17365-17983_07-02-1917_08-09-1917TlP°a4fi1 J+e4 ' - et�4'p •47 roa.rn►ai4 IIY Jn ♦u. a {^t truiP�oroi 3 om� •6F4 n7Pno.W, a�4Pud ;• 1d line.. yl a4 f.neQmOJ :`14lottlp e e / tt ' �etri:a,M t, 10 +ri e I . n lana t✓ -�, { P-i'D.�I a Y1p0�in pnt4 PP1' Q �q� .. { rT4-i Ja9d �1.; ilafad r .• COUNCIL FILE. al w ° o r lagan �j L J t>»� t� + IIIiVf11 'B • I ix. la 1 1. Ili ol.a i lfa' .41. V I i< f 1 1 1 '1 lr � it N .�.1 �.•yl �,1. )S In the Matter of.... Brade on Andrew St,_•froln Gatee St f t —. .Q sB9._St .. _;. 1: ..... g. :.;: - ......-..i ...: ..r.. ..... ...... ... .. f,r ¢ ........ i . .. ..... t:.:..:. ...... ...... .. under.Preliminary Order ..._1456.ir.::... approved .:...daxt.:.::2,9. 1937::: Intermediary Qrder ... approved .... A.pnblic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the'Counel�baving; heard e11 �iersoue, objections and recommenllatitins relative thereto, and having folly eonsrdered.,the same;- f' therefore; be it RESOLVED,. By the Council of the dlyv, or, st. Paw that the precise nature, eitent'andIkind'of improve; ment,to be made:bythe said City Is...:91t�aTIBQ :a..Sr&de on.:AYldrep St.,f1_om G9 at3 SL . _ . i ------------ �4 i�ABlI'.•• cL`niorm to. the red Sln6s oit eiryg�8pt+i ` here t,files rtho.D.rii nt,ginde4,boinq re;) . . ' reeenled by NO' blue lilies thoreoa. errs' (hp . Coaoell hoieby (pal;re gold Inn. . '• -� prtivcmant to ba road! „ s � ...........iloner of POND pp to t�� We eb laitrudte 9i!'I�nd:dlrl 1 •a. 40[ o r pars: lanraad,.epeglA4atnft� !AP pill • improvement, :Fad aa4mlb eRpte to the .. Council for aDDrorai, t4aCi a .qid -aDProYat, rile- ProPaT P1 T dra art aerebr anthorlasd and dBeetad to prr'. ...._ ... �• .end wlt6 [hs ma![It1i•or yard ImDror9 . . PIS °i I et ncwrdanPe. tCaTwltl. and the Council herebya ,: ,ur�l,o.e„ttlu�t., 9c^lua' e. ' RESOLVED tlRTSIrR That the'Commissioner of Public W ns q e , nn trected' to prepare plans and specifications fo ;gnus' en . an \'to't`he Cotmeil for approval that: upon said approval " er city', officials Ale hereby authorized and directed to pto a Ill of saici meat in aecordance therewith.. Adopted by the Couneil',,...I i IL.._ . Ap l .. ........... 191 ...: r r a f e City e k a APFreved ....:::....... y 191 ....... .. –Councilmaii'Farnsworth _ Counctlmari= Goss & Councilman Hyland. /1J -ouncihnan Keller councilm'hn EfeColl Councilman Wunderlich t IIIasor Irvin - •gyp~:..:, Form :13. $.' A: 8-i, / a v?e, the underei�ned,`being all the propeity ownerE� or, oth'sidma';.of gnc/revti tree t, between ��' street' and ivenue,in the• Citq of . request St..N-ul, do horeby the City of .t.PWA to chhnge the prude of oaid�etreet in aeoordanoe with the profile heroto attar; hed,.marked- Exht bit ;;"R°, 'ar►tia � .. evade ,a port hereof; and we further • request that the plane, speoificatiarls- grading,o.said;'street and contrastfor-the f' be,amended so as -to authorise_ ' anu require the giading thereof in wcordanae with !Lei rir3 attached-progllo.-' In c�nAideration thereof; ua and"each of us herrzby- waive- any objeotio4c_ to ttre.aseeaement to be lavi.od for"the gradng.of said -street, and all, �in� formalities in connection therewith and as- to the: w."ner, mathod or "prose •. dura --of making ezid improvement or said asaeaement, a�a4 do lsexebq r'�ive erq. alai.m of dacageb agafuit tke'Gity of f,=t.: aul for or on ecnaunt of tF,e gr..= ding of aaid street in accordanoetith'naid attached profile I'N &ITHFSS WHLTEOF -we have Hereunto set our hands. and sdala !hie_/V day of ., 1ox" ?iu�e i�nu Anatase Description of T'ropeity Lf Property `)wner Lot. Blooi Addit3oa 1 /� - .��..1�S�C1L�� 2 'S (•°�Gl�i A j IPARTMENT OP FINANCE -- - �. - - ""' ° .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ,OF FI1�AAlCE - ON PRELi�,RY QRDEFt< 1'n the Molter aiy C� ,—'=�1•• d r Q - .�.. ` ..r.. r ._.-. ... - .... .. nary Order appro�d __. `�._`%^ �. �.h .. ..:._ _ •— un er Preliminary -�_...:._ ,....... - -- To the'Council of,the City: of St. Paul — The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:: . The total estimated amount of"Ae assessment for -the above.improverrrent is The estimated cost per foot fgr, the above improvement 'ie The lots or parcels of land that, may be'assessed benefits for such, imprave:arae nt and th,e assessed valuation of each lot•or parcel as last 're to _ by,the-Assessor, are as follows: - OESCRIPTjON LOT BLOCK ' - ACOtT•t O.N - A99lySFO VALUATION % 3 L �G %4-) b.0 - - :h' . Y 9 p [ Oso `.:. • ,. _ _ . ' . /0 .: D � � y vet • TOTAL. : - Form E B.,10 '-1•._ ti • ercT of s - — _ t]EPARTMN1 bL fN(�►lVC6 - REhORT OF-COMNIISSIONEIR OF FINANCE ON PRdkDER " wssessED. 1 _OT Ai7OIT10N — gCSCRIrr T.ICN VALUATION p 2. - J � �. »- i3 ALI. G 3 J. 3 i 7� n "r 7 i 7 d 7S a 3 ��•, yam: 7,61 � r r l The Commissioner,of~Finance-further reports that he has investigated'all of the aforesaid matters and hereby dubmitl the foregoing as his ieport thereon to'the tog" 1. together with the'. report made to him` in reference to said• matter by the Commissioner of Pubic Warks.,' Dated �� 14! 7......,/Ly'� _ Commtsaoner aF Finance.- Form D. -D L . , ,.• ` t To The Honorable The demon,'Council of tho City of St. Paul, Minneteta. : Gentlemen: We. the '.�dNre to d '� •' a:; r,� abutting ort the alley 1 runaing`in.ae easterly and vaster i»ctioi; and bounded by.Nhoelor, Iglehart,. Fairvier and'Carrell Manus ln,said-City, do, hereby respect Sully petition ycur honorable body, that +aid alley be. graded upon a gradi to tie eatnbliehed-by'tha Cit? Engineer, :and -that. said work be ;done as 9 soon an may to're[eonab?y conveniont, the toot`thereof to be charged up is the abutting Froverty.. �MN I�\ Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, Aug'uet 4th; 1916. 1�/�'iJj', CJI/ LURLW _•-Y-.1 _�Y.a_ _ _.-f^ ,(. • j lr �,! �! / r �! i .- r - ` - �L%Y/�. c-�- - - gu ' , , REMOE STRAKCE-.- The•unders-igned property owners in Block 8,,Loverirg Park, and in Block 7, 4uinby. Park, Bt -Paul jZinn., hereby earnestly pro fast _ againe t the condemnation and. -taking of an easements for the grading of the alley in s4d blocks. and likeeies protest against 'gr aifing the alley in Blook 8 L6vering Park and Block 7 @ninby Park, iv C70 j lop 41 __ F'C �� LJ� �� (LC+�(•�,r..r %n.v' / �''r��,nt.: ° J�4.. b.. �t-G,^:.- rrs �` r - s � r �% ; �. � °��.`- ,�'�'a of t�•�� . ~ fir;. cu._ J �r ;� � `i " -CITY OFT.PAUL - a 6 61N6 L,.RESOLUTIbN-GENERAL FOf2M Subject FILE N.O. 1 �� ,- ,; ,- .•. - r,- Da(e,Presented jul.y,....., 191, i'av a I' - 't .'• jLUTIO'V 2•XIA7G �T-E A'IQU1TT Qi L�`)D DF 7,TE' -T,--OF rAS,r,. gT,� Resolved. - TO ac rYrr I , 00711'Ftq�i Or PFO C77DI�?G� I the;,;;attar of condemninZ and�takin an, + e4$eiaent in the land neoes6ary, for"elor.ea', fo;x cuts "and,_; fa11e -i r,. -the iz•ading'of alley i,n.Elock 8 `Lovering;Parl 3n'd 51ocY.-7, u nbv P{tr,k under Pr'elimin4ry Ordaz", w15736, app rovg Ai..ril 5th, 19171 and Inte: ueliary Orcir 16' 78 approved jure 6th',' 19x7, :e ComaAasioner of 'Public r ork� , avlm:' subuit.ted. hie report Tend oketah in the aboi-,uL%tC6r, be it r' FEcOLV D, That .t .lk01ty of St., Saul fizz detaru;in•aa theaa;ount of land, to be'. t ,kan for tne, above nai ad iu:provz vent s ani; easement' for ,slope a, �.or cut'a and"•fills in and ilro.n, the land abutting .upon thii alley in dock 8. Loverin Park tnd n,oc : r 4uinby. Pru, to the -xtent s_,riwn uj.un thu e'r.etah' attadhed °to the report:bf the rEotLl iasicner of '?ublic,ri;orka "im the wttt��•r,"'da+a3 4uly`2nd,, 15171 which ake�ah 'and retort are hereby referred to and iu.ade a part hereof. Ia the matter of oadea7u,to ing an easem nt la,euL tsoa Illls to theY'ror Mopes tof .1(Or; erinRrPeZrk a'ad HlIP9'.Qk1nbP P k ( under Prellmn/arYl Order'Na.164S6J and r ea April-9th. 1917,'%lnter 'y 'L -- medlarY order No:, 18179. � 13proved ' June, 9.1917- • The-Co'lat-o , i'pot bannd sketch i-- :,. hatlag submitted W' In the above mat r . - Resolved,'"1,ha{:. e..CItIt Y of idt. Paul ! - mines-the amount of l • q. tlxes and taken for tbo about named 1 land to be. ssemeat for _ Improvement as d - doPr for cuts and fli^s. In Mind alley in • the land abuttlnR uP and Block Bloek 9 Loverin perittent adown uDo ` qulnbY Pfir' " the'. sketch attachadtb the revbr. the Commissioner of" od1 i917. wbled ° The maandtter. dated Jare ketch and regorsrt lwreoL l ,roterred )` f• '� 9" 11. to Ad p ea DY.. LheCouncil Ju1Y:=: 1917. Yeas t C ycllmen 11 Na s F P worth. App, �1,jly'i ei7) the Couli��I . ? IG!1 191 G r'f . Ph favor • 91! '- `3 to 17 K Approved � 191 JM II Against N Y Mr reaiden OWrf9 MAYOR C. F. No. 18!78—SY ti"d Ir mil b[t1F i -[n the?Satter of ondmnnfnfi�nd'WS SC'% ' ". a 1nR aneaaement fnYhe Sa d.a' aa1F _ aarY for aloDee tor^tuta and»fn t Rradlnir. alieY In muck 8 A:-1 - Park end Block - QPfnDY t'atit' ae ' irordlnR: to th, pian anA nfede D itbentOt th /aa s ,� COUNCIL FILE NO 1. ..................... t INTERMEDIARY ORDER -- ! In the Matter of.:_.c.Rztd.4iRI111bB:..It,FtQ.:tak.�n6 a!'..eaaemebx_ir} .the lsnd•.necesea>Y:. .9x...al:QPe-R.,:.�Cl.:flute 8nd..f11#e•in grr#31ng_a.��eY..:in,Blook..8 �gverit�g: Park and Block 7 Vinby Parst according t.o,•the plan hereto attached - aad made a mart hereof, the hatched portion" showing the cuts and- the . shaded portion the fills...... ..... . ............... ...... . under Prteliminary Order.....:.� 5.26..:. .......npproged ....: .:April,. I5,, The'Council of the City' of St. Paul having received the report o� the Commissioner of P,�nance .upon the Above imprinvement, arid-having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with..- That ith:-That the nature of tha improvement which the Council neeoin nds is::...Condetaln..and::aake..._ an easement in:. he .land.:necAseary. for elopea,`L for cute and .f`ills in grading_aliey ,n._Block 8 Lovering, Park and Block 7 QuinbytPark a and trade a part hereof,, the P. _ ..- s according to thn lar hereto attached, Iiathh.ed portion. shoeing the cuts and the shaded portion the filia ,. _ . .. ................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.6.. 25i.QD... . Resolved Fti her, That a public hearing be; had on said improvement on the j...:2nd :.:....day of July 191.....%.., 'at hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber' of the Court .House and 'City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul; That the Cominissioner of Finance give-notice of said meeting.to the persons and in.the mannerprovided by the Charter, stating the-time and place of hear-'. ing, the, nature of the iniprovemetm, and the total cost thereofas estimated.. Adopted by the Conneil_ fir? f�{.. 191 .. , (roved JUN —6,!31'191 J ! a.... Ut\ Clerk, ..,'..-.. r .... .. ( i Mayor,' Councilman Farnsworth Cogiieilmun uos, , 7 Councilman HylamL Councilman Keller Councilmen McColl ' Councilman Wunderlich 3tuyor Irvia Form B:. S..1. 4-6 i _t ' rt, . • ,CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . DESCRIPTION LOTROCK ADDITION VALUATION .LU.TIASSES3. A - I 7 4-6 . 3 7 3i 7 7 3 i 7,5 7� �°7 • TOTAL`' The Commissioner of Finagce furlher,reporte that he has investigated all of the aforesaid-mattersacid .. hereby submits the foregoing as his reeort thereon to the Council, together, with the -report made ,to him in Public Works. reference to said matter by the Commissionei.of. Dat 11 e + Commissioner of Finance. J - 5 P _ QITY' OF 5T. PAUL _ a, COUNCII c sNovA17att — SE Yiesolvpd .That the• nPPlleatl9n or. the following vere4rt�'ne Ipm 1-nae to sell - intoalcailaC- itfluarr iat th¢ locatio s indicated. fin, .attd hs .eoultclt. cNO 11 same hereby ars-granted, and the city qLa �•-� i 'Clerk 1—ilthorlsed still directed,to Is - us agqefi lleenses to'sald appltcam -P - -- -en thb. dlitig of, (hi; bond a acid tbe: y. pay- ment of the fee requlMQ by law:. Andrew-Rotbmayor, 919 HemT Metzger-1176 EL Mmaehaha ga e'Preseutec� Horace-lames DSnbor; 219 WRb"Its - AtAngus•J. .Cameron. aY9'8lbiey Bt. _ �e• Bretol Hrothen, Na -Rice 8t.'. �l B @SS,OnB 1 Mike 11116tich. 121 r, 7th 811 Yo1lotAin p RESOLVED, Tha� LOYia C. Apt w7'Wabaaha et Roth Hotel Company: 6th t St Peterijkle lo'oations re .for : a 1 --cense to, sell I 'Sta. i epeativ�ly' indioatedp6°tyn e;Fi`vou23i 9 SL Pe er st &r@ Branted, and tine -City .Clerk' g ltut) 91mon P. . Irranklin, 311. s a ei° 8t ssue silgh licenses -Herman 8chwabe4 Ea6Amksom8t. d and the,paymdnt of tq said applioalits up - -Gerson -Meyer doing'hosiness.a. a. i the fee required by It HteAwnler& s nmlie H E. 6 n°et ,Charles A. Cameroa,' 673 W..7lh St - Name.;of, Appliaan�. 'ot Albers J: Rommak 1Y6 S. Wabeeha LOCStlOn. . Lonle: Ra.tolo, 361 4k ith St., .i 'rtodLro .'Loeedil, i37 LL. 3rd St.. Edward' Kath; .998 r. 3rd St. : I t'_'7th ` L A 3r: r.%th e" John M Bisch, 909 46 7th st. -- _. - -- wllitam J. Ueber, MO Wab.eha, t. Oscar Moekovits,:41Y. Jackeon.$t c. In--e_.R •1� 't r, vt.�...V ,- 7aute.lViedl, tit 8: Robert 8t. --------- Z"! / Louie G Hoffman,.{63 Wabasha 8t - - Adopted by the(:ouncli July . J APRroved'JulYa,1911. } •, a�'.^.3 ' C �. r3c�-" tri. e.3 Lunb , tJuiy.. 7.1917) L-- --.— k 32<Vit- „ Siole� . X42 _ ' T7 :fit•:. __ _ 1{� �1letic::, � r - .i''ti in -.t •. - J ZO T� ate. -- .G33.,o1 - ;1, q In'7 hen Adopltd 1 i1by the (ounl• t b , 7 G av lu savor Itmll .\plKovel —�nl i K ler P Coll .\Kainat 1\' n(lerlit,l! > : warns J1r/I n siilen . Irvin IS - �'i urSIt Ly� !tl U F`U111- "!,140 i. :• ` �•iiAw a,li1 I j••• sawn— Vsl7ot r•aataLa+siaV $E Yam alt{){l'C'C.7 5` T�„,yam xi /Vwaaa +•Pu nt a _ Dtu 7`-I IN PYt V /aldq •9 .. 7 .,�.+aoirMrri T .•i•Q' ,+e4 S An.- ♦ 9ptq 4• ,ate ca• ,i r L. rr. _ - I. I r �S i -•+ h aaflYqt ••.a 4 c7ra - �s n�7�itt �.: � - t t 9YtYwi � _�gst.i ¢'ate. y�uo iu aY r� b I i ^� - w_�m •ai + s tibin�•• 1•waY:a � _ Date Prdsented 1,191 RESOLVED_ That the application of 'the;•folloWing persons. ' for licenge t to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations'=re- speotively indicated, be,�,and,'ihp'same hereby are'granted, and , the City:Clerk.is authorizedl,and directed 'to issue such licenses to .said applicanVs upon _the filing 'o;f the`bond and the payment, of the 'fee required by Taw. 2iaxe'o'f Applicant, Location. qtr -'t.- - r. t � a- .0?3CB TPl':d Lun '3' '✓. 313 iia^.?I Pngu� j. ^s r 32 ^iuie Et. �toiBrother.,_C,i2 iad t, . iia , 1 -- 3 .a. i t�e, o.. y :"zt , _ _anklir; a y _ Yea, f; l•l'u nvilnu•n l l \ y., d F nnwarth Adohled by. the Counvil 1!11 n, : _ n Ic • 7 • li qs In fnl-or _ — ' I . 1 Innd i\ ,�\pltroeed ( � �.. Il11 IK Her IN Colli \gaiust I :11' •ndrrlirh qtr I'resid�•n .:tn•in. MAYOR CITY' O_ F -ST. ' PAUL _. 'COUNCIL, RESOLUTION_--LIQUOR .1L IC4FENSE.TRANSFEiK . z No 1 FILE ,. -Date. Pre-sOnled 191 RESOLVED, That the following designated lioenses.to sell _ 'intox-ioating liquors "be transferred, asi i.ndioated'.pursuant to applications duly, made -°therefor. ` No. From (Name and 'Address) To: (Name and Address) I ,No %-U,7-rhet J ...A:+, j0 ' X 7831 V.-=t 2 r: Thir.i. `±, ^;j,2' 7r'Jlsor, NO 20,A^; s•1 son,� n A e �' Jl - No. Aqr a 0'vp:: o°°nr� Probe GtieeiBr •' rr� YO Bp Ory ryv ' . ' NO: I r"r'4urees grdre'o � or . " Tye o l .0 $ ov� goAev oQ,r 'No. - _ AAti pgNt1%�oAR ger �4!J' Qa �.j, _ pp ___ ._ oPpU Jh•/ti "d NO : No., NO..'- No. , No. -- --- - -. -- No.No.. - - No. _ - --- �1•411 (. I Coll11 Adopted by the Couuoil Nnrn ' •urth I I!ll .:. . I v tioY 111 lil l'llr • I _. I I Ito I Approved ` 1• Ff 76 . •]411 Kel - y Mc \1u crlil•h MAYOR \Ir 'rc ullnt�: rrin e# x!97_ A fMV1W CTYNOdou.L aU L _ - I' •, - ' .`_ �.� 111NE`RAL FORCA . 1 .H 5. ..7Y fyfYlllyYL l:lnfl TILEENa _ '-FILE oau.oaaa o41 u ImwA� taoa7 , 7.s June 30, 191 7. PreserA -Yau aaoa�• aA04: amq :fyt+.43'rn;� 7•�" t 4'IIIw •' 47 7a yll4na . :Date .aoplVY.a •X14 IIY: yoa7aY7pv At i, , iouo Q .ipo eq °!1>0. a�1plld°QI»77tm - _ V311.4 O°+a47 ,rui nio1 oar at+1B p•.. Resolved: That the -applioation`of the following muted perOgns'Yoi a.Llio'ense to .. conduct Hot a.le or Restaurants at the locations the Citay, respective. indicated, be, Clerk - is authorized and een�d,� the, sante, are hereby;• granted; and the.paym•8nt of the directed'to issue such lioenses to said-app2lcants upon Yee ee required by law.' F APPLICANT. NAME; 0'HOT- , N. - .. HOTEL OR- RESTAUPJIRT - LOCATTO L. A.,ftapenny, -Restaurant 187 E. 7th, 1'37 tadicott, Woman'a Work Exchange, Restaurant,. Ave., Chas. A. Bl;osah,. Hotel,1896'.Amee 7 -611 University,,.;' Eddie A.'Elmgren,' -M. J. Restaurant,, Restaurant, 803 E. ,4th, . •Frediani Andrew Donahue, . ' _ Restaurant,, 519-tYabasha, _ 848 Pa'yae'Ave. W, F,' Bens, Joy Ling, Low cc H tel, . Restaurant, ,• 0 P?�sb +has . .Andrew Olson, Hotel, o I 279 E. 3rd, 9th & Wabasha, Frank E. Turgeon, P. Lussier,'' Hotel, Hotel, 197- T. 4th St., Fred, H. Snyder, Hotel, 5th & Cedars 390 W. 7th, F. V. Reichelty Hotel, 400 Wabasha, Harry R. Bryant; 'Revert Hotel, 202.W 7th, Lovskar, ' .,Hot .. -374 Wabasha, D Philip Beall, ;John A. t7o13, Hotel, Hote, 37-39 W;Exahange, . '382-84 John Pl'esoh, Rest urant, St; Peter, H; R. Trooke, Restaurant, 377 Wabasha, Andy Johnson, Restaurant, 410 Jackson, 97 E. 4th, .' W. C. Jones, - Restaurant, a 321'E. 7th': Norman.& Bergstr9m, . Restaurant, 198 So.Ciabasha, Urs._ F. G. Marquardt, Boarding.''House,. .. 387 9Pabeaha 3t. - -C..Sam & Co., Restaurant, Yeas (✓) Counu3 me.a (:)Nays. " ' ' - 191 Fa rth �' Adopted In favor " by the Council Gosa'1� hyla Kelm Against�G' approved J,f .. n _ 1?(1 �qc WL lith .� . IVPresdentl _MAYOR rdKm C.8-2 7. y 1. I _ _ _ _ T CITY OF St' PAUL' j - C,OL?NCIL RESS+LUTION--�,G EN ERAL FORM1 - sub«c g 41 1 _ f - - CCL ROIL � I ',I C.. F N. 1731-- June 30, 7 neaolved, That tha 4Dp11eation oft a _T 191 touopAtn arced -persona ror a neeh Date Presented• toq bnd i. not.] ' or Reatenrante at and the �samaa-lnre 14-1861.: gtant.d and �• _ the City pierk;<1, hUth.,I_d, and dl- r.eted' lo, 10aue' well .1loenae.. to aa,d aDpil.nta�Upon the payment of tho ' - tee ua re -aired by late: '. 3.; A. Wlmp-nny. ne.6urenti; 187,E., Womah•a Work Esehaago, Reatau- I ranL''187 Endleott Ave. A. $loaeh J1ot i, 3888 Atrigs tt* Resolved, A.. Elepg,en neataurant. -I1 w - U Ivere lvereltAve. BL" J, PY.disra. n t urant,, 303 E. Ub' �'�,• t Andrew Donahue neataurnnt b;f'.t� named Persons• for a 1108x8@. t0 �{ Dnahn $t• a t, , lv 'F. Hens, notel eta 3 wyne Ave' re4peotldely indicated, be, ' 06nduot: Hoge A J Y Lila Loa. Cro P.e,touranL 110 ���' W baehn st.� qty Clerk is.:authorized, and and the semQ iir9 tndre Olson,. 2301 1, 279 E Bra 3t 4 ext Of the Frank F Ttergeon 11ote1, 9th &.W B,II,t@ .upon the payor directed tib hist bosh fit. Q L P. Lasater. 11.t 1 197 t�', 1tA �t ',i fb' - fee as Te Td $tn ed. Ft inyder, fiolei, 8th R Cednr G tt a ■' P. W. n i htkf, not ]. aeo W. th st, S�'�S� - LOCATI011. NAME Gc Ogg CAI S�Ifn ry It. 11rYaht, liot 1, 100 tt nbnehn �" ��• +� �4 z ee rt 1 vakar, 71ote1. 802 W. 7th Sl;�9 r/y�m�.. rnwp ninn reel 371 NVabn ha 5t w 167 E. 7th, L. A• Witte yy. J tt.]r leintnt-u"n' 3t7t,-39 W. EanFt-. •y�s s.0� I37Ehdioott Woman s ROXk Es 3e2•,1 s 1896 Ames ; Aye'. Chas. A. , ; 011 icht. a ItrriLt Tro k it-ntnunn 1 nnst Wei.- 611 University, Eddie A.` E11u&ce Andy Johnson ne Latlrant 110 Jack f t 203 E. 4th on Yt 11• J Fre isni• J-- R-'tnurnnt 97 F Itb at e 519 Wabaaha W. t F ninth y n- Cat t n -. tnurnt t ,i ..fi. _. $48..-Payne'..AV'@. y Andre»B fie' i Mr... F 2 ., d an ... Li "7, f:t3C HOtl. .Irs $ w,to t R�. I 446 Waba:sh&, - ""•`� t `tl i & t 121Mlntt rnoL 28 LY t* .rxiSl s n8` 1 n b St ;. 279 E. 3rd, 11ndTe4 Olson, �nn�''d�'Jt�y. C-.,;,11 J.1, s. 1937. 9th & 4fabat3ha, FTsnk Target 2Jniy7-t917> 197 . W.:4th St.) C P.' Lussier, o ate," �- 5th` & Cedar, Fred, 'H. Snyder, Hotel, 390: Ci. 7th; F. W..,Rei0heit, Hotel, ..400 Wab@aha, Harry, R: Bryant,. Hotel, Severt Lovskar, Hotel, 202 W..?th,' Philip Bea1L; Hotel; 374 Ubasha, Joico A. Wolf, Hotel, a 382-8 �YSt. Pdnge, John Plesah, Restaurant, 382-84 St Pt3ter,, :He •R. 'Trooke, Restaurant, 377 410 Jackson, , Afidy°Johnson, Restaurant,. - W. C. Jones, Restaurant, 97 E. 4th, Norman & Bergstrom;- ;`.Restaurant, 221,'E., 7th, Mrs. F. G., Marquardt, Boarding House, 152'So.Wabashd ` C.'Sam & Co., . Restaurant, 387,Wabeahs'St. 4 'Yras(J) Coundjmen (: j Nays Farnst•4drth dopted by the Council 191 Coss dt In Fr or l Ir ^ 2 r Hylaa y 191 Kell ` CJ A proved 1. f r}n Vlc I Against 1 C/� Wu lith .. .. ., MAYOR... )"eti nt in ,��, k � � t' _ i. aaiilwmo3 1 , uo , - - 9Vt Iiii so0600M i97 ut 'ias>sY 8.gsvn 7 ill$ 4.47`.(9 -PillnsIl... 33� 1 '>S4aa 0ia9iul Pauodynq Illii vP14 by ^v _ • i •`Palvia suoRipuoJ- . a» Pus •]urYY Hu{an4Jio,L 4.41 )o 4.J{g. - ,�1 . • , 047 ut Aanaai: uodn' Psuiniyo ,a, do }' °� < i4.-bluslq•tn»oAoip ialofaa o43 uo !4. Jit ul al4 oi lsP D7(tw9n0 4.:':aia •DI8 ;+ •JUria4ili st .(un io •sP19'Itn ,� _ _ i1aLi.j..oi 34n{> aiii 0oA.laaai 73rJ >9J, i>niluoJ ) u017n P a P ' - - nn171sm i07 '0-4 s Y 4.8 InpPaoiu - i .<Yviwoaas SYnnt.' P19 7 Dawn 91 kat, S � R _ - 7saa iM (9GOr) Oaf tom s:a91 4.i g> ' yatlF7�0a n io :'3 a o 4.93 __ pao9..L,vaWop Airing v So::'{ d - ,-- a .. - - ... •, 70 1i71� 43 )o YIuaPI 4.i aaNO+, 6 ( : �. ".-. - ' " on7; 91W 'Di9 iP ionomr 4.97 l0 7oaJ i t, • COUNCIL FILENO. (xPsr Lina.,i Ic:wnO 04i arPn r+ • •rnneP'4.47' 7ntWii)ia1 aoI ptiQ.t�a.7 - ' • �t»�Jaa n is s woi •17 uao>DT a�< - INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of...9MAk gJ0,gy. in.,B1 ck 4•-Merriam- P rk•;3r¢ A� .:,. ................. : .....:........ - ............ .. ....: _. a. I: _.::.._ - udder Preliminary Order...:.1: ....... oppriived . May i,;. 1917, o e The, Council of the City,of SC Valli having received the report of the Comtniavioner ofFinnnce upon the above improve.ment, and having considered 1{aid report,,hereby resolved: 1. Tlist the said .report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said itriprovemea is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Grade:.:alley.-A 1 Block- 4 Merriam Park 3rd Addition ..I: �: .................. ............ o '......i ....... - ........ .: .. 0 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 219.:32...... . . Resolved-Further, That a public hearing be had on said. improvement oil dile 50th ,:..,.....day of - 1917at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \1., in the Couueil Chamber-ofhe- Court House and City )fall, Building it, the City of St. Paul. That lite Commissioner of.Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time. and place of hear-' in c, the natare of, tile improvement, an .the total cost thereof as estimated:_, ^� adopted by the Couacil n, 7r}c 7 _ 141.: f ' /.... (`y Clerk. Approved a...... ��� 3 flay ol'. , Councilman Farnsworth Cuulicilinuu-hods --.� a - Councilmau .l{vlmul Councilman Keller Councilman Met 'oll Couneilwail NVuudorlieh. _ ]MayoIrvin Form B. S. A. S-G' ..717' "aVi F Yuo;+..aaa nw ao:',Xa4Yo ,pap _ - - s.ao Ymalaor'o¢fM otri ul"-Duo4 6ualmo, _ [iwmg e, ,ao :.yQ.a �a to cilJ' oqi-: 7�' •- ,� , - oivaplllaa t'.'(apam( sri Qitr'pw la ,u - oqy-io Nnu aaapV; R rano oQi ut Duo4 Y ' 'soap: aqi avllwoiaaa sol wla�-1 imD jp' 4aggaaaai ,e anMtaool' 7Qnoa 1 WaOi Lq 'iuomaaaadmi pita>7aMUS lH) � I � ._l i v(n(.posys tlaa�yIs p (v) .. •; ♦. raWa/sm :Dns1 11:acp+yg,n1 Ira _(Y) ItuMry(aLng -% - • i ' ao ,apum aq .oi taoovmQ.:,pryg 7ua8 ,{ _ _. ; r 7uirappama ayl 7a.,op1LP- oqi ' .. � uo.: ruotreaYlaWa. pun>(uald oyl :.Qil _ - i aausl)aoaas u{; `t MablH : dolltl ..2 1 'CY a,Qmoa;oH )a tuawanoaamt pus ;f aoi;'ttai 'pant: dr ay *; . •R,. 'P Or•DI Intro '(loasua Kryvyy d:> ' Il9TX rim oyi:.7s 7uaftl.itu - _ COUNCIL FILE NO io-wiyo •oqi ss paswaaa :(Q III- ­PP 0.11>Qt pus pp Q Qum. Daaaopaa ... �':L(�..C..T. .. ... ..)+nen(wiataarnvltp, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....:..QQnde=ing-.and...tg.'k:Ing ...ATi... &.tlQAleiAt....�xi tsk1@.:111X3d..TA@CQ@SR?f3r cuts.•and..MIA . in•gradinB 8I}.gy tc:::ttached:azld...r.a. g:,,Be.xt,..h.g�rQ•p# a Lhe...h$tched.portion; _,fl pg._,gpts•and_ the shaded..,.., portion', the fill_e, ..: , . �... .....np�roved .:. _ May. 7., .1917 under Preliminary Order.....-:. bS..3.4::.. " Thi' Council'of the City of St. Paul l)uvWg received the` repor4�of the Commissioner of-Finanee upon the tihove improvement, and having considered .aidreport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be.proceeded with. j That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia.....C.Q11detA11. an easement in the land;. neces.eary_,for_. sl.opess,.for cut a• and ,fill s, in' grading .alley in Block 4 Merriam Park 3rd Additions according to the :._ plan heretq attached and made.:a•,part hereafathe.hatche&'portion showing the cuts';and the" shaded.porti.on...the. fi11Bs.:_ ....... ... :. Q.. with no alternatives: and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved- Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemcnt on the 30th day of ..July.. . ....... 191. .7 ..at the both of 10 o'clock A Al.,is thc:CouneiI Chamber of-the Court House Hurl City Ila II- I3uiIdin{ ,911 IIie, . City of; St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Pinancc give,notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating, the time and place of hear- inv, the nature of the iwpt•ovctnentLgnd e•total Govt thereof av estimated: :liiupted I+y. I1j t ouia•il J F lyl / 4 +Ir i 1C', sApproved _. ,• ..i4L '(rh Cler6 iluy ur. Councilman Farnsworth _ - l'�u Ulll'lllllall 1-IUvi' � - - .. Couneilmau Hvltind- 1.'uuncituiml Kell:,r ,. 1'ouncihnan \i+.r'nll 1 Councilman Wuaderlielr _ 7 'Mayor Irvin r. Form 13. IS A.8 - — � Na 173Tt-.g �t•'Ra~aQ dstwa �n��'WA �� ett�,U,a 'i s t� nanr�ei), or totde ea ultnEfi "� - :'yf - a�atwn'hlte B " Bim, ` wh�ilndyadi'.rnr bt,o(.'•Kb- � . COI 1NCII FILF.SIO ; INTERMEDIARY (3RDER- - In thkMatter ofRoaA:.. atxaen Pevaa .Ave. ,and Lhar..' North City Limits,also paving with mapadam,,or.other suitable paving mat..erial,.-:.MUt.e.-.Bear...Rost:-...htttwe.en:-Yayns..-AY.a.:::and...the North-Xitlr.::Limita ....... and Payne Ave, between the' etouth-line . of Maryland St. and -White Bear Road, including. sewer,... .t.stx:.:and:,$aa..connactiona:-.from...atrsaL;mnSna._ a.prApentbc:._- ' lines complete, where not already;made, also.including curbing and paving_ of a11ey..and driAeway.:.aper:oachea'y.,:.idsera.:neca8sary ....... ... .......: , under Preliminary Order:14061..............i L. approved. Dec r .l $, 1816 .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivedthe' report of the, Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:. 1. Thht the said report be end tbe,same is hereby approved and adopted,' and The said improvement is hereby",ordered to be proceeded with. . S. That the nature of the-improveiaent which- -the Council recommends is.:.Grade ..th.B .,White - WiRoad between p_er. AYY a,nd th,I North- City.,Liimmiitts.,, $...9 . ing...-... tt>acadbet between -o gn euita&Sle pe; ng O& 6ra, Wriite Be�1R�a� betreen• Payne Ave, and the 300th City.. L.ilAit.a ax1d::.Ray1ie...Ave beLrfsen.:.... the south line of Maryland Sti. and.White:Bear Roadincluding sewer, eater and ,gas -connections from-atreet; mains.t,o .proiiii.:3 inee.-,complete, , where not already made aleo including curbing and.paving of alley and drfv.eway-approaches.,.. where:..n.ecessary,.:.._.... - with no alternatives; and,thnt the estimated cost thereof is x -431.6.34.00 - Resolved Resolved e Further; Theta ublihearin • be had on said improvement ooilthe...,.._ JQbh :day. of p 6. .....:..,July.......,. ....:: :_ , 1DI : , at. the hour of 10 o'clodk A. 3I:, it,, the Council Chamber of the, - Con}t House and City Hall Building: it,- the' City of St. Paul That the Commissioner.of Fiatinee give notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the m ner provided-, by the -Charter,; sii time and place of_ hear- ing, the.nature,of the It.upi-Avemf/tf). rl total cost titeFeo!' s estimat[d - M1� Adopted by. the q X11 1 1�7 .. Approved.:.. 19l' . ! .� ii Clerl / j� Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth _ ..Cmtlicingn t(lUY f Couneiluti Hyhuul U"Ouneilmaa Keller . g r.uncilman MCI o"Al couneitui Wun l erlipli \Iavor.lrvin. ' •ti �,i 1 .l Fornr ft. b -ti- ' A*phe2t.^Conareto" .Asphalt,Yaaadam Yaastism<::.. - $50,1'74i1`0 42;108.81 4.5d; 3T�7625.84 4006 Coriaret• 4.22`; I The estimated. cost, per font for the above improvement is r '- $ The lots or parcels of land That may be ouessedbenefits for such improvement. and the assessed. valuittion of,each 'lot oir parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - - D _ .ES,CR}PT10N .!LOT !LOCK' - ADDIT10N _ _ '~ A S SESSED VALUATION S . 1..4 UFtoa Grove Plat one 1435.; - - - 3 , 4, � - .• 185 � . 1 4 4 185 + 5 .4 775 6 4 z , - 7• .4. 135'. k s . f3 4 35 9 .4 25 r 10:4: 35 _Form B B 30 Tot71L. j ilspYtslt �onores� �80k2>i' ICj` >E6 A3 Asp)agl.lfuoadam 42k1G8 81 -> 4..64 Macadam"' - 684 41+0 37.5 6 ' Concrstb a:I- 4.1L0 " _ __4.22 _ The estimated coat per foot for the abovy improvement is _. The lots or parcels of land that may be agssssed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the.Aesessor,,are as follows: •%LOT — " DCSCRI P T,I ON - eLOcn ADDITION - Taf! ASSlSSQD VALUATION: . 1 4 Uften.Gtove Plat "One_ -1425 2 4 las II . 3 4 _1225 1 I" 4 4 _125 -.. A, 5 4 775:" 6 : 4 125 7 4 9.'4 a5; 10:4 85 Form B. H. 10 .. t he� 3 E_ . . .� - Al CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, 7J 011 EPORT OF. COMMISSIO OF FINANCE. -ON PRELIMIN*y ER In -the Matter of .__. -Gradin White_.,Bear Road betwe _ 8., .. _ ... a�:;.P_aYAe .swr..su►d,_Bort_h::_City.:Limi.ta;_.:alee...-Paviri��.. with.,maaadam, -or _, other. .Imi. table -paving - material a White Bear .Read between-, --t r Payne aveil and_ the North City. -L;mitp,._.auii..PayAe. ave._:betiraen. the.:e4ut1: 11nn.. o y. Yarand St. and_ 1Phile : Bear Read,inoluding ovoer, , neotioae..�rom.atxeet_.maine :to.pr:Dyexty, l�nee..'o.ompletn. �rhere...not_.alread _ sleo_ inoluding�',ourbng..and.:pav�,�g-;_px :,ell.oy_ aaQ>,_drivevfay_ appr.oaohea.nhpxr,� __.._.- ', under Preliminary Order -approved . ,LQC 11 t1a,.„191ff To the Council of the City of St. Paul: the Commissioner of Finance.bereby reports as -follows: The total estimated -amount of the asseasment for the abnv a Im rovement.is p — $ BII�IOB PAVINO - aF iAP1�A0XIlFAT]S ss�xatATsi GOiT•:PER FRONT. FOOT err Asphalt::Conoiete� ;50,YT8.Q �8..y3 A_spbal ;Iracgdain 42:106.f!1 4..66 -]tacedam 37;525.84.: Coricratw. __ 41:: -ado _ _ 4..7.2:' The estimated cos p r foot for the above improvement is j�V _>•y _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits f or such imp roveinent,-and the ass eased -, valuation of each lot rr, parcel'as last reported by -the Assewor,+are as follows: _ - _ DESCRIPTION LOT /LOCM ADDITION ASSESSIR _ N VALUATI6 -. fiften Grove Plat One 1425 ; n 2 4' - 1251 F x, 3 4 1225 1 4 ;4 5 -4 _ 7?5 = s a 4 325 s 7 4 • 8 4 _ 25 ; 10:4 - 70 TOTAL. tm H H ra clri�o� s'T. PI►uL..' r � " • - -�OMiTMENT dF FINANCE —••` :� r' i - OF FINANCE ! REPORT OF _-6OMM15510NER ON PRELIM11VtRy _ ADDITION - DESCRIPTION + LOT BLOCK - ASSFSSED VAWATION 1 6 Ufton Grove Plat one „x:58 r 2 6' 50 3:'6 50 5 - 5 6 50 6 s 60 P, 7 6 �, 501. 8 6 50 9 6 50 .10.-6 s 50 50 12 8 50 29 6 b0 ' 30.6' 50 That) part 'of N,W- cf N.�j of 8eo.20,Town.29,Range 22, lying between tie- 'east:line of,Payni ave. and, the nest line. of Greanbrir. ave. and North of north line of Delangy st.,being•Hlook 5,.of`Ufton Grove. Plat 1; Vacated, except Lot 19 of said $lk 5. Now platted asMount"Zion Hebrew Cemetery Plat "A" > 1150 1 a 8 udde's Addition 850 2 300 - 3. a 100 100 5. 2 .100. 6 100. ... TOTAL. 1.,�. ^ . - CITT Or ST PAUL -3. _ � _ - DEPARTMENT 0. FINANCE Fi�iANCE _ _REP,ORT,OF.C:OMMISSIONEFrOF di44; Em moj4RY ORDER d ASSESSED D E'S C 111 P TI O N `-- ...+' LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION - VALUATION ;Y* Budde o° eddition50 II . . a 1 100 r 3 1 100,, 450 5 .1 , log - 6 • ..l 100 ' 7 1 100:. .. .. 100 8 1 `.,.' . 100 .100 11 ri 100 12. 1 .900 . 14 1. 500 The haat -145.03 ft of the Weet.454.35 ft Of that part of N,} of N E.} yof Sea.20,Toen.29. Range .83 lying N'Wly of St.. Paul & White *ear Road. 330 ft_ West 454.,35 ft of that part N.. (Xicoopt the East .145.53 of the -of of ,N.E:} of 'N.E'.} ofp Seo.20;Toxn39, Range 22,lying NI,Nly of St.Paul° sad ., White Bear toad.: 180 1` 3 Utton Grove 3rd. Plat, 50 a 3 150 � 3 '3 ,50 4 3 50 5.:3 50 :.-. TOTAL. ` CITY.OF ST. PAUL '• DEPARTMENT qFF_INANGE OF ER .OF FINANCE REPORT -;COMMISSION_ �.. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER S = ,., _ ADDITION AS!!S!!D VALUATION s RN LOT BLOCK flESCIP7.1-tIi ti.- 6 13 UftOrr Grove 3rd Plat'1.3�0.. 50 7 3 50:. 8 3 - 50. 1 g 3 50 - 100 11 3' 100. la `3 45 1 -a E. '75 a a 75 ' 3 .a 75 5 3 75 6 75 -# �8 50 » 50 g a H I _ • 50 10 a r _ -.. 50 1 50 e 1a a ;, 1 3 is 5 3650 a 14.a 15�a .. 16 las '3 1695 - 17 a - - ao a 50 50 50 33 a ' TOTAL. i - #5 CITY'QF STL WAUL ' • _ .,`"� r DHPAOTMENT dF FINANCE- I _ -, >� REPORT OF :COMMISSIONER- OEt' FINANCE. ON PRLIMIN`ARY ORDER 7 L 16 T I I J,• r .I� iADDITION ' .' :• ✓" • O S G R 1 P T I Q N ,- LOT BLOCK: VALUATIOM 2 Ufton Grove 3rd Plat -so- 50_24..2' '24 :Z' - 50 25 2 50, 75 3 "4 76 3 ,4. 75 _ q 4 75 5 4 50' g 4a 50. 7.'4. 50 B ;4 50 9 "q 50 ° 5010'4' u 11' 4 50 12. 4_ 50 13 4 50 14: 4' SQ 35. 4 50 16.4 - . 50 . 1 1 UfFon Grove 3rd -Plat 75 2 ..1 .75 3 1. 175 South of'Weot T•of South of N,E.k of N.E..-of 8eo.20,Town.29,Range 22 2850 North of iPeet.i of :",south +�. of N.E.}: of N.E. :of• Beotioh 20, Town. 219, Range 22 2850 .7 7i t-- 6TY Or 6T PAUL- DEPARTM04T OF FINANCE - j - _ 'PIPPORT OF •COM�MISSIONI=R :OF, FINANCE : ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ — _ -... -ASSESSED LOT BLOCK A O'D i T 10 N VALUATION " m Q"OESC RIPTION the south line of N ,of N E.�, of of at the• inter sootion'of gtotion 20, TOeII a9, Range 32, ,wi'th the E'ly'liae of';$t xaul - , - NlEly- said Road 3'ohaiae.tom.plao� et raidFhite'Boar Road„ thonoe along b,thenoo NIEly.'along.aaid Road aj chains; thenoo south 5a} L Wsat•paralle1 with first . Dog.'E. a ahaius;, thenoo south 4a Degree _30 mentioned line a chains, thence N 5ai Degree W'a chains to,plass of- . beginning ( acre.) Part of N J_�of of NaJ. of Soo-, Range aa: Cemetery -on White Bead Road. 1300 . That part of N of N E 4 of E } of $eo.20; Town a9, Range 22, i lying'Elly of St.Paul and White Biir Road: (Exoept Catlina Addition .r and Fxgept`i sore to the 'Sona of laoob) 180: l 5 Catlia's.Addition 200 f 5. 3 5 4 5 50 5 5 50" 6 175 4 a . 75 3 .4 . 75 04 4 75 5 4 75 6 4 ' 75 7 75 ,.. -. , .... TOTAL TO -h �i ,'. `Ili '•-- '. I 'CITY Or -QT PAUL I . I _.f - - • I, - ' •' _#7 001ARtMENT OF FINANCE ,: REPORT aF_C!OMMIS$IONER,OF F. AN, _ - „w _ ON j�RE1.¢MI14AFiY ORDER _- ,DlS'C RIPTId N. LOT BLOCK - - ADQITION _AbOISSCDII VALUATION , r r. -' 9'; 4 catlin'r :Addition 75 ` Part of.Wal®h ave. adj.vac. & 10.4 / - 12' _r do '11,4 las la 475 7g 13 14, - 14.4 75' 15 4_ - 1 a _ 75 a -2 75 3 a 75 . a ' 76. 5 : a _ 75 9 . 1 75 1. 1 1 Jo .$.°Iside' a and Add- 1 1a00. 2 1 ition 600 q 3' 1 - '. 400 4 1 400 •- 5 1 400 • 6 `1 300 - 7. 1 135 i . 8- 1 las 8 1 lab -: .10 1_ 1a 1 250 13 1 250 • TOTAL. '\' .: i 8 CITY; OP ST. PAUL GEPRRTb7�lTQP,FlNAPIC�- � i ,1 � REPOf2TiAF ;COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE 4 _ PREUMIYARY ORDER .Jr '•- _ — -- D6SCAIITT-ION C# -LOT LO" ADDITION _ •VALUATION - ei _ and Addit•ton 1950 - 14 ]� Joe.A.Weide'0 16 1 °. 250 Elly 33 tt of Lo,t 19 .l; 875 a0 1. 1375 . 1050 21 1 as i 2050 r $3 1 350 94-1 1050 1, '2' as a 75 3 3 75 4 75 75 g a `75 7 a . 75 g a 75 ,a 75 . 10, a loo.. 11'a 75 12 2 7s 13 .3 100 14 a 100 15 3 150 . 135 ` . , 37 2 4050 250 .' _ TOTAL. .' —OIZPARTMENT OFIFINANCE: " FEPORT.OF C©MN115SIONER Q� �riryANCE ON•PRELIMI ARY'-OROER is �?. D E S C R I P Tl O N I LOT e1bCk A Ct D T 10 !I V ALUATI `N 139 8 Joa.3.FeiQe' o,2aS 1►dd 7". 20i I - ?0 8 itloq` 2Fs50 . - -41 2 135 1 31, 8450 .. 2. 3' _ 117$ 3 3 •4850 4 3 6 3 7 3 17,35 8 3 - 275 • 9 3 3075 10 3 11 3 75 75,' _.I 13 3 75 14,,3 75 '. 151,.5 . a 100 '16,., 3 100 37 3 38 3 50 / 39 3. 50 40 3` 50 41.3 42 350 .800 . TOTAL.. -.. f •> ' - \ ' >( gEPARTM�'!T 4F FINANCE'' ... + J r- _ b REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF' FINANCE - - ON FiELIM NARY QRDER ,' _ �AS'J[3 y - -- D6.SC R7 P_TMN - 'LbT BLOeIf.ADDITION -6 '-VALUA7�ON - 9 2 4 2nd AddltSon poo ,Joe.R:Beide'a - - - _ 4 - -4; 4 - 1575.. . South 10 feet of 5 4 , _.. (Ex..8.10 foe t) 5 4 1575 7 4 '350 8 4 1675 South 3 feet of n 9. -4- (E)eoept 8.3 ft 'of`) 9 ,4 .1350 , South 2 feet.of 10 4 (Exoept 8.2` ft) 10 4 . 350 11 4 .:. • 185 12 4 125 13 A _ 185 I 14 4 125 ' lb 4 125 i 16 4 125 37.4 950 38 4 550 _ West 20 ft of Lot 39 4 - East 10 foot of 39 4 200 40 4 41 4 50 42 4 - 50 rover• �. i- -. - - TOTAL. #11 cITY Or Sr - DEPARTMENT OF KINIC13C ', - - RijPORT OF COMMISSIONER `OF FINANCrE f i 1 • ONPREL•IMIWAAYARDEIi y. '7O CS GRIPTPON ^�,'y •.LOT aLOC11- —ADGiTIbN - _ A33[43QD e ALUATION , _ 9 4 Dsnny Hill, 300 i - 8 ,a 335' j 7 a, a3$.' 295 4. 4 325 _ 3 4 325 3 4 335 8..40 feet of Clear, Vac .&' 1 4 ,at. That part of Clear at. vacated.. ;Iying`between Blocks 4 & 5 of Densly - Hill' Add.* bei:.g,80 ft wide on Payne aT.e. & 117 ft.oin depth (being north 30 ft•°of strip between l/4 ,and 7/5 Denny Hill Addition .490 7 5 - Definy, Hill' Addition. '' 300; 6 5 1125 5 .5 • • 4 5 ,.835' e • '3 5 335 . a s • _ l o 735 14.3 375 13 3 l 3375 . . 13 3 3575 11 3 8475 . 3175 e.. TOTAL..' - ' —1a CITY OF ST: PAUL n qW ARTMENT OF,FINANCE_- .. _. - REPORT SOF' COMMI551+ONER OF FINANCE _ 4 - bN PRELIMINARY:ORDE-R,' 1 u 161 . I -Dis 6C IPT 60 N _• LOT BLOCK ADD 1 T 1 O N YAIS.UATION 3 - , Dennyr Hill. Addition, 5150. 7 3. _ a 6 3 r. a35 f '5 .3 - i a00 4 -3 aoo" :3_3 : .200 2 3; ,...3. `115 , 125 26 3 25. 3' 75 50 24 3. 50 a3'3` 2 .50 is 50 15 a _ 50 14 a j # 625 :.. 132' - ' 1125 12 a., ' '. 325 .. 11. 2 225 10 a : 575 9 a 225 08 a 225 7' a . -925 6 a 5 ' 925 , _- _' - .TOTAL,. i r•.. -#13 CITT_OP ST PAUL -�NEi DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_ REPORT OF COMMI$SIO "OF' FINANCE �t ONpRtOMIi ARY ORDER_ - (113! x �)1 DE9CRYPTI ON; - LOT p1... - TIpN VALUATION 3 2` 17enngiii1 llddit3on 225 a. 22 - 1 2 .1325 32 2 las If 31 2.1- ... 125 _ 30 ,2 I - —.132,5: 28 .2 1025 - 1' 28 '.2 125 13 1 100 . 12 '1 lop 100 b, 10 1 100 _ S "1 .100 32 5 ' -: 7 1 : 175 6 .1 .1 .:525 5 1 175 4 1 175 3 1 175 2 1 .175 l l:. 2 25 32 1 100 100 ' 30:1 100 - 29 1 : 100 28 1 100 TOTAL. - OTY�01! PAUL DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE - - - - ° REPORT OF `COMMI$SIONER OJF FINANCE; I �+ O�1 PRELIMINARY OR6, IBI .17 DEPTION I .LOT 9LOCK r ADOtT10N .^ SCRI.- .. , i � VALUATION ase ut'le' a 1Add1t ion 75 50 Noiti of 11 1 p 50' 10 1 , 100 9 1 - 135 8 1 I 7 6.'l ` _ las 5 1 ". 6.25'.: > 125:. 3 1 1025 - 1 1 150' . North, 412.50, ft of. the 8outi • 933.20, ft of. Weat J .:of N.W,;,--. of B.E.%.of•9eotion 20'�Township 29, Rpnge 32, (ezoept Streeter 9165 8 Spei•eerla Addition 350' . 300 I 6 ` 300 I -S 30C f 4: 300 3 300 2 300 1 - 350 9 175 . 10 175 175 ._ .::.1? '__:. • � 175 .. 'TOTAL. - s -. •. . $15 CITI`OP ST. PAUL _ '— `, K — DEPARTMENT -OF,,FINANCE -' �- REPORT OF; COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: PRELIMINARY,`OfRDER ON lel - _ I DCSCRIPTION LwoCK AtJQYTION OT _ , A90[3S[D VALU TIQ 29 a SPeioor' o Addition.' : - -175 ..'30 175. 81 175 32 1T5 South of 30 44arrison•Handyf:'s Addition 3275 North of 30 14. North ' of... 29. 14 s - :North •} of j ' . 2� 14 _ I South of 29,14 I ) ) Southl.of ;'38,14' -- 27 14 ,5a as 14 1050 •2S 14 1650 24' 14 1650 " I I 23114 L 1880 South 1/3 of. 1 14 1225 South 1/3 of 2 l� Soutl 113 of 3 14 ) N:2%3 of (Ex.Wheplook Parkway) 1 14 ;. 4025 ■ a 2 14 4 14-__ . 4 22r 5 _14 225 - 6 14 :.; . 2125 7 14. 1875 8 -,14 235 TOTAL - - • ;r . .'a�-1B 'CITY bP ST. PAUL - - - _ __ - :Dr. PARTMENT OF "FINANCE", -� '.--•- ^NE` OF FING` �- r - REPORT OF- COMMISSIONER _ _ l� - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ° - -APDIT/0N _ -- •~ - _ 6t%Ct RIPTIOM r /^ _ LOT'a K _ ASSlSSlD _ 1fALU/lTION Except Wheelock Pkwy. •17 11 HaTris041 & Handy's Add', 425 p t:16 11'' - Do 15 il„J. Do, - 14 Do-' 1 1200 18 –11: 200 19 11 135 20 11 Q 135 21 11 - 100 22:11 1300 (Ex.Wheelook Pkwx) 23 11 850 do .. 24 11 s . 50 12 .6 1300.- 300 a10 106 75 About SW11Y 18 ft Of&'all 9• 6 950 .81 (Except Slffly,l2 feet,) 8 6.. 900 { SWf ly 7 feet of. Lot 7 6 ) ,: (Except SWIly 7"feet of 7 6 ) 925 S._Y[.-1_. ft' of Lot g B 3 (Rxcept S.W. 1 foot of) 6 6 1250 S.W. 3 feet of Lot 5+ .6 _ NfEly 36j feet of I. .5 6 900 4 6 150 3 8 150 2 6 ... 1225 TOTAL ;..: v.. rAvc ...,. X17 " elTr or 41T DE$ARTMENT OF FINANCE �. REPORT OF, COMMLSSIONER OF FINANCE _ jON PRELIMARY _ORDEF# ' + SDESC RIPTIbN LOT eLocM ADDITION' ASSESSED. VALUATION" 10 5 Harrison a.nd Handy ! 75- 11 '5925 925 , r 12 5, 150 13.5 = 160 150 29 3 ' 26 3 100 37 3" . a 50 1 .26 3 .. 50 ' 25 3 50 24 3 23 3 50 1 3 2 •3 550 3 3 100 4 .3 50 3 60 6 3 50 • 7 3 50 .50, N.40 it of 16,17 and i8.13 1200 (Ex.N.40 St) 16,17 & 18 13' 1825 19 13 �. 1400 20-13 100 21: 13 100 22 13 100 \ 23 13 100 75 1 Tex nhe,e16ck ?kxy N.J 13,14 and 15 13 - - _ TOTAL.. - CITY OF ST PAUL - \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPpRT OF g6MMISSilQNER QF : FINANCE ON Pmi,UMINARY ORDER •.". :• :�.;. - QECRIrTION '" LOT'BLOCK-AQQITION 7 $ ASSESSED ' VALVATION South • of 13,14 _and 15 13 -Harrison & Handyl, 'Add: " 1375 12 ,(Exoept Theeleoi Fkaly) , 13 ,75 do 11 13 ' 1075 r da f'10~l3 .52.5 . da 9 13 76' do, 8 13 75 (Exa.Wheelock Pky.)S:66.8.ft - � - of 10,17 and 18'12 180d " (Ex.S.66.8-ft.) 17' & 18. 12 2700 " . 16 12 3100, 201,112 21.12 100: 22 la ' , 100 23 12 _ 100 E of -13, 14 ana15'12 :. 8 o 13, 14 and ib 12 1300 12.12- 100• =11 1a 100 10 13 100 -100 y 8 .12 'i0o 18 1415 14 7 18 `7 18 7 ' _ 100 20 7100 a. ......1 .. . TOTAL. - - >-A19 CII Or SYS. PAUL- _ bF FINANCE _ - •. t ;j- - REPORT OF WMMISSIONER 60FINANCE r �: `• ON PRELIMINARY: ORDER '�- __ •, _ .. j_, _- _`,- ,, .. <..-:: -. it �.;.f a ,.:... yy Q EB GRI PTI ON LO BLOCK _ ADD'ITION `- g ASSESSED VALUATION ,.:. V 21 7.. Haxrieon exid Haadg' a .: 100 -23 7 Addition 100 25 7: , 100 _ 15 7 _ 175 14 7 150 131? - p0. 12 7 100+ 1 11 7 100 10 7. a 100 9 7' 100 ' 8 7. ., 100 - i4, .1 ; . aoo 151 2150. 16 1 a 10. 17 i 100 . _ 18 1 100 19 1 lOD 20 1 100 - al 1 100 13 1 - No 12 1 75 . 75 10 ` 1 ' 75 9 1 - 75 8 1. I ?5 7:x,,1 75 6 ,1::. a 75 _ 'TOTAL..', CITY—6 87.. PAUL,'— _ 'UEPARTMENTOF;RINANC6.� d . REPORT OF-COMNIISSIONE ,OF FINANCES - ' 'ON PRELIMINARY OR,9,ER y DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK ADQITION T, ALUATIPN 5 3, Fiarrsron and Handy '4 78 4 3-' AadnLson 75 , I 5.0 _ 27.4 Stone and Yorton',e Ad di Ion. .1450' 28 4 2750 j5'4 — - - '-� 4500 24 4, 500 23 4' _ 1875 28 4 800.. 21'.4 -280 80 4 175 150 18 ;,4. 150 . 17 4 .150 18- 4 - 175 15 4-, 250 14 '4 300 13 4 975 . 1400 11 4 1600 10:4 1900 9 ,,4 - 1685 Easterly 38 feet of , 8 : 4 2,375 _- (Eoo.Ely 38 .it)_ ..8 4 --- 27 3 450 - 28. 3. '1800 25,3 1400 •.. reRr a. a: „ TOTAL. CITY or St PAUL - - - /'. .� —, �- '- DEPA)RTMENTIOF, ;PINANCE ' t-' - - RE00RT-OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ M -.ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' _ - ` DESCRIPTION ` LpT'SLOCk ,' ADQITION A33lS!!D - VALUATION 3 8-tono and Mattin_t.9. 1100 - - 23 3 Addition , 1400 as ' 3 4375.. al 3 : ' 125• 9 20,3 r 125 alb 18 3 15,Q 17 3 1700 163 300 --..-18 I 475 14 3 1425 a 133 2730 �. -12-3 1130 11.3 -350 10 3 14 9 3. 1.950 6 3 1300 ' 27 a 350 26 a 1100. 35 a 1150 24 a 1350 33. a' . 1450` - aa a 1650. ala 325 ao a' _' 1525 . . 19,2 ) 3050• 18 a,` TOTAL; a 1,-----�- - ac?ARTMM T OF P(NAk6E. , µ AF CQNI ?IS$1ONEt't OF FINARCE r` __REPORT. r ON j:oF-UkNARY ORDER' lB1 ! '- __ n,:,-- ""- ;" • O! s C RI PTI O N" LOT 'BLOCK "ADDITION �ASlCSSCD VALUATION 17 2 Stdne aad M,R;ton' a 1025' 1S 2 Ildditloii 325.. 15 2 325: 1 X14'2 _ 1925. L. 13 3 . 3500' 12 ..a ..- 450 350, 1 10<2 ; 2150 9 '21 2150 8. "2 . 2425: 27 •l. 1050 0 26 l 350 :. 25 :1 ., 1650 24 1 _ 1150 23 .1 1150 . 22 1.; 1275 I � 21 l 335 aoji 3050 19 1' 18 1 1425 17 1125 16 1 1175 - 15 1 1175 14.1 1325 13 1 1200 12'1 1435 TOTAL. - $23 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ - OlSC RIPTION- -. LOT :SLOCR r .ADDITION ... ASSCS!!D` VALUATION _ 10 1 ttone & Horton' a 1200 - a 1 Addition 1400 i 8 1' 1975 l MaKinnoW o Addition 1i75 2, wo 3 - 1150 x250 ` a50 2 1875 6 , ` 500 L. McKi"anon'"a 2nd Addition - _ 150 150 f - 2 1Q - - " 150 13 150 - 1150, 13 350 , 14 __ 150 .15 .�.... �. ° TOTAL: 296, 090 The'Commissioner of. Finan .m-furthur re ports. that he has ineati¢oted all of the aforesaid. 'matters, and hereby submits the fore¢oine as. his reoort thereon to the Council, to¢ether with. the report made to him Urrefereace to }aid matte by the' commissioner of Public Works _ r Data.. ...._ ... ~ .o.w ....� �� Comalltslonu Of Financc. - .. ✓i �� , Y,(LGG LLQ✓ GJL-��- : j ibitg of t 'Pttul rpnrtmeist of Vubliriu�ks GOSS COM "8 S. - R, T. GOURLEY. DRFUTY eu.[pp•V a. a aKaa _ - oI •V , •�' e o St. Peul,.rIJ n:' April 27� 1 lh w IT Goss, Co1mnissioner; 0fm. Public 170rlee Pe 31r,' - Z tra�is mit' herewith. prelim nary estimate of C09t for o. ' _,grading Ihite'Bear :Road between Payne Ave. an the 21orth 'City Limits,- als-o paving White Bear ALd bctvieen Payne live. and the north City 'h Limits an Pa;Tnte ve: ! bet*eon t4c outh line of !ary1dnd'St. .end 7nitc Bear Road, in accordance vii Co1iroil rile 714061, approved Dec. 18, 1916. Grading i7nite Boar Boed �ror Payne IAvc.. to 10rth City' Limits. {ThiC e }timate pi arcs stroct. -"or .paging W a i9 not a eo.aplete grading00 c9ti..ate.2 Ap )rpxi:aaje .cFtiiaate X2,080.ft s3o9sable• irontr-& 3,233 ft. .64� CO.t F �- front foot n oe o i`nspec.tion necessary',:" 40.78 �..' Paving White Bomar hoed from Pay'ne Ave .0 ITOrth City Limits (not including estimate for grading above,and Payne Ave. between the south line: o£ aLand'. Bear Road: ryland St. and s2able.frontage 9,240 feet Asse F 2 VIlIG (e i'=''.'•0}:Is�iT ' BS^I:;1,1:: CWT PER -'?OiiC FOOT KIirt� 0 A � - .43 Asphalt Concrete $59:179.10 `4'.56 Asphalt Macadam 42, 106.,81 4.06t .macadam .: .87,525.84 4.72 Concrete 43,634.00 y)here. a scrvice'connectlons are not: in add to cost o-,`eaoh'Lot X27.90 For sevtery either side of street5 00 '11.sido of street. 21.00 For:wator,3/4" 11 side of atreot17.00 3/4 n S.side of street S4side of street 35.50 For gas No sewer. on White -Boar Road - 116 eerier on Payno Ave. from Cottage St. to i7hite Bear Road. Yours very truly, t��Chief �gineeT'; 'i COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... .. sy.... a ...... - FINAL- ORDER In the Matter of.. KrA.d.f (Ig:..titt@..:i'llt to =E.A � ??:f?R.d_ �OtcACAI]:I'AYTA�..6Y_Q:.:.Ri7fld::_.�ktfEL North.City Limits, also paving with macadam, or other,,,euitable paging �.t.. ia�. ite..AA T...$ .betw.een..Pa1r ...fa a :. ths.lt t :lilts Lim?fs aftd Payn` Ave, be£ween the; song' lime 'o aryan tr and Whi.ta..Bea r.::iiaa�l ...incluciirla:..a. ! .ftr.,...:11�.t.ex...an .:ga.a.:..a.onnac.tloxta-.:f-0*..etraat- ' mains to property lines complete,. where no already made, also i.nolufling...curbing.and.::RaA.ini;..:.af..alley and:.:drly:avlay..:.aDDxoa.chni�,...whare necessary, _ under Preliminary Order 1:.. _1401 ..:......... : apl roved ,• . :,11ec.. 18,. '1916 _-:.: Intermediary Order ...,approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, -and the,Counc 1 having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relaiive`thereto, and having fally.eousidered the sante; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council "of the City of St. Paul that the'preeise nature, extent and kind of improve a _ ment to be made byY the said City "e _Grade..:.the::!hhit a Bear:.RQad, betli.Q.@J1 p✓�Y11,8 .fAoe.w•:• and the Aorth City Limits, also pitving with madam, or` other- suitable.p paving.:zoat.ezial:,_V9hix.a._Rear...,l�oad. ketwaen...kayne.:.AVA—...An�l::.t Limits and Payna Ave. between-the'soutr line of Maryland St. and Phite ga.g--�conpect.�,9Re:.:from to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curtb_sing•,andpaving._of-,alley and„driveUay,a.pproache s,. where neeessa-ry, ........ ............ ... .---..........., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and.directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that - upon said approval, the. proper city ofE. s are hereby authorized and directedao proceedwith the makiag of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council :.. 191..x.... :. _ ....... Pity Clerk. Approved ..:..:. :.:..:. ......_ 191 ::...... ::. ........... Mayor. ' Councilman Farn4worth - Councilman Uoss. Councilman Hylauii Councilman Keller Councilman McCall Councilman Wunderlich Maker Irvin a Form B. S. A. 8•7. C..,R. ho. 17]f6—AS' 8• Ar Farnaworta-- :�� --� In a �Ltter 7cf condemning and talc - t I_I�g an easement In the land naerci - or elol a f'r . A u. • - COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY: ORDER ` In the Hiatter of. Condemning andltaking:-Ari...&Q8I0.lY,11t...�I1...�k3e...1A.1AS1..S1.11Q4l�ArY. for_ slope, for cuts, and fle in. grading White Bear Road between Payne.Age..and the North City Lfmits, according ao the plan hereto attached and, made a.par.t hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fillsl ,'under 1reliutinary Order...,1.40@2.,.':. approved Dec. 1.5. -1910 'fh!•'coall ii of the Lily of St. Paul having received the report of the Comminsimmr� f Finiince upon the- al ve iniproveulent, alld having considered said report. lierrhy resolves: L `neat the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said intlirovetnetiti is herehy onlered to bm• proceeded with ' 'noir the I utare of the improvettieut Wllich the Couued reculmnends:is..Condemn...aad<.take. `an easement in. the land necessary for slopes, for cute and - fills in grading White Bear Road between Payne _Ave ; and the North City "Limit's, according..to the plan hereto attached. and made a..part hereof,-the hatched portion showing the cute and the shaded portiOn the fillea., With no alternatives, and that the estimat' d cost thereof is x 5000 Resolved Further, That a public hlariuglhe had oil said iuiprovemeut otr.the 30th day of July... 1917 It, the itoiir of 10 o'eloelt A. JL, in the council Chamber of thj Court House and City A 11 RullAim.; in th ;City of, St_ Paul. ThatAhe Cnnnlpssioner.of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the person's andjti the inner provitled.by the Charter, statim-,till. time and place ofhear- iu • the nnture'of the iuipruvelilent,/nl th�4otal cost t1wreof as estimated adopt d by lb I'ouucd `r' 191 " Appruved lyl j 't n��_, ftilt ler6: f . Uavor. Luuucihuau Farnsworth t PUBLIy1G'D Cmwcilmau lis land ' - - I'ouncihuau fG•ll.r t I'unneiluian.Ilcrull I bua •ihuut \1 uwb•rlu•II _ - Nla.! r Irvin Fo -in PAUL CITY .OPfST. _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. �• •` REPORT OF" `:rOrvliNiSSlOhiER F FiNRNCE -ON) h'�iELIMWARY OfibER - cj _ (A) 1 Condemning and taking an easement in the lead necese2iy In the ,tiiatler°of .._ d fills_ in- gr4ding Wta Bear Ro.4 bet'veen elopes;' fa auto anhi Payne avg. - and,.Nortli -City Limite; .- - -. Dec.18 1916 ,• p ved � 'under Preliminary Order a pro To the Council of. the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:' The total estimated amount of.the'assessmert for the abm•e imProvement.is $ '50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The Tote orlarcels of land -theft nmy he assessed benefits for such I rnirocctnent,,and the aafc aed:unluation of -each ]at or- - parcel as last ;eparted by the :kssessor: areas, follows: " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A.00IT-IO-N - ASSESSED e VALUATION 2 Harrison and. Handy es 50 14 1 Addition 300 13 1 950 11 .1 75 6 3. Ufton Grove 3rd Plan _ 300 5e 3 - 50 _ 4 3 ^' . 50 3 3 I 50 : TOTAL. . .toren fi. 11. 10 DEPARTMEfVT QF EINArICE -� - ` REF*ORT OF COMMI5 TONER OF FINANCE- E- ON -PRELIMINARY pRDER _ 0 - IB )r I�• - - - - - •O C9¢ R LP T 1 O N - ' -.LOT BLOCK _ ADDITION `1 � - AgLUATION' - .. _ 3.-,'Ufton Grove 5rii Prat- 5d ` - - a 75, 1. _ 6 2 _ - - 75' 5 2 - 75. 4 2 75. 3 ' 2 _ �� 75- 2 2 75:. 75 7 4., -510 6 4 500 5 4 50 4 4 /75, y� 3 40. 75' 2, 4`1-- - 75: 1 . 4 e 75 3. 1 , : 75 2 1 75` 1 1 ' 75 6 2 Budde'a.Addi.tion 100 7 2': 50 3 2 100 2 2 300 1, 2 850 ,. The.East 145.83 feet of the West 454.35 feet.of that para of - N pf N E -.k of ,N. E, of Seotion 20, T6wnehip.29, Range. ,22, -lying Ncrthaesterl-y-Of St: P -mu I «°White Bear Road TOTAL. - -330 -.4 i Ili i CITY ClP T PAUL �. - i �3 DEPART►.IENTOFFINANCE . �. v ` REPORT°OF`COMNIISSIONER OF•FINAPLCE 1 _ -ON PRE4lNJINAkY:6RDER (C)y J, ADDITION ION ..' i ASSESSED C-I 'TIGN "LOY BLOCKAD.'` VALUATION E'SCRyP (Ex;"; The ,East 145.83 f,t of Itbe ':eat _454.15 ft of, that pati ei: N z of N,E. of N E:y of Scc.20'rTown 29,IRange,22,'Iy:ing'N'.Ffly of St: ..• - • 180' " Pdu1:& White Briar Roar., Cataint a Addition . 50, - 4 5 - '$0 3 5 200. t 6 175 I I Commencing at the intereection of the sod`th line of N f of, N.E.ta 300 of''N.E.4; of Secti.en 20, �ownahip 2`3, 'Range -22., xith.the Easterly line of-St.Pau1 and White Bear,Road; thence 'Ely t png said Road 3 ,ohains fr1. om place 'of beginning;, t�henoe: N',Ely_"along. said Road 2 chains; thence S. 52J I)eg.E,. 2 chains; thence S r42 deg.30! west parallel w}th' first mentioneline;!2 chains; thence N 52� Degrees` west 2 chains 'to place of beginning. ( acre) .Part of Nof. N.E.- of'_N.E.k; of.9ection 20, Township 29, Range122,. Cemetery 'on White Bear 'Road .. I _5,810 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated.all'of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the roregoing as his reporthereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 Date// Commissioner of: Finance. CITY: OF-ST. PAUL,: UNCIL-RESDLUTION's-GENEiRAL'�.FORM-* _ Sttbject - v - - eoUNCIL _N O _ 1 — FILE - < 1- Date `Presented Jul! :t::•, 191 7 f..c•.011 t.TI 77 -: -• -may'^n 77 7'-;,t f P?.7C'.. JT•'�=� Refolved. 7 ,L ax. of oc le:,.nin, a. .akin- ;an a s�,rar,Yti in t} k n Y f ' s1G es, for cuts a..1 >i:ls;.in ra ri _ Lei ..oad,,.frc1..-Payne " nuW �o (pt' ity iil its,.%:nd Prc iLAnax iaai 14062, 1 th; 1:.15; ..nt� in rf- _aa_Y :order ,;17376, e_.c'-rovad Ju'1y 2ndi 1917: :e w.••r•:isanon'er of IPubl-i^ "orks -v 4 n Su-- adtt,ad his r--cort an:i a}:e. it _ a '5.0 a L, t;:ar, .e it - `n` 7471 ..ane tv Of t P.dill 1 a,3v r.V.:..;^_ _f. "L ,c ova .anom a, ..n e n.t c z i101; e, ,. r r r t i : �.' - of of .., zi�icne of 'rue' is 7`or" G -i'n he . e_, - da aduiy .3Gen, icl : i aka e d rp.,a t ax _ ' .. ...,aa3y "Gyan.t 'part hera0f Yeas ( t') Councilmen (r) Nays -Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Goss . In favor Keller.: Approved 191 '- McColl Against f Nash — .. Yoerg'> - Mr. President, Powers FORM C.9.2._..- MAYOR ----------------------------- C: F. tvo. 17376-8Y $ In the ltattec:ot recom[tsaMlp - i :IdF and rap I. vttlr•; to a width Of nlevett%laeG.lthd'i" "+ — ent cement In. sldavthlh,on�thb` _ ntd� or EneC. Seventh N•' tall+ e COUNCIL FIDE NO B ! .ty ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of x.01.Q9401T..ut1Ag....rviaying uifid....i pairing .W1.tli_.t:emf:nx tile,to'a width of eleven feet, the present cement .tile sidevalk on aAe.."aouth_.side...af...Fast..Seventh.:St...beginning...8.4..:f.ast:..wepL o" ............ Cedar St. thence west 28 feet; ander Preliminnn Order..-.... 16436�,-, ".::-. ....approved May 12917 The Council of the City of St.Paul`tiaving received 'tbe report of the" Commissioner.of finance upon the. shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. • That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, 'and the'said,improvement-is hereby ordered to be proceeded witb._ E _ That the nature of the improvement which tht Council recommends is...R.il.onstruct t... relay and repair with cement the to s width of eleven feeta the j present cement tile sideealk on -the side of East Seventh St „. ..". .. beginning 84 feet_ west of Cedax•.St thence _weet..28, feet, ........... with no alternatives, slid that the catimated, cost thereof is,..O..Ofi:.geY..Bge ft.. '- Resolved,Further. That a public hearing he, had on raid' improvement on the : 30th !....day of _.rtuly... 191'x."aGthe hour of 10 o'clock A. X. in the Council Chnmbcr of=the Court House and' City Hull Huiltling' in the ,CSty of St. Paul.- That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Clmrtcr, stating the time.nnd"pined of bear— ing. the nature of the naprovemepl_n d e total cost thereof as estimated. . Adopted by fit,l outIN �; L91 Approved ilei. % ..' / 1 10ity / Il 1. (i Councilman Farnsworth Councilman" Ilevv Councilman Hyland' Councilman Keller Councilman lleColl - Couueilamn Wunderlieh. Mayor Irvin Form 13. S. A. E•ti , s. IA' he blatier U[ cone ur etlnaWo{'th.-. - t1le aldew,ak to a width otillz i " + - on. both- •Ideas of law on' 8n to Pere lum Bk; o d and r 1 relltnlgary . prder .36161 appr - Mar 16, .1917 � . . ,hailn� etetli of ths'.Cits of !• ,>e,'an g ? 3 _ ae the nport.e _ of a - , COIINOM FILF. NO ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter or. cona.t.xucting.a:_ cement.:t11.et..ld-eva1k.t.o...:.:�i.dth.,..Q ...l<ix.:.. feet on both sid:es of -;Hand Ave, from Lawson St toGeraSt:.a....... ......... ....... under Preliminary Order.10454, g,. ..........'....approved May..15,..1917 'rhe Council of'the city of St. Paul haviag received the report of the Commissioner o€,Finance upon tine above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approyed'and adopted, and the said improveme,n is herehy ordered to be proceeded with. _'. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ree"omnfends is.::.QQ11, TMA.t 4..,6 140 Lila..side�lk...to a..,w.ic> h of,"•six feet .,on tides of Handi Ave, ;from Lawson St. to Geranium St.. i with no alternatives, and that the i:stimate•d oust thereof k i' O.66.. per lineal: foot, .Resolved Further. That a pnblii• heacittq in, had oil slid iuipraceuiruv,nn the 30th day of _..... ;,.' July. 791 7 - at the.hour- of 111 o.'clur"k A. M., in the Cutulcil Chaaiber of the. Court House tutu City'Hall Building !it the City of St. Paul. That the Conuaissionbr of Finance give notice of said meeting [o the persons and in the Hoer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hcar- ul .the nature of the iutprmtmrwr nn the total cost thyreof as estimated. - Adopted by the Approved -Alayor, ..... - CoUncillnanFarnsworth l Councilman r;uyv Councilman llylnt;il Councilman Keller 1'uuneilmau \le 111. PUM1S�� Couacihuuu Waliderlirh Mayor Irvia Forw Ii .S..1. K=t c. F.'7Po. 17ni;By. 8. A:,Fsrnlxortlt In. the ]natter Of eon.tructlnH a�eBnlBAt o Ylie .Idewnik to u Width: of tx feet: thU north wlde of Prineetbtf.Aye,�, C Detx en Trlor Ave nd tro Qele a, - under Preltmtnarp . - ebProved ]Icy 10. 1811 .•,•nt) - . The countal of .tha b•_ 'pa,,, i 5 l7 ')Hw received 1:140- _ - 'loner at us a. . - , fix COUNCIL FILE 'NO -- ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. c9rist,xu.Gt.is .s...ccment,;aiZe ekwp_ e k .tosix•••- .feet_on the north aide of Princeton Ave between Prior Ave and Cleveland,Ave.t > i under Preliminary Order....... 1630........ ........ .:..:.._ approved . May .10;..-191.7..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the;Commissioner of Finance upon the Above improvement, and, having. considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and tbe'same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be. proceeded with. ° 2. That the nature of the improvement 'whieh the 'ouncil recommends is:. C.on truCt:.a..Cempnt tile:, sidewalk.; to a width of six feet on the north side of — Princeton _Ave.,between Prior Avej and Cleveland Aviv.,, with no alternatives. and. that the estimated cost thereof iv }• 0.66:pex -lineal .foot, Resolved Further. That It I'll Ill iv. Ilea ring be heti oil said iiaprovenient.on.the 30th ....day of 191 7 , at the hour of IU a clock A. \i:, is the Council Chamber of the Court Nouse and City Hall Betiding in the CitN- of St. Paul... That flic Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in t e anner provided by-the Charter, staling tbe, time nnd_plac6of hear- inu, the "nature of the iml:rmeine�It'a the. tq t1 cost tht*reo as estrated. Adopted by the Couneil.... 10 u t Approved 1:11 f t G ty Clerl q :_. Councilman Farnsworth' - Cuuncihnau Uusc Councilman I-Icland Couucihnali Keller ' . fL'bi rli u _Z 17_P Councilman McColl Councilmen Wunderlich : lfavor- Irvin Form K .S. A. s-i Pe-t ition Council File _ :.., .... I mikPnq oQ the t.,lwln Aw ' • .' '. - p°�JSAL FOR.IMPRO-VEb4ENT _ - t r and 1 - PRI IMINARYOP:DER. - .The undersigned hereby proposes the making ' b[ the follri pu tc improvbpue4Y by, the City' St p al, vtz _t>3rrsda _alley.. in: �loc�k` l••• mann-alae om-. pap to �asaal Ase .fin ac,e d__gna 4 _..._ ^ Ijnted this :.....,,51i-a ., of Councilman._ PRELIMINARY ORDER, ° WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .G ade.-AlleX.:in_.H]Qnk..1:_T,inflemann.:.Elan.e-,.-3rom_.s3mpaon 8t.:...tn_Pascal ....... ,_.:....... .:___ - _... ..-._ ........................... --............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St: Pouf Ly,Counetlman_............... _ ...... _ -- -- thcreforc, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for;or desirability of the making oLsnid improvement. p 2. To investigate the'nature, extent and estimafe4 cost bf.said improvement,.pnd the total cost thereoL 3. To furnish a'plan, profile, or skcich_of said improvement. .. ...... 4. To furnish the followingother.data'and information relative to said improvement;' .. . .. :.: To state whether or* not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tltne or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...:..................... t:. ...... 19 ...191.:..... Yens: Nays: Councilman Far orth JUL- j XT7 Gott Approved .......... .......................191......`. i Ifyl d } At'! ll . ...... ` Mayor Iry n /J 7 ��� Ainyoa roEw o Y.E PL7FK[-1SIIm wtrereae .A written arbp`p� F for lha -- m�tn� o the touowtot Lharovvmbnt: ° - 4 % p �1 yxln 4A canoe CoilAeil Vile. NO � tot;tuta and title Ill ttddi t eltw la. '. P- " _ �•f _ _ _ Block 1:l.iridemuno Plaes, n eon sc. reacerAva perin"�"keen ara- --PROpOSAL'FOR IMP.ROVEeMENT --'' eented`4o me eounen of tha cuy or st , PaLLI thtlrotore,,D9 It � � .' R.eohe6 Tpat tEe Ceitiiiol loner of r � _ Attu • - `� . ' h11e.Warlu kf ' iterek9 6F� derod end dlrec d: - - 1. To aay.etla'ate • a.cneltr -t01 ; _ or dearahnlq'ior,thipmahlnt 167.41 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. to rbvemlo ietlieto tke nathM':aatent r .-' - . pail a '�ratad oolt' pt-e� d" Im row - Iso:at: ' d {bs oiai awt tieree� proposes the making of :the oFinpubi:c irnprotem,.nt",134";the.,,Clty ol'-�. L ; Ta to`arbh u a pram profile, or - "' f� _ ekatoh of $rill im0t�twment ..; .... 6-To'tarobh tpy tollowlnt oCLei �r dal and tnrormettion reiative tv aeld i •• 8891Il13 111 t1L$ ••1 " T38G 8aS•tY• `; , a and^ taking 8r $ .. tmyyro.emenc '. .r .. e. '- To crate Nkather or riot eala im r Drov9ptaat L aeked for oa rho etltlos llfie nil nil in._. a or throe or more gnera �'^ 1 •- _ e. Tq report Upon all of the torq tplot..-att.ra to-lhe commYeeloner otitp oll 77nanca _...PIS .._. .t=...�tf?...Eaad _AXf3 u...-.s ... _ - Ado{ited bl, the�Councll July LOU. - Approved Julyl. 18)7. ._ .... ...�.: ...... (JLLly 7.7917).............__..L:.._.._.C'... ....__. _ • V _� Dated thts ... 191 ...7.e 3rd ny of allly :.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement viz.: Condeuminj end t_in_..the._.land:..nenessarY.:;Tom ._.elnpee, dor-_cute_.,and•Yil�p,.in,•.Bradrlg..:13e3�-.111:B1A.ck� .Lin�atna„n ai�aa,:..3rom os _ .an St: to Pascal, A49� ... ....... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... . therefore be it er of Public Works be and he is,hcreby ordered and directed IIESOLVI D, That the Commission 1. To investigate the necessity for.pr desirability of the making of said improvement. 2: To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cgst,of said improvement, and the total cost thereat. 3. To furnish plan,. profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following.olher data and intormation'rclntive to said improvement;_ ... 5. To state whether-or not said,improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G, To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. Yens: Nays: " Councilman j1r sworth �i ; (o y Approved ... 191 ...:... and Coll �t Mayor. Mayor in A 17" . } ' u OPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t"4M i rear) { and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' s The undersigned h✓:reby proposes the making o f by� ' 'City of e�(oi(owrn public emprovementr the St. Paul. vis-.:....Q_.?rld.�lpfi..e1�d. taking, same ili...#hs:.;lepd':naa y.. or el�uea for outs nfl �1 �, . ,, Bar __Place rom1?P4n� 51 Pts�flo 6.Y.e.a- Datedthiw.:....:. eT.d : ny.,: 191 _..7.. Councilman. PRELIjMINARh ORDER, WiIERE AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -,-------...Condeuming .nd�t&1[g._rxl eEeam�ut'_in :fie:.land::n�seasarg..:Yo�....e1aPeQa dor cuffs and fills in.;:ggrtg_B: ]�e3L_.i1x BlA.ak i:xind�mA;,n uinag.,..trom Simpson St.. to Pasodl Ave. - -__ __._. .__ �.._. _ _... ..._- __.... having been presented to the Council of the City-of SL Paul _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissionerof Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• , L To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof..' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. A. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_.. ..... 5. To state whether or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....:.:... 191 Yeas. Nays: Councilman Fa sworth : n 'j 1917 - _G s Approved 191 ....... H and, 1\ Coll e �, Mayor Ir in I1layor. ClTY.OFST. PAUL, COUNCIL .R ES6:LUTIO N--GENE RAX,- 'FORM -- _- .�y1J)eC� moi, -G,Pi h'o 1ilbE--HY J D BYIetIQ-- ,- COUNCIL` w ty�� `_' Wherew, It 1a des TititoawI t0 cD'j Ait pp orate ,the Park, fund t16 Lr used ttor _ -- contth6ant oaah„tend .t9 _ — - chana- sod to-➢aY-h madiit-, I- .. eretbre - -. 191 :esoiv Date Presented i• YY f ' Resoly #haretxii It i6 im ractioablo to, o a .xt9 the 'Park �4o,tivitiea I>�itiao? t .i oorti°-gotlt 0,011.leUntA 1:o be ueoQ;for oliu4w;e, and V edi � e ndonsin •.ry cax* en'rie .n tj coy %rice & be it ,therefarel I ObPI D. That s =Mrtint. be dratzrt upon tY:o Dpi rartrt?nt of 171nar a for the at>m. of Piftaer, Ii�.mdrad 1)01-L.rtrA(If,500) in favor of tha COM16gicMek of P siritct, PILk+7-rcxz� 0 and Pih�: o fhei.?.dinar araul,s prat of th- Publ-to Pari a grtnd, rari , Vic; enine (lotiv i:ticn Iten, ,.o e.'Ived fQi,-tear, f,111G3in1, z -WIP eon Q!tZyl, irnt, rr n` of :t&1� 6w ry emp2oyea hired for 21411• ..'.7�, ' d irinf- ninh houro, ' Seo^ndy fr,•�ts"la .;irtt4 ex;^re+aa.-,. .A. � d Third, rcl, ! o t :^ c� azto 'Anti "'14(”syjR w'•>O . F!^irth, oar fa,.r.A en, o",f4� sn. oity 'bttxtinpon. n*0eipt6: *h1A1l be t i' en Y:or• all diobnroementa; and a,-Id ,. r000l t all.L1.1 be t'.rrned into thl 00�nrtioller wi ;n itent-ied 07 "`no vouo>;er :. 9reaer:reirti�r�in�+r-ttnt'of m%ld fttncl in fln"MAS ase(. on wioh for :;n a r, Co itTo2ler .rl i4, req•tiro. The :gut:? to be reimtHr©!Od b ?.rr ttk°v 3i i2 J-=+ .•t situ" of int'' =`3 °^ ;im orn(lit of titt�. 5�' fs •?Vit KV 4.•.� Vu •V 4 . •ems �- "y ) s�tl io '-,r7,Q Punct, Psr?'o "`xl::�r:t10 (Noti,n`tie© Iter. 'Yeas (J) Cou men ( �) Nay,`191 Far orth Adopted by the Council C' In favor 11 —;i 19!7 1-ly d _ 191.; . ' AP roved t W M 11 Against Mr. Preside Irvin Mwron - roas+'e.e'.e. - - IJ CfTY�OF ST.PAPL, -QOUNCI'L::REESO-LUTIOfa GENERAL FORMS - ' _ r - _ - COUNCIL FILE -r N 0... - Date Presented J ply 3d_ 117 191 -•u Resolved, That 'the .purchasing Agent be'� and he -is hereby authorirzed to _ purc!jase with the oonsent of'the 'Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids,.seven #218 Wells,Sheft Under. drive:Lathes, in accord'anee with #equioition,�459 on file in the office of ,the Purchasing Agents at a price .of'72.86 each, or A total-elim'of $510:'029 ae this is a patented, article •and no advantage can.be gainad by adveptisement,or,competitive: Mdse Cost of'said lathes. to be charged to the Department'of 'Education Trust Bund_li, A. H. S.: Library. Acct. 0 P:.No. 17a9�urchasing, Resolved. ,That Agent be. and -he -la MerebY sothorlsed to the const P ... huse; thout. &ski' Benror t w'Icom it Comptroller -yo_ ata,Yells $ S petltive blda, 11Yen Al accordance W1 n - IIhderdrive lathe4 tri in Requisition No. 169 on the ntn Drlcelot nr the PUjellaeing Agent, ad - $7 t s each. a a' or .Det, d itl ie and nue,g... vantage -can De galneM1 b,Y advertlaa- .meat the Or EotnDetitlr wild` •, atnoepDarla lllent4f i'•Sncto atFCn—.Tiuet LlbrarY APDrovsd ]uiY a 1817cii the Yeas ( ✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays h 3 I� Far sworth . Adopted by the Council 191 Co In favor Hy Ind Ill'j Approved 191 Mc II ABWnat t W Mr. Preaiden .lrvin , ,:.�.- MAYOR rO11M C. 9•I ' CM OF 5T. PAUL - ACCOUNTING'1, DEPARTMENT +a • - r � _., F ati3�F�", �_'. OUNGLME AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL- ME -NO JULa BY. 8T C r�1� ��.r. - l 11.%_. . I AUDITED l-_-- 191 Y 444 PER y Res go�Do z PYI wtol Y"i1�a 1v' °�aol:Le City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds, and in favor of the parsons, Or '.ain't , *1 AIL a 1a Rd "o +Q:+i 8et: opposite their respective names as sp, ified.� following ra detailed statement: ¢alaa.x ."4J twalq p2ili 70 lain . Dal" ""At sola A."Dal".) 9i Yeas r) Councilmen (" Adopted by the -Council'193— i . � � 'tF ' Q7.L,tYdf f7YaOdOUd - Approt •� 14t - ( J °d (List-tT=t aiaf)ui 'ia.av7¢1"4.1¢.{.wasay MAYO 'j V0311mmo0 lo2130.q3 Jo, a.¢aa.A6 .qi ul¢a7Y7¢Ini4ir.: Presid'� •Asa Yg1 Lq 'P.3*1a. imp .qi3Y-oaZa¢.a0 1p, Ilia. aP14 II r voaA.gi.•'3ga saollm"a.y}03 3.atgn. ,GA. P6'7ae7V7apmyAnd.J.aagia "Onbfa..¢oaa pao,vta0 aq tem 4.G qq.: 1}.060, -aYl aA OR%, Uoan ar40P¢I Pa371mgna .Q 01 .aa.Pl7o y041.. 3aa6 A.. �o,4Plq: [Is: to ._ fi A »VIVA 01-3421a 8q1 N.A1...A.S31.-Oq2 '107A1¢Oi T 70 IIQIin�02a D¢1..2. Ta#OSOtQ g.Up 6W :" -m00Sa. 7aam DIq.3aaoms a41.,Jo 3 A.II OT SaJ go.q.,P.Npaa. a AO •lan0 _ - _ - uJ 8 al¢2. .41 .at P¢aq .6aa6mo0"61.1 0 l0 �yaaa: 78. 70 LIi..agi' Jo ria -pW'"pwaf Dal yilAl'PIq ianOms _ _ ' ai i¢ltlao'.Aaaai jo mn..yi al Pu.q 8Q11aAOjlad ymt. Rq1 10j 8.116.. it.. U: ad 9 BatAlsm&A '3aQO..i eaA^Z 6q 7a.maroaamt pin apl>t*Tf' I .:c mn. PaPW!'air Q 3a yAba-pte# jr.,. a tollalam.Paa aagsT Ilu 7u)y.ialn3.ai - - '- - Q su aotloi WWI ¢o .oam a O3 ltaoda - - 17255 Adams:Express Company, 1:05 Library7k.xpense. 56 j American Express Company,`'. 66. Library-hxpense. 57 Amerlean-Sports Pubs Company, --.50 Library-NBooks. - 5E N. V. Ayer & Son Pub Company, 10.00. b.a LibrarF-NBooks. -' 59 Jos. M. Baltuff, 65O.0 Sehool-Real Estate. i-- 60 Board of Water Commissioners, 130.10 Library-Exliense Pay. Rice"St:, Univ'to Bridge - 1 10 - y 61 Carol CO,K Booh Compsny, 12 .69 Library-NBooks 62 Jolm.Carroll, 75 Library 0Nl3ooks . 63 Chic ago, ':Burlington & Quindy Ry., X2.23 Lighting -Expense. 64 : Chicago, St.Pau1, Mpls: &'.0. Rya, l;7 Library -Expense. "3 Page. #2 Res. 994 17265• 'Educatiional"Review Pub. Company, Library.-Expense:. 66 Birk &Com an Far well, Ozmun,. P y, 0.62 20.72 C.P.U. Mun..Tes-t-Expense c s• Com'r.. P.4�Works-Expense 2 9 Llght ng .i School Specij&l 'Day . 0.7 67 Josepli Gabriel, a , p School-hxpense:, 68 Great Northern,Ry. Company, �, 24.03 pay. Prior Univ. to Minnehaha..•.' 69. HacketCo 20-.] 7 - ttephalenrBeach. - 70 ' Joesting & Schilling, , - Health-P. Baths-•Pxpen@e. - _ 9.50 71 Haplan-Shaudr Paper Box Company, G.F.Prtd. Forms and.blsnks.. 72 Kennedy 'Bros. Arms Company, . Playground=Expense. -73:F. C.`Kohnke, - Healthy-P .- Baths^Expense ' 611.70 74 Sophie Lavensky; _ School-Real *tote. 75 A. C. McClurg Compan3•, 88, Central H,. 5. Library. 20„;30 76 McClain & Hedman,; C.P. Works-Adm-Expense; G„F.-Mise.. & Unforeeen: 4. 0; Health-Quer-Expense 0 C.P.U.-Mun. Test =$ ens Library-Expense l 30: 1 - w 20.30. Henry McColl, Com'r. P. Safe y,, 33,.77 '. 77 Park-Expense. I 78 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, St. Const. & Repr.-Expense. '1.30 79 Morris Book Shop.,, LibraryONBooks. ` i A. Morton, Supte, -28.00 . BO F. AuditotiuMOSal. 81' Nicols, Dean &,Gregg, A. _ Eire-Expense 8 n ■. =Bridge Bldg.. C & B 82 Northern pacific Ry: Company, I Sewer C. & P,-Expense. '2.30,, 83 N. W. Stamp Works, G.Fn-City Cl.kw-Expanse 0 ` 1 0 G.%.Pu�'.Dspt.=Exp. 0 " _ Page - Res. 444 - School -Expense 4. 17284 N. W.. Telephone Company, ,. 7,12'.00- 2.OQ17284 C.P.0 .-Market -Expense. t., 2.50 ' gb Oliver.Typewriter Company,_ School-Ripense . 86. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, .4 4.70- P. Bonst..Yhalen Beach Forestrf Revolving •7O 87" St.Paul`Builders Material Company, 16.66 Plagground-Expense. 86 ° St.Pau1 StampWorks,, 12.00. Library -Expense- _ 89 St.ftij White.Lead & Oil Company,. 24.03• _ School -Expense. r 90 Schunemen &'Evans, 1 0 11:70 G„F.-Civil S. -Expense.. pksygrciund-Expense. 11-40 { gl Singer Seeing Machine Compai►y, ` Johnson .H.S'. ,Library': ' l 92 John Skinner -Book Store, 1.75 :. _ , - P. Library-NBooks. 93 • H. C. Streich, _ Lighting -Expense . 94 John•N. Theissen, ` r P. darks-Exp®nae. 95• `Tri-State Telephone Company, 10.50 p. A%rke is -Expense . 1.45 :. 9i6 Union Library Assoc., a” P. Library -N Books. 6.25 �. g7 Virtue Printing Company, Ben. r.pPrtd forms .and blanks. - lanks.-Chas.Weinhagen, Chas. Weinbagen-s a' • tie al t h -Qua r -Exp, e n s e. 99 _ . .. Western Machine Compar�q,_ 2.4,0 _ _ .9. &.S. -Cleaning -Expense. 300. Western Supply Company, 9.03 Health-P.`Baths-Expense: .04 •B. _ p'�` parks -Const. Pha4en .6 SchoRls 'C ;&� B 4 .03 Ol Willis Circulating Library, ' P. Librarq-DiBooks. C t•��.cITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - - - COUNCIL ¢�� ACCOU1) AUDITED CLAIMS--RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO - — — eT JUL 1917 AUDITED-,—_ ___191 ✓,� /./f../ .. - -i, --PER - J 446. f/ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporation- for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified - In the-following - detailed state ent: I r1. 191 leas (r ou Imen (n') Nays Adopted by` the Council - F , Far •worth Go Approv w .. IIy nd In favor & >�§•{�h MAS 1 I \I. 011r. . .Mr. President, rvin ��apleM�i• acal°oD 4 - — ' a ip�l'w"–v il}WmF:1 14k11 r gj1 ayd 0. }�oi4° Qi�y`' a p a , y�A 0 7p iou 4e 7lpGu�+ Vol" f of 14R o': nap° sS a "'! Ai - °l L;1"11°lo till .. I iVp.� ql V10 40) l4AO jni, _ - ii 10.90 17303 Q. G. Amlee, G.F.-Mise. & unforseen. , == 10600 04 J. E, IBellairs,.. G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen.' -. 10 00 , 05 Fred A. Brodt, - G.P.-Misc..`& Unforseen. -10i004-- 06Wm. B. Coveny, G.F'.Misc. & Unforseen. 19.00 07 D. E. Edwardd, G.F.Hisc.�3c Unforseen.: 10.00, ,OB Louis Frank, G'.F-Miac. & Unforseen. - 5.00 09 Eli:.a Harrington,. G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen. L 10.00 } 1Q Faye Hjorth, G.F.Visc. & Unforseen. ll_ 10.00 Mrs. C. M.'g1os, G.F. Miscj & Unforseen _ 10.00- n 12 Precis Breyer, _ G.F. Misc. & Unforseen. - = 10 400: 13 Lugo L'avoia-l.o, G.F.-LSisc. &_Unforseen. )'arm A. 6-I6 42. es. 446 Res. 174" Harry 'Locker, 2,.0b _ G.F.Mise. &,Unforseen. - 10,100 15` J." H.. Lehmann, GnF.oMise. & Unforseen: 16 _R. S. Leighton Agt., 10.00 G.F.-Ziiso. & Unforseen. lO.Ofl 17 John LaCosta, G.F.-PSisc. & Unforseen. 18 K. K. McLeod, ;10600" B.F.-Mise. & .Unforseen.• 19°, Joe Makiesky`, 10.00- G.F.OMisc. &'ifnforseen. — 20 August Moschner,- 5.00 G.F.4iso. &`Unforseen. 21 Louis Nelvp, " 10.00 , G.F.-Mise. &'Unforseen. 22 Joseph Sc'fnabl, 10.Off'�, • G.F.-3tisc. k Unforseen. 23 W. J. Sleppy Company, . 10.00! G.F.-Misc. &`Unforseen. 24 Theresa Seiler," 10.00 Unforseen., _ 25 Herman W. w6senberg, 10.00. G.F..disc. & Unforseen. " _. • D . . - 4:i 'v _ y �l rwsuin,n "It rto. tatoo= - �.. sreMe. A. out it DropolW `t f 11 ,1 _I h 1 1 1. 1 bf tha fotlovrlo& mpg - tinconecauct ceniLLnt the � , I u j' Council Fil o rP'10fh Or elY'.rROt— 'nutternut-Ave from •' - _ P'cet of neY 9L. them IPROVEMENT tl i+ tt .n0='contract d cemOn� - }� width :Of .1. r I, e'a et nulferf 1 - \fi -fret wast of r nutternut:Ave - ao fret,'o ve ,MY ORDER. uncil Of: the _ Thg undersigned �sreby'_proposes` tb8 1��rin6 of'the-following public improvement .by tLc City of St Pnul: - viz....�eao;��.�xuc.t__o�Iq�nt..._ti�.:a._s.�.d.epa],k...t:o ,a...�idth._of:_.six::.::.o.st .ou;,the �. south aidfit e of Buernut Ave. •frori a,point 234 feet avert of Bey 8t. of sire' feet^ on fife south aidetioBttt�tl math : thenca.22-feat..- Butternut Avee from a point 266'tt.. .........._--•we's•t•-••c>i-••Be3i Surf t3teae-e-wee-.#terl'ztttr�ve�•-Br3�e-,•-s"pi�to=#mately' 30 feet.' Dated this ..:.-5.th...... -day of Zuly._........... ._ .............. Councilman.. 1 -- PRELIMINARY:. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written, roposal for the making of the following improvement, viz::' _ a...... _-_ Re.QQ.xistrtigt Qcmllnt_xils: elle of aidgsli�rn�ss_ a aiftnmfe..aeit xo.ff oBeaty.. at:.. th t:.th. seonucteh,ie :._-_.:.._.Asa t.-22•••feat-,--anci<=aonatr-uot..:e=-ease=#r;�3e._�idewa-�k�•te-•e-w#ci•#h -e�-- POi six feetonthe south'eide of Butternut Ave.'from a po ntt256 feet ..... vrest oi` -3ic;; chencg e�ut u nt 8�8: 3r*ti�8;-m,pr imEttely 30 Poet................ ..._:......-_. . .......... ._...... having been presented to the Councilof the City of St. Paul by Comic I i,iman ............... :. .:-. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dirrcted �. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. ' ride yr, , " 2; To investigatd, the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,. profile or sketch of said improvement. 9: To furnish the following other data and. information relative to said improvement ...::....:.:-: b. To state whether or'not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi.. To report upon all of the foregoing matteIis to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................. .. —tt + {�„•la��.:.1Q1 ..:..-. .Yeas: Nays: ' Councilman FarnsworW r Goss Approved Ryland t a � Keller Mayor Irvin Mayor. www n ►e PUi3LISIII A ''CITY OFAUL UN- — •- • CCCIL'RESQ�UTIONG�NERAL FORM — v' Subject: ... '., ' nieNou. No s Date Presetited ` ' July...2, J � _ Rtsolved, That, the time specified for the 'per£ormano'e of's certain-contract dated'Deoember.8, 1915 between R.`C..Baumprdner (assigned to Rasmussen & SimardOat.'2,;1916)"and the City ;of St. pawl for the- grading.of Belmont St. from Smith Ave. to''Chsrlton St. be and the same is hereby extended to.the 2nd day.of July' 191"t and .the proper city officers-are hereby; authorized to. execute an'`amendinent to said contract;tn accordance herewith;"provided,:however,,that'this resolution shall not have any force and effect 'unlesa ,the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. ., C. F. \0. 17481—UY1f. N. Ooes-- .. Iteeulved: Thnt tha time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated December 3, 1815 between R. G itaumgardner (assigned to Rasmussen & Slmard Oct. 2. 1916) and the City of St. Paul for.the Brading .of Relmont . .. at. from Smith Ave.: to Charlton SL, be slid ins name to hereby extended to the 2nd day 'of July, 1817 and the proper city onletn are hereby: authorlse4 to > eXec.l. — 1.1olnI to -Paid -n• ' t, tract In accordance herewith, provided. !� - however, that this res¢lutlunaWI rot - *r \ - have any force- and . effect. lime.. th¢ i suretics,vnthe contractor's' bond eon- ' sent thereto and. 1111 such conelnt In writing with the. City Comptroller. Adopted by theCouncil July 6, 1917. _ Approved July 5.3817. _ lJul)•1�-1817) II Yeas (V) Councilmen (d) Nate Adopted by the Council Ilp T7 191 Farnsworth . Goss._' In favor Mil —J'�O T Keller D Approve 191 ,. . .�QcrIF. Against( Mr. Prtaideent�Powtit� MAYOR ....... 7I;- - ~'CITY OF ST AUL', CO.U111C1 L_.R E5LUTION---`GENF,RAL FORM- 4 I LAY'ING' NAT$i MAINS; -'' 99 !! y ': )- tJ' .r' Sdbjecl' ' coueca Date,.Predented 191 :. ':water, be laid' 'in`the following'streets: Resolved, that mains Juno ,street from Frederi.oka to. Fairview; Fai'rview from Randdlph'to Juno stfeet ,I — .. 1T404L BY £Ilexbe 1dA that water mains ,. - -' - �In the [011owln6 attlel erl£kM1 to• Fait- St.::from ire Juno h.tu.Jono Ft. ... - visa•. - a,. fiom RnpdolP -; 1917. - - -Ira lrvl•1 by the Council i. AppAoV' Jul) 191 (,ulY�34'391i) Yeas (✓) CoxincilrnM ( 0 hays "Farnsnorth 1 Adopted by the Council' ;M- -� !q1_7 191 Goss . In favor Keller Approved / r Hyland 1 I° 77 t,( � ✓ /VI Against � X191 �ylll Mr.1 President: Irvin p MAYOR • - CITY -OF ST. PAUL ..... u*r ••••• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - f �� AUDITED CLAIMS -'—RESOLUTION .FORM �ottnc,L NO. - FILE • AUDITED .—.--.--.--- �tcj�,: t - – - . � PER 451 - ✓ be drawn upon the' City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrents in favor o{ the persons, firms or corporations for the alnountsset Opposite heir respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: lr__ Iq'97191— Adopted by the Coursed _- Yeae (i ). con dltil n (J) Nays Far swo th . Approved ' .In favor `Ily�l nd. - - --Kel i 3 _<\gainst - - .��b. k. X0.:17406- warrsats be 'drawa Mr. President, rvin .. ----.... out LTreaau:& Dara a* yRe■olvedCity I!'nf ,be harataatter ,6DeclaaA rs, ar, a r, - y 'ratton� for the ama Ota f�tOhyOalt!" ■ claed In - .' tIIelr re.Decttve name■ cement:, the rollowinR; detaUad:■� 283.08 - Y.:HoYa. _ •. - iV �66334.86; Cocbran- grubber wC Co..cps.4U -. 9ocdYegqti Go' :48anY .'.- .. ... . - - "t }I6recaitr. f80L.60: KEttl.- laver Comb Manhattan O11 Co..a3t 67. 3#8.78 Co.. 6 - Elec. FAlpwent .. W.`Tlrm Co." 138363. by'ite unM1 JulY.Br 3917 , ,- " Approved. <y1�l . 134 55 \� 17345 A. ?. Boyd, St. Cons t..&.Repair-Expense.. 46 Cochran -Sargent Company, Playgrounds -Equipment. -78.40 4.7 Goodyear Rubber Company, _ - - Sprinkling. ; 497.19 48 A. `Y. `Hersehlar, P. -Parks -Expense.,. - ' 60 49, Kettle Rival, Company, --,501 St.. Constr. & Repair -Expense.. 384.67 50 Manhattan Oil Company,. - 50 '7 nridge Bldg. & R. 'E y .12- Police- xernse: 6-.13 i St. -Const. & R. -.Expense _ 9.00 70..56 _ Gen. Mun. -Gar. Rev" �• q � -n w �' u n 60.4$ f= e 00'.80 ^ Sewer Connee..P. t. Ave & Pascal _ 4.5 Paving Miss. ver Blvd. 14' 8 3 .67 . 115 T6, � - 51 N. W. Elec. Equipment Company' 15. :it. Constr--.-&,Repair-Expense. l arks -Expense T5: 6 352:53 '- 52 N. -W. Tire Company, Gen. Mun.:Gar.-Revolving. 3.5Q', 53 W. J. Ward, Playgroun'is'»Expense Fo.•m .t. abt. _ ,s,rN.. 7 C F Na d74Q7 - �ln the ititt r of eonetruetlns e. cement i tile @14-111 to a 'width of eli feet t ort the:north IJS of lafo d St. from 4lhtord'9t to L.A..ton Ave. under ' FiellminerY Order 19761: approved-­14 '10. 1917. - - - A • Dublle heulas 6avini npOn the-alwra 1mDrovement uDoni¢ae _ _ notice, aaa theConaell havini heard' - - I'11, yyerwN. ohlaetloae and neommen- - — - datlone.-rela" an thereto. d havtui .Quit oonafdered the eamel. theretore. .4lsoly 4 HY the :Councll or the tntY. St. Paul that the preci— "for% tez - t d kind oU lwar—ement to b! - an n by the eald:Cl,t 1 'cronetn,ct .............. 1t.t1 1e snorth ort lk .to �a vriJtll of •n.'the tiorth'e1Je. of Lal .., ;.,t J b h udr d ..:.... fi F„ T FINAL ' ORDER In the Matter oL...Q0T1btir.UQ.t; AB...A:..C4F44fit.,.t. liar:th:.Bid.9k of...Lafond..At... r:RI�_A .Q��_.5 :.ttu Lexin ton Ave _... ......................... under Preliminary Order :.� 6 $$ $ _:...:.::.. , approved .... bl&Y.:.19 �...� A1..7........ Intermediary" Order...-.. ... approved ........ ........ ... -had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Connell having A'public bearing having been heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Pully considered the sansei.. therAore, be it RESOLVED; By the Council" of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind.ol improve-' — - fi meat to be made by the said City is....G.OIlNLxIxC�..:li ..C4iR4.Tl.�...�e..$.519!!�7 k..t0, fl gidth ••;_;; Q_g, �ix;f eet•..on the..-north` aide, of LaPond.,`St from Oxford St.ao Leain�ton Ave and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED' FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public, Works be and is hereby'instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby aitthOrized and directed to-proceedwith-the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Coaneil— _ City �Jlerk:'- m5 la _ ,r Approved................ ....191 tt c Mayor.' 4,Coumcilman Farnsworth —.11 6tincilman Gose PUBLISUM Councilman Hylaud — --- — L_ —I l >ouneilman Keller Councilman �Lseull�'' uConncilinan V Mayor Irvin Fosm B. S: A. &2 'CIT'Y, V sT PAUL BEQARTJdPJdT OF FINANCC -' _ ,_ REP©RT t5F-rrOMM13SIbNER;QF'FINA►NPE r ON PR%WNARY ORDER fC? — i •DESCRtPT.ION BLOT aLCCK Ap DITION; - - ASSESSED YALUA719N O y j Ice, a i- •i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid. matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report_ thereon to the Council, together with the report. made to him in ref once to sail matter by the Commissioner. of Public Works. x----' Dated191: �'�.cy ..... Commissioner of _Finance, _ .Form V. 13 1, .. I .... - ', .. ' - r o fr i✓ .. f, J .. OBVICIA4 PROCEEDING: ,. COUNCIL - %n ordinance `to ­W,V...Tltomnx ?In-le11a. _ - a C— it or th City... "actin af:r In t III,. Illy If: ''V/ `/ I - .�.... "► i x.1.•2 alk r. f-nl ,,f- _tin. - n 1 1 Ir of ,• ' I ;jnnr ile000;".' An ordinance to settle -the claim of Tho¢ras tladella. COUi:CIL OF THE CITY OF ST: PAUL DOES OROAIi,1: " Section 1. That the proposition of. Thomas-Xadella to`com promise and settle his claim st;alriat.the City of St: Paul, arising out of injuries sustained h.iim by rea@on of the defeoti7re condition - of the sideYrttlk in front of ''o. 201 'Fest Seventh street`, as ia.more` particularly "set out in hisl communication to the Council- under date of July 2nd, 1917, upon payment to him ofsthe sum of -Sixty Dollars' (;,'60.00), be and the 'same .ie hereby accepted, and the proper city,-,--- officers ity, - officers are hereby authorl-zed- and directed to draw, a warrant upon'- the pon the City Treasurer in favdr, of Thomasdadel1a payable -out of the" - _ r _ C.ompromiae Account of the General Fund, in the sutra of Sixty"Dollarag said. sum, however,, to. be ;delivered only "upon there being filed with"'•"" the City Comptroller a recaipt of aazd claimant therefor, together- -with a rele"e duly executed by him in "a form -to be approved by , the Corporation Counsel, releasinz and df.scharging the City .from'any and all claims and demands of evcry'kind and nature, end more particularly on account of those arisir, out of the, injuriea sustained by said claimant under 'the circumatancea heriAnabove noted. Section 2.'. This ordinance c�ha'11 .take efface and be in force thirty days after.'its paeaa--e and publication, -. Passed by the Counci Yeas `fir. Farnewo- � `v 3yland Keller i McColl - Mr. Preaident (Irvin) '4P roved tAtt�et 7'UBLIL(2%�ofT /` 4 -City C krY. `_��• h /l r g0UNCW FILE NO_..'., .......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter oU.chatigizlB...t.he--kr&da..c.f'.:,T'homae_..ai. aei:.from:MACklihial-attest' to,.Arundel.street to eo,nfo.rm,to the. red_;1 n-e,-,qp..:the- p:xpaalet...haratA ..::..:, attached and made a part hereof, the present grade.being;rL esented by a blue line thereon. ........ ......... ......................... ..................... under Preliminary Order :.............. ......approved"...... ;a.ttne..:a,..1917......... .:..:... The Council of the City of St. Paul havingreceived the report of the, Commissioner of Finance upon the +above improvement,' and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - �- 1. That the said report be'and the same is hereby approved and+adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to'be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:.:.. than&a:..the:,. glade.:•.. of Thomas street Zrom; e<.CJiubi>f...$treet....t.o..:Ar.Mixdel aticeex.:.ta.._onnfti xm..to..:.... " the."red line .on theprofile hereto att4Ched:.ait.d M. de.:.a-partALbreof, the, gree.e.nt,:gredC. being repre.e.erlt.ed by',a.:b.lue. ]rise hereon. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is4.25.OD"- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeut on the 6th ' ..:::...day of. .......................... .......AU9". t , 1917 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the : \ Court House and City Hall Building. iti the .City of St. Paul: That the Commissioner of Finrance give notice" of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear. ing, Abe nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. f Adopted by thr Cuuneil Approved..\, - + mayor, Councilman Farnswortil" Im."o °ana':oA. re'—b' i h 1 That the nature oY-the UDDrore• : �� Councilman Uoss nt w►leo the council reeommenN.L PUBU,, l la) ang. ibe::a'nitdO.Ot '1,'hOmta attalt "'T�^•a -from Mackubin street to Arco al`-auto" — / —` Councilman HYlnu ! i conform to the red line on the proal. -hereto attached and made& Part hercot' - Councilman Beller the onmwnt grade being rapreaented Dy, a r blue ,tine .tharaon" with .no aliens. j tiveer and fila[ the estimated coat. Couneilmall a ;hercot to it60.- 'Resolved Further. That a DnbUe Councilman ��'-t',� eearint be and on saltl,ImDrorameot - - on the. eth -'dar of AURoat 111Tr..6at the hoar, cf:�30-o'eloek:A. K In the - - 11 •`n nrt - fa or'Inl aonncu eh:: Asn Y ppae - _ anA�ty•Ealf nnllAln` Ib<�"the .. 6 tClty. of. 8t sPaul.. ThaC: the.Contml. Form SI S. A. 8-6 _ F r d a'> Uoe -ot:: sal ra( ner of no o na R1 o"Wifix-to tl¢d Y,toes andeln s:tbl manner time and place l `She; Charter. stat.' . lnR the gmtlmtl proora t haartnjj.'tbe', - nature'. o[.'the : ImDeotemant�aaGltfe - _ forst coat titettof a asthoatad. ' AdoOtad­,%ptbe council' July b, 1917, ?,ADPrnreA Jo1q COUNCIL. FILE. I3F} ....... .:.:.... / ' By..lil.........tfiL.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. const ita.oting a....cement.... 'ile..aS:delealk._to....a..wi&th-.af..siiL_... feet on _both sides of Aurora avenue .from Chat oworth street to. ............. Lexington avenue, in acco.rdance.•with,petitian hereto attached.,..... ...... ...... .......... under Preliminary Order....16397 ..... approved ..MB.y 10,:..1.917.:._.. ................ Tho Council of the Cit} of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and,thavins, considered said report, hereby resolves: — Iq ' 1. That the said-report be and the same-is hereby approvcil and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. — 1 2. That the nature of the improvement-which the Council recommends is. 00r1etS.UCt.. a...cement._._ tile.,sidewalk.to a:width,of six feet on both sides of-Aurora venue = from, Chatsworth st'ieet, to, Lexington. _avpnue.r.,_in accordsnce.witil geti tionhereto:..attached, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.:i Oe66._pet front foot Resolved Further;Thata pubhc.lwaring be had oil said inlprocem(�ut on tile 6th.:..... _day of _..August.... 191 7 , at the hour of-10.o7cloclt A, M., in the Council Chamber of the ' Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul: That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice *of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time-and place:of hear- ' ire, the nature of the Imply?vement, and the tqWI cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by nt�9�� , - - ". p thr Council. r —5 !a x: approved 191 ..; tF , �" d f Crt1 (lerl p apPrnrl- and ado - ....... ImProvament la harbr Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth- •d to. M 9roceeded evith. - }. That the aaturo of 7 the ImPrors- . meat .ph 1. the Co n Il re omm Councilman, t1l1VV Coo tr t - nr 1111 Ido 1k1 to n Vid', of -I-ti m Ctf t lb th toot- Councilman�Hylaad -:.turn 1 - - It � � . . i e InNt[O a r ue t Kellollh atter ' Councilman er 6a « bea �� tl .lhot tt 1�Um ted et - thermK fe 66 ( at Yet front foot -bile rther t'ouucilman \Icl.`oll nmol.ea Fu. Th►t • Pe ��j hn ins tm au a(i aa�st�i911 at IN Councilman Wtinderli.-h the of 10 o'c ock IL-' IL. I- the Couadl _ Chamber or the Court - House \favor_ Irvin _ 24 City Hall B etnelnuln.11i 1 ai. FGrm ft.. 1 A. $=l Finance litre nonce of sa16 mastics to - thebereonn and Im-the manner Pro• "vide br itis Charinr, rtattn[ tbetime and place of bearinR. the acture or'the ''rnworemeltt sad the total coat there-: of u eatlma.ed- Adopted !n' u ,ebCon-1c," 7u'Y 6. 1417• I. . A3 p ,. _••d7ulY 14.11117) _ - - Ilk o !'. COUNCIL. FILF NQ ..... INTERMEDIARY 'ORDER In. the Matter of. :co.nstructing..&..cement..A11e.::a.1.deWA1k..ta....:A* ....... feet., on the ,. east _.aide ; or 0helmsf9z.d.atreet _begirtlsing at•_Do-t;l►elY - avenue,] thence to?iuford,street,;in,.accordance withpetition „•.•.• heretoattached ......... :....._ .................. .......................... !Funder Preliminary Order ........... 1$.80.5 .:....... .........approved Juns..8., 1917 ... The Council of the City of -Si. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hercllf resolvcs: 1. That the said report be and tlie'same is bereby approved and adopted, and tllesaid improvement is hereby ordered to be.'proceeded with. 2., That the uature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:..C-Onlltr t ..%:..QEIIIeAt I � ti.le..eidew.alk .tc...a..wi th:..a.f..!� ...ieEt.on the. seat -..aide of..Chelmeford • ....._ street. beginning -at .Doswell avenue,... thence, to Buford street,_„in.® accordance -with- petition -hereto ,attached. v ; with no alternatives. and that the estimated rust thereof is 0e50. per front foot. Resolved Further, That it publie.heariuF be had on mid unprovement ou the 6th :day of ' .... _August _: 1917 '. at the hour of -10 o'clock A. M., in -the Coinacil-Chainber of the ' Court House and Citi- Hall Building; in the City of St. Paul.! That the Commissioner of Flunnee'give notice of said meeting to the persons and.in'tbe manner provided by'tbe Charter, stating the time and place of hear ins, the nature of the-imprmement and t�wtotal cost thereof as estimated. i Adopted I,y the I'.)IIaeiL lyl Approved . 0 191. //� Uri Cferlc G ' a Id the +ata ".ImDro emenC^ L hereby fl•1 pr Councilman FArllblferth ordered to, be proceeded with. t. That the nature of the - mant which she Comnrll racommendt 1. Councilman tio44 onatru t n cam nl file aldelvallt to o '-. Lath f 11 r of o lhr net ams :o[ yUi31_ISIIID - - Councilman Hyl-onl eneen t o ate t 1) -ant n t aw- 11 the t It iota Meet; In itcco d n a Ith I cdtf h to.. nt. councilman Selhv' -�� t,nl a uh. It n l,y. a thea ' the 11 t b co t tb t of Ia .0 e. ata (baa CIllnUlt \lecall. .per1t t g rutbol.That • D bile - - :hea n,X has Id Imp v went I Councilman Wun.IerliFb nn th etl da)• f \ R.et., 17 t -Ihn {jhou 11Wo. plo lt.A M vin the Coune,l -. i[nvor Irvin. Bhamher f the Court 8euae'and c[ty . N•11 11.1161.1 In. the city of 81' Pani ; Ftlrlll k' �:. A. :!-t+ Thnt the Comminloner of lela•nce a'Ma 1 notl of . end maetlna' 1, lh. "rwna l Ch- d - to - the to... o ovld ed I .. of arter,, atat,ng n sit I. and D1aca of r - - hearinR.the; nature Cf -the tmDrova-� menLnnathe.todd cont thereof Aaopted.lw,the Couhdl Inly b: 14i7 i; ,LDprored.July b, 11I7. _ -.- .. COUNCIL, FILE NO � INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In tne.Matt er of..�pl7struCt..ijag a.•.g.em�.X??...tl� t'..;§14.e ailk...f'to .A.:w.i.dth::.nf..Aia:..feet pn, both...sidee:..of Fairmount av nue.,where alk . ee do,••Opx t•,x�..?CtRe4J1 .....,;'' 1?�.An:.agenue and,Fairgieg..avenue. ...... .:.:.... 1 . ... ....... ... . I: ...... • - under Preliminary Order;....:. 16.6.55.. approled ._._May..23e :1917.. The Councit of the City of St.'Paul 11;ving cccived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the i above.improvement, and having considered said report,liereby resolves: ¢i 1. That the. said report be alid the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the. said•improveiment is hereby ordered"to be proceeded with. . That the. nature of the improvement which the C auucil recommends is...conatruct...a:.cement. tile, sidewalk to a width of .six feet on both Aides of Fairmount avenue• _ . where;�walks 'do not...exibt, lqetween,_Fixn? avenue:•and Fairview avenue•••• with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof iN:j O'a66•._ p.er.:front foot. - 'Resolved Further, That a public hearing be hal] 'on Nail] improvement on the. . _6th :.day of ' tild$1?Bt... 19L7 „ at tho.hour•of 10 o'clock A. K. ill. the Council Chlutiber of the Court House and City 11911 11nilding in the City of St. Paul. That the,.Conunissioner of`Fivance give:notica of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stuting the time and place of henr= ,ins, the nature of the imptovenlent, and the atal costthereofa, estimated m X0!7 :Adopted by, I1w Conned 191 r f pproved _; 191.: f t uy Clyllc - erob7 approvedand adopted, L- Councilman urnswor111 `2. • Improvement L hereby er. 1 `eared to o proceeded with. PUIILISITI 17 b 'Ein t ilte nature of the lmprovems%t "`��• - t`UUnCltnlen sues "n the :CounCll recommends= ut „ w %street a eement til# eldewalit lin', Cuuncilmsu lvleu„1 idth of sir feet on bona'sides of Falr- mount avenue wbe re lrnike do; not {II- eriea twtwean Flnn Ave; and.Falrview Council [nail xeller _ 'Ave. with no: d7ternotivei; and that the - - estimated cost thereof INT, Per i;ouucllulau .l1eCo11 trout foot. _ ltasolved. Ifurtheq Tnat a Dnbllo haat tqs be Pad on,said hnprovement oa the - — - CUUUCIIIIIaII NUlldel'lll:ll BL day oC AURuit. 11117, at the hone ot:10 O'Clock A. Y, in the:CO,t th- cti ilayor Irvin bar oc.ths.court house and Clty BtUlaeB' m end eltl oe sc rani That 4 the CnonnLjonrr of BLmnes� sive abthli - - Forw 13: S, A- L of said mean%ff to.th.'perasna aed lathe 1 . maneer proyldal by the Charier. atannR the tike dad Place Of havlltk. the Batu» - t of the latprovemsnt, and the total thereof. 0e donmated. o' Adopted by the Coneed Julyli. 1917. .- ADProved •July; 6, 3837. IJn1Y 14.1817). .: - r------------ ---- COUNCIL FH.E�NO. G INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of011eAalk, ..... sim_.fert._iviA-e.,_szu:.: the south side of Orange Street'beginning "approximately 200 feet SARI _,-.p;•,1?ay„ng apsnue, thence„East,:, 40 fget,,,;also brick, alley„Crossing .• -.-... g-�1..Soutp aide of•Orange,•street-,•::beginning,�09„fe;�y•.,�,a,Qt ••q_f Rayn,4, .,•;, , '. avenue thence East 20 feet ................................._...-...............-............ .............-........ ........-_..•--•--....... ......-_. under Preliminary Order,....,::_1.5965. :......::......:approved .....Ap.ril...l9e .-1.x.1.2.., ...-:.._. ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having. received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That -the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said iiu- . ment is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....aor BtsUCt-.;.a;.. ......:.: cement ...tile ...siAewal.k..::..Qis..feAt,-:wide.,-.:g'n the,,south side -•of Orangq etrggt, begins ng_approximately,200 feet East: -:of Payne avenue, -.::thence East 40•_` feet; _,also.,brick',.alley cropkiAIIg.•,on .South slide of Orainge,-street,-be .” ginning.109:feet! �Ast of Payre;agenue, thence East -20 feet with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is per. front foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the 0.6th .......... day of .........AAguot , 1917_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \f., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City' Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That.thc Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time.and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the to I cost thereof as estimated. ol Adopted by- the t'uuncil., 1i 10.'Z 191.. /J 1I ( , Approved. ...... ........... 191..:::. a\� 1. city Clerk . ....-` t .! or. the CouMa Councilman Farnsworth whlch n'•fn :recea[m ind! y ,netnec[ n cement ills nldewalk, ds ,.i�rlde, on the alae of Oranae PTALISF - - Councilman (loss ...,[reef.: •begi.nIng approslmately 200 .feet east of PA avenue, thencgeaet - - , Coune'llman Hyland” {G lest: ai i"wit alley eroeeing: on. south a14a. of Orange etretl4•D.the - '3ol.fest teat of Payne is, ti. thence Councilman Keller r„t t0 feet. mlth no alternsti[•ee1 sits that .tho estimnted cont .thereof Is'68 Councilman McColl cents per it fooL ReeotT.d,: For [hsr, That a pnDlle _ Councilman Wunderlieh. D•arine he has on nim ust; 19t7 at n-. the 0th day of August; R: In at - the Dour- of ,10 o'clock Lt e' In court Mayor Irvin couneu ,,"b,*r *'au i. Court House and Clty HSandlnb . Form B. S. A. y -G In the City of aLIPaaL That the 0030•, - - _ Said mwtt of to lthae c:r:on: aaaCin:ea:' l0ia the nlm�ded ead O sea : the o” arts: the nature it —.6 and t►e.. teat eoat,tiiernof am J ssthdrl d. - - Adopted-bytDe'•Coundl ntr 6, if}7{ Appra[•ed” July 0, 1017. •' �,,.. �� tJu/7 1{•1017?' ."- .:, ' � -. - Petition sttaohea to' C.F. 16746,; sidepraik on S..S:t:,- -.Prom-Griggb''St- _ toZai ington.Aire. , Cduncil Fite No i PROPOSAL" FOR- IMPROVEMENnridT PRELIMINARY .ORIlE , . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing p lie improve t by a City of St..Paul, viz. -:.: ..Can eeve7k. ...a..�a n3_s 3n.e ....on -the. &tA- _ .... _ Dated this ....._..6t11 day of ....... .... , z 7 e j- z > >' •I f Councilmnn. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. I I WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _:_ cnetxuct..a .c�ment_.tila_..eidsstslk_ta_a. ritlth_:.fa�_aia3e01::_ork Iiha__.__' —.::: aonth.;$i&a_of_:damas...�t..-SxntLi. GrSggs t ._ tn...S i oata.:. t .._.... ....... . - (:.F.\o. 17411-• ...�•. \4hereae. .\ written proposal for .the ....�....,. ......................._ .:. _..__.._—........:.. ..-.......... ..__. .."'maklnir. of the, following ImProvctnenl: - t•Iz: Conetruc[ a cement• the aide Mk . to -a .w• dth of air feet on the ,South ^ .. ::_.•.. ... ..:- .......................... _..... Slee of .jamee it.. from Oripgo. SL" to -..... to 6yudl at kit.. he the City Of ut - - the tfor.j b It t -t Clq'. of tlt PauF having been presented to the Council' of the Cit]ther C.O. 1 It __ - Kasot d. That the Commissioner Of thereforc,.be it Public works he and he Is. herehr or-. _• - demo anddlr•at.d:_ i Ta lnroatlsate :h4 naeeeeur for Bred and directed - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner -of PU�mprovo IDV f. To lnre.tlsoat It nature. Yeat.hl , 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiriamnd a tl atede total .*at thereot.rove Iement. 2. TO InVCSUgatC the nIIILLM, extent and can' To N d 1mp[Ovam et profile or lind the total cost thereof. .. To fur toa th4 followlns otti.r 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of sedan and inform 0. relative to said improvmimL . S. cute whether or not sale 1in- 4. To furnish the following other data and provement is asked foroe thn, petition ement;_....... ....... of three or more owner: s, . To report upon til' of the forte - cmins 'metters tp the Connotational,.Connotational,ai ............. ......... slnanoa TO state whether Or not said IlnprOVCIDf Adopted by tho Council July 6, 1917- r%OI more owners. Approved d8. 1817, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mats (Julmr _[t-lsl7> Adopted by the council del _6 ... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved 1 s% .::._:......... ..191....... Hyl ud ' Kell r v 11ie oil .Mayor Irvin :.,. Icj7ry) Magor. CITY IOW. PAUL - - 'CiOUNCIt- bRE90LUTIdN GENERAL FORM . Subject ....... _ , } Obn ROIL ` ., f tae No. .;.. ,, pate Presbnted , . July.'... 2s 191 7a Resolved, That the time 'specified for the performance of a aertain, contract- dated Peb..23, 19i6 betwee>} P: Je Gleason-.and the City of St: Paul for Rosedale Perky Savage's Sub the grading of alley in Scott 'B Add. to ., Smith *s Sub. and Thomas Dunn's Subs be.and the same-is hereby :extended- to the 2nd dey„of July, 1911 and the proper city officers are hereby i authorized,to,execute an amendment to said,contraot.in accordance herewith, —_. provided,however, that this resolution shall not_bave_eny force and effect ubless"the sureties on. the contractor's bond.consont thereto and file such.coneent in writing-with the City comptroller., ' 1415-11y _V. .�`. adadteeo ro,d Thnt the time noclned rdr- tedeFeb. e18 6n cert i content[ - i f1len.aa and -"the CIU' or ;1t,�Pa i for .I the ltradib1 or alley In Scott's aul to Fto.ednld Park, SavaRe'a 9ub., Rmith'e aam- 1- 1 sr cb D"""" deduto the and - 1 .� iday of July.-1917,.an tp ...q.,r .o). oRlrere are herebYdathdrlie4't0 eiOe - ;tLle atr amendment to Bald ,n+n tlnu ,n 'evcord hat +hcreglth. Drovlded, hoq. - i We, resolution shall no;hour ons-.farce and fust, unirsa the euro[Iso on the contraetar's bond. cone . 'I sent thereto and: nl such consent do grid with th CIU• C-laPtrollor. - ' Adapted b) th council July. '6,: 1917. DProva July 6. 1917. - - .. tJulY 1/-3917) Yeas (✓)Co cilmen(✓)Naya JUL _s 197 Adopted by the Council.:., 191 Far worth C In favor Ke r APProvec�J 't 1. 191• M 11 Against tJ 1 r-, - ....,.. ...., ...MAYOR.. .-.... Mr. Pleeiden P/1lYt+ff _ "Fonts 13nMlo vlvod. Thnt:the Pr Der _ elal., me Wra Huth rfaeA to ent r ,RAI_ F R (; QU Ninto anaagreemenL. vrlth Charts- Leh ('1 Ivt :ms n J acCorda910qq� 'l6h One pro- p l' . .visions.-ot Chapter, i87 or 'the ci.wat r lu Ia7fa '.of all"n seta for 1911, and /i �l SUbJect amendatory nets providing fol the e l -payment to eald Charles lAhmann of `�ERC0..NO. compeneatign at the' rata of�'.i7 YO Per, . w'eek'tor o.. pert.U. of three pe ks,. 0)` 'rensoe, of INnrlee5 Cecelved>�'..1 v, him :While employed by the ReDartmont of public\vorks on;the E9th. da))I . Nay . t9sr. date Predented 19! nn It 'further' resolved. that the - _ - - _groper City, official. or. hrreby author- _ 1svU 'to_ DnY the said Chails Lehmann - out of the Workmen's C m beatlon:' Account of the'flenafat Fund. tha sum of 5:1.60, to full settlement ot'his, claim _ - b - reason of injuries aus tal njY 8 181'!. . AAnpted by the . APDroved July 6.'1017. (Julq 14-1817)- • officials. r Resolved,. That the_ pro}Ci't er y are.-hore,by siithorised to enter -into an.agreement with'Charle's Lehuann, in acoordanoe , with the'prOTie'ione of Chapter ,467 of. the General Laws of Yinneeata,for 1913, and emendatory aCts,,, providing for the - payment to said Charlee ,Lehmann of coupeaestion,At theirate of ' $7.20 per week .for a period of hires weeks, by reason of injuries received by him ehile.employed by the Department of Public .Works on the 29th day of May 1917. `. Be it further resolved, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay the said Charles Lehmann out of the WorV-X*ftY-s Compensation Account of .the General Fund., the sum of (21,60,. in full settlement of his Claim by ,reason of injuries euet+a�ined. I hereby recommend .the paesage'ot the above resolution. Comm ee oner pu i o_ orks. i L , Yea! (J) tal J) Nays ' JI` / Adopted by the Council 191 In'tavor 191ApprovedAgainst Mr. PresiMwoR ,ORM C.9•a . CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT'�i ! FF ACCOUNTING COUNCIL S r FILE — 7 AUDITED CLAIMS, RESOLUTION FORM NO . IIULli 1917 AUDITE -- — — _I9i - ' - I%�'l.L,� n _ _ .' PER L. I•_ 454 Resolved out of th' that warrants be drawn upon the CityT inspective specified min 'the funds oll Wi k their, names as in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set Oppositea,. �I _8 R,7 detailed statement: Adopted by the CounFI .. leas 1 �') -Councilmen ?') FRYs Fa sworth .approvtkc{GsI1 and-In K er \i Oil favor - I, wAroR f Mr. President, rvin 350.00 17358 Geo. Benz &_Son. Police-Expense. - r 60.01 .r 59 T. L.,B100i Company, 36 "1 Pl.ajgrow•)d-Exl;ense 00 -Equipment A 01 - -,62.00 A( 60 Bo ton Book Company, Library-Expense. _ 76:40': 6l-`Brooks,Brothers, G .F .-Crosswalks-Stens e . -` 142.e2 62 Citizen's Icer & Fuel Company,` oluFsxp ene a ... . school- 637 63 Clymer& Huehster, BealLh-Expense 25, School`i xpense . 4 .15 - - Forestry Reyl'. 15 .40 - _ - _ 44.66 64 Craftsman Press;- 6.00,= C6m'r Finance-Expense 2.54 . P. Library-EXPenSe 2 a 6 U 4.66' . 65 Adam Decker Hardware Company, P. School-Rquipment. - x9:$0-' - 66 - Dispatch Printing Company, Gen—F--Official Publinations. " - - .. _ ,ee9MMfw1IlkYylwllll -F-. Dow .Compass -p-, `:drools-r:xoense. , . - A. - Reis. 454 10.48 17368 'East Side Meat ]uie►rket, P. Schools -Expense. 36.26 � 69 Farnell, Ozmun, K rk Company, P. Parks-Eacpense. 70:60 70 Gamble, Robinson Fruit Company, parks -Expense. 11!' 20.60 - 71 Goodyear Tire 8o Rubber Company, Gen.$Mun..Gar.-Revolving.- 25.25 72 Hamlin Ice & Fuel Companyr P . Parks -Expense - 42:00 73 Chas. Hansen Bldg. Mtl. Ccompany , - -Const. Phalen BeacY . p .'`Parka 66.60 74 Geo. Heck,` p, Schools -Expense. - _ 104.15 75 H. R. Hunttt.ing Company, P. Library-ExPerise ;r5 2 , 'SV15 - P. Library-NBooks ur r r b 117,51. . 76 , - A. C. Jefferson, 0 Crossa Pense. 4 F Gen. . 77 Chad. Kartak, P.? Parks Expense. 22.50 78 Kerwin Paper Company, P. paras -Expense. 79 Frank King & Ccmpsnyy -A P. Parks -Expense. .do g0 -`Freda - K6otmds-ExPense.,Playg 21.31; 81 Leslie-I)onaho,ver Company, Playgrounds -Equipment. • , 80.00_ 82 Lyle Corrugated Company, St. Conist. &'R.' -Expense. 83 Maendler Brothers, - ,10 1$.05-. Playgramds-Equipment 6 Auditorium -Expense . .05 21.SOr � 84 Mannheimer:Brothers, �?. Libary-ExPe nse. 85 _ Melady Paper Company, "Beach. P. Parks -Const. Phalen.• 86 Midway Lodge'tio .37A.O.u.W., p. Schools -Expense. 87 A. E - tSoeller, Ex ease- - P. Library- .. p _ 26.00 88 Tien York Tea Companyi p. Parks -Expense. -' 89 Northves•tern Fuel Comp ase Health-quar- P . Page #4e Ass . 454 17409 Thin City Mi6B.Pn Furn. Company, P. Library-Fupense. 10 Volks$eitung 97.00 - Gen., F. -Off ioial Publations. - 3E.501 . .. 11• .Western Badge & Nov. Company, Police-Psspense. I 1 J Total 8,868.58 j1`upon Rnsolved -. that ' wardnts be'. dnwil -- .lot - the 41 t Treasury. payable out the henffrafter-sDecided funds -'and = t ln, favor or. the pe»ops. drn'fs'or eor "i pdrations:tor the amounts _set yDQOflts ... .. n- elr- eU ah c.sDO 1.11—low detailed ataLemeat:. _ cr"ie0.oi - - _ Barton Book Co.14100 ' Brooks .itros: ;73,44c Citizen's Iee b Rust'. Ca •- I r, - C11'mer. dt. Huelster.t;156.40. CrImmmanTress, $44,66 — Adam a)ecker. Jfardwar Co, $19.01. - Dispatch''. PrintiwRCo.:;1860. - t Dour M M1'-Kf1ririk6e4" WAS .Oast Sid - I - i? - Farw,OmCaaiautnCo,. 8U -i 8: oil Osmble, Robinson �AFrult Ca $70.00. - - " Oo.dyeer:.Tire,&-Rwbber C0 '$?0.00. - " Hamllne ^Ice R FutV Co $25 3b. Chaa. Hansen Bldg, 3it1 Co•. 142.00• - . - - Goo. Tlodk 6860.' - - H. R. HuattnR, Co., X30415. •}:' tl ig" A. a Je81e»on. $i1T,61 Chaa l:artak. ;18.84:b Kerwip ]'aper Co.. 82460 - - - Frank King ar Co.t411700 :Kmscnorlt ;313.01001:800CMg - t ed Co„9 MaenNefBroa� i I _ - - Mennhshner Broa ;3160 MelodyrA 118 iT :'- Mld nY Ldgpdge N ; 37 A. O U. W . t - _ i •� , ;YA 8b0....YAoeli $21B.b0. 1 I ,I '•: I 1 - - New. York . Tea Co.828 00 Northwestern P'uel'ib fi144T. - - - Noyes-'Bro1 R Culler, $109.41. _ OmnlSra;pb Mf&' Co' $14.76, - D. A. Pioneer-7tlm !•Tlre.CAL. $1172. ' — G V.'Ril.te� ;160.00.'S' -: -- - - SC -Paul; Auto Top,Co ;1785 - 4 . - ' 81 Papl Blue Prtot'Co $3760640.. St. Paul.I Idars MaC Co 14633.70. 1 _ .. PatlHib. Bt.�Paul»w Iastltwta ;100.00. - t _I 7 Ht Paul; Rubber CO i;358.30. - • -. 8nnitury•E'opd Co,;113.33. - saint ry'r Watpcon.rt -1 41.10B0.: Senboty � Ca t7;:6i. - _ " Smytha7rtB Staude N,tR Co.. ' E. rt o1I S Art Co,, TabletCd Ti kat Store' p608 T. (.Nip Mtuloa Dbrn,Coi ,;30100 - - :.-Volknel'tuaR, I, - \Poetern:BadRa &:N�pv. Co.. $3160. Adopted bythe Connell July. B, 1337. _ _ ; ` Approved.Jaly, "- t;uly 14-1.eltj - ,v _ - Y`, nme.� ro OF ST. PAUL _CITY ACCOUNTING:DEPARTMENT a 4 f, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM _ COUNCIL FILE NO — - - - U JUL lyl% f BY AUDITED �. PER 456 Resolved that warrants 6! drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified'#unds and:. in favor of the persons,-firms or corporations. for the amounts set opposite their, respective `names as specified in the followipg detailed statement: 'Yeas Adopted by the COuncl� --�" k , -191 ( i) Con iltnen ( J) hays _ Fn sworth/ "i.. approved f. Hyl ud In favor \ Keo ga Mr. President, vin T . —C: P_No. Rnolvad then aarcants ey�bleteout appron tbe''CitY•'Treueu4 e - speclif•V -funds - - - - - - pt'inj.tha bevereretmkftar sora-. the P0100118-fitms pyrntlons for the elIIOtlnte._ . L lase l!p PeE _ _ - _ - their respectlYs �nelOeeu, lollK.pi khard,ld'statemept: •. R. Rgrkhorll. �6- - . wm.. 'tf: A. paTnewoNh, 'l:om'r F'lnancs• - western' Emm, EaulymenR Ca;. _ - - - ` .Plerco'Otl Cory {f.91357:- Adopted bythe,(oumU JULY 8 7917•. - _ - Approves f., ;q917. - , (JUix -19171 - ' G,'�17s. 17414. Wm. R. Burkhard, - P. Parks-Gonst.-Phalen'.,Beach. - 15 S. A. Farnswor-th,`Comtr. Finance, Q SOO.DO ! Sehool-Expense:. - - L 16 No. Western E1ec. Equipment Company, 222,175 -P. Baths-Ex ease. Health P 17 Pierce Oil Corp,, 2,91'3.37 e Sprinkling.' - r 10,453.21 = r COUNCIL FILE NO ........ ....... By..:: FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_. conatruaf.i 4r.:a..:sta m.;vaLtex..:semar-..:on..Van:.:S3yka Air n and. Horton Ave from Lexington Ave -to Lake Como. ......................................:.......................................: ..................................................................Jj ............. - .............:............ _ ......... .....--....... .�.....: .: ...:..............:....,...... - ... ............ 2 " .7 approved ......:.,JAnsi.a�r ..1916 .... . oder Prelimin Order Q $4...:...... ....... Intermediary Order ..:... ....... ......... .....:..approved ......... ............................. ... .. I& public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having: heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;- therefore, be it RESOLPED,,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the _ wsuW&beaesdet9tlM-3-11*M"r Constr. IJkoxm Waiter aaw on. ViAn Slyke .fixer _. .... apo Horton Ave. from,Lexi.ngta A. e 1 o Lake_ Como `� f N Im Lezln6t8n AiI`�A•.••• ...•...• C ...., .:..... ...... .. ... ....:. ......._ . w .e under rreliminary o,: .. . ... 1pprw•ed ;.lune it isic ' • _ heart-9 having been r ..... ..a.. .. ...- ..: .. :...:....- :. it im above Improvemeq't upon ...:.: -and the.' C'mriell hLvinlr L , olblectlone and n,,: -. on! retlHH7a Hereto. and RESOLVED'FURTHEIi, That the r l�tcon,lae ed He came' ere y instruc and, ' taived Ch thn Council r F+b to prepare plans and sPecificat' or said im_ .ry,pl Hat the cent une to the ell for a a ; t11 nter !«ver on and ed to roe with g�� upon said approval, the per city oflim�i1 �aro Ii on tya c:om 1 , of said im1 hove In accords t erewlth Adopted by the Council... .....:..�14.! :� ..Cit�*. J Approved ".!t.. " '4+ 191 �jFC` J \ �r1.Lr.lratQ�r ruBIas B� Moo; Councilman Nafnaworth - - --- .,� Cpanrimaao�ioes � ��`t Cowlcilrz �nd Councihn cr�r�'— Councilman IK110 Councilman�Wunderlich—µ�,��j r _� Mayor \ ,-- CIT* I)FSC. PAUL ♦I S 1 ` r _ `-DEP ARTMEi 0FINANCE. _ _ _ REPORT OF COMM{SSIONER OF FINANCE ° ON PF&LIMINARY ORDER (A' \ In the Matter of'._...QOnetruotlIIg....8 StQrm:Jlete�.',Sewer. on:. Van: SlykeAmd: Hgrtoa .. avemiirom._ Lexingtgn_&ve to Lake .... ( ..._ ... .. _.._T_- . under Prelimiq ry Order approved.. JuIIe. 13th,1916..`.:.... To, the Council o the,City of St. Paul. The Commiss �ner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for, the above improvement is' ' - $ 8.,001.479.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ ...,.._ . . The'lote orparceis of land that may be use benefits foi su h improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I 4 4 DESCRIPTION' LOT BLOCK •ADDITION. . ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex.,,,Lexington ave) 34 3 Warrendale 3 1 7 5 do 8 0 0 , Van Slyke Place An do 1 0 0 0•` 17 1o` 6 7 5 16 1 da 6075..` �. 15 1 . 14 . 1 do 1 .8 0 0 37 5do 4 3 5 0 do 5 7 5 0 2 do 40.885' TOTAL. FormD. B. ]0 _. ._ ., ..,_. ... ........ :. .._... ,, ... _, _,,.. .. ,.,.,._. .. :. :. .•. ,..._:� _,a.. ..-m}�..� - -VTY Or ST. PAUL 4 1 DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE _ _� OF°\\.C1OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' _ REPORT ON I?REUIMINARY ORDER _ 1 -' ADDITION -, ' DESCRIPTION i. LOT T BLOCK I I VALUATION- (Ex. Sout3i 45 feet) 7 1 do - )) South 46 feet of 7 1.:= do 3.800 do`, - 9 do. 3350 10. 'l do. _ . 3900 i it 1 do 5650 r la 1 do. _ 90b 13 1 do 6900 d 18'1 l i do, 3335 19 1 da 600 30 1 do 800 a l 1 do 650 ao .$�. 2.3 1 do 700 24 1 do 5100 25 1 do 900 36 1 do . 27 1 do'.' 1350 28 .1 do 650 29 1: do 700 3 3. do 725 3 3 do. 2900 4. �do 3475 5 3 do 3650 6 .3: do 3350 <~ 1.. TOTAL. _ _ _ _ - CITY OF.rr. PAUL. _ f+ --- { - _ 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT -OE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r _ ON PIREUMNARYrbRDER _ • - -- ' l.oen G 1 LI O N DGBC RI PTION -LOT:BLOCK AS - MIX_rED VALUATION - •, _ � e 3-Aarrendale 850' ' 9 3 .do 1550 10 3 do _ -3750 ; 11 3 da.. I3750 . ..13 3 do 700 _ (ExQept Lexington Ave.) '13 3' 4 do ,.: 800 - do 14 :3 do 550 ' do 15-3 do' 550. do 16 3 do 3550 do X7,3 do I 4050 do 18 3: do .3300 do 18 3 do 4'300;. "der 80uth } of 30 3 ' : do N0 do North 1 of ' 30 3 do 4900) ) ei do ai'.3 d) ' o do. 3100 do 23 3 do 3485 1 . 4 do 800 3 4. do 8035 - -3- 4 do 800 That, part of 4 4 lying North 'of a line arawn from.N.w.0or..of said Lot to a point -in Eae,t line therno! I 13 feet 'south .from N.E.Cor thereof —. _-•. .. _ `_ - ... .. - - TOTAL. _ ... .. .. _ O}TT-or, PAUL - r �.� T '•' - DEPART 64 -OF 1TINANC + 1�� -, _ - REPORT OE COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE` - - - - - - br4 RRELJMINARY ORDER, ' OlSCRIPTION_'-- LOT BLOCK - ADD ITIO N'-' • O A5MrSSCD VALUATIONS That, part of -- 4 :1. 4' wariendale _ 600 lying south of &'line draws _ irom`•H.W.Cor of said lot -to a _ point an Ee}i line thereof 13 ft south from W.E.Cor thereof 5 4: do • .. c 3150 - 6 4 do 650 7 4 do 650 8 4, do 1,8550 9 4 do 3735 .. 10 4 do: 650 11,4 do 50 12 4 ..,.::, do 650 :. 23 4, do 700 24 A � � do 800. (Except West 45 feet) 25 4 3 West 45 feet of 25 4.) East 5 feet of 26 4 ; do 3525 (Except East 5 feet) 26.4- do, 975: 22 5 db. ; 3000 �., 33 5 do _ 3000. 24 5 . dol 3050 25 5 do 700 26 5 do 5700 1 8 do -! 3800 18 ado 350 13.8 do - - TOTAL. - QTS a ,}� '•t 'clir or T. PAUL - _'T ��., bEPARTMEN OF FINANCE' _ -REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF,FINANCE _ -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Diff 4 CRI P'TI O,N .LOT. BLOCK AD�DITIO N', - `-ASSE3-nG --VALUATION Aarrendale 9150 l5 8,do _ - 400 is aodo .- '' _ ,8 3300 ' 17 , do Z056 18 'g do: 450 f. 19 8 ao 425 20's do -'l, 425 21 8? do 495 29 9 - do - 425 23 8' do 99b0 1 9 do 3550 a . e .. do 3000 3 s do a9oo . 4 9 do 1.500 5 9 d0 . 6 9 ac 3850 7 9 do 450.. 8 9 - do. .' 450 9 9: do .1400 10 9 do 1950 11 9 do .385 Cf� 12 9 d° (Exoept Lexington Avenue) 13 9 do 100 do � 14 9 do 100 do 15-9 do 100 do 16.8 do 6125 .. do\ 17-9 d° 125 r.. .. .. TOTAL.' - I - _ CJJTY'OPI ST. PA - -"". ,' ,`.;1 -.:' .•..-;DEPARTMENT 01•'.,FIIVANCE;-' �_ •. ' - - RERORT OF OF FINANCE ,COMMIS,510NER r — , A4 T RRELM+IINARI� ORDEF?.; - ... J-.- -•- ' _ _ p�SCRtPTIO / A VASLSUlASTdIIODN l. Ex. Lesiagtoa Ave:) `18 9 Warranciele _ - _150 do is s ao - 200 - do E10 9 300 I . 'dor.. 21.'9, do 3725!- do , . aa s do •825 do 23 9 -do 55Q - do a4 9 do 5600 Rigb of pay aoroaa North Mast of Seo.30.,Town 39,Rangs 237 49505 1 1 "Biehop':a Addition 100 a'• ,1 do 100 3. 1 .' do 4, 1 do o 5 1 do, i 3.25 6 1 do 1a5 7 1 do 125 8 1 do 175 9 1 do 175" 10:.1.. " do 1375 11 1 do -. 175 _12 1 do' -200 ;Esq. 'Lexington ave.) 13 1' do ` ?5' , do 14,1 do 50 do 15 1 do 50 -do i 16: 1 : do .` 450 do 1711 doi - 18 -do;600 do .. ,1 19 1 :" do TOTAL. •uTY.oF?T. PAUL.': 6EPARTMIENf OF FINANCE S REPbRT OF COMMISSIONER OF ; . FINANCE a_u _ l 6N Pi �+�I, NgRlf OptolkT:— IB) • DiSCRIPTION LOT eLoeK.� 'ADDITION- fff VALUATION 60 k. (Ezotipt Lexington ave.) '20 1 ' BishOI)'8 6dditi4a do _ 21°1 do 1250 , do 32 'l ., do _ 50 do as 1 do 50 do 24 1 dp p 50 _ 9 2' do 275 1 West= -100 It of, 10 a ° do North i of W. 100 it of 11 a do 1025 East 100 feet Of 10 a . do 125 East 100 feet Of 11 a do' 125 6.4 of W. 100 ft, of 11 '2 do West 100 O as .. 5„ d 1025 _feet est 100 feet of 13 a do 125., East 100 feet Of 13.2 do 135 E,36,.66 ft of A.186.66 ft. to a dol E.26.66 ft of W.1a6.66 ft 11 2 do 150 (EX.West 100 feet) 12 a., do E.26.66 ft of W.1g.8 ft 13 .a do 1 14 3 d9 15 2 dol 1804 18 3 do -_ -800: _e 17 a . do 1100 to a do 300 3,3601 19 2 ¢o ao. a do -000 21 a do goo . 22 a do i000 . TOTAL. e1T``Y Or T. PAUL LDEPARTI OF RMW OF FINANCE;: COMMI$SIONFER OF FINANCE REPORT _ AIY PRELIMINARY- ORDER lBl I' DGSCRI•P+TION LOT BLOCK _ A'D D7TIQN 4ALUAYION 1 14 iliard'a 8ubdivieion- 1300 of Lott 43, Lake:G&DO Vi11sa 14 Greve�a Addition 9 St. _ 300 , 15 Paul, Minn.1100 is do lz do + 200 18.... do .. 1600 19, .. do .125 20 do 825 21 do o- 22,- do 100 33. do; 900 24 do; �.200 (Exoept, Lexingtou ave.) - 1' . Hagerman, o' aubdivdaiou of- Lot _41,Lake Como Villas 1875 do 2 3' do • • 175 do 4' do 17s do do - 5 do.- 175 do 8 do 175 dA._.:...� -do 7 0 1375 _.._ 8 do 175 do do. 9 do 175. do 10 , . do 175 I do 11' do 175 do 13' do .: - 1475 do.: 13 do _ 175 do - 14` do, - TOTAL. 200 . ..... F OF - CITTyyYY� GEPARTMENf ST. PAUL j OF FINANCE , - REPORT OF COM -5 SIONER�QF,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Bl -. 'OlSG R I P T I ILOT etOCK A001TION ALUATIION IN 15 Hagerman'a-8ubdivi don 3550 18, oY ,Lot 41. Lake Como Villas , 1T do >` - 250 19 do 8$0 do : .250 gp do 250 81 do: 250 22 'do 1450 23: do . 157b South of 24 do. Horth f0f. 24 .. do) 1575 a5 dol as do '. ) _ 1860 . J South 15, feet of 27 do;. North 10 feet of 47. do)- . a8 . to 1400 (Ea. Lexington avenue) Hagerman'a Subdivieion of 175 do Lot 60, Lake Como Villas 1550 -do 3. do - 2250 do 4 do 150 do 5 do 150 doe 6 do 1550 _ do 7 do 1150 . do 8 do 150 do 9 do 150 do .' In do 300 12 da - 190o, - - I 1&0 - CITY Ory ST. PAUL, -. `; • t ' _ DEPARYU- NT OF FINAticlE . ---REPORT^OF COMMI8SIONER 4F FINANCE ON Ri?,ELIMINARY GIRDEF - ' DESCRIPT.ION LOT BLOCK- 'ADDITION wepesseD VALUATION 13 Hagermaili Subdivision 300 1 14 of. Lo.t 60 Lake Oomo'Qillaa :; 300 , 15 do '0 16 do` 500 - 17 do 3 950 do 850. 19 do 250 i ' '20,- do 178 21 do 80o, ; as do '. 600 23 do 800 24 I do 1550.' 25 do 1500 36 do 225 1 3 .) Como Perk 8eoond Addition 1035 3 3 do 175 4 0 3 do 2550 5 3 ' - do 900 6 _ '3 da 950 7 3. do 125 8 3 d0 123 9 3 do)) 125 10, 3 do) 1950 11 3 do; ` 12 3 do 250 . 13. 3 _ .. _ .: do TOTAL. 250 -,-.— ;_ - AlOF -_ _ -. _ - - CI ST. PAUL. y • .. .oEPAFITI�A&ITFFINANCE 3 _ _, _ REPORT QF.'GOMMIS$IONER OF FINANCE _ - pN_ PFjELIM (NARY -ORDER = IB1 Y: D C C'R I P TJ O N LOT �RLOCK - , �A D D I T Yb K - VALUATI N 3 -Como Park Seoond Addition'- 600 " - 15 3 do 250 i - 16 3 do 250: .17 3 do 1750° 18 ,.3 do 2100 - 19' ,3 do . 250 '20 3 do 250 21'3. dp 250 22 3do .225 23 3 do 275 a4 3, do 2200 85 3 do 135 26 31 -do ; 125 __ 27 3 d0 _ 125 28 3 do 125 29 3 do lis' 30 3 do ', 200 31.3 do 200 32 3 do 300 33 3 do 225: 34 3 do 200 .35 3 do 800 22 a do 175 23 a do - - 2375 24 2 do _ 300 35 2 do 0 - .. TOTAL. _ 1900 . _; or sT.A�1 d 4clrr _ D FINANCE' _ 'FARTIt1El'V7�.OF REPORT -•OF, COMMISSIONER MJF FINA_ NCE ON`PFJF-U MINARY ORDER, a 'i IB) .. '= •. a -•_.. —. =� _..-_ ... -.. y _ ;D l S G RI PT ION LOT !LOCK ADDITION -' - - A9SlSSlD VALUATION ._ as 2.. eo�ia.Para s6-ond 'Addition 2325 South of 27 2 North of 27 8. do) 225 28's ) 29 2 do ; . 225 _.. 1 Kalman' a Division No.1' 1 1550 2 Addition to the Citq of 2050 3' St. Paul 1100. 4 do 250 5 , do 1500 8 do 1050 7 do: 3000 a do . 2900 s do 3800 10 do 300 11 do 1250 12 do 300 13 do 1500 , (Exoept Lexington ane.) 14...- do 395 I do 17 do 475 x82 18 do 200 do 19. do 150 at 20, do 125 • do 21 do 850 22 do 100 23 do �a TOTAL. - _— ll Gdmy Si., PAUL - DEPARTfdEN'I' 00 FINANCE REPORT OF`COMMISSfONER OF FINA(4CE' _ -.ON pgEI,IMINARY ORDER IBI• R - - -- - ..�`,; ;: _ ' 'DG.SCRIPTION _'�, „LsOT •BLOCI} ADDITION - - VALUATION - - 6a Kalman' s Division No.• 1 35545' Addition to the City' f. r 26 1 ... g't,.Paul az (_ (Exoept Lexington Avenue) 1' Ramsey County Loan 100 Trust Co:;3u6divieioa X00 - do g do 3 No.3. 100 . >. do 4 do .100 . do 5 do 100 do m 6 do 100 do 7 do' 100 do.. 8 dq - 785 _ 'do. $ do do 10. do 125 li do._ 100 33 do 600 _ 13 ,dc 100 14 do 100 iS. do 100 16 do 100 17 do 100 is do. 1100 L . 19 _ -. do .. 100 30 do, 100 ro.r ... al do TOTAL. loo .. - - CITY Of ST. PAUL ♦ .-�. - .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF c6mMISSIONER_ OF _FINANCE ON PVtELW01INARY ORDER -..--. ,.. ,-LOT ..;A DESCRIPTION _... aLOCK ADDITION- _ SSESSED . VALUATION 28 Ramsey"county Loan:and 100 33 Trust (io.,f3ubdivl6ion #3 100 24 do ?00 35 do1350 26, _ do. 100. 6— 4 27 — do .- 28. do - 100 do 106 (Except Lexington` avenue)' 14 galmanfs Division No.l 325' Addition -to tys city of st.Paul The N.E.>r of Bask of Seotlon 37, Town 29 Range -33 --' 453330. (Except Lexington avenue) The, 63 of N.E.J of See. 37, Toi!n_29, Range 33 -The S.f.of NoNk oP,Seo.37, Town 39, Range 33 J — –7- 1. The 8j of N.J of N.W.} of 8eo.27,Town-29, Range23 95100 -. (Except Wynne ave. &'ezoept YoPheeters 2d c) :The N } of N.E.} of Beo.27,Towa9, Range 33 802680 TOTAL. The -Commissioner of Finance further, reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report. made. to I 'm'in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated_._ COmmisaione� F.— u. ii. 12 of Fmence: - `In the i�tatter of ra lnu Ca � - �.,- ,,riltluth "Ave'to the Rluht 1. - 1 the %rY Yre11m1�arY OrJer..180/3,,' ..... - ". - - ,a•� Dublit; bearin6�hnvlDt _ � - qn .Aabove C. n-emeat ticaand the CouBncll haul[ .�v! ➢er.ond,. objection. and. ire.' ion.' relative. thereto,, and - — coneldered"the Name, th' - .. `awed. IIY the Council ot_t Paul that the precfeenat• : ♦nd kindof improveme"N.. ......... ......... rY l'.he .1, Clq la gr.A - _ Ih uc l t'aulCarer . uracil hereU3, . order, ....................................:........ ........: rat to be mad,-.- ' PaAllr - FINAL - ORDER_ _ In the Matter of...9XAd'(i16..:C.oAk... St..::arDm_Djillith..Ag.e..:..tII...the_-Right:.:.ot :.. ja..y...of.the St.....Paul Water..Worke ........ ........ ::...: .....::.................: ..........:............. .................. ..... ....!..... ................................... ..........:...................... ................. .:..................... ....................._......... ..... ........... tinder Preliminary Order 160.4.3..... approved - .l_April:.:23j 191.7. .:.:..:.- ........ Intermediary Order .... : approved A public hearing_having.been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council. having - - ,heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully. considered the same; therefore, be it - ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the-City of St. Paul that the.precise nature, extent and kind of improve- . .. i. _ _ - - nlent to be made by the said City is.....Grade.. Claak..St... from..Duluth..AV.e..:..to the.,. . RilZht.. Vf _ft,Y .O . VhO...,9t:...kuul . . ..... ................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made -RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith:. _ Adopte[Tby the Council..._:.:. — li �n 1..:... ...:...1 191 ....:. ? ' J o. L....G rr... ::. City Clerk. :1ppre\ed.... 191 ._..�� . '.......................:...':.` ` tet..:: ...... . Mayor..— r 7 Councilman Farn+Qrth Councilman (dss 1 Councilman 1.'Hy7 it nil Councilman Kellu Councilman McColl Councilman XFtliiilwUsh Mayor.Irvin — Form R S. A. 8.7: VTY OF ST. nwuG-_.i - — Crrr or", sr' nAMG - - - DEPARTMENT 014'. FINANCE° - ,., - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER^OF FINANCE= - OORDER; ------ _. N:PRELIMINARY _ ... — - - `: ASSE33t=0 OlSCRIPTION 'LOTBLOCK ADDITION ..:VALUATION Te 26,. 2 .Hillsdale'$t. Paul,Ltnn. 26, r 75 _ 27 2- do 28: 2do 75 75 - 29: 'do:- _7 5 30.. 2 do 75 5..2 do 75 q 2 do 751-. - 8 - 2 do 9 ` 2 do 75 :. 1. 10 2 do,75 11; 2 do 75., 15 5 do _ 7� 14 5 do 75 - 13 5 do 75 -- -- - 12 5 do -- - 75 11 5 do .7575 16 -_5 do _ „ ,95 do 75 ` 8 5 do 75`. 7 5 do 75 I 1 6 5 do. 75 5 5 . do 75 4 5 do 75. 3 5 do 75 2 5 do 75 6 1 5 do 75 TOTAL. 3500 .. _ • . . CITr.Or ST PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANG$ �•:` CITY. OF ST. PAUL.'- - .71 - COUNCIL RESgL UTION"-G E-NE ZAL FORM - Subject ( - h _ - 'C'OUNCIL' _ FILE .NO. < - - ,Date Presented: -duly oth, - - i4l 7 Resolved, EUOLLTIOIT FiSIi T,%'fill( UT Or I,F;JP Or, FXl r } .0.r r1 S t?1 rO ,F rr.rye., �T.' CO ) ?AT I0'A) PFOCERDL.GSyy a In the natter of condetnin and takin; .ar a�saient in the, ..n1 re„ess,ery, for,alopes, for outs ,land fills in ,the gradin,; of Cook Street froze i7uluth -Avenue to tse ;;iarht of 7,ay' of 'the S,t. Paul F.'atar "orks, unde�'Prelii4nary Order °10044, approbzd ;ay 23rd, 1917, and InterLadiary Order •#10£'£35, approved June h, 1917, et ;ra c: iaaionar of Pubic :.orks h4vinx sLo- pittedhis rerort and aketoh in the above AEtter, be it PESOLVEP, that the City-of $t Paul fixes - and deter it .; tha-at,:ount of • rd- to-be taken-fox t �- aoov� nati,,.d ilhrroveIo nt e' an a, eei ent for slopea, for ou`a and. fills in and-upon the land abutting : up-on Cook Str _t between the points aforesaid, to the e)�tant �aho,.n upon* ti,a -sketch attached t­the Ta_ Ort_ or—TFe - COk,i1.i3510ner of 9uulio ;"orka in the u,atter, aatad July `th; 1==7, i.... .8ket-c, d ":toYt referred to and l;,sde�a past :.hetre,pf, ' Inthe mann, oe condemningend Ink- ' Ing . n eaeemene t In thland preen- - eery. for Men— f.,.—t8 -end n11. in Coekietreet-trom Do- . . ., - • - in.groiling of loth ,%v to the nkhl, of Way of the Ht'Paul Water Wurk*, under .prelimminary Ord- No. 160{1, nP- pr d %Wn 23rd. 1817: and Interme- . - nnOrder No. 16886, npp,or I June - 6th. 1917. The Cammleelonor of ruhllr W rkn _ - - ving aubmltled his and rketch ha1,111 .- breport In-lh,. nbore mntlnr. be It - nesnlved. That tho,CltY of 5t. Paul - - n:ee'0 I �10erad. n th. amount of 1 nd. [ lit. taken f­tbe ab.10 named Yeas ( I') Councilmen Impr—e I I t n. on r rm nt for elopett for M. and ill In and upon ( I') Nays the rant abutting upon Cook street he-' - -- - Farnsworth - I en the11101* of r Bald to the ex-1 tent *hoa-n upon the keteh utt.gh.d to the report of the Co mt**loner f 'F'uh- 11, Work. In the matter. dated ,�ulY 6, IJI —g 107 :b the Council y 191- oo IqIrreu�to and r.11.o'Jarare eeutG_�. . In falby e reandKeller McColl 1 prJe1anUIY Apoed July 6. 817 j Again 'July 1+-1917) �pprov i t 191 Nes -4' _ Wow Mr. President, Powers '- . ,*iron von-u:r.•_a___ 777777, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMQJJ9, FINANCE REPORT •OF COMMiOF FINANCE `• _ON PRELI6NY ORDER . - - (A) - - In the Matter'of .,c..onil_etr«h.i.n.d. tl�k7ii�..._on;.oasement .in.._b,he:.lend neeeeiaary dos.=. ' the of the Sty Paul_ Wat er 1Ror$ s, -._, - _ _...... I _........ _.. ....... _... - -. i.... . under. Preliminary Order approved :..... ...... :._ :...... ...._.. .... ..:_. _ . ............ __........ ... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissionerof Finance hereby reports as follows: Thedotal estimated' amount of the assessment for the above impro�ement,is estimatedThe land may be benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or that ayssessed The lots orpar els of parcel as last reported by the. Assessor, are as follows: _ DESCRIPTION iLOT aLoeN Ate O1 TION - ASSL'SSlD" r VALUATION 16 2 Hil.lodale; $t .Pa.u1.,Minn. 75 . I _. 17 2 do 75 ; 18' 2 do I 75 19 :: 2 do 75 ( 20 2 do 9 50 ' 121 2 do 22 2 do 75 - 23 2 do 75 :. 24 2 do 7.5 - TOTAI„. - "'.Form D D 30 -.,-:.:,......oa,..rw_....x�.,.,r,..�,.��....,a...,.,,...:,..ti..a.�...n.:..a..:...-,........,.-....,-, r....,..-.»,...,.,�,�:..,a�..,..*,��. , I CRYL OF ST. PAU- t DEPART4kT OP FINANCE•' RF RT, OF COMMI4`310h4OF rIniAni4.e ON, PRELI;XRT ORDER cep ••- +ASSESSED ' OES GRIPTI'ON LOT OLCCK' AD ON VALUATION k 1 a 7 5j. 25 2=Hillsdale,St.Yt}ul, Minn. a do 127 2 do I 7 5 do 715 29 2 do 7 5 3.0 do 7. 5 s- ' 2 do 7.5 7 2 do 7 5 1.- 8. 2 do 9 do. 7 5 , 10 2 d° 7 5 1i y do : 7 5 15 5 ,. do, 7 ,5 14 ` 5: ,: : _ dc- -7- 5 13 .5 . do, . 7 5 .12 5 do 7 5. 11 5 do 7 5 10 5. do 7 5 . 9 5 do 7 5 - 8 " 5 do 7 5 7 5 do 7: 5 6 ." 5do .1 5 5' 5 do 7 5 a 4 .:.5` do 7 5 3 5 do . 7 5 2 5 do 7.5 TOTAL 3425._» ... Vice of" _he' Goi m, loner of F'ublrE oxk deport to.Comimismoner, of Finance ,0 COU)IIL FILE NO . ..:..... ........: FINAL. ORDER ! In the Matter oL...Teeol}etruCt.t?1B..cela0l7t.,S4r.14.4?!�iJ(R...1e4 a:..11ifat#1 R.. Sf176 �A4t_m 8 rt AVG. _:.........._.. _ the, :north side•. of I. lehaat the foliowi-_ iooati From a�rcximatelY 70 ft east -of Virginia Ave : thence east 9 feet, _;• qg pr}lpg:: 97: feet _ West •.of__Vlrginia.•Ave, the.................................................cRest 8 feet_ - • AeBianing:.:142....fslet ae.4t...of,•Virginis Avg,:.thance weet:..7 Yeet ........... ... .. •• under Preliminary Order _..:a.Bl.C6...... _...........approved....::...41xal..12$.:.:.1.917......: Intermediary Ord.er,...,. ......... approved .::.._.. ............ A'ipublic hearing having been had upon Phil above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and. having fully considered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise. nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....raccnstitrat... cements..driY.ateyra...ta":a...width..of .... .. a sir feet on„•the ;_north. aide;. of .Igisha Ave. at the following 1:ocaLiono: gl._$pproimste7�•y 7Q•'ft east of Virginia Ave.'thanes east 9,feet Beginning 91 feet west of Virginia�1Ve thence west 8 feet ....... .Beginning 142 feet weet of Virginia AVG thence west 7 feet. .................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED i URTM That the Commise3oner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed. to prepare plans and specifleations for said improvement, and submit same toahe Council for approval; that upon said approval, the. proper city officials are hereby authorized and-directed to'proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance theretvith Jul Adopted by the Council. .. .,............ ...v.. �.. r.. .. _ City Clerk.... Approved ..:.:_. ......, 191,..... l .. V\ l _� orim°niohes;...._...... _�' �... said: Citr leh •,.. Mayor:.:.-. vevr-to n veldt. Councilmen F�eworth northth aide ar lKlel, . a,loninK locations:.:F �U13I�151 D / !� -17 Councilman (loss Ir,ro «. east or vers ;sat,B feet. neKlnpinK- _ Councilman Hyland vlrKlnls. we tnence. Councilman Keller—'rJnnlnK i}s reot .rose;. (e., thence:. nest Councilman McColl 7 (eat: s. herebyse. orders ea1d:�lm� - : o ma, Councilman .W hOw— nypllon Work. the - - ” Mayor Irvin + ,Fted and dlr ei `. 1 krtn '� Form B. S. A. 8•7. CITY Or ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO - r f B .... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconetrtacti.n6.. r,.g� ay.1?$...naePg1S�Tx&h�t..sl.tLeBa]lC�_. ele�,en feet wide on the north side of east Thi rd .street be9inning-.Q3 ._ feet seat of Cedar street" thence west 93 feet under Preliminary Order,...a:.. 16369.:.:.,...' _:npproved ...... May....10",...19 ,7_.. ,....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiauoner of -Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - - 1. That the said report.be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which -the Council recommends ie.:....rllC.6z18.t=11Ct and repair the sidewalk eleven feet wide on the north side of 'east ............................... I of Cedar -street thence west 93 feet ." !bird street beginning 43 feet west ......__ ..... .... .:....... with no .alternatives, -and that the estimated cost thereof is $.,0.0.6..,per'..aquare •"foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement -on the .....: .7..t11• :...•day of; AL1g1 8t...:., 191..T..., et the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.;:in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City :hall Building in the° City of St; Paul. That the Colnmissioner'of Finance give notice" of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time _and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and t6lotal coo.thereof as estimated. 1�1 ,3 1017 Adopted by, the l`uuncil........:. .. 1191.. ,r .... Approved..... �.: ..., 191:. L City Clerk —, Mayor. Councilor Farnsworth _ "Conti - Goss .14+ _,.Yy. • _ nut: m1ar' sad n Councilman Hyland wan teat o lde oh t . y Thlro at reot beat - - t Lede-atraet. the" •'" Councilman Keller th ao arltomativea. q1` .tied 000 theraor We '•.- Councilman McColl44 T / a root . be had 'oh" sale tm rorat, Councilman Wunder ieh ate"'7th da,rt' oAusu L-1917 at" w yr Mt 30 o•cixk A la tM th, Mayor Irvin `', eft Cnamh.r at nio, rc- Reba. . rmauc,TThlat�th•- t otmmttawoaoo�.ot , Form B. S. A. •G / nape. at" actio ot:.wa moons tae yangaa salt la tko toaanor'" t - ride Q err`"tko Gkerit ataQaY the: rad RTa"v-otkaarla .the nature aL' R . _ .. nm0�f pmttmi :tadsa. total ooa�R tkorr' - , A I Pted;bl' ldh.�eo ,, jl SuIY 8;'1917. nnnruven �wr.e,1917. ,.., .. (iulY.-3e-1417) ...•: { -------------------- COUNCIL FILE N0 � INTERMEDIARY: ORDER In the Matter of. :m- aona.t,j o.-tjng...:.salr im8:: .d..:repairing yei�h.:aement: Silo to_a width ef• six feet, -._the.•. present c;e-men-t-, t1le.ed4walk• on_th� weak side,•of•;Fairview avenue -from Grace Pace, -thane a north to•, e4nnpgt-:•••_ K.-� , pre'aent walk, approximat;ely,2b feet,.•; and• from Tallu� a P•7,acc,aFla •e — Boutina��roximately 80 ,feet ..................... ......._........................ ....... .... .. under Preliminary Orden _.............................. `1.6478 ......_approved :......... ................ 'Phe Council of the City.o_St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanee upon the, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, .and:'the said improvement is hereby ordered to be.proceeded with. 1 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:F.A.oVxlAtxµat,:...Tl!tl.a3!.:. and rEpair eith cement tile•to a width of Biz feet, the•preeent.cement .tile sidewalk:,•on-the•west- side -;of Fairview avenue from Grace••Place, _ •• }Ie' themca::north..to:..oarnect..pre s.ent.._w.al3 :.:.appxasiffiat-Alg._.25..Seet,. arld.:_from:..:: Ta11i3a Place thence south a�aProxiitately 80 feet. _.-..-... _....... ...... ._........._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated test thereof is $.:.0.«0.8.:per..square, foot. -- Resolved. Further, 'Vital a public hearing be had ion said improvement on the 7th ........... ,..day _of AuE;Viat 1917.,.:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building-_ in the. City. of St. Paul. That the Commissiot�r of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the. Charter, stating the time af2d_place of, hear= ing„the nature of the improvement,and the total CoStL thereof As,estimated.._ c,Z dopted by the Council.. ..'.... ........ 191 . f _ APPPved �. -.. ..... mrd reG - -Mayor: o -a W1d 'o[akz t e - C0 l3nolhe F edlirth 1 4tnea( Sue ldewatk on a ,Is of'. Fairview :avenue fro Councilman Gogs lUee.'thence north to 'connec - 1 t Walk'. aDPrazlmatel3' .6 ,fee/• oq� TI lots Place.,thenca s.futt 1Councilman Hyland 1 htaeeu• ao feet with an doer-, 1J and :that rho'estimated coat Councilman Keller f Is 6 Len s peragrre fobL 41vl Further 'That • publli ,t • bad on said -.ImDr vamgn[ Councilman McColl a a,Tih day of auffiust leu, at Sur. of V o.to.k A H, In. the - - ac - CODUCIlmalt wyf�hM�Cn '. dl Chamber , of`, the .Court •,t and city Hatl'. nu1161DF�ln • Mayor Irvin 1t7'of SL Paul. That the Commta• - . y . at Finance >xlvo notice of said -'.,t to the er•ons:and In .t►• Form B. S. A. 9-t; r provided $11 th•,Charter. at - lime. and Dlace dub"rintr;the of the Improvement, and. t!• - / __ ?s.t'fhereot u'e•tlmat•d. Ay',.the Council; Jaty 6 '1114. _ �+ved.JulY x ';'(Jule 144 14-1817) � - - j „ y COUNCII, FUZ NO INTERMEDIARY. ORDER C In the Matter. of.:.-1•.CGOt18 - to'a width of:six feet, the cement t.ile'sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich avenue beginning 74 feet a t1t of Chatsworth -street. thence eut....i5Q feet_.•• ... .. .._...... .._ ..... ;......... � ......._...... ......:_. under Preliminary order............................... .approved ....:.UY.l.$a.:.19��:x... The Council of the City of St. l;'anl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having coaeidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is .— hereby ordered to be proceeded with. — P. That the nature of the improvement which;ths Council recommends is.Sa Canets.UCl,::..relay..-: and ..r$a`wt�...epyg]}t�...t�.l�,q..+,�a,a;wdth of•six feet, tie, .c...... .e..n...t.. ..'.t.i7le ...;. eidjW�l�C orl.:.the etsutr s.id. of Goodrich: avenue btg.k Ag.. 74 feet seat ........ of..Chat wp tbt..s34.x..a@te thence east - 50, feet...: .... .. ................. _ ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is :. 0.0.6....p.et.::81gUare_ foot. Resolved Further, That a piiblie hearing be had on staid improvement on. the...: - ..._:7tij. ...::......day of .••• .Oggot. ,•,., 1917....-,4t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building' in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner 'of.Finance.give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner pv!vided by the Charter,: stating the time and place of hear` ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,!1dopted by the Cuuncil191..... F� , t Approved ...:...: 191-.....' ` tty Cierk. a.p em d Mayor • - 4 - - - - ,,, vroceedea with. - . Counclhm`an Fa sworth h -us ituro of the lmprol Ich tholcouncn recommend,, act.. reiar nod rove with c; Councilman Goss boss � Io to l width of etz .feet, t,, - .�tllo e1d%t "th n theaouth�el•. Councilman Hyland it r avenue beslnnene a tet t ntnworth elreot• thehce ea[ / with no t therpor to'and Councilmen Keller mated' xopt thereof to. t Lena :.Z6 toot. Councilmen McColl ' .ca star n ;aid imaio ems ihotn Councilman WtIEQ ' da;f o[ Auau,k •1911, at. tde - It e'clock A. M, to the ltomtctt 'Ir of the `Court 8ouu Mayor Irvin ter Hail suntans y>la . tk. - e! aL'RauL „ The - the ,Comml,• Form B. S. A. B-E ct BJnaaes =1rr oottes of std -s to the per,nna and la-the mea• bl' tha.Ckarto etetfat the emproremeAL and the toot, ,r COIINCIL FII1E N0; By..,!>!.f..:J. Lill G.2Gf ` ; INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.:..re c.onstrutting...tha .natnent...t.ile.:.eidAw l lt.:-a...a_3r i(I th- a f: si�...fsCt on• -the east a;ide..of Gaul tier. street beginrrin at„a point 60 4feat :..south._a ..:Edm>and...A4.r..e ,..::ttl spgro. Ua tely....7.3 f.eQ �1.4Y:.cro8aing_ .................................................... ..... _........................... .................................................. ....... ...... under Preliminary Order .................... 16826 ............... ,.... approved. .:..: :J lane. .4.,...1917...x. ..:..::. ....:,. The Council of the City of St. .Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance Upon t11 e- ” above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is bereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is', ' hereby ordered to be .proceeded with: ' _. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneil recommends is::...re. onistruct:..�hQ ...... cement :.ti.le...sidevalk .,tn .:a...width::,oi 6i:.:sex..:oro ..tale:.,.east..: da o.>':.QIiu1 t.l.Ar 1 et,> eet..beginn_#,ng kt fi point 60 _feet south. o. Edmund etreett thenca youth: approximately.-:7.3..feet .9 e.k.l)oy._orossinge.:.... .. :...........1..:... __..._... ........ .. .... .. ...........:. ....................................: .................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is '$ square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on Said improvement on the...... :::...Ull..........day of'. ........... ..... .........Aual I'Wt.....,., 191.7.; at the.hour of 10.o'clock A: 31.; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.' That the Commissioner' of Finance give notice , of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of Lear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost, thereof as estimated: Adopted by the Council.. :. ..::........ 191 a Approved _.......... ......, 191... Citv Clerk. Councilman Fa worth " -•1 .iota ., Mayor. tho'councu recom .. Councilman (1089 y u•f ix feet cement, theJlaewale' s� of ree tnet on; the..eat.side Councilman Hyland ler street, beginning ata va. et south oC. Edmund SC then," . s. with lnm alto n feet to ally Councilman Keller int[. adth no al[ernaelvei 6 Conti "stlmated coat thereof L 8 Caata Councilman McColl aua:e toot r solved Further, That'. a public' on - ��r�•, Ing be had on said ImprovemenCon Councilman � 8�� 7th day of .\ngvet_- 1!117, -st Lour •ot 18 o•elock A., )(.. !a . this ilfayor Irvin / tell Chambo of tn• • Cenrt is ,* the.. Cltr Sha eunaln� Foran B. S. A. y -G a cur of Fla"u4 , That the Coma ;oaor of,-Flaanoe, move:nolle bs :,mwllam to tae pereoae and la Ab! er,rovlded b 1Le aeUr, staa - - .sae of "theplmprdvemon4 .me[, thereof -,as ft.. Its ;•ted by tha' C,oltncll July 8, 4817. - : ,owed Tnly-B. 11117. ' `. (7n[y..14-1817)` - -: COUNCIL FILE NO � INTERMEDIARY OR-DER - In' the Matter ot...rtgconatructing,••relayinghind,repa#il1g w_.�e7AC71.L3.lL'- to .a' width of six feet, the cealent file _eidewtil;k_on the east aide of Vpestern avenue begintling .at Lafond' streetl•,.the neg•.ngrth•„COQ fAgt„;ifud.-_oft the north aide of La.fff--ond street. beginning at Western avenue thence l east 170 feet ... ....-...._......_....._.. ............................... ;............................:. ....::... ....: ... ......... ..... •.:1 under.Preliminary Order............16824 ....,......._.approved :..d.une...4�...1917.: •. T4A.Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance-upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the. same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded=with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Tecopst.ruct re-lay. sidewalk or; he east Bide of Western.avenaebeginnin�.•at Lafond street, thence •north .20Q:•Seet. and`on••the•.••north side. __bf. •L..... street, begigni_ng..at.:.Hestern. avenue...t.hellce. east :17 eet...:..,......... .. .......................... �......... ..... .... _ ..:........ ..:.,.. .....:. .. ._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.0..0,d._per.:.square Spot . Resolved Further, That •a public hearing. be, had on said improaement on the .:.:..:.. 'Jth .....day of. MIguet•:._..:,.:, 191.'x...., at the hour of 10 -o'clock A. h1., in.the Council-Chamber of the' Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St: Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement; and the totalcost thereof as estimated. Adopted by $hr Conneil... ��r..:. i) .. .7.... !,, 191 ..... f/�� _..- .... :...._ G.. Approved ............. .�... .... 191.... 4`'tv Clerk. . -� , Mayor. Councilman Far rth a —nth of-, T, wenos begin Councilman Goss Bose - - let, "thence nortb_: - .,ortn-eldeAif_Laron Councilman H lalttl et western avenue, e Y d Aith ne anernatlre 4lmated- cost theraeL L e� Councilman _$ eller nave root _.. Abed Porthar. That . a� , - - Councilman hfet,oil tae had on •ue Im9rot day of August. 191 - �r of a n'alooit A Couneilman J u e chambeer 'of this i — iina cls nwui i;• d Magor Irvin — cltr oa°se riui That thea •l.toner 'M 77ngaoa a7» noun of, Porro B. S A. d-G l meathnlF to, ha, ppoar”" and ia• mann., rodded hr the Charter n los the a sad Vans of:,hsazing aatars of this Jma»vemehC aaa:ep ' fatal•oast &it W:.Mtl +Adopted. hr the_Coaacll. Jul t 3017. • _.+^” ! dlpl qad tJulsl�OaT. r nut COUNCIL FILE NO '� — •~ INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Mutter o£....R:QSF.Q11.g�.rµC.tr�n3,;.:.S.9.a1�1r�JAB gad.:Ie~D�1tiB Aifh Sk�leZl�ii14' to — a width of ten feet, the cement'tile sidewalk on the north side. of West, _ Fifth.etreett be inninO at St Peter streets thenae;;east 50 feet,wand_on te_eas sidQ,,of„fit.,,gter,etre@f,beginning._at,West Fifth str.Qgt�,., thgnre north.to Sixth ,street e��ceptin aP,Qro?cimatelx 50..Peet .duet south of, the 5 a7�,eY..: crossing.? ................... ........ ...... ..... ...:..:_ .......,. .. tender Preliminary. Order :.......... 1§04 . approved:.......: .MAy.. 12..._1.Q17 t.. ......... ............... 'The Council.of the City of St. Paul having received the-rcport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves- 1. esolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the Said impiovement is; hereby ordered to be proceeded with:. a •,.. That the nature of the improvement' which the Council recommends is,-. _.rec.onst=ct:... =elSLY and repair with cement tile ,to a width often feet the„cement tile side- walk.. on the north aide of. West Fifth street, beginning at St Pete_ street. t h ode- of St Peter„ street beginnii7g at thence ,east .50 feet and on the east si West:.Fiitii..Ht.re.et, ,thence north. ta_.Sixth street.. excepting ,approximaitelg 50nteet..jttstsouth.,,of--the allpy..crossing .. e.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.iB...A..015 per...square foot Resolved Further, That a public hgaring be had-on said improvement �on the ..._ .:.'.fta. -..,.:.....day bf' .V-19 t.. . 191T.., at. the-hour. of 10 o'cl'oek A.'31., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hell Building in the'iiity of St. Paul: 'ThatSthe Commissioner of-Finauce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the.total eoWthereof as estimated. Ti Adopted by the Council:. M ,...... L� t Approved......C. ... ... .... .. ..., 191_ ; Gi ark. b- Mayor. Coune9lman Far h , stile of su Peter stret!'t at ”\gest Fifth street. the 1.:ennCllman (iU98 . sixth street excepting appy .0 test' hist southof the Councilman Hyhutd with no alternatives, And t ; +sates ",ease thereof 1. 8 Cm' re foeG - - Councilman Heller ;ea be had on had aur, shat . pate — - �,said lmyrov�gtsS. Councilman McColl ,td a.Y or 6ag4eG lat4, Sr of 10 o'doek A� 1t•. >a •C Councilman Wn+lelFlinL a as cu b8u1 �Bu110n In �tt' - of at.Paul. That-.th.-�owin 1� _ Mayor Irvin r of Ink glvo notlas of sal• Y tug to- the ppenono, Rod In' th0 + .or, provided by the: Charter, stat Form B. S. A. B-E Nhs” ttmo, KOW.phde-.ot hurin` relit - - 1 ire of Improvement. sad ,dela _ east thenot s• estimated. "spud-bYi;tda Counell'JuIY B 1814• - - proved SulY e, 1912 - .t:fatY 1{.1817) e - COUNCIL FHJE NO By./ L�IJ l/G INTERMEDIARY: ORDER In the Matter of....re.CltnlAtX.ucting,.,. relaying..and ..repalti ag-aed tis- cemst�t- t i•71e to, a width of twelve feet, the present cement the sidewalk„on th••g ,, �•"'+ ................ east side of Franklinstreet• b! ginning 86.feet,.north_oP;,Wgt}t street, thence north approximately 18 feet _. _••_• __. ; ......... under Preliminary Order........:: ....... 1b.8QB.....,::.-:..approved ...... J.Une..1,.:.1S17.:...,, ,............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiesioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said ,report, hereby resolves: L That, the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement- is. hereby ordered to be proceeded witb. . That the nature of•the"improvement which "the Council recommends is...reoonstxnet•,••••relay= and reiJair with cement tile to a width of twelve and..•,the,.;preeent. ;,•_ .. c¢ment--tf.le-:eidewal.k••.pn._the. east eid_e_-qf--RTPnxi.1.n,,:,ptraet.joeginning.BG.... feet: north-,of We.et• Sixth street,_thence north anpip.�Gi.ipat<.C1Y .i8...feet ... with no alternatives, and that the estimatedcost thereof is $..0.06...per..Bgus-re foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the '1th _day of ............Ap1911_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the Council.Chamber of the - Court House and City Hall Building in the City of "St Paul. That -the Commissioner of Finance "give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, abd "the total cost thereof as estimated. " Adopted by the Council...... :.., 191-.. r r; , , t'l1�191 ClerkApp7oved.. -0 Oi�y Coun.11 raeir it . u 1 ................ • May r " -net,, rela7• and repair vvlth ee- Couneilman Farn�wa h to It, a ■Math o[tw.lve fret the i cfnent tile: sidewalk>on Ahe QOnnCllm811-(i099 side of:-Frankllrt streak'-begin- _ eSo reftf oapProxlmntelY hteetr e . Councilman Hyland an not .learn three ana rust: the 'e.- ..t therrct is a Cents per Councilman Keller^ euuare topgqs: � - netolred Surther, That. a` Dub1U Councilman McCall heartnrb. baa On”" 4 Im7, of the h oa :l the 7th 4.) of APgust. L917, nt the hour of 39' o•elrmk 4' in in the Can. Councilman` WvnffMlftt Chameer of the coots Souse .na etpp Hall Hnnatng-In the Cit7 oR at Panl Mayor Irvin 1 . That the fbmml" nes I a 6 " 0 noticegive,.of Bala meeting to tb, arsons +, 'Form B. S. A. $•G - and In : the •intoner prorlaed ��7 the charter. otguns, heerinr. tae time an4 ➢lsoa o! the•-urs nstO[ tba ImDro!e^ f Meet and tha tow coat tbaroot ea `t nUM b) th COunrll Ju13''S, 7917. �• $" ! v .: 7917. I I'N 3 ,a ,.pri.re,f Jut- IJWr.1a-1'J17). -- ' 3 -------------- COUNCII,, FILE NO a INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....rexanstruat.ing,:...relaying...821f1..7CeytaS�inK» �7e..aEmeIlt_%ile _ ei.lawalk.:.to...a..7dUb,:..4.f..ep�.fq.qt, on the north slde..of. Albat>y; -beginning.. about:. If).8: .e6t .fleet , of.:Haml .410.. a.9Q?1u0.1 hl1} C .. st �9, , f@eta.. and on„.the south side..of Albany street beginning 112 feet_west of� Hemline..+�vsnus....tY�ezaa.a.:.a> t....1.49 f oat.R ..........................................................._ . under Preliminary Order......:16.229......... .:. ...::.....approved .......:.71ar1e:.:1 a .:.191.7.:. ........................ The Councilof the City. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and having considered'said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved' and adopted, and the said. improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S: That the nature of the improvement which: the Council recommends, ie...:Te Co21tltS4lCL.,. taley and...repai:r... the ...:.Cement -ULm...eidaAalk"..to...a.:w1c th...o.f..eia:..teat...an:.the_,naWxz Yt side...o.P�ll7l1ata3r.:..atrant....:b.OEiiATA18..4bout,.,lpS,,,feet, wget :of..Hamline avenue, theme..west...19.2...foist.a.,and;.on;the. Aggh,4f'de_.0f Albany street beginning , 112_feet::.w.set....oZ..Ii1=11"na.:.&Penue...then.ce west 1:40;_feet..... With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.0.6:1per..equare foot. 'Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the ¢th.••......day of ....................... ................ AxWet .., 1917..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in,the'.Council Chamber of the, Court House and City Hall Building in the City hof St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the. improvement and thetotalcost thereof ae estimated. '11 it Ir:l Adopted by the Council.... APProved :...:.....✓ :...., 191 ... ;City le /// raj 1 _ _ ........: ... fly'' — Jt 'e�bY and the,'itfayer.. Co"Cilman orth 11° L Wewallt to a. width,ol; - - .on the north side Of :Aibant COUBCdIDBn Goss be, nlllna about 1P8 Y' feet west, of Mani line: Ave... thence wast 192 feet. and, on tAr south side of Albany street' be•:. Councilman Hyland' atnnlne I12 teat weer or 8amnne tve; thence: weeC ltO Leet wllh'. no rn extea• Councilman Keller uvea: and tont the aedmntea; one; thereof la 6 Cent. pe regare foot, ^ Resotvet Further.. hat a DUU1fo - Councilman McColl awlas be l)sa oa.W4.imDrovemaat { " - on. the- 7th d6Y. of Au)twq 7917, at the - Councilman NW99ifth hour of 10:00..: O'clock A. --N.; ' la':.the. - Courier! Chamber of -tba -Court - Housp and -'CityHall Balldrolat. Mayor Irvin as wa Clq ocsc Gaut. ; Thae the fm- o - mlWoher .of pUnman site notle0A of _ Form B. S. A. 6.6 aala,mquas to the Persons And 1n the manhor, �rosided b11 the . Charia r stat- Jq(tytne.�tmo sad pleas Of':bsartat;like - . - nature, et the elmproremenC w ctbe - total e0st' heteot ae,ottm►tsd. .. -Adopted by -1 couaclI Julr d, 19tl. - \nor ed :..7.1 0. 1017-:,` ..---------------- - -( COIINOM FILE NO By .e'l Q _ u" INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1n the Matter of.:..rsnostntl uat.in g;...,relaying and:. repai:rislg...the �arLio r1 aS:•-- sidewalk requiring raleing on the east side of Sout3t Wabaeha aetreet�t '_ beginning at Chicago A?anus, thence: south approximately I50_1eet ............ under Preliminary Ordep.....: 16810:... ..:.... approved "..:.:...Vne...1,:..19.17...... ... , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the repo of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consillered said report; hereby i olves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement -ill hereby ordered to be proceeded' with: _: .That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:...rnC.onetruCt,...ralayr and repair the portion of sidewalk requiring raising on the east side .................. _ . `: of..South.Wabaeha etreet,.,beginning'.at..Chicago-.avenue,.-.thence.,eouth_- „` approximat,ely---:150..:.feet _._..... ............................ ........................ .............. ................. ; ...............:: ......... ..................... .:-:.,................... ........... ............. ..... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..01.06... per..: -square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on�:said improvementoir the 7th...:.........day-of :•:::;•4uguflt_.• „---,_..191.11,at the'hour of 10 o'clock A. Di., In the Council Chamber of the-, CourtHouse and. City Hall Building in jhe City of St. Paul: That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place'of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated" • ilU IA � . • Adopted by the .... :. -._...191. Approved......_.....: . „' ....., 191' I• iCi y ark. .......... ..:.. ..... .. ,.. 1ti,roc••ded w. J'^ - , MeyOr.'. �#� k. That the acture' of th, - Councilman F ns 0 cont,which the Council recot. ••:."° reeanetruet. relay and repair the 1 Councilman Gos tion of sidewrnk requiring rate ns I•the east aide of,South wabaiho atret beginning at, Chleag0-avonuQ, the c Councilman Hylanit 'p,/t, ,oath aDproximntnely 18o feet, with n niternntlYos; a»d that the eatlumtet Councilman Hell ' 'tort thereof. ie {Ceuta Der mare fool. Raaotred Lhtrthet. The t a Dubllo Councilman McColl. the he. had an eafa improvement on - - -oour7of.10 o'clock A. a31- lot the Cone - - - COUDCIImttn tl' - elt Chamber' of the Court Ho gee - and City . 19,11 `nulld!ta la -. th• Mayor Irvin - . City of at. Paul ..That Lbs C. e;ls• y dower of. riatlnea ir• notice of sale stoner th• aV nve.. and, in -. the Farm B. S. A. 8.6 reamer provided DT the Ch"ftr. Htay lap the tlmo and place. of, 9earinit, tb• nature of .'the improvement. as > the - - Iotal cost. lhareo[ its :eWm►:ea Adoptedby the CooacllJuly 8, 1917• Approved'-JulY'8,': 3917. (JutY 14•1917) CO . i,IN�CIfL FILE NO ... u � INTERMEDIARY ORDER X In the Matter oL..reaonsLrltctinge:.::xE]aYi71g...A>7d SeBx3TA& ??i�h a4>34nt tiler t� ,..a w.1dth..at...Lets..S.eat,...:the...graaent..,o.errant.. ti1n...vidaw.& .lc:. 9�A .tk3A,.F+�th si.da,:nt..Eaet...Ei�ix?t:kt..Q�CAt...at the..fo,llowinQ..looatione....... ................... :..... Beginning ...TB:.asnL..a[eQE...Qr. R4b4.rt street.,. thence west to M4nneeeta•--atrast-And..Ssoln-:.s:.point..:50:..Peat,..Asst...o.f. "iittlsse.s? 11..a xe.ASw .....: thence west 202 feet Under Prelimillery. Order ......... _:....:.1fi3Z0:...:........ _:approved .......:.dd �l.-7 Q, .. 91�., ...... The Council of the City of St: Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said improvement is A hereby ordered to be proceeded with: t 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:reconstT.U.Ct,.. relay.; and.::repaiz:..tti:t l...remeat,...the... ta..:a..tailith::.at...ten,.feet,...tile•-pre-eerlt­-: aeewnt- tile sidewalk on the north side. of East Sighthstreet at .the. -follows lg, ..... _:........::.: _ . _.......... ...................... ........................ °. ............. Beginning.:78 :feet .west.:.o.f..Robert_.street.,ahence:.w.ezt ..to Kinriesota street and from n point 50 feet west of iiinnesota street,- thence:•weet-:,. 202... feet ....... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof.ia$--:0.0.6---pws•-Aguare foot. Resolved Further, That:a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....: ?th :••.•• --•day: of ............:.:...A,?;B.uet--... _..:_-, 1917.-. , at the how of 10 o'clock. A_ -M., in the Council Chamber of the-_ Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the .Commissioner -of-Finance. give notice of said meeting to the peraona.and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing; the nature of -the improvement; and the total cost thereof- as estimate , ` IIS 1 is ,� Adopted by the Couucil:, ... 191 ....... ..... �: Approved ....... V.....,;91.,7 .. i . �%tv Clerk """' c c w�, seaRmana' a 9teyor Councilman Far1191U to a it of to feet; cement ,Uta sidesalk on tM Councilman 1ioS's de of East Ela'hth street at the fOUOw,aXo1:l_ Uone: hth x l' a 7a'Uet srot ot,ndherCxtreot, than seat to Couueilmep Hyland f Minneaota.atreet;: and_ from, a,Dolnt"a0 ttenao et'westfot Mieta`streat ,thenen Councilman Keller . •�l"L 201 144L with no alternative., and -that•,'-the o.timated •coot .thereat la ,9 aa ' Councilman McCall 'conte -Per uare fool Ra.olv.dlurtbor aat,;..a T ^ nahli. - •haaring - he - had on aalld � tmorovams/t - ` - t�OnnCllmal1. 11 - on the 7th dap Ot AUT. 1917: at -the _ - hour of ld0'olock A. ]IL.AaAho coos. Mayor Irvin ail chamWr of the court zrouw and y Cttr'sal'aunain` in the•clty,of e Pau1.:,:That'thea.CommWlonarbt:tl- Form B. S. A. 8•E ounce ilve'aotica oLaaidgmeellnrrto: -- ..• .• ' .. tha-, roone and'.le the mannan; Oro• . old aUla Charter iatatla�:-tpa'tW sad D at haarlos the naturayoi tU� lmprgnmnt: aaa:tha titw coat there. - - eL aa'.tUxaalad. a Adoytad ~}y ede�CosnWL �al�d. l�� , -.. ADPM�Lad atil 49; c 4 „ r ttruty��i9171 ,:+ �r.U�za Id �1-4 _9 - p...o......,�.:... 7n17' 7. 197•:' 17,10 �onorabls Members of the Counoili '- St. Paul • Minn:- Gentlement- _ - Complying with your request'for Informs, n, :I connection with;the accompanying resolution galling-flat, the transfer of- =5.000 from t40 Docks, lharves` and Levees Item of the 'General Bund to the Miscellaneous and Unfore- seen Item'of the General Bund; please note the-following . list ef,olaine accumulated and awaiting your action to provide for the payment of.same. Sindly note that the majority of these claims were authorized by your body under condemnation proceedings and,the awards being less .th&n,$200.00 the Charter. Section '25%s-prescribes that same shall-be paid from ths'Qeneral°.7und: P. 0. 5392 Dog Pound Supplies 10. 24 misc.-Claim Award of Demagee ;`a ••••• •• x•50 .............:..... 2540 ............ 34.00 • Ij • • 31=hange on.Coupons. ............... : 1.71 • • M eotion of Ileation booths (Payroll) 03.60 _ • • Award of Damages.......#*........�00' .. �b39 0� pwaitng•your action, I remain,. --vof truly.:.: Comptrollers e, , CITY OF 5T.= PAUL- . `R SOt,UTION CzENER4L FORM ✓� ^o 17446 , Sub ......:....... . COUNwL _ Date'Presented. , ,JulY 7th,. ' 91:.7, Resolved, That the amended plans and epeci'h0ati6ne,_for the construction ' of t,euYporary coal ;handling /terminals. on the; public levee between of Street and eagle Street, be and they. era hereby;appioved, Market of Public vfdrks is. hereby authorized, and.ordered.and directed to do the work by,$oroa etae4unt; be it FURTHER RESOLVED,-That.in the oonetru1cti,on of 's aid temporary. ooal handling terminale, an emergency exists where failure to y to the City, and, therefore, sot promptly will work an injur the Purchasing Agent,' with .the eoni;ent of 'the mayor and Comptroller, to hereby authorized to purohaee the+necessary material and:t advertisesuppliee, An accordance with said plans and speeiflaations, withou went and competitive bids. cpamuEF aE.SC1y p, That in, addition to the.sum of Eight Thousand Dollars (E8,00000 heretofore called for under Council File Seven #17363, approved July ;indl 1917, the additional sum;Tfo riated and Thoueand.Dollare (tt-40.00.00)` be and it is'hereby 'app P set aside from the Docks, Wharves and Levees Account of the General Fund to provide for ,the-paytrlent of said wor, a g No: �y3 t Resolved, That •the 'amended, plataa na and',peclacat{ontl for the�Conelrtletion on :tthepOpubltcelefe, Deisreerte Mnrket street and EppappgloatroeG be ands they aloner of Publla Norks 1.1r1 . thorised,: ordered an dI (ted to: do the. .. work by force q,ecount: be It ' - rartber Reaolved. That In the con- . itructlon'ot said tomporary coat hand. ling terminate, an emergency ezlata , where•rallure to act promptly Will 'work an. Injury- to the •City. and, r Y h'• therefore the Yurcha,Ing -Agent wtth 9, c. the llconsent of the Mayor Ind,Comp 1_ troer la hereby authorised to pur 'al"'1 Chase th n Ceaaery 4{ rlal and sap • i ,�,Q�� a:')'C' e=heit"on°srd;a�hOutt s8 ellen a at j and compstitive, bide. , 80 �t theyrthar aure of Eight eL T outlaod atDol'at. �e (48,000.00) heretofore called for�:oder i 7ouncil Mi. No. 1417 the- ddl io ntasupm of-Seroved ven ThOuaand Doltare (#1,000.00j b, and it (. le hereby" approprlated . andel set ¢side from Atha TMcka, ryberves aad{Levaaa Account or�.the Genera( 'land to pro vlde rot the paymept at geld work Adopted-bk;tea Couneil July y, 141T Yeas (1 IF men (✓) Nays Approved Jul 7, 1417, / Adopted bytJuyl it-817) I , th 1911 _:....... In favor R�I:%Approved :191Against/ �,UMAVOw Mr. Preswe¢ FORM C.a•2 . _. CITY OF ST...'_PAUL'="- _ 'Cp,Ur CIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL F=ORM . - Subject.` COUNCIL FILE- - - ° �? 7 ! 191.7' Date Present Resolved; ' :.° , 1 That the applioation of the following persons for ,a lioense to d the t ndioated be, and the . Hotels. or Resta�:Aant6 at the..loaationi3 reepeotively same hereby granted and `the City Clerk .is authorized and direoted to are issue'suoh lioensee'to said applicant vq�on.the paytaeat of the, fee required by law. NA!M OF, APPLICANT, HOTFL.OP- P—STAURANT. LOCATION. W E. -Fadden ' Restaurant, 443 Wabeaha, 505 Como,,. , G Gardner,_. George itarom. Restaurant, 418 Sibley, Edison Hotel,, 493 Peter Hannah errvra', _ Peter` dna & Co.� Dartmouth'Hotel,� 331 Wabasha,• Restaurant, ,67 w. 7th, A', F. .Clark, Goo. Stavropoulos, Restaurant, 393 E. 7th, Restaurants 217 moBoal, Rose Xuoh(ra, _ - ` Boarding House, C.:'F.•No. 1716D --BY Henry EtcCgll— �, - Resolved, That -the apDlicatlon ot'the I , ollowing perRsona ,nt for a.: license to calf - f : duet Hotels or eataunnte the,loca• .:__.:. !Mont resPectivelR uadWtylndtndntIl b authorised anA dlro mdb tt 4vm ; 11C403"b ' une-svt. to Bald al" `onahe'paYtnenCof the tee required`.. Y gaAden, Restaurant. Ws- �J'a., nor, heetaurant. sob Coms,� . Ave = Aotel, 413' - -SIDleY,Bt. - - - - - - . .. Yeas ( ✓) Cou Imen Nays Karom Edison -Hannah itemlm. Dartmouth Hotel 491 _ .. at. PeterSL" - Pater Sahone & Co., 3Teetaurnnt, ES3 WaDssha 8F.< T113 m : .nt 82 W. Retaure AP: CIOrN30. 94avroPoulgs,Reatnuiant, E89 7th. as - Koss Kuchera. Rosrlijns Hour<<.::17 - ' idaptad by the Couneli JuIY'T. 3912• . "; Approired-JUI- 2.11017. tduiy 34-11112) ' L a Fa worth Co Adopted by the Council: JUS -,J - 191 In favor Hyl Kell : C Me II 1 �7 19,7 Approved/oj Against ,t lllu�� ,- Mr. Prbsident Irvin F001M C..0.2 MAvon -CAW `s. COUNCIL TO THE HONORdBI,E -TAE COU `of the City of St. does hereby make application to the•,Co the 'ty of;St. Paul for .a License .to conduct a and to that`end dors hereby certify.as follows: That t tl name of the nt for said License is__71- ��__:.�_, and his (its).plaec of:restdence' is/ __.._ __—..._.__ -street_ "Nrenut Z in the City of St. Paul; that the exac o hi h the id np licant proposes to carry on business :is —__ the City of St. Pa the said apcstlt is ...:_nOW -engaged in said business ayo. in the City of St Paul l Dated, this-7--_ o �Apphcant. Date of expiration of License ......_ .. .......... Date of Inspection---­..­­­.. .. _- Fire Protection..... Ventilation of Meats and, Provisions Beds and Bedrooms_--r---__..__-�°'`—--- Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils-_-- �� nn- - Refrigerator and Store Room__:.-:/ate - -- -- -- ------ - - - Basement and Cellar-------_-�R3--_.__. Back Yard General Condition of Premises...._ — _-_-.- .--- _ -- - - License Recommendedw/��"` ..... C................... City Hotel and Restaurant Ina or. Approved: w.... - Health Officer,+ . ` .COUNCIL FILE NO .... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ot.grading...t..... Cu7cQe::Bou1.4vard:.from Randolph _atreet„•to ; a polet.:.6DO...Seet:.:aouab in.,aec..... e• with petition h8rato .;attached. -.......... .............. ; .... .... l.......... ...... ..... :.... — ....: under Preliminary Order _............ 1.0.30.b...................... _.approved ....May..:.4.th�. 191.4:..:. ::...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finantro neon the above improvement, end having considered said repart, hereby resolves: 1. That the acid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement a hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2. That -the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....gro 01 A ..,. •+Cttrtrm••••• •• streets in..accordance-.with pet•ition..heretay.,attached, ;..•,. -; ..................... ... .... ........, ......... ........ ......... ...... ........ m.:.:. .... .., ............................ ................. .... _ ........ ...: . .. : ...... .. with no alternatives, laud that the estimated eostthereof is $.J.56 er-Iront .foot. Resolved.Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement oil the....-...S.th .....,......day of pllgttet...- 191... , at;the hour of 10 o'clock .1..M., iu the Council Chamter.of the Court House.and' City Hall:Building in..the City of Sty Paul. _Thai the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost, thereof as.estimate& l ... !all ldopled by tit l'ouapiL: 191- pled ^' ' 111 7 19!7 • � APPmved _...:.-......:_ ....: 191 -.. / - /- j � f t l � City Clerk L/ .. a iiifff...rr.... .V. L. •.. d th : 1a <� t :( Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ” ° ' n pro need- �.Z. t5 .Lib pat a of th. lIDpro �//��/ ment bicb too Ce Heli re mmenda , ' COII11CilID8II QObB / 8 d bft. .Cun n al rd [rom:R - Councilman Hyla nd ( or ft'nand 1Pn atr..,'n'uccordsnceaq jth Petition her d attathed tIlth o': nl-, f (/v t rnatlVen, and that the tinlated coat Coundilman Keller' /i 'thereof 1. $1.511 per, tranr zo t - U Resolved ,Fbrtber. � That -a public, Councilman McColl hoarlpR be; had on said lmprovami,C, on the ith .dor or luirt',18 t7, at they - _ -hour or -to O'clock A.:At., 1a Jail. at t bo " ia'• Councilman :ell >chainn7ter• of the- Court, Hong- tCliy of 1, Paull. ' That'the, Comtulg! . Mayor Irvin eloner of Flnobte tt,va, both or.ald meetles to.- the. nyeraone and la m tka , Fortin B. S. A. $-6 Manner provldtA Dratba l and q 9110 �Ias tWtlme and p ..all hear�aq ;tbe - natnn OL -tA r npproremant. and ilk -total O1iat'thaHod-aa atlmat.d. - Adopted',by tbe`Co'uncll July 7 1817. 's Approved July, 4;--1]9917 t -t1�Y34-1817i - : COUNCIL FILL, NO e. INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Matter of...i .Qndlr.Rltl>ig.. and.:.takln8, an eastnent,_in,' the•_land ng•gssary " . :far .slopes,...for "cute" and.. fills in„gradi"ng,Ett,.,Curve 8oulevard_frotn,;,•,,,,, Randolph street .to a'point 600, feet south of Randolph street. under Preliminary. Order�.:.:..._..L63(17. ..... ...approved ..::.... MaY..:.7.., .19.17... ....... ...:... TbAouncil of the G ty of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finadce:upon the; above improvement, and�tlaving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That. the said rr�(F`ort be and the same.is hereby approved _and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: ' That the nature of the improvement which the Co nell recommends is.. QQidslarl :and... take:... en easeme.nt...�n-:t {g,• land necessary for elopest for cuts and..fill.... ading Vit,,",.�urve..Boulevard from Randolph etreet to a point 6.00 feet south o..f" Randolph streets according to the.,plan,.hereto attach@d.:and•.m dp,,.a...Part postio.na...Jndi.cating thd..cut.s...and...the...ahaded.pox :.. ,tions the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2509 Resolved Further, That a public, hrariug be had on said improvement -on the 8th "day of ...."-".."., ,,,pugtlst. "" _191 7 , at. the hour of 10 o'clock A. R. in the Council Chamber of tho Court Douse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. "That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to, the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and, place of bear- ing, the nature of the iml-ruvement,` and, the total cost thereof as .estimated. - Adopted. by Cllr l'ouucil., 191 i ry I 7 ley h 1 Approved191.:.. / Ciir Clerk. i . t . .•n rem nt ..... io.+ +4^' ,Y aadi lilayor.. . Councilman Farnsworth vim• ep L pttn.ea,y ,w vas f - ore,p a4 el4van•+-. ost to°Tr. d J Councilman hose Councilman Hyland tt4t t xhr a?uo�° ayu14o8yG u,naa \\ Couneilman-Keller eissi,"O� f'a 'n uhu sly Councilman Alecoll as Lots xwlus i 'r ` '09'BLT4 R,R4e•6 councilman ,Wu9 I:irtb L'YL4 'wnaaoH '8 ned •715 - ... 'OS'lLt-;'OQ auiroJJapu °d toed 'ta _ Arayor Irvin LL Lit °ops n"Id o,w la res ?s" = L! oatt, Forra B. S. A. 8-6 - x�.wtrtos r r nlooe,ined' ltgt '•oJ '00 o14y�1P�J�t, 41n11 to 4fF— tlmaceA. . tb �Il JRI•' %1$17. - _ COUNCIL FILE NO /I INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Matter of.__..gradi-rig . alley in .Black,.2,.:.Rryant••:Eark,•Addit$ort,l:-sud::•-- Block..2.r__Bryant.:Park Add itio.n.No...2,..._: :...: .....:.. ...... _.:... .. i.. ....... lander Preliminary Order :.163.17 .. ......... approved..:....Nay:.a,.._1917...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having -received, the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L .'That the said report be and the same'is hereby approved and :adopted, and the amid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. �. That the nature of the improvement which the Councilrecommends' is.., .$radC:: as 1'gY.,..lt} ... B1R.ak...:,BrYaltt.;,Park••,�dditi,ona and• Blo•...2,-. Bryant••Park••.4ddition; No .2: ..:..... .......... .. ._ .: ... ...II_ withnoalternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ;0.32 per front , foot. Resolved' Further, '6hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ B.tIY.. day of - AuguBt,_ .; "191 7. at. the hour of 10 o'clock A, 1L, is the Council Chamb@•r of the C curt House and City Hall Building �S`the City of St. Paul. That taonniavioner of Finance give no tee of said meeting to the persona and in {t a manner provided by the Char stating'the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted, by the '.6'Uaaci1. I:;..lt 77 VKI. 191 191. /f t,` ''•. 6i y Clerk. Approved.,!� �Y�Jti ..-.. ... ... .. al Droved • , Mayor.-... Councilman Farnsworth wi,"eaea aIM then tore of ,the fm , Councilman UUse ` h theCtu cll rec mmei V In Iito k 2,arta t t d nl vk 2 nt'ynnt lark , Councilman Hyland ..Ith no tnt ternati ea. � • �) -lntlm t d hereof la., Councilman Keller 1 dont root. f ed. Further, That a Dub Trz' hnd >n -said Improvame. Councilman Ile CUII Bth do" rf. August.. 191...ai - nor o1. Io ;!Ol k_ Z !L, In th Couscilman WNRtleT"M , ne11 Chamber of the Court 210UM td CIIY-11111 aldlog In "",ontar of Mayor Irvin ii :rain, y _ Ylaanoe Eira- notlea or -aaat r,tlas to . tha pore and' In -the manner Drovld- )!Ural B. S A. B•Pi . / .. ptscebt hisrrosrtheanit. ura o[ttM tma e provamant and the total coat tbare Adsit Ste opted. bY.dhe Counell' July 7, 1917.• Approved Jy'7, 1917. (rat _ -------------- COUNCIL FILF NO INTERMEDIARY. ORDER - In the Matter of...candemning -and.-.$aki-1g...an:.easemenL..Sai••the- 7 aad ••ns for,..slop_e,s,. for cuts and fall e. in gradin.g•alley in•:Block.•.2,.•.a#yant ........ Park Addition, and Block. 2,Bryant Park_Addition_No,.,2. ............... r: ... ........: ......... ....•• D under Preliminary Order...........Lbt34$........... .............approved.:....Ilf' ay,.:8,..,.1917.................................... The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance -upon the ` above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:.condemn.-and..•take..an �^ aal3ealetlt...•the .,l and•. necessary.• foz,• slopes, for t uta •and ;;fill.$. •i fl grading alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Addition, and Block 2, -Bryant P.ark:Aldi.L`i9st::110.....2p._,according...tc...the. plan.hexeto :at-taclie•d and..made-•a. p:ar.t..:hereof,....t.he..hatched_partions...Indic ating::.the..: cut. e, and...th.e:..shad'ed.... the_ tvjth no alternatives, and that the estimated tush thereof is s, 25.00. .., Resolved Further, That a.publiv hearing be had on said improveme it oii the 8th. _day of AUgust 101 ,7 , at the hour of 1 10. o'clock 1..Jl., ill the Cuuucil Chamber of the ' Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. Than the .Commissioner of .Finance ,give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the. time and place of. bear the nature of the improvement, and the -total cost thereof as estimated. - - G P7V i/ ' -1dopted by the 1bu11eil. _, 1.81 Approved. _. _ . _ ... _ ,,181:... i � 'City Clerk i d. 1 nee. f dt "- i 1lfayor. :Ina Il.y In Ill ek 2' -Bry- - (,OnIlellmaII FarnaMOCLb- / Id n n �n I . a k 2 Bryant - /4/•1/ rut an '� 1 1 dlnK to Councilman tiu89 her, to ttt h -d and 'ma 1 a car. th hath I p rtl n Indl. c4tit ,; th cut and the t tided par- Couneilmen Hyland 1 alone the fills illa na alt ,natives, 1 that tht, earlm ted c•6at thcreo7 le Councilman Keller 125`.00. Heeolved rurther. That a publla _ he"Inc be, bad on L saki lmprovemen. j Councilman Mccoll ,J n the 9th day or Ausu.t. 1917, at in hour of 10 o'clock A. ?t- In the :1 .Councilman Coancll. 'Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of 8t. Paul. That the: Commla-` - :fay0r Irvinstoner of rinance g ve notice of *ehl - - m"'u" to tM penons and In the hUrlu B. A. 4.6- mannor Drovided by the Charter, seat. .in[ the time and place of hearin[. 6he� nature of the Improvement. and the ' V"I east thereof ..`estimated. _ , 9 opted by-tha Council July 7. 1917. • _ .�., ovedJuly 7..1917. - - - `��„�_ (July 11-1917;1 CITY OF ST. PAUL , —. ACCOUNTING>DEPARTMENT ;�� ..I. - .. AUDITED-CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ;. COUNCIL NO FILE---- BY 1917 AUDITEJLIt-._. I I .. 191 r - -� .. q PER - 458 '1 Resolved that warrants be drawn`upon the City Treasury, payable out, of the hereinafter specified funds and _. in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their' respective names' as specified in the: fo11ot6ing. detailed statement: Adopted by the Council -, Yeas ( c) Coon men (J) :gays Fa sworth Go Go II �C 7 Approved -191 H. and In favor - - - K ler; _ -. MAYOR.: It-_ ---Against Mr. President Irvin 17420. . Dr. J. H. Ayers, .2:00 IF:. - laterOExpense. 21 _ S: Berglund Lumber Company, 313.601 Water-Kxpense. 22 T. L. Blood Cotapany, Ski, 58:'1 lie al th-Qua r-Ex,,e ns e Water' -Expense 4.7 58.2 23 The, 'Bond' Buyer, .. - - 53,.20 G.F.-Official Pub. 24 H. C..,Boyeson Qompany,.,- 59.95 C.?.W.-Expense 1. School �E'xpexise .6 Water -Expense 9.g ' 25- Brooks Bros. c Lumber Company, 48:50 Water -Expense. ; 26 Dr. Hnox Caldwell, •10..00 Corp. Counsel-Fxpense.: 27 T. J.., Clark, ;F 3+5.001 1,ater-Ex dense .. l 28 A. E. Ferriss, I 68,.00 i da to r .-Ex,j ens e . , U Page" #2 Res. 458 r 17429 Chas. Friend & Son, _ r 7 . 77.57 ' ' Police -Expense Firs -Expense g o 'Park -Expense 77.5. 39.00 30 Hackney Investment Company, Sewer C. .& R. -Expense. 115..45 � j. 31 Handlon & Company., ub rkhouse -Expense . • - 25.00 , gg Geo:'Heck, & S . C ing-Expense . 117.58 33 IA. P. rerschler Campany, ldealth-P« $tins -Expense. 34 Highlard spring Cam an P y, P i0 72,80 Mayor's Office, Earp. 0 N ■ e 1.5 e „ 1.5 t. n n + 1:50 Comptroll er-EnP• 2.25 2.25 i Comdr. Finance-Expense/ 3.0 N n. 3. . 3.: 5 G.F.•Pur.Det.-Fx se u o 1.0' 1. 0 1: 1.50 Cep,Works-Expen n N 6.75 3.75 , „ n 3.75 ' n N n 4':80 school -Expense 2.25 5.10 - n 2.90 - �1 3.10 72,80 r 13.36 35: Independent. oil Company, Park-EsPPT'se _ x.5.00 i 36 Wm..B. Joyce Company, _ Water -Expense. b01.60 37 Kettle.River. Company.,. St. C. & R.` -Expense. _, _... V - .> 38- .Jos. Roskie, _ Library -Expense. 39 Lion Bonding & Ourety Company, 50.00 G.F':-Mise. & Unforseen. ..207.001 �. 40 McGill—Warner & Company _, C..F.=Pri.nted forms and blanks. 386:07 41 Idanhattan Oi.l'Cnmpany, j 1#4. Page 58 Res. 458- Book & Stationery Company, 490'•78 17454 St.Paul 17454 I,•: Library-xp�ense 3_ E .615 - „ .00' „ .00 - Library-NBooks 9 •98 `5 ■ .8 r „ 9 0 art St'.Paul > ectro Plating P Y[ J 17.85$ -Com j 55 Fire -Expense. 56 St. Paul. Foundry. Company.,: 81'.00 nark -Expense r' Mun.'.Garage.Rev. #'. St.Paui Times Printing Company, t . 21.:10 57 G.F. cial Publications.'. 58 Scheffer &.Rossum, 38,32 Workhouse 'Expense. - 84.56(, i ti 59 Seabury & Company, 7 6 Workhouse-raspense Water =Expense - 0 4.56 60 J. L. Shiely Company, _ 1?8.50 Pay. `Miss. R. Blvd. 03.9E 61 Tierney & Company, Fire=Expense 360 18 health -P. Baths -Exp: 50 _ Workhouse 24 - 03. 62 Western, Grocery Company, 4 66.43 = Health -P. -aths-Expense Pai^k-Expense H6. Western Machine Company, 18.94 63 St. C & R. Expense S. & S. Cing-Expense ; - 1 �restmenr Co, t30.cv,- a- P.`Hetschlett Co., $117.69. - - Highland. Sprier Co,. $72.00, - Independent .q9. Co.. $13.30,. Wm. B. Joyce Co., $i3.0o. - .. Kettle River Co.. $601.60: I - ' Jos. Koskf . $4.60. - -- LlonBonding k Surety Co., 760.00. - - �- xc6111-Warner k Co.. $207.00. xanhattan QII Co.. 113$6.07.'- xsrahall-Wells Hardware Co:. $0.00: - N.I.—'Pi-14.9 h ;Heat)ns, C0... - - - - - $23.07:.... - Minnesota II lon Ad oc t . $32.2b. National l4 d Co.. $83 OB . Northern States Power Co.. 1183:80. NorthStarTobacco Co.. $13.92. A W.. Fo Y \K- T IeDhone II N Y s Rro k Cutl 11197.33: P Ica .Robbl k N wt n. $20.00., 11th n Rosen �k Co.. $129.20. Dr. IV. C. Rutherford. $10.00. - - - - St. Paul Rook k Statlnnery Co..- - - '- T f j J t `illi 11 1. ,$[7360 TI r• k co.. it0:9Y \\ t n firocerY. Co 188.43. :\t ester' Alach'"' CO. 10,. ' - ^ Ad pled by the Councl� J94uly 7.11917: .- Approved JuIY 1, 1917. • ' (July -.14-1917) :. -' , . - '- r, - - ' `:'.. CITY OF 5T. PAUL " ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT�� .COUNCIL FILE NO AUDITED CLAIMSRESOLUTIONFORM �r A lir �e, AUDITED,7VL:.Y.. _. 191 i. PER i - 459.' be drawn the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved .that warrants upon in fncor.of, fife parsons, firms orcorporatioils for the amounts setbpposite their respective' names . &S specified in the following I: detailed statement: yeas (�) Councilmen J )Nays. Adopted by the Council, __'-' Fnrns Orth Goss 7.1a'� — Approte -191-- - In favor - .. Kell Against Jir. President, I vin _T— - - 17 469 nesolved Ghat warrants be 'drawn - ' -- - upon' :thq CItY .7•reaeurY. yparnbla. out- oT�the heralnnfler. epecfaed funds and - of ravor oEaho-. Dersops, arms or -qor.- o - pornttons fiat• the amounle set opposite - specified, In - - — - ) • . :thein reeDective. Hanle. as - . - the following, detailed statement: - -y. A. Farnsworth. ..Cam's .Finnnen' ' {104.266.00. ! .. Sterchants National nant. $7.041.86. Adapted by: the Council Ju1Y 7.1917. - -- -_ - 'Apprbvrd July 7.: 1917. I (July 14-1817). S. A. Farnsviorths Com'r. Finance) 104,25} 00 17464 Interact — -' 3,956AO Red, Tax Levy Certs ef�Ind. 1916 2100.300.00 0 , 56 00' 65 Merchants rational Bank," 3,041.96401. Interest . G.F. Misc. &. Unf. .. �." 1.7 I ;r Red. -1917 r Y' 1, 0 0 'dated -Bonds & Int 15,0 Water: -Bonds Spec., Assess .,Bond..&` Int. S.A. Bon t.. 0 Red. Bonds Class "BZ 3 3041 96 :. i CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°E""`.NO _ r.' ' AUDITED JUL By - ! PER r ' _,1. ��-'�? i (. '`- - - -• - r "Resolved 460 that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury,[ payable out, of the -hereinafter specified. funds and in favor of the persons, firms -or corporations'for the amounts set Opposite their respective, names as specified in the: followink l detailed statement: .n -7 Peas (J) Councilmen ( v -)-NT ays Adopted by the Coum tl Fnrlsworth — 1 I r 7 G — proved_ Af - t 191 fly and _; In favor Ke er 71 \1c 'olL: .:\gainst 'QAVOF� I W tderlich fir. President, ruin - G ' Resolved that warran -out "On the CItY. T,09e. & draws ihe; hereinafter. ap.clasdttundal�.a Q; to _-tarot of the persons arms oreorpora. tions tor. the amopnta `oDpedta ret their respective "—so a gNclded .ln thA followlnlr d talled,atotepuntr- - ' r_ — Aleannder,A• . .n.11, .1,800,00, '+ Adopted by'the-Councn.. - r Jull' T, PIT. ADPro'ed lulY 7, 1917" (JUIY J . -. �• . 11-1837) - - "I - - 9 . � j 17466 A. L. Snyder; ,. 843;:00. Park -expense. €: 67 Alexander A.. MdDonneii, 18500.00 — - _ widenir,E _ Lex ir>gton Summit. to Portland: it • II_ , _ L F ... r L. j-. o I f ipa at of 7 _ 04tan .Council #,4c N0.7._. d PROPOSAL FQR IMPROVEMENT !' ! - _ and - PRELIMINARY'ORDER. The uaderstgned hereby' proposes: the making {f the fof 11 uli gt public 1i provement by'_�j�+ICit f St Paul, "viz.; $ 1 Aa 7 ev i 1 ck 1, y�Sa ' - •la:f ad i da l"i�`r1, ._. .._ _..._:. ................... ... _ .7. . i :.. -t � ........ .. .... .. _. . ............. .. .. ........ .. .... ... _. . .. .. . L Dated this .. 5 ... ay of July'i 711 IF 1(Jl 2 Cotinciilman.. I t 1 •. PRELIMINARY ORDER: proposal g p NIfEREAS, :1 written ro -sal for tate mnkin of the'following � im roaement, viz.: ........... _. ion ...... ...... ...... ........... . .o .. ...._. C:AF. N 17460 -"-"" _ me.. A written proposal for the mnklnK of the, folio inklmvt'uvament.--- - via:-Grad9 alley in Black 1, Klhb.n ....,: .-_.-. .... '\taPl,,�wood'Addltlon having been pre..,. -.. .. nte.l to the Council of the City Of St. D Paul. therefore. e IE having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paid by C Resolved, That the Commbslon�r'nt Public Works he and he: Ir herby -r- ' therefore, buil .dared ad directed' 1. To lnveetlptte the.."aamity for ori. To ut the maklnir of .said ' RESQI VED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be anUmprovement. I f. To: Inv4@6 Ltta nature. extent ; 1. ToInvestigate the necessity for or debirability of the mnk•na e.uma:ea cote o[ old tmvtrovr mart and the total. coat there-[° ,t•...To tura'sh a "pten, profile or 2. �f o investigate the nature, extent And estimated cost of s sketch of said Improwmen4 IICrCOf. e: To furniA the following Oren •, 3. To funlish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement data and info—won relative to .ua 1 P I Improvement 6. rc scat, &whether or not Bald Im- 4. 'l o furnish the following other data and in[ormatioit relat provopaeat !e seked for on the vauuon of three or more owner. • = \6..'To report upon sll -of the [ors- :.... .. ..... - - - - [otn. matter to the Commltsloner- of I .J. To state. whether or not said ituprovCmcnt is asked far Oh Adopted by the Council July 5, 1817. .\PProved Juul 9, 1917: �:, '(JniY 1{-1817) li. 'To report upon;all'of the foregoing; matters to the C( -ii. --- Adopted by the council 19l JUL `h 1911 Yeas[ Nays:- Collucilmmn Farn north ,III —g 10'7 Gos Approved 101 ..:....: Bell f llnyor Irvi! —._ 1In) or. road c ae � , Collmeil, File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMIIROVEMEN'P _ _ had PRELIMINARY ORDF,R. The underslgum i hereb\_ proposes ,the making, of the -f 1.6 g public upro ement by the Gity or $t: Paul; Viz.:on eirnir Rat ` .kin~_ l!'asat",ent izr'.rh ,ars re4e �erY .- _ ............ .. -- .: ... ! I Dated this _.. °t.r ._ ,...tlay'�Y i ;917, _... e Councilman. , PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1YIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follotcing improvement; viz.: __1....,.i u.. e... v..t'_I,u�...:.:L....:i .....i'�i.lfi_;.i:l � _ lc.1 - .... ..:. ....._»-1 jC. -F No. 17181— .. t\ h ream. % wrltten proporal [or tho j .., mnklpK of the t ilo -in I1. ement. vla Cu demnl ti d tnkinpro e e lent I. the lmnl n. aenr3 for lopes 1 h tving.heen presented Io the Council of tLc (,ily of St ISfi\i�'i,io k �i a QI'eamplrx oiK weeiif In of tlhe Cltynot —entedPaul there a councr. il . fhlrClO[l`, be it :. II Reeolred, ThatSt. tae Cothmleefoner of - ItESOI \ LD, That the Commissioner. of 1 nlilic W.rksiPialie Worhe,hs and he le berebr or. Tted• ' - dered sad directed: _ 1. To Invatl6ate tbe. necenitf [or 1. '1'o m�estigatc the necessity for or desirability of t} er dnlrabtuts of .the nuklnr or hale temprovement_ 2 To Investigntc the nature, extent find estimated co Ti taveantsts the natnn..a:Hat I cost thereof. and �etlmnted cont of aid Improve_ sent and the total Coal ,,,,thereof. 3.. To ftlrllish a plan. profile or sketch of said'imprdv L To furnloh a' plan, oroeie : or A-1-1, of said Improvement. d. To furnish tilt folimvin • other data and informalio t To furnleh the fonowfng other 6 data and Information rNatFve to u10 IImorotament.' ,.• j', {: To state Nhetber or not old ini .... .. �provament 9a aekcd Yor r the !d 1,0; of three t r more own ra o\\ mt 5: To tithe whither or not paid improvement is asked d. To report upon Pali o[ the ton_ rolnr matfare tor the Commleeloaer of fi.' .'Co report upan all of the foregoing matters to, l}IC 1111opted b:• the, Counell JuIY 9, 1917. �t .\pproved JulY 9. 1917. " Adopted by the eoancil JUL -9 19 T)•9l (July 1,_1917) i Yeas: Mays: Coialciln Fair worth uln- 10 Cos. Approved 191 _:...... / llyl ncj / Kel r NIL!, oil U �` Mayor Irvi aMayor, 'y CITY,,OF ST.-PA4JL.', r - C%OUNCIL RESOLt,JT'ION'- GENERAL'FORM_ Subject: - _ e' COU n URtill. FILE NO -- t W Date Presented 17tt1y, 9,, 91 7 • y1 r In .the matter of grading Belvidere St;. fro* South Robert St-.. 'to QormaziAve. under Preliminary.0rder #13226; approved Oot. 13,`1916 _ and condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary torr Resolved,, slopes.., for cuts "d- fills in'grading•Helvid'ere St. from South Robert St. !to Gorman, Ave. under PrelimineEry. order -# 3220, approved Bot. 13, 1916 RESOLVED,. That all, orders in the above -matter be and the .same - are hereby cancelled, annulledand rescinded and -all prooeedings in such matter discontInued. C. F. No: 17182—Ry. M.'. IT. Go. fn the matter of grading Belvidere St. -from South Robert St.: to Gorman.. Ave. under Preliminary Order No, 19226, approvedOct. 13. 1916 and con- demning and taking anea.emdnt In - tM1e innd nee—ary for alope.. for cute nd fila In. grading' Belvidere St. ' from South nobert St. to Oormmn Ave. under T`rellminary 0eder NO.: - *. 232:8,,p, aQro'ved Oct. 12. 1916. - Reced..rl-hat- all _-ordure _.In.. the -._. abgve matter be and the memo are here- --- -�-- - - - - by eft—Iiud. annulled and rescinded an,, all proeoodinge In such matter die-' continued. Adopted by the Counell July 9,1917.; -- - Approvcd J.IT), P. 1917. '(July 11-1917) c > v c ) Nays 9191► Yeas I• C oilmen I' Adopted by the Council JUl_' 191 Fern orth 'Cosa In favor " -:� a' i 41 A. Kelle Approved 191 MEC Against Nish Mr. President. P ers MAVOR I FORM C. 0-2 - _ • _ -:, ' - -Petition Council Fite• No....., . Y , -..... PROPO-SAL-FOR IMPROVEMENT und, w, PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ The undersigned hereby proposes the making o[ vile tollo3r ,g pas c,impiovement tri" the Cdy`o1 st Paul. viz....4zade.._Be.T.vidare..8t.....between_$puth.:. er�..3tr:'snd �insloauvee, akl...ao.cardena.e....wit h_igatit eha _.__... _... ..T.... ..... ........ ._. .. ....: _ — i. _ +'. .... E Dated this ...::5 ❑ :day ............. 11., ..... ........ .. -- - --` _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. (rgde.._E.Q1v c.erQ 5 ...:.he.�Rfa.en_acl. th�ob'.er. :8 �...:and:_191na1nr�...AYe. _......_ C F No ljgts- -, \\ h Itten P n nl [o th ................ '._ .:...:..............._.. ._...:ae l.i aF t . .. -. •rt. (i d civil r si. 1 i e n`.o ah •• . not *t tit. nrd \1l.fil..Al-he, nt. 6cen pre anted to the Council t th • - .6--- - P - """" city', of ffi. Paul therefore. Ue. it : . having been resented to the Council of n lle Wd., That the commf..loner of Pin i.. Rork. his. he la hereby or lhC CltJdered.and directed: 1. To. Inv..tltrate the neeee.lty •for - - Or desirability of las maklnt: of .1d 'i be it G lmoroyement. RESOLVED. That the Commissioner-of PlIand -e timated Cost the ..lure. old inpromrs red and directed menti -and the. total t,oei thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desin kTo ffurnish sin iron*uyement ornate or ement. 'C To 1'Jrnl.1. be foll.wlat ' otter 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esemv and int rmatton relative m.saldmd theiotnl cost thereof. ' 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of III. LL To 11tate whether or oat, satd Sm- 4. To furnish tike following,other data and�provemeut to asked tar op targeuaon meat... ... . :.. ...._ _ .. _ of threeormore owners. t. To report 'Joan . all of 'tho to rr• - ..:._.. ttois r —tten to the lbmml.aleaer of .: ... . _ ...... riaa'Jea 5. To state whether or not said int .Vero Adopt.d' by the council July. 9. ls1T. -cc or more.owner9. I Approved July 9.'1917. ..(July U-1817) 9. To report upon all of the foregoing mat _ -_ ter... a .e. e. •• -._... ' Adopted by the council........__, _........JUL..+9_jgji161 Yeas: Nays* Councilman P swortU s Approved....... ... _._............................. I land Ilcr A •Coll. -' Mayor I in 11[n or. _- CITY OF 5T. PAUL , ACCOUNTING . DtQARTMENT f AUDITED !CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU " NO.. _ - BY AUDITED `I�!1 1917 i �L 4 62 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hercinafterspecified funds'nnd An favor of the parsons; firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective amen as. specified in the following detailed statement: 11 Adopted b the Council—J& Yeas (") Courilmen (J) NaysP y Far wortll- Gos �. :Approved191-- fIpl d Iufavor _ s V� Kell r.. \1c I) Against I \lr. President, 1 in 1 ' 17469 Paul i . Che.peI, 6.Od Police-&xpense 2 - A7un. age Rev. - 6 0 f 70 L . Chas .'Hansen Biqilders Material Company, 342:41 Sea•.; r Por tYand: Pascal to Cleveland - 71 Nels Haugen, 6.60t g. & S. Cl!Ig-Expense. 72 Manhattan. 01.1 A Linseed Company,, £S.S& I Police»Expense 1 5 b'ire-'Xpense 5 2 Health -4. Baths•-.,Xp. - - 5 5t. -C .. &'. R; -Expense 1 01 . S. &- S . C1ng-Fxpense. ¢. 2 Parks -Expense 2: 0 play groumi-Expense - 3. a Sprinkling S 88 73 Plorthern Coal & Dock Company, -' 3.31:50 'Mun. Gar'. -Revolving.., 4. School-Expe}�se . 32. -' Yfater-) xpense 2 74... St.Paul Foiindry Company,. 1,289:0) const. ` Phalen Beac h.. 75 ;Y. H. Schmeliel, 3,82..351 P. Bldg.-Fxpen a. y 1 I -t - Pegs: �2. 1 Res. 462 48.00 Stone Orlean 'Hells Company$ 17476 Park -Expense. Transity Supply Company, p 00 310:00 , 77 Police -;Exp I 0.P '?J. -Egon. T. Lab. 310 00 54.88 Villaume BOjt & Lumber Company 78 _ Health-?. Haths-Exp ense . -I r Washington 1 otindry, 79, Police` & Pire Alarm-ExPBnBe. ota 2,,936.40: - r+ I --C. FI -40. 17484— _._.� be . drawn - tteeelved that W:urY D j06 out e1 . • - upon the City acl6ed fund.:and I= - the bereladtet eD deet _ ett. tion �f to, the ramouAta ODDOn , ... ln[ a• IIOd Kat meolttad.,t - - the' -' I'a,,I-L. CheDel. 86.00. -' IIulldere-Dtaterlal Co.. -' . - Cha.. Haneen _ $342.42.M$6.60.. ... :.. - au¢en. I,tneeed Ca.'888.36-- N h tan _011 & $p1.80. - &Bock Co - _ - . - _ \ h<rn Coal 1.389.00. _ pnul rou dry Co.. !15' - -.. $ hm tW<11a38Co 614 - . - Sto Orlea Co :.$31000. st _ T 11 "C _- ♦ 111 IIoz - �• N hin Ston F uC 11 ]ulY- Adoptedby th - - --.. APP --d j a 9. 19,17- _ ..(JUIY i4-}917) �L CITY OF ST. PAUL j ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT J ' — AUDITED CLAIMS--RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE No. — 4� ' - AUDITED .II tl �j `. ) .. 191 PER- _ of the hereinafter ypecified funds and Resolved that warrants be draivn.upon the City Treasury payable out as specified in the following ` in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respeetive names detailed statetnen : �(J� q 191 h by_.the Council._ _. 91 Ado��ted Yeas (�) Coun lnlen (.J ).Nays, _ _ Karn north Goss V Approved 191 ^ . U, lfi.l d In favor .—MAYOR MAT JR : \4a 11 Against NIr. President I vin - F No. _ Resolved'that Wprranb be. drawn .out CItY T[easurY. Daift upon the tyyabl. in in, or of the Dezeonecdrme orncorpand or- lIn thelrxfor m-Peetv'e nameetasiapeclDed - thefal7owlnR detalledetstement: - ". Fred 0, Albrecht.087,.00. e. - \t C ]fn, love, t. $ 100. • by the Counfll July 9.19'17• • Adopted ADDro� ed. July 9. 1917. (July 11-1917) 1 , 17480 Fred G. Albrecht>p. 871.00 : P a is-i'7CP 481 till. C: jarlow 40'0.00 _ Heal" th-P. Baths=Exp . -j il. . I � 1. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING' CONDEMINATION AND AWARDS .OF DAMAGES. AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of ... c.ondA=i.ng..li<F7Sl...0k+.iliE:_ail(t Ga 9eIDet}t in the...land neCessar� for slopes, for cuts. and fills in the grading of Maplewood Avenue. from Como & River Boulevard to Medford Avenuc6and Glenham Avenue from MapYe wood Avenue-'to..St. AritTioriy �ivenue, the-'iana tb ' w",tA:kwt''f'or'"Crit!'- above named improvement being more particularly described as an. ; easement for slopes, for, -cuts end fills in and upon the Sand abutting upon ldaplewood and.Glenham Avenues between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the'report' of the Com - miesioner':of Public Works in the matter,, dated April 30th,; 1917, which sketch and report -are hereby referred to and rmae a part hereof: ander Preliminary Order ..986,1, „•, approvedhPr 1.....8, 1910 Intermediary order , .,.i approved...= A public hearing; Having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein,_ for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, .and also upon theassessment of benefit/ therefor, and the Council. having -duly :considered the.samc, now therefore be it - ,Resolved, That the taking°and "condemnation of the binds described in the annexed assessment roll;, identified by tilesignatures of the Alayor and City Clerk, and made a part -hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and con&nivation asset forth -in said.. assessment roll, be and the same is -hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said allsessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and, the 'same is hereby- ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation, - u •*-r.,r+i,ar j�TCSpl�wd,-thn'G'tttt�"lifiifC�a�sweertt �b�trd'�ii..i/^h+•reby`det�emf�ed; t�' be"`�yeble-ins — -eRA as1 ......1 v - dapted by the Council ..... , _7!91911 ...... 191 ✓ _7 Cl• „earing having- ,. . , : dng. and° condemns' Approiied_..: easements therein 1 I �- 17emenl; and _!,or. and the Couner.... ........ _ ...... nsldend the same, now'. - _ Mayor. _ - 'eolvea.Thnt the taking and con Councilman Farnsworth mnauon or the lands dmwrxbod"the annexed assessment roll, ldcntlned by - the.slgnapuoa of. the J[ayor an City C011llCllman �i08s- ' Clerk, and -made a. par6 heranG: and the - - awards or lama Councilman Hyland such inns, respectively�tor tendrs or Councilman -Keller such and condemnntmn na set torte In old nssesement roll, be spa l Councilman McColl the aams is Dnreby in. nil respects call- I nsa and eopermea Councilman A4+tnd� fiy - neeolved further, th;t thq Sala u- s0umept of benents, hs and th'e name . Mayor Irvin 1 l hereby III all respects ratined; and - lhe same Is hereby ordered to'belub- - - rutted to -the Dletrlct Court tor" eon -- i Adopted bythe Council Jul>, 9, 1917. Approved 'Jp)y 8, 1fl17. (July 31-1817) Ia ide: matter if etndumntnR.a Alfa •n ese. -tit In the lnnd - ry Lo IoP a far c t- ad the . Rr dtnb -o[- 1Lz Vleu ood - from Coma and Rlv..r \Tedford -n nd Glenhnr - - - m'.lf pt ad .l t tit. .a _ - th 'I'd t 1 1 s ala e tnrtl<. u. trll d for m t ml �tpunt far dand laidcu'ood and 41 h - \i•c, , _ ..f .� �. -"�.. the Polntta a[ona¢Id. t _ i1 eat haven Von the I.e3c. `ped to 'the report L the -Cot: r of .. Kim. works j n th, - 1 %Pru loth _ - andrt and tide a P"h­0'." t h Ce0'. of, r -- Off' r> 98" ORDER, IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. LSh•rmrdlnrl ppraced'I."h Y1, lYi: In ,matter of..:AQOnd..- emning and -..I ' taking An .ea.a.emnnt:...i1n the land.n;eceeaa]cY for slopes, for cuts and fills in' -.the grading of Maplevrood Avenue from_ ' rd..Avenue.:-and..Glnnham.. dren"...f rom. Maplewood to St. A thanyl Avenue the land to be taken for the norma..&. iver..Boulevaxd. tn..Medf.o eta mp ass.. zjiculaxlX-.de.eoribed.as an. easement -for slopes for cuts- and fills in and upon the land abuttfng the extent shown upon the sketches between the points aforesaid_, u on,bSaplewood and•„Gtlenham Avenh attached to the -report of the Com— , mi,Bex.Qner of_Public works .in. tho Ins.t.t.es,:...dat.ed..-11p..�1 .3Qth,. 191.?.�..Akltch sketch and report are hereby refdrred'to and made a,part.hereof. i tinder approved April, $..--1916Intermediary Order ..1.583 --.._.,7. - approved., Yarch.:27,...1.917_...-.. Resolved (1) Thnl the following improvement he and the sable is hereby ordered to be,nihde viz: ..... Condemn and take -an easement -_in the land --,accessary for el,opee .•foT cuts and fine in the grading of Maplewood Avenue from Como & giver Poul.evard...t.o...Medr.orA.::Avanue:.and.Glen1 m..Avenue..: frnm.,Xapl.ewao-d..;Avsnue to St. Anthony Avenue, ........ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and. the same are hereby taken, appro` priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: -an-.:easement. for ut.e.:and.4€illand..-11lpon..the.:.land...abutt ng...up-on..]rApl.ewoAd and Glenham Avenues between the:points.aforesaid, to the extenx ehown uF.on._the....aketch..a.t.Uched..-to .:the _rem�o::.o€...the...Commi'ssiones •of.: Ruhr io Works in the matter, dated April, 3Dth 1917, which sketch and report ar-e:-.har-eby..:referxeA.:.t*..and---made...a:..park--.her-eot .....,. ............................ (3) That the assessments of f)enefits and award of damages for the_ taking hnd appropria 17 the above land, lands.or easements therein. have been ratified and con_firmt,d. _ 191.. Adopted by the Council t 9 .... t ,� l .... Ct lerk .Approved .... )1 � � \� x a . iy .... . , 1:. ... _.. . Councilman Farnsworth IltJi3LISiIL•'D 7 —�5 —�j7” Councilman Coss Cola ilman; Hyland _ Councilman Keller -' CouncilmanMcColl 'Councilulan W%!Utltldich ry<_ Mayor Irvin;. ______________r_ - J- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter f....00ndemning land taking...an vasement:..in tkte..lw3n� Litl.Rsl�IeaTY for slopes,for cute and fills!in-the grading of Greenwood—Ave. from._ pgl,os St—to a:..l.ins.:..drawn ..bot-ree.en.-tltis: north:-line:.::af_-all.ex in, .:-... _w Block 20, West St. Paul Proper on the west.side of Greenwood Ave. to••a.;:point on the..eat4t:-.hiTie...of--Gree)ZRood...AVo...A.R...#`sl.ot.:..n.S? T b -o.>r..: »w•. -Delos Streete'the,land to be taken for the above named improvement _being more partioularlY descr3�bed as-,an easement for elopes, .for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Greenwood - Ave ,betextenahjpwn .upon.,Lhe:$ketch- attached to the raport of the'Commiseioner ....... of Public Works in�the matter,. dat.od.-.A..Reil..:.5th.:--1.Q1?,....'>dlich...sketch-and.-report'.:exa.•bareb3r.•..._ referred to,and.made a part-hereof. !under Preliminary Order....1Sd991:..,,;.....,approved..0.Ct_.•-3,:.,191fi, Inttirmediary Order.:-1.5135 uphroved.-:Harc}x_.`J.,.-.19��..: a •., - _ ' !• end Belle In Ytmr`uponelths i nd 1ds or easements therein,. A public hearing having been had upon th. �htr upon Greenwood Ave. be. �� : the point. aforesaid, to the e.- e - assessment of .benefits far alis above improvement, and the guards of,r tent shown upon tae sketch attached to the rcpart of the Commluloner, of Public 3tbrke In°the matter, dated therefor, and the Council having duly_ considcrett---_ .. .. _ ; April-6tb. 1817. which k.tch,ao� ' port are hbreby refer 4 to and u - annexed assessment roll, Resolved, That the. taking and condelnnt a part hereof under Prellmin d ser Ibbs1, approved Oct.>. 1s1s d the awards of damages ' identified by the signatures of the Mayor and Ci t-rrne6 ary order 16191 apo to the owners of such ►soda res ect• I pubnc nearamg having'i•✓ .- 'forth in said assessment p lvely_for as ' ,h the taking and -ndcm- lands. or euamente thr ! - roll, be `and the same is hereby in all respects ra above Improvment. _. ' •de of dstnages Iherefor . �• aeemeemcnt of h .. —.. Resolved further; that the said asaesament of bene:, a con bit t to same is hereby imall, respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted .to the District Court for confirmation. B er e i tiid'ii ere y e ei—'%ii menta as A,.each pat ceT 32'tdttlS-M ein. • _ �Ic � �... 191.,.':.: • - � - Adopted by the. Council........ ........ ... UL 12 �' L Approved..... -........................... 191....... _ Ct erk 1.....................................Ma or. Cou ilmau Fat•tSsworth l ?Sa:ITtT�— 2� �7 Co ilmhn- Goss Conn ilman Keller Court ilman Keller Coun •lman McColl fir• Coune man-Woodsmlielt; Mayor nin J V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In be matter of._.condemning aild..,takinf an. ea.0.mP t..A 11.0..1A d XIACAaftr_V for alopee, for cuts and fille;in t a'grading of Greenwood Ave. from Del.oe, 5t., to a line..drawn between the north line of alle in Block 20 West St Paul 'Proper on the waist side' of GYeenvrobd AV'U tS A pbfYSt"'tf>!i the east line of Greenwood bve 90 feet north of Delos Street t>se Tend"'to"be"'ta&eri"for `tTie above',;nariied improvemeht'Vi ng mo...........rt3ctll-arly described as an_:easement for elopes,. for cuts and filde_in"and uppon the • " •'g p ve between' the pointe aforesaid, io`'tFie land��:a�utt�in u on Greenwood' extent; shown upon the sketch attached to ahe:.repori_-.of•__the Commissioner of Publdc Works in the matter, dated April .5th.. 1917, which sketch. and• xep.ort..ara.,Ylezefiy...referred...tb:.anil.:mada..a.=.psxL..hr aaf ......:.. under Preliminary Order.....I.29911:.:.:... ; approved..Q.C,t. 3,..1.91E. Intermediary Order.:1.51.33 .... y approved . ?fa rsYt:...5.91'7 ....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THkCITY;OF ST. -PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports That he has fixed and determined the valae of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, respectively, and the persons to whom. such awards arc payable; that he Las also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the makinj of said improvement,not exceeding the cost_ thereof, land' that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the- signature of the .under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .... .................._....:.. : Commissioner of Finance. v.n.rioarus— -- - I In -the matter; of eondamning . _ :Ing of ewp e' to the. land - the for slopes. toe stood A . th R adl, t of ,lun.nwood Ave. fhnote108th-Ilne fHalley- in nnloa .!Vest aL--Paul. Proper, on tbe_ -aide of (rrsenwood Ave, to a . •- - - _ - e n the <est line f greenwood _ - - 90 "" north o[ Del Oe street - •lend to be In.e !for the hov 'na• R :improvement being mbre p Imetal - ^ •ie ru'..e. so ensement for r or cute:. and-dila. In and apo' ;md nhutting-Upon greenwood - t•reen the,po(nte foreenld. i ',./ - shown upon th< nkat^` -� - n!he report of thC nr. •• ltic wke 1 , 4.0 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....:cnndemning..and:-taiting...an..:ras.emant..:an-_the ...land.J1 C9slesry for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Greenwood Ave. from to-a.,.I'ins--drawn .between the.:.north•' i"tnc""of-aY2eYY in gTvck"on- West St. Paul Proper .on-the"west side of Greenwood, Ave: to a point on theist line of "GreenfiVood Ave. 90"T66I north. of .elos'St'reet, the' d to_be taken for ,.the abgv-.ioame .. >nprR eztlRiit..b.A ng..m0r.o...wrIA.C.41syly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and Till in and upon -the land::shutting...upon::Greenwood.:.AY:a.:::betxe.en..that:poiriLa-.afaresaid,. -tn..the extent shown upon: the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner a df-Public`_Works...in..the..matter.,...dated..Apri1:.:5th---1�917i-•-which sketc --h-"d � tinder Preliminary oedeerby12991rred . alar o ed..Oete_:.a...1916 Intermediary. diary. drder....15133,,.._..:, approved. Wrch: 5, .;1.9.1:7..... Resolved (1) That thr following improvement be and the same. is hereby.ordered to be made viz : Condemn an ]'ten take -an eg easement #n the-..lan4�...is4Ce.$:QSFJf of Grebnwood Ave. .frow. Del os. Sts to - a lain.Q.s�na.lm:.kzatl[O.en..tha,.north..lino...nf.:allny..,:in.:Blnck.:;:A,:-.,St. Proper on the west side -of -Greenwood fives to a point on the east 11116 :_:..:.of::.Greenwood--:Ara.....90--feet ...north -Or ;-Delve •-Street ...................... - ..................... ............. . (.) That the following land, lands or,easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro priated and condemned for, the purpose of. making the said improvements, viz. for :.:.cuts..and..fil2.a..in.snd..uponAha :.land...abutting...upon..Greenwomd Ave. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the aketch Rttached...to..:the..:report.•af•--the...CommLasioner:..-of•.'Publ1c.­Works..-1a.aFse sostter dated April 5th, 1917 which sketeh and,report are hereby referred to andrt.--herent.... ... ........ ........... ................................................ (3) Thnt tirr nssrtnentsQf-benefifs and award of lama res Q� LlltrtnkiiNw'! �e^n^==rtnti-^g the above land,lagda uc-oaeamente'thereim have-heetti4atifiadmtLS no_ ffrrmeed• A IUC 1 o i a , I9t::.... .adopted by the Council .......... 191 J IL 12 r 1 t}I C: _ QQ AA ....... . ......:....... .... . ..........J.f.�" �....:. -' Mayor_, Couneiln u Farnsworth BLL IL /7 /Cot mcil an Coss Council an (J/land Keller. eCouncil an llcr r? Council an McColl , s Council an Mayor rvin r mob RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND. AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOIL In the matter of..-C.QnSieIItA,1738 ea.cement...in...tha..land .::ne_c:e.a ar -. for slopes, for,cuts and fills in'grading. Hamline Ave, from Sebrgaka., Ave. to Hoyt Ave the_ land t -o .bo taken for_ahe-:above named improvey_ merit being more paTti6idarly described as an easementfor slopes, for cuts and fills in.and upon the land abutting upon Hamline Avenue _ b'etweeft"ahe'-pdInt-a'`afd eeaid,' to tYie'-"extent""sliosvn iipon'tiie eketich attached to the report of the Connaie,sioner ;o£ Public Works7 in the matter- ;""dated `April'--9tU-1"-191'9,'`Ifffid?r et$iT'arid'YepoPG,aiCeiieraUy referred to and made.a part hereof.: _ _ auderPrcliminnn' Order.:...1299 ......:...... npprovcd...Qat:....3._.191.f Intermediary Order ...:.1f114b ....., approved..}flaxch..:E_.191.7..... A public hearing having been had upon the tqh} lcorh.,^ndemnatiou of the lands, or easements therein, .1h 1 for the'aboveimprovement, and the awards of,:dii evort n .r het, and also upon the assessment of benefits .. ...,, n I , j u t here, cru r 1 11 -refore be it therefor; and the Council duly considerAt �s1s Intermedtnrr , - Proved .larch 5,.1171. , ' . ° hearing b—I.K. bei Resolved, That the taking and eondeninitandng and eondetenaleacribed"iu the annexed assessment roll, oreaeements therein,. - identified1by the signatures of the Mayor ana2`�ina icr t.andea o uon part hereof; and the awards of damages. ,nt. of benefits therefor., - to the bwnil�s of such lands respectively for-• navmg dalr oonaldersmnation as set forth in said assessment w therefore be 11 roll, be and the samb is hereby ill all respeet4 i ,'ar tithe at tlane tak ides P.' . ed a se -went rel u Resolved further; that the.said assessmefit:N'eet ree �t Al id the same is hereby.i,n all !respects ratified; SI and- thb same is hereby ordered to be submitted, to the District Court for confirmation. ( be-p°ysbt (( ur ler eco F .............. e iineil to a+t tgeach parcel of .... len �g91.1�11,1iAti .. r "� 19U 19I r Adopted by the_Councll...................................... ,......... Giir r i p i.. . y Clerk. Approved - ..., ..... .... , ' / Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gose - Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller (ry Councilman. McColl �. :Councilman - Mayor Irvin C. F. No. 17471—. +in the -matter of condemning and'talt-L' - .tug an easement' In the land neves- - sarT 1Pr �loDes, for cuts and fills In trading HamllaeAve. from Nebraska - • - tve. to Hoyt Ave., the land to be - - '.akes for the above natno Improve- sent being. more Dartkulnrly de- - +Erlbed a• -1 easementa. to, sloP tar - - - - and. fills In and uPtn the. - - '{- :l tttlnK uPon Hamn. li-o '••nu r ; z ween the. points aforesaid. _ent shown upon' the - 'vedtothe report o[ _ 'ter of Publlepwork - - . - - .dated April 7[h;.- 'ch.:and report are to and made a Dnr - '`"'°a'y tertn Ir ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. t, 19 r Inter'r ' „•red Harab' " forIn the ea forccutsnning 4. d. tRking an...saa15= 1.t...ia.:.the..]and::necaaaery Axes; toPHo�t+ f Ave.......the. land..:t.o..be' trading Hemline Ave. from Nebim-A eke ment being ykoreliken .f.nr....teasemove...nared. open vfo g partic arty described as an easement Sox slopes, for uta.:a.nd...f.illa...in..and:;.upon....t....la>ad:.a.liuttlnB..upan:.Ham:in�. A#v..ozltts. between the ppointe.aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the'sketeh ....attp,Ghedt.o:..the....r.epoFt....of the,:: Cgmtgles.i.Q.;m. of Publ;ic..VCor%;e in:,the......__ matter, dated, April 7th,. 1917; which sketch and report are hereby - refe7cred. to..And_=de ...a part: he.r..e..f.A......... ........................... under 1'relimina'Iv Order..1:299�: _......,•approved. Oct...: 3, i9l6InteMed iary Order..k51:45 approved..YArch `.5.x..191.7:........: - Resolved (1) That the following improvement he and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz .. Condemn L.and take an.. -easement.,.. in_t`he land _neceeesry� for;..alopes, for cuta.. and ..:fills ....iz►:.gradiiig._iiaml.ind..Av.e from..N.ebraska...AAe......t.a..J1A...Alve. (�) That the following land, lands or easements -therein be and the same are.hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..an...e&stsment...tax ......_ _8lopee._, for..:cart:a:.and...:f11111., ifl:_8.rad...lApon,..th.0 lax1d...abetx.i;<1g-.upan.:.lia..mi.ixlo. Avenue; -between the oints aforesaid, to the extent ahown-upon the -. pp ep a...C.ommissi.onar..:of.:.Publir:_W.orka < ...... inethe matter, da.tedhApril A7th 1917, which sketch and report are .hemeby.: referred ...t.o,..and..mades....part..her.eo£ :.......::...................................... (3) That the assessmelits of benefits and award, of damages for the taking and appropriating - the above land, lands.(r easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council._ J(f(_ ,i eitt Jerk Approved .......................... 191 ..... ....... .� .... Mayor. Coandiman Farnsworth _ Cottncilinan Goss :BU —/C '7 Councilman Ryland - - Councilman Keller Councilmmi McColl Councilman. TV4_v_A_*_r�F?W hlayor Irvi it - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION, AND AWARDS . OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of... GSloomning .s,nd.:..tiF1]king.-An 4R.Hemelt7L.;: rA..ttk14.:.�.11TLd-..31S44A.131� Y for slopes, forr:cuts and.fills in grading Fulham Ave from Hendontr, to North City Limits the land to be ,taken for the above named .imp ove- Went-being'more'parttcularly d`escr,i�ed as an easement fbr elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Fulham Street between tlsPl pCi'ntB aiOre`eA'S3, tiS Cyte 'BxtsYit i�h'tSvnY tlpilii Chea eklitCYi"grtU-;AWr-'C6 the report .of 'the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated April .:.........................................-- .... 26th, 1917, which. sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof.............................. 1439 f coder Preliminary Order _ Q............. a ro' r ,a conu,m Int find tnk atermediaty Un3er---a.,�Sf�Q......, •^ pP emtnt In the lund n cs Mopes. for. cora nA tilt In- . Fulh m .tv Ir, to Hendon 1 llffaTCh191,7 11th Cts I.I.M. the land.tn approved •• •' .,1 1,1.nue con , named Imhe,- Al as t a rnle.tnfor aI.Ae ou. - - ;.0-111 fill 1 Int i 1 up the Inn i - n I Iham st l tw,¢n In of.the lands or casements therein; A public hearing hewing been had upon dnt rr s Id t to cent1 ul t30,,tvIr attached to pnrt f tn. c nmle Itn eor ale upon the assessment,ofbenefits for the above improvement, and the awards.c n k in in m ue dated) p _ 261h 19 Whl h k t¢h' and.�bC It - therefor, and -the Council- Laving duly consldt are h tr r r r r td nd, part -her,-of under I'relimin �•de 1t7,0. nn! ted )fine 10 Resolved,,' That the taking and conde ,I .1tsrh 16. iDto 1¢r 16670, np- �1 d ]II the- annezed'assessment roll; -- 1I¢ hearintr having'' been bad I llereof,.and the awards of of identified by the signatures of the Mayor and �; taklgg, and eondetnDatlon of ^ . r.r easements therein, for th, to the owners of such lands respectively foi•,pa,'vement, and the awards Fitton as set forth in said assessment A. -ef.r. and -also:- ttyon IT - roll, be and the name is hereby in all respects .roll ix dint ere i er. and Resolved further; that the said he assessmen6 4 bmtefit's Le uTtFe same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submittahtp,tCourt for confirmation. e eat ssaesameu %obbe payable in i ..--_,„M. u4»al iuntaltmerttit Uit tH'eat!k 11RteER"rn'ht1Tft d29t!tILRQtiILYIfR"" 4 -^ ,adopted by the Ctjunell: -.... ....._......... uL A..i9 � � - • . - r..... «C.i• Clerk.. , Approved.:!. ........... ...................................... ..: Mayor. i'ouncillnan Farnsworth-- Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller - Councilman McColl — Councilman Th ode€lielr Mayor Irvin _ G F. -No. 17177 In thematterof mndemulnd ° Ing. an easement In the Jand - - - earl• tpr al%oa, fo, eute+and' - - - aradlntr Futhe.: Arellue: Hendon Street to North Cit: - - Ito. the, land.' to he take - the , b named ImD oveme' _ InK more p°rtleul IJ de.erll a- - nnlJe ea .men[ tor. 1)D).. for l•) _ I - in and upon the Innd a ¢ . - upon .Fulham avenue Wta•e.. uppinttetheosketeh attnehe Itio1 ,port ttne Commle.toner o - �,,.rk. In the. utter. data o. 1,1 hkh ketch a e 1 bj -f.—d t h e funder 7'rellmi) •• _ L 570ppr...d Jah. 10, 1: ,1_ / 1917 Order 1r530. ppeo• °` °a` jNAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION. PROCEEDINGS. -- Th t -the ePll Ing the ,ume 1 here. • - vlr:the Condamr -•. •,nr ,". In. the matter of condemninngg. and taking An .emaement:.:in the:.1and .necessary for slopes,for cuts and fills in grading Fulham Ave. from Hendon St to liQ,r1 UtY._.Limit.s"�...tha..land_t.o...be--_taken...fOr.._the..-alto.Y..namo-dl...imp".Ye:_.� meat being more particularly described as an easementfor slopes', for cut.s.::and..Y.i31a...in..and:..uRon.:the-.land:.abuttiraB..uAan-:Maham..- t .e et :..bs� lfSien the points aforesaid, to the .extent shown upon the sketch attached-to = r thereport .nfthe Commiae-tonerof Public ...forks-.•in.-.the--.ma.tt.er ,.:dated-. ..:< April 26th,'1-917 which sketch and report are hereby referieA to and mads..a..par.t.,.heraof.::.. ..... ... ......:. ... .. ......... .. nnderPreliminary Order.._1. , approved...dan....10,.1.91-7 Intermediary, Order approved ....1Lar,ch .26,:..1,91-2..-... - : Resolved-. (11 That'the following improvement be and the eama is hereby ordered to be made viz .... :.... -:.-..._w .....Dondamn..and.-.take .:.an..:eaeement-..-in._ the -..land .:-nadezaar;r f.oz..s]l.op.Q _cute-.and•• fi_i.e:•.n••gradi_ng•.Ft�lham Ave from Hendon St to North City Limits ......................................... _._ .. ................................... ......... ....... .:. , . ............. ..........._....... ......., . (2) That the following land, lands or easements thereinbe and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..,all._tld.aemo.&t•- sXgBee� for cuta,_and,.•filis in and upon.the land abutting tt,on Fulham Street, between the ppmts aforesaid to the extent shown upon Eha sketch • Cta.gkielt.:.t.0...ti3. .4 rt qi the bgmmissioner of Public Works in "the mater Ap Lp which eke ch and reporE are hereby . referred. to 8ndamade a.:part�hereof.... ......:... ........ (3)- That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the.,titking and appropriating -the_ above land, lands or easements therein. have been ratified and confirmed. JUL 9 1911 Adopted by- the Conneil..... ..... ......: ..... ......., iVClerk, Approved .. ..:.. :..... 191 } Councilman Farnsworth 7 -�% Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman \ic(,oll Councilmad t'ttR""Ne6 Mayor Irvin - — e Y• --Council File Ne ... _ PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and _ K PRELIMINARY ORDER _ The undersigned hereby • proposes the ,mulling, of , the following, public improvement It the City of St. Pail, yiz ...:Condemning Ara-..taitinj.en. �46e Ont .,ill..tha..aeitd..n .essary:..�9ir diUg .. ....:.talo&aa...:..fA>r....au;ta . ' o.7�xid,�__S�• ism ,�ou'�h.,'� ort ...... ...— ...W...._ .. fa: ...- - A �r Dated this q.th ::,daY of . _.:.. ................. ..... J... .... ... Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follo, •ing improvement, viz.: ' ................COnclamM-ng_and _t.aiang an:..eaennal�t-in :.tha..la d.1-banl�s ...iAr..:.s3A.jp tI y _.._for,...:ranti3...an&...i�_L...:.ill..$rad11�.: BC1fi 1BLfl..:S ��__f'TAL1..S.411tI) .BQkflT.ti St_. .tr9....O1fa8l4YL:.6P_@..a.......... ............ ._........... ............. ........... .:_ ..................... ...: having been presented to the Council of the City of St Pau h ` yre■•'ra of therefore, be it ° Commt'.t RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wo't gibes tb* °° t° her :b ordered and directed 1A etna•4' m keit .1. To investigate. the necessity for or desirability, to �i.,s tibep0 i improvement. u j 2. To investigate the. nature, extent and estimntf�o ,n is+n��j co�tas% mment; and the total cost thereof. . '- ronostea tow - p p qo are tmD*oi of r pot t.tnl.a tb° ti aid improvement:_.............................. 3. To furnish a Ian, profile or sketch of said im 4. To furnish the following other data and intor�a tntormstloo -pmt• wb.mt''.' _. Low*, r 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked r•^ '° °w. petition of three or more owners. G.-- To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........:...... Jul Yens: Nags: Councilman Fa sworth G s Approved....... ....................... ..191......... !. II and K ler. I� :1f Coli .. V 11' nderlicli' :. Mayor Irl, n M*nyor. V_— - Council File No — — 1 PROPAD- FOR" IMPROVEMENT b PRELIMINARY ORDER. The under_tgned hereby propenes Ahs mttking of, the, f. 'The public improvement by'• thg City pf St. Paul, viz ..Grade...thfa went:erl�aiicy bdh xiug.;n th:.und south .2ia.:B7 "k 4: !gt fith.AA,L..s%Ji..II9 r. Qrth.m Hendon 5 1~a .I?uc7lej �t ->. rrlanoe ; with petition xereto�dtechedh• ...__ __.. ... _ Dated this 10 c3 f.duy of d t1IJ.. /. - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.:' proposal h 'foll(?Wing improvcmeiit viz.: �.; WHEREAS, A writtenro osal [or the making oft c Grade .tile .ye....terly alle, ....ancL9-o.uth in..Bloak::.4 __: 3t'.::_Anhony_Park Flox'h.a.._.x4..7....dQxe.St._..to:._Dlidie;...8t. .--- _._:_._.._._ ._ In. 1747B.— .................... _ ...... _.. ..........._._. . ' - - •rens. A written Dropoertl for the g .the "following Improvement. ....._.:..orad, the weeterlY alley bearlpg -..— -"" and south in mock{ at. Anthony - --�- ' North, from irendon at. to nudter having been presented to the Council of the City the beCiturpresented res n St lit ihoeieio eonhae> ...... .. ...._ therefore, be it •,cited. That the Commissioner of I and 6lractaGnd be 1� hereby or ordered and"directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PuLiTo In ", ,te the neeessitY 1. To investigate the necessity for'or desirnl,v;ament. of the m•klae of .improvement. ' To Investigatethe nature, in 2. TO investigate the nature, extent andest.'estimated cost' of said tmpn silent, and the total cost thereof. To - and fthe total cost thereof. - "a plan. Droit' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sack of urn Improvemept �. To. furnleh the foilowlnl. 4. " To furnish the following.other data and i_ aemend rmatlon-iative lid improvement;_ ... ...... ' -. •.q elite wdaehe-. �• - .__.. _.. ........ ... _.._... ........... 5: TO state whgthcr or not said improvement is, asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner' of Finance. Adopted by the council.�) I7 7 191 - .... . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far orth JUL 'I t1 19'7. 191" ....:... Illy nd ' Ke r. - ' . Ic _ _ .,.._ . Mayor I Pl'ISf,ISHI D _ yllOa.t , Council `File NO; ................ _ i - PROPOSAL -FOR IMPROVEMENT _ and - PRELIMINARY--OhDER. • The undersigned hereby proposts - the making of the followtnbr public .. improvement by . the City of St. Paul, viz.:- CondeV ..Ia>17,d._�@Q��s.a�'Y .s l��ca;:...�or:.ntit.e...and...�i11a;..:in.,,grad3ngha.._eras.'tes'1,1it-"e11eg:..:besxil}g �..._ fes.d4 north d bout$ izI BIRG� 9r�t. dlithpl•13! �axk..� �x�. ., . DudlQy . Dated this .::.-...10th day of C... ....._l Uy Co ncdman. PRELIMINARY ORDER; WIIEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . Cond.e.?i#1..ng....azld t.a ixlg•..s ..aa,s ant. in.the.... SandA3aa.eF-sary.-_f1ex...slapesi ..' ....:._.f;Ula..in,-graading:...iha.weatr-rly.,:.:a1.lay..._hc+or souih..._in 31ogk 4... :.fsnm...Sen.3on._S,t....... t.o...DUU y St i • -- as.---1 written Dr poeat for the ... - the following t yr "vamcnl of — - haviog beetnpresented to the Council of the City of SLI? iana ....... taking for°e' v a and dile to grading ^tT outh therefore, be it y t earinR north { St Anthbn> Rtrk h RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wa! �d2„ieu`�t `,�i� n c n^ n of the ed and directed ' Sl. taut .thereto ,'.belt Ltlent.- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability aWeFk hoe and it. 1. a �en`rro°r� 2. To investigate, the nature, extent and cstimatee!o o1n--tlgate .tile heceultY t utd the toGt1 cosLtbercoL 7rahlllty of the making of at 3. To furnish a plan, profile orskelch of, said impi mnvcalBotc the nature. ea 4. To furnish the following other data and inform! nna the total c et thereotii ovempr ent ......... .. - ,- at Bald IiteArovera nt Pro a .....: ..... ..:.......� ... _ .....__... tar'olah �. the [ontaav° ^vrini irtormatlon reof three. or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked . her or �. To report upon all of the. foregoing matters to the C0 mmi4 si1?--" of Finance, Adof ted by the council .. _.:. 141. ... Yens: Nays Councilman Fa sworth r s Approved _:.......... _............... n 141 I I as / /i ' k ler r` 1 mderlkh Dlsyor.I in Mayor. roar e .:e � PL•1�SLISI i"?I) "'� L/"'� 7 - .. - PROPOSAL FOR'IMPROVEMENT ♦. - _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the maktug. of the' fulluwuig public mprovemeiit by tF City of St. Paul.,tzt.4.:_$QS.tRr..:.,;t...,...ili..$ac.ordanaea- ith..p xttionechro on G4 ale a]leY in Blaas,.2 y tb rt,,n..8 c IX �' w T- _............. _........... _.:...... ........... _..�.-_.._. ..__� ..._.:. p+ r . 1Qth..,..day of 'zing 1fl1 7� Dated this ... ------ •• -- r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.—_- -- "_-- WHEREAS,'A written proposal for the making of the following-improvement„viz.: .............ROA..:a.UQJf-i= Brompt.ou..:St, to _._....... at.k ...................... ................. ..._..... ................ .......... ........... :_.......... ............... I having been presented to the Council of the City of I thou- t.: t. , to thenett o[. tli, , therefore, be It � � '- —. � �_ therefore,re, be It I Reeolred. That the Ch. That the Commissioner Public dared works hs .nd h ,.y ordered and directed- RESOLVED, dared and directed: 1:. To �tnreetlaate the - improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabili or dastrabmty of the m: f �mDtoremept. 2.' To investigate the nature, extent and estim tent o Inve ni`:a et o ;eat, and the total cost thereof. '"'moat, and the total a 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said 0 To-"h • pt.n, .” eketotr of eald ImDroreme, v y 4. To furui% the followin ther data and in[ t %To corm■h the too Improvement;_.. _ .. following)other and Intormatlon rN ,. _ ..... ... Imp toremapt.. .. d. To elate whether o.. '. ....... ...--.. .. ............ ........ . .i. Drovemenor ukad for 5. To state whether or not said im rovcment or three or more owp.tition pAhree or more owners: P $. To report upon ' tolnt matters to "'ter To report upon all of the foregoing matter� tm.noa ter of Finnnc�• 7 Adopt d by the. C - : Iit ll IQ' I ttD tUJuly u IY' 1 .n Adopted by the council Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth _ Goa Approved .._. J....A.l :,- ... 101...:... Ilyl nd I.kel r • Mayor Ir n - _......____ Mayor. ._. - ' � _ ' ' _ - =, CoSlnctl File N4 • , ,u. _ - PROIfOSAL FOR IMPRO4htENT i ands _ PRELIMINARY ORDER,: ^- The undersigned hereby `-proposes the making of thn'totlowin 'public improvement by the City. of St. Paul, vtz...__.4.nn�.emning. g,: l in.-the!.:.1 1 eo Bary_ Yo and-:.takiu ezl ;easeaa �...alle Sty thony $14p.s .s....i9x...clltIl ..and. ale . in.: gs y 3rJ S1IIC Park Nor e" x!'9lugtfyn..:St..4_Saetcn. 3..... '} / r r r Dated tbt.,..:.:.:� Ct t day of ..... ... ........ Jltly....... I ` -- % . Councilman. - -- 'PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement vtz.: s ' = Cond QM.11 ... a .t atria .-aut ..:esag en_in ..the...land.:nacegsarY _-far....alnpe a i ......._ Por_•_cuts...alta..�a,....izt..:(irrtlslinr.All..iz>::Sloe.k_2§. St..:.:.gniaony._.k. Norha_...xo�?.:..BrotztPan `St .....t9.. Kast.nn.. - having been presented to the Council of the City of It. Paul by Councilman.,., .t. therefore .boil'. ., RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public % grl.y be a' he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi�gWldy if the making of said improvement. a 2. To investigate the nature, estat anS istamajirl `tmhpaid irdprovement, and tine total cost thereof. c 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch oVshtd trn cnvpmnn + • .}, To turnisl, the following other data and mformatlpn 0lalivrto said improvement;... f 5. To state whether or not said. improvement N 1.dk'ed for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of, the [oregoing. matters to.the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by thecouncd191 ...... .. n Nays: Yeas: ; Councilman Farworth_. Cos Approved Ke cr Mayor IrN n. n 11L,yor. MT 1SItIM-::L may:! 1/.-. —1— - petit on ouncil�ilc No....:..... C nor�pf�lt7 si. FQR IMPROYEMEW _ 1 .and _ PRBLI'{YitNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the Ipaking of the Iolluw, puhllc. improvemrnt- by. ;the City aP St., Pauli 7Vlz... COx�at�.ku:_t...:c.ement....n.nrbin&....on-lb th..a.i"e..:.Of madr�in...3t....�rom: ...-...Cel&�x... t... Q_.Px ns:,et.QT> Avs!...._.in,..acco±danc:o..-w- .patitinn..iieseto ....... _.......... ..... _..... _. ........._.....:.... _ -_ . ._....... _. Dated this :....: �Qt}t... day, of.:_;_:..._:..........T.UIY.......: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER: • WHEREAS, A written proposal for"the making of the following improvement, viz.: CQ?!.qtr.,AQt.._a.emant;.:a=bii►g....on....b.nth..sidles.... of ..from _ - .. .._ .._ ......... ._.. C. F. No. 77479-- -•• • writun PTOPPant vem Inor ht -- ma I c nt-tne follo.... .......�•1 k.: Construct cement corbinB .......� ...... .- .. ...... bolh•eldee of naldwln SL Yro p¢enCPrer .. ........ having been presented to the Couftcil aeont`llto'theoCouRcll of tho Clly of SI boIt.. a........ .. _. .. _...-._ Faun therefore. t the CommWlOaet of - therefore, be IL p9D11elWoThibb• and b• i• herab7 or, r dela and o io-, .*. the neooi•tt7 for RESOL\ BD, That the Commissio °� eear.baltr of tha m►hlntt ofl as" reby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity forlmy°rose u�eit1"t° the ..tuts: erieab� im rovement and eetlmatad eo•t or said 1m9rora-. P -k 2. To investigate the nature; ectclm s.41aa d tut°nt,lll. °pla.na 9*orate er cement, and the total cost thereof: . PW 3: To Burnish n plan, profile or ekteh4"Tof is Duh tion fon ive othet .an6 tatorh tion r•Lt1p to ealA P ' }f, To furnieh.the followingother dtmpprorement qo •tat• whathar or not •de ls- �.im rovemenl euno9 prorement b. asked for on in* P- ot threeor more ow, ers. r .......... _... _... _.t .._...__..... .._.......:.. a To re9ort u9o. dl of the fere- ' 5. to state whether or not said imi CITY OF ST.; PAUL.. • --, � f ,. �. COUNCIL RE$.OLUTION= GEN"£RAL-F,ORM7-1 ! — l - •• _ �_ Subjetac cou rycn. NO i1LE'. - _ Date' Presented 1.9a •Resolved,' ` That' the prober, City officials are ,hereby authoris7d to f "pay to J. Holatz, otherwise known as John Holsc, out of the Workment8 Compensation Account of the.,0eneral Fund, the sum of =13.00, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, -arising,by reason of injuries received by him on the 4tbi day of IMy 1917, .while'employed by ths,Department.of Public Works. i he a re aerid�Shesa'e�egaitiLice e. Comm sa oner pU 1 c or e. -- - of eh TLrjtthe pro Per CItY otil- 1 l utt 0 lase I e H 1: tz tho , fiu kno\\'n Vay to ll"h­ nut of lho 11'ork men'. ca. John, 'on Ac t of the (lehnrnl Fund. the - um of rl�n0.'I.y pirtlrt' eeltlemen t .trr hfe. rin] Knlnzt th. 41t)•, nrixlnK hY, nle.... Or Inlurl— r C t\ I.ty him on - c)•rdhha�T191.. hne ) the UeVnrtment of I'uhilc-. - .1doVt •d 1"..:tne. C..l ol'Ju •1 })• '.. VPro ed July 10. 1917. in, 1917. 1 - " Yeas (d)'COu ilmen ( ) Nays AL 2 ll. Par worth r Adopted by the Couneil 191 Co In favor - Hy nd - qh' �ll I� 191.. l/ Ke er U Apptov pjV 1 J Against :\ W Mr. Preside . Irvin . _ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT t� ! UNL' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COCI ; FILE AIO ----�— -• BY AUDITED JUL 1:- - PER 464 Resolved, that narrants be'drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter peciSed funds so in favor of the. parsons, firms or corfiorations for: the amounts set opposite theirrespective names* as specified In .the -following: , - _ -`,detailed statement: S'eas (:) con Ilmeo ( v) - - i�i i (! IC' - Nays. Adopted by the Councir_ - ----- --191 ., - Far worth Goss t. � APpro� J • t o,i 1 / 191- IIyla d 1 Kelle In favor :Y/ nAro Against �Mr. President. Ir n 1'7482 Atherican Cone Company, 10..50 nealth-P:.Baths-Expense'..: 83. American Insurance Agency, 63.50 - P. Library-Expenee. - ga American Linen Supply Company, Gen. Mun. Garage Revl. 85 Baldwin Transfer Company, P. Library. -Expense. = 1.Z 50 86 lA._ Burg & Sons, Fealt.h.-P. Raths-Expense Burroughs 'Addin„.lAac . lnd Compr ny, . 23-.00_- ,. 67 Water -Expenses = 88 Camera Art Company, 3q.50'' Cor-p.,Counsel-Witness.FBes, gg Central States Importing Company, 143, R7 -.,.P. Library-Expens e.' 90 Arthur' H'. ,Clark Companyy 35M00 P. Library-rx -ense• 91 David B. Clarkson Company, P. LibrSry-RBooks. 92 F. y • Collester, Plater''-'r,'xrznsfi. -. _ 93 Frank -S . Do. Company, . S 00; I . - Fire -F -pen Se_. 94 hlh L..::nrl*`v Com l0 97n�riy, tl, _ - - _ Parics- T _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM . coUNc14;1[I� FILE - ay AUDITED JUL l0 1A--. 191 PER the City' Trete ury; payable out of,the hereinafter specified funds• and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for this amounts sq oppositr their respective names 'a9 specified - in the following.,: detailed statement: - I I I.! li .3 EI IQ 17 Adopted by the Collnul -- Yeas Councilmen l !) Nays _ Farnsworth u Appro�e�-- )l �--�• L._ 191 --. Goss Hyland In favor Keller ij - _- Against `MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin n.aolr.i mat warraeL M- et :tl.�rt °«�id.a:a: - - - - eaiiL: n:r la:faror ot-ri...ysnoas. 4r ,, or- . - ..• - -. lG.lr r.sptoFtlr�i aa�mYnns�sayaolonwl�a. lb:`f.11 wlZ"Wtan.d otatoel.at: - - - - • .. it -. A. . Farnsworth; COID'r. Fin--.. - - 19.119.3. Adopt1ed by the Council JYIY• 10-.1917- Approved July 10. 1917.- .. -. - i --_ - (July 14-1917) 17520 ?A.-F�rnsl;o> th; Coin P-inaime _ 30, 36:111 ' yS } St. 0.:& R.• Sal. 13,81 81 1.,03 ,23 $Hr. C. & R.-Sal. 1;; x.57 - Swr. C1ng-sliZ . 40.30 St. 90.00 Clity Dump-Sal. - 42.87 firidge Bldg. 8cR. _ -- Gen.F._Water-Sal . 'Cros`-walks 667.02 Gen. F. Dks, Whvs and .Levees 222.99 Pvg. 19iss. R. }31vd _ 3,364.67 Gd.- Avenue!Mil:ton, to Creti' 145:95'- ;Swrs. pvg.,Rob't. 8th yo'Cent1. Ave: - 563.4 , "CurdRob-`t. s% ROt. •St. 13� 12th St,/ Xve.1.0 3. Prld EpuSev tIl Street :',prink int; 776 '23 31? 11 - I 1 L ,`, ' icu ro - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -. ... COUNCIL.Na AUDITED .CLAIMS=RESOLUTION FORM FILE -- � -1 , By AUDITED JUL 191 PER 467 of the hereinafter specified funds and; Resohcd that warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out set opposite their respective. names as specified in the fallowing e in fal or of the parsons, firms or corporations for thamounts detailed statement: Adopted by the CounaV - - Tel ( s) Co ilmen (r) Nays _ Fa sworlh Go J 1PPro c 191. jj Ily ad JC In favor, Ke r 5 MAYOR Against - Mr. President, vin - ' .. - C. F. No. 1743" . naotv.d that warrants he dwwn . v0ot� the -C1t7 ?reuutY. Va7able"- out funds;and ' - - - of the hereinafter. sPeefded In r. toe the amopnb set OPP*ilte u sDeefaW fr - - i - h - - - their.-sDeett7s-Hama the-lollowmp detailed statement; No1•ee IIms. & Cotler. 386.31. - - .. - .. - Page. &: Hill Co.. 1226.70. .- naymcr. 1a dwere. Co.. 317.62.. by the Council JuIY 10,1917. - ... • - ..Adopted ADProved July 10.1917. .(July -11.1617) 17521 .I7by(i Bros . &- Cutler , . 6 Testing, Labs Fxpense: :,• & Unforrn 0 Health -P. Baths-r:xens 73•�"0 Lighting! •� �i .31 226.7G! 22 page. & Hill Company, "B.. P. Schools -C.. & 47 6P. �3 Rayinor. Hardware Compare;!, Testing Lags,-k:)tiense 8. 0 - _ -i I- Health -F. Comfort Sta.Ex. 63 F:, Library-nxr- ],' 45 P. Schools -C &.B S 88 �0 �6 33 Health -P.. _$ thts-Fx. Playgraunds-rixp. 10 9 plater-r:xEense 1 60 u 3 24 its s 4 5. _. t C J .p , 4!orkhouse-6Yi'.. 1. 5 Sinkling. -. 0 47. 2. - - Cm"" OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, TI �i5 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIOft FORM F°e""L NO. JUL 1 W 1.917 By _ AUDITED -- 191 - �• ; � 1 .. PER N /- i 469 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Tre.Isury payable out o5 the hereinafter, specified toads and' in fnvor,of the }larsoils, firms or corporations for the amount_v set opposite their respective -names' as, specified in thee following: i Z 1 �Q' detailed' statement:h Yeas (i) Cou dmen l J') Nays adopted by the, Council L ... n s�j i Far slvortb Gos r App c 191 _._Ifyl rail In favor hcl r . - '— - �i MAYOR _Against. _ ' \ Mr..I resident, I vein C F'. No. 17485— - n am..e that wari►ata w drawn IL,' -oat @3 - noon the Cl t, Treaeorer of. tae aarelnatter rpecllied fa.M and arae 4e In tayor of tha Denone. poll DOTatlDoe.f r Lae'tinonata W apyposite ".aa apeelaad- - - tacit-reepectivsnamaa. - th•'.rMlewlnr detaUed_ statement: nook. AePlRnee rt'• J. :. - • First- HM1llOnnl FI.y Conetrwtlon Ca. 88.07812 .. �— - Adoifted'hy the Coani11 Jp1Y 10.1917. - _ - - Approved ]Illy 10.- f,Tolr 14-1917) 17P�3First National Bank; Assignee H,E�7c.lEi, W. J. Hoy Construction Compa,n„ 0 vfater-Exoens,e. - a _ r i i - _t A C1T.V O'R ST. ,PAUL- -�• 4— _ COUNCIL- RE50LUT10N--�-GENERAL,-F;ORM ILE I _ Date Presented July ti"! 11 191 Resolved, _ That .the Council hereby concurs in the' recommendation of the. Contract Committee arid, hereby xdjects• the ,bids, r.eeeived for Grading Cottage 8t., from Rice St—to xatllda.St.I.Albermarle St. from Cottage St, to Lake Como and Phalen,,Ave. and,Gauitier Ste from Cottage ot. to -Lars Como & Pha7.en Ave. ae,,th$ bide .received were in excees.oereby authorized the Engineer a Estimate.and,the "ur- ereing Agent,,is hid to, readvertise for cha new bide on same.in.accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. X1358. IC:'lp. No. 11157—n6enn•- rteaolved', Thnt the Council herebY ` �ContractIn mmlticin e anti hereramenantibY on r leets theblA r c t'eA f r RradlnR C01LaR St. from nlce.4t. to ll ill gl$to reke . I merle St. t om" C tt R - I Comorlrtaehnclnto I.nkel and Phat- ' fro vbid. :cepa of hnt EnRineee. Eat1mat and 'the r'urchnalnR, Agent le: hereby av- _ thorl><ed to rendvertlea for new bide on _ am, I, ghees rar. F BL No11e13S5vlelona . or theAdapted by. the Council duly 10, 19t7. Approved Ju1Y 30. 1917.. 1 (Jul)'14-1917) 'Yeas (✓) unci,:: -(✓)Flays II Ill �9 7 191 F nsworth Adopted by the Council G In favor 9 11 tc j H and Approv 191 Ke er U Mc 1 Against ..w FxRc f -_ MAYOR Mr. President Irvin - ' p' -CITY AF ST�.,PAUL. — — COUNCIL'_ RESOLUTIO N_G EN ERAL- FORM � ' 77, 7.7 -r Subject. -' FILEN lir T- - Date Presented 'July 6th, t 17 ';191 Reso1ved, That the' Council hereby' cpncurs in. the'recormnendatiorl of the. Contract Committee and hsreby''reje,ete .bide re,- ceived for Grading Kent -St. from Como.Ave.'to Oliver St.., te the bids .received were in•excess of the Eng ineer.s Estimate.and the.Purchasing Agent ie.hereby. authorized to'readvertise.for new bide on same in e¢cordance with the provisioae,of the Charter: F.B. #1355. ' a C:: F• No. 17489— o curevin�thah recnmm nndatiorn orthe C�ntrnct Committee-nnd hercbYrelect. bide recolved for RradlnR Kont gt. ("mComo Ave. Gr 011vor,3C, a. the hide re- , elved wore ln.exce.n o4 th. F.nglneer'. F.tlmate ,und thn 1'urc"I'd Agent Ie, now 61d. uthori.mde.'In ceordnnce with - .the Dra Dne or the nChnrter. No'1955 bjulCDunefl'IuIY 10. 1917 AdoDd }' .the l 0 1911. I . .. ,9pt�rove'1 (7.1}' 711-1917) Yea$(•✓)Cou ilmen(✓)Nays Far worth - ( Adopted by the Council 191. Co _ In favor, Hyl d Kell 'APP v k 191 •Mt. IL.. Against W ek' Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR ro11M C. n•a ' i 14 CITY, OF ST., ,PAEtL— COUNCIL-''R�ESO L. OTIa(V=GETJERAL FORM Sub ect 1. FILE 4 IFILa O, .. _ pate P7cscntcd 491 Resolved. -That the o.m.ise3�,ner of Pub is Safety, is hereby',_' authorize3 to en,,aye jr-tht Comfort Station, the s1.'rviczs of one (1)' janitor, �t t salary of ,��,.00 try ...G h, snd'•of crz atror,.;. i he sai.` salary, for, a I;eriC:d not exceedin tarty f3G) _ay al ach, ao. ts.Ye the places of the rec-lilar janitor, ,ar,d reai.r — *ions while the latter are on their at:r..ual vaa ti hs.. °Esr._hee for s me to be,ahar�ed to ,Public Comfort Station Accu nt, Salary item,. .Iearth 5tind. o C. F.� No. 17180—A— y H°nry dlcCoil— >. .. �. Aeaolved„ That them Comlesloner of i Publle Sate[. in hereby authnrlaed, t0 '• enRnRe do the Comfort Station- the. n rvlces of one .til Janitor. at.:a salary at. tbe�- me, patary:r month. at r�a Period f one knoro t .. to exeeedleW thirty t30) day-- ' lake the pplacee. f, the reRul-rhJanllore I and '.Ruler matron- a-hlle.the latter ere on their-nnual' vacation. Ex• Iwhew for-snmeto h cbnrRed to Plh11c Comfort Stell. , rcount,. 3-IarY �11-11h Fund. Council July 30. 7017. Adopted by the A ,Proved Jniy 1P• 1017. ,1 (luly'1/•10171 'II Yeas U) Cou ilmen ✓) hays :!J I Ill l5 r Far Horth / Adopted by the Council 191 Gos G' In Favor .Hyl nd I Ir 7 191 r y' J Approved , r. Mc oil Kel Against /.J✓J 1r. President Irvin MAVort FOAM C. 0•3. - .. y = _ ^s. P - — _ - COUNCIL ,RESO L-UTI.OQJ----GLULNE.RAL F ,RM • r Subject: - - _ FILE j�f O - -Date Resented3uly 6th .-I Resolved, That the Council: hereby` opncurs in the recomttiendation of the Contract Committee_ and_ hereby rejects,bida,received for the 6o4struatioh of a Storm Water Relief sewer on, Sixth St. from Hoffman Ave. to Maple St.{ on Wagner, St. from'Phaten Creek'to-the west line of, Lyman Dayton's.Ad�., L ). dition and thence across Lots 1 & 2 of Munch'6 Sub. of 1 Block 15 Lyman'Dayton's,Add. to`the intersection'of Seventh . St. and Hoffman Ave. as"the.bids received, were in ex- -ciao of the Engineert•s'estimate:and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. 1352. C:"F.1a 17490— .61yeu, hat the Ccurell."herehq ' onr vn"In the r'nmmendatlon of the . Con{{race Commllt 'anApore" reJsolIt "hldd ecelved for tho coaruetlon of p Rtorm Rater Tiellrf aew ron Sixth St. from Nolfmhn \ to ][applo St.:on 'r waxoor St. from. i',ien Cre k to the-' weal it eG of i.ymnn Uayton e: Addition 1 and th nc tet. 1 h '4 of _ 6tun 1 Ruh of Block 16. L) man Bny " ,. ton Add to theInteraeetlon t 9ev enth St nd lToRm n A e. as the'�Id. i /h_ F,ngi n oer. hereb It the to rchnang i �' II Agent r new uon same to ratepr4-; I.tlso t i new hl l n enmo In accord- • nos Ith.the r o lelona of the Chnr-I -Iter F B'. 1164 Adopted hq .the Council Jub• to, 1917. App rovod Juiq 10, 1917.. . (Jui) 14-1017), Yeas ( J) Cou icilmen ( J) Nays ] II (1 IQ',7 - Far aworth . Adopted by the Council 191 � '� Cd In favor 1 Hy Ind APProv 191 - ✓ Ke r Against Mr. PresideIrvin FORM C. a.a - CITY OF-ST..'PAUL .-- - CCI U.NCIL..RESOLUTION=G-E,NER.AL. FORM:. Subject - { COUNCILFILN-0. i L " n - Date Presented 'July 6th- 1 17 191 Resolved, That the Council Il ereby_ concurs' in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby, awards the contract for_ the. Grading. of Reaney St•c-•between.Hazeliood Ave. -and White Bear Ave., to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest— responsible bidder, .for the lumpsum price bid of $7,409.60. Engineirlq 346 timate being $7,2,57'.00. F.B..#1353. .. i -G F_N.. 17491— 5 . Resolved, Jrhat, the Council herehy neur. In'the recommendation of the Cout�act Committee and hereby awards,. the r anlrnct for. lhe,RrndlnR. f Reapp y, Rt betwe.n 1lnzerivnod \v 0117 to near Ave., to Chris Johnson ho.heinR the lowest renponnlbla• biddt r.. for the lump extra price bit of t7,409.00. En. � Rlneer. !:.timate being $7;267.00. r.- 11. N 1161.. . Adopted by the t-ounell July 10. 1917. Appre\ d. Jul, • 70. 1912. (July 11-1917) a��a�� JUL 161917 OFFICEEA4HEWe i `-COUNSEL I > , Yeas (✓) Co ^Cilmeit (!) Nays F 'worth I Adapted by the Council ILIL 10 Iq' 191 G In favor H and 4 l Ic 7 K ler (J Appr ed .. t 191 Against t I Mr. Preside t, Irvin MAYOR ,oa.t C. as _ I An ordinance•"providing for the issuance and sale of, the Donde of the City of St. Paul to the awount of.T,:o Hundred Three Thousand Dollaxe. Q2C3,OCC.CC) for the.purpose of refunding -Park bonds of tae City of the acme amount, falling due Sept einber lst .1917. WHEREAS, The ".City of St. Paul heretofore and on the first day of September,. 1887, under authority- Of an act of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota,"aFgroved February 25,:1887, entitled "An acs to provide for the area and organization.of'a board of park ' commissioners in and, for the,City of St. Paul, Ramsey County., "drone rota,". and of a resolution of the Council of said City, approved September 7th, 1887., duly issued and sold said bonds .to'the amount. of Two Hundred Twenty-five Thouaand Dollars (�:"2Z5,O�' 'C)� and MI?EREAS, Said bonda to the amount of Twenty-two Thousand , Dollars (.Z"2,GCC•;C),have in the',meantime been retired; anti -the re mainder of said bond issue, to the amount of .203,000,00 ;gill mature, on the.firat day of September.,.1917, and will then be wholly unpaid, and are a valid and subsisting obligation -of the City•, and whereas, ". there is not now, nor will there be ten, in the Sinking Fund of said City any money available for or applicable:t0 the, payment or.: redemption of said:,bonds;".now therefore e TF?F COU OIT, OF"TFFrr• Or �m .PPTTj, DO;- OFnAT": 7: Section 1. ' The proper city officers be and, they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an3'issue, and the;Sinkino Fund Committee is hereby, authorized and directed to sell and deliver, the.bonds of the City of St__. Paul "to the amount of Two. Hundred Three ( ZCC,.��. C) Tar value, for the.purpeae of -refunding Thousand Dollars the bonds described in " e Preamble hereof. Section S. All ponds'hereby authorized to be iesued-shall bear date September,lst, 1917, shall be payable ten ye ars thereafter, shall bear.'interest at the .rate" of `f.our ani one-half .per aer,It Per annum, and shall be in denominations of One Hundred -Dollars or any multiple thereof, not exeeedin- One Thousand Dollars, as the Sinking Fund Committee. mav direct. Bcth the .principal 'and inte±6st of said. bonds'shall :be payable at the cf',--ice of the Commissioner of FiAanance of the City ,of St. Paul or at the Financial.Agency of 8 i`i City, in . the City of Newr"York, State of New: York. Said bonds shall be in such Pr form as may be determined by the "Sinkin 'Fund Co:u,,ittee, r:ith the advice of the Corporation Counsel -_ Section 3. "None of eai`i bonds. shall be sold fox less than par :and accrued interest,:and the proceeds of the same, shall be alpplied so' far as necessary to ',the payment and redemption of the bonde described in the preamble hereof. If there. be spy "surplus, .it- shall becredited to the Sinkin Fund. Section 4. This ordinance shall tF.<e effect and, be in force thirty ,says after its-pasea�e and publication.. PaBsed by the Council Yeas Nays n u r r r l rL Mr. Farnsworth SII, rt1 u r Goba, u..a i, Ii_.rr.. . 'I S -CTION Hyland n r Keller IcColl Wunderlich Mr. . Presi , x4xn! Aprroved JU! -28 1417 - -- — Attest Aouna --lbayor . C *y Clem. fUttLtSkIIsD An ordinance providing for the issuance end `eala of the 'r bonds of the City of St. Paul tc the .:amouat of Wo Hundred. Three Thousand Dollars ($3031000.00) for the purpose of`refunding.park bonds of the City 'of`the same amount, failing -due September let, 1917. RAERE�S, The City of St. Paul, heretofore and on the :fIVA day of September, 1887, under'authority .Of sn sot Of the Legislature of the State cf Minnesota, approved February 35, 1887, eniitlsd-$An act to provide for thb:creation and organisation of a board. .Of. park commissioners. in. and for the City of: St: Paul, Ramsey County, llinne- sots,' and of a resolution of'the Council of said City,; approved September 7th, 1887', duly issued and sold said bonds to -the aciouat_ of Two Hundred Trent fiva Thoueand.Dollars ($825,000:p0); and lifDLREAB Said bonds to the amount of.Twenty-twoThousand Dollars ($23,000".00) have in the meantime been retired, and the ref- Dollars of said boad-issue,-to the amount '.of $'303,OOp.00 will mature on the first day`of September; 19 17, and will than be wholly unpaid, and area valid -and subsisting obligation -of --the City;:snd whereas-,_ there is not now, nor will 'there be then, in the Sinking Fund, of said.City any money available for or applicable to'the pagment or redemption of said.boadi; now therefore THE COUBGIL Or TRE OITY.OF RT, PAUL DOrR OFi1AIA: r' Section 1. The proper city officers be and. -they -=are hereby authorized and `dirooted to execute and issue, and the -Sinking -Fund Committee is .hereby authorized and directed to_well and-deliver.'j tthe bonds of the City of St. Paul to the amount of -Two -Hundred Three ThousandjDollars Q203,00o xc) par value,,for the purpose of refunding - the.bonds described in.the preamble hereof $eotion a., All bonds hereby authorized: to be issued shall be date September lot, 1917, shall be payable ten years thereafter, shall bear interest at the. rate of: four and one-half per cent. per annum, and shall be in denominations of One Hundred-Dollesa°or any o Thousand Dollars,es the Sinking maltiple-thereof, not` exceeding One l tit of 14�alul Paul OFFICE OF JOHN I: FARICY. CITY CLERK, July 16th. , '17 A.,Fbrnnworth, 'c Com. of Finsnoe, City. i)enr Sir:- 1� Encloerid please find Ordinpnces 1,.17492 nm 17493 -e'liid over until July 19th. j917 e.no referred to you by the Council, ct its meeting of. this date. Youre truly, - City Clerk. __ r , 1 An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale, of She bonds of the City of St. Paul to the amount of.-Fifty Thousand Dollars (,65C C; C ^C.l for the .purpose of refunding orid;;e'bonds .of the -City, of t e-aam,e-amount, falling due.Movember.15th, 1917. HFREAS, The City of St. Pa.ul. heretofore and on_ the 15th . duly of love,:o::r, 1667, under authority of an act of tIe L'e�islature of .the State of ,inneaota, aeproved Fez.:ary 12th, 15[87, entitled "An act to authorize the City'of. St. Paul to :issue bonds for re- building ana erection.of bridEea," duly issued and sold said bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars; and TAFREAS, ` gaid bonds will mature on the 15th .day- of Ybven. ber, 1917, and said bonds and all thereof are now and will then be. wholly unpaid wand said bonds are a valid and eubsiatin` oblige.tion S of the City, and thers is not no:.,'nor will there be then, in the Sinkin; Fund of said City any money available for or .applicable to 1 the payment or redemption- of said bonds or any thereof; now therefore rc COJ�?CIL OF ITY cxF C�r'S". PAUL DOES ORDAIN: TIF - Section 1. The prosier city officers be.and`t`ey are hereby - .authorized and .directed to execute and issue, and the,.Sinking Fund 6. Committee is hereby authorized and directed: to sell and deliver;,the bonds of the City-of St. Paul to the "amount of-Fifty ,Thou§and -Dollars` par vrlue,' £or thy. purrope of refun3ing the bonds des cribed in the preamble hereof. Section 2. All bonds hereby authorized to 'be is3uea shall - bear int.erest;at the rate of four and one-half per cent,: per annum, shall bear date,November 15th; 1917,_shall be:payable ten years_ thereafter,, and shall be in denonirat_lona of-One Hundred Dollars ( 1CC.C'0)`or any c.ultiple thereof, not exceedin._•. One -Thousa d: Dollars as the Sinking °fund Cors:ittee may direct.. Both the - principal and interest of said bonds -shall .be payable st the office of the Commieeioner of Finance of the City of St-. Raul or at the Fin - ane ial, A6ency of +aid City, in the City cf Few Yori, State of New, ew York" Said bonds.shall.be in euch form Ew may be determined by 'the Sinking Fund Lomu,ittee,'uith the advice -of the CorporationCounsel. "I Section -3,' Hone of said bonds ©ball be sold fox Tess than =- par end accrued• interest, and'tthe proceeds of the same shall be applied so far as necessary to the payment and redemption of t:e bonds des- ' cr'ibed in :the preamble -hereof. If there be any surplus; it shjll be. credited to the Sinking Fun'. SectiRon 4. This ordinance :3hall take affect and be in. force thirty says ;after its passage and publication. Passed by the, Council Yeas Nays yri'Farnsworth / Gori ;Hyland • Kell er 1� � McColl e.l�unfterlich 2 1917 Mr.Presictezasi? Approved 00, 'Attest u ada r City Clar:: t - - nd 1 i 11u Pyr tu. - -,al hall 1 [ } Il t .r ni h IL1. 1 1 noIn 11—dr-1 1 II IE30000) e 1111. th- .E tot xis�000 onl11 nut } } O nrio II 1 ri i t rrrt •. — - .tklng 1 nh Il t D T Ulc t t1 _ 1f i 1 1 I of F n _ th( t l flt inr t it ✓ 111 1- n1 fvtk. >t 11) th.• 1 kl F 1 t• m ^ rpo L OiliC / 1't Tlr % 3. of rat l !rn 1. I all G 101'1 11 b,,' 1.. ( - - Jni rtl. h{ll t f-llch Jig. - l 1 1h• nramhlt hr , - -,ph- It hall ,bli, .UO. c.,. - tia:i I all take n _ - --le)'n alt Azi - An ordinance revoking'the permieeion.given-by 'Ordinanee #3658 to T'.F. Cullen, Inc., to construct a.:loading platform in front of 828 Yinnehaha Street. -{ THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL.DO$S-ORDAIN:. Section 1. That the permission heretofore.granted to T.F: Cullen, Inc., by the terms of'Ordinance #3688,-approved`Yeb. 3,. 1916, to construct a loading platform in front of 828 i(innehaha Street, City oi' at, Paul, ie hereby cancelled and revoked, and the said T.F. Cullen, Inc., is hereby ordered and directed to remove said loading platform from said street and put that portion. of :the street occupied :by said loading platform is as good condition as before'the loading platform -was placed.\ - therein, all within 30 days after the eervice'of a copy -'Of this ordinance.upon the said T. F. Cullen, Inc. Section 2. 'This ordinance shall take effect and be in . force 30 days after its passage and publication. -' passed by the Council Yeas; Nays Hr. Farn worth' Goo / $Y1 d Kel er Ycc it np 2 ► 1917 . wun erlich _ Y n Approved - 0o Yaycr. Attest / i *' "ifUBLISiIED Th city C} rk• 1 i r` Ir' P.n 1 1 It �u - /// - ,// mt` -It Inl Ia ltl� T ( 0 I I 1 1l r, pl t7 m �. it t i tl ( - i.ltr I till i II 1. 11( I I ,( I _ II 11 R I (i 11 -�,_ r � � /� `•! // tl : I I r't 1 L li tl I I - �Ir I I - ��' St i'TtrrA- /!�� - 1.^ In fon i. :IO 't II til<�rt t Holl - � ii .fJul" 1 1 - G' `� IfF\RY NrCOI,L T .t tln,al:, J 1.-FARiC1', Aeltns'Mayor. _ -: An ordinance revoking the permiesioh'given bi- Ordinance #3639 to T.F. Cullen & Co., IneorForated,.to replace, and maintain ,a set of public. scales; TER COUNCIL OF THE CITY fiF ST. PAUL DO3s ORDAIN: Section 1. That the permission heretofore-granted.`to T.F. Cullen & Co.., Incoorated, ;'by the terms of Ordinance #38:9, approved December 29, 1915, ;to replace, and maintiin a set of public scales on'the South side of Yinnehaha St. in the rear of #871 East Seventh St.-, City of-'St.,Pauli is hereby cancelled and revoked, and the said-T.F. Cullen Co., Inc ,.: in hereby ordered and directed to remove, said scales from said. street and put that portion of the street occupied by said scales in as good condition as before the scales were plaoedi therein, all within 30 days after the service of a copy of tLia ordinance upon the said T.F. Cullen do Co., Inc. Section 2. Thin ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after ite,passage and-publication.. Passed by the Council' AIL 25 1917 Yeas _ Hays Yr. Farnsworth Goes Hyland Keller ` McColl _ Wunderliah !11 `519'7_ Approved ' /J / '.7.. Attest he ptf�° t' sLIST:I -D zi_� i I I ..,.J K,. "Aed t T.p. C llq C Co In r - � -t I by tt t y \n. it� nd a h - r 79. 9 til to 1. 11n t t public tle of th e' ih 11 f)Iln h.hhnh . 1 In it,. .if l 8 1 Na Sgr_ t t It,, , St f. 112-1, 1 h ,lb y an. 1 .•- - 1 1I k 1 1. the i t T N 1- , 1 1. / I b h3 0 1 -tl 1 tl I1 l t 11 t thal i-, tl f-lh t •[ I I I l li-- 1 1 In I dill n ! f r th P nl Y tl I Il gl ll' ,% o h tt. r u t r I f tm 1 thI! T 1 I' - _ I �/3 J !� Thi it 1 11 t I R t 11 rl 1/ r o 7 fl It I .tie l tt ' t n JOY "IT_1 71 ..1�a3 1 H6..\it8 McCOLI Acting Sdayor. - I Attest J. I. F.tfi1C1 CITY 'O FI ST..: PAUL _COU•tVCIL-R E -SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ( F$ubjeicl:- _ - - counat. FILE No. _ - Date Presented July ' 10 s 1917 191 Resolved, That the Council'hby concurs in the recommendation of .the Co.ntreat Comm,it•tee'and hereby rejects all bide received,for the .construction of a' Fcrce Main Sewers on Edgerton street from Nebraska avenue to 'Ho" avenues being:a-part of what 7�Iiosn as the P6yne--Edgertori sewer, systemsdistrict No.1s, _ as the bide received 'were•in excess _of. the Engineer's esti- mete, and the Commissioner of Public Works.is'hereby authorized • to construct the above named sewer by`City. 'Force Account,•in. accordance gith the pro.rL+eions of the Charter., Fi?.1351 t—d. Th., th C-11 ron r it, th mn..nd tl t f the! - i font t t. mn itt nd he—by rolr•ct. 111 111 ivei f the rnnstruetlon of - I:. 1 + \I In n r.dKerten St. t D, D 1 InK n part +f h t I kn in th Il'Jn 'lJl ' T`1> le 1 IK t 1 t.e 11 Irict No. t thehll 1�.1 e l ex f III-, r 1•In N e timate. 'and JUL 1'k1917 D tno Commlesl—e f Pnhne orke In hereby utM1 11 1 to onet uct, the OFFICE OfJFHE COR RATI COUNSEL �h°turned w 11 rlt scree r. - (j1 _rt.- I rd ace Ith the aro• v1sl0 of the Cha t r F fl 1561. . a lopt d by lM1 Cou II Jul3 10. ]037. Approved July -10, 1017: (July 14-1017) .. 1 Yeas (.') Court �en (.'}Nays �'' Y Farn north Adopted by the Council Coss In favor, 1, 1 Hyl Kell Approv d I 191, L- Against y W Mr. President. in Myron . FOAM e..•z" - -: 'CITY* OF ST, PAUL: _ Resolution 'Ratif ng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits eo.ste -t rid expenses for a grading: alley 1m Chute Brothers'Riviaion '0.16 under Prelimi4ry Order 4,364 _ Intermediary Order 1051? Final Order 11286 approved .Juno 29' ' I 191 6 A public hearing- having been had upon the assessment for the'above improvement„and said assess' -ment having been further considered by the Council,andhavingbeen-considered finally satisfactory'.. be it therefore q RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in -all Pespects ratified, and the . County -Ramsey for confirmation-, - same is herebyordered to be 'submitted o the Die[ri�i Cour of :he Caunty j BE IT -FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in /��"C-C< equal installments as to, each and every parcel of land described therein. IE Adopted by the Council ' City Clerk. - en tCoiinc s Approved i W t ri{MI'"A"'dn lle d� Itn n t• .. It. Ite 1.. 71 I It r�x I1 ► � ' b+ and thv + 1 ber,•bt n+ nll , xpcettl rat111 1 1Itd Ihe.. xnn+r IVIayOT. Aerad to be tlubolitted to the Dletrlet cont or the County of ttetneey for con* nrmstlon•hnt the s•Idd - - Lt it FurtherR olved Th eby dw-. .1 ;t tl "sMenlo bi -11 r11t1' 1 nn ee nl Ilnetnllitl..nt t e ch nn lT+very [ r• - • i 1 n. f. 1 nd d Ibtdi n t Ado h,aJul)' lo. isAtli (ill) li-1 lil I 4. 7. CITY_of ST PAUL OFFICE' OF THE CONII�SIONER OF FINANCE' REPORT OF: ,CGMPLETION :QF � ° _SMENT __.. 1.91 In the matter of th6`assestment of b'enefit8, coats and eXp$t4nBe for the grading of a11ey=Yn Chute Arotkeret:.DiVinion'No. 16 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order __.10517 Final Order 11286 approved June .29. 19.1 6._.:. _. , To the.Council 'of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . ment, viz: I - I Cost of construction $ 200.:15 ' Cost of publishing notice $ 2.10 Cost. of, postal cards .90;__.__... Inspection fees $ 4.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures' - $ 211..65 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assess¢d and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 211.55 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action4hereon as mny be considered proper. r•orm. ta. n. r _ - Commissioner of Finance.. - j Council File Na' -By— , r CITY OF ST.PAUL, Resolution latfying Assessment. An the matter of.the assessment of benefits, costs- and expenses grading Alley in Block 1, Summit Tj ew, Add i t10 n - under Preliminary Order 10119. Intermediary Order 10967 _ , Final Order 11722.___ approved 'July 25,. 191 6.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement,' and sai&."itess- ment,having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore; RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and thesameis hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Courf of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER.RESOLVED, That the said assessment be andit is hereby determined to be, payable in 0YZ.:* .. , equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted" by the Council i ' i ji I 191 d _ City. Clerk. Approved ,> 191 11 tl Ili tr r the n m nt r - I krgdlnr; ite). 1! I 1 ck n If i 11 r ut mi urd, c.tddltl •r Mayor. ton iuterm flare, Order Iurm ti. It: iS Jul, tu:tr.7, Finnf Order .11-aaaroved • t:nc. A-publ:..ic bearina : havin[ bean had upnon the aand eseaamen[ for the above lea.basnc onalder d'afinally.eat �factor7 the rl therefore .. - n oil 1That- the xnll xexemenr U, t tt i a In I—el �In 11 - xP„tx rnll"'.d "I'd till' amr Ix hrn•b)' - - i ordrn•A to br ut n111ad W Ihr I7lxlrlrt t'nu rt of .tile .Count; n! Rnmsey for - rn ne I'll Inn ' rr - .xolveil-'riw thl, ,.Id -- - ax -nt hr nd It'Ie [ 1l' iavnlue In one i.9uai in- xt:Iouch"and evey parcel rll d therein. _ plod by to Crunrll Jult lo, lot-,, - Apt roved July is•. is,L U41r 11.1817) CITY OF STS PAUL- -. OFFICE -OF TNEiCOM4G11SS10NER _OF F1N�4h16E- _RPORT OF CO. OF ASSESSMENT 191. V - In the matter gf the.assessmentof .�lienefits, costs rind -expenses --. for -she grading of Alley in Brock 1, Suttanit-View"AddAtiOn;N under Preliminary Order 10.11.9:._ - Intermediary 'Order 10,967 Final Order 11722.' approved_ Tuly 25, 191 6_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a staternent of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- -__-.__. _ment, viz: .. Cost of construction - - - $_ 103:.40 Cost of publishing notice $ 1.96 - Cost of postal cards Inspection fees' - $_ 2.07 i - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4+ 20 I Total expenditures $ 112..47 'Said Commissioner' further reports that he has naseased and levied -the total amount ash above aster twined. to -wit: the sum of $ 112.47 - upon each and every lot, part or parcel of IAhd deemed . r ., benefited Iby the said igiprovement, and i;n the case of ,each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred. thereon;that the said ass!essri ent has jbeeen completed, and that hereto attached, Iden tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a jpart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted- to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commission of Finance. Council File No. - CIT•Y OF ST. PAUL., m Reno 1'ution lea ti 'n Assess ent: in the matter. of the assess enrG oats and expenses for i. ehVOnt i9c of 1lhsP�K •'n f F pe�. 1, neat conte filo k Summit V1'a _ grading alley in `Bl Inc a �`� t n umm n tt at tion 1 , 1 Glotf tnterm 917�.nPPro •rd- - -Nin 1 ore l Dan has u 1„A p (011e henrl i havinf aho a lm• upon tttt. as �?aament iM�amant ft' I Q'A,LAYA\ "1Y60.101Jd L-�-- - i under Preliminary Order, 10532 ...... _... `�ntermediary Order _11231 Final Order 11937 PP ' a roved Aug. '3 1l\91 ;6 . A' public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council. ,and havingbeen consideredfinally, satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That.the said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said- assessment be and -itis hereby determined to be payable C1in j (Q/ equal installments as to each and every-parcel of land described therein. Ado ted by tpe Council - 191 City Clerk.. Approved - ._191 Mayor. CIM 'T =PAUL OFFICE 6F ' HE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. -� _- REPORT OF COMPLETION -OF --ASSESSMENT -= 191 In the matter of the, aesessment_of, benefits. :costs and expenses for, the . grading, of AAlIey, in Block, 5, S"t,tmmit View Addition under Preliminary. Order . .105.32......: Intermediary Order . 11231: . Final Order 11937 approved Atlg..3"r 1916:...:. To the Council of She City of St. Paul: The Commissioner, of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection. with the making of. the 'above improve- ment. 'viz: _ Cost of construction $ 107._00 s Cost of publishing notice $ 1.68,; Copt of postal cards $ ; 7Q Inspection fees $ 2.14 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 3; 60 Total expenditures - s. 115.14 i Said Comm+spioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- . tained, to -wit: the sum of $, 115.14: upon each and every lot, part or parcel of'land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof,is the said assessment as completed by him: acid which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as -may be considered proper. Nor+n u. ++. t C mmissioner .of Finance. . -t vr- or the ., a m'.•nt o -- - 17500 'ct- tttl tillRe,•t t Irk 'r rth -r d n fo d t _ .. CI _71- 'tu / f t • t jmfern­dlary order •- -- .. - - - } MS. -' hearing hq Ing _heen. _ ---t ror xbd abtiv� tJ a td - c n tlored by the. Cc r - n heref r a nnsu CITY OF ST. FAUL- - - - ( l� -.. It tF roto -�. � ..- _ � � •) ,. r rh t 1Aq a 11 n -- - m la h rebt In - ' t n t nn• me 1 Resolution Rarifyi °Assessment.. - sul mftted to th In, the matter -of the.assessment.of benefits; costa 'and 'expensea for grading. Grantham street East as laid along.East.side,of Block "C St..Anthony,Yark North and 3utord street from East Grantham street to Cleveland avenue, width of street to be sixty (60)',f'ast under Preliminary Order 6,765 Intermediary Order 88.59 Final Order 91'7.3..... _.. approved Feb. 18, 1916 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above. improvement, and said assess- irient having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered, finally satisfactory, be it therefore _ I RESOLVED, That. the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all ,respects, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County p6 Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in - j equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council . 191 . _. � _ 1 City Clerk. . Approved V T Mayor. is / CITYT. PAUL. - OFFICE OF, THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF •. ASSESSMENT 19.1. In the matter of the assessment of^benefits, hosts and expenses for the grading of Grantham Street Rist as - laid along 'B'ast side ,of Block "C t, St., Anthony Par)< North., and. Buford Street from-Ekst.Granth&m. Street to Cleveland,Avenue , width of street to,be sixty, (60). feet ::...... Intermediary Order 8859 under Preliminary Order .: 075.5._.. ,.approved .: rebe 18, Final Order ....9173 � •' To the Council -of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports 'to the Council the following as a statement of, the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the.ahove,improve - ment..viz: Cost of construction $ 4,284.0-6. . Cost of publishing notice - $ 2. 31 Cost of postal cards $ .9.9- Inspection fees $ 85.68 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4• g5` Total expenditures - $ 4,:377..98._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied thetotal amount as above aster tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 4,377.93 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefitsponferred thereon; that the 3aidlassessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed` by him, and which is herewith submitted to the' Council_ for such action thereon as may be considered proper. earm. is •u..t; : - - _ Commissioner of Finance. - CITY OF ST. PAUL "•.' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL' t AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO IUI_ 191f BY AUDITED. v: - PER –V 'j-1 �Jt.✓.%�Y, L. 446 - n Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified.funds and in favor of the persons, firms or -corporations for the:amounts set opposite their' respective navies as specified in the ,following., detailed ,tulcryent: I . , i t Yeas (1 ouU Imeq! �) Nays` :Adopted by the Council Far 'worth - Go Approv Itll IIy Ind In favor, .y �I 'Olt Mr. President, ruin - • ' tttl• aat. usv yat u4 ` - - ' - ¢ aaa Nn.a.���iioQa. - � •Oaa lye. •a9uat� aarq 41,•y Oa -. q a• .tN.V :o641a L�l� -z", . oa P at a.ab od aw �•- al, o- 04 . 4.a. a4•la a a 77avil oa .. Na•� Lao 1fa ., an .atdao.y 4a a' m z. D ..... �L. $ .. a• �ia•Lt40 Al" nt�un � V j0 _ .LOi itla b' nye of •b p4J pa0 LusAWI - aat t _ aoa° Lara 17303 01. G . Amlee, '10 00 G,F.-Misc. & ,inforseen.- 04 J. E. Bellairs, 10.00' G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen. 05 Fred A. Brodt, 10 OC, G.F.,Lsc. cc Unforseen. 06 wm. E. Covenyi 10 00 . G.FXisc. & Unforseen. 07. D. E. Edwardd, 10.00 . G.E.01sc..& Unforseen. �08 Louis Frank, 10.00 G.F-Misc.-& Unforseen;. 09 Eliza Harrington, 5.Q0 G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen.. ' 10 Fage.Hjorth, 10 OQ ; G.F.Misc. & Unforseen. 11 Mrs. C. NI. Klos, - 10.00 G.F. Misc. & Unforseen. 12 Francis Kreyer, 10 00 G.F. Misc.. & Uri.ft seen. 13 Luco_ Lavoia10, 10 00 Unforseen. '\ Page #2. Res. 448 17394 Harry. Locker, 2.00 G.F.Misc. & Unforseen. - - 15 J. H. Lehmann, 10.00 GaF.OMisc. & Unforseen. . 16 R. S. Leighton Agt., 10.00 r G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen. i ` '10.00 17 John LaCosta, G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen. 18. Y. Y. McLeod, 10.00 a.F.-Mist. .&.Unforseen. 19 Jae Makiesky, 10.00 ` - G.F.OMisc. & Unforseen. 20. August Moschner, :5.00 I G.F.-Hisc. A Unforseen. , 21 Louis Nelva, i 10.00 - G.F.-Mise. &Unforseen.' 22 Joseph+Schnabl, 10.00 '. G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen. 23 W. J. S1ePPY Company, 16.001 G.F.-Mise- & Unforseen. 110 0 24 Theresa Seiler, G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen. 25 Herman W. Wesenberg, 0.00 G.F.-Mise. &'Unforseen. o CITY OF ST. PAUL - - " ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, �t COUNCIL `.F is AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No = — '.tQ ltd SY .AUDITED 191 .PER - /t�`Ctr/7Lv�. 447 . Resolved—that warrants he drawn upon the City 'f'casuFy, payable out of the hereinafter s)ieci9c l -funds and. in favor of the porsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statements - - - - Yeas ( s 1 COM Cilmen ( t) .Nays Adopted by the Council — 1 Fari swokh sh/i Gos rlpprvlve llyl• Id r In favor 1.. R - MAYO J[c II Against. - %Ir. President, tvl i I I C. F. No.. 37397— t be 6raWe _ ;Resolved thst W' NY g Byte out o1 - upon the CItY:Tr 'jA'.• D Y and - _ the here lna[,.T oD I phi°� oorporM I . fsvar of -the De ouhb _ eet 09"', 1. - - - tions for.: the: am - - their r.. W deitallea •tatementaed 1a - .d,d. Connolly $:22.00.;.' _. Chrlet lohne0a $220.62: O•Hen &.. Preston $1�rd Au12;nea U0. , Rasmuseen '&' $710.00. .Baamu...n k Ce, ,,.313.00. .. t0ems-CaroY A: Ca. 31800.00. 3 3917. - Thornton Brox., LI73.00. ►DDrovea Jhe uly 3 1817. I1'IuIY . r - - 17326. J. J. Connoll. (July 7.1911) 622.00 ewer a,ars all Ave. - 327 Christ Johnson 920.52 Grading.Brand Ave. , 328 O'Neil & Preston, 1,860:OQ Suer St. Clair J0D0 D: 0 fHamline-Jefferson Sevier S.� " ''610 329 Rasmussen x Simard, Assi.gc,ee R. 'C; Baumgardner. - 710x 40 Gre.ding 3el.mont 330 Rasmussen 3c <Simard l 15.00 Grading Brown Ave. 331 Siems- arey & Co., 1,000,00 Fredericka-Fadrinount Sewer- System 332" Thornton Bros.,., 175.00 GradingOrangeSt., 6101 s nd' se en6m nt r ate.! t c3•tr o Den er for t" e 1'nla c' rt5 t [rum F tt nut ,Bond -to [/zlnal n e Arddr 1,1223. FfO, 11E rde is uppro -ed A gUel 11' t9 • 'fbll h aring hating Ddan Aad is •eeeumant for the„ boTo Im-' - ---•• - - "�; nnt: dto . said'uotndnt Mhaving ttheroen.tdeud by the Gounefl: ving•<l+a•n.., ren•ldered 91"117 `A-r, be. it. therdore -,dre4 Thatthe soldau CITY OF ST.: PAUL. rztigsa,- zna the—0.fa-ze :. to D4 muorouteq w the Lir lu on �Zatifying Ass.mmerit• - - ; L the Cenntr of Rantaq,, '•toa - . _ e rt". Rewl�•d,' Y'ha _v Lo be paI.yabl In!le _ e asessment,of benefits-,.costs and expenses for , -grad-ing PaladeStreet from ydgecumbe Road'to ,Lexington A*enue under Preliminary Order .97_�i`% Intermediary Order, L_11223_ ...:.,..:.. Final Order...._..:.11.151.._..._. approved .....:.::._A1191121.t._11, 1916.._:.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above, improvement, and said asseaa ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been eonsidered,finally satisfactory,' be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assesstnent be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby,ordered to'be,spbmitted to, the District Court of the County of Ramsey for 'confirmation. ?/ BE IT FURTHER_ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. u( :,._. equal installments as to each andeveryparcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council A � - _...... City Clerk. ... Approved l.: 191,_ ... 1...._... Mayor. Tenn. It, B. 13 _ - OFFICE OF THE C E REPORT OF COMPL SSESSMEN" In the matter of the assessment of• benefits, Coete and 07CPOri9e9 for the grading of Palace. Street from Edgeaumbe Road to Lexingtorf Avenue " under Preliminary Order .._ ry.SiT.... _ Intermediary Order _..._.... ll$23........_._. .. _.._ _l 2l 5.1.;, .,..... '. app....A!16,...1. 191 Final Order roved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the.expend.i tures necessarily incurredand to be incurred. for and in connection with the making of the above "improve- ment, viz: 'Coat of conetruetion $.1,329...00 �..:_.._ Coat of publishing notice. $,,, .. 1._f32__ _.. ••C Cost of postal tarda .......... Inspection fees i _ $.. ;30 _58 Amount of court costs For confirmation $..--- '�. 9.0....._. P'Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has?i..elsed and levied the total amount as above ascet tained, to -wit: the sum of $1,302,.98 ,_,-,.,.,` .. ......... .Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed• benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each 16i,$art or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, andthat hereto attached. Iden- tifiedby the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed, by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Couneil fgr (suds actio hereon as may 6e considered proper. i or B. a r; �- Commissioner of Finance ���f= ------------ 77 o�uncfl File N .._ ` . 5 By CITY .OF ST. PAUL. , / Resolution, Ratifying Assessment. - /in . 'the 'matt er of the assessment of benefits, costs and expensee for grading -Stanford street between Griggs street and Syndica'te.avenue upder Preliminary Order 8793 .. .::....., Intermediary Order :10.612, , . , Final Order 11.d_4.b_...__.._ o: approved... . July .10,.- _. .... .19 L.,_6.. having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - A. public hearing ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said -assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 2 £ equal' installments) as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191......,:.. City Clerk. i Approved • ..:_... _ 191 .,'P-. . .mina fd a., ., en. _ `� ■ _ _ . �. - t Il. U Mir. tr ov AoW o�J .. �b - A public sehrl .t n t Pub xv- .,.,�.: upon too amew➢kea y.. rb bcir erOYenent, and satd See ,&. - t bass o0tuldend anally sattefactory. b�' it therefore ' Resolved. That the said aeeeeement - - - ba and the Same in hereby to all M- spscts ratified. . and the mama to hereby ordered to: be. submitted to the DI trlat �.i court of the County of,Ramscy for `i coodrmation. - _ go It Further Resolved. That the i dnod to. be Payable In drain equal 011WdetOf land described therein. _ IPatallmOnta se to each and every: ar to 6 • utessment--be -aad-lt-"ta- hStahy `— -- Adoptad'bylhs Coucll lu1, 10,'IelT.i - ADproied July 10r1e1T j... - _........Ce. .(July 161917). - - 77 CITY, SI'. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE MISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT .OF COMPLETION -OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of. the assessment of bepefit8; costa. and :expenses for the,"- riggs street and f3yndicato avenue; grading of Stanford street between G J 8793 _. Intermediary Order _ ..... ....10612 _ under Preliminary Order ......._.. -Final Order .... ........apProved._.......JYly...:10t 191 '....4., To the Council of the City of St, Paul: -The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports. to, the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ,. ment. viz: - t _ ' _. _1.$0.0.._00... Cost of construction $. t Coat of publishing notice - - Cost of postal cards' Inspection fees r 5.. 26 . QO Amount of court costs for confirmation $.. Total expenditures y $.. ..1..333..50... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied. the total amount as above ascer- the sum of $. ..1.._333 5;Q..... upon each and everp lot, part or parcel'of land deemed twined, to -wit: once with benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of. each lot, part or parcel of land in accord the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idem- mmissioner,,and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed Fified by the signature of the said Co itted to the Council for s/ucchaca'cti nAhereon as may be 'considered proper. by him,, and which is herewith subm tr 17 Commissioner of Finance. 7l J n the matter Of l6tr aaeument of -� - 1 - 'ss,Daneab`:CON 4 and ezyenaee tonRrad lnR' Bourns Aye. tram Eustis et et 4 1 _ T _ ,to.the .west 2lnaOtLotl�,'Btoe1C SO — _ — `arid theweeFilne'oC _ nthbny. Park�lorth"and curbinR, v "Id street from: Eustts street to a _ ,. ppint:.600 tact wes4 o4 Keston etre[ ,; - - - „�• ; %'Int Me, wtth•Dresent curbing ur der: preliminary, Order 1062 1 Snterm diary,;;Order'966Y, proal Order 91 _ sODrbved Feb ms- A Dubh hearinS.harinr b%sa� y"- tID the sest"Inn ptlpr tba sTtsra ppro %meat, sod Wd aarspNat b Drae tir bar ee ldtrrrd by _, 4o eU-a d .. . bees cga%tdt _bbCITY OF ST. PAUI, _ an y-ssusfsetory.�ba It th retort _ Notre0. Thst thtr said sums• nd iAs nme'4-heroby Incl. ReSOluhon lRafib4ng Assmme�it� - t 4 raUded. and-ihe cam 1• * _ a rod';La be eubmitt - - In the matter-of the assessment of benefits;. costs, and expenses for ,grading Bourne avenue from Eustis street.'to the west line of Loi 12, Biock 30 and. bhe, west line of'Lot 7,_Block 40,,3t. Anthony Park North And curbing said.street from L'ustie'street to a point 600 feet wast. of Keston street to connect with present curbing, under Preliminary Ordec_..80f33_, _.,._....., Intermediary Order A052 Final Order : _9141 approved. Feb-,. 1.6........ .. .c.....:._19L:..fi..._ - - A public hearing having been had' upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- - men[ having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the .same is hereby in all respects ratified: and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable f �m ....,. ___. _ equal mstallmentit as to �G�pyvt each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191-...:.._.... City Clerk.. Approved:191_... /� 4 r , Mayor. F"arm It. It. 13 - - - - - CITY OF ST' PAUL.. . OFFICE OF THE COMMISS OF FINANCE E?QRT OF _COMPLETION - OF ASSESSM .... . 191. lm the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses. for the grading of Bourne Avenue from �;ustis. str.ee6 to the west line of in est line of Lot Block-40,'.5't. Anthony. Park Lor 2,.'Block 30 and the w North and 'curbing said street from_Eustis street to a'point 600 "feet west of Keston etret�t to connect wit leent curbing,. , under Preliminary Order _..$Sl@3....-. -- Intermediary, Orde _r :. 88$2 • _ Final Order. ._91��.... ..::...._. approved_.::._ 191 6..:.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of.Finance hereby reports to the'Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and, in connection with the making.of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice 3. 1.. 54.....:. Cost of ,postal cards - , 21.36.__.... Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 3_.30.......... Total expenditures 3 A.".0.94, f36.._..:... Said Commissioner further reports that he has,assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to-wit: the sum of 3:..1.:,.094.8fi._...._ ._..._...upon each and every, lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or, parcel of land in accordance with thebenefite:conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by. him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council. for such.actio "Neon at, may be considered proper. corm n. v, t. Commissioner of.Finance. 7n We matter Ui the =henCdte..coeta and ezDenaee - - _ and-Dnvinlc �In Illock-;.{,,..._....... .: A and ltloch 4, Pmlth n — Addlllona u lar •P�ellmint ' 10007 fah rmrdlnrl�-prd j 1 - 6 •w —_ 1016. rdCr.11184. ttPProv d _ .. _ _ .:•�-:A publlC :henrin6 AAwde _ _ - ,u0tln the weeement or the •,Drovement( and Bald aYadol �nrt„bran turthCr cnnald0t - v i r_I ',�aaell an havinP -peon .navy earl factory. DO Il a CITY'.OF�St. PAUL, ' .'. � And th! laln• t0 `trer b �. nacre rall0 d, and rho eam - �urt of th aCo uny �'. Resolution • Ratifying 'Assessment. �armatlon. - - It part In the matter of the 'assessment of benefits, costs arid • pitp eases for grading and paving With:concretealley in Block 4, Forepaughts bidision "A” and Blo64 4, Smith ,and Taylorts Addition under Preliminary Order 100.517-.- Intermediary Order 106.0.3. Final Order 11.4.8": ; : ....... . approved. July .12,__ . .......19L6..`.. A publihearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess -I c meat having been fu'rther considered. by the ,Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore • I I . RESOLVED: That the said assessment be and the 'same is hereby in hll respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable < in i-. equal installments, as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I h r .SII .til IC-' .,.. Adopted by the Council . " __ 19 L. _ City Clerk. q Approved '.�..I 191 r - ' t �. .......,._, Mayor. B. U. IS " 1 8UBL1SIiLU - -: CITY ' . PAUL. OFF1Cfi.OF THE CO.�MISSIONER OF FINANCE : REPORT OF COMPLETION . OF ASSESSMENT _ 191.,...., , in the matter;of the assessment of benefits, costs 8nd, eXpePlB@6 for the grading and paving with concrete alley in Block 4, Forepaughte bivi8i0n "A" and Block 4, 'Smith and Taylor's -'.Addition. under Preliminary Order 10097 -- • - ........._..., Intermediary Order ..... ._... Final Order :.......11482..... .. _ ...... a��roved.:.......... T.11ly_ 12. 1918.:.._._, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Council the. following as a statement of the drpendi- The Commissioner,of Finance hereby reports to the tures necessarily incurred and .to be incurred for and in. connection with the making oEthe abode improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $..1,787.,Q0 .,.._-. . Coat of publishing notice u g. 1.19.._._ Coat of postal cards Inspection fees . - - Amount of court costa -for confirmation - - - _ $ Total expenditures $... 1,.9.32 `l.!i_...... s: • I orts that he has 'assessed and levied the total 'amount as above aster Said Commissioner further rep tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ._:.1.,_3.32._$4 ...:: ..........upon each and evey lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as - completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be Considered proper. - r.rm'U., D. 11 - i COmmlaalonGr of I-InanCG F Ho: 17606— —y' - _ _ the mutter of .the ae " - rbenOAts coag and azpet✓ ' JlrbCtlRR o .aege O - 1 �• . from' y:dmund SG' I R •outh.of the eoulh Ilha t•'.:_ •• '"""'" Sunder'- PmIlminetY O dt 116550.o.' approvc"d San. y nSder:. - ! • f ^ ` . �•-"' - _ ' s 26, I A-DaDllo, thaarlaf-nary hayrt ,oso r he ueaumant fo-, emanf, and said aaesa dtesolved, That, thr•enl Rnh 4 the'aamelaOF' -$T_ PAUL:.' - etsratlaad. CITY, ;aced: to be aubmitt d t - - ,rrt of td's County of - - - - armatn, .. Resolution , Ratifying .Assessment: In the matter of the assessment of benefdter_C08t8 and expenses for constructing a sewer onlAebury Ave, from Edmund St. .to a po.int 60' feet south of the south 1,ine of Thomas St. under preliminary' Order 33868Intermediary Order :r.a ._....:... ., Final Order :.1,455q.,.„_ :-.....:.:.,.., I approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and 'said assess- - -meat having been further considered by the Council, and having been considerFd finally satisfactory.be it therefore . RESOLVED, That the said ,assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the . same is hereby ordered to -be submitted tp the District Court of th County of Ramsey for confirmation. 'r BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmertt be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. equal installments as to each and every Parcel .of land described therein. c I __ _ 1 91 Adopted by the Council _ _. t11t ,'f tS � City Clerk. Approved _ ..... 19.1 _ -. Mayor. CITY .OF ST, ,PAUL' 1�..��•�ER,OF FINANC — OFFICE OF I kid COMIv�NIlt k _ F1 F ORT OF"- COMPL TIaN -0�' �ASSESS MEN` -- 191_:_ bt�neritscost a.. and expenses " for. the In the matter of the 'assessment of - ,' construction of'a sewer on Asbury Ave. from Edmund St. to a point 60 feet south of: the .south• line" of Thomas St.- . ..f under .Preliminary Order __: 686.5; __. _.__ _ Intermediary Order ,_........ .141fQ..._. Final. Order ,14'"Q-_..... Jan. 25 19I T-.:. approved ,._ To the Council 'of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance herFby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures, .necessarily incurried ,and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve' - merit. viz. Coat of construction 396.20 Cost of publishing notice Coat 'of postal cards $ ..27 .. Inspection fees 5.. 7...92... l $_ Amount of court costs for confirmation, _ ..._.:. Total expenditures $._._406: 37.... _._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster-, tained, to -wit: t $ 406, 37 `..__upon• each and every lot, part,or parcel of land deemed he sum of benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or. parcel of land) in accordance with< the benefits conferred thereon: that the said asaesament has been complet2d, end that hereto attached, iden- nature of the said Commissioner, and made.a part hereof.' is the said assessment as. completed tified by the sig by him, and which is herewith submitted to.the Council For such action Acreon as m;y be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. -7-77777777 Q 3i''Ne. 17606- —'•�- ^" - . _ tj mmm the mutter of the:, aseee-men4 oC ' - / Tieneatr,.coA- and expeneee ter -con Ylructing a -ewer onBerkatex Avo tL - frena Prior Ave. to ICenneth� H[.;-un ' 1 ,•l 1 - i' 1 ,tler Prallminarx Order 12912, Inte - �Jnedlaryj.Order 13188 Plnnl-Order t. - - 131114, nproved. Nov: '29, 1918. ' '�, A public, hearing.' h,,I",, been -h {upon .the a-ea-ement'for the aboveq r • _ > 'y - - _ - .:ergremer46' and -aid, u-eumenb h n`• been .further copeI er,I by - - gounrll and havinR.!heen wnelde enallx utlafaotory, bolt therefor - - - ' Sat olved That alae'said a -cur _ •I _ a end the 'a>3eau ratio-cdamnde chher-bxm la..1, Ifbx-oraeradto ba wpntitttea to,axe1 CITY OF,ST. PAUL. drlet-Cnnrt ' aC1he County, or Rr- feRr eeo�IneCell�srFemmuatlonfir. e - ed. harvh le T ml Lt0Iandolv6f3ing' -17AcVJC ,e - n! t to prnl to _. - - t; In the matter of the assessment of, benefits, -costs and�sxpenses for constructing a sewer on Berkeley Avenue. from .Prior= Avenue to-Kenneth Street under Preliminary Order ,._12912 _......... . Intermediary Order. 1.3455 . Final Order. approved ... Nuv, 29,.:..:. 191.8... A public hearing having been had, upothe assessment for the above improvement. and said assess- ,. agent having been further .considered by the Council, and having. been considered finally'satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all _respects ratified, and the ered to be submitted,to the District Court of the County of.Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby card BE IT FURT14ER RESOLVW..That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inf..._. .....-equal installments as to each and every Parcel of land described theroin., I �i P , i F 191....:_... Adopted by the Council City Clerk. A roved . 191....... r Mayor. Poro, R, U. tY _ .. QUBLhIII•:D / / I , —_ _ - CI jY -OF ST. PAUL, -: 1; OFFICE OF THE CoMMIS'SI.ONER OF FINANCE REPORT F COMPLETION OF. ASSESSMENT - _._.......... ... 191 for the In the matter of the. assessment ofbenefits, ..costs and expenses " . construction of a'eewer on Berkeley Avenue.from Prior. Avenue to Kenneth Street - - n under Preliminary Order ........... ..12912_.._ Intermediary.Order Final Order 7 3814.....:. ._ .. :. approved...._._:. NOV.: 29s ............: 191 _6__: L To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 5: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a:etatement of. a:pendi• tures necessarily incurred •and'to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- Cost of construction $..1,:.2.22...5Q_.._.... Cost of publishing notice .1 $. 2Q......._ I Cost of postal cards $: .9Q.....:... Inspection fees $ . , 24.4.5 ._ . Amount of court costs for confirmation $ Total expenditures $ 1...254.45__.;_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster twined, to-wit: the sum of $.:.......1',.254..4.5... .. _.... ..upon,each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited.by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the-benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that-hereto attached, iden tified by the signature of the said Commissioner: and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith, submitted to the Council for suchctio thereon as may be considered proper. � Commlasioner of Finance • I . C P �oia14SoF— , r - _ d _ _ 7 Y GthMatter opgaiw coatn and atru sewrtoFne .1n1eeenesi tst 7 r _ — from :the cl,olter, of Griggs At;' ! - the center of Donlan street _._ i, ,,. •_,!'.. ', - Prettminary Order 8921 IntrrMt,,,�..� dnlec-18228, Final Ord 109f _ A-puallc haRtlh9. havinlf be ' • , ! ; upon jr n=12111ttoLthe t I (' - .: - �/r'" Sr.01t14nr- •n!_.—t moot:, --• ... 7.... - a _ _ b 1 Batt°"further considered by r ,ed - ;• -cit, and; hnvinq�bcea done{dered _ `-� ' Satisfactory.b, •tt tharefore Resolved that .the Bald naset - •� - be and the ams fe henlw In CITY OF ST• FALIL. aaCrle .a SKn.8 anAs h t•9mr to-:�• _ I - r brdeKed Co 1 a ubmltted t th+• CCourt of the Ceuntl f nnmi c.nllrmatlm { jam_ lution.- Ra6f-0 g Assessment. - ge.It:FRrthnr itreoried th1• i teimine l to cbe pay. lloo to Pen • . . - IlnstRllments ae tx.ea h dis.' ,described there!,,. .. Adopt"4 6y . t} App 3 T lo-. the matter, of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for . eonsL;Fucting a sewer on Hewitt avenue from the center-of Griggs BtrBet to the center of Dunlap street, under Fre liminary Order 8921.`.......:.:... Intermediary Order .10990 Final Order_...'.. ..... . approved, J4yte 14}_:. . 1916.... A .public•hearing having been had 'upon the assessment for the above improvernent, and said assess- , menu having been further considered. by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory. be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the. same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County. of Ramsey for confirmation.' BE IT FURTHER.RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and if is.herehy determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every, parcel of land described therein. t I i0!7 Adopted by the Council :...__ 191.. ✓.. ! City Clerk. ,7 j Approved ! _ Mayor. F• n 11. n. Is —✓ -- - T Il " r CITY.' OF PAUL. t Off ICE OF THE GOM IONER OF -FINANCE` comP.LETI( N. OF. -ASSESSMENT REPORT QF . . _ A J., In the matter of'.the ass$sement of. benefits, costa_ and 6xpeneee for.tlie; ' construction or'a seaer.'on.Hewitt avenue from the 'center, of Griggs street to the center of-9unlep_street, 1� o- under Preliminary Order ,:..:....._8921 - - ........................ Intermediary Order Final Order ...10961..,,,,, approved_.... _.,._Jttne._1_'1� .._ ._.. 191__6.-._. To the Council of the City of St._Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby xeports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction z$_1.,..281...00_..... J i Cost of Publishing notice i Cost, of postal cards $. .. ...48 .....:. Inspection fees $_- 28.62 .... Amount of court costs for confirmation $-'-- Z',40 -- L Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer tained. to -wit: the sum of $ 1.,.310.62 ..:.:_:.. ..._ _.. upon each and.every lot, part or parcel of lend deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, pari or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred' thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified.by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed. by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such 'actio hereon as may be considered proper. ' rano n. n. 17 1 Commission'err of Finance: g _ A _ 4G F: No 17698-- [ In thn'.matter y'thr anseesment- �r t � _ Ir eAtn coele.a0d-e:opneee; ror cOn a�r�gqtlnR a ae ror on Etnrahall rrottr: ene111. .lve to 4^Dol 1•er Artel of thePrellmtnary nt llne- t A hon y - ,�ryt n to b682,' IntermrOrder 4991{. F - unl-:Order 112884 7pDrovedrJuao 29.Y. 1915: - - A• DUMh,henrinR baVmg;beep i+ d.. 1noo- the rtneeement ror the shove Fn n vempnr,' anA'nahl aeneeement having P.. `A inrther,4oneldrrrd by the Council, •• - _ „•.� nnA.ltrtvinc been connldered IlnallY ant- ar&n , CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 lotion Rah g n Assessment. - _ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, 'costs and 'expenses for constructing a sewAr.on Marshall Avenue from Snelling Avenue to a point 600 -feet east of the east line of Asbury, Avenue /under Preliminary Order. 5662 . , .Intermediary Order 10.514t Final Order._...1.1..284 approved .......:..dune '.29,-- A 9r.,A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess men,t having been further considered by the. Council, and having beenconsideredfinally satisfaetory,.beik - therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the t same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. y BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable (� 'in L_.._, equal installments as to each tnnd every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council . _._ 'City Clerk., Approved 01 r� V/Mrl Mayor. burn, u. u. is _ CITY PAUL. OFFICE: OF THE cO�W�IONER OF FINANCE _ DEPORT OF'COMCOM , LET10N ,0F ASSESSMENT �i ✓',� , ` _ 191 .. or the In the matter of the'assessment'of benefits. Coate and experisAs construction of a" sewer on'Marshall'avenue from Spelling avenue to g point 600 feet east of the east .line of Asbury avenue Intermediary Order 10 51 4_ .. under Preliminary Order Final Order'_....11284... approved.._. JunO.'.._29, ......... ..._... 1916 _:._.. To:the Council of the City of St. Paul: ereby reports to. the Council. the following as a statement of the expendil The Cogtmiseioner of Finance h y 'the making of the above improve• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with ment. viz:. cost of construction . Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal tarda 4?.6.4... Inspection fees 5 .:: Amount of court costs for' confirmation $ ..... 3. 00......... $_.23,454.14 Total expenditures _..__ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied' the total amount as above ascer- the sum of $.. 2,_ U* 64..... ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel�l of landeemed rained, to-wit: benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- the .benefits conferred thereon', that the said assessment has been ade apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed' tified by the signatureof the said Commissioner, and in - mitted to the Council for such action %bn as may be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith sub Commissioner4o�f yFinance. e`y` n the -minter t-Asaenmes/ ' ` t en befits, coati and etTa -: stmeting a'sewer. on Middleton , '' - "* ftom�lsta Ave. to Row Ave - `- - - w on`R6a'ers.Ave:' from Mlddleton .. .._. • to Rare.SL..under Prellmins.y [ , .'1110,. Informedury.prdar1317F� nil Order 1037,'_ aPDroved Re _,. 2 DuDlle•.hi*rfng havini-ben _ - - - on the Assessment for the.abor "' nn- - llment, and sato .moment I. . t n further eossldar� by the C `.1. havfnlr_been eonsidarad nay, tetorl' a It therefore - e 1usd..That the+sold ... CITY rSF S?. PAUL. 1 l md-: ibe same 'tsaarebi ir- ' .. is ratified, and; the same - - •ed-to be submitted to tb' - 4 of the, Covnty >} Resolution . Ratifying Assessment.'r `nation. - ' ;t Further Reant - - ,sme*t be In the matter o� thfor e:'asseasment of benefits, COetB and expenses constructing a sewer on-Middleton Avenue from Vista avenue to Rogers avenue , and on Rogers 'avenue from Middleton avenue to Race street, _ i. under. Preliminary Order_. 11888. _..._.._.., Intermediary Order 13476 Final Order 1.3887 approved ..,Dec. 5,.__....... :.•...1916....:. - A public hearing having been had upon the 'Iassessment for the above improvement, and said4 atlas aa- by the Council, .and having been considered finally aat merit having been further consideredisfacfory, be 1i , therefore `. RESOLVED, IThat the said,asseasment be and th� same is hereby in .It respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to thelDistiict Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. -BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. Thatlthe said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable to _...._ equal instalknents as to each .and every parcel of land �rlescribed therein. Adopted by the Council iii �fY'�•� 191....___.... -, .. _ city+ Clerk: Approved ......,....._.._:__.,.. Mayor. - Muafir..u�/� CITY bF S -- QFFIC� OF THE COMM! OF FIINANCE - REPORT COMPLETION OF ASSESSNI�r.�i%. , 16 the matter -of the assessment of benefits, Costs and 6xpen8e8 Eor'tfie construction of a sewer qn Middleton Avenue from -Vista "Avenue; to Rogers„ Avenue, and on Rogers' Avenue from iliddleton Avenue to 'Kaes Street under Preliminary Order _..:._..�.188Q. _.__.... Internrtdiary Order .0...13A28..._. - 191.. Final Order .:_.13887_ _..:: approved-..' __._bOC.....5., ...ft_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Concil tl'e following as a statement of the ezpendi• tures- necessarily incurred and to be incurred' for and - in connection withthe making of the above improve ment, viz: ..: . L' - . Copt of construction, . " .:. $_._ .3.56......_ Cost of., publishing notice Cost of poetal' cards _ I $......11.8..30 .:.:.. Inspection' fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Total ezpendiiurea Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed uhd levied the total .amount as above aseer• $..... r 445. 30...... upon each and'cverY lot. part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of .6 benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of- each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. Iden- mmissioner, and made a part hereof -is the said aesesament as corriplpted tified by the signature of the said Co - by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such.act thereon as may be considered proper. Commissio er, of Finance. Form U. U. 17 - s the avatar 'o[ the awen - ensAla, costa and. ettpenale to lructfn-R a sewer on 1}t^ Glib ,ween Cleveland avenue ant!- ,hlna, der Intermediary — +0�!Order13 7. pMvedlr:_- .- - - • . publW hearing.. havint .. .:.__ ' _. _ _ , 'i. ✓ ' ;.ath86lseefmlPt for taa .• ._ .. _ , 'vament. lad Orally t co fore d Anallr tore l .That- the sold _ - I j, l") ✓• sand _.t, ..meld herby ' CITY OF ST.,-PAUL.' ' crs rltd be. ane the umt: '.. a. -iradto be submitted tot. i -,- - - - - �� ' •t of the County or Rt, - ' at,a Resol�tton' Ratifying Asseent. .Further' Iteeolved, .. , 'esamentbe and It - - -.•j. toe be..pal•. 1 benefit costs and expenses ,, fdr In the matter of Ehe assessment of Ij constructing a sewer on. St. Clair street between',Cleveland avenue and Josephine 5t., under Preliminary Order _1Q468._.._.... Intermediary Order 12564 Final Order _: _3i74_...._.... approved'.. OCL.. 11..- - 1916:....._ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the wbove, improvement, and said. assess- ment having been-further considered by the Council. and having been'conaidered Finally satisfactory. Be it ' therefore . RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is'hereby-or dered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .:..:__. equal installments ae'to each and every parcel of land described theiein. ,Adopted by the Council 191..... City Cie& Approvedr 191... e.._._._.._..!....._ Mayor. • CITY., T. PAUL.': OFFICE OF -THE CO SI_ONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION - OF ASSESSMENT 191.,:. 1­­ for' coats and expenses for'the In tQ matter of the assessment of , " conetrubtYon of,a sgv►er on St'. Clair atreet betwe.en.Cleveland avenue • and Josephine St., under Preliminary Order ._...10468 Intermediary Orden .......:_ ....125(14--_.... . 13174_approved....._:._.0ot«..11r--._.._ ._...191? Final Order ... To the Council of the City ofi St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as,a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred' and to be incurred for, and in connection with the making of the. above improve- ment. viz: - Coat of construction 3_-.41-550. 00 g .. __.....5.25......... Cost .of publishing notice - Cost bf postal cards a. Inspection fees 71 Amount of court costs for confirmation g i. ..._ ll. 25 i Total expenditures - $...4,..&.59 .75......._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied' the total amount as above aacer _..,•4,rf)5.9._�_g. upon each and every lot, parr or parcel of land. deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of 3 ..' benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of. each lot, part or parcel of land in-accgrdanee with, . the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has, been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said. assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ac ' n t on as may be considered proper. ' .3'crm 13 '13. 17 in Commis. oner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NQ'-••— _ - C1TY'OF ST.,'PAM - - Resotuion of Council Approving Assessment. !n the;mattel_of'the. assess- Block l ent of benefits, - COBL9 and eXpensCH r,;.• for grading of the alley in 2, ,Hussey and_Haskell'e'Additon, - , Block,3, Walnut .Grove Addition, and Blcck 18, 8chroeder's Addition onder`Prelimit�ary Order .:..:...9.'T,8$.:._:.. Intermediary'Order ....:_.. _....__ Final. Order approved 191_6 ABg1dHt ..3.,.. ....... ..." The assessment of ....._benefits,-,.IIoHt.g_ and:-eXP1anB`=H .- --.....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the.said assessment satisfactory; therefore, be it assessment be and the same is hereby in all: respects approved RESPLVED. That the said RESOLVED FURTHER; That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... ;._9tkl___..day of , t>A t ___ 19 1_2 at the hour of 14 O'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting. as 'required by the Charter, 'stating :in said notice the'time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total' cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the iot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. yUL �t1 1°17 Adopted by the Council .............. ...-......._.. l01 , City Clerk. 11 't :1 10''1 t Approved :..___•._—....._...�. ' Mayor. rl a m a �.. Councilman Farm worth 1 •:uses. for atd'ta with submitted It. t Improvemoat haYlii ith .i x sabmltted. to. the Council, aa�' the, Go t Council having coneldcred same and Y ,found the sald'asse merit satisfactory. i therefore. be It - nesolYed," That the sold asseumenr Hyl d bs and the fame L.hereby In allre- jspecie e d i"td.t - P.eantved had on r._That s Dubuc - Bell x t hearing. be pad on Bald assessment an ' V i hour of t o'cloeof k A. M., In theaCaun. MCC 11 ell Chamber of the Court. House Viand 'City Hall Building. In the -" City of S4 Paul; that the Comrn "one" - .. of Flnanoe glue notice of Bald ..attar. required by the Charter; atatlnr la .. said nodes thb, ttmeand Dtaae: of heat'- - Mayor Irvin Inr. the nature of the Improrcmant. .. --the tam cost thereof. aatl l s-amount- assessed esalnat She lot or iota at the i FO[In B. H• 1C ? Darticular owner to whom the noun ' - Is dlrertad. , Adopted by the Council July to. 1917• - ' Approved July. lo. :1917. ..... , COUN6L.I:iLENO.r�. P. ByW. _ - - CITYbF ST._PAUk _ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment tf: thz"til lt_r c{ (fie apseiunenr Qf benefits, costs andl expeneee `grading of the alley in R. McCarri'ckts Subdivision. of PI_RO 88, toyman Daytont,is Addition. 1 under. preliminary Order .. ..48`'1 .. Intermediary order _. —. Final Order ..1O92R_....... approved'.. The assessment, of .....h.enefi.t.8.- .CQQ .B_:.:&xtd...eztPEn&E@,::... _ ..for and in conit ectionconnwith s the above improvement having been submitted to the :Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....._..Q t21 :-:_..dayof AuB at the hour of 10 o'clock A., M.. in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City'of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the, Charter. stating in said notice the time and plece'of heating: the nature of the improvement,'the total cost thereof. and the amoun{k'assesied against the lot or lots oUthe particular owner to whom the notice is directed JUL tl IC 7 Adopted by' the Council ::.......... 14 1 1 /-- City y Clerk. .141_.. !/ Approved _.._.�.... _..� _...._ Mayor. . ient of betula, coat., . - .or and In eonnectlon . Councilman FL .e improvement havin[ et W ...n Id to the CounclL and -t. Council having considered tame and round the said m.a...at tatlarsetory, „ therefore, be ItR..1v,& That the tald "Mnnent be and • the came Is hereby In all re. gfie!.'fact s DnDlin on hesgth day of bnsaid uleomeat on0th day of August,1017, t the `hour or 10 o'clock A. 1L, In the Council 'Chamber or the Court -House and City.' Hall- Building. In the i : City of. et Paul, that the Commissioner - - '• at Finance sive notice of said meeting. .. rlqulred by The`Cb.rter, statin[ In" - $aid nolle. the . tfine: and Dlaae. of bear. Mayor Irvin In[. the nature , of -the lmRRrov.m904 the total cost tbereof, and- the amount laueeeed against the lot or lots. of tha- - - Form D. B. 16 Igartioular owner to whom the notice to - lr.ctad. Adopted by the Council Jul • 10. 1017. - Approved July 10,-1017. i ,.. ,(July 1{:1817) i pppp--P-- COUNCIL FILE NO. By CITY OF ST- PAULResolution _ '- s e, m e n :- S Of CouncilA Approving Sene coste,and, exppneee. -far: III the matter,of the 4:mtskrirrit -2 fits, the grading of Aron'avenue froM7 Lake. C mo and Phalen avenue to Nebraska'aienue; Simpsonavenue from Lake Como: ind Phalen to Nebraska, aveniii", Pa I so al avenue '.from Lake Como; and Phal en- avenue'to Nebrask% avenue. under Preliminary :Order-__...1.131......... ... 'Intermediary Order Final Order.'... 12.701. . ...... .. . ........... . . ....... Jor and.in connection with The asseTmen the above improvement having been submitted to thin Cou ncil, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore. be it RESOLVED. That,the said assessment-be -and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. Thata public hearing be had on said assessment on the....._...9th . ._...__._..day of .... . .......... . AU9"t - ---- -- at the hour of 1-0 o*clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court. House and City Hall" Building. ii the City of SL P11411; that the Commissioner of Finance give- notice of- said meeting; as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ID 1917 ............. 191 Adopted by the Council . ...... ....... ... ' City Clerk. 7 7 Approved _191.._x_ `� l/ v��` �"� Mayor 91..7— Mayor. c Councilman Fn orth ',gi the abov v.me.t. having been b Itt d 'to the C.u­U, and t .... . and Council-having eon.ld.ml -tu- . .. uta . ... '"Wractory. a.ment. "is therefore. be. It to Resolved. That the said ass0sal ent f. and the --.* I. hereby in at r.. -Goes H I d d. ;,i`o=Oj9jjb.r That & ptiblic. b,arlot be had On -.Kid assessment on Kell r I't'he III AXY, of August- 1917, at the it hour of 10 o'clock A. X. In ths.CfEn".1. as Ichumfi.r or -the cdoy" y, 111r, Mc 11 land CRY Mail Building. . g6jn that asdo.., f BL Paulive "t ."aid meeting- c of n t., . b, inotlebarter, st.unff to :Ldro�,utt., the time and Piece Of MAW net.,- of the .-,..ro-.-.n Mayor lrvi I the t. amount , May t"htwl cost o.ed &9-inIbT--'lot 701 :r to wa.. t4. ..,6. vartivular own Form a B. 16 Alreete& Adopted by the counat iuly Iooiii7. Approved :ulrlo 19 COUNCIL FILE; NO.-- By O. _BY �F�+3 - CITY' OF ST. PAUL _ Resolution - of Council Approving Assessment. " In' _the- matter of the ass•*.ilrnt o benef3tt?, ooetm and ,expeneew * for the construa construction of -eewet--on. Belvidere street between South 'Robert eireet and Oakdal.e. avenue'. I. o under. Preliminary Oder :___.......,110.0.4. lntermediary.Order _........11.7.72 )Final Order .. :.... .... l?ral.'f .. approved,*... Auguet .:. 30, 191 6e The assessment of -.._.._, _ :._., b,enefits.,.._coet:B ,and..._ex xenee.S for and in, connection with' the above improvement having been submitted to the Councit and. the"Council having considered some and - found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be -it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... 9xh_.._.:...' ::.day of, RESOLVED FURTHER. That a 191 _.7_.., at the hour of -I0 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building: in the City of St.. Paul that the Commissioner, of Finance give notice of said meetin as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the tithe and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat .thereof, and the amount assessed agnalst the dot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is direct Adopted by the Council :y�ity Clerk. Apprtrved ..: _.._.? _.._._. 191 - ' �f . -�l r .•. _ Vrovea , 40 ai'Jo Mayor. The o6eee01ah[ of wnetlt:.�eoeu :ad _. s:senses for .and In eomeotlon wtt Councilman F worth the :bore 1. and Jtarla� bee - eubmltted to ._ the - council. and the .Couaell barin- eorulderoA ume sal Go : found the Bald u6esemenY wtte[aotoq, .. therdera.' be It .. - Hasolved..That the Bald sae -all at Hy nd - be sad the 6:016 is hereby -all re-,: specie "Proved.- That a inb1la, Resolved Further. . Kel r hearing be had oa' los ueenment he _ _ the 9th daY at • A iL, the at .the _ hour of of 10 o'o19ek A.•Y.Courte Homte Mc oil andm C t7 �ltattlh Bullatn�c w tba •• o[•llnianis ilTsh4otlos of uldlmNP - __ Ini: u re0urod by the Ch:rtee.:tal" - lni la.6atd a1 116. tae Ume Dtaoe et . Mayor Irvi heerl�. the net 'ot -tpe lmorore-; 'nun so the.LLl sod thereof: and th0 . Lmunt a6:gleed :�dnet the IOt Or IOL o _ .. • Form B. B. 10 ... - ... :ot: tba Darttouur owner to wpom• tb: � a4tice is diteeted. Adopted by tae Council July I 191Z•t ADDrOva Jaty. 10. 1917. III COUNCIL FILEBy - -CITY OF ST PAUL •. , Resolution) of C.o�ncil Approving Assessment. 7. _ in,the'maiteriof the assessment of -benefit e, .Coeti and eXpenees' for the grading of Brompton; arenue from Doeviell avenue to Chilcom>je avenue O ; Order ._.:____1Q1,8. Intermediary Order under Preliminary - "' . L "' Final Order approved... °..._SeptgmbET.• 5:_. _. , 791_6 Theassessmentof ..:.__benefit.B:r COHtB....arid- ens.. ... .,:..:..for and in connection with . exp the above improvement having been submitted to the. Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it ` RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same'is hereby in all - respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...:..._.4.th_....::._.._.day of i1IIgu@t 191 -2... at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in�he Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of.St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting: as required by the Charter, stating,in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, apd,the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular j' owner to whom the notice is directed I • Adopted by the' Council _ _. _ ..., �I . •-� ............ 'j 191.. r:.. li � 11 �r j —__._ �,._._s•_..__. _" :City Clerk. 191 Approved ....... •----- /( ("f�f-•"-t"x"--t J Mayor. the ha rot`. ., .. _ .unc Councilman F nsworth councilen w then. dared 11I an ams Council hevin6 round the esld ".esoment satisfactory -therefore, be IteL the sold nssesamentt.� - - - 9a _ _ ,Resolved. !Th - i be end the. some Is 'hereby in ail re- eDeeta aDDroved. .. - land pecte lved had oner. d public the .9th. d.Y of I'lu R. 1917. nl to , Iler clluChamber of O'clock a Court �Houso- andi - Cltr Hall Duudlnlgummlth- it off Fl- ccoll ` Paul that the na-.14111 n lh0° ChU rler et ling in � - - '�1 _L r'qulra l aY tlm and place of br.r. - urweriai�—o 11 not) a thq eepp 'lhe tutxlcont the to[�tn 1°three moult[ Maj°07 I in a e ered I;oth t th 1 t r Iota et' the _ - - "aril u,., N 1 r to NhUm Sat n011 `� Ie 11r ted. C un II Jul, to. )917. - Form•H.D. ]g - Adol lal b) 1h .\DDroved JoU is. II -1917) _ II ■.' ` � -'i HW CFD�R2918 _ ESFA O LI SHED I882:y�,,' -iR rouR Rratr' PARK, S Q USA R F- imp RFfFR TO _ -y. W.RCNOYSC N•3 1 �1.' �J���.i��.,�i��� I Aii�;. o, 191i• t� Mr. S. A. Farneworth;.: Court House St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir,, Heletive to hearing.on assessment for grading Brompton St. from Doswell to Chilcombe Avec. which is to be held on August .5th. Because the writer wili be out of th-, city will be unable to attend.. - The party who has, this job has plowed up the street,,has 'taker, up dirt, so -ac to make the - street almost ono foot too low on the 'no and, and has cut into my terrace about, P inches too far. He left the job about 10 days aFo, and it is almost im- possible to drive .through this street now. If the. street is filled inproperly, and made passable and contractor will put back dirt he 'took off my terrace, and put on sod, ,to that it will be in the same ,,� shape as before, the assessment of t,72.90. on lot 11, blo'Wk 29, will be satisfactory to me. Yours truly, JAD/L0 U w WE-SELL'TO MERCNANTS,QNLY. ----------------- COUNCIL •FI LE IVO. I / J! N Acy - -CITYOF ST. PA_UL - Resolution of Council 1Appro�ng Assessment. t . - In'the'matter of the'aoeessmsnt of: '• beTlefi'te,' costa and exp d4fees `. r the oonetrueti.on_of a sewer on_Doswell avenue, from the present easterly 'terminus of the sewer west of Raymond avenue, thence easterly llo fdot... _ i under Preliminary, Order ._,_._1 415... .. .._.: Intermediary Order .._..14154:___ ..-.. --- Final. Order ....,, ...'rT!_7......, approved ...._Jant7ary....:25, 191._rL ..Co.etE . arid.expenses.--- __._.....for and, in connection with The assessment of _:_ herieii.tB, the above improvement. having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment, satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said' assessment bean I d the same is hereby in all'respects approved. ublic hearing be had on said assessment on the_.:...-_ .9th..m . day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That'a p *It1g118t_.. 191...2.., at the hour of • 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court City of• St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of House and City: Hall Building, in the said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating, in said notice the time and place, of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and. the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the liotice is directed .IJI 10 10 17 I Adopted liy the Council ........ _ ...... _......... ....... .. ... _.. ... City' Clerk. Approved .....w: __ ._ _. _.... 191..__ t i _ _ --.- Mayor. The _nt of b n n*: coal a ' I.Xp enacts for and 1 .....tion with Councilman Far Worth thebo . Imbrovement. havlpg been • lbmlttcd to the C',unoll and rite I... ell, having consldared•aame and found Ci0 the said naaesament satl.raetorY there- -tore, be It 9tesol,.d, .That the Bald ......meati H and -0e and the e.me is hereby .In all N- ap is' DDrovcJ. Itesoh ed, Further That a public - ' hearing b had on Aid ....esmen, on K ler t.. 0th -do".. r AUK.. t. -1917, at the - hour of 10 o°clock A. M., 1. the Councll - M COIL Chamber. or - the court Xousa - And -Cj" (tall IIullding, in the Clq ot� - st'. Paul; th.t thr Coma:Ieslonsr - _ nt, Finan.. giro notice f e.1d inset- .Inir act r aautred b1 the Charter, stat- -- .Ing In s fd notice. t61time, and pinee - - - •• - or hearing. the nature of the Improve- IVIaor l n went, the total cost thereof, and the. Y _ amount assessed. against the. lot or - i owner to ..nom 1 lots: or the particular - Form B. B.OG . - -the notice le dlroct a. -" - _ .. Adupted DY the Co 1 Il Jul" to..l -. .tPDroa•eq Ju7YI0199 -: - '. '' (SuIY,:U 1019) COUNCIL FILE NO•= --,--= ! `' BY - _ - a CITY OFST.' PAUL Resolution ; A .Council . Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefi•ts� costs .and- expegses= for the grading of Kilburn street .from:Orchard street to' the .southerly Mine of the Northern ta'cifid, RailWay, 'Right _of Way. ` r 10674 _ Intermediary Order ..__] 230.x..__.: under Preliminary Order -..._.. Fina! Order . ....:2,..:approvedSe tembe*,..21.-.. 191_b_ � The assessment of :. bOne fit's ,°_.c'as'tfl.. and,e3cpexise.s._-...,for and inconnection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council -and the Council having considered same and found ttie said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it " RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in.all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... .....9th_.: _._.day of AL1g118t, _,. ,:._.... _... _.. ,191 .7.... at the hour of 10o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber or the Court Nouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said 'meeting, as, required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or late of the particular owner to whor-p the notice is directed. U Irl I°'7 Adopied by the Council 191.. r (1 f City ....I r Clerk. �r M Approved f ■ _ ej nv i ., r. ..�:... Mayor. I 19 :-....... , Thew w t of b....., cosU and ,e:Danaes for and`In connection bees! Councilman Far sworth I, she above d to Dthe CounCHavt. d the 1 Council having considered ttata and, •• G i found the said "40-- ant aatldaaturr. therefore. be hat the Bald anenment Resolved. '}' H and be and the same la hereby to all ra ; . sP.O. -t-W rd• That a vublle' 1 .Resolved had On n K lei hearing be had A-KUea•i91L �mt moat the 9th day In the Councti- hour of 10 o•clocYth m'•court Nouse - - I M all • Chamber �Haii L"u11d1nB, In..the _ -'and : c1tY city. or at. raul: that.the sit or • _ ch .. of IrrleyulroAaby ttie tCh.rterl at it it t' _ aid ncitca the time and Dlace o[ Mayor Irt�n ins, the nature of tns tmvrovnmeau Y `` the totslcoet thereof. and the amount e, a es.riteatsr owner t. whom theot. totnodes .Form H. H. 16 _ •dtreeted.., Adovted by theCauncli July la. i. APDroved July. 10, - (July 31-19119171 COUNCIL FILE NO—' CITY, OF ST. PAUL a 17969 Resolntiow. of Council, -Approving Assessment: In the.matter Of -the asse;sment of mbenefits, .costs and expenses for. grading of htuast;er atreet 'from Seventh street. to, Lavern-; street, Bellevue avenue from Seventh" street to Stewart. avenue;_Davern; avenue from,Seventh e,treetuto.Stewart .aventie; Graham street from Seventh street to Davern avenue. " under Preliminary..OrderIntermediary Order '.:__._1Q�Q2_. ... ..... • r.�� Final Order _ 3_1120.-'._1 :...._ ... approves.. June .20, , 1916— The assessment of btenef.i_t-s, ooBt_s._and.: expen6,eB _for and in cgnnection with 1 the above improvement having been submitted to the. Council, and the Council having considered. same and found. the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That -the said assessment be and the.'same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment.on the _—R -W-1. day of Atlgllst:..:. 191..7:_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City, of St. Pqul; that .the Commispinner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating In said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of•the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the1amoutit'assessed against the lot or lots of the particular ownerto whom the notice is directed. - ,!lt Adopted by The Council.......... .. City Clerk. roved ...._.__' �1N11V7 _..._._ 191_:._ App orae, ; ;a, tY., Mayor. ornr,t�. . . The ueeaament 4n eannectlon wits in.: �. - Councilman ('-md espen.0 for mment bevins of o p d 01 above ImPro Co o, ana the to mittea to the lbaHt the . havtnt conelaemdan0 [Quad the gels 'weeamenl eatle[aclorY.. est 1» •• bReaolreA, That the Wdln�tll reeDKb and fieame ie. he: ewr rlherTht • publl u heerReaolvea4'u mens nthej IngIh oKstd.luJale7•.+0.t lha hour otthe Courts ltoueeou as of , Chamber oBullatIR the-CteC1tYHall that the Comroer` at atn Pa:litre nf adA eatln„te nnnlrea b7 the Crter• etRbeariniI"Otte.-the tlroeana-.Dls ofMayos - :the there4tana�tount tY� rhe ttft. LrForm B. 113. 16 � � ownm towhom the "sites fa l�doPtea>+the CouncillJulylairIJuU._7{ COUNCIL FILE NO _ (;i! Q -• a int" �r ^ ' Cif Y OF ST. PAUL_ _ Resolution. of Council, Approving Assessment. In the riiatter.oFthe aaateae)nent,oF'• benefit S.. Costs, an eapeneee for the':grading. af,Parise avenue Bata White Bear Roadd to Lbxpentttur avenue. _ - 1 228 9,685, . ,.., -Intermediary Order:.7.....1 _ .. under Prelitninary Order ...:..:... o roved August,_.. 3r. 1916. Final Order ... _. _:.�9.i6. P.P - -- The assessment of .._::.,-.1leneflte�. COSt.ti_ Aild. e]RlePeee..._. for^and in connection with the above- improvement having been submitted ,to the Council, and the Council having considered same and '1 • found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asse"ment be and the same is hereby,' in'allaespects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessme It on the ._.,.:_ 90]t .. :_.day of A{xQ118_L 191 _'%._.:: at the hour. of `10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by the Charter.. stating of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the -lot or lots of the particular owner to -whom the notice is directed. a Adopted by the Council ..... - _ �... _........ . .... City Clerk. Approved _ 191.. +? m nt or. r _ Mayor. �. zP for and In cQ nerhon. ....- ....- - r the n improvement having been .ubmltteA to tM1e Councll, ntfd the Councilman Fa invorth Council hnving con"" sed amo ane' 4 found the sold neaeeamant setlafactory [ lhererorc, be It G Re.olved, *Th the sold .seesement .. be. and the Mme: Is hereby 1n sit re .peots approved. Aerolved ;;irthe, That a. public; . land �. hearinlr,be had on sold asreument on, the etfi. lay of August 1817, at , the hour of 90 eo cloek & bt., in the Coun- ller cll chamber of the Court House and CITY Hall IIullAing. In the city or RL PAul; that the CommleatOnlrl cColl" or Finance gtre notica of said heetln` Y ra0ulred .by the Charter, stating fn h Bald notica the Urnwind place or hear -F Ing. thej nature or the Impproremaaq II . the total cos[ thereof, and Ib. amours[ � - Mayor 1[Vln' .esuse4 .galas, the lot or lots of the Y rarucular owner to. whoot the notice . directed. -Adopted by the Council July 10, 1017.1 Form 11. B-16 pproved July 10. 1837. A .. • - (July' 1!•1837) COUNCIL FILE NO-- 7 O By _CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution of Council-Approvingssessinent 1'n'thernatter'of.theassetemenbof benefits,o.oBts and -.expenses for, .. the construction of •a sewer on Wegt'"Louisa sheet from-WinsToSa h avenue to: 25 feet east. of East line of=Bidwell street.' under Preliminary Order _.:_:.._.. a.0.1.... .. Intermediary Order-.__�.� r�5.r�.:...__ Final Order .. 1:2144:- - .. approved .. _ .._ Aufbust_.. .lO r...... .. 191-6.7 j .. The assessment of .b.ene.f.i.t.e;..aDs.ts:,.and. eHpenees. .. .... ...-for and in connection with binitled to the Council, and the Council having considered same and the above improvement having been su found the said assessment as tisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the .same is hereby in all respects approyed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.:__..9.th_ ._:_ _..day of ALlguBt.__. _........, 191...:.2.; at the hour of 10 o'clock A.• M., Wthe Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall ;Building. in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice. of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating, in said. notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and.. the ,ainount assessed against the lot or lots'oII the particular owner to whom the notice is directed .. .191..:..:. Adopted by the Council . _._ ._.:.._.. . 1 r /} F f' ....... —..-.City Clerk. Approved .._.._: n ._4 ! _._:.._... 419 1 I/ ' J . ........_.._.... _....... t _.. Mayor. - ca. `auowe--i-wruriment, hariti bean l I euhmllled to the Council. and the Councilman F ar Canamt hawlns -0 Adored some ana fbe, ttie utd &.&a.secant tatietactorr. therefore, 6e It - - - - � Reeolred, That the uld' u0uement IN and the same la' herehr a all re- apectaapprowed. ha"Iftt: haTod nd an�uld "somman elsthadar of August, 1817, atthe!hour of 10 o'clock A. Y, la'tho CcoPenChamber oP the Court HooeOandCllrHallHOUdta` >a theCity of: 8t. -41. that the ColomisetN. er of Ftaaneeilgpp aottasofnt�mNt�Iat"or theCluirt0 ,,s. t..enote�thegme aaAvisas orhaarini the Patti of ITA, mese -tl�e total°cw thereof. sad tho'� - Mayos Irv, amount guessed "I at the lot orloto - . of the particular owner to whop) the - - antics le directed - Norm B. B. 16 - Adopted hr the Counci�10 1012 l.. ApprovedjulYQuj IO, 191.7141W! wmr 14 1s3rL T COUNCIL FILE -< C1TY_OF ST. PAUL .� g4� Resotutiort' of..,Council Approving . Assessment. for In the matter, of the assessment of benefits; COete'.arid 7E7CpBneeB ,the 'construction a sewer on Pascal. avenue from Heritt avenue 'to -t apoint 36 feet south of'Taylor avenue " - under Preliminary Order ....<... . _._._ 13.538 intermediary Order .....:.1.916 _..._..,__ Final Order 14548...,: approved. .. Jan a.25,....,..._..., 191_7— The easessment of ..:._.------- beAeifita.t-..coat-s- and ._.expenses–.__.... .fofand, in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and , found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the an Ie is hereby in all 'reapocta`appzoved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the:....:_Rth_..:..__day, of 191,.'1._._, at the hour of. 10 o'clock A.'M., in the Council Chamber. of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give'notice of said meeting, as required by. the Charier: stating in said notice the time and. place of hearing, the nature -of •the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular, a owner to whom the notice is directed IC 17 Adopted by. the Council . _ ..:......... ._...... _ 19 F ....... vi City Clerk. Approved __..._ ............. _ Mayor. mpr-Ment shaving beeni Councilman.Fa nswortb tO -the Council, and the r . tinoting eonelderad ,same ands. e. sale sesesemant eattoractori. ss Qlvt Tbat the Bald ae�esement' - same y horeby In all re -j yland d Further, That a public ho hadort sold nseesatnant on: -n. daY. r \uRuet, ,1917, at the eller,' ,r'of to yclur;k 1. ,J.. In. IN. Conn -i - ..nd CCItybe Hall nulld �R rl:tnHotuhse oColl er or. Flnx..a )Rlvehnoit ( a d18.10 f I -w, as rEdulred. tiY the `Charter, stet., - _ -1nK In sat notlne the time and Dlnaa� ' 'e - °f. by rinK, the na(ure of the ImProva-; - meat. the totrtI coat thereof. and .the amount ...es- aRatnst .the lot ooi 'i - Mayor I 'n.. tote of Iho.�arttanlar ntrne:to ctlwm`... the noth•e is dtructed. Adenleu 4 -0)• tIhe C°n a917.ril Jul)- to lair.' ..'. ADproreJuY 10; 3 - (JuIY .1t-191?) .`CJTY.,0F ZT- PAUL._.•, COUNCIL RE50LUTION• GGENERAL FORM yy' •Subject. I ` COUNCIL w4 KITE Nom. - �77�1 75i7 vptc t'tzserteti 191, Resolved, That , the Commissioner of Public v Irks be aria he is hereby authorized to employ plasterers. as required, at ,a I salary not 'to exoeed-aeve;ity (70¢) cents per hour, for services in the lreau of Water. i I The ao:ove salaries to be Paid out of the Yater re- partment Funds. p c r ve. 17_522-13)' !1. A'. noea— - pI 1t ,._d. •cdThat the: Coplmleel b of Public 11'o'U. be and he 1. hereby_ nu• tl orixeJ. to emD1aY' of tto ex eed•.ev to{rad. at,. a 1 r)' � hour, for aervlceai enl)' 170c). enta Pe In the hors u of N--," Th nlwve .Mae[,e to Ae paid out of ' I't he Nater. m D.partent Fund.. th PR•dby the Council July. lt,, t' •tPProreJ July 11.4 Is 1Ni 1 IJuly�—,� I II i - 1 Yeas (✓) Con ilmen ( ✓) Nays f Fat worth Adopted by the Council JUL 1, i 191 Co In favor Hy nd , 1 1911 K er ( j Approved. 191 A " 1 M Against oil e Mr. Preaid t, Irvin Mwroa _. FORM C. 8•a - .v, f i' CITY OF ST. PAUL w iSfff—HT N. N 6: .tAe comma eW,W0.kx IZoUNCIL'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ .- be mta !vhrka and 1. herd• � co not ;sad- dinctad:. ;block+.ror ,Mick crwarrdka f _. ._... s. .., � COU CIL No..... eteQ..at the tollowfaf[ RAnt ZYvd=stick Croy rrts : .... `'- Bt.. area -dde, .rb* lttSo, creat .,dde. j Fgra�t at-. +tea' side. Date Presented _July.. ll._ . 191-7.... pinth'Bt.. ` side act. .. ,'Sv7..dt:. Borth y,;rFOKat at:, east dde, a' , wealNd.' - _ CdtPoroatat.. Fbrnt et., eeat:atd: rost- �'enk� o .." with •• . Resolved, °" That the Commissioner of Public 'Works be.and is hereby authori.sed- and_dlxeotsd to-oause'cement block:or-brick crosswalks to be ccn- structed at the .following locations: FIRST WARD-----Fick Crosswalks. Forest street,west aide, :acroas Hawthorne avenue. 3 ` 'Forest street, west side, across Orange street 40 Forest street, west side, across Hyacinth street 41 < -Ivy street, north side, across Forest street...42 Forest street, east side, across Ivy street. 43 For eat street, west side, across Ivy street. 44. Forest street, west aide, across CottaGe street. 45. Forest street, west aide, across Clear street: 46 - Forest street, west sides. across Denny street.' 47 Jenke etreet, south•eide, across Westminster St. 4$ Geranium streets south sides across 114tkIda street. 49 Frank atreet,'.cast side, aoroas Pose street 5.0 t, _ Rank street,.weat side,,aaroes :'•ose street. 51 SECOND WARD----- Crosswalks ^ Fourth street, north eine, aorose Cypress street.. 13' FIFTh•WARD--=---: Cement Crosswalks Maryland street, east side, across Palace 3 Palace south side, across klamline avenue: _ 4 w' , Ave.. y .street, _ �YwA,...r... Western avenue-,west -side, serosa Banfi7 street. _ 5 indicat. Ave, ..nalnsry Aeve. In— Duke street, east side, across Pleasant avenue. 6 en-.gid—car. '.—I Aie� —11.' '. _ - side, across Edgoumbe Road. - T - q Randolphstreet,north' e •�^ Has avenue,east side, across Lansing street.' 8 - i.. t• _ _..�i. Hamlina avenue, cast gide',eoross Jefferson avenue. � t , 9Rr'ern avgaus,weot sids� +wroas 8ylvaa a0seat.'.,. 10 3•.,: ST. PAUL )atWLOT10II1. CITY OF ^!N4ifi—Br K N a - ped-Thattr the fxmmll COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS --GENERAL FORM '. blit,,,Works.he-aod b hen sea :aa4 dlneted to ear teafcixor hmth acn■wdks 1 geted 1.• the [drkk Yy ynt , ` 1 COUNCIL 9 ./ /� 3 FILE NO.. �.L �! 4_11�f,JP: cr AtYtpt 19aM-Brlek Ctg 1 ,3}1.Hat'SpL. we■t ■Ida ar .. .. - . —4PPq'sjrpte/t 8c. we.t. ■Ida aet'..: �ireea »t.. west ■I¢e Date Presented Jul 11_ 191 . olialth,ac . north side,■cr �- r ., .. ,. fbre■C.fL weeCsld• • - - - ,r, whstd: SIXTH WARD-----Brick Crosewalks Pa4s,sir#at,�south aide, across. Delaware avenue. 8 s �gax� AFtsafi,' sadril'aa i�cs. Ctd+a�►,sr'¢ ; 10 . ;¢ Cherokee aveaus,eouth side, across Ottawa 11 and George at 18 Ottawa avenue, west side, across George.stract 13' Ha13'avenue, east.side, aoross Page street- Gorman avenue, wwa:t side, across Page street ql15 Eaker`iftreet, south side, across. Waseca street. 16. Page: street, north:side,'acrose Livingston avenue. i7 Page street, north side, across Gorman avenue. 18 Winifred et;set, south sides. across Andrew street. 19 x XIGHTH WARD-----Cement.CRosawalks_ Matilda street, south suds, across Maryland'.,etreet. Geranims.street,, south side, ac roes Matilda street. ,3 4 Gaultier street, weet side, across Maryland street. 5 western avenue, east side, acraea Cook street. 6 Lawaon street, north side, across Hand street- 7 — a south Hand street, «wet side, across Hatch street. 5 t+orth Hatch atreet, xazessside, acroSS�H d street. 10 . Hand-street, sPna,t side"r across' Lawoon street-. :­ street, Hand atreet,.oast side, across Lawson street ' Hatch. street, South side, aorose:Hand street. 1s Hand street,.west side, across Hatch street. 14 NINTH :BARD---�--Cemen't Crosswalks - Maryland street, south side, across Park avenue., 5 '.'-aryland s..trept, north aido, .across Park avenue- ..-I'aryland street,,south side,. aorosS Sylvan street. 7; ?.;aryland street, north; =side, across Abell.etreet. 8 Jackeon.street, eget side, across Mt.Airy street:. 9 -_ WAF.D TEATTHi---Cemcnt Crosswalks. -Grantham avenue,weet side, across West Grantham 84` Seminary avenue; north side,' across_ Syndicate avenue._ 85 Buford avenue, north.oide, across Chelmsford avenue. 26 . Buford avenue, north side ,across Hythe street- 87 Pascal avenue,west sides, acrose Breda street. 28 Pascal avenue; ,east side, across Como avenue. 89 Ryndioate avenue, east.side, across Seminary avenue 30 %yndioats.,avenue _*oat side, aorass_.Seminarg.avenue- 31 �...�, •Fairview ale/S�.4asttsLdeaororlws Is Z mw Pt" aa Allay. Xing ............... ............ L Underwood, ay., 9 y Alle7i, xin walleszey avenue, north side, bet n kiaalestcx & Underwood 4.0 Pascal avenue, east side, across -08000 41 'A lay, betn & avenue, north sides a2XVIRS: MapaleatorShell 43," , Vp%",43- aestoy avenue, 9 outh side, betu Maoaleatler ',Ilalling�� acing; Cra alr000At and Princeton. a�s,wsst side,betn F 44. are tin:! ovinue,wast side, beth Princeton and Sargent Allay _ zing arst A,•avenuejweot side, betn Osceola, and St Clair 44 Fairmount avenue, south side, across Find avenue .47 . T-avenue, northside, across Cleveland avenue'. 46 an&JrMoUnf dolph.street, north.side, across Fairview avenue. 49, 'Fairview avenue, east side, across Randolph street 5.0 Prior avenue, east side, across Fairmount avenue. 51 Prior avenue, east side, across Goodrich avenue., 52' Summit,,avenue, north sides across Piero@ street,. 513 rn 8umi t avenue, north, side, across, Aldine street. 54. Iamiina avenue, west side, across Palace street. 55 Dayton avenues south side s. aorose Howell avenue,, 56 Iglehart avenue, south sides, across Howell avenue. 57 IElehart avenue, south e ide, acrose'.Daway avenue. .58 Iglehart avenues north side, aqross�;Devqy avenue 59 Aekschal afenue,.east-slds, across Shields avenue. 60 Shields -avenue., south side, across Hersobal avenue. 61 s Alley i#eZsohol areRUa,west. ielde & :St Anthony. 63 Sargent avenues north sides, across Risoal i*.anue. 63 Saggent avenua,south aide, acrosa'Sarat*ga_'aV8nUG. -64 Iglehart avenue, south side, acress: Herschel. pvsnusi. 65. Iglehart avenue, eouthl, side, across Pierce avenue. 66 Iglehart avenues. south. side, across Aldine street. 67 Wilder avenue west side, across Iglehart avenue.*, .68 Snelling avenue,weat aide, across Wellesley avenue. ifamline avenues. west' efdi, oacross- Osceola..avenua,,. 70 Seminary avenue, north side avronw-Syndicate avenue. Tl Sargent. avenue, south side,. across Aibarx'avenus. TS Sargent avenue, south side across Pascal avanitte.. 73, Pascal avenue, east side, across�ft rgontlavonuo.� .74- Lincoln. avenues north side, across -.Baldwin', avenue. T5 " Underwood avenue. St, Cla1r, streat, south 76 — Shields avenuesouth-side, 'across-Whealek avenue. 77 TWELM WARD ------- Cament..Cronewalke -Colne street, east side, across Hatch street. 30 Dale street, aoross, -east. side., Hatch street.. Grotto street, west side, across 0 a itol avenue Union street, south side, across Chatsworth street. n -hatch street, north side, across Colne. street., 34­ 12oKenty street, north side, across Chatsworth stiaet. 35 Avon street, vast aides across Capitol avenue.. '36 Capitol LI avenge, south side, across Avon street. 37 Avon otreet,�sast side, across Capitol avenue. 38 Is Z " CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT i•,. .COUNCIL AUDITED' CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE No �- BY AUDITED JVL Res. .470 PER. 9 the City Treasury, payable ouf of the hereinafter specified fundi and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon s specified in the following in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names detailed statement: Yeas (d) (.on ilmen (J) Ndys Adopted the Council _ Far worth Go J " n )1 Approved 19y liyl d _ In favor - , - - _ KCl MAYd '". Die 11 _.' _._...Against Mr. President; vin I 17534 Central Presbyterian Church, 70,00 P. schools -Expense.' 35 Dayton's Bluff State flank; Assignee,'Walter . T ..Lemon,' .. !� 1320.00 Paving Miss. River Blvd. W.L. City IAdlits. 36 E. S . Ferry & Sona 190.70 p,: Sci:ools-�pense 3 '- L Gena F.-M1sT1-:-& Unforseen 19 _ 77 Gopher Lime & Cement, -2-. - Playgroi.utds.-Expense . 38 A. C. Jefferson, 161..95 St. Const. & R.-5xoense 40 Paving Miss. River Blvd. -8 -0 y,r_ Sprinkling - 0 , 1185 39 11 inneseta Ct-ushed Stone Company, 942.27 St.. Const. & R.»Expense. 40 Martin Mullaney,.. 73.32 ise.1 .. &.nnfors eon. -. 41 National Cash Register Company, -_-177,00 P. Parks-hx_,ense. 42 A. D. Phillips, G.F. -Civil Service-Kynense. 43 J. L. Shiely &.Company, Inc.,- ° 153.20 ' . 5t. Const. & Repair -Expense. .' Farm A. fi-IG II - - - CITY OF 5T. PAUL ••• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL 4 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FJiRM NO I ' r AUDITED..JUL_y.l L,T.L� .._ 191 /9 PER .. 471 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of lie hereinafter specified following in the foUawing in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective. names. as specified. detailed statement: Adopted by the Council —�. '4-"��-- — --�1 yeas (t,)'"Cou ilmen (�) Nays Far worth- /, APProv Gos IIy1 d .' In favor r �` Ke r MAYOR tic 11 Against *ch Mr. President, in - - - G F. No.17¢i3— .... - Arol�ed that wer'is be drape . Traasc of . . a0ou'We Clts M»tnathr sDe eZ,fundauand' h hear et..B. A. Farnewort4 qr - - . Gloaer`ot .AiW1M Katimb[a,fn ,. I - - tollawthrl 31.007, _ ' .. L�ue-e ounenl, 2 AdoDted by the duly 11:.1817. July ". - AyproV.d (dulY-ES-1811) . _.. — 13007. 15 17 45 Midway 7•i�e &. Cement;, Sewar-Const. �c Remi R. ro;mse.. Total 3 — r Res. 472 -- Page42. 17553 National Lead` Company, SClly20 Playgrounds -Equipment Y�31*6 Water -Expense. 01.0 � r: W North Star State Tob. Company, Health -P. -Baths -Expense. 55' Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Fire -Expense. 56 ' Raymer Hardware Company; 24:54 r: C.P.W.-Expense ` J24 Playgrounds -Equipment �_ •--- 24.5 - 57 St.Paul Builders Material, 222.80 St. Const. & R. -Expense, Is „ e {J s 11 s / P. Schools -Exp ense:9227 58, Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 232065 P.,Parks-C.4nst..Phalen Beach. . Resolved that wtetanq M -. draws the Tr ry- 't"blrands - the herelnaten dr sD ,out of o - livor of the p,.O,, Orme Or Corn in '- tloa/ s. I . .. for the so, gr .o oDDoalq ,. - their reaDeotiva ;parva 4 specified Ig the aollowlor detailed'" speifie . . - Berglund Lbr,. Qo:'j-8f7.92. " T. 1. Blood Co., i.i8. - - _ - Stocks- Broa.-'893.72. Capital. City Llm.'k Comsat, i18l,3R - W, & Conrad Co:, 832.78, Adam`. Decker +HarAware Co« i97:f4, National Lead Co.;'-830LC North Star State %b Co„ i,.80. - Noyes Bros. # Caller., Co. - " Raymer hardware C., if8.i1. SC Faul Builders ilaterlal, iEf4.80 - "'au Is _x h Lumber Ca, 8til 88, Adopted by the tbunoll July .wDDrovadr 11,1917. July 3Lc3817 IJo. 11-3.1t) + i ro,. CITY OF ST.. PAUL-. . a Ti.cu — ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT t -. . AUDITED' CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM FILE. . FILE -NO ., 1917 er i ...� 1 L. .. - AUDED JUL __..___ 191 } IT • _.. -.. I PER _. _�—� �. . 473 i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the her einafter spe kficd-funda add in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified. in the following : detailed statement: ouncil— Yt ' Counci en ( J) Nays Adopted _by the Council-- Earns rth F 1,I .11 4Q;7 Goss 1 Approved — Yt Mylan - l t :-_ In favor Keller ✓ , t�191—. ._._ _ _. `,: MATOR• \IcCo _._.Against .'4 - Mr. President, It _ c' 1 17559 Teyen Construction Company, 610.00' Sewer•Lexington... 60 Chri6t Johnson, 1,615.00 • .- Sewer Morton. — 61 Keough ,Brothers, 5,g95.50 Grad. Fairmount 2,4'65.00 Grad, 'Waseca, - 1y020'.00' Grad. Stanford Jos .• to Prior -127.50 n Griggs to 5yrid: o. 27...0 i' Grad. Palace St. 90 o f: - - Grading James 340 0 519 .50 62 Thornton. Brothers, 1 2,774.00, Sewer Belvidere f t 387.00 . .Sewer Coto &Rice t1 " -2i387.6Ll 2,:774.00 . 8eee1va0' that 'trQm' M••Qtaw9l . upon the Qty'.Truecn, p&).able oat of tha.barolnU&[era epeotaaq-[cn00.4In - livor: of the pen,= Dema or corpora. r1on;eou the gne.:Nt �epp0alta taHr' rapaeuvs nam& as"apeelAW - itt the -1101. - towlns O.ta11eA atapmenF.-- - - Johnson, on Cb.r J8T0.00. - C�rixiForm .. :Reoug Johnson, 91,818.091 8roa: 983.774 • Thorns WO - Thornton -8roa, 89.178.00. ` Ad Med by the council Julq 11, 1917. -Approve0 July 11. 1917. - - .. (July .- V-. A. 6,111 _ .. _• - I ,' -': •rrsovrira Aasl fathe matter of..tm, ILE, NO. __ .__....._.� :r beneflto. ntu„ rand .traefini:. re7n,inR n,. mens xidewntke. Enll dercuntract No. YC - i•n„1 Cam r mr th r,• Cl 1Y OF ST. PAUL ! ,ISt Resolution of Council Approving. Assessment. the miner of fhc n,oi t .,f benefitscoats and expenses for ccnstructirg,: rel.a •ink, and re,airing' cement sidewalks, `Eetiirnte No. 1, under contract No. 2660 for season ,1916, St, Paul Cement "dr'se Contractor, for thefollowingstreets: F.O. 20.174 - Pleasant Ave..,as"et side beginning at.Third St., thence. . south to 'Alley. F.O. 10168 Third St. north side beginning at Franklin Av ,-thence - east. 280 feet. Fob. 7805 Tyler St. both sides between So. Robert St. and.Goff Ave. F.O. 10141 Charlton St. `west side between Sydney.St. and Ohio St. - P.O. 10175 °St. Clair'St.,north side beginning at,W. Seventh'St.; thence went 90 feet. - F.O. 30183 Vlew'.St. west aide from Palace St. to Jefterson Ave. F.O. 7806 Ridgewood Ave. north side from Milton.St. to Victoria St. F. 0. 8194 Griggs St, east side from.James It. to Randolph St.c. - P.O. 8192 Bilin St. south side between Syndlcate Ave.'and Hamline Ave." P.O. 10140 Syndicate Ave. west side from Goodrich Ave, to St.. Clair St. F.0..10189 - Goodrich' Ave, north side from H4naine Ave. to Albert Ave. • F.O. 8196 - Lincoln Ave.. north side beginning at Albert,Ave. thence. east .47.4 ft..and on the east side of Albert Ave. beginning at Lincoln Ave., thence north 170 feet. 7.04 10873 Ashland Ave. "south side beginning at Pasca; Aye. "thence to 14ir•wick Ave. 7.0.10899 Prior Ade. both sides between Fairmount'Ave. "and.Randolph - Street: F.O. 10188, Fairview:Ave. west side from 3t. Anthony Ave. to the'Right . of gray of the C.-'.& St.P,Ry. and from the C.".& stop,. Right of.aay to Roblyn Ave. - 7.0. 11064 Wheeler Ave. both sides from Selby Ave. to Carroll Ave; `F.O. '7963 Carroll Ave, north side from Asbury Ave., to the east " line of Lot 15, Block 29facalester view. F.O. 10184. Barrett Ave. went side from Front St, toikclienty St. Fe O. 8891 Front St. north aide beginning"at St..ATbans St. thence " to Jameson Ave.; Front. St. south side beginning, 26 ft. vast ofDale St, thence west 66`feet beginning 346 ft, farther west, thence went 160"ft. " F.O. 11062 BlairSt, botheides between Avon St. and Victoria St. 7.0..10876 Victotia"St._..both, eides between Thomas St. and Lafond St. F.O. 30896 Charles St. soith.side- between Lexington. 'Ave. and Oxford St". F.O. 10187 Lexington Ave._both.sides from Blair St.to Thomas St. . F.O. 7959 Sherburne Aa. north side from Chatsworth St. to_''. Lexington Ave. 7,0. 10653 lidmund St, north side between ArundelSt. and T'aokubin 5t. F.O. 8198 Went Central Ave. from 3avoua St. te3lce St. F.O. 10655 Hague Ave,. south -side beginning"at the east line of Lot 3 - Block 14, Anna 2. Ramsey's Addition, thence east to Syndicate Ave S,•ndiccto lve, west side beginning at Hague .Ave`. , t:7ence to Laurel Ave. F.O. 10654' Goodrich Ave. both aides 'oetween Laxinaton :,:�,e, and. C.✓,.& St.P.Ry., F.O. 10173 Bdgerton St'. west side beginning at 'khitgll ut.; thence south 176 feet. P.O. 11369 iiaryrland St, north aide from Forest St. to Earl St. P.O. 11370 Maryland St. north nide from Earl St. to Duluth Ave F.O. 10142 cook St. north side between Sarl St, and Frank St. F.O. 7803 . Cook St.• outh side"from Sart St. to Duluth Ave. Non -Assessable F.O. 10190 Chatsworth 3t.-Weet side between University Ave., and Sherburne' Ave. 1h cssmcnt of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the•'abocr in:pw-nient-having b"n -ul,u:itwd h, the Coa,, ,I.. rd the(.�gcn'il hating .:ondidercd same and .. found tf paid „ .,s ,nt +a isLwft .p. ihe,rlure. " rt the said as.c..tnrn' br.vid the = .s hi•rrby i„ all rcvprrtx appra•.•cd:" ltt'SOI.vED FURTI 11CR. I hat, public hearing h,• F d oil ,aid ,+—stnent bc. the ] 3th - day of August 191 7 at the hour of l tl , I > l::\. \l.: iri the Cuiittril Chamber of the Court _ liocse .md City hall Building: in the laity of St. Patti, that the (,,mmisxiimer of Finance give notice of - - .aid meeting. aS required, by the. Char tel. stating in -id tice the time and,pl—c of hearing, the nature of the t thereof, and the ant, ant assssed against the Int or� ots of the particular ent, the totaole irnproveml c owner to whom the notice is :directed. Adopted by the Council 191 City, Clerk. Approved 191 . Mayor . y Councilman Farnsworth T Goss Hyland j Keller % McColl Mayor Irvin Forfit B. B. li a- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ 191. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and -expenses for !Hi co:s:ructi.nt relaying and" er..i.rin, Oe: -.eat 9ide.•ru kS. Estimate Yo.1, - um.ler contract INo. 2390 for season 1916, St. :Pa 1 Cement Cont raotor, for `-e follo;ving streets: -4 F.O. 10174 Pleasant Ave. east side beginning at Third St., ;thence south to :Alley. F.O. 10168 Third St. north side. beginning at Franklin Av.,_thence - ieast 280 feet.. F.O. 7805 Tyler St. both sides between So. Robert St: and Goff Ave.- F.O. 10141 Char]ton St. west side between Sydney St. &nd OhiD.5t.. F.O. 10175 St. (flair St. north side beginningrst W. Seventh St., thence west 90 ,feet. F.O. 10183 View St,:.rest side from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. . F. . 7806 Ridgewood Ave. north side from Milton St. to Victoria St. F.'0. 8194 Griggs St. east ride from James St, to Randolph`St. F.O. 8192= Niles St. south side betr.•een Syndicate Abo, and Hemline- Ave. ' F.O. 10140 Syndicate. Ave. west side from"Goodric�i Ave, to St. C1air'St. F.Q. 10189" Goodrich Ave. north side from. Hgmline."rve. "to'Albert";;ve, F.O. 8196 Lincoln Ave, aorta: Bice beginning at filbert Ave-.. thence east 47.4 ft. and on the east side of Albert'Avei beginning at Lincoln Ave., thence north 170 feet. F.0, 2.0873 Ashland Ave. south side beginning, at Pascal "Ave. thence to :Marwick Ave. . F.O. 10899 Prior Ave, both sides between Fairrourt Ave, and Randolph Street. . F.O. 10188 Fairv.c`.' .vs.: west side from St. Anthony.Ave. to the Right of Jay of the C.'.'.& St.P.Ry.' and from the .C.1s.& St.P. Right of Way to F.oblyn. Ave. F.O. 11064 ';.heeler ave. bot -h --sides from Selby. Ave, to Carroll Ave, r F.O. 7963. Carroll Ave, north side from Asbury Ave. to'the. east line. of Lot 15, Flock-2,W.calester Vie.F. F.O. 10184 Parrett Ave. west Bide from. Front St. to ?fc#•enty St. F.O.' 8191 Front St. north side beginning at St. Albans St. thence to Jainesoii 7:ve.; Front St.' south side begi'nn.inlg 26 It. west of Dale. St, thpr,ce west 66•feet begirr,ing . 346 ft. farther west, th.e4ce ,ares' ICO ft. F.A. 110,32lair St bottlsides betwe r AVv ;St. and Victorit- `'t. Y. 0. 30876 Vict,otitt boti: Fides cetveet1 Phmra•o St. Lrc"Lafon St. F.O. ]0296 CY.LrlP + *. so. th size :ct� sen (Lexington P.ve -and Orford St, F.O. 10187 Lexington ave. both, sines from rlb<r ``t to Thomtrs St. r.0. 7969 Sherburne j -e. norton-sil-'c from Chat seiorth-3t." to Lexington Ave F.O. 3.065Z.Edmund _.t:. l' 'c'.r•cr. �rurc'rl t a.:^P "acY.ubin Ft. F.O. 819A best ei 1 jai to x ice Vit. 0. lOt 5S e truce rP, .sr.,•th• of .3 , Flom. i4, lan.ia ' +-c. t ence ecet to. Syn' 4 :�., Stnd_ct tc ...r.. ' :i C. : i• 1,6 irnin� _ °at -HaEue .:ve. thence to Iaurel AX e. F.0. 30654 Goodrich Ave. both sides between Lexin6ton &ve.` and C.,...& St.P.Ry." . F. 10173 Edgerton St. West side,be&,inninb at 7lhitell I St., thence so- ti 176.feet. " F.O. 11369 tfarylar-d St, north Fide from -_orest. :t. to Earl `;t. F.O. 3.1370 Naryland St. north side" from liarl. St. to Duluth Av. F.O. 10142Cook St. north tide between -Earl St, and Frank St. -P.O. 7803 - Cook St. south side from Earl St. to Duluth Ave. Noh-Af,scesable F.O. 30190 Chatsworth' St: ':'eat side between University'Ave. and Sherburne ikve. To the Council of the City of. St:' Ptaul:- The <:ommi+sioner of Finance hereby reports to ¢ c Council the following— a statement of.the expendi- tures necessarilyincurred and -to be innarred for and 3n comrectiou with the"making of. the, above improve- . menl. viz:_ .. Cost of construction $" 9790.417 Cost of.ppblishing, noticr. $ 20.15 Cost of postal cards $ 5.74 - _ Inspection fees - - - - $ 195.81 Amount of court costs for confirnation $. 43.20 Total expenditures I• $10.058.28 - 1210.67 b$11268, 95 s, above - Said Commissioner further reports that•levied t e .otal amount he has assessed and :aascrry . . 268.95 mron earl, and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed twined• to -wit: the sum of $ 1 benefited by ihr said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with 1 _ v thebenefit.conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached.. ide}s,_I. /• tifird by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof."is the said assessment as completed ch is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper: by h m, and whi' . i.' r.ri„ It ❑ t Commissioner of Finance. } 1 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. lit thr Malt,• Id openi.r»P, widening and exter.di.v_A0 a:iuidt.h .h..•tt(.e3't3'..:., (20) fee,_ t;..e -11'e: ,anni ,7 rind Oliver' s..daiticn.r...by t--k-L g and. co.nde:rin-g the eget. teii f.1.0.) feet, cf Lot3...4.:and 9.r...and the erect' ten.-.feel,. 6-f Lot v.. _.nd 10.,.: D10c1:..'..., T srrin ...nd...���3!er� '.addition.. 5-mler Preliminary Order. _...15 f?...: _ ., approved APri.? 9, 19.1.7. Intermediary Urder...,a.fAQQ...::, atl ln•osed_ Ap 1= i 1.. 25, -.191.7.• t• he. H - . _ :tu,,k 63. v,•d - ttrarr 161 iii the above matter as to the amount of 'Thr Cunuuissiontrof A'Imulce pacing sulnn- lata: -W­r r '; Fine Or ' - - ue1 W. n 11 the - dmiuters tla'trrded for tin rltl:iuc of the Laid w Ih atnonhl f atnppropr)atea for the. Above improvement, fn r. thr taklh,; of :the •nt.+ therein appropriated - ica rtt fnubmiti a m: benefit to property, aft»ni the making of . and lu vvht ut pay;ihL•; uud also hat'in, snbmt •.henedt to prop.rt7 fr F - __ of •aid � improve.. , .aid' improvement, therefore be it the •eld aneum•nt r I y same In hereby e P Hesulve,L Thai the .said Issessun•nt uf.bewWbt' ill au :at . same is_liereby approved Heso)ved further, That a public hearing be had lo-yore Alit,_f'onneil 111)011 said at port and fora eonfirma- tion of the awards of danmges made by .the Couunlssioaer of Finance, ;"Id alto upon the said assessment of benefits: at the l'oinlcil Chamber, in tile Yourt llouse in the city of .tit. Pati] on the......: 13th :....daq of .'SuW,13t- 191.7 : at telt h',•loek,j1. M. and that the t01nutissioneaof'k`inngee be and he in hereby directed to. give notice of said hearing as prrerribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ... .., 191 ....... r ... �) Cit} Clerk. Approve(; ..........._ ... 191.:.... \f ay or. Connc)1 an Farnsworth Cmtnei an Goss C•ounc' man Hyland Co.. Iman Keller Coun Iman :iicColl <'oun ilman Wundvrliet \ ,-Way( Iryin -- �- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of op'er _... v;iderir.c r:nd extending to ..a..e•isit!I Q t.w.exty.:...i.no) fE ;, a.he...311e ir.,blo.cn c3,: Aa....r.c a.^, i 01.1 �,. .. ...... z .d. co u.e^.r r the e_.at -jo) fee` r. f Lo 4..:. rd re nea ten feet of T:o'- AIQ 1C,; Floch 63, zar.n njS rind Cute ' Additior ' ................................. under Preliminary Order 18757 approvedApri1 •S, 19 17, Intermediary Order. 1;EQ80 _ approved. April. 25 :.1917. TO ,r1IJ: COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OI'' ST: The Commissioner of 11nance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands. or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amoAntd:of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to`whom such awards are, payable; that he has:also fixed and determined the amount of henefits.to property, from the making of said- improcivmmt, not exceeding the -cost thereof, and that hereto attached Nun assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's-tindina.on said mailers. - . .. Lommisaioner. of Finance.' .. �.00tiNCIL FILE NO....:...:......... ............ ; INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Matter of...&r.wdi.r7B.:,A!1.C.Y.:.in..BloCk lir Preliminary Order.:.......:..lfQA!i ......... .._...approved......... JIme!...4—TRI7e ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having.receided the report.of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,the above improvement, and having considered 'said report, hereby resolves: - 1. 'That the said report be and the same is hereby approved_ and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......gt'a"...a1_ey..,.3n ......... ..................................... :............................... ....... ...:...: with no'alternativ¢s, and that the estimated cost thereof is s.0 .14 per frOYlt foot Resolved Further, That It public Laring be had on said improvement uu the _ _::,13th ........clay of j#u$tiBta.. 191.x. ; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. M., in the Council Chamber of the 1 ...... Court House and .City Hall Building iu the City of St. Paul. Th-at.the Commissioner of,Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ,ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. i e .p ncil.: .. JJ. -i... .. 151. Adopted _by the l,uu I � :�,. ,..:.. •L..:.,�.i.br�.',:.....�,� . Approved....! .. 191 1 ty Clerk req rill"l.J ..... :... f .n•r otpynano��a���"t�a�"..{{�•+Ot tlte'COin 1 _ ... onmen4 and 6avino o tae Ghon Mayor. ^said: rroerf. hereb a coaaldared': " Counc an Farnsworth. y resolve■; 1: That. the ealdraport beltnd the Counei an doss - H and, the botchy Provern tend adopted, - o be pnDrovemenf b hereby odred at be pr IN - � �(AIIIICil an Hyland 8•"'That the nature of the Improv. Y mrnt. wMrh the7cohnclt. recommenda.Ja. _ - - grede'.alley:lnR'an Addl. - Council an Beller front fo t°oai�in oii::;ii �rnis'per Council an McColl : a.eclved tntrtnel; Test a ._ heartni be had.on sefd Improvement' _ QUUIICIl 8n jiYWrIMII on th-uh" ISth dor'-of August. 7817: at Y the hour t. 30 b•nloct' A- .,1 1n the; Mayor I in l eouneu cn.me.r ot, - en• soots H n• d Clty: ii.Ir Hulialn In .tM Furut R. S. A 8-6 utr or se rani. That toeomml.- ..."I lTitto --the eO-alre.:n I.- - menner,,provlded b theet,T. d (nett e me- tha ilme and .place. or' hearinss nature: of the, ImDrovemenp an the totat .coat the,, Its eetlmateq — ldopted by tha Council July11 141?.: tpproved Jhl>' lf. 1812. — - (July-ly-1817J - COUNCIL FILE NO.. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......FC.ad.e=ing..anA....ti.f.kUng-.41a...ORVA:AHIA in, :.tam.12nd..namessazy_ for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 5! Wann'a Addition : ................... ...`.: under Preliminary Order. -..:....1045 .. .....:.:...,...approved.::.....;.Une....4.t.:-.19:1.7... :...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner ,of Finance upon the above improvement, rand having'considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the uq report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is " hereby ordered to b6proceeded with. ,t. That the nature of the improvement which the Council' recommends is.:'_..Coridento an& take..'. .an.,•easQment in the land•. necessary:.. for slopes. for cute and fills in .......grad;ng.,ahe�•in;•Block.•6a. ann!,s Addi,tion,.:•. according•.to.•the..Plan •••,• ....ha>kGtiG...Rtta3aht:di...�?'!d .Wade a..Part..h4r�4``a..:ti1.e hat.ekled..B4.Fti.GTtQ.:..i1141i .:.:.. cating,the-,outs and the shaded portions the.fille. with no alternatives, and that the estimated -cost thereof is $ `0..QQ.:::..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be'had on said improvement on the...... 13111 ............day of, ...'-..A11$118.t... ...........:., 191:.x.:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,:in-the Council Chamber of the Court House and City HaLI Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice. of wild meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- . lug, the nature of the imlirovement,'and_the total cost thereof as estimated.; Adopted by, the ouncil- - ti tl..' 191 ..... t G r Approved.. .. �� 191 :.0. / ily aata- Mom .. hersb resotees.- ` ... 1 . �2. Vast the u�d report be and the lI.. ...... r ...u8yer. sam" is he" r. approved and aaoDt.S{ Councilor Farnsworth •na'the .ala lmprowement to husky i ordered to 4e:Droaeded with. _ L.That thnaaron of the amyroee-j _ .�OUDCIIm 1;069 meat:whlch the Csunell recommen0a sonde ll and take- an easement !a the Councllma Hyl�tad %land eecas.ary for sloDea.W."t is and 11 alis 113 Wradlns alley In. Block t, wanes Couneitm Kell et• 'Addition, secordln[ to the Dlan hereto: -- `attached ane toads 6 parlhereof, the. hetchea, portion. Mdlcatine' the cu4 Couneilma Afecoll s04 the shaded Portion. the fills with . no altertutiwea,and that the e•tlmated- Couneilma_ cosy; tdereot 1.-gi0.00. - heRarelsht b,. d,.hr.a.Th lmproeea ibille:; - Sleyor In on he Isth gar er Aatatoo q 1017. at the near of 10 o'clock -A. 7L. In•the o.acll .. .. Foran B. 3.A. -G Noo••. •aa cuy xul nunale[ tilt ion•r: of slvanei'L1�i aotlq of s - meennl to tda grpons and in the`r. - . manner Provided Dy the Charter, sLt.. _ Ing the time and, ofdearintttt. tde--! - naturec,of- the tmprovm.'stsmi the'. - .. total coat thereof -u rtlautad. - _ ...Adopted by the Coarsen Je1731, 3817.;; - - , ADpeo r _ r COUNCIL FILE NO :.... INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the 3lstter of.. condemning and asking an easement in the land necessary #Ar slopes, :for cuts turd fills in grading Alley in Block lt.••.•:.• .......ITndersvcodl.a..:..1-at.::..Additian ...... ........................ ., _ _........... ..... ...... ........ ._:..- ...... .... ............. .. ,_. :.......... . ..... _...: , ......... ......... under Preliminary "Order................ 1.6ASO...:.:........approved ;.......May...l6:e :.19] 7.. ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance "Bron the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and.the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. C. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...:condeam cuand take _.an."easement:.:-..th-e.:land..nCRtP. �aTy.:for.o�cpes.....for te. in..and.filie ..... in'.gradinq_Alley in Block 1._.Underwoodte:lst.Addition..... cording m ..to .the."p.1.an..hereto..ettached._and._ made a, part._hereofr the hatched a 'Portions-indicating the ..cuts..and-the shaded p.ortions..the_f.ille. _..-.:. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $-:.20.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing.be had'on said improvement on the ....:13tH............ ...day.of ................A1 Plit 191_7._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. D1., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of. St. Paul. 'What the Commissioner of Finance give notice of avid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the -nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the l'ouueil.... ... 1 i . 191 Approved........ 191.,.. qtvClerk t he nature dr. the Imp Mayor. n Farnsworth i :.it6D the counelI retromm.nda to ahand take nn eanemont In the Council am an GOR.% d necessary for elope.. for cut. and idle In grading Alley In Block 1. Under- ;' Council an Hyland 1 wood's lot. Addition. according to the y , pl n hry ty attached and made a part 'h r-of. the hatched portion., 7ndlcatinit. Council 611 Keller therut. and the shaded portions who - t ,fll is with no alternatives, and that the Couneil an'MeCell estimated cost theri•orio $2o.00. Resolved. Further, That a poblle. l hearing be De Dad on said in' - meat Count an—Un er tell ) on the 13th day f Aaguet, 1911, at U -the hobr:ot 10 o'clock A. X.An the Mayor •in Council Chamber- of the court 'House and City. Half •1lundlnr m Form B.Sr 9-E; - - _ the Cl', of at.-Pau.. That the Commle- -loner -of Flnanes Sive notice of sal, t. meatlnk to the Cmons and of We i� manner provided 8y the charter. stat- ln.,thc.time and place. of hearintT the 'nature of, the improvement and the - total .est"Ih, f. u;/aL•.at ed - AAopted-bp the Counetl 7uly 1,1,'3017. - - ApprnvedJulyll. 1917. - (July 14-1917L ---------------- COUNCIL FmF.-N / INTERMEDIARY •ORDER . In the Matter oP..RKW 'Ag..Al1AY...:i.t?...Bu..c.t..i.:wu.r.woadi.s..:i-at...Addi ln11 . .............. ......_........... ........... ................................... ,...................................................................................... ......................................... ... ,....:....... ...... ....a..:. under-Preliminary Order..:....: _16479 .................approved , ....: MaY.. 10,..1917 .:....:. ........: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the - nbove improvement; -and having _considered Paid report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and' adopted, and.the said improvement .is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '. That the nature of the improvement which the:Council recommends is..9retda.:.A11:9y..1A Block 1,- thlderu►oodte let.....Addi..tion........................ .......... ....:.......... with no. alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.0,-12...per.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had. on said improvement on the ............. 13th....:.....day of ..:....,. A??g t. ..:............... 1911 ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 31., in the Council Chamber of. the Court House and City Hull Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner-of Finance give notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the manner. provided by the Charter, stating the time. and place of hear- iog, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof an estimated. ?adopted, by the Cuuucil. :., Approved...:.._'. ' ...:.:._.... 191.... I �r City Clerk: bt the Com - _ an _ D.. the alar■ .... .....°. Int eoetlder■d .• Mayor. , eraDY- e■otvas. Cotmcilm Farnswort _,1t. i� t Ae said ieport be and the +Rine is-hers DY approved and adopted. ■nd 'ths sol d,: improvement Ishenty - ouncllmH `(lons ordered to he proceeded with...... - ''• t m nt whteh'�he rouneq f therecommanda 4 Councilma Hyland grndd vlep tm Plock is unnnrwwa a lot Addttlon. with no atternntivee: add - - - Couneilman Keller that tathe estimated coat thereof Is d Per front foot Councilmbe an 11feCo11 ne■olved 1[urther.- That a public - j on Chet. t, had an sold ImDronmeat `- on the idth dnY'of A .goal. 19177T."t the /(!OUllcllmanealr'r dour or to o'clock A. A., In lbeOena- r` .11 Chamber of .the Court*•Hoag Mayor Irvi an d CItY Hall ,Building. In -the .y 1 �Cltir of St Paul. That the Cosmp. -sioaer of p'leance glva ""' of uld. Forni B.• S. A. ti meeting to. the persona ann la thr -th, proadee by. the Charter -ata ;the Ume and Place Of hearing tbe'nattlro - Ot.the Improvemen"t1 and the total coir on as. eatlmated°.; - -_ - - Adopted by the Coeoxll July 11;191?. ' Approved July1l: 191?. .. A°. LTuIY 3{-19371 - COUNCIL FILE NO—_- ........ ......... J 1! INTERMEDIARY .ORDER In the Matter of...-.conatsuc.tin¢:..a..cament:.. tile ... aisLeWalk,.tia a. W3s1th.-AL_ei.a.: feet on_the south aide of James street frola Gri.gga street to_.•____ _... ..................................:.. .................. " ..::: :::: under Preliminary Order _......... 16.7.45 .. ........ .........approved ........... MeW., 28 ....1812. ........ ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon'the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resplves: 1. That the said :report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,. and the said improvement- is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvementwhich the Council recommends is:. CQ.Wit-r:90 ...A... cement... t11e....sidetta1]c ito...a:_wid..th...of:...six..:fe.et..fln...tkte.:.Aouth:..s1.dts of .:..::. James, street from, Griggs street to Lexington avenue j with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0-66 per front toot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ 1Qth,,;,;,:,,,day of „{�ttgt�st 191.7.% at the hour of 10 o'clock A.. 111., in the Council Chamber of the Court House'and City Hall Building in the. City of St.. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided Wthe Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, :and the total cost thereof as estimated.: Adopted by the Councils.. _ .- ..... .. APprov d .::...... ... ........... ... . . 191._.... U CltIerk �J ... .... Mayor..... Coon" an Farnsworth 1.. 1Y .the said =rt M and -:the - wain lTa aareDY approred and adOP1111 .. Couneil an l.loss. and the Bald Improrament lead e are., 'ordered to be Dra"Ndad WtM j (`l 1 That the na4ura of the tmDrora- Counci an Hyland lltJJ/ ment wDIeD the Cnuncll recommends Ie -:construct cement the ---sidewalk dto fC - Council n Beller Idth ofdx f.el on the south ems or \ Jame. sheet from Grigg. etieel'. to Councilm `McColl : Lexington avert"'. with no alts Live. ' and Loaf the .stlmated <v.t thereof Is / r66 Cents. Der hront foot. Councilm Ds Resolved Further, That a public a rint be heal on ■ala Improtemant Illeyor 1 n e. th. loth 2dey or August, 1617, at the our of 10 o'clock A. L. to th- Counell Cb.,, et the Court Fornt B. S. A. A( hone sne t ur; flail nuildtnt in the CILY o[. at 'Fain. Tnet the Commis• donor of £Ina.nea tive-naiceot said meeting to thersons and 1n the mannmprovldod bY. tha Chartar,atat- - InFthetlme.hd-Dlaes;.of-heartnt:: the - tH�u�e of -the �ImDroyemeaL sad Vtht o t. eost`thereot .a Sesttmated. - '.. Adopted -63' lhq Lbsiil JuIY 11, 1917. ' COUNCIL FILE No ................................. ...:....���,..�.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ...conats>.tatLng..a.-cement:..iii.a.:sidaXalk...in..a_sddx.h_.of...six.— feet on,the north side of Tuna street from Edgecumbe Road to ......... Gri.BBs .streets ..:.:.. under Preliminary Order::.... 16924....:....::....approved .:.June_8 ;::19.17 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner,of Finance .upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report,:hereby.resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...: C.OT1AtSiCt:...a ac<!t4l3)tt .t�:;�.;e sidewalk to width. of siz feet on the north side Juno. street sroct Edgecwabe.Road to Gxiggs street.,.............. With no alternatives; and that the estimated cost .thereof is $0:e 66..p.er...fr.ont foot. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........10th......:.......day of .... August 191.'7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in, the Council Chamber of, the - Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,.the`nature of the improvement, and.tbe total cost thereof as estimated. i Adopted by the-t.'ouncil.. 1 ::. p ...,�-'. !..-.... i 1� I i Ii % .... �..,...1:� Clerk. ... . / r!': s - Approved ........ ....:................:.. .191 ::.. , ` U /�/ Cit 5r ,a tY a Mayor. satire to It /•�uwonu: �Nqe,k Count man Farnsworth / and the said im9rovantaZX' ordered tabs D='d wlth... c Conn ]man Gloss - i.: t"at thenatu» of thefml' moot whloh the Connell »rommeu construct a cement tile:.ddewalk. CODU lIDan HVltlad width or alz feet Aths north off—,X arlBis leasee wUhnugs�ltern aRind Coun man Keller < that Lhe eetimaLed roc thereof Is 99 Cents Darlront Count man McColl Resolved rarthea. That • Dnnu heariail he haA on said lmDrotameat t.oune me Illi on the 10th day of August, 1917. at the hour or to o'clock A. M.. in the CoUssil MayorIrvin Chamber or the Coort_xome and Clt Form B. $ A. 8-1; Rain Rnudins In thb Cur of at- ?one That tee Commluloner of Finance, give- . �. bond or Wd: meeting to the Dsrwtu _. and: In the maanar pro�Idep 7 the Cbarbr, atallat the tlma." A* of. bearins, the Hato » or the Improvement aadthe total coat the or as otimated., ..AdoDto br: the:Cmtnull, JDI9 1t 1917:' - ADDrot+a Julr 11: IQ7. r= ilial) :1�1•1g17Y, COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...r.aeat:xµ.Gt ...cemaIIt tO...a-.A',i.=...0.f-:8j�_ feet _..on.the-•west side•.o.f Pascal .avenue between.St` Clair atibet and Stanford ,avenue,:._:... .......: ......... ..:.... ..................:...:.............:.....................:......:..........................................�.............I................................. under Preliminary Order_:.:....... J 6509. ................approved .....Snz1e.:.:4_191.T:e.. .......: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves.. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I ` 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...construct ..a:..c.ement.. tile.;. sidewalk to.. a width•of six feet .on :the west side..of Pascal _.... avenue .b9tNeeR_ 3t ....9191 r street and.-.Stanford.:.av,enue `-;............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0..66._.. p.er front foot. Resolved Further, That it public-hearing be had on said impro6ement on tile....,_.10tkt .._ ...::......day of ..........August 191 7 , at the.hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That. the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and piaee of }Rear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated, _adopted by the Council......., i.. s o 191.... UAL Ity Clerk Approved.... _. �.. i Jw.c,rTia Ld'd Mayor. Councibu Farnsworth / adproyed sad , baroby :Fara' JLd said 7mproyemeat la bepb7 - or2. Th to be proceeded with. .Council Uo99 -an That the nature l atthe Impress• construct which a cement Coulters sidewalk to a - construct aC cement the sidewalk to.. s - - Coune n' Hyland width of six feet on the .greet Aid. of rascal avenue between SL Clalr Rtreet - Councilm Seller alta stanford.-avenues, with no, alter - - notives. and that the estimated coat thereof 1s ed Cents per front foot not McColl -l' - Resolved rurther. That -.a public.. - - bearint, bs had on said Improvement` Councilm on the 10th day of August. In the, at the Cour of to o'clock A. Court la the nd Cit l Chamber otr then .,Clty of and Cit Mayor Iry Can theCBuilding In the Cles 1I St. Fear the Commisslonee:ot Tlnaaea Ilse. - Form B. g. X -6notlerof aald,meetln[: to the- npd.7n tbe. manner DroslCsd b7 the - - - Charter; stating .the tlme and place of .. - hearins.-.the-nature of fibs improve - ment,. and the total coat-ahareot u, - - �/ . tlmated. , Adopted by the Council July, Il, 1917.' Approved 7uly..It.' 1917: ,SJn17,,14-}817) " COUNCII. FILE NO r�......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_..co•nstructing cement;aile aidewalca to a width of six fe.et...an...the.14tnzt:7�...a1da.::a.f:..S.Wtr?Ax.t....479.4w fr9i1..s0.���iR6 avgnue::t0 _...... " Cretin avenue ..excepting" where good and sufficient cement tile_ !:...>i1 dewalks...nom exi et, ....................................... :................................................................... .................................. .......... .. . ......... ........... ................. ...... .... . ....... .. .. ....... under Preliminary Order .......:.....:....,. ......approved _9aY. 94e::.1919.._... ....... ' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,. hereby resolves : 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. ^: That the nature of the improvement which. the Council recommends is..:,.const.r-uct...cement ...... tiie:..sidBwaLka..to.:.a.:width-..Qf A;LX_..feet on•.the North aide of Summit ... avenue. from<Snelling-avenue_to Cretin .avenue. .:-exceptiAg.-9the-re-.-gSt_R.4t.._:-. -.idewas nexist. auffi.aien _; with no alternatives, and that the eatimated.cost thereof is g." Q..66..:A.er.-front foot. Resolved Further That a public hearing be hadion said improvement on the .......... 10tOL .:......;.day. of ...................... .A.faimdt......... .... 191_1at the.hour of 10:o'clock A. It., in the Council Chamber.of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of .said meeting to the persons and in the manner prodded by, the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total o9yt thereof as estimated. r :Adopted by the tultacil.. Approved... ..:: s .: ..... 191...:-. / J O��ayor. ... W�r} ,�11]] reby approveMand adopte(V COnnClim FarnewUrtq yard itaprovetnent to h irobp 111 a to. be proceedediwith. - CUUUCIIm 11Usq That the nature at-the I- '*'a which the Connell recommends se -B Couucihn H Innd .,h tract anent file sidowalks to a y width of M. feet on, the north aIle or, suranu avenue from-shelling avenue (',tame,lififf, Keller • toCretanavenue, excepting where good :and sufficient cement the sidewalks 'ouncilma MCCuII. Dow. else with no aueraatIv . and _ < that the estimated cost I. e f Is 66 Cents per front foot Counhilm �]iYdiY3f� 1 neeolved - BUrther TAat a DnIDlla hearing be had on eafdlmDrovement Mayor Iry �" , hour pile o clock �a Cd t lnaihe cyan° ell Chamber. of In' Court House and Foran B. S. A. -6 City Hell Building In. the City .ot at. - -nial. That the:. Commissioner of F1- -nonce give notice of said meeting-. to she persons and and 1n the.- manner -pTo- tvtded by the`Charter,.otating th..11. • 'and plate of. heartngv the nature 'ot ltbe. hap ovement, and. the total poet the of:, petlnnted. \II{t.Il by t Ile Council .lily 11. 191'­ j _ ' '.I -App-4, ua u, CITY OF ST PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION , GENERAL FORM ( l 47 �e)yfx __ _ ...1 S� ................. 9 (COLIN Fitg � NO ...... _ - Date Presented. �:_... __ .1�J1..__ . Reso That the ai=plioa.tion of Charles F. Diether, doing l._ a - business as the Commercial Service Bureau, form license to con— business duct a hale C4%Female Employment AEeney, at 1416'rioneer Bldg., be ar-d the, ' same' hereby is granted and the City C' erk is ins r): eted to issue s ;ch license upon the filing of the bond and the ; syment into the City Treasury of the fee, $151.,00. 17979—By Henry McColl— Resolved. That theaPPll ,-, f ' Chile P Dlether, doing bualneu m the commernlnl gervlee-Bureau, fora 11- - ' - - - cense to conduct a stale & Female I:m- I ployment Agency, at 1116 Pioneer - - :Bldg.: be and ,the same hereby Is o _ - - 'adato tune such license uD lhetll%% of the: bond and the: payment Into thq .. - City Treasury of, the fee, 7191:00. Adopted by the Council July' I7, 1717• , ' Approved July 17, 1917, •' ' (July 71-1917) (✓) Couna en W) Nay. uncil: X5.. _...191 .... . , Adopted, Co7 ' Farm rt4 by the ._ ..... V ` Go" "flylaa Keller ....In fa'or ! .. 2 1917 191 Approved . .... _... ', �. �. D :LicC . -IUAW I AFaimt ...:...... tUdL,.... 'Air.Preetdr'nF Yin MAYOR - ........I.. ..:....,... �.......,. .- . , FORM OA.a.: O. 7 3M ..'. CITY OF ST. PAUL To Y""' - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT I. COUNCIL'Nbt, te.�{�, AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE - , t I - _AUDITED,.JUL 7 1y1719, I PER I 475. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified hinds and - in favor of the person's, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the' following detailed statement: Yeas ( i, Counci ell (v) Nays Adopted by the Cpuncllit--t2i-� Farn ort11 Gos Approved(_— s_ _ h2 . 11 L Z—LlI1— ., ]Iyl nd `t' ___ In favor Ke er - . , MAYOR . U Coll _Against unaerlich s Mr. Preside t, Irvin - ' pVon'the OCbbTreunrr payable nt of the herelnaftse speeldea:funds and .In i favor or tho'ven0 0. trema or'corpore- Itlens for the amooata..Nt .opposite thalr. rospeetive names:-apaclaW'fa h fol , - - I - ;C owln -tl 1 g etalledatatemen . ... t +Che,Wnp valve Co.,'t1,99991 The HlcporinMere. Co., 36 Cents.. i eed M d Motor Spring Ca, ;112.9 need Motgr.Bppply Co,. 112-99- All.Paul 11vua8rr Co., {390000 - H. -E. wsetttaedt, 9200.; - _ - - •WeeUnghp se Electric t Mfg 'Ca. =aAaopted I4 the,Council JuIY }9 3917. APproved Jdly 19 1917 <. uulr 9119flj ' ' -• - is 2953.23 ' 17599 : Chapman' - Wator�Bxpense 600 The Emporium Merc. Company,. .15 p., Sci:ools M&R. Ol Highland Spring, Company0*2 1 15 Mayor's Offipe-ExpeG.F.-Pur. D.-Exp"C.P.W.-Mntce. P. Schools M&R. - - w 90 02 Reed Motor 5upplytoompany, _ G.Mun. Gar. 3,00*09 03 St. Paul..Found'ry Company, - Water -Expense. 04 Company, G. Sommers & P Y, 32.'_9 — - P. Library-Comp1. of Nev., Bldg. 05. H. E. Wedelstaedt, 3.50 - � F. Schools-E:,xpenss. 06 Westinghouse Erieetric & Mfg.rComparly, ' _ Lighting. a V.—A. n: tr, CITY OF ST PAUL - - Illy "' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT o AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FoENC1L:N;��—°' JUL . J BY. „;�... ,.. - AUDITED _., __._.—_ 191 PER 476 Resolved that wprrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and , in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their ,respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (i) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the, Council!��,- �� 3.913.7 ; 191- - Fa sworth Go %.approve �31� If, and __ _In favor. 191 K ler - MATOQ M Coll - -_Against 1V mde>lich i. ( Mr. President Irvin r, i' 17607 American Supply Company; f 3.9.80 !' - St. Const. & R.'Fxpen�se" • Pr Schools-G?cpanse 1 .00 � A ; • Sprinkling. / 3 r 08 W. S. Conrad &Company, 16.76 ; health -P. Baths -Expense. j atl1.15. 09, L. F: Dow. Company, Architects -Expense— 2 40, # - _ City.Clerk-Expense �% .20 I P. Schools-Exo. 4. G.F. -Official ub YJater-Expense 83. 5 10 Hoffman Else. Company, 47,r'S P. -Schools C.&H. ='1 5�3 P. Sclsools-Expense - j • ' F3. 11 J!idway Lime & Cement, x03.58. ' Sewar Const:.: & Repair-Kxpense. 12 Pittsburgh Pi^-t� Glass Company, 4,6 17 ., G.P.W.-Exoenso ) fIB�.'_i. P. Parks -Const. Phale 3 0 i 13 St.P.1U.l Ruil3Jfrs Material. Com_rany, 1 1;32&r32 Fire-✓xpenSe i+ater -Expense 3 .35 Paving bsRiver Rkvd. 1 328 2 ,_ - - - �" -CITY OF ST. PAUL- ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT v - - COUNCIL' No $ " 1 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE . _�00 _ JUL 12 19'„ i BY. <1.......... � I - - AUDITED_. _. _ PER 474 be drawn the City Treasury, out of the hereinafter specified funds; ind Resolved that warrants upon payable in Wier of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified m .the following _ parsons. l.r 21 19 '7 detailed statement: Yeas (r) Councilmen ( J) Nays/. Adopted by the Council Fa sworth s (� /�% A rove 2 -151 191 pp T — H land V--_-Inlavor, IC Her - MAYO 1% Coll _ _-Against - IN nderlich i Mr.'President Irvin r t 17563 a T . L. Blood Company,` t 5.85 ' h C .H.&C .H. -Expense . 64 Board of Water Commissioners,_ 2u«79 C .H .&C.H : -Expense . 65 Carnegie Fuel._Company , 476.80 Fire -Expense. 66 CTntral Garage,'' 36: 35 Water -Expense. 67 : Daily Hardware Company, 8.33 C.H. & C.H.-Expense. 68 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, - :<' 53.50 C.H. & C .H.--A'xpense . - 69 Louis F. Dow Company, 60.80 ._ _ C.H. & C.H. -)'sxpense. 700 Electric Const.' Company, ifi 91 - C.H. & C.H«-.sxpense. _ 71 P.'R.-L. Hardenbergh, 30.24 Water -Expense. 72 Frank 0: Huebener, 72.50- C.H. & C.H.-agxpenso. . 73 J: W. Hulme Company, 35.93 C.H., & C.H.-S•xpense. _ 74 :: J. T. Kenny & Company, 6.00 -' C.H. & C.H.-Expense. �� , P�ge2. , Res.. 474 �. 17575 Koehler 8i Hinrichs, C.H. & C:.H.-Eipense. '. +M 50 : - 76 McClain &. C.H.-Expense,.a70 I7.88 77 Melady Paper Company, C.H. & C:H._Ex_ ones.. r 78 FreSti �Constan&eRnpair-Expense. 79 - Northern Coal &Dock Company; Water-Expense. Northwestern Elea. Equip. Company,. 468.16 8p water-Expense. _ -1.�r5-• 81 N. W. Tel. Company, ". .C.H.&C.H.-Expense. s 82 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Inc,* `107..43 i Central H.S. Library. 83 Pioneer -Company Water-Expense. - 14.05 84- Prendergast Brothers, C.H. & C..H.-Expense. 85 Ray e�.n9* CeH.&C.HH�.'-Expensare - - 86 Robinson, Gary, Be Sande, x12' 'C'.q. & C.H.-Expense. : 87 Com an St.Paul Foundrq, P y, 75.60 1. - P:.Parks-Const. Phalen Beach. 88 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 541x67 C.H. & C.H.•-Expense. 58.00 89 ome�SuPPlies1 St.Paul PerGen. Mi c1,CStaty 90 - Fred Schroth, .517 QUI: C.H. & C.H.-E2pense. 'Mfg. i,5 04 :4� '5 91 The A. P. Smith Company, Water-Expense: 92 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, 163„0D Water-Expense . Tri State Tel.,a&pany� 64! 15 i• 93 C.H. & C.H. Expense. -11"1600.25. 94 C. A. P. Turner:, \ Water -Sxpenee . 95 0 Carpet Company, Twin i ty C.H. & C.H.-Expense. - . - United States Clist Iron Pipe Company, 915.13 •4,= 96 Watereft pens+9 . 1 ^7 Bage . #3' Res. 474, 01 - s VilTaume Box` Lumber Compsny, _ 35.59 17597 - C.H. & C.H.-Expense. > gg R. B. Whitacre & Ctnngany, _ C.H. & C.H.-Expense. f, CL bed the �t I uOoAne Truaa pryooto - - 0f:the hereluo, ft out Nag or ryaoUled la, favor. or the, persons, arms or'"eor• _ - poratlpas Tor tits amonatr"set oyposlts • iAelr rospeativs11ames as dad _ the rt0B0w1n` detailed statement- . rC'14"Bloud CO., 16.06._ -.. .'• -' - Doard,, o[ .Water C.bmmlploaerF 122.76 I I V,. -.Carne to, Pbeh Co 1470 t0. .:.t . Centrai� Oarae46�ITt6 - `Dally Hardware Co.. - ;,Diebold Bare k Lock Co, i6t60. i — .Louts. P., DOW Co $6000. PRL - Aardenber115.93. .24. I - Frank O, Huehener 17!,60. J.;W.'Huim9 Co. 116.88 - I ' J"WICanny & &, 16.00. - Ir"bler,& Hlariche, 6A02. - McClain k Redman, 17460.,.. ' . - - ,MGlK G Noper Co. T11.f0 .. -:Northern Coal & DockA37.6t. I NorthwesternIL < Elee..EQulp. . Co.,''. 64M .. ' . W.Tet CO.;: 11.76.. - NOM'Bros. 4'Cutler. Pr9oderaoneer Ytliroal614.0& - Raymer Hardware Co.. Ms Robinsod. ex & 8ands: tl$. St :Paul Foundry I . Co. $1.00 Paul"(las,L[sht Co„ 464LIT .. 8t. I a.1 Paper. 66400.:: Co.Gents. _ { . Prod Bell 60 Mis A P, S IMI jh Mrs; Co 12.604.06 •. e0ut4 Park 8bngdry ,4 2fac Ins h r: r . - . . - Tri . Trt 8tata TeL.Co. ii616',. A: C.' P. Turner. ifl 6foa _ Twin City Carpet Co 16.14 United 8tatsa Cast Iron Pipe Co. 11016,12. Co., R.mber wJ& Whittsiere ikCo. $12.0d.iib.60. �. Adopted by tho (muncii July 12, 1017. ApP79yed July,12. 1617. - - (Jgi121-1017) .. s�- d CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY OF Si. PAUL / .Y 1-7. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT rY�� C9UNCIL • i-7BA'1'--- AUDITED CLAIMS-AESOLUTION FORM FILE NO • BY - _.. .,n .......... _... ., •AUDITED v:�L 1_�i 1917 ...191 .. I� J - o 478 ! PER. 1 I. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the. parsons, firms or' corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followong detailed statement: 1 1917 9 Z Yeas ( *) Councillnen Nays Adopted by the- u � Farnsworth Goss Appr Hyland In favor . Keller. Mccoll _ _.:_ _Against Mr. President, Irvin 4-7: ; �. 17618 Ball Engine Works, 60.50 -I Street C.. & R. -Exp. 610 JosSah H. Brinker, - 10.00 Library Exp. F• 620 W. F. Buth & Co.:, 20.65 2 G. F. Printed Fomes" &'B rlcs 5 Water-Exp / 8. — ((// 20. 5 621 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry-., 265.`04 "I Library-Exp . 35 p 2 14 - G. F.-Crosswalks 239 36 Nater-Exp 1 19 - 26 .04 622 Ed Erickson 6._65 Soho 1-E 623 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F. 216:64. Heal th-0,uar-$xp C. P. W.-Workh-Exp - _ G: F.-Printed Forms /121664- 624 - - Libpary-H �- Farwell, Ozmun Kirk-Co., 54.24 }dun. Test Lab.-Exp 8 School-Exp j5. 8 / 4. 0 Plater--11; . 1. 0 n n 5. 2 Playground-Exp 15. 0 Street•C;& R.-Exp 13'. k-A. 6.1c . I, - Sewer 17625 - 4 n Flanagan IT 626 G. N. Gerlach 32.35 - :School -Exp. - - I 627 Henry Guhl 150.90 Police -Ems: 628 Dr. Daweon Johnston 10.30 Librarygxp.__ - 629 -'Malady Paper Co. , 82.40 Health' -P. `Comtoxt p. 1. Library=ixp_ 1.40 630 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 9.01' C. P. u.-Jjun. Test Lab. 6 2' -77 Water -Exp. 9 ` 631 N.W. Fuel Co., Street C. & R.-E�: 61 7r• 179.49 , �� Street 5 sprinkling .. 79 � .632^ L. C. :Smith TyFrexriter Co., 155.10 Library -33w., � 633_ End Lake Ice Co., ie 12.00 ..West Fire r 634 White Auto Supply . ,22.50 _Hun. Garage -Rev. r; - Rswl►OQ 'that warrant M 'drawn u ea the Cltq Tr uury, 0arrahte wa 0 `the. hereinart01 speclded lnnda-and In•favor of the per.oas,• firms ori, Doratlotu for th* "note set op, catre th.fr respective names:on speclaed In J16 following; detailed' statement: "^ Balt En61ne.Wo�k.. -$80.60. Joefah IL Brinker $10.00. " -;W. r. Both @ Co $10 88. `- 'Chicsdo. Milwaukee s.et ,Pant Rq., - ' 5 - r r is r ; - - - .. .. I Ed Erickson $4,$s,' 6 A, Farnsworth C. P. R. r we " Osmun Mrk Co. $6j.18. ;John fiana0aa. r o uhl, 'Henry ' In Dawson-Johnst n. $30.3o.'- (_NQad Pape c Co,; aalpme0 N: VV- Fuel; CO.. $179.4A o'' 19.017 h Q- Smith T5 Cu. $16610.' - -.West End lAke1cs C0."$11.00. Whlte Auto Supply.;$Ili& Adopted by the Connell JWq 11, 1917.— "Approved July 13,.1917. (July- $-191D - L, ;k 7�daT w1c.1117bots ' - Hewirea Pbat -.tbe ttR:-'-Y►n7 Orin - l� �j . au ei:a to �:gnepiti i�.e°ideari�4nndo - - ,� by er4`Cttnet 9o] 7111 t4aa.itt'lattaet tlw - t 41 tbercon for tb-teasamWlon, jF ST. PAUL andIt lies aad aldol tolioRto6 allge p S"!V, 6! , PAUL- and stteea o[ utd oltY: " "" ,,` .:IgetnU Dna Pote on. Go most stile at.« - . .S IItjagrxdod ,Btreat 'betw6en 'JOHcreOa' _ Avenue and Jutist'Street, F Install 4hroe vpoles on tae eaettvdAre �Q�rr-Cefiml Form - , jyistte iKt1F4q GntYar-L - ,!'� ' d1 ' - � - [ristdaen o ve.P6etw,ien Unie6il[tY Ave , - " and •MYrtle Install oae Pole'nt the northeast Cor - }.t.. :. Department .nerend one Pole at the southwest Cor- Department or ne'rof Myrtle and Hampden avenu stile •--9nstalt three"-Dolea,an_the.-17falveratty.' - �.;-- o[:Plllibnri between _. .Bureau of_,Ave:•end"MYrtle Are. , lila rveet aide' "Install three Doles on E- Months BL.aetwela necessary and Myrtle Ave�t+liee '. - �,yrsnd anchopk le aad : Ali�ot soca eiteaHcpa It 191 hall be be erected aad conetrnataa. council File Pl t/.: b. a..foner°an n• �sh��wUtoo, of Date Presented Byfar rbe RESOLVED. That the St Poul G Lltat C a 1 k ber br rd led sed dl <ted to eslend is elatr(cal lieu br encnv[ Dol [ soil .trinetne wbu th eon - tun•mWion al eleetrktr on sed l the lollowlat .n rued Frau t •std <hr+ Install.one Vele on the weet eid-e:of TJndGrwood Street"betvleen JePtareon Avenue and Juliet'Street. Install three palso on the east side. of LaSalle streets between University Avenue, a�nd Myrtle Avenue• Install one;' Is on the weet side �of Rwyden. Avenue between IIniversity-Avenue spa"Myrtle Avesue. L? — Instep one 9016 at the nor theeaE corner and one pole at the den Avenuee ts southwest corner of 1Ayrtle and E=V Inrtall three p ales on"the Wrest side of Pillsbury Avenue, be- tween IInivereity Avel+tae: and 14Tt1e /►Tonus. i Install three poles on 'Lhe Rest .side of Hontgostery Street be- L1� Avenues With necessary awe and ancho tween University Bud Y_vr k (lS cem s t +r P.O. umiva dl Al 11,14. All of u<h a leo iov, Dolce aad wbu hall he rake nil o lrveled a th[ di. , ..1 wa - •ubkd to them ki o• of Ordivaca No.nes i dl eller Iaw1u1 adivmtt• ave resat ti Peblic 1 the Ciq-7 Sr Pee 1.. All Dela •hv.ld ba al Iv d os stun,. .1dd W�a fed --'I' e`s 1ai n doav�.na 1. .1 d uch w`irin Plaod a a� aoana':a .1.11 be .n� c Hilheil •h llht aa m` SMI lne b..h.11 de,do a sed aevrere. av Pai 9 I C' 7 n blie 1.11.0�� •oavuire•, and whoa it dull •o order. 191 , Adopted by the uncil ------ r Counc' men ( G) Nays Yeas i FARD SWORTH GOSS McC LL ,r,7 ERLI WU C _L 191 Approve HYL ND KELayor ER Mr, President, IRVI c��� CITY OF EM > ,PAM council' -Resolution,-: General worm. ze C F. No, 175 Resolved, thht • ernllnlon ;bd and- } fr hereby Rrantp`d the Northwe.ter,_ Department Of -k Y =�;a: Kann ,Exchange,"Company, to eel P andrstring wirer With the--necer. _ I.+ XY anchors thereon in the tolloWhtp - - nametl etreetr E Poles south Bide of Ooi•dttn Avenut s. Bureau of._o_Ava Commohwealth Are to Carlo. Poles and trey to 6e rmorrd-�xhah 'reque+ted to do so'by the Commaggqqqq' Council 8nld coot to be ,bald by thq — —— — — — el9 hone COO, hy. II A�ot, d by:the Council July 17,1917. 2z ADbraved July 1E.. 191T 51.'1'7' I `Council File INO; __ pate Presented __1917. Besolved, that peimi6aion be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephor►e Sxohange-Compares to set polee`gnd ,- string wires -with the necessary Anchor e• there on in the, following named streets: 2 poles south side of Gordon -Ave. from Commonwealth Ave. to. cartow Avenue. Poles and wiree to be removed when request ed tc.do'ao by the Common Councilp Said .cost to be paid by tete Tel phone w Comparti7. JUL Adopted by/the' Counoil yeas (� ) Cou cilmea ( ) Nays .worth ao8 2[oC 11 Wan erlich- X1 1 r Approved 417+ 1917 ay or- - �. CITY-0F ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..... :. _ .:.. ........ ...... ' Fl ...................... Date Presented _94 . .......:.......191.74 Resolved, that permissiaa be eni is hereby granted the Tri-State -Telephone & Telegraph Company ti $root . poles with the neoessexT anchors and to 'string wire and cable an "the following named streets: lour poles on.Olmsted Street'betw 4h John & Clive and one pole an John 8treat betwe4w Som set. and Olmsted; /Crit to be done under the diseotion and to:the satisfaction of the acmmissicner of Public loris, the: Telephone Compaur to pay the oat of inspeotiau, engineering and publication. Boles sad wise$ to be removed when, requested to do so by the ; 00smon Coonoil., said oat to be.paid by the Telephone Compaal. 1 Resolved that permis$lon IN end le 9 I hereby Telegrnpranted h Company to .reef pale wlthlhe neee$sary ilhe are Ilow to tltrinRwlre and cable on, .I IRR named .tr eta Four-, poles on Olmsted street be. itween John and OIIveend one pole os ,1 John 9t. between Somerset and :Oim• nteG. i+ Work to.. be done under the mhenn and to tt the eaetaetlon of tee Com oCommie• n stoner. o[. public Worke,'the Telephone company to: pay the Met or Inspection,. _ - engineering and publlcetion. . Pole$. and wire. to be removed ,on requested ae do ao :by the Qommo- . Council, anld coat, to _ Ue paid by th T.IrphanaCOmpanY , Adopted'.by the Council July 1=. 191 �- ApDroPed JDIY la.-3917. (JuIY =1.1917) Yen (V) Co oilmen (V) Nays JUL.17 Adopfed by, . Far arth In favor APp... 191........ M o f1 l rf....A lain st Y `-, -Mr. P . ti MAYOR........ FORM e.8.9 _:. cjt` OF ST. PAUL _ F'rzzM COUNCIL ;RESOLUTION—GENERAL O Sub'e& .. • :coon^It '' Date Prcfente(IJU e.- 191Ie.- Resolved, that palraiedim be &nA is hereby grented the Tsi-etate Telephone' rk Telegraph Qomps:14 to *root poles with the neoesssty anohoss and. to string wire.end-oabls on the following named streets: Bine polra on Mile* from Greenbrier to Amar, Work to be done unAer the direotion sad to the satisfaotion`of, the Qo3nlissiener of Publio ?osis. the Telephons oMany to pay the ooet of inspeotion,.engineering end poblioatim. Pole/ and wires to. be removed when requested to do so by the Oo»on Oonnoil, etid ooet to be paid by the Telephone 0oppauy. . G F..No......-8 aa—. Resolvedanted the Tr1 State BTele�" herebY -a'r h Company toereet Doone A TeleRraP dchora ani pole° with. the,aeeeea is; en - to etrinR:wire and cable on tha.rollow- j Ins; named *tree/s: briar . Nlne'polee on Idaho from Omen .. to Arcade. - - W 11Ares to ba done under the. direction _ .honin er: of Public Works. the Tal Dh n° COIDDanY'ta Dag the Met or inspectlOn,' .enclneerinR-wlrea tbI batremoved when - Pole. end, by the Common,. . requested to do se the' Council, said ceet to be Pald DY _ ,Telephone Co...." Adopted by the Council JuIY Sf: 1f17.� t Aooroved July 13. 1917. ` tJu1 Y (d) Co nralmen (v') Nays6 Adopted by the Council.....:. ......... 191....... F worth _ JI Infavor 3 19'7 K er Approved 191 ...... A. t Y rg!� c Mr. Preside - . ►onet cos CITY OF SIT,'AUL\ L COUNCIL.-RESOLUTIOIN.-�ENERAL'-FORM _ .. - Subject. ... r f (f k { .. -• .tilt:. .... ....... .. Date Pre rented Resolved,': That the•time specified for the .performance Of a certain contract dtted'reb. 90111,11917 between O'Neil & Preston. and the ,City of 3t.Pau1 for the oonstruotion of a..eewer on Berkeley Avae from Prior Avea to Kenneth St* be and the same is he reby.�xtended to'the 12th day of . d July, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute .an amendment to said contract in accorden0e herewith, olution shall not have any force and provided, however, that this res effect unless the sureties on -the contractor's bond consent thereto. and _fils such consent ir�,writin with the -City Comptroller. 1 - C. F. No. 17667—By 3d. N. toss— , )R.solved, That. the time aVscld0 for t e performance. of &.certain contraCE' - llw(.p Feb. S0. 1917 between, cr .11 4. Fraaddddttton and the City of SL Paul for tits. ' construction of -a sewer on Berkeley'; 'Ave. ""''Frloc Ave 'ao Kenneth Bt. be and the'aama is h -.by ..telided to the 19th'' day of July: 1917 and the roper ally. officers are' -hereby author I:ed-to execute .an-,nmendment toaald! .. eonfract In accordance herewith. prof: - .. - j vlded, however, that :this resolution, 7 - shall set bol—any. force and ,effect un Lond�athe psentethereto and m,.."th cone'J - - aentAnwsltln6.- with thee. Clty (,'OWV troller. :Adopted by the Councll.Ju4 39.1917.E Approved July- Ii, 1917.• (July 91.1917) i 1.3 JRi7 Yeas (V) Juncilmen (i') Adopted by the Council 191. rn9wort}t 7 17ors - .. , X - In favor - Approved 191.....::. eller CColl��/ pgairot 1 OR Mr. Prem t,d aWer-s [� " FORM CA- CITY OF_St_SAUL COUNCIL RESOLuTIO ENERAL FORM _ Subject: r. 5.4 NO. - Date Preaetited _ ' ..duly.._ 13,. 191 7i .... Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of 6 certain contract dated March 27, 1916`_between Fielding & Shepley Inc. and the City .of St..Paul.for,the-paving of Hague Ave. from Dale St.'.td Lexington Ave. .' Ashland Ave. from Dale St'. to Lexington Avo. end Laurel Ave. from. Dale at. to Lexington Ave..be,and the same are hereby extended to the 14th day of July, 1'917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an,'tlmendment to said contract in accordance here:rith,•provided,'hoa:ever, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect u_hless the sureties on the, contractor's bond consent thereto and.file such coreent in writing with the City Comptroller, E � _ th eypeolved?Tdatn aM' N• G�use� date9%,O itn elala,tecon 'to, . . d: llhepley I 2 b.'=,gutr.p t for the pavingeod the Clty of 8t di L)AI8 nde'tmmto It "'---y In to StoneAve. be andrth Dalelufttoextended to 'Lei and the D,o tha: 11th day ofarwiftreby JUIY.1P171 - authorlted. toes -el city oa'Icerrmre hereby Bald eontrart o cute. Amendment ,tl } provided. he.. ar Chet herewltd, l unlaes not....hive t this reaeluti, - anY Torre.. and afro thr,surettes on the oontmetor''t - ent consent tdare,. And ale nt con. sent r. wrinn6. with. the Clty Coma• troller. e Con f Adopted bApproved Ju y(JulY 3119171 July 1J. x.1917. 17) a(t')C nritmen(i')Na ..:191 ... Adopted by the Council F" aworth Go In favor 191 Kel r Approved M II n %r Against, I `_ Mr. Preaident POiWlN �, tti.ti - - ROAN C.a.Y . CITY,.-,QF AUL' - COtJN(:;IL�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .� �ubJect: .:....... . tl L 10,01 '% Co....., NO, . Date Presented. :_W4 1917,. Resolved, That 'Council File X13828; approved Dec. '8, 1916 beinj a final order for gradin- the south 60 feet o3 S,akc'Como & Phalen Ave. between Arcade St. t}nd Forest St. be end the same is hereby expended to read:, "grtiAe the oath 50 feet-of jal.e ' Corso ,A Phalen Lvo. betereor_ .Ascode St., and Forest St." iI C_ R. No. 17666-8Y DG N. GOW —. ` Wed. That Counell File N lvo. 11923,: approved. l?ec.. S. 1916, being'. anal order fortrmding the south 60 feet of IBka Como & Phalen AV...be- lween-Arcade SG .and: Forest St be. sod the -same Is hereby amended to read: - Grade theSouth60 feet of t k. Como ` -&-Phalen-Ave. between, Arcade St. and Forest BL" - Adopted by the Council July 17, 1917. APpmvgld July' 19.1917. :. (July 91.1917)...: It Y.ess (d) Cou cilmen U') Nays 191 Adopted by the Council _ 'Far worth ............ In favor Kell r Approved .... 191....... M oil Against Mr. Presiden ` at. w.. CL..J•[Ed [ -M..N. GOSS COMMIfifiIONER • [xa xrex�St . Pwal, .'_''in2l. ?':ay 16, 7 X17. u. e. a[rT•Ax. • - air Goss, Commix: inner o1-Fublie DcLr Sir, - 1 p J In con-nect-4;m "titl- the deco ,,pc_:iyir, resolutiol: clicngiro the eridVi of t}'e f.qin of L-- -e Co L10 cc Thelon 3'+e., from. 60 flee to 5Q fleet, this io recut.^.:fended or, L==c plea o:' the Sunsrintcndent of Parks who desires that she nor'�h e.ido of the stroeti bcinE7 nark property; ,8l?OUI¢�i:C disturbed F. c little as possilblc2. H211.i ::0 illrl _:: i'OC:111y �. c Ota3erid 'aHat .RC 1'C: Olut. o, be foal - 0CChic-. Ln inecr dlTv_.OF ST.. PAUL - COUNCI.L. RESOLUTION—G�EN£RAL FORM- Sllb'ect _ ' • t �E S� ( _ .. f1L/ N O. *'�.. .. Date Presented 4ul'y 13,1917 19:1 • Whereas,at the time of- the declaration of war a committee of d, citizens deemed it expedient to purchase 50 Winchester 'has L \ merless repeating guns for the protection of the public safety ends, Whereas, these guns are;in -the possession of the Police!•De-•• partment and it is conslderea.advisabie to retain_them for, use by the. Department in case of an emergency, now.therefore be it RE60LVED9 that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby,, authorized to.purchase,.with'the consent of^the _0omptroller, without asking for competitive bids, thedabove mentioned &"* for the aum of $1350.00. Charge Police Portection-Expen . L, ` j ` l 1 • C,• to "o* e7 et the time of the declare deemeA te:pedf ntltio Durcheelee 60 d l-*4st' hammeAess repeating Bone t y" for the prolectlon dt the rublltA ,off- . on hereae, these Rune are^In reteln sepelon of ihe`PoI'.. DeDnrtment and I1 I it I. coneldeted mdvl.n rt to .the. for bse by the wetherafare D0It of (on trued. thnt':the Parch I I Agerit I be: end e , t hereby .uthorlud tComP • 'chase. vrlth the.. consent of the -tithe troller, without e m nt for eomD Police btd., the -above mentioned Rune• for 'the Bain bf ttz00.00...Cha�._. _ . Protection—EzVVene0 Adopts$ by the y° 1914; 7ufY iS. 1917. - .. � 'nDvroved aj 1Y 81-18}7} Yeas (f) Councilmen Nays Funs vorth - Adopted by the Council - 191 . Goan In favor Kellei ApprIoveId . , 191 MCC 1 OAgainst. Vim er" V MAYORMr. President, jrvi - n CITY'OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT !7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FOERciL BY AUDITED .. _.__.__ . - 191 _______-__ i✓ ' _ - I. PER Resolved that warrants be drawn, upon the City Treasury, payable out of -the hereinafter specified (ua o and in favor of the parsons, firins.or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as spepified in the fallowing detailed statement:- Yeas (�') Cou ingen (� ') Nnys by by the Council --4 Iv I �- — 191 Fart iworth 611. 91APproIIS 1 d In favor Kellr' 1tAro—' lie( 311 :lgainst , rlich Mr. President, I in a F, xo. hast Reaolred WaR:w�rna4 Eidlrpa'ipett L 'th..Qlty Treaeury, Dayable;eut or [ha: - - 'herelDafter- ,specipad. 'fupda; •ln1w or of -the Daraona, "a or, eor• - - DorAtlons for the amopp[1`Nee Po it*, the lr+reeDeetlCa,: parva uaDl.cided in° the -followlot . detailed statement.' - - 7rleldtpg W -JI maaora.,C04 NNOU Melons on ,(YNell't, Proston it 11000.' - - - - Aeard Died by theqk Cbun.114o1T U, 1917. I �: ADDroPed JOW141917. '(JWT ii 1D),T) 17728 FiAlriin,, .She; -ley, 35,464 27' Pp,,,, Laurel: j� 6, 46.09 i. 11 hague 3 994 " Ashland; j/ i y40T .2p L n, Ir leiiart , 0.0 q rortland / — 7 -22.5 ,464. 3 29 P. J. Gleason, 110.00 Grading Alley Scotts Add to Rosedale Park-., " 30 'R.. N. ldal.one 'Comony, - . 93.4 Gradin'Alley Blk. Sdmmit. View Add. -I z, O'Neil & Preston, F, 120 f1,L' : - Payrua-Adgerton Sewer ,System 5 .0 Sewer Berkeley 6 Oe 0 32 lienry Rt les, 4,760 00 G.F.-State Liquor Tax. 'i - ` — ,. 14 Form A. a-lf - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -. .-COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION- FORMFILE BY 'AUDITEAL-1.i1;._1R7717___.._191 I PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City. Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and j in favor of the p9rsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names' as specified in the following detailed statement: c , - Yeas{ .') Coun ilmcn (>) Nays r Adopted by the Counui �`—f I T (fare orth4 t iIc17 GQaL ApoT/�v d_. _ Ilyla d -. In favor U KelleNA O8 AIcC 11, --0---Against *r. President, Irin \ 1.7715 Best ,`& RussellCompany, 42.44 ?.Parks -Ext,. Activity. 16, Brooks Bros. Lumber Company, 888 C8 P.Schoole-Expense` / 3V 90 - ossYralks-'xT s .4 68. •17 w. S. Conrad' Company, 45.12` P.Parks-Exp. -Activity. 18 Crane. & Ord ,pay, ` 614.12 i P .S c'r:o ols -Expense 19 Kerwin Paper Compary, 1,142.fQ .' P.Schoole-Expense. 20 Kuhles & Stock Company,. 47.02 P'.Parks-Exp.-Activity. 21 Maas Keefe Company, 48.26 P.Parks-Exp. ACTIVITY. 22 Maendler Prot.hers, 93.59, Water -Expense 6Q Sprinkling 92.' 23 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 40.27 _ P_.Park.S-Fxn. Actio. "later -Expense !' i — CITY OF ST. PAUL "" "`"' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ( ♦ ., I ENCIL No. � AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM . FILE l Aft �— i JUL 1 1917 (DY _ AUDITED__ 116 �. - - 480- PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or. corporations for the amounts set Opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: il�l 19iz ° Yeas (�') Councilmen (t') Nays Adopted by the CounAL-1 —191' worth .. JI 1.4 1917' APProv Ilyl d -Idfnvor - KelI ... ,. a MATOR If"11 _._ ,_._Against h Mr. President, vin •�- 4 176.39 Adams Express Company, 7.$7 Fire -Expense. 78 PLibrary-Expense 40 Aldine Book Company, :B4 . P.Library-NBooks. 41 The American City, 7.00 P_.Library-Expanse. - 62 American Express Company 41'.12 P.School-Expense13. P.Library-Exuense ..2 4. 1 43 American Insurance Agency, 3.50 St.Const. & Repair -Expense. ; 44 Baker & Taylor, P: ibrary-NBooks. I. 45 Barrett Bindery Company, 1.09 P.Library-Psxpense. 46 Geo. Bielenberg, 3•.50 Water -Expense: 47 -Board of Water Commissioners, P.Parks-Fxpense 1.0 `6. P.Psrks-Conat. Pbalen Beach 7. 0't: Gen. Mun. Gar. Revolving ;" 5 22 >` 48 H. G: §oyeson Company, 25.00 _ Gen. Miscl. Stationery Supplies. —" Page #2= Res. 460 7.5q 17649S. Brand, Water -Expense - 50 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company,' 0 G.F.-Civil Servioa-Fxpense /� Police=Expense f/ 2 0 • 1.iO 51 Butler Transfer Company, � playground -Expense., - 3.x'0 52- Capital City -Lumber Company, _ P.Parks-Const.: Phalen Beath :.=.. _ 10:?B 53 Carol_Cox Book Company, P. Library-NBooks. 54 C.St.Paul M. & O.Ry. Company, p.Sebools-Expense .7 P.Libr„ary-Expense r 9 / 6.fi5 55 Clymer & Huelster; '. F.^Liiscl. & Unforseen 37. BO 56 P. F. Colliers & Sons, P *Library-Fxpense .. 13,:P0 57 - Daily Gen. OOfficial Pub. , <. 6.50 ; 5g Adam Decker Hardware Company, - C. P .w. -Ex e P.Park=Sonst.,Phalan Beach . Water -Expense ' 640 •n0 - 59 Dispatch Printing ¢ompany,� G.F.-Civil Service=Expense.. . 8.00 60 Dore Redpath, P.: Parks-Actiw.-Expense . _ 8.13.3 . 61 Elec. Blue Print Company, Water -Expanse. 10.02. t 62 Elk Linen Supply, Water -Expenses. 1� 2.00 63 Gaylord Brothers, P.Library-Expense. B.55 64 Goodapeed's Rook Shop? P -: Library -NBooks.. 3 `.40 65 __ Golden Rule, roster -Expense:` 33 I00 t 66 ' M. N. Goss., Com'.r. P- Works, N. _ Sfi;: Const. &"R, -Expense Pe.ving, Robert St. 43_ 1 B0� ' 67 R: Iy Gould & Company, C.P.W.-WorkhcILjc4-Expense. _ 6g Harvard IInivarsity Press, ?.Library-NBooks. n.• t. , Page #3.' -Res. 480 17669 Wm. Harvey loner Co., Inc. 18.00 i PlLibrary-NBooks. ` 70 H. RI. Huntting Company, Inc., 40.5Q P.Library--NBooks. h� 3.00 71 Industrtal Management, �. P.Library-NBooks. . 2.75 72 F. C. ohnke, L P,.Parks-Exp. Activity.. - 2.5C ' 73 L_w Reporting Company, P .Library -Expense s 29..33 74 :Library-Sureau, P•.Library-Expense. 75: kTcCialin & Hedman, 2 F0 149.46 P .Bldgs . �-torch .-E'xpens e. 30. ivil Service -Expanse .72 P.Library-Expense „ R 2 .73, fartic, Certs,Fnnd 1 .00 o _ 21. Gen. Mi sc1.'Stationery 1 �- .4 ' k95:79 - 76 A. C. McClure & Company, P.Library-NBooks. P7;36 77 McDevitt Wilson's Inc., P.Library-NBooks. 6; f�4 7g Manhattan Oil Company, - P.Schools-Expense . 79 Merrill, Gre®r & Chapman, 70; Police & Fire Als-M-Eypenss. 4 00 80 Meyer E raving Company,. Mayors Office-Expene. - :8,16` 81 tSoeP,Llbraar ndeFx�ensp. ry_ p 82 National Municipal LeagEx, G.F.-Civil P ense. 11.50 83 Nicoll, Dean &-Gregg* .. P,Perks-Expense - Gen.M.un. Gar. R. **5 Sprinkling B4 Company,. No; 5" 2 Chwweste'rRarkhouseXExpensechange 0 P`I Markets -Expense • 0 . G.,F.-Civil-Expense 1 2 .25 85 PattArson Pub. Company, P.Library-Expense, ag F"p1es Coal & Iee Company,.. 10.45 'tyjater-Expense. .I Page #4.'­1.1 Res. 480 16.50 "! 17687 Poultry. Item,` l; P.Library-NBooks. 7.9fJ 88 - Powner's BookStore, P.Library-NBooks. 89 Oxford-'U. Press, P.Library-NBooks. 41.50 90 Quality Printing Company,: Water-Expense:. 91 Robinson, Cary & Sands, P.Schools -Exp ense Gen. Minn, CGaTM. R. 1 - Sprinkling 9. 5 i 92 Otto W. Rohl:^.d, �2OLi P..Schools-Expense« 93 St.Pau7. Book & Stationnry Company, '357 '01 P.. Schools-Equip. 27 8 P.Library-Expense ," 25 .3 " , " 4 P.fLibrary-NBooks" _ / 9 .6 .56 35 I81 " 19:61 94 St.Praui 33rass Foundry, 1 "Fire-Expense " 95 - St.Paul Glass Comp"ny,",. V 1 80 Water-Ex Dense.* 96 Sherwood Company, P,Library-NBooks. 97 J. L.`Shiely Company, P«schools C. & B.'McClellan- s 98 C. J. Smith & Company; 2 16 :. Fire-Expense'. 99 R. C. Smith Auto Company, 2.62 Gen.F.-Mun". Gar. Revolving. 700 H. M. Smyth Printing Company, 1.25 ? ': P.Seboole-Expense. 01 — T. S.; Sneath, Antique Book Shop, 25.k70 P.Library-Expense. P 02 G. E. Stechert &:Company, 56 i3 P'.Library-NAocks 54', , - " "-Expense .5 • � .1 03 W. g. Stewart & Comnsny,. 3.31 P.Library-NBooks. 04 J. 0. Stuhlman, 2.00.6 C.P.W.-Expense. o' 05 Times Square Auto Supplg Companyy, 3,15 _ G':en. Mun. 'Gar. Revolving., Res. 480:,46'Page _ 17706 Tri-Stste• Tel. Company„ P.&F.-Alm.Telg;-Expense. ' 5.47 I 07 V.O.D. Motor Car Company, 7,5. Qn.ffiun' ': Car. Revolving. 8 � , s 08 _ Joseph A. Vilim,. .76 F.Library-NBooks. 09 Waldorf Bindery,' 7 0 I P.Library-Expense. ZO Watetrous Engine iTorks, 5.,5Cf Fire -Expense. t 1 Wells, Fargo Express Company, F.Library-Expense.' : r 12 Western Supply Company, 57:fig Schools; C&B - 2 3• McClellan 2 50 P.Schools•-E4uip• g 00" W ter -Expense- 22 9b 57 36 I ' 13 Whi tie Auto Dompft ny, 1 I l?ire-Expense:' c4.0�J 14 John Wiley.dc Sons, Inc.; I i:85 I ?.Library-N,Books. - I (1 '.._. (09-:1) ago .. 10 •AIIV '. •uoalex v 9aDaaiB .'.vaugog •P ``. . to i.ld nog -' roiagoJd: i 'goalrgaop =m 'd :p.a ". :'. (lance .iagoid .lo Iv I � - a a a ."roir4etaz nzYB m •�. na 'a w •Alnr.Jo Arp it To 11448.01 :. LYR 'i 1108 PliewJo "por .gI neull", .. ' .To ' s1s .. ,.� 7+x08 sigi lo:• aq3 mel) 39Ddd1.pU9 YlaOaq _pe Pus nmsu.angar 7ulp.oaP-Piss ,.. � � - .. - - • ,. -_ gat ' atlaq gqi Jo;gOeg.W futaugg7o 6ePP -.1-3. woJ.q ■ �9T 711.1 Es vot7siW'sigl .. /..�1 I 01 - •AI Adoo Sullliut Aq,Pus,+asI at :gulp.., - - i.l -0i Y.IA.8 IT, 78 .gj'ul 40@ae.gi ,ol(Vnd aqi AtI .powan..q. uopslla. g- - ap Pus yp�ii7avg 04,10a Plnogr. uo -s Piss Agri--*Asq-[aq% AUT 11" i Jo (p aloga Pas puno8'Dpa<ul •(nvl W At eg7 uT; nao1T 1ano,7 .41 ul W. .. _ :. Iad 7anoJ-AD To,aiagtWI pl-.agi. in dPas.4 . e..0 1.139—TT uoo uooIT Agi: It atoo10.0 1 i' •ls ayl. . CIL'PAuI cook IE -station 86':Paul Book -:h 84tlonery Co., _I- Paul i19 61 - SL 0lFoundrT.. . Co 11.90. Sherwood co.. Sherwood Co . CO..$1 ty o.: t19 TI. Shla J. Smith ` G b Hmtth It 9i 10. . R C_ emlth Auto Co. tE.6E. . H. M. Hmyth rdntlng Co.. -i1.n - T.'8. Haeath. .Antique Honk Shop. i.. iE6.00. - Hterheit A Co, i66.tE. W. K Stewart s C.:. $3.11. J. G.Btuhiman. iE 00.. Titan 8gaere Auto Buppil, Company, `Tri-State TeL Co i!.47 . V. 0. D. Motor Car Co IL76_. V�eDh A. Vilim, 71 Cent. aldort Bindery, $7.20, Wateroua Engine Work. $6.50. WOIta. Fargo ,Es rna Cb. iT.09. - Waatertt Supply' 457.36. �r 'White Auto, Co.: II.00 - John Wiley t Bona. Tn. 911111 , - Adopted by the Couaall quly!j4, 1917. +,ADprored Jaly, 14.',1917.{ ' (Jnly.El 3917_}„ • „� '{i 1 nom. 1- .:.,' •7, : ITY. OF ST...PAUL;.. e - - COUNCILRESO.LUTION'`GENEf7AL FORM - _ 06UNGIL ,FILL - Date Presented, Resolved. That the following described property, namely; Lot 14; Block 1, Oakland Park Addition ba.and the same Ys hereby authprized L to. be purchased for the sum of 'Thirteen Hundred Fifty Dollars, ($1350i(00) as additional grounds for the Gordon School, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant -in favor of the owner of the said land,.in payment, of said purchase price after proper.deed conveying I ame, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been. delivered to the.Comptroller. The cost of this property p. to be charged.to Public School Fund, Real_estate item. � I ' G R No.'17661—HY V. 11. 7rvin I ' Resolved That *the following de - o scribed property. nam.IY. 14t M.-Hloak.� f oakland ,Perk "A 4'Itlon be and. the !. .. I acme la` hereby authorized to -be our. �. chased for the sum' of Thirteen, Run•' I d-4 Fifty Dollars. ($1360,00)'; ex ad - I dltionalgrounds for the QordonSchool, and the prover city officers am hereby authorized and empowered to 'a. warrant In favor of the owner'of the said land 1. p yment of said purchase, -. 44 .. , price after yro er des A conveying'; - �.- - came. approved =bY:.: the Corporation Counsel,. shall have been delivered to' the Comptroll.e. Tae cost.' of this - property to be charged to..rublW School' Fund, Real Estate Item. ' Adopted by. the Council July: 14, 1917.,1. Approved July 11. 1917. i - - (July 61-1917) Yeas ( d) jKel 'Imen ( I') Nays Adopted by ig l7 t p the �ountil _ .. t91 drth • lli ► 4 ig' 7 In favor - Approved 191.:...... 3 Against Mr. President. Potvafaeee �� F` + MAYOR FORM C.6�2 - - - CITY OF ST -PAUL CO,UNtIL RESOLUTION (Sre N ERAu FORM )CC Subject. COUNCIL FILE Date Pr6ented; Resolved,. z t- 1 -LIA11 17662-13Y V.'R 11An— That Keller: Jnd. D. Farnsworth. &-u are hereby HYlandan4 Henry I appointed members:or the County f Ertuttliant _djl,.,.,bo loor Board of on Lor Abatement for Ctnone- Adopted by 1116 11 july 14. 1917. Approved July 14, 1911j 21 (July) Yeas Councilmen N&Y3 191 I-.-- FarnsworthVV Adopted by the Council In favor !UI 14 11"! Hyland Keller Appro vt, .191, McColl Against. Mr. President. Irvin FORM C. 9.9_ MAYOR I\ - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL IQESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subjeet: _ _ s .) A _- -• _ - Date "Presented =. __191 _ RESOLVED, That the-following,desi,gnated'lioenses to.sti 7,intoxicating.iiq�ioa'rsbe trriaferred as indicated pursuant to'.'appli,eations duly_made therefor.- No-. From (Name and Address) i To (Name -and Address) _7 C No. 17yiTG: B: hTeri'�26 -=kt Vit. J03�_i tz, ti -3 Rim- t. ---- - : 5,0 efec �1�,1Ys,75Y 1'a> as a St. 7_l.•'fl�lbLsa3 St: Nor _ J^ No .St 389,A2vire �r_ici,cGl Lain 05 0 ;C. Redma^.,o:� _;c.D31e St -,No.,394, Peter, sermin,4o0 St_.oeter_S_t, Woo achte^,4;1 i3e'�son St r S —. _— - — No No.- - fteeol lice That o fol. gwlnK eating y _ f Hated be transferred rr sell'. n indicated put- . NO. IlCuors be transferred des y made there - Man Dur- -. .._..—_—quant to atltlllcattone duly made there - .. 1 for:: NO • No 170, from John S Arend, 16.. E. .1 4th St.. to •Josetlh •Mats. ,671 Rice St. No. 1. from Onefeo Bialys, 761 Waba- 1 ohm at.. to Blalya & Perron. 761 Web.- _ No . eha at. No. 188. Allies SL Knlek. 6N01 N. Dale --I at; to Otto E. Redma". 801 ¢ , Dela SL - 8 _ • No. 681, Petbr Germtn, t6 aL Peter No • 1 St.. to Woolf Dechter, 441 Jackson BL --- - - - - - _ I Ad by the Council: July 11. 1917. - Approved fe. 1817. No . 'July :1.19171 No. No No. No. Yeas (' 1 Councilmen (r) Nuys it Adopted liy'the Council 191...:... 1•arorlh 1.. fn ( lvir JUL 14 &1 Ilyl d Approccd Me 11 Against 1_11 r Kell r � MAYOR Mr. Pre6ident, ruin - R - :.. _...... - CITY OF 5T: PAUL Illy I— - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT M�� 175 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM. FILE""` No (- ; 7: ' i eY: Z - JUL `16 1917 AUDITED. ----------- ._ __--PER ; -'�` t. I. PER-,-...__-..__,;..� ✓.!"/'�-�- 484. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon'the. City Trensury, payable out of the hereiusfter specified'funds'and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following I deter' d statement: — Adopted by the Gouncd—I��•-_ 1i3 19i1 �'orth Y men ( V Nays n favorMAYAR Approvedd jid 17747. Allen & Straights 10.00. G.I`.—`'fisc. & Unforseen. gg ". Fi hi. Auto Top Company, 10.00 G.F.-Miscl. & Unforseen. 49 L. firotchner, •110.00' ' _ G.F.-.Misc. &.Unforseen. I0 H. W. Bowe, 10`.00 r, :-571st. & Unforseen. :il Breslin, John Breslin, John - 10.00 & Unforseen. J 52 Frances, J. ConnellA 6.50 St.C. & R. -Expense.. 53 Henry Jurgenson, jU.00 G.F.-Mist. &Unforseen. - ; 54 . C'.' E . Kruger, ,. �',. i0.00 G.F.-Mise. &'Unforseen. . 55 Lenz & Lenz, 10.00 G..F.-disc. §CXnforseen. .56 Sivert. LovskaY;. 10.00 57 A. E. Lehmann, 10.00 _. G.F.-J(iscl.'& Unforseen. 58 WIn. McLean, 10.00 & Unf orseen .. 59 S. Mark, 10.00 G..F.-Misc1- & Unforseen.. r 'U Page '.►�` Res. 484 17,760 W. C Manthe, 10100 Unforseen. 61 Reichel & Eppel, 10400 G.F.-Misc1. & Unforssen. 10.00 ' 62 R. E. Sargent, -G.F:.OMiscl..& Unforseen. 63 George A. Samec,' 10.00 G.F.-Miscl. & Unforseen. 64 H. Simonson, 10.00 G.F. & Unfo seen. 65 J. G. Slaty, 3ep0 G.F.-Miscl.. & Unforseen.- 66 L. A. Straight, 10.00 G.F.pkisc1. & Unforseen. 67 Miss M.. Sweeney, 10 00 G.F.-Miscl". & Unforseen. 68. 'George Terrett, 10.00 G.F.-Miscl. & Unforseen. 651 'He F. Walker, 10.00 G-eF'.-Miscl. & Unforseen Expense. Total 219.50 " ;i - — C. F.17664=- '. Resolved that -. to, D• drawn . . Upon IIIc CItyTreYnry, WriDI• out of the'hrrelnaft.rmpeeeaed funds le and favor of the person'. nrmr.OF oerpon• J HOA•. for, th-amoual, met" . Opp0eltl' their respective'na0da'na�mpeotn•d-1n` .. .- - - lhrfollowing detallW etat.neatt AIIeg48tralRbt, $10.00: M: & I& Auto Top CU.. 030.00. " -` is- .]lrotehner'610.00. K W,. - - .]bhp e.J.lCon" lL - A 'Y - JurRenneonn. $ 0110 -_ - .:IImq &&rlAn%161000, Sivert Uvakar. 610.00. - A. 13 IAbnann, 610.00,' t ` Wtn. Mcuan. 610$1 .00. ;S. Ma 0.00. W. C. Mile. $10.00. - - " Relebel &-Eppel, 610.00. " IL M. SmrRent: 610.Q0. - - . 006 K Slmo sone tioAlip r J. ti.Slaby. 66.00. - -`A. StralRhf' 610.00.. - 3 `MW -M.. Sweeney. 610.00. ` George Terrett: 610.09. H. V. Walker,' $10.00. "Adopted by the Councll duly 16, 1417. " Approved July 111 1017. _ ' (July. 31_1017) - 'r - CITY OF ST. PAUL _ -CITY"`"` r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1 l couecu AUDITED CLAIMS.-RESOLUTION FORM FILE NOS'_ - BY .. - _._... .._'. .. . AUDITE*JL _I_ �. 91 "_— 191 I PER- 483 Resolved that .warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and " in favor of the persons_, firms or corporations or the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified -in the following ` detaile Ratement: ndlmen �Q, (1) Nays Adopted by the Council n' orths Approd_ 19a dleC --In favor 11 j Against IC— ' `17733 Marie Bengston. 48.00 G : F. Xi sc.. & Unf. . 734 Mary K. Dorr 40.00 Ili so. & Unf. i. 7.35 Catherine_ Doyle 35.00 G. F. -Misc. & Unf. :736 Joseph Drost 25.00 - G. F. -$disc. & Unf. 737 John W. Franeveur 10.00 G: V. -Mises '& Unf. c'a.xe,a76ea- 'warrent - - �' Resolved• that .be drawn u n'tM City.Troa u 7..Va7ibl. out of. I 738 Adeun-. Gei'terl - -- e.henlnattar- pec111ed,tnad. favor or the Dery • nrm.'or corpora- -18.00 = - G.F:-MiBC: - & U tl fnr •the stn Onb. .at^ oD Oelte their. ro.Decerva,name. a..De - - - the fonowtgn .detaitea: etatemant. . Narlb Bentteton. 3.000,x, 739 He rsy Ho n NarYx IJorr. saoo l`sthortnR.Doyle, 48.00 -I � . - .. • -Misc. G: Unf. 'Joseph Dro.tr. i25.0o John W, P'ranevenr. $10.00 , -. � - - -• 740 Albert K1Tchoff :, wdam Oerteni it&00.' - Hepry H -MM-^ 060.00. Albert rurchoa ss6.00. - :'".I 25.00 - Iii SC. a` Unf. Chia. 8.-L1nde11, jII0A0: `Allen X .111.1 $326.00.- i - Mary F. Mattlmora � 741 Chas. E. Lindell 8dward ScOoQ.k1. $'.60. wm.n'.Bbore ui.9o. - - Misc. &Unf. A'ndrowRUorn.teopb'20.00 AADplea byithe Copno, JWY 10 1y1T. - AbDtmed July Id. DIT. .<JWy 21-1017): 742 Allen McQuillan 325,.00 Ogen. Lydia 743 Mary, F. Mattimore' 15.00 - Mi sc. & Unf. 744 Edviard Sczlopeki - 8.50 11iso. & Unf. 745 i6m. L. Short 34.00 - Misc & Unf. I. 1:16 746 Andre; Stjornstroms7 5 20.00 r.A. HisC. & Unf. CITY.OFST. PAUL ACCOUNTING. DEPARTMENT, AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM - .' COUNCIL ryp r_ — p i BY I 057� I PER i - 496 +.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds andE_ - - in favor of the persons, firms l or. corpora orat' ns for the amounts set o' p ppositetheir respective names as specified.in the following ' detailed statement: Y ( 1) Councilmen (' V w_ •SI'{I 'r IS)' 7 Nays' J Adopted by the Council - _1911— ' I . arnsworth - ff Goss Apprav�ll Hyland _ In favor Keller 11CColl j gainst MAYOR CrF. Na 1766 Resolved ^fast warraeu e am . out avow the City ,T.�'4oe9ttyy ppeSnhle out soa I - K,t6e.. lnleteattfr eyeWde6 f he favor, 0 the D�reeo+. lean sr eoe pnA., for the amounts ie a. Y I , gip.. ttNr. reepeetive:Ca06M uW eFL Mi o o� aUM'197a1t8+me?t ' 1- Adopted ?Y the council ,tulY:18- the ' ADDreved y 8 1917 (7utY.-i1 19179 17773, 71. H. Malore Company, 297,x15 Grading Alley Block 16 190.15 Cr•ading Alley .Blk. 5 - 107.00 297.15 To taI `, 297.15_ r r i - - - _... t` Council File No .... . PROPOSAL VOR, IMPROVEMENT and - - PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned hereby proposes }he making of the following public improvement by -the : City of St. Paul; viz Condemning ,ad,lxlg. 811::_e&S811te.nx,.... in :the....lend_nac.esaax alapeaa:._ or cute&nd.. �.� _.,. .::grading._a'kd._:pasixag•:-alley: of _._Lots 1 to._6inolueiy� n: .2.p. _�.._Phxi near.::&.:.SIDithre Addition, _irslDt _ Fifth St _to:WSi .th _St.. ._ _. ...... Dated this ...._ ...3fath_day of ...._ _ ._ __ .. �ulp 191 4• Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NHER/EAS A written proposal for the making of, the following improvement, viz.: _ ..Cd./.._a4 aInZ—an".aking_.en_esaement_:in_.t]i .land,neonsEar ...X r•-•slopas,4.- ox 0utp_.aTAs1...MIA izz.:.gxaiiUg._=ri...pawingto 6 inolusive in Blook 9 i7h3tno_E::3nith':Q ... ......., .._..... .... ...:... .having been presented to the Council of the City of St..Pawt iouewl s idman..................................•:-•.- j -1.R and tokt;. . ' —the land necessary therefore; be It tl nd aIle In Rredlo6 a.,, "-nu in roar of.GoInI. * a 1.---„h ordered and directed - RESOLVED, That the. Commissioner of PubilOeks whim., d amlth's Ado Y tedFifth to tithe sCb ii ob the in 1: To investigate the necessity for or desirnbilimrovement.. ; Pam thncerefore, be It p ved,I2hat the Commissioner -at, and the total cost thereof. 2.. To investigate the nature; extent and es I Mw.d rte fn�be 11d:h. 1. h.r.hr 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said ilt�yI 0stl to e;he Mr.. It i g of 4. To furnish the following other data and inforaie=Lusat. the as,ara, .(mprovement;_ .......... ..... . .... ' mated- cost of - "Id Imp ... - . . d:. the totea. coat themoF ........ ..... ...._;....: ...... .. ... .._. .... ....: turnleh a'•Plan. prof ..:...._ .....__. :'eald Improvement. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is furnish the ret, , 1011 Of three or more owners. -0 letormatfon: ,msnt 6. , To report upon all of the f re j matter^ e e au :� jNsioner.o[ Finnncc. Irl 1 `� Adopted by the council.. ...........191 ; .._. Yeas: Nays Counc' nn Far sworth VIII 2 Q I� 7 Go Approved 191 ......:. Ily ad r Ke er i ::. M oil hltiyor. Requeat,oY property m7here - cu ti-il File Nor:. ".9 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT /. and, : . t; PRELIMINARY OR -DER. The undersigned, hereby proposes. -the making' of .the following public improvement by.. the City of St. Paul. viz. '........GMda:_and.:.paYe_ aT1ay.:.in:.:rear..:g1...Zots..71 to..::5_..Srso-husil-Val..:LU ... . .... :Block .......►'l�it?S6.�Z $�_ { Dated this...: ......19&..th.day of ....... dRly...:.. ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: incluaise:.-in.Rl.oak....9- t _y. _tney& SmStht_e__MA; tion,.._ -,.p ve. ids �t ,u having been presented to the Council of the City o4nciu we toha ah 0 Oman ,...,,..�,_......................._ ',a Additig. from Pttth . , therefore, be ltl, having %ten presented una1P of the Clty et at. Pau, ore, ba it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of jtved; That the oommleatonar utreby ordered and directed - Works be and he to herWAT or•. .1. To investigate the necessity, for' or 0 ToAinVeNtI94tto the aeoanitr teri improvement. ftsatr hUltyof the mahlar ek 0016 2. To investigate, the nature, extent atovemenement, and the total cost thereof: t ' - To enveettrats tho n►ture.: 3. To furnish aplan, profile or sketch i`aina�i'a iaasttes-at, said 11stro!e' ft;,turatan •- alga, Drone 4. To furnish the following other data a, orwd lmprorslsant aid improvement;_ ........ ... 'o tarnLh thr Met* lnR el.• n4 ent.ormatlon ralat•. ....:. ... ...... .`._:.... .......meat ..... ...... ..._.. ...' ...- .......... .. : obis whetD•r - - - 5. To state whether or not said improvemut.1a e asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..,.. ...... ..1 R ��. T .............. :.,__.191.......... Yeas:, Nays: C ncilmanPa worth. 0!7 SII t3 I Go s_ Approved ...... 191 _......... ' Hy nd ! Kcl r �,� l _ ._ 1Ia Mayor. CITY OF ?AUL e C(TUNCIL RESOLUTIENEFtAL FORM .j — $object . sooner_ �.r 3 _ NO. Date Presented July...14, Resolved, . That the time specified Por- the con's truotioni of -e, eerier on Hellowla Ste from Baker St. to e1 point 60 feet north of Lorton St. be and the sape'is hereby extended to the 14th da off f ly,_1917 and. the proper city officers are, hereby authorized to execute--an amendment to said A. ogntraot in accordance herewith, providods however, that this resolution shall not have.any force and 'effoot unless the sureties on the contraotor's bond consent thereto and file suchticonaent in writing with.the City.Comptroller. G. F,wNoived 6TliateeheLt m a� .y Ae hetrDetlon of n $ewer on Deltowe . 94 re' $alter St. to a and t 00 react . • north..m D(orton st..•he-snd theacy p[i 1c hh of esteodad to the- ltth offteere � I . July. 1017 nndthe. Dt°per olty are hereby =cut n,a� contract to accord-' amendment to. c horv0 er. torM� - encs henMtth.nn Dro) n euretlee'_om Onlc,recolutian hal) not have any F� '. eontractofatwnd, !concent tnewtth: tO fhe. - I effect unless •he�rltlD6 CIt8"0 iDoliar to 1017. /tdoDted by the Councfhluly 10, I ADDroved July 1 3111817) - Yeas V) Cour Inten (v) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Fer orth lo.7 Co In favor Kell APPro M Ili 6) Against i Mwron Uj FORM C.9•2 U Im the Matter or r9wcon.truwuii fe _ - f I a walk repairing the, cement, tile' the south elle Quanitld eglnnbng t117 feet, w4 t' ofU0=t Q.,follon- at.. thence west 190 feet, -9 ft --wide.'= - - Beginning' lip feet Out,of: Dunlap; 94. thence east 40 feet i:;fNt`,wJda.� - Beginning 760 -feet oast n(analllnt .Are. ;thence .east 117 tato tSSii-ae9 .pader PreliminaryOrdar 397ify . proved Hay 4 1917. - ✓._. A:Duhllo hearlag haybgg':twan,. - - ^•.the aborttmproseseant mpg, - .and the oauncu h►etag. COUNCIL FILE NO 'nn460NJ 1ttianw two c aha reeor- mefdtrad :..the armel:-the', By . .....:.. ....... _ • ' ed. By the Qengell oft to .. , ........ .........:. ......... .al that no klad of -I Drool"ter^• - FINAL ORDER"."—.lA .� . ,. In the Matter of. Teconstructing,,-relaying;an¢„repairing the cement -_tile side lk__on...the.. south, side,. of- Grand five, at- the following 1-ocatio�►e; .$eBinn ng.112.,,feet- weat-:.of-Oxford-St, thence west„1.9Q,,feet,-.;g„ftt ;wide Beginning' -310. feet_ east of Dunlap,. St.. -.thence east 40 feet. 4 feet 'wide BUInning .25.6...f eet...ea.st .of....Sne.11 i.ag.. Ave.-:.thence_..sa.et..11? .f.eAt.t Aj..:f..e.lt under Preliminary Order :...... ................approved .:..... �Y...4,.,.19.71 :.: abN..`. Intermediary Order ...... ... ' .:........ ......... approved .._.......... ....... :.:.......... A public hearing having been; had upon the above it upon die notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, 'and°taving fully considered the Mame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meut to be made by the said City is....R.B.C..Qngtrug:k... relay...&t?.d....VSP.41r..t ke. CeJWBDt J e-APP41t19.R0.i Begi;}ning•,112..feet.-_west_-_of.,Oxfgrd•-•St thence west._ 190..fegt.._&._ft wide Beginning 110 feet east of Dunlap St. thence east 40 feet, 4 feet wide Beginning_: 256 feet east of Snelling Ave thence east 117:feet..,4i feet and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works- be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council forapproval; that i upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance,.thel-awitb 7 Adopted by the Council ...% ... ........ .....:: ......... 191......:. f > ............ ,........ f ....... �- �� City,Clark.. Approved ......... ...... ........ ....... 191..,.... / 1 :...✓✓✓.._ ........ ........ Ma r. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (Joss Councilman Hyland Councilman `Keller Councilman McColl Councilman W derlich Form B. S. A. 8.7. - - - _-J CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAN4Z - _ REPORT -OF QQMC4f;S10NtR OF FI,lVANCE _ w ON PRELIMINARY• ORDER y '.- centtile--e,idewalks Rec�nst.etih ;, rel.nyirg'_an i ;:repairing the_cet� __� In the Matter of to Begirnin'g on the south aide of�fand ave' at the'folloaing ations: 113 feet _west of Oxford st_thence west 190 feet - f+ feet wide - feet - 11.0 fee.t..,E.e.a.t..:.o.f....Aun.7a�-40- 4 feet wider '17_f.Qg�.:-_4 feet_aide. -: - --- _- MaY...4 th y - 1917�� ...:.--- --- ........... under Preliminary Order approved --� - .:- ---- -- To the Council of the City bf St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $--=-- --- '---= The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be , assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation_ O� I each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are, as follows: I 1 �� .-..: .. �.. ... .. ., ... - ... DESCRIPTION LOT - BLOCK ADDITION- - ASSESSED , VALUATION. 3 38 SUMmit__P-ark Addition. .400` 4 38 to 8t. Paul in Ramsey 375 5 38 County,'Minnesota 300 6 38 - 300 7 38 300 - 8 38 300 18 .4 Hanson and Sia.ontonl a 700 11 41 ,pddi'ion toSt. Paul in 800 " Ramsey County, Minnesota TOTAL. . - - q i f, COUN61L FILE NO ...................... ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of . x.f3uA11ets)x.Qt.i.I78..:..al3l.i.ilg...tld. r9R i.=.fl& the cement ,til e sidewalk to a width of six feet on Marion St at the followin(3•.,iooa�tione: .................................. On -the east•, side.. of._the-: street.. beginning --at: Atwater St,-- thence north 8pprQ.xIwAtely...5.9.:feet...and ... ram..apP.roxirat. 62Y-2.5...f4ax:.:Sarthex.:.nartA;..:_ ah.9zlce...north InIxord:..st...... .. ......... .:. ........... .... On the .west aide of the street `rom Atwater St t,o l£ilford St., ander Preliminary Ordejr -:.. 16.3 2 ......................approved ...._...._.......MkY ..... Intermediary Order ...:: .. ............approved.......... ... ..... ........ ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St: Paul that. the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - me lit to be made by, the said City isand ...repair ...the:..camOnt .1`119:. .�idelesl3t...t.o..B....width...of.:.8i]G..feat..:.on..3laT.ion.;.St ..a.t...the..f.011021,14. 19=11ons ......QZI tug .sa.et.:.aide ....of....the .street.. beginning. -at Atmter...St..... - thence_north••.aiprgxitrately_59••feet.-and fretnapprg.jmaa.Q�y.:.7..5...feet........ t� r tYl Q.r...XlaF the.. theB9.Q.:. agmth... t:R: --M i 1.f.ord..5t.........Qn...the...Beat..:.ai atregt,-_fTPA ..:..:.:.................... ........: ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for. aaid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; -that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby. authorized, and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 1(3''0'7 Adopted by the Council....._ ........ 191.....,. ( n 4.. �..r t -..t±, — y. L �, • n� � tS is 7 , ..,.: r .... City Clelrk, . :Approved ............... :. - solved. By the Council b[ tt Jt .1 Paul that the preclee pato 4 "t and kind of Improvement ' •14 _bY-the said C1 .to recon ...:...:. ......... .....:.-....,. ' r. and repair the cement to k to a width of all feet on; -l - Councilman Farnsworth 'at thside oatlthenitlocati n.!:1 Councilman floss water at:, thence north approi Councilman .Hyland ss [eat and from apptroz ma' farther north: ihantt"nm Councilman Keller ore sa It ,tbr west aide � - at trom.Alwater 8t. to;Mllfo, Councilman McColl the CounNt w1,ereby orders, vement to a - - Councilman Wunderlich Wunderlich .eaolved F `� rdT' ethe Ikdlt # . e Form B. S. A. 8.7. PAUL.— CITY' -- - •.' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMt*SIONER OF FINANCE • - - - ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER In the Matter of—OAABtT-1101n$ LelSjtlLg-ind-TBLiT-Liig...t-Gea>aN1# t_i16=9d8W8��F -- _ to a width Six feet on Marion street at the following"looationaJ _ 0 the 15_aet eia_e of the Streing at A$water ------ --.._- =- .. _.............. ... — — under Preliminary Order approved-A8•$7•ths-•-1-a3•l :.---- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: -> The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvemcnt is --- - xft� . 06 �eT et]�- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is be benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of ` The lots or parcels of land that may assessed I lot or 'as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: each parcel •: - DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 4/5 of 16 12 Lewio 2nd Addition I 1000 J North 1/5 of, 16 12 to St. Paul, ;inn. i 1525 1 17 12 1& .12. .12. 850 21 1250 22 12 900 23 13 1250 24, 12 1650 South 15 faet of 25 12 150 (Except South 15 feet) 25 12 .. • _ .... . _ TOTAL, a clrr o wUL ' DEPARTMENT- .FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISVONERs OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCK ASSESSED . ADDITION .VALUATION 26 12 Levis 2nd Addition - 250i ,27 12 Lo St. Paul, minn., 250 , 26 12 1550 29 12 1150. 30 12 1275 15. 13= 1650 . 14 : 13 250 t 13'13 12 .13 1450 11 ! 13 ! ..750. 10 13 . 850 9 13 750 8 13 .1650, 7 13 =� 3500 6 1,, ) - 5 _ 13 950 4 13 650 3 13 la 50 a 1s 1000 1 13 . 1075 is - TOTAL.- - _ .... The Commissioner of Fiaance'further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing tls his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tosaidmatter by the Commissioner of Public Worlut./ - - Dated �p/..._ �'Y� _� _��d _....191._ Commissioner of Finance. ' --Form It. B. 23. - L' -. (Office of 'the Commissioner of Public-W� Report to Cotnm><ssionei of Finance .J-�,yi., ?va 14th 191. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. pant: The Cmntniasioner of public Works, having had uuder consideration the preliminary order of the Couu 16332- rove�t hast' 4th, 1917__., relative to....:.. _...,._ ail, known as Council File No..._ — _-. - app _ Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the o4ment tale sidewalk to +"6''vridtTi of feet on bTar"iori4Cr' Street""at the' folTuwing roc'atioris! on the east side of the street-'beginning._roatvatey : iettthence norih approximately SS feel and from aFF farther north, thence north to yilford Street __._.__.tri 'the' west'slde of"ihe'-s't.reet�froiii At rater"at. to_�'iT'ford" wt. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1, Said intprovtment is:.:_ ..uecessarY and, (or) le. per lineal foot XXX7.and 2. The estimated coat thereof is �_ -•-- and the total cost, thereof i0.­, _ - ." the nature and extent of said improvement is ns follows: _..:.... improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. A plan, profile or sketch df said :i. Said improvement is - • • ---•-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, sull oet to asseasment for said improvement. Cissiof lie Works. i, 74 COUNCIL FILE NO ........ By..................._............... ...................................... FINAL ORDER In the 'flatter of.._.6r4ding :etll.py. . in. Block..11...Bouleva,rd..Ad. .0At, iotl ..................... ..................... ...................................................... ..... ..........:...................... ........... ........... ...... ............... I .................. . ................. . ................... .......................................................... .............................................................................. ..................... : junder Preliminary Order,...7.6Q.?-6............ ........:.....upproied _...ApTil.._$�.., -191.7....._........_... ,.... :IntermediaryOrder .. :.. ......... ._approved ........ ..... ..:.:..: ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice andtheCouncil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations- relative thereto,- and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it -- - - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...:.Qrxad.e...all.ey;..1n Blnek .11 BOU'e ;.d.. Add itl=.......... Ya 17674=`;r' ' _. - - - - Matter of Irradlag alleys In Slook Boulevard,_Addition under Pre- .. ............ ::.... _.. _ ...:.... .. ... '.Inary Order 16026, aDDroved Ayr1I - .. 1217. ..'Public hearing having Deea.h....... ....... ..... ............ ......... 'the above lmprovemeat npoa - -notice, and the Counaahtviag - -. ,notice, Pomona, .. objections and, roe- - - :..:.. ended... relative thanto.- and..... ... _< .. _.. ..:..... .. .. Ig fully considered ,:'aa same;.. fore. be It : - • ._!olved. BY the Council of-.the City'...... :............. . .. . ...................: .. ........-. .: Paut That the. vreelsa`aattlrr'- - - - .and "kind of Improvement to 1N _ - b the sold city Is gt ........... li noulevard .�adltlor.rade al........................... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement-to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that ujibn said apl:rov-al, the proper city oillcirls are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with. the making -of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council G a � sa,•rr'�,/ City rk:- Approved ....t (j10-7............ . Mayor: Coune an Farnsworth Coun man Goss _ Coun lman Hylaud Coun lman Keller Coun an DlcColl Coun 1mall Sita ifie6oLr.e Form B. . A:'8:7. CIT40P 9T. PAUL - _ - DEPARTAAENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �I A99l99lD VALUATION 1^ ADDITION n LOT eLOCM " Dl9CRIPTION :,.._. •..::-: _- -::. ,- - it' .' Boulevard -- 1 evard AddltiOU 50 0 _. _. - 500. 11.11; ,j 500 500. 13"; 11 500_ 14 575.,, 15 11 -3275 16 550, 37 ll S50 18 — 35.0 350 20 3 50 350 _ 22;11': 175 ` West of 23 11 175 East of 23 'i 11 : 350 24 11., 400 500 26. -600 a? 11 7Uo 7 700 . 750 _ 11 _ - --- �- 17550 — _... . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of'the aforesaid matters.,and, as his report thereon to the Council: together with the report rade to him in hereby submits the foregoing reference to said matter by the Commissionea.oE Public Works :._. _. 191_. Dated_.._-.- Commissioner o manes. . lora n. 11 13 - Office of the commissioner of Public . Works Report to Commissioner . of, Finance Tway Sth ;'• -..... _..:_ 191,.... ` i '1'o the Commissiotter of Finance of tile' City of Sb. Y6ul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having (Pini uudet• coasideratioa the preliminary ordrr of the Cone- oil, kaiown ua Council File No. 10026.: 1 p to• ved pFril 21st, 191 7. , relative to a grG.;i,_..af....a 1ey.:.in Bloak....11,...9oule.r:.._d,li.i4i.or. Fxvn=. A15 rt_ ,Q v. ..a_o ........ Past 31:..Av nuz_ Mall having investigated the nm;ters'and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isAnecessary and (or) desirawic.. - 51¢ Fel front foot 'and'tlie total cost thereof is $ _: 007.76 taxi. •� Tile estimated cost thereof is $..... _ . Assessable frontag 1,300 ft. Excede lnePec�lon "11.92 the nature,ij.od extent of said improvement is as follows: 3.. A Phan, profile or sketch of said iloproveutent is hereto adtitOwd and umdo a pm•t hereof. d. _Said improecauent. is... .. __: _...asked for uponpet itiou of three or sore owners of property, suhjvet - to assessment for said improveuteut. l�maaaissuniw• of Public -Works. 1 (Qit oft:Jaul , tcpxrtmen# _af Vidiir Warks ' l ` N M. N: G065. CO-1-10NER R T GOURLEY: O[.uTr - :. oLL.0 Gosb Dca:r. Sir, — I or el �'r.ec; e . i:.a e o ao�t or ;•i _dd �_on iron. 1,lbcrt i.ve. "to �radir:.; ttlleJ ir.-+loc?: 11 3o.�_evard �`' Ila oc.!•.1 ^q., „in acco-_a nee lth Cou:^Cil Fill. 1;'16026,pprovccl' April..°ly 1917. 1p -�_ O:i1 . to i!';r_tie 6v7.7G - ecb lv �. a :t_C 1,?.00 iti. Co t per r on oot .51! ..._uu.,.. i.a G:..i nv,- ......Y•�r .''11.9$ Yo::rc v • l:- L C':ic_;incer i P«e«[a• N. W. Cao Nw�ienwa A r Cwaw•�ra« . - (Df{xxY.aA•OIiM�MT. TALI.) i 1,"41�r]iS•1 1�'A'lAI[:OT9• IEVII.DINt3 EASTERN'REFERENCE '• NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CREDITREN 41 PARK ROW. NEW YORK ADJI•Y1'xle A•AYTM>CYf''. aopx i•. (iwuar.arrvr�MnxwaS4A - :3'1'. ,Il�1L•La PIIII\\.�' Aril 2. 1',. "its er _,i, inn. .zl:a'a"i in petition re3 eatf--'_l I _ - 3r,te i fcr att: ic: t c r a Ccunooil of ti.-2 %.,tf _ t ys,irB tr41�, l:r.i2 2n 25117. and r a i - all o•anera of lets in the ,looks ndeoy c`e .cl _n& name;..etreets; . '. Ao. hind, Laur a1, PaaaaI and A1Cert. . r r X— _ a bi ,k "e An alley �� laid _ said J + a tan Ung frer :'cscal Str--et tc Albert Ftreet. The urdar siFnesrraaan`a fifty z'ar ce n of t :,a AshlFnd A,va., frontagge in said buck . Yc: r Petitioners r`. ay t: at Your -M,rable Jcunoil ..:_,ke ar. order fcr the gradi ;. :f said &rIley at an early, rraaticable tine. 1atad at -St. Paul, ".in-escta.. cl - Ni: N: GOSS. / COi mISS.10HER OF PUBLIC WOW CLiR6:' OFFICE ST. PAUL P,+d!$EyCo MINX REOC YiD� y nllb oH7fo - . ---------- --- ------------- COUNCIL ---- ----COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ............:.. By... _..... FINAL ORDER In the :clatter of... cha,Aging tile_ grade, on Belmont. St.,...from Cherokee:.Ave,r..,::..t•o.•.cnnform„to,:•the•..red 1 ine. on.. ,the...prof_�le...#ceret.a.:. Atta ctled.. az d...ma,de_ a Part...hez e.of......xkie: greeerlt. 8rade...be.ipg...repr.e.e.ent.ad....: . i by..the. b1ue,.l.i.As..ahexeon... under Preliminary Order ....14b6.3....... approved .....................Jan....29,..1.91.7:.... :.. Intermediary Order .:........... . ............ approved ........ ..:...... a..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it i `RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 5t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve• meat to be made by the said City is..:...Change ...of...grade._.on...Belmont:..S.t..:..fTam,..0.t.t&%a. Ave. to C�herQkee;.ltv,e..,. to,.confortn_t,o the+red: l,i_ne, on. the proff.le heret.q. .:. attached and. m4de...4 part hereof, the_.,preaent: grade;:being •.:represented_.,`_. by.: the,'. -01ue...lSn.e...t2ze.rd.an.. ,........ :.:..... _ • ... .....: ..... _ _.... ...... .:_:.. >r::a by the btu H prm. • oder Preliminary, Or- - - - - +;rovccdd Jam 29. 1911, '+n..•nr�..havin6 been htd _. .::....: .. _.... _.. .. ....... . • ..e ..mo } orders said improvement Improvement upon due, and the Council hereb • ordid im t to b, and he Council having :heard ne. objections and recommen- ative thereto, and havini RESOLVED-FZRT-I-IER�That_ the C omtnls9ioner_o 2hrred the same; tneretore, ba o1Winstructed,and directed to .prepare plans-and specifieatio» fm j* +rovemwtL -a the Councu or the cl Council for approv$I that 'S Y.the preelse nature• upon said. approv a proper city officials are here y inrF►t is ci yomo 1 J 7d to proceed-with--thQ making = of said vement in accordance thetenith. Adopted by the Council.t�;7. .... , 191.- v i L/..Cif/....r��• City Clerk. - Approved...;...:...._... :. 191 Mayor.. Councilan Farnsworth Councilan Goss / Council an Hyland Council an Keller — - - - - Council ian McColl \favor •in - .. _ Form T. S. 8-7. _ _ I CITY O! ST. PAUL MEPARTMVJ t CkF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELTMINARY ORDER U In the Matter of Changir,g of grade on_ Belmont .street frotr._Ottawa _. , ... .... ...... _ avenue to Cherok-ee avenu.e, under Preliminary Order approved .. January 29th,1917 _.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount pf the assessment for the above improvement is $ 25.00. _ The estimated cost per foot for the.above improvement is $: The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement: and the assessed'valuation.of each lot or panel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT a1OCH AD-OITION ' VALUATIEON 8 61 Lawton Brothers Addition 3050 9 61to the City of St.Paul. 3375 13P.R.McDonnell's.Re- 3300• 1 arrangetuent o£ Block 63 3400 Banning & Olivier' SL Addition to West Saint e ` Paul TOTAL. .9935 s - The Commissioner of, Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report,thereonlo the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sL'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works - Dated -. Commissioner of Finance. V QIi#� of Vxul !' �¢pbrtmcuY of public Marla :M. N GOSS. COMMISSIONER O•C CLU •cq [ q, T. �OURLEY• ORPUTY - - ` !vR[.0 of COM[i RveTlo. •wo R['r.ir• - . .LfRtDJ C O: - _ St. 'aul, ?jinn. Jth. 2r , 1917 GOSS -0Onmaissioner of i'ublic do.res.. b` Dear air, i I be> to subiait herc:-Ath profile —,nn order covcrin� attached petition for chanrirg the ;rade o,,., BeJ:mont 5L. YroiI Cheronee Ave.. to Ottars, 1Ve. The street Mis in accoridande rfith the chanCO of, 7aae• Yours very, ttyruljy, Chief EnSineer D j I - • �. �T.,a.-:.y � a«9 1-j 0-. s G::l� "' `• [. �� "` t.I /� L-l.iY�'�/ F rA /-�� LtY' Z.i, � L , : L -�. T�.. i.c.vi � � . !�'CA• �.,:� z � rd . - .9?-t r +' j` L L • � - 2 �Re4_- -: 1 �: /t �t-a .a--t." z t « c . 1 c-C�•,,a l-+-t�-c.�"l �. � r y" � ;, rc t u._f..( a.:.t,.J ( c 4-c .Uri` ,. '/;-.r_.�i�. � � Lf- •'' :.--c 1�--•ws> fs-��.�.: � tom+'( 7.k! rl.� �---------------------- -- - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- - - - -- -- COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ........ a By.............................................................:. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....c:onstx>act<.i,ng.:oeRex.a....on...A7b.0xt. 5t.....5rom._Ju}iet-,st.. �,e->} •jig St,,.-;.•I,aaeinE;;St;.• from s ,point•.:60 feet•,.east-_of .Pascal-..Ave to ' ....at 9.9.int..180. feet west of Haml.ine Ave x Tefferson Ave°__..from a point .• ,_6,Q„fegt..,;eget,.of.,Pa�sca.�...Ave-e,-,to-:a:,point 160..Seet,._weet of•.Hamlire Ave -under Preliminary Order . ....:.._ ...approved. Apr-11:.1:e ..] 97 7 .....:.. ........ Intermediary Order.... .... ...:_ ... ...... :... ....... ..._.... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notl'd'k and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...C.onstruct s.CW4.FR . cE1,:-�l b.@rt.-.St,a ,.from Jti1 iet Ste,; to:.han.$ing.;St Lansing_ St. _.from ain _pot 60_feet ea et of Pascal Ave. to a -point 180_•,feet west of Hamline Ave Jefferson Ave from a . point 60 fent east of pascal_Ave to a point160 feet weet of Hamllne,Ave ., h: • •.DDroved AD ...:.: .............................. --.uarin6 havin6 be: ................ ...... d the chavin6 ..................................................... . - e ant'obpection. ioga-and recomi and the Council hereby orders said improvement to 1” relative.thereto, and having. p considered the same; therefore, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner:olced.:ny the couneu of the city eby instructed and directed . Paul that the Precise natura ez- to prepare plans and specificntiona for said impro�e'bY itsa.a°ie °citrr'pis°eon:ini Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hidIRK r, n Albert St. fing rom Juliro nen :a• d to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewithi seat of Pascal. A r....:J•_.n..r Adopted by the Council ..... ............ .,.....,191.......: 'City Clerk. Approved:..................... .......................... .., 191 ....:.. ` J,:'. . ................................................... ayor. Councilman Farnsworth - Councilman l;osx Councilman Hyland Ke Councilman. Keller Councilman McColl " Councilman Wuuderlieh Form B.: S. A. d-i. CITY OrST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' . REPORT OF :COMMISSI ER OF FINANCE . ON, PREL" IMINARRDL`R A _ $0!fet®_QA_A0ert Pram. Juliet etreet..t9.. `_. :., .____. In the Matter of .._ conatruating .Ivtreot Leasing street, Lansing street.from a point 60 feet East oY;Paeaal.__ avenue to a point 160.feet._weet of Hemline avehua, Jeifereon.._avenue, _ from point 60 feet east of Pascal to a point 160 feet •eet,of _ Hemline avenue, _....:.. under Preliminary Order approved ApTll, lets 1.917 - To the Council of .the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports, as follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ab ave. improvement is $ 6792.00- .._. The estimated cost per. foot for the above improvement is $ 1.54 The lots or parcels of land that may be assened benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel !as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -. ADDITION - VALUATION 6 1 Lane1e Manor, St. 175 5 1 Paul:, Minnesota 175 30 2 800 200 1 a 30 7 Jefferson Park Addition to 200 1 1 7. > the City Of Saint Paul 225. 6 S'' Ramsey County, Minnesota 200 5 8 p 225 TOTAL. CITY Cr ST. PAUL oEPARTMENT OF 'FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER; OF FINANCE ' REPORT ON IPREOMNARI ORDER 1®1 _, DESCRIPTION - LOT SLOCK . ADDITION VAL TION _ 17 6 Jeffbreon Park Addition 225 to the City oi.8aint 225 18 6 19 6 Paul Ramsey County ' •225225 26 6.. Minnesota I I. 225 21 8 : 235 22 6 235 23.6 475 ' 24 6 475 25 B 225 26 r 8 - 325 27 '6 225 28 6 225 29 6 285 30. s: 225 ,14 7 225 13 7 225 12 7 225 11.7 325 10 7 225, 7 225 8 225 7. 7 225 6 7 9. 7. 325 4, ? • 225 3 7 " . \ TOTAL ... - - - CITY OF r ST. PAUL- _, . EN,T OF FINANCE DEPARTM OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" REPORT J" n ' ON PRE`LIMINARV ORDER ` _ :-_ -BLOCK- -ADOtTION _. VALUATION' .', DESCRIPTION -LOT 2 7-.rJeffergo n_Park Addition _ 225 7 - to the city of Saint 225 _ - 1 . q Paul, -Ramsey County, 5: 8 Minna eota 725 150 4 8 225 3, 8 ' .' .8 325 2 225 1 8 a 250 6 5 325 ?. 5 250 S 5 250 5 250 10 " 5 - 12 3 fpynnyeide Addition to 1750 11 .3 the City'�Of 8t.Pau1, 250 �. 1250 Y 10 3 Minn. 600 9 3 8, 3 i. 2500 ,. 250. 7 3 13 4 250 4 250 14 _..: I 250 15 4 250 16 4 ., 250 17 4 .. .... ' ..TOTAL. row+.... rr. r :.. ... ... CITY OF ST. DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE- - R�POR7r OF_ _ - ON PRELIMINARX ORDER LOT BLOCK ,Ati DITION -DESC(fI PTION - - VALUATION Sunnyeide Addition to - - 250 _ .the city of St.Pau1P Minneeeota. _ 17 7-,,JeffersonPark Addition 200 18,. 7 ..to the City of S.t.Paul a00 Ramsey County,Mln>ieeota a00 19 7 200. a o 7. aoo a17 . aoo -- . as 7 7 200 23 aoo: ':CITY Or ST. PAUL �QEPARTMENT .t � .. _. - OF FINANCE --� - _ ... ,„,. l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF Y.ORDER -` --. - ' •- :. - LOT BLOCK - A D D t T 10 N _ ASSESSED VALUATION _ DESCRIPTION g 4 Sunnyside_ Addition, - 2� -- - 650 8 4. ) 14 2 Lane's Manor, St. 200 200 13 2 Paul, Minnesota: 200 12 a 200 11 a a 200 10 :a -200 a 8 200 z 200 7 ,: a r 200 s a 200 5 8 200- ; a a 200 3 2 . 200 2 3 200 175 5 1 175 4 1 175 3 1 175 a l 175 . 14 1 Sunnyside Plat a, 200 15.1 St. Paul, Minnesota TOTAL. 200 ... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the,aforesaid matters, and` hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in I- reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedf mis Commissioner of ZFinance. Dorm IS. I3. 12 ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 11711 ro the coninlissioner of Finagce of llle City of St. 1 ail i The (;olllolissioner of Public Narks, having had wider eonaidrratiollthe prclimifiary'nrAer of the Coum oil, known as Council File No,.. 15651 I p April 18x' 1977 _., relative to... ......... ' a I roved .. ... ... . on Alb art St from Juliet St to Lansing the construction of sewers ... . ...._.... St.; Lansing St. from a point 60 feet east of Pascal Ave. to a point .180 feet weet of Hamllne Ave.;. Jefferson Ave from a point 60 feem .....--_ ... ...... ... east of Pascal Ave. to a point 160 feet west ,of Httmlinz_Ave. and having investigated the uultters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement Is_: necessary and (or.) desirable. $1.56 per front foot and the total cost tliereof. is .._::.. 6,793.00 and 0. The estimated cost thereof is $.. _.. . =Assessable frontage 4,353 ft. Excess inspection $50.00. �. the nature and extent of said improvement is.as'follous: ............ 3. A plan, pr»tile or sketell of said improvement is bereto nttoehed and made a part. hereof. a. Said improvement is.., -__:_:_..... asked for upon pelitiom or three or more owners yfg>toperty, subject - to assessment for said improvement. r .. ` Comm i io isr of Public Ip. fiii# uf.#�,aul. _ _ �epnrtmeit#/ of . �EiubluD1Drla . - •o.C.R CL.UcIaN. C"', a GvsS. COMMISSIONER'- or ..R�R. T. GOURLEY. D.PUTT _ J. ao.. .U...0 or Co ,O t . ILFRSD e ......gip St. Paul, Minn. March 29; I9I7. I sIr. 1I. i;. Goss, Commis sioner of Public i7orks Dear .Sir,-_ The attached petition requests, a: sewer built on Lensing St. from Haml.ine'Ave. toAlbertSt.' This sewer will be apart of a small sub-district having an outlet sewer on Albert St. .from Juliet St. to Lansing St., and the sewer on Lansing St. cannot be-built unless an outlet sewer on Albert St. is also built. This sewer on Albert St. is naso the outlet for servers on Jefferson-Ave. and the. propertyabutting on Jefferson Ave.y Lansin„ St. and Albert St. will all be concerned in a proposition to build the sewer on Lansing. St. because it is served by.a common outlet. I suppose that since all the property ocmera'within the dist:•ict viould be called in for the nearing on these setters, the proposition to be submitted should be a complete project and should comprise all the sewers within the district, with the understanding-that only aO of the laterals as are deemed by the Council to be necessary at this time be included in the final order. I have t:ierefore prepared the attached preliminary order on these lines. Yours very tru0ply, LQ � ES3�d. Chief Engineer a fq of "Stl Pald Pepurimcut Of Public 3000h6 M- N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER,- 'A. T.-GOURLEY. DEPUTY $t • Paul, i93nn. April 7:, 1-917.., ' G N «[nROLa a r [ E«c«t[n - - •. Mr. M. 11. lions, - - commissioner of Public 17orks Dear Sir, I transmit, here*iuh preliminary oetiruato of 'cost for the construction of sewers on Albert St. from Juliet St. to Lansing St.; Lansing St. from a point .6U feet east .of Pascal Ave. to a point; 180 feet West of Hanline 'Ave.; Jef erson' Ave. from a, point 60 feet east of. Pascal Ave. to 'a point 160 -feet West of Hamline Ave. in accordance :,ith Ccar.cil File =15651, approved April 1, 1917. Approximate estimate $6,792.00 Total fOn'tagc 4,993.ft. Less exemptions 640 ft. Assessable frontage 4,353 ift. Cost per front rcpt $1.56 access inspection necessary, ?50.00 Yours very truly, Chief'Hngineer i w f T. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ....:...: Byt .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_...grA.4.1r.g..4range. At., from Earl..._St,...to• the.•east.lin.. oY..._,_. �'l?e�em...#�.hBht.s;.Park ............._ .......... ..... ....... uuderPreliminaryOrder.; 15963_.,_ approved.....: g Intermediary Order .. ... - . .... approved'. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ihbard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;. therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the city of ,tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....Grade.. 0r4.11g A'. At , ,rr•om yaSlat, ,t 0. the.._ ea eat _jp--..pg.•pjtp en .Heigr t,e:_Pa rk Add itiong eri77ofaraamg Orangestreet ,.... _ ti -'-' - i street to the east line of -eights Park Addition, under - 'ary order 16963, approved .. ,,,•;, .,,--_ ::...................... .... ..,...: . 1917. .. .c hearing having been had d t e Improvement-ug rl hears ..nd the Council haven; heard-.......... ........ ....... �- me, Live-objtionshere and and havin- :• side a thereto; and .having mslJered the enure; therefore, ........................ ..................... . 'By the Council of the C' - - tat the precise not are. - ...... —nd of Improvement t...,. N] Clty 1 Grade C- and the Couneil `hereby orders said improvement to be ma he rwt RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public N 9 t ,k?„ As hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subind same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herelfy antbor:ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the i;tv�Zll :ldupted by the Council. City. Clerk: " Approved._ .. 191 a f 1 €' Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman eller Keller J Councilman Keller � I, Councilman McColl @nun htavor Irvin i Form B. S. A. b-i. CITY or ST. PAUL _ --OEPARTMENrT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPAis-sIONER OF FINANCE - ON-PRELIMINARY'ORDER. ats._;et_.f.r.oln_E.arl`_atreet ta.._he EaaL_aine:..o. :: --: In the Matter of _.-Gi1.i.ng:..Or.ange Phals.n_.Height.s-..Park_Ad&it1OAs.� ._.._ _:___ ......,_ - -- ' Apx11-_.19.th,._..1.9.17, under Preliminary Order approved -- -- '"°"- _...... ._..:.. ...._ TO the Council of the City of St..Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - , -- - The total estimated amountof the. assessment for thcabove improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 'f•hc lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improverncnt,"and. the assessed valuation of each lotor parcel'as last reporicd by the Assessor, areas"follows:. - - - - '- .-- " - - DESCRIPTION'- LOT BLOCK. ADDITION- ASSESSED VALUATION . 18 3Phalen Heights Park 1500 19 3 .. a 300 d 30 3 275 21 3. 275 22 3 350 375 23 3 24 3 3900 . 25 3 1400 26 3 375 " 27 3 - 375 - - TOTAL. - " r. a I T,. PAUL G - - DEPARTMENT OF.,FINANCE REPORT OF_CoMrISSIONER OF FINANCE' "- _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - _ DD1* - _ D-ESCRI PT17ON- "LOT•GLoon A1ON-- ASSESSED VALUATONI_ o 28 " 3 '--Rhal.en Aelghts .Park 4C0 - _29 3 1 - 4550 _ 7 4 - 450- .8 4 5800 � _ f 5 4 400 4 4/ 3 4 _ 425 19 1 425 _ 18 1 550. 12 7 350 11 7 ) 575. . West } of 10 7; East of 10 7. 200. I 9 7 400 +i 8 7' - ` — 3300 7 7 325 - 6 7 325 5 T, 325 4 T 3a5 3 T 325 2 7 350 1 7 525 15 6 1750 14 8 ; 13 8 375 12 8 3675- 11' 6 - ,. TOTAL. 375 .i I 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL AN `_ •. _- - _-.>.. - - DEPARTMENT-_OF:FINANCE- - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF,FINRIVCE- _ _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' BI.oO. ADDITION ASSESSED ALUAO_ 10 6 Phalen Heights Park �, 375 J 6 - 375 8 . 6 3775 7 6'' .. 375 6 6 355 5 6 ' 2875 4 .6 375 . 3 6 3125 2 6 ' -350 1 _ 8 425 4 5 325 3 5 275 2 5 200 1, 5 -200 That part,of Gov,Lot 6 lying south of Lake Phalen between 13880 , N.P.Right of Way and Phalen Heights Park and North of Maiyland 'Street in section 21, Township 29, Range 22. 61030 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and . hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council,) together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated 9, Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public _Works Report to Commissioner- of Finance' ._...._ 191.:7_ - ay _ . To the Coni-missioner o.f Figsnce of the,Gily of St. Paul: The Commissioner of 1 untie Works, linving had under eollsideratioiI the preliminary order of the Cour- i 15963April 19th; 191._.., relative to ...:.... ... _........ vil, known as Council File No:_....... . approved_.,. 7 the sralin�_.of �Jranae Stre t from Street to the east line of Phalen, Heigh_t_!_a Park Addition lied hnving invi•xtiguhal the hatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said hnprovewult is....::.......necessllly and (or) desirable.' 64¢ per front foot •' Tllc estimated cost tbereof is ....:: and tile total east tilereof is T - Aasessable frontage 2,469 ft.-, Excess inspection "31.07 the nature :ped extent of said improvement is as follows: i 3. A pine, profile or sketch of said inli,ovenlent is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is.....:.. :......_asked for upon petitiowofItbree of More owners of properly,pubject to assessment for said improvement. 6oanutssiouer of I'll is Works. • 1 o -_`f ------------- —.—__ • - _- tQitg ' of �t. �,Jniii - _ - - , - �epartnunt uf- : uUlir Clurla - - _ M N GOSS. COMMI5510YF.a - - - C9 u awuora[nc na[.a - T GOURLEY. D[ u- - wvR eD .acv eDs.w ..,uono- 5'.i. Pl..ul; i.:inn 1917 .., ��,,, 10 ., or COa B[CT10Na � - - _ 0.0-nis.=ioncr of. uelic Iorhs Desi• Sir, - I ?icre'..ith prc.liminc.?, ate o'' Cost _or Orange St. fro 3arl St. to the oa--t line o� Phalen uCi i;�' �£r� A4:. i t ion it accordance '-ith Council., i1e :'15903, f:i}P_oved r i 1 19, 1917. e `t:"le.tc .,1.584.54 .ac esauble frontage- 2,409 ft-. Co t ue:• fto.;t. foot.off ;r.octio--�sry ;31.07 . iq p DCIS' Ch;,: r _neer i M P-11 i;, .1 1 I'All I i! I t ._.. ,-Win:,.:: .� •.,�,,..-�. . ir Q��L: �e;u-GGC/ �J-!/�, �l�-�/ ,.;'12�i -L.,✓--�`L�-G/L`-�i�/�-- dL�o�-�-- ,p��p-Zv�✓ �/ of c�.t.�. ��iiv/cr �v�- if/J- rycc�ozc !J'ZGF3G4�-Glvy U _ CITY- OF ST. PAUL a.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION _"GENERAL -_FORM _ Subject: 1 COUNCINO 4E - - - Date Presented Uuly6th, 191 :7 � T , J l Resolved. = rF J I. IO'' of J L- in the u.attar of 6ondeimin- end tel,w Yn —Lant in c iced necea-ary for 5_43cl, for outs alli rille in r8tln - orana re t. irol..;=-2.r1 :?trait to the of PhalanJ:ai .ta Ptal. t:idition, under Pralib.i,„r} Dl:der 1350, aid roved AEril 19th, 1:17, ::n1 int >baai:.r _Mar 1?090 ,'al;, ove3 ,ua: a oh;..i vier.�� cf pu ',io 7 G--l:r_ u .itz.C;d <_nd! ..I toh it bGvc •.c:=ter, at -,v f>;.ae for t- . n"_ love', I;:b ,i ant _ tiro:,. Jn- ZcJ:, ,:• ,oin;, ,+ ..i'G2 a =.,' to aSte11 "R- l+, Cn 1 :. t:Lt c3�:ai to --8 1'�i VEL ;.G udi� "r of ., :,a eZ, _ tCG -L' rel:OZt- �-reby f Ie1�..... to an'. ...&1„ .. � -Zt In the matter er of or sonnet in t hl he In and tak- ing ak- - ltel 0 or afar slope.. for tut.1 end fill. P1. - g,.dlax-.Orange-St. from F• I St. to the Eaet line of Phalen Helghts 1-ark Addition under PrelonlrotY Order No. 15991 approved .April 19th,': , 1917.. find IntermediaryO der Yo. 17099, approved Jone 19th, 191 rrhe commissioner or I`ubllc Works hhvltut submitted his ­port and sketch - In the above matter. be It It... tved, Thor t "' Ty or St foul - - n:e and determine. the omount ,f land to he tokrn.for the above named Improvement its an easement for.lopea: for cut. and .fill. In end upon t[ween abutting upon Orange street; i the point. aforesaid. to the between tent shown upon in,, sketch attached to the port of the Core miseloner f Public - Work. In .t he matter, dated July 19th. -1917. which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made n part f. Ye J ( 1'? Councilmen he\dopted by the souq dl July 19, 1917• ] Approved July 19. 1917. pled by the Council. 191 I J_u_i1- SI-1917) .. r_�F,�ts worthi�.a..,. --.____-r, :_i,.,�,.....In favor 191 `-el Approved �hiclIli I ~ Agd. t — ti V� A� r A '� Mr. Press / f ff 1 MAYOR - FORM C.9.2 ct lepnrfmc�7t-'of, Iyuhlic �Tlurki - - — - u N GO55 �COMMtssTC�Ea - a�AP .I"a�a_c •„ r 9aPl,a• o T GO..—EY DEr.". _ - -• .. " - I ... ..:. ..'! ic, 1' n,A - .o iL 'v - is -..1� :,l ZJ;:J•3 .V.1 i _w ,. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL\ — OEPAP-TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELINy` 1ARY ORDER : 1! Int#he Nlatter of .and ,tekin�an easement 1L the land necessary i.. .:._COridemning for Dote fillsin Grading i3range street from Earl _ elopes and e.trlset_.t� lragt_:lin�. ,o.._.Phale...n.,Hei.ghte Park ,Addiaioa, _ .... .._._____-_ _ :..:. _ __: _ ........ ............. __........ _ - ... .. ....... .. under Preliminary Order approved .-. .._Apri1817_-, .: . . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follower The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2f?• -00 ..........__._. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S _.. .._._..._ .__._.• ' The lots or parcels of land that may beassessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, Ore as, follows:,' �*- - -- ^-- AS DESCRIPTION - LOT aLOCN ADDITION VALUATION ------ ------- L -- _ Park ....__,_T. 500 lel 3` Ph1len Heights 19 3 300 20 3 275- . - 21 3. 275 22 3 3�0 23 3 375. 24 3 3900 25 3 1400 26 3 375 . TOTAL. - Fora1 D 8._30 .,..,:r,... �.. �..,.:.; t,f .. , ._.,.:' .., .,,:�.. ..... .. • _ , �.. a ST. PAUL /• _ $ Gt A!! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREGMINARY'ORDER-\ (B) qty k - DE:SG R I PTION "LOT •BLOCK[ ADDITION ASSESSED YALUATION `A 88 3 Phalen Heights PgLtk 400 `39 3 „ .,, 4550 7 4 - 450 6 4 :; ' .-0 5 4 4 4 400 3 4 425 18 1. 425 16 1 550 12. Z 350 11 7 } 575 West Of ,10 7 .; _ East of -10 7 800 9 7 400 6 7 3300 7 7 325 6 q: .325 5 7 325 i ,} 7 _ 325 3 7 2 7. -- 350 1 q 525 15 6 } 1750 14 6 ; 13 6 375 12 6 2675 TOTAL... :CITY OF,ST., PAUL, 'COUNCIL:,ESOLUTI.ON—�GENERAL FORM Subject. . coukek.:- 'FILL -.�No. ... ..:.... _ Date Presented July .1&thy 191 7. RESOLUTIOtT FthI vG ": E A :OL ?T OF LAD 0 -EXTENT OF. EASE .STT Resolved, mp n p$Et' I`i. COtTDE. ?TP.TIOtT PAOCEEDI`TGS C. it the matter of oondemning and taking an easement inthe'land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 11, Boulevard Addition, under Preliminary Order ?10027, approved April 21at, 1517, and Intermediary. Order ;417088, approved June '19th, 1917.. The Commissioner of Public V:orks having subwitted.his report and sketch 'in 'the above matter, ,be it fiEgOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and datmidnes the. ai:.cunt'of 'land to be taken for the above namcd,iwprovan:ent as an aasament for slopes, for cuts and fills in and uron the land abutting upon the Alley in 716ok 11, Boulevard Addition, to tha. extant Brown upon the eketoh attached to the report .of the Commissioner r'F of Public 7orks in 'the matter, dated July 16th, 1517, which sketch' and report are hereby.referred to. and lLa,de a part hereof. 'C.P-No. 17610--r-3 `Jf In the matter. of: Condemning and tak- - ' IInW,1ft easement In theland neves 1 tory ..for dopes, for cut. and fills ln. the grading'of Allay' In Hloek� 11. ' _Houl0 color Addition. under Prailmin - 21it�1017.-: nd o. elnter ed v'd.April - No. 17099, a arY'Order. 1,'Ths CommlufonerdJupubllcefV'ork� having submitted kts rep." and eketetr, in. the ebova matter, be It - - Pzee and dde ermines `the of6L oti. lend to be taken. for the above named' - Improvement am an easeme,Ot. for stopes. i - for cuts and Pilo In and upon the lan4- ; abutting: upon the Alley In 61oekt,1Li noulevard Addition, to the eztent' - - shown upon the Sketch attached t0 the report of the Comml901oner of Publlo `iverks In the mattsr, datad,July Uth;� 1917, which sketch `and report are hereby referred 'jo and made a Patt `�' I� Q 'tC , hereof. U 6 Ycaa (I') Co crimen (1') Nays { b the Council 191 ° Adopted by the Council July 19, 1917, f1 y "' Approved July Is. 1917. ` !� F swOrth _ (July 91-1917) r. i Co In favor M er APProved�,^ 191 M oil Against/vf Mr. Owers I MAYOR ..CORM Ce -2- 71 ga epricfxne of ,public oiks - OELaw cLFu•EEw... sr [.s .,rls M.N'-GOS$, CaMMI661ONER- • vont R T. GOVRLEY. Dt-7. '. .. .. J [. wOLL. • tiwuc •o .D •rr• as 1 .. •LIw[O-JI10w•ON. •u1i, - - _ - _ - eu+a.0 or nawrt.noN - - - w w. donziNuw. e4L. - - - •uat.0 - - ...ws.'o•rt•.w. txeiw.iw -'_,- -. I- - - - _ •Lwuv01 ea,00u - - - - -NtwwOLO. OIIoa [wc wau _ - -` t EPO -T TO -THE CCU"CIL In the. Latter of oondemnin3 and takin � an .a�a pert in t'sz !&n^ for alopaa, for outs and fills in grading Allay in clock ll, Houlavard AdAition, 'under ?reliu,inary ")sder r1o037, 4r, roved April 31st, 1917,, and Intarn;eiiary Order, 417083, aclrovad June 19th, 1917.' io the Council of theCity of .t real; T he Jol,;d,iaaionu) of ?tibii ,. ,.ks hn,•a oy .g _umita and u.Eu:aB art._a. ,aa 'r;ia report, a r.,lan of the acw• ova improvement-, BhOihZ a by tY,e 5.:ai01 pTLiOn cf said ian, t a fills to' �e u.Ela on i":riV to pior•erty, Ana : y the atehcd portion the cuts to u.2_ie or. l.rivata r- ext r.t �l =:e a �, ,. to L) a. taksn �y tre Pi. zea Iroy.arty, &IIS e _ o;Yoaita .3vah a'haf,en 3 atched r'arts of auch .1 an, r aaione r R a - r _ ST. PAUL DEPARTME PR FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONEFt OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f // In the Matter of �Q�-1---anS1—tBkill�,.$A_eH9�me=1.x`�DT.._alpp8sr fOs -c31B:&._f111B-•1A— '. Grading alley in B10 11• BUMI&XiXd–&WU"Q - -- i ,�--- -. -- under Preliminary Order approved - _._ ..--------- .... .... .......... ----.-- --....- �_.—� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 7 7$ ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 11 Boulevard Addition 550 500 3 'i1 500 4 11 500 5 ;11 6 11 500 7 11 •-500 East # of 8 11 350 Leet of g 11 250. 9 11 500 TOTAL. ieLma.. .o CITY OF ST. PAUL' ACCOONTING +DEPARTIRENT t' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL: No1? v .T AUDITEDJOL-J_L_)Of; 191. PER 488 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of, ibe hereinafter specified funds and' thefollowing`: in favor of tht, persons, firms or horporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in ' detailedstatement: JUL Z'% �gtT Yeas (d) Councilmen ( J.) Nays Adopted by the Council, -191— Fai worth Gos APProv --------- Hy 9 ---- Hy! nd --- _- .In favor Kel r Mrvolt. �fe oll --- Against W derlich., _ Mr. President, vin , i 17775 !. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent-, 83.68 i P.?arks-5xoense V.662 Majors .Office-Ex;;ense~ Com'r. -Finance-y: oerise i G.F.-Purc:' Dep.-P.x_pen s Comptroller -Expense u.F.-City Clerk- ensaCom'r. P.Works-rExpense. 76 Board .of Water ComWissioners, 381 47 St: onst. & R.-Expense/ 43814 P.Sciiools-Exp. 77 Boston Boor Company, 159400 P.Library-Expense. 78 S. Brand; 11.75 P.Scriools-Exnense. . 7$ Dr ! J. '3roetn, 20.00 Corp. Counse2,Court, Costs, Witness Fees, etc. 80 John B. Darling, M.D. 95.U0 Corp. Counsel, Court Costs, Witness-Fees.Etc 81 Electroforce Pub. Company, 2.00 P.Library-NBooks. 82 S. A- Farnsworth, C.: .r.!v. 162.00 O.F.OfficIal. Pub. X15 .00 G.F.Iscl. & Unforseen 16 .00 is 83- W. S. Fullerton, 20.00 Corp.Counsel, Court Costs, Witness Fees, etc. n Page #2: Res. ASS t. 17784 Handlon &'Company, 48.50 P.Parks-Expense. 85 Chas. Hansen Bldg. Mtl. Company, ' 110.00 P.Parks-Const. Phalen Beach. s6 Hart & Murphy, P.Parks-Expense. _ 87. R. W. Hruby, 26.50 P.Seboole-Expense.- 88 Dr. Dawson Johnston,' -Librarian, 17:55 P.Library-Expense. ' 89 Mrs. J. C. Jones, 19.50 P.Library-Expense. 90 W. H.'Kane, 1'.73", P.Sebools-Expense. 91 j. Everett Kslley, P.Library-NBooks. r g2 Leslie-Donahower Company, 141.70 P.Parks-Expense 5 P.Schos)ls-Expense 6 00 G.F -Mist. & . 1 45 'Unforseen 4l 70 93• Lion Bonding &.Surety Company,` 12,50 i Mayor's Office -Expense. 94 J. M. Lynch, C-.F.FMiscl. & Unforssen. a 95 Michaud Brothers, 8861; P.Sohools-Expense. 24G.20 96 E. A • Moeller, P.Library-Expense. 97 "'Morrison Livery, C 41.00 C.P.W.-Expense '. Bridge Bldg..& R -Expense 0 41. 00 98 Northwestern Copper & Brass,. 2• x.53 P.Schools-Expense n - 2 - Mechanic Arts.H.S.Library , 9. 3 4 :} 09 H. Peitz & Sony F.-Purch.Department-Expense 2 C.P.FI.-Expense 0 7� 5 800 Perkins-Pracy Printing Company, 31 OQ' P.Library-Expense: 01 Powner's Book Storei, 24.00 P.L•ibrary-NBooks. 02 W. G. Prussing, 11.00'.. P. Schools -Expense. 03 .�e CITY OF ST. PAUL. iso.,.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL 1(,� ` — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE N0 _ .... ..... L . AUDITED- .tJUL_.I_! __1917 191 ___._ ._ PER_ 489 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified' in thea following, detailed statement: Yeas (J) Coun 7men (J) Nays Adopted by the Council= :L 1UL 191.= Fa orth / � 7 1917 Go App ToJ 191_ IIy tl .In favor llVjj„` > K8 _ - ... MAYOR .:. M 11 --Against 7 W erlich Mr. President, id a S. No. 17191 .. - neeolved that warrants .De ,drsern upon the .City Treasury, -payable out.of the here) alter ep.0fied .tun0e And;ln . the of he 1pereops;.-arms or corpora - tions for ,-the amounts-' set! -opposite . their respective' nsmer;ul ;epeCidad- In r the following, detailed -statement: K a noyeson'Co.. 117.;& - ° Capital.. City Lumber Co.' 720.22. -Alanhattan OU Ca.i604.61L - St. Paul'. Eketrlo, Co..' 211.0&. sanitary, Food Co.°'$20.21. _ Adopted 'by the -Council JWy 17. 1917. - J.Approved July 17. 1117 - - . i0131Y.d1-1917) p 17812 H. C. Boyeecn Company, ��•�� P.,hibrary-Expense. « 13 r%pital City Lumber Company, 2 ..3;5 P.Parks-Const. Phalen Beach. 14 Manhattan Oil' Compar_y, 544 63 PaBldas Znspe.Ex_pense. ,t Archt.-Exnens6 24. I S. & S Cin. - Expense/ 507.02 F, 54 .63 15 St.P2u1 Electric Company, Sewer C. & R. Expense P.iibrfiry--F.xpen,�e 12. 6 i 16 Sanitary Food Com. an.y , 26 31 P.Parl s,-Eyoucnse, Activity. - i . 'Pn" al 8 Iaru A. G•1a - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL " ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT i. r;•';1 ••or - -. COUNCIL Nt1_ .'. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE 191 I, PER16 490 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds their _ games as specified in the folio in favorof The parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite respective detailed statement: - Adopted by the Council- _�f.-1i-k7+�-191 Yeas (r) :Councilmen (�) Nays Far worth Gos Go 917 __191 A l v UL 17 1917- Pl�j�) gj• ` d In favor - - 1K C[ _ NAT R M oil - -- -:_Against - - �\ derlicb - Mr. President, via - - - _ - - - . ReeolveA that .warraata. Upon the city Troaanrr, p"able.oat the beralnatter epeotded funds ttvor.or. the peraonl: arida t,one:tOr• the arnOOnt1 •. their,reepaoUvenames 11 following detalled atatea7eat:, be? -drawn at; and to or. corpora-' - pt-. .OpDORtb' 1pwtded fn : ' :be Drake. Marble h, •T4he . Northwestern,.' copper - - A. X.'Palmer co.. 11151. weeterpaup IYCo.- - Adapted by the Connell July - ARP"Ved, July, 17=1817. (July:><1-3917) 'Company.., = :. • 13mb . - rr-.. —' 17917 Drake Marble & Ttle Company, 370,40 P.Schools M & F.. 16 Northwestern Coopez' & Brass, 12 65 Se,;'er .Const. & R.Yntce. P.Srl-:ools M & R. 8.0 5 "' 19 A. N. P:.lmer Co -pan7t 11 .F3 ' P.Schools M & R. 20 Western Supply. Comlany, Bh`.' P.Library-C. Bldgs. — fiats' 398.3 µ, v+' Tetiti=7 r -R4 . Council File N PRQPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - -.and- - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The -undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the " City of St. Paul. viz:.::...4.01x131.ruo.t0n_.1SWS031. 3t....Xr-om..:e,:...PQint:...135-.3eat..eadt.:-of ..: _..::_-�11•.�7_51:,....,1.0._Freuk�.t...,_.ixi...ann.arrisnae.::ani#,h�petitian=:hereta_at�cllscl. - Dated this......_ .7,.7V1 _doy of ..:.:..::....... -433.4 : _ 191._.7...: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..: ' Conetruo__0_'_8�+e]C Dd WaQA._St._�rssr�_a ppint_.Z3:..teat_ aas*....o..Earl at. 4 .... .._.......... ......- ..... _- - t allow o.........._.. 'I having been presented to the Council of the City of St.'.', nsv of he tytoi man .............. thC[CIO[C..l)C It r � irp(L LSA p -to hi: >» RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofPubli ��reire •t•e ;the ne••••etl.%{dercd and directed To 1.. To investigate the necessity for or desirabroi,nwtnw•ttist* toi lillity 9' �a ia9�„�vement. 2. 1'o investigate the nature, extent and esti' 5.1 �p, "totsstt eo9„pti•vrotiq• o*' and the total cast thereof. 3 To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sax Tot to ytmalso ati , t.lov aBto `Osla ¢rntfh 4. To furnish the following other, sata and inl . ,,a.latcrrs t s •a },rnement;_ B �.aG.. vw Y 4 . _ ... ..: ............. __............. ........ ..... S: a.. _ ._.. .. ...... ....: ......_._...:............_...............:-.. -r I S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 0. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL17 1917 Adopted by the council' ._.................. _....... _ 101......_:. Yeas: Nays: Court ilmanFarnsworth JUL 171917 r Goo Approved .....L. 101......._ Het d Kell r' _ Dic Il J -Mayor Irvin, Mayor. Petirtyionn T F 585 Council He No............_l, = PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT " and •PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned. hereby. proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of st. Paul, viz, ..........0.9no.treat....H._0.eMent,..:t.ile.:s.idewalk...tn...a...lxidth...;Q:"i$.:.fleot.....on ..:.:._+�.e✓.aHs�i....&if18.�.4�..,�(hiti.9_3eHr_:1.Y.e:w...�rnm_HBxY.HH.ter...AQe...�hen2A iioreh:... 16.4.3aet..t.fi_Q.nnnaat rtith.:_gxeaeni igelk�...in_a¢0=.Aaria e-2ith pat-n nil Dated this............ 17th....day of........ _ X39 .... 191 7...... rCouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ___:..ofln:Itx�tttW.a__2amexlt_..:,tilt+.s..idfrnsl�_.to�r�icL*2LQ�..aiv..3.eet....Qn:._ehe....enst oonneet c�?t}I P e3�.eA+..l�alke_......___....... . =. ..._._......... having been presented to the Council of the City of Cit ei"on w Cr, �ncilmnn Ave: from U..r„ rth 100 'feet to cone therefore, be it ,calk havinQ been pr Council of :the Clty ogat. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pul-, be u, - tcreby ordered and, directed "hot the Commleelonei}.of 1. To investigate the necessity, for or desirat, be and he Is he,mb7 cr-aid improvement. " Ytl�ta tb� neeaultr. for - o: the matubs of maido 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e8Q,,jvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ani au cart the nature. my tine total eo■l thereat: . n. A. To furnish. the following other data and int ,o a vlan._ erns to said improvement;_.... ...... .:.......:.. .......... ........... ........ 5. 'To state whether or not said improvement.ls asked for on the petition'of three.or more owners. G. To report upon all of the fore oin atters.to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 1N Adopted by the council ...................... ,. , 191 :........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth JUL 17 17 Go s Approved :.._....: .........._ :..._ 1Q1...:._.r . IIy and Inc er l lfc oil u 111eyor drvi roar a. petition ' , ry Council File PROPOSAL' FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th.`unders1. igned hereby proposes the- making of the following public .improvement by the City of . St. Paul. viz.:...:..C.Q.na.t.ri.w.t ..a.:.a..tent....t.ile_aidewalk...xa,:.a...�rldth...nf.. sia Yeot:..On.- _:..the a9e,t.¢id.9._St'x93ge�...She..:.iT0�t1...OLAh11rs�..St..�i.0_ ir•. Kenty,_$t.y_.321_:. .,......4004�a.�.T1R�..�.t.�.'�h_..P.et.iii.9n..�hssat.o_a'�taohatl,,._.._..._..:..r_� •..._.r._ 'Dated this......:.a.2.t .:.,day of ... _..: ..r11,119......... ..........::.:. 191...7_.. 1. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, yfz.: �Coastruclt....A_..QTAelat_.]l.e _sid$iralk tn_B-�ir1t7L oiWais .faet.::vn xha...v�eat . c pro Deal roi. .... .. - - ............. ... wllowina PmDrove :dtruct a cement the ei - filth Of six feet on the a° *� an hnvint; been presented to the Council of We Ctweu et. from orchard atw[Le...,.-•.....................- - ' - &.havins )wen Dreeented.! therefore, be it - nell of the Clty of 8t. Raul }, e, bell RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Gnllaleworbaee jsd, Thi lie�l� hereby ordered and directed dared and sheeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or t eeilneiiltyus, ie�� yes oisaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent 0 4To —omemruuaa tee natnn Krovement, and the total cost thereof.' . ,d "it"ed oo.t of said Imor. 3. To furnish u plan, profile or sketch Pse mit y"ai' o°me •eh of sold 1mDro� sot: ' 4. To furnish the following other data a, io final=e • lon re lowmr said improvement;_.... - '•�ndaafotmallaei nla•h• " :te "•«neat 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. "To report upon all of lite foregom matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 11 ��!7 Adopted by the council ........... .......... ................... lfll......._. Yens: Nays: Councilman F nsworth 1 w G s Approved. __.,. _..............._ Ifl1.......:. t 11 and Kc er Ilfc oll Mayor Irvi f•or roar T -1 p t�t_.. ition - '- Council File Nol �5 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' - - _ .7 - and . - PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned- hereby proposes the making of the-7ollowing'public improvement by' the City of St. Paul. yiz.. C.nnetrun.t...:a:...nemant_:.til.e:..sidanalk...to_..e...r+i.dth_ 4fMsfx >3pt..:.o.n the ...-eenth-aida_-of-.:I,efnn�..3t- hegin� at Milt.nn. St.._thena.s:�tee�_�G.-a1ns1. in>z1.ud.1Lg..T,�2t_.:3� dQ.s1�:&_ShS Qh_3t.r.AdditionJ.-in s000rdanee with _ Doted this....._-.:� r/tk5:._day of .............. 171 1T......................:.. .......::.....:. Councilman. PRELIMINARY .ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __IInnstruat�a_aemant._tile...sidm7a3k_-tom-_ .idth:.:ni_sLC fest..._Oxl_tha..:.s-4uth -sjda of -S.0 ord -St. �eginaing. '" tan•-3t.....thenca_rtt:`o. and.:-inaluding 7.ni ..3: Bln.nk 2._Chate�tDsth St�__Addit3an.— .._...._ ............... .................... ........ .... _.. ..... __._....... .. _ — •_ C. F. No 175117— Whereas, A wrllten proposal for the having been presented to the Council of..thc making tlf the following Improvement i 111cement... ..........._. vis: 'Construct a s w aldewad. theYClere, be it ' toh Width of six feet on the. youth aide i thenieoweULto and i lncludinatan Lot RESOLVED, - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of fl1ock a Chu.worih et: Addition h.v ldered and'directed - Ing'6een presented. to the Council of - - 1. To Investigate the necessity for or de The city of at,'aaul thereeore, De it �vement. R",Iv.,L That _til C.mminlenef et public Works bsan6 b. U. berob7 sr• - 2. To investigate the nature, extent anti doroA aid diroeted: and the total cost thereof. 1. TO In•nUtnt. tke ,Q ofity for - . . 3. To furnish a pion, profile or sketch a. or' d"Imbuuy•ot tea melees sr said L To tn•Ntltaro tee Hour., utast I ement 4 To furnish the following other data n and bumatod, opst at um Impprot« Ir moat. and the total 0451 plroli .. ........ . ........: i • d. , To' fnrnlsh &I play prodb e• . .__... deer and Informaton royuo to pld ..... ......_ _ .. ........ ...... 5. :To state whether or not said im rove � ••mast p j"an turntah me fouoaas epee, ilree or more owners. date and IntozmaUon rNann to sal ' 0. 'To report upon all of the foregoing m Imyvro•emsnt JUL'�l7' p ` To slat. Wbstbar or not Wd Ir• fie. 1 ro•smeat is asked tor.oh•tke peUues 1 of three or more*west i i Adopted by the council, ............. _.... a:: To repo upon alt er the tore I ; ... Rnanoa Yens: Approved July 7. 1Con 1111 , 17 11 !V !! (July 111.11117) _ 1^7 Councilman Far6sworth JUL 1 "? 1917 Go Approved __- .:_ .. _... .:.....191....... Hyl nd Kcl r Meoil Wul, - Mayor Irvi Mayor. 1 vojji�j INC .. W, E. G. Br Council File No.1 ,.. , ,.. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROkrEMERT -and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - - The `undersigned herebyproposes the making of the following pilblic' improvelne'nt' by the City of St. Paul. viz....;..$eonz3fltrRa.t:,-:.zaley.:.end...-Tepaiz....the .....aement tile_-sUawalk. ta..A S7idth.. Ili.. siz �aet._an tlis_..anuth. aides o3 :.14uahington. St - beginning-•:__. ...... _. ........ Dated thisof... ............r. .. ....... .?.th dor. Councilman. \ PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: _....:Ba.Qax>atxlla�.., re]eY �nsi_.re3?w�ir .ihe. Qement....ti]a.,s.dderrPlk..tn_.s._Width._oY .tha_saiith...sida_..a�.._S4gRhi tan..St.. bagln _32-faah.._sast of _......... .... ........... -_ ..._ .......... , • ten ro0 Sal for the I' .. ..... ..... ........ .... ' .0 - ,1yN, Xrailowl g improvement, .� `lila eldewilk to a wWthact-• • ._..._. having been presented to the Council of the t e e on the south aide o[ Ruhing- . ,. ton gt, b0BlnnlnH 99 feet west of ing; - therefore, be it ttL't aence west 176 feet. having been pro clodt' PeuI erertoee Our'" iut the city . Of,rdered and directed ' - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner or spotr.a Tbat the commloslover or Pupil. Works. be utd"he la hereby or-covement. I. TO InVC9t1 ate the necessit for or der.d and dlr.at°d: g y . , 3. To invptt 'to the aae.plty for or:dplrablltty of the taaklag of Wd it, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent at{ Improvement - - 4 To Inv gUHato the aatare, aHgat i sketch Sad pUmated-coat of uld improves. . P p meat Sad the total .oat th.rror. 3. To furnish a tan, profile o 4. To furnish the following of To farabh • plaa prola0 or dovement g herdatn sketch oraald lmproysm.ae ♦ .To furnish th..followltlg otY�► - date:.And -lnfofill oa rWUvr is aaldl. .... ..,_..... .........._. . .. _ ......... .. __. .._:. .; ImCCrov.m°aL , "" - s..-To State . whath.r,oe act aalA Iq. )f three or more owners. Y5. To state whether or not said imprp Drov.m.at is Asked for an tba p.UUoa l of tbrw'or more ownvra 6. To report upon all of the foregoinL HOIDIF Matter s to (p ibe ComOUtbem1Ylonerr ` CC. JUL 17 1 ►Inaaca . Adopted by the council July 17, 1917. '. Adopted by the council.. .........:.................... -_ . I Approved July 17. 1917. (July 91-1917) Yeas: 1. aye: _ ... - Councilman Fa nsworth JUL f'1' 1917 Go s APProved, ........_ Jfll......._. By and Kel er Ate oil Mayor. Irvi Mayor. ---- _ Soak a a•S Briggs Council File- PROPOS.A� FOR IMPROVEMENT V and PRELIMINARY ORDER. : The undersigned here by,proposes .the making of the following public improvement by the-City of St. Paul, viz:.:...Ban.onet.rllot.,..relsy and....repair:...the:... osmant.._tila...aidat7e,lk t.R.,:.a: .:::...::..Saiuth.._WAbutlh&.$t.-..bag3.nnlag-_R2...Teat-north :..o:E_.Ca1-a= "t_ thgna ._ . .___..._......... .... _. Dated this....._...1.Zth_:.day of .............. .....Zl?n1 Y .................... .,............ ........191...% t.. .. 77 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,, viz.: ............Bsannstruct_.ralaSc.sad• rapaix-.the ..cement...file...aideiyelk..to,..e._nvirlth: of to..._tha....pxnpiaxU line:.fln_.the.�i)s _aicte._nf�Sfinth_.SYabaehq ........_. t..a__b.n91217t31lig....7Z.. a4.t._21QT.tll�f2 _..Cc?� 4TB$.Q_aS1i.a j.� aTaCa,._?3 .1 6__ eet.• C F.' No 17689 i .. ........ tVherees. A written prof oed for the "' ""' "" - ...............•_ maklnH o[ lhe_followlnR PmDrovam gat" vis: Reconstruct, relay .and repaur the cement the sidewalk to: a width eF having been presented to the Council of.the Ci /u= feet adjacent tc .the to a ;,". Ilse - - •----- on the east aide of South`Wabesha� St:. therefore ;.he it beHinnlnH T1 twit north of Colorado at., thence north 368 teat, havin, beta pre- RESOLVED, ro RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Fpam There eye unit of the city of Ha tiered and directc�i Reeslre4 That tae Commlesloaer Ot - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi Public Works be aaa qe la q•nby or.'vement. , der4C and oir•etod: _ . 2 To investigate the nature, extent and ter aw ry1 0°tue��toe tigim�a n�'o�•tat°� :and the total cost thereof. ' - lm rwemsat 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of i To Investigate tee nature; extent and. Mttmat•d: cast et esls Improv+ 1a•nL and the,tool oast W.nM 4 To furnish the following other data a s . To tarnish .a ,plan prate• 'K vement ekets► of sdd Impror•mnt:- .. - •. aflk turnI I the following ot%Nr f . :..... .. .. ... ....................., .. dateiand laf• . .. lmcro•smest. rWatioa r•tetlr• to •old.. ♦ - .. ... ..__. 5. 'l o state whether or not said improve f TO state wbother or not add in. ]ilrce or more owners. broremeat L YIs for on tq• petition I •t tares or moreosrnsra 9. To report upon all of the foregoing m s zo »port a the dl of tee to � e' • • 1ni-matters t0 the Commlesl•ser et - Adopted by the council..........OR y�O°Ap` Adopted by the Council July 1 781, . ADProved'July 3T. 1917. Yeas: (JuIY 21-1917) Councilman Far worth JUL I'�? 1917 Gos Approved.............. ............:......... __...:........,191.:_:.._ Ilyl nd Kell r Me all !' Mayor Irvi Mayor. e.e__—...__ • Pet � �, / • Council File `. t........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROIr'EMEj PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby. proposes the making of the following; publico improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz ..... ,.Q.oxlstxuat.:_a bing....on._lin::th:_aidsa...at....Sherburne._A4a.....b 'ba St. i Q3 ord fit nd._.,�1t gtRxt..AY�a.,�1n ao9nsdeno.s._�ith netf •ion.bA'rAt i 11 � Dated this ...._....19th_Any of .........._J.1AY. y 7 191::7.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal forlthe making 'of the,following improvement, viz.: ContuQt_ux.gg._qu _bath_�.idss_ni5hsxburn� �Ye..Ala&en 39rA3t. No. 171590— lot," 7680— ! ._.:_. kl-reor .A wrltten,Pro owl for tbb- ---. - :.c- ....__._ ._......__�..._..__.._..__. makln • """ c of`the tolloMinB Improvement via: conetruot ourblgc on :both: tldee. - ` of 86grhurne,Ave,.between Oztorq, 84,, "'••"' .. .... ..... .............._..... _.....__.............._ and a.alnnton. Are. having bean ,anted to the Coungll of the clty of 84 Ani tbenfore. be It,... having been presented to the Council of Uic City . livared, Tait the Mounis.l'' _ ..._. _................ Public ,Weigh* and he Is hereby eh therefore. be it dmd and elreatee: r �' L To :InjtyOtt of the, Lae bee"Idty to►' and directed - To ED, 'khat. the Commissioner of Pub, a toetemlpt" Sets aoalubs o nld To laranpte the natb'n, t:teat Hent: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiraq.id eaumatea; sate' t h mod at lmnnrere mean and'nthtpe total govt-Wareor- 2. To investigate the nature, exte�lt and estilykusa e! tai eta -a I-11. preaL? ord the total cost thereoL d im rdvemtat' , 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sail t TO f Information relative Q *r Ota aa0.latsrmanon relative to told q: To furnish the followingoUlcr data nail ii tmYrOromtat -_ a. To eta other gr alt Wd,bi,mcnt:_... :.::.:_ .:...:.. ororemeat Is, asked for ea the," or tors, or om Own d. To report upon all of the tore ......-- .. ...... ............ ...... .... ..... . ........... ..... .. f01bi mtltert t0 the Comm1/el0aer Or ' Ping 'ee or more owners. 5. TO state whether Or not said III1prOVClnCn :Adopted OY in. Connell July. 17, lot7,{ - APPrgved'duly 17. 1817. ' - G. To report upon all of the foregoing matte t.7uty 21-19171 Adopted by the council. ...... ... 1 1917 7 JUL.........._......._.. .....1131 ......: Yens: Nays: Councilman Fardtsworth JUL 17 1917 t Go I. . Approved �........ _... 191_::_. Hyl Ind Kcl er Mc oil L y v vvv v� Lich �a or Iry n" lllnyor marc a.e ` X591 COUNCIL FILE NO.. .......... .....:.: — By................ ............ :............ :....... ... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.:..r.ecOnOtTUCt:I.ng,, relaying ..t�:t�.:.rpPR:�r�.l1B...wi,th .e,Omt .'�e....ea:$t...std..._oS...3di1..Q�t L.....?.ggJAnJhg.4$_.f.o.ot.:, north ....of...60lbY_...Aa9....:..:. thence-.north 38...feet, ander Preliminary Order ..... ........ ...approved :.:,.......May ...2flr.:.191..7. ................... Intermediary Order ...: ..... approved ....... ........ ........ A public hearing having been had upon the, above improvement upon due notice and the Couneil having . heard idl'persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...R9.Q.onot.ruc.t...... relay ...and ...r:49p91x.:.o11�h....QAIIle2lt.:.ti19 tp...a...w.idttt of. eix:..feete„ the..present:.:c@tgent..t�.@....Q.�de' 7.k:..9n.:.tkAS. east . side. of.Milton,,St: beginning 46' feet .north .of Selby Ave:..... thence: north 38..f.e.et , ................:............. ..... . .......... ........ ......... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed' in prepare Fleas and speeifleations for said improvement, and submit same to the Cogncil for approval, that_ i:,.un said approval,.the proper city ofiiiials are hereby, authorized and directed to proeged with the ma$ing.� of said improvement in accordance therblvith. i t = Jul 17 17 1917 191 Adopted by the Council. z ...... .. �.:...::�-f .... ^ City 01erk. JUL 1'7 1917 1 f t Approved......:............................ ... ...:, 191....._. .. jyjJ . _. .... 1` 1 w• o, 'Ctm ns Mayor. +• iu.,' ke of ImOtroremeti Councihn Farnsworth �'.•y the •sic �e1ty t. reeof Councilm Goss :i six toot. the v sawn e• Councilm Hyland oli on tD1 scat side of iF. `liheneew, north tEn feet. of Councilm n Keller " i hereby o[dan: gala lmvr.�� Councilm n McColl o be mase. - Ned Harsher That th• C,. COLL1lC1I t - f •ner of work.'be a iE . �'reby ` tnetmetod' dlr•atea Mayor I •in. r• 91.— a opeetaeanaaa r •lmarorem•nt :,au auI "-tsm _ •.onnell fo! aPoral; tat Form $. S. A. 7. +aoror�a th• a�n eu asi e my anthottgA d. aTHet•L' of •std the-matin tII•nwltY:• ' aeot tniaecoraanoe :ated'Dy the. CoanellJLLly 17, it - �f]LLly'IIl 11117) . CITY Or sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F 1 I r c'[.LC3y Fi.Y, f All- - Ofiice of the min ssi©ger of P bhC V 6& - `- Regort toCommissioner of Finance. , To the Commissioner of Finance of the'C; ty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of PSiblic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of, the Coun 1sQ88 May 24th 191 7_, relative to.:... _...__ oil, known ns Council File No.. _...... _ .approved .. ... ..._. .._.. _ - • - reoonetructng, relaying .end repirin with. ceir_ }lt_.,j width of six feet, the .present evert the sidewalk on the east _...fs_.nnin�_46_.feet rorth_ of SelbA��_ :_.*'e^fie ........ _ side of Milton t be i 4 north 38 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ` E F � 1. Said improvement is._......_ necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ perlineal foot 3: The estimated cost thereof is $_..._ .. - - and the total cost thereof. is and I . the nature and ostout of said improvement is as follows: ..... _._.- ............... I 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made part hereof. .._..._. } ..... _...... ot_ l subject sub v. Said improvement ia.. ..� n__asked for. upon petition of three or more owners of 1 pro ierty, j • to assessment for said improvement. ..... ..... � uxa�oncr,o ublie Works. , I - COUNCIL FILE NO.......................... -- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-...:.anaat.ructin3..a....c:a;nenA... ale:.-s.iclavla�lt. to.A..36dt.]'#.:.a ......� sia..S.eet...an.:.hoth.sides..ai..Latuth:'..St.....frnm..Hatch.:3t...... o-_Drchard...3t......,.: ...._................................... 6 3 RY.._l l , 1917.....::........... under Preliminary Order ....�:.._4...Q........... ...... '.........approved ........... Intermediary Order --- ........................: .......... : -....approved .......... .................. ........ d .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;" - —. therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said,Cttv,le.:... COnstruCt„_a., cemldn,t„_tile ;;eidewe3.�k, .to a,,. with; .oI'....tai,�c.:.I'e@L....on .b9 h..ai,de@ of..Louth: St,, from _Hstch.•.St, to• O;chard 3t.•,_ _.. .......... and the Council hereby orders said. improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pubic Works be and is hereby'instructed and directed: td prepare plans and speciflcationa for. said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said ipiprovement in accordance. therewith. Adopted by the Council.__ .. �u .. �.. .. ._ 191.......: 7 �v _. .... .. ... ... r ' : ! �. ....: city erk. JUF -1r7 igi7 Approved ......:.. . ......................... 191 a_ r"•inon« .. .1"b eume:d1 -Mayor. .gleed, BY the Connor of tbo Ctty Couneilm Farnsworth s Lam that the Precise nature, •z. Mandtgaed tins: of tmprovom•at to be _ - CO11nC11ID 4088 - Y the said city. is construct-a - - cement tW aldewalk to a�width or dz Councilm Hyland feet on both .Ides of terWIdth from - '' Hatch st. to Orchard at.,. and the Cfrom Couneilm Keller rn hereby order■ ■ata improvement n- Councilma McColl bto e made. Beesivea Tuner. That tk.--txw.f•.- , Conncilm -Wun3 rltcir- .toner of ttubnc work. be anq be to _ here” fnstruotha:ana Nreetea to Drs. 'Mayor Irv' are Olson ens aWaidcatloa••for atld Y �mDraeem•at. and. aabmlc etm• W ne .. . � .- Oeatteq fer aDDrentlt that-ppoa said. . ' = . Form B. S. A. 7. aDDra►a1 the greyer. city otflsere am hereby a•tberland directed WD,.. ' seed. With the making of •std Improve: - - Ment to accordaaoe therewith'•. Adoptee. by the Connell July 17 I2t7. ADprorad Jul 1217 c=TY'OF ST. PAUL— �', G,' N- `G �, � t Office of die Commissioner' of Public .Works. .a - Report to Commissioner of Finance m ..... may To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of 5t. Pahl: The Commissioner, of i`uhlic Works, Laving had under consideratipn the preliminary order of the Can"• 16430 May lith ?, relative to..... _,_ ... Oil, known ns Council Filo No....._..... approved ._ ...... oonstructiEL(r._a_oe eat tile._aide�alk:_to a,wid!�_of_RP; feet_• ..... ._...... .......... on both sides' of. Louth' St from Hatch St.,,_to Ur hard St. .........._ _. _:..._ . _ ._._.. ted the nmtters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investiga • .necessary and , or) desirable . 1. Said improvement �s.......... � , 66¢ per lir al foot 't"K'tX .., and ' 2. The estimate, cost thereof, is $.__.._ .—_ and the total cost thereof is $ .:.._-_-.•. the uatui•e and extent. of said. improvement is as follows: .... ...... ..... .._„_. ... ... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvements is hereto attached and made n part hereof. .._... _. v. Said improvement ie._ ............. ..... ,.asked for np ll petition of -three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improyement. _r.. _... , ... Commis net• of Public Works. /� ---------- COUNCIL ---- COUNCIL FILE NO....,. By FINAL ORD) R In the Matter of cont3tructing a cement i e aidevl��k to Q with 9 .. feet•..on,._the--•east,• aide• of Forest .5t„•• beg•.nni,ng•-_et:;c.jtc:..St.a..ahesloe.....�: south.:.� 46:. f 4et ............................................................ ........ . ... .: .. I under Preliminary. Order .................. • npproied - ........ M8y 28} i.Q� 7. •. , ....:...... Intermediary Order .. ........... approved ..:.... ....... .. A. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having. heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, By the Council.of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to -be made by the said City is..:P.onstruat:,.a. cement..ti1.e...sidSVa11C..to.-H_..Width...oif. eiT_ feet `.on...the.::.ea.at.. aide. of.._Fareat::..St...... beginning..a.t...Paciflc... St, .:--.1 thence south 146 feet ,, "east side ..9• ^• - a rat Paeldc al:. u;oo. - radar PrellminnrY brdm'. - I roved Ata> 29,. 1917 `. .....................................:. public Learluff btvlui hes: . .pon.the. above Improvement up0 vnoticr4. and the .council havlhs-h :.._........,. ...................... ali pere0ns• rObjection9 and to - f ' datioolns relative literate, ..d'*b'., ff ly It f0nsldared the: same; theref I ...................................... .... Resolved. ny the counen of thr - _ - -of at Wul that the precise` r and the Council hereby orders said improvement t4teat ane kind of improramtn - ode Urlhe sold City is con KE vOLVED FURTHER, That the Ct uunissioner u"` ae'e ewi old. of ^nr�dl'I hereby instructed and directed l;lans and specifications for said iiuprovem� r Pacific SL.ncll ams to the Couneil'for approval; .. this it ai_ apr.roval, the proper city olliciub; are hereby authorized ane directed to proceed with the maki> g of said improvement in accordance therewitli.- 7 t7�1 `' ; Adoptee by the Council., . Jull _� 191 l` J i city k. Approved.....:.. ill. �_... ..+9 7....... ...,191 f f` • ,............ Mayor. , . / Councilm Farnsworth — Councilma Goss Councilma I Hyland Councilma Beller J Councilma . \IeColl /'r%� ( Councilma Nvugtkrhelt— � Z Mayor Ir4. vi Form B. S. A. '-i. i TU irI HUitUi4ABL$`.IVI 1. t Council of. the Cit% of. St- Paul, )� . vent err:en: a vie, the undersigned citizens and property onners;, living in the neighborhood of Forest Street and Pacific' ;(venue, tide city, do hereby petition your honornble body th»L rm or ler be given for a sidewelic to be laid -on the Toutheest corner of Forest Street sn-i Pacific Avenue: (property owned;by one Ole Holt) .there,being no sidewalk. on Forest Street at this particularpoint, which iidewals is necessary for the .comfort and convenience of pedestriene. 308 Foregt-St f,'q y- :-- ,ifLt�z - - - _306 Forest St_ a. / COUNCIL FILE NO By.......... _ FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of..... rQQ.onatrUCti.ng,. relay ing..and..repair-ing...tha...cement .............. t.u-a:...a.idetslalk..:to..-a--.Width .of..:e-i.x...f-aat...nn.-:the...asst:...e.ida...oi..park...aYe..... ..... fr-Q�.;•�1!.C.amQx.Q.:.St...:.Lk1e3xCe...IaQ.XSki...t.sa:..a1.1.eY.-..aFASA.aimstaly.-.1.5A..-f.aet,.-,:.:.: •.....:... ................ ..............:......._................... .. ............. ..... .'.....::............... ...................................... ..........._....... ..: ............................ ,............... ......................... -......................................................................... . - under Preliminary Order ..186$4........'. .................approved.......MAY..2!k•-191..7 ........ Intermediary Order :....:. .....approved. .......:, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon, due notice, and the Council having, heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,-By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of,improve• hent to be made by the said City s.R.@copQ-eruct,-., relay,.and reps-ir the cement._ 11 e•__ eidf?t�liC. to.,.a..W«lth;-of.-.efa,.feet .on'the east aide of Park Ate. irom. ..-, Sycamore ...qt.....t.'hellCe:f#orth-.to ,ei. ev anaroximate50 Jeet, •No.. 17694- - he Matter ofreconatrucd¢a•, relay- iK and-reDalrinz tha eema¢t tile..:...........:......- ......:....i.......... . ............................................,dewa,k : to a width or slz tact on .. - -"" ""-" -"" -he east elle of Park Ava.'trom BYo- .moreat:, .thence north to allay. aD-- ........ .. ....... ....:: rozimate[Y-160 'tee2 under PrAllm-•••'-^ nary. Ordrr: 18664, approved 99a7 91,: - � 1917. .. I A public bearins havfnibsea• had.:-................ :... ........................ ........ ......... ..................... ..... •plea and the ,council having,heard,, -Don, the above !mDrovem nt npoa dnr and the Council hereby-orders said improvema.Denon i oh�•ctlan. aaod: recommea- Ily c ra aired -..thereto, aad havfaa RE OLVEA FURTHER, That the Couunitlat 'nonaa•r.d n,• saw*. therefore., hereby instructed and directed ;.,.rc plans and apecif3catioua for said itfer'.°pini 13Y the pria°L.le uann,C••1`o the Council. for apptroval; that .nd kin° of a' -p Ott to proceed with the making `.-ai� approval, the proper city officials argp by she-ams ens l.:raconar•. and W Dat, fn 1 [ t "t-! of said hnprovement in accordance therewith. - In•a P } ,. r aldo ted b the Council... -..lul 7 lat? 191 i` ""y r / � t CiEy Clerk. Approved ...,U1 I- 1917 ......., 181.....-. V _............... _ ... ........................• .. Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth Councilm Goss Colnlcilin Hyland Councilm n'Keller Councilm u McColl Council Wullde4ieh-- \fayor Ir in Form B. S. A. 8-7. ' _ Office of� the Conn si io ier of Public oaks Report to Commissioner or ' Finance • .: �:......__._ �fune..�?:t�-::-__.�. ;.191.7 'Po the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. PnuL 'Phe Commissioner of Public Works, having had under, consideration the lireliminmy. order of the Call". 16684 May 34th _. __. 1917 .., relative tn..,..._ eil, known as Council File No ------- .-- . _..npproved . _ ...___. 1 reoonetruoting, relaying and repairing the cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet,on 6 at side•: of Park__Ave frog Sy_canore.St ..... ........ _.__: and having investigated the in and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Said improvement is ----.-..necessary and (or) desirable. 1• 660 per lineal foot XXX •L.' 'Phe estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is lil...-_. __._ and _._._...... the nature and extent of said improvemFut is as follows: . _....... ............ .... ...... ..... �...__ I A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. not asked for upmi. xtition of lhres or more owueta of, property, subject v. Said improvement te_ 1 ' to assessment for said improvement. . _ r����7f LSC• _::�1....� ,._.. . __ ___ .._ .. _ _ _ Cc tiw er of Public Works. ---- ------ - r 1 — COUNCIL FILE NO ...... sy................ ....... ..... ....... . :.. FINAL ORDER In the clatter of.....Gh9Xlg1.l78....Qf the., grade.,•of. GTi_gge St.t•,•f1om.,8dmund••_Sta to..Thoa.,.S,;,..to conform to•.the rod.Gine...on,.the,profile..hereto_ _.:,,.• attached andmade a part hereof, the present. grade being represented..by.the plus line _hereon, .... ..:....: ::....... ........................ under'Preliminary Order .::........146.4.6 ............:approtell ._.. :k'.etl.:...1*...1.81.7... ........ ....... ' Intermediary Oiler.......... .. ........... .... approved :...... ........ ................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly,considered the dame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..:.....change ...of .... the ...grade of...GX199 a-.•S.t•... ,.from Edplu.Ad...St.,•,.to_.Thoma S ,.._to :conform to the red line on the profile hereto.. attached..and..made a part hereof -1-the present grade being . represented by the blue line thereon, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESebvE15PMHER,at the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificationsfor said ilnpSev�3--tdthe"Council for approval; that gpgp avid approval�lhevfope c ty officials are hereby authorized and directed o 9 J. - of said improvement in accordance therewith / Adopted by the Council. JUL.... _ , 191..... ' . � � � .• � (/ ......:..........:. 1 •� City Clerk. 1111 17 Approved......... ....... .- , g 1 tluT raDresented dyhthe"Gtr •- - •'- - ':...... ........ a Pero d Pretlmla1 y Or .. Mayor. - A� -i1 le 'boDroved a'ab. 1,1391.2 - A Public bearinp havina .upo has - COnnCll 9II Farnsworth - Anon the above prove at nDoa ane' Council an Goss ncpn, and the Couactt hsduft hard' all: DerLon•, objections and:rscotnm•h- Cotmcil an Hyland tuul°�°euoia: `ea ini nem•`:°w•hr:ioiax; Councilz an Keller be It Resolved, By the Cooncli or the Council an McColl city of SL 1Paul that the Precis• na- to`bo-made by the sal& City DIF chs ga - . - - Of the grad/�--of: oriRea 8t. from F.d-• - - Mayor in munmat to 'rhomae at„ to couferm to the red Ilne on the Profile he et - - teehed-)Ind made:' 1 Aereot.— Foria B. S. 8-7. - 1 PreaenP grad• be1nR represented by tba'- blue 1lno theroolin ani .$be. Council hereby ordon$ Bald Improvement to be j made, - - AdoDtud by the Council July .17.-19 V. - ADProved JIY 3T If 17. ,1--y -,- af17) i a.: ass:. L We, the undersigned, being all the property owners on both sides -of Sf�eef Cj�i99s.•treat between hirdo7m dstreet, and 7&0j7OS,in the City of request St.Psul, de hereby the City of St.Paul to change the grade -of laid street in.accoraaree with the profile hereto attache;!:; marked.Exhibit "A",, and made A part hereof, and us further request cua1.t the plans, specifications and contract for the grading:of said street be amended so.as to authorize and require the grinding thereof in accordance with the saiki attached profile.' i,. In consideration thereof, vie and each of u.a hereby waive any objeotione to the asseosment to be levied for ,th,eegradinjj; of said street, and all in- formalities in connection therewith `and as to the manner, method or prooe-; i t c, dure of naking said improvement.or said_aa-eamr,,ent, and do hereby waive any claim of damages -against the City of St.Patil for or on eccount of the gra- di ng of said street in accordance rith -aid attached profile,' i, It? T -FITNESS- rHFP.FOF, Re have hereunto s'et our hands and wale tk i s_day of 1915« Vane and Andress ' Description of Property of Pr�erty ^wirer ��7 'Lot Block__ _ �Addition S _ �2� COUNCIL FILE NO........ .... By....:..... ................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter oi.... grading...Sue..St...•.fr. m..Fairmotins...AYe.-••xn...l;.aodsieh-:Aga:-.,- ........................................... .......:. under Preliminary Order .....1fi:52S....... .:............approved ....................................... Intermediary Order ......................:: ............Approved ........ ........ ......... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon-due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; the be it RESOLVED, By the Council ;of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind-of improve. - meat to be made by the said City is....Pra.de...Sug ..$.t....'.from..�irmaunt ,.Ar.a... to ...'.. - _7 GootlTfch...AoB ........ _..:......,._........ _.... __ �......:. from ....... ......_........:__ .- .:... .ter 1. �pp c-. K h mint ❑+pen bad.... . t Im punch aV upon due - i he council h�a911e heard _•.••• .......... .. ...... ... .... ...._ _ .. objections and racommen ...... .:... i - - ?us relative thereto,and harla6 l considered tht same, therefore. 1. Paul By In. d Balsa nature 4 - mdkipd'.of-Improvement ,to ., ............ .. -.._ ;.. .. .... _. .... .by the aid City ia-itrode sue at: .. `slrmo..t Ave to (ioodrtch Ave. anB the Council hereby orders said improvement', Council Tereby oraera Bald 1n'. - tent to ba -made RESOLVED FURTHER, That, the Commissiotto=dPtttI lltc tivo i ata: aoa' nmei is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imprtA°; ^a„a ,ate p°:iroR:A+^'re to he Council for approval-'that upon said approval, the proper city officials are h��u� opmv►tb�rMand directed to.proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council.. AUL 17-1q'17........... .... 191 . ...... .... .......{.... .:.................. - City Clerk. Approved......... .......................... ......:, 191.......1 .................._........._.................__.................:... ............._ Mayor. tCotmci in Farnsworth Couacilm Ooss Cotmeihn Hyland Councihn Heller J Councilm �SeColl 1 ncilm Wu Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7. Office of the- Coi bssio�er- of Public Works - r 44VC� • % s��-vtt 'Report to Commissioner of Finance June and, 7 _.......... ........... .J97..:... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City,of St. Paid: ' 'File Commissioner of Public `vorkn, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cou]'- 16538 ov�d.... '`ay..19tl].+....:... 19l �.., reLiUve to........ Cil, know]' as Council File No._...... .. _ nppi• *he•..•gredjn�. of_:°ue ,street,• from _Fair2ount Ayenue_.to Goodrich _A_ve - 1 ......... ............. .......: :........ . and having investigated the mutters and things referred to thermiu,'hereby reports: ], Said improvuuent is necessary )I and (a•) dvairable. 95¢ per frgnt;foot 467.39 ....._; and tile cost thereof is $.._... _. ......, slid 2). 'Clic estimated ;cost thereof to $ -'-- , r 1 Assess. Frontage 493 ft.: Excess inspection. X9.16 the ]']'lure and talent. of said improvement is as follows: .. _.. __. _... 3 A plan„ profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made apart hereof. d: 5. Said,improvement is ... .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, -subject to assessment for said improvement. r. - t;01111 . ioner of Public Works.' i I� St.Paul, Minn. May llth�1917. To The Honorable City Council, f�LC'�� CEJ T. StPaul, Minn. NAAY l i 191I Gentlemen:— M. N._ GOSS, Be the undersigned residents and proIRA 11%YW1PBNuCWO„.&8 of StFaul, Finn.. do hereby petition your honorable body to cause to be graded at the earliest possible moment, Sue Street between \Fairmount and Goodrich. Respectfully submitted; IV )4-f- 771,4111 �, A V. ��✓/n^r Cts ,.«, �..< ' COPY. We ; theundersigned, being all the property owners.abu,tting on ierebyauthorize sue street,_ be Feiraourit and Goodrich avenues,-do'k' and empower the Pit ^f Gt....psul.to enter upon our re_spectives properties -. and take such easements for slopes.and for cuts and fills as may. "be nec'' essary'for the giading of Sus atr.eet to the established grade, and in con- sideration of the grading of said street, we and each of us do hereby . St Paul from any and .all damages br release and discharge the,CitY of claims for damages arleing or growing out of; tie taking. of the easement for slopes or the grading''of said 'street: 1 Pro ertY Owned. Name H.G. Robbins. N Blo I Underwoods Iau Lot 24 Blo Louis A. Gilbert. 2 do. F. Cool I882 Goodrich Ave R. . Lot I Elpc 2 ,ndirwoode Annie Nelson Lot 2 Block i Under roode Add- i M: N. GOSS. COMIAISSION[h "P 7 OOUnLEY. D[.UTT - - - r6 . N ObRil O P [ 6PRB.N [N01N[[P - .,. "7 1 •l+a.. Y,me 1[ 1917. "' - :d:0. Goss, Co.:::ilscionc27 o� 'uilic Works 0.1 coot -or :c -:: -. G -ac ;t. ro::: GU... �_vo. to Goo':rich -vc., in acc Grdance _'i'le 11752H, ,-;-oved :al;; 19, 1917. 0 lr:z.tG so7.49 saes:.a.b1e G;St .tee 493 .. jo_. f; 02 .O' v fo of .�..1� 1. -iiiccr i. w • R , COUNCIL FILE NO... FINIAL :ORDER In the 'Matter of conetructi meat-.AAIA_0.�.d.4l.Wlki.ks; tQ...a...�41.dtkt...nf nE:.s... o e A15 feet -.on the. south-a-ids.,-af••Peaxl',-St ,,.beginning,-at.-.Cromweij ;Ave . thence... eset...190 feet, t,o,;connect-.-present_ronstruct.ed 'under Preliminary Order . _ 1.6"7.3[1 .. _ approved " May .28r .1917... j. - Intermediary Oder... p . approved _.. ..... A public hearing having been had upou the above iiuprovetnent upon due notice, and the Council having €r heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOT.VEI7, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- - Ment to be made by the said City is.....Const,T.uc-t',..s....cement..-t.11.e. "Bidewalk...t.o,,.a Width....._ of 4.5 feet---on,the:.south" side_of Pearl.8t beginning at •Cromwell Ave,,.."_ connect -present ;,.conatructed walk, _.................... .................................... ..................... •and the Council hereby'orders said improvement to be made. PF.-OLFED FGRTTIER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed �, L..aire plans and specifications- for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that - ai apTrovnl, the proper city afiicialit are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in', accordance therewith. -- Adopted by the Council. , i t City q -� , I�J1 �-7 r'7 /1 .%pproved fully lune o considered 'the ata � �-•�-� '"" i •nu. s.•ntr•_ Mayor. tally.. considered the same; therefore.. �� Council n Farnsworth - Iit t By the capndt of e . city . of at Paul that the precia9 nature. ea- 6 �•OlmCll n (re3A teat and" kind of Improvement' to be - made by, the said City is constructs Council u H}'land cement tele sidewalk to a width area feet on the south aide of. Peari St. be- - Council all Kellet" ginning at Cromwell Ave., thence east 190 feet, to copnect present constructed - Couneill all It - walk, and the Council - hereby orders - said Improvement to be made. - Cotiiti'ilf •tlidt— Resolvedlharthar,: That the Commis. eloner of Public Wotke be and he Js Mayor I CIn hereby Instructed aad. directed to pre. paro plana aqd: specifications for said ' Improvement, and submit same to - the - FOrla B. S. -1: d -i. Couae11 ror, approval; 'that apDoa Bald - - apDroval, - a Proper city on care ars - hereby authorized and directed topro: ...d with the making, of sold Improves ment to accordance therewith. — - ' Ailopted by l e:Council July 17, I917. - - - Approved JulY:17. 1917. - -_ - (July 21-1917) „ -- CiTy Or Sy. PAUL ` 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G ON PRELIKINAN Y ORDER .(P) In the Matter of Conatructing a cement., t.il,P .6ideymllc. to a .width__of. the ,south side of,Pearl $t, beginning, at Cromwell Ave,. thence east ...... 190 Peet to connect present constructed walk.'' under Preliminary Order approved May 28� 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -_ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - .......... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 5.0....49 p_@s_.linsal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as but reported by the Assessor. are as -follows: _ DESCRIPTION LOT (LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 76 St. Anthony Park Minnesota 828 s - y I TOTAL. 828 The Commissioner of finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter bythe Commissioner of Public Works - Dated_.._ ....._ Commissioner of Finance. Fn— II, n. 13 ' Office of the Commssher of Public -Works = _ Report to Commissioner of Finance June To the Comfuissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hadunder conshleration the preliminary order of.the Coun- eil, known its Council File approve(] 99Y AM,_ .........191 7...., relative to_-.............. . constructing_, cement the sideralk to a width of 4.5 feet on the south side of Pearl St. beinnin at Crotsvr 11 five. thence east 190 feet, to connect present conetructed' vials: aiid having investigated the lmatters and things, referred to therein; hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.:... ...:....necessary and (or) desirable. 49¢ per lineal .foot The estimated cost thereof is $_ and the totalcost thereof in and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows .......-. :S. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement. is heret,u altaehi?tl and ninde it Part hereof. 1. .. ... _. . 5. Said haproveuient is... nOt......._..._asked for upon petition of three or more onners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... ...:__..._........... .......... _ _......... .... Cpminissim �r of -Public orks. ________ _______ _ _ 4 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ... .. -... By...: - FINAI; ORDER In the flatter of...... F.econstTl3Ct.ing.:.c.ezent....widem-us...and...drA'P..o:IFQy tSi'..A,—WO- I of._,aix,;fegt,,on the:..souxh:•_side.••af;,•Selby.,.Av.... ...A inaina...on.. hundred_,,,.,... feet.• weat of Oxford St., thence west 24 feet, ..... ... ... ....... under --PreliminaryOrder ..:...167.57.... .......... .:. .afpprowd . ..MAY .28,., 1.917.... ..... Intermediary Order approved ..... ...... A public hearing bfiving been had upon the above iln.proveincnt upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully, considered, the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be' nude by the said City isWidQ!!1.4.1..X AT1a...dr4.4�!613t �G.......: s width. .o.ri.. the Southside of,:_.01bY. hundxe.d_.f..eet w..eet__01' .Axford at, theno'.urest,24..feet................. ..._;..... ......... .. .......... .r...r - .,.- the'Council hash - .iow oblactfand tach . relativs tharetonec. and L ................ ... ....... . ,nafderaa tba aamaL stet. , and the Council hereby orders said improvement re, nl tha Council of tha wt tpat the 9ne ve manor• RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissio{Y kind n cu°yois map hnd is hereby instructed end directed to prepare plans and specifications for said impr f+�� ��ei o the .0u1: .me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the ro er cit officials are Iva beginn° n% one h; Ud directed to proceed with the making i; p PP proper Y nifora at.. thence of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ci! De ma y, rd' Adopted by the Council. l)`. _ .191. +� !• ... < City Clerk. JUL 117 il�7 Approved ..... ... .... ......... lel....... j, A./t../� . ............. Mayor. Councilman arnaworth un- - - Cocilman oss - Councilman Jyland Councilman teller Councilman feColl 7 ( ColneihIn•in_ati .Vamderlich 3l¢por —ff Form B. S: A. •7. r cm er'ST. Mut..; DEPARTMENT OVI"INANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSONER OF FINANCE ON PREuMINAT1Y ORDER - - 7 ' d In the Matter of reconstructing cement_sideamik and_drivaway_to..e....wid.th.....af - six feet,. on:_the._south aide of Selby Ave. beginning. one. _;hundred:._f_eet ____.... west of j0xford St._ _thenbd weet 24 feet. _. j under Preliminary. Order approved _ May 28, 1917:.-o -- ............... To the Council of,the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is b- �.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S'...0.•.-06—P-r__.c@9. �t The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for,such improvement..and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D e 5 C RI PT10N LOT. OIL CK ACDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 3 6 Roger Ia.Addition tO St,Psu1 — 3425 1 'l -..... ". .. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matter, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public. Works. Dated��...... ... .... :.141._. Commissioner of Financia. . - For., Office: of the Commissidher of: Public. Works Report to-Commissioner of Finance. June 7th, 7.. To the Commissioner o:Finance of the City of St. Paul i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considerationthep i0iminary order of the Coun- . cil, known oq Council File'No.1...- _ ...._...approved ...__ .Ley 31 t?1_..... ..... ....:191.1 7, .relative to.._. ...... reconstructing the cement sidewalk anal driveway to_. a width of .... ... _...... eix,f.e.et...-on.:.the ...seuth....aide ..of_..SalAy._..q.venue.-..hetrinni.ng:... one..::.hundre feet._preet._ of._ Oxford . $t- ...t.kience....:wes.t....2.4 f.ee.t.:.... owl having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,'. hereby reports: 1. Said improvement .is..... ....... ... .__necessary and (or) desirable. u Side-zalk.66¢ per lineal foot . 3. The estimated: cost thereof is $.. .............. and the, total coat thereof ix k...L.... . _ _,.....:., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follow.. ... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said intimoveineut is heretu attnehmimnd made a part.hercof. d. 5. Said improvement is_._ not " " "" asked for upon petition or three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Connn' sroncrof if tic Wmkx. r- -----: '1 COL\CIL FILE \0... FINAL ODDER In the Matter ,of.;...re.canstructing, .relaying ...and: ..repairing.:the ...cement ...... t.he....est-si.de:...of....Gaul-tier ..:St, from__Froi}t,.$t.A thet}e..,north.,sPRrpxi�ratel.X:.?,8.feeE.;. ........ . , f ... .. under Preliminary Order .16683. .:. :....:..... .approved .. _May. 2.4....1.91.7 ..... . .......... Intermediary Order.... approved.........................- A public hca"rin6 having be1n had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,.be it sl RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve• ntent to be made by the said City is .....1Lecdnstxu.ct....r.elay-and. repa.ix the...oemefit the ,s.id.ewalk..:t.o.a �id.th. of.six feet on tne. peat side of Cra.latie2 St. from; Fro,r}t...S.. ..thence.,north .a.pproximately 78 feet, ............... i ...... .... ..'.:.. _. _. . and the Council hereby orders 'said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FLRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and, specificatins.for said improvementand submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making ° of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. Jul i ..... . 19_17.. 191. .......:...1 • City Clerk`., JUL ?'� 1917 I Approved.:... ....... . ... ......... .............. .. 191 �ouell .'l uy obleutloae baring - iatlYe and recon......h'I8 Or..•.. ' •.neldarad the�ito•anthere y . "led. nY the - Councilm n Farnsworth �dw that then coni; i0r the Councilm Coss by ei"daj�. �merorem"tl°pti to Councilm Hyland m nrwtdthth itlm ^re`.n.t ar Councilm n Keller - lee oorthnuItIer Si• rom aA'ron- " Councilm n'McColl , unca h' cb clnmaueiY ;s reef. J f nl to ba mn le rdera en,d'Itn• l`iJR11Sif® Cottttetl aLt1nt16!}+elr-- p b Icenryr That th con 'Mayor Il in 1'Ad d1miM io° °n 1e hetmec I r, t iamne to theald: tmp �t°ovamenn� Form B. S. . 8•Z aomcarrs am heretq at1 rthe '�r•Y•, b4ent ela lecoMtaha W i ylJbno,2817 .lu1Y.y+7: 1617. 81.1$17).:x'' ✓'.. CI OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMGI7 OF,:FINANCE 1'\ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMINITZY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing_ relaying and_ repairing .the._cement tile..___ sidewalk to ,a._width_ of six feet„ -on he sst...side_ of Gaultier Front St. thence North approximately ?W feet, _ _................... under Preliminary Order approved May 24, ..191'7, -. - •--- -- 'To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance h—by igporta follows: - - - - - .The total estimated arriouot of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ` The estimated cost peoo riot the above improvement is { The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or e parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are_ld follows:` e ME S C R I P TI ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION At3lE6BED VAILUATION 4 47 Auerbach &.Hands Addition to the City of St. Paul 7300 TOTAL. 7300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and - hereby submits the foregoing lis his. report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by. the Commissioner of public Works. 'Dated. -191_7..(/l._._. �' Commissioner of Finshce. .:r _ Of ce,�Qf the. C issianer of Public W,orks \ r .Report. to Commissioner of. Finance " To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pa at: ThrY'onuuissioncr of Public �Vm•ks, having had under consideration the hrelh '1 ii order of the Coun-- 16683 M 34th, 7 cil; known as Council File No.,____ .... ...:...approved ........ .: _ _...._1J1.__::, relative to...._ reconstructina. relavino and reuairina the cement _tile_._sidega.,k to a vidth of six feet on the rest si3e of Gaultier Street frost' Front __:. ... ..:........_ .. ....... Street thence north approximately 78 feet.-, b:..._.. ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to thereial, hereby reports: 1. Said inilwoveiuent is.... ...... .._.necessary and (or) desirable. i 66¢ per lineal foot The estimated coat thereof is $_ .. � alit] the total cost thereof is }_.....:_xYXY:: •a ....... and the nature and erten of said improvement is as follows: ....... ..... _ , .......... ......:.. .... __ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pint hereof. 4. ....... ... ...:... ........._ _.. ......_ ..... . -. _....... r . _.::. .... ......_ J. Said improvement is:_:. -:...not ,___asked for upou petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. �r ..................... A CoInissiouer`Uflublic Works. r JJ ((. ---------------------- COUNCIh FILE AO.......... ? '7 i 1 _ By............ ... _..:..:............. ...... ...__.... ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter 4k 15,tom. 9A:.COF!C...Amt.._ .- Weet.•from..Carter Ave,to Langford Ave and on.Kitiapp Pla e. from ..•__ Como Ave. West to Knapp St. ..............::. ................:... .... .... ... ... ........................: ........:. Hader Preliminary Order ..1.4285.... _..........._..approved ..... 7an.....5,...1.91.2.... .:.... Intermediary Order .. .... .... ...... approved...._.._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having — heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and 'having fully considered the .game; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- -is to be made by the said City-is..,Conatruct.-a...etATSB::31taL:CT.. rP1lef.. 8ewer.:.on.: Como Ave... West. from Carter Ave, to Langford Ave. and on Knapp Place Dub(.-., ".grim havlai Uaat.'•' -' 1 \ ... .: ' the aheVe ImprovementhV h 4 .:.._. .. ...:... ............_ ............ .. _.......... and the Council ha.Lur hex < . r■enk obJactfane and —onuo a . t - a relat/ve j the reut condde»d thme; tha a.ia� ... ....:.. rtred, BY the Council of the oft - kat that. the precl■p-nature. ai - - : • .- .. .... _.. ..,. - _. ynd kind of Improe oat to be ._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to yy. the Bald cltr la�coneefuat a y p neer en t ee er on Como Ave — from Carter Ave: to tnngford ; - RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Conlmissioner nd an Knapp Place tram .Como eby instructed and directed - et to xnapp St., &ad the Can" to prepare plans and specifications for said improvelo r orders Bald tmprovoment to (Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby ,., Y"°pj;r11. That tha� �ml"to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Conneil. ....... 191/ , r ..... .................. JUL 19 !917f/ 4 City Clerk. Approved.......... . ...:. ................, 191......:: – f0:.....`..- ..-..1................ Mayor. , Councilman Farnsworth Councilman ,(loss -- Councilman Hyland t Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8.7. • rr ON 'OFFICE OF JOHN`I. FARICY. CITY CLERK July 17th. 19M S. A., Fn h R IISS rnewrt � o9r•r. Com. of rwnsoe. Building. Dear 'sir C - Enclosed please find petition of remonstrance filed by property -owners along, property affected by F. 0. 17600, sewer on Came Ave Shat from Carter Ave. to Langford and on Knapp Fins* from Come Ave fleet ts. Mapp Bt. which Council referred to you this date -to check and report back July 19th..1917. Yours truly, City Clerk. i# of tart ;AIt - OFFICE OF JOHN I.'FARICY: CITY CLERK July 3rd,1917 Hon. lt. N Coag, .. C.omr. d Public Works. , f 1aa 1Sir:— Attached order for a storm water.rellef smror on Como Ava. C F. 16881, .me laid over to July 17th, 1917, and roferred to you, to,nsvo the,Chiof Engineor investigate Whether this aoecr can be laid und!r the bculevard. Very respectfully, City. Clerk (gag of Vit. Vain �epnr}ltlent of Tub is Works m N. DOSS, COMMISSIONER f' [].0 .CL U. I. .1 [ t _ _ P T GOURLEY. Off—I _ - [Y./.0 o. [a6 4ttR. - .....D,.,,.. 1917. v oo[rsl......u., - - - 8t_. ; Paul., Minn..' July 6 , . f..[.D o. 0.....11.1. - N[a.oLn. I Yr. X. PT.. GOBS Commissioner of,.Public Works Dear Sir„ Reforring)to attached letter under date of July 3rd from the City Clerk to yourself with reference to the relief sewer on Como Ave. West between Carter Ave, and Langford Ave. and on Snapp 21ace from Como Ave. West to Enapp.St.,.will say that I 7find.upon investigation that'it will be possible to put a relief sewer in the boulevard between Carter Ave. and Commonwealth Aver paid it w311 have -to be put _onta the.Mmttsrey School' property from Commonwealth Ave. to Langford Ave. L can see no objection to doing this he it will not interfere with the property for school purposes. However, _it is to be borne in mind that the condition of the sewerage at the corner of Carter Ave. and Como Ave. West hich is the primary cause of the call for this relief sewers will be made worse when the pavement is in,than 1t is now, therefore, while this sewer is not absolutely necessary to build before the paving is laid, it is quite desirable that it should be built as soon as possible. Yours very truly,* Do /I&. Chien Engineer >... M OFFICE OF JOHN I.'FARICY. CITY CLERK y 3rci, rc �..icr for e0o nater roliet ow. of .o 1 1 .,. 1 ' d a } to c de CITY Or.ST. PAUL ' OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFCOMMIS,SIONER OR FINANCE,/ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i4-,.` ,7 . In th atter of`r�'/(t%�?{ � �.[.-.Aa �� r,LG CW>;..�,�i'u/ ✓aarfy_... C,Ct���/ atfc- lu o� 3r s. ��� �ta� �- �� �=� under Preliminary Order approved.. �!� To' the Council of the City of St. Pau The Commissioner of Finance(hereby reports' as follows: The tgtal estimated amount of, the assessment for the abnve improvement is - $ - The estimated cost per, foot for the above improvement is $- - - -- The lots or parcels,of land that, may be.assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the, Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A' D O 1 T I O N- VALUATION 1 lido .� z,. .. TOTAL. Form n. B� 10 -:.. ',. •.. , ..... ., _ .:. _ .. -• ,.- . CITY Or ST. PAUL - - • ;' DEPARTMENT -OF-FINANCE l .! REPORT 'OF •COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION ( .4N LOT BLOCK. ADDITIO N' ASSESSED VALUATION f /2.7 f aay l y u fY all ` �• y� ¢, y� J�� y y� Ire, s� I TOTAL. . CITY. OF it, PAUL ,.' DEPARTMENTOF.FINANCE ': - - # • " ".�. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' . 1 OFSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION _ VALUAATTASSES-SIO ION �f as a a a"`� Ij-145 Ur'. "Z6, o 4Y� a Liu cl Z;t aZ) J.Z_ eel _ Zf 4z TOTAL -. -- - "' - CITTOP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT AF COMMISSIONER OF_FINANPE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, `(B) - I ... DESCRIPTION DITION . LOT' OLOCN' AD- -ASSESSED V ALUATION lz ✓" llZ fj 6,,-° sal TOTAL , CITY. Or ST. -OAU L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' t ► . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB1' r L DESCRIPTION -LOT BLOQN ,ADDITION - .. ,yALUATNIN 41, � ! s�$0 o all, yu Af �G c% dd ,�� d::2o �� �� ' G / ✓'J Jam' 12 —a . Al -2 Uur�fD+ry �1 is 0/ •T I'`U w G' r oz >>r i' z I'" o, y� I TOTO.L,... CITY -or ST. PAUL- AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER, CESC RIP7ION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED-- VALUATION._- 'z���(dar�G.�. d' y�`o -04 41e,. ell 1.2-21 Tim Commissioner of Finance further. reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated V 1917. oper o Finan .._ Commissioper of Finance. Nurm 11. S. 12 < f t a a LQs_4 / l�`�1` c' tfv Gov /L.. J ly.)-(.. { e.LA litg! of Pepurfinefit /af Public Works - ..... CLA......0 6 x[ - M. N, GOSS. COMM ISBI0NE9R ....A..1......... _R. T. GO?RLEY. G.—Y - _ - J.[ CARROLL. to - - - - -- .uR[Auo.Cox[1RYCilo A.. LIP[. I........YI1.. _ - " ■uRGu o1 8—TA1I.N - - - - - H. W. QDMING[R t - y ......o.c �;I.x. St. Paul, Minn.' Jan. 26, 1917. ;'°r.. ,. 11. Goss,, Commissioner. of Public Wor -�s Dear Si_,-` I transmit herewith prelifiinary estimate of cost 1'or the oonstruczion b;' a storm.water relief sewer on Como Ave. West from Carter Ave. to Langford Ave. and on napp Place from Como Ave. West to Knapp.St., -in accordance with Council File #14295,. approved Jan. 5•, 1917, also man showing the dreina`.e district. Approximate estimate -- a 468.00 Excess inspection necessary .x;100.00 For .the information of the Commissioner of Finance, I could add thatl:an e,rist.ing sewer on n the street iWorld be large erou&. to drain the abutting property only, and the service rendered by the new sower would bc.enerul over 'she district. Yourc vcryt)rul(y/, iy- LL n1.c:, Chief 1:nCineer t I MIDWAY INVESTMENT CO. 2228 CARTER AVENUE - ST. ,PAU L� HliiN. U7 Coe 1 Coe r SIU r tr S, it rt 1F.,it 9e. .7 r NLI7.QfpOSs. n ',•I -� BC ICwoq ! ' t .1; '> > i it '�a..J lr 'fr,�-. +lt. t> '1 1..F':n.l. a :•11 .. t t t f r_ a Ir t i I ., :. {l} it rn r n (ln r on ;ar ti rt r'; Y i !'71..)..,1, ct' I 1 rrt n� !:- nrn �L Yttl.r -V AflD WAY 14V 17 t f 'ti —CITY OF. SAINT PAUL,- - `DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ M. -If, Qops. COMMIff10N- .:tv 4 _ ROBERT•T, OOURLET. Dtrvsr Co.•liroxes OSCAR, CLIUSSEN C t J. L. CARROLL S/PT. Co+tji 10x Et Rtr+.+u. ALFRED JACKSON,:ST:- _ O. N. HERROLD O-1 E -s p Fli H. W. GOETZINGER, SIA1. WON. -01- - St. _ Paul, nn._ Dec. -30s 1916. Mr. M. Id. Gose, Commissioner of Public OTIM Dear Sir,- , With regard to the enclose& letter, this has been held. in abeyance for,some time, as.it will mean another relief seder,. but now that tho pavement of C.omo.Ave. West will soon come up for consideration by the Council it will perhaps be advisable to put in an order with the enclose.& letter attached. As per accompanying order,'it. will be necessary to lay an additional seder on Como.Ave. West,from Carter Ave. to -Langford Ave. and on Snapp Place -from Como Ave. West to Knapp St. to help out the conditions complained of. Yours very truly, 0C/tui. Chief Engineef (�rtm of #aint Paul OFFICE OF JQHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK July 17th. 1917. ,. A. Farnsworth, Esgr., Com. of Fininacs, Building. Dear Sir•— Enclosed please find'patioion of remonstrance filed by property owners along property effected by F. 0. 17600, never on Como Ave, West from Curter -Ave. to Langford and on linapp Place from Como Ave nest: to Knapp St. vbich Council referred to you thin date to check and report back July 19th. 1917. Yours truly (57 City Clerk. � 11 T f� To `ham Cosi^..il o." ti13 City o3 S:?a-al: • _t � rr ntl ezane The: untiersi;ned, rasidau: o:,.la y ri..r+_._ J1�3e assessment 3istriot of the public improv3rsent hereinafter described, apd constituting in the:aggrertr,ate more=thar. sixty per cent of the resident orners of 7-ro_ arty deeme.d. to be benefited by said pro_;osed improvement, hereby respectfully present to your Honorable '.ady their petition of, reuonstr:tnoe • a`ret s :i i ;,.rcvement, .and r.a _rectfully Petition that s.=.id improvement be not made. The ir..provement .o :rhich reference is hereby spade is "the corsl;ructing of a storm :nater relief sewer'on Coi::o Avenue Pest, from Carter Avenue to Langford Avenue and on Knapp Place from Coro Avenue Fest to �..yp Street, under preliminary order 4295_approved,January 5, 1917. Description of property all in Name Residence- St, Anthony Perk. Lot Block Frorta;e. _ 3r Oe- 7 7 �4_�__ BJ)ez(=Jl tiQn..o-f_opexty AU _ ---------------- - - - - =� -- n Evan on' a; Ree ra-ngement. 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Lot-B2.=L- Froatsg8 - - - - - - - 10.--------------____--- ---- -- 11 -- - -- - -- - - - -----•------- 13 -- --- - -- -- -- 13 14 - -- - -- -- - - -- - -_-- -- --- Y-- -___-- 15, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 --------- --- -- -- - -- - - 19 -- - - - - - - - - - 2.4_.. STATE C7 :H:77707A, County of Ramsey. _ c,..:e before die -e r sonally r.'. ba'.r.g first duly w7errr, on o.7.th denccses an:" s ys th,t ha is ore cf the aigrers to the fora:,ein� Y:etit-on of reion t-rl.nce, s r7 +z t re knots, of his own per.so :,l o- dye,-'hat said ore, r- :,etit on of remonstrance was irn„ d by-aE ---_�_ Subacribe n s n to afore e t::^,3s a if 3:y$� ,:.^ 1..17, _ -- - ,'Ot.^ .y Pu' I ,' !l. ay ilnty,. i -0t".. :�y .J...L[i�sion'el,'i::;:.-Mycommisson crf,uu A.a.....;,i•.,:: - PlTITION OF REM01TSTRANCE To the Council of the City of 8:iint Fault Gentlemen: The undersigned, resident owners of property within.the proposed assessment district -of the public improvement hereinafter described, and constituting in the aggregate more then sixty p'er cent of the resident owners of, property deemed to be benefited by said proposed improve"nt, hereby respeotfully present to your Honorable Body their petition of remonstranoe against said improvement, and respectfully petition that said. improvemeht be not made. The improvement to.whioh.referenos is hereby We ie 'the don- atruoting of a storm water_ relief sewer on Como Avenue Teat, from Carter AAmie to Langford Avenue and on Knapp Place from `Como Avenue Weet•U. Knapp Street, under preliminary order 4395, approved January 50 19170 Description of,-propesty all in St. Anthony Park Norij►. *Asidenoe Lot Block. Trontage.- E 3 ._ 4 5 J s ii lz 13 14 15 16' 17 18 19 20 name 2- Z n LD._ -- - - - - -A-7 - - -------------- T/ -pry �,i� � Lv �•'T �� ;\� j S' j ���_.ikl"� [(!-jd i!_ _�__ _ _ _ ��� 7 - - - --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------- �- ------------------ -- ------------ - - r- - -- —— --------- -------------------- —. --_—-------- — — —— — STATE OF ]dINVESOTA,$S ' County of Ramsey._ , cama before me personally and being first duly sworn, on -oath deposes and says that he is one of the , signers to the foregoing petition of remonetzanee, and that he knows of his own peersonal s� vleQge th.s 0:11d f oiiHg patiti !%q trance was t��I _--__ by -_- ------------_-- - - - -- Further saith not... $ubsoribq-d and sworn to before me this /6_d.ayof /July, A/.�D.,�1�917,vv `-'•�1� i Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My eomcnignlom expires<�'_� oZ6 PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE. To the Council of the City of -Saint ?aU: Gentlemen: The undersigned, reeldent owners of property. within the proposed assessment district of the public improvement hereinafter described, and constituting in the aggregate more than sixty per cant of -the resident `owners of property deemed to be benefited by said propoeed_Improvement.' hereby respectfully present to your Honorable Body their petition of remonstrance against said improvement,. and respectfully petition that said' Improvement be not made. The improvement to which reference to hereby made is ethe.eon- struction of a storm water relief sewer on Como Avemie.Tsst, from Carter ' Avenue to Langford Avenue and.on %napp-Pltaoe from Como Avenue,West to Knapp Street$ under preliminary order 4295, approved January 5, 1917. Description of property all. in St. Anthony Park Horth. Hama Residence Lot Block Trontaga. /v - - 141lr+�z� r�' .� v� �� j, ��.z�t•Cs.L 5' _ LD 11 L�a/ � , rdt a�—I- -t _ _ _ 3 � ! _ _-S-G-�' 13 - - - - - - - - _��- �_-T =z5— _�--��- 17. ----- -- ---- -- - - - - -- 18- - - - -- - - -- -------- --- - - - -- r 19 - --- - -- - - - - aq--- — -- — --- ---- -- ---- STATE OF HINNESOTA,SS' - - - - County of Ramsey. � , came before me personally, and being first duly sworn, on oath depo,oes and says that he is one of the sig;nere to Me foregoing petition of remonstrance, an(i th _t he knows of, his 0,.7n parsonrX knowledge- thF%t said foregoing gt;tition of remoiistr. miceaa:s. signed by = _',_ _'fie_, _�'_ �:_uie _o'_ s� _ r = �s_ar1 _ s '__e1 D Go;� � a). a` Zj i '.�-._:1'7...+L �_.• nom. u0;� ..i :.S Sc _� �T�* J ;'ilson,. -r- - in -s'= r='- C4 ; _9 _ -. - - - T. i?:`.';GOa�, _ _ _ --_ _ _ _ -_ --- --- _ - _ _ _ _ Further saith not. Subacaib PI any sworn to before me bG�-,,, this da of Jul A.D., 11317. Notsry Public—, Rarrheyunty# Minnesota. MY commission expires 94M4;U=aIj—on ,; : iPETITIOr OF P.ELM7S1R;r1C s To the Council of 'the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: j The undersigned, resident ovmere of property. 11rithin the proposed assessment district,,of .the public Improvement hereinafter described, and constituting in the 2grgragate pore th-An sixty per cant of the resident owners of property doened_to be, benafItodsby sail proposed iumrove"nt,. hereby respectfully present to your Ecnorabie Body their petition. of remonstrance against salki Improvement, and respectfully petition that said in;provemant be not rade. The irprovement to_,xhich raference Is,. hereby made its •the can - The of % storas itater rbliof .oevrer on Corso Avenue Vast, from Carter Awnus to i angford Avenue ani on Knapp' Place from Cor.* Avenue West to Knapp Street, under prelimlir ry order 4w1D5, approved January 5, 1917, Description of property all _in St. Anthony Pari NOrt4. Name Residence. Lot Block nantage. dub 5 -- ----�' -- - - -- ---- - - - - -- �- --- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- -- - --- ? -----. }- --- - - - -- - 9 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10--- - - -- - - 7 - - - - -- - -- -- - - 13------- --- --- - -L _ -•--- 14--------- --. - --- -- - - -- - -- - ------ - ----, -- --- .-- 17--- --- -- ---- 18 --_- - -- _ - - 19 - - - -_•- -- - -- -� -- - �_--- ----- 20----------- --- -- - -- --- STATE OF la"INTSOTA,GS County of Raassay. „ c,..ne before me ice-gomvlly end being firstduly scorn, on etr.th Jape% as . nm' a yn thtkt- ho to one or the signers to the roro?oing petition of remonatr•nco, ^nA thit ho.krowa of 'its o -in pari3crml knowledge that snl-3 torec,oin­ petition of rerionstxatire vffas F!md by -------------- --- --- --- ----- _ -' ----T j�---- F4irthrr with not. Subaarlbed nn,'! morn to,before ne this e71!!!i1y (I J Ory, .k.0., L917, Notary Public, m-raey Ocurty, mnn:^nota. "ry P7 IT n r. c :.. % ^il c_ .hc C1:} Qf S: in-. t G .._..... .,';ham u aer 1, :, _ _i3 is ne_3 cf o. e y °;3�hin the rro osad yes e ai rict o° tl tali ii ro i,n r rein -iter >o ri e3, wnd zo=titu in.; it the s ;rzG to = .__::. sixty cent of esl3ent ox e_s.c" _o:. Y ae....:ed to be benefited by 3d o_r.esa' i.: nova ment, he e'ay es e tF Illy rac l t tt y r i .ro Y i_ i'3o 6f r.1 r-!2.e..t:�l1Y netitio: r x.13 i. rav rt�a a ae is „ h c - b , of C .) t vane -est, frc Cw_ ter Tl C_1 + J nue _ : ..a fro: I Coo Avenue _„e oto - a unda1 zl� ..in r+, o .er �_. ;, c _ea J Trl Y �ea..i. it n of :o arty ell it A .hrny+ P rY 7orth, Rez .e:, Lo to k rcF c1.ta�e, ��-.-1-r�� ^c• r .� rr I ,ni r c..< s 2 / 3 S ��.,� - c�r �. —�— — - y � — — "�O -G � . C° 0 /G'r� oteif 0I ,�.1'1r �v%G•-; ,.�.a. _ _� z 3 q Cc-,-. �y...�...:.1.7y __ ! tr '�-... �i 3 �_ J'eo f,cu,, �ou.�. 3 4 G 3 ff T Ic 3 00 +•.-.1T-�',bl _ h >-1-t•t�t�- _� ?°I GS uJr�rf�ll�ci'L� ru, /1 _%KJ _ _�'�- _ "r'_S� 14.____-._ --__ _ _ -- --- -- --- 1 - - - _ - o- C� 1 .e e _ i .- "ul.y o_r, on c ;h ae_- 1 enc 0 tthe .,, si. f orz e,i -n9 t _:eVsno:_a of hi3 i co e:;i .J., is of i r '. b y_ �i a- . , . �c o_ 62 �s ;� rw "` LtuCc �/ rj{ +IevL✓` /2c ti — —�`1 Q �ti 2_ • • ct a C (�J/ lQ1c Sal - - - -- - - - -- ---- --- ^,� - ith not. :-� -., PETITION OF REMORSTRANCE. To the Council of the City of Saint Pauli Gentlemen! The undersigned, resident owners of property within the proposed assessment district of the public improvement hereinafter aeaori'4d, and constituting in _.the aggregate more thsut sixty per cent of the resident owners of property deemed to. be benefited by said proposedImprovement# hereby respectfully present to your Honorable Body their:petition of rsmonstranas against said improvements and,respeotfully petition that said. improvement be made. The improvement to which reference is hereby made is *the con struotion of a storm water relief sewer -on Como Avenue Seat, from Carter Avenue to,Langford Avenue and, on Knapj? Place. from 0=0`06=0 5 e1917. "1 Snapp Streets under preliminary order 4295, approved January , Description of property all in St. Anthony Park.North. Residence Lot Block Frontage a 3 5 a 8. 11 is 13 14 15 is 17 18 19 20 STATE, OF U1 ss County of. Ramsey. (r "c4c,,,� oame-before me personally, and being first duly aurora, on oath degones and says that he ie one of the signers. to the ioregoing-petition of remonstranoe,'and thathe known6 his own.pereonal knowledge that said Yorego petition of -remon trans was, signed by - �__ —-P -------------------------------- ee.ith not. S•arbsacanSworn to before. me d . thiribea ay of July, A.D.,19jj17.-;{�—+��� Metery. Public, Ramsey County,'Uinne ota. Hy commission expires .i7 __3> -------------------- �•-- t------- --- -- ---- —. —. -.— -----II —r--- ° -- 7 — _ - — -- - — — - r= _ -- ----- ---t---------- -- ,- ------------------------ —— i — — — ---- — — — — — -- _._I— —.— — -- — STATE, OF U1 ss County of. Ramsey. (r "c4c,,,� oame-before me personally, and being first duly aurora, on oath degones and says that he ie one of the signers. to the ioregoing-petition of remonstranoe,'and thathe known6 his own.pereonal knowledge that said Yorego petition of -remon trans was, signed by - �__ —-P -------------------------------- ee.ith not. S•arbsacanSworn to before. me d . thiribea ay of July, A.D.,19jj17.-;{�—+��� Metery. Public, Ramsey County,'Uinne ota. Hy commission expires PET: N OF A�tO';S'' IJC:%• r To the Counoil of the: City of S,^int Pa-u1! Centicens within the proposed The undersncmad, resident o7mers of property ae6"6ement district of the guhlio improvazeent hereinafter doearihed, and constituting in the emrt?lo�,+tt°'snore than.eixty per cant of. the provident owners of property doaTtaderitoto�your°fited Honor bloeBady Lhald aixePetition°ofnt� hereby r�anoetfully ire rerspeatfully petition th?t said ren=Stranoe against said Improvement, , Snrrovamnnt be not endo, frog Carter The imrroIirC,;:nt to ihioh ro£erer_ae ie venue Most, is the con- struetim of a vtorm alter relief se'ser. on Corso Avenue Avw 5 West t -Avenue to jmn ford Avenue ;snd on ICnan Ple.aeyfro oved�JanUa a �e°t Lo gn.rpi Strect,'under ;ire]aninr:.ry or3er. 5, • D scription,ot property all in 3t. Anthony Park 2Sorth.. Block frontage Rcdsidenae Lot J_ a- 3 3.' 1,L�,_:'+.� v_ s--- z _ °� d —t3 ? —7-12 L 412 : Q 15----------. — - — — -- — — F--I l? -- -- — ---- __. L.._ 19- _-_--__- ao -- — —— — -— — -— I. STATE OF 3ITt: Z50TA I ss pounty of r R•ueaey. ✓ , a•u,e before :o Peraonaaly. + and belnf first duly, ror on opt 'c o e nnt. 9rtys th%t he ie one of ,the fouls, n eti •.icn or . I IaY,r�nae, M that ha knows of his arra 'to the F fore-oltrk. r tit zsrtonatr ¢°� — orm person: wlociG thn ✓'1 :yrs �� f geed by "".... ftrthr r smith not. Ssbvorir :ni rorn—t v�o TAorlt.�� ,h1a3y of Jti_y, A.D., ?dot olio, e�Cftuntyp inaoaoRjr3 _�/9 .1 By :or:ri^aicn expires - . PETITION OF Ft- MONSTRAtiCE. To the Council of the City of .&ant`p _:ls Gentlemen: The undersigned, resident ormars cf..proporty within the proposed a:ssesamant district of the public improvement heroinaftar described, read constittiting in the mggrerte more.than. sixty.por pont of ths.resident ormers'of rroperty deemed to be benefited by ecoid_proposed improvement, hereby respectfully present to your. Honore;,le Body their r,0t1,tI0nI Of = remonstrance againnt ani-t.improvenert, nal reapectfully petition that Bald Improvement be not rade. - The irzsro;mmant to rhich reference is hereby made is •the'con- struotVm o: a storm water relief sevcar on Corns Avenue Tani, from. Carter_ . Avenue Io L:1n;;ford Avenue and on Pl:?.ce from. Como Avenue heat to I Snap-- 01;r,:ct, under prelininary order 42.95, approved January 5 1917. Description of property all in St. Anthony Perk Borth. asrae, Residence Lot Block prontgp. .�X✓ 4 — __ J—_ _— 11—.. _— .-___—_ --------------------------------------- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- 7 ------ _-------------- ------------------ 7- -------- ----- ------ - - - - ®- -- 8- -- ---- - -- -- --- -- - - - - -- 9 ------- --- -- -- --i--------------- 10 -- - - - - -- - - - -- --i --- -- - ------- - -- - -- -- --�- ---- ---- - 14 - i15-�.- _,-___ - ----- - ---�- - - - - -- 17 _ ____., __ __ _ _-_ - 18 - -- -- - -- 19----------. - - - --- - - - -- -- 30 _ I STATE OF I�IIi'ESOTA,� � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - ,- County of R --many. .I zeuJ U - c e. befora 71,a `personally, eni baing first July s4rorn, on o.�.th depta ?n ! s -ya. th-.t he is one of the .-n aiers to the foraf?oir.;- I riatition of ran?Int,-Xioe, ,knl th°.t he knonn of bin own person.%l knowle(ire ill 't o��:i:l fore;*oin petition of ram6nat_r...nee mos signed by JocsF_T'^den, A. v__;=- -- -- - -- ----�_---- -- - -• - - - - - _ - - - - _ Further e: -Lith not. SubscrAr,J =:i1 c morn to 1�aforc na - - - --51 ))i thi of -July, A.D., 1317. HotV'ry FI 1c, Rzn:3oy Cbunty, Ttirneaota.' i )77 _ — `, -• i- .-:1-. :v -•i -.t- ty .; tr �':2 _ G3ed. 3. of - L1� J - i T a j _ , 1e i s" h-a : o7- rn Tre to y^ slaar , _.limir. r, G- r .n J a y 5, 1 ? y . _ i . ti_m of ro T y all jr, S-,. Anthony ?': rk :'c_t4 +canoe Lot Flo Y. F o-�ta�e,. ---< z . M1 G`^"r^'h !• __ - _- " i Of -i; ._1, -tat cl 1 + t i ..o tlic l lb O 2' 1 y J TL r_rr. —?' t-, its' res t_ cLF. crn- Ax sous -•t - - - - - -- - - - - -' - - - - - - +'ti�1:_:7 '' Wit. Ccun f Of TZ �8y ,qc 7..IH `//�► ✓' " Qeir _, 0 i ly .,, _ _ , _ . t ei :z. .G Tv'.:. i+t1.. ° - ---- q 'r a � -V ,. jy G ty, c - �— a ��. V 7L I r i �i1 ��4_iv IPJOc �11y /lr:,lrT Lto �j y f, 71 %/... { f !uy✓r /yI,JM o f ��`� r : �'> ✓r r:, f .f . r rte, f :, c, j� i 4 — — ---- a , ' I ti stetter o[ oonadvctliiR a. cam,:' 6tl.� ,;1 r ddarrelk to'�a vridtD,otgls' •re not nlr..u.n pld on the Ido at_ane111nRlA (1•otn.' Randolph at. and o -:h Ay olds o[ ItandolPh. Bt. ( :ling Ave. to�eaaterly revolt 1 " - 5nt the aldew•alK at or near - 1 � � tve.. under ,PrellminnrY '= J .txPP__d:Aprll g� .u6110 hearinR h ntaalnk nt Ur the aDove-_imDrnweme . and the L anuli l - - andd I eer . : ->f .rotative ,thereto. �- and . COUNCIL FILE NO..: _...:....: mmidered she game: er «ed. By tEa council of, tui LhaG dba Ptecina' ns By.:............ .. _ _ . .. ......: _ f kind o[ ImDrovam^ twId 113111:.�•' . •.:eldeaslk R.. FINAL ORDER In the :Matter of coI}etructing..a. c�ttent_.�ile...aideilk...t.o...a:..widtth.:nf.:..aia:.. _f.e...@.t. !k1Qre.:.sat...al.7cetxdY....laidr.:.an.:.the. east.erly....side ....of....Snelling..AVA... _from.. ,incoln..Ava to:.Rand4�P . 5 .,.... And :. on_u.e...no.xtherly... ai,d.e.:.of Randolph_.Stt,_from;Snellitg,.Ave. to;,.easter.;y,tQjpibu .:.af..:.c.eulen...tils: �isrpline, ATe,.,.:.... .:.......... ........... ............... ...................... under Preliminary Order .:15942; ... ......_......:approlt:d..................... %pi'.t,1..:.17.....191.7...................... - Intermediary Order ...... :. .....:. ....approved ........... ......... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the'rame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve" t ment to be made by the said City is .: Cono.t.xli.0t...a....cement .... t. le Si.d.0-walk...t.0...a...Width ...... a no.t.._alrea.dy...lai.d., :.on..ahe. eaeL.exly.:.aide of .....: ...... . S telling ..9ve....:f rom..Llna.oln.. A9.e.: t o..Aandclph.St......and....on..:the...northerly. side of, R. A7.4-10 .t.0...ea.etexiX..texminu6....0f cement..t.ils. eide.vl�lA a.t...or.near Hamline...Ave., ...... ................................................... ' and the Council hereby orders said'jmpeov_ement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby inairucbed and directed to prepare plans and opecificationa for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that , upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with themaking of said improvement iii accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. , . ...:.. .................. ..... ...... ... 7 .. .. ...... City Cle Approled.....•....0 ft.... ........191 ..... / J /� AetingMay .- - Councilmjy porth Councilm - Couneilmd Councllman(.�eller - Councilman °McColl Councilman Yi underlich -" Form B.-S: A_8-7• f QITY'OF ST. PAUL.. -' DEPARTMENT OF IFINANCE - REPOR OF COMMISSiIONER OF FINANCE SON PRF-uMINPRYpRbER w IB1 z • - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK{ ADDITION Assessed VALUATION 13-3 J. N. Roger'a Addition .: 675 . 13 3 ;625 14,3 625 15 3 625 16 3625 _ 1 17 3 700 I & 8argent)9 Reserve Garden 'Late 6500 (Ex. 0ioeols 1 4 Sylvan Park:Addition to 3350 a 4 the ,City Of so>ht Paul 1100 3 4 2500 4 4 $00 5 4 500 6 4` 1 500 7 • 4 I 1300 8 4 700 . 9 4 500 10 4 500 11 4 500 , I2 4 525 1 Evergreen Rearrangement 325 2. 325 _. 725 3 825. TOTAL. -. CITY 5.T. PLAUL- -or DEPARTMENT' OF FINANCE - .. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE`. REPORT ON PRELIMINARY PRDER 'IBI ... ..� - q 6ASSCSSRD -LOT tlLOCK A DIT 1 O N r Y,ALUAON ,N� A,GSCRIPTIO ' ' Ever&een Rearrangement 5 j -. 32 - - 7 325 . 8 . 325 325 10:' �. 32.5 325 - 12 2325 - 325 14. 325 . 15 1 _12 Sylvan Park .Addition to -- 375 ' the City of Saint Paul 375 2 12 375 3 12 - 375 375 5 12 375 6 12 375' 7 12 .375 8 12 375 S 12 -' 375 375 11 12 12 12 1375 1 13 525 _ 3 13 31 13 '. TOTAL .. ' 4 - CITY.OI ST. PAUL- 3 - - - - - DEPARTMENT OF O NANCE - - - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' - - ON PRELIMINARY%;ORDER, ' DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCN - AdDI_TION k" ASSGSSGD •' VALUATION - - _,- 13 Sylvan Fark Addition to 2075 5 13 the -City' of'Saint; Paul - -2075 6 -13,,' •! - 4075 7 13 \ I 375 8 13: 375 8 "13' _. 375 `` 10 13 1- 375 11 13 1035 12 13 3500 West 40 ft of 13 & 14 13 3.400 (Ex.W.40 ft & Exospt East 40 ft) Lots 13 &' 14'13 East 40 feet of .13 and 14 13 - 1250 15. Draper And Parker'a 375 14_. Addition St.Paul,Minn. 425 T3 425 12 425 11 425 - 10 375 13 15 Sylvan Park Addition to 3900 14 15 the City of St.Paul 750 15 ' :15 400 16 .15 400 17 15 400 18 15 400 X18 16 400 - .. TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL_ _. _ . I .,f S .. - - DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF `FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ,ORDER' IBI _ •' •I LOT SLOCK4 ' DESCRIPT16N ADDITION I ASSESSED °VALUATION' 14`16 sylvan Perk Addition to 400 , - 15 18 the. City Of Saint Paul 400 18;16 400 17. 18 400 is Q0 16 7' Lanes Manor, 8t. Paul., 300 177 Minnesota 300 18 T 300 . 18 T 300 20 T 300 21 7 300 22.7 300 33 7 300 I.. 24 T 300 25 7 300 26 7 300 87 .7 300 - 28 7 300 28-q 300 30; 7 300 I 6 8 300 7 .8 300 8-g 300 8 8 300 10 8 300 TOTAL. �* -� ♦ . r; _ - - .6 CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTNSNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (C)k, - •Y-pESCRPPTION --.LOT BLOCK = .ADDITION -AS UPSSF0 .VALUATION 134' Su=ys de Plat 3, St. - - _ . •300 12 4:. ,-Paul,-Yinn. 300 _ - 11 a a600 10 4 300 9 4 3200 , 81 4 _ 2425 '•, 7 ¢, 3825 6 4 350 5 4 5600 4 4 675 k The Commissioner of Finance Further reporIs that he has investigated all ofl the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 -tom �U " 191 W ...... _ ,:.. _ .Doted. -; ./ _ Commissioner of Fi Hance. ' • :: Form Is. H. 12 , ... .... m r /b rry MA April 30th,_ idi_ T he Commissioner: of Fmence'o£'the City of St.'Panl:• Tho Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the proliiHinary order of the Coun- , i� eihd to ao A �acn. �.ta co.c to to pun nr tno, Tel DDn9ae b�p�Couacp JutY 37 1l3T AAopteA Y' eppmvan Jut; ,11 191T f t .SJu 9`71 1917)" ' aeoer ary. anphorr,.fbs"oa tin,%us. rouowing names sr�swyo; __,__ __. HUI 1 ƒ } Z III fill IffM . 11.1 1 ƒ } \«� ( � 2» \\.( : «,� \?_ ©© � • . \\� � 1 ƒ } ty` . _ r `-CITY T. PAUL - - :COU.NCIL RESOLU:TI.ON—GENERAL FORM Subject : LAYW. iYATXR. VAxI, R t ♦i1ta- I, No .. 760 .- - Date Presented. - ::_ :.. 191....: R Ived, that a water: main be" laid on Benson street frost Dealton to Glen.Terrace. 1 4 F'No:1790hBY0.}.F7. 8allUi`•. •.G I. 7WolvM, Th►t a�water maln da ta1d� � 0 f season, 8t. frmn Asaltonto;6lew _ f Terrace:.. Adopted 3Y tae CoanolI Ju 71t7 _i91Z` IiJar7 Approved JuiyAr.,1917 7I=1917) I I Yeas (✓) IZ Puncilmen (.Nays - rnsworth Adopted by the Council JUL 17 -(9 7 191 ... In favor, yland lee Approved _ `._ i. .191... tColl Against Mr Rruide Irvin ... . -.... MAYORt. CITY OF ST. FPAUL - - CITY OF ST_ `PAUL - — COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM- SubjectCOU CIL _i .. _ Date Presented July- :17, 191.7. [� WHImEA.99 Unforseen obstacles not provided Por in the making of the improvement under 'Final lyder go•Ikl 158 described as the curbing of Goodrich Ave. from Western Ave. to Pleasant Ave: have arisen in connection with the construction of additional ourbing to the.amount of.$3.46, now therefore be it RIESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the construction of said additional curbing, the said work to be done under the supervision and direction of'th�,Commiseioner of Public Works and in a000rdanoe with epeoi�ioations therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum t Y3.46 and to be allowed as an extra under-the contract known as Comptroller's Contract Ho. L-696 for the making-of the aforesaid improvement.. C. F. No, 17610—By M,' X. Ooae— - Whereas,. Unforseen obstacles not provided. for In the making of the Im-; provement under 111nal Order. No.l - ,116BI .described as the curbing—of;— - GOOdri h Awe. from : Western AVe,/ tO - - '.Pleasant Ave. have-arisen In eonnee - - tion with the construction f..dditional - curbingtothe amount of 13.66. now - therefore be It - - Resolved.That the Connell hereby q orders the construction of said addl- _ Lionel curbing, the said work to be done under the supervision and direc- - tlonaftheCommissioner of Public. -- - Works and In accordance with $pact - _ ncationa therefor,,the coat thereof not - to exceed the sum.'or.$2.66 and.. to be allowed as an extra under the contract known na Comperoll.en Contract.: No, Impr sa Improvement. - for .the; making' of the-efor.ld, ..Imprp Approved July 17 1817, Y•`. 1 IS1I Ycaa (f) Coup Imen (i'R) Nays (awr ti-l$17) JU 1 Adopted by the Council 917 mr 17. ^uV17.d by the Council..:..... 191........ Farns orth JUL 1.7 1917 In favor r Gosh APProv _. 191.. r Kelle L'? M 1 _ ..�...,� _:. Against j l a Mr. President, ower, ►ORM C.e-II - - CITY OF`ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESO,LUTION--GENERAL.FOR.M Subject-'. cooNCIL nLE No Date Presented Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby_ authorized to pay to George Kiley,.out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sum of Thirty-two Dollars and forty cents ($32.40) In partial settlement of his claim against the City arising.by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the. City,. on the _23rd day of May 1917. I hereby recommend the above resolution for -passage., I Commis,eioner.Pu 1 c Works. C.F.No, 27611— Resolved, Thatthe proper City oRi- ` dale are hereby authorised to. pay to George Riley, out of the Workmen•. - Compenealion Account or the General ,. 'Fund.. the. sum of'Thirty-two Delta - land forty ollarssand-forty cents t932.40) Ipp partial set• • Clement oL his claim against the City arising. by reason. of Inlurle. received by him. while In the ..play of the City, - on the 23rd day of 31a,, 1917: N Adopted by the Council July.17. 1917. Approved July 17. 1917.: (July 21-2917) _ Yeah(J).CouInen(J)Nays JUL 1� I917 I Farth Adopted by the Council 191 _ CosIn favor • !t Hyl _ 7 1917 /fes .KelApprov � 191. li McAgainst 'woth Mr. Presidentn Myron FORM C.0-2 _ - CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN.ERALL, FORM Subject: - COUNCIL N _ Date Presented .:July 18th -117_.191 Resolved, That. the .Council hereby concurs: in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby '.rejects the bids re- ceived for the construction of a Force Main.Sewer on Edgerton St. from Nebraska:Ave'. to Hoyt Ave. part of . what is known as the Payne -Edgerton Sewer System 'Die - -- trict #1, as they *era in excess of the Engineerle Esti- mate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby . authorized to do'the work by Force Account and secure the necessary material through the Purchasing Depart.. ment.h.in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. W"1351. C. F. No. 17812—By Al. N, Goes 'co"cnIOlur. in thevo recomm ndation ofT the Contract Committee and hereby. rejects the. bids received 'for the construction of a Force Main sewer bn Edgerton St. from Nebraska Ave. to FioYt Ave., �- _ Mr* Of rat is k hewn as the Payne. ... .. - Editerton_sewer.system District No> I re j, - - u they wein excess of the Engl - OfePpblElsa IWorksaIs hereby aulhorlsed I eeour-the necessary mateAai through . the Purchasing Department,.ln aernrd- - ance with the Provislomi of tha Char= I - ter. F. B,�No. 7263. - Adopted'by,the Council July 17, 1817. - APProvad July 17. 1917: - - - - Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays jU( 17 1917 Far worth, Adopted by the Council 191 Ca In favor Hy nd' (j' 1"� j9�7 191 n Kel t ' APproveV Mc II Against Mr. Presiden Irvin OR FORA C.8-2 CITY 0F ST:-' PAUL _ .COUNCIL•,R ESCI[LOTION=GENERAL_FORM 9 subiect: COUNCIL Date Presented.. July 16th- t,17. 191. Resolved, That the Council hereby, concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a -sewer on Palace St. from 220 •ft: east of Sue St. to Fairview Ave— to O'Neil & Preston, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the lump sum price bid of 745.00.' ngin2erls Estimate being $733.49. F.N. x%1365. C .P.. No, 17612-8 RY N. N. Goer esolved, That..the t'ounen herobyl concurs .In the recommendation of the Contract committee and hereby awards. _ the contract forthe construction of a _ sewer. on Palace b6 from. 2.0 it. -Pat - &, Preston, they Ling the 1 p sum eponslbie .bidders.' for the lump sum price -bid of 2746:00. rnRineers 66P.etl• mate being 2712.00 P. 11. No. 12. - Adopted by the Council July 17, 1917.1 . Approved -July 17 1917. (July 21-1917) a�� N COUNSEL �. OFFICE E 1 Yeas (II) Councilmen ( J) Nays 17 Fern Orth Adopted by the Council 191 Gou In favor �Jul Hyl d Approve Kell r ' d ( ) _ 191 _ 'I Mc II Against t Mr. Presiden Irvin MAYOR FORM O. 6-9 - CITY OF ST: PAUL' COUNCILRESOLUTION—GLEN ERA FORM Sablect: - ..... ... �:'FOENCIL .N O..-14 .. Date Presented July 16th- 17 19,1 Resolved; That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer ;on Clarence St. from Burns Ave. to McLean St., to J.. J., Connolly, he being the. lowest responsible,, for the lump sum price bid of �1,400e00. Engineer -,8 Estimate being ,$1,394.00.. F.B. #1362. IG. a lv ThatIIy M. N Council h - n urs I d - That ommethe natio hereby the - .contra in the recommendation awards of thel.. - sewer on act Clarence the cfromonstruction. Avea .tower On-Cla, to Ht:. Cpor Burns heeAto . Ing the lO 8f, ire-. Q Connolly: r. be for Ing the.)oan, Feeponelble bidder. for - - - the 'lumDoum pprice: bid ot.01;100.00, Enalner's Eat at. :being .!1,29600. - -P. R No.•1E0t. - - ' AdODted by the Council July 17. 1017. - Approved JUIY 17, 1917. (July 11.1417) -- no�c�.�o��D JUL 31 OFFIC HE AT COUNSEL 1 �17 1a`� Yeas ( ✓) Cou cilmen (i) Nays -`` 191 -Fworth Adopted by the Cound j' In favor d 7 �9 Go Hyl nd Approved U t 191 Kell r. Me II Against lWv� i .. MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin r CITY OF 5T..P AUL.., COU NCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - bjel:t. - _ COUNCIL LLL log FI L2 N O.. — Jul l6thlft17 191 t _--- — Date Presented Y 'f,"; R ve That the gouncil hereby'eonoure In the recommend. -tion of ont the Contr ct'. Committee and hereby awards the cract for the construction of a sewer on Capitol Ave.. from Fairview Ave. to a -point 145 ,Minnehaha St.,' Christ ft. north of Tohns'on, he being the lowest responsible , tst'the lump. sum price bid of $1,346..25. Engineer's Estimate being $1,322.00. F.B. #1363. Is 14 R.-Ived?B16Thatnth. Cou cllu hereby 1 ' concur. In the recommendation of the - .. - Contract Committee and hereby'atrarda. the contract for the conatructlon of a - - sewer on Capitol Ave. from P'a""'e' Are, to a point 116 fL north of ss""" heho c. bid Johnson he being ' l�[j- IIILIII1�11 111 the lowest re.Dondhle Dldder at the ' tJ' IumD .um price bid r 81.216 !6 F.ngR 'u•`u` 'neer'. Estimate bNnq 81.8200 F. B. - No 7fR, Vdont"iy'he Cuneuly77, tB17'fl..cOFFICE f P ON UNSEL (7uly St ist7i ` 1 C Yeas (J) Coun ilmen (J) Bays JULI .jam 191i Farn worth Adopted by the. Council. 191 r Coss In favor JUL' try 1917 Hylis rid, `l Approved _ 1l t 191 Kell r (_ I V /� Mc Il I 'Against U ; .,won Mr. President Irvin FORM C. a -a' - _ '.CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESO L•UTIO N—GENE.RAL'F, ORM C ' Subject eouae•a., p i 43 FILEN �. Date -Presented. July 16th -'17 191 . Resolved, That the Council—hereby concurs in the recommendation of the ,Contract Colldnittee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer ori Berkeley Ave. from Hamline Ave.. to a point -60 feet north'of Pascal Ave., to 0121eil & Preston, they being the, 16west'responsible biddere, for the lump sum Price bid of $2,970.00. Engineerts Estimate being $2,963.00.P.B. #1364. Resolved, That: the Council' hereby - {coneurs:in the recommendltlon of the +I Contract Committee and hereby t—rds I - ` the contract for the construction of a'- ( sewer on Berkeley Ave., from Hamllne Ave. toa point 60 feet north of 1%1111 !, heel we t responsible elpons ble�biddetr& foey r the i lump sum prlte bla of $2,970.00. Ensi• - - nrera lrsttreat. being 72.963.00. F. S - No. 1361. Adopted by the Council July IT, 1917. Aaprored July 17,-1917. - .(July 31.1917) ...:I. JUL 31u! OFFICEHE C PORAT COUNSEL P T._ Yeas(W)CO ci1111en (�) Nays 1r7 Fa sworth Adopted by, the Council 191 191 Co I In favor. Hy and I��I' 917 Approved 191 K er � •• ..' / M oil Against Mr. Preaiden .Irvin � MAY a " ro11M C. e•a -. CITY, 'OF:ST. PAUL- -11 a.OUNCIL .R ts0LUTIQN—GENERAL F"_ORM -- y - iieNcit NO.. , i Date Presented July 16th - 17 191 Resolved,, That the Council hereby.'concurs in,the recommendatiop of the Contract Committee and hereby-exards,the:contract f.or the construction of ,a,'sewer, on'oForest St. from Rose St. to 100 feet north.of Rose St., to Feyen .Construction Co.9 theybeingthe lowest respons ible,bidders, for the lump sum price bid of $380.00. Engineer's Eati , matebeing 1 $390.00.. F:B.-#1361. 1 j G F. Na: 17614—nY 3/. N. t3oas Itewlvad:. That .. the- 00unell hereby ' concurs In the recommendation' of the _Contract Committeh. and hereby awards : sewer on Foet rest st St from Rose St°r to I loll feetnorth of Rose. Bt, 10 Feysn .. Construction %q. they below the lowest j •responsible bidders, for. the lump sum l price' bld of $390.00:' Engineer'. it -rate being $390.00. F. D: No. 1261 - - Adopted by the Council July 17,1917. Approved .July 17. 1917. - ..(July 31-1917) JUL 231911 COUNSEL OFFICE ` Yeas (J) Co cilmefl (✓) Nays JUI`' 17 191 F worthAdopted by the Council GO In favor 1917 Hy and APProv j 191 , Cn Ke er i M oll Against l , MAYOR Mr. Preaiden .Irvin .ORM' C. 9.3 - D CITY OF. ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL; FORM - - Subject - councu t ti FILE-- Date Presented July 16th- t17, 19.1. - Resolved, That.the Council hereby-c.onours in the recommendation of the CRntract`committee and hereby awards the contract for thecurbing; of Tatum Ave. from Chelton Ave. _t,0 Tallula pye,, to Stl Paul Conert,e Works, they being the lowest responsible bidders,,for the lump surd price bid of -41784.00 En'inierta Estimate being 5803.00. F.B. $1358. .Qnvs ived76 iUit i M. Council hereby p ocur. In the rocommendatlon of the _ Cart i com t -a and !s oby aa=rda the c%tr&c$efItron oeha'eurbinti of .Tatum Ave St.mConere Ave..to Tallula Ave..thto e lst responsib a b1dAer..'orthe etheIUmrm Drice bid of i7i4.00. Engl neer'e Ealmate being_ iio6.00. 1r B. No. 1168, Approve by the Connell July 17: 1917. Approved July 17:3817. _ (July I. JUL 4 OFFICE OF ThiC004,41 NSEL I I I I (w �. Yeas U) Council en (J) NaysJUU 17 1917. 191 - Farnsw rth' �doptcd by the Council Goa In favor q itis 1&1917 HYlnn APProy al 191 Keller McCo Against U r t MAYOR Mr. President. I vin .FOAM C. a.1 i CITY'.. OF ST:. PAUL. : _I COUNCILRES106LUTI0N--CSENERAL FORM _ SUbeci � /-- COUNCIL Noy. J FILE7 COU y , Date Presented .:.July.:411 191.1; Resolved, That -the grade of Soheffer, Sty. from Hemline Ave. to Edgoumbe Road, as shown by the red grade line -on the.aocompanying profiles and as recommended by the 0ommiss,ioner 3f Public Works, be and thel'sama•'s hereby adopted as -the established grade• pa>19S19—IIYhersrnde EdB o-be 1 - Reeo H mine Ave., ''ado at, rt'O show nnY n6 �Drofllee and na '.Ron d. pa accom� ._Commfnloner in . an tb. d the. name mended ; tb" eetab)fehed rKbM \V orks. bow n. tle Du ted . herebr edoP _- 17. 1917.1 gr1de. b the Cou1917 Ju1S . . adeptsPProv d. J3.1y, 2jy 1-1917) Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (i') Naya)t) I •1 7 1� 7 Adopted by the Council . Far worth = Go . In favor �OIi � Ke r �� APPro e �J\ �9�7 � .._.191 M oll Against / Mr. Preside - CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ I `"•i'=. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT L_NO !{},� FILE AUDITED CLAIMS=RESOLUTION. FORM FILE _ AUDI TED_ .i PER w �-• _,. '. 494u Resolved. that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and J. in favor (j the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their. respective names as specified : in the following detailed statement: JUL Yeas (. r') Cou ilme.n (t') Nays Adopted by the Council_—___ 191-- U 18 19 T ; Far north Gos ` Hyl nd .In favor � Kell r Me all — -----Against Wu derlieh - Mr. President, vin C- P. X...17621— - - Re.olved that warrant. .be drawn - upon the City Trea.pry, payable out. of the herelnslter .peclded ,funds "it in - favor of theDer.on., acme or rprpnts- - - - : tions.lpr.. the 'et op oppoelts their ;respectivename. as p.clned In '4he - - " a fonowtnc detailed 'statement: •. - - A. L F-ggert, Deputy Comptroller. - - . 23.61. - •_ - I:Anrthwestern Elec. Equlpment Osm- Dany, $3.88; - - G PlttahurRA-:Plate Olay Co NEB,: - " A. 4�anyder 11618.00. - I O. 8omm rs'R Co, iB.bB. — by .thy is1 191l,July 18, 3877. Approved APprovad July I8, 17. 1.61 17840 1 A. (Jolt' 31.1 17)- v�ler, G.F.=htiscle & Unforseen. , 41 NorthWestern Elec, Equipment Company, 3-.86 P.Parks-Expense. 42 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Compalay, 4.38 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Fapense.. 2A4 - Playgrounds -Expense - 4. 8 43 A. L. Snyder, 618.00 P..Parks-Fxpense Music. 44 G. Sommers & Company, C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense.: ,1 - CITY OF 8T. PAUL • «� ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ' COUNCIL 17692', AUDITED CL =RESOLUTION FORM -FILE No. ' AUDITED �-. }-� «O.+'_-_ 191 I PER 493 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payaVe out of the hereinafter specified funds.and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opp/ site their 1•espe s :ve Humes as specified in the following detailed statement:" �l)t '1� 1917 Yeas (I' Co ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted, by the Council.=- 19L— R ,I � Fa worth Appro d GC a 6 ff and _. In favor ler .. MATOR Coll _-Against _1 I _C. R No. -17834— - - ` Rewlved that pnsurYta be. 4snnu[ _ 1 Mr. Presiden Irvin U", she -Cllr rr. t the..herelnetter'-apectaefl [. or pad In"tavor. of the Dereona arms gppolON tAelrtlresP.ctly. ne e" ea sPeelfled�10' tAe tollo{vinR :delalled statement: _ Amerlehh Ihsnrenee AKenar. $40.011. - .P7elechmann'4b:: }6.00; -. . rIRRe, 'COON[ R'Cp ISSAS. 1 . Ilendlon .o Coj 127282. - Hartin C i1oat282.4. Co.. 82. - J: W. M rrtwn. 8.0. Natlonal.Oa. 'V26nor0Co.. 76 C.nte•. ' - Revlerr PODIbhI.R-Co.. - Oeo:Bchpde1..22i.20 .' i t• . vlrtnsPr{nting-CO.. 426.00. - Adopted D9 th.Covnell In{7 10.-1817. ADVrpvefl Snl7 18:.1817.-,- . - is i1-18177 . 17830 American Zne•ural...- ..is yard _ 40 00 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Ezpense. 31 I<ileiscimarm Company, 5.00 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense. - 32 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 53.45 C.P.W.-Workhouse -Expense. 33 handlon & Company, 274.94 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense YgO. P.ParlEs-Expense 4 - % 27 4 • 34 Hartin Coal Company, 484.42' - C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense. .35 J. We Morrison, 35.00 C.P.W.-Expense. 36 Wational_Gas Governor Company, .75.. C .P,.W .-Workho us e -Exp ens e . 37 Review Publishing Company, = 339.91 G.F.-Official Publications.. 38 Geo: Schudel, 28.20 C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense. air Virtue Printing Company, 45.00..' 42 G.F.-Givil• Service -Expense a.F.-Printed forms and.blankls 5 45. - _ - CITY OF ST. 'PAUL ' COU-NCIL RESOLUTION--GEN EAA I- O,RM, Subject: COUNCIL - ' Fut: No. Date Presented 191 Resolved, ,That the Commissioner'of ?ublic. Safety is-nereby authorized to exploy Dr,. John Liber."t for a,period of seven (7) days, at a salary of VO-00 per month, sg.me t0 be charged to tta l Salary Item of the Bureau of Police. 1140easity for 'this en1- •loyment is occasioned by Dr.'P,,A, Schnacke, taking above me>- tioned time for :art of his annaal + C. F. No. 17033—ny Henry NLCo11— Resolved,That the Commissioner of .Public Safetyle hereby Utholl.ed to . - employDr. Jahn Llbert Cor speriod Of seven' Y-, days, at h salary -.of.170.90 - - - -. per Meath, same. to hecharged to the ;Salary item of the Bureau of police., Nrresally for this employment Ie oc-. - casioned .by Dr. R. A. Schndeka. tak- Ing above mentioned time for -part o[ his annual vacation. Adopted by the Council July 10, 3017. App July 13. 1017. (July 31-1017) Yeas (J) C 6ncilmen (J) Nays JUL 18 1917 F nsworth Adopted by the Council 191 C In favor ✓ H land K ler Approv� r ! 191 ( : > M Coll Against U ' Mr. Presiden : IrJip 1dwoR .__..FORM C. e.s .:.'_- CITY CF 9T.111W,1624 Council Rssolutioa = general Forin: - - Department. of `e by grantDermleelon Wand' It T hereby granted :the Northweetarn EGreeu Of elephone Esehanee CWith nY to aet poles and-etring wires with the'n,e ea- :;� catY. anehore thereon Jn the.Yollawing namedetreete: �- A Potee went aid$ of 6rlRtth m St. fro. 1 1 �i Conway, Bt. to WakefielvSt d Ae.— — IS Yole6 west aids of andreau St.'- from p n aY St.S to Hudeon Roadr wast aide of Etna et: from: and ew reel to be removed.whe' I — reaueoted. to do eo: byY the Common{ Council. Bald cnet to be Paid by the! TelephoneCompanY. 1 ' ,Adopted by the Council July 1!, 1!117.' APDroved July t8, 7817. Council File B0 (Jaly 71.1917) !Be ted 1917 Resolved, that permission be,and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Zzahenge Company to set poles and,string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the ;following named streets: 9 Poles meet side of Griffith St. from Conway St'. to Wakefield 179- 12 a n n n Flondreen St. from Conway St. to Hodson Road. 4 a n, n n Etna St. from Margaret St. to Fifth Bt. Poles end wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. JUL IS 1917, 1917 Adopted by the Council Teas ilmen ( 1 Bays Qo e S lY` and I I 1917 8 ller Approved 1 Yr. President I n Payor J C. if, hio.: t76iG=��:IIo. a �e 'r •� "-?t:� ' 1 Rnolved, That the st.. Pa os8 �_ f �.•tJ y�y.A%✓ - 7.Ight ComPanY as heraDY orAarad anA }tY y 5� / dlreeted to eaendib aieetrlSv Ilnxlre. f.� ereSUn6 Poles- and striaging00 tjr'. - el v Stiereonon and int tbn til}6xtnttaU 7a- - - - �J lrldtY, ♦ nA Weele o{ eole on�ht -oast ildo o[ iRinstall onn .T tr8yt tol Ave•• Pefween atlnnehaha and Form !1 ilI1C1! R.Pltil F'h.tw 1��} 11� ly tnetall one Dole [n th 'north �Sde off/ , YVh U_ 'r,ace and Ml,. In street �Pt• n tnll Rwo Poles In tael� o`d aid. ehlrn- 1, nlleY DnOON, r G.i-rand, Ipndi[at.f -- — n 4A_venues OriRRe,.. . :Department af_ ,II one Pol0.on the north 81A ,{/ In {cont of 1681 Af-reau of onenote in the st.:. between ir' - itraote„ with nP` - �- qn_. 191.. Council File No. Date Presented By RESOLVER TMt the St. Yavl Gu LI[hl Cempanr L Mrebs ordered and dheded to extend It• elechinl tion b➢ ertclln[ pain sed ao-iad [wire• tMreov for A trawminivv of eieevitronhvdia thefollowiv[-Iles and •tmnof said eiry! Install one, pole tue'aast side of Capitol Aye.. between Minrte- ba paha and Capitol Place. Install one pole in the north sidle of the alley between Chelton,Averit Capitol Pla cat and Yinnehaha StTe . Install two poles in the south aide of the all between Goodrich and Fairmount Avenues, Grigge and Syndicate Streets. ide of Afton Road in front of 1581 Af- Install. one pole on the north s ton Road. Install one pole on the east aide of Clarence Streetr,bstween Pacific and McLean- :Streets.� - With necessary Bute and anchorse wbiecAll.1 w �biko=%i"r Udtl1-"dN W 2 ' al b otralit�°lMr l to radia ear A : iioe• of tM Chy Wh. the ul.ammi t t Pu61k U1I11tln avd i al ramp All p•ln •hoald be nt iv •u[bdendoe i Wellen sad •trnn as lM Lo WI ner of Yublk Ulllitla atoll dealWou ad bell be of h Mkht avd Mnn M •toll dnl[vau avd apvrme. avd ..Y ad � sroln atoll l t tea dowv vd removed, and •uch wlm placed uoder[rouvd. whwerer the Louveil .hall d em rn6at the publk inteml w renuiro. aad whey It •toll JULi O 1917 191 - Adopted by the Council--- Yeas ouncil - 1U L(7 Yeas ( ) Concilmen ( ) Nays FA N;On RTH i -IKE S CLL RUCH 1 18 1917 191 'Approve AND LER,Mayor Mr. President, N G F xa.l4tst.-Hy ]t.:N Op:uL � d 1 f _ Ttaeolved,-That the '$t. _ .. �t.i[ht Compan7 fe hereofs orAatab"M directed to 'eztend 1ta eleotrleai 1i 5 by, ersetln[ Dcln and etringlnc wlro ,r Jl..<t 9 Itberaon fo - d lntthea tollolwlnit allpe -�� f t`fly trlcaly.D"i anA atreate of Held rlt7: dnet:tl /_*.Doles to the asci elle of the alley-b'tIW46 - Avo cep Shaldat. - - Lnxe Como'.A: _ \ /1 and Albert ictreetr, [ .A Tnatall lour�Dotes in #ha'eooth else of 1 r7Y1 j _ VV the,allay betlrean North. iiopxlna, De n�T�l-�FOlaaa �1 note rend Hradl* street" Y ti install two Dote:10 the wee[ else et� 7 ` .liar stall St:. between --Fairmount an, AVlnu., -- . Department Of 1e ttAH tour poles on ththe south et < and' one ote on the nor. 6idq Do!• . Clalr 8tteeG between, Amherst and •ton'Avenuee. Bureau OE [natal two Doles on ewte" ' -'nderwood-RL, between 84 GI*li •Uelty .Ave. �t - rntali: one pote�lnh nortD ,' ' 111Y between Con[r - •11 . streets and vasa -Y [eY-. Date Presented 191 'Council File No. By RESOLVED That the St. Ih 1 Ga. Liabt C' .dk h.rebr rdaed a.d directed to.ureas Its deitrial Ii n. br,ercniae Dole avd .hied [ *'m Ihereov kr 1h.tnv.mi..lod of llahictr oa sad iv the loliowloe allHe and.t-en of Wd shy: Es Ilmal tate dotes in tM east ride of the alley between Tabiseft .. _ .__�__ 1A to nm iabort.Streets♦ street . , Z"e COMM . & Ylen w�amaa t �al'eea a.0« —... Install tour poles in the'eouth side 0!r the alley eotReen North, ![oyleiaf♦ Steelfi and lradi.ey Streets. Y-,* i t" poles on the weft side of Saratoga Street, between 4' R I latirlseunt and QQodsoh ltvenusa. . •L Install rspp poles en the south side, and one pole on the north Side e: bt.!llair. B4eet,: between' Amherst and Vernon Anuues. -f- tofu Ial terc pales on the oast side of vadermood Street, betseen Ate Qiotr and Serhley Avenue. Instelli :one pole Sn the 'north side of the alley between' pongress, v"It"d, Bidwell Streets, Sad Vinelow Avenase lith necessary gas. All of ouch t riove. Dol a d ken atoll M anted avd covatucted ed tM di do d.ureni io I tM C mWI 1;D blk UIIIIUN and I 111h ve. .object to the prorbt . a/ Otdi No, tits, add e/ all ether 1. / I mdl« a d I ti I lu Citr f m All Dak. ehevid M.et la.och]ouUov to.Jd alien and tree*uth. lomml-looero1 Po61k Utilille MII kn to dhJlb 1 hMkM and cM trail he shall daittvate and aDDrare, cad a r and.11—h Dvie. "Mit M.ta ea daua a� remorld. d uth .Im D:aced ovdernou d, ahedmr the C adl IM1JI deem that the mblk Interestw-Noire., .ad rhea It.toll .o order. JUL ZC7 1917 Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) . Coo oilmen ( ) Nays FA NSWORTH GO S Mc OLL I JU!' R,!317 Approve_ 191 H AND. - r KE LER T Mr. President, IR N or o' 1 � :.Y C•RF.beNir'ie Td3T lei tlTaut au3 t rARbc-t cavi to wer•blf eMsr4d aadl .i dtrwad'to-•aitwd :Its ; si•etrlosl- uses; • l R . . lata r by, •rwtlot polq and itHndlnt wlr•o- lR•rwn'foe the ts'anitnto•ton-•.o[-olw 1,�jj trinity. on aid in tb• followdoi dips ^P�V.L and-stranto of, old - Alt s7 - Install one pole on tda "arthldde of _ J 6Y street n the ani' side of 1 TorontesBL, between tlraee •treat and��Gp*tpt•9I Form , { 7eR.t.11 Avan V �..rrlllll�LLQQ _ Lila / InsWI seven poles In the north side; J... ot,the.-.liey between Randolph •treeL .from Pastel A Ave. to _ H.mitna Ave. — .. Department Install twelve Doles on the es elde. - d`:three poi . on toe zest :ida Of anof m Davern Ave between Mnatreal Ave. and feam.mlt Avenue, Beath - Bureau of install one Doln:on the north and one, ,on the;aouth, side-ot'600drlch avenue' e:t' Wood !e Replace three: Doles on. the east are, of 8neU1nR Ave.:. between bflnehaha E4. and Van Rurenat: e presented 191 Council File No. Install two Dolee on the weal. �do or WoodIswn Ava between si Ave. and Fairmount Avenue ar oo+ ea•ary Buys. sp °p\a By A11 of one esUnsiona D µN°ice - _ - 'Jr., _.•••t• bR conetruota� - RESOLVED, That the St P L t•In` read In 1I.-Iol al line• by erectids vola aed •tdv¢tns .ln• there --.for tM mon,alulon of Jo,t9ctr on and In th . . Install one pole on the north aide of_Otace Street at Toronto Street.,� , Instail.five,peies on the seat side of Torontobetween' Street`. grace Street and Tefforson Avenue. Inetgll seven poles in the north side;oi the alley between Samee Street and tandolph Streets t'rors lasoai Avenue to Itamline Avenue. i Install twelve poles an the east sitssand three poles on theme$_ side of ?Tavern Avenue, between Wontredi Avenue and,8umroit Avenue, o•»th. x Install one pole on the.northand one on .the south' aide or Good 'r, rich Avenue at Toodlawn Avenue. ao :Fr �neiyi.a llvpn„w 'bet Fteyistpe tares poles ors the orate pd;; s 11innehaha Street and Ian.Puron Street. x InofA l two poles on the west side of Toodlawn Avenue.between Ososoia Avenue and'flaismoutit Avenue. With necessary C-AYs- wb}ec[ All e SWI [-'691 iss waw lm than a 'r" tod?M i'��I �a,a °d a sof i11 i i� Citi 1 i se.I PMiven i i e� Yuba timme. div all tM1ivn All theDoles •haald bx •et to such lecatiov 1 Id all•n •ed •tmn u the C 1 •i e 1 Y b1taUtNtl Mil d<•fenat d MII M t h Myht aed .hanenr n 6e •MII delswt• aed appror•, wd ser wd all sash Doles •Mil a bk.v dvtm aed nmored, ted such pirn Dlaad underirouvd, wluvrer IM Ctnvcll •MII Enm that do Doblk loternt w rtevira, sad vFen It •hall so order. .. JUL 1.8 1917 Adopted by the CQoncil 191 Yeas ( ) fHLAND nen ( ) Nays WORTH L JUL 1911 APProved191 RMr. President, Mayor ` - rtesolvo. e9, Tbat the proper City offs — olals ate hereby authorised to enter Into an_egraemenq fn acoordancs with -C.O.0 N C I eha provlalona of Chapter 467 of Rhe , FORM_ - alenaral, Iaws of Minnesota. for 1011 and amendatory dela provldtn6 torahs ' _ _ 'p '"t to -Mike Hiller, of S7 SO' Der T 176 yi ♦, week from an& after the 6th •day, ., { F� Subject amr. 1e1T, m settlement of FIs claim , COUNCIL, ! i agalnsa the ,City, sxlelntC by, reawn' of — FILEN O • _ in]urlee rtfeeived• by him while em- - ' ploYed by -the City on the 28th day of June.1017._.:— .. And be it further resolved, that. the 19) proper City`oficlat. see hereby au hPresented thorized to pay to the said Mike Mliler - - out of the Workmen's: comp'eustlon — ccount or the'oeneral Fund. the sum - of 414.40 In, partial L settlement claim against the City; arising by I reason of lnur" are" old. ] 1 - - t Adopted byihe Coyncll Joly 10, 1017 (tf _ ( Approved July 10: 1012 _ . .(July 21._191 7) Resolved, That the proper_CA-ty_of-ficials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement-,. in acoordance with the provisions of Chapter 467 of the General Laws. of Minnesota for 1913 and amendatory acts, providing for the ppyment to Mike `Miller, of $7.20 per week from and after the 5th day of July 1917, in settlement of his claim against the City, arising -by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the City on.the 28th day of June 191?, I, And be.it further resolved, that the proper City i officials are'•hereby authorized to lay to the said Mike Miller,, out ofithe •orknents Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $14.40 1n partial settlement of his claim against thle City, arising by reason of injuries aforesaid, 1 I. e:r rec .the ov r4s o a e Co • 1 0� Yeas (J) CoIt cilmen (J) Nays t 4" i - JUL 3 1917 a naworth t Adopted by the Council 191 In favor JUL 18 1917 ii EI land i. K Iler t; �.' ( ^ 191 APProyep \'L�; r M Coll Against w Irh- . Mr. Preside t, Irvin MAYOR roam ".9 - 176Th— la .red That thq proper/City off- CAUL Into a�. ,hereby' authorised •to enter - -' Into amaereemenr.wlla John-Nentees, 5ENERAI.. FOFfM providing for thepaylaent to him of• .• • comppen.aQoB' at the rate of'T7 Th per �SeK..In accordance with 'the pro � (��`�� SpbIECG ' vidonro[ Chrtptav 167 of the,aaw. o[ - Cour+ca T{ Ma� Minnesota for 181s and amendatory - nta NO.. eat I, durtne .-the period for..whleh he . shall -be [.telly ,dltl.bled, by'ra.tlon'of - - ,_ Injuries au.talned-by him ivfllle am• _ Dloyed by rhe City as a street sweeper; on the 47th day. of lune. 181E 191 Be Wfurther resolved that, the prop- ' 5e0ie(1 ar..Clty-official.-are hereby: authorlaed - ,D.3te { .q re - — to pay :tokthe said `'a' n'Betl. out of • - - the Werkman's ComDongation Adcounf of the General: Fund, the sum o[.i'I'll' _ In kparlla1 eettl U. it of hl. claim. against .the Clty.a. ",regald.' . Adopted by the Counall July it, 1917.. j - ADDroved July 18, 1927 - (July - ° (July 81.1917) Resolved, ---That—the proper City offieidls are hereby authorized to enter into an.agreement witba John'Hentgse, providing for the _ Payment to him of -compensation at the rate of $7.20 Per week, in accordanbe,with the provisions of Chapter -467 of the laws j of itinnesota for 1913 and amendatory acts, during ;the period for t I which he shall be,totally disabled, by reason of injuziee sustained by him while employed by -the City as a street sweeper, on .the 27th day of June 1917. Be it further resolved that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to the, said John Henteee, out of the workmenrs Compensation Adcount of the General Fund, -the sum of. $14.40, in`partial. settlement of his claim againet,tbe City as aforesaid. I h co n tl. ab a of on r e e. o as o er Pu io W ke. JUi 1 1911 Yeatl (J)uncilmen (J) Nays � 191 rntlworth Adopted by the Council I (053 yland n favor' JU 191 elle[ Approv�d j cColl Against , U onderlleit MAYOR Mr. Presi ent Irvin rOPM 0.9 COUNCIL FILE NO..: ........... F �. By.............. ..... ............... :..................................... , FINAL ORDER In the matter of. .... gra.d.11'tg-.kala.aJe A— and..-4mea. St..._S r.gm.Cretin Ave, toCl!sveland Ave. ......... ............................ ........ ....... _....... -.........................:.....................:............................................................................................................................,................... I under Preliminary Order ..1 b944... ...................approved ................ABT.0 1..1...._1917............. Intermediary Order ...., ::: approved.................... :............................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the.Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. meat to be made by the said City i's ....GT.ad.Q-24 .9.94._ t from Oret.ln Aper. to Cleveland Ade-r,. and Jamea Stfrom Cretin Ave to Cleveland Ave .c.........................:........ .................................................................... .... _.. above .................................. ............... ........... .:... .. _.. ...:and the. Council hari.. :........ .....:............ ..... •i relatl a tbarrstonind�t - - wwlaerod the k mo. that,, - __ ..._........ _.......... ..:.... ......... 1'ad B7 lho coon att of the 4'", that the Dreefaa natures ... .. .... .. d .kfa6 o[.:Improreman4 tc :......i ....... - ,om fCSretin fAtio Cleveland &t ' and the Council hereby orders. said improvement to b:,ame, sr rrom ,cretin Av.. ` udAve.. and: tho Couneib.. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner o'ea6L ImDrovementto heal hereby instructed and directed gut lurthar.That the ! - . to' prepare plans and ecifications for said im rovelnX,el mhua 11grtts a a'to the Council for approval; that P P F P P -atruetad Pa dWdhvnt� PP r upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby atelad .omit:°;acted to proceed with -the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...,.. L ..f; 191T 191,........ . - _ ;r..... s l City CIerk. Approved...:..... ...... ....., 191 Mayor. Counci an Farnsworth Counci an Oosa I Cdun ' an Hyland - .e Clone* an Beller' - - C9nnci man McColl CQugc maa,�pdaoliol+—:. . Mayor ruin Form B. S. A..8.7. k .:...v,. — CITY OF ST, PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ • — ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ADDITION - - p 3 C A 1 P 71 O N LOT BLOCK - _ ASSl5SEp VALUATION 0 4,7 7- ., TOTAL, 11 . :.. GTT Cr T. P.AIjL'�/" -... ..,, - 1 �'+ I• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - '- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONEFi'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY QRDER _ e DCBCRIPTION - LQT pLOe1i - ADDITION - 'arse�seD. VALUATION - -,. 1,6 y7 7 ;Z1 16 a 115 17 4 115 18 a 115 115 ao a 115 "ai5 - al a aa a 115 23 a 115 24 3 115 25 2 115 as a 115 aT a 115 as 2 115 115 30 a, - _- TOTAL 130 CITY Or 8T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAkRY ORDER - DlSG RIPTION LOT sLoeK' ADDITION _ ED Y LMSSATION VALU_ 15 : 3 G. G. Whitney'* 115 14, 3 Riverton Place 115 115 .' 13 3 115 12 ; 3 ., 3" 115 11 I 115 10'3.." �9 3 I _ 115. g 3 _ 11¢ 7 3 115 6 ;. 115 5 3 115 * 3 . 115 3 3 • 2 3 115 1_ 336.10 ft of the South East 10300 The East 636:55 ft of South of the north East } of Section 8, Township 29, RatYge 23 (Except Streets and `venue*) 22040 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to, the Council, together with the. report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - ® . /.. Dated 8 �' - 191� Commissioner of Finance. corm It. 13.12 / .. l - Dec.. 30th 1916. M GOSS. `To the City Council of St. Paul: -we, the undersigned property owners, do hereby petition your . honorable body to open, grede, and lay sewer and water pipes in the following streets; to -wit. - Palace Street from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin'dve. dames Street from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin. Signed. ( Owner of -Blocks one to five inclusive of G. Whitney's Riverton Place, except lots G. ( numbered Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve Two (2J ( and Thirteen (13) An Block numbered { of G. G. Whitney's R1*ertcn.P1aoe. i ( Owner of hots numbered Ten (10), Eleven . f - ( (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen(13)in Block n —( nambered wo {2) of G. G. Whitney's Riverton ( Place. ( owner of five acre piece, mar a or, lesa, in ( the Soath-east corner of Seo. 8; Town. 28, Ra nae, ( 23, comprising roughly the south: half of the ( south east quarter of the southeast quarter of % ( the north west quarter of said section, this treat being bounded by the following streets as now dedicated to the city-. 'on the north by.Jame.s , ( Street, on tho-east by Cleveland Ave.,on the . - ( west by Finn Ave.; and on the south by RaT= 1ph ( Street. .J 1917 �epmrtnunf �'f Ablic Alurlis O[C.R CL.U[S[N. CN [. [Ha�w[aP M. N. GOM COMMISSIONER. R. T, GOURLEY. O[PUTY - •LERe J[Cuolu[ - St. ?aul Minn. April 26, 1917. e 0.11-N......... a. N H[n ROLO. O.rcl EKaH.cR _ r .,1. 11 Goae, Camnis3 loner of :olic ;corky . D3ar .Sir - I tru..anit here-dth prelinir:ary estimate of cosh for gra>''�? r..' Lace St. frons Cretinave. to Clevel�n, eve. anc J&nos St. from Cretin~ lve. to Clevelrr,d ;,ve. in acscordanae Frith Council ^ile ; 15844, approve, Lpri1 11, 1917. approximate ,it:+ate ;3,155.75 Coot per front foot - .662 Excess inspoction necescary �61.8Ei Assessable frontage Yours very truly, Cl:ief Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM' . . FILE' No. Date Presented , July 18th,, 191:__.7 %E SOLUT ION . Resolved, FIXI.+O THE A"0U1?T OF LAPD Or EXTENT Or RSi:MENT "1O BFTF ]"r.n.1 C0Nlj� '6'i T01, r.D 1 PP0C TIlaaS In the matter of oondemnir_, and to an + ; the land necassary for slopes, for cuts eGO cu.ou v , + and fills in grading Palace Street from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, grid JaLes Street, frotc ;retia E.vsnue to ClevelGrid, under Preliminary Order A15845, y erproved April 11th,1917, and Intermediary Order X17107, approved June 19th,. 1917.,. The Coum:issioner of. Public ; orks havin submitted his report and.sketch,in the above matter, be it 4-FSOL -rr, That the City of St., Pau. fixes asdeter sinesh? tamount of lend to be taken for t e ove named improver:,ent as ,n easement for aiol z, :cr sots r�n?, rills in end u.l;on the land ebuttin� u1pon Palace and James Street, betereen the points aforesaid, to the ester+t shown upon the sketch attached to the retort of the vol,missioner of Public 'orka in t e matter, datad July 18th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and lattae a part hereof. c. r.. No., 37611-- l inI the m esiemenI Io the landd.. e' or; for .,.Is10.1 me fareettor lrom Cretln i ggradlnB pvenba tb'Claveland Avenue. and Ojeveland, fun or PrOtminsrY Order 'No,d6B1&.approved.\Drll 11th. 1807, sad. Intermc InrY 3917 .No. 17107. aDDroved]une 18th, { - Tha- 0. or o[ Publlc NOrke the abo eItt It.I be ttr[ and ekatch - liesotvrd,Thnt;theCllY or Bt. Paul . flzea_ and determines the amount or land to be taken for tha above named mr corn end alta to a «s ice° JUL is 1917 Yeas (11) Cgimeilmen (1') Nays abuWns pp Into° arora aloetin the 191 g betweenQNn° upon' .the eketrh at- Lhe COLLnCd � tb c,ssin^L I F4rilsWortll etoIt nar dt lublic Work tin the matmter. JU1 �LS 197 Cit - L In favor dated July 1B. 1817, which sketch and report are hereby rererrad to add made 1, 191 (iFr ler t./ - ' a AdoDtnd-bY:the COuneil JuIY 18,1817. rOV� Oil 11 i, Agalns[ .'Approved July 11.1917. �. t 81-19171 'IT ft-' Jr- '..."^^.-^^.� ... .. MAYOR 1.11r. Preside : FORM C.6.2 aitg 01- Pr f Peof<ublic7orks. otC.RcLPup5Er., cP�a [xa�Parw M..N.,GOSS. COMMISSIONER , or pxuP[ua .R Y"- GOVRLEY; G[euTv puwuu Or CoxaTwueNOP oPar�iw� - - wLrP[pJwG[peN,purl. nuas.0 cr ewmunaP - - - suwcwu or pupoap - N[PPp[o. ornc[ [xa Pau -. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - an- an easement in the land nieces- in the matter'.o.f condemni�ig [�ataking, sary for slopes for cuts and fills in,grading Palace street`, fram Cretan avenue to Cleveland) avenue, and James street, from -Ceti^- eyenue to Cleve- land avenue, under. Preliminary Order #15845, approved April 11,1917,.and Intermediary Order $17107., approved June 19, 1917. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby, submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on'private property,-and.by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken,, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. /'7) 1 Commissioner of Public Works Dated ' CRY OP ST. PAUL; - �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r OF1COMMIL TONER, OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) taking,.,an._eaeelaent, in_he lan4..naoeee.ary for „_ _ _: In the Matter of _.._Condemnin_g.,:and slopes for oute_ d_Zillts_in.;grading Palaoe, street from_Cretin. _,..._.___. ave'aue tp Cleveleund ave sad dames street from Oretin a=nus to y Cleveland evoaufs.... I _......... __' sil lltp/1917 _ under Preliminary Order approved �. - Tothe Council of the City of St. Paul: The.Commissioher of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total eatimated amount of, the asscssmert• tar the above Improvement is The estimated .cost per toot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits, for such improvement, and the assessed' valuation of each lot or. parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �AssesseD UTI DESCRIPTION LOT sLo01t ADDITION �- VALAONS 15 5 G. G. Whitney's 115 .. 14 5 Riverton Plus i 115 13 5 { 118 18 5 115 11 b 115 10 5 115 9 5 115 8. 5 115 7 5 116 8 5 ..TOTAL. ._`.. -........ _ Cl AUL - - OEPARFMENT OF, FINANCE _ REPORT_ OF: COMM16SIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMI ARY.ORDERP*� 1 IB) - ADD 1 T 10 N VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 5, 5 - G. G.. _Whitney' a 115 -- 4 5 Riverton Plaoe� 115 115 3 5 115 a . 5 . 115 1 S 1 14 1' 1 115 13 115 1� l ll5 11 1 115 101 115 $ 1 _ 6 Y 115 ? 1 115 e l 115 5 1 1 115 i 4 1 115 3 115 -115 154. 115 14 i 115 13 4 115 13.4 11 4 ----- 1 115 10 4 11$ 9 4 _ 115 8 4 115 • 7. 4 1 _. 115_..:. _ _ rorAL. viaAUL -. CITY OAK -" — DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE'. REPORT -OF _COMMI4SIONER-OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) - DESCRIPTION. - LOT-BLCCK -ADDiT70N ASSlSSl0- VALUATION. 6 .4 .. G. G. Whitney) e . 115 5 4 Riverton Plaoe 115 4 4 115 3 '4 llb a 4 115 1 4. 115 V lb 2 °. '. 115.' 14 a 115 13 a 115 la a 115 ll a 115 10 a 115 0 9 Z' _ ,115 F e' a 115 7 a 115 t, 8 Is . 115 5 g ,r, 115 ' 4 a 115 3 2 115 ` g g 1115 1 a 120 16 4 115 17 q 215 18 4 115 19 4 TOTAL. T S : - 4 AUL. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FRE,LIMINARY.-ORDER , IBI DCSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -ADDITION - VALUATION 30 ..4 G.'.G. Whitnay'e 115 al 4 Riverton Piece 115 , i 115 115 23 4 115 24 4. 115 25 4 115 as" 4 2? 4 115. 28" 4 115. 29 .4 115 30 4 il5 115 18 a 17 a 18 115 3 115 19 a 115 20 a 115 '2 115 as 115 23 2 115 34 a 115 25 2 115 26 a 115 ' 27 2 115 a8 a 115 29 a TOTAL. e,TY:O. r PAUL _ a - �- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - _. REPORT OF ;COMM%SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY_0-RDER. (C) - OESGRI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION A59@ TIO - V ALUATION 15 3. G. '0. 1lhitnep'G. I 115 14 : 3 Riverton, Place 115, . 13 .3 - 115 12 ' 3 115 11 3 115 10 3 D I' 115 8 - 3 115 7 3 115 6 3 115 5 3 115 .41 3 ll5 I 3 3' ` 115 •_ g I.3_ I ', 115, F l 3 115 The East 638.55 feet of.8outh_336.10 feet of the •cuth East yi 10300 oftheNorth East of section 8, Tcwnship.88, Range 33 .(Except Street• and Avenues) I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters and• - hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to -him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / U. _ :1917.-:. .._ . Dated, _ l� �P - - .. Commissioner of Finance. . Form ILII. 12 - _ _ _ 7 Office of -the Comrimsioner of Public Works _ ssioner of Finance Report to Commi- may 8th, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of:St. Paul: The Conunisaionc'r of Public Works. having had under consideration'the preliminary order of the Couu- sil, known as Council File No.._, 15846 ... approved .._.._April 11th, ..1917..__, relative tn..:... condemning,and �akin� an :Aaeetrent in the lan3..ne.esaary for.slop e, ....__. ,....:.._:._.__.._._...ca_. _. _.._ _.A nor outs fills it Qracl3n� Pala a Street from Cretin Alr nue .. to. Cleveland_ Aw. nue.,_ and.,James._Street..from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; andAinving investigated the mattprs'auld things 'r8fprred-to therciu,'hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__...........necessary and (or) desirable. of �s and 2. Phe estimated cost thereof is �_.._ ..XXX ...... and the 'total cost there $.__.: XX C 'the nature uud extent of said improvement is as followA; __ ..,._ __, _...__... ....... 3. 'A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is. heretoattached and made it part hereof. . 3: Said improvement is. ....:........;asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. 't ommissiouer ` Public Works. \ COUNCIL FILE NO IL By ..................... ......................... ..... ............. FINAL` ORDER In the Matter of.. corse rad.Q.-fll;..�A .....__ six -„feet the,south aide of Waipo a„St•...beginning-_at••.Paldwin.._St,,_,,.._ r thence -west .--to; the line•-of,•..1f t _4. Block 2.,,'Axight &..�4illiam!s ............................! ... ..................... ........ . ................_...:................................... .................. ........ ... .............. :.:-_ ............ ......;. tinder Preliminary Order .----:16,3.9.8-: .......... :.................approved ....................... t.... - Intermediary Order .......:............... ..................approved ...._...... .._................. A public hearing having been bad upon the above, improvement upon due notice, and the Conned. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, mud having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ” ment to be made by the said.City ls....^..C.onbtruat_a.._cement...t.i.1.B,...s1davialk.. ti1...a.... widtth..... eet....on the 14.o.uth ,$ide;.of. Wal"pole "St, - be,ginning. at. Baldwin St. _ thence.,West- to-the,west Line of Lot 4 Block 2 Wright & William's . ....... ... .... f and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be .made.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That theCommissioner of Public"Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; Ulat upon said approval, the proper city officials aro hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Jul IR In7 Adopted by the Council.. ` 191.......: ' .... ..... City Clerk Approved JUL1 i917 PP s r t u u c i _ _ t`iouncibn Farnsworth ,i� C011nCIlID Q098 p'•1•.n t .� N Councllm Hyland Couneilm Beller to ib , •c tit,a�l°"t° "ac i4eboilyia�i' nR e+f.1F+1liC itfe tlC�.,tot „4.,,.eloe p't - CO fn McColl tnt, MayorForm B. Si. coed with she making -of eald''Improye:• meat In -accordance-: therewith AAopted by toes Cou 917, Approyed: July 11,"1117, -[B17) � •• • -CITY or3T.rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FJNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL mAkRY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a cement., t_iLe.. sidewalk. to -a -Width -of the eouth _side__ of Ralpole _.lit.. .beginning. at. Bal dwin.-st..thende._.�8eat .tc Wdat line of Lot 4 Block 2 Wright and Williams itea,rrapgement_ ....... _:_ ........ under Preliminary Order approved uay 10x. 1917. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the.above improvement is 3-:-.Q.--5.5--.- - —• .The lots or parcels of land that may be assented benefits Ior such improvement, and the assessed valuafion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - DESCRIPTION .,LOT BLOCK ADDITION - .ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Aright 'and.'Jilliama 1125 2 2 Rearrangement of.Block 12 550 3 2 ldacalester Park 550 4. 2 do 950 TOTAL,317 5 .The 1Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all. of the aforesaid matterti and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. 191:.. 7. SSL . I/t�✓..I�iYIiC /`L;%/H _._ C `. CommiuiOnar of Finanee. i; G Office. of the Commiss'�oner of Public, Woiks Report to Commissioner of Finaace May .35th To the Cmnngissioner of-Finance of the City, of 5t. Pad; The Commissioner of Public Works, haying had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- aii, known. as Council File No...:_16398 ...npproved _lOth ._.....,191A, relative to....:.,.. const actin —— -- ,� �,. idlesouth sida o3 ii al ole St. .seg n ing 0. west to, the west line�of_Lot.-„4.,..Hlo k...$, '..right „_& �i1 ians's._ Rearrangement. and having investigated the matters and 'things referred to theraiii, hereh-y reparia: 1. Said improvement is -- __....necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot •, The estiioated coat thereof is $. _., and the total coat thereof is ........ x% ..:..., and the nature and..extent of said improvement is,as follows: .. ..::__ ..._ ...-:.... ... ._,. _. __....._,_._._._.. ....._._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch) of said improvement is hereto attached Mid lnmdo ji part hereof. d. .......... ............... ..... I 5. Said improvement is_nOt asked for upon petition of three of more owners of property, aubjuct to assessment for said improvement. Comnussioi a of Public \Vorka _ r f v. Council File No...__. - t BY .1 Li - CITY OF ST. PAUL a Resolution ratifying Assessment. as for In the matter of the assessment of benefit., costa and expens constructing a sewer on De'Sbto street from appoint 3o feet north of the north line of Jessamine street Geranium etre°et,'and on h. Geranium street e t from De St. to Clark street under Preliminary Order _._11715..........., Intermediary Order .131.69. F inal Order... 135,213—.—.. . approved . Nov.. _$r - - ........ 191 5...:.. — asTrt"Y11l4 wesaasrtartrs. �e: s, xo. r7ets r vement• and said as:e: A public hearing having been heti up rnl eneAtaawis a eYpene�. a, ean� ap P been further considered by, th, ■tr** % o sewer on De riot* creat Bred finally satisfactory, be it mens having IIII from a -Point so feet north of the y aoMh It.. of Ie••emine 'etroetI to therefore peranlum 'street ane .on to 'etroet from IM roto Bto Street et u u • uh or Pre nlmrCst#d�14et - - nG� Or - Inn Wil respects ratified and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment •aoseaetn ems• agi_p•a•ppu*a Aur fgN.q, pd. oiwegi ayl.lu •aopraatneey' for confirmation same hereby ordered to be submitted tij nemmoa•a Vu. •nopaatgo sueu•a D s passq lnlalQtWuaoD'•Q7 Du. •ap* •ep noaa.)nem•.oaawt etoge eargoat determined to be payable r D•q n!•q. amU*q >taWveq aligns r' BE fP FURTHER RESOLVED. That t LIST •t Eric peno,aav eters +aDao Ts' ...J t�•utwtlajd -pint •'t9-pao741.11149# tx �r "te... f a•tgrty. moil iaeat•-eqt ja 41. 1149 ' out nnaao-ai„auoa_;s�eaiexribed therein: ...L......._;r!.... equal installmen[s as to , . ' JUL IS !Q!7 19 i .... Adopted by the Council Ci tJY Cleric. JUL 1 Approved 191 ........... __....... .... .,. Mayor. irorm n, il. 73 - J lr CITY OF ST. PAUL .OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO_ MPLE TIONOF ASSESSMENT 191 In them&tter of the assessment of benefits, costa, and expenses for. the construction 'of a sewer 'on De Soto street from a.. point 30 feet Porth of the north line of . JOB eamine street to Geraniumletreet, and on.. Geranium street from.De-Soto St. to Clark street - P under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order appioved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissi oner of Finance hereby reports to the Coupcil the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - menta viz: Cost of. construction Cost Mapublishing notice $ . cost of postal. cards ..... ...... 24-_ Inspection fee Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has . s assessed and levied the total amount as above asclet- twined, to -wit: the sum of 5:.:..1.,.1.37 ...69 upon each and every lot. I part or parcel of land deemed and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with th benefited by the said improvement, the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, an I d I that hereto attached, iden- mmissioner, and made a part 'hereof, is the said assessment as completed tified by the signature of the said Co by him, and which is he I rewith submitted to the Council for such actthere�oR as may be considered Proper. ez . ... . ... . ..... Commissions of Finance. t'orrti u. D. 17 17 634 voyji . An ordinance granting permission to the Minnesota 41,1fer Railway Company to lay railway tracks across the Territorial Road, Van - dalia.street and Pillsbury avenue, and erect poles and wires.. on said streets for the purpose of operating ,care o'Tf'sdid tracks. THE COUNCIL of THE -CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the. Minnesota Transfer Railway Company to lay one set of single tracks across Territorial Road, one set of double tracks across Territorial Road, one'set.of single tracks extending across Vandalia street, thence in a westerly direction to the intersection of Pillsbury avenue and Territorial Road, and dividing into two sets of tracks, all sa'ahown in red on the blue' -print or plan hereto attached and hereby madea pert of this ordinance. Permission and authority are also granted to oper- ate ears on ander said tracks by either. steam or electria;i y,' -and for -the purpose of operating cars by the last named power, the said licensee is hereby granted permission to erect in said streets the necessary poles and wires. This permission,. however, is granted upon: and expressly subject to the following conditions: 1. That the said licensee shall save the City harmless .and indemnify it against all damages, claims, judgments, suite, cost'and expense whatsoever in any way arising out of the construction, mainten-. ance, use, operation or removal of said tracks. 3. That said tracks shall be placed even with the surface of the streets; and when necessary or -,ordered by the Commissioner of Public Works or the Council, the said licensee shall plank and replank the same so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon; and shall at no time all -ow cars to stand or remain upon the streets so as to interfere with public travel. . 3. The said tracks ahall,be-taken up and removed :from said streets and the streets restored to,their original condition; at the coat and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. 4. The said licensee shall signify in writing its acceptance of this ordinance and alr'the term a thereof within•thirty days after the �'' publication thereof.__ Section 3. This ordinanos shall take effect and bein force. thirty 'days after its passage and publication. . Pawed by .the Council leas - Hays .xVr sworth s r .�= and ler Vdederlich Mr. ftesident (Irvin) Approved — mayor Attest City Clerk.;-.- k f In f retxrl tdl at•t.r f 1411 b r) ac 1 t .•f rt rli Ikr,ed•1I aq .h— r tinn. hereto t and he•rnby made a part-tlf this once. Permission and nuthor•� al„oRra ,d t -1—ate -r.Id tea k by elther .t ./ �lartriclp.'and- for the-Purpo.. ral ng car. hp the ]ant named. the .nir Ir.enne II - e lan hercb • h rn L. mlxs r } c enr rn to erect In.-Idat This 1. and wl .• Thle : t 1 1 I earn t lupon , DI[ n) bJ t in .the followin 1 Th l lite ...,I Ile na hr Cit) h ml and 1 l.irin t `I lat' R.'I-Itn.ludf ants of th at .o. o. oPr.ratlon /,/J /�I•r L J'. i / 4%'��. �• n•,al f ril -tr k.. 2 That said track. Vall he -/� 1 •Itb th r rfna f the 11 hen nnr)' oMrred- - - r. ml•.1. . f Public \t'o ha. t.oun-p -th said Ilcenneo. eha. d e„tnr kthe-name eo as t< - '4�" t .1 ntr. nlconvenlent Yhe,. hall at no time nll.a• c -r. t ter fe r. mrain Po. tt:e etreeta i+r s _ "111 Pub,lc trnvel._ :+ Then Id trucks hill. be•t' • and removed from as Id streak ntrr•et. -stored to )bClr orlRlr _ _i]Ititln..t the Cont and expense lce nsec. whenever the Councll t. The .1-111 Ilcen.ee shag It, writing Its arceptnnco o[- this -nee and all the term. thereof thlrty day. .after the Publ: - thereo, - Thin ardl iSE�hn1 take:eKec: _ bn In farce thl ty. days attar its I .ar. and publlcatl-n. y Panned by the C..nell Aug. 2, 1p.. }I 51und. `Keller, aCllporth, _ At r. President (IrviT 2 o7, -_ - - Approved Aug. 2. 1817. - IRVIN,_ . altast: J. I. PARY7 - Mayo City Clerk. . (August. 4.1917) CITY 7F 5T. PAUL- ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM ' . FOENCIL BY - ' AUDITED .J 0 191 t PER ,- t'/"L( L I 499 Resolved that W:Lrrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of -the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons. firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective Blames as specified in .the following' detailed statement: Yeas ( V, Colutcilnlell Nays Adopted by the Council.' F, worth �)�_ 1�I% ' . 3:approved//: li nil lit favor \ K of _ _—_ - MATUM \[ '011 :Against Mr. President, rain - - - - C. F. 10. 17625-- Re.olved -that arrant. be drawn Payable out - upon the City `,rreatluryi of the hereinafter .p a [ands and eor- .. - it, • in favor or the Per.on.•'drma or r.rauon. forth. groan[. oet oPPoalto eP.eeldad. l0 . - - - '.their re.peutive.name■ as the tollorrM[ardetdled .tatement: Com'r. Finance. . S. A. Farnsworth,. $2,079.09:- 1917. Adopted by the Counrll July 19, •. ' approved July 19. 1917. - (July 21.191 71 17692. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 3,079.09 School—Sala Library—Sala / 12§ 3,079 :09 • y ego-Lai---4---3,twig, I ;I - ,..,1 - - - - CITY OF 3T'PAU L. - _ - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT = I '. COUNCIL 1 --RESOLUTION FORM F,LE No - AUDITED CLAIMS AUDITED-�()�.1 :.1 I)!%. BY 191. • PER 496 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City '1'rea,ury, payable out of the hereinafter specified finds and - ` - in favor of the parson.., firms or corporations for the amounts wt 4 opposite' their respcetive. names as specified in the following -.detailed statement: Con ilmcn 1 1') Nays. - - , Adopted by the CounuL_ Fa I .. .. .. SlppTo%, S it31. I 11 `nJ In favor I✓ t, T oil - .. Against Mr. Yresidetif rvin _ :G i 17846 L. tA: Baumgardner, 42.00 " - P.Parks-Const. Phalen Beech. 47 Alb. IIoedigheimer, j. 1 3.00 Ae.otved that wananu. be drawn Wdter—Expense. " 0.. F. NO. 17816--. aim.. Ovt '� I.. on the City Treasury. - _ 48 o� the harelnatter reonlat+nR.Ror eor favor S • Brands sethODODO.It t:;eLr T..D-etloe ' lr% ASO - poratlOns Water—Expense, names 11 JDer.IRed IR the. [ollowlnt - --. lie tat m Rrdn it2.bo. ' -'' :• - iw A Itnumaa _ .ala- j7 dlRhelmer 4100. - 49 C. &. Bronson, 3. nrana. 017 6d. ` $600 X6.00 Water -Ex ense . c Ii. nroneon. P ciymer h Fiuelstrr, $100.25. SO - ve e .'Clymer, & Hlle lster., Thom FFOI Y $1600. Oamhte. Aotrinson 9k Coy. s2to.81. 1$401x6. 105.25 • ?. Hater—EXpense. - CODher t,lme k Cel tent Grlbben Lumber C>._ $126.00 $17.6$. ' =:51 $2* 11RenoY. H-Ynt- IL A,. F. Evanson John >. ffOn, sx6a A• F. xtorlon SUP f10 S0: co ssls.a.. 5.70 p Nor0. Water -Expense. - Neuon t c an te rn-eu[ee P"1Rer CL4borato lee. • • Pltteb rah T - $1014;P 7 nneter & Storage C0.. 6 ' 6 52 A E-. Ferries,. Rt Il .1 . C'.: $10000 $10.x1. - o .00 . . Co.: --Water-Expense. SoOIh Pe k Fou .q- A C rrhom.on Auao,& CarrlaRe - - 53 - - 00. ` $10.; - . •.A 1HI In1Co$:6.00. Union tire,, Thomas Folefy, - Ador,t-d ,anis 19 .111 'j ]ulY 19, 1917. - 35.00-:, - 9, Schools-C&B-(McCle11an) ADnrO (July al-uiil 54 Gamble, Robinson, '& @ompany, 240.91 P.Farks-Ex„ense.. 55 Gopher Lime Cement, 401.35'. - _ ,& Schools-C&B4, 00 n . 4 i6 - (McClell�lsf3 .56 Gribben Lumber Company, 726.00 - Sc -0015-C. & B. (McClellan). t• I . Page #2. Res. 496. 17857 Haynie Insurance Agen'ay, 37.62 Water -Expense. - - !2.50 58 John is. Holt, • e ' Water -Expense. S9 A. F. %Oeton, Supt., A 18.20 AuditoriummExpen=,e u: -Salaries 369.30 60 National Candy Company, P.Park-Expense. 61 NOethern States PoweCompany, _ 126.79r i Water -Expense., 62 Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories, +10.14 Water�Expense. 63 St.Paul Transfer & Storage Company, 15.31 - P.Parks-(Expense. 64 South Park Foundry Company, 30000 water -Expense. 65 A. C. Thomsen Auto &, Carriage Company, 15.00 a Water -Expense. 66 - Union Brass & Metal Companq, -26.00,' E - Water 4xpense . - CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL. AUDITED `CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No -- f BY JUL' AUDITED 191 ' PER L..; ,C 497 Resolved that warrants bedrawn upon the City I'rcnsury,Lpayable out of the hereinafter Ipvcified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for,the amounts set opposite their respective' names as specified ija:' the following' detailed statement: Yeas l ) Con ilmcn (.i) Nays Adopted by the Council "? l -- 19 Jul Ia'1917 / IN worth , Approve d fn favor�� rll Againstc,Mr. Presidevin _i . I , I 17867 Burns Lumber.Compan*,' 866.O1 Park-Ps rk-Expense TailPark-Gonst. Phalen B. ;�7l� 68 — Central Garage,. /// 182.35 Water -Expense. .69 W. S.: Conrad, 58.72 P.°arks-r✓'xpense Activ. 70 Crane & Ordway Company,. _ 79.92 Park -Expense % 13,.50 Playgrounds -Expense ! 144 0, Water-.xpense 5 9 f: 71 Clarence"Oray," - 1 458:67 F i re -Expense 72 A. P Herschler Company, 626.47 P.Parks-Expense 34;54 ° ° 2934Q Health-P.Baths-Expense OS 6. 73, Chas. Kartak, P :rark.s -Expense . 74 F4 J. King, 35:76 P:Parke -Expense . 75 Kuhles & Stock, 33..05. P.Parks-Expense. .76 Lyle CotTugated CulvertCompany,, 58.80 - Water -Expense. j Page #2.' Res. 497 12.63 17877 National Lead Company, Water -Expense. 78 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 162.58 Park-EspsnseSjhool-C. & BAuditorium-Rxpense 462.'5 f - 50.00 79 - S. C.Ringwald, -- - Water-Ezpenae• - St.Paul Rleotrio Company, 2.23 ' 80 P.Bidg . -Ezpense . - St.Paul:Show Case Company, 25.26 81 ParkpPark-Expense. 82 Sanitary41.26 Food Company, . Park -Expense. 97/59 83- Seabury & Company, Park-ParkExpense: 1.50 ,. 84 Aa M. c5harood, Park -Park -Expense. - rc F u: 17627- Stone-ordean-Wells Compan7 oath ed y Tr warrant• bl Brawn upon the City Treasury. pga41• out of 75.28- 5 EB85 85 . 1 the b—Iratter -penned funds and In - park-Psrk—Ex B9. pen favor of the persons, drme or corpora- Western Grocery Company, tions for the amount: net opposite their t:i ice statement: in te. 131.61 gg Park-ParkExpense. lull g det: c ruin Lumber e o$601; . – 87 - - Wineoke k Doerr, W. S. Conrad. WIMP.". c a o a Ordway Co 679.92: Mr—e. 61aY. 1458.6 ' ', - 76. 91 Park-ParkES ense. p A. F. X.rtaker .11 . f826A:. Cham. ICar[nJ[. 1,.118. Culvert Co.. 161./0. Lyle n fi Stock. Culvert Lyle .. nal Leafed Noy- tiros 1 Cutlerl$ 6:.66. S. C.-R4nawald. $60.00. SL Paul ,:I—trh: Co., $z.22. - - - - - - -sL FAul show C".. C." $26.26. sanllarl• Food ,Co:, $41.26. ' - SeabnrY'O: Co:,;87.69. - - A. 1I. Sharood, $1.60. rd C .. 176.20. , C tpenlwk.Grocery Do.Co .91.$131 1. Wester WI Doerr. 176.81. .Adopted bY, the July 10, 1817. .;,t.d Y - yIt. 1914 ADNtroved J ftl 2 1917. .(-July 21 1 1 1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL - .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT __ ... COUNCIL -No. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE - AUDITED ... _- 191. - PER 498 Resolved Ihat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury', payable out of, the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the.persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set oppositetheir respective: names as specified in the !following, detailed .+Tatem ut: ` Adopted "by the Council' Teas ( v' Co ihncu f �) Nays ,..I. 19 19 F; sn•orlh G s Al)prot�t . - 191 1I and In favor U til.• Iler \ -Coll Against oil 1 .NIr. Presidei . Irvin — - C. F. \o. 17686— R. -I -d that waranU be drawn " " - upon the City .Treasury, payable .out - of the hereinafter. eperlfied"tunde - -i . .and _ 1n. favor of the persons,. firma or cor- - - poratlone for the amounts. set op... is " their apective namen.-ar specified. in g dol -.led elate eat: -, thN.Tp�l eton,000StoneCo;97116 '17888 Christ Johnson, ' 973.56Y • the Council July.19,-1917. -Grading Grotto. Appr.v.d July 19, 1917. . - [Jul)' 21-1917)- 89 O'Neil de Preston, 1,870.00 ., Ocean St. Sewer. 90 Standard Stone Company, 971.46 Curbing -Goodrich Avenue. . 81 E. T. Webster, 6,1100.00,1 Sewer Palace Street, 113104 .L1 Sewer Mihnehaha - Total — �s=t4•-'-. _ i • ,CITY'OF S.T. PAUL "COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM — Subject: COUNCIL NO. ate Presented Jui� ' 19, 191 7. Resolved,, TI;at the time specified For the Perform1ance of a certain contract dated October 31st, 1916 between Gust Nelson, doing business as the Standard'Stone Co..and-the City of st. Paldl for curbing Goodrich Ive. between West Seventh st.'and the top of the bluff at or near the Right of 'tvay of the Chicago, :niil�au,�ee & St. ;caul Railway Company, be extended to the 25thday of July, 1917, and the proper city officers i are hereby authorized to execute an`amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the pureties on thee'coritr&ctorrs bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comp roller. •C. F \ 1;618 I1— Ooee-- .. tt ' rt Thnt oche toepecl sed for I th 1 f h me n b - Inl d rkl 11 t '191„, t 1'."0 In mn true, -tial t. Io1nR lu I r . (W., i th. (Itl' of tot Pnullfor 1, - - .nthl N%tr ndl tha 'j T' between t5'. N.v_ 1111lilt; ht of \\'ny�bt th.'Chk .. fvn uk.e h St. pn ul Rn11wnY Com- ' ' July, ]bl; ezt.•n i to. ih. 25th d., of - ore hereL r nd th. proper cltY oKlcere ntna•mi YnUl hr i,f zed secute - _ meat t. a ntrnct In neeoMn- once hen•w'it h, Orovlded. however. thnt thle rceolutl.n nhnll not have nny force and eKDct unleee, the eu rotlee on the nFrnctor'e bond ronx.nt thereto and In each conevnt IP wrl It wIthe a'It ) Comptroller .\d�rplud LY_ the 'Coo ncll -July 19, 1917. •\Pprovrd Ju13' 19, 1917. Yeas (I') Co ' cilmen (t') Nays f Adopted by the Council = 191 1 Fa nsworth IqI� G In favor JUL 19 191 Her Approved t' ccoll Against t Mr. wua,' FORM C. 2 St Paul, Minn. July 182 1917., I To the Honorablg City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, I would respectfully.ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the curbing of Goodrich Ave. from West Seventh St. to top of bluff at or near the Right of Way of the ChioEgo, Milwaukee St. Paul By. Co. be extended to the 25th day of July, 1917. Owing to labor conditions it was not possible for me to finish this con. raet within the tome specified, hence i desire to ask that the time +or connletin- sane be•made as hereinbeforc etcted. I ` Youre very! truly, Contractor .There is no obj-ectlion to having the time extend@d ao re.uestcd, as far as the recuirements of this of--ice is concerned. Supt. of Construction & Rcpairs Commissirks Chief Engineer _ CITY QF--5T. PAUL COUNCIL ,R E SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM.. Subject• COUNCIL No. FILL. Date'Presented. July ' 17191 7.. I Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated cr.arch My 1917 botheen J. J Connolly and the City of St. ,Paul for the Construction of a sewer, on Mouth St. from Hatch St. to a,point 140 feet north of Front St. be and the carne is hereby extended to the I 17th'. day ofJuly, 1917 .rind the prover city officers are herety authoriae:l to execute an amandnent to said contract in accordance herewith provided, homevorl that thio. me olution ehall not have any force and effect unlece thQ :It eties'on the contractor'$ bona co;aent thereto ani, file sue-_ corscr:t in wri,,:ing •with. the City Co!::ptroller. c. I., Di. x. CB.F— IteaolYed, That the I n aincl.o,,,et - tho 11 Ver(ormahce or ter n J�J. Con- daA Starch B. 1917 l ( t •r nollyt r."di n eIf I rl x .S[.. onnul.iiuth tSt - to a point 140 feet north fro root ti Gho on.1 the II.— I. hereby exlrnl the17th17th '1-5, of-July. 1917. w I end th. 1 V r citl Klc,•,rB- nre hereby .uthorlxed to uxecl td h mendment contras, a ner th It III. ,wUith.t. Provldcd, 1 ver, that ot61. wit olu I, n .hall not have. nnY. t rce and c0 con Kert unless"rho .Ur `tllherelo es on tand ale IraInIe^°con entnIII rltlntt with the city Comptroller. Y to. 1917. - ' AdoPteA b)' iho-Council Ju1Y' I .\PVroved JuIY t9. 1917. i - - (JuIY 11.1917) I Yeas (1') Co ncilmen (I') Nays I t 191 j 1 I Adopted by the Counct�..' i '- I 1 �; Far worth Co' In favor �r g IIII�,,V\1 1� 1917 � 191 Appr—M oil �, Ag.inat - - L Mwvon Mr. Preiide . Powers ' - . a. _ ,.St..�Paul, Minn. �:July, 17y_1917. To the Honorable ;City Council., C I. T Y. Gentlemen,- I would respect ally ask that your Honorable Bodycause the time of completing the contract for the construction of a sewer on LouthiSt. from Hatch St. to a point leo feet north, of Front St. be extended to the 11th day 'of July, 1917. Owing to labor conditions it was not poseible for no to finish this contract within the time apelc'uied, hence: I desire to 'ask that the time for completing same be rrado as hereinb6fore stated. Yours very truly, �! �T-JO"-r- � -�ri�� yam• Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far ac the requiT?ements of this of-rice is concerned. 4uperintendent of Construction & iiep. Gam_•_. Ofilce Engineer.Commissioner. of Public 'fork i CITY OF 57'. RAUL .COUNCIL, -RESOLUTION---GENERAL .FORM Subject: COUNCIL F Cf� 1 _• - _ FILE No V/ D�tc Presented A 191, _ I Resolved, I TFiat the Commissioner -of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to temporarily hire and employ for a period of sixty (60) days The following additional help: _(2) Two Swimming instructors, not toiexceed 40¢ per lhour .each (5) Life Guards, not to exceed 35¢ per hour each. to assist in the care of the.bathing beach, said salaries to be paid out of the -Salaries Item of the Park FlundiI i, --- —�D. ^Ie i '1 fill—IiY J. 1' jienoly. d Th t[ [hc Ca PlYlnndublico Itulld- oC Ynrkn, tln)Kroundnnn _ Inge he und hr_.le herelrY auth�o�,edD`a ' t,mpbrartly hirn and emPthe toll wlnK _ - in rd tC '1'%" ll hztrn1P "Ca) da" nddilfo1 m trucra, no' it.. I--) T Nu vwimml K hour e to r ° —d 11d[e ,:" de. netto'.. .h" III ench, to n ,, Centa I,- h{o�u��r a h. Hold ttem toor hors ur the h^C.>,o(Kthe ,yalarirn [u hr. Pahl Mt '19. 1917. . thn 1'nrk. Fund. Council July Adnpt'I by duly the �vv d {Jaly 21-1917) Yeas ( ✓) Cdu ilmen ( J) Nays Far . worth - Adopted by the Council." / Go In favor K era App roved - 11!. �: y 19 ! 1 191„ � 1 r Against Mr. Presid t. Irvin MwoR COUNCIL FILE NO......... ....... _.. BY- FINAL, yFINAL:• ORDER In the Matter of..._construct'ing„n `cement b19Ck_..dr.ixel x:s.ix...f.e.e1—Mi.... Qn..: t e.jorth aide,.9.f.:.RO.bSe...St.�p.et....:b.e&innlnE..ilB}.:.f.eet...last.... QS.:..Or1eane..:... .Streets, .thence ast .11, . feet., .... ....... under Preliminary Order 15968.. _ approved . Abril .1.9, .19-17 Intermediary Order ::- __ __._ ..... hpproved ..:... ........... ... _. _ ........ A public hearing having, been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having _- heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of,St. Paul that the precise *nature, extent and kind of improve- _ - _ ._. Construct. t bl x°• *7543— t wide meat to be made by the sant Cite u.... a. cemen_. a Stetter of conatruMing a cement ”' ' . ek ---Y slz feet wlde on the rth side of noble street. begin- Q.rk the...Xoxtla ai.d.e...of>3obie_ St.reat,. beginninglg tlgu feet East of Orleans st., rl.eana •ace. E fly, feet. under Prelimin- a.Order 15751• aDDrosed Argil 17, — street thence'Past 11; feet............... ts• . .. .....e .. 44444444_ 4444 4444 public hearing having O.en sad .. ............ s............. 4444...- n the abon. 1C D :' mann g b..ue - - .ce. .nd -tbj cannon hwslnr hearo ons relative d�reeomm.n- " 4444 _.. 444_4 .. _... .. - - "_" ton. relatAs thereto, snd basing - . - ,Teoh.ldered the .ame; tbarsfor0. - ---_. !t - - - --.toolsed. nY the councilorthe ctt, at. Paulthatthe preMse nntnr0. [ant and it n! of 1. rnvet.ant i Ix .. - le_bl the CItY le conetrucf ' and the Council herebv. orders said improvement to be made. - t n, drl >• elf feet s, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public WorC' th lad-, r n beery°`r`e� •ind-directed - t 1 ', , e t ., tre,,. to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,.and submit same'. f - ;'."-:":..r approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with 'Se making of said improvement in aceordanee therewith. -aduptcd, lit• flu• Cmineil ». C/./. 191 Z. i .. 11 j 9 IQ 17 g City Clerk. 'r Approved -,isl - _..:. 1fav or Cumteilman Farnswooli Councilman t;u» Councilman Byhw l Councilman Keller Couneilnlau McColl — Alavor Irvin Furor 1t. S. A. 8-7. . Crti�gr ST. PAUL DEPARTM OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM�SIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D), - In the Matter of. Constructing a cement .:.blo.ck.•driveway six feet wide on__the ..-.- —.---"-- North side of Robie street beginning 118* feet East of Orlesne _,_....... ..... street thence East 11} fest, under Preliminary Order approved April 19th„1917 -• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s• - — - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvem•:nt is - $.9.9G : .......__ . _ ._-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ei:ocK -ADDITION - VALUATION 8 13 Olivier's Addition -6250” 'to Wait St.Paul _ 30 S Dawson's Addition to 1625 St. Paul . TOTAL. - 7875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports.that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the, report -made to him in reference to said mattei by the Commissioner'of Pablic"Works. - Dated 191 �!Y. �!.!i{.a•������_._ Commissioner of Finance. r„ru. u. 13 - - _ Office of the commissioner of Public Works Re pott to Commissioner of Finance April 30th, 7 ... 191...._ Ib tLe'Coulnissipuer of Finance of tile laity of St. Paul i Thc.Couuuissiopet of Publie Works, Laving bud tuuler collsiderotiou the preill, iI'll •y- order of the Collo- vil, known as Council File No,_:15959 a1 proved /(PT11 1Sty 191 h7 ...., retntn, to.___` t the ^_onetructaon_,of.a et�ent,_b�ook 3riv w2y,__six feet y{ide on tha 1:orth side.o.f nobie Street beQinn�nK 118- feet East of Orleans Street, hence East 111.feet - -- 81111 having investigated the Watters und.things referred to therein,lu•reby reports: 1. Said improveWent is . ._..:..._.necessary" and (w•) desirahle. 960 per lineal foot, xxxx 2. The estimated eust thereof is 11111 the total elist thereof is •r" __ and the mitur.e and extent of said impglveutent is as follows:" .. :1. A plan, profile or sketch of Huth. improvement is hereto iittuelted mid Wide"a part hvreof: ;- - 3. -said improvement. isnot'_.. .11sked for upon petition of three m• were on•1w•s of proprrty, siibject " 1 y to asscssiuent for said unprovcmeut• Colnwissi wt.of Public Works' -0, m OX COU\CIL FILE 1Q.. By... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..:.•.recot3structing, relaying W d_ repa,iring,.the gmetx ; ti,i,p sidewalk. to -a_ width, of.. six .f.e.et...on..the :south._aide- of...f16My....Parkway...... beginning at 'liamline. Ave, thence west approximately -120, f.eat..t.o a.,......... point where present walk is at proper .grade and line, under Preliminary Order 16fi.5fi.... ......_.._ _._,approved ._... 1.91.7 -.-...: ........ Intermediary, Order .:: .._ - ... approved - '. A public hearing having been had upon the above improveuteut upon due notice...and the Council Laving . heard all persons, objectionsandrecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; - therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is._ .Reconstruct.,._.TeaHy_,_&;ffi�repeir the... cement_._til e,. eldeRalk ri .wixit t...af..:B x :fee.t., on_ the, ,00ut4 side..,of_..biidVM Parkr.FAY. . b.Qg.;1C1i�}g•.a�t_,jam�.i.pe_. qve. thencei.mta -.west _approxal.y 12t�.:.feot, p9i.nt...wher.e...Preaent tralk,,. e_at Proper grade and `l.itie,...... ........ _: ..... and the Council hereby orders said imhroventent: to be made - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebyinstructed and directs to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper,'eity officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said imlrrovement in accordsmre therurutlt. �z Adopted by the Couueil r �. / / Iq 17 /f ity Clerk, UL d Appnrve( Ifll / Jr Mayor Councilman Farnsworth rOUilellnlan Goa,- the - - Councilman Hyland ah Councilman KellerIf"a dv .• the¢. 1:1p re.t t a P Councilman McColla cut ° herr Per 11 1 :LLot t be Mac Mayor Irvintoll, woThatth rk. be ' _11,-d and dlrect. I - - - - - - an4.epaclac¢tlont - Form B. S. A. 8.7. _ '• and eubrnit. aDProval; that , rlproperd dlrecteu. .Aemaking pr - ,n gecorJanne ttierj � •the Council Julx - IJu Yll1 3817) - CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF'COMMIfSIONER OF FINANCE ^)) 7 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ca) In the Matter of P +¢ t .; .. fl -?�1 J,,!yC ! . i � _ .. ,y r�.l..a - ...fLx.L.' r ,/ �?,p. �A-('i f / �'f !F ! •..,.. i /. � l,�.c ,M' .. r � .'�...T:cr-Tri._ ..��. � r ..: t i. _fl _ r .... .... .....:..... . .. .. .. ..... ......... ..._ ... ....-_ ........ _.........._ ..... .....: .... ._ __. . r under Preliminary Order approved. / �..�. � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount oQhe assessment for the above improvement is, - = 3..-.... 'The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3,0...06.. per. eq.,f.$ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and 4he assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as .last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - - - - — - DE 5 C R IPT ION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION -ASSESSED VALUATION ,'nii i'J' Cr `�,/ /it'�llDrrj 41-/ %5 k. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters,' and hereby submits the .foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference . to said matter by thee. Commissioner of Public Works Dated..'! r .........191 .. � '. "'. /._. 1 � llizs c�/1 _,-_........ / Commissioner of Finance. Office of .'the -Commissioner of Public Works Report w Commissioner of Finance- May 31st, 191 7.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St Paul i I'he.Commissioner of Public Works, having lord under comsiderntiom tale preliminary order or the goon-- 16656 t a ell, known as Council File No........ __:. _approved Y 2 ".3r... .. .l')I ..? relative to _. EecortstructinaI relavin= ani repairin: the cem_rt file sidewalk to a width of six feet on the s,-uth dide of. 1.:idway Parkway beginning, at _..__. - Hemline Ave thence west approximately 120 feet to a point where present walk iy, at proper -rade and line . ._. iilul hiit•itig invistigincd tine matters" and things "referrivl to therein, hereby reports: i 1. Said improvement is ..... .... _...necessary anti (or) desirable: 6,6¢ per lineal foot 'S. The estimated cost thereof is anti tho total dist thereof ix _ _ _ Xxx �u ,I the ituture and extent of said 'improvement is as follows: . a: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto altnehed :111,1 made it part hereof. 4. - I i - a, Said inilwovement is...... . .. _.__....asked for upon petition of three or store owners of property, subjemt to assessment for said nalnovement. Commissioner of 1'ub `c Works. z %i X44 COUNCIL FILE NO... ......... ................ 13y._ ...... ...... ..... ........ ... FINAL .ORDER In the matter of...?econetracti.rtg:;..rpiaying und_,reqs-1ri.n8.:.:FM ..gomAnt,............. ............. the_ south. aide...or.-Oaxla.ad Ave......-Vezinain8 a.t.. Duka._St......:henc.e....east .._329... #'.e.gt..... ..." _:.. ...:_. ....:__r , ]ruder Preliminary Order " 16554.......upproved YAy 19, 1917 Intermediary Order approved .. A public hearing having been had upon the above it upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectiona.and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered. the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conucil of the City of St. "Paul that the 1)*"ise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is, reconstruct,.. rele,.y..andrepair with cement tile to a,..widt.h of six, feet., the present ,cement the gidewalk on_: ....the...s.ofatth...e.ide.::.of...XIcland...ATO ......Deg i nni.n6..at.:Duke'..2t,...thence.ea•st ....... 30 f.e.et,....... ........ ............ ........................ ...:....:...............................I................ . and the Council hereby orders said jtnprovemcut to be made RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that. upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making - of said improvement in accordance thertivith, .Adopted by the Cuuueiln-,(.( / . City Clerk. hp pit 1:1-7 Approved 191 ........ ........ - "9ectwiia nG rec t Mayor. . -. Tuve thereto, and r 'oared the Councilman Farnsworth ..d, BY the Council or lhr t Councilman t;otls au' that thepretlse netu_, ♦♦♦� Councilman Hvlaud i,", thln0 of ampeovemnat a `— i i { l�rl a ltht>` le retonetr 4 Councilman Keller or lx r•et the`p....t nue t ry le aik present f o f/ Councilman Al tit. nnins ihnld' er of t .1.�0 Duke [rq _ 1 feet. and the Count tern. .Irl Improvement to �lay0r IrC1I1 lved Further That the Comml . '• inatPba. Nork.. b. and . b r."d . Form h S. A t. danr an0 Oftdlrected"lo pr. peclAeatlpaa (or sa;. I 1 for t` and suDmlt sacs to- td - ., il, tde pproval;: that. open .aatr - -Groper city Art.ar• - authorined antldlraebd to pre. l - !h tb. maklni of said Improve. !. attordaaea tbenWlth. " dby the Councll,JutY 18, 1817:: '.d July -18. 1917. (July ll•1917) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE SIONER OF FINANCE�� ON PRELIMINARYORDER In the Mattis of _ _... ..._.............. .... _ .................. _-...... - i under Preliminary Order approved. �� Lt _ .... _1 .... _... ...... .... _..._. _ .... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: y The total estimated amount of thetassessment for the,.abo-re improvement is._, - j . The estimated cost per foot foi9ha above improvement is 3...;..: The lots or parcels of .land that may be assessed benefitsfor such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,'are as follows:, - e DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'ASSESSED vALUATIQN_' e l TOTAL: The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all, of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon .to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated j�% 191. � ' •'+ �._. Commissioner of Finance. I Office of the .Commissioner of Public V orks Report to Commissioner of Finance May 6th, 191 •Po the Conimissioner of Finanee of the k;ity of St: 1'11111: _ The Conuuissiouer of Public Works, having hod apdcr consideration the preliniivarp oriler of the CO:1111- vil, known its Council l de.Nin 16564ltpproved May 19th1:—.__ 11), ..7, retntive to J ei oFi3tYt.t t.a.r;1;, rciay L�; and ..r.a.pai.;,:,TC: ith, nt t ile t a. width_ of e.ix f'.e_et. he. :r resent- C.era.: nt.tile Aide} ul}.,,.on,__tr e south af,de of - Oahland Avenue oe�ir.r.in,., et P.uYe street, tl_e n�e east 31C feet. and 111tving iuvrstigldrd the quttter•s and Things referred to therein, ho-O)y reports: 1 Said improvement is_necessary and (or) desii•ade. 66.A ::er 1i,,-.;;1 _foot � The estimated cost thereof is oad` the totral exist thereof in mrd the unhurt: aird ext! -id of said iIII provement_is it,; follows. 3. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvc11tent-is hereto atLurhed aird made'a part hereof. . y d. : .. rc,t _ 5. Said improvement is....__. _asked for, upon petition of three or works on uers_of property, n11hjvc1 to assessment for silid improve11reut... - t iinunissi"ll11er of Public Works. ; COUNCIL FILE NO.... B - FINAL ORDER Lite' Matter of.....con.etruc.ting a sewer on Sixth S.t...:...rom...,T.Qhnab.n........ t.Q. St1El.re.tl.0:e.stxy................... ............................ ................:...._ - 0 ,r tinder Preliminary. Order .16602_._. approved . Uay 22,, 1917. ..._ intermediary Ordt•r .. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above iutprnvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully 'considered the salve;' therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conneil of the City of St. Paid that, the precise nature,. extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by.the said City is...Conetruc.....a..: e.e.wAr...on..S.ixtth...S.x..:..f.r.=..:d.Qk1II6Dn .......... 3a.r.enc@e;. F. No. 11815— Parklx....t a...^..e.. the Matter of conxtructlnS a sewer C-11 Sixth St. from J=..'Pa=, - to Clarence. St.. under Preliminary .:.. Order 16602. n .....:...:::.:...........:. ................................................. ......................: PDrayed )la)' e.. 1h&i - _ A Dubllc hearing mp havl.n been had - uDnn the above lCornt hat upon dee - - n all pe, ana the Council having hoard .- - ...:....: """ '- """' ""'-""""- all Deraone. oblectlons and 'c'omm'a- ' danonr relative thereto: and havn t fully considered the came; then or.. ,-•--•- ba It Resolved„ By the Council ot.tha City - of <St. Paul that the preclae nature, er - >nt and kind of improvement to ... .. ..:.... ... -. ......... rade by the evnid-City iernmtruc. - and the Council hereby' orders said improvement to be made''' a Sloth St, from dtheJohn-on Pr P to Clarence fro and the Co,, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publt Workir" sale Impro.emerit ,dtructed and directed. arth,,. That the to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit. Ic work. b uncil for approval'; that. upon Said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement In accordaurr therewith, tJ; :Idoptvd by the Couuril `. '. J 191 t . ; 311 I fit.... City Ctlph�k. Approved......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Counpilman Htlan.l Councilman KOLL. - Councihnan McColl- Fbtntcltfnarw�41t,1elerlicfr--- "Alavor Irvin' - - Foran 13. S. A. 8•7: - - - now �. _ ' 46"ST, PAUL - - DEPENT OF FINANCE. _ REPORT OF COMMIS_ONER OF FINANCE - - - -_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, (A) _ (,'OI70 rue;ting a.._ $ ewer, on - platter of _- .Sixth. In the4 _ Parkway to _Clarence Stre------t-- �:_ ......:. _........ ................. _-._:-.:._ ...._. - . -.--._ ._....::.._-- ......,. - ------ ....... under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of.Finance hereby reports as follows: -- . The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 5--1::0921• 00 The estimated cosi per foc•t for the abav - :pro:•ement is valuation of Tlie lots or,parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and thc, assessed each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I - • - - DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 13 1 Bergman's Division 75 14 1 75 15 1 75 . I 16 1 75 ' 17 1 75 75 19 1 75. 20 1 75 75 22 1 75 ... TOTAL. . �. --. 4a •O' ST. PAUL DEPAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISONER OF FINANCE AN ISFtELIMINARY ORDER -. ASSESSED - LOT'aLocn. - ADDITION VALUATION CESDRIPTION '23 1 tergzan' a Division" 75 1 '75 24 75 12 2 - 75 11."Z. _. z ?5 , 10 Z 75 g i2 - . 75 8 Z 75 1 7 Z 1 75 6 Z 75 5 Z 75 4 Z 75 3 Z - 6 Z 75 75 1' Z 1,800 of Financel,further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon reference to said matter by,the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. ( :_191../ Commissioner o[ Finance. i'una B. It. 12 - _ Office of, the Commissioner ' of Public Works -- - Report ,to Commissioner of Finance . May , Iat, ... ... ........... ._.. ,.. ....... To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. YauL• The Conunissioper of Public Works, having halt] under consideration the preliminary order of the l;min, cil, known as Council File No.. 16604 _.approved May 22nd' ........191 7..., relative to_.._ .............. the construction of a sewer on Sixth,Stre t fror Johnson _v vt ay to ^lrree Street . __....._ .. ........ -.. _n_..._........._ _ and having mvestietrted. the muttersand things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Suit] improvement is ... ..........:necessary and (or) desirable. 1.37.per front foot ^i - isa.00 �. Tile estiunnted cost thereof is �_ .__..._ _ and the toad cost thereof s and k3acssaole frontege'80C 'set "xcess inspection ?50.00 the nature and, extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of sairi huprovement is hereto attached aiid mnile it part lit-roof. 4. :::. (( :i. , Said iu provenient is.............. _........ asked for upon petition of three or mare owners of property, subject 'to assessment for said iniproveutent, r CotmnissmuuFer 1'ablie Works.. i - St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The touneil, City of St., Paul, Minn. _ Gentlemen,- we, the undersigned property ocmers hereby petition your Honorable Body to ca/Use the following improvement, to be made: st ... .. at.A-vl&. - N,�yA'M S _ _ _ _ a LOT I BLOCK all GA t.° .� • �j� 1 . . . . . . . . ..... tl .. . -7 fe . . .. . . C :Y ✓� ...... ... Q,lu . . . • . . tt _ Uk tlIit. of Wit_-3aul - Dcpartntent- of Public dr&s - - OSf OLAU E SE eu•c.v.1 E CARRO LL. —1, .- M: N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - 'R T GOu RLEY, OCPUIr - - - .. _ - N ER a1, ..1:'_:.. ro: ai ::ie:;, .:o=' is ,oma --o, eN i.:,. r, o_ co.: or e to F.Tv::CC :it. 1L ,CC Oi':.....0 �. .l1 ..A (,`oul lcn _'ilc. .,rlu'SJ;.;y ,: UVeCi - A y t , 1:117. _. a)ti0-' ._.`sC 0'0 ._..u0 . a ,e oJ0 C0�5 .� _-o_. :cot 1..::T• ' ..cess 1 ,;ea,;io:•, reco :•;, U:iJ.UJ Uc i:.:: Cl o_ !.�r', L.eor 1 i COUNCIL FILE NO _..,..:'.... _...:,-. ` FATAL ORDER In the Matter of :eonstructinge. c0m.0nt til0 131ciewAJk Loa .width of 617t .._.S.e.e.t on the norctb E) Jd.q %r..ApRpqybeginnitig...80 feet east of- .................................. .... �5aleh .�lpe.a,. thence ea et 4Q feet,. , !� ........: under Preliminary Order ....16.4.77 approved .-:_Y..16A 1917 Ldermediary•Order ....... approved-__.. .. . .:_.... ....:..... A public hearing having been had upon the- above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all -persons, objections and •rgoommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the -same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.... Conetruct..a _cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet the ,north aide of Reaney St, .beginning 80,..feet .es et, of. 1Saj._ah..Ave,.e. thence ea•at.,.4Q. feet,. _ and the.Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That, the Commissioner of Public Worls be andis'hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,. and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making or said improvement in accordanep therewith. :Adopted by the Council. � � _! ; 131 .._ - j CI y JClerk. Approved.. .r -the Council o .. ...... •( hat the ou"Ic "astir .� - ` - Mayor. l:Onnellman FarnstcOl'lll kind of Impro a eat to . Councilman CoG iee sidewalk Eky to ao wldthto — Councilman Hyland na Lne th glee po aranel rile— oofeet t t Walsh Councilman Keller at 40 f` n�' n pro ee J,.r.h"x rdrra id and m _ v Councilman McCollad eM Further.a . That the Camm19-- (�ptt}tgiltn1I9 erldiells. Pubilc works be and be 1. - in■tructed and directed to pre- _ 1llavor Irvin - .an■ and ■pe<Idcalien■ for ■aid - emant. and. ■ubmlt ■ams. to thr - - -.11 3or approval: that Von "Id Form B. S. A. &7. _ .al. the proper city Rlcere are autnorl:ed and 4lrected'to Dro' .,I, it ca eln Lfierowleh Improve- ltedb thr.Cou nell Ju IY 19. 1917. - ovrd July,19. 1917. - (July :1-1917) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Manu of ._..... _.CO.Aetzvct.ing.:a asmeat...ti.l.a t#iaev►alk ....to.-a.W.Id,th..._Of .d;K...feet.._........ �._ on the North aide of.Reaney street baginning.80 feet Eaet o Balch _.. ave.nua,_:.t1w.110e....East.40, feet.. ...... :. ....... .... ....... under Preliminary Order approved.. ?[$Y . ls+.h.a...19.] ... -.. ...... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows! i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ -. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is �.•(%•-66..-Pek' -. line eal ft, The lots or parcels of land -that may be assessed f:enefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follow:c DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - - VALU AT.ION 13 55 Allington Hills 475, Addition to St. Paul - I . TOTAL. 415 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that .he has investigated all of the . aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated.. .:....�% f . , .:,_. i91 .7: a...i CliL'e�.c z lIY/.e!/i..w......_ _ Commissioner of Finance Office of the COMO!56:6n x of Pubic Works Report to Commissioner of Finance) a asey 28th, 7 - ........._., .... - ...............:.... ....... _..101:.... `I•o.tlte Commissioner of Binim a of,tbe City of St. 1'anl: ( `The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under emrsiderntion the preliminary order of the Conn- 16477 Yay 16th, oil, known its Council, File No... 111 ...7, rchttive to .,.... . approved I constructing_ a eme t tile sidemilk., to, ._:.i_dth.,._of .Six :feet.,, on _ the nort:.. side.of. Fzney :fit.... n Q_ ft t.....�.adt thence east 40 •feet �.. _. ...... : id haviurt_ investiunted the nurtters and. things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improl•ement is. .., ,..necessary and (or) desirable. 660 per 1ireP.I foot :wd the totol cost thereof is __., X. and • The estiuiinted cost thereof is �. - - the nature urd extenttof.said improvement is'as follows: '.' _ .....:.. _ 3. A plo n, protile,or sketch of said improvement is hcrieW attached :wd made :t part hereof. I -1. Said improvement is_. RCt__.::_.:.asked fpr upon petition'of three or• more,own :rs of property, subjvel a tonssessment for staid improvement. - - - Cmaoussioae� of l'oblie Work9. 647 COUNCIL FILE NO. B}.... _.._. .. .. ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._Co7latrUCt'ing..a cement tU0.'aAd9Ralk :0 4_width._of ............... e ght. .eet...G.n the_.eoutkl...9t.de....9f...lo t.:Thi?.d..St.....beBiAhing:at ......... ......... Maple St. thetics :east 12.feet,.. _ i .............: .:...... under Preliminary Order ......1.6.5-66.............................approved .......maY...19-r ..1917.... ......... Intermedian• Order :... -. approved - A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having. heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative, thereto, and having fullyy considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By 'the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise Nature, extent and kind of;improve- merit to be made by the said City is.....Cdnetriacti .4 ..1P.e91@t1t .tile , eideroe•] k,..to a...width•, of : .:.eight._fmet ....11n..the...aauth_si,de..o met_: �h.ird...8ta beginning at.,Maple St. y thence...eae..... _•feet. ........: .................................... _ _ ........... .. ...... i and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioher of Publie.Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Ct111ncil for approval;.that upon aaid approval, the proper"city, officials are hereby authorized an¢ directed to proceed lvith the making of said improvement in accordan7 /the relvith. — Adoptrd by the ('uuncil 191 City/'Clerk. !I l 7— Approved _ 191 ctio.:. d 'velatlre thereto .....-. ....... I ' ' rul .:la.m.red tits wages a Mayor — .. be Councilm Parnswmth li:.•i.ed, By the Council oi" is at Paul that the precise na.•,, CCouncilm boss is at and kind f-lmpro�smen. in Hyla" the .said City In const. _ (:OIInC1I1 Hfland _ Cement- the sidewalk, -to a. wt�, fahtfeet on the mouth side oC„ Council Keller - Third at.. 'beginning at Wapir Council McColl thence east 12, feet, and the Cc . hereby -orders said Improvement ter j lttt- - made. J� f/ Resolve To her. That tDe'coms Sia •or.I in loner of PuDlle Works be and he 3 - herSqDr lost note and directed to v PaN pI... and wpeeldcatlonw for as mprovegeent and wubmft same to t _ Form B. S. . 8• i • :ouro�. foryiprllsagon ;=&I. ecaocityu author. and directed to pro ..*ad with the making Of Said improve.. - msnt,la:,accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council July 19, 1917: - A9pnaved.July 19.1911 (July,11-1917) , ' CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS'0IONER OF FI"NANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .._..:°; � .. f .., r>! _.... � ...:. �...... .. ... ...:_.. _............ ... w �.:..<S:!! _c rf.. y i� ff._a.!.:._. . a /.... : !� ...:. ?rc34 rL:_.......f Gr,� _... ..... .... undo Preliminary Order approved.'... L!J ...... � f l To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _...... " .. The estimated"cost per foot for the above improvement it - 5....4..8$. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of eac- ; lot orparcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED / VALUATION 1 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as -his report thereon to the Council, togetkerwith the report made to him in reference to said matter by thi Commissioner of Public Works i / 191 !?�{rG1�� Dated. ��� � .... .... _. 1_..... .-_ _l L<.F __ ._ .._ �•___: ....... . Commissioner of Finance. rotor �. �. � .•e o - - - - - - _ _Office of the Cmmissio .er' of Public Works r°` Report to Commissioner of; Finance . may 2Pth 7 191..._ TO the Commmissioller of Finance of the City of St. Pool: The Umnihissioncr of Pnhlic Works, having hod itoder consideration thelprelimimary order of the Colin - 16566 Jay 19th, 7 ail, known as Couneil file Nii....., .._ _...:_,approved.... 1.11..:._., rehttive to ....... ....I .construct Jny a et ert tile sideas.l} to a width of1Eftt fe�t on the scut s`: a of Fact Third St ,b e,irran; at ' .axle St. , thence ust, 12 _f.eet find. having,investigoted the matters and things referred to thereinf'hereby reports: , 1. SaidJI1Ipr0vement.,`$8¢.. .�tt�eegvjagfiafidf�i/� desiiuhle. 3. 7'he estimated cost thereof is {-..... ._..... Will t1le total cost thereof is -eXXX. _ ...... and 'tile nature and extent df said improvement is as foQows: J. A plan, protileor skeich of said improvemehi is hereto altoehed jural tiutde 11 part hereof'... -1.. I " 5. Said improvement is_.... not __:......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, sobjvet to assessment for said nnproveniellt.. t.owolis+jo111 r of Pohlie \\ orks. f j"lr. \• -.CITY OF 5T. PAUL _ • \ COUN:CI-L RESOLUTION --GENERAL "FORM Subject. `o Encu. NO. Z 14) AS I)Ate Presented JUly 19th.1917. 191 ' k ��'%AS, a petition of remonstrance.eRairret"the constructing of astorm water _y relief serer on Como Av16. `lest- from Carter Ave. to Langford Ave. and on Knapp Place r from Como Ave, �9est'to Knagp Street,h¢e been preeented.to the Council and dulycpneidel�ld. p+ow after such considerations RESOLVED, That t9e Council deems andNrereby declares such improvement Ube a public neccFeeity. i C.17618- - \Vherenx, t Petitl n 1 remonstrance • nBnlna' to cenetru�ttre o. - water ellel 8 war of gford ve '\Yost from C t r. \ve. ft orN Como Av ..\Ye tl un Kn+rVPl�reet hne been.Preaented to to Knnp, s th Coon'" on d Jul> conylderrd. .�•ow [i r a h on.lderatl n.. tt of e 1 rrnat 'ho h Council deems nJ hrr t Y d clots each Improvement toh.• ry Vu111m_emwity. - Adopted hY. the t, uneil'JulY . 12' lett. APProved _(l)1118 7)Ju2' .. i Yeas (✓) Counciltnen (:) Days _ Adopted by the Council July 19th. 1917. 191 Farnsworth In favor Illi 1) 4 Goss Keller Approved %till 191 Keller 6 Kell0 Mecoll Against l� XIY'di(dctit3li( MwvoA Mn President. Irvin - - CITY OF 5T. PAUL _ - "'" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS; -RESOLUTION FORM r�� / ,{ j FILE ' AU.ITE."j6T 16- inr_ --__191 - �! ✓ U i PER �� '�.�•'A'n_R.o�—.. rnu 501. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of a hereinafter specified funds and :. in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective na es as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (r") Coujl ilmen ( )Nays — Adopted by the CouncZlULL.an 1917— .191 1. 1'arl iworth Goss Ilyla ad In favor Approve`t 191— . Kelli r AYOR \fC II _Against . - P{'u erlich Air. President, I vin 7 � 17895 American Express Company, - 1.72 P.Library-Expense. .. 96. H. W.'Austin, Purchasing Agent, 109..94 - Health -Heal th-Expense 0 Mun'. Oourt-hlxpense - 9". P.Library-Expense8 40 Water-zxpense 00 G.F.-Miscl. & Unforse838 77 1. .24 a 10 E 97 C. Beilenberg, 282.92 Health-P.Baths-Expanse. 98 Bobbs-Merrill Codtpany, ( 9:00 .'P.Library-Npooksr. 99 Leo J. Borer, 13 5.00 - - P.Sohools-Expepse. 900 L a.. S . Breher, 4.50 P.SchOols-expense. Ol G. Braes Van Dort Company, 18.00 . P.Library-NBooks. 02 B-rown, Blodgett .& Sperry, 1.00 Water -Expense. 03 Corning, lbnahue Brick Compan , P.Parks—Const. Phalen Beach ! 71.08 56. r Schools C & B 115108 0 04 Craftsman Press, 18.05 Mayors Office—Expense 3. P G.1<.—Printed forms and blks 4 — .0 Page #2. Rea;. 501' . 17905 Barwell, Ozmun,-Kirk Company, 51.24,' ) - Schools C & B'. P.Yarks-Expense 5 07 •95+„ Playgrounds -Expense - Fire -C & B .q5 Playgrounds -Equip. C.P.W.-Workhouse-Expense Forestry Revolving Fund i, 2.02 1.24: ©g Will. He Keppers;-, 1 7.E5 School -Expense. 07 McClain & Redman, 91.40 - O.F.-Civil Service -Expense •2D Uity Clerk -Expense_ P.SchoolswSxpnnso 5. 0 j P.Bldga.-Archt.ruEpense 4 65 I " P;.P&rks-Expsnse P.Library-Exp15nse:. .50 Water -Expense 9 .40 776.39 Henry McColl, COm'r• P. Safety, 32 ufBso, ua,una. P•Bldgs..-Pxpens a Archt . g C. F.YCo. 17649- i Resolved that warrants be drawn Playgrounds -Expense - • 8 anon the City Treasury payable out-.[ ; the h...tnafter op.eided funds and In Water -Expense - ` t 6 39 favor ofersona the p, firms or corpora- I it... for thr amounts set oDPoelie their respective nemee as ap.alped fn - 31.05 the following detailed trtutentent +m. int Fspre a Lo, $1.72, 09 FI.� \4 Austin Pulchasing 0. Re Michelsen, Agent. iloa.�! p.SChools-Expense. - I.. Merrill 33 L RJ Dreher. $4.50, 10 Y. & Brass Northwestern 'Copps , - •'" 28.22 _ C Dr.- Van Dot Co !18.00. Testing ba. -Expense 5 ' Ilrou•tt, ISlodg,•tt. & 'r t.ornl IJ hio 18.05. lo, f71.03. Y- n Cyn [ism n L +, !18.05. Fart[ II'O nut. lurk C.- $51.24. - P.Schools-Ex�enae 1 y Wan.M. KePPrr., f7:5. MCC]. n & ticdtnan. fuf.10. — -_ Henry' Melbti,-t'om'r. '1•. Safet N: 1::6.3x. - 8 22 • . O. It. Illahcf-ri, !31.05. \o rthwuatrr Gi . n PPer & ltrna j.e.32. - - .. . 11.24 Orlen tnl L+ !'111r Ca.. !11.21. reopte T ace a al ao. 11 11 dry COmpany, Oriental Laundry Perkin T > 1•rl iiih C $60,00. Ilnymrr Hrrdx rn: Co., St6,61. /L�atlTi � Rohl neon Cary & Sind.. 111100.. St. Paul Milk Co 331.05. S,hb.l 11-tt re, 11.90. 12 _ - _ -Peoples Transfer Company, 17.00 - 1 L• tdOPtVd by the ('.nai UI July ^o. 1;1-.. Appy d. July' 20 lot,. P..Library-F+xpense. I (July -B 1J1:) I Printing Company, - 60.00 13 Perkind-Tracy P.Schools-Expense. { 14 Raymer Hardware Company, 15.64 _ Testing.Labs.-Expense School C&B P.Library-Expense P.Parks-DDon. Phalen BeachWater-'Expense #5" r Sands, , ' 41.00 • 15 Robinson, %ary & Water -Expense. 31.05 16 St.PaulIdilk,Company.- - Health-P.Bath3-Expense. 1.00 17 Schleh Brothers, Paving Miss. River Blvd. ..Y; T21.88 .. T. ` CITY PAUL - �..�.w� ACCOUNTINGG D DEPARTMENT COUAUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION � FORM PILE twBY S JUL ? iI 1917 .. AUDITED __" _. 191. PER 7. nu 50 2. Resolved that warrants be drawn.upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts se[ opposite their respective names as specified in the ftillowing detailed statement: - _ - - Tl_ 20 19!7 Yeas (.') Count Imen ( t') Nays - . Adopted by :the Council barn w•orlh UL 21i� 1917 Xp /ov�d�- 191 (yl f liy1; d In favor t � Kell r - - MAYOR J JIe 11 _-Against 'V1•ut erlich - - Mr. Presidenl,.I vin - - r r \o:l,csti-- 1.00 Reeolved-teatwnrrants be drawn 17918 T.' L. Blood Company, °t° thethere nnteerensury' pn4ahle out P.Parke—Expense. in fall— f,the I .nan I fund, Cora -poratlone for theamount. eet:oDpoalle - -� thelr reepecth t ..rues as SP -I led In 29,89 19 Joesting :8t Schilling, ; `n1• r�ll Btuull; 't.11 'i Ntteruent. P.Schoola-Expense. :Jo •rinir-R ,cnuunt;. sa.as.. `4 �t nnatt n t:i t all s 62.81 20 P. J. Salman COmpariy, s1� th,e t Ii •, 3 u,u a nt Fire -C & Be Jut Inr l lent trcsJlea R 1_.75 . 9.75 \1 21 Ed. Kohler, Z \\ t Plater -Ex .nae. a T J1 3 t i. s 1z — I I ni IJ Jull .0, -193 i. .l pprored lul\ 22 Manhattan Oil Company, rat,=s•ast7j 44.96 F..Schools-Expense.- 23 N`orthwestern'glec. Equipment Company, 4.95 Lighting -Expense. 24 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 35.82 ; Fire q & Be .25 . St.Paul Electric Company, 70.99 Police '& Fire Alarm Telg.-expense 6 . Lighting -Expense. 0.9 26 W. Ii. Sciinelzel Company, Inc., 242.35 Lighting-Kxpense . 27 J. W.. Turner, Secy., 1B.00;. - P.School s -Expense'. 28 Western Display. Company, 257.50 P.Perks-Const..Phalen Beach. 29 Weston Elec. Inst. Company, P.Schocle-Experrse . dum.0 ro' CITY OF ST. PAUL . ACCOUNTING'DEPARTMENT MI COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No ?J,& By AUDITED JUL •t o 191. ,� n ... /� - �: PER :'1 503-1 I Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, parable out of the hereinafter specified funds aid, in favor of the persons, firms or corporations; for the amounts set opposite their respective names a specific in the following detailed statem lt: Ivens ( )Com ilnien (J) Nays Adopted by the Council R �_12E - Fnr worth i ? tl 1917 Gys4 Apprf,_. hI!)1, 'r It I •t In favor ( U l J hell r — . _ - . MATOR \ic II Against NVun crlich / Nir. President, Irvin 17u31— Iteeulved that warrant. D able autuDL on the city rreaeury. D.T and the ar oL thet.r specified nrmeuor rerpor.n 1` ter tho' -amoitntn eetI a "p.7 1h it a nettled tr .eD I f . the lolloar lnR d tailed. stat meFllinncd. rtl,,: Cam'r Finance. the co. -I, July 20. 1917. ovk' ` ;\dprby. i,r ,ivd Jul• 1 17930 S� A. Farn worth, Com}r. Finance., 13,858.62 Park -Sal. j 2,5 4.].4 Park -Exp - 3.18 PlanPlayground ; -Sal. 1, 39.3 round 23.96 Park -Sad. : , 29.0.•2 Pari: -E1 �' 662. 2' G. 'F. -Bi ec. cc f. 3 . 5 School -C.. Z 2,1 Health -P. B the -Exp 42.E Fire -G. 10. 0 Police �:�.}3, 68. 5 Libr y-Co'm ,T Bldg. 18 83 =Con Wheelock Parkway 479.03 Gr ss.* Cutting Rgv� 2 .50 Forestry Rev. .10. 13,8.8.62 931 S. A. Farnsworth Comt r. Finance, 3,375.00 Water -Bond Int. - I 1 I I CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT f COU Nc� t `—_' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ' -I • BY %�D JUI_ ? (N I i � .o J AUDITED '. PER n :)Uri L• _ Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City in favor the -parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified IIF the following of detailed stntement: 111I 20 IQ 17 ilmen ( i) lays Teas (� l Coun1�orth Adopted b the Council 1 Y ? !,1! ?� 0 19:17 am w :1p l r�l�ed.-ca" 191-2 2 d In savor I � U ICCI r - MAYOR -:Against Wu derlich Mr. President, ruin r " 17932 Harry Divine" i• 10.00 ' -.G. F.-Misc. «'-Lnf. 933 Geo.W. Johnson rtc.ot.oA that aarr-t. tml Erawn' 10.00 - G. F.—lei t3C. &'I Unf. upon the Tr anury, PnpnDl'''ppp tpe de 1 Cllr tier D. laed tnnAd out of I nnA tn� " -favor-a[ the Drr on..arm. or V... for th- n,00unt..et op Do. orpora- to their 934 Ales Motor Supply Co.'', re.n ctt a names o. .DcelneA fon- 1q u AvJa11eA- tntement: 1. the 10.00 G. F.-Misc. & Unf. IIar / DIVI- $10.00. t:• 14 J hn 510.00. - -\II ]totor BuCo. $10.00. - 9.35 D. E. O'Connell, r ❑ a - John J smhor. $1000 10.00 G. F.–Li::c. cc' Unf. J-nunmat, ito.u.. . - - - - J. S. �.',Iwr. E10.00. — 936 John J -`niker 1l'• .L W-tPi,-I, .510.00. 10.00. l o l), G. 1-. -tieC Unf. Ad.pt , y to <jI j.1 )20. 1 �" Approa Jul) 617: o.ls1:. 1•I ul) 28-1917) 937 John Schmitt, 10.00 . G. F.. iii sc.. &' Unf. 938 J.' S. Sweitzer, 10.00 G. F,-3.fisc. Unf. 939 W. J. Westphal �, 10.00 G. F.–Mise. & Unf. . I 910 Wolff 11otor Car Co. 10.00 ; G. F. –Mi sc. & ; Unf. I I- CITY OF ST. PAUL `ITT C1.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT , y� COURCIL.No. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE -- — ��/%; �, -AUDITED. Jul i 17 '_ , 191 i _SO4-PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified`funds and' •' in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the. following detailed statement: {��- •^�11 19{7' Teas (: ), Coune ]men ( d) Nays Adopted by the &Uracil– _- 191 - Fyrn worth A U� -90 7 Go pl)roe 19-�_. ,. 19�-- Hyl rad In favort ..lel r -._. _ MATOR / 'NIC all Against Wu derlich \Ir. President, rvin { Resolved that warrants be. •drawn l uponthe City Tre-ury. Payable at - { of the hereinafter Pe med funds and 7 In favor of the Persons. firmsor car.- Poratlone for the am ... ta set opposite - I their reapective names esePeelaed !n. - the follon .c detailed statement: - - 11-1. TrustRen nvlat;s k: Ad - - - . or t -1 t)C 11 ]ul)' 20, 1917. \PPro :,vi July Y0 1917. IJ.IY-Y8-1P1i) - 17941 Har ris'Trust & Savings, Bank, 430.00 G. F; -Printed' forma, & Blanks I To nal w 430.00 �I ':t �_ '1 • —, ;. 1 it � -. :. _ Poftitigon -. Couacil-FHe No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY'ORDER. , The undersigned •hereby proposes, the ;making of the folio ng public improvement by the, dgfal $t. Pau►, -viz . c....44na..trua.t....a...a.elaent....t.ile:.,.s.ider to..a,..s+idth;,.of_-ii...3eet`..on. the. 1 , 1Tet=m LVO...balwe-en:- tsworth.:.at. ._nh- e -}point -.2U -feet at O.f_2x1iltoxt...St.,...:in..ace.exdane ..w:Lth.-patition...lir,ra .e .-.attaahed.--. _....._......... ....._ - r . ..... ..... _........ Dntcd this ...2Qth :.:day of ....iy.I....:............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIII:REA5, A written proposhl for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qona_tx.?hCtf.._ ....c.e.Ment.....� e....a.idauelk 1ie_.e. Iid4h of..s.ib.-feet.....en..:.the:..W-rth --9A .A.0 .0.Ht... rad-.n_peint...234....£eet._most of .......... li lt.on...St...--_ ..... _ - _ - --- . ......... -. an till, norm b. . ctween-'.Chuteworll.' - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pr. al C Ir feet wast of naiton lrtving been P e.ente.l to the .._......... ....... ... ........_.. .•I1- f the City of St. Poul there - therefore, he it he it :olved,� That the L'ommis.Ionar of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wo a w rk. ne and he 1.,herebr or and dimited- To Investigate the necee.ltrfor . 1. - To investigate -the necessity for or desirability l) Wrability of the. making of said nt. ovemenTo Inratlgete the nature, extent. 2. To investWite the naturc..el:tcnt and estimated estimated Cost' of said Imprere• be total cost thereof. and the total east thereof. I To furnl.h, a•.. plan. Pm is or .i.: To furni i n pfan,'►irufile or gketbh of said imprc, of .aid inavrolvemeat i furntshthe tollowing other 9. To furnish the following other data and informatiot -information relative to .ale .. ' talo tvhethor or not said Iv- . I. asked for on the pi _ ..'..).:..._...:...__.._._.. . ........ ......._ .:_ ... __.. .... ...ern. ' more � .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for "`;• the paljtiet.Ihethree or more owners, G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL Adopted by the council 191 ......_ Yea: Nays 44- Councilman Farnsworth . 2t) ISO i. G s Approved .._ .::. ...._...... .. . ........ _ 191 ......:. / II, land K ler i M Coll l / Wt rideriic6 _ w.. 1llayor Inn ... ,u ar. r rf roaw c e•s _• PETITION _ ( • t't)uncilllllL No', -- PROPOSAL'FOR IMPROVEMENT and- A6 . _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City -of St. Paul, viz.:..open ,::..wi.den ,.:and _-extend Pierce atreet,tYo- a width./o-f -aixty- fxflm.:..Ilnivarcity._alcenue,:::ao_::St.:.�nthnn.y.,..ay.enue.. - ................................._...'........ ;_ :. ..............:.............,.. . ......:_- .... ....:.... ._. Date this ...20th ........ day of :....July....:. 191 T f .. ..... --- r�1/� Councilman.'/ ' 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. Awritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open, ....wi.den..:and.:. extend -.:Pler.c.e---.etr-ee.t., -.tc- .a _xi.dtb. of...aixt.y _(60.) --:. feat ....._ ism.,Uxllxe,zaity..._avenue.,....to �t....Anthnny ay.enu _.._.. ... ......._......_. to. ;. b.; ' ... ...,.�..... f... ... ... .. ...:....... ....'-... Cam;oluln r ..:_ ,.., ..... .. " e Uo'aud he is hereby or- -ectad: - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coup fn etlgale the needaalty' for... ............... .•etrnl lltty--oT the .akin`ot Bald therefore, 1)e it : To I v tfaate to n [ure extent anA eetlmnf 1 oa[ t safd ImDrova• RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works m .LTnd(the f.htala op'athoprome or`tcd- 2. ketch of ).alit ImD ovement 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the 4. To f t lith the Toll.Weg other data. and hformal) n relative to ealacost thereof. - 2. To'investil ate the nature, extent and estimated cost i prove L. ZI TO to ether nr net 'aid Im• 'A 3. To furnish a plan, profile of sketch of said improver: °" <"t t «""eA T the etfyntt f taro. or more own n - f' To rrpprt up n all lhe. Tore• •1. To furnish the following other data and information } r 1nR mails r. w t L mtnlaefooer of._.. :.I FI ante. the C un II July'20. 19i1. Approved Jul.' _a. 191,. ......... ...... - ....:....... .. ... . _."'i' tdul)•- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked fdron-ute peuuutro[zmce•... ... ,L owners. 9.'; To report upon all of the foregoinmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. ISI 20 191 Adopted by the council Yells:Nays: nh f1 �9�1 Councilman Far worth Gos Approved 101 .......... Ily nit Ke e[- I / N Coll i W inderlicl� - ;lfayor I in-1<fayor. ha.eaaA ilrllt n D ono n1 for the I PF.TITIbN ib"of the, f-11-1 pen. amen and ...'.."dnn anev Council 'I Ile No....:. .. lock 26. SL Pnol 11i ohrr. h, tnklnfi, / •ndrmnlnfi ihr northrrl>'tnvlve - of amt. s. lo. 11 Rnd lx, lu nld)VEbIENT t1. t5 x6.cthefl 6lona 1,61, frctl !henorthrrlS tn•e1,, (12) fart of - -\ t�{tir6 fere [gj,o Yl9% dlel o lh, tt ^.x tet nr th,•. north twelec uaxi!• DER. rf fethe terh 11:6 tent of sd' - - !' n h••IKht f Irn. fla) feel on - - ,rthrrl5'nd to rlY emus n/ n nr� `f tl` t ane cent— of rfollowin public improvement b the Cit of ht The undersigned hereby t tuh- net• connect" g P P Y _Y '- th•• .i :, I...rrl hrd n1Ie1. at tl - tl [ 9 fe •t Ire I Ith and St. Paul........ ... ............. ..:� . nnrtl .r11 t5.rnt flea (x5) . ..,•... ..... ....... .. viz.:_ 811"k 2.. ho !, tl � 1 11 1 Itnrlr � i open,widen and extend an,,p ley in B1 'k 2 St u/0 -t er, taking and condemning the northerly ti}Blve (12):f et Lots , 12, in said Block 26, the northerly, welve (12 as of the eat- o (52) feet of Lot 13; the norther twelve (1 at of tat.pat 8,lying east of the weet 41.6 fee of Lot 8, so the. outh 9of. the north twelve 412) feet the westerl 6 feet sai`.;to a height often (10) feet on t northerly an outherly des .2 foot strip, and toaheigxtt of f1 sett (15) feet the'cente o aid. Also a stub alley GV5feet �g with the abo described al ey, at angles -thereto 7..9 feet in d extending therly twenty-five (25�ia Lot 5, Block26, beeasterly 7.9 feet of,thesouth twentyfeet of the westerly 148 of Lots 5, 6, and 7'',in said Block. this"�dny o[ ' Dated this /./ _ ... .. V- ..... ._.. .... _ _.....__ Councilman.. �. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: open,widen and sxtend an alley in Blook 26, St Paul Proper,by larking and condemning the northerly twelve ((12) feet of Lots 9, 101- "11`and.12, in said Block 26, the northerly twelve (12) feet of the west ffifty-two (52) . feet of Lot 13; the northerly twelve (12) feet.of-that part of -Lot 6,lying. east of the west 41.6.feet of Lot 8, and',also:the south 9.21feet of the north twelve (12) feet "of.the'westerly_41.6 feet of said Lot 8, to a height of ten.y (10) feet on the northerly and southerlyisides of said 9.2 foot strip,and to. a height of fiteen (15) feet at the.center of said strip. Also a stub aI"ley'' connecting with_the above described alley,at right angles thereto 7.9.feett in width and extending northerly twenty-five(25)feet in Lot 5,Block 26,being the easterly 7.9 feet of the south twenty'five (25)feet of the wetterly 148.3 of Lots 5,6,ana 7 in said Block. ..__... ......... havin g presented resented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.., therefore;,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement 5. To state lotiether or not said d fk i improvement s asked or on the petition of three or more owners. 'G.. To report upon all of ttc tore oin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JVL �� f 7 Adopted by the council -..... 191 ..._.. Yeas: Nays:: 'JUL -20 1311 an Farm orlh .:_ Goes Approved _:.... .. f 191.._. Councilman Hyl d _1 _ " �, Kd Council File Nb. (►_�r�� .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a;a PETITI°ON PRELIMINARY Oki)ER, The undersignedhereby,. proposes _ the making of the following' public improvement by tnc City of St.Paul.viz..;..QPea-.and...xiden...Aavoux..atr et,._fmcm, Iglghart•- avenue­ •to=Carroll gyen14e,.to....4.1104....01�.116l!.......... _...... f ...... :.... �.......:..1 .... ....� _.._ _. ... _ .. ,Cay of y l 191 T Dated this.... er`N.._.f.. .....:.... 7 ouncllmnn. --- PRELIMINARY. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vitt•: Open Pnd.:.� den Rax..Q11X e.tT.e.et..,:...fr.nm...lglehar.t.-.ay.enue.....to to-a Width.:.oS- ii;fty (5p�.:...feet .:.,........_._. _ . , .:......, ........ —__-. t .....__ ... ... 1 --. ... .. ( t - or �(Y nt iFt t Illi ( i5(t)[14g having heen presented to the Council of theUt�l t t ,i 1 tttt , t ' (l".11 'or t t t d ThetCommf t ror .. . therefore, be it be1,1' \ t, n t h° Tu b,!1 directed. .4ev - doleiTndtn,c�tlKt tit �nmPkfn6 "id'rC[t and d1ICCtl•d' RESOLVED, 'Phot the Commissioner of I (i r oe desir h nor t t e.. r meat. 1: To investigate the necessity for or destra tmprovent _uir ( th stunt x2. To investigate the nature, extent and. estend To ea t c "ala Im°ror•- m nt tl ttt a tl h 1`inn profile or ad the total cost thereof. T ,^ ro - Wnt oth<r -3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of .n ,4 t.� r tort n m colt ssld �• To In(ormnuon relative '- 1. 'Pb furnish the following other duty an : i lmar To lain whettt<r or not card tm• ° n<ked'(nr no the Detilloo` ovement to . ............ owners. - ' -•mor threo r. more -_ -- ,. 5. To state whether or not said improvemet K6 Tto mattere?a [ho oolm f the ntorot cc. or more owners. fi. To report upon all of the foregoing matte Pill nn<< yo, lett. { P ten(<d ns n *a,th dolt' _ JULtti!l' I(117 \nPro)•ed. (111> 11.1017) - Adopted by the council _.... _. ....... -- — Yens: Nays:: JUL 20 1911 Court Iman Par worth Goe Approved ..._ ... 191 ...._. Ilyl ad \ t r I 1 f oil ; 11' dMirh Slayor Ir Mayor. f - I PETITION Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER:' The undersigned hereb proposes. the making" off t e following pulaHc imp ement by ,the City, of St. Paul, viz.:..open,.>tidea...and...ezte Ber. avenut ,i�o...a..�r th.-ofittg .. zee. (53)feet,mdre or leas,from tj versi avenue, Ch ea street,the treat line cf:_aaid.-apeai-ag- bei-ng the....eaa-._li•ne 99V Lot- 0.. udi-tor' e--_-Subd-v-ieion No 9,and the:east line of said op ng being the st line of Be y avenu ae: now 'iat'd-Ont batwee ft-arias trees sins Re?rtt,riA2 Road dei 9aut and parallel to the east line o eai of 10. _.......... .. Dated this .. � y �"_ day o[ ^. .. '. ..: 1 Councilman.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..2 rr i cien...fti A.d_. axt:�nd :.B.erxX....av e�►us., t.�_a ..siaith... n�ili.Ly.-thr a e.....(b311e a t.,t�or e or less,from University avenue to Charles street,the west line of said open. ing-being--..the _Lo-_41-O-,-Aud-i•tor'.s.:.Subdiaieion-...No-g.yasd-_the, eget line-o£ said opening being.-the east--line-.of-Berx-y.-avenue .ae_now_laid_out between--0h'ar-l'es'-street-and Terrtte-i oad-extended--south--and--parallel to the east line of said Lot 10.. ' ` i7A- i^ .: -t\h rena.n rltten nronoei�l[ the .. .. ....... ._ - - .......... m kl g of th T tl wing 1lnVrot-- - tlz. [)Iran, xldrn xnd. extrnd n•rrp ' le. to a wwin of ofly-thre (53) baying been presented,to the Council of the City o r t more nr 1e . front Unl •erelty - "'- r \vo. to Charleo St., the .west Il 11 of _ therefore, he it id oVrning being lho east line of Int B In t Ilnc o[ old b l"W"n b 1n10,•.-ilnd lh.` . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub, Ilne V Berry ♦enuo n now I.tl+ out d and ilirrcted o tel •n Charles 1 tre t 1 Tcr ll. ktl L To,investigate the necessity for or desirabI Road, txl 1 1 a t t , n 1 en tent. rlt art 11--of aid hnvltt 1. been. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and este + r - nI.•il t. th • Cannell of the Cit)• of I the total cost thereof. tit I, nt tt f re, he It n alved• That the Commissioner' of 3. To furnish a' Ilan, profile or sketch of said uhl+ .works he and he Is hereby or. l dered and 41reet1d: T 3. To furnish the following other data and in omD uvemmei�r of the makle, o r rw lent 1. o Investigate the neceesll v t sato 1 r. To Investigate rho- nstar.. aalsot . .. - - - sad.. estimated the t coat Ot sxhl .Improve- - '� Mont. And the [Dial Coat thereof. - e Or more ot\'lll'rs. 5. To state whether or not said Improvemen ak-t^Te trurni �mnrnt elmene. pronle ar G. To report upon all of 11l' or • rola matte' To furnish the following other tL L qQr data and Information relative to said l p �I( 54f1 Yfj!7 improvement 1 [. To ata to whether or not sold Im• Adopted by the council _ ...._ proeement b asked for on the petition at three or mare owner.. e. Toreport upon In or the far* Yeas:_ going metters to the Commtulonere of 1917 I .. Councilman Far worth . \a Vted by the Connell July 20, 1A17. .: \pltrnr rJuly ¢n. ]PIT, i41 G IJuly 28.1917[ r'. Il nil K er .. \ 011 W nderlich lJMgy or Ir in Mayor. FORM,C ------ -__ ------ ----- -- FINAL O"ERl._ dl¢it r „f for' lxhing and 'In - 'ug un a _1:11 lighting nY'e- 1el ing of -3 light lamp Coete ,op.. ,I ea and ndcrgrnund • - it for conveying electric cur - h,. reto, :.d, Wl-other-nnceaenry - cee and raulprnent for aid on tv¢ehington St.. from 1 St. to Seventh St:: under Pre. ..Orley iSUR, approved Feb , h-cht.having .been had COU\CIL FILE NO......... p ve tm� ovethen, upon due I � the Cquncll having hes-` - - objections and re-+ f ,.__ relative thereto,. an -1 By ....-.. _.,.. ... .... •.. ............. _..._ 'nsW'erad the:n' FINAL AK"DER In the Matte of ...furniahirig..and, installing an_.ornaznental„_ligating .- sy s.t_e1a.: c.onaia t.ing...af..:.5.:.light...lamp-pa-El .ta..and...lamge:,...t41 ground..condu.it. for, conveying electric. c.ur.rent._. there.t.o.,._and...al.l_. .... o.then:ne..ceaoasy...aphlIan.cee-and...equi,Praent::.f.or::.,as.i.d_..syat.art on ........... ......... asningtn S1, from Fourth St toSevonth St :i :...:..... ............ ..... z........._ :....... under Preliminary Order .. _.. ............................... approved .......... Feb:.. 2.9;.:.1:91'i . Intermediary Order _..... .. approved r- A public hearing having been had upon tlle_ above improvcinelit upon due notice, and the Council having i heardall persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and Lacing fully considered the name; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil`of tke.City'of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- t Pment to be made by • the said City is ..- Furnish. and..ine.tall...an. rnamental .lighting :--..... 1 gyateTa.consi.eting. of 5 light lamp posts and la wires and, under- _ _ gxound...t ondui.,:for„ conveying_. eloctric currant thereto. and a11:•.9ther:: ry...Applia.ncee and equipment for said, eystem_on..�Vashingtan..St.... from. Fourth. St.. to._Seventh St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the'Connuissioner of Public Works be and is hereby iustrncted and directed to' prepare plans and specifiestions for said iniprovement,'and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the, proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the `making of said improvement in accordanep therewith UL Adoptrd, by the f'oinwiC �U- 191 Ilh p.tl wll r � City Clerk. , .lpproced y , 791 , j (' .......:................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth5 Counciluuul,..GOSS Councilm t'Hyhuld Council an Keller. Council nn McColl Council an �Vuodcrlich ` t l Mayor vin. Form It. S. A. H --e. ! CITY OP T. PAUL' -DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE". - - - " REPORT OF COMMISIbNER OF FINANC , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (A) n In the Matter of -tin€.fu llin8....an. nraamenf.z.l...liwittir�. a,ys-:�eu v.-.__ �..�.. ,.t...-._....-.. from ,Fourth Street to Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order approved . Fe.br.uary 28th, 1917. .................... "To the Council of the City-of St. Paul:' T�a Commissioner, of Finance hereby reports as followlh: , The total estimated amount of the 'tsscssment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above. is` $ 2.74.__. ........ The lotd or parcels oflandthat may assessedbenefitsfor such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -_Y OF56RIPTION I,. LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Rice Park 11 Ri ce & Irvine' s Addition 3 3 0 10'0"0 to St. Paul 8 do_ - 1 4 6 0 0 0 0 (Except Streeta) 1 do 7 1. 5 0 0. (l 12 do 730 0 0 -- do South 32 17/100 f oP (3 I2 do @ 8,5 0 0 (Except South 32 17/100ft.)(3 12 do South 30 .ft. of (4 12 do TOTAL. -. Farm B. H. 10e.,..,.- -.. -:i TT T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF GOMMISIONER OF FINANCE ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) ADDtTtO IN - .DESC RIPTIO-N �' LOT BLOCK ,. ASSESSED VALUATION (Except South 30 ft.) 4 12: Rice & Irvine'6 Addition 2 0 2 5 0 0 15 12 to St. P aul 2 T" 7 do. 2 364.00 South 55'fit of 1 7 do` 1 9:4 0'0 No.40 ft .of So. 75 ft.: of 1 7 do 1 4 5 0 0 North 75 feet of 1 7 do 5 1 4.0 0 12.. O do 1 2 4'0 0 0 i The Commissioner of Finance ,further reports that he has investigated all of the.aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by'the Commissioner of Public Works.: - 191. Dated f Commissioner of Finance. V—In It. it. rs - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report. to Commissioner, of Finance ray 14t11.1.... 1917:.. .. To the Commissioner of Finance of the Cit,• of St. Pnnl: Tile Conuaiissimter of Public Works, pawing had under eonsidoation the preliminary order of the Coat- ail, known art Council File No...15038 . _.:tt approved- ebzuary 38th 1 117 relative to .... tI _lnetall�ng, an ornamental sigh' irk systelr on Tashington, Stre t frost, Fourth Street. to Seventh Street Mid having investigatedithe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is,... ....necessary and (or) -desirable. xYY _...,and' 2 The estimated cost thereof is 1.... ami the total cast ,thereof is F - �. 9'.. tile nature and extent of said improvement is, as follglrs:. I J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvementis hereto attached and mnde it -part h o•enf. _ 4. :p. Said improvement ie.__. riot _...... ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjaet to assessment- for said improvement. - / C Co ruissiouer of ublic Works. ditu` of ' S—}E cpnrtment of 'Vublirnrla - _, - M N. GO$9, GOMMI65ilONER - - R T +OVRLEY D[nUrr `61 - -If-71 .. 1914 _ - DEG- 3ii'1� .. o. ,.O `u� .i0r in on in ;;15Q3E� anli 'cVCci a d 1'17• - tL CYO]: 1. � ''�� (. J. u. � = _,Jy�`J9 •.O - � I l F,1 `o?totter of t 1[ hlnK to 1 In- 1 i IInF an Or rt nl 11161 t1nb Dota ' 1. alatlnN t . 111 ht l nu P . , t •Iren nd and rgro.n. ,gin I cuncr?'ytK ete trlc cur- -r..nl 11 othrr nrceaaar nPPltuµ•ce .tuirment for- Vratcm, o l1 St. [rom -.Fo h>;nu. I.)rl r 1. 33t ni t . A pu61IC head ng 1 vial De. . ponce.hand the lCounellmhavlr. ,:. _ all person a. oblbetiona tad re r allona rolative thereto.. enT COUNCIL FILE NO.. ally road er.dthe same•. '. It neaoly PaIll she tlhe clI Ily... _ ._.. Saint Pant that the I eat and kind of Irr j the a.W 8: - FINAL t,eilER In the Matter of... furni.shing a.nd' instal ling ..an...asnamentA1:..1.i8.k? JAg I layst.o;n-c.onsi,sting. of.-5-;-light-.lamp p.onts-_a,nd_,.lampsa• v?iX.eA..&.il!i...LM. K........ ground conduits for _conveying '.electric.current..th.eretc,.and..:All ....... other nece.spa.ry appl.iance»_and,:equipment,..for said:_system, on . . Sibl.ey._St,.• from Fourth ,St to. Eighth St..,............. .. ............................................... I. ......... .......... under Preliminary Order...1,5335...... .............approved :...:.:. ld�trch...i �,,. 9.1 � .._...... Intermediarya public c Order arms having, been had upon the approved iept Council ' _ _..... ....___ g e above improvement upon due notice, and the Connell m ha g i heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having, AIilly considered the same; I therefore, be it. - — - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. I'aul. thnt the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is...:1'urni s11.. ¢nd.irlptall ,an ,Ornsmergtaxl_. 1 ght rig sy..stem.-.consisting. of: 5 light 1. , p ,P P..:, _. e g am oats and lam s wires nd and grounli...conduita for _conveying.electric -current .:. thereto.. and..A.1 9V Ar' necessary_4opliances. and equipment, for said system,.gn.. Sibl.ey,.5t .... _.... from. Fourth St. to, Eighth St.; - ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to. be fund,,. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Worlcs heand .is hereby instructed and dire ted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvem cut, and submit same to the Council for approval;.tllat upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed.with the making df said, improvement in aceordnnrr therewith.. - -- - ^ 1.��I •)rl tr.!7 191 :\duplyd.bv th• I'uuurd � City�Cler . Approved. May 'r. Counci an Farnsworth Counc' man Coss Counc man Hyland1t43�T 1^rte T) Counc man Keller f Counc man McColl Cotm n W-Luderlieh — 31hyor rvin Form B. ` DEPARTMENTSOF FINANCE - REPORT OF CO,M'KIS$IONER OF FINANCE ��� - " ON PRELAAINARY ORDER In the Matte of ------- �i� g and.... inatelling_.an.-Zrnam al_I.igh-Ling System---.: __... -_..._ ---- - consisting of 5 light.-la-M nate conduits for conveyi}_t;--alt attic_current- thereto and, all necessary appliances tind._?qu.il.t�e.n.t :fa.r..:.a:ai-d..:.ayet.ear.-nn_SiY1ay ou r th:-street to:._E 18h.th._ e.# re_e.L., . ------ - ------ -- _ ...... ... ................... ............... _................ --.. ... . , .. .:--.. . March .... - under Preliminary Order approved----- - --- To the Council of the City of St. Paull _ w i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 17-0-50a. "- 1-- $—......... 23b5._ - The .estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is � �- - -- - --- _ _ '-"-' The lots"or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of I 1 each lot or parcel as last reported by the'Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED 1 DESCRIPTION 1 LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION A Drake's Rearrangen.ent 557400 °A" 11_ 1 -1 Auditor's- Subdivision_, 118300 6 1 ) No. 32, St. Paul,Minn. 5 1 ) 156225 4 1 ; . e 1 1 0 TOTAL. CITY OfAT �L _ _ REPORT OF .DEPARTMENT F FINANCE• ... COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELII1INARY ORDER fBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -. ADDITION ASsesseD VALUATION 6. • 9 ) Whitney' and Sdti th' s 87000 Qouth 5 feet of 5 9 Ad3lticn to'SaMtPau1 53500 S 35 ft of N 41 I't of 5 9 North 10 feet of 5 9 ) 48 325- South of 4 9 North Z of 68000 Sou th of 3 Q') Norah of 3 106250 1 9 ) (Smith Park) 10 525750 aas15�. 9 7 10 7 31850 46200 Weet.1/3of 11 and 12 7 (Except Alley), 58500. (Except west 50 feet) 6 5 8 122150 i ; 4 8 ) 7 56150 rieuttax Bast 120 3 8 30200 Fueterl, 90 feet/ of �- (Except West l,foot). 1 Ewing & Chute's Sub. 34850 of Lot 1 -Block • 8 in _ ....... .. Whitney & Smith's Addition .. - TOTAL .. CITY o Acu.- Tu.- - 3 D&ARTMENT,OF FINANCE' : - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON,PRELAWARY ORDER '- -.,ADDITION - _ D E S C R I P T I O iJ LOT BLOCK ASSUMED -- - VALUATIONS Hayall'6 Subdivieion of 100350. 8 Block 1 of Whitney & 21635' Smith's Addition and Block 17 Ro bent -and Randall's.Addition to.the _ City of St Paul West 50 feet of o and, 7 2 Whitney'and Smiths 89900 West 50 :feet of 8 2 Addition to St.Pat;l 11330 9 3 40500 10 a I i 2594475 The Commissioner of Finance further' reports that he, has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the (foregoing as his repoit thereon to the Council, together with the report 'made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works _- ! Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wark"s t%r -- _ _ x Report to ',Commissioner of Finance - ��aY..:14th. ..... ,._ .......191_ ?. 'lb the Conituissioucr-of Finance of the City of St: Paul: ' The .'pinniissioncr, of Public Works, htiving had ,ode, cousiderutio, the preliminary, order of the Cmtn• 1��35,.__tlpproved i'areY ,'5th, 7JI ..., relutwe to.... 1 oil, known as Council File No. _., _. ' installing en ornamental lighting syeten, on Sibley Street from Fouth.,_Street _to...E.i.r3hth St. t ...... ...._....: and having investigated the mutters and things referred to theVein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .. ..,:_ .-necessary slid (or) desirable. 5,705.00 ...., The estinurteit Lost thereof is :}t..._XXX , t thereof is } ._ .__...... _........ and 21. nod the. total coat the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 1 3. 1 plau, 1,rotile or sketch of said inkiwoveoteht is hereto attaeh,.d and"niode at pait-hereof. - 4. 3. Said improveutent is.._ t__........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoet to assesstuettt for said huproveut�ut: jCoal issiouhr of 11itb or Its. Mifg df ' Paul - =pepnrtment of Public _ darks op<.p CL.Ues EN, C-1 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER p�wa.V Or E«OR T GOURLEY, D-U/v Cbwa1 V .cw w •.• EDe - - _ W UORI�6EII. 5 O.Ytp.«. a«<«ta. J V • P& l: , .:1:.r:.. • _ , l.'17 e«olo. o/nc. Ew�•a�• . j _'ib Iic .,o_ D 3ir,- I t _t :e_brr th pl:'eli.-Iinar ec tr:" ul,o:;' _ 2t or ins :11ir.F`. orra^ c :'; li ; _n. ct on .; ila.e ' 3t'I-om: '-'o urti1 w o li h th LLC co::.;,co o^nc:]. i1.. .L15335, _a o•,ea Ira cai 15, 1917. :ro ate �,705 0- OMAHA IRON. AND SRASS FOUDRY :- WASHINGTON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS HENRY -ORME'S - SONS IRON_AND BRASS'TOUNDERS ST. PAUL' MINN. - _ - DATE J'Aly 1, 1917.__39 t EEr S J: Fransworth, . Commissioner of Fi�gitc,�, St panl , ?Linn. Dear Sir: in answer to yoar.card of' the loth inst re_garding preliminary order No. 15335. As this di.atri�!is ert.Urely wholesale and all busineel• '�o'�oea on, the street 1%re`closed. at. six -o' lack ar,d eol.e'before I do not approve of this light installing proposition for the bbove reason and I object to the order. Very truly yours[ _____— __-------------- I ------------- T ------ ----------------T - --t cin -- .%. 'Intter -of chnnl:InR thv hlpl en's Arc. from tnnppolln SL;. JL - -- 4l..nnd \l'yoinini; �St.. from •PVcun \ v�,.'tn nelnwnre .tve.. in _ Ilnrm to rho red Line on the profile cern attached and nide n. -part . - rr0f. the p.....t L,rnde be1nR rep- ntrd Ly. ¢he bl le line L thereon. IdF Pnrlimin;ln•l 1Order 11;61 an- ve opubilc h.arinR havinR been had - the above Improvement upon due -Ice, and the Council havinR heard - persona, oDJectlonn anA rocproune C43UNCIL FILE NO.. bynconeblerod then ea n.; thereforR .. it Resolved. By the Council of the C - - By........ 9t. Pnul tint the precise nature t rtnd kind of Improvement t - - e by the a 1,1 City Ie chant FINAL t.: en Lt li ps n live. Lrr n St. t. 1 VI. rn - ('hf 4i 1rr, to 1 -- . In the Matter of.....9hAn9ing:.the ...grade .an .Chijpp.eM..Av.e.....f.r.Om..,Ann,op.olls.:.&t— to..Page.. �t, from_Chi-ppeti-.,Ave.,..to-.Delaware ,>:ve., t .,:_.• cgnf.orm'to.. the.-r.ed line. on...the_ groia.ls, hpj et.o attached. and .A.14 a.:.:....: part hereof, the present grade. bein. ropresanted by the blue line thereon. ...... ............................ -....................._... ander. Preliminary Order ._..:.1.4.$64 ............ _.approved . ............. ..........................: Intermediary Order ........ .. ....... ... .....:.... '.:..._ approved ........ ........ A public hearing having been had upon the aUove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative -thereto, and having fully considered the same; - therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- mcut'to be made by the said city is..-_ Change . of..: gre. de. :on_.ChippewEL.Av.e.... from...... A nnap4JaB.:.st.. t;a_P.age..St.. and 'Ayotning,St. ,from_.Chippgwa, Ave. to ...:... D.elawar.e...Av.e.:,_.:to._c.aztf.ora: .a.ahe.: red..line on the.,.pro.fale iereto a'UerChed_and. made. a...pa.r.t_ hereof, the present grade _being repre.eent.gd, by;the _.olse line thereon, and the Couucif Hereby orders said improvement to be made RESObV•ED:FURTHER runt the' -Commissioner of Pablie Works be. and is hereby instructed and directed . to prepare plans anti.sp dfic QQ!!ftir-snid-iTfprdvemen�— -t, an( ;submit same to'"the Couoeil-far-approval; that upon said approval, the proper city 6ffm ds-ar reby authorized and di nt of said improvement in accordance therewith. ,ldupted by the Council. JUL MO 1917 .. ...191 . ... .__� City Clerk;Approved :.: ;111 ' g 1917 / t tr.�-... .�.......- Mayor. Council Farnsworth Council n Goss Council an Hyland_,' Council an Keller Council au McColl Councilan Wunderlich _ MayorI in Form B. S. . &i. CITY OF ST. PA DEPARTMENT OF FIN-MCE - REPORT OF COMM,(b;SIONER OF FINANCE - o (q ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �l (A) In the Matter of ._ �l r:C {'- - . _ S. 1 _...... under Preliminary Order approved �G // -- _.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report? as follows: The total estimated amount Of the assessment for the above improvement is . $ 20 • 0.0 - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed befits for such improvement, and the assessed valuati enon of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - ASSESSED DE SCRI PTIO.N LOT OLOCn ADDITION VALUATION i p / 75 7 79' 77 .- - .. TOTAL. Form 11. B. 10 . CITY'OP SV- .' .bEPARTMENT OF.. REPORT OF . COMM15SIONER OF FINANCE ORDER' O,N PRELIMINARY .. DE S C R I P TI O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATION {}!' '/n• 77: o 1 z �� �4 ys: .vdd /�tc1<,!/..-,.� "'�l'rGP,✓�".+."�! rxC�LC, o!J U U O 7� ads,� 7 �� - - _ TOTAL. ... - CITY OF 4...'- - ::- DEPARTMENT OF - `.REPORT OF commiSSIONER OF FINANCE - - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . _ IB) :. ... �. _ . ,.. ...-..� .. - D E 5 C R t P T I O N - LOT (BLOCK ADD DITION 1 O N VALUATASSESSED - - ION � 7,5700 Z gy v D o /'�y�o 75- \/S 7, / 9,&-o e 0 0, - .. TOTAL.' A4,50 CITY 4 DEPARTMENT- + REPORT 'OF COMIWIS 1�1ER-OF FINANCE- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD -I 10 N'-: _ ASSESSED-. .- VALUATION. -, =--- 24075 ;. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to.the Council, together, with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' Dated r 11917 ��/,% Commissioner=w of Finance. F'urm It. O. 1: % - Ira a foie noun l:of the City of St. Fail: Is the undersigned property owners interastad in"the 'improve- ment of the grade of Chippewa Avenue batween Winona and Annapolis } streets in,,the City of St. Paul, do,hereby petition the Council k. of said City of St. Paul to have Via contractor now engaged in..' s — w venue 'loner the rade of said Avenue between grading said Chipre a A g said streets so as to make the same more.nearly level, that 1s to say: by reducing the erade at the plata where thera.is,now a•hill, f d auch reducing, however, not to exceed eighteen (16) inches; but not s to lower the grade of said Avenue between said streets at any.point below the .lowest grade as now established. ' }� And we do hereby release; the City of St. --Paul from any and p 1 all damages, if any there be,l� caused by such lowering of said part"s of said .Avenue. The Beecher Improvement !Company, the contractor now engaged in the grading-of.said Avenue, has agraad, in consideration of themes ! } right to take and usa the earth so to be excavated, to do the, grad- Ing contemplated by this pet7.tion.without expense•to.either the - City of St. Paul or any of the owners of property affected thereby. Lt is the object and purpose of this petition to permit the said contractor to take so much as may be necessary' from the hill. on Chippewa Avenue between Winona and Annapolis streets for -.the t grading of said Chippewa Avenue.south of Winona'Streat",.and to: 'Street make said Chippewa Avenue more nearly level from Winona to Annapolis Street; provided, however, that no earth shall be taken except from said hill, and tbIat none shall be taken -from any .point which shall effect a,reducticn.of the grade below its present lowest line. ., IN BANNING h OLIV'ILR'S ADDITION: Owner of Lot 7 and North 25. feet of Lot S, .. �; _ ---- in Block 78. Office. of ;the Commissioner of .Public, Works Report to Commissioner of Finance. Y- February 2nd, To the Commissioner of, Financeof the City of St. Pail]: I The Commissioner of Public Wo•ks,.hacing hud under consideratioin the preliminary m•dn.r of the Coon- 4564 Jan. 29th 761.?.., relative to ..-_:....... . a n n oved cit, known us Cowncil File No..' ........... approved ohange of grade- on` Chippewa Ave frolr Annapolis St to Page ct. . ; _....__ ,_........ _............ ...... _. ......... ..... and Wyoming St. from Chiprewa Ave. to ^ la-t re St —mud hnnvit:e iuvestignt ed-titc._tnutters_and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .... _....... necessary and (or)rdesirable.. xXXXXXYg ....., mnd 3. The estimated cost thereof is $ - - and the total cost tile) eof ns k ...:.._.._ ........_ the nature nerd extent of said improvement is as follows: - i _... d A plan, profile or sketch of said improvennent is hereto attached Had mad m pw. hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is _.._-.._.asked for upon petition of three or wore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 'ssiou4r of Public N r l onn` u. __ tit., Paul_ department .of.-public ` iturks - fi.cAR CL�U..[N. GMI[F [ry.�N..w M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER: .-. ............ - - - R, T GOURL•E* OanUTY - J, E. CARROLL. e - _ ALF [OON .1— 1 _ e f ..:.'.. o. c. ;.�. N[RRolo. 011— [.—... - Co miiscioncro_' Public 7or'W Dear Sir,- I; be- to uh :;t h_c< .:i th & - order' a. d 'r"� 'ile 3i o ;.n a or-, an o_---rade on Chi; 1)caa .;bc. from Lnnapolis S" . to :rc St. told 71yor..ing St. from Chi;+perra 3va. ' to Dalu are. ave: This 4-:3 to ratify- chnn:.-ec rade duri-n"- the -rac ing-•of Chirpewa : ve., ::nich wac :-railed in accorInnce 11:1- i: in- red line svocm on the ac.c o—i l nying profile. 11C�'.e - - YOt7_r'c vert, 1^.11Y, J 3�:. Chic-`n ~in cer I'. 1 _ i 1. RNNR ' CITY -.OF ST. PAUL �C.:OUNCII_ RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM a - Subject. v °I ENo: Date Presented_ ,iuly 3"h, 191 7 71S7LUTI01 Resohc�,. iIXI f:, 02 L;771 7t- r?:HOs El Sr ;T ? rfr:' Ij 'CO;,D., 1'IQ.T'tOt' .00EEDI'.IGc In the ,,.atter of v'Grdc'>i taking e_* eQaet:.ent in .the lard neoessary for~alopes, for Data and fills ,ir. raiin :.the wlloy in look.l✓,. Suilr _it ?ark.:'ddition, and lgok 1, 7vergreon Place, under Praliminary Irder '165a5, approved ;.',,ay 31a,t, 1917, a.nd Intertt.ediary Order i,hl7i43, &I:pxoved June 20th, - The- �ois„iasioner of `orks 1;�.vin� aubt..itted.:his report nci :hate:: in tha :above natter, lre it That the :ity of Et. Pc l fixes _nd .deteri..ir.as the ;:our., of 1'..rd to .be t:.-t:en for — - .. .bv--- elope;;, for cutin =d Lpo° the lzzd abuttin. upon e- allay it losk lc, uc:_it r .rk :%d_ ition, and E'loo1, Ever_zreen ?lace, t� :? extent ':ovin ur..on.t: sketch att _-eri to the ra:_oxt o vit:.:.ia3i:ifer of FI:.O a” in ...?t�.�r dated July 20t, 1917, . 'i at: ,.rd rc._ ort are ..ereby referred to arx;Lada a -,.art hereof. C. 11, NO. 1 fl�nJ Ink. - �1n the m.ltl r f 1 m I ,•. 1 an ••. S t. n III, -1 n 1 dll_e In 'r far 1 Vre, ror c t;inilnK lh.• nllcy In. Illeck I n I[ } I ,r \ I iltl l 1 iflock 1. " \_gnek u 11 anir'ir1In let 0"l- �� if G ",!or., .l 1taY 1917 on l I t . JI 1f) ler 141- 1714pprove l.Jano/ 011 111 91 \\ ,rks - -I7h C I I ka I ti ul m tt . 1 1 1I,enor,t 1 -It-le 1 th h m tt r..l it - - It 1 J Th t It c.it1 0! et Paul JUL ��► �9.�7 n I l t ot- i nl t he t k: ru tl 1. n 1 7 Imprp c c t ° 1 t n�t- I t.r "d1111"In, n If th 111 td' Yeas (1`) Co 'I en (I') Nays nLuttinR upon u nu«i" _ 'Summ!-,I.( t Park A 111,1 1 III 1 y the Council 141 F kr en 11 t tht. tent h wn' Far swortll Ij! upon the sk t 1 att, 1 1 t the n 10r1 In favod r mI co tsxlnn - of. Ilbuc L ` ll 11�� Go Aorks In th n ttur -ar 0th. Kel r 1917: wldrl k t 1 n„ I haat,,' n r 141 by rererre,1 t n 1 m f -Pnrt hcrenf.)Pr M .oil Against AJnpte,t h> tan, enp rn suis zo Is17. rn, ApproveJ.July 20. 1317. 1 N - (July :5-1317) y g MAYOR Mr. Presided. Powers FORM C:6-2 _ �I -epnrtment ' of lit 3it+rlis - OeCrn�C lAue1[H. C+•• e.c r.rn " K N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER . r R. T. GOURLEY. 01—Y r -AR. ore Uo♦ _ _ - _.L ReOHo9�•t - - eYnuu -REPORT TO THF COTJVCIL-- and taking an easement in the land neces- Ia the matter of aondemninQ, vary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 12, Sum- mit Park Addition, and Block 1, Evergreen Place, under. Preliminary Order $16565, approved May 219t, 1917, and Intermediary Order 87142,- approved June 20th; 1917. - f To the Council of the City of St Paul: - -- The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of thia his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the anaded portion of said plan,_ the fills to .be-wade_on private property, and by the natched, portion, the cute to to made on private property, and the extent of the easen:ent,to b6 taken, by the fipres opposite such ehaded.and hatched 'parts of such plan. !? C mmieeioner�of-Pc rvorxs l//\ Datedd7 T- / - - CITY Or ST. PAUL- _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMIS/TONER OF FINANC ON.PREWMINARY ORDER_ (A) to -the Matter of Condemning -and tak ng__a n a�@e�tent for slopeQ�fpr _outs_:ap3--0, -_--_ inGradini3 and Paving Alidy .in block_ 12,_ Summit Addition, ead Y� _ Block 1. Evergreen -_Place _ from. Avonnsstreet to Grotto etreet� t .._ ..: -: .................._d.. - _ ..:...... .. --------- v_..:_..---- ............ :.. --—..__.... ----:_ .. _- ------------- .. ------' -- under preliminary Order. approved _-- Y8j ISIId� 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The Co ' The total estimated amount -of' the assessment for the above improvement is - $ ---25.00 I---.- -.----__ - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits_ for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION F- LOT CLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 12 summit Park Addition 30350 3 12 to St.Paui, ifi Ramesy. - 1700 3 .'12 County Minnsoots, 7850 East Cf 4 13 Best )j of 4 12 7950 5 .12 6, lg 5300 7 13 6200 g 12 5900 9 13 1700 TOTAL: - i CITY OF ST. PAUL - z - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR-P OF COMMISSJPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . DESCRIPTION - LOTaLoen- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f 10 12, , Summit ParkAddition 8300 To St,Psul in Rrtrmmey 11 2a � _ 5000 L8 1+3 county Minnesota— 8300 (Ex. Horth 148 ft) 13 and 14 18 3700 1 l Evergreen Pleas, St.Paul) 13375 East 38 feet of Zit. 1 Ramsey Oo.,Minn. (Exoept Eaet 38 feet) . 2 1 2 7976 3 ,2 Jf 4 1 5800 East of 5 1,-- 7 ;;eat t of 5 1 6$00 7 1 - 7900 — g 1 800 9 1 1600 10 1 10500 East of 11 1 Westaof 11 1 ) 8500. 13 1 ) j 9500 East 10 feet of 14 1 (ExOept East 10 feet) 14 1 W5 15 1 rover.:.. r To'rAL. . 16942.8. The Commissioner of Finance furthur'reports that he has investigated au of .'the aforesaid matters,. and hacby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' .. .......191./......�5!il%w.... . - Commissioner of Finance, 1 Me of the .Commissioner of Public -Works Report to Commissioner of Finance_ ( ; June-2nd,7 _........ To the Cointnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; ct• considcrntimt the hreliminsry order, of the Conn. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uud May 19th, 7 cil, known as Council File No. 16565 approved ... -... --.__ _.. 1'Jl_.._., relative to._:::.... _......__ eondemnin and taking an easeueiit 1n the land ne esaary^for �.._._.. elo�ea•,.•_for aute_•_�nd •fill�..an'gr'ading_ end•.,paving_aile�r_:in _ _,.._ _.� '. I ...Ad.cilti-O�n...�nd PI.Qok 1, �t rexet.n. p1 as -..__ and having investigated the matters and things.referred to therein, hereby.reports: . i. 1. Said improvement'is .......necessary and (or) desirable. XXX gX x and 8. The estimated cost thereof is $ — -- mtd file total cost theteof t9 $ -_- ..... .:__.. the nature and extent of said improvement, is as follows: -.- • • _... ._.......... .. .. .......... ... _.._ ...:...._ . _.._ _ ._.._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said iinprovement is hereto attached and knade'a part hereof. a:. Said improvement ia_ 110t.•.-.•-.._._asked for upon petition of three or wore others of property, subject . to easess cent for said improvement. conuitissiouer of Public Works. f ... ------ ------ - ---- - - - - -- 'I1t-the a lillol of ttragtnit anW A n.t� i eon, AVIEltk.13 aumm t itin, weld( . I �tipn-apdnSt.to. 1-tJverq�reon :PlpN.? - from on St. to Urotto qtt, frith c"qn .:crate tlnddr Prellmt i Ortter. IP Et,' `->. roved 1taY E, 1917s 1 A pubtle h44arinB-hawing W431 .fad' .. tlDOa thF above Improyamenta a dUe - aoHe4 and the Couacll- bbhe� hanrd -- all Paraone., oblectlom and recommnn-•f latican relative .than ereto, tt r. -: havlo. tullT'eoaeldelmd the aemt, therefor.,be - - - IIResolved. Or the Council of the .C' - - - of at. Patll that the precl o nature. tent. and kled: of .improvement • . COUNCIL FH,B NO............ ...... meas by the, said; City IN paveallay 'In Block lII Addition and Block I By. .._ .._..._ .................... 'ro,e and tthe Ore FINAL'ORDER' In the Matter of...Sr-a.d,ing- and.--pav:ing..,ell.ey In...Bl.ack..12...Summit.:Pask ...... Addition ane Block A L 4r8.F-�.�1R-:�]s.Ret,:.-f .om...AY.s3t1..8.L, xo ar.Qtxo St �`! .` G.. f...... _.:...-....,. ......... .......... .............. ... ...... ...... ............... _ _......... . t tinder, Preliminary Order 16224 ............. ..... ............. approved ........... May -:.2,...1.91.2.... ... :... Intermediary Order • ......... .. ....... . . ...:..approved ........ .......: .......................... A •public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent d kind of improve- y e alley in Block 12 lmmit Park ment to be made b the said City is:--...gide and pQv Addition and Block l Evergreen Place, from Avon St to Gr�tto $t .U? .:::r ... ::.fit-......-'......... ....:......_ ................................. .. .. ............ ........ _..._.,.. ......... :......:: and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,', and submit same to the Council'Ifor approval;; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to procee with the making nf said improvement, in accordance therewith. ill, 20 1917 f Adopted by the Council. ...:.:.. .... 191.. - y NL 2o 1°17 \ Qyj Cleric. _ apprRved... .... ... .....:. t1�/" Mayor.* Counci all n Farnsworth —" Councilml n (Joss _ Councilml n. Hyland Councilnu n Keller Councilmt It MCC6II 4 Councilm Wunderlich Mayor I n Form B. S. A. 8.7• - - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR-POF;COMMIShONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIKONARY ORDER (B) _. - DESCRIPTION ADDITION LOT BLOCK D I T I O N - ASSESSED, VALUATION 10 12 Summit Park Addition, 6200 11 .i3 To St. Paul in Remesy -5000 13 •13 County Minnesota 6200 (Ex. North 148 ft) 13.and 14 13 3700 1 1 Evergreen Place, St.Pau1) 13375 East 38 feet of 23 1 Ramsey Co•,Minn. _ I„ (Exoept East 38 feet) 2 1 7975 3 1: ' 4 1 ) 5900 Ea.of 1 r 5 1 ) West of 5. 1 6500. 6 1. 7 1 7800. 8 : 1 - 800 ; .. 9 1 1600 10500 East_ of Westlk of 11: 1 8500, 13 1 13 1 j 9500 East 10 feet of , 14 1 (Except East 10 feet) 14 1 8835 c 15 1 TOTAL. Thu Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works - - - - Dated... I ........ . 191 _ ��J : F'/,.... L_ _1�t . ..:: _.. __.........._._• . o ' Commissioner of Finan". � � t RIT - i 'r7el�sSeF s+a+.-Pa•n - � ( a 3 , 77 }; , oil P F T 1 1^ ,t j TO TvP ❑O'MT.ya3,F `AYOrn A*.n '!TTY r!)7 -"'!TL rp --7 i niTti OF: PVTL, •TTT,-rrQomp; "le, the undersi?red, owners of prnperty abutting' on that certain alley within.t',m block bounded by Avon: St., Osceola Ave., Grotto TF., and Linsood Price, with'. said 7ity, respectfull;^ pet'i'tion you to rave said alley paved with some suitable material. YPIER OF PFTTTTONIF?g Lr)Tc "NTFU KTND OF PA`.ri1Nn >;`N Inlw j Act f �-I+Y` G� ~ 2,n 1-13 m .., 001-1: Mj� s'[�I', s (;AY 2 1917-L'- NJ, 91,1'N ... � � t RIT - i 'r7el�sSeF s+a+.-Pa•n - � ( a 3 , 77 }; , oil P F T 1 1^ ,t j TO TvP ❑O'MT.ya3,F `AYOrn A*.n '!TTY r!)7 -"'!TL rp --7 i niTti OF: PVTL, •TTT,-rrQomp; "le, the undersi?red, owners of prnperty abutting' on that certain alley within.t',m block bounded by Avon: St., Osceola Ave., Grotto TF., and Linsood Price, with'. said 7ity, respectfull;^ pet'i'tion you to rave said alley paved with some suitable material. YPIER OF PFTTTTONIF?g Lr)Tc "NTFU KTND OF PA`.ri1Nn >;`N Inlw j Act f �-I+Y` G� ~ 2,n 1-13 m .., 001-1: Mj� s'[�I', s (;AY 2 1917-L'- NJ, 91,1'N Fwm Av0y s -r -REE T - q hAIcrrg�v 0 t= Lot w,R,?AvDENESU-s /D _—� T�. 7 TP, ck'j.I AE !lis r �IaN . yv� CrM,aN A t1,A�Y� �, 3 ..5 9917.. L, S71rEt n T Fj, 3i7K: 'TT�'% N Yb^ ' i oT /1 f , WTY T. -ESTIE LOT13 - ! Wade. t�—f pp L4 ( MA- ST,6MORT a Lir- /o v rr9 - MRsF"�; �•� fE,/r,rc%Qax � L'f CFf.vLT Aft b,E— CA 7. y r 5 QJ ;p �E rl n , 4 ISR . FE g g � | ] i d<. «�� \\\�� � .:\\ .. .v,.. ... :� /\\d � } \ \� d w } }\\ ` / f \ \\\\ \ \ ` � ^ (\ \ ` } � §` »\ � \ /� } \� °( \ \ r . � ( � \\ � { � � (- /�/ : wR§\ƒƒ ^����� \\�� � \ .���\� � � .£ 1 :l « 4 [\\ � /� w! > . �/ 7 (� /(/ \ °!ƒ . \ƒ°« - /\/ \ : .;! : \�[2 \`\)2\% /} _ � /[^C°� »S� -\ \\\� \ `�� � \\�\����� \ — �� ��. ����[�:` ��\��. \ �� �� 4 . � , , �\ w ;� , . ,�. . 3 \ : ƒ .� \\_ ._ - ( 1 ( «� y \\ d .\ ƒ » \ \ i. i . »< ) <{ \ / 2 : ` .� \ /: . \»d : \ \�« » 4 °� «! ®` «�y.i.\ \\/ j j \�� �. � \ \: - _ � \ ».y�t \\\ . : . :. . a m 6 � \) t « - % ©. » \:\�% ©� « � - �� d \ \�§ .«::c... ` ... . - w a »< 2). %» . . . . .� « .a .�� I Orrice of the Commissioner 'of � Public Works - Report to Commissioner of Fin,nce rune 2ndr ._......... ... .:._7!11... ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Punt• The Cotqutissioner of Public Works; having had under.coasideratioa the prelimiuory order of the Coun- 10224 toed ..... aY. ^?tdt...... ... .. ..:79f.., nhiti�•e ro...._ . _.._. cil, known as Council File No......... _ ._ app ..........grading and paving alley in Block. 12, °unlit P&rV it'onand Block _1, £v rcr en.^lace and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:: 1. Said improvement is.. .........necessary and (or) desirable. 1. Tlic estimated cost thereof is _ KKX;,,...,..._, and the total eost thereof is }_._.... xY.XX.._........., and the nature and extent of said improventeut'is as follows: t- :1. 1 plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode it part hereof. 5. . _..:._.asked for upmtpetition of three or more owners of property, subject ,Said improvement ie.. to assessment. for said improvement;. 1 . f� ......__ :.... Coouuissioner of Public Works.j \ _ mitg of test. 3itepurtmrll# of Eiublic Works • Cl+ups[. C• rr rr...... _ Mt N. GOSS. CGMMIGSIGNER - c'...... or [rc�rt/•• .. , . R T GOURLEY. Grru" - - orf 1' '.. •.oto. -o Cm nislion oriof 'ublic ,7orks ..�• -' 7 r....., -.i 11..-,r•'".h. iirP�i.. A; 'Y c 2 t inio:^ P:.- _o.t 0'f . - �,r�icl illt^y LI:C: pa Ving alle in .Mock 12 tunmit .t'�<,: 7- .dli.tior. �.. and - Block 1 ry :;;rccn Placa in, acc+o-•ciente :Ath Cou, ii i'iic ,=15221-, L 1'Y'oVcd y 2y'1917• .L 01, I. 1;, .C._I. '3_isr 13,83-i0.00 3.19 9g7.00 9 -. 1 1i CE: dam ..: , 475 .0.0 2.0'-' . t ..,._r.. 2,191 .0' 1.£33 -. _ _ r• J C�:'.• Ch Ic cr ` — CITY OF ST. PAUL - — - . =COUNCILRESOLUTIONGENERAt FORM 'Subject: • Cou NCit' FILE No. lk 191 Resylded; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Rose street, 'from Jessie street to Edgerton et.reet to 'be sprinkled durisg the balance.of the season of 1917. C. P. No. 17664—By ai. N. Qonn— n[ - rlceolaed. TbTI.thn Comminsloncr Pu blli 1Vorkn be and in heroby nnthor_ Iserl and direvu•d to c w-Itnnr. wt--t'. from J.. i ,iL—t 19dgorton etroct - ln hr• nP 1 klr�d du It R IIIc bal•tucv of . - tI pennon of 1917. - Adopted ht•. the.Cpnnrll July 20. 1917. APPruved J A`y 20. 1917. (July 28-1917) Yeas (d) Cot icilmen (:) Nay; IUL tiP I91,1 Fat isworth Adopted by the Council y 191 Co In favor Ily ind El 0-1917 C Kel er Approve 191 `1 011 Against U R derlich Mr. Preside t. Irvin FORM C..., CITY OF ST PAQL ---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION 4. _ - y 1- - Date Presented - 3ufi "-rading. vulhan; :arse! frou. In thea.-,atte of - - - - - - - - - - endon treet to•nortt city lilt:ita 14309 16141 under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - - - Approved - _ Peril 26th - - , _ - -- 7 - - , 19I , RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Ylorla for the. above named improvement be and the saxte are hereby approved. Received all papers IllID Ithe m ltor f 9r 11.k FLtham street I connecti'on' With fLb6ve f m 11 ndon street to north' city ]Imlte unser Preibnlnnrl n -,ter 11369, Resolution, Final order 16141, approyea Aprul ]6th, 1917 , \ y Resolved, Thal the plan npeeiMa-J tions and eetlmnten wubmltled o rp � — � r• l u1 Pubilc tt rke for th8 - .-Col.-named Impreyem of be end they / eatnare hereby npprel J Adopted by the Council July :6, 1817, JUL !Z f) !9 17 tpnrol4a July 11-11, .. 1917_k-1917] , Adopted Iiy the Cauncil -..- - - -,151 : r Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Counc-liran Farn orth Goss] Hyl d Kell r 9.17 LfcC 1 Approved Ivun rlich Mr. President, I in Mayor. —i —__.CITY -`OF ST. PAw'L COUNCIL RESOLUT.IOt1 - — Jul9 20th_ , 4 Date Presented - - - - - -191 In the clatter of_— _)raska tv�nue to :'oyt P.venue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11606 15765 - under Preliminary Order I- - - - - , Final 'Orderl - - - Approved - E,_r,ril 9tri, - - - - _ -, 191 v - RESOLVED, that the plane, specifications and _estimates --- -submitted -by-the-- Commissioner -=of.;Public Works-foi the --above-named improvement be and the same are hereby approved., FNo. 17666— iteceived all papers' in In tl mntler of g oding H mlinc Ave. from Vebrnakn A ;'to Hoyt Avenue, OOAneation with above ands: rrrilm in , �raer n696. Finnl- t Order 16766. nDp o •ed AP�'ll1977.- llrnotvrd, That the-Plnne, Deciden-' Resolution. it.. nal ntl^ntea nlibmlttrd by tha ('emelt I r f Public Workn for the r i; f u above nlmm pruveent be and the l ' eum or, : brr hereblPp op-ed. p, 1917. j AA nt 1 by th 4 Il Judy 2 1 Approved uly0. 1191" (July 7) I: Adopted by the Ccuncil - •-.- - - - - - -- Yeas: ( ) ( ) ldaya Councilman F',^north.. ; 0 i? and 1 it;i7 Y. ler M oil App ro ed - - - - 191 W derllch v� 1. Mr. President.' rvin -. - - -Mayor. I _ ? - CITY, OF Sr. PAUL: CO"UNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN_ ERAL FORM _ Subject _ - - COUNCIL "�• l'lY'y nLc .Iy.O. r' 11 AAAA Date Presented July 19' 191 7. 'Resolved; That the'grade of the alley<in.Blook 7 Merriam Park 3rd Addition, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommend.ed,by the Commissioner of ,Public Works, be .and the same is`' hereby adbpte.d as the established grade. O. r Ir o. 17GG — Cioxr— - - IlrNolae,l -.TI t tl r e 1 Sn1 tho IIrS in rllo,'k 7 11 1 n. t nrh .\ddititho . ua Nhnrrn 1 Y th r nluk nn�l Ilnc n com - ` nctt,mpu nplttpro �mml [ Tnbtie .. men,l..l hi 1 ni tto,l '�N it Ntnbl,Nncl.n- 917. A�Ioytrd l 11 a Cnu Ill July e 0. ApP.roY� l 1, (July 28-1917) Y t' Yeas ( ) Co cilmmn,(r) Nays JUL2(1 1917' Adopted by the Council 191 � Far sworth 1 Co In favor . JUL 211 1917 Ke r Appro d 191... M all Against r Y rg ' Mr. Preside . Powera _. _ .... MAYOR FORM C.8"2 - .. CITY OF_ ST. PAUL - - v COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM Snbject .::..... ..... _:.._...... � - COUNCIL " - FILE NO........................................ � Date Presented._.....; �. ......... Resolved That the Cigarette License ;;o. 75, which exrires _ L'ay l:5th,1919, now it the r_a=e of Yrs. A. Hollender,' 1041.$elbq Avenue, be and the same tereby is transferrea`to V.A. Peterson � and Com-p ny, 1041 Selby Ave. ._ C r Win. 1 ff8 bile Lj nan 1 yl 1 •at VIM .the l,lel ) 15th 1n19.1 . ... I 11111110 15 1 _< 1rih rd .. 1no"911 1 i th % t" pod tl 1'11 m 1 i1 . trtt 1 t\\. \ I" 11A1l 1(t \d 1[1111, it t `11 Il Jul♦ .9. I A;lpravptt July iv 1 111.. Counrilnlen (I') Saye. Farmworlh :\doplyd by the Cou-ii JUL 20 1917 . 191 Goes In favor t IJKeller PV _... 11eCo11 AFninet Mr. Irvin - MAYOR •ORM C A'L 617 2M - - - - : - I-=-6��• tis F St ..PAU - COUNCIL R$ Uii EiVERAL :FORM .Subject - COUNFILE CII r Date Pres ented....:__-....... ..... _ Reso ve j t That t!ie Cigarette' License o.. ISD, til"; .iS exrires d ay2 tr.,171 : , nc-r in the name of, Josar.h—ldtemarano, `57 r ..3rd 1 c+. _=+, :-ba a. nj, the + ;ne h] rery Is transferrei to Joseph' cnterasrano, 183'x. 7th streat. A C r Vol Gf4-- - �N II golt.•J TI t th cl ) 1tcCo11— .. . n t .III nl� �i Yne t,iconse. 1Cfi •11 1 Y n th- ,t 20th, 1414, . nn 7 zv_ 1t coli ]t�lennr- yen91Y3 Isj ntr"Pr rY 11 t Jo -ph \I nc tl SI APProved .iul3 10 1411."1 "'y 20, 1417 - 4I7j ) fens U'} Cob.linen (1') \o). - - - Al - 2n 1917 ( Pumiorth Adopted by lie rRllnril .._. 191 Coes.._Ili fnvbr Ilyl, �i , f %i 2))1 APPwveJ 1.... C C'. .. .. :...191 McCo I ANAinat WI, - - Ur. P ... idrnta rvin - - - 1 .... .... ....... .._ MAYOR FORM C A-9 gt17. 2M r No iic o—nvD ti Kello Rosch ed ,That tha tdanq+ and .'j cations far the onst nClion of to _ I tC itlitesioc.uenntlinth-.tn..te :CITY OF ST. PA UL 1ij 8t. Paul' Ur11F k Terminrtl ft - _ ii Co cr fxintr iM1 �n nix+Ipnl n COU, ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - 1.1h Ilt c .>[.ta t t t Intite b r �ar 1 r bg not rot 1. inA th y ... loner or riat 11 R or la hm . t t}t rfs i ordrr 1 nt J liroct fl • t� _ wet 1 fo r tar he It " . l1reti.., ifmt Reeolvcd That fn I - otalsl.aro 1 � :te minn ( tat m .cot ne etrtretlnnill 1n7urY ki th CIt3 naJ lIt y _ �a 1 t� - y �'�$�t ty I and ComptM1ol r •.4'\ tt'. ttilC 17r� 1 7♦ the DiaYnr atnhi 1 J. to n r l r th 'an t rwt-ani xnru.. I - 1 �t-� fir. 1(^ -p�• , $boy ih wit 1 I Winn nut I `\ I , � � \� .1wltM1out adt crus mens' n r ��i �` `t -.bids. 1 - �•. 1 r [••nrthtr.FtceolveJ, Tln / in e Thou, Dollar o 1. front the Dockr _ pn"'°<That the plans and specifications for the construction o£ tempo ri rary, t° $ron ore, handling terminals and facilities locateon tLie 4riA-e of � the St. Paul, Bridge & Terminal RAlway'Co. crosaing the Mia siasippi River on the line of the City Limits, be and .they are' hereby approved, t;. ani the Commissioner of Public Yorks is"hereby .authorized, ordered and directed to do the work by force account; be it FMTH.:.Z RESOLVED, Thati in the construction of -said iron ore handling terminals an•emerg4ney exie;U where failure 'to'act promptly will.work an injury to the City., and, therefore, the Purchasing Agent, vrlth the consent of `the b'fayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase the neocesary material ands supplies in•accordano `6ith said plans and specifications, without advertisement and competitive bids. FURTHER ROSOLVED, That the sum of Five Thous and. Dollars ($5,000.00) be and It is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Docks, Wharves and. Levees Account of the General Fund to provide for the payment of.said work.. FURTHER RE30UND,'That the proper city authorities be and they are.hereby hr�eii *V'acheV7 authorised and directed to enter into an agreementrwith the St. Paul Bridge &Terminal Railway Co. for the proper use df said bridge.:' t/ 191 z`�!? Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 219.11. _.... _. KEC81tz@i1 +•? A4apted'by the Counciil]L M �- Far ksworth 4-7 Connection with;��e Go ' JUL: 24 1911 Kel er / Approved 191. M II NahJ Yo rg Mr. President, Powers M 'ow int au1 - JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK July 20tp.'1817. itt. is L. iloYe6os. _ General they. St. Paul Association. City. , Dear Sir;- s`ho Cc %kan at its Mating eday had under considoratIon a resolutionfor the construction of temporary iron ere handling terminals &a., located an the bridfs of the at Paul -Bridge k Tsrmiaal Nailvay Ce. crossing the Mississippi -River On the line of the City Limits and appropriating the susiof 15000.00 for doing this serk. The Council understands that this is a matter that your Association is very muob Interested in and before passing this resolution vculd appreciate if seas of your snabars vould be present at the Counpil' a meeting of July 23rd.1917 at 10 A. U. at vihich date this Satter -bas -boas postponed ts,vitb Akl. i.--ax-Mtisn you hava an the v%ajp:,a.pasisl2y a-- to - ghat definite usdorstanding you have with the shippers or any other data bearing on this matter.,, i Tours truly. City Clerk. , I - AIIT Ai�Lw D C4111L114S „ 'MEMBERS IP SAINT R%�L ANNUAL If1COMFROM DUEss, 50,000 \t MEMBERSItIP EN011G[O IN 160 UNEd OF mUsINIIISSA O PROFCSSIONS - !SSA c0mNUNICATION3 TO iMa:.06N L SCCRETART I O• C -m" O•BRIlN, CONNERCC BUILDING - S W O.......... VIc.......... - _ C. N. BIO[LOW.a alw.•f Iw• c"•Iwunw a.. I. C L STO. , cTwya •. BROWN T - • ou ... L� July Twenty Third, 1917. John. Faricy,. City Clerk., Court Ouse, Dear Sir: .I i_ g,�plyir, to 7G— .�q-�)k of th•, that th'e city council had under consider tion on.thut date, a reso- lution. `or ti;e c:,..atr.;ctian•or tem rr ry iron ore handlin: terminals, _ end Tarmir.al 3Y• Co. , etc., located on the bride -e of the St. Paul Erisge d rt:.ir. from this -nd before pe.ssinE the.resol-ti,7,n esired to _ Asjoci.tion Ilvvnut inforuation it :ith shi r.ers, or othc,r data n }tag 11_�ni tr,:- t fort .er .c:I id6 ti -_n ofpthe sub- jest huId peen post-poned; to _onday, Jury :'r3 at 10 A. Nl:.,;.at a:ieh tinse it ':_Is desired t at rct.resent +eves c ts:p St. P jjl Association of Public and 7usires6 i,ffairs be :resent. For 11any ye-�Z3 the• peo-ple of this city, -.:nd indead the peo:.le of the, entire ::is,,issiLpi :'c lley' epessi .r a h their v carious co _.ercial or -z.nir :tions, ve- �:r�e1 the Dover ^* of thIa 'Un -ted St_:tes to Tri:-rov? the lississippi River' for pur, ea of nasi ;:tion, by providing - six foot. cht:nr,el frOM St- Louis to the • MEMIIER CHI DER OF COMMERCE OF THE L4MTED STATIM OF AMERICA Tidn Cities. In' support .of this demand, upon the Federal Government, the promise h, -,'s _bleen rrrAae, at"least impliedly, that if the Government would complete ,the improve::,ents sought, tinat the peopAa aould_xLk_e�se — of the river for the ml-ve:mentof freight. The Government h::s already spent upon whu t is commonly called the Upper Mississippi River approximately ;,15,000,000.00. During all ,of last season and all of this season, up to this date, a six: foot channel -has been available to St. Paul.: ;rith the completion of the High Dambetveen St. Paul and :iinneapolis, a six foot chap::el is. at present available. from St. Louis to the aunioipal dock, situat99d just b lo:r the Zashi::_ton Avenue Bride at 11inneapolis. It is expected that the Government project for the Upcer-'iississi'ppi river will be entirely cou,pleted by 1920, and ,cili provide a dependable six foot channel at the :niniaaura low water _._1916 _._. oeen a car--s..ort-t- . _$Saco .i6[.t. l,� iyt:�,� -thara ..�.s G•• of from 1OG,000 to 4001,0:0 bars. _:.lostof the trunk. lines n:ve been badly cdni;,:sted, fry cent eiibarl-oes hove been laid ucon trvffic, and the shipFera and public at 1�.,rue hwve suf ered re.t inconvenience :_nd'" loss•�ns:ortution f.-cilities. ,eo,.esa of the iraia.,u.x� 01' tr Ts:a eu:e'r_.-ency: cre:°_ted by the gar ..as e:rphn: ized .. the �,ecesyity for incre�sed ;.:eanc of trans ortatirn. are confro;aed with a I-ossible" coal short :t�e'at the`,eud ol-, the lades rich ;;ould ba ,isastsrous-to the business interests of St, Paul, and the :rclve:,:ent I of coal frow the Illir:ois fields 111,s opened a poss`icle u:eans of relief to the Twin Cities as %ell as w measure of insurance aro.iat this coal t� At a.confer.ence of representatives of the i iss.issi_i.i_:iiver Val ey cities held at Sty. -Louis early in kfay, to-con- sider'wvys and means of .establishing trwns_ortation upon the♦River, Brigadier General William L% Black, Chief of Engineers of, the United States Army, wLs';resent as a representative.o'f the Secretary of War, and. advisel the -conference shat he vas authorized by the Secretary of far to say that the Government was very.anxiouc. to sea nsvigaticn upon the :Mississippi River. restored at once, and to-th&t—end-the Government'- ;:;as.willing to assist in what ever,:,ay was hrabticable. The St. Louis conf �rence a..:pei rated a co=Attee to meet in Washington L',ay 15th and 16th for further conference with the Secret;.ry of War and the Federal Shi.:ring Bosrd. At that conference St. Paul was represented by 'ayor V.. R. Irwin,. Geo. C. Lambert and - J. H. Beek. The result of thz:t conference ,vas an agreesent definitely made with General. Black, Chief of Engineers, approved by the, secretary of mar, that the,Government would place at the disposal of shippers, and operate for them upon the.Mississippi river, a fleet of -Twelve (12) ,and-T:o (2) or-, ._e ToN for exper-imert _l rcovement of coil frog, St. Louis or vicinity, to the Tv;in Cities with, return. cargoes of Aron lore to St 1 Louis. Tilt: representatives of the city of St. Paul acce;:ted the. offer-cf the Peaerl Government and agreed 'uith'Gener: Blao- to, rroceed i::::.:ediately to , rovide ade gs..te docks equi;:ped ;;ith Frcper to ding and unlo:din� facilities. Prior to this tine, no.,, -ever, the :uniciptLlity in anticipation of river,navi'-,tion had set aside a f �„ • -h ..tw 1 t outlined - 'a iiiu 0,. :;;w,VvG.v� .�;itA n 1,�^.ii to In -1 i .iIIw1s €L'Ch .. 01 ...ad' above. Imn:ed ately upon the return of'tne St. Paul delegation from Washington this' s-ub j'ectl was `: aken- up_ and numerous conferendes have been ,eXd )6t,veen representhives of the Pepst�rent of Public Utilities cnd'the Dapartr:ent of Public Warks,, and representatives of the S.t Pe-ul Association, and shippers, On June 6th the Association received a letter -from _ 17.:Kcwva.nau_-h, President of tne,Southern Cor:.l, Coke and :lining Co. stating that it would assuij:e &.11 the responsibility of handlingall of th.e coal vrhich could Le, moved upon the; river, t:iis season, and all -that St. Paul -r:ould be called upon to do in connection ;rith the Movement .vould.be to nrovide facilities to unload coal fro,the bares ul.on their arrival, and facilities to rr•nsfer iron ore from• cars to the bares, for return, snipment. On June lith "r. F. 11 Cnitra, President of the :iississip;l Valley Iron Co. of St. .Louis, visited St., lluu:; sr-ending, two days ::ere, arr.n i for - supply.of ore and conferwith members of the St. Psul Association; the City 0ouncil ..nd va7i6-.1s city i`nd railroad officials, relative to the. facilities for handlin,,,it.. <<e nave the,Wost positive :•s-rL:nce fron. .ir, GoitrL that his concern will ship l..r;e euLntities__of ore -;.,hen f=:cilities are" ,rovided. The :capacity of his _ 1. :Lsnt is cc_,000 tons ;:er annum au na i... s..cn �,s t.,is ore can undoubtasly be delivered to ; i;lant, i-. situw.ted uj;on X-he .: lSS 1551!::1 'iilVer, at u riuch less r to t..n ue no n _rocure it, via lslce -nd raid through Cnica;;o;mor via all rail, .ve _. •✓e every xa:aar. to ti ir,k that the f._cili- ti'=s xill.Le used lar lv :.nd continuously, . It Sho ui `va. burn .. '•i :d, -:^ 'N-ve-r, by the City. Council at-t: is uncle ✓ern. ent m ve .ar,t is 1 rr-ely,exijer3mental. Sae aer�efit to the city of St. Paul encs the :'orth, est :.il,l to t: ::t .it .Trill deter:,,ine the ,.rc_cticatility of .;sinC. the'Uiseissi?:pi Fiver, a.nJ it ;rill' coal the ctu_l CDst of :,.c ir: r,crt : Lound and iron, ore nth '.ound, `and r:- a uriscn cf the cost of river trans l:ortation . ith rc.il ti =nsY.crtu�i ,r.."cG.r, be nide, s 1. basis for securing, the. necessary capital.to ;rovide a l r e fleet of bLroes for cex:�Lnent operation, :e re_,ret: the delay of thatwo .L.,nths I Eich hes elreadp occurred since the arrancei..ents here ....ae i;th the Y'nr; Dei--rtn:ent for the use of its b3r5es. «re in recei;t of fre- went lett�r� ani tele rwr.s frou: Wesars. Coltra c.nd Cz::v.-nau,:,h ',•,venting to ,krcr; .hen G`ur to n.ir,_1 • ;vitll be re-dy, t.11 pL-ftiE-3 uxe ready to care shipu.ents, the toy boats Lnici :ar,,;es c -re lgi: id c aitin the r city. The �n�,arr:;;ent i� ._,r :in.c•, the use of the river action oil �:,io icy. _ t,'. P �__ilro-ds. Irr.eni4te E_3 a`; u.r' i..cwy ui .. to relieve ._e -action. la.1Lr 6W. ^.:e c ur.cil t:x:doubteuly is advised thc:-t ,,Athin a few days a tow of ,four r..r aur 1G ae i ith ��' tor.�e c;. ci r �l lc�y t-.:ral"i,lement6 i.cved fro;;- ::cline, Illincis, tc r:nea Glis ,king ar. the trip in less t,; beco..:e t.ncroi;_hly roused to, the recess-ity of 'levelo int ;to the ut most the advanta =_s affcrded by the ':iississiL,i River as F: mems of cheap-tr§.nsi:ortation rnd there is no. longer a discordant note as to the advisib'13ity of taking the iritia3 B.teys at this.time. The Associe:tion is a,groached every day by anxiaae citizens inquiring :chat Lro;;rese has been made in that direction. Te subu;it the Rsscc— iastion has one as far, 8.e its power and limitatio;rs viOuld Peru:it in develocing the situation amd has now'preEented it to the Oity Council for finel action. Te cannot iml:resa too strongly upon yo= i Hoziorable Body the necessity for haste as the season of navigation is relatively short one and if a,nythirc. is to be accomrlisbed'this seFaon prompt.acti:n.is necessary. Respectfully submitted. THE ST;. PAUL ``PAUL ASSCCIA11717 President ---- Gener4l Secret ,rY. COUNGL FILH' NO.._.._..- dd i CITY` OF ST. -PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Inthe matter -of 'the assessment of b,enefitI, costa and expenses _. for the grading of St. Clai-r.Street from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, i. under` Preliminary Order,_.. 1045.5 ...:. Intermediary Order ..._:..1179.1. _ Final Ordcr1_ ..12479 approved Sept.. 5. _, 191.6_... The assessment of benefits„ costs.,andexpenses for and in connection with bmitted to the Council, and'the Council having considered same and the above improvement having been so found the said iassessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment bq.anclthe same is hereby in all respects approved. . __.._RESOLVED_FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... ..day of ` August .......... __:.. , 191.7 ..... at the hour of .10 o'clock A. M., in. the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the. City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of finance, give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and, place, of hearing, the nature of the;mproyement,--the Total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of'the particular f owner to whom the notice is directed.. r JUL 21) la!7 Adopted by the Council 1.` C r . _...... City Clerk. lhll 21) It117 f f Approved 191..:... it p1 i 191 G. ^ ... ....... __..�__. Mayor. The nasesement of beneate, c--t-'- The for and In connection w the above -Improvement having be... Councilman Far worth .abmutoa to tna councu,'and is. _ Cauncll davtng,:consldared er "and; to an old. aeeeeemont sub[wtary.; GO [Herefore, be It _ Resolved, Tant the Bald ne.es.meat' - ' Hyl nd be and the same'. Is hereby In all rs• !. . y •tn npDrovad. j Reaoly d Further 1. That n publfa hearing ad on Bald aeeeeetdent oa - -/ Kell r ux aer l.ty1v3r. At th,• hour of love lock' A: BL; In the Council +Charobe of thtr Court Roue - MCC Il 1-11 It7 orlLv at. PnoL that thenCommleeloin n - - -r of Yina"' Gil netlae of _.a S- - _ Ing. ae requlrud hy. thu Charter stmt- low top j Ing In eafd notice the.tlmo and DIac. Of {' u ting lh nater of the' Improve- ' - - Mayor. Irvin - - 1 o total cont thereof, and chs enad.a j lnet [helot or lot.',. I ulnr wnar to whom the Form B. D. isa Meq.tea. - eeCC1,y the Col nal. Jul)' zo, IVIt.; `— IuIY 30 *2_1 . `dJulY 79-181x)______J. COUNCIL FILE NO._. -- 'By _ �_ _� a l t. r�• CITY OF- ST. PAUL Resolution•of Council - Approving Assessment+ In the matter of.the assessment of'benefits, '.coets and ezpe'nsee for — —the Qradi-ng of St: Clair Street.from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland, Avenue, I _ under Preliminary Order ..._.1046.6 ........ Intermediary Order, .,:._117.9.1._..._. _.....:......_ 9 sept 5. Final Order .. . _ - '- ......... appioved 1247 _.. The assessment of -,.-benefits,.- conte and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ;`z 0< RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..__. 21111 ... _... ... day of A ugu6t _, 191. T.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building,• in the City of Sc Paul:,' that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the, time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof• and the amount assessed against the lot .or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed: Adopted by the Council 191 ..:' / I ; f r r City Clerk.1 Approved 19L.:.. r "�✓ 1 u el. I ora ' Mayor. - The aeseesmonl-of benefits. costa • -e-penaaa for and In connection 1 a - - the above Improvement having bee ,i - Councilman Far worth submitted to thm.; o Council, and tha C -' ouncil having.od . considarname •and - .. CiU found the Bald aeaoaament satisfactory, - ' therefore, be 1h ' Resolved, Thnt the Bald aaeeaement be and the name G hereby to all re- - Hyl nd apecta npp:oved. Resoly •d' Further, That a Dublin - hearing be bad on sold aaaeeemant on - - 4Keflr,� u.,- _I.+t Icy ,f tugue,atthhour. or 10 ,o'clock A. u., In tae Council member of u.e Courc.'.:tteueI and CI tJ t)all t"Ilding.In thoft.Poul;thattho Complleeon- er of Nlnnnas give noticoof ball meat Ing. as requlrod bythe Charter, -tat-ing In said notieo the tin nd place of•• n Ing. th nature of the: imp ove- MByOr a tojal coat 11 pr •of, end the No seed Mtatn t th 1 t r lots oc'z'4 iculnr'oNn r to whom the Form H. H. li- _ a �tl) tl Co 11 J Ij :o 11,17. +�+••• COUNCIL FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution -of =Council .Approving Assessment' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, CCet s and; e#ense0 for --- 'the- construction of 'a sewer five. feet 'north of the south line of_Lot a-1, 2, 3,-4. 5 and 6, ,Block ,2e, west St. Paul Proper from a point 10 feet west of the east line of .Lot 1, Block- 28, west St. Paul- Proper to under Preliminary Order .......111B3._ Intermediary Order ...... .Final Order ....12805 .... _ approved _ Sept.ember 21.:1191:... F.• The assessment of .:_`.. b.enefit8. ccb..ts and exp.eneeII .... ,for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assess.macnt satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved e- ---- RESOLVED -FURTHER That_a_public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......-.. day of p13Eu$t 191. i , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court ._ House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; .that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter• stating in said notice.the time and place of hearing• the nature of ;the improvement, the total Bost thereof, and the amount' assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL 20 1917 / Adopted by the Council 191 J Cit _. - t . /.. y Clerk. 111! X11 1'17 191..... Approved .. \Mayor..'. !.e t or b .,,,* wat/wid n d In n etlon th Councilman Farnsworth nb ul pr met havh+g beer, 1 tte l to th Lo,n,,,.-and tba unci ha 1 F nald 1 sofa and • - Got and the a, 11 aeeoeem mt aatlsfactory, - �Ih ore nee, bn It - nea Ived• Thnt the aald n itu t De and thn pamo L hereby la all ra• Hy nd I p cL appcoved. Iteaolvrd Further. That. a pnblla .. hanring-be h 1 -n YAid 'nna.&Itnent on Kel er . /,I 1 t day f\ Fuxt, 1917. nt the Me Oil t to u cloc r n. sL. fn the Coun- II Chnialmr o[ the Court House ad City Hall Flullding. rat Ihn �WU der 1 :ItY t 5t: Poul: that the Commleeloa- o[uFlnhnre glvo notl- of Bald meat• aik. as rvdui—I by the Charter, flat- Jng In ..Id o o Ih tithe and place . Mayor- Irvin - of hearing. lIm+datura of the Improve' - —.1, the total--cret thereof• -and the - aunt nesnexod senlnet the lot or Form -II: II. IC - .I".. of thee. Durticular owner to whom.' - ,tn. notice b directed. \11,pted hl• thenration soil- Ju1Y :0, :017. \I ved JJAY 20. 1717 (UIY 21 -1N17) COUNCIL `FILE `.NO. n�tes� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of'Cound Approving'. Assessment. (In'the. matter of the "assessment'of benefits, -costa and ezp,en sea• .. 'for •_ S theconetruction'of a sewer -.on Branstonavenue `frorn. R point ten (10) feet south of thenorth'line of Lot 7, Block ll, St,.Anthony Park North to a yt.: twenty-five (25) fee* south of the north line„of Lot 1, Block 70` ' o, b^th aides of Blacks A and B, also etwer'on Hendon avenue frpm Brar,uton avenue as. laid 0 U on the westerly side of Blocks -A and B,• to ;*,rontham street, "e-.der'P reliminary Order .__108$4 _.... Intermediary Order ...._...13640_:..... ... ...... ... Final Order _14022__._,... approved__:_Decembei 14, _ 1-91 .:6_, The assessment of co Dt s..a expones $ -.__. __ .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered. same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it . RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on, the Al:...._.._.....day of i. August . „ 191 7..-_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ..said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature f of thelinprovement, the total cost thereof. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed:. _. t a ctrl It117 J L tit Adopted by the Council ..... _.....f .?. ......F:.. City Clerk. Approved 11!. '":.”. ] _ _Mayor. nnl lir, d Decombm ' The sae. .t of benefits, costa .nd - Councilman Farnsworth ipens- for and In connection with Inc above Improvement .. having been ubmltted to the Council, and the Gose Council bavini considered acme fins _ - found the Bald assessment satisfactory. : therefore, be It - - - Hyland - iteaolved. That the said assessment ' be and the same Is hereby, lb all rs- - ■pecte:appro-d. " - Keller lic.. vcd Further, That - a public , hearin6 be had on saki aseessmant n the 2let day or ,%.Runt. 191?, dt the McColl hour of 10 o'clock A Y, 1n the Counoll Ch►mber of the Court House , ana laity Hall laulloing. In %he City of ., eR Pauli that the Commissioner otos!• - Wunderlich nance eivb notice of said rose", r. as required by. the Charter, ii.t.,t !n uld notice the time and place of hear - Mayor Irvin- law. the nature of the Improvement. the total. coat thereof. and the amount. u• aaaeseed against the lot' or acts or. lbs Form B. D. 1C- �, p=,;ular owner. to whom the notice. u - - Jlrectad. fi A:lopted by the Council July 20, 1917. , • _ - Appr.—I July 20,'1817. - i IJ my 28.19171 _ poompt '' COUNCIL FILE' NO. - - _ By , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment,. In'the _matter -t,f t`tc:_assessment,ef :beneflte,, ,costa 'and. expenses. For the 16onstruction of a seweronthe west si_de.of.Lexington'avenue from Central, avenue to -50 feet north of St. Anthony avenues, under Preliminary Order ..129..4.3.._ _ _ Intermediary Order :..13465 :...... _ . Final Order .. . 13.613 .._ .... approved Nov.:_. 28, 191._4. The assessment of ..___benefits, .costs and .expense0 for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having consideredsame and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore: be it RESOLVED, That the,said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects approved. 5 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the""_...... _. _'.'da%y. of i1t16U st ' 191.7 . ..... at the -hour of, l_0 -o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said Teethe as 'required .by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice'is ditIected,. JUL 20 to 17 _ Adopted by the Council _.. _ _.. V.: ,.._ _... 191 I„ 1.. ._ _ City Clerk. Approved __.._.._ ............. 191.... ed No zs. tots. �.....� -...._ Mayor. . _..t behests, provemact nhpint Wen - Councilman Farnsworth tea to the Cno..1. and the havint . coaeldeced ume and - - - A found the said aueeam.nt utbta and - Goss in ... for a Ab e✓ It !I- Resolved, that TAa saidasseomeat - be and the same IY here by la' I= ro- 'b aDeete aPPIOV.d. ...... h alrinB be had�on s�aid�uaeutoegtb.11: In 'let day of latiusl, 1017, at the ' - - Keller hour or to o'clock w 3Lthe, Is the Couo- �anld Ch,jmbe Siaof tlulldhlt.court In the fin - - McColl. City ofat. PLVI; that the Commluloaer - of pinance five notice o[ aatd meetlnt, u equ11.d by the rter, etatlni in, Wunderlich osis nuc. the it.. and place of eau. -.Int; -the nature of the Improvement, Iha'total Ccat thereof, and the am0ent Mayor Irvin aaseaaed against the lot ar let of of the Y particular owner to whom the noum - Forts 8. 11. 1i - Ad.Pt.d by the Council July 20,9817. 1PDroved July 20, 1017. q (Jul; 28.1017). COUNCILFILE By _... _ CITY OF. ST. PAUL Resolution of 'Council APPro�ing Assessment. -. - 'for... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses -the coratruoGivn of,..a_,aewer on 2dorton street between Seminole street and Ohio 'street, p i Intermedias Order 12335 ....... .., under Preliminary Order ._..11829 Y Final Order 132,40 _ • approved .. octa 13,. - The assessment of _. ... benefits, coats .arid dxPeneee....._.__for and in'connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment at therefore, be it " I' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved/ RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessmerd on the __00M., "..-.._ day of August 191 ..Z.: , at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City-Hall Building, in thr. City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature eof,.and the amount assessed against. the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, thetotaYcoat;ther- owner to whom the notice is directed.JUL 211 19! Adopted, by the Council 141 / _. _ .._......... City Clerk. ..........., ...._ ....... J 11,1 )11 1'1 7 Approved .. _.. __ 191 ....._ _._. Mayor. . . - The........t I -� apense,. for and n De Councilman Farnsworth 'the above. Improv met haul°g oubmltted tI teune der,,dl ..an and 0oUad l .suint b°mont satisfactory. - found the Bald yea Goes ` therefore. be 1[ Iteeolved, Thnt tho gall nes°&it to- - ibe nb the same I° herebY.lrt sll to- to, `specie approved. That 'A. publlo - Raeolved Further, hearing be be on sold uasumeptort Keller tbu:lf 1d o•dockAti K. to the Coun- all Chamber of the Court House - McColl and of s re l �lthat ince comml:•t�o' r of rinance give notice of sold must- Wunderlich Ing. as rejVul,adrtheetlmea and Dlao� Int In dd notice at. hmrtnt, the nature of the It¢Droth _ Mayor Irvin. ..,at. the total coat thereoh and the y not t t xewd against th lot or 1l to _ bf 11 7 nrtl . tI ownrr tohom the . .Form B. D. 16 _ nonce lanlrcct t. '.. Adopted I fhb Gunnell July =0, 1917. .. :. 917. Apprlvc,l (Jolyd.911917) - r (July ............ COUNCIL FILE NO t By, t t CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of 'Council Approving Assessment. - In the matter of theassessmentof benefits,. cost's and.. expenses for the conet'ruction.of a rglief sewer.on Selby avenusi from Herschel avenue to Saratoga avenue, under Prebmmary Order Intermediary Order .......ZG.l=1r.u_:.:_.. ................. ... _..... approved July .17 191-_...6. Fina! Order ... 11¢50, .._ ...._:. _._ . approved.. r . The assessment of __.:..._:.b.ensfitst _ costs.—and _expenses.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, RESOLVED FURTHER; That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_.::.., ` . ..... day ,of August191...-.,1 at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court _ House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement; the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL20197 Adopted by the _Council _ 111t 7r1 71' I ....:. City Clerk. Approved - 191 Th nen¢ nment of 1 ne..., cants and- _ .Mayor. . eapca 4 for and in •nnne �t ion vlth - 'tho above Improv Innt 'having been - - Councilman Farnsworth eab "Icted to the Counell and the C`ouncll hnvlm; ioneldcrj amo and - found the Bald neacanment'atl'ractory, Goesi therrtore, be It ne'nlvod, That- the 'aid a'eoumant I' - - be end the eeme le hereby In ell re• - - .. 'Pette "Proved- HyluOd Re'on•od Further.: That n publlo her be had on 'old pee-ince-t on the ".fat Inv f,.\nguxt, 1917, it the Keller' hour of 19 o'clock A. Id., In the Council Chamber f. the Court nouee ' . and Clta y nall nullding. is the - Mecoll CIt1' of Rt. Paul; that the Commle.Joe as can Irednce gbye 1101Chn ter,ld tntingnn ' Wunderlich <nb} n ace tM1e time and ylI of hoer- I - 'I g. the intura of it,. Improvoment. the t [ I n"I" there r, and the nmount - Mayon Irvin nese d bntnet the. lot nr Int't the rII 1 Inr owner to whom the notice le dlrocted. Form H. D.•liIl. _ Ad i 1 11 {. , ii•II July .V. 1917.. Ant r t Jul., o 1911. - . - (July s-1917) - — CITY OF ST'. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. FRE""' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED PER 507 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds aad :;'` in favor of the persons; firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their res'peciive names as specified fin- the [ollowi�tg':" - detailed statements JV 2 i 1917 • - Yeas ( 1') .Council en ( J) Nays - _ Adopted by the Council-__ —19I— '. ;-- t -Farns orth- j Goss - ..-. -.. .. - —_ - r Approve"�14��� 191 . Ilyl d Sell r - In favor ) wAYOR° /7 Xfc o11, L �------Against' Wit derlich - Mr. President, vine ' 17958 Christ Johnson,.` 477.15 - Bower on Bellows Street. – -_ 59 Scand'e Am. Bank, Assignee Thornton Bros., 13,600.00 - Snelling Como Sewer System. - . i, To a1 - C F- - neeotvad 'thnt warranty h... drawn , out of _ upon tho City Treasu,;,., fu.4.h. tlhe ttr favor of Drraana�tlrtnauor corpora• , tions for the amounts set opponitt as speclded 1, , reepectl\'e names , the followtna detailed MAt"lu.nt: E�7T.11 . - Christ-.lohn.on. - k Thornta, , Aea1c, ca - - - - 73 E13.60000 1�ont illi. tl Council July :1, 1117 .. _ ' \t nroYcd Jul) t II_ r� . - CITT OF ST. PAUL - , ACCOUNTING' DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS-IRESOLUTION FORM COU No� 777 AUDITED- -JUL...21gE��`/ 506 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite 'their respective names as specified in the :followipg detailedstatement: .. iul i i Ir I7 i Yeas (.-J) Cou .ilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the. Counc2C—=-- 191 — JUL 1911 Fur. sworth - Approve 19� �i Go Hy nd In favor r �Kel er l -. / % \ — MATOR — 1Ec Keller W derlich Air. President, rvin C F1 %.a 1,678— Ro.olved that rrants be `. drawl Don the Cl'wa Y -Tr: .bry. payable out o. - - the heroinnrter spe.cllled funds and Ie - - favor of the pereonn, firm. or corpora - - _ : [Ions fortheamounts: act opDo dt, - - - their reapecUvr name. as apeelaed It the follnwlnR ,3etalled statement: The Bar tt C..; 11r't (. Rae.all.. S61:Ifi. Bur.. LI,,.I,,r C.- 168.31.' - - ' A. D. DDU.e $31.30. _ - Put, Cp. 11.168.41. _ -Farwell, Osinon., KIr1; Co.. 189.66. J. C. FI n c n. C A $90 .94, - . �.. Ii. W. COCl 11, 'tiS pt 913.33• Clribben Lu I'— C... $.0_.113. \. I'. W r hitr. 332976. v -- - N. C. JrR r on -Lar Co.:'3167.13.. t lrrrh.wentirn I•.lec.. Equlptrcnt Co: - SIC 31-r<•r-OII S98fG Ou. - ht I5au1 25 tlI Icre'Nl 1 Inl, $691.54. nitnr ,o i co. 11681.\.. �- Th t, r It 160000 \1 ,t.,l t t] clan a JUL 21 1ai:: 785'.18 17942. The Barrett Company, Aplirov. 1 J Ir M. 191 Sprinkling..I (July 28 -If -17)- 43 Best & Russell,. 61.45' p:Parks-Expense. 44 Burna':Lumber„Company, - 68.31 Playgrounds -Expense / 15 G'.F.-MiSel. & Unforseen ,. :50 It ■ u n 3 .00” P.Parks-Expense i 45 A. D.I Dau`<e8, 31.35 St. Const. & Repair -Expense. 46 Detroit Pub. -Company, 1,16F.44 P''.Library-Expens e. - 47 FarxellI Ozmun, Kirk Company, 89.66 P'.P.rks-Expens a s, & Be C1ng-Expens� / 48 J. C. Flanagan, C .A . , 90.94 . Water -Expense. 49tt H.' We! Goetzinger; erupt., 13.33 C . P .W.-Workhouse-Tsxpens e . 202.63 50 Gribben Lumber Company, 93. 8 Paving Grand Avenue Mounds Blvd. 61 3 Pelving Prior 'Avenue 2408 6 . Farm A. 611, ti Page #2� c• Res. 506 - - - 37951. A. -P. Herschler, _"14 :3 p.Parks-Expense 229.75 Health-P.Baths-Expense , 9 _- X52 A. C. Jefferson Lbr. Company, 164.43 G.F..-Crossw&lks-Expense. "m ` 53 Horthaestern Bloc. Equi went Company, Beach 3 40.84 , ' Parks -Const. Phalen Parks-Txpens e 3,856.05 54 Pierce 011 ZOrP„ F, _ Sprinkling. = 55 St.Paul Builders Material; 6 691.54 - 'Paving Miss: River Blvd. ,Al Health-P.Batha-Expense - -891. 18.87 - 56 Sanitary Food Compsny, - y p.Parka-Expense. - 57 fihornton`Brothers, ` 600.00 G.F,.-Docks, Wharfs-, and. Levees. _ - Total-- .---.. -.S,3U9.77 - I I u: CITY. OF ST.. PAUL COUNC-IL.RESOLUTION --GENERAL '.FORM Subject:`aE1l No. -y 19,1 Date Presented Jul 21st 7 � Resolved, That. the .Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and .hereby swarde.the contract for. grading alley in flock 20 Summit Park Addition. to W. H. Malone Co., they being the lowest respons ergo Estimateibl- bidders, the lump sum price bili of X101.94: being $127.00. 5.E.41374.. O �I iWo 1 II t •f 1, I t Iq n, gd. tl ntnl,.t for tirn'llnc, Ilcl. In 11 ork. •_I, v91111i11t i k .\�1�110 )f21pn.• I tl r 1x,191, tl I ,ry t .. � - ' - If III Ifll 'r.il i1 111 n1f � i I1 1 ill t 1111' Ir, 1 tii 'M Intl � - Iti 11 1 t 11 tl .19171 July 91, 393 i., -� .larva,. i J 1 11.-1217. Yeas (J) Coun,pimen (J) NaysI 1 `� j 191 I Farm worth Adopted by the Coun-M Go,, d In favor IBJ 2R I917 191 • Kell r Approv 1 Mc II . Against ' rlich v Mr. Pre3idmt. Irvin AAYOH ,I I i CITY' -OF SC: PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTLO'N—GENERAL FORM" "- Subject _ J - _ ,I' FOENCIL NO. � f168il �"' Date PresentedJuly- 21st..'17 ° 19l ;1 Resolved, That the.Counci•1 hereby concurs in the recommendation, of. the Contract, Committee and herebyawards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Pascal Ave. from a°point 30 feet, south of Stanford .Ave..-to_Jr- effeson_-Av.e-.-,_to-_ O'Neil L Preston, they being the lowest responsible bid- ders, for the lump sum price bid of $1,400.00. Engi- ncers.Eatimate being $11398.00. F.B. (%1366. - 1 I �r� lrsl-u v�o 1 1 i TI t ih„.r� 1 tl lnl,r tlIy fi y In tl Ih rl -' I❑ t S. r 11 r l L�, tlnt 7•d pm II ,rFtrt . 'tl.n Inx rxl NP hill tr 31.100 U0. FIn4f- , ' ; Intra xvm girl .. ' - I ti•tln t 1 i !. 51 \nR On,. p, li. 19r♦ trit 7,> rl, +I \L 1 I.inl) 23.1917) 1 1 a Yeas (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays JT_ 21 1012 Far aworth 1 Adopted by ,the Council191 CosIn favor Hyl nd 1. I 1 21 10'1 Kell r Approved/ ( 191 Mc II Against J I I Mr. President, rvin wows A. 7 CITY OF 5T:. PAUL,. – COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GGEHIE.RALFORM_ -- ,-Subject: . FILE. L . - _ Date PresentedJuly 21st =17 191 Re That the Council hereby.concurs.in the recomtnehdation of the Contract .Committee and hereby awards the contract for reconstructing with concrete.*the present sidewalk and curb (around the Public Library Grounds) to the; Belvidere Cast'Stone Co., they being the lowest responsi- ble bidders. for the Jump sum'price bid' -of $3,:95:00. Engineerss Estimate being $3,423.00. •r..B. #1379. '. . c 1. N". I rat=ry M. N.'rm.x— nex,ilce,l, That thy' Cunnrll -7 "'I'y x in lhr r t nrtl—httlnn nr thr Cnnlrnrt Cnmtnlltre ^ntl hCrnh\• rta•n r,ix. .tor rnntrn,t Pnr tinct with t t 11 P - nt sIid i. 11 1' low #)rirr] 1 tl )•'1 II 11 l \ t r pn ldf -'� 1.1111. �`�upVO Tilt r., t 17 -, st Pate llt or' - t.ft,r.!�C f: ; f.^,.;t"...On.. I V. 11. cr'x F.xtlrtin[e bcln): ReaO�u ril. SS1 nP. I 1 \ 1R J .. / \ I I t \,1 1 theCou II July =1 1917. •. ` rf - ]I[rte t July 1.191 J Yeas (d) Councilmen (J) Nays " IUII 2 �' 1917 Fart�sworth Adopted.by the Council 191 Cos In favor : JUL 2! �q 17' Hyl nd / Ken r APProv� ( 1 191 Mc all Against U Mr. President Irvin MsroR• FORM C..-3 _ CITV...OF ST:_PAUL. - - - CO'UNCIL'RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM Subject: oEHCIL No.. 4• Date Presented, Suly 21st- t 171 - l ved, Thi it'. Council hereby concurs,in.the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the grading of alley in Block 29 Summit Park Addi tion, to W. H. Malone Co.,'they,being the lowest respon- sible bidders,'for the lum .sum price bid of $218.30. Engineer's Estimate being 217400. F.B. #1372. I c. r res —nl. v. ti. Cop6— it Ted.- Q the' Connell hereby! - - cu rn in th­6 of the . - ('nntr•.trt (•etn Itl •• and --rd ti tr et for tht, grndirig or alley • .ii2�(.'i ve(i .Bal `��Y1hi'S. ift 1a I:w,tt t•5 t it t , i( 6 aadnton ca �. 11 Mala— <. tl l i f• a c'' connPf.f.lon vlitZ: above y1 P ut f th IumP r- r` x 1 I. ! i. r $21;0r. 1 line rc,i Resolution. r is a at 10m; szl t _ -.-.- .-.- bythe-ourtell Jnl72t','197T. i \t (July Yeas (✓) Couticilmen (✓) Faye alL 21 C Adoptt;d h by the.. oil _ 191 Par�taworth Cunc• Got In favor 141 Hyl nd ) 191 Ur Approved(('I / , Mc 011 Against 4__ Wu derli Mr. Presiden . Irvin waroa CITY OF - ST PAUL — _COUNCIL ,RE SOLUTION .GENERAL FORM i ,. Subject: t(' t{if i - Fit No-, Date, Presentel7uly 21st -'17 191 esolved- That the Purchasing Agent be, and he ie hereby. authoriz-' ad to `purchase with•the consent of the Comptroller. with- out asking for competitive bids, one Y. & E. Identifies;. tion System„,in accordance' with Requleition.No. 3229 on file 1n the office of the Purchasing -Agent. from Yaaaar, & Srbe Mfg. Co. for the aum of $217�.2Q delivered_; -as this is a patented. article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive.bids. Cost .of said system - to :be charged to he 11 artmen;,v�of ?ublic'Safety -Police Bund -04"0""es r IC. F. .ti 1 rRl Yt il`h r> �1eC 11 i-. t7eaol 1 - TI •.t I peen[ 1 rt 1 i'h Ili a onneentt of Ill 1 LO Pureh C'KI 'ttlentin lion I\. .t I 'Itn, t k{nK f rom P.tItlt 1 Int Ith ltequleltlOn I - '� 1 � tll • f 11 oRlr f the - 1^_ rr i Tar I ......t F h: Uf4 tl t 11 e 1 Ihix i. I t nt l a tlCl I . - 1 t tMt n l ..tltl . COrl rllt mlllpvn^ t 1.. .1 rF Al o0 - th.'1)C atm nt f iul+ll tela . ❑Cn Fund—F.nulnm nt _ - Adopted hY th0 Conn 71 Ju15 -l. 1917. .I ,1PPruerd Jn1Y t 1977. i (JvIS .•6.1917) 'I eas (✓) Coul cllmen (J) Nays. art worth Adopted by the Council 191 ;oa In Favor - /Hyl nd / / ' jJ� /`21 IP17 . i91 Kell r Approv(d 1 McColl Against UVr rlich' Mr. Preaiden Irvin M^YoR ,ORM C. 9., _ CITY OF ST. PAUL -: COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FOF4M Su ject:. • — COUNCIL• cou No. 1 : Date PiesentedJuly 21st. 17:191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is•hereby authoris- ed to purchase -with the oonuent of the Comptroller. with. out.asking forcompetitive bids. one.Y..&,B. Idsatifioa tion System, -in aoaordanoe=with Requisition.No. 3229 .on file in the office of the 2urobasing Agent, from Yawmat & Brbe Mfg. Co. for the sum of 6217.20 delivered, as' -this is,a patented artiole and.no advantage.oan be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said system to be charged to he artm- of Public Safety - Polios Fund _ SaVeneet 1.7 Yeas (V) Councilmen (J) Days j IUL `Z1 ,j9i7 Farnsworth / Adopted by the Council 191 Goss 1 In favor Hyland �, 191 jf Keller ( � Approved • McColl `% Against Wunderlich Mr. Press rvin MwoR. _. CITY OFST., COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—f4NERAL FORM_ -- Subject: .. , sNCIL. ILEN O ._ (684 Date Presented July . 21, 1107— Resolved, 1 17Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain cont -rant , dated May 311 1916 between M. S. Mergens and the:City of St..Paul., for the grading of Johnson Parkway from Burns Ave..tSevonth Sto be and the same is -hereby extended to the.12th day of May, 1917 and the proper city -officers are hereby authorized to execute an abandment to - said contract in accordance'herowith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force.and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Conptroller. ; C F`♦n. Y7081 n U.:IT. .,. Go h• I -um, r In • I fent_- - the n -f mn f ert In ntinct date 4id)t�1 CItG If tit Pant for tthel -- R . x nx .l a,f. to enx nth'St St.. Ile a nd Th- gradinge p le xtended to the 12th - - d - f \tte: hl9l e. nmlthe thnrl.rd to er exeyl offl im lm nteit lltl ali rdntraet1 ClllC an e131 r� that thl 'r . oluitln• p hvll of lhnva any force and tr' et nto-t1o; xura•tlen . on the c ntrnrtorx bond co x.•nt there- ortttn¢ - ; and ole ouch 'cyst. ,I. Ith FFho'Clty Comptroller - - i Alto tell by the a`unell ] IY ^l. 1917. Approved July .1. 1917' , (J u1y "E-1917), Yeas (i') C r ncilmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Fa -nsworth JUL 21 G ss In favor c 191 . Kt Her - APProve 'McColl - Against - N Lab Yperg MAYOR Mr. Preside it, Powers FORM 'C.9:= _ b ' St. Paul, Minn. July ^21, _ 1917. I _ To the.Honorable City Council, " a C I T. Y. Gentleman,- I Mould respectfully ask that your Honorable Body causo the time of completing the 'contract for the grading of•Johnson Boulevard . t z £ram Burns Ave. to S ,Aevonth St. be extended $0 May 12th, 1917. I had all-of the work of graain.'done last fall, but the weather coning on rainy and wet soon after the work visa finished, it was deemed advisable by the Department of Pablic 17orks-to not roll the Parkway until the following spring$which ass rolling was done in _ j May, hence I desire to ask'.that te time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours .very_ truly, 1. Contractor, i There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far asthe e uirerienttsof h'.a office is concerned.. 1?:30Vrn. pt. of Constructior_ Fc Repairs c-/ 6_e_ Cormniesioner of Public rks Chief Engineer - ...� i CITY OF ST. PAUL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION^GlcN@RAL:-FORM. \ Subject:. -.,._. c— / y - cou NCI No. M1 Date Presented, .July 21, IM7... . Resolved, That the grade of Otto Ave* from Edgoumbe Road to 1diegioeiPPi River Boulevard, as shovm by' the red grade line on the accompanying profiles and as'recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the estlblished grade. 1 i I C P N 17685—B). AI. \' doee— Re 1 ed. That the. RRade o! Otlo! Ave.' from RdRrcumUe 7ioad. to Ohne! - e1pP1 lover noulevard. ae nhow.n Uy the n•d grade lin on the accompanying ' he peodieF and .aln nd11 by and C mminvlan of I ublir Rorke. be and the Fnmc in 1' reby odppted nn the ee- _ tnbli.hed grade. Adoptr4 by tho Council July 21.1917t ' - - Approvod J. (July 81. 1917. `. • - _ -_'... (July 28.1917) l - �- Yeas (Iq Cour oilmen (r) NaysAdopted by th 9 1191.7 e Council ._ -.L 191 Fu orth I Iq Goss In favor 191 Kell _ APprov Mc II Against Nash 1 Yoer 1 y - MAYOR r, President, owers FORM C.,-8•2 . .. CITY: OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RFrSOLUTION—LIQUOR• LICENSE TRANSFER dd CC' /., - -- \ I)ate Presented RESOLVED, That the. following designated licenses to sell intoaiaating liquors be transferred as.indicated pursuant, to _ applications -duly made. therefor. NO. ) To (Name and .Address). —_ From (Name and Address _ Lots`ha Fe0 :9 haaha 2t. Geo 0"leil1,760 'a' asha. , St -. -No.tl2,Sa:..ue_ Fin't.; 451 0ej - °t Sa^_lei Fink, 408 o. Franklin S'.. ct o *a Ja .. Dur.'car", 31� w es 'iia^6P,.a `t 'I No.;- , Fran, ,,o .ns to ,127 th No No. No. C F X 7 087—n} tt nrS dt Coll he i} 1 That the folio In7r 1 IR - X11 --" NO . _ -_.�-- n G• 1 Intozl ating -- --- _ 11 luo he -trona[ rred na indicated our: _ aanht to npPlicntlons.dP1Y mad(- [hero - No .. -_.. -. . — _ --' -�N.. 18, from F. W. Ieotehaw.-500 Wa. hnahi St . to ,Ico. 1. 0 \'1111• G00 \\•ah - �- ahn St .._ NO , No i from S mnnl Fink 4'51 C dnr l St. — ------ ---'-- St.. t S tuei t ink IPS \ t nk lin l f \ No G from Fr nt, Jol n t 1 F. NQ. I 11th at t llorn J wo 810 - xi.-tut3:I ... .... Approved July .1, 3917. No. ouly No. `--- --- ----T No. No.- No. Yeus l i Couueilnu•It 1, .1 Nays lel 23 1Q11 t %(h)plcd by the Y'ounvil ` l .)1 (� 'lir w'ort{, 7 O4 III y }�yl td Approvml V Kdl UMe. Il : lgainst - - MAYOR lie PresWen . vin CITY OF, ST. PAUL- - - ,\ .. CO UNCIL' RESOLUTION --GENERAL �FO,RM J d Q - Subject: COUNCIL - ��. iLDC7 a nLE Date Presented June 21s I91 7.. 1 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a.license too�odondhueot Hotels or Restaurants at the locatio:lis respectively indioated be, y the same hereby are granted "and the City. Clerk is authorized and irected t00 required - issue such licenses to said applicant upon the payor ent by law. 1 NAME OF APPLICANT!' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION, 387. Selby Ave.; Carl Fritz, Restaurant,' 621 Selby Ave_., Restaurants gym. Mueller , Jr. es 449 E. 7th, Mauro & "Imuro, Restaurant, 319 Roberts Louis Muehlbauer, Restaurant, 51 ldiseiseippi,' Hauenms'& Klosterman, Restaurant, 52 }q, 10th, Joe. Buohta, Anna Hotel, 50 . 5th, Joe Buchta,Billinga Hotel, 88 W* 7th, A. Gabrielson, Criterion Hotel, 2 47. 3rd -St., A. B. Lemoine, Clifton Hotel, 81'W.'7th, .—Bloe©er-----._:---Restaurant,_ Sta eton &t Winters, Resta{irant, Superior Hotel, 378 Jackson, Su M. RT, Grun, p 1024 Payne Ave., Restaurants, oa 7th Byard Bartley, Hotel 236--;2.40E. , A. W. Nelson, , 787 Payne Ave.', Chas. W. Winsted, 'Restaurants 474 Wabasha, Alfred Johnson, Hotel, - � to t h 11 n I 1d appslennt' tour Il 7•e required m. Frit itestaurant 887 Selby Av Itl - - Wm. \lu 11 Jr..Iieewurn.t. E.11 Selby A: - - l a, ro veft 11 t t,.Rentnurnnt, {IO 17.' - 7th St. rt .. l.­ul. %li 1Ilut—r,-:it .taurant." 319 " - - -' Si. - II Teruo. R-KI-terman. Ilentnurant, El`t tiI-IaxliNi St. - . Jet, Ituehta. ..nnn ii t l t •s 'W-0 "loth St.' ' _ - - lturh{n, Itf IIIn Ra 11,4 0. A0 \t -eat GtIt St• :i tbrit l -'.n, Crle..ri n ltot ci, AS N'.� - 7th St. A. It., 011rtnn lintel. : tt", S ,rd St. .' Yeas (J) Cyeilmen (J) Nays Sire. Ir ran r It iat t sl .n ,th V�I 21 1917 19.1. /p t t t t a tt i u t1 tai nt.by the Council arbtYOrth` 140-42 1 111 t . er In Ea ti R u Sm • Nur fI r 1 378 do k- i I. y� } •' o tit n>, a u tt n t t u_t • ✓Hyl nd tIT11, t. A. it IY t(,Iri l 7"+ 1. ih]rdve Kellir 1-�iC 11 ._: .• Agair h +ttt".—ted, it t n o..nao41 aasTSaT - MAYOR 4t Mr. Preside Irvin td .1 t aI I tl r ur u J It .i: 1 r-. . Awprod iuly 21 151 .Jul) 29-lllal - - i An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3847, entitled "A - Ordinance authorizing and providixig for the isauanca and sale of One > Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) par value of the bonds.of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging' and improving the public water plant and waterworks system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul,! approved February 19, 1917., THE. COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN I Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3847, entitled "An ordinance authorizing and providing £or -the issuence and sale of One Hundred. Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and im- proving the public water plant an waterworks system.owned and 'oper- ated by.the.City of St. Paul," approved February 19, 1917, be -end the same is hereby repealed. Section 3... This ordinance shall take effect and be"in force thirty days after its paasae and publication. u ndt ut nre city recto �i at �o asi r, "JIG –R io „ 7 Passed by the Council.. _ 7 uuu ° ($10 00, Teas Nayslargi.9 nt -.7 t'n o�t`l by ;'a:. - Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller Hyland McColl Wunderlich"\ Mr. President(krvin) Approved Attest _ - Mayor. City lkk s - - - f Ak An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3848, entitled "An ordinance authorizing and prcvidingl f or the issuance andsale of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) par value of -the bonds of' the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of.extending,renlarging and im-- proving the public water plant andlwaterworks system owned and opeir ated by the City.of St. Paul," approved February.19, 1917. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1., That Ordinance.. No. 3848, entitled "An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) par value of the bon4s of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose oY exta ding, enlarging and, improving the public water plant and watersorks system owned and,operated by the " a roved February 19; 1917, be and.the-same is City of St. Paul, PP hereby -repealed. � - Section 2. This ori inanc,5.shall take effect and be in force thirty days, after its passage.and pu"olication. ���U �R 1C'j- Passed by the" Council ---_` n \ Is,R .ndeiel A, _ ,hnrizinl, nn.11 UrOWin - 1 of F, f. _ .. Nape b n -x a o'onnool f, ' Yeas Mr. Farnsworth„� .h Goes Hyland f , Keller Mocoll_C 1a7 Wunderlich ' Mr. President Sirvin) Approved „. Mayor Attest City C erk cITY OF'ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT .. COUNCIL NO1'7+9�.- x AUDITED CLAIMS, -RESOLUTION FORM FILE UL 191. __ .PER 589 G. " 'Resolved that warrants'Ibc drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified. funds 1liia ti in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations'for the amounts set opposite their 3Yspective' names -its specified in the: i011owmgr } detailed statement:,a JUL. 23 1917 3 Yeas ('i) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farn •orth l , 2 ,191. f Goss Approbt Hyl d [a favor Kell r MA R Me oil _ . _ Against ' Wu derlich - ivic resident, ruin ti$ C. F. A 7981 _ It- ed tbnb warrants be drawn - 4Don th City Treasury, Daynble out o[ _ 'the here Iter epactded funds aad to lag.,.ot t p P.r.pns, firma or corpor8 -, for tie ,dmounts 'set oDPodte: _ - thnir rrepec lve names as eDecsded 1►. , 17964 Fred G. Al.brehct cha fonaei • datnuaa statement. 787.G0 >? rk=Park-E Fad G. Al cent s.. $25. Carlson & ndgvlet,. 839.00. E."0. Carlso Ca., {10.00. .. t - J. J. Connally.; 270 0. .: 965 Carlson & Sand uist rear nlaxeon. Isco. 4 j cnrlac Johnson. s3a.00. W. 00 Curb. Cromwell l 3lartln Eberhar ase.01. , 3terch.nts Nnt( nnl Rank. 3f. S. Margene,9 8190.00. O'Neil.& Preetpn 8197.60.. y 966 E. G. Carlson & Co. , Tierney`& Co., $403.57. 10.00 ! 1V.0. 3fnrlow, 400.00. s Sewer Rose Adopted by fhe July 1917. ADprov d July 34. 1917. (July 28-1917): 967 J, J. Connolly �-- - --- — 370.00 Serer Louth 968 Peter Dickson 15.00 "lading Lydia <, 969 Christ Johnson 36.00 Grad. Tracy 20.00 ` Grad.. Sue St. 30.00 970 I:ar.tin Eberbard ''I 889.00 Grad. Arona 9711 Merchants National Bank 131.16 G: F.-MTbc.!. & Unf. 972 M. S. f3erSene 160.00 Grad. Johnsgn4a Pk. 973 O'Neil & Preston 197.!50, Sewer Stanford 10.100 Sewer Berkeley lR7.5Q 197.50 . 974 Tierney & Co., 403:57 4: Fire -Exp. 975 W. C. Marlow 400.00 V-. t. A. 9.19 Pub.Baths- XJ .,� Total 3,408.23 ,... ra ' CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 176 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM .. .. COUNCILLNO'�� FILE i AUDITED )UL-_2�191 PER 506 Ibe r Resolved that warrants drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of -the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the falloTViag' detailed statement: JUL,,23 1917 Ycas ( i') Coll ilmen ( ✓) Nays j Adopted by the Council -T 191.-- Far swarth Go Approv 11 and ' ---Ia favor — K ler YOR - 111 CO11 -_-- ,'IigalIISt - {N' nderlich Mr. President Irvin 17960 Effie B. Berkleimer, 35.00 .; _ G.F.-i ISCI. & Unforseen. 61 Helen Kalkenkus Falk, 40.00 G.F.--ld[iso. & Unforseen. 62 John Be Freberg, � . 1Q.00 . G.F.-Misel. do Unforseen. 63 Katle A Sttaples, 20'.00 G.F.-!;fiscl. &; Unforseen. - w.tranb-..bs drawn... ovt of - Ypon tha City Trea.Yrr. p•Y.bl• lbe her[ln.it, .De[Iaa4 rund..nd 1n- _ ' itavor of the per.on., atm.or trorpora-. - - If.—for the amouna.et oDDo.ite'^ ' V thalr re .00[Iaed In:. _ . weetiv Id ar. Effie D:'Beikhel K $35 t-00. 4000 0Rele Falk[nkn.F IkdS0. john E. FeDer&,3to.o00KtleD -o:0t.JvlydoptA.atnpleCun23, 3917. , Approved -.July 2i 1817- - Total ! ° 105.00 I I 1 b r�'Mk= Z't tt-. U, CITY OF. St. -PAUL COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... _•_^• ......... ...... __,: _ .` COU NCIL 'No. Date Presentedlulyt,.2.4-2.4 Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and h8 is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $ 430.00 from the Widows and Orphans item the (3eneraID li>rld Printed'`Borme `of of t the and Blanks item the same fund, thereby relieving and unavoidable deficiency in the Tatter item G F No 176 That t Resolved, Thnt t 1. her. yodire ebe d and he o '.hereby directed d of transfer sum of the from the to tranefand .. tem$430.00 Nld w and Orphans' Item of the Oon- , O . oral Fund to the Printed Forma and.,. - �- - -- .- • Blank. It— of"the dame fund, thereby relieving ar,:-unaroldaid. datleiency-le – --' - - the latter It... - - adoptedby the Council July P3, 1937 Apiruv.d'JUTy ib 1617. (July P8-1611) rr t'e.a (i )Coup 'l.en{f) N.Y. 23 1917 F. OrthJUr -Adopted by theCounril :..... ......... ...._._.... .,191.;..... . - Go. eyl. ' Fells - a . In favor - JUL24 1917 .. Approve ... ... .....i ..._ _-191... _. MCC I ... Against Wun rUch - Jlr. Pregideob FORM C A•9 6-I vin :. - .. 2M ; ..•.. _ MAroR - - —CITY OF PAUL COUNCIL RESOL:UT GENERAL FORM COUNCIL. . __ . — Date Presented Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a oertain 'eontraot dated March 8, 1917.'betcreen Christ. Johnson and the City of St. Paul ' -for the construction of a sewer on Saratoga St: from. St. Clair St* to the present terminus of the e'ewer 300 feet south of the South line of St. Clair at. be and the. same-1s hereby extended to - the 21st day oft July, 1917 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this, resolution shall not have - any force -and _effeat,unles5_the sureties_on.the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City comptroller. Resolved. That the tlma-pecifed for 7 the performance or aeprt In contract da[ d Starch- 8. 1917. between Christ 11 • Johnson and Go C6 .r Rte Pau) fur conetruotloa of a sewer on 8xra- I Coati BL Yrom St. Clair Bt. to the yres-. - sum Of the �mouth�nneao[ SR Clair SC • thea2letthe daj� of July 1917xtendoil t I - proper city officers are hnreby nuthor- iced to execute an .amendment to Bald. contract. In. accordance herewith, -pro_ .. vided, however'. that this ronolutlon ohm not: have any force and effect on. ;. +.leve {he euretfeo on-the contractor's -bondcon.ont thereto and file such con- - - vent in .writing with the City Comp-.I j troller. ' Adopted by the Coannll July 33, 1817. i Approved Ju17ly 38, t1L - (JuttS91T. JUL .23 1917 Yeas ( V) C ricilmen (V) Nays 191 ...... Adopted by the Council.. Far 1 worth LUL 24 191Go. Kel er ; . in favor Aptv,' 191..M II (... Against l f N ya rg _.. Mr. P ident Powers IaYO R FORM C.8•2 �. .. .CITY OF; ST_ PAUL'.:... RESOLUTION GENERAL FPRM sub,«t......... x.139, COUNCIL R COUNCIL .. n FILE NO. .....:... • �, ,. `Date Prexnh�.Jiia:Y-P.1., .. ,_.: 191 'i.� Y!»RFyS, In the carrying out of the improvement ]mown as the Snelling -0=9 Sewer System,. unf orseen obstacles and difficult- F ies have arisen which have delayed the db)*pletion of the work, Rte, and whereas an amount- of work has been fully completed 'which is estimated at;a value of $188,700.00: of which spm 6% or $9,435.00_ is°still retained by the City, and whereas, the Couneil is of the opinion .that the further retention, of the aforesaid .sum of.$9,436.00, or;51'of the value of the work completed is unfair and unjust to V� the contractor, therefore be it RESOLVED That the proper city officers be ,and' they are i hereby authorized and directed to audit, allow and pay the sum of $9,436.00 instead of withholding the said 60 of the; amount as provided by speoifioatione and contract and by Council File #14063, approved December 18, 1916. C. F. N6 17c95—t. W. .— N6.1705 --BY aGoss— at 'Vher a 1�-tr, c at improvement known net the NnelllaA' learno.sewersystem unforecen on - t [Glee and difficulties have arisen - 1 whiff[ hal d Int 1 tl -9[p ,.an or thc- k and u•h r nxVtrfam vatof _ work hne been Yuil} enmpl tea whish I eetlm ted at n alu f 818 ,100.00 of which um 5% r $9,135.00 .ethill inln d by [be. Clh and. ivhcre. the ` Counell'Is f the opinion that the, r therret ntionof the' aforesaid eutn:lo $9,13500 r 5;"� of the value of the'. orkcompletedIn un6Jr and unjust ! to the contractor, therefore be It Resolved, That tlh proper Clty': oRl ;Core be and. they are hereby nuthocleed I and directed to nudl I. allowed pay the sum of $0,135.00 Instead of with- holding the enld'5%:otthe amount ae provided by speelllcatlon44 and contract and 1py Counell Mir No. 14053. approved - - nneembor 18. 1016. Ado7ted by the Council July 23. 1917. Approved July 21, 1917, (July 28-1917): TI 23 1917 Yens 1, Coul ahnen ( ✓) Nays] Adopted by the Council :......... 191- %�.. cam drth JUI 24.1917 In Fsvor Kelle APpr ved 191..... M II Against 1 T Nash Yoerj Mr. resident. (sowers } wwvoN FORRL C.8•2 ...3769—oe No.. .nae granttn6-P rm CITY OF ST. PAUL. 1 warohouee ComPanY aeweronlUtaburyA.'COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FJRM . Bt. to :Terrlturlai-; across Terrltorlol Ro , ;etton^p(th YanAau0. Subject.. h at to a P :................ rth o[ Terrltorlal Roat _ Ilielletl.. N O acll of; the City o[ "" ' ' I daL18F.GTIO`1i `S .. � Pernriealon anA earl _ ltah u e`canreenY tri ....Date Presented...., tT.: . tG.✓V �.. . on ma or Are tn• errltorlal Road. thr-„ --7 ' - Sn6rt ordinance No.P. No. �r +✓ in ordinance grantirq permiesio'n to Central Warehouse Company Rambo*, to construct a serer .on Pillsbury Ave:. from Charles St. to Territorial .a Road, thence, across Territorial Road to its intersection with Vandalia at and north`on V'andalis St. to a point -220 -feet north'.of.Territorial Road. The Council of the City of -St. Paul does ordain; SECTION ` 1 That permission 'and authority be and the sante are hereby given to Central Warehouse Company to construct e.sewer'on Pillsbury we`. from Charles St. to Territorial Road, thence across Territorial Road to intersection with Vandalia St. and north on 4an.dalia St. to s Poin$: ZEO feet north.of Territorial Road'. 9ECTI0U 2 The 'Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for the construction of said sewer upon their aamplianae with the following express conditions, namely: (1) The said licensee shall construct said sewer entire7.v at their own •cost and expense to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of fublic Works, and, 1n aocordance with. the plane aria gpecificatione prepared .by him. ($) The, said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering end iaepeoting'sad work. (3)c The said licensee shall properly -protect all exeavationn made --p! An the streets both by day andbynight so .as to avoid all damage of ,.`injury to persons and property; shall properly fill and tamp said streets to avoid settling and shall,reatore said streets to their original . condition. _, �i (4i The said licensee,.after.the, inoeption of the work', shall ° prosecute same continuously, with diligenoe, and -fully oomplete said work within thirty days after the said work is started. (b) The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of 8t. Paul An the penal s.um of Five Thousand.Dollare (,$5,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the -terms `of.this ordinanoe and to indemni:rj and save the City of St. Paul "harmlese ltom any and all liabilityo loss '.judgments.,; -suits, coats, charges and damegas and. expense that may aocrua to persons or .property 000asioned,.by the making of the;'improvemgnt or arising out of the same. (6) The said lic noes shall., within twenty days from and after the Passage of this'ordice, file a written acceptance thereof with the -City Clerk. in such formas may be approved .by the Corporation Counsel; At such acceptance ,is. not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTIOU 8 -This ordinance shall take effect and be in fo-roe thirty days ' after its passage and publication. is fj(tf) Co nisi men (✓) Nays ' j Adopted by -the Council.. 191 • ... p o ✓Fprroworth [n favor 16 r 1917 t eller Approved .._ :, .... I 191 _ zt McColl / C.f/ Agein:e �,...�% �� w Mr. ETeaiiltnt,.R•rtawaa. ^ O ' '""•�" � 2 ---- ------ -- -------- ---- -- - 97 r COUNCIL FILE NO_ ............................ i INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter of ::opening,.mi.d.ening.:.and..eat.ending..xA.._a.:atidE}i ui_20..ieetll ..� AL1ey A:i..3ln.ck.:4,... A:gb.e rt s a:.Haniiyt. s...Adrli.tion....aarAsa...a..laisnellanenLa.:.._ tract. of land to Herschel avenue, according to the plan hereto ht t�.-7 ed and.; madE...a -part...hereo.f......... ....... ......... ................. ........ .......... under Preliminary Order..:.:..1.69.0.fl....: ......... ...:..approved ..:..... JUne.....81 19 7. The Council of the City of St: Paul having received the report of the.Commissioner if Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the i aid improvement is, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the ouncil recommends is open, aid. en. and extend .to .a__widttt.:of, 20 . feet,,.• Alley .ip...block._4a •Egbert••„t: Handy! s-,,,_, „- j Addi.tinn .acrose a:.mi.s.cellane.ous..:t.racTi...o.....land. t.G according .to._th.e, plan.hereto:.:at..L.aehed. and made . ,..Past b.O.K.@Q�a ......: - ,.:.:........ .. ..... . . .. ..:..:.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...190'x00 ......-:.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said `improvement on the .....18th ............day of !A!}& t....._..; ., 191. 7....; at the hour of 10 o'clock A; 111., iii the Council Chamber-of.the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and iu.the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing—the nature of the improvement and the tp, l cost th re as estimated. / iii Adopted by the Courici ...... .....GL2n1917 Approved City er6 , .. ana/ivin 't p �eldcrerl a.t1A a said hereb resolve -'t' ' ;'• 14YOr. 1. That the axed :report b.d and .Councilor Farnsworth - -.Me i. uerobV.APproved and°adopt and the said improvement Is here. CUUUCiI U 11089 ordered'10 he Orocerded wlth• ' _ _ meat Twkdehh Lhod 0.nclt trocorn, Councilor n Hyland x r.nrn.,s�larn an essxend to a n•idth p Leet. hues 1n "Leek 4, }:Oban Councilor n. Keller `u t de's .td llUon a psn a taloa` l lane react or tante: to Hernchet,av: - Councilor n blcC'oli me mChrama to the Dnin hereto n t•tcbndt�'fa mute :t part hereof, vatth f alt rnatfvex and that the eetima' C'ouncilm Wunderlich ! cot thcteot Is st9o.a9. • neeoty .d lnurther,. That a Dub' MayOr Ir n _ �heartnF`h• had on said,improteme on the 16th day of .tnnash`191ZaGbt t t hoar of ld n clock In theun Form 13. �. a. d-6 Chomber of the Couln the wCity . City Sall Rutlaln&. 9t, pavl: That the Commiufot .S Pinnace Rive notica o[ Bald meetlnK, h prnona sad in She moaner D' 'j _ t Id A br-th Charter atathl� the u, n a pl ee f harina n:.:the nature: Impr meat n d tl totni costhc.' of ntim t A _ tv......ut r.,tv h9 t9. --------- ----- -- - - '7698- COUNCIL FILE NO - By...�l:Gin._f...:...�".4.:X�irC.-F.T/.:T17�!�:5..�..:.. ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...cu bing..Edmund...titre.et,....both...aided,:...hetxeea ot.F.get... and. ;Ham line...avgnue., ...................................................... ......:...................................... .:_.......... ........................... .............. ................. ,:......... _ ....__._ under Preliminary Order....:. 1..67.7.6x ............ ...:approved ......J.lil^er..l,:.:.181.7....................... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:' 1. That the wild report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is'- hereby s_hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'd. That- the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...G.li:xl!...Fddmu d.:.Atr.Cet., ideB,....betwugn gldine, street end.:Alwime....aven a ............. ..................... w:: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is F.3, 29A.38... - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... ....:18.th............ day of Augtiat,.. ....... ........ 191.7 . `; at the Lour of,10 o'clock A. 31., in the Council Chamber'of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. .That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided b the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, d the total i reof tie estimated. � r Adopted by the Wuncil ±l... L �� 51 if 21911 f....... • Approved ..:.._. , 191.... ty Clerk r' tom- ... ` . Mayor Counc Farnsworth `t� hereby r—", r Councilm floss. it ?I the eald,repoA 4. t. ' ata derebY nDD'ovcd and Councilm Hyland rud°co'be 14ororement ta r Tanf the nature or thehlm> ,f Councilm Heller it which the council recomm: 1-Edmundstreet.. both elder.,:. Council DlcColtn Aldlno street and llaninn.,. ' .wuh n, niter ml e, and that. atedcost there of Is {8,891.89.�,�x�` Council Wunderlich "red irarthar, That > DaeTie'; be. had on'snld Improvement, r i 18th day of August, 1917. at the - er Mayor I in d to o'clock A. L1. In the coun. ember o6 the Court: House and ' - "� l!'arm B. S. 8-G ch Building uthe Vommia.l DerY f FI f - give notico.of said meetipv. to ' on, and In the manner: by the 'stanag the time and place of 5 the nature of the 1mDrove- the,cost thereof as it• 5Y the Council July 23;-1917 -- --------- ---_748` COUNM ME NO........................ _ ., By.,�GC.G�A-./.....:.a�:G..:bin.Cl���.117�Il%.a...,'........ - _. • : . .. - INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In-the Matter of...Clir]ling..Edmund...atreet,..:,both...aidae,-...betireaM.A1di,ne.,-._.._ .. » — :@t.F.aet..:and. ;iatnl,ine...avenue9 .::...:.. .......:::........ .......................................................................... ..... .......... .... .... .......... ......... __. .,.. r I _ — r under Preliminary Order.:.::162261...... ......:..........approved ...... 1=8:;1,....1927....................... .. .....:;.: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,.bereby resolves.: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C.Urb...Edmund ...atraet., its..Lh.:side8,....betwQen,gidine, streetnd.:A:ilaaai.>ae...a9.einue ............ _..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3, 294a 38 _ Resolved Further, That a public Bearing he hild.ou said improvement oil the......,.....18t$:.:...:.....day of .._._:... III _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building" in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice I of said meeting to the persons and in:the manner provided � b,K the Charter, stating the'time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and thf total thereof,as estimated. -Adopted by thef9YYYYYY��,lvvv ...... .... ... `..�.... �ir-AL� Approved-, !_. ........ 191, ..: f ty Clerk: 1 � ... .... .. . 5 - - `.:'� Mayor..:. - ConalI arnsworth '; nt and Counc]ee9 71 as tb �rsaid report ' �1t. - I le herebynDD ov d and p thesaidimprovemat ta'.,,�/ JCouneyland ,red to b p o des. le IL Tha[th tur[ the. ImCounceller ncll1 Ldmu d Ire thn Aldine t t and H aCounccColl tin: a It uled,c tth e fCouncunderlich - l.eh leu th , ; Th t Duit '! hed Bold 1 D ID _11 -"18tfi day of Aul 1917. at the Mayo- - •F30 o'clock A. M InNe'Couo-:mbar f,the Court House' andForm S. Spll,nuuding In the cur of ac that the Commlealoner of Fl- 7'= ,lve notice ofrca/d meetlna to and to the manaerby the st tlaa the ,time and p1aC of t the nature of the Improve- i ..he total coat thereof a. I 'Mot, ?r the Connln 77 -1' j. ✓ :: JULY, Y2 A817 , 1", .. .,,y .fJUIX.-f-1b1T . ---------------- 919 -- -----ey a aourlolrl ME NO ......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER.° In the Matter of.....surf`izit- loth.:.aldee....of..,ldaryland._alreet...Smm..P.a�tne.-_., _ avenue.-to Edg.........................tstreet :....... ......... .... - ... _.................... ................................................... �.................................................... .......................... ........................ under Preliminary Order..: . . ....................lb.'X.7.'Z.:.......... approved .......,. ..:.Jt1nfl..l,:.:1.417 The-Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commimioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and,having considered said report, hereby resolves:.' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby, ordered to be proceeded with: 3. -That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Curb tii d2b::. af...Xaryland..:etre.et.. fra.Payn.e...avenue...to..:Edgertoll street..:...: .................... with no alternatives, and that the-estimated coat thereof is $510.55 ........_ Resolved, Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._..:.:lath-L; ............ day of ............. _A49115t...... ...... ; 191. 7..,.at-the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,,iu the Couneif 6amber of the Court House and City Hell Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner proof by the Charter, stating the time and place of h ar- ing,'the-nature of the improvement; and the total ,ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._._' ..u:_ :� .. ' ,.Q1. ..... 191 �, n Approved., 2 I9I......, 191... l y Cleri. r - Mayor Coun ' Farnsworth " r .-port. . ',r-a�Cthe`aa1A rapo[t ,, Council an (Ioss na. to hereby Wproved u , .nA. the said lmprovemant A. )r orderedat. the to be nature ot. ad LhrI Counc' an Hyland Cound man Seller. ment;rrhleh the Coun `a yI' curU'both.aldea oL "p Coun lman DIeCe11 from Payno arennc to .Edger',tb with no alterhativea, and tha,s .he�setf- mated, leoivad.tFurtheh STh `ti. • public Coun ilman Wunderlich E hearins be bdd co aald• tniDSo917, at ,. on'thc 18th day, o[ .tufA. ;j f to, the. of 10 o'doclr A.' `td. biey Arvin othe'hour.: thec::Conrt. _ . council Chamber ofUK EOlm'B. A. 9-6. - _ Ipouse .1 bfan Caty Paul t' Thatlat6e - COmmlallanor' of 1HnanCe :�pPo nOt1N; •ot;aald meed. to t►e. DanoM aDA" r it or Dy she charter. ' iIIa Aao heart inn ot; 6e t 9roiaemeot. and t, total. tea[ tDareaL ae outlmateA. i - - Adopted DSrthe Connell IDIY EE, 181 AYDroved ��t YEE6 ----------------------- 17 t. COUNCIL FILE NO ..:. By.r!L..r1..q.t�t<rL INTTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofoldrW.allL:17_. feet on the East aide of Gaultier street beginning at Maryland street, tklen�.O:..kTorth...t9....Car1?on, street,: ................: .....:... ........... ... ........ ._ .... ......... ..................... ... -.::.. ....... .......... ..................................................... finder. Preliminary Order ..._.....1719.fi.:.. approved .........Tune..21, 1.917.. ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner. of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said ireport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report, be and the same ia:hereby approvedand adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded.witti, 3. That the nature Of. tile improvement which the Council recommends is..."..Cona-tTUC.t....a_cement tile.Aidelfiatlk. to be.ginning, .at Maryland_ street; thence-. North to- _Carbon stre,etl--„ _..::.__ .. 4...: .........I....... _.. ..... ___ : .... with no alternatives, and that -the estimated cost: thereof is 9.Oeb6...per ...front foot Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be. had on said improvement on tl a .......:.. .20.th.:....day of ............... .............. At;gvls.k.......:..; 191.7:., at the hour of 10 o'clock a: M., in the Counci Chamber, of the _ Court House and City Hall Building in the City of .St. Paul. That the Commissioner of nano give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner'providepy the Charter, stating the time nd place of'hear- ing, the nature of the improve4ent; and the toto cost'1h f as eatimated. Adopted by the Council.. 'j . '� t.:. o � 191... r C Jill/,¢a 1917......................................-G' ...... Approved :....... ...�... 191 Vt . Citerk ...... ..: Mayor...,. Coutn, Farnsworth -.aturetlOf tile flop Cou(loss leo the Co",[I recomm4 [rust n remynt ilia eldeaalk-, ConHyland xnitler tireei 6oRmnlnD°at°au'fae of , co North to Qarbon lentil, i:OU--..Keller 'Ith-n aftornative°, and that. the es Ifront f et thereof Is 66 Cents yer t:OnDICCo(1 J _ Heol ed Nurther That a DnDllo.. bgring '•be had on. eald 1mDrov:meai Lou Nunderlieh __on theo- 20th day'at Augu niprov7,atehur of 10. o'clock A. Itt. In theMayn nefci amIIr btursone:tHll uttdlaLeq t•Ii3-E st ram: what htie..com- mlaloger of Slnance glvs nonce ot- Wd r tlhL to the paryone "d la the manner. provided Dy:.ths: Charter, stat- . 'hL ahs time and taco of Dearfn'f _ truce ,a[ the lmprovemant, ands the al cost thereof aa. eetfmatad.— t ,�optal by tha l:ounclf July21, 1917, ' i �c roved duly 24,1917. CITY OF ST. PAUL a 1✓' ' 1111 - - COUNCIL,. RESOLUTION-'GENER•AL FORM - t 1' • /1 -'OOUNCIL. F I' ye NQ./_._,; - — - -- -71 =----- Date Presented _August. 3,. 19LY . In the utter of grading, improving, seeding with rsass seed and p�rntin-7 erith'trees,.both sides of the�Parkriay ]moven ua:Zerington�tiv0. betwben Stxlicit Ave. and Como Park under 2x7 -2x Preliminary Order 0. F. ;10109, approved April 24, 1016. Resolved, That all: or —er-9-im-thv EbDVe• matter be and the samo . are hereby, cancelled, urnulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such r3atter discontinued. �1 1111 4 till I.f x'x 1 f l" 1.1 lik 4 itl t1 I tl 1111 i 'v t `- `' 111 I iJ \ 1 It f r 1 1 1 1fi j 111 �I YTI. i \11111 JI it 111, - xutlt 11 .tt ti•r 1 Yeas(N)Co '1 n(v)Nays' 10'7 Adopted by the Councils .... 191 .. F crth In favor "il(j -/i I,a'7 Ke Approved 191. M N II� Against' , ## V Y r - Mr. Preside ower MAYOR FORM C.8 \ Ir. lieu -o3 _C. i : 10104` . Cougeil File Na1..!' i. ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT acid PRELIMINARY .ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making.of the following public improvement by; the City of St. Paul, viz...�raai g.,,.::i pz:.osier.,_...an.edin��rfitr_...orP:6...:3.e.aa...4&nc-Plautfng.trith Zr-ees...... nnt .LAdea-af_t�..2ar;e'a/..:.knnm:ns...Zedin t.nn_l:Yg�..uhere�:7s t;%� .wl uet•:{eeri Pnrulan3..Sse..s~nti 511zimii 3�ta. __t;a--C: _ Parks .. _ __._..................... ...__.............. Dated tlit ..:..... -v. ',....::.day of .....:...... .... da'Y trl* tt 191 7 ✓ / 7YyLc.��� _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W IIERI�AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:' ....:.�xrrsall*:,.....isax.aMing,....ae.eciir�:._,titer_.•'_rE_gs...�.ee.c:r...ul uting....uith...tra.a$, .............................. .Dict s. of :ha 1' � a� 1a10 � Ze�i on.:.iL.vn .these noL:.rlrarsdy bogie.xar..4-t<._xani.c:..11.._.,,?�xa.v4.si....£rg:_, txe_.�ll.elr..:b.at s.�u..�:.:����.r:.d:.n�te. MO.. ark. ......... ............. _. .. s... _ _ having been presented to the Counul of the City, of St. Paul b lw )uncllman... ...... ... ..... :.-rc not therefore, be it a m t n 1 tl t^ RESOI.VED,'That the Commissioner of Pubi LrCe� t a°, tt tl e 1 hereby ordered and directed a CIU' [ t;[.-Paul tti,-- or - 1. To investigate the: necessity for or [l Oeofeea. That the Commf••tc said improvement. 2. .To investigate the nafurc, extent41 e:ntn and direct b. he f■ her•: red a d rector teh;hMOWN o ovement,'and the total cost thereof. 3. 'To furnish n i)lan, profile or skele'.'roro•.mena - Ta fnrestlpte the more.. 4. To furnish the following other data and`ot�a iee eoui ee cit: 1n`:4id improvement: .. - ........ .:.......... .... .-. .':. I.- .... J ...._. .............. _ ............ - . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on, the petition of three or more owners. ' - 6. To report upon all of. the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 1.7.:.;.....:191 ..:... s: Yeas: Nay Councilman Far sworth ii fj !� 7 (;os. Approved .. ......._ ........ :....r .191. _...... Hy nd Ke cr Mt oll R'Inderliclf _......_..... ............... ..•.. � ..._.. Mayor Ir 11 - �i 1/ N ayor. -- P' - T .is order is introduced' to improve portior, of �rr1r1ay recently op&ned. i - Council File NA. ri1` �....- ' .',PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ----_--- Thc-undersigned-hereby—proposes-the-making of the following public improvementbythe City of St. Paul,'viz _..:.CxrALtlXlf'.:..:.i 1j7LaYiA��,.C11r.hi11,.,;. Hc.:uinb....0%...S1dCL'I�IkB.,:...aead.ing r' knA�2rt...gs.. exfr4;t:an��tsa._ .oz :.Stu olid; ova..=.tfl._thL VeY------ P_ --land Dated this , .......3re ._day of . ......... ................ k k tx3.1................... ... .. .. �A.f Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writteti proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz:: .............. w1t-h ;rs :..._..:g.�...tT:e: a,....h.alhaeneed.n Desi . oma. r va..:..fs .ore . S , rn t �,�te....._t a,i . h A • i i e r_.:ne.tuean:: � n� ..liwi d .:..Lvo.. and ....... ............... ...... .................... ...: .................. .:.. .........: having been presented to the Council of the City of St pnu]atI u nttcilman...._._ therefore, be it en ,e einn. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu, ' `: Ali o a nIe , w yr •:s hereby.ordered and directed- . e.d,' That. the Comml.aA. , 1. To investigate the necesliity for or desir work■ he and he 1. h.rasaid improveIment. . • and dlncted: To Inye.ttiate the nee.• ; 2. To investigate the nature, extent an11 d rp Irahlaty of the mattnlmprovement, and the total cost thereof. dvement. t' 13. To furnish a platy profile or sketch of To rove. �e`oat for iia 4. To furnish the following other data ri. -To ° trnlah °Dian. 1 21 said improvement;. ._ .aetoh ol. old IMPrnr.ment ..... ........... To turnl.h the toll' ........... .. _.. .... ....... ...._ 1. o and rm+tion. r• ....... ......... ..:__. _.:. _.. �...._ ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is u-, ed for on.the petition or three or- more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 Adopted by the council .... ::!!( Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Ilr fi l ?t Coss Approved __ lfyland Kclller' of Con M yor Ir in Mayor. IOR C e•e - - I 71. Petition Council File 'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ti PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin public improvement y the City[ - - St. Paul, viz-:....:..Can .tr_uc*...a:..caneni....tile siderr i n . .:.�.idth....o raiz- Peat.. on.. - - t b.ath.sidlaZ._ni._Ge.os;a.-.5�.. S>ilith Ys. tst Choroka. tea.,._-i�-acng.-r sttaachati: f . .....unc.e ••ith....Peti±.i.nn-..hes ,-••-� f Dated this ..:.-.:_6th ..1' :..: I . Au[ t ....... _ ..... .. 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cosi-uc.t-..n-..c.P teat.....tile.-..si3.availtt.a._y...J.isii h. oi..::.i. _f.a�t tlzi.._b0.:th_:.:liaea ....:........ ................. .......... .....,....... :......... ................ .: C: F. \o.. 1790/_..,....... _.:._ w ............._..:...... lt'here t .t written - - ,nehlna; fthc.rollo 1 .. .. .... ....... .:...... .. ........ .. ... ...:::-_.._.....-_.... _.._--:.. .u._: Coa�trud'n-crmerti__-. -..- -_. ... - lira-w•Idth of .1. rest o• "T" having sr .rr t Smnh ooncilman.-.._....:. ....<........ having been presented to the Council of the, t.;e t n. mt, ht.. 4ounc1l or the-.tlta ot ... therefore, be it fon•. tx u . ttgaolvea That the. C - - 1 bac u k ba-and h'.J he is hereby ordered and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner, a eu ant mr.etea: t 1 To Iltrt;tjKAta the 1: To investigate the necessity for or jmnro `jem °it. or th° me > of said improvement. t t s. and .Tc Invuentfathe_,'provement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent � tent .umeteute the_, - pr t•dmrnt. end thu tot. 3. " To furnish a plan, profile or ske , I k.t.h °or ..[d ii pr°o.r�' 4 To furnish the following other data _�, To I.W. the tive to said improvement;.. - g aha. Informatlo• .-0 let. •tate w! - ` -t 1. I.R., .... ....:... ..... ..... ..... -- ti. To state whether or not said improvement,a'asked- for .on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoiag matters. to the Commissioner of Finnhce. _ nC of is 1 Adopted by the council ...... .....:............. 101 Yeas: Nays: Councilman'F(i.nd sworth q,t� CApproved ... ..... ........ ......'.. I Ilcr �� ' - = D cC:oll , underlicht ...:1 .._.:...._......... �,..._ . M yor I in PITBd 19i+StDlilay,r. ----------- . D: clauseen «_ v - Council File No.,.: .:l. .,I .PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT'- ' and, - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement -by the _City of- St. Paul. 'viz.:',. :.,Repair.:..and.:'stls�aca_•.0 th _ataphalt,..: tl�.e:...eas ....sid�of.siabn.Nb St. f> n1:.Eaur_th S-t.:.._t d..Fifth St.._> f � _ ... _........ ....... _.:-i .._ _..... _:. f _ - .......... ,-j ii t1 u t Dated this............6t.$...... tiay of A ..5..... 191 • � Couocilmarj. ,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. f WHEREAS. A written proposal for• the making of the following improvement, viz.:' i_. .fare:._.rith,..a ..;;.t.............. -_ ....... _:.....:.-.. _.-_.-._......... ................... ....... ...... ... having been presented to the Council of the City of and ho 1. ,r t •..... ............... ....... .._........ . dlrecl d: - - therefore, be it y tl� tt ino Uing t 11 (� n[ tho making RESOL`'ED, That the Commissioner of Pubt +tn ieil cnei t�[ anla `i •3erby ordered and directed 1. ` To• investigate the necessity for or desirato dtth 11" 11, `np't t � tat impr vement. t :Tot . t l ImProrement•�prO�l.mCR�, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and er' D enrninn tho lelm. and to lormatlon rclnt: 3. To furnish'.n plan, profile or sketch of smumtnic irhrth.r nr v, p lan.+k.d ! nn_t 7 4. To furnish the following other �atn and infortimnra n ,; v.. o sai$ improvement;_ ._ .. _........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all-of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by ,the council.......... ... . :......:.. 191 Yens: Nays: —R 1^,.-i Councilman Farn worth Goss Approved .:........................... ............ Ifyh id Kell Al WtuJerlich _... -,-_._............... ................................... Dfayor Irvi Mayorl P: . l/ • IDPM C O.0 1 ; V L7Ll�`T��._. / - B. G., Brfggs 106 Council. File No .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' and \ PRELIMINARY'ORDER-._ - The undersigned' hereby proposes the making of ' the following public improvement by the City of, St. Paul. viz....:.Bes9t1.i3:V.k.l?Qti.�.. i a� t'J:.: nu xv.P ix_.tTiP..;. c moat ..t.... _S-Jdet�R] k.. On th8 .. Yom, nos.th wile D.: titlih._nf-12..i4._jb a...uidth_o y i 'O'Datedthis _....:.'.ti.Yl.......... day of ..................ARg'..5 .,.. ....... ......... 191 z?•,,. �. . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: noith side eKT'C.x..... . t 1:4Y1 �'t�P�.Y t0. a L.. ........... i ......... ............ .... ,.l having,been presented to the Council of the City of St.- Paul by therefore. be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public wOF! < 9 ,t c is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabt1.4u;R: oe the -CO --of said improvement: 99 and dlrec:ad: - 'l. To inicstigatc the nature, extent and esti' Tu Inve.11Fate th• improvement, and the total cost L1lCreof. •.lrabfikY nr the t 3. To furnish a, plan, profile or sketch of sai To n; eaeigate thu ; . e.timated cont Of .ai - 4. To furnish the following other data and i•t, and th,- totai co.t to said improvement; .. Tofurnieh a PIP �.. tchnr Bald I'Prove. - - . .._......... .-. ....... _ ... .. T. furnl.h th.. ..... ... ........... ........_. .. isend In—i" ' :i. To state whether or not: said improv m•t: t,. ns;t- ..: on the petition of three or more owners. - 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. •nr —01 10'7 Adopted by the council...-......_. Yeas:. Nays: CouncilmanFar worth, r' Gos ' <Approved ..:.:.. Ily nd , dlencch r Mayor Ir CITY OF ST. PAUL - 'COUNCIL RESO L.UTION =GENERAL FORM Subject. COUNCIL -IVO.. FILL h --_ Date Presented .191 Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized,. -- to pay, to John Wachtel out of the Workaens Compeneation Accotint of the General Fund the suit of Seventy-one Dollars and fifty. cents ($71,50); in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him on the 2nd 1' day of day 191?, while employed by the Department of Public Works. I hereby, recommend the passage of.'the above XAWlution. Comm as oner Pu lie Works. T11a, th.• Itrpp',,Y City on,1-) .11 R1.1 1 t (. III,, \\or- --l al . th,t F.""'. ."t�encrnl! - ' ,,!,I the tt t .•nay-parIWI� I- I _ . - � :t tt 1 11 (t ert( 1 S 1 01 I I linl r rl- t•• t 1o, . 'o1 f t {,t1 1 t tl CI t)' _ tYl I R 1 I, t f I 1 ire - ' I.�'11 �i tt tJ d.tl ( \I x.7917.. .• - - \.innl•��l 1.>' t! (..0t'll .\uF'. G• 1911. - 11111}li) Yeas ( J) Coun Imen i V) Nays 1 r RIQ 7 191 Fawns •orth Adopted by the Council Goss In favor 1 7 Hyla d _ S 191 IKeli % Approved '' Q� Me 11 Against wu edith : % Mr. President. Irvi� inwo( room C.8-2 ` - a. • 1 V'CITY•OF PAUL - COUNCIL- RESOLUTIGENERAL FORM _ Subject. -- F COUNCIL `nLE ., No.......... ._......... s . Date Presented ..:.....-Aug-..4.�. ..1917 ... Resolved, That --the 'titno specified for the per;brnance of certain contracts between Keough Bros. and the Cit;; of ,St': Paul for the grading of the following streets and alley: Ali y Block ,f? Ubr:-iam.Park Third Gdtiltion., dated 'fix 1 1917- Fo.imCti"t Ave. from 0—,.. '•:.'ts Ps.:vrs R- Of'.1e 1io 300 feet W. of W. line of Lexington Ave.; dated Feb. 20, 1917 James St. from -Prior Ave: to.Fairvievi Ave., dated Aug. 7, 1916 Stanford St. from Josephine St, to Prior Ave., dated Sept. 19, 1916 Stanford St. iron Griggs St. to Syhdicate St., dated Feb. 20, 1917, be and the stone are hereby extended to the 3rd day of August, 1.917 land the proper city officers are* hereby authorized'to.e,:eeuto an _--amendment hereydth, provided, however, that this reaol,ution shall not have any force and effect un1-cs the. _.-._. __.s'ur-oties on the ..::contractor's -bo nd--conacrt--thGr oto _-Lich .. and o coneent.in viriting.vii th the City Comptroller. tIof'l.exl Mton Ave., A` a Vit. frena i•r: - Prior btunfor1 St ? Feb 0 - n[e ,d d t I B L 0. to Ile cud ,d a:ut ara � .. - to [hc 3rd doy o[.Au,;usi - nyin Yeas (l') Coundltn�t,(:r) Nays Adopted by the Council. F nsworth } oy In favor , ' eller �� Approved `'( 191...... cColl � Against J rg _. Mc Presid it, Powefd� M.roa -. FORM C.83 �!�/• i a/✓L R 1'% // J Ctp of St �ttuf r D c.wu{ [ c two.•.. 1•M.•N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ..... - - - R T GOVRLEY. D[wuir - - - - „� [ • - Pt ,z:.,,-:r'iim : Aub, : 4 1917 . M'Mf wROLD Orrice f.c w..w - - + To the Ronor&ble City Council, Cer lemon,'- Z 5 r:ould respectfully ask thrit YO'jr Eonorable Body causo the t'ir!e of -Lomnlefing the contracts 'or the gain, of the following streets bo e�:tcnded to the 3rdtiny of Angust,.,1917. Alley Block p ':C,rl iFlA lurk' Third Add. dated ?&-r. 121917 Ave.. f o!a C. F St. 1' icy. Co. R. of , 303 't"-1.p ),'to mine of TO:_ir.L,;ton Ave., dated Feb. 20, 1917 Je':le .St;ro r Prior Ave tq-Faifvie • Ave., dated Au,;. 7, 1916 Star. ord St_pr:TM J„c2p'i'n'c St. to--Prior .ve.., dated 19 S4 pt. ,. I' Stnr,sorl S_t..fron-Grid 1916 w,.to Syndicate St.,,"dated Feb. 20, 1917. O ir. to. labor conditions it vias not pocoible for u•„ to complet - ose_co?�tr:cr i+r� -t.w` irsc-.— -- - - - - - ... pec' icd �encc nc dc5ire Ito ask that -the' titae So:', rr. same be rade A2 here;nbe-orc stated. t�. io:.rs very truly, Contractor 0:7 C' is no o'jectior, tu-tivi:f Lhe time extendod as rcuuec:tcd, use, fors as the rcqu..r, thi:> of'icc is e0ilcernod. _ _"'..0VS7 Cr _ aunt. "O' Co :� - tion Repair ot CoLm �oir�ro Public ~• "•' Lc Chic-' i-inoer . i 1 1 I� I y 1 ] 77, No. 17!09--0rdlnaa - By U. CI An ordinanceryRka7ltlnir'Derr Central t�ahouw Compan COUNCIL RES atru t a:wwar on Territoa FORM' from llampden Ave: to Van '. Subject :..:_.... . pito lairtit nd toondaa11Veto fr north of Terri or &I stood. ..••."- 4 - COUNCIL I'he- Council of the CRY. of I nl[ N 0......:., does ordain: ..'. ."..... , BECT16N'1 That Dermleslon an nd the same are hereby gi• - al Wnrchau..r*e. anY:t'te Preaented....."Ang ....:.3" 141M ..._ <ewer. orv' Territorial: r.... '.. ewer Ave. to Y'I dt on Vandalia Bt.: fr,, . .� �7 �i o a point 9S0 t ` 7 C. r . IIo. �1 1 OQ a� Ordinann,ce IIo. R An ordinance grunting permission to Central Warehouse Company '� to construct a sexier on Territorial Road from Hamplan Ave. -to Vandalla' St. .and north on V.ndaliaa St. from Territoria]. Road to a point 220 feet north of Territorial Road. The Council of the City, of St. 'Paul .does ,ordain: i SECTION 1 That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to Central Warehouse Company to construct s Hewer on Territorial Road from Hampden Ave. to Vandalia St. and north. on Vandalia -Sit., from Territorial Road. to a point; 220 feet north of Territorial Road. :- S_I;CTIQI+ E The Commissioner of 11ablio Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit.to said licensee for the construction of said. sewer upon their oompliance,witl the following express onditions, namely:; (1) The said 1`icendeeshall construct said savior, entirely at their 'r own cost and'expense, to the'.sati,afaetion and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public ,9orks, and: in accordance with. the,planc ,and speei=iea tione.prepared by him. (2) The said licensee 'shall pay the cost, of engineering and inspecting said work.. (3). The said licensee shall properly protect all esoaavations Ina" in the streets both 13�dav and b,,' night so as to avoid all dav-ge-.or injury to persons, an:': property; sht>ll properly fill and ta.^tp said .streets to avoid settling and shall restore said streets to their original condition.: I(4) The said licensee,' after the inception of the •ro:'k,, shall " prosecute 'same continuously, reitb, 'diligence, and. ftfl lY com;Plete EFa d V.'Ork ' within sixty ,days after the said work is started. (5) The said, licensee shall give a bond to the City. Of St.. Paul in the penal.sYun"of Five Thousand Dollars 05;000.00) conditioned to co ply n:icn eh :he _... o s.3.iY .d we the City of I S :au a� :'u . 1. unr! t 17 l�.bili t ,lo:;s, ,�r?rorts, !citta, cost-; ohurges1wiid daimagee and e:-perso, thea riu �cHrue to persona or u. o occasiored by the making of the'im rovement or.arinin- out cf t, e: Tc. (6) The said lic'ensce shall, vd thin twee% days fres and after the _passage of this ordinance,'file a written acerptance thereof,viith the City' Clerk in such I°orm as may be approved by. the Lorporation' Co i-sel; if such acceptance is ,not filed within said time, the authority hereby giver shall be voids• This ordinance shall take effect and be in 'force thirt days after its passtge and puulication• i :r:, eLh.t-C ,. i' /In { Yen9 (t') Councilmen (i') Playa Adopted by the Council 19,...:,.191 ... 1 I "worth t _ 33 In favor. j Keller Approved .. ... I'M cColl O-Agnin9t . N•.i1- - e Vtr4ID- ��+-�AYOR1 Mr. President. FORM C.8.2 1 11 ,t•. i f I � yyt "1 IdLi J1 G F klerrold 'Council File No� ! ;x743. r1— rr PRUPoSAG-FOR IMPROVEMEN1'--- and fop .. PRELIMINARY ORDER.�� gs The undersigned hereby proposes the making of-th followj6g public improvement by'Ithe City of St. Paul, v,z .oPen,wi:ge>i and_ xtenc)✓Fouxte-: ntK etre t in an eatlterly ana.,. w�etarlX.._direc.G.QAa,9_..>.:!i71t1?.Of.....a.>�1�Y �u4.Lr.._t, .frP� Pne_atrzt••to Lavexis . .. . ......... ..... . . ............ ......... . f Dated this.. 3r.d._. ...-day of ..August 19fT i� ' 1� • _ Co cdman, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tLhe following improvement, viz.: :ext..and._F.ourt.eenth,.an..E.aste-.r1,y and ....wx:.s.tex.1X.... ite..s.tr.e.ea _t.o..:.Laf.aye.xtel _ay.gnq�........................ ............... .................... ... ..:_ :. .. ..:,: having been presented to the Council of the Cityof St. Pn it by Councilman . ._....... .... therefore, be it tin h RESOLVED. That the Commissioner_ of, Public "*i I* a be aRncs.t'ls hereby ordered and directed - tY .or It Affix 1. To inv..estigate the fiecessiiy for or desimbi veva[ale.'7 nature.°f said improvement 2. To investigate the nature; extent and estin"il° °a1 goat mere. qprovcmcnt, and the total cost thereof. nlsh W plan, pros. - 3, To furnish a'plan, profile or sketch of said ilJ Imvrov men:. •L To furnish the following other data and inforri .a1lon r Ino n ;� said improvement:_.. . or n" 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition or three or more owners. fi, To report upon all of .the. foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _....�. 191.L.._. Yeas: Nays: - Councilman Farnsworth-, Goes > t^ Approved 191. Hyland Keller l' Mccoll ! L/r l• {� Wunderlich ,l ......... - Mayor Irving ! ilfay ICVi�O��� / / i - Lf until Fih N --- ----- -- --.._ _ - _ -- zT TS r` - - - PROPOSAL FOR.'IMPROYEM> NT - and G a lHerrold: PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public_ improvement by the City :of , ==-St,=Paul, iz. aPen,..•widEn.Bntiextend -.Iohn--8txe-eL;._,.t0-a^xrld#h o-•sixt-yZ...(60). feet...._frorq:,_G Ove..._a.t1.E�S_..nQ.z its.r.ly.:_tq._ti>A-south-line.._nY.-LQ.t-._1:�21a 1, . ................... ..... _............. _ ....._ _._.: __....,._. _... ....._......... .__:... .....:— ........ _............. ......... ................ .....:_,.... ......... . .:.:_.__ .......:«...... _ Dated this ......_3x.r1.,.._..day o(.:...:...August_...... 1917:.:__.' 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.! iden .and _..exten .�.O.nR....d..G, (coin Cr. . ...E_4x_+'t._rl2rtil.er.1.Y...tn._.th.e.xnuih...:line...._af_lat_..1...... la;k� 1, ......... Addi.tion......_...._....._.... - having been predented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ ... ... _ therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of,Publ, ine meld.d he is hereby ordered and directed- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desir Lea leol o% iia `:ng of said improvement'. the total cost then, S` 2. To investigate the nature, extent and efurnl■h a plan, vnI improvement, and the total cost thereof. m said Im roveent 3. To furnish a Iden, profile or sketch of r information elate e6 wet. 4. To furnish the following other data an+,tate whether or not a to said improvement:, ....... . . .t 1) asked for on the - - ......... or more owners - - - .......... .......:.... . ........._...... report upon all or t'.... _... ........ ... _ - Atters to the Cumemlet - 5. To state whether or not said improved by, tho Council nut, the petition of three-or more owners. -,d Aug. G. 191,. G. To report upon all of the foregoing !r `(AuKuet a-1917) issioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 191 ...::. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F°A°���+nsworlh r -ti 11'.7 G s Approved 191 ....... H land Kh1ler b`Coll . { � dcrlich ...... ... ... ..... .. .. .1 ...... .. ......... Iayor I t ��� r //Mayor -" CITY OF ST. F?AUL.-' _ COUNCIL RE 86 L UTI b`t-Y--GENERAL -FORM Subject C06NCIL NO. ME -.. / /!,T/ V Date Presented _ 191 Resed, That"the Commiesioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and - --i directed "to cause Forest street, from Magnolia street to Jessamine street, to be sprinkled during. the season of 1917. • 1 ;i C. F. No. 17912-fly 11. N. Ga.:;– Reeol—d. That tfi - Commihnaluner or yFUUSflt nGcet. . from Nnwnoitn nt et. to ]enxnmhtn .. x[ro.•t to Ua xPriU{<1ed qu NnK the nen- - or 191'(.. Adnl t d US' tUr Cou it .\UR. G. 1917. .. -. AuK. (.\uRuvt 11. Y917) Ycas(V)Council mcn Nays ' -R IQ'7 Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Coss In favor Hyland Keller _ Appro4cd !j 191' r McColl Against �t Wunderlich ��-1�.� Mr. President, Irvin,/ Myron CouncilFile PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT o and ' . PRELIMINARY ORDER. i The undersigned hereby proposes the making o[ the following-, public irnprovemR snt• by the City of Paul; viz...Qontxtic.�.. a....erexU �...'e St-. Erol} u point -96 feet a st of - Haaboldt ave. to_Stabc St.y_ on mos h ?i000't.•.z oLf 1_t�r Sts to its c + �`. - i .•..-ti4uthexly.-irz.<:erl�Qciop:uith YEe nn soilve. rsnn mint 7F.. e-Qt._.s..a 1#tll.:._Q .r ll...z ......t-:sz d'n,;g_S • .:-..._.-.. _..._. : ..... Dated V .day`of .:.......1�lit,Ll t Councilman. -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ' .:i)i.�113akR.1ilt •A e. -.tn...atat. e...at:.7..:.nli.-.nail:...lioher.y_.Se.-..frnrs... n_t.on..51._..t.n__i+ an Gherly. i.tn .�a�.a...�_fs.e south yUt ......:.. - - having been presented to the Council of UIe City of St. Paul by Councilman'" ..} therefore, be it oo,' uy 9s hereby -ordered and directed RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public I:e It (u 1. To invtsti ate the necessity for or des!. IIor 1, 1. h commissioner -f said improvement. g Y h, ho le hereby c f' - . irected: . To investigate the nature, extent an eje tfo to he necsait eapprovcment, and the total cost thereof. ',t, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of *,',;1ogsto t ..ti re. ..ter. 4. iTo furnish the following other data ani a Ot"n` cost ther or, . .*,said improvement;_ _ ... .,Rid Improv—ent urnlxh the rollowf ...... .._. .. ......._. , .......... .... _.-.. ..... ... inlormatlon relatly - 5. 'ro state whether or not said improved:, whether .. on the petition of three or more owners. W.'I rr -, G. To report upon all of the foregoing matte. • u .(he Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ::!-lF !i Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fnrn orth —At 7 Goss Approved ......--. . ................... ..101 ....'..... Ilyl d ' Kd r A . A _ AIc oil V /, V Payor Iry PQI3T i9!fils ri Minor. . CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM $ _...,..• ...... - counca • _ _ FILE NO Date Presented.... Aug.!6th; .. 191.._ Resole Thit the Purchasing.Agent be, and he is hereby authorized td.purohase with the consent of 'the Comptroller, -without asking for competitive bide, One ohly Combination Hose and-Chemic:al__ftgon, for the sola of $500.00, {/Geo. S. ""'�� Ridg' ely, Hagerutown, Md„ "as this Gia article �I�no.bids can be taken.Cost of said article•tobe charged to the. Department of Public Safety M Fire Department Fund. Req. 3065, o 1" ! \sant he 11 l dT z la th. kor l yY• otho'r zed i� to nurchax alth the e 1 entto f clho. _..1 I? 1u, ober. a•ithoutu-klnK. - 'lit'fYnnLll,h lrol \yl. is nntorntIh t n0 GO from G K ItIUKely. - - It K . tn� \I) , 111 rtl le hnx 15 t r' Ifl snt 1 ken. nCtho - ' 1 of x I1. tl 1 to Ire h rKrdFlro De- ' 1.i 1. - n •nf f [ unllc-vat t) _.__ , t t l 1 it 1 - l i• OGS - .._-_ __ --- -- �\1 lt•d 1) tl Cin •11 AUK• G.-1917. . \ppru\•e 11 \rt—K•.G�7917-- \ 1 •uxt l l 1911) Yesr (r.')/C} ndlmen,tr') \nynI :I1Cj �K 101 C ✓rp Rnworlh ' - - - . Ad.1Ard by the ouncil ... ._.1fll .... .. In favor' It):._1= •"_ r 't.. Her Avpruved A... )_. ....... _ _e .... ..._.191:...-.. AKAlfut .t'. �. �. ��.��!�-✓k/"1 Preeis nt• Irvin FORM C A-V -6 .'!Z�2` .- CITY- OF' ST: PAUL_. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM - -- - -- - csT,-os- aT ? — -- ---- --- - U CIL,RESOLUTION GENERAL ORM qq Subject cou Nca Mf �1 f ...... - FILE I.........:...:... ..:.F..... ...... .:.................................... ...... :.. - d. Date I nese pug 6th::.....191 _7• nte:_�.. .. urchasing Agent be, and he is'. hereby authorized• Resolved, That the P to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller ; -without ---- asking for. competitive bids, REPAIR PART8.FOR EADGER METERS, for the sum of #315.06,, from ,the Badger.Meter Company, as these are patented. articles and no advantage c'an be gained by advertisement of oompeti.tine-bide. Cost of said articles to be charged to the Department of Public Utilities Water Department Fund. Req. 5379.;. . - - ,...4/• r_! QV ., r r� . 17n;•Tlui c] hei Rr gleed 1`r ,rah, Inp; 11 ent he nd Ix he 11 ; Ihoriz d t n, eh, Ith st �V.mltroll hocion" "t thej , f tlll4 hll 1C tt 1 irt; r r r i MI.- 16 fo IhP , t tlhr 5716 .1u, ft ron, tp !_— ---- __ - a r 1.1ira I mt In Ih t, i hCextdt rrypfdnrt tictex t . . 1 ,1111' OUNlltl xo tho eportt or .1% te 1 171-\VuterDmenDepnrtment .. Adopt.d h] the Cou •� 1917. II.\u[t. f. lAli.? \119rovcd \ul, G. i !.\uRuxt '11-1911) �. Co Rtilmen (t') Rage Far worth - adopted by the Connril .Ir ......_. , .._.. 191 ...... Goss In favor - nllr _it ; ,.7 .. Seller App.—d .,,� _.. ... 19 .... 1 MCC.1 Against. ..... .. ..... .. .. ...: MAYOR •ORM-C A-9 8.1 2M C1TY OF ST. PAUL COU Nt IL -RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL _. Date Presented _ I91 Re-orved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby 'author— ized and author,ized"'and directed to cause Hdfiman–assnue,-be-ta.een_Kuoli- __- and Conway streI. ets; to.be sprinkled during the season of. 19171. • ". C 1`• 1 1 DIC --IIS JL ,f Go e— i _.. Rrenl 1 Thrti th C mml I ncr Or r ul n� l\ urk be. 1 1 reb �thap CnJ dI a •teq t use Ii ftman Io morinkleJUJurina Jth?tw a n) St 11,17.. non ci ZJ 1,"I. 13 Council nnell Aua. i, ID17• AIInI cJ 1, 7,1911.t (Auquel lt-ID17). -- Yeas (J)Cou cilmen (:)mays MUG .�7 IQ 17 Far sworth Adopted by the Council 191 Cos In favor Keil nd < Approved }� i� Ip 7 191 Me 11 'Against Won erlich C�- •A, Mr. President, rvin rnvon roots n re arhrnv0v �Wiv Hih4U . D P - Ff� V` -_ Qurvau of VfaFvr August - BOARD OF WATER COMMISS14NERS e OSCAR E NELLER. 6 - . 5. A.FARNSYlORiM .. .. " , M N 4055 1 .S 1 7. OAR REIT O.NOOSE.. To the Honorable, .THE COUNCIL,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL,' St —Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; The Board of Aster Commissioners, at a - - -. meeting hold this day, unanimously adopted the. fol- . lowing resolution; -- "Resolved that _the City Council be,_ and.hereby is requested to authorize the. laying -of a Rater main on Belmont street from Charlton Avenue to Ohio Street." Very truly yours, i r=� 4 —7,. Encl. Secretary. i CITY l T.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLLRMNI—GENERAL FORM . Subject. ' h :X� `o`n`nca-NO Date Presented,..,..::gtllls.t._...:6.i......191..7 t. Resolved, That the' time specified for the po ormance o, a cortr in' contract dated 3u 1 14, 1917betcreen Peter DiclY.�;on and the City of St. Paul for the curbing of Lawson St. fro --a DEyne Ave. to Edgerton St., be and the 8wme is herebyr-tendead to tho 5th day of AugtL ta. 1917 and the propar. city officers are hereby authorized to 'execute an amendment to said contract in Lccordcmce here;rith, provided, however) that this r000lution shall not have any f.roe and effect unlcco the suretier or. the ccntr&cCorIo bond co)—xent thereto zind i';le :.ach consent Jr 7itin a;th the C_t;; lol.ptroi .Ir. I, I t F Ng That a Rel ed. Th t thetlm o ccont e i the Oerf rma. o of n t I rotor �1tP1 11 Y ii tAl. 1 t Rn 'l to lhhaon,nnd the Pity f St. 1'nul foo fh 6-111-9 of L. 1 st f m P ) t udF rt bt 1 and tileme ' IIt Ft i..tb Lel %t nll. ,Il tl Ilcr elt: fit- e .r nr tY."I.od to execute n i 1 ldm nt t. x dd o it nct I hbIn ac C 1 n hr Itll. 1 11 1 a ( that tl le Fa 1 tl 1117 ,,It I1LL rany, _ f rr 1 st t 1 'henurti nn tlnt t 1 r' I. 1 c C.th rrta;_ 11111 11 C tt ii T 1 .: I[h- Ith Cltt 'l mpl 11 g. �nn�ot,r�i Aub. . i91rP'1-' .tutr. 1917. 1A'lg .t It -1517) - Yeae{ r) (1Oblcilmen (V) -Nays _ �I1G ,- 7 1417 Adopted by the Council 191. F 'worth C %a.... In Favor —7 1" i 7 K r Approved() 191........ 'M ell Against Y�.. Mr. -Preside' Powers 1 ... MAYOR FORM C-. Q S� 71 St. Paul, Minn. 1118. 6, 1917. To the Honorable City.Council,' C ITY'. Gentlemen,- . I i/J'a1::.1.C$poC,; _l✓. as,, thatyo-ar.F:ororablo 3oay cause the 'tine of completing the contract for the 'curbin; of La:+son St. from Payne,Jlve.: io Edgerton St. be extended to the 6th de.' of August, 1917.1 ' going too labor conditions it'nas not possible for ..no .to "i:ash this contract within the ti!:re specified, hence I del l e 0a l3 in that __th E__tine _for_ r+n ndictin -snmc o, ,'3d0-ao hereinoo_orc stated. YYwarss very truly,, Contractor There is no objection to having the time eyter,ded as re,)uested, as-far no the require- nents of hiss-Qf=de i. concerned. &r_i{0VI]D Supt. of Construction Repairs COMM100ionor of Public 77or Cificc Lh:r`ireer CITY, OF SUL. _ - , ICO•UWCILRESOL.Il1-TIO' ENERAL `FORM - .,.... ..... ... - COUNCIL— rIL[ vi O. ..... ---------- Date 191.7 Res.�ved That t'e-tf7xc-o�ac�f3aa—.nor e-perio.xvlanc-o�rs_cart,Ztn—;o "tract dated February 23, 1916 be'.Ween a. C. 3aimgardner and the City -of A St. Paul 'for the grad i. i g of Gri,:,gs at.. from J=cs $t. to Sanford St-.— v Y be_and the same is hereby ey.tanded tQ the 2r -d day of August, 1917 and the proper joity of'icers are hereby authorized,to execute an smendrae:-t to said contract in -accordance herewith; provided, however, that thin %eLolution shall not,have'any force and effect unless the 'sureties on the contrLetorts bond consent thereto Ltnd. - r aith the City Comptroller. � file such consent ir. v:. itin� ,� — - - sol I Thot lho tlma :'pc III I or - - t1 : P•rt cetlaln c ntrm•t. " ce n n I tteA I I 3' 21 I al f. ha•taa• .n. n_ C. it lumt; 1 .and lit . -City of -t. Paul: -- C r .lht 't, dl— of nrlgl,. I. from Jn mos St. to Sanford St. II', and the, — mc Is h,,-hy ext I tc:l'to tlo_ .Io 11, - . f 'o t tho Pr per 4-Ity,' -- oRicers n e herrhy authorized to e t. In nc lm elt to *om contrt t.ln -- - -- - v��paordnl I: r -ith,' Provided, hoaa- I h3r, whatthlst resolution ishan not �I nY foreo oud effect. unless the - �suretla:s un .the mroctor'x hoed con. lhcnao'nnj nb eucll concent in a•rltingIrlth .the Ciq'ComPtroller. - 1 1doVt'ed LY thcCouncli Aug, 7, 3917. - +\PProa'Cd . (I\ultuet It 19777 T_.. Yeas (✓) Co cilme�( t') Nays "I�� — C r Adopted by the Council. 191....._ Far sworth \\ CO In Invor Ke l r Approve ill(. . 7 �.:. 191 .....,. M oll Against 1 j Y I rg t , Mr. Preside . Powers i St. Paul; Minn. Aug.- 2, ii917. Tp the Honorable City council, ` C. I l Y. Gentlemcr_, I would rcepcetfRlly ask th.tt your Honorable Dotj cause f the time of. completing Phe contract for the grading of Griggs 3t. froze James St. to.Stanford yve. be extended to the 2nd day of August, 1917, Cuing to difficulties beyond my control, it was not possible for me to complete this work and I sub;et the contract to Christ Johnson who has sine© compluied same:in acoordance ;;^ith plans. and spgciications, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same, be'made ,as hereinbefore stated. 1 - --yours verb truly, Contractor There is no objection to having the time otondc.;i as "Er;unst;edj w` far as she roquiremonta of';his of, -ice is concerned. .: LVID 3'Qpt. of Construction & Repair. C— oinmaaaioner- 0f (Public Yorks Chief 1�nginoer . . .CITY OF ST. PAUL - -:I COUNCIL RE'SOLUN_—GENERAL` Subject .. —CO"Ne1L "--- .. . Date Presented 191' :. . -- 'Resolved.hec -- 1- w Tereas the'specifications fur -the constructlion of eight l -roam Cottage Schools, 'as approved under C.F.No117332, I provide, for ordinany window sash and .it is founddesirable to install "Simplex" sash 'instead, and the contractor is willing to install such sash at an additional cost of $308.00 for the eight buildings, therefore be it Resolved that the sdecifications for saieight l-romm.,' cottage schools 'be' and the same da) -hereby amended•by..substituting "Simplex" sash for ordinary sash and -that the amount payable --- under the contract be increased Three Hundred Eight Dollars (1308.00) A. .920_1,_hr" !h '%vttaderlith peclaca• , _' - s Re eol ed That -.- ... .ZiOna for-th_.cohWiuct�pPrOVKd a- "- Oom tl I,o S ruvl�o tar 'd CF �o.17M13 1 . tr>'. window .nnT mmplexad it '•to mh Ia alrable, to .Inst .1 to tend, and-thu eonhrao ort.. additional I. Install urh. additional - toatot f308.00 torthq right therefore he It cholla• ho' , }tc.o.ved that the epeK ncati0ax for i a.tld eight t -rat m tits amended OY. - � x'd I.the .amo nr h r`• 9, ah or ordbl., - fwabatltatfl'nd that [h Imoaat pava - ,arY a .onlrnr t'he 11, 1 Thrco ara. 5708.00): Hundred Eight t)oll .1. Adopted by the 7:n1 1 AUR. y171 7. 1017. Approved 'TUR• yeas (sl) nden(17)Nays tj7 1917 Adopted 6y-,theCouncil' 191. NWO In Favor ler / Approvedr- 191. II / Against Y g - - Mr. Preside • Powe5Ya ,. MAYOR FORM d...e - A CITY' OF ST':' PAUL C'OUNCIL._-FRESOL'UTIOIJ^Gk'NERAL FOAM. 'I ' Subiect -- _ -_ _ _ . COUNCIL' a , rua NO �- 6111._.. � ... .....� Date Presented . _ . t91 rte` Resolved:- . That wh€reas.the apecifications_for the' construction -of'_____ 1111 _. _. eight 1-ro*6 Cottage Schools, as approved under C.F.No.17332, provide for ordinavy window sash and it is found desirable to install."Simples" sash instead; and the contractor #s trilling to install such sash at an additional cost of 0308.00 for.tho.oight buildings, therefore be it Resolved that the specifications for said.eight 1 -roam 1111 cottage_ schools be'and the same def -hereby amended by substituting —1116, "Simplex" sash for ordinary sash and that the amount payable - I. under the contract be increaped Three Hundred Eight Do llars (6308.00) - -1166 t- I I I � . \ Yeas (✓) Councilmen (V) Nays 7 1917 Adopted by the Council 191 1111.. Farnsworth Coal 611.1.. In Favor Keller Approved _ _....... I91......,. McColl Against Nash Yoerg -...:.... .........:............. 1111... Mr. President, Powers M�roN J _ Page #0 . 558 14.55 18518. Com an H. R.-Buntting P y, - '.Library-NBooks . ; - 42.50 a 18 Library Bureau, P.Library-Expense. _ 20 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company* ¢ 49.50 St.C&R.-Expense (Signe) - 17.65 -` gl & Hddman, 1.510 7 _McClain Police -Expense / Gen. F.-Prtd..Forms and s' 3.0 Com'r'. Finance -Exp- 5 C.P.W.-Expense 6. 0 Gen. Part. Certs— 17.65. 'e 22 -Company, A. C: McClurg 401.88 P.L'ibrary-NBooks. 4 23 McDevitt-WSlson's,-Inc., 1.20 P.Library-NBooks.. - 1.25 ' 24 Meas Supply Company, - _ Health -P .Baths Expense. 4..2x5. 25 F. R. Mann & Son, _ - P.Library-Expense. 25.00 26 Maplewood Mills, He '. gq Merrill, Greer & Chapman, 4.60 C .P .W. -W.orkhouse -Expense . Northern States Power Company, 65.43 28 W&ter-$xpense. 29 1 Company",94.00 Northwestern SchoolSupP 9 P.Schools-Equipment. a 30 Pioneer Rim &'Tire Company, 4.03 - _ Gen. Mun.Gar. R. 31 Raymer I Hardwe.re Company, .20 34_.80 Fii4-Expp ease F'ire`A1m,Telg.-ExP• .20/ & P.Parks-Fxp.-Acti. / ?.Beach .0 P'.ParkQ-lJonst. .80 _ } 32 St.Paul Book & Stationery, 5130911 18.4, PSchools-Expense 87 5 P.Libraary-NBooks r 0_ 13 9 ' Z8.15 33 St.Paul Pattern & Model Works., Fire -Expense. - 34 - Sanitary Food Company, 6.4l, P. asks-Exp.Activ. �. 35 Schunsman & Evans, P.Library-Expense • C .P:.W.-IYYorkhouse-Expense - I Page.#3. . _ Re/s. 558 �... 18536 z atyt�v. Raf . D. Sal e -^,E B P!.Library-NBooks-. University 4.10 37 ,Garage, -, �'11•e-EsPense. r, - - 1.80 38 D. Van.Nostrand,.` IP.Library-NBooks. 8.44 39 Vaughanto Seed Store, P.Parks-Expenses Virtue Com an Printing p yE 22.00 40 Armory -Expense 3• P.Schools-Expense .00 41 H. E.�Wedelstaedt, P.Library-Expense Gen. Mun. Gar. Re 2, 42 H. We Wilson Company, P.Library-NBooks.' Winston,•Harper-Fisher Company, 40.8011 43 . I,P.Parks-Exp. Actio. _ Geo. We 44 ,Wooley, C.P.W.-Rxpense. j li • I - .. 5 , 79,04 - _. - C. F No. 1. 9 1— . Resolved that warrant. be drawn upon th. Cltr Tro u y. p.,.ble out of - thereI art F pe ID A -rood.. and In fa= - - ion otthth re ..Arma'.r'<orpoea- nb eat their D M1ve T U wD<olA.d In i .load 1. the f li wlnic d t I7 d statement. _. R T.om Ao 17C 67 _- troth ar ,'6290. 56:.36. — _ Ct t o t Clty' 11 '!i Cement, 16:60. craft.... P f 7A ••6.: ' M \t Flt i. I1 rt6-lete of Deeds, f35.50 _ I '2. r a - r nhbb co $1140. rl 1 - xnakm. nrnK., se.65, _ iCnli Hetbu inc..: f/.80. I `H - _ 1 fiI tv 11.Co,. 14.55. .. Ronal ntt E 1.66 - -�...3I - 7:13 � Library tar' Ii arena, 512.60. Lyle, (71.i. k- Il. d Culvert C,o,.fi9.b0. {Inln .[tie lm n..Eti.85. - \. C UcCiur� C $401:88. _ a 51.20. D ttt \ly - - _ M Cn Mala.°upN1'C ii. .25. F. R. Uann x• Son I _ —i' i 3htpiex• Oree., 311118, $25.00 5.00 1 _ha mon 6 P .i 4. 0 - - - Stat . rn Staten Pnw<r Co. E86.i5. Nnrthwentern. School Supply Cm, 4-0 Pioneer Rim k- Tire Co.; $4.03.- - } I. Rnymer Rnrdwnr<.Co.; $34.80.:. St- Pnul-.Hook 8F-Stntlonery, $613.39. 81'. Pant Pattern & .Model Work.. 118.36 .Stroll try Fond Co $e 43. F nna -53.. S.f- - --RnL - - I). wpi A, Stnlnthnl. f18.10. . UnP7cralh•.narait<. 31.10.. - VnPRghnnfr : '. Seed Store, E8a4. VlrluePrintfnR %- - - - � I H. fi Wedalatnl• 14 f3 00. fi: �\ 1Vltaon C fl 86: - _ �Wln ton. Hare 74 r Co f10.A0. - neo $3 tP: Wooley. $1,74, , _ th Adopted bYe Cantrell .\UR. 7. 1917., : - :A pprorrd -Ault. ' 191. - �. COUNCIL FILE NO .__.... By_ FItaiN L ORDER In the Matter of....xe.con8t.ruc.tin ,. relay.i. ng:and...re:pairitad..r,.xt _ ta...a..aisith .o.t..ten.:,:..e.t:t .-t•he..,preaent :.caraeat..Lile tai3e:a11c..an..Lhe:..riox .._ side of East Eighth street at the fallowing locations ii ............ ..... ..... .................. B.Cginning...n #'est wevt. of $Dbexx street thenca wea to Mi aeuta ,street.•. and from a..point 50..4ep:j! .jest, of•Minnesota-.stregt, theTlCe tPfl t 202 feet t ... _ ... .......................................... under TInliminary Order ..... .6.370......... ...... ....... ..approved .......... :UY.-..... ............. .......... Intermediary Order ..._ ... .............. ......approved ............................:............................................. A public hearing having been had upon,,the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard'all persons objections and recommendations nlative thereto, and having fully considered the iimine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the. Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im rove- Y ment to be made b the said City is...reco ns.tr.uct.,._.relny_ and.. repair ...w.i.th..aement . • iia. to..... a..width..-o.f.. 6n.:feet.....the _preaent. cement ti.le...sidewalk. on._the- nol.th... side of East Eighth street at•the following locatiohe: Beginnin .. .. __. ...... 78 feet, weat.of Robert street, thence: west to Minnesota street a.nd riim a point 50 feet .west_ of Minnee ta, atreet, thence.. west 202 feet.. and the Council hereby orders said improvemIent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Corin issioner 'of Public'Works be and is hereby instructed and di eeted to prepare plans ,and Apecifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Couneil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the n aking of said improvement in accordance t ee�wl Mt% Adopted by the Couneil.Cl LL 1Jl :.: Approved ...... 191 1. , - .......... as , .t imnrovemer � ' M8. Or it> Ie ren t. _ nl l Council eII Farnsworth ir w th cement t n fact rl OOnnCll sII tloxs ee on a the a rollowl et at tie tolloWltn / Council Ian Hyland n•glmm�g ,x roc Hear,.. _ Council an Keller ee : thence west to in ii from n point 50. te.•t - Council an McColl ut street. tntncC ivicet e (.�nuneil h—hy ordeta'a' i Council an Wunderlich 6nrt. be made. olvad rurther. That the Cr - Mayor_` vin . otj Publlo Werk. be ant 'y Instructed and directed - plare and apm•idcatlon r `. Form B. S.. .8-7. cement: aid submu same -cll f r approval;. that upo oval. PPthe proper city ogle br au or zed and directed `. ... ewlthll tha maklnc of ant d Ip At In accordance therewith. - doptedl 6y the Councll ..CUs. Anproc 'tlAus. 7, tail.. .._ 1:(AU 6t, tl-1917) ., CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF c0; 7MISSIONER OF FINANCE O PF'NARY ORDER,. (A) zl i ieCOAetTL1Ct1IIg and_reQairin-g_111th Cement tilt_ In the Matter of ------ _Telagin$ -: to a_width of Ten feet 'the present_ cement the sidewalk on thelobth aide of East Eighth street at ,the following locations: Beginning 78, feet -west of Roberti et thenoe -wee_t to Minnesota et. beginning___ 50--fee-t.-*ea.t..9. Minne_sot>} et thenoe_we�t_2Q2 fast.,- under Preliminary. Order appr&cd—••-_::.liey...:l0ths_.1912y........ - ---- _. ----- _... To the Council of the City of St Paul: - .The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - ! The total estimated amount of.the assessment for the above improvement is 5---- --- =. - 8 Uare- 0.08 The estimated cost'pev/foot for the above improvement is - $ ----- -- The lots or parcels of land that may assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION -- .. ASSESSED VALUATION _ (Ex.Robert at.) E. 99.1:5 of la 14 'Roberts and Randall '.a 87150 West 50.85 ft. of 13-14 Addition to 'Saint, Paul 33250 East 49.15'feet"-Cif 10 71,°28500 (Ez.Eaet 49.15 ft). 10 14 ) aoaoo East 11 feet of 9 14 1 • ('Ex.East ll feet) 9 14 1, 104000 7 .13 .i 30000 ;• 6 , 13 26500 5 .13 ) 98000 .4 .13 3 13 94000 ,, rosy ss.w ea.. TOTAL. 521,800 The Commissioner, of—Finance further reports• that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid mat tefs,tandl hereby submits the foregoing as his report .thereon to: the Council, together with the report made to im is I reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works r . �- >.19_ - T ' _';. f QL1�c--c�-�Ui'Di%, D ted , _./�a _;. I.. _.-=.1�'• Commissioner of Finance. 1" ,_ Oficeof the. Commissioner, o t' U61ic Works - 4 _Report to Commissioner of Finance" 25th 7�1 To the Conuuissioncr of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuniseioner of Public \Yorks, having linin under consideration the pi,climinaryknrder of the Conn- approval Ma 10th 1q] 7..., relative to.. ail, known us Colin�iI file No.... 16370 Y .......'. re.o.ane.t:rue.t.ing,....r.s;,1.ay.ing.:_:and_.rep-ai.ring.._w.i.th_ c.e.uent...._t.il of ten feet, tqe present cea.ent `_,ile aldOv lk on the nortl- side of E Fight h S' at th e fol-loWing. lOcEAiOns - Beginnin 78 ft..., wes,, of nobert °t_. thenoe w 6t to .... eota St. i and frou� a Foija 50 feet weet of AnneE`ota t theme nest 2C3 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to.therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ ........necessary and (or) desirable. -- 51.10 per lineal foot , • , , xxax 2. The estimated Bost thereof is ..... . and the total cost thereof is .$.:.... and the, iuihu•e and extent of said improvem¢nt la-aA fOIIOR'9: :i. .1 plain, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a Bart hereof. 5. Said improvement. is not.....:........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. Commis.sio er of Public R�irks. ------------------- � I i 1 COUNCIL PILE "NO..... By..... ........ -.. ........ ........... FINAL ORDER.• In the .!stutter of-....reeonletruct.i ng, relaying... and..,repai.ring...tlie.. portion. -of... I sidewalk requiring raising on the east side of South Vabasha•street, ................... ..... • beginning at, Chicago avenue, thence south approximately 150 feet .................�...... ...., .. under Preliminary Order :...... 1.6610., approved .........J ne:..l,-...191.T ......... ;Intermediary Order .. ___..__....:approved ........" �...:... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Connell having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative. thereto, and having fully considered,tle'same;. therefore, be it x RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and`kii$d of improve i mentto be made by. the said City is. _,reconetruot`,...relay., -an.d..repai.r. the._.pArtiom ..of..:... sidewalk requiring raising on the east side of South Wabaslla etreeta beginning._at.:C}licago,--avenue,. thence south apprpximately...150 feet..: and the Cooncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLCED.FURTIIER, f hat,the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and, irected . to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approv 1; that upon said approval, the proper city' officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the aking, of said improvement in accortb131ee til th ldnpn••1 I.Y tl.e ('uuuell Alin g7 � 19i . Ir � C*ty Cler- :1pptYn•etl ., 191 1' ' t .. COAaIdeY G .! V �.A- 1leaolved, By the Conn ayor. St. Paul t1Cat the prectw -1 - Councilma Parn'stvorth and,kind of Improve (�� c `'Y the enid t Cit! ie r UMD Couneilm i Goss na rept. eh porta. PL1BL / qulrinit ral.ingiu, o. th.' - Couneilm Hyland - n vtmhasha street. be avenue, thence oo -- Couneilm n Beller tap cast; ad if,, C, l'ouncilm u J[eCot] ore�°uld °Improver CoRcilm 1i Wunderlich x olved Further. That 1r. of Public Worka.l Mayor I in �y-Inattueted and di, ,.. plan. and apecuicau, .ovement. sand, submit • - - f meta for approval; that Farm B: +Sr 8-1. •^cal, tae.'. proper city oftic, j 'or 'a' and directed - f 'tk the mnklnK Kortald' accordance: therewul - 1 .ebY.ffie council Mr - oved Aoft. l7.1917. ( d AUFuat-N-1937;:.. , CBTY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON -PRELIMINARY 'ORDER Office of the Commissioner °of Pubhc. Works Offi _ r:w Report to Commissioner of Finance June llth.r .......... 191.. ro the couuuissioner of Filial cc of the City'of St.-Yank — I'Ita t,bPn nuoissioner of blie Worka, having had under consideriition the preliminary to der of the Coon- 1"0810 ed_....June ..let i 1917...., rchdive to ................ col, knoNva9fis Council bile Wo......_.,........ approy. reoonstructing, relaying and repairing the portion of sidewalk requiring raising on the east aide_ oY South i�abusha 5t oeginnin.g_ Chicago M then. a t34ut_'�...as&.r.axlaaa.ke.1X; 150....f.e. et........� . .._..... ...... i mid hnviIg investigated the at and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1: Said improvemud is...,._ ._ ..:...necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX ..i and the total cost thereof is ..,.......XxXX. uad S. The estimated coat thereof is '$_.._ ......_ . I � . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. .... . _......... ..-._........... S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvemeitt is hereto attached and uuuic n part hereof, _.: nota of three ot• more owners of property, aubjM 4, Said improvement is'..:.... ... 1ma 1' to assessment for said improvement. / cbminis over of Pub�Ilks. i COUNCIL FILE NO - By..._ ..... FINAL ORDER Matter ofreconattucting, -relaying and repairisig tha ceme a# . In the �llut sidewalk to, a width of L feet .on tne..north side of Albany atrfe111t, . 1 eat .of.Hanline avenue..... thence._xe}t...19 fjfe .t,...:- a dbeigionitheasouth a deeof Albany. titre' t,..beginnins 112,.feet_.w at._of Hamlin avanus :..theme..aeat..1.4Q. de.t........ ......... ......... ........ , ....., ..I ............_ under Prellmin•ary Order 1HZ28:� ..La 1 ro\ed I E ' Intermediary Order approved i ""' i In n / ro\ed .. .... h public hearing having been had upon the nbo\11 iiuproventent upon due notice, and the CoLcll having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; f therefore; be it -- RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cityof St. I' ul that,tbe precise nature evtentCd kin of improve- I went to be made by the said City is; .. re;__ _ e. e,eme lfit ...tile.. sidewalk...to a•widtn_of, nix feet. on the north, side ofaAlbany street, f i bePinni.ng•ab.o.ut.1Q8..:fget.,,weat..of.:Ka?nhi.ne avenue, thence. west_ 192.Lfeet,.,,.. and... on..t.he south. side oY.:Albany street beginning_ 112 feet .west of. ?iamline avenue, thence...we.st 140 feet. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to b? {;mads•.. a RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Ctinunissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed aid directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvenieiut,�and submit same to the Council for-apps Val; that upon said approval, the proper city officials qv, by, antli ired and directed to proceed with'; the making of said improvement in accordance the en•it1, :1d„ptud by. the CouneiL '. a G 15�7 y Clerk, lir. h nrecleo na.. ...:.. 1 f Imnrovemer. ............••• " . A .d 41fY le rCCO Mayor. pnir. th c enf t: Council n Farnsworth ntdca nr m six fe t (y`�1_ // y -r uD ty street. b, pUB1..19'iff3®. f Couticll n Goss mll t test of ilnne f Councila in Hyland 19'L teeq.n,id on v . nY atrcetbegtnn Counciln in Keller — unmans uvam,e. . t, and 'tha Cou ncll' , counciln In Mccoll 1—their. their. That the C - Conileilt in Wunderlich,bli,,ted aork ndsdirected be' an, - acW Mayor An nd d it.dcauone rand eubmitonsIForm B. S.8•i..,I.,,d and direct, !ha milting or $aid In 'cordnnce tbarewl2R — • ' by tho (`ouncll Aug 1 \:,g.: '.l \ug?et':1/•1911) _ CITY OF ISL PAUL I ' DE Av MEN'1,' OF FINANCE REPORT OF I aSIONER OF FINANCE �N MINARY ORDER 1C (a) i In the Matter of _s RRiaeiotohn_aoftr,sioitx „infBeg. t reolnaaing_enirepaie_r,ionfg' .1.�.tihbeaCement ti leailefel 31?ning_about •108 thgNthed feet _•gest._of Hamlin avenue thence: west 192 feel and on the 'South o ;-__,• ..... g- _... �._ ...... ... .....0e wast M.... of Albany street beginning 112 feet Kest of Hamlike avenue then t, 1..se.-t ,......_ . _ _ .._ .. . _ _ .. ... . under Preliminary Order approved.... _.._Jtlne To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: , The total estimated amount of the asussmcnt far the ab improvement is - - , $ The estimated cost per[footefor the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are follows: - - k ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK 1 ADDITION - 'V'ALUATION The South 660.5 feet of Eaet 330 feet of South East r 45,000 of. South Rest ,�'of Sec. 22, Town.29, Range 23 (Exceot $greets) I t TOTAL. 45,000 The Commissioner of Finanx furthur reports that he .has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to this Council, together with the report made to him in-reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........ _ ...... 19t _ Commissioner of Finance. Office of ` the 'ssioner of Public Works. _Repor_t_ toCommissioner 4 Finance June7th To. the, Commissioner, of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had und'i• cousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 16779 June 7 let, cil, known as Council File No.- .- ....... ......approved ,... ... 7J1..._..., rehiiuve- to;.. .. .. _.. Reconstructing, relaying and the cement tile sidewalk ... re _.._....:.._.._:................._...._........._:._Y-.._gnd_.._-.... .....::.._ --..._._: ........._................ ..... ..._. -- ._........ . _. .. to. a..vidth.of _six feet on the north side of Albany St. beginning _ about 1C8 feet west of Hemline Ave.' thence weet l93 feet, and on the ,ee ..... ... ._ . feet Pat.-of Famline thence -- sot�tn iis _o t ldary ,.t-. begin.— L 11 w-- weat 10 and having investigated the .ivatters and things referred to therein, bushy reports: 1. Said, improveiiient.is.. ........necessary and (or) desirable. 660 per lineal foot q The estimated cost thereof is .:..• slid the. total cost thereof is r_... XxXXX and the nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: _ .. ........ i J.- A plan, profile or sketch of snid improvement is hereto nitsched and made at part hereof. 4. .. . .. ......... _ :::._... ............ I -:i. Said improvement ia_ n�t_..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to asseslment for avid improvement. . C ..y.. /jo-..... _:. ... __. 1;¢a nussioner of Public Wbrks.' ----------- - - ----------------- -------------- `COUNCIL ----- --- `COU\CIL FILE NO .....:_..:. Br _ ....... .... ....... I FINAL ORDER I , the Matter eelUc,tin, thelar ng.and-repairing••wlti•tn cement tile awidth oftwy ' 'sent cement tile sidewalk o _........:.:......._...:..-..-.:......-..:..........-............._..p _..........,..........,..._..............................................:. the east"side of Franklin street beginning 86 feet north of West; Sixth street:... the north, approximately.. 18 _feet ...:_. _ :.._.. :....:.:: ............ ...... .'.............. ....._:.................... .............................. ................. y 1 i'roved .:.....ZUne:..l,....19.17...... ........ - ..approved oved ::..... ..... ..... under Preliminary Order ...._ 1{?808: n 1 > Intermediary Order n s t A public hearing hating been had upon the abou iui'provmnent upon due notice, and the Counci having heard all persons, objections and recommendations rclative'thereto, and having fully considered th same; therefore, be it I-RESOLVED, By the Council of -'hie Cit• of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of i aprove- i' ment to be made by the said .Cityi is..,reconstrac,.,...relay and__re.pair...wi.th-cement..:tile- to a width of twelve feet the present, cement tile. sidewalk or the east side of Franklin street beginning 86'feet north of West Sixth .._. . et,reet.,.•.thence north._approximately 1.8 'Peet. I and the Council hereby orders said ini7lrovenlent to be fila&. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th tt the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications'for said improvement;' and submit same to the.Council for approv 1; that upon said approval; the proper city officials are hereby authorized find directed to proceed w4h the making of said improvement is fiecardanec there,vith. ! �' � 1017 - adnptrd by the i'ouiwil kt �a ..Lll..:_. _^t Ii Cilerk. iii • �• - \-` (•/ ` ;� - .pptrored By the Counel � - .:..._.... :Ind or that the Dreelee n• Myor. :.. .Improtement - ((('''��� Ile. said. th t'.UIIIICI 8II I�ar119trOCtb repair with cement til' / 1" 11" Irrt.. rho Prcae P�LI�I� C Coni an' Goss - Idex elk on the cast , - in xtrr.t brRlnnlnR B6'tret - - Counci an Hyland' t sixth t ret. thenrr non Counc man Keller ate�s is r .t. nrd, the c • .orders said Improvement Counc' man .11ccoll - - Counc man Wunderlich -1I1ed Fur' .er or. Fu Mayo Irvin Y "'„ ..1`- eper" id_nib•` a - Form B. A. 6.7.n -.CITY OF s,r. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. i In the aatter of width of :Twelve feei'the •resent. oerepairing eith cement tih�t0 Reconstruotin rel in and p ment.....1G....c4ena�.1�_ora.._t�e.:.. act. .............. ... _ ...side Q_f.._Franklin .etreeL.,begj.pn..Ag .86.. f.e.e.t.. lox.tb....aY..Ne.a.x.....Sixth...atreet.,.. :_ thenoe North approximateap lE1__taet, ........ .: _........ _.:_ ._ _....... _....._..._....... ...... -.... ......... _.... _ ._......... ...:.... :... _. .:_. under Preliminary Order opproved_ ... �tirie 1 et,,, 1917 To the Council of the City of St. Paull t The Commissioner of Finance hereby smpoas 'as: follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - b....:.. ... — square The estimated cost per/)oot for the above improvement is - - $-.0.0¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed vale ltfon of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asstssor, are az follows i - I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITIO.N V ASSESSED' - .� VALUATION South 100 feet -of 7- 2 Ride and Irninete -63200 (Except South 100 feet) .7 2 Addijtion to Saint Paul 40000 TOTAL. - 103200 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that fie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and' hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Q Dated... _ ._._. , . ./ ...._.... Il91:.. /_. Commissioner of Finance. . - - - •of �'ub�ic V�ork Office of the Coi6missiorier s Report' to. Commissi6her of Finance June 11th, _..._ 191.. ............. ........ . To the Conuuissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paan i The Counnissioser of Public Works, having had raider consideratiim the preliminary nyder of the Caul cil, known as Council 16808 June let, 191 ..�. lelntne to ......... .... it File No........ .... ._.approved... .... _. reconstructin , rple,ying and repairing with cement the to e width g.....- .._...._ _ ..... ..... _ of twelve feet, the piesent .cement the eidewalk on the east aide of Franklin St beginning 86 feet north of-T sixth C—t thence .............. north approximately 18 feet. olid kaviug nitestnguted thio matters sud things referred to tit I erein, hereby reports: 1. said improvement is_ necessary.and (or) desirable. __--- fi1.32 per lineal foot - RRXXX.............. and : The estimated cost thereof is $-... ._ .:. and.._._, ud the total eaxt thereof ns $....... -. the uutlire and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnelled and mule a part hereof. I o. Said improvement is...... nOt.........:-asked for upon petition of three ormore owners of property, suhjeet to assessmentforsaid improvement. d%7 � r{ C... ,.... .. .. ..:..... CColllllllssloll 1' of 1111blic Works./ •,-,------------ r:179:7- - - In.thd Natter if �erop.trur - - - 1 1 d,et • Ids on thf t.: n Third a[ 1 xi -1119 4.. or t,dnr tr t thence tnder Preli !t order 1 . - f r- 1 ?Inv 10 1'?1 \ 1 bli h t ri y ha •Ing ' I ula The impro) m [ ierr=. ✓"+tl nd xh t t it havi - � ;al n r r 11 Mane nna r - I+tlonaeLrt! thcrcta, nt _ l illl` c. oxide d the ram• -. `y Resolved, Br the Counc tired COUNCIL FILE \0 ..............:.: St. r.ut-tn.rihe and kind ai Immo-) - .:.hY thn anti. - By... ........ ... .... ... .. .... „ 1 FINAL, ORDER In the. Matter of.:. recons true _ relaying. .and. r.epai.ring..the:.. si l e>sallc.......:. eleven_ fe.et.i d.e::>.Qn. the...zl9rth...Q.�le .9.f....ea.t.. Thlsd:.:et:x.eet."b.sElxtzling..4:....: feet weet of, Cedar_ street ..t)i nce ,west .93 feet.. .. _ ............... I.. ......,.. .....:. under Preliminary Order ...:.163b9.. _ :............approved . ','__.$ 'V-.1DV...,191.7.... ,...................... jIntermediary Order .. _ approved ... ..:_ .......... _ A public hearing having been had upon the Above improvement upon due,notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative,tlfereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be,mnde by the said City is... recanst:rixt _-relay... and.. r.epair._the...ai.&dwralk ..:.;... eleYen..,f.eet...wide -on..t.he...north. side of -east Third ...at.reet... heginni.ng. 43...fe.et.:. wast ...of.:.C.edex....st.reet. . theno.e west 93 fee.t. _ and the.Council hereby orders said improvement to be nmde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the C onuuissicner of I'uhlic Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speci(ications for said impiovement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that _ .upon said approval, the, proper city oflieials are ,hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making (if said improvement in aceordanrcthertvuth - _ tion 0,,017 \duplyd d,y the t'ouneii 191 _.�i r cityApproved -7 1' ...ter J ` _... Al o' Council n Farltse•m•ihPUB1 IosQ® Council qn Uues Councila in Ilylau3 - - - - Counciln in Keller - eouncil n McColl - ! • _ Counciln n Wunderlich' _ Mayor I ,in I, Form B. S. 1 8.7. ICITY;OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMItSIONER OF FINANCE O EL (NARY ORDER (D) l In the lVlitcrof...._RQ44net.n}.4t1ng, relay.ing-- Ad.._7Copa�T.lAg tha...eidellal .feet, wide on the North side of 3rd' street.._ beg inning., 43 feet weet•.of _:...;. _._..-CAdar....a>irea.,.:.,thenoe. +£.e.et ..83...i'ee ,... .::... _.:... ..... ....... .................. ..._.:::........... under Preliminary, Ord« approved..._. May .10th1617............ --._ ....... -:_ To the Council of'the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as followsi The total estimated amount of the assessment for the.above improvement is $...... square The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - 5....A:06 -. ......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot' s or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follosysr DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION - : ASSESSED VALUATION East 44 ft of 14-15 16 23 St. Paul Proper 63550 East 20 ft of W 141 ft 1.1-15 16:�23 13000 'Feet 21 feet of 14-15 .16's33 . .11300 13 23 16050 TOTAL. .. 103,800 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all. of the aforesaid matters, .and hereby. submits the foregoing as his report therron to the Council, to¢cther with the report made to.him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W.'ris . .rt .. r.// ../- Dated. ��l__. ...:..._.39J. � .I �... ...._... .. .----.........,e Commissioner. of Finance. i - - Olde - __the `(',c�mr�tssig�e�r of"_P�l�lic' VVdicl�s Report: to Comm issioner of Finance --- _.-.- May -3 7 . '!b the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St: Paul o� The Gpamissioner of Public Works, hrd•ing laid under. consideration the prcliririunry order of the Can" ail, known as Council File No...16309 approved ... ua/ 1Cth%... .. :..191 .......... relative to...:...... .. . - reconstrt ctir_ .g,relaying xnd r. .ai rirg to sidewalk eleven fz t.-,aide.on-the nos:th....alde.....of....Eaat., Thi Id.,_-t..t edax_ St.:..::t:.ence._.. e.a.t.-:.f.eet.._....._ _ and having investigAed the matters 'and. things referred to therein, hereby reports: � - 1 1. Said iuiprovuauri is_...........necessary and (or) desirable. 51:21 per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $..... ..._..... and the total coat thereof is- �1 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__.:_ :1. A phen, profile or sketeli of said improvement is hereto attaeItied and nuide n Inlet hereof. . 3. Said improvement is..,. not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoet I. to assessment for said improvement. l a _ _- — Commissioner oftl ohhc Works, ` ................. ,.__________________--- --- ------------ ---- i COUNCIL FILE NO ......... — FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ...re:CronetrUct.i!n8... relaying-aII.St...rep.ai.rixtg...w1.t.Fl....Qemen :...... tile. to a, width of six feet Ithe reseht cement the a#acpial,] Q..n..t Q :.. e P west side. of Fairview avenue frota.Grace.Place, thence north tocon ect:.. present walk, approximately 25_feete and-fram:T.allula:P.lac.e. thence south.. approximately_80 feet. ..... .......... under Preliminary Order ._... ......... 164211..1�11 approved .....Ms,}f..1.6.,..19.12...... .... .... Intermediary Order - approved ._..... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- went to be made by the said City is.:reconst,ruct.,...T.ela.y:.and. r.ep-air...wi.th .ce;nent .._tile to a width of six feet the .present cement tile sidewalk on the west,aide ...... .. ....... _ ... .... of Fairview avenue from :race Place, thence north to connect present walk,....approzimat.g,7Y_.25.fe.et, and'from Tallula Place,...thence.south approximately 80.feet... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nlade: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is Hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans andspecificationsfor said improvement, imd submit smileto the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offieials are hereby authorized and directed toproceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :ldoptrd by the Coulivil e tiiberM -. 7 City Clok .. d red tb • / / - •iir Approved .. uv'tlee Connell - - - ul tba[ the Dreclse .i kind of improvement YYY F ✓\J� the a Id city is eCtutl,.• . ■ repel[ Ith ........ ....... .. ... f si% f T tl pre nF ems 1$EyOr. Councilm Farnsworth mit on ih eet t to tee fr n l ice I11 i c .the Councilm it Goss feet. and fr.. Tnnt waut ,, p(]B( t�sLM..l —//, llul-1 Council Hyland.', ... tn to cte.Y � Couneu, ifteroly orders Council n Kellertent to 1'. -made d—d Further. TM• - Council an McColl. r or Public wd! -oy Instructed ant. Council all Wunderlich a Diane and rpecm. ,evrovemcnt. and eubm: ' Mayorvin _ Couneflfor aDDrnval;-tl. - - ,approval: the Proper c - ceedherebwlth th rim klnr ' Form B. S. A 8-7. I o went Pt accordant App,*ed'by. tile dDproyod Au[. ' (Air • .. 11 L I , Ofice of the stoner of Fubiic_Works - Repoft to Commissioner of.Tinance — _MAy 26th, 7. To the Cpnuni§signer of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The connnisxioner of Public'Norks; having had under consideration tltrlireliwimirp order, of the Corm•. 16476 ay 16th, 7 approved 7'll .... relative to oil, kuown:as council File No.. ...... 11 Reconstructing, relaying and repairing with ceuent tile.tc a Width. fief;""tihL"Iteoefi"t ceme'rit tyle si3E'iFl2t .on "the Vr'e"s arae cf -Fairview AV frog Graze Place thence no to connect Presentslk, .......... _ _ approxin.e.tely 35 feet,._and .from Tal lulr Place thence south appzocimatCly _ . . and having investigated. the matters and things referred to therein,'ltereby reportsc 1. Said .im provunent is. necessary and (or) desirnblc. 66¢ per lineal foot xxxa: L. The estioutted cost. thereof is e$_..... .... . Fwd the total cqk thereof is the nature and es[cut of .,said iniproveuicnt is as follows: ............... profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto altaelnIA and Hindu apart hereof.: d. .. _ not 1 1` property, bjuet :i. Said improvement is ...I__....... _. _ asked for upon petition of three or Wrote owners of uo crty, su to assessment for said improvement. Counotssioi er of Public Works. -- r COUNCIL FILE NO..:..:.:... ......... I L. By ........ .... ................. .... i FINAL ORDER In the lYiatter,of..yeconatrl' � idx:a_. f..�_ ucting-...tae; I - . resent iiia sidew.al.k trx a..Yf six.-f-eet--an._ the—east -..nisi.e...Af..GaN.i.tl.er...9t o.01 :. �iimiing at--a-.Po.int...4.-.- fest ...sauth..nf..Zdmund... ax.rae,t,....t.110x1..0...1t.mA.th..app.roximately.:,7.3 feet to alley.:. crossing -_..:- ........ ...... ............. .................... ..... ` ........ .. . { under Preliminary Order .. -16-82.6 ........... !!,...approved ._.?Wle...4a 1917.e.... Intermediary Order... ..... .... L. approi ed 7- A public hearing having been had upon the above impr Ilgvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard (111 persona, objections and recommendations 'relative lthereto. and having fully considered 'the ame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tha the, precise nature, extent slid kind'of imorove- tnent to be made by the said City is..redo.nstr.uc:t.:.the aament...tile...eidevalk-.to. a.-wa dth of,zi.x f.eet..:o.n th.e...eapt,,.side.of_Gaultiel) street beginning 'at a point 60 feet..-south—of.. Edmund.-atr-ebt,....t.henC.e= soutkt approximately, 725 feet _to ., alley..cr.oaaing....... . __.... ` o and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and_diree.ted to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said .approval, the proper. city officials are h'elrby:.authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG 'cl' Adapted by theCouncil.. , ........................191 7-- .. . ..... ..,,.7---............................................. ................. GRty Clerk. C j. - ApProted.:.._.:.. _...:, .. :....:, 191 ...... atu_.. .... . Id CIU' Seco Mayor. nClan Farnsworth ! e th ceoat..t nside ot.r' PIJI3I,LSIiI�IC ✓ _ // �,� tic, arl. (10Sa '-d lnl, street at Fdmund reef th nr nc' an Hyland <Imntclr 1 ret to one•, n 1 4he Connell h-1,3, ni. nC an Keller ,l ontent to ht'n•ad �Cpasolved Further. That the l% nC man l+leColl aro o[-Pubtle. {Yorke be a. gun Iman Wunderlich br lhattuct , and directed e plane and ap cldcanona �3ilayo Irvin vrovemen" nn f submit aamt uuncll fo,. nppt al thnt uy , approval, the proper Cltr her authorized and directed. t, - 'hOt'm B. S A. d -i. - aced with the making or. said Iml , mens In nccordahts th•realttL - - ldoptrd b>• thet`ouncll Aug..; - APP --ed Aug.... 1917. •. (Augua-t 11.1j17) a. Toner of=-.public—VArb, Report to Commissioner -ofFinance June 11th, 'ro tite Coauuiesioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul i The Commissioner of.Pablic Works, having.hnd under• consideration the lire] hu ioary order rlf tine Coan 168....approvedJune 4th, ......:..191...., relative to...: cif, kuowu ns Council File No.... 26 ... , - •• reoonstruoting the cement tale sidewalk to a width of six feet on _.the..east ....aide o4....Cauhtier..S�.,....begin l.ttg._at.:..a.. point._60---fast--south-of. ._ . Edtrund St thence south approximately 73 feet, to. alley tossing said having investigated the natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie..:. ._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 66¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is _ :............. ....._, said the tolal'cost'thereof is $...... XXXXX and the natttre and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. -. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketelt of said intproventeut is hereto attached mut bade it part hereof. ;, .......... . 5. Said improvement ie._. not.............asked for upon petition of three or more•owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement: f } atnmtssioner f Public Works. C' -------------------- COUNCIL --------- -COUNCIL FILE NO ........ ..... By......:.: .._ ........... ...... FINAI J ORDER III the Matter oEi "' ' `tlhe cement tale sidewalkPon the north aidj! 4f reconstructin l rely in and re airin with came utile to a ,width..of ten "_feet [ ".. _. Wes"t".;F•jfth,etreet•>:be6lnnin9 at:.St Deter ..treat,. thence.east' ..50: .• at; and on the east side of St Peter street beginning at West Fifth rest,' .. .... 6 ....... thenc.e...noxth...t.R...Sixth,"..et.F.C.et....ehcCFlt•ing..approximat.elY. 50...f..et just $outtl of....the :..alleY....�ro.s�.in$ 'i. ..,.:.. :....:............:..:._ under Preliminary Order ..:.......1&43.5. .............approved ._:...-.7a}il.12I, 1917. ..._... Intermediary Order "....approved ......... ....... k ....... A public hearing having bee'a had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Coundhaving heard all, persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be' it RESOLVED, By the Council•of the City of St: Raul that the precise nature, extent -and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...;reconetrNc.t.,.:"re1m.:.ASid..re.p.&ix-..A[St:h..C.em4.nt:..tilL to a_. width of ten "feet,tIL cement the sidewalk on the north side of - West ••.Fifth.street "beginning„ t St Peter street, thence east 50,:.f9 e,t and'- on..the: east• aide of."St ;Peter street beginning at,West_Fifth street, thence north:.t_: Sixth -street ...except ing.railproximatslY 50 --feet 340t".e.c:uth"o,.:tkt.e alley crossing. _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of PublieWorks be and is hereby instructed and eted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed,to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord ance_therewith.. ' r4dopted.b} the Council AUG gr1917 :.. 191 o r. `...: ` ..... ' .. Cit l ........ y Clerk. Approved........ J etR1rienpnintg ➢nttttll InlsFce t ➢ D o>t ....... r .. n flet. the­w"ayor. the "'t reCouncil Farnsworth trtr. t beatCallnCll t0s9 iid of St.t "nvo t ,Ih f t nc Council an Hyland .91x"tee PUBIL91 Council n Keller si tot loht n nr to suer tna,.aril n+,r bl er<In Council i1ICCOl1 1 R oI—d�F t thb Th -,,!h. C' - Council Wunderlich to r of. .P b>l ]t k. - n.•reby.InetrnereJ ..I Jlrect.d Mayor I in eono o omen.. in 1 egqetimiitonm " - Council for n�➢. >I: th>tn'I Form B. S. 8-l. heinbY�n'uthorl t 1D . direct, -ed L Ith lh pkl R of Bald - went to o f th r Ith _ - \ I 1 t .d by the CounEll Aut \.,➢ro\Cd'. \uR 191, .i - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE;R OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMI ORDER / (D) Io the Matter of.. Recctructin la in and repairingith ____ . .__._ ne_.._.... gs re % - -..� ei: . a._...... _..... ,ilesildewalk on aha ,Yoxth aide_,: f Ylest o width of Ten feet the eeroent t Fifth street beginning at St Peter st, thence East 50 rest and on_:the . _ v � I c East side; _o $t Pgter.,et ib.gg��ni ... .... .... $i.xt.h..az._�xcsx�.t.ing aPRro.�n�ata�y.._aQ....feet_:jxet....Douth...af �•he all Y. __...._.... Cro.$aing,:..:......... L..:.. _..: ...... _.... ........ . ....:.... ......�_ ....._:, ........... ..... ... _....-- ....._ ...... . ...... ....... .... under Preliminary Order approved_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of 'Finance hereby re i Its as follows: ' above improvement is - - S -• • . .<- ..-... . �•- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the square The estimated cost per/loot for the above Improvement is _ . - $ 0.06 The lots or parcels of land that may .be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the jasseued v luation of each tot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: { � hj DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION / ASSESSED VALUATION I South 100 feet of 7 8 St. Paul Proper, .1350 0 North 50 feet of 7 8 43000 8 8 3780001 TOTAL. •56000': I •58000' The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as. his report thereon. to the Council, together with the report made to,h m in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.......... Commissioner c I Finance. 1 _ • V Office of the •C- ommissildPr of Public: Works , Report to Commissioner of Finance May .35th, 7 ......_.......191..._ . 1'o the, Coiumissioner of-Finnnec of tilt City of St. Parol: The l`.onauissimter oflYoblic Works, having had under coa4ideration the preliminary order of the Com- all, known as Council file Nn:. 16435 t,pprovcd aELy 12th r., 1:11:.., tilutir, to reconstructing,,relaying and repairing n°th cement tile to a width. _._..of•-•tsn--€e©t-, -i.he aauent--tile..eisewalk ..on- the north-eide..of ' -&et Fifth St, beginning at St. 'Peter St. thence east 50 feet, and on of. 6+ .....Pete-r- _S.t: :bz�y..R sn�-et r.eat...Fiftr_...St. t case north to sixth St. excepting a)rrrosimately 50 feet' just south of 4Y..._ ..... fhe alley. crossing T-• - nud Luang nnestignteti life mutters oud`ihingn referred to therein, lte.tlt}a•epertst --- ---- 1. Said improvement is__ ... _ ...necessary and (or) desirable._ 41.10 per lineal foot . Xd>.'cC_.., .., and •, The estimated cost thereof is _._...... _ :. and the total eost,tlIW'of.is t .._... _.. .-.. . the unttIre aad extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaeliird and made it part hereof. v. Said improvement is. .riot ...:._asked for upon petition of three or more, owners of property, subjuet. to iissessmteitt for said improvement. f l,onm0Gssione of Pnbl oks Y / �,.._ ------- ------ �I ... COUNCIL FILE NO . FINAL ORDER r In the Matter of....r-e.cstna.t-r.uc in„e..rel lying... and..xe}lairi:ng .kith cement the to a width of -six feet the cement ti tile sidewalk on the east side of ............................................................... ..........................,....-..................... _....................... -...-.................... I.................. ... ...... we-a-t.ern...&Y.e l.'a 10.rginzti.na...411Afon4 a.t:.at..:t:�en.G.a...nl�.xth_20.o. feet..lant...Gn the,,,nortll side- of--Lafond at,•eet, ..beginning at W1est.ern, ao.enua,,.-,the ce -• -:.- east ,170 feet. ....... ....... ... . .......... . .... . under. Preliminary Order, Intermediary Order . _..: .... approved ...... _:.._. ............._.. A public hearing Laving been had uI on the above improvement upon due'notice, and -the Coon t having, ` heard all persona, objections and reeomllendations relative thereto. And having fully considered t, a same; . therefore, be it y RESOLVED, By, the Council of the City of St. Path that the precise nature, extent and kind of mprove- l lneut to be made by the said City is..-.reconmtruo.t relay. _and..Jrepair...with .-cement ...... tile t.9 aW14:01 of. six- feet, the cement ,tile sidewalk on the east; side_ of W stern•avenue beginnfn at Lafond street, thence north 200 fe t and. G . ..... 6 ... on the north side of Lafond street, beginning at Western avenue, thence east 170 feet. .......... ...... �....:..:_ and the Coupcil hereby orders said impro ement to be mpde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of? ublic Works be and is hereby instructed, and �rected to prepare plans and specifications for, as d improvemen upon sat, and submit same to the Council for approval; that Is approval, the proper city offich Is are hereby authorized and directed' to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the ewith. - AUG 1°t Adopted by"the Council.. -/ _......... , 191 _ , CityClerk. it 7 Approved ........ :. .. 191 of tl - Lveclae onto[ ... ......... ...................................... tt Improvement Mayor. "_Id City Ia.. recon f;/Councilm Farnstivorth t Ith <emgre a t f/ t. thq c rnrnt PiIBi VOUIICIIm Goss- of to r t Ids ortt, _ �... n 4lnning nt Iatnnt tr uneilm_ Hyland nor Oo feet and on the .no .. }• I- ad tr. et .:heginhlnn" n - f�ooncil n Keller n:emm tn"Are enat 170 fe,' Cowie, hereby orders and Council n McColl hent w be •made 1T: Louncil Wunderlich neaolved Further That, -loner of public. %Y That , d a}•or I In . hereby Instructed and -dlre. Paro Dlnne nnJ apeclacntfi.. - Improvement, d s ec"I dl ,e� Form 3. S. A 8-7. Co.nru for spprovai; that -- - approval. the proper ctry• p. - herobY euthor Xed And dlrect. — - . 'creel with the mIklnR of;anld _ ti wont In aecordanc then wlf "�17r opted by the Counclt:.l .. _ :Approv3. ed.: Aug. 7 3 .. . ... �.: lAttRdat dl.7g 7 CITY OR'.'ST. PAUL DEP_ �^+�T�MENT OF FINANCE & REPORT OF COM STONER OF FINANCE 1 ON 'PREIMARY ORDER (a) • L Inthe Matter of_._Reaonetruoting,.'relaying andl repairing with cement tile. _....... . _...__... t _... of six feet the came nt the sidevra on a eae at Lafond street thenoe No th side bf..Tt3atQrn aq.gnue be nnin fs............ __ .....:, . ...... _ ... _.._ :_ _..1. ,2QQ_ feet._and on the _North side of Lafond street beginning at F7eetern ay_ nue, , thence East 170 feet j _.,._ ..... ... _ ......:.:....... .. .... .................. ... _.... ,.. _:...... ....... -- ..... ........ .................. .. 1 undo Preliminary Order approved.... J111110_..'iltiti.,... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: i ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedamount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ....:.. `stlu3re I The estimated cost pe foot;for the above improvement is ...... .... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefitslfor such. improvement, and the assess d valuation of each .lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows j DASSESSED VALUATION LOT I ADDITION VALUATION South of 7 24 Lafondls Addition To 72450 S' 2 of N of 7 24 Saint Paul Min- estita 750 N g of . N 1 of 7 24 _ 3300 i s •,a � � 1250 South of 7 24 S of, 81 & 9 24. - 10.24 --- { TOTAL,. 77-750 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that the has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and - hereby submits the foregoing as his'retiort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by'the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 _7 _ _._..._.. __.. ,.... roar �. �. •. re o - . Commissioner of Finance. -Of%e of= th�_Comm'&ner of ic Works Report to Commisitolneerr of Finance - — June .tlth, 'Co the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Yatd E '- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the,Couu- 16825 June 4th, 7 cil, known as Council File No.. approval ._ ...... __ . ... _....... 171..._., telntive to... ...... .. reconst_ucting, relaying i. repairing with e nanreairient mthe to a width of six feet, the cement tyle sidewalk on the east side of " _fie. t.�r^_ -Ave bggipni*+p at Lafe�n5? St,,,, thence north" 20Qfset end on the `_ north side of Lafond St, b-Iginning at Western Ave., thence east 170 ft., and raving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _ _.....necessary and (or) desirable. .66¢ per lineal foot xxxxxxz 3. The estimated cunt thereofis *_._.., ._.....__. and the total east thereof is t__. and the nature And extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nuide it part hereof. ...:...._ ............ ...... _..:... .. ....... ..... _.... not 5. Said improvement is._. ............ ........... _..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ . 7 /Voninussir of Public Works. ! - -------------------- I COUNCIL FILE NO.... B} ... .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...rec.o.ne.tructi.ng,' relaying and..,rep.ai.ring..:Witkl C.ematlt.'tile to a width of six feet, the cement the sidewall; on the south side'of :.. ........... ........ ........• f=9odri.cJt..agenue beBi ingfeet paste, of Chat owpith.ot.reet,,..theaQ.e ..:.... east 150, feet. r tinder Preliminar • Order ..... _116956 1 I'roved ..-May ...15...:19.17..... ---.... } .ull e � Intermoulary blic hearing having been had upon the Abovertkr piuved ..... fI — protentent:upon due notice, and the Councd b Fing , P F B i heard all persons, objections and recommendations relath;c thereto, and having fully considered the e �e; therefore, be it I ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im vti I meat to be made by the said City is...r,eCplldt.xugtt.h...c.ement...t•le.. to..:a...r7.i.dtb...oi. s.i.�s...iaet.. the 'c.emrnt..ti] a .sld.evvai?C...Q.r�: tkt..:.eoutSl :aid0... ' r I: Co.stl.-rich._ Qeslue...b.e8inning 7.y...feet. eget!. of C.h4t.M.rth g trset.. I :.henca......... eaot_150.faet.a ....:.......: .. ...re pu. oD)ec[lo�.• at .. one relative thereto ally cpneldered the. an- and s and the Council hereby orders said improvcmicnt be It Reeolyed, B the'Caa RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiss` of. St. Paul that thepre,e -.no is hereby instructed and dir eted tent and kind of '-or, .em to prepare plans and specifications for said until r.1- endLreDalrtwlth c.clent',to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper cit}• otlieui s lar( lk-on NIX feet, ceouth�r ee sof to ted to proceed with themaking of said improvement in accordaiiee therewith. Chatswoiti :trectt,, th ence nce as < WG � a, I!'D and the. Council hereby ord., r am<ntl t be mads - - :4luplyd by the (:'ouacil r Citv`Ulele t'r. i Approved_ ,j 19'7 L`Il V Sia} or. j4nc.i n Farnsworth !; D_ V n Gu + ! P]JJIiLL t n Hylyid.n Kelleru JlcColl/n 1VunderlichForm..,.8-7: /✓J 4 €lie "of "the r loner 'of P-,61io Vlorks ' Report to Commissioner of Finance 1'o the Coaunissiotier.of Fbionee of the biy of St. Paul: The Commissioner'of Public Works, having lint] under consideration the prelindpory order of the Come - 16456 ay 15th, 7 oil, knottn its Council File No........._. ..... _...... 6pproved..:..... ._....... ._ 1D1..._.., relative to .... _....:.._.. reoonstrLcting, relaying and repairing with cewert tile to a width I.. _ .. ...,.... _... _... ........ .... ._ .. ..._. ........ -. _..... of six feet, the cef:.ent tile sidewalk on the south .side of Coodrioh. east of Chatswortl, St thence east 150 'feet. find having iavesligated;the matters turd -things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ts...__,....:._..uecessury and (or) desirable -------..__ 66¢ per .lineal foot -- .2 The estimnted cost thereof to aud the total cost thereof is xXXX and the ntdure and extent.of said iinl,rovement is as follows: ,,. a plim, profile or sketch of said improveniat ix hen+to attached and nmde a part II(TIMl'. d. 3: Said improvement is .... not .._...asked for upoit petition of three or wore owners of property, subjuet - to assessment for said improvemeut. t.... _. ...... Conneissioter of 1'Milie Works. I PAUL. V I CITY. OF -ST. ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT r it3: AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - j ., FILZ -t. No. .�. FILE _ AUOITEA G 8 - Q •u PER__-"'"___ u » 561 Resolved . that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, paylible out of be hereinafter epcci ed funds and ". In the -0 win; deailed in favor of the persona, firms or corpnral11 1 for the amounts set opposite; their resp!ctiive names ass ci6ed MG - 19!7 191= statement Yeas ( J) Coun men (J) Nays 'Adopted by the ouaeil ] Far -h Ia favor Approve 891 _ G W. Ke r M II• Against / : at4v�IR Hyland yl erlicii " Mr. President. Irvin. American Linen Supply Company, 18 5 5 2 C.H.BC.H.-Expense. - 12137 53 T. L. Blood Co panya C.H.&C.H.-Rxpen4e Board of Water Commissioners, - 28.74 .54 i CH&CH'. . . pens e . 10.00 ' S5 Camera Art Company, Corp. Cgvu18e1-Bxpense. , 56 De ily News Pub. Company, - - C.H.&C.H.-Bxpense. }> Thal. Davis & Sons, - f 62.79 57 C.g.BcC.H.-Bxpense. , S8 A. dodtz, Rater-Bxpense. i 58 " J.' Hulme & Company# ' GoH&C.H.-�gpense. I t6r70 ', 60 gas in Bros, & Company, C rB.&C .H-Fatpense 60.00 61 Roman & Compan9, j C.H.bc.H,-Bxpense. 62 J . Kenny & Company, T e 28r10t C.R.&C.H.-Bxpense. 63 C, Nielsen, - C.H. & C.H.-Bxpense. p Company, N!. W. Tele hone ].75 ' C.H.&C.R.-Expense: I � _ Page .#2. Res. 561 N. W.,Elec. Equipment ComPsny, j 18565 C.H. & C.H.•Expense. peoples Coal & Ike Company, - 66 C.H.&C.H.-Expense. f Mrs . Emma N . P il�cington; _ 67 Water-mExpense• 2.5D ssarr Remedy fgmpany, 68 =C .H.&C ii.-expense . 15.0;0 / St.psul Decorating Compgny,. 69 C.H. & C.H.-$xpense.. 541.67 St.paul Gas *Light Companyr 70 C.H.&C.H:-Expense. j 10 32s. .. State Cal. Company, 71 Tri. C.H.&C.H.-Expense. 4.5Q - C Carpt Cleaning Company, Tiiin city. 72 C.H.&C.H.-expense. - 11.50" Vscn Paper Company, 73" C.H.OExpense. 21.82 i s cra & Company, R. BeWh t , < 74 _ nes. _ C.H. & C.H.-Expe- 3831'185 Wm.'Baumeister Company, =$ 75 C.ii. & C.H.-Expense. 1,391.52 s4- e h C. F. No. 179 i Revolved that viarraab .E., Upon the CItY Trosug gV funds pat ,speolA is w - , , ot'tRe.: herelnatt.r ti or enone, tirm.. or .aiu In favor of the 9 .ee oDpp In - poratlon."fo�tha-amouns spaef0ed 'her respectiveetklled �tatnmrnt: - th s followtnR I •'Co.. 348:97. i Supp _ _ _Co.. r an I .1 na n 1- $12.17j, Boned - o[ «+der ommle.lon.e. $26.74. Camera Art CoR3po..3 Da11)• .Neva I'NSons3C..78. / - .. . Thoa. -- A, Dudoelt- 3'Go'G i0. _ t, St', HPitpe h Co 34_.1, ' -,Ilnakln.kBCo $000 Rt. C r i2fl Kennio t - 11 T ) _ C I{, NIMe n $12.5Co $178. \ it Telaphonc nt t U 372.42. ! __ . _ - . - •,, K F.Ir 19ulgtn 5180 Coal. 4 11, Co 3 t o plea 1'111<1.9 3066 _ r �I ra Emmy Prue....... a IS Co • 32130 vt Pnu1 DacornllnF Co 6 3643.67: . - - '- - ' yt.'Pnul'da• IARhtCo.1 7 rl ytnU• Tela 4'0.. 32 70. .Co.. 14.60. CIt3r t C1,C). t. .. Cep - ; 1 .p t. 37160 IC It I4 httncr o f 18-• -imnm ls„ T Co.. 9383 86. 8, 1911. AUIi• .. ..: ! Cnuncll Adopted l3 -8..101 tut.• . Approcc. If_ I C 'page #2 . Res. 562 50.00 18584 G. R._Dufreene, - Corp. Counsel -Expense. 85 ,, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, 4 22.5!5 ^uditorium-Expense .° . 0 _ St. C&R.-Rxpensa. R.Parks Exp. 2 0 _ Playgrounds -Expense 22 55 l . "i 86 J. C. Flanagan,, C.A., _ 28.02 Water -Expense. 87 Gamble Robinson Company, , g aid 78,.8E Health-P.Beths-Expense p.Parks-Exp. Activ. 7QAL• 88 Ham! & Fuel m 103.05 arks-pany, Eup. ctiv PA -187.67 g9 Hubbard :& Company, Water-EXpense. 2.50 90 -Fraiuk 0. Ruebener, _ P.Bidgs .-Exp. :Arch.. - 91 T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 5.42 -P.Library-NBooks. Walter T. Lemon Company, - 36.40 - 82 - - Water -Expense. - - - li 42 g3; Leake-Donahoxer Company, 4.25 Health-P.Baths-Expense 7 _ police C&8 L 2 _ 16:25 :€ 94 Library Book Company, P.Library-NBooks. _ 9.35 95 McClain &-Hedman, 1�" - Health-Quar-Expense. - Water -Expense 6A j 9 5 ' 96 Manhattan oil Company, 20.1 j 311.,40 SL. C&R.�rxpenae 58 P.Parke-Expense 93 Water-Tsxpe�nse n - 1. f w • 9 6 Paving Rice St. - 3 1.40 .9724C-, _ 97 - National Lead Company, _i Water -Expense. j 44.16-•. 98 Nim is,, Dean & Gregg. S. C&R. -Expanse 4� 3 Water -Expense 99 Northern States Power.Company, Water. -Expens e . rage #3.• Res. 562 ry 18600 Northwestern Bloc. Equipment Company, 25.90+ P.Parks-Expense Health-P.Bathe-Expense 25 9 01 Northwestern,, FlIusl Company532.95 Play gounde-Expense. ` pE Northwestern ,& Lead Works, 481.4.'yl lfater-Exp nae. 1 , 03 Northwestern tamp Works, 1 - 3.00 P.Libra -Expense • r r ° � 1 i _ P.Parks-Expense ..743o'- j 04 " Noyes Bros. & Cutler; 6-0tS Iheanith-4uar-Expense . 6 r n Realth-P.Bath-Expense I _ 05 ;obinson, Cary & Sands, 4E.2' a health-P.Bethe Expense #2. Sprinkling : I 06 St.P'aul Builders Material, 255.3 Watier-Expense. 07 St.P'61u1 White Lead & Oil Company, 20.06 Health-P,.Baths-Expense. Winecke-Doerr Compsny, 17et}B 08 , p.parks-Fxpens6 Active Og Worthington Pump & Machine Company, 890.58 ff Water-Expense. tt � � C. F No. 1501+--• - �`H solved that watzaoto be drama upon the City Treasurer Db.hle. out , the he..Indter .Derided Fund. and .. 1. favor of the per.-n., drme- pr, c— poratluns for the amount--set. oDpoeit. f ' 'lheltresDecNva names,. as sDeelded In -- the toll wln6 detslled statement: SS tl, du ttn P7r rrhnsing Agent. - 3 Gro. C. Binder. 31.6(11 T I Blood t Co..3_0.40. Ed. Rohrer. 115.93. \f it ti & Sonn. $60.60 I4 Durno Lumber Co 813 60se 4 aDih Y Qui t umhc;r Cn.. 58170. Ifi,IdwriluH.nOzmunKirk Ce".55• t". Flanagan, C.aH umhte9lohln.oh Co.. 88_. Humllne Ice -& Fuel Co.. $101.05. - Huhhard.G C 3187.67. - - - FroO. Hucbt:east. 31.Sn.. -- T Rnke .r let N0.1.:tJ.;. Walt- T. I—— C.... $16.40. - 'Iw Il. -lion h e - ' 7.IF.or}�Ytook 1 0., 1'.3G. w. - - •. ! � .. 11nnTnttnn Oil l 1 11.40. . \ntlonal I 1 t '6n 61. 1' - \'rti Stat- 1t .•r.0 ..St.101.42., ' orifi un hio.Ri [.ryuli�mrnt Co.; \ -ll 1 1 I'M i I 4.'r ..nh In . hot .k iw•IItl, R'orks. - - QIFl4t No,t ret ! `+t j \1 kn, E100, - ftoLinxon. (nr7 tiL T'0n7 17 .1"T're Mat I, 1 5255..18. St, Paul H bite S ,a:l .F llll C--any. S ante — \l'erlltiu.ttnn 1 nm D: 11 \t'.�rhlnc FL.. h• X. 11928-I;'&. A' n1 conn.mn In th DI tter of taklnR . l3loe% it } thefell—l" Park BoulernrAja Iand for _ �. 73G I,r aU ta.. .. - \udltoi a- Sub= �Of I,Ota 1 a' H eatdn7. (bo) . I G.. - _ All or I.ot B, eyt• 1'55 F_ t fifteen (15), 1 e -e et, the t , teAll .f let 11 ' {e Alt t. for 11 1b u d-1; that ! .� _ll [hn[ Dart of Imta nohat aterlY-4f a line dr.—I Iron L: ('Int n t, south 3lne of BouthwtaWornerl0y. t. of tl l '.I r rt1 fiat corn,•r f Lnt 3"!'L ._ tp AA till - ' BYtre.cott. Addition. . Pofia,, 1 tl. rlt tI.11ine n,.. ........ ............ .`='a`'`;" "INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...`skinn...ard. z.._^ :70 .... '.s �' .=�o 35, Test fift-' ( 5Z feet ofLots 1. 2, S, 4, 5, 6 d: 7 _ .. All Of 7.o t'- 9. . Eaelt fifteen (15) feet of Lot 9. kl3. of Lot .11 except the west 105, feet. Al l Of' hot 12. *� All that part of Lots 13, and 14,I that lies northeasterly of a line draws � from a point on the south line of_,.Lot 13, 105 feet ecst.of the Sauth- west corner of sa--e to Nlort�least corner of Lot 30 of Prescott' s Addition. In Prescottts Addition. That part of Lot. 22 that lies northeasterly of aro described line " The west fifty, (50) feet of Lot 21,_ All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25 E: 26. The east fifty (50) f.eet of Lot, 29. 1 that part of�Lots 27 & 28 that.lies north of.a +fne drawn from a point Al p fees north_of the'Sol1theast 0 Lot sixty (6 ) ,. d LO _ coshe east line of o i feet corner 'o f' same to �; point on Slest.line of Lot 28, seventy (70) ,. north of the Sout'nv:est corner of sa.:.e.. In West St. Paul Proper. _ } of a. t ort Via to c k 11 t lies n All that.part of Lots 1,' 2, 3,_ 4, 5, 8. 6, E , feet north!of the line dravra `ron a point �C)n tthe �one�he mesast e line of o"' s14e 180. feet north Southeast corner, to of the Southwest corner. All that part of Lots 3, 4, 5 & f, nloc's 10, that Ties north -of aline il of the drain from a point on the eaO line.r°stsline of0 fee. 110noytfset north Southeast corner to a point on of the Southwest corner. r •t -.rF ^e, ..'^.•'. pies north of last. All t7 -,L"- PLL." f'Lot cea c ine. ?ll thwt ...rt �f T_,oG 1,?;s, 4, 5'; :end 5, of dock �a, tha;: lieosintron.nest ii:e d_r.•r fro :^e ,,ortheas;t. comer of s.tid loch to p line of�szid �ldek, 2qr fe^t' north of Southwest corner of same. i In Robertsan's :addition. 412 that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, fi, 7 F .8, Block 7, that lies south of aline awn rrom the 'dort;hweat corner of Prescott's ".�ditiori to a point e line - o` szi$';T'lock, eiaYt -fi^e (85) feet south of the Northwest corner of same. All th part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, ; 5, 6 &, 7 , & 9 , 810 c1: 8, that lies south of aline drawn from a"point on the east line of said block, 85 feet south of t e Northeast corner! of sa.rae to s point .on the . crest•. line of h of the Northwest corner of same. said Block, 203 feet so -at , •+"�" 0 4 n? 5� niock 9, trat lies so.ath of a A1.1 that part o` Lot., '- 2iae drawn front a point on t Is east line o` said Block, 203 feet south . of the'NorthenSt corner of same to a point on the west line of Lot 5, 200 feet scut = of :-e :Ort .v:est corner'of s aid Lot 5. an this line produced to the wrest line -of 'said block. ;,1T '^z r o` '" oc:: 159 t' 'its north -of line d awn from a point on ^Le-st ""line of said -lock 28'2 feet: -ort- of the Southeast cc_ .erto{ po'_ ;t 0n e rest lire o L,:e l5: fe.: t north. _ _e "c':thwa3t ear. a . of sr -e. I �� In' Irvine, ritis J 111 that part f Lots 4, 6 s 6,-21ock l97 thaU lies south of a line -drawn from the northeast carne_ of Let 4, to a point on the southwest fine of said Block, sixty (60) feet; so!theasterly,fror the vest: corner- of' sale. l The south fifty: 50) feet of Lot lb, ?'_ock 198. _ All of Lots.16 and, 17, ??lock 198. 1 . All that part of Lots 28 and 19, -n mock 198, that lies north of a line drawn across said Lots, 240 feet north.of theIsouth line of -same. All'! that part of Lot 20, Block �98,Ithat lies east of the west line of Loi; 15 produced north across said Lot_20. Sdbject, Hole7er, to t e Ii?Yts -ef!`^e owners, their heirs. and assign , t0 maintain and extent the e i tiit - _se, to such extent as is: consi ntlnt with the ::.ait2tenance 0f she su!'f, ce for the uses .ar,d purposes for which it is acquired. ander Pr liminary Order.._ 1 r31 ..: approved p _ i• .LO, Pile Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemeilf, and having considered said report, hereby resolv;csr 1. That the said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the im rovement �' p ivh1ch the i Council recommends is ir;...aYo.cic..3,....Aitdi.t0r'tf. I' Sub•d1 -i�icr. No 3" - _ .: . West fifty ('50). feet 0not8 1, , 3, . 5. 6 & 7. All of 44t S. fi gait fifteen (15) feet/ of Lot 9.' All of Lot it a me t the west 105 feet. net. �- All Of Let 12. All that" L . art f 0 P Lots.13, l3 and 14 , , that lies northeasterly of a line dream -� _ from a point on the south line of Lot 13, 100 test east of the South - went corner of same to Northeast corner of Lot 30 of Prescott* a Addition. In Prescott'.s Addition. That part of Lot 22 that ilea northeasterly of above described line. The went. fifty (50), feet of Lot 21. All of Lot ,1, . 2, 3, 4, 0, 23, 24, 20 &.26.' The east fifty (50) feet of Lot 29. All that part of Lots 27 do 28 that liesnorth of,a line drawn ",from a point - on the .east line of said Lot 27, sixty (60) feet north ,of the Southeast corner of same to a point on ost.iine of Lot 28, seventy (10) feet north of the, Southwest corner of same. In West St. Paul Proper. All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 41 5, & 6,Block 11, that lies north of a line drawn from a point on the east lineofisms, 140�feet north of the north Southeast corner, to a point 'on the wast litre of same, .160 feet of the Southwest.corner. All that part. of Late S, 4, 5 & 6 Block 10, that lies north of a line drawn from a point on the east dine of same, 180 feet'north of the Southeast corner to a point on the. west line .of game, 110 feet north of the"Soutbwest.corner. r. All that D. t'of Lots'.1, ,2 d: 3, Terrace Place, that lien north of :Last described line. All that part of Lots 1,3, 4, 51and 6, of Block, 28. that lies north of a lortheast line drawn from the corner of said Block to a point n west j line of said bl4ok,' 290 feet 'north -of Southwest corner of same In Robertsan's Addition. All that palm of Lots 1 2 3, 4,111 5, 6 7 & 8, Block 7, that lies south.- of a line drawn from the Noiri6el corner of Prescott$a Addition to s point on wenn line of said Block, eighty-five (80) feet south .of . 'the Northwest Corner, of same. All ,that part of Lots 1, 2; 3, 4,' 0, G',& of a line drawn from.a point on the 7, & 8, Block 8, that lies south east line of said block," 85 feet south.of the Northeast cornerof same.to a point, on- the viet line of said Block, 203 feet south ok the Northwest corner of same.. All that ppart of Lots 1,..2, 3, 4 5 and 6 Block. 9, that lies south at a line drawn"from tLe said Block, 203 feet south I, a"point on east line of of the Northeast. corner of saims to a point` on the west line of Lot 50 W00 feet south of the Nerthwnst :corner of said Lot 5,- and,this line produced to .the wait line of ;said block. _ All that part of Block 159 that 'lies north of a line drawn from A point on I' tho east line of said Blook 28,2 feet north of the southeast corner to a oint on the west line of some 162 feet north of thte.8outhwe't corner ji• or same. In lroine'e.Addition. r ' All that part of Lots 4, 5, & 6, Plock 19.7, that lies' south of ft, line drawn from the northeast corner of Lot 4, to & point-16i�ths sotithses line of said Block, sixty (80) feet-southeasterly from the west co>t tor of same. I' The south fifty (50) feet-of Lot 15, Pleok 198. All of Lots 16 and 17, Block All that part of Lite 16 and 19, Blook1196.that lies north of a 1 ne drawn across said Lots, 240 Zest north a the south.lint of same. All that part of Lot 20, Block 190, that lies east of the west line of Lot ib produced north across said Lot 20. f? Subject, .hovvwer, 'to the rights of':tae.IownerF, their heirs and assx?ns,to mairt_in and exterd the exia3 i`aiz "caves to such extent `as is ce+istint with the raintenance of "the suutace.for the uses and purposes or which it is acquired. VI — with no alternatives, and that the estimate(] cost thereof is s 5, 0:13.2-0 Resolved Further, That a.n+blie hearing be had onsaid.in+provwnent on the _ _.:... day of ..S,gpt�Rt1IIT 1917 at the ho+ir of Ill o'cloeh 1: 31.; in the I;uuucil CI at of the Court house and .City Ifall I311i1ding in the City of St. Paul That -the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iuq, the nature, of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated - adopted by the Couneil�^ 191 . AIG -B 19417\ PP A roved ._ 91 j \tavor. Councilman Farnsworth_ Councilinan tlusy PiJi;t'ISL� / Councilman Hylaad ' �^ Conneilmat+ Keller f'ouncilman McColl % r� Councilman Wuuderlieh Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. -G f' i- , 3 St.Paul, Yinn, September 4th .1917 t To the Mayor j.and Members of the Conon Council. � ----000---_ PST I T I0 I0 RE;S0N S TR.A11.dR i n - the. Latter.` o.f -P R 0 S.P E C T P A R K. B O U L E V A R D _1 Covered- by EXHIBITS f% 73, C D E k , ----000•---� CITYGLRnM$LYCO,, ST. PAUli�h hslr�m tn, ottwl , 1 .. S�? � ,SII `6 � J r1.. ✓'� ,� � F! 1919 z Y I 3 } v. eo ons of the Charter of pi ill the ICity of ut.Paul. in such cases made acid provided, hereby present thi+ petition of remonstrance against the Uiprovenent.known.as-Prospect Park Boulevard ! And deaand the am be nulled! rT on this_ day ,+�f .1917, before 'ns personally who affiuns under .o appeared lig, _ (,` �c ath th,3t he ions, ';�qa era of the aliovementic�ned instrument t and that (he signed the same of his 'own free-will and accord and that the information therein i true to his own knowledge and belief. I Notair PVbliclinausey Co biitneeota. 14 Co'mnit-eioh empire - �iIBIT asasssis assasasaspsaCCSsBassIISlCssas=i=cif ai s=sssssssnassstxasmsa3 asasisssss Description net Name Address Lot' Block Addition frontage -- - --^ -- - -- ....-....t. _moi-- --- ------------- ----- C;r`-'n ��'���-�� � .f,i 3! ���ee•��t-' '� f�1 LCL:-v � c�i �." . it j; r r .713 Illy bD L �I r! �r actions of t :a t.harter of tie ity o r yt,sUl� In flUC)I Cra L1��D -": s3cIU «.�� '�YL-Yi!i:ed� hareby !trQ BNfII1L t:'�i8'nH%i tion ,of se onstiszlee lyyzai'rlct the i.y rove;ieat Y.ra'DWn =::3 i rospect i erk !oulurasd de -midtfw sa'ixs tie null�xl., I �C 4n thisdnyr of 191-70»ifare m* peroonally apzreased �. ``:� r 1#40 affiant , unoer oath that he is one -of t I eignere of 4tti�r ai,ove<iontioned iruetrwa t and tli=,t }:e ai ned theortce of tile own free aril? rind aecb and t)Ar, t tip, i?fpr:rntion therein is t1v -to 11.8 Oars l,:iorrle a and belief. /J 1iat:l�I;i /.(. ;,otz►ry i ui,lic�.Eti.:..sey to. ATL ►frsota yopt c ;limsion e2wir.o _ �J/j���j - cc. --a--ss sa-�_s:.aca�scc:ixccc —ns�: cc3caa ae�ss cc -::cep -s—�ts li,eacription e .lddreee L t +;lock Addition Yrulituo otic eaw 'p` ( ► AKwI 91H a*/r/�P I P„ k i i ., � r -L+ . 'Cti t'1-•)ad�� }tr r.. r;.� .t-: ZRi ,r_. 1:d tf 7tlOf'' ri u; 1; i ,+:G@ rp, �; d..st L .•.• 1' I'UI r.,�. ;Y.,wr .,ro- c irei.atil s+yn Ttt �` u..+. %e ;ri R• :s:,: e � 6 nulled •' I tI ee L .o' �f 4py ai' r�L 2 +2%, Wort, m. , , , • `ily r91 it u>: 'e'f near t9e+et I a "' ./•.Oto i': J�Si /�' t it .e'i'pfl Ii C. _tt .t, t3ri tie r .t;'xt•til: ruc..�r/t tA..rt3 � i t,:,.L r,r.��♦lj+..��"x.. ?rt -. :-:. 1rfi r. t • `, .; rF ��i � r.'+ e- I' , i l oll i-blo:. 1 8- tkil!" t;` i i e ,-: if tot,+I:,r'l e . to ,,d --//s otc�t !Ji :•z(f1 o 1;1 Y„ • �ot�;:i z ..ltrtt +lxs+l rrd uss cisasa eym at!■+r.aav� .. ac s.a-r�••.s'•�-afi .;ore-r.^.:..-.r,"nn:-samcaamr.^am.�sa�nvamaa�cr:mcwaissra:.s - artflCr#>�tfDtl 4'�n�. cO 5�lesu dot look udtitivtl:. rrnrtEs;+e �w..�----„--_-------...--_7-7� �-;.' t ? r r e • � r\ i�. t( r C'1 se •; i ; ...... l/�t it '. ✓� �3.LL"!./N"`i. � J �li�_i:t,�` •.�-. �`` �.. _ "'y /. - i rt k e. r RR MIR T -4s r�eSy �yrir eirit t fig. y `,fa ntiiian tit R .!t i '.:'"!YR^,e�!.t kno,'4n 'is rospect ur3: ..'.t7t�1'tSYOTQ } : d„c?,. et -at Lka 6•s. t �+rtU11 +r3 . I Ott V46. .� '� , I. t: ��i �I -buforo. me, -' per onnliy n;:=• xarud' . -�, _r, wbo l hof afi ir,.6 wiulmr o«tlt'}j3f�d• t 'tisf/#y'c;, t i` a pare o trt a'ovn- im ttw IUb'"otm . Yc .ii.:)•3•'� .ltlgtrll:;r>t)t' F.tii�j Lt:. t'. signed w�zo of frost will t,n.l i,4cord w-.4, t}i t thq, i;,fo7r ation tho"Ln .ie true . tl# ll.'t Y! 4Y'l. �41i1,'s.'$•'rt�,$3t �'..''Q� ief... cii ary ra .lir, tip dsy f.o� irr etitatiu . y aa�/i �tyion oxi�irn6 �•. .<%ae mldross lot 140OW 'Idditiorn YronU4�e {t.� CL14zl) J4, rL f- fi �' " ����' v7.� � ,. r.. �_ •,ter � ,1 . - .. MONOTT A !i� I i�s � ! 5 etiCr, n't+t' tlia `'•rein t:n t:a s d•y of 1' 17. bOforo: E® �serctasrrtlly mg ut,rier oath that - tce ; s e f' .t a1 t * a uv, n.,aFrtinrs.a..i instru :ent. u18 uioiers tz. t c rt ti Li z, %a=~ .e �cd "•7 u Ova; f vie will ntid ,soaOtd and Y , t+v;t ter inzc rytiPtr tiEnreirn iG tauA t« his Own t:nowledee said 'i,ol iol'. �., ,lt:ir .titi►ry i uiylio�.t t:o.:.i:vFcsuot.t y 4Ctlx:a_.��t,�i4f1 eivuT.ise°m - F''. ijosariotion #®et address :.$)t -loQk Addition , roma }ne _ »��e»» P °� � �,�,/a+L �0 � �e'�"0�'�'�� �yX �C D�' �%h•�,�cau ac�!al. S'�/�*-�` . 7 ~ u� f�. �� r � '� �'i•.r ate- / � - � -2� m-;� �.: �YY(� �'z �0 t _ '0141 ,rr�rGt/tGt�tc.z� f / -77 t , . z t 3 un tics Lf dtV of -e`" lyl`j, before sna, personally who affirns 'un(fer he is one of t,e 'si(pners of tw, atwvaasentioried instrwa nt and. 1uit ho siVied the ca -ie of itis own free will - and accord and tjv;t the infor.J_atiun tisereia is true his own knoele o=curd belies. gXtii�.YT- �+otaryr Yuhlio,ltaas-ey !.'o ,iinr©sola A. y comicnion e iced. i -,aa�aasxacaea=acs�ca=nc=�cc=sa¢ssass sa�cc�a. �accsceaasa=xaasasns�=sesssa D 'scrintion Feet 14skno Address Lot clock Addition Frontage ; t,�' �l (,, Jam/ c/�/;• - �;' ,'`�- j � � , -�„r*` If �' `-.c,t C.*--�. �CL�� c �.(.�: �.r- r � 0 � I i ii.;.>, ( - �.t �/ r ✓ ' , a , �, � 2: r f."-�<'� � ;. . i 1. i 1 r _ 4 un tics Lf dtV of -e`" lyl`j, before sna, personally who affirns 'un(fer he is one of t,e 'si(pners of tw, atwvaasentioried instrwa nt and. 1uit ho siVied the ca -ie of itis own free will - and accord and tjv;t the infor.J_atiun tisereia is true his own knoele o=curd belies. gXtii�.YT- �+otaryr Yuhlio,ltaas-ey !.'o ,iinr©sola A. y comicnion e iced. i -,aa�aasxacaea=acs�ca=nc=�cc=sa¢ssass sa�cc�a. �accsceaasa=xaasasns�=sesssa D 'scrintion Feet 14skno Address Lot clock Addition Frontage ; t,�' �l (,, Jam/ c/�/;• - �;' ,'`�- j � � , -�„r*` If �' `-.c,t C.*--�. �CL�� c �.(.�: �.r- r � 0 � I i ii.;.>, ( - �.t �/ r ✓ ' , a , �, � 2: r f."-�<'� � ;. . i 1. r� �y 0_11.+x. •. n�. . . /.. ur1 tills L` any of «si '1111ry, hofrrn .,e po-r€<n;t- liy who r�ffirae.wfdor o th sprOnred e p V t etc to ono A t+Uie si the of r.,ee sl owynuniimi,*d J!, lotru lent d . t1. x t. • iE , nd t + fT.a: s.Iit or+>.: ;ren si,l? <znd coo rd 11 tYF t tt,t! .t1f,•r,r.Alt:n th-r,7in in true to hlr1 nam 1:poviind've r atf,a. . u>,L140 j 4 ^n., o. <>n1 sieota. y fart' i _ sinn oxlires �iiKflla.Ii U l C ' 1 r. _ m,asxaeas rsaucaca�'rs3uamvgaa:smea�ns:. s>c �a.mes ssaaevanss>ranevcrossrs ua rz¢m an ma m: .� - aaaLY1TYL1;.,ri �eht � e s ldlvevs Lot salock ' .dditioxi Frontage. + �' . I G'i�c G •%c ��t, ---------------- 1W.7 W 1 l r, (:fit,./ , 157 �'� 1• � � p _ /y s .r�'/ �.e.� 13 • SSS t� rx /, , cur lt. tic 2 i o VT I f7 / r ice' `✓' <i.i` � ���'T - �' %2-"t ; '�. `i r/cy'-rJ. (a� �! � ,%ear z 2 a � J� ��� �� •� y y J�-1ti,�� . a�� r r a , i I Ev VP 6 MINIM and danand the ea a he nulled. Un this I__ day of 7� 1917 before tae, personally appeared `ri?`��}�pw who sS'fiana under, oath that he iss,' one of tR iGmers of the.aboven entioned instrument and. that he signed the ssns of his own, free will and a000rd and that the information therein istrue'to:his own knowledge and belief.. ILZHIBIT _ votary Pub1�o,Ramsey Co.Ylnnesota . }tY Comniaeion expires ,37 f vl�a . sar...sacsaasasa Zacaasasca�sasssa�su=s axsssn:=an as acasaasmcsesssss sass ,Description feet 4' Name A(dddressss� Lot l Blook Addition frontage 1 / I ✓� I �� 1 I wl � �G�J - • — ^ --- Cu t r7 . -� raA �Y � �t ,,,,f,� �C GL-! ! c =2'G'1 i ' 1 � .�-1 / +_�` ��' {..-�Gl�'wt'l✓� ��. � 7 all � f�-- � � t �%�J'LY► 's"" L . . �` � V � (.rJ�: G�� [ G`-�'4Z is �' ` - � . � y Y j. •� t ti< x �t day, ��'ssat 1 br..t.:r�s i •19 u( 7. nY; - pwc u:,nBiy est,` �a.�zrtrQ �, , �t n - - f►rr ,cY O!tE.ti c}•: :, +a: urns- I - 'tr'.t 13:ti' ie,StLiIL.Rt9edL flt:i; t+` >.7dsR�a9+34.3" :.16. r��yifl.. •. �Rr.L:�! fre-, +r2A= +-r1 c! t20v rd :1;.d ,.' M {.:� ..:iSii�*.atA;1(.i•Ytc(4i t; 1: :.1 •s�,. %r .. I:1;r , S.. x} s� 4f & i; t2;<Si : .. • y aeK� • 1:3 �iacl a; ; 1• r�r. - arpYMn ra wy ri+ v .x .iauAn�erW xr,e � of :u ruin -rC't•. .. <.':.,. .._ .zertc :. Ar. as �'. P3 ' ddrelus Ot lock 'jAdltA'n k d ww}�9 Gr:.tJ f 4 r -J! � �/' .--�� �`-C'!� t/✓ ' � ,! i � � 1-/- :� s . Z f C l "-rW 7 -SL// � "7f t c:>! U e .f � t' . � � t t x I I yy t .jj,- I air _ 13e"Alp I IFF t . b i a.ti .sz low W Y.. �. ,fOP a„ I Ale _ll un this.. personGI4 apraiared���,i F , wa 8lfirns uitder oath tint hp�o, ale gners o�i fire at+ot►®-' mentioned inetjue4t'and th.zt he, eigned the sans of hif utml_ . free will and eaaord and that the information therein is trios.' to h1 a `o inn k1loa3 edge and holief . �x uhllc,IiarzBey ,�o. ;;innesaBu - ?� y oovn.rinei e�,i s ;estription :+ ao xddt oes Lot r.lools .dditiyn bran 1;04,e I 9 un thi, G day of.�19'17. before ms, personally appeared ��?��,' f,C�y �i�� Who affim's under oath bic.t I�p Ys c.iruftTe oignerR-'oY ttte afloVe- mentioned iiistmaekft'and ti -A he signed the+:cams of his Own free mill zu-id accord and unt the information ttierelit is true At) his wm lcnoaledL;e and holisf . J orlillaii liat.,.ry'iuhlic'Rft-akFey, Co.�'.±inne�otm e��i 0es'. � _ �7l - •-__� .-z=tsae�som�nc3::,-macx csa�aaassmax�a a=-acx-.ac sccn�xcac c�=-...=,s.»a -3eseription ecet pddross Lot block Addition ' F: �trotta r 17, ez -.N-� ✓L/I/t-L-f��.,,,7Z S�Ak�vW� . tlrrr; < f r 1 f? 5* r�✓�j",� � !, � -,':1, �'J/� ,`1 fF 'Ir J'✓ ��! 'iSfr o �'t%i cr personally a'�,��aared. �,cr 1 �� �� n $. of# it t o, under oath ti"A plc+ i» r,: a hra isip� 7i -4i .U),* a,av- ientia t.�.i f4uaL17►tojt and ti; t he aij,;?ed t le "-"29 Of -611101 Own fsne will ;,jd acoord Fad tle-_t U,•-- itifuruation Uv)rOia i,a true tc= t:i� ows? knaa�ia}a;ta ruse} ��aiiaf: 5 .-1 siAa11,X`t_ ,gi.,T,v u 2ic"Rir*_c,R:f 'Lo. Ufa?:nnat) tn, enc i� <:1nx� aac,it�^e a-�c scr�.�.l tion P"t ��,. �• rers�u Lar loch :r.}6ti..a drvrltet4 ------------------ PL -- ---- - /L 1. . s f efts p ktar atfir5t 4tIdAT bHth. - frnc �ai11 farad acco-xYi a�i t.1«LaC ft0 p� ipirflis 1161 t �i�iHQ rnantion.A islet + ttTurtjStipn 'et" e te, i,iut ova a ccu�,aln�lf�s =aliol. 01- i,o. in estt�. ,ir as y oar. i � ai n x �' y 73�/� y sari tion 01ol 4,Q n ..ddrooe ok joldition _ _- f 22..me— _ ---• c1GL c< All- ' a "� a ♦ � 'G fev � i �' '` iZjl! jlPsiS)re+ tt)� 4i4'C t�:lT � J �/1:.y 01 r - ,ai n s t it u.T • r. a :t}41� ;�4y r.•TEtd �c__,J <r.L.c \ _,.P. � Vc_IT7tlU[t9d Si4$ti��Ent Ye(t �8 JsiR J� �IiiB Q�t{L.CY1r n i hln ye•: Pr<co' x�ii�-.;:., ccTi de F..r t+t y:'t)��4:�<�3 r s. c n'. to :tio awn 'knnw2 Et is .t L.,ta 4 oriFt1 It`ti. b.. i.st=ue _ a,.cj hciinf; r,Ynpr'O zs V Garz,:i .>,ic.n. iris t aaaoscusacacn���.saamia�axcav Y+Cet. t}eeari,�tion. i0otafiS Lot lock ,AditiOn �M 'J, f////���/} •% lei: P .. — — — _ j, 7 e LN I I- _ I i r . i l `r Q C, � z.-•�' �-y C -a-�� � L-_`" l �tC_...- f ..r ¢ r , r � r i r . i l `r Q C, � z.-•�' �-y C -a-�� � L-_`" l �tC_...- f ..r ¢ r � r ��.. ��:. ... w .. � .�..- '�._�� �.:i ..ice- '/._� � r — .. � - .r � _ .�`._.. - ... A � � � CC d�u.a ..T.,,. na .. � "'l w._ � _ � „„�: ,. _. 4 /_ ... , _>, ? CouncihFiic x.1.17, Petit ion 1 ----•—`-------'= PROPOSAL—FOR-IAiPROtEAi3NT — — � � o --- and _ PRELIMINARY ORMR. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following 'publ improvement by -'tic y of St Paul .iZ rt�tt� t3Jlt iu �i7ociz...9..,,x1 at t �.;xi inur din oa�..nae it11 �etPt1S?t }ia axo attached�r� ,........................_....:... _._ _..._. ....__ . ......._.. _.:_.. /_ ......._. f �... 1latcil this :..:.:h ..day o ilh 1H 19P'[ y 1/fi . L �• .:l Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: o iidl7Z...i:;...UQA_9 LX. IN; 9u._Yt11s..rk'diti_on...... _... ._....:. .... ...:.....:_......... ........... ....................... ..... . I ....... :........ r. .......... ....... _...... .............. ..... .... ................. .... ......... ................. ....... -having been piesented to the.Couu&l of the Citythqq,,'q'44b,�� t e,ureboan+nedman ....,::: -... ...... -- • therefore, be it veettnate the neer RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PIF ,y •r the makms'e is hereby ordered and directed - vedttcolt the salt riR of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabi.•;„ total ce•t�theree[. provcment. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and;esfima.,oro, {t,at °r` mprovemcnt, and the total cost thereof. - ' 'o.v'.R — —3. -To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveme, 4. To furnish the following other data and information relatite to said improvement;_..... . ... ....... ...... .. _ ... _....... 5. To state irhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners; G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. `Adopted by the council ._ 191 Yeas: Nays. AUS -�'t91i • Councilman Fur north GosApproved .. ...... . ..... t Ilpl a �. Ke r M 11 % R' derlich 12yor Ir % _ ?IA3L11�. Mayor Council File No .yg.. ., __ --- -- FRO;'O AL--FOP.-IMPROVEMENT - — — — •° j And PRELIMINARY ORDER, ---- -The-undersigned_hereby_._proposes_'the making of the following public imp vement by the City of St. Paul. viz....:.C.o17;.eTninr..rizld:...: :.ran.. aaa in..:.tra r cl.-neGs nx� .xnr. , Y slo€.:..ao o f r__.. Wil] a_ bd.dit inn...... ................. ..... ..._.._,__.......... ___ �_..._ --- _. th::.- anted thew ......: B.:day of r trst .....:.....-: I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1auL ne.a.oaJ.esy...ioz...:aln.pe.s., ctnn_ TTJ I I a �.4a at;;--..al�� iLl.s._.a.rzin_I31n.ck._.4_Lx] ice. i_.:. having been presented to, the Council of the City of St.,Co it by Councilman.......... ne , therefore, be it ne ne. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofiPublic Wo to.etr: ,id he is hereby ordered and directed the nate'. 1. . To investigate the necessity for or dr :.tlmated host of so :mg of said improvement. C. and th Lomb eoet t 2.' To investigate the nature, extent.aat urn Imvruremeat `!d improvement, and the total cost thereof. Md furnleh the followlni - 3. To furnish n plhn—pp�oGlc or ekctch$ mformattort• olau— Want _. 4. , To furnish the following other datr ,"t ��°q kept IIGolt etntive to said improvement; ............._ ........... _.. ......... ....... 5. To state whether or not, said improvement is .Liked for on the petition of. three or more owners.-_ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fiyapce. l!r Adopted by the council_ ......... ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G s Approved i _Il II and Ker 11 off N ndgrlich ._. ....... � Mayor I iii - PUBLIC yoc - � roar c ce _. • CITY -:OF- ST:. PAUL t - COUNCIL RESOLUT -9N. GENERAL FORM . COUNCIL ' FILENo. Date: Presented .: 1A�: ,....@.�..... ..,191:7.... Resolved, Thi t the titan epcei'ied for '. e �:e _o_..lanee o ' c,ert„il. .-on tract. ,or th0 Lurhiri_ of 7,t:fo::d :it f_'or.3r'ellin, rive-:.. toaldirc ,.. i..Tcl the.. saino L� kerub, exterded- to .the 8th .:ay of >u�11 t, 1917 ar_d ice proper: it sit of 2 iet.r c 'IerrbY autho"i-Zed tox-ccute-aex1PLnent to L-id contract in accordance here'rith, ro:i e , :ior;ever, that t�lis ro--alution shall not have ur-y force .ndl effect unlet:'; the-areties on she cont•raetors o-'d ao: � nt .i:ereto, au _'_ le .;uuh o%: ant ir. _ in i;i';n the it y Co:Ptroller. nevolrcd: That the -tical aa.'clned for _ the 'cifurmuneeof a certain contrnct d.ted Nay14. IS11, 1 elt n Y -�.. 5 l i 1 t 1 the City f St.[ ul r r thr. curhlnb or I.arond Sot. from Snel. -Inir Ave. to Aldine St. be and the same;'- - - le hereby extcudcd-to the Sth day if,: i A16 •l, '11117 und the proper city 'offi- _ cern are hereby. authorized to e<ecute• an -aineridint,ut to said a punct In ac- Vold- c h.re"Ith. provil 1, 1 revel, that lhl aalutiun shall t. hale any - i force and ••frect unless the etfretlen-- (be contracture band.-• nsent thereto - - . and plc uch c t nIn t Writing With thet lly Cmnl t It r: - 1de pied by th • (onnell' AOa. B,1917. i - .. Approt•ed <nJgust a-xa171 i , I Yeas ( I') Co cilmen ( I') Nays "IIG —'sI^ 7 Far worth . Adopted by t}le until 191 GO In favor Kc r, Approve I 191........ M oil Against N y Mr. Prcaide Powers MAYOR- St_�. ?aul-, 11inn. Au&. 7, 1917. To the Honorable ;City Council, C .I T Y. Gentlemen, - 71e tirould reopectfullY ask that your Honorablo Body cause the time . of co:aple - ng the contrulj .fOi n from Snellin3 Ave. to Aldine St. be oxtended to '6th day of August,.;917. Dain- to labor condjtiono it was not perz1ble for us to co-ipletc• this contract within the time specified,i hence ^..'c desire to ask that the tiiae •_or couple+tine same be made as hereinbeforestated- . Yours very truly, Contractor The ro_Aa__n2c'u'ecti_o_n_to ha,i c, the time extended as re;iuosted, as far as the requiroLlentL of this of_'ic.e is cone rn --- ::OViJ Shpt. of�Conetruction w Repairsl Commissioner of Public .tork Chief En,ineer C� CITY 'OF.ST. PAUL COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR COUNCILh FILE NO -Date Presented I Unfc-Aeen obstacleo not provided for,in the --Making of t aa—�^:={�rouetnent —under- incl—t7s"3cr 2I2�1� iced psi the curbinU of La::son St. from Payne Avc. to D;gorton St., have arisen in: connection, ',,,ith thv onw:;r ction of additional enrbinG. �nioun, 1tin; to y2.55, nowt'.:ere'ore be it " ,OLV�Z, That the Council hereby orders the construction of said „urbing, the said ao--k to be done under the 2uuervision nd direction of the Corunissioner of Public ',forks and ir. accordant"e ;rith i speci ica ions there br, t;4 cost Thereof not ;o oxccecd the uum of -,:o be 'tra tin i or S: c' c..-. .,. .. ,. Co i ;troller' Cor.trcct I?o. L-773 for the making of tho r e sF_ id improvement C. b' \0 179f0—By JL \. Genn—• . Whe,.•na. llnf rn �n obamcirn not 1 provWrd".tor In the. ­kIng of the Im- t ri ent under rinnl' Ode - I \o.' 1471 dexrri ",I an,the eurhthw o[ Law-. - .. - - non 3i. from i'ayor .\te. to) aRcrto. ct., 1 nrinen i connection iriih•ihe conntru tlon of -odditinnnl curbing hIt 'ttt ull lvwl,to - thrtT•C utne lorhereby - der. the a nxt rtl of Hold eurbintc. - - the eald :work t b lot a under the .1. prrr! to d11 .tlon of. theComm)— xlen Ft[ 1 tbitl %%ork. -d 11 rl- nnr[ '[h poclN tl nn th pre,for. the �.. ..I thereof .not t ed the num of $2,1;5 an 1 to b nll 1 nn on :tot I coder the cant n t ku wn a . Comp - t tller n Conttnct \o L 773 .for the nmklog of thef ,,.:tla 1 proremrnt. Adopted by th Cuuncll .\u F• 8, 1917. ,.'Appr red .\ut;. . .. (Aug. 71-1917) Yeas (t') Cou men ('�.) Nays — ; I I • -ti "' Adopted by the Co ncil .Far orth\ ..� - AiJ •� 1917 Go In faxpr Ke r Approv I ......_191...:_. M oil Against ' N Y , 7 _ Mr. Pr : Powers MAYOR FORM C.B. P©tition - ' • - �. Council File No). ...._ _ PROPOSA� FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER.1 a. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o[ . the foltog public _imen prdvemt by the Cityr SE Paul. viz.:. .flpen�.:sziti n . nd....e._.end t�1>'.'�_ ,2i h....Qi.. t,...it�e h,...SAbbBc� • from..Ze i tdn..�se..,ny^r_ ,.'ecxnsa :e. al.eh..: df9 fir to'_',h 7.0sat 11i t. o� .I7intex!s.�sl i�.iw�;:_. ir1..n i --.to c�i. ta.._ ha. ' nil 4e._r{ith petition:n reto attL od- Zedtbis....._8.th ......:dny of ti?lgt1S 191 f ......- tpl f`r .... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A ivrittenl proposal for the making of the following improvement; viz.: , �• - ......_..e'�.LLeni.._�.n ..r. _ �r_t:..h....n;...:ii:".,�....ie.nt.,...1itu::u�:rd...�.u......�x 9r.._..... ..ht,,_� eat line -°=._. �intex'r �:d ii ins,-- ata•-npa inp o r flnl Aria.._+�....thy-._11r .BRb )ard 1-out in .;.Haid:.-:Jinn having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ._...:. ..................... therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worl:s be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity, for or desirab n tiro+� ' the ne dug of said improvement. - 2. To investigate the nature; extent and.,ndnt 11t} of the m kit improvement, anti the toad cost thereof. la lh- -- To-furnish a Wan; profile-6res+I anmntcd t rpt. d +hr ninI r• t 4. -'to furnish the following other-11 a To tt- er ieh a Plan. Prom ,—1% d-1mprovemen4 said im piovement:. ............ ... ...... t e• To furnlah the following . .......-..._.. .....:........ .. .. ... :data and'.. information retail,' ....._ ....... .. ..:...._..... .... - .... ...._. 'tm roremp at* ; 5. To state whether or not said ii To ■tats wnntaer or r•' 'l'ie petition.of three or more owners. ;Provement Ie .eked. for G. To report upon all of the foreg°het° io .eren ,t, own- .missioacr of Finance. aoing matter. t - Adopted by the council 14t :.inane..j. Yeats: Nuys: Councilman Far ortb e r 7 Goo \ Approved J`?.......�1 1...:...191 .,...;... Ilyl d ) / Keir l AIC 11� ,( Wit erlich 1 �_ Mayor Iry Mayor. C. P. Na 17912— - o No:. 17642-- In-he 764 - Inthe Matter or gradin} h Matter of RradDt>, a Fllock . ,k2. 2! r Ftnyninnt rPark A ldi tt it 2 Park Additlot Under PrelrminaryaOrdedorder 10 ,proved 9[ay 8th. 197. 'A public hearing .having Ycd 3l S 81h 1.917 ,t'nn tha above Improvementublly hnurfng. hnring ba . - es�-taklml�nd'^tm*demnnt tipe and the Co¢ncia hat . in T ro" ase7ttnattr^rtroretir.'t s. e ' Der ne. objections andi. ,�ne,n•�• :tions o rotative thereto: nt, :��, thiTefor.^atnr^i[Taff - !Y considered the came:- amteaT"o!^ tit 1 nolved;..By the Council r; Cuuncn-hnvifi�"d"utbe�yg`co elra - Paul - that the precl, t mar-,herMore-be�lt-' - 't nn,l klnd of Improv ed nv the Council of the - COUNCIL FILE NG m- th aatd etta- Is r.- l tbnrn' thy precise m n ,ant Park d Itrl Cher Im a 11U... / th id Cit} I gra le _ By-...__._::.�......... .......em t....... . :.. t Pe , d, 5 FINAL' .._..L In the Matter of .:-Br.a.. iAB...411AY..ia..B1o;ck..2,....Bryant...Park.-Addi.tiul-, and ....:.. Block 2 Bryant Park Addition No 2,1 .. .... ......:. ....... ......: L • .... ... _.............. .:. ......... E under, Preliminary Order .......... _..approved ...... AMaya.. Intermediary Order .. ....:. _.... approved.... ............... ....... ............... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the abovtj improvement upon due notice, and the Cort neil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered.the,adine; therefore, be it . RESOLVED; By the Cocncil of the City of 5t. 19}ut that the precise nature esteat.and kin' �6f'improve- � I meld to be made by the said City is...grade..allay.j. in. .Block. .2,.-..Bryant.Park. A& itionl••-i and Block 2, Bryant Park Addition Nq._ 2. _... __ __............ .. and the Council hereby ord 1 ' �ry ,axl improvement to be made. • RF.SOI,VF.D FURTHER. That thei, Commissioner of Public NVorks be and is hereby instructed ud directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Councilforprovs11; that _ upon said approval, the proper city otiicials are hereby authorized and directed. to proceed wit the making of said improvement in accordanrc therewith. : Adopted by CoiuwiL r City Clerk., Approved_ _... Mayor. Councilman Jarnsworth G� C Councilman 4os.s Councilman lyland Councilman eller Councilman IcColl Councilman Munderlieli Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. S- -. - CITY Or SY, PAUL - .DEPARTMENT Or; FINANCE.. - REPORT OF C MISSIONER OF FINANCE ' 0LINtINARY ORDER- - !'� jt In the Matter of........ _. _ r __ ! ... ....._..- . ----- — ---_ :.��- Srabin6 J111eg la Bloat 3,------- __........... �--� _�.�t�=s.-..g _ Wig;'`#+s��yt�- '-ers.��-�d�3�►>�i�s�J` — ......- -- ----- _ -- ................ -:_ .....;:. ....... ............... ........ .............. ...:...... ...– under Preliminary Order approved --- :.:..._May $th .IU? .......... ...._ ...._ _..:._ ............ ....-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The'Commissioner of Finance hereby rgports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvementis - 5-38fl-.�.9- :----- ------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcetwof land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - J Bryant O Fri ri Addi lo" wV v .. u✓W. _ lest 7} of 2 2. - ------ East of a a ) 2850 1 3 )) -- 4 a a345 5 a 425 g a 2325 12 a Bryant. park 6dddition, 1600 i1 a 3100 10 a _ TOTAL. _ CITY OW&AUL -DAPARTMENT OF FINANCE -. REPORT OF tQMMISSIONER.OF. FINANCE.. j ON ELIMINARY ORDER IBI OESCAIPTiON LOT BLOCK AOOITION dALUATI O ALUATION ' r 9 2 Bryan Park Addition j 2450 8 3 3700 7 2 1600 6 2 I 3300 5 ` 2 — 700 _ 4 g t 700 3 2 2900 700 775 13 8 2 445 rest z of 14 2 East of 14 3 1Q75 152 .. + , 18 a 3425 17 2 3425 . _ 16 2 6475 129 2. 725 20 2725 21 2 I 3978 22 2 23 3 735 i 24.2 i, i 715 TOTAL. 62,225 } The Commissioner of Finance further reports that, he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reportage to him in reference to said matter by the iCommissioner of, Public.Works. I Dated — - Commissionerl'of Finan e.' F.r,n 11, n. 12 Office of the C wnimioner of Public Worl�s. - --- --Report to Commissioner of Finance - _ June iBth, - i ..... To the Commissioner of Finanee of the City of St. Fall: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consiiierntion the hrehm� air; order of the Couu cil, known as Coun—approved ,_....... .. "ay 8th` _ _191.__?, relative to._:_._.._ ... ..s3.f.....a11�Y...._izl_..E.�.Qe>t..�_, IIryent Park Addition NO, 2 _ ....:...... sad having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby.reports: 1. Said improvement is_ .......necessary and (or) desirable. 32¢ per front foot 089 19 The estimated cost thereof is $__. .....v ......_, and the total cost thereof is �....._. and Aseees. frontage 1',198 feet Excess inspectjo i.;-'i.S3 the nature and extent. of said improvement-is as follows: ......... ....... _........ ... 3; .1 plan; profile or sketch of-saidimprovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..-........, - i a. Said improvement is. _._......... ......... —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y JY ............ Comuussioa r of Publhc \Vorka - - -- -- - - • ---- 'COUNCILFRESOtUTION-'GENERAL FORM- -low ` yy� ........-_..... a ....... .............. L .... . .:... .. .. r.. ..COUNCIL ............. -- --- a 8t. tiTe Plesented:......Auguet- RESOLUTION , MENT— Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND. AND EXTENT BF-EASE PROCEEDINGS TO E-TA-tN-CONDEMNATIOIQ KENm In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs' rading-al sad f ills in glay. in Blook 2, Bryant Park Addition, and alley in Blbok 2+ Bryant Park. Addition No. 2, under Preliminary Order $16347., approved l:ay 8th, 1917, and Intermediary Order $17456, approved July 7th, 1917. The Commissioner of. Pub110 Works having submitted his report and sketoh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of 8t.-Paul fixes _ and determines the amount of land to be taken for the abode.namad improvement.as an:eaeement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon - Blook 2, Bryant Park Addition, and alley the alley 1n 1n Block 3,. Bryant Park Addition No. 2, to the extent shown Bl upon the sketoh attaohed td-the report of the ---Commissioner_ of Public Rorke in the matter, dated Augu et'8thx 1917,whioh'sketoh and report are hereby referred to and_mada a part hereof. 17913—. _ In 9 ma tter'Of'CO 1.0 the lanest leh - Ing, nn. m.io u., In the land i 1. In .ary ng alloy- for -1 nn. fill. ht; Rrnd, A alley In ❑lurk ... tifynat - - .1arks i f Ili inn, an 1 Ilei• in mock :. Brant Pirk lditi nundi•.r' " I•relirninnry Ord,363{,. ¢p• .. . mnr �dtntcr No. 11456 approved July - 7th, 3917 \ IVs- 1ot11t I.slnner of Pub11r 1\•.111. �. hnvintC stthttiltted hl, report. and .hatch - In itis .1 matter, be It Resolved, Thnt tho City of lit. Paul - nse9 and deterfninea tits n nouni of - land to be fnh'n for tho shove-named. Intarnvrtnent .s an casement for .lopes. for eutnand fills Ina d upon the land nbu[ting Upnh: the alley In illock" Rrl nt" 1 rl<. \ ldlttl n, nn�t nllel. In ` Iliock. 2, itryout Par1I Addition Yo to 7 th _tent h n upon the .kotrh al- AqG '—� IC1 I I91. -Yeas (t') Councilmen ( t) Nays (.ch d to It,,, repart of the Com i . the Council' .. alnnnr of 'Pullo %York. In the tn,Wr, dated :.\ugu.t 6th. 1D17, which .ketch - - - FBfnaWarth.° nud resort me.hereby referred -to and - In favor to d ¢ ", ,hereon. C,p„ \duptuA•b> the Cnuncll Au�..B, 1917.; -.pro Approved Aug: x,.1917, P Keller 8 (A.gu.t 31-1917) McColl _ <Ageinat YOerB Mr. President, Power. FORM C.7•2 - Qlitg of of (uv olie Work: ` N pevartaOSS.. 60MMISSIONER j....r +•"�" ~� O{t•NCUU{{lN. Cw ar (wo w,[+ - R T. GOURLEY. D(.uTY -- . .!.(COY ,•u of Cena,+ueri N, r. �[ n - ._. N. W. OOtTSIND(N. {uM. - N BONY.{RN, [n..... — - Nt+HOLD. Orrc[ twewa,+ -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - Athe mat -ter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neves e.ary Ior-slopes for cuts .and filla in grading alley in Block 2, Bryant Park Addition; and alley in Block 2 Bryant Park Addition- NO -2, under Pre- liminary Order`#163470 approved May 8th, 1917, and Lntermediary order #17456, approved July 7th 1917. - To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commiseioner of Publio Works hereby submits and sakes a part !'of this his report, report, a plan. of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan; the fills to be made on private loroperty, and by the hatched portion, the cute to—be,_made on. private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken; -by the figures opposite ouch shaded and hatched parts of su6h plan. Commissioner of Publi rke i Pated� • � _�.._,� — V 1 ST. PAUL - - __ DEF TMENT OF FINANCE - -REPORT OFCO 18810NER OF FINANCE - — -- - -- - 1NARr :ORDER In the Matter of�OA(1g, g_.BIIfl--t. BkiIlg_B>l._BSgement in,. �1fl.18t1$._IlflaeEaftTy... Yor eloQer3, for Dote and -fills in greking_ATley� iri Bloak Sr�canL?s_Park�dditian sad..B.10 k_ sweat's par]�Additien under Preliminary Order approved--._.._Ik.aY__.6.t.b,....1.81,7_,,,_----------- -----------_.... .......... - - - ----------- To - -To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner Iof Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated hmount of the assessment for the above improvement is $-25.OD---__� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - 5-- --- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are follows: ._---.. --._ ASSESSED .. ------ D.E.S-CRIPT.ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION'. - VALUATION -- - 3 2 9ryantrti Park Addition do a) 3500 Weet of 2 2 3650 4 g 2375 5 3 .725 6 a 2325 is a Bryantte Park Adddition 1500 li a 3100• 10 a 1800 .TOTAL. 177 _7 Ib {bata M_"� o[ graQ ` I �'' Bd4 ,ward-,rrom ttanda - � _`D41� de§ rt at eoatqo. 1R 9tceorAu,ae with. t "At ts .f A -public, s and earto uponthe above Itprovlm acouncil,tall panona,4blsotlomiranddAtl*nx relative-theretofour considered, tile '- uy the Connel'- a , of HL Paul that the create COUNCIL FILE NO. .:....... tit and kind of Im ty ode hy.. the asid C1ty -eve Fo.teaard t- B l Int Coo ha _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..$r.1S xl& t.• .O. a BpuZ.svard fTom__R�ndolph,•-etTeet to Ta po.�nt:;.600•:.feet•. south• of Randolph etreett in accordance with petitiohl hereto attached,....... ..:..: ............. ..................... ......:.................................. .....:: l ............................. ............... ..:..... ... ...:... ..... tinder Preliminary Order .............. _16306 ..........:....approved .........1l10,Y .740 . Intermediary Order. . ...1.... approved ................................... public ubllc bearing havin 6r been had upon the above improvement"upon due notice, and the Council btiving heard all persons, objections and recommendnions relative' thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it f RESOLVED, By the Council "ofshe City of St. Ynul that the-precise nature, extent and k111d of imp ve- ment to be made by the said City is,.. grads.' Mt Puree.B0ulev.ar..d.•.from_ Randolph. lit. _t tn...a .po.int"_fi0.0....feet ..eo,uth of Randolph..street, in.accordatice with a l petition••heret l attached. ............. ...... ` ..... and the Council hereby orders said ,improvement to be made.: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is -hereby instructed and dire ted to prepare plans and specifications for an id, improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; at a 'upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the ma ing of said improvement in accordance therew4l - Adopted hi• the Cuuueil' 191_... City Cler_ .... Approved �.. Maya . _ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Ooss PUMI Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller CouncilmanMcColl Councilman Wuudencch Mayor Irvin Form B, S. A. 8-7• - li • " o 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTNI T OF F NANCE - REPORT OF COMMI ONER OF FINANCE OMPREIIMI ORDER In,.the Matter of ....... : _ ...: _._, _. .. ...,.._ :. _...... .. _,..-:.__�_` _.. y - Graaing Mt.Qurve, Boulevard from Randolph et 4o_a _t ................ TolnL 600_ ,feetsouthRstreet. _ ._..:......_I _ _ - _.... ......._ . _ _..__. ._......... .. _ .._ . ..... .. ....... _:_ ... __. _. .. under. Preliminary Order approved _...... -. To the Council of the.City of St. Paul: -- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the abnve improvement is $..1870.79 ..... ... _..... _: I ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is I •-----$.-•--1-.56�.. x. -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: :.. a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE9TIO VALUATION Agan Place, ass. 27a - —.. 225 --- 28'a ass ao',a ass 30,2 I 225 31 2 885 228 33,2 aaS 34 ,a 225 35 2' aaB _ TOTAL. �.. £ccm H H 10 ,:., ,;.. ..,,.., . .. .: .,, .,::.,:.., �. . ._....• _. ,. �.._, .. ... .,paw.,. `. A P. , ercv, rat PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE` REPORT OF COM STONER OF FINANCE ON PREG Y ORDER - (C) r r ' DES GRIPTIO !. LLPT BLOCK! ADDITION \ 7 ABBE59ED x VALVA ION TT --- —A - 36 2 Ryan Place; 236 3T. 3 336 1 3 250 2 3 - ' 3 a 280 . -- 280. ., 8 3 250 I a ;'a a8o 7 .3 280 8 31 275 - 9 a 10 l3, 276 11.3 278 - - 12.3 - - -'� - -- 275 further he has investigated all of the aforesaid mutters, and The Commissioner of Finance reports that hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 717- '.:.. 141.:. 7 __.... 'v✓(_a...._. - � Dated r Commissioner of Finance. . _ Fon. It. 17. 12 ity ov,. -ting on 11 nr f 0. c U z o' I h do..---- hereb" ti',;i r, -C)"; Honqr��blc- c�tuqe aid llt. ^` r, Ave. to be -raded hctr.'Ccr t it 11 A LQ'-'. BLOCK �,)-�T-- 011 Y --7 174 20 3. 1 OPT,-, %Z Z 7A CITY OF ST. PAUL !c'N-G CLtUP-^!L "REGnLLITHNERAL FORM <_ ..o...... __ .. .... Sub'ect . I ...... ...... ................. couemt•. Its NO........... ......... 1 Date Presented....:...A.ugustt.:. ath ►...:,1917...... Resolved >: I7(IF(�THE AMOUNT F RESOLUTION OFLAND OR OR E XTENT of EASEMENT: i - - TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION' PROCEEDINGS In the matter of'oondemning and taking and - h ease®ent in the land neoeeearY for "Ores, for auto and fills in grading Yount Curve Boulevara,.from i - RanQolDh Street to 804 feet south of Randolph Street, -under'Preliminary Order $18307, approved Yay'�th, 1917, and Intermediary Order $17484, approved July 7th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Borke having sub- mitted. his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED;'. That the City of St. Paul fixes` and determines the amount of land to be takdU Ycr the above named improvement as an easement for slopes far-outs and Mille -ln -and upon_the land abutting, upon Mount Curve Boulevard, between the points aforesaid,` to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the_ commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated August Sth, 1917, which sketoh and . report are hereby referred to and made a pert hereof 0 TA th matter t condemning and tak-j Ing aaeement In-the-land, Area.-j enry for: aIdpe., for cute and 1111, an; - ! grading Curve Boulevard.. ..from Itnnd0lph etreot In 000south hf Randolph street, Urider.. feet dr Rh, 2917.. and tntQrmediey 7try. Or. - -- -r,NO. 174.11, approved Julh; 3917.. .. .. '. The COmmisslOner of Public !York. i hnving submitted his report Ind eke n. If In the alwvc mnttrr, be It It.OxRaa�0uti1°detarminh a tlhY Amount not : lnnd to be, for the Ibov, n.e, Improvement a. nn euaetnent for slopesj for cut' and fill. in and uPOI1160 land, abutting upon fount Curve BOulevard 1 C between them1owDD1U1. aforeeuld 10 th - r��❑ tj {C -� stt n upon the sketch attaabed Yeas (s') ncilmen ✓ Kays , to the raPOrt of the COmminlo..r or e council 191 .. ( ) _ Y I uhlk• it ark■ In the sMotor ketch,.ddted Aur Lunt 0th 1017. which .ketch and report ... It r ha L> reterroU to And made a,tmrt F wotih hereor ............... In FaVOf� Adopted by: the Council Aug. 8, 1817. ;,..:. ... as :.Approved Aug. B. 1917. .... ; ..... '4 Iter (Anguet 11-1917) ccoil ash t B.. FORM G.a•a �cparimeut of .Public Turks . o[.A. C LA Yee[11FCNi.1 [x.ix... - M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER - +tau.....I......... - R. T GOURLEY. DEPUTY - - J [. CAY .Au O•I U". .. r ALIw[OJACKSON•OU". .Y..AY...... T.T N. W.,OOlT21M0[w. [u/To„ q - 01 COw..CT10M. m ., on,T@AK. ewuu o. saw.. - N[.eoLo.o -REPORT TO. THE COUNCIL - In the -matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoes= eary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Mount Curve. Eoulevard,,from. Randolph street to 600 feet south of Randolph street, under -Preliminary Order #16307, approved May 7th,. 1917, and Intermediary Order #17454, ap- proved July 7th 1917. To the Council of the City of St Paul: i The Commissioner of Public ,Works hereby submits and makes a part of this --his report, -a plan of the.above improvement, showing by the shaded portion � of said plan, the fills to be made on.private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent -,,,..f the easement to. be taken, by .the figures opposite Such shaded, and hatched parts of such,plan. Commissioner df Public orks -7'(, - Da te3 J ) `7 _ --- --- ___—_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT QF COIHMI$SI¢NER OF FWANCE ON 4ELIMINARY ORDER r xP ! i F _ In the Matter of Condemning__&_:taking-..an.-easement._ in .the .land. nedessa ..Yos for cuts &.,fills--in,,Grading �t.Curve Boulevard from,Randolph st to a point 600 feet south of Randolph etreet, ....__... _ _._ _..... ............. -under Preliminary Order approved ay._.7thi.._1917,.:... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the abovp improvement is - . . $25.00 _. _.... ..... . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -, - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: I ' DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCa. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2612 Ryan Place 225 a7 a 825 28 a: ass 89 2 225 30 a ass 31 a 225 32 a 225 33 a 225 34 a 225 352 aa5 -1-0 Farm B. B, 3_0 CITY Of ST. PAUL' _ ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - (C) -ON P�LIMINAR7 OMER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. -' ADDITION - - .. _. - - ASSESSED ' VALUA710N \ 318. 2 Ryan Placa, 225 37 2 - 235 1 ° 3 250 - 3 ,3 250 4 3 350 5 3 250 6`3 250 7 3 l 250 8 3 275 8 3 375 —- - 10 .. 3 275 12.3. 275 �i The. Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191.7 — -- — —' — -- -Commissioner of Finances t'mm IS, B. ]7 n Office of 'this .Commissioner of Public Works,..,s. - - Report- to Commissioner of Finance June 33rd ? . ._ To the Commissioner of Financef of the City of St. Paul- The Cotumissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of the Coll"- ;! M_Y_. a 7th ....... ..... . _ .191:7., relative to...._.... ....... cil, known Its council File No. 16308 'approved ........., . _.... ........._.... ....... .._.._:condetrning._and..-tEking .lin eas went in the land neaessary for slopes, for cuts and °ills in grading Nt Curve Bou' vard from south eet s fof RStreet h St to.. a-point„00 o, Randolph Street _.......... Rdole.........- ............. . --++ and liaviiig investigated-tile-matteie Bud things referred to therein,-h— ereb; reports._- _ 1. Said improvement is ......:..necessary and _(or).desirable. ----- xXX and .;, The estimated cost thereof is _ . ......... and the total cost thereof the .Iihiture and extent .of said improvement-ia ns follotcsi 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto altaehud and aunts it part hereof. ........ ... ..... _.... ._. b. Said improvement is ..........................._I petition of property, suliject asked for ,ohi n an of three or more owners ,of assessment for said improvement. Cohmmssioa of Public Work's. f }IJ i • CITY OF ST:' PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION •Date Presented--- 1►uSuet _8th - -39-17 grading Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from. Inthe •matterof -- - - - - --- - - -- Rice.Street•to Western Avenue, and Marion Street from Lake _ C.omo,A .Phalen_ Avenue _ta a.. point_ UO. Leat-narth., _ under Preliminwy Order - - - - - -, Final Order - _16038_ Approved- -April 31st,_ - - - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates, submitted by -the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named -- improvement be and the same -are hereby approved. -. ------_ aa.calvn>. Iz•fvsoaoaa a; ire . - r l - QST? we In _ t - _9 20 feet north un ler Preliminary. con ora 1 nt bl 1 O. 1G07C aP r a\ h a t 1917 !lona pd stimates submitted by. the.C mmisaloner of Public Works for the above named Improvement be and tite eamo. are here by approved.Adopted by the t`ouncll Aug. 9, 1917.EAPproVad.\IIK. 8, 7(August 71-1191 -- _ -Adopted by -the Council - - - - - -, -m--, ------ Yeas; ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Far sworth Gos Hy d A'�S 19iT\ Ke or Me oll Approved - - - - 191 , 1V.0 derlich Mr. President, rvin----------- -- -- -� Mayor. r Y CITY OF ST. PAUL - -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION •• s t_ e # s e • k t A #♦ ♦Y e k s { August 8th, 7 - 1911- In the )natter of _grading_Sommerville Avenue from _ -_'_C'olumbus Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue ---= - - - -.---- --- - - -- - - / under Preliminary Order - 14618 _ _ Final Order _163- _ - - : Approved - --hay 8th, - - - - 191 ?. i RESOLVED,: _that,the_plane-,--_spsoif ieztions- and --estimates----- ---- submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named, �. -improvement_b_e--and-the--same are hereby approved. - -` - C. FNo, In the att. t grading eornmemllle'- i1P(� Sal papers. in. m Recei A,"-drom C lumbus AVe. nary Ht. der �O lyith 3b0VQ-n_-, th n \ en and r Pn+limin approved rover. r.n - IiSI - ani uracr'� 19160, a ----- ` -dl39th191 PProved -. C,tliu�.l�'On, It Bolt d That the plane. 'epeelnen• Res tion nd -timate ubmltted _ by the - Comma r er f I .bile We for the abovo named -Improvement lie and AN. ° - earn. bre. heraby ¢pproved. - - + - Adopred by the Co un ell •IPug. S. 1917: Proved(A •11r - h August 11-1917) ' . - Adopted by the Council - - - - - --- ,191 . Yeas; ( ) ( )r Nays Councilman F nsworth Go a Hy and AJC 18ti . Ke ler L:c oll . Approved- 1 191 . 'derlich fir. President,, - - - ruin - - - `�` CITY OF SST. PALL ---3 ^i COUNCIL RESOLUTION u a. # # 4 4' #. i 4 �`• f1 44- • 4 # 4# # August'=8t 7 . Date Presented - - Z--- grading Cleveland Avenue from Commonwealth In theriatter of ---------- - - Avenue to Scudder Street, and Scudder Street from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue _ - _ under•Preliminary Order 18136 _ _ _ Final Order - _ - - - _ Approved _ -Say 22nd, _ _ _ _ 191 . - gEgOLtrEn, That -the pia , spestifcationa and eatimhtee .e submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be. and the same are hereby approved. c F Ao. l7flts— ivAA all papers in _ I tl m tt r of arndlnF Clevelnnd, I ReeQ. A\ mo from Comm nwenith Av-n ��nn�t,l Grl /141.t11 k4 � Io 8l 1111 r 9t..-und S udder 9t. from Q1 ✓ ( � _...,oar uItn>m nd Cre un. R2 1 I rv•Ilmlh p Ord r 1 11G - Flnnl - Order 1G. t t approved \Inl. $, tfl17. - /• - Ilnne 4.11 estimates ahmltted byfltho' Cmnmlealoner of 1-111,11e Works for they .,,eye-nnmed hnpr.1—ent. be and -the'-. 'eeme are hereby approvod - - ll tred 1 thoConnrll \I I ove1_u1f.8, 7917.1 l l,- � 7 d \ IK.: B. 191 n r r 1 - _ --t—u vy Lut: c;at3noil Yeas; (. ) _ ( ) Nays Councilman Fax,,sworth Cos Kc er 11U6 191( Idc Il Approved f� - 191 Wunlerlich Ilr.l President; vin V 'j• ----,_ CITY OF ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION resent AugBust 8th, -loi7 In the Matter of = grading Euc lia Street from Earl 8treet.to fleeter Street un c r P eliminary Order' - - Final Order _ - 10670 -- - - Approved - - - Yay 34th- - - _ _ 191 6 ,--- - --- ---_.: -- �. p�=la; specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named •, is _ - improvement be and the,.,eane are hereby approved. `In the 7m?nvry.a'�"--.—..., r n e>tof gracing rt,,, Recei ed all avers III 7 II to. yirer �• r=. �` l07 0 n 1 r. cal vt un rr - n G_Il WYt 8bOyv _ t: t jab "th 1 � a _ -• R noh h t eh Re u lon.L; .rt + nn 1�tM m tc ubmlttl l�hY.� th Romml nln !•'7'tl it ti ork �° mo nr 1 1 It V a `mrnt h rer the - .. 1Un1 tp•I hh3' lieannroa•..,� n4 -the �"•"•-'-'T ! 1PI ovc, Council AA 1(.1u R. 8. ]717. i7. 8. 1717. 8'uet Adopt ed- b the - Council Yeas: ( ) ( ) IJays Councilman F rsworth Go Hd' KeY dr IJ' f9 Mgc 11 _ Approved l7u erlich 1. 1 Mr, President, I vin .. o CITY OF ST. PAM COUNCIL RESOLUTION.. - - - _• - • — —st 7th 7 . -. Date, Presented --• - - .+ -]ol In the natter of: - �reding_Lake Como_& Ph_al_an_ Avenue In Aroade Street and Forest Street' - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - `. _ _ -- - -- - - --- ------•- - - -- 10 X861- under Preliminary Order - -, Final Order Daoember 8th, 6 'Approved -- ------ ---, 191. RESOLVED, 'khat the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner ,of Pubiic Works for the .above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. toPhnl the Mntte ,ot roiling I-k.Cam h n av h ton Arcnlpp 'lt. oaf p—re. i t -•r ""� J-r1.11minnrl. Order nv�:e.t -nl r, n ;0:801 Ftn07-ff 1 IJ8Y9. nn1 roved • Ileo nb r.. 8th,. 1716 - COII CIC t 1 r. With a :. R eoly I Thnt the pinna, apvrlRen- Res utr •'- tl nn nail ratimnl a 1 hmltted by the Ve rloner aE Publla Works for the ---- •:rthova named. Improvomant bo nail that f anmanro 1 arobY nnnroved. - i \dont i tiY,. the. Council AUR.. 8, 1917. .\4VroV d .\IIR. 11,:1917. ' 7 'Adopted by the Council - Yeas: ( Nays Councilman,Fax sworth -- - ---- Gos \ xYl d it f917: Kol er q YOC 11 Approve - - 191 . Wun er'lich - Mr. President; I vin - - - - - - - - - - `fit . Oil -- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION — Auguet1 7th. _lol Date Presented - - - - - In the natter of Brading _ytp int- - -h Street from i Aroade Street to-Foreet Street - - - - - - - -:- $14831 T _ - _ -$16358. uncierlPreliminary Order - - - Final Order - - - - - - May Sthj, _ - - - 191 Approved - - - - RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of .Public Works for the above named improvement be'and the same are hereby approved. ,c F 4T Intb.st. ll papers 'In flet of R dl R. t.%ht. ilndCrl, QAf`e�../Pf� B• •`%'�bNNM11JJJ0 .. { m \r gee Cr 1 I.tfi31. Finnl ur- "rl � Wl " from ml r ♦tnY�t $tli. 19]7. t, 1 C ,•' 1 r 16S 6. PN °thl pin. e9nbclnLp.� Gonne t n. -7t ,1 "J I t .nub Itted Y RQ,B'0. tions an�lentfmat lXU Cnmmientoner 1mP nv°mant b n.end tb• abot nmm�d '. nnm ata brebY.aDannlcl AnR•B, 11117. _ . `. ppr e81�Vi�'A.}977. Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - -;191 Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman F sworth Go By d - Ke er - d _ 191 Mc 11 Approved - ,Vu erlich Mr, resident,' vin - - Mayor: Xt2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented - August ?th, - _lol 7 In the matter of .gra4ljqgLafond_ Street from A n ton Avenue _ - - - - Cs1gB� ��4et to L _ ezi_ 6. - - - - - - - '- - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - under Preliminary Order - #15647_ -, Final Order - _16730 - may 26th, Approved -- - I -- -- - -- 191? —SOLVED fihat--t:.o plays specifications and --estimates - submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement b'e and the same are.hereby approved. r ett r _lines imfond at l -' Roceivedall papers ' Ort9 �o ., d g fih 7917. j Oil f. i•r 1G.- Plrmn conneIon. &.rjved. 4'hnt the plane. d by the _ o.ten n Aeetim"t Lmittrd -bY: thet"" Ionar t r yfili it obe for thet bn aod� teeam re her o nnr •11 \uR8.1977.luxu8[ tt-917) Adopted by the Council - - - --- - - , Yeas: ( ) i )._.Nays Councilman Far sworth Go s Ky d e ex. Wuerer hPPro7jeedJ ;Yu lich Mr. President; in - - - - - - - - - --------------- ---- '---- - - -- - - ---- ifayox. --- - "- --------------- . A. rr; WHEREAS, a peyition has been filed and presented eh.the" E - rouneil by Alberta V. McClung, the owner of all the -.lands abutting on East Seventh Street between Hazel Avenue and point 570 feet j• { East of the West line of the 'Bast 'halt of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-six (26),,Township Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-two (22), situated in said City of St. Paul, praying for j the vacation of -that portion of said East Seventh Street dying between said Hazel Avenue and said point 570 feet East of the j West line of the Easthalf of the Southeast quarter (:SE#) of said i Sectiou-Twenty-six.(26). And whereas, the plat Commission has i - approved a plat embracing the said portion of the street proposed r to be,vacated and which plat dedicated to the public use, in the opinion of the said Council, landequivalent in area ,and value to the said street sought to be vacated, therefore be it . i RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby accept said plat as recommended'by the Plat Commission, which plat is known and ' .i • designated.as,Beaver Lake Heights; � L1 BE IT.FURTAER.RESOLVED;that East Seventh St. lying between said Hazel.Avenue'and said point 570 feet East of the l 1 West line of the'East b if of the Southeast quarter (SEt).osaid Section Twenty-sixl(2,6) is hereby vacated without the paymellnt_ of any 'money into. the City treasury. i. cQa CIWO.- r. at1?t a 1 1 a Yeas (V) Cou Culmen (.'') laps / e t to t ,ul 1• Far orth 11'Adopted by the Council AUG 79 1911 191 • Co In favor Hyl d 1917 Ke) — Approved 191 tik II y Against Wui erlich Mr. President Irvin Mw/y/dri r n r .. _ 1 1 1 I I �a9p . - 1 T �'OliT L 4 T 6 1 '9 . 1 I I 1 1 ` I , VI I--- I �rxfr/YT_iY-----.fTJF'E6_T-------=-X--------- ,*ff•�C----- --- l� IN i - t VI ,1 jV -- - -- - ---- : - - ,._ -- - - _ - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - "Al 1 .- CITY OF" ST. PAUL _C C tJ`N9I L.I:RESOLUTION—,—GENERAL FORM Subject:*__-- couREa a _ —:Ile LL lDate Presented Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Worke .be and is hereby author- ized and directed to cause Goodrich avenue, between Snelling and Saratoga avenues, to be sprinkled during the season of 1917. smsor:rrcloi.�. C. F. No. 17996—Ey a1• N. CNN - Re .1 the C-rond""nerpor Public Works been' is he ea 6.04Alah iscd -end directed to enautb u A . avenuu. bolo be xDrinkled ndu8ingttoe avenue., ° season or 1917. . - AJaD,.d-by the 9iAug.. 9. 19M IApprove Aug. 19•1/1) • (Aug. Yeas (J) Cou ilmen ( Nays Far worth Adopted by the Council ;AUG —91. 1911 191Go ' Hyl nd In favor AUG -9 1917 . Kell r Approve 191 Me. 11 Against ( / Wu lith' V Mr. President, rvin LS1,00-m 0. 9•I - ?age2 Res. 563' 18620" Electric Blueprint CompaTW, 1• 6.69 I'.Bldgs.-Expense 1.Schcols-C&8 21 Farwell, Oz man Kirk Company, Farwell, 39 121.5 , P.Schools-Expense 3.80 _ F13ae. -Erxpensaa e .1 61 t 12 ?.Schools-C&B 80 < /` - ?.Library-Expense 121.57 22 _ A. Flanagan Company, 240.00 P.Schools-Expense." 23 -Forman Ford Mfg. Company, 16.88 -Fire-Expense. a r 24 A. G. Jefferson Lumber Company, 287.63 Sewer C&R=Expense 166. s-C&B p.Sohool2 87' 3 a 25 Frank Kings 21.86 ?.Parks-Expense. 26 A. F. Herschleer _. 5 132.97 ` P.Parks-Expense." Health-P.Baths-Expense �' S. 5 a a 6 6 132 97 27 Midway Lime.& Cement,, 224.91 Sewer connecting Portland Avernta. 28 A. p.-Moore, Com'r. P. Works-Expense 41.40 47.3A St. C&R.-Expense / 4 .3Q 29, National Lead Company, 25.23" Health-P.Baths-Expense. 30,..Nortthwestern Blaugas Company,, 10}8� health-fir-Expense. 31 Northwestern Elec. Equip. Company, 4y272�19 _ P,Sohools C&B 5 58. P.Parks-Expense 'l 18' b 62 P.Parks-Const. ?.Beach P.Library-Expens a .32 Lighting 23 .38.3 42 .19 p 32 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 279.24 ' - health-Health-Expense .39 P.Schools-EMP • ;j 1 .84 P.Sabools CO1 .15 9 3¢` P.Parks-Expense P.Library Expeme % 2 .24 I — 218 20 " gg Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Company, P.Schools-Expense. a U Page'#3. ROD. 563 R P1ate.Glass Company, _ 18634 Pittsburgh , 72.37 k.Schools C&B. 6 2 t - Playgrounds-Exp. 72 35 Geo. Ratbgeb & Company, ?8.42 P.Parks-Expenses 1 Y 36 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 70.00 P.Schools C&B. 37 Review Pub. Company, - 215.65 ilen. F.-Offioial Publications. 38 Rose, Ii ill, Nursery., 60.25 P.Sohools-Expense. 39 E.E. Sargent-Company, 4.14 Water-Expense. Schroeder Creamery Company, 831.20 .40 _ P.Parks-Expense. 41 Scott, Foresman & Company, 1,235100 P.Schools-Expense. . 42 _ A. Swedall, 69.10 P.Schools-Expense. 43 St.Paul Builders Mater4ls 344.94. P.Schools-Expanse .00 ` .00 M u 5.76 88.60 - n'. • 12.00 _ . e 58. a o 11 .40 - it 3.98 P.Schools-C&B 34.20_` 344.94 44 - Twin City Mission Furn. Company, . 432.00 ` P.Schools-Expense. 45 Waldorf Bindery Company, 500.00 P.Library JTense 46 Washington Foundry, 480045 Sewer -Const. & Repair*•Expense 4 .8 Gen. Mun. Gar. R. .45 t Co:. Kirk Co.. iliL67. . 3Lu . Co..Co.. $1.. . ' on Lumber CO.,.. i2{7.61 , .. . U32.9T- -�sch104 ' Lime Cem ent. 1244.81., .. :ioore, Sal7.10. _Lesd Co., 146.22'.. .,0 61 13;861.77 -'estnre Blau Baa Co., i10.{9•Co.. •e.Mrn- Else. EQu1D• - - RCutler. $079.24. ' Z Bled6.ett MTB. Co.. 6216.20. . . 'eb Plate alas. Co.. $72.17. - haeb& Co..'i21{2.- dt Nlre Works. 370.00. ._ - . iron, .. Pub:.CO:� 1216.66: Nursery. 360.26. - ... nt Co, $4.14 - ;reamerY 6b, 1631.40. - .man ' Material. 1144.04. s ,turn C00: o.. 34.[2.00:.. - • .. _ - _ . � 210.. 0. -`.1489.46. 1 CITY OF 8T. PAUL $ 4 a +•ter• - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ NO'17{�`}� - AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM 1FILeN61L AUPITEO181_, •{ '. - PCR 564 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fanda and., m favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in AW -following detailed'- As -.q t�l� �tatemenr. Yeas ( J) Councilimen ( J) Nays - Adopted by the Council 181 Farna urth Go„ In favor Approv d 9 1911 f_�181.—• Kelle ' M Against Hyland_ tawo , Wunderlich .r_an - Mr. President. -Bs mou.t le enool YU11 � ti Irvine, tar triae . L1911iiD < �' ecttvQ &Ued st s spout: - IosifnFdatalled aot: C.'Uaumaardner. ivr¢ rdner. Uepratr. R'olRr ii86.00. - Martin Eh.rhard, i169.... - �.. - - P. Oleaa.n, 3660.01 - W. T:. troy. C. .... 18647 R. C. Baumgardner, 905.00 - Grading Griggs. 48 Degraff Wolff, 765:00 { Sewer on Middleton and Rogers ,59 10' Sewer on Bayard / 1 49 Martin 'Eberhardr " 1-000 59.00 ding Alley Blk 2 Oakland Park Add. „. 50 P. J. Gleason, °'' 680.00 Grading 4yndicate. t 51 W. J. Hoy Construction Company, 530.00 1, ,530000 Underpinning Marlborugh Apartments. 52 Hubbard Electric Company, - 425.00 Ornamental Lighting on Robert St., 53 Christ: Johnson, 29'000.05 Grading Otis Avenue. 54 Keough Brothers-, 7,964.50 - Grading James -Gradling Alley Blk -8 Grading JeffersonGrading Waseca, 42-.?75 Grading StanfordGradi ng r�s Fairmo tG ding }m 55 Standard Stone Company, 275.70 Cuirbing Sherman. - 56 Thornton Bros. Company, 3,400.00 . Snelling Como Sewer Systeme Total_. g f}64,Eb t _ i F.rm A. 0 -II i CITY OF 8T. PAUL ars oun. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT tt _ COUNCIL. No AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM FILE tY " .. AUDITED AUG'`' )211 565 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon-the City Treasury, payable out of the herchiafter specified Funds and favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ' statement Adopted by the Council 11JR —D 1917 lfll_ Yeas (J) Councilmen { J,) Nays I �, F :worth - tn favor Approv _191_ r �I11 _Against JK" ryMAYOR rgrgMr. residenen G S. NO; 17988—. warrants ..be drawn - + Resolved Wet a able out of P appa abe City Trauury. u or and to drmaot CorPeta- - - - t Oftore/natter. aDus, gros `. ,. ;. tardriot tne. DeaonF Uona for the amount, ,et•-sd llnmtbe `Iva name, tA reepee m ,toliowln detsllod a�U � Pr poTas. Rosa . �,. i1,Y64.88.' Adoytedby the council Aug.-,9,1837•.' fS: APProvad Au B• S. 3917. 18657 M. N. Goss, Com'r. P.Works Interest Fund. 1 �f f - i ... ' Form A:3-lt !, - IIATIPYI,Ytt AfaEtl$L �� _- - __ G F. Na 17961--� `� I • / � , ' In tae _matter of the as.eat , .. - _ ^I benea4 eo.la and expenses. conetructlon of n newer. on: ' Council Fil avenue tcom xewltt $vena Orar Dolnt^E0 feeS aoulh OL TaYI ` -nue. under.- PrallminnrY' �' ` • �"'�~- �� � � 'nlermedlar3• Order 14161,-� By . '4 449, r pprored Tai. .. ^ • • iblla hnrla[ aaYfn[ `4; _ — _.. ...-_ —_— __-...__ - - - `.r considered bay •.. t - ''—s th;, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. - — In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the constructionof .a sewer ttn Pascal avenue from Hewitt-'avenue to a point 30 feet .south of Taylor avenue. under Preliminary Order _:___ 13.539....:, Intermediary Order .- 14161._ _. _. ; Final Order..:...1.45.4f3._....... approved J8mtlary.. 2.5,........ -191...7.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement. -and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally' satisfactory: be it therefore n RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the, same is hereby irr. all respect$ ratified, and -the same is hereby ordered to. be submitted to the District Court of'the.County of.Ramsey for confirmation. Br1T1,RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _J equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein.. All Adopted by the Council 191. City Clerk. a'Ur -A 1917 " Approved _ _ ._ . -. .._.191...._ _........... ...... ... ....... _.:... Mayor. .. !•Orin lt. 13'. 19 _ - - CITY C ST. PAUL '+ OFFICE OF THE CO WIONER OF FINANCE s ' REP -SRT OV_C0 OF ASSESSMENT 0 -9___..-......... 191_7 - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, . costs and expenses for the construction of'a sewer on Pascal avenue from Hewitt avenue to a point 30 feet south of Taylor avenue.' under Preliminary Order ... 13539 Intermediary Order .__._........ _......... Final Order .. _....:1454$._ ,. ... approved....-._ Jan. 25 .. .... ..191:...._- _ f� To the C .6iicil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures' neceasari►y incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve-. ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - , - 3._5a2.04 �.::._...... Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal tarda Inspection fees - - - - - - - 3. 11.64 Amount of court costs for confirmation 5...__...1.50 Total expenditures Said Commissioner, further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained. to -wit: the sum of $.5.9 6.14 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be consirred proper. . _ -, - - �, T G: t � • �?-/-!-! Commissioner. of ._:..._.......,.... Finance. Form -\5s t ��. •� Council File Nt� bon �i = Lou n street r m {t t`.nunder ePreltmf I •• inlermedlxrl -brdtr y der-t0Y79, a roved prder'.1Y1/1, DD 30. 1916. - A Dublfobaarfci .. uViovemeTt. and Bald ce ... - been turtber. eonaldered obf ibe - RII, and bavin6 been condlured;,ITY. OF ST. PAUL. - e Raiollar . b. tbea.ddeaf a �d� w °',;ri ratifying ,assessment: I�Deeta ratlded as!" . ordered to; branbl � Court of tbs G •S confirmation. r B.n lTurtberF benefits. costs a•nd expels ee= for In the mall aucoment bs u: nent of mined.to I UaYe,: Inetdlments a6 net of laud der' on West Louisa. street from. Winslow the eonatl Ad.pt.d Y 4 a eewer, avenue to-ar _��� east of east line of Aidwell street. der 11252 final Order.:1'144 under PreliminaryOrder 1037.9...._, Intermediary .OrW.: ,........._ . 6 approved . _.... August 10, __....... 191 been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - q public hearing having d having been considered finally satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by. the Counc�l, an therefore all respects ratified and the d as of Ramsey for confirmation. essment .e -and hereby _ _�_n RESOLVED, That the sal _ -_P — ` - ---.. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County B T FURTHER RESOLVED, That he said lassessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable every parcel of land described therein. equal installments as to each and G-;� lall � t Adopted by the Council, AUG 191. pUG —�-1911 _ City Clerk. f Approved 191 I Mayor. - PiRH.116LLD v--� f CITYC�:T..�PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COM.M�!S7►tNER OF FINANCE ` --REPORT OF COMPLETION' OF ASSESSMENT - In the matter'of the assessment of benefits costs and experses� for the construction of a.sewer on'We Louisa street from Winslow -avenae� tree t . a f Bidwell 11 s 'to 25 feet east of E et lite o d under Preliminary Order .-. 10379...,....__ ...... ............., Intermediary Order ._...12.252 ._......_ ....... , Final Order _.:..__ .._:.12144 approved__ _. _.AugAst 1Q, .a:::-.. 191.5...... y . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred .for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . 'ment, viz: -------Cost_nf_conatroction--------- - $579..16. ."..: Cost of publishing notice $.... .... _.. 63 . _ ....... _ Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees $ 11.5!3 .....:__ .. Amount of court costs for confirmation $. --1..35 ------- Total expenditures - c $592.199 Said Commissioner further reports that he has.assessed and levied' the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.592.99 -- . upon each and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or pzlrcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a pare hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Foam It. u. IT Commissioner of Finance. . � i ------ Council File No. _-...._ B t,u CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits-, costs and expenses for the grading of the alley in,R. McCarrickts Subdivision of Block 88, Lyman Dayton'o Addition: June i_, lsld '' Ile hearins to, they .o t. sred W for the ahor' - Hent. and eatd ..Id... d having been 't t ?th beestdth le haret' .. -ucd the ea; _ mitted t.+ nty of underPreliminary Order. ..4851 ...__...... _., Intermediary Orts y .10.232:.-.._ _._' . Final Order, _ ._109.22.:...._. approved June. 12,..191.6....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement. and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects.ratified, and .the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE/SIT'" FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determiLed to be payable in 4), _',)equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. aur —s) 1917 Adopted by the Council. _ 191...:._.... City Clerk. Approved _... Mayor t'urn� ft. n. 14 - .... gym` F— / ? � //-% CITY UL OFFICE OF.THa CONurSiSSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT Off' COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191..7 Id the matter of the assessment of benefitep COetB and expensesfor the, grading of the alley in A. McCarrick's Subdivision of Black 88, Lyman Dayton's Addition. under Preliminary 4851,,,,..:,_ Intermediary Order ._. 102.12 Order .. Final Order _..._...10.9.27., aPProved:._.- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred foi anA-in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction $1,.050...00._ ...,... -—------ ---- — 1 — Cost of, publishing notice i Cost of postal cards - - - - - - j_ ._......81_.......:... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $ 21.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation $... ..... -.. Total expenditures - - $.1,.02.7..7$.. ........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to-wit: the sum of $.1., 077 a 75.._...._..... _.._....._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden tified by the signature of the said Commissioner. and made a part hereof. is the said assessment as completed by him. and (which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ... ...._.......... .. Commissioner of Finance. Fonn B. B. 17, _ ;. Council File No, 1 -By _. t (•}Eri� _ �. CITY. OF ST. PAUL. Resolution- Ratifying 'Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for the grading of Arohn: avenue from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Nebraska avenue; Simpson avenue from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Nebraska, avenue; Pascal avenue froth Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Nebraeka avenue. under Preliminary Order_ 10.131...... Intermediary Orden.._ 12109 ..._ ,, Final Order_..122Q1.... --...... .__ i approved. September 14[.....11.191._6_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for Ithe above improvement, and said as eas- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, l�e it therefore RESOLVED. That the said asnessme t be and the came is herkby in --all respects ratified,.—and the"--'--"- same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confiimation. BE It RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable FFURRTHER in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. AUG -Sl 1911 , Adopted by the Council 191 _ ...... --- .-, City Clerk. 7 got the assessment of .` pGAUGqll 'and expenses rot .the —A 'ona Inks. to avenue[rom - - s,en avenue to m e- r 31mDeon avenue from- : I .c 1 avenueI APProved ....... .- __., .... _ ..__.: 191 I Phaian avenuePht to � � C✓ I Como Punler /( en Orde1 Avenue under / Order r 1011[ Inter JI ".... Mayor. _ [ I.IOn, Flnal Order 13701. F.. to ft: it. IS +Pt: 1.. '1hav hearing: having been had ��, ���_.. ..,._......... ..._._ � omen[ tenths above Am- ' hale rid said aanered PUB M"Ja / . b that n n by the - - . having been - g been considered eritor -.story, be It ther.a.tr •.nt use&it re- rnae '1. hereby Inhereby In all re - -. - ma and the Is here- - - mitt -d to - - o be submitted o the se- tho County of Ramsey - - to�.� - esolved. That the *1 J^d. t 1. hereby de- _ - �� -. _- - _ CIT` of ST- PAUL OFFICE -OF THE C n_ ONER OF FINANCE REPORT . OF COI�/IY - 1110N OF ASSE�sMEN l. In thematter of the assessment of .benefits, Costs and expenses for 'the ,grading of Arona avenue from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Nebraska avenue; Simpson avenue from Lake Como and Phalen avenue, to Nebraska . avenue; Pascal avenue from Lake Como and, Phalen avenue to Nebraska I avenue, I under Preliminary Order •_.._...10231.. Intermediary Order 2.27 09. ........... ................ ..... , Final Order .. _... 12701 approved.:..:.. ___scgt.ember_.14,.._.:..., 191._5 ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred forand in connection with the making ofthe above improie- ment, viz: Coat of construction Cost of publishing notice $__.-..5...95. ......... Coat of postal cards i $. __..2...55_ .... inspection fees' Amount of court colts for confirmation . . . $. Total expenditures ....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce4- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._..9..43..33 ._..:.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon, that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- iified-by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed . by him, and which is herewith. submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 4_ Commissioner of Finance.. „hatWecA — COUnet�.�lnla e. • � • 'tFInaF Ord I�'•Ust bo,. 1818. '� ._ BY man[ for tAe anot ,1[.... - `- - Wd aneeement Ar .. �.. - _ bk the he It therotara_ . ... _. •. '_- . 1.. hnt tho -enld nesen' ,'lms la aereby lc .. and the same ` ubmltted to th CITY OF. ST. PAUL. rt 965 t Resolution - Retrying Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of a sewer on Eeividere street between South Robert street and Oakdale avenue. I I _ under Preliminary Order__ _ 1100.4.._: intermediary Order ..._ll.?72 ..._..... , Final Order__ .. 1.2.413........ . approved _..:___August 30.....__..._191.6._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessmentfor the above improvement, and said assess- merit having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered' finally satisfactory, be it therefore ------------ RESOLVED, That the said assessment. be and the same is hereby in ' all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE rFHER-, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in . equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council AUG -'�_"_ 1 191.._...:. City Clerk. Approved _ .__..._�Ur ._..._ 19L VC r .-Mayor. p . CITY CW. iPAUL - . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .. REPORT OFCOMPLETi N OFASSESSMENT- - - _.._.. J.�ly.... 8 :..__.... J91.7._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of a sewer on Belvidere etreet between South Rob-ert—street and .Oakdale avenue. under Preliminary Order .......... _._......_......... Intermediary.Order-........_1�.7.%2_..._._..._..... .......... ....... .____ , Final Order . 12413.._ ...._.... .,. ', approved .. Aug.ust 30 .._......... 191....@..... f, 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul:, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction $.1..2.837..00...... Cost of publishing notice $..... ... . .. Cost of postal cards $_ _ _._ 1.3..:........ Inspection fees - - - - - $.. 25.7.4..._;. I Amount of court costs for confirmation $.....::..._ .__4..65....... _ Total expenditures zv . p - - - - - - $..1,.320...48.._..:..._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.1,3.20-49 ............... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement• and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with a. the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by. the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. -—�•Q^L...,w:Q:2G, Qf_Fin1nGG:------._ _-- �u • .fie :.a - - - - Order IC . CoUIICar 11769r . F. r'__.... _. ,.. •ti Droved 8ent.6. r n. atln[ Navintae�Ali rseument for w.,. .:4 and sold ususmm;,;. - . .. c turther e..vd "n D. ._. _.._------- ad __._ .j ;rapi(actors Di e° taeregrra ,ved. That the said asseum.r, . the Same Is. hereby In `a8 1, A ratified be and the eerpe lrhere' CITY OF ST. PAUL. .. .rad to he county ity to the Doer - aart o tloa. Cough of ]Ramsay rmotlon. `. Be. Issess th t Resolved• 1LAt v said assessment be s end It .1. >,. Resojutlon Ratifying 'Assessment. :determined to be payable In ave. i134 Imegto as. to sac.., ' pucel-o[�land-di Adopted by theNCoorurbed Approved Au[. 9. (Aqg, In the matter, of the assessment of benefits, costa and expense® fair the "grading of Bromptor avenue from.,Doswell avenue to Chdlcombe avenue. 10129_._,......, Intermediary Order 11.17f 9 "..;_:_,:, Final Order.. 12475 funder Preliminary Order ..... - approved ......._Sept_ember. .5:.....__..191.fi ....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said, assess- ment having been further considered by.the Council. and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said aaaessmedt be and the same"is hereby in all respects ratified: and the ; same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. I BELT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described themin. AUG l�17 1 Adopted by the Council .. ....... _:.: 191...__...:.. City Clerk. AUG —� �Q17 . Approved . _.... ... 191....... -_.._._ .... _..... __ Mayor. Form B. n. 13 - -- — - PUB[.IM" .- a .. I , CITY OF: S'1!PAU ' -OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMPLETION -OF ASSESSMF__ _T _....... _J.Ul_Y g t_..... In the matter of the assessment of benefits,,, costs and expenses for the grading of Brompton avenue from Doswell avenue to'Ohilcombe avenue. a A - Intermediary Order .... ......117.f39..___. ... ... under Preliminary Order ._. _ ..._14.129 .__... __ . - Final Order.. __.._..12475. ....... _.. _._-:.. approved : _:Sept.ember .. bi._._.., 191....6..... To the Council of the City' of Pt. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the follnwing as a statement of the expendi- tures -necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz mprove- ment,viz-.-------–= - -- -- ` _ — Cost of construction $ .3.75..Q0... ...... I Cost of publishing notice $..- ..56.-. _.. Cost of postal tarda $ _..24 ................... Inspection feet $_ 7-50.__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - s _ $ - --1 20 – Total expenditures $ 3&4.50_. ._......._ 7 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above. aacer- twined, to -wit: the sum of $.384.50. ...... upon each and every lot, part.or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance; with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as maybe considered proper. tiondn.ttep of M coop anti, t ua re, M or'tae ..•, "' - . sinus _he 1 nvenue,. thnnarY or - - edla Prd.r 14 Ord-'� - V ' :mediary. Order 1ii66, F, ,1464 6. abDroved Januc: - ib"o . head:{ Nadas been - - _ _ - J-7967 967. , is ueaument dor .las GDove out. and said. ieReemept an-. further consldOred. D -. 11. and havins been cone�F� _ eatlotaetorY, ba 1( theref . olved.. That the sold oust - CITY OF 8T. PAUL. td too samets hereby In r ..a rattdad, and te6 V 1 derail to . submlt:&a-- - t' _ ��^I�tio Ratifying Assessment. ! on�rFmuatlo the a county,,' f l.J�l tion' - A mort *• In the matter of the assessment ot benefits, costs and expenses for the constructicn of a eewer.on Doswell avenuee,from the present` easterly terminus of the sever.west of Raymond avenue, whence east erly, 110 feet . 1 _......., Intermediary Order _.14159- Final Order ._14549._..__.... under Preliminary Order. _.13415 Y - approved %nUary 259._ _.... 191.7: . A public hearing -,having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement• and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the .same is hereby in all respects ratified and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..: /7::!.�. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described. therein. AUG -0 1917 _ Adopted by the Council _ . - - 191./ - _._.{City Clerl�. Approved .. _. _. ...._. .._.:191.__... / / %� ^ i , •�.J� UIl Mayor. _........................ > f• urm u. li. 11 .. PUBLLIMS - .-• ,� - /' �� �. I - . I `cm[ OF%T. PAUL ^ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF ,COMPLETION OFA55ESSMENT _ J..ul�r..._.9......... !n the mutter of the assessment of, benefits,_ costs and expenses for the - construction of a sewer on'Doswell11 avenue, from the present easterly terminuo. of the sewer west of P.,ymbnd avenue, thence easterly 110. feet.. under Preliminary Order .:13415 ........__... Intermediary Order ....:.....1.4159._ Final Order 14549_.,.. approved... .._ _ January... 25,_ .., 191.7,-.:..._ - — ,1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve-_ _ Cost of construction $-_225..Q0__............... - I Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $ ...___ ,,,28.._.._........:.. Cost of postal cards $_ _.. .12-... inspection fees - - - - $ __. 4.50.... ._.. Amount of court costa for confirmation $._....__ ._60.... ....... __ Total expenditures $.:230.50_............. I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- 50 _ upon each and "every lot, part or parcel of land deemed taindd: to-wit: the sum of $..230. benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- iified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Vu it. n, t; Commissioner of Finance. j:. 1 rnbao fits, aoita and6eaDensee (._ / 7 J / 77 gradin[ of, Kilburn alreet tin. ' chard'atrcet'to the houthcrlY - _ the>Northern FaaldcRallwa: .... ... .. ... :. - .of . nrdcr ,:Prellmine *" IObtl.,Intermedlarr. Order 1a _ - • ml?,6rder610, approved.:' _ public nbllo hosrint haviat b' .:........ Ly -L2 �nDan the aueaement for tha N,......__, ._ _ _ Z,•, ;�t._i Com. I upon the . sadaid aaauam _ 12 i i Pot been furthe� aoneldered - - d Councll.: and havinC bleb con_ .fin�tUY:aanafactorr. be .rt MOW" Raga tea iahmae ii°beroDy In - CITY OF ST. PAUL ad a ratified and the.aame la : - d to be aubm�tted to tF .. - -,urt ,,t e c,anntY .Resolution ° Ratifying Assessment. matlonhy - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, �oste and expenses for the grading of Kilburn street from Orchard street to the southerly line of the Northern Pacific Railway,. Right of Way. , under Preliminary Order 10674..._,.....:..., Intermediary Order ._, 12302_ _.. , Final Order___:......12815...... approved. __ Septirnb.elr j91.5. _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it , _ -----..therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of.the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. equal installment as to each and parcel of land described therein. AUG gl Adopted by the Council 191 __ I City Clerr Approved . ..' _ 191. Mayor., It. IS PUBL1%&Q - i CITY OF W.4rAUL ` g OFFICE OF T"E CoNiMISS1ONER OF FINANCE -REPORT. Off: COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ o-. — for the In the matter of'the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses. . grading of Kilburn atreIet from Orchard street to the,- i southerly line of the Northern Pacific Railway, Right of Way. _ 0 under Preliminary Order . _.. W74,,. Intermediary Order ... .......... ..___.12302---............... - ---- Final Order 12815= :..._ _ __... approved._..___Sept.ember: _ 21, __..... • 191 _.$.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul:' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a, statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be. incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- - went, viz: - Cost of construction $-510...0.0......... ........... Cost of publishing notice - $._..1...33.... Coat of postal 'cards $ _ ........57. Inspection fees { - $_ 1Q:20_ Amount of court costs for confirmation $- Total expenditures $ 524..9.5_ _._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the. total amount as above ascel- twined, to-wit: the-sum of $524, •9 5 - -' "'-- -upon each and. every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereofe is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance: t'orm -m. I3. 37 - Council File No. _ 1 , By• CITY OF -ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the-atter of, the assessment of benefits, coots and expenses for the grading of Munster street from Seventh street to Davern street; Bellevue'avenue from Seventh street to Stewart avenue; Davern avenue -from Seventh street to Stewart avenue; Graham street from Seventh, street to, Davern avenue. under Preli1nary Order. _8454..,' .:........... Intermediary Order _ 10302-- . Final Order -._11-120 - --- approved . _ June _ 20_ __._..191.6..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been 1 further considered by the ,Council, - and avr d.i rn considered finally satisfactory, be it 2. therefore uo&-1 order 111: I une29 , 1916. .. _ hesr1n6-AivinB be assessment for the =,, r ',4 and sate as.e■sment `in all respects ratified, and the RESOLVED. That the said assessment be ana` er he Inconsidereen eoaby Sime is hereby ordered to be submitted to the DistrO factors. be It theretoreY of Ramsey for confirmation. -l. That the sold e Same la herSh' In at li BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, -That the Haid triad. and the same lahls hereby determined to be payable Sw the Conn., y A, „e equal installments as to each p,n,, -y parcel of land described therein. m _✓. _._..._._ ur .e t. ,,. Adopted by the Council e _. •1 City Clerk. AUG -Q 1917 Approved __., .......191.._.... %� _... ............. Mayor. r• „rn, u, u. 1 s PUaL19F1 ID d ` � .J '• ��/ J, ---------- CITY --___ CITY OF sST; ,&AUL, C OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION.OF ASSESSMENT ....... 191.7_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits?, costs and expenses for the grading of N..unster street from Seventh street to Davern street; Bellevue avenue from Seventh street to Stewart avenue;,Davern avenue from Seventh street to Stewart avenue; Graham street from Seventh street to Davern avenue. 1 under Preliminary Order.:_ ...,45.7.... ..... __............... _.. Intermediary Order ............ 10302..... _... .... ...._....... _........ , Final Order 1F1.20 ,.approved..._... June 20_,_.____ .__, 1916-....._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- I Cost_ of c8nstruction $-3 , 347.00 Cost of publishing notice $ - -,-.2.,7.3---- Coat of postal cards - - ` $ l..y-7..._.__. Inspection fees` - $_ _66..9.4 -. Amount of court costs for confirmation $........:.:..5..fl5...,...-. Tatal expenditures $:3,;423,:.69_........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascm- tained, to-wit: the sum oP$:..3,_423, 69 ___ ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed, by him,-and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered'proper. r•onn n. 13. 1: - (.ommies�oner of Finance------- 4• Com.acil File No ... _., . rder app'+� - I - .. „n A, , 4,, blip b.artn6 halt. bei -. m the ....cement for the abo --t and said a..e..ment - "'f �•` n--farther con.Idared!bY-the Co .ad be,,... been con.ldered anait..r - .ifactory. be It thereto" - rte.ol..d. rh.t the q"Id...e CITY OF ST. PAUL be and the..male hereby. tn." - --- .p..la-ttdad, and the .ams I. 2 ordered to be submlttad to the 4 Court 'at the Cuanty of 8aa Resolution Ratifying .:Assessment.. aid -a..es.ment ba and 11 determined to- be Payable " - In.��llm.nt.'N'to .ach an - e.l'o[ land d... rlbed thr: Adopted by rhe councitatter of the.assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for , Approved Aua.'9.191'� - (Au6. 18.15 - the grading of Payne avenue from *Acte Bear Road to Larpenteur I avenue: - I under Preliminary Order....._ .9.fi85...........; intermediary Order ....__1.1229------: Final Order.... 1193.6._,..___... - n � approved... ........ ... ..... . AUaus .. 3............ 191.@sees . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement. and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered :finally satisfactory. be it therefore ,I --- -- RESOLVED r Thnt-the saidassessment. be and -the_ same is hereby_ in all respects ratified and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.. BE 1 .F,i11RTHElk RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable J' in .. / —:equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I AUG —ia 1,17 191...._.. Adopted by the Council . sees..- _: ... I / a... City Clerk. Approved ... her 9_ s1.17 191..__ _ ._....... . ;;. ,._........_.._....:.......... ...... .......... ..... seMayar: es_..__ roan U. u: Is - i y CITY Of UI» ! OFFICE OF T14E COM V. NER OF FINANCE REPORT OF (COMPLETION OF, ASSE S-SMENT --•-; .. 1917 In the matter of the assessment of benefits; Costs and expenses for the I grading. of r�ayne avenue from White Bear.Road to Larpenteur avenue. under Preliminary Order 9,685 ......... Intermediary Order ..........1.1E2fl. _..� ........, Final Order. ._- _.1193..6- approved... .._.... Augut3t 3,__,,:,_ .:_.,, 191._6..._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I � The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making off the above improve- ment„ viz: - Cost of construction $-1.,_420-4.0........:_ Cost of publishing notice $ -- "- Cost of postal cards — $_ _. ,._..1..59.......... Inspection fees - - _ _ $ _ _. _. 28.40.. Amount of }ourt costs for confirmation $.. .- ..--%:�9-5--...-. Total expenditures $ 1..461.015.-...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster twined, to -wit: the sum of $ 1, 451.65. '__._. _..._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of� land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fonn n.It. Commissioner of Finance. I I 1. r of the } - ate mnd f he al} y In A' WLalna lk'01 ve rck 1s. Sehro dYs e o •PrellminarY Order t.' ..Mary Order 11229 Flea - _:. ApproYed-A IH4el •Ile hearinL harinLbr uwnment,for the ►l ' ( 2 �--- - L and aald+anesamen• mr ronaldered DY the 1 i b......nalderea' L + ` ,r Celt therefore '-.- 1, z•hat the .ala'.•: r, �' CITY OF ST: PAUL ame It h rebr ., - . des. and ene tam - '" ' `° Resolution ratifying Assessment. Cnun In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses._ for. grading of the alley in Block 2, Hussey and Haskell'a Addition,, IBlock 3, Walnut Grove Addition, and Block 16, Schroeder's Addition. I under Preliminary Order _,.:9.782......., Intermediary Order .. 11229 ..... . Final Order _..119,3fl :........ . approved _August .3r.- A public. hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- .ment having been further considered bytheCouncil, andhaving beet considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ---\ — RESOLVED, That the said .assessment be and the e_ same is ,hereby in all .respects ratified, and the same-is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of.the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereb"Ietermined to be payable in tow_ `! /_ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ' AUG -SJ 1911, 19x1._._.... Adopted by the Council - a City Clerk. Approved . ._ 191 v , Mayor. ............ _ VU13LISIL" CITY OF 4T -:,PAUL.. t OFFICEDF T14E COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF, ASSESS' ..........8...._, 191 for the e In the matter of the assessment of 'benefits, costs' £ind' exp eT18e8 grading of the alley in Block.2, Hussey.and.Haskellts Ad ition, Blook 3, Walnut Grove Addition, and Block 18, Schroed,er's Addition.. I • I Intermediary Order... __�,.1.2$Q ....... ........_. . under Preliminary Order ..,..4.%b2_.._._ Final Order ..._..:..119.38..._ approved_ ... _ . August, _4,.:., _._..,, 191.4._. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby, reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eapendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction$..19g...0.l1_.:................ Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal tarda Inspection fees - - - - $.. ..3..8.6 ......_ - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ -'-4'•6.5 Total expenditures $.Q.9..a.%.�. _-...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster - - rained, to -wit: the sum of $_20..$.-71 ---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed i benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred, thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified,by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed ch is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. by him, and whi Commissioner of Finances Form n. lt. 17 — - , 7 .to 1 CYT'St OF ST: TAUL - -- --1, Council Resolution ---General Foirm Department of#c —f- • 1 Bureau of 1 Cdl' Date Presented - 191 ougtk WN �y�1.o• . P RESOLVED• That the SL Peel Gu Litht n:;fu I, he br d...d aed dusted to extnd it. electric I live. br enctiv twice end .bio■Int when thereon ter the tns.miwlov o/ e1"Idy to and iv the tollo�iaa ellen nod .trcen mold .117: Install one pole on. the south side of 'Pleasant Avenue,,between Western Avenue and Lawton Streets Install three poles in the south side. of the alley between Roble and George Streets, Livingston Avenue and Robert Street., With necessary guys and anchors. _ - G F. No. 17872—DY M N. Gos■= Resolved. That the BL : Paul Ga r•�gt Company to hereby ordered and 67:rected to . extend Its eleetrical lIn" , by. orating Vol" and strinaln� alto lhacoon far the translates 'o[,. alae trlctty on and In the tollowInif alley I.. "a street■ OC sold CItY: Install one pole on tha south aloe of ' I Pleasant Avenue. between$ Western .,j .Ave, and. Lawton A6 Install three poles to the south aid-' . 0 L the alley between Rohl. and George with .... dnLiving■ton Avo: and Robert BL __---'with cceaetyr. iluYs mcn.id anchors: . All of a •e ratted iuun. .Voles and under the shall it erected and constructed under .tae Commissioner f Public U'lon of the In all shinfle OL j6c Public he.gles .ad In ■11 roma ■e No. to the, talons lawful rd Nnces t. n of - a -all other lawful ordlnancre and rno-, �. to Uogr of the o[ et Paul all noire shall ll be ■in ■uch loco- - - lon alleys and'streeta as the ommis is.ion Ione of Public UtllItles shaft d elanate and •hail be of such helaht end character a he ebe I detdinale nd All of .uch eatradoa.. pole sed aver dull W ud d try ted ad the di epDr ve and any and all ■uch Dole■ olid rod iv ell thivn tall be tnlren downand removed. end •.t.iectsthe prorl.iov. of (hdiv.e<e Ho. 3.i1 d ill therie,eulwdta.vrcsevd n..rt h tree niae d ld•rttround -when WA,nod chancier.. All poles .hoold ba .tt iv such loeettoei id llr.nod •trcen n. the Cammiedov.erer tli. eounoll shalt. deem that lhd vcil •hall deem that the aull drI este sad apps••• nod ser end .11 Iwl<n shaft M te4eo dewy add remora puDlla tlterut ■o yQnlrq, ana whoa It EEE ., .te Imercn.o renutw, aed whet R.NII •o order. shall a order. • - 3 Adopted by the Counall Aug. 6 1*17. 1 Adopted by the Council Q� Approved, Au& -9 1917: 191 (Aug. Ye -1x17> Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen - ( ) Nays FA NSWORTH , GO S / Mc 'OLL U 1911 f Wt NDERLICH 191 H AND APProve KE LER Mr. President, IR IN Mayor G R<,No. 17173—BY W N. G 1 e Repolred Thnt the $t - r•a u.", Co.DJVt". nerebY • l!!1 Alre red to serene Re Btect� �. ���� :hY aroctlaa Dofee andetrinR• • _Y "- /�" thereon for the..tranemigdon _ - - . ieae - .✓"______ ____ ;. trlcltY oa anq-In the totiowl . .Z- andetreeta of paid idtYt -`.I -__ - - Install three Poles on the:.r of vstle at between Nt ry,_ .�• a) CanoUa Ste: aB •two Dblee on .tnel►n-..-General Form . i o[ 1*Irrsn $4 be4Nsen Mouh - • ? y...: �. vta. 1 Indian ca0 Dole In tna non. I" between •view Ave.. Palace end. dt Department of .11 one pole In tha.no Y bet e4Weenn Cto StonBreee "t,bo Bureau of s .ione polelnfths — .n�¢ht nolEa, - .rpt ^ • - , a' Date Presented 191 Counc'jo. V" II BES V!EDD. the St. Paul Cu Light C Pa Y i hu.b, mdeted and dirtet'd to eateea iu electikal lines br,aectiue missavd atriot iv[ wirca tM1ercov for the t ae ao/deetricv oe.vd iv the fall awive eller dnrcha If saw city: Install three.poles on the 'south "side of Valley Street, between Warren and CanadaStreeta. Install two poles on the meet aide of Warren Street, between Mouftt Airy and Valley Streets. Install one pole in the north side of the alley between Fredericka and Fairview Avenues,Palaoe and James Streets. Install one pole in the north side of the alley between Congress, Winifred, Chariton and Ohio Streets. I Install one pole in the south side of the alley between Fifth, Sixth, Atlantio and Ootzian Streets. --Install- eight pol_ e onthe west aide of Ot1s Avenue, between Marshall Avenue and Join Street. With necessary guys, and anchors. l I " •ubkcAlo°tie°nroa�� o. of i) ai ddii 11 b f .,.td t d sod Unto l ei` :oad., the d. I d I tM1e Citr of 9tf P•ui ommiaaener euwmk t:maie..na i u t61nea All Bolen •-i-it M set Iv u h lve.tio.I d Ilya and t u the Commiuloner of P bn LUlitl--. shall decimate. and •hall be of evcn .dt and h.1.0.1 a. Its atoll deaignate and aBBrore...d avr avd allauch pvin •hall be taken dowv end temor<d, a d h frcc Placed uvder[raivd wNverer the L'ouncil .loll d tat the Public ivtuut •o. a cba.. avd Theo it shall •o ordI - , adopted by the Council __ —_ AUG -I1 1917 191 Yeas ' ( ) Councilmen - ( ), Nays FARNSWORTH . GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH tlpprov d 191 r HYLAND I KELLER _ -Mr. President, IRVIN'/�/�/-payor 4{ f` I - k a a F* xo. Irer� ar aL Fteeolved,,That: tha U I,1g.. Comphny IM hereby - 'direotbd to,.eztond' 1 .alae'. PAUL thertoht Lo6�polee-and atria,; -..inn at es I", and Iht for lolllolwl - .. . and Mti11 of Matt city: - ro 1 F"atall twenty-two ta,.tcs_._t .. outh, side Of Afton aond,, ear.~ � i ouncil Inst Preeent.lamP tb aiz bnm�eneral Form s,rA e¢atof tL*hiteHeer avenue, a.•' ! ..i d `� poles, on tha north aide of be Install one pole on the nort,� r .Fourth Street at th drat tunnel, t gtvc clear n oft-� Departmer of ,amp. Fn — _ � —f' tetatl fur noics on th / of Grara err et between Har - '✓ j nue. and eyndlentn street a ZBureauo� •y Ewa qn'-_., rata.'FallFile No.Date Presented 191 6D, Tbat the S. Paul Gas L4ht Cempae) 4 henb) ordned aed directed to ean,.d it. he.k.1 It— by e—ti., polea .ad ari.at.s win. thereov ter the ie . tnwmiulea of <nrkq os aad to the followia. alleys and.treen of uN ciV Instal) twenty-two poles on the south side of ',Afton, Road, east of the last present lamp to six hundred feet east of White Bear Avenue, also three poles on the north aide of same Install one pole on. the north side of Fourth Street, at the first lamp in tunnel, to give clearance of wires to lamp. Install four poles on the south side of Grace Street, betneen Hamline Avenue and Syndicate Street. kith-necessary_guye_.and _anchors. ._ , I All of ouch t< ioaa, pole ad wins shall he netts .nd wn.tructed under the directi - d peniatoa at the Com I i r of Public Utllitie., ..d 1 11 hon bract n the pro bi 1 Ordisaac. Ne.7111 d 1 alt ether Lwiul ordioanrn .ne re.eluti 1 the Clpof 71. Y.ul. All poles shwld b<.et to web locadao to.aid allays Mod atrnn u the C.. 'I. of Y bll Utllltin .h.11 dnlanat d hail be of wch heleht • d h t r hs •dull dalaoate Jd appro)e. aed aa).nd all.uch poln .h.il be uben down wd removed, aad...h win. placed uod,uneuod; aheoeru the )'condi dull deem That the .,rift ldnmt.o neuln.. and whes it slull.o.order. AUG —0 1917 191 Adopted by the Council-- Yeas ouncil —Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH 9 1911 HYLAND Approve 191 fiELLER 1 Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor CITY( OF ST.,TAUL - Cuncil .Resolution. -O: CUeneralForm ti n .Q M 5'75 rnd t _.— Att rtmenof---- th ?ens .lCooeelc e - wt noreb otS outh sidO Of . . ureau of -`� and Edr"nnchore• olt .>ctenaland const �ba erectod,in.,rvUa dtr.etlon Of'dpubllc [ . Chir R'r wubin"t - Council File No._-,--. -- Date -Presented By RESOLVED. ED.'rlut the St. Paul Gu Light Comner 4 herebl d.,d ad directed toe teed iti elecirl al live. by erectin• pole. avd _trlvetne wire tMnon /or tM� travamkalov of eledvkV P� and i° tM followI.a allge avd.tnw of ufd ciq Five poles on the eouth,side of Duncan Street, between Marylanll Streeand Autumn Street. of;Dul.;th,Avenue , just~north of)1<ar Two poles on the east aide y land Avenue. One pole on the east side of Arkvrri[3ht Street, just north of Cook Street. -One --pole on__the nputh side of Cook Str et,;just east of Egerton` Street. - - - with necessary guy and anchors. All M prink oo i of G dI°avn No...h. a[d olrall oah ° 1 f i o.aio e�:::e r:iiwli ° i° i u Gb7 0/ 9t� P C - 1 i 1 P bli Utilltle.-avd iv all NO. r All poln •fioutd M eet Iv •ucd e� anld all evch pvle•�.h• 1 M takev down and remlor<d Ord nch wtiniei nlattdluvJe�nouvd, whenerer th.Couocil .Mllddeavr tMt the t allpnianat•avd anproe•. av _ - _ ,.,..Ikivtertet.oreVuiro.andwhev,itahallwordOr- _ AUG —n 191.7 j f 191 Molited by the Council ; Yeas „(_ ) Councilmen ( )' Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL w —n 1917 - WUNDERLICI3 . Uf HYLAND Approved 191 KELLER. -1��esident; PRriN T PUSTT'AW=---'+t d G F. Na 1117 1,1 1L No: That the Paul rd ComDaPY Is horohY.orderell at any in Its electrhnal d to extend hbrttoa aor the tnnamia0lon repetln6 Potn and atrinsl¢r, PAUL IcitY.:on and In'tbe lot lowi0: aiditre01. Ot the n rt – on the cit aide ✓ t6 pole ��^^1�t�f�11 1111 Atl11Le_ letween D�n nu general Form the north • �J1,111C11 ..+e polo on r. SL, east of Hlawnlha 8L' JJi,l V fo- Mounds park nolea -- Thorn BL, I Yd I" .of xlde of ie onttie north C`partment,f -—nnarca �[eeL we of we ana a , ;eeaserY.gt s -on the east slde o, to .. I urns SL .oe Bureau of T°he —in net 1%.1 . _ Flit Iv ahiat�elde o ouncil File No. Date Presented 191 By. RESOLV ED. ihat the S . Pa.1 Can Lkht Cnnoer n be abr deed d diretad to ratead in clectr'Kal line, by arae ng polo aad etrintiog wI— thereon for the Muminim of elecuktr on and in Ux f.11-1.1taRnn and aueae of said <ltr • One pole on_ the north nide of Fairfield Avenuelbetweeri Eva Street and Robertson Street. Three poles on the north side of Thorn Street, east of Hia- _ watha Street. (City lamp) _ Two poles in Mounds Park at the east end of Thorn Street.iC�iPy I'. •a �•... r. rl' �.- -... i .. -v .-.�.i 1. L. . ..._ �. _.-.� t....,. r. _ .. L-.. _, 1 ._..�_ s.�.,c., t _ _ �6: d G F. Na 1117 1,1 1L No: That the Paul rd ComDaPY Is horohY.orderell at any in Its electrhnal d to extend hbrttoa aor the tnnamia0lon repetln6 Potn and atrinsl¢r, PAUL IcitY.:on and In'tbe lot lowi0: aiditre01. Ot the n rt – on the cit aide ✓ t6 pole ��^^1�t�f�11 1111 Atl11Le_ letween D�n nu general Form the north • �J1,111C11 ..+e polo on r. SL, east of Hlawnlha 8L' JJi,l V fo- Mounds park nolea -- Thorn BL, I Yd I" .of xlde of ie onttie north C`partment,f -—nnarca �[eeL we of we ana a , ;eeaserY.gt s -on the east slde o, to .. I urns SL .oe Bureau of T°he —in net 1%.1 . _ Flit Iv ahiat�elde o ouncil File No. Date Presented 191 By. RESOLV ED. ihat the S . Pa.1 Can Lkht Cnnoer n be abr deed d diretad to ratead in clectr'Kal line, by arae ng polo aad etrintiog wI— thereon for the Muminim of elecuktr on and in Ux f.11-1.1taRnn and aueae of said <ltr • One pole on_ the north nide of Fairfield Avenuelbetweeri Eva Street and Robertson Street. Three poles on the north side of Thorn Street, east of Hia- _ watha Street. (City lamp) _ Two poles in Mounds Park at the east end of Thorn Street.iC�iPy ) One:pole on the north nide of North Street, one hundred feet west.of Bradley Street. With necessary guys and anchors. side of Mendota Street, between Fourth Four poles on the east a Sixth'. Street (City lamp), Street and idenaotar(city litreeta: One pole on the southwelj corner of gnp' With necessary, guys and anchors. . Two poles on eos t!ofalley , east of Edgerton Street, just north of Minnehaha Street. One pole on the west side of Agate Street at the alley`north of " Conk Street. With n. aessary guys and anchors. --cf r r . All of anch nteneima. Pols sed wliea ah.il b<<recled and o atrocttd and ;the dkecUon aad aopenInfo of for C k ager of Pobik Utll1Un and In all Wino I;ee to Uw pra.inlova of OrdlnanEe A'o. 3aN. and of all then 1 .fol oedlvan d etolatiooa oI the Ciry of 91. Pahl. d tram u the G le over o/ Pnbik Ud11Un nMil dealgn t d stall be of ..ch MIN and charuter o All Polea ahoald be ee 1. each IooUov is old alien !ull one and+Pimm,., no aor ..d.11 nosh ooleanh+ll be taken down and rcnored, and euh wI— Placed underground. wh._. the Couecil ah II dean that the :k ntereat no reyuhn. >nd when it.ball w order. 191 .`adopted by the Council Yeaj ( ) Councilmen (. )� Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS : McCOLL WUNDERLICH 9. 1417 Approve --,191 : HYLAND - - *� KELLER —. Mr. President, IRPIN —� f/` ayor PUBi.i/� l� x J-. 1t1' _ t Y E i •1.:. CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER'A'L FOAM Subject: ......... ... .. .... ... . ....... .... ............... .. ........ .... . ........... . ...... ..... ... .... .................. 47977 COUNCIL No. .... ...... .......... ............... 1— .............. ........................ ............................... ..................... ................. Ellite Presented 6 tIiA ...... 191z_ RTolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cormittee and hereby au.thorizee the Purchasing. Agent to readvertise for new bids for grading Jefferson Ave. between Prior Ave. and Cleveland Ave., as no bids were received. Q. F NO. y "I.eL., hereby of I Is, jt�qolvtd' _,n .�o.uwln lbrl't1tro' a ,e d I e e, c.ntrart C'miu'rch 1-9 10 r7a 1h, tholl... vartise for new bid- for i.r v Avr�v.b'twea swere ro' ferson cieveland. as no ell celvod. C ... AdW�d by theg 1911 S. .V.d Appr off. 18-1817) 'ay, FUG —11 1917 Farnsworth Adopted by the C.un,il In favor Hylan'] App, AUR19_79 1, �7 xt.coll Against wurtderlic Mr. Irvin'I� MAYOR.:... FOfIM C A-9 10.17 2.. fess (,') (:o 61-o en (I'.) : a)•e i .. AUG ..-9 19.17 Partw+worth I - Adopted by thi Council -...!191....... _. Coes - _.. In favor , Feller I' Apptr veJ ....... _. ... ... .. __....191 ...... ' McCall Against I,- l'resid,nt. Irvin r. __. :.......... _.... _ ._.. .. ' MAYOR — - CITX OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM IT 3a8 - Subject ..... ......... ............. .. _ ...... FILENa` No. - . _ Date Presented .._August_. 6t _ . 1912— I Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the•Contract Committee and hereby, authorizes the Purchasing Agent to readvertie,e for new bide for grading, curbing, sidewalk, steps, terracing and sodding Fulham St, from Como Ave, to Hendon St., as ' no bids werereceived. I . I C. F. No. 17979—UY'N.'N, Go�ra- - Hesolved.. That the Council; hereby I - concurs in the recommendation-ot. the - Contract Committee- and herebyau- thorize. the Purchasing. Agent to 're- • . advertise -tor now bids for grading.. - - - - u bing, sidewalk, steps, terracinand d g Fulham, 8t. from Como Avg e. to - Hendon st,. ae no bide were rc.:slvea. - tdnpted by the Council Aug. 9, 1917. ' Approved Aug. 9, 1917. (Aug. 19-1917).. 1 H fess (,') (:o 61-o en (I'.) : a)•e i .. AUG ..-9 19.17 Partw+worth I - Adopted by thi Council -...!191....... _. Coes - _.. In favor , Feller I' Apptr veJ ....... _. ... ... .. __....191 ...... ' McCall Against I,- l'resid,nt. Irvin r. __. :.......... _.... _ ._.. .. ' MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM117 jj - !�t �9 Subject ........ ._. .,, .... . _....... .... .... :. COUNCIL .. FILE NO.�­._.:... .. ....:. ....... 41 Date Presented ----Resolved, That the Council_ hereby-concurs—in thereaormaen of the Contract Committee and hereby authorizers the Purchasing.Agent to readvertise for new bide'for graveling Tatum Ave. from Pennock.St, to•Tallula Ave., as no bids viere received. C. P. No, 119:9119/10_p�oer Resolved: That the Council heraby oncurs In the cammendatloin of the Contract Commitee nad hereby. author- I- Isea the Purchasing Agent to: readver tie. far new bid. for graveling Tatum ' Ave. from Pennock St. to 'Taliula Ave:, ae no bide were rczelved. Adopted by the Coun7c. Aug. 9, 1917• Approved Aug'( ug?1891917) - 1'rae (r7 Couotilmen I•) \oy+ - II - Faru north `\\J i Adopted b • the Council AUG _� 1917 -. _.: lot . .... ! .... -. (iou In favor Hyland - Keller APPinved 191........ McCallnd, Against \\ (Q r \I1l unrlerlich ' ` - Mi. 1 read •nt, Irvin - - - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL a ` ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1yt ! 9 80 ... _.. . Subject FILECOUNCIL NOS . + Presented..... August 6th Date . I .191.__.. Resolved, recommendation __ __. in thehereb hereby concutee andrs y rejects the­_bid oofathehContractlCommitr received for grading Hartford Avar between Griggs St. and Syndicate,St.; as, the bili received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bide on same, in accordance with the, provisions of the Charter. F.B. No, 1398. 1 C. F. No. 17980—By N. N, floes— Resolved,. That the Council her9by i concurs to the recommendation of tibe+;. - � Contract Committee and hereby rejgMpte for i • Ave. between Grtgge gradinged 1n8yndlcate - - 'AL, as the bid. received was In azcees i. of the Engineer'. Estimate, and,they _ ' I'urehaging Agent In hereby authortsed + to readvgtiae for new bids on+same. in accordance with the provisions of - the Charter. F. B. Nm 139. - Adopted " by the 1 Council' Aug. 9, 1917. - - - Approved Aug. 9. 3917. - - - (Aug. 19-1917) - Q \•ras (,'p Counrilmen (t' Naye .. R � UG 9 'G 17 J Famexortb bun _ - Ad.plyd by the (i•il _.,._ 19t ...... Goes .. ,.....In favor All'f +n,7 Ilylsnd. 1 . ..� .__...:. ...., e . ApprovV Weller _ - - f ` IUI .,... . Against tl'underlieh Mr. Presid-t, Irvin - MAYOR + CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject .......:: FILE No.4_ 7981 COUNCIL Date.-Presented . YAu uet,_6tk,..__1911.- Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of-the Contrac Committee and hereb -re y ec. s the.:-bid n received--ifor grad-i-rg-alley--in Block 52 Desnoyer-Park,-- --- as the bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the.Purchasing Agent is hereby'authorized to readvertise for new bids on same,. in accordance .with the provisions,of the Charter.. F.B. No. 1400 _ � e tC' F. No. 77983—AY ]f: N. (loan- Heer I -t That the Councll- hereby _ Conirpet tC mlitsnd Mebv t r the the b1J received for grading all*,e,j in - - `Block 64 aayoYrrt cr Park. w=Lw.°-bid_ reeelved av :cess 'ot the seer's Hatlmata: and the Purcha$ain1. g Ages[. le hrreby authortaed to readver-� alae for .new b1Je on ewme, in accord- -F.'t13, j° Drovlelone of the Char- 1 e Ad9pted 0C.ou18nclART, rd 7.19„1$17. -- yx Farwa•orlh adopted, by the C°uuril -. ... 101 Cwa ..... In fay {or ... P��li- _O ^'7 Ryland _ Against ,L PP ...._.._. 1{ '. _`..��.:�}...,(.. ..: ... 1CC011 - 11'underAtoveJ Ii - U \Ir. Pre i I •nt, Irvin- MAron : FORM.0 A-9. 6-17 2M CITY OF ST. PAUL L _A/[j`O i hZ SOLUT ON GENERAL FORM e��,,,� Subject I..r ..�*!� 1..... ......._....... ......... NCIL � l \\ry�y FILE NO...........�.7lJiI'.... l.._.. Date Presented...-A,M&W14 ._rySA'a 191 ._'L Resoked —That -the -purchasing ABent_be___ann�e-i,e .hereby authorized- -- --to pu>`chAWew1- 11 th" consent== -of -the -Comptroller, --without asking for competitive bids, REPAIR. PARTS FOR CROWN "A" METERS,for 'the sum of $294.09, from. the National Meter Company, as these are patented articles and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bide. Cost of said articles to be charged to the Department of Public Utilities.. Water Departmen Fund.'' Req. #5383. 7 / �1 - , 'C. F. No. 17982 -Uy 0'F. Keller— ' Re.olved, That the Purchasing Agent be. and he luhereby:. authorised' t parch— with the consent of [ho Comptroller, without a king for corn petiti— bide, Repalr Parts tar Crown A" ..- . _Meter, for in nt- 829! n9 from the National !f t r m Copany u .theme are patented-artlble. and no ad- vantage caa De-galaod k'T..edvertlae- ment or .. competitly. bid.. Coal ofg said: article. to IM b.red to the -l1.- parlment of Public Utllltlea—Wat.rl - eDnrlmeat Fund, Rep, No. 6188. - Adopted by the Council Aug.. 9, 1917: - • .. - Approved Aug. 9. 1917, .... (Aug.. 18-1917) Yr.. a') Councilmen Farnworth A,I.ptcd by the Cnnnril ._. _. ._ ...._..... __, 191 ...::. In favor - APpt v�1 .......! _ _...._..301, ... Seller - - ... ........ ..... McCall _. Against - Mfr. 1'rcaiJrnt, Irvin - MAYOR i "CITY OF ST_ ".PAUL- •COUNOIL' RESsO�L UTI ON—*GEN RALi.mae't, r a.j" ' - ,- Subject: - FILexca NO. - — Date Presented 191 I i Reso I That there is hereby appropriated out of the 01ty Of_icerls` A.te :din,,, G:nvention Iten: c,f the General Fund, t;,e- sum of One aundred Fifty and O�/100 dollars, or so much thereof as may be 1 I neces6ary to Jefray the expenses cif the Sucerintendent Of Polite ;:Lna 1 'e Alarn. T,.'_ az:raph 'while atter-Un- the annual convention of the Internati�.nal Associati:m of :.:uricipal El-otricians, t, o hila at iagara Falls, ::el', lurk, Se tember_lith t�,114th, 1',17, inclusive.- C F. No. 17965—R1 IienrY �blcColi— Resolved, That there Is hereby ap- propriated out f the city officer's At Filly Co" .item of the lien- -"---. — lead- Fund: the bumof. Qne Hundred -. .Fitly and o0/ 10o fit6o.00) dollar.. or _ so much. thereof. as may bc necessary to defray the expense, of. the 8uperin- lend,mt of rollea and Fire Alarm Tele- •ual con ventlon •ol rah ethos International the aAseocla- tion or Municipal ElectIkk,,ns, to be rn 1 held at Ni,Ra.Falls.' New York Repl:'7ith to loth, 19t7,•Ineluelv'., Adopted" by the Connell; AUR. 9. 1917:. , Approved Aug. 9'll"h7l Yeas V) Councilmen (:) 'ays1U6 -9 1917 Vypartiswarth Adopted by the Council 191 C/ Gou h In favor AUC `( 1� 7 �/HYland '` Keller Approv d t° 191 McColl Q Against Wunderlich+ Mr. President., Irvin- ` _'.a" FORM c:e•z - --- - — — -- _-- s END fiICROFILM CEMFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies -as follows — 1. The roll of microfilm -described. herein was made in the -regular course of business bye• -req eye'e �e ' �a�or. in accordance with the standard and approved tecrinique3 with a xecoreax microfilm machine, — tfode1 JAAt of Eastman Kodak Company: Y 2. The roll of microfilm �+asemade jon /CVTTTY! 19 L1 b the undersigned operator(s). 3. The selAial number of the roll -of microfilm"is -3r A 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: 04,1 9/7 After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned or}erator(s), it will be photographed on said roll,of microfilm immediately--af_ter the last document. Signed: -- - — Op gator END < . u-CROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned-hereby certifies as follows: i 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was' made in-,the regular course of business by'T¢ -r� -Cep-n r✓ r. in accordance with theaT, approved-techniques with & xecoraa8�u�, ---_ 1?ninatlnn -�-- Model of E a:stmanKodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on� 7- 19_ by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial-'number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: M l71 e'Vol 'L. - - 5. The last document` ohotographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned.ogerator(s); it will be photographed-on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. - Signed: Operator Dated