235781 i ., �' ORIG"NAL TO�'r,ITY CLHRK `�,� A`�t� -� ' • – � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� E ' � � �`Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. w^ _ � � U CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE . . � DATF RESOLVED� That a select Cominittee on Car Mileage and Motor Pool is hereby established, ; consisting of three Commissioners designated by the Mayor, and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby accepts and concurs in the designation by� the Mayor of Commissioner , Peterson as Chairman, and Commissioners Carlson and Meredith as members of said Committee. ' � � F�M APPR D � . "��i �Corporation Counsel -- _ � �";r L �yQl� 1 f� �967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- 19— . Yeas Nays ' � Carlson ���/ ], � ���� Dalglish " Approved 19._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith ' ' Peterson G Mayor Tedesco A ga�st Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED NOV 1 � 1967 � , �,.. �22 .� � � '' �. - �3��g � 4� � � . �,TT Q, � �"+..-� ,!t s ti � 6 � � O � `�� � "' ^e' � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR , CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPA�RTMENT ihomaa R. Byrne May°f November 1 , 1967 a To the Honorable Members of the City Council: � I wisheto bring to the attention of this Council a matter of very serious concern. I refer specifically to the mileage allowances program of our city. I would estimate that more than $150 ,000 has been appropriated for this purpose in our 1968 budget. This� certainly must be considered a ve�y significa�t item. We will soon��receive a request that these allow�nces be increased. � I know that there are numerous inspectors and others whose work involves a great deal of travel throughout the city who are not coming o�zt even on their mileage allowances . Qn the other hand, reports periodically reach my of.fice that some employees may be drawing lump sum mileage allowances which are in excess of the amount of use the city actually deriveis from their cars . To reach a possible solution I would appoint today a committee to study the entire matter of mileage allowances . It may very well be that the time has come to switch to a motor pool approach rather than to continue to pay rising amounts for the use of em- ployees_' private cars . Accordingly, I ask Commissioner Peterson to serve as the Chairman of this committee and Commissioners Meredith and Carlson to serve with him. I hope the committee will study every approach to economizing on our mileage expenditures . I specifically ask the committee to study the feasibility of a city motor �pool. i Sincerely, � � THOMAS R. BYRNE AYOR 1 TRB: lm ; � Cr�"' ' �� ��