235707 ,�_—. .. �, . ��CJ'��� OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST., PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL U ION�G�IERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROU@x't F. Peterson , COMMISSIONE �� A WI�REAS, By authority of the Laws�of Minnesota for the yeax 1959, � Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. �9221.6, approved May 2, �959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessab�e costs of Sidewalk • Conatruction when such costs exceed the� benefits to the property owner, WHERF�AS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amounts: , Description Amount Except West 9 feet for alley; Lot 9, Blk. 16, Auerbach and Hand's Addition $162.73 Except Esst 9 feet for alley; I,ot 10, Blk. 16, Auerbach and Hand's Addition $17�+•35 � 0 —� I�ot l, B].k.�25,"Auerbaeh �nd H�nd's Addition $168.36 Lot 1�+, Blk. 36, Auerbach and Hand's Addition $162.92 Lot l, Blk. 36, Auerbach and Hand's Addition $182.2�+ Lot 16, Blk. 3, Smith's Sub. of Blk. 3, of . Stinson's Div. of the NW,�—� of Sec. 36, Tnsp. 29, � �. 23 w. . $i68.69 _. , East �+0 feet of Lot 5, Blk. T; Bergholtz Sub. of Lots 2-6 and 7�ots 10, 11, 1�+, & 15, Bazille Acre Lots $ �+9•98 � West 2 of E 2 of N 105 ft. of Lot l, Bazille's Add. of Acre Lots to St. Paul $ �+4.10 `` ' Lot 1�+, Blk. 2, Fawcett's Add. ; � 61.7�+ - t Lot 6, Blk. �+, Humphrey's Add. �181.51 �Y Lot 7, Blk. �-, Humphrey's Add. , �178.68 - • GOUNGILMEN�-� . -� Con't Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . ` Carlson " Dalglish " > Approved 19— � '' . �t_:� Holland �` ; . . Meredith "�; Tn Favor Peterson ' Mayor " Tedeaco Against Mr. Preaident, Byrne � . ' . .. . �aa ,- � , .�:. : �� ;�����'� OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF Lot 18, Blk. 2, Michel's Sub. of Blk.- 5, Stinson's Div. of NW� of Sec. 36, Tnsp. 29, R. 23 $ 11.61 Lot 8, Smith's Sub. of Blk. 12, Stinson's Division ` $ �+9•99 Lot 9, Smith's Sub. of Blk. 12, Stinson's Division $ 52.92 Lot 12, Smith's Sub. of Blk. 12, Stinson's Division $ 55•� Lot 13, Smith's Sub. of Blk. 12, Stinson's Division � 32•3�+ N2 of East and West vacated a11ey adjoining • and Lot 22, Blk. l, Lockey's 9dd. � � 39•u Except S. 37 ft. Lots 23, 2�+ and' 25, Blk. l, Lockey's Add. _$103�79 • _ _ � _w _� _. _ _._� . � -----• _ _ _ . Lot l, Blk. 2, Lockey's Add. � 55•� Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 2, Lockeys Add. $ �-9•9$ - - . ,,,.--.. Ex. S �+0 ft. Lot 12, Blk. 23, Warren and Rice's Add. $137.88 RESOLVED, That the Commi.ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby • authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $2,12�+.6�+, a portion of ,the assessable costs of Sidewalk Constr. under the 19b6 Sidewslls contract 66-I�i-366, Levy No. �+, District No. 1, L-6835, in the amount of $2,12�+.6�+, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid F�znd, 0920-701. n, (1967) - � NOV g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �g6� 1s._ Yeas . Nays ��� g ���� , Carlson . .`.;. Dalglish . Approved 19— " ' Holland �, .� Meredith n Favor � ����T , �nq May°r Tedesco �Against � :31��:��?�e,�,d��t�:8yi�iie�,e:::�:@� PUBLISHED NOV ��.8 ]96� ...::::i�::x ..w.s.:..:.:....:.......::::.. �iVir, Vice President (Petexaon) . y i � 7 \ ' � � • �`l`l � - (� - - -- < �����JF� . DUPLIGATE TO rRINTER . CITY OF. ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �Q��- ��� ,�g� COMMISSIONER DATF _ �, By �uthority o� the La�c�o� �innesot� �or the y�r �.959, �h��r 3c)0,. &'��'� P.�.� Q�d r8�s�.1"�� by 6.'.�.� l�o. 192?�G� s�� �►' 2� �959� the City of B�in� P�u].� may pqy e portson ot the aseeead'b�e co�t� ot 8ide�a7.1� Con�truc�ion when Buch co��� �xcaad �he t�ne.�'3t� to f.he �operty o�sr, �1H�EA8, It h� bean.:determine,d �ha� tb� �ollrnring deecribed �rcel� o� Px'QP�Y be rs�.i�ve�d o! �the t41.]�,c�ting e�maunte�t �escriptian Amount �cc�pt �est 9 �eat Yor �,1.].eyx �,ot 9, Bl.lc. 16, Auerbach and Hand's Addi�ion . . $�162.73 �$xecpt E�at 9 reet �or e�.1.ey; z,ot lOs B�.lc. 16, . . . Auerbach �nd. Hand��e Addition . . ��7�•35 , I,ot Za Hlk. 2S, Auerbach. sad� Hand�s Addition �].6$.36 � X,at 1�+, E�.k. 36,,Auerliaeh and HanB's Addition �162.92 �ot �, �s. 36, Auer'bech �d Hand,'s Adc9ition $�.82..�� bot �.6� E�l�k. 3� $mith�� 8ub. o� B1k. 3, o� �t�n�on's Div. o! �the� I� og �ec. 36�, '�Sgd 2?�, R. 23 W. �168.69 Ea�t �#0, test of Lot •5, Bl.k. Z, Bergho3.tz 8�b. o�' 7.�ot� 2-6 �nd Lota 30, 1]., 14, 80 �.5 j $azil.le Acre �ots $ �+9.,98 Wes� � of E � o� H 105 t't. of I,ot i, Bazi]1�!s Add. oP .�re Z�s to St. k`�u1 �, �1+.10 � Lot 14, 81�. 2, �avc�tt'� l�dd. � 61.7� Lot 6, Slk. �, Hu��rey�a Add,. $1.81.51 Lot 7, a1k. �+, �amphrey�� Adct. . ��78.68 COUNCILMEN ' • �pn+t Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ' , , Carlson � • � Dalglish ' ' ' � ' " ' ' � Holland Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst , Mr. President, Byrne 1� �zz � . �� � DU►LICATE TO rRINTER � / ���� /�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� �� ° ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��MlI'� �r �v���OII COMMI551 ONER DATE _ , ,. , . . � . � , . . Lo� 18, Ba,ffi, 2, Mtchel'�+ �ub� ot' 8�11�� 5� $tineox�'� D,3V, O! 1� at' Scci �6� Tn�P�' 29, ' . � . ' R., 23 . . . � . . . . � u,�61 . I,pt 8� �ith�s Bub. t►� I�7,k� _�, St3n�c�n;s ' � - � 3)1Yi��.4�Qn . ' . l .. �� . , � - . '. � ��+9�99 Lot 9, S�th'� Sub. or 811c. 12, St�ne�on!,� , �i.v3 eion � � 52•92 , , . , . , � Lot ].2, 8mi�h's Sub. o� S�lc. 22� 8t�,x�on'8 ' jDivis�,on ., . , , � �5•� � , �ot 13, ,Smith''�a Bub. of 81�', �.2,. Stin�on's, . ,, . � . piv��3.on � � 32�3� . „ . . , . , � o� East- �a �re�t ,$��t�a �.i�y aa�oin� , � . . . sna Lot �2, a�._ i, Lockey'� Aa.d. . � � 39•�. , . , � - � , . , - . . , F�cep� S, 37 �t. Lo�s 23, 2� and 25, �k. � . . . i, �oc�ey�s Aaa. $z03•79 ,F{ot l, Hlk:-2, Locit�y�e ,Ad,a. . , � � 55•� . I.ots 8 6e 9, EIk, 2, bock�Ys Ac�d• � �9.98 �x. � �+o �. �,ot i2, I32k. ,23, w�rren and � , Rice�s All�. � � $137.88 = £�E9,T,Y�D, That th� �omm3.ss3oraer of �u.bl�c Y�orks be an�. he is h,eraby �uthori zed �o pay �roan the Perm.an,ent Iruprovement Revo�,,vtng Fun.d, Code 6004� the emount o� $2,12�,6�F� a pQrtion oY the qsse�eab],e cos,ts of �9,dewal.$ ConBtr. unctex tk�e 1g66 61da�ra�1� cdntract 66-�5-366, L�vy Nv.. �, Di�trict 3�0. l, L-68350 �n �he e�m�our�t o�' $2,12�.G�, said Per�aan�nt Ic�prrnvement Ravn7.ving �'unc� to be rei.u►bureaf3��rc�t th� C9.ty'e� Bheu� o� Loea�. Improv�ment �d Fund, �Q20-701. �1967) � , . . � . � COUNCILMEN � � NQ� 9 19�1, Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays , , , , Carlson, , � , Dalglish ' �v�oV 9 ���'J� , , Approved 19— Holland ' Meredith , • fn Favor . �'- � � ' Mayor Tedesco �gainst ;�r;.�ses'ident=••B riie������ 1VIr. Vice Presid'e�}ty(Yeterson) , � . , �22 , t