235698 A (((���^/^� C^IGINAL TO CITY CLERK �C���Y 9�J ` CITY OF ST. PAUL - FoENCi� NO. �°�' �� -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES TIO GE RAL FORM COMM SS�ONE DATF November �, 1967 _ , RFSOLVED, That the Pla.ns and Specifications submitted herewith for Wrecking of Frame Dwellings, Garages and Buildings and Mis cellaneous Site Work and Clean Up, located at various addres s es in 5aint P�aul, said specifications prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Paxks ��and Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the saxne being satisfactory to the Com�.nissioner of Public Works, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby �:'�.uthorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. � . ' _._.. . - - , ' � •.. '•� � �. , �pV 91967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ' Carlson � {�'�v 91�6� Dalglish �„ Approved 19� Holland . � Tn FavOr Meredith d � ,� ,z..r�� Mayor Tedesco g A gainst ��et�F�� �,....��,..-,...�.�,..,..;.,--�-•,�...,a;,�2iis��ii�� ������LI �� 1��� i�°a�Bx.esident;:Byx'��� �Q� Mr. Vice President (Peterson) , l �Zz � � ���� ^� . DUrLI TE TO rWINTER � l� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �,�,...-�.����e, DATF November �� �6� _ RE'SOLVED� Z'hat the Platzs ar�d 5pecificationa eubmitted ' $erewith €or W�ec'kir�g�of Frame Dwellinga. G�.rage� �nd �uilding� snd Miscell�neous�5ite tiVork and Clea.n Up, located at vario� addree s ee in Saint Pavl, said specifications prep�;red by the City Architect uader , the direction of the Commie�eioner of Parks :and Recrestion and Public Buildirigs. be and the 'eime are hereby aipproved, tha same being` �a.ti�factory'to the Coinmi�eioner of Pub].ic Vlrork�, a�nd the Purchaeing. Agent ie hereby nuthorized to advertise for bids thereon in the naanner provided i.n aad by t1Ye Eharter. ' ' (1' +,�' � ✓ �r� ���� L � � � NOV 919�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— - Yeas Nays Carlson ��V 91967 Dalglish /' Approved 19— Holland f 0 Tn Favor Meredith -�'etersaTr' � MaYor Tedesco A Sa�t .. ... . .....::::r:;�•::::;;_ . E;,�:'��i:e,�i�(��nt;:;B.yxlie.:eEeEE::. �Mr. Vice Yresidcnt (Yetersun) �22 � �� s8 ,, FORMAL BID N0. 2615 PAGE �2 bF 2 WRECKING OF FRAME TJ4JELLINGS, ETC. � DEPARTMII�IT OF PUHLIC Y?ORKS ' ` PARCELS TO B� WRECKED: PARCEL Nb. AD�ESS �EGAL DESCRIPTION BLDGS. UNIT PRICE 20 491 North Sto E�cept St. W 1�2 2 story of S.1,�. 1�4 of Lot frame 3, Irvine°s Add.of duplex Outlots' to Town of NO garage St. Paul + 26 518 Collins St. E. 37 ft. of N.E. 2 story 1�4 of Lot 4, frame Irvine°s Add. of dwelling Outlots to Town of St. & garage Paul 3la. . 521 North St. F�.North St. Ex. 2-1�2 1�2 of S.W. 1�4 of story Lot 5 Irvine°s Add frame to Town of St.Paul dwelling & garage Plans and specifications are available WITHOLFr CHAR�E " in the office of the City Architect, Room 44�5 City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnssota 55102. , C�ANY SIGNATURE OF BIDDER 11f10�67fp . ����� • PAGE �1 of 2 ROBERT E. LARKfN C I T Y O F S T . P A U L PURCHASING AGENT T H E R ESA F. B EY E R C O U N T Y � F R A M S E Y Thie number muat appear on your envelope. DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 261 PHONE: 223-4225 253 City Hall and Cour+ House FORMAL BID NO._ 5 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 TELEPHONE: 13uyer Aarold Rafter Buyers 223-4225 �.F. #�235698 Formal Quotation Job �67-�1 � Rev. SEALED BIDS addressed to the Purchasing Agent for furnishing material and labor as specified below, will be received by this department until 2:0o p.2n. o'CloCk WEDNESDAY, November 22, 1967 BID SEPARATELY ON EACH ITEM NOTE: EXCISE AND SALES TAXES: THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF ANY FEDERAL EXCISE OR TRANSPORTATION TAX AND THE MINN. SALES TAX UNDER MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OF THESE TAXES ON YOUR BID. DEBCRIPTION rHis COLUIdN ro ee U�ED ev BIDDER AMOUNT Each bidder, being familiar with local conditions affecting the work and with the contract documents including the advertisement for bids, Form of Proposal, General and Special Conditions of the speci- fication and Contract, and bond requirements on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably inci- dental to the wrecking of dwellings, gaxages, buildi.ngs, and the performance of miscellaneous site work and clean up at the listed addresses, Saint Paul, 1Ki.nnesota in accordance with the specifica- tions. LUN1P SUM BID For furnishing a11 labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the wrecking of dwellings, garages, sheds, �uildings and the performance of miscellaneous sitework and cleanup at the following listed addresses, St. Paul, Minn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARCELS TO BE WRECKED: PARCEL N0. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION BLDGS. UNIT PRI � - - - �- 7.L�� ,.r T�r t.i l /1j, � � .. i � _ I � , I ' 1