235823 . ` , � � ,: -- Odglnal to City Clerk � � �� ` ` ORDINANCE 235�23 � , �� - ' COUNCIL FILE NO. .� ' � , PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO _ ` p `. _ An ordinance amending Chapter . . 240 of the Saint Paul Legislative - Code, as amended, pertaining to House Sewer Contractors. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 240.08 of the Saint Paul Legisla— tive Code is hereby rescinded, and the following substituted in place thereo�: , "Any person who is a citizen of the United States of America, who is a resident o� the State of Minnesota and who has had at least three (3) years egperience in responsible charge of minor sewer work, involving the know— _ ledge of trenching, bracing, tunnel work, pipe laying in public streets and all other matters pertaining to and incidental to such sewer work, is eligible to receive a license, after having passed egamination by the Board of Egaminers. " `�� � "� ' ` Section 2.�� That S-ecti:on� 240:09 o�f the Saint Paul Legisla= tive Code is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words and �), figures "Five Thousanda Dollars.. (.�5,000.-00)'!where_ the .same__do o�`�� appear and by insertin in lieu thereof the words and figures ��. "Ten Thousand Dollars ��10,000.00): ' Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � .- - _ . . - - � — -- � ---_='� - � ��c 6 i�s� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co il Carlson Dalglish � � Holland I In Favor Meredith f � Against Peterson Tedesco ��C � �95� �r Mr. President (Byrne) Appro !� _ A . � C' Cler � M r �� ' Form approved Corporation Counsel B ; ' � P BLISH� pE 9 1967 . Daplicate to Printer ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 235823 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � An ord�.na.noe amending Chapter 2�40 uf the Saint Paul Legielative Code, as amended, pertaining to House Sewer Contr�z�otora. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs Seotion 1. That Seotion 240.08 0� the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code is hereby resQinded, and the following subetituted in plaoe thereofs "Any person who is a oitizen of the United States of Amerioa, who is � reaident of the State of Minnesota and who has had at least three (3) yeare experienae in responeible aharge of minor sewer work� involving the luiow- ledge o� trenahing, braQing, tunnel worl�� pipe lay3.ng in publ�c streeta and a11 other matter� pertaining to and incidental to sueh eewer work, is eligible to reoeive a lioenae, a�ter having passed ezamination by the Soard of Ezaminera." Seotion 2. That Seot�.on 240.09 0� the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code i� hereby amended by delsting therefrom the words an.d Yigures "Five Thousand Dollars (�5,000.00)"where the same do appear and by inaertin in lieu thereof the words and �igures '�Ten Thousand Dollars ��10,000.00): � Seotion 3. This ordinanca shall take e�feot and be in force thirty (30) days from and after i'ts passage, approval and publiQation. �E� 6196? Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Holland i Meredith � Againet Peterson Tedesco �E(� 619s7 Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By a , ` /, �� f ! � I st j� �1 j� ` 2nd � Laid over to � _ 3rd and app 1 —Adopted/�/,� Yeas � ���� Nays ' '�� � Yeas � Nays , �Carlson Carlson �alglish � Dalglish 235823 � • �-lolland Fiolland ��vleredith ~ Meiedith � `Peterson Peterson � - \ Tedesco Tedesco � r. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne , �O i