235933 . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AIO. 23��0�� ' FILE ��� �;, OF E OF THE CITY CLERK C RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS due to a.n error in property identification� the Finance Depaxtment issued�receipt �M3940 on November 15, 1965 to Mr. Francis ' Bilverness� applied on assessment Tmprovement �6442, The NE]y 100 feet of Lot 2� Block 3� Bisanz Bros. Add. �2� and , -� �• WI�RF�S ?mprovement #6639, Pa�e D19�+5 against E�cc. S 15 ft. of '-� Lot 25 and a11 of Lot 26� Schletti's �3rd Add. owner, Francis Silverness was not credited with payment on said real estate, and ° _ WI�REA,S the f`irst installment of $91.87� penalty of $9.19� interest .�.,.. , „�.--`-.....� - - - �- - }s of $6.22� a total of $107.28 was certified to Ramsey County Auclitor a.nd ;' - r N paa.d with 1967 real estate taxes on E�c. S 15 ft. of Lot 25 & all of Lot c � p c.°� 26, Schlettits 3rd Add.� thus making an overpayment of $107.28 by Francis c � �° Silverness; ^ L I..L� ¢ U THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Comptroller's Off`ice be directed N to reflznd the sum of $107.28 to Mr. Francis Silverness, 1307 Schletti St.� St. Pa.ul, Nfi.nnesota 55117. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council nIO�I � fD �9G1 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish / Approve ���� � � , 19_ �a�i�rd' �i Tn Favor , Meredith � Peterso�n�. U Mayor Tedesco \� Aga�gt Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEQ DEC 2 196T �22 � /� DUrLICATE TO rRINT6R . �5_J'�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 O N ER DATF _ WI�REAS due to an error in praperty identiPication� the F`1.nance Departm�ent issued receipt �940 on November 15, 1965 to Mr. Francia Silverness, applied on assess�ment Tmprov+e�ment �6�+42, 7�e NE]�y 100 feet of Lot 2, B�].ock 3� Bisanz Hros. Add. �2� and WI�REAB Tmprovement �{b639s �Se D1945 a8ainst bcc. s 15 f't. o� Lot 25 and a11 of Lot 26, 8chletti's 3rd Add. owner, �ancis 8ilv�ernesa was not credited with pa3rment on sa3d real estate, and. WI�REAS the first inetaL7ment of $91.87� penalty of $9.1g, intereat of $6.22,, a total of $107.28 was certifY.ed to Ramaey Caunty Auditor an�. pafd w3.th 1g67 real eata�he taxea on �c. S 15 f'�. of Lot 25 8s all of Lot 26, Sclil.etti's 3rd Add., t�hus meking an ov�erpaym.ent o� $107.28 by FSrancis 8ilv�erness, TI�FORE BE IT RE30LVED tha,t the C�aptrollers Of'f`ice be directed to refUnd the sum of $107.28 to Mr. Francis Silv�rness� 1307 Sc,b].etti 8t.� 8t. Paul, Minnesota 55117. NovJ � 1967, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��V� 47 �9�� Dalglish Approved 19— H�l�asd� Favor Meredith Peterson v Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt Mr. President, Byrne �22 ����P 235��� t � � � ���� �� � � � a•� �