235868 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK � � 23586� ,,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL ESOL TION-G�RA FORM � PRESENTED BY jl , � C�MMISSI�NE , DAT : WHEREAS, The �ina1 costs for the Grad.3ng and Paving of Shepard Road from West 7th Street Blvd. to Daiivern Street and Mississippi River Blv�d. from W. 7th Street Blvd.. to E. L. Section 21, Camptroller's Contract L-6170-26, have been de�ermined and, WHERE.AS, Upon �inal aLlocation of f`unds from which the above improv�ment was to be paid it was fbund that the amount orig3nally set up for its al financing ia insufficient to meet #�e e inal costs and that an ad.dition�smount of $1,338.29 will be required� there�be it� � RESOLVED, That the amount of $1,338.29 be applied from the Municipal State Aid Suspe3ise Fu.nd, (1960) to finance the additional cost o� the above improvement. P-3� P-317 � •��'/� NOV 2 419�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r,,,.�.,�„;�- � ��V 2 4196� Dalglish Approved 19..— �� Favor Meredith � � Mayor � Tede� A gainst ��� . ��;?:�?r�s?�1eri�;�yrrie°;:ee"�;� �Mr.•Vice�President (IIolland)� � PUBLISNE� ��� 21967 �22 - 235868 OUrLICATE TO rRINTHR , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��"��� ���� � � COMMISSIONER DATE _ ��.��'��l�d�. C�ti�`=f�' ��Q��I�$ � �� 0� ��:;�. � �T�'�_ � S�"�N� $�'9�. #A..D��Y�MI $tl'�� .� �.M���1p� R'�.TMZ' ��� ,i"�'S'�t ��. �'�1 Stxrle� :8�t�d.,�t,�,�. >�,. S�t�aa�.�1�, Caaq�ro���'i.CAa�r�..Zr617+i��6�, .h�,besa , 8�ti�rilyd ��, . , �� �III�. d`tri�►3.'�Ltdee►t�c�u �pd' ���tx"'� �ish the.�abo�nl �i�ov�s�rit '+�e► �a 'b� p�3+� i� �s l4wm�l th� 'tb� �1v�m;t t►ri�� .i�ti u�p tpx' ��m: #'�n�nc�ig �r' �,n�ut�'�,�:�i#��to a� �t�,t3.�a� cc�►'ta� �i that �a ;�,tti�t. „ �' �Z�338•�.'�lt b� s�q,u�.ti��,�thir� �be„�tx: �OL4�s. �!� 'h�i,i"�t�,�'.ot' �1��' •c�q 'bi:#►p�1,x�d �'x� tSi�.ifE,m3�xpat 8��► � !�� 8�p�r�_�s.•���' t.a i�r�r tYr�'�it'Et)ri�t7: :��.���1t �b�n'� �.�a�o�seeent..'. �� , p�-.3�1.7��� NOV 2 419��1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Cax-�se��- ���� � ��'�� Dalglish . Approved_ 19_ �u°i�.�.� � Tn Favor Meredith ' v..��r,' (� Mayor Tedesco A gainst �'r•;;�s�sis�'eii�;�yrsig;;;;;';:�[� �: Mr. Vice President (flolland) �22