235929 OR�INAL TO GITY GLERK ��5��� � � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officers of the City of Saint Paul - are hereby authori�zed and directed to enter into and execute, on behalf of the Gity of Saint Paul, the Agreement between Central Ticket Office, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, and the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of selling advance admission tickets for shows, amusements and entertainments at the Mun.icipal Auditorium of the City of Saint Paul, as more fully set out in the Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto _and incorporated herein by reference. FORM APPROVED� o �t, 4��}- �: Asst. Corporation Counsel , NOV 2 91967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson' NOV 2 91967 Dalglish � Approve� 19..— Holland Favor Meredith 'l � Peterson V Mayor Tedesco A ga�st Mr. President, Byrne ��C 2 ���� pt��LISHE� �2z , � _ ' ' . ��s� �� ' AGR��TIENT • TFIIS AGR��M�NT, made and entered iizto this day �f , 1967 , by and b�i;saeeiz i;he City of Saint Pau]. , �. municipal corporation o:f the Stai;e of Miniiesota, party of the first part , hereinafter referred to as the "Oivner" , and Central Ticket O�fice, Inc. , a Minnesota corporai;ion, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" . WI�IER�AS, The City of Saiizt Paul had entered into a prior agreement by and bet��reen said parties da,ted the 13tn day of April, 1955, pertaining to the advance admission ticket sales for shojls, amusements and entertainments ai; the Municipal � Auditorium of the Ci�y of Saint Paul; and � � S►rHEREAS, It appears beneficial to Uoth parties to updai;e the terms and co�ditions o� said agreement by entering into a new agreenient; now, therefore, the Ot,mer and �t;he Seller, �or the consideratioils hereinafter set forth, mutually agree as . follos,rs: ARTICLE I The� Owner hereby hires and einploys the Seller i;o sell an.d dispense advance tickets for admissiou to shotvs , amusements and entertain.ments at the Saini; Paul Auditoriu�n in all cases where said shows , amusements and entertainments are sponsored directly under the management ancl supervision of the Saint P�.ul Auditorium and the Coinu�issioiier of Libraries , Auditoriwn and Civic Buildings . AR.TICLE II The tickets so to be sold by th� S�ller for the O��rn.er shall be sold in I'ield Schlick, Iz1c. , Downtoz�rn Saint Paul Store, ].�ield Schl.icl�, Inc. FIighland Sain�i; Paul Store, The Da3Ttoil Company° S�,ii�.t Paul Doti�nztosvn Department Store, Tlie Dayton Couipany . � - � � , i ;� ' . ; � riinizeal�olis Do�,�i;o�an Department Store, Field Schlick' s IIar-Tlai ` Ticke�; Of�ice, No. 24 Signal IIills Ticket O�i'ice, and Sears Roebucli Saini; Paul Tickei; O�:Cice and at no other locai;ion. ARTICL� III The compeiisation, for the advance sale o� tickets , hereinabove men�;ioned, to become payable to the Seller by the Oi�rnei on account of such advance sale of tickets at � Field Schlick, Inc. Doi�to�v�1 Department Store, made hereunder by said Seller, shall be computed and determined on the basis and at the rates applicable an.d set forth in the attached schedule: 1. For Theatre attractio�.s : a. �125. 00 per performance for each attraction plus the expense of necessary ticket sellers ; b. To handle the mail orders for each separate productio�. a �ee of two per cent (2�0) of the � gross mail order sale over �1, 000. 00. 2. For Arena attractions : a. �250. 00 per performance plus the for expense�necessary ticket sellers . ARTICL� IV , Tlie compei�sation for the advance sales of tickets hereinabove �mentioned to becouie payable to the Sellei by the Owner oii account of such advance sales of tickei;s at Field Schlicl�, I�.c. 1�os�.i�co�vl.i Sa:i.iit i��,ul �epart�en� Stoz e, the D�yton Coiul�any Saint Paul Dotmtoj,nl Department �:ore and�or the Daytoil Co�upany Tiinneapolis DOZJI1tOS471 Departmeni; Store, and Sears 2 ' ` - . r i . f � . Roebuck Saint Paul Ticket Ofrice made by such Seller sha.11 be com�uted and determined on such basis and shall cons�Litute the equivalent of six per cent (6�fo) of tlie gross amount of sucli advance tickei; sales . ARTICL� �T The Seller agrees to receive the compensation as hereinabove set forth for. the work aild labor involved in the sale of such tickets, aild said Oilner agrees to pay the above compensatioii. ARTICLE VI The right herein granted to the Seller by the Oj�rner �o sell to the general public tickets for admission to such shows, amusements and entertainments to be held at the Saint Paul Auditoriuui is not an e�clusive riglit or privilege o� any kind or manner granted to said Seller, and that the Owner hereby reserves unto itself t�ie right to grant to any other person permission to e�gage in the advance sale of tickets �or admission to such productions. ARTICLE VII This agreement in no j�Tay prohibits the Seller from engaging in the sale of tickets for any procluction �ahich is to be shos�� at the Saint i'aul Auditoriwu tahen such production is played undei the supervision of any pioducei saho rents the . Auditorium �rom �;11e Covuuissioner of Libraries , Auditorium aucl Civic Buildings for t11e shos�ing of any production; and in �such ese�-!; this coz�.tz a.et does not apply. , 3 , . ,. . �_. - , � . J � � �, • '' , � � • ! , ARTICLL VIII In further consideration o� this agiee�ueiz�;, 1;he paity of the �irst part agrees to file s,rith the City o� Saint Paul a surety bond in the amo.unt of �1�0, 000 guaianteeing to said . Owner, and tlle Seller shall pay to the O�vner all iuoneys ; received fi om the sale o� ticke�;s �or such sho�,�s , amusements and entertainmen�;s minus the amount_ of compensation o� said Seller under the terms and provisioils of this agreement. Said Seller hereby agrees to pay to the 0�,*ner the moiley so received from the sale of tickets minus the commission. ARTICLE IX � This agreement supersedes any prior and existing agreement , specifically that agreement dated April 13, 1955, bY ' • and bet��een Florence AZ. Todd, doiilg business as the Central Ticket Office of the City of Saint Paul , aild the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, and the riders to said - �agreement clated January l , 1962, and February l, 1964. , AR.TICLE X It is expressly understood by a�.d between the Owner and the Seller that this agreement is without limited term and that eithei party hereto has a right �to cancel the said agi eement by 30—day �aritteii notice of the termination of this contrac�; sent by registered mail to the other party. IN WITNESS TtiTHER�OP, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above zvrit�t;en. C-ITY OF SAINT PAUL By � � Mayor Covunissioner o� Libz ai ies , , 4 Auclii;orium and Civic Buildings ; " % • City Clerl� Countersignecl: � City Compl;roller In Presence 0�: CENTRAL TICI��T OFFTC�, INC. By Form Approved: Assistan�i; Corporation Cow.lsel Approved as to form and execution this day of , 1967 Assistant Corporation Counsel 5 � ' f • � , . , �