235741 . , w� , s � �"t �r 0121GINAL TO CITY CLERK i ��� CITY OF ST.� PAUL COUNCIL NO. ��� _ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE UNCIL OL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF � � ' • +---•,� _ ,. RESOLVED, That the Oouncil of the City of Saint Paul does , ,, hereby determine that the grade crossin�s of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St . Paul & Pacific Railroad Companyts Ford Plant Sgur,� traeks with Minnesota State Trunk Highway Number 5 (West Seventh Street) and with Edgcumbe Road are dangerous to life and proper�y; and that the Corporation Counsel, on behalf of the Council, is hereby directed to prepare and submit a petition to the M�nnesota Department oflPublic Service requesting that said Department order the installation of adequate safety devices at the said crossings . 1 � EOR� A ' RpVED. ' Sel �S{, r4�rattion 0 (VOV 1 � 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� Carlson . Dalglish Approve�d1f11E � L 1Q�� 19— � w a . ��T . Holland _ Tn Favor Meredith �` , F-�tersox� � rlC�ll� Mayor ' Tedesco A S��gt .�Mx...Pr:eside�nt,�;By.r:ne;;;;� PUBLISHED NOV 181961 �iVii.uVice.President�(Peteraon) . �22 1