HOTFL On RESTAURAfiT, LOOATION, j Harry Y;axhoo, Denmark IIotel, ,260 E. eth, 481 St. Peter' Hannah I3errW"t • Dartmouth Annex Hotel, 492 St. Petsr . Rommel mop.. • Rente:t�ant, 275 8th' Ste Sire. Huldaa Hunsfer, Tk ardinl House, ,. 1034 Igglehart Eire. Re Ryder, Rentsurant, 1959 3t,Anthony Re C. Eilern, Restaurant, 50 Peter Pa & Parthenioe Pappas Restaurant, 3Ce 25o dar A amith,, r1mo Hotel, __--- _ _- _.__-_- ----339 Jaokeon;-- Schmidt &`Schuster,_-- -- Restaurant, 372 Jaok$on� Ttagner & 11ughen, Resta ant. 564 ;teAnthony, Carl ?Iolnon, - Rental C• F:'\b: 18444 -By HenrYAlcColl— ed. a or the' - - 1 ' 1 1 Bowfin rson.[fo license dchewing trersone for a Ilcenat to eon-, ,duct Hotel. the 1. vey - indleaa,aE spor and In ranted: be. and' cations respectively are the same hereby -are granted and the - '.City. Clerk x authorised sand': dlreeted ,to Issue: sUCh Beenees to said. npplleant; 'up* n the p.yment, or the [ea rCQulrod by taw: I - \ Barry Xarha., ,Denmark Hotel, 260 S. 9th tSt. - HannahBerrum,� Dartmouth Anne. Hotel, 491 St. Peier St. • Rommel Bros.. Restaurant. 492 St. Peter St: Mrs. Hulda Huseer, Boarding Houses - ,9 9th St.H- y ' 2 I.h. . Ryden.. Roat¢uranG '1084 Iglehart: - t H: C. Eller., ReetauranG 1969 St. An- thoat4y7 'Ave. erlhenlos, Restauran Pt te Peter I. 1600 St. . Anns, na,:Bmith, Elmo Hotel. 260 Cedar - I S SchmWt A Sehusler, Restaumnt, 219 Jackson St. \Vagner h Hughes, Restadrant. 172 Ckson SL - en (J) Nays ���--- I Yeas (✓ Ctz" Carl Nelson. Restaurant, 664 St. An. thong Ave. + , ..� Adopted by the Council Sept.: S. 1914.. Approved BaDt• 10. 1817. .191 Fth ) i Favor Mpt- 16-1917) 1Ci1 // G H / .In `/ 1 KAPProvlyU AgainstMch �f Nr. Presldentj an IORMC. a•i !1 wren ' r� 17 CITY OF,ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i Subject............... .....:. _. ... .. ....:....._.. .... .... COUNCIL Fae NO ............... ........................r .. ................................. L. I?ate Presented...__ _.: __...191=.. Resolved. Tbat , the oigsretts liltllease 110a256 :which $013095;: es Jnae Oth. 1919; mw In the Wane of Wme O.A. As ford 1934 University Ne. be and tha;sseo hereby is tsansierod-to Best Aris 1934 University Ave. 11` , - C. No. 781.4f16--ley AonrYMeCollr- I Reached, a. the clRarette llcenaa - No. 768 which eacplrea .tuna: 89th. 1818. .. now,Im the name of Mn. G' A. A=ford;' • 1 - I834 Univeralty'-Ave. be and th.�aama. 1 e hereby Is tramferro to:^, ort Avis, L. . 1881;.UnlverallyAve.. - Adopled b1 Councl) !a, 1817: Approved BeDtthe: 10, 1877.WD j- (EeDt. 38-1817)1 ti? . 1 Yeaa (r) can •Imeu (I') Naya I r r Fa ' worth/ Adopted br. the Conseil G In favor Ily d. - 'Approved_._.... �6a1 t Al I { Against ( J t FORM C A-a 11 2M CIT -Y OF ST_ .P4UL - n: COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR Subject. uncr od _ ue N Date Presented g 191 esoly That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the Municipal Garagethe services of one (1) We senior i Clerk Typist at a salary of from sixty-fiv� toaeventy-five Dollars per month for a period not exceeding sixty days C. Fr No. 161fhat t Henry MCC I; - That safety Teat the Commlaaloner of to . `e Dlloy inhe Municipal uDarn6 tithe - ervlCea of Ona (1) Male Senlar Clerk - 1'ypUt at. a salary of from a18y-ave to-aeventy.ave Donare pper month for ,_..,. BDeriod not; azoeedin6 ati[tY days. Adopted by-tao Councll..8apr. t. 3817. ADDroved, BepLI 1611977) Yeas (0) JK ilmen (✓) Nsys✓worth 'I Adopted by the Council !11917 VIn favor✓d U APProved 191'll U Against-_ethe.------ Mr. Presirvin wAVJ FORM C.e.I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^4 Subject: 1 - FOUNcI' r4o. ILE Date Presented 9 — 17 (91 - f Resolvyd,' That the Commissioner of Publio Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the Htmioipal Garage the services of one (1) General Bookkeeper Ifor a period not exceeding sixty days at a salary of.Ninety ($90.00). -- Dollars per month I a C. F. N0. ;111449—BY-Henry-aaeCali— - Resolved( That1h 0 b ommhorizer to nubllc.Safetp b kerehy , Garaged to "cotploy In tqa 3lunlcipsl Garage the ! seevlees of one (1) Oe neral • Bookkeeper for a: period not exceeding sixty days at &salary ofNlnety: (190.00) Dollara per Tooth. Adopted by the Couricll Sept. t:1977. Approved . Sept. 10. 19117 (Sept. 15-1011) - ' 1 ' I Yeas (✓) Cowmen ( �) Nays Y xx^ y -ar ortB Adopted by the Council U 191-1 Goal In favorHy -- Kell d Approved n 191 f' A stoat____ _ � J 'Wu erlich MAYOR Mr. President rvin Voll. C. 9.9 1 j 7 �~ 43 i An ordinence-ehanging the name of the George R. Finch School, located on Jefferson and Hemline avenues, to the Randolph Heights School. ` THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST:,' PAUL; DOES ORDAIN: = Section 1. That the name of the ,school now known as the 1, i - George -R. Finch School, located at theeorner of Jefferson and Hamlina _ hereby avenues, in the City of St. Paul, .is/chanced to the name of Randolph ! Heights School.. ` Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. - ---' - C F No. IkO—Ordlnanco No. 3A66—�I RS Albert.WF nderlich— An ordinance ebanging the name eY ads 1 George m Finch: School, lodato6 a. - - - the Iran d Hnmlitm venues. ,to ,r the Randolph. Heights School. ..- The - Connell of the CitY of St. Paul — .does ordain: SECTION 1 Th t the f the he., d j —.— k th ( g I Finch School. OCT -41917 In t d t the n,, f J Rereo d iPassed by the Council R mil «dye see In che-Citr f se - Paul, la. hereby changed to the no a of Randolph Heights School. f Yeas. Nays sEcrlor7 3. j This ordJnen c ehnll t�ka eRe and j Mr TnewOrth he In farce thirq- day. niter Its 7777 aFc and publl atlon. 88 _ PRsed l.y. the Council Oct 4. 16 17. lens--6leeara Farnsworth. Rosa 1 liyl nd Wunderlich.- 61Me z. President lir I Octcoil-1. gland '— Approved Oct. 4, 1Pt7. �CCall V.'R. JRM or _ underl ich - .0«e: Jo>�rrclir C e k� Mr*Xresident (Irvin) I Approved roet a-1317) kl Mayor. ` y Ltteat PUaLtSi � �/ i r /. City Clerk. �. v J V Vit s `, ! .n..c S t C , ,, e` ii.i: f( aM,y�, / V;r ' i `� /�M e �•y �' 1 °P'^ r 5 �, 1?6ti 1911. 101 Is -E a i.WA� rti .� Q tie fir/r f s10 vG J' p`�t .A Si�! aP-111;1 �....� 1i.t•e( `c icj-x-. t �'iR�. �t.aWcx iLv:l , (C< Pl•.f hl h` A _ ®' �M i St. Paul, Minnesota, January 20, 1917. To .the 110norable, The Meyoi+ and City Council,— St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: L igh- The undersigned, residents and property owners in the,district an 'h, borhood of what is generally known as the Randolph -Heights School in this city respectfully represent to your HonorablelBody: That a new name f6r this -school; designating it as the Finch School, weds selected without reference to or consultation with the patrons of the sob:61 or the residents and.property owners in the school district; that said re j 01 dents and property, owners strongly protest against this proceeding and the I new name given to the school; that they earnestly wish to have the-sahooll called by.the name it has long borne, and believe that they, being -the' per- sons most 4nterested in the matter, should have a voice in naming the insti- - tution located in -their midst for the education of the childern of the lob cality. We, the undersigned, residents and property owners as aforesaid, do'there- 1 foremost respectfully and urgently petition your Honorable Body to restore ;1 the old name of their sohool and have it, officially known hereafter as Q -Randolph Heights School. Respectfully, submitted, j i `i t � , f _ i ,r` .�`ifr° .t,:..yf��'�,.` I I` 1 I �i�� �/ �J Y✓�� -�"� ice' -LLQ r �'�--' 7 /? �/ �! - 1 y FX-.- /,(y}''_"�% i i Jr „ ,r k {F S f Ism, 1AIMMAHUbbLA "MMI m i k T, i y ®' �M i St. Paul, Minnesota, January 20, 1917. To .the 110norable, The Meyoi+ and City Council,— St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: L igh- The undersigned, residents and property owners in the,district an 'h, borhood of what is generally known as the Randolph -Heights School in this city respectfully represent to your HonorablelBody: That a new name f6r this -school; designating it as the Finch School, weds selected without reference to or consultation with the patrons of the sob:61 or the residents and.property owners in the school district; that said re j 01 dents and property, owners strongly protest against this proceeding and the I new name given to the school; that they earnestly wish to have the-sahooll called by.the name it has long borne, and believe that they, being -the' per- sons most 4nterested in the matter, should have a voice in naming the insti- - tution located in -their midst for the education of the childern of the lob cality. We, the undersigned, residents and property owners as aforesaid, do'there- 1 foremost respectfully and urgently petition your Honorable Body to restore ;1 the old name of their sohool and have it, officially known hereafter as Q -Randolph Heights School. Respectfully, submitted, j i `i t � , f _ i ,r` .�`ifr° .t,:..yf��'�,.` I I` 1 I �i�� �/ �J Y✓�� -�"� ice' -LLQ r �'�--' 7 /? �/ �! - 1 y FX-.- /,(y}''_"�% i i Jr „ ,r k {F S f Ism, 1AIMMAHUbbLA "MMI m at. -Paul, Minnesota, January 20, 1917. c, ;'the Honorable', - The Rayor and City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentleman: The undersigned, residents and property owners in the district and neih= boyhood of what is generally known as the Randolph Heights school in this cit*{ re"etfully_represent to your Honorable, Body: J V That a new name for this school, designating.it as the Finch School, ngs selected without reference to.or consultation with the patrons of the school or'the resident; and property 'owners in ,the -school district; that : eaid roil" i dents and property tamers "strongly protest against this proceeding and tbu i new name given to the school; that theylearnestly wish to have the schooi� cabled by the name it -has long borne, and believe that they, beithe'pe;- none most interested in the matter, ehould have a voice in naming the insti- tution locatedintheir midst for the education of the ohildern of the 1oL cality. f We, the urdereigned, residents and property owners as aforesaid, do th6re'- fouve most respectfully and urgently petition your Honorable Body to restore the old name of their school and have 3t officially known hereafter as the Randolph Heights School. Respectfully submitted, I C r2) /L % l� ll ;v3. Ln:;r.21t0 C( T f ( , f �,- K, I Cr 3 , ' a i -ki• fi<:I i�.i �:.. .i� u _,�-..-. �: � •. i. �;� . ij^. _��a� �. .•._ � .Y `:. ',: .�::�j- '" � s �,.trir'fl.. �.,.(�Ti-'�^y:/��, � ��j �_(f�„��W'ktf!`l't✓'i'v'L'✓ . . _� ,� iY /��• �U' i_'v `� •. �.V' � +�.Z11.�1VY C'W7\. � 3 �3 ��� ��I Y'. - � .. L:'�•..M`�'' i — c,:}� t�'_E. L!`, � � L iG� e ` t- if � �f� •t.�'-e��,,4„(,r� t-�.�'t d,��.f_.. 1 i ,r t r, t ,/�/. � vh'•�- � .i � .t l�.L-'� �. f-G../.,S .%`t 4 ..'ft r'� `.!) ��• ' ai. i.'\...w •`'• ����`l /P ,�` ��,�` �JJJ�111G.»y_ ! �d" �I� '„�sf r r.,%(,.VIf ,7;� i�i, `! �V�,^t t� � Y �c�,.. '` D.. .r', '� .f � ✓ - / / I 1 t' ;r .'F!�/ 1 - - St. 'Paul, ttlnnesota, January 20, I i7 , ' To the Honorable, M6 '.<'ayor and City Council, St. Paul, ;.annesOta. Gent lemen: rhe undersigned, residents and property a+nlers in the district ahId neigh borhood of what Is generally knowniae the i;andolph heights School In this aitj, respectfully represent to your Honorable Body: Mat a new name for this ool deaignating 3t as the I noh Sch school, was ;. selected without reference to or consultation with the patrons of the whool or the residents and property owners In the school district;'`that siid tragi dents and property ownere strongly protest against this proceeding the now name given to -the school:; that they earnestly wish to have the habi' called by the name it has long: borne,, and believe that: they, being the 'per - eons nose interested in the matter, should have a voice in naming Lt`e inti tution located in their midst for the education, of the childern of Ne 'lo- ca3atyr y� Te, the undersigned, residents Iand property oznera ad aforesaid, do there- fore. roost respectfully ansa `urt.�ntly petition your Honorable i3ody to restore the old name of their school Ansi have it officially known hereafter as the' %arxtolph reights School. _ Neispeetfully submitted, j i7l. ,i s 71 q I 1 3, .. r i r i �•s 1. -'� •..".._ ,.•_.-t ,, +(4 .t„`� •'-I � - - -� �• , I� . ..' � Jf... _.. r;,_ _ _, -- ., / - �� _ -- ,• .: �� - �� �� , �,� �✓ � r.. i'_ � .,. �,/ �, , . a- . -,�, .,- �'ti„�, � r s , � � . ,. I � I � f. � ,. ._. ,. ., _ ..� ,�.. r _ :,_ �, ;., !� ,,,,_ .,.,. ,� y c. y, �, r—'' l _ . ___ �� �• � r _,,;: �.. % i �, ��" �� -,� � _ . �.' -�— ' � — � ✓,., i `, d ,, ..,; St. Paul, rinnesotat januarY 00, To the i-ionGrable , 'Ahe-!iiayor and City Counc il ,t. Paul, '-Innesota. Gentleman., its undersigned, rosidenta- caV, property owners in the district- and neigh- borhood of what is generally ;Clow" as tl-.,o i.andolph Voiefts School In thI6 city "japectfully represent to your Fonor-able Body: That a needfor this school, dosignating it as the !"Inch Sehooia si4ogeteti without referNinoe to or consul,tation. wit'. the. Pa+x-;ns of the 80"1 of the res Idento and property timers in thfi school district; that said resl- die-ntp and prororty mmers strongly pr(ites-t—against this procooding and t?* t now name given to the school; that they earnestly wish to have the school called by the nRuie Vt has long borate, and bulleve that they, being the Bans most interested in the tiiatterp Should have a voice in naming the inati tjjt-lo*l lncaW in -their midRt for the oducation of the childern of the I 7e, the undersIgnea, residents and property owners as afomsaid,.do honorablethere- t fnre most resneCtfUlly and-urkently petition your onorable Body to restPre the old name of their school and lume IL offic 1811Y knOKm hereafter as- tile iolpit jits School. 13espAcifully s:abm1tt-6L4.' ix 5L J, 7) �g m ui ,,. df :��. 4 it •��- - ? , �` / 7, � . ,fir'"!•' i� ��'' .�% ' L ��L�'7. � , -/.�' / ? ���: ��.,. =a-gid" -�' '�` � � yip.- �~C, r- / �� f � (��. 2-'L-�.t�►. i a �,� •Z,,i � : n�"c-.fes t? :``i : 41i' `_':� . , , FI Ii j � V�1.�z•��-2.c.,.:: mor% r ,; �,/ ♦:/�,,`...c�✓V •�[�' i / F � /! (li/� tom/ !_�- /_.+ �'I '/jt./ :✓L ��''�l. W'�i'L �..L.. �� (�(��i 1 �, U _�/ LU( /".jj .Y (/G'L'/� ��'�G ""d/1"7.'L.� i� �� � �-..l r .rLJ �� t �.Jti�' ���n'r%.i;7�.�.� .• , `�r '� �f;,r �„{f� "�1'1`L'j•?f� •P / !rf:!� ,_, �; � ,� •�19 �v1 v4 1�-e� �-� VVV I� I 'i — — 1 i �a i I - io r '� +�.• I.,'- i �. � �. � ,� .. •d .. .. r lam• � y� ., �. �^^� A _ • - L . I i J I Ht' I, , � 1 �, �!' , i 1 p k, f'41 I �� `' _ ��' �• f, . — is _ � : I s Ai An ordinance changing 'the name of the Villiam Lindeke.School, `located at the corner of Grotto street and Wheelock Parkway, to the - *mo Park School. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:, Section 1. That the name of, the school now knovm as the William Lindeke..Sohool, located at the corner of Grotto street and hereby Wheelock Parkway, in the City of St. Paul, is/ohaneed to the name of Como Park School. Section 2. This ordinanceshalltake ef f ect- and be in force .. .. ..... . thirty days after its ,passage analpublication.ur Farkvg I Men,. Y. to the 0 The Council of the LIty of do.. ordain: Pan' hoo locatett `"�t tthiO,3711hant Llndeke Elk 0011 Or and Whce,fti, Parkway, of Grot 00 'It to rne 01 W411 I,-, " Pow. 'I. hrbr . -IF-4 to '�cuncil CGT ffi — n—e of "n Park School the; Passed by the 0 t2". t, eRect and 1 0 In force thirtY day. aft - B andYeas I Hays P. eation. Ye°.°Sed 09 the C-Un.11 Oct. 4,'1917: 084r.. A: 'On .Farnsworth. GONaL th I'M d 11ch President, Mr rawor 004 P roved' t 4, 191 v yl d I X Attest: J. L 0Cdll f (Oct 9.193a city cl I undeich 'ACTIZT, Mr. resident (Irvin) Approvedi J Attest Mayor PUBLISHM—Liq —6-1 i"d -A city ClerkT f, A Vt- v 4 sfe,,ek A -C 0, j," Isla j Hon.. Albert Wunderlich:- F. of Eduoation. Wa, the undersigned, property owners residing in the l2th Tari of the City -of St. Paul, and in the distriot adjaoent to the pn .1", -xiTool building named "Willia.n AW Lindek:,Sohool", do hereby desire to express our disapproval' in the selection of .the name "Wi' I !,,.rn A. Undake" :-s. a nave for the said school, and petition that it be ohau,,7ed to Como Park" school: - V.4 i L 653 _,elx ""ei , cc -1-11 �Ifj 7:�/_L `7� 7;L- '6 '• .n.... _ _._ _...-. ..,._..-�.T,....:.rRcsN,','sAT3r:%Y�� 63A. t4"=,�f9�9�'. t. St. Paul, Minn.,.: _ .191.1lip - q IAYrLc7 �f,-L .t' f •t X + � ��,... _.o 1 :.Ii31.. s1 _'•:,ita:, n.__�. _ 2. /gyp r / !-aP...+'. �r/ a f .t of C ' .t _ _n 'strict £� , L `o the " , _ .1. `l�, L is r co tis 1 I' 11 wV 1 1 �l a..— of � l3 :Gy j. ....3 CP.' V-10, 40W "Cct o - .Lrd' S Rv�' . ° /; f- . r 4 Zic P _� (Lt_'IA.c�'/ _ �,,:� �'r�" to _ ,j�!!�♦♦♦_Y - _ - �J�:T .�� �,�s� ze t- 00 07 I If o ell r � _r y��1 {', .rte (� 4%�.-.E� - %{ '.- t�' �.'` �,• T./�. ' 7,�,f';�.. J , 1• 4 -• 0 O _; j - St. Paul, Minn* /&. inn. Albert Wunderlich,_ Comr,issioner of Education. a _ Ne,, -the undersigned -property owners and residents of the 12th Ward of the City of St Paul and in the district adjacent to the new school --building named "William Lindeke" do hereby desire to express our discgproval`in t -he selection of the name "William Lindeke" for said school, and, petition that it be , changed to "Como Park" school. Nome. Address. � J �I - -- -- - t _ L St Paul, Minn. i lion.•Alb ort Wounderlich, Coar issioner of Education. - I - j+e, the undersigned property ocners and residents of the 12th Ward of the City of St Paul and in the district adjacent ` to the aecv school building named ""lilli am Lindeke" do hereby desire to express our -disapproval in the selection of the name "William Lindeke" for.said school, a_Ud petition thet it be changed to "Como Park" school. - . Rahe. Address. I �' 1, e4 cl/ �r i ,r'• 1 !� £ 1 � • ✓[/. rT tai 't A. h ��� �Z.z:,�;,•,� ' '� _ - � Y�s i. 4 F 1 li 1 It 1 i -� • .. Imo._ . i.' rr �.rJ,r .�,.� t / � �:^ - t.�.f•S%'/i'fi"' r: tri'-�r��/ Yf�_ _ (11'7 � . �:�L G C_ r ,. ,.l e'C �/ �''�KCt..�'C f G�� ��.J G ! /• �u� � -tel �_��--•, r`� � _ , �: � � � '� � � � it ✓ % U � / 1:-c .o �- � ��--(_..,� -� ooe el 7-7 Ti- KO v �'� ;. - .'�'s• � �' � !�. � ;rte �.� 4�� i a a i O//60AAL PACOUVCW O/ O! T C Jr.No.-3f161-0rdlnence No. -.- Dy Henry McColl _ -[) In ordinenee nuthorlslnP ' .ORDINANCE a0 C/ ., .... nl e. Fire An orquance authorizing tile erlotiow of a Fire Station lfreete at the corner of East Seventh and Flandreau to .be known as - fire Aatlon No. 24, -and appropriating the sum of Twelve Thousand- " Five Hundred Dollars (#12,500.00) to meet the cost thereof_. I This is an emergenoy'ordinance rendered necessary for the - preservation of, the Public peace, health and safety. - Whereas the Commissioner of Public SAfetvihas recommended to the Council the erection of a new Fire Station at the corner of East Seventh and Flandreau Streets to be known as Fire Station-Ao 24, and has reported an estimate of the oost of such improvemant,togethorl` with sketch, plans and other dao giving in full detail the nature of4 such improvement, together' -with a -statement certified by the Comptrol�or j - of the funds available in the City Treasury for such purpose, which -j proposed improvement meets with the ,approval :of the COunoil; therefore, THE COUHCIL.OF THE 'CITY OF.ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I That the erection of the said Fire Station at a cost not esoedig _,. Twelve Thousand live Hundred Dollars (#12,500.00) in the manner provided in and by the City Cha�ter, is hereby approved and authorized. dlSECTION Il.- bb� �t#Vre That is herebyappropriated out -of the Construction and - I Betterment item. of the Fire Fund the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hand Dollars, (12,500.00 ), or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet!' the cost of said improvement. � = SECTION III This ordinance is hereby"deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neosseary .tor the preservation of -the public peace, health and safety and Shall take effect:"and.be in force Immediatly upon its passage approval and publication. i W, Nsq 1917 In ie.,.r IlylsnJ. App... — ved CnnV ARnin,t - tkAk—j',-�&W lerl i> c lir. Pre I.nt, 1 -in 4 ¢ .��.• � q.y a io >« P1,J1�-IJlit:ll � - a y��l �.r,,: - U ,jr { � l 'rpt rof4fnanc°' irant�ni to dTmp nl . ,yalataod to gnat on ;Atlnn•./ __ t'bf.Duh�lo acalef .. _ e, Cooncll; of 'the city of �•+ SECTION I. *r1n 1110 Cull 1 malnWa aaet of 1 — Ik haha street. .11.ma of An ordinance granting to T. F. Cullen permission to erect and maintain a set of public scales on Minnehiha street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOE'SORDAIN:- - Section 1. Permission is hereby granted £o said 7—F. Cullen to erect and.maintain a set of publiclacelee on Minnehaha street, in b front of Lot 15, Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition, being in the rear , of.Ne. 871 East Seventh street, as shown upon the blue -print attached to this ordinance. This permission is granted expressly aubject to the following conditions:- (1) Said scales shall be elected in such manner as may be ma directed by the Commissioner of Public 'Works and under his supervision, and said T. F. Cullen shall pay the cost of inspection, if any• (&) The City -of 8t. Paul reserves the right to order th'e 'removal of said scales at any time, and said T. F. Cullen, by the accept anee of the privilege hereby granted agrees to remove said scales when ever directed by the Council so to dl „ and upon such removal shall re- . store the portion of the street occupied by said scales, to its original' condition. (3) Said T. F. Cullen shail execute to the City of St. Paul , Dollars ($5 OOO.GO) in such form as` a bond in the sum of_Five Thousand may be approved by the Corporation Counsel,- and with such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to indemnify and -save the City harmless from any and all damages, olaims, suits, Costs,.judgmenta, l�ss or liability that may arise either to persons or property by xeaeon of the erection, maintenance, use, presence or removal.of said scales. 1 Section a. This. ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication, upon the filing of said ccleptance of this ordinance in such form bond, and upon filing a written a as may be approved .by the Corporation Counsel. -' 1--T7- lexs I1 I (. onc�lw.n 1 1 \a3. t Cr pZ4 I9 t :Farnsworth Gms In favor - i,,. — 1'F` `?'4 "' 7 - Against `{{unllrrlit'II MAYOR Mr Vmifl-•nt, Irvin f.f •Y,�.LS1iEU FORM C A:t• 617 "2M _ _ �y�N �,a11aS' o Hance Rrant( i� ,-parli Is- and CUarl = Dartnera >L Arna6 , DQrnIke60n to erect i 4'� w;iir� aeI of Dublic ec(tlm,'� - _ ` Street. • : .N: The-. CrUnclt of the doe" ordain:SEMON Pint.[.. to hereby mnlntatn Arlia pet of Dub4 , S. �pular .xreeA m .front l -An ordinance granting to Bert R. Araeberg and Charles OYlUbaon Re•arar., „nowu voon tbeblu - "n .nbi�°-iter, co-partmers as Arneberg',& Soholler, permission to erect and maintain a set of public scales on Fatquier street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:. Section 1. Permission ieihereby granted to said Arneberg & Schoeller, to erect and maintain.a'set of public scales oil Fauquier street, in front of Lot 15, Block 1, Gribben's Re -arrangement shown upon the blue -print attache& to this ordinance. Said permission is granted subject to the following conditions: I' (1) Said scales shall be,! erected in such manner as may be directed by.tha Commissioner of Public.Worka and under his supervial n, and said licensees shall pay the goat of inspection,:if any. (2) The City. of St. Paul reserves the right to order the -removal of said scales at any time,, and said Arneberg & Schoeller, by the acceptance of the privilege he granted, agree.to remove sai scales whenever directed by the Council so to do,. and -upon -such rem vale shall put the portion of the strezt occupied by said se -ales In the ikon clition it is in at the present time. - (3) Said Arneberg & Schoeller shall.execute-to the City o ;l St. Paul a bond in -ire-sum of Five Thousand Dollars (85,000.00) 1n uoh, form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and with such sLirety as may be -approved by the Mayor, conditioned to indemnify and save the, { City harmle_as from any and all damages, claims, suits, coats, loss Or liability that may arise either to persona or property by reason oij thl erection, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said scales. � I Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty Says after it -a passage and'publioation and upon the filing bf said bond by said Arnebera Soho eller, and the filing of a written - acceptance of the terms -of \this ardiname, in such form as may be Ippr v- ed by -the Corporation Counsel.- _ 1•„, hit n I r t �,,.,. — — I AA 1-�-- F ro urlb .. Adopted I.y thv / ...A SEN Z 1J 17 1(1l -Runt rl 6et. MAYOR k " ` CITY ; OF S PAUL ,t COUNCIL RESOLU.GENERAL FORM iCi':�j t Sub)ecl. -cclurrea N o. ......... _. , Date Presented e� i r., Resolved. - �.�pp Tilepi-£iit) Hot.el3.i�exshere=aL¢re issued to . .. .......... I to. conduct eHotel at...... t....... ......:-:.................... � be and the so=: is hereby revoked on the ground of having been convicted of selling liquor, ilesally.: _ - ` ol\ d Th t tf tet } I • e `: 'herr [o[ore WS-d to Sire F hR '}ledl- th t on- duet HoG1 t 6i F. 7th St b on .d - t e .. me ix h b) re k d oor,to "tound or. hn 1l 9 been •un�•Irte6 of - ____._-.. eclllnRll�unr Illetrnll p. . I -. - ... - •. \ i -I t tl-hylhe i'nuurll tirDt. it. 1917. i App—ed. H.•Vt .I -. 1917.- . 1 ISep[. 22-19171 S Y JJ 3i V.,j 1 y, "r / 1'r:•'1.': t >� �}.. V 1 Yeo (✓) rouo 'Loco (s N.Y. .. Far crib � ' -� Adnptrd by the Counril aE N 15 � ..:...1911 Int ) _. In furor cFP -111 Iq�7 Key r APPInrrJ _..:.. .... _1111... M, nil v AReinat Nit: Prahj--, : Irvin l.ctlnp MAron , FORM C A 9 617 2M \ 7777-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FDRM Subject COUNC L FILe — No.: I - Date Presented f�awbif 6tK. 191. Resolved, Mrs 7.'F1adl atYl ?eardo�- on loth iii—f -'rte -"-- Dere' Mad.un. �. P uroisuw4 •a irs"n otiows '"a ttio pity 0911m l a You uro ho"by woutled to ofFe baeg-3 -.fts L:,W,-3l an a�.IVFWATI, ':'rt>b" 9771. 1911 at 10.LJO A. it. ut than :.otswo12 :UtWO)p * »ourt 9iouao and ity 341 )+adding, and "sow owuse vise your iu.�s. t, : -,;;,� �atu+i s$t Lv tm/Nted Oa-inb i;7ru42J i: i - CITY. OF AUL;: - CO RESOLUTION—GENE' FORM Vp _ Subject:. `o "civ NO. — I ILE 191 r Date Presented I septesber 5th. 1917. Resohed NagAe h w Donald. Union Notal Is9 F. 3d. St. Gebtlersen.are hereby n�tifed to aypeor Pursuant to il+etrvoLiono from the pity Ci d. yo..u hetero the nauuwil of the .0,%y of at. rsul on tiatttrdays dopte ber_ lith. 911 at 10.00 A. Y. in"uouaail Ct: r%+ >--•t_Houoe A City Htell'_6uild lags and she's eauoe ehy your ft-=L L LIG6N8C should net be revoked an the grounds that you have bls"t oenriated of 4elling liquor ' illegally in enid I:otal i Your truly• - City Glerk. 371 �1� Roeoived eo y of abets latter.v v Yeas (d) Councilmen (J) Nays191 Farnsworth Adopted by the Council _Coss In favor 191 Hyland Approved Keller McColl Against I - Wunderlich - - MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin f. =1' — PPP CITY OFC GOUNCiL RESOLU'1'I0 ERAL FORM Subject•, - COUNCIL pyo. . /IL[ 4 ..... ... _. _._ 1 Date Presented._.-� I91. •Fr l Resolved, That the Hotel.Lieenge he're'tofore issued to .. ,,.......• tel at. .�• •;j....7"le� ..�.;I„�,�''�............ .... to conduct a Ho ••• ng eonnicted of sa'''ng liquor be and the game ig hereby re�oked on the ground of hevi illegally. C. lie•dced; That the llotel Llcetue +: It.g. ltotct.fore Issued a69 NN' S h Stto joe n to -ndost .. a.Hotrl at 69 15,. 66h mre Lehr. and the . Iw beret' r .ked on the. Rrennd: nf:. hating her;een- c t'leled of eT111n11 . liquorYUwgallr• Adopted hl- the !'mtnrll HePI. i6. 191T.' _ �. Approved SePL t7. 1917. , (Rept. 2� 2 i Jc F 15 1 lyl Yeas l lj'9 CCoun mt n (i'1 Nays Adopted by the Council - IVtar vunit rp !"11017 In favor 191 � r ,Approved.. oil -���----- --------- - - --- oy a Ir , r"—� Mr. Pres . Powrn•fn�. -' rover c.e•z ' �' ! • r t ! t � i ,� I i I• I i I� f ' € lI v F r # t ., 7 Imo.. '. CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - .I _ i845577 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PLENCt�,N0' a • I. i ' fir 71 S A 0 1917. 9Y. ......b... l tel_ :k . AUDITED I PER 650 (. ` City Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and r1 Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the for the amounts tet opposite their retpecti*c names as specified in the Eollpwint detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations statement: ` r 10 1y I ) t91 1 Adopted by the Council` Yeas (�) cilmen (J ? NaYs 1 r I. C nh i 0 i App favor --LIC i �AQain9t MAYOR Hwy derlich - II Mr. Presi ~ , ruin. — t Gi$ No. 3{967 RetOlren that �rorraete gable eD°�Bprm+noT Ont OTI � �OTt' i I .. noo AerdnatleT tavur'tlt tna 9arotlni set,R ttOne ter the A>n a as 9�e�C�t t cesVaetive.Aetsdee statemetlt rrltl M. t. A•,P. 9 ltatarial,.,d. 1) o1in R o�wo llooMo 0o i d tjp ihe. I i {', n t1L I . _ L to1917. I:. gkby 3I -0 ' [ - AP➢pVa6 Beet• . 96 A. Y.:.Boyd, j ¢ Pay. Rice St. _ X1$511.09 Hansen Bldg. I+dItterial Compelny, _ !t Pay. hounds Blvd. �--- t ° _ _. 100.00 2 Holm Olsson', G.F'.-tltiec. & Unforseen. 850.00 F • 63 06weil & Preston, ' Ocean kit. Sewer System. lzsv�3; .93 I _ I I [ 3. ■1 w Res. 648 P$ Be 16636 Ma-hattan-011 Company& 69.85 pay. Miss -River Blvd. 661.0 Paving Rice 5t. 37 A. P. Moore -C 23.10 Sewer 7&R -Exp. C.F.W.-Exp. 38 National Candy Companys 1 111*80 Parks -Exp. 39 National Lead Company,, 37.88 Fire-C&B. 40 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 24.06 Ftrs-Exp-1.3 2 2 P.Parks-4xp. 9 Sprinkling 16. 4 7_7 445 '5 41 Northern Coal & Dock Coinpany, 298.73 { F.Schools-Exp. IV j 412 N--orNorthernStates Power Company, 25.02 Auditorium -Exp. Gen. Art Museum 22 43 Northwestern':Elee-. Equip. Company, 123.23 ?..Library -Exp. P.Libry-4ftoks. l942.15 44 Exchange Company, Northlorp. CouesternVel. rB el -Exp. Auditorium -EXP. 0 6". 0 " C.P.W.-ftrkhouse-Exp. J30 0 Armory 75 1 .75 45 Northwestern fuel Company, I 119.88 vire Expense. 46 Noyes Bros. & Cutler.- 28.02 '�i ., Ire-C&B C p.w.-torkiiouse-Exp. P:Library-Exp. Water -Exp. 0/0, Armory 7. /28.02 47 R.�L. U Polk &!Company, 64.00 omptroller-Exp. 8 Comr. Pin. 2 Pol. & Flre�Alm.Tel:.-Exp. 8 o 9 - co, Health-96alth-Exp. 1 C.P.S.'denl. Adm.-,;F?xp. '8 0 z. P oschools-Exp. 8 0 6 .00 f 48 I Robinson, Gary 0: Sands- C-qmpany, 140.95 Fire -Exp. Sprinkling_ ■1 w ?kyj � �1 � t {- 't j{ � F.I r 44 i �'• f Page , #3. Res. 648 19649 M. Rosen & Cowpany,' 2.04.9iB ` Fire -Exp: - 50 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 13.95 r Sewer C&R-&p.2k.68 School C&B' Playground-Esp_? - r .95 St Gas Light Company-� 138.01 51. .Paul Fire -Exp. 1CYu.4 C :P .W. -Workhouse -Exp . 1.4 r huditorium-'E p 0 4 _ - 113 .Ol 52 Sherwood Company, 15:71 P .Library -iBooks . - - 9.00 53 - Tierney & Company, Health-P.Baths-Exp. 54 Transit Supply Company, - 25.00 Pub. B1dgsl.Arch.Exp. 55 Twin city Iron & Wire Company, 60.00 iP.Parke-Const. P. Bead. 56 Weequah Canoe Club, _ i 10.00 P.Parks-Expense. • 'i � \ SII .. _ ..Split •JIT al.— . t... 'H1{DNIAZ Isawri8Ht7 - Joa»pe4n7f.6iv.taeq7,wwJ P'eq owpun 3Dwlo Kiau �Crattvmad Praati i1A A'� - ^ ,.Coc6na•t7ai^sant tb.. SL00. :G 4. Hartle -Coal CA.,MILO 11. 9Hohn b' 0laont Y1A00�. . .Charles =,k!.,& .. ' 7.Ibrary 0: Library ot.0 jf3.11" C. 8.-I.yon-t Hrotbary,�fi311.75. %w,-. _ Manhattan 011 C3L.7..0. ifL63A — A P. Hoo. roi -f Natloaq Cendy Co»' ftllifA - _ _ Natlon•1 can Co» fkr;M' - NorthaICols. o f34J3. a Coal Doakt Northern Coal A. Dock^Co». UOL Notthera 8tatea PowaR. Co., Notthwev�etn Eleo. I Fgd10. Co.. t, . flli.�i. Nor[hwotern- Tel. EachanLe Co.. , - - - .Nonbweatarn HLat C $1lkf6. •Noyev Hroa' /, Cutlers i3LOX _ r cb aioq ie•g t -&3% d ' Cb., $140.33: ai Rosen t Co. $[04.ft. — - - f Paul Hnllden Cod. I3fatedal St. Paul Du.IA ht CO., i1fLOL .. _. Sherwood tb" ilf Tlerhe7 ! - T%alt HaCoif0- W0irroe _ eCItyIron t o f0000; - - - 6lyeegnah Canoq Club, f10 d0 - - :Adopted by, the Council Bept 30, L3T. { dVDroved B8iDK11311fiTj- CITY OF .ST,;PAVL COu IL RESOLD—TION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER / Subject: _ _ COUP!CI , . NO: P16a -- f. Date Presentetfi i' -191 'r --- the following designated liro.enses to sell RESOLVED,_ eted pursuant to intoxicating liquors be transfrred as indica applications duly made therefor. No. —. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) __1sJ. _�!_ .. l� Ita� N4a.- No 1 - No. -- -- No.I _.. _ • C• F..No. 16880--BY HenrYMeColl— thetol oI.to dtehllal7n No: Rsellr86 Ildene0_o lIndl ted vee .._a be trai.arred oYmn114eorsppllcu.n. - _ ' No - total o nThaatS for, ; _--- _.:i_ _ _._._.--_ .. Lfeense No. 378 [r ICn+h ua N Tra in: - - t — _._. . 1.. .Co.�FE.3rd -nt. BU .;irddAdoptbShe'Sept 10. 1917. council 0R. – PL . Approevd-S (BRDt• 16-1917) . No. 7- No- o-No. No. _ �'�•u+ r.; , l•oiule Inlen (;) Nays \d_v In ,41 :opteJ liy OleCouncil _ 1111 ((� !' Far worth U lu favor G ^ ..Approved--- - _M - -- ----- v l 110 \ghiu l M ill 1 1\- 1 \Ir, Presid(m mit 651 - age: �2. 19675 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 5.00 Auditoriums=Exp . - 76r Field, Schlic!,h & company, - 1.60 C.p.W.-workhouse-Exp• 1 _ 77 Ginn Compaly,, 6.32 P. ibrary-Exp.. j 78 - M: Ft. Goss, Comtr."T-. Works, 347.16 Paving 12th St-. 79 Rimebaugh & Browne, f 21.85 P.LibraryiNBooks, i 80 A. C. Jefferson, - 5.32 G.8'.-Crosswalks-Mntee. 3 { 81 C. I. Johnson Mnfg. Company, i P.Library=Exp. II li 82 - Maendleri Brothers, 21.31 Armory-Yntce. 1 83 Minnesota News,COmpany, - 185.69 - P.Library-NBooks. 84 E. A. Moeller,, - 3.75 P.SchoolE -Exp. ` _ 85 Raymer,Bardwa!re Company, 23.25 P.Librar -Exp. 86 Tri-State Tel. Company, 3.50 • Armory Yritce. 87 St.Paul Book J& Stationery Company, ( 30.89 P.Sclools-nxp. - 19.0 j Gen. Misc. Sta,-& Sup. �1 0 b 88 Stopaul White Lead & Oil Company, __ 6:92 . Fire—Exp . e F No.";18461 " t},dinirn `Resolved that warran abte oat of tbesCltT-T�asarY Wy . �. ` 89 Valley Iron Works, Upon the hen(nafter aDa¢((Ibd fonds a d'1n favor o1 the perwns..erms oVr„oo�'pora- foctheamulilhaD•�del.li the tot. :.11.70 P.Schools-Exp. Itions atabement ,; .. 90 • Western Electric Company, lowlns,detatied - AdsmvEzArules Co: 3i6f. B.Har, 8 TaYlar Cb. fL7f^ amWstar 1:61 Water—Exp . �' Heard n o! Commiis oner 337.88. . 31 C, Boyeson Co., BrOntano a 1.16: 8 t;parry 3E.60. Brown:'Blodgett Bums Lumber ('0.. A th.r Clark Co 3100 ' .% I �,, •A: Ded.t. iS1.70.: .. Dg,rehmel Brothero.i1 26� F.. f6.00. O. Y _. 8. A. nrnewor/h, F Fidd:8ch11ek d: Co 3L60.: . Oinna: Co't6.3l. - Com'rs: P' Works. 1347. 111. M.Ni Oose. HlmabsuBh d; _Brownn. ^ilLf6.. A. G JeRereoar t6.fL ati. Jqhnson Mots Ca I6 Ceats.' I nt.end Por Br.* 1,111,11. Minnesota News Com1M AY 3186.6/. . ' e i •` Raymer •rdware Ca 31!3.!6. He r ; . ” :Btate Tel. Co. 3f. sc• `Bt.' PAULHook. � BtatiotatlOAa[7 f16A1. .BL Pani Whlttpe Lead !} 014 Co: $6.1 valley Iron Walks - WesterA Electrlbl Co.. Sep Adopted DY the -Ronna 1.8eDLd1 1:, Baegpt 1l.10 T. ". - i ADDroved , (BeDt:-18-1117) I 1 l tt U I r `IA i Its. CITY OF 6T. PAUL , ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE EY AUDITED SE1"�j 9., I llllll PERI .. ' 652 . jResolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinaftej specified funds and ' in favor of the persons firms or corporations) for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified . in the following detailed' ` statement: Yea ( J) a ou en C J) Nays Adopted the P by Co ncd` li Hyl% 191_ - '� — crp IQ+7 44. In favor Appiav ' 191— - M — - U Against MAYOR I� r Mr. President, f ..3rv1 n i ` .. C. 8.-.rxa,lrief- .. Ruelved' that, w.tr.nt.0 drawn.. - upon'th!'Clt7 rfrea9nr7.Da7able oat Ot.. I — of firms fuada and to the.or, the favor of, Ne.Derwn9,or ro . j tlopr for tha amouata sat opDoalt.=- roaWMtve nameT ae apeOltlW In We: l _ ' oU0WIaV delane, atatagwt Irayaa Conetruatton Co.. i66F00 .. CUM lonnrewn. ia; a9L00:- ox 11&,Petoa 213205k. - — - - - YVhittl A: Raad reon. ii,7r� 00 .'Aeop tad by.the C uno1S BeDt 13, 193'x:= Approved BaDt. .(Sept. 19691 8eyen Cons truotion Co. �.8b0.00 Sewer Morton §t.a 43 ` Sewer ' Belmont 8 . 0 •� 692 Christ Johnson I ;3.898.00 Grad.11, Ailey 2nd. Add. GradliEdgecomb Ro§d 3 ,I 693 01 Neil & Preston - 2.380.00 •i Pagne-Edgerton Bever 1� 694 Whittier-.& Renders gn `3,714.50 - Ornamental Lighting Rites Upiv. to Maryland I �o tam- l ;� Pers 8•il', L, iJ U. 13 J. -L L' ,J, 1-iLl [ I i�" *1 r U - � I � ___z CITY OF ST. PAUL E i ,P CITY OF ST�PAUL ♦ / ` ';Y� / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Snbject: .....:... .....I / _ Y..... .... ... /. .. COUNCIL 4CS i(/1 FIL[ / NO. ... .... ..... / ........ ..... .:..i........J ...:..,.: ,...... .:..�...: .:. .... ...:.......... .. ..... ......:.. j :. ' Date. Presented..: ... . . _..... ..... _.. . ...... a Reso ved,. That the cigarette Lioenlie -No., 66, shioh, expire'r May 15th,1919, noW ip,the name of Harry Silver, 416 •abaeha Street{ be.and the ehme-hereby is franaierred to Esrrie pineberg, 416 / Wabash& Street. C. P. No:16485-Sv HenrY NeColl—: ' n...lveL Thal the'.C1Rarette Licenes� - •o. now aln .the penisofHarry Silver. 416' �� d Wabash. St., be andthe asme hereby �I - l. transferred to Harrle: Flneberg, 416 I WabAeha Rte - Adopted by the. Council Sept. 11, 1617. - ADDroted Sept 11, 1517. (SePl..15-1817) i ,Y =N 11 lyll 1'raa (17 Coun men (l,) Kaye- 414 AdnP ed by the Coun:•il (' 4 �cn 'r7 Gpr J.:...III favor a - ` — - --- _APPtote CI - Against-- _ ......... ........ _t ....... _ ....... _...._... MAYOR FORM C AD � 19 3M f /CITY OF ST:. I "U -_ ' 1-:--1 / o COUN IL .REspLu//ION--(§E ,RAS FORM - f �. Subject:, / / I F 1 1 fr l'/' I id 1 J,UNca -J Date Presented 191 I Resolved, That --the/ proper City offipialli /are hbreby authorized / / I" to enter into an agreement with Z.F4l C. Ulm, in aecorld�lnoe , i — with the provisions of Chapter 467of_the General iawe of j, I Providing for: the Yinnesota,ltor 1913, and amendatory acts, p g payment to said Phil C. Ulm of compensation�at the rate iof $8.73 pbr week for a period of one week and two days, by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 19th day of July 1917, L i Be it further resolved; that the proper City offieiall l are hereby authorized to pa�the said Zmil C. Uim, out of the i 1 WorkleenFa Compensation Account of the_General Fund, the ,sum of I;11,25 in full settlement of his a 1 aim by'reason.of injuries sustained. a r. No. 18{89— Resolved. That the Dr;0 ac to of er, 1. - eials ore. hereby outhorlaed to enter Into an agreement With HmI1.C. UIm. �i In accordance with the Orovlelons of Chapter 497. of the General iawe of , Minnesota for 1910, and amendatory acts• pre,ldimf for the payment_to Bald £mll C. Ulm orcomDenep tion. at the. - 'I rate of 08.71 per week fotn•Derind of I hereby recommend -the passage_ of Opel week and two -days•''by reason of the above resolution. .Injuries received by- him while, em= Nork(bp tho ,,r a y o[ Jul,. 1117. � Be it ruriher Resolved.. that the proper CI[Y oRlclels are heFobY au-. thorlsed'ao pay .the -said Eml1l-C: Vlm. out of the Workmen's ComDensalloo- Commie9loner Public WOrke.. Account of the General Fund, t claim U311.26" 1n full settlement, _ I by reaeoof 1n1urles sustained. - r Adopted by the Council Sent., 11, Approved Sept. 11. 1917. . Yeas (V) Councilmen (0. (Sopt 19.1917) ! h Adopted by the Council - = u I 1 191 -In favor c n Approved 191 I .Against Wo rlich •1� - FvfMAYON --�1r: Rresideut,l m _. _ _.- -- --- _ --- PAUL. r COUNCIL' RESOL4U71014'- GENERAL FORM / as suis/ect:/• LAY" , ,;T�h ]�AYfi 171 p L ecur I FILE IVO- ' ,Date. Presented 191 a , wc. Resolved, n ter_mains e,laid in the fnliov.ng etreetE'r ti:lct _niac� from Lexini-ton Ave. t Ed recumoe Rocd, Belvidere. from Oakdcle Ave. 10 Earvarr' Ct. - n C. V.e.*I 1.1187 t Water Kellerbe - ' Reaoi ed That water mnine be In1d - in the tounwing etre"' I palace from 1< Ington Ave. to Edge-? eumbo Road. - Be Stere from Oakdale. Ave. to Har-!. I AAo,red by the COU -11 Sew, 11, 19M AyProved Sept. 11. 1917. 1 (Sryl. 16.1917) Yeas.O Councilmen ( i) Nays I 11 I 1 I 191 Adopted by the Council h In Favor ctuel� App_vCFPrP 1,1 917 191: MCC 1Kett f J Against— Vu fbch lr MAYOR - 1—Lie Pte;idont. rain�--707. C, - -2 - - - - I 17epa0met' v f PvblicUhilihies 1 i ]o, n BOARD OE.WAT EA COMM 5 TONERS 1 G ] ( • - M N 3055 \ - ' `J?f. ---FF 'i'C .T. Vo 11G 1'i l:]f, _ .. •ill, l lrin. ,i. �. "� 'i; i1 tCI Coii.-•:1 .•S iGn_LF , ..t (:, ff�eCt— I rC;' U n�^.'llfl!JU H]� C.O 3Lii L• the fC]]Cl"i!1,? e � , Cd the the cuaci] Te, rd I. I I uhf ��. r:T�, �i.• r'e; .e: t,•1, n , ❑r -••or i - e cf cater rr.,ninr in 4e foilor;i1F 1 street.,-,: P lccc frcr a ecu ce Fbad, Ave. to t vara .t." eT� truly ;;c nret. 1•''i . _ - CITY OF 'ST. PAUL. COU`1�''�CIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM U �. Subject: c Nuri NO - 9 I , Date Presented., . Be l ti ...:� .7) ...: f917...... I I� Resolved, ;i'e <<...e a_' _ne :I.l.ey Li JloFk 13 ::c3r4 kdc i.:ion, 1 as 1`i own oy Liie regi: :-rcUe line or, ane acco , 1r. i, 4rolile eriC t Ir roco_.:iei'ded oy the Oo:a::isaiont r of ru'dlib . orku c L, 1111 .he :c is hereby Z" b1 is he Lit C. F. Ie. 19469—Oy 31.. N. Onea Revolved, That the Krhdo of the alley In mock 78'3ierrinm' Park 3rd'LddItiRn. - ee how"yIn tho aftle ndn ono on the aecomDanylth pronle and ne reeom• ' '` m nded M1y. the Commiseime of hereby Rorke. be ..d tho-eame le hereM1y .... . adopted ae the eetabnehed Krade: td pled M1y the'Council Sept. 11, 1917. I - Approved Sept. 11, 1917. (Sept:13.19[7) i Yeae (r•) COu I cilmim. (y•) Nays • r Adopted by the Council _.191 Fam worth SEP 11 y(•,oas _ � .. In favor / A" roved ),91....... --- --- — - --- —- vP.— _ \------i ✓K1 I �i Agsi st I/ -- t.-Ytle a r I Mr. Riesident, 9Jr FORM C.6•2 - - f I / r I Council File No.­ � r I / q PIROPOSJIL FOR �MPRfbh'J4ENT/ / fi 6 PRELIMINARY ORDER. T c undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloirinr public improvement by the City of ---�----- -- - .� A �• �.�",.t r �_:.iVTfi t _.yam L�_Jt' e St ul, le he,- o rte UC467d. •td a .0lire / ;, O.. u3 .t-...1�yt� Go it. SLI .pTi _ ; G..r .�Lt• i� the u1 Q(Y y I V J 1 i:: .. .�...I.;. C' )..J..1.�D.L', f _..I.+ifZ...,o ..,.i ...:.r t. L� ...itu. .ea•�i• -.L1 .azelN:ooii we. uael.;oo:y _ro. o- s: .� S' ..... / ... .. . _.:. jj� Dated this ........�.X.0 l ...da..........,�5: ut - Grya . r , 1.1 l �..! ...- Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proppsal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: o .., r ,1 ii.. i ..mss o a:cnce rr ro ile e o ed i ,:i. e t rt cr e0f, i4 z :e rG line o he r..e �u szciuq: LJ .,l:xc�li..e ..i Brand St Leen ;e vo n c s. �+ a e"� red tli :• on ._.i t..a S.IE�Sr.fl CJI. ;i.:. 27- Z-Gl:Ia - _.Y.F-..- 0 ..._ oar sylir:letl, sl a_ x� o: -=L 0 5.eve..�f. 5�, to e ;,'re crt. e dished =_ve ire r ud Q y. ............... . ._.... '32— r ' r is d ' hncing been presented to the Council of the City o[ ftLO"M taateev nd au i te113on iRAIl7e)therefore, baitmRESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubii� tai0 div+naep0ua aafPeaz directed L To investigate the necessity for or desirabili lehee seventh rade hhavins the n v e nied,to t` the Council or thI City. of Ht. Paul ie total cost thereof. 2. To investigate' the nnture,'exfec�t and estim 'therefore, hetlt 1 ncloh•ed; That the Ce I. ii. onryr f- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said i aeredcaivorki he nd directed na he I. Hereby. of at 1: To Inr•eetlgete the nee ...Ity for .. ..... .. ...... 4. To furnish the following other data and info or, dnslrobine; of the making of said t t - ImUrovement. - _ -2, To .InvestlFate the nature, eztcut „ _ _ _.-.,,,, .. . ...........___.. _ ' ana estimated cost oT.uafd Improve •mast, anaaha total coat: Sheerof. rJ. TO state whether' Or not said Imp[OVCn1Cnt I sketch of tanlU sit arovement roalq. oT. T mOTC OWOMs. 4. To furnish the fonowinB other G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters data and Information relative to said ` Improvement. S, To 11411 whelhor or not laid I a Adopted by the council . ....... ..... provcment Is asked for on the Peon I of threo or, more owners 6. To report upon all: of the tore¢o• Yeas: Ing matted m the Comml"loner of Flnancm CouncilmantW rth I Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1517. AVProvld —(23.0144917) 191'x. _ ...... 191 ,.. : R o 14 K let +-_-- , �rlichMayor - Mayor. Ii ____-- _— _ _.__ ---------- END NiCROFILId_ _C RTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: i - - 1. The roll df-micrpfilm-described-hexa in was made in fre-zegular course of -- business bye—CC4_�s�„�.%Ani°gym`, Q,T in accordance with the'standard and app:,oved tac iques with a�Recordak microfilm machine, Model f Eastm oan Kodak Company. 2, The roll ofmicrofilm was made on 19 &Yl– by the undersigned operator(s), 3. The serial number of the. roll of microfilm is ��JA ,4, The roll of microfilm contains°photographic copies of:. 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), jit will be photographed 'on said roll of microfilm immediately after the I last document. Signed: Operator Dated - 1,