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r -:; c P TR CITY OP ST:/PAUL COONCI'L'RES'OLUtION-GENERAL FORM, - S�ublect:- V-203 COUNCIL: r ' FILE 140_ DateP rented :.Mar : 7th' . IA 17 RESOLUTION FIXING -THEE AMOUNT 'OF.: LAND TO' BE TAKEN , Resolvedi FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. In the matter of opening, wl4ening and extending Cretin Avenue to .a,width of sixtyq-gix (66) f.eet, from Jefferson_ Avenue-south_to Randolph Street, and Palace, Street,to a width of .thirty-three (33) feet, from Cleveland Avenue easterly to said''Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order #12970, approved. Oct.: 2nd,.1916, and Intermediary Order #14710, . approved Feb. 6th, 1917. The ,Commissioner of Public Wprks having submitted hie•report and sketch in the above matter, be it -Reeolved,.that ,the City of St. Paul fixes ..' and determines the amount of land to be taken for -the above named improvement to be as follows; The East thirty-three *(V) feet of Government Lot 2', Section 8, Township 28,'Range 23, exoepting Island Park` Addition, from Jefferson Avenue to James St, Palace Street from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue and the west one-half of Cretin Avenue, .fiom Jefferson 1venue to Randolph Street were opened by platting Lane's Park First Division,& G., G. Whitciey!s_ ` Riverton .Place after the above orders were introduced. . in widening ..' In tM1e.: mettet.. of onto b.. tp. h. d e t nli t. t tin Ave. , f Avenuetei south lint Randolph w . .1c elrso Idth nt,F:thN'tY-tl reeralCe (33)ett et from . - - [`level nd avenue 'o"!rly to snld - n n ic.-„s,-� F'rellminarY„ Cretin r ler” �`o 12070. approved Oct. 2pd. 1916; un d In termediury . Order No... ., 14"0' 'n"vodFel/• Rth. 1311.• __ - The C misaloner of Public tVorkS'—'' Yeas (✓) Cou iltnen earn (✓) Nays h"'1 s bmitte( '•bi repot nd - l/o K t h 1 the nbot matt r b itP ul l R 7 ] that. the Cit of 9t of wo�tll Coss }i I l t9 it a the nIn-u t the COUncil .% Li hi fat to r'to t t tt for th bov pt Y lc 191 • '� 1 ov m t to l; n t Nowa _ •-th (43) tet of. Hyla d Kelle - MCC The L t thl t e' 0overnm t Int 2 Y cti '3 Town hip'•- _ 29 RnnF 23 punt. '1)1 d P rl 1 nlhR I�1 of s Ave. t Jam- 4oved - .191. tddition t m J` (ll!! Wun lith ABatc St l n 1 .. tn` t t f am a rr w t on.;', n en �.° ' Mr. P esidenG Im "r t c et - - _ h 1I of C tin teen to f T r t R ndnl ph t reela op . .� •: ,- FORM C. a•z - :\� sous n.Ub3 VI t)tintt I.tt Fnrl.Fl t 1)1- •Isbn itneva Rlv ton 2 :.: Mh'R - `P ' PIi.4 nit th abo rdcra t in _ b•, I '° .. t1 11 'ed -tdopt d t the ..c` I it :t1Rr pt¢r. ',.. _.. ... Approved .. (Etnrclt ]0-1s17)•.. ,:i -.- -. .. , tbitu of - W _Ap of Pubtir voihs wn c E M. N. GO$S. COMMISSIONER .� R T GOURLEY-<EPUT I W, GoETzINGER. 5—T ".o .. • .. au e d . PFFOF.T ' To TH r' (�OTIIT(`I In• the''n.atter of openiiig;'aidening and e .*,endi`ng gretin avenue o 'a•. vri'dti. of: sixty-six (6 6' f t;,fron, Jefferson avenue south. to F'andolpn C'.t,, and Palace street to a width of thirty-three (33) feet,from Cleveland, ave- nue -easterly to said Cretin avenue, "u•nder. PrelimiaRxyOrde,r'.31297G,,ajprpved Oct.,2nd„ 1 :16,t and, Ir_tern,ediary Order W.14710„approved F:=by ,6th 1917: " To th-e Couifcil of the City 'of Pt, Pau 1; The .Corl:ad asioner of Public "orr.s hereby euUmits aria it ekes a- part of this his rel ort, ..z 1•l'an of 'the above impr.oven;ent.; ehowi ng the land neceasary to be xcken--ti,erefor:by the shaded fart of sai(L.pla,,,inhich land is .r-ore__1; ticulnrly ,aeeztibed as fol,lowe The;east tarty-t.h'ree (33)_feet of `"overnweht Lot 2, Seotion 6, o'r+nship 28, Fangs 23,`excepting 1s1and Pcrk. Addi-ti 0n,fr0rr. Jefferson avenue to James street.:.. Palace Rtreet fr6m Cleveland avenue to•Cretin avenue and the west one-half of. Cretin avenue.,fromn Jeffersonavenueto Pando.lph street were opened,.b)r platting Lane's Park First �iviaign C.n.ii`i,itney's. 7iv'ert0n Place after the above ;orders were introduced: Go..iasior.er�of Publi Torke Dated, =- -_ . .. CIT.Y-OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMNT'OP FINANCE: '. , OP �INRNCE Sj ; e Rgpq T OF COMMI.SSIQNER - 'ON,PRELIMYNARY. ORDER LCI .. DESC R IPT ION -+L OT BLOCK A D IT1 6N ASSESSED - VALUATION i r . 1 o� �^ The Commissioners of Finance furtherregorts•that he has investigated all Of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits. the foregoing.as his report thereon to the Council, together with - the report made Yq him in referedce`to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Warks. .�.. 191........ `..'�l �/ _ _.... Dated ---! _--- 7. Commissioner of Finance. . CORM G.9A. 9"j C '. •: -,.. A V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G.EN ERAL FORM SubleCt �. . p COUNCIL rite . N O.: Date' Presented Mar: 7th' 191T_ " •RES41tUTION — Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF ; LAND TO ,B, .TAKEN, FOR Oj,-t, ING? WIDENIN `AND EXTENDING. In the matter Of opening, Widening and extending an alley in Block 15,.Robert:& Randall!s,._ Addition, under Preliminary order #13794, appioved Order #14709, November 29th, 1916; and InteriLd igry, approved February 6th; 1917.. The Commiseionet of„Public Works having aubmi.tted his report and sketch in the above matter, tie it Resolved, that the City of St. Paul fixes and.tieterminee th:e,,amount 6f hand to be taken for the above named improvement ,to be ae',follorre:' AIFtbe.�N artheauteriyr1i010 it and Let the C'.Fhe utntter of olle�4n 131.01�t6, northwest lY 0 ft of LOt 12, the In nnnd xt dint, 1i iddit13794. under � rthw t rfY :.0 ft of Lot 11 and a - Fl U t � R. -d- order No'1916 wad In- place f ground described as. lol- - .pr Il5 NoveMbsr 20th•. 14409 aP' Iowa. Beginning t 't,hs northerly rden - -corn r of Lo't. 10 th 'nre. outhweet- '.LarmediV O Qtly along. the line betw.e Lots 30 oroved Fe4 ' l bile Wori d nod 6, IB' tt., ilia c 44.8 ft north-. ]� ;,The ��1A1° l°Q°rt baa _ Lscr1Y Parcell i to ,. d .1C ft, •lrom l�'haVAng ,..Hab eo4 cn t`tsl.lt a�q ul ,he line Det a Into 4 and. 6. Iluf p 9Z f� P u .the hence southwest I) IG.02 feet P �16tp w 1 t 101alty •u{toll L Pd allel to the line bet—len Lots 6 d apuw.pIS 110. thence 04 "L from PRtU t[�tresto t as Pored O otvi l{,II FI +ayLlitd jt lgti+PIP 1aus ]3'11f.t'Lt .79 pt rfr1.1 with om' the ll Ne bhtl't t.n Lot dS3and sy13 10.ineaeured parallel. to Robert Bt.. Vi 7 p��oAm u13ua}x the Q_ uthw t rl .parallel It S ;tyl yl qd qyl 11 a 1 4 Udt ----.- - --- Robert s[ ee— 6344 f' -'tits ce-no-th — at 'u±7-= a iU° yutlla5l. Pu p�iota-' z — set ly parallel to the line be[ a �i dwouII. uv xa tlpa4l+ 1 fl+niwvl +y� Lot 10 and,lot 6 to a Dol t a ROU fi luv I e1iB P cep art and -Randall claim 11 thence.- on Lot 141u': H y+act"lo1I— `.- northwesterlY., on sad claim 11 no to .Lo6 point and20 fj_ from the It 10. measulre d.. aine t right 1� 4yoQ 11 3 oW18+b)�H doII 4oy Pi + f y^ anglesthereto, thence northeasterly s oun slna Au Parallel to the line between Int 6 }ugsaau'p°sL oy1 ai103 lo�I a ayl 71 .°� '+l ” -and Lot 10, 17 ft. more or less to the', { 1 vl.puv guiuwaP _ 5 northeasterly, line of Lot 10 thence •} ys .'atonq Wald no the.a,terly lin ' 20. tt' to the polntot bt,InnlnR' - Yeas (11) C HeilmanHaworth (✓) Nays ' . Adopted by'the Council''y 191 F / G a In favor H d. an191 K ei ,� Aporoved:.f S T� i t Ni oil Against V . W detlich 2Preside Irvin ntAyoa ' FORM C. 6-2 �h#g ofi�rxul' r @' - e ttrltttcuf of :Public. , Wnrks C AIR It LAUSSEN.0M.'N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER 6 Lqna R. T. G.OU RLEY: DEPIHY - . . E' q ar Co T rb N' rvb Ii ♦. ALr. o JRCK9DN. Supt. o •' _ -. ' TZ[NGER,S - 5, GRYTBI K, G FTPOF.T. TO, THE` C�JLT ICI li- adt + . Ifi the matter of opeging,"widen ing, and extending. an alley in block 15, r Fobert >' 'T-ardall'-s "A1di,tlon, lander Frelicinary Order 7'.113794, approved, ;;OV -29th1910',. txn3 Irtern;e dfary„ Order '11470.9,'r approved cLxvary: 6th 1917. TO the 'COt;nci1 of tIha City of St.Fa-;I1 The Commissioner of-Fub11d 17orka hereby etl'onits and hakes apart of tIUa his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing''the land_neoeesary to be taker there -for, by the 'shaded part •of sari' p3 an, vhiG3 ian-d- a -r ticuTarly Lecribed as follows: t • the southwesterly 10.2E of ,Lot'1 t, the Northeasterly. 30 ft. d the nortry- wseterl, 1.1 ft, C Lotot 12,. the north- - •al ly 20 TL o[. }. 31 and n vl e - .or, g and d'ca rtbed as f Mows Be- ginning at the no therly corner of Lot 10thencesouthw sterly along th line¢ bet een lots --TO .and b 16 ft- thenc k 44.8 ft. north terly parallel t and -16 ft..from the 111{e betwe n Iota d nd - 6, thence south esteriy 1633 Lee[---- allei. to the line between Loth b d 10, , an thence southwesterly to a point 104 ft from Robert street a -red p s4llel [[ ^ "Ith Ninth.. street - and 38 79 ft. from the It between Lots b -d X. m as ured parallel to Robert street. th uthwastsrly, parallel with Robert F lit 6319 ft ih ee I ortheaeterlyparallel to .the line bet—e Lot 10 and lot 6 t a Poll, inllt on Rob rt nd Pnn- — della elaim a then a Northwesterly —'-- -oil-sai 1 lalm l{ t - p./.t 20 ft. from the line between Lot b anal- . lot 10r. meaegred+'-at.' night --les thereto,, ('' r __ –'---- thence,.norgleasleriy. parallel -to the ofrmi s•ti CgCr of-1"lbliOj"rorks dine between: Lot 5,, and Lot ;0: 17 ft. -more r lose.. to he northeasterly lines of Lot 10, .thence. along..aald northeast-' - erlY line 2q 't t. to the .point. of begin 17atad i TO Thi HONORABL$ THE CITY'COUNbn OF THE CITY OF.ST. PAUL: But ldr. Brothers, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, is I the owner of the-following de-- scribed land situated in.tbe County of Ramsey and" State of .Minns- s,ota, to,wit: That part _of Lot Ten (10") east Of.Rand(15), Line, and all of Lot'=Eievenr(ll), in,Block Fifteen (1I Robert. and, Randallta Addition to St. Paul, according to•the'recorded.plat thereof, on _file and of record in ° the office Of the Register of Deeds in and for said r County of-Ramsey.. As'such owner,. it hereby object' to the taking or con- demnation of a,. portion of'said .land as now proposed, in'the matter of opening, widening and extending an"alley in Block Fifteen (15) Robert and Randall'-a .Addition to St. Paul, under preliminary order / �i�t4 , approved Objection is sada ,on the following grounds,,.mong,others: That tihere",ie."no public necessity for such taking.or condemnation of sd lands; an Thathp property which it ie-claimed will be'-benefited" h by.-the proposed improvement"can be equally benefited and served bymeansof an alley laid out and opened in.said block along a route more practicable,and,"less expensive than that now proposed; That. the owners, of property against whom a large propor- tion of the cost of making the proposed improvement will be, assessed have no needf`of the proposed improgemen*. + Said Butler Brothers also objects to the proposed award;; " of damages to it for the taking of that portion of its property involved in.-the proposed improvement; upon the ground that ea. damages are grossly inadequate and do not fairly compensate But1e�. �. Brothers for the loss of-sai¢,property upon the basis of the true value of the pro part y-pro pos'ed to"be taken. ° BUTLER' BROTHERS, + Attorneys: Co.' I File No •t , ,y By CITY OF ST..PAUL. Resolution Ratifying 4is9essment Pe In iter of_h�assemment of Benefita, do ate -and. expenses for , CUnstructing a .server on gtto avenue f.rotn ceven£h street to - Chat=worth street, ander Preli inary Order.___3340 Intermediary Order 4Q33 Final Order..... 4529._ . . - 2 approved :...... Apri'j..119tht M1.....191.: .'.., A ,public hearing .having been had upon the assessment. for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been -further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it. therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same: is, hereby in- all respects. ratified, and the same is hereby -ordered. to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.. t BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said "assessment be and it is her determined to be payable in z c .._ .equa} tinstallmenis .as to, each.: and every parcel of land described therein. ; Adopted by the Council -- City Clerk. Approved R 1TIFlINp 199698Dt&NTD 'I.i th.� )I:ttter nP th'• R. f tti[ ..0 t. 1 I . c-mR or. e. . is - ._ ..:..... ..:.... .. i ...... .......... ... . Mayor. • I 5 V4 11 t' ..[ C "hat, orth heli I 431f Ilntt�i nlr li,itr l)J. J�,t:l;'.1I) li - - ..P111, 1\ Irhe.t,hw h--1- t t I , hod I if .tsxexbment for tl 1 ire i -' 1 emanl t 11 xx tt ha i— i. q 1 forth I l'r� I 1 tt ('ou t- i. 1 h Tint, t t n�IJ. 1 ih'xli i• s=it- - 1 I tl I I r b i M1II 1 t lin f tt I he i ' 1 1 t 1 � 1llIltt 1 l hi)ixt i t �. ' 1 t f tl 1. alto, of 1,) tier for .. n Iltnintion.. I : 1l tl url.her Rex 1 1' That, th M1!I xnt1)e nno it 1. ho I I t by payaltl. 1 f1 tl al x.. t.. t.td l'tm ittn to ch tit'I par-., ' I ((-hint I 'Ihit Ali "I 1 11 f'.nit Il Alor. "• 11.17,.1 .. :4,prorrtl'\L•rr. '. T. '1011. �Tiryrel to-wl>_ _I CITY OF ST. PAUL.. OFFICE OF, THE I iC.CYMMISSI ONE R OF FMANCE REPORT, OF- COMPLETION. QFASSESSMENT.. 191 ... 'Re In the matter -of the Assessment of BenefitAfor the cost s and, e.qpensE� Conetructir.g a sewer on Otto-aviBnue'f r Oyr, Seventh' ptil-t e- to .0 -hat sworth street,; IV under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order .. . ..... ... ...... . Final Order 452.9approved., 4T il' ISth, 191 5,.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coffirnissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expe n I cli. tures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with `themakingof the a . bove improve: ment, vi Cost. of construction Cost of -publishing notice $ Cost of postal cards, $ Inspection fees $ -Amount of court costs for confirmation I tal —peruidur, Said'Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- taihed, to: wit: the sum of $ 88 upon each and every loti parlor parcel of land . deemed. bepefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of - land -in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has bee' completed, and that hereto attached,. iden- lifted bythe signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part h6cof, is the said assessment ascompleted by him, and which is herewith subn'iitted to the Council for such action. thereon as may be consideredp roper. 11.rn, K 11. 17 Commissioner o' f Finance: RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND, AWARDS OF DAMAGES. AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. ' R r kn: ta2oe— a n matter of opening and'*idening - '? no a. nuet..Diln nehahl 9t by - nt; unit edhdemnl n¢ n trtan¢ • ' - In the matter of •• Vtsnj,;d .. 3.t ' 4�eni:t�:;, �ctris9stk`.'iYt3 �I,83nin,, �"i►n ' �irn�$isist� st. y tc�his�e. � ct,;���ts;rtin:, tr�"�u�ti1 �.,��e�itirzri te�M.Ld . p�*1 the north,Oat Corner cf FS1001+ :ci�l, 'lnn., t11is ltin to'r atn or tae >;aa* xi x ir' :Q4�df YcTr a . air=: mare ,r,.n.rti^ui°ir jencr1be3 No, A tri �t5�3�s� �i ��sirgy Is 4,A tstu, at .,w point *n a aauttr`_ i *^ ref �liage� v S1,10crdi AV tion tt� m i c the -north-"-Set ,ornar cs 100 i0 , �,W t�T� li 31 fi:s.� tt'cnas' toutf] t-)tpr jt hGiQ H L3t's > "S T11 td nd s U. `ruin + s r .c y 3 ria iiti�r., tt oit.t cr' t>at ^:aeete r3Yi:aaR ®f nor ti osarr:a .t_kre feet, arrynrPrcrt'f undetPr 1 4 73 approved c� � l rIk,x. , Intermediary Order aProved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands of easements thereip, for the'above improvement, and the awards of damages .therefor; and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor; and the Council having duly considered the same, now; therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of fhe lands described in the annexed assessment. roll, identified by the 'signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages-to the owners of such .lands re- spectively for :said taking andl condemnation as set-forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects tail- _ fled and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefsits, be and the same is hereby. p all respects ratified, and the same is " hereby ordered to be submitted to the'District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved,. that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined "to.be payable in--i/ equal installments as to each parcel ofland described therein. Adopted by the Council ' i `fes [ 191.. f y ` C tClerk Approved 19 f.._ V• Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ' Councilman'Keller f 3 JC? Councilman McColl Councilman �laslr Councilman Yverg Mayor Pavows-. 12 FINAL ORDER. IN CONDEMNATION, kOCEEDINGS. , It 707— e EE ,thi m2tt of .-d w1d n I;3 tI p ne x' '+t N11 h•thr -- } .. � avenu...e...at 3S nnehaha street , In themlitter 'of ..Opening and w.ideninc, Payne.. by Making .and condemning a triangular piece of ground off the northwest .corner :of Block a; Thvina s Second Addition to St Paula k Minn., the, la1?d to be taken nti for the _ab Avr.angularppieceeof 'round being more particularly'.deecribed as, et,.thirt_y 30)` commending a.tIa point cn the '..Guth .s.de._Qf... Mitrvine a Second Add tion; ft. eaet:of t�e northwest corner.of loac 2, tc:.St.Paul,Mi ri., theno,e.southwesterly across iota 3,45 & 6 Block,2, of -eaid-Irv1els Second Add.ir.lynfrom.narthwestto &'point nQoxnerthe eoieeaid-B.19j�y line af2, Pay., a ave. g uare . feet x,2853 , said Additions containin 1856 .sq 1 order Preliminary Order ...,;'approved Feb,28,1816:.` ., Intermediary Order. Sept. 2 3,1816 approved } Resolved:_ (1) 97 fat the following improvement } e and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.. 09.en and.. widen _. a—etreet by taking and condemning Payne avenue ;at N[ nnehah.e tr anon, piece of --round off the northwest corner of Bloak'2, Irvine's Seconds Addition to St.Psu1 Minn. _ _..... ..._ v ds, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken appropriated and con- (2) That the folio mg land, Ian Urid nom^, demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz:.. A. triangu lar piece of, gro feet mencing,at aipoint on. the south aide of Minnehaha Se thirty (30) 0— easvinels t uh Minnnor hhencetl southwes erl cacrossrlote 314050&d6ABlock f Pay Bt,Pa , �, to a point on the westerly line of Payne said Irvine. Second Addition, .... Ave. 13Q.4 fatsoutherly from northwest aorner of said block , en Addition,�co�itaining 1956 square feet takingand.appr.o- 11 benefits f..Qr tho.. .. (3) That the ...awaxd _.o amage a and . aseesement.o priatink of. above des rlbed 'land or easement has been ratified and donfirmed. /7 ,Adopted by the CottnciL' Pity ark. Approved I _ 191 U - Mayor. Council an.Farnsworth Council an Gosd Council an Keller - Council an McColl �/ Council an Ata�c' // ` < ✓Grp Council an Y�� h 1 -Mayor oNen 1' CITY'. OF ST.., PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION - - - �.. - ABarch Qth, Date Rresened - - In the matter ofrin.Payne Avenue'froru Whi7. te Bear Road:.to` I arp er.,t sur Avenue - - - - - 11836 - - - 9685 - - -. Final Order - - - - - — under Preliminary Order - - 6 August. 3rd, - - - - 191 _ Approved - - - - - -%. RESOLVED, That the plans, specif,iaations and eStimets� _ subuitted by. the. GommissiGner of Public PJorks for the above na�� roved a improvement be and the same are hereby app — 1 1' f tt t\'htt [t R d. t I—E7r - n. 1 i9695. notspecjtl 1 - 11956 tiDP ro - ^�. n - - n float - m - - w d e It1 d tes ttbl It ttd by 1� h. Ls— ion. 1 Publle \V rk dt the ataov - .. j.• `- .. - w •d 1 1. 1' to l 1x. and the RPD 1 S 1 1 'the. Council jdopted by Yeas- 0 eas: { ): .• - CounoilmanLlF atorth - r IV d M Approved - il'! erildh- r. President ,u Viri - - - - - -: - - Ma or.� Pe it ion attached: to grading oVd.er. J C 8' \0,16 On tt h reaa;ll w ftxeh P eal; Por thi r - CouncilFi...........f�3f 3 ' ih 1 I F P the f 11 ix;' 1noY o.emgnt, �. ie ..� .K vt c:onat tt se�•e s T,Pt B 6t. - - ♦ m . Cretl .1 .. to Point' "26 feeto 'f-.xhr t 11 of-Clevel PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo ` 9 public improvement by :the City, of w: 1Constx�at .seers on .:d efl St •..fror> Gra B4a� ta..,a point - , St, Paul viz j 25 Peet.._wes .o ,_the -wept.-lin . _o ...GleQ� � d...9 ef- n.fl..on .Oret:ixt Agra-....from James St to Ra ANAP St..:..:_ -- - ... _. 19I7._.. Dated this..... _..8. h.. -.day f .. _,.....iy1s.rot....:... ........ y, ^ Councilman. — -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'WHEREAS; A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct _eewe7c>:.:-4n.:..amet..--. foza...Cre-1 -a. P0. _25.- feet -:..west of _the-_west line o ..--C1.eoa -£tad: Xe:.._and_,on-.-.Cr.at.in.-Aye..--.f3: mM.J.ama-s..St.:....to Randolph St-. _.... ..._............ .......... . ........ ... 3 _ . .... having been presented to the Council of the-City of St. Paul by Councilman.. therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public, Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate, the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent. and estimFos ted t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. --=---T--8: _To furnish a plan; Profile•.or sketch-of-said-improvl•ment_-- - -- - — — 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement --- _—^ �." To state whether or not said improvement is askcdfor on the petition of three or more owners. " G. .To report upon• all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. MR '8 Adoptedtiy .the council,..P._ 1�1..._... Nays: Yens: '. Councilman 1?.nrnsvoFth �31 i r L.coes 1. 4 Approved_.:... ..MAR`......................lql. ... . n IKIellei._ Wun rlicl Mayor Irvinej , v CITY OF ST. -PAL3L �GOUNGIL RESOLUTION.- ERAL 'FORM nFpUNC L •IVO. ........`- Dates Presented_.Mar ch. 7, _I91..7...... iAHjtREAS, tYae Sinking' Fund - Cozzrx�._i-t_t-ee., at :a ne.e.ting. held March- 7.th, 1917, approved two 2b0 ^c3- s a f' *100,'000 each for the Peoplee .Bank: and one bond., o:V H2O- U00 fcr the �or�ercial t - State mak, as-- depo,s^toT . �-:;Cor City, f'ursc3s REF0=. Resolved that the= C 3 ty Council approves thke action of said Sinking -Fund Co:nza:l- vt 9 11,_ rX1.1 cottt_-. ram s: t •t8 at •1. ;th: f Rt 10.000 t T 1'r L 1 'IS 7 3 p �O d Plsitu'les Cur City."'. - - eat ttiut th, City ` .. � �} p-� Z _ "" t - a•tion. nI slr(d a . •`a �.•:> -• - . th C. nril 31nr. S. 191-1. ` .. •• ' Yeas (I') Councilmen (I) Naas_ ''Farnsworth _. gyred by the Council .a 191 LCioss in faVpr _ �pProvcd 'I "I'' R^g 1317 191. _ 1bf�Ealt-' C- Against Mr. President we s MAYOR r CITY OF ST.' PAUL COUdV CIL;'f2HSOLUT ION GENERAL- FORM '�y �' -Subject: a :... .... 'coENCILFILN z• Date,Presen[ed T�31 Resolved, That. the proper' city o,f ricers are hereby. authorized to paj to, Frail .CaspeTson, out of tl?e Torku:en's Compensation .A6court of the General Fund, the sum 'of 22. CC in partial eettlement .of his ClaiIG: again3t the City, arisir'c, out -of injuriee suetained by hick •ile employed by 'the City- on Ycvel.:ber 33r:1., 1918 I hereby rec6T.m en i . the above resoluta n s3a e n I.sd th v Pails; Pl-as'— ln I 11 r n \\ I oi. .:.'loner 0:.. no r Iv H 1 c`i jrCll $c and Pub To iC • ui1^11ne.s • - .n �.,,.� nr nc n„ ,I,.I inn xl uu• ... arising t f vns[ f 1 U�' A -.t .ehi ..FIDE I 1 ,< ti,, cit ntbe 3,%. 1»10. on "- 1doPl 1 I t1 a / ell \ta S' 1!115. - - -- • \PPni 1 \f ,. S 1917. . ' n�n�.10-1!1171: - o it , • a, o Yeas (l') Cou ulmen (r') Nays P°.�iP �8 I�t7 191 Adopted by t 1M Council – Far worth -- --- — ---- Goss In favor • rove Kell APP r , -!I- .. Against - ' Nas - Yoe g --�..... MAY11 OR Mr. President -Powers FORM c:9-2 - - - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO - "'Y "`"" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS` RESOLUTION FORM ! ENCIL No, -- IV .9ZP,cryry BY._�' GaJ-tLLr�'-!- �fir,1, 8 aL, . .' .. AUDITED .. ....: -- — 191.- ,. , PER... m =o 628' Resolved what warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, pxyahle out of the hereinafter specified funds and as specified in the following in favor of the persons,.firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their =respective names detailed statement: F� �• y :ldopted by .tile Council,.--- Yeas ( r') Councilmen. ( J) Nays 1 Farnworth Gos� ;tpprov i h 191— IIy nd (O 1n favor 'Kc er ' •: MAYOR . Wi idedich Mr. President, in a 12617 James Adair, 1.30 Library.-N:ew BooIgs 618 .Adam Express Co., ,. l: l'5 Library -Exp. 619 Aterican Law Book CO-, 7.50 Corp Qo nsel_Exp. 620 .R;.A.-Anderson & Co'., ,90 Library -,'$Jew Cooke 621. Auto Engine Works, 38.50 Mun..Garage- 622 .Geo. Benz & Sone,- 350.00 , Polioe-Exp. 623 Geo.' C. Binder, 1:2.0 Police -Exp. - .60 -Hea,Mh Dairy -Exp. / 60 . j 1.20 624 T. L. Blood Co , Gen. Fund.imunicipal Garahe 4.20 E 625 Bon Ton Grocer, Coz.T, " 7.78 School -Exp. 626 H. CT Boy eson :Co. � I; .50 -Comptroller-Exp. 627`.Brentan'e - o 'Library -New Books 13.15 '. 62,8• •Bro.wnj Blodgett & Sperry 3.75 ;± - I m A. I,.,,; • 1lealth m I Ii I i y ' 12629 Brown& Photo;Craft.Company '3. 50 ' Pub. Parke»Phalen Beach 630 Buffalo Forge Co.; 3.,qO Libr.arj -New Books 631 ,Capital City Lumber Co.., .50 School -Exp. 632. Capital Envelope "Co. 28.45. Corp. .6ounsel-Exp. 633 David Clarkson Co.., Library -New Books 30.85 634'•Srane•& Ordway Co., 1.65 Armory -M.' 6.35 Electric Mnfg. Co. , Municipal'Garage . 10.'61 636 Elk Laundry.Co.'; 9.30 Health -Pub. Comfort Station -Exp. 637 Forgign Missions Uonf. of'North America 2.00 3 Library -New Books 638 Chester W.^Gaskell, ;1.00 Par4s-Exp. 639 J. F. �'erlach •16.60 School -Exp.' 640- The Grassellt Chemioal Co., 8.25 Fire -Exp. 6:41 ..Walter, N. Hill, . , 16.87- 6.87•Library-New 'Library-NewBooks 642 F.: 0. Hue.ben'er .96 Library -Exp. 643: J. W. Hulme 70.52 School -Exp. ~ 644 Illinois Steel Company, X78.47, .. - S. &.5,. Cleaning -Exp. 645 Invitation Committee, Outdoor Sports a Carnival Aes'n. Mayor's. Office-Exp. 646 .Felix Joswich 9."66 . Mun. Garage Rev. _647 Kenny Boiler Works,, 16.70 School Exp.. . 648. Ckias. K.: Lauriat Co. �. 12.,23 Library -New Books 649° Library of: Congress, 1Q0:9¢ " . Library -Exp. 650 A.. C, McClurg.Co., A.. 192.35- Books 651, Mahle Wagon Co.; 104.40 o Fi re= xp. 1',11. 11 njl 1 I ),nq 111 u.i, 1. 1•: - ' 1 IJuJ ll0tlu u,nug9 t11J lxa. a41 of 1,1T',o'J •_ - - - - 9)111(111 )1{1 11::1511111 1"0.1 IH qUI I ' is' 110(111 ;I[111111y1 pill{ NO limill .101 #4 w 111111. 111• .110 pill! s)IIT 9dd(]ls 4tiattimp Uli WU pa(11J0na11 .1{11y11.)11t - ,IL'd OJOw 111114(l JU1w0\�J((IIII'11)111111 12674 ano(pv g41. 101 11011?1 ]q 0.1 pu11 a41 Shbrwood. Company, ';UUJd11 UI a\\''mol'upl l':' 96:14 Plln{aea1.) Bo�{)u ulo.,l ,aolls 1I1110 is 30 YUIP�JY ql; -Library-New 'kd 'ill •1111 Puv sena' IoJ dols Sol ,.ms -, - P4sa0au yuvl •'41 ul Plaluosul ul tw � - . • 675 I :-yv1 Pull ;lulu utapiloa J0 lallent Sill Singer Sewing Machine Co 6 1`-'I N 1' .81 - - ' , 1 ( Ihi UI I' Ixl School-Exp.° .111 I'T ) IC P'vr otddv 676 IW lft-•r: ,1�. llau noJ ill .iy.P ]1 ,)\. , 111' H. W. Slack, o2i_PlnWltsil{ <;Aa]1.••1 up, Jp4OJ 29.50 ` muola Library-Exp. l atl .. . I,_ pay,n j ltv ul +4 4 - - 677. `14o1 U .s Dill P [-' luau- 1 J -t ulss p su PP 41 lu4]' J) Il 1 'Pa ! k[ C. J. Smith &'Co.,, 1 p ''"`I '' 2.80 - �, u ,uoa pl P IIII- alaadsa 11, 4{ 4 '. Fire Xp• l s,' aWu 4] puv 4'11.1 7uaw - - plc. ul 4lloilas. s) uop tlu.ip o , u - nu1Mu1 Plus -I .'. l0atlba.i spu,l 678 S3�Vi t -BC Ci to slau.ao "III ol. saEuwup 10 spn a Q, ayl _J0a1a11 fled n apuw pu4Jal :;. 11.13 _ , PUU P ATlllory-M. .+110 pull Jo.UgV d4] Jo 601111 un lip '4', ' _ . [J ,(q poylltigl '1701 JUR116gass9 p lx)uu^'. AIM paglJasap •p11Q1 a41 10 110111mill o. c rtI� Da� L1 uoa pull 8uplul ,Sill lu41 'Paelogoll .' & Eron 'f' .- 71 ay a.lolaJayl:S\cu oum'. 11 {•10. 679. Thome �u{pvl1 'Sill 00 PaJaplguoa' ;iplp IWuno, l+g •' L Bo j brary-Neva w. gill pull jopiayl sipuay Jo 111Jloss 7 .. m aql Wit .sly .puv unlelayl sJadwu' yo sp l].vv ayl Pu}v-'lilJwjmO.1dwl a5o4'. 4 Jul F'l UawasIIa Jo 441 680 ?41 d Trussed Concrete Coin any v to vopvuwapuo0 puv ylq>(nl 1y] u(d." �% llmapti �19-. 20 . y Paving Deiit. �. Pvy .Up't '9U4,vy'9ulJvay 4lllnd v - •y]ri aunt• p .,011 . ) d 91G1 4 -du 'SBvll."I'( .1Jvlpaw.ta]ul Jlul '8i,1: - 3, . - 681 6[ IIJd{-. Pa,alddl, ;GG I;INO 1�an Dyke & Oledn, I _IIIWIIaI�l Jlpt R Jo J 1 114d , al, 11 Van 80. 56 .. Poll Ol ", JOJ:t Cy 111, 0.11 ] qi Mun. Garage Re' i 1.1 - w l,1t 1aSilfnG I) soS,stoyY9ll1.t6lhl1 lm:. lvlail .. 11,I1 alH 1 ls4 �Yil lPal4uaoy 1P4ut S682, PeterVan Hoven 91,10 gIwnauwA u1 . Fire-A%� _. 4 YUIlln4e Puvl Sill ubU n- P4). I I1J .. lJuuv sln..od atl, _j J.'. ap683 Veretraete & Frankot l� yv41s, .VW a dolf 14.46 .. . - School-Exp. u ail) . o; 4 ["I aq dl P 1)11 a,Il l I . 'n . 614-IIIH -MM o] t' l A. Nl [t tI - `.. _.u! .I,U'Pue sing .1 of b-dol A J .,, 684 ° Walblom Furnituie'°° ° p«RI ay] 41 lug �''' Co.. , au):u awl 12.00 - Polite-Exp. , yvl Puo-yup,wapu 1 1. .`•! P 685 A. J. Wampler,. \- 58.50 Library-Exp. 686 Wartburg, Pub.' House,, _ 17,.7,6 'Library-New.Books 687 Wells, Fargo,Express Go., Library-Exp, 688 Western.Electric do.,' 1.88 Police & Fire Alarm ' 689. W. 'J.. Westphal, 10. 80 S. & S. Cleaning-Exp. 690 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 9.90 Comlr. Pub. Works-Exp. "''- _ CITY. OF ST. PAUL o ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ^. �. ZI AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCILNo' FILE .. .. .,. '. , _ rFll'kt�1 R (' j QQk� -. , . .. - - 'AUDITED 191 .� .. I. PER 629 $ Resolved ingt Warrants be drawn upon the'City lreasury,`pacable out of the hereinafter sspecffloa fuuds and ` in fapor of the persons; firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respeetSVe names detailed statetne t, as specified in the followi ig' Yeas (J) Coun ilmeti'( V) Nays :Adopted by' PAP the Council Earn worth ° l Goss Approved eda. Fty 1. d - In favor pro Bell r . C. r .�'o� 15;tt oil �... -A•sinst I - - Rosalved that warrants be dnaa Wit derlich � be. d- b - MAYOR - � pDon the City Treasury, .1, Mr. President," IVIn _ jJn\ r o[Ith tter Arillsaoaeoa•.pora. ' peraonp' _ i(tlon fo 'tha an punts _t opposlt. • . _ th.l an rove mss se epecla.41 An - the r0170w1 detan.d - - -. g sta[ement:, C Ift m r' ;7 yj. .. - 1 I t is .N%fg �o I 1 S'. 84 Cents: Ch -0, t. aekott $4 6 H t Ifttd F to l Ic C� m n -' P+ S 531:00. I, 1 tt 13 E81.tp A t 1 \C it r t 1 C ;13 80. ' 1'•; \ \fo 11 Efi 00 i -_ - • � \\hit At D \ 5380 - - C.- .. . \dol t d U • CheT( •il A, 1917 . , I ,,P,,e Star A 191 1 y - ' 12691 -Press, - '. "a h to to .Craftsm � Health M & R Quar. ' SCompany, .2. 60 - 692 Electric Mnfg., Gen.,`M & S Mun. Garage: , 84 693'•Cheater Gaskell 'Pub.' L3brwGen d.65 - Pub. Playgrounds Mnt¢e ' 3*� 40 f� r' 4x68. - 694 Gimbel Brothers Pub." Libr••New. Books. 1,75 695 Hubbard. Electric Company, Pub. Schools M & R. 33.50 fi8R Library. Bureau, 80.4,0 _ 'Pub. Libr-Gen'. 697 Metal Weatherstrip Company, ~ Pub. Scho.oFs, M & R.. 132;.$0 ._ 698 E.. A. Moeller, Health.M & R. 6.00 694 Vaughan Seed Store, Public Parks Mntce. 2.25 7C0.White Auto Company, Gen. Munle. Gar.. M &.S. 300 , Pl `CITY OF ST. PAUL �d. M4��. C. r ,11TWAL' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL FILE No AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORMBy 'MAR 8 f d AUDITED_ .._ z d� PER.630- . Resolveli that Warrents bo drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter sp'eci6ed' funds and in favor of the persons, firms or coiporations for the amounts set op jposite their 'respective . names as specified- in the following' detailed. statement: - . p� C A1� 1 eaa ( r') Cot cilmcil (J) Nays 9dopted by the Council � * —191; I a isdorth Approved 5 I d "l i91 Go s Ih and In favor. }—: _Against: `i" nderlic'h' \fr.Ieresidct Irvin r•, r 1 .) — _ -, P,rsoi ccd that wnr1aof. be drawn the Cit, Tr t v. payable nut the hereinaft er P clfled iurrda and if nr. f the person's, firms or cor- rorati for theam - to t ouposite thei tl e nim a soectfled in _ 'thee Ito4 ing d t Il d statemerf: Craftsman Pre;1764. ` / Hackett -(;ales Fit ly Co. ;05.05. . - r Iiennv :R Comp ;49:00 - 1fel d. P.per C to ,; E26 il. - _ \Ild E 1 m & (ctaent, $375.44. ,�'nrli,u este rn F.lec. Equipment. , 1a.9.Q1 Craftsman Press, .' Vnyea .,.liters C Cutlet ; 34.43 l7. Pub • SCho02s -ERp. ila.�mer Hdwe Com Pan S. ;34.43. - I-'Sl Paul Elt.:tric Company. ;30.48.,. - St Patel Rubber Company, ;20.00. 85••55 702• Hackett-Gates•Hurty company, Adopted by the Council Afar. '8, 1917. Approved Play s, 1917. _ Water Expenses I - (March l0-1937) 703 Henny & C`ompany, 49.00 Pub. Schools -Exp. 704aM�aady Paper Company, 2B.7i Pub'. Schools -Expense. 705' -Midway Lime & Cement. 375.44• $ewler Const* & Repr. Expense. 706 Northwestern. Elec Equip. 3856.3 Pub". SChQ,Ols-Expense 1'93 I Water.Expense 3844:00 Strebt Const. & Repr.E ... '1.50 , S , . & S''. C Ing. Expense i e 707 Noyes Brothers .& Cutler Pub. Schools -Exp. 18.87 Humboldt High School Libr". 51.48 •� - 34.43 708 Raymer Hdwe. Company, k' Pub. Schools., Expense. 70� St.Paul Electrip:Company, 30,48 Water•'Expense. , 710 St.Paul.Rubb�r Company, 20.100 S..& S..Cing. Expense. „_ - 4 578.13 .-CITYW ST.'PAUG. ' 6INAL TO - .ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, c� ti t g { . CITY cuaa - COUICIL FILE AU'DITEQ CLAIMS-RESOLUTIONFORM Flit, t t% > ^ BY lG-C oavr.auc d ;,-/LGYl't�'' v^ -Y 6✓a�`---'".✓ ' ` _.----�-191 AUDITED ..: i PER 631 payable out of the hereinafter specified €ands and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City r1're their l Y following . in favor of the persoits, firms oFcorporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names es gp_ tf�ed- in thp' detailed statement: ° Adopted by the Council- �*At yeas (J) Councilmen_ (:J) Nays f I n 1��7i >9i Far sworth :Approved _i Go s In favor Ily and MAYOR. ' $e ler _ IIE olI ,g4. . drawn r - I1. I Xo. InYlO— '" 1:' Rrsolved tha Trea rrantsBg able out . \V nderli(h upon the City ecinea .ad. and I of. the hereinafter SP nems. or car- . - IIT. President, Irvin. i lnvor of the. persons,. 'it - orations for the amoun698. e1fied In [heir respectly 3 tailed statement: . [He fallowing CdTn'r Finance, .. 5 -t,. P.irnsworth, , E9 S i O2 1 ,.htu 11, N,Wo' nl m t 1d plc I t v th t of n eil )Ia,. S; IOb7. :\Pnrot ed, m8 1J17, mai �I ch' ,30-1017) • � `9,873.03 12711 S. A. Farnsworth, Com.'r. Finance ., Street C. & R. 615.60.;' Sewer " 787.23 S.&. S..Cleaning 7, 258,60 Bridge Bldg. &.ReP•. 1$4.30 ' Sprinkling.-'` A3.50 Engineering Insp. f,'' 878 50 Pay. Ir i{8�: River B, . ds 77 00. Sewsonneptions and, between, Miltn' Cretin 8 30 9,87 .03. 190.00 712.'S: A. Farnsworth, Com'r-. 60.00 f Interest 30..00 S,lec. Assess BondiYnt Acct. ! 0 _ Red. S. A. Bon C$a s "A" — . 0 2;194.58 . 713 Merchants 'National Bank, 1,;;75,00' .Interest 18.0 600./00 Assess.: Bond In 600.00 E Red. S. A. Bonds• Clams "A" Idise. & Unforoeen 1 58 a. 2;19 .58 A. f "CITY OF'ST PAUL CO•UNCtL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F013+ Subject:,._ , I FouENcu. No. 'Date Piesented 191 Resolved VThat the .-0ity accept from Geor a "neY Schulenberg, a deed to that part .'of the sotxthea©t ,ruarnorth ter of the . - east quarter of Section F,, Tornship 2S, the - Range 2�, ly n bet'.leen the- porta line of,Jal;.ea street, ad a.;own 'on tyle recorded. plat.. of Whitneyls Riverton -Place, and a.t1n 6,2 feet- ;;south therefrom and parallel .thereto, for the purpcse oz a tai,hte;l�in ar. i �ti°i der in .James, attest; and that part of the southeast quarter of the nort?)eaat quarter of Section .8, To:•mahip 28, Range 23,^ lying het'tvzen the sveat line of Finn avenue, as aho\vn':on the recorded plat.of C. G. Whit ney'a F.iverton st therefrom and parallel thereto, for Place and a line sixty feet e • the purr:oae'of t�,iieninr and s raihtening Finh avenue, upon the api.,roval e Ccr oration Counse I ti L �R, jl x: co of the ;;i it 8'1' deed by th i, x P t d, Tnnt th cats t ePt trIC- ..... c e •. - t °rF. (-\ Edw�rit li- . n 1 tl to that Pa - t ter Of the northeast tit SFy ctl n 8, 1Tod•nehlP 28, i:nnrt 3 It ins; l a ceh th north IWn , v t a own Che O _ j 7l,f rd 1 t i t t C h �S htt e) Rtv rJam' d .line EO f t Southtou . p r `; E t t -/1\ �'' •T Iter ifl mt a, afc?r the ightilei f inb, and ° id ening - y _ -, IT i t t o 7 that Part_ P' the \ o f ah o theant tth [ n t 8 T fi hip 28, ( IU a t f'Jog tl a theN te 1/• 3:` l F b t 'If i nrl sno ° stRive - 1 A ,i feet enet It a 11 d) aroli-1 [nd. -t the the f o. P idenun,, u f Ighten-� • li 4{t tl P." Ih PI - 1 r Ithe [Itl. 1 1 11) t1 to{i+ttlo li-tllr 11 C ,.11 llnr. 8. 1017' .\PI -1 —1 '.{i r 5.. 1:)14. Yeas (✓) Cotlralmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 ' Ta"worth In favor Approved MAR, .— � � i l , _ 191' ... K r< V oll Against LI v Y Mr. Presid; t. Powers .FORM G.B-2.w .. ,; �v '-.. •.. PROCEEDINGS OF... : .. .. COUNCIL An ordinance to' Batt the claim of V Pace ® &r THE COUNCIL'OF, T CITY OF ST. PAUIi D03ds ORDAIN' Section. 1i the prop.6sition.of..Hugh Pace to com- pro>ni'ee and,eettle h "elaim against the City of St.PaulI arising out of injuries sustained by.him by reason of a fall on an icy, ®idewalk an.Olioe Sheat between Ninth and Tenth Streets, as is mpre 'partioularly set out in his communication to,tihe Council under date of February 14th, 1917,;upon payment. o dim of the Bum of Fifty Dollars tj50'00) be and the same is hereby accepted, and' the: proper oiV offioers are hereby authorized and directed,to draw a warrant upon the 002miesionor of Finance, in favor of the said Hugh V. PRO, payable out of the Compromise 0,00unt of the f� General. Fund, ',in the sum. of FAty 'Dollars, said sum, however; to be delivered only Upon there being filed with the City `Comptroller a receipt of said elaimant'theref<or, together with &,release.duly. executed by him in a'form to'.be gpproved•by the .Corporation Counsel releasing and discharging ,the City from .any. and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained 1?y Beid claimant on the day and under the:circumetance's herabefore noted. Section 2.,:This'oxdinance:shall take effect:-and be in force`30 &eye after.ite,passi4e, approval, and publication. 'Yeas (J) Ciuncilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council �� L�' �y l- 191• _ Farnsworth In favor Gossk Hyland Approved 191 Keller _ ller 0 Against Wunderlich M roa /Acting �, �gL19E1� fi G ._'CITY.OF ST. PAUL , .•1 COUNCIL RESOL..UTION-GENERAL. Sublet[:FOEyCIL NO: Date PresentedMar.. '.. S, 1917. Resolved, That George >fl.' Franzmeler, as' owner of Lot 1 Block 1 Ickler's Addition, City of West St..Paul, located at southwest corner of and he is hereby permitted to conneot Smith Ave. and Annapolis St., be with the Cit y. 'of St. Paul surer in Smith Ave., said connection to be., used as a sanitary connection .only and not for storm'wster, and Further on condition that,the City shall not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever on account of tyle issuing of a permit for said sewer.conneotion.%- FURTHER R:,SOLVFD,; That said .George t9: �renameier, as owner of said lot, hall pay-to the City oj.St,,_Paul an advance assessment of $1.26 per. .:- front foot of said lot, ora total of $50.OG, and a fee in the sum of $3.00, before permit is ,issued, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commiasioner,of Public works and at the expense of theY.owner. C. I', N 1 19 1 11 -N..Coss— "" ss— . ` n •� 1 d Th \t f` t;t• R Franz- . , Im 1 r, ter f 1 >t 1 Blue 1 rek- I1' _\lditi 'Cit of west SL -Paul., . - 1 t t t uth e[ S rn r Smltk 1 - 1. a d\ 1 11 Sf I d 1 la M1.ly'P- It[e, t o t With the 1. I. itr of S[ Paul It, it1 \ a - 11 I'llo al,tliln.-1 1 x I ' rth ll I• n7i[I tt• th � III- Cll h ll hit 1 h ld ❑ Ible - a �I t } a tent <jr u I. f the. Issuing of 1 fel it fill'a Id si,io P rth lit[ 1 d That id ( hr , \\ r t 1 r r Id lot.' - .• I ,hall 1 tt3 to the (it, n f s, Paul I a .. :tdr:lo sot t of $1.2' f t•r front foot t f i 1 lot. i Clrt.1 f $5 -oo. '. Ad :i f •o -f n I- n of M(a). hoforc : rt Q , I ft I I 1 It 1, t h.' 1 t �}:l g 111 d t1 1. 1 1 -f tile'C - MAR Yeae (o) Coulltilfnen (.`)'Nays •1 er- 1 1 li\\ 1 1 t ':tl 191 n: a r u l \1 s. l%1--,,opted by the Council' Vbr'sworth. .\doll I 1 thet Ip d\ia1.x t12. �lnrcl 10 11171 „H nd Approved ..:f 7 K er .p. / ;oll . Against . r� rWerlich MAYOR , �T. Pres;de rir�in limit 4��i ': r9 ..tib 1 COUNCIL FILE ....... ........... .......... : _.. FINAL ftDER. In the Matt eroE...... Gradin,g.,of ,Alley,..in._Summit _av_enue Second Addition. under Preliminary order ..._... 13721„•_... ......... approved......_._ Intermediary Order ..,__ ....... :... ....... _.__............................. ....... approved ........... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations :relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paull that the precise' nature, extent and kind :of im provement to be madeby the said .City is_Gra.de All tin Summit Avenue Second. Additfor� �._......�_.._ �......__......_........ , __......_.__..W._._.._.._.._ _..._.._..._...__ _ _.. sx.. ---- ------- _..... ............ __.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement'to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby. instructed. and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city olfi rs are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improv&menti Pordpill,wnh. Adopted by the Council .:' _ City C rk. Approved 8 Ilii _........... 191_...........No. 15221� f f t 'n th • %latter of , djng of alley in Mayor. . Summit Ay rnue Stcnnd. Addition, Councilman Farnswort „andgpr ['.kiln lutry Oder 19721; ap- - p oVOa Nu 21,. 191 �. ' '..1¢A ulijtc he&ring having been had JOSS 9DUW udb Ileinouncilmhavingoheard. :all persons, objections and .recommen-,, Keller dations relnt(ve thereto, and having . � fully .considered the same; therefore, - McColl be It Resolved, that the Council n the City - -of 9L. ad chat the precise nature. ex-, Nash :tent and kind of City I 9,.,M to be :made by the 1 City g Ae IIeY Yoerg ' in mit; Aventua Sccond. Addition. and the Co. c1I he�`cbs orde�i. as id. lm- - .Mayor POWers ` R- olved� b th Fl That the Com - n ml for of Publi {Yorks be. and hr . t Form B.:S.-A. 8-7- is, 1 ereby_,Instructed and directedto - preparo -plans and peetacallous to: - said lnfprovement, and submit aume to : - theCouncil -for approval: -that upon - said appgoval, the proper city officers - - arehereby- authorized and directed to-�; } P c d with the making f Id I— - - �y/ p t la t1 .wnn At I c l b r tl �- e: I - .. �r �t. 1 - - CITN Oe ST. PAUL -.. ., . �f3EPARTMEkT' OF. F�A'NCE ' REPORT' OF'COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDF-R., - 1. GESCRIf'T,10_N-_� ': LOT eLocs --ADLSITIOM ASSESSED'. .VALUATION:� • 1, i����o� _ ,z,. - Z'`. • _ <.:.- „� > �� Yds'` The Commissioner of Fiirance furth"er reports that a hasinnstiSated all'othe aforesaid, -matters and hereby submits the foregoing* as his report thereon to the Council: together with. the report matte to him in 'reference to said matter by the Commissioner of .Public Works. Dated 194:.: J Commissloner of Finance. o �.t _ e - - BOARD OF COMMTSSIOVMS, ry .1 CITY OF 8T. -PAIIL. r L Gentlemen:_,. The following property own�rs and r`bsidents respectfully s 9 petition ,you to grade the alley in Summit Avenue Second Addltion ' } { from Saratoga to Pascal Avenues between Laurel and Ashland Avenues. Also to •provide suitable drainage to parry off, the water which, at, . 1 the present time, owing to the fact that Laurel:Avenue, is higher than Ashland, `flows oil Ashland Avenue property flooding basements 1 ; and garages .and doing other extensive damage. Owners of property. in: this block "desire.to build garages and erect fences which they cannot do at the .present time owing to the fact that the grade,is not established dnd the property Tins uncertain. • • / 5 /,7 r t l t t ; g CITY.OF ST. PAULA - - COtTNCIL •F2 E --:?,0 L,UT10 N—GE N ER A L.`I-FORM" _ Subject' FOENCIL NO'S.. �'i . Date Presented_ "March 8th, , 191 ..7 RESOT VTION -Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT ..OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT T.0 BE TAKE`k IN .CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment. ase-ment: in the land neoessary for .elopes, for outs and;. fills -in the grading of alley ink Summit Avenue Second Addition, under: Preliminary Order (13722,. approved November 21st,- 1916, --'and. Intermediary 'Order .#14714, approved Feb. 6th, 1917. The Commiesioner, of Public Works having sub- witted his report and sketch in the above matter; be it RESOLVED, -That the City -of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to bs taken• for the above named -improvement 'as. an.,easoment fof elopes, tfor eutbr. and ,fills in and upon the land abutting the alley in Summit Avenue Second Addition, to the, extent shown upon .,the 'sketch attached to .the .report of the, Commis- eloner of Publiq Works in'the matter,. dated March 8th, 1917, which ',sketch and report- are hereby• referred to -' and made a prt hereof. F 16 1 nI a r} tak- I In th-. m tt<if in{: an c +nt In. theInncln ces-. r f eloP forcot a ud title to_ . ug of alley to Summit Ale ue Seeon i A.ddltion, under P lim- . Order No. 1373'L.- "ii roved No- [n.trber 31 t t�lf andInterns Mary - Order ;\n. 1F 14. nPproveil Feb ath. . ,ltlim it ed t We of 1 ub4 or[` o8nd. - K the above. tter, be it Aesolr etl„ That the t 1[ t St ` 01. „ fixes' and determines the_ - - • land to t e taken for thet v wed ` - . Irapf Ve nant -itt went [cu i - - - Pen. r Fut•hnd 7171 `t d upon th land butting the ••t111 .- t[ Summill. A-11111 l,i b d: AllditilY It the t tf i nr Pon the sketch Ytached t th �Port of the -hich lit httl at 1. March o h18 1 1, Deas (_✓):Count men (_ } i\ays_ . t t u -. -- .e•b. �efe rt etl. to on .m utr t 1}nrt�. .. - . Farnsi orthAdopted b tlu• cat d star. a t 11$eil 191 Goss do favor Ant ro.•ed m r. a:'0"v. . .. (1f•t ch 10-19(7) - Hylan Keller Approved ��R 191.. MCC61 Against' 1, Wena Lich .., ! .... MAYOR )rr..resident: I vin tdit�' of :*t, Paul �Q�1artlllCltt a _ Public orks M:' N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OSCAR Lw ..EN T. GOURLEY. DEPutv,. Dk E c n J. E. CBUAeOu oF Co .. - , Pucflo Prr.iP$ .. -F:7FOF,T TO.Tit' rnr ..CIL- In- the'a.atter of oorder:rin; .ut:ci takin4 an ea:+eir.ent in. tY;r,laraa .r:ec a s:ary for slopes for out rind fills, in �radir,r, the alley in ?UC.I➢it, avenue Second n ui`ior, under Pr isary .r: er. x.13724, ar.;;rove aver�ber Z1✓at, 1916,• ani Ir,tCru.edi.arOrder kI4711, ai:f•rovel 1eby.,6th, r e' 7i of FGui: _ To ti,� Ccu::ci l of tY Ti.e"Or.,iasioner, of .i: till :''orks' .ere'uy au'uwita .diad rLakea a ;_art of tf,ia report, G f•lur of tri:. a.bOva if proveuent,s.iowis �y gie auau l.ortioiL. of said pl,—, t:e fills to to --vale oil,I,.rivat roh�rty,.ard t� tac :.etched I:orti.on, t" -,e c.xty to be 9,ade or irivxte r.roPOrtY, and tY,e e. -.tent, bf the ea3euer t to be trker., by tY,e fi• urea opposite I6 shaded and 11 shed party of ouch Flan. 9:3.ioner of Fuul c `Dike t 3 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... _ ................... . _ t FINAL ORDER.` .......« Gradin�••,the Alley in Blook••.17, Merriam Park In the Matter of..,..... _ .. r, w,,, Feb .28 9327............. approved .....» ......w . erw_.... under Preliminaryor d approved , ..w. .... intermediary Order, :µ ••;••µ'- "' • ci A pub he hearing having been had upon- the above improvement upon ;due notice; and t on dared having heard all persons, objections end recommendations relative thereto, and haying fully the some; therefore, be.it he Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iv RESOLVED, By t look 1'� MexxiAm provement to be made bye the said City isww.I .... _ ............._._._w park Third ,Addition,, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mad$ ' reby RESOLVED FURTFIER That the Commissioner improvementPnrks. be and is he and Submit same to thesCouncil tructed and directed to prepare plans anti specifications for said, said approval, t roper fi "%Acers am hereby authorized and directed to pr approval; that upoceeed with the making ofsaid improveme lowifer erewith: Adopted by the•Council:... - - -- " Ci lark. rIAR_.'$�1317-,_.�._:, t91 ........ Vl A i _ .. Mayor. C F' No. •16323 'rxdin6 lire alley in :In the Dtatier of 6 Order Councilmen Farnsworth Merl, lou ?les 1nPre Park Third Ad dltion, 1916. .0 ,9337, approved Feb.'$. been-had. - Goss 9 ,yubllc hearing having ent upon" upon the °he,Councl( havin6 da rd Keller nonce. allperson,,, thereto danaohevSnC �,. McColl fully considered the same: therefore, be It LiY the Council of theCItY Nash Reeulve , of St- Paul that the mprovelnentrt ebe g ,.... tteent and kind .ot improve fads the ml- tent .. Yoer ode .bY.the enld, Dtle clam Pnrk Third r.}oY in $lock 17, or.. „b In Addition. .and the Council hereba Mayor Powers �Q18 9aldj impFuvertuThat �nt to the Corn., • - Reaolved , Further, he '19 Form B. S. A. 8=7 hereby inetFructedblic ,and directed to pre•' pareby para plane aridlepeclacat{one for eche improvement, a do submit 8401Pcqaid i �06d it •Connell for aP0 offlooro are approval,. the proper: City , to hereby, author making. Of i said Improve. . 1 went inaecordancetherealth. , 797i. ldott d b\ the council Dine 8, t �iI tAE3 k'I'.. A;b C7I I I;TRT I2�:nr..1,tiT�ri: ti EM vAY5ON G E l dE PAUL. LOUJ A. IdERT I:I:It �I.\NI \ I.I n I1 IVMIIINti RE 5 E%EHAN GE S �[vr P,ILU , January 20, 1916. AI Ttr, 1 I1. Goss, Cainmiseioner of Pub lie Wdfks,: 4 ' Court House,:. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs The wmers-of the lots -in block. 17 0£ Merriam Park .Third Addition have gotten together to have the alley graded. We understand from YLr. IAoore.in your office that the,grade of this alley has not yet been established by the city. "Will your office please have this grade established at once so that we may ascertain if ,VYe alley is up to grade?. ,We understand. it will then be necessary to sec);re formal permissioo n for:the work and to have the same approved. Will you kirdly let us.• kno* if this is the.way it must be, done? Yours respectfully, GILIBERT AND GII,B T. ".. BY 1_AG/GS _% OEM� F- d�.,,� g FEB 29.1916 BUREAU OF ENUINEERS CSE ST PAUL ` g 4'_C O:U IV C.1 L: RE SO`I_UT10'1V--GEN'ERA'L' FORM = Date Presented M arch :Sth, _ • 1917 _. _ RESOLUTION . - FIXT- XG TfE AMOUNT OF LAND' OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, _TO` $:t TAKETT 1h CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS the matter: of condemning and taking an' F " easement in tYie i.and necessary for slopes, for_ cute and -fills, in the grading of`alley in Block 17, �Iarrian Parr 'T2iird 'Addition, under Prelivinary Orc3.er• x,3386 , appro 6d February 36th, 1916, and =r_termeriia.ry _Orc7.er #14713,.;approved,Feb= 6th, 1917. The 0ounm1ss1oner of Public orks having sub- zx.it ted -h3 8 report- and sketch in the above natter, be RE,_ L0T V_w1) That the City of St. Paul fixes ar_d c3eterrnines the amount of land to be taken ftrr-the above_ Warted improvement as an 'easement for slopes, for cuts anti : i1 :L s in and upon the land abutting the alley Block 2-7. BEerriam Park Third Addition, to. the extent' s��o9vn upo- the. sketcP attached to the r0port of the Com isaiorer oi', Public Works, in the matter dated 13rlarah •8th, -1917, which _sketoh,a�id report, are hereby referred tb azid made a part hereof. 7n II,.mitt [ 'oi damning and tak'- s _ " Ing :in eeinenC In the lend:A1g�ae- ' --- ai _. for 1pl—, for cute and�•NI1M In tt g-d1lig of alta •, In Rib k ;.R7 rria Park Thi i72 i0diltun; del - . _ _ PrelimsOrde N. .9326 up. . - ter nedl r l- orilenry 28t\o U14713and all. ` Rroved r 1 nth, 3917. 1 :n .. - -` Thv Conarnimmloner of. Public \lorkv In_iny;- ubmitted hie rebranc. sketudt in in, ailove: atte er, -' - - 7;rnnlved, That the CI tY '04 Sitt. Paul - and d l,rini ne th amount of. ' land to he- takn iefor lhe.above rd - - Imnrovemrnt "' amentA for, - _ - 1 R for uts a 1 011 i and Von - - -. i - - - F• _ th land Uuttlpk the ll ), 3n Block " 1 `Vf rr P 'kTI I'd %' B�titl an - . I. +[e t eh p lh) ii t h t- .1 t h t to fi p t f th - ci le i of P hll 1V 1 y I the m t- .: ii i 8t1 -A 7. nl a. c )) k tTi.•PT FeV ri le e! a Yeas �v�.Cot1n1E.11meZ"i ✓'� �, ay s - t id'in 1 part Il oat jai. A 1917.` 191 1RV •9\Ci' �i '�Bil'll�n; 6 Reil �.• Far wortl;-a - - (\[nrhllo t91) - - Gos In favor Hyland " - MAR -8 1,317 KeIIer LJ Approved 191.'' McColl. Against Wunderlich . V w+roi Mr. President] Irvin (Lien of ti lAep: xtxittxxi .n# 'P4blit M. GOSS. COMMISSIONER . Enc R T. GO'LJRLEV-DEPUTY cwL N B G rv� • G ETIINGEF 54PTCF - J - e CaPPECT.orvs BTIA.,o�[s FrFORT- TO T,•,g ^OT 'OIL In the Batter of, con dennir.o ai,1.takl3xe an easea:ent in th.e land recee- aary for slopes for' cuts' and fills in ,trading the alley xn lock 17;..:._ - rriafy' PurkThiTd Aidition, ur.dCr Pielimiri�rj' Order ,����, �1':=roYed Feoy, and 'Iate awodiy Order. 1 7.13,,al) ,roved Fc:uy:,otr,, 1`317 To tiie'Counail of tP "ity of The` Corru:isei`oner of Public "'Orks hereby sv'c;mite aul "i:akee apart of this his report, a plan of the above 4-r aProvecrent,at,Owina .y'the shaded portion of said plan, the+fills to be feade on private property, ar:d by the _hatches!" portion, the cuts to be made on private "property, andtiie extent of tx` eaeament to'be taken, by the fi�ure.a ocpoeite euch shaded and hatched, . parts of .Audi plan.,. - fo..rrisaioner of Public "+ork,�' I LN I I A T "A 13 S - 4 E'?�i I I .CITY OFST- �pA�tlL COUNCIL PES`OLU-TION— GeNER'ALFORM •_i sub, t COUNCILA/ FILE .N�.. 1i- 25 Date Presented Marbh F£rh 1917.`. 'RESOLUTION_ , .• ' FIXING' THE. AMOU 'T, OF LAND 'OR EXTENT OF EAsEME2IT TQ BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION,PROCEEDINGS Resolved, In the matter: of eondemning and taking an - _easement in the land neeeseary for slopebj:for cute and fills in, grading Columbus Avenue from Beverly Avenue to •Como and. River Boulevard, under Prelims- nary Order #139&5j-, approved Deoember 13th; 1916, and Intermediary Order #14715, approved Feb. 6th, 1917. The Commies per of Public Waiks having Bub- mitted his report and sketch in the above "muter, be it RESOLVED? That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lend to, be taken for the " t as`an easement for sl above named improvemenopes., for cuts and fills in and_upon the land abutting upon Columbus Avenue; between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, are dated M'srch 8th, 1917,. which sketch' and report hereby referred to and made a part hereof, '.c. V. No. 15t2 c oit of demnlnR and tsx_,. In the mat 1 t^, nn ens n c t it, the land neces-so r' x for clones• for cuts and'fula In P tl ,, Columbus-ppAvenue- from rn, an . anal. `-, •d. order Prdliml tare" Order ,4,o_ 1398b f approve(] De W m to 72 .... anal Int rmedln Y Order Ao 14716, anprov d Feb. 8th 1917: ComlIn f uhltc Works e. i - h fat, submitted his, report. ant I - .. • - 'sl etchR oll i� Thabove t. vthe: CI t, ofr. �.::t. Paul It t .. .. n e and 'determines th a Dunt o[� . In-d to be tnken..foI the ib v .named in, I ovemeut as n to e t for + . HI I a ut and .11119 I. d. anon . - the land-abnttl n6 upou Col and nu'. e between the 'pnf of aforesaid to l tl extent shown ution thesKet'ch at to .hed 4o th rel or(. [ the' Commie :! .sloner of 11oblic WO ks In the m t ter, dot" \Tar h 8th 791 ,whlchl k t h and report are h ebl �efer d to fid made n part' she o[ A tonted b the Coun- Yeas (J) Cou cilmeq (✓) Nays nnnrovea �t r. s, 191 ('•arch Id-1917) Ile Council 191 Far worth Ad'oPt9d-Zy. Goss 7 In favor - — HYI d Approved, - rl R - s 19I . Kell ` Mc II` Against Wu Erlich .MA.YOR 1GI :President :Irvin' FORM C. B•2 . i P Ve Irtmcld of . �tlilie, E arks OSCAR CLAu65EN. cx rry Evo .dee M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ^ i. Bun'{Au or [NciRrcnc R T. GOURLEY DEPUTY G Bu •rvo �` {���rly e FRED JACK$— 6u or S-TATION W. GOET ZINGER 6 _ IRY eAR' � c .. BVA[AU or Bno N. POLO. Orr,c Evcv ac. _ - - _pEFOFT TO '°t:" (1071CIL- In the matter of condcmnin® e.nd takinL an eaaement.in,the land neees sary for slopes for cuts- and fills ia`Zradin''olumous avenue)from Lever - 1y av-e-nue to -^_omo Liver oulevari, under Preliminary. order ;;1'39352, aA proved Dec:,l"oth, 1916„ and Intermediary order #114715,'approved Eeby., 6th, lx17. - To the Council of the City of St°i'aui: , The Consr,issioner of Public %'Orke hereby submits The ant makes a port of tc,is Lis' .re ort, a plax of, the above ia.provement,siiawircSP by ti a si,aded portion of eaid p1an, the fills to be made on private proparty,and by the hetohed po'rtion,'the cuts. to be rade on private property, and the extent of the' easement to be taken, by the fioiur.es 'Opposite, such shaded and hatchEd parte of auch plan. - r �o is-ioner of �ublic 9Gorka G,. ,,. . D'atedr— ---.- COUNCIL FILE,NO............ By- -- FINAL ORDER. ' ,1 relaying and repairing the preeent . --- Recor etructYng, -• •"' Ig the Matter of _ cement.tlle sidewal>s to:.:a widtY of six feet ad scent to the oTtheofy .beainning_194_ �t _._..--•---- - ��Y— �9isyTszenia_Av.e.—chance-_ ncrh�tithe.— I05_feet, _�--- _ " Oct 11 1916 - under Preliminary order..._ _ .__ _-.- - _- ... approved -•--- Intermediary on thle above p puble Council ic hearing having been had dr eoommendationsprelative thereto, and havin having.heard all persons, objections.an g fully rovement upon due notice and hconsidered the same; therefore,' be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that at the precise nature, extent and kind of im Reennatruct,;:.-relay and repair the ��_•_;. provement to be made by the said City is — _..._._ .... ._. _.._ reae lt-'oement,tile_.sid.e?ralk to a_width of six feet adjacent tortthe P _ -.- - —, gt be innin 194 fta pro gertsline_on.the_weat�eide cf'ldissiasi27o1 _. _..._-- - ly north?oY` Penn_sYlvania Ave. ,thence_,north to the G N RBri .R.e, aPProxima$e 105 feet, and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the h nmmocsl narl P Qubemelic n oandrks bebmi same to the SCouncil tructed afor directed to prepare plans and speciSca approval; that upon said approval, t roper, officers are hereby authorized and directed toiproceed a or �e therewith.f� with the 'making of said iniprovem 7L/ Adopted by the Council_ 191 _ .._ -- ••••- G _.._ rk. 6 t Approved_ ..._._ . ._- 191_ ...... y . t, F 15226—. Councilman Farnsworth. In tx .`l dLeepairingnthe erelay, la e' entatti aid walk to a.vSldth of ilia, Goss feet axis t to see Miss se,,pi st., nthe l t !de p _ peginnt 6 194aft. 'north of,toPoene YG -Keller vanle: A e. thencenorth mto eth 105 '- ,\'. 11. R. Bridge, P" Order 17142. . WCO11 feet„under t.Prelim.1 Y ,( Peroe d Oct. 11. 1916. p ppbil hearing h vinB been `had upon h”" the 1Councllmhaving he rd all Peraon9 objections and [edh having -•z�v.[ d tlo e. el thereto, th t fully con idave[ d ,the same; {'\ :Mayor P- �/ he It :the C un it of theCitY R solGed $Yt. the pre is nu ez Farm B. S. A- 8-7 _ of St..Patt1 th i.p ov m o t �e t t aaa xi a, a'ca is d b' th ant. t 1 11 l aide nikp tonal idpth L is Leet ry st side of t]ila isa PP1 he property b`jla Ave6. ' 194 ft. north Of PennI _nn thence --north to theG 'I It R Rridge; approximately- 105 teat and the Coun- I1herebY orders enid Improvement to ho made R48olYRd-Furt e[,o the a.: Cd he1fa stobak"y�,ah " directa to pre- hereb)r, t dtad:,art pure plana andnaPeclymatioamahe; ,n Provemcni, a eL 'that^vPon. '.sl d' oRl ;�.' i Priv t timcten t .1 w1tM1 ,ham alai of xj illh_m - Office of the Commissioner, of 'P iblic, Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October _13ih, ...._.... 1916,:: To the Commissioner of.Finance of the City of St. Pauls The Cmamissioner of PuUlic'Works, hnving had under couaidriatimi the elimiaary order of the Couu- .V. 13142October 1 th,.1916....., relative to.............. .... cil, known as Council File No..... .... .. .....:.approved.._.. the.. recon,atruc.tion, _.redsY Inanarp cement tile the ....1........... present sidewalk to a width of six feet adjacent to tre property line on the west side*�f Liissiesippi St beginning 194 ft north of. Pennsylvania Ave. thence north to the' G. Nr Ry., .... Bridge, apRHXAIstely . and having investigated the matters alid things referreft to theieiu, hereby reports: 1;• Said iniproveuneut is• ... ...necessary. and (or) des.iritble. 58¢ per lineal foot and 'L. The estinnated coat thereof, is $_............... and the total cost thereof is xxXX the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. -... _.,.... ;........-. 3. A plan, profile or sketch ofpsaid improvement is hereto attached and mode u part hereof. o. Said improvement is:.... 210t_. asked, for upoir petition of three or more owners of property, anUject to assessment for said improvement. , . t+....... �w' ° Commiasioucrof oika. COUNCIL' FILE By_� FINAL ORDER. With In the Martel,, eof..�.�.�0..1-s.tr.�G�ing>--relaying: anci••repairing oemeat .• : �,ePt :+.he.-Q-Ben cement file sidewalk ___on both._fdee of_ Central ave. from Ravoux St , to Farrington Avenue, .. ..,. .. e 2° .a_.1916 undreliminary order 117-6.._-:..--•_--• ----approved erP._.:..__dlt%i_._._ _ approved :...: ._ Intermediary Order _ -- t upon due notice, and the Council - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvemen; endations relative thereto, and having Tully nsldered having heard all persons, objections and recomm the same; .therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY the Council of the City of St. Paul that the, precise nature, extent and kind of 1m k Retsanetruat, relay and-repair with oeme provement to'be made by the said City 1s -- ��l�Y�pw�`,W��th Qf .eluWf�et the_Preeent oement••tileeidewalk oa both sides -of. Central _ave. from �avoux to Farrington Ave.,, _ _ _ �..._ ..... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. -- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans an 9 - fications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for I the roper ci approval; that upon saidapprovaofficers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed erewith. with the making of said improveme r ��. Adopted by the'Council._... _. _ - - City Cler . r1FR 7 .�._: , 191 Approvedq C F No. 15227— In 5227 -•...MayBr.^ )ntheeco 1 tt r of n tnlcting: relay-.I ��• - n n 1 g had epairing •Ith mens file - t width of, six-feet the. preaAnt ' of Central 1 ile from Rak Ony x 8Ltes oCouncilman Farnsworth b rClntra ,v.. from ler,rreumrn-. 'Goss 0rdei 11376, approved June 29, .1916. A: public hearing having been had Keller Pon the above improvement upon due datlon[ relative thereto, and, having' McColl fully considered the came; therefore. be It 1 J - Resolved, By the Councii of tare City _ 3 Of St Paul ,that the precleel nature. ez. tent and kind of.-impr ement to be mud py thesaid t it;f isr o struc[. - - rel d s u 11 Ith titlet n d[I t Iz f 1 th Mayor nI tftom1i TL , 1 vt pl i f'1 A ho Forth B. S. b �_7 /J eluner of I•u bltc tt'ork. l d he lie ,YI herby I,in Sed n0 dl - , ail: d p d xt 1 h P,,Prr. cltY oRlcere. ' h h t ilrr,l Pd dtrec[ed 3P P n '� .. .. h. f b - _ (nfn. eh 19-1937) , • - Yom. mr, , 1 C OFIST. PAUL OF - -' ' DEPARTMENT IIMANCE - REPORT OF CQMMjSSIONER- OF FINANCE - ,ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DE S C•RI PTI ON LOT BLOCK AD171T ION _ ASSESSED. VALUATJ ON ' !�(/' �•��� G %�i 3u,, f/l G7 � �..�l •� 4 PCh�✓/��• o (/ ,.�ij%fi/"/�`I'i� c- 1 ) o c! U -.. /!/ •,� .. dam./U �7O /tea J .: C L' 'G ,� • /��� �u.�� �: /�u��� lyra f all 7/ J Q tet✓ /7" At ... • - . ao ,.. ' '. TOTAL. ': - CITY OF ST PAUL • r1 , __ DEPARTMENT, OF %INANCE FiEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRET-IMINARY'ORDER - 4 lBl i v ADDITION BLOCK AESSED '_ VALUATION .. e. a D E S C R I P T ION -. .._. _:._ •-. . u7 �u 07 L �L z .) r .TOTAL. ;. ,. COUNCIL TILE NO.... ._............_.._FINALORDER. In the Matter of F constructing, _relaying• and _repair ng vrith ►`� _.._. .. _ cement the to: a, width- of ten feet, the present cement "tile sidewalk �on bye•. north "side of ITest Sixth St-be.ginnin.g7a_ feet east of Smith Ave.. thenceeist '54 Peet, t _ ....__��._.. .................... .._................. _. under Preliminary order. _.13144_ .... ........ app roved Intermediary Order__.._ ...... approved .. ...... __..... __• ._.._. _ __ _ _.:_.:, s _ A public heating. having been had upon the above improvement upondue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, -and having -fully . considered the same; therefore, be.it RESOLVE `U; By the Council of the City of. St Paul that the precise nature, extent -and kind of im- provement to. be made by the said City is,.:,.• Reoonsiruet,relay , and rem _•air,, with cement the to a width -of ten feet, thejresent cement the stde7alk°on the north side of West Sixth St, beginning 12• .... �_-•fegtTeest •of SmitY ayl,A. -•ThenCe�.ea ts, , ,54 feet,l .... ._..-..._._........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare -plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council :for approval; that upon said approval, the proper ci-officers are hereby. authorized and directed -to proceed with the making of said improveme ryas r therewith Adopted by the Council._: ... .:... `` ____, 191_ -- - City Cler ' MAR 8 L,i 1 a %. Approved_____.:...:_ C. F. No. I5228— In the Matter of reconstructing, rglar , Mayor..�/ ing. and repairing with cement tile'' to "a width of ten feet` the -present, '. Councilman Farnsworth cement the sidewalk "on the :'north • - .1 do of R!eet 61'sth St_, beginning: 72 Goss fset'eaet of Smith Ave., thence east - 4 feet. under Preliminary Order _ 13144, approved Oct_ 11. 1916. r_ �ellef A public hear1gAs havinif been had _ upon the above laiprovement upon Ane MCC011 notice "and the Councli bavfag, heard ' all persons objections and re ommen- - dations relative thereto anE havin6 - fully considered the same it 'fore, be It �,{ Resolved. By the Council of [he City Mayor 7"t I of at Paul that the precise nature ez , tentand kind of Improvement to be Fotm B. S. A.8-7- ,ib the as d City is reconetruct,� relay and rpair with ce enttile t width of ten feet, the pr aent cement Hite sidewalk on the north side of West Sixth St:,. beginning '72 feet ' east of - Smith Ave., thence. east" 64 Leet, and -- the "Councit hereby orders said, im- prdve.ment. to be 'made. -' - - Reeolved Further: That the Commle• - stoner of Public. Works be and be Is - hereby Instructed and directed to pre_ - _ pare. plane and peciacatlona Lor Bald improvement and submit samec to the Council. forapproval;. that .0 o said. p P �. hereby alutho authorized an city direct d re are 11 ' 'hereby authorized and directed to pro- - - re, d a•itFthe mihing of said fmprave- nl a,l•: -:Irl �a ! I;, r II ,, i. 1 1 '. COUNCIL `FILE NO .....� 'By_.............. ...... FINAL -ORDER. ® Reconetructin tela in and repairing the cement In the Rutter o£:.,_ --._ .. ..... fir_..... ..... _ _..._ the sidewalk to a width of six feet oh the. _north side_of Thomas at..; _ from Arundel_ St._ to: Nackubin,.St., _:----.--._....---._..-__.----_--_ __ ........... .under Preliminary .... ...approved ..._.__ _ Intermediary Order_.— approved .......... A public hearing having been had upon jthe above improvement upon due notice, and the Council" ions and recommendations relative ;thereto, and having. fully considered having heard all persons; object ' 'the same;•therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City i of St. Paul.that the. precise flature, extent and kind of im- prov inent m-pcovetnent io`be made by the said :City is Reconstructzaia�fag .relity and repair' the Dement tile sidewalk t6'a t on the north,side width of six fee ... _. ThomasSt.i from Arundel St. to�Mackubin St., ....� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council. for Approval; that upon said approval, the Per 'c,officers-are hereby authorized and.`directed to proceed • with the making of said improvement i e rda a therewith. Adopted by the Council....._..._ � ^ _...... _.__, 191 City I Approved___r_ r1aRy 8 1917 _ 191 ........ , C. F. No 15229— ......Mayor. In the Matter o[ reeanfhrucceme R ia# r 1ng and r Palring: CouncilmanlFarnsworth i elde—Alt to a width of al seas'°a the n rth- side �[lThou,na a94 oder' Arundel St order :13133, aPProved _ SOS$ Plelimhdar.e . Oct. 11, 1.9 been hpd •,-Ketler A PnDltc hearinB'havtng on- 'Noon the abov¢ improvement uP all Peraofi. Objections and recommea ` d It- McColl dations red a the a thereford fully honstdered.the same; - _ - " ` 4E 4`% bo It - the C°unoll of [he o b ' Re olved: BY -of 9t FaulAW the precisVroeme tt rto ebe t'a t and. kind of ha 1 ec struct, ��j7 m de b> air the c ment lllo side- .. RRMB Or 1PLYiiilT`YrY 1 and rep- - y alk to n width of at C t 'O trunc n rth,side f Thorn St Y Fortn B. S. A. 8-7 du -'It- to to okabin ld and tense t io .. - _ cit h reby.. ard°rs said in Prose t made. - Resolved Further, That the:Oommti •'hlerebY �nsttruclled ic hand directed to Prea' _ pare'iPlna, and spe lbmitlonsneofrthd. i 1 P evement 1 ihnta 1Pon said C t1 to al,pr . t' c- - .aaml lfor .PfopOr city ottlO'er. are, t OPP, auth'6'affa*' and. idlrROtcd to pro-: eedSwntllitl al inghotsaid imoro 1 l- - ., 1'i 1,�� 11 : 1 i OF-ST PAUL." . . . c�• : DEPARTMENT OF rINANCE FINANCE 4P i2EPOIT OF COMMi5510NER ON I'REL IMINARY ORDER (C) ON LOT BLOCK,.. ' - ASSESSED VALUATION L1 S R I P T 10 .. �.., .. c? l 1 further reportsi that he has investigated alt of the aforesaid matters t.and The Comm�saloner of Finance the Council,' together with the report made to him In. as his re oxS the to hereby submits the foregoing p -. Public Works. .. - reference to s@id matter by`the Cotpmiasioner of 1. Finance 191 7..., ' Commissioner of Dated' Form B. B. 12^ Qf�ice of the Commissioner of , Public Works Report to Commissioner of, Finance .......OGtooer 13th;,.....:: 'To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: g had. under consideration,the preliminary order of. the Coin- The Coinmissioner: of Public Works, havin cil; known as Council File No .1. .......:.approved...... 00_tob.Er...alth,....._1916 ..1, relative to ..;.... the reeon'truction, relaying., and repairing the cement the sidewalk t.Q...a, i?.idth o.._'.a x f_eA.:..Gn ..th.o_ nortr f,rom..._ArUnde.l.._ St. to, Mackubin St ........; .... ....._._. ........ shut having. investigated the matters and things referrecl to therein, hereby reports. -_-I.--Said-i+nproueme„t ,a ..... and (or) desirable. -- 580 per'lineae foot xxxx ... and, 2 The estimated cost thereof hs $...._....... .. and the total coat thereof �s $.,..,..... . the nature and extent of said improvement is. as follows:... ....... ................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said ;improvement is liereto attached and made apart hereof. 4 ....... . .. 8. Said improvenhent hs.. nOt . . asked for uhou petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improyealent... �t 1 _ ... Conhmiashmu r of :Public Works. ' COUNCIL FILE NO .... By ..... ........... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.:..Re=etru.F.t.inS _ rv.lay 4.g_ ani-;repairing with _cement _ the to a width of six "feet; the present cement t•ile sidewalk on . I �..__ __ the north aide of Fillmore Ave., beginning at Eva St thence tQ T Eaton Ave " ��� _. . i. _ .... ...... .... 12114 Sept.18,l°l6 under Preliminary order _....... _,.......:_ approved Intermediary O'rder_..... .::.....: ......... ...... approved __..:.. _._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due,notice; and tfSe Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the`Council of.%he. City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the saidCity.is:_�eQons�Tuct 1 relay and Tema T with Cement tile-to a width of six feet the present cement tile .. l a_ . ...._....... etdewalr on the north'side of Fillmore Ave., beginning at Eva —__ �..-.. _._..... _._.._................_ u__._......_....,�........._.... _........_ _..__ ................ St. thence to EatonAve.. __ __ ........................... I� ...... .....__. ........ _..... _ _._._.... __ _.__ and the Council hereby orders said i m provement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speciications for'said•improvement, and submit same to the Council fn approval,'that'upon said approval, th' roper city officers are hereby :authorized and directed to proceed: " with the making of said Improvem in /co, ante therev jth� -7 f _ Adopted by the Council ..� lerK MR 8 13 � l Approved \fate .)f t - st uc[Ing r 1 �- - .Mayor. F "nd el t 1. with cement tile Councilman Tarnsworth 1 t width of eiX feet the present ee- - t-til,- eldcwalk on the north side _ L'oossf' 1 Illel. \ - beginning at Eva . I ih nv to .\ t der Pre- ' lit in v 0, d 1'714. app--d Sept. Keller . is 1916. tf" A ntrbll hearing havl ng b had —McColl ..upon b e Improvement ypon due - tl and. theC n Il having he rd - all n'robjections a c men- - 1 tl latl a thereto and-having ' Imo-'/ fu ill n Id d thesame;therefore, t 1.�5"�l�Har b it - •, L ofi$tt P"solvaul•that-the t he Council of tar CI[y Mayor Y-,dL6r5� j f ex- t. d kl d o[ -.I t pr men nt fnatureo be. -- " t 1 1 tl ll 7 t It i ¢co tr F. • Form.13. S., A. &-7 - lel nt et 11 with'r nt tllrr to a e width of it f t tlloth p 1 nt '- t - til d v Ik th f. F111- '-- - -. n0 - :tIt CIt- At n d theCouncil, t 'h 1 1011—'old irnp� -t em,nt to be - made•: - .. - , . R .solved Further, That the Commis- '1 ne of Publlo Works be and �he I. her by to tracted and directed to pre- Palo 11n,and specifications for said Improvement and submit same-to the - _ - ,. .�.. Council for apprgVal; .that. upon'said ..approval, the proper city oCncere-ars - - hereby atithorizM and_. directed '. are with the Waking of said improVO=' mr-�• n „ r ri in nrr th *i .n"i t1i; ' .CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENSDF FINANCE, REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE; ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D); a� L 3 In the Matter of r£�'01?0(!1;"(C �Lf,u e! 1+=1..1 /r�''c(1_>l i LU1 ,..Z��r..,11 .. r...:.. /t �(�'LU iG,�l�• G''� .t117C TGr -��� ..�?��i�!i/ `�rJ�tll; /-7- .� �"1�S.2.i.,f4 ! '.[%%if � � .•%/IdJ; cJ/ .�. ���lL?Lf01L--,_u(/�..' �i T � 1 r • A • under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the Cil'y of St. Paul; The Commissioner'of Finance hereby reports as follows,. The total estimated, amount of the assessment for thelabove improvement is $ I $ 0.58 per fo t The estimated cost per foot for the abbve improvement is .. lineal, for new walk. The lots or parcels of land that may be ('assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each l for` parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arelas follows; • LKA D D tT 10 N VALUATION ' - ASSESSED OT BLOC DESCRIPTION ', ox • II j ... TOTAL, ... The Commissioner, of Finance; further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as.his: eport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to. him in f. " reference to`said matter.by the Commissioner"of. Public Works. Dated.. ..CIL..:;✓ •iilisl ._ 191..... i Commisoioner. of Finance. iunn 13. E3. 13 - - s , office of :tlie Commissioner of Pulalic Works Report to Commissioner° of Finance September :28th,..; ._ ,11.6_. To the Commissioner of Finance of tile'City of St. Paint: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsiderxtion the. prelimintuy order of the Conn- ciL, known as ComaeiL,)-le Nb•...12714..,...approvttteJteltiDer 1 ah .797.6. , relative to...._.... - the reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cerin nt file to a width o£__e_ix, feeC.., th .,pre..�ent...ceplen . tgil@ s. dew.alk on.._t.he7. no;rtn.. . ide b.eg1nning.:_at .._Ev.i.hence ..t,a....E.atfln....Ave - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reliorts: 1. Said improvement is.- necessary ani (or) desirable.. ° - --- --- gg�--Per 1 -meal -£oflt— - 2.1 the estmlated cost thereof is $ ... ... and the total cost thereof is $^ . . .. .. ., and the nature and extent of'said-improvement-.is -as follows .'..:;;.. .. ....._.. ...._...:_.. .. ........... ....._'. 3. A lila!, profile, or sketch of said ifuprovenlent 'is hereto uttitched ata.d umde a pant hereof. 4. _. . :5. Said improvement is.. Slot asked: for upon petition of .three or move owners of prgtnerty, suhjeet to assessment 'for said intproventent. - C.onttuissioner of Public `-%Vorks. a ' COUNCIL FILE NO � By _......... ...... .... ........... ........... . (NAL ORDER. Reoonatruotin relaying and repairin� et�lth cement In the Matter of..:.. S:., _ tile_.to...a width .eight_feet,. the Present concrete sidewalk, T _ _ on the.eaet.side of Exe.hange St. :beginning at West Seventh ........ .-_.... —........... St. thehoe north to Ailey, approximately -150_feet, ;,_— �ti . .........:-_........._._:_.__ -- __....... ............. ....... ..- . _ Approved—..Sept.22,1916 under Preliminary order .:.......12831« :_«._...._ __ Intermediary Order.:.._._...approved ........_......__;..... ._...._..... Al public hearing aving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice; and.the Council- i having heard all pars ns, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, a it RESQLVEb, y the Council of theCity of :St..Paul that the precise 'nature,, extent and kind of im provemerit to be .made by the said Ci isReonstruct ... relay and repair with _ ____. of eight feet, ,the present concrete sidewalk City cement tile to a width) _. ....................... __. _........_.._........................_ ...._ _..x..........« _. _ «. _._ ......... on the east side of Exchange St beginning at )Nest. Seventh~ St,► ........... ___ _ .............. thena.e...:north-JD.11Lle3cF«!.aARx.aximW.._�_._ «. :....._ ..«.«.__.._..... .._ _...._...: _.«.._8...«....«. _.......: ...._.._ ...... ..... ...... ........ ... _.......... ...__.�._.._..... ..._ .... .. e ant the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED'. FURTHER, That the(Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and , directedto prepare plans and specifications for said 'improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said, approval, t e pirope ity officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the -making of said improve canes therewith. 'Adopted by the Council..... _.._...-._.._ ............ . o .... Approved....... _........... :_ - _ .... ,191 y Ma or. of I the i(ltt 1 trnie, n Rh eem,nt Mile Coiincilma arnsworth to .t tt,dll n[ eight fell, e 01---nt de cont rete td . o the haat side J t-Gbss ISI of G>;che L. SL b t,l,f InF nt.t\ al */ vol n[h �t three north to :\ll •� r. Keller I 1 PI - m tel 1 0 feet, .under I" t.- .. - v Ordc, 18841, approved - wicColl22.bili, p otic hearing' hnvfng been had „ upon. tha d the IConnellmhavtng� heard- . " all P+rsons. objections and recommsn- ,. i tions relative thereto and having t 11> eonaldered bhe same thoretore. r� bo it MayOr✓C�wdhS�j-. ��. Resolved, BY the Co tl, o[ -tore OiX - �F f St P ul' th t the P el na - d ),I d t imnroveme.nt t Pei Form iForm B. S. A. 8-7 _., tent n,a 1' ."Idt-inN emcnt [orti t - _ 1 i�t. the tt ltl t. Ihht f Y yds f r. et I'd walk o tl a at -\ t S� th b 4.y begtnni B . I STaKtppe- to. A It>. ..:{;Instal)•; the Conlciltol the._. by or )made is - f Re b0 Is sldndP;.�aE lyv`tl, •�W'9rkS"- -- hereby 'InBtruct�d.and dl dtq� ryre- - parse Demc'ntnaad�eFbmat tonme; to athe n said so cera aro n` t cI > i Office ' of the. -Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner`' of., Finance September....28tn.r.....:..:.19L6... To the Commissioner of Finailee of the City of St. Pa III: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had anderconsid4ration,tlx preliminary order of the Cothl- eil, known as Council File NO 12831approved September 22nd, 191 ....6, relative to the reconstruction; relaying and repairing with cement tile: to a_-W.ic3tz....ni..ei g:-t...£.e,e.t,. t.n.e.....>wr.e.a zat .c..ono.r.e.t-e.:..e_idenF� k. on.: tc...a' east.._:._, .:._ side of E x'change- St . beginning at W. Seventii ' St.. thene"e "nort'p to ...._ . . _...... ....... alley,_. approximately 150 feet, and liaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 Said improvement, is necessary utt_1 (_or) _ 3csir;ihle__ 75¢ ,per lineal foot 2 file estimated cost thereof is $................................ :. and the 'total' cost thereof: is j XXXX and flie nature and extent of- said "innprovetile] it. is as follows: . .....::. _ 3_ A plain, profile or sketch of_said ipiproveuient is hereto attache3 andivade'tt parthereof. 4, ...._.. .. :a- 5aid'improventent is.. ...'no.t- ...:._:.asked for, upon petitiotrof three or more 6whers of.property,.stibject. to assessment, for said inip rove ('ommlissi+)ni,r of Public Wo**s. 0.664. COUNCIL FILE NO .............. ..... __� By..... .... _........... ' FINAL ORDER. In theManerof.....Reaoajstructing, relaying and repairingxith cement ... tree to a.width of eight and one-half feet, the presCoxltcement _... -- the si.de>}lk".¢n the—west side 'cf St "Peter St beginning at West" Third""";" t thenee north 158 feet, -- - _: • __..: 0000.. _ .- .........._._ ...-- __0000__.-._.......___�................. 12963 Sept 30,1916 under Preliminary order....-.___ 00 00 approved 0000..._ ...�...... _.. _ Intermediary Order ......._ ..:.. • approved ............_... .._........ .... ....... _........ ......... ..:;.: A public hearing having been had. upon the above improvement upon,due notice, and the: Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered' tiie same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By"the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .....Reconstructs •• relay and YA - with cement tree to a width of eight and one half feet, they ....... , _peegnt_ oem�n the••_aidewal)r ,on the toast aide of St6Peter Qt , .W feet, beginning at West Third St, -thence north 158 f^ 00.00. -............. _ _ __0000... _.._.._._,__.____.....:.._........ ... _.._-___....___........... 000_0..._ 0000._ ......... ........ ... __............. .... ...... __. _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.. RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Publi Works be and is hereby instructed .and duetted to prepare'plans and specifications for said improvem nt; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cit officers are he eby authorized and directed to proceed with the" making of said improve men ace "r ce therewith. /. Adopted by the Council91 ......1., . 0000... �....................................00.00.. Cry lark: _ V` ► ^ Approved 8 1917. 191 F. 1 z3 -- Mayor. �` lie th-B1attel of reconsnu ling. Iclat CounciimanLarnsworth, ti and repairing nith cement flee ton nci re or eight and one- feet the Prtsent cement tilsidewalk no "Goss : :he wcgl aide of 5[ IoteC St be- ginning at West Thud St., th uce. north tas feet, under Trelintinarv, . "Keller � prdnr 1.96E approved Scpl.. 30 1,16. A public hearing having been had t,MCC011 uT,on the above .improvement upon duo'. ' notice, and the Council having. heard ail persons, objections -end recommen-� - / dnmts relative, thereto, and hating;. follyticonsidered the same; therefore �, bonesolved By, the Council: of the City �Mayof`Y-Owers' 1 of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- r7� _ �I tang and hind of Imptovemeut t. Ill, madeby the said Cit is recon poet, - form B. S. A. 8-7 1- , y 1. re io, :utd repair with cement till. to a d width of eight and one-half fl..t, the -� pr cement file sidewalk ml Lite , . oeht side t f St: pct,,St., begimllntia4 .. .. . ' West Third St.: thence north 168 feet, - - and the.Counctl berebv orders haW ini- provement to he made. " - - Resolved Further. That the Comeels-- albner of Public «'once be and he is herebyinstructed and directed to pre- - - pare plans and speclfloations for said e to the Council fort 1pprovalt;hthataupon said ' approve]. the proper clty officers arehereby authorized and directed to pro= ea 1 with the mntd^Rrroth relwilhfi urn nt in I717 �i1 I tlY I 1 - CITY OPIT. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF, COMMISSIONI R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) vi ''` /' �t/Y' !�* (�l?f �t!�. .�1�•�1. 4,.FYEi�,F'f%r`+�•..0".fir In the Matter of aL ........... . `r t d , a under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows; T assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated amount of the $ The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement I $ 11nPa1> Q....2...Pwr ... P p a . foot for new walk.. be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the a'ssesseif valuation of each 1pt or The lots or, parcels of.land that may parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION DESCRIPTION _ .. _: :.. TOTAL.• r ,� V' & The Commissioner of Finance further reports that -he has investigated all -of the aforesaid matters, and together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, ' reference to said matter by the Commissioner- of Public Works. .,.191 %.. . t... . .. Dated ,_......�+'"/ Commisaoner.of'Flnance., . Fenn. S. n. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works missioner of Finance Report to'.Com Ootober 4th,.,.... _ 1916.:. To the Commissioner of Ninatree of the City, of St. Paul: Tile Conimissimter of 1 ublio Wotks; hoeing litld under, eousideratiou the preliminary oder of the C'oun-, September BOth 8 eil,,knowtt as Council File No......1$963_:,..apptoved ... ._.:... 197 ., relatnt ti. . recor,'at'ructing, relaying and repairing with eeti.ent the to a width ......... R oi eignt and one nali feet, the present cement ti-e siderialk on the n:es.t.. _s.i.de..:.cf St.._...P.ete.r.....St^ D. eginnirt_... at-, Test Tr,i.rd $t,......thenc_e north 158-feet. and having investikated the ivatters and things •refe.rre,i to th reiu,'Iiereby reports:^ 1. Said improvetiient is ;................necessary slid (m•) desirable. 99¢ per lineal foot •� The estimated cost thereof is $.... ... _.............. .............. and the total cost thereof ix T ...__...XX).d_.._.._ trod the•tiature.aud extent of said haprovetueiit isasfollows: ... :i. A phut, profile or sketch of^said iuip6ovenient is hereto attaciwd and made a part hereof. u. Said improvement,not ...::.:.asked for upon prtition.bf three or more owners of property, subject to asyessmetit for said iniprovenien /. Couunisstouer of Public, Works. MRL'r'i,ti U, L,,,iIoEERS COUNCIL FILE N0. ...:....` i.�.<, By..... ....:.. .. FINAL ORDER.. Inthe :Matter of.Recopatruotin.g,•••relayin•g and repairing+ith cement tile the _,:..t.o..a.._av11th.- ofsix..._lest.,the_PreA°l _�eFt'n .iile_.aideesalk on the west g inning at Frond St._ thencE north to Hatoh st.� Qf...Al ._eMArlt�__.Suinni, _— and on the.north aide of Front St beginning 60 feet west .. Albemar e ... _.............. 0 44 feet St. thence west to A11 Y, + ..... _— - _........... ........ ....._._.. __... .... ........ ..— _............... .................. _ . t 12327...._-....... approved... 54:x.1916:..... ....__ under Preliminary order ........... ..... ..a... Intermediary Order :....__.. ......................_........... approved .._...... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections' and recommendations relative thereto, and'having'fully considered the 'same; therefore, be it , RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City 1s,w... SeAnst+'exp -�1� VPth@,�n�Ist tile.to a width of six feet, he present cemer..t,.tilesidewalk , on.the - at Fronk, St., then^e north to west side of Albemarle et. beginning _............... ...... _ ... --�be ronin 80 f,et ween and on the north side of Front St. g g:.•..•.. ..... . Hatohat. ._., ... , , _. ........................._.............. _.. .:_.._._.. of Albemarle St. thence weet to Alley, 44 feet _._-..........., ................ _............................. ...... .. ...... ... _..._ ........ ......... w and the Council hereby orders satd tmprovetnent to be made , RESOLVED FURTHERilit:,the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, end submit same to the Council for ` approval; that upon said approval, the oper c'officer`s- are hereby authorized and directed to. proceed with the making of said improveme ao" nCe therewit Adopted by the Council... _........... �._:._ rl a s 7 { Approved._.;.. ... .............. .. .._ _.... _, 191 Cn 1. eNo. Matt -a— Miyor.� 1n ;1he \fatter of�reco"11h cement til- init and renal ins,•, with cement tine to iiwidth f ix feet, the present Councilman hlSrnSWOrtfl - Aiiwminrie alt ill le beginnings at Front !NOBS ' St<, thence north to Hatch St:. and on -the north- sideof Front St; be- ginning b0 fee.( vest. of Albmaria 't vI(ellef S[. thenc vest to .alley; 44 fe t,. un- . �/ de, Pr•.limmar. girder 1232t, }a.cColl - nrn. d dug: 24. 1916. -- . v p•- p {blit hearing having been: had t N�✓ upon .the nbave Improvement tg heard J� a -"e.- and the Cotmclf having, heard all persons, objections and recotnwen- u _ °i'oe'rg /y dations relative thereto. and hsolne sully considered the same; therefore. / b It - Mayor P.O ,e e,3�evolved, Ry the Counetl of the Cftv tlSt. Faun that the precise nature ez- Form B. S. A 8-7 "t -t and kind of Improvement t h- ade by the said City to construct,, re lac 'and repair 1 th cement -tile to a wJlth'. of idx tot [he present amen{ ' IId on the west side of Alba - Lite - a-1.cISt, begf ing at Front St. 'then •e north'tr o�Hatch st.; and on the nortt aide of F t St beginning 80 [ec1 t G 111 t 1 tit, thtn West - to ,ni }4' f..•t i th t it here- ..o,cm t n. P 1 1.; It -i b. 1 1 �1• • -- " 1 -. I i 1 r 1 t 1 illi-ih,"i 1 list .x,11 � _t\lwch 10.1917) DEPAXCI v ON ST. PAUL;`' ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF.FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .(D) D ag In the Matter of Clllwl%vi4/L(� _%ILI /��.....� ��9/.6/•` '�1:( �� d�fr��.(.1!...[!l �G �1 4 0� l L % la t t1 i _ f f .s.111f1 i '!,`..... �,�i ► 17 ... , ..... ... ... ... ...... .... ..... . ......... . . .... ....... y . � ifi under Preliminary Order approved . d ltit , J., G - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: . The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is. $ ..........,.: The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement'is $ _q�§A, per , iinn foot for _ne's way The lots or parcels of,land that may be assessed ,benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , DESCRIPTION - LOT 'BLOCK ADDITI'0N - ASSESSED VALUATIONS``: q .i.- 0.1 ... TOTAL, I . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the, aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon, to the .Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the, Commissioner of Public Works. - . �Dated.. •..� 191. r.� / � Co� •�,-Gf�� �'y �. mmissiorfer of Finance • Bice' of the ;Commissioner' of Public Works • y poxt to Commissioner of Finance August a6ta, Conssionet of Fixiance of the City of St. Paul: the Coluu The Coiiuuisstonet of Public -Works, }taping lixd coder eoxsid+n•xt,fou the preliminary ordei of the Conn- ktiowp us Council File No., ..'12327 ....approved .. _AUgue ..a4th 197 relative to - ' � .. ..... and repairing with cemzPt file to:,;a width. the.,present ceent tale a73ewalk on. the west aide off, et...... , Hatch St. .. of Oeaarle St beginning at Front Street, t80nft :...Bt of Aibemarie --n ..... and on a ..north side. or Front. St.;beginn,inB St. thence t to alley 44 ft. and having tnvcstigat • the natters and tl'iivga referae[bYo therein, herehy reports: 1. *aid itnpruvet ant is ............I've sary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot rax ............ .It .- .......... and the total cost thereof is ....:_ and eof' is $...... ...... • �. 'lhe'estiutxted cos , the "nature and e-Ntent said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said iptptoveniout is hereto attaehed and u+ade x part hereof. . l.- not._:_.....asked for upon Petition of three or more owners of property, subject :�. baict'iutEtroventett£•is_.-.. , to assessuteet for said improvement. ... ..._.. . Conn tssioner of Public, Works. COUNCIL FILE NO _......� By „• ,,,�t9�, FINAL ORDER. and repairing with cement fleebnstru0tin ,relaying ............"..".......... : In the Metter" of:.:.........._ ................. .. .._ . k lite„to..._a, width. of Bix..feet_�the present cement ills ei ewa ..... _ o. of_Osceola Ave, be -ginning at Rleasant Ave. t eno ....,.95! n rth to hin�aood Piaoe..a. a pr. ximately 325 , _............ .......... approved ........ July 111916 under Preliminary order...-:- . : : o roved .............. .. _........ Intermediary' Order . app vin having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having h earl all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered e the some; therefore, be it. VED $y the CounciCof the City of St: Paul,that the precise nature, extgnt and kind of im• RESOLVED, ala nand xep air rovement to be ,m ReCQrie x�t, ...• -.• ade by the said City is p, epn{ Cement p width of ;aix feet, the p v, with cem�><lt file to a .__..._.......•...._.. i be inn Ave. ink at ap v t i e of Osceola ,__. «a .._. x L,�,nwood, Plaoe,__•,_�>✓ro�cimately •.••, .....:..P7.°.as.as�ti..: �e«..:..xkte. c•a. 11Q..... ,.... �. tv325...f Yeti ....... ... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made w RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Colttmissioner of Public Works be and ?s memo thesCounclaf d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sa approval; that upon said approval, the pc 'er. lt} officers are hereby authorized ;and directed to .proceed PP with the making of sold improvement ' cor ce therewith. / Adopted by the Council •. 191i/ .I• r: ... /... �/� .... c ..lty Giant �^ ci^ , 191 Approved ... „.r... A r . ..... Mayor,'. C. h No. '15234— In the Matter of reconstructin6 relay- 4 elay tI� In;, :11111 repairing with cement Nieto Councilman Carnsworth e'idth of six leer tfl(Jreseal ee- 1 meat the sidewalk on the west side of Osceola Ave., beginning at Pleas- ' L -Floss ant Ave, thence -north to Linwood Place, aprgxfmatcly 325 fret, under' 1/I{Clt�f Preliminary Oeder 11453:' approved July 11, IG'iG. A public hearing having bila. had u eltcci ll upon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, ohiections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, b -�•' - Resolved IIy' 19 ad ALthe cttT Ma ot�-0We� of 9t Pout_ � j trto pB' ' t Y tetttj andd;oG mtttaC¢3ti made by the'shTd ityc a':reeonstruct, Form B. S. A. 8-7 velar and IePaip with ,ementMe to I - 1114th If His Ceet Ihv nr. t nn n. - I 1 11tH 1 .hit uved'Mill (March 1Q•fp17) �. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , q (p) " I� • to the Matter of '9J.f. G�� / d �lG�� c[c!L J4! ;J9l4'ci ct,k•fJ� .r/..�.: ttf. �lAL. LG . Act A''wGF Z�' !_....._ ........ ... ' .... hminary Order approved under'Pre..... �� To the Council of the.City of St. P 1, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is $ ° 'cost g et .....�n.�. The estimated per foot for thee'above improvement is 1 Thf.cot for new walk, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and %he assessed valuation of each lot or . parcel as last reported by'`dhe Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ,DESCRIPTION: LOT eLocD n ADITION VALUATION 3 -- ± > - TOTAL. O" The Commissioner of. Finance f jther reports that he has investigated all of ihe'aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter" by the Commissionerof Public Works. • > sal .191. ... ✓ G� "ll v�L�"�.-ci?'1� Dated i S =j Commissioner of .Finance . COUNCIL FILE 'NO....- ........ ...... ....� FINAL ORDER. In rheMatterof._j!R!2onstruating, relaying and repairing with cement tiles ........ _ to a width of n....... sidewalk on------ --._ -- ei3e of East Fifth attest beginning at ldinnedota Street thence west. -..._ ..._ ...... ............ 150 feet t; ....., ....: .......... 13209 Oct.12,1916 under Preliminary order .............» ......., .................. a», approved,..,.,., .. .....,.. »,.:....................................... Intermediary Order ........ ...... .......,„,,,,,»,„.... approved`»,, A ublic hearing having been hay upon the above improftent upon due. notice, sand the Council having heardoil persons, objections and'recommendeions relative thereto, and hivtgfully considered 5 the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of thi,^City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind' of im, Reoonatruot relay and repair with provement to be made by the snid City is»., .»...» ._._ »»_»z..,. •••• • ....... •• •--• -•-» •••• cement tile to a width.of nine feet, the present cement tale sidewalk ..........._I. _.... __.... ......r_. _.._.....__............ ................._..... I....... .. .....:_................ .» cn'the north side of.2ast'Fifth street beginning at Minnesota Street tshence fest 150 feet, ._. _�...._ _...._`._ _.._. —_ .:.__.... .....�.......... ,._....... ..__...... _...__�__�_ .____._.�_.... .. .......... _......._._..----.._____.._........ ... ___._ _ ....... ... __...... .....__....._..... _.......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and -directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same .to the. Council for approval; that upon said approval,`toper y officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed ' with the making of said improve co' nee therewith. ; _ Adopted by the Council__.__ _..... _ .__._ _.____' 191.... �> __.......: ...... ...... _ _ ' Ciiy�'Clerk� Approved ................. __ ..... _ .:...:.. 191 _ ..._.._ _...... .... _ ..._ _.. _ ._..... ...... N., 15235- Mayor.. 1o the R1 t[ r t ti g. relay- _ councilma arttsworth ti n l of nine feet. sem P the _ •ment the slaet+'nll: ons tM1e-nortltf -1 of Rant Pd street beginnf ng. - nt \tinnesots Rtr.tt, thenee. west 160' I .t . ' x inner Pre lirnlnnry.. Order 13209, `14eller app—ed 0- 12. 1 ,• .. E�-•Olt - A P Dll h. 1 f 1 ing been hnd - .'. [ho b I for t. p dIn a 1tlPerkons. tbjctoarens it he da recd h and [ its c -,lered the t me o. and f.1r. - .. v x9e� Lyre-fLc✓( ' Do it - - 2 O R lv a. By the c 11 f t Otfy MaY0Av '?Y -3 YL t S, Paul that th I.. t xfent and klna of tmpr—neem to be - Form B. S. A. 8-7 _ 1 ho I sa I” City. is recce t nt, _ 1 and repair with a •nt tll t f Itt ff t th 1 -t _ ' t 1 Id Yw Il d -rb : th le f C t - U FI [ ,, at. \11 la t set,tl a -.t l 0 feet, d the r ,en 1 tl ra , m it 1 r 1 . _ ti 1 •ed t her: That the Control.- _ I,•nel nl Pu blip lt'orh. De anti ho l,: h Iy Instru..11d :ted al rected 1- P e- - na. uon:, tar- u j I 1 1 1 n n CITY OF,ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FIN NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / g / > r In the Matter of GL°J�j�/2�lG°//.'vly, �tE�l/' l (52GC e L/jiLi /`. iltt _..�°�1LIG_�I `...�..f..... fvlL17 G/ or _..ccs .1i6/ /J`G t 7' , under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports. as follows: The total estimated amount of the,assesiment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is$.f.t.....far pew walk The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for sucK improvement, and the assessed va tion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, .are as follows: i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION ASS SSED VAL ATION ojU D ' L. , o. TOTAL, ._ 2) ye?G o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all,of the aforesaid matters, and Hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner Of Public Works. a Dated.ts- 191._.:1. 'Commissioner of Finance. 7w� Office of ' the Commissioner of Public •Works Q Report lo- Commissioner of Finance October 24th 916. To the Counnissioiier of Finance of the Lity of St. Paul: F The Commissioner of Public Works; having had, under cmisiileration the`1welinduarl' order of tale Coup- eil,"known as Council File No 13209npproved....._.October lath ........... ....•1976. relative to..:.. .. re. onst,ructing, relayirF and repairing: with cem-int the to r_ width of nine fet, the present c Hent the siaewall on the -north side of r Fifth St beginning at .inresota St. thence neat 150 ft.. and having investigated tile matters and things referred to:theteill, hereby reports: L Said improvement is necessary app (or) desirable. 8'5¢ per,•,aineal feet 2. Th(: estimated cost thereof is• �....:.._. and the total •cost thereof is .-....... _....... ... and the llatiu•e and extent 'of said infproveineut is as follows: :1. A pbt[i; profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto.nttuchcd and made a part hereof: 5. Saul.-improvement is.. not ..:asked for upon Jietitiou of three or more owners-of property, subject to assessin.ent for said i'mJirovei a l } - u U, 'Coluuiytisioner,of Public Works.._.._ rIL FILE NO...:, Cda6�rf By........ ......... FINALORDER. airing.. Nith ce1t `.. .». In the Matterof:...k��0-M-4•� �'9tin-g, relayiri.g._and rep_ + f e_ix feet the?A3entcement lite sidewalk mrd –' 15 inches -» 4.5 ft rY the pr sent retai ile to a wid h o wall with rubble masonry ning �.� B �R .......... ._ by 450 feet, cn the south side of_Ycrk St. beginning at iss ae p ..,...... St. jhenoe �aet 450 feet,_ 111 ....g..... .:..:.e .: ... : .:::.appr4ved.: under Preliminary order 261816 Intermediary Order :.......:e:.....,., ............ approved ,:.:... ,:.: , b : improvement upon due police; and the Council blit h�arin� 6avin� beeu had upon the above imp , 'u full considered - Ar : having heard aU persons, ob�ecuons and recommendations relltive thereto, and avl B V the same, ther¢fore, be it ouncdof theCIIV of Sft Poul that the Pr nature, extent sad kind of im WED, By the SPS with 1 P� yj�� /�j� � In�l���llnl�l��'`"�I�Inn�llln�lll lll.nl n��lllaatillltllt ' City isn�1T11fu�iM1i,����Nt�m�:��� Y made b the said V eat 0, be Y till provem t oement , , the pxe8en.....n,,,...,(l.,m,,,,n„e, l.... ..,4,:,.W,it, 1 00 t..1110 to, .,�,�.�,�.,,.,,,, with rubble xY na4,�,n, � mason , e. resent retaining wall eiciewalY, and the •p_...............................ee.:................ ........ side ,.eGf Yolk St, be din ,ing _...w_the sou 5 inohes by 450 feet, on.___._....: _.._t h • ftp b 1 ...P..... - thence east:450 feet, PR, _......._ _..__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, Th :the Commissioner of Public Works be' and is hereby instructed and mit same to ,directed to. prepare plans and spel for. c S_atiotts for said improvement, aau hob ed an directed�o profceed oval, the pe p t city rs a{e hereby approval;, that upon said appy, !(�/ with the making of said improvement m c da therewith / 191.._.. Adopted by the Council......:.. . %t L - City erk.: i A I� g Approved -......a _ .». .. Mayor. - lei the }latter of reconsh uc[vIK•.r¢Itila . w,. :md repniriuK with cent Councilman Farnsworth, to n width of y1% feet, the. present runeot. tile sidewalk and the present u aelo!uln;: x.111 N•tth rubble masom•y wOsS - 5; ft. 'bv , 16 inches b3 450 feet, on ° .the south side. atf. lurk St.. 't tj f ning, n, }Ilvsl4slppl 1t thence I est ' [%3 4S>)�et: Imdur PreLtPin try Cir, ex u COII 1118`1, approved June p public heai•Int; having been had _ uDon the above improvement upon due a r - rotfcr, and the Council having heard all paranns, objections andrecorrimen- and `r tell unconsidered the esame: therefore ho it Mayor t"f�+relaf�•+z.-r/ it that the Coecise natuncil or er Ct,% of St. Paul that the D • tent nnd,klnd. of Improvement to be Form B. S. A. 8-7 nutde by tris Bald city Is reemratn eL . fuldth 11o,, ,. fiee4 Ithe�pmyenCtleeinent file ,ddewall( and, the, present retain - j in, wa❑ with rubble mnsonrp 4 5 ft 1 . h, 1�. inches by 450 feet. on the south .s Ids of }011Uegl"Ding at M . s. .slept S4. th •neer east. 450 feet, and the. Counetl hcrcbS o+dens. said Im- .. provement to be ma'% Resolved trnrther; Thal the lcommla o siancr. 6[. Publfc Works be and he le •hereby instructed .and directed to yrs -- spare pinna and ePectacatlons for as ld Improvement..a01 submit reams to -_ [he Council for nppr.,al, that upon.. said apDrovnl, the propera sdlreeted to .pro p, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'OF FINANCE REPORT OF.COMMI,�Slf�hiER , ON, PRELIMINARY ORDER i (D) In the Matter of''ti:l i �`(U �t G1Ci4G r.. G dw J/ fIr_ C Vt�l,l_C91uti+/. y / ' zV�� ,;',LjNJ,O:%1�_ . �' 1 il'�.,. ,.� ! J^t/�' .,2 ✓l, f ��o.N .� �_ /ilk(%fTlt�f _4.1 Wr� 2N��L . all ,.A ,44 under Prehmtnary Order approve. To the Council of the City of St. Paul,: The Cominissioner of Finance hereby eports as follow$: The total estimated amounl''d the assessment for the.above'iirtprovement is • �} 5B pex.....l.�t,aal. The estimated coat per'foot for the above improvement is f't f or 11BtV 'rralk, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessgd benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; ASSESSED DISCRIPTIoN LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION e v • is ::. .. . TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together I(with the report made to him in reference lo saidmatter by the; Commissioner of Public Works. 191.......1/ < . -- Commissioner of, Finance Dated .'` Form ti. B. 13 - _ Office `of the.0ommissioner of Public. Works omnission�r .of Finance Report to C- ':..J:u.a,y:...3.x.d....T9.l.�i........a91:.. To the, Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: • 1 ordernf the Couu- Tli.e Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under consi�.Icration tlic-preliminary. 1118° June ,26th+_'._... .191.6., relative to • approved proved _.. cil,'kuown,as �ouucil File No, ......... I 1 reconstructin,.rel4y.in� and.repaixin� witk__cerent..til ..to a width of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalk andthe present _...rets ining..:..w.all:...v.iib.....rub.le.....masonry....4,5 ft.,....:o} .15-...i.nctses....by 45Cr....ft. on the. south side of York St„ begirniiig at LAsissiiri St thence Met_ 45,0...f.6_et_ acidhaving_ investigated the matters illid things referred to therein, hereby reports: . 1. Said improyement is ...... ......necessary and (or) desirable. "4.25 per cubic yard. xxxx and 'the total cost thereof is and 2. Tile ct,timatad post thereof is 'b........ . the nature and extent Of said'improveuient is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of. said improvement is hereto atLicbeil '[till made a part hercoY: o. Said improvement is...:_.. .rOt, _.,asked for upon petition of three or more owners, of property, subject .. to assessment for said improvement. e uunii ioner of Public Work . . CITY. -OF ST:, PAUL.. ' COUNCIL ,RESOLUTIO.1�i:—�EN,ERAL"''F=ORM„ Subjec[d.. -3"l . 6OUNCIL FILE N O. .. ........ Date. Presented Resolved, That the proper city officials 'are hereby authorized to pay, put of the. Worlcmene Compensation Account of the• Generkl: Fund, the sum of.Six Dollars ($6.00):to Drs. Meade.and Carroll,"'in full.settlement of their claim against the City, arising by reason of medical -and , surgical services rendered by them to Mr. Hugh Kullarkey, a city em- ployee. injured in the course of his employment. C. F. No. 1.0237 Resolved. That the proper city -doffl- e - ale o hereby authorized to .pay. out of the Mork mens Compensation the �. Aa•ount of the General Fund, the sum . of Sit Dollars ($6.00) to. Drs. Mende d Carroll. I full settlement f .their" 1 1- ag.in.t. the City,. arf im; b1' - f aredic.1 and surgieal ser- ".'f Ir•p�:'pers i -- - end .red' by them to Mr. Hugh C i"4 71'. Ali ab n Mulpu9ce>..a city employee Injured -In �rC_ t-�i,l�n_ ave the course of his. employment. .Adopted li • the Courson. hfch. 9._1917. -- Approv d Ni •h. . 1917. f . .'(March 17-1917) I hereby reocommend the above, resolution for passage. Comm oner of -Public Works. Yeas "(✓) Co ilmen (v) Kays_ � 1� 17 Adopted by the Couecil._.. {�11._ 191: Far th GCm In. favor vlCell G APProved 191 - `Mc 11 _ Against ' .__... _. Mr: Presid P�nvefy,. Mrro FORM C.9 -p �. TY C 8F:" ST. PAUL OLUTION GENERAL FOr#M .: -COUN:CIL RE , _ _. Con NCIL '' o .a .FILE ww -, v0 ) .. .:..,. .. Subject...... j 1 191 Date Bresenfed - !, Public tisiorY.s is hereby authorized to esolved. That the Corr tissioner of c,ravel' on' Lots purchase on baba]:f of the City 'all the Sand tone ani 4 and 5, Block 4, Cou,o Hei hts Ad3ltion, for the lun.p sum of Three ai r r,r froL: ,r, .u4arquard, , city, •the understandin9 . Hundred Dollars +3C �. and r:Lc,e the Iota to to leave:. the ear tL that the City is strlpiins y� sar'3`cne six. inches above street grade : i t hac take~ out after -ravel, in accordance with the offer contained lnnthhereto attached; ane �Onnunicat I ion d 1 16, w of said Yi. j/:arquard under date of October 2', the'cost and exrense of said purchase to be paid out of`the Street Con- struction and Repair Fur:-'- - ( I �t EV I?W . ].5236—DY Ti. N. Goss— j - _ - r. P.caolred. Tt1nt the Commisaloner of Publle \\'Orke I9 hereby nn lt, all to pure base. on behalf of the City all the. tndat '.nd gr—,,lb on lots i and6. 111oc1 4e C'omo Hegts i\ddltl do the ] P-sum of Three-Hundred, Ult 1¢rs 15310.00),from \4, \tn au d, with ths to e understand, K that th Ci')•grade. - leave.'the 'a stripings I lore to sl inches above street _ grade after It has taken outthe --- I, rtnd gravel. In uccor, oance -ith the. tter contained In the ado date Lion Of ertld \\'• SinrRI-1 t O Goober23. 1916, tad hereto attached:; expense of sail P tschase'.. . to be Pnld It of th Slre l C frac- tion. d R Pati P nd 1917. b>• the. Co ,ncll \Ich::`1 ta1�! p� l .• Ad PLved Meh 9 1917- ��Hff " t.. .1PP ... . tm rel 17-1`Jl7> ha Council ...__ Yeas i J) C 15ncilmen (✓ ) .Nays .....,...,..,, .. 191. ... sworth In favor Approved ° er _Against Coll f j M/�YOR rg .- ^ Mr. Presid, Owers FORM C.8-2 / ' - - ------ - - -_ a fr St.'Pau1, T,, t .. 23s 19].6.. Mr. BS, N Goss Gomrmissioaer oY .Publio tAor]ss Daar u Chz req'aest oY Mr'. Clansaen, I beg t o oiler . t o the City through moa s� g3ujmh sand,' stone .and gravel as yon may :riaa oa ; Sots 4 ancL 3. B1oc3c 4 Como Height's Addition, -which lots X. own, mor the lip soma oE *300�00v , with the understanding that the. City is 'to J leaves -the_" earth strippings and grade the lofts to 6. AMC0me93 above street -&--c 4Ua a-rter yon have taken out the saII&stone and grave3� S wi11 also grant, you theright t0 p'n.t down three test pits oa th. i 8- property to : aeo ertain the nature OT the grow at this time YonrQ very. truly #"5 oCarbon -St. PAUL, u`r-�..c�`7 - - COU NCtL RESOLUTION--p-G EN EFzo, t..::FORM-• COUNCIL ^' 0_ 1v Subject. :._ - FILE_ -._-..' .191 Presented... •'� i ate Resolved, / of -V;'A. Miller for a license That ..the a,pPlicatiorn' 173 3rd Str eet, be to con3�act gdnc1 at a: ; aIe Employr.ent AC, + Clerk is instructed ed and the C_t;n a tie carne her is grar_ bond a -d tYae payment to i'�sue such license upcvn the lines of the of the fae, 101.90. into the City Treasury - - - - C. F. -No. 15239—ny 11enr1"' McColl- .. . P.esoi\.e d• That the application of - •a. - - - - V. :\. �7 i11er for ]icon se to c nduct __tale Employment A\K cy at 173 E. 3d Street, he hereby IS - - - and the .ranted and the City Clerk is in-- xIrurted to issue such license.upon the - _ - - filin of the -bond and the pa_—etrt in- _ to the City Treasury 01' the fee. - - __ - $101.00. - Adopted by the Council _ich. :_ 1917. - - - .. . AT'l—o\•ed _Ich. 9. 1917- - - 1March 17-1317) 191. Yeas (✓) C,uncilmen (✓: Ways Adopted by the Council sworth R /In favor "A 9 5 �yrland _ler Approved ( J � t✓ ,i Against - � vN�cC:oll V ........ .MAYOR Mr: Peestd . t ruin Q FORM_ C, F. No, 15240—Ordinance No. 3861» By M. N. Goss— Y" An ordinance, regulating the handilhg'> and disposition of garbage. 'Tho Council of the City of 5t, Paul / dour ordain: / SIXTION 1, /// "Garbage" shall he construed to mean all vegetable m. animal matter, which Is, the refuse m• offal of the food,of human beings. SECTION 2. ills -L t The owner of every huildhig with' porale limits of the (.' i d / (' a -Red used or oe ordinance regulating the handling and diaposo of a garbage THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL`DOFS MAP: Beotion 1. "Garbage" shall be cotitruel to mean all vegetable or animal matter which is the refuse or offal of the food of human be- ir�gs, • , Section ?. The owner of every building withiA the carparate limits of the City of St, 'Paul, inhabite i;� used or occupie,,l as ,a tene , intent, dwellin�_house, lodging house or hotel, or din, ieh .any restaur ant or lunch -room is oonducteti, or in ,which any garbage is produoed, ohall provide and maintain sufficient, proper and ouite.ble reoeptacles; for receiving and holding garbage. Said reoeptaeles ahall be. of gal- vanized iron or other meta? Whicrl will not easily rust and earl be readily cleansed, and shall be provided with a close, ;bell-fittlnt aid of the sante material, and shall not be less than ten gallons nor more than twenty gai.lons capacity. Section 3. The lid shall always be keret upon -such Barba, � receptacles, and shen removed for necessary purpose3 ahall, be ithm2di ately replaced. Said garbage receptacles shall be kept as sanitary as possible in vied of the use to which they are put, and shall be thoroughly cleansed by lvaahin`;, .lfcaldino or otherwise, after b�r'oa6e JB remove' by the collector. Section 4, o dirt., a.shea� otick , otonen, cf ns; broke dioheo, bottles, ,paper; or like substance's, or other; substanOeB un- in said garba suitable for aniir�� l food, shall be rleposite.; ge receptw� aclea. Lection �, All garbage receptaelen shalt be kept on the ground floor or yard in the rear of the premises at a plac6 easily accessible to`the garbage collector. All duly licensed `arba,, collectors shall have a ri ht to enter upon any pxoL.ises for the purpose of collecting and remov gin,:, garba[.e, and no `person shall ob �h struct, delay or interfere with�urk Baths=e o011actoro in the per, 4„ 5 ,yA r r r I I f formanoe of their duties, 6eotion 6, Any poroon violating tbe, pz.ovhione of�"<41' r or'inanr, eha]l be puniuhecl by a fine of not leaf than Five Dollars or tore titan One Hundrell Dollars, or by inprisonment for not exceed_ in-, ninety days, Section 7; This 'inance ehall take effect ar.3'be �n or, force thirty days after ite passa'-e and publication. Paspelr�? by the "Council Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goss Hyland Iteller McColl nundarlich 9r,President president (Irvin) App rovo i ,r �Gtyorl Attest 'E' ty .Clerk. Bali". s Es 4 x CITY oP STjAUL ACCOUNTINQ DEPARTMENT coENcle N r,`''' ._. - 0MINel, To F . . CITY CL[BN AUDITED CLAIh S-�RESQLUTION FORM_ r BY � - 7 inY CON11ACllEA NII I Z � .-191l t AUDITED /�� [—W ,, PER -�TITLE 1 632 sur ; laynbleout of the heieinafter specified funds and, oTre their respective .names as specified in the following )3esolvcd that w{trrants be,draNn upon the Clty Irea Y I day t in favor of the persons, firms or corlwations'for the a 6 ousts set opp Resolved that warrants be drawn _ — detailed statement: a' d out of upon the City Treasury, Pay' Adopted hy, the Council -1 j11 1 I Nays the herclnaftor speeiAed tuntls and !r /r j Councilmen y (avo,r o1 the persom. j- ",,or torpor: Yeas vette ttr, tune for ti, ar r' ' 0 • 1— ,.,e^tl � Approved.- - p, Iswortlt r G s - _.In favorp oR / lI and --- - - K ler ) Against N Coll tnderlich Mr Preside, Irvin �ry 11.36 12714 American Supp1? V'gmnnry, Water Expense. 19.75 715 Art hngraving Conpany, Gen. I�undMGf�. tial Pu1Yl�cations. 40�• 14 716 trehr !'• R�yterxp8n$ei `11'11'1Boyeoon company,e 4 718 BoerinSer nterExpeT1se 718 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry. Gen. F. City Clerk Expense. 14.70 72o Burns Lumber Compnse. Parks Expe 12o.00 721 W F, Buth & ComjR ny j Gen. Fund Printed Forms & Blanks. 48.00. Caera Art Compaq# Corp. Counsel•Witness Fees &Court COW* mp M le • Fr Amar; Rv • rye, Chlcel9o� St,.PaulI P Com. Pub. U. Mun. Test,. Lab. �3 724 Crane & Ordway Company, School-EXPenae. 72U F. I?. Cummer. � Street C & Rxpense�,nn riess, Sales pnI1y) 726 Dahl Punctuyr+.{r.Expense. 55,00 727 Dr- John Darling, .:v +r�rl• n�as uta Corp. C,otantiel i e A.00 I U School Fxnense' i'ormA, 6•16 I page 30 00 127?9,Electric Blue Print Compsr_R School EXpense. 1:50 730 Emporium Fire Expense, 56.58 731 Fields Schuck & Company, 5328. Fire Expense ® Cen. H S Libra 01N � nnnn �,11i11 733 Grigg$ Cooper & company, Vater Expe , 52.14 734 Gen 1?mwn o" >.AAA & M., Costs. rorp.: C0ur1�A1.U;i r': 38.00' 735 Hubbard Electric company, School Expense. 4.50 736 Joerns Motor IAn°3. 00111any, len. i.4txni0l.psj Garage• � 737 Felix Joswich, 6 al Gaga- Rev. 6. 5 Gen. F. Municip n n 2184 Humboldt HS Itsbs 30000 73 LMAC Brother6o s School C & Be 47,10 740 Lindeket Warner & Sons Fire Expense. 22,05 741 MaWler Brothers, Fire Expense.. 7000 q4B Mahle W^'or Compaq, Fir��Fxp�n�e�- i,JO , 743 Melady , paper Company► ren -Fund MIUACiapal Gar�►ge Reel, 744 N.i'''rna Lead Company, diNt,Ar° �;K; anMe, , 103,34 745 Tlertrern r#al And Dock CompanY, �A Water.Expense 4'. t 16,10 ; 745. Id. W. F1101 Company, � A 3.18 , 7n:7 jTo�r�; bothers & Cutlery Health-quarantine Expense. t 58.80 748 P*61 Robbins & Newton, playground$ Expenae� - �� le KeWI Page #3, j.?$j Raymer, Hardware Company, _ 3 p, 27 Gen. F. Municipal ,%M3e Revl, r - 7,51, john orp, coaseWitp'�H .r+Cr3 5 (1, C �c t °bs+raal, �i�)1;1';) U Jc�, a1�.all., �it � �� 75i, E,t•.Paul Battery Company, 53.50 Gen, Fund Munie. Garage Revl, 754 St.jaul Gas Light Company, 15714.59 Lighting Expenses 755 St.Paul Electric.Companys 10.74 Gen. F -M iclpal Court f �s LiZhtinopense7. 766 St pa' PioneeroDispatch4 Water Expense 75' Schuneman 8c Evans, Gen. Miln, Ct. Exne •5 Sebool expense x Water Expense 3, 756 Skok'Wagon Companyi 16,45 Water Expenses �- 759 R. C. Smith lolt,e compAny, 0 72 95 Municipal CaraSe Reyl, Valley Iron Works/ , _ 035,46 760 ey School RX Pao 54 x.00" 7.61 K, E; Wedefstaedt+ x School Expens?�2 5` a Cora. Pub Works.' ae 2 To ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRR CITY OF ST, PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL No, " 'r FILE N AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM . 4 BYtill CORRTROWN _.191( . 4UDITED MA R / ER .i nrcr )a` able out of the hereinafter specified funds and I Resolved that lvarrauts be drawtmountsts t OI)pOsite their rtsjaective ,allies as specified in the following in favor Of the persons, firms or corporations for the a detailed statement: Adopted by the Couneil- yeas (1',) Counci�tncn 1. r) Nuys . rVin, 15212 neeolved that warrants he drawn Ij I9I , rilrtl 'Orth � thenherelnatter speelfledPtundeeandt of In Goss favor of the persons, Orme or corpora• 11)r0 IB t8 tions for the amounts .et opposite their Hyt 1(t respective names as specified In the — following detailed statement: MAYOR Kelt r 1.'H. Allen Company, 9'. C. Bort; Furm Compnny.'.$18.00. Ale OIt __.Aga l,eonnrd Butes Comely �fiu derlich leen XW!h, $1.18. Inner filothess, $8110.00, \iniis & Minis, $194.60 r, President, vill I'luneer Company, $16.50, Rte(I m,fg company $6985 1 Itred 14otor Supply 90 yenta. , i Review 1'uhllahiuti Co,,. $14011' 30, ` j St. Paul 1taCHlhe C01III)!ln},b�b, �ihunemtn & Evans $8469. Swift t6ompany, $2.00 4 tllev Iron lvmks, $123 Western Supply Compary. $840.15. ililupic(I by the Council Melt. 9, 1917. Apprc,'ed ATlh 0, 1917 0150 127 J. He Allen Compan 111n11h 17-t!Itll Parks Mntce &`Activitp. 48.00 763 T-4 C., Borg, Furn,, Company, Pub, Schools M & Repro 375' 764'Leonard Bures, County Comers, w,or M & R• 1.18 765 Leo Kisch, 'Pub, Schools M & R. 500 000 766 Lauer grntbArfip Schools, Ames. 19`11s50 167 Nimis & Nimie, Lighting Expenses 1,6150 , 768 Pioneer Company, Geri. Misel0, & Unforseens �t 53085 769 Reed. Nnfg. Company, . Pub. Schools M,& Ra 0'1 X90 Reed Motor Supply ,770 Gen. M & w Muni"Garage a a 140,'62 771, Review Publishing Company, Health M & R Quare 2,6.30 . 772 St.Paul Machine Companq, Pub., Sctfoole M & R. „ I 4 773 Schuneman Evans pub. Schools M &'R. 774 Sv►1ft Pub Schools, M & R. 4 s v,32- 775 Vallee Tron Works. ,cbool6 'M Re 843,15 776 Western S'�pf Lp Company,. 3F��14, Pub, Pks, MntICoe MiC'IOP,I �� �1(tC1Ft11 r +�' . 478 0 l., 843 oi. a r total 1,937x16 a4 - '' I , o . o CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO CITY I'- ' - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. -- AUDITED .CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 4 . rIl 1k71r( BY, ` �' Q"C ` r owrieourr - AUDITED .._ _. 634 rin[ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treast ry, payAle out of the hereinafter specified funds°and favor of the )arsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respectiViam� es specified lI� the followi� In fa 1, .� detailed stateme t; Adopted by the C until ' Yeas ( 4') Couu'ilmen (:V Nays' A ' Fart sworth . Approve Gos � Hyl lid Infavor y `. ------------ MAYOR_ . Kel er 1'Ic 011 G_ against Wi lderlich Mr, 'resident) Irvin I I , t 12777 S. A. Farris oth, Com$r. $48.00 School -EXP - 2j944.40 778 Lee & Hoff'Mnfg.. Co. ; 2+944.40 New Library Bldg$ r. No, I5243- RNeolved that warrants be 'drawn able out of thtenthe City herelnafter specified funds"nd In favor of the persons; firms or corpora- Me 1. te their 'respective a emessan sspecified, in the following detailed statement:' t^ 5. A Farnsworth, Com'r. $49.00. I've fi lloff 11nfg. Co., $2,944.40, Adopted b)' the Council 3lch 9 1917. Approved filch. 9,.•1917. (March 37.1917) k. t 1r v .Parra A, loo, ORIGINAL TO CITY of ST. PAUL `"Y "`"" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL y", .A AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOL ION FORM FILE - MARt SBY t lV. C01 COPTAotcu AUDITED..... 191 dER �� 1 A �: .. 635 ITLEt Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure, payyble opt of the hereinafter specified funds.,and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I' C unciln>ei] (V) Nays Adopted by the Council n^ 191 . ''1+ trllis rortG P s5 Approlc 191 — lantl _ In favor — MArop 41 yColl '. __ __. Against vi tri Hich Mr. Presidentiu •A , 12779 M4 Charleboie 4 3,850400 School C. & B. (McClellan) V. No, 10244— Reeolved that Woerant� be drain' upon the City Treasury, payable out of the favoreoflthefer persons, firmeeelfled unds Ind or corporan Ilona for the amounts eat oppoelte their reepective names so specified In thllfoCowing jetmi,B00s99tement: . . 'Wopted by thr" ('ouoeli 1[ch; 9, 1917, Approved Meh 9, 1917. i'larch 17.1011) JmmA. 6.11; F a COUNCIL FILE NO.............. ........ ..m._._. I :,, A By, ......... ... ... . ,••.............. •: .•..........•....•.••......... FINAL ORDER. In the Fatter of.,.. Crnatructin; a'o�r'antoirltlltolk to a width r,. f..s,ix.:.fe.et on:..the..auther..a��e...... of..._.G,c.o.dri.aia....�u.e,• ewe, to Sne111nf::.Ave;,�...........:.....:........... ........ .... .... I..................... _....... under Preliminary order....,: ............... ,13612....... _......... approved.....:..:�!o.y..•14,1916 ...:..... ............... approved Inler'mediary Order .•....,... ._ °.... ......... ......... .....�.• A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council - having heard all. persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully -considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- .G•ffi,�,?y,., t...•„�,ff�a........., provement to be made by the said City is,...GGII.fi.�S141ft i, itirlk to Ave, from a width of six feet on the southerly e...de.°.of..°;Goodr,ish").......•................. S ar at o .& ave . t o Sne11 i n �C.f..r.°a•:.....,....:•.,.......•...................,.._ _. _..,.....R...._.._..................•........__. ........ •• FINAL ORDERS. .__ ............................. _...._ hl the \tatter of constructing a cement tilt sidewalk to a width of six feet. ......_ _.......... .... '.............._..............;............,:...:.: .....„. '.........: ..... Oil the lRide '.Uf GOb�•.: `I, ...................... - . Ave. fromlli Sailue ttooga Ave, to Sn- and the Council hereby orders -"'e • under Preliminary 0° / 'a approved Nov. 11 1916. A public hea-' RESOLVED FURTHER, non°Q`har",60,mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and rected to prepare plans and e), pcffications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for d approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aeCor�qp�e therewith. ,`7 Adopted by the Council••.•. IL AA,,....._....� ......�..,191: „ ;.. Clerk, Approved ......... ........... ..,191...,. Councilman Farnsworth Goss V// Keller o McColl � N-,r ylr� Y %rsr�i y� Mayor Pw.*cm'. r jm Form B. S. A. 8-.7 -I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEFARTM€NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS-SIONEF2- OF F9NANCE. . ON PRELIMINARY. ORME:n s In the Matter of t, 2__'42 ✓L f % Cl2l `�L �G 2[ %f GI. (-y � ._�%/�f.E �. s�O�: �Gl � � ��/rte L. G� �_G;=� 7 � � _ `'�'.�. y under Preliminary Order approved .. L' ..� �`/G .................... ...... To the Council of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports As follows: The total estimated amount of the. assessment for the above improvement is - $_.. ...... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - i t - $ 0_1 per liT .tel _ ...- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, parcel as last..reported by the !assessor, .are as follows: _ yASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AMO I TION VALUATION q } (�'•'-f Yes xt i � _ /�•�i..I �U. G,. /u' --`I oG J � G � 2oTAL. roan H. B. 10 Office ,of die Commiss'i'oner of Public Works` Report to Commissioner of Finance „ r , December let 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consitirration the prelimioauy order of the Coun 13612 November 14th,111.6.., cil, known as Council File No....__...... ....a 1 proved.___.. .... ...... relative to- e construoting a cement tile .a.idewalk .to..a._width..:_of....1I feet...:..Q.n:.:._ .......... the .:.-southerl.y..:..a,ids ...of....Goodrich .._Ave _ ..i-rom; Saratoga -Ave o to Snelling Avenue. ......... ......... ... ........... .............................. y...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..........necessary and (or) desirable: 58¢ per lineal foot 2 The estimated cost thereof is $...... , and the total cost thereof is R8R . , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _:..._...... ......... .... .._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. �. _... ......... .. ..... :i. Said improvement is..:-- ...... .........asked for upon petition of,threeor more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L f/� Commisioner of Pub—he-- COUNCIL FILE NO .......... - -- s .-.....«..._ ------ - By , 1 FINAL ORDER., a, cement,3locku,al3em. k-_to„-_a- 13th of In the Matter of.......QAAa-t.% Gt. ??.� �e SAM --Albert .._.. _ �vor.t.l8nL@ZLttBi - ai.x.:.:f.e�t ._an.....ih.e_..nar.th_94 .eida-� -. __...._.. and :Hem1ine.. A3renue.ar -- _...__. .. - _..—.._. _. _ _.. -- - s • 'C,: ... 13306 , approved .,- .......... ..... under. Preliminary order, _ -___: �- - _... _- . . Intermediary Order -.-- •• ........ -- approved ....... h and e C ouncil d 'uon the above n due notice A public hearing having a ndpecommendatonsprelat improvement theto, and having ffully co s dered having heard all persons, objections the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the CouY,�cil of the City of Sc Pau] that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Conetritet a cement•_block sidewalk to a ?idth provement to be made by the said City is_-_.---------- of Bix_feet_on .the--north aide-_of Cortland avenue, betxeen Albert�aad Hacniine avenueB, - . me m A[ uer r wldtK or ei. S tock n'%e lk t l'o>+tla -ride aY __.... feet on the rth .«.«.. _ .. .enue: nes -Od Ha- ...... _.... .. -.Cy and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissis drtrnP Public bemen oandrks subm same e and. is rto theSCounclef r plans and specifications for. directed to proceed re are p d and d directed top P authorize _ approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , n / i 19---� Adopted by the Council -_. City Clerk. 191 .._. Approved- -- ....,-. - ..... __.Mayor. Councilman 11Farnsworth / .-Keller • McColl Mayor o- r Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,,j - _ r ... CITY OF 9I1 PAU6 ' j .." DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �• In the Matter of p yc . ��L Oa �- A!�- - � . _0'Z,�GC2fi� �� ✓..��dff�.� n under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of SL Paul.- 0 The Cpmmissioner,of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 0. 58, perline.�i The estimated cost per foct Eor the above improvement is f t . 4wva `- The lots or parcels of landthatmay be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot,or' Parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ -- - - - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION N - 1 ✓ o ! /J o f1 ,2 b1ou, tc�Ctz V11' 63 GS`v . -. -... TOTAL. Form. B.B.�10 ... ._ ..CITYOFT. PAUL' �. OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON%PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ...- .- A D D I T 10 N BLOCK ASSESSED - VALUATION LOT DESCRIPTION yr 5 -e✓ 0 that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports the Council, together with the report him in made to . P hereby submits the foregoingas his re ort thereon to 'matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - -reference to said 91� Commisswner of Finance. Dated `�' � 1 n: 12 A 1 Office `of the Commissioner of Public Works r v Report to Commissioner of Finance 3Cth....:.....191..:.6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eousiderntion the preliminary order of the .... .......C oun- 13G6 +ob r 20th to-_ cit, knowupo Council File \o pproved... . _. _.... constrctir_g a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the nortr side of.Portisnd Avenue, between Albert and Hamline Aves. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .... ...... ...... ...necessary and (or) desirable. .5'¢ rer lineal foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is _._...... , and the total cost thereof is ........__.XSxx....... -..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._._... ._ ....__.... ......_.......... .. ..........._....... .... _...... .. _... 3... A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part, hereof. 4. ....... _.... ................... _ _.. ...__._...... ..._ _......... ti. Said improvement is _..... asked for upon pelitiou of 011-:1 o 1-c owners of property, subject . to assessment for said improvement. Couimissiouei' of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO -- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of-Ccnetrue-tinK a cement tale sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Boswell Ave, from Chiloombe Ave. to ...... .......... ------- - ................ 2862 under Preliminary order.._.._1...... .................... _........... ......... approved S _ot 30,1 16 IntermediaryOrder ....... _........... ........... ......................................:._approved_...........::......_... _.......... _._..—....... _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fullyconsidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City`is_ ,, _onstruct a cement tile sidewalk _.._....._ ................ ......--,_--.__............. __ _- - to a width of six feet on the north side of Doswell Ave, from .Chileombe_Ave_....:.to_Como Ave. Testi........... __. - _...:. I C..-P.No. F5?J7— - - _, a ...... ...._..... ... ...__ .��_ n ihC \t'1tte1' of COnetrUCllnf; 6 l`C- ...................... ...................... ......... " men[ tfle nldewaik 'to n u'Idth of elr - - - •et <in- ilia north sly'• p. _._._....._........:................. _......... _...__.... .... _.___ e. from Chllcom>`.. _.._ .�....... .......... ._.....__.._____.__............. _._....- R -est. ttnde* - apr-od i ........._.......__....._.:_.._..... ... ._..... _......... .__._.... tle 1• .. :.::...�...:_wt ...:._.:.....__._.._.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same' to the Councillor approval; that upon said.' approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and "directed to proceed with the making of said improvement to accordance therewith. Adopted by the _ Counul.::._... 191,T.,/ f "� / __.._.__. C./tc Z._r.�_..... f &iry Clerk. Approved _.. _...__._..,... ..... ... Mayor: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Mayor Powers i !4_� Form B. S. A. 8-7 - " . - - - CITY OP3T. PAUL - - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNFSSIONER OF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D In the, Matter o 0, 71v e /, Lj. go11G�11 £t/ oafovulLe"'G- ate L i .... ....... ..._..._...... _. ... under.Preliminary Order approved To the Couficil of the City of St. Paul: - - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows s Thetotal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--- ---- ------ ' 0 58 per The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is.In- - - - - - - - eah f6* -- $ot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such ikrovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported,by the Assessor, are as follows: .. _ .. VALUATIO LOT BLOCK A35N ADDITION D I T I O N SE DESCRIPTION - r- Z) .. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated ail of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submiis the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of. Public Works. Dated 191.... G�ill�Y ci - ' '�" -��� � Comm�esioner of Finance. ' Office of the Commissioner of, Public., Works Report tQ Commissioner of Finance I _ . October 4th, 6 To -the Commissioner of Finance of tileCity of St. Paul ]'hai Coilunissioner of Public Works, haviaig iuul under consideration thin preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ......12962 jipproved:._....Sept errb er Kth x.1916 ..., relative to .:.._...._ tQ..Q.QXI�_Lr.?~lC_liQ7l...Q.f & Q:et>�T1t ;.tae, q_i.devraikto a.w,idth._of. eix feet.... on th.e... north_.. ei..e ..o.f Do.SW..Q.1.1...AY..e..._.fxQzr Gh.�.l.cop oe.....A.Ye .._to, Como._.Ave,_ W. and having investigated the natters and things referredtotherein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.........._ ..necessar and (or)) desirable.- 08¢ Per. foot S. Phe estim{ated cost thereof is ... .. ... and the total cost thereof is'-$_.. _XXXX and the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows i :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ......... ...:.... . ........... _ . :i. Said inalirovenient is .. not asked for upon pelitiou of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.. - Counussio ei of Public Works. CY COUNCIL FILE NO ............ _....... __ _ By....._ _..._. M ................. .... ........... ._ ...... � FINAL ORDER.- constructing RDER. - ��, constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of Inthe Matter of.._........_._.._...._......... ...-.... _ .................................. ................ _........ ... ...............from Lincoln_Fve.�.._..__ -. _. _......... _the.ns _t _ _S2uth_ 17;� _eft,_ - ..._.__... ......_...... ..... _.... ..... under Preliminary order, _.__..._.,lk£54._ ... .............approved _..... ................ ------'----':-- Inlermedjary Order ................... .............. approved ........ _........ . _ __ .._ __.--:_.... _ ____. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,_ objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ista --Construo_cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the :est side of Dunlap St, from :..... 1. s�1x�....AY�,_. k��x �__as i h 75�.. ee.t.--......... _ ___._._ _.._.- :..........:.:_.___..._._ C. 1. m 162A8— ,.,. M..._,....__......._......__......___..._._:._. to the matter ot'conetruch o n cement ...:................._ . __.�_.... ...._..__ ..._... the eldewnik to a width'of'slx Leet 0 n the mat aide of Dunlap St. from Lincoln.Ave.. thence. south 170 feet..__...... under Pepe. roar}' Order 1'_964, up - proved Sent - 1976. nblfc rip . having _ been hall __......_ ...._..._........... .._- .................. . ^"' . �:: Dtheabove improve. ':! _ arm' A,, - and the Council hereby orders said improvefnci. r` r"e"made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ishereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to prpceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council................. 'City Clerk. t R 1917 t Approved ......_........... t 191_..._... / J[{ : .0 t; May Councilman arnsworth Goss 17 '-Keller 3 i �'Mccoll 7 v P�Eas}r' Mayor Pciwe� Y Form B. S. A. 8_7 �f1.� CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTME*r� OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter o ��%C�/✓i4._. .t��///!/IiL... __�TL�_ .1�/�fLt1lC�. �1 / �( —7�9 �L i . do L'... -'.3 V r 7l.._-V74 o ` %:'v/7? L � ? U/• .: _ �..%9i1 CG _..d tl.:�. �tfCf1. ................. ...... under Preliminary Order approved -71"/! f G To the. Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.............. _... _. The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement is 0 58 rFT The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the,Assessor, are as follows: D E S C R I P T 10 N -LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to-him in _ :reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ .......... 191 ...,. _ �T/! , .._. .of . � Commiaeioner of Finance. form 13. B. 13 - - - �; CF'��z9c� u � --� ,� {. \. ` _ , St. Paul. 11inn. Sept. 84th 1916. To the Honorable The City Council of, the City of St. Paul.. ,inn. Gentlemen. Tie the property owners in the. near vicinity of the,proposed i.MPXM BMV improvement respectfully request that your Honorable Body order a Cement Sidewalk to be constructed on the west side of Dunlap Street from Lincoln Avenue one_hundred and X-"-ty- feet = -v if D"hYl / d T? Dr � S, e Commissioner of Public Works Office of . { Report tol Commissioner of Finance Octobex 4th,... .....:.791. 6• Ile City of St. Paull: 7b tile�Contlnissioner of Pinaneeof ttcluuivary order of the Coon- . '1'ha• Cmutuissio»et, of Y»Ulie Wm•ks, havtug had under consideration the 1 "• 12964 Septentoei 30th ,.1m relative to. - eil, know" as Council File No. nPptovtd .. constructing a ceruent the .sidewalk to a width of __six feet on the_., west side of Dunlap °treet frog Lincoln Avenue thence south 170 feet: eby reports: slid having ntvtstigated the matters and things referred to therein, her _ desirable. -- ..ce¢sap r n ) 1. Said iuqu•ov,nueut is:,:- 58 per lineal.,, slid $• The esli»tated cost tiler Icof is $........ aud'tile total cost thereof is $-._.... the nature and extent of said iiuproveateut is as follows: . .._......._.. . .................. ;, .; plan, prohh or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached nut; made a part hueo 4. .._ _... subject aid ;t• Smtprovemeut ts... asked for upon petition of three or uutTe owners of property, to assessment for said improvement. ........... l,onutusstotier of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ..... ........ ..�__ By..--- -.---7... ......... ....... :_........... ........... .......... ._.......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..... O( nstruct .n"r a cement tile sidewalk to a width of ..................... G...:....._......._..............._............._.._....•.,.............................._.._........._...__.........._....... sixfeet.on the east side of Baldwin St, from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave._.z__..__ under Preliminaryorder 13611 Nov.14,1916 ..._. approved .........-----.--........................ _.... ..._._.....___..__ Intermediary Order.._..._..._............:_...:_.................;...................... approved ........... __.... _.......... _...... _...__.... ._..... .... .-.. ........... A public hearing having been had 'upon the .above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered' the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City .of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Constructim a cement the sidewalk ..to -.a width of six feet on the east side of Ealdrein __. St. from Ave. to Goodrich Ave., �•_.•__._— r h . 16 f9 the Matte t n tru tiny nem nt - file eldew Ik t vl ith oL ix f t fF - •___, th. east Id f n11dwl. St. [ m ...__..... ..—__. ._....... _.......... :. _...._ "'-- '•"' "'"""'-"--'"" I.Incqq]]n Ave. to Goodrleh Ave.. under ------ re Order .13611 approv - +�ov. 14• 1916. .................. ........ _-- ...... _.._.._..._..._..} nnhltr hearinq have r h. ,,. :"_.�..__,..: ._..._...._........_—.- l ........... �._.. -. and the Council hereby orders said'i'atprovethenfrti' oe made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pub -he Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement to accordance the yetvith. Adopted by the Council.._._.:__Tti�� 191 s. : / y 'Clerk:CSdo ly17 ' Approved ._........... _ .._.._�._� _ __..._,.191 _....... t - _ ,...._....__...._.._ ............. .......... _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller " McCollG'` Nseft Yee M 10 Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' - CITY -OP ST. PAUL { _ DEPARTMEN-TrIOF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)r• ON PRE o In [he Matter of ���✓ �%" ��y � ��� ` -V/7— 'Zi a i � a r L,: under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last :reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPT16N _ VALUATION ., TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to, said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. .191..........//�...v Commissioner of Finance .. , Form H. B.-13 - - - t _ h Office of the Commissioner olic Works f PubV Report to Commissioner of Finance December let, 191.6... To the Commissioner of.Pinance'of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn• cil, known as Council Pile ATo. 13611'.:. ...approved..:.:.NOVemer 14th,, 1976.;..., relative to... _constructing ... a. cement. _tile sidewalk" "' to a width of six feet on the...:.eaet, side.":of Baldwin.. Street from_ Lincoln, Avenue to ....._......_.Goodrich_Amllae ................... ... :.: ...... and hnving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......__........ necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is _.......................... :..., and the total cost thereof is $ .__.:XAR ........ nud the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........ ....... ........................................... ........ ................ .......... _...._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. ............. ....................... .................. ...._..-..... .. .................... ......... .......... ...........: ..... 5. Said improvement ie. no_t..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. jt f....d,...� / Conmiissiou t of Public Works. Y COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ ..... By....'----- ._:....__....... ........ .......... ........... ........ .. FINAL_ ORDER. In the Matter of.._Conetruc ing a cement the sidewalk to a width.. of six feet on beth sides of Griggs -St._ from University _....__..... _ ......... Ave to Ninnehaha St., I- - ---- ........... _ under Preliminary order ........ ......... 1137._........_..4 ........ _............ _......... approved._ ...:..... ......... ._............. ............ Jul.✓:. Intermediary Order ----- ............ ......... __... .... ...... ............. .......... approved ...................... _:. ._.......... _...... --........ �..._�.__ _......_.. A public hearing having been had upon t e b,.�.vve)�mprovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recomm�itCa4lons relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement et a cement tile sidewalk provement to be made by the said City ls._----- _—.__.._................ ....... ;to•;a_ width _ 0f six feet on both sides of GriaZs St fro¢YUnI rsity C. F. No. 15250— 'In the Matter of constructing a ce- ..._;......... ......... ___ ......._ ..._... -,_.___v._. _.._._ ment the sidewalk toa width of atx. - � - feet on both aid,. of Griggs 91.. from ' r/nlveraity Ave. to Minnehaba at, .under Prellmin-Y-Order III- """"'-"" ed .11,11, B.. 1,16.. ......... ....._............. ....... .-.__.......:._..-....... ...... _............ .-....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council- for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are"hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improveme r,j�.a1n;piStpc a�t�rce therewith. Adopted by the Council......, �.. L. �f 1917 // SSClerk. •---.__,191 _ .... ........... _................. .... ...... r Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth _ Goss Keller McColl 7 Y-rg;;" Mayor J Form B. S. A. 8-7 -. �.. 'CITY OF ST PAUL .: - DEPARTMENT'S FINANCE - now . I� OF COMMISSIONER"OF FINANCE ' ; ,. REPORT (: , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _.. .. J. ...... s' fv�f-ate /.....- ',In the rNlatter RJ C 11Z '.:... L ............... v1 L li, I zG under Preliminary Order approved K u To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1_i.na 1. $0,56- Per The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ft . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCKADD 1 T I O N VALUATION DESCRIPTION - - � 0 m I�S a ys-ko w "le 11 D TOTAL. ` Form 13.-B..10.. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ' DE1ARTMENT10F FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - - ON PRELIMINARY ORD ER ' l - cc) _. - ADDITION .... i � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALU TION ' �� ujAlau a Coin J L }}� b -a r j all C�/� The Commissioner of Finance further reports, that a has i vestigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to th Cou together with tee report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publ c Wor / Commissioner of Finance. F -m 93. B. 32. '..1 j ro L' i 0 1 t 1 � a I I i 1 t k 1 e 4 ST. Paul, .,:inn. i; IT '1F CI ly G L.. •?r • .- ;a, , the under i n �d , c� t zen� s,x:d ttiy-Pf 7f 1s Op the City 0.` St. ^aul, .inn. , resPrictfnlly-netiti oti y n,,r honorable• body, for e. si�evralk *rn ri'i Street, fr ru L miv ;rsity ! v nue �uvNeiaANR to t� , Street. row. JUt_ , - 1916' BUREAU OF L;.G10EERS. '� Office of the Commissioner of ublic Works Report ,to Commissioner of Finance duly.........21.�... 191.6 . To the commissioner of Finance of the City of,St. Paul:Thr. Cmumiesimier of Public Works, having had undci consideration thepreliwiu:uy ie _ �; the Conn- eil, known Lis Council Pile No .3-3.3.7-4 3......approved_.__.....:-July-,.-6.................. ....191..$.. Native "to .C.ons.t.ruct.....a,....cement ..... tile:.:s.idiesrelk to. e.....vicith.._.of. six-Iaet.., oin b_oth..sldes . a o _G.r.i..ggs...S.t...... f Qm....UXx .ve.xs.ity_ AYQ,... A..._b inn--aa .fit_... ...:... _ .. and having investigated the matters mid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary slid (or) desirable. lineal foot d. The tAtitimated cost thereof is $..._r1..8¢....P.Qr— and the total cost thereof is F. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ... ......._.:._ . ......... _... ......................... . I A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and Lpade a part hereof. 4. .. .: ............. ........................... .............. .... ............. . ....... .. ..._...... ;i, Sant improvement is ...._......-- .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ......... Commissi ier of Public Works. HOMER H HOYT, lift lip Up COR.JACKSON 5 Sa" 5 FE ETS. I^ 507A"°"•""'^ �^iipd WCjj'.' Sl,111CSTATEO M�wrtSOTA. 9J PAUL FEALESTAtE ExC4ANGE.. 46 5 E. :S17 r. A. rrsrc „p, Oo il:,issioric: -inn. De4ex :>ir : .'ie. ie- to-3sy iii receipt of a uosi� c.:_d no 136 thc.t the ouncil corternolatcs building a cericrit siaer;4lk on both skies of Griggs :street from Univcz ,i' y Avenue to Ziriehaha Street under a preliminary o�•der io. 11373'. Ile r tho o�:.mars of Lot 30, Block 9, 3y-n1 '.;te lio. 5 Addition., the orth est corner of Griggs ,ini Lifon:i Streets, You crust 3-no-:; tLv t all of the lots in this addition front lrorth ^.nd. South. Zone.frontin-; East or ",lest or on Griggs ;tr:et. There ni.wht be some warrant for laying a side :"'.�'_ from J_iv- pr.nto Lrfond trcet, bat ti_cre is e:'co:i. i:ateaer shy a✓rralk should be laid from. Z fond Street to nue'i _l:e 3tp-et. The •e is not r. le-housc frcn"irEL on Gri« St rt et. The 1rtes^t city mapho=:r:; only four houses between Lafond and Lirnehaha. Strc..et or, the ..':as't side O T the street, and ell of these ho ices front on i_iz.r?ci.ai.a. There is only one house on the ';lest side of the street nr mely the one vre own. There is a cer:ent fsotory on the ;:ori: side, `,-Lt the corner of Van B'aren 'Street. 71b c€:snot see Tire:re tl.ere'is need for this sidewalk. It is h4rd enc ,rY Uo ray the hea:,-, � ,:es rnd ssme its t^s'-t are. beim,_? _'1 - _e, er.rll- nade ;d •.7e fearthe tine rn_:y core :•rhen pcople . ill no lon;^er be ti^:ilhn r to own recd estata in } _., city. P7e are al -,;S re"-d-,- to pay ':'her we can for all nL ..esss, y street im ro.*er_e is >Ien they axe of real benefit. Very truly yours, COUNCIL FILE NO --------- By=By._........... .... ..... FINAL ORDER. Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width o'isix^� Inthe Matter of.._.. ..... ------ ...........I.. ......._ ......... _._.......__.......... feet on the.eouth side of University Ave. from_the }est end of r ... . th.. - ..... __._. ........... .._.._.._.__. ---. ...... --—..._........................ 11736 July 26,1916 .,...::.:.:__... under Preliminary order ........ _................ . approved._....:. ..... •-- - Intermediary Order ____..:..._._........... .................... . .......... ... approved ......... --__.a _... ..__.._... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, ;and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Cityis_...C9I15>3.1 a Cement ti.le,,,_�idewalk,.ao_a _ width of six feet on the south side of University 4ve- fom the West ................. _.._ end of the Transfer Bridge to Emerald St., Where not already laid„ ._._...__ C F. 1* 152517 - -7n the msttc of cohstrurting a "'"""""""...... "-_"'•'- � ment till Idewulk to' -u ...._.._ feet oo the - a-idth of . - ,1vr. from [herb �i�evp of Unlve, "—"""""' - - 1,,-1,rY Order 117:[6, nd, .... ' , 191 ti: f`t • ...., n 1>11n h tr.nr _ and the Council hereby orders said improbeih .:ah - ,ide: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to. proceed' with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. A' FZ Adopted by the Council ...... .._.,.:,�FZ 191 . - '� ____ ....._ C11ty Clerk. Approved...... .......... _......._ _._...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth - ' Goss 4, Keller McColl '`_'� i f Y.wr"A--, Mayor Pcaalssrr;;,��`z..,- Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - ' CITY OF AT. PAUL - DEPARTMrNT OF FINANCE OF OF FINANCE REPORT .COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / l 'r = • x f - ....i ......x . In the Matter oz ..lad (—j"747 1 :..: -�/?z �lcr:� '� !fir _ �.. L ,. 7c� under Preliminary.Order approved l� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance -hereby reports as follows: er' linea -1 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ft$ ar5� P The estimated cost per foot 'for the above improvement Is The lots or parcels okl land that may be assessed benefits f or such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: . _.. ... -.... -:: _. ,.., .._ .. - I( ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOTBLOG ASSESSED VALUATION ., i� 4 y � r41 f�o 1,7 r, TOTAL. - - - .:- • ',' - I''l .V `11 dP St. PAUL �. CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT"' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR'P ORDER (B) ,. .. - -ADDITION ,. _ •, LOT BLOCKUATION Q ASSESSED - VAL - DESCRIPTION (rfl0 � i /�0 r � / Oce / a / °-�`�. �•� / v e v ;L o ti v or - all J J` -- TOTAL. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ■ DEPARTMENTS OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ' -� „. CESCRIPTION' ,'- LOT ;aLOOni ADD,I TION I ASSESSED.'. VALUATION - - � � � �C-Gt ✓[ii/l lL [���:;IGN.J Y N�l• AL C u all LO J� G r �Qy�'JjS`!I The Commissioner of Finance further reports/ that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._ 191,7 //. ......... . ...._ _. Vommissioner 1: urm B. B. 12. - of Finance. - PP- Office of '.the Commissioner of Public ;Works ® Report to Commissioner of Finance _ ...... Auh%s.t 3rd.,...........i91...$., ., 7`o the Commissioner of Fivanee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Nubli� Works, having had under cousideratiaiu the preliminary order of the Conu- 11736 July 6th 791.....:., relative to. .._.__........_::._ cil, known as Couueil File No ............ .. __....approved ...:. the onat.ruct_ion -of. .en,Ynt...t.�,.�.e..e.�d.e atk._,.t.o...a.. n.�da?� of:.. sig... Met.._.. ' on the. south aide of Lniveraity Iv nue. ...rot;-.trhe...rre_st ._..._ ... .... ... .. .... :..?z .sf..er:.l3r.�. 5� t:.o....:F-L&r..ald. °t...._v �.r:�....n:o. ..al.r_eady.:_1.aid .. as d having investigated the mars acid things referrers to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .........._._....necessary and (or) desirable. 59¢ Far lineal foot xxxx and 2. The estimated cost thereof is ............. and the total cost thereof is .... .... the nature and cxtealt of eaill iutltrovement is as follows: ..:_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvent�ut is hereto attaelied and nmde a part hereof. .......... . ... d. •i. Said improvement is .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessuteut for said improvement. e Caulntissi�ublic Works. _ . d , ' '1 COUNCIL FILE' NO. ...... ..._...:....._— FINAL ORDER. Inthe47atterof_Conetruotin.g, a csm. ent.._tile..._side.walk to. a width of six feet on the West.side•of Yeston St. between Doswell,Ave. " _...... . __ ......... ... _. .....-_............ ----_..... ...__ under Preliminary order.._ .12,703 ....... .............. approved ............... Sent.75.,1916 ............ .......... ....... __.... Intermediary Order -— ................ .:... _........ .......... _..... approved ._................... .... ._. _.......... _............. .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered ' the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul -that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—C.anat t11lr...@idlalyi;t'lk� to a width, of ix feet on the__west side of.._Ke.eton S� , between Doswell ave, an Chilcombe St _.._.—.___ _._ _._— __..--__..___ ..... ___......:. ........... _ _......_. - - C. F. No. 16262— - - ......................_.............:.... __.__...��__-_'_....M_... In the Matter of constructing; a ce................... ___........ _........ ......... _........ ........... Ment tile, sidewalk to a width of six feet on the W "t side of Keston St. - — betwsen Doswell Ave. amk Chu - ...__.._.___.....a_ ...................__._.._-..,:_. ....._. _ .:___.._._...__.__._.........._........_.___..._.... _..._..... _co,itheSt., under I'rel iinlriary oro+r' - .703, approved Sept. 15 191 i ...... _ ....:.._ ........ _. .... ,.... ;,'9. Public hearing haul, ...�:�_...__.._ _. - _ •'^:.dn the abovo Improv... .....__....... ......_._... ..... ....... —.._.. and the Council hereby orders -said improvethehi"U' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed -and _ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to- proceed. with the making of said improvemtnt in accordance therewith. a lI tin "v•� Adopted by the CounclL.:..:.. Mrj ° 9 19 1 7lty Clerk. Approved ....... ................... ...__..:...__ _ ___. 191 ....... _ .�g .._.......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller •, McColl , I shg ir Mayor; res Form B. S. A. 8 7J - L jam} t " CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTVF FINANCE/' - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ - .SIG In the Matter ofLll1w7i% t .... .... c under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of, the City of St. Paul: \\ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as followed. TheeNotal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ O 5f3 PeT 1_inz:93 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 7 ft The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation.of each Iot-or parcel as last reported by the Assessor; are as follows: ASSESSED -- ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK a �1 7f - TOTAL, tigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has inves gether with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as�his report thereon to the Council, to reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated commissioner of F Dance i OfFiee of the Commissioner of .Public Works Report to Comniissioner of Finance _:_September, 28th.,. :.191..6. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pahl The Cahuuissioner of Public Works, having had under coasideratimi the preliminary order of the Coral- e 1, known as Council File IA;3_7P_........ _....mpprove d_...... eptembe,r 15th,..191'6., `relative to ._ "..._constructing a_._cepent tile sidI.ewalk a width of six feet on the west side of Keston Street between Doswell Avenue and Chilcombe .......... ........... ....................... ............. ......._........._......_.._.... ....... ..._...................... .._................ ......_..._........... _:................. ....._...... ...... _ ...: ...... ......... �. and having invextigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:___....:.....necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated eost'thereof is $ ...-..... and the total cost thereof is xxxx and the nature and extent of. said improvement is as follows. ........ .. _....:.... :3. A plait, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made» part hereof. 4. ............ __. ._. ._. ................. __... _ ,......_ o. Said improvement is ........ ...:.......asked for upon petitiou of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvenieut. ...... / Couuutssioner of Polie Works. FIA St .peAtl `,jinn. September 1616. To the honorable city, council of St paul '.Sinn. t`e `the undersigned residents and property otivnera of St Anthony. Pabk North addition to the city. ;of fit $aul' "inn, being vithout,contiauoua line. Do hereby re_pectively netitid, aide,ralk to the nearest street car ypur honorable body to ora3er a Fide:�,lk constrvcte4 alon. the °rest aids of ;eeton,atreet,between Doswell and Chilcombe avenues in a Anthony . pwrk'For,th addition to the city of ,t '5-u1. ----- ------ Lots 1-2-3M, Falk 29 --- -- -Lot5 Blk 29. ----- ----------- -Lot 9Bllc 36 ---_Lot 6 Blk 29 -- -- - - -Lot 10. Blk^G 6 ---Lot 7 31k 29 -- ---__-Lotll&lN Blk 26 --------- -~ 1` -Lots 13x14 Elk86 �--Lot 8 Blk G° -,---Lot 15 Blk 26 Lot S 731k29 / Lot 16 Blk 26. ` _`�1_Lot l0 Blk 29-- - -- -. fit/(. T'r got 17w18 31k 36. - -- Lot 11 Blk 29 -ft s �i f� --------------------- BUREAUS Ei COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... _...... .. -- By......... 'FINAL ORDER. Conetruetir acement the sidewalk, to 13th of a1x v in the Matter of... -- — ... Pe_Pt: on._ihe _south ,side, of._ Ca 1to1 Ave be inr,in� a39 -feet west of von street thence went 160_ feet* __— _.: _ . - ................... _- .-- - Sept.30i1916 o_ ......... .approved . _ under Preliminary order. ........ _.... . . approved .------------- - .... ........ .... Intermediary Order ---•• -• ' A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, $Y the_Coulicit of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of imy Cg ,fit u�t a__cement .... sidewalk�to a provement to be made by the said City ls.._. _• _ - 239 feet.. f=et on the south aide of Capitol Ave. berinr ng ------- _ _.... width:.:cf six.,..--••-......_ r thence west 160 feet, __ ___._._.:_._.-- ------- - - west of Aeon St. --- --- r......... w�._ 16•L53 cone[ructinh' a __........ _._._-_._.....� ment the sidewalk to a µ•idth o[ six _ ...._..._......._..—_...-_.-_.__^___. i ]n the Mntt •r uY of CaPltoi - _......... _._...... ...... __- feet- on the Hoath Aide µ,est of ...-_.. •••••-^-^ 239 feet ' \ 1 eginnlnt: µ.est 169 feet. '•'-�� \yon s[reet,thence nP- -, Order 12965. . under Prelim[nht:•^""-'-` Proved Sept. 30. 19 havinK Deen -:t 11^. h s lna and the Council hereby orders said imptoveme" a ut'+ rks e and is RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ationm forssaidrimPof poemeublic n ,o ndsubm samereby to thesCounclafor directed to prepare plans and specific officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed proper city approval; that upon said approval, the , with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. -191_: /� Adopted by the Council.. •• - v ` C L -c-, _ '.. _.... _.r_ --...... _ .._ Fi Cl V / ,yo 9 1911__..... Approved .... :.__........... ....... tst _:._...._:..___...-----••--...._ Mayor. . Councilmat{'Farnsworth: I Goss ✓Keller pUSL1SF ^7 r �McColl _ i Form B. S. A. 13-7 - _ - CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC .�C f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t :-_- In the Matter of z cul r-ai /fva�rf,�.:_... _ __ under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the.assessment for the above improvement is $ \- - - - - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: :... ADDITION -... - ASSESSED .V DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ALUATION dV /6 J 1 TOTAL, The' Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and - hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./.p Dated. �.---- --19 Commissioner of Finance. o Office of the Gommissionei of Public WAs Report to Commissioner of Finance QGt.Q.e.�. 4th.,.._.,, 1916.... . .To the (;oututissio"er of Fi"anee of the City' of St. Paid: The Conu"issiouer. of public Works, havilig had under cousitleratiou the pr 96 ttrtl11 of the Coun- }91.. cil, know" as Couneil File No. 12965__,,,._.apptovrd_...:- Sep_terLbe> _30th.,. 6.. ,lclative to constrl.Xting a cement the sidewalk to 37 vaidth of six feet on the < south.. _t}.�de.....af.G.ap..i.ta.....Av.e..kl.e.ginnixir=;;_..2.3.9.._feet .w.e:a..t of.,..AQ.on .S.t..._......._ :........... ....._........ _.... tierce west._.lEiC. ....................... rr"ed to theieiu, hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and things refe 1. Said improveauut is...... ....... .....necessary ana (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot xxxxx .._.,....and is .., and the total cost thereof is The estituated cost the' . ..,� the nature and exte"t of said improveatent is as follows: _.. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atIWelled and made.a part hereof. .......... 5. Said improvement is........ asked for upon petition of fhiee or more owners of property, Subject to assessment for said improvement. Co"u"issiourr of Public Works. 1. COUNCIL FILE NO _...:.................._ By - _........ FINAL ORDER. y 4s width of o er f_ . Construct inB _a -_cement tale sidewalk to atc ant St. froth Hamline Ave In the Matt -- --- Six feet er the south side of Sarg - on ... ....... ............ ......... .__....._.....__.. - ..... .__..._ . _Alb.es..t_._.9s.e�.�.._.._......_......_..,...._ _-___------ ..._ _._ --.. _ - -_._ . pc ,. 17 ,1Q16 — ..._ under preliminary order ..••-..... 13274 approved ._ approved Intermediary Order - -.................... "'-"' and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City o;�f St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- �eweG tile_. dewalk to -_ provement to be made by the said Cityts__.LA31BtT]1� j Gt froth Hemline Ave. ix feet on__the__eq!?th._eide of Sarge to AlbeTt_AvO.i.._.:_ i in~ �i nfir [ °ccs a -n,ent tue ,ld -nix co ,. wiacn [— i ........_ ....—• - [set on the xoutt, aide o[ SarFer 9t. ._.._ [ro,n xn Iu— A— to Aroert. : .... _.—. - ._.......__...._....._..-- .under Prenm inary Or•' .•� ........ t„o.ea cwt. ,a. .. . .._.::.. . .._._._.:..._ _.._.. __... _...-.— ..._..... ...... __—. __. ders said improvement to be made. and the Council hereby or rovement, and submit same to the Council for RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imp royal, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed ' approval; that upon said app with the making of said improvement in accordance _ 191 Adopted by the Council .._� ✓lc. _ --4._...... 4 �._ "Zity Clerk. _ 191 _ r Approved _...... _..._...L_..,_._.— _— L. Councilman Farnsworth Goss - Keller McColl $JBLISEIEf3� iilaelfj , Mayor Powers— Form B. S. A. 8-7 {^ CITY 4F ST. PAUL '. DEPARTMENT OF F:�[NANGE l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER':OF FINAf*ICE ON PRELIMINARY OR4ER f (A) . -- In the Matter of 021 �nuC<� ll f' :. C it11 : ice. L o' ,: _, � ! �'-� Vii. u[� L + G� O� �L ..!Jou � i✓/'� 4 � ��.`L:u(. ,a/. {1�� �' ;•a: _ .cul � �lt/ .._...._............. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0,58 pe.r..: The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ....... $ lined foot land that may be assessed be for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ LOT 13LOCK A D DI T 10 N ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION y�4 U A . i y ... _. ..: .. .... ...... ._.. TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY QF ST. PAUL DEPARTAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER v . 1' lC) DESCRIPTION LOT-BLOC1 'ADDITION ASSESSEDATI VALU, 7s��il/p. !/(Gly/'/rw / ✓o. . L- � - .. L /J 1 G"c4 l J J (, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters,ra'nd hereby submits the foregoing as,his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 _ _ Commissioner of Finance. P.- It. U.. 12 - - , ST>TOt•EFS - .. - . . Si. rr-_ i,x /:i>,-"�•�.(>/'_ .. ' .r^ .19.16--- ., _ zI. TD tIle C"'-6 r. c...^1. ;.. .,..0 -i _ .. �.. avi no= F er r.e oI Fide of �4rde:a.: avenue, i,ec ,s-._ _a C i. Y tO. _ L iti' .-+-�'-' ✓ G�' Jai 6d1. - vii l..+-:. J.l .. .1.-4,._ f b Lot r `-fes t 2-6 i .i • i >I, °5 26 • 1 I _ UJI I i - t 291 31 Office. of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Oct�r_er,.2.4th� liJl_6.: of Finauee of theMCity of Sf. Paul: 1'o the Cmuniissioner 'Phe Counuissimter of Public Works, haviog had tutder consideration-the'pirelimiiuu•y order of the Cour 13274 0 tober 17th 1x1.6 relative to.....:..._ ...:...... ....ii ovtd ..... _.... ..... eil, knowlt its tionllell File Nn ....._... 11a consist ctin a cen nc til ei e a k to ,a_widtlZ. of six feet on the_..ao�.t.n..._aide_...of.....Sar.g.ent....St....._fs.o.ra_. i2n line ..Fv.e:..... t.o...�:lbert ..Ave. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby 1. reports: 0 I, Said iutproventeut is._....... ....,neceasaiy anti (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot cx x_._....:..:., and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... _ ........._.., and the total cost thereof is _......... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3: A plan, profile or sketch of said iniproveuieut is hereto attacheId and made a part hereof. 4. .............. Said intproveutent ia..:.. . asked for. upon petition of three'm• more owners of property, subject to assessment for said iotproveuient. 11 {I i nD ntitissionet of Public Works. u COUNCIL FILE NO FINAL ORDER. reratruc+ink a cement tile sidewalk to a width of: six I the Matter of_... . ........ e .._on..t.he_wit..sae...4f._xline_..._Ave__from Como r+est to iiebrae a ............ _._....... _..—._._ .... ......_.,-- - ._..:.._....................... __ ._.._ -- - ...__............._.. under Preliminary order ...... _........... ....... .... _......... approved .._July ._17,1916 .,...... .......... _- ... approved .._..... -- - -"- — - Intermediary Order __ .._.::.._ ......._. .......:... ...:........ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_._CaAS1B..tXU-Q - G' 1°%nt t11g eidgt�alk t0_s ' _._..........._......._ _................... width of s1x_Ye.et: on.the.weat side of Hamline Ave. f_cm Como ave. _ ......_ TeSt to Nebraska Avenue ....... .... ___..___.. .. � C... In the Satter ofconstructing• a ce-— ....... _. .......• "......- �_�•�,,,�„ mens the sidewalk to a width of six - - [ •t on the wet side of H..11-, ' ,� 1 e. from Como l West to. ve - - ...... d ask- Ave., and F ellminnry Or- - ^--- •'• """ der 11536, aVPro)ed July li, 1916. n. Punllc henring having bean h^,_.._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be'made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby "instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemen4 acc dance therewith Adopted` by the Council......._�v.__L-� .. 191 G v:,Approved ....... _...... i_NR._L2 1917 _._..__,191 ...:..... __.........-_................_...._.... ___...__ ' ..._..:_._ .._...__�_._._. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss 7`� Keller McColl Mayor RatYe[S. Form B. S. A. 8-7 • y d I I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEIPARTMENT/OF FINANCE , +� s �1% REPORT Or COMMISSIONER' OF FINANCE / f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter o '.O_uv/12le/l.u�c!vA(i,��..: /J ".cL ti(J . ..... . £d o u y L uJoT v /Ail ai4 1*L r �1rG u _mac, P under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Pain The, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ _. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement Lineal foott The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed "benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION "LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION -z/` o O`• �d a �' ' ��/ � � Z : / U y �W � i. Cl/ % (/ Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. i 'CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. IBl I' DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ;VALUATION �uu Lel k i 41 /all 7 LA J 2 Jam, TOTAL. CITY OF, ST. PAUL A. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report. to Commissioner. of Finance July 27th, ... 191..6..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had 'under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 11536. _....approved........1f17 6._, relative to:...... c.a.ns.trx c'ting ....a._.c.anent...:.t.il.0...s.id.e fl7 of gix..._feeton.....the...... .of....I?a ineA.......................................ruono:Ave Test to ebraeke Ave. .._ . _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineEl foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $................... ................. . and the total cost thereof is ............. :....._............... ........... . and the nature and .extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ..... ... ....... ......... ............. ....... .....:...:...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 . ... .......... ..... .. ....................... ... _ . ............. _ ........ ...._........ ..._. .......... :i. Said improvement is ..........:...........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 ..... ..... . Commissioner 7f 1PI, ihlic Works. I i IS �fH EIj,[. A SPOT ON EAW-rN _ A,REIJTED FARM;. You G N (ALL "IOUR OY'✓N' IS NOTA HOME , I '- F NOT. ©UY ONE 7.� �������� 320 .PIONEER BUILDING - �.. ST.PAUL, MINN._ i mar.3rd,191v 1 , Yr.s.A. Farnsworth, St.Paul, Yin#. Dear Sir— Received your notice of .the 28th ultim, with respect to your hearing on the construction of cement walk on the west side of Hamline Avenue, from Como Avenue west to Nebraska Avenue. I may be unarle to attend this meeting, bdt will inform you that this will be entirely agreeable to me, and I am very much in favor of the construction of this walk as designated In the notice. Yours y ry t ly. F-G G!?` ✓� 1 COUNCIL FILE NO - ..._._....... .._— BY.._.._ .......... ._........... .......... ............_......._. FINAL ORDER. rw In the Matter of..,-ConatruCtin a cement the eidewalk.to .a width Cf aix l_..fe.s�...._nn...tbe....E.aB.t,:..elle..._t9�dt?;_4>rgr_treet, frora__�t Anthony__avenue r to Cretin Avenue, and on the East side of Cretin Avenue, fribm. T -- Mpn . ptnQry Street to Roblyn__Av_enue,,__—._ _ ___. 11152 a roved June 23,1916 under Preliminary order. ..---._.-_._..._..... ...,..- :................... PP ...._._ _.._..._ _..__ ._.__..._ Intermediary Order ..: ........ ................. approved ........ ......... _ ___.......... _.... _....... ..._.._._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative" thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .._C431.5_ 9t a Cemenit ,, eldLtj.k to a St.Anthony avenue to Cretin Avenues and on the East side. of. Cretin Ave. from Lfent mer -Street to Roblyn Aventie��� _•.. ............. _:._ ....W.... _.._.._...__._.._............_._.__ ..._...... _......... __................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made." RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, end -submit same" to the Council for approval; that.upon said approval, the proper cit officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of. said improve. n rdance therewith. Adopted by the Council...:._._ /� —'-•- 191 1 �R Approved .... ._.... ..... ...._ _ L2 1317 .... 191 / ) V r y _.._.__....:._.. _ _.... .......... _y _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth «. Goss Keller .,_ my aao •' a �'"" c: 4:_ a�omE> � a c mar° c�G'D 6' e'tl • McColl coL EsL ro« mD o> d •D t>,`. oa �°m:: °c Ec aKC E AromE ro.oLa r^� tL�,. i>� i s me m,a _ 3F axro��m.�m ` `� - �i t,l _ ..�iF� c�a >EL.m vim c > `o Ly c Him$ a •� U a °XGc Mayor Powers �r�l.''+.,e. "c L i A>.go-. UaE�X^L aE �roroa tla4_EmJ nr. .Form B. S. A 8-7. ✓' °X ca cp�u"" .dos>ma3fa _(LD Eo o m m tic Ec k'°am> mKgcA�-:.. Ev : _ v w COUNCIL FILE NO. _ f� 12 INTERMEDIARY 0 In the Matter of Constructing a cement tile .of ..... . ......................................... ____feet_ on_the East___eide-,_of Montgomery Street, from St.Anthony avenue, id_..:IIze_t.in_.A�enite.._ aLtd _sZig_. the East aide of Cretin Avenue, from Montgomery Street to Roblyn.Avenue, ---- - _.._ _ _ tender Preliminary order._.:__:_...._...:_11152 June 23,1916 ...._ __ _ _..�. approved _....... _. r ...... .._ _..... - ,..� The Couneil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council -recommends is..Conatruot .s a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the -East side 1 of Montgomety Street, from St.Anthony Avenue to Cretin Avenue -- _._...... _.. ......... _.......... ......... _:._.w and cr. the East side, of Cretin Avenue, from Montgomery Street to _ _.. _...-:_ _...... ....__....__... Roblyn Avenue, -.--____ ............. .._...... _...... with no alternatives, and: that the estimated cost thereof is S 0.58 der lineal foot Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _..._...... 1OtU____ __..day of Ma Ch 1917: , at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber; nr+it x xJft of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner.of Finance give notice of said meeting to. the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ;:st a as estimated. Adopted by the Councilr� t { _ 191 _.i...w . • t tl � y /JCity Clerk. Approved-__..... Rag) Councilman. F rLsworth i "st '9 Rag IWuoop9 R 3'u . o ua„ G Ss a4! 'eu Ea uawanoaoul clay, ldop '•` - _ R7eu taNa4D aOe Xd p.ppuE 4aurq a44 ' M Boll .. "RI y'wa;u8vg41u 'yy aous 113r Jo ufi tlm .. v e .. 1'4, 4t iplina Ilu,, I,tjfd IS J. 1th •• 'N h. ` ..,tell bfontgm v a. , 9wuy� .. Y r < dosYtuYh6L A9 �ti•n *ytyl nii olni� at Y g i%oStesotvebaR on;' 9dtt SImDi9i7ment ��l,,,�or Po ers i a..:' urcv-riut's%h �[y`� wt k'mr�'aa..<tn the �.. _`r'ur �0.`Q.u2'Pc k Y Court .Form B. S. A. 8-6 Cou cil chamberr"'ti;"atl uiiding , House nd CIt; Th A he Corn• _ _ i ihen t f C[.Pa 1 hotlCe of 1 i of Plnn'ce p,Isons ana- in i m d m- tlnb to tee t St. PCe1.g T¢anotice of maga the Cit, in sI" S of tut the pereons ana stat- - - moetin[ tho Chart r at'wner p o land pla a of hearing, the In B.'he t� th of stimlted 1911. p 'the ¢-ou It 1?ub AdgPt a .Pah: G. 191. - A�proved10-19177 ....,..,......� CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �~ In the Matter of . Q'HO,ilLC1/Zf� ..C( L�S1� -�7�� Gl2 ST(/L Cf _: G� 4�711.......... 01.E j ll D//!/G �'lEr7/ piGIL c� G,/jar%°UKrG oi7lc.` �Gyt G'L.Go, T 4.trL '/0£/int,, G . 1�under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 9YS The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ . _ ............ .. _.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $0-58.....reT............ ....... _.... . linealfoot The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed- benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuatiorr of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to.the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated_._. .�' —. . 19.1 ' Commissioner of Finance. \ j (} / % »�2 T .� \. � »� \ : � } ° } .� ° ? ƒ� g ! � � <: � i � � d r l \ - �\.(\��\ d CC j§\ . _ \ \ � �`���[� \ /\9: j ' \ � . }l �/��[/ �/\� � [�� � [ \ © � ` � \ \ ƒ \ [. � � � \�\ �( <. . \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ � � ( \ \ \ i \ Z [ \ .�}� \ � .� §��. Iƒ\ . l;..� \�. �`\\�\� » . \�{�\ \. j.\ d� \.% < \ � \ \ \ / / : . , \�\ ©� � � \ \�\ { 2 .1 � < � {,[ \ � � � CC j§\ . _ - \ƒ» j ' \ � . }l : �/\� � « \.� y � ° �� © : 7 `dice of .the Commissioner, Od Public Works Report to Commissioner.of finance ......... Ju'y._3rd,...., .....191...6 To the Conuuissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn., f known as Council File No— 11152;.:appiojed..._.. _. _JUne 3rd.,.._ 1')].._C?., relative to ...........:..... constructing a cement tilt sidewalk to a width os six. feet on the _..e.as..t....:side ....of..... Montgomery ,St..._.:fxom....S.t....... Anthony _..Ave ....... to. Cxe.t.in_.AYe., and on the east side of Cretin Ave., from Montgomery' St. to Roblyn Ave. .......................... ...... ... ....... ........................... ....._................. ._.................................. ..... .... ........................... ..... ..__...........:.,........._.......... _.......................... ....._:_.._........:....................._ and having investigated the platters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . .........necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot 2. The Oitimated cost thereof is $..... _....... ...... and the total cost thereof is .. , ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows ....._...... ......... ............_.... _........ ............. _...... ....................... ...._...,...:_....,..........................................._..._............._.........._........._.... ................. ................ :._._........................... . _........:......__. . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............................:.. ... ............................... :......... .... .. ...... ..:,........ ...._....... ... 5. Said improvement is.... _...... ................... asked, for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. • ....... .... .... . Colamismioner of Public r OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK / }torch 12th,1917. Hon U.14 'Goes, 0omr.of Public Works. Doer Sir:- 917, its Iteetin r. of 11arch, loth, 1917, passe e he Council, Nt . t. �.,,,, attached sinal order for o eidowolk on'kontgomery St., and on Obtan e but referred the same to you for inveetigation. t� F Very respectfully ? 3t _ark. 777777 177 x- C COUNCIL FILE NO . __ _ f i FINAL ORDER. + - € In rt Matterof_. Constructing cement the sidewalk to a width ._.._ ......... ._._.. _.._.......... ..:_ of 8 x feet on the south aide of Almond et, from PaecaT Ave, to` — Hemline Avenue, FINAL ODDEiLS........:......—._...—_.:_—.—.—.___ ....:—. _. _. ._..... C. F. Vo. 15257— In, the 5257 In.the \fatter of constructing a cement _..._.-- the sidewalk to a width-or slz-feet—_..___....._.—.__.____ ...y{ .. the south Ida or Almond St from r dPa.cal ._\.. ..._.at pp11romv1ende Alen—, _...... ....... fi Order 11601 m, 11604 h i y 20, 1916 under Preliminary order. T..................... ... ... ._.._. ._ ................ .. Intermediary Order _... _............ _...... _......... p(ived s A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and "recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ Construct�a cement til'e sidewalk to a width of six feet on, the south side of Almond St. from Pascal Ave.' to Hamline Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to bepmade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and -. directed to prepare plans and specifications for,said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to. proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... . 191 _........ .._._--.._.................... .... .......... ...................�_ City Clerk. Approved _... ............... _.191 ........... Ct Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss /- t..0 - "✓ Keller " McColl Mayor PpvMM: 't 4m B. S. X&-7,' r -To the rcuncil of the -ril;y Cf St. Paul. Ve thr, undersigned, preseht this tc your hcncrahle body as d pr6teet �gnins,, crOe'ring a sidewalk on tne, south side of glmcnd Street from Pascal tc H,unline. a Name. No. feet frontage on glmcnd St. south side. . '•rte_. lam. x,.�` __--��—�—ZL � -- , �:..� _ -- d _ ��► i AL .� ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- F. I (4it� of fit. Paul, I o5cAq�uW9—c ....r Department of uulir 19oxftn - M-. N.GO$5; COMMISSIONER - GAR LL R. T. GOURLEY, DePUTY - eURuwu or sANR C1.9111 -01 o ALP. Rrz NG URscoRRECTn .. l ru g ' M. 9. GRRuuAK. e I G. N.RCR LG o 1-E St Paul, *iov.,8 1918. Goss, Commi'ssione r. of Public -Work Pear Sir:- In regard to the proposed sidewalks, Preliminary Order C.F.iio. 11604., hearing on which is set for icv.20th,1918. This order providing for a sidewalk on the south side of Almond street, from iiamline avenue to Pascal, avenue and on 'the west side of Hamline avenue, from Como avenue west to Midway Parkway, was presented to the council by Preliminary Order on July 20, 1916. About this time another order was introduced for tfie construction of a sidewalk on 1.the west side of iamline--avenue-, from Como .avenue west to Nebraska avenue, thus duplicating the portion of order called for in from Como avenue west to idway Parkway. The final order .'for constructing this walk on Hazline avenue was passed in ,larch 1917 and the work was constructed during the spring months. I have investigated the location of the walk under discussion and can find no good reason why the walk should not be constructed. About.80 feet of this sidewalk is now constructed. From,general appearances and from information obtained I find that the street is used considerably by parties residing in the iu:r,.ediate vicinity who' take the Como=t1arrlet-car at rar::line avenue, J Yours truly, " Sidewa1Zngine'er Chi# of 0�4tnt caul -OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY. !CITY CLERK Apr. EoY:..i.i.?f. S0:' Corer. 5 P-,lic lrtt:zc ;e,l i .1 ordor "�r ua;t_, a t'ae ou:a ride ".Llo: i t. w.o iaW over to April lrta, 1917, and . efat•r.d to ;lou, the Council to visit 'fiery reuneWul?y, Ui// city C_er" CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF --&NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i In the Mattet o F%j�!ILh(y ..... �L.! 1.2_ l Ql ?iGv 4!. ( :?<1�.1�..�....� �f.�..: /JFf/_G+��, :'�iJcr,��j'..o{ �_. G(<o!u 0% ...��...c7e.:4.�.............. ._........ .......... .._.. .. ...:_ _................................. lot under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ... ..:....:. __........ _ _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r DES.CRIPTfON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 61TOTAL, �:d r/ The Commissioner`of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... ��_ ......... 191.. ..v�.G :�_.. ... �:....... ......_ Commissioner of Finance. Vora, 13. B. 13 i of *aiuo :11aul 'OFFICE OF JOHN I: FARICY. CITY CLERK' SJErch lOth,1917. Hon. Go,o, hh r 1-d II L;omr. of Public Works. Dear Sir: ,i Attached Final Order, 15257, to constr,IE"�'Ssidonolk'' on the south side of ALaond St. -we laid over to Ul Anril 9th,1917, and referred to you. Youro truly, Cit Clark.. 7 } } y .f tic 4 t I �1 � _ .� � � S �. # ; � � � � i �' � �. � i � � ! � � i S �� j � , _ � � _ t I f - CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI ENaL No., AUDITED__46,11-191 636 Resolved that warrants be dravin upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and,.; in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following _ detailed statement: Yeas ( i ) `Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counc�191 . Fa nsworth U s Approved %� __9191 H3 land In favor C Kt Iler MAYOR NI(Coll t/ _.._ .__.Against Wi nderlich NIr. President, Irvin C. F Ao. 152584 Resolved that warrants be drawn l pon the City T=, ry, payable out of - - - the. herelnnfter ed funds and In favor of the,Perhons, firma oY corpora- - tlonn for the amounts yet gppo9lte their' - tonrasoncing detatlead stat meifi d In the 1 _ - - - S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r: Finance. 3- "- - - Co.G. E2.A. -Kees Domestic Ensineertn kr. . . " - a. D NicolU fi Gregg, $8.72,- b - Pitt b gr Flet"I"'Co. E 6 23. Ad opted the C Il .Itch. 10, 191 i. 3 - - - ..-...,.-._ .- ^ APP ved ,11th. 12, 1917: .. lira rch 17-1917) . ... E2 12780 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. Finance'. 61.60 Fire C. & B. , 781 Haman & Dvorak 3.00 C. H, & C. H. -Exp. 782 G.'A. Kees Domestic Engineering Co,, 2,494.34 New Zibrary.Bldg 783 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 8.72 Street C. & R._Exp.m 784 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 26.23, - Com1r. Pub..Works-Exp. o a 2,593.89 w J r, ... _.: -. CITY .OF -ST. PAUL -. COUNCIL, RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Subject: .. ..., FOEMGIL ^' �2", q 1f — Dale Presented Mar. 9 th 1 . 191 7 Resolved, /That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms award of contracts to the REPUBLIC CREOSOTING CO., for furnishing materialfor.naving various streets, as follows MOUNDS BLVD. E..7th to Clermont. 3608, Sq. Yde. 3J" (9 $1.67 .........� 5,025.36 RICE ST - UNIVERSITY TO N�P,_BRIDGE. 24,.190 Sq. Yds. 3}" V 1.67 ................... 40,397.30 e. COMO AVE Rice St to-2.N. Bridge.. 15,141 Sq. Yds. 3j" lb? 1.67 .................. 25,285.47 PRIOR AVE University to Minnehaha. 5,116 Sq.'"�td.e."._74_"._ �..... i. 7 ' :..`...'.............. 543.72 GRAND AVE Milton"to 6retin. *2,723 Sq Yde. W IN 1.B7. ......... ...... 71,347.41 ROBERT ST.-- 8th to_Central. 6,925 Sq. Yds. ?" 1.67 ......... 11.564.75 The total amount 6f the contract being .$163,164,01 approximately .. F.B. Nos. 1151-1152-1153-54-55-66.' C 1. v .152 9 173'\1. N Goa R olvwl. TI t the C un It he el c i upprorea the etFon E the t',urchnvinti - - ut t It[ 1 h b c flr � Inrd f c er t to th Rep DII C. o t i F C r f 1Dlnt, t lal [or Yeas (✓) C uni:ilrnen (✓) Nays I �, I - t tn, t u s _ - r , M ,ae III,d 1 7th t C7 n t �l�n 1� 191 F ns..", 3GI s S, $1.67 Ec oz 3G.. ted by the Council _ nl e -tic t1 I lir to '� . t t+ridgy pp ted a 2 4 100 S4 1 d F• !! 31 G7. $40.397 30 1. ,.. 19 7 % l H and In—N. I. , °'$1 e I "� 9 191 Ke ler $25 14 tia Approve r 1 A, 1 It i�uin3 t, cr�u�n. s7. I M all ltG sn l 7t, 4 Et G Es.s4a 7z W derlich a 1 /v,/ t .. .427 4 qMAYOR Mr. Presiden Irvin s7t.a�7.41 Robert Rt.. 361'.,1y $1.67, EI G7 �t$tIl'S64 .ORM C. 8-2 fi.n2G Sn. lda. 3.. •• nt,111" - lh tot, 1 mount [ the ro 1 l F npP, 1 ,tclr E161 164_011. fi5., fiG. 1151-0115-, 1164; n ld o ptc,d t the ou II10 1917. ,t1.prnce1INIt c12.11117-i) c9.. OF. ST PAUL COU.NCtL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM 1 4 Subject:_ Counts I - - FILE No.. . - 9th 191.7. tL/ . Date PresentedMar• r Resolved, That the Council-hereby approves the action of-the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms award of contracts to WALTER T. LEMON, for furnishing material for paving various streets, as follows.. . MOUNDS BLVD B. Seventh St. to Clermont. 1635 Cu, yds. Concrete sand @ $1.08 a.y................. $1765.80 271 " " Crush. Rock for Con. P*ve. ® 2.20 c.y. 596.20 1343 " " Screened Sand @ 1.08 c.y. ..... 1450.44 654 " " Trap rock a 2.00 cu. yd. ....s 1308.00 PRIOR AVE - University to Minnehaha 426 Cu. Yds, Concrete sand @ $.95 ...................a 404.70 297 " " Cushion Sand a .95 .. 282.15' MISSISSIPPI BLVD - City Limits to Summit Ave. 1660 Cu. Yds. Concretb sand for Con.Base V 1.10 ......... 1826.00 160 " " Screened sand for curb @ 1.10 `......... 176.00 976 " " Trap Rock @ 2.00 1952.00 The total amount if the contract being approximately .......... $9761.29 F.B. Nos. 1151-1154-1157. C. F. No. 15260-13y -II: N. (;..a— Resolved, Than the Council hereby - approve. the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby. conflnms award q f can tracta' to Walter T. Lemon. for _ furnishing _.matcrlat for pavingv-1- one street., as follows:.. - - Mounds Blvd.. E. Seventh Street to - Clormont. - - 1635 Co. yd.. Concrete '.and kJ $1.08 c. y.,.;1.765.80. '. 271 Cu. yd... Crush. Rock for Con. - Pa\ 0 E2.20 y., $596.20, ' 1343 Cu. Yd S..-...cd Sand 0 $1.08 - a, y ;I 460 44 - Is Trap -roc1 &1i E2.00 cu. I. - Yeas (v)Counci men ( ✓) Nays Yd.,;12os -Prior Ave., Linlveraity..t F4.ills nennha. �,;QE: Tarns Orth 426 Cu. yds Concrete and 6a 95c, 1c Council 191 '. 04 70. Coss In favor 297 Co. Ida. Cushion sant) @ 95c, $282.16. Hyla - III..laxippt RI d; city. Limits to Sam- Wit um- Kelle 1660 Co. yds Concrete sand for con. nnac Fd $1.10, Screened MCC 11 Against' .160 Cu. yds, Screened Band for 976 _ !i, $1.10; $176 00. wU I t111C11 976' Cu.. yds. .Trap Rock; p $2.00.. ' $i 96E D6 MwYOR Mr. President, Irvin '' Th;0" let ambnot of the contract being nPp ..I.. sly $9.761.29: - - IO"M C. 8.2 P A No.. 1161 1764-1167 \ 1 pt td by th Counet] Mch. 10. 1917, \t,prov'ed hlch. 12 1917 (Ararch 17-1917) - CITY OF.ST- PAUL.. - -GENERAL`FORM �� `✓ iL' �� COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—, - Subject:_ j C,'F. No 16261=13Y 11 N. Re lv d, That the Council herby by _ aopro es the action of thePu h sink COV�yc�L ' Committee. and hereby cond m award FILE NO..:4�. - .contracts to,the J. L. Shi ly Ca.. f.r trnisbing .material for. pavink. vnrl .. ......: Is as f lI. .Ttounis Blvd., E 7th til. to Clermont. Ant Y. Crushed for tfian.00 ® Date Presented -Mara .9th, 191 7. .: .:.. . rock[.. sendurb. Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committeeand hereby confirms award of contracts to the'J.L. SHIRLY CO., for. 'furnishing material for paving various streets, as follows: MOUNDS BLVD H. 7th St.. to Clermont. 320 c.y, Crushed rock for curb 0 $2.00 coy. .. ••••.••• � 640,00272.00 320 c.y. Coarse Asphalt sand ® .85 c.y. ........•- $�RICK ST. UNiversity to N. P. Bridge. -or gravel V. $1.60 c.y. ........ 5984.00 3740 c.y, Crushed'stone COMO AVE Rice St. to G.N. Bridge, or @ $1.55 c.y. ....... 3482.85 2247 c.y. Crushed stone gravel PRIOR AVE - University to Minnehaha. 712 c.y. Crushed atone or gravel (p.$1.75, COY .•...... 0 1246.00 GRAND AVE Milton to Cretin. 3561 c.y, 4095.15 Concrete Sand ® $L115 c.y. ..•••••• 2703.65 2351 c.y. Bcreened sand ®1.15 c.y, ....•••• 860.00 2.00 430 c.y. Crush. rock for curb a .. .... ROBERT ST -.,8th to Central. 1807 c.y. Crushed stone or gravel.- $1.45 c.y* .......#0 2620.15 MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. 320 c.y. Crushed rock - Granite -• Trap rock or 672.00 Gravel for Curb. @'$2.10 c.Y. ......... 392.70 462 c.y. Coarse Asphalt sand (� .85 c.y. .......... The tbtal amount of the contract being $2$,968.50 approximately .. .. ........ ............. F.B.Noe, 1151-52-53-54-55-57-660 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 1� I' 191 Adopted by the Council°;Q Farns orth Goss Hyla d Kelle In favor APproved191- Me II Against Wu erlich . MAYOR Mr. President Irvin .FORM C. 9.2 oo t�'•UYy.� LVyyl•.L1.:• 1 /� �.. -CITY OF ST. .PAPL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL .." Subject::..__ ." moi. i` ' • r+ ,. .. - COUNCIL NO; t_r1� c_'7. , FILE - Date Presented Mar. 9th, 1917719:k Resolved,1m?t the Council hereby approves the action of the PurchI ing Committee and hereby confirms award of contract to the SE. PAUL material for paving of various CRUSHED STONE CO., for furnishing streets as foilowst POUNDS BLVD - E. 7th St to Clermont.. 525 c.y., Crush. Rock or gravel for Concrete '........•� base $1.75 c.y. ...$918.75 Concrete Base $1.75 ....0850.00 2200 o.y. Crush. Rock,for GRAND A ._VE. ; _(1lton "Cretin. 5934 c,y. Crushed Stone or Gravel $l.fi5 ....•.•• 9791.1.0 being approximately$14,559.85 The total amount of the contract Formal Bd.NoS. 1151•-1155. - isFa-nr nf. v. cess- Reaoly d. Thal the Council hereh, - - nnproveS the xetlna of tha..L'urchaeln¢ Commit tee here", confirms award - nt cont'rnct to the St. PaulCrushed in Stone Co., or tur.I.hing mnterlal for ' - nn,ing of vxrlous streets as follows: ' \{nand x nlvd.. h1. 7th St. to Clermont. - ,v. Cruuh. no 1, o gravel for " Concrete "use ¢? $1.75 e. y..$918.76. - 2200 c. Y. Crush, Rock for Concrete - nase 7 $1.75. 8" " -. tfJ ton 502.. c. CruehedlStone Cretin. or Grlavel $1.65, $9,"101,30. - The total amount of the rontrnet be- - Ing apProzlmntt+lY $14.559.85. _ .Formal old No,. 1151.1166. . Adopted by the Council Mch. 10, 1017. Approved Tlch. 12. 1017, " - (,,farch. 17-1017) - - Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (J) Nays 1 O Adopted by [he Council. -191 Par cilorth Go" In favor H nd K r Approved M oil Against W derlich Mwron Mr, Preside Irvin Foam c.— - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --d ENERAL. FOR Subject: , - COUNCIL • FILE NO. Q - ... .: ... N. C Re.olvedb Tha B the Coo tts-he shy r e Mar 9th 191 pprovee the action or the 1'u�ch ami Date Presented. 'Committee and hereby ttir fna.r CO--'- �. ?• or eontraeta to the Kettle Inver Co., Y for rurnteht g m [crIal for Pavi rleua tre to a •I r.D - Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the"Purchasing Committee and hereby .confirms 'award, of contracts to the KETTLE RIVER CO,, for furnishing .material for paving aar-i:ous streets,'s.8 follOws: ° MOUNDS BLVD E. 7th St. to Clermont. ,11 Square Sandstone Covers. 0 $12.75 Ea IF ...........$140. 5 14 Drip Stones @ 2.75 " ........... 38.50 RICE ST, - University to N.P. Bridge. 8,332 Lin. Ft. Straight Sandstone Curb @.62>e l.f...... .5165,84 828' Radius` " " 0.72¢ I.f..... 596.16 COMO AVE • Rice St. to G.N. Bridge. 139 tin. ft, 201 Radius Sandstone Curb. @ 72jt l.f. 100.08 212.7 " " 151 " " " @72je' 1.1. 153.14 12.6 " " 21 " _il " ® 72;e l.f, 9.07 PRIOR AVE -—University to Minnehaha. .3,151 Lin. Ft. Straight Sandstone curb 0 62,e l.f. ...1953.62 140.32 " " Radius " " 72je l.f. ... 101.03 ROBERT ST, 8th to Central. 6,084 Sq. Yds. Sandstone paving blks. x.1.65. .......7605.00 The total amount of the contract being approximately ..... $15862.69 F.B. Nos. 1151-52-53-54-66. l , Yeas (✓) Counc Imen (✓) Nays ?QP YO Farns Orth Adopted by the Council 191 Goss In Favor Hyla d Kolle Approve MCC ll Against d ti 1 3 1 i 1� VWun erlich Mr. President, Irvin MIIYQR FORM C-2 F, CITY OF ,ST. PAUL f. _ _ -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:1 _. .. _ COUNCIL NO _ .LE Date•Presented_ Mar. 9th, 19147 _- Resolved, ThEt the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing' Committee and hereby confirms award of contracts to the PIERCE OIL CORPORATION, for furnishing material for paving of various streets as followsl MOUNDS BLVD E. 7th St.'to Clermont. 160 'Tons Asphalt cement $16.40 ton ........ ..$2624.00 MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. 238.92 Tons Asphalt cement CD 16.40 ton ............ 3918.29' The total amount of the contract being approximately.$6542.29 F.B. Nei. 1151 & 1157. C.I esoived,62Thntn the Connells hereby n es .the ette. to the 11pr xward - t Com ittee and. bore or t acts to the Pierre 011 Corpor Cion, [or. (orrlls streets 0.tot, V fon Pny t— of vI loh9 . hf -nds Rlv 1.. F.. -th St eto Clermont:- len, Tons Asnh It ,cement. v $18.40 _ Per to 52,824 00 Ri \IlssisslDPi e R levnrd. i 23R 92 Tons A halt cement 40 ' s1 F.40 Per too $7018.29. The total amount n1. the enntroct be- Ing a..ro"ately 50542.29: F. R. Nes..11fil end 1157. Adopted by.the Councl] .lith. 10..]917. Approved ,teh. 12.1917 Iblarch 17-1917) Yeas (✓) Co'Cil-en, (J) Nays �'AR 10 1ni .191 Far sworth Adopted by the Council Go! In favor ' Hy nd Approv MA, 3 ti I'7,' 191 Mel r b . Mc oll Against Wt iderlichMAYOR Mr. Presiden ; Irvin ' FORM 'C. PUBLISH);;D __... I - �.. _ CITY -OF 9T. PAUL aCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM. e C F Sub)eet: - R aplved, Thnt th Council hereby ppproveathe Retl tIhe PurChHelnR FO ENCIL N0. V Committee and hereby condrIn nward ' -' nt contrnrte to [he St:Paul Bdtldere ., .. - - -'-- ltuterinl Cp.,. to turnleliing mat.rlsl +nr pav{nR VarlFu 7lh rSttA[o ClerlmonY. - nrlex alzss 3t. Date Presented Mar, ' 9th, 191 7 Resolved, That The Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms award of contraetvL6 the. ST. PAUL BUILDERS MATERIAL CO., for furnishing material for paving various streets as follows. MOUNDS BLVD E. 7th St. to Clermont., 28.000 Slewer Brick ® $12.56 ...................$ 350.00 " RICE -ST University to G.N. Bridge. 4678 Bbls. Portland Cement ® $2.38 bbl. .........11,126.50 841 Lin. ft. 120-V C. Sewer pipe ® 35je 294,35 75 " " 9" M Is " a 22;e .......... 16.50 1 V.C. "Y" 9"x9" @ 88¢ ....................... ... .88 1 V . C . "Y" •12"x12" ® 1:.40 ............... e ..... 1.40 17,000 Sewer brick ® 12.50 ) ................... 212.50 COMO AVE Rice'St. to G.N. Bridge. 9,200 Sewer brick a $12.50 )1 .................... 115.00 t;. PRIOR AVE UNIVERSITY AVL TO MINWMAHA 1,000 Bbls. Portland cement a $2.38 bbl. .. 2,380.00 233 Lina ft. 12" Sewer pipe ® 35¢ L.F.-..s....` 99.05 136, w w 6" w .w @ 13¢ LSF ..... 17.68 14,000 Sewer Brick @ 12.50 jf .... 185.69 MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. 11 494.18 4726 Bbls. Portland Cement ®2.43 bbl ....... '488.64 . 12;977 Lin. ft. Vit; Drain Tile ®,03} L.F. .�• 187.20 14,400 Sewer brick. @ 13.00 Jt ...... ROBERT ST. jjghth To Centra. 2,725 Bbls. Portland`Cement- @ 2.38 bb- . 6,485.50 438 Lip. ft. 12" V.C. Sewer Pipe 0 35¢ L.F. 153.30 16,485, Sewer' Brick ® 12.50 )1 .. 206.16 The total amount of the contract being approxi.. mately ... .y......................i',812.53 .. ........ u F. Nosr 1151-1152.1153..1154-1157-1166.', Yeas(✓) Counc m Farns rthen (1) Nays It•��� 191 Adopted by the Council Goss 1n favor Hylan - Approved j M Q' 1 7 19l Keller Against J McCol 111�i� Wund llch / y- MAYOR r_ President, i in FORM C.8•2 a J•� . .^ I , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Sub1'ect:... t COUNCIL NO ➢(�..7i Date Presented Mar. 14th, 1917 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms award of contract to the MIDWAY LIME & CEMENT CO., for furnishing material' for paving of . Grand Ave. from Milton St. to Cretin Ave, as follows' 471 ft. 12" V.C. Sewer pipe @ .35 per lin. ft ...... $ 164.8 .5 1,555 Sewer brick 0 $12.50,per ......:..., 19.43 89269 Bble. Portland cement @F 2.38 bbl. ............,19',680,22 The total amount of..the contract being approximately '...$19,864.50 F.B. No. 1155. -Ejv. C Re ol—d. That lh C 11 hereby nv ee the tion f .the Purcltasind C n Ittee trnct It ache x111 ny 1'i tne R Ce- - of cfor, mentnCo. for furnlohi !, mn1111t i tit. t nvioK of G nnN`tfoll f n 15c to cretin 1V 1 r: S. pipe 411 ft. 1 per, e Iln. 4t '$154.85 !b $12.50 per M 1.555 5 ment$1."$:. $71.43. 9,43. 1111 1 ortln 1 e . UUTtie itatnl amount of the nt zc/ he- jlnnhn,sP Imotuly.$19.864.50. .N 1155: Adoptedb th• fbuneil\I .ch. 70, 1917 APPt'o ed +ti h: 1:,17-111,7 1117 Y. Y Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays VAR 10 FarnsM%orth Adopted by the Council 191 Gos In favor Hyl nd R 191' ► 191 Kell r Approved Me 11 Against Wu ulich , V. Mr. President,. Irvin Mnrow FORM 0.8-2 - CITY-OF-ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RES OLUTI ON-GENERAL FORM Subject:. • 1; s e t 1 COUNCIL FILE NO.... .:. Date 'Presented Mara O th l _ 191 7 Resolved. That the ,Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confiraeaward �of contract to the CAPITAL _CITY LIME & CF mIr CO.,,for furnishing material for paving of oto Ave.'from Rice St, to. G'. N Bridge, as follows. 625 Ft. 12" V.C. Sewer Pipe C? 35je ft. . $218.75 2900 Bble. Portland cement n $2.38 bbl. ... 6902.00 The tota'l.amount of the contract being approximately... $7120.75 Formal Bid. No. 1153. C Resolved. 1 r0-rn �1 r Goli he U)' The' th f Pure Inf:l tion nrd Cproven the lti hereo ndr e . C mmitt Cnntt nl Clmat Fiat - r n..tle" to the, h Rice Sl O g-Celm•nt. Co., for fU\ r. f-re For Pa vtrC of Como, tollow"s: to G. N. 13YidRe, ae '. 636 Ft. W V. C. Sewer PIPP 36c rl;, .$310.7 i. P.j."oed cement T. E2.31 .2900 1?hl 1>r- _ UUI.. $69020amoupt f the •ontr.et. The to r Ell 0.,6 pp"..'-dsl.' 1163. .Formal Rld th uncil .lich. 10. 1917. Adopted UV the Cis APP pvetl lMe bi0 eh Yeas (J) Cot ncilmen ( J) Nay's Far isworth Adopted by the Council mp l n t ^ 191 Co ' In favor Hynd Ke er APProved/ - 2 i f 191 (/ M oll Against N1 i J y derlich v Mr. Preside . Irvin MAvOR FORM C:8-2 PUi3Lt`ulla;u CITY OF S7. PAUL i COUNCIL RESOL-UTI.ON—G,EN.ERAL FFORM - ,Subject:.._' counoa FILE N 0...., Date'Presented'_1dar. .9th, _ 191 7` e Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the "action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms award .of contract to the CHAS. H.ANSEN BLDG. Co., for furnishing. material. for'paving of Mounds Boulevard from E. Seventh St. to Clermont St., as follows: 4619 Fbls., Portland cement @,$2.38 bbl. , ...$10,992,22 794 Lim. ft. 12" V.C.'Sewer pipe l) .34f1 L.F. ... 269,96 The total amount of the contract being approximately ,:$11,263;18 F.B. No. 1151- C. F. `7o.'15267-13y.➢t. N. (3018— nesolvep. Tint. ttic ('ounclI hereI afnrov- the et f'the Prl'chasing Committee and herehr confirms. award of.c nlrnrt to the Chns. Har— Bldg. - Co.for furnishing material for paving - of M.era. noule—ld from E Seventh St' to ClermoS nt L, I s ws: follo 619 nils. t'ortiond, ,ten -t. Q $2.18 bbl., $10.99A 22. 7194 Un. ft. 12" V. C. Sewer Pipe. .'..The total amount of the contract do Al hemp an xim f IJ $11.2 G1.18. 17 1 .aparted d 1)Ytl e.191Council Nel 10, 1917. \PP \ di1ar. 72'191 (4inrch 17 1417) Yeas (✓) Cod c'lmen (✓) Nays Fara orth Adopted by the Council M0 f,) r ~ .191 Goss In favor HylaKell Approved 117. -_ 19L. MCC Against Wur I rlich Mr. President, vin FO"M'C. 9.2 EUBL1Sii6D CITY 017 ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM COUNCIL FILE N Date Presented :.tar •' 10, 1917.._ aResolvad, That the t'l on of t.e °ol i. �- r sono for License to o o n ote or e tc.uranoa at t1le to ca tio__r, rer re >iv 117 the e "e "& -Y --ranted an,Cthc City Clerk is aut>.oriz L lire:,ted to isoue.`3t^il i..er. r ,;y .gin,'. to SL7LJ.j arTlioa.nt upon the ;ay::lent of the fee required 07 :•?-� T —'-.. _. �' .. -•---• Til°�TV: T. 7i1Lda:n8, T e;aaurwnt, 477 `t. Peter 8t;' Sp leoroulos _: Co, e taura,nt,. 154 7. 3r3, or an, -otel, 410 Jwckeon, y."e oie, rdiso Motel, 418 Lloyd rai;, =ote' (iTicolet) 189 7 s'n, peter Clan;8" c:.eftaurant, 780 'ta:asha, C. 1 An?er:uo., e t�szar_t, 1581 " elby Ave., utl r Al, .•antler, T er;taur ait, A2 Exohan. e, A. :>leisoner, e^taura.nt, 308 '.i "t D acent, �ataiirant, 2513 U .1ve27T U , • Tyan, run,h F.00;i, 578 Teu-;eranod, .: . - C. r.-�o. t 299—�lication Resolved Th. if,Po toe the - license ro114tvinat P duct Hotels o Restnur In ted at the and 'granted - cations respectt"l and the theeame hereby' ad directed City Clerk in authorizad to 19aue each ]fceneea to said. applicant of the fee..repulred. , - - upon the Payment b>• law. 477 St. G. T. William.. Restaurant, Peter St_ A. SPyI poulOa & Co., Reat urtint.' 164 E. 3rd S[. Hotel, tel.10 418 8 Sib ey. EHotel _ Fay.He 1 Lloyd: C alt„ Nicolet)81891W.. - - 4th SL • Petr CI¢ c . Reatau ant, 780 Waba- " ahfl St. '. C \, And- son, Reetnurnnt 1681 _ Yeas' (✓) Cou ilmen ( ✓) Nays 'elby :p Butler & Alexand=_r, Restaura t 42 N. Ezcha ase st. t �{- • - A. Glet an r, Restaurant, 808-�Rieo Far worth j - - S A D. -M c nt, Reetnurnnt.-S 13 Unt ¢ 3y the •q p VAR ! f l Council �" G In f�,;, verelty Ave. 191 nd - K r Ill oil B. F. Ryan. Lunch Room,, 678 Tom ,c fperance:'St. d Adopted by the Council Mch 10 1917 rove AB1 A➢Proved Mch.12,71917. , ? A TR .•I91 - _ nderllC}1 - (March 17-1917) Mr. Presid ,Irvin y FORM C. a•2 _ "MA%OR V CITY-OF'ST"'PAUL- '. _ CCU N C I L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - -' Subject:....... COUNCIL FILE - FILE NO.. ....- ..:.... Date Presented :bar'.. 10, )917. Resolved, That the ap- i. =.tion of the f 1 o•,in ner:= :ror a licence. to otele o 7 e ta- anto at th'l I oc do .3 re +.e: iv- 1__1 �vee:l ' e 1 t' re ar .ierA Y, denied. YLa lo-oie 7... "o'_ ins, Hotel, (,0zarR :otel, ). 23 r. 5th 2 t. Yeas (d) Councilmen ( ✓)'Nays Farnsworth rt',AP 10 ' Adopted by the Council __._ 191 Gose In favor Hyland Keller Approved 191 _ McColl Against Wunderlich M . President, Irvin L MAYOR rFORM o", ., .. _. .. I All T0. THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL • of the City of St. Pau • / hereby male application to the Co of ie •ty- of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ` �L L ; :1 _. . _<. j and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the ame a li an for said License is....... .: -- ._........ �AAA� and his (its) place of residence �/J/` stmt (av nue) in the City of St. Paul; that .. , . the exact to ion of W lic11`the , d licant proposes to carry on business is.... -- '/ .., in the City of S . P hat tl e saklll�P�ant is- fX ........... ...._... no%�. engaged in said business. at � ----- � in the City of St. Pa Dated this day of:._ ... . ........ .. -................ ........ ..... .................. - ............. ' APPlicant. - Date of expiration of License.... ...... ..... - ------------ --- ------- --- l�i = 2--- Date of Inspection .....::- .Cts 19177.._.. ..: -------- _---------------------------- -.... Fire Protection .:.._ " = -- - - Fire ..... -:. ----- ..... Ventilation of Building . --- - Meats and Provisions.._ .......... ........ .. .j .._.......... ..................... ._._... Beds and Bedrooms ._..--- ----------- 'v � Toilet Rooms and Plumbing ._....._. .- - - - - - Kitchen and Utensils.... -- ,Ldj-rte __... :....... ......... _ - --- .... ...... ._ �jifiyrA... ........................_............... Refrigerator and Store Room......... - -•- - ........-.--............ Basement and Cellar :_.._..... - — Back Yard .....:..1-.... ......................... General Condition of Premises License Recommended City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved `' _"". ` ( Officer. Health i CITY OF' ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.—GENERAL. FORM.., Subject:. COUNCIL a FILE. NO....: Date Presented 191 eIso Rl That the lfatol Llconao haretoforu ivouo%t . solved, � o��(�.F•� U to conduct a llotol at. /.2. be and the o:c:o it; llorOtry revoked on'.the ;;reundo ail_, iho o1a3; ].ioeusoo Irtto burin conViCtod of r Yeas W) Councilmen ( I,*) Nays I^ I Adopted by the Council 191 F4rnsworth /r�r.ident, Gosa / In favor Keller i Approved, _. 191McColl L> __. Against Nash Yoerg Powers MnroR FORM C.6.2 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC IL RES OLUTION—GENERAL FORM I Subject:....:_ COUNCIL FILE -40 ." w Date Presented.,. 191 Resolved, Tutt» %3as ljobls3 �sz,ttav lt:r:ua,�y�oac, S.;�aua�ij »o:6 { u r:7t5IU�r U F! 3 rtl w s ✓ T j.. to :,nd tlio u';L o U IIc> cbj r•CV1%'0l on +ems ; rasund,-z v _ ,� Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( I,) Nays VAP 117) l !" ` Adopted by the Council ...... 191..... Farnsworth GossIn favor Keller Approved__._.. 191._:... McColl Against Nash Yoerg ......... Mr. President, Powers .....MwroR FORM C.a-2 CITY OF ST_ PAUL - COUNCJL RESOLUTPON--GENERAL FORM i Sutbject:....:.. councic - FILE NO... Date Presented V. 191 _ That the Hotel Li •••••••• ... Resolved,cense heretofore ias t/d/L> to conduct a Hotel at.•'�•' •"-�' ' `� ' "� be and the same is hereby revoked on the grounds that the said licensee has been convicted of Yeas (W.,.n.w'.rtbctmen ( V Nays ' Adopted by the Council- n:��191 In Favor oss Approved �"ller % !McColl ✓1i(�., .. .. .. ,v-— ......... .......... .........: ... .. .MAYOR, Mr. President;"Powern FORM O.a-E - • CITY O:FST.PA' _L' CO NCIL RESOtiUT10 —G NERAL FfORM .- .. Subject: .7-1 c • P (�• U COENCIL j4 .............. r: Date Presented, �19 Resolved, That the Hotel License heretofore iesued to. �i✓� S!'r.j: to conduct a Hotel at..S be-and the setae is herCoy revoked on the grounds that the said licensee hes boon convicted of ✓ y , Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss 7... In favor Keller G Approved.. 191._...,. McColl Against Nash / Yoerg _. - ......... ............ - MAYOR Mr.. President, Powers FORM C-0.2. - - CITY SOF .ST.. PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM _527: 3 Subject:, COUNCIL '- FILE NO. i Date,Presented Mar.10.1917 191 I' Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee and hereby confirms'award of contract to A.C.Jefferson for furnishing lumber as may be required during the year 1917 to the various departments for'the sum•of approximately $6115.89. Said lumber to be furnished in accordance with Formal Bid No. .1172, in such quantities and at such times as may be ordered.. C.- F. ko. 1527E—By 3f. N. Goes— .o` - Resolved, That the Council hereby - Yapproves the actio n4 the Purchasingd Committee and he by. ondrof contract to A. C. Je ma awar of ping intober as mnyrhe re Ired during the year. 1977 to i [e aD i. s departments for the. t. ntely $0115.89. Saldalumh to be. furnished In ecordancc it Fo mnl ,- BId�No.meg2.slmaysuch he ordered nd nt) - au�dnPtedby the Council Mch. 10, 1d17. Approved1917. (\Jarchy17-1917), �--- - Yeas (J) Coun Amen (✓) Nays r Farn orth Adopted by the Council 191 �: Coss / In favor_ Hyl d. MA .1 !�i' 191 Kell r' Approved ' ( 1 Me II Against V Wu erlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR 'FORM c. B•2. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUNCIL No _ FILE O, - Date Presented RESOLVED,. That t �� he following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicatedpursuantto applications duly'made therefor._ No. From (Name and Address) To (dame and Address) No. 11,Petriok 3: panacuk,558 Broadway, Laboduk & .rawchuk, 559 Broadway. No.2 6 ohn C. Comlina,;0 E. 5th St. Theodore J. Buselmeier,.'90 L. 5th St. Z_ No.r „ x .. B 1 dward B. .LcUuigoo E inn .--3rd . St.Goarge Doasey, goo E. 3rd 5t. No.222 Preston.& Nekis 49 Wabas_na"St•: Jamas Nekis,497 Wabasha St. No.04,Ernest Spohn„F37 Western Ave. Le- is L. Yetzger Co.,385 Jackson St. _ No. P. No. 15276— Resolved, That the folio vtng desig. - Iikquore n,tcdteboa tr nnsferred-ato sell i. LIndicate No. . - ---- — - - -- nu rauun[ to nppifeationa duly -.made therefor: - No. 311; from Petrick & Panaeuk, No.'558 73 roadway, to I.abodek & Xrxw- -- -- ` ------ ----------- -- _-."chuk, 558 Broadway. r.aI C. Cornlin. `11 St 7 to �Theodoret. J. Due imrfer; 0 No. H. lith St. No. 891, from Edward n. McGuln- n.. 606 E. 3rd St., to George Doane. - No. ... r: 3rd st. ----._--------_-- ---_.-.._ _: Nn. 222, from Preston & Nekla, 497 - Wabasha St., to .Jame. Nek(s, 497 ' wahasha St. r No .- - No. 304, from Ernest. B. Spohn, 537 - ---------- --- -- --'- 'Il'estern Ave., to Lewis L. Met2ger Co., - X280 Jackson St. Adopted by the Connell Mch. 10, 1917. No. • Approved Mch. 12. 1917. (March 17-1917) No. No. No. No. Peas ( ) Cuul cilmeti ( j Nays ` Fart sworth Adopte(1 by the Council ����? (% f' • 191.......... GO& LI Livor lI7 Hyl nd Approved _..�..... 191._..... Kel r Mc 011 - _ .Igainst Wul erlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR Petition Council Rile No... ..:..... ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following' public im¢iovement` by `the • Ity of St. Paul, Yiz.:..:.f%on�t�uot.:a...a_a?9ent.:...til.e:...aiti�valk. to $;irith.f...sis...eet_pn: both sides_-.of Cottage.._5t...3.gom,.�r».e1e .St-..:..:tet c�'.or.. ..._8t.i .irC.crs5x e with petition." hereto_._attaohe ,._ .... < /- --. _— _ ........ r y r._ ............._...._ .._............. _ _ / t r .... .. .... Dated this., 12th _"day,of Groh ,,,f ... 19 R i f t Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER." WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot._e.t.n._a...sv311th....oi..aia... sat..:.on.._ bath....eidea of Cottage , t . Pxom:.dx.4ach St_....._to For wt_.St.... _. _..._ I•Ra'LIMINARY ORDBR9.- hh onn n �, rlt to -nl f. . I I r u,e rnuo„t0t.` i hro........ ..: ... ................___._ tonntruct n ee—t tue ............ ..... ... .... ... ._....'"Idth or els feet i Lot", having been presented to the Council of the G otat. Yaw „' t ouncilman....... .. ..... ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .. ............. ............ .... ...................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. • -y a Adopted by the council.. .�1.cA:. ........ ....:191.....:.... Yens: a Nays:. Councilman Farn orth X MAR 12 91 Gos Approved ..::..: '..:.... 191 .......... Hyl d l 7 Me 11 V Mayor Irvi Mayor. PONY C B-D _ _ eIMMMMD aim c.a ro. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT q AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL tVUls iZ 1.77 ( RY AUDITED-------.- 191_.-. -J- G �. .,. P 83 E �_ _ C -_aa`' Y'y-a 76 TITa[ I Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spe6figd-funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective detailed statement: names as specified in the following Yeas (J) Co ncilmen { F') Nays Adopted by the CouncfY-�:e_�fri ��-191 F nsworth G ss approve P�A H f - land - In favor K Her (/ / 14 Coll - ----------Against `i nde�lich C. P. moo. lsz?g — — MAYOR - Resolved that warrnnta be draaa' bIr/President Irvin - pon the. City Treasury; payable out of Ithater favor of per.one':Ilerm.no! ' their re. euvea nmeetea.�apecllled ]n - th. following detailed et ..a - - - ent: - 'Crane & OrdwaY Oji 36.22, Decker Hdwe. CDmpany,j2,go Comp.- - - nb. ` ' Fara ell O j23.76. un.Kirk. _.Company, ^ _ 12785 Crane &Ordway, Ara i ttan oil t& ed Company. Pub. Schools, M J3RIIymer 115.2 gdwe Company- - - need hfoto Suppl C, b8 m aDaS�IruBHook &' Stao6786 Decker HdweCo �s, Osnppfy compavPy2 7s�89o:.m0 . Shoos, M ......n ldopted by the Counell 2e80Pub. ' 91eh. 12, 1817. - ADproved bieh l2, 1917- _ 787 L. F. Dow Company, vlsr_� 174917)Com'r - Finance Mtee. 23.76 788 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company,, Pub. Schools MA R. 33,25. 789 S. A. Farnsworth, Gen. F. Civil S. Mntee Pub. Libr. Expense 20.00 790 Manhattan Oil k Linseed Company,. Pub., Parks. Mntce. .93 991 Raymer Hdwe. Company, Pub. Schools, M & R. 1.40 . 792 Reed Motor Supply Company, Gen. F. Mun. Gar. M & R. 908 ._ 793 Robinson, Cary & Sande, Pub. Schools, M & R. 298.69 794 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 267.80 School Expense Amec. ; 795 Western Supply Company, 67..50 Pub. ,Libr. New: Bldg. '40 -Pub. Schools M & R _r67 I 67.5 FT�6.fu CITY OF �r. PAUL ACCOUNTING :DEPARTMENT F, M j COUNCIL RIO• AUDITED.. CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM E ;yy ((�� AUDITED____f91By _— Iff Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Tteasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified. in the following detailed statement: - 42 Yeas ( r) Council en ( J) Nays, Adopted by the Council — Farns rth Goss H lan •ed -- 191_ Y -� —.In favor, Appr Keller //11 Mccol -._C/____Against MAYOR Wand lich _V President, Iry 12'796 H. W. Austin, 46.27 Water Expense. ,63 Pub. Schools- -p• 1' Pub. Libr5pyExpense.41 46 . 797 Board of Water Commissioners, 528.58 Fire Expense 87.- 5 Pub. Schools -Expense.% r_..03 Lighting Expense ` ' OA` Perm. Impr. Revi,% 4 0. Paving A7 lton j 528• 798 Boeringer & Son, .85 Water Expense. 799 T. L. Blood Company, 27 .0en. F. Eyp. 01ri1 Service. 800 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 3.50 Gena F. City Clerk Expense. 801 Adam Decker Hdwe. Companj, Co"aIr Pub. Wks. Expense.` -.65 St. Const. .& Repr. Expense.�.59 ,. Water Expense 2.24 ` Police MM f� 4:46 Pub. Libr-Exp. / 1.� �' Gen. Munc Garage Revl?� 17"0 Bridge Bldg. &`'Repr. i' . 6h.50 ., Pub. Schools � Expense �� .25f I Pub. Parke. Expense 29 F2 802 L. F. Dow Company, t 48.35 Pub. School ' 4,6.00 Police Expensg ' Water Expen y / Lw 48. 5 803 S. A. Farnsworth. 171,56, Gen. Mun.. Gar. Revl. C?L� Pub. School:; Exp. f1 .5S j Pub. Tftil Exp. F� a r:fs Page #2". 638. 12804 Farwell, 0zmun; Kirk Companys 563.90 Pub. Schools Expense. 3 2.52_ Pub. Schools -Equip. 18.0 l Pub. Libr. Expense 2 "•s .02 Fire Expense - S. & S. Cing. Ex nse . 27.7 Street Const. Repr. E 56. Playgrounds xp. 21 6 Water Expe e 2 •88 Lighti Expense - 34 Fores y Revl. Fund 63.90 805 Goodyear Rubber Company, X33 Water Expense • 806 M. N. Goss, 105.04 Lighting Ex_pens ' 1 Paving Holly ve. to Victoria 10 807 A. C. Jefferson,' 8`.25 Pub. Libr-Expense. 808 A. J. 8ranks •85 Com P. Works -Expense, Boo McClain & Redman, 111.07 - Gen. Expense Civil Se ce 12.74 Com'r Finance Exp e x•00 Fire''Expense 2• Gen. F. City C] Ex .'' ' 3 Pub. -Schools Xxpen a GomIr: Pub. rks.V34 Gen. Duni 178.47 Gara 810 Henry McColl � 4 Comdr Finance T n /' )) 45-: 1 Police & Fire- la Comptroller xpe s ,/ 17 78. 811 Manhattan Oil Company, 42.E 281.64 S. '& S. Cing, $xp. S. & S. Cing. Exp. §.tr et ,:'19 0: Gens Munic.. Gara R 1..,- 5 .44 Pub. Parks, Ex nse .60 Corp. Counsel Exp s20.12 St. Const *c Rep xp. r' Water Ex¢ense 28 812 Mannheimer Brothers, .25 Pub. Schools Expense. 813,Nichols, Dean & Greges 49 41 Pub. Schools ns53 Police Street EC xpaextia. E;p1,5 ti 3Water pense 49 814 Northwestern Cutting'& Welding Company, 2.00 S. & S. Cing. Expense. 815 Northwestern -Stamp Works, 2.00 Pub. Schools, ExpenW" 1 Pub. Libra `P r'y T a page #30 638. 68.55 1m. 6"Narttwastern Tel. Company. 10.00 Gena F. Municc. Ct. Es 10 0 n n Gen. F. -Civil So, X 't• ,.. ,. 27 5 Pub. Schools-Eup• .6A" Pub. Library Exp Playgrounds E ' �t Ger..Mwu ic. G age Revl. 68 43.64 81? Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Fire Expense / f 2 0 son High L ra 43 4 e r, Health Expense r• 5 John 818 151.49 Raymer Hdwe . Company, Fire Equip. Health Pub. COmY..Sta.E .`• 8 Street. Const. & Repr. xp 1 14 S. & S. Cing. Expe . 96 Pub. Schools Exp 1. 3{ Pub. Park"s. E 4cti 2br0 Water Expen : 95 Gen. Mun. sr. Rev Sewer C _ Repr. E is. 0 uen noun. Baa..' 31 0 L ting Expe a' Armory Expense l .• 9 3:79 819 Reed Motor Supply CompD nye Mun. Garage Rev, v V 460.48 " 824 Robinson Card Ec Sands, 8.50 Fire Expense-` 6550 Street OWE enee i � 00.00. a Sewer,08& t pesfs� � r 2R6 7t/ Sch6'1 E an ✓ s° X04 Li racy mark ensu 884 / 9Pate xpe j s06Y t' Mun. Gara Rev. = C 46,66 - 821 N. C. Robinson 1 � k. o� n.r' r Gan. F. M,,iis� ) a� p) i .'4G.oltr L" L 564.15 822 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company• Sahoo Exp se 4 . Scho F ' P. 6 0" Lib a epeBse s 3 L racy 9 �3 ad. y ch of 0 5 4" 5 801.1p 82Z St.paul,Gas Light Company, 145.98 ' Fire C & B. 1.00 S. & S. Cing. 2:48.80 School Exp. 31J40 Parks Expena f Playground Exp Water Exp se Lighting/txpense C. P. U; Nfun. Test. Lab. 1 :50 824 St.Paul. Stamp Works. pub. Library Expense. . y Page #4. 638 12825 G. Sommers '& Comparg o 1.69 L Pub. SChO� •;'�, ,��r 826 Tri State Tel. Cort wr vz, — 111,55 _ Folia uKuafI�si ti4ua 15 = (.Sado v6 • H P l QCOm $ lut7n-If tree J 'drtap daxmxg gS ]ilav . Sewer : 'UaNal EYVA1 NHOf L16T 1 Ssan.egou •pa,s - Pub. (punop .Sanaee •uo. 7oxauu 1I , {71PPV s•uoely 311 Play IH (EU uaa;itgS. _ _ lo- - aaouA I..waagr 5 {m0l[ol ayl o; pueu{. .l P - au - •g au,;Va[sA Pus uuxwauanp 12827 -Iinf. Pise Jo ]naaa7uf Putt at117 l4 o 847 [Ix uooua.eo3 a47 ui Western Supply Comps. [uaauoq{l;Sa OSEl 162 60 fiaealy� •Rn S;ausraaa>V ue6nn ,T6 Fire u { aa,u,gw las,f' . /. .espafl..ag3 In ynoa .eoJ }4.U;J. o; uollana arlgna ;7lae 111-a Puv Water pa,nnt enx4 3 '(IiL 9S) s.+e[[ CI 7 Pus ua ae-S7JU to. wnx a47 of uut• auanf g aur;ualaA . puv-,uuswauat 7fl vuvailnf 7nu{vya pus Lalu{Tw, •uo,;e;od.eoa -- s Sunuwo . K ziln4aS I 34 .eon's u 4w a J L' S6T 'IL' S,esnun z uaaP P 47 7 us 4 P aua use -Npn(n •n,oeauuily.'Sj _ _ uo unoj S w t .. o na;anon ]al aatQ a47 .Jo PanE- _ l u nlno o A. u r pun o� paianilap.I PaPiIa.. pnf u J0 an,arn 7s43 - . a X515 fl dH3H3H SS 3JI.LON} - .. n 'ans S-ilam lls — l Page '#4. 638 12825 G. Sommers & Company, le69 Pub. Schools Exp. 826 Tri State Tel. Comparw,111.55 Police Expense i� 1195 Com Ir Pub. Wks. EXP./ Street Const. R,•Re Sewer Const.,& Re r,', YO 2 0. -� Pub. Schools' Ex sr , Playgrounds E t 0 1 55 . 12827 Western Supply Company, 161.60 Fire Expenses- - xpenses rw,. School p-, 156 5� Water Expens .,.,., i , 16101 !' C.-. F. No. 15279- Resolved that warrant. ' bedrawn upon the City Treasury. payable out of ..the hcrel-fter specified funds and in favor of the person.: llrme or corpora. ' [lane for the amounts set opposite _ their respective names a .Per tied in - the fell owing detailed statement: ft tt. A istin. 146,27, 1 �r,l of t\'.t �,•� Com Ieel....a. r li,�vr h Son. 85 Cents Tot 1 'I 131ood Company. 27 cert c.. Brom., Rlodgelt& Sperry; Adam - Decker Hdwe.. Company, \ - 529.22.' .. 7:.. F. Dow Company. $48.35. - S:.t Farn.north, $171.56. - Farwell, O.mun,. Kirk Compuny.t $ 63.90.. Goodyear.. Rubber Company. 33 Cents.' ♦ - - ET. N, Goan, $306.04_" A. C. Jefferson,.S8.25, - - ank, 25 McClain & Hedmnnt $111.07. Manhattan McCooil CotnPsny. 5281.64: DTennhelmer Bros.; 26. Cent.: Nichols..Dean &'Gregg:.E49.41i- Northweatern Cutting .'&. Welding., - '- .. _ ComPenY. $2.00. - Northwestern Stamp W.rl,., $2.00. _ Northwe.tern Tel.-Company.- �' Yea Brother. &. Cutler,.E43.64 f Raymer Hdwe. Company, -5161.49 j Reed Motor Supply' Comp tny„ ! $3.79. - Robinson Cary ,Pc. Sande, $460.46. N. C Rnbineoti,..Cik.. 546.05, St.. i•aul Book & Stationery Co. - ' Pan)*, $564.16.. St- Paul Gan Light Company $601.10! St Paul Stamp Works,. 50' Centa, . C,. Sommara & Comenny, $1.69' - Tl State Tela C-remny;. IV'cZrn 9.PP1)• Company'. $161.60. Ad ed by the Council 31ch. 12. 1917. A,p_ed Nch. 12: 1917: - (Alarch 17-1917) - _ CITY SOF 5T.,PAU ACCOUNTING i1EPRTMENT /- Z1 / AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM. : COUNCIL FILE NO.-- u IDZ1� - BY AUDITED—WR 191 y 638 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council - Far sworth r Gos Approve% Hyl nd --- —In favor - l - Mel F- � i MAYOR / --Against Mc -------Against Wu derlich Mr. President, rvin 12828 Board of Water Cormnissionere 25.11 C.. H. & C. H. -Exp. 829 Brown. Blodgett & Sperry _ 22.00 C. H. & C. H.–Exp. , 830 Daily Frasr Hardware Co., 18.07 C. H. & C. H.–Exp. 831 Electric Construction Co., 25.75 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 832 L. J. Gonen ' 1.50 C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 833 J. W. Hulme Go., 17.23 C.- H. & C. H. _'Exp. 834. Maendler Bros., 16.55 C. H. & C. H -Exp. 835 Magie Bros., 9.76 C. H. & Co H. -Exp. 836 Chas. Nielsen 2.50 C. H. & C. H. Exp. 837 N. W. Telehpone Co. , 1:.75 C: H. ": C. H.. -Exp. - Form A. .46 I 14.63 12838 Peoples Coal & Ice Coe, C. He & C. He -Exp. \ 3.15i•, 839 Raymer Hardware Co., 0. He & C. H. -Exp. 1.00 _ 840 Reuland, :Peter C. H. & C. H. -Exp. 541.67 " 841 St. Paul Gas Light Co.j C. He & C. He -EXP. 48.5.6 842 Schuneman &.Evans, C. 'H. & C: H -Exp• t 32.05 843 Tri-State Telephone Co., C. He & C. H. -EXP. 10..50 844 Bred Landmark C He & 0. He -Exp. 31. to. 845 Twin City Plate Glass Co., C. He & C. H..-Expr 23.78 , 846 Villaume,Box & Lumber Co. . e. He . & C He -Exp. .75 847 Re Be Whitacre 0o., & C. H. -Exp. 29.74 848 RangeCQ WoltergtorffCRann & H. wB7-p. C. F. No. 152110— R ... I—d that warrant.. be drawn. - -upon the City Treasury, payable outof- ' the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of S. A. .Farnsworth. Commie- ' stoner of Finance, ae .pacified In the - following detailed statement: - - . WaterC Board o[ommissioners, Boa -. - - $2 - Brown. Blodgett & Sperry. $22.00. Daily -Fraser . Hardware Co.. $18.07. - - - Mlectrlc Construction Co., $25.75. - L.. S. Gonen..$1.50:. 1 W� Hulme Co:.: $17.23. \f eedler B oe, $16.55. \I gle flro.. $9.76. _ �I Ch Nielsen $2.50. . 1\ \ AV. Telephone Co $1.75. Peoples Coal &,ICo.,$1453.. j. - Had are-ce Co. ;3.15.. PeterReuland. $1.00. - St- Paul Gnu Light Co.. $641-.67. SF -tch—ro—'&. Evan.;. $48.66. . Tri-State Telephones Co.. $32.05. - – . ' -: - Fred Landmark,. $10.50. - -: Twin City Plate Glass Co., $31.40., :. Villaume Box & Lumber' Co.. 7,8 - - _ - R. B. Whitacre Co: 75 Cents: - : WolterstorR Range Co.;- $29.74. Adopted by the Council Mch:. 12, 1917. ,lppr.-d Alch. 12, 1912: - (March .17-1917) i.. I iii tltltl CITY OF ST. PAUL ��• "`"` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCILju AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FRE NO.=""-�� —"�-- ` r MAr,113Y AUDITED--_. ---_. 191__ 639 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fundsalld` in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as -specified in the f -11 --in detailed statement: MAP 12 Yeas ( J) Co ilmen ( 1') Nays c Adopted by the Council --------191— Farn worth I 191_ Gos APPTo�'e, `– /) gyl d _An favor 1 Kell r bSc oll G —Against Wu derlich ` Mr. President, ruin c. r•: sn. 162s1— Resolved thatwarrants be. drawn - upon the City .Treasury, payable out of - - the hereinafter- specfaed. funds and In - favor of the persons, arms. or corporn- - tions for. the. amounts. est oDpoefte their- ...active names as spectded In !the following detailed etatemenC - - Burne Lumber Co E69.58. Chain Belt Company. E32:74. _ � Craftemnnrl,opreee11 !eE26.�32; E3.80. - .. Crane & Ordway Co, ;52.67. Gilbert ;18.00 H. a Electric Co.. SIM. 0. V." 1\ Electric EQulp7.nt Co.. ;18.43. { 0..1. Reynpids..;16 05.; , St. Paul Crushed Store Co.. $2.314.29. A, -G. Spaulding R oa,. E88.20 Adopted by the Council I ch 12. 1917. . _ apPro ed Mch. 12. 1817.. IMarch 17-1017)411- .. 12849 Bunrs Lumber Co., - ,x,69.58 Library -Exp. - I 12.74 850 Chain Belt Company,' Paving.Depr. 3.80 851 Charles Floor Oiler Co., Armory-Maint. 852 Craftsman Press, 26.22 Library -Exp. 853 Crane & Ordway .67 Co",, Fire -C. & Be 18.00 r 854 N. Gilbert Armory-M- 855 rmory-M•855 Hoffman Electrio Co., 143.50 i 'School -EXP - 856 N. W. Ilectric Equipment Co., 18.43 Parks -Exp. Fire -C. & B. l 38.43 857 0. J,. Reynolds,15.05' Comptroller -Exp. 858 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 2*314e28 Pay. Miss. River Blvd. rah 88.20' 859 A., G. Spate r�Xlgc?s ► tot : -Aq--- _ :.C'ITY" OrF ST.' PAUL.. i. -- �.COUP�CIL'"RESO•LUTIQN=GENERAL FORM , Subjects.. • � •- �'. COUNCIL FILE NO.* .. Date Presented. Mar. 18th, _ I.H1..7 RESOLUTION' Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. v' In the matter of opening, widening and extending Otto Avenue to a width of sixty-six (66) feet, from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminar Orderg#13492,"approved:Nov. 3rd, 1916, and Interm iary- Order #14749., approved Feb. 7th, 1'x.7'. The Commissioner of Public Work -a having sub- witted his report and sketch in the; above matter, be it , RESOLVED, That the City of .St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the. .above. named improvement to be as follows: The south thirty-three (33) feet of the W, of the S.W.1 of Section 10, Town 28, Ranje 23 and the north thirty-three (33) feet of the N.W,4 of 'Section 15, Town 28, Range 23. q. F. No. 10282-- - ' In the manter pf opening, widtening n d c•xt ding Otto Ave .n idin of mixt: six (66) feet, fromto-Hamvllne " Ile... to 3+e111n9 Ave, under :Prelim- ' 1 my O dcr No. 13492, approved Nov. 3rd 1918, and: .Intermediary Order " No. 14749, approved Feb, 7th,. 1917. ' The Commislearn, oPublic \Yorke hf aving mubmitted his report and ketch in. the above tt'tCatter,-be it axes and and 'detiermines tlhemount no( hand to be taken for the above named: t t Ther mouthsto be as thirty-threeol(33) Meet. of Is W. of3110 Town IO I,nangc 23Ia A', the north )thirty-three (33)feet of the'N, IV, y4 iii of Section 16:: Town 28, Range $3. -� - Adopted by the Council arch. 12, 1917. - 1 Approved Mch. 12. 1917. 1 (March 17-1917) Yeas (J) COU ciltnen (✓) Nays Farn worth In F Coss 7 favor Adopted by the Council 3H , ` 191 Hyla Keller McCol V Against Approv d 3 j 191 Wunde ich V r. President. Ir in ............ fORM,O. tl•2 � _ � - MAYOR (9itV; of 'St- Paul +lepetrfine�rt of public Varhs ,.. Cni[F [xcv[[+ M. N.� GOSS, COMMISSIONER RclAueSEN... - _ - oF Enc Haan. R T GOURLEY. DEPUTY J. [ wwR011, SUPT. •tFREO JSOKBONOBUPTucNory n oPaPx. 'Buwa.V of B.rviT_. - OOETIINGER. SUPT. WBUPF..V OF GOPPacTIllNa - '" YTBII N. Bncn [[R - S. BUPa.0 cI BPBfi[. N.N[RROLDOFT exa COUNCIL- -REPORT TO TH" COUNCIL- In the hatter of opening., widening.and extending Otto avenue to a width of sixty-eix (66) feet, from Hamline avenue to Snelling avenue, under Pre= li,minary Order W13492, approved,Nov.,3rd,`1916, and Intermediary Order $14749, approved Feby.,7th, 1917. To the Ootncil of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this ` his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor,by the shaded part of said plan,which land Te more par- tibularly described as follows: The south thirty-three (33) feet of the S.WA,, of the S.W.-,l of Section 10,' Town 28, Range 23 and the north thirty-three (33) feet of the N.F. of, Section 15, Town 28, Range 23. Commissioner of Public works DatedT___ ----- Office of the Commissioner of PublicWorks Report to Commissioner of Finance Dacember 5th ......... ..191..:..6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the. City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considepation*the preliminary order of the Couu- 13492 November 3rd,.. 191.._6, relative to cil, known as Council File No approved .......... .... ......Ld;e><xlzlg....b-Md..ext.endi.ng Ot_t.o.....Avellue. Q- -A ..._g.j,xty eix--feet,:.... f-rom.:...Ham14na Avenue to Sne.l_3.i.ifg.._Avanue�... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... and (or) desirable. 2. estimated RXXX..., and ' �etimated cost thereof �s $_...XXX � and the total cost thereof is g- ....... a he nature and extent of said improvement is as follows. ...... ., .. -- .......: ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... ....................... ..... ........ ._ o. Said improvement is_.:_. ,n4.t......asked for upon, petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........ ............................... Com issiouer of Public Works. 1 RESOLUTION: RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. .. � r:�• Wit, In the matter of..0anf evaing,j- d takkfad im e44euast... LA ... tho 3t3Aii. for alqite2 for cuts MA gills In Grhiing the Alloy running yortb nd 'gautlt to HI k g The '�erst St-l"i" RsaI Vstste and I nTovswent ' qzd OUte, in B tba d to be t k$n for the tb0VO USAe�d ImPrQVessent trein> sv � ,rt oularl do or filed $a 04 'e�e+e��ent f Belo� >� ....._go Dutra et9 °i �s i i wean The s.�utting upon the A��ey rCennt>�g �ortb at -,hd g�o+U is glock E ihO Wr 2t 3t.Frcai qus- l FmtLte esn3-aagsdvto th ;yndlo�tit no•i„ to tike ittent shown upon the sketch Xtoac ed to v�,e rep�4 rt of-th9Comtriastoner of Puhlto Works in the natter dated Samt,( lwt3 ,i 16 a iQh aketoit e,d report aro heva'by r i f.rre--! to and o+�s part kafeo� 1 under Preliminary Order approved °Je Fisl$l Intermediary Order __1.2106 approved _. '.tuf�•R a'a18.-..- ' C. F. No:' 15283— . I ar,h¢n4.vement 1n the landln a a.f'. atnpea. for cuts _nnd f LheaIley r ThInKN.,.' _ A public hearing having been had upo.: the taking a'nd condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to. the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ,a - � assess.. a �• .. ,.�., .:.. , ,nsta b`�d'thterere.- . Adopted by the Council,. CClerk. _ Approved .. .. _.... _._ UUU Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman �McColl Councilman r/ �� ��"�' •^'~ l ` Councilman '1 " .Mayor Pewees''�r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION t•. F. a i zf .'fcandemninan PROCEEDINGS g gg an n eaemant in • i snryfor slon South 7n a matter of G-ondeaning and taking f� si'o es for cuts and pills in Gradin the Y pp g..di easement...ey the.land:.:ne.c.e.usar and South'�n B1ook 9 The West St.Paul Real EsateyandnImpnTovem t__•. SY bate No.l the fEnd. to"be taken foi the above named improvement beang more particuparly as a® an easement for ®lope® for cute "and filla"in arid'"u on'" he land abutt3:ng upon the Alley runn�infor cut And South an Blook 9, _The deet_ St Paul. Real Eq_tate and,_'Impropement'.:_..., Sef.ort of the to the extent shown upPon the sketch a$tached em the repport of the commissioner 0 blic__�7orks in the matter dated Sept„ a pa lal6 " which oketch and sport "are hereby referred to and iria e` apart hereof, under Preliminary Order -,-8452 De , approved . c - 16a 1915 , intermediary Order is l08 approved Au •8 1916 Resolved: (I) 77iat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: _.C.O.ndemA ...and take ke an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and funs to Grading the. Alland l runniIlg 5l.pek 9,....-The Pre_at. 3t Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate No.l, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appfbpriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz An_,eaaem=nt for sloes for CUt� an.,fill n ltd y�pQn the land abuti u n the All r nnin North 88 p i til APB Th P! t 9t oaths iII. 00 a Syndicate NO.1 + e..' ea au- ejj Ea tate an mproffiemettt r..epor..t..:.af tha..::..commis.eloper..sof.Pub.liqnt shown uWoTkthinythecm�tter datedtgeptte lath 11916 wh ieh aketch and re or are hereb referred to`arid made a sit fieiaofz: c� - Y That the award of damages and assessment of benefits for the t . t.akin and a _._..: �" ppropriating of.....acove.described land or easement been ratified and confirmed. MAF ;1 has Adopted by the Council ...,_.. � _ J 19 .... ..1... Approved 191......... Ci tri k. j Councilmen Farnsworth � Councilman Gosa� Mayor. Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman pJes�.f� Councilman i aerq r� Mayor Powers RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND- AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter or condemning and. fnk- (ng. of easement to the land -neves- sary for: elapse, for cuteand 0116 to- gradtng.Arona Ave. fromI,at1cce Com and Phalen Ave. to NeaaaBe_' no.: Simpson Ave. from Lal '.'o- & Phalen: Ave- Pnacal• Ave -- - - - - - - - Phalen a�� . ..,eland - -sd In the matter ofin -. _ Gosrdst�tfs and tsitf.� an eattenant in L3ia land neoessar� for. stapouy- for efut€a and MIS in Grading gram &vs. from _Lake Como and ° Pholen ave. to Iiebranks avenue: tlm#s On €iva. from Lake Cow.o & Phalan cavo. to-Nebraska eve. a"d-P&Bcal —ve. from- Luke tomo aw filen �-vor to Vebraska avatars the land to be taken for the above named _improvament beYfa� store tion ar 8eesoP12ae8 as an easesiant for slopes# for atalttt W fllle'ln an Zvi the tared abutting irosua Zve.� Simpson rve. aexi 2ascal- ve.tbstee�b. tie pouts->$fore"Id, toL the-extent Zown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Co ieaioner of a'ublio iorka ire the Mier dste9'=e�prti.�14}�y�1916, irbiab sketch Sand report are hereby referred to wid utl�er1*eLiea &rdh6"!*t' approved Intermediary-Order 10232 7r.4�1916Im 18110 approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking'ad condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the abovet provement, and *the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the ayessment of benefits. therefor, and the Council havigg'.. dal considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, 'rhatathe taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the _ signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to lire owners o uch an re- spectively- for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rat- _ fled and confirmed. m Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the sameishereby in all respects raiified, and the same is hereby. ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. . Is ere Paya a .... _. _.__. r .. Adopted by the Council 191 i Cityrk: Approved r `l i l ? .._.... 191. _ Mayor. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman sj Councilman Y _ y Mayor ;':r� i y a a, 7n t No. ]sera_- - L ORDER - IN CONDEMNATION ` ]n the mutter of co.de.n tak- �ng a e ement 1. in 'net. lapd."negas-, ` PROCEEDINGS. slop a.—to cola andV tllin to - - grading ,trona Ave. from Imhe C - - - ^,. d nh 7 •. "1 ce.. to. Neb�askn - - - In the matter of _Condemning...and .._taking ._an.....easement_..:in..._the.....land.....nece.ssar_y for slopes, for cuts and fills -in Grading Arona ave, from Lake Como.and . _;hale A e ....:to...N.ebraska_ .v nue.•....:_im sa v,-,. ._,f..ro ..:Lake_.. o &&..:nha'Ien- ave. oe�raska nve. an t ascal �vrom ake. omo and�ialen avenue to. Nebraska_;.avenue,. the,. _land :to.._:be taken. for,.. the,:._a..bpye;..,na...lpe.d-,_imgr..o_v_.ament .. .. being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for cuts and fills_in::and_.upon the land..ab..ut.t.ing.._"on-Arona.. ve.,.:.,5..ympsan Ave=., : and _Pascal ave., between the points afal'esaid, to the extent shoe n upon the sketch:..a:ttached .to the report ..of .-:the._...Commi.ss.icn.er...-of......P.ubl,ic- Works -inn --the matter dated Sept.14,1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to- -and.. made, .a.:._part. hereof, -- under Preliminary Order ,.._10132 ...._..., approved.-- ..Apr_.2.5_,1.916........, Intermediary Order ._:.......12110 ... ......, approved Resolved: (I) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made; viz ......Condemn ..,.and....:take tan easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Arona ave. from Lake Como and ,Phalen the_....... to.Ne-brask a.....ayenue; Simpson ave. from Lake tomo & Phalen ave. to Nebraska ave. and Pascal avq..... from _Lake .Como and-Phalen_.�We.....to. N.e.br..aska....avenue..;.....tkxxtiMLxtm. (2) That the following lao, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz. An...easement _.far._..sl,opes.,..... for :_ cuts_ and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Arona-ave.,`6impson ave. -and Pascal Ave _between the points aforesaid, to the extent -shown upon - the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works Itf the matter dated bept 14 191'6, which sketch add "report are he eby referred to and made apart hereof, _. _... _....._....----- — (3) Zhat the award of ................ Damages and assessment of Benefits for the ._.taking and.-appropr.iat,ing, of above ...._described ...:land .._'or.....: ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council - �' city C A. ............ ..:..... 191:.. � .._.-... _........_.. _ Councilman Farnsworth - 'Mayor. Councilman-Gou - - Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers Council File Noir. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the .making of the f6l Ing blic i p;o've nt by the city of St. Paul viz.:........0.oxldemn: ng g.... n"as r-� far and.:.takin an:,. semen ......... e:.. d... elopes:, dor.. cuts-- arld fill.$.. in_.gx ..ixlg..... .fth.. t......... .:was �.t__to.. Cedar_St. .....:... .. .. .......... ---: ............... — Dated this......... 1Eth..day o ..rclh...:... r K ` }Y Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. n WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning_:. nd t.flkir}g_..a7R:...fl&s.sment.....1x1-the...land...nenaasarV for...: a1.Qgea,t...for outs..:and.._;Mile .....11..:.grading ...Tw.et1fth...&t.. frnm..Xabasha:.:Zt_.._tn....Cedar...at........... :_:....._. .... et A Itten Prep 1 fOl th, m lil M Of the (0110\' nt; irew a •' 1 C nd0m Iing ¢nrl tnkln� n .... .. ...... .... ......... ""' ""'-"'� ment ( the Inn" nCee¢0¢m'tor ' ru -�d ilrl� ins having been presented to the Council of .Ce Uty arnain therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated'cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ... . . I ....... ..... ............................... ....... .... ........... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for.on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.................. i9;4. t !.::.191 ....... Yens: Nays: Councilman Far sworth �iaA 3 Go Approved.... _................ ..............:.191......... HV and . / K er /Kl W derlich r.:.:...'...._.......:............................................ ..... ... Mayor Ir —; Mayor. WORM C 0.0 t E. G. Briggs 4� Council File, No ...�� ..ft..r.,_...: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foliowl' public improvement by the,Cit�of' St. Paul, viz.:.. ... Ra.a:Ona.txuc.t.,..:relsy...and ...re. Pair... i.th...aement:...tileLt 8...ari. h.. of six Peet.,..._the...Present.--q�mQn!<....td7 e..s.id.a nn.:..the ...vzaat 8 e....oi ._ _...._ Gre�nwood....A9.e..�.. begirti}i.. tr... f fest. / :�oaa.orri ti:_theztca,:.wast_ _-_ ........................ -- 711... ......... ............. -. -- ---- . Dated this -Any"'of... ........March 191.7.... C IT. No. -16288— �I. � Whereas. A written p'apos.I P it,,- t Cou lCllman. of the p llo1 g Im nrov t, I Recon t o t relay d repair _ ) with mens the to'uidth f sl feet ---r— ---- [h t' psent ent the aldewall< On te n.eae. lee or Greenwood Ave, be`tDER. g g"ning at Concord St.. the.- west 110 _ -' having been p nted to. the H WEREAS, A written pros. 9Llj. 't' n axiu�.r•_ui there- "is- improvement, viz.:' Rtheae_o_nprstesruegntt.'o..e.m.e� le siP�Q iia:-ta.a_w...idth .Of .siK..ffeet4 x -the Zraenwaad.-Axe.......... beginning.._atCono_ord- pt.,_.. Ae............................ _.::. ............. .............. ..._............... ,..._._•........................_..__..._........:..................._._...:..._:............. _._... ............. ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..... .therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ...... ............... :................. .................... _...... . 5. To state whether or not said Improvement 1s asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....................�:� 1 ' .... ....191_..._... Yeas: Nays: pp COURCIIman Fa nsNOr[h IHn 1 - I J G s Approved ......... 191 ......... H and K 1Jdel / ( r�w \ Yu derlich U Mayor Irvi _ _ ._,..... ........ roaw c 0.0 - Mayor. . E. G. Briggs Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby, proposes the making'of the following ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul v(z.:..Ree.onstxuclt.,..Z.Ol y-..and..re.pair -iIit cement t.i1e: to .atidth_..of thirteen._deet.,._.ths..-Passelzt._,.e.amen .,.ti1e...a .1"'lg._on..:.alae..-easi...-side...nfi.--.'.- / Payne._Ave ..._beginning_.st $ims::.St:..th-011_..RA's.'Mkt..._tn....41egs<ap.Prgd_�a f iQe feet • ............................................�... ............ .....� It .....-- .--.... '..... ....:. .... ......... �,,3tb day PQarA#...,f # tl1 .2.. Dated this - J f Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followigg improvement, viz.: xeoonstruat.,. relay._and . epgi._paith....Qam.ellt..._tile._t:o_.-..._Width-of ...:thirteen. ant..:_Q.errant..._t.11e.:. alflerra].k...on.:.the ...-east...aide----o3.-.Payne...g.Va.-� g._._.._ ..g..a..t ..._Sim$..St.s0 ...thexl .8..uth:_'lAo_:.alley: appr=dM tely...125....feat..._.. be ronin _ .. ................. _.. ..c. r. xe. 15289— Whereas,A written proposal for the. havingbeen resented to the Counfmaktnk, brthe following I v event, ' ilman.. ... ..... ........ p Iz Reconstruct. e1, a d v- With cement We to .'Width of -' therefore, he it feet, the Present the east aide of 'Pa RESOLVED, That the Commi^jn� in a Sis'. ks be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or uesirability of the making of said improvement: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement,.and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement -............ ........... ......_. ........ ................ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on, the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......... .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth 13 Go's Approved.........-........... . 191......... / H and 6 K er I Mayor. Mayor Ir n M IORN C O�R ' E. G. Briggs Council File No---- ................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making,�A .. ollowing public improvement 1 the City of St. Pant, viZ.:.Ree.ai�s.truat.,.:..r.el.ay... vpi.thyir�men�o.ils tn,.,-D..- Tdth...o r .air nine feet the present oe t t e sidgew on or h"sid8 of .�theeweaths ae..oie naso St. so. .-8t..-:..th o -e..-- _-100-deet---&nd. on inning t at Seve#jt St. th oe nor h..:.ta e7 eye ....: --- — r fie., -- �` f r f' J f ......_ .-..... f� ... Dated this .. 3th. .day olarflh... ... 191.:2 Councilman. i r PRELIMINARY ORDER. l WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..: leaonstxue.t,....r..elay-_axld---.repair-_.wi.th_. a.em2n.t.-._tile.. n -..a -,.l idtfeat, the present cement tile sidewalks on the north side.of East Seventh St. ...beg.innin&--.at--..Minueeota--St.----the-nee wast--100---feet-end---un.. the..:wes-k- s14e-..-0t Minnesota St., beginning at East Seventh St. thence north to alley. .......................... _.._........... ------------ ---- C. r No. 1 so- whereas. A written Proposal for the ............................... .......... ......... ..... ....................... ..... ....._....._ viz:making of the following improvement. r repair. viz: v're.trtilt, reln}' et. rern.nt rile r a width of ins . having been presented to the Council r c. then at cement t S al+m nn< "' '"' '"' tan. ......:.. ' n the. north side of l;astSevendh ' therefore, be it heFmring at \linnesota st. i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. Tp investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;....._ ......... ........ ............................................................ _................. ......_....... ... ............................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. "AR'ln rt, Adopted by the council....._..................191:-..-.... Yens: Nays: Councilman F Fnsworth f .13 J Gfiss Approved..........................191 ........: IQ1and ler IVi nderlich ............... ...... Mayor Irjin Mayor. PUSLISIMD ! /, } B.. G..: Briggs t/ Council File No................. ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT „ ,, -y; , , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby y proposes the making of',tlYcy ollowing public itfiprov e` nt by the City of St. Paul viz.:._ eoonetxup.t, :1 eleY:..exlVre. ir.-..Vrith �ment Ile.—to olf .seven feet, the_- resent.. c-em....- G B.:B.idelY9+lk..-nn iiia.-sweat-side off.,.... P Stryker Ave.-. beginning ]J@ f ..Qrxl. ;-......t.hexxae-.-,north..-B3 ......... � ....... .......... 11-°.... ---- / ... . ................. .. .. ............. / Dated this ............. 13th-day of.. ..::noarOh ......... / 191..!j. • i t..,------------------ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Beoonstruat3 reley._and...rep$r-._..-icelliaxlt.-.:.t-ll.e..._tc...:a._vrisith of.-.swan:..feet, the present-._gement--_til_Q..:_e da�!al-k....AAthe_-meat...:s.iIle _-:-of:-HtrV--ke.r--Axe................. beginning--_at _pe ri Orn--,$.tc.._ 3.ezissa...xtorth...53__feet........... -.:.__... _ -_. ..... .........C. F. No. 16291- .., ...... ....:. .. ...:..... Wherens. A -..................... ................_..:_....... ... ............. .......... itten propoe¢I for the Ta nl: of the follow ing Improvement, having been presented to the Counei `ix. aero-tut. relax Rod ,repast w•ah 11--t ale to a width or seven Ian ....... _..... feet, the present cement the sidewalk therefore, be It o the west side of Stryker Ave., be- al 1'a, , n...born S[ tb nee. north . RESOLVED, That the Commis Ca 1 : of 1 hti .. - ;d hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said,improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information Ablative to said improvement; ............. ........ .......................... ... ................ ....... _ ....................... -- ....-............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council:..:.................... [.'�.:_. `.-:.191....-_._ Yeas; ` Nays: Councilman rn. sworth oss Approved _............. 3.f i . 191......_.. yland eller 'underlich Mayor rvin f FF .. FORM c e.e Dlll PU13Ll�ly,,j� 3. E G. Brigge ti Council Tile No.:.:......:.. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT m and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the, following public improvement by thA City of St. Paul,.......r laY_..ancl.. re;;Lair.:..with ,..oement....tile. tn..;iv- WidW-.b f' { Ike ...liarth::..side._.ni...Ae.e-t...S.eVenth 3t. _.f beginning__.S8fee t .oat -::9 Ctdar..St:C......thenlss.._eset_..124...�eat— :. r Dated this..... 13th.,_`'day of ..:. ........maroh........................ Councilmhn,,' 1 ,. .. _ .;__-_---k PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Heconetruet.,..... elay and:..r.aPa�.r.._>Frisch.'.c.emant.._tdle_.t.o.--.a..-w1dth..n%...$....feet.,..-the P. a.aeixt.....�_ic%ev�a�k...azl.the.:-north.:.Bic_n£...iaet_3.eYenth.St...T.:..baginning.:.28...feet, _eaet....o£_ Cedar...St.: thence –... .................. .......... _......... ..................... ........... _ 292— - .. <. �� here,.A. written proposal for t+ ............................ .. ........ ........ ..:....:., ` kl R o of the t ctllo rel ,,+ and V cepa+r having been presentetieto the Counci uh .m rt to m a.w+dth or a feet, lan.. ........... ........... th nr rt sldewntk n the north aide therefore, be It of 1 [ Set nth St.. begin tng`-8 feet en 1 (. cedar St then_ eant 1 o feet . 1 1 g been. n • ted [o [h Cot n• RESOLVED, That the Commis4, r Ft Pn.' hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To. investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of,said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,. profile or sketch. of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; i., ............................... _.............................. ......................... .............__......__.........._......................._....... ... .......... ............... ........ ............ ,_......._......_....... _........ ........................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. f,. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.( 'Adopted by the council.......... . .�......... `.' ......191......:.. Yeas:iNays: Councilman Farnlorth MAR t3 Goss Approved......... ..... _............. .......... lfll.......... Hyl d t / Kell r Witerlich_.:..__._��._...,__...._..............................................._,. _...... Mayor lrvi Mayor.. '/OROPOSED L/ST' of STREE'T� TO BE SPR/NK[ED.DuR//+/Ci SEAS'ONOF/.9/•r - L{/AROI- To .ltIARD _ /Ncl-UsIve C6SNEETS�" Tnw'son from Be Sot, to Burr. .IECdND WARD. '1 _- Rrs,ived, That 'the Comms I ter of 7 on from Jessie to F t• e. St .et Sprit kling Order, Ft t lie tt-orks Ue a d Iv he eUl - th iz d d the _ T from Piyne t Y ade. _. f instructed to c u ..tin [ Ifr ete In the aleeomoan"o klghtt Pines from Yl to lnster'to Ar<oldefromConnlay [• Fot.,Ck H t 't be sprinkled during th¢ ^ k k—Ight. { from teat ninvter tnA k Nizwr,lia19"1FIRST ght An -I f Slnnen to Seventh. ' - tf gn lin from i? r t, B dl Arend, -f Ih in Fao,ulsr,F - - Fi L DI t ict 1 ti s, II f 1 7F, t t P \re. l f Ft on I [ S end BY: St. et S1 i kung O d tl inn 7\ C U I I It tf I. li f 1 [ 1 1 1 m IdRa r c. 1 fromR I1g r \ P & C. if beef; from t I t'.r [. Yth t1 f th to Rst -. m net St P. �[.&O. B9 1 i tR to Case. - Marylandf ArK.+nght to Edy- [o AtlQntic f om Reaney t• Hinnethe.ha - - t n e' iron, N. 1 nit rr car, Io r t t toll `a of Ymralnnd r m rl/,rrt n t r R•+I r Hastings st rh 1. f o I1 story and f o P an. t Greenbrier, 1l?at f C Cherry to Shert J from tock to Cn.vc, Maryland from. Greenbrier Co Y I:nt f Hls[ F t Hud son. i - .'right Arltwrlght from "net to Jenke. cad Maryland from Arcade to Mendota. I::tteI Irons Hudson to Fourth. ? 7l;+tea free, Fourth to Seventh. \rkw•right from leeks to u—nn. roto to Bedford. Nf!nnehaha from Rival t, Beer. fi +ler. from North to ]Lour itranntnmt from De Beaumont from Bedford 'Io Payne 'Mlinnehnha from Burr to Payne. -It +les f,om Seventh to Nomth ' - Bedford from D r to to Mlmnehaha. Minnehaha from Payne to hest t t R.rcll front Set enth t, Bedford from North Decnlur. hrldRe..' �. I2 '. to Gr c Two,,h ( t I:aml t ttlnntie. - Mlnt I Earl, BradIlY from Srv¢nth to North Mionrhaha front F F? it from 1 Brndtec.tromn Beaumont to NUrne- brier. F. S from Grove t Bu�•s ha ha. Bran from Je l a to Ming- ,lisshodppl, 7 `n II IPP' F S fro -F. ylv 1 iron E.,( C.114-1 - n•+. Dru son from W-1—rd in Part- t e 1 [ bridge. I"Id" neem N P C tI l ( tl t i \ _f. Ni 'F r,dgt. - IIrene— from 7 nrtridge to FImildre. \Tlaalseipyl D"m Ft a' \n.. rod n[ h. f Hoffman [ Marla. ,_�.h: from Pates �I:,�tx. T?rttnxen [rem FTopi<Ins to North f?ur +.nlllna to Milnnh h+. lTf e, s; tt F. S from ,br{]ge to Cnsr_ til F S. fro Nn, rod of y _to - Bur Prom Mlit 1 1 + to S rod alssippi t 1 to Aeker C.Tnwat(f :A'`io o P tr,'o NKrix ' `. - hridFa Burr from Bride .,r C. �I t' N{ & ivalppi F 5 from .Ar ker. to Cav- C from Mf fit to Mnple. - BI. " g fr,on C tga to So I -i tat. it ' n f m n tf 41 to Fo et it rr from N. end f bridge to Case. 1 t1i 1 Ipn7 F 1 RY IIrldg C, ) f n F ftp F.arl f rr from Cnyr t C . rte t to t r to Ark- tpPl 1 F, fr Ridge o .r C rt Irmo tl T [ Hosting.,. - - f 0, N. T2 l.el f m_H ting:. to C wny Fht ( fro \rk Igbt t "fork. to f .IpP F� [ C to C.er - Cypr t.o Co Th, I C'af 1.lark t T)'..I r t 1 it C I tm"(�T 1 d ss (xy r.( t- a ( llS t t Bur tf{ t vipl tit_il from RI oli i D S t. tv{,e . from tht. v. th t Burr t R flea Beadle)' t Edgerton. North (o D. Cot t P 77. llellw'nnd fr,+n " 11 t M ti r t ( s. from (`ns [ Edgerton to Cr hrler. \ th f 'in Brndl t I? If 1. l tsnla -. Duluth Dorn M h It.+ t R 11 tett' - (ns [ (.reenbrler to Zti ride. Gifce from C t r P. fr m PI - to Oil"-. 1 rel from Tho n to Burn -. I 1 from Bu to Haxtln;. i +x front Wee 1e,1 �.rF ems.. Ol mpread -'nlnJbtead- tr m Olive t John. .t - t o I, f \t"al n)hi to Hastings. Cave tr miad'h'�b"T•'dedsr+.+es"[•'.. err t to F:arl (It ego fr.. 7, [ yeti to Mt[. Id 1 ! Wak f ld to Cott ay. i ..+. f•om r �n rk fru Rhitall lm York. P t I1FC from Rrun to Bradlee, o to 200 _1.a - Cla k ( York to C.se to i rr { [ {dge [rein B[un L ly .Earl 4r n r nw0.V otie c�t ' C:dl from Otsego l B dford. P tt n. Addition -t flet' in 1 (` til from B4 fromR t i ter to .\rk- :Bl ck 3 and 4. - h 7 a 1 f n <h t Ross. ; " ,k wrl Rht from Edgerton t t Fv e P ) ( nm BCnumont t .tri neh P e. from Mlnnehaha to Sa. end t P,: 1 ( n 1 t Se e til (I _t and ; teat oil of B Id t Seventh. - .('.n,k Cook from Payne t. \ al. - 1 Id I, ""I F from No nd bridge to Tork. Ej,fienmald-Ir ink th I., ghth from MI o to. North. Decatur from Bedford In R moot." I, C,Mrs. nyne Paine from York to La n•snn 7:ue11d from Hntf an to .staple. nC Soto from Hopkins ('niilny to Mtinnehaha. Pat•ne from Bridge oyer C. St P tf Euelht from Mlaple to � Frc Sntn fmm De Soto from R'hita" to York F & Rc - Jessaml F'r t rl Ie N. S from \. P R to ile Sot, from York to Lata P _ from T on to n s d to C'r¢ b ii— Fa. i f m Greenhrle to Forest_ Durhese from We'll to Cad P y from Minr);talml d to Cottage 1 1': t 1 i r F est fn til n,,,!. Fart from York to Cook. Reriumont to go. end P Tram. -Cottage to Nevada. II .pittl from 300 \ o[ V to P.dFert,n from P ). from to \eh abl.a \inpl - - Ra dw'ny' Rrldga. Edge to f om York t, (:n { in from G o' to Olmstead. tReaumont to Minne- Fifth f maple t Hnpe _ -FdR .rrn f m ( t Mt•+ 1 I M 1 nd t C tt ge. P eble from h h Fiftl Irma Hop to Vend ta. 1 _ -.. Ft It t om )[ ulota to Cl lli ces f Fdl, r from Penney fr m Payne to W. end Fifth-rmCyproSfitoEttrI �. m Edger rtf nC[TageCeMCCy"• abridge. Rennet' from Edgerton to Payne I�- Forest from `Ctante Hotat nqs" Farm 1 r from 7 ' - m, to \o d N. Reaney from. Bridge over St. P. & D. P: P. y,. Arid ge. S. P. Rc, to R F t f H tf F...t, C an-:`-' - �(1 F:t...... r fr notSo side R u ev from E. end bridge to Green- Forest [ " y to Thl d - enhrler over St. Pont F:iunuler from Bridge r. I le Rtt'nli front 400' So. of Mt. Ida to Fo. t. from Third t Re to Papoii ler. t Il. Ry. For¢.¢I frnm.Brid Fe Derr " St. P. Mi. Slinnrhnh'+' Roue from Edgerton to Payne. Forest tint Reaney Irnrrst from Fant Ivr to inn ;twee' - ,. R' o[ Morin toI & O. RY hose from Payne to GreenbYler, Feurlh from Fort l from Rattle-" to Cnse - hose from Greentrrler to .4 rcade. ,at 'I Fourth from notes to MaPl e. Forest from Case to MTagnolin. to Geranium - Fourth from MTaple to Hope.- _ Forest from .Tess:+mini from�fleslxsiPni In Plne. Reye 4rom Arcade GoVorest Fourth am Fiopr t, Crprese. - Fourteenth Fourteenth from Pine to J,hn. Fronk from Brecti to ]ilnne Se to Seventh. , Geranium from F,dgerton to PIIYnC. riev enth from Grove to W. end Ft'anl< frnm M 'ehnha Art•nde to Forest ,cranium from Payne to Greenbrier. bridge, N. & Fremont teem Forest t., Cypress. ' f:i:ranlum from ('WC brh•r to Ar- s tenth from .Bridge over G. '^ out front F S f'om Miinnc huh.+ to ode.. `SI R Strom Greenbrier. 1 I f:reCnbrler W. a from tllnnehahrt to Edgerton to is mer to Wet e. Fat tut HnxfIPF free Bates to (. trexa. Famluier, York. - S na from nbriCr to Forest.- Hastu,gu from C p resI, to -Furl. Gr¢enbrter from Wella to 1 Si my front Weld, to E•+rl. Haatin ev from I•.a rl. toHester. Greenbrl¢r from York In from Jeaso I [ tt '- Sim+ from Cyp-as Somerset rse_t v I[ {J ihto rine. ,. Hes[er'tb Pt-Dov'(n RJ. r r h i I MReataeipl I t Fine.- [ om ifi Y\ ly. More from J 1 to tt-est- Hastingsir?m - _ _ I Hiar+athAf_. BArns is I>S 5&e Crr \ 5 from from Pine to R Illi ra ter. - Hoffman fr•m River ToClermewt Gro a l;.y Jawthorne from PaymC In A de wi,ide front hells to Canc: H ff morn fr m Urba fl.•t>..Rvv FTopkl s from Tie.Soto to IIrndtcv Soto. q lde front Case to J,nhs. Rose. { ' �• Il k from tV tm nster to Be to 200' east of « lde from Lawson to t\ ,fly from Edgerton to Poe- _ 1{ fr from Cherry to Fuc111. 'n ka from Jesale. W ells from C'.J'ayp to Greenbrier. }loft from ( ,nw, to Seventh: Edger t on. from 20f F.. Ot r lgerton to Westminster m tr 7r L [ etre t S. fI 1 f om Margaret t Seventh. ' Jenka •+voce end 1 rldR ¢ Bel, from S tt i F th '.Teaks Trem (: eenbrler to Walsh. Yt-estml t free, C - ga to York. Itodvon from Marla 't Motile Earl Jenke from Wnleh to R'el1. tYa s[ml ter [mom York to Cuse: Hudvnn from tl 11 t. to Earl. - Jessamine Jrnrn Jesale to Br dl tYheelo k I h n)'. -. o )frLeaw(rnm C'presw des amine frot F 1, ton t P n -\ r.. tt haat [r m. Cl k to Bradley'. I',yn,. - frax In¢. from Pa t ndr. Je en 1 e from \ <lr t F. -It \t hitrtl f }dgerton to Yt'llllam fon Mississippi to Oiiye.� M`LCAri FtlaM M A., w7o M/12tA E 1 Jrxste from Magnolia to Rose .; tt-oodwar6 from. John to l.afn}ettc. - - i-� Jessie iromR etoMNyranoi tlomdty d from Brunson to II ndleY• York f Westminstert Ark- Nipple [ 77 ti g to H don:��— Yf it fent H i n to i tl. } IOLL��¢,,.,[tiim (7 a to -Wit i v.- Grove to &r, eel. eight. I - York [ Yt,k tvrlRl tto cl 'k. Mia plc. from Fo th to C bie. M;tm gars[ from Coble to Stnnen. Y,nfatettc. from t -Clhrk t 11-1111Y. York "mo - Mfnrgaret from Stn to Cypr¢ss. bridge. -. vette, frnm bridge over G. N. & York f Badley t Ldg rton. Miargnret [rot C)P s tn'F.arl. I.afn \. P. RY• from No..end bridge to 1 nnk from F.d6ert ti t 7 ay York from1 o t .(' bel Mf:tria from Brties to Plum.' Mfio rin imvtm Plum to Hnd on- - La[ayet to OtaCgo Lafayette from Otaegn to Be -Soto. York from C nh to t \l eld York from >. de. to Forest. Nb[rla from Hudson dxon to Fourth, Marht from F th-tn Set nth. North. Lawson from Restmineter to Ark- --.-_ _. - -_-__-- Mf trio from 5 t.nth to Nendrta fro H.daon to Fifth. i i `• I V - t rom 7 l [ i -)ti g'. it Tenth.[r n T. Ck on to tt uta. t\'nhnsh:t 7".'. (rom C 11 gl �to \fe 1 t Fifth t tt u t R 1. Tenth frto om tVnbnah¢ Hill - Iltoadavt) to tJll nR ) Washington from} s [o St. Fetor. \lenclotn fro \1 rga t lirrrh to R,am ). Tenth Irom R'ashington from Thirel Tenth from John to teGust FTFTH WAItU. �t endotn,(rpttt yfendo+;, from itr•n hey to-Fnuuulcr St. P.. iitgh th lu Ninth. �.:tnn I'll S[. Ctulr .lo tV. Soventh. Truth from• \7lnnrnnhn from Rrldge n )tr `�CemPelnnce from Trmperan ,toil from Seventh to Bnntll. - from Tenth to Groce. _ JeReVlew to Te C. D.'Ry. end .hrldge to from G. I. nu [ f u t Rroadavn to arbor from Dake v , n from -. \linnrl'uhu , nth. .nth t tat nlf c. I Se\Ilm,r•haha \rmst rong . a. { c 2 t f n. Pine to OII \rmstrong fr. l I t In In ;ill ton. ` Virtu"' t ft. • } ngl{xh. from .1llnnlir t. \ Slv :oat depot .all 3 to :\rmstrong fro outer f 11l ( D,k. t S. •nth. )finnehahu 200i' NI lnnehnh from English t p -.Th,1,1'd - Ian r [ m Third to Cighth. tin 111 ( [o Se t/ t Smith.. .. 1 lvl t JeReraon easterly P of F_.nti;lis7,f Hazel - 1: acont itn f T2 t \t aclptn 1rom.F.ighth to Ninlit from Seat ort to R.tndolph. ]ftnnchahn-200' .,, To E.GTY I.t M+u ISnv ll uln trona 'frmn to Troth t`u nton from G[to to Scve th R tt 'Tsnth f m I.l eraser'o t 1 1 ucc - .. mo,,"HA FA.A HAMM { ' found f: nt it c ti t ti \I n, i tv til- q\ Ili x f ('ol} f is on t, $ODRTH W t7iD to S p \beth from Af 1 -t C blr S. \ P Tt vent t\i Coli fr.. Seceeth t Pighih Duty .f m J m J o -Chan Cedar 1 o v.co i t S th.C t Phalen from I Plum from I1 rt I I Pluto from M 1{ t to mPl Ce i8 o [ m '_en !I f \I it [ PI ih. D gl t C lrtch t from Sea 'itf7 pt, D g R;. ht Ir 10 S th t 1. f n 1IC tl to (, 11 t:e. Dousm ee. S alt, ' lar xnt.in-(r m be enth to 7¢ k rom 7 l [ i -)ti g'. it Tenth.[r n T. Ck on to tt uta. t\'nhnsh:t 7".'. (rom C 11 gl �to \fe 1 t Fifth t tt u t R 1. Tenth frto om tVnbnah¢ Hill - Iltoadavt) to tJll nR ) Washington from} s [o St. Fetor. \lenclotn fro \1 rga t lirrrh to R,am ). Tenth Irom R'ashington from Thirel Tenth from John to teGust FTFTH WAItU. �t endotn,(rpttt yfendo+;, from itr•n hey to-Fnuuulcr St. P.. iitgh th lu Ninth. �.:tnn I'll S[. Ctulr .lo tV. Soventh. Truth from• \7lnnrnnhn from Rrldge n )tr `�CemPelnnce from Trmperan ,toil from Seventh to Bnntll. - from Tenth to Groce. _ JeReVlew to Te C. D.'Ry. end .hrldge to from G. I. nu [ f u t Rroadavn to arbor from Dake v , n from -. \linnrl'uhu , nth. .nth t tat nlf c. I Se\Ilm,r•haha \rmst rong . a. { c 2 t f n. Pine to OII \rmstrong fr. l I t In In ;ill ton. ` Virtu"' t ft. • } ngl{xh. from .1llnnlir t. \ Slv :oat depot .all 3 to :\rmstrong fro outer f 11l ( D,k. t S. •nth. )finnehahu 200i' NI lnnehnh from English t p -.Th,1,1'd - Ian r [ m Third to Cighth. tin 111 ( [o Se t/ t Smith.. .. 1 lvl t JeReraon easterly P of F_.nti;lis7,f Hazel - 1: acont itn f T2 t \t aclptn 1rom.F.ighth to Ninlit from Seat ort to R.tndolph. ]ftnnchahn-200' .,, To E.GTY I.t M+u ISnv ll uln trona 'frmn to Troth t`u nton from G[to to Scve th R tt 'Tsnth f m I.l eraser'o t 1 1 ucc - .. mo,,"HA FA.A HAMM \I 1to tt - n .• f - i ih t Che in t r cure [ m \ nnkra to smun ' found f: nt it c ti t ti \I n, i tv til- q\ Ili x f ('ol} f is on t, $ODRTH W t7iD to S p \beth from Af 1 -t C blr S. \ P Tt vent t\i Coli fr.. Seceeth t Pighih Duty .f m J m J o -Chan Cedar 1 o v.co i t S th.C t Phalen from I Plum from I1 rt I C d t Seventh S Vin[h m d l t [ Fli.hth t DougL IiR Pluto from M 1{ t to mPl Ce i8 o [ m '_en !I f \I it [ PI ih. D gl t C lrtch t from Sea 'itf7 pt, D g R;. ht Ir 10 S th t 1. f n 1IC tl to (, 11 t:e. Dousm ee. S alt, ' lar xnt.in-(r m be enth to 7¢ k ( Se raft to P s ('.i',r f C.11 F. t Randolpt Sml[h t. RI P ake .from l.re to TT e.]nr a. to i\l7untif'. i�e nnra fr< - 11 . r f r Pnke from Seventh [o event . C ll gc,.[ 72 t S Ir MA RIA Ti HOFiMA+J •el ('.,gin1111 nt P t t 1 I Dake from from Third so Inver. - Third t R Eagle S ti aVR tZYRR FROM .ef'om Eight 1, Prom tt-.,b 1 i \f n t - ff FI (ums F\t'kli fibCl,I- c 0 Ro [ om S lh [°. \tl t \(Inn.. t t R1 .� [ Fighill from - ( S Ih t S[ Cleir - htidFr S ti from 1:. roti f - } ly,l th from Rnbcrt to .7arke } 1 ( i Ca_dcto Seventh. t' 1 1�tt Ptgle.: Fart[ Roane)'. l 1. �.: tl ( l..l llklnt . P TI 1 it c[ I et to Seventh. Sevr,ith from ibttra in from. Rennet t° Fhaltn ha I•'nrbes from Doll' . PKchxn{,e f`in tit 7 tut th to tVlikiti. , evenl.h. WAITEB cl Pete Fifth from Tbir'1 t tt. th aha Forbes from Forhra from tttlkin to E change. SfYENTN FROM iNM-tN TO • 'Fifth (turn tit I'rt 1 tt ala'h t t 7¢r. 7 kl fro Elm 0 Engle' .s.nt. t fro,,,v'>th to Seventh' oto Fifth from art St. C flet l• fromGoodrichGo ,rich Fifth [ C 1 , t I k v nth t CIiR. Slnnrn Sixth from R lige to Vnple. 4 ,-a corner r r lh Fourth from et C Ih from Duke to Se nth. Sixth from Maple to Arende.. C,'Prrax. eter. - Goodrich from t\estern t Wto eTth. from S[. T t It'd ort. ea Slvth. Irom .\rca dr to Third from .\tarin In Rntea. .t i Dort h. - (;rtodricb from Hnrrindn F urth from Ttob t to 7 1[xon. ,SOodt'Ich from Seaenth t Leech:. 1 Piflh. Third from R [ s tR ?faille. Third..\" F` t m Mill, s to :\rondo P un,lln from Thl I .. F ankltn [r_Fitth it StneNth,h. -" GAME M!/�itLR Te RICIIMIpND TI i rl from \f tele to Si 1 Inn. d from "'fill 4".t P eat. ] Frnnkii from _ 1 Jnt•ks �t S 7 to Fillft d. '[ Richmond t \Y CTs. - Thl THIgD FROOt i�ARLN 1O COtMMLE iMAL fr TI om Jack i p from Weste t Garflld. - Jnck o W. S Yr bis in Tf eltth. H Garfleld Sfro \Intlt Ct,': Itt 1, to Gr r.r. Harris, .from h o .7nc1< - from Goodrich to \t'eatern. - Third atom Forest to Earl. „ ft Harrison - ,, from Grove to R. James [rum Roy to Webe[er. View. - ' URgAM p.-FANt HOFFMAN Te Merrin J.,Us trot H v td t Corners t Fifth Vlew to Cliifton. t1n from G0 E Of \T from Se. ee Jnmea from Fi i R n t m.T ronto to Colborn. t r o to Toronto. r R Purr la. t° Third t' SL P - J Rer on `from Bay \f rket t Jtilto to View•. _ Third to E Hortm,,n to :tfa It Plot' f \ter Is \Ilnneeola Iron, `loth - Ju from from F.Ighth to from S nth to Drake. t art 7 \I ill \Innl m P rl. \itnn esotn 7, ]Ifnnesotrl from Ninth to TE til- h from G drich to Rn eatnut. to S mmit L C i<I20' \V'f . tt ti.l .11TH W:YRD v D -.\finnes,t from Tenth ,-^1Vlfki Chestnutof Smith to TVI-I,.L W oto from. 1 0it ci t STirinklini.0 1 th. - d y from Third to F \I th from. Le a \in[h from )loin to F.achange 11i gla- _Pleaeanf to Dovglt[a• , Ex 1 tinge t rP 7 isnon from Rr from Fottrlh to Firth. Plgh th \loth itpttt St [ - v from Fra kit I,pgan from Cli tocfto RaY' IMin. Thoadw .' Rrondtvav from Fifth t F.Ighlh-[ Tenth. t[ t d i \than nouc'p4 LDV u hoc ne. \loth from S[ I [ 'it t D I v from Tenth t C \loth from Crd t th to Sl Ih. tCn g°n� {oke F [ T 1 vu�' Irom 1 iron,,Nin t. V C. to R us. T'le:txant Iron, �ilchlgnn - 1 ms[ tag.. - Rire from College to Sumn Il ?ifssimxlPpl. :Milton Irom Tuscnro to Randolph. 'to Eighth from Jncksnn lnukson t, Bt'ouda-aT. Rohert from hrldge a prms[rnng °hr,d6e Third. i \Tilt n Trom to Seven lh. d RnilwaY Fl([h iron, in Fitt htTto, i1rJ•nrck to Rosnbel. Rohert from No e to ret f rom Third to Fourth. - \ g.nt from CIaI 71,11.v. to FI[th. i G 11 d (rom t\•rmtto mon J' h -from nmanet to Rr,adwny Pine Roheti from F,ulrth to `tf from Finn vu Slx[h. D -III. ('ties Set; en[h I..,, ' F tb Irom Rroadw ] g t Canada. F, or 7n k Itnnrra P -,heel from Six[h to Seventh T f \Thor to nth' [o Eighth.. 7 7 to West - Cr. ¢_ S. (rum 2-\1lasis froth. Cnn I ober[ from Seventh 5 S from Qsceol0. R nth [o Ninth PI -,nt Gena e. S v Pine. Robert from bh: S 5, front Western to Rum- . of , to Ele •chin. sinni. \t f.4slsxlvDi to t c tom to Robert from . T 1 r It,be f om }1 eventh to Twelfth. nt Fourth. G c, S. from Plne .john. - from Jnhn to Wiliius. Rol t I m TR .lftl to: Summit.s-', �a ill from Ram t. from Summit to Th7r- I. Niel ho[ to Sec- Gn+a r• S. . 5. from Third to Levee. Fit[h. Rol t F S. V, thin lid from t J ,son T k n F c from Third [o Fifth to Sixth t (tenth. nth Goodrich. Seventh from Seven Corner` h nd from Sea th t r: 7 k on F from L S from Sixth 'to Ninth. RI I'rtr-'. ks R c f t lots nt to Seventh. St. Peter t J S .curb to tt Ilkln • Sat kson, Ninth to Twelfth. Jnekson E- Ninth to Twelf Seventh [rom fff R m� t ( thQ Slrth{'1":,sunt to S mmlt. _ r S. Yrom Jackson. EI ti from •t'u elfth xtit (rom Pieusant to Smith LEYIwiI•M T. Gtrrsw•ADt to �fut J kaon. - Gro". Ito Croce. c,jxth from Smith RAMOOLPNFA0M Sixth from ,doin to SL ret o S1.1, CI t ih t Peter to t\nh shu. __. - JohnJnhn Dnm Nlntit from Sixth from 5t. from ltlr t Role t ' R tdolli from .Toho Locust from Sixth to Seventh. Seventh to Tenth Siz[h la h son. t th crvrnth to T roma Sixth from It 1 rl t ora.. C 11 ge R ndolph f nm t T a -nRnn- Locust from Tenth to'Grovc. vmith [:om I tot t S lh.I c th r'om \font I Thi T t 'in I.ocusl-trnm bi P t r [,rom th v tl t Jackson l TMP -r --n-- iB Dad t1, to Te from I 1 t Nin \loth from Te P n e t om T tl t Colleg 7 Iph - l S m l S th f- T2 ill int t pn C n I W y n) to Locust.to S[ P.tc rnlh from Duk t S _ vl Tai from CC II g Dada - ninth from II Su i[ c S fr m R til Ced c e th [ m Locust t tVIlliva. 91b1eY• [r St. P t in Pl a t. t 1 - I.Inth Wort s frOPt Tempe nc to i 5 mm t Ced r to \tion - herrn f Sea nth to. littR . v S. from Norris fromSIb1eY to Curled.. [h. Stn nit vn rimin ¢ nth to Rob Tth fromi _ Olive from g[x[h to Te Grove. sot S. S. from matt f met Seatntl to P. rah )lion ola m i .. t t \til Olive from Tenth to Fourth. to Sixth. er4 'I.CI t S S from - R t St. Ftt Pfne from Fane from Sixth in Van Slyke Cour[. .r tl, ft nth ab tstk'a. i t Se tth. (rom_ c Cl r t tt 1 t t it �L Pion from Van Slyke Court to Grove. Tenth to Cedar. tt I Pine. Tenth from St CI S c �Iciil Princc f om li oadw•:t--' to T nth tr, C d t \SI nesotn. nth to Clift to to Jackson t I.l t Rv til el ( n Third to eF urih.Third. m .\II n T xh f S it to C ileg I S2 t ( Ott t R't - ( on, t T front R nh 1'1 F urth to Efghth. \ v -lh n 4011 go to Plea C( a t f o Ti ) F S t «e t t C: n 11 \'.. t Ro ati 1 from Jackson to ..]uhn. }north. ct gi [ It ttVcvo s,t ,n. e. S enth S. -corn hum John to Kitt.... m Plea nt to "elSturgi f T fl ant. N S.f - II in r Plrna- Supm t Seventh from Klttson to Grove C� nrrmh Fuurah ti f:on c. T?nlon Depn[ LoThird. to lt'¢ah Seven Cor r viblea from Slblry from Thf rvT to Filth. Eighth. Thir, from o Ing ton. -1 2 Mocker. i nr rah S S fern Pl t t S + F t Slbler from FI[th to Eighth to Tenth. Chirvi Irom ati she tgt \t ket to ht Peter. Cnrnrr to T 1 t from Rnmse) ciryle )' from - lr. from Ten [h Fo Spruce. Third from Thom peon .. , Third trom'St, Peer to tt enesha" .Toronto [rom Rnnciolph to.T.R r to Robert GraCr`fil- Sible, from Spruce to Norris. Jackson to Rosnbel. r m Wnbneha - To to from .1 t•fferson to. Third ffr o Rob Chatsaa'nrth til. 91x[h Prom .T mr n from - 91zth from It i trL T3K[ttson,) ThirThirfle nth Irom Robort to J •k - Sixth (rum Broad a hl t -C nal ton. Milton to V'ictorin. 1, [ 1 r t Rol ort. T• f n tit la ant c,vrnth Spruce'toI— (rom Rro d ) to PI on T yarn (o T 9ror .1. Ifth-f Ft h r[ t J tckson f ¢ th tt - br dg Spruce - Third from .lark on [OtVf Clouts Siltl to I, t4 hnshu f o So. - nd of T tx . o 1}. to S th to'T ac o n., - Third from 0 arthe brldK -t Ica i f Third r R rcdutn to Rosnbel tt bu ha t n \o. end n Sevin the -ter Tt Farorx..' fro - . Thi' i ( m I, e'tbet to Bro lw .Teeth. \"Ietoria to Plne,"T '-Th led. to.Broudwnv \Vnbasha trntn..Tlilydto - '•� - 3oFL ' !t► t + Victoria from Tr,rmn tp_ .\rnl-F L\V/.i�1TPr1 IM-MlMffzl T.CPPICoRPI:\ '. St FTi{ WARD. atrnrtg. - ALLIYBIIMLIN Lwwe•R.�ISRReLR rr. R•.NQGROT Ta bt+o'in fl -an, - \ strong to Ran I M— .In from. Stevenst Morton. - dn1P\fano 1 from St. t C+eorge. .j. Arundel front Marshall to Carrot]. \ Iew from Pani l,h to Sevrnth }fn nom In from Geo rl.e to Cherolter•. \'h - fr,,m Randolph to Polar•'' }fid waT from Oakdale to 200' E. of ASKLANPFRPMSyMDIGATE r.alt1frS l ! Palau to .7effc n. I \t ooAnttrT - } from Sl yenih f Ciftt. \lorton frons Stryker to German. \ hl t f 'ggs t Victoria \t ala ut Pmol Pleasant t 7,ryln \lorton from 150' wcs[erlc to So ;\vhht ,d (rom Avon to Dol' va,h fi Around- It bert. - }.il 7 f om Victoria t -\t nn \\':trs:,w from Tns,am .t in -P.nt Mort, f)orn to n,nn to 1550' -IS. of - -\a In (I ma Summit [o ,,urel. - aoinh. Rnnrrt: lc:,::.a from Iinndolph t Terc , A, r fu , 7 1 t Sclbc. . WIrsaw• from I,tt nl n ir.rn'evo 11[ H Pe f Pe gr to Bunk \con from elbt t,.C: rIt. _ «". tson front Millon In�l'iew sl I<d: l r n 'I.at's to State Avon from Lin '—d Place to to Osr•'- l\1't from Palace to Grnrr.. Oa kdnl. f C t L 1 _I" ',Ina AN: t n from .Se ,;,alb t Harrlsn bin f' Ii I n t to P g Irl ( f en la to S ,fl. \\"�at�'rn Rom F.mm:tft1, 1. m Iag, to Geolge._ _ Carroll S,from t'haleworth to'Vic- _ Willthl from Blair to Ranrsr\'. ,. to fa - 1 k from W . to t S e Ih. OMID IRON W1NormA QW Onllrf6 l II f \ 111 t D le 1 1 C Ill Se Ih t D ,. y t II f pale tW t CI\TF{ It tRll - OHIO FR M $ELmoreTT W+hoovil( 11 t \\ 'lel to Farling -.) Ada from rt Concord [ Congress. t m . Iminit to [.tit, from Concord to Congress. �I Ilhio 1 rg t Wlalf •it. I tl r 1 11 f ������---������'''��Rake f m `` ith to Ohlo Ohio from Winifred to Congl a �.I k.r f nn nl i in Rid well I s t 1 t_ O f t t I rt Raker front Ch rnite' to Sntlih { Q111. PAPP) Cai&*Ess ETNLI- i' 1 rhl [tf T Ir It I lel /�MNA�{.IS ►ROM SMITH?o CREROKC? ,n - / hat u r t 1 t till AS 11tP>rA CHEROKEE Te GKIIweWw 1 O� t w from Paget King. t h'L3 'll f t (I to lod ( I-,, c {rum ill {, t (' o 'g h is 1 (t fon Concoord to Congres O 1 ons from Gen L t Ch oh r Ill fr - th f!"In, ,.co 7 1 t 't n,- Lirinati from W i ifred to Con grrse. Ottawa from Ch k to Morton. RI dwell from Ct ng -In, to la.hel I 5.1 t 'tl 1 Ua sone to .. Cr1AWA FROM M ORT411 To AMMAP0145 sl 11 ' t 1 at—loth front Ma -hall to 15.1e -- B DWELL FROM 1.sWL. T DELOS hair' -1 Le f D kdale la Harvard.- ih f ! 1 1 I t' Ci,r h ok. [r m > P Il t 1 b— I [ ge. { f "I. to Sntlth. t it Ch ernh ee fro Orleans t DI 1. 1 Le��tatcr Pity view 1 I f 7 1 t t f. nd Chicago from 150 westerly to S,. Pinto from 120, sonthrwesterlp to So. 0.,1,. from l ,n,l to Selby. IN 1 h Hobert - U 1 front Selina to Carroll. - Ch 1. 1. from So:. Wabnsha to So Plato ! o So It l ,ha to 190' west --ir t t 1. l l o th t Victoria., S It , t f 1 l l t t t \ rtt t , Clinton from Concord to Colorado. rn. Cott. from Olkd le to W'oadhnr)'- p'tnu flo t \It [) t Colorado from So Wabash. to S. rss fr , n Iit.itr t 1 exing Robert jCo BI!RTSOY FR*wI IRPPRNAT FAOLFILL-p- to I;:l3lou from Ilali,Ii n.• (o -St mlir:ttr. Coin rad. from So. Robert to Clinton. I , 7 1 from \l'inslow' to Slr)k Itntt ns from l I 1,t t Cf.tts- I 1 from Fn. iioberf to Tanb 1 -Robert f om Fairfield t 100'a Orth. - C Ord from Ada to So. Bober( I [h rlt '- w Donlan ft It t - \ hi nti. '.Conenrd from Ada to A, Thur.--'Yiobic f R.11 ws to Winslow. Uunlnp fru \ hl 1 t S Il Congress from So. \l'.l,a sha to Co. -Ronde from t Winslow to S[rckrr, Ilonl.lo from Selht t0 Marshall. 1 R(nic from Str3'k to Hnll. �AIAMPDNi iRPM L[F Ne M'lb QKTPA'O Congress fromC ord to State I'l. - 1 C r frn - d to Cop ofd. a Cn- a. f•o St'It to Bancroft. Rohie f State t \ndrew. -1 Int !loot /-hul.w of tli to \111- to g res from i Olt to Winsicw, I So �-? i dela to C old ton Ins - Congress from W insh— to Hall or't bridge. 1`ni,Iccaal f \I It rn to Dale. EoNGRI3s_FReMFFnLLT S.Wn BASrIq So Robert from Chicago to Fair-> rl gl ,n nom ".1 on to \htrshall. f Id. �- end o{ bridge to � ogton l\ f \I t nil S. Rohm t f1 Carroll. CoRTKE.FAaM-OAKDALLgeRT, Chi stgo ve Flsh nom I 1 to Selby. So. Robert onto 4 Iil.e a r C C IV. F11' Fisk [Iom S IL [ Igl h t U arbarn from Stryker to So.Ifo] 'Ry... R3. • Ffsk frnfit vori•Irt In Cal roll. So.Robcrt from .trona to. So, end Floral. from 0011' , of Grand to - ert midge. Tr ins from I,it'ingston -tn Green-. Sn. Robert from Concord to W-ond. ��dti ieh [r m 7•t zin{;ion to \litinn. nml. So. nnrrt [rom: Morton to C:earge. rlGood rilh from )Pilton to Sch urmeler's to i2_.rwno +-n , .+ti a�- .a So.Robert from 1lnrton to Gate. "';"i Rjle - 40. 11 ,rt from C Res to Bel •Idere. Ir I f o r Milton to Oakland. 'D.1 from l ll s to Stryker. 15. Rall t (rom B.lylaere [n \nnaP- f: 1 f s Oakland t 71) 1 1. l from Str ltcr to Hall. oils. - .. - 1 from Flolal to I - t Do H 11 20" east Grana from 1-'ylOgtot to ...yndicm r. T:nton'frnm 171!1 -or,. to Fnirflel'1 SO.RPPERT IR.M(swe—o"Gewb r and from 1.exl,Igtnn [o .lf Ilton Unto from Idi.a W', to.1 Oman - :ria v frn, Is 1, 1:,nd to Povtla-nd, n Sa —A—hl. from Cbngresn to 30.x. bV f al \ hi nl I cl. by F h I from Ohin 5 Fni fleld d bridge. :rl gt'^ fro L I to Is Fnhf,rld-Ifrom ' TWIT, to Star" So. War, from Congress to Wlti '^Ss fro r ,ell b, shot]. n 11 greas ;I I,Xs f: o1n Summit t Iol ti. nd ftLLMwtE. F --I11-- Pfisl 'RRifred. Grotto from Linw'ooal+Place IF, fn - Smith from Annapolis to George. ter) to _�' sou [herly F,Ilom— , Wall- t -S.._ ttobert. Smith from George to Cherokee. nr[p [Tont Linwood 1'li+a,� to F:,ir- S( rk.y f Isobel to Defoe. - Fill from Ftn[[ l0 50. Bober[ [ f to Fairmount to Somali' O, cs fro, "a"do" W'ondhory. State [r. Tt ]eon to�Jlah from Smith to Oh State-( Fl ftl t. t h. imr f or S t to I'm Hand. S[ [ f -Fl id -t Chf g 11 C g fro Ohin to }t1 Indo". t t (rom Chicago [ FII t f om 1 "land to Holl)'. - - _ g f nm W I lou• l H Il. t t front Coal t I 1 7 tt f n H 11 n 11 a C _ ge from li Il St. to S Robert 1 r .r.n •.Iha to C Il. Stat C Concord t Congress - CC St to frontI l t Co rd. BAGPR iib Sy..— 2 'Ke�GRu.C� b/OL6E FAPM CPIfGPRPT.xRPREIC-i - State front Ilunklr to LmIlsu. -,_•s F[ 1. ' fr. 00' \\' f C lggto) Goff in tram Morton to F11 n.tl STwrL FRotaa PwaE T. 5.-7208E1LT I l7Hngue fro l ictm'la to Ir,tle Gott from Fll h lb t Dearimra Goa rloln Dearborn to Winifred. Sir _. Gorman fr m \to ton ln. Tyner. )'kr from Horton to page. j HAMuMEES. £APMStLYY T3MARRULf "" enwooa from ie.bel to Delos. Stryl.el from Morton to Dearboro. IFpML,RE E.S 6POD't'"'r Grer•nwbnd from Congress to Isabel, Strylivr from Isearhorn to George. - Greenwood from .-Concord- to Co—t ken from G g to Roble. l Ii 11 e I 0 1 1[ mmit. grew. I St Sk'r flora Rob[ to ll"IniC lJ H 113 from }I l 1 [ Do Is ,Holl from Dearborn in \i Orton. I SI 'l:er !tont \t Ir ell to I ,P¢rti 75,1.1 l f I g[o t \iorl:t. Hall from Dearborn to Prospect Ter 'Terrace. 'I11, from D.te tot li.1 .hart l .D t lir W rstrrn Indian. Brom Hyde to Rn. Istashn; 11 b t f \l e.tell C F r Ing - Indiana from So. Wal a to S0, SyDNCY FROMOKto TRC nl%LTo4 t h i f o , Marshall to Carroll. I:Robert. C R he t to' F t n \\ ,t f of ISOwest,,1 to { l( S -di t 1 } t In I Indiana Ir n lndi:ina,Dm F t. t St t. SL ke isabel'frpm S R na h S R b W t Promo Poblh Bath_ to So. I_ Ll' t f i Ir 1 t 5 mit. le If e% � ws- N ` Wabash - at 1 If tit t f Lincoln t 11 w d 7 tel from So Robert t State. \\ I if d from Oblo t W I sl Plac' T. h 1 it" ,m Dhlo [ WI 1 \l lni[ Ifo W I' 1. t' Gaff., ! - gl n f mmit to''Marshall. 1 b I (nm Winslow t H- 11 l4l lite 1 1 n S Ft 1 rt t Ss "'to 1 i >;t f \f 2 it t C, ol, hent..k, t .. State tn-IIflnnetonk tt lIt rcll nom 'tate to Andre _ - E I.Slncola from Har011ne to Uunl ap. WMOMA FROM CNEROMEE TP SNrTN li 2, nom Dunlop to Milton, KIN& FRoPt CHEROKEE Te $MITM III I fsnbl Milton to Oakland. l\ i 1( m f Loin t Motion. ({ n,l 1 I f n Lexington in .i Ring from Smith to 0h to l l\ I I from D born t W lm t l t nth m CI t t'orlh id 1 7 1 ingsm tom+i nb 1 t }}_ oda ., ^.{ ( l * 1 i od 7 1 r _ 111 \\ n 1 t from W I if nl t Prospect ...t .wci . 1,.Wl a, Linwood Place from Avon to Grotto. . .� a mood PI f Avon to VW- ,t fit 11t ( i,io,l 1'la<e from Grotto to 100.' f 1 13. • I v It I • ( S f o l , II to l.nl .tta ensic; l>'. _ .. hale L S frmn, l Ity' to Mlnl hah". LINWOOp PL. FROM 1(re'E•aF CROTTe Te OSILOLA 1'1nle N S frim, Aiinnehah:, to Su. and In Idge. KeN wocD &tvt.+ - Tlalr• I S f n Rri lb r r; \: Ry..: LtNWoep PL. FaoMOSCGOLATo 1 Ile I f\ 1 1 I Iti to :At- Ionia frmn \oison In A1:trxha 11 Rater. no Dole 7•, G front .\ty t to C, . - Alm kul:in Icon: Mar.hail to Carroll. i Ilaie E S fromComa to AI.;l yln nd `t _ \la rx hall 1 frim 'ndic'�itf•. IU F.drnund [ram I'nle to Wt -.,tern. G r l P.gx. - '• -Li- I'd mn nd from {t'CSLcrn to Rile. t AfarxltRil S from Grigg. to - Elf'], front Cl:arlex to n, inFton_ - F'ar ngton fron: f`enl ra lr_nl u� l; niyer_ Alarnhall from Lexington to Grotto. AI.:, al,:tlljj m Grotto.tn tCes tern. sit,. Farrington from l'o n'e rA t to - ]ti it rel I'LL'- Fairtnouttt. Th. mas. �[)i, Atllton from Grand to ,Ashland !. „pion fron: Thnntar C n Atilt I f'»n, Axhlnud to Alar bill Allton from NIXTialI to Carroll iin>;t.n. 'F V f o 1IR r.1 .:Ito to \111 ton from F:t lrmm:tit to Goodrich' l 1- F.,rt i, '1 r t Carroll Altlinn f on, Goodrich to I,incOln ylllton from lAm"ln i. Grand. t Far,i:ipton f , n 1 In Loa 'n . Aiih.n f'.t tit c-1 i' to Idnwood FRONT F—M VA"T NCS7.Art ' :.l ..oa,frnm (.land to WV tern, - QSCEOLA /ACN,.K,t7$1NORTN 7e A]1r.TeN Front f A\ "te"n t .- - la tom Ali lion I Vlc' F ltle f l t t 1 hntt:d O ola from tri clod 200' E. of E. �' C t Ill f o r Ed I t Con'.. tt ultirr (t, At, h -I, to Cook - Iglehart from Forrlogtnn to OSCEOLA reFlewswtl7 .1.,c rrnm St :\nthn ly to Clot ,l. FROMI toll: olLROTTe Ole FO" VR..O$9Ce TeLIY✓e•e P-19 .ray from Cent ;tl to Fuller. ,lay ".m. Faller to I'o-1.xi[y. � I ni fnm Cnr1 11 ,o'St. Anil l t i Ito ISAledt - It te: 1slb")1-ad. G.f dto St •nl fo:n St \nlhOny. to 17.11,11- O.ford [ Cr. :la to h ,t fron, Unl,lt to Iafond. i O f ril.d. 1 f n Good: Irl to Crnnd. t\' 1` t from T.nfomt to Minnehaho. v \ 5 from Gac. 1 to \1'esi- Lef.ndf 1):,I, 1 to tt'estorn l.afond f l{ -t,•rn to laPi[Irr. I and from Gri ggs to Ch.,isa brth. - LnPnnd f , n r.aulti� r to Rice. trot tl:,nd front Chaty, 'lh .t.. Vte- Louts 1•; s frI \-I t AI hall. . li.(1IIEgop Fi)tvl,hh .KIT,HC-UU rrnm Atarah ll t 1.,,o, from.(',cloI. Io Fuller. - - Portland from Viel.Ha to hate. ATzIZ,in from Cnr,nll to. Rondo. Selby from F[ line toAlal l<ul f P I S II r m I I too o f G f 1. t to Alta In I I f 1 ... S 11 Cont U I d [o Ch I Ih. - {'3816 fr.. ata o th t .tl to f - ( Thorny. Ala rl<: 1 f Thoma. t \Ib:nr- "4e1by im mia to Tunn 1_. y, hof :I. . Selby: I to Sammit:,,.�_� .' 1I » t, tm Full t C on from Ata t to Lo—on. ai,w ST.AI.56 T.PLrASANT " ill!•: foal ITI—I IQ ( 1 FRCMFAIRMCUNr \I tiford tom Ion ulfl.; to W"'I'l- --S1 \Ilan. I FRIT, - oI t. Sunt - hrldFe Milfor�l (runt Woo II. i g n 1 - \1lnnehah'l front 1 1 t, {t t 'mo- Suim tuft [n Hnl1}'. it. .\Ibn nx fromto Selny, SL Aha ne from Iroi1S Afinne ha h:, f , a \t ehd•rn t0, C Rn yo u> foal Cru trot to Rutl F, \man.tt item Fells I ('an 0.11. Sf. Clair S from Ix,.cington to Atii- i R.,,m. fon, Rod. to St Anti , ltioe R- s from Summit to Rondo. t"tit:-1'Iair from Aflltm, to .\trot.. rifer tV S from Rod. to ycrS([y-. Rife tV S from IT oit'erslty In Canon. ` Summit front Hamllne to Dale. St mllrn [r from Lincoln to Fummtt. role, AV c fi..m Co.. to I'ennsyl- , In t•Itirr Fourth \C F from Col le. -e to Fllm MR. H 1\' C from Pennvy'lvania to S. tri Aorta from IAnwnotl Placg to - e rd liridga. �Pdr—lint. - Vlr[orla from 1'nirtnoti rat to Summit - Rlre \V v front Tlridgcenter G. \- 12,'. V't 1 1 [ -S It to 1. rel.It al t [ '1 .1 [ sell \A' from \ end 1 ll r to. I 1 - Vl,11121d1 f 5.m [u l II RI \V S fnm Front t' i{h •lurk l l bt f f m\ 1 to ( 11. T' it n, I l{ t fr is a4 rahnli t C? roll. \A. t fr S'm to D to - - R In front Mile t AA 1 '.R In font to Virginia. _ - - PI Il HTI7. t{AR 11 - R to from V1,gl { t M Albemarle f At—I t Font. Albemarle from Ilatcl t, L.—Ca I c Al the iy from 1 I t \1 t. t A»Ihnna front AA t - t - ARUNDEL FMmSr-ANT.e+v f. AoRp Sl- RI '..ean I. �\ it - [ F rint,t t to -1 undcl from Aurora to University. I vh�rim:nc fit u:n IAlackul,n ? ,t tottVr,,- .Arundel (ram University' to Thomas. orn. A ra ndel -.from Thomas to M enehaba. Sherburne from tVex,ern to III— A tn'aler from Woodbridge to Gaul. ' SIm , from At,ya,er to Ava"t"ta. - 'Aero Atwater from Gaultler to Farring- Innen, from We,,ternto Gaultier. Tho Kent. - ton. :Atwater front Woodbridge to Sim- Th. from Kent to \Ces(ern. Thorn.": from "'.'deco to Como. cue. 1'niyr rills from Il;:lr In AfnrlOn.' , ' Atwater from Simcoe to Albemarle: . ,lfrom M u t Ric Vo I -.IAurora tram pale to Arundel Aurora from Arundel to Jay. In Iluren frnni D le t {V,. t ,. inn B,Iren Rom to t. to room 'Ano f Jay_ to Marton. VIr0: t f ll t L lverxitt' - A ra from Ala cion SOU' \V, n[' lirgit f 1. le xtt In Lefond R c. Aurora '.tom �00' tiro of Rice to Rice. \ is gt: froill 1 fond to Cont n. - it .ly zu t., tom ..,ulller to {{rood- - Uurgese from .Arundel to NV,stern. - ITlnir from {{'eat a to to Como. brtdge. Wayzata from Woodbridge ,o Riee. Hurges, from Debt to Como; \Vey t, ro from (`anv,ll to Ito",]n. }tlnic from Dole to We..tern: - Rurgexx from Wextern to God ith•r. - JVe stern front Rondo to Centra Wt, tern from central to La Condo t. 'athrdral Pla" final SI!Isgv to Ca:- Wextern from 1.afond to Co.,..Como Ca shed rel Plar•c from Correll to h`u Ater. WESr[RY FRotV HT✓ ImP. Te Bux&Ms - - roll (:t. all \ (ram \l'rxlr rn In Irv,.: - t to .on. A\ . to front ,S rhl goon. Cook. At rite 1 .Sit eon to Cool . , Sti Carroll f,00 Farrim;ton to Riee.- -AVhea•lock larllway. - 17 n[ 1 brim Dal, to {t t -- Wee, tC,. f m :Atwater to Wax - Centro] 11 frmn W"trrn t I itis- inn. to,ta. wo.dbrtdg .from Wuyz ll. to. Central from Farrington to. J:tj.- li::t,.1, Celitral from Jay ,o 1, s. \Voodo,big,. from Ifntyh to Low-.eo». Central from Louts to III—. Charlex front Dale to \Nester":Cha, - - - lrs from tVlixtrra to Rice Como fron, Dale to Rurgoss. t., - C (:..\. Com. front Fin rgexa to Y. n:. 0( Bridge. - LIor 6 NTH WARD. 1 f (t"rtInnd to Elk A,ker from_ III. t A k r frem S 1 to -J k o. :Acker from larkson to Cortland. A\ h from Riee to Pari,.. - Atwater from Rice to SYllon. A r t. from Cedar to Robert. - \ t front I[IIt• t P k Ti roadway from C o to .Thin - T�t ith Rroadway from Thirteenth to Valley fill nto Arum Acker to Granite. f:api C01 ISU»hy.Crd from I'a,lyr,'s it, to r_nmo_ . ('atpitol IFelghlx from l.'nlyerxilc to �IoyPenn....la fro: Payola from Groor toia toy. lg. from Cor[1 1 to tppl lar nom Fummft t cetartill.. 'edar from Cenirtil to Como. ( trot from Rire. to I. Peter. Iltatral front Si T •ter to Central. r . t1 from Park t r ref ai Park T'lace T. front' Sun,.it ntrnl (.. ,trot Pat 1, Plan• t{' from. Si inmlt trot Cent, it N. 1 f't C 1 to Rob -.I L fo lr:tl So ,O.ol front O'dol to T(UM1- et t. CentrRt T.n's,cr from Rices' to St. Peter ntrnl Te rrac•e from St. Peter U ce. Ir I Pnrk. Columb. fromGlencoe to arch. f nlumbi from 'At'h to Pennayi 5R in. (.pmo from C lar in CallBlvd. to Perd. tomo from Ca Pitot RI 'd. to T'ar]<. rtrol RI to Park.. Cook free' RI to Sylvan ( 11 t 1 t Ak r t ('ave. C ti n l it Case t J nl<v. { R,R 1 [ 7r11salaHlJ?jfR' - Glt-o [ran !tC.Itunbla- fO... Atkat a tlritnti� t l..rd Ito \rlaxi C e\ c n,J it t Canada [• c. \ S t nm Ca , da to \t( Is i IH?rrl. let num Central to Ce trial FIAT N F M ce Tr 5�l-�nN lgfeh rt n le to Wabashn. .Tnckx L E . r t Grove to Thtr- teenth. Tackson from Thi, to Univer- .fly. .laeksm, front University to Warren; J.' keno from Warren: to Valley.. Joel, n from Valley. to So. end bridge. J k nh from Bridge o• r G. N..Ry. .Fackeno from No. end bridge to Acker. Jackson from ,\eke( to Sycamore. I T ml tom Ark— to Sycamore. T ? tl t m Acker to Sycaore. J mine I om Rlc to Abelm III. Fourtermb from Robert to It(laels. Ippl Front from -Rice to Sylvan. [ O i -t from I o?d ?y -t '.%(t Airy. 1ni,llt[ lit. Airy to Ali ne- 1,1 I o f - III to L 1 an tell 1, f m III to y15 f R e jb Ail AI'y nom \\arren to Linden. Mt Airy from Linden to Mississippi. .\I.,gn nll,t font Rtce to Sylvan: .1L?nitob:t. from Rice. to Park. \lanlioba from I`alic--lo Sylvan.' MI-mixslpl:l W S from . Grove to 1'ennx31yania. . Afis.lssippi W v frim, Pennsylvania I,, So. ,nd bridge. Ali xixxipPl t\' S front No. old -bridge. to Aker. \II .IPpi AV S flout Acker to Cay - p \II'�I"i"I I \V S from Cay,t j;a to So.. rn.l M1ridge. - \I 1 InPI \V S nom II .Age over G. \ It ,. Altxs:..lppi non, No._ end bridge to. Case.I i .. AIxsippi {A" S from Cil to Gerin u Alixx laxiDPl . AV.. S.L(IIeranium{ ochry- . land. I'm h frmn Central to.Aurcra. ' Ptirk front Aurora to Uniyerxity. I•::rl< from ITniv,rAly' to Sherburne.. Ii fro byl erne to Como. I 7 1 n Co nO t. t1 -inter. t I- f I m WITIte to Areb. . 'PoIk from S e m re to Atwater. t silo rrnm Atwater to Conic.' i nxylvania fuitn AHssisxippl tp :MW \V. of Colnntbla Ifce E S from Summit to Rondo. Riee 1•: S from ondo to nl\'eralty. - IIII'� F. S from l'RI? niyerAly- to Como. it I,, 1,. R frnni Como te' Pennsyl-> Ri I \n re 1•: S fr,ioi f`ennayl Tlinia to So, T boridg, RI E t orn Bridge o5'- G. \ ,Ry. GoFG , - Goe Rt N)_ I.t TI 1 1 fo d fr."' 1111[ to Victoria. .-. "Ict�to,)tilt dole �. j1RM1-tNE hi•S FROM L�Ncxrre N- i In i f Comn t \ U t e it, t t from [. f ii i M otr LIN HRMLtNE WS FR-CSEL ` .111 2 t th f m. CI I d t Aa Park. 7 NAINL.I NE M i FR M $ELDr To MRRf Nr [ - r1ell. \ I ri t lIo RAMI -1146 FR A MARSHALL To UMIYERSRV I St \. [h t f 0 •.`; [ m ( e(I to (.lrt'c ffyM M TCR1 TOSTAN-TN NY - HERSENEL C �S St \nth n3" t T. I IL [n Thomn 1.101 Su. Jlilt nd t lh fron Cleveland to Ter ]Iln t 2 [ t.{ to l to Date 1. _011 r P 1 Park to shard from CI t th t t g tit. from Terr VI t I 1 * n P S\ i L. 1 ( Shield. from "_On \ tl It mato from Il I from \t (9 T f - t l roily 1 to 71 So Ho I?ondo a V7 e 1 a from \ n t D 1 nt. \ tl )' [ H lito t\Tl eel" [ Chate Ii ell f \vhlar i' Sl\ ti frf on'thcolor to Aldine, I1� 1 front lt[otd - t - T aur l to }1 troll f 1113 •i 11 t1 n [ d '�[ \ th yld tr�Sne•Iling 1. t t -tie 1 from I It f RI Rfrd, to Hnm f h t f \f h t HOWELL. FROM SISMMIT T RSMr-wNO F IlnR--1I - P k[ on R'ilde'r to f f 11 in iRi d to St- p t \ll itt. T. P k f t Rohly^ t, til f I ti t ( tf t '7; 11 t i Fl 1 t t SfnihonS [ho 3 - of \ll - l: I il) T.ridge - 1tii 1 'i f Cretin t PI FI t P (1! ll e. t S S from I I n f TI ( DI 1 f [ T rio t. R h Ii t ct. \ll .Til t i 7ty S Sff n F, t d f bridge I I 1 t ml h 1. - L \ll f ') in ry 1front 1 1 ( r n to, to level!' 7 f.t t th F i. -to. i tl [- tf i I from Prior to }40\\'"11 (o Fairrt � `t i 1 it S from Falrvie1v t 1 t T t I 1 from Hotreil 'I 1 rl frmn Fnlrrie+r to Cneelling. t- t'77 F S S from Snelling t0 r \7 - Lnl a N:1) tJt>' ft ont \t to t [. Al- r f tldin f i hn F t if 11 I n S from Hamlin" to Le. f i Alh t Date. I ,1. front- elll ,Paacni roll ) tl h 71 to C I. 1. t)' St t 11 f f l- t .,ill to Ilion. I ..i,nt int(\ Tf Tni it S S from F Jerald to N. �, TI mm�. fi0 ti Il t T t. t\ n. - Lt NCOW FROM iw RVIEW Tr $uC I e d P i IdL S fro 300' t\' of L CNwTSWORTN To CoMO UNION FROM to Hn 11Inc.- t CI eland >7 irn [Mm I`din "ton to St. Clair. Date. - 1 I rcoi f eliing (tom. 1i:trales[er to Fair rq t Eton to \\'nitham from Prior to Dea-"J'. l'nivctrlt>' fr l�k.t e't, to Grotto. Tl colo 5 Ibr to ni mit \\"heeler fromI ff t �t. Al. 5. `- ore. rl Ott it ur�t fron O 11 L •tnd \\'heeler from St Anthon3-to 250 on t) L ltd l.nke Iris. it I it t i ake o[ Shlelda. l:nr .. •: 50' S o[ Shlelds to. ( \ I •n from St All f8 Dole. Lynn"rat 1: fro F } I to 7.alce t\'heeler f m Shlelds Shields to L*niversity. VwNSLYKI FRof.l LitftN�ToN ro�ROR<NfLL'' Tnnol,nr,l t\' Trom Fr. ronin Nhenter. from tt`tlder from Laurel to Selby. SLYKE FROMCNORRNu T•eNAT3r/oRTH. - D'ia �[. Clnfr. \I.tc',I. tiler from sentnt i G d icate to' tV llder from Selby to T St. A [. VAN,. Iglehart t 3t. Anthony marehall N ti [ yn R"tlder from Ttt ELFTH �C�TtD. .. fol 1 LtY. S fi f H." to Lev Argyle from Front to Hntch. \ t i f F li I T I'-eit t Thorllas. ?fxrahnll in.ton. of hridgc' to, II f ti I; end t ntori.t frvm To C}r,Oss 'I \ t Ix front. Flmlt to'Orchard. . � �. JIn- - rtl(. ARGYLE FROMMWF_14TY \ll lock 11 f:\P it 15-7416) Jlarsh.lil from Fiir ri •w'to.\Idinc. So' 1.I1g, - 1 Oxford to Chat sworth. ]Ult"hall from Aldine to t Rnilrond ;tu rorx from - Grotto. - \Ill. k P mr \ t {- ('h tsK° . A"ror - A til i t t Fort t (r m C ott ( Daly I tl �i pI l Ri), . lltm,. 1 nig, nthnr.t tl to Cit.' �y (ro Cx Il t Ron? 1 to to C 1 t "I'll, . Sellr loiFiehn rt. A_ fro ii �\von front Aurora to I nt)Crail3 ]Inure from Moore from D.I"hart. to Terrace. .vVarl t.,o �' _ .t.l-:` '7 "MAI - Pari:. tD l [0 1. \ ^ fro., Th T CRDM W GLI_ FELNAM 1 1 l f'^ Ave ;o (1'it/RTLE FROM t. pit 1 f I t Olean. to Ai'-' (ln i<I t Trom Prior in l.3 nnhura L. i Carroll v 5 f n Ch. tvx or[I, - - - it I - S t I [aria to 1, 1 - i 1 OTI$F0.oM MARSifALL7r. $O M\fRYILLE C r 11 to \"i t rin: C t I from Chat`-rlh _- f f n It.. Dnle. \ f:o d 1 t r-rxn d. I f[ Pr ldge. II- (h 1 t o 7 I [o d o i alt cru: t) - I T ellr r.t Snlhy to summit ste D ( d to Chnta dI h tat\��rth to Dal - I le: f +h[. :\nthon)'—l7ol -ra1lr C.1 t u f o h t t1 %{ : 1—i; nlversltJ -Pier i lo I i. lon—t"nn Siyl load o. Ila 1 p-. nRTl-TtNDFReMMoORET FA.RJIEW (.i t tl f. Carroll it th f Front to (.h t hill f Front t Orch d. I t t t Sn eUln c. t C[.hurc-ijrK •nt 513ke. ht7f - I.t 7 rl It eton fromt da,al-ter to Fall- 1 `t•. CMY1KRItrI fROMVRRSIYKE T►C&1A fARK PnT COMO FROAi FYONTCe fTe tMtoLH �i10:✓;arts FAIKMIUHT L CoavBLY0 F2OM MIAv $r OTN FR, it fR-1A S.MIAIT Te A -",A j) CROSS fROry LEKfHTrTON To ARGYLE - - - < I•r. f o n it t f.ra d. nml[�\ hl I - t nlr \\ 5 f 1't Ill i -'1 nl 4-,` p fou 71r f >sl l d t T ur 1. tl \\ ( .m T'tit e: sit to "Tinn" Prior from %,..x r h 11 LT Iglehart. from - 1.• - i I it•1 [ So. • I`nor I': for from Tglel111rt to tCnithnm. T I" \t 4 from tt . 0 1`rtor from t\" Ill 'r lot Ti^IIt 1T>'ti�•. f 1 r .nd of hridge t o. t N 5 Prom Lt Id L, ' C', N- ' -Armond from 1 \i it (0 \t 1 ash. Dale Ra; mon:l from 1 t\ free, d of I ridgo T race Part. t Prior, - 11 Rohlyn from Tinblyn from Prior to Dea•e). p. to Fni n•iew' t tt vn 2'•r tll—er to C ' } 1. \\' S from t( 7 od.- Tlob13'n from e) - .. Date NV S. from , in Nln to () f rd. QoQLiN FROM i1ERLE TOAsHuRY i'n I 1 t 1 from Le. u - n I. t h t ni rera itv. 1 I :)nd t: um ftxf . 100 1 froth C7 [ LI [ • in i -Y �. nt mm y4rt'. t T.Incoln t0 Summit. 1 Ind I N\ ( C: t'otllo,nrn 100 l\ f Grotto t , I Sn alogn from Cu nlmit to Se1h3'.. I 1 tut . _ - .700 I.', of Grotto. F: of Grnife to from.100' SELBY fFAIA"4 Mrf CREr211T•CtfYELAMD I EFlmnnd o tit. 1. nl f T iy,t t Ch t 1 f`I I d to Prior. F nt [ 1 CI t1.1 tl [ T) l0 t Ict la. j SI 1 f Selby f 1 Pio to. Fni IeK. I H bel. }` IIe fro CI t tl - \ n in to i[o - - L.1 S lh' from F it Jew to Selby'from He ,eto .\ld lne. N. end t Folie t rot Gt i[to to hole, Of - Carroll to Rond y 11 front \I 11 L Grotto from ( It i t \ ra nm b sell f m F end f bridge to "a._ I Ott ( ,ott f t t T o it ii to Tl o - Il to Wheeler t C atm f om f Th t 7 111. Shl lds Trom F i lett (roil - from Wheeler to Herschel. t -from P.Inir to ail to ehnha. _ _ �hh-lcls .L FRIM VwrISLYKE ToCOMrBcvP - 6"W - $MELDS FRIM NE RS<NEL 7L. REDIAE N - • t y' 001, f '.nil l,ridgc [0 UAIYLR517Y tiTLRARORIAL RQ S rot 4nellinf; to Ilse S' from \o. , „EUfTIf F'ROLI .III - L laoxtt) \ 11 f m -Ha nli a o. 1 t t to \\'heel 1 -Kos— 1 ItOaa to Cud' S 1- :1' T}1 'tl 'F.us(to 100' North- \, Imran fro \\1 clef t ell- Itoberi. It t s , 1 tt In ' - S 111 7 1. (Penth. °' e [tom Thnllentii,�to Lni\er ly, -Fry fron 7::1, [ Ht)1It t. _ \' 7. 'n 6 \'.an I ..from 7 1sa_al to lia"Iline. Roh. city. -10 itol' r,nnton from l nmol teaith [o Cnr- YAN BYRtN FR.M HAMUNETo GRISLS CLL Itubert -rrnm l;nia-. t ll 1T lE S of Pnrk). to CaP1: �" Hetghta' t I C.ntr 1 .IZamlinn front >Ti:inehaha - AV- lkrr from H ilt t. G. N. I y- - _ rit. l'etcr P:um S unit tot xl to l nr !'airy-- ' - \\'c 1 f t Fir to Snellhn . t 1 •ter from l'�ntt - 1 f Ric, to 3,0'al•.. of i + .0. -FgOMUNtVLRSfir 70MWNtJIfXr I a\')' f Ili to 1` 'c•:tl. 1 Ccd.f 1 t - 4,...1 1 1\ 1 11 H WARD Son,t \ 5 Y of I L J I t>"1 d e ZI I l n P Lin rsit}^ t \II er I Oyu Iti1fi0 \ rtl I) Al- IU Lst It n it `. Sf f ito,aa _. Jt n .a [ Ch. 1 a, ist from Gooatiah to Prince- from \Titnesot to !!!„; ,n.-.:..- I 1 t from ]tire to iy la'.Rn .toad. 1 f 111 tcnelling. ASALANC FRoM CLEVE I.ANO Te MMRE 'Or:Iron to ].tghlna•r. a. [tot. -S. Hl Id li. Itt f \ldk fo ' 1I Place to ii. [t ( S1,011119 to l'IIsc:ti. oil 1 In Sh la RSNI-AND FROM se�EoF F)NCAL ie HAML{AE r C from 1.IKhtner li Itt f , I h Ido. to 11 [ . _ - fr,or\.l 15 H t ( , iI J f \t t Fairriea'. 1 - 1 f t 1 oTtilr- H LTp F Nt.Ia HP T \'t 1 d fron,1 'i to i':asenl. t '0 Cerly. r I t f. nt ( e to \'11 1 frttm\I nt 1. f' t 12 1 to Jack- m,op j«et�lt d t '\.a ISALPW 711 h \ nil f f a.l.' to Prona W. is enlu0 cal tl1 C t \,e. \ t Lang - N(FAOMS G.111gT DRIN ET M t=.FRPIA J. vEMfV'f WC.TTI/LTX - TI l t . I d > ?0 TI I ,, h f - No. Pp from C ford. I,nro fora (r Aa,. W. to 100 I f{• f. [. \ h t Shl .la ' 1 lit -f Iii to t\ t h \\” of Knapp. - LanK(ordI')ace,\\- from Go 1 l,- f 1 Il t L lit d 1 L [, Zrldcc- L 1 +i - C Itl Ceda,. Itul rt to. Ja 1 .one to Knapp - t Finn to t etlo L Lola from .1• k+on to ltrond L]H.- ••a ••�• ...n .--.- - .n 11 - . n 1l f Finn to Cieyelnml. -rally 12 I t n•\,:aliea _•�'• .1 I d to Pit— . t I- b l: nl t)�c _ 1 I t \Broadw i f H t d t R 1 s il.Ilf aHnm Il f I Tf to S 11InK • t ck. from \\'urrCn to a} Nnnaai from I ala'Inelling to f.x" II f i volley. Viola, from Rice 10 Park. - \Iidaa'n )' Parkway - - 1'I -.1 1 [ 1 1 I to Cood- V101, Cron P,orlc to CRPitol Blvd. ]rue _ rich \lolx. from Capitol. ill"t to Capitol. a I•I. 1 1 f o -. I al to Summit..- - H tgrits. \\'abash. from Sumimt to UnlversltY• MINNENA 1M LItMROORTi �A1RY+C'I (•I I i f n S l {t l0 Selby. , Cir)rlanal I, oil, Il t \Inrahatl. -- \\ ,.1 \i t. A 1 t Arch. i' iral to S ell Cl .lLL if o Al.-lot1 to St in- \\ 1 to k. P kws) I k '. fyl 1 7 f I thon3 St \ tln t to Lnt- '., \\ IP b [ Itt a W� 9 luno PW' b"Snelling t H• rn 1 al C m.rs � f 1 I 1 front t �" \\ IP L f m R to -L tpitol 'Ni .1 lb"'. 1 ♦ R} 1 I d AIf s. 111'e, BI 1. \t i t r f _ DTI.nehnhn tr Honl to Sy ndl m i to I tit. P. \f i C Ry. fiilf-_ H �lltx._, Tf\T}I WARD t Grigg eat.ts __- y,f om Snelln,b to Pascal. riaha f c'hdtc Rte _ a CRETIN FROM SLCLAIR To So11gIM T(„ ;. ,,%Ib • �`C e sa TO , CREtN FROM LAU4lt-i MARSNAI.t-� ALSERTr a f1SGn. Fank jo"Ex-l', CRET)N'fROM RosryN7 µLeyr•L oFANt•IAReDR [ 1 i 11 I Cal, it-I. ' Ill - 1 1 from \TI 1 rah L \\esle) Cltnrles f• a _ - a,ll f l sirerx{l' to �C.a•. \I71 f 1 r from rl t h tbt 7`rlor ft on U {t elsit) t - 1 bash I \ xit) t) Sher- '.1 \ 1 ry Hon, I ni �'ItOR F7joMCNARLlS Ti PlN MOCK - 14 - A\ I from von I t Capitol. P 5ry F..M CNE TONT TALLVY+� Lu .'... T, \ 1 - Crom \"an I l 11 i -:} "from Din -.l t 72 3 ^d. 1 7 vmohl ft uCi, Lin rersrta to Hamp .0 f f I tit et t > t r. - i . t Prior. )t s 1 It as l d !1 to 1Tan- i to So end 1 t f n( ti t f i-w P i F - •I art to Fr1 Raymond from Hampden rb ldK. } tp on Dayton from k 1 ley• to Aldinr I:la it from-4ldtne from to Fahriew.. Iiaymoml from TtridKeo c G\.. Ry. 1„pion fromto Snelling S ltlair .\ldlne fro Sl m 11so11 to Fry r }i d from No 1- [. bridt;.e t^ - ( (on from S,e11inK to tlo�n. Blair lthafr !orn Sim Vson to 7'aarn i. _ - Com A .. W.- RlamorI Iran, -'o.. Ale. AN. to �LWEyfMAIfwAMlT To friMLRNO BLRIR FROM ALBERT TO HAM-06 Carter.. Carter to DUMMY. _n - - R\mond CI I from Como Are. \\ to f 0 \.11 1 1 10 1 rel. Tl.. S 11 i 1 - ir0ra Pront FII t 11111V( S Id. f 7 f to _ 1LI 1 t 1S 1 from tin Billnb t 1 1 t- Ili 67 1 I P H mltne l.0 G Iggs, f S 11 t i f iKl h t to R bl o ( I itol from.\Idin from Alam to \\ h le SI i l C C Pitol'to Hewitt C T i f Rohlyn to t ,pr (. I ttol i[ut from Smdll b.t 14t 1 .. .l nan from SneIIInK to Asbury. Pas 1 I a fro S[ .\nthon l L nl\'er- 1 t t p 'apitol from Hamllne to S)tnlicnte. t t (riggs. Sherburne from Asbury to e•'hmn f Griggs to Iesi ngt0 sit Y. , 'apltol from S)od - Cartcr from Itarn d to t.lerelIInd. 900• W. ^t •I�:, _J r�.. ,3E;�; •�.+•L"'L FAIRv ek FROM BiINel4bN T. LINLef.N Carter front Raymond to SneRBORNE FAOIwSYNwur! r. GlOces Gordon. I (tool Vmlll r, [ P .Cal. S1tEROort NE FNM V'AxgL7 l)L6ERT - 1 It t Grand., _ (1 s (.h 1•a from Pa.-Al l S} Ilcnte. $t(fUtNC FRoMCOMOW. T.O.Urfe.- :. I. -T f '.S It t Laurel. x from S>ndicate to .00' Fairs rtn ft i It 1,[o Sell , (:h,arl to C. 1. 1'ni ra lea.' fro - li to \farshnll. _ axterl). 9nl:iling tram Unirersfty Fan rrrn f, on AI.tl 1 11 Io 1Klehart. _ T to flrrutm lLRaoho. G. `. Bridge. lStn3A E,-, -_I;L� . oFStirv'...-...-,LEYnI�f. :. c1�11inK Prom So.end I;airrlCn rlyn n- -Mian.:, 480' -East: t \iiaa- r 1 .ray, Burn to i\ilnpe- llmnv. L'ni- Simpxo from \'rt f,Cf. from Hampden - - CHELTON FROM QI[tOR Tel Tgivtn F'a irare,a on .\ntbon)'-to , haba. nn,lis. '0 - Unlvev- aeFe llovrd from Carroll to SC An- Mnf am son from Buren to Simi,al[h thon)' Rg� fro n Gihha to Como. lmoron ' it if. It ITrrr l2 Trot to Falr\leu (' n,al(h—Ct)n1O \\' toand - Around Commourvealth Park.r'y- >,'edD SVNDILI19 FRLM C11Ftrn Tr IgA1&REM Prronl,t Crum C.,4.1FL W.FRo14549—Wit. 1IAHLINE - TATVM FRPM MtdAexwxAT=li'wNOCKa FMN FtPM IGLENAAT TOR QI.YM F" FgyM MNRSNALL To 16LEHART 614. Arf RC FROIN KAYMONP ICRAVITIRAM a Tailor from Aldine 'to Sne1111S. _ - Taylor from Snelling to Pascal. } (1 It t 1 ortinn;l. C, -- n \ \\• t S .lung to Territorial Road from Ellis to Crom- �- 7 r }, tl 1 t Marxhnll. Goodrich. _ _ 1 from Lnl'illsit) to Terri- Il. .Territorial Road from Cromwell f f I I f0 to oodri h rt It P.ilrt leas to i}nld\rtn. - Cromarll t :al Road. Euetln. I_ r.000)UtJ! FROM CL6VL LAND TO PRIOR - (. �. ,-11 fron T. 1torial Road to m CDl BALONIN 'Cudworth. _...:.- i. i_L,s.',uhA n", a'tiQ G�OfiW FRoM NEVA TO - I_romweli from Cudn'orth to Manuel:,. ..A-1 .a.cn 6/�O�O�PRtW FROM PRIOR To FRIRVfE}`( (. divot th from P•.uxtis tp It,-rmd. Simpson to 1}. mune. C_PWL FROMSAMTOiAT SYMp CAT! Doswell from Chelms- TI mmas fro m L nia etxity \ S from I:meral3 to W. ml. fr. I I I .a t (. et n. 'ford, _. - 1 T f Tt Il 1 1 ft 111nL t F 1 TCn•. DOSI�ELL i/roM VGLFifPolPT iCAY'flFND L i e t) 1 S f Bridg or (` 1 f, .Rl K t P f P 1 l. H li - to tl1cII[e. lfi t T [ L 1 e it \ S t P D. d f � (`I 11,11111i-f P 1 1 [ Airline. Snell 1 liam tf t- 1 P Terri 1-111 Itoad to .Ruy� - b' FRlr)iea �nlrersVF' tot FI {- f Al 1I f gg 1 Snelling to lascnl. �•�' F:Ilis from mond. _ .. _ - l 1d S' from SoOling. - - Hague f n }iamb nl'R• 3 from Grand to. SUntm 7 .o -. - CITY OF F. PAUL �.... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT' 1CT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUFILE NO._-- MAR 13 Wil By AUDITED --------191.___ JI "f1. 640 Resolved that warrants be drawn. upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following ' detailed state ent: a +. ii9A , Yeas { V Cou ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Couneil.___— 191— Far sworth i'lh7 .13 ISI,' Gos APPioved — - --+ ---191— Hyl nd -- --: In favor Kell r A t i( - MAYOR Mc 11 Against wv. erlich 4 a Mr. President, I vin 12860 American Express Co., 2.47 School -Exp. 861 Geo. C. Binder, 4.00 Library..Exp. 862 Boston Book Co., 21.50 Library -Exp. 863 S. Brsnd 38.00 S. & S. Cleaning4Exp., 864 Edmund D. Brooks,, - 3.75.° Library -New Books 865 Capital City Lumber Co., 3.06 Central H. S. Lib. 866 ,Central State Importing Co., { 38.25 Library -Exp._ 867 Thomas Charles Company, 3.94 School -Exp. 868 Citizenfs Tee & Fuel Co., 28.05 Playgrounds -Exp. 869 John Company, _Clark Library -Near Books 5.00' 870 Correspondence Chapter,Inc. A 6-16 Central H.,S, Lib. _. ® 2.00 #2 12871 Crane & Ordway Co., �.. School -Exp. Fire -C. & B. 188.74 4 872 Luther S., Cushing ..., , 50:00 Corp. Counsel -Witness -Fees etc. 873 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 46.16.' -- School -Exp. 874 Ed. Erickson, 1.85 School -Exp. 875 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 25.30 School -Exp. . 876, Feature, Film Co.. 96.50 Playgrounds -Exp. 877 H. H, Fletcher50.00, 'Fees Corp.. Counsel -Witness etc. 878 Ginn & Company 2.88 - Library -Exp. 879 Golden Rule, 2.47 = Humboldt H. 8, Lib, 880 Goodyear Rubber Co., 25.92 Library -Exp. 881 r. Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 33.78 School -Exp. 882 E. C. Harrison, Agent C. B; & Q. 3.016 Street.C. & R. -Exp: 883 A. P. Herschler, 13.75 'Dub. Parks -Exp. 884 Howard -Farwell Co., 6.00 School -Exp. 885 Frank. 0. Huebener 42.73 School -Exp. 886 .Leo Kisch .3.0.5 School -Exp. - 887 Libary of Congress, 90.26 Library -Exp. 888 Maendler Bros., 5.78,. School^Exp, 889 Moeller:Bindery 1.25 Library -Exp. 890 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 42.56 School -Exp. l; 8 Fire -C. & B,,r'' 3 4 891 H. Peltz & Son,. 45 25.45 School -Exp. Johnson H. S. Lilo,./ yi ; �' 4. s #3 G. Prussing, r 13.50 . 12892 W. Scho4ul- Mxp.. / 61 p0. l - \ r 56 P1aMgrounds�Exp./ % ib 0 893 St. Paul Electric Co:, 13.60 Playgrounds-ExP• F e 0 Mechanic Arts H. S. ;Libya r" Ally 894 St. Paul Showcase Company, 15.00 School-Exp. 13.10 ro, 895 Schuneman & Evans, School-Exp. 10 f' Libary-Exp.134- r`J 896 T• L„ ShielyCo., 2.50 Fire_ C. & B. 897 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 4.03 School-Exp. 898 Twin City Motor Car Co., 4.20 Parks-Exp. 899 West Disinfectant Company 32.10 School-Exp. 900 Western.Ba.dge & Novelty Co., .60 library-Exp. 901 W. M. Welch Mnfg. Co., 25.30 Humboldt H. 6. Lib. C F..\.. 15294— _ .. Resolved that warrants be drawn. 'upon the City Treasury-,payable out of the hereinafterspecified fund. and In favor of the person., firma orcor•��,,�„;r^�^•"""-^ poratlonn for the amount...' opposite+ - . their e.pective mss as specified In'i^`�''`'`' the fpllownfg detailed..tat—tit: -Ameylonn Expre.s Co., .'$2.47: - _ - - Geo. C. Binder, $4.00. Boston Book Co., .$21.50... - .. - ' - S. IPrand. $38.00: - Edmund D. Brooks. $3.75. Capital City Lumber Co.. $3.06. - Central State Importing Co, $38:35. 'Thomas. Charles Company. $3.94. Citizen's lee &Fuel- Co., -$28.05. - - - .john Clark Company, 36.00. - - Corre.pondence Chapter, Inc.. $2,00.+ - Crane & Ordway Co:. $188.74. .'.Luther. S Cubing, 550.00. - - - 'Ad am Decker Hardware Co., $46.16. Pd. Erickson, $1.85. - 1rairbank., Morse & Co., $25.80, �. Feature Film Co., $56.50. H.. H. Fl-her, $50.00. - . Ginn &Company, $2.88. 'Golden Rule. '$2.47 I Goodyear Rubber Co, $25.92. Hang ..Roofing',& Cornice Co., $33.78.' '. F. C. Harrison, Agent C. B. & Q., - ... I.$3.01. - l A. P. Herschler. $13.75. �- Howard-Farwell Co., $6.00. - .. Frank O. Hueben $42.73. Leo- KI eh. $3.05. I Y fCongress..$90.26. 'tiaendl r Bros., $5.78. a ifoeller Bindery, $1.26. N IV. Electric Equipment Co., $42.50.: H.Peltz '& Son;: $25.45. . i W. G. Prus.ing. $13.50. St. Paul Electric Co.. $13.60. St. Paul. Showcase Company, $15.00.' - Schunsman &-Evans, $13.10. - J. 1. Shlely Co., $2.50. - - So. .Park Foundry & .Machine Co.,, - $4.03.. • - Twin City Motor Car Co.. $4.20, - West Disinfectant Company, $32.17. - Western Badge & Novelty Co., 60' - - - - Cent.: W. M.. Welch ',Infg. Co.. $25.30. - %doated by the Council Mch. 13, 1917. - ApprovedMl h. 13. 1917. - - Ibfareh 17-1917) CITY OF ST.� PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT-. l - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - 'COUNCIL FILE --- '-` ,. .AUDITED (j "______ 641 .. - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their; respective names as specified in the following detailed stateme < 4j$.G'� 191 91__liar Yeas ( r') Courilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ -- Part] worth G6 ! Appro H 1 d __._In favor Y V� Kell G MA oR �7 _ _Against Wail rlich Mr. President, Ir n e F. xo. 16zs6— ' Resolved that warrant. be drawq upon the City Treasury, payable out of - • theoherelne(ter specified fund.%and In favor of the persons,. firms or L.rpors-. - a - • - tions for the amounts set opposite their I respective names as .specified In the following detailed statement: Ed Erickson 413.97.. - - Narragansett Machine Co., $1.52.. - - - - S. L .Shiely Co..' $56.60. F. C. Stechert Co.; $3.92Well.. Fargl. Adopted byothe rCouncil Dia c.h 13. C: s,-_ _ •. - - 1917. - Approved starch 13,_1917. March 17-19-17 12902 Ed Erickson, 31,97 School -Exp. 903 Narraganset Machine Co., 1.52 - E;chool-M. & R. 904 J. 'L. Shiely Co., 55.50 _.. Street C. & R. -M.'. 905 F. C. Stechert Co., 3.92 Library -New Books 906 Wells, Fago Express Co., 1.49 Library-Genl. o, A. 6.16 4. CITY OF 5T: PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT o COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE ----- f BY AUDITED___..-- --- 191.__- :.( PER__-- 642 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set Opposite their respective names as..speclfied .iii the following. detailed statement: - Yeas (J) Councilmen (J)'Nays Adopted by the Council_ Fa + swor4h 1-- _191— G Approved H nd --In favor MAYO K l err 1 Q Against i R derlich Mr. President vin P$24.00 - 12907 S. A. Farnsworth ,Com'r. Finance, Municipal Court-Exp. 160.44 908 S. A. Farnswobh, Com'r. Water,Sal• 200.00 909 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Gen. Fund-Charities Accte 476.00 910 E. T. WebateSewer on Scheffer 1 - _ ora ne Pt oo. 1629 s parrs nyNde ana 1n 1400' y tvityhTrae�lea °o acop beihetpIt dda t inrtnFarnstomoCruef`' Farnsgrtrevention e7000. :40&12,�,,. y2000�; ebete`he Covncil i. E: oW by 12.-1917. . 19 A9ProveA 0.1w 17-19171 _ COUNCIL FILE NO ...... j By FINAL ORDER. Construct na e. cement tide sidewalk to--a width of In the Matter of........ _.. ___.:.._..._..........:......._......_....:........._............:...._ �.._.................__..........__....._.�_ _ aix....ee.t..._.nn.....the_..ro_rtiisJde 2f_)`awaon $ g t.,._t�gt_w�en�Arcade str. and Ear} Street. ... .... _.__. _...... In F. No. 1x29 n—tht,.\7utt sldewnP u olk.. ce.�__—_.___ ..._....—.__..._.: bet..•eennorth u f Jath r- .. Arcade e t ws.,' . t TU ly ..r. under Preliminary order-_ll. `s_ _.:_._._......approved-.___-..:__.._. Jull!_1 11916 Intermediary Order -__._......... _...... _____. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City, is Construct 'a Cement tile sidewalk to a north •pj,de of Lawson streets between ._.. __. Arcade Str., and Earl stx.eet, __....___..... __—.�_............._. __.____.._ _ _ _...____._..._. . .... ---._- and the Council hereby orders saidimprovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for. approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councd:..,......��_' __ 191 a ..V .. MAR 13 1917 C' Clerk. Approved.._...__.._.--.__.M-__.__191 .......... t V Mayor. s Councilman Fa nsworth O Kel r Me oll Mayor Pow Form B. S. A 8-7 ' - CITY. OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER - - DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ _ ASSESSED VALUATION 3 .3o o zi sso -Z-> s o .�y f; o o o bz 3. z S- a 's— Iry.�� __ _.TOTAL, _. S ' 'CITY OF ST. PAUL - 'RI t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -AtPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION, DESCRIPTION S - +--. ASSESSED -. VA UATION -+-� �ev Ufa 2 r ��— z 2 / o� f �7 G<Z 3 z s- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. �� a Dated..? - -- 191._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B; 12 - ......._.-. _.. . r! f • .� +•. � a +lr. "vi 7 •� I -. +_ � ', i:l i 'Y8 ,- / / �• lie �/• ! + y-�1 kY �.' .-til � ., �-:,. .. I f .i '='. c �� (1 1 ,. �. 1. r of �.../ - :1. 7 r aF I /C, /. . `. � I + � i' i � i ..r �.•:(+.4=:r..l:�t.�.4.....,�.>.�.�p��z:i'auu�wru�. � y __a.,_�:... l Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July....2.7..t.h.o...............:.......:191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Lity.of Sti, Paid: The Coinmissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimimuy, miler of the Coun- ail, known as Council File No. 11585.., mpproved_...:July, 19th ............... relative to ......... constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Lawson Street, between Arcade Street and Earl Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......... ......_.necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............................. and the total cost thereof is $......... ...... ..7xxx,........ and - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... _ 3.A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. _ ..... .................. ........................_................... .... ....... .........-.......... .......... ..... _............................................................. .,.__ 5. Said improvement is.......... .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners.of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �l'GGL1 ......Z .............. Commissioner of Public Works. 7. To the Eon..Council, Oik cf. St. :Paul. Gentlemen: Te the undersigned property.ovrners abutting, upon Lavrson street, between Forest street and Cypress street, respectfully petition your honorable body to construct a sidewalk on the north side of said Lawson street between the points aforesaid. NAIT, LOT BLOCK ADPITION ArDRFSS ,y )17L:.�19 BUR RAU OF lii.i FINAL ORDER. In theMattGDadn Hawthorne Street from:Earl.Street to DuluthAvenues._. _ -.. . ------------- ... —. 14C63 approved Deo 18,1916 under Preliminary order. __._.__._ .... _ pP -•••- - Intermediary Order, \ approved_,..___...____.._ ------------ - _ •_..•-: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement. upon due j ti eP and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and Havitrg fully considered the same; therefore, be it' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, _xtent and kind of im- horne street from earl street provement to be. made by the mid City is Grade Hawthorne s r wt --•---- "" -tSl....4a1]ifkl_�y..S'Sllb.�r. _............ _ ._.._— ................_._ _.L .—..— f-. In the 3[atter tter o •� --'-'"'"— -•"_-- tof A df ¢ `^ St. from Earl Street,. '� .. undernretimin..—•—_•--^-••^•^^-..�•_........_....—.._ _.__....... ....... ...__... _ ._._..._.__. _.....__.__-_ ....._. ....... amu..._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and i hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for, said improvement, and submit me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith: Adoptd by the Councir el,._...._.._..._4Q-- City- rk. Approved__-....._.- ___.._._--_....._, 191 ........ . ....... Mayor. Councilman Far worth Goss Kell 7 Mc 11 02, Mayor P Form & S. & 8-7 • I I W I I J• A 13 -M CITY OF ST. PAUL' - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIIONER OF FINANCE - - - - - ON PRELIMINARY ORC4ER (B)... '.; ...., ;.. - -;-.ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , - LOT BLOCK - DESCIPTION. R / +^' - --.,� 2•o0 4 30� I 7 pro eZ � �� `� / � to c-•� G aro iso S o i _ .� .SAO •. �0 3 1-5o �✓ /moo 0 - - O O 4100 _. .TOTAL, 2 qso: . _. ,...- :CITY OF ST. PAUL::, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) - DE CRIPTION LOTBLOCK! AD®1T1ON ASSES-\ ED VALUATION N ., � 144 /J1% �/0 375` /,2 9 Glp .3 S-0 �9 i s y "14 o - 3-�7� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated �%.�. 19I..,. _...._. _..... Commissloner _ of Finance. For , H. II. 12 .. . H 't 'PITY OF S�INT PAUL' t DEPORTMENT OF , 13LIC WORKS M. N. GOSS- COMMIBOIONER , ROBERT T. GOURLEY, De— COMMIn-IONfA OSCAR. CLAUSSEN, 0"111 EM x111 , J. E. CARROLL. Son.C MYT W x 8 Rer�nn ALPRED. JACKSON, S— S A o. E 0, H. HERROLD. O E .11R St. Paull 4��, a ,,. • .,n• Jan• 4, :917• . 11. W. GOETZINGER. Sunt. Wog 0— M. N. Goes, Commissioner,of Public. Works' Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Hawthorne St. from Earl St. to Duluth Ave. in accordance with Council File #14063, approved Dec. 18, 1916. Approximate estimate $878.34 Assessable frontage 2,336.2 ft. Cost per front foot .38� Excess inspection necessary $17.22 Yours very truly, J-0 OC�LB. Chief Engineer.. p V CITY" OF ST. PAUL..- \ '-� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-<—GEN,E RA L. FORM Subject: , .. .COUNCIL ._.'.. .:...::, - FILE NO.. Date Presented March 13th,11: 191.7 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF 'EASEMENT TO HE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an ease ment'in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hawthorne Avenue, from Earl Street to Duluth Avenue, under Preliminary Order #14064, approved December 18th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #14746, approved Feb. 7th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it —RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lend to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Hawthorne Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated . March 13th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and grade a part hereof. C. r.. No. Issss— In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement In the land ..-a- - ar3' for slopes, for cuts and nlle t: R.ding."Hawthorne Avenue frc Earl St. •o Duluth AYl- under F"'I Ilmin. '- rd.r : " D-1 Yeas (✓) Co cilmen Nays �az f�sworth �/ ° Adopted bthe C In favor y e ouncil � /.� " Iql Hy nd / Kel r G Approved MAR 13 191' Against . Me oil191... _. .,,,,Wu derlich Mr. Press Irvin FOPM C.B•2. _ ��AY'OR Citi of Paul +Department of Public WAS C OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.111 Exq—v M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER a/ .—A.of Exa,x[awf R. T. ;GOURLEY, DEPUTY . r J. E. CARROLL. EUPT - BVwEAaoECOxSrnuerloxAN ePn,wf - LFREOJACKSON, BVFT W. OOET2INOER. `SV PT1on BuwEAv o[ COwnfcr ax• - _ GR,TBAN. Exa,x[aw - Bxw{Ax OF Bwloa Ef - G. H. HERROLO. O[[,cf Evcin[cn - -REPORT TO THE COUYCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces eery for slopes for cut &",an($f111s in grading Hawthorhe avenue,from Earl street to Duluth avenue, under Preliminary Order x'14064, approved Dec., 18th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #14746; approved Feby.,7th,.1917. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes apart of this his report, a plana of the ,bove improvement,ehowing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be.made on private property,and by th- hatched portion, the outs to be made on private property,and the extent of the easement to be taken,by the figures opposite such shaded and h.atched parte of such plan.. / Commissions of Publ c VGorks Dated ----- - CITY OP ST. PAUL FIIfANCE' � � DEPARTMENT OF -REPORT OF COMMESSr1ONEROF•01NANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) . - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �7. 2 lv (fo 3—o ?3� o' e z �s-- // 8a o' We 0 r !Lo o . TOTAL. Office of the Commissioner, of Public Warks Report to Commissioner of Finance To the commissioner of Finance of the ,City of St. _. ul ; The Commissioner of Public �Votka, having had u�i i' consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No. .14064 app1oved :..: December 18th4 1916 ;,� relative to ... ._..... oondemninp Md taking an easeruent in the land necessary for ......... ._: slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hawthorne St. from Earl St to Duluth Ave _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia........................ necessary and (or) desirable. RXXXX XXXYX ,.....,.aid 2. The, estimated cost thereof is $._....._ ........ , and the total cost thereof is $.. . _...... .. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .._. ............ ..... ... ....................... ._.... ....... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. ... ........................... .......... . _... . _. 5. Said improvement is_.._, nOt .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . .... ...........�. commissi ter of Pt�Ij.C�Yorks. nA"CIFYIhSG A98ESSMBNTB �`.. - -/ no • CoU C' F No. 15300 - In the m ttcr ot. the aese.8mant of be eitts c et and e%peabee :for con- LiactlnK By '; InK sad LeAa�ilr ^ qq!" J �t #T CITY OF ST. PAUL. /N y Resolution Ratifying 'Assesmment., In the matter of -she assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for Constructino-, relaying and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate No.6, under contract No.2425 for season.1915, St.Paul Cement Yorks Contractor, on the following streets: 1twater at South aide beginning 10 ft west of':^tellar st.thence wA 27 , hnnahaha at. south side from Farrington ave. to Virginia avenue. * F.0.6961, Park Ave. west side ve�ginnin,,, at Sycar,;ore St. thenoe nor.,h 4S act. F.0.7355, Matild,% St. ,^re tat vide from.: Ro:3e St. to Geranium St., F. 0, 7531, Dale St. .^.ct aide from Nebraska St, north 200 feet. 'F.0.:7Q58, Chatsworth SSC. westEside from Front St. to Burgess .at.. F.0.7273, Aldine St. Zut oi,derot,: Taylor Are, to G Ry. Right of reat Northern +.. Way.. F.0.6207, Blair St, south side from Snelling Ave. to Fry Strait. F.0.7058 Blair St. south side from Pascal Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.0,7507, trdctund St, north side from Simpson St. F,0.7533. Thomas St. to Pascal Ave. F.0.5276, University Ave. north side fTOlaHsmline Ave. toSt. Snelling Ave. ;.0.7505, Roy St. both sides between Shieldc Ave. & St.Anthony Ave, F.Q.7411, Grig a St, both aides from Randolph St, to Schaffer St. tt?..7 35, Aetilland Ave. 'south side beginning 364 ft.iiest of S�ratOga Ave. then0e-*vre.ot 60 feet.. ' F.0.2995, Summit Ave. north side from Wheeler Ave. to Pierce Stre,,t. 0-00"4 Goodrioh Ave. north side' between Albert 'Ave..& Racal Ave, F.0,7319, 8a�iline-Ave.�east side from Grand Ave.. to Lincolp Ave. F.0.7463, .luno .fit. south, side" bet ser, Sumr,:it Ave. -& Griggd street:. F.0,2650, Fillmore Ave, south side from Edward St. ,•;.cat 161: -:Peet. Louisa St. north aide from S .atm St. to So.??oxjert dtre�t.E F. 0.7414, State St. east side between Xentuoky St, & Texas'St. r F.0.7415, Fairfield Ave. south side beginning 36 ft.east of Ouster Ct. thanoe east 84 feet to Ailey. F.0.7361 Hoffman Ave. west side beginning at Euclid St. thence . north 160 P.O.--414, ,Pacific St. south side from Griffith St. to Heater Street. F.0.2067, Pacific St. north side from.; Heater St, to Hketinas Avw. F.0.7326, Earl St. eLi.aide from Hyacinth 3t. to Ivy )stree. asF.0,7650, Ivy st.south side begi Aning 50 ft.east of Drank at..t. thaaoe' . et 102.5. feet, p '!Afi ltarulpinA . Prnn&+7Ave. gevth a t r•. x.,311 AventlLa. F.Cl.7483� ROBe Stil both utssxtjesa aides from Earl St. to Dn7uth aVB.ri:U9�' . F'! *' . 8, JaAeop St. east aide froze Unive�rsitq Ave, to. Pennsylvretiia Av_e. ,. ':0.?5J9, Roy st •both sid00 bot"en Shidlds AVe. land St:Anthozry ave. under Preliminary Order ........ :.... _..... Intermediary. Order ............................. Final Order ................ _._ approved ..._ _ ......... ............... 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.:r.....equal installments as to each and, every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council:._._.191.... r... �� .:::::r ity Clerk. Approved r�... ........ .... _ - V ..._.. ...� % _.__..: sora, B. B. � `-� _........ ^ ..__._ _Mayor.. i I .h ~y rt An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3836, entitled "An ordinance prohibiting the sale of dries to females,ard prohibiting, their being in places licensed to sell intoxicating liquors." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST: PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3'836,,entitled "An ordinance prohibiting the sale'of drinks to females and prohibit- t ing their being in places licensed to sell intoxicating liquors," be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows` "Section 1. It is hereby made unlawful for any licensed saloonkeeper within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, to furnish any female person; for consumption on the premises, with any drinks of any kind whatsoever, or to permit any female person to be in or remain in his saloon for the purpose of drinking or being furnished with any kind of drink whatsoever; provided t-at thia ordinance shall not apply to hotels and restaurants licensed tosell in toxicating liquors." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage.and publication. Eby the Council Yeasut j,,r (/ Nays Mr. Farnsworthv vGos s Hyland u geller�, — t Pcoll u�derl i cli Mr.�,Rresident.(Irvin) Approved Mayor. Attest City Clerk. 7 �` RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME. OF HEARING IN. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. '1 urtemnirt.; r L: tt t-tsc. n L tu gen i~ T�Pi, �uutt+il�i C{vpt {In �t:o. V+Y Z 7 ti t '1n rc 1� ,. . . r�f', 2t t.; s Z ru;it,r, CYTx t':> Yt).<":I it ar Od t Vlo Eiuut-: rly ten (Z "Pit r ,t rt. '" 1t < rG.•;,1 n) feet o ..:. of .O.L' 1, ! Ae. C>1..... 1taCI: n:vicr 1'relimiue>tgkOrder� '.�_:.3Y ..__,.approceti __....__. _. Intermediary Order .................. tsps— . - In the matter pit and lak- - ' nt�a lneF1 ejrnhli�• The, Conimissioncr of P'iuuuee Ihaviu subutitied his report in the above matter as to the amount of chum i •ea awarded I'm' the iakim, of the 6111,1 or caseniruis therein appropriated for the above_ improdemeut and In 'whom pay -able; and also having -suhmitt,dhi, t. sc„meat of benefit to property from the making of - raid improveni`eut,therefo_re be it 0A,11, That thevoid uss�•stm ut of ben lits b: inid th,� s.uuc is hereby approved - It ved further, That a public hearing be had bo -fore the l ouneil upon said report and fora confirma- - tion o the awards of damages made by the Commisa:oncr of Finance,and also upon the said assessment of bon,fits: at the Council chamber. in the Court house in the City of St. Paul on the .g.. 11 .day --• ' of _._.Apxil ._. _.:1.91.-7._ at ten n',dock :k. ll. and that. the Conunissioner of Pinanee be and he _ is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. adopted by the Council__.. ......._. _...':..'.. 19j:.._ v.r -...... .. .__:.._ - _-_....: _..._ _ y c Clerk. it - Councilman Farnsworth - Mayor. Councilman Goss ✓� Councilman Ryland Couneilman Iieller MaLlst, l Councilman McColl un Councilman •RWtinderlicl ' Mayor Irvin �j . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS he matt of. Condemni.n., ttnd na3...a5{ maint 'iit a pu"�lia sewer in, over, across, under and through. the south ten (10) feet of Lots 1, 2, 3 AR 5 and B� .Moak". 2Q,. _rLvaL... tPfe 1tiFiil""Ee "Be'tA2seii for the .bove named improvement beim*, more particularly. described as the eoutherlyjen- (IO}.. f ....c+i...TA.t"aa...1,-.2.-.3.,...4x---5--ax�d--•6r-- Block 2&; - $6t:._,t....ln j. i roar, ._.................. .. .......a... ............................... 11lfrd ...._ _Tune '26, 191t" 32290 under Preliminary Order ......... .... approved.. .._.. _..-, Intermediary Orden ..... . approved ..................................... .............. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports; That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that be has also fixed and determined the ' amount of benefits to property, from the making, of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature' of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Sta`_e i4innesota, ss. County o,. 7amaGey. ) In the ;Satter of the Comd.emnation of certain land for "Se,- er north of the south.line of Lots 1 -ti -=-C-6 Elk.. 28 West St. Paul-PrOrer from .: --oint 10 ft. ?,est of the east line of Lot, 1, Rik. 28 West St. Paul PrOl-er-" The undersi,,ned Henry J. Hansen the owner of the hereinafter des- cribed , rorerty a rortion of ,-tach is -tossed to r.e taken for the above aescribed ir,Trove:.ent herab- objects to.e. :LT,iapriation of his land for said rur^-ose .and �o hecx;3rd th,~ef^r ua0r. the following P.rounds. 1, That the taking of said land is not necessary for the construc- tion of a seRrer to sere; ,the purrose intended to ',e served by the said it^roverent . 2. That the makii.^ of said improvement involves the ros9ible, destruction of a large ;..al -le tree u- on or near the '_ine of said imrroverent to the data e of the LndersiineC if the ^an is destroyed in the sum of 5G.00- 3. Than the r akin Of said iri rovement involves the T.ossible destruction of eight fruit trees u-,on.cr near the fine of slid imrrovement to the damage of the undersigned if said tress are .-estroyed in the sum of %80.00. 4. That the condemnation _grog osed to Le n,_-Lde will involve. a strip of land about seven feet in -,-ridtl runnint and e tending alon6 the whole of the Southerly side of the land of obiector hereinafter described. That said 1_nd is a lot of land fronting uron `'inslow Avenue in .said City of St. Paul, fifty `set in ^,idth —on the front thereof a.rd one hundred feet in derth ehtendim- 1..^esterly from the said frontlge on Winslow Ove. That if the pro-osed imrrovement io n_ade tiie undersigned can never safely locate any building or'rer`na.Lent structure ;u -on the said Southerly- seven feet of said described lot cf ground. That in event of sale thereof he cannot safely.ive a warranty deed to more than forty-three feet in f o-tage thereof '_nd that in said event he v.11 be obliged to convey the remainin u. -feet by quit claim deed only. That the im-ositior on said land of a servitude of a sewer ther gin affects said,!saysrr -feet to the e tent of four-fifths of the *.*clue of -he f7^onta, e thereof. That tie ''M frortage value of said lot without said servitude is to-ti+it: i said dollars ger: front feet and that the frortage value cf%sem eet with said `servitude thereuYron will be as aforesaid not more than 3'•(�� dollars per front feet to the damage of the under- /ie go signed in the derreciation'of the talus of said land ofw T47 O O O` That the rror-osed award of -x51.70 to the undersigned for the f taking of the said rrorerty is sholly inadequate to compensate him far his dar-�,^es and the sate zwill constitutethe fakir.7 of rr,ivhte rro- party without just comr•ensation. Whereby in case said condemnation is made the and rsigned,r-ill be '#.8�', - dan:aged in the value of his land in the said sum cf andmay be further damaged in the lose of said trees- in the #urther Buri of $2$0.00 all to his total damage in the sum of Said land of the undersigned objec_inr owner and a rortion of cinich it is rrorosed to condesin for the pur-ose aforesaid is ,in Ramsey County, Minnesota and psora-^rticialariv described as follb-s`to-wit: The Southerly 50 feet of Lots 5 & 6, Block 28, heat St: Paul prover according to the- rIat thereof on fib and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in afd for Rarsey Courty, h,inn.., and of e which described rarcel of ILand the undersigned, Henry J. Hansen is the owner in fee sim;'le.. 7M7RUORT, The undersiz,r.ed -rays that said condemnation be not i made. i State of winnesota, ) County of Rar.:sey. Henry J. Hansen the above named objecting owner and i -.-ho signed the foregoinz objection being duly sworn deposes and says that all matters stated in the foregoing objection are true to Y.is l:r_ocledge Subscribed and sworn to before rye �!I' str. arr 1, 191y. Notary WbIlIc, R -i sev County, M }Sy commission_ ex,-ires Nov." 1 6, 1020. r _ k .. ww�ryu'.Y%E.G"a *'" 'fes'. .£rR.'k»"A'e�rwkPnS�•.9•Y"�s'. F.lifJmS3.:=e.K-..rKe.,�5�' nut's. .. . v RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Opening, widening, and_ -.extending an a1�e+XberLpGe-A*e :te In the matter of. a' miscellaneous strip of land from the east linethe..aand .ta.'Iegt.e:ken...fa.r-.tha E : Addition, to the west Gine oY >gheeler avenue,.. described- as a strip of above natried improvement beim more particularly of thn gW land 20 feet wide acrosg:-_a..miscellane2uaett$er23t the north line of said.20 foot } aYthe of `flection 4, Town 28, atrf th-ein6.-:the north_line_.of.the alley.._ n.: 3lock..:.7..:... Sit -est... G.....S�axtdF�e:9dd ion. produced eset acroee said tract of land to i'fheeler avenue, ............. • ...... .. ......................... ............................... .... Final utidel��%� t 79 1914 Fub"�tYyx �I r ........: . Order4.. d Mayl, C. r: aio. is, ...... ............. ..... In the mat- oPenlnR.: w'idenit a$�p7sYfld..-.- and exte '�I-y acroe9 a m,'' - cellane- -ad troy ,.a .t to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as ng of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement damages awarded for the taki om the making of and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property fr said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. il upon said report and for aconfirms= Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Counc tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon e said assessment of th t. Paul on the.............9th .......day benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of S of ......�pri� 191.7..., at ten o'clock A. 1i. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. %- K j�. k A[' ... .., 191, � Adopted by the Council—...................... _. .... .City Cler . t1AR 13 1 1............, 191....._ tPProvect..:. ----- .-.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland o . Councilman Keller / Councilman AICColl Councilman Wunderlict Mayor Irvin ------------- REPORT-OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....Olaenittg, widening. end...ext-endi...a :..alley....oa3a...a. ... ac.r miscellaneous strip of land from the east line of Block 7, Egbert G. Handy's Addition.,. to_-..t.i�e.:.w.eet...J.i.n-a:..of Wheel.e...ov.ez�ue....tbe...l�nd...t.a:.7ae tFKen...fo.r...ihs p of above named improvement being more particularly described as a-: stri 1and.2Q. feet:wide._A.e.T.Qs.a....a..mi.sc.ellatle.o.us..:.txact...a-f land.. in. the. SW-*--af..thR...SW of the NE I of Section 4, Town 28, Rarge 23; thenorthline of said 20 foot strip...beizlB.:.tkte..xloxt)a lin.a...A.S'..,the ...alley...in..Block..:.7.,,..ESkext._G....Hansly.! aAddition, ... produced east across said tract of land to Wheeler avenue, under "Awk c Order-41.9.79 _ .. ----, approved-Ml ay..-13_, ...19-14, k*X3VXdiA2xX ......................... . .............:....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements "therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the. owners thereof respectively, and the per to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said. improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ' � Commissioner o1� f Finance , RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. - Condemning..end.-taking.. an- eae®s4ent_.n_:the land In the matter of., .._ ... f,or cuts and fills in grading alley in the necessary for slopes, ionOf._-1319ck2 . f.,.::Arlinfiton_ Kills...Addition,. _the -_land to,,,be 3ubdiy�.e.--.- taken for the above named improvement being more particularly . d..lS.aar�kaA._a_...en...ea�aement..:Kax....ala$:e.s.-...fax .e.ts...az�d.... lla...imrxdDan... the land abutting upon the alley in the Subdivision of block 28, itig.n....:to...tn ..s e??.t ah.Q*a..upon.._t?�Q...eketob._att�,eh- ed to the report of the Comissioner of Public Works in the matter d.at.eci..:Q_axaber---4-x27....191fz....wk�i.ck�...nXeto}►d... ...anMazt.._are..bexebY..:xsfex� si to and mane a part hereof, -- under Preliminary Order....11554 approved J:ul3f...18+:.-1.x.1.6:, Intermediary order -12550 Be t,r...l6...._19167. apptoled....... P C. F: No 13304= In the matter of condemning and {aE- i g. an easement in the land neces- g e y for 'lopes. 1 c is and fill In adinB lley 1n ¢b Sobdlvi t of The Commissioner of Finance hai+ii fe AblpNk Htollethddl;,1 the above matter as: to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements ;therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable-. and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property front the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits lies and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits: at the Council Chamber, in the Court House. in the City- of St Paul on the 9th..................day of ....AP.4i--- .......... at at ten o'elock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be_ is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ..... _.., 1 riK :.. Cltyylerk. Approver.:...... M i..3 , J 7 ....191....... _ / �` l� ,./ - jj - IVl ...... ....... ....................., ...... . Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliekt Mayor Irvin t� r) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ----- ondemning_and--.taking.-.an._easemeat---in_the.._land.-__-.----- necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in the. ngton- Hi11s...Add;ition,.;-ahe-:lsnd,-ao--.be___;.__. - taken for the above named improvement being more particularly de.se.ribmd._P.a..:an...easerrlent...fox ....e n.e.s.,---#Q.�.,:�u.te...end.---C.i11.0....i.n.._ar�d..uR.oxt.... the land abutting upon the alley in the Subdivision of Block -28, t°--- :the ...erten_t....ehQWn._uP.9.z?...thg:..agtch._attach- ed to the report of the Comitissionek of Public Worke in the matter dat ed..Q and...redo.rt--- are...hexeily...xes> to and made a part hereof, ...................................................................................-------------- -........................................ ...................... I ...... .......... under Preliminary Order...:.1155.4__.,-... approved.,7u.1X...1.8-,191.6, Intermediary Order 1255Q_ approved... S.ept....1.6.,.:.19.16....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro-. priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively,, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed -and determined the amount of benefits tdproperty, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding' the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Ak In tiie matter ... Vtx'.--:land ........................ neceseary f,•r to •Az, far cuts and fills Ir ?r ding .11tiine street Y.xalr . aelt5y.. nvar..Ue . ta...:. � ro . 69.... - .. is t.1.1ign r: e km...........:: atove w.,ped Improve-ment beinm more particularly descrited ia.e an Rase- m�aL--.'es...nlalZs.>n..., -8L..1r.and...upun...tha..la..nd nihuttLoa..:wwn tticline street, between twe pointe aforesaid, to the axtent shown dpo11 the... �tch...att.o.L.hnd--tn .tl:e-..repnxt...o1'.:_t}tn.:. ";'OWL' ¢ioszrs >t> _.r'>atlllc .: to ac$ in the matter dates' January 29th, 1917, whioh sketch tend report are h_mssbY....?f? 4% + ..$.i?:. fr4 . .. e.._1!1.eX'fior............................ ................... ...................................... .......:.....................................-.-....:...--:-...........--:........................::..-............................._............. .......... 13506 Nov-. 4. 1924 1415€1 under Preli inary........................ approved ;............... ............... ..:..::, Intermediary Order..:.................:., approved.......... C F No.. 15305 - In the matter of condemning and -tak ing a ,eae ent In the land neces- fnr slope for"cuts.and Alla In - grad ing,:.Aldip•..;treet from S 1b•• •, - " venuetoL the .ani,• - The Commissioner of Final ne taken fo ihlitte . a lu the above matter as to the amount of ,rocemenr , - damages awarded for .the taking of.the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of - benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the -Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........9 th.........................day of ... ApTS1.............. ....: ,.191...7.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he . is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed "by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .............. �e•1i-..}r :::.!.::.. ............. 191... 1' - `� City C ezl,. Approvect fL. 4R 13 ....... 191.:..:. U � ........................................ ................... ---.• - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss t . Councilman Hyland1I3LIS1?T Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel Mayor Irvin ; '/ /jay •' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of-..CIIndwifntnx—And t*Wlyll `Iii & ts+Tt11�'rit"i'1a'tltr "l+tritl . necessary for slopes. for cuts and fills Jr. ^rndinf Aldine street .....--...--... iavm `ie3by rocm:e to.i:carrti avenua. the lnnel 'tfi be VdTz'Ori iEr the 21,,ove named improvemer-t bein€r more particularly described as merit...-Poa gla a-s; 'fur 0,at-o c�tiii' fi12$ in ' nd upon the land abutting upon Aldine street, between tin points aforesaid, to the e=xtent shorn upon sxetch--atts(,,IiadC-tai t?ie r0drt of the 'u "i ®i' 'er o I'iibli ' 'ilorks in ttte matter dated Jant� 24th. 1917, whin ske'c�t gra report are -; reby rsferredc d- to-ana a-:Fret-h—reef;..................... _.. ------------ 13508 No-. 4, 1916. Intermediary Order 24188 d......... under Preliminary Order ......._ approve.. Tlec. 2f, 191. approved................ _......:. . .... ....... . _. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports; That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements rthereiakennd appro priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therrs thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also mined the said improvement; not exceeding the cost thereof, and amount of benefits to' property, from the making of that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. — Commissioner of Finance. r RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING EMNATION PROCEEDINGS. TIME OF HEARING IN COND.....-._ ..... Iu the matter of_ri gg,sye'y@eft kri th6 tt3 .,or.8a,nfar a4�d takinf}lls aesi+►#.�le!-te•-•etre�et. ftrr �+�e}��_::.fd.r..et�t� sty 3.zcr,. to be taken for the fso� nakd�le �cnue to l ry r(1 etxcset, t. ' s4 c,z3a r? s detscrih ode'' abarre- cs e+ f nret�s�cF�t �s ©ut nd Tf f ll �s i n t�r�d upon the land =s0V013-tlere a"utt" :::�ert+ete srr t'"' ,. ;terfn"ffi ease" for via�+se. _tr a extant sh0. t*sd �e4ti�ei 'ale% i�3if, this extant t $Ptq�n upon the asrk i€t t fi,8e3� the r title ,asl3 rt hereaf. hreby rel-erred to and . :...--. ^i �;^ stketoh lata re ort ars :. ..-.-.. 1;2396..-..,. andel Preliminary Order..-;18-1-• approved ...j.tme-4,6 1411+ Intermediary Order.--.. t "'y - L iJ,t�• ,, iV. the matta0 of condem j.k and Wit a - approved- "� ane; an tt casement, in the land neces- I yhrp (or loner, toy cats and alts In u,.dtnueBee�.tto rRe street t nm t0alc n" h talc r to ehh k'above matter as to the amount Of The Commissioner of Finance having siio•; ement n i -, � .yl ^ damages awarded for the taking of the land or easelltelita therein appropriated Toor the fromthethe ove so having submitted his assessment of making of and to whom payable; and 'albenefit top P Y said improvement, therefore be it roved Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby.aPP Resolced.fnrther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eonfirma- made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also neon the said assessment of tint of the awards of damages St. Paul on the .alt$ day benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the .Court House in the City of -.-.. .._._f+LFI..... \_.. 191:--.--, at ten o'clock -A. AI. and that of the Commissioner of Finance be and he r cribed by the Charter• is hereby directed to give notice of said bean s P �_- cil............................._ 191 �( Adopted by the Coun� L.' .-. ....- --- - � City er �1GR 13 .... 191-.__.. ' St Approve(... tJ ............. ................... \iayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gossiyl$fij5 Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller. Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderli l: Mayor Irvin -------------- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CO EMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ---- .4o.tl.d,e:ilnIA and...:Va"xi-?..-?n...Q.uta. t.Yt... )4 .:t. 1il.._1.aAd:....... necOOSS 7r for slopes, for cuts And rills.in 'grading Belvidere street fromi- iakdal.a..avenuln..to-.11arvard...sireet....t_h,.D .].and,..to.. tie-..t.aken...fo.r-:_ he above named improvement being more particularly described as an _-...edaaent...for...sla ea,...Ynr....cut-s:..and..:fills--:in...,and.... Mp-on..the.-land... .............. abutting upon 1301videre street, betweenthepoints aforesaid. to Lhe...e�ct.ent..:.e1jawn...upon...the..vke.t.oh attadha.d... ty t�lg....rep-.Q.rL.:..oi he: .._ Corsaiesi©ner of t`ublic works n ne natter dated October '1st, 191e1. _ n?zi.aw..xe%eto3�_end.:zr ,..ort:..axa.Y .oby re=exrs�.d.:..to.... ....�d.e ....Dart. h0Xq.?f. .. . - 12 9a 3 - 1916 June x6, 11191 Intermediary Order ..._ approved.... ....:, under Preliminary ..Order.. -- .. pp Sept. 26, 192-6- approved.. 936• approved. _......_......- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. s The. Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the.owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the. under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF 'HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Condemning and taking aneasementin the land necets"tQ+7CYsite o>s1.aP.es.....for....cuts...and...f.ill-s_In...grading..IImnm...avenue:............. from Page street to Gates strest,,the land to be taken for: the aboxe...named...imp.rp.Yement..b.ei-ng..more..:$ar-t.i.culatU..-deacr-ihed-.:aa an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land atz.utLing-:.upon-.Brnsan..a�renve,.-..hatw.een...the--.pointa..aferasaid,•--to the ................ extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Qo.=i.oai_Qnex...of...P..ublic..:".o.1kR..in..tha..matt.er.:..dated..Dnaember--13-th, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ..................... .................. ..................... ...................... .....:- 3............_ -............................8920 Jan 27. '1918 1s�3� roved ..... Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order...:..._................. approved Hoe. 15. 1918. approved... ....... ................ ................ The Commissioner of Finance-halingsgbinns mitted rejytrt'lnt-the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking bf the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Co nnissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on.the-tb day of A.^.:rii........ _191.7_.., at ten o'clock A. 'M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of saidng as escr�bed by the Chart y� Adopted by the Council-: ....... - 19 ..-.... --- .. MAR 1.3 1 I City Clerk. APProven .-..:.., :......... 191.......: ................................................ _.............. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman GossU%jLlbri, Councilman land Ke Councilman Beller. ,a Councilman McColl I �` Councilman Wtmderlick I ✓ Mayor Irvin `. `', -------------- PORT OF COMMISSIONER NER OF FINANCE/ , ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of. _ C.ondemning_and._taking::.an..eas.ement 1:n-the-sand nece.—ary for slopes, for cuts and fills in'grading Brown avenue from Pa&e street:.to.:.Gates__street,...thy...�atzd_.t.o.-.he.--talcen..fo:r-..-the----------•_------- above named improvement being more particulably described as an easement. for..slopes.,-:'for-cuts ....and _.fills :..in..and.-.ugon.:.the-=land----.................. abutting upon Brown avenue, between the points! aforesaid, to the extent.-shown".upon -the...eke.tch.-.a.ttached...to::..the ..xeport.-.nt_.the---- --- .... ........ Covmmissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated December 13th. 1916, which, sketch and .rspprt..are...hereby. ref.arr.ed..to.-..an-d---made---a-.past--Icer-soY,- under Preliminary Order- 8920 .. approved..Jan.._27",_..1918ntermediary Order 13638- approved..]ia v.....15.�.:..19.1.fi.....__. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damage`s therefor to the owners thereof 1 respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the- making of said 'imprevenient. not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of" the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on .said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofeasement... in..the..land...n*cesa:ar.y for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cottage street from t4iCe_.to...Xat_ilda..streSts;---- Alb.emarle--atreet.--ftam...Gatta�e...a#aeet-..ta• e Como & Phalen avenue, and Gaultier street from Cottage street to Lake the....lanri..-ta-be...tak-en••-,%r--th�--aboe-•#ze�eci #mpxve- ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes,,,for cut.a..and...fil.la..:in...and.,.unon-:the-.. Land ..-abutt-ing.-ups ..EotLager----Alhetaxle• and Gaultier streets, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon ...the..sketch:.attached--to- the. -•-repoxt-:-of----.Ehe-Eem$#ee#o>ger-eg Yttb3ia perks in the matter dated October 6th, 2916, which sketdh and report are hereby - re%erred...tn...and..made a,:.par-t...hersof r...............'----"------........---.------.....................:......................... under Prelimivar 3 Order10052 ...pproved aAir 19 193G_. Intermediary Orderl$5A9 ....:............ s r xo. ueaos— $ept 19, 1916• th mutter of condemns g and ceInk- ..................... - - _ appret•Cd. Sept. .... �.:. aneaaement In the land necea- -• for eI.pe., far cut. and t I. redingofCottage street - lntltda .treeta 11 _ ..�t.;ne atrr The Commissioner of Finance having, submitted his"fAp&t in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement' " and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and,the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon -said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Cpmmissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of >. benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................. 9.th................ day of .......ApTll------------ _;_.......... 191...7.., efts dock 41. and that the. Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of sai" s p e;vibed by the Charter. i i Adopted by the Council....-- :. .. ......... ................1 191 ...._ t MA,R 13 15 j City Clerk. i Approves ............ ................ 191... ,.. I ` y' U1 -. Councilman Farnsworth blay or. Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland i..�`��•V��"` Councilman Keller Councilman McColl x: F %' Councilman Wunderliel 1 Mayor Irvin --------------- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA� G`E ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemnf.n. � _a17d-.-.,t1.t...in..th,e:..1and.i.necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cottage street from iii.ca...tn.-:�ai.ilsia..s.tree.t s;....Al hemarl e...s.t.r-ee t...from-..Got-t-age- ,st re-et•- t o--bake Como & Phalen avenue, and .Gaultier street from Cottage street to Lake Cmma..&..Phalen:.tavenue,...-the...land-.-to :.,be _taken...id•r... the --abo-ve...na,*ed-..1-mpx'ave- ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for nut.a..and... fil.ls...in...aasd...upon -the...land..ab-utt-ing-.-upar4-..CGttage-----A-lbenar}e• and Gaultier streets, between the points aforesaid, tc the extent shown upon the.-.Sketch--.attached---to---the-..report- of -the --Gomm-ies"n•e-r...o-f -P4b•1Ae Wo•rka in the matter dated October 6th, 1916, which skdtdh and report are hereby referd- red...to- a;n-made...a..part...hereof:...................................................................... under Preliminary Order ......................... approved..Ap.T,19..,....19.16, Intermediary Order. ...12549.......... approved...: N9PP.t e ...1.9 a .6.e.._. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priatdd for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the �• _ amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. CITY C' T:RK'S OFFICE - . PAUL, 6A..1. -Y CO.� MINN• ST Th•w4thin lnvtn�mvnt w►� - f psawiv CY�cit, 0W*1 N APR g loll 8 �b RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_.:.CAR2Yd$1!i%liar.-And....takinr_= eansmon.t...ix1...t2to...Lurid......................:.. necena3ry for alopeu. for auto and fillar in the rrading of 7rapto - 4:roe-t..-fxQt..I.t.a?t.;.aire�L..:ia-::.',.aatlz._nzr�ne,....L'. the above n ad improvement beinf! -norr partiaulurly described ris kv.erdant.... Qs...ging. ...£o.r...-cut:,_.-m.ti_.fill.a in.:.and..: upon ..:tbe.--iastd....:........ rabuttinit upon !grotto street between the points aforesaid. to the axt.east...aliass.oan..l�nsa..:tio...abet.ch_..att=32eA..to....tl".rav=t.:.ot---t3 o Co.l ti-aaianer of P*blit =forks is the matter da.tod: `+ovember 70th. 1914, whicb skotch ::antes...renar.L....fire..harabg...referred—to...anai...maIle..s_cart-..?�Rxauifi,..:.....-•-----•-•--------•---- . .......................... ....................... ..... ... ............................................................ 10839 June 6, 1916 13441 under Prellinar `de :, approved _.. ......... Intermediary Order. ........: ....... 4 i9. Ir F\o r6309 , In tM1e matte of con"—Inland te- ' ,o- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages an•arded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted- his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner -of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. 9.th... ---....day. of ..... Ap e i 1---------------=- -------191;...7. , at ten colock A. . and that the Commissioner of Finance'be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said h g, as escrib by the Cha r. Adopted by the Council---- -------------- ..: ---- .. -_... ..:....1 191 --:. ... f...../ MAR 131 I'+Il Crty Clepk. Approvea.............. . ..., 191......_ ....... _.... _........ ..... _ ..................--- Mayor. - Councilman Farnsworth - - Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland PUBLISfiED_ Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman WunderlicY r /I Mayor. Irvin I - --- ------ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS _ III the matter of_..Gonshe3Ming and - taslsing ass . 3.a*WMt ..Lan-- the'.11"d ..,. ----......_ necessary for sloped, for cuts and fills in the srrading of Grotto. otgeet fro3a-Ratoh--street-t©..<;nvao aoa+nuo..... tL1,4 .l.'anc1 tl.e above named improvement beinrp more particularly described no qn- e-aseMen6 for.. el-op$s,- fo-r-..Quts sncl fill*""las--"and -..upap...th$ I-Find............. abutting, upon grotto street between the points aforesaid, to the ext est eMsssrn—dp®n-E`•te aLcteh-gtt"tared-to..t}�....epQF.t...af...t?se-Cosl-s�aiener. of ftblic Works in the matter dated "iovember 29th, 191f., +ahleh sketch ssnd-" report---a-M--be-reoy-: referr-ed- -to Dart h res€-f"- ... .... ....... ............. 10839 June 6. 191A 13461 under Preliminary Order -..... _. _, approved In Order .." .. -..... ., Nov. 1. 1916. approved.............. ..... :------- ---- ...... ........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. " The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not. exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters- ' - Commissioner of Finance. ------------------ - RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEItINGS. In the matter of._-...Condemning.-. and ._taking -.:an..esaement...in...the ::-hand necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of tient street £rol# Como- -avenue- tri- -41i-ver_.street.,--- tke--land_.to...b-e-..taken-.far...the...itkw-ve..naistesl:. improvement being more particularly described as aneasement for sl09e8, for--e-ute- -sari --fills- A-D--arid.._uponl..-the..Iand.,abntting..upD between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch att-ached to---- tate-•--repo-nt-..of..the--Calt aS-s8ianer...af_:C'.ubli.c-.£arks..- referred ted dated September 219t. 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to-anei--made-a-pa-rt,--he-rsof,................................ ................................--------------------------------------------- Jen.-.__21a 1916 Intermediary.Orde112306 raider Preliminary Order....._g��6.............. approved . •-----, C F No. 15310— In 310 and tak- Au 22 1916. I t to m tt Y c n I mntng approl ed......... ........1. Ing an as me t in the land ne es- .-Y .fo I D 1 at9 d Alla 1. grad ny Kent at e t It.. Como ve-I - nde to OI[�er street, the land [o - keb for the abovename,'., '� � 'ej— more pat - The Commissioner of Finance having submrtte in eo report in the. above matter as to the amount of Ke damages awarded for .the taking of the land or easelnei.ts therein appropriated for the above improvement. and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it --•• Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the sane is hereby approved: Resolved. further, That a public hearing be bad before the Con neil upon said report and for a confirma. tion of the awards of damages .made by the Commissioner of Fivance, and also upon the said assessment Of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........9th ........ .........day of .....Api-j j. ........191.x..., at ten o'clock M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hes pres l — the Cha�rJer� Adopted by the Council.................. ---- - ......... ... _...�- City Cier1� Approver .......r1A� .........., , v............................:...A ............................ ....... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth � Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl / i is I Councilman Wunderlicb { r Mayor Irvin REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. Condemning -..and. taking .an -easement ...1.n." the... fid ............. fills in grading of Kent street necessary for slopes, for cuts and from tha_l.and...t.o._be..t.aken fox... the... abo.va..,names_i... Cozuo....aAetaue""-tc"••Q•iiQex-txs"t'""""" described as an easaaent for slopes, improvement being more particularly fo.r.,..cuts...and..ii]ls..in.:and...apon...the... land ...abutting..uuponKant...sketc .._.. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attLex tember 21st, .1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred att.achesl---tn...the ...report ...of.-.the...CQMMi.ssio.ner of"_�ubli.n"-fie he in tre.. erred dated Sep ......... ........---- t a_.and..made...a..paZt:.hereof,................... . ..... under PreliminaryOrder.:. 8878_ approved).,� pis 1916 Intermediary Order approved._Au�r.:.?r: TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, The Commissioner of Finance herebi reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, ands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof whom such awards are payable;. that he has also fixed and determined the respectively, and the persona to f said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and amount of benefits to property, from the making o . re of the under. that her attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signatu signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 11 -, I[q, : I kr `: RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXINGi TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, for a-lopIforI cats, � 1�e�n trrsdin�r ��gdi€a treeitan GaOCRIOnt nthe 3ro� r�sc�l86�r�ti�ia to silbert.etreet; 'Stsxtford even from Pascal avenue to Ramline: nvevue; Laneiii strasst f'ro>� aseel. nen Lo 4jt'irt etre t, iezal aysriun .i . Palace street to aefferspp jvenu(. land Albert street from ren alph �tze_et 3 to Wit' mr tlti•eett, V1,6fivid tis�i teen, for the above nmed improvement beim= more rirticul^srly d scribed an ar, r-MMent *ar nloFot?e for tr and t`illa xn and upon ter Icni tsiiuitiri? uxoa Lydia,">i:�nford, L€s>-tnin:x, Ric and , bert, between the points[ aforesaid aid to the extant shownupon the sketch attacYtt�d to t=.� rPl{ort oT tl'ie .. asioneI.r of Public .;orks is the Matter dL%tetd r9siob r ^4r. 191f. which flE etch report_ are hereby 'referred to.. made �raA he ;.. 0544 .. ...... .. ..... �sr.Z7;...��Ti3 "-------- t����....... under Prelim' r approved Intermediary Order............... approved. ...... 1• F - --- --•--- Il the mutt Cconde th l and tak- - { K an m¢nt 1 the land neces- aryif , I,.Pl ttr-t [from Pas as and MIS a; - - - nm�rt street•. Stant, - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the. above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated' for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted Lis assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ......9.th........................... day _of ... -April .._..----- -----.191.7:..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter Adopted by the Council...... r .fin......... ......... 19 f City Clerk. Approvea..:...��NR 3.. �.i.' ........191....... / / U _.............................................f .._... -- Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. - Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland1111iti Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman WtmderlieY c r Mayor Irvin � ' / AW REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of �4Pa gil Al'..> f�._isiC9ZI(.'...=....eajxl'&an.t...in the.:.land-.macia.68=7 for slopes. for cuts and fills in grading. Lydia street from Pascal avenue to ai,lb?nrt..;vt.reat...... 3.tmnf.o.rd...&venae-:-fsnm.-2aacat._avenue ... Lansing street from Va"ctal avenue to .filbert street; Pascal avenue from Pal%-og...atreat.t.Q..s.eP,fer&on:..:rkyrnim.,.-a-ad...Alb-ert strvex---froz..a'3ando-Y-pta.::m-txse-t to St. Clair street, the land to be:taken for the above named improvkement bei m.anoxe...Parti.culAarly.:.desarihrd..�a...yrs:.ez�crmant:.Sas.,-sloor:--=wut4.::and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Lydia; '3anford. Lannin,a_, Pascal. and _Alhert.....betweaen.:thea-.gn.inte...afore>said..:.tn..ths..oxt4nt--shaa�n.:.upon-..ths--41�Icateh n'Acttt-ached to t=ie report of the co.m�iosioner of Public ',,orks in the matter dated heraazob-er 94, lglr>i.... tieh-sketa#s &-"report---are herift referred to --•&--made a --past 9844 Mar.17. 1918 12852 under Preliminar Order:..............................approved....- .. Intermediary Order ...... Sept. A. 1916. approved................... .......................... l TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed. and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards ofdamages therefor to the owners thereof. respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has als'k,fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. y lop' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AN &QXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION. PROCEEDINGS. z -- In the ,natter of.,..:...GondEmn1.=r_and....taking-.aa...easement ...the--lsad.. necessary --Grip for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Palace street from...Gri3ge''etreeLeto:.. !€sato "ORueu--the ...lend ....to be 'taken fo. the abo ve named improvement being more particularly described as an Upon Prtt...fo-r-stye t. -for---��ta..'&nd -f0-}•s----In-..gam.--•upeh-t;•h-e--and -..ab;r bin Upon Palace street, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shun upon-.-a13e...sl�etels--attaoYed--t0.4-ie'--�eepart'-of --the Works �iseltner•of•-,#u#�lie- in the matter dated December 13th, 1916, which sketch and repo--.are...hsr-eby....referred to-•and__-isade..a:.-pare'•hereo-fk...................... .............. under Preliminary Ordei..,..4$19 .............. , approved MaY,-7A 1818--_- Interr4ediary Order13637 5approved_ltovtl 1526 I `r Fth [tter of c n Idemnl 6 and tak- ""-"-- l 1 B for 1 p tf it cut 18 d fll"C , radlnR'. Palace treet from .•. G. ndiCAf^ a The Commissioner of Finance having submitted hisreportin the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the laud or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also baying submitted his assessment of benefit,to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. -Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confiima- tion of the ,awards of damages made by the Commissioner of- Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Honse in the City of St. Paul on the 9th_.- -_.-, day of .... ApT,j l ........... - .. lql. 7 - at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of saidbe Adopted by the Council.-._ <� as.pr cribeby the Charter. .......... .. .. rise �...-- ' ....-. 13 , C Approve[ , , ......, 191...... City Clerk. f .._.... G, Councilman Farnsworth - - Mayor. - Councilman Coss Councilman Hyland Councilman eller Mf Councilman McColl Councilman : Wunderlick Mayor Irvin. L rEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" R ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS an easement. -.in -,-the: land . Condemning Rn d. -taking. palace street In he matter of.. - for cute and fills in grading . ."eel eeee ary for slopes , the:... land_.tm---b•e=•• ak.bg fo.r....a rovement being more Part icularly described as an Sxom:. r.i�Be•-.atr.set....to...emenin.beinga.venue.... ahnt ing the abo ve named imp to the extent shown nt.:.�s�.x...slaPes.• :.fnr.:..nuts...and..til].a..:a.r�.:and..:up-on._th�s.. -•- upon Palace street, between the points aforesaid, 1916, vrhioh sketch and ..upon.--talace st tterattad ed the...re-p.oxt of—the... f •the...�om. h sknar..-nf..publin.. Works in the ma .:. .................... ara...hezebY.--rat.err..edl._L.a._azid..made......hexen - ....... ....- -. Order....13fi34 4819 approved May.- ! • 1915 Intermediary under Preliminary Order.......... Nov. 15,1916 ... .......... approved..-. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands damages a etherefor to the owners thereof e awards of priated for the above improvement and the amounts of thavable that he has also fixed and determined the respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are p t, not exceeding the cost thereof, and amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvemen that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned'sfinding on said matters. .. Co iBaianer of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING iar�cte pins anti tak&rkt an easerwnt in the lend neee4aary In the nmttcl of ...11. for slopes, for cuts mx:d �i]Ie tr aSrawirs ul ac atreei pascal avenFid a�. and ...._ •.b ff?n3liz�r .arerilae;,...7uliet._a6teet traaa If�tmilne avettua to kaa+cnl awonu®• and �e3ies�an avenue firer imtaline to °niiiirs? s;si 4, t}ass 1i�rid' to Fie tazen •• for. the. g Ile...�e?�-.iakzdv ent.l?efnkS r s?ab part9aul tsly.r?¢acrimed a an easement for elopes+ for cuts wid fills in nrcl inion the is�sd �buttinax upon gal .c.. ..fltressta.:.3ulY.et...staset a+n-.J.�fferson a'enuea bet�aeen tee poi�at afrrresaid to the extent ohovn upon the IetGh �ttach•sd ta.-7th,r1i�18� :pa;,,�_6(3-j;QY7QP 6i rublic_UaaFt7„lt7 t ober aPar f. tit5Tl9tl sk:eter and. report are he referred to and• ..............._....: fE—` 'si'32t�i-- ..........� ....--•- under PrelitOrd�p�.-••ktt�+ approved ........ Intermediary Order .................. m�t v kala— ie mnIt!r of c ndemnl g and ta$-I approved ............................................ an eas Ment In the ]and Hetes- - for si pes forutsand 8ns t ni; Pninco t—t tromeHaJuitet .. to Snelling r m 14amliner avenue o t The Commissioner of Finance having sub'mli z twat, revolt ^in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it. Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and fora confirma- tion of onfirma-tion`of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........ kl ...............day -April.......... 191.-7...., at ten o'clock A. Al. and that the Commissioner of Finance be ,and he is hereby directed to give notice of sai a ' as escribed by the Cher. ..ZZ } Adopted by the Council.-. .. 1/ ' ............................ City Clerk Approver ..--h1AR_.1:_i..l.1' ...., 191..__.. ............r...................:...................... _.............. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss r Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller! f Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliek j Mayor Irvin `i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS t; 1n the matter of Condemning„ and- tatcir.n.- .-.i Por slopes, far Data ! and fills n grading palace street Prom H€imline avenue *o Snaslli-ntx avenues:--Suli_mt- stroe_t-- Yrom_?famlArta-_agQrau4-__F52...'�kG -_> g9"$4...and Jefferson avenue from ilamline to Snelling avenue, the land to.bo takab for:.the•_ai�Qv4-.namQfl-.Amla-roaeraen�-bQ}_n�, mo•1�-P.nrtji4ul�aLlSt..-!;EIigBPi-bad--.frRt.-.atf_... easem®nt for slopes. for cuts andJ®ffel•$on-_Yorlllpl�aAvieennt�Yi Iat�iilf .d abutting ��xi palace..p rQ$t._- u?i-Qt-•-aLrs.Qt artd aforesaid to the! extent shown upon the sketch attached to trio ro;wrt of tris ;arrtaia�.i-Qiles..o-#. '. �i�._�`4-aX:a...;ui tm...11 L .six--.dtzted---Qata'b.rz 2.7-th.. 2219. Whi>rtt sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a Isz9rt YtrreoP. .--.--.-_.._ . 71G6 Sep 22,1nQ15 l -929 ' ar Or ¢r . -- -- --, approved .. .. Intermediary Order under Prelim- ----• lypepyE. . i11F0 approved;.. ................................ ............. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken-. and appro- of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof priated for the above improvement and the amounts. respectively, and the. persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled. as above and identified with the signature of the under signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. CGr�r. ..r.r ��� Commissioner of Finance. ----------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT ANO FIXING TIME' OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. . Iu illi platter of tyBdMnlr-_t3tld t.R�Gtf'1tii"i..1i.A.. 4�11e8B23.�r:..n...±t..:at..It9Q18kt819.Fj► for Wlapee, far cuts er-td Pi12e in grading Sheridan avenue from Bellow® avenue to avern tavenue.. the. land.-tQ..be.-Ls3con.:*gr.:.ttze..ab€rva.. d...:...:.: ......... .. .. improvement beLM frons Paxticulrrly described as an casement for elopes, for cuts and fille iTT t upon :Lhe•.:.irgnl2 ncr.utt.� j . otNean that points aforesaiid, to the eztmnt elaotsn apop the r eta2r rtttt+c2sed to the., raso'.•th® C#..#�orit7---a,_kuc...'as3c»..iss..tl1..----•---•- mutter dated October 13th, 19160 which sketch and report are hereby referred tit-_and mads... a pari: hgr .......................... zi p........................ ly...#.4, 1916 ...:. .........-----ate;---------- under Preli11�1na�} OT(hI a roved .. IntermediaryOrder .............. .-7@FFG• i�•, al'• C....F NoP 1633{— ° Fln the matter o[. condemnlnl; and ink-. - approved .................................... Ink an easement In the land n — sarr.y ,tor h1*11 1or cute and fills In -levuengve avenue leo nDavern venueeven e,from Rel- the- tand to be taken Tor the be, named improvement being m�-i n•. _ ti�nr ly described aa,,%n - The Commissioner of Finance limy: ,v :, r f «; feport in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment ofbenefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the, Commissionerlof Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits: at the Council Cbamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............ 9th............. day A ril .191:7-::., at ten o'clock�e�.ccib that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said h - g-asby theater. - - - 577, Adopted by the Council ... !.. ... '... .., 19 ... MAR 1.3 1-,Y? / city Cl;t .. Approver, ..................... ............ ....... 191.._ _. V V+ . Mayor. . Councilman Farnsworth CUBLISIMD J� Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Councilman Wnnderliek Mayor Irvin 1 . r' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS'. in the matter of_C1CIR%�OA*ISSa... .--.U* x�3...#ltt..dairi�texlt..it1..%k1E...7s�td.-n�eBellevu for slopes, for out', and fi21a in grad Sheridan uvenu frota itel2olltro �4V tti�l:._ttl.:t.Ye;A..A►�liie,:...X.7so...losn�I._tst...b�e...tal en-.SQx:..ihe--3hore.:natnad_.... . improvement being more particularly deecribeA as 'an h.Uttinq••= Pori•.=herni-dmn---A'' 4nu@vt for �• for 0A.1; and:_fil.Is...in..and--upAn..tha_land.. between the pointe afflsesaid, to the eteant ohnom upon the aketesh attaahosl...io.:_th�..reT s-t...nf. Lt2e...CQtunl.esio-nar..nS...ku lic...laxks..Srs iva matter dated Qatober 13th, 1916, vrhlch sketcr and report are hereby .......................... •.... . -• .......... July 14, 1916 12926 I3 814 ............. .., approved..........-. � -............ Intermediary Order ....._ under Preliminary Order...... .. pP Sept. IP, 2926. approved.--- . --------- :.... ....... .:............ .......... .. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and. the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof he has also fixed and determined the respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that coat thereof, and amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not.exceeding the d identified with the signature of the under thathereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above an signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. : iGl/Y�.. ....... Commissioner of Fi ante. �i OW]i RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �... in the matter of._.-ConAvvu! i;n .xsnd Leak i2ir• a s8asien$ Y'n "the 'l lid neaaessary for outs s4xsd fillsx in rr dinR TAULUlsa P191" fn!! 1 grlsnr? for alolteses the ldiild 'Ea "tie i igen �ixr it'A atxive-on.ealosee, -avon-UO----rilvviev a��`n , dezeribed es an e�oatxtent 'Improver beim., more partieulT$r2y '?iY2ula g`Sace. fvr�-cuts and fill -e" in...Md_.tt�ic r""t" isand tent Shn#��� Wo beL�rdoss the points aaforesaid& to the e1CLE Cst alloys Won ttxet sketch 0.tt�ched -to...teenresort..oT..trie....gs io�it3Yidy--bp x'�Iic�oa3cs in` the ffiatLer dhta, vhf eh sketch Ind repo-- are hereby referrsrd to mad ,)ecember 30th. 1 15. ............................................ aaa4e... .. 1 approve— d It �tl $ 1�I ..., Intermediary Order...�r�, �$ -•-;r under Preliminary • Order � in{n5e mattes ement ido heina d etlt ekn, aPPr�Ved....t prt�t'-�9� 3�ti6at «r5 for Dope, :o n, !dui8 Tanula r o r to .Falr; �r. he above matter as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in t ' damaecs awarded for the taking of the laud or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to `whom Payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to. property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it roved: Resolved: That the said assessment of benefits be slid the same is her app Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confl. a - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of her, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....:.4.t���•�� .•-- ----+--day benefits; at the Council .Cham ApT.7 _.....191...--, at ten o'clock A. of \f. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he ve notice of said � as escribed by the Charter. is hereby directed to gi % . , Adopted by the Council .� :.. 191 ./ ...... _ City Cler . � � n APProveo..... ............. _........ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth +� r Councilman Goss J Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller r } Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlicl } { Mayor Irvin ;' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemnin _-and. taking an. easement_, n...om ClaylAndxy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Tallula Place from Clayland avenue_to_-Fairyiew_-avenue._- the ..lapd_.to__be--aakap..fQ-r tha...ahase..named----•-- improvement-being more parti ularly deacribed.as an easement for slopes, for cu cute,and;_fills-..in and.upon..the 1pnd_.abutt.; g..vp.o. p ...T.a7.l-PIm.-PIA0.0.,...... tier the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the .sketch attached to the:,re_port_of:-the-,-Coffi. eaioner.. of Publie...�[arrahit�..t.�ka..:eferex'-.-dto d.. __.. December 30th, 1916, which. sketch and report are hereby referred to and ,...-. ............................................ .....-. . ............ . under Preliminary Order .-.:.10374 . ., approved RaY -B+ Intermediary Order' . approved...Nov...�.-`�.-, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixedand determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein.taken and appro- - priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the respectively, and the persons to f said improvement, not exceeding 'the cost thereof, and amount of benefits to property, from the making o Wed with the signature of the under - that hereto attached is An assessment roll entitled as above and ident signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. www RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF "HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 1 Condelanin and takin,F*.n._easem---- in ,the land neeesaaay In the mutter of... . for elopes, for cote a=id fills d grading Dance street from Jefferson described asaneasement for a1[asue..av_GraQe--streets. a=titularly to be..t�en-.for.:the abc�.ve named improvement being more p . IF, - fiance to the elcteiit shown upon the slopes,..:for-. cut a -::and fills, in„and -upon the...Iand abuttin Q.......... .. betveen the points aforesaid, $treat, ort of the Corrmiesoner-_of Public Worke_in sketch attachq.4...t°---the:,rep........................ a iwhich sketch and report are theater dated October 10th, 1916. ,•-_hereby referred to..and-_made,_a--parL hereof ......... ........ ......... _............ 12557 , Intermediary Order nutter Preliminary Order .......... 11378 -- approved J!• 6 r 1916- .--.•- •• 1916 8 e t • ;- 6 f ....-. -- - • 7n he mutter of condewntng and tak- ” approved - Ing xn tter Of It In the land ne - - Bary for Vane a Ietreet ttromnJeff- `- gradtng avenue ta' brace street .the , . tai en for the above.. ' The Commissioner of Finance h iv l .ht being report in the above matter as to the amount of ng of the laud or easem damages awarded far the takients therein appropriated for the abate improvement whoul d his assessment of beuefit to property from the making of and to payable; and also having submitte said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved con Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the.Council ,poll said report and fora assessment a- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Fintinee, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of s Pahl on the ---•-day of .....ABT.il.....: . 191.. at ten o clot M. an at the Commissioner of Finance be and he es " ed y the Cha is hereby directed to give notice of 'said hearing �� %'- 19,1 Adopted by the Council --- --------------- � �.� '1�- � -•.-' City C MAR 13 '°"� V Approve a.-................... ........ 19i:....... ........................... ...... ........:........... Mayor.. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland 1 l Councilman Keller. Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlick Mayor Irvin'j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. Condelnni,.hg . an.d....t.akini.an....easement in:..the...land..necessar, £or:slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Vance street from Jefferson atrenue_ao._Grac.e...street....ah=---].and..to :0.e.:_taisen..i�zs...ihe...alw:4e.:tfor ...' improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopge....-- o-r:_cuts.-_algid..f.ii .a...1.rl...and._Upon....the...land...shut.ting:..up.on._ilanoe .. street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the ekgt,ch,:attapYled-:_to -the ...,reio.x-t..o..f.:.t.he...Gnrauissiansr.---oi---P.I'M i.nXoska..in.. the matter dated October 10th, 1916, which sketch and report are. ade...a�..p&.r. t...Y!.ere nf:....:----•----------------- .................................. .......................................... ...................................................... under Preliminary Order .:... i 13 7£......, approved.d my 6 .--.19.16, Intermediary Order ...12.557.......... approved........ TO THE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That be has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined. the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceedingL the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment- roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. iW,r Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDVS, y Y, Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary In th • matter• of...... for slopes, for cute"arid fills Kraiifng to -a width of` 40`fthe" Villard avernie from Ifleatminatar street t0 Arkwright street, the land •to -be taken for the. shoes-riamedimprovement 'being more particu ar y e_ ribed as !gip-ea9ement for for cute and fills in and upon der t}ie-land $hutting on dilisid avenslopes, the ue between pointe aioesic�. to the:,exteni-_shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commsaionei of Pubiie e7orks in tris matter dated betober 3d, ... .... which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made apart hereo , .. .. under Preliminary Order lO1.Q3.... , approved AP.r. 29:.1916...- Intermediary Order approved .... S.ePt.....C. F. No. 15317— In the matter of condemning and tak• - Ing an easement In thelandmerea- y for elopes '"-Cuts and flit ding to C 4a fe The Commissioner of Finant °�e bm��e report iu the above matter as two the alilount of damages awarded for the taking of the laud or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having. submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved . Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pahl on the ......... 9.th..........day April. .:...191_x...., at ten o'clock A. D .and that .the Commissioner of Finance be and he of .:-.....- . - - . - is hereby directed to give notice of said be -� r gibed by the Adopted by the Council....................... f .... :.., ................... �>1 �/ ` City Clerk �l �lAti 13�/ Approve(... -. 191....:.. .... _..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller y c�`f .Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlict Mayor Irvin REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS-. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary 1. the matter of...... for slopes, for cute and fills in grading to a width of e- feet --..--Villard- a4enue._from.Weetminater._street to .Arkwri-ght atreetx- the._land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly d�sce tak-_ns._an--:�eaernent_-_fo,r-._slopas_,--.for-,-cuts-_and-._fills-_in.-,and-upon.. the land abutting on Villard avenue between the points aforesaid, to thg---extgnt.-_shown upon the.--sketch ie mated.-tdatee.retort._o3d, 1h _...._..-,., Co�issiAen r of Public Works in the matter dated October 3d, 19Z6, which-_eketch._and..report-:-are: hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order.. 1910 approved...Apx-.29,.19.16-, Intermediary. Order..._12rJ.s3-2 •-•-... approved.... Sept-..6,:...191..4..•.......... . o TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro-. priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and - that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ............ ............... Commissioner of- Finance. 1 w RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGSoa, R In the hatter of...Oondemninq--and--taking. ..an- -ea.seMn*1--ire•• the lar►d:--neeeseery for slopes, for cut' and fills in grading White Bear Road from Edgerton street. -to;Eayne--siVeaue-V -the•land to be taken--afor--the abo-ae--named 4mp-Tove ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for out -a. -•and --€ills in and- •apon the land ltbu-tt ing_�_upo_n._.Whit-e -B-eaT Road; between the points aforesaid, to the extent. shown upon the sketch • attaalaed_tn:t .he report• -+&€--the Gemiee; ener 'ei p-u:bli-e *oo-rks:--ia -th-e matt er dated October 4th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to - . ..a�...made- %--part- 3►�e-reoY�........................................................ , . .... . 11716.,.._ d.Tyly.-.25-.14�f Intermediary Orden 2.594. .....:, under Preliminary Order ........ approve .g e t 6 1916 C. F No. 15218— met!er 6318—matter of condemning and tak- ; eeemen'Cin the land.. necea-' •na, •ta and fillsfn - •+.d f r 1, . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also. having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of, said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That s public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and fora confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...._ 9t h.......................day of .-_April............ . ........191...7.:., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be. and he is hereby directed to give notice of said >re g as escribed by the;Chtfte—ff�:_....;' Adopted.by the Council ! ! _ c f../f.... ,..............Clerk. Approve(--: "'"' City Clerk Finn $ ( APProv ec,............... _ .............. 191.....-. / U / ' ....................................... .... I yor. Councilman Farnsworth '. CouncilmanGoss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller € t Councilman McColl f Councilman Wnnderlick �l ( i Mayor Irvin t tt -------------- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..:Condemni.ng-_and-,.tek ng..an._east.meet....ill...Vae....l�Sld.-.ne.aaasary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading white Bear Road from Edgerton ..s.t.raet_:to..Eayzla... avenue, ....the..land—to...be_-taken ..far ...the ...ahave.-named...imp rove- ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for _.Qu t.s...and...fill.s..-in---a.nd.-upan_:th.e...land.:.abutt.ing---ugan.-A✓ytit a --me s as.. -&sad,_:_..._ between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown.upon the sketch att,a ch.etl...t.®....the... report...af.._the...Gommi.eai.oner....of-:dub] in..adtark ..:in...the...me-tt er dated October 4th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and..made...a:..part_her.en3,......._.:......:................... .............................. ..--............................................. ................-- .... -- nnder Preliminary" Order.. .11716..., approveaJuly_ 25,1916 Intermediary Order 12544- ........ approved..Sgpt t..:fix.. ........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST." PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:' ~ That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and app_ro•: priated'for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fi74jWjjLd determined the _ amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding h " t thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signs of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.. a Commissioner of Finance. v r CITY OF ST. , PAUL COUNCA.RESOLUTION. Date Presented - March 14th, 193. grading Hawthorne Street from Duluth, In the matter of.----- - -- - - -- _ Avenue_to the east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition - under Preliminary Order .9997- -, Final Order 147-7- - - - - September 5th 6 APProved - - -- --- - - - -, 191. MSOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissi6nex of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. ..15919- to thematter of grading Hawthortm Street from. Dula th avenue. to the t line of PI glen Heights Park t%2 \ Idition under Preliminary y Order X 4J9 Final Order 1247 approved ti 1 t tuber 5th 1919, If//Lr 1 R 1 d 7 hgt th • pl a tt by the flt ,bion d tt atee sub Itted by the Commission f Public \Yorks for the ........ above named Improvement be and lha ., same areh eby approved ' ldoptedb tho Council Itch. 14, 1917. i .Approved \1ch 14; 1917. dopted by the Counoli -,(Ila h xr•191T3 - - - - -,191 Yeas- ( } ( ) Nays Councilman F nsworth G s H and M ler - - - / M o11 ApprovedV Iti i 1917 ` - 191 . Wu derlich Mr. President; ruin - - _ Mayor. CITY OF ST., PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date ,Presented march_14th,_ _191: gra. ingDrob.pton Ave. from_,Doswell In the matter of - - - - - - - _ wyn}�e_to Chllgombg Avenue_ _ - - - - - - - - - --.- - -- - -- 12475 under Preliminary Order - 10,129 Final Order - - - - - - - - - September 5th, - 191 B. Approved - - - - _ lans, apecificatlons and estimates RESOLVED, That the p submitted by the Commissioner of Public WOrks for the above named improvement be and the .same are hereby approved. 0. 1` No. 15.32G -m- - 6829— K I the. matter 0 f grading 1lrompton Avto.-:from Doswell Ave. to Chit - combo Ave.. under. Prellmi—Y Or- der 10.129. Final Order 12476 - approv- ed September 5th,the pl. R olv dm That the plane, apecldca- ,,��yy.. tlo s and estimates submitted by the Com i .Ione of PublicWorks for the _ above d Improvement be and the �w(J-J.� , .,.• _ aame ar. h.r.bY approved.f . F - —1 Adopted by the Council Itch. 14 1917. Approved Mi h 14 1917 191 - - (March 24.191 Adopted by the CoUnali - Nays Yeas: i } Councilman Farlsworth Gos Hyl d Ke er Approved 191Wu erlioh t1t,1Z - - Mr. resident; vin - - - �/f Mayor. - CITY OF .ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION yaro.. 14th, -191 7 Date Presented - - - --- - In the matter of-c''anginY, the grade and .grading - Vandalia Street.from the north line of St. Anthony-Ave_ to the_ - southerly approach -to the bridge-over the Chicago,,-Milwaukee and St. Paul-Railway to St. Anthony Avenue - - - - -- 8841----- - -- - -- -- 12449 -- under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order - - - - - - September let,: 6. Approved - - - - - -.- - 191 ., RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications...and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. r r.w7 16321 1 ch Rings the. grade 0 - tl L Yl Inthe matterV ndalfn treat Trotn n `� 9 - the northgrading of St. Anthony Ave. to ovtl re aVgron¢h to thel the the '(.hlenRo� 1•illwaukee bridge o tb d y - ••and SC .Paul j3allwsY to 5t. Anthony. nder. Preliminary roved Av nu der 12449, app. _ ••• —_ - - 8841. Final Or g¢ptember Thatltbe plane, epecltica-, hResolved, on. nd :eatlmatee a bmitted by the Cbovelnamed Improvement be and the r 1191 Adopted by the CC"_ - - - s eatne are hereby appr(Xed Adopted by the Council B1ch. 14..3917 f Approved 11th. cn 14. 1917 Nays Yeas' ( 4 tela aa•1s171 f -1- Councilman Far sworth J-0 GoaHy d Ke er i f917110 oll Approved- - Wu erlich - - - - Mr. President, ruin - - ' Mayor. CITY OF ST._PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date presented .March 14th _ -1917. grading _alleys in Block 3,_ Governor - In the matter of - - - - - - - - - _ Johnson's Addition _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - r 9817 - - - _ - - _11948 _ - - - _ under Preliminary Order - Final Order - - - 6 August 4th - _ _ 191 . Approved - + - - - - - RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of public Works fox the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. :.j - C. F. No. 16322 t .. Iln the att of gr, ding 11eye to y{ stock 3 Go ernor,', dohnaon s Addl- 1':,tunde Prellminery Order S` ¢ Flnai Odor 319481. approved August U --- 4th. 1918 n H 1ft�.tlone -- Resolved That the pia s: Pad - and'eetlmartes submttted by a Co�alH- , i stoner of Public work - Improvement [or ,2ha nlwve f� -i ,l tit ppbe and eha same are 1� Qr — — 1191 bsAdopted byh a Council Mcl+. 14. 1917. Adopted by Approved Meh. 14, 1917. (March 2(-1917) NayB Yeas: ) Councilman Far sworth God Hy d _P li lal7 191 Keer ApprovedMc 11 - - - Wu erlich - - - - - Mr. Pre idents I vin - - - - Mayor. ~ CITY OF ST,-PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented - Maroh 14th In the.matter of - Erading Palade St.-from Fairview_Ave. to Underwood Ave., Juliet St_ from -Fairview Ave.-to Underwood Ave., _ Jefferson Ave. from Fairview Ave. to-Unerwood-Ave.,-and _ Fredericka Ave. from St. Comair St. to Randolph St. - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - 9411 12446 under Preliminary Order - - - - - , Fina. Order - - - - - - Approved - - September lst-,_ _ _ 1916. RESOLVED,. That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. F N,. x.15829 palace St. In the matt of Rrndl Ff Underwood �, r,S' . • t '� T) from Fat view Av Fairview Ave. 'r� �^ r• Ave.. Jull t St from Jefferson Ave. '+�.' pJ,i1 .4. 1 •` f"j 4 .{ I t Underwood44Avt to Underwood .from Fafr FredlAlcka Ave. fromSt. (1 .Ave., anll o .RandolPh-:St: i n rOrder Clatr St..t Order 9411. Final 1918. �vlimfnnry roved SaPtembor-let. - - jj IKJ�j 12446, aPP snec1flcattons (+ Resolved That thePlans, {he Commis- .l ""•�-•-_' and eetfrtuttee submitted AY the above elone;omvementi Le and the .same Adopted by torAdoDteabYPheCoundlMch.1b191Z�� Approved Mch. 14. 1914. _ _ - Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Far sworth Gos Hyl d Mc 1 11 Approved 7�'1A 1 _ I_917 ^_ 191 , I eilich - - - / J _ - _ - Mr. P esident. I vin luu. - Mayor. ■.r CITY OF ST. PAUL ° ... ACCOUNTING DEFAK I mnly 1 ,p1 Gi Y _7J'a COUNCIL No; AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE -- 9Y—� AUDITEr ____ _.191 L PER.._ 644 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and specified in the following in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as detailed statement: Adopted by the 'Coupcil'a1hC1n��w,T?r"^-'�91— Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Fa sworth Go Approved - - In favor - _ Hy nd_ _- MAYOR / Kel er . V Mc oil — Against" Wu derlich ' M,President, rvin 5. A. Farnsvrorth, Comtr. Yinance, 71.'40 12922 Fire -C. B. 106.62 923 Electus D. LiNewfLibrary Bldg. 75.90 924 Almeda Mannings pen. Cherokee,�ei f is Blvd. 1 '75 X00 Interest - Total c. it xo. Issas= Resolved that warrants be the dr drawn+ th eri [Ae C1ty Treae Y, Payable o - bon.r of ItIf ehetrr- Bort the a .. g Isrma o a corporanthe _ tollowlntive names ne et. oPPoslte - g, A S detailed ePec)ded In - Farnsworth, °tata - - - �' - - ;71.40, ant. klectde ..'' COQt r' Flnancs. Almed' r' hdeldb $]OB4Oa,- - . . anlitn 11, AAdProvedbMar,e19 °3 nc lOMch. 19. 1917. PProv (:Uarch 24-19i7117 _ 1 - 1,- A. u.1u CITY OF T. PAUL COUNCI L RES.OLU�—GENERAL FORM. subject:., _ FO ENOL ... Date Presented ,Mar.. 14, 1917491._: Resoved, y_ That the Purchasing 'Agent be, and he is hereby authorized torurchase v;itb the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitite bids, Repair parts for one Foote Concrete Mixer, from Robinson, Cary& Sands Co„ for; the sum of $125.00 - less 10°4;-as .these are patented articles and no advantage can be gained,by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said articles to be charged to Department of Public Works - Bay. Dep. Fund, Req. #3395. C P. No. 16336—RY EI. N. [Slee— . A6 nt" dnud he ie hcrehY authorized t 'Purdhn a with the onaent'. of the' C mpt on "l, out mking (o a It - - . F Foote Co cro a Mlxelr Prom ROUT sort, I,i I, Co.. for the num r'I A126 UP, 1 s 10 /., ae th .ae .are. Paten[- . g r[Icl s d nn i d mage can ¢z galttedda.y nll' 01a 11 t' rlcn mpetl-t - tive blda. Coat pa tine articles to be hnrged to Ilepartment of Public I t\'orl<s, Pay. UCP. 1, ond. Ile(]. No.. 3396. AdoPted b5. the C uracil, lfarch 14, 1 1917. I. \pprov d \iarch 14,1917. (dfurch 17-I017) Yeas (✓) Co ncilmen (✓) Nays �% Adopted by the Council 191 F nswarth / Co In favor H and t 1 Apr roved �4 17 19L M er U Mc oil Against Wu derlich t MAYOR Mr Prr'e°s°ideennt Irvin CITY OF S PAUL GENERAL -'FORM ' ^ IL RE50LUT6_ ,. COUNC Subject: COUNCIL NO. 1 �C C J 1. FILE Date. Presented Mar. 14 • 19142, Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authOrized to rurch>iee with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for -competitive bide, Repair parts for one Foote. Concrete Mixer, from Robinson, Cary R,Sands Co., for.the sum of $125.00 - less 106, as these are patented articles and no advantage can be'gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said articles to be charged , to Department of Public�Worke - Bay. Dep. Fund: Req. X3395. UHC p�p1V`a� • ,. GEFtT 1F1E0 PS T0�C�6F - .. Yeas (J) Councilmen U) Nays 191 Farnsworth Adopted by the Council, Goss [n favor f Hyland Approved lit 191 Keller McColl _Against (// - Wunderlich - .. MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. a-2 - CITY 0171T PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTII MmGENERAL' FO -RM Subject:_, COUNCIL �. ry Ap�Jl1 FILE N O . `. tiI' )f•r �. b/ Date Presented Mar. 14, 1917.191' ZesolveA, Thit .the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, Two Studebaker Power Flushing Machines, from the Studebaker Corporation of America, for the BUM of (1700,00 each, less discount of 2% - 30 days, as these are patented articles snd no dvantage can be gained by adver- tieement"or competitive bids. Cost of said articles to be charged to Depart:ent of Public Works - Street &.Sewer Cleaning Fund. Req.'#1801. C. F. No. 1532C—ny DT. N. Gose— - Resolved. That the Pu thorized - Agent be..aobv nd he la her n - t Durch a 'wl[h the. nnent' o[ th I - !' tptr�oller Ith ut al Inti fo Co 1 tltly bids. Two'+tt d b ker st s Flushing ilathl a tom the St d t ak r Corp.,-[tf n of A rlcn for the 'urn o[. {170 00 1 less dis ou t of'� _ 2/r.. 30.. da3'e, aalvnntuge canese 'are b tbdt 3 j '– ticles and no n st i". y advertlament r competitl bide. I - i". f said -e a tb-be chard d to _ S'euert ClennI. r'or -lid. ` e.1 No1 e1801� Adopt 1 b, the Council starch 14. :1DP?'u d I7. 1larch 17-1Y11) Yeas (q Cout cilinen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ";PAST j' 191 Farr sworth ,.Cos In favor ` L"Kel nd Approved �IAR 1 Kell r f (` oil Against �Mc •Wu derlich ' - MAYOR M . Presiden Irvin FOVIM C. 8-2A i' CITY, OF '-AUL ,COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERAL,.FORM Subject: 1. coUNca l!/ FILE NO/ .. Date Presented :Mar. 1,4, 1917.191_ Resolved, ThAt the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby •authorized to purchase with.the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bilis, Two Studebaker Power Flushing Machines, from the Studebaker Corporation of America, :for the sum of 51700.00 eabh, lees discount of 2% - 30 days, asi these are patented articles ,hd no dvantage can be.gained`by adver. tisement or competitive bids. Cost of said articles to be charged :to Dep,Lrt :ent of Public ':9orks Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund. Reg. x/1801. 1,610 q r" Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Coss In favor " Hyland .191. . Keller Approved McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR CITY OF ST'.' PAUL �OUf��-, RESOLUTION—'GENERAL. FORM- r coun-c. lL No... .Subject.FILEC'f�Gi+ � ��♦ fa"! ..: ..................1_191 ,.- Date Presented.:: Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to C. Leach, otherwise known as David Lish, out of the Worlanens Com- -..Of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Seven ,pensation Account Dollars, 3n partial settlement .of his claim against the City, f .injuries sustained by him while employed arising by reason o treet sweeper on the 28th day of September, by said City as a s 1916. I hereby reccommend the above resolution for passage, Commissioner of public Works- it..-,zed orks. IF 1632 [ Reab7No d That the proper p yttl-", lain are herehy_authar w s pay to, C. L,'a h otherwlae known " as Dav1d Men, out of tho n'orkmene Comp n. M n, out oft out the .[reneral'Fuginlnd,pthe, .um,o[ Twenty "Se Ven Dollar., ttp City. arising ubyhr no. ar of I- or es sustained by him while enliloY. ,by said (.It3' ae' a .t set en•eeper on the 2Sth day- of September, 1916 h 14; . kdbpted by the Council" EfercI 191 i. ,tpp ov d 9larch 34_19 17. @Inrc .--•Qj�� ��e ti''' ......191 .... Yeas (✓) uncilmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council t. rnaworth --� •.. l ons..... In favor ApprovedNIT 191 CAP. � er Against ell� L- ccoll ll �(.._...._�.: " MAYOR. )Mr. Preis ent; Powers " FORM C:9- CITY^AF-ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESO L!)ITI ON=G E ERA.L FORM Subject:... _ courvclt s .FILE.' NO. ... - Date Presented Mar.. ley 191.ry, Resolved, that the plat of Bauer's Re- Ar as recommended by the Plat COmmiseion and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. - C. F. No. 158 8—nY•t VG. Resolved. th t.Lhe P t o[ ynnuer'n! by! - - 7t gement .un 'commended the Plot Commleslon' n1 hPProvetl b>' I. , the CPmmla9iPTler of Public `A'orks. he i Pt.t d: - ' hnd the mets herehY Itcc - Adopted by the Co tPe 1 \torch 1't. ' 1017. - :\PProV 1 1rch 1 1)1T. (\1nrih l77 -1917) ' I Yeas (✓) Co 'ilmen (V) Nays �j�:�� i % ? s 191 L Far worth \) Adopted by the Council ' _-Cos Hyl `d .Kell . In favor N R 1 191. Approved �Mc 11 Against / 'Mun liah / Preside vin MAYOR r/NIr. FORM 0.9-2 - P 4 + Council File No .. + By........... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for• Constructing curbing on the north side of Sherburne avenue between Snelling avenue and Asbury avenue, ' � n\71F7rVG .\$SES$DIENT9. .assessment of In the mutter ;othe I th- n�' ' Ue @t costs pr - g' - tineU " ut :herb urn under Preliminary Order ................. IntermediaryOrder 6257 „_....., Final Order. .6862_ ____._• a. approved'_..._._._`Sept.'_2..1................:_._._._191 ...g.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having_ been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ` 1\ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is, hereby in :all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of'Ramsey`for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_—.: _...:.:equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..: y' A. MA ( ( Approved .......___191......._ v ........._...._..._................. -_....... ...... _ _..... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 �j Council File No By............... CITY OF ST. PAUL: Resolution Ratifying WAssessment. In the maul*of the assessment of BlIenefits, costs and expense for Curbing Lincoln avenue frorri Macalester avenue to Fairview Avenue, In ti tie P .the x mint o[ 11 Penes for .1,N Y l i ,uln ate Pe fro• . -t- Ave. to y'alrvlaw Prel[minary nr,1, n8" under Preliminary/Order_.. 5343 . ............. Intermediary. Order ..._6625_. ,,,, Final Order....716..... _. approved ......... Sept.21st:...:..........191.....5.... A public hearing having been had, upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable int .......equal installments as. to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......... pe.a 1 . ... .........191..._.... City Clerk. MAR 11 tJi-(' Approved.. .......191...:...._ n n ._..._ ......_.......... .......... _......................................:_............_..... Mayor. Form B. B. 16 - Council File No. ................... ...... By. ...................................._.:....... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the-matter of the assessment of,Behef:its} costs and expenses. for' Curbing of Fuller avenue between Victoria street and Milton street,C1 F. Zo^1ntt3of the nssessmeni oY ... be -fit o f 1 P risen f l 1, ,r Fulls i� e "et Vi-t-141 t-1h ret ..d 'flit- t,e.t.. P ell I O -d 6 214 Inter- Order. 9620, F�rnl Orda , roved ..Er ..era .. under Preliminary Order. G214........._.., Intermediary Order ....... 9629,.._...... Final Order.. .. ........, approved .............. .._Apr..19.t .... .........191 6....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be-and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in . -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .... . j... 191 :...... f��:: L :.fir ...... Cit Clerk. .- NAR I i_i3iApproved __i191........ / A U ..... ........... ................................... .... _........... ...... .................. Mayor. Conn B. R. 18 - - C F.: No 16332- Council File No .. _.. . ,In the matter of the aeeesement of _ ben flta, costa nitd exyene a for P", Ong tylth 3y.' crepaoled blocks lith of... 30 -,feet,' Portland nVermq _ from Dale street to'Lexing �r BY .... 'nue .. .. . also CITY OF ST. PAUL. 6x Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In•the matter of the assessment of Benefits, Cb8t0 and expenses . Paving, vdth 32n zwxa'creosoted blocks to a widtb'of 30 feet, Portland avenue from'Dale street to Lexington avenue, including street intersections gnd alley and driveway approaches, also including sewer, water -and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where no. t.already made and. installing new curbing where necessaxy,. under Preliminary Order 189....... Intermedias Or der ..443 ....,`Final Order...4913?i..... ....... ... .. approved JLl ne 5th ......... .. ....... 191'5........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Co11 uncil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable •/r equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. t...... Adopted by the Council .... ... ... .... 191 .-... City Clerk. MAR I/, Approved i 19T_....... } V " Mayor. . . ..... ..................... _..... _............ _ . Farm B. B. 18 - sLisxEn 1 �% ----------------------- CITY OF ST.PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION>rlt OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ 191.;:....: for the In the matter of the assessm ent of Benefits, .costa. and expenses Paving, with 3j" creosoted blocks to a width of 30 feet, Portland avenue from Dale street to Lexington avenue, including street intersections and alley and driveway approaches, also including sewer, water, -and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, and installing new curb- ing where necessary, 4189 4.44.3._ ............._ ........ ....... . . under Preliminary Order ..-...... ...... Intermediary Order ..._ .... 4984 approved June 5th.... _ _... Final Order.. ....._.. To the Council of the City. of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction 1,460.00 Sever connections $........_..:......:._17.,.5.0.:. Cost of publishing notice 1,220.09 Rater7..5 ... Cost of.postal cards - - $ 51.60 ,Driveways Inspection fees -, - - - - - $ ......:.1,.00.5.. Curbing62.7732 Amount of court,costs for confirmation $- 3.7..5.Q..• Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount -as above ascec- tained, to -wit:. the sum of $.-._......5.1,.35.8..91 ............ ...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified byIthe signature11 jof the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be conaidere proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 - - Copncil File No` .. By ... r �• CITY OF' ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for Curbing Portland avenue between Snelling avenue and Warwick Avenue, F. ca. lsaaa— . the n[ter of tlt a .d.ement -of n at ooetea. cxpeneee fr �U rbinb' Portiana l.—, hetww ',elling avenue na - ler Preliminnr. aamr• nrae - - under Preliminary Order ... 6083.__.•_ Intermediary Order 8319_. ....... Final Order Q796...: _.._...._. approved ....._Jan 13th................. ......:.19.1 6.:.... Ql public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment, having been further considered by the Council',. and having' been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distrirpt Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in , . ~ ....:_Y ....equal installments as to .each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ .. MAN 14 t.� 1 `. .......... 191 ....... ....... ...LU.'c � , ity CIer rtaR 14 iT,� t /.'% Approved...._............... ......191......._ / ( ..........:. .............. ... ..... ........ ....... _............. Mayor. • .. - CITY OF ST. 'PAUL... CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: �L] courvCitn1etS x FIDE No.. Date Presented.... March 12, In the matter of furnishing.and installing a 5 light ornamental lighting system on Sibley St. from Fourth St. to Seventh St. under Preliminary Order #15034, approved.Febe 28, 1917,, Resolved, That said Preliminary Order in the abovematter be and the same. is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and, all proceedings in such matter discontinued.. . RI SOLIITIOINS. C. F No. 15334—By O F K Iter— . i In th` matter offtze l h1 g ,on in - 5 _ tailing a 5 light ornamental light p Ing yatem on Sibley -St. from Fourth :St: to: S th-St., under T rellminary. Order No. 15034. ap Proved Feb, 28. 1917. Resolved.-Thnt eald Prellml,ery -Or der - In the, he above matter )a" and the —ha me. is hereby. _c realled. annul- - - .led a d.feeelnded unit all proceedinge In such matter discontinued., AdnPted by -the Cannell March 15. 17 Approved. Starch -15, 1917. ... (.11arch 24-1917) - Yeas (✓) CoIderlich men (J) Nays}��� Faorth J Adopted by the.Council 191 GIn favor Hd KApproved M Against W RPreidervin p� �}T�� ♦ T tl , oAM C. a•3 hYYWJl�lJ-�..�.��, Streich, Supt. of Lighting n Council File No..._,� a.rm�e,.r� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN% ` and PRELIMINARY ORDER. the City of The undersigned hereby proposes the Makin he following .,public improvement. by. St. Paul viz.: Tent i ting...syetem- onsiating of Furnish.:..a-ad....inat wir,- and ergr d eondui j r:conveying 6 light lamp poste and lamp P w ae_ nil-.ec}uipment el eotr-in....curr-ent._.the-rel.at..: othex ease. apPl St. on Si ., bl St 4 om F rth St. o Big for said system ...... - ........... .._..._......._.._....._._. ....._ Dated this .12th... y of ah.... 191.7..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ' urni$h....sAS�..i7lseall_an.._Orzlamexltal..118ht�.sXatam_.o.onsisting..n3.-6----11ght lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for aonveyingi mQnt elentria...uuxrent-thexeto,--and._aZ1...-other--�teceaea-r- Eighth St.--and-sq P __.:.._ ......... ......... for said system, on Sibley St. from Fourth St._to:Eighth St. rnnirurxenv onn�as. r P F, 1'o tsaas— ... - writt n rPPoenl for th .... .:.- ftn \t. titre A en m ktnc o[ the [ollo in{, lmtlro .... .... .. ..._.-- nn 01—en- 9II ... ... .. .:............... having been presented to the Council rai: n� , io6tta a °e 11{,ht InmP Poste ane in mPa.i' therefore, be it a r r nna ,cone trl,• RESOLVED, That the Commissi .. �t' Ytltitic Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.,.... ....... .....:.. ............. . - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. g. .To report upon all of the foregoinw matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......:191 ....... Nays: � J y i hi i Yeas: Councilman Tar worth 'o Approved ...... _:..... .. ........191 ,....... ✓— Hy ad K er 11 0ll... I♦ derlich Mayor Ir •onw a e -a �I3Liyf. 'ii.�1G� �' �, fir. H. C. Streioh, Supt . of Lighting _ Council File No.... ........., 3 3 y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 4 PRELIMINARY O The undersigned hereby proposes the making the fol wing public imp ve ent by ,t11t�Ci of St. Pauf,.viz.:.....Ohanging.....the...xiring._n ....th..e pr. s.ent....orne en. ..aigh 'Z- yptem /. - e -1 .41 :e.. .4 e„m+Ata Patem.... ..................... .............. _....... .......... ...:..... .. .....-....._..._.._...._..._..._...._ ...._� _...__. _ ........... _. _._ _............... ...............' Dated this_a 2tr.?1..:.,day o(. .............. ftmg.h......... ....... ........................ .... 19 ....:!.: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..changing.._. the....wi.zing-..oi...ihe__pr.eaent....ornamental...lighting..:8ys.t.em:.on...Waltaeha St Taxi.th...8t_..... from ...t.}ae....mtl1.t.1Ple:.ries _Sy.talp........: _.................. C F No:16336y-------- ....---- _.........:.:..........:_....:...._...... ----'-"""' Rherene, A written pr osal to the �,.vg, Chanel g the�wir ng o[ the nre9 ......... ..... ...... "'.ent or ... entll lighting a>'stem on ... ....•. .......... '.'Stfreha he from. a wir ig t' emit ' St Trom the mult,,I g "ging eretem having been presented to the Council of the i;, 'aerie. ....tem having h en nr y„ _ ._. ............ _ therefore, be it ':th fetor uh 1„ut the Cif RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .................. . .. ........... .................... . ................. ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ¢. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. .......p.�p ]_' 1 ........191 ......_ Yeas: Nays: ' Councilman Fa nsworth" .191 ........ ' Go Approved......................................... Hy nd Kel r 11Ie oll Wu erlich ..._ t....... Mayor Irvin �laUna Dlayor CITY OF_.ST. PALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL .FORM Subject:. 1 COUNCIL FILEgi r Date Presented 191... _ Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized. to employ in the Bureau of nater, Special Engineering inapectcra, as required,- at a salary of n•ot to exceed Five ("5,C0)' Dollars per day. The above salariee'tc be paid out of the Water Department Funds. Or Dto.. 155'i0-:[iQo oe:. _ .tie o- a.' Thhe the nod "Ll,ni, h r - herrhY•no + horiized..t� 4enP1oX tinlnb .:Inspect S'Peeln1 F,nF 1 d of rooulrL'd. -nt llonaTe Pe C. dnY.f - Lora.nadFive)13G.00) be Po..id. out o to Tho nhove enlurios no Nnnda:. the .. :15. 1Vatet. DePUTtme u oil Murch th pdoyt¢d. by ._.Co vod:ynrch tG. 1917. APPO ......�hluroh 24-1917) Yeas (J) Co u ilmen (✓) Nays Far worth j' Adopted by the Council Al t,1 191 Co In favor Hy d 191. Ke r �) Approved. M 11 Against W erlich Z. r. Presiden ruin Unp rnw qa .. CITY OF ST. , PAUL _ TLO.N—GEN.E.RAL FORM ' COUNCIL RESOLU _ _, Subject: _ FILE !— 191.: _ Date Presented i" j . !Iesolved, b .' the Uayor and the consent of the That with the aprev,al of Comptroller, the Purchasing Agent is hereby instructed to "purchase two (2) Ford Chasia; only, to be used for making ucks for the Bureau Of Police and Fire Alarm one (1) ton tr Cost not to exceed Seven Hundred 0700.00) Telegraph. `Item of the above dollars, to be charged. to the t Bureau. mant ionad Cr�J I,. T'.No.. i5337—13wy f"f �. npa ) nithf I� j;esolved, uhut Ifh ona'nt O[ the Mayor ndth P le Comptroller. n che 1h. Pur ur-f hereby InetrvonlY. to Ford Chasia�ton trucks for the flurtph. } Ing one (land Ftre Alurm Tc1eEr° , ot:Ponlea exceed Seven HunSred Coss of to - (5700.00) do`the�dho a mentlohcd. EYPenae Itemn' 44 i _ nureau. the Council ]larch 16, AdOPted -Uy I Al. 1917.... 1917. Approved LMnreh 11-1917) - VAR 17) . . Co ilmen s (J) Nay191' Yeas M. 7Adopted by the Council Fa worth In favor Go Hy nd/* Approved Ke r Against l Mc II jo.Ctlr1Q......M YOR "' Wu erlich . M . Pre6den rvin . mcsr,csl� FORM C. e-2 CIT -Y OF -ST. PAUL COUNL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject- ? FI ENCIL No. ..... .......153�i7 :1eCo11 . Daae Presented ., 191 Resolved, That with the annroval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, the Purch,,4aing Agent, is hereby instructed to nurchaso two (2) Ford Chasis, only, to be used for ms king one (1) ton trucks'for the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph. Cost not to exceed 5even'Hundred ($700.00) doll;)rs, to be charged to the £qac stent, Item of the above mentioned Bureau. Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (� Nays Farn o,th7 Adopted by the Council March 15th 19r/ Co In favor Hy nd / K er v Approved .._._ :.glarclt' 15th Coll Against underlich Mr. Presi nt, Irvin $enry..licColl........ MAYoii Acting roRM c, e• CITY OF ST. PAUL . Council.Reaolution -.General borm. i Dep a tme ' sof Bureau :yet Council File,No. Date presented 1917 BY Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wires With the 'necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: 2 poles West side of O. K. Avenue from West Seventh Street North. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do Bol by the Common Council. Said cost to be .paid by the Telephone ComparW . Adopted by the Council yeas ( ) /,cu ilmen ( ) Nays tsar worth .1f111 C. N '\ 15378 RY 5i. N. Goss— 1 ✓^ Resolved. th [ permie Nt be and It is hereby Rr nted the Northwe t rn ired 1917 • Telephone Exchange CompnnY to a-- polex and!'et ink. •Ices with the nact, :.xarY-Rncho s thereonin the following Ina d streets 2 Folea w st ell of O K. Avenue 1 Nr./e,id.nt Ir afro WesC S venth Stbeet. �0. h. Poles and wires t b r moved when May 1 e ested to do U U. , the Common C uq il. Snid cost "to be pnid UY the A41.tI1(j Tel 11 one Cp lsan3. Adopted. b the Councll 'ltnrch 16, 1917, � APVroved \torch „4,-7917) 1 r - CR. No. `,15239—Sy'Al. N. Gose-- 1, y� Reaori ed, Thnt `permission -. be and - Q §•'• '! tv here!, granted'theNorthern. States •�` �"' 1'ow er Companyto:erect poles and Nom' string wire and the ne eesary: anchors 4 • �� -. t ��' thereon Ren eYlvanIs 1, '.t om Rice St, to ` P,µrk Ave•; Pari: ,t from Penn- .. Arch enln to arch 3r on So. elle of Tk,-r. Arci St :from Pn k A to .Capitol 9 3 9 iletghta qd on .Capitol ilelgh�ta.,Rom -7 I -lrch St.. to PannCapitola, Said Poles and wfrea to ba: glared and the .work to bedone underthe dl " etion and to'the natiafactlon..o[ the: t`ommtaeloner of Fulitic iCOris;. eaifl J B Company' pny the coat of Inapec- 6 : tion and the englneerfng as the vole. Maroh -. and wfrea'-to a removeU .when re- . aueeted yr the Common Council of the Eight _ -City of SG. Poul; tFifa'permiaslon Is ranted 'under and pursuant... to the.. 1 5 1 7• -terms an provtalone':ot. Ordinance No. 2646• approved ilecemtier 26th, 199G. " Adopted by the' GOUrrCil Starch 16, -1917. _ - APoroved March 16, 191? - (March 2¢,1911) „ That pnivliee on a granted the Horthdrn States Power Compaiy to erect poles and string wires and the necessary anchors thereon: Pennsylvania Ave. from Rice St. Ao Park Ave. on Park Ave, from Pennsylvania to Arch St. —'on Aroh:St. from Park Ave. to Capitol Heights ikix3. ( and on Capitol Heights -it VI from Arch Street to Pennsy]vyr•ia. Said poles and wires to be placed and the Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works-, said Comically to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and -the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common CounCil: of the City of St. Paul; this Permission ie granted under and pur- suant to the terms and provisions of Ordinance 140. 26451 - approved December 26th, 1906. j ll { Adopted by the 'Council_._.. 191 > i - YEAS. NAYS- MR PARNSWOR,TH �J GOSS �HYLAND KELLER McCOLL WUNDERLICH NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (IRVIN) Y` v l vYL� 'Ci/,5� V '"Una aNll' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' i i Subject:... C. F ho. 1"6349 -Hy TL N. Goee— t• a� f Resolved, that. p rmiaalon be and le COUNCILfJtt .i t� t hereby granted the Tri. State Tele FILE N 0...'..................... ..... l.. �i� 1 phone_ & Telegraph Company t aka '�t the-'peC a y c ation ] 1 c duifa """ "" nd liultd the c e y manh lea for —i nderg u d serviceon thefollowing � mrd at e t 191 - - .Floral 9t eet:'f m .Alta>• between i Date Presented,..: ..... .. ...... .. ... ` au mmlt and- Grned to alley between t Gr add and Ii ather place. f tVorl to be don under the direction and, to the satisfaction of the Commis• loner of Public: Works; the Telephone.. ' Company to paythe coat of:!. pectlon. .. . engineering and publication: Adopted by the Council. 'March 16,. .. - 1417., _ Approved March 16 1917. t (March 24-1917) Resolved; that. permission be and ms AWGUY ed t11e' Tri State Tulthond b Toleg�caPh Oontpat>y t9 make the lieaeoeary e%4%Vation, lay oondxsits .and build the necesady manhol.ee for under sound eervioe on the toliowint3 ataeete plural Street from Alley between Su mit and Urand-*ad�_ Alley between Grand and Heather Flaae. ian or 17ark to be done under" the direction and to theoay ats! efsaaort of ' the Ctomiseioner of Publio W049e the Telephone Cdnpany n p inmeetion, engineering and pulslloaucu Yeas (✓�G( oilmen (✓) Nays 191 Adopted by the Council �iAR.:�.�...'. � ` � •"- `worth ) Ili 1 4In favor191Kr Approved......:. ..... (,M 11 ..... Against i ' C .. ...... - ikCtLtl(A MAYO r. Preside Powers` FORM C.B•Y 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL 4y. FILE.1`t0�'-11� AUWTEUtf 1 F �L ( BY__._ - -- - — _ 191_ JlI _ 1rr .r.o..r. 645 PE nru Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and d favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their- respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas Cou ilmen ( J) Nays Far worth Adopted by the Go - 13 ad Approved er 1 �•1 K �n favor -- --- 191 Oil ----Against derlich . /kctfng MA a Mr. Pr sident ruin 12825 Craftsman Press, Gen. F-Prtd. Forms & Blanks, 80.60 926 Andrew Roehnen., - Pub. Works M'ntee-Wo*bha, a 14,50 927 Lauer Brothers, Gchools C & B McClellan. ?x.00 928 Miller -Davis Ptg. Ce --part', Water M & R. 1.00 . � C: F. No 16641— Resolved that warrants De drawn- of t the City. Treasurer;: payable out t the herelnatter sp.c(tted funds And In Yayor of the persbnr. 14 f d And - poratlons [or.the amounts set oDposlte . their resDecIF d Tam': - _ the folloplp`,etatleda 1t6tement:asopft RedIn j - - Cr tt m Pr 480 60 60. I " - And K h E34 - La Brother E 20 He�. _ MIDav1e -P[B C y re,0., - - Adoptd by .the Council M Approved March 16 191 24-1917)) - { l 1 linnncr pmhlbl[Ing the "a of \ hibxeting [heir drinks to fem.,les and Pro "ling 1n places 11 censrvl to 11 IntaXl-. outing lirluors. - 'Che Cmmcil of SECTION I. the City of St. Paul' dors ,. 1 nrd:dn: - �X it h r by nde unlaalul for an' ll- .ed 1 nka ,, aithln the aorpo- ate limits the CRN of St. -Priui, to furnish a 1' female person, for consu,P- "" on the pmmlves, drinkv an, o[ an,.kind vhataoe\'er't ur~to permit cm 1 'P ntp ne In o snl f the Purpose old l kind 'Ing, or "ring 'uralah ed with nl kind:. 'ot drink he tsoever. SECTION 2. t ,nv P�'rsnn ululating the p vi- �iicl lannf[heecol nanuare punlshedrlby p flue of than On H nd'ed Dollars. o 7mprlsanment for not exceeding niner lu dayv. SECTION 3. This nrdin:,ncr shall takr effect and "r• Iii 1'urr�• thirty days after it. Passage and i Ilicntlon` i ss .,i h • thr "Hell Feb{ "e1. Mr. l e fi 'n [h, Govs, , ` 1 yiv- li fir ui� MI Co11, \\'underlie"-3. \/'Pr,rrd FCh. 1. 1917.`_ R. IR VIN. Maynr. :\ileal: J, i. FARICY. City Clark. - fFeb. 3-I'M �•= is o.,oie•...o CITY OF 5T. PAUL .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS"RESOLUTION FORM .. FILERcI No.-- o.-MAR MAP15 1913 6Y--- 64'6 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and' in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specifI the following detailed statement: 4rafiZ. Yeas (v) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council-__—.191— Far worth Gosi Hyl APProved d In favor —/ - ; Kell r Me ll -_Against n+ YOR Acting R'u 31President, erlich l5asz— Vin Raolvad gnat warrsats be draws as the City Treasury; payable out of tha.ks alnafter..D cldad funds and.lut - - - favor of thayenons, draw sr-aorpon- dons for [be`amoants' aeto.taelt4tb.iz respeetive names v speolded 1. the following detailed statameat: - `Aleerlcan: E,,preeo Company. 12.43. ' American Soolal Hygiene Aes'n., . ;3.00 :. Badger Meter Company, $543.95, Baker & Company -111.40. Mo.d Cmpo ,.3.461 ._. ( )) 12929 American Express Company, 2,43 Library Expense. 930 American Social Hygiene Asson. 1100 Library New Books. 931 Badger Meter Company, 543.95 Water Expense. 932 Baker & Taylor Company, - 1010 Library New Books, 933 T. L. Blood Company, 1.46 C. P. Works -Workhouse -Exp. 934 S. Brand, 99.00 . C. P. W+Workhouse Expense. 935 Brings & Company, 30.00 C. P. Works -Workhouse -Expense. 936 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 2080 Water -Expense.. 937 Chicago, Mll!=Wkee & St.paul Railway# 1,67 Library Rxpenee. 938 Arthur H. Clark Company, 4.50 P. Library -New Books. 939 Contractors Supply& -Equip•. 1.54 Water Expense. 940 Robert H. Dodd, 10.28 P. L3brwNew Rocks. 8 1 a'i #64-6- Page #2.' 12941 Field, Schlick & Company,. 1,65: C. P. W. Workhouse Expense. --A 94-P. Finch,`Van Slyke & McConville, 12.10 Water Expense 2.83 --C.P.W. Wor'-Ihense ExnATIeR. 9,27- 12.10 943 Gopher I,! --A & Cement Company, 8.02 School Expense. 944 Handlon & Company, 63.50 C.P.W. Workhouse Expense. 945 Herbst $e Lindley, 43,37 C.P.W. Workhouse Expense. 946 G. HOchule, 140.00 C.P.W. Workhouse'Expense. 947 W. J. Hoy Const. Company, 18,60 Water Expense. 948 Independent 01l Company, 20.79 Water Expense, 949 Mrs. J. 0. Jones, 19.50 Library Expense. 950 Paul H. Kelly 10.00 :Corp. Counsel -Witness Fees, Etc. - 951 Andrew goehnen 2.10 C.P.:Works.Workhv--e R7KD 952 Lahioh Coal Company, 620,43 Water Expense, 953 Walter T. Lemon, 42.50 Water Expense. 954 O. R. Mickelson, 13.63 School-sEapense. 955 Hilie—Aw^is .Printing Company, 230.6 Water Rynor±se . 956 N.V. Electric Equipment•Company,: 1.53 "Water Expense. 957 N.W. Fuel Company, 8.05 Water > Expense. - 958 Northwestern Shot & Lead Works. 106.80 Water Expense. 959 Hiram Hi Parks, 14.25 Pub. Libr-N. Books. 960 Perry Fry Company, 1.00 - .00Water`Expense. Water Expense. 061 Pittsburgh. Coal Comvany, 151.36 Water Expense. 962 Raymer Edwe. Company, 3'.77 Water Expense. Page #3. #646 1.33 12963 St.Baul Electric Company, Water_Exp ens e. 1.50 964 Schroeder & Company, Water Expense. 84.6 - 965 Seabury & Company, C.P.W. Workhouse Expense. _ 18.87 966 G. Sommers & ComparVp ense. Works Workhouse Exp P. 81.80 967 South Park Foutidrys ` Water Expense. 11:76 968 A. G. Spaulding Brothers, Pub. Playgrounds Expanse. 18.90 969 Union Maohfne Company, Water Expense. 12.25 970 Jos: P. Whitwell, p. Works, Workhouse Expense. - i �li J I ti t -- - CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT,] 6 COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO._- - At1Df ITED_— _ 191. - 643 -- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statem nt: 4ra _191— Yeas ( J) Co cilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council— Fa nsworth 191— G s Approved —In favor H and /fes//% _ K 1Ci' - /. _ riatfn.� MA OR 141 Co11 __ —Against' W nderlich r Mr, esident, rvin 1\ C: F.. NO. 15343 .Reeolved that warrants stile and on npoa the City Treasury,,, fu the hereinafter epaolded funds a favor theperaone: firma ett oVVosit. `tion.. for the amounts a cihed In r - - their-lective named as t.ter, - ' the following detailed om-r. Finance, - . a A. Farnsworth, C m'r. Y46 00.- ' S Farnsworth. Com . ;1.717.G6. A. �1 m. A. TfurVby '& son Ef•3GO.Q0. Adopted by the' Council March 15, - 191VProved March 15. y]fa._ch 24.1917) - $45.00, 12972 S. A. FarnswortGenCoFund-Election Exp. 1;717.66 973.5. A. Farnsworth Gen. Fund-Mico. & Unforseen 1,360.00 974 Wm. M. Murphy & Son Wooden Trestle Bridge at Mounds Blvd4 T , 2.66. VA. G-iG r t r F 1 ' - CITY OF ST. PAULJ. ' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL No._�-----'-- FILE FORM.' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIOTI F By AUDITED l 648- - - sable drawn upon the City Treasury, p Y out of the he specified funds and as specified in the following Resolved that warrants be corporations for the amounts set opposite -respective names their i n _ • in favor of the persons; firms or by the Council -- 191— detailed statement:. Adopted Yeas ( v) Council 'en ( J) Nays " Farnsvi )rth --- Approved- —: ---- 191— Goss. nfavor ' Hylan - 777 AMAYO Ctin4" Keller ---Against Mccol Wundi Lich 1544—(Ira- Resolved that waranta�be Mr. President, Ir .1 -able out of n thy. iltaiter ePecified unds apo �( to th oreons .firm not o90oelte fav Or. of th he ampunts s4ein: d In - dons:.for 0 as r sP{ �vdetnIld atntement to11oA 1{ ` Ifhelr thw {2 66: o., .$6.016 60... .• Ainerlean LaFrnn v 1 Dune - - ... erlrn� Safwt , 2.66 12975 H- C. )khrena police -EXP• 6,016.80 anceCompany+. g76 American LaFrFire-Squill 3.25 American Safety Lamp & Mine Co., 977 SewerC. & R. 584.64 Austin -Western Road Mch.Co.+ 978 Sprinkling 55.00 979. Borreson Mnfg. Co.", & S. Cl' S. 56.72 980 Brantjen liotor Oar Coy- Fi-re-Exp• 77.13 981 E. S. Ferry Fund -Printed Forms &Blanks Gen. 20.50 Chief Accountant, 982 J. C. Flanagan, Vater-Exp., 5.50 983 Chas- Yriend & Son, Fire -Exp. 9..40 984 H. W. Goetzinger'SUP t,, Works-Wrkhouse-Exp• C. p. 14.66 985 B. F. Goodrich Co. garage Rev. Municipal 23.98 ter Lime & Cement CO;, 986 Gopher Street C. & R--FxP• CITY OF ST'. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :L ysyh',`t " Subjeet:.. _ — COUNCIL ' FILE No-..-. .... Date Presented 191:.__ Resolve , That the a;plication af David C. Spence for a license e Theatre at 366 Payne Avenue, be to .conduct a action Pictur. and the same hereby.ie granted and the Cit' Clerk is instructed to 'issue such license upon the .payment into the City. Treasury of the fee, ,$50.00. . I C: F No I68i5 i3Y Henry McColl - _ . Re oie ed " Th [ the nPPllentlon o-1 i iJnVf 1 C SPen cta n ll< [ COrt-� lila t M a.c be and th t nt 966 Pn}n AYOnuI h and , n fieri (a. Frnnted and each Ileity Cie k is-" t o casae. Cit lT upotr in tructed. t. - ' - th� Puymeht Into the City T nuc- of, Adopted -by the' Council aintchlu.'. v 1917. APproPed Al rch 76, -1917. (hfareh j.4-1917) - Ycas (✓)JF_ lmen (✓) Days A"(�� 191 Locth fAdopted by the CouncilIn favor d ✓ Approved191.AgainsterI1cI1 ..... ...Y I �.........�Ott7�....AYOR Mr. PreIrvin C.-.P. No. ul5341-7 �,dinanee Ati'ordi ante to 3843etinproYeS�Feb-, - -. O din n No 3843, 'PAUL „ r ar iG .191 An,:ordinanll¢Dar!-, - .r I i g thn Purchasing i ORM" n e t Pr° idl K an', nd rsflxing the r I--G E'N E R A L F. R1 ttie4 to neattone. .. 'AY• a-e tT . n is an tie and ordi ordinance Thla Ia an emery ncy AA afort 711, Sllb]4C1: d lel neeesarY for the health atnna 1 couNciL NO. OS the Public PC&C1, i . FILE.. '..... dnin191 .. t!e Date P�resenl�r.l4,1:817 Fe aPProVed or February 16eto 1917,"An -oand rdinancetive Ordinance the Purchasing Department, February 1 , , ee therefor and fixing their number, providing officers and employ duties and_aompensations. This is an emergency ordinance and dsafety. necessary for the preservation of the public pease, Reolved, SECTION I The Council of the City of St.Paul-does ordains That Section two of Administrative Ordinance 3843, approved Feb.16,I91?, an ordinance organizing the Purchasing Department,'poovidIng officers, and employes therefor, and fixing their•number, duties and compensations, "One Secretary is hereby amended by striking out the words and f.01ures, Stenographer, -01320- per year", and substituting the words, "One and by etrikir.g out the Secretary Stenographer, $1380.00 per. year"; 11 words and figures, "two Junior typists .at $720.00 per year", and sub- , "threeJunior Typists at $720.00 each stltuting the words and fiurea per Year"•. SECTION II mergency adinanoe rendered This ordinance is hereby declared to be an e necessary for the preservation of the Public peace, health. and safety. SECTION III This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately uponits passage and publication. 3'z , Yeas (.I)Councilmen (✓) Nays }G� � 0 ly I 191 - .. / Adopted by the Council' arnswRrth �In favor 191 +� -HYland/p� r: f Approved( 3 t r 'McColl 6t��C`• Against LWunderlich L'I�J� woe Mr. restdenV.Trvin ORM �. a•s XL-'.- 'TED 3� COUNCIL FILE NO._._....... .___ j� By � • CITY OF ST. PAUL. Council Resolution of Approving Assessment. , In the. mat ter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses %K_1V for Anthony Curbing of Beacon street between University avenue and St• avenue, Order 770---------- .Intermediary Order _- a33 a2 - ......_--..., under Preliminary --- - - 6750 ...... approved-_11JantlarY:_..13 ..7 7..67....., 191.._.._- Final Order -.--- - _ - - _.. e7A.6_e9. ..for and in connection with The assessment of ....k.ene.f:it_s... cos_ts....and exR. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER: That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. lE.th ...._...day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance 'give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charlet, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. s 191...:..... Adopted by the Council - �k �..-r-:... ty Clerk.. 191_x_ _ Approved __.:._.. ___ _ _..... -*`... .r Mayor. _ wPP'atONIXo AssossslEXTS.:. Actino N4�3aS"rd `By' 9. A: Farnsworth— Councilman Farnsworth 1nj matteror- the. aesesatnent, pf, 'benefits, oats and expenaea :tor curbing of Beacon street between Goss Univerelty Ave. and 8t. Anthony pjJ$j iSl'I$D Ave,. under Preliminary Order 7370, Intermedlary Order:8332, Final-Or- Hyland der 8760;: approved Ja arY 13, 1910. The aeeessment of , n�fite. coete;and bzpenaee for and In onneutioa with Keller sub nt�ed tomthe Counc i and the Coin vn ell having ooneidered asma and found McColl the said asseaement sattstactory, there- tore be tt . ` If Resolved; That the said assessment .: / Wunderlich b d the same fe hereby 1n all re- aPecte approved. IV .Resolved,. Further,. That 's. 9ebllc Mayor Irvin hearing bebad on said assessment on the 10th day of April, 1917, at..: the .:hour of 10 o'clock A. x. in the Covnetl Chamber of the Court R of Form. B. 16 1:and City All Building; in the Ctty er. St . Paul;r that the Comml-1---tr, of Finance give notice of said meat- ing. as `retlulred bythe cu. At-, ing In. said notice the, time and -place . of hearing: the nature, hf 4h* ltp�p�°the �' COUNCIL FILE NO .....__ By......................... _....... .... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council ApprovinAssessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses �. for curbing of Cambridge avenue from Summit avenue to Princeton avenue, under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order .._6740 ..,_............................. Final Order..... 7333. :......... ...._.. , approved..' 0 ctob er__l..i. 191._5..:... The assessment of........ benefits, .ggpt and .expenses __._,___for and in connection with .. _ 1 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same'and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects-approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public bearing be had on said assessment on the_...1.6_th........... _ ..day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City- Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance -give notice. of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed t Adopted by the Council ....... 19Y iIf`/ity Clerk. . :: y i / .Approved .:._ _ _.._ .....191---- 11, 91 - l -� Actina C F Nomatter oBt thaAaesemmmenkt of ._ Mayor. In the ._._..._.. ...... ..':.L..k`.-.._.......t .. __. benetits,..costs and" expensea for- _ urbing f Cambridge Ave.: from Councilman summit ave. to Princeton Ave:, on: der- Preliminary -Order 6344. inter medlary Order 6740; Ftnot Order ,7333 - j' aopro—dOctober 1: 1915. The assesem0nt e[ beneflts, conte'and e:D,enees Std or and in-. eonnectlon with "tbe above Improvement havingbeen - Counclle having, conslderedl same and - found the meld assessment satisfactory, i'UBLISI�'.D----�ers� therefore. be it Resolved,. That the: said assessment be and the same to hereby In p li / aDects aPDroved hearing be hadron said assessor public f '.the 18th day of April, 1917, at the f' .hour of IB o'clock A. M., in the Conndll Mayor. Chandamber t theCourt -House o C.fv> Hall Bullding, in.. the City of 9t Paul: that the Commiselon- I} Form B. B. 16 j or of Finance give notice of eaid met. In as repaired. by the Ch_ :.r. stat- e � 1 .. �ins In said nonce the time the ImAand pleas of .. bearing:,. the natpre -:o* o+na COUNCIL FILE NO........ ......— By t' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. ;n the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses �. _ for r constructing of curbing on both sides of Edmund street between Lexington avenue and Dunlap street, under Preliminary Order 4:579 .... .:._: Intermediary Order ...:.:..5.243.._.:........ _................ ___..._.:.., Final Order ........ _....., approved..__ July 1 . __...._ .. . .........._... 191.....5_ The assessment of benefl_t s.,___costa.__. a.nd_._exp_ens.e_6...,._.. ......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... 16t.11 ...... ... _...... day of . Apr i ....... ................. 191.._7__„ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council ._.. .... .......... 191 . r.. CiC, Clerk. . Approved ..:._. _. _.._ 191 .. c F No. 16a51 8-rnswottt4 A_ ctin8 Mayor. ]n the matte of the assessment of _ . - ..._ ... _ ,,,... . ..... _ ' bene@tst: costs andkspenses- fpr cow- CounCilman Fat tructing of curbing on both stdes'of Edmund street ".between Lexington - AVe. and Dunlap 9t., under_Prelim- innry.Crder 4579, Intermediary Crder'. - �+C 5243, Final order 5791, npPro�'ed July 1. 1915. costs and The assessment I.,benefits, . - Hy expenses:Lor and. ementhaYlconnection been the above improvement council. an submitted to the :'Council..- .and the lCe Couacll having coastdered same and " found the said assessment satisfactory, the eYore, be It - Ma Resolved. That the' Said assessment / be and same I. hereby in all re-i. J/ spects approved. 1 Wu Resolved Further, That a pubon lic hearing be had on said aIs7,ae at tihe the ;5th -day of April, In the Council - n Mayor IrVi hour of 16 o'clock a M-. /I Chamber o[ the Court house and Clty Hall $uflding, , In the - - Form B. B. 16 -House ,auIt City Hall Bufldln8.s - .. CItY �oY.6A Paul;. that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting• as renufred by the Charter, stating in aold notice the time place of Hear- InB, the natucostre of the improvement, aeeeeaed agalnsLBthefloI br ote��tlm 1) rtioular. owner to`whom the ROLICe Is �innoo�teJ b�.lhc '11 .1101. 16, .1917, r_, y COUNCIL FILE NO.....:_ .. By,... f— --------- -- ---- --- ----- ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment: In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and exp ense8 for venue from Fairview -avenue to Cretin curbing both sides of Grand a avenue, roadway to be fcrty (40) feet wide, 6.723......_. ... 3914 _..., Intermediary Order - under Preliminary Order .-.-- .._. aPPtoved. .._ Final Order .72. �71_ ' The assessment of benei its,. costs andr expen_s,es _.far and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an . d the same is hereby in all respects approved_ day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._1:fith.__ il Chamber.of the lqI 7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the. CouncC APx lourt give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of St- Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance n said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature against the lot or lots -of the particular of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed 1 owner to whom the notice is directed. l the Council . - ' Adopted by tri...... F City Clerk: 191 Approved —�"' ---'�— rnawertho�; Aotin_g - _..____. R S; A ss _ _ Mayor. C. Fill, 16262•—of the assessment tor,,, .... .._�_: ^ mallet.. ... �� / Irt Fill, and expenses rild tieneflta -costa Gland nvenne - urhinR yoCh.:eldea o[ to Cretin - [rbm 'Falroadway vtew 'a td roe tortY (401. Councilman Far ngenue, ro �an er prClimwe s Final - Leet wide. order. 6722. 1915. 2914,.1ntermedlaroved Se PL 2s, and .-_ . •• Go order,7271, :ant of benefits. co. with. - The aeseeema, ectlon been iulsLiatl,� - ' eicpensee tOr .and 1n con having be-- Hy, the: above improvemento and tnd- 9obmltLBd to the Cdutre 1. o..I . e same and ( /� Council havtn6 sment satlatncforY. _ Kel found the Mid tdtaesea asaesameat' j therefore. That the Bald In a$ re- Reedlved, f hereby Mc be and the same s a public specie aPProved. That Resolved .Further, Wu hearing be had on said "il.9178 nt$t the the. l6th'daY o[ Apr - - hour of 30 ootoclafio M.' O the n the Court In itis Mayor Irv_ anatrt ciry• unu l uttding, n'citof gt• Paul, that tho Is' an' For B. B. 16 r::of F1'requi.ed b11Ohe chartee of Be d& e%t. _ Ing, as 'required Y rove-. - '9ngtnaaithenature:ti.. thetot LheatmD 'hearing� al cost: thareot, and the. .Ment, tha-tot ainst ;the loon lots: :.amount�.aneeaead ag of the Particular owner to whom the notlet Is dlrenC d Adopted br ins Coancn \irh. 15.19T i:: Approved Mch 151191 i. (\Larch 1i-19171.. COUNCIL FILE NO----- ....-------- _. By� CITY OF ST. PAUL resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matterof the assessment of beriefitB, costs and expenses for curbing of Selby avenue between Cretin avenue and Marlboro-avenue, and Cretin avenue between Selby avenue and Dayton avenue, Intermediary Order _.......46.5 ..:......._..... 566:4_ .._..... . under Preliminary Order ------ -- 915... Final Order .. ...71.25. .............._. approved... _ _ Sept.._2Q_r....._ .....:..._.., 1..... The assessment of b...e.nefts..,__.aoats_...and. :...expenses . ---- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved: RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the:........16th.._...:..day of Apr.i.7 _ 191-7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed 'against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council'._ ......... _....._.. . . ...........191 _ I I!t — f City Clerk. ,R Approved etfn . C F. No. 16363—HS S. A Fa kwortli A In the matt T L the a PaamaeuCt f f ........ .... .. ........ _._. 9 Mayor. benefit*. Coats end _ _ curbing of, Belb1' Ave. between C es Councilman I: tin Ave:.ane Marlboro y Aveslia and - tin Ave. betwund'erg P6 liminnn' Or- - Dayton A Ltermedi rY Order - elft, •• ( der, 5664, owed' Sept. 2tl._ Final. order 7129; ,aPPr . 1916. Theasse-ement of cons, con "ith, expensesfor a rovement having with the above lmptheCohncil. and the - - •• I submitted to - fouadlthe said seaessm nt -etia actory. ¢fore; be it - eeshment 1 tb That the Id a .all re- g¢ ived ams 1. hereby In. b �fla DDr pReaolved Further, u aid That eem¢ni hearing b h f Ap it 1911.. t the T the 16th .day 1 the Council - Mayoz l hour of 10 -•,iota A. nr- House Chamber f the ilddlegt :ln the mall -8 and City .said meet- FOrID B. B. 16 City.of 6t Paul{ that th Comml ee er of Finance Siva, notice of. Ing• ae': re9ulred by the charter. -tat- ' he rin ingoldhnotice the e nature olm the altTniP ova _ - m-nGtlye total .coat thereof: ot nd rhe a amount e..[ICular owner t ¢ whom lthe Of the p ,notice le. direct„ •Council etch. 1 5, 1917.. Adopted by 1 ':Approved 16. 1 J 11. (1,larc1t-191'1) It i71 4e X: ,r COUNCIL FILE NO.._..___. -7 �if�r'.... By .:...._ /fes/ till CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. for of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses In the matter between Cretin avenue and cubing of the north side of Temple Court Finn avenue 1.526....._ _. . Intermediary Order "" under Preliminary Order 5:54. ..._ i approved -- .-O C tob.er .7.r_...._- 1.91..._:4. Final Order ... .......19..55 . ......... . for and in connection with The assessment of ben.ef.i.t.B.,._..O.o.st..a.,and_ expenses been submitted to the Council, and the Council having.conaidered same and the above improvement having found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED, That the said assessment on the. ._.a 6k1 day of ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment the hour of 10 o'clock A. -M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Eipri.1 191 :.:4..., at Finance give notice of Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of House and City in notice the time and place of hearing, the nature. - said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating said lot lots of the particular the total cost, thereof, and the amount assessed against the or of the improvement, owner to whom the notice is directed M1 t 1 -r 191. Adopted by the Council ._ ... - Ad % I f. City Clerk. ..... ... . ._ - Approved. -. .191 _ C. F• No 16364—BY S. e1. I'arnaworth Actino .Mayor. the aeaeaement.. o[ , in the matter of _ .._ " ,.... ...... - - benetlts,- Coate and, expen9ea for - - aide.. o1 Tomple , urbinR Of U's north Court between Cretin av0nue.:and.'. - - - Councilma Finn 6670 I e,,rmod,.ryorderTy 3626,. October Final der 1965, approved Or naseeament of beneflta. cos[e. and espenaesfor and in connection ween - hai74ng been . the abovelmProvement - submitted. to the Council. and'the > -CouncU having coneidere8 same;nnd -" '; found the. saidassessmenteatiefactorY. therefore, Resolved,aThat the said assessment n to hereby In all re- - •! .. be ,nnd the same spects approved. That a public Resolved, Further,on rt 'J the,16of hadntlp ll. 1917asses•at�t the A• >g•, in the Coun- .tiovr of 10 o'clock ' cfl Chemberor ll Bu\ld,1n6 rt t Holho Mase ay.sand `City ' - that tho Commieaioner CItY of Se. Paul; of of gI a notlbe of Bald mecttne.' a orm B. B. 16 as renoti the tltn -end plrt acetof hearn _ `.Ing, the' nature of the Improvement, t o amount the total -coat thareofI: and aseeeaed-agalnet�the lot .or lute ot, the to whom the aottce barticuI r .ownor e directed. i Adopted -by -the Council Dfch. 16, 1917. "Approved Mch. 15.11 917. (March 7-1517) COUNCIL FI .. ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Res( tution of Council Approving AssessTent: In the matt.yof the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading of alley in Block 3, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 9513.._ ......... __..... ___..., Final Order 99.45 ..........................a pproved. -_�.. Ap.ri.l__12.y _..._... ..... 191._6s._ The assessment of bfic09t.8-__and ....e7LPex.1B-B-- for and in connection with provement having been submitted to the Council,- and the Council having considered same and the above im- found the said assessment satisfactory., therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publif hearing be had on said assessment on the ._._.:..1.6.th_..... day of April _. ......._., 191 ...7_•, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner, of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed i Adopted by the Council : .... _ ........... 191 v ... -"`.. City Clerk. .... .. _.. ............. Approved C F: No. 15366-13Y 5 A Farneaorth �j� ACt1ng Mayor. z In the matter of the aseeesment of heneflte, .coats and peneea for - grading,of alley 1 Block 3 Stle _ Pre- Councilman F son's' Boulevard Addition upder Pre llmisary Order 0812, Yutermedi-Y. - "Order 9613, Final order 9945' - C proved 'April 12,1956, The 'assessment of benefits, coete, and ezpeasee for and to eonnectioawith the YUPIt I's improvement hnvlae" been sub- ` E" maxed: ao the Coareii, and the Council: liavint =d, tory. and .found K o iitt gaaesament salLfactory, therefore, Resolved, That the said assessment be _ f ✓ sad the same is .hereby in sit. respeeta ,tQ/ lb approv Resolveed d Farther. Thatsemant oa the Int hh .had as said 9�1s7 1at 'the hour V 10th day of April. of .10:00 o'clock A: M in the Council ' Chamber of. the Court House,: Mayor Ii ata.Y u: ta$eiria com I�aeeloCnet o[ Flaaoee'tive notice of. eeld`.meetlPt, d _ Form B. B. 16 noutice'.bytime and Dlsee sof, bearing, Ne hatm'e of the improvement;. the total 'coat thereof, and thet. of amouaCppaaarrafteeeeed ov�mie�r to'qi.t or _ tile oaotieat ae111t'ontee ari Adopted byo the Counbll meb. 16,1814.' Approved'. Starch6 1'i911917)_ COUNCIL FILE r^ By ... .. fes......_.... _ .. .fii(,t.._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resrlution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matt of the assessment Of, benefits, costs and exp ens es for -grading of Aldine street from'north side of Laurel:-venue t'c Swit avenue, - - 1 under Preliminary Order . ......5.758. .._._ Intermediary Order ._.7,0:.227. .. _....___._..._._. _... ...... ' Final Order .....10959_,., approved... J.un.e_.1A... 191___5_, The assessment of cQ.s.t.s....and-expens.ea......._ ._....:.._:for and in connection with. - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council," and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. 15111 .......... ...... day of AP.ril , _, ., 191....7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall "Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter,stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement; the total cost thereof; and theamount assessed against the lot. or lots. of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed 1 � - Adopted by the. Council ....... .......... ............. .... 191 1 _....... ,...��/... 6c_C,�.;.:: City Clerk. Approved ...............___ . ___.._ _ 191......_. tt C. F, No. i6366—BY S. A. 7-rnaworth - 1n She matter of -tithe asseeneeat iorr- - -------+ Ae�I�Q-_ Mayon- , beneftter costa and , P e . Councilman Fa aide lof Lavrle navenuet " Summ t Ave., under Preliminary OrIIer 6768,- IntarmedlarY order is 27, Flnai PUBLISHED G[ roved June 4, Order 109x;;entP The assessment of benefits, coats a it ioenaee:'f-r and to connection bates Hy the above itaPmvement haviannd the - ubmitted totheconaldered same Council-having Ke fonud the sato assessment sattefactory. theretore, be 1t ti Resolved, That the said assessment. ' Md be. sad.-the same to-hereb - Wun specie approved. That a public Reeoly d Further /// J ' ,� 'hearing be had on_sald nseeesneLntthe _ - Mayor Irvin the 16th day of . ADrll, in 1917,. . jy hour; of 100 the Court�3iousa and CUY Chamber, in .the cltY r..St. Paul: Fo B. B. 1C tllaL' he lCommlestoner of Finance glv- notice-of sold. meeting. aeretlulred bY- the Charter, stating sa said thalnatar. tune .and Piaca,ot.. healing. - of. un""ement amthe total cost h -f. the ount- a e sed f ^ he Part(c>t nFe Inst etheiloota hon rthu net re led- `' is1T. i tell. htcp u c, COUNCIL FILA E NO .......... ��• CITY OF ST. PAUL Rs�"ution of Council Approving, t. Assessmen In the matte of the assessment of benefit 8, costs and expenses for grading of Berkeley street from Prior avenue to Kenneth street Order %872----- —. Intermediary Order 10 29 8......... under Preliminary 1.1.082 June_,.19 x_....1916 - 191._._..._ Final Order approved_ beXt..1.�-$+ C4S .>3 and.....expe-.and ._.......... for and in connection with The assessment of e? been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and the above improvement having found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. be had on said assessment on the. ......_..16tkL..._.day of RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing April 191 ..,., at the hour of 1.0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court' , in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finan House and Citi Hall Buildingce give notice of in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating ovement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against. the lot or lots of the particular of the impr owner to whom the notice is directed. yr .} 4 I;I ,,r 191 _.�� + ,' Adopted by the Council .. .. .._.. , IrR .. f .: { f . f�...... City Clerk. .. . "1 191 Approved .............. _ r �t1ng 15357 BY S A Facmworth Mayo went of _.. . _._ —. - In the matte[ ot, �xpeneee- for ....__. ... b edta, costa' •und street from % - grading Ot, 'Beritaley V _ Councilmar, I'dor avenue , ; un- en h7672, eInter derPrelYOrderY10298. PYnal Orden mediarY- roved' .Tune 19, 1816:. 110821, aPP Date and. The assessment oE. Denetlts, ° been 'ezpeaeea for and !n: bonnepu. Wlth the above ; 1mProvament hav and_ the - aubmUtad. to the considered� same and - - Council havtnB 'found the assessment eattatsctorY. - tharafore be It - Reaolved. That the- said ain all ro- be Ind ti.e sum la hereby In all re- epecte .i rroved at a Dubuc Resolved Further : Th - at the. n hearing De ha of .aPrla 1817 amens ij the 16th 2117 y cls nour of 16 o cloch=h-�,Cou{tie .Council 'ChamUer of In the - Mayor and CItY H111 Bh1ldiPg. Cit Finsnee give noUee of eAfdmm aoilnI Form . B. 16 K. rinutred'DY.4he 'Charter: afaf-e In _ aid' tnotoes nature loC' ha imptoveminG 1. 1. Po asaeast Instethe lotnor Iota oto the par[Icuinr owner to whom the Notice Is d1' a ted. bytap CT. cll 1ch.15, 1917. 1 ,l depteu -..14iPre�' c,1111o, 151191!�17.)- ILE NO. ........ _.... _ Grz??t�t... ... ... ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoliltion of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter the assessment of benefits, costs s7i c'Jpenses for grading bf Ivy street from Earl street to Orange street,. under Preliminary Order ...... 76.0. Intermediary Order ._..2193 Final Order _Z.620 ......................... approved.... N.ovgmbBr..:.19a...... .......... 191._.:...4 The assessment of b.grief_i..ts.,_._o.o_at.a....and_..expans.e.a..... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the . Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the.said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the' _------ day of ApT11_ ................ _, 191.._7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the. Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed ; Adopted by the Council ......V 9 P ; } 1 ( 19 /5 City Clerk. �JC. _ t _ r....! ......... 7`` Approved ......_ . _ __.. _._ ......... ...191 ..._ th— I Ft NO nS368 of the •.ae a em!, Iot _... /Act Mayor. benefits. :costs and eapeneea Earl '" "" "_.... ... .... .... _� :'.grading of IvY�reertOf der Prelim - Councilman SC to, Ocng7 o .harp Order 760, Intermedtary Order, 2193. Flnal:Order 2820, approved No •ember 18.1914.; Tne assessment of benefits, coats and '.exDensen Por- am l' In connection with -,the above improvement. ho.vian i the ubmltied to the;:Counoii, •ands. the Council having considered • same and found the said assessment satisfactory, - therefore, be It eResolyed,.: That .the •said assessment _ - -ro- b the eamo I. hereby a - 1 apects approved. That a public - - - - '. Resolved. Further, =�� hearing Re,Ol ',,d d n said 1917eBdtntthe an " the 18th daY of April, in the sic ' hour of 30 o'clock A• e • cil Chamberxali Building. rt >nihethat i 'Mayor 11 and City' ottFl ante Bive" notice oL eaIdmmeetle9, • i� V(�'('(f MMM Form B. B. .aas aideno[lco the time a and placeofhat ears $aid no' coature of the improvement . 'the nseeaeeOf d against thatlot Ortlots ofe Oft owner to whom the nonce I' portico AdoDted-. by the Council \tch. Is. 1917. Approyedlfnrct•17971 191 COUNCIL -FILE NO- ...... _...... __ _ - y.._ _7777; _. _.................._....._._. CITY .OF ST. PAUL Reso'ntion of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter the assessment of benefits, cost9 and expenses for ase street to the south line of Lot grading of Russell street from C 16, Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No,. 7, 4138 __: _77.77 Intermediary.. Order :..7.2.0$ __-__ - ... .:-:.. under Preliminary Order .. - Final Order approved_ Dec ._ 15. _7:777- 7777 191..._5. ._..____ _ _7777 8 �7._ beriefl.ts,t costs..and,..-Im L1se9 The assessment of Eor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..:.....1.6.th. _... _....day of April ._., _, ....:..., 191 .__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the, Commissioner of Finance give notice of . said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ., 191. i. i .7..777_. f: ... . . lk L ..t .-7777 City Clerk. Approved __.._�__ ._�__ 191 ` C. F: Vo .tte BYt A e lie %// ACtllig In the matter of m aseeeam lit of Mayor. bcneflte, . costa, and expect a for grading of Reaeall street from Case Councilman Fat .street to the south line of: Lot ls... Block 2, Auditor's 3ubdivlslon No; '7, unit Preliminary order 4139, In-. . termediary order. 7909, Final Order In- Go'- 9367. a,1=1d 131% The B.aasesaman, of, eoata and HYlthe ab sovefor lmDovement having lou been to the Counciland the submitted . / Counetl having' considered Game and. Kelfoundahe said aeaeasment satletactory, - therefore, be It Re., That the ealdt assessment. iVIC(De and th ame, to hereby In all" re- - spects. approved. , That.. a public Resolved.Further, - Wu'hearing be had on said assessment on the 16th daY of April. 1917, at -the t hour of to o'cioek A. m,, in the Coancfi Mayor Irvilchamber of the Courtin 11the CItY !( v 'City -Hall Building, of et: Paul, that the Commission- , Form B. B. 16 ing,Ia�Finance reQuiredYbY the e noticeCharter, stat kIng in said notice the itm0 and place -of. hearing., the nature of the Improve men', the bo_fal "cbst thereof and tbo amodnt aeeeseed against the Llt or 1, . i -directed. 1917. ad by the CPu nail: Mch. 15, 1'ed rh. 15, 1:17. : \icIn rcli P_;1rFIIl G! CITY.OF ST. PAUL • Resglution of Council Approving Assessment. In the mat110 the assessmentetf between1Prioroavenueand and Kennethexpenses _ aver-ue, for grading of Sargent s under Preliminary Order ._$.?.ii.rz. _ , Intermediary Order .:.......10.509 _...:, Final Order ..: _..112..58 approved..... June 28,_.....:. ......... 191.._6.._ . The assessment of b.enef it.s.r.-..._ea.s.t.s_.and.....expense.s.:.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. - RESOLVED FUYHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._..16.th _..... day of April ......_...._:, 191.7__,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of,the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular. owner to whom the notice is directed ulIP i y Adopted by the Council ._.......................... ... ........ ...... 191. /.-. i �..._... t :::..._ x 1!Z .............. _,City Clerk. Approved __. ........ .-._-------------------- 191 Acting_ Mayor. - . ...... �yC`........ _ �_.. C. F., No. 16860—B5 S A Farnsworth- ... - Councilman Farnsworth In the matter of the asaesament of 9 'benefits, coats :and expenses- for - grading o[`.Sargout street I. ween � - - Goss - Prior avenue and Kenneth avenue: udder Prellmier order tnai inter- I PUBLISHED under y Order 30609. $702 or ler 1. Hyland 11258; apyroved Julie 26,1916. The. assessment oC beneftt®, costa and. expenses for sand. In eorinectloa with - ' - Feller[he-ab ve Improvement. having been - submttted to the counoll, f and the council having eonslaered, same and - McColl found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be It � - j - -Resolved. That the Bald asseesmeat 1 Wunderlich be and the same is hereby fn &U: -r epectsapD *'ed. -. R.. -d Further, That a public Mayor Irvin hearing be had on said assessment on Y the16th day of ADrII, 1917. at' the .hour o[ 10 o'clook A. )N., the Counoll _ Form B. B. 16 Chamber of the Court House sad city Hall Building, In the City of St. Paul; that they Commissioner of Fi•. nanee give notice of said meeting, u r6rsaid lnotdfee theh Ch titnc andt Dlsce Of heah.,I - _ the. imnrovemeat...the' ,led. ldopted bythelCounell tpprovsd XM h. 15, 1917.. (Dlareh". 17-191' COUNCI F[LE X10----------------sy ' By��r-�-��? k CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of 'council Approving Assessmen'c. for .In the tier of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses BY rand street from P.alen avenue to Tracy constructing of a sewer on avenue, Order 38,5Q -, Intermediary Order - -.-....... 4254.:... _... ... _.._.__... under Preliminary ... 471Q..,, ..............aPProved_ may 7, ._:..._. Final Order.., 191•.`x_._ The assessment of .... ....benef.ite. eost6..: and....expe.ns.es _ for and in connection with Council having considered same and the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approvetl r 16131 day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the . Apr4i191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner .of Finance give notice of the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by e amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and th owner to whom the notice is directed. 191_ Adopted by the Council - .. ........ a ..:.....-' . ....... City Clerk. t, ... J Approved _ - 9 p+4+o. 15361—II'y the' Farnsworth—• •_ u ._, Actin Mayoi. k. .assessment o[ ...... _�...—_. for... ....... .._ .... --pensee _..... .. _ {" bo matter of on 'rand. - benefl[9. costa s n ewer to Tracy t construct lnPha� n avenue oracY � Councilmar- St. trom under 1FreklminarY - - entre, Order 4254.191b.et YU1S,l.it.,au:J 386p..Intermedtaro ed, May 7. •• Order; 471.. app t,beneflte,.eoate.and - - The assessment th .the, _ SmPt'OY�enf having been sub-. pcpenaea tot and in connection Bove to abs. oil and and the Council having: cowl red same and found here the' •• esld seaesament eatlstactorY. than -tore., be It _ • �eseaament be / Rnaolved.,Th%t the b 1. all reopeots, .• and the nam , hat 0, ubllc hear•. - - nR rpaAbB F'nthe-aidTaesesament on tEa - Ree. ba 18th day of AT,', 1917, at the hour in the Council ,of ID o'clock A• Court `gouee Chamber .the . Mayor,..d City.; thaEa hengCommUeioniar St. Ta ,g' the aoelce of said meeting, es . Innane tI the andriPl�e ung in sold reqForm H. 1C b of hearing. notice the time -o ent the total the ce th.6 of the imhe ,amannt' eaeeeeed' cost :thereo[, and of the Oarticular.. - against the lot or lots tiwner:tgwbom hie Council ht chr 16t 14917.. ' Adopted Y .1917.. Approved Mch: 76, \tare COUNCIL` FILE NO----- ----- By.......... _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Res +.ution of Council Approving Assessment., for In benefits, its , costsand expenses rhe matter of the assessment of . constructing of a'sewer on Case .street from Frank street to a point ' 135 feet east of the east line of Earl street, Order 9497 Intermediary Order ...3-x_51.. .6.......... .._.... under Preliminary -. lune 28... _..._..._,:19L..5_ - roved -.... .. aPP Final Order .. 112.1:5 -- Thea ssment of _ -be been --casts --and--exp @n-s-PB __.....for and in connection with been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and the above improvement having foun the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said as be and the same is hereby in all respects approved,day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 6th. (�pTll amber of Court 19L:._�, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch ; that the of Finance ice. Of House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pa°said notice the time and rplace of hearingethe tnature said meeting, as required- by the Charter, staring in , al cost thereof: and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular .of the. improvement, the tot owner to whom the notice is directed„ 1 ; i 1 / 1,- 191 .:.'� the Council - �' Adopted by / �f `_:.� f jj:.. City Clerk. :: i. 191 ... ' ACLing Approved .... ----1.I'l-------- Mayor. g, tA. Fern . _ . -� TF_hNo. sheer of, the asaeeo for - / bens, efl accost. aand�.YexPanaea for co - structing or aepreaC tory C °int x135. _ -Councilman Famswi .Frank line o[ Enr1 St••. - - from t of the -%t' 9297, in- , •• C+OeB fee , Preliminary Order - YU11LISILLI) trtnedtory ordsr..1t616. Final: Order- _ 112s6:.ap,roved Jeo� benefit costa - Hyland the' easeeamefor- and Ia co Ing ii-n G .4 expenses rovement having tye with the above ithe. Council. and , Keller anbmitted , to no .McColl .council- having conceldered same a d acne ement eauntaewrY Lound .the ba It Bald saseeement tore. That erebY�.ta all .e- 111 •• Wunderhtheresolved. ..the - 1 be a'Ad the lame ie It ublto epic '�ed °Furthe eatle dhAaeee meat the Mayor Irvin r.R ofnAp 1917, be had onApril, at hearing to the lJ un- [fte.l6th day ee.: hour of 19 0 oloef, the Court 1 8otne. - FOrnl B. iB: .11 Cha Chamberxall Building.- and - Clt5 • tbat the Commiseloner :City of St. Paul,. co o ten,stating in - of Flnancegivenotice of said meettng� $e..required by the the pile° of hear•. impr° am,rn, aaiH' Lh¢tCRO ure ° of. ani th to of the ins [al coat. there the to Inst the Ip ho r the notice ss d e n LI•� i- ne t 11 �i,1 t 1917. v d 1. dlto0t Sil \l tl • li i?Jli. t�➢i-r r COUNCIL FILE NO......_._ /---71 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoh. tion of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing of a server on Fairview avenue from St. Clair Street to Jefferson avenue, under Preliminary Order ....._..,._9.37.4. Intermediary Order .._..1Q_519.........._....... ........ .......... _.............. Final Order .. x..13.56 .................................... . approved...:: Jtily .3,1_.9..1.6. 191 .......... �V The assessment of .. n(i._:li?ensefl_._ nor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to' the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is, hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .._.....1.91h...... _...... day of. April...... .......... 191..._7.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and-place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular_ P owner to whom the notice is directed r Adopted by the Council ._..._ . ..... 191... f 1 ......... City Clerk. Approved .... — — ' ._191 i F ho, 35363—By S:'A 'Yrarneworth Acting In the matt, of the assessment of .�......�.//_.� Mayor. benefits, costs and expeneee for can., _......... _........0 / ......—___._ atructing of a. 'sewer n Fairview t e. from St 'Clair 9t t, Jeff reon - COUIICilm8n Fal 1e�rtuediaty order 170519�E1nn1rder 904, der 11356 app d Tul) 31916 - - GO �aaTh sa o to , t 'on b e191 d" '. f a d 1 C action l - - with the aae improve t h vtn& been; Hy bmltted to tha: Cou tl ..and the - -' f' ad t h i a ldered same and ent satisfactory, r dale 1d s esa- - Ite thbe it erefore. That athe msaid assessment be and the a Is hereby Inall re ' •• Me pests app v de - Beaolved F the[, That nepublic - hearingbe had o aid nes sm ton u7tthe 16th dad f April 1917, t the hour of 10 o'clock th u C uihe.councilB}./Y Mayor I,House and Ctty Hall Building; 114 the V f elf City of st Paul that the f sold set- U �• - der of Ft ...e give notice of said meet-. - -Form B. B. 16 i Ing, as required by: the Charter, stat- - t Ing,in. said notice the time $nd place o1 - ' I menti the total lost thereof, Iandothe. - - - ' amount aseeased: air. net the.lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the ..ties le. directed. .1,dopted try the Cnun p 11ch. 15. 191 T -.\Ppro\'ed MO, 15, 191,.' �. )I:...q, 17-1:117) M ep `COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ....... _.__ CITY OF ST: PAUL Resolution of Council. Approving Assessment: In the matt of the assessment of benefits, CO st s and expenses for conq.tructing of a sewer on George street from Concord street to a point 290 feet east of the east line of South Robert street, 10656 _...._ , ...._...... _....................._ under Preliminary Order ......... Intermediary Order 11251 approve ._. A. IQ ► -.. 191..._6.-• Final Order ..._121.:41. ._......__... PP The assessment of ..._1�..e27.ef.lts..--tae--and- �ens�-.8_.. Eor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....-....1.6.th_..__ ..day of ApT.il - -- 191' _,7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice' of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in. said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the .amount assesse.4 against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed ;- Adopted by the Council j..... ....... ..... City Clerk. Approved .. _ _.._191 _._--- ��p�/ i F eom ter o3. S. \ Farnsworth—/ i�7 CUn a I the matter of m lb assessment ofi Mayor. benefit., costa ands eapensea for con- ... _ _..................-_. ._..._._..+.._._._ A.. structing of a sower on :George St. - from Congord St. to a point 230 feet. Councilman F east of: the eaeb line of South Robert street. under Preliminary Order 16656;.' Intermediary Order 11251, Fl - - - •• C net Order 12141:• approved Aug. 30, isle. �The aeth hesessment: .of benefits, costs and ezpensea for andvem In connocvon' submitted6 to 1 her Co ncll. anhavind the. Couactl :having considered same and — Kfoundthe. said assessment satisfactory,, therefore, be It Resolved, That the said assessment be and' the same In hereby In all re-.! epeete approved. Resolved had on s That a �publlc , V hearing. be had on said assessment he - f the16th day C Ap Il, 1317, C, th l hour of 10 o'clock A. M., fit the Council Mayor 11 Chamber. 6f � the Court iHouse and City Hall Building, ln'• the City of BC Paul; that.the Commiseloner - - For B. B. 16 ; of Finance give notice of said meeting. required by.tha Chorter, stating In - sald-notice the Limo and .place. of hear. Ing, the nature of the Improvemegpt.l the total cost thereof, and the amoultt assessed_ against the lot or lots of the1 particular owner t. who. the notice fs Ad,pled 1 y th it ]1cf,. 1G, 1517. \Irp_rri 'el \lrh l5. i. 1'li -1 ------------ E--NO . .. ------ - NO....._.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL roving Assessment. f council APP for Resolution oanBee benefits, .costs and exp avenue from YJhite Beer avenue jn the atter of the assessment of constructing of a -ewer on Harvester to Van Dyke avenue, rder O12286. Intermediary- ._ - under -Preliminary Order ......_10.73:1-.-- 191fj -- aPProved....Sept . 19..,_._ 127.E;0.. for and in connection with Final Order ----- - - _ costs. _2.nd _ e.x9 -.nes s benef.lts considered same and The assessment of Council, and the Council having having been submitted to the - the above improvementbe it therefore, roved. in all respects approved. Found the said assessment satisfactory,by day of RESOLVED• That the said assessment be and the besame had on said assessment on the.- - -IJS 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing 191. _.7., at the hour of 10 o clock A. M•. in the Council Chamber of the Court Apr11 that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of the City of St. Paul: the nature Hall Buildin8• in lace of hearilig, House and City in said notice the time and p the Charter. stating articular meeting, as required by against the lot or lots of the,p said m and the amount assessed ag rovement, the total cost thereof, Of the imp / owner to whom the notice is directed t , 1917 19V _._ Adopted by the Council..._.._ 1� �, . � �.. _ _,,. City Glerk. 191 patln9 Mayor. — /� O/ ......r . _. Approved ........._ C: F. No. 103ss—'B> s• A:;Farn worth-� .... __ - Inbeneffts,°cast- antter of. d exp on i far ary-c . trncttnb' off\ hire 13"i_ Ave .�to Van xv from under to PreltminarY order _. D ke Ave., COuneilman Final "der,l2 So. situ ova lrS;Dt a1i 1910 ,; . benefit-. 'CGS •' Th aeee-amenfor[ of > and the above improvement having ad to been i .,�,es �$ f ,r-w—�'j1iO�!" ✓// and the •' ubmitted to the ons<deredh same and I - Council having e��� Lound the 0a itasaesament sattatactbrY. therefore, hat the Bald assessmdnt _Resolved, ,( Abe and the same is hereby in. all re- ; - •• .speer Resoapplved urd. That a public Resolved ;Further, / jl•/ hearing be had on said ..e,1917. atntthe_� hour of 10 0 -lock A. Mof ., in the Council Chamber -of the Court House MaYal nd City Pauli Lha tike Commieetoa , tng.ta ireCuiredv'bY the eat- Charo nor ter, stat _ Form B• B- 16 ing to said notice the time ad plAce of went. gthe thenature [cost thereof,[ and the amount Powner tt 8 wholot m lots 1the articulae bt1 (e directed. Ih• ('.��•��� 1 _h.tf, lel i. COUNCILFILL) jNO.—:� f CITY OF ST. PAUL -Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In Ifie matt10 I the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer for sanitary flow' only, on Hawthorne street from Duluth avenue to a point 270 feet ei'.st of the east line of Duluth avenue, under Preliminary Order ..._99913 ___ Intermediary Order ._...._:1.0595..: . ..................... Final Order ..... ......11.40 6.. ._._._ approved_... _,Tuly....8,__..191.6 191..---- The assessment of ........... benefits ..... _cO.et.s. and.-.exp.ens.esfor and in connection with' the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That a public hearing be hadonsaid assessment on the...._l.dt!1.._..._.:.__._day of ...___..._.._.__ARril _......... .._,- 191....._7.., at the hour of - 10 o'clock A. M., in theCouncilChamber of the Court - - House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of. Finance give notice of - said meeting, as required- by the Charter, statingin said notice the time and place of hearing, the -nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. , Adopted by the Council ..-... .......... 191 ! ._....... ..._ U/rt:::� 1.:_t ,_... City Clerk. Approved ....... ..... ..... 191 C. F. No. 15366—By S A Farnsworth -4 In - ahth matter of the assessment of j 1C 1� benefits, - to afor n- - -- � — Mayor. t uctins a sewerfor sanitary flow,1 only,. on Hawthorne street from Du- .. COnnC lath -avenue to. ._polar 270 feet east' - of the east line of :Duluth anus. under: Preliminary Order 9976. 'Tn termedlary Order 10696, Final Order 11406. approved July 8 1916... The. assessment of- ben orIt., costs, and. - �'!•+ +elf ' expensa for, and In ,connection with the - lmprovement' having been . sub- - - 4 mltted .to the Counol1, .and. the Council "ltavlag.'aonaidered same andfound the - said:(assessment -satisfactory, therefore, - be 1t -. - Resolved; That the said assessment be. and the .6;6 ,I. hereby In all respect approved... ResolvedFurther.. That a publichear- - �) Ing be had on said assessment oa the 16th day: of April, 1917; at the hour. 1� of 10:00 o'clock A. M., In the Council •I Chamber - the Court House: and C1er l Butidlnj; I. the. City of. l Form B B. 16 nL Pauli that the Commissioner of Finan a gue notice of said meeting, as - ' required by the Charter, tatf gin aid � naMethe time and ace ot. hearing. the A lure of th almprpvein the total Aliorovea COUNCIL FILE NO ......By . --- r` CITY OF ST.. PAUL Resolution of Council, Approving Assessment: w for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses constructing of a sanitary sewer on Hythe.street between Doswell avenue and Dudley avenue, 9848......_.._. Intermediary Order 11 ZZ4 ........ ......... ......... under Preliminary Order 12414, roved... yu - ust 30, Final Order .. .... - ----- ._... approved !; ,,grits_. ...c.Q-st..s -an.d. exp-ena.ea .�...._.for and in The assessment ofconnection with - nsidered same and the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having co found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said.assessment be and, the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 161h _._..day of April191 % at the hour of I Q o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ce give notice of, House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finan said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature e amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and th owner to whom the notice is directed.tt I to 51 f� 191 Adopted by the Council ...._...._...' �.. Q! ... City Clerk. ri Approved — --1�1 /- !.0 F No .16361 Sly `� Aha esnmeFarnswnt hof /�/ �.etlrl4 Mayor. In the matter f the ....',,......L...."...--- —• - - . benedta. coats a d ezpe eesewerCOon tntetingc, of a sanitary I t,the street between Pre no Counellm I and Dudley AleInt under a Pre Order 'order9848, roved 11774, Final order ,12414, approved - augueC; 30; 1916. pie, toots and - The aeeeaement of time / expenses for and In connection with the above I.provement having been submitted.. to the: Council, and. the 7 6 Counhli having considered bamerand found the -said assesameni satisfactory. I:theree ore. be It - Re olved, -That the said ....... 1 b and the .same is hereby in all rs- / p specie approved. public Y Resolved had on c Assessment, on J!J hearing b@`had f sari.9 the lath 'day. -hof. \Dril. 1917.hat the h°citur of <16. o`clock AChamber Of the" M.. In t--seoun- Mayo Cit _nsai Building, to°the urt H City of 8t.. .. Paul; that Wthe hiles of ealdomeettng,Fae _ Form B. B. 16 ! once required g y . 'l said �nrovareent ottce theh timehand Dlaseaofnhearn.. ing. the nature of thandnthe amdnnt 'II�the total cost thereof,. pthe 1, g ticulac owner" to whom the nor otice 1s Idirected. Adopted by theCoancil DTch. 16-, 1917. ' 1PproVed tM¢hrch6.17-1917) COUNCIL FILE NO—....-_-_ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving. Assessment. In the mattelof the a I ssessment of benefits, costo and expenses for. constructing of a sewer on James street and on the line of James street produced from a point 240 feet east of the east line of Sue street to Cleveland avenue, and on Cleveland avenue from the line of James street produced to Randolph street, under Preliminary Order ......... ... Intermediary Order 10.221 .......... ..... ... . ............... Final Order __.......1,Q942. ........... approved We. 191 The assessment of li.erleflt.e . . ...... co..p.t.s....and.....expeh. ?.es for- and in connection with the above improyernent having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found.the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the as I id assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........ . .. ... day of A'PT1.1 .............. .......... 191.__7....., at the hour of 10 o:clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular ownerto-whom the notice is directatljp lf�! Adopted by the Council ..................... ....... ............. City. Clerk. Approved ....... . .... . — -- — -------- --- 191 �C. F. No. 1636g—By S In the matter- of G.' 'as.aef'aneBmWeonrtth.t Mayor. benefits torte and.expemies far Can. 71— Councilman Parni strutting Of -a sewer on I.--- St. .It and on the line of amcs Street �roj Go- duced IIlim 1.1fainle 21,0 feet sea theeast no . street to Cleve- land Ave., and on Cleveland avenue Hyla from the line ?f,jamea street Pro - )h �Z_ do, a R�,,rdcer, s,,reet, "under I'rg minaj d 25, Int.—di- hellary Order 10221, Final, Order 10942, a0proved June 13,1916 .is The assessment- of benefits, . I -I - . MCC and ,,p,nl:�v;c for and in connection with the . improvement having bee submitted to the � Council, and the Councilconsidered sawe land t, Wu found the hamIldn'seis6sament satI3 ac iry, th-1111s;dbeflUts, v ea.thsheaid . Mayor rvin.beRand is reby.in I all nern.! =lv`.'d"`F:ithar� That a public Form B. B. -hearing be had on said assessment onj he .16lhd1.7 o1,A�111111 at ' .the' hour. of 30 .kA;.: In h.Council ChAmber of the Court ,House' .arqui!sdby Charterstating In cost thereor, ana Lssuc- , II gain the loom t or 0 0 tg. oa. Wner to 1, hOM the notl,e N. t --h �7-1'.-17) COUNCIL FILE NO._.__.__ Alf CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In, the matter of the assessment of. benefits, costs and. expenses for constructing of a sewer on James street from Pleasant.avenue to'a. point 150 feet east of the east line of Edgecumbe Road, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 10616 Final Order .... lq.9.: .............. approved.:... July _P The assessment of benefi.ta .oats .and expens es.._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to -:the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._:...._._ Lb..th...... _...... day of April_._ 191.7......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of -St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice. the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council ........: ... ... ...... ................. _.._..-191. 14 �... J�1L C G - C � Cl rk. Approved,...:..._.____._...._.._____-. _.. _....19I___.' C F No: 16369—By7f3. x1, '$"q *warACtlnp I the -m [t r ,of .,the rs�esame t f -...... _ _. ... _ .. .. ...... .._..r - MayoI.. benefits, cmits and expense.. for con- structing o - ' COIIRedI st ucting of a sewer an James St. from. Pleasant avenue to a. point 150 feet cast of the east line ` of: Edge-� - cumbe Road. under Preliminary Or - 1�•--�..��.a� der,9849,.. Intermediary.'. Order X10618.. Final Order 11409, approved July 8;, 1916.... The -:. as.e...e.t.. of benefit.. costa . and ..,.e;pease..fofi.r"and In. onngection; submittedb to, them Co n Ilhnand tithe - - Co ti having boneldered- same and . found dLe Bald assessment satisfactory. therefore. be it Resolved, That the said assessment: be adthe..la b.reb3 .In all ' sp¢ to approved. -Thathearing d Further. a. public, h e,ol ed had th sold as e& ton - M in 16th day of Apr,,. p ,, 1917, t the - h ur of 10 .'.loch A. k fn the Coun- il Chamber f {h 'Court Ho Form B. B. IG and .CI[y Hail :Bu1111,g; fn the City oust Paul; that the Commiseloner - f of Finance give notice of said meeting. I as. required _ by. the Charter, stating In b��JJJ ..Id'notlee the?time and place of hear. las•..the "nature: of the Improvement. ��:\dont eil 1,.� fh�• f'r ,ins-Il:\li�h. l:. tf.l i. COUNCIL FILES NO`.... �iar.;�,aa-rte CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In t.Wmatter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing of.a sewer on James street from a point 240 feet east of the east line of Sue street to Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order ...... _: 7 .2.6_:..._. _...__: Intermediary Order 962 : ......... ............ ........... _... . Final Order :........7 QQ7.5_191....4__ _.� approved...._ :Apx.11 19.a......_.. I The assessment of...........b-011-9f-ll _6.a.,._ cyst p„-, and_-exPelz $.e s..... , ..._.._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having, considered same and found the said.assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on .the .......1.5th........ _..... day of .. 191.._7....., at the hour of I Oto'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature , of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular- owner to whom the notice is directed 1 19 f I Adopted by the Council ........ ....... .. 19 f:.. City Clerk. Approved _...._ _.. 191 _ <'JF A'o 15370-13Y y A. FacnewoMh—;I 1 the matter ,f in asae.sment of /`lf�lt�QL1n -.beneflta costs. sad expenacs tor. _ ......... .......... ....................... _. ...—..--__A_ Mayor. conBtructlny. of .ewer: -on James o Council St: from a point: Z40 feet, east of tit.. east ;line of sue'strest to Fairview avenue. under -Preliminary Order. '926:Intermediary Order`9624. Final Order; 30076: 'aUproved April. 19, 1016. - Theaasesemento[ benefit., and' expenses for said in connection w1[h the:=aboV1 Improvement having been - submitted to the Council, :and the Council having considered same and found the sold as ... iment satisfactory, `f .. therefor . d, be It --. / ResolveTha[ .the said asaeeament be. and .. the am. Ill. hereby in all ea- apacts approved. Resolved ' Further, That a public 1 hearing be had on sold assessment on _ - - the 16th day of .April, 1917: at Ike �' hour of 10 o'ctock:•A. M., 1n the Conn• iV]a sit .Chamber of the Court Bouea l U/ It J - City of Stye ul;athiiB htdCommi. 1 ter AAl [ rr-m illve noti f aid ting.- Form B. l6 1 as required by the Ch [ . -stall gin - J said notice the time and piste.:( hear- Ing, thenature of •. the improvement. :the tatai cost thereof, and the amount) _ e see a oainst the .lot or lot. of the', p aticulor owner to whom the natica is ail Pa. - CIL FILE NO ................ ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter' of the assessment of benefits, co.sts and expenses for, :constructing of, . a sewer on"Kilburn street from Hatch street to a point.10 feet south of the north line of Lot 9, Block 54, Denslowle Subdivision of Lake Como Villas, under Preliminary Order .............. . .. .... Intermediary Order9.625_..._. ........................... .................. Final Order 100-74 ............ approved..... April 19 . ... .. .......... ..... ........... 191......5_. The assessment of ..__:..b.en.ef.it.s,__.co.sts._and....exp.ensez . ...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED F111 HER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. day of ....A.p rA._1 .. .... . ........ ............. 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature. of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....... ...... . . . .... .... . 9 . .................... .. ... ....... .. ........ k. .. ......... ...... ... .... j. Approved . . . . . . . .. .................... . .. 191 C. r,'No. 15 71 By. S A. Farnsworth — -l' ACL1iiy in the matter of the'...ea..c.t of benefits, costs, end expenses Mayor.' "'.t""Ing of a sewer on Kilburn Councilman Fa street from Batch street to a point 10 feet south or the north. line of tot 9, Block 54. D...Io.'sSubdi- n of -Smite Co.. Vill—, ..do, Gn vr1i'eliminary "Order 93,,in te,-,dl- a- Finns-Order5 Ilill, Hiapproved 1 1916 l The asaes.ment of benefits, cost. and expenses for and In connection with the above improvement having been K1' submitted = to the Council, and',the Council having considered sl.rs and j found the and as ...m..t saii,l—wry.Moerfr., be it Revolved, That the said assessment bo - d- thename Is hereby in all re- W,.hearing cnapproved. .R,,o*.Ivd Pu,tber, That a public r n be had an said a ...... art on Mayor Irv, the 16th day of April, 1917, at the hour,of 10 o'clock A. M., In the C.Itinnoll, Ch, -,,r C the Form B. D. 16 - -and ofSt. Building, I House Olt S . Paul: that the C.�n.ts.l.tnhe. r of Finance -give "in rn notice or said e,tfitl. � .9 requfred be Charter, stating i 1 said notice the time and.,place of hear. ha of the Im.rovement. :ae' -, by 0-1 11-h. 1!117� COUNCIL FILE NO l� CITY OF ST. PAUL - Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. �atter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for In the -constructing of a sewer on lU[il?ord street from the center of Simcoe feet east of the east line of street to a point seventy-nine (79) Simcoe,street, _82.6 .. _....:. Intermediary Order ...._9627 ....... _........... ....... ........ under Preliminary Order g 191.....6. Final Order 14097 . ..._..._ . _. , approved _� f The assessment of .. benefits_, c,o.st_.nd er.:penaes..._ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing.be had on said assessment on the .........Kith ... _..::..day of April - 191 _....... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamberof the Court missioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Com ' stating in said notice the time and place of hearing,, the nature said meeting, as required by the Charter, cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, the total i owner to whom the notice is directed .,Adopted by the Council f . (/ City Clerk. ......... _.........ir _,�,� 1 ActinY Approved -• � C, F \0 1 272 BY s . A. Farnawrorth In,the matter of the assessment o[ �- Mayor. benefits, Coat and ex,onaea for con _ .,_. .. at uctinR.'of sea er on Bulford to Prom the. center of Sitncoe stt. reet to '. a point seventy-ntge...(79) feet east COILnCil undere tell wary ordershn8261�r In; termediary Order 9626, Final Order _ 1oo97.' approved 31ny - - The aeaesament of oeneata. costa and Wilk expenaea ror and In connection In 'the above improvement having been , s submitted to the Council, an the /// Aouncll having coaeldered aame and �' ,found ffie said aeaesa.Ot satisfactory, !/ therefore, bo it ' - - ^' { : Resolved. That the said aa.esamerit I be and the -same I. hereby in all re- Iepects approved. That a Public - Resolved . Further, I 'hearing be had on said: assassins nt, rf the 16th daY of April, i the &U.011, ,j hour or 10 o'clock hA.e M:,i 1 Mi Chamber of the itHOthe i and City 'Hall Building, City of st. Paul: that the Commleaton- Form B. B. 1C '� or oS.Flnanee give noflce of eald inset-. - l:'Ing,.as required by.the Charterstat- Y lag In Bald notice the: time -and place n[. hearing, .the nature.. of the Improve- ,'.ment, the total cost'. thereof, and: the amount aesesaed against the lot or lots .- of ,the particul r ow r to whom the not,ce. ie'dire ted \,lo�[etl. he [h,• Coi,ncll. Dlh. tz.''lnli'.. - ----------------- COUNCIL FILE NO.. . ... ....... CITY, OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. I I n the matter of the assessment of ben I efits, costs and expenses -.for constructing of a sewer on Page street from a point 160 feet, ea%,' . of the east line of Ohio street to South W&basha street, under Preliminary Order ............... ....... ... Intermediary Order . .. . .... ........... 191 5 ..... ........ Final Order 11 -.5 approved.... A, The assessment of P""—.and for and in connection- with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same.and found the said assessment satisfactory,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, - That a public hearing be,had on said assessment on the. of April .. . ........ .......... 191._2.__:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed' against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 17 Adopted by the Council . ..... . . ............... ... 'L, ............... City Clerk. Approved . ....... 191 No. 153-,3—IIS ts. A.-Firrei—rth� In, the matter or .--.at of Mayor. t.. cast. and or on- 7 once 7 tr.ctf.a, of - F -se at- ,, t fro- P. . IGO feet ..at of. the Councilir ,,, , ildtr,,Pl t. South W.- bea . tr..t?,,un . c I h iminary Or- der 10016, 1�termedjttry Ord., 10871, Final Order J1627. approved July -14. 1916, The assessment of benefits, costs and i asp for and in. conn-�,Itm with cases h `been' or .the above ImPr vement av ng d h the Council. an to =t11"dh.v`1'.g considered a.m. And nd the said assessment satjsfac�tary, :herefore.dboTiht&t the seld ... oe and the a.m. I. hereby 1. I'll r.! §P=I&vpepdroved-'thar, That . public nearing be had of aVd assessment on' the 16th day X 11. ock �kpr j�.,"1."ihetC.uth' May -hour of 10 o* -Io, Chamber of the Court House fad Hall Builal I ng, In the City, of St. Form B. B.'16 of Fl - Paul; that n.he1_Cam Iftslo=t I f M d L.g. regi Charter. stating an, u a b. me and face t he ainat the lot or lots 01 t -r to whom,the notice I - 1h, M1 b. 15, 1a17. FP COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... __.: �id%� By err CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of. Council Approving Assessment: ltj the matter 1. of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses. for constructing of a sewer. on Rose street from a point .140 feet east of. Rice street to Park avenue, and on Park avenue from Rose street ,to Maryland street, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 1.0224.,.._ ... ........... Final Order -_:....1 8.4@ ......................... .._......., approved... ..J.une.. 13 , .._.._.._. _ . . , ............ 191..-....� . The assessment of ._.....be.Pef.lt.e... _c.os.t.s_..and._.exp_eri.S..es. :....__.._ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..1.4t...... _...... day of - s April 19L. -I., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the .Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.,t Adopted by the Council....._ ..................... ... ... ...... . _..........:I 1 /.... ...... / (c t_ f�............. City Clerk. Approved........ ..:....:. _............ _............... 191......._ Actingg . , - ......... � — — .: Mayor. 'C. F. 11.+16374—By 3. A::1Fatirtaworth— Councilman Farnsword lh the matter o1 the ,ass sacumt - of benefits, costa and eapennas'fot con- - - - - - structing t a sewer. on Rose street Goss from a point 140 feet east of Rice St.. to Park. Ave.. and-onPark Ave. from Rose 9t. to "Is Land S[,,: under' Hyland .:Preliminary' Order 9462, .Igterreedl-. -sty Order. 10224. Final Order 30946, approved _June 13,1916. - Keller The assessment of benefit% costa: and _ - ceapenaea for and in connection tivith '- 1he above improvement, having been - j - McColl submitted to the Council, and. the 7/ Council -.having considered same and - found ttie said assessment satlsfaltory, Wunderlic therefore, be _ Resolved,.That the Raid assessment be and the same is hereby In all re= i ! Mayor Irvin spells approved. ✓ / 1 Y Resolved Further, That s public `, - - pearing be had on said assessment on Form B. H. 16 the 16th day: of April, 1937, atthe - `hilur Or " r otic he .CourtnHouae and Olq Hall Building,' In the City of. 9q . . 'Paul; that he Commissioner of- •.nance give notice of said meeting,"ae required by the Charter, stating in Auld notice the time and .place of hear - in :the nature of the Improvement, the •total cost thereof. and thea ount :assessed -against the lot or lots of the particular ow n,r to whom the nitice is 19 ,tirerted. MP COUNCIL FILE NO.___....._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving` Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing of a sewer on Russell. street from Casestreetto the ' right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order.... 10.9.60 191..6._.:. approved.... J:une..14*...___.._ The assessment of .. ....... _benefit.e..:_CQ9t.B..._and....exp.en.se.s:_.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the .Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... ...__:...day of April 1 191at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of-the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place ofhearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amoun't.assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....... 191 r-::.... City Clerk. ��t t .....:. Approved .._. .... _.._..__.. ...._.191 _...:._ �... _ . tint i ...._ �/. L _...._.. Mayor. C,. P. No..15375—By S. A. Farnsworth Councilman Farnswci" the ,flatter of the assessment of '.benefits, costa and expenses for con struc[mg of a sewer on Russel St. - from Case SL to the. right of way[�� Goesfrom the Northern Pacific Runway, un- - der Preliminary Order 9486, Inter- ������ nal Hyland 10960. approved June514, 1916, Order _ The assessment of .benefits, conte and ezpenees for and In connection with Keller 'the above improvement baving been submitted: to the Council, and the ! n,. Council having considered same and McColl :found the said assessment satisfactory; .therefore, be it Resolved; That the said assessment Wunderbe and the same la hereby In all re- j. speets approved. - -Resolved Further, That a public Mayor Irvin hearing be had on said assessment ton �� r the .18th day of April. 1017, at the - hour of 10 o'clock A. 3L, in the Council Form B. B. 6 ;Chamber of '. the Court House '•!and City Hall Building; ' in the City of St. Paul; that the Commission- _ er.:of Finance give notice of said-meet - Ing, as required by the Charter, stat- Ing In said notice the time and place ol. " hearing, the -nature of the Improve- ment. the total cost thereof, andthe amount assessed against .the tot or lots of the particular. owner to whom the notice le directed. .t dc, f;[rd [ \' t h,• r-, until ylch. I:;, t nit. �. COUNCIL < CITY OF ST! PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the maNr of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing of a sewer on Ryde street from Front street to a point forty (40) feet south of the south line of. Hatch street, under Preliminary Order ...._9362..-,_-,_.. Intermediary Order........... 9626............ ....... _.................... Final Order .........10.Q.7.3 approved.,..__..Apr.il .19..,.._... 191_._6.... The assessmentoffor and in connection with -. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and -the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it - - - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...,..:..1.6.th ..._..;_.day of A�Til 191 _7...., at the hour of '10 o'clock A. M., in the Council'Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular . j' owner to whom the notice is directed -h. 1 i. f _ Adopted by the Council ..... ..._ V. �...:.:.._ .. ..._._..191 / _.. ��... ....... City Clerk. Approved ........ ............. ......191 C F. No. 16576—BY. S \ Farnsworth— In the matter of:tha assessment o[ benefits, costs and expenses .for con- ,,, __, .,,,.., ,, - Aotln " etructing of a sewer on RYde St.:::---_.._... ..__.._...�_ MayOI. from. Front SL. to point forty (40)', Council 'feet south of the south line of Hatch - treet,.0 der Preliminary Order 9362. . intermediary..Order 9626. Final' Or - ' der loo a approved Aprll 19:.1916. The s en® of baneate, ceat9 Wad ozvenses for aadl. in connection with PUBLISI;Ej> •' the above Improvement having been submitted to the.: Council, :and the tmunclr: having considered same and- ' found 'W said assessment satlatactory, therefore, be It Resolved, That the said, assessment be. andthe .&mets hereby in... sit to, aped. approved. _ Resolved Further. That a public : - - ., hearing be had on said assessment on / the 16th fix)•- oC April, 1917, at the L, hour of `10 o'clock 'A. M in'ths coun- ^n cfl Chamber of the Court HoBe - ,•{ d Ctty Hall S tldl�g.::' In the V,r City ot'3L Paul; that thtr Commt to n Yj r of Flnanca gfve notfca of sold meet- Form t 6 Form B: B: Q6 Ing, as reaulred by the Charter, stat- ] ing in said notice the time and place #jt of hearing, the—tu e.bf thelmprove- j1j1 meat, the total covt+tbereot, _and the { Ingo or the6eartioullatFow ern to lwhom __ COUNCIL FILE NO133 CITY OF ST. PAUL • Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the math of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing of a sewer on Standish street jretween Raymond Lenue and'the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railways tinder Preliminary Order. ..... 110Q2._........... Intermediary Order .........11773 ........ Final Order .. 12415 approved... August 39.,.... 191..__fi.. The assessment of ...... beriPflt_9., O08t_s: nd,.,,_exp.en .e.a for and in connection with e Council, and the Council having considered same and - the above improvement having been submitted to th found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_.._.lfitkl............... .... day of April.. 191:7_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Cofnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said, notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the. total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _... 1 1 r �1_.._:.z� ..... T ......: Ci Clerk. Approved '191 _ ___ h 18277-83 5..1 -'Far yworth— - ACLInc �C..F , q{ the aaeeasmeht f In the x— ___. Mayor. .�gg benefit coaand expenses for cbT atructing. of a sewer on ,aondnd h. 3C � COnncilnla�-LO[ween 5of the Northern Pacific ight Df wa3 o Ordtlr gapway, .under preliminaryorddr 11002, Intermedlnry .Order ug. 30, 1 Final Order 12476. approved Aug. 30 1916. The assessment of benefits, costs, and t expenses for and 1n counsel with the c • • show Improvemant havmd6 Sha Covncl 1 mated; to the Covnell. . havin6 ,consldere6 enme'and thetetore I - esti nseasement satisfactory. ., Ibe it - - Resol% Thni the'eald neseeamant and the same le hereby In all respects ul`proved. That s public hear- J, Resolved Further, I I:in, be had on Bald 1assessment 376 at the nhear 1Rlh dnY of tprft, the _ MayO,�or 10:0rootocth� Curt Houaeonaad er City Hall 'Building.. is thea City of ). Form B. B. 16 li. p9nance tgtvehn.tica the said meemm ting.- � regnired by the Charter, stag=Bnearini :.notice the time and.-9ln'-e .:the nature o[ the imha v un ttneseased - `coat tberepf, and :agalnnt [helot or lots-ot the pnrticular ' owner -.to whout the notice is direct Adopted. by the Council Bich: 15.3917.E Approved bieh. 1 R,. 1917. (3{arch 17-1917) fie. r NO CITY OF ST. PAUL � covin Assessm�fit. Resolution of council App g for In the_matt#of the assessment'of benefits, costs and expenses m center of Manomin constructing of a sewer on Sydney street fro of the west line of Manomin street, street to a point 103 feet west Intermediary Order 03 190..... .......... .. __. under Preliminary Order ....__922 - aPProved..JUne...`22., _:..,_ 191.....fi._ Final Order The assessment of b .Tl@f� to - ¢__Q-et&.._and.....eXhenees -__.__,for and in connection with ' e Council having considered same and the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and th factory, therefore, be it found the said assessment satis RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. lfit RESOLVED FURTHER, That a Public hearing be had on said assessment on the_....h --- -- day of April ...:._.,. _ 191 ,._ 7., at the hour. I0'o•clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance House and City, Hal] Building, in the City of St' give notice of the "Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by articular of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the p owner to whom the notice is directed.v, !'.-I Adopted by the Council .'��,�._•_ li it Clerk. u 191 ._._ Actino Approved --•-•- s A Farnsworthof Mayor. t. F No: 16378—BY �lr� lnlieheflteaeoeto and er of t exp eeahe Dt assessment - strucnnB of a sewer on g reet to n from Center of 1¢nnpml c _ Couneilmar order point tn 03 o tt�reeL under-Prellmi e. or, Order 9922. 1ntermed[erY roved _ - - 10390;•;;r.1 Order 11133, aPP June 22, 1916. The sesesstaet of benedta,:.costs and •' d in theea.bove conectlon olmDrovementnhevin8 been. subinCounciland the to s hevingb considered ••-some end - Lound-�+'the sold $eeeomanL.satisfac• • ���'/ tory.-therefore. be 11 all re- Resolved, That the Bald` aaeesement be and. the same to hereby Ian puDlle specie approved. �Y Resolved Furt6er..Theton _ •• hoar Pos bid hado[nAprtl. "sets'1ine the the 16th a' /I l GL1 hour of SO o clorX A. M•. In the Cou. i(l V l Mayorcii C,ornb,ltye' of Butldtn6 rtIn the J City oi. SL Paul; that the Commfeeloner . Form B. B.16 of a�o[ BL Poul: that the.Commtes Dine - ,of Finast Blv°:nonce of said meetlnin as reaulred by .the Charter,se ofthesr- I" ealdnotlee the the imbrovem_enC: nRal:ar nannfrthereof. and_the emoihe s Council MCI. 16,1919. -*6,3819. COUNCIL FILE NO......... ..... ._� CITY OFST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessmen*. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,. co sts and expenses for. constructing of a. sewer on Sylvan street from the center line of Acker street, 'east`side to a point opposite the 'north line of Lot 51 Flyrin's Sub. of Lots 1 and 12, Guerin'. Out Lots, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 10518 ........ _.. _ .... July. 3, 191 �'... approved.... Final Order -.... ....lhr'�-.S5 ........ .... - The assessment of benefit.e.+__.QO_StB., and .exp en6e..8_ „_...,_...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and . found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._.....7 �Ltld ..... --day of ApSll 191 _:?.:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court, House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement,- the total cost thereof, and the amount assess against the lot or lots of the particular directed. owner to whom the notice is a, 191_ Adopted by the Council ... .. - i` ...................... . 1J L� .t:-.. _...... City Clerk. ..._....191 ... Approved . -�-- j�l 7 cling p Farnewortho= [n _ ..... ... Mayor. -.;.gthe ; No. 15379-= l8 S asaesament matter. pf the or Councilman Farnev beneflte. costs aeewerp on e9Yiva n6t: envctlnB. o['a Bite tile' - - -om S-center lo �rhe in' oDp Icer SC... r Goss ;northr e7lne of. 7.ot b• Pg�n� Suby or t - I.ota 1 and:12. Oa Order�9�65. IAle-. dm• Preltminary .Final Order I lylan Alam at 10618 g; 1916. 11356 spPrDved July Kellei 'Dense.• .mendoin connteeiltl. •wt s Mcco , above lmprOv, to t having been pbmltted to the Council; and the F / AAunc11 havinR: considered epame and er Wuntlund. the said assessment s tiafactory, terefore be a ...... d That the said a eaement' Mayor Irvin o an the same is hereby 1n an re 1 sect? sed 8. publicW be - Resoived Further, That Form B. B. 16 ear116th day sof nApril, 3917said • at nt tae.. i bnr: of 10 o'clock A• M. in-tho Coun- ,1 Chamber of the Court t Ho`� nd, .City .Hall Building. ty of SL Paul; that the Comm'asioner. (Finance give: notice of said m Ing i • : re0ulred by the Charter, •s'u'ing 1n fd•notice .the time an', late of hear- g„ the-nature of the' improvement,' o totalcost. thereof;. an the amount: ,eased against tae lot or.l is of the:. rucular owner to whom tae,_notice the directed. Council Ak h. 1.•1917: pdot�ted b>' 1017. :tnnrovel -rchJ 17'-1017) COUNCIL FILE. NO___ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.' In the mattof the assessment of benef its, costs and expenses for constructing of a sewer on Tyler street from center of Stryker avenue to a point 115 feet west of west line of Stryker avenue, under Preliminary Order ..........9642 __,,,,,.: ........ Intermediary Order _.._.._lO6Ol_...... _...... Final Order_. 11485 ......:.. ....:,approved... .:.Ju1Y 1$._........... .... _ 191_6. The assessment of._.._.1t.enefi.t.9.,...:..co-B.t..s and.__expe.naeB........... _........... _.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted .to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the,said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... _.... 161h.._......day of Apr11- ................... 191....._1., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building,_ in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner. of'Finance. give .notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter,: stating in"said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular , owner to whom the notice Is directed Adopted by the Council ........ __._....... ...:. ...... .... ...... ..1..1[:.:t:.. �i�yJerk: Approved ...._ _ ... -191 .._ +ictlnp F. No 15880—BY 9 A. S•'aruaA Orth— _ .. ............._... _.. .................. .Mayor. ' f - the: matter" of the.: aaseseme»t of f .__.._._ Councilmal Deneftta, costa ,and expenses>for con- . �.etructing of 'a.:: sewer on Tyler 9t.: - from. center -:ot Stryker' 1ve. to a polnv 115 feet _t or, _t Lne of ;Stryker, Ave., under �Preliminary Order 9898, Intermediary Order • 70801., Final Order 11485, '.approved JUIy';lE. 1818: The aesesemeaLof baneata.:coeta and - kpensas for .and. In connection with ie-improvement havinR bees - ibmltted to the council, '-aad the .. ouncil having;¢onaldered same and :qml the said asseee;us. satisfactory. ierefore, be It - jResolved. That 'ihe Bald assessment and'. the same; is bereby, lir all re- acts approved, Reeoly d Further That apuDtf¢ Mayne l8thbdaybad f Ay Ild 1917 a at the PrPPpur of 10 dclock A. 7N., 1a, the Coua- Form B. B. IC I1 ,CDamber of the Court House ,1 - Cd City.' Hall 8uild16g. 1 tDe t 0, ii'. d CIty.Hau Building 1 the- Ity of--aL Paul, -.that the Commie 1 er ;Finance give:notfce of Bald: m ting � Teeul ed by ".Lb Charfe st tf R 1 �' Approved Bich: 15,' 1917. ::[March 17-1917) COUNCIL FILENO._.�- --p-�y CITY OF ST. PAUL ` of Council Approving Assessment: • ;Resolution for costa and expenses ` In the matter of the assessment of benefit., constructing of a sewer on Wakefield'•avenue from 133 feet east bf east line of Earl street to Hester street and on Heater street fiom Wakefield avenue to Hastings avenue. ....1(]515 - Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order _.9r`5�2 _- ' 191 _._6 Final Order ...:.:.11283 ...... ..:....... aPProved. Sun6 Y...._ _ - .�riEf.its,.:._exp exi&e8 .. .�--,for and in connection with --eost$_.and.d the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having c The assessment of onsidered same an sfactory. therefore, be it Found the said assessment sat' in all resp RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby respects approved. day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said ass essment on the_.:...16tY=-.- in the Council Chamber of the Court APTil _.... 191 7...., at the hour• of i o o'clock A. M. ` House and City Hall Building, in the City Of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance -give notice of as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature , said meeting, ainst the lot or dots of the particular and the amount assessed ag the total cost thereof. i of the improvement, owner to whom'the-notice is directed. u� l� f f ` w the Council ... ..:... _ . ..........1 il Adopted by _.._ City Clerk. ua, t l n! _._._,_.191__.. �[ Aaurig Approve _.....__ A. Farnsworth^ •:FF��.– _----- mayor.. App , F, No: 16381—BY _ t than atter of the aeaesament of or . .. .. - beneate* coo�tsaa eeweneon Wakefield - o Btruettng a[ Earl 44 to.Heeteeast treat aandfon• C'ouneilman heater street from t4s aid ave- " nue to Haattn6e.avenue. undered ry ,PU__. ' ,. 11m1narY order`. 960%,d Snt11283. ap- jBLJ order,, 10615, Final, or, er 112aS, aP-,. proved June 29,'1918. .. The, eeeesement of ten, eboesG4 • and �l cphnsea for and,in connsenon.wtth� bode imProvement ha�Q Lhe Council titled to the Cou e�nNe and ftohu refore, ins'. considered aid neaeeament_astLtaator9.0e�ent be ltesolved, That 4 itthe ebi see I - nd tAe same is hereby !a all teapecta —roved. rilyer, ,That s P ibuo bear rtesolved Fu aese I n onbtII' - • aR be had ottId a �q at • tha 6th -day of �h'.A. �„ in the Connctl - . fVLayotf 10:00 .o clock . ChutC Sousa and „hamber of the - - SG itYPaul;] tbataing.the Commiasibnar of Form. . 8. iynaTjC° pve antics Orr aa]d:,meetlnt. u the-Cherta. tingAn: roatll;ed by the �;.. ka castor. of the 1�Provdment: hnettni. .het.: W ireof and, the amount, aaecaua �.,. iht50{ loL of tbestieated.owns iupted byihe+ ,proved 1111 ai•¢h5179191i) __COUNCIL FILE NO, i QG{t✓' ^M CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. costs and expenses for In the matter'of the assessment of ree# to width of 30 feet, Hague avenue, from paving with asphalt concrete, Dale streetto Lexi ngtToachesuealsocincluding luding rsewer, eet intersections tt8d waterandgae alley and driveway app connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made and.installing new curbing where neceesarys s' 4-19-1 intermediary Order under Preliminary Order ._. _.-..__ 4986--.... 191 �L` Final Order _._.._ _ ... approved. _ d..tikle .50 The assessment of ._..._. _enef.iLa , ...-pox a .-and._..expen.aela_.... ........ .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assesarnent on the_..._1.7i1.- -day of .April...__ `:� ..__... 191__ 7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court` City St Paul; that the Co House and City Hall Building, in the Cimmissioner of Finance give notice of in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by„ the Charter, stating of the improvement the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. lin;l t l i31 7..._._191.. _ Adopted by the Council ... __----------- - city Clerk. !91 _ _ 191 _._._ Approved ..� �- Aeting - Mayor. matter 3. A.'Fnrnew4rtD— .._ �-,-� Y XK the matter of the asae.fbe _ LL beneats. costs and ezpeneee for pdv- ing with asphatt concrete, to' wi th Councilman Fernald &t. 3[of I,extnHtn •avenue,f lnblud ng ;street Interaeotlons and alley and _ (y`paa drlvewe)•:nllProachea; also including sewer, water and gas COane lloa: from etreetmaine to property, linea Hy]ane complete lug n w ulrbing wtiere made and necessjustajary,,, un `1191 are ..under Preliminary Order , Keller i -Order, 4936mapp d June 461.1915nai The assessment of benedte, costa ana' McColkt'hepenees,tor'Land. la connection with above improvement having been euDmitted to the Counall, and -the Wund °uneu .having. coneldered same and ound the said assessment matter— ory,, ,g therefore. be It Ma OZ Irvin Jtseolved, That the said In: -.11 t Y be and the same is her la ell re- -1 - •pests approved. Form B. B. 16 Resolved . farther, That a publlo - bearlmr be had on said eeeedement On ':he 17th day 'nt April,.' 1937,^at this hour of 10,o'elosk.A. M.,. in the Council _harsher of; tha _Court House and ' g(ty Halt, 'Building, in the City _ .t a[.Faul ;Shat the�Commiealoner } 4r COUNCIL FILE NO._ ... .._._. 5381 3 y By -.. �'''` y CITY OF ST., PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. vfor In tl;e'matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expen8es the width of the present roadway from the east'line paving of Selby ave. to of Victor street to the west line of Fairview ave., including sewer,, water and `gas connections from street mend drivewayto eaPproachea anrty lines dlalso where not already made, -also all alley inch long leaf curbing where. not already in. Materiel to be used to be ex roat�ie yellow pine creosoted wood blocks on concrete tsoundatiand eo-nebridgeappe west -line of Lexington ave. to a pointlwgukeee& $tetPaul RY• Gots. Right of of the bridge croasin�`the Chicago, Ways all of which .are to be paved with No. 1 vitrified paving block on concretefoundation, 3325 .,... Intermediary Order ....._360%. �---- under Preliminary. Order ...... ..... __......... March..4 191 --- 5_- Fina! Order ...._ _39..2'i_....._ approved...... s .....-_......._ "e'n'anRe-e.......... for and in connection with The assessment of the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._17th day of a 191 ry_.;. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the CourtHouse and City Hall Building, in the City. of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place. of -hearing: the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots'of the.particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - ... Adopted by the Council ......... _ . ���-�--�-� -��;i? 191. '- City Clerk. 4 Approved _—_ 191` e ( jr E� / Q.�C�_ _ ,,. ���4+S / sting G xo rases—nv, s A Farnaw eb Mayor. ` . the -matte of the, aasea9ment of .J,C{ . _^.:... _._._. C I.g of ea to a d alien Id for paV- InKot Selb$Ave: to the width of thea Councilman F us 'aaasul f 3o aouoi 1 ;i , aodn oala P a -M sasemeP la ePaam oaop e41 .tq p uao s sol Puv iaoao •• G a4i: io uoiivuuP o Yoe aq a4 9u as uodn naano� 41 a 7 4 Paw osa3l H o4' pisa4 aIlgnd a iu4y 'aa4}anl P,Panoadd"� 6Qeae4 ai au+ac a47 Pot a QaBeaaq l sa oat 1 AlooeH pT BLISMD toy luaviava "s P1�}{l. oq aaoaaae4l 3uatueAdZ '. ICel" ae o 1"Xvm 41 moal Riaadoai 90 0 ;ml4Buo4 aP' ]ua aae (Qef.d,Pmo4ml •, eulAe4".oa19 Poe eeogv. e43 Md"o o/: pus luema4nwd.autaaa4l aluamaaea }o polvPdoiddl BUIXa1 e47 01 popsy.qj'` wWy i us jea8%assP to 7uuoma .ql. of oa aaliv.a I i onogv e4i of 7lodaa -111 �Pa77itu4ns 8ui •• a .Av4 aoasvl3 to aauolealawo o d 9T6T AT '1 a8 P Mayor I la -Qe Q$ 9ZT aepa0 .aetpawa1laIo sv% l l _9t A�df panoadda '4SSITled'.` aP4•u' i a p" loaaa4 i Form B. B. ]C �yi uimnaa.I ataai a 64 aaY 4 laodoa 44 lu., 3 ge 4ot4m 9T6�aM38 a ga7>O 1 --COUNCIL FILE NO.-..—.-- CITY O �drCITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. in the mato of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving with 3}" creosoted blocks, to a width of 32 feet, Victoria street from Summit avenue to Dayton avenue, excepting street intersections and including alley and driveway approaches and sewer,, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not .already made, also installing new curbing where necdssary, under Preliminary Order.... -4196;_..... .......... Intermediary Order .. 4437 .,o Final Order _ 4987 ......... approved..... Jung -5o .... ....... The assessment of.__.b-enef.it.s.,:_-...co.s.t.8_:.and._.-expenses-.-- .......... for and_ in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council; and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be if RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That, a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .....1.7th_.____..day of ... _ . 191_..._7, at the, hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular, owner. to whom the notice is directed. 1B ' Ill -Adopted by the Council ........ C ... _._._..._.....`..�...._. City Clerk. Approved :.-- - __..._ 191 0. F. No. 16584—gi S. -A. Fatheworth Sn the motter of the asseasnu nt of -,;,, nq hena9ta; conte and expense. •tor-Pav_ - """'-' "' "" "' - Mayor. - Ing with 3 {¢" creosoted hlocko, Yo'a ' width o[.' 32 .feet, �'yletorts St.'from - Councilman Fa; .sumnalt Ave. to DaYton,.Ave...` ex. ceDting street interaectlOno- and In_ aludtn8 sl1,0 and - drlvewaY : ap- (� �:, 'proaohas and aewer,'_wnter ay. aae �'eonnecttona tro ,. water "manna to Proyerty Sines btnpletg• where .not a _ - Hyl _ - Kl..lg aaC�S vo'aemae v 7 PMISM ,-nos ao7 ae8, .,.a 4)"slsnew 0 luawasaso.'V ag3lo a; - - _ ylaomauae3 'S XS �08� _ gaavyp)--A. dd 'Ila,un'ai q) S pPAoadd •• LT6i'4T •yaK I14nnop ey; .ig.paldop aai;ou ay3 mogb oa aaumo aslnoll M8y0I I agl 7o clot ao,4ol'9gl, louln8s,;pesea - 7nnonlD;B} Pun '7ootog7 laoa isle; . luamaaoa uq aq; to":aanlna eg3 Form B. B. 18sang 70 aaut4 Pgu;aut{7 aql aatlou p v 8u13F aalaD4a�;e4l4 Paa}nDsa _ upaaul ogsnlg{ P{IaJo aol;ou Iniq a no�aa,a:u[n:l g41 Yn41 tln8d� 78 Io �� ,___....AGOUNCiL••FILE NO._:.�.__w 1i� j8 CITY OF ST. PAUL , — Y Resolution of Council ApprovingAssessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, poste and expenses for constructing of a sewer on,Scheffer'street between Chatsworth street and`Rogers,etreet, under Preliminary Order ............. ..Intermediary Order Final Order _: ._.._ .__ 10671...:.. approved..:_.. 2iiaY-.:_4...-- . . _ .. -- 191_6' r8 ._d a 8 and in-connection with The assessment of _.._ _.. __ z emef it.a C a t.g......_>!t the above improvement having.been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_A-?tb -_._..__:.day of Apxil.:__._—_, 191_..7., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the`Court, House' and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; th?t the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting,' as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemenp, the total cost thereof.. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular . owner to whom the notice is directed. 1917 Adopted by the Council ._. _.......19 e ... City t_ .City Clerk. Approved c_ p•;'No. 15385—BY S A•-r acnewortlt-- hLeunp In the'-matter" of the aeeeaemagt- ot, _Mayor. heneftta, eejt6 and I Pon BnhetLer at; - - - - - Councilman F be ween Chatsworth etreet'end,Aog- era .etrEat.'under Tr:, r- Order 7888 Intermediary T ayes °�ss9 24, Goss 191- Order 10871, aPP / The -The M behedte„ coats. and Hylan esPensee for end ctisnvmg�eeci sub above - Improvementu atitted.,te the council, Sotmd th.! Keller' having consldere sauxi there Ore. sd4 assessment satULacL9ry..—�-_�: be lt ' C o l wQ he "or is hed embY, in salts resDec" aDProved. " •• Wundi , fn a b dFo° hiald eeament on etthee loth day of Ar 1917, et, the hoar: 17th' ocloclt A,-. ft., in the CounclV� Mayor Irvin . Of chamber of 'the Conrt. end City HaLL $uliding. to the City •ofi Form H. 1C 8t- Paul` ,,that' the Commlaeloner•ot; Lnnance Etve notice of sefA meeting . aY ronance, bT the"Charter stating in asiQ notice the time; end Place Pt hearlLhge the" O,tnre of the improvement "total?cost Chflreo[ nint: or lotanot the. Petition_. • Council File No .....Al PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ^ and If PRELIMINARY ORDER. igned hereby proposes the making of the following �pis Improvement by the C• of The'unders {: St. Paul, vlz.:.:...Qonatriaat....e.:.aawser.....on...Ql.erutant.:..S ....fir naxthr _...]. o ........: DUUA-_S-t: to-AL-point..125_..3aet_-nosths Yr- 0. :itk. etitt .on hereto-a:Gtwha-ll> ....... _._ -- ----.-- ......... ... - ... -- ...... -.....-- -- -....: Dated this 110.1% _.day of,........ xch.... . ........ .....: ...:.. ............. Councilman. I _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: GQa�tr_t�at-_s.. aQex.._Qs.- .C.3 �zQ�nt_.St::.4m: x�4t1Qr7 -la-4_ donnat:.._to s --.__...-.-_.._ .._. _..---........... — _. ._. ..- . -•-- .... .......- Wh( Isaserena..i written propposal for the making of the following.-Smprovemont .................... _ ....... ......-•, ...:�:-:...... ... .--•.-. .••...^•--•-.--- vVz: .Construct aZeewer: on Clermont ••• St. from northerly Ilnei of Vound at • to:a point 176 feet northeaeteriY bav - having been presented to the Council of i Ing been presented oto the councu. _ the City of St. Pau, therefore _ therefore, be It Revolved, That the .Couunl >'ph�'-wor r d.Fe 1. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 61 Public Works and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2- To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_:..... ......... .. .... ... _... ..................................- b. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters, to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. -....... /!�.. 191._ .... Nays: ays. Con Hman nsworth ss Approved:.. .... !'�'.. .. ..... ........ 191...._... land ler l]' Coll nderlich .. _.:............ . ... Mayor' ing Mityor. FORM O 6•e / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLU TION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...... . _ _ COUNCIL ..FILE NO.- Date O...Date Presented. ResolvArL That the Cigarette License No. 75, which expires' may 6,1917, now in the name of Grathwol Cigar Companyt, 34 E. 4th Str et, be and the same hereby is transferred to Beat And.R ssell Branch, 34 E. 4th St. C. F.No. 16387—BY 8enrY:MeColl— Resolved. That tthe r a St are%t1917iC now: No.76, which exp tno.:the name of-6 SraltrewolCetBnnd Bhp 34 N• 4 is iransterred tqq - nme'34 1:. 4th 6•t. Q 1lassell Miran Counot Sich. 16, 1916: a. Ido b the :APP o-d Meh. 16. 1917+ (Ainrch 24-1917) Yeas{ t7 Cou Oilmen ( ✓)'Nays L'F'az swotth Adopted by the Council �z-•._C.. 4 . _191 . 4L6os In favor a a z-Eyl nd Approved'AIR . 1r. 11 ,vKel r l�Ic lj G Against WN a derlich Mr. Preside .... LQ ,MAYOR OF ST. PAUL \.\pLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RES _ ... COUNCIL tV ci% • Subject..:.... ...: FILE.. 1v �F'. Date Presented_.. • �--.:- 191 ... r� Resolved.r whica ey ices That the Cigarette License too. 7�, r" may 6,1917, nowin the name of Grathwol Cigar Comgany, 416 is transferred ',to Robert Street, be ani the same hereby Dest and Russell Branch,p 416 Robert Street.. CRe X- 16388 o n the �n'htch exile Ci4are[teColl� ' `na n}'e VI6 Robr C aths,•a} 8 I9; leense ryry no 'ttioate ranch 47B arered tsnndC the dpPrnvodb atche Cao cll r` 3t�est and (Narch121-7911 j,I h. 18.3917.. i Yeas (J) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays - r 6 Adopted by the Council v%�>' r worth In Favor 46os .1ei Approved_ ,Y�ll Against cAfcC Il ) ' n erIIch Mr. President. - CITY OF -ST. COUNCIL RESOLUTION' GENERAL FORM A Subject:._.... COUNCIL FILE IVO.. -. ......N .,..:. Date Presented. __ .... 191......: That the Cigarette License No. 27, which expires may 6, 1917, now in the name of Grathwol Cigar Corapany,,•374 Robert Street, be and the same hereby is transferred to Best And Russell Branch 374 Robert Street. C. 1•'k'No. 16 Thatg 6tte ldcenae�l Reeolved, No: 29 which expirea'May"g; 1817. nom in the name ot'tlrathwol'.Clgar C.I. _ 'same hereby3711, obis �t nnaferre.d totreet. be d Rest; and R_MII ur .e.h, 374. Rohert 9t. Mch. 16, 1917:; Adopted hY the Cou 1917 Approved. Mchl 16, .(March 24-1917). Yeas (J) Cou cilrnen (✓) Nays Oar sworth Adopted by the Council ' /N/... 191 P,os In favor -Hyl nd- . ,j4el r G Approved _ _ -...19L... . ,Mc oll Against Mr. President 4Yii - MAYOR � FORM C. 9.2 - PUIILTS'EiCD�. CITY OF ST. PAUL+^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER#L FORM^ •tee_ SuBlecr.... i Lr No.:.,. iL F F LE O ....: Date Presented..:_March I91,....7... ii>&sotxeck Whereas, William Fogarty has heretofore paid to the City of.St. Paul, the sum of Forty & 83/100 (.140.83) Dollars, as an Advance payment for a sewer on the East of Lot 12, Block 1, Adams Addition, and whereas, the assessment for the. construction of a hewer connecting with said property is the' sum of Twenty-five. & 00/100 ($25.00) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved that the'surn of Fifteen & 83/100 ($15.$3) Dollars, be refunded to the said William Fogarty, and that the-proper City Officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said William Fogarty, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. C. F: No. 16390—By S. A. Farnsworth— Wherea.,. R'llllam Fogarty has here- Were paid to the City of st.17-1–the of Fort, & 83/100 ($40.83?. Dol- - lar.4. iAdvance payment for ..I 's 1 '0 tt Fast u,-af•T.ot'1 , liloeltI - \dam A ldition nadwhery the. - - eat .rot the .[cacti nof a I- we tl'm nneeting we lh .aid property) I the .um of Twenty-five & 00/100• ($4.00) n lln a there h r fore Ic it R.. iv l that the u f Fifteen, & 83'100 11115.83) Dolla e b r1111"d,d' iq the cid R llllam F R t ,and Lha[; th trope C1ty Ottt e1 ,be. and they,. e-hereby. oth_ d to Iryy a a - int in favor of the -111-111\VJilinm t 'Fogarty. for aid enm payable oat of:: the opts t t see nt kh t Adopted , the Cou nt Ae if 1917 Approved 11 h. lU 1117. Yeas (I'') Cou ilmen (L) Nays (Alar ��� Adopted by the Council;���".`."' Farn vorlh �A It 1 A _/in favor 19lGoss ,approved. - Kelle 11�cC II C ..Against Mr. President, CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ;4a. _ COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO.. MAR' a 19 14 AUDITED____._—_.__— 191_ o F i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter. specified funds and I n favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite. their respective names as specified in the _following detailed statem it: Yeas ( J ) Coon ilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council � --� 191,7 `Tar worth, L� i �GA6'os, Appprro/v�.- 'V'-Yl d __--_-.._Infavor -Kell 0 Ae in,J n/AY /J t�1cC 11Against �un rlich TMr. President; ;- C. F.Q i`O 15391 t - netloh C1tYhT e - 7 9 peTfltbitr f T t 13012 H. W. Austin, 7.79 Gen 'Fund -Mise. Staty. & Supplies 13 T. L. Blood Co., 9.02 Playgrounds -Exp. 14 Max Brodow 2.50 Water -Exp. 15 Central Scientific Co., 20.46 Central H. S. Library 16 Citizen's Ice & Fuel L'o., 374.46 School -Exp. 17 Crane & Ordway Co., 7.:00 Water -Exp. 18 Crescent Creamery Co., 17.00 School -Exp, 19 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Com'r. Education 68.35 School-Exps 20 E. S.• Ferry 70.66' School-Exp•i 22r 0� Gen. FundfPr nt orms ,etc. 2: Sprink7Zng 45 r 21 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 17.09 Special Day School 22 A.. Flanagan Company 21.50 School -Exp.. Fora, A. a -is #2 13023 John C. Flanagan`, Chief Acct. 93.80 ' Water -Exp. 24 Chas. Friend & Son, 7.00 Sewer C. & R. -Exp. 25 Hubbard Electric Co., 70.50 School -Exp. 26 J. W. Hulme 26.92 School -Exp. - 27 Joesting & Schilling 19.04 Humboldt H. S. lib. 28 Dr. Dawson Johnston, 17.37. Library -Exp. w � 29 W. G. Kingsford 44.50 later -Exp. 30 Lehigh Coal Co., 7,623.26 ' School -Exp. 31 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 114.36 Corp. Counsel -E L. S. & S.,,Cing.- P. 14. School -Exp. 97 114 32 ' Merri'11,Greer & Chapman 145.32 Humboldt H. fi. Lib. 33 Minnesota Phonograph Co., 27.75 Library -Exp. 34 Mitsch & Heck Co., 375.60 Street C. & R. -M. 5.60 Sewer .. u o 370.00 375:60 38 A. P. Moore, 46.71 Sewer. C.y & R. C. P. Works -E . 3. Street C. & 1 ttV//fff 6.8 46. " 36 J. W. Morrison 135.00 Comtr. Pub. W e xp.� 3Dt1 0 Bridge Bl 37 North American Teleg.. Co., 1..28 _ Library -Exp. 38 Northern States Power Co., 6.25 School -Exp. 39 Peoples Coal &.Ice Co. 5.50 School-Lxp. 40 C. A. Prosser 25.00 .: School-ExP•.. rt 41 W. G. Pruseing, 3.00 Schoo&.-Exp. 42 Raymer Hardware Co., 79.71 School -Exp. n Eq 8 Spec. D S �o0 22 j f.. � 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL c ry cis ae y ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FOENCI! ,A10 `f�,' OAF 5 .o«.. AUDITED ` - i PER__ ✓ C.«!f-�.;��:—.i--.�37—¢�r-.�. _ a 651 �. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City .Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as •specified- in the. f5llowing .detailed statement:' J/ _ Yeas ( V Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council--`�'-/� 101 Fara worth Goss Approv�ed� Hyla d ----- -.In favor Kell. MCC 11 ___L -Against L Ae n MAYoa • , VVun rlich Mr. President; C. F. No. 15392—•-.. .. Resolved .that warrant. be drawn upon the Cit, Treasury, payable out of - - ,he herain.fter sPecifl.d fund. rad 1. favor of the persons, firms or corpora- tions for the. amount. _set opposite .. their respective name. a. specified. In `thecfollowluz detalled.tate eat! _ S;;. A. sFarnsw-orth, Com'r.. Finance. - 19.425.00. A. F....worth. Co.',,'$2.50. - K A. L...r•.$39.00: - - Adopted. by the Council llch. sj917, . Approved Mch.. 16:: 1917.. _ - (March 24-1917) - 13056 S. A. Farns4oth, Comtr. Finance, 0,425p00 Water -Bonds & Int. 57 S. A. Farnsworth, ComTr. 2.50 Comfort Station -Sal, 58. H, A. Lauer35.00 Corp. Counsel—Witness Fees *46"�_ 9,462.50 �i . CITY OF 5T. PAUL - a . - ACCOUNTING' DEPARTMENT ar - COUNCIL NO. — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE -- MAR 13 AUDITED_._---- 191_ t PERZ'- 652 out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable respective names as specified in the fo g .,`.. .in favor of the persons,.firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their detailed statement: .adopted by the Council 191 7 Yeas (v) Counci men ( J) Nays- l9AR ,LF '1 ;j - Farns orth Approved ___-191— ---- -____ -------- 191— Goss Goss i Hyla In favor Keele Alec u CG ---.--Against - l(J - War erlich - - Mr. President Mi --- c. F. No. 15393— R sol Payable d t of _ - e: Cttt Tie suryn n (fled fund. d in - th Teret ft r ep.c coroora•_ firma - _ - - - ( n fth nerson.. tlo a for the amount. set opPos(te rhelr reaPective namee ,as. specified In 'thP folic ' detslled statement: S. Rnd Ker• $5.90.- - - .Richard - $rentnno'e. $1.70. - - Cha.. " Hanseteren n1dK - :itaterlaj, ' $43200. - Neptune SuPPI Co.. $79.33. - \Festern SUPPU• Co.. $500.00. Adopted cy the Council _Mor. 10, 1917. Mch. 18 1917. - ' APProved (March4 1917).. .�_ _.. 5.90 13059 Richard S. Badger, Library -EXP• 1.70 60 Brentano$s Library -New Books . 432.00 61 Chas. Hansen Bldg. Material Parks -M. = 79.38 62 Neptune Meter M0•School-Sites &Bldg ' 500.00 63 Western Sup_>ly C%;hool-(McClellan) �TA tol1 018.98 v„rn, A. c.tc CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GEN ERAL'FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE N O. Date Presented Meach 16 _ 191 7. Resolved, That Final Order, being Council File #14482 in the matter of repairing East Seventh St. from east end of bridge crossing the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway tracks, to Hope St., be and it Is hereby amended by omitting the words "including sewer, water and gas connections from street .mains to property lines complete, where not already made" - Q. F No. 16594—By 'M. N Gosa—Resol FinalI nthematter, I - - Councilved File No. 14482 ! of repairing East Seventh St, from.. - - lie east nd-o[ bridge craseing the North- - n. Pacific and Great 1Vorthern Rall- - _ way tracks, to Hope St., be sad It Is - hereby m • ded by om I[tlnR the words "Inelnding, ,sewer, water and gas connections [ro street mains to - property lines complete, where not at - ready made." Adopted by the Council Mch, 18, 1917. ?'Approved Mch.. I9, 1917.' f ,. .(March 24-1917) v Yeas (✓) Cou limen ( ✓) Nays i6 Par jvorth r Cos Adopted by the Counc l/�� �C 191 �. In favor Hy 4d - Kel &I Approved .. t t ' 1 -191' J Me 11 Against Wu erlich Mr. Presiden FORM C. B•2 R r (!Ii#g off Paul llepart=n# of l'oubiir Ifflorho t Os wu65E N. c� cr Esc �ccn' M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER cA evacwu of ENciw EEn• a R T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY _ Bu.[wV of COn9TKVtToM •+o Rc/A.ec - A RED JAC K.ON. BV!i: St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 16, ,1917: Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - When the matter of repaving East Seventh St. from the Great Northern and Northern Pacif ie Ry. Companies bridge to,Hope St. was heard before the Council it was decided, on my recommendation, that Seventh St. should be only repaired, using for the repairs the paving brick salvage we expect to get from Robert St., Minnesota St. and East Seventh St. It is intended then to use the old foundation and to merely bring it to proper grade with.new concrete material. When the final order_£or this work was drawn, the usual sewer, water and gas connections were included . I believe, however, that these connections should not be included in this case of repairing East Seventh St. in order not to break up the continuity of the present foundation,. The majority of property on this street already has sewer -and water connections and there is not much prospect of the balance of property being built upon for some time to come as the property there is slow moving and very few buildings have been erected in the last 20 years and probably few new ones will be built for some time to come. If, however, a sewer or water connection is built after the . pavement is repaired it will not result in deteriorating the paving as much as it would where an entirely new pavement has been constructed. Under these circumstance I beg to recommend that the final � . P60OID1�DIRO>r 08 ,T>lt>r" 'sxb$99—OPO rdinance NYi?j83�- . " '1 -ordinance to. amond adminlotrn grdttlance r I 3717 a9Drovn ionse , 5 5 _ S rt 3,9'16 an ;ordnance providing for the ,c et{enIIljgNment. operation, manage me taii'd mnintenance of a Munlci /dY7id'• 9 an emergency ordinanc.%� y, �x sn¢rY for [he prr".. . / An Ordinance to $hue Peace xe nistrative ordinance Two. 3717 applbe*ed �rlJJune 5,1016; an ordinance rrovidin; for the establishment, operation management and maintenance of a'Yuaiciral Garage. Thiilmis an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the p,reterva- ion of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIF: 1 , That adT'inistrative ordinance No.3717 approved Jure 5,.1916," An ordinance providing for the establishment, oreration, managen.ent and maintenance of. a I,6unicipal. Garage; this is an err,ergency ordinancerendere3 ` necessary for the :reservation of the Public; Peace Health and Safety," be` and is hereby anuriended by striking out of Section 6 -of said ordinance the words and figures 1 clerk at 75.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof One (1) Senior Clerk at an annual salary of from: $760.00 to $,1020.00` SECTION I I . This Ordinance ie:hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservationofthe Pulic Peace, Health and Safety. SECTIOIT III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon' its passage, approval and publication. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Goss 7 In favor y j / Hyland Keller Approved i 191 /McColl 0_ Against �/ WutiderliE)ia 1 MrdPresident, Irvin JC.tTrr•' / Mw oR___ FORM C. s-2 .,y' :. APICY �►UBLISI�D.� CL41,, Petition Council File No:......................... C i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ....and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �6 The undersigned hereby proposes the making .of the fol ing _public provem61 by a Cit �f x St. Paul, viz..--..0onRtrU0t.:..a..-fiee><ar on._3rad.1 St_%..fr.=. :.8.A81�11.�.71Sd._.Sta ff Mar.yland.:.St..,, iirl...aonordanoe with Uti-O ham ....... ..... .... :._....... _ _ _ ,.......................... Dated this, ....:.1.6th ...day Of .... .......... 14ar.4.k1...................... ....... ....... 191 l..i . C' s.. 17 ' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G.onstriznt....a...Ra er_.fln-IlTadl.ey....S.t.,....�rnm.._Js�>3am.inept.....t.Q:..�liaxY-�a�a....Stt.._..:..: .. ........ ..............----....._..................................... �.:.1 539:— osal for the. - ._... ..._ ......... tt he e¢y�A w•rSCCc i n9 prot•etne SC ............ .............. ........_..............—,.... .... ...................... .. m wt �- klnl. of the toll¢ nr¢dle �f,zl den4t nit S[`.t Cot the LLCo ncii ......... ... ..._ ....... l P e t l th'c .......... ..... ut the C t o[ t. P ¢tTteeloner baving been presented to the Council I it neeo7v a tTh¢t the nen'' ,reh ..maII ...... _............ _... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissloner"of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of, said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 11 3. To furuish'a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......._....................................:. ............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is, asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to; ommissioncr of Finance. Adopted by the council.. �'�^ , 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth WAR 10 I� I i Gos Approved._:. ......... 191 ...._... Hyl / Kell d (/� Kell Me 11 Wun erlich . May ctlnoMayor. . 9 —= t ..... 'CITY OF ST. PAUL' .. COUNCIL R-ESOLUTI.ON�—,C''ENE.RAL FORM - c COUNCIL r. JUl11CCt: .. I - FILE No... . Date Presented XG,reh' 16th -'1191 J. -vl , Resolved; That she Council hereby concure in the recommendation of the Co ntract Committee' and hereby rejects all bide re- ceived for the construction of a sewer on the west side of Lexington Ave. from Central Ave. .to 50 ft- norhh of - St. Anthony Ave., as. the bids received were in Agents is of the �ngineerts Estimate, and the Purchasing B hereby authorized' to'readvertise for new bide on game. F.B. 1188. l' r. \n. 15398—r_-� •floss— It wild the I ecomm ndntlon hfrthel, alln t.fdxt ree olved I`� r ecte the eonstruef brt _ l n on the r• t sil of Lexlnggt- ._ td Ave from. Cent 1 A e attl7�Ab11e '•north of St. Anthony A d were in ex of the Engl--. a P. tim te,..an7 tl 1orcndverg A91 --t I. herebY nothorized to rc _ ti" for new bid ame. r. -n. 1188. Adopted by the C u •17\fch. 17.1917.. Approved rich: 17. 1917. tD1 rrh '14-1917)- Yeas (✓) Cou cH In (✓) Nays ► Fa worth Adopted by the Council �11— I I t f' 191 In favor G 191 Hnd MIf Approved K r k��^Z�/ r olirlich Against W de•� Actin® "t^ U Mr. Preside CITY OF ST. PAUL '-COUNCIL _RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C COUNCINo., L �"y ••'• Subject: FILE Date PresentedMareh 16th '17 l91 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of ts the ContracthCommnttructionand hofea seweron West all bLouisa St. eeim W Engineerta. from Winslow Ave. construction uc ft. east of east line of Bidwell St., Agent is her?by authorized to as the bide received were in excess of the Estimate, and the purchasing g F.B. x1185 readvertise for new bids on same. . i ll harebY '. C. 8: No. 153 That th the Te m do b teteets,. licsolVed' he .concurs 1 Coe Ittee nd nc onstructton. ...Contract. c Died for Louteu . Or nUlds. er 115 ft. •ast Df eoI It - ofInd.,-" A gt.�.ots the.-Titd� r yo�stt iVl In w to �t3idx sl\ the Fng1n Ar nt for ve a and L the Purchaelatt�verttee for . . mate, nuthor3z d to po, 1185. herebbldsd by an s m.0 cit. Dtch. 17. 1977. . inewPVteod Dic th do1917. s t, 17224-1iT? .AProv9 LDS ' 191 Yeas (✓) Coun men { ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council Farns vorth lnfavor (V�QG :,"i Goss Hyla d G Approved _ Kelle Against `/�G/L�; /V Mc 11 l Wun erlich p�ciilW. Ma oR Mr. Presiden FORM C:9.2 CITY.OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - •{ Subject , COUNCIL No. Date- Presented March 17„th- '17191 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves, the action of the Pur- chasing Committee in awarding the contract to SCHROEDER CREANERY CO. for furnishing approximately 8,000 gallons of Ice Cream during the seagon of 1917, to Harriet Island and Como Park, for the sum of approximately $5,290.00, in .accordance with Pure Food Laws and Formal Bid #1167; ”- C F No. 16400— - Resolved, That the Council hereby Pe Provea-the notion f. the Purcheaing i. 'Committee In awarding the. con tract'! to Schroeder Creamery Co.:for :'fur-, nlBhing nPProx im ately 8, 000. gnlldne I Ice �rsam during the season of 1917, to Harriet Ialnnd nna�Camo Park, -.t r the 'sum Of aPProxlmately. $ 6 _90.00, - In n ordanee with tore Food.Laws - .nod Formol Did NA 1187. .\dopted by the Counell hich.17.1917. ADpruved Ttch. 17. 1917. (1lareh 24-1917) - Yeas (✓) Court Imen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Faro vorth � Coss ✓ In favor ly I J Hyla d MSR `191 Kell (/ Approved MCC II Against Wunerlich" etin� Mnv eY Mr. President, FORM C. B-2 CITY OF- ST- PAUL COUNCIRESOLUTION=GENERAL. FORM L _e7 Subject:. N COUNCIL w y I ....,.. FILE o. ....... Date Presented...: 191 Resolved,That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter, into the annexed contract with Fred G. Albrecht, providing for the furnishing of musical entertainments at 'Lake Como, during the season of 1917, 'for the sum of Six Thousand Five gundred Sixty Six Dollars, ($6,566.00) C r. No. 1640i -- That the P Perat.°it " - Into the n n x `d nt°ntrnat dwlth FI ed G Albrecht providing for the far - n6hing of musical enterte emn tF at 1,,j o Como, during the season f 1917. for the sun, of 91x Thousand Five ^ Hundred 6ixtY Ix doltnro, ti6.660.00). Adopted by -the Council Mch. 17, 7917. APProced ( 7 March11 1617) L-rr MAR 26,117 DO Q i�E Gi t piiv( 11 C{WNSEL . Yeas (J) Cou Imen (t%) Nays Adopted by the Council ......_.__ ��AP . 191.... Farns orth Coss In favor roved. 191....... Approved- _.. .. K.11 M I �/..._ Against N6h Ycer ACttnQ MAYO Mr. Preside FORM C.6-2 ` CITY. OF ST-_ PAUL" p - U,N IL ,RES OLUTION—GENERAL.FORM ............ Subject:...... 1 ....._ COUNCIL FILE, No. d Date Presented Resolved. That the propel city officials are hereby authorized to enter providing for the furnishing into the annexed contract with A. L. Snyder, Of musical entertainments at Phalen Park, during the season of 19170 for Dollars ($5,169.00) 1;he um of, Five Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine s t c� �^ MpR 0 6��g1 o�p,couhs� No. 164That the PrnP d lit)' nf- F' to enter R solved, I'dY author) intnle. are her •.r - L into the a ,,Idt" t.inrr the: 1 tr Phalen . SnYdeusl nl entortatnm-ata a Pnrk, during the season 1 1917. Tor the sum , FI 11ouaan1 One Hun dred fi1XtY NI Do"ars (26169.09). . Adopted. b)' t h 77 u1917 \I h: 17, 1917. Approved Slc 'b eh h , 19177) -.. IAP 1 i Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓)Nays / Adopted by the Council - 191 F sNorth �QR i 5911 G In favor Approved _...:.191......_ .......... Ke r M 11 Against N """MAYOR Y Mr: Presiden s FORM C.8.2 CITY -OAST. PAUL _ :COUNOIL RES0 LUT ION—G EN'ERA L -FC)RM -- Subject: . COUNCIL i - FILE No. Date Presented March lbth- t 1' 91 Resolved, That .the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Middleton Ave. from Vista Ave. to Rogers Ave, and on Rogers Ave. from Middleton Ave. to Race St., to De Graff Wolff, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the lump. sum Price bid of $5,915.00. Engineer's Estimate being #5,902.00.,`F;B, #11871 �nEdj�l n^ D MAR 26 1917 0 I. E Cii �-� �� � tiA1�Nf{ibUiVSEL .- / r - C. 1. No. 15403—By \r. N. Goa `•�J.. Re- solved, That the Counhf role. re In the recommends'," C—trnet Commit'L...and =,E larch the. oontruet toC the eb b1T� -CITY OF ST. FALL COUNCIL RESOLUTIOD7—GEN ER'P, L,�'FORM.`,y_�_ Subject:. COUNCIL .FILE r� G" Date Presented March 16th-;' 119l Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer oMorton St. from a point n 160 ft. east of east line of Ohio St. to Bellows St., to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest resgonEngineerBible aaeEs- for the lump sum price bid of2,397,25. timate being $2,420.00. F.B. #1184 MAR 26 1917 OFi1;E OF TNE� 'u�1RAT1 N UNSEL sr°nsl 41 F'.otvedS Tnnt rac"'To. anacolin°at hC 1ZCGo in tthCom � for tbest. troOhlo _ nir ,C COnLfOC Ot 'tor°�00 a ItWes.st, to Chr on.i lenUt oto . Stynbeiri5ltthO IvmP9 .um: 9Lmo� Unein6'.• for trenKYn1184. ytcn. 14.1917.. sy a94s.cl ted US'IIhe 17n 1914. 52.420,00" nnv*ov°d f� Q �n 2 Yeas(V)CO ilmen (✓) Nays 191 Fa worth Adopted by the Council Go 1n favor 1917 HY nd _ ApprovedaR ..:191 r M, . M oll '-�� Against L. W derlich wcttn MAYO Mr: Preside I FORM C. 8-2 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COuI,ici _. RESOLUTION--GENERALFORM Subject: :. "" '• COUNCIL - .. -- - FILE No... ` Date, Presented_ March 16th-' 1191, Resolved, That�the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the -0 ntract ComTrvittee and hereby awards the.contract for the construction of a sewer on Palace St. from a point 330 ft. east of center line of Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., and on Griggs St. Srom Pslace St. to Juliet St-., to R. T. Webster, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the �. lump sum price bid of $3,100.00. Engineer's Estimate being F.B. 1183.. U U , MAR 26 1917 OFFICE OF,jlik "HeORRA 10y'000NSEL' C. F. 'N 15405— ' con u»re in heat the council hereby Contrxct Committendation of the ee tris the contract for –..-the thereby: tion of a se—r on Palace st. trom a nolnt T. ft. .let 'flee fr,o oP Hamlin» AVc. to Crigga Bt., and on Y Igtp Wit. Trom�e titer ehet being jullCt In re»t re»pons bib hi Ider, for- the lump sum price bid-ot':53.IWO. En- gl "» Estimate 'being 53,081.00.. F.. 8.1183. Adopted. by the Councit1017 Alar. 17, 1017.' Approved Afch. 17, (Afa rch 2i-1017) -- ..:._._._... P Y Yeas (✓) Counei en (✓) Nays e Farns rth Adopted b the Council / Goss In favor , (1/ J Hylan} Approv Kellered tijQR 1.7 1917 191 . Mccol U Against Wundich Mr. President .;i - Actlnp Mero FORM C.a-1 - - d , CITY -'OF ST. PAUL .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION.—GF, N E R A L". FORM'' Subject: $q Co" NCIL . No - FILE ,Date Present d_.Mareh .6th_17691 Resolved, That the Council hereby, concurs. in' the recommendation of the Contract Committee and.hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer -on Branston Ave. from a point 10 ft: south of north line of hot 8 B1'ock 11 St. Anthony Park North to a -point 25 ft, south:of north line of Lot 1 Block 7,.on both sides of Blocks A & B,.also sewer on "Hendon Ave. from Branston Ave. as laid out on the wester- ly side of Blocks A & B to Grantham St., to. J. J. Connolly,. he being the lowest' responsible bidder, for the lump sum rice bid of $4,385.00. Engineer's Estimate being 4,389.00. F.B.'#1182. MAR 26 1917 V l:EOFT8E-21' %TIO C ISEL C. F No. 15406— Resolved. 6406—R .solved. That the Council hereby cone a rs in the recommendation of the - Contract ct Committee and hereby awards the contract for the eonetruc- I - it. f a s.-. o R sl Ave. from point 10 ft south of north line or I.ot 8 Block I1 S[ Anthony tho y Pnrk No ti tno Doi t 6 ft —t. north lin of I.ot 1 Block 7 on both Wes of Block. A & B. also wer on Hendon Ave. a rom Branston Av na Iaidout thewesterly side of iilocka A & 13 to Grantham St to J. J: Connolly, he - being .the to est responalble.. bidder,I - for the lump lora price bid of $4.185.00. Lngl s Festimato being $4.389.00, F. R No, 1182 Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Couneil of h 17 1917. Approved ar h 17, 1971 F sworth caro h za-1!17) II nabpted by the Council 191 Go In favor Hy nd Mpq 17 1917 Ke r APProvcd _ 191....:.. Mc 011 Against Wu erlich Mr. President rvt -' ACL1r1Q MwYOR FORM C.,8-2 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1_04C7 - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE . /. MAR t i lit? AUDITED l PER__ 653Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and specified in thefollowifig in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as - detailed statement: Adopted by the .Council r's' 191= Yeas (J) Counc' men (J) Nays M4R 1917 . . Farn Orth 9pprov ,1-, d Goss liyI d In favor - Kell '✓ Mc r (J 11 - — Against -� Actiny Biu erlich Mr. President, C. F No 16407 I neaolved that arranta be drawn uDo the :I', Tip Jo DgYebls onFof Ybv r of the o r W , Corv.r- �""` DO ` -ttone for the - oDpo.it� 13064 American express Co., 6.83. Fire -Exp. ) " Health -Dai Exp./ 65 American Linen Supply CO., 2.86 Police -Exp. s` 1.76 , Fire /'� �.!' 1� 21� 66 G. A. Ashton & Company, 34.30 Fire-L'xp, 67 Ballard.Storage & Transfer Co., 1.50 Health -`Public Bathe -Exp. 68 F. J. Brings & Company, 408.87 Fire -Exp. 69 Burne .Lumber Co. Water-xp. 52.95 70 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 599.27 Police-Exp.-� 2 0. Fire `' , '�f `59 -Exp. �/. 7 71 Elk Laundry Co., 19.00 Police -Exp. 72 39eature Film Co., 3.00 Playgrounds -Exp. 73 E. S. Ferry 6.65 Police -Exp. 74 E. C. Harrison, Agt., 2.69 -r C. B.. & Street C. & R. Ex0. r,om A. 6.16 n #2 13075 Mary Horan, 25.48 Police.Exp. 76 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg, Co., 36.F� Street C. & R. -:exp. s S. 2: & S. Cing.-Exp. 6Q 77 Lehigh Coal Co., 514.55 Fire -Exp. 78 Makesure Polish Company .75 Police & Fire Alarm 79 Melady Paper Co..' - 1.40 Health -Pub. Comfort Station -Exp. 80 Mitech & Heck Company 62.10 Fire -Exp. 81 'National Vaccine Company 6.50 Health -Expense --Quarantine 82 North American Teleg. Co., 5.27 Police -Exp. 83. Northern States Power Co.,. - 63.90 Health -Pub. Comfort Station -Exp. - 84 N. W. Bedding Company` 37.56' Fire=Exp. 85 Ni W. Electric Equipment Co., 24.00 Police Exp Police & Fire Ala xo i 17"' 3 . 86 N. W. Stamp Works, Police & Fire Alarm-i?'+t 55 5.20 - fJ Health -Health -Exo "� a -Dairy " r' 5 4: 5 87 Oriental Laundry Co., 11.40 Health -Quarantine -Exp. 88 S. Peltz & Son, 1.75 Health -Health -Exp. 89 Prussian Remedy Co., 3.68 Health -Quarantine -Exp. - 90 Republic Creosoting Co., 710.'16 Street C. & R. -Exp. 91 Alex Rice, 9.94 Police -Exp. 92 St. Paul -Electric Co., 1.51 Health -Pub. Baths -Exp. 93 ', St. Paul Rubber Co., 54.88 Fire -Exp. 94 Anna Sparsehutz 12.18 Police -Exp. 95 C. S. Stewart 311.00 Health -Quarantine -Exp. 96 Washington Foundry Co., 88.25 Fire -Exp. �_q�t-a-r-•--�-~3 ,125. CITY OF 5T. -PAUL I 'Inst a. l e ro �.+ _ ••• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM NO.FILE __.. -�- MAS, AUDITED—.—._—�R_ 654 the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon their respective names as specified in the following in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite detailed statement: Adopted by the Council-� ! 191— Yeas (J) Councilmen ( d) Nays w,ha 1 ? 19 �-' Fn sworth APPr9 --- --191— Go s - favor J� , Hy tad -In Kel er MAY R Act.l.n4 Me oll __ A ainst Won erlich Mr. President, - r F. No. 15468— -. 1111111'd [tall ry....... ba. drawn • - pon the City Treasury, payable.d.rn. - Ih! heref—fter epr•cldld Land. and In t th! permoge, firm. or corpora• - . Iti n .Lor Ih unto .met oppoote eeplctl nems aA4epeelaed in th i LplIO [h WIRR 1!t Il d AtRletrtln L: C uftxnul P e . $22.79. _ St.8. Pau] Rook" R Stattonery6.4 ldppte,i 1 1ch. 17. 1917. Approved Fi h. 17. 1917.' - - i .. (Ala ch 21.1917) 22x79 13097 Craftsman Preen Pub. Bldg. Insp.-M. 98 St. Paul Book-^ Stationery Co 16.48 School -M. & R. Total . . 201 Furor A. 6.16. CITY OF 5T: PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT: j COUNCIL iVO_ �___-_ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE LIAR 1917 BY_=, AUDITED_._.__ -___---191 ) - _655 Resolved that, warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the, persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following " detailed statement: 11ji'? C'-' Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council __ —191__ Year worth �. Goss Approve - - 191— Hyla d In favor Kell MAYO Acting l/L J MCC 11 - -Against Wun erlich Mr. Presidenls+o - R_eolved. ths t warrants he drawn Olt of -the Ctt r e .,Ifi,,i funds ea d In « - fh {t a one: f, th fil— or corpora- r of, { lU . - q r -r thpe amou t rtffed i ppoetn m B BPe, Ift ih 1 qp. ti h ton. -In -dBt ]I d t t"menta G. A, Farnsworth, Com" Finance. §2x.00. Adopted by then .itch. 17.1917-. I \ich 17, 17, 191 i. - Appto-d (\larch 24-191-0 - 13099 S. A. Farnswoth, Com'r. Finance, $ 24.00 Municipal Court -Exp. �I (5 , CITY-OP.ST. PAUL. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO*.,.' Sublect:.y... .. -...... �:.:.. . COUNCIL FILE Na'.... .. C. F V 10410 I Rhe t 1 dWe r n gn t ss. Date Presented_. lel 0, n. ion trnct and ente�eU Info by -- ••^t\teen CeorKe B. \GoCleey. x.1.9 - �he 1.,hkgh Con C -1—Y. Fieselred, WHEREAS, Under date of August 23rd, 1916, a contract was entered into by and between George F. Woolsey, doing business as the Lehigh Coal Company, designated as the contractor,- and the City of . 1 o St. Paul, wherein and whereby; said contractor agreed to sell and' deliver to the City certain quantities of Youghiogheny lump and Pocahontas M. R. coal'for the -various departments of the City; and WHEREAS, It is 'provided in and by said contract that in. case of delay in delivery for more than twenty=four hours after the time specified therefor, the City may at its option purchase said coal in the open market and deduct any'additional cost or expense in- curred thereby from any money due or to become due'the contractor, and if there be no money due him, the City shall then be entitled to re- cover such additional cost and expense by suit or otherwise from the yr contractor, and from the surety or sureties on his bond; and WHEREAS, Said contraotor has signified that he will be un- able to deliver a certain balance of Youghiogheny coal agreed to be sold and delivered t,o therpity -under and by virtue of said contract, and has failed and refused to deliver large quantities of Pocahontas coal ordered under and pursuant to said contract by the heads of the various departments;` RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised and. directed, to go into the open'market and purchase up to the full amount of said coal remaining undelivered by said contractor, at the best price obtainable, and any additional cost or expense -incurred thereby shall be deducted from any, moneys due or to become due the contractor, and if there be no, money due him, the City shall then be entitled to recover such additional coat or expense by suit or otherwise from the contractor and from the surety or sureties on his bond. r Yeas (✓) Cou oilmen (v) Nays li�A g 7 Adopted by the Council. _._, 191...._.. Far worth Go In favor M�aR i' �9 7 Kel Approved....... 19L._.... M Il _.-Against Na Yo g Mc Presiden Powers11:. ....... MAYO !..._I. FORM C.BQ �fCtln4 I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RE$'OLUTION—GENERAL:- FORM .. ^. ,. �`]t. Subject:_ .. .- Ft) ENc L o N. . - ._.. _ 2�.r.�17, ' 191':•_ Date Presented._ . Resolved, for a license to conduct That the application of the following persons locations respectively indicated -.be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the is authorized and directed to same hereby are granted and the City Clerk of the.fee required issue such licenses to said applicant upoJ2 the payment by lavr. NAIT.E OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION; 341 Jackson, S. S. Dittenhofer,' Restaurant, St; Peter, John Kaluza Restaurant, 195 E. 3rd 195 Joe Dotty, Restaurant, e..., 380 Como Avee. X. A. McDonough, Lunch Room,- Prior Ave., o H. D. Peterson, Boarding House � • 149.x. 7th St., 149 Ales & Balommis, Restaurant, - — 41 , a1 ca»o 1 t. N l 1 411 »' •.. t0 1111 IInR t� o - Pnta iteene [hllf IIYe (er F`ot la Reatnu runts at the - . "I", M1lull - 1 tlone a Peht'rehY Kdictedd and the thea ,e n d. -SIT cted Cit, Clerk le authoriz lId 11'.ant I ,. - to le le such .11cenees t h a Yeen' tired l Upon PaYment of r - .the g' law: h, S, Ditt. hofer, Restournnt, 311 - . I •kaon 9[ 457 St. John-Kaluzn, Rcstaurant.r 3rd St. Peter .SL Restnurant. 130R Jou Dotty. oom. 28J - ' - D. A. SrtonouFh,.Lunch - - Cam. -, e. 628 H.. UPeterson, Roardi- g Hous - Prior - Ales 1� »nlolnmis, Rea[nurant'11917.' - ' ," 7th St. AdoPoved 1iche17.1D17�'lich. l7, --' 'APPr (\torch 24-1917) .. Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays / VA I ,'r X91 Fa sworth Adopted by the Council C In favor 1-, .1917 - H' cd M oil ✓ Against .MAR Approved .191 MAYOR Mr. Presiden I Akr FORM C. 9-2 X14 L111Q _ _ + CITY OF ST:.PAUL COUNOIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - - _ Subject....... �, .: �. '.- FOENCIL. NO. . ldar • 17, 7 Date Presented 191: Resolved, one for, a license to conduct -That the application of the following peTso dth Hotels or Restaurants.at the l atio reape tively i dieted e` same • are hereby, denied. C�� NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR dSTkURkVT. LOCATION. 435 'Rosabel, L. D. Burtis, Hotel, l t y Yeas (J) Ccilmen worth nd (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council �•' i r :i < 19) F ' C In favor / Approved 191.. er oil A Against derllch MYOR ...::. Mr. Preside . ? CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-•-UQUOR. LICENSE TRANSFER ...-_. COUNCIL '' _ . ._.. Subject:_ FILE 1Y0. Date Presented, % RESOLVED, .That the :following desiratedur.suanteto to sell 'in-inliquors be transferred as indicated p applications duly made'therefor. No. - _.--- From (Name and,Address) !I To (Name and Address) No . Frank _.I .Ri ae 1�'JF� Sroa dsta lC — -�. Biag1�4m1�anX-- 3 4adHE Y -- No. _9. yicha &schivinger_ 564Van--Elan:-JQs_eplL RQealeln_ 99._Yan-Buren_ - NO. - DIO - ----------- No. ---- — - --- --- No. - - --- No. No. ---- nrY al�s`B \dg�\r a No. . nn yore t \o YnnK. come r--------------- No. `NO. _ )l�rsu4 r trop FglnBl gcUlvesi \n. m\in �p9 P� �1�.la�a.', grand« �9.. 't n n ----------- NO. �a0�nn got, lbe til t?�,�y'll NO. -- — — --- — wlp�ee� No. ---------- ---- - Yeas (�) Cou •ilumn (�) _'Nays F ' slrorth / lu facer G (� H and K er U oll. kpinst w dencch Air. Preslden Adopted by the Council 1 .... 191........." MM -.7 1917 191......... Approved _. _....Acting MAYOR ...... F ��� 5 ' 1 1 j' r 4_ t r 1 i j r ----------- ----------------------- f , I a _ COUNCIL FILE 1-5411 By_........ - ..... _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for 11 street from a point 300 feet west of-Sue changing the grade of James street, to a point 300 feet east of Sue street; also grading of James street from Prior avenue to Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order 7.9.23__Intermediary Order :....:.1028.4....__......_. ........... Final Order .....10984 approved- .June. I,% .........191:...8... The assessment of ...... _b-enef.i..t13.,_...Cost .s--and, ' .exp.enaes ....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and. the isame is hereby in all respects approved __...day of ." .. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._...._18th • at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice, of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature the amount assessed against the lot or lots ,of the particular of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and owner to whom toe notice is directed i Adopted by the Council .. ...... _. .._ f ...191./._ ...GC �- City Clerk. MAO Y" 1917 Approved ...__... APPitOVIYG: A99FSSTrE"HTc �,/ Mayor. l o r ♦ . Isa14 Iln tt .-matter f �th A t aII _ACtlnp Councilman Farnswol h n dtA: at end e P n e hanFing the g, de r Jam "rest t t m n point 300 feet est of Sue' `.O� a[rcet to fl, point 200 Y t east, T Sue i, treet: also =,-gt. oP'T meA Atreet I .11 from Pa r . lr o dew 929. ve; unae P slim n .Hyland 1 7ntermedf r) order 30 84 Flnal Or- d- 10994. npin—rd 7 ne 1o. 7916. � TNe a9sessment tbenetits. coats and Keller l ecdepsea fo ¢a, in connection veto tthe abov impro m t h -ing I submitted to tht Coup tl ."I's thpe _ 1VIcCo11 ro no 1 -h i ti onA a d 3 e f u d the ali assess ant sntlsft [orY,� I th efnre be it l .Wundelil bcReerlandy. That I-herebyoIn all ret i nets approved. Mayor kwirE` Re olved further. That a public! .. rine. b hod on 9ftid ftAAPA81n¢nL on the 76th 7 7 �[ in- it 1917 a t the Form B. B. 16 o.tocli A. House eusi - Chnmbrr of the Catlrt Hpuse, 1: "1111. nd ,, Hnll r(IdIHB, to the'. City hf;St.. Pauli that dtle.Commissioner . of Finhnce give otlee of said meeting. regnlred. bV.the Ch t. stating to Ald nnthe Th_ . timr and Ills— ofem1e .1 t.nF t,t_, n parr lherenf.ie rlIn tut nnli o l I - - ------------- ------- 1-9 -------- ------------- COUNCIL FILE NO...... _.._..._:.._---- -• ,� By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. . for nt of benefits., costs and expenses In the matter of the assessme- . grading of alley in flock 4, Messerli and Eschbach's Addition, under Preliminary Order .. 9.799: Intermedia Ty Order.,........1123'fl_...._............ .... 11947 roved.. 191.:.._.8 Final Order approved..— ion expe nses.....Jor and in connection with The assessment of .....- ..._._ . he Council, and the Council having cons the above improvement having been submitted to tidered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the, same is hereby in all respects approved earing be had on said assessment on the_......18th ..:........day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public 11, Apri 191.:-_4-- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court- missioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the- City of St. Paul: that the Com the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ©.., �.. .-.....191.._ Adopted by the Council . ..- . -- - // City Clerk. M�� e 1911 C I♦ 1541 t e t of Approved ..__ — ..—. M 7 the to tt r o[ the e o f na e p n ea fo f Mayor. tdin>of all V No I. 4 ltesv 11 ✓ __, ._ „ - L nd I:schUOrder ^9d 91. T tterdm.•.d arS - .. order 11:36 Pinnl Ode 179§7, nP-, Councilman. Farnswo' Proved rl.ub is isle. and' The snt.nt of be eflte- ioate. s I- , en cn ne tlot -ith ' Goss the hove otp v taent h \I B btnte - auUmitted to ti a .Cot d rt 1. Hyland Counrfl.'ha i F_en. sid d t sn[lstnca - (..rd Ithe- it see t ), therefore, Keller Resalved. Thl. tho said assessment Da / .. and tbo eam la hereby In. all .respects Further. That a public hear- McColl '}14 isubdnhaof Aprlla'1317ssmt nthenhour Iof " o'clock A: the iCourt CHouse Wunder l Chamber f in the CRY of - ' ed olt 13.11 Build lnC r Paul: that the Commisafnner of j� Finance give notice ot. said meeting. as .Mayor Q.7rn ed by theChsrteeatnting in srtld th tfnafure oT he- earl almprnd ovement the l l , Form B. B. 16----na ; t [hrrent• nnd the t n^ hrl 1 t ri ti i n�ll�l 1't '- ,, In ! t1 ' \1 tl•n 1,, th, l , ------- ------------------------------------ I -------------- ----- COUNCIL F1LE NO.----- ..... `i By -, A...._.. CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment., benefits, costs and expunges for In the matter of the assessment of grading of Nebraska street from.Payne avenue to'Walsh avenue, 7759 .__..._.._.... I Intermediary terediary Order ...9.511 .... ..._ : _..__�—'----• under Preliminary Order - April 12, 1916 , Final Order 99.21 -- approved ben?f_1t&. �43_t.,g_,$nfl..-.exp The assessment of -- -enS2?. . ... for and in connection with. mitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and' the above improvemenE having been sub '.found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had: on said assessment on the.._.:..__....day of Apra ...._.. 191 _7..:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court Paul; that the Commissioner. of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in. the City of St. said meeting, as required by the Charter, ,stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature . cost thereof, and- the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the'particular of the improvement, the total owner to whom the notice is directed. . .. Adopted by the Council .........................City. Clerk. Mea � Approved _ .......... 191 .. r• F No. 1 Ali.— 2 m nt of lVlflyOr. In th ttf•r t the _ ... exn on for ... A.et1 t eneflte. Cqe[ e prndinF of Nebraska tree[ from P y nt t \Calsh 9 Inter_ .: d Pe liml lyder. Order Councilman Farnsworth rn.li.x ole 11• P 1 Oa;l, asapproved t t P b 12 791 o8t and - .. Th ' It Goss n e for ane to n seltlon with - thP 1. - 1 P e t. having been - tht tt a t th Cov l. d trhe Hyland �� -u n.t\In eq m 1 a founa the .aid -e t satisfar. ,• Keller tory, .therefore be it - Reeolved, That the.sald asseeement be and the name fa herby in all-re9Pe.ts McColl ' Resolved irurther. That a Public hear Ing b had oa. .. id a e ent on the Wunderlich. the lath bad f +m9�n lthe Cnu the t of o'clock A M _ Chamber of the Court House and MY Hall Bullding. in the h e: of j Mayor lr�r. St P ul th t the Cnm 1 f n r f i" q RI n tl f. Bald tin R• req 1 d b th Ch [ t tir 9r r Form B, e. Is- nn 1 i Id ur ^im ill of f.• _tna r m 1 u m 1 rafn [hrrrnr. d fi t ¢nlnrn[ [hrWrynt 1 nr M1. tt ul thr not i i\ dire M ldnlrrt�`d Inm he 'unr 1 .Ia�M1. i.. ,•_ (>Inrch 2A-1911) RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS,,".',-, C. F.ti0'15417— la tho matter of condemning; and -• nsement for the purpone� _ ' -.,fi anatmnintai thB n he urposes of in the Witter of condemning and steationent forfor thetPayne-- Payne -Edgerton constructtrg and maintaining a sewage pumping System, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being a reat- angular '1 1� piece--of:-.land:.:described...as:.follawa.:....;Calmenning.::at... the .angular of the westerly line of Fdgerbon at.,. and the north line of the southeast--+-40f..t-he nGr't`h a'8t--.k..ot...Seat3an-.20.,....Toren..2?.,-...Fang-e...22...:.thenc.a..8suth on the westerly line of Irdt�erton at., a -distance of 80 ft., thence west and -1-i parallel -.tri-tit--- the --no-ath-lin*.Qf..... the,aautheast.. :..of..:the-.nrth ans.Lparallelcwith 20, Town. 29, Range 22. a distance of 115 feet, the 4fenoenarthw.eat....:.RP.._%eetion Edgerten--'st-.---te...the--n*r-t�,--tse---af ...ths..southeast... 20, thence along the north Zine of the southeast J of the northwest J of Section 20. sa4-c1...l.iae--be-ing-- the ...oentsF---line.-af...Hoyt:..ave....... $zaduced._ta...the...paint.._aY.:. beginning, containing 90200 square feet, .... ... 1916 12940 12237 approved A�.lOr ....... Intermediary Order ...................... tinder Preliminary Order......._ Sept 28, 1916. approved .. ... :....... The Commissioner of Finance having Lsubmitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the Said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby. approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House ill tile City of St. Paul on the ......�.�. k1 .......... .........day - of Aprll... ....... ......... ...191 ...7., at.ten o'clock A. 'INT. and that the Commissioner of Finance be.and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. n Adopted by the Council.:.. ..... ....... ... . ? 191(.- �- ` 4 ...... MSA , City Clerk. Ib 7; Approver........ _:'--.... ....... .-.,- 1Z { / t . Acttnq. D ayor. - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Ryland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel i,1 Mayor Item REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS f In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purposes of constructing and maintaining a. sewage pumping station for the Payne -Edgerton System, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being a rect angular pieee-of ".land deseribed "es €ollowe _...:� ner}cs.ing &t. the Tommi} 24, R&rage•22� th-enoe--•eo-uth intersection of the westerly 1"i'ne of. Edgerton st., and the north line of the southeast -t of the-no-rthweat- -`of GeOtICdist f ft., thence west. and aorton st., a, distance o_'RC o.f-•-seot.1on on the westerly line of Ed„ o€-_t}1e...jortnweat-• n ralee''"wi'fh'"*he north 11-ne of the soutee&e-t thence north .and parallel with 20, Town 29, Range 22, a distance of 115 feet, tof the northwest J of Section th Edgerton'st� tv b1Te north line -of the• south"ea-st-orf•-}}e northwest. af•-•Section 20, thence along the north line of e southeast rodueed to the p -o -i -t: ---o€_ 20 , said 1•ine -b-Bing the center -1 ire- 0-f_Hoyt-ave-.-•; p containing 9,200 square feet,, - under Preliminary Order ......12137:. appr&ed..A,ug 1Q s 1916 Intermediary.order..12940__.. aPProved_SCPt.:28.. 1916...----.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: f the land, lands or easements therein 'taken and appro- That he has fixed and determined the value o vement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof priated for the above. impro respectively, and the'persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, .and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. t CITY -OF ST. _PAUL GOUNCIL� RESOLUTION= A GENERAL .ORM Subjec=t: ..... EOENCIL NO- t _. J4. 8, Date Presented _... March' 19 191.7 In the matter Of, grads Montreal Ave.' from west Seventh 9t. way St. under Preliminary Order 1 an S9d.Final #1725 ee pt. 28, 1914 .Order approved Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby oanoelledp annulled and rescinded and.all.proo.eedings discontinued in such matter c. r is41s n 11 N' Gose In tl •titer [ I, nalnp, Montreal A t. from 1\.est Stt cath St. to El- u•n St., u der I'reliminn ry Order.. No.y 691 end Srinal Order No. 1725; approved Sept. 28, 19.14. Iteaolved. That all orders in the, be ' ahove ..it,,, and the same a- hereby catteclied. Iled `tad r - eemdea and a pro..ddlahs in au�h matter dlscontin ned. Adoptedby the Council \Teti. 19, -1917.- Approved M-. IU. 1917. _ (March 24-1917) ., Yeas (✓) Cou `ilmen (✓) Nays Fa `worth ^�a n Ca ►n favor Adopted by the Council 191 H nd eoll '. 33 .. 'Approved MAR i.i� �9 j J 1Ke '`� Against .191 . B W derlich Mr. Preside FORM C. a -z ' Acttnp ,row ..._ _ _ CITY. OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 19 AUDITED CLAIMS-RESO4UTION FORM. , FILE NCIL��` — VAR I 1-Y BY AUDITED------------- 191 _ PER 656 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Van 11) 10,17, Yeas ( v) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council _. 191 G ssworth (__lp favor A="�� — and F \0'-16119 K er J Resolved that warrants be drAP— MAYPR 1<il oll __-Against on the Clty Treasury, payable out of .P_r_tj ny g 9 hereinafter specified funds land; In nderlich or fit the persona, firms or .corpora_ na .for the amounts set Z1.2;Mr. Presiden - peotw. hame. u apeclfied In - - - r'esi1loWing detailed. statement: - 1a Repress. Company' - ' 13100 American Express Company, •18 P. Library -Expense. 101 H. W. Austin, Custodian Miscl. Staty. 12.02 - Gen. F=Purch. Dept. Expense. 102 Board of Water Commissioners, 452.91' P. Schools–Expense 5- 0 a " 4491 Health Quar-Expense ;'` .004, Street Const. &.Repr-./13xpen a-' 2 0 52. 1 103 H. C. Boyeson Company, 1.50 Police Expense. - 104 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 38.60 . Police -Expense 11.25a P. Safety Gen. Adm. Exp. 26:50. Public Schools -Expense ' ,25 380 . 105 Crane & Ordway, .55 Police Expense.. 106 Adam Decker Hdwe. Company, 9.25 P. Schools -Expense 9.60` r. Gena Mun. Garage Revl.r" 1 9' r 107 S. A. Farnsworth, Custodian Postage Revl. 12.44 Parks -Exp. Adm. 108 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Company, Amory Expense Expense 52.10 Schools C & B McClellan 15.50 P. Schools Expense 7,:52 P. Library Expense :f lt.90 Realth.Public "C.Sta. Expensg 50 . Police Expense / i f'` 4.70/ - Forestry Revl. Fun Vii'` 6.06` -To #656 Page #2 • 55:55 - 13�59 McClain & Hedman, ansa Comer P Works -Expo 17., Public Schools -Exp,`` J 6 5 „ xpense Gen. Fund -City e e 5 , Corp. Counsel s 5 55. 646.54 13110 Henry McColl, Com'r of Public Safety 7769 p. Schools Expense f gg .99 Police Expense .17;` Ex .e2ir 0.34` Street const.. & Re'E p Com'r Public Works- ,. Public Parks -Expense a ,r p. Bldg., Expense ase Public Plarygro ss E ease 34 Public Bldgs. Re r Expense Sewer Const. P 4.34 Manhattan Oil Company, .4 111 ease 3 Public Schools -Exp Public Bldgs-, Inspec rs//zxP,.�' 4. y. - � 50.76. 112 NicoleDean & Gregg, X1.40 Public Schools -Expense X6.86. Public Schools Equip• Bridge Bldg. & Re g.73 r. P gevl.., a 8 Gen. Municipal Garages°` 4 Public Parks Maint;,rics, 50. 6 113 tdorthiestem 'telephone Company, Corporation Counsel Lbged EXP• 72-01- 114 Noyes Bros & Cutler, Playgrounds-Expe. 25.14 115 Raymer Hdwe. Company, Ex ns 15 7 S.&'S Cing Sewer Cing Pe , _Fire' C & B Schools C & B McClella f 2 80 Public Schools Expen Water Expense _ 2 . 17.56 116 Reed Motor Supply Company, 8.Q8 Fire Expense, Rev f ``' 4'`2 a� Gen. Municipal Garry :'S. 5 17. .75 117 Robinson, Cary & Sands, Tispenss. S & S Cing Sewer Cing 197 .63 c 118 St.PauI Book & Stationery 72 Q1 P. nibrary Nooks Books , 9 Public Library Johnson HS Lib ra/y 197 .56 119 St.Paul•Dispatch" . Gen. F. Municipal Garage. 8.41 120 St -Paul Electric Company, 2.70 Police Expense Playgrounds Expense 5.71 MU, CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE""` NOxx ._� ���"�� f 13 1Z " AUDITED_:' iKId 191 PER... 657 _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations.for the amounts set opposite their respective names as speci*d. in the following, detailed- statement: - - - - - r Yeas ( J ).,Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counul / Far worth j Gos G Approv x----191— / Hyl d _.__In favor. J� (L) Kell Me 11 -_-C _Against tinU MAro . Wit erlich Mr. President C 1, No. 15420- nes l,ed than wnrrants bebdra n le out upon the City Treasuclfled funds and s - of the hereinafter sons. firms or eor- - - fn favor o4 the pera .eIte. pbrattons for thea tnRss set. oPP sP claed In their -Peet' det9il d tatement: - the following Com- Finance. S. A. Farnsworth. - $5.381.51.$91,198.1 - a F Inswo th 'ri[Con88 iSle.. - F7 5,. \an SI,l,, - 85.98. 4 Haran Coal C 51 5GS.S0._ . Ad pt d by In Co :II JSch. 19; 1917. -. . 1PPr ved JtDI 11 1917. - (mareh 13124 S. A. Farnsworth Comk- Tf?r , 5,381.51" Parke -Bad:. 2, 056. W5 of Exp. t 698.$1 Park -Act. -Sal. 65'.75 52.40 Playgrounds -Sal. a Exp. s` 2.78 Phalen Beach % 22.% Election Explt a8`.t50 'For estry R 3'9� 49 School. & B. (McClellan), ,0 Q4.$5 Fire- & B. .A 5 1. 5 125 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. 93,188.89 Imterest 45.00 n 2;,99-4.t0 Water -Bonds &: Int.,--' .1 2%.00 S. Assess Bond ,grit. 3, 869.91 Red: S. A. Bards Ulass A c_^ fol. 0 6 B 84.45`8,i(311 93;1$8•' 9 126 Finch, Van Slyke & UcConville, 5.98 Libm,ry-Exp • 127 Hartin Coal Co., 1,568.60 School -Exp. Total � 100.144 98 � ' r CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM. Fl LE NO._-- BY- ED 191 � AUDIT - -- _--_—___—_— PER. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in .favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following " detailed statement: Yeas (v) Con ilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council - wor191-- Far th Gos A pro e Hyl d In favor , Kel r MAY. R Me oll :against W der Mr. President, C. F. N'1 421- - - Re Ir d that wrcants be drawn upon th City Tr try.payable out of - he hi el natter p toed fu IB and In favor of the. persona, firms or corpora- _ tlonafor.[he nmOunta -set opposites - - their .respective names. as specified In - the following detailed stal4a t. - Hanitee ligating Company,$t 270.74. Adopted by .the Council Mch. IJ, 1917.: .Approved. NIch. 19, 1917. ' (-\larch 2,4-1917) 1312.8 Hankee Heating Company, . $1,270.74 ::cl-�ocL—S; tee F: P1dg. CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GErrERAL FORM 6 ` Subject:. Vo r No. Date Presented. Whereas, It has, been reported tilet ity Warrant #7654 for- $2.40 issued in .favor 'of St -ock has been lost and whereas the said. Stahl Comstock have iled with the Comptroller and inn-- demnifying bonds properly approve 'by in the sum of $4.80, therefore b8 it resolved that the proper city officers are hereby directed and authorized to issue a duplicate warrant as above mentioned. 1 reported th I \\.he rest x. 1-6-A reported Ihnt C 1 wnrlunt vn.. O53 Por Sz.10ls- 1 1 fnvn� o` Sthl R CP the ,,lid St thl- _ heen lost. - 7 where R Cnmsiorl 1 „ fl,e ] t Ith the ComP- '- t 77 t t i t If: i ti 1 d Ft Perl }' •d h .] diTc.\\m l.nuie bellIt 1tnll ht f ti S.80 lh a ,, � es0lYedYtthnt the Proper tticere nre herehy directed and authorizetUove' - . i ;t c1u Pllen Ce tt un'nn. u . n tion nd. :the Cou 11 itch. 19. 1917. AdoVtcd hY .lpprnved \ich; 19. 1017.. - l (\lurch 2S•191T1_ , Yeas (J) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Goss In favor _ + MSR 9.9 �9 � 1 Hyland Approved . 191 Keller Ij McColl Against Wunderlich Mr.-President-itvV MA OR FORM C.8-2 C F. ee�io ]bh;nawortL-6483—`Qrdtnanc@ Bi'a ;A . .A or the ttla dh ttp�eadi0 ofoppe Million 6ev'entp Ilve 'Ntnae9nIl- 1, ;I lora• (;10760000by Dar valdd Ofihe boada.of the Ctty:of >iA 7PaW:.xor,"tAe nuraose of retundlns an- egnai �,� _ amavnt of boade, of eaisi City In__ aved.tor ^ mioiDat Du zc'GCCci� XY matur}-• v��.. J'. An 'ordinance authorizing and providing for the-issuano* and ale of One Million, Seventy-five,Thousand Dollars ($1,075,000:00) par valne of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of refund- ing an equal amount of bonds of said City, issued for various municipal Purposes, maturing May -2nd, 1917, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. WHEREAS; There will mature on May 2nd, -1917, the following- bonds of the :City,of'St. Paul,issued May 2nd, 1887, viz: Upper, dao bridge bonds, in the sum of $198,000:00; Fire Department Real Estate bonds, in the sum of $100,000.00;- bonds -for. erection df,public school buildings, in the sum of $145,000,00; bonds for hospital buildings, in the sum of $46,006.00; bonds for extension of St. Paul waterworks, in the suis of $192,000.00; bonds for con- struction of sewers, in the sum of $196,000.00; and New.Couit House and City Hall bonds, in the sum of $198,000.00; and WHEREAS, -There is not in the Sinking Fund or in any other fund of said City, any money applicable`to the payment of any of said bonds or any part thereof; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That thepropscity officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hereby authorized, and directaed to issue, .execute, sell and deliverOneMillion, Seventy-fi•ve Thousand Dollars ($1,075,000.00) par value in and of thebondsof the said City Of St. Paul for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of bonds of said City, issued for the various municipal purposes above mentioned, and, maturing` May 2nd, 1017.. Said bonds shall be executed in the form of coupon bonds, under the direction of the Sinking Fund Committee of said City, in denominations of One Hundred Dollars, or any multiple thereof, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars each, as the purchaser or purchasers mayddesire, shall bear date May 2nd, 1917, and bear interest, at the rate of four and one=fourth per cent. per annum, payable semi (2) annually. Both principal and interest of said bonds shalhi be payable at the office of .the'Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul,, in -New York City, New York. The sum of $192,000.00,par value of,the principal of said bonds shall be made due and payable ten years after the date thereof, and the proceeds of the sale thereof shall be used solely for the purpose of retiring and refunding the said bonds for.the ex tension of the waterworks. The remainder of the principal of said bonds to be issued hereunder, to -wit, the sum of $883`,000.00 par value thereof shall be made due ,and payable thirty years after- the date thereof, and the proceeds of the sale thereof shall be used solely for the purpose of retiring and refunding the said other bonds maturing May 2nd, 1917. Section 2. The said bonds when so issued shall be negotiated and soli by the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul provided for in and by the Charter of said City. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the Comptroller, and have thereto attach- ed the corporate seal of the City of St. Paul, attested to -by the City Clerk, and said bonds shall be in such formas may be determined by the Sinking Fund Committee, with the advice of -the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. Said bonds shall be sold upon etch notice and in such manner 'as'the Sinking Fund Committee may determine, for not Tess than par and accrued interest,' and to the highest responsible bidder or bidders. Section 4. The faith and credit of the City is hereby pledged irrevocably for the prompt and faithful payment of said bonds and the`interest thereon, as in the bonds provided. Section 5. =It shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Water Board to make suitable provision from the revenues. of the water plant for the prompt payment of.all current interest on its said re- funding bonds as the same accrues. and for the redemption of said bonds at their maturity. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance, rendered necessary for the -preservation of the public Vga^hmva v�JvbHvVhi1ihie-s 'UPeaV v�aher` March BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS - 12, OSCAR E.HELLER,Preoiaont _ . 1 9 1 ( • S.A FARNSWORTM - 14 GOSS GARRETT O. HOUSE. Gens P1 C1 To the Honorable, THE CCUICIL, CITY OF SAIIT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is copy of a, resolution adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners at a meet- ing held this date, authorizing the refunding of $192,000.00-of Vater Bonds falling.due'on l: ay 21 1917, for a period of ten years, at a, rate of interest not to exceed 41 per cent. yours very tr_ly, Encl. Secretary. V o j peparhrnenty (JVbl'c�f hil hied Qwreau v� �(%ah'er-Ptarch _ DO ARD OF WATE R COMMISSIONERS ^12,. 7 OSCAR E—LLER. Ries�dertt 1 9 1 S.AFARNSWORTH M.N.O'OSS GARRETT O HOUSE. Goll. Sup' L*r• J.r. Kyle, Asst Corporation Counsel, CITY OF SPI17 PATTL, Dear Sir: - There is enclosed herewith copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of 1gater Commissidners at a meeting held this date, requesting the Council to authorize the sale of y192,000.00,'par value, it and of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, for a period often years, at a rate not to exceed 4z, interest per annum; the proceeds of which are -to be used to redeem bonds in the sum of ,'4`192: ,000.00. due on rjoy 2, 1917, being the balance outstanding of issue of ykay 2, 1887, of $200,000.00, 30 -year bonds, $8,000.00 having been previously purchased and cancelled. The records in this office indicate that this issue was under legislative authority, dated January 31, 1887, det:eils of which I on unable to locate. The Board of Water Commissioners requests that_ you kindly prepare the proper resolution, transmitting same, to;,ether with the request of the Board, to the Council for their action. yours truly, _ Assista..nt Secretary. BnclI s.' Council File No...... ..... .. ..._._...:_... _... . By... .. ........... — .? CITY OF ST. PAUL .Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing curbing on Harrison avenue be Douglas street and western avenue; ,]of [heats atter of the assessment p - coats and 'expenseaLor conn i - -.g curbingyeen on Eiarrlson n - Dou61a9.. street 80 7568 ...._... Final Order 7695 under Preliminary Order 56 ............ . ,._ ,Intermediary Order .-.--"-- - approved .::IdOvemb6r_ 17_th. ,......_...191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory. be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ,ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. LVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable BE IT FURTHER RESO in. ... .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. r. Adopted by the Council 1,1p 191.... . . City Clerk .. Approved ... _......... .... ........... ...._.....191....:. A Mayor. .............. Form B- B. IS - CCC : • CITY OF ST. PAUIy.-- . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT - expenses for the In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and Constructing ourbing on Harrison avenue between $ouglas street and Western avenue, 5680 7588 under Preliminary Order ......_. _...... _. .. Intermediary Order 7965 November 17th 19I._..... Final Order.............._ approve To the Council. of the City of St. Paul: — o the Council the following as a statement of the ex The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports tpendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve•' ment, viz: $ 798.00 ............ Cost of construction - - - - -- $.9.._3 JO . .::...:...... Cost of.publishing notice - - - 1.50 ........ ... Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - 3._. 7.50 . .......:..._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - M 00 Unforseen 1.-=81 $851.96:.._...__;._.... Total expenditures - - - - - t as above ascer- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amoun tamed, to -wit: the sum of $..-851 :96.. ,..-....-..- .----..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part of parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- , and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed tified by the signature of the said Commissioner by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionon as may be considered proper. wC. Commissioner of Finance: Form B. B. 17 - PPPP, Council File No , ...:.................. ........ _._: By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costo and expenses for Curbing Margaret street from Cable avenue to Hope street, �C. R NO. �az - 1 Ih. .tt r *f I'll me,t for fotcurl f ei fit , st at s 1 in., _fit t,ar t. street t f ni Ca'\Yf. rto H PC SL.,-. t1ndCT. PrF11- .. R096, Ihte+'- under Preliminary Order.609? _....... Intermediary Order . . .., Final Order...87:47......... approved .......!TaAt18ljf 13th_._._.__.__.191 S ... A public hearing having been had upoa the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been, further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey, for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it hereby determined to to payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1��.. r s VRh 57) Adopted by the Council ..... ...... ...... . . .. �� �..� City Clerk. ...... r QR a e 1917 Approved....._....... ...._.._... ....._........ _................................ :..191..._.._ ` Mayor. _._..+.._ ..... . f, ' Form B. B. 19 - CITY OF 57#AUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.... ...... .............__.....:_......__..;.._:....., 191......_ In the matter of the assessment. of benefits, Costs and expenses .for the Curbing Margaret street from Cable avenue to Hope street under Preliminary Order :__f095 Intermediary Order 8`380 Final Order ..8747 ............................ approved JAU8Ty. 13tH . 19L__8_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - $_.405_.QO.__............ Cost .of publishing notice Cost of postal cards - . - $ _____.._ • ......_._.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $ .._._.8.10...._ ..._. Amount of court costa for confi ation - - - - $ 3 15 Total expenditures $ 41B 3'5 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount "as above ascer- tained, to wit: the sum of $_._ 1Q a 3.... .....upon each and every lot, part .or parcel of. land deemed ` benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each. lot, part or parcel of landoin accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �✓ .fitil Z.2.e-CG'...... Fore B. B. 17 Commissioner df Finance. Council File No Ir ib15426—- 1 thc' tt I Ut ----t etlt I 1, eSt o L and exp-s- I r prt 4 - 1 "C IA. 1 V U f llHl t est - t vi"t I t t I[Ir 8u. 0, O - .. By .. ... .... _.. -t-d ltlo l r to: 1, tl I t" J CITY OF ST. PAUL: Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, 'costs and expenses Paving Holly avenue from Dale street' to Victoria street, with 3}" Creosoted .Blocks, roadway to-be thirty feet wide, also including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property bines complete, where not alreadyytde; also sandstone curbing' and alley and driveway approaches where necessary, 9395 , _. _ Final Order 97839 under Preliminary ora_::_5925 ..- Intermediary Order _ - t.._..191.6_ approved . - t, and said assess- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for tbeen considered finally satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Cohe above imrovemen uncil, and having therefore RESOLVED: That. the said assessment.be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District, Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in:.: ..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1 ................ Adopted by the Council ........... ,. / C �_. City Clerk. Approved _ 191 Mayor, rort>ti s, B. CITY AUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONU& OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT __.....__ ....... 191......._ In the matter of the assessment of bene fita,..costs and expenses for the Paving of Holly avenue-from Dale street to victoria street, with 31" Creosoted Blocks, roadway to be thirty feet wide, also including sewer, water and.gas.connections from street mains to property lines , complete, where not already made; also sandstone curbing and alley and driveway approadhesihere necessary, under Preliminary Order ._8935.. ..__ Intermediary Order 9395 Final Order 9789....... approved AFril 1st..._.... ..............1916_..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with -the making of the above improve- cent. viz: _ Rat of construction ewer Connections 698.68 Cost of publishing notice $ """" 385;.00 Water 3.72 Cost of postal cards $ ................q S0 - Driveways b6Wa&V%j6 (City Force .ABcount.) - $.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ 18.60 Total expenditures $23 x13.38 . .. _t..213 .... .. _.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $.._x3.,2.13....38 -.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper.. Form H. B. 17 Commissioner of 'finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._ --._..m 24 of the. assessment ot P . `1, +xensea for fpn .nc [•er .. _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In. the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ' for paring, curbing and laying of cement tile sidewalk to a width of feet in front of Lots 6 and 7, Block 13, St, Paul Proper, on the southerly side of Sixth street from Jackson street easterly 83 feet more or less, 0 under Preliminary Order ._ .6.8.14... .... ... .:_...., Intermediary Order ..:....10.595._ __ Final Order ........... 11407 _............. _..... ... _.::. approved._.. qlx _8r __.__ . _ ........._., 191_._6- The assessment of benefits,,, coat_s. and, .._t?,�pen .e for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved." RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_..._I.&U _ . :.._._..day of April. 1917 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said , meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the. nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council M1?� 1 9 191....... 1 1{i..... Ci Clerk. MSR x.9.1917 Approved ..:.:.:..____:___ _.. _�____._ 191_....... i _ l...f .. Mayor. or. ,__:� .r._. Councilman Farnsworth Gose Hyland ' Keller PCIBLdSFiF.D_- 1 McColl " Wunderlich Form B. B. 16 - - COUNCIL FILE -4 By ; CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading of Sue street from Grand avenue to` Goodrich avenue, . No. 15428— m tt- 6428matter- of the ssessment of costa and rn• sue"!t.-, ..... Final Order ......... 36124 _ :... approved......_.__.. APTf l 22.,_........ 191.__Ze_ The assessment of ...... ...hen.ofi.ta,_...c09.t.S....2n!i,...expe.nses --- ..for. and in connection with the above improvement hav�g been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._.1.81h —....day of Apr.il.... _..._... 191_.._._7., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court: House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pau'; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the -Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council �� 9 1 'f .._.. 19 ... / i �.. City Clerk. M411 19191? .. ....::..� ..__.. _. , Approved L .. ..�...... _._ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Gose �• 't�.�t� `_Nle L Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayos Form B. B: 16 - .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �.�a) COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 30th -191 7 Date Presented - - - - - ter of oQnatruQa ting sewer o_n_Fillmore In the mat_ Avenue from State Street to Eva Street - - _ - -. - - - - - - -12058- - - . - 15055 iznder,Preliminary Order - - - - - -,'Final Order - Approved - -February _28th _ _ _ 1917. j RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Plorks for the above named improvement. be and the same are hereby approved. 7 .. c I' No. i k n t actln8. n In tl a tt t C illm > o trot St t` St to E St. 1e Frellml a . Oder • 1205S t�'i I Oder 15055 ell ved 1917 y 1 C; 1 d, That the Plana. soeolOcati d e-11-1a bmitt d by the Co is" E S li _ i n of Public «t b for Ih lw _t. f .....«_ m V [mPro Ment be d the T ar here b aPD ,"'11 3 la „� t. to con a +1 h. 20 1`17' Adopted b Al Prove 1 atcn. 20. 101 V -_p y I (B(areh Z4-1917) .. Yeas: { ) ( ) Nays Councilman Far}sworth Gos d - Hyl iiaFt t1 l9 (. Kel r 191 . 11c 1 Approve - - - - Wun rlich Mr. President, CITY OF•ST. _PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION . 7 Date .,Presented --- March 20th In the matter of - constructing a sewer on Eva Street between Florida Street and Chicago Avenue, and Plato Street from Eva Street to State Street under Preliminary Order 5540 - _ Final Order.- 133- _ - - October 14th 6 Approved - - - - - -, 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. I t`.tio 15420 of con t LVnti; tr et rPrP ., rj '71 ole}, tSt. h IN ,I'Idt PI t til ti toOtt 44Fhn1 Or_ _ i der F !J t n,. .Yl ,_'..E3 limtn r ed 011 -116 1 i 11252 F P [flood ig f !Y Iieeolved That the P1 nn' the Com and _ttmat bhebNorhs by the above. .. ..... R toner' f Pu d tha eeaue are - ".l _ ..... med Improvement be end —�— 'herebY approved . it lic.h. 20.1917. \dontMt b: the Council ApP =d (1S a,'che-191 241917) Adopted by the Yeas; ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Far sworth Gos Hyl d -ivq{{ =1 i If - - /�i Kel er McC 11 Approve Nun erlich Mr. President, - - - - - - - - - r;..,+:n� Mayor. CITY OF ST; PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _,March 20th_ _ _1917. In the matter of paving Twelfth St. from Cedar St. -to _Jagkeon St_---�------------------ under PreliminaryOrder 8237- - - 9331 -, Final Order - - - - - - Approved - _ _ January 20th_ _ _ _ 191 ? .RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Qommiesioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ln'the tter of paving, Cn lith St. ` r from Cedar St. to J.,keo S[, tder- ir,,.n- i -'gP liml O 'der, 823" , 11 al Order _ -1331 epl oied J u y 20th 1917 ( 7)Res 1 d That the plans, pecIll,Cedlons' (((ttt .nd;std trt bmitted'by the CfiMmis- r ton t p Public It be o for tb. ea above j " - ` y `yyl . 1 nam d 1 y vemen4 tro and 2h sa.me are I treteby apptgved , Ad { I d. b the Coe nefi \f h 0, 1917. App ved ➢Irh 20, 1917. -" "-_* , (\ta h 21-19111 tg Adopted bytheCouncil - — — — — — —- - - - -,191 Yeas:. ( ) ( Nays Councilman Far worth Goss i Hyla d 1,. Kell r t,4rk it i9 f L J 11cco 1 Approved - - - - - - 191 . CVurid rlich/ . Mr. President, hG3yvr. `, - -_ - CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _ March 20th _ - _191 paving Iglehart Avenue from Rice_ In the matter of ------------------ _ -St. -to- Dile -St, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- ------'12,470---'--- 145121 under Preliminary Order - - - -, Final,Order - - - - - January 23rd, 7 Approved-=------------, 191. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. R. No. 15432 f Poling 19,Ichnt.1 ve. j 1 from Rice St to ;nle 4t nn Irr Pre- COYJ?'�Ar Y . p'1„',rS 1� Ilminnry O 1 i 12,4-9, bat Order (y n c' �. `�'✓� -1 9112 approved., Ja o-ly 23rd. R Ived, Thitt the pians - P.eldea- Comme ne onthe erl LaPpblicbWotted rke or tae amed Improvement beand tba +ea re h—byUappr.o,,d. APP owOPteed fifbY th 27, u1917 ]lc h. 29, Adopted by the Co ncii'd917, Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Far worth Goss n. Hyl d I^ Kell r LLL iii Mcco 1 Approv d Nund rlich Mr. President, - Il.etino r. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented March Oth_ In"the matter of paving -L.inwood_Plaoe between Kenwood Parkway,and Osceola Avenue_ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - --- _-_ _ - - - - - -- 10498 145111 - under Preliminary Order - - -_-, Final Order - - APproved - - January_33rd-- - - - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the .above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. r 7 No. 15433 --Rn 1 �� .i"i Food the. tter o4 P - tPpa ktpny `fin I -+.I "• .l Ll I. Pt t malot_on Kretlroinary QQTI 3 <;,tovo ae�9io os. rel„ i o t i3sn. as 'n.—rd aan",, 3 a tg� ;,7• ,Peele'th . at the P �` rl Ree ons andel es lmateebllebW rke 'for th. fi Commleeloner. of Pn and lha ,.. . b ve named ImProveo -d, d be ti Q """"aTe hereby APD Approved Cit rchaliinl-)alt• 20.]917. Adopted by the Cou Yeas: ( ) ) Nays Councilman Fnsworth Go s / Hy and Ke ler _ h;AA _'(? lyi(191 . Ile 11 Approve _ _ Nun es l ' h_�- Mr. President, n ' - - G:atfn:, B a Or. CITY.OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented Marsh 30th_ _ 7. i In the matter of - - _paving Portland A-venu-0 r-9NL Pasoal,Avenue to Cleveland Avenue _ _ _ _ _ ------ - - - - -- - 13513 ' under Preliminary Order - - - - - Final Order -4398_--- - 1 Approved - _January 35th, - - - - - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C P. No. 15434—... In the matter of paving Portland Ave, '. rrvni Pascal Ave.to Cleveland Ave., 1 7 a Prelimlna,y Order 12512, r ,at E O nC + r - 1� +. r•� r S n O la 14338 pproved January 25th.1917. - �` 1—d, That the plane, tepeclOca- - O IP t l t1 d estimate. b -116d ',!"the S Commi.sloner of Public Work. for the: .atnb d improvement beand the 1 n r he bl approved. Aiol tdb th.'(' unclt1h. . �20,1917.: .... \pp+a ved 11h 20, 1917 •• March 24.1917) Ado ted by -the Council Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman F rsworth G s Hy� and MAt2t► ly! Ka ler 191 bi oll Approved - - - V!u erligh r Mr. Presiders - -{�) Acting ma'56r. v. CITY OF ST; PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented March 30th _ _ x-191 7 In...the matter 'of going Cretin Avenue from_Sumnit Ave. to ayoint 550 feet north of the north line of -Summit Ave.. slso _pav_ing of that_pOrtion_of the Missieeippi River Boulevgrd Qrde;ed _.p_av_ed under C. F_ #6173,_approved Mar. _18th,_1916, _ _ _ - under Preliminary Order - 13031 _ _ Final Order _14405- _ - - _ Approved _ �T8nldaxi' �`Zt� - `- - 1917. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of'Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received 8.11 r-irers incn a ne p 1 c un ave f •o s i t Il nor t poi C 6 0 : C T eC G 1 ^J' ll ^v I of th [ u th line that o[ G-1. 1 7 on 1 v o pt l [ that 1 tfItG I'I rt the 111 I slPpl River Ro41 rl .. ++. der 1 1 1 under C. F. No. 0172 p- �.9w } prn d" \la "n th. 1910, and P - ... W _-6.4 .1 Ilni r (1'del• 73031. Final Oder, -•-- S---YYY... V _ _ __._--,—� 14400. pproYed J qua y 16th, 1'117. - Reached. That the. Plans ; [Iona and eetlmatee eubmltted Dy the Commissioner of P bltpWorke for :the above named improvement be and the Ado it ed by the Council - - (same e b rebr app1.*rll d 1 y th C uncll "Ith. 20, 1917. 7 Appr.eed Meh 20 1917. ? .(March 24-1017) Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman F sworth Go Hyl d Kel er MCC 11 Approved - - - - - - 191 . 4Vun eilic Mr. President k,,- ,: Ma ol - CITY OF ST. PAUL - "`"` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT .. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL ` N(u{j— — AIA AUDITED - 191_. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council—1;--Q -_21 = 1— Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays ! �� "Nasllsivorth lf,/ / Approved oss (J 11yand --- _— An, favor ,Keller rU nc MAYOR' 1 0ll . -- ✓--Against //Wunderlich Mr. President,4r+iw-. C. F: No. 15436— - 1f Resolved .that warrants be d upon theCityTreasu y, payable out of :I the hereinafter. specified funds and in favor of .the persons, fltms.or corpora-. _ - tion" for the amounts set opposite. that, respective names as specifiedin the _ - .. -Board ,allowinl; detailed statement: of Pater. Commissioners,; - - $19.00. Board of water - 'Commw...ers, - $30.00.. Board or Pater Commisafonvtre, - $51.800.00. S.. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, - .$2.285.75 - - Sf ldway Llme.& Cement Co., $-0003.58. , Thor.t.a Brea.. $2,698.T5. - BrI.schi-Minuti Co:, $50.00. Adopted by the Connell Bic),. 20, 1917.. - - Approved B)eh. 20, 1917. (51arch 24-1917). 13129 Board of Wates Commissioners, 19.00 C.. H. & C. H. -Ey-p. 130 Board bf Water Commssioners, 30.00 Gen. Fund-Yisc. &'Unforseen 131 Board of Water Commissioners, , 51,800.00 Gen. Fund -Prater Supply 132 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 2,295c7.5 Schoo&-wSa.1. 133 time & Cement Co., 503.58 .Midway 'Water 92.40,1 n Zl.�118 r+ . . r 134 Tnornton Bros., ' _• 2,698.75 Sewer Hythe St., 50.00 135 Brioschi-IdinutiC SA',b1-C. & B. ♦ A-- 3Jd.S 'A, . .CITY OF ST', PAUL COUNCIL RESO-L UTI ON -GEN ERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL NO. 4 P h'o. 1643 ny :11T \. Goes. .. . n Ivied That •:' the Pureh.eing. .. Asent he and he. le hereby.. authdrfzed and directed to ¢d"ertl 'I .the me - - ncr provided In the CItT Charter tor;'- nu of the •a ne.... ry to m¢a - Date Presented Mar. 20, 191.7 the[oil ory n ; • m nt . viz - - I I Inr . om Ceclor � Trr ' Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise,'in the manner provided in the City Charter, for all of the_ material he,material necessary to make the following improvements, viz. Paving Twelfth St. from Cedar St. to Jackson St. under Final Order #9331, approved January 20th, 1917. paving I lehart Ave. from .Rice St. to Dale St. under Final Order 4512, approved January 23rd, 1917. Paving Linwood Place between genwood Parla7ay and Osceola Ave. under Final Order #14511, approved January 23rd, 1917. Paving Portland Ave. from Pascal Ave..to Cleveland Ave. under Final Order #14398, approved,January 25th,.1917. Paving Cretin Ave. from Summit Ave. to a point 550 feet north of the north line of Summit Ave., also paving of that portion of the iSississippi River Boulevard connecting said Cretin Ave. with that portioh-of,the Mississippi River Boulevard ordered paved under Council File #61721 approved. March 18, 19162 under Final Order #14405, approved January 15, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of,Publie works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved.a ers in Received all p •P with apova connection Resolution. r l Alrr ^ Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (J) Nays ` 191 - .Far worth Adopted by the Council Gos In favor =Hyl d A)proved_ MaR .`..1(i 191— Hyl Kell r vNlc II 1 Against wr erlich _` Mr. President, Aot1P FORM C.¢-2 CYR�.a`P•L /�' .. CITY OF .ST 'PAUL eCOUNCI L.. RES,OLUTION'—GENERAL FORM' .. Subject:.� ... ., COUNCIL V ILE No-.......... .. ...... :. .......... I' ` r Date, Presented............ 191 ......: Y ona Resolved, tjA p®rmiesion be and is hereby 8 th the Tri—Stateanchors h a3nd to Telegraph CoriPeny to erect poles with the neoee,aXy string wireand sable an the.follswind named streetr; 2,poles between Selby and Marshall and six between Iglehart & Central on Hamline'Avenue. C I N 16318 B , N1 vo ("'be— Ile ` - Ih]t.�)1 sdm muted ti,emTrl State o'Tele I ,h t T lee 11 h ss r, t) ho 1 P ie Ith Ole x�irc and able an' the rol-, to t ing I_i e aa. d We, 5 lb) In«n lI boll 2 Pais V LN -trot .. ' ad six t o tlueel h t d C ,Hurali the b a.dell under the dirsall) i note er I ublie works. the actiou of iTciephoine - n) to Pa)' the cast [ inn{ etlon. - I¢.I,Ip.,eri 6 a..Publi4al1 1 r,a ni lirea.eto 1 fiMl u' d when : d {o.- the satisfaction of the ntieeted t do h) t' Com the to per, the Work to b8it, cut .Il. Said cost to be Paid n) th«, Colophons Coffipan3' iw ConvIssion, .`� o«d 1 <henCou icll .itch. 0.191T iiblieation• �� QOSL:Of iiiiPPro ed nt 20, xa'L i71 I re$tl6sted to d0 So by t he poles_ and-d by the Telephone Cotnper► q mon Council. Said soot to be psis p MAR 20 1at�..a91-...... Yeas (r') uncillnen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council..:........ . h"a nsworth In favor 191 ' C a. _. ....... Approved IA�-.�)(?I �g.�.1..... ..... I J I,.M oil ..... ...... Against Mr. Pre aiden :.PORN C.B-2 March t � Thirteenth 1 9 1 7 That permission be and is herebq granted the Northern States Power Company to`srsat poles and string wires and the necessary wires thereon: Along east property line of Phalen Park north from Maryland'. Ave. to Phalen Ave. d, ort-- Phalen Ave -to City. limits. Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pdbldc Works, said Company to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted,ander and pursuant to the terms and provisione'of Ordinance No. 2645, approved December 26th, 1906. i L. F. No. 154.,9—Ily li:� h do tlx-- ' That P 1 i be 1 1 1 by gr t 1 the ,thorn. St. Po vcr ''l4� •N� J C No to r t P 1 and at 'in I'1 wk d thea esmy wres ithereon: Adopted by the Council ..... ......................... v east v .Party line of Phalen ... _ P 1 rtb frontMaryland Al to Phalen A• %ad north .,I Phalen Ave. to .City.. tdtnits. ¢ &I Id pates and wtree t be Placed '"'I the.,� to he lobe. undor 1. YEAS. NA lh,e dir,ell.n nd to the eatisiac-.�. I Ion of the'-. Commissinner of Pub- + 11 Works, said Comp y to pay; 3 tit t ofIr pection n t [he engi FARNSWORTH i 1. tfnd the Poles 1 .b,s to b remoy �d when requested by the Com - t Council of the. City of St. Paul, „--.., this permission is. granted oder- nnfl L GOSS nu uanr to the torms sort Proylelons? . r of O dl n ,. No r 645, all oved ]la- b rth, I.M. U e Adopted t y theColi ,ell 4Ieh. 20.1917. 'HYLAND Approved 11ch. 1, 1917. I t\Ixrch 24-1917) _ �KELLER �McCOLL i IW UNDERLICH NA S, 0 MR. PREStiIi2rta>r iiuvrlr� _ f" (-- ' • tJ OtiAH�S A N r[mLEP WL. AN UN ..... e ° FRE D NUBS BAP xxe lOMNLD VO SEAN n a e c t nr ox CEPA RT.M"ENT OF GEIQERAL JOHN D• MYlAND..Corw Mie iONew _ _ HARRY HU.RGERT', D[PUTY MAR. 1 'I',J tyarch 15, 9WTO Hon. Oscar Keller, Comr:ieeicner, Depart5thtStreet" Citytilitiee, 25 E. Dear Sir Permission is hereby granted the northern States power Company to erect poles and string the necessary evires thereon along the proP,,t`1 line of Phalen Park, 'as -per their request. The poles, however, must be set ir_ a line with the western " Telephone Company's poles already erected. yours very truly, Co �sion� CITY_ OF ,ST. PAUL Council 'Resolution ---General Form l.. 1 . N ..16340-6 M. y Reaol ed. Gas That tha St. Padl and I.Ight C mpanY l hereby oyde ed and Department of alreetea to eztond Its aloof Ical Ilnea bl< erecting point, n d stringing wlre8— !h --for the t .Is .1, of elr Bureau of Council14J-Nd. Date Presented 191 t; Yv - By}t5 I S�Thai thp7St Paul Ga Light C pony hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical Imes by e,echne pole. and mrha,ine w .s thereon for the us."re aio. of electric[, an sad In the follpwina alleys and treest of said city: _ Fifteen. poles in the alleys between'Como And Phalen Avenue. and Ivy Street. from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue. Three poles in the alley between Bunker Street and Page Street. between Andrew Street and Kansas Street. One pole on the corner of Robert Street'and University Avenue. One pole on the corner of Robert Street and Aurora Avenue. With necessary guys. All of such est ... I.... poles and wl... hall be erected and constructed under the direction aad supervision of the Commissi... r of Public Utilities and in all thinaa —b;ect to the ve—inion.of Ordimnc. No, 1424. and of all other lawful ordinances sad...olution. of the City .1 91. Psal. All poles sho.ld beset In spch loeadoq in acid alleys and afresh as the Commis.ioner of Pub fl Utilities .hall desiga.te. aad shall be of such Wight sad character as . •ball designate and spin—, and any and all such palet shall be taken dawn and removed, and such wires placed..deep... d, whenever the Council.shall deem that the i_tl'c interest ria require., and be. it shall so under. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays NSWORTH G "�M LL �W DERLICH Approved 191 H AND pp KE LER Mr. President, --I May° PLP" '- C1TY OE ST- PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form' (1 11. No. 16441 By 11. N.d, TImt the LightCompany is hereby ordered and ...dire ted t c fond Ita. I ctrlcnliines — Department Of — 3 .n cU eltta and .tri iing n'Irea n for the., trnnamlaalon of eine �"oIty nn and in the following e11,.-,, Bureau of r 191 .4 Date Presented Cou R ` 5i1 No. By, ,1 d d d directed n, e,umd it, elec !,.111— by ertma Pole. xad atno[ v[ w ren thereo for the REB6LVED. Th t the St - Paul G".Licht Comv Y h b9 travamWiov of electrictY an ad iv the 1.11win. alleyn ad atreeu o(.ald mtr one pole in the a1Ley between College Avenue and Smith Avenue from west Sixth Street to vilest Third Street. - Three poles on Atwater Street frum Arundel Street to Colso Avenue. Four poles in the alley between Partridge Street and Woodward Straat from Bronson Street to Bradley Street. Three. polar in the alley between ast Fourth Street and Sigel Street from unglish Street to Clarence Street- Tvru poles in the. allay between Sigel Street and past Third V. Street from Clarence street to Etna Street. Three poles on Clarence Litreet frola the ALey, South of East Fourth Street to the alley so,ath of Sigel Street. With necessary guys1. n nnm[n- ".;;L �oito tfiav*o ti o•-oTor�rs:v�-rYo-1d'id. nv-a ofalr' '1-n-th -.. d I tl t the o City 1 9t P 1 d h Il [ each h [ht deh-11-1 as All voln .hoald be net in such looatiov 1v aid alley- and -1 b the Co 1 t 1 P an City h 11 d irn t lt5 ° I.e •1•ali deai[vate and avOrave, and a°y ad all.ocb vole. hall be take° dowv ane removed, vd each wirer pl as der[rovvd eh the C- "ll -heli deem that th< i:.l�c ivterent ed reavirm• ami when it -hall ao order. _ k,-IAP .I 11N P 2O 191 Adopted by the Council � ) Yeas ( ) �Cou cilmen Nays FA SWORTH 4 G0 ''-Mc LL 'WU DERLICH 17 191 Approved . " /HY' AND 00 s� g ER �. z J° ,d - � � Mayor Mr. President, PUBLISI�a,,,tcT�'�i Department of Bureau of Date Presented Council File No. ' 191 By Lich Co That th St Paul Gas u¢ mpavy is hereby I'd,.q and d ted t. extevd tt lett ical lives by erectiv¢ polcm end atriv¢iv¢ wi es Nereov for the RESOLVED. vanemlutoa of ele<trlcty oa mod iv the fullowialleys and _t, .1 said city: 2• Three poles in the. alley between 'incoln Avenue and Goodrich Avenuey'froin Kenaeth Avenue to Prior Avenue. ' L - Pir With necessary Buys. f Public Utllltiem avd iv all thio¢. All of such to I t Uhl d tutl b ted aad t t d nder the dlrectlav and aalroni 1 [ tl C m I d hall 1 much hei¢ht mud h *acts' as "L!cc' to the prayl. N 2423 d f Il ethd t r.� r hle Commia.lover otlPublic Udl hw thall d its t the Covacil shall d m that the All polo .honld be met Iv much loutlov Iv ntd alleys an h h 11 doteaate and approve, mud a., tad all much pal.. shall be takmv d— .nd removed, ad each wires placed undererp d he e m W.— t.a:<aalee., sad whma 1, hall .a .tae.. PAP 191 A(jopted by the Council Yeas ( ) �, Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FA SWORTH GO —MC LL 'WU DERLICH 191 Approved I''HY AND' �. a�— ✓KE ER '' Mayor Mr. President, j�iBLiSF�Do�' -e; CITY OF ST. PAUL /� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ,COUNCIL ... _..... �Ty FILE No No...... . ..._. _:.. .. Date Presented,.. March ...ls., Rek� Whereas, Pr J. Carstens, .has heretufore paid to the City of St :Paul, the sum of Pifty-one.R 25/100 (151.25) Dollars, as an 43vance payment for a sewer on Lot 24, :Block 1, Governor Johnson's Addition, and whereas, • the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Thirty-six &'55/100 ($36.55)'.Dollars, therefore be it. Resolved that the•sum'of Fourteen & 70/100 ($14.70) Dollars,_ be refunded to the said P. J. ,Carstens, and that the proper City Officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said P. J. Carstens, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. . - C. F No. 15442 Ry s 1. F. neworth—: where -,:-P. J. Carstens. has hereto-! Pure. paid to the City of St. Paul, thou' - sumor Fifty-one and 25/100 ({51.25); Dollara. as an advance payment for a'. . newer on .Lot 24. Block,1, ..Governor. Johnson's Addition, and hereas.. thee. :assessment for the construction of it c ...acting ith- said property 1. the sum of Thirty -sin and 66/100; ($26.65) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved that the num of, -.-risen 70(100 ($14.70).Dollars be tofu..... to the said P. J C. -ter.. and that they pr 1 r City. Office be. and they are - he eby authorized to dra a warrant in f •or of. the said P. .) C rstons, for - - said sum payable out of the Advance! - Assessment Account. Adopted `by the Council 11ch. 20.1917.' Approved Dt h 20. 1017. .(Starch 24=1017) Yeas (I) Cout oilmen (Y) Nays Far Nvorth AIAP 20 Adopted by the Council _19f Gos In favor Kia r MAR 20 191% Mc oll Against Approved _ 191" O' ary Yo g Mr. President, - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ) Subject:.(/L� GfIL:-.._ COUNCIL" r.� FILE NO... °d ......... ......... ..... ......... _. .. ....... ... . . ............... .... .ter _. ..« . M ..... ........ ....... Date Presented::..::._:.:.. -I91- V. P. No. 15443-13y S. A. rarn orth \{ho"e 1.p till signed by more: th afl per c t of the owners of the, real .. est t In the dl tri t hereinafter deaerl c je i n been presented to the nhe}eae', A p fliloa ignad by ore petit' •- Ont puke ant than ftfty per c nt ot.the o nera of the Ch pter 1028, ' - �real et to In the diet Ict lekelnafter ai Cih f dee ribsd has b er pre rated to the e 1 Council Petitioning that Durso t to l :Chapter. 128, L *1 1915, a portion of :the CItY. of 6t. Paul, 'ounded-and de- ! ' :scribed ae 21 Iowa. be et aside. a - [reetricted reatdenes dtKrlot, .tp-wit:. All .those tracts or.parcele of land situate in the City of St. Paul,, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, lying and being within the con- fines of the following described district, to -wit: Beginning on the westerly sid..e of Snelling avenue, forty (40) feet southerly from its intersection with Ashland avenue, thence south along the west line of Sr.ell,Ing. avenue to the north line of Portland avenue, thence westerly along the north line of Portland avenue to a point where same intersects Pry street, thence northerly along the easterly line of Pry street to -a point where same intersects the southerly line of Ashland a?*enue, thence along the southerly line of Ashland avenue to the dividing line of Lots ^,evet3 (7) and Eight (8), Block Sixteen (16), Schroeder's Addition, thence south along the dividing line of said lots to the north line of the east and west alley in said block and addition, thence due east to the easterly line of the north and south alley, said block and addition, thence northerly to the dividing line between Lots. One (1) and Two '(2), said block and addition, thence along said dividing line to point of beginning. Said property includes all of the follouire described property, to -wit: Lots Two (2) to Six (6), inclusive, and Lots Eight (a) to.Twenty-two (-22),-inclusive,-Block Sixteen (16), Schroeder's Addition to the City of St. Paul; Lots One '(1) to. Ten (10), inclusive, Block One (1), Thurston's Rearrangement of Blocks One (1) and Two (2) of Thurston. and Lambies Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, all according to the plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of `Ramsey and State of Minnesota. ---- o, Yeas (I")Cou 'Imen (T) Nays — - /f Adopted by the Council ��A� r 6 � � 191 tFar worth ,Go In favor �,Jtel r Approved_ (9GR �(1 1917 191 d- M( _Against O' ary , Mr.Presid Pis in on" f roan c.e•2 ting UC ,i;t, { w ` t3 iJ.6rrrt]i.._C�, p. z ori O� 1,Y,�• � 1 7 7 1 t o �� f uTUI 1.,LC t tir h i 1 ,� I fr _.f t i7 7 T Oil l .• 1 r r ;s; (' t- 6.0 r ur C 11 r, r" 12, C4 U i. �, rte• r,„ r _ c, n. r, z, ma'.aa:,amavw..�wcxzv�m'sx 5s.a1^.1b.�Y •> �:. ... . .'^.;G-'t'�till�f.+:.nn&Wa.".iSj1SRlJ'.'a"dF't`w.k"t+ufSn'+:N^n A.j , ti5:�['4vw,u+ta.�ur.. C ..ell the rm N. at ave dlaihtereeled. - !whomeshall be resirs of dent sotf the war. none d sor wards in: which . any partof the We. f: trict so designated -is situate, to; act as 'appraiser. to low the promisee and �. appraise the damages which may be occas(oned ', by the -establishment of {such restrcted residence district and - - Ehy the exeicise by I 'City of the pow- - Jere In .this matter granted by said ,.Chapter an,L a of lots .._.-_ Yeas (11 Cou 'lmen ( P) Nays } Adopted by the Council _+Q 6 191 t -tar worth o In favor 2 Gj£e .r Approved-_ M4R. ~0 1917 _191.. M oil __Against O' ary —Y g/®�1:7�°f Mr. Presiden Pows' M ` OR G rectio ne 'I have �i ;.that portion of .eet 'asad"� OX re,Cora "2 pnt: utAt�c +nom o 17 7 'Qf#nn&iota: itY p f Etamaey ansa';; $tate than the requisite nttrpber of:" " tlllet the p tit#o cAntaina LIQTe liy 8�,oton �,'� i�1rs oP x$15. rs�as prau,��iefl =Aeageotfu113� submitted, - GO'�I.66If3ISER OF"��'INANCE µ 1 t t �u i. .� �,<� i � � r � — arh CITY OF ST. PAUL 1544-1 44 COUNCIL RESO . LUTION—GENERAL FOR ................ . � Subject..:.:...... ........... ...................... ....... .................... COUNCIL FILE NO . ............ ........... .. ............... ................. Nte Presented.. .... .. ....... Resolved, Tbat, whereas it has'been reported that school payroll check or of 4nna Gj. Ryan covering her No. 1045 for $09.75 issued in fav t yebruary sal ;y as a teacher'in he Public schools* has been lost and whereas t1, said Anna G. Ryan has filed with the Comptroller an indemnifying nd, properly approved by a Judge 0C the District Court, in the sumo 199.50, therefore be it resolved that the fficers are. 'directed and authorized to issue proper City reby said n d ' n d properly Anna G r e 'ly V an 'approved has Ve f . m U 1 39 50 therefor, 0 ffic e' are r by direct4 Oe ned. a duplicate heck as above men _.I A vita C. F. No, 15444—By A. Wunderlift; Resolved. That where.s it has -n p'"I'd that 111,101 Payroll.check No. to 45 for $09.76 I..udd In favor of Anna e, February 8 1 o le in I bIt P"blit t.81hoo s. has b,,en lost and " �h cress he said I A... G. Ry.. hit- filed with the Coral' - no Ind -11.3 -Ing bond, properly approved by a .judge of sthe District Uin of 199, 0. th6rct9r. C."t' I. the ' 'It be It -c..Icd that the proper city of. I1_ a ar.'11,rchy directed and author- .i.ed to issue itduplleate check as •above mentioned. . ' 2 Adopted by 'a Council 2111h. 20,1917. Approve it 111til. 20, 1917. (March 24-1917) Yeas (17) oilmen (V) Nps Adopted by the Council- MAR 20 191 CoC F worth, MAR 1211) 1917 G In favor K I, - Approved 191., M OR Against NY y J N 9 �c�T1B MAYOR Mr. Preside Po swe- FoRm c.a?. -CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL- RESOLUTION -GENERAL ..................... 5 ..:. 2 .... .... �. ... ..:COUNCIL Subject........ ... N o..... . .._... _. FILE ................ Date Presented ... 191 ..:...: Resolved, of "ducation be and he is hereby authorised and That the Commissioner d, pursuant to Administrative Ordinance No. 3567, to employ,__ empowere laborers for the Bureau when necessary, not to exoeed Ten (10) building not less than $2.25 per day and not. -to exceed of Schools, at wages -Ae'$iqin accordance with Civil Service rules $t25" per day. jj `les l0 1641.5—ftl��derllefi— ucatl d That Lhe Commlasioner of thorlael h Snu1lml, nl e¢pPwered'9p ¢e by nL in i �•m le tf,. Ordl nnce: No 2 i tenP (IO) hu ildltn ei to'' not t 87• to s( g..enn of Schools. ding ¢ ers for th Hya -d¢)' acid no 8 [u not less than p uer dny i I ¢ccordnncc hxc Clvll ed Aport l vid-Pt a dhi• the ApPrn Connell. Eich 20, 1017. Mch. 20. i tararen z4-lsi 7) ' r 191....... Yeas (✓) Co eiliLien (✓) Nays Adopted by the CouncLl_......�,i�j.1..;;(S ` t J Far "worth G In favor Approved j�. Ke r - ('.....-Against - M oil J N ,+.:....:. Y g _ Mr. Preside FORM C.9-2 • - -CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Subject: _ coUNCn I.��`4� €i ,. FILE N O:-:... Date Presented,lIa.reh. 20th.117.191 Resolved; That the Purchasing Agent be., .and he, ie hereby authorized , to purchase with the consent-of the Comptroller, without asking for coepwritery#192801,one in accordanond ceversible with xequisi ]Lulti lex Typ Agent, tion 4042 on file iewriterthe fCo.B Minneapolis,aMinn.,�for from The Hammond Typewriter this is a patented article and no the sum of X100.00, advantage can be�ained by advertisement or compeDetart. bide. Coat of said machine-to be charged to the General. p ,ant of Education -,Public Library Fund C. F. No 16440 ,.. 14esolYe That the PurchaelnR ;. Agent be, and he Is hereby. aulhori-d ' e ' to ""bn a with.. the consent% of .the petlttiv,oller bide, lon. Hammondf Rever Ible jcltiplex TYpcvrriter No. 192801. 1 ncronnic tin .the loRiceQ ob tih' Put- 4042 eII\F,ent, from the H¢mmon�l Typewriter Co., 00. as this is . 1. fine. [or the x mnf and no as a lea can be ed or"' and- no ad vantage enn be K Ined l y d ertlee o t or compett it,, bids. Cost f said cnchine to be i 1 rgrd t the I)epa t ent f Educes- ti on—public llic L res uun all�Mche 20, 1917. Al"Approved(,Mar�ch20, 2491717) � 4 Yeas (J) Coun �Jtoen ( ✓) Nays 1t,'r P 191 ' Adopted by the Council Farn orth In favor v,coaa. MIQR>i1 1917 .191 i. Hyla d Approved yKelle ''�" eC 1 Against � v y un rlieh Cas: Mr. Presiden FORM C.8.2 - CITY'OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _. '.. COUNCIL V yJ FILE No...,/ j VVV Date Presented .March 20th r 17 191: Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be,, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, one Hammond Reversible Multi lex Typewriter #192801, in accordance with nequisi. tion #4042 on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from The Hammond -Typewriter Co., Minneapolis, kinn., for the sum of X100.00, an this'is'a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bide. Cost of said machine to be aharged,to.the Depart.. ment of Aducation _ Public Library Bund _ General. / t7 T1s , J Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth I Goss b In favor Hyland Keller McColl Against Wunderlich . Mr. President..leEju FORM C. 8-2 Ct:HI IFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE .JESSE FQnT.:......._. = �TROILER.- r WR 20 17- 2 4D ;1,1 Adopted by the Coun i 191 APProv �. 191 U ' / /j MAYOR CITY. OF ST. PAUL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AL": 41f $Object:w uNCIL - FILE. Na. ._. Date Presented. March' 20thA17191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be,°and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, one Stearns Knight"81'seven- passenger Touring Car for the sum;cgt"$2200.00 less $500.00 reduction on one 1914 Model 6 cylinder Hudson seven-passenger touring car takenin trade, making the total cost of.the car $1700.00, F.O.B. St. Paul; in accordance with Requisi- tion #2244 on file'in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from the Rauch I Lang.Eleotrie Car Co.j as this is a pat- anted article and no advantage can be gained by advertise- went ori competitive bids. Cost of said machine to be charged to the Department of Parka, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Public Parks.Fund-mxpense. C. F. No 15447= Remolved,. That the Purchasing. Agent be and he 1s hereby author-' I." to purchase with tfte consent or the Comptroller, without: aakingfor': mpetitive• olds, one Stearn. Itnight. ..,.!eev,n-pae.enger Touring, Car for thea of-$2200.00 les. $1:00.00: edU. tion o one -1114 Mtidel 0 cylinder ' Had. x even passenger. to .1l.0 car taken in trade.: making the total ost! of the car $1700.00. F. O. B: St. Paul, n - I" accordance 'with Requlkitlon No. i 2244- on .file In the office of the .Pur- hoeing Agent. from the Rauch., 'I,ang Electric Car Co., as. this 1e a pat , anted dela and no ndvhnt,R can be $ I gained by advertisement or compo ti- tl a bid Cost f said ma hl no to -be 'e charged to the Department of Parks. PI i,ro .ds & Public Bldgs.—Publle § Park. Fund—Expense. }Y Adopted by the Council 37ch. 20, 1917. x . Approved- hl, 20, 1917. (Niareh 24-1717) Yeas (✓) Coll men (✓). NaYs / A' Q F �:� 191 am Orth ( Adopted by the Council L e�oss In favor tl yI Approved MAR 2n f917 191 Kell ✓ I Against Vu Mich t Mr. Preside, FORM C.8-2 -CITY - OF ST..FAUL - .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM- 1~"x/17 Subject ... .' ^ COUNCIL . FILE N o,._.. .. ✓< `'G� . ;- '� 1 Date Presented 191 Groh 20th_ lry Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids. one Stearns Knight"W eeven passenger Touring Car for the sum W- $2200.00 lees $500.00 reduction on one 1914 Model 6 cylinder -Hudson seven -passenger touring car taken in trade making the total cost of the car 11700.00, F.O.B. St. Paul, in accordance with Requisi— tion #2244 on file in the office of'the Purchasing Agent, from the Rauch O'Lang electric Car Co., as this is a pat- ented article and no advantage can be gained by advertise- ment or competitive bids. Cost of said machine to be charged to the -Department of Parka. Playgrounds m Public Bldgs. Public Parke Fund -+expense. 3/y.l/l7 [ " TIFIED AS TU FUNDS AVAILAB! E II.QT MPTBN. FFR MAR 20 17- 2 40 PM . �eas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - 'Farnsworth Adopted by the CouncC l- 191 ✓Goss In favor . ,,.Hyland Keller ApproIV,� 191 . McColl Against Wunderlich 11 1 G /f _ GP Mr. President, 4eOfCi-''. ' MnvoR 'FORM C. 9-2 . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................................. COUNCIL FILE BY. . . . . . . . . .................... .......... .......... ........... ..... . .. 154,18 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _.Grzdin.&_.the allea -in„_B.199k __A".ition to.. .. Union .. . ..................... . .... . ....... . ......... . . . .. . . . ..... . ................ . . ....... . .......... under Preliminary order ___..approved ...... 12111_ .... — ---------- Intermediary Order _7 ....... ...... .. ........ . ............ ....... .. ...... approved . . ................... . .. . ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement mprovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent'and kind of ini- provement to be made by thesaid City is. Gx:adp– t 11 P _mar1h__az& %Q_v.tb._ alley j_YL M.Q Ljo_v_g,,r.j)jFr's Addition to Union Park. . ........ . ..... ........... . .......... . . ........ .... . . . ..... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be an is h instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and "eu it s o the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby aut rize d directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....._.._:_..__.__........:_ 191– Clerk. Approved ._-._—.__–_-- 191 . ......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Kelle Mcco Nash Yoerg: Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE - REPORT OF GOMMISS,IONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / In the Matter of_..._Grade n.orta.and south alley, in.Rock.._3..Lo�er,in�;"s,.Pddition ....to Union, Park. under Preliminary Order approved ._..._... NOF.2Ink)J F...:1.3,..:19.16, I To, the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 9LocK% ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION. .1 3 Lovering'a Addition to Union Park 2 1 2 5' 2 3 do 3 1 '0 0 3 3 do j; 3 3 0 0. 4.3 do2'300 5 3 do 3 3 0 0; 53 do 80 0 7 3 do 2 8 0 0 ' 3 do 3 9 0 0', 9 3 do 3.5 5 0: Form B, B 10 TOTAL, s� CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER - .0 - ON PRELIMItNARY ORDER _ (C) ADD 1 T 1 O N ASSESSED VALUATION ' LOT ;BLOCK, DESCRIPTION - _..... -.. '..:, .-., Addition to 3 4 0 0 17..3 I.overinga Union Park 4,B 0 0 18 3 d° aouth -5 1/3 ft of 19 3 d° 4 4 5 0 North 34 2/3 feet of 19 3 do ), 20 3 d° South 1/3 of 3 7 0 0 North 2/3 of .: �0 3 - do South 2/3 of 21 3 do � 4 0 5 0 21 3 do North 1/3 of 22 3 do 3 2 7 5 23 3 do 5 8 1 0 0 r further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, The Commissioner of Finance ith thereon to Council, together w- the report made to and hereby submits the foregoingashis report .the him in reference to said matter by.the Commissioner of Public Works / GZ /irk 'rt . Y�y q _ 191- • Dated-----`�'-/-': " -- --` Commissioner of ,Finance. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT dE PUBLIC WORKS, M. N. GOSS: GOMAHBBIONER a ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Dc C.. n . . ` OSCAR CLAUSSEN.. C-1 E-11- E. tE. CARROLL Sun. CON9T.11.T— h R — ALFRED Suer. SAxrr-- - .. O: H. HERROLD. Orrice E.—H. - H. W.-GOETZINGER,Sul, Wceannve December 6th, 191.6. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of,Publie.Works, 0 f f i c e. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of the north and south alley in Block 3, Lovering's Addition to Union Park, under Council File NO. 13577, approved Nov. 13th,,1916. Approximate estimate, $173.80 Cost per front foot •a5 Frontage 700 ft. tion 3:41 Excess inspec' Yours truly, JEC/MH Chief Engineer. n, J- —tea Office..of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance.. ........5555. FebruarY..._2ndr ...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - ail, known as Council File No1onember 13th 1x1.6..., . ....3.5775.1 .. relative to ........5.555.. the grading of the north and south alley. in .31ock Addition to.Union,park. ............................::................_...................................................................._..........._............................:......._......._....-.._..............._.......................:........................_.._...........:...........:..:.........- ........... ..................... ....................... ........._...:....... ............ ...._......_............................. .................... _......_................_................ ....._._............. ....... _...... .................. ............................... ....- and having investigated the maltors and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 25¢ per front foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is80 and Frontage 700 feet Excess inspection. -3.41 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows ......... .......: ....: .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.......................................... ................ 55 5 5..: ....................... _ ...... _..... ...................... ............ .......... ... 5. Said improvement ie_ ............................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /{..................... _................ ._._........ ..... :..._ h / Commissioner of Pub s. -' 8OT1, GHOP:Es alit- Nauru %uto 1tL bili, 40. ,. —CORPORATE. - IP RANKLIN MOTOR CARS'THREE B PROM 9i ITOL® RICEANDFULLER STS; ST. PAUL. MINfy�\I(��/`� /e the undersigned residents and property owners at Lovering addition - Unioi} Park Rlat=25..- do hereby re spectfally request your honorable Council to consider grading North and South Alleyr . CITY OF STS. F' AUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubleCt:. .r ...: ... -... `o ENCIL No. 1`l ._. Date Presented Maroh 20th RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXINGT-;'-, AMOU?'T OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.- In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment'in the land "necessary for elopea,.for cuts and fills in the grading of the north and south alley in Block 3, Lovering's Addition to Union PE-rk, under Preliminary Order #13578, approved Nov. ]3, 1916, and Intermediary Order #14930, approved February 19th, 1917. The Cotzmissioner of Public corks having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the. above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and .determines the amount of lard to be taken for the above named improvement as an -easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the north and south alley in Block 3, Lovering's Addition to Union Park, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter, dated March 20th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and rade a part hereof. - r+ Yeas (✓ Councilmen (✓) Nays ) Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Goss In favor Hyland Approved Keller McColl. Against Wunderlich .............. MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 8.2' 1 a (Aug ofVit. sur PEP of Vuhlic Works " M N. GO$$, COMMISSIONER - r R OL N, cR R. T. GOU�RLEY. DEa UTI SCAq ,� 1, "/i ♦.. J E /, P L tl COrv'ePtaAiac -. AL P Dn[APGaN. s rvT + ' OOwtAu o`ELOR [cis rve - .. ,. - .• M RROLD� OafIC[ ERcirv[cn PEFORT TO Til n'.CiL- In the caGttsr of coniemnar.d taking an eaeenent ix: the land r.eces- sary for slopes for out6 and fills in ®radinr, the north an d south alley to,r "_ ion Park) under Prelicrinarf Order in look 3, Loyerin '1s Additionion Intermediary Order '-'14920, ap- ;;13576, apr-roved '•'ov,,l3th, 1916, and proved Fcr.,19th, 1917. tuul To the Council of the Citq of ° : art of this The^nr.;rr.isaioner of. Tub lie �'o ks hereby ar;bttita and Hakes a F' howirby the sh'.ded Iaortior. his rex:ort,a Ilan of the. eboveiri;'roveo:er.t, -the hatched of said plat:, the f111a to be ]r de on private property,and by rivate property, and the extont of the portion) the cute to be wade on r hato.ed j.arte e > leu.er,t to be. taker.,by the fi„ L:rea opposi)e suc:, adeu aru of aucY !—'--.' er of cubl c ork.s Gated l - ---- ' CITY OF ST. PAUL.- - -,. DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE - ... REPORT OF COMMI 4" ER OF FINANCX.. ON PRELIM1 JRDER •In the Matter'of ....:.-: .o.nd.emning..:.a.�d: tak_.t _an.,_easement in„ the land.. for __ ..slapes ..f.or..out.a_ and....fills....i.n....gra.ding. north .a.nd-_:soutl7l alley .....In ................... _ .. _ ...:.:._...._ Ala:ck 3_Lo.Yering!s .Addition to ;Union Paxil,.. ..... _ ._...... ....... . ........ _ ..................._...... ...... ..... _........... under Preliminary Order approved....-NoY_emb.er..1..3�..._1915_..._..... __._..... - ._ __...: ..................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ......:.;__. _:. The estimated cost per foot,for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT Loan ADDITION . ' ,I ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Coverings 21 2 5. 2; 3 To Union Park 3 1 A 0, 3i 3 do 3 3 0 0, 41 3_' do2 3. OI 0. 5' 3 . do 3 3 .0 0. 6; 3 do 8 0 0,: 7i $ do 2 8, 0 0' 81 3 ; do i 3 9 0 0 9 3! do i 3 5 50 i r. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - '` - [DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINANCE - REPORT` OF COMMISSIONER'"""'OF ON PREI-Itj ORDER (C ADDITION _ ASSESSED 1 VALUATION "DESCRIPTION' LOT BLOCK - , tion to) Coverings Addition L. 3 4 0', 0'. 17 3 Union rk 4 6 0 0;.. 18i 3 do i 1)} South 5 1/3 St of 19 , 3 (to 4 4 5 0 North 34 2/3 ft Of 19 3 do South 1/3 of ~ff; .3 do 3 7-0 0,. North 2/3 of 20.3 do ) South 2/3 of 21 3 do. 4 0 5 0 North 1/3 of 21 3 d o" .9 22 3 do ) 327 51. 23 3 do a' -..._.. 5 8 1. 0).0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, his. report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - and hereby submits the foregoing as him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works- _G.... Dated-----�1 �-- -1917. -191.. _ - -"' . � � � Commissioner of Finance. otg o cit u1 OFFICE OF'.. JOHN 1. FARICY. CITY CL'ERk Z .� J vim-.e.��/�' ti4 '�'"y�y-��-� _ 1/� iLo c`iC-�pp[.rr +tti..c-O-r.�a�i(.F //Z� .. - ,��J .(tic ��dv�..tr'/u,C/./,C-� � �C✓.v,-��v ..-.y�.1 �_' � J� � lYlr-e.�i,� ,YL.. �,�11� tic �� � Gr; ��%/,/�`�^y � �% � , �,%J / � � �..�cw �. �-�-�.-i h-c,avL�� O�✓,two-7 SLI - �. _ - � � �; : �� �' - � � .� 6 ����.�.� �1� /' COUNCIL FILE NO ny.....W.__.._.._._...._._................. .... ...... :.... .......... ........... ............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of...._..Changing.... the.... grad-e...,of..... the. ...all ey...in...Blo...Ck....5.6...... DARMYeT...._ Park, to conform to the red line on the'profile hereto attached and -made—a--part— hereof; 'the".'present--gra'd,e--- befng-reyxesented -byr-the--blue-- . line thereon, also the grading o,f said alley in Block 56., Desnoyer Park, in accordance witH the sa red lfne,when establis21ei3, under Preliminary order. ...-._-.13.282 ... .......... ........ ::. _......... approved_....NQ4.....2..y...:J Ca.........._...._ ................ _..... _ Intermediary Order ...... _..... ....... ........... _.......... ._......... ........... ...... approved ....................... ------........... __.... ........... :�..-___._............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by thesaid City is...:..Q}J�XLgfl-ShA �F..>d-s_.of.•,;t,,e•-_a7 @y; in-.-Bl_oek_ 56, Desnoyer.Park, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto -attached ert i9 de s part liereo the•-0ee-en•t---gr-ad•e:._be bed.-ng the blue line thereon; also., grade said alley in Block :56, Deenoy`er'Paik;"'in abcoT3'arice wiint)116 0—TcT"'red"Tine"wTieri "esteiili�fi6-dT ..... .... _...._ FI�:1I UttDEn9. .. ..._............ _........____.._.:......:... . ' .... ___... ....... ......... :_................ __._._ —..._. In tht•.�Ia tt . of charigln� the „rade .......... - .... ___._._.__................... ____.._.... - [ tl„� alt.,,fornt131iUcith�iG'<alt linu�.r_. • n ....... _...... ...:....._."_..__....___.._....._........ ...... ....... ......... _..._..........._.._. ............... .......... and the Council hereby orders said impri"p.-•,tndl l'>'.ede. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and -is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit ,same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro r city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvem a dance therewith: Adopted by the Council.....=—, 1 �. ity Cl�i-k: 'Approved _... _..... ............ _ Mayor.. Councilman1Farnsworth „ss yICc--McColl ,. ✓Y�oerg �f� , Mayor Pnwers Form B. S. A. 8-7 - CITY OF ST. PAUL .. _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF GOMM&IUr NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) l of the In the Matter of .The e,han&ing....,o.f the....griz_de. ;_alley- in.B1_9C Park,to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and art, hereof, the present Gra;e teini;__represented by the blue made a p line thereon, also the grading of sa_id_alley _inmDlock 56._Desnoyer. Park. under: Preliminary Order approved _hovember 29, 1916. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 30.9.55 The total for the above improvement is estimated amount of the assessment $ Q, 34 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels.of land that. may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .. - ASSESSED LOT elocn .ADDITION VALUATION - oFSCRIPTION ^... _.._. 1 56 Desnoyer Park 5 0 2 56 Ramsey Co. 11inn. 2 7 7 5 3 55 do 3 500 6 do 6 0 0 4 5 5 56 do 7 0 0 0 dib 0 0 6 56 2 6 0 0 7 56 do 8 56 do 6 0 0 9 56 do 3 4 0 0 _ 6. 0 -0 10 56 _do TOTAL. Form 13._ B. 10 :.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT, OF. FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL(MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ., .. ASSESSED - .ADDIT-I.O.N VALUATION - .. 11 -56 Desnovyer ark iiamsey ,M Minn 2 4 0 0 12 56 do 6 0 0+ North 40 feet of 13-14 15 56 do 3 2 5 0 16 56 do 3 4 0 0 17- 56 do 310 0 0 18 56 do 6 0 0 . 19 56 do 6 0 0 20 56 do 5 2 5 21 56 do. 5 2 5 22 56. do 5 2 5 23 56 do 5 5 0 3 8 4 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his .report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. „ 7Dated '-. L..1.. _.._._.-.19, FORM 9.S.O. 5-5 C Commissioner of Finance. Office of. the CommiAsioher of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance X/........... /.... F.. bruary. 5th,._ .................... po lie Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. t, il, known as Council File No. 13782 approved._Movember 29th . „ 191....6, relative to.. - ....... the resin of zlle in Block„56,, Deeno,yer,;Park_,.,.., , U�......._......... Y......_._ .........:... ............................. :.._................. ............... _.......... ..................... .._........:......._................ ............................................ :...:_..................................... ................ ......... and having, investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .................. ...necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 34¢ 309.55 2. The estimated cost thereof is ........, and the total cost thereof is P.. .... ..... ......... alit] Frontage 912 feet Excess inspection ?`8.93 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows .:......:: ...:... ................. .......... _..............._............................_...:...__........_.........................................._.,...._........_..............:...................._._......:.._..................... ....... ............ _...:.._.......:_.._................................ .:..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. ......................... .......... .........._..... ... ....... ... ....... _.._......... .. ...._........ 5. Said improvement is ........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comuuhaioner of Public orks. i CITY OFi' S�i►IN.T PAUL" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - 'M. N.GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. OOURLEV,0— COMM [61— ,® 1 'OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.111,ExOi[[[n J. E. CARROLL Suri. COn[Tnu.T— k R[1— ALFRED JACKSON. Sur[. ,S:n Tr.Tio. G.. H. HERROLD, OFF-e[ FNu1NEEn Hi W. GOETZINGER, SOn, )NO-111- December ,8th, 1916.. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i. l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate fo cost for the grading of alley "in•Block 56, Desnoyer Park, in acoordanee with Council File #13782, approved November 29th, 1916. Approximate.estimate #309.55 Cost per front foot .34 Frontage 912 ft. Excess.inspection 8.93 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. JEC/tE • - CITY. OF ST. PAUL _ COUNC IL'.RESOLUTION—GENE11 RAL FORM,' Subject:_. COUNCIL .. _ TILE NO._ - Date Presented. March &4h 191,7., - .RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of the alley in Block 56', Deenoyer Park, under Preliminary Order #14633, approved'February let, 191•7, and Intermediary Order $14918, approved February 19th, 1917. , The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, t)e it RESOLVED? That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for .the above named improvement as an easement for slopes,.for cuts and fills in and upon -the land abutting upon the alley in Block 56, Desnoyer Park, to the extent shown upon the sxeten attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Platks in the matter, dated March 30th, 1917, which sketch -and report are hereby referred .to ar'.d rude a part hereof. C7. F. No. 15481— ' Itt the matter oe. condemning d Ink- (Ie-. . Ing an easembnt In thta Innd flus in ry for lopes, ear c v' in nloek the grading: of the nlle: . 88,v 7)esnoyer Park. under Prelim)[,- ' 1 'Order N 1189 • approved Feb, I. y int 7917. and . I termed) . (I. -der No. 14118, approved February' 19th, 3917. 'IThe Commmitled r hof is Pureport,lVork1 1 Ing as natterbe t nn 9k .[ h in the bove t llesolInd, That the Lit at $t,. Paul - - - flxee and d tc— no e abovan,e of - land to be [,t:ten for the h ...ad Improvement a san and upon':, el pt'a• for uta as fills the alley In •_ the Innd abutting. Block G611 , Uethe)er . ketch Park.tU cl ed to[the _ Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays /hNreport ioih c mmis i e e Public:191 Z (// Works It to pat tter. d t 1 Starch 29 197 Fa[ns�vor[h 11917 t1 -h sketch and sport h b res .d to a.nd mad a p Coss In favor hereof. lted by the C u til \fcl,. 0 1937 j )Ali Hyland \ppraved. ) (Nin zo,March 24-1917): Keller V McColl Against Wunderlich .. ... Mr. President,^ �j • �,,, Mwroa FORM C. n -z PUBL7S iEA '(hitt Of AL Paul 016 AR CLIUESEN. CH F M. NGOSS, COMMISSIONER of R. T. GOU RLEY. DEPUTY J. E. --Z'. -T. .. 81-11 of C.1—uciibH Ino RFrliae ILiREO JACH94N. -up'. H.. W Ofl ETZINGEP NEupTOH - 'T9— E—.- 0111.. M HOINFEPOFvc[EM -R REPORT TO TIS COUNCIL- In the matter'of condemninj; and takinZ an easement 3n the land ne.ces- nary for slopes for cuts and fills 1n gradinp. the alley in Fleck 56, n.ee- noyer Park,, under PreliTMinary Order 4.!14623; approved Feb.,lst,1917, and Intermediary Order !`14918, approved Feb.,l9th, 1917. To the"ouncil of the City of St.Paul: The CoL:nissioner of Public 11.orks hereby eubmits and mikes a part of this his report, a flan of the rbove improvemer.t,showin,L by the shaded portion ofsaid;elan, the filly to be .made on private >roperty,ard by the hatched .portion, the cuts to be rn:ade on private 'property,_ ar:d the extent of the easement to be taken, by the.fi,;ures oppoeite Such shaded and 11atc:.ed parts of such plan. Co -mrd ssioner f Fublic .,* rks , -Dated-_7 CITY OR $TC PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C6MMISS46NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A) In the Matter of Ming and takin�aaa,:easement__in the __and necessary_.for _....... _ sl epes,,..for,_., cuts and fills__in, grading alley, in_Bloc-k 56 ........ Desnoyer Park .. .................. ............. ... .. . under Preliminary Order approved ........_ F0rvATy._l.......... a ................. ......... ........... ............. _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedamount ofthe assessment for the above improvement is $...50..Q.0.. ................. . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ .._.............. ........ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as'followsc DESCRIPTION iLOTLOCK �L ADDITION -� VALUATIION 1 , 56 ;< besnoyer Park ;. .., - 6 5 0„ ! 2. , 56 Ramsey. Co.. Minn j 2 7 7 5. 56 , - do y 3 51F01 0' I 4_ 56 do 61 0 0j 5;56; do 7 000, 6-561. do 6001♦ 7 56 do 260Or 8156:_ do 6.00ti, 956:. do 3400 TOTAL, it CITY OF ST. PAUL- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPOR•T OF COMM1q$IONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ ( y_. ASSESSED � DESCRIPTION - y LOT 'BLOOKE r ADDITION VALUATION 11 56 ; Deenoyer Park Ramsey Co. Minn 2 4 0,•0 12 56" do 600 North 40 feet of 13-14 i 15 ; 56 , do 3 3 5 0, 16_ 56 do 3 4 0 01 17, 56, d9 3 0 0.0'. 18 j 56 ; '.do 6 0 0, i 4 20 56 do 5 2 5• 21. 56 i do 5 2 5. 5 2 5 22i 56 I do 23j 56 j j t !� do 5 5 0, y i , N , 4 0 0 3 8 ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all. of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report.made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated f — -----191. FORM B.S.A. 0.3 C_ - --- -- commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE,.. REPORT OF COMI ISSIONER OF FINANCE ONP�2ELIMINARY.ORDER . ASSESSED "LO ,. DESCRIPTION LOT `CKADDITION ' VALUATION w....� (Except South 30`feet forBurps Ave.) The 157.64 feet of East 313.64 feet of that part of S. E. lying south of Hydaori Road, in Section 34, i Town 29, Range•.22. (5 Acres) 2 8 5 Oil ti (Except South. 30 feet_for';Burns Ave.) The East 156 feet of the south 1008, part of the S. E. j of Sec.. 34, Town 29, Range 22. .(3.62 Acres). B 7 0, The Southerly j of See. 36, T own!29, Range 22. I, (Except St.) (320 Acres); 5 1 0 0 0, I i (Except North 30 feet forBurns Ave.) The `Neat of N. W. lyi� north,of Afton Road I in Sec. 2, Town 28, -Range 22 (62.84 Acres) 8 1 3. 0„ (Except north 30 ,feet for; 1 Auditor's Sub. No. 55 7 5. 0. Burns.-. Ave.-) j _ r i do 1 7 0.0; do _. v ' 2 t _ _do i 3 do 1 0 5 0. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigatedall of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with.the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -_._ .. Dated----- /f- ._.._._191- .......... . Commissioner of Finance. t � CITY OF ST.;PAUL CITY. OF ST. PAUL' .DEPARTMENT OF .FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN(kRY ORDER. ration OfT10,79 f Parka-, -P.laygrounde, an ap 8,ppoin- the following ivelq. ,0 oo -per .year, i per moats each, - i.QO.per:nionth eaoh.t T Oh , Oh's Sar " month dull r months - � � AtT DR BiliT.2f%2�Ci�, 7 t. S� 1I1 ,-,SECTION 7. § All ordinances and paha pf :ordinances in co riflct'heiewith s k� SECTION F U This ordinance ;shall takslefiect and be in'forc0 immediately_ ,after its passage, approval and pubiicaticn. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓ aye arnswort /.� Adopted by the Counct 033 In favor ✓�iyland, #PR ;-4 1917 ✓�Celler / Approved ..... Zecoll / Against ... . underl, .. Mr. 'dent, Iryin ' `l: bawl, vo191w _ .. Mw FORM C. e•3 FA 1 I F r{#! -A , r kis yf 1� } ;",iutitu lith J.atck+cv vu; c� •a„r- v w x ,-t as#�tant Plumbing Inapeoor at not to exceed` 1080.00, year, enio�r leak at r, 3 Daf;tamen at X125.00 er month each; Arohitecturalxp ' ArGhiteotural,=Draftemsn e,t. �150.Q0 per,"month; • ,, ` 3u�xintendent of Construction at150.b0 per month =ezrera7;' Superintendent SofBuildiig Construction at200,00 per Month Senior :Clerk_ at not .ta exceed X85 00 psi month, ` thief T me eeper ;at' $100, `!4 fir• montb�, �� lotor,;. ycle.timekeeper at $90.00 per month, (IT3cludea compensation ped@onally. cwzied.veiiole,);, itnekae ra`at) &5.QQ per month, each,$ SECTi6N 3,,'` In4a$ch,of eaid':bureaus,.there°shall be=suah'•other employes he.,t7ouncil; at the requdst'.of the Commissioner of, Parka, Play - ads and Public Buildings`.may author,ize., and: atsuch oalariea. ;SEGTION'. 4.' Rhe °ataxies o£.all;the officers and emplopes;of said" rtment-shall".be payable in!.equal<.monthlg installments on the t"day of the month.-, that in which ;the service eyed, :or, at,,.such,, oe thereafter as; be may .:practi,cabl`e. ;SECTIQN.5.: AIZ of said officers and employes. shall be appointed by the; iseion'er.of-Parks; Playgrounda and Public Buildings, under the" ter and ordinances1.-, of City,An&z, ubj.e`st to'the provisions . eofa; and all ...of said .officers an<i emp7 oss 0ha1,1; pe3orm eucl� es as'are"prescribed (1iy"the Charter qr ordinarioes passed,) or may.l?e.passed, 1n_pursuance the eof;' nd auch rulea and regula- a as ;may be"prescribed"by the Gonmiesioner of'Parke, Playgrounds Publ4¢ Buildings, and.sizch dflties as the saidCommissioner may >SECTMX 6s y tTtst::si tS cl ; Vu :: n.L vu vua mac. t+ --_ Qafety thereby preserved. ,-,SECTION 7. All ordinances and paha pf :ordinances in co riflct'heiewith are;[ereby repealed SECTION This ordinance ;shall takslefiect and be in'forc0 immediately_ ,after its passage, approval and pubiicaticn. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓ aye arnswort /.� Adopted by the Counct 033 In favor ✓�iyland, #PR ;-4 1917 ✓�Celler / Approved ..... Zecoll / Against ... . underl, .. Mr. 'dent, Iryin ' `l: bawl, vo191w _ .. Mw FORM C. e•3 FA CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ March 21st, 7 Date Presented - - - - -191 In the matter of -° Grading. alley in Block 2, Hussey_ gpt FQke111 a Addition, Block 3, Walnut Grove Addition, and Block 18, SehroederIs Addition, - - _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - 9782 -- - - - - - - - - 11938' - - - under -Preliminary Order - - - - - -, Final Order - - - .Approved - - Au�ust 3rd,_ _ _ _ _ 1916. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted'by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above nIamed improvement be and the same are hereby approved. d V. No. 15465 In the matter of grading a11eY in Block . i t C i " } 2, Husecy and, Haeiray a Addition.. MVV . .Block 3, 'W' rout 6' Addition, All and Block 18,8chroede s Addition l LUXiw �,1.1�r �'` ..nude preliminary Order 9782 Fryn�l �Cgd,j OTJar 71936•"aDDroved Au6uet :SrJ. • Resolved. ' That the plana a-PRItI On - aand lone[ olmPubllc, Works Lor tithe aUo a ,N>n 1 named knDxovmner,t be and the eame a" .� -.hereby "Pmr ed. Adapted =by the C4., 17. 91 ldeb. 21, 1917. APProved "7dch .,21. 19 ➢inrch 24-1917) opted by the Council`- - �;a_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ -,191 Yeas ( ) i ) Nays Councilman F nsworth H and BAR '21. 1911 M 11 Approved - - - 191 Wu erlich _ Mr. President, - - or. - - - Acting CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL:RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject::_.. .. . cauncii FILE N O: '._:.:_. '...., _ Date Presented.. -_Mar : ...21.;191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public works be and he hereby is.authorized to employ in the Bureau,of Engineers, two civil engineering draughtsmen at a salary of not,to exceed Eighteen Eiundred Dollars (1,800.00) per year each. ,I NO NO I6'{6 li , 4"', tea ° oe p a d CoNi QOas�..: I he, ft. (S P .11 a0 ,SAegglerll the °P ° 8b,. B ."tpArp VCj MOtheeC xQC 9fed hOt LLL fp NAB ��a ch 241191 D187I> �DTch, ? Yeas (d) Cou 'Imen (J) Nays r , PAR 2a i � 1 Far Orth :' Adopted by the Council 191_:. . Cos In favor Hyl a MAR '�.L 1917 Approved 191.... MCC ll Against Lj Wun Mich // 6 Mr. President. FORM C. a-2' : /LatintaMAYOR : CITY OF ST. PAUL: ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OUNCIL FILE WA f'4 MAR 21 1911 BY– AUDITED L- 191— PER 661 Resolved. that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and,. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as Specified in the following detailed statement: 14F ;n, Yeas Coon ilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council- Farn worth MAR 1817. Goss Approve� yo 191— Hyla A favor MCC 11 Ageinst Acting MAYOR Won erlich 2&. President -h PiTr- 13139 Edward G. I Allen, P. Library N. Books. 140 Eimer & Amend, .96 Mun. Test. Lab. Mntce. 141 Gimbel Brothers 21.00 P. Libr. K. Books. 142 R. W. Hruby, 12*69, F. Schools M:& R. 143 Else. Equipi J 56.85 .Northtestern Sewer Const. & Ropr. Xntee. 144 F. C. Stechert Company, 9.00 P. Library N Books. 145 Western Machine Works, 10.50 Testing Lab. Mntee. •C -RP; No. 15467— - ------ esol—d 'that �.rrahta 'be draw. tf." t' Treasury able at., fay Ih fnnds, and' In or of the, persons, Rrm.or corpora - le mount, set oppolite 'their: reapectivenamca as for the -Pedfted In the fQII0WIn9'detajI..d -tatement: Edy &rd G. Allen, Ssjo. Eimer &,Amend. $96.25. Gimbel Stan., $21.00, H. 'W. Hruby, $12.69. Northwestern'Blen, Equip., $56.85. C. StechertCom y - Machine $9.00,astern 8, $1050. Adopted b$, the, Cotmen Mth; 2i. 1917. APP.roved Mch.,21, 1917. (M. -It 24-1917) Jr A. 646 X.5 J A I "�.l CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT L1`v AUDITED CLAIMS* RESOLUTION FORM ;6IY1(1 (J 4Ili aY AUDITED -—`19I_ _ 662 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified Rinds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - - �'; a - Adopted by the Counc'I - 191 Yeas (J) Coun4 ilmen ( J) Nays MAR "I'll —191 Farn Orth Approved-C---Q�� Goss Hyl d - - — In favor 4kqm FW__ f ACtinrA OR McC 11 li Against tj erlich c: s olv tbVs y .� „}tnolved-ttat parriht. bee ant�f� Mr. President. -. "4,% the Clty Treawrv: Davy 1 - the. hereinafter apectdad runda and.)ns :. SlaYOr of the• peiSOTBp.-arinl or '�r p01'atl0ne for [h8em0vnte aeY ODD0.1" 'their respective name- s } r ' : ,r.x:. /�i 'the tatlosv,ng detailed S mnx� anti+• The Amerir n Cit -1 - Atrterie n„ LI c Ftt r I 3.00 13146 The American City, Plsygrounds-Exp- Com an 1.93 147 American Linen Supply. . P ys (ien.:Mun. Garage Revl. e P Com 45.54 148 American Su ply P an ys Schools C & B McClellan. 2.E5 149 R. S. Anderson, P. Library New Books: 43:08 1.50 Augustana'Book Concerns Johnson H. B. Library. • 597.64 151 Austin Western Companys Street Const. & Repr. Expense. 18.00 152 B. S. Bates p. Schools -Expense. 1r10 153 T. L. Blood p�*Pany, Lighting Expense. 35.00 154 Lep J. Borer, P. Schools-Expenso. 12.50 155 H."C. Boyeson Comsr'Public Works -Exp se. 4. P. Schools -Expense 12 20.60 156 Bretano's, P.Library,New Books. - 157 Central scientific Comlany, Johnson H.S. Library. 158 Chicago, Milwaukee,` & St.Paul, Ry. Company, - 2.73 P. ;Library Expense. .50 158 Civil Service Chronicle, " P• Library New Sooks: Fnrm A. 8-te - 66Z Page #2. 4.97 13160 Concordia -Publishing House, Library New'Books. P. 6.25 161 W. "Dyer & Bvos•;, ;.,Library New. Books. 4. 10.05 162 East Side Groc• Company, P. Schools Expense., 153 Electric Blueprint Company, P. Schools Expense. 26.89 164 Electric Mnfg. Company$ Gar. Real.12t Gen. Mun. a 2 9 8.40 i :165 Elk Linen Supply Romany, Expense. omfort Station xp Health.•P. I' 116.98 166 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, C & B McClellan F) 5 k` Schools S & S Cing Street Exp,:' / 4 3.00_ ! 167 Feature Film Company, P. Playgrounds-Expansa. 162.00. 168 Gribben Lumber Companys Schools, C & B'McClellan 169 F. 0. Gustner, P. Schools -Expense. 20.42 170 R. W. Hruby,. P. Schools Expenses 9..0 <3.00 171 Maud Irle, P. Schools-Expense..j' 15.37 172 Chas. E. Lauriat Company, Library New Books. p. 3.00 173 Rena Leey P• Schools Expense. 125.00 ..174 Mahle tagon Company, P. Lighting Expense. 4.50 175 Mandel Brothers, P. Library N Books. . 6.00. 176 F. R..Mann & Son, P. Library Expense. 45 177 Mannheimer Brothers* P. Library Expense. ." ' v 3.30 178 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, P '. schools Expense / r 0 7.3 J 15.00 179. Multipost Company, Mayor's Office Expense. B6@ Page i3. 13180" Northern Coil Dock Company, S » S Clrtg -SSever-Ging Exp. 6. 35.40 _ 35 0 `± 181 Northwestern Elec. Eq Fufp. Companyy- ire $ & B". r 9.79 6.31 Schools. C. & B McCieilanJ Y�� . Parks Expense / L l 182 Pittebugh Plata Glass Comp�p, '1 47 St. Const. & Repr. Expense. r85 183 J. F. Ptack, Gen.. Mun« Gar.. Revl'. •� 184 Mr. Samuel Rabinowitz;_ P: Library New Books. 1.00 F 185 Raymer Hawe. Company, Health P. Baths-Esp"*J5`ire, C &.B. ,-. 21.30 186 Red Wing Union Stoneware Company, P. Schools-Egpense 5 :43 187 Review .Pub. Company, Corp. Counsel+Exp. 43. Miscl.' & IInforseen 1 135.04 • 9 Perm. Lnpr. Rev1. Of c Publications.. 135.4 J 188 C. A. Rossbo,. P. Schools-Bxpenae. 20*QO 189 Royal Typewriter Company, P. Library'Expense.� 31:ap - 190 L. S, D. Bucker, Jr., ' Lighting Expense. 14.16 191 St.Paul Builders Mtl. Gen. Mun. Gara8e Revl. 4` 192 St:paul vispatchrPioneer_Preea, Q: F.-C3viI Service Expense. 3.50 193 St.Paul Electric Companp, Lighting'Txpense. 194 St.Paul Machine ,Works, Police & Fire Alan Teig. Expense.' .60 195 St.Paul Rubber Company, S_& S.Cing Street Clhg Expense. 6.Bf 196 G. Schirmer, Inc., P."Library.New Books. 102•Q3 197 Schuneman &Evans, P. Libra Ex nse. 1'y- pe 3.39 198 J. L. Shiely, Fire C & B'. 199 ommers & Company,— ' I3.3S �. Armory Expense, 13x00 A. Fl. Steaa'rti, 3�1✓. ., _ Beai tii Quar. Up, en9e48. ;ts 201 J.'C."Stuhaman, 787 P. Sohola-Papense. 202 J. W. Turner, Y Schools-Rxpenss. 203 Villaume Box* Lumber Company 'Tel� 16.18 Police & Fire Alm. Health Health Fxgens s, 204 Virtue Printing Company, 1.50 lien. Mun. Gar.ReVl. ; 205 West; Publishing Company, 30.00 Ocr. 4ounselsExpense. 206 John,Wiley & Sons, Inc.' ,x 9:00 Pub. Bldgs. Tnsp. expense. 4 f Sq 8 1 - CITY OF 5T. PAUL.. . ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT: couNca *� ems. ` -a i\O•----"-- FILE FORM AUDITED:CLAIMS—RESOLUTION .- ,�� . AUDITED— _�—��---}iq—_' __�.�i�l�G-f-'•-__ __ 663 out of the hereinafter specified funds and ' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable set opposite their respective names as specified rin the following . favor of the pa soiis, firms or corporations for the amounts In' tr`T91— detailed atateme Adopted by the Council -------- Yeas (J) Co ilmen ( J) Nays Fa sworthApproved ry Goa and: __'_i favor -- ) ting 7[1 oil _._--\--ABainst ,y bI W derlich Be President, ov'that warrants badrawntheCity T_"U4 y, Payable out 1C, hereinafter"epeolfled funds aniFM In Ya on [ the, DerEon0. drms'or •. - pn tl . th...m �m 2.10 13807 H. C. BPark-Exp.:oeson �Adm 208 Brown Blodgett & Sperry 5:^5 17.25 Civil Service -E r,-- Comir. Public Misc. Stay 7. 5 2.50 209 Civil Service Chronicle, Civil Service -Exp. 32.50 -` 210 A. C. Eierman & Company, Agt. Civil ervice-Exp. 1.70 211 FriedmanSchool-Exp. 1.85 212 Griggs Cooper & Co-, Auditorium -Exp." 3.50 213 Conrad Haas Municipal Concerts '38. 49. 214 J. D. HY44nd, Com, 'r. Parks, etc. Pub,Bldg.-Arch-Exp. 2.20 215 Howard -Farwell Co., Playgrounds -Exp- _ 200.00 " 216 McGill -Warner C^., - official Publications 12.00 217 Geo. P- McGuiggan f g Street C. & R.-Expi S. & $. Cleanin�ExiQs� � +i=- 0 d' Yorm A. a-ta _ 13818 ' Maendler Bros., m 14:70 S. & 5. Cleaning -Exp. yr 668.54 219 Northern States Power Co.,. Auditorium -Exp.' 220 N. W: Stamp Works,' $0 Civil Service -Exp 221 Geo. W.. Oakes & Co., 1',720.31 Water -Exp. 222 St. Paul Potindry Co., 21.35 Street C & R -Exp. 223 St. Paul Machine Works, 18.40 Pa,rks_Exp. 224 St. Paul Rubber Co., 15.12 S. & S. Cleaning 225 ;,Dr. G. D: Strayer> _ 1,454.18 school -Amp. 226 Virtue Printing Co., 11.00 Civil, Service -Exp. CITY OF ST. PAUL CL[KK ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - .. COUNCIL (�..gyy^aaa...��� °tiY FILE '•v' ;. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOOL-UUT-ION. FORM BY MAR 21 1817 ts+_ { ij •^ _ AUDITED .. ---- 665 out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants'drawn upon the City Treasury, payable their respective names as specified' in the following in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite MR �9 191 detailed statement: Adopted by the Counc'► Yeas ( J) Co 'lmen ( J) Nays /'..__.._ �_R_ h:_L_1-191 F sworth Approv t ^- nd. .—:—in favor MAYAR Aatln9 / v 0—Against oll derlich Mr. President 13229 Be A. Farnsworth, Comte. Finance, 1,060.25`." School -Salt. " Resolved that warranTg bye out a p Ya jAnd - oDon lite City-TreapurY, , tavor re rmaora 1, thetDarsona tions : "for the -.amounts set .=It. cifledI- respectivemended to _ thew e-& od stat .. the. following d. S. A, Farnsworth, Com'❑ Finance, =1,090:26. Mch: 21.1917.:. . the ou1917. A-Poved'v (March 244917) Form A. 9.10 h " tliitg- oft.ttul Pepurtnunt of. Public WAS OSCAR CLAUSS[N, C -r in 1-1 M. N:'GOSS• COMMISSIONER ..—oI[noiXc•R• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY - - J.E..CARROLL.SUIT. - BURUU.oICOn•Rt A— ALFR[D JACKSON, SUPT. _ .BYR{AV o1 BANITATtON _ - BUREAU o. coRRmTi.n• - , GR,TB [ A sunuu roRiooc. St.Paul, Minn,. May 11, 1917• O. M_ X[RROLO. O�rit[ [NOIn[LR e Mr. m. U• Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, Roferring to attached letter from City Clerk under date of_15axch 21st, 1917, there ie no sidewalk of any kind on the west side of.Cortland St. beginning 24 ft. north,of Maryland St-* As this is pretty well out in the'eountry, T believe a 4* ft. cement sidewalk would be sufficient. Yours very truly, �. Chief Engineer fit wit of OFFICE OF JOHN L. FARICY, CITY CLERK dwaY xeisdits Addition. T0. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COW4ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF UT. PAUL. We, the undersigned residents and property owners of the City of St. Paul, Minne&ota,;do hereby pray and petition that your Honorable body lay a.regulation cement sidewalkonthe Eastside of Tatum Avenue, running from Minnehaha avenue north, up to and including Lot 20 on said °=f street. a C-J r _�i��� [� COUNCIL.. FILE NO..........-.--,-. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matterofu�tizig.a cement .til�sadesa134_tn_a...asai_aix� Pa.Qt- wide of gril------------- dsdi n Ft. bP .w n " S C'I air St and PrinoPton Gyp C F No. 16464 �.,j In [ha ]lett P onet cting n c8 t — itl ide Ik too nidth f i ,POet r 1 On the�ea t td ld. vin .St, De-` —^—•— hceP.n5t lir ;^ cefon � r --------- • ' yl.71, 1 .l p under Preliminary order. -. ^.....12387 Intermediary Order---..--. A public hearing having been had;, upon thr ,above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objecttons, and endations 'relati"ve thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counctlof the.Gttysof St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Crtys'►4nnt*�fet a �p�,_.,,j ];, gj {����}�,�g_" vridth o s x� Pat— f'of ldwj r� �tL b�tvrg�n�t.Cla�r__ :. St. and Pr m torp and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of 'Public Works be and is hereby, instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. R 2 Adopted by the Council--'---,.--- 191 47 MGR Approved_ ____ - - yor. CouncilmarYFar orth oss ler Mayor 'Form B. S. A 8-7 4 11 I} �J i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELM INAY ORDER (A) In the Matter of on B rue j g___g. _.q.em.qnt t i I e s i d evia..ik to a--,g�2.f _six fest ..... .............. ........... ... . ..... . ......... .. an-th.e.. ea.s.t. aid.e -of Baldwin S1,...'Petween at-. clu.ir -at:— . ...................... AY 9.,- . ... ...... . ........... ....... ....... .......... . ........... ........ .. . ..... ............ .............................................. ...... .. ........... - ........ ...................... ................ . I ...................... ........... ................... . . . .. ........ ........... ..... ... ..... ...... ...... . .......... . ........ ..... ..... .......... ............. .... . ...... . .. ....... ... .......... ............... ...... . .............. .. ............. ...................... .... .. ..................... . ... ............ . .......... ............ ............. ............ .......... .......... ....... ......... ....... .... .... ........... .................................. .............. ................ ...... ..... . ......... .... ................ .... . ......... . ............ . ................ . .. ............... ................ . ............. .......... ....................... . ........ . ......... . . .......... ....... under Preliminary Order approved......... . - August 29 19-16 . ................... . . . . ................ .................. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - ............. . ........ ..... . ..... . ........... . . The estimated cost per foot for.the above improvement is - - - - - - - - ........ ... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION. i LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lee Halls Re' -3� 5 0];!,", arraneement of Lots 12 qnd,13 Block 1 it Macalester Park.. 14 131 Macalester Park a 0- oi� 3, 5 0 0 -3 15� is, do- !,;Xc ept North 96 feet61 do. a 5 Or. South 46 ft- of North .96 ft 0�1 16 13 do 2 85 I North 50 feet'.110f 131 do. 5 0 � TOTAL, it it A nn+` - T —4-U 7 AQ Oen+ +L—'....cc onf --f 1:ilp Ai(jp*1 T..FF..«enr. Aan lk on hnnnc' VaaaGGrVi" u1G UV1 UOUC "W 0110 r " Report to Commissioner of Finance .... _....... __A1Mg�e To the Commissioner Finance the City. of Paul: of of St. .r. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminsry order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No ....12183 August 15th 6 approved_...;_ ....._... _ ..•,.191. relative to ..._...::___._ _._._. the reoonetruotion, relaying and repairing with oement tile to a w ,.._ _... .__.. _...... ... _....... u.idth._ai....six..fee..t.,.....tlie.....ia.rea.Cl' 1_t_..C�r�i�zl�..wt�_��.__EUA alk or.._ooth sides..' of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: L Said iuiprovemeut is ........ __.necessary and (or) desirable. 5e per lineal foot, 1. Thei estimated coat thereof -is $__ .._ and the total:,coat thereof is $ ,{and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows CIL FILE NO FINAL ORDER., CITY. Or 3T. PAUL- - DEPARTMENT: OF FINANCE: REPORT OF CO&4jSSIONER OF FINANCE } ON PRE IMINARY ORDER fDl Jn the Matter of._...Rec.on.etruc.taa'ig,.._relaying.. and_ repair ng .Witn. c_emer the to a __.-- wi.th,..of. four -feet._ the.. present cement the sidewalk on the north aide of .Rose,,St beginnin_:at:,.Cypress St thence east 220 feet _........... ........... ................. ......:....... — -- under Preliminary Order approved .._...... ,Auzgat, '4.4,....1916_...._. ._._ .... _... ... .......... .. .....:.:.. ..._:_ ........... - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ....... ._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION ' LOTOCKI ^ ADDITION ASSESSED �. i VALUATION _ _.. 16 4 Mastville Heights 7 511 17 i 4 do 19i 4 do r ! 20 4 do 7 5 21i 4 dD _ 7:51. .:.: q j r TOTAL - The Commissioner of Finance furthers reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and 'hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council; `Together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated....._.. 45 ....:._ ...1917 .. Commissioner of Finance. .., - � � „�1-.b S iys:. .. .. . s c�tpj@ CITY. OF ST-. PAUL COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r .Sablect,.. :. .... .. $ , .. .. FOU6NCIL t 0.... Date Presented.. _... .....191... ranfiiS, a Petition of remonstranod against the construction of eetvar9 on Charlton St from,Wyoming St. to Belmont 3t., On Wyoming St. from a p6int,80 feet east of Ohio St.. to Charlton St and on Winona St. from a.,Point 135 feet east of Ohio St. to Ctlarlton St., has been presented to the Council end duly considered, Novr aftor such consideration, RESOi,VED That the Council deems and hereby declares such i improvement to be a nublie necessity. C. P. No., 16473 _ tt'hereoa, a patttton of rei sow,monetranee Charitonon g.jot St. from rWyomi R St`top,Bel mont St., on St. from a' point: 3o feet east, of Ohio 9t, to Chari- ton: St. and on. Winona St from a point 135 feet east of -Ohio St to Churltowl St, Ase been,preaonted'to the Councu.f and 1uly considered; now after such "o.id.mtio.. no, aI"That i,'ihe Coun- deems hand here dec1itre. apgh Im1 to be.a Pubfile nsoeWtY ayrovement Adopted bs the..Council Mch_,21, 1917. APPr ved Yeas (J) "Coup men (✓) Nays/ Ado Council /V ted by theyy 191 . Farn • orth Goss 1i PMAH1 I :i p In favor Hyl Approved "—..191. Kell Mc ...,Against Wun lick :.,... ......MAY R Mn Preaiden ror1M C. a -a - CITY OF ST., PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 21st_ _ -1917. Date Presented - a sewerlon Margaret 8t-.- aonstruating_ _ - - In.the m tter of .- to Clarence St.; Sixth from a point 30 �eet.east of Atlantla St• to_JDhneQn_PbxkWaY; _ 0 fsnm-e _pQint _3Q feeat _esst Qf _A lantl� 6t, Fourth St. from a point 30 feet e&st of At St- tfrem-oint -east ef-,7ehnsan-Perl+aay,' an& Johnson Park -eat - a6a toac _ Ma�arat St. _to Third St. and Third St. from_Johneon_Pax'kway_= to GotziaS Street. 14084 _ _ - under Preliminary t' -12,969 - _, Final Order - December 18th _ _ estimates _ _ _, 1916. Approved - - - - RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and. T;CB for the above named" submitted by the Commissioner. of Public VO improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. R Nd, 15476= In ths.matter of constructing a�eewer' , on Margaret St. from'a point.80 ft. BCei y,pd &� p tnerg �}j east of Atlantic St to Clarence SL. Y Sixth St, from point BO.ft east of �- C6n Ot�OEl Wi}y above Atlantic St, oto Johnean Pa'kway;. �{� lutiorh. T T of ptlangc st a a'potat 264 is case of Parkw y'fr Parkway;',and .Johnson.'. } Pnrkway"from )lfargeret St. to Third , T St., and Third , St. ,from Johnson `Parkway to Ootsian -St„ under1Pte llmtuary Order '12,889, H7nai Order,19�' 14084 approved December 18th, 3918 ' Adopted by the Coun aaan,�ed. Thno the plans apae,aea tions and estimates eubmltted by the Commleeloner of Public Workp'for'the ,above named impro ement be and sheg same or@ hereby approved -Adopted, by the Council Mch 22, 1937. Yeas: \ Approved Moh. 22, 1917 I - f , (Mnrah 24-1837) Councilman Yrngworth Hoeand K er _ Meat- and - 1917 . I Cdll Approved underlich Henry-MaCo1T _ _ - - - - Mr. President; Irvin �Aating)Mayor. y ' Aw f CITY OF ST. PAUL 133 Z1. 3 COUNCIL -RESOLUTION q Date Presented = March alat, £ construct ter sewer on_ rgaret St. from a poiritn 3t�ef fnat®ast o f A£lantio St. to-Ofaseno St.; Sixih St. f-rom a,-poInt 30. ft- east -Of.. A.tlant10 -St.. to t•; ;(Fourth St. from -a -point 30- ft.-.e-a.et -of- Atlsatic -St. -to- s point- 368 ft-. east -of Johnson Parkaray, and Johnson Parkway from.Margaret St. to Third St., and Third St. from JohnsoaP 9 ay to Coizlan St. 14084 under Preliminary Order - - - -> Final Order - - - - Deoembe.r 18th, 6 Approved - - - - - - -- - -- 191. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above namef _ improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - ,191 . Yeas: ( ) i ) Nays Councilman F sworth / 'moo P -Hy d - - bbe er �;il�t iii Mc 11 Approved - - - - - - 191 . u 'erlich Mr. President, - - .,_ .nun yor. CITY OF ST. PAUL' 9 K COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _ March 31at, -1917, a In the matter, of grading St'. Clair Street from =---------------- Fairview.Avenue to Cleveland Avenue 10,466 12479 under Preliminary Order - - - - - -, Final Order - - - - - - September 5th 6 Approved-- - -- - -- -- 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates' submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. In apers _ lt�elv�.d ..1.1 p. eF.1Yo1647a=' : �n Nit above ln'the :matter of, grading St.sClair St.; 14 V IN gt}}i �. from Falrvl$W -Ave.. to Cleveland; e .{ 1j Ava,ander Preliminary Order. 10.460;,1 Final, Ordepr 12419, approved, ptenor $• 1 r�i.` 91er 6tb�'119. ° v t Resolved, That the plans: soealfleattoos_ - '�j ana 6ktMmtm submi8ted by.25be.- Commis- *' eloneraM PpblW Worka, for'3Ae.sbpve� named _Improvement a bo nd the same ere; _ harebY ,a rb v' 'Adopted by the Coancil 22eb; 28 1817. !� � a Adopted bythe Approved Mon, 2a 1917. — — _ _ 191 • CMayOh 24 19171 .. Yeas.. ) Nays Counoilman"`FaPr sworth Goa _Nyl d `Kel ex tlt�r{ - -w �+ i - �McC 11 Approve 191 cWun erlich vsr� Mr. President, Aoting for. CITY OF ST. PAUL COU iVCIL..RESOLUTI ON—GENERAL:FORM r� Subject:::: _ ..._.< _. .. .._ .COUNCIL 'O Date Presented .March i 9�7 esolved, That Counoil File 7#416048, approved Feb. 28th C. F. ;§16096, C.F.#16098 and C.F. #16099 approved March 3rd approving plana and specifications showing.gas connections necessary to be made on Robert St. from Eighth 8t. to Central Ave.; Twelfth St. from Cedar 3t.: to Jackson St., Earl St. fram Hastings _Ave. to Thorn St. and Laarel Ave.. from Lexington Ave, to Syndicate St. be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. a .4- That C llhelf does i . _. 048"a ed That Feb. 28th.:- P7le No. .. No. 1 ;a*.;'CL V. o; 1 28th.: -1917'11'C'; C. C, F. 3 a 1689960approvedNMarch 11 da 911, ap- proving plane.. and specificatlon8 .ehowing:: gas contiecttone necessary to be' -ado on liOber ,St fuom`.Eighth '9t, ao, CentraY;Avei; Twaifth: Bt: from Cedar: -8t to Jackson et.,"plarLBA from Hnstinge Ave, to aThorn ,St, and Lav _ 'r.l Ave: -from LekWgton'Ave-"jo, Syn-" I dicate St. be and the eaaSa are hereby � �c-rescind .a,annulled and Adopted Y, the Council h;22,I{ 1817. {... Approved Efob• 22.j1917. . tM..h 24-1817) Yeas (✓) uncilmen (D Nays WIM 2n 1 rnsworth Adopted by the Councili?S N/ t 49' ss In favor land ilgii N C Iy11 ler Approved ......... oil Against nderlich Mr. Preside - FORM C.8-2 ,ACti}lfl M OR CITY, OF ST. PAUL CO.UNCIL RESOLUTION—G.ENE.RAL. FORM Subject COUNCIL r f-7 FILE -late Presented March. .22.,.. . 191:.7• v In the matter of.paTing of Twelfth St. from Cedar St. to, Jackson St. with necessary, gas connections under Final Order #9331 Resolved, That the annexed, plans and.epeeificatione showing the. gas connections necessary to"be made upon Twelfth St. from Cedar St. to Jackson St. are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said final order and of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company.' Received all papers in connection wit i above `:es u ion. In !—from matter Df Daving'osoWft. th with , • 4rom Cedar �$L to itackaori' 9t, with necesaaryggas conneetiona ,under ' Final Order -No. 9831. Resolved. That 'the, annexed ,Plane , and, epeeifleatlons showing the gag:, conneotlons noee$M to :be'made up- on::Tweltth St -from Cedar aL to 7aek- eOn,st. are hereby aDproVad.- and"the COmtn4saloner :of Publlc..Worka--le 'h6roby ordered and dlreoted to serve a. Copy .�of- the'aald `final order, ;';Lad of comp Is ny. upory'the 3t.,Pah1 Ciao -Light Coma „ R Adopted by the Courioil �3Loh '3937; r „ Approved licfi. 88. 1917. �l: - _ .„�114arch, 84-191?)' Yeas ( ✓) Coul cilmen (✓) Nays 'VIM_} f Far sworth � Adopted by the Council 2 t 191.... Go In favor Hyl nil iAH Kell r t Approved—F. IJ 1 i 191.....,. Mc 11 Against Will erlich Mr. President. rO11M C. a -a Acting CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION:—GENERAL FORM .$ubject .... , COUNCILJ FILE..: N O .. 1 Date Presented:.:. .IkrTPh. 22 p. 191:.7::. In the matter of paving, Rice St. from University Ave. to the No ern Pacific Railway.•Bridge with necessary, gas connections under. inal Order 411b34 Resolved, That 'the annexed plane and specifications showing the gas conneotione necessary to be.made upo'z}-Rice St, from University Ave. to the Northern Pacific Railway Bride are hereby approved, and the -Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ored and directed to. serve a copy of the said final order and of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company, 2U ev+vv a So 'e78p 9 f��no�p�n! Ik, eyeat�ioy Wvllo�l?9u pII'oPUH 4r�ygy 6yaJ6u.q g0J110 Odtl s 'onnectioti with abov9 Pec tion, i Ci Yeas (✓) Co(Id (✓) Nays FaAdopted by the Council .�A �+N 1�}.f 191 Go In favor Hy�AH a:M Iy KeApproved 191....: Me v __.Against WuMr. Presiden ..FORM C. 9•2 A0t1aq M OR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject 15479 COUNCIL ... FILE NO....., . .. ... t bate Presented..... March 72,.:.:.1917.,1.. In the matter of paving Robert St. Prom Eighth 3t• toga�'') - Central Ave. with necessary gas connections under Final Order X9780 Resolved, That the annexed plans` and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Robert 3t. from Eighth St. to Central Ave. are hereby-approved,'and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said. final -order and of said plane upon the 3t. Paul Gas Bight Company. C.F. -No. •16479 -By M. N. Gose-- In the. matter of. paviRobert St. from:. Eighth St. to Cantral Ave. with _ necessary Sea. connectl one under -. Fl net Order NO. 9790. an Resolved, That the nezea plana and ;. epeclflcatl... showing ;the ga. conneotlOn. tleeee9arY to' ba: made up on BODert Sp from Eighth 8t to Ceti - tral:'Ave. are hereby approved. and the: , ;Com mteeloner 1Of Publtc =Work. Se hefeby'ordared'and dlrected'to aerve a Copy of the said final order and of Bald, plana' upon � the:: St. Paul 'baa. Light' Adopted by the :Council Mefi 28 1917. qe� - Approved Mch..22, 1917.QP (March 24.19171 onne�t i on "thpa.ney.8 C' ion, - �4bove p enc sue �F"s.zeat3duilZ AaaTa��eUo� 27 t Yeas ( 6) C ncilmen 1: V) Nays l nsworth f(� Adopted by the Council h9AFi 2" IG I 191 s, In favor land ler Approved 191....::. 11 : Against derlich Mr. Preside.. ....... ...... MAYO FORM C. 8.2 .. AOtlny:. CITY OF ST. I;AUL UNCIL R,ESOLUTI —G ERAL FORM – lBSr , Sub]ect.._... Coonca Ivw }}� FILE o. 548 Date Presented Mar. 2. 1917:191 Resolved, That the specifications fox furnishing boulevard street gas lamps, app1. roved and.adopted by the Council March 1,1917, be' and the same are hereby rescinded, and the specifications hereto attached for furnishing boulevard street gas lamps bd and the same are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for same its accordanoe with. the provisions of the Charter. zved a1i �' .dove rn F.Sle.ol d. That t O. specifications, Kener— �eC v Resolved. Thlevardt..tgo.Isfor P'. 1C',approved boulevard treat he Council .t•i : Ctt J hfaroved and adopted by the Co4ne11� 'SU Bt % herefi 1 1817,:6, and the:sam, are hereby rescinded, and theor _ bo.1—rddone treat attached ror 'fur ad the ho4fevard ehe gas lamp, b,, and the , -""'� ~•r Purchawarn I sing hereby. aho-bbd .and the to advertise Agent fe nearby ccord accordance to the pr isi same 'th accordance with dpte provisions the Council Mob. arts. -. ' Adopted by ob, 22 19�nf¢h.28. 1817:. Approved Mch:`. 82. 1917.:- Z - (HIarch E4-1917)- Yeas (✓) COu cilmen ( ✓) Nays ` r ty rf Far sworth 6 Adopted by the Council 191 Co In favor 1•jr1i� a w ly l 1 Hy nd 19L . KApproved e i 6 M OR Against . W derlich Mr. Presides Aotlnfl FORM C. 9.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION' FORM FILECOUNCILNO. 134& p�AA�op,,�-�� �8g•• "flWgtWbrJ,�[f BY �� Ir AUDITED-__--_ 666 m. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and .- in favor'of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in, the . following detailed statement: , Yeas ( V Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191— Farx iworth MI Gos Approved —_ 191— Hyl d _-In favor Kell r OwaOfy[ a P11 MoAl _ Against - — &OUng MAYOR Wun ierlich Mr. Presiden C. F.No. 15481--' mantabe drawn 3tesotvod that - PdYable ou[ - - -. the City TreasurT l a or cofd fund. a ,GVravor of the personsfl p01'.B.t10n9 for thCamOUnts: set opposite sap clfted In: _ - their reaDective.:namea [he following detailed statern nt. J. B. Clow •&-Son ;1,112.11 S. A, Farnsworth. Com' .; Fina+\, ;1,179.37. , - - h allc ElectrOliEgo.I sot J:. J. O, Connor, ;128.so. R�atoeoue Engine :Porke AdoPle<I by the Counr11 A APProyed22. 1917. °w - (Afarch 2d=1917)-' 13230 J. ow & Sons, $1,113.41 Water»Exp. 231 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. Finance 1,179.37 School -Exp,. 232 Independent Oil Co., 9 26.73 9 Street C. &-R.-Exp° 233'X. V ElectricEquipment Co., •57.24 Fire -Exp. ! Pol. & Fire Ala: 5 Water -Exp. 1. 6 57 4 ` 234 J. J. O'Connor, 128.6.Q Police -Exp, 235 Wateroue Engine Works, 39.20 Water -Exp. 2,544.55 4 CITY OF 5T. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT y�^� coup AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO. MAR 2� 1�ti 9Y-� c- AUDITED ----------_—._-191 667 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following 1 detailed statement: Yeas (r) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 'IAF: tih 191— Fart worth Gos ApprO a A t :_ y 1� 1 1 191— Hyl d' In favor dell r MAY R Mc all — � _Against Wur ierlich Mr. President. Resolved tfi t.a-arr nta n beraw ' DD the City Treaeu Y pal ¢bledouts �Ot toe hereinafter.:. apeclded: Sunde_anE In Yav r Of the per' o R m c r•_. 1 pnrAtl ati YC[1 th amou to t: ppoelte - h 1 the Xelnoll 1 ((tr Ydetn11e1 _ peelded In: Y 73ollgr.; 3SnSS C Cement: _ 'AdoDted Eby the.'Councll ]fch22.0' - - Appro4¢d Mch.'82,: 1937. I917.' 13236 Kenny Boiler Mnfg. Co., 482.80 Water -M. & R. i - V.- A. a -la CITY OF ST. PAUL C U I RESOLUTION—NERAL FORM l _ Subject FILE L 'r ' FILE No.. Date, Presented_March...22nd-' 17 191.: . Resolved, That the Purehasing,Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without ask.. irg for competitive bids, 4ine 12-inch Horizontal Water Re- lief Valve for the sum.of $487.00, from the Golden Anderson Valve Specialty Co. ; of Pittsburgh, Pa., as.this is a .patented article and no 'advantage can be gained by adver- tise'ment.or competitive bids,. Cost of said material to be charged to-the De artment of Public Utilities - Rater Dept. Lund. C. P- No.; 16483—By O. E. Kellen--tt Resolved, That the lPurem.ing� - Agent be, nndha 1 herebynuthorized to.. purcha.o -fill the consent of the Comptroller, without as4ifig for cam- petitiva bid.. one.12-inch Horizontal) 0 ,V a' Relief valve for. the sum of i .. $467.00 from '. the . Golden: .Anderson:; Vnlvs SPoclaltyCo., of "Pltt.burgh; Pn;i - nnthis Is a patented articleand no ad. I me tsge cnc rii�Pe �tiveedb da: nGoat llnoef r .xnfd material to be chnrged to the De "- -"_ --- apartment of. .Public UUlltlex-R'atcr: Wept, Fund.- ldopted by the Council Tfch. 22. lsl, Approved .MI. 22 3017. .. .(March 24-1017), _ a r__.. _ Yeas (J) C cilmen (J) Nays 9F �n 7 F sworth Adopted by the Council 191 . / C `� In favor (/v H nd � K r - Approved M oil Against Vi+ deriieh Mr. Presiden Aotin4 Mir pr. ,:. PC" C B•2 CITY. OF ST., PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G. NERAL'FoAm COUNCIL - FILE N �... Date Presented'Larch 22nd•.t 17191 _. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the, consent of the Comptroller, without ask. ing for competitive bids, $" 12 -inch Horizontal Water Re- lief Valve for the sum -of $457.00, from the Golden Anderson Valve Specialty Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa., as this in a patented article and no advantage can be gained by adver- tisement or competitive bids. Cost of said material to be charged to the Department of Public Utilities Water Dept. Fund. �t ct 1 IFIED PS, 0 Fu%DS pVAILA51 JESSE 0 2 Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays rry Farnworth Adopted by the Council 4� �' 191 Coss - in favor Hyland Keller Approved .. 191..<. McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin MavbR FORM C..•2 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL i COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM r � Subjects. v Y COUNCIL FILE NO..:.... Date Presented. March, 22,19,17. 191 ... Resolved, That,,the Purchasin&,Agent be and he is hereby authorized to have two. Ford care equipped with Hudford chasses,'.witlz the coneent of the Comptroller, for the sum of $1174.50,; in ac- coirdance with quotation on file in the office of the Pur- chasing Agent, without asking for competitive bide, as these. -units are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Pablic. Safety -Police & Fire Alarm, Expense. C. F. No. -16464—By.Henry McColl— '. Resolved,.. ''hat the Purchasing tgent be and he Is hereby authorized to have two.Ford. car. eQuipp.pLth' Hudford chasaes, wIth..the conaeJ or the Comptroller, for theagqmor $1114.60, 1u accordance w,th jr on file In the office; of the Purchasing: Agent, yvithouttaaktng. for,_petltive bids, as thea. unite� are-pat,mted .and , no advantage could be --..gamed there-� :'by, Chargee' Public Safety -Pollee. & Fire Alarm. rxpenee. j Adopted.bl< the Coune11 1111.22, ,917. - Approved Mch. 22.1917. (.March 24-1917) Yeas (0,Coouncilrren (✓) Nays MIR `?n 'Farnsworth Adopted by the Council.. 191 Coss - In. favor A.'ilyland u lli .: Ci11 'Yeller Approved 191 ( McColl Against �V Iderlich Mr. President,eiwli{► 0uf 9M voa' FORM C. 8.2 _@Lt11tX CITY.OF. ST. PAUL;-' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEPALFORM Subject:::... _ .. bnU NCII ww •_ .:FILE 'IVO. ..........., ... Date Presented-111"ch 22,1917 191:.... Resolved, That the PurchasAgent be .and he 3s hereby authorised to have two Ford oars equipped with Hudford chase*&. .,WEVI the cis= consent of the Comptroller, for the,snm of $1i74.50, in so- eordanoe with quotation on file in the office of the Pur- chasing Agent, without asking for competitive bide, as these units. are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public 8afety-Police & Fire Alarm, ]expense. pUN�s A / v �LK11FlED AS Tn LLER. 2217 2 55 Yeas (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Am,n 22, 1 n / /-Farnsworth . Adopted by the Council 191 y'6oas .In favor Hyland —.Keller Approved 191. v -McColl l/. _ _.Against "Wunderlich Mr. Preaidentr4roi— • MAYOR /ORM C. 8•2 CITY OF ST. PAUL 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ..... ....:.t ...... COUNCIL ,���J '.FILE NO... ................................... Date Presented..., ...... w1F.4...:; 191_;:... Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay. to .Anton Joseph, out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $13.50 in final settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason-of injuries received by him While employed by the Department of Public works on the 14th day of December, 1916. c•'r. Noe ts4 De rti 1� d heh h I herebyrecommend the above r (n4l Ceiallen Ah1 oatthoHs d cliy.. ot- i the Citlttementghonn Arm ' .-Unt PvekY: resolution fOr passage. '. De clued bhrf jr, :of I'h lnf $13.60 the:. . ltthartmeo nt hofM'hflr n hof lnsalnat �edh1 De mah ll dePfe11O Y�(f hla the ' pproved Mfh l`ou 1070. on the 1017. .22, is�z ' Comm'r of Public Works . . h 101 r).. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays MM �-' 2f , Adopted by the Council191.... Farnsworth Coss .... In favor r. z M7 f Keller Approved..... ..... ...191..... McColl .. ... Against Mr. Pesident, vi aS13t4 MAYOR : FORM C.9.8:. - .. tio- yne'genu, - d u. (� �, u u� e x a � pa tioa are genuine e m y Alar. the tree alongthe s reeta , in Pront of the property des ibed'in theipetition; provided that � � CITY OF ST. AUL / COUNCIL 1 -n UNCIL RESOLuONAGENERAL FORM \\,15489 Subject: ................ ........... ......................... ....................... ... . ................... COUNCIL N o .......... .......... ILE ................ ..... ........... ........................ Date Presented,. March .,23 .. ..... -.191%.. C. F It Nereus.' Ttwith acl al nnnec n nU ti e WHEREASbni oreacen obstacles' have arisen in connection with the construction of: a sewer on Hythe street from Doswell avenue to Dudley avenue, necea -eitating the relocation and readjusting of water mains on said Hytbea,,4tTeet, the said relocation and readjusting not having been ,provided e Asa in the specif icat ions; therefore, be it. RIPOLVED, That 't FCommiseioner of Public Works be and be. is hereby authorized to make the necessary -relocation and readjusting of the water mains. -on said Hythe street in connection with the con_ struction of a sewer thereon between the points aforesaid, and to certify the expense thereof to the Comiziesioner of Finance, to be included in the assessment for the construction of said sewer; said cost, when ascertained and approved by the said Commissioner, to be paid out of the',Permanent Improvement, Revolving Fund. Yeas (V) Co cilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 F orth 7 Co dIn"I F rth G ;.4n favor K Approved .............. 191 M M 11 11 Against e. 0I Y 7, Y ............ Mr. Preid FORM C.8-9 CITY OF ST. PAUL Seg ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 15490 y AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL NO. . 9 s� (�t ] BY AUDITED �AR 2 3 1"1° 191_ If. 669 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor-;�6f the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following . detailed statement: ��A^ L _ Yeas (J) Con ilmen (J )Nays Adopted by the Councit fn 5 191 Far sworth / r 6 R ::3 �y t o Go/ — Approved Hyl nd _In favor Kel r / [ tM 0� Mc ll U/ Against ctTn AYUR Won erlich' Mr. President,, C. F. No:. 15490— Re9olved tha Treeeu Y.t PaYe d'-w- u�on .the.. City • "1n favor of, the, p.raOna.,IftZ,800r Cbra �,noiations Pecl9ed ifs - / for11P116 dat.fled statement: H, W. =Austin. 85.42 Burns Lumber Co.: A97 67. Citizen's See & James T ConnollY� 8360 00• Craftsman Press, K8 EE Walter T Lemon:'886180. Ra)mP.ri3Hardware"01-30- Co.er §18306.59. ♦ Roe-James Glass-0o.. 86.94. Adopted byt t,23 23.n1917,,Tch. 23.19M _ .approved (3Tarch.:31-}917) 13239 H. W. Austin, 5..42 Corp.-Counsel@Exp 244 Burns Lumber Co,,� 97.57 School@ C. &. B. 21J Fire-C. & B. / ! ! % /� School (Randgipn) 1 -9 0 244 Ciiixan--te lce & Fuel Co., 607.09 Fi re_Exp . 242 James A Connollg 35,•00 Fire-exp. 243 Craftsman Press 13.23 Gen. 11'uno-Pri,.t en Forms & Blanxs, 13.23 244 Walter T. Lemon 881.80 $treeti C.. & R.-Exp. 245 Noyes Broe. & Cutler, .10.30 Playgrounds-Exp. 246 Raymer Eardware Co., 105.59 Street C: R. .06A FireC. & B. Sprinx in . 9. 247 Roe-James Glass Co., 5.94 Fire C. & B. Farm A. eaa.. "�ai.•� r.. CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT rI41. COU No.— AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED--_ G BY_" - PER_- 67o nn. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Cit,KTreasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favonof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Co ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ (I�A Fa sworth G MA4 3 IsI'f' Approved 191' H nd __In favor '�AiIn K er I YOR M OR G, Against W derlieh Mr. Presiden - F.'No. 164 191— --,� ✓Resolved that warrants be drawn' upon the. City Treasury. DayabTe out o[;:the hereinafter sDealfled funds. and in favor of the pereonar tlrmaor:cor- �poratlons tar the amounts - set. opposite -their respective names -to s t olptds in 'the follow•ingdetailed :statement: ' Crane & Ordway Co.; E7:80. MCGlnin A:.:Hedman, •E 11.00. -Vill ummere ;Box &r Lambar6Co., E20,00. • Western Suppil' Co.,.Eb6.44. Adopted bye the Counail`Lich. 23.1917, Approved b. 23, 1917. - (Dlarch 31-1917) 13248 Crane & Ordway Co., 7.80 School -M. & R. 249 McClain & Heuman 11.00 Library -Genf. S. 250 Raymer Hardware Co.,. 75.95 Streez, Cleaning -M. 251 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 20,00 Health -Comfort Station 252 Western Supply Co. 55.44 ` Parks -M. ?;Form A. 6.10 CITY. OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT c� COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. �' AUDITED 3 191__ fI( _. _ ---- l PE 67i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and lmts set opposite their. respective names as. specified��N° in favore9f the persons, firms or corporations for the amothe following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council =191— Yeas (J) , Coli'Imen (J) Nays yra "a iyli Farn worth Approved191— Hyld —In favor Kell r I ntsrin���� Me 11 Against Wur ierlich Mr. President. *17.274.50 132543 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance. 'J 1'248. Street C. & R. 902: Sewer t 14 �2 e4 S. & S. Cleaning jr►21 . Bricge Bldg. & Rem! 1 1p0.2ry COMII- Ling Fr` f, j ��I U.0 Com'r. Pub. 'Rorke ' 12,. 0 Pay. i_i . Riser .5 17,27 •T0 40,169.77 254 Mercnants National Banx, 8 5• interest Water Dept. -Inters .,1727 Misc &"iJniorsee P.er, Impr. . Re .-Int rest' ' ; , 11 0 40,1 9.77 71� �`I r•�/. 'o t_t..= •�F • } C. 1V. No. 15492 Resolved tho.t warrants be drawn upon the city. Treasury, parable u[ of - the- hereinafter sp clded funds and in orin— tions.: fork tkeie mounts �eet or CpD fte a o their, eapectfve :names assperieed in tha following detailed statement: Fi.': A. Farnsworth. Com7.,,Finance, ;1,Y:, 2' 4.60. ➢Ierchants National Unnk: S4P,169.77: doDted by the Council ➢lch. 3, 1917.. 4pproteA. ➢fch:' 23. 1917. - (➢larch , 1917); r 1 A..0.16 e �rtment �f Caw C ITY-OP BT..-PAUI- 0. H. O. -H. O'NEILL . CORPORATION COUNT 6l Aff If TANT ATT* RNEY• JOHNP.KYLEJCHN - -p ' WILLIIA M.. J. OI BERSON % March 22nd, 1917. •,.:JOS:. H. MASEK - To the Council, Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Anna Craig, I herewith submit an ordinance compromising and settling the same for the sum of $20. In connection therewith, I beg to advise you that Milton street north of University avenue was platted 21 feet west of the line of said street on the south side of the avenue. In grading 'Milton street, the Public works Department, under the advice of this office, located the street north of University avenue 'so that its lines would conform with the street south thereof; and`Mrs. Craig claimed that thereby 2j feet was taken off her lot. It is a fact that her lot as at present occupied by her is only 371 feet wide on University avenue, whereas the platted lot is 40 feet. For the paving of Univ ersity avenue, she was assessed on,a frontage of forty feet, whereas, owing to the location of Milton street, as above stated, she now has actually only 371 feet. For these reasons, we advise that the claim be settled in accordancewith the ordinance submitted. Yours truly, Ase1t Corporation. Counsel. CITY OF ST.PAUL CO-UNCLL';RESOLUTION—GEN,ERAL.FORM Subject:_ c.._..:: _ I.,5:.z c�J . .COUNCIL 1, ...... , FILE N O.. -Date Presented ch 23 • � Mar_ 191.7... RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TMN FOR Resolved, - OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING In'ther matter of.opening, widening and extend- ing to width of sixty (60) feet, cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue, under Preliminary Order #12468, approved September 5th, 1916, and Intermediary:Order #14932, approved February 19th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Rorke having sub- 44tted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it 'RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: I The west thirty (30) feet of the NW4 of the NE -.1 of the 8E+, Section 8,'Town 28, Range 23, and the west thirty (30) feet of Block 10, and the west thirty (30) feet of Block 11, Suburban Acre Lots, St, Paul, Minnesota. ---= C assornaKoxs. , C. P. No. 16406 In the (natter of -boning, rvlddning and ,� ex tending to width of .latyt(60) feeq Cretin Ave. from Randolph( t— - Hartford Ave.: 'dor `Rren Itnary'�, Order No. 12468,'approved '3eptember 6th:. -1916, and. Into t�mediery Urder NO. 14932, approved` b:.18th, :Ord 917. The Cocemla 01jer of� Publlc Works, having submitted his report Ilnd eketeh.1 I tho above matter, be It t Resolved, That the City sof St. Paul.: dxee.: and determines the mount. ofj land ,to be taken -for the ap-ve named Improvement to be: as follows: _ The .west thirty (30) feet of the' NWsg ,:of the N1111A 01' the -sty„ sec- tionS. Town 29, Range' 23;, and .. the west. thirty (30). feet of Block 10, and the west thirty (30) feet of: Rlock It. - Suburban Acre Lot., ..to, 91t. Paul Ttlnne- Adopted Eby the Council bech 23, 1917.. ' Approved Men. 23, 1017. Yeas (Iro Coq (�) Nays (March 31-1917) ��A4 2Adopted by the Council.. 191In favor:3 1417 Approved Against •_. r CL1$1SjMAY.R.... gitu, of . �epurtmex►# of. . Public 'PoOs R CLwuaSEN. CNILI [n-""A - M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER SCAR aF EN61N[FII\ R. T GOURLEY. DEPUTY' �*{. CER wLF�E� JwCK60N. EYvi .. - - DU11AU 01 . n W. 6GET21NOEN. —T. o. N. BennoLo. once Encineae. .. . -P.EPOP.T_ TO TRF ^OL"Y CIL In the matter of opanin;, wid�nin,-and extendin to a width of sixty (60) feet, Cretin avenue, from randolph street to Hartford avenue, under Preliminary Order W12468, approved Sept-,5th, 1916; anti In _ Order (14932, approved February 19th 1917. To the Council of the City of St-Paul: . The Commissioner of Public."orks hereby submits and makes a ,part of this his retort, a plan of the above improvement,showin4 the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said rlan,wj:ich 1an9 is more ac- curately described as follows`. The west thirty, (30) feet of the iT.Vi.y of the ,,E.� of the S.L. w, section 6, Town 26, r.an`e 23, and the west thirty (30) feet of Block 10, and the west thirty (30) feet of Rlock 11, Suburban Acre Lots, 7,t.Pav1, "innesota. Cor,.n:issloter of.Fub is ,�� G3,� s, e.te,alr 7_ ___ ,.. CITY'OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIgLojdONER OF'FINANCE ON PR*EIJIMJFIkRY ORDER - ASSESSED. w. .-:. 'LOT DESCRIPTION ;BLOCKS t ADDITION VALUATION j 1p Suburban Acre Lot S. 2 0 0> North. of do 2 0 .0 South Of . 10 . ao., 20 0 North of . do 2 0 0. South of 11 _ 1 1 , Ryan Place 1 5. 0.1 2,.1. do 1 5 0: 3 1 do 1. 5 0 4 1 .. do 1_5 0 5 1: d0 1 50. 6. 1 do 1 5 0. 7 1 d o 1 5 0. - ` 8 1 do 1 5 0_ c 9 1 do 1 5. 0, 10 1 , do. 1 8 0 do 1 5 0:. 11 1 12 I do 1: 5 0 ,. 13. 1 do 1 5. 0 . do 1 5 0 14; 1 - do 1. 5 0, 15 1 16 do 1 .5-0 ; 1 li 1 - do 1 5 0. do _1 5 0 19 1 i do _ 5 0 1 . 20 1 `. do 1 5 0. 21 1 do 1 5 0 22,1 ! do 1 5 0 -- TOTAL. CITY OP ST. PAUL r Office of the Comi ioner of Public Works Report to Commissioder, of Finance S. Pt�auer..._27th, ..........79t 6... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known its Council File No. ..-12468,___al,p,oveiq...,.Setember 5thA. 7976.., relative to opening,_ widening...ana_ extending .Cretin Avenue to a.widtn of sixty (60) feet, frotr Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...............necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $.... 'ZXXX slid the total cost thereof is ...-XXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .: :..... .._........ 43. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......:.......................... ..................... ................... _..... _ ....................................................... ....... :.... ... .. ii. Said improvement is..... PPI .._.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement- ........... Cu it Ili$sio I 1 Urks. COUNCIL FILE NO ............. _ r By... ---..._ .............. ....... -- ......... ......... FINAL ORDER. In the Mj#r of....finnatrust ing...&,-as-W-e-r .an..:P.alaGs _..... __..... ....... . _....... .................. under Preliminary order -------- 1.4623 ... ......... .......... _........ approved.....TAll ...3.1..-._.1,17...._.. _...._..... __ Intermediary Order __.._ ... ..... ........... ._..,..........._.... -.-__ _. approved ....... ........... _ __. ............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the- Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is......QnB�t.Tt1C-t-•••a--9•e8.er....011..P-8118.8E-•-S•1'i••---- PQl�e..:.2.2.Q._fAWt..... CIA 0x.__Q.� .._..... .... ._..... ___ ......�__.__.__ _:....._ FINAL- ORDERS., ................ _.. _. C F X...15497— ln the ld tt r of constructing' se,,.r _ ^ on Pat— St rmn- „^.Ir'. _.._.� --• _..... —. .....::........._.__.__..... east of Sue S der 1 •' ....... —.._ ._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to -the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. > 191 Adopted by the Council... _...... Ci ry erk. Approved_ ..... . ._.._:_ _. __._... 191 �4< ........ _.......... Acunq ayor. Councilman a nsworth o 4Keller McColl GNjk` ,.. (,�oerg ,:".,c' c [fes' • Mayor Rowers Form B. S. A. a-7 f n CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE P ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). Palace St. from a pont 220 ..feet..._ In the Matter of Constructing a �ewer._on eget. of _.Sue St. _:to_.Fairview Ave. - - under Preliminary Order approved , JanuarY31, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is / The estimated cost per foot for.the above improvement is - - - - - benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed last by the Assessor, are as follows: Parcel as reported LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION 17 Underwoods Acre Lots 1 1 0 0 18, do 900 do 7 50, 1 9. 1 Garfield Park 2nd Add. 1 7 5 12 1 Garfield Park Addition 1 5.0 11 1 do 1 5 0 10 1 do 1 5 0: 5.5 0--._.__. _do --'- - TOTAL, - � !CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF.QOMMiSSIONER QF FINANCE' (C) -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, ' DESG RIPTION LOT, aLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED e - VALUATION i 8 1 Garfield Park. Addition 1 g p' 7 1 do .l 5.0 1 1 do 2 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid m tt rs,2 5 and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_...Zl� - %,; ronin e.a.n. a.3 c COmmAsioner. of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance' F eb,ruarY.... 9th . .....1J1..�. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pau; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No, 14623 ....appiaved _Jan 31St:, ; ..._.,..,191.7. , relative to . the construction of a sewer on Palace Street from 220 feet east of Sue Street to Fairview Avenue,. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. �.......necessary and (or) desirable. 94 per front foot I 705.00 `r The estimated cost thereof is-$... _............ , , and the tot91 cost thereof is $..::. ..... ... . ...; and Assessable frontage 754 feet Excess inspection•$13.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows ....... ..:.......:... 3. A. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . 4. .::......... ........................ ....:.......... ................ ................................ . 5. Said improvement is ...................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Goma sioner of Public Works. Mfg of �#: Paul Peyartmeut n£ ?Public Perks s AS—USSEN, C.—E.1-1 n -M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER • R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY I - J. E. CA -0— S111- - A-h—JAC-ON.Suniuc n ♦ r .. H. W. COET2INOER, SurT1oN BU11.1 11 M, 1. GRYTBAK. E-11111 • at. 'i u1, ::inn. Feb. Q, 1917. . GOSS, Coritzis .inner 0', 2-ab7 is`,'lorl7s Dear ir,- L 5I,1i - herewith preliminary es"; -:rate O'.' co ;t for tl:e co ;ruction o"' a seder on Palace St. from 220 feet 0 -St of. Sue St. to 7airvierf Ave. in accordance -lith Council rile 114623, approved Jan. 31, 1917* hi-opro in?ate es i�'to -705.00 Seo ble lronta-e 754 feet Coat'i;er _._on; :foot .94d Ex -cess inspection necessary .x13.00' Yours very ;rul;;z, Jr 0C�=4. Chief Dapineer �JULl<<,U JAN 3 0 1917 Department of Public Works, Ui ,St. Paul, Iliinn. We,-the undersigned residents and property owners on,Palace Street, petition yo�}r Honorable Body for a sewer to be, installed on Palace rStreet,.between.pairview and Prior, aa• soon as possiblk to have it done. ' r '�4q �� �!�-2 'hog- � � � � .a_e.e _ -% li✓z.�o-,i 1 4 Tom' �:t.� r pia •`f l pp" f[ f f �_ t.:2�-,�r„%.ti„ 6 d :/ IJ�AI.v}•.. � 1 .1'111 _?�-y� 'T.. O. LOVERING.Sec.y F T-LAn. WM. EGAN. Mon. C...T-r S'-' H. G. ALLEN. PncuDe-T ., ` J. H. ALLEN & CO. INCORPORATED - - WHOLESALE GROCERS ALLEN SQUARE - ST. PAUL, Jan. 29th, 11? 17. Board of Public Works, St. Paul, !,,inn. sentlemen:- A fea. weeks ago I wrote You in regard to, a water and sewer, on Palace St, and I think vo,1told me to•file the petition for sewer with •roti and tYe petition for-water with the '+9ater Board, so I air en- closin€ ,^,ou here ith the petition for sewer. vol told me three would be enough but.I have seven, evervbodp that I asked signed, and so I thought tris %qas enough, if there is anything wrong with it, please let me know so that I can have it attended to. If there is anything further to do kindly advise me and I will do my. best. Yours very trU17 , Mrs. Y!.H. Campbell 1877 Palace St. . Will you please rllsn this `Yrou�h'as fast as ..ou possibly can? COUNCIL FILE NO BY. _... .......... ...._..... FINAL ORDER. In the1�4qterof__.GQnetr>toting..a_��zpeax:..:the...id►a�#c.,._to„_a._width._of eix.., f-e.et_...A.n._.bD.th_._8.ide8....:pf......Cha i as St:-hetxeen Harn7 ine-._:Av-p—.._..B.Ilii-.Alb-ert-Ave. , under Preliminary order ...... _.� �.7 Ei_........ ...... . _......... approved.........$.e.P. ...... .il...... 1x.16. Intermediary Order - ...... _ ................. ............... approved A:-public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due` notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the. precise nature,, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_Ca”tx73Ct_•a„_e,eme,nt,,,t,ila._aidexa1k....tD...e.._:_..... xidth...of-..six•_feet...aa...b.ath•_aJdes_.af.....Chaslea...3t...:._b.etaeRZL Haml.i.ne_Ame........... and_Alhest:..AQe...,..._..___�........_....... , . "..: .......... -••• ICn. tpie"'lait5e't'goT-cnsuctingcement tileLila sidewalk aa,de of . ..._....... _..._ ..........__..__. •.•..'" on both sides o(ChricSt. between ....._............ _._...__....._..._......__..__..._ Hamlin. Ave. and Albert A,. ... nn•ler Preliminary Order. 12614.. d._..__..._.._._._._..._.____............: ..... ._.._ ..._.. ll16 ._....._ ....__A.p6bs/c hea rine r of �.:.• .:.,.� ..r - .c_�.:.....__._ _...___._ ' upon the above t ...._ andthe Council hereby orders -" l` le.:v t„senitt t oe made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of0cers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the 'making of said improvement in accordance the/th �'t '. G Adopted by the Council_.....__, �J1i�l'�1 4—f Ae._....._. ity Clerk. Approved AdttnpMayor: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Mayor Pywrfw Form B. S. A 8-7 CITY OF ST, PAUL - DEPARTNIENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of __ Construct.ing...a...:.cement .....tile sidewalk tq..a._w.idth-of-.six...f.eet. - --- on bath sides of Charlse,-,St...... .between iiamline-Ave.--and.- Albert -.Ave. -------- under Preliminary Order approved __:..September _11i.1916. __::_ __._ ..... .............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated' amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost -per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -' - - - $ 0.581_ per.___....._......: lineal ft The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by.the Assessor, are as follows: } -- LOT BLOCi( ADDITION DESCRIPTION - ASSESSED, VALUATION 30, 32 Syndicate NO 5 1 2 5-0 29 22 do .5 5 0; 28 22 do 2 2 5 0 27' 22 do 3 1 0 0,: 26 22 do 3 4 7 5 25 22 do 2 0 7 5,: 24 22 do 5 7 5 23 22 do 3 0 7 5 22 22 1do 2 7 7 5 . 21. 22 . do . 6-17- 5 TOTAL. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT, OF'QONYIMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ,. - - .ASSESSED DES,C�RIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION - 20 22 Syndicate No .5 1 7 2 5 1.9 22 do 2000 1'8 22 do 1 7 7 5. 17 22 do 1 9 5 0; 16 22 do 1 6 2: 5. 1 27 do' 6 0 0 2. 27 do 5 510 3 27 d0 -. 1 3 5 0 4 27. do 5 5 0 5 27 do 5 5 _0 6 ..: 2.7 do 1 9 0 0 7 27 do 1 8 5 .0: 8 27 do 2 1 0 0 9 27 do. 7 5 0. 1027 do 2 7 0 0 11 27 do 5 5 0 12 27 do 1 5 2 5 13 27 do 31 50 14 27 do 26 50. 15 27 do 6 0 0, 503.50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, - and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated -191.7. > J Commissioner of Finance. J 3li TO THE HQUOR LE CIT'1 _COUNCIL, _ C I T Y.. Gentlemen,'. We, the undersigned, o•::mers of property abutting on. both sides of Charles St. ,between. Hamline Ave. and Albort.Ave.,-hereby petition your Honorable Body to, cause a six foot ce*mlent the sidewalL' to be laid on both sides of said Charles St. between the points above mentioned. Tl ' L01" _moi K? 'p 2'7 0,/er v�or�Q� Ola , � J f ( � r q Z 27 olga .iul a tra 7 "U Cjj MR1,Y) U G; ( � r Office of the Commissioner of Public WorfCs 9 _ • Report to Coinmissionet, of Finance SeStember 15 thi ........ To the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 12614_... approved .:_SBpte�ber 11 191.6.:., relative to ............ conetruating a cement tile sidewalk to'a width of six; feet on both sides of Charles Street between Hamline Ave. and Albert Avenue. and ]laving investigated the matters and things referretl to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is ._._... and the total cost thereof is ........... xxxx mid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ... .......... . _... .:.... .._ ...:.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._....................... ................ _................. :..........- ..................._............. ' ........... -........ _ 5. Said improvement is ..................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / o �... ''�. ......: Commissioner of Public W3l�ks. BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. COUNCIL FILE .......: .._........ ...... W_ ......... ......... FINAL ORDER. �► - t, ,' In the Matter of.. _S'a!?rifltT11>Rt.1x1g_t�.._CEz4ent_:..i.1�..�isieAPs].k #e >t_.Q.n bo h:._l�is�ee_Gf__1lndrew st.:.bBinn1n"_:_ 1nifred__., chance_.' 4_..�ouSk>:�.2.8.a1s1d.esa..._3i._��--�----_•--_—.______�_—_.:.__ fi- r . i' under Preliminary order. __.._.2420 approved.......A191fi.............. :__»_ s; Intermediary Order __ __..___.. ...... a roved } A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council 4' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered r. ' the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is... Donatru n t �. CBmenx....t.ile.._si widthof IIn F rile n. .14atier of cronstr tiny, n .ice »^•�•—^—^^^•••^-^^•••-•—�----_.___.�.....,._. ___ -m ent'Me sidewalk to:'a n I th of s z ....... feet onbo th Ides of 'A P _ 1. S1 nl i at NOI ii _............_.. __ —_ _ _ _ and the Council h '� ' yo kpri�ettt ., , Ut3te made. RESOLVED ,,IRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and 4s. hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officereeo cted to.proceedwith the making of said improvemetntt iin accordance thAFAR:. �nAdopted by theCouncil. __ � :_ -MSR. f> 19f7k.Approved .._.._._.._._._._.___._.__191 ArtlepMfl r. .Councilman: Farnsworth -Goss Keller 3 ,McColl _ YOe'g . „ Mayor Pe+�Fa—' %. For. B. S. a 8-7: - CITY OF 9T: PAUL • _ ;t. _ " A - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . - _ ,.,y, - REPORT OF:CONWEISIONER OF FINANCE - ON -'PRE (NARY ORDER (B) - " DESCRIPTION LOT "BLOCK . ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1'3: 33 Linse and Zimmermans 4 "1 2 5 " 14 33 rearrangement of Blocks 6`17 5- 15 33 33 and 34 of Brown and 1 2 5 16. 33.Jacksons Addition to 5 0; West St Paul 1 37 Brown and Jacksons Addition to West St Paul- 5 0 0. 1 15 West St Paul Real Estate 1 0 0 24 15 & Imp Syndicate Add.No 2 1 5 0; 1 .16 do 9 7 5 24 16 do 1 5 0. - 1 1 Smedleys Add. to St Paul 1 7 5, 24 1 do 5 0.- 1 .17 West St Paul Real Estatd, 1 2 5, 1S 17 and Imp. Syndicate 2-5: Addition No. 2 6 Dufords. Rearrangement of 1 5 0 7 Block 22 Brown and Jacksons, 1 9 2 5, 8 Addition 2 2 51 9 do 2075 (Except Fast 50 ft)Lots 10- 11. do 2 4 7 5: 4 27 Brown & Jacksons Add. to West St Paul_. 8 2 5 roaMeaw a%e TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL'1_- - /.. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMWSiSIONER OF-FINANOE .. - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) e - •BLOCK - DESCRIPTI ON' - LOT ADDITION _ ASSESSED' VALUATION (Except South 80 ft) il- 12. Martin and Linaus Re- 3 3 0 0: South 80 feet of 11 - 12 arrangement of Blopk 32 1 3 0 0_ " (Except South 131 feet) 13. Brown and Jacksons Add. 1 7 5 South 131 feet of 13, to West St Paul 4 2 5 A,:. West St Paul Real Estate 1 0_0' J." 10 25 and Imp. Syndicate 1 1 2 51 11 25 Addition No. 2 - 4 7 5, 1 RileyeRearrangement of 1 $:0 Wdet 257 feet of Block 44 Brown and Jacksons Add. 6 Rileys New Rearrangement'., 2 6 7 5: Of Sj of W 257 ft of Block 44 Brown & Jacksons 12 24 : West St Paul Real Estate 1 5 5 01. 13 24 : and Imp. 'Syndicate 1 1 0 V,, 13 2�5 Addition No 2 1 7 5 14 23 : do 1 7 b 3 5 8 2 5 _ The Commissioner.of Finance. further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his -report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - - Dated... -----".._191.... Commissioner of Finance. FORM G.S.A. 0.0 C 1 COUNCIL FILO -- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..:....Construct,ing a .cement tikea-avld.t_n.-ai8--- _.feet.-on-the_nortn.side.of Page. atreet•_beinning;_100__ feet,_ w,e,et..-of•--,.-...:--. -_I,ivingst.on avenueR thence „eaet...to„, $guth,-�,pb.ez�t.. sa-s.eet ........... :................................ approved —August 1.91.6....................... ......... under Preliminary Order :......1220 �............................... PP ,. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.: -Construct . a.:-cement. tile.,,si.dewalk_to a,_*.idth, of8iN. fes t_. on, e:. th.nQ.r..tk_sid.e..:of...P.age:strest. beginning 100 feet west of Livingston avenue,..-:thence east_ to., So:ath_:--.- Robert ..9t rest ' ixmenasDCAxv ORDERS. ............ ... ...... •. •.:... .•.. ............:............ r. 'No. 15500-By S. A:-Farnsworth– .I�l �. :he Matter or, conatrueting u cr. .... .-�\ •' th -' of tlie. ¢Id—alk to. ¢ w� t 0...6.6.-. with no alternatives, -and. that. the estimated cost thereof is �.. P.er-.lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement mi the ....2Q-th .......... day of. . _, 191:7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I., in the Council Chamber of the f St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Court House and City Hall Building in the City o of said meeting to the persons.apd in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - of the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...:. ....191......... aP i Iyif ��L �..:.:... APProved... 191...... .. ...... /fl.. . . .acting •favor.: Councilman Farnsworth k- Councilman Bass CouncilmanHylbaid Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich : Form B. S. A. 8.6 A COUNCIL FFILFNO............................ .............. , INTERMEDIARY -ORDER In the Matter of....Constructing...a...cement__ti.l.e...aide.. aak to...a_..Width...o.f..:faur... e,nd one-half feet: on the east side of Chelmsford street begli.ning rundrgd:.f.ee.t north-..of._Hendon._. avenue,--.thence north-to__-Rudlgy,.- under Preliminary Order..... 1, 890_,_.:,,•,,.,_.., .......--:approved Sept_ ember, 27,-:,1916 .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:.:.C.or1.s.tr-Uat...a._.cement the sidewalk to width of four and one-half feet.. on the._. east_.. side__. of_Chelmsford .:st.reet..be innin.ng. tw.o-hundr.e.df.e??e.ndR7.....-------- ay.enue:.-..thene.e north,.to:.Au°ley ..a•venue4.......... ...... .. .......... .....:..................:._. .. ......... ...... . ........ ....: C. F. No: 16501—nY S. A: Farnsr'or.th -;... .-:..-...... ...:.. :..:.. ...:.................. In the Matter o[ construct1.x tilaidewnik [9„a width -'��• f t ,•t bel i•!/.. ..................................... . ........... Ir with no alternativeg, and that the estimated'Ltost tf.,,,',yf is $..0.50.. p.er.,lineai foot. Resolv'd&.Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 20th. day of April.-:......_ _..., 191...7.-, at.the hour of 10 o'clock A. INI., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as eatimated, .adopted by the Council s.:. ,........... ...., 191....... M-A P Approved----------- ............... 191..-..' .., l �lct+nr,>! acor. .Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman :Wunderlieb - Pori. B. S. A. 8-6 _ - - COUNCIL FILE NO .. / By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....CoaetTucting...a...c.ement....ti-12 sidewalk...t-A.:.a,.-wj-cjt-h••-of-•-s#x-•••- fe.et-:,on._ both sides Jefferson ay.....................nue from Prior avenue to Fairview ----------•-•------•-•--.........--.--.--.....................................--.. avenueand.from Warwick avenue to,Edgecumbe Rgad, under Preliminary Order ....1379E................................... approved ... No-vetgb er;_.29.,.-..1916. - ' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.................. Cnnat.ru.ct_..a...aemexit...a.il.e...aid ew.alk..a.o....a.s¢i.dtr.:cf._aix...feet..:on_,b.oth................ @zdes,._of--Jeff,eraon.avenue...from-.Prior--_avenue.-ao...FBa,rvi w. ayeBue...And...._ frgtn }4aryvi.ck. aven io..to Edge• umbe.1pad,.. . ....... .. ........... C.P. N.. 15502—n.' S. A. Fnrnaworth—.............. .......... ... .. .. �. In the Ml ttei- of constructing a e-ent the nidewnik to . width .1' .1. feet .. on both Idea. of Jefr . ......... - [ram r for ...... veno t. ....... .... ... .___.. ....: , j - - �;... ._. R with no alternatives, and th ,'T' f@' eAftdateft e&t thereof Is$.:.0.66. per lineal' foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -20th. ........day of - .---.April ...:_.__.: ... _ ..., 1917 at the hour of I& o.'elock A. M., ill theCouncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided'by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof.as estimed AR Adopted by the Council..._. _ . a"..r 191....._. / - 1 / / moi. t.. Approved...........................__. ......; 191....._ .. t .......... erk. ................... � h - Actin Councilman Farnsworth cAlyor. Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller f �� Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 3IiQ-- Form B. S. A. 8-E COUNCIL FILE NO ... .... By. w INTERMEDIARY ORDER t t_i A.:-3.i.aeJRralka...tsz.-.a._w-idth-:nf-...si In the Matter of.-.....Cons-truct.kng.-reale??. feet--on the-,north s>de; of ,Shields.•-avenue--between-;Hereche7--Y.el}?x- ard ldine etr et-,- and_ 11 pva:C4---doe-s-.-not..-nom.:-exist-.-an..---- bothAsidee of ---- elda avenue between-_Fairyi-en avenue and -Aldine .-.-... street........................................ . ....... ..................................................... .. ... under Preliminary Order ...s$4.. ...,..approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby re ed and adopted, and the said improvement is 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby app hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the council recommends is....GOri9t�-17C-t--C-BmBnt'` '. of .:s.ix. fe.et....o.n...xhe::.no:rth..aide...of--- Shiel-ds avenue between Herschel avenue and Aldine.-street,--.-and all- p7aC.ea.- -- .-- where..:walk does-not._•now.;.exist on. both..s7,d-es_o.#'....Srields...av-enxe...b.ets¢een., ............. .......:...... >a.irview avenue: ._nd.Ald_ine street . �� . i soa nv s. r Orth _ ....... C 7s t _ zp -he iiatt 4 at u tl 6 •� ..... �] yt n� 1h tO 1 1th ld Ix f t k ,avlldine 5& .p-er_lineal foot kith no alternatives, an a r en x 1 e ate i it +�o..d 11; r .... day o Resolved Further, That a pui. s - i sK be had on said unprovement on tile..20tb er of April,:__.. 191.-('-. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Vii., in the Council Chambf Finance ve notice Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul•tri Charter, stating at the mthertim and place of hear- . of said meeting to the persons and- in the manner provided by ing, the nature of the improvement, and the'total cost thereof.as estiigated. Adopted by - .... the Council 2 L C ti i - A - Ci Clerk. Approved....... .::. .. _, 191. c .. �Yn411Ayo . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Uoss Couneilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Ma Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 COUNCIL FILENO :. - .......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER /. --•---•---•-� In the Matter of-..#IeG.4?1.$t�'uC.t-i.zlb..-..z'el.cLY..i.ri8--:aAst-..zsllB.i.T.ina:..vvith....cement tile.to---a-.-width-.of--.six--f-e_et, the---Free-ent---cemtrlit;ae-..aid.e3[al.ka•-on............. .. - -. the .east aide--of.-Chestnut street--.beginning.at--.pTAtlhingt.Qxi---stxeet--------------- ---...........--- thence. east 30........,feet.,_...:............ ------•--•--....-.-. ... .-.....a3�$.2.............................approved .......... .... under Preliminary Order... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Reco,nst,r'act.,... relay and.-repair-.with..cement-tile-.to a_ width. --o f. six..>.e.et,_-•tyle.. r---• present c.emer-t the sad.ewalks...on the ...eaet_s.i-d-e.... of...Chestnut.-:.at.r.eet...... .... beginning at Washington atreetr ,hence eeist.,30 ..feet, . -,-.. • ......... ' C h' No. 1+501 n -Fan Orth _ _ in reconxt ctf t, '��" . .......... ....... n th if ttr. f tl-.,tit .. .............. 1 t• I g 5th [sent Id th f . feet. th Pis east .... - t tit 11 11<s th ...- ...... .. . ..... ... id fChe [ t t et b gl Ino - - \\ hl gto t t th ,r square foot with no alternatives, and th ° ° 'y r postre ; aiear rs O6 per : Q. t y day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 20th Apri 1 ......... _._ 191..7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A: i1I;, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating them a and place of hear- ing,the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as ,estimated.�% Adopted by the Council- _ L., it� Clerk. Approved - ............_.., 191.._ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl PuBus" � 3 Councilman Wunderlich MayeTS Form B. S. A. 8-6 - ------------------ I --i------------ -- - - - V , COUNCIL FILE NQS. / rx� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...!^13?ging.the.:..grade:...of-lake -"..Como :-.&..phaler_""etre.--..f r-0za--�aua-tier, St- to Woodbridge st, and of Marion St. from Lake Como & Phalen ave. to a point. 22G feet no-r-th 4D-f...i.he..n4a-Bth-1-ine-• &f--L-bake ••Go -me•• &--Phal-en ave: •to - conform to the red line on the profileshereto attached and made apart hereof;-the-preaen-t-grade"being"-repreuented""bv"t?te blue" hive"""tliereori' ""al`so the grading of said Lake Como & Phalen ave. and Marion St..between the �oin'ts aforesaid 1�1 acCnrd2Yide'Wi"th thie said re"d""T re'"eri es�sliheh=d,, "also "the grading of said Lake Como & Phalen ave. from Westernay.e."".t-o.";Gd;, also-":th - and from;I<ariori et:""to Bice""st to the present established grade, __.: ...., a r ao 15115—nv s. x, Farnsnvurth ............. .._ In the hatter of chnngtng the Frnde under Preliminary Order....... �niite so one sic udb id a'°. from Au 4 g st... .....must 2.5.,....1 .1.6............"......_. ........ f It to st tom K.", r The Council of the City o Pt ttVn' in°t °°l •Iveu chd,report of the Commimioner,of Finance upon the above improvement, and havi 11b.1t. Ave. eat,. report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ......... .. ............... . _Chaange..the. grade... of--. Lake .:.C.or.1.o...&..Pr�t1en_sue.....f.r.oan.-rault�Ar--at. to Wood- bridge St. and of Marion St. from Lake Como & Phalen ave. to"a point 220 feet--northof th-e north. line -of -Lake t Como" --&-Phalen a-re-:"to"-conYurm-to"the• red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the"."blue Tine tIi' redri; _also gre:de said MI;6 Como & Phalen ave. and Marion St. between the points aforesaid in'accordance with the 9a:id r-eii-.'1"irie"-when estali'l3efi"ed "diad gr�j:d-e said ;joke Como "& Phal"en ave. from Western ve. to Gustier at. and, from";Marion"""st."t".q""gi_o•e•""sb...:-.tA. the piw isent establ a ed arad ; with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...6,,742. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..:.-_21st-. ...... ........... day of .... _"-.April 191-7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. iii., in the Council Chamber of .the Const House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice: of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- " ing, the nature ofthe improvement, and the totalcost the$f as estimated. - Adopted by the Council ...._...M1 n 2' 191. MAP 3 1911 Approved Councilman Farnsworth �atingla• of Councilman boss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller 3 3 Councilman McColl Councilman *underlieh Dlny,y�.%4}p. Form B. S. A. 8-6 - - - in the\7 i [3o demnin n II t I R'. and t 1._ttl )and tte a 1 - tr Y f r l04 ea: fo c Itx tnd alts 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. > >, cl dln .Cot g Fhnl n � - G_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......QQ.nd.e=in9...a-nd...t.aki.nl; -an... eas.er.!amx.:..iii the—land ..:neaassal-7 fa.r.._slo-p es.._...fox.... Qut.a.:. An.d...f i.1l.a.::im.. Qxading..Lak e...Goma.--Bc--Phalen...avenue.... froei...Wea.t:ern__. avenue .,_t::o..Rice ...street .,.__a.nd,-1Ear1.o.n.--s.t.x.ee.t....f:fion1..�,ake...-Ct1mo..:•..' 3c Phalen. avenue. -to. 220 _feet,.. north.. of, the...ort.h.:.l.ine...o.f.0m0.-.&. _..:._ Phalen avenue. according.to .the._plan.hereto attar?led_.&..made.:a_..g art...he.reof, the hatched:.portion„ehowirg.- the , cuts ...and...the..sh .... ,.portio- l_t.he fills.,. under Preliminary Order.. ......12x:8$......... ...........approved ._..Q.Gtob.er...3.,....1918.... _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the, nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Q.o. nd.emn.,.an.d...t.ake.,..an eaeem...ent.... in. t.ne...->and_.necess.ary.:.for._saoP,es,;..-fo-*.:cut-s...at;d.._fi.11.s..:.in...grading, Lake. Como ,.,& Phalen.. avenue,.: from VleRtcrn_.avenue._to Rice_ street•. andidarion street_&-_Phalen..avenue-,.to,._?.N...fee.t._:no 111 !af thA.-n.ox'.t-b line of Lake ....C.omo....&..Pklal.em. ay.e.nue. a.o:cordine...to...t.re.:.plan.. h.ereta...atlaahe.d..a:nd made.. a..R.axe_.hereo.f..t.he:.katched...portio:.:..e.hosvia. --t he Q.1.4 -.e &...th.e_:.0.1ad.ed._ portion the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y...bQ..0.0.............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......21&.t .................... day of ..- ............. Apr. i, 1 .............................. 191...'i...: at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber of the Court, House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice A said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, static the time and place of lie ar- , ing, the nature of the improvement, and Pe total' cost thereof all Pwttinate 7// 1 7 d. -kdopted by the Council_._ 191_. 1917 Approved. 191 _ .. lerk,� i .' f;!✓.:...... .. 11ay n Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (Joss Councilman Ilyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Atay awl' Form B. S A. 8•6 COUNCIL FILE NIO .......... ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. stree.t to-Burx stz!jeet . . ............ ....................................... ................... . ....... ........ ...... ................... ..... .............. .......... .................. ............................ ... .. . . ........ ....... ....... I .......... ................................................. I ............................... ...... ................. . ..... ............ .............. .................. ...... ... ................. under Preliminary Order ................ approvedZe� .0 =10. eX ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the.report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the 3'R=z* of the improvement which the Council re6ommends is ......... _ ............................ ................ Curb and boulevard_.Jenke street .from Westminster strggt._tO.:.Bux.]C_..9.tres.t, .............. .............................. ........................ ........ i 0. P.:No. 16507—By S A Farnsw .............. .................... ............... In the 1fatter .Farnsworth 1 a -1 of and bo.'.Ie- Verding Je.k. street f— N,,_ I.................. ............................ . nater street .................... .......................... P141,1.-b1n,ry 65; .. ................................................. :i . .............................. .................................................................. ............................................................... ............ ............................................................. ....... . ........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a publie h,aring- be had on said improvement on the.. 21St ........ day of ........ 191. ?• at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 'M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building i., the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as, estimated, -`7 I �p Adopted by the Council., 191 9 17 Approved 191. 'ler .... ... .... ... ....... .............. . AeUnWayor. ('01mcilinan Farnsworth Councilman (;oss conneilman Hyland - Councilman Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE j4A .... ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofSeventh at. to Chats- worth at. Constructing sewers on Otto ave. from Cho,tsworth a to Lexington ave.;....o-n...Laxingt.on...ava...._fr.om...Otto ...ave,..:.to-...wat.s.on-.-av on..W&t.son.:.ave..._along, the southerly side of Fountain Park from Lexington ave. to Hamline ave'.; on Niles stw from Ham -Ane ave.,;...to...ea-st---roadway..o.f...EdgeGumbe.-.Rq-ad.:i----on-4-uto•--at- from Harrline ave. to east roadway of Edgecumbe Road; on Hamline iave. from Wate6ft st.....to-Randolph .st'�, on.both sides of--Edgecumb-e Road-•-f-ront,5a ft -v north of north line of Bayard at. to Juno St.; all of which is to be Mown as the ---- .......................... ......................................... Otto - Niles Sedee..yet.nm�.._......_... _....._... under Preliminary Order ....9888 .............. ..........approved ..............._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the :above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report,be and the same is hereby approved and adapted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a F. 40. issoa-u S:.i. Fx worth- _ In the 'tatteon Otto Ave from Seventh at to Chats - 2. That the nature of the improl worth st Cont acting ere onnds is.......:. Ott Ave.;rom Chat o th St [ - 7 xi 6tOn \ve Lexington gf 1 Enlarge.._ sewer_. on -:Otto, avr, r bm Ott t: ...... c • -p..C.hatotvgxth.st.....................: Construct ser4re on Otto ave. f:";"L°natsworth st,.`to Lexington ave.; on Lexing— ton ave. from .Otto ave. to..Watsoe-ave.,;_on...Wat.s.on... ave. ..:.along ...the_so.utherly. side of Fountain Park from Lexington ave. to Hamline ave.; on Niles. st. from Hamline -ave. -to- east -roadway -.af Psdgecumb-e-Road•, on Juno at from-Hamline ave-i-Ad-e-ast roadway of Edgecumbe Road; on Hamline ave. from Watson at. to Randolph at.; on bothsides of-Edgecnmbe Road from 5O--ft.-north of north line of Sayard. nt.;.-to Juno at.; all of which is to be known as the Otto - Niles Sewer System, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..2..30...p.e.r._f.ront foot. ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thea... .23d ... _............ day of April 191.7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating t�je time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as e8timated. Adopted by the Council....... _........ 191 ... _ 1917 .... Ti, .. . Approved 191 _. `4 ity Merl ... ... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (joss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman 'McColl Councilman Wunderlich D1ay�i�Pi-n - Form B..S. A. 8-6 Aetin4 Mayor. PUB1a51�D 3 I11-11` A13AV.S'Ab.aOyl. oil ` CITY OF. ST. PAUL _ - .�OU NCI•,L RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM Subject:.., _ .. ._ _ ... COUNCIL`■ yy1;wv CNO. FILE Date Presented^ March __.24, . 1917— Y, Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised to employ in the Bureau of Sanitation, one watchman at a wage of not to exceed Two Dollars per day. - - R aolv�•e' Thu[ [hr C.r rrlexloncr oP - - Fabric• \\' he nn Is hereb}.n th i ee I. to employ Ithe. R - c Itutlon, r tehI-, mnn of not toe eeDollurx peer auy. \) ptce t the the C.. Council Lich."lA,- I a)firotea -Wn sr,, 1917. I C1I •.h. 31-If)li) - Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays tar, worth Adopted by the Council MM'24 r 191 . �os In favor tT-Iy d I I ..kel Q Approved' }..._..-.. ..191.._ v101c II Against lWti vlich � M Presiden . rvin MAYOR FORM C. B-2 ..�i� CITY. OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM .nvaJr�',;y Subject._.....,.. _ COUNCIL. FIL ) NO_'.. Date Presented _ 191 Resolved. T-a.t the commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ for sarvice in the Bureau of Fire protection One (1) Painters Helier at a'salary of 465:00 per month and One (1) Idechanice Helier at a salary of K65•CO per month. Henry Dt •Colior of— ft--I,ed: That ih` Com �ed horizto i'ubll Snfel IS hereby il1P Bureau or •mDlo 3 t r tionl one ft) T'aintcr+. Fire 1 .,. or E65.00 Pormanth ' tjeln�one t(11 �t h ti�•x Bl'lPer at a s WY or. 566.00 P or .,.nth Adoi ted hv[he Coun Il 24. 1117. \PProVed It 'b df 1�in1T) 1,fa hr__,_.__ Yeas ( J) Co cilmen ( J) Nays u 1 Fa swortk Adopted by the Council VA 191. . Go 7 In favor 11 ,.h.l 1J11 Hy "d l r Approved Kt 191._ e Ke ll Against Wu erliich /rp,esident, rvin na�ro mesa. C. as )!lJ8L1SFiFD,_, �� :CITY OF ST. PAUL- - COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM - - Subject:_ 1p n3 FOFNCII No._.- .. O 1t Q.i"tJ 1 Il- Date Presented- MarCh 23rd 17 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects, all bids re- ceived forthe construction of a sewer onCongress St. 'from the present easterly terminus of the sewer 100 feet easterly of Bancroft St. easterly to a point10 ft: east, of the west line of Lot3 Paulson's Re. of Block 13 Brown & Jackson's Add., as the bids received were in excess of the Engineer 8 Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same. F.B. #1197. C IF '4-. 15511—R3' 11 Y. Goss- - Resolved: That .the Connell hereby, concurs In the—an.mndatlotl of the Contrnc. Committee 'und hereby r - ).ets nil bids received .for the c n- • traction of. a sewer on CanFrc- St. -. rre n the nreaenr eastewy terorinus of the. server 100. feet ertsterly: of Bancroft - Steasterly to a Point 10 Pt. eastof the t Brie or 7 t 8 Pr 1 's RC of Block 13 R nw .h Jackson' Add as thebids:r elv 1 we 1 cess f the F girt( is .."cortte•r and th Pt has_ sdvp,tlse la here'y nuth.ri.rd to r dee 197. for n w l ld an'.same. R. - . :Ivo..i107:' Adopted by the Connell 11th. 24, 1017. APprnvcd Nrch; 26, 1917. `(March31-1017) - Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays v Haworth s In Favor Adopted by the Council �/7 y 191 �. ' � � I land ler Approved 191. Coll Against \ n nderlch vC Mr. Preai t. Irvin `\ FORM C. B- ..... ... MAYOR ' - CITY OF -ST. PAUL `. COUSICIL RESOL,UTIO N—GENERAL 'FORM Subject: - COUNCIL' .. FILE Date Presented _ March 23rd' 17191 - • Resolved, That the Council-hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committed and.hereby rejects all bids re- . ceived for the construction of a sewer on Ninth St. from Cedar'St. to Robert St, and a relief sewer onRobert St. from Ninth St. to Eleventh St';.ae,no bids were receiv-. ed,.arid the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re- advertise for new bids on same. -F.B. 1196. U. r, No. -16612—Sy N. N. es— , Go - Ro i ed, That the Council hereby�l • nn re in the commendation of the -1. Contract: Committee and..hereby re- Jects :all bids received for the. con- struction" of a s er nn Ninth St. from Cedar St. -to Robert St. ad a relief - wer on Robert St. from Ninth St.. to ! - Eleventh Fit. as no bids were received; l and the Furchnaing Agent Is hereby authorized.to readvertise"for new bid. I on flame. R R: 1196. i,. Adopted by the Council': Efch. 29.1917. - Approved Web. 26. 1917: i I (dfarch 31-1917) ' Yeas (J) Co ilmen ( J) Nays Z/r 7 F worth Adopted by the Council 191 Co In favor •li•It- f_k.1 I� 1 7 Hnd Approved . 191. Ke r Mc oil 8 U Wu derlich Against _ _ . .._ A ........ ... MAYOR ' Mr. Presiden Irvin FORM C. 6-2 CITY'OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RE'SO:LUTION—GENERA'L,FORM - • COUNCIL :. FILE 110.... ... .. ..... Date Presented. March :23rd t. 17191......_ Resolved, .That t e action of a. majority of the Contract Committee be, and the same is hereby approved, and all bids receiv- ed for paving Minnesota St. from .the 'north line of Third St, to the so{ith line of Eighth St. I.excepti.ng the inter- sections of Fourth, F}fth, Sixth and. Seventh Ste. be and\ the same are hereby rejected; and the'Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to procure the neces- sary materials and do the work by City Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the .Charter. F.B. 1199.`x,. �.I C. F. '\'0.:16613—Sy X N. -Gose— `I .Res Ived. That the^action of. ma-� Jo rity of the-Contraet: ComMittee bo:.' ' nd, th n ala h hi app led and n bis d Po p v 111 neaotrt outh line of `Jt d P m the o,.th IPne CingThI d yt to I_ Isle sEl— ti , ..,.,.__ Yeas (t� Co cilmen (J) Nays sworth / (�`+ k� In favor A 11 and / M 1eo11 � / .Against `W d_erlich Mr. Presi Irvin FORM C. 8.2 . the o k by t,lty F ce �; In ntc rd nl ith lie plc l the the to F .H 1199 i h1 the cl ]\tch 24 1917 d AM,. 26 1917 (lin ch 31 1917)': ApR - 21917 -n CE Df OP t0 COUNSbr ' Adopted by the Council 1 ! a R 2 s , `' :, 191 Approved _ i7, tq •_fj �y11.: 191.._._. MAY R CITY OF S . PAUL - 1 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT15 ' r AUDITED CLAIMS=RESOLUTION FORM FIL e i FILE MAR 2 t 1911 aY -- .. - AUDIT —191_. 672 �2 v Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names' as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas(v)jeGss uncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council -'�tA'. 2, 191— rnsworth MAI Approv dland __In favor1Her _ MAYOR coll Against nderlich Mr. PresideIrvin I. F. \.15514— Resolved 5514—R solved that warrantsbe drawn - upon. the Clty. Treasury;paynble out - pfthe-hereinafter :specified funds and - .� t fa r of the persons, firma or. cor- - Xi_S,�e., p r. [lone for theing det amounts set opposite �^t theirpactive no... s as peot: in the f Iio pectl etno. atatem nt , 1me Iran E.pils a Co, %297 A. �C, Austin Purr 1Fe'r^ 'St 16.09. . T: L, Rloc , 13255 American Express Co., 2.97' Sewer C. & R, -Exp) 7 Library F,xp., f t 9 Fire -E ✓ •# . r. 256 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 116.09 Police -Exp. i` 9 76 . Water-Exp.12.9'3 Civil Service-ExD. f�� ?1b7 Auditorium -Exp. .30 C. P. Works -Adm. -Exp f 57.77 Library -Exp• x' 21.29 Fire -Exp. 1 da Com1r. 'Fina,nc -Exp, tt` 6.3 Po lice & F e Alarm -E �k 2, 2I . Parka -A _Exp,' Gen. Fu City Clerk xp. ;213 Play ounje-Exp. may rile Office -Exp. 257 Geo. C. Binder, .60 - Civil 60 -Civil Service -Exp.. . 258 T. L. Blood,Co.s 6.60 Library -B. --p. f rermA. a -la #3 Parks -EXP• 1. 00 Brdg.` Rep. 4. 'Muni cipal;>Gpr., 9• 7 a .95' Spripi ing 3 7ZV40 13273 E. S. Ferry School-EXP• 1.00 274 Griggs Cooper & Co•, Water -:EXP - 1.80 275 J. W. Hulme, Police -Exp. 24.90 276 Iroquois Engr. Co., School - C. & B.(Ames) 26.31 277 Felix Joswich, Garage Rev. Municipal 5.00 278 J. Kurlarvek, Water -EXP- 1 3.`00 279 Library Bureau, 5.00 C. P. Works-Adm.-xP•= 4100 260 L. B. Lippincott Company, _ Water -Exp. 5.00 281 Mrs. A. Lodge Water-?-XP- 1,45 282 Al. J. Louie, Water-ExP• 30.15 283 McClain & Redman 4.41 Parks -Exp. 1.4 C..P. Safetyy�,n• AS:�'Y; r' 2. Police-EXR," f11 } g 8 Part. Cel�tsy Fupd 1,� Civil_,!��{ery ce.3�xp• - 140 Auditioriui-Fid p• Cc e Iebp-Exp. 5. 5 Cc Tess 3 33 Schoo .33 n .15 1.00 284 Henry McColl, Cgm'r. Pubaic Safety Library -EXP• 4.85 285 Mahle Wagon Co-, Water -EXP• 2.50 286 N. MakieskYpolice-ExP• - 711.87 f 287 Manhattan Oil 00.,v. �1 52 Municipal Gara x`9.30 a a F34.31 Lingtir►gu ant' e r 9. 4T Health -Q lC}i 5V Pol. & F e A rm Police- xN•Aq.; 5 ` .'294 45 . a Fire xp• 1 .80 f Co r. Fi no -ExpTr S. .44 3& S• C e-Exp�ExP 4.95 ewerC. & -_a 8.32' a a _ 1 "� r #6 13314 Van Dyke ' blson Co., c Xunicipal Garage Rev. 53.50 - X315 H. E. Wedelstaedt.' School -Exp. 1 316 Wells, Fargo Express Co., Library -Exp, .83 317 Western Ela .i:' a Police & Fire Harm -Exp. o 11+.8Q 318 Western Supply Co., =Fire C. & B. ,- 16.652.64 Library Exp.' Mun Test. .64 3.69"'' Lab, School C. & B. cclellan) 5 6g Police -EXP "' S. & S. CXanjing 2. Q1 319 Western Union Teleg. Co., ffl- Lighting -Exp. .6o Total i cnri a..a CITY OF BT. PAUL _. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT) UNCIL No.__- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMCOLE - MAR G 1 - BY ,o�/ - Z AUDITED_- —__ <o.mouu J 673 _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (v) Con ilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council-' _ Par worth Goa _�_ Hyl nd In favor y, i> �� �i 4i Jilt . APProt eQ 4 191_ Kel r . I/ Me OR Against MAYO R' derlich Mr. President, vin . C Rea Iced 5th5 t w ante by out of p" th City T a6 y p yabl out or a: / th t of th ftp pn 111 d tfl— nda d ip or tip forthe : o f ..t pthep theitol`owl gid tall d t p. A1 - uiei PublEiehing C Capital City. T"r., :.- - - H. Chitrl: 13320 American Express 'Co., Sehool..Exp. 3.11 321 Bruce Publishing Co., 01 School• -Exp. 1.50 322 Capital City Lumber_ Co., Street C. & R.,Exp. i 9.02, 323 J. H.: Chitrin, School -Exp. 24.63 324 Craftsman Press, Health -quarantine Exp 11.95 -x;75, Misc. & Unforse r>Exp. fir. School -Exp. 325 Chicago, St. Paul, JaLpls. & Omaha Ry., 10.11 School -Exp. ' 326 Elite Lau ry Co., 32.21 - School -Exp. 327 Elk Laundry Co., 15.89 School -Exp. 328 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 9.70 Spec. D a P -, School 329 Chas. Friand & Son, Fire -Exp. 1.06 Ginn & Company, 10.24 ..330 Central H. S. Lib. . Form A. 6.16 - 331- W. H. Kane School -Exp. 18.86 #2 13332 Michaud Bros., 15.11 School -Exp. 333 National Bureau of Criminal•Indentification 75,00 Police -Exp. 334 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 26.24 Fire -Exp. 335 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 97.61 Police &Fire Alarm -Exp. 336 0. W. Rohland Co., 16.83 School -Exp. 337 St. Paul Hebrew Institute 100.00 School -Exp. 338 St. Paul Rubber Co., 43.86 . Z6 • School=Exp. 2:. 339 Schulenberg Bros.; 20.58 < School. -Exp. 340 Sherwood Company, 27.45 Library -New Books 341. Oscar Swoboda 1.80 Health -Quarantine -Exp: 342 Underwood Typewriter Co., 5.66 Scho o l<.Exp. 343 Western Union Teleg. Co., 6.15 School -Exp. 1 4 .CITY OF ST. PAUL ArCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUFILE NCIL .. ' 1,-. ( BY AUDITEDM.._12i� 191__ PER—, 674 7, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifiedfunds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following ' detailed statement: Yeas ( v) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council .!95R2�'p'IBI— - Far sworth Go Appiov d t r lAl Ay and7 In favor 'Ke er M oll Against MAYOR Wi nderlich i Mr. President, Irvin 13344 St. Paul Rubber Co., 29.70 School -7d. & R. C. V. No.�lbb16—- ' . Resolved that-warran to be draovh' upon the CitY''TreasurY..: paYable out of the In favor of the Pte sone,c8r-4 fu corpora " done for the amounts set opposite r their espective.'.names as specified t' the following detailed aA l - �1�""°�"•m statement: Bt. Paul Rubber,C... $29.70. Adopted by the uncJl dich..24, 1917. •�pProved Drch. 26. 1917.. _ ! (March 31-1017) -. Form A. 6.16 •� c z i f � � � � �. t € r. •i f �'i � r «t �i1o. 1SSk7—Osdinanc8 N�t„�, +/ rdyllWne6 �R tRktt Th<'Conn� oK ili-' CptS t Sk �°{ doe9 o dnA c A _ r L y&`CTIQN 7 Tha6=. th DSODoe4tlott ����� ivuui W7,Dnt 9S3oiVa1% 'oD � 'i,R pb{UTe ntObB nTln ordinance to settle Re; gi „ j.jo.Athe claim of Angelo Frascone. T °;.+ _ s E.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Angelo Frascone to compromise and settle his claim against the.City of St. Paul, arising out of ,injuries sustained by him by reason, of a fall on an icy aide - walk on the northerly side of Decatur street,. near No. 550 Decatur street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February 17th, 1917; upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)4 be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in: favor of Angelo Frascone, payable out of the Compromise Account, of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by:the Corpor- ation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant under the.circumstances"hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days 'after* `its passage and p*olication. Passed by the Council Yeas Hays Mr. Farnsworth �,6oas - �.-- , ller oColl / f �--.ifunderlich rc i ------- Mr. 'ft. dent (Irvin) Approved Attest / Mapor. City Clerk PUBLISHED TO THE HONORABLE TAE COUNCI •y� of the City of St. Paul: _..._ ... ........ ...... ................. herebymake application to the C WtCi of St. Paul for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: �at the full n of the applica for said License is................... :............................. ........... ............................. ........... ..... ...:_..._--- .- . _ . I ...... ............ _...._, and his (its) place of residence is... � .. _.... ................. ..:... ....... street (a ue) in the City of St. Paul; that th xa to atio o is Aapint proposes to carryon husiness is_ _.. _._- in the Cit of St. Paul at aid plicant .................................... _..now engaged in said business at�.P l .........�G�. . in the City of St. Paul Dated this. ,/. ....' day of.._... ...... _ _......_ .. ..191.: ......... .................................... Applicant. Date of expiration of License G%%C':1 /.... _....... 1 1 Date of Inspection .... _.............. ........ / ...... Z_�......... .............................. .... _:......... _. ._.. 191.. Fire Protection .-...... ..... .......... _.............. Ventilationof Building_._ ._ :--........... ....... .............................................. .....:.. .._.___.._..... Meats and Provisions ............. ............ .............. ............ ........ .............. _...................... Beds and Bedrooms. ---_.. e ............. ..-.........:.:. ... _ ....: .. _. __.......--....:. -- _- ... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing ---- ......: ..... ......................... _...................... ... ...... --- ]Kitchen and Utensils. �/_xC........:......._...... .. Refrigerator and Store Room.......% _....................... ...... _...... .............. ....._ .......... _....: _._'..._ Basement and Cellar ................ Back Yard.. ....:_... L yse ... . ....... General Condition of Premises ....... ...... ....... ................. .... ....... .................. License Recommended��� /y ... City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved.: ........ Healt Officer. ............ ' .. 1 51D--Itv Henry McColl - a Rosol ed That fho• aPPltoatlo m. the Collo into Persona• Cor a-.7lcen,oGto"' Y OF ST. PAUL FORM _ - conduct Hn}ela or Restaurant akl LhW.��' tocntton r nectly is inrlantod a d the. LUTION—GENERAL the same h Y by or K� and I - : _ S n�i CltY. Ci rk is - .. . Subject:...:.., t0 J. all .�.• -- COUNCIL ..�.fl FILE NQ...-.. a1.?,4 - . • Date Presented_ Mar., a 1917. Resolvgd / and the That the applioation of the following persona for a_ license to oondutst Hotels or Restaurants at the location CJerkpistauthorized andddirected to same hereby are .granted and the City ent of the fee required issue suoh licenses -to said apPlicant upon the Palm by law. LOCATION. NAME OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. 409 IQinnesota Hotel, J. Hotel, c. Comllns,345 Minnesota Jacob Bodell,' 443-45 Jaokson St.s Hotel, E. J.,Greer, R8 E. 9th St. Restaurant a M. A. Tsohida, 527 Wabae James bloNavin,. Hotel, (Abbott) 112-14 V. 6th, J. M. Hayes, Restaurant, 48-50 W. 10th, Mrs. ,O. Stenlund, Hotel, -_209 E. 3rd, David Pouliot, —Hotel, 383 W.abasha St., Clow Milling Co., Restaurant, 379-81-83 Wabashed F1'tigeltaub•& Figur,. Restaurant, (2nd floor) Restaurants 386 Jaokson St., Metzger Co; 136 E. 3rd St., Leiria L. M Milton J.etzSmith, Restaurant, 434 Minnesota St-, ant, 57-59 E. 7th St., Bert Levy, Restaur E. E. Cleveland, Hotel, Yeas (J) Court ilmen (J) Nays I: the Council_ _f' r --191 Adopted by �5 <,3.. Far worth In Favor �[ yl nd App .191`roved.`,lr Against PV� 7. oil ,Wu derlich 3 3 qa Mr. Presiden in CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: t_ e;t�� ^. . .. /... COUNCIL No. FILE . ...... worth f Adopted by the Council h A�! .:S_; 191........ Date Presented- resented nd: RESOLVED, RESOLVED, That the following designated Iioenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. -.._.______.___.From (Name and Address). j To (Name and Address) No. 72jEdward F. Kath,513 Mississippi St., Arthur W. Klostermar.;513 L?ississipPi St. No- 196,Sebast an Huber, -501 University fht.Carl Bier, 501 University Ave. No. -345_,An43NEi'._G. Andereon, l_Pame Ave' Rudolph A. Wilke, 831 Payne Ave. No.. No. _ .. -' ._--..—__ ...._______ Me a _____ __ _._.____ l:: h•. No. , ThatU v, Henry Me d Resolved, lied, That the following de®lg-„ - No. ! luted licensee to eell Intoxleating' .. 7e transferred as - Imlleuted! " ---- "— . __..._._ pouora ---- pur.uant to applle4tlons duly made' -.. No. therefor:.. No. 72, from Edward F. Kath, 613 SHaslsatppi St., to Arthur W. Bloater- . —'��----- man, 513 MAIWsslppl St. •. — NoiUnl4ereity .No. 190, . from Sebastian Huber, 501 ;�— Ave., to Carl Beyer. 501' _ ,..j Uni vel'sity: Ave.. j No. 345, from Andrew 6 Anderson.`-- ------ -- . .-No. 891Payne Ave. to Rudolph A, Wilke,, 83Payne-Ave. .. - 1 - ldopted by the Connell atch. 24, 1917:-' - No. Approved' Nish. 26. 1917. _ .__.._ (Tt ch 31-1917) No. No. No. No. No. No. Deas (r-) Cot cilinen ( ) Nays 4rai worth Adopted by the Council h A�! .:S_; 191........ L4;o wily i nd: it favor / y a ty 11 I approve .......191........ r Olt .. .. Against r-11' Mr. Presilen erlich n•iu MAYOR PUBLISEIT:D CITY OF, ST. PA-UL 1 COUNCIL: RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ . i j _.... COUNCIL FILE ..N O. 1 Date Presented March 24, 191.9.. Resolved, That -the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to prepare .an annual report in the usual form for the year 1916, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised and directed to cause to i be printed 360 copies of said annual report, the expense of such printing and publication to be paid out of the Official Publication Account of the General Fund. I C. F. Ne. 15621-RS'-\I. N. Go9H- Resolved; That the Commluuloner or. - Public W.11- be and he 1. hereby au- Ihorized toprepare annnual report 'In' the u hal form fee the year 191G. and 'the 9Purchasl ng Agent. is hereby authorized.. and.: directed to ceuue to be printed 360 -pleu of. said _annual: i reVart, the ,xpenseof such printing:; and .publication:' t..be paid opt. f thel Official. Puhtfeptlon.' Account of 'the' General Fond. Adopted by the Co.unru 117ch. 21, 1917., App roved - \tch. 26; .1917. (March 31-1917) Yeas (J) Cou { Imen (✓) Nays �i 'Farvorth .Adopted by the Council AP.24 + ...191 �"o In favor f-i'ly nd k tj 1y i �ICe er Approved1 191.._ :. I ` a_ �M oil Against U tW derlich Preside �in _...,:. MAYOR FORM C. 8-2 COUNCIL FILE NO ... By...f�n INTERMEDIARY ORDER ✓ • // In the Matter of ..... ..Cane.tmuciing...camb.ined....curb-:.. and -.-g.,A.t-ex.:-on..:GuAxickA.............. avenue.:from...Gr-etizl.--aYeziue..t.4--.Riv..Qr.:.-4uisYard,---•Qn Princeton.._av@nue.........::.. from-..Cretin...a,Sren.ue:..t.G... 3i Y.eF..Bou)-ey-aid; Q.n... At mount. avenue:-fromw:---retain '�L.Y.eBu-g--to_-p;oorllay-n, avenue; ---or tYoodlawn.avenue from Goodrich avenue to Princeton,, ........................ .......................:.. - a F. No- 15522 -BY S. A. Farnsworth In theMatter .of constructing eom- Mold curb and. gutter on Goodrich • - .._ ... ..... .....:..... ...... ,Ave.: from Cretin A1'' 16. River Bou-...-. .. _ .......... ..... ............ k. .._. ...... Ibvard on : Pri ceton Ave frnm Cretln A -.? ler Roulet/ rl + under Preliminary Ordor.........12�,� Fat to :, e� .:: :ept erab.e.r.. 25....1°1.F..,.-......- ooto The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance poli the above improvement,and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s .............:.......:........:........:...... Cone.txuct....0=bine.d... c.urb-. and.-gutter...on--Goodrich avenue from Gretj_n.......... svenu.e. to.-.Rev:er..P,a.ul.evard;... an_-.Pr.in.c.e.ton-.:ar.en-ue...f=m ..Cret•in-..aa�ysu�-..to.= ..River -:Boulevard)-- on --Fairmount anenue:'frgm --fret.in:..avenUe_.to_.Wo.od1awn- avenue;_-on pJoodlawn avenuefrom Goodrich avenue..t.o-.Princ-et4-B:-a-Q•ea -e�•.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----------- 24th. .........day of --4r.i.7......................................1 191.7-.... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of'hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... 191.., t pproved_ .. 191 _ _ n ....__ r � Vr C1 C :. ..... V: ..1............ ........ .....:..... . • Councilman Farnsworth 11nym. Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller CouncilmanlIeColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin orm B. S. A. 8-6 " ------------ COUNTCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-r,0Lnat.rl3.Ct.i.T19..t3....C�tp�.n f.e.e.t...Ozi...tk>e..:noFth.:.Aide of Selby...ayenue-_be.�innin at__Ferscel evenue,..-• tr P" tt.q PXent.. raik, PPr44ir�tely tnel c.e. __ .._.. ••__• - C. F \o. 76628--BY u onetrct n8 s ce - in the Matter of - tent rile sidewalk begto a width of six I „-.,feeton then rth sideof Selby Aee ....... :.--- thonc ........ ...... x at Herschel Av • -- -”" =.t to soon et'tr. .: . ... ��.,:. .................. . lk aPP n• ... .. .. ..... under Preliminary Order ....1.34.e.7....................approved .. ptob0;r , X976......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of. the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends. is....:..... ' Censtruc' a.cement..;tile..-fiidewalk.to a width of eix...feet- on,._the north-- side_.of Selby _avenl4e beg n_ning..at Herschel agerue,..,.thenoe-.?e9t.. to_..,,---. lk, _ a,PP reximately.. V _feet, ccn.rae.ct wi.Yks. tY_E...Preaent-:.wa., .. _ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .Q ..SE....p.es.. lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._...£4th. ..........day. of April •;.,......... ............. 191.1- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and �Cn, � Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said* meeting to the}persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council:. � .'r 191. /.. ., .. 191.... ' Cit Glerk Approved ............... / Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Conncihnan Boss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Couheilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-E COUNCIL FILE NO ...:. ....................... By: .iii lG k:r di.................. INTIERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-- onstr.0 ting :..a.:.c.emert-,--t.il�...ai�ey�...t.0' a "width.:Of---:---•------ six.-.f.eet...nn: broth'..sides...nf::T-homae..,str.eet. ba`t:een.:.4rze.11ing-..arene-.:and:-.:.: Aldi.ne..-.e t s. aet.r................ C. R. e . atter f ons Fal Haworth In the Mater of construct ng a e "'-""""' 1 ............ ,......- meat the .sidewalk to a width of six ' feet on .both aide. of Thomas. et set: between shelling avenue and Al--............... under Prenmi.................. ' [reef.... � .. ........ ........ .15029. aPD of d"Fei,. � . The Cnunen r . h\vino re. �..,� .... ...._.... ......... ...:.. under Preliminary Orderapproved .....F ebzLlerY_.2f3,.:1417 ........._1502,9_:•., .... �- - PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with` •� That the. nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-...L.................. - :..... �.ort.struct..�•....c.A?rten+..t.i.�. e..4-id.�Wa�.�..tc ..c�..1�i.dt.:�:..c -: s.id3.9cf Thomas ,.otreet_betxeen._°nell.in.g..ex.eztue.:.end...aldin.e.-st:r,aet, _........... ........................... o : ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof.is $--0-- 5 6 P.r-r..Iin6al foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.r_-....2dth...........day of APril.........,.:......., 191.1...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber of the d City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notie.c Court House an of said meeting d the persons ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estiand in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- to tri J op Adopted by the. Council:-.. - ... .......r2L� C :� _._... .._..... .. it Cle�ri } 191 - ........ tl. Approved ......................t .... Iy. 1 . .-:..... _...................... ................. .... -Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl��� l Councilman Wunderlich mayor--Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 & 7' COUNCIL FILE NO_� ........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... ......... .............. ..................................... ............. ............. ...................................... . ............ C F No. IsBis—oy s. A. Farnsw ....................................... In th. Matter of re .... t h FtT to ....... ander '. portion of the _Idth t .1. feet ............ ............ sidewalk requiring reeonstrurr", ............ ............... on the north of Berkelt ............. .:ane no eltm....................... approved under Preliminary Order the The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner. of Finance upon Ciovement, and having considered resolves: above impsaid report, here b r* yed and adopted, and the said improwement is app 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby ro hereby ordered to be proceeded with. e improvement which the Council recommends is 2. That the nature of th _.Vk j dtb Q ....... .... k nstr oti.on,...on the of sidewalk r.e fbet, ption d Maces .,_!rt.er .... _ay.e. ..nue,. terk le avenue.betweer Snell i�n5 ayenu.e..P,9�..... side of .. . ..... . . ... .......... ............. ......................... ................ ..... ..... ... ......... I ................... I ....................... ................................ ..................... ......... .... 1-_---- ... ....... . .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_0-0-6 per_aquare foot-. 2_4th h' on said improvement on the-,_ .... . . ............. day of Resolved Further, That a 'public hearing be had M., in the Council Chamber of the 191�7 _ at the hour of 10 O'clock A. f Finance give notice 'April . ................ t. Paul. That the Commissioner o Court House and City Hall Building in the City Of S d place of hear - of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time an / ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as timated. Adopted by the Council191. 1L i tylerk. Approved U-W City , ....... t, 191 ................................ ... mayor. Councilman Farnsworth councilman cosy Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller councilman McColl Councilman NVund erlich Alayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 --------- 11- -- -----F N.. IU626—BY S.-A. F ns north— � In ttieidattor oireconstrn ting. ralaY- IngnndYePAirinR.with Cement•'Cfte.l toe Width -ft aiX feet, the V[eeent� cemont Lite .1dewant oon ast e' naie'-etr t h RlnninR a d atre*t tP nee It .. COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER/f cement In the Matter of.-.-_Re.conatrtcting-.rlay'ng:_arid.--xe8s'. tile to a width of six £eet. the--present"--cesent tile; aide alk_or :Uae•"-- east aide of Dale street bePirrinp- at hlinneh2ha--Street-,thence -north"_- to-the _GreatNorthern-.-R%a" right °---Y'-- ----- ..... ...--... ..-.-.....29 1916 .......:......... . under:.h'z-7 Preliminary Order _ -.:... """. approved U-0 ''"- The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the .Os-emb.er e Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is -hereby ordered to be proceeded with- 2. That the. nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....: ........... :................... feet, t_he :pre,sent_..cement the s:ide%ai.$--..Q.n t.he_P,&a.t s.i.d.e...of-..Dale...strsat beginningat Minnehaha street, thence'north.to the.,Great„r?orthern Ry.•. right, of .waY.,.........._.. ......... .. ...".-:...-..._ ........... with, no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0:.0-6...p.er ..square foot. of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the....-..24th .-...6161V;- - ::ApTil :..:... ......:... . . 151:.7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the C0uncii Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to.the persons and in the manner provided by the.Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council._- ,"', _ .,Y 191. °IGS( _ty i9{ t - �` '� C,•aF'i _ -- - City Glen.--' Approved............ _.....:. _. ., 151..... _ / ...... . ............. -. _... 'Ma or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. $.:A. 8-6 u C. F. -No. 16637 _g rnsworth—!'tr, n the Matter of. raconeith o — relay. !ng and repairing with cement ttla; to a width o[ 1 toet, th prleen0. _ Lemont til. Id.walk on the north le, of Min .hRha Rtraet: beglnnl We .t of Mendot t - PProt ed COUNCIL FILE NO .... j INTERMEDIARY ORDER 't1 -- o .structing,.. relAy:inink-_with...ceaent:---• In the Matter of....Re Dn... at..t.i1e.:.s.irielyallc.nn:.iha-- 4 -nortr, s-cte.,.o.f Minnehaha-stre.et,:..beginning street......thence-- west...106...f eet...... ... ................................................ Order .:�s�.00 ........ approvedtlAY-emkter.2 i..-. 19.16. under Preliminary The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1♦ That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Re.Go.nstxt.,..-xeiayd xeR2ix...Y+itk�...c.e.mez�t-...t.i.7.a...to....a.-width at., the present_ cement.:.t.i7e.,.sid.ewalk............:n...t-ha.n.n.xt.h..si.de..of..�innehaha �tseet beginning west of Bfiend.ota..etreet .thence...wes .•-i-Q6•---e.8t.. ........ QFi... F er...sque.re foot f, with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereofis $...Q • day. of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ., the.......24! l . . ' ' ' .,({Ilril...._ 191.. . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. �1., in the Council Finance Chamber_give notice provided by the Charter, stati�iig tjje time and place of hear- Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That theCommissio e�of Finance -g of said meeting to the persons and in the manner p ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as ps atedt Adopted by the Council..! ;:1� •: •_ - - � `�-�'� } e ty CI rl APPiroded _. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Seller �--- -' Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form,B. S. A. 8-6 .r C. F..No. 16628—n_-- Y'arnewor'tYi - ot I. the'Metter-ot °the raidewa}SL 1t and repair t; - width of ten: fat on the et of East Thlyd teenceh a- ' Jackson street, - .� •- �� COUNCIL FILE NO f r�- By - . .L ::..... G INTERMEDIARY ORDER Recon-struetinu, .relay-ing ..t�e....si In the Matter of:.. Sath..a... t�n...#.egt-9.zl..the...so_uth....l�-ids...o...Esst....Tk>ix�t...at.raet...:..... begs ng:..at.._Jacks.on..stx.eat.,....thenc.e...eaaL...2QQ...feet....................... ......... 13210 •• approved October...l', ....:.. ...... under Preliminary Order -• City of St. Paul having received the rep=the Commtsstoner of Finance upon the The Council of the said report, above improvement, and having considered hereby and adopted, and the said improvement is L That the said report be and the same is hereby app hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ment which the Council recommends 3. That the nature of the-improveis:. Reconstruct-, rg 1ay.-.and..:repair.the sdevgallc-.tc �:..�?�.dtkA R.�....t.exi...fe.et ori .th:� so.uth sid,e...o?asst Thud street beginn�n.g..at J_aGk.soX st.xs�t, . . thena.e...ea�t:.2AA....feefi, .................. 0..06.:.�.er square oo with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $ da}• of Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said to'clo k n, it-M.,ninittltc Council b Chamber of, the April..:... ... isl. Court House and Cdy Hall Building in the h City of St. Paul:- ThattheCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time _and place of hear- Fthextotal cost thereof as estimated ing, the nature of the improvement, an/ l /� � C Adopted by the Council ----191 �D lyll ] C1t Clerk. _.. _..-, 191... Approved....- .. A �• ..__ _ :..._.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller _ 3 % Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin 'Form B. S. A. 8-G C. F N0 1b629—BY[ 5-,Atr 11St n Orth in theMette g Its[ 9 T i ewe on Vo,e8t Street froon Fifth V' et t to M rga et t e t Har- ge ettett Lot' t St t ]fen- / tot. treat d�yreet - from Margaret tre: ! -t, ..Creek neuter on th Or• tt NthArn P. rightr915aof. de' The Com- . COUNCIL FILE NO ............. /l INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....._Conatructing•-veli-ef..eec�ers or.-._Fgra�.t:---fit t-Me.t..fx�m--Fif-th street �o `Iar?eret street on Margaret -street to ........ ..-_................... Mendota-_etreetl-.--znd .... on--Mendota--e,t.r�gt....Pram.-j4argar-et---st-re-e-t.:_tn .the-.: .;.-. ........ . Phalen Creek sewer onthe•northerly aide of-_the _r'ax-tktern--Paaifi.c................ _.... Railway. Co. right of v:ay,.....-:.........:....: - .....- ..... ........................................ under Preliminary Order....................9 +50......... "" approved Februaral...16,_ 15x6 ..................... ived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the The Council of the City of St Paul having rece above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-........................ .... Construct:. relief •aewers on--Fgr.sot.... et,reet... from .:.Fifth -..st.reet-..to:- axgaret street;,-on 3targaret_.street..from.,Forest_-.str.e.gt....t.a..iVfez�ti�c.t-a-..etr-eet.,...and--•- on-1L`endota-_-stree` froze IS-.ran,ret__street..t.o....the_P.haler_..C.x-eek:=seszbr...o.n..:- tre .F'o.rth rli . P c f z4...Tia.ilway...:Co- right ...nf..;ivay., ti_...- . .. .-... - with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is. 13,.530.00. . 25t)a . - :........day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on, said improvement mi thea , [Cpril-..: -. - , - 191..7,.:; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of'Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ing, the nature .of the improvement and the total cost thereof as Itin' Adopted by the Council191.. Approyed _,.. 191....... i lerl. - Couneilman Fars %-ortH Co�n�ilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller . Councilma n :McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin i Form B. S. A. 3-6 Farnswo tC.o Fthe^mntt re otn��•ondemning andrtak- Ing a eth— asement In ',ihe-land ecea- sarY.for. lopes, for . cote 'and flue in gt adltnRa hollth ttr limce itsom. cordang. t clan I .. ttach 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................ / INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Oor�enning-,and_.txkin� an -:-easement ln.._*kl..-� en3•.-lae_os-�. y for slopes., for cuts and fills in_.gradin-.�.._at.>.est.-.£sol>L..Iiendnn...._.. ........................................................eotci_g...t.4..the,.plan..hsreto.attach-ed.and ;..._ made' a part hereof, t.he..hatched_port-ion__.e; ts...and...the ............. . shaded:...Port_ion the...f.i.7�.Q.>........................... ........... ............ :.......... ........................................... under Preliminary Order ........... .....January.:.10,.:.19.1.7. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report'be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is' hereby ordered to be proceeded -with. _'. That the naturd of the improvement which the Council recommends is...::COndemn..and.-take..- sn__easemeni in__ the. lend,.ngc,esearY.-:f4r...:elpp:e.a.,....fo.r...cuts...and..f.illa..3xi V"street fromHendonstrePtt Q ........ ...... aCoord.ilig to..the...Piail kt.er.e.t.g att.ach.ed... and ...made ...a_pa.rt..hereaf.,--.the hatched ...p.a.rti.on... ahominF...the....aut.a.:and...the....shad ed.._p-orti.an-.-the.-..f.il.la,........ - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2.5.00 ............... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.........26 tz1. _..:...day of .............Agri.1-_ ...............:............... 191.1- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti^m))ated Adopted by the Council___ 191 Approved ..... :. _ 191_..... . / �tt3 Clerk, �. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman Hyland - - - Councilman Keller Councilman McColl WundVOW Councilman tiVunerlich - Mayor Irvin - `Form B. S.:1. 8-6 k C. 7 Sthe Natter of grading Fulnamt St. from .Rendon at. th'north city Ifmitn _ under Prat lminar3l Order :14189. proved .Jan. 10, 1917. .The Councll of tb•• I t vingrecel e, _ COUNCIL FILE,rL.... ............................. t INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Gxad1119-F413?..,-^-....^treet...fr.Q.m A=—AAa1 Q.t.T.eet....t.4... narth...------ .-.- ....................:........:...................------..----................:-................ .... ............. 't9........_.. ........:_................... ...... .......... under Preliminary Order.........1 A.3:59..... .....................approved ..... J P,ntt4 ry,.10.,...) -17., ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of ,the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemenO• hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ... ............. ...... +2::.noxth..,r.it.y...l.imiter........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 0th ...day of 4pTi1,,, .........1 191... 7.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the CouncilChamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es• ated. 9 Adopted by the Council._-... ..�. g.. _ ..., 191..... it Approved ..... .. ...... .. . ........ 191:.-:.. ... C t .....:... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilmen Hyland N Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin ' Form B. S. A. 8-E s. Ihhe °>vfatter otY turAlelltngaandt in-� etalllnR. nn 6rnamental: tlghttng 6Ya-; tem `on - Eughth street :from Rotierr,. . St, to Wabneba 5t.? ConelatlnB-`O nmP Poate� lam V. underground tr: its and tha necesaarY � _ -_. 1 ent for COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... �r Sy...G.,� ':.r�� v. ......... tam^ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....:.kuxn.i-eh.i.ng...and...a.ne.t.ea.urxg_an...a.r amental..:lighting................:. system.on..Ei.ghth street frcm Fab.ert street-_te•.Wabash,a••._street,....._...--•--___....... con.aist_ing of•aemp-.poste,• l.esmps,;_,.underground..,conduit,s_...nc._tre n.eCe4..a1'.Fr>?8.3nc?...eq-kipmenGurr.ent...thar..eto, :....._................................. :....................... .......................:.......... :.._.._.......................... .................... ..._.._....._........:.....-----.......... under Preliminary Order..:......13 ca $................... ......approved .....0.rt.o..er:..l2.,...191.fi........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `l. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ............. .............. Furnish..and ..j.n.pts.11....ert...o.rn2mental..l.iyhtirtg l�;stem...on...7ohth.:.str.eat .._..... from.. Robert.,.. zt.r.e.et....t.o:..ti .ahaaha-.s tre.et......cnnsis.tin g..nf...lamp...gaata, ....:............... ];.amp.s., underground...cpndui.ts...and the . Re A e gs.&r7 yZI.r.i.ng .aSld...eq.u.ipment ....... fox r.cr.ve.ying el.eolri.Q ... c3Asrent.:.the.r.at A.,......:....:..:.................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....4,.132..0.0...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....,. 2.6th...................day of il; _., .... 191...7.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as 9stimaled.% Adopted by the 191 Approved ..... 19L. /1 �t �ity Clerk. ..................... / Mayo . Councilman Farnsworth G Councilman (.loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller i Councilman \[scull ° _..a_,����" Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvinmg, Form B. S. A. 8-6 I h he Dlntter ;ofB econ U'deting�re aY- I � � � � - Insnnd eoalring with relnforcod _ A +9�"+ concrete to. awidth of 30 feet, the � ' � f_t�.�c�U' present eldewalk on thesouth elde c�:- - - Th I street ncroee Market'efreuet `. ". l ln`f[OOL Of LoY.:lr 8700' rrtd ere AddYtlo^.: undY COUNCIL FILE NO ............ ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the•Matter of.....-flec.onst.r-axcting,..-.rela�cing--2nd-•:xePeixing...vzi-t}a---r&in-£or-Esd' concret-e..to. a,.uridtx.._of..6.ezt-...ai..destalic...ari...ths.:.s.outh. siae..of"Third_-.etreet.. across Iia rk,�t.9k.xe.et..:rz.,.in..:frant..:ai:.Lot..1,:::. .............. &.............................. a roved .....k.e}lruary: 19.,:...1-917" ::..... under Preliminary Order ..... 1-4914 ...--•• ...... ive pp The Council of the City of St Paul having receved the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `_>. That the natureof the improvement which the Council recommends is.:-. ...... Reconstruct_, relay. r.ept l.--re.iSl.f-arae'd:'-canceret.e...tn...a-.yt.idtr.•af-_ 10 feet, the Ilresent sidewalk...on, the --.southside of Third. street R t e.t.,.str.eet .and.- ln.-fr9. t....oi...Lat...1.... 1Dck..21,....Ri.c.e.&.:1rvi110:s across. _h ? r �ddlt , ................ _... .-.._.. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ 0.97.:.,per.:11ne31 foot . Resolved Further_, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ...:...`�S th... _..... ...... day of _ . ApT11 -_ ., 191.7...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., inthe Council. Chamber of. the Court House and City Hall Building in the 'City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner. of Finance give notice _ of said meeting to the persons andtin the maturer provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hear- ing. ,the nature of the .improvement,- and tie W41 cost thereof a"sti MF 4 Adopted by the Council-_ :.._.- .. _.. _.__ 191 - i Approved �./i?."....�D _1... 191..... ," ' `1 3 Clerk. ............ ... ................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman. Hyland - Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman `Vunde rlicli� Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 C. F. No. 16684.-ny S. A. Farns. rth=.i In the Matter of con strnattng cement^, [tie eidewalke to a width. of six feet, on the 'cmtth side ,of `Pleasant Area - .. atthe - following de.eril-I Weatt... : '•From Ll.b.. St. to Western Ave.;: from.90 feetw +f 'Western Ave." - ehenee west to ..... t 266 feet r. ,. t. fart✓ ..� C6UNCIL FILE NO..: ....... _..._ By INTERMEDIARY ODDER In the Matter of:..Con.etuct.i- ng. j.d.ew.ask.s:..to...a...width..of_six..f.eet on the ,south aide .of Pleasant .........................................nuat- the,.-followi.gF.-d�scrjb.ed...�o.9.a iQnS.; From Lisbon at to ..West ern ave.; from 90 feet wrest- of .,4est.ern.-.ayes;-thence west, -t.o:..a,.p.o.i.nt...4.6..: feet .:..eaet--.of...Lawt.o.n, et:...;.._ from ..Lawton ..:at. ...... then-ce-:w.es± 266 feet.....tklen.o.e. frOm...a... P.o.int ... 11.Q...f.eet.,.farther ._v,.e t,....t.o....Gnodri.ch...ay.e..;....frnm.-137 feet_west...o.f._iJuke:..Q.t.,:.tk?enee...est.:.SS. .................. under Preliminary Order............................approved ....Dacl.em-er..:2.,_19.16.. T The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fu .ce :T; 0� 1•, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imerovelaeut is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which` the Council recommends is........ ......... :........ onstT>dct..'aexaant....tJ.I.e.... sidewallce...to...a..width...o.f...zi.x---fee-t---arl---t-h-e eo4zt-h•s•ide of pleasant ,aye at .the...following, described -locations:-..-...--._ From__L.isbon--_et-,-.._tp Weaterli:feet_west ..of Tes;tern . ve, ,-thbnQ.e..7^ e.6t .tp:,:e_--p.o.in.t:..ab..-feet east of Lewton et:, -;-._from .Lawton-,st'.. thence. y;e.et.25.G..:f.ee.t.t :.th:en.C.e...f.rO.M..a.:.paint 110 feet farther west, to Goodrich ave.; from 137 feet west of Duke St., thence west 395. -feet.,.: - _.... With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$.0...66...pe.r_lineal foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 2.6tkt..,.. _._...day of ..... 191.7_ at the _our of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buil di 'I the City f St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in1t man rovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-. ing, the nature of the improvement. d tot cost thereof as estimated .adopted by the Council : _� p,..(�j --��; 191 NA,p 19ii Approved .... t91 Ctry Clerk. Councilman Parnsworth'P" -� Mayor. Councilman Uoss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor. Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 y;o.. 1663--6�tirg 5 A. FArnew•ortl+-.l . co tru tin[; ela5'- C 1- ith Ment tl1eI In tho: Ai �t[erPni 1n6 L Cha.P[eaont to l'naNldth o[..9.6 t she south _ Ide�*alk a � heBin- - a menacY lil .. - — . aide R. t F ulna AL TLAYk t; , 13i26C 1 P / • � COUNCIL FME NO ................ / L INTERMEDIARY ORDER -... e.construeting,.. re-lay--ing ar-1d:...rgpPi.ring-••with cemmt . In the Matter of t3le.to-, a xidth.-of 9. 5-.feet,-the--.present cement-•_tile_-sidewalk. o,n.._the,..: south •side• of Rleet•- Fft ih---street,---b-eBinning-.at-- Iia- et.... st. e.e ,.-t-heT1-oe east...80:..feett .......................... - ..................... ...... ................................................... ....................... ................................................. ..... under Preliminary Order---....139 4 .............................approved...Q.Ct.Q12.eT...3.0.r...T�lfi........... :..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....- ............ Recone,truct, -relay and-_repair vrith cement t:j -e to--_a- wid-t.Yl. o.f..�.•.`�.-.set, the present cement-.-tile. sidewalk. on.:.the.._aouth..sdxle...of-_Wast... Fifth..-street, beginning at_ya,rket..stre.et,_.thence east .P0_.f.eet,_.._. _.:.__...... with •no alternatives, and that. the estimated coat thereof is.$.0 ,.06_.per.. square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _2&ttit .. . ..........day of ,...Ap.ril..._ ---. - 191-7.;,'at th our of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hausa and City Hall Bmlding ' Ile • y of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice o£ said meeting to the persons and in m ner prorid _by the artcr, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the. improvement, d of c thereo s estimated.- Adopted by the Council..... � • 1/. f=— 191...-,... VIty iSlerlc Approved / ll 1...................:...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth c Councilman Coss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 C., F. No. 16636— 1{ 7n the ;viatter of 'constrac Ing ce- - ..at Ile sidewalk to n width of sls - f«e[ 0 n.4he east aide of Western Ave. • ing at: Pleasant Ave:;', " 6th feet to connect D' ..iR want, and .ae.onik 10 COUNCIL FILE NO.:_........................ By...........:............................ ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......QQ:nBtructi_rIg---a1;..ement_--Uasr::_131d-ePlalk.-.t.a:..a--.S:i.dth..nf.-:six._ f eet...Q.n..: the...past... si,dp-; o f..lr.estgxn..-a.Y..eLlue.--b.eY,.inzt-iJag..at---Pl.eanant...a4-enue....... ..... then:Ce...south...5j feet...t.o...eSJnxlsc.t.:_pT.ea.enL..:.cEnent---walk,-...and... r-ec-onsaruct...... .: cement tile-- s-idewalk to a-width of six feet from a-- Point_ 5- _feet south of Pleasant avenue thence south to Harrison avenue ......................--.-......-t................................-.........--.-..................:...-..........--.-.......a:._..-..._.......... ......... ...... ----- ----'-- ................. - under Preliminary Order.-.- ..1..3$43---------- --------------- --approved..... De.Q.emb.er...2..1.fllfi. ........-..-_--- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........:......................_................ Construct a cement widt.h.-. of. ..aix.:. feet .:.o.n---the...east.:.s-ide a of igestern avenue .beginning at Pleasant„ ayen.ue:,.-..t-Yle-11q,e.sQ.>1txL _5*..:feat:...to connect ,present.-- cement walk,,.,and reconstr.uc.t._.ceme.nt .til.e.. ai.dewalk.:.t.o...a. width of_six,feet from a point, _5j .feet_south,_of.Pleasant._ayexlue.....t11.en.Qe so.uth_. to. Harrison avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.:0.66_..pax lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing. be had on said improvement on the.. 26th.. -. ..__....day of _.Ap.r.il _... , 191..7..>, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ,lI., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building ' th it. of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i e anner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improves 9t' dltoter cost th reo esti :mtedj Adopted by the Council.. .....-. ........ J// \/ ''( Approved .:..... 191Cy. Cle� ✓ - layor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Cmtn.1. n Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 11layor Irvin Form B. S. A. 3-6 C. F. -No: 16637 D7 $• A• Farnsworth— In the Matter ot,construet(ng aCement 1 a aldawalk to a :width of als feet I,, on the .north aide at Princeton Ale; . ` AA ..a at hue at set thence west- to Prior avenue, undo Preliminary r Order '13795, approved Nov. 29.}o+r, The Co t" o[ the .Per of 8+ ev1nR' iv.� `report of Otis, esic• , e^ Ing �� COUNCILFILE NIO_.,,:. ......._ / ............ ...... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER lnthe Matter of.... Constructing a'.cement-:tile_aid'��,.o�i4-.-:R.-.,>�.--ritisit]1--Qf••--- :_ eix.,feet, on..ahe,..north: Bide..of Princ:etor avenue beginning,--at $ue:._.:......:: " st-xeet,...ahencs..wee-t...ta..P.riar....avenue, ................. .......................... ............................... 13795.............. ......approved _ .: under Preliminary Order ...-.-...-.. Nov-emb er...2@,..- �.4.1;f The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon tike above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 0 2. That the nature of the improvemedt which the Council recommends is..-.. ....... Constrtzet-.a cement-.tile,--si.dew-l)- to a,.width---9f-.--e�.�c_feet....o.tt...the...noxth:. Bide_of. Princeton a7ertxq b Pgi npl- p et.-.,Sue..st-raet,:...then.cs...weat...tD..............: .............. Pri,or..:evenue. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is... 9...6.B...p.er:.-lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ..27.th ,:,day of Anz',il.- 191..,7., at'the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in tlf ity ofa St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and of he annex provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvem , n-heftotgi cost thenal as estimated. r ,adopted by the Council.... _ � �- - 4 —�. .-.... 2 .:. City`A roved M'p •,`il 19 i _ ., 191..... lerl. pp 111aym'. _ Councilman Farnsworth Councilmaix (loss Councilman Hyland _ Councilman Keller Councilman McColl - Couneihnan Wunderlieli Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 3-G -C. r. 7So. 16638 oy S. A r swortn n a ct[n B!' elaY- In Lhe. Dlatt'rr o t Inco th oemenf tnB and Dn r gf six feet on 'th ct ortlk t, to of lCh ca8o avenue be. gtu kor at Edwa a etTeet.'Chenet 'net C6 feet d rot idtuct .6 rile sld ^w ik to the ortoh side COUNCIL FIILLE NO .. ( / Y- ' .... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 'In the Matter of... iieconstruct.$Xis.,...:xei&Yizt�..:a.nd:..r�P-a.i.rin�...the...cemeni..til_e sidewalk to _a width of six feet on -_the -north si�e_of Chicago-,•anenue,bepinning .. at Edward- street -,.-,thence .east 66 feet,x..and..c-onstruct-a...C.elOentto ...tri�e-,.s.isietva]k a width of six feet on the north side of Chicago avenue _ -beginning 90,..£eet;-.west a]i2 of Wabash$,•street,--.thence•.vrest ... ... . tinder Preliminary Order .:...13823 .................. approved Decemb.er:.1..... 191,6. .............. ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having receiveved the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above lmprovenlent, and having. considered said report, hereby resolves: L ' hat the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... •.. Feconstruct,;_,.r-elay._and.;repeir-: the cement.-.t.aie...aidetivalk tm..a width af..-six feet on the north side of Chicago avenue beginning at.. Edward., street,, thence - east 66 .feet,- and construct ._a cement till sidewalk to_A Wir dth..of..:s:ix..f.eeton the north side .of Chi.c.ago avenue_ beginning go..:f,eet...vi.e:at..oi .1Y�ba.aha...s.treet, thence west 80 feet,- including one .20 foot alley, . .-_.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0..35., per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ., the ..Co th .day; of g�rZ�I. 191 7... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. BL, in the Council Chamber of,the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fina nclace of heaive r of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and. p ing, the nature of the improv eme alq'd the total .cost thereof 'p estimaf�d'. �R _ Adopted -by the Council... �.. _.-t ....., 191, i L t��, City Cler� Approved....._....... , , 191._ 1 v. illy/// t .. .............. Mayon Councilman Farnsworth l/ Councilman Goss 3 -3 /- 7 Cotuleilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman 'Mccoll Councilman Wunderlich :Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 Farnew rth--5 ln[he Slnfter of econatructi g. CIaY-. - in g and repairing with. aemont the - - ro a width of ols feet; the cement) the oidewalk on the north aide of Indiana av eF�nning �0 tee - _ set of ;street the+� J - ter Y elt COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......lie.CQS1.dtliC.t.iX1$,....se.�.� tile.t.Q...a, width..of . six,. feet...,the _.cement,--tile sidewalk,..on_.the north. Aide„of...Indian?, .avenue., .:beginning .4.0 feet._.wes-t ,of Robertson... street, .- thence.-.w.est.A.o_.nvs. a.tme.et,........... ......... ........................................................... ....... ......................._._ under Preliminary Order _ ........x.3$9................ .approved.. October:_27,._.191F. ........: :....:. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........ ..... Rec.Qzl.ets.lzCt...r Jag.:and...reP$ir..with... .e111e1?.t.._tile t.A...:a..wid:th..-of...zi ... £se.t.,:.:- the ...c.ement.:.t.il. e..,.s id.ew.alR..-o. n-she_.nnrt h..si.de...o.f...Indi-ana.:.&menue....... .beginning 40._:feet. wrest .of Robertson•,street.;.the ric.G.;.r...eat.._tqE.ya--.p.t.T..e.ef, ................ .....,................. .... ; . :......... .......... ..- ..................................... ..... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated host thereof is $..0.0.6....p.er.. square foot _ Resolved Further; That a public hearine be had on said improvement on the...:....2.7th .........day of April............. ....... .. 191.7..-, at the hour of 10.o'clock A. 'Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons andi a er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place-of hear- ing, the nature of the improveme the total cost t of s estimated. Adopted by the Council_ ..._. , 19L.� _ It Sao 'ey iii Appr9yed. ............ 191.._ Citi Clep V D' ... ....-..... . ..._.. ..9 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland Councilman'Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich lfayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 c, r. xo- 1e540- the-'tatter Of "`-wtth Otetne tttf e - - �: to Ond -P-1r1-9 e _ widta of "' feet, the a —1 ,` v the aide -n1I< On; the - Ivey - - CrOtto atreet beRlnnl36 ,� venue. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By....................................................... ................... :............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-:....ReQPXIV!r.? Q.t.in€..4.1.?Yi??g_AAd.:?:E.paixin6..WAI)1:...comeSlt---... t.i.l-e...t.4.- a.-yv.� dtY� ._ o f -: a ix.-feet,_._the_--present--_cement:-_t-� 1.Q---si dewalk_. ..west:-.s.i-de...cf-..Grot.t.o....etsee.t.:.b.e( inn.i.nS...at.._Dayton-...av-enua..... thence -:.-no th.:-.. 13.2.. feet.........:.............::.....:...........................................................................................:..................... .................. ............................................ .............. ........... .........................................-...................... ::..-...,................ w...................... a. under Preliminary Order ...:.............................................3695approved ... X0712n1be-r 1-8-,.1918 ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..................:..!.....:.._...:.....:.._........_ Fere.ns.t.ru.ct......z'-e1aY.:and:._xe aix_Qr.ith...c.ement....t.ite...to..:a..Width,..o.f...six.............. ' ..feet,.. the, present...semen..t...t.i.le.aidewa.jx.:.on.:. t.Y>.e-..w.eat..ig- d.e..:Of.-..Gx-Ottsl. ........ et.ree.t...b.egiain1rig.:at..:Aayt;in....47enue...th.eno..e norti7,...13.2._feet......: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 9.0,6,,.p.er..,equare foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. _._.2.7th . .........day of ....... _ -„_- April„_ .,,_ 191-7— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and .City Hell Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner.of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and ' he 'anner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature Adopted bythelCounctrovemen a fhe ¢} cost therepf as7timated) p /.. I (fZ \ Approved..... ;....... .... ....., 191..._ ... `/. I Ctty Clerk. }Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Uoss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller ° Councilman McColl- Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 9-6 C. F. ho. :15541-nS. s. A.'Farnawd; In the 5tatter of reconsttheoemenf Ing'nnd repairtng - comentthe idewh of ealk on of theeea t side of.' Margaret street beginning' at' vent Fitth treet.. thencn'eo�"i 1 COW, CIL FILE I ............................._ B n , i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...:.RQ99.1'}et.ruct zvva,..1 I1:^._Pia.-.h.:.aemen.t....Ule t.c a._wi:dtki.of...t.en...f.ee.t.....:Ik��:.B.xe.Q.ent...c.emez�:t...til.e_.sidewalk...o.11 the—eaax....: eide,..of.,_Market street..be.ginning .at 41!est... Fifth__.stree.t...... then.rze 0.0.,uth.-.2.045 feet,........ ............... .: ....:..... ..................... . approved ....Q.ct0),er...3Q,....191.6. _.... under. Preliminary. order ..:..:..1.,�4?•r5:...:.......................... PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received: the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the 'above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is,..... :....... geconatruct, relay and repair with cement til•e.__to._a width of _t -en ............ _ feet,_.ahe present.._cQment_.ti,le._sidewalk on..aloe...epet..sz.die....Of...Ma,rke.t......-; street_ beinning,.at..lRest. Fifth_.etreet,, thence south 2q.6..feet.,........ ............................... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-0-46....per.:s.quare" foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the._:..27.th ...........day of ApTl.l......_ . ; 191.7...:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. if., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buildi¢g iu tl City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner,of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in Inner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the Im rovemen the total cost t of estlmayed. _ P i'Ch°.j )� Adopted by the Council ... y T 191...✓.... 17 ci<yc f; 19 .. 191 Approved......._ 19 'C ../ .. ... _ ........ ......... 7 Mayor.. Couneilman Farnsworth f Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland l.aC l) Councilman Keller - Councilman McColl ' Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No.-16642—BY. S. A. Farnsworth— - In the katter of reconstructing,. InA and repairing with cement tile; to a width of'thlrteen feet,: theca- - ment file sidewalk on the weal arta Western avenue beAltininr -ton a-enu., thence O s -�� under Vrei mi9 n 5 - - y v l •vedran 1 r trie -. e COIJNCIL FILE NO_ -.. ................... By`L.d INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repaiting..with .. Cement. ......_ --tile-:.t.o..: a:-wi.dt.h...af.:th rtAen...feet:..._t.he....C.emen.t...tila.siAeWa7;k...on....th.e...- Brest...aide:.:of..W.extern..avenue........ n.ing-..at,_Day..t..4.B...e.ysnu.e,....t.he-nc.e..as�uth.. 154 feet ........ ........................ ................................................................ ..... ..................---.-----...---- --tinder Preliminary Order .......... ............................ approved-.N.omemb.er.aIl,....191.6............................ The Council of the C. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and. having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ' hereby ordered to be proceeded, with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ......... ...............I. .................. R construct, ..re7 aY-..:a17i1-..repair.. Witt :..c.ement...: tile ...to.:.a...wi.dth..ai::..t-hiztaen _feet... the.. c...ement..--ti,1.e..s.i.d.eetialk._on,..t.Yze...we.a.t...side..of....Wesiesn...avSnue........... beginning at Dayton av.enue,... thence,south,13,4,feet., ... ivith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s -0 -0.6 -per ..square' foot. Resolved Further, That a publichearing be had on said improvement -ml the.... _Vth .,, ,_..,;,.day of ......... ....:.... ... . 191.1._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in tiie Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in ie City of St. Paul. That -the Commissioner of Finan�e give notice of said meeting to the persons and " t wanner provided by the. Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improve me n the total cost the eof asRSgimateo) Ado pted by the Council.....: J�191./.:... Approved.......:. 191...... City Clerk /.... .. . ` ............. ` ............. . Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A..8 -E thF. No; 15653—BY'S. A. Fnrnelverth--� _ - i e Matter o[ curbin& and gravel- . s Cgaitot avenue between In.,:Aldlne c , streeb .and F�� derµ121AInUapurovedl .. ;�.' . . aacou n the � .• iy Ye ived her - COUNCIL FILE NO— ........... •. / Cl / / - BY / GlclsP Z../1�Y- G INTERMEDIARY ORDER Aldzns In the Matter of.....CuT.b:i.z]l;...and...�xavelxn>:_CaB.�..�.Ql...�v.�xl.u�..b��»:een...- .at,ree,t:..and._,Fai rvi_ew_.avenue.:..:....... ..---- ...... ......... 121 7 celapproved under Preliminary Order.......... `�-•-••••• ng ort, hereby resolves: re ort, the report mm of the Cossiouer of Finance ance `too the The Council of the City of St Paul havi above improvement, and having considered said rep 1. That the said report be and the same is hereb; approved and ado,): ed, and the said imt,rov went' Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. .................................... Curb and Frarel:-.Capt.9.]....ay..eLlue...k.etti5.e.en..Alsiine...stxeet axid- air-v%avu ........_.............................. 2 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. -3., Q. erneut int the . .. day of .28th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oilsaid improvemen.:..__-- .... �pri1....__,,, ...,. 191..7.:.., at the hour of ltl o'clock A. \L; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building t tlj�City of St. Paul. That the Commtsstoner of Finance lace of bear of said meeting to the persons and in rpatmer provided Uy the Charter, stating thR time and p ing, the nature of the improvement, 11he totpl cost Yh�r¢of as; tnnat�t}. l/ tt l � y - Adopted by the Couueil / f �t� 1 P -r• 151 � V i � City CtP11.. � 0 19]. `J APPlroi•ed....... Councilman Farnsworth - _ - Councilman Goss - Councilman Hyland ,otmcilman Keller _ Colmc]lman mcColl Councilman Wunderlich ?Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. P. No. 15544-33y. S.. A Farnsworth— In the-Diatter of furnishing and In-:, 1601 og. an ornamental lighting aye- ttfl on -St Peter St from .811th _ to, Seventh St n• �e `"� ,'9e oeete; Iampe, ill. COUNCIL FILE NO u--r�...... ..�.�... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oL.FuAr?.7,.ah1n.P•,...ran.a-..imi1 _ .IIAII..r.,n...AS.t1H,mental--li.ghting..8ystem.. or. St. Peter. .street from. Sixth street toSeventh_._st_reet.,.__.consisting„of lamp,..pos_ts, lamps,_ underground„ conduits.,, and th.0.. ne.0e.Q.4ary...wi.x'in&_ansi..:.. equipment fox conveying._electric...current.._thereto,_.____ .................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.....:.. ............... approved ...October...12..... 19-1.6., ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Con missioncr of i•'nai:ce '11 o:1 '.he above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby. approved and adopted, and the said imrroven ent is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......................... .............................. . Furnish;andinstall an ornamentalligh:irg__.....Peterstreet .............-,-.....................................__ �_rr.X, from Sixth street to Seventh street,, consietina`•of._lamp._.posts..... ]_ ts,. .......... ......... tlrtder�.round conduits and the necessary..wiring..and,.e.quipment....f,R.... .:.....:. . .......... ............... ............................................... ... conveyi.4g elea tri C_. current._ ther,e.to.,_:___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1} 14.6...0.0- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 28th-.. ...day of April_ ............_, 191_..7.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in.the,Councit Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Bnildin« • til City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in tl nner provided by the Charter, sts 'ng the time and place of hear- d the nature of the improvement.�an e tof�l cost tilers f as, innate i Adopted by the Council--- /.- 191 J/q k\ 191 ..... `' City Cl6k. i D1ar. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman 1'IcCoil . Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. N1 166j5--By 3. A Farnsworth—� - - - ln the-Efatter of constructlna'.-a eeWer" on Capitol Ave:: frotn.Fatrvfew AVS. - - teapotnt1400feet 'north o'! - i Iine.. of Mlnneha) limina y O - 4. 19171 - s',..y .' COUNCIL FILE NQ ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.::..Const_ructi.ng..a..s,ew,er..:g_B_._Capi.tcil....avenu.e...fxzm...l.airaieu.:...._ avenue to a point 145 feet north of the north`line_..o. , tnlleklaha...at.reet, under Preliminary Order................................approved .:..January--.2.4,-.-1-91..7 ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cor, missioner of Finance ul-on the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and ado,r'ed, and the said improvemen, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.. 2. That the nature of, the improvement which the Council recommends is........................................................ ..Cnnatrftp.t.:.a...aLaYLer...an...Capi.to.l...a.Aenue.,f-r.Qra..Fair:ri.emr... avenul�.. i.o...a..paa.nt:...... .14.5.,.feet..north...of:..the..n.oxth...lixle...o.f..Rrinnehaha...s.tree.t............. ... ................................... - _.........._.._.........................._...._......................._.._........:_....................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is )._ 1, 1:63-00 Resolved Further, That a public, bearing be had on. said improvement on the.,...28.th..... . ....... ....day of a .. 4r1L ., 191.7...:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamlier'of the Court House and City Hall Buildin in e City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice insaid meeting to the persona and i h manner provided by the Charter, stating the°time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improveme th tai cost t f as tim > / Adopted by the Coiulcil.... Approved.. �! i t : ;�,��i !y i % _. 191..... � Iv1 ' Ct Clerk. ........ Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman_ Keller. PiTBLi +ZLI3 �/ / Councilman McColl Councilman °Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8.6 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented _i�roh_26tb _ _1917. i In the matter of _ conetruotjng a sewer on-Bellows- Street nBellowsStreet from Baker Street to.a point 60 feet north of -the- north line of Morton Street under Preliminary Order 13863 _ _ Final Order _15057_ - - - Approved February 28th 191 ? -- -- - -- ' RESOLVED, That the Plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. o. Received all papers 112 to the mattersut tonstruetinda neger connection with above eM F upn•a s"freer from linker street { I t a 1 1 L G0. tt no d o[ the north F }llt ti fine ['ttorton St d r. Prel05 , e _ - 1) Order 13603, Fln 1 tlyd l 16067, nP- p oved reb.26th 1917.cldcs- -i/ Reaol ed That [h pl ns, W tion. and etltnntee submitted by rho y Commieeioner of Publto: Works and thc above named lb=rovement be end thel /•. _ are hereb9 BPproved: .Adopted by the Co nil ma -26,1917.` _ Adop ed -by the Counoi 'tpp v d(march031-1917) 6 -1191 Yeas: ( ),. ( Nays Councilmank*i worth o� HyJ d ✓Ke ' r. vttc' l Approved A 1 1917 , -, 191 �6Vu rlich 2,�r. PZ,* ent in- - Mayor. r ; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION. Date _March 26th Presented a � ' -constructing a sewer on Hyacinth In the matter of Street from Payne .Avenue to _a point 1- _feet east of - - the E&Bt_1irL0 9f W9-arton Streeter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 13864 15054 _ - -- under Preliminary Order,- - Final Order - Approved --February_88th = _ _ , 1917: RESOLVED,.That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. - agars i� e.VG�(�. ----- t I in 1 647, ee .eri 1f 27.Z p48 ID It a natter , t co y\e i`' N1t11ect t o I Lyne Av- on n Hya i lhtr CtiOri ,,, to vol r1zo [. c .net oe the _ eat u [ bd� it est t ler \] il.On • j �r�{ ; `• Prelfm3 Y Order ]386a Final O der Re 75Psa. anD oved -1, 21 as77 '.Reeoly d That the Dlene ev Dttica- _ alone. an a ti ntea bmltted by the ?. _J CommJ.Mo or' of Pubtic Works for the abo 'e .names imm•o a nt be and the e me le h Or aDDrov d. 191 \IOPt d t th. CoD II \tch.MID17.I— Adopte by the Council -{ avnrn dlroia ct Gal Ysi'7a Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Farn orth 4, Oss; iyl .' d -R 26 I31 L-Kel r -j - - ? - 191 . / vMcC 1 Approved - - - - - - - - a'V�l� rlich _ _ ///_ - hr. President Ir in - Mayor. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION=• -GENERAL. FORM - r Subject: 1 1(8 COUNCIL -L���`� FILE N 0.... .... •_.' Date Presented.:. 116aroh 26;, 191:7.. Resolve T) t the nakle of Geneva St. from Goodrich Ave. to Lincoln Ave. be and the same is hereby changed to Amherst St., in accordance vdth- petition hereto attached. KexPived: Thn[ the nnnle'oP ..enevn be and [he• snore 1 h c by .t Ith to — Anton h, tit., Sn. t rdanae with Pe ' - [f Linn hereto nttnethed _ .\dnp[cd by th,, Connell aT-11.26.1717. APProved \t ch. 2fi'. 1317. (.hatch 81.1917) Yeas (V) Colin men (t) hay3 Farn orth Adopted by the Council MAO 2( 191 Goss In favor Hyla / MAR ` 6 1917 191- KelleC Approved MCC . Wun I Against Wun U tl rlich It. PTesldent, vin _ .....MAYOR .,.. To the Counsel of the City ,of St.Paul; The undersigned petitioners and residents on Amherst Street in the City of St.P'aul,respectfully petition you honorable body to'c'ic,rge the name of Geneva/Strect running from Lincoln Ave. to Amherst . ® Street to Amherst Street. The reason for crime can be best shown by'a dance at the accompanying sketch and further that there are no, residence. facing Geneva ::treet,and that this change would not only benifit,your Petitioners but would ai;, li` r ma.tter:, for the jenera l public and no one r,cud be damaged thereby. As it is now Goodrich Avenue continues into Amherst ;tre,4t and Amherst : ' CITY OF ST. PAUL °• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL=,NO. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM b BYy� f ° ' 'AUDITED._._A__ _._� 1517 ,--191__- -' PER__! ✓ �'��cP= %L<'S�<:/ 675 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: A Yeas ( v) Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counc] w'o 191— F'. sworth APProve191— G �,�� - nd --In favor r MAYOR oll.: Against R't derlich President . in �t. Resolved that warrnnta be .drawn.. spun the. City Treasury, pg Y'Pd..@-end { - - h h rein t Declfl d funds'"and I- Po of the Persons, Nrme or corpora. na for the l n no nt t iflsd 1. r esp ing mss a sp cifl d fn 6 ' - - � ewinK d tpi+e' ntatrT' 13345 -American .Express Co., .43 Library -Exp. 346 G. Bross Van Dort Co., 82.90 Library -New Books 347 Central StatesImporting Co., 32.25 Library -Exp. 348 Chicago, St. Paul MPls. & Omaha Ry. 1.74 Library -Exp. 349 .Crane & Ordway Co., 128,53 Firer C. '& Be 350 Feature Film Co._, 4.50 Playgrounds -EXP.,\. 351 D3f., Dawson Johnston, Librarian, 20.10 Library -Exp. 352 J- Kenny Co... 12.2.5 Library -Exp. 353 Dr. Stanley L. Krebs: 1.75 Librzy-New Books 354 Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co:., 19.50 Corp Counsel -Exp. 355 Humphrey Milford 2.75 Library -New Books A For. A. 6-16 `#2 13356 Minnesota News Co., 2.24 Library-New;Books r �4 357 Minnesota Phonograph Co., 19.88 - Library -Exp. 358 National Lead Co., 83:30 Fire C. & B. 359 National Railway Pub. Co., 1.00 Library -New Books 360 Northern Coal & Dock Co., 10.60 Markeits-Exp. 361 N, . W. Stamp Wrks 1.30 Library -Exp: 362 Old Corner Book Store 23,40 Library -New Books .363 Patterson Street Lighting Co., 4,110.70" Lighting 364 Peoples Transer Co., 18.30 Library -Exp. 365 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 9 Lighting ,174.74 266 University Libraries 2.00 Library -New Books 267 Waldorf Bindery Co., 290.00 Library -Gent 268 Wells,Fargo Express Co., 1.29 Library -Exp. r .wiw.a ro CITY OF ST. PAUL �a.,. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT A r– m,a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION' FORM COUNCIL FILE a�y�^�-n,�f�jq ,�,�jj AUDITED-__pf7k{.j'L.B-_�_-191 BY t�.o 676 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in • the following detailed statement: h Yeas ( r) Councilmen( J) Nays Adopted by the Council- 191__ Far worthIj Gos 3 1 APpr --- 191— Hyl d :d In favor • Kell r - IIIc 11: J. MAYOR it _Against Wu erlich r. President, I in 15550— Reeo)v.d': that warrant.: be drawn - - upon ;he Clty Trea out of - - '. g,"Dayiible theherelnnfterepeclAedtunde. and fa of the pareone. firms or corpora- - tlone;o4 the. amounts set oppoelG - - - thelr eepectly names. a specified - the fhR. deatailed etntemen- - 5; A. Fai A. Fnrnawor[li, Com'r. Fn: ante. F2,4 13:00, A,.00ted b. the Council Wh.26, 1917. A1, royed. 26: 1917: -. - - 31-1917).. 13369 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, $2,473.00 Interest 2I .00,3 Water Dept. -Bonds & Int. _ .00' Spec.. Assess Bond &'Int. � 43:.0 Red. Spec. Assess Bonds '~ '` Class "A" 00 2.47 0 4 - form A. 6.16 i - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT a. cus COUNCIL NO.__ FILE ' `I AUDITED. CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - ���� BY AUDITED-- MAP 2--i PER. ___. 677s able out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, p Y in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as speclfieud in the' following detailed statement:Adopted by the Council-- 191 — Yeas (v) Coli ilmen (J) Nays Far iworthAPpe Go 2 In favor Hy d — _ - MAYOR Ke r J Against Mc oil - W 'derlich C F. 1_.. 15551—. Mi. p esident, vin Resolved that warrant. be drawn yon the City Tr, in favor of A A. Farnsworth, Cammta.loner o[ FI 6 .parable out of the fund. so " Its""the amounts .apeclded In the fonow- ng lowoR. detailedtatement: - Libra t Bureau. E6.33. ti. '%V, Electriv E4uipment Co..' SG61'85. A. \v ha Contpnnc, E70.00. _ _ %Vald4rf Bindery "I'l Adopted by the. Counetl S1cb. 26, 1917. Appro e l Wh. 26. 1917. (March 31-1917) - 13370 Library Bureau Library -t-enl. S. 661.85 371 N. W. Electric Equipment Co.� Lighting -Exp. 10.00 372- A. W. .Shaw Company Library -New Books 88.10 373 Waldorf Bndery Library -Gent. T -rte— 766 33 h � ,aj _--- Fi»►L ORDER IN CONDEMNATION' '[6662— stter of condemning and to -easement to th 1",3, e e. PROCEEDINGS. er. stopes. forcu.,,, utven� d fi '.gm Jefferson it , r•`,bn be talcen - IF ; to t he110a IinR 4, ,'•.r 40 In the matter of :_Condemning-._and.., t .kJAA_.an_ easement in.; the lsnd._neceesary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Jefferson avenue from Edgecumbe .....Road.__t_o.. Hemline ....avenue ,.....the....land _ to.:...b.e......taken_:. f.of.....the..._ab.ore.....impro_Y:ement being more particularly described as an easement forslopes, for cuts ...... _._..... =&.-fit-ls _-in-...and. -up on.....the:...-land.abu-tting..-:upon.-.Jef-fer son-: avenue._.. between the points aforesaid to the extent shorn upon the sketch attached to' the report- of the Commissioner-,of i'ub2ic Works in the matter dated September 21st, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to _.and ;made a part ..hereof _ ....... _. ........ . ........ ..... .... under Preliminary Order 10377.; .........:., approved -May 8th.,.... 1916,1-:,.__, Intermediary Order approved ..Au9us1_22nda. 1916. Resolved: ( I) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz 00ndemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in Brading is avesus.....fxdm...gdge.cvwbo_..R.oad_Helalno ao.enue I . (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken,. appropriated and con- demned for the ur ose of makia the said im rovement, viz; An easement for elopes,_ _fo.r cute and fills in and upon thelandabutting uponJeffersonavenue between the_.:poin.ta=_..afnressid_..to the.:::_ext.en.t.:_shown._:. up::on_....th.e_.ake.tch.._a .tachod. to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter _..:......de-ted-September— 21st,..:-_l91&,__.whleh...sketch..:. and -.,report- ..are. ..hereby .:::...... referred to and trade a part hereof. - __ (3)-That the award of damages and assessment of benefits for the taki-hg and, appropriating of above deeertbed'l o e8s meat--has ,ratified and confirmed. - Adopted by the Council- .......... .... _. !._... .:.:._.. .._.. 191 1 26 .1917city CIer Approved_ .. ...::.... ........... .191... ... i...- ..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth . c Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers F RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSES9MENT THEREFOR.=. In the :matter of condemning and otes. 0 + eery an. easement In- the land necea- _ - Bary for he alley In lock d flt n - - ' -" grading: the alley In Alock:.i6,:Chu P-thera-Pivteton. the -tn 'If 1 ':- a j -' t,ken for the above In the matter o(.....Aansisl ' an zas-meet to the Intl w Bary slppea, Sgt 4gts t111a' ! rr gM'404 Vie ail ley In .' 100k U,' Qhnto rzr -t1 tr3 i t r4; ttt� le�frtd' tr, a tak F r tete &b6Vs b",an i imt.r v w i t it l" Gaze part IPt lmr2 �te€ttsr,11,80 an - an essecment or �lop��, Sic:.._cet a ertd i?flta In".`4"M Upon the n ehutt!rsg t,#�on All* #t; Nook 16, Chute J4aths at A#iCl 14�, t;Q Pie a t.rtt_fihtk*Y31....iir�p t*;e ekeuh .a'ts!. .tao!z_. _. i:h® rap ori of th* t,`GA 1n tpriAz Of Forks, in the -,Atter :+4th Octo'lr r 1Sta 1916, �r rich Oketeh and report are hmralby reforrad to cola. -al. _art .:nsseoi, under Preliminary Order _.approved -A>-ri 1 8 th, 110t.3 Intermediary Order 1Z ?4$ t approved �e''l;'i�P 1 �:, 1�1 • .. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for. the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the.. signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. aid � ixstadfmrntsas�eatrfrpau:el ..F land dessc��a Adopted by the Council. Zxw om`=j /� F AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION' PROCEEDINGS.. C• \o, 1b664— Ie mutter of condemninlg and Oak- l aaaementan th¢ land.neces- - _. Ily :for. Slopes; [or clita and nlle. in 'Kiadingthe. nlley-in Rlock7s, l;lin! '_.trothera Divlelon. •.w r .. - - •ken-for_tbe o - •nt being shed: -a In the matte;".i an..-e.a.aemenxin or slopes,'for cute and fills in grading the alley in Bloc* 16, Chute �rothers.Division, 'the- 1and--to-be--taken.-.for:.._.the..:.. above....named....improvanaidt .being more particularly described as an 'easement for el o as, or cuts and fills #n and upon'tha-land arbutting..uppn.Alley,in Blocle 6 '' hute Brothers Division, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the-Coomissioner-'of PubYio-Works,....in. the matter dated October -16th 1916, which sketch and report areihe$reby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order -.1.86.3 approved April 8th, .191.6_., Intermediary Order.. PITO ...._ _approved.:.b@P8 81tlbe,r 1 -8th, 1916. - - Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and a is hereby ordered to be made, viz. Condemn and take an easement in.the land necessary slopes, for cuts and fills in -.grading the.::alley_.in__Block::..,16,-;..Chute .Br.oth s-.M-1-vialon. ............ :.: (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An., easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon alley in Block 16, Chute Biothe=s.._D.iv.i.ai.on,....._to ...the. estena.sh6wn..upon.. he 4k8_tch..,at:.taehed to..the report of the Commissigner of Public Works, in the matter dated'A.atober 16ths..191t3:,...._ahich sketch ._and ...report ....are .:.hereby._referred--to.:and -made...a part hereof. ' ........ •:{3}--Khat--the award- of -damages-and-assessment -of—bene€!-ta--€-ar--the- taking and appropraiting of the above described land or easement has been ratifed and confirmed. -_ _. � ............ _..._ _ . Adopted by the Council 'GcL t . ity Clerk. Approved _:... MAR `?_E ISI'........ ,191:........ ` ; - f Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller ' Councilman McColl PUBLMiLll Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers 4 IFPPW RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. tak- C. F. No. 16666.-- 1n the; land Hetes- - In the maeaeeme t n fllla- eagr'Yafor: lopes. for street n east. as .gzading .Grantham -1ald out hlontS eaeNorah and lHufo d Park street;d ,• 9t Anthon)'vast Grthe lan 11-1111r, treet from / lHan}` IT?fid .., Inti ;,ie�t•of teAdetfiti ng 8rA,tasking an g8.�9artTi'L in Slopes, fs�aetP.tstste:.:e►xt1Y..f Y.��.ix3.:g,>f i_in& orarr&'.stft et,r st k2catt ata Y id int e along, 1Q ai3t€ of i3iock GF Vit. Arfisoaeq ; xr Port! t+ttfl � e. t.k nfc,r tri haat orabthaa astfcaet tee CYevealar.:i aYe.rx a, _tits 2t td to oe tas a *Gr .thsOr d,eaeribeci ae an e�e�err$_traaS , mbar® n&MId iapr0V4M nt besing.more artit uiariy abUttifig UPOU_"ra�tbz + alo tses `or ou,te ..ean9 fiils its a,td =don tt%a extent ekaolan elyca dn-3 ev 10 �trpgt, be tresn the �ointea ?afores%id, t^ t hereby t'}a atetc3i att Q:1a3 to thea report t t�h+s ��rlriez q�myrort� rara' Public �or�treTesrts:ta canes 4r, ted Dot &~ber lot 10:6, �r fah tako*ch to axld Ladd a fink AeSafl�i, Intermediary Order 13.4f under Preliminary Order . -,, approved mav-,1-11 Zr-, jc in a :}3Fri4r _ approved.r le L....�.9Ys• - . , n had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therei `"for the above A public hearing having bee and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the C',o Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, h ng, duly considered the same, now therefore be it lands described in the annexed assessment roll, idenh d e Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the, ' signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of sue n re demnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hin all respects rati- ereby s?ectively for said taking and con fled and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. • tt is ere y e '. g Adopted by the Council -- City Clerk. pn M2G_191 Approved 1317_._ ..._... If - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller. Councilman McColl, Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers t .r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION a PROCEEDINGS. I ��the matter. of condemning ndtak - (ng an easement In the land necea- - aryfor slapes..for outs and fill. in •ndinK Grantham street east as at along east 'eide of tllonk: C. hn __ rth 'and Bafor', ' In the mane't of 0( q�gg m dt iea.aAd.._takitag._.ata: OAROmOnt _.i:A,_the _ land neGesgar for slopes,;, for outs# and fills in gracing Grantham street East, as laid out along.__.eas...a.iciermf=S1ooY._C,..--5tr--bntUOny-Pask_North, .::and-_Buf.ord...atrest..-from East Grantham street to Cleveland avenue, the land to be.taian for .the abo9e nam`ed-fmprovetasat befng ore' lopes,,or cuts and fillsttonisrl described as.;.-an.,easemeat for 'ind u '°thesland abutting upon Grantham'atreet e and' Buft�"rd 8tnaet; e't�teen`t ;'p'o'i aforaaatd; _t,o.:.:the.._extent-shown upon the sketoh attached to the r ort of the Commissioner of Publio Works; in the matter`da ed"Deoeffibor let; 1 6. `..whioh_""toh and"report'"are here-bq Yeetrred to ............. under Preliminary Order 9364 r __.•.._ approved .:.:.ldaroh31d, 1916 Intermediary Order 13,459 approved.:;to—t tet. l.6t:.:._?916 Resolved: (I) That the following imp take anrovement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz CondBmntl[ and easement-in.the land nedessary for slopes, for outs and filIs'in B:ceding.G&n.tlalm..atxs_et..Ee.e.t, _.aa:.::_.laid.:.-out_....along .eas...,_ Black C,:._st. %Anthonq Part North and Buford e�treetfrom East-GranthiEmt3treettoCleveland. `. __ .._..... ....._.._ _ ........ .............. (2). That the follolvmg,land, lands, or easements thereto be and the name are hereby taken, e • ` ppropriated and con dem ed foe the pUr of m� the said improvement, viz: AA . e88emeII_t for slopes, for cuts and fibs in an� upon i e land abutting upon Grantham street East, sad Nuford �°'t' the badesen:.th.a._gointa:::_aioreaaid.,...tha.:.ext:sn_t..._shaR.n._..upan:._# a ek.otoh attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter da#ed-December..-.let,.:]o1g, .v�h.ich_..sketah....and__r. , and made a part hereof, cxt .ax.e-:harebq.. referred ...to (S)-..:-g, the award of r3amages and taking-as essment vf-benegita der t3ie and appropriating of 'above descrd land or easement has been ratified and confirmed:' ................. Adopted by the Council ........... j .... Q G MIR 26 1917 Ci Approved Clerk. _:.... .. .... _.-._........... ... Councilmen Farnsworth Mayor. , Councilman Goss Councilman Keller a Councilman McColl j Councilman' Nash 5 !/ CouncilYoerg Mayor Fera f . i RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND. ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. • • � :tea In the matter of 0ond$=1 nd tak Inc an-ea"meat lltk.. 6,-,i _ ure1 n6Q4siat.y_:f it slopes, for carts n il11s=1ttralfng.Kil@aufts_ #'rc r Orahard street to Northern P&CITIO Right of V#Y .._sh..s..land to. be tatert tor the above named 1sprovsas t being more �asIIiaaaiarly lascsribeA au an �asmtnt for ala ea for auto fills in and trona the lacus abutting upon Kilburn / "� tstrnsn ttre points aior4.0449 14 theOxtent'shorrar...vpon vie sketch attached to the r dr�tad SsF;umber, 4rtZo��thsC°xx�ieslottet of Publicrc>t'ket, in the matter , '!vhloh sketchacct report_mre h4reby_referred to and.sade a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 10jp5gapproved . ��. lqt. ' .1 1 ..,, Intermediary Order I:i afi9' approved August w"urrf 1918. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above - InctAe'metter of coadethe 1. and tak-aerefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having _ lmpl bagyatoI etue esnt In the ]and. neces U to cola and 41 in. grsdeing Hilburn street tram Orch duly etl ret to Northern Paoli Right ry t qy, the land to b r.' named lm u�r Resolve �IQOt utd talung and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed :assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. R$olved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Cowt for confirmation. Re it 6ifliet Resejv� tstaflmen Adopted by the Council 9 /r Approved Cttyerk. �. J - Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss oil cilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers t 1W FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C F.N ISo68— • T .'•�r In 'the tt f dem Ingd t8h ¢ ..Inti v e, In the. la d Cee-'- - a J t loes [ is a d fllla cin _ Sra t K ICllbur t O hard- :the NrR Ilwn_. \ - n in .... _ .- In the matter of _Q0nd.G=ing ...and....takimg:an....e.aaetent.._i.n:._tha.::..land n.eceeeasy_.ior slopes, for rate and 'fills 'in-grading Kilburn street from Orchard street .to the. Northern- Paoifie.. Railway..Right-of_.Way,.. the...-land to.....be.:.._taken ..:.for the, above named improvement being more particularly described as an 'easement for slopes;; -for-cute and --fit-ls #n -and-upon the land. abufiing upon Kilburn street betweenthepoints aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attaotied- •to the report of the, C. daidner of Public Works; in -tha matter dated ;8optember•clst,:_1916,,_whioh_..sketoh_and.report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof,, - -.. .._ . under Preliminary Order 10,951.... _.._. approved _June 13th, a91,.B... Intermediary Order 1a,307 approves _..:_nugn a t:. aand,...a916 0 Resolved: O That the following improvement be and the same is herebyordered to be made, vu Condemn .and .take an easement in the land necessary fr slopes, for cuts and fille:in grading._KiZbuza:..._eSre.e..t:fiom Orchard ...etre.et__10 . ..... 03-Ja X.ar..thern..Pac1'f_iv. Railway Right of Way. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated andcon demned for the uz se of making the said improvement, viz. An _easement, f ot_ slopes,. for Cuts and f�liie in and upon the land abutting upon Kilburn street between _ the:_:.gointe..,af.oresaid...:to...the..._ ex.tent._.shown...:upon .._.the ...:..ske l.ch_-a-ttach.ed,:. to the report of, the Commissioner of'Publio works, in the matter ..--doted--September- abet-, _1916, which _skstoh and report..::aro._hereby -referred to and made_a -part hereof. (3)" Than the award of damages and=aesedddel de benefits, for the tang,.pndpPTopriatng_oY.__above_desg.ribed..land or eseemeat has been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.__ ... _ _ p n i' C' eik. Approved MR 2.6._19.[1 .:.._..19i (::... _..... .. _ Mayor, - Councilman Farnsworth Councilmaa Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Poweze RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. No:.:lbboY— .In the_tnatter of CondI.emning and tak-. he g&'or a lot,esntfor. cuta land an. fit S I,, eaTY torTial "ryg`?Kerwin tree[ from.azel-. wood avenu to Gcr+ 1 H maa etr sIreet to. Kcru'1" .;�„ .•.;Iron for . In the matter of :.. Lunda nita asn3 t'3cirt�, an eroamer.t in the 1ar3 tecaesarp for aloreso £erauto stew fillar In rrwtinc r..lrvir vtr-�t frue z., x��sri- tv�xk?sr� to aem-ansa etrtr4t tad aers,mnia 4trr!-at from haat ';4evtznth street to K'IrWin :treat, th+a...lata3 to- Gg `t kyt► fril' ssw ati .y :r-a el 14,.prmx,ent tatn;s u_r l.rly �4eeoribad as can eae�:mt for eloTeo, _ur r:ata,azr3 ;ills ir,Pat F> Xat�rtn st-na£ Ott it raa iii et. t, batra.e3n th4Jo ,t€s atcrex id 6� £ham dxt'I,L ekta ss u1;cm tbu;'wiketes attaat:8d.to ttit .report c=f tt<e r-.£at=ienar of 3'uisli¢ xarxm ill w>^ee matter doted Set-tember Zies£, d 1�, mnAnta tf�e'xih sarti red ort ess..,sF by referred to ani tra a a tart her6of, Under Preliminary Orderapproved Intermediary Order .. ril f'�t1, 1916 1 ,3( approved . ......__. :._...:... .. AUguet 22 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements 'therein,'for the above improvement, and the awards of damages tberefor,'and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati fled and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, aqd the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council e City Clerk. r�aR2c iz V Il Approved r.. _.is..._ ..... 191 t Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman.-McColl. Councilman Nash 3f Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers F N.*'**1AL ORDER IN �I tseaa aeeeoetnnlns and,ialc_ , r f cnd ;pent In the land nePea_ CONDEMNATION 1, adln P for cut♦ and fill In sK rwln t, - Ped evens m. PROCEEDINGS. Germania at set - ♦.. atreo[ to`K rm.. lath; melte[ of __..QOndEgpnin elopes, for outs and fills iand.._taki n8: Kerwin street .iA.....the .land._.nece.a.sary. for Germaais-street'--and BFading Kerwin street from Hazelwood avenue to the land to ' Germani'a stree-t-from- East- Seventh s#reet_.._to....g� be taken for the above dxx improvement bein Kerwin destsribed--as an easement for*s1 � street' street and Germania street 8 m re c larly open Ycr cutB and ftll'e 1 Inon`th8 sketch attaohed between the points aforesaid to the extent shown In the matter dated Septemberh$let, 1916 w referred to and ePcrt oY a Gommiseioner of�PubIic;Aorke, made a part hereof, "' .hieh.eketch_and report are hereby under Preliminary Order :.9865 approved .. APr11 8th_... . .1916_ Intermediary Order ' aPPeoved Au.� e t a2nd,.,_ ,.1916. -- - Resolved: (1) That the following im r nement be and the same'is hereby ordered to be made, vii: COndemII $IId take Ke easement in the lana neceseand for slopes f Kerasin_st Se .from._HazelAood avenue to.._G P , or cuts and fills in from East Seventh street` erniamla street, and German grading to Kerwin street. is street (2) That the following land lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and ccn- f i I �emged For Ili pur ose of p�akin&the s Id i 8 In an� u pA Zne Ian a�provergent,viz: An easement for 910pee, for Cute and to GermaAia etTeet„-aA utUn street ¢ Germ..i B upon Kerwin street from Hazelwood avenue , to the extent showneupon etheesgetoh attached nth at re 0ommiasi.oner oY..:.P.ubl.ic..:W'orks. t-from. Eae_t Seventh street,.to Kerwin which sketch and report are herebthe matte r_._dat.ed. Septemb,;818tTt96tiie y referred to and made a part hereof (3) That' he award f --° and appropriatin' o damages and assessment of benefits for the taking .... 1. and Confirmed. B of he above deeeribed-land or easement ha Adopted by theCouncil.._ ) beeA "ratified 19X -( 1 Approved ._._......... MAR J3.6 , -...... ._.. 191 ::...... Councilman Farnsworth"" 1... Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman. Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers 91 a t t ( i E 1 t a tF I RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND . ' AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THE,. C. F. No. 16661— - - - In the matter of condemning and tak-.i Ing an easement .in the land -necea aary..for slopes; for: euta'. and fltfrom l grading TeIIereon .avenue from - Edgecumfie: Road to Fiamlln a nue;` _ ttie ]and to be.. taken fot• the afiove - - - lmjrovement' being more particular L•'deac 1 •:a an easement - - - .!opee _ 1�6 In:anr in' .. In the matter of .... y rata>cin� as tagin 3and_netasasnr for slopes, tos--Outa-tin'» tills in Aradi.ng.3af'aca©r. avenue from 1?:igent tEs Road o to; Hazline or V10 g rtlauisrly losast ibad s iziroveZ an eaeezantto bq taken f for-elaga8, for s+cuts and 119 in rd pent the lalnd eseri ed urea daff%raon avenue bettyeen the Faints afos"d d 'to 10"T of %he "tent,..shown UpOu the atetch attaohe4 to test:IreB'arL-hich�ake chsand report Pubilo Vorits, In tlae.r�stter Iated cleptember 316t, 1916, ara"nesebgrmf®rrsd to and Ands a cart hereor, under Preliminary Order .. approvedIntermediary Order 23 308 .---. Ip397 Ye�y 8 tlf, lf3l � _ ' approved til aaL s"Stnd, .1916. ' ir A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above lmprovemen4 and the ,awards of damages t4for, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved. 'Chat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respect's rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $€i[ ftirtKe� Res3 vi' ed; that the-said assessment b'e aii� iYs e l as to eac$"paicel o`f"ladd--described-thereirt, lnstallmertts f` Adopted by the Council Clerk� Approved ......... .._. MIR 2�...�.�.I1 ........ _................. , 191 I �. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth : Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl PUBLIbcll a: Councilman Nash / Councilman Yoerg ayor Powers pR1Rr,iM11IARY ORD .C.Wherea.6A wrlt[e�[ T+ro maD oaem they P t �'making o[. the tolowtnn _ - e it30n :v,c �ro stNc[ a cemenC the eleawa,�. - _ Council File NO to a width of six feeton the east aids r --1 t t fi ving been' presented to the IMOPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT o[St. Paul there- _ and CommbeL�+� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making pf- h' following r / gy�ubric imp vement by , Cit pE''Y St. Paul viz,:-.,C9�3asut a Reza�ztti�.e.... dec�eZo.....a...rri.th:ai$ eet.:.An.. e east, side of.-1bQxt.:..S.,.._ 9m..�t1 anlx�..alta.....b�....5.t...r..Qlaix...8t.. . ill.-aaa .danee -with ,petition.._hQxe. Q.. -_ achatiy._..-:.. ,.....:. I f _.... _.. J -- _............... ......:. ..------------ Dated ---- --- Dated this 27. .......day of $UBsl...... .... 191 'j Councilman. N� PRhLIMINARY'ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following i,fprovement, viz.: on....the...east..... at._...Clalr..�t..---..:._._. . ... .... -.... ....... ---.............-.---•------.--._..............._..... ........................................................ . having -been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it ................. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To, furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 46'iurnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_ ...:.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownece. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AJAR sir .e. . Adopted by the council:...:.._ ...:............ _ 191....:..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth r s s "lR `'? 1317 H and Approved ..............191........ K ler A oil U MayorIi _........ ........................:. eo.. e. e.a Mayor. (:r.. c•-. t6564— Petition " whereas. A Itten propo , k nh t['th a uav ng lmprovemp c. Council File No t•i l.onxfruct sewer nel on[ St. - "" Prom Charlto, S[ to o t e t of Ohio St h Vin{, Leen present ed to the C.n ll f.the C1 Y p4 St POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT F , } -- IPaul there 1 It Reeolvetl; fh t Comml s', •nblla\Vort<a and - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followm / public improvement, y the City fov ' f` St Paul viz 4onetraot a ,alb.wer on Selmo S.t ..ir.Qm Cha itQs>rS.t.' � a int 150 f_eet.__A4At n ;.Ohio .$t -.... a_:ac .bxdano-g rith._.petltian�fher-ego: at ¢hed. ................... .._ -- — J ! ' _.._ ...... ........ Dated this ............ Z.7 _day_e................ Marnh .......,t........... .. 1 ......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.-, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetract.._a.._aevrer..._4n._.Bp1mQx�.t...St.._..irQm__Charllinn 31....:.ta.: ,.._point.:..150:... feat eastof t• .................-.........--....... __................... _..... .......... ....... :_..._:..... ----...:......................... __.._.............................. ....... ........... .............. ............................. ..... ............ _..................... ...... _............ .... ................................................................. ,.................. ... ...._...._._._ ._....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. ....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed . 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement'. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ............................... :.._............ ........ ...................................................... ......... ........._...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.._ .......... . _:.. ..._...:191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth "•° : ^ d. GosApproved... ............. . .... ....... :..... ............_...191.....:.... Hyl ad i Kcl r – Me oll Mayor Irvi Mayor. �t eUBLlSiIGD 3 3/ /7 :Petition Whercue• lh wrlttten Dropoanl'tor the -- r Mnktnti u[. the ollowing Im rovomen[, ' tE a net, net n never ggn fatartoa sc. Council File No,,j.......`/ frOM .Center, ]InepflY Ave. to II:' ................ . pol it 210 fe t enaC of the euet 11n,,,,:f ^- _ tieet Dr eente3 : PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned :hereby proposes the making of the fol/lobi public: impr v`ment/by the Cyte o st. Paut, viz.::.:, G¢.?�s.txuot..:.a..:-s.ewer.....on...Maxiazx.,;3.x....�rom.. _:.l e-:._Of...,Ea].l ve. o£...the ....ea.:3>i._. a.:..aft 11--Ixe ',._.in....enzax a.e vu th...P-01 td..axl....herei.a...attaahad. ...... Datedthis ........2.7th...._day of..: ............llrQ ......-................................................ 1 ...�.... - .._ ........ .. .........._......... ...T.. Co neilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: s.ane.r Qn..:rt�Qxt.an._ t..,:3r..om...a.entex....lina:._of:..Ha11 AYe.....tn...a..------ Point... ?.-o....fe.et.-:_QUI .....Of—the -:..IMEt....l.ine_ ai'... Hal l.:.AYa............ :............ ............ - .......... ............... ........... .............. ........................_................._.............--..............._............... .......................... -............. .............................. ........ ..... ... ......._..._......._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..............................................:... .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_........_.....:...:.......................... ........................................... ._............ ......................_......_...._..::.............................::........-.._..-._........---._................................... _._........................... .......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r r r, Adopted by the council..:...... '' 1tJ1..:..-...- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fn sworth Go APProved:......:. l� ....... .. ' . 1tJ1.......... H nd 1) K r 1, ' ell Mayor>Ir' -... - ................ WORM O O•n .•.••.lvluypr. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 36th 7 Date Presented_ - - - - - -191 . In the matter of - 6.radin. .& Germania -Street from -East _ -Sesentr StXeet_ to JCerwin StreetL, and KeF nin_Street from Hazelwood AversuE�to Germania Street. - under Preliminary Order 9864- - - Final Order 13813 - - - - - , Approved - - - - - SPP -t_ 31sta - - 1916. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Recel �i a,ll pavers it[ connect. nn with above Res 'lutronr F. iscca / 1 i th. tt [ 6radi t!; Germania . -•C-/r m r street from Eu t radio h street to '}} SCorwin t t pnd. K In atreot - ...---•1 J �••-•-•••-•-"•-•••—�' Hotel_ venuot Germnnla -' - St., under Prclimin¢l:Od. Sept' Firm l0rdor. 12813, approved t. 21, Sala. Resolved, That the Visors, s erafiootims Adopted by the Coun and estimates submitted by the Commis- — We— of Public Wor" for the above', named lmprovemew, be and the —: ares hereby up led. AdopteU ,, the C...c11 Eich. 27, 1917; Approved tileh.'27, 1x17. Yeas: (lfnrch 31-1a17) _ .. Naye; --1'' y Councilman Fa sworth Cos `® Hyl d a 1 Rel er McC 11 Approved } - - - 191 Mr, President; I vin - - - - �1Si11'sll - � 3 CITY OF $T.. PAUL � J COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 26th 7 Date Presented - - - - grading Arona Ave. _from_ Lake Como ' In the matter of and Phalen Avenue to Neoraska Avenue, Simpson Avenue from Lake -Como- anPbeaen -Avenue- to -Nebr-asks Avenue r anti FascGl Avex�ua - - from Lake Como & Phalen _Avenue . to Nebraska Avenue - _ _ - - - ---10,131 - - - - -- 12701 --- under Preliminary Order - - - - -, Final Order - Approved - - - September 14th,- - - -, 19 6. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same -are hereby approved. Received all papers ir1 ---- Connection with above C. r. No 15567—' 7ntol m. r grading nd ah of lrl LakeComen Ave oft f R�'solUt 9n. to Nebrhek Ave., sim7 p from Lake r o d necalen Av'fron - N b aslca Aa 1 Ave1. to Ne- -r-- Como & nder orP a Iv 1 ry .Orr /yy--- braska. Ave d- 10,131, Proal Order , 32701, nP', ' proved .Sept- 14th. 191C. Resolved•. That the: pinnet , epeclflca —' 191 ttohs and estimates eubma to the Adopted by the Counci .C* ¢loam d i f Provementoh en`nd t h - ea_, are hereby approved. . Adopted by the .Councll ;lith. 27. 1917. "proved -Dick, 27.1917. i\lareh 31-1917) - .Nays Yeas: Councilman Far worth Gose - 1•rf' g Hyl d Kel MeC 1 Approved- - - - - - - - 'Mr. President, I in .Mayor. CITY OF ST'.- PAUL' COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—G£NER.AL 'FORM r. Subject: COUNCIL .' •v� " - •. - FILE 1V l7 .. , Date Presented .Manch 18th191- ,7 Resolved,. That the Council hereby approves the action of the 'Colntract Committee in awarding the contract for the construction, re- laying and repairing sidewalks for the year 1917—as shall be ordered built,,relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first,day of November, to the, St, Paul Cement Works. Amount of work to be done under this contract is estimated' at approximately $50,000.00. Formal Bid No. 1188, �C. F. No Ss6fi8—By •1. N. doss— Resolved. That the„ Council hereby approves the .action of the Contract - Committee in awarding the.. contract for the construction, relaying and re.- palringsidewtiks for theYear 1917, as / shall t o dered built. relaid r re- paired - day lY the of November. :Council totheofirstr to the St. Paul Ce' cut Wall,.. Amoatit of.. work to b0' donee under this contract le-estimated • t. approximately $60,000.00. Formal Biil No. 1186. .Adopted by the Councl!, Arch. 27,1917. o, ' Apprves Arch. 27, .1912- Ofarch 31-1917) Yeas (J)G ilmen (,I) Nays. ��'I F' %~ F worth Adopted, by the Council 191 In favor f 1 nd Approved % 191 ri r �IGI oil Against Mr. Presid Irvin wroR .FORM C.9.2 - CITY OF ST. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTIp N—GENERAL FORM Subject: v .. COV NCIL FILE No.:..: .. Date Presented ka-rch.'26th.__.191.,_._. Resolved, That the .Council hereby approves the action of the Pur. chasing Committee in�awarding the contract to A. P; BOYD for furnishing Sand to be used in the paving of'Rice St., Como Ave. and Robert St., for the sum of $7453.48, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bids Nos, 1152-1153 & 1166. C. F.No: 16569—By.M N` 13o4g— Resolved. That :the Cquncll. hereby npproves the actl6a of the Purchaafng. Comlttee In aamrdf g th e'. cantractl to A.P -Boyd (or fur, hl 6 - Rand to used in the pavtn); of Rlee:.Rt, Como' A— and 'Robert St; for the aum of - ;7463,48.; Inaccords nce with. welnca plod and F.—I Bids Nos 1162-11631' - 66. Adopted' b3 - the Connell Meh. 2T. 1917.'' AProved Mel. 27; 1917.. - (March: 31-1917), - .J._ i YeasJ) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays ^ yc O^ F sworth Adopted by the Council_ 191 C In favor 07 i. H nd I;( K erApproved n f 191...._ f oil G__Against Mr P[caid ,Irvin roNMLOi a•Y MAYOR RIBi-1SM) A13Jd. A: CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjeI:L_ . COUNCIL , �• FILE N O . R./.19.Y,4 1, .. r . Date Presented. ldarch "27th -"17191,... > Resolved, TjYat the Council hereby approlres the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to the Kettle River Co. for the approximate sum of $6,105.00,- for furnishing Sandstone Blocks for the Department of Public Works, in accordance.with Formal Bid No. '1176. J( Icer. No 15570-13slr. x.'Goss- 0 Reaulved, That the Council hereLy approves the action or -the Purch-1.9. Commute in. nwardingthe contruc.tto the Kettle River Co. for .the approxi- - matesum or $6,105.00, for. the furnish ing of So ndstono Blocke for the. De- pnartmelthoFoPublir3ld xos 1176 accord nAdopted hY the Cou nciI NIrh. 37, 1917.: - - Appr— \t' .: 7. 1917.:_. • (March 31-1917) Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays (liar worth / _ Adopted by the Council 191 ✓Cos �" In favor ,fftyl Ind v��,1el r APProvo A, oil Against , Mr. Presiden rvin "y " FORM C. 0.9 c„v CITY OF ST. PAUL, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT a AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE. N0._ MAR 211911 BY AUDITED-_____.____ 678 PER_=--��ic✓'�- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter, specified funds and , in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set'opposite their respective names as.specified in the following' detailed statement: L Yeas( s') Councilmen ( J) Nays; Adopted by the r; w Council_"=_ '' 191— Farn orth - 2 d Goss H la d App7O Y In favor — 19I— — Kell MCC 11 Against MA R Mr. President, I in _ - Or 1,0 15171— _ Resolved tbat warrants he drawn out fr �.- upon the Clt 1' eas.rv, Payable - 'upon. the .hereinafter. apeclaed funds and or eor- - In favor of the Persona..arms poratlons for the amounts �eei bPpoate ns epecided In - their respect[ve rinm_ Bment: the llprneP lmmwing bertailCoed$25.4sta Gra.r' Finance. - - - FR nsworth,ocom*29 6 'l. iaeet is F.nufVm -.Rubber Co.: $19 :..1917. ,0. S . Paul - %Pr.tved lfch 2 19111 Itch. 27, - - - ------------ , 13374 Burns Lumber Co., Library-E�p. 26.48, 5 Crane & Ordway Co., 1 _. Street C.& R._Exp. 22.29 376 S. A. Farneworth,Comlr. Finance, Parka -Park -Exp, t 28.27: 377 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., .Lighting. 10.78 378 St. Paul Rubber Co., Sprinkling 39.60 ,.A. e CITY OF ST.. JL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION -.1 NERAL FORM Subject:... LAYI tU ,`,A ER l.tii:Qv COUNOFILE 4 Date Presented..- 191..__ Resolved, , * n water main be 1. -id' on Cirrence Street' frim Eur .%.:ue to P.c;`ir. Street,, o. No 16 t u V S rTMutn� 18 lnt0. T nue I C' Roeot�e COTS . ir1 . nurne - Moll. . Clar 1heCouncfl Dich•27..SD77. T�aed Dtc. 21. 1911917} - - - Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Fa s'men Adopted by the Council 'P or 191 r Co " In Favor Hy nd �) a^• .., APprov 191........ Ke r Mc o11 Against 1 Mr: Presiden Irvin wvoR FORM c. 8.2 o IgTY"OFA �FZ�IGNT� i�R�UL,, peparhme17.V f '7i UbliVVHih es '� QUreau o f �ahe-r Yarch� BOARD OF WATER COM MIBBIO NIRS OSCARE.KELLER,- P nr ^2 26 •, S. A. FARNSWOR7N'e. _ _ l ✓ 1 Iry .. M. N.GO55 OARR-1 O HOUSE. G. Sup' To"the Honorable, TF+ IL; CITY O SAL PAUL, ;A. _su, , Yinn. Gentle;-ten: - The Board of 7Vzter Cor.iaissioners, at a meeting held Vhis da.-, unanimusly adopted the follow- ing resolution: "Resolved, that the Council be, and hereby is r;quested to authorize the laying of a. water -.-min on Clarence Street from 3urns Avenue to r'ad'io Street." Very trul.-; -ours, Secretary.. % CITY OF .$T. PAUL COUNCIL RESO'LUTI'ON—GENERAL FORM " Subject:.:.. I , COUNCIL IVO ,^ Date Presented 191. .. RespaJet Whereas, It' has been reported that City Warrant #3915 for $15.00 issued in favror of the U. S. Bedding Co, has been lost and whereas the said U. S. Bedding Co. have filed with the Comptroller an indemnifyinbond, properly- approved ')y in the'sum of $15.00, therefore be it resolved that the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to issue a duplicate warrant as above mentioned. I C. F. No.-15573-11y 5. A. 17-noworth Whel-M It has been .reported .that - Clty Warant No, 3915 for $16.00 1....d - - in favor of the U.: S, Redding. Co. has been lost and whore.. the sold U. S. Bedding Co. have tlled with the Comp - i troller an indemnifying bond, properly approved by Frederick N. Dickson;, Judge of DI t rict Co t In the sum of $16 Od, .therTo e b It enol ed that - th ted an City l-I.. [s e. h rebs dl- ,- le ted and th it d toi su rt dupil-I at -wnr t above mentioned. e tioned. Ilpt d 1 th%fo Icll "Tell 27, 1917. Approved i{ h. 2 1917: -.. ._ Ola eh. 31 1917) Yeas { ✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays % sworth/ Adopted by the Council . A.j j i ' ' 191— 'Worth s In favor and. t K er Approve yM oll Against /lir M. Presiden ruin .......... MAYO CITY OF ST.'PA.UL f.. _ CO&NCII. RESOLUTION GENERAL F'OR.M Subject:..... COUNCIL N FILE 1 `. Date Presented..., Resolved, That the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollare ($250o.ob) is hereby transferred from the Local Improvement Account of the General Fund to the Miscellaneous and U foreseen Account of the same fund, for the purpose of relieving an unavoidable shortage in the last named fund, without impairing the activities and purposes provided for in and by said first named item of said fund. C. lr Ive d5674 —Thattlhe t m of Twe iy`- - five .Hundred T7ollarsu (52000.00) is hereby transfl -d from the Loml Tm Fr dl to thein allscellaneoue nd.f the �Un' f rescen. acr ount. oP the snore fund. for '[t a purpose r relleYing nn unavoid- iable shortage In the lust named fund. hout Impnlring the untivitic,e-ntd purp.aes provided for It an sn1� Brat a re 't nr r anti tel d. adopted. b> the C un Il , ch. 2i. 101 . Ap�rovetl \i h 7.'101'reh 11 a i Yea (✓) 'Ou men (J) Nays r Far Orth ^ �� /�ss Adopted Isy the Council 191 Cos In favor Hyl ti ! Kell APProv Me I G .Against Mr. President. ruin — ... :.. _ .... YOR FORM C.0.2 ti of .faint Paul OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK Lurch 25th, 1917. Hon. S. A. Farn3•.porth, CBmr. of Finance, Saint Paul, ;,Sinn.. Dear Sir-- Attached communications from the City Comptroller relative to the lfliscellaneoue A Unforseen Item of the General Fund for 1917, were referred to you, and to the Corporation Counsel, and to the Comptroller. Very respectfully, City cls .. •�. (�[tti zrf `�2t[ttt �Hlt� � � _. (Emptraller's Office .E Ea.. ....F March 24;. 1917 To the Honorable Council, Gentlemen' Permit me to call your attention to the fact that the,Miscellaneous & Unforseen item of the General Fund for 1917 has..been exhausted. , It will be necessary to replenish same to care for the various items for the balance of the year vihich are properly chargeable tc this account, therefore would suggest that'at least $2500 b.e transferred at this time from the Local Improvement item.. of thy, "same fund. Awaiting your action, I am, Very truly y rs, a e Comptroller. ALE:R City of 14�aixtt 11aut .OFFICE OF - JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK ;larch 24th,1917 . lion Josue Foot, City Comptroller. Deur Sir:- Relative to your communication to the Council, atteched herewith, tho Council dishes to have a detailed statement of expenditures of the iliscellaneous & Unforseen Item of the General Fund for 1917. Very respectful Ty, OPP- RATtH'>tl4rf AH9E99NTH , -�✓� - 0.:F Ao 16676 ✓ Council File No. ...... ................. In: the matter of then \ sat a"con bene9ta: coats andn ex - '��.trvetinR of 24. BR-t :and.E4: Block By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. lop In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing of curbing in front of Lots 17, 18, 81 &,34, Block 8,' Lovering's Addition to Union Park', located on the.east side of Wheel avenue, between Shields avenue and St. Anthony avenue, 6x46_,... .,._..,.Intermediary Order 7404_ ....._; Final Order._. , 7784 under Preliminary Order. --'" approved..._.. NOYeR1b8T _ZBt_ .... _....... 191...5_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is,fiereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and'it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcelofland described therein. Adopted by the Council . ....:. 191........ 7 � c F . .... .Y.-City Clerk. Approved ................ ....... 191 Mayor. Form E. B. 18 _ 5 PUBL'ISMD CITYOE!iT_ PAUL. OFFICE OF, THE COMM:S;1ONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF 'COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 7 _._... 19I.,._ In the matter of the assessment of beriefits, costs and expenses for the Constructing of curbing,in front :of Lots 17, 18, 21 & 24, Block 2, Loverings Addition to Union Park; located on the east side of Wheeler avenue; between Shields avenue and St.Anthony avenue,. .. 7404 ... Intermediary Order .........__ under: Preliminary Order .. 6$46-_..............._. _. Final Order_ ?764.................................. .approved ..Nooembei._18t . , 191..._�J... To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz; mprove-ment,.vizd - — Cost of construction $32 00 ... 14 $ . Cost of publishing notice - .. ............................. 06 Cost of postal cards $ _ .64 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $......__:.: ..... Amount of court costs for confirmation $--- ••3-9----------" ., $33.14 Total expenditures ...._:__._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the slum of $._33 - ...._. _...._ ._._...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the saidiryprovement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . .. .. .. ..... _.............. Form s. s. ri Commissioner of Finance. f ------------ C 1 . No lssrs= _ - - - Council File 1' 1° the matt or the e—es m nt L benettt c eta and xpeneo for o �. } ,"atruCting'ot eeme L curbin6o bora,- Macele8, -u 1 aa, r 'even o ' avenue, to .et .C��t• SL..' e ;'princetou B. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and 'expenses for constructing of cement curbing on both sides of Macalester avenue from Princeton avenue to 8t. Clair street, under Preliminary Order 54.64 ....._... Intermediary Order 6741 ._.., _..... Final Order ._7334 ... . . October 1st .........191.5..... approved.................._ ......_..... A public hearing having been had upon the.assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and. having been considered finally satisfactory, be it. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects ratified,and, the . same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in., ;2 �..:....equal-installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ F . 191 .._..... ..... . /� ..:.. ' -tity Clerk. 2ti, r Approved..._.....:.191...... . ......... ...... _..... _.. - Mayor. Form B. B. 16 ....._.. - .. PUBLISIiGD � 3/ L'. B* " In th6 e matter r of the aeeee0ment of beneflt8 oet8 ..daxpeneea for ' curbing both Bid s o[ Weet 9Ixt6 9t. Council File No........ ... between �ummlt n U. nd Igle- . ha t o enue and r P V ry Or- der 5052 Interni d ' 1878• Fine, Oder 1r, .tF 197 �,- By._ .. _..... __. .......... a 7. CITY OF ST. PAUL. -Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Curbing both sides of Fest Sixth street between Summit avenue and Iglehart avenue, Intermediary Order 7078 Final Order 7f�35 under Preliminary Order J�_°�i approved .._ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess cil, and havingbeenconsidered finally satisfactory, be it menY having been further considered by the.Coun therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the' submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _,___,_ ,.,_equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein: to .,...`��-" il ... Adopted by the Counc e 191.......... % ���.i L�%.. Ci Clerk. nn, 1' 191. Approved N ' ... _ ' ...._ _ _. _.... Mayor. Form 13.13. 18 .. PUBLISHED 99� �_7 16616— . - - •In .the >matter of the assessment of benefits,, costa. and expenses for pav- ing Ashland from Dale Bt to Lex Council File No ington avenue `In 1 ding street in j ..... temection an 1 appro? he../r— ter and gn B o CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefitB, costs and expenses for.. Paving Ashland from Dale street to Lexington avenue,-including street intersections an&:alley and driveway approaches; also including sewer, water and gas ser$ice;oennections from - street .mains to property lines complete where not already made and installing new curbing where necessary, 4190443.ft... ......... Final Order under Preliminary Order ............. _.... _....__, Intermediary Order June approved 5th,.....................:_.._191__5 .. __.._..__...... - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the aaid assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the-County of Ramsey. for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ' - Z .ey _.ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. w �R .:._ ....: 191....._ ... ..Adopted by the Council .....:..: - f' City Clerk. r ./approved .......... _._....._ _.... 191 ....... Mayor. Form B. L�� s C,`F. No. lb6ts— ue 8eeament oC. � ' - 1n, the matteY ;ot th Council penedta. ureF'avenue from west $idw' (:. _ (pg o[ Ls the east slde of o1:, Date street M tWgether With t.estn nva ece wer, nt r and :gee - _ th R CessarY. the tri 'a81na to i By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for t of benefits, costs and ex arises In the matter of the assessmenit _ Paving of Laurel avenue from the west'side of Dale street to the east with the necessary side of "Lexington avenue, together sewer, water and erty lines domplete gas connections from the street mains to the Propend driveway where not already maapproaohes, de, al©o all necessary alley 3845_ _ 3177 _..:, Intermediary Order ...3454._........., Final Order...... under Preliminary Order...._.._ .... ..._ June 5th ..._. 191 5 approved ...._ -_ement, , he ove A public hearing having been had upon the asse9sment for ibeeabconsidered finally satisfactory' be t ment having been further considered by the Council, and having — therefore hereby in l respects RFSOLVED. That the said asaessmo the D stri tt be and hCourt ofe same the County of 1Ram ey for rconfirm ationfied. and . same is hereby ordered to be submitted determined to be payable BE IT� HER RESOLVED• That the said assessment be and it is hereby as to each and every parcel of land described therein. equal installments �`�.. 191_:.:._ Adopted by the Council --___ .... Ci Clerk. t t, _.191..:.__. U oved .._.._::.. _ _ Appr <. Mayor. Form B. B. 16, Z i CITY 01 PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMM oSIONER OF FINANCE ION OF ASSESSMENT REPORT OF COMPLET ..:.:................. _................ ..... xen6ea for the In the matter assessment of benefits, coats and e p st Paving of Laurel avenue from the west side of Dale stre�twa o water and side of Lexington avenue,.t)ogether with the necessary lines complete gas connections from the it, mains to the property a roaehea where not already made also all necessary alley and driveway pp 345' .....:_ . _. _..... Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order .......3177 ..... - .._._ June 5th, _..... ..:. 199...5-• Final Order . 384 - approved........_ To the Council o� t-te City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby repts to the Council the following as a s orr and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred fo ment, viz: 89,351.62_.... Cost of construction 17 .71 .:. �.... 00 Cost of publishing notice 4675'. 00 .. . Water Connections $_ _....6.87.95 Cost of postal cards ogg ggyy Sewer $._ 635:33.._. Ins ection fees 37 95_._._- Dr�iveways $................. Amount of court costs for confirmation 31,134.3.4.--.. $...... ....ro riated a Total expenditures I ges the sum of 392 40 pP P nrdinance #3745. 30-741.94 unt as above Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the toast omparcel of land deemed _ --- upon each and every lot, p - tained, to -wit: the sum of c . art or parc I el of land in benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of has been completed, and that hereto attached, dente the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assess me by the signature of the said Commission er, and made a part hereof, is the said assbses considered pcoPed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may .... Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 11 - - --------------- COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In tl a Matter of.......G.anst.xuc.t.izlg...a...s.ew.ex...on..A.eeley.....ayeaue....£ram._Hamline.:..: . ave-nue ..ao....a.._g0.int....6..0 feet....eaa.t.-.g.f.P.as.aAl....as.em>..................:....... ................................... under Preliminary Order........:..147.40,.:-,. ...................... approved ....:...k'eb.x.l>Ty..:7...191.7........:.............:. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........:. Const.r.uct .a..s:ey er. ort-Perke4-ey..,avenue..:fr.am_xamlzra.:.axenue...t.o..a:..go.int........ 60....f ee.t... east .-of,.Pas.cal _avenue; .................. _._.. C. F. .vo. 16686-13Y `n- A.;Farnaorth .. ___..__ - - - In'the >latt r ofco atructinR sewer; "� � - ���.. ..:.......... ...- _ -.1. from Hamlin-'. " ori -. Berkeley - a�'enU to .Voi .:Peet emit of Preliminary :.. .......... .��, .:.... � -:Order ., n ............... 1n With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2, 660...00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._ .30th day of April ....... __...-., 191.7_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,, stating the time and place of -bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - '^ Adopted by the Cmuled........ :,..-..... 191._... , ;?. a � � ,g� .Approved .. .. ...r::`- �� . . .�.. _., 151 ....... 'My Clerk. Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl , Councilman W h Mayor Irvin Forza B. S..1: 8-6 --- COUNCILFILE NO—, ^ C, - INTERMEDIARY ;ORDER In the Matter of..B91}1eV9r-a-"Z--p4d....s.adding.:\! r&aw....s.tseat..iram.P.leaeant- s agenue to. .Seventh..atreet,.....................................:.....................- ---...-.... . approved ...J.-Uan19-16................ ......... under Preliminary Order .....: .: ..................... pp �... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said .report, hereby.resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the'nature of .the improvement which the Council recommends is......... .. .... Baulev.ard..: and-.Bn Cl...Warsaw...St.ree.t....from..Pleasant.:.a men e-:-.tn...SP.Venth... st:r6bO t, ._. ........ :...... C. F, iVo 1 81-5. ardfng'an'd a4d-:. •ln [he-11 iter o[. etre t from-�leaeant' _ . dln8 %4 rad[v St under Preltmtn .......................................- .......:.. .\ve; to aevrnth ... my Order 8$fil. .- .21.1$16 _,` _. .:.... .. _... .. ..... .. 'The �ouncip.rt ............ with no alternatives, and thatibe estimated cost thereof is-'14b•-UO ... .` Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._:..3.Oth :day of Aril_. 191. 7.,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., is the Council Chamber of the Court House and Cit} Hall Building" in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as esttnated - ) Adopted by the Council- .... ...... l/._ C1ty.�Cler Approved................. 191...... / .. 11layor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilmen Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Mayor Irvin Fortu H. S. A. 8-6 {. COUNCIL FILE N0. . .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-.. Changing -.the.. -.grade of--.ittap etyg•gd-•-dye-i•..-f-fip ayjgp�d_-aVe... to - a point 84 feet west of Glendale ave.; Glenham ave. from St. Anthony ave. to Maplewood .,ay.e.;-:.Medford ...ave.--:fx!= Ltaplewoo.d_ave.-...t-o..:Co1->%tb.us---age,-•-and-.: -er_ ville ave, from Otis ave. to Glenham ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached -and -made a part--h'ereof;. the--pres-ent--establ -ahe-d---grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading said Maplewood ave from Medford sv2':` to- Como-&--Ri:Ve-r I3atXI'evaTd;7--arid GTLsnlr rii i%Vi : f:roia 'St. Arit-fibriy' ave. to Maplewood ave. in accordance with the said red line when established, ............... .......... under Preliminary Order ----•-------140 3 5 ....._-- ....-----.approved The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissioner. of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said renort- herebv resolves: L- That the said report be and P. tbYo. situs iy�'n et�� the�grsaad;adopted, and the said improvement is hereby. ordered to be proceeded with 51- ,, . do point as e.' i . r:'oicfor Ar GI tis a t om st " That the nature of the improve+o-ti wA t`OmMT°nl °, ^ ' Change .:.th.e..:grade..:o.f-idapl.ex!o.od z�vei:._.frnm-.Medford-..ay.e_-_ta--a--po-int,..B4:.f-eat West of Glendale ave.; Glenham ave. from St. Anthony ave. to Maplewood ave.; Medford_ave....from ._Mapl-ewood.:ave. ... to.:Co-l-wnbus-_ave.:... and _.-Sommerville ave;- from Otis ave. to Glenham ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached. and -made -a- p'art- hereof-; - the- preserrt - established_ grade' -b sing shown by the blue line thereon; also. grading said Maplewood ave. from Medford ave.' ` to Como &- River- Bouldvard-,anal.-Glenham ave. -from St._Ahth6ny---4ve.,to........ Maplewood ave in accordance with the said red line when established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ . 8, 422..46 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ou the. _ .3.Oth._ .........day of _ Apr'll... 191_.7. • at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That tlfe' Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iag, the nature of the.improvement and the total. cost thereof as7ti ated ,.% COUNCIL FILE NO .. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....fan.demnin..;.-�rzd..-.tak.int:..an....haemeat:..in...the_.la+ad ne.c.eomoa for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading 1'aplevrood avenue from River Bo�U-l�vard. to ifefford...avenus;v .and G".tenhaan---avenue• from•-bTapl•ewoo-d_:.. avenue to,St. Anthony avenue, according to the plan hereto attkched and' ibade a part *;-the the cuts-and:-the shaded portion the fills.. _. . ..................................... -- _. arnaworth -:.. .... .. -- S x� F 156B3 B and Yak ltt tris.";•intt of Gond Pn[ng Ing an ea -Pent [n the lnnd ce anlY 1° loPea 'tor cute and all in g Nilnb 1faPle °Od AY1%1.d, T 1 ...::................................................. .... ..... ..&,.;Liver Boulevard rTth plap ^ - - fr and (17. h m Ave .lender Preliminary Order.......956.� '� ....................approved :...:.April..Fi,...1.91.6...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report be and the same is herebyapproved and adopted, and the said improvement is Hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 4.. That the nature of the improvement whichthe Council recommends es.:...Gond.emn...arid.iS.e- an eas.ement...in.td�Y- he...lan...nese.s.ae...$-Q•1.elCB.eB..:,f.4.I.:.Guth �z�a-•--xiis:.an...�xaaing Mapl.ew.oo.d._-ay.enua._f.rom.,.Colrlo...& Riv..er At}.izlevard,.,to.. igd>6o_rd.,ave�lug„-_and.--.•-, Glenham...a4anue...s`.xolt1..gapje_W.094 ay..gnu_e, tg.: &t.�....AntlIPPY..ave-nuQ tothe,-plan-hereto-qt t ache.d.and..ma.d.e..a ..par.t.::hereca fthe.. hat che.d..-par.tian, sYiovaing.:..the ...cut s..:and....tha.. shaded ...po.xtao.ra..tkle....f..iJ..].s,.... ............... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 25.110 .....:...., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _....3Q.tr1 .........day of Apri.1 ................ ................ _. . 19]7_„ at the hour of 10 o'clock _�. 11I., in the Couneil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice . of said meeting to the persons and in the manner pr ovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimate Adopted by the CJ1111U1.,-.... __ ........ 191._ €� y ark. Approved ....... ...... . 791....... y M or. - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman l Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-0 COUNCIL FILE NO ` �.... . L.. r....:z iz-..K..4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Cbanging--the-.:grade.--g# „i.1.t.an_-st.T-est... hetx.e-en.:-Lafosul..-Street and Blair street and of Blair street between- Chatswor.th---street_••And :-;a•-•pg-int midway between Milton street and Victoria street--to--con-form.-to--,the-_red-_lines on the profiles-- hereto ...attached : and ,made„a_.part-hereof, the-.pxageen.t--:Xrad.es begin;; represented..by.the..blue.lines ...thereon.................... .....:-.........:-......:............--....... under Preliminary Order.....JUA9 ...................... .........-approved.....June...13.....7916.................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingc. x. rio. isss;-nv s..c. Farnsworth-gives: In the Matt r of c hangs g the grade. 1. That the said report be a� of vmto at et between ratond said adopted, and the said improvement is dl and 01”, t and f Blair 'street hereby ordered to be proceeded beeCn t rte -t nnd,n_-_. point' mid v, and Vletr . That the nature of the. imp, emeni which the Council recommends is....Change....th.e. grade.-Of _........_.....-.............-..........-...-.....-.:..-...-.-....--..--,.....-..... Milton street between Lafond street and Blair--_st-refit•_aid--,Q, :;- 1.ear....ats.eet .................. 1 between.:.Chatsworthstreet-.an..d. a';-pgitlt- m1dway...b.etween..Kil.to-n.- street -- and. Vi_ct.oria__street-._to conform,.to-:,the-.red..:]?es:..o:ft..the:...pxo,file.s..her.eto...attached and.made._a--part hereof,- the,.-present-:grades_being:.repreent.ed...by....the-..blue lines -thereon:......... ....... .......... ........ ..... ........ _...: . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ;1..20.00 ----: - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_,.._.30th day of ............April........ 191.7 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time, and place of bear- ing, the nature of the iniprnvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted by the Cmmcil.-:_... Q 191.:.. _....:k Approved _. 191 .. ..... a : . .._.... C,t$ Clerk. i Itis or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Xtr Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO By.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Grading:_�a�el£th. street-. from_._Cedar--_street-,•to.-_�7abasha _._-__ ------------------------------------------------ ------------ -B,S. . Rradilftjj nbn !worth— . II th from Cedar St t Order ha St n- .der Pren[ninmY Order 14870 aD•... ,_„-,_-,---_• ... .........:Droved geixunr3 ?= 'nl4 p+-•1 '.�•^ Council oY ..elvee i 'n......:....................... 14 70 February 14,...1917...................... under Preliminary Order ........ ....... .......... -approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance uron the above improvement, and.having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: that the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imi rovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............. . ...................... ........ t from Cedar street to `N.abasha street, Grade _:TWelftb ..R:k.F...Pa�[....... ......... with no alternatives, and that, the estimated cost thereof is $. 7.61,.05.:_ Resolved Further, That a public. hearing be had on said improvement ml the 15t -' day of NiaY...... 191.. �_.., at & hour of 10 o'clock A. \l., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City. Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improventrt„lytnd the total cost thereof as estmated 1. n�' 191 �� .Adopted by the Council_. -- % . n i•: ; 191 City' Clerk. Approved, DAayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gloss % Councilman Hyland $ Councilman Keller 1�IBLIS:iED Councilman 'McColl Councilman_ Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 COIINCH. FILE NO ............... ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........�4.17 d�R n J 71�...c� It�1....t.gjk .l.t].F.all...ms.erten.t i.n...ths...land.... ecessasy fo.r slopes, for-..cuts. and.. fills._.in,.grading,..w_eifth,--stre,et.:..#xcxa.a�abasha. street-. to Cedar_ street, according .to..:the, p.13kp bergto,-.attached .a...p.art...hemeof.....the...Ylaa.ckl.ed...p.o.rt.i.an.. sho�rina...the.:.aut.s_:and.-.the ..shaded .......... port.i.on.-.the ._4.l.ls...........:.................... ....:..........:......................................................... ---- ................... ..... :. ------ ..........................._.........:...'...................................................... ----.............................. under Preliminary Order ......... 15287............. .................. approved ........ MarGk� ..13,..::1.1.7....: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner'of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consid—A d f h rnhv_mnnlync r Ira o 5586-went 4 A. Farns 1worth 1. That the said report be and t1lin the 'Lattoro4 •ondemn4nS and tax-opted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded. with. � 'safran a e s, for cues 1 nd fills In `,,r,ding ..Twelfth street t-am Waba. _ -'a street to Cedar str .+_ e� e` That the nature of the improvem. r hereto ilr -;jmmends is......Candemn..and...tak.e..... - - ..here:;'• L . - - r... 1 FS an...ea.s.er..ent.._i.n...the...land ...ne.c.e.$eary- f.9r.:..oZ.O.P.ea. f.-Q.r:cut.a...anci,.fills:... in.-..._ gradi.ng_Twelfth..atre.s.t from ..;.wabAs. he...str-eet. t.o....Ceda.r... a:tr.eet._.aaco.. d.in,.. ta_.the...plan..he.ret.o...altaGk�e.d.:�l.d. meas...a_.p.axt...hexea.f.,...t.he..hat.ched. p.or.tion showing the .cuts... and -.the...shad.ed..:portian,..the:.. fills. ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ lst _.day of - 11$4Y.--.... ....._.., 1917,..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of. the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the natltre of the }mprovement qnd the total cost thereof as estimated. ' Y Adopted by the Council..... .... h: P. .... 191...::.. f %y I /. �.:;.:z c.. Approved. ...:.............. ' ..t, ........ ,.191:........ f City.Clerk. i V �t_.L...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland YilBLh'lg}j_� Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman �r�dth Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. s-f, COUNCIL FILE NO -:: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....-.Furnishing..:and..in:stal l.ing..an...ox ament al._li gkit i-ng- sy-st sm consist ng,;•of„"�alnP..-PQ-13t.e.,....lamgs...:.glob-es,...:Nri"res,.... aggLian"ces,•-•-underg-round. conduits and other equipment for conveying electric current thereto on ..........................."'-"-............................... .................. -.- -..--"--:.:-.-."...-'""--"--.--..................... ....__..t Bede r,_st:rget:-.f rom---phi rd•-_street-_t•o ":Central,- ......................................... ........... ............. .............. .-'.................... .......... ............ .... _........... ...................... -............................... :.................. ....................... under Preliminary Order----..14196""•":..... ..:--..:.approved..-.December.__28-,-_1916 ;- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...........::........ ........... Furnishing an4.jp0.tal.1,i.ng an,..-prnamental..l.ighting. ssY.s.tem...co.ns.isti-ng-•-of ._lamp-Posts, lamps,,,globes, wires, appliances .,.....undergrnund.,.c.ond.ui.ta.:axlfl .other._ equipment for conveyin8..electric...curz ent..tlzereto,....on. Cedar:. trek. from. Third _street. tg..Cent ra] .as:enu.e, C. F. aro 1558i-Bl S f Farnex Orth - f In the 1Patter of, furnishing. and Ip ` .... ... ... -... atallfni[ nn ornamental lighting_..:.-.-........ .. ...-.. ....... tem consistingof. inm oeys- - D-PDBLe, IemDsj with no alternatives, and that the e{ glones. wires, pies; under- . ground condul[:'eet her epnip- ^oo'-" t entfor conv� cnrrent - p ti 'I eto o ce mpf day of Resolved Further, That a ubhc dni,_ �d on said im rOde�¢nt on the.. lst....... duay... .:..........._ 191 7.'..; at the hour of 10 o'clock-A. DI., in the-Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance -give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estim ted. _-adopted by the Council........ L y. Approved ............................. ... .... 191 ...:.... Cit Jerk .... .... ...... ........................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth .Councilman CiosB Councilman Hyland Councilman Yeller PUBLISHED i Councilman McColl Councilman Iy� Mayor Irvin Forlu B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE N0 a ,�l By-... �� INTERMEDIARY ORDER r In the Matter of........... C4178.t.xuc#iiXlg...e,...e.e.rer..ct17.:..Clarenc.e:..airm t...f ram..Busna.-:--'- %.ayenue...toKgcL -an street, under Preliminary Order.... -.14895 _. ' .... ......------------_- approved Yebruaxy...1.6., 1.91-7 ............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......... .................... ................ . ConB.t.ru.c.t...a,...a.e9ver. an...0.l.ar.en.re .streetres.._?YBnt?e..tQ._ cz,eaxl..st.xeet, =._ -------c------------ .: :.... 9 „C: IVtbe: atter o BY S, t. Farnsworth _ ..... In. Lhe matter of constrorn B' s sewer '- 'en.-.Clarence street Prom Barna AV e. Eo'ilicLea 6t ands Preltm[ 16. Hider 14895 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1.,1.63..0.0..... -. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the let ........ w..day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House andQCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and 'in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost -thereof 'as eatilnated:,/. i Adopted by the Council....... n / ..... 191 n7l; ( C i ....../ t c x .... Approved. _ __.. 191 ......ity�Glerl.. Councilman Farnsworth !I Mayor. Councilman Goss - Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman" Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ----- -_. INTERMEDIARY ORDER_ In the Matter of.......Ca.lO:txuctixlg.:a..-a.e!Nax__o.n..Eareat...rtreet,... fr=--110ZA-Atx2P-t .:.RAA.e g x-set....:........... .....- under Preliminary Order- _15070approved pGarch 1.,.-:.1917_.,__.............................. .' -- -- .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. - That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is;...... ........................... Construct .a. sewer on.,Foreet..-_etre.Qt.f-'allA..Ro.a.e..- Street....t.0... B_podnt--2(14 --•-•- .. .feet _north of north line of Rose-,strget-, .......... ....-...... -.._ .: ....... .._ G. FFo. 1fi589—By 5. AJ Fnrneworth— - "" .In 6e Dtatter 0, co etru t,.'' sewer - - on Forest street from Rose (street to . n point 200 teot north of ............................. I of Rose street. nd r ,:.::. r :, Order 15070, .............. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 402..00 . R solved Further That aublic hearing be had oil m said improveent on the __ let . ...,-.day of lay p,....:-_ .........� 1917.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice ovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- of sail meeting to the, persons and in the manner pring, the nature of the. improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. , p k IV' Ajlopted by the Council :.......... ... - _:- ... Cnty Clerk. . Approved........ .. ..... n ... ., 191..:.... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth / - - Councilman Gnss Councilman Hyland PpBL1SLrF� 3/, �� Councilman Keller -. Councilman McColl Councilman W� Mayor Irvin _. Form B. S. A. N-G. 4. COUNCIL FH:F4 NO By. INTERMEDIARY- ORDER In the Matter of....RE.e.4.n.etr?AQ.ti.ng.....re-laying... and...cepa.i.ring...wi•th•••cement -•••• ••-••• tle..ao_.a width..of._six„feet,:._. the._pres•ent.._cement-wa.jf,.,o.17--.rihe....:- west ...width street b-eginning, at N..... P....,py�....right.-_Q_f,way ,............. thence south_100...feet..... arid .... on... the_. east.... s de, o.f..Churchill,_,atreet._b ginning 102 feet north of Orchard' street,, thence.no,rth..16_..fA5t,.._._..__•..___..._ C F. No:.15590—IIY o, A Farnsworth— tier of reconstructing, relay ....................... ..• /t g and repairingwith cement the to a. irldth of six feet, .the present under Preliminary Order .,......1 em'at tile'.1dewalk on the, est s.emtl.er....29 191fz. .......... side of Chum” �.... The Council of the City of St p91r1 l .' ` ived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:..:...........:............. ............. Reconstruct,._relay and:repair'with.cement•, the.to._.a__width..•p#..sjg•,• et_, the present cement tile, sidewalk ;on. the ,west-..side of..Churchill..streg_t., beginning at_..Pi,. P...... Ry......r.lght._sa.f...xtaY.,...thenc.e._so.uth...1-00...f.eet,....and...an...the east ,_side, of_-.Churchill street b.eai.nnn-g_ 102. feet. nq,rth of._.Q.Fchard... 5t.x.cet, then Qo. nor4r..1A feet.:........ _ - with no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is $..-0.0.6:...p.er ..square foot. Resolved Further, That a. public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... ..--..:lst..- .........day of ..........May..... __ ....:, 1911 _. , at the hour of 10 o'clock- A.:il., in the CouncilChamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._.. ) h r p _.....191 ...�, '17 Approved ......... 191-:...._. f if y -Clerk, 4ayor...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman W 1r�iiAIM Itiayor Irvin Form B. 8, A. 8-6 q r - CITY OF.ST. PAUL' COU-N'CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' -- COUNCIL w N f . ' FILE ' 0 41-,.._.... ......,... Date Presented.. .March. 28 s 1917:x.. �� I e.,.Ned, "That the plat of Idorsing Re.`, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the.same is hereby accepted. IC. R A 15591—BY ?S. t . ofBM _ rad That the plaof Moratng ge, acommended tiY the Stat Com- . Imi to r+nd aPPl L oved.'bY the d d th. he , Io nP bll Worke, p mo IA he ebY nenePt d. Ib Ad pted. b I. Coun Il ,�Sch. 28, 1917. Approved '.r h 291.191T) , .1917. ' (\inrch.3 Yeas (J) C cilmen (✓) Nays f nsworth 1 Adopted by the Council ti:APz n u -- 191 'so In favor land I! P ;''f2 1417 11er APPr9%E� .. n 191. _ uno11 _ Against /Vf un Ich M . f resld t. rviR .. ....... ................................'..... ...: MAYOR....... FORM C.8.2 CITY OF S.T.-PAUL, , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM. *, ,. COUNCIL FILE No.., .... Date Presented March- 28th- t.Wl Resolved, That the Pgrchabing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent ofw,ta Comptroller, without ask..' ing for competitive bide, twos and Spreading Wagons, at a price.of $400.00 each, total price of $800.00, FON New York, from W. J Westphal, in accordance with Requisition #1804 Sanitatiori,_on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gain- ed by advertisement or competitive bids. - Cast of said Wagons to be charged to the Department of.Public Works 8prinkling Fund .. Oiling Acct'.-Mntce. IC. F. No 16682-B1' ffi RG-OWed, That lbe N.-Obsor.e— Agent be and he 1¢ hereby aUth.el.c l to purchase. with the. oneen[,o[.the - Comptrolier,t Ithout .-.sent - petitive bids, two 'fivase 18%d gpread- ing: Whgons, at a. price o1 $400,00 each total Price of ;800,00, -.FOR New York. I from ''W. J 'jvcslphal, In aeeortl¢nee with Requisition :No, .1804-9nnitn.ti ,s' on. file In the office. of the Purchasing Agent; as this is:.a patented.article and.a . no dvantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. 'Cost of aid .wagon. to be charged to the Department t Public iVorka—. gpId pt Fund-Ulling. Aect.—htetce. sldpted by the Council. Mch-28,19$7. Approved hich. 28, 1017. (March 21.1917) Yeas ( ✓) !ncilmen ( ✓) Nays I F nsworthAdopted by the Council191 .. _ G a In favor landAR ler 672 Approved . Coll Against U nderlich Mr. P side . Irvin MAYOR...:.... FORM . 9.2' /r•r1nYN _CITY OF ST, PAQL COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL._FORM . ,.Subject:. -..^ _.. _. - oou N01L Fac No.. Date Presented. ildasch 28th-t17 Resolved, That the P4roha ing 'Agent be, and he, is hereby authorized to , purchase with the-consent o;,.l a Comptroller, without aske ing for competitive bids, two3 and•Spreading Wagons, at a price of $400.00 each, total price of $800.00, FOB New York, from W. J Westphal, in accordance with Requisition #1804- Sanitatiod, on 'file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gain- ed by advertisement or competitive bids. - Cost of said Wagons to-be charged to the Department of Public Works - 8prinklfng Hund - Oiling Acet.-Mntee. a- o w Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Iki �o. • • - -191 Coss In favor 'r Hyland 191. APProved _.....� qE.._'. / Keller r McColl Against Wunderlich � r _.. ..... .. .... ��....... ?..... MAYOR Mr. President, Irvin FORM c. 9.2 -- CITYOF ST. PAUL COUNCIL, ;RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..,J■ COUNCIL SMFILE l 1Y Date Presented Maroi 1917 Resolved, That the ;Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner pro- vided by the City Charter, for all of the material nec- essary to make the following improvements, viz: Pave Alley in Block 5, Waxrendale Addition under Final Order #11725, Approved August 16th, 1916. Grade and Pave Alley in Block 4, Haldemanta Add., under Final Order #14057, Approved December lith, 1916. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plane, specifications and estimates suomitted by the Commissioner of Public Works Tor the above materials be -and the same are hereby approved.. . C. F. ;Io 16593 --By \I. N. Gose-. RONOlved. That the Purchaaing Agent be find he la hereby.. authorized and di reeled to advertise. 1the mnn_ provided by the ell Ckarter, for Cllr or. the material r ecessary to nake LN eI� the following' improtiementa, viz r� n?, Ed Pave. alley In BI ek 6, Warr ndale Re Cts. $ZIJ-1il—cl Addition under Final Order No 11725. `S 02Q Cn w. August 16th, 1916. Qt jO 1 tl1 Grade and pave alley In Block 4, n, lialdeman Add..:under Final Prder !. No, 14067 app owed December lath, Re801ved Further. That the_ pinna, .f[ / apecl fleations and eetimntes- abmitted by the Comtnlealoner or. Public Works for thea. above materiule be.. .it the same are be .: approved. Ado t b t p 5 he -C ouncl (March l. h. ..8, 3917. Appr c)(Mar 2a, 1917: ch.31-1917)' Yeas (✓) Co ilmen (✓) Nays Far worth Adopted by the Council ill �W (._ . - 191, Ci G`os Favor DHy fid /In "r^p ;'ft 1417 Kel r APprov d �..__.. ...191 lc oll _.Against 4,. u ich Mr. PresideA Irvin FORM C. 8.2 - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL c COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 27th 7 Date Presented.- - -191 . In the matter of grading_and-paving with-concrete the - - - - alley. in-Block-4r HaldemanLe_Addition _ _ _ _ - - under Preliminary Order _12+138 _ _ Final Order _14057-: _ - December 18th, 6 Approved - - - - - - - - - - - - 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ROC@sped 9.j.1 j9n rSe— 00 r18Ctl Op iii '1, F No: 16694— .ad loy and lock -%, h 2.G09g In the matter ue a11oY In. Block 4. Ft� OlUt ]7. itl 'oncrett l ,1. H ld p0dee %8 Final Order: 11064, '. o d U mberl8th 1916' f , Reaolvud. That the pl ne apeclfloa- -. .----_--- _ [Ione and: eetlniatea submitted by-the Comm1ee30ner a Pbbltd Works for the -_• abave named improvement be and the leamlopted b5 ethe Conn it )Ich. 28; 1914. Ad ted by the Council — Approved wtrenh311917) J 191 Yeas: ( ) ( Nays. Councilman Fi�rr worth `Gos Hyl d _K'el r _WuJ.1 Approved �4 - - - 191 -Wit rlich �� Mr. Pr sident; in - - - - - - - - Mayor. . [ tClth a Phalt r, N° 16686 In RlUck 6 �tiar- �In, the matter allel InB pr 1616, ll5, - l . UUncr Lfl \ddlfl0n and d@T .y1np- an.' tendnle F(nnl 4r . leder 10,104, .76th. 101b. ndeDe Ptov¢d AUThat'the Dls by Stied it. . He6olved, eatlr+intee pubm I flcatfons and Publlcworke tor'. _. �the�bovef named.lmProVement be and tho a h¢t'ebY `DDr°3Tch. =8101': th AdoP edabY the APs r 7 ed Mcti'. 28 1017. i CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented March 37th In the matter of - paving with asphalt concrete the alley_in Block 5,_V'a:c endale. Addition _ - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- '- 10 ,104 " 11725 under Preliminary Order - - Final Order - - - - - - - - Approved - - Augus _ 16th,_ - - _ 1916 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates" submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. lktbz&1bd atl p@ners its Con eet;nn ali 4c4e } 1 w 1-, , Adopted Re by dthe Council - - - - - - - - - 191 Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays ri - Councilman4Var sworth N00 s rHj l d tX�1 es / ScC 11 APProved- Hur} rlich Mr. Pre dent , "I in - - - - - - - - - - Mayor. L� NEINIwn EIREI CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL"RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C F Vo '15596 Bt d rl 96 .SubjectThe Col+ncll Aihy. Final' 'aJ cJ tJ Drdere order thofollowtng street tc-- Cou NOlt b PaVed:: FILE N0. ..., G and Ave. from Milton Sa to Crettn !'- - -- - .. ` ve. w•ith'3y" creosoted w,o6d. block&, ... ... :._ •. `. "Prior Ave.'from :[Tnlverptty`Ave. to I{ne. of :Sfinnehr ha St with 3%" •d.. wood, klo,k:. from rt Date Presented.._._... Marc h.._..a8, ' 1917.. r VAI", The'Couno3.l did,'by Final Orders, orer the fallowing d streets to be paved: Grand Avenue from Milton St.•to Cretin Ave: with oreosoted wood blocks. Prior Avenue from University Ave. to north line of Minnehaha St.'' with 3?w creosoted wood. blocks. Riee•Street from University Ave. to Great Northern By. bridge and from the north line of Sycamore St. to the north lined of South St. with *" creosoted wood blocks, and Rice Street from the Great Northern By. bridge to the north line of Sycamore -8t. and from the north line of South Sto to the Northern Pacific Ry. bridge with #1 vitrified paving ;blocks: Como Avenue from Rice St. to the e•set line of Western Ave. with 3J- creosoted wood blocks and from the.east line of Western Ave. to the Great Northern By. bridge with #1 vitrified paving blooks. Feat Seventh St. from Great Northern and Northern Pacific Ry. bridge to Hope St., repairing with vitrifiod paving bye ;.�,,._,.,_. T. __. -And, WHERma, said streets are occupied by the rails of the St -Iii , City Railway.Company, and it is the duty of said Company und-er the terms - and conditions of'Ordinance No. lza7 to pave with'the same material as that ordered by said Final Orders, all those parts of said streets as lie --between the rails of each track and betweenthe lines of double.traeks` and for a space of two feet outside the tracks-. THEREFORE 3E IT RESOLVED, That the St. PEml City Railway Company is hereby notified and directed by the Council of the City of St -'Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it -is under obligation to pave, upon being -notified so to do by the Commissioner;of:Public works, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in case said St -.-Pawl City Railway Company shall refuse or neglect to loy and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of Public Works, then -the ,same shall be done by and under the direction of the City of St. Paul, and -the expense of doing said paving shall be assessed'against said Company, and such amount ao assessed shall be chargeable to and collected from said St. Paul City Railway Company.' . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby instructed to a -copy of this resolhrtion upon said 5t. PsLl City Railway Company Immediately upon its approval and publication, Yeas (J) Cou men (✓) Nays yb, Far worth Adopted by the Council :_:.. �tA�n0 •.•..7 .191 .. Go 71n favor. iso 1917. H nd K r Approved:.. .... ...._ ^ .:.:...191... = /Mr. MII Against Werlich Presid Irvin .. OR FORM C. e•2 3 CITY .OF Sar. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.r};;� COUNCIL NO.___—�_'--- AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION ,FORM FILE a Mak MAR 2 $ 191 BY-- AUDITED 1s1_ r, 650 le out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payab f in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:R 9rY 11 Adopted by the Council 791 Yeas (J) ouncilmen ( J) Nays _ j'. F? No. 15597- j F rnsworth Resolved than wart,nt a drawn 191 u$on- the Catr T,wn' '• inFable out G 98 _ of 'the her.1 niter pact funds and ApprOV , in fa or of the'perl- and 1II�or¢tlon set oppoe[te'tde1e oll—f •mra as apseifled in the lollowt t Ke er 1,11ed statement MAYOR ne"e.n F.Presa C�• Me oll Again,,. W 4us[fn. 11�' Wit derlich fe & r;• President, vin s/ 13387 American Express Company, .77 P. Library -Expense. 388 H. W. Austin, 10.87 Custodian Misel. Stationer Mun. Court -Expense. 1 Pub. LibrarywExpens '0 I 389 Bazi.11e & Partridge,` .10 g Pclioe.Expense.: 390 Board of Water Commissioners 150000 Pub. U. Genl. Adm. Expen 5.00 Testing Lab. =Exp• OO.QO.= LightingExpense 00. , 391 H. C. Boyeson'Company, .80 P. Library -Expanse, 392 G. Bross Van Dort Company, 310.95— P. Library N Books'. 393 Edmund D. Brooks, 34.90 P. 'Library N gooks._ a 394 Burroughs Add. Mehr Company, -1.00 Com Ir P. W. -Expense. ; 395 Citizenls lee & Fuel Company, 20.76 Playgrounds Expense. 396 Arthur H. Clark Company, 3.75 P. Library N Books 4 397 L. F. Dow.Company, (Mr."Norton) .40 loin 1 r Fir -nee -Expense. 398 S. A. Farnsworth, Custodian. Postage Re'll 52.64 Police Expense, It 2` Health -health -Expense l• 52 . . Form A. 6-16 IN OW� 4 a. 680 Page #3 F Lib rary N s 13416 S t.Paul Gas Light Company, Public 14arkets E pens%,, 1#00 Testing Lab'. Ex�n "o Uonst. _4� St. 8& R. n n Ic R ns .73 S Cl e S e pens e 2 & S ClnP e pens f .4 6 A.46 e0s Lighting E Ll s Lighting 7.4 14" P. ScIs E ense So 'I , en" Be Gen al Ar useum 'I A r "eum .0 .0 4.17 Teachers College .40 P-. Library Expense. 418 Transit Supply Companyt 10,100. Testing Lab -Expense 419 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Companys, 961.36.::. St.I;onst. & Repr. t5xpenl� Public Schools -Exp. 8 Playgrounds Expense'X 42, 9 420 'Underwood Typewriter Company, P. Parks, Exp Adm. 421 u Western'S pply Company, 2.3.9 & B: P Expense &rk s AO 2. 77F 422 Westinghouse ileo. Mfg. Company, P. Lighting Expense. 423 Westphal, W. J. West hal, 45.50 Street Expense. 424 R. B. Whitacre$' 29.00 P. Library Expense. 425. Arthur R. WO'Mrath, 88.30 P. Library,N Books. f. arr' cus CITY OF 5T. PAUL `f ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE"`" No.- BY. -�S AUDITED_AlfiIi�2 191_ 681 P R Resolved that warrants'be draws upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and r in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: _ MAP a '191— Yeas ( J) C ricilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counc' F rnsworth 017 ss C. IT. No Issosm- Resolved that warrants be drawc� Approv 1Q1— land ).' upon th City Tre ury, payable o d J. the h!h 1 Iter ap clfled funds find - II¢r tacor t [h pare e. RrmeO r corpora- [Iona t the amounts t opposite. MAYOR CCOII _ -� thelr:.reepectivenames. abspecifled in Ihefoli0wtng-detatied statement: - underlich Olaf laslund:,jo5.00. 'Insurance Co.. $40.00. - - Preside , IrV1II Ll nen supply,co 3370. •ter ., ompanS, '$1.04,,1 - ie. $2.40. P17TI.r TcTrF 13426 Olaf Aaslund, $55.00 Gena Fund -Art Museum 427 American Insurance Company, - 40.00 Workhouse -Exp. - 428 American Linen Supply Co., 3.70 Armory-Maint. 429 Badger Meter Company, 1,049.12 'Water -Exp. 430 John "A. Bayne. _. 2:40 Water -Exp. 431 Geo. C. Binder, - 1.80 Water -Exp. E 432 Brown's Photo Company, 20.00 Playgrounds -Exp. 433 W. F. Buth & Company, 6.50- Gen. Fund -Pur. Dept. -Exp. 434 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 6.00 Fire -Exp. 435 L. F. Dow Co., 20.65 Comptroller-Exp,4.75 b Com'r. Pub.` Works -Exp. _ 3. Misc. Stat s. &Supplies ,:"' f 1260 } 2'e,5 : Form A. 6.10. #3 _ 13458 Ngtional Gas Governor Co., Workhouse -Exp. .76 ` 459 Nicols, Dean & Gregg �' Y -Fire-Exp." r,1.03 1 ' 460 Northern Coal & Dock Co., 10.85 Water -Exp. . r 461 N, W. Fuel Co., 31.05 Police -Exp. 462 N. W. Shot & Lead W6rks-:3x 145.75 Water -Exp. 463 Noyes Bros', & Cutler, 16.19 Workhouse -Exp. 464 H. Peltz &`Son, , 73.00 Water -Exp. 465 People Coal & Ice Co., Workhouse -Exp. 96.00 ; 466 Pittbsurgh Testing Lab. 27.15 Water -Exp. 467 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 227 -Water-Exp. 468` Raymer'Hardware Co., 50.69 Fire -Exp. 469 Reed Motor Supply Co., 4.67 Fine -Exp;- 470 Review Publishing Co., 14.40 Corp._ Counsel-Zxp. 471 N. C. Robinson, U1k. District Court 98.25 Corp. Counsel Court Costs ■ 472 John Rogers Jr.; 5.40, Water -Exp. 473 St. Paul"Glass Co., 16..2b P olice & Fire: Alarm. -Exp. 474 St. Paul Rubber Co., 7920 Sprinkling 475 Albert Salaba* 65.00 Art Museum 476 G. Sommers Company, 78 Workhouse -Exp. 477 Spectator Company, 4.25 Water -Exp, 478 W. P. Taylor Company 1.82 Water -Exp. 479 Washington"Foundry Co., 20,10 Fire -Exp.' S. & S. Cleaning' 12. 0 20 0 480 ` Wat"erous Engine Works, .80.36 Fire -ftp, .. u.c .. ... ..CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE"`IL NO: AKAR 23 1911 - 6Y ' AUDITED _ 191__ j( PER ----/C JGyivr-Y�e�s 682 i_—.__ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: YeasNa s r Cou ilmen J e � ) � ) Y Adopted by the tIF r �l7 Council 191— Far n worth GossHyl d _/Approv —In savor - e . � 191— Kell - Me 11 Against MAY Wu erlich Mr. President, in c F No.'asss9— -Re of ed that warrant. be drawn nP on the Yt, —ty. the herein Payable - - o Declfled funds and in t or.-of.'th Personhe firma or ann..s, c r- .. :.t rl('respections for ve nataeana. aPeciat tled'ln. . the following detailed Gatemen;:. . - - BuYIeY -dnfg. CO.: $201.9"0. -H. C: Bo9e.on, E338 .o9. L. F. DOw CO., $19.65:'.. - 8. %v- John.Al.nv111e Co, 0..81 3. - 0 _-C.Hll.a.r3afhati. . Field COmP.- 0. 20.0; uellerhnfb-Co.. 7 54 - T nSore524.00.d d Schoch G eYC. ch"14.05, h Scrlbn 3 .. s. 3225. Aa Pt d by the Counc(I PPr.-d Itch 23, 5f h. 28, 1917 .:•\ 1937. .(1lfarch31-1917) --- 13485 Bayley Mnf. Co, S h ,{� 36 }' " Gaultier 201.95ool.(Ames) , 20 486 He C..Boyeson Co., City Clerk -M.,. 238.00 487 L. F. Dow Co., Com'r. Pub. Works-Maint. 19.65' 488 H. We Hohns-Manville Co., Plat er-Exp. 6.83 489 Marshall Field Company Library -New Books 44.71 490 1 He Mueller Mnfg. Co., Water 402.00 491 Thomas Nelson & Sone Library -Fire Loss 24. A0 492 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co,, Water - 4.05 493 Chas. Scribner's Sona, Library -New Books 2.25 aa.._C •o CITY OF ST;. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTCOUNCIL 600 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE VAR 2 rr;2 AUDITEQ_ P TIT- 683 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the. following $detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the CouncilA+, .t < ` 191— _ Farnsworth Goss ~� Approve ' —191— IIylaud _ -In favor Kell'. i .McColl—Against \ - MAYOR 1,Vunderlich Mr.resident,, Irvin C. F.'lYo. Resolved that warrants be drawn up- - aa the Clty Treaaury, payable out of. .he hereinafter, epeclfled funds a.d: iq - - ""r" the pereoa9 Orme hr cprl?ora- - aena for the amounts net'oDDoate' :heir respective names. as: apeclfled :the foilowin. detailed statement:te ' Fnrneworth. Com'r Flnnnce, ..598,189.45, Edward.:BnNah. ;2,183.00. W pted-by the Cuncil itch. 28, 1917,. r - dpprove� Atch:. '0 1037. -t . - • (March .31-1917) 13494 S. A. Farnsworth,.Comtr. Finance, 98,489.45 School-Sal, 495 Edward Yanish, 2,783.00 Interest f 33.90 Open. Cherokee Heights r SO 00 2,714 �b _ .:Farm A. 6-10 7 AP An ordinance to settle the claim of G. H. Lee. TB3 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proplsition of G. H. Lae, to aom- T promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Pau1, arising Out of inj uries'sustained by his by reason of a fa12 on an icy sidewalk near the corner of west 7th & FranklinStreets, as is 'sore particularly not out in his communication to the, Council under date of January 12th, 1817, upon payment to him of the .sum Of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) be and the same is hereby accepted, and . n , the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of the said G. H. Lee, ,payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Fifty Dollars. said sum however, t.o be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a -receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all m• claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant an the day and under the circumstances hereinbefore noted. Rection 2—This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval, and publica- t ion, Yeas (✓ Ctouncilmen Nays Farnsworth APR 44 1917 ,, iou 71n favor Adopted by the Council lyl jiyland /Keller r McColl D Against APprov 191... Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin 3T. FORM C, 8-2 � MAYOP City 1 An ordinance to settle the claim or Mary Williams. THE COUNCIL OF THE "CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ftereast in an action pending in the District Court of Ramsey County, in which Mary Williams is Plaintiff, and the City of St.Pau1 is defendant, ihich said action arises out of injuries sustained by said nary Williams by reason of a fall on a defeetive.Qidewalk_on Third Street near Jackson Street in said City, as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Conder date of August 23rd, 1816, a settlement in the sum of Eighty Five Dollars ($86.00) has been agreed upon; -therefore, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Thomas P. Grace, as attorney for the said Mary William$, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the Gum of Eighty Five Dollars; said sum to be paid only upon there being filed in the office of the City. Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing'an& discharging the City of St.Paul from any and all claims and de- mande o.f every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of ,the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinbefore noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effset and,be iq force 30 days from and after its passage, approval, and publiea tion. f 117 r` e t e��im�ettt ofi�w CITY OF ST. PAU. L' - O. H.. O'NEILL. <OF PORATIONCCUN.Cl .TANT ATTOP NCY. _ ° - ssJOHNP. KYLE - JOHN A. BURNS " - WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JOS. H. MASEK - March 29th, 1917. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for.your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Mary Willimms for the sum of Eighty, 7ivo Dollars. After a careful investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the beet interests of the City. Yourst-rul.y, I �- pg ` . `CORPORATION COUN. n VF CITY OF ST... PAUL # `L0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 27th', Date Presented ;: In the matter of _ repairing_ Fast _Seventh Street from East end of -'bridge crossing the northern Pacific and Great _ Northern Railway tracks to Hope Street ------- -------12873 -- 14483 _ --- under Preliminary Order - - - - - - Final Order„ - - January_ 20th _ - - . 191 Approved - - - - MSOLVED, That the plans, specifications --and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same ar erebyN 'approved i P.epors it h 1n > xs TEDD. above E 11 7. t7 Il m th AtetEer or, reDafrfna.te Vr .W.skrnGE fro m=eaMt o,�ia pt Urta' o dwnx�the Northern"i,trneke,: E, �^.....,. Hatie ntrgat `anger kral4lminary Ardtr r ! 133iE. 6lDn1 dAr 1,4403 s➢prOV i - anh �DEh''191'}t - ewls'ed " That the DlRrie eDeclllcw-� 't1Dd and AetinSnfes eattnft[ad bytlu{;. ''Cgmm4uioner nt ;hFbLd. Works- Yor. thS,'_ X191 . Adopted b the Cou oil ahoye neihid tmDreYefhtrnt ba cna eh. p Y eam a hereby rpDr6ved i hdoy€ea -hs th4cDpncll lfeh 2a laiT - �. q9>t oved,3icb SB„1$17 . _ ? SADt1I,14cbD11) �' i� lY� ys - Yeas ( ) Councilman Fax sworth/ Gos xuF! iJ! i Hyl d Kel er _ 191 . MCC 11, Approve - - wun 'Rich k Mr. Prsident, I vin - - - - - Mayor. - _ ,w CITY,OF ST- PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ENERAL.FORM Y y, .... .. .. .... ..:. ., ... .. COUNCIL r, FILE No........ •. Maxah 27th 7 Date Presented :. 91 Res Ned, That the Purohasing Agent be and he ie he 1 x�� authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, .for .all of the material , '+ neoeseary'to make the following improvements, viz: Repair E. Seventh. St, from Eaetend of bridge crossing the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway trackato Hope $t,, under' Final order #14482, approved 1917. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plans, specifications and estimate- submitted by the CommieslOner of Public Plorke for the above materials be and the same are hereby Y-- approved. �•Reaolvad,6b That) t,e eos &hil!"tmntr Agent be_ end advertfae,. Chattei:.tot In • sand directed to C1ty. tD make ver pr thea m ed by the vts:.:, all o[ aterla �pVement-, Eaet end ,•1 - a' following lmP C from RePair E. se enti SC Pacific b�r��ld6'o�t''croe ln6 I.,and 6,catst" 14.rth m Its T otra tder ka on 1 82, ¢➢Droved Ten ?ThntlthIIIe Plans. Resolved. P ur d . pecldcntlone ad estimates submitted 'i,y the Commiasloner-.o[ Public 1lorhs I:tar the above ma.,,r a ,ho and •he same are hereby .u.cjied 4irvdapted II the Couuc)129.191 . -.�grch9 1917 81-1917) ReceivAd all 3iy— Connection withve Rego a on. Yeas(✓) Cou c 191 ilmen ( � Nay MP ?9 e, . Far sworth Adapted by the Council w , In favor Gus 191 y1i Hyl d r Approved'..{... i Kell MCC 11 Against U Wun rlich Mw Mr. resident. I vin CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION_'GENERAL FORM Subject: v COUNCIL -' FILE No: r Date Presented. March 2$.,. 191.7. In the matter of gradine�•Seminary Ave. from Avon St. to exington Ave. under Preliminary. Order #13343,. approved Oot. 24, 1916, and condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cut an fill in aging j aq Ave, prom Avon St. to •Lexington Ave* unCLer ieliminary�rder 1 , 8pproved Oct. 24, 1916 Resolved, That all orders in the above matters be and the same are Aereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. . �C N �to:.ltter offY qI Goe— St to I tho mn Ave. ft%... Frelimtn¢rY '.Order No. . AYe.ut� rovcdpet:. 24. S91G, and 430343.' -IP and t. for n easem t� hdemnlnF eloP 'in. thee- d. necesnn) Se ina Y - - cuts. Id nits. in. 6radtnB 'Ave. -f Avon - 8C. to Lez4nF 01 No Ave. u d roaetOctn 24. 11916 _ 13344..'uPP That all order. In the. _ .Resolved,he above; matters bc' a nnUlled 80. d 1 hereby cancelletdrproceedfngs. in such actnded and 1917..' fitter .dlecontirtued. iHIch. 29. n 1 \do ro c b) t he C 0 u nc APVro d ➢Seh. 2 9. 3917 .. (binreh 31-1917) ... ... Yeas (✓) Court ilmen(✓) Nays �� �!AR 2� far worth " ' Adopted b the Council 191.: [mos In favor MAR>rt� 917 Af'fyl nd , GKell r Approd .` .. :: > _ .. 191. Hoc 11 Against , J rlich e:..... _... Mr. Presidint, vin ww oR -FORM C. 8_2 (gitg . of #. Paul p_ epartment t►f Pu161ir _ Pod's M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER, - OSCAR CLAU S ! t er 6nvinccR R. T. GOURLEY. D—Tv J. E. CBUREOL 6 r ... A r - A RED J�ICK.ON, 91". E Ol BANITATIOH HLw DoE:=1ND<o p,<rDn. St. Paul, mann. Ides. 28, 1917- M S. O RYTBAK, Env11[" DYflEAV oI B.ivve. ' G H. HlRROLD. OrFicc EXCIN[[. -' _ Mr. S. A. Farnsworth,, - Commissioner of Finance Building. Attention of L. C. Seamer, Chief Assessment Clerk Dear Sir,- I beg herewith to return to you the- papers in connection with the grading and condemnation of slopes on Seminary St. from Avon St. to Lexington Ave. and the construction of a relief sewer on Rice St. from Atwater St. to Geranium St. I have had prepared and will introduce resolutions cancelling and annulling these orders. Yours very truly, OC%TM.ommissi.ne ;of Public Works L CITY OF ST. RAUL Q- COI.?NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM FILE ..,.... ..... -• Date Presented:.. _.Mercli 29 r' _ 191.7. from In the mattr of a relief ser on Re St e St. oundereting Preliminary Order#10702,capproved twa er 5t. to G 116ay 9,' 1916, tters e. reby Resolved, That ed, annulled indtresaboved,a d all �prooeedingd, the sminasuch re ematter discontinued. FT 15611- 0'v N1. N. ansa-. relief In �he mot[eRtoo r onatruct At ale -t. fro, PrclSmina2�.. N•or.. n tit ala) p . r."l 10102, npProved 'll. the t all orders re .._.. 101e.. ana the same Ic- Reaolved Ts po nnulleh Ind sueh; ahoy° mats d el lldlF,. ocesdln68 hCrebY inded• onttnued. ell D1°h29'1917. natter dish) the.0°ut017. Adopted STch. 29. d I�iarch 31-19111 • _ . Yeas (J) Cosworthmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the CouncilM R l +QPI Z n , i. , 191 Faa sworth In favor Hy nd Approv 191. Kell r Mc 11 Against Wun erlicfi mny Mr. President, rain FORM e.8.2 .... a 1' K : A1, '1Xnrranta h° drawn, :CITY OFST. bAUL nc $p0 ss ry payiletr out e„Dj sho IfiPd rupda anp ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ' • '� t °nnta eet opDo.ue. s a zeeeidad ta.. .. AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM ,r`,s�'+. FiE"CIL a attitdengnf XC. mD119SwEtook ComDaey 3T s CafnpanY 3E 38:. -� (BY_ : Con'cpanl 88.88. - Wtridge 88 f6 ', _ _ J --- 191___ CTI co. .u.. 3st b ,` .— - ,3gytt�c BperrY.. 18.70. II y,.c� iStet,. qn Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the detailed stateme t: amounts set o opposite their respective names as specified in the following Yeas ( J) Co 'lmen (-J) Nays Adopted,by the Council— 2D D Farworth Gos 191_ Hyl d _In favor 1 Approve - Mc II .Against- - t Won lerlich ...-�J MAYOR Mr. President, ii vin �IIW.f5i1�A 13495 American Book Company, 555.95 - - School Expense. 497 tirerican Express Company, 3.10 School Expense. 49E .Aneric_r T..:^ Book .Comnanv, - 7.50 Corp. Counsel -Exp. , '499 E. C. .Atkins Company, 2.22 School Expense . 500 Will Bacs &. Company, 3,33 School Expense. 501 BRzille & Partridge, 3(i.45- Perks Exnerz-. 502 Boeringer & Son, 31.10 School Egt}ipment . 503 W. S. A-.-,-=, A -t. Store , 11.144 SchoolrFxpense. 504 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, School Expense-. 2.i0 505 Burns Lumber Cn..pa y, 6.08 School Expense. 506 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Company, 394.08 School Expense. 507 C. W. Clark, Treas., 20.00 School Expenses. _ 508 A. Decker Hardware Company, 6.61 Special Day Scholl. 509 Divine Brothers, 23.24 School Expense. Corm A. 646 Page P 4.87 13510 E. P: Dutton & Company, Central H. S. Library. 13.26 511 Elk Laundry Company, 5ehool Expense. 512 Field, Schlick Comarzy, .83 ` 'Spec. Day School. 5.00 513 Fleischmann Compa^y, -Expense. C. P. W. Workhouse 51� Fourth District A.L.M. School, 2.50 School Expense. 1,8Q 515 F. 0. Gustner, C�hn3'y B%Ipense . 516 Hackett,'. GRtles & Kurty, Yavin3,Depreciation, 2.80 517 W. H. Henderson, School Expenses. 3.75 51g John. Hiah Press, Rnh(Xn�.Expense. . 8.E�8 519 'Johnson-S'rrice Company, s, School Expense. '1.$0 520School d . gcank, Expense. - 32.59•. 5 21 Leslie-Donahower Camp-ny, l School Expense rare Expense 31;_9 a-5.00 522 J. E. Marshall, School Expense. 523 Melady`Paper Company. -School Expense. 60.3-8 . 524 - P°ichaud Brothers, School Expense. 79.65 525 National Lead Company, Fire C & B 12 3" Wager Expet�6 e 7 398.53. 526 N. W.;Fuel Company, 9 Street C`& R Expense °• 5ohool. Expense V ,5 527 Peoples Coal & lee`Compan. School Expense. 528 Perkins, Tracy Printing company,8.40 PlIb i Bldg. Expense. .35 58q Pittfilrtrah.P7._i�c Glass Companlr, e + 01 Expense. 11:28 530, C. ;. Yrossers- School Expense. 423,45 53; Rayms^ Hardware Compar7, o , CITY OF 5T. PAUL c, r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT j gw; C ,Reeo,,vea chat Tante b'. oa AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMcoueca-NO. the Qty Treasury tim) >a FILE Sunda*and In. . ,radon tiYe hwef"mr. apeclaIr �davor 4f, the Penan3 Ifrma o caTPora 20na tOT eCt APPO 1fe thClT 'Y6 !{1iC7Y1CQ 1n thr : - -- QB mfOA2a TC� i2ve nalaCq toltow t1► ekakembht j/3 1? 1p�ti E8 SO a77 ! s .. BY 1m,A<. ComDa2? #tLbcB 4 J v A 'N ..ierf 1-k � 9 I93?( r _ .. ' - - Acypp'�y11. byU16-Goona 1 3� c 91 __.. 3SeU S? 191 - ,pro'ke� PE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and , in favor of thepersons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as- specified in the following `s detailed statement: Yeas (-v) Co ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counci IV 9 c'—'mn " 191 " Fa usworth f f1" �:J l9W Go s iiiJJJ Appro a —191 w Hy and — favor NIC 011 (/._J.__In .. AgatIIs$ - R'u derlich Mr. President, rvin 13541 Holm & Olson, P. Schools M & R. V42 N. Palmer Company, 2.4;zM„ P. Schools M & R. Total. A 17.18 Form A. a-16 -CITY OF ST.'PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLD. �'NGEIVERXL FbRM Subject-..._ X �) COUNCIL J al .. FILE NO. Date Presented......— Resolved, resented Resolved, That the proper city off cials are hereby authorized to gay to C. Leach otherwise known as David.Lish, out of the Workmens Compensa- tion Account of the General Fund, the s#m of Thirteen Dollars ($13.00) in partial settlembtit of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public.Works of said City on the 28th day of September, 1916. C. F. Nott :. 16608— I,enulvad, That the VroVer city ctals are 'hereby autho lied to.VBY 1d th�rwlC I�ou t:ot the W, I,,a C0.p nau- Llah, tion Account oY ihe:..Genernl-N'und, the L�, ThDllnrx (513ettlem°nl of fila claim a J 0-lamwhile !n th. It le' I.y epa+rtmenb11cWCrks ofy.the Y8lh du) ot_.SePtem- 6. by reason o th' ed t the Cou1917. 7ved aeh..a. 1817 _ d the above resolution for passage (Marsh_ 31-1817) p g Commissionerof lic Works. Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays i 9t). ,V' L Far worth � Adopted by the Council � AR v r 191. Coss 71n favor . HK ell yla d Me I Against Approved l._. :,. ..191...._:. yDVunlled lick r. Preside vin ...._ _. .. -MAYO FORM C.B-2 CITY. OF.ST., PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION` .GENERAL FORM Subject:,. COUNCIL w a FILE I V Date Presented.. 191 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby. authorized to pay'to Jens Nelson, out of' the Workmen sCompe neat ion Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($22.50) in par. tial settlement of his claim against the City arising by. reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of 'Public Works of said City on the 7th day of October, 1916. r C. F. No. 16010— .. Resolved, That the proper city ottl• - ials are hereby nothorized. to pay to Jena Neieon:' ut o[ the {Yorkmeria - - Campenaat'.% O.lecou 1, he V. Gen .; arn) Fund... the um oC ' TO enty TO- :Donars and Fifty Centa ($22.60) in paFital settlement of hl elat[n j ea Rainat the City Laing=by eaeon nf' - inJurlee received. by .him- Vhil. h, the' IDloY o[.. the_DcPartluto i Public �Norka of Baal1d Cl[y on'.tho 7ttt day oP October, 171$: Ad"ted liY�the CounnllTfch. 20; 1917. ' �1DProveQ 3Itrch. 28, 1717. :(March 31.1717) ' _moo,,; .-ccommend the above resolution for passage, _T G „ Commissioner of Pub�Works,, Yeas (✓) Court ilmen (✓) Nays e "Farm orth - - Coss f Adopted by the Council I'.,j•? w'-, '191.._... In favor +-Hyla d LAMCC 1 U Against ApproY6 t� Wut, vin �r Mr. President. I vin FORM C.9.2 -MAYOR -4 •.CITY O FjST--PAUL -C^ COUNCIL RESOLU TIO GENERAL 'FORM Subject::_ di / - COUNCIL FILE NO.. Date Presented 191._.. Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Agton Joseph, out of the Workonens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Dollars and Twenty Five Cents ($20.25) in partial,.settlement of.his claim against the. City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said City on the.14th day of December, 1916.. it {o 1 T No__a66'14, �;;�h�r5i d \\ o Rin cul. I hereby'reccommend the above resolution for passage, Commissioner of public Works. Yeas(V Co cilmen (✓) Nays Far sworth Cos In favor 7 Hyl d GlCell G> � Mc Il Against LWu lich Mr. Presiden , Irvin roi1M e. B-2 Adopted by the Council VAR 21 191- Approv t 191....._ MAY R CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject:... " r,_. ..... .... COUNCIL . X FILE No .. Date Presented. 191:.., ' Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay ,to Matthew 01Rourke, out of the Workmens Compensation Account of the General bund, the sum of Twenty Dollars and Twenty Five Cents ($20025) in partial settlem6at of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him on the 20th day of August, 1915, while is the employ of the Department of Public Works of said City. -- citYayf Lo� C•g6That the Proffer esolve l, ciula are bRourxeutouti of the of thea1 tJlatthe Com9ensine a aumc Five wee to 1 _ _ �nernl Fund. Twencoettleficnt of .his '9otlara $ s[ thea Clty"6[talhlmbonr the 1 tay9.2o1 s r-ce1v19 5 ill 11,^ublie soon otalnlssrtassFssat artment of %mytoy off ahold CI Connell ?dch. 29.1911. I wavy°des M`ion9�i?;?,� above resolution for passage, Commissioner --of Public Works. Yeas (J) ouncilmen (✓) Nays arnsworth Adopted by the Council 1� 191 ss In favor land Ilea Appro d . Coll Against lick r. Preside • Irvin MA..oR..... FORM C. 9.2 o o" CITY OF ST.. PAUL t COUNCIL-R.ESO.LUTION-GEI�V RAL FORM SUblect C. F. No. 1G612 nY A .. .. 1 Resold. Thnt Whr COUNCIL ve Trick, on the 17th day FILE N 0..... received injurlex ahll ,the.''PePartmeut..of E ... .... i \ ...... . .-.. --.Garfield School. whlel d.i�th each t day, . Nh7 .. ewugea,.tr.1 Date Presented:.,.. ., Faul.lYtng at the bouar ($2200 death 11 htt .hire �I Tira Wlm1"" - - dale. ... .. :Ryaohcod That Whereas, Theodore Trick, on the 17th day of August, 1916, received injuries while employed by the Department of Education at the Garfield School, which resulted in.his death on that day, and Whereas, he was then and there receiving wages from the City of St.paul, at the rate of Twenty Two Dollars (22.00) per Week, and at his death, left him surviving his spouse, Mrs. Wilhelmina Trick, Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby a4thorized to enter into an agreement in accordance with the provisions of.Chapter 467, Genial Law% of Minnesota for, 1913, and amendments thereto, commonly known as the Worknens Compensation Act, providing for the eyment to the said Wilhelmina Trick of Seven Dollars and Seventy Cents $7.70) per Week for Three Hundred (300) Weeks, from, and after August 17th, 1916, subject to the- limitations and restrictions contained in said Act. and Beit further. resolved,-that-the.proper city officials be, and they hereby are authorized to Pay. out of the Workmen Compensation Account of the General Bund, to the said Wilhelmina Trick, the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Sight Dollars and `Seventy Cents ($238.70). an accrued compensation, and Seven Dollere and Seventy Cents (#7.70) per Week for Two Hundred Sixty Nine (269) Weeks thereafter, subject.to the limitations and restrictions contained in said Act, and the agreement hereinbefore authorized. I hereby reccommend the above resolution for passage, ssloner of Education. I Yeas (✓) ouncilmen (J) Nays L rnsworth Adopted by the Council ^ Qp .;.r, 191 ter, In favor 7 H land iJ �9�.f 191... JK ler l Appto d ! A oil Against / �1Vu derlich f Mr. Presid rvin FORM C.8.2 Sd eafa afiA e tea yaxabge3 �!btLy� Il' a[� the pam txalleY wttli6 r.leoo�+a,{TY OF ST. PAU1 ttt v'fl'�tdV4 'l �' b0 Wtj-',0'LUTION�-GEN �LFRM .2t U �)StbltttY :.. COUNCIL Subject— FILE ttn"nr t' a4ncSl�db 39 1'914 FAPt<tPt'4dd tADx�4;�4 1$iq) fi .•.....-;' .,...-=rte:'"--'_"" _ _ Date Presented Mar. 29, 1917 191 __:... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with -the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, Keystone Lantern Slides, from the Keystone View Co. ,'for the sum of'$279.07, us it impossible to obtain. competitive bids:.Cost of said articles to be cliarFed to Dep:Lrtment of Education = Public Library Fund. Req. 4323. Yeas (✓) Coo men (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council Far orth 710 favorCos Hyl d /� Approved Kell t/ _Against ' Mc 1 wa lien MwYo v ....... .M .President. in F NM' C. 8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM.. Subject:._ . FILE ...... ...... Date Presented Max., 29,. 191719l- Resolved, 91719l-Resolved, That the Purehising Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorized to purchase with the consent KeystoneoLpanternBSlid s, from asking for competitive bide, ask Keystone c View Co.,"fox the sum of 0279.07, as it is *the0 t impossible to obtain edmtoLitive Departmentbids.of EEducationia articles to b Public Library ejiunP d.;Req. 4323. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays191 ..- Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Coss In favor 191 Hyland Approve ' _...:.....: Keller McCall _.Against W underlicll .. ._....MAYO Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 9.2 �4f„6.ri1°�D OF ST. PAUL Trplel�� °D�a'�t itt LUTION—GENERAL FORM . Sub1 ect:.w y i 6 A 1Ag��rP�' FI ENCiI 1 V O... . Date'Presented ..8/29/17 191:..:_ Wn r are Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds & Public Buildings has requisitioned the Purchasing Agent for 284 dozen looks to be used on the lockers at the hake Phalen`Bathing,Beach, said locks costing approximately $1665.00, and Whereas advertising for said locks would cause an un— necessary delay in it receiving them, thus postponing the opening of the Beach and as an advance in price is effective March°:29th, the cost of said locks would be increased.$160.00, these facts thereby constituting an emergency, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase on informal oomyetitive;bids, without advertisement these above mentioned 284 dozen locks at a cost not to exceed $1666.009 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller. (Charge Parks, Construction of Phalen Beaohj Yeas ( ✓) C cilmen ( J) Nays Fai i5worth " Adopted bgthe Council A'.Qr, 191 Go s In favor H and 'p 191 K er APP v d _.. M oll Against W derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin M .op.... Famm t CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RES;OLUT.ION—GENERAL' FORM Subject: __ COUNCIL - FILE NO....... Date Presented 3/28A7 191 Res4vgd, Whereas the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public L Buildings has requisitioned the Purchasing Agent Por 284 dozen looks to be used od the lookers at the Lake Phalen Bathing Beach, said looks costing approximstely $1666.00, and Whereas advertising for said looks -would cause an un- necessary delay in d receiving them, thus postponing the opening of the Beach and as an advance in price is effective March 29th, the cost of said locks would be increased $160.00, these facts thereby constituting an emergency, now therefore be it . RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase. on informal competitivebids without advertisement these above mentioni&.28hs000t sant looks at"a cost not to exceed $1666.00.0 of the Mayor and the Comptroller. (Charge'Parks, Construction of Phalen Bgachj r J) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays 191 I Farnsworth Adopted by the Council--:�'•.� - -_ Coss In Favor Hyland Approve "9' / Keller % I McColl Against _ Wunderlich Mwrors Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 8.2 • ., _. 3 _ 'r�Ir .� CITY OF ST-,,PAUL Qoff, n UNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM �!¢� TI'jjM'U21t Dk AM. S1, -ERjNao'ak' :..... .. � X §af�t.1,T5 i=e1aY a� iARd nn k '`�¢- SA^�40UNCIL �� bY' thesClr +ti 1.4vp FILE NO .... ..... _._ kv Date Presented__.... _:. _........-I91.:...... 1 : Resolved, That Council File No. 1116, approved.Auqust 10th, 1914; being a Preliminary Order to condemn and appropriate.Lote 5, 6- 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision.fjo. 50, for public playgrounds', to be-known as the Hancock Public.Play'rounds, be and the same is, hereby cancelled and annulled. Yeas W) Cou cilmen (!) Nays: _ Adopted b the Council f l' _ _ 191 L�Fa sworth P Y - - - f- rfi s .In favor, MaL91--IC ler A r ved . _ 191 _ M Coll G _ :Against r ro�M c:a•2 'MAYOR - i G , jm COUNCIL FILE NO........ .............' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-:-...r,.r.gAi.X!€S...S.Q)VAY 0.t V.0A.._from T1w.0....pttxne .t I.Q..G.at:atwl.............. Street, ................................. ....... ... _.................... ..:......__....:.............. _........... _..........-_:..................... ................... ............. I .... _.................................. under Preliminary Order .......10.19.4 ........:....... .:.......approved ... April...28:,:-1915 ........- ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That all, pro ceedi.nga.. in the. ab4ve..lrl}t.ia.i.�d matti<er be dixco ntlnu.aed .........................I...................:............................ Adopted by the Council .......... . ...... 191 r ......... Approved:.. .......... ...... ........... ......... 191........ ( it Jerk. rj 11Is r. 1J Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Cosa Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller i Councilman McColl 1 Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8.6 t . .................................................... ..................... i. .. . .................... ................ COUNCIL. FILE NO ........................... BY. .................................................... — ............ .......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER in thp• In the Matter ...... fox CU-tJa—VAd--'f i-2,10—In ... g radl n g .ao-aw'%Y fl= T-ell ............ . ..strjae-t t-Q GoIZAAM. -At-l-e-ct 1� ... ..... ...................... . .. ................ 1 .................... ........... ...... ..... .... .................. ..... .............. ................. ........... ...................................... ...... ......... ........ ...... ....................... .................... ........... .................... ........... . ..... .. .... I ........ ......... --- ....................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... approved . ..APril .............................. The Council of the City of,St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves- That q, ttex be di.sc=tjnued-- Adopted by the Co"I'Vil 191- City Clerlc. Approved ........ ... .... ........ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieh Mayor, Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 si§-,'9�rg ei 5W14111- "n 1 a CITY OF.. ST. PAUL �;�.ifabalv°d '+�h& t8t>•:,,.a1t+ °°E.'.0 NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ffi \yEUln»FL "a. Lt . &ri'rq h°Y1a$l 1 estop and cae cuy' Baa Ve.iPoa 1.03„1F21ta eUelC 1�C9T86 COUNCIL i 1 *Lite }°tl ZPoa O,o}sW^tliVc{7F a FILE N.Q:.. •• lel :. cp'Pnrw.FcCilcl� as -LNi'J �... i ".�": }APrtl 7"5914).. ,•_�.. ; _ Date Presented...._ 191_..:.... Iw Resolved; That the application of Vm. Williams for a lice nee to conduct a tlotion Picture Theatre at 399 Prior Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the Qity Clerk.is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of .the fee, $56.00. Yeas (J) C.oun men (✓) Nays vFarrm orth " Adopted by the Council VAR .191 Cosa � In favor vHyla d ICelle APPrq\./I 1' v c 11 �' _..Against 11i /Wu erJief . Mr. President - rvin MAYOR—— " MAYOR .. FORM C. B-2 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,may TNakth Q OUNCLL RESOLUTION GENERAL.FORM �s 3rn as arrst Cdr hof �t c �i�s r� L Mt*iltl ep at"�'iiinggr..tfar Yn g Olitl� P8'CBp88rjj COUNCIL N.O. 4 p :Abdttbrityn for <tha'� +rice n.,�b q+p h]e nn .nvrtt zx t9x7 �'---�'-•�.. .:.I �. a glrionnit t2 pr �rPid auk r�,t th$', d/"..i" � ttnqunt 8unrt r r�''�'a" ont�a 9� Sfi� ca�na9�'1d'cb �>ti�4t,7: y�, ub pveA #a 2a rsxtr t JK_ CAitll r,xsx'r4 _ . ' Date Presented ..:.i7.o,roh.29, 191. Resolved, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructe to draw a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of e-lLe�%f�J to pay Finance for the use of the Auditorium for the Gar en Club meeting to be held on Yeas `ti Cou ilmen (J) Nays191 J_ Adopted by the Council m ar worth In favor' M .E!Xd Approve .. �+ Against. s ....... ... ............. -' .MAYOR Mr. Presld tYi1i_ a t�'R 4#8bL1^I ` ieat C p E66Ella xSt x'A -'h --' tYliakdae +'rrPailitd�Y�masb,' .COUNCIL R ,cutis a+pe c'L° t1tf.3,qpr; cerinrb �a dt ,: ttfa �aaCe� s � p0�' In the dtetrd etas I ._. ,rYlyd a the .CtCvs, � edea . oto ubech. �/Jiw�'�J ,Z1eiaF"n al �dJYfIa�to i. P •All ihdee traGkd aR ,s'CelS "xl 'A/!� FILE ICOUNCIL No....... .. .1,.'.4. .. . ...._... . Date Presented:.:. 191 t F Whereas. A _%1,[th owners of the. R'reai e tate An the district herohmtter de- s 1•Ihedrhns'been vrasented to the'Coun• F"111 pa[iNon1 S thu.t pu uaat octlonthf " hapter 128. Laws of 1919. cdp . the Clq' uP ltows,a� sotuastde as a re- scribed. as atrfcted resld nee district, wlt: i All thosetracts 'or parcels of land situate inthe City of �. St. Paul, County of Ramsey., and State of Minnesota,lying and being between the center line of the allele between Lombard avenue and St. Clair street, on the North, Milton street on the East, Lombard avenue on the smith, and Lexington avenue on the west; and also lying and being between Lombard avenue on the - 1 North, Milton street on the East, one hundred twenty-five feet South of the south line of Lombard avenue on the south, and Lexington avenue on the Test. ' Said property includes all or a part of all the following described property, o-wit: Lots Seventeen (17) to twenty-six (26),.iielusive, Block one (1)• one to ten (10), Inclusive, block two (2); Nine (9) to sixteen (161, inclueive, block five (5); five (5) to nine (9), inclusive, blocksix(6); one (1) to.twenty-two (2S),"inclusive, block seven (7), Ridgewood nark Addition to the City oY St. Paul, Ramsey County, F. Minnesota. Lots one (1) ..to;, three (3), inclusive, Block one (1); one (1) f to Yive (5), inclusive, blook two (2)", Carpenter's Rearrangement of part,of Ridgewood Park, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Lots seven (7) to,tt�hirteen (13,rblock one (1); one (1) to seven (7), block 2,,Slayton's Addition to Ridgewood Park. Lo +Yoii;,(4) Subdivision ,of Ayd's Farms, all according to the plate �b rau.�il. l�hd'.ef..reoord in the office of the Register of Deeds an ane ror ossa aoaary or,Ro,aoey and state of Minnesota. t rear =ilto the mtnGi ,: ver,"#§' d+j*t"r=\?',tn".v,^It'i ii•Is`'+ ,na, k� dy` c?,n4,. :. al ier of slW17fbrt YeasriaCbuncn tho rrnmon f five disintereslod 4" " qus 11.1, "tera of the sty..: none. of + Adopted by the Council ........4.AP,. ,1• ,..191.. _... w1. a1GO1 be .resident aC the: ward ar wards min. whichaeny:pant of the,: district A signi tad Is eitdute. to act. as ap- I� prat to to view .the Premigoa and av Ip also the; damngwhlch may be Dern- 1.......... .r, ....191.... eloned by the estxbtiahbnent at A(1prOV d ..... t"'•; strlet+d resldente district and by the ei- S !ert.Lse by.. the C6ty of the powere in this .I,—!tar' 9MIn by said Chaptor 128, lYM' ,]l�i�ent. OVI'C ... MAYOR FORM C.9•E I' j 1�yi`+ a he rxa_S4C San�mm�l�*6nn9 kuk i na ge�kMA"J+S 1n. tUR. iinp n r Cuic ¢lgpsa ' RESO��'�=�,o�_ NCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME `OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. Condemning and taking axi.sasezngnt tn..tl+e. Jax14.•eoee�tary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alleyr running east .and west in Black 3t Fq !e Addition, and:.dock.% HOlt. hofY.-.&.'&i a�i...a..Additian«rles land d to�Jie taken for the above named improvement being more particularly. and Block 3, as an easement Por..eiopea,_foz...cutR'..an!i:..Pil�x�...im.:.aad.:ugon..the..landand Block upon t2ie alley running east and meat in Block 3, 'van s Addition,to thetrepoi�L'oP t]ie+CommiesionertoftPubhe licedorks n the matter dated December 11th,• -,19164 ahich:;eketeh and.:.eESLt...,axe..hebY•--ref�arred...t�o...and ..made-.s..part hereof.. ........_ ._.._..:: ...12660 ..... ; approved Sept _12,,19 E-- Intermediary Order._.. 13.63.4..., under Preliminary Order. approved.-_Nov The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of above improvement arded for the taking, of the land or easements therein appropriated for the damages aw of his assessment of benefit to property from the making and to whom payable; and also having submitted said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved a Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Conncil upon said report and for confirms- 1 tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.........2d ............... -.:.. .day' .. : Ma .191.._ , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he . . is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter Adopted by the Council....... ----.. r....... ........ --- - ,Lh'ty Clerk. _ .......... ...... Mayor.; Couneilm Farnsworth Couneilm _H, Couneilm Hyland . 4 Couneilm Goss $eller Couneilm McColl { Councilman Wunderliel 7 Mayor.I � m s, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of... Condemning--and. c.i�lg..an.:.��aement.:.in...ihe- ..land.:necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley running east and west in Block..3.,_-..gan's..:Jidd-jt:io.Yl, axa...7Flo.s.k..3,--:�Iolt-exho.ff...&. 'ead'.vs.Tand to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an-.-QAa meet---So.T..,.ainges,.-:fcr....aut.s.:.and...fills..:in..and...upo L the-••rand--- abut-ting upon the alley running east and west in Block 3,,Fvants Addition, and Block 3,, Holt.arkL9 f i.:.&...Rrea,d.'.:&... Ad di t:i an,.::_ta..._the....ext.ent...shOw a...ugan-..ths..:sket c-n--a# t ache d . t o the report of the Commissioner of Public works in the matter' dated December 11th,.::. 19,16....:Which :..ak.etch:..a.nd...rep.ort.:. Rx. a-hErehy.:.r-efsr-r•ed•--:too -and••-made-••a,-.part hereof, .............. under Preliminary Order .:�-6-�Q.:------ approved-:SeT7.1...12,.1°-1-G, Intermediary Order....1363:4 ...:...., approved... n?ov- a T0. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- pristed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - Commissioner of. nonce. f. NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Ag$ fir. nook. 8,VWf. f..Ma:...MalA .-J"I lIA� .. .-............. ........... ...... _, _................ ..... .............. ._............. under Preliminary Order........:Intermediary Order._...:_.Za approved TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Noticeis hereby given that a public hearing will b e had before the Council of the City ofSt.. Paul,• at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of -St. Paul, on the __._...... day of .___..:. ,'. ...._..., 191__. _. at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the. Commissioner of Finance as to the: amount of damage's to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be -. . appropriated for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards are payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to property from the making of said im- provement. " .. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein or to the awards of damages. therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated....:.._.:.. ..E'1gs.. _ 191_._... � �l.L, V'CC/1.uD Commissioner of Finance. cike ng .ar�igeaSa teaLbin jr 4 tsit'�1 •.. _ � R1;SOV �t, vI� COUNCIL APPROVING �i SSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Jr_ In the matter of....:.-Condemni�rg-and taking-sn- eaaemeut i a t}re -taact aeceasary for slopes,.for cuts and fills In the grading of the alley in Block 4, 1=11"msa x9s--Additioai the--land to be taken Fvr tke'sbove named-imprgse� meat bei�sg more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts-and fillsin end upon--'the land abutting ugon tits antsy ia-�tacic 4; Haldemarn !e.Addition'..to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the..rGpert-of the Comaissfvn-er.o-f--t iblia--Wbrks in..-the--matter dated December 14th, 1916, Which sketch and report are hereby referred to and ma7Yes part--hereat;;------.- ------------------------------- .......... ..........-------------- .................... ........ ........ .............. Under Preliminary Order..12140 .. approvedIntermediary Order.:".13A41.._., approved .:•2lgv The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the-land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment-of benefit to property from the making of " said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be.had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms- . tion of the awards of damages made by the "Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...:......2d......................... day of ._ MaY.._ ......... .....191.._7.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.......................... F . n.... ................ 1 l� t `< 9 1911 ./ City Clerk. Approve(. ---....... .................... 191.:..:.. ......................................... ....... ......._ ........ Councilmaii arnsworth Mayor. Councilman" oss councilman yland Councilman eller Councilman, eColl Councilman underliel Mayor Irvin / , , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. Condemning..and,_-taking. an easement___in. the.,l.el}d nege.$$ary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of the alley in Block 4, Haldemsn;'_s_Addit_ion,.._the:--land to-.be.-.taken for,•_the,.�bo_y.�._na fief--. - S2X r ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for ' cut-s:.and fills-..in._and._upon. the land...abizt_ting., upo-zl_•tkle:..al.b.eY.-a.Xl...�kQ.��t-••.�+ . Haldeman'.:'s Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the.._reP.4?:t._Qf -the-.�-Qmt!!� ss•i oner Q.f. Publi c..Pl.Qr s: R..Va.a m.....er.._d3t.ES1:......:... December 14th, 19161 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made._a...part.._k1.erecf, ..........::......... ...................... :... ..... under Preliminary Order,-:.12140... ...... approvedAug....1.0.,-1916., Intermediary Order-....a-3.ftA2......., approved.:.: Z` 9.Y.•.::.�.5.. 9.16......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he las fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively; and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement; not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the .signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters: Commissioner of Finance. l Qa i�re�ma'tteF bT' edademq � �. �.. .. tar sa �aaaeapaat iq tea* does .. aaYT'!or elelme >� �:it�"�y r. - ------------------ ----------- -. djUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING Hite Yq the gra aty���vet�"nama moi'e.x peMtgalaei}Yy�;`�MP���r •...i r°=OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. fllla is afid v y P R Pa k:;h$dfElfBiit?te�� DDea.;the aketC'li�:xtt` _F.. Dari' 'or the COma+t ..-`i In the matter of..:Cot?demning and taking an -_easement . land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 20, .... i Stutanit..Park-_Addition,--the:-land. t•o. be -.taken for the --above •name im rove- ment being more particularly described as an eat;ement for slopes, for •_cut_s__and..fills-_i n.. 20, Summit Park Additiand-_upon_the,land abutting: --upon the alley--_in..Block_:• on, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to:,_tne,-report.-.of ti3g,__Cgm?niBs�oner- of Pli0lic Works in the matter dated December 2d, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and ,made.;a part:_hereof,-........:....:. .... �f :under Preliminary Order 12227approved A,ug.*:--18,19.E 6:..., Intermediary. Order...1.3.469 ....., ' - ............... approved,..?�Ov The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the, making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of s benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .......... 2d ........day of Y..... .._:... 191...2:.-, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said. hearing as prescribed by the Cha r. PAR Adopted by the Council.......... ..----.• + el - ........ f ------------------- City Clerk., . Approve(-_ ................ ............ .... _...... 191........ ,J Mayor... Coune' an Farnsworth Council an Goss Counci Hyland Counc' an Keller �- Cottne'' n McColl founsi Wunderliet a fl .;Mayor - r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.:..j�anddemning...and.:.taki.ng...an...aas.ement...i-n...the ...]and:--naaeasary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 20, -Suzl>Tlii.x... F4rk..A.ddi t,io.n_..the....Land.:..to b.e.._ taken-fax ...the --abaae--named:..Lmp=ve- ment being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for nd---Si11.a..-in:..and..upan..-the...land—ahut.t:ing..upan: the -,.aLLe-y...in--d3l.o:ck- 20, Summit Park Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached. G.4.._the:.:xePQ.r.t--Q.i'... the ....Co.rt Tsai-Q.n.ex-..ni.—Puhllc...Wam s...in...the:.mati:en--d.a.ted December. 2d, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and - a3de.._a...P.art h. reof. ..............:..... .......................... ............. under Preliminary Order....? X227.... ...--, approved.Au9,18 2,9.1.f...,_Intermediary Order ....ia469........... approved .. Nov..:.1,....1916.�......:: TO THP, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, hot exceeding the cost thereof, and that hgreto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. � ......... Commissioner of Finance.: ' I 'get trade+liatsdt'o#,iondemhfriq' . rata Ib'e at4Pi'a roe r�it�-�?at 5ti`i - Prsaih� a1 alley !n 9tac�'�4t �.; pant ddlUoh tha.dand''7Fde{ �L APPROVING ASESSMENT AND FIXING .. REQ. more AaitI4Ur6iI5` d.acc'.lA}a •ae LIl nt 14r 'ei^ rs ..."v OF HEARING TIME IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Coade�ting and taking an easement in the land necessary rh:dj-ig:..bi,...A21.8�'.:1Ti �Ztick...2g� I the matte of.......take7 r07e for a o"Pees. for cuts and"""YiT19 iii'thcthe 16 summit park Addition. the land. c be#I &i an eas'sment�PoYn�opeS, ..-.. ...ait3cularly in Block 29. naent beinS :mora p on the "alley cuts and fills n and upon the land abuttingouPthe"`.feted 'sitacfiird tti stima t P-art• Addition, to .the extent'iBown up the report 'of the Commissioner �hicT� sketcT�7a publreportic karenherebythe areie'rfe'deto d l9oveniber "2�'th.:............................. art h"re t made a p . ... Intermediary. OrderI.+'l•`��'Q- under Preliminary Ord ....... ,129P........... approved••• > approved.._NOV-1.i.....��l�:e.... to the aniount,of The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter-as damages sicarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement so having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of and to whom payable; and al said improvement, therefore.be it Resolved,, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved ' il upon said report and for a confirms- Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the. Counc de by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of tion of the awards of damages maer, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ..::2a.......................day benefits; at the Council Chamb .:.Mai 1917-n ..-., at ten o'clock A..M. and that the Commissioner of Fina of ce be and he give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. is hereby directed to gi /> qd ' ---- Adopted by the Council ......................... -191 cel .rte , ........ - �ty Clerk, Approve(......... .......................... ...... ..... 191... t ...... ayor. Councilman Far sworth Councilman Qo Councilman H and Councilman $ er a Councilman M Coll PUBLISHED Councilman derliek Mayor Irvin i t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of... _Cand.em ing.:.a,nd _taking an easement in the land, necessary rove- for .slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of ahle'in''$l°ck '�9, -summit-Par..k Addiilon,--:.the.._7andescribedasnan easement°fs�ve ng ap'as,��07 merit being more particularly u on the alley in Block 29, cats d f_#-}l.s--in--.axid...upon.:.tkte 1_and abutting:..... Strmnit Park Addition, to, the extent shown upon the §'K-dt•CYi"'attacYred ha _ germed to, and - of Public Works in the matter date -•�Cne••-�`epoFt-...o.f...th$...Commi.sari ske�tci1�.and•.repori are 'tierebY_ November 29th, 1916, ........ rt-•13er,eoi,---------------------------- ........ ......... -•mase--•a=� ice• under Preliminary Order.. 19215.3......_, approved.A.ug-.--21.r...-191& Intermediary Order..:13.16A .....:., approved.:�'0 4 ...1...: 1 91.5............. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of, Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated, for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters: .... _ ........ Commissioner of Finance. in the matter a[ •egnslemninit sltd, ¢R _ tnt:anrt easement to ih4 l+utd nh � - / ,-�. , nary^ Ibr eloireo Iov tnts'gndy811 .... 2 }J. ,r{� • "Arndln alley ; In Tie 71L"'- ''R$n=S 9�. f. '¢ 2� f - v�nifvl�ien o[`Rloclt }Di LYmnn; i .^� J+ , RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND. FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.r,, 1 the matte of COtt$tsillj..�tit.' _tskin#�. fat �rf+r±. iso...t:.l:tin�t...lu�sarrri► for l4op+�s for outs semi Yilia in grading alley to H. a. ltaanney''s am-: dteiMoat s� Bl©ck lbl, -, tho..lanc3;_f�a. be. tTaisep,_For tic aiaave a id' lisEiroo l: being` more particui4ky dosoribed me an eaatsment for slopee,,. for cuts. and fills- 3n �8 upon.,-ttse 1�n8- abtlt�e.#lfiPS.: upei�i 'tlicr alliay in . ,Is ani ii 9ubdi+aiifii 0f Block 1016, Limen iAWton' a =+aidsturn to the extent ahot�a upon the ._mketala:atxo t�heTi to__thcs _roi?n'f...gf. nig orr� eeitrner oP' Ylo iso.A'S is the" 04'Hir dated October 27th, lotd, xhich eketuts mud report care h�re&� rafcrseni.:t®and-:mardr� i?!...1ra��r._$i`k."1. under Preliminary Order.:.:.11Lti8..........., approved .J.Urle...2f.,.19.16..., Intermediary Order.:.:129.31 ,.., approved...._S?Pt The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter. as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement,, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad b1fore the Council upon said report and for a confirms-, - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ....-...2d. ............................ day -of .......i��Y:. ----------- -...1917:....,' at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance 'be .and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter n �� Adopted by the Council .............. r9 --- ---:., 19 . ........ f .E�ity Clerk. APProven.... I........, 191...-..:: .............. :........... ..........:................................................ ..... . Mayor. Councilor Farnsworth sL l Councilor Gossr Councilm Hyland Co: uneilm Heller j Comic' McColl Counc', Wunderlick Mayor I n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. .49ndel?ai.ing..axld-..taking.-an--easement ...in...the - Land; necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in H. IL.Ranney's StLb division of Block 101,•__ !yman._Dayton! s_.pdd t•-pxl,..-.the...l.ans t.o..-be-?9r the above named•improvement being more particularly described as an easement for elopesi_-_for,..cut-s and,:.fi.>�s._.in.:.and__up.ox, tile-..land-..ah>ut~ting.•.. upon the alley in H. M. Ranney's.Subdivision of Block 101, Lyman Dayton's Addition, to _the-- extent shown---upon.:tile--_s.]&et.ch..attached..t.o..th.e.seport...af bhe Cormnissioner of Pubiic Works in the matter dated October 27th, 1916, which-_aicetch.-and--rep ort.. ax e..xie.reby. r.efer.r.eci:.tn..:and:-made-.a.. art---h®xecfY• ...... ...------ ................... under Preliminary Order 11188 ... approved.J4ne.:.9! -1.9.1-6, Intermediary Order....1.29.31 ............ approved .:..S.ePt -.28.1..1916,...-. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. -The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:_ That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the, under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of nance. N r xo'tGsas to the matf8r oT conthe demnints ab he �^ ( - + Mdng .an..eaagmenL in land' eery-Zob elopes, Zb�' bUtq sad dlig iu pariiwarBi ��idwsr 'Fasimcwa�Y��� - �od��'OUNCIL. APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING ', 3beIdon' avenue.,Trom ��aanjCabp�hva� *aka tomo npd PhptAb AYennb: nd t p>o ¢��¢dtbtltlLOARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIVGS. t=deacribod a+P81Ie=]n' peel Tor. Cats. aa�`� - �e .land abutttn& uDoa; - - -Atber4 avenue and �i0=-lietween"•Lha�D^f - -y 1-Yr ��, • e.;osjenitehom. t�� i Condemning and taking "ren" easement ;in :ths.".� ,asi-- eenaaoxy for slopes, r�Lter of...... . " o sand fills iri grading Bison avenue from Midwsa Parkway to MidraY Parkray; Albert avenue from Frankeon avenue. "ta Lake Como., �C Phal@� ".%yeul�.e..-- and Shel'&6Y &*dihQ "from Frankson av a to Lake Como & Phalen avenue, the land to be taken for the above named improvent being mo_re"partcula�y--.s?es.Cri}zed.as an "-""" "fo.......... ts and ,dila inane upon the land abutting upon ease�iBfYt"""foie- elopes. Bison avenue, Albert avenue and Shields avenue„__between.-_tbe..B.QixlLe..a£oxeeaid, -- . ei to thi6 "a&t "dhii, i5ii t&e sketch attached to the report of the Comnissioner of Public works in the matter dated "October 27th, 1916,"."_whi.ob...Ukatt�i�..apd•-•-• report"""e:ehereiiy" referred to and made a part hereof, ............. under Preliminary Order....._8570":_-_• approved Dec "29,1915 _ - Intermediary Order 129 30-•• approved.,..$ePt.....28� 1916. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be. and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms tion of the m ards of damages made by. the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, In the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........... RA. ......................... of ----------- .._ .........191..7...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that.tbe Commissioner of-Finance be and be " is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.] .............:..i 191 Adopted by the Council......... ....... �t .... inR 1,'� �9tCltq rk. APprovea ......... ._........, 191... Mayor. Council Farnsworth Council an Goss Counci an Hyland Cound an Keller / �} Counc" an McColl /Iv Counci an Wunderlick 1 �� Mayor I in t, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS. In the matter of. ...j�gndemning,..and...talUn—E o,n--.ea,s.eme ...in..th,e...land..neneasary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Bison avenue from Yidway Parkway to midway Parkway, Albert.avenue,from.:Frank on, aysnu.p..to.,_..Tale... RtaR...&..Pbalen..avanue.,..ai�d Sheldon avenue from brankson aroenue to Lake Como & Phalen avenue, the land, to be taken ... _.-for;.the.--abovename?.:.kmP.r4-Y?n!ent.._b.e.711F..zCto.ze..-Aa�ti.culasly..;descsibed..a.s an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting`upor;' Bison -_avenue,; Albert,_avenug.,acid..Sh_ieds,-_evexluE...-_ttetvie.en..the._paints...aforesaid, .to the extent shown upon the sketch.attached to the report of ,the Commissioner of Publi.c__ .orks-:inthe_.ma._tt_e.r..dot,esl...Q.CtObex...2.i.tk�,.:.a91.6.,.:..whirh.,sketnh.. d.... report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order "W approved..I?.e.Q:..29..291.`5., Intermediary Order... 12930 approved _: agPt ..28.. 7 �:1.G..•..... s . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under. signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of tit4conata$' an3'tak ty - . �. .: t1B tand ne., r. ,,b 'asry, tob s1oDe0. Sar uDK'ts � i ✓ =titd `Hradln6 Dt b'-u16 - - _- t86ttdon`' ;SOgat, the°laa8- fo 7>� fine `: voie.: Dgxticutarlya�he4ea0P a - Condemning and taking an easement in.,-the-,lend neoessary for a ope8.att • of...... ..... �`ar cuts anF-fi'l'ls in the grading of Fulham street: from Hendon avenue to Como avenue bleat! the land to be taken for the above,_.: nae;ed iitiproveirierit tieing more particularlyr desoribed as an easement for slopes. for cute and fills in rand uptin the lsnd abutting--upon street; : bewee tn'-the-'pont is af�oresiida to the sicte"nt eh'o"wn upon the sketch, attached to the report of the Commissioner of.Public Corks_-in_the. matter .. dated oPeinii'er'9t`i*** 'l 16,"W1W6h s�C'etahi:i 'report are iierebji referred to -.and made a part hereof,.......... : ....... under Preliminary Order:._1139i5 approved ..:T.U:LY .-3..19.1.6..., Intermediary Order ..... 1316fx approved -0ot _lla.: 191:6. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount, of damagesLvalded for the taking of the land or;easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also .having submitted his) assessment of benefit to property from the making. of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be,bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirms- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Cmj.rt House in the City of St. Paul on the........:2d..... day of fay._ ...............:_191...:.7, at ten o'clock A. AT. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council....:. . j / (1A Ct�y Clerk• t Approves.. .. t 'f or. Councilmai Farnsworth Councilmai Goss Councilmar Hyland Councilmai Keller t C ouncilmar McColl Councilman Wunderhel 'Mayor Irvi i ,i -r OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,EPOR ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS an..easemf 1 ulhamstreet from sary In the matter of.....C—QadeA1tl7n8--�nd grading for slopes, for cuts and fills in the g described as an easement for for -lopes, t•4 Q4being more particularly�d t.o...k�e..:taksn..�nx� � �e-_ name-A:... amed improvement on the sketch a1a.Utt.srtg ••:up points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the .matt.er Slx.....�tlt.U---.ndill.e.-.iXt...aa�d...1i1�Qn--the...lax�d- referred to street, between the p t- which sketch and report are hereby att_achga:._to....?�...7C.ep9rt o..the....�.oX�nks$xaz►.e af.ulzliU.vJoxka..�n dated November Sth, 191fi, and__made.._a.-.Part hereo ........... ............. •.......... .......... --- 3,19.16., Intermediary Order ... 131&6 ......,. under Preliminary order....1.1'.t 4 `� ....... , approved .7ulY. approved...-_p.nt.._..11.,....1916 �..-.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance"bereby reports: em taken and aPPrO That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easementmth refer to the owners thereof priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages persons to whom such awards are. payable, that he has also fixed and determined the respectively, and the p the cost thereof,,and from the making of said improvement; not exceeding amount of benefits to property, ature of the under - that her attached is an assessment roll entitled, as above and identified with the sign containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. signed, .......... Commissioner of Finance. 'n - --- &*t0x #fit COAD zi t�hk� .d7 ars e°aement^9 - - .- Barp'tor to ee tOR` fi�%� APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING RE, d;ito b0 t6 fordll ,tla 4 nq9 J- t.n:;�"( F HEARING IN CONDEMNATION -PROCEEDINGS. G�4 In the matter.of....0.9.0d.ennirag-.aztd_An :..the :.land ::necesaary.. for .,.pea. for onto and fills in grading:Hateh street between Jameson street-..and.:Zlratt o:.:m treet,--.-the...land... ta...he ..taken.. fox:..t he::aba-rs--ssamed_..... Improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for... cuts ..and..filla..ia .and._upon...the.-:land..ab.uttin.g..upon.-fiat-ch.:.atreet.- between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attachad...t-o-: the.--report---af.. the :-.Commissioner:--af.-Fuhlic...Works ... in ... tha...matt er _dated November 29th. 1916, which L.k.Stch and report are hereby referred-: to...and..made..-a::: part ._hereof.. ............................. ---- ................ .................. under Preliminary Order10.0— ............. approvedJ.11II.e...9-,.19.1.6......., Intermediary Orderi-La&62 approved...._ Nov ...1:... 1916..• . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above ;matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ...:....2d ............................ day of ........ M.ay.................. ......191....7..:, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice: of said hearing as prescribed by the Cha �. F .... Adopted by the Council ... 1 -Z _ `j... ...... ..:.... .1917p k. APproven ........ ......._ ........191.. ......... .................................... ..................... ----- M or. Council Farnsworth Council Goss Pi78Gih„ Counci Hyland Council 'Beller Council McColl - Counci Wunderlict 1 Mayor I in f t �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS i In the matter of... Condemnin.g_.ann.ta,-.i,ng...en._.eaaemerit.:.in...t.he.land ...ne.cvssary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Hatch street between Jameson street_:.eitd---Cr.Q.tto.:.atreet ..... the...land....to....bse t&ken..far...t:he--•abo-ve•---ne ed-•.__ improvementbeingmore particularly described as anieasement for slopes, for cute.._ APA _:f.ll-e---in... and..Upon...the... land—abut.tang-..upon•-•Ha-tEh-..s.ta-aeb;-.... between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch att_apla •d_-to—lhe...repo.rt...nf...th6:-:�omviisasiunar...o-f..-Euhl.ic...W4Dr-ka---#•r... the -•tea: -iter dated November 29th, 1916,'which sketch and report are hereby referred t o._and..made..A..Aaxt.:.he r.e of. ..........:......: .... under Preliminary Order 10.9.02 approved..lUna ..:9.,.19.16.... Intermediary Order .... 13A62.......... approved:Iloy 1.�..a�.�.a. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of be to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. CommisZer of Finance. -- L intghqYe,RamnSaLgr;et a5 e9lrkRotpeQnoertestn'.c-t.u.th. aateitdK' e�attaothluntnattaK. n0 land RESOLu OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the platter of... Cotdemnia and taring•• an easement. in the _land necessary . for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of the eolith sixty r6Q� feet of Lake Cance- and Phalen avenue from Arcade Lo_-.Forest-:atreets,� the laced �fl be-akea for the stove namedmproveaient=being more par$eularly desarlbed_: as an: ,gaeeunent for ;slopes,•; -for cut•$;_and••_fills•••n-. and -•-noon_ the land abutting upon Lake Como and Phalen.avenue, between the points afoesid„• tq•,the axtcr►t, phowxt;.uoor} the At. of tq:_the-,rgpQrt of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated December lst, _1fl18_,- which•.ekteh• and _report-,-are:,hereby referred--ao-, and_madA:_a•. ez;• hereof, under Preliminary Order ........ approved .$.egt..11y.19.1fi.-, Intermediary Orderapproved Nov- 1 1916. r The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above `improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Ilk Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirms- ' tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of -benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 2d_ -:..........day of .......... May- ................. ----------- 191:.7..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and .he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter., Adopted by the Council ........:.. ........... i 9(y Clerk. Approver........... ,............. :....... ........ 191-.:..... t M yor• Councilm n Farnsworth Councilm Goss Councihn Hyland Coaneilm $eller, 7 Counc- McColl Conneihn FPunderlicb Siapor`I r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.-.--_9A.nd.emning:..anci:..taking..an... easement ... in. -..the ... LWI'd .necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of the south sixty (60) feet....9f---Lake .:..Qc2moaad..P.halen..auenlze...fsam.Ar-cads...tA...�or-est.stxe®t land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly. __deux.rite.ed...as..an...eaaement.:.fo.r.:..slopas,....for-... cu-t:s:-•and ••••f•11 ls-••i-a-•a-nd-..apo-n the land abutting upon hake Como and Phalen avenue, between the points ..aforesaid,....ta...the....extent...aho n._:upon...the---aka-tcYa---66t-t Whed•--to--ths, r--e-pe-rt of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter ,dated December let,. . 1416.,._ahirli..sketch.:and..seport...are-.1iexehy:-.r-efarr-e-d..to and ---madd... a._ pert... hereof, under Preliminary Order 12615 I_.-. approved.. Se.P.t.-.I�,:1.9.1.¢Intermediary .Order...1.1484:......... approved.:... Nov..:1.....1916... - f TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the. amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached.is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fina' ce. - z ��pc�joYogi�t'g �'ie�n�oit�t _ atasttalons ,ktnsltlule STUD'S .. i "Employ your time in inej rot inn yourself by other men's 4 writings; so you shill coma cosily by what n(herx here labored laird for. Prefer kn nr1rdge to menllh, for one is transitory, the other perpetual.—SOCIUT135. f. h OT IS a condition of te enjoyment ofpower that it should be increased by use. You cannot live upon your IS a condition Qf t mental capital so well as upon the Income which it brings you; and just as in commerce the more you put by the big- _ ger your income will be, so with. your mental power, the more, you can add to it the more force you Can exert. ' Nothing worth doing can be accomplished 'I without study. The man who leaves his mental - - work behind him and devotes himself entirely to pleasure after office hours, must remain a rou= I line worker' all his life. You most know your business thoroughly before you can size up its possibilities. You cannot plan big projects and carry them through unless you are familiar with all the detail work which will be necessary. Some men, by performing routine well, rise to Comfortable positions, but they remain routine. workers. Tile captains of industry are recruited from the thinkers, the men who dream dreams and then convert them into practical realities. Consider the. meanings of the word "study. Here are some of them: "To bestow pains upon"; "to. apply the mind to"; "to examine closely,. in order to learn thoroughly"; "to form and f STUDY arrange by thought"; "to con over." There are others to the same point, but you will notice that all these varying meanings suggest the active. and well -considered employment of the brain to achieve a definite purpose. Taking the -meanings in their order; we find that the word demands care, .an effort of the mind, dose attention, system and reflection. Now, the purpose of study Is to acquire some knowledge which will be useful. If you are in business, study that business and learn all you can about it. You can study books on commer- cial correspondence, on law,_ on bookkeeping, or you can study -shorthand and typewriting. If you have a knowledge of law, what is there to prevent you reading for the Bari. ' " It will be much better to study definitely for. the Bar (or for business purposes). than just to study law in -a desultory fashion. You can be sure that your employers, or others, will be very glad to make use of your special qualifications. " • " If you live in a town where these facili- tiesure not available, hunt round for subscribers and get a course. of Correspondence Lectures. " " You have some particular talent that nn experienced teacher can develop for you. " " __ If a thing is worth using your mental effort .upon, it is worth the full force of your mind. 1 want to fire your ambition to excel in everything you undertake. Do not be content to know just as muds as the average man. If you are you can never be anything above the average. Just a j ..little more trouble, a little more thought, and a j little more effort are needed to raise you above the crowd, andthe knowledge that you are bettern.,f STUDY. and stronger will be n joy to you that these others can never know. .. You must study in a systematic fashicn. Do not attack the work with abundant enthusiasm which grows less and less as time goes on, until you lose all interest in your study and then drop it altogether. Sit down in cold -blood and plan out a time -table for work. Set aside as much time a day its you can manage. Then halve that time and knock out every day of the week except, say, two. You will then starteasily at your work, and will set yourself a task that will be well within your powers. If you try to do too much to start with, you will get tired and lose your interest in what you are doing; but ifYou start quietly, the - chances are that you will grudge the evenings when you do not study and will want to use them too. It is not tite rush work which makes you tiredthat counts, but the steady effort that means so much and accom- plishesso much when totaled up at the end of a y w. .k man , fins every encouragement to study. Every small addition to his knowledge is a jump- ing-off ground to further information,which again will lead to a greater increase of mental capacity. You cannot avoid the intermediate. stages of the journey, but, on the other. hand, if you travel only itfew paces each day, you will have gained a tremendous amount of ground by the end of the year, leaving your less prudent rivals far behind you. So long as you neglect study you remain on a level with the average man, though all the time you can reach such sources of information as will STUDY enable you to start wheresome great man left off. Suppose Marconi had, not studied electri- city. He might have been inventing small bat- teries now, instead of producing the marvelous instruments which are making wireless teleg- raphy so. perfect. By using the experience of the great inventors of the past he was able to start right away where they finished. Why, then, should you be content to acquire a limited knowledge laboriously, by personal experience and esperfinent,when you can so easily take all knowledge to yourself, and learn in a few days far more than you could learn in a lifetime by your own unaided efforts? Everything depends upon the point of view. Most men regard study as an unnecessary evil that ceased with their school -days. That is your chance.. If everybody studied hard, worked hard, and thought hard it would be a task for a Ilercu- lean mind and body to rise above the crowd and . make a great success of life. As it is, people are generally so lazy that they will neither test the joys of knowledge nor make the small effort which will reveal to them the pleasure of achieve- ment. Take this thought to yourself: "Whatever branch of knowledge I desire to take up, all the best thought of the world is at my disposal in my home I can start with the elementary principles; and with a little daily effort can work my way upwards till I stand on the heights where the latest discoveries and thoughts are spread out for me to use..I can either remain oneof the crowd with the nonen- titles, or can join In the thoughts, triumphs and discoveries of the world's greatest men. Con- _ STUDY tact with great men will make me great, because mY mind must expand with tite stimulus of their J - great thoughts. It will be no trouble to me to mix with this great company,to learn their secrets and. profit by their experience. All I need to do is, to decide what men can best teach me, and they will come, to me through the medium of hooks." Is it worth your while to read trash and to grudge a -little care and mental effort to educate - Yourself up to the standard of the best minds in - the world? Makeup your mind that you will use all the privileges of the ageyou live in. Think what the great men of the past would have given for your opportunities. Think what you can do with them to help you.. An army is stronger than a single. man. You can get an army of the best intellects the world has ever known to help you fightyour battles, and, in order that you may get the utmost benefit from their 'aid, you are so placed in regard to them that you must plan and think for yourself how to make useof their brains and experience. Think of it!. You are alone .and struggling; As soon as you will you can summon to your side a tireless army= battalions of picked men, every one of them a- {` genius, and all of them willing and waiting to help you with the full force of their powers.- . However strong you may be, you will grow strong- er still with every one of these that you call to your side, and the number that you summon depends only upon your own industry and capac- ity for using them.. Is' it not worth while to start in a small way, by securing the help of one of. these, so that you may face the world fully equipped and perpetually strengthened? I STUDY ... That is the right point of view from which to regard the necessity for study. It is not a hard- ' ship, but a privilege, and the man who is not willing to spend u little time to buy so great - power when he knows it is available, deserves the losses, both mentaf.and material, which will be his as a consequence of his own mental laziness.. is The soundness of the advice of this Great _ Psychologist and Philosopher is indisputable. Any man who has ever gained success in the Business or Professional world will bear out the truth of every statement he makes. _ - The one big thought is—make the most of your spare time: The means is at your command— simply follow conscientiously and systematic- ally the plan as outlined in the _ MODERN AMERICAN LAW COURSE AND - - SERVICE. - El BLACKSTONE INSTITUTE .6 So.'DEARBORN —REEr, CHICAGO t (M p J Tn the m8ttero[ dgademning acid taY InB an easetnenkin tile' oee.; landne- - egry Sor elopes •Sor cntz aad fl$n Sn.i grading 8nbnrban avenue Yrom E , street to AesSe '; RE betaken ter tr cu�a�IL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING pmvement burns; TIS OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS., I68tlle';natter of..Condemning and,:taking- an- -e�aWMIMIl i'tr''�he l.sad neaetsrenry for elo p , far -cuts and fills in grading subueban avenue from Earl street to Hester street, Lhrt...d An(j .to -be ...teken:.:for..:xhe above• gamed iapro cement 3refag more particularly described as aneasement for slopes. for cuts and fills in and upon the__lsnd .atea Ltilag-ugoa-Suburban-..av--ague,--•-betrFeen-the points a1'aresaifl, to the extent shorn upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner. of Public Works in,:.tbe---matter...daied..danvary�-24thY..:.191Ri; ;whfeh sket-ch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary, Order ....:_ 1.7.$48 ...... approved .T aY..-31,.19.1.6...-, Intermediary Order...1.41.56......, approv ed..: De C.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable;.and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for, a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the. .......... ...........day of . YaY ............... .. ...._.191...7..at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be atfd he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Ch "tern Adopted by the Council ................... ......................... .. .............. `• , Mqo r,j i9� i City"Clerk. APprovea ....:.. ........ ......., 191. _.... . Councilman Fi rnsworth Councilman Gi ss Councilman H-, land Councilman S Her Councilman M Coll CouneilmanW aiderliel Mayor Irvin yfri ............. ..... • ....... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER- OF FINANCE , ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of...CAndemnislg...and ...t.along-..an:...eas.em.ent...1n. the-l-and-.ne-caaaary - for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Suburban avenue from Earl street to Heats. st.x.eet,--.- the ...land...to...Iz.e...Saken_.fos...th.e---aboQe...name d..impso.sement.:.baixllz. more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and afar in and upQ.11...the...l.wk...�but.tx.178..L1POFI---Mburoan.:. zY.gS1.14e -. U-elmpae ...tki.fl...9Q.int.s...r fo.7Cesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner W of P .c.:.YLorks...1.11.the.:mctt.e.r:dat.ea...Sanusry 'ktYj.,...�'�:�7.. v7h�ci�:..s�cet.aTi ensl._. report are hereby referred to, and made a part hereof, ....................... .under Preliminary Order 118.413 ... approved -.!Duly, .31,1916 Intermediary Order . ......... 1� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. . The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making ofsaid improvement, not ,exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 4 Commissioner of Finanee. .CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT itnpolved that warientp bs ;(ti e¢ii "uypa. the City Treasury !n rav 4lx) n"qe,. pay,abI6 �t at;, •rp� e :AUDITED CLAIMS -}RESOLUTION FORM � FILE"ciL np No.._ I, the aots •eyeaY!{•e¢ In the.,7oi- ;Id IaR retmun ftl tniemehr an ea Funds,¢78960 BI .` Ponce—Sal ;9B 968 7 - Jp1/ ' FCre--Sa]> ;82 097 98: 1 " Y B. ' Foote &. Fare alar Com r Fubifu Sntet Pt i t omT Y 'l tb .Utilit[ea : b ° :. inryt. Pd,ncatioa. ;1 °'��l PER.. 17ept. Porky Flaggr a.. n,�e F}tda, J_390. - apyroveaA{gh 90 •y o Cit on the Resolved that warrants be drawn u Treasar xpprn ?-i .q P 3 Y. payable out of the ' ereCrruaci specified funds and in�favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as:specified 'in the following detailed _ Statefllentf. Yeas (✓ ), Cou ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council!i��rtl Farn worth w+ Goss J Approvet.1+ Hyl d In favor Kell r Me 11_. -Against I , Wu erlich r Mr. President, I 'n a:; 1 �r 4 _ 13543 Miscellaneous Funds, -- ; 01?,,960. 81- City TCity Officers Salary 3,083.3. Ymyorts Office,' 345.X6 Coaptroll er 1,265.75 Cons. Finance, f x,70.8.34 Corp. Counsel 1,348.34' C. H, E C. H 986. E7 Civil Seri 'e 605.00• 11un. Court ;' 1,674; Parts. erts 120 0 Pur. ept. / 1,17 .7d City Clerk 6 .00 12, 60.81 = 544 Police -Sal. 28,968.99. 545 Fire -Sal. - 32,087.36 546 Police 2. Fire Alarn-Sal, 1,682.50 547 Com'r., Public Safety -6,631.49 Health -Health -Sal. 860.00 Dairy 563. 00 " Quarantine 3,101.83 ,•' ; n Pub. Baths 240.00` ++ Comfort" Steti'on 198.OA Com. Pub, Safet Ceio` Adm. Sal. 551.. 6 Municipal garage � /'_ 11 :0 .41 , "iN f1 6,6 1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL C F IQ "1bs33— "'^" ae.ot a th t war is D `. o xn ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTOf "P.M.Qity npalpeda L COUNCIL rN� UTION FORMnh f 7.1 FILE O.-�- t[thmb to D.pAUDITED CLAIMSRESL 1- trhr,-ao I e[Ajl.pQ tto q.g i'ZN 1. •, BAllea 31 -trldR0,Be -.: - !-- t - •f9a an ., BY -7 y... I (/ aanp 9 AUDITED-MP,32191— I PER_ ., 687 ' . • Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds.and as specified in the ,following ` in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names detailed statement: Adopted by the Council_-- j { 'i1� 191 - Yeas (r) Colmci en (J) Nays Fares Goss - • _ 191— Approved ►►� hJ\ Hyla r��� In favor. '. Kelle ( j - l -1k-t/ - Against McC --D—Against Wun rlich Air. Pr sident, Ir in 13552 J. F. Bailey; 1.20 health»guar-Expense. 553 Bazille & Partridge, 30:90 Fire Expense. 554 H. E. Boyeson Company, 5.60 Central H. S. Library. iI 555 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Company, 719.77 Fire Expense. 556 Craftsman Press, 26.70 Gen. F. Municiapl Concert. 557 Crane & Ordway, 1.82 Fire.0 & B. 558. Decker Hdwe..Company, 39.91 P. Schools -Expense. 24.20 559 L. F. Dow Company, 4.00 Health -Health -Expense. P2.7Q r P. Parks Exp. Adm./ Genl. Adm. P. Safety Ex'p., u1scl. Staty. orf to 4..0 .,t t 241901 560 Electric Blueprint Company. .45 Water Expense. 561 Farwell,Ozmun, Kirk Company, 119.73 P. Schools -Expense -- 4,121 Water Expense Spec . Day Sp;1oo1' --.= ` C 86.87. 2 '119. 562 Feature Film Company, 3.00= 4'rm A. 6-16 Playgrounds Expense. ! - 687 Page #2. 13563 E. S. Feerey & 5on, - 1.75 Gen. F-P. Safety Expense. 564 Field, Schlick Company,= 14.28 Fire Expense. 565 Finch, Van Slyke & MCconville, 17.78 P. Schools-Exp.70 Mechanic AHS j,b'. ✓' `�� 8 8 17. 566 Griggs, Cooper & Company, ' .96Heal h-Quar-Ex ense. 567 Journal of Infectious; Diseases. 4alth-Health�Expense. 5.00 568 Leslie•Donahower Company, 10.60 P.` Schools,Expense. 569 Melsdy Paper Company, 14.21 P. 'Schools Expense. 570 National Steam Laundry, Company, _ .82 -Police Expense. 571 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 18.66 Fire Expense-7' 6 P. Parks Eapen'L 8. 18. 572 Northern Coal & Dock Company, 179.15 Police Expense 31.05 ride Expense 20.7 ffI } L•42 84. 179' 573 Northwestern Elea. Equip. Company, 47.28 P. Schools Expense. 574 Northwestern-Fuel Company, 206.19 Fire Expense. 575 Northwestern Stamp Works; 1.35 Comptroller Office -Expos `ems �0 Police Expense Gen.F-Purchasing Fse 1 1. 5 576 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 25,81 Police Exp. ) , 24. 5 health-P. ComfortIta. �` 58 P. Schools -Exp,,/ P. Schools-Exzr 2 25. 577 .,;•;Raymer Hardware Company, �- P. Schools Expens '� 25.80 35.60 �.-�'" Playgrounds-tae/ 578 Robinson, Cary & Sands, P. Schools,-Exp 1 , rire Papenee`' j B 2` 38..86 579 •. Schaar & Company, Central High Library.' 687 Page #3. 13580 Schuneman & Evans, - , 3,54 nealthrP. Comfort Station Expense. 581 Seabury &`Company, 62.03 Fire Expense. .1 582 Transit Supply.Gompany!, 200.00 Water Expense,` 583 Washington Foundry Company, 48.00 rare Expense. 584 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 3.50 P. Schools -Expense. , 585 Western Electric Company, 21.14 HumboldtH.S. Library. 586 Western Supply Company, 3:66 Fire Expense 1.. 6 Waver Expense 587 R'. White, V.S., 4.00 P. Parks, Expense. 588 Zimmerman Brothers, 12.60 Police Expense. 2,065.55 1 CITY.DF ST. PAUL - a u.R C F Na 28�h r[euulved�-that wif ants be dS;Qae '. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -� F!•a' �� Upon the City Wottsury Vg;701c out P_UTA(fudCOUNCIL ' c. [h0 herk![ after nds?aad FILE NO.--- tn revor of tea pereoaa a:;[[tl d eor- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM — -pora[fone for the aIDouattl edt.oppotlte [h5 foll hl k 041!apeOtive nnmea. as ayeofEed In owing detal)ed atniament ' ` ✓ - = <tara aus- A&mold.f 000 s , p Uovrd o --.Cont ol, EE;B$E EU iR xetenSutitvnn/80' _191__Adopted , the Coun- Aich 90.3017,proved Me . 30, 1917. - 1 --... — .-1917) nr�r .Tits 2i ~ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in She following detailed stateme t: 14R ;;I) 191 Yeas (J) Con cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191— .. �... .. Far sworth Approv Go Hyl nd --In favor Kel r MAYOR 1Ic Oil Against Wu erlich bir. President, vin 13589 Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40.00 Gen. Fund -Widows & Orphans Pension 590 Board of Control 2;682.20 Bd. of Control -Sal. 591 Helen Silllivan; F'idov., of Ytichael Sullivan 40.00 Gen. Fund -Widows & Orphans Pension Tota` 1� ��nuA'lT�� elton avenue' .' . 121.9Qir8P9 i COUNCIL FILE NO......................... _...... 13Y I INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of---..Culb3.l?�.T.atl?�i...s�Y.enlle:_f.T.aII1._Qh 1t11n:..avenuE..-La.-.T-all-u3 a :.-._ , ............ ........ _.......... _.................- - ....... ... .............. approved .- August-15, -19.16 ... under Preliminary Order 12113D ........ PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the " above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,.and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends" is.,.... -- - .. ......... 0.urb Tatum_.avenue:: frQm--.Che.lt.on_ avenue...t0._.Tallul.a.,-ax :enue, ........................... - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is eat on the of Resolved Further,. That a public hearing be had on said improvem........n -:-:- 191_7—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Tf:, in the Council Chambe6rr day of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fivance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in Abe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of.hear- iug, the nature of. the imprnvemenir and the total. cost .thereof as estimated: Adopted by the Council.... .. ... 191 % MAR 30.1717 Cf • C r Approved l91 _.. .. . Mai or. Councilman Farnsworth council n Boss - Council an Hyland Councill all Yeller Comleili ian McColl Councili ian Wunderlich i Mayor rvin Form B. S. . B-6 jYr tAE•matt er-of':BraVelin&" -hue from' undar�-1%'elf'in Pennoola etr -avenge, Y2182: 4➢ProveA tb". t Tae Conacll bii' Lbr+lt>:rnw r , Lavin mcetveP - -� mtebtoner o! COUNCIL FILE NO ......:.....:.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER" In the Matter ofx9.10"-.Zel:?t'AQ.CSS.-:.jAlr et.---tQ...T.e.J.lsil.a.. .................................................. ......................................................... ................... _............................... -........... _.................:.............. ......... ................... ............ ..... __.............. ....................................... .........._..............--.-- II. ......._ _ ..... _ ..... under Preliminary Order .._..b.2. ��....... ............. .....approved . August-15, 1916 •...... The Counoil of the City of St. Paul having. received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............ ................. ...... . _,Gravel. Tatum _.aven.ue.,from..-Pen??Q..c.1c stre.e.t....t.o...Ta1.1.U7a..,avenue,........................::...... ....... ........ .......:......:.._................ ,............ .............. ............................... ..:..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is... 9.75..38...:..:._ Resolved "Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............fid...............-...day of ............. I......... M y .............. 191....7.-.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in, Ae manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the. Couucil:....... __....:... 191,_, Mai io iii'. Approved ....... .......... ....... 191...... th Cleric _..... .. Mayor. Counci an Farnsworth Counci mau Doss Counci man Hyland Counci man Kellet• Counci man 1AleColl Coune' man Wunderlich 11lavo Irvin Form B. A. 8-6 i ' Rne undar Frm31m1 - � - R A 'n.RPrnved'Juneb.. st}� . The CounMl at k' c � CERAa 14LE ........ /� ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Cond.esning- apd._ tajc.j.riJ3...A21...ear.-emant---.in.... tlie-aand.--nace.ssa y -fox elapes fax cuts... and .-.%ills-..in...changing _ nd _the_g.r-ad 1ual.i.d...s.t.re-et.:.bet.vte.en.:Ear.l...a.txsat.:.and..ue.s.tar....s:ts:eet.,--.a"coxdi-ng-to---t-he• c p.1.an...h.eret.o...at.t.ach:e.d...and..made :..a:, p ar.t...he r-e.of,....the...hatche d...par.ti.on-:.sho.wi n g iils.;...:.._._..................:.:.__.........:.:.....:..:..................... under Preliminary Order...10778 _.......approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having conaidered'said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._C.ondemn.. and....take-an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in................. changing thegrade_ and grad ng_.Eticlid.- atrset.:_12.etet en.:Farl..s.tneet..,and.... Hester_.street... :... acco_id.ing..to._.the...pl.an_ h.er.et9_:.att.ached:..and..mad:e.:.a... part.;... hereof,_. the. hat.ched_.portion_.-shoving th.e.._cut;a. and.: the.. shadad..Pto.rt.i.nn.....:.. the fills, ........ _.. ................ ...................... ....... with no alternatives; and that the estimated _cost thereof is $.._100-.O4.--- -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...:.. ..3d ................... day of ........... X%Y'.............. . .:................... 191: 7-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in,the City of St. Paul. That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice . of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as est' ted. Adopted by the Couuli l.... ...:.. --,191._._. Approved ..... r3t3 I9a7:......., 191. 0, v Clerk 9 ` L j Alaym. Councilman Farnsworth / Council an boss Council an Byloml Counciln n Keller 9 Council n Aiccoll Conneilm n Wuuderlieh Alayor hiviti p I� Form B. S. . 8-6 ------------------- ----------------- . . }• 2:a. .2551tr-•Al' radlnB A G:_ Tned / l . Cthe .D{attar of B nd Nptto; ` Apa al enue undera ep ember P /L, ff ar 12889 aPPro v �; 1he Covn n of the .Ctt havinB 2-peealoed Lhfl re� _ _ � , COTJNM FILE NO !til...FiZ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..;..,..Gxatiint .-Ames.. avenge... b.et.w.e.en._.Haze1 a-v.mUe__=d::.VAU-ta- ....... B.edr..aY.enue, ........_ ........................ ......................... .........................----........................:......................;,...........::.... _ ....... . ..... ._.__ ..__..................._. ._.... .. under Preliminary Ordei'.....approved . _ _.Sept ember. 27; ..181.6.......' ._._._. The Council of the.City'of-St. Paul havingreceived the report of. the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............... ............ _.......... _........... . Grade.- Ames. _ayenue..b,etiveen- Hazel...-Aye lgjQ and. Y,21ut e...B.e.a.r...avenue.............. _._ ..:_ .._.__.........................:...... ............... ........... .._................................. ..................... .......................... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is t;..'a .r 67.8...0.3.....:.. Resolved Further, That a public, hearing be bad on said improvement on the ..... -..'....th................... day of .,May.- 191._7..; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the mtprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by tht Council------- � '3l.19 1 ( 151_.. Approved :.. 191....... tty .Clerk. ;Haim. _ CouncilFarnsworth Counciln an duly oun C� Ccil an Hyland Council an Keller Council an McColl Council an Wunderlieh Mayor n kn th° aYatte�e� aonstrncHnB Fn�ea y�•cu{b1nB and b-red(n6 e6gdln&M i 1 . � ��-.. . `idtnl3"::PPn bonlevarde on auPttait / j �r V nud•�petween Dale street ait8 t ° C I.; 6iWst8l11PPt iti ver BnaYega?d .not: jj°dOr .. rendS.`eU7vnHarn PrClfdivina sodded, 16t5- . - •-F' l 'q !' l -:� COUNCIL FILE X INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C=A.t.rust-ing...c.ement-.:.c.urioixiz...azld...grash.inlg.,.:...s.eadin,;-.:nr............ soddin.g,..all-.boulevards on Summit avenue. between Dale..,street and -.the._..• Xiae.i.ag;.Appt._.-giver..Eoulevard not_.already..,curbed...and gradQd,.._aeedQd...9r.... sodded........... .............................. ...... under Preliminary Ordea:...36.19....:. .. ..........approved _....March -22,_. 191.6... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the -above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......... .......... . C.onstr..uct...c.emept curb.ing,aAd..•Bxads,i..s.eepi..o.r..so.d_.all ....bn:ul.evards....nn -...- Summit,-- avenue _:between p?le. stre.gt and..,the _ iea ss -pp:7 .RiY.er awaexard.' not, already„ curbed and .gxaded,.:_seeded or-.,sodded.,.-......•., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x.1.7:,.6.6.9..&.4__. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 4th....... ..: _day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated.' Adopted by the Council ........... 191- J Approve ...... MAR `3,0 I 0 1 7....... , 191..:_... ��/. ,✓!.��L c " r;t. Clerlf ... _.. Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth Council n t 081 i Council an. Hyland Council an Keller Council an McColl Cound an Wunderlich . Mayor ruin Form B. ------- -- - C. F. No 1E840 =Bs S A. 8a'E� " In the -.5i tter oi' Conde nlpn'i f - Ing an easement In the }e_ d ngd0 '� - - rradingr 6}ove¢,,fpr conI W1% y7- rradinR,amesAve. from .\Yhi#w°rla a - Ave._ to naaeI'Ab ;- plane haret Darr: � _ 9 COUNNA FILE ND.:..... ..... ......... Bar 1 Ll..... 1....vr�c?-Gli-dY.............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Condemning. and .t_sking...all...e.aA.ement...iz}-._the...land...ne.ae.ssaZ7 for. .:.slog.es......fox...cut.s.-- and .. f a.11.s...i.n...gr.adinF..,Ames... avenue... from._ white..aear.... avenue Hazel avenue agcordin.g.._t.o..:th.e._plan..hexe.to....atta.che.d...and..ma.de. a part hereof.,...the_.hatched.,portion_showir,a,,tk�e. .cut s -.. and ...the... haded..Iiar.i.i.on ................. ...... .................. under Preliminary Order....... 13095 ,.,. approved O.ct.ober. 6;...191.6.. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said •report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report.be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. _ That the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is..... C.ondemn...and..take ._.. an easement in the' land necessary for..slop:es.,..for cuts._and...f.iiip_..j;}�„-, grading Ames avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel avenue,. according to the. -plan.h.ereto..,attache_d..and..made. ...... th.e..hat.che.d p.o.xtion _sho,yying_the_.. cuts ::.and ,.the .__shaded..portion_,:the..fljs.,. ................... .:.................. ............... /} with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is... 50..00...... .. . ResolvedFurther, That a'public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ......4.th. .........day of day 1�17.....,,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber of the .... .. Court House and City Hall Building in the City. of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total costnhereof as estimated 'I Adopted by the Conacd _:.......... 191 Approved. ..MIAE viU I�1. 191.... l 1 Ut Ctt Clerk Ccuncilme Farnsworth Mayor. Couneilm (1054 7 Councilm Hyland Councilnu n Beller Councilml n BdccolT Councilmi It Wunderlich Mayor Ir in Forum B. S. A. 8-6 ,.... - !(t8111A$ fln OryP,�eAtaY 33Y �.. - - - - [et0' oA Blt:th §trkeY fry" :£ - . 6t. .t 9 Ith t&>zlaie /fl Po to -Dfl. v Olt. , d tn,'-. gr.�'.'tvitljtj$ aRYd-. COUNCIL FILE NO - U/ sy: ................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....:? U?111. h.ixlg-..InA._.Jn.ate.l].iz14g:..an...n-TI73ment.a.l...lighting...s siera 0>7. Sixth:: styeet-.from._St,..P.e.t.er.:..ctr'eet...tA.... Smith... ay. enu. e,..... comsi..sting...of.-.-- lamp„p.Qste,, lamps,, underground,_.eQnd'iYs.:.and...the....neae.ssary..wiring_.and..... equipment for _conveying, electric __current tr eret.o,,........................................ '........ under Preliminary Order ........7. 215.:...... .........approved ...... Q.etob er._12, . 1.91.6 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .............. .................. Furni eh ..and.. i na.t all..arl..arnarnent.a.l...lighting...s us.t.em..o.n...Sixth...st reei...i'-o-m St. Pet_er.,etreet to..Smi.th.avenu.e,.,_ u_onsi,sting--of lamp_.posts,:_-.latpp . ........... underground -. ,conduit e.. and,-the-_neceasary...wiring.a nda.gllj,pMent.,...'AQ.r...QQnA.eY- ing..electric current trereto, - ................. .................. .:..................... .......... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.$._ 6,.22E..00 Resolved Further, That a public* hearing be had on said improvement on the.: .........4th....i day of ....... ........ May ........................... 191..7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,' and the total cost thereof as estimated. s� Ali .00 IJII Adopted by the Council...... Approved_........MAR. a. Q 17._:....., 191... �( Iti erk lfayot. 1' Councilm n Farnsworth Councilm u Goss CouncilKeller M, uHyland Councilm u. Beller Councilm n McColl Councilmii Wunderlich Mayor I in Form B. S. A"18.6 ----------------------- -ae Dtettor o fl ppm lnG aY�l�"o �. - In,{t., d horse an Leet Lli the vra$6Dt ee=' r.r4+, the so. L nntnB t O tAlle aidewalk an ', east - v - Went C�n Place tb.o beg Vie• COUNCIL FILE NO INTEJDMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-..... Reconstruct,ing,.. relay.i.ng. and repai-zfRg-Sy�t.h.-:aemszlt.._t-ile _to. ,a..wi,dth..of six..feet, the,.present..cement...t.7�.e....sid.etY �k...asl...the .s.o.>xth... . side, of West Central._ avenue._ beginning... at.- Qat11.04m�,...j:IA. Qe.,....Va!_-n:ae....eazt, 152 feet thence beginning 36.feet farther._east.....to..Byron..strget- under Preliminary Order.......1328:................................. approved-..QntQb.e;r 20..... ..........:..:.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissionep of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is . hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `!. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....:.:.............................................. Re construct,,.;_rel.ay,, and repair:.with..cernent.. t.i.)- , tq..,,a...vyx.d.t�7,.-.al.--si�c..Leet. the._ present _ c ement_ t it esidelvalk on._t.he sotttth_s.i_de- p.f West.:..Qant-r-....-._ avenue. _beginni.na at._Catnedrel.P'ace_.thence east 15Z-fe,et..... t.he:rl.Ge. beginning _.36 f..eet...fart.her_...eP,st.....t.o._3yron...street.,.. __..._ ................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0 .0.6...per-square foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the. ..7th ... . .........(fay of ------ i+4Y........... .... _........ 101.7_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the ' Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mannerprovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imprnveme$t; and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted hy- the Council i 1 (_ Approved.......................AR i 0 I9I Z 141...._... _. _ ...` ..... i t ryv2jerlc Mayor.. . Council an Farnsworth Council nin doss Council ian Hyland Council ian Keller (� Council ian McColl - Councih an Wunderlich Mayor vin Form B. S. S-6 C F. Ho, i6S43—Br naworLlST.' in the'Matt,r or construe n M1 centeatl . Zttleatdewall� to a :width of aft'"Ilii; .. :an the soutll. atdo of ;poodrunder-, - d from Sue.-St to Prior AV gam. from nt8t7.Order GOUNCI' FILE NO ... By../ C!1il tltml'( ......... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofa....cement .-:t.alk ..t11...a.....wi.dth...o.f...six ::-,• _fest...ora... the ....s.oAt.h.:.ald-e..of._G.00.dz cx--ay.entre.:.fxom.sue..atrse.t..;tn..:Prior---- apenue,.. _- .......:_ . ..... .........:. :..... ........................ under Preliminary Order.......a.4�1's1 ....... .......::..approved ....Febxuary....19.,...151.7........_................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said, improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............................................::.......... Gons.tract.:. a...c,emgnt---,t.i1.e.-.s,ia•etY.a.� .:.to...a..+i.d.t.ka...Rf...aix...feet ...o.a...the...s.o.uth_ _.S.ide._of, G.o.odrich..avenue..-from. Sue: .stre.e.t.. tO:.P.Tio.ir....ov.en.41e,......, ._......__.....:.:.._...:........................:...._........................ .............. _. _......... ...... ........_......_.................. ....-._............ . . J with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0.66..p.er. lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the...__ .._.7th .... -....... ._day of �aY...... ........... 191 .7.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Haft Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in,tbe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated 0 ) : - 1t!1 Id: i l /7 .Adopted by the Council_ .......... ..... _ _..-.. 191. 7 ..,.....- /. .. .. Approved .........Mi.. 3 n..� 17....... ; 191......- r ` City Clerk_i . ......... ......... ........ ........ . 'Ala or Council an Farnsworth Council an floss Councilrilan.Hyland mt Councilan Keller Councilmlln Alecoll Councihun Wunderlich Mayor Ir 'n Form B. S. A. in tha Mattev ot. iecone tBA�eat�tllat i.8'-and roDalclnl� sai, -r ;a. ;p vW ldLA- of - el>< feet -Cha PrOdent-; Dement tnegidewatk eide Of'Vri1Yat81t RamPden twee. x' - at.;t¢ a in.. COUNCISFiLE NO ............................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..-. Reconat_ructigg, relaYing:--aid-_rip-p-j.xit-_tYi.tk1..�PiAext.t--t-i_lE to a width of six feet, the present cement the sidewalk on-:the--Horth - ......... ......... ...... side .of.--University avenue. beginr.in -.at .Hampder..avenu...,, thence asst--;-.-----. between-;,Hampden_ avenue and La Salle street to-..a--point.._where_-present-_---;-, walk.-is..-in goo-d..repair...an:d..IAYs.:.:at. .-pro.P.e.r..ain.e.::-axed... gra.de.........-- ............................. _..-.. under Preliminary Order --.....UN 5-....... .. approved Q.otob.er....2.Q.,....� �.1�. The Couneil of the City of St._Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ .'...... ..... ....... ................. _.-$ecoratrugt, ,relay---and-repair-.v-rith..-c.oment-..tjie:..to.-.a.--Width ...of..:-six...f.eat,. the _present ._cenient,_tiie.:sidswalk. o.n..t? e._z1.o.rth.si.de._0-f...Uniser.sit'V avenue I beg nning.at,_ Harrpden avenue, thence. ^est betv'Q-an._?lamp.Si'n.--avenue..-and.... La Salle street to a point where-present walk Asin good---repair__and-:_ lays- at propgr'.l,ine..and...grade......_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s., 0•��.._R-ey. square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the - _7ah......... ......:.:.day of 'day .-.. .:... _...- , 191 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \1-, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Colissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating nmating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated- _'7 Adopted by the Council._.. MAR 30 131' { Approved_....... 191 CltvCler)'� ............ _ .... Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth — Councilm n (loss Councilm Hyland % Councilm Beller Councilm n McColl Councilmn Wunderlich I Alayor I in Form B. S.: A. 8 -6 1 a C. .ii' KO•16646 Bl � a84a�gg p°�jTisDvrY / �/ � ., Ave. Srom $t. An r y'. • / f Ave sieo alley 1nnlock Br L6e�rrtatna'� t ./ _. 6th Addltinn,'n'ndak preiimtb �� nr", - I J der 6049 aDVrOved b1nY -'.. . / f C" .a oY Sha Clty - _ f ,9 Dsvrns'rpglvea tht:-1'e➢nr 11� __ COURO FILE 140.....,. ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Grading;_ P i l l eb ury.-.avenue.._from__- t_ t_.. Ant�sgaly..... se . _ .ta... _......._ _Cleore._avenue;._.also'alley_.in Block 2,,. errs m!s nth_.(Iddit ....................... .. ....... . F049.... ....... approved... May 22,-_ 1915._ .... under Preliminary Order ........ ' The: Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement .which the Council recommends is.....:. Grade:Pill.eb.ury .avenue_..frpn St:....Antl�9.ny... v.entre...t-o...C1.ea.r&..avenue:.........:..: als.o...alley...in_Block .2,...Merriaml.,o...5th. Addit.�on� ..:............................. with no alternatives, and that the.estimated cost thereof is.fz5.6..Q4...:::..:__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _-.4th..... ..... .... day of ES3y 191 7-., at the hour of 10 orelock A. V[., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall iinildin ill the City of St. Paul. That the Cornmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the and place ofhear- of the nature of the improvement, trod the total cost thereof ase'mated. —? Adopted by the (•ouucil IAR �11 ICtvCerk Approved. ....O i . .:....... ...._ 1_....-. . 191....... Counean Farnsworth Coun (1'.. Goss _ - Coun ilman Hyland 7=1J711711 Coun •baso Keller. Coun loran McColl (.'ounc man Wunderlieh Mayor Irvin Form B. S. 8.6 in the Nntier °t aondeth inK ase An emeH '= ears tor. PlilsburY in Bn >: grad1n6" Anthonl"",'Aye. tr cCiea r.w _, - ¢Ucy In :Blom— arrtdn. pcco- �..p n .. COUNCIL TILE NO .................. / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.:...C.O.t?C�.eAlX1.1X1t3--a-r1d t..?.Il�_an...ga•.(.�111 I:1t ..J.S1....1 k1.P..1..1S1S1...I1�CB.� i1y An:thong._avenue.._to_alley...in_ B1o.ck...2,..swer.riam!s...5th.. Additon, .:eco:rdi-n,,to- tae...plan hereto attached and made -,.-part =nereo-f, tne. nat-ched..po.roan..s2otvi�.7..t:ne.:.c.uts..and..: the ..s?�aded..por-t.i.o.n...tha_.f-ills, ............. a roved Q.ctober ..1..r... 19 L5. e..- ; under Preliminary Order ........�.2� 7,2... ......... pp ' TieCouncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having_ considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That'the said report be and'the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:.-_Q.ond.6mn..- and._take...., .an easement. .in. _the.Xand.ne.ceaa.ary—f¢r...al.Qpes.,.... fo.r....cut_s...and...fills ...in..... grading Pillsbury avenue from St Antnony, avenue-. to. Cleo? avenue,.._-,- also.alley- ... n.3lock _ 2, :gerriam's 5th ,.Addition., according. t.o---t!�e...PZ9TL. hereto_, attached -and rade,.-a part..here.of,..the.hatched.-porti.gns91?o1Y.717g...... the.. cuts and-.t�e,shed,ed port.ion..the.fills,_-,. ................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ !QQ :Q.o..-....... Resolved Farther; That a public hearing be had on said impfovemtmt on the ...........day of l ay ... 191_ T. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the. Charter, stating the time and place of hear- jug, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimate-d. I. ia�t :1t1 1311 /� Adopted by the Council.._. _... _ ..... 191...., w �v - 2 �7 MiH� (tvCler Approved t... ... 141........ 1 ........... f� _. --Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth Councilm n Coss Councilm Hyland Councilm Keller Councilm McColl C-'onucilrnah Wunderlich Mayor Iry n Form B.. S. -6 Petition Council File No....:; t'rE1. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 0 PRELIMINARY ORDER r} rnsererter cmr crLubli fm ro went by tGe :City of The undersigned hereby prof + p i! C F No,. 166ii 4 >wherena �1 rvr 411, . ""i M ..D=_ ;&P �t tR.A OXi,I7$' .011 _t .i th�maktnq of^t'¢b S }t St. Paul viz.:... axtg. ng it chap,_ fia� v a "hereto attach and de Ave. to conform to th�os cha�t��n X30 / d trkofll a-.- art .hereof the .pra;;P°e a kas'a9�aada� MerA t-- the -h7 ile...Zit+a_iher n, also p a'" nems �h°`°l''°7 reeeid /limit,I lY} ao ordanee the grading of said Ltiha mac tu+es ,'ate° La �a d -$t. r cera iatoalCarntee -Et}eo-•*.fie i$g ©€ with --the eai@ red }int data natter tTM aS aaLaoi± 'de hereof - so £rom Griggs St. to Dul. r '�^ wt l� 1e resent iaheci gra........---------- ,from .......................Fnding' or fond P .. ,r ._.... _. .,� irede 'f, Dated this. :.,31flt... of ...............$ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Changing... the....grede _Q .._iia.;C.g' ,S1....S.G,_.ir9.u►._Datnlap... ..._ta...Zesi gtnn...A¢e...._ta conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part harea%T...the...pr-esent. grado;--•bei,-ng.:.chow-by-th.e. b3.-ite--1-i-ne-th-ereert -al-ea--the grading of said Lafond St. between the aforesaid limits in accordance with the- eai-d-re-d-eine whata ......atuo from Griggs St: to Dunlap St._to the present established-grede_.thereo. baring been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ._ ............ ....... .... ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all oft forek6ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council... ... ... .........191..... Yeas: _ ayS: Councilman Far Gos worth Approved .......... ........ 191 ......... /Hy nd(/� l/ Ke er i V1 derlich hlnyor. Mayor Ir n Council `File No,_:...- . PROPOSAL�FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDh sh_ t .b the City: of. The undersigned hereby An�Jng Public rmproveten y g y P� s n 757 f F/..ndemminmakin6 Dr tfib rgtl6Vvin6 iIDD[oIIalpentlt tie :�a3dd _)Ie.C.@89Sr�:.ior . ... vla. CCOEdon}fsth6 ana Laktn6 ane e� f' 1 $t. Pahl; viz.:. ..... ,Haunt in the land noDDatlsrY Sor;lD . ,• , . „ «__..... e.,n nne tn'ttradln6 »o.. s.__n . o+ •P..nin T.a�i TlLtidn�e.a...t0 .,GTiggs 5t __ .. .. Poki1C �Wotk0 an6 hs'la hbra n/ x.r ---- -7 J .. . 7( /. 19 Dated this ...: 3181 Y :..........111= 1....... ' ( Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning.._an3__takiri .._BSI._.eIIO-Q.Mexl..t....1n...the..land...nenas8ary-.inx--slo}�esy._:.�or auta and. -_fills_ in g -•Ase....-to--Griggs...S -... _. r e�d....afQn�1...S a...3xnm..,Ze�in tnn .................. hay mg been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. mation relative to said improvement;....._ ........:....... 4. To furnish the following other data and infor 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition n of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f e omatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council... ..................... ..""'191 `..` y )Nays; Yeas: Councilman Farnworth Approved ................_... 191 ....:_.. ................................. fGus ,Hyh ad ' Kell r/ Wunderlich .--.. Mayor. Mayor Irvi E, G. x3 Iy T. — . Couucl[Fi1e No..................... ..Wherews -A vrrltten ➢�nn�proven3antS - - mnti3n6�ot the io}IuwlnB nnd. . a viz Rceonx�fletto'nawidth AE:! 4 - ' wlth cement - Pt H9 cafn?}p i ttt0 sldowallcl oh'. - etch :at-ani}S1d� ,,Avd. .. ttc :X - hyniis�n *esti �zaaan}� �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. ` The undersigned hereby proposes the making .of th low B public improvorfi by the Cjty of St. Paul, viz.:...:bco.Its.txuc.t.,...r.ela�.-.8n.d...r a4r..... th...aemen ..._tile,-to....a ,»Idrzh _ 3 y. y y, ..R..... - e_is firk�@:.Q_emetnte..._"11.0::s.L16 1k b-pS I ning _e.t....A1fa raktall...Ave .. eza0-0 .-:.a a .h...34_.: at _ 7 --.--------- - _ . _.— 31st.,,-da mieroh .....:. 1 Dated this ............... Y i, 1.1 1" _ .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: r.elan-.ansl...repair..._v�iih.._AAmATt.---tile. a ..a..W"dth_OX :...six.t ...�ee, 1138_._vaznextt.....t.il.e..:sictec�alk....nn.._t.Yte.:_etast._side._n3...8nalling-..AVe-- beginning--at. .._............... ... unci] of the City of St. Paul by Councilman having been presented to the Co therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilityof the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement .... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 511 •.1�J1. Adopted by the council .... ......_. Nays:. Yeas: Councilman Farn orth Approved. .............._ ........ ......... 1�J1.......... Gos Hyl d Kel r N derlich..........._....._. ..._.._. Mayor, Mayor Ir t�n bio us4a — �x Council File No _ �'R hdrpei(A �rlttnn��ro�r� - mnkina ai iT<e Eonnq±ln ,��� tiia Gangtrock Celriy}tli - to a .tvidrh or ,t7r„ fon ygk) t1cY5eetae`eldT- CoM :&- k'hhlarl, Avb Iri'adt Raelllrq: - 4 W�a1n#na Ave. fiu +SC N�Pen •� � � . PRELIM7ofthe RDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makinfollowing -pnbl improvement by the City of St. Paul viz.:...:_...onatrunt..:.n.a>;tent....te...,aidawmnw....,t�a�aet....nn., hath. -..s.ides :.03-..-5.'GTAnfBc Phala7l�i .Ava..,_�mul--.5ning.-axe.,-.atq] _17a sszcstxarza.e-._�vi�ia .p.etiiQn to ._. -at. erL— s...... — .—....... .-................. - ..-- _....._....... _ . _ Dated this..........._318$-duof... ...........arch ........ 191 (/ 7 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: e.trt....Qn.:bQth.... ?line ..:.dpe.4..-..-....... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............... ................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the..Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and. directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_.... ......... __-...... 5. To state whether or not said Improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........................................ 4'191_ Yens: Nays: Conn man Fa sworth ! i11 I G s Approved_ ....._....... ............... V.derrich V _.............. ..........._......�..... ................ ........ Mayor Mayor. 7-7 �oaM de.e. PUSLISIIED_. ai L Petition ' sgst p Council File No............ - •.0 tSMbEena� A T�Yttterj�rOlmPYo9eufyn°he� eru4tinst;b eeWBre �tppA�y."';+' n yO 7,atsaln6 $i6Wc-4Y' PR oi' trem 2iAtAk $t � � a89 t At w4ac ate;. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foljowing public, improy6ment by the City of St. Paul. viz.: o I+ ?�.�. i�g...S �.�.:.._�iaia �.� z> ... t...:..�x.9 a ..10.int a.--�oint_18o .e..at. way.t...a - aisl e-..gxs :._Zeffere.un AYa..-X"M.A.:..t t— . Dated Councilman. — PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the.following improvement, viz.: Const uotr�ng,._Hays.em&_..oxx_.Al,bert....St.....3r.Dm-.Sul.iat_atm..-..ta.._7 aing...St._;._...---- 7 ns.iaag..Staaat....Di.._Paacal.:A4e......to...-a--Paint-1H:Q...feet -east.:Df...._ Paao.7...�Ye, t.o._e..F.G:zt...1.6.Q_.:�eet....n¢est._o.3....Hamline. g,te....... ............::._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...............................:.................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner bf Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed- . 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate thenature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile br sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information. relative to said improvement; ._.............. ...... :...... ....... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ►t �i 191 Adopted by the council....... ._._..� w _............... Yens: Nays: Councilman Far worth rth Go Approved........ i ....-... ! I t I ........ ::... Inil eKr 191.::....... \t nderlich U_ ......... ........................................ . ........ Mayor I in Mayor. �"a6TK-al bt' N t�q.i-4 CITY O F ST. P A U4- teSi vab., sshattha Caniiail haraDj colour. Ls tiiezzecohlmand6tioa of the - canireho commiitAa au Iti♦tdbY I L RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM gWxrdp thk contraoP {az thqdgnntruoe`' an: ¢,{ o eaw8}i ate AllfurY Ave from , Edmund St, to a'nofnt 40 ScA4 $oatFi of _ t„ Subtha'Aaath i as uf-Thamus St, to CttrA§t loiaiH+sn ho '$ iha lowabt Feagon;_ Fo Encu N O.. +'J' ailela, Ltddar Car !the lub!U 'enm. f)rlae+ ..- . - bld,..of S99Au 0 ,pugttta✓3r'sii Eattatgto. - ._.. _ ._..... .. - . baln39-Sf97 a0. F-'73 No .1980 :.,Adopti•d by thcCbienCit Mch $1 LB17.!.. _ tAfl*u 19x7) Date Presented March -•31at--17 191. Resolved, Thei>e Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of ton, ract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Asbury Ave.'from Edmund St. to a point 60 feet south of the south line.of Thomas St to Christ Johnson, he 'being the lowestresponsible bidder for the lump sum price bid of $396.20. Lngineerts Esti- mate being $437.00. F.B. #1200. n r- `, PP 91917 i Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays 71n Adopted by the Council 191 Far worth ' Goss favor - r Hyl d _ J .Approved U ,t 191 Kell r ' Mc 11 Againsdt 4 Wu derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin - mwvoR FORM.. C.8.3 `. rUBLISHi:D f4 does ... F 'fru r��a58 { h ^ �u,t¢tt hereby CITY O F ST- F 'AUL _ pesgtva{t 7'ttM endetwn;of the t1 a eytry tR the ge¢on ,,1. and 'nerabYNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o�,tr „t L+nmmttt�a r, tltn COnstidC' ftwAt of the o4niraci-fA dve frgm _ �� �1° r OtriF aualaet xo6tn of ,, . ��tty� to aP, _. _. ta. IISjo iIM 6jb'br ,hk Lar, -. - .- Tn71ot lv¢ a sTble p[ fM F - council N LE (nK tits rloW�emt yti 6�1� ;86468 �, O flnartnej283flstlmate baing "�dbRt4dtf>r'tho i°Dgncll A3¢h 5t 1934. ADPrDeV 4�nD„11.7+18171 - Dates Presented 315t— 17 191.:..' R solved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the, contract for the construction of,a server on Pascal Ave. from Hewitt uth of Taylor Ave., to E. T. Ave. to a point 30 feet so Webster, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the lump sum price bid of $582.00. Engineer's Estimate being $660.00. F.B. #1201. rn n77i ' l APR - 9 1917 cz Yeas (✓) Co ncihnen.(✓) Nays 191 F nsworth Adopted by the Council A n _ G ss In favor 1 19 land Approved 191......._ Iler Coll Against I / nderlich MAVOR Mr. Preside t, Irvin 1'UI3L.ISHED W 3 864 t r CITY OF'ST. PAUL' tunasa to dci �T"°'n u°T"rY pa+u ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT +( Yh he a! ff beglfle}f LaFld. 8a3. _ in rT f -this p M 6 •bTipfl F t ry - � �` `,� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM eoE th 1 1 tni� detvtiea :tflfe e f UNCIL FILE - f# 1 A htan R C4tnpii rf a, '••.. No.__—..�__ 1917 9Y__ , AUDITED - .. -. 689 L Resolved that warrants or drawn upon the City TreasuTY, `payable out If the hereinafter specified funds and in fa�irof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite.their, respective. names as specified detailed statement: Yeas (v) Cou "ilmen P Sed in the following (J) Nays ' Adopted by the: Council 4 �P d" Far worth — Go AY. nd _ .__ In favor - Approve'_ . Ke r ;d WW erlich —Against , Mr. President, MAYOR. r 23592 n. A. Ashton & Company, Fire Expense. 6.75 593 Auto Engine Works, Municipal Garage Rev. 3.60 594 Geo. Benz &-Son, Police Expense. 350.00 595 W. F.$uth & Company, Comptroller Expense. 4.95 596 Central Garage S.,& S Cing. Expense. 347.25 597 Crane & Ordway, Water Expense. 490.00 598 L. F. Dow Company Comptroller Expe1aa5 Misc. stats �� ., 1 a.. 1 589„ Electric Mnfg. Company, Municipal Garage Rev. 2.22 600 Fisk Rubber Company, Municipal Garage. 47.25 601 Gray Motor Company, S. & S. Cing'Expense. 268.01 602 Independent Oil Company, Municipal Garage Rev. 17.32 603 Maendler Brothers, Mun. Garage Rev. 5.64- 604 Motorcycle Accessory Company, Mun. Garage Rev. 35..52 605 Northern rormA. 6.16 Coal & Dock Company, 1,374.27 CITY OF ST. PAUL .. y G ryAafre4 thIIC INaTranta - hr CitTut . upon aps cACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT th bN`attar,� arpord s'nnammoen,t» Yat or of th _ COUNCIL. aasn�7aPie.4p1p6peodsttIne-' .10'W 'the NO._- i.ro+s statement AUDITED C LAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM FILE tta fallotnS`datailed S. A:, Farnsworth Cam'r. P7nanae; L ;8$9.17.. . .. \:'rlrnswortA Comt'tiB ao •- /.. T11, - . �dg�nrd tha Council Dielii 81 IBIY., ;, - Hch. 8t i9iY. i BY__.. .. . Ap`pto�ai9 rif 7-1411- .n. ,o lAp ) 191__. .._ .�..a-.rI A. PE TITLC 690 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified.funds and . in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statemint: Yeas ( v) Coi ic ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 1", 1'91— _ Pa sworth /// Go s Hy nd ----In favor Hy Approved - -191— —191—(,�t Ke er i- MAYOR - ]' _—Against - Wu derlich Mr. President, vin 13619 Be A. Farnsworth, Com'r..Finance, $288.17 School-Sal. 620 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. 240.00 Armory-Sal. 621 Edward Yanish- 130.00 Interest 658.17 i FA. 0.;6 bili 3'pat 4tpe =k'arall#a1nR' it$bit bo and ,na to herPbY'uipbalaad CITY O F 57- PAUL ( sa ouYel daa vrltb t}�e poop.ea 5t ql. Qgmti[rNlej ihrad huPts2t �tart.GENERAL FOR M arPlr L RESOLUTION— ° 6tea6 1'AiWle,-8'Faaertr 8hdetottd iYa; tt. VI eat -9 tisk radars aia tat6S ,.: SLb)aeonaYte•4roraitlittacat8e a•-�,9?twdtt�hopcadaer$Ft+arranF- .... COUNCIL . 1:736 �15 3615 Pev.a8 FILE No.. - s ..... i' ,tie iiafnaa �LhersbY Cbar$d AepU tl, ' _. Publ,lkfi aVltrica=*$2Yad� t.bnAtYU4+ilbn 8F' .. ..... - tl�i�iCtd bl tryk,.�bubalt Adap 8Y3�Yy AS/31/17- pRravgd atrb. a: �stx , a 1191 v)prti x ratx)�, „ Date Presented.. - 40 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he, is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, three '.Austin ., Standard steel Reversible -graders and four Little Western Steel graders at a total cost of $1238.00, without advertise- ment or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be.gained thereby. Charge Dept. of Public Works -Street Construction & Repair•Sxpense. Yeas (✓) CO ncilmen (✓) Naya / I a ti ei %. - � / lF worth (a Adopted by the Council - - - 191 s In favor and` • Approved 'ler -- derlich Against ......... Mwr"o a Mr. Presid rvin 'CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL _VEDIiY) FILE N04_111 .. Date Presented...- .3/31/11 . _ ..1911.:._... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be. and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, three -;Austin Standard Steel Reversible graders ane four Little Western Steel graders at a total cost of $1238.00, without advertise- ment or.00mpetitive bids, as theme 'are .patented articles and no .advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Dept. of Public Works -Street Construction & Repair-Axpense. 001" Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM}C. B -Z - C&RTIIPED A: TO F I DS AVAILABLE 1 COMP(H01 tiR, Adopted by the Council 191 vor - Approved. 191........ inst *. .......MAYOR . CITY OF ST. PAUL . 'GENERAL FORM. ^.m p '6 3wa.�:`F6967 'Bt', N (ioe.,.• N CIL f2 E S O L U T 10 N— _ That, thx• eennntt `I,etob} '. �^ RiFvp9'ty ed dllproWA , e artlen o'f tltq PareNaeing; ... .. COU OIL C.ouo,tla n swatdl»g the �ontrao4sty ' FILE N O.. , tl✓J _ . ±. the , Icecrta b'�ttoer �o, for tlta aaP� - • mate'9i�n14'uL {g .t 66 tar '� Wu- suatduth0 6 699 atles Y Rda .`o! d - ptnn crea.et& *quoad b1oa1C63o ues 5d }tie re'9avt o[ btatt-'nkordata.8t: lr9m aenne, Date Presented. ]aprGSi..31st.. -: Th1M $f ;;to ElKhtb 8f , .teh eP�UtRnauon. au5t ForlaaI std No `, 4196 - tti 9i 2917 + ' 8.191:..,.- he COUne .. �dnptgd b,! - I,! ApptirevBd +lni .1^ 1917 - ,... (ApYll ,721917) _ . the action of the a roves That the Council hereby pp Resolved, in awarding the.contract to the. Purchasing* Committee. sum of $9,446.09, gETTLE RIVER CO. for the approximate 5,699 square yards of 3 1/2" Southern for furnishing wood blocks to be used in the repaving. pine creosote from Third St. to Eighth St., in ac- of Minnesota St- cordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 1199. Yeas U) Cocilmen (✓) Nays / Adopted by the Council . C 191 Far swarth .. Gos U/ In favor Hyl nd . // Approved Kel r J Against �i Wu derlich .......... ..........MAYOR Mr. President Irvin - FORM e.. e•2.. .:... t 'V -'-F Yo 1bA88. ad` ^r'- CITY OF ST. PAUL_ liesolved;;, 1'bat tha yl7pnti't"ahY' - ppp•aveawpfio nellpl{i oC'�ih Y ntrav ;2ESOLUTtON—GENERA(_ FORM • y,o lnittea�;ln aWnrdigg 01, gdriCFnef . . -t Yha Pierce Otl ,4b 9ar&tiOA't�,; tNe, ,. Subject:.xoatowlmafA ro or sgatoFor*tar rL.higll flp:(t'oxl bti,X:, ay+at 3�6- - �� •,.. (�,� +Fh47t <9L?t}]nt t0 o h0 a$e leip'-aeithait COENCIL. N0... _gttb�t (bpn(re duH n,X tyre bap 16 4 in' i aodtdamq. wlfh aiff4tlona � AdovtBd by tha (*agpbfl ➢Ceh 91� Sg17 I �(yptttV0t1. Apt �1 iyi - •,_ • , <+vru s > i�l _ - Date Presented.D&i.rCh, 310t- n7 191.... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to the PIERCE OIL CORPORATION for the approximate sum of $9,840.00, for furnishing.approsimately 60O.tons of Asphalt Cement,, to be used for asphalt street re. pairs during the year 1917, in accordance with•spec_ ifications and Formal Bid No. 1203. Yeas (J) Co ncilmen (✓),Nays a nsworth _ 1. Adopted by the Council, 191 3. In favor ,}d land 191. �I: ler J Approved / Against nd }ich Mr. Preside __ _.._ .._.. . �Vln _ ...... ..... MAYOR FORM C-2 131±4—�i".'1114>t ztie!(+tvyd '�LTIt4L thk att E t141! hof; CITY O F ST. P A u L " tqq iqf oRln pereb4 4s fpeha1 cb ,.fit E, 'tohts_ac,iZurhnthat the •. tobappna roe acttY,,CCU ln�s :Ea Uy ',IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •� -I,g3�i h $ tbN ilhfilEeT6a3' +�'6 _ _ $llb CtE\ Ciertc la'.aRfhr COUNCIL �e'l: tp tooi4o olidh 11 ...... ' i.Pil..rnto UliAtl -t. ..- FILE NO ...... _. .. ��.y xortujreA .l.' .... ............. Date Presented __ Max, 31, 191 7 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or -Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the Bane her@3Dy are granted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue s66h lioenses to said applicant upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT: LOCATION. W. A. Haas, Restaurant, 2754 W.,7th, (1st floor only) Chas, Maselli, Hotel, 444j St: Peter, J. F. Gallagher, Restaurant, 580 Jackson, Moskovit-z Bros. Restaurant, 305 E. 7th, Chas. Callewaert, Hotel, 77 E. 3rd, Peter Folcher, Restaurant, 274 W. 7th, Johnson Bros. Restaurant, 2327 Charles St; R. B. Massey, Restaurant, 20 W. Exchange, M. E. Jennings, Hotel, 473 Wabasha St., Yeas (J) Councilmen (,I) Nays 1`arnaworth Adopted by the Councij ✓Cosa In favor L -Hyland / / . -Keller 0 ApproveLO, � ....191.... _ f/ _McColl � V _Against ,�VunduJinMPresident. inn .... Mwoe _ FORM C. e•2 1 r f. CITY OF ST. PAUL �jlgg, CIL RESOLUTIONtcLIQUOR. LICENSE TRANSFER tot ;1e• b�t0atd r kr 1gtpd` .... --.. _'— t9 �`. x e �' -'- eouwerC 190. t- FILE -- � �1(A 1.94 2ro1*+ meter Masieod 41.1 .. ... � "o^7pbn C rQ6atffp$ 6A� � " 7utnnesetu nc - - A.r3o➢}4 LY ;Ae 4`ouneR; Mch 81 '1917 I - rivtov`�n A to 1 x912. Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to'sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as -indicated -pursuant to applications duly made therefor.. No From (Name and Address) To Name ,and Address) " ---- �7 P ter edison,411 �inreaot0, St. (John G. 00mlina,411 Rinne sofa St. NO .1/ 1 7 Trt --_--_ ___--- No. -- - -- ---- No. --- No No - --- — -- -- — No. ------ -- - No. --- - - No. No No No. ------- - No. -- - - --- ------ --- - , Yeas ( ) Coune men (1) Nays 4arn'oath ,,Goss'' In favor Kelle J G/ e ' Against un ieh Mr. President, n Adopted by the Council y P a 191.....-... x , Approved 191.....-_ .... _.... ....... ._.. -M^cors CITY OF ST. PAUL R 1Eg91at Q df COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE n 1i �o o*ariY?s y4rl-u Yoga _— (nx�i�6it{gnit tldao"rtt xit Ae zlp iF COUNCIL ---No .-- � the ` - FILE *cterk td saUtrit'9t4�:g_gfta __'-_------- F�R,'t,�1_to 1geUh ttic�fl4tng^ at.the load :. .. tai}�Uiao 'Aar t:-ar tpP reu rnau t11trrh mas :e,my 9 tit , Tttr st Date. Presented 1 1DPYoved'AD�I a19Y71 Dt'ph ] 191R.' - • __. RESOLVED, That the application of the jXJ following persons for..a license. to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- speetively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses :to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment.of the'fee required by law. Location. Name of Applicant. 79 W. 7th St. Thomas F. -O' DaY,: --- ------ — -- — Yeas ( ) C U eihnen (r') Nays nsworth In favor ss land ler Coll :1 {;ainst nde i'0i Mr. Preside I rvin . ICITY OF ST. PAUL .COUNCIL RESOLUTI.ON—GENERAL FORM Subject::'. _ couRcu FILE No NO Date Presented . 191 62esolved, That t1le 1101.01 '.icouso homtoforo ioauod to conduct `s Ilotol s1.. :3 .�Q• . � • ' �' `��f" -- IIo surd tho scc;to is horrsby rovotod on the !,roundyep- /v; - Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays LiFarnsworth j Adopted by the Council 191 .moss / In favor Nyland Approved .191'_ fEeller .McColl Against _Wunderlic , Mr. President, m - -- FORM C. e•a - CITY OF,ST. PAUL I �a>t,i?sS COUNCIL. RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM- Subject: cou NCIL FILE. NO.. .. . Date Presented. Resolved, That the Hotel t,icense heretofore issued to. to conduct o. Hotel at.. 3 ............... •••• be trod the same is hereby revoked on the ground that����t t 5�=• Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays Farnsworth Coss �In favor Hyland /, Keller l McColl Against Wunderlich r. President, Irvin FORM C.8.2 I ,i APR 7 151; r91 Adopted by the Council Approved .191 ... .:............ ...... MAYOR ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM SubleCt: COUNCIL • -lll4V FILE NO Date Presented— Resolved, resented Resolved, That the Hotel %icense heretofore issued to •��•. /� �` ""' to oonduct a Hotel :t .:.�G 7. �fr:f "� `"• be and the same is hereby revoked on thee ,,round that. . f I l Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays APR- 7 lyi� 191 Farnsworth .- Adopted by the. Council ►n favor Goss Hyland Approved191 Keller McColl �' Against Wunderlich .. -��� MAYOR Mr President, Irvin R@snlv@d, Thatth4 aPDttontiotl'@f the CITY OF, 5T. PAUL fallowintPig persons fo a Nesn@@,oto ulr}l. at the I@catto s, UNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE - ' �U intoricang, tf4>rors resp�cttY@lY, mdtoa4�d bo .mitt ina 3"0re11Y 0X@ grnntsd p,l'h@Ctiv'� L .. 156(1M) soape, ::authorj a lasutf such licences+ta9n? - _ .. eounclL Na. 1�1 soba"hb thing oi::the' maot-' df She'fCeJ;rv' FILE -.�. v' Date Presented _._1911 application RESOLVED, That the of the following persons for a license to sell intokieating liquors at .the locations re- _ speetively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of . the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. John Pitzl, S E. 4th St. b The innesota Club, 5.1 .Cor [ashir_gt•or_ w 4th St. H. Leon Solorcon, 255 E. 7th Et. Aaronrz, 445 S. Peter St. John Bousquet, 146 So. WabasY_- St. ..John B. Welter, X136 E 7th St. John Brandl, 65 E. 5th St. Patrick J. Griffin, 602 Lafayette -Ave. Priebe ° Hof I fman, 637 E. Llinnehaha Frank A. Rueb, 674 SO- Aabasha,nois kro`rrn as Dbdd Road. Lelia A. "oDonough, 390 Como Ave. . Charles B. Erdel, 1057 Payne Ave. :dart in Zech, 736 Edn.und St. William Schmidt, 1045 Payne', Ave Nelson & Anderson, 990 Payr; Avs. David Grossman, 69 7th St. Frank Posavad, 6C3 C. 7th St. Richard Walgrer., 222 Eagle, St. John A. Unger, 5i; Bale St. Win. i ueller, n19 University Ave. P Henry J. Welsch, 1105 Rice St. Charles A. Stone, 178 E. 8th St. John Jahr, 998 Rice St. Henry Retzinarn, 757 'Yississipr.i St. Fran': Thorne, 4488 St. Peter St. John F. lubesh, 299 W. 7th St. Albert E. Hardy, 93 SO, Wabasha St. . mm +: John Pitzl, 8 E. 4th St. ? * The L rnesota Club, s.1�.Cor hashirgtor_ ,w 4th St. N. Leor. Golorac^., 255 E. 7th St. Aaron rz, 445 S. Peter St. i; John Bausquet, 146 So-. Wabss*4a St. - John B. Welter, X136 E 71h St.. John Brandl, 65 E. 5tr St - t.Patrick;J. Patrick J.Griffin, 602 Lafayette Ave. Priebe & Hoffman, 637 E. Llinnehaha Frank A. Rush, 674 So. Wabasha,Aow known as _ Dbdd Road. Delia A. McDonough, 380 Como Ave. Charles:B. Erdel, 1087 Payne Ave. ?dart in Zech, 736 Edmund St. William Schmidt, 1049 Payne Ave Nelson & Anderson,890 Payne Ave. David Grossman, 69 r. 7th St. Frank Posavad, 603 W. 7th St. Richard Walgren, 222 Eagle St. John A. 'Unger; 599 Dale St. wm Mueller, 619 University Ave. Henry J. Welsch, 1199, Rioe St. Charles A. Stone, 178 E. 8th St. John Jahr, 898 Rice St. Henry Retzmann, 757 ltississippi St. Frank Thome, 448 St. Peter St. John F. Kubesh, 289 W. 7th St. Elbert E. Hardy, 93 So. Wabasha St. Wgilter L. Pendergast, 937 E. 3rd St. Nick P. Bratty, Miohs.ud Bros,'Inc.,* 427 Tfsbasha St. The Hayner Distilling Co. 82-94 E. 5th St." George Capeti, 919 Rice St. John B. Arend, 26 E. 4th St. Jensen & Norris, 90 E. 6th St. Ungaretti & Fabbrini, Anthony Hudalla, Jo::n Ai Fre uth, M iliam R. Taylor, Edmo¢3 J. Sullivan, Yeas (r) Councilmen (;) Bays 1 Farnsworth iifioss` > In favor I✓Hyland / -Keller ff t derlich ' Mr. Presidl4it, Irvin 91 So. Robert St. 10.199 Arcade. St. 207 Bates Ave. 1325x. 4thaeha St. Adopted by the Council 19L ....._ Approved__.� MAYOR ctra taae- '_". petition prbp�a�� "Yor`�khe anattt rty of the so7,rowlntr"tm'&6*atnenkj' Council File NoIn..�-x;, {:,-i;.,., wta. (,rtnxfrt�re n cement xt away - k5t w wtach.Yr offvr ' tM - FAndrann 4t iPm 9iEf nrl�Hlka'¢' t, ,r?atit sa.nnttk. nl. u4vsn� Isatin, pMs [ENT . • --nnntetl to thh. Caunett or�xtfw� PRELIMINARY ORDERr The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owi public improvem, 'by,the tty of St. Paul, viz.:.....�ollw.txua.t ...a....C.e.ment.:.Iile....2 ewal to.....a: T th:. n3 :.six fe....:.on.... hllima sha lSt.:..to: ....Eest. Sesent .:St.i....in ae:o�rs�a e.._vath._Be.t.i ion._he 9.tn.-..atta ad,� ------ r' _......-_....... ----- ....._ _ ....... r - _... .... ....... Dated this...........' 31 e.. dny of .................... _... 91 T,. ji Councilman. PR INARY -ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Cone truc3t..._a-_cement _tile.. _q.;Lo&y pl k.. t q ,--a... .Ulth._.93._.SI.x...feet... on-..t.A.xli...01d ea 9---21andxeatli.:.8_t.-:...fx.om...Ml.nnehahe..... ...... --......... ...... _............. having been presented to the Council of the City. of St. Paul by Councilman. ............:............. ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;-..-...._..._ ............................... . ..... ............................I. ................... .. ........ ......................... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance, Adopted by the council_ _ ................... 191 .......... Yeas:' Nays: Councilman F sworth ✓�, Approved............ R .R...121.1......:.......19t......... nd r er derlich oll Mayo r n Mayor. E. G. Briggs r� kiega�tttew,faflowtnkA�!naa� t .q r� � j/ ne r neconatrGei eetsv ayes das - Council File N�° .....'............. b-itfr�eerq@fit tI1eSo � Widf "'%�Rtxi tT��+hceMent cement t}16 � �p}� R xeetThde .°st, atapt�xt, `;cat+ ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t 4 aoatrt�� sm and - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following lic im ovement by the City.. -.of St. Paul. viz.:........Retrone.trnc:t.,:..ialay...and....r( 3, s¢9 th...a t....t.ile--ta. .zc3 d of si.....set..,....1ha,.�?xesezit...ttsment.:.tile.... ' eriaZk...an._ eaat_..aige--/.off 1]e.... r.- _ -------- Dated this....,.... 3181. �d�ay&XS.k1....... ....... _...:........_......._ - --:._.. ...._.... _�.................... , Council PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ReoonstrAgA.,-_-rQ1.a.Y a..-.vlidth .o.Y._six.:.fe.et., the_...Pre$ent..._aezAent---til>i._.sla:ewalk....on_:_'�he-...east .-.-aisle. of__Vap..a...St._leginning .... -... ---............ ...... __............. ........ _.................... -................... ..... ......... ................ .... .... ............... ..... ............... :............. .................. ................. ... ....-............................................... __......................... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. . _ .........:_............. .... .... .:............. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......._.. .................. .................. ............... .......................... ................ ._._......................................................................._....._....._.........................::-.....__......_................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AF h Adopted. by. the council ........ ................. .......... Yeas: /' Nays Councilman/ Ftyr worth ✓G Approved .......... ... APR. ....`' far — ............. 191 ....._ y nd l oll erlich _ ._._.__._... ......... .... Mayo rvi Mayor. IO... 6-tl A'$"ite+drs In iAa-:relamiri n-}1nyE'srfbY', 'CITY OF ST. PAUL 3��dhtth&oritcxtet,Oe X*1#"hglrab5"10 U N C I L-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'thb 4anstEu _ ., zeeaai �e�at5 l� mi� Ava t%m' ' pflhxfGrlJ syr elf fihr}et':rah,ten 1gglh` the-1'o�fpet ,reg b hs he i courvaL s v�. 1�7pC`ilie�i'irm ahs 17ttce 'bldor $$ 6dQ8 - FILE - N 0..:..� .... tttAptd'� balas^' 6 ._.... .. Fig-�3tk �i$44 I:$6 b0, •: _.. .. _.. 'wTRAtSti•d b1 ttig L"otthal A'txbraydd ARr,, $ 19I7 1 Anr 9 1914 . - - _, Date Presented .M&roh .3lst�':17191._.... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Doswell Ave. from t9,e pre- sent easterly terminus of the sewer west of Raymond ave., thence easterly 110 feet, to Christ rohnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the lump sum price bid of $228.00. Engineer's Estimate being $220.00. F.B. #1204. �nF , 7 PR 91917 Do 0lFhC I,I;_ U /1 11,16 E L Yeas (✓)�O cilmen (✓) Nays Far worth /j�. Adopted by the Council APR 191 ✓Go / In favor qty d AKe Approve ..: _ -_....191.,.._.. I I ✓ _Against /// rlichesi, vin . MAtOq FORM O. 13•2 1 r °pa rrRestRa3 .r! _ t c tq'th the Clti Tran'er>• P-+�°gtsrt'i CITY OF ST. PAUL Ft1° h r theirp;; rfeoteJpttahneas,psnmpo,neo,.>.1t,Ma �ft at¢be igaa°Ipdtrrpp�poQ°, ar7aitnne_ . ' ACCOUNTING - DEPARTMENTttrad[ 0 uii,pr7 ., "..1 t -", �. i_.. •_;_ .. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL tz C -9 fE AUDITED lois BY e --_ — I91__it - 691 PER.._'- Resolved that warrants be dawn upon the City Treasury,payable'out of the hereinafter apecifed funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: . Yeas (J) Co ilmen ( J) Nays^� - n..,�, Adopted by the Counci '{ fi^P F sworth I— G H nd Z__ln favor Approved er L) oll -` Against W derlich MAYOR Mr. President, vin 13622 American Express Company, Library Expense. 1.47 623 American Society of Mech. Engrs. Library New Books. 1.50 624 Frederick H. Baugh, Library New Books. 3.00 625 Bazille & Partridge, Library Expense. 3.20 626 Geo. C Binder, G F -Printed Forms & Blanks. 1.75 627 H. C. Boyeson Company, C. P. W. Gen. Aft. Expense. 21.34 626 Browny Robertson Company, Expense.11.25 Zibrary ' 629 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.P. Ry. 4.63 Library Expense . 4 /i New Books 1; 4 3 630 Arthur H. Clark Company, 5.00 Library New Books, 631 J. J. Connolly, 7.00 Street C &.R Expense, 63E L. F. Dow Company, 1a60 Pars Expense. 633 W. J. Dyer & Bros., 3,a5 Library New Books 634 Electric Blue 'Print Company, 2267 School Expense Park Const. Phal. B F- A. c-ic 691 Page #2• t30 081 Faraell, Oymun Birk & censeny,' Exp 13635 S . S. Cing. • . 6.00; 636- Feature Film Company. Expense Playgrounds Exp. .5.00` , -1637C. 4 W. W. Hawley, P. Works Expense. 65.95 63d A. C. Jefferson, Expense, Street C & R. Exp 9045 - 639 Dr. Joimston, Librarian Library Expense. 6.00 640 Jos. Soskie, Expense Library Ex P a: 29.84 641 Keary, Stuart Company. Library New Books. 97,50. 648 'd' Bureau, Library Expense. Library ., .. 153.50 643+. A . C. McClurg ComTany9 Library New Books. 34.65 644 cCrary New BookCompany' M'oGraw-Hill Mill , Library 13340 645 Marlowe Military Band F Municipag Con. G. 3.00 646 Mining World Comppany, NeW Books. Library 234.00. 647 E. A•,Moeller, Library EsPense. ' 8.00 648 New York Times Expense. Library3.86 649 Otis Elevator Comppnse Library 162.50 -'`.Tracy Printing Company, 650 Perkizss Library Expense. ....10.57_ 651 Rend, McNally Company, Library New Books. 652 G. F• Reifsneider, Books. Library 12.80, 653 C. V. Ritter, New Books. Library 157.50'` Builders Material Company' 654 St.Yaul Bridge Bldg. 24.10 655" G. Schirmer, lno. Library New Books. 15.05 656 656' Schultes Book Store Library ' 28.75 657 5 J. L. hiely gompany, Parks Expense. 691 Page#3. 13658 Standard 'Oil Company, 6.00 Street C & R. Expense. •-659 G. E. Stechert Company, Library -Expense. 1. a NBooks 7 . 660 Victor Animatograph Company, 48.30 Library Expense:' 661 Webb Publishing Company, 10.16 Library New Books. 662 H. E. Wedelstaedt Company, 1.50 Library Expense. 663 Western Supp17 company, School C & B (McClellan) 664 Willard Company, 1.61 v Library Expense. 665 Zimmerman Brothers 5.57 Library Expense. A �f J CITY OF 8T. PAUL _ o �.e Tteflotvedat warrants be:Flrnwn- a .. uton;he,City 2reandry yaynble out of the 6erdln4fter !odds ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT R ala aDctflod and,in ' daYor of the pereonp, 8lma.gr corpora-COUNCIL 'crone tortho'athounte aebollUoaixa theh AUDITED. CLAIMS—RESOLUTION "dames ARM tr FILE til O �� N - € •PrsnertiVy. oa epee @d _Ih, the . laliop•tdg.detaiied-etatdmenY:, :, r Petition. n y�¢pr3tt�a rorn Council. File No ... (....}... d Nh$ ea8 ]he ro17v`ttin� �� �VIiFQ akin�eErvat< 9: -CAndp tiCA:R a � ,E+�a1 g�f�mronT�6Avw bntuinaR,,�rib�t:;'EMENT 'AELIMINARY ORDER. r% The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fond mg blic :improvement by .the City St. Paul, viz.::......:.C.ons.txnat...a...o.e ut....tilE�?a$ezza] k o....a. >zidth ..ai--ix.:.feEi :.on. - ;r iha.:..nartl> .sifie .4 ...Fa xrdo Y- A-V.e.,,....ita ..ean.-�l talanri.VlAY.s. ah{d-- -- ---_�_„otik1nn hei!et4-et SQ1L8 *------.._.: _. - -. , ..z. . ........... ...r ........... . -------- . ........ ....... . .. .......... ...._- .......... 1 Dated this .......3�a ... _...day of. ........�1,E�............ _ ...... :........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....Qme�.t...:tia..e....s.ifze�alk__ .�.a.._Tri..slth....oP:._sis._Y.e.at...:nn....the::._ ........ ._........ nox.ik1,----aid a-. Qi.:..E83xX0.QSIII AYe... b8_tFtesl2..s'] 9..Y.a] ansi.64e..-:.:93id�Piri11.:AYs• ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_ ............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ all `17.......... _.191 ........ Yeas: Nays: j CouncilmanJFrth Qhs 17 191......... Approved..............._.. rlich ........yor. Mayo �OPM O 0�0 ' ,Petition} r Council File No........,.. ICL,rsd rssr2= OPOSAL Wherea'e �, wrtttatu,Ur0 FOR IMPROVEMENT- .. tnaklh¢ O�CtrthecfOUow[nS " iu ,,'aIBtNot�Bt .fit on `tS of o lyeanx• 8t S�ttaoen Aroadb- and - T et' -St. hav dfi haea soot A Oodncu oX the city ot° sr Raat thara< .PRELIMINARY ORDER ""- ublic tf rove nt y th 'Ct of to oses the making of th folio tng. P P tjt The undersigned hereby p P k to . .. Qs_.. e St.Paul,viz.: CaxstxQ t a asid. .e .._oi.etYreen .. ano.je_�tiO.CL b x. a-raad�er . tst�D.a<sC. __..a r _ .— . .. ....... -. ri ...... .. . f..... - Dated this:.... ra..:. y of:.:......... �i,P.... _ C�ncdman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ., WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. ..................... Constx'u4t ...a..._4.at�ex�.�.. t�..]..e...a�.d.a���]..k_tn._a...r+irlth::_o�.. ...oxi..hath...airlea:._af...Ilarmy-..81--�tat�¢esa.3raada_SG.....axid Z-0rerat 5t. .. ---_.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub>'tc works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ....... ..:.................._............... .......... .. .. tition of three or more owners: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .... ..... AQp"""' Nays: Yens: Councilman Fa worth Approved ............. ...._�.Ii 1tJ1........: Go H nd K r _. . ___ .._..... . . ........ derlich Mayor. Mayor Ir i �' F u SY@. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - B 'i�Exh Y"t k-0levaldttd . - - Ya °ad-bh Yjj& Y� rade tlne - — +tiv�k o N, cic�A ae and .COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM o i� 44 Aad"am6 pCt19 fee �B ie,; 7 ifiC*d%id ha: e<ri tha h7labed ;. ...... _ _ a lift{�Xj�g�ted d� aha 8fltd _ COUNCIL No.. +. AV�Ij 0 l� �$t7i Date Presented April 3j, l9� 7:• l J Resolved, Than the grade of Dudley Ave. from Chelmsford St. to Cleveland Ave., as sho;gn by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 17orks, be and the,>eame is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays A� r . 1417 . (/ 191 Fa sworth Adopted by the Council . v.G s _. In favor Fi and Approv 191 (J er " `. Against W erlich _.. _. MAYOR Mr. Presid Irvin FORM. C. 8.2 [7$L15ti�"il _ 693 Paget," 13681 Griggs Cooper & Company, Auditorium 1.80 . Expense. 682 Hammond Typewriter Company, 109.00 P. Library Expense. 683 Mrs. J. 0. Jones, 19.50A P. Library Expense.` 684 A. Knobelf 19.30 Water Ex!Pense. z 685 Lehigh Coal Company, 1,395.36 Water Expense'. 686 Maendler bros., 6.73 Paving Depr. _: o 687 - Mahle Wagon Company, 9.35 Water Expense. 688 Manhattan Oil.Company, 165.90 Water Expense. 689 A: F. Morton, Auditorium Expense .9 67.15 n Salarie b 690 National Lead Company, 479.06 Water Expense. 691 Normal Instructor, .20 P. Library Expense. 692 Northwestern Stamp Works," P. Library N"Books 1.35 Water: Expense 1.00 n n .60 2.95 693 H. Peltz & Son, 29.00 Gen. Prtd. Forms & Blanks.. 694 Quayle & Kelley, 9.18 Water Expense. 695 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 12.00 Water Expense. 696 John Rogers, Jr., 17.37 Water Expense. 697 Russell Grader Company, 6.67 Pay. Depr. 698 St.Paul Electric, Company, 2.35 Auditorium Fxrwnse, 699 St.Paul Foundry, 109.00 Water Expense. 700 St.Paul Tent & Awning, 33.32 Paving r Depr." 701 Scheffer & Rossum Company, 14.70 Water Expense. 702 Standard Oil Company, 24.24 Water Expense. - ln'.:}itC maCter-_ot Sboetrdo'ttn�, a:�vrgn I Ra ilk o� eu�uth }' narot a VQrj' Cx e K �41dt W' lurtb. of , 613*' ref �iirtdls+Csta kld st sn n t ve sNra'p�' v to a .y�j It �.:ppf �oESYkuYA���ggnif .. I f iA 78 nottH of bCbtlf tte,�ttd�Ptl4 , LDr. hna on a QCs. $trh f � drodufe� 'ffom-�8ttfnhhaai[, { rt"i1Vd' to W4•dotlg4od 7�Vl0 under Ptd«' - +�1thlinsry,coydeC f(r ST7 gCteul Order - 18440 U.PPtbY�b19 -SIG lan8ADe0111ei1- ) esoty a,rTt�st 140 D - jjQ and. aftyn0�tee bu4Ybi[rpd 4Y tbe- b1 P'P+To ka dor tHe' CottCmtvslor�� af,d'>!, � �g6bVe numad-tm4�7o 'a4L ys nnd,l4q' �y �Ad."=U m bir.by, sPproved. 4Y Yl a G`GunC11 APArnvod.:A C 8 71 ;(�prlf 7:1 1tL CITY OF ST. ]AUL COUNCIL RKSOLTTL1011: ¢ In the matter of _ _. _ — — — . — — — — — — — oonstruoting a sewer on Brimhall' Apt. 751 north of north line f South line of Jefferson Ave. to a p Ave. from pt.. 751 south of Randolph St.; on east side of o a a point 75' north of north of south line of Jefferson Ave. to P line of Randolph eSt- and on Pala -'3e St- Underwood Avenue - from Palace Street produoe$ from Brimhall A »NF Yom" 1'R `�y �!✓� `Y tSi'sa . ,.r hkp i'3Ytir v a Y" .•:p:_ submi "ted'by� G`o7nmissioner o JorksoY the aY�ove name' improvement be and the same are hereby approved tt1,1 pal r:; in. rr,*;r "rtlrin vjith above heolutf.on • Adopted by the Council IJays Yeas: ( ) ( ) Councilman Far worth Gos Ke r M. 11 R —3 Q17 191 Hyland Appv d • V9underlichoh �• �r — tir.Pres'dent Irvin — — — — Sdayor- xa xss? t�p<shr7mxtkailsaonfroc�spofsR 7� �4�th-at tldv� �lM.a aCz�7,bR0rgR�,�1'� -,Ga 8Ifoint ";T6 pol'th,at` a,}4 h� � _ I& ;;41 fraFa P�"?tS� i 0 u{�gSxoith o nort Ifa9o'fSab �bttHph .AsB aa Straet�, qi 4OQ y+t '�.Atre to U argfl. 9.V- UR Rro '15049�ap`q>(iad A�� 89th! x9iG rder. '$eeatved sTboG tbw tiFene 9Pet1ti1ta One 8nd ,R$,XlmBteR 8uhmtorks •fof th .Commisetanl;r 4: pubilp� Vvv � a6oVe -name iMP>;oveQ e>rdt be and�Gha .-pp." /fin ; CI 7. 1.i1` ST.B u::t; 717(-�?`• `.r (. '.v P. • L .'ln�.-` y la .. .11e_.' 701 r, �[ S ;. crs iji.ognChq. .. F �;f j'L • 6 `if k, 17, u.._ F �-rJ L� i y;ri r .7:'• oz Yt z a f 7 t -,7 I xu :.otro care c I.Y �a,.:.lp 07ytL a� ,cz.� r =. -24 -.aol7..,7. nS APPROVE under Preliminary order. 10 L577 _, Final Order .13040_ _ 7- 1916 MSCLVM, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Publ,io FJorks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved r t c d f j,I papc,r , in ar•F t i; an with above !2 olution Aft '• 41417 191 Adopted by the Council _ _ — — _ — — Nays Yeas: l Councilman Pa -r worth f ... Gos Kel r Mc 11R -3Q17 191 Hyland. Appy w — — — _ Tunderlioh E4r.Pres' dent Ixvin — — — - - - lgyor S i .1va. Prom-.HnBpT * — u rape Tion i°ai - �. t .Beet 2�8t i� �• i �:� Ti56Rige'1,'1(EL:' tLe .pinna 9yeciri "aTl nq'ltpd•,;bt[tnnleb ent bµ"binfltoS by Lhs %ant 4bn{vricC; at �vUlie;. It orkn .n,�$ve., mSWti<i1. im$;even}Ab and athe' _ Alk - ket9e nts #tfj`,¢hVaVnToved. .:.AdAblbd'by fii@ Council APt' 3 1A17. _ APpra¢ed 'APS`• 'd1917 .. - .. CITY OF. ST. PAUL vtiy c a� COUNCIL RESOLUTION April 3rd,_ _ -191. Date Presented - grading Jefferson P.venue-from _ _ In the matter of - - - G_-....r.-.-- '. -1. 1 - _Hamline_Avenu_ to-Edgecumbe Road --- - - - _ - _ - - 15817- Order - - - - - Final Order - - - under Preliminary g 4, September 31st,_ -, 191 . Approved - - - - - - - apeoifications and estimates RESOLVED, That the plane, submitted by the ComTnissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received all papers in connection with above Peso utia 1}\ ........... APp_ 31911 Adopted by the Council - - - Nays Yeas: ) Councilman F sworth Go Hy d 3 1 R _ 191 . Ke er Approved Mc 11 4Vu erlich Mr. Pre ident, vin - Mayor. 1F Not X687-7, r,the m4tCer,;fr� Rrntt�n; i�ttbii*'qtr I •fP�itn OFchntd 4t, is f 4 poftt$erYy', atGe of thn Kgg NQrtfn :FMMatffa $pitvi!ay; •Right bf 1�aR Undex'ti raym3narY 4t- :. ,, ,der 1007#'Finai Oxd n��0 7tp-,` •prav4d dept.'at Itaeb}ved tArnt the jb , npb Y th _ ebh1Y and 1W-.o zSE .V eubmifMd by-thp R� nfndaBlan4r:af �p effia.`,to bee —r thr– - abo�e�nEmed 3inuroVejnent beand'the, - - aAdIt tipk h EC-Uo ed. Adovtad bR;thF CauncCi:APr 1 1037. :dPPwr 1 lies 3 3#1T r.,. 1'^S (npr[I ts3vi' CITY OF ST. PAUL.i COUNCIL RESOLUTION Date Presented - -April 3rd. _ _1917. grading Kilburn Street from Orchard In the matter of--------'- --'' - Street to-the-southerly- line of_the-Northern Pacific Railway Rgbt of Way- -- - - - --- - - ---- under Preliminary Order - 10+634- Final Order - Approved - _September -2let,- - _ _ _1916. RESOLVED, That the plane, specification andestimaates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ied all peperg n r,itti above on. by the Council - - - - - - App- Adopted ���_ Yeas: ( ) ( Nays Councilman Far worth Goo Hyl d Kel r roved A 3 191... Men 1 App - - Wun rlioh- Mr. Prsident, I in - - - - Mayor.- y�WCdn iCroCta aiirTilyt�, .iufyra! � iril�eritr�1.,giPrlHminsryRa "R nvlitr`ea M:�_ �, . alatr"�T836r iY196 ssar� r` a , 4- -IM, � a �nnrifi�:�bb� i?dsbb." gpeei _ _ . ththe tigl(emieal°geY °b�aG`7�c�1°�lCed by'. �p MAm�'rira hereby AP,pr"DVeA.��ba a�ri 1t kdRr°9c8 Xt)t 3,�1819Ci1 r1Vri-,$ 341T.'I r fl.prib 7ii�137h e : ,..' CITY OF ST • PAUL COURCIL RESOLUTION_ In the matter of curbing Aurora_Av—enup_ tet_wo-en, _ Grotto And Avon Streets_ _ _ _ -- — — — -— under Preliminary Order 10_,981 , Final Order 18795 APPROV-D September 31et, 191 .6 . nSOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner -of Public Worlm for the above named improvement be and the 'same are hereby approved on all Papers,ia 1 vv above APO, 331 191 Adopted by the Council _ Yeas:.( l ( ) Nays Councilman Fsworth G s K ler Mc Coll Na. h ApprojfAd A R 3 1917_ 191 Yo r Mr.President Po errs u ^ - — — — —— 19yoi- FC 3` Ttbt-Sb�16Y 8 Tia 'rife m4t,4af or c»tbiti *i�age�.9i .{ . 1wCb,'Affieey Untgt6aq ' '.: tcad (tla»evn 8t Y grbliminnry;' •` YSLdeY 16,348 iAa<il[ Aet -1;;n '07, taP "r VrbyeA,14P9t 2S.G ie• 8 p `trona axnd�rF�lmateb 8pubmlttGdp rs ntbr^ YrAmtnik Ynnrn of.I'Rhll¢'Vt drka lot tha ,pbbYa »nMed I[PArobament b! nnQ t1te! aghys nrawfin oryq 4nnr'av . Adq¢t9d b the ;CouY7c11 APr 3. j1814: . - 5 APPro.Ved.: ADJ 9, 1811 Y.:. „,.CARL1f .T-1817) CITY OF ST,. PAUL i% COTOKCIL RE In In the matter of ` ourbing Amherst Street, both—sides, _ between Cambridge Stt_ee_t and Geneva_ Street under Preliminary Order 10,243 Final Order 12799_ _ APPROVED September 21st, 191 6 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and, estimates submitted by the Commissioner 4f Publ,io Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved Ved tion all Papers itYt t .n ation witrt above Adopted by the council_ APA'':3 99.11 191 Yeas: { ) { ) Tiays Councilman Far sworth Go 7idnt Be er h1c oll. HylandApproIl4r.Pre Irvin [[�� -- — — — —- Biayor, �1 t 'tbv ynatter ot; onrh(nli;%gY6nd @C team snetllpg Avk didew n�fdlnes f3 un 1 Ann ,BrrllmlbnkY�ar 313¢9` Rlpa[; (aMkr Y9797, approved 8epr=LYi lA1G.. .. Y:QndlvedT ThattpQ plane 8pp"��Mfloatlons' and .�t(mktep aubm�ttMbj ihd Commie pinQet':nt pullllQ, orks t!N' thQ abpve ' Q9mad •fmprovemeftt b@ kri$ tbo. aam.v are . .. � ; itereby.;eP oveN. - ;MoRtc�ky ChCi Cot hkll Apr 3 1817 .� ' .tpptpved Ayer 3 i's77 r . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of curbing Lafond Street from Snelliry _ _ Avenue to A_ld_ine Street under Preliminary, Order _11,373_, Final Order _12797_ _ APPROV:IO September 21st,_ — _ 1916 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved q t'cr"'Vr�i1 v�L�n '3tgi� 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) ( ) hays Councilmanorth v �4,Keier 1 yland gp�r�v d191 WunderlioM7.Pre dentIrvin A- r- ------------ COUNCIL FILE NO._____� By - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_.CAYtB1lAtei.138.-.s..8A4�31...:�e.�:�_!9�QPslc._o a.lvdthofwsix_ feet on he�tealL�i�a�Gaultier street betwepp-1karyland street and -Ca rbnn-.st-ee-t,___.-__ t.' P NO 16864— .._..._.....-. dE Iq FFhe 3raftep of conatructiriS;a itle aldewai$ t4 a wSdtH dr tai on the. west skit of'�Sanitier etre betweenafreet mndapiund. nd�}treat end Cetix$ - :13833 BDDToved �...-..-g, tbtb = ....._...:. _...._.._ _...._. oii iH°thary order..— IV932 approved _---... _..... Intermediary A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._ ZQnAtX iG}x..,&--C.ament.:.:.ii.le-1idewBik.to_.er._._. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ti RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby. instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed ` with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AM - Adopted by the Council__ :1917 __ Clerk. APR -31917 V rll. 1 Approved Mayor. Councilman Far worth Gos Ke r mum Mc on Na ) Yo g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. 8-7 {� I tI, 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - .ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i DESCRIPTIONS LOT 'eLoexI - .ADDITION •. ASSESSED , - - VALUATION 5' Dorns Subdivision 1 5 0 g do 5 50 7 do 1 5.0, 6 do 1 5 0:: 5 do 1 5 0 „ 4 do . 1 5 0` 3 do 1,5 0 2, do 1 50' 1 do 2 5 0 1 0 3 5 0' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191:../. U[, GIG?il�GLGr.:.::/..... Dated--- --11 ronM es.w. 6.4 e Commissioner of Finance. - FM zv i COUNCIL FILE NO.-------- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Canal;;ruct!B a�cmant:,,ti�__sdggalk,to_a.wdth ofweix� .1��_4LI.�L4xll...IE31.l�flg.:4� 13�j,mont atree't �5.4ffi_I1�l��C>�x.�..&�S_e��4 �g�,r.L1� �I Ht tl,o.Mattor o L Dbla�ate � ii -der' Prdi! 4t' Y8y a ........._........... ............... ` underPrttiti::na.yonder. Intermediary Order... ....... _. __. _.._._w .__.approved ..:� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is C.BAilrI3li.:.Sa.JE%1S1H8Fd_tiR=�__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare.plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officersarehereby authorized and directed to proceed with the; making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1 Adopted by the Council...._:.__ APP. 3,t917 191 City erk. APR -3 1917 n Approved___.__.._.—._.—...__:.___, 191.-__ Mayor. Councilman F sworth bss ller 7 „ cColl, i jy Mayorwirer Form B.S. A 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE • DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELV, (NARY ORDER Cf In the Matter of ....:..- Constructing.,.a:._cement, tile. @idewalk to.4 AtAth,,.of._six_fe.Qt _.. on-both....aides..._of._Belmo.rlb...St _fr.otn.Delaware..St. to..._Charlton St..._:.. under Preliminary Order approved......_..Nov..emb.er....2.9._.1916. _.......__ ___... ..... .............................. d --To— the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of theassessment for the above improvement is $ ...-..... ----- --•- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is foot, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION iLOT CLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION — 14 Dawsons Rearrangement of 5. 7 5„ 1 iBlock 67 Banning & Oliviers 4:5 5 a,! i iAddition „ 1. 7 Dawsons Rearrangement of I. 6 Block 68 Panning and _ 3 7.0 0„ Aliviers Addition 9 ; 61 Lawton Brothers Addition „ 2 0 5 0' �.8 i6l do r _ _ � ? 2.7 , 1 P R McDonnelis Rearrange-, 3_4 0 0 - ' 12 I ment of Block 62 -- ----- - —i 8 "-- - - TOTAL �— CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT �BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 57' Lawton Brothers Addition 4 0 O. West 50 feet of _ e 57 do 3 0 0' Except West 50 feet 8 57 do 5 5 0 North of 5 Smith & Taylors Subdivision , 1 0 01 4 A 100:1 16 51 , Lawton Brothers Addition 6 7 5- 1 51 do , 3 7 5; r 6 46 do 2 5 7 5j:_. 5'46 do 200' - -- 4 ',46 do 7 0 0:. 3'46: do 7 00 2 46 _ do 20 0. 46 do 200 5 Noltons Rearrangement 4 5 0 i 4 do 2 1-5 0 South 50 feet of 7-8 - 9, ,47 panning and Oliviers 1 2 0, 0 _ South of 10 47 ;Addition tp West St Paul 2 0 0 _ —South of West } of ! 11 47 do 1 O. 0 : _ East of 11 47 do 4 2 5: _12 47`: do 2 1 o Sweetie a Addition y 1 1 0 0 . 1---- "-- - - ---dam' --- -- - -- -- 1 0 0_ _ — _ --- - — -- —3 TOTAL ... CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 IB) ADDITION VALUATION - LOT SLO01t DESCRIPTION 4 1 Sweeney's Addition 1 0 0 5 1 d 1 0 0 ' 6 1 do 1' 6 0 7 1 : do 2 7 5' $ 1 do 1 2;_ do 2 7 5 1'50 2 2 do 5 0 3 .2 ;. do 1 3 5 0 4 2: do do 1 3 5 0 5 2`. do 7 5 6 2' 9 2 5' 7 '. 2 do Rearrangement 1 7 5. 15 E R Bryants 16 of Block 4 of Sweeneys 2 2 5. 7 2 5. 177 Addition 22 5,_ 18 ° do 2 2 5' 191 d0 1 000,. 20 do _ .2 2 5.: 23 do do 400.,.: 1 Wedges xe- 3 2 5 0 1 Mines, and arrangement of Block 3 1 0 0 0 17, 2 0 0 5weeneye Addition 16. 2 0 0 do-- — ------- — "_ TOTAL. CITY OF ST..PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE'S REPORTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,�... _�, <,� ��, ,� ��� t COUNCIL FILE NO._. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_...Gansuuctiu&-&-c.ement.._ti3-8..zid4w lk...t-O..=..� tith u#_.818 _ feet off.._the wet_ed�_of Cretin_avenue from brand avenue to Goodrich gnuand on the ;east side of Cretin avenue from the termination oL th resent paik near GFand _avenueto _Lincoln r';'I+" s No 35886 r l7r,,-n —.- '— rritho Matfor d{'Codsf a'�¢Sm'Bn. - ' HCbtn 6ran6 avenutr lb,LiboQsile dY3- sue......approved-A.UgU21_12�-...1.4a.6a �hi(ginediarYOrder__ _.. _... ::__: ...... _. approved_w...__._._.___—_.------------ A public hearing having. been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council endations relative thereto, and having fully considere having heard all persons, objections and tecommd the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is__..CAn t�T1it<t_A_ •QejLea +•••• •e • - A '�" "' av_gnue to b�odrigh a�g7C►u9,_ an31 tit-saS-4-matin �Y@uA-_ Jfro� the_tgrmination of thg_presg �]C&aT �lu$nd �'��-to•�_ _.__.. _ Lincoln avenue„_„_.,_.,_.._..,.._.......�.._._...._.___._.�...�__� ._.I\ .__�_..___•--.-:__-- I— - and the Council hereby orderssaidimprovement to be made. ; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for. approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 19 Adopted by the Council__....__.._-A?.R_:...� 117—� 191 City rk. V , t Approved__ APR `3 1917 lst_... ---.-_ _. Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth G s Ke ler kUBLISLIEll_�/�/ M4 Col! Nih 1. rg rfv Mayor Po ers Form & S. A. 8-7 j3 CITYOFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINltRY ORDER In the Matter of Con structing.":a cement t.i..l.e sidewalk _t.P:.:a-width o.£..s x._.f.e ....-_......... on,the .._west". side: _of .9Tetin" Ave. from Grand Ave„ to_ Goodrich".,.. and._94 ................ the...ea_et..e:i.de....Ot .CretiA AYQ on:...of...tb,e._._pres.ent".:..:........ stalk near Grand Ave to Lincoln Ave ,. _._._... ...._.._........._. _ _.................. ... ....... ....... ---------- _.............. .._.-.: ..... ......... ............ _.............. ...._..__. ...... ............. ........... _ ........ -_ ------------ ......__...._......._..._._..._......_.... a under Preliminary Order approved ._._.._.. ... ..... _August, 12 ..11916 . . .._ . - _... .. ..:.....: ............ ................................... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.. ........ _................ _...-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 0r 5A"_per._1Aneq foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED VALUATION D ESC!iiPT10N ;LOT HLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION Government Lot 3 in 5 28 Range 23 2,2 0 0' . . i. 0" Summit Wood 3 0 0.0., 46. do 6 5 0.. TOTAL, 5 9 -5_0._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of.the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works . Dated _..._..... IVio B' . .........191.....,1... � _ --- • ..._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL: We. the uadersigrned,' property owners_ living south of Grand Avenue and bet;:08n yin.r.Avenue an respectfully petition your body that a side- . walk be laid from, venue enue on the west side of Cretin Ave.) Grand Avenue to Goodrich also on the e=st side of Cretin Avenue from the termination of the present walk near Grand Avenue to Lincoln Avenue* Address Signed ;1 - of i 119115 -g' i lop- R IM w._ TO THT, COUNCIL OF THE OITy OF ST.PAULi We, the undersigned, property ormcp s -i* vi.nZ south of Grand Avenue and between Finn Avenue and rthe`;River Drive, do hereby C rebp�otfully petition your body tlpat aside -walk be laid from Grz.fld Avenue to G,,odrioh Avenue ooh the ►est side of Cretin Ave., also au the a st aide of Oretic! Avenue from the tornination of the prasent -slk _near GGzand Avenue to Lincoln Adanue. hg --1 A daroae r � 1 k a % —•:=ri••��".zw:,��ir.'frin:JJb";"fL a�tc+-.cv..i»c .-.w3'hc n, s.•w ar»n�.w..ur.ra.,r.aw.:;r' OTf • r+[F1 rv.as�.eri-0�"'w q x ���� ...,nv,a.u...w,u...m.. k ,wucnal-__r.+,'.+ r rhsmJhr.*.cs1YY•S\•aaiiUY w \y. ".•- �' ` •. h �+• .a -------------- COUNCIL FILE NO.-..__.._.�.__-- By 1.60�l �a SSe�TFINAL ORDER. Irt the Butter hE zece�istza¢tt�' a`atsY . . Alri and zepatria"s'1th cetpdrit Atte `ted8 idth of :a s i.t tt�5e-hpi8arerttt l nc �,-.. In the Matter of.:—ReAanstrucL.ing,-..relay_in8...ans> za�a fixing .IVit}a aeme.ilL .___ _ti1.e ta...a�lridth.af_.s.ilLfeet, the-prment_rmnent .i2 atdewa1k _on_— both sia ee of_I]nivrt$it� av n �a b gi nn; ng at_J[� an��treet. _thence_ to Canada under Preliminary order.._ ] a3Z2 _ ._____.. ..._._approved .. .......... �__ Intermediary Order ----------- __._, _ _.: ._.approved._._.:.:...._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered- the same; therefore,' be it RESOL}, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provemen6to be made by the saidCiryis._Rflronetruat_..7r.ej#l}t_„&2d�1.TEDA1r_With _= _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper city officer's are hereby authorized and directed to proceed. with the making of said improvemetq jp,accgr a therewith. Adopted by the Council--_-_ ` _�__ __�.; 191 , _ Ci ler APR 3 1317 t Approved_ _ __ __. _ _.. _� _ _ 191 Councilman FaJsnworth Go KeMcilNa Yog Mayor Porr .' Form s CITY OF 5T. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE ON PRELIVINARY ORDER s - - DESCRIPTION LOT �BLOCK� ! A D O t T I O N ASSESSlD VALUATION ,.. Fest of 8 22 Ashton & Sherburnes Add,.: 3 0 0 7 '; 22 do 1' 8 0 0` West of 6 122 do 1 7 5 0i East of 6 '22 j do ) )) 1 4 2 5. (Except Easterly 40 ft) 5 22 do. Easterly 40 f eet of 5 22. do 1 9 7 5 4 22 do 3 3 5 0' 3 22 : do 3 1 0 O 2 22 do 2200, 1 122 do 7 0 0,. 1 1 Tinker's Addition to 6 4 5 0, 26'� 1 Saint Paul 2 0 0 0` 271! 1 do 2 4 0 0 28, 1 do, 2 4 0 0; 29 1 do 3 4 O A West 4 feet of 301 1 do (Except West 4 feet) 30 1 do ) 5 1 7 5, , West 17 feet of 31 1 do 3 East 20 feet of 31 1 do 1 5 2 _5 32 1 do ) 3 1 0 Ot_ 33 1 do ) g 1 do 1 9 0`:0 , 9 1 do 1800_ West 26.70 feet of 10 1 do 2 1_ 5 .0 (Except West 26.70 ft) ! 10 1 do ) )► 4 6 0 0' (Except East 4 feet) ill 1 d0 TOTAL. I _ CITY. OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON. PRE41MINARY ORDER (C) _ ....;•.., ,.__,- _. ASSESSED u-.4 .:..._ DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK] ADDITION EVALUATION- `VEast 4 feet of 11 1 TinkerIe Addition to' )) 12, 1 Saint Paul Minn 2 2 0 0 19 1 Ely's Addition to St Paul, 5 7 0 0 West 15 feet of 18 '1. . do 3 2 5 (Except West 15 feet) 18 1 d° 5 5 0 17 1 ! do 8700. 16 1 I do ) 15, 1 do 1 500 West 10 feet of 14 1 do 2 2 5 No. 1/3 of East 30 feet of 14, 1 do 285.0 North 1/3 of 13 1 ! do North 1/3 of 13 1 ', d° ) r i 9 2 3,_9.6 •r._.o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, ...... ✓� ... ------191..-:7. .--`.,-- - ..... Finance Dated ...---—'-- Commissioner of FORM B.S.A. S'S C j d s� 73g1 � 1 _i COUNCIL FILE NO.._. _ ---- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of RecQnat uct. n¢-_T.�layln�--and_-re airing-wiih._ cemant... trite oto s__rridth�of_s�x fgst,= the Dreaent_Mmgnt til_��_'dewalk 9 t�3� —sow side _of _Grand a_v_enug beginning at Oxford etrt3 thgnc wgQt_61_f g@t i'T tbye' bintter of teotlns�rt s� °ldsinb ane re4atring tv — Ule,to a widfh of �' tb nth enY;Ce+iteDY....-. .. - K under Preliminary order.____=: 3@9�?•- ----- _..:_ ._ approved.-_:_ o•Y-f011?F_:..�.$ ._ ...... Intermediary Order. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, I extent and kind of.im- provement to be made by the snidCity is�natruet _.7C@13!..._..T_�8'•�---- cement on thg9uIi QL��-.9�7C�i1�__�7f�S11>n� at 4d stree_:k1Be--- ...... _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed ,to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity,ofScers are hereby authorized and cted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___.--••APR•••-•$1917 tst_ —= City r 1 Approved_ APR -3 1917_ , _ Mayor. Councilman Fnsworth GIs s K Iler % Coll N ish erg Mayor P wets f r�r n a S. a 8-7 CITY OF !T. PAUL �x 'y Office of the Commissioner of .Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance november : a_1.Qt.a: .................. 191.0 .. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 13696 . approved 4979 bar,: 16th,,, 1916...::, relative to .....:.. ... reoonetrugt ng ; . Y.1z�g....azld.:..�c.epafixing...ti+ri:th....oewent.:...tile..__to.:_a .w.idth:...:... foe :,....:the.pre.e.ent..._o_ement.:::.tile..:sidavralk...:on....the.....souih....side ... ....... .... 8t... Ahenoe:::west::_.61_. feet......... _...... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .._...:necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... ......._..:_. and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and eateut of said improvement is as follows _....-..... y 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... _.. _..: ..... .... _ _ ........................ . _...._........ not b. Said improvement. is, _.... ..... ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. m: issioner f Public Works. 'COUNCIL FILE _-FINAL ORDER.r In the Matterof.Corstructin& a. cement tile sidewalkto a' -width of six feet nn hnfh:.e.ide.e_nf fiL,�Cla zat.reet_be:ween Hamline_asenUe__and_— Pascal_av_eutw EtA the, Matter of Mtiaii ui tutl$?,'L'emeaty ille eldggalti+ to tr wtdth��a as ;both 'etdee r t9[eeh Hamilae,Aue &tsd � �Y-_-»— -� 2 �LLntlgr 1'relfmtmtrY Urdei ¢ qtr-�,. , underPreliminaryorder_:_�33.. Intermediary Order _....... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above, improvement upon due notice, and the Council. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent' and kind of im- provement to be made by the said. Citya__ Width of gix fegt QXa�bottl_��d�e�f:��,..Sl�ir..:idtsaet_..h.eiYPeexL.Eiamline___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; "that upon .said approval, the proper. city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ ._._ .:i�Q_3!T1.? , 191, Approved.... APR '3_J:3lL_�...__, _ . Mayor. Councilman Far sworth Go Ke r % Me o11 Na Yo Mayor Po ars Form B. S. A. 8-7 j l CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELII IINARY ORDER I BJ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADD)T/10N ASSESSED .VALUATION — 1 1 Jeffereon Park Addition 3 5 0 2 .1 do 1 0 0 0 3 1 do 20 50 4 1 do 2 7 5, 5 1 do 3 7 5. 1 2 do 3 7 5 2 2 do 350. 3 2 do 3 50 4 2 do 3 5 0. 5 2 do 3 5 0_ 6 2 do 3 5 0 7 2 do 3 5 0' 8 2 do 3 50 9 2 do 3 5 0 10 2 do 3 5 0 11 2 do 3 5 0 12, 2 do 3 5 0'_ 13 2 do tb 3 5 0 14 2 do 3 5 0 152 do 37 5 28 4 Sargente Addition 6 7 5._ 27 4' do 3 2 7 5 26 4 do 4 7 5' 26 4 do 2 8 7 b 24 4 do 2 0 7 5' 23 4 do 1 8 7 5 -------- .- TOTAL. raall_. _..,. .. .. ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. I . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE IMINARY ORDER: . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION'S - I LOT BLOCn'i ,,.ADDITION VALUATION 21 4 Sargents Addition 4 7 51 20 4 ! do 4 7 5! 19 4 do ` . 4 7 5 18 4 do 475 17 4 i do- 1 6 7 5: 16 4 do 4 7 b, i5, 4 ! do — 6_7_57 ,22 3 do 5 2 5. 21 3 do 4 7- 5" 20 3 do 1 6 7 5 19 3 do 47 5 16 3 do 4 7' 51 17 3 do 4 7 5 16, 3 do 4 7 5 15 3,' do 7 2 5 14 3 do. 4 7 5 13, 3 do 47 5. 12: 3 do 4 5 0: 6 4 Midway Pdrk St Paul Minn. 4 7 b 7 4 do 4 7 5 6 4 do 1 0 7 5. i do___. ----- __ _._.. ------__--- 4 2 6 2 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the .aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his. report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �../3,:.:.:. :_.--.-191 .-.:.: G� fes' --J/- - _ Dated ---..:..�{, - - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. S -S C COUNCIL FILE NO....._ _.. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._.11QTrA.t.ructing a—cst»tent:.:.tile....s. lava k..:t.p_a.._w1dth._f.,.&iX._ :. fe-e-t om—t.he--north: 6..id-e._of Myrtle -s,_ n�ue_beginning at Paiham etregt�_ thence :west 'to DIeQt�the present constriuAt-gd Wal;k, atg ln't11c Dadtt4r aF eohetraattng {t'" '; - tate s,dotrat,t io a'wtdth a an• the Aorta Ates_..... .... ginningat Pe16am at..fhai(ee• B� - m me'ft" she. DeCsane °r,.d tru • a,..l.;�ffl.+��..� "mslk:_ apPrpilmat�tY 1pE f��7 � ___. PrellminarY'Crder lIIa" yAePe,:3i. 1914.•... .,c a-• _. nu lie hgarta; Jrt�Er _ _ _ .._:::.. .. _ .._. approved._._.._._ .._ its ",mblic hearinghaving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; -therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. 'Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be madeby the said City m-provementtobemadebythesaaiidCityapt g`G.tt.>1a8ri1;_.tiaE_5i �k. R Ei_ _ k�l m_atLeEtr tgh�eiice }_mart a meAt—tha_4reeerit_ cor's =ic.ied MBak}.....___..._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to, prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. �___ �i,i1—; X �]q rk. Approved___ APR'._-ti.401.7 -� —-191 _........_ .., e yor. Councilman Fat worth Gos Kell r 1C .ISI•lm - Mc oll Nas V YoTr Vyf Mayor Pos i✓" Form . S. A. 8-7 c FT 17' nwp L[. .FPLLIOTT, P .M<00 r - �. RiL Y, V1Ci Pw t.r wtwr. P.D ic[Pws s+ A.L. ' J.c.Bwx Tca,6cn'�S"'r M . RAILta o s „C ;,DM Cw T ONSy ///Ty//�, J T-Ak owX �l • �.!Fi/(,.%�� i�. .� 3 0 CT9 3T 623 PITTOCK BLOCK a fr�zt nrfr� %%�i�r��.ii zoo r.1 St. Psul, BQinn. Sept. 7, 1916 SEP t: - 19 i `• N. M. Goes, Commissioner of Public Torks,M G O S S . St. Paul, Minn. COMfi11S910NER Of PUBLIC wo ;r; Dear Sirs Wegown'four flat buildings on the corner of Cromwell and Myrtle Avec. At the time same were built we laid a concrete sidewalk from the corner of the streets mentioned to the middle of the block on Vymtle Ave., that is on the north sidea There is no sidewalk tusking a connection with the walk at the corner of Pelham and Myrtle Aves. We enclose herewith a sketch showing the conditions. Wo wi sh to obtain a wallt on the north side of Myrtle Ave. connecting Cromwell and Pelham :Ives. The matter has been tis up with a Mr. Roberts, who +9ww the property along which this walk is to be laid, and it is / IZ EERO going to be a hard. matter to obtain his consent t3 lay D) a walk, bat - i t Is our opinion that an order should be 1�1n1 1 191 S passed by the Council and the sidewalk laid as a pablic DUjzLAU OF LcrGIhELRS. necessity. If you can takm such action it would be very much appreciated by ourselves and, our tenants as you can readily see that when taking the street car on University k a COUNCIL FILE NO.-..------ FINAL O._..__--- FINAL ORDER. i' In the Matter of �AS1.?�ilX!$ SRt�IAti....te�.1.8_��S1tiPRa._.tR a...1R1S�th_f2SjX_._ Oi--ROreAt etropt from �rgrvlgnd street p._�Yjt____ tLflet__arid_42Lthe_79g�' aide of Forest etre? from__,TY�I_P1?e.eto- -_ tNtr.. sfdawatlt to*aw� dth` t�TeetY-•'--"--'-��-- _._......_ , ga both stdeA 4T r!eeeG, t'fotnY rstand etreec*o T xrept aria °"21.46____ _ __ approved_.._ _.:_. 1►n81�e._ll.� the %nest atder`r'$'a i'f^,rS. P�r gireeL to viiHtCe „r. _ 1,,s Launder Prottir, - ` ►nterttn" �yOrderd --- ----------- _----......_._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the' Council having heard all persons, objections: and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;therefore, be it RESOLVEDaand By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent kind of im provement,to be made by the said City is_._.Q.II.ddxiF.i:.t-a-At1gen•••-tilt~-Sidt1-0—�"`" width of e�•_�..�5�_..9.�1_..�4S.h..e.��.af_1.4.���.t._f�t.�ae��.�.Aza._.��r.Xla�.�� ._._._ street t9 Iv_y street and on the wget e}dg_4f�FQrg@t gg� f o �IvY. str�et;to,Lakke Como &Phalen ha and the'Councit hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..____. p _ " i j- 191 — City ;de k_ U Approved----- APR -3 1917191 _ Mayor. Councilman Far worth Gos Kell Mc on o' Mayor Po rs FrmELS.A.8-7 �J CITY -0F ST. PAUL CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,. '. DESCRIPTION - LOT �HLOCNI ADDITION AssesseD VALUATION dinning part of the South West j of Southwest of 21 29 Range 22 (Except streets) 6 3 0 0 26 3 J A& w M Stees Addition' 1 6 7 5 1 3 to St Paul 1 5 0; 26 2 do 1 0 0` 1 :2 do 2 0 0, 9 '4 do 1 0 0, 8 4 do 1 0 0. South 1/3 of Lots 9-10- 11 1 do 1 4. 5 0 South * of North 2/3 of 9-10-lli 1 do 3 1 2 5' North 1/3 of 9-10- 11 1 do 1 2 5; 8 1 do 1 0 0' 6 .8 Lanes Phalen Grove 1',6-2 5- 5 8 Additon St Paul Minn - 2 2 5•. 4 8 do 2 2 6 3 8 do 225' 2 8 do 1 8 2 5 1 8 do 225 6 .5 do 2700, 5 5 do 2 0 0 4 5 do 3500 35 do 2 0 0, 1 8.0 0 roww w. w: TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMOARY ORDER ASSESSED' - -' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, - ADDITION VALUATION l 5 ZA'nee Phalen Grove 2 0 0 6 4 .' Addition to St Paul 3 0 0 5 q do 2450: 4 ,4 do 2 0 0, g q do 3 0 0 2 4 do 3 9 0:: 1 4 do 2 0 0 6 1 do 1 0 0 5 1 do 250, 4.1° 250 3 .1 do 250' 2 l do 27 50 1 .1 do 2 7 5 ---, - 31'80 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together withthereport made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ i Dated — -------------"ix:- � RORM e.l. A. Gd C Commissioner of Fiaance q�,�s d gU6EAU QF CITY OF' ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMIS§IINER`OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofCo:net.r.u.ct..ing.::o ...C:amext.......tile._ ai.d.e.valk.._t.o a.:..width:....of:....sia....f..eet_...... .._ _....... on both sides of Capitol Boulevard from Como Ave to Wifrter St .... . .... ... ..._..... : :...._.. ................... . under Preliminary Order approved._........Y-ebrUATY—....1.....1917 .....:-..: .......... ..... .. ................. ............... _.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $... .- .-.- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot old parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: )� n i. DESCRIPTION {{ ILOT ¢LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION _12 14: Brewsters Addition to 2 4 0,0. 11 14'; St Paul 7 0 0 ... , 10i 141; do, 1 95 0' 9: 14 do'. 1 6,5 0 ., .. 8 14, do 1 350, 7 14-: do 1 3-5 01.'. West 1/3 of 1 2 13 do 7 8 7 _51 3 13; do _ 600.. 4 131 do 6�0 01, �. ., ... I TOTAL ,., .k'OCIfI,B B 30 ,:,..,�- _ _•:T:,_. .. -,. ..., ::-E _� -,i. z _ _- �r .�... _. 4�. - - : �� 7 \\ /�}\ . \ƒ \ �.\ � °f )ƒ�� §)° !7 � { \ r f � \[ / \ (� � r° t \ \ \ \ K ƒ� \.\� a. ( 2 /\{\\2}�\\ + _ <£? \j�\ ?) »\/\ , » r y. �� - ƒ{ \ \\\\ - \j ' [ \ { \� � \ \ 2.! :\ \ :l.\( \\\( <j} � » \ . \ \ \{{`((�} \j(�ƒ�\� \- / a� » \ /�\ ;r ! [ r, s: t � : �ƒ� // �\ < \} [ R ƒ� }..[ / ^\ [ 6� �(; �� . .{. . �\ . } % » z\.\\ �} /j , : }/(/� ., : t . � .��{� . . . . �. ( ?(\ \ } { { � \ ƒ.§ } } \ . � I _ CITY OF ST. PAUL I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A In the Matter of-..._Conatructing,> .-c.ement,__tile .sidepealk,.to_.a..width.df ._eix;_feet...,-__ ........... on hs south, aide.. of Clear. St: from__ForBst._St._ toMendota_..,_St, .;, ........ ............ ............. .................... _.. t.... under Preliminary Order approved ............. ...O,Ctober 13 1916 ........................... ... -...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ --- ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is foot The-lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and "the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: f DESCRIPTION LOT �aLocK ADDITION _ i ASSESSED VALUATION 1 ;8 Lanes Phalen Grove 2 2.5 7 8 'Addition St Paul Minn 1 5`0. . 8 8 do 1 5 0 9' 8 do 1 5 0 10 8 do 1 5 0 lLi 8 do 1 5 0. _ 12 8 do 1 5 0. 13 8 do 1 5' 0 14, 8 do 1 5 0 - TOTAL. Form B. B..10 a CITY OF 5T. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER VY -11J V A13JV.S. �d(10� otg '7) - OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK Com vph j• XUhli April 3rd,1'317 9G�hGQ b S� Goss Comr. of Public 71orks. Deer Sir: - The Council at its meeting of this date laid over the Final older C. F. 15693, to construct a sidewalk on the South Side Of Clear ;itreet from Forest 9t. to=endota Street to April 16th,1917, and referred the same to you A plroperty owner, representing 125 feet on , the improvement appeared before the meeting, and objected. He stated that e large fill would b"ecessary, and that there las only one hoops on that street to be sorted by the sidevralk. He also stated that ho would not o,ject to, the improvement, if the sidewalk was ordered on both sides of the Street thru to Arcade street. Mrs. Wagener, representing three lots, also object to the proposed sidewalk. - Very respectfully, city Clerk -- — L. .1,111hett 1 k , i.144�4911wkru 't y, faab ,- W -A lqd "I Frfx No . ............... . ............... By.. ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of 9�;!aqkn_g .. aeyelan av QQ AMQJaV_Q.A1th &v.=-ue and .Y --e me ..... %.e j..4,w. - . Jimi.t_G af t'he and;_regrading to--the--present established; -grade,_ --Scudder- etre-fit�N71 J." ) ......................................... ................................ ...................... ............ ............. .................... ................. .............. ......................................... .............. I . .......... ............. .................................... .............................. .............. I .......... ............ under Preliminary order.... a ..................... The CouiT' Pproved..A�99u.pt--,l.o,....1.9-I.a. il of the City of St. paul ............. .................... above imp having received the report of the Commissioner of Finan . ce upon the ro7ment, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L Thaf the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be Proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._ ............ _91WIP ._QJ!qT1a 4 A ......................... ppgpQn a . s laid ou avenlle_and ... SO -Udder ... ay.en-ue Within the Jim its of the:. --r it y p;r &nd the present-, riegrade...baL stzeet from..,CleV.elaad .v.enu ' Raymond.avenue, a�e to ............ . .... ...... . ...... . ... ........ .... .. ................ .......... .................... ............ ........ ............ .............. ...... . .......... .................... L, ................... ............................ with no alternatives, and,that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved F'urther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8-th .................... day o ......................... .. 191..7.., at the hour Of 10 O'clock 'A. M., in the Council Chamber of t , he Court House and City Hall Building in the City Of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature Of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the council .............. 191 -Approved APR -3 1917......... .... ....................... 191_ rlty erk. .............. .......... Councilln Farnsworth 0 ......... Councilm u Goss Councilm 'm on Hyland COuncilm i Keller councilm n McCall Council Wunderlieli Alayor I in Form B. S_ 86 in the�.Statt@r bt ; a Aird sst@adto9; tV. �, � - f@et.:4h Park:.-trot the Ke lino oPrtotBy - av@nua to thn.w.eat g[ �ta '. r A COUNCIL, FI/IJFi�l_Q....... L ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.:...D.pening..... wid-ening:..and...,exxending...to-..a--Nidth..gf...tuaerl•#g-----•• f.e. t..:...an.. Rasedale--P-ar-k-, f.rq-m th.e:..east .:.liae.-of.......:....... Prior avenue to. the.: west l.ine..of..Lots.-6;,.and._7,.,,Moy-.land.1-8 Additian.......... according -_to. the-_.plan._heretp att.:e}lea....apd..made...a:..part...h.emeai .............. ....... : ................,._........ ................ ............................................. ..-........--------- ... under Preliminary Order........14990......... ....approved .....Febr.uary.,..26.,.. 19.17........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:...Q.p.en..... wid� .en.:.ai1d;.:..... -,-extend. to .a..width..:of. tFgenty feet.,:_ an_.aj ] ey.,--i.n._�? 9_Ck....5.,...:Ro-aeidale.-.Park, ..from..t he.. east-.1:in.e...o f.-Pxdar.. avenue .-t.o..ahe._weat-:.line-o.f...Late .~-.6`... and....7.,. Mo land's Addit.ion,-.-accordint ,to. the._plan:-hereto attached -_,and, made a _-.._ ._..... ......... ........... .._... ..... ....... i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...8.O.p..QQ:--..:. . Resolved Farther, That a, public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... 8.th... .........day of ............... ay ._.......-, 191.7..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the totafcost thereof as estimated.���^^^ Adopted by the Council..:..........APP ....., 191 / i.. �... Approved PPR 3 ... i .. , 191:...... �� �S. �May ... ...... ....... .. ....- .' Council m Farnsworth Council n Goss Council n Hyland _�yY� j%� Council n Keller 7 �R Council n McColl Council n Wunderlich Mayor I in JForm B. S. 8-0 Igit�3nta�b' _ .' gtu`k`tcmdai4�Sw ----------------- asrY Fon,st to`',ctp E3' a'S'edlnRc'? mEnoi►,nleoil� `cot'dtnaIIBYealajij�erA �� ti"445;. • sad mai@;;a Dart4'#hstg6ad; Portldn g6owing thg ate sad�the ah&ded P4rtS a the ail -anddr Pre liminary Order I40l0 sDDr4ved Tea - . , The Coupcll 4E thq'(i� o£ 8t:` Peril r lavfnR;ecetved 4he repp�oE the- . mteetoner ot: Flnaaoe n0o9 _.Improeament send luvtc - :.. aoortY� eroh ,fir<«ti B RDERIINTERMEDIARY ORDER- In n the Matter of...Condemning_aYid taking-_an--.eaeeme-zlt 7-- the-.-.and-..Ii-e.G.el�ePrX fAr...e.1.t117-ee.... for._cut4 and- f 11.e....irl..grad.ina...apnxservill.e...Jal.T.ee.t..f.r_Qm.............. St. Anthony avenue to Columbus avenue, according-to the plan hereto attached..-andmade:..a part hereof, the..hatche_d, port-ion-_.showing,_th e.-cta.:. apd.:.the shaded..po:t_ion- the...fills..........-_.................................:......................................---....._• under Preliminary Order......11§20............ . .......:..approved .. v an uary-..x.7.,,..7 9 J 7.......... ........... :......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivedthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same Whereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ls...Condetln-.and...ta7 e.:.n easement .in the_land necessary. for, slopes,-- for..cu-t. ..a.n.d .i'i:ll.s...in...grading Somni'erni,lle.st.reet from. St. Anthony ay.enue..to...Qalutub.us...avenue :,....a.ncarding to, the..plan hereto. attache.d.,and.rlade_.a..pa.rt h.er.sof.,.....th.e..hat.che-d...p.oxti.on showing__the cuts and. the_. shaded..p.ortio_n.the fills,_. ... ................' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. UAQQ...:............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ Sth..`...................day of ...... —L.KV............................. 191.7...., at .the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the - Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided' by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, andthetotal cost thereof as estimate }�1} 7 Adopted by the Council ................ �. ......191...... � Approved .... r. ? n......31 i.............. 191.....'... C,igty Clerk J i L / Mayor. Counciln in Farnsworth couDeiln an Ooss Conneiln in Hyland Counciln in Keller Councilm n McColl Councilm n Wunderlich Mayor.I in Form B. S. A. 8-6' n-rlle* vT vwnite�n4lns'°ti4 • t�Ag a � #men ior�odieY f� ray Xaclntl! svaet 4W,4j 4 sgilaRtneat to sor�c eti6eE Aeo t$iK in the hien aexatR„ if83.S;•. - , }a1'tde aparthe;g9aL•'the�. T1aR ehOWSn$. th rn TP PRa -� C" L'ti 1'7 COU1401L FILE No.,... ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER " In the Matter of.....CA:T1d.e1t1P1I1€;:.-Q71717---tlle_.1r1X1d-..naae6sEtlal for-. slopes -fq_r quos...bpd_,�'.><l1e-_in:..�radi.r�--Hyac.ireth..strae-t-..froom-..prEade-- street to Forest street, accordingher��.p----axtached:.and:.nade a part hereofl the hatched portion..shov.ing--•the...cut$,;,;atld:,tll,._sha.d.ed...p.oxtion the fi11e,....._.. under Preliminary Order_ .._ IMAP.............. approded .....FeltrAary.._1,, .19.17..........:........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:.:.Candetnn ..a.nd...t.alse .-an easement-ArI...the..land_.n.ecess.ary..far...slep.es ...f..or....cut.a..ard...f.ills-i.ta.--gsadi-ng Hyac.inth..st.re.et...from,.Ar.ca-ds_..s.t.r.est..t.o...Fares.t.:e.tr-eet-r: a.cco-rd.i.ng...#a...tkt8 plan, heret:0....att2che.d.-:and•_ma.de...a...part ..hereof,....the...hat.che.d...p-o tlan:..showi-ng the quts..and'.the shaded..pgrt-io 1 the, .. fa.ls., ,,:_..: : with no alternativeynd that the estimated cost thereof is ._50-00.............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... ._$t.h..............day of xay..--:...- ................... 191..'x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the.tootal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .........-k1PX.-3. 1.917. ..... 197._ ... i i Approved. APR 3.I917 ,... � 191 ...... Ur . Councilmi Farnsworth IN ayoi. Councilml Cross Councilmi u Hyland Councilmi it Keller Councilm McColl / CouncilmWunderheb Mayor Ir n Form B. S. A. .6 . to ea. nt in t1i 7ntgeem,e for "Zi 0, n °$ol ht° hve ve11 ` @ V� a T "C'o>rn'on fid. euc v9a ,twid'Re?: .� •� ' 3 _avenue of ..' °Puc to i tiTe "r ns�tsiFl3b�, _ *L. COUNOM FILENO ! . ...:... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.... Cond-emni,ng--.and taiS fl>..aXl.._e��.a7fieXlt....lri._�h ..land neAl;ssaly for slop.ea.,....foz:..cut.e..:a.ns�..:..ills...iz�---�radi.n>-_Claselan�i...avenue..:hatw.een.--Co�non- wealth avenue_and•_S,cudder avenue,..as_laid. qut lv-i af...the:.. City of aul and-._reRradi?lg to the --present estab_� xsIl,ed,.-gr.ad.e,...S Stcu.d.des atr.eet...from .. r .. Cleveland-apenue..: to P&Y??fond...avellve.�.:..acCoru'i.zlt�t.9:..t.h.e:..p.lan..her.e.t.o...att-aohed.and' made--a..p.art..:;ry r.eof.,...the,.hat.che.d..p.actio.n...ehowis>_F,.-.the..._ut.s...and...t tee. -.shaded -:portion the fills, under PreliOrder -......121 4..---- ...........approved..Au^ust.1D.,...19.1.6._.. .._... Ttie Council of the City of St: Poul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the solves:. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby re 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,- and the as id improvement. s hereby ordered to be proceeded with. P. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..__Cp.nd,emxl..and....t.ak.e...an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading, Cleveland- -avenue•--betwe-en--Commonwealth avenue ---and Rcadder a's M11 to the present, d out within the limits of the City of St. Paul, and regrading estatlish'ed- rade, Scudder street from 'Cleveland avenue to Raymon•avenue, T according to the plan hereto attached and made.. a. part h-,...t-he...hat.ched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion. the fills, ....... . ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... $.th... ............day of ........... May ............................. 191-1,_ ; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the of St. Paul. That the;Commissioner of Finance give notice Court House and City Hall Building in the City ovided by the Charter, stating th time and place of hear - of said meeting to the persons and in the manner pr vig, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as mat 3151? , :adopted by the Council._ .nPP T... C i Clcrlc..... Approved....:....... � . ,.� %......... ... . 191..... F I 11laym•. i Council an Farnsworth Couuci B an GOSS - Counci ann Hylalld Counei nan I{eller PUBLis[II� Counei nan McColl Counei nan Wunderlich Mayor rvin Form B. S. t B -G 1669 Y. tLix 8t, YkBut'+9tt-��lhogi a1Ya.. AUA"bveUU6�z UUaer•gtt,iq `d8rtie{8 'ap�ikoYed Tsga "�`rht COUpclY; of thA oJM =•'..r h�-� T` itiRtYCd�Ll1M COUNCIL FILE NO / G ....... i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Gradkills..S.Omme.x.4.i11.e...atmest...from..S ,-...tlnthasaf--a�re -ue• #a Goltmtbus avenue- ............... - - _.._............................� ......... ...................................................... under Preliminary Order 1.4619............................approved ..Z.anuary.:.31,.- ........... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends $9 street from St_. Anthony avenue..to.-.Columbus.: av�71•u�,,...., ....... ..:........ _.:..._ ................_.._ .. _... ..... .......... . ................. ..- <.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....939.,.bt3:...:..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 8 .17..... .........day of ......... May- ............. _............... 191..7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statin h ime and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost thereof ase ated. /J Adopted by the Council., ........P .............. 191..-._ " i3- ¢fir APR -3 13f7...... {........................ , Approved Py Clerk ......... .. ....:. ....... Councilm Farnsworth Mayor. Councilm u (loss Councilm Hyland Councilm i Keller /G• Councilm n McColl Councilm Wunderlich Mayor I 'n Farm B: S. A. B-6 �- +frv,Kt<e 4tattHr o! Srnding k[pnetnth 9f.? //�' / ' Srom ,droade•at. to Fo HE as aitder�j /L(' L � q �� PretitninarY � Order til av9r4vad' � ,, �J •r.2ga QounClt 9t the CItY..Oy Bt. 1'at�{.1 - LL linvinR renelved the tb r COUNCIL FMH .. By...... ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of: ..... Grdi.tAj3..Hyacnth.. street _._fran._Arcade.,_street,_.to._.Forest-_.__ .R.te.r.P...e'r.:t.......... .......................... ................... ... ....:..................................................................... .................... ............ _.......... under Preliminary Order. ._....._14631 ................ ......approved ... FOrua;X'y...1, —1917 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report. of the Commissioner of Finance uponhi n above improvement, and having considered said Deport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is` hereby ordered to be Proceeded with. n That the nature of the improvement which the *Council recommends is.._G.r.ad.e...Hyaninth. .......: .etreet_._from.Arcade, street to._.Forest...street......... ................................. _.,,.....:-.--.................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2,.618...29....... Resolved Further, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the: ..... 6th ....:.................day of x4y..... ..:........................ _....... 191.1.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof stim ed-, Adopted by the Council.........:....'��F2�.-` .... r Approved APR 3 131 i ........ 191:....... l I ~ (htv clerk ...... �4< ._..... ......_ _.. (� Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth r Councilma Goss Councilma Hyland Councilma Beller PUBLISHED4-/� Councilma McColl Councilmat Wunderlich Mayor Irvi Form B. S. A. G In tae Matter oL nngatipt an sou DIV Ave itufi=a8 3o LdeL/// / Faecr tae souta'tlns A 15tan ! _ � -� - llminary, OrflBr -161�9� �fip � ) COUNCIL FILE NO. ............. .................. sk INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....CAt1st.xuC.king...a...neer...nn.P.ascal.:.auanue..ixom.-a:.poat 30 .feet south of thesouth.lin,e..of_-; tAPford.__gp-enue-,.ka-•.j.e.ilerson..a>renlie, ..... .................. ............................................ ...-_.......I......_.........-................................... ==----------------.......------........................ under Preliminary Order.............151.64..... .................... .....approved..sLLarch...fi,.:..1917..:....-. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Construct on Pascal-._avenue-from_.a-point 30f.eet.-.s-o .St.anford. avenue.. to. Jefferson,avenue,. _._. -. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 11.18.8...00.._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .$,th.....:' -.,-.-..,day of ...... - ...,a4SaY............................. ...' 191.:7.., at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber 9f the Court Rouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof fig' estimate Adopted by the Council.........:....AM 3-1517 __... 191_._. APR - 3 1317 Approved..... . ...... qq ... i ¢ �t ............. ................ 191 C� Clerk, Councilm Farnsworth Nlayod f�� 777. Council n Goss V ruryiyyiioi� � / council' an Hyland / Council an Ke11er Council au McColl Council an Wunderlich Mayor rvin Form B,, S. . 8-6 - ---------- atainng on tst tern on Fifth, street, �/ rl, '—fro a[, to FanrtIlaG,.1 on COUNCIL FILE W .................. By...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of F=115hin.q i.aq t.all.i.ag gn Q.r.namental..219h:tix _Eiftil stre t from._9t_e P-emt.e.r 01.re.e.t t.0 l'-aur.th..,g.t±.eet,-...cnnzjzt.i.r,.g Qf post8, jailps, underground conduits n.e.q.!�fePA27Y 3�i.ri= IW! .......... .................... ................ .................... ........ ...... equipment for current thereto, ..... ...................................................... .q m ................. ...................... ............ .......... ....................... .......... .......... ...... I ................. . . .............. ....... ... . I .................... ............... .......... ................... ............ under Preliminary Order ..... .... ... . .... ...... approved O.c.tpber. 12, .19164 ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded witb. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Furnish and...injs . tal 1 an ornamental ji.ght ing.-syrit err.. on..Fifth..s_t.r.e.et fro= -S_t-,-.Petei_Gtree-t to Four-th. Street, Ui-t43 and. the necessary wiring, and..9qj4pnqpt .for cory.ey thereto, .. . ...... . .................. .. .. .. .... ...... . ... ... . ....... .......................... I ........... ...... .... . ....... .. .. . ...... .... ... . .... . ............... ......... ............ ..................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimatedicost thereof is 245-00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... ........ 8th day - of 7�ay191.7., at.the hour of 10 o'clock A. IL, in the, Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall -Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and p I lace of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof estimated19L r. Adopted by the Coulicil. - APR -3 1 ]17 14 1. 1tk, Clerk. Approved . ... . ..... ... Councilms i Farnsworth CouncilmE i Hyland Councilrw i Keller Couueilml R Alecoll Couucilzn i Wunderlich Alayor Ir n Form B. S. A. Petition° D Whereas; Awrlttdn:�yrq oeaI,Ypr {Az? " 1�F lllal v �'�mQlunq of-tho tdliowlag f - J i Y agAYCv, near Council File No Iz. 'C;raalne Underwood Avb:-:.tram. - ................ ......... :Randolph,: $[, to Harrrnrd Avr., IF � - tat. Colleq trom,underaoon t - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT F;Vpa � � - j.�iT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making, of the following pubfic improvement by the City of St Paul viz.:,.6tra,4Ag VDAer ond,..Ave.....irom...Randalpll:..St....t.o.:.Hart ord..AY.e.., ... Juno St.from Underwood Ave.; to E. line. of Kipp+s College Park;. ..................._Niles flt.._3rom:.Undexnuoad..Avs. t-0.3-11na...OZ..-KiPp-*s--..0011aga--Zack; Watson St. from Underwood. Ave. to E. line of KipptS College Park and --------__.gar-t-f-er-d:._Ave...._ nom--Fa-inview Ave.. to Bw-1--ine af- Ifipp4-s- Ball-ege--Park in accordance with petition hereto attached. Dated. this ....:.._',l:th.......... day of ..................... April ............ ........:............ ... ..................... . 191.....T. fCouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......._..._....�rading•-_Und.Qx�fo.4.s�:.A�te......ram.Ra�ostolph._8t..._to...Hartfnrde-.;--du71 a...St. from Underwood Ave. to E. line of Kipp's College hark; Niles at. ....... ...... -fr.om..-Undo-rmood-...AVS. .-:_to.._E.,....1-ins-o- ...gippra-flo- leggy Park; iYertecru-at. from Underwood Ave. to E. line of Kipprs College Park and Hartford Ave _..-- prem -i�rzi rvtew Ave-;; - to -E-; 1 -iiia --- - -------- - - - . _ ...._-. .............I.......I................._.............................:........-....................................:...................................--......................--............................. ,:.....< ._............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman, ................................................. ..... ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemen1. t. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .................................. - ........... ...... .. ......................... ............ . .................._ ............... ......._ .............. ....--- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....:............... APR -.al! -19 ....191_........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved........ and �1 191......... I� Hyl Ke eller �--iVleFvih I t Wunderlich Mayor Irvin __ _ _ ._�....._:..- ........................ �/Mayoi. - �'- 111n eof A wr/tton p,•oboi;at far ine'. 'r' Council File No............. .... , mektns -0T the: following Lmprgyem nt. iZ: _Conaemnln. and tmking afi Bapu ment'an the Innd:, necepenry;{oe .lop r, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. tar cute and elle In grndlgg Lrn - III ooA'.Ave tom Randolph gf ford r\ve, 7un0'.SL t AVe to F7 ) and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes 'the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul vtz.:...:Condemr;ing....slid..Jalong..an...ea,aement....in...the ._lan&� neaes-sary....for. slopes, for outs and fills in grading Underwood Ave. from Randolph at. .....:-:...:......tn..:Hartford._Ave..;.::.Juno:..St.--..fran--Un41e-r--wood....Ave, .----- ta--E.....143e-.e€: K#ppre College Park; Hiles -At. from Underwood Ave. to E. line of Kipprs ... ........ :........ go-1lege Park. ...... Watson at-,--from..:-Undervrood-A-me..... itWS College Park and. Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to E. line of .__....... ...._..............------.._..._.__........................ app s Cni2ege....P�xk.�_.,.._.._..:.._.......................................... Dated this .......... 4th .....day of— ............... April .................191..7..... ` _. ...... ....... ............. °yl Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning ._and .-_tA4Ag:._an.land...nen.Easar ...for...: lopes 3or outs and fills in grading Underwood Ave. from Randolph St. to .......__.........Eartfard..-Ave...;....Juno..:S.t—..:fsom...7TndarYlQo3--•Ave-r--to---E-r.-line—of-Kipp-43 College Park; Biles St. from Underwood Ave. to E. line of KippTs ............. College ....Park ; Ha-ts©n St-.----from Und-erwoo& A•ve: to. B.--11 -e:-of-. KippTs College Park and Hartford Ave. from. Fairview Ave. to E. line of Kipp s..Ual3eg.8.._Par'k............................. ......................................__...................._................_..._....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..............::................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby Wrdered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity'for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.- ... ..... .. .... - ........................................................................................:........_............ _........ _... .............. .- ........... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the council............................il......,t.17..iq1........_ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth b i i Goss Approved............__.......r.. 191........., Ryland r 1 Keller U 'SlisCblf� Wunderlich ............... ........... -/. .y... _ Mayor Irvin POOH C B-B Tq1Tel F NB 1b706—p - :.'tih reae,� wrlttea'yio heel fBr`tIf Petition ':hkinA of .Zbe COa Wing Immo ^ B,a,ng Abater' Ava bet r ,,, :. Copncif File No , st. aaa PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.` The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:........ Grading... Dudley...Ave ...... he.'twe.en Ch.eimaford .St......and_ Zleveland....Aye., ................in_aon-ardanae...:vith.._pe.tition..here.t.n._attaohed..........._..._......... ....... ':.......------ Dated this.:.....4th ............ day Of ............. ..... April ................................... )... ............. .........._ 191_'L.., 1lr- Councilman., PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...._.................Grad.ing:..DUdiey.... Lve..:...be_tsreen....Chelms-for-3...St.-- an(I 914EWe-lefA.._Ave .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................_..............._. ........................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and c total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ....................................... .................................. ........................... :..._.:.............. .... .............,...._................... ... ................. ................. . _. _._........................... -.- ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ........................ APR 4.. gll...._.191........_ Z, Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth ANf( '-4 MI Goss Approved....... ........................ ... 191......... Hyland Keller U Wunderlich R1 Mayor Irvin h"yor. Council File No \Phereae A tirftten proposal' m9gip¢ qt the toll—1 K imoroce all t O gonaemntng, and t kintt an ease PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ment ln,ahe liars nebe96arY @r-elopes, - Tor este:and. elle ' In grnrd gsDu an^% Sirs •AcE. Dotwean F H"� en p*"+. t ..h6a Ott A�. G PRELIMINARY ORDER. the following public improvement by the. City of The undersigned hereby proposes the making of St. Paul, viz:::.....CAndemning....and....taking....an....esaement:-..in....th.e...land...:neaessar s...ansi..:dill-a in...grailing...Dudley:..gae.........b.aiaraen---------------- Qk�slms�Q.r-d...�t..._:.s�il....CIeY�.areae...Ave_R_...:........... .....:. ......._. __ _.....:.-------- ...---...------._..--._..... - riI ................. 4th......day of : .................P Dated this9 . J ----- Counijan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEnEAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz Condemning,._end.__ta'�ing.�n._e .@ement..in-..the-_is??d_n.�¢e-s-y..for sl_opes� --....... �ox....cuts...,�-..� s..:.n ..srd.� �u1.Oy-.AQe....._burl9x>-..:Ch_7>aa._5 �.• _.........:.....and...-Cl-eseland...Aye..--.....-__.....:.......---'--.........._..............-... --------------------------------------------------------- - . ..._................................. - ........................... having Been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated, cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative tosaid improvement; ............ .... ...... . ............... ................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council {s-.....f 141.-...191.......... Yeas: Nays: .PPR -�f sir Councilman Farnsworth Approved 191......._ Goss _...-_.. ...._ . Hyland Keller r ^� —44,261t Wunderlich """"' Mayor Irvin . .. .. '.... 1. • In °the aaY awnon d� b �cveOn�;RbDY a'� wardlrle Uv InRiav� (Er ler4ti08¢i� Finalr0 der' `S's314: nDo ov d.3opt•+.i6}b• 1916. �fi?gpl�ed.:That,the plpYlq.epacidrn . V' . �. }lone'snd +eettmstee qubmittad 6y th '� , :. ;Commleglopernf'Yo vementob tlan�,the � : :chore namea lmD roved - ''.glne are herab9 aAD df Adopted.b} 4fie Couhcll .YDF 4-19tj: 1 Avbroved iDr: 9. 1917 _ 4 . 4 (,v6r117=1931) : ' CITY 07 ST. PAUh COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the Platter of ourbing and boulevarding Lawean Street between Panne.AvenueTand—Edgerton Street— under Preliminary Order 10,948 �� 13713' _ A�, Final. Ordex _ _ #irftOV September 15th, + - 191 6 -RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner Of Publie Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved heceived a1L paners in. connects ort yitit above Fes�`olu o Adopted by the Council APR Yeas * ( J ( } Nays Councilman Farnsworth . Goss Keller Dt xX Hyland $P o e �.15k191 xggg�wunderlioh Pdr.President xRg"j* Irvin 'CITY OF ST_ PAUL, "CiOUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL. FORM Subject ts� , R of d .'Chat thn i6rm o2 lease a- COUNCIL 4r een tj r ,Rrd ,of Nate GomFILE No__ �lon r.nnd)RlB Ja rharfin6tt. dated: V0 Feb-.-.�.... � _ '. ... -runt 197-7. rot thaIeaefnfK' Qf`eo,�eAfn _ :premises therelh deserIM. Cor the'. •:ronnideratton or J)po Yiun red TWO -t} �'enatasp'aeeomaar6OL'. 877, the ,r er na' Date Presented .._ 191 ;approved , and the vr6par< oKlear4 heroby authorized and;dlreeted- �.edte Bame- I. Adopted by th `Conn Approved. Apr..4,'19 3? (_ Apr 1 7-1917) 1 Resolved, that the form of lease between the Board of Water Commissioners and Ai -chard Jansen, dated February 2, 1917, for the leasing.of certain premises therein described, for the consideration of One Hundred Twenty- five Dollars (Slmoo), for the period ending December 31, 1917, is hereby approved, and the proper officers are hereby authorir.ed and directed to execute same. I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Goss �ln Favor - APR rt 19.1 Hyland-_------ - Keller Approved .:'. .:..k :A _, _.. 191 ..% Mea Against f Wunderlich J Mr. President, Irvin _........... ..... . MAYOR FORM C. 9-2 . r peparhrneRhv� (a7�blic`f'hilihi;e's eOARO OI WATER COMMISSIONERS WU C'e-au 0 f \Va her April - - OSCAR •FHE-' ER A or . S.ARNSWORTHae - - 2, M. N. GOSS 1 911 7. _ GARRETT O. HOUSE. Oen: Sv1 - - To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, R St. Paul. Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board,of Water_ Commissioners. at a meet- ing held this day* unanimously adopted the following resolution; "Resolved, that the City Council be and hereby is requested to approve the ,action of the Board of Water Commissioners, through its officers, in renewing lease with Richard Jansen, dated February 2, 1917, for the use of the following described property; The east 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 19, Town- telco - ship 30, Range 22;^ Lots 5 and 8, Section 30, on the east shore of Vadnais Lake, and the north- west 1/4 of Section 19, Township 30, Range 22, on the wd.st shore of Sucker Lake, as per terms and conditions therein described.* Very truly yours, Sncl. /'� Secretary. ,�%` �y,m Ye 7 Ton_8 ,aL N. 90 x-- CITY OF ST. PAUL : l R eolred That !h8'. gFAde b[ iCai{ a ford A\e (rum Fairvfaw rAve to th'emv—RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Lina of 7ctpp a Collago Park, s #eoiYM rbr the red grade line qn the aooum- pa:pytng prodle 9nd ne. recommanded5py . - • v \ Subject: toe Commiatanar oL„lsuplic Norke iUe COUNCIL arld the sameaa heretiy, adopted na'the_ FILE - - N O -- ,eetRUlfalied grade - � -• - � , Adopted' I'. trie Cquncll 1pr. 4. 3017 ;,. - �ppcoved Apr 4 .1037.: -- �Prl r r71 Date Presented. - April 4, _ 191 7 �. Resolved, That the grade of Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to the E. line of Ki:pp's College Park, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the. established grade. Yeas (✓) Co ncilmen ( ✓) Nays _ .. APR t91191 Fa sworth Adopted by the Council � co b In favor e t'k Uf Kell Hyl d Approved ” 191. AgainstWun erlich MAYOR Mr. President, rvin FORM C.9-2 t`w°d' No 16711—n} CITY OF ST. PAUL Re.ohod Q'hat the Rrnd.. to ,ipnps . Ea rl orn11 peinvood Ava -to' Beetling--, RESOLUTION—GEN,ERAL,. FORM Ave aq shown br the ,ra3 grpde. Ilne- on..tha aoeolrcpanyfnR 'prodlo and a. _ SubJOCt.r�omtn aded by the.Commi.alonar oE. 1 rIl .ppl11fo Worka; pfa and tho Dema lsade�e� _ FO ENat. NO. v L r. byPadopt�d-aeltho. adtablfehe8 Rf' , -- - Adopted.bk the CoUoen Apr ..,lpprovod,Avr 4e.19 l Date Presented __ _ April._ 4, 191 ' 7.- y , Resolved, That the grade of Jeno 8t. from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave., as shovm by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Worl�B, be end the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (J) Co ncilmen (V) Nays S9�? 'a nsworth Adopted by the Council AP{ . _.. 191 Go s In favor H and i1Nli X91 ( '191'.. Ke er r APProved . u r .Against I � W derlich Mr. President Irvin FORM O. a•Z - - - - ' � F i4a ,15m n.:�t' tS Goaar�•'� ons' � . Rwlved That ths+`- Ave. from'. Ttuder�vood Ava, do tfr40, t. C I TY' -O F. ST. PAUL, 11no"of RIpRa",Colle Park aa,;ahpvrn:_ yh�Y the ;sed lrtade: lne pry xha' aaiwmFORM- trvnyin3r.-Dl•onlo Ann ae t'ecommondaH �N C CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL 2ry th@ cammiaa�orIer t Pudtla,:worl.e r q `3r d the, OR -O' la hereby; adggted asp y Stho111.rt bllahed grade ' ' --. - counca banes Adopte4 by Oe Counolt Apr. �. 3917. - FILE N �- APR>jbVed, ADc. 1,^.1917 . - ... i (ADrl3 R-1937) ... ^ ' Date Presented: ,April 4, - a Resolved, That the grade of Watson Ave. from Underwood Ave. to the east line of K,ipp's College Park, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays %' ,Y q X191 Far sworth L Adopted by the Council AQ 't i 7 Go In favor \9� t i Hy ❑d Approved- 191 _. Ke er 1 ( f 1 (�, Against ' `/ ~Wu derlich. ... MAYOR Mr. President Irvin rORM c.a•T _ j lieaelyed TKAt- Lhn ra bC" NSIP�7t' ' 1wv6."'fr fi'finderwo4d wviva.��td'the eaek' CITY OF ST. Itpe�'lYi'S90 ROoIIeRaPark ds aK4wn. PAUL by,.ifrie-rEdrtrade IIn9on`�lhe aagom-sL.. RESOLUT.IOIV—GENERAL o¢nYing'protnn; and sa re"golnmended, FORM ,. Subjebe 77Y Tha Commlpetoher at ,t9bilq Worha. - g9d tIl eRama Iq hereby adopted aa- the eatdDllhed grade - ^Is , Ad4D'ted by tKe fJouncil k9r i X917: 18Y7 COUNCIL FILE, NO. :Ayproved,Apr. Date Presented. - April. '_4s 7. Resolved, That the grade of Niles Ave.;,from Underwood Ave. to the east line of Kippts College Park, as shom by the red grade line on the accompanying profile.and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public +iorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. a - Yeas (V) e I ( ✓) Nays Tarns o rth Adopted by the Council191 �yy 191. AP? Goss In favor Hylar@ Kelle ,F , Approv 191 bogAgainst V✓und lick Mr. President. I in FORM C.R-] - - c mci:ai 15ia—�Y`m. xt'aai�--. ' ;Rb7oived, aha! the BraAs of the alley 9nDIOFR 8'iovbrinBFarlt and In Bfook CITY O F ST. PAUL '7-Qn{nDy Park, as shown by Che .red lU NCIL RESOLUTI OWN ---GENERAL FORM BMs 71na an the accompanYme Dronfe i8+1 as recommended Dy [he CBrnmfe- 9loncr ,ot Pa611F tvorke.. De sad. ;ho - aame .Id heraDY Adopisd ae the eataD! .. .. � -- !" � dUDed grade, COUNCIL oRted by'iho Cbunefi';Apr. i. 191,7. _ . rit[ NO.. _. �iJ r+.� iAVRroved'Apr. ;•.. , :(April 7-181711 . Date Presented 'April 4j, 191 T. Resolved, That the grade of the alley. in Block 8 Lovering Park and in Block 7 Quinby Park, as shown by the. red grade line on the ace ompanyirg profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of 2ublic Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas ( ✓) C041men (J) Nays Farnworth Gas j (r_ In favor Hyl nd -� Kell r Against Wu erlich Mr. President, rvin ToRm Adopted by the. Council 111 3 i ] -191 f'I{n—�t 91-f _....__ • Approved 191 /J. _ � _ _....... .... MAYO C R so vedS;ham warrants V e " dit�wfN �' the T ory pay bl6`On or: CITY OF ST. PAUL pon CICS e Inca rutin and J. p'a Ioaohe ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT rithrt. a o6'eotr Coprppo.r.at- n4:",fo ,,=1 °a AUDITED _1 . .COUNCIL 5ti FILE CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORNo. .-nire Hen y goa. aai-a" EEe ee AdAd tta b e .Ei C EQUSiL: Ea6�'3p17{ opt by -t th .. /j ed App Apr:,! 7- D SAPrIl 7-19141 — AUDITED lel— //• /�� I 6 ., 98 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names' as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( -1 } uncilmen ( %I Nays - Adopted by the Council APR ' 4 I W 7 191— APR' R—�(— arnsworth In favor Approved 191— Keller _ C) Against 0'1.e:ry - _: MAYOR Yo Mr. Preside t, Powers t 13737 Henry Bodmarnt 80.00 Schools McClellan. 738 Northwestern Blec. Equip. 359.75 P. Schools McClellan. 1 r Form A.S-li _ ,,. ( J C F xo:'.i5'717 IIy.B A. P'arg6ivorth--F In fhelftttter oY''openlna' mldenlna•-1 tna ' e h endY ntorly st1 Vlfib X - - from the peeto It nne •qi (.„ "Ple—a +'street to tNu pentpily alpeYgy�;j Plensngt A ' 'by . wndefinlnk �dd,,ff - ' cnkln - RlarlcGR1-` of St. Ptni. south COUNCIL FILE By... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Q.B.eXl.�x)g..-.PLi.d.eztizzP,...ax1.d...exx.ending...F+{est---rift?�.:.stxe the west.exlY- �i.n.e...Dt..1�'est FQl1t th...tl.tSeet.:.t.c.._the.--easterly...linE..nf...P.lsaet fX1Qvm by card@enue lhn�ng azid takinS..&71..that.-:Raxt...o.i:... L.o:t.a...5-... and...fi t,...Blorlc...&3,...Irsinet s Enlargement:,_-.City .of:gt Paul h ,at li.es.- north.Px the_: south_•Urxe... Fift'h--l— eet, ....roducedP1eas,anW av u ens hereto acro.z.d.izlg...t.o....the:..glan ,attached and.made..a.-part hereof - A.......... .. - under Preliminary.... Order---..74�7:....-.. approved ...0.ctober_.2$, The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the commissioner of Fina above improvement, and having considered said ,report, hereby resolves: nee upon the 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. and the said improvement is ^, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...0.p.en.,....571.den...Bn[1....._.: extend..:West Fifth...atr.eat....frttM,1he....w.est.er.ly:..line.-of ..-kt.eat..Yourxh.st.r.eex..ao. the east.erly...11ne of pjeas.ant .avenue b Y..ord.empz.n.€;..a.rid .tol�inh...al.l....tnat....part of .Lots,-5,.ane_.:6,. Block. 63, .Irvi,ne_'s Enlargement C't liea.no.rih_hf._the: south l.in.e.of.1vee.t Fifth • Y.of St .;.Paul,, traty street., ...produced.weet.erly to.... Pleasan.t..aven.ue,....acc.oxdi.n.g...to the plan heretq .at::tsched. ana, ztaade.,a.part :, With no alternatives, and hereof, that the estimated cost, thereof is $..7, 421..7.0...__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improv iy... ement on the 191..7... 9.th day of Court House and City Hall uncil Building in theCityof St. Paul. the Commissionerclock A. AL, in the ofFinaChamber of the nce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......: APR _....... 191._._.. AN Approved - 191...... .^City .................... ler Councilman Farnsworth v-`'.V..1 ' M Councilman (;oss PTIBhhfR�B ayor Councilmen Hyland 7� f // Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE FINAL ORDER. InJMatterof..--_?IIM@x.e�.3!�)aB.:_e21d._ tale to a wridth of nine feet: the reeent Ceenttile "sidewalk eon the north aide of YVest Seventh street bggirn n rn the Matter bfsepnstv�t4ft1ll� tb -- -' IeYing and 1•elisittn$ Celned� ---- tlle' to a .... - ---- -"✓•— mldth �ot n1Yte .feet thq—,._._.__,,,_"__.. Present ement tlls .IBewatli;+bq�ttre ".._:_.-•....•..-... nortln eld of we§t `aevgQ •^••-•--- 'glnnln8 et Colbonrne at tth.•„]A •�'•` east= a �leeA under Pret! .........8pproved,__•_„ne"C�her 7 .dm'",17Xo6 -.lt r ..2]..�_..l9..1S:.._... —..... 'Inlermeolary Order "_��,�___••T•__•,•._ _: 7— ....... _ _ _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered" the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im= i. provement to be made by the said City is.." Rgoonetruot —_�."••relay_•_and rePtilr with r v _cMJDnt:.WfL-tQ_ A. Riotb._.n%_n"ine_feet,.._.the..."res"ent �-_e_i,d�� on—the Port cement~ tile• aiflasslk.. " 2#'-•�.e•§..� s..�Y�zltk>t�.t.�.�.e�.ylt.epi.zuatag_at__.C.olbszurae_.a.Lse"�, Lhggg�i y�set_.�f and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted bythe Council.._.....•. APR X4_917'` APR _.* 19i I Clty CI Approved_—___ (/ Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. 4—Goss PUBLL9iYiy� v- Keller / -McColl Nash t r'- Yoerg Mayora Powers B: S. A 8-7 i` oil CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of, Finance d January. 27th,..... .....] 91.!... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Public, Works, having had under cousideration the preliminary order of the Couu- cil, known as Council File No 14105 December 21st,' 1916..., relative to . .:............. ........approved ..__....................................... r000nstruoting., relaying and. repairinK-w.ith cement tile to a width.. of nine' feet,, the.._pres nt..ge.Aen.t tile.,_e devralk,, on, the._north a de,,, ofWeet SeventhS _:....................... beginning_, at ,,¢olbourne..._St.._..thenoe._ eget 8 fe; t.,.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is , _..........necessary and (or) desirable. 87¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- ......... and the totalcostthereof is,$ %XXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... ......... ....:.._ .....:.. ................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a putt hereof. k __....:.........._.......... _.._....._. ........ _.. ......... . ...................... ............... ... ._... ......:... . _. not u. Said improvement is.:...... ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C n ssio •r of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ...... 1 FINAL ORDER. In thImatter of 11@:S.o__1L1dth_.la...lAeza__.Y.,,et�t� thg_p� sent cement the aid Walk• nja—tjp-- south _aide�ofighih street `beginning at Mltmeeoli%QLreet t r rn.tha Matter or reconsttU w$ inR and repslring v' 1W,- 1 ? .__.... to a width or Fan faett a Qrdden cement the etdetvhltE qfr; the abut $390 •jP of F '• eet,beginntag a ntermediary Order�"°�'�°! �.:.:_.._ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-, provement to be made by the said City is�3F4il�i�t_,•@�yr._air _yp�__� cement_ti�g to a_�¢•�,_.9_:C....p_��et.,—t�._Rr..sesn�cPment +iiP on the_eouth�-side of E__ghtlz street :bggina at Minneap_pg@� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed ` with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. (APC, 41917 Adopted by the Council_:___...._._.....—___` APR Clerk.' ' 'J2 Approved._........._...__----:_._� 191 ...... —C.... - _......_�.... __»_._.__.._._._. ... Mayor. . Councilman Farnsworth PUBLM"D Goss Keller Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ovpmber.. 3rd:....... ...791..6.. J � 3o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun• cil, knowu as Pouncil File No.._13390.,.__..approved ., :OCtoUer,..27th.,,,,191.:6..,relativeto......... ...,re.conetruotin;.......... r.. 0. x. r:s lx n:...wa.th.....ax.Xzt....t.ile to.....c....YV>S9th. of....ten .:.f.ee:t.,.:.t.he.....pre.sen.t:_..caa—ent.....tile.....sidewalk ....ori....t.1•e....acuth.....side..:.of.. ...............Eighth .....S..t..:...:.beginr_ing..:..at::.. iiinne.ant.a...:St- ..._thence ..._ wezt.._.15U:.:.feet. ....... ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.Said improvement isueees a an� (gr) esirable. 94y� per iiea,1oo`�, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....:............. and the total cost thereof is $ ...... SXXX „ and the nature'aud extent of said improvement is as follows: ...:..:. .............. .......... ... _ ............... 3r_ A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. ............ .. ......:.. ............. _....... _._............ .._................. .......... :...... ..... ........... ..... ::_ ............... 5. Said improvement is_ nat .....:........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i / c..: Y : ................. / C umissiouer of,+ublic Works. 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... FINAL ORDER. InAMatterof._ke�an�.tx . t.in _t ] Y1.x ...axrd..Sep.a �ix�g _wa�.k�._.c_ez�eia�.�tUP— ts_._Ye1.dt . o.:_a.irx._..e.eiR, _the Dreaent�@m_i a dewallcstzt__tk�e _��� _aide._of._ Ann -strep -t- eginning at Gnodhlie in___._, 16720:— pIn the Matter -of reconetructtng re}9.Y - - ,,, Ing. and rePalrIng- with''.. C,0 I F .�:, •-,: ituiivar}°,.q^,t...J..i.r..a.-[.....__........ ---- ---- approved....__JA.0.7LY..lt{67..Y..T.6iw.,7+_...t.7.,1.G..e._...........:._...._.. Intermediary Order__::_......._ ...._...__......._. approved_ ................ __.___....... .._ .._.__._ .._�r.__._... A publichearinghaving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.:.Re ne r. t - relay., and....�EDaj cement; ti3&__t0.As?th_9._.�ia�s@t.,.�ihe.._ur@.s.snt.�emeni�ile:sida¢alk _ qn tom@ gait_aid.@ nf_ Ann _atxPL-t bgginning_ax_..G.oadhue. etsaet,- tlie.acs-_— $.Outb_tQ..9lulcee_atrBEt:i_ a___� __._ _. _ —_ _ ... ........ __.�_ _ .__._,.__—_� ___ _.._ _ ._.----- - _._........._._._ _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by'the'Couned......:._ _bp ...... Sgll7��>191_...... . UTClerk.ANR -� 19Jj t Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLI Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg. Mayor Powers Form B. S. 8-7 _ "+ I d �ti 1� CITY OF ST MAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ..Reoonet.ruct Ing, rIZ14Y ,ng_and .rep.a.iring with. snt.:Ul .to—a...width.._ : of six feet the ..presentcement tile _sidewalk_ On the. east__si.d.e.._of Ann :...s.tme-at............. beginning At._Goodhue...etreet, the.tce._southto Yankee. atrept, _.......... _...... :. ..:....., I ` _..-.._: _...__... .......... ... ...._.._.. ..-. ............. .._.... _.......... ._... _... ..... ....._.....__.. _...._.......... __.......... ... ....... -....... ......... ........ _---- ........... .. .............. ._ ..... ,_... . ._...... ............._.. ... ............. _..-.................. o•� under Preliminary Order approved ....N..O.vember .29, 1916.._...._ __......._. __..._. ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby. reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_....._......._..._...._.:...- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $...0-5fl..._per ._.lineal foot. The lots or. parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK' - ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 5, 9: Winslow's Addition to 2 0 5 0 6 9 St. Paul 810 0 ----- TOTAL. - 2 8 5 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said. matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- ...� .......191.%... Commissioner of Finance. x Form B. B. 13: .. i � v Office of the Commislioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 19th,_............191._6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the 'City of St.' Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimiimry order of the Conn" 13799 November- 29th, 191 6., relative to .. thQ..... cil, known as Council File No..:. ........... .::approved................ .. ._............. _ reconstruction, relaying and repairing with cement ;tile to a width .............................._................._......:_.... ................... _ . ........ . of six feet, the Imsent cement tile sidewalk on.the east suede of AYin Street;"b-e'gYinI'hg at G'o0ah.i6 Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:5g _..p.gptcerssjryeVtl JUra esirable. xxxxx 2. The estimnted cost thereof is $.._--- .............. ........... and the total cost thereof is $........................ .................... ,, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......: ............._......,_. ................._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �. _...:_.._ ................. ........ ................. _. ...:..................................... .......................... ........... _......... ....... 5. Said improvement is._..._r9t.............. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co urs onci of blic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO _ ..__.......� i Y7a.e FINAL ORDER. In toMatt� of.:__Q2ri�tr.A.Q-ix18...A--_cam.e-nt..::t-il.41 s-ids¢alk._ .0.._1..-widt}i-:-nf..sig.-_ feet on _tha';;east...edf_Wilder avenue..... l��ginr�ng at Zaurel' avenlg.,__ thence north 170 feet Jn t m 3n the atter"ot, wastractlpg CaMetit - rile sidewalk to ar•Wtath 0Jpti� faq'. - - '.oa tha east alae oT=Waldar aS.v',Le.. - glnningatLanretAre 3hanae"t�brtltr _ -. :!:7a Ieety vhdrr Preligila8ry Order - _:_ aDProved November 36. 19t8:�-.`__...._...:_.....:.___....... _._......_,.....-._..__.... .._.._:. ..-......._. ••aring hecvtnQ- bear _ under Preliminary i a. r ____1 97___.__ _ .� ._approved..._...�iRYeXG�I.e Intermediary Order _. _ ._: '-L _..._ approded ._............ A public hearing having begin had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recd Immendations relative thereto, and having fully considered • the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind.of-im provement to be made by the said City is_.:.. 9 3Lc Ate.. eIDBA:x..:..t1.le g1-d-e m1k__ta_ B,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructedand directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___.-_..�t _.. a�_ _ 191 ------- ityClerk. APR _ iy�; Approved_.-..._.__:___.________.._.___, 191_......... t Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth pUBL I!%Z* Goss Keller McColl Nash YOerg /A.81-7 ayor Powers Form B. - - 1 CMY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FII-JAMt-= { �� { � /� ( \ : \ 2! / ƒ { \\�/ \ \ \� �} / \ \ \ \ � \ \� \-\ \ \ \ \ \�\� \\ \ ��\ (\ \ \ ( A \ \� � } . \\\4?.,.�_. © LJt\L J t I 1� :.\[}2\\\ " :[ { �� { � /� ( \ : \ 2! Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance e November 21st, 6 .................... .......19L:... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..:.13697 npproved........._NOVember 18th 191..._6, relative to _......... constructing a..:oe>tient..:_t �e..:..e. OW.Alk....tQ .a .v�:idth....a .s.1 ..teat .Q>a the east side oY Wilder Ave _..,_be9ARnAh9At,._Laurel..: Ave thanae,...._.... ._ north 170 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _..._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $................................. and the total cost thereof is ........ ........... _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..... _............................ ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �. ...... .......... ......... ..__........ ........ ....................... ............. ..................... ........ ........:..... o. Said improvement _......... no,.t :..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... Coit rssi ❑er of lie IVorks. _ __.� _ , ., _ II- W ��' ,�', i � �n � � y-r� �; ,� i �y� `l / � L 1 _ / _�r4 .j !___Z _.._ i .y \\ II .. iY .. �� �'i .. �,j _ - � • � . COUNCIL FILE NO _--_.__....... FINAL ORDER. Int l'matter of- ConetrugtiPA- a_oement the _�pid8walk-_to-_a width_gf •@ir, _ Yeet_._on�the._south__s1dg.___gf Blair at�eg�_b#�esn__.&.ea.in�t4n--axen?e-'an�— oxford streets— -------------- ,----under Preliminary Intermediary Order.-_-__..._.-......_.-..-:_--...... approved... .... _.:........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the, Courlcil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise stature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Conetrtiot a cemQnt •;t @ s$�f.Q_� avenue and F. No. In rhe matter of totiV6 r'tlna''s cement•-M•„•,^„_„- ---- •••-^ --- '�ilo eId—alk toe width of e, t feet - on •the south elde.Ar'Blalr e t t , : • —� ::_••,• _.:„ __.. i. [ween Lexington Ave. -n - - '-uodnr Preltminar ',.^ _ I Dece -- - Y,"-- aitlncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ity officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed approval; that upon said approval, the proper c with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counctlt 191 ....... / ...._.___..�.t..R .....:�••x�.�---. --_ .. C' Clerk. APR 1917 _ ..._..._. - / Mayor. Councilmantfarnsworth L6oss ruBLi vICeller McColl "'Nash .. rYoerg Mayor fP6wers Form B. S. A. 8-7 . =o CITY OF ST. PAUL -' bEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISs461'�ER OF FINANCE_ ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ASSESSED LOT'BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION - - -q 1 J 3 John A Cokes Addition 1.7 b 1 do 1 7,51 , 2 1 do 1 7 5 do b _ fi 200- _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - UC�----- _:..... ..---191-7' Dated - ----- �•� , " "-"- - Commissioner of Fiance. CORM 0.9.A. !•6C i To The Honorable Council, pity of St. ,Paul ,.Minn. Gentlemen:- abuttin 'We, the undersigned owners of property v on the south side of Blair Street between Lexingto a e street hereby petition your honorable bo y and Oxford cement sidewalk bet een to cause to be laid a six foot the points mentioned, LOT BLOCK.- AD ITION 0`RMS _ z a Qom( .• all Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 27th, .............. _ To the Commissioner of. Finance of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun 14092December •.20tho e....191 srelative t..... ............. .. cil, known as Council File No................. approved....... ....... ._. conetruc_ting__a..,cement, tile..•.sidegralk..to...a width of six feet ....... _ .. the sout"�id® of Blair Street betty en Lexington Ave nd St aOxford . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ......... ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 520 per lineal foot 7Cxxx. and ..... . .. _ ._.. .... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is . ............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y .. .. Com ssion! r of 'u lic Works. COUNCILFILE NO... _ _ _— MAL ORDER. In,. Matter ofr._Canatr pct.;i.xlg...a__ceme.At....t1l:e... aidewalk....t.c a::..>!v�_dtYi .fast_.tln-l.le....eae.t..._el�.e..4 P 4= a�tfll7ue bczinnina at Grarld_4yenuf: thence to Fairmount_avenu@, T n the ?fatter of conetmetirig a eea,eat - t11 °eidotealk to a ;xldph o2 atz feet' on tiie ehaUaide of 2'rior aaenua bb ------------- ------ ginning at: Grand aSenv�.. thence<to - Falrmount-avenue, uaoer'P•reitrdfn=3 i ury. Qrder 711708,•a$rpC4ed;3annar__._.....—_..—.....:......_._.._...__._.__.......__..W......... - x a hearing hAt!iag bMn" y ter Prltn, _._W...__........___.... appto ved... _ sT.#�U..B4. _.�'�.._.1�.i 7.. _._.:. ....__-..__ Intermediary approved ...._...._..---•_-_._ ._._:___._______�..—.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementto be made by the said Cityis__ Construct acement, til,e_ai_"Xalk__tp width.: Grand, avenue, thence to Fairmount avenues and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 4 Adopted by the _Council .......... _ r?�?..:..a j {_ _ _: �, 191 _..... Approved. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss PU13LI Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER /7 In the Matter of of si et _.�..__,�. ....Qn,..th.e,,ea.e.t.,,.s,.i,.de of Prior avenue beginnin at aeu Grand vne. hnce t ......... .. ... ...... ..... .......... teo . ..... ...... ... . ...... ............ ... ....... . ...... -Tairuio unt, avenue"...'. ........................ ........ ...... . ............. .. ......... ................ ........ ....... ............. .... . ................... . .. ... ....... ....... ... ...... . ................. . . . . ..... ................ .... ....... ......... ....... ... .. ..... ....... . .. ...... . ............. .. . ........ ................ .................. .. .......... . ... _ .............__ under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is. ............ ........... . ..... . ...... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $.0,58per lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESIE 1AL.AT11.D1j 26 4, Rosedale Park 5 7 5 27: 4- Do 2 0 7 5 V.69 ft.of N. 168 ft. Of 4 5. Do S. Of W. 164 ft. of 4, 5, Do 4 1 rO 0 12 2 Underwood's First 7 7.5 13 2! Addition0 6 5 TOTAL. 8 1 7 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing . as his report thereon to the Council, together with the I report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissi6ner of Public Works. Dated........._ ........ ........... ..........191......_ Iorni B. B. 13 Commissioner of Finance. l � . v) iF yf 3o d i (dz j P �; � � �, , f COUNCIL FILE NO.- .= t .'7 ANAL ORDER. SIX Inth%matterof..... 4nstructing,acement..•aile._ei_dewalk:._to _a.widtM of ._ the_...e.a.at_..e.id.e__Qf St?liie�I��t��.n_4arbon street and x iil00"ddE ieLko t4 a wlilkh o[aeix tee "— '�^;ajvthe„Gant aide oL Root � fi • _.•.. _._ °.... ... • _. etnn _ .... ...-_-'___..... "t'tid l�' elh i ry orC, 42 ar uvat..a`.ehmmgryuPder.........:a.,�ai.2.'i_.:..»...__ ..._ .......... approved . QGt.L22Ze�...,Z±J, _ approved.__...__ Intermediary Order _. _:..». _. _....__...._. A public hearing having been had (upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections anti recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be imade by the said City is_CAI1etr3is~t -•a-B•em8.>tt•-Gi 1 G" 11 e�-'-Q street and �80uth�etreetx� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructedand directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed' with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._..._.._—ARP � �y �•'••--- 191_ � - Clerk. _ APR -4 1917 Approved_._....._:._ __ — Mayor. C . . ouncilman F/arnsworth 1,l /Goss-L--:_�. /(eller jMcColl 1lqash VYoerg Mayor ✓Powers Form B S. A 8-7 0 �f� - CITY OF ST. PAUL -1: DEOARTMENT. OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMUSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .__egnstructing,a., cementtiae,aidewal�C .t4.__d._wi,dth of..:- _ ,oe e. X fQQt on .....-:-__. the east. side of Gaultier St: between Carbon St__and South St._ .................. .... _..._........_... .. _._.._.... _..___ _.... _...... __.... _._._........ ... ....... under Preliminary Order approved .., _.... ___......Oc.toher .2& 1.916... _..__.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The'total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ -, - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION SLOT BLOOK! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 16 2 Nortons Addition 2 7 51 17 . 2 do 2 5 0 18,2 do 1 2 5 0 lg 2 ! do 4 5 0: 2911 2 do 2 5 0 21. 2'; do 2 50 2'. do _ 22. G 50 23 2 do _ 2,5 0: 24 2 do 2 5 0 is - ..TOTAL. ..Forma H 10 { .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE,• - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFIFINANCE ON. PRELOMINARY ORDER - - • (CY DE SC R I PTI�ON j LOT (BLOCK: - ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION 26 Nortons Addition 1 5 5 0' 97do 1 4 5 0 281. 1 do 1 2-0 0 29, do 2 5 0 30 do 9 5 0 9 52 5` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated ._... 3... ----- 191. ... ._.... __`—..._.... .... _.. ..— FORM U.S- 9-9 O Commissioner of Finance. ce of the Comrr�sioner of bi Public Works O Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citi of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public_Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ootober 23rd, 6 13329 ..approved ..,... .... . 191: , relative to eil, known ar Council file No........ ............. ....... construct ing_.e:,Qen;ent the sidewalk to a width of six feet on e t nd Sout , --- e-at.._side.....of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,; hereby retorts: 1, Said improvenw"t is.:.:_.:..... ........ .necessary and lin i, des'f OOt Se,¢ pxxxxx2. The estimated cost therand eof is..........._ ._. and the total cost thereof is • . .. ...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: of said improvement is hereto a ttEiched and made a part hereof. 3, A Llan, profile, or sketch .... 5. Said improvement is.._....._ .....asked for upou petition of three or more ownera,of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comnnssiouer o Yublie Works. / � \ \�� \ \ . \ � \/ \ \ \ \ � \ }� \ \ .\ , - 41 � � \ \ \ \\ /� .�� � \\� \ \ .j . y �� ƒ?... £<C: \}\ /'(/°}»\} � � \ \ \ \\ /� .�� � \\� \ \ .j . y �� ƒ?... £<C: \}\ {, %'�/ GV(r4.C/G vim-- �. „ f- t ` a r saw s t� Uha+�d�tniir viw fat �i , . Council File No,...►,..:ti. e s tris dr 0 ai}� 4sa rmptovet6in i• bDdk'a�Wy�r 8'�)Dif$rap� °ie't rr kgn�,tl� tK� goon°°oir:bh$ i 'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C Yl of:$ #+aql t Sna o1'R b611 '� - Yubiiq tom, 1'hst the Cutrtmtdel psr.};; °' and 4 rt ' PRELIMINARY ORDER,,`}jj i t The undersigned hereby to oses the making., s g y p p g.-of the "foilowia public improvement 'by ,the City of St. Paul viz.:.:_...l r-ada..a].7..e,....iA-..:Bloa3t...8. 7iszse.rito %'aril* s dr... oc 7:wuinby Park, Axl aoanrdaxloe eri�h Beit�rrz hexs3t{ atil�ecxed: _..... ... X -------------- ..................................... - -- , f-- ...... ..........._... . Dated this.... btYL..... of..... ..:...APril ........ �91..%...... Councilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.............. Gmada...alIjV .in...' Lode_':H...La.-7ering._2ar-k..anA_B1Wk.-7LQuinhy..lark........._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............:.......: .......... . .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public.Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4• To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;................................. ......... ..... .... ..........................-- b} To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 8: To report upon all of-.the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...................... P `,'. 9•...,. 191 -:-,-. . Yeas: Nays: Councilmar4nrnsworth APR j 1917 1 .60 ss Approved_......:....... _............... ................................... Pflyland Acller / r� t derlichU s.....__.................................................. ........ Mayo ruin Mayor. �. P Vfl lar. ........ ... Council File No. -C- Ir N 457M—; Ui�, Whe'cej.. A;Wjjjj"1,` , " th, of akI.g,.r tRe jonevirrg , c In', Vent, VI.: condemning end toicktif kn" e- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Inent In the -lan4iinec' for cut '" , or:vle r 1741 Block 9' end'JUIs' In '.r. In � elle;P ,ci, an -P, 9 LovejIng- Pj d and 06`�CcPuucli bf rheCity t4ireroto,. be, it I. I PRELIMINARY ORDER _136-01yed, Tha The undersignedprop hereby f the f9116w;ing Pubitc: improvement by the City 44- proposes the making, o St. Paul, viz.: 0.9nd amilr,:; wad takinz-an'46e ant EL Lci�zarixii_ Periin, gxading al1jay--i- ............ Dated this..:. L.A yA ---------- day Q .... ........ .............. ......... ........ ........... r'l ii 'i. — - — Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condq in a _t.,the.-land nec.essary far zl.opes, . .... e.aq.0ment _......_for: cuts ... and ''.jjjp ;L14 Zr.4 J.nf., All.ey ---- jn.,.R1ajak.._a Love -ring... -Par -k -and ....... .................. Block7 0 ;?Pxk_a .. . ............... ........ ................ .......... .. . ........................................... - ........................ . ... . .. . ................. .............................. ............... . y ................... .. ................... ............ . ... ... .... ................... . .............. I ........... . .................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.........._........._ .......................... ..... - ....... ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissionerof Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. -- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;,.. .......... .................. .. ................. ___ ...... .... . ......................... . ............................ .............................. ............... ................ ...... 5. To state whether or not said iipprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon alkof the foregoing matters to The Commissioner of Finance. APR S 1917 Adopted by the council . ...... . ........ 191 Yeas: Cou. cilman �Nays: nfarnsworth Approved.. Goss Xyland -Keller AVunderlich. . . . . . . . .... . . ... .......................................................... . ........ MayorLIrvin �,Iayor- We- 7 r - A �? c. it 1 ler; �uacilFile No......... : Wher4ag�-A-written proposal for Ghg - }¢gk(nq o[ tlip following lmprovgmetlt, Conptruct n cement.; ilia sidewalk' to a•Idth 6t air rest on tris south PROPOSAL.FOR IMPROVEMENT - - 06%f horhern A b. b��+ een Grir:5: -5t and nunlap Ct. hv' ^n r ecdied to the: ounrll and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the ,Inaking of the following pu,)y"1c improvement by _,the City of� St. Paul, viz.__OazaairuCt..:s....s�-Rmenu:..: 11e s3.deMalk...ta .a....uidth...of .ieet on the ......e�Ot�tla...aido_--nf.,-5herhurneiye....:.het�sen_:Grig�a:St an ck...Ilun]�}t—S":.r.. in ---F ........ bth ' .. Dated this ........_.A Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A'written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 0-9xla.tr>int.._a:---¢Bment--- tale_..Sidet¢alk _ o._-a....vid.th.... of..six-..3 ee-t.:..on....th.a..-south sido..._o.-.--Sh-.x..burrxa...�ioe..-.:.:Qe.t� .gin.- x - --..St-..._ .......:............ . .......... ........ ............... ................_................ ..... .-........ ................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul liy Councilman .:................................................ .................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement,•._...._ .... ....................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. E. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SPR Adopted by the council,..... . 1tJL...-..._ Yens: Nuys: Councilman fflarnsworth APf� ,91� .`Goss Approved ...................... ...... ._.1tJ1.......... Hyland vli;cller , �/,ul' h . May oi✓ Irvin ; Mayor. rope o e.a - pu171,1�'—f���r�r� E. G. Briggs O Vo 7679>H ` ro oval tor,tbe' -� Council .......... ... C ' 'File No 10herPa1 t a 'nt.-1 6 �n`➢rov menc, n'lakta6 slay , or vle :Recohatruct. _ VIM' ctment rile ee#; cei* PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT teen. f6 et. o'bthe:,�ast�a de`�a ataew@ix he nntn6 -nc Viand. ORDER. PRELIMINARY The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the' following ublic improvement' I the City of d;...r.epair....rai .aement.:tile--ta a ..tuidth St. Paul, viz.:..._...R6.Ct?.x1.S�eTlt�rli'-� Zelay S.p r the.. Bx fiexlt:..a.emax>t:.:_t le....ajUe ;aIX-0n_..tha as t.ZSi3:Q of thirteen 99- s telt' .__-- ..8ackaon........ ... ._bagir n....thsnc.�llortll...apl oaiz�e- 116. :. a .. _ _ _ ..... Til...... ., .;,% 191..4 ... Dated this -day of. J ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERE:IS, A written proposal for the making of the iollowingimprovement, viz.: . ....... Reoonatruct,,._re1�Y.:.dna...xeP.aix__W...th.._c_exAen#-...tIle ....t.a:..a Aidth....of thirteenYeet.ctt�aaislaltalk.._nn..the.east .siie of ....-._..:..._ ..... Ja0}ffiOr..St'._be.'nninE-.Rt.._F'oot..:.Eigh.'th-_St;.......t:ns:n:c.e._.north...apl'.nr3ue.tel8. 116 Y_e. ............ .....:...................._..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..:_..................................` therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed Y said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making o 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of,said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_.... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement. i asked for on the petition of three or more owners. . to the Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of :the foregoing matters the council......... :.... .. 191 ......... Adopted by Nays: Yeas: Counc' man Approved dnipp w r�} ........191 ......._ t.e'oss P. KeAlyller / r �Cler t ..../.. .Wunderlich •---_'—"""""",' •�--• � � Mayor. Msyor-i�rvin ronw c o•e ( E: G Briggs whitag4 A w ltten Pro beat-f'r thu, making -of the (out!whm{r Pmpragsm@na., - ; - Council File No ....:............ vla_ Reconstruct roI }tna.., ropoir� - with cement the SO': a wtatth .pr ton fQat, th.e; present Cement '. — Aid - %-Alk en the weet nide nt Jo-r,'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' - heglnnin6 ! t^th or •` .. and _r PRELIMINARY O/DER The undersigned hereby proposes -the making of the,,improv*uent :by the City of ent.....ti1eSt. Paul vtz.:.'...EevG�.atx(cs�t.,:. rs].ayandx�etaiJ�epre.aen...c3.ee (~.Jac.k$on. t,....bsgitth..St,:`thenaa:.aortl ' _........._ to....�x-9.-out....ce.ru seslk,....apl?r.oxi>�te1y t3o....feat. �' _..�t....... Dated this.. ... 5.th.....:_day of .................... A�r.i1.........ra..........._ ..... ._�. el .............. ...... ...... __... ........... ......_........._......._.....__...............: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 40 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Recon. t. uQ:t-,..-relay-.-anid..-.r.epai.r_..with....c.ement_.ti1e....tn...a.w.irlth....ei:-_ten eat.a.-:th.Q...pxa- ent:_..o.atAezn ..:..jle_.aiclavtalk...on:---the.._vest----s.ida..-.n%..Jackeen ginning...14:... feet ....north .:..of...Sasenth.:.St. .....thence -north. ._to. _.pres.ent 9.ement c✓alk.a...aPP _g t_elY-..S.O....feet....... ... ...... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman: ................ ............. ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That eCommissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed t 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of'said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. To report upon all of the forregt�,in� ratters to the Commissioner of Finance. M Adopted by the council................. :...................... ............ lfll �� Nays: Yens: d. �t 1 !9l I Councilman Farnsworth •%'floss Approved.. ... ..... - .. ... 1fl1......�. ,,Hyland ,Keller t • ✓Wunderlich---- MayorXI vin ..... Mayor. _ P[J13LI3ti� ROAM O e�0 / --r oduoed mer e s hearing for on request of property os o� ee q$wrsuBn v�gnBa' a°' sidee+alk on 7. side of Forest'St- from Iv,,' St z� (roveovRm Council File No.......... or lae. to?towfn8 o'tti46sr '�•,n of eiz feet od.ha saws`.` t0 bake ',fi OTna &Phalen :Ave. . L, bBsrynninC at Tar""- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and j PRELIMINARY ORIAE . f The undersigned hereby proposes the making. of the folio public improvement by the Cit of "1 1 St. Paul, viz.;..._Cons.trust.--EL .aament.,w:til.a._sadew4k ta...LLN—i.d.th....Of..s?x.-.fbet ..... an...1ne ................... esst...s ide.. �ti_.Faxeat�innin ...at Isar.... St.-...thesuae...nwrth.. to _, -.. :. _Qmo...._Eha7en...�ys........._..:.....:. l .............................. r _._ ...r r r Dated this J�A day of ... .... .aril i A. --W... s.........._....._...................._.................----------. . i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct aemeni t..e si-. t ' ....�.._._............._;....._l............� d ec��l k.._...-2...�.-....�.�..�L.kI....9.i...s.-1>.t... Y ae-t.....Axl-._th..e..... -.....:.:es> _ s? d�...o ... ' .x.�s.t...:S.t_..__h.egi g...at,_LvY:..St,.....thane.e...narIII taa.......:.... ..........._....... -.0.,. ........ ..................... ...... ................ _............. ............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.... ........................ . ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ~ � � 11 .......191 _...:... Adopted by the council .........E��� 3.-.. Nays: Yeas: il Councilman Farnsworth .. liJl ......._ --Coss Approved .__... ' ..Ilyland Keller ✓�% •underlich ..................................Atayor. Mayor/Irvin /;' . •OBM O B -B / r E. G. Briggs 4 F, Oro 1,678t- . ;o.e' tom' ' `4Vherlaa •n written Dr . ` Council File No ...... mgkthK orrthe-:IollopHaa�mDrovFmeht. , .� rota.!-Recbnetrtiet. .relay . and +repah�• � - � _ - , wick co�r•+nt Mlle, to A< Wrdth of rifne', - sb.Dement t- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT'S e and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.........Re.G.G.n t..wt.,..:.ralay.....and.::repair...l,if&....eament....tiie-...to a Adth...of ..:......... Hill.Q-...Y-s3.ai,:..the--pr-es-ent.--o:ement..._tile-si.demalk..on. ,Wac,,,no-rth._s3,de-.:.af -.1-1.Zt-.-_bvginn:ing...at....dackson.fi-t...._.thencse-great.-IlA..toot.---- t. Dated this ...b.th.....day of .............Apr.il....................... .... . ...... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .... ...... Reconstruct.,.._relay an..d....X_epa.lx.._Filth.-..¢.ement--_t31e....t-a....a width._.of.-.nine __.......-_beets..._the..-.�resent...o.e elxt-.._t_1.� _xid.el9alk...on.,._the-..noxth._side...ofr...:._:......_ aat.._Fifth.._S-to-r_._b_egirmixlg----at_:_JaQks 1.8t._..thsnIIe...peat---11D._i'eet.:_...... ..... .... .................. _._............................................ ... ..............._....._...................... ..... .-............... ._................ ... .... ... ..._...__......._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman__.......... ................ ...... .._...... ...... _.............. . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked- for on the petition of three or more owners.; 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..:.. .....- Yeas: Nays: Coun ilmanl�arnsworth Ailr(i� `moss Approved._ ......_ .... .._........:191 .......... --'Ryland ✓Keller d J i,W}underlich ........................ Mayor'Irvin ___ Q[jgi,I9F31lvH_��/�p�fuyor. POPM C e-e / #2 13754 M. F. Kerwin 2.00 C. H. & C. H. 755 Lee & Hoff Company 108.85 C. H. & C. H. 756 McClain & Redman 15.50 C. H. & C. H. 757 N. W Tel. Co., 1.75 C. H. & C. H.- 758 N. W. Electric Equipment Co.. 76.33 C. H. & C. H. 759 New York Tea -Co.. .93 C. H. & C. H. 760 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 5.00 C. H. & C H. 761- Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 12.61 C. H. &' C. H. 762- Prendergast Bros., 9.75 C. H. & C. H. ` a 763 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 541.67 C. H. & C. H. 764 Tri-State Tel. Co., a 32.05 C. H. & C. H. 765` Twin City Furniture Co., 45.00 C. H. & C. H. 766 DI:. Todura 2.25 C. H. & C. H. 767 Villaume Boa & Lumber Co., 11.75 C. H. & C. H. , R. B. m2itacre Go�, _1.57 `l 768 C. H. &' C. -H.` it a LL • WA� t 1 3 ("fro tarda ]ta0ivk4 that warrant4�� °r:- �reaenry v CITY OF St. PAUL, alt, o. r ro upon 1}iC dKid the herelnartor apkelftkft ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT a ;d 1-'1►Sp j' qq -tta4d,-'/oThthn°AnxaUMi fled 9�'1 .• FILE '`theta renpkktive .txamt:a=qa aA°e CLAIMS—RESOLUTION -:FORM OOUNC"No, - nilow4ntc dktn�led at$texnartr' .,UDITED x TttaQd�tSt Yr$ QdinDnr' < �► �Pt� 5 1917 AUCITE IBI_ - ' _ a PER •- _ .. 703able out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, pay in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in tha following detailed statement Adopted by the Council AP' F1 ;: 15`l 7 191 _ Yeas ( J) oilmen ( Y) Nays ) Ig I; F nsworth / b In favor Appro 191_ r .. Against MAYOR LLLOOO ,; Hyland ►Y —'> =dArlinh Mr. Presiden Irvin 13771 S. Brand, 62.75 p. Schools Expense, 772 Capital City Lbr. Company, 22.82 P. Schools Expense. 773 Adam Decker_Hdwe. Company, 5.16' Paving Depr. 774, Ls L. Everly, 56.74 P. Schools -Expense. 775 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 15.40 P. Works -Workhouse -Expense. 776 Gribben Lumber Company, 70•`& Parks Expense. 777 Griggs, Cooper & Company', 7.42 C. P.W. Workhouse Expense. 778 James Handlon & Company, 34.4E P. Works -Workhouse Expense. 779 -Indepenr39nt. Oil CC'=P :y, 29.20 - p. Schools t;tp;t-ice. 780 Walter T . Lefton 693.52 St.rept. Const. & Repr. Expense. 781 Leslie- ,�Donahower Company 1.03` Lighting.Expense. 782 Melady Paper Company, P.;Srbools Expense. 78327,09 Elec. Equip Company," 27.09 al $ ypW—t4 :CITY OF. ST. PAUU SOLUTION- rGENERAL FORM bdek.4Iio 3¢tott6 briar iilimda' Qr council-r.�),('• 5 a$R33 `Irfnal`Qrder Nh'�,83 $ agQ7hved FILE NO. 9D19ej3 -Th0.L xhR �baYttt.d'b h ttnne a� �edtim0.rep _ - � ofamieelonei At T'uh iC a'orkb Lor•ihe , bava naht(idl woyovetnen3 be and _-tile ' �. Bayne arc hereby aDDrovea Date P.restinted. April 5, 191. 7. ` `ADDroved. ADT ebC39141 APr b 1917 ;i _ �. --(APrif 7 38171 • _ R in the Ttter of installing a single light ornamental lighting system -on Mississippi River Boulevard from a. point 445 feet north of north line of SummitAve. to the West City Limits under Preliminary Order ,#3913, Final Order #6172, approved March 18, 1916. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. in sp?r§ 8 0 1utioAl above Yeas (✓) Co. ilmen (✓) Nays Far Orth Adopted by the Council i1P� .I 17 i� 191 Coss In favor M'.2Hyl 191 Kell L) Approve Me 1 Against Wu n rlich , 'sident. vin Mwvo FORM C.9 -a Ru � c �rpr t¢ CITY OF ST. PAUL x deo �►'? I ESOLUTI'ON—GENERAL FORM y,-geyo)ve`4 mttt'fl�4 by 1:h5 -- tCa>rrr.,myo n)of yu`b) 0''9Poritt k7omYntR roVemeut bs gnd^th 72 trove$ eSn�Jd-B1�RyDa �royed rrb 19YT.i ' �L e6A�oA�§d hP theounali iAq COUNCIL V i f FILE NU. �" Aypfoved .Ay 7- . Y9i7) . ;CACrii' Date Presented.... April 5,...,....._191.7, In the matter of installing a.single light ornamental lighting system on zdou$ds Boulevard from East Seventh St. to Clermont St. under Preliminary Order #10534; Final Order (11721, approved Feb. 21, Resolved, That. the plans, specifications 'and estimates submitted 191?. by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ccrnecti rn aii. th above 1 oiuti c , t , Yeas (✓) Coun men (✓) Nays aP�i •) i J I f Farn Orth Adopted by the Council 191 Coss /�Against favor FR 7 - Hyla' Hyla` 191. Kelle Appro6'".A -C 1 Wun rlich t Mr. resident, vin R FORM C. 9-2 anx xp� ton - a Aeatibnb 4or a ITY OF°ST. PAUL, - Ave 10of ututn ji Stfiehe, bylldlns OLUTION—GENERAL -FORM _ 4- , , ( 91ion�5t td N�miCl+ y 1. - �- 'sem ii LY )n block so �_ e.I 1 Subject: mens neo >1 a •r '• wtldY CbuRci[ r, sixty Pt m rice No. . ^c e ..._ ��." the M;- - t Date Presented April , 5, 1'91.7.. U v _ Resolved;. That the plans and specifications iforgradingdingtofSt. froing walls, smith Ave. to Summit Ave%, g the also change the grade on College Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith Ave. and of the alley in Block 59 Irvine's Enlargement, also grade College Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith Ave. and the alley in Block 59 Irvine's ng walls; also change the sewer and Enlargement, including retaini. water mains on College Ave. from Sixth.St.•to Smith Ave. and construct a bridge on College Ave. crossing Ilinth St. under Final Order#7028, approved 'September 14, 1915, prepared by the`Comnissioner of Public Works and herewith submitted, be and the same are hereby . approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to do the following part of said work, vize change the water mains on College Ave. without advertising; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and .directed to advertise for contractors to do. the rema#der_of'said work in accordance with said plans and specifications. , Received all Pape'rt $€t o vectionith 060" ROlutiOgV�� Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays 'APR ° 1517 191 Far worth Adopted by the Council - Co In Eavor Hy nd an I97 .191 .._ Ke r , Approve . M oil Against r W derlich . .. ........ ........... . . Mr. P MAYOR eside Irvin �� PLJI1i.i!Rf11}l }--� .FORM C.8-2 a!i'At tiJa 6'lBgFetH LI¢{pPC rn 0,:, Sta[hletb%pfra4 ions 9 191,5 aWtx: CITY OF ST. PAUL J tTie e%tl}c SCF i+'ra>tK NnseRW S1B'W Tthl sR iand the tame hetsby delOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �s.ej taU.i;harles rdaFes�anq 889; _ . COUNCIL FILE --- Date Presented 191._ i Resolved, That the Cigarette License,!%o. 228 which,expires Jure 6, 1917,:now in the name of Frank Nassif, 329 W. 7th St. be and the same herdby is transferred to Charles ldcFarlane, 329 71. 7th Street. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays 4F Q pI F nsworth Adopted by the Council : 191, C In favor H land / SPR "J 1917 K er Approv M oll IJ ....Against Ir W derl;ch Mr. Preside Irvin '.t FONM C. 9.2 CITY OF :ST. PAUL ' t; pb'�Cq�''"DeYrr UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM d,q ends e . ' rM�� cGE4d xo. Ben H'ef�ue., J 0 yge. ll pncr 6 �9ifi' ... __ tri�oii tib _. . FILENFIL- FILE I V 0.. i Date Presented. n 191 Resolved, That the Cigarette License NO. 61, :vhich' exp ires June 19th, 1918, novT in the nar:e of Frank F. DeLis'le, 488 Brainerd Avenue, be and the sale hereby is transferred to Ben Berkus, 488 Brainerd Avenue. {i f Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Far worth Adopted by the Council APR ^' ! 191 Coss In favor Hylind /1 .._. KeIIAr U Appro�191_ U d C r Mc 11 Against Wurdierlich Mr resident; Irvin MA OR G 151 i4 A COUNCIL FILE NO .......... .............. ..... By. _.:... FINAL ORDER and curbing:G�eel[wYo9a-:?�.Y..eBue. fr9tA .I?.e�o$...B.tr.B.et In the Matter of Gro _ .... - tn.:.G.hi.ca gn...Gr.eat...7R da -Right--.af...�.ay.,. .............................. th Matter bf Hrad[ng aad darAl`a8� - ..: .. ...... ... .... .. ..... .... ..............Greenwood ..Greenwood 'Ave from. Pdlosi 91. to ................. . Chicago Great weatertt, Right .af under Prei[minary`GYdeYA.1 _ ... ... ........................ I'.hegr[nB i1aYIriH, bf.p9�:....... - �. lm7rrovemeat uti p p .................... under Preliminary Order .. 7 4-270 ........................ approved .approved ... .-.._ ..-.-,... .. ................... Intermediary Order .. ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and considered the having the11 heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Y therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, estent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.- Grade .and. Curb Gs.eenW.cad-.-avert e ... from--D.elae st. to . a-..11ne...da mn...Ibetween_.the--north...1.ine-..af..aiisy...ia:MOCk....20,....West St .:,haul.Pro.pe. 9.f...Gr.eernvon.d..:avenue-_:tn...a...po.int=on t-- of...Greeriwoud. avenue..90--feet.-.-north.-Q-f-�elas._e-tzeet. ............... he east line ....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed RESOLVED FURTHER, T to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvals that erebi authorized and directed to proceed with the making upon said approval, the proper city officials are h of said improvement in accordance therewith. <r ..., 191 Adopted by the Council ----- .. .. i f.l tri. /.......... - City Cl . 191........ Approved ............................................ [ __......_..... Mayor. councilman Farnsworth (/Councilman Goss G' "Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller �Councilmau McColl ; 1 yCouncilman Wunderlich l �Xayor Irvin Form B..S. A. 8-7. Office of fhe Commissioner of Public Works AV Re ort to Commissioner of Finance P n4, I�.QCPrFAb4�T' ......191b`.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul v The Commissioner of Public Works, having lift under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- relative to cil, known as Council File No 4370.,, approved..::: DGarCh 29th, 797_5...,............................ to and Curbing of Greenwood Avenue, from Delos Street .. the grading......... . ................Qhiaago G .CA > @stern Right .of TAY ........ ................ _... ors and things referred -to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matt 1. Said improvement re ....... _..... ......necessary and (or) desirable: $1.39 per front foot 302 98. and • .........; and the total cost thereof is $, .. �- ....... 2."The estimated cost thereof is $..:._.. EXCeas inapeCtiOn $ 9 06 Frontage 223 feet ......... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -- 3nt is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . A plan, profile or sketch of said improverue ..... ........... 5. Said improvement is._......._nOt asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 0111 issimrer of Public Work .. CITY Or 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE iD) ON PREUMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .. Grad:ing_and. Curb,i_ng Greenwood Ave from Delos S ... �. Chicago_.Great Western Right of ay �..._ _._.._.... �!�`�`�C. .... li���- .......... ...... ....! .. '. ./.." � ...-'... ...... ... '� `ter! ...�. _..... ... .. under Preliminary Order approved ...... Ya.; ch.._29. 1915... _..... _ ........ _._ .... ......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ _ _ _ _ _ foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLOel(- ADDITION A SSESSED VALUATION --- --- _. ___._----- ..._.__. - past 1/3 of hots 6 and 7 20 West St Paul Proper ) ;South 3/10 of East 1/3 of 8 28 do 2 7 7 b N 3/10 of E 2/3 of 8 20) do East 2/3 of Lots 9 and 20 20 do 2 4 0 0 South 108 ft on west line ) and 99 ft on Fast line )) 6 19 do 3 4 2 5 Except South 108 feet on West line and 99 feet on East line 6 19 do TOTAL, 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report'thereon to the Council, together with the, report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....- _. ...... 191...7... (!/ ,._. Commissioner of Financ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC. WORKS M. N. GOSSWCOMMI6SIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D[nurr CRuui[vox[n OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH[ EH.iHe[n - - J. E. CARROLL Suri. COH[TR THDH h R ,n• - ALFRED JACKSON, Suri SnHTn 0h p ' Dec.16 1916 G, H. HERROLO, 0[ u EHOH[[n St. Paul Minn. - H. W. GOETPNGER, S111. Wonn•,,c. - - Mr. M.• N. Goss, Commissioner of ,'ublic Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and curbing Greenwood Ave. from Delos St. to Chicago Great Western Right of Way, in accordance with'Council Pile X270, approved Mar. 29, 1915 Approximate estimate $302.98 Assessable frontage '223 ft. Cost per front foot 1.37 Excess inspection necessary 9.06 The estimate is based on grading and curbing from Delos St. to a line drawn between the north line of alley in Block 20 West St. Paul Proper on the west side of Greenvlood Ave. to a point on the east line of Greenwood Ave. 90 ft. north of Delos at. Between this line and the Right of Way of the Chicago Great Western Railway is a high bluff and there does not appear to be any benefit to be derived from extending the grading beyond the alley leading to Clinton at. Yours very ��77trul�y, 0, OC/M. Chief Engineer 1��n +�fioe�[�ment In lhnfiailadn necaev •�` dna R - . i1ho arar alop4e. For enta pnd,•flrlb fn ..� CITY :OF ST. ,PAUL �fWn egaf t M,G•.r n . f "Datoa>:$f to a'aine NCIL.RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "the, north 1IvW .S*ec[ n. COUNOIL No. FILE Date Presented April 5th 191 7 \ - UNTO TION s FIXING THE AM9tiNT"OF LAND OF EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: I n the I: -atter of condEmninr, vnd t,. king; f;n e: sehent in the land neceu,srry for 8 ulones, for cuts, and fills in the gradinc of Greenwoodwe. from Delo" ^t. to t, line drre;n i;etv:el, the north lire of alley in `_locl: 20 aff s'_ $t.Psul Yro er ori the VWt west vide of Greenvrno(l Ave. 2%XX)5X%XYAX to a point on the efs^t lino a of Greene:ood Ave. 90 feet north of Delos under P.O. 12991, c;nnroved ;x Oct 3r11, 1916, and '. 0. 15133 nnnro,cd Y.urch 5th,1917. RE "LVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above _ named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Greenwood Avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Coumissioner of Public Torks in the natter, dated April 5th, 1917, which sketch and•rerort are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Coss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 8-2 . In favor Against Adopted by the.Council, 191 APR - -) 1917 Approve � -. t ..191. ....... .. �OR... PUi3L1�� - — '7 I mo'��� }poi Foridemnla(C and Rak"� . Ipp ah%qA emeni to the t}Rd.;nocae :5n r3 tQY elopes rp eutR Bnd,flele TA' CITY -OF ST..PAUL " !hr arnBlna nti3rgnn and Scs•, trnr l .nmoq;et, to, nt line den -NCIL RESOLUTION= -GENERAL (FORM the,A,u th $object:. ........ .. .. COUNCIL FILE N6. Date Presented April 5t'h 191 7 a _ RESOLUTION t s FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OF EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO HE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, * the matter of condeanint and taking on easement .in the lend necessary for approved October Srd, 1016, ana lntermeaiary Orders o, approved March 5th, 1917, The Comr_issioner of Public rorka having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and �aterwines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for—cuts. and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Greenwood Avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Torks in the ratter, dated April 5th, 1917, which sketch and reiort are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. . e Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Coss In favor Hyland Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. a-2 WR Adopted by the Council. 191 APR -.i 1917 Approve�� t 191 MA OR PIJI3LF�! tQitg of 7pa III ,fu61ic Works M. N. GOSS- COMMISSIONER T GOURLEY. D-11 CARROLL�$U.T u 110ws r) fpl't'r '0 0 fol Or,LCr 1'1-10 3 to ved ",,;rch 5tn Oyj�,.r If.ro ;roti L 17 Of IOT'-1.0( 4 t• 7 OF 0 V 1� ol t tYIF t f to e, e, cn .of S' r1,., YtCrt of on , to Y v .,o,: 7 e che,'! T'''ams .- by n Of ST. PAUL DEPAR T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ...Condemning and..taking an._eaaement_ in the land.,necessary for._ .... :........ __ slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Greenwood A VO from Delos St to Chicago Great Weatern'Ry_Right-._of_ Way_ ........... .... _ ................ _..... ... ._. _... under Preliminary Or r approved OctQbeT_ 3 1916 _... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 6, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ $.20.00 _ _.......... _.... __, The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels.of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - —. ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION E$st 1/3 of Lots 6 and 7 20 West St Paul Proper ) South 3/10 ,of East_ 1/3 of 8 20 do 3 2.7 7 5 N 3/10 of E 2/3 of 8 20 do East 2/3 of Lots 9 and 10 20 do _ ) I 2 4 0 0 South 108 ft on `gest line ) and 99.ft on Fast line )) 6 19 do 3 4 2 5 Except South 108 ft ) on West line and 99 S} ft on East line 6 19 do TOTAL. V..6 0 0: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said. matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated........ 191...✓ ... ............................... 5.: . Commleetoner of Finance. , form H. B. 13 Office of thea CNI16i6ner of Public Works J. Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pull]: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminmy order of the Coun- 12991 roved OCtObe; _3rdx......... 1916....., relative to ........... cil, known as Council File No ........ npP' oondemning and „ _.ta&ipg an._easement. in the land,._neceesary.;_for e1.oRe.e.:, f.ox_..out.a.....and::..fi.lls.....in.... grading, _:Greenwood ....Av.enue.....fTOM ....... D.elos....street ..:.to..:.. Chicago, ......Great.._Re.stern....Railw.a:y Right ....of...vay ................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. XXR 'l. The estimated cost thereof is �._._IC ..., mid the total cost thereof is $ .XXX .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows _.._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement' is hereto attached and made a part hereof. not o. Said improvement isasked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject .._ ..... .... P 1 ' to assessment for said improvement. . ....... .._ `' Commis er of. Public Works. COUNCIL• FILE NO ....... FINAL ORDER In` the Matter of... S�1.Tzgfartfard...s,renua...hetwe.e.n..G-rigge...B.treet-.and - :.SyndicaE.e:.-street,.:........:...'...... ...................., ......... No/16743—-.................:. Ia th dfgtter of grading Hartfbrd'1. " II .ve._betWsen Grlgge at. and aybdi �1.............. Cate st., under Trellmin4rY O- j 14617. ¢pproved _ q4 1917. .....................................:...... A . public ........... ....... `e ,bee..,..: ... _.. .. .. ... .............................................. 2. 1,917.................:........... under Preliminary Order ,..:.1A.`.1.i:.........:.......................approved ......J&rillSry... 4.,.... Intermediary Order ...... - .. ....-- ..approved ......................................................... and the Council having A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meat to be made by the said City is...Grade...Hartfo rd_.AVe.ilue..-b.etwe.en....Gsig3e...street...... ... ..and _Syndi.cate...street..................... ....................... .........:........ ......... .......:..._.... _.................................................. ............................ ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications .for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said d approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith., y ., 191 Adopted by the Council...._. ... _ .-". ................ Cita Clerk, „"R ;i 1911 ...... 191:..... Approved ...... ... ....... . ._._... Ma or. tCuncilman Farnsworth 9 i uncilman Goss �i ouncilman Hyland ,Councilman Keller ,E;ouneilnan ie1t i �Xuucilman Wunderlich if/ Mayor Irviu Form B. S. A. 8.7. '— CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON: PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - DE1. SC R,I PT I ON. - LOT BLOCK' - ADDITION ASSESSED - ,VALUATION 20 Michael T Hoffmann 2'2 b 19 Subdivision 2 2 5 18 do 2 2 5 17 do 2 2 5 16 ..do .2 2 5 12 3 Lexington Park Plat #2 2 7 5 - 11 3 do 8 7 5 10 3 do 4 7 5 9 3 do 4 '7 5 8.3 do 37 5 7 3 do 2 7 5 7 Daniels Sub No 2 6 do 5 do 4 do 3 do 2 do, 1 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters— and and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----- �[—CflriJ�� FORM O.S.A. 8.3 C Commissioner of Finance. _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance .......:....r_ebruarY....:13th.....:.._.......•.7J1 7... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Puhlic.Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun• 1451.? January 24th 7_..,, relative to ........_ cil, known as Council File No ............ ..__appioved...... .. 191 It!r 4in of Eartford Avenue frog. Griggs Street to Syndicate Street: .... ................ .............. ............... ................ _.................... _.... _....................... _......................... _. _.............. . .............. _............... ........................... I................. ............... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ................. necessary and (o•) desirable. -1.45er front foot p ....... and the total cost thereof is $ 1,747 09 aul 'l.. The estimated cost thereof is $ .._.. .........._ Frontage 1,207 feet Excess inspection S",34.26 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ........ .. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. a #. .......... ........ ... ::............. ....._......_ 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. .... ... %� �Gommiasio er of Public Works. '1 (av of *t. Paul pepartmeut of Public Works Os eLAu65eN, <Piev eNo�Nec.. M.N. GOSS. COM MiSSIONER _ Or N, CII ens - R, T. GOURLEY. DEVUTv. .,.Ca N.Te VCTioK AND Pe.Ax. FPEO JACKSON. 6VKi. N. RospEr. He St. Paul, "lirn. Feb. 1, 1917. O: N. ... i A U HERROLD. OFrme E-1 cP Pis r GOSS, Cor is: ier .r o :-?aulic Jor cu Deer air,' I trcr. t herev!ith prelimina;,y ectirlaate of cosh 'or the gxading o' Hart2ord Ave. from Gri-Ts St. to Syndicate St., in actor into •with Cotmcil File 414517, approved Jan. 24, 1917- :,pprovima01747.09 , te estimate �, Assessable frontage 1,207 St. 45 Cost per front root 34.26 E�Ccess inspection necessary w Yours very/trl'ly) Ji;C/-m. Chien: Engineer v i J p No ;144 f K tiF1[a CITY OF ST. PAUL L7 �7n the matter of Sn4�tRn Pa *a �B�E$ " - I^� ¢9 °cion atioi `enter ran ay nese{ OLUTION--GENERAL 'FORM. r adinBLRrAtoelt JW°l`,,y-i7„�,-nj r-. } N e t COUNCIL o i Subject: FILE V Date Presented AF r i l 5th � 1917 RESOLUTIOAT Resolved, FIXING TTOHBEATA.KE OF CONDEMRATIONEXTENT PROCEEDINGSNT In the matter of cor_demning, and taking an ease- ment in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hartford Avenue, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Prelimind nary oriery#Order, 24th, 1917, approved January #15135, approved March 5th, 1917. The Commissions r of Public Works having sub- mitted bid report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St- Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as. an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Hartford Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the natter,. dated herebyAreferred�to917, and madehaeparthherreport are eof. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays ,Farnsworth (n favor "Goss '411yland �ICeller 'McColl Against ,Vun,lich IM .President, Irvin F RM C. 8-2 APR 191 Adopted by the Council 19 L7 191 Appr e ... MA,t,R +p- epltrtmtni of Public Pnrbs N, Cn,[r [vcivr•n M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - r[ENcrn[[n[ R T GOURLEY. D[nuir Ho•'L _ n •ron .vo Rr r.a - .. - ..........DJAONEON,oEOn V[ • A•,rx�nrov eoernNDen. s�.r... - . w. NFEno n[cRror.. - N[RROLDF Orr,cc ENcncaR ^ WIN a ,ter of sablymvin, and Ankin, an e ent in the dn., neoc&- '0Q for 61011. _ox 0040 anj fills in i .rt or,:,_ `"Verue,irom ::ri,, 0 _ cl_,..i: , ni _Icr ,:1o= m,. _ _ rove rt wrws lzry O~..... 05131 biproved 1 17. To the DounAl of the A h.y of 4AWD `"`_. 1m, i-,ior.:_ of Ivili„ "orfs tor -r Av an! makes 3 cart of this ric _Tort, a , !or of n,cn ?alr0rjt.. r` :o,rihy the nL dvd yortion , o` _.i_ Yi tt., filly tote on rriv,te property,an.i ly t ., _ntzhes . ; or tion, the ..rt to ti; ,d, nr: ;'ri+cte _ ro,erty, too stc nt of the to be taken, oy the figures o polite .J.._h sha_1:ed r-e o_r _ oh r l sit . O .1c i6nor Off{ rte'.. iz.-Or9 _ I , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _. ON $2P&P (NARY ORDER . (C) .DESCRIPTION : LOT. -BLOCK' ADDITION - ASSESSED - ' - VALUATION 20 Michael'i Hoffmann Sub- 2 2 b 19 division 2 2 b 18 dC 2 2 bS 17 do 2 2 5' 16 do 225 12 3 ,Lexington Park Plat �2 2 7 5- 11 3 do 8 7 5' 10 3 do 4 '7 5' ; 9 3 do 4 9 b`. 8 3 do 3 7 b. 7 3 do 27 b. 7 Daniel Is -Sub No 2 6 db i b do 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and herebysubmits the foregoing as his report .thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - - Dated...............O.: V. S ------ ... ._191.. FORM e.a.w;a a c Commissioner of Finance. i Office of the Corral kioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance F eb ru ar Y..._13 To the Commissioner of Finance, of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 14518 Jan 24th, 7 cil, known as Council File No....... ... ........approved ............. 191......., relative te. ......._ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ._..._... _._... . .............. ...... ... slopes, for cute and fills in grading Hattford AvO. between Griggs ........................-_................:................._............................._. ..._................. .....:...... _.......:...._..._......... _............. ......... . ... j Street and Syndicate Street and having investigated the matters andthingsreferred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ M and the total cost thereof is $....................XXXX aad the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.- ....... .:.:. ............ ...... ................... .. :...... ...:.._. 5. Said improvement is nOt ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f I Commissioner of Yrlblie Works. v COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ........... ..... By................ ..... .. ..................... . ...... . FINAL ORDER ............ In the ' Matter of .......... W_ ................ .................................................... Clemeland 4-y-e-nU.P..� ............ ............ ............... . ................. ............ I .................... ................... ........ ... ....................... ................... ............................ ................................................... ........ ............... ..... .............................. In the ksttaj.of � �giradlft .1 pli . ........... Ave; betw6&0 1"16, A-VAr . . ...... ....... ................ .......... ......... ..................... ............. -A .............. land Ave., under ed GUMP Ai pubu., hearlyi- - ' ...... ............... .......... .. p.n the 001�� ... - .......... I ........................ ........ ....... .................. . .............. under Preliminary Order ........ ................. ..approved AMgMet 2-6 .............. ......... ........................... Intermediary Order . ......... ... .... .......... -.....approved ....... ................... : I Council having. ve improvement upon due notice, and the Co A public hearing having been had upon the abo d having fully considered I red, the same; heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, an therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City . of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind - of. improve- ment mprovement to be made by the said City is Jeff era on avenue , b.etAe.en__Rr.J.0.r- -avenue ............... . ....... ........... . ....... .. . . ........ ................................ ......................... .............. ........................................... ................... .................... s ................. ....................... . .............. .......... . ................. .......................... .................. ............... ......................... ................ .................... ...................... ...................... . .................. ............ .................. . ... ................. 11 ............ .......... .......... ................ ........... ......................... - ............. .................... ..................... ............. ..... . . .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that r city officials are hereby authorized and directed d-Jv#h the making upon said approval, the proper il - , of said improvement in accordance therewith7011/ ............... 1191 ........ ................ Adopted by the Council.. ........................... ........... . City C Approved ................. ................... 191 . ...... . ...... .......... .. ........ . .......... Mayo VCouncilman Farnsworth ,Xouncilman Goss Councilman Hyland '-Cnalman Keller k'Souncilman McColl eeouncilman Wunderlich ,Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMWT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIONER OF FINANCE r, \ ON PRET��'%4INARY ORDER In the Matter of ._. GradinJefre_raon,..Ave, ._betaeen Prior, Ave .and„Cleveland Ave. _ .._' _ _....._.. . ...._._ under Preliminary Order approved ....... _. ..August. 26..._191.6.. ........... ........ ..... ...................... _................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner,of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..3.�.?$9..66.._:..._............ : The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - -_ _ $.,.,1.....61 .... ............... _................. . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT FLOCK, ADDITIONASSESSED VALUATION 30 8 ACademy Heights 1 5 0 29: 6 do 1 2 5 ,, 6 do 28; 1 2 5 26 6do 1 2 b.: 25, 6 do 1 2 b' 24! 6 do 1 2 5I 23! 6 do 12b. 1 223 6 do 1!2 5' 21 6 __ _._.._ .do..._ TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF --FINANCE REPORT CO.•MSIONER ,OF FINANCE .OF - --,.,.ON PR*r. NARY ORDER lBl -_ --=•- ADDITION ASSESSHD VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .: ..-„ ... -- . 20.'6 Academy Heights 1,2 5 ' 1 2 5 .. 19. 6 do 1 2 5' 18 6 do 1 2 5` 17 6 do- - 16 6 do --T 50 30 5 do 0 2 0 01 200 29. 5 do 28 5 do 2 0 O; 27 5 cto 2 0 0 26 5 do 2 0 0' do 2 0 0 25 5 2 0 0 24 S do 2 0 0 23 5 do 2:'O ;O- 22 5 do do 200 21. 5 20' 5 do 20 OI 19' 5 do 2 0 0, 18 5 do 200; do 2 0 p! 17 5 2 0 0. 16, 5 do 1 1 Hankee'e Cleveland View - 1 2 5 9 0 2 1 do 9 0 3 1 do 4 do 1 9 O 9 0 do . TOTAL. . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. - REPORT OF. CO• jJISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PPrWMINARY ORDER (B)- ..... ASSESSLD, - Hankee's Cleveland Vied 9 0! do 9 0'` do 9 0• do 9 0' do 9 0'; do 9 0' do 9 0 do 9 0. do 9 0 do 1 2 5. do 1 2 5' do 9 0 _ do 9 0• _. do 9 0 - do 9.0 _ do 9 0 do 7 0: do 9 0' do 9 0'. do 9 0. do 9 0,. do TOTAL. 8 0., TO -O'A CITY SAINT- PAUL DEPART.AENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOBS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-1 C ... IWonEn OSCAR, CLAU SSEN, CHIEF E.GI.LER J. E. CARROLL_. S.FT, Co.rtn To k REenin•. ALFRED JACKSON, S- S..RATIOF - 1 'G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE E.OINEEA H. W. GOETZINGER, SIPI. Won.I-nu November 34th,. 1916. Hon. 1 N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Jefferson Avenue, between Prior Avenue and Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with Council File.No. 12355, approQe`d August 26th2 1916. Approximate estimate $3789.66 Cost per front 'foot . 1.61 Frontage 3,359.1 ft. Excess inspection 74.31 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. • FINAL ORDER In tile Matter... betweem ..Griggs stxeet...and ............. a.......... --............. ... ...... ...... .. ... ......................... ............... ............ .......... 7 ... ....... .. ........ ... ......... . ......... ................ ... .... .... ............... ... ................. ........... ..... . ........... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ......... ... .................... . ..................... ... ................. ............... .. ...................... ................ ............. .. .. ........... I ............. ................... ... .... under Preliminary Order.... . ................. approved 2-ebx.liary Intermediary Order---...::.. approved .......... . .................. ......... : ......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- trent mprove- went to be made by the said City is...Grade. NkI.e.p ..q.treet. ... between. -Griggs st.reet and.._ E,dgs.c.tlmbe..Road, ................... ................ . ................... ............. ............................ ................... ....................... ............ .............. ...... ......... ................... ........................................... .. ...... ...... . .. * . . ........... .......................... .... ........................... .......... ...... .... ........ ........ . .. ................ ............... ................. ............ ........... ............................ ....... .................. ........... .............................. .......... ............ ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Coun'S'll. . . lo ...... ................... C} Cllerk:_" Approved. A:[).PA 5 ....i9l... 191.._.... .... ..... ....... !,-Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. 71 4, -Councilman Goss r'TmT Councilman Hyland ��_ouncilman Keller Councilman -SWWM- 1,elo'>uncilman Wunderlich _6 Irvin . Form B. S. A. 8-7. .. 'CITY OF ST. PAUL _ .. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON"PRELI' RY ORDER. '. (C). DESC RI PTION LOT. '.BLOCK ADDI TI ON ASSESSED. VALUATION A Tract in the NEJ of SEof 10 2n Range 23 bounded on the north by J J Kennas Add. Block 1 !East by Edgcumbe,'Road .South' c by Block 1 Lexington'Park Plat 3 .West by Griggs St 1 9 9 5 7 3 4 5, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. FORM a -A. 5.3 0 - " Office of the Corrrmi*tier of- Public Works missioner of Finance ReporE'to Com February 13th, 7 ........__................................. ....:.791.- .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of. St. PuuL The Couuuissioner of Public Warks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Court.. 14670 e6rry i3rd, l!)l _7.., relative-ive to ........ a roved.,.... pp' cil, known as Council File No.:.-..... -. ua_ the....gx.adi.ng.._a.-f ..N1.1e6...:.S .xe_et f.r.o.m....Ed equab.el t.Q GrIgg.e _tr.... ............. ........_..........................................._..:................ _....:......................_..........._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..................necessary and (or) desirable. 95¢ per fToht foot 709 92 3. The estimated cost thereof is $........ ........ and the total cost thereof is $ _....., and Assessable frontege 751.88 ft. Excess inspection $13.42 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._ . ......... __ ............... ....:....... ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... not 5. Said improvement is- ...................... ... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. !/v Gonna ssi Ier of I'ublm Ivor CN. Of Paul �epttr#men#n$Tic *,'rho OSCAR CIA U99EN, x r 9"IF. M. N. GOS -COM MI5510NER. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY _ r. ECA... or Cox[ Tio R11J.. G. KSON. 9xr[G ...[ IF- 60ET...... G [ - St. Paul, 'Jinn. Feb. 10, 1917. GR BAK•EN.N... ?N G. N. H......`Or C[ EN41M[[n' I1r. 3S. 11. Goal, Col, issioner of Public Wor'i Dear Sir, I tr:.nsmit herecrith nrelimina" ;r es ."''ate o_^ cosh 'cr t,je .dingy of Nile. St. pro_; L,,cnrnbe 2,os.1 to Gri. •4s St., in accor,1,�;�lcc •ith Colricil File _1.670, app-_•ovc3 Feb. 3, 1917. ,nro 1- to estimate ti2709.92 Assessable frontaoo 751.88 ft. Cost per front foot ''13.42 :cess inspectiozr-necessary w Yo lr -:ver5 truly., L/— P- oC jPS. Chief En;ineer ,f7` F No 1074T y, r+ CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 } the maitpr of coademging ap4- °..1v y gtnaht in, the 1nPd-ttP RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - -;aqrY for,ot,ea, for• cute and rill¢ t)ieRr*dig of J¢fferbon Ave: .from' Prior AVC, to r'4 Subject: : Prenmingtry f, FE OenOb fes . '.. o NCIL NO t. J Date Presented April ` Sth, 1917 RESOLUTIOB Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAPID, OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of oonderining and taking an easement in the land neceesary for elopes, for cute. and fills in ;the grading of Jefferson Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order X12993, approved October 3rd, 1916', and Intermediary Order (15137; approved March 5th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public °orke having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Jefferson Av6nue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Rorks in the matter; dated April 5th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (J) Coyncilmen (✓) Nays AP" 7 Farnsworth�� Adopted by the Council 191 ,Coss / In favor ,,Hyland / ,Kellerf Approved / (. 191 IUColl Against U nd lith Mr. President. rvin FORM C. 9-2 [ M /� _ pcpun tmerif uf. ublir 311urks BBEN C+'[r Evcv[cn M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER or EvcN[[nc - R T GOURLEY, OEPuir ,. LPBED uwDKeONoe H.NO B[ 5 BunEAu or Bn`oc[Bn 4 .. H HE RPOLD. 0—C[ ENCIN[[w i c: w . aaes- r Of o. t }' °o .,lot 3 or Till_, in air" of ,CS rao:_ .veY.ua, Lrot. ..>- rioz II15Zv -rOvel -Ar t b .:zovea ^rr,,3rw, 1910, qtr.:'. Ii:tarne9iary '1r._;,vr ;:.1 .. - 1917. To o ..cil of - - of 1: of r.. -..1; "ork� .,. -- - -- i` rt o` is r_i2, r? or'- a la;: o. t .s. ov rov n r_t,s'• o',ar., ° y er:uaztd ;portion of, t,-.t.,In be o : i iv ; roc rty, E n,l th,, h.et0hed �ortior, the ruts to : e a e or_-rivate rtoperty,ar::i the tent of the. e«se:, e*.:t" to he taken, by t e, _ puree orr o,>ite Bach sh ._,e:: ..r:' hatched pi rtk C `f J --- ----_-. . .: CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMqISS1�bNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �A t f In the Mattel of.Qohd@ma#ng:.;$n¢.,.agking_a_n._easement in the .land. necessary for. _;.._ ....... slopes; for cuts and fills in grading Jefferson Ave from Prior Ave to Cleveland Ave, .... .... _..... ........... ... under Preliminary Order approved October .3._1916 , ,__.,..,,, ,_ ... ....... ..... .. .......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $... 20..00.... ............ ._...__ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is................ - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONi LOT FLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED EVALUATION 301 6 I Academy Heights i 1 5 01; 29 6 do 1 2 5' 28 E do 1 2 5', 27 6 do 1 2 b" 26';. 6 do 1 2 5 251; 6do 1 2 b 24 6 do 1 2 5" 23 6 do i 1 2 5' 22... 6 ! do 1 2 5- ------- TOTAL,-' - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELVMIN*RY ORDER _ (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ,. ASSESSED VALUATION 20' 6. 1 AcadenW Heights. 1.2 5 19 6 1 do 1 .2 5 18 6 do 1'2 5' 17 6 do 1 2 5 16 6 do 1 50., 30 5 do _ 2 0 0': 29 5 do 200: 28 5 do 2 0 0: 27 5 do 200 26 5 do 200, 25 5,' do. 2 0 0. 24 5 do 2 0.0 23 5 do 2 0 0' 22 5 do 200 21 5l do 20 0! 20 5 do 2 0. 0;: _ 19 5 do _200.., 18 5 do 200 i7 5 do 200 16 5 do 2 0 0 1 1 ! Hankees Cleveland View 12 5,_ 2 l do 9 0- 3 1 ` do -9-0', 4 1 ! do 9 0 TOTAL. 9_S? CITY OF ST. PAUL' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINIIN,�RY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Hankeee Cleveland View 9 0 .. 7 do 7 5 8 do 9 0 9 do 9 0. 10', db 90I 11 do 9 0' 12, do 9 0, 13 do 9 0 14 --Sd0 9,0 ` ". 15 do 1 2 5 -1 2 do 1 2 5 2 2 do 9 0. 3 2 do 9 0 4 2 do 5 2 do 9 0! 6 2 do 9 0; 7 2 do 7.O 8 2 do 9 0 9 2 d 9 0 10 2 do .9 0 11 2 do 9 0' _ 12 2 do 8 0. - sa TOTAL. e , CITY OF ST. PAUL - A. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRQLl".hIARY ORDER - ^. (C) - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT HLOCKAD DI TION VALUATION 1 i 1 Hankee+s Rea, 2 0 0, 2;1 do 2.00. g 1 do . 2.5 0 4 5"91 5- 0 The 1.Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report theureon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner.of Public Works. i -� _191-. _. ... _ _ Dated ..... _. . .._.'. ---_...:.. Commissioner of. Finance. ronin e.e.w. ee c i L� Office of the Comeniisoner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance' k Nogemb4r,?.5t.1,14 .191-6_ } To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coup 13983 eil, known as Council File NoOctober 3rd, 1916...., relative to .:................ ..._ :....... ._ _..approved __.. ..... ... ...... condemning and taking an easement in the„land necessary for„elopes for cute and._fills_ 1n. grad ng...Je, fQ> pqn A.V..anu.e. ....... plcs�ui..2xlo&:....AY-O..nate._ to Cleveland Aveniae. .. . _........................ ..................... .................. estigated the matters and thin erred to therein, hereby reports: and having inv 1. Said improvement is- ................. _...necessary and (or) desirable. and the total cost thereof is $ ..`...._ XXXX, ... and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .:LXX ”""" the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ..... ..: ... :......._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....._. ......... ...... 5. Said improvement is.n41. ...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property,, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... __ ...._.. l,omnussiv of Public Works. CITY OF ST' PUL a COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL f=ORM I Subfect_.. i>< Na 1@448•... _'_ F- COUNCIL IIn dha ynatErtr of n 'n rete N O. -" q for sftt! nAaement fn Jha N op8tr, for Hdaenumye goad ttr� Date- Presented _ _. ri 1 5th „ 191-7 - r No 74@471,+ atf}'arnve'h RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASE14ENT TO BE. TAKEN IN •CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS• In the matter of condemning and taking; an easementin the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Niles Street, from Griggs Street to Edgecumbe Road, under Preliminary Order W14673, approved February 3rd, 1917, and Intermediary Order {15139, approved March 5th, 1917. The Commissioner of Public Worcs having submitted his report and sketch in the above, ratter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes —and determines the amount of lard to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the lard abutting upon Niles Street between -the points aforesaid, to the ex- tent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 7Torks in the matter, dated April 5th, 1917, which sketch and report are hereby o ' referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (✓) �0ncilmen (✓) Nays !`Farnsworth Goss �In favor vfiyland ✓iieller `McCo (J Against WV erlich Mr. Presid nt, Irvin _FORM C. i, Adopted by the Council a�4, t 191 Approved �. 191,_.. MAYOR- (([itq of Vit.' Paul Department of Public 3ffinrhe c l�V[.EN.Oni[r [ncin.cn M. N; GOSS, COMMISSIONER G"RLEY, DEPUTY � CAPPOLL. eUrT'n[ - BaP[Aa or L'aPP[aTllln[ , ' M. 5. aPTTeAK. EN61NC[P • BaP[Aa or BnPa E[ G H. N[PPOLO. Orrcc Encn..n _ r17i'077. TI Tr, I:_ ti. e. :i: -:'iter of condemning ar' tAG; an easement in the land r,ecee ear, for elopes for cuts en_; fill3 A 01% Vilas Mau t, from Cri,B,e street to E:,,uun e Road,under Frelimin&rj nrder W14670, approved NO,., 3rd, 1917, &n_ Irtermediury 10der 11513:., approved nwch 5th, 1917. To the ^ounsil of the City of S AVI l The ,^onyienioner of Public Yorks hereby a„tmite and n&kes a part of this his report, A plan of tho .rove inrrovevent,ehowin.„ by the shaded portion.' of said plan, the --fills to be rade on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on rrivate property, and the extent of the easement to be token; by the f i jures opposite such ahaded an! hatched parts of such plan. I .i..io1 or Cateu_hr %'----- - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMlENti OF FINANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMI STONER OF FINANCOt ON PRE I NRY ORDER -su fC) , f -"—FL D E 5-CTION -4 LOT BLOCK A D D I Y'1 O N ASSESSED D ON A Tract in the NEJ of SE 110 28 ';Range 23 JIB - bounded on the north by J J Kennas Add. Block 1 Fast by Edgeumbegoad South by Bl ack 1 Lexington Park Plat 3 West by Grigge St, 1 9 9 5 7 3 4 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reportsthat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- ..... .. Commissioner of Finance. ronN e.e.w. a-e c - Office of . the Co . oner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance E, Februar.Y..l3the...._..... 191 ?. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cdisideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 14673 February 3rd, �• ell, known as Council File No........... .. .... ..approved......:_.... _. .. ....:.......191..., relative to ...... ._ .... condemn nn ani,. taking_ an, e�een,ent. in the;,1 d..nepesQ&ry,;,for, for cuts and fills in.'aradint Niles Street ._from.„Grigg@,.Street to,___. Edgecumbe Road as . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. 'Said improvement is ............:...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ffi _.-XXXX.X and the total cost thereof is $............. XXXXX slid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. :......... ............. ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. } :: .... ... ..:::._. .............. ......... ....:.. _. o. Said improvement __.... nAt...: _-asked for upon.petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ^ v.� y� f(oSmniesiou r of PublieWorks COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.......... _........-._....................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....Furniahing.:.and ...in.s.tall-i.ng:--an..o-anamer�ia�-• ligk�t#nB` syr t em.:_c one_ctj nB---of.:.� emR'po.st s,....lamps,... glAbas,..:.�i xes•r--agp-laeea, underground conduits and ..other -equipmentfax....G.o.nyeyitng-..el.ectr-ic--------------- ...................................... current thereto, on Rice street from .,UniverQ..ty..._axenue...t.o...Maryland •-•-- street, In. the Adaiteg of furnish] 3n ...... 8 Btaitin sn°.vtnamentai •;ng -•--- ..................fem co+asisttna of iamp5poati 12ik� - "... - t0xida applln,'0tA A . grannd-aondulte aad other"lfgntp ..................approved... -De 66lIIb eP -2$i"'3-9I6 under Pr� ment fDr conveying eloatrie nrri� =theret6 on (R� -.._. Intermediary UYder .:....... ................ - ... ...,...approved .......... .. ..................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By, the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of i�prove-• y :. went to be made b the said City la...Fhrniah...and.:.install...an..n.rnamental..light-Ing.,.' sye.tem...co.neisting.:ni...lamP•-Po.ats.,...lamps,....glo.b.as.,.-.>Bires.,...applianc.es, ...... underground..,Gonduite:_.and :other:.equipment..for.-c o_nveyi:ng...e-1•ectr.ia..................... .c.urrent. tInaxet9.,....aasenue...t.n._.Maryland-.---•. street .................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit samQ to the Council for approval; that l upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to_proce with the making l of said improvement in aecordsnce therewith 1 Adopted by the Council_.... ....,- }f .... . Clerk. ^�- ... �14y . t — . Approved ........lei'11. .....; 191.. t .. n yl.• �' - P Mayor. It.u1neilman Farnsworth % vCouncilman Goss r` arouncilman Hyland E.Councilman Keller y,eouncilman McColl 'man oiVutiderlich l!`ayor Irrin _Form B. S. A. 8-7 ` CITY Of ST. PAUL C. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMjAAR FF ORDER In the Matter of ...... ... :Furni:611irin(T.:.nd..._iYIAl.linB.. a.l] o.7E21&AAeilt.7 _�,,6ht_in6 __system ._.. _ .. consist ng.:of..lamp. poat.Q,._1aa�pe,..:.•g obeli,.. wi;es,.,_appliances,___under round ..:.._.:...._: oonduits.snd.:other...:equipment.__ SQr.._.c,onveyi.ng..-.alectr..io..qurrent_ _theret.o.,.:. on ......... Rioe_ st ,from Univ®r91tye,nd. 8t ._.: _ .._...: .: .... _, ........ ........ ........ ....... ...... ......................... under Preliminary Order approved .......... _,.....D.ecemb.er- 28.,....:.191.6 ............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The,Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement'is $ . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $..1.a21._..ger ..fx'_omik _ ft, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 5 iASSESSED DESCRIPTION JLOT 6LOCn ! ADDITION VALUATION 1. 1 Whitneys Subdivision of 3'6 5 0 0 _.2 ' l i Blocks 1-2-7-8-9-10+15- 1 9 7.5 0 3 1 16 and pat of _17 of 7 0 7 51 4 1 Brewster$ Add. to St Paul 5. 8 7 5: 6 0 2 5 5 1 do Westerly 95 feet of 6 1 i do 5 4 2 5 A 20 foot strip, between Sherburne Ave and Lot l Block'2 Whitneyo Sub. BXcept NS[F._tb-95_tj_ -: 1 _2_'-_---_.: Whitney_s_Subdiv_ieion— - -- - - --- TOTAL v CITY OF ST -,PAUL - .DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINf ;Y ORDER ASSESSED . DESCRIPTIONS LOT 9LOCK ADDITION -VALUATION North 26 'feet of ] 2 of Blocks 1-2-7-8-9-i0- 7,5 7 6 n .'. 2 15=16 and part of 17 of 5 0 7 5 3 2 Brewsters Addition to l 1 0 0'0 4. 2 ': St.Paul 1 0 9 6 0. 5 2 Whitneys Subdivision of 8 5 0 0 South 8 feet of 6, 2 Blocks 1-2-7-8.9-10-15-16 2 North 42 feet, of-- 6 2 'and part -of 17 of Brewsters• 7 4 7 5 r: -- 1 3, Addition to St, Paul 1 2 9 5 0 2 3' do 8900, L 3 3 do 0 3250 4 3 do 4900: 5 3, do ) 1 3400 6, 3, do )} 3 4: do 1 6 2 5 q 4 do 4425 5 4 do 1625. 6 4 do 2 4 7. 5. 1 iHahns Subdivision 5 0 7 5 2: do 1 8 7 5: 3 do 1 6 7 6 t 4 do 1 6 7 5 1 1' Fletcher's Subdivision 3 1 7 5 2 1: of,Brawsters Addition to 9.5 0 3 1 the City of St Paul 8 0 0 - 4 1 do 8 0 01=, , ... - - - TOTAL " .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT ,OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA-JY ORDER - - 4BT - J -' -- DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Eqst 62 feet 6 1 Fletchers Subdivision"..of 7 0 0 1 2 Brewatere Addition to the 3 9 5 0, 2 2 City of St Paul 7 0 0- 3 2 do 700.' 4 2. do 6 7 5 5 2 do 1 4 7 5 6 2. do 7 2 do 850:. 1 3 do 1 5 0 0- 2 3 do 4450. 3 3 do 5.2 5: Lots 4 to 14. 3 do 8 8 5 Oi s That part of SEJ of NEJ of 36• 29 Range 23 6 0 7 3 5 bounded by University Ave Rice St Sherburne Ave and Block 4 of Magoffin & Breck- inridge Addition 1 3 Magoffin and Breckenridges 1 6 5 7 5- 2 3 Addition to SaintPaul 4 3 0 0' South of 3 3 do 2 7 5 0. Northof r :; - 3 3 do 2 7 5 0 South of 4 3 do 1 6 5 0 North } of 4 3 do 1 6 5 0;... 5 3. do 7_1 0 0, Except West 36 feet 6 3 do 6 7 2 5' ___.-.Except--West_27 feet _ 1 2 do 7.55 0...__. .. - ronu ss.w. a -s e - TOTAL. �.. CITY -OF, ST. PAUL (. DEPARTMENT OF. FINANE _ .'.. REPORT F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEf ON. PRELIMINARY' ORDER (B) ASSESSED .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOgK ADDITION - VALUATION 2 2 Magoffin and �Breckenridges 9 0 0 0. East 100 feet of East 100 feet of 3 2 Addition to Saint Paul 5111 0 0 42 do 6 1'0.0' , 5 2 do 5 1 0 0 Fast 162 feet of 6 .2 do 1 0. 0 5 0, 1 do 9 4 5 0: 2 1 do 900.. 3 1 _ do 1 2 5 f s North of Como Avenue 5 1 do 9 5 0. 6 1 do 5500 1 9 5 0, Commencin.- at South Fast Cora of North } of NorthFast thence North 56 feet thence West parl. with South line of Said North * toFAsterly line of Como Ave thence Southerly along Como Ave to South line of North ,j of North East I Thence East to be- ginning Past of 36 29 'Range 23 South 55 ft of Fast 125 ft of North 45 ft of East 150 f33 " - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINA.JY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .. ASSESSED VALUATION East 100 feet of. 2 2 Magoffin & Breckenridges 9 0 0 0 Fast 100 feet of, 3. 2 Addition to Saint Paul 5 1 0 0, 4 2 do 6100 5 2 do 5 1 0 0, Fast 102 feet of 6 2 do 1 0 0 5 0 1 1 do 9 4b0.. 2 1 do 9 0 0;. 3 1 do. 1 2 5 North of Como Avenue 5 1 do 7 5 0. 8' 1 do. 5500: Commencing at SouthEast Cor. 1 9 5 0 of North J- of NorthEast Thence North 56 feet Thence 'Rest parl. with South line of said North j to -o Easterly line of Como Ave Thence Southerly along Como Ave to South line of North- } of NorthEa st Thence East to beginning Part of 36 29 South 55 ft of Fast 125 ft of 7 32 Morins Enlargement of 3 1 5 0 North 45 ft of East 150 ft _9f 7 32 Lafonds Addition to 1 3 5 0. 3 32 St Paul ) 4 2 5 0, r_ South Of 2 , 32 do ) ... _, TOTAL. P CITY OF ST: PAUL - DEPARTMF�.NT' OF FINANCE _ .' REPORT.,OF COMMISSIONER°OF:FINANCE . - ON PRELIMINA9.Y ORDER ' IBi ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATION • S � \DESCRIPTIONLOT BLOCK 2.. 32 Morins E1�14,r6ement of 2 7 5 0 North } of 32 Is,fonde Addition'to ) 1 2 0 0 0. 3 17 "j,.: St Paul 1 5 0 0 't 17 do 1 4 5 0 1 17 d° East 330 ft of North 808 ft 2 ,3 7 4 5 of NorthEast of NorthFast 36 29 Range 23 do 4 of „I . &'excgPt Rice St) (Except R.R. a p of NEI of 36 . 29 Rangg 23 Part of NE} ) Right of Way across the South ) 1 5 0 0 25 29 Range 23 } of.SouthEast } of Part Of SE} of SEj . of SEJ of 25 2q, aange 23 23'.1ying South of. 1 5 7 5 0 of SE} of SEt 25. 29 Range All that part We9t of West line of Rics St South line of Sycamore St and at a point of intersection• and described as follows beginning . St, Thence -with West line`,Riee of South line of Sycamore St wof Thence of Sycamore St .18 ft to Iron Mon. West on South line line of Rice St West 517.2, ft Thence South part. with West at 319.61 ft Thence East 516.55 ft Thence .80 of aeoBt 3 9e14 line of Rice St Thence North on West lind of.-Ric ft to beginning. ' ...-....-...__ __... _. TOTAL.. - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ` ° - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- REPORT OF .COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ -- -_:.. ! .. :. _. -_. -:•. ASSESSED N. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION - VALUATION All that part of SEj of SE* 25 29 Range 23 Commending at 1 3 4 1 0' the inters. of `Rest line of Rice $t with North line of Sycamore St Thence North along West fine of Rice St'147,60 ft Thence ) West pal..-with North line of Sycamore;St to a point 160 ft East of East line of Gaultier St Thence S. Westerly 211.70 ft ; to a pt, on East line of Gaultier St distant 10 ft.North from North line of Sycamore St Thence South along said East line of,. Gaultier St 10 ft to intersection with North line ofsycamore St Thence East along said North line of Sycamore at 1254.94 ft to beginning. E of SEJ of SEJ of 25 29, Range 23 2 S 5.0 (Except part to G.N. Ry Co and except part to Citizens Ice and Fuel Cc and except part to Pitteburgh Coal Co.) 5 2 Greens.Addition to the 5 5 0, 4 2 City Of St Paul 3 5 0:, 3 2 do 3 5 0 22 do 3 50 12 do 425 11 1 do 4 0 0 10 1 do 350' 9 1 do 350 8 1 do 3 0 0; 7 1 do 30 0, 6 1 do w 3 0 0. 5_ 1 _.: _do 3--_0 0._-- - TOTAL, ... ST. CITY. OF PAUL DEPARTMENT, 0F FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE :°- - ON PRELIJINAF Y ORDER"(BY -_-. -._.. -: .... ASSESSED '. - DESCRIPTION -LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 4 1 Greens Addition to the 3 0 0: _ 3 1 City of. St Paul ) )) 2 0 0 0: 2 1 do o Commencing at JTorthEast Cor. 3 9 4 5 of Sycamore and Rice St Thence East on North line of Sycamore St 150 ft Thence North parallel with Rice St 42 2/3 ft Thence West,parl. with Sycamore St 150 ft Thenoe' South to be- ginni-ng'par--t—of SouthWest of SouthWest } of r 30, 29 Range 22 19 3 Lyton's Addition to St Paul 1.4 0 0 16 3 do 900 d - 15 ..3 do 1 5 0 0, 14 3 do 1 600 m 13 3 do 8 0 0. 5 Lockeys Addition to the 2 5 0, 13 1 City of St Paul ' ) )) 4 0 0 0 12: 1 do 11' 1 do 1 3 0 0. _ 10 1 do 500, 9 1 do 550 do - TOTAL. �... CITY OF ST. PAUL. .,•s " DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIM,INAgY. ORDER #, • .. _ _ (B),Tjit p'E S C R I P T 10 N.. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7, 1 iockeys Additionto the—, 5 0 0. 6 . 1 City of St Pau '5 0 0 5 1 do. 5 0 0 „ 4. 1 dp. 5•,0 0 .500' 31 do 2 1- do ) )) 2 4 0.0 1 1 do 1, 3 McKenty's Out Lots :to , _z, - 3 7 0 0 2 3 Saint Paul ) 3 3 do 9 7 5 4' 3 'do 8 0 -2 5 5• 3 do_ 6 3 do 7 3 do 4 5 7 5. 8 3 do 2'1 7 5 9 .3 do 1 )) 50 50, 10 3 do 11 3 do 7 7 5' 12 3 do 776 13 3 do 1 0 5 0 14 3 do 90d 15 3 do 5 1 7 5, 1 1 do 1 0 7 5' 2 1 do 7000, 3 1 dp X00 41 1 do 675, _5 . TOTAL.. >, '. . .: CITY'OF 5T. PAUL � - -bEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. : REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FINAN.CE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ,. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDI T I.ON ASSESSED ..VALUATION. 6 1 McKenty's Out Lots to )) 1 6 0 0 South 6 feet 9 inches of 7 1 Saint Paul (Except S. 6 feet 9 in.) 7 1 do 2 1 0 0 8 .1 do 1 0 0 0 9 1 do 2300._ 10 1 do ' 2 T 0 0 11. 1 do 20 00. 12 1 do 280O' .13:1 do 1 0.0 0 Egst 75 feet of 14• 15 1 do 2 0 0 1 2 Weide's Addition and 5 0 7 5, 2 2 Rearrangement of 1 0 0 0, 3 2 do 1 0 0 0: 4 2 do 1700; 5 2 do 23'00 6 2 do 1 800: 7.2 do 1200. 8 2. do 1 0 0 O; 9. 2 do 3 0 0 0 10 2 do 37 50 7 43 ;Auerbach and Hands Add. 4 8 0 0 6 43 to the City of St Paul 2 6 b 0: 5 43, do 6 0 0 4 43 ! do 1 3 5 0 3 43 . do 1 0 5 0 __..... TOTAL. .717-711-11 r7l DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER. OFFINA`NCEf REPORT ON PRELISJINARY ORDER ASSEtSSED DESeIJIPTI.ON, LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION 43! Auerbach and Hands 5 2 51, Add it ion. to the City of 2 5 0 8, 42 7, 42, St Paul 3 5 O .42 do 3 5 O 5 42 &0 4 42 do a 5 0 3 42 do 3.5 0,. 2 42 do, 7 0 0, 1 L42 do 3 5 O 1 Dawson and R ice's Add. 1 7 5 to saint paul,Ramsey Co. 1 5 0 2 1 3 1 Minn. 50. 4 1 do 1 5 0, 1 do 1 5 0 6 1 do 1 5 0, do' 1 5 01 1 5 0 8 1 do 9 1 do 5 0 1 10 1 i dO 1 5 O� 11 1 do 1 5 0, 12 1 do 1 5 0 Ade5 13, 1 do 0. 14 1 do 1 5 0 2 0 01 15 1 do 10 26., Auerbach and 114nds Add. 3 5 2 5; 26 to the City_of_St paul ---9. 5 - TOTAL, CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFFINANCE ON PRELIrINAf2Y ORDER r9 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION "LOT .BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION �8 26 Auerbach and Hands Add. 5 0 0, 7 26 to the.0 ity of St Paul 3 3 0 0 ----� 6 ',26 r. do 500 5 26 do 5 0 0 4 26 do 3700.. 3 26— do 3 7 0 0. 2 26 do 4 5 0 1 26 do 4 2 7 16 .6 Tewis Addition to St Paul, 1 3 6 0 0' 156 do 46 00 14 6 do 2900. 13 6 do 2 3 5 0, 12 6 do 3400. 11 6 do 1 5 00 10 6 do 1600; 16 :3 4 1 0 0- -15'3 15 3 do 2700' 14 3 do 1 9 5 0; 13 3 do ) )) 3226 South,* of 12 3 do North of 12 3 do 2 6 11 3 I do 9 6 2 5 10 3 do 5 5 0 0 12 2 do 1 8300 11 2, do 3000 10 2 do . _.-.. ronin 0.3- 81a TOTAL, .. ` .... .::::. CITY OF 5T. PAUL .. - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)<, -- - ASSESSED ' DESARIPTIO.N LOT '6LoeKi ADDITION - VALUATION -- -- 6, 2 Lanouxs Subdivision of 8.. 6 0 0 '5 2 'Lots 7-8 and 9 of Bazille6 5'5 0 0 4 2 .,Addition of Acre Lots to 1 4 6 0 0 3 2 St Paul South 20 feet of 2 . 2 do (Except South 20 ft), 2 2 1'4 0 0 0 - • 1 2 do ) (Except East 15 10 1 do � 2 25 0 .feet) (Except East 15 feet) 9 1 do 1 3 50, 1 2 0 0, 8 1 do dp 1.20.01 .. 6 1 do _ , ,'. 1 2 0 '0, 5 1 do 1600 15 Auditors Subdivision No 17 1 2,0 0 14 St Paul Minn 1 5 0 0 13 _ do _ 5 0 0 , 12 do g 1 7 5; 11 do 2 1 2 5. 10 do 2 7 7 5, 9 do 3 5 0. 8 do 4 7. 2, 5'. 7' do 7,2 5i 6 do 7 2 6, 5 0. 0 _. 5 do 4 do 4 0 0 400. 3, do 2 1, - "" TOTAL. - -'. CITY OF ST. PAUL" - : DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF* FINANCE' REPORT _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . (B)) _ ...-. _-,.., : ... -... : _ ASSESSED ' -ADDITION - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. VALUATION 1.5` 3 J_ F. Eisenmenger's 1 8 2 5 South 30 feet. of 14 3 Additian to St Paul b 0 0 (Except South 30 feet) 14' 3 do 2 0 0 13: 3 do. 7 0 0 12 3 do 2700. 7 :0 0 11 3' d o . 10 3 do X825 .15. 2 do 2 5 5 0 2400•: 142 do 7 0 0 13. 2 do 7 0 0 12 2 do ® do.2350. 11 2 10.2 dp 8 0 0 . 16 7 Stinson's-Rice. Street 6 0 0 15 7 Addition. to the C ity of 5 3 7 5 14, 7•. St Paul 237 6 13 7 do 4 7 5,. 12.7 do 1 3 2 5, 11 7 do 1 5 _7 6. 8 2 0 0 10 7 `. do , 8.6 5 0 18, 6 do do 4 8 5 Q 15 6 do 1 3 5 0 14 6 -- 4 5 0 13 6 do do 1 8 5 0 12 6 11 6 do 3, 3 0 0, do CITY OF ST. PAUL p - r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _._ ON PRELIt INARY ORDER - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS�ES D VALUAT.tN 16 3 Stineon's Rice Street: 5-7 5 15 3 Addition to the City of 5 9 0 0, 141 3 St Paul Minn 2 6. 0 0, 13 3 do 12 3 d,o 400,: 3 do - 4 0 0' 10 3 do 4 7 5" 16 '`2 do .500- 15. 2 do 3 .2 5. 14. 2 do 3 5 0 13; 2 do _ 4 0 O: 12: 2 do 6 0 0: 11; 2 do 4 0 0. 10. 2! do 4,7 5 10 11. Auerbach and Hands Add. 4 2.5, 9 11 to the City of St Paul 4 0 0 8 11 do 4 0 0. 7.11 do 4 0 0 6 11 do 4 5 0. 5111 do 500' 4111: do 50 0; 3 11, do 4 0 0 0, - 2 11 do 5 1 7 5; 1:11 ao 6 1 Barney Norton & Kingsley'e 3 2 0 0: 5 1 :Second Addition to St Paul 1 5 7 5. do _. -- 6 0- C--- - �. TOTAL.... �vw ss.w e•e'6 - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIP$INAVY ORDER - ., .:.., DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK; ... ASSESSED :.. ADDITION VALUATION a ; 3 .1 Barney Norton & Kingsley's 4�7 ,b 2 1 Second Addition to St Paul 4 7 b 1 1 5 0 0,,. q 1 Brayton'a Second Add. 40 7 b to the City of PV11 2 2 5 0 6 1 _St, 5 1 do 26 50 4 1 do 3300 3 1 do -4 b 04 2 1 do 4 5 0 1 1 do 3250 s 9 0 8_0. 6-'0 The Commissioner of. Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing. as his report thereon. to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '. -Dated - Finance. ". FORM B.S.A. — C Commissioner of _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February.._lat, 191.7:.. To the Commissioner of,Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having; had raider consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- eil, known as Council File No.....14197 ,.approved Dec. 28th ]916.::., relative to..... furnishing,and_installing an ornamental li htir. systen on n A Rice Street, from University Avenue to Maryland Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvenunt is ............ necessary and (or) desirable. 11.21 per front foot 15,357.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ........ ... ....... ...... ..... and the total cost thereof is 4.- ,................ ........................ and Frontage 13,586 feet the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ... ..... ..... .................... ............. _...._ ....-..._ ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. I. ............................. . ............... ........................... . ...................... ..... .................... 5. Said improvement is............. _.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r Commissioner of Public Works. i (9itV Of j St; P-4ix1 Pepurtment of Public Parks I OSCAR CLAUSSKN. C.—[..ui[. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OUnuu o. [xaiN[[n• R. T.'GOURLEY. DEPUTY �. E. c0,"AU o •con[T11—IN ANO R[dne .0 .. on BANITAi ON , _ ,. H. W. OOeT21NO[R. SUIT. A. o. -n S t . 'Paul iriinn . Jan. 31 1917. M YT SAK, I No1N[Ln - ERROI,O. 011111 ENniN[[n •�:'T."'•.". Mr. 11. if. Goss, Connnissioner .of' Public 'Norks Dear Sir,- d I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for ___.;=nishing and installing an ornamental lightin;x system consisting of laMp-posts, lamps, globes, wires, appliances, underground conduits and other equipment for conveying electric current thereto on Rice St. from University Ave. to 1.1aryland St., in accordance with -Council File x14197, approved Dec. 28, 1916. Appro. in.:te estimate $15,257.00 Cost per front foot y 1.21.crrl Assessable frontage 12,586 ft. Yours veryt)ruly, oc/m. Chief -Engineer i BOARD OF DIRECTORS . C. A. DOLApreeid.at lge — FNDERSON RANRBYRNE., E NORTH EN® ,LEAGUE ]AMES HANDLAN letVica-Pree. e Y THY JOHN M. WEYANDT A. ENOL AL OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 2nd Vice-Prm. - 0.DEBALD W.L. DOLAN. ,, . 985 Matilda Ave. W. HARTMAN C. REDISRE. .3 Ttmeurcr – '. SAINT PAUL, MINN.; Hon. 0. 2. Keller, — -- Commissioner of public Utilities, Dear Sir;- 'Vie, the undersigned property_ownets on Rice Street hereby' petition the 0i.ty Council for an order to install ornamental Filar land lights on the street from University Ave. to lc St. This we `desire in conjunction with the paving which has been ordered in } next spring. Name .. Address 3 C Lr7 7 � CAPITAL STOCK -$100.0,00 IMPERIAL INVESTMENT -COMPANY 707 METROPOtITATJ LIFE BUILDING . -'rARw LANoe CITY RALRBAL 68TATL ' " `'- G[N[INV86TMlNTe K. L AGKLR. V P L. 6. P18GH8R 8[ Re1ARY. xi MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.. March 31 et, 1917. S A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minn. RE Lot 3 Blk 2 CJeide'e,Add Dear Sir: Avm Preeident of the Imperial Investment Company I have received your postal of March 27th, stating that it is proposed .to erect an ornamental lighting:system from University Ave., to Mdryland ould,pass in front of Lot 3 Block Street, which w 2 Weide'e;Addit"ion and Re -arrangement Of Paiat'e Outlote. Although this is a vacantlot,'- I have always made it a rule never to Oppose needed public im- e which might be desired by owners of buildings, provement al point `of view it might be even though from a financi _desirable for the owner of a vacant lot bo appose• You are therefore authorized to vote "YON* for the Imperial Investment Company on this propoeitiOn. Very, truly Yours, co "MPEF.r, L INVESTt T POST CARD NOTICE POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE �l " , OFFICE OF, THE COMJrSIONER QF FINANC Ef 1.917 1917 OlJ„/ ^(� oa St. Paul, Minn., �'�" 2 St. Paul; Minn.,_ the matter o l the matter OL f under P elimnary1 Ord %r�� /97 approved I - under Preliminary Ord 7`f �97 apgroved t�r/. YTO ou are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to m�s7 ave You are Here notified that the Cityof St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $ l3-� That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Counci Chamber, of That a public hearing wtll be held c sale thereof is he sum o the Counc Chamber of improvement: that the total estimated cost thereof is ihe,ssuAm of $_I the Court House and City Hall Building, on the 5 �` day of Court House and City Hall Building, on the d (� day of -- ,he 1917: in the Citv of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 1917 in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. A. FARNSWORTH, S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Finance POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Var. 27 1917 -In the matter of furnishing an ornamental 1 ight ing system on Rice St from University Ave to Maryland St__ under Preliminary Order 14197, approved Dec 28 1916 To _ You are hereby notified that' the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $_ 1-5,257..0_f3..___ _. That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Chamber; of the Court House and City Hall Building, on the 5th day of_ April — 1917 in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. A. FARNSWORTH, 22 Commissioner of Finance _ finn.nn, N—WRLTE^ X.O' Mox.WILU6 VRM OLVRXT[P, u'iWYx �RTox, O. C. M.x w x ..I H11, ELMER B...0 8 .,x 'C un Juoo NON-LTE Ro UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OFAPPEALS.. _ M one "E.ceW_ i. EIGHTH CIRCUIT. S t. Louis, Missouri, March 30, 1517, Hon. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- I am the owner of a lot whose number I have not here', on the corner of Rice Street and Milford Street. I am onoosed to furnishing an ornamental light system on Rice Street from University to Maryland Street and hope that the exner.se of such a system will riot be imposed upon the oroperty owners. Yours truly, o END MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersignedhereby certifies as follows: 1, The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business byf;nre,'ry-Po unry yl( �;ln, �a�r• in accordance with the standard and appr ,ed techtiqu with a Recordak microfilm machine, 140del aq of Eastman Kodak Company. .SuNi � 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 by the undersigned operato-r(s).-'T— 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is �?,Q .4 4. The roll of microfilm con/tains photographic copies of: h 5. The last document photographed-:ocy7said roll of microfilm is: /-3 -7 y ApYz 1—s (1,E After this certificate has-been executed by the undersigned operatorks4, it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: —r Operator Dated ldLL n,