235952 ���j s r �;��
�� Councll FYle,No. �35852—By Victor J.
Resolved, That upon the p,etition of
Crown Bullders, Inc., that section of
public street and that section oE public
j'�� alley hereinafter described be and the
same hereby are vacated and discon-
tinued as a public street and a public
Montana Avenue from the west
line of VJestminster Street to a ]ine
running from the southwest corner
of Lot 30, Block 12, Dawson's Lake
Como & Phalen Avenue Addition
to the City af St,Paul,Ramsey Co.,
Minnesota, to a point on the north
line of Lot• 9, Block 13, Dawson's
Lake Como & Phalen Avenue Ad-
dition to the City of St. Paul,Ram-
� sey Co., Minn,esota, distant 10 feet
east of the northwest corner of
said Lot 9; also
The alley in Block 13, Dawson's
� Lake•Como & Phalen Avenue Ad-
ditioa to the City o�St. Pai�l,Ram-
f line of�We�tminster Street toeaWline
parallel with and distant 30 £eet
° : east of a souther�y extension af the
� , west line of Lot 9 in said Block 13;
• subject expressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
' . 1. That the vacation be eubject to all
� the terins and conditions oi Section
' 228 of the Legislative Code as
amended regu]ating the �rocedure
i � and'prescribing the conditiona tor
� the vacation oE public' grounds,
streets, alleys and highwaya in the
City of St. Paul. ,
2. That a permanent easement 20 �e2t
in width be reserved centered on
! the center line of the existing street
I� operating t�he�existing ���g �d
3. That a apeciflc e�sement be retained
I to protect the interests of the
Northern Statea� Power Company
� utility poles �and' overhead wires,
} and also that aa easement be re-
served for the a construction and
'i maintenanCe of a 2-inch, medium
� pressure gas main, being 10 3eet in
width, the center line being 20 feet
i north of the south line of East 1VIon-
tana Avenue and extending 330 £eet
� west of the west line of Westmin-
ster Street.. i,
� 4. That the ��titioner.pay to the City
� the sum of $4,300 as compensarion
tor the vacation and pro�le the
City.�yit}� a bond,in the amount of
. Adopted_fsy the Councll December 1,
� Approved December 1, 1967.
(December 9, 1967) �
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