235757 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK F�t . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ;�c���� � LICENSE ,CO1��M-CTTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �UNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY NOV. 14, 1967 COMMISSIONE DATE RE30LUED: That licenses applied for by the followin� persons �t the zddresses statad, be an e same are her�by granted. Kroiss-averton�icme• Linen Co. 200-6 University V.M.Loc.1M App.18125Ren�w ► H.S. Kaplar� 3�5 Shdpar3 Rd. Cigarette " 18273�� Richard M. Sargent 1808 Gr�� Pool' Hall l�T " 18346" n " Orig.Corit. n ❑ u n �� n � " Ciga.rette I�'�ina Price 21�F4 S. Albert Eeauty Shop " �8469" - Fannie E. Ie;uller 689 Selby Grocery " 18531�� n ° Off Sale M31t �� ° �� �� ° Ci.garette n ° �� �rl L. Coleman 924 Selby Hardware " 18533" George W. Sch�.dt 567 Rice Restaurant " 18570" �' " CIgarettQ " " " Soren Eanson 1137 W. 7th Gas Sta.6P " 18571" �� ° Geri.�ep,G ar�ge" ° '� � " Cigarette " 91 " Nancy Perrelli 2175 Gr�n3 Beauty Shop " 18620�� Hubert Renchin 621 Univers�ty Orig.Container " 18623" " " Cigarette ° ° '� Helen & Ch�rles Reding 633-35 �e1by I�c1y.DC Pickup " 18648p1 Grandview Theatre Corp. 1830 Grand ��ot.Pic.967s " 18669" Henry G. Young 626-2 Selby Restaurant " 18687" I�follie P. Glomski 676 Winslow Restaurant " 18688" �� " Cigarette ° ° n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor � Meredith Peterson . Mayor Tedeaco A gainst � - - Mr. President, Byrne _ �22 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � , �j`q���M� H CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�, s ,zcEr�s; cor�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE NOZ1. �-�I'� �-96�J Contd. Page 2 . ` Edward J. Schlink 375 IIniversity Beauty Shop App.186g8Renew '� . " B�rber " " " � Lee Bertuleit 556-8 University 2nd.Hd.M.V.Dlr." 1$702" rlcNeill Optical Shop, Inc. 1070 Lowry I�edical "'rts Optician " 18706" , � Szmuel Sev�k 74 E, Fairfield Junk De�ler " 18714" Clair Londroche 369 5elby TV T�?aster �� 187�447 � ° 3 Servicemen " " " u TM E1ec.,App.Repa,irn n u Sam & John Mike 205 Concord Ga.s Sta. 4P " 18749n n u Gen.l�ep.Garage n n ti n � , - . v.I�T.Loc,].M �� 1g75p" Superior, D�i.ries, Inc,bNorthern Cooperage Co. 551 Concord V.M.?�oc.1M " 18761" Edwar� Peters 33'� Concord Trailer Rental " 18797'� ,t �� Cigarette �� ° t� n ' n V�M.Loc.1M ° 18798�� Dave & Paula Rubin 931} selby Butcher " 1gg17+r- �Louise & Honer Pruden � R 984 ice �estaurznt " 18820�� Cigarette " " " C.gI.St.P. & P. Ry. Co. • 1000 Shop Rd. Ci.garette " 1gg52" Canteen Co.�Riverview I"�morial Hospital 225 Prescott V.P�I.Loc.1M " 18865" 11 \ 11 5 ad�wn,�Cy• 11 If 11 L1 John Ertel 458 S. Robert Orig.�ont�in�r " 18890" u „ . Cigarette ,r „ „ M�lvin Goodman 2165 IIniversity Gas Sta. 12P " 18898" " Cigarette " " " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish . Approved_ 19— Holland ' Tn Favor Meredith Peterson , r ' Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��22 � � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. Llc��rsE cor��•�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' COMM SS�IONER � DATE NOV. 14, 1967 Contd. Page 3 . Benjamin R. Hilker 633 S: Smith 'I`V rlaster App.18950RenEw � Phillip J. Sk�rda 786 Randolph Cig.OpEr.2M TM 18957" Jack Spe ctor & Willi�.m Bi ck 45-51 E. Kellogg Pk�.Lot 51-75� " 18960" S & H Bev.� 2296 Terminal Rd. . Roseville Fdstf„VM Op�r. " 18973�� " �Municipal Airport Adm.Bldg.St.Lawrence St.V.h�.Loc.1T�i " 18976" " ° 1 add.mach. ° '� �� Coca Cola�St. Paul Post Office Clerks Union 432-5. Tr7abasha V,M.T�oc.1M " 1go19" Noble E. Smith 970 Rice Beauty Shop " 19056" Hotel St. Paul Parking, Inc. 70 W. 5th P1cg.Lot 51-75c " 19057" rlary Jane Zewiske , 849 S, Smith Beauty Shop � " 19068�� Jos�ph TrI. Ouradnik 96�5 IIniversity 2nd.Hd.D1r.A�.V." 19071" Northern Cooparage Co. j51 Concord V.M.Loc.11� " 19090" St. Paul Fi.re & I�;arinc Ins. Co. 392 Main Pkg.?�ot 26-50c �� 19127n �G�ril J. & Eleanor Brozek 9pg Hudson Rd. V.M.I,oc.1M " 19129" " 4 add.mach. " " " Ernest,Berget. . 1274 Grand Gen«Rop.Garage " 19139" Earle J. Woolley 880 Payne Beauty Shop " 19140" Frank J. Grilli�31�Z Co. 900 Bush Barber �� 19155�� Thomas Lowe 2013 E. Minnehaha Vend.rTach.Loc.l2-I° 19177" Joseph L. Russo, Sr. 695 PaYne Barber " 19189" CO�C��1�l��rds �Liberty Bank Bldg. 1573 Se��Pted by the Cou�cil��te '� �.9217n 9 Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �22 i I �c�5��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I + CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK Lzc�rs� cor�r�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA� NOV. l�. 196�I _ Contd. Pa.ge 4 , American R�� Cross 413 Auditorium V.M.Loc.1M App.1923�enewa Car1 J. Seebeck 62 W. Winifred Gas Sta.4P " 1924�" �� " Ge11.Rep.Garage �� ° ° Butwzn Sportswear (b. , 6th fZ.-Finch Bldg. tT.P1.I,oc.31'�I " 19247" James Tournier o�ICA 47� Cedar V.1�I.Loc.1M " 1925��� Ideal �ecurity Hardware Corp. 215 E, 9th cigarette " 19300" Lloyd Bach 3120 Emerson Ave.IJo.-T�Ip1s.Photographer" 19301" Coin-Op Industrics, Inc. 630 Laurel Cigarette �� 19308" Michael Boyle 503-22nd.�ve.I�E rTpls. Cig.Oper.2M " 1931z" Imperial Vending, Inc. 1725 Grand Cig.Op�r.2M " �93i8" n n 4 add.mach. " " " T�Tidwest �pring I�;fg. go6 N. Da7.� Cigarette " 19325" Central Warehouse Co. 739 �and�lia G'tgarette " 19326" St. John's Lutheran Hospital l4ssociation 403 Maria Cigarctte " 19328" Marion Stone 6z9 s�lby Cigarette �� 19329p Fuel Qil Service Co. , Inc. 1675 Rice Cigarette " 19381" lst National Bank Employees Club 7th fl.-lst National Bank Bldg. ;,igarette"19405" Mercury Aviation Co. T•lun.�irport-St.Lawrence St.Cig�rette " 1g4o6" US Gypsum Co. 1121 E. 7th Cigarette " 19�+�3" � McG`l�.in-Hedman-Schuldt Co. 200 Plato Cigarette '� 19415" DeLuxe Hall 287 Maria. Cigarotte " 19417�' Public �orks Sanitation 37o E. 8th Cigarett�OV 1 4�9��18�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��V 1 4 Carlson 1967 . Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Favor Meredith l p� V Mayor Tedesco A ga�t �ti�rg: €:��:':��esid"eiit;"B�y�r'.rie'""' PUBLISHED NOV 18196�' �Mr. Vice Yresident (Peterson) �22