235867 i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK,� � 23586'� .� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , U IL LUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF 4 �hereas, Additions which�might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as Grading and Surfacing ARKWRIGAT STREFsT from Arlington Avenue to Nebraska Avenue and DE SOTO STREET from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, Comptrollerzs Contract L-6956, Armor-Coat Company, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and � � � Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: • ADDITIONS Catch basins at the northeast and northwest corners of Arkwright and DeSoto were removed and reconstructed to conform to the neca street grade Remove Catch Basin ' 2 Each @ $ 10.00 $ 20.00 Reconstruct Catch Basin 5.0 Lin. Ft. @ $ 30.00 $ 150�.00 Total Additions $ 170.00 and �Flhereas, The total addition is $170.00 and the Commissioner of g'ublic '�]orks has agreed with. the Contractor that the amount of $170.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract; therefore be it � Resolned, That the City of St. Faul through its Citq Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $170.00, said amount to tLeo� to the lump sum consideration named in the con- tract, known as Comptroller`S ��956, and which amount is to be included in the assessment against benefited �ropertq. _ / NOV 2 4196p COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �V 2 i� 196�+ �r}s�n - Dalglish Approved 19— �� Favor Meredith p�,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst ���' y�.� ���it�ei��.'$�.�ne��=:::::::: � �+p1ice Presi$en�(Holland)' 2 i967 PUBLISHEO ��� � . � �zz 23586� DUrLICATE TO rRINT6R v^ . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ' t � � . . . COMMISSIONER Aobwrt �','PeC��[119 DATF . , � .. . � . • , � . , � ' � , , „ , � � r , , + iih�reae, Additiona which wight pmv� to b� n�,t�s�arq in the Lprove�nt d,�ciibed ae Gradin� and St�rfuing AR1CyiRRG�'T STR8�3T fro� �Arlington Avenae to - M'ebra�ka evanuA and DS SO?0 ST�tB�T fro� Nevada Avan�� to 1(tbraska Avenue, Co�tmller�a Contr�rct L-6956, Araor-C,o�t Co■ipan�. �nc.. �ontractor, have bNn providad for ia th� �peGificaCioas, �nd Wheraa�, It has basn found ne�es'esry �o �atc� 'the follo�rtng Additionss ADDIZI.OKS . , , . ' Catch b�t$ins •t th� nerEheeat a�nd northWes� corner� of ArkWright and DeSoto ��e re�ovmd, and; r�sQnstrue�ed to confori to- the,.naw street grad� RaPOV� Gatch Sasin• 2 �e�ch 4 � 10.00: � $ 20.00 � � �construct Catch Basin S.0 Lin. !t. � � 30.0� $ 150.00 .,.._.__ ' ' � '' ' ' ` ' ' Totial Additione' ' $ 170.00 and • � , � , �iheress� Th� tot�l �ddition 1a $170.00' and tbe Co�iseioner �f Public T�orks h�s �greed, �ith,th� Contirector tbat, the esoasnt og $170.00 ia�ths coxr�ct sw to �r ,�dded to said conttact� th�refor� b� it � • AQSOi�►ed, That th� Gity of St. laul �hrough its City Council �pprcv�s ths � foregoing •ddicionc �ade in accordanco With tl� Sp�cificatioa� in tb� � of , $170.00� .��id �unt to be �dd�d to the lua� auw conafd���tion ria�d in the con- trsct, kzw`m ee Co�troll�r's L-6956, e�nd ++hich uount ia •to b►� ineluded in th� aae�saa�nt against b�ns�ittd property. ��v 2 4196a, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays �� �0� 2 c� 1967 Dalglish Approved 19— �tL � Tn Favor Meredith ��� � Mayor Tedesco A S��t .....s::e•=::•:e 1V��;�;°£'�g�i:d_e`_r�t,'Byrri�E�E:9E�6i Mr. Vice Yresident (Iiolian3) �22