235782 Ott¢idxl to Clty Clerk � , � ,,, � , ORDINANCE ����'��F� ., � COUNCIL FILE NO. ;,,��; , � ,� � 4�- PRESENTED BY 't ORDINANCE NO An Or.dinance Settlingl �he Claim of Douglas C. Richardson� Against the City of Saint Paula THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. � That the ,proper City officers are hereby � authorized to p�.y, out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-�21 to Douglas C. Richardson, �85 Collins Street, St . Paul, Minne�ota, the sum of $500.00 in full settlement of his , claim against the City of Saint Paul, resulting from the damages to his automobile and personal in�uries he suffered while driving over a defect in Minnehaha Avenue near the intersection of Greenbrier, St . Paul, Minnesota, on May 1�-, �965� . - � Section 2. That the settlement of the claim for $500.00 is made in consideration of the fact that it is to the best � interest of the City and said Dou�las C. Richardson to resolve their dif.ferences, witYiout admitting liability on the part of the City of Saint Paul�in any manner. ; Section 3. Said aum of $500.00 shall be p�:id to Douglas '� C. Richardson upon his exeeution arid delivery• of a release in full to said City, in a form approved by the Corporation � Counsel, for all damages and personal in�uries sus�ained by him in the manner aforesaid. >�"::��M---� - -� �" Secti�� �-. This ordinance shall take effect and be in - ,: ' A �force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ..._. ; � '`� ! � „ y� ,, ;� . - . . ---�.:,.�- . -._-- - !-. — ' ---- - , � , p�C 519�T Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ci1" Carlson . ,� Dalglish � Tn Favor Holland Meredith � , (� Against ' -T4��cs�� ..,,: ��� 5 1��� ,:: �.�S�e]��.'��Y:��'� . Approved: ttest: � - , ✓ ty Clerk ' ���iY� Mayor �� . - Form approved Corporation Counsel By - � i , �U�LISHE� D�� 9 19�7 Duplkate to PrInter � ORDIN �ANCE �}� �; /�t����e., COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� / �� An Ordinar4ce Settling the C�.sim of Douglas C. Rivkiardson Against the City of Saint Paul THF COUNCIL OF 'I'�IE GITY OF SA?.�1T PAUT, DUES OKDAIN s Seation 1. �hat the proper �1ty offiaera are hereby authorized to p�, out of the Tort L�.abilltg Furld 0035-�421 to Douglas C. Richardeon, 485 Co11�na Street, S�. Pau1, Mi�ne�ota, the sum of $g00.00 in fu11 eett3.em�ent oP hf.s claim a�ainst the Ci�y of Sa�.nt Paul, reeu].ting from the damages to h�.s automobile and per�onal in�t�ries he suffered while drlving ov�r a def�et in Mirinehaha Avenue near �the inter�ection of t�ree�brier, St. Paul, Mirinesota, on May 1�F, 19653 Seo�ion 2. That the �ettlement of the claim for $500.00 ie made in Qonsideratiori of the FaGt that it is .to the best 3.nterest of the City and said Douglas Q. RiQhardeon to re�ol.ve their difi�erenaes, without admit�ing liabil9.tq on the part of the Qi�y of Saint Paul: in any manner. Seation 3. Said eum of $500.04 shall be paid to Douglaa G. Richardson upon his exeQUtion and delive�y of a release in full to saic� City, in a form approved by the Corporation Counael, For all dam,ages and per$onal in�uries sua�sined by him in the manner aforeaaid. S�atian �. Thia ordinanae eha].l �ake effeat and be in forCe �hirty days after its pasaage, approval and publlaation. 519�'7 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Council D�c Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Holland i M eredith � � Against �o�� � Tec�esco .,.� ;,�. ! 196�1 ��::;��e��c�?��::��Y��')'��:ii� APProved• ���+ 5 Attest• �' Vice President �Paterson) • City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ' .� , � I sf J I r� , 2nd �l -� r ' Laid over to ' _ 3rd and app _Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas � Nays �arlson Carlson � Dalglish Dalglish " �H-oiat n�C— �C.������ Holland ,,�j��Meredi4h Meredith � � rPe'I'e so�— p�torcan� �Tedesco Tedesco . ...e...... ................A. -,..... � 1 :..9 0. . :. ; .. . C7'�3:�r�C.• • .7ePS• - � -- y,[.••���! �'°�1:�:..re�si enf.?��17GIt�::3::... �e3���. ..�"����::� M�x'. Vice President (Petersos�� 1Vlr•Vace Presi�ent (Pcfierson) �