235687 � � r - ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ~ - y � � � ����JO( / CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� �" ��`•� g OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 169.99, Subdinision 3, gives to this, the governing body of the City of Saint Paul, authority to approve traffic tickets in the � form it deems advisable for use in the City of Saint Paul; and f-� WHEREAS, changes in the law have made it advisable to slightly alter the form of traffic tickets as now used in this C ity; and F WHEREAS, the supply of traffic tickets now on hand will be shortly exhaustedf now, therefore, �be it . ; RESOLVED, That traffic tickets substantially in the form attached hereto as �ibit B are deemed advisable for the use in this City, and that traffic tickets substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A are' deemed advisable for the use in this City until the supply is exhausted. , � � . - + . p, ,p VED. gss Corporation Counse� N�V 819�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson , ��� ��9�(� - „ Dalglish Approved 19_ � Holland �n Favor \ Meredith + �� �eterson d � Mayor Tedesco A gainst 1 PUBLISHED �Q�/ 1 O ����' �'VIr. President, Byrne ; � �22 � I _ . � � .. � - � - . -. -_- ��. . . _ ��6 8 �._. � " , • ' res-� _ ��,,, . /�.�,� � J�J,f�r��, � STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY MUfVICIPAL COURT o CITY OF ST. PAUL gr-� �V�� � �'4 ".... � pC� .� , � vi � Thc undcrsigned, bcing duly s�vorn, upon his ooth dcposes ond says: Parent s nama, 4 On Iho day of ,19 ,ot o clock Q A/�1❑PM if jwenile . Address�Hortw C�Y �a� Businass State — ; Bir�h Dato �'���'« HI. W�. Sc:_did�nlowfuliy(operotc��park� D.L.No. Troilet � licenso No. 19_Slola Make lic No. 19_Sto�e Moke � vpon o public highway lo wit: '. laoted in Ihe Ca:nty and$fo!e oforesoid,ond did Ihen and Iherc commit Ihe following ofTense: I � SPEEOINO(ovcr limit� ( m.p.h.in m.p.h.:on�) jhCSO Vio- Slippery f❑We� Causad In Accidant �1•10 m.p.h �11•IS m.p.h. �Ovcr 15 m.p.h Pavomont i�Snow or Ice Ponon pD PI �� ! � lalions Causo �Night to Dodpo � � LEFT ❑No signai �"U"Turn �From wrong lone Poor ❑Fatol i Improp�r TURN { Atcidenls �Fog or Smok� �p�eslrian RIGHT t❑Prohibited {Q Into wrong lano Visibility �Snow or Rain �Vahicl� �Pedalrian f DISOBEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL "" ❑ Those �Cross (whcn lipht��rncd redj Cirtumstancet ahar (� Onccminp ❑Yehicl� DISOBEYED SiOP SIGN �WronB ploco ❑Wolk spced ❑Foster Incroaso Tf°«" � ❑Pcdestrian �or flosh�ng rod) Soriousnoss of P��=��� ���me Diredion � ❑Lone ❑Cu�in No pnssiry.zono Ih1PROPER PASSIk6 straddling {��Yrong lone �On hill or cuno Vlolatlons proa �$�hool ❑Park or Ployground ❑Residrntial ' ond LAIJE USE , PARKI�dG VIOLl�TI0N5:Expired f.5eier❑ Ovcrtimc❑ No Pork Zono❑ Rush Hour Zonf� Fre HydroN❑ Keys in Igniticn❑ Olher I(Icgal Porkin8❑ t No. ' { Othor Yolation(i) (describe)� � In Yolation of the Siotute or Ordinence�See No. � In svch casa mads ond provided ond ogoinst Ihe poxo and dignity oF Ihe S�ate o(Minnesota I I Thar o((ionl'a comvlatnt is mado(upon in(umation recefved lrom other la�.enforcement opents)and(upon informoiion rasul�inp(rom his own Inves�igotion). � WHEREFORE COMPLAINANT PRAYS,Tha�(a worront Issua(w the apprehansion al)said o(Fander(and he)be(artestedand)dool�wlth accordinq to low. D.O.No. � I Complainont Of(icer•No. � Upon rhe(o�oyolnp eomploin�,subscr�bed ond�wo�n�o befo�e me,and upm exomi�oifon o(complofnant under ooth,THE COURT FINDS thaf�here is pro6able causa to 6ring�he o(fender be(ora , this courr to answer the offenee he�ein complofned of AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED iha�(o warront iasue and)tha o�fender be(orrested and)deali with occordiny to low. Doted a�St.Paul,Minn.Thia day Jvdpe of Munictpol Cowt .__. • -___.. .__.�.._.— --�- .._ . ._,_..._. -- ----•-- ' . . . . , '' '-' - '• - ' _._ �j....-- " ' • . ' --'- _'_-------'-----' - '-- '-• '---- - - ----- -'--".__ ..------_'�,_.-�-'-�'--"'----_—•-'--"—'---"--- '-� ------ '- •--... ..1.��..f. CE�:TI�ICAT� �F �0�4Vi�Y60N � � or f�EPCJI�T Or 4°1��1[�li�'� . � The undersigned hereby certifies thot tho defendant herein was: ❑convicted of, �forfeited bail for, ❑ plead guilry 10,�] was determined , to hove committzd tho Follov�ing affense, in this court,on 19 Moaih Day rolotive to the operation of motor vehicles: Amount of Fi;ie $ Amount Suspended S Days in Workhouse or Jail Recommendation as to driver's licenso: [� None 0 Suspension for days ❑ No svspension Remarks Dated 19 Clerk,Judge or Justice of Peaco If revocotion is mandatory or suspension is recommended by the covrt,defendants driver's license must be forwarded with ihis cartificate. (M.S. 171.16J � Driver's license card forvrarded with this certi�icata . ' � Warra'nt�issued 19 , htanlh Day MS. 169.45 and 171.16 require iransmission within 10 days to� � Minnesota Fiighv✓ay Department — StnSe Highway Building — St. Paul, Minnesota 55I01 � . � � ' ' 1 ..� , • - ` Y • . _ , f � ' . j - . . , • 1 _ .. L....- ._. 1 Ploa Court Date Worrant No. , r . Conlinued to Reason Warrant Date Continuedio Reason � DRIYER'S PAST RCCORD , Continued to Reason ' Continucd to Reason Bcil Fixed Atty Posted Finding by Court Fined a or Jaifed Doys , Dtiver's License Svspended forl {or Days TraF(ic School Judge's Notes , Sfgnaturo of Judgo , OFFICEfi'S NU°TES FOR TESTIFYfIdG Ii�d' COURT*(Include Vehicle Defects) If drivcr's liconso violation,rceson driver was stoppod Othor Comments � � - ---- � -- --•--�-- . ..._. . •-- --- -. � .___ -,- _. _.� .----- _...�-_ -• .-•• _.._____.__. -------- -- , x . . - . . . ' ' ''� -- „ . ; � . � - . _ . � � , � '� - , r - ' . i ' • - - � . . , - � � . • , ' � - ' ' � . � . . . I • • . • i - . i � • ' I • . . � - i , � • i , . f . . � . � . � � , - ' - / . r' .n . ' _ .a ' , � . . � ... . ' ' JG�/�19/7, � .r y ..� _� '� I STATE OF MINNESOTA•COUNTY OF RAASSEY MUMICIPAL COURT o CITY OF ST. PAUL ., ���.�; ' � You orc hcreby summoned to oppcar be(orc this Court lo ans�ver for Ihc follo�ving offensc: Paronl's name, On the day of ,19 ,al � o,d«k�AM❑PM if juvenile c ' Addrat r Home �'�Y . Nome l Businct� Stote Birlh Dalo �'�G°� HI. V✓�. Sex_did vnlaw(ully(operale)(park) D.L No. Trailcr License No. 19_Slo�o Moke li No. 19_Sloie Moko Vpon o public highway lo wit: _ , 3 /, ��I �( l�'� Ixatcd in the Coun� ond$tole o(oresoid,ond did Ihcn ond Ihcre commit Ihe(ollr+vinp oifcnse: Slippory /❑ Wet Cau�rd In Acudanl SPEEDINO(ovcr limit� ( �+P•�in �•P•�=o�a� lheso Vio- Povomanl l� Snow or Ice Ponon ❑1•10 m.p.h ❑11-15 m.p.h. ❑Over 15 m.p.h ❑PD ❑PI lalions Causo � Night to Dodyo LEFT No�ignol U"Turn �From vrronp lono Accidenfs PO°� � F or Smoko ��O�O� Impro r 7URN ❑ � Pedcstrion � RIGIiT {�P�ohibiied { Inlo wrong lono Ysibliy $�ow or Roin � ❑ ❑Vchicla �pedestrian DISODEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL ❑ Those � �Cross (when light Ivrned red� ` ' 01hor � 0 ❑Vchiclo Circumstances Oncomi� r�otr� P�d::���a� DISOdEYED STOP SION �W�a�g ploce ❑Wolk speed ❑Fostcr InttOato ❑ u floshin red P�Ot'"� Soms Diredion l 9 I Seriousnoss of � IfAPROPER PASSINd ��0"e ❑Cvt in No pcssing zono and LANE USE straddling {�y�r�o�g�o� �On hill or eurvn Vlolaliont pMa �School ❑Park a Flayground ❑Residential PARKINO VIOLA710N5:Expired Me1er❑ Overlime❑ No Pork Zono� Rush Fbur Zone❑ F�e Hydrant❑ Keys in Ipnilicn❑ Olher I!legal?atkin8❑ • No. Qthsr�olation(i� (destribej❑ � ' �n V'rolcr,ion ot Ihe Slalute or Ordinonte($ec.t�fo. � In such cou raade and provided ond againsl 1he p:ace ond dignity of Ihe SlataoF f�tinntsola � You are noti(ied thot the officer whose signai��e anuears below will file o sworn complaint in Ihis Court charging you with the offense scf forth abovc. D.O.No. � / � '7� . O(ficar.No. ��d ' " �h G � �f' , � ��-�5�--r �S4 l» 7' �S `Or f-'y . . . _ . � � -- - - - - ---.... - - - - - - --- - ' RFA� CAREFULLY ' JAY b;1�1lKlP18 OR PAfttil�3G V(OI.AYI�NS OfVLY FOR ALL VIO1dTI0A15 EXCEP'f PARtUNG AND JAY VJALKIiIG REPORT � � if yoo orp gviity of ihe�A�i{IidC�offense charged on Ihe reverse side of this HO SOOrlER THAN 3:00 PM OF THE 2ND V�ORX DAY AFTER RECEIV- � Summons and yov �visfi fo plcad' guilfy, you must wi�h(n fiv� (5) dnys ING SUMh10N5. (,�i�}urclors, Sundays cnd Holidays oxelud3dy,bring or mail tfio fino sot You mus1, tyithin�sovon (7� days (Satueda�s,5undays and F�olidn}+� Fncii�bolovi, to�3ahor�vith fhis Summons, after signing the appearance, oxeludod), QE:I1tiG 4hla Summons!o ihe Yea�ic Viola4ions Buroau.Tho pleo nnd woiver hereori,4o i#�o Yrtifiit Violations 6uroau. Fines for parking violotions os follows. Joy 1Yalking....... 51.00 Yolations Bureau will aclvise you whefher or not you must cppear in Court. Fire Hydrant.....510.00 Rush Hour Zone.. 56.00 �{ a Court appearanco is not reqvired, and you are c��illy of Ihe offense Keys in Ignition.510.00 All Other Parking.53.00 Fi tho flne Is not pald viithin(lvo(5)days(5a9urdays,Sundays and holiday;ox- �harged ond wish to plead guilfy,ihe Volations[3ureou may dispose of yovr tluded) and no warront hos bcen issued,''j3,Q0 mvsl bo addod to tho emounfs sCl for4h abovo.When payment may be made by mail,the envelopo musl be poslmarkcd of�ense if you(1)turn in this$ummons wilh the oppcarance,pleo ond waiver nof loler Ihan fiva(S�days oher Ihe data of Iha o(icnsa(Soturdays,Sundays ond holi• hereon duly signed,and�2)poy tho tofal fines set by fhe Coutt for such offense. doys oxclvded) If rov wl:h to plcod NOT GUILTY lo orry offenso charged,you must BRIRO this Summons to fhe Yolations Buroau wilhin Iho lima specified and determino the dala of tho Court hcaring. hlail to: TP.AFFIC dIOI.ATIONS f3UREAU, fhAIN FLOOR COURT HOUSE, ST. PAUL, MlNN. 55102. SEND CHECK OP. MONEY ORDER—DO PIO� tllAll C/ASH. IAako checks poyable to: TRAFFIC VIOLATIOhJS BUREAU. Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday ihrough friday. tvOTICi:: IF A D@FENDANT FAILS TO ANSWER A TRAFFIC SUMMONS IN THE MANNER DIRECTED,A!'d�1RRANT WILL BE ISSUED FOR HIS ARREST.UP TO $25.00 Wlll BE ADDED TO THE FINE IMPOSED. APPEA�ANC�, PIEA O� GUIL7Y A�fD 1N�11V� 1,tho undersigned,do herebY enter my opp�oronco on Iho comaloint of Ih:offense tharged on olher sida of Ihis eummcns.I have baen informed of my right to a Iriol,thol my tignoturo to thls plea of guilry v+ill havo Ihe somo force ond eEed as a�udgment of court,and that this recud vrill be sent to tha Licensing Aulhority of Ihis Stole(or of Ihe Stolo rrharo 1 retcolved my liconso to drlve�.I do horeby PLEAD GUILTY to soid ofienso os�harged,WAIYE my ripht lo o NEARING by Iho eourt,ond ogreo to poy Iho panolty pre- tcrfbed for my offen:.. � �De(ondonfs SiOnotvreJ �Drivcr's Litenw Number) •• (q�r�) (CFwuffaur't licwe N�mx' rJ � . . : .•_-- � P • . .� • . � . � . . • .. , � . - •� . .s.. . _. _ � ' _ . • . • �._ • . 1 . . �'i.�� .„.�A �(/,��1:li/ �n•�� _�_._�. / � STATE OF MINNESOTA•COUNTI'OF RAIASEY MUNICIPAL COURT o CITY OF ST. PAUL ��^:b' ' ���_ / ���. ihc�ndcrsigned,bcing d�ly sworn, �pon his oath deposes and says: Parenl's nome, , ! On tho day oF ,19 ,ot o'clock�AM�PM if juvenile . ' Addrese�Home Gty � Name Ousiness Store � Bir�h Dote ph.�i�,�jo Ht. 4n. Sex_did�mlawfvlly.(aperate�(Park� Troilcr ''�Litense No. 19_Stolo Moko lic.No. 19_Staic Mokn � vpon o public highwoy lo wit: lotated in the County ond$toic oforesoid,ond did then ond�here cammil�he following oRenso: � SIiPPary f❑ �Yet Ca���d In Accident SPEEDINO�ovcr limit� ( m.p.h.in m•P•� =a��) Theso Vio- pa�om�nt l� Snow or Ice Ponon ' �1-10 m.p.h ❑11•IS m.p.h. ❑Over 15 m.p.h ' lalionz Couso ❑PD �PI � tEfT No sipnel 1�"U��Ty�n �From wrong Icne Poor ❑ NiBht to Dodpo �Fald � Improp�r TURN p�ohibited Into wron lone Aetidonts � Fog or Smoke Pedeslrian RIC3HT �� `❑ 8 �sibil'rty � � DISOBEYED TRAFF�C SIGNAI ❑ Thoso (�C o s�R��n ❑Vehicl� �p�u�rian ' (whon li6`�t lurned red� Cireumstances ahBr 1 �Oncominp ��chicl• DI506EYED STOP SIGN �W��ploce ❑Walk speed ❑Foster Int►oa59 Traffic • � �p�deslrian a flosh� red Pns�nf � "s � Soriousnees of L Q�me Diredipn � �Lone ❑Cut in � No pnssing zono � IMPROPER�PASSING slraddling {�Wrong lane �On hill w cvrve ViO�otlon5 prea �School ❑Pork or Playground ❑Residenlial ' and IANE USE PARKING VIOLATIONS:Expired f.5eter❑ Ovcrtime❑ No Park Zone❑ Rush Hour 2one❑ Fre Hydronl❑ Keys in Igniticn Q Oth_r Illegal Parkin8❑ i ' No. i Od+or Yolction!�� (describe)❑ � In Ywlation o(Ihe$latuta or Ordinanca(Sec No. � In svch tase mada ond provided and ogainsl Ihe peoco and digniry of Ihe Stale of Minnesola i { That a((iant'a complaint is mode(upon 7n(amation received from other law enforcement oqenis)ond(upon in(ormo�ion resultin9 from his own inves�iqaiion). jWHEREFORE COMPLAINANT PRAYS,Tha�(a warron�issue fa the oppahension ol)aoid of(ender(and he)be(ortesfedond)deal�with occordi�y to low. D.O.No. jComploinont INficer-No. Upon tho(aogoinp comploin�,su6scribed and sw n ro befo�v e,and upm a ' iion of comploinant under ooih,7HE COURT FINDS�ha��he�e is probable cause�o brinq the offender 6efo�a . �his court�a answor the offense hare7n eomplafned ol AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED�hat(a worran�fssve ond)the of(enda�be(orrested and)dealt with aeeordinp io low Dated at St.Poul,Minn.This day � Judpe of Municipol Court --• �_ 4 --�__ ----- ---__. _. __ .'__...__- -- �-�--`_' '�__�_�___�_—_—___.�__.�_.� ...�- ----- —`--- - -- �'��. C��tYI�fCA�i E OP CONVICYIOf� , P.�POItT OFrF�ER�li16V� I The undersipned hereby certifies that the defendant herein was: ❑convicted of, �forfeited bail for, [J plead guilry to,�was determined , to hove committed the following offenss, in this court,on ' 19 Month Doy relative to the operotion of motor vehicles: , Amount of Fi�e $ Amount Suspended $ Days in Workhouse or Joil Recommendation as to driver's licenso: �'None ❑$uspension for doys ❑ No suspension Remarks Dated 19 • Clerk,Judge or Justice of Peaco If revocation is mandatory or suspension is recommended by the court,defendants driver's license must be forwarded wi�h ihis certifica�e. (M.S. 171.1 G) � Drivor's license card forworded with this certificato ' � YJarrant•issued 19 � Month Doy M.S. 169.95 and 171.16 require tronsmission within 10 days to: , Minnesata Higliway Department — State f-lighway Building — St. Paul, Minneso4a 55101 ' , ' _ _ ' �". T . . . � • , . � ���:�• • .�/ — � . � . � r� 1 • � . ` . � . . . . . . , • ' - � . . . � � • _ . . � �1�... y Plea Court Date Warrant No. , Continued fo Reason Warrant Dato Continued to Roason DRIYER'S PAST RECORD Continucd to Reason • Confinved fo Rcason Bai� Fixed Atty Posred Finding by Court Finod a or Jaifed Doys Driver's licensa Suspended forl for Days Traffic School Judgo's Nores , Sfynature of Judgo OFFICER'S h10'i ES �OR TES7IFYIDaG IIv COUft,T�(Includ'e Vehicle Defec4s) If drivcr's liconso violation,reason drivor was. stoppod Othor Commonts I � '_..._.�.. ».-_. ;., .' '"__._ .t_'" .... __"_ ""_ ' """__'.,"�'__'_ ..�_ _�"...,-,�""'_. ', "_'_."_._�i 4'_ ' ' i . , _ ' , �_ "" 1 "' ' ' S . - - _ , + ' � - \ - � ' ' _ i . ' � . , . i�-- , .. '. , , - • ' 1 . . I � , � ' . •� '` ` ' I , � , , � � I � t ' ' ;I ' • ' �i � • � • . � . • � I _ • • " ' ` ' . _ � , - ; , ' 'I . ` . i l � . • f _ ` r . I , ^.i - -- _ . . � . � . . . � , . . . �_.......� • � , . , , . . SG�/s-i f.� ,..�> � I STATE OF 1�11Nt4E50TA-COUNT=I OF RAMSEY MUNICIPAL COURT o CITY OF ST. PAUL ., �o[��, Yo�orc hcreby summoned Io appear beforc tliis Courl lo ons.ver (or thc follo�ving offensc: Paronfs nama, On tha day of ,19 ,at o'clock❑AAt❑PM if jwenile i Addreu f Home Cily Nome l&rsinau Stoto Birlh Datc Ch.lic a N� yyi, $ox_�d unlow(vlly(operata�(pork) D.l.No. roilar license No. 19_Stalo hloke Li No. 19_Stato Mako upon o pvblic hig'�woy)o wit: � '/ �/�•,- f � r locotud in the Covn and S�otc o(oresoid,ond did Ilien and thcre commit Ihc(ollowing offensc: Slippary f❑�`��� Ca���d In Accid�nt SPEEDINO(ovcr limit� ( m.ph,in m.p.h.:on�� / Theso Vio- Pavomen� l�Snow or Icc P�rton ❑1•10 m.p.h ❑1I•IS m.p.h. ❑Ovcr 15 m.p.h PD PI ! No si nol U"Turn From wron lano �ations Causo � Nipht lo Dodp• � LEFT e ❑ 8 Poor ❑Fa�d • Improper RIGHT TURN { g {g Accidents M �� Fop or Smoka �Pedeslrion t Prohibited Inlo wrong lone �sibl' []Snow or Rain �Vchicl� �p�desirion DISOUEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL ❑ TIIOSe �Crost (when lipht iurncd red� Clrcumslances ` ahar (�Oncoming • ❑�@hiclo DI506EYED STOP SIGN TfO«� � Pedc;trian �Wrong place []Wolk�peed ❑Fo;tar Inc�easo ❑ (or floshing rad� Pre:�nl $ame Diredion ❑Lonc ❑fvt in No pnssing zono Soriousnocs of ❑ ItAPROPER PASSINf3 s�roddlin8 {Q,\Yrong lone �On hill or cvrYe Vlolafions p,roa �5�� �park w Ployground ❑Re:idential ond LANE USE ' PARI:INO VIOLATIONS:Expired Mcicr❑ Overtime❑ No Pork Zono❑ Rwh Hour Zone❑ Fre Hydrant� Keys in Ignilicn Q Olher Illegal Parkin0❑ No. Olhcr Yolotion(s� (describc)❑ In Ywldion of Iho Stctvte or Ordinance(Scc No. � In svch caw modo and provided und against�he p;.xe and digniy oF Ihe Stale of Minnesota � You are notified thot the o(ficer whose signature o�oeors below will file a s�vorn complaint in ihis Court chorging you with the offensc sct forth above. D.O.No. /-� � � Ofhcer-No.--� /%-�� ���, 2`�',�.y _ �/-Ps�-r S i� r r'/S C 0,f-'y / - - __ . .. _ _ --- --- - -- - –--� -�- -- - -- �- -______ _____ ---- -�-- - • —- JAY��l�ICIPdt3�2 PARKlR1G VIOLA�iO�S ONLY �E��'e�P.E��Ll:1� - ff ov arv� uilt of the PA>tKli�lCy offeoso char ed on Ihe reverse side of this FOR ALL VIOLAYIONS EXCEPT PARKING AND Jl�Y V'JALKfR1G FtEPORT I , y g y 9 NO SOONER THAN 3:00 PP11 OF THE 2ND WORK DAY AFTER RECEIV- Summons and you �vish to plead guiity, yov must ��ithin fiva (S) days IfJG SUh1h50N5. (Safunlars,Sundaya and Holidays oxcluded),bring or mail iho fino a9t Yov mus�, tvithin covon (7) days (Safiueda,s,Sundays and i�olidaya Fas4h bolo�i, to�o4her with this Summons, ofler signing the appeorance, ' ploo and waiver hereon,4o ino Yro�c ViolaPions 6uraav. Fines for parkinc� oxcludod), BRIRG 9his Summona!0 4he Trafcle Violations Bureau.The violafions as.follovn. Jay �'falking.......51.00 Yolafions Bureau will advis�yov vihether or not you mvst appear in Court. Fire Hydrant.....510.00 Rush Hour Zonc.. 56.00 Keys in Ignition.510.00 All Other Parking. 53.00 ff a Court appearance is not required, and you are guilty of fhe offense Fi tt�o flno is no1 paid v�i�hin firo(5)doys(Saturday:,Sunday.a�d holi:�ays ox- �harged and wish to plead guilty,the Violations 8ureou may dispose of your cludod) ond no warronl has bcon issuad.�^3,QQ m�st bo ad�od to tho amovnFs sui for4h a�ovo.Whon payment may be mada by mail,Ihe envelope must be poslmarked o$ense if you�1)turn in this Summons with Ihe oppeorance,plea and waiver oot latcr�hon fivo�5)days aNer tho date of Ihe ofiense.(Saturdays,Sundays ond holi• hereon duly sign.d,and(2)pay the tolal fines set by the Court for such offense. doys excludedJ ff rou wish fo plead NOY GUILTY to any offonse charged,you must DRltdO this Summons lo Ihe Yolations Bureau wilhin fho time specified and datermino tho dofe of tha Court Marir�q. Mail to: TRAFFIC dI0lAT10�15 BUREAU, ARAItd FLOOR COURT HOUSE, ST. PAUL, MINN. 55702. SEND CHECIC OP. MONEY ORDEP.—DO PdOT hlA1L CASH. hlake checks payable to: TRAFFIC VIOIATIONS BUREAU. O$ice hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday ihrough Friday. NOT1Ce: If A DEFENDANT FAILS TO ANSWER A TP.AFFIC SUMMONS IN THE MANNER DIRECTED,A��ARRAfVT WILL 4E ISSUED FOR HIS ARREST.UP TO 525.00 WIIL BE ADDED 70 THE FINE IMPOSED. �PR�A�l11aCE, PLEb OF GUILTY APJD d'JAIV� �,tho vndersigned,do hereby enter my oppaarance on tho comploint of Iha offenw ehorged on oth:r side of Ihis summens.I have boen informed of my rigFt to a friol,Ihol n�y �Ipnoture lo thls pleo of guilty vrill havo Ihe semo forca ond e6ed as a iudgmenl of court,ond that this recad�vill be sent to Ihe Licensinfl Authority oF Ihis Slole(or of Iho Stato whero 1 recolved my license lo drfve�I do hareby PLEAD GUILTY to soid offensa os chorsad,WA1VE my riehl to o HEARING by tho court,and ogreo to poy tho penalty prm svlbed for my offense. - . . � (DefendonYs Sipnotvrej �Driver's license Numb:r� •� (AddressJ , (ChauHaur't l;ceuo Numhor) � � i � ' . ' ..i . � • � .. , � _�_' y , , - � -- � ' - - - - ---. ►- � r'r�� ��i�, • /�,'<,f �f��° � STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY MUfVICiPAL COURT m CITY OF ST. PAU! gi^:�' ��{ � �.� / ��,r . . , � �`'. Tlic undcrsiflned,bcing duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: Parent'i namo, � On Il�e doy of ,19 ,ol o'clxk❑AM�PM if jwenilo . • Addrese Homo City � Nome 2viincis Slotc � Birlh Oote �'���'°� Hl W�. Sex-dd unlowfvlly(operolc�(pork� D.L No. Troiter ` licenx No. 19_$tatc Moko lic.No, 19_Slo�e Moke � upon o pvblic highway lo wit: ' locotcd in Ihe Covnty and$tola oforeso�d,and did Ihcn ond fhere commil Ihc(ollowing oliensc: 1 � SPEEDINO�over limit� ( m.p.h.fn m.p.h. :ona� These Vio- Si'PP°�y j e� Caused In Acu ant ' �1-10 r...p.h �11•IS m.p.h. �Over 15 m.p.h Pavomoni L� Snow or Ice Ponon I No si nal U"Turn From wron lone �a�ions Causo � Niehl lo Dodpo ❑PD �PI Impropar �EFT TURN 9 � � e Accidonts Poor F or$moke ❑Fatd RIGHT {�]Prohibitcd {�INO wrong lono �si6il�ty ❑ °� []Pcdestrion � ❑ Snow or Rain �Vehiclo Pedeitrian DISOBEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL ❑ Those - �Cross � � (when lipht Ivrncd red� , Olhor ❑Vehido Cfrcumsfances � Oncominp ' DI508EYEU STOP SIGN Tra(fic p�estrian �Wrong ploce ❑Wolk spocd �Foster Int�oaso ❑ (a(lathing redJ , Preienl $ame Dirccfion �, �lane ❑Cvl in No passing zon� SQrlousnosf of ❑ IMPROPER PASSING stroddlinB {�\Yrong lone �On hill or evnn V�olalions Aroa ❑$chool ❑Park u Pioyground ❑Residrntial ' ond LANE USE PARKINO VIOlAT10M5:Expired Metcr❑ Ovcriime❑ No Pork Zono❑ Rush Hour Zona❑ Fire Hydron�❑ Keys in Ipniticn❑ Olhcr I!legal Pork�ng❑ i . i No. j Othor�olation(�) (descn'be)❑ ' � In�olaiion ot Ihe Stmuto or Ordinonca�Sec.No. � In svch tasa made and provided ond agoinsl Ihe pooto and digniry of the S�ate oF Minnesola � Thai affiant'a comploint Is mode(upon infwma�ion received from ofher law enforcement aqents)and(upon informa�ion resulting from his own Inva�tigotion). � WHEREFORE COAIPLAINANT PRAYS,That(a warrant issue fu rhe opprehension ol)aaid of(ender(and he)ba(artastedand)daol�with occordinq to law. D.O.No. ; Complainanl MRcer-No. _ _ � Upon�he toreqofnq complaint,�ubscribed ond sworn to before ma,and upm exomi�otion o(complainont under oa�h,THE COURT FINDS�hat there is probobla cauae to briny the of(ender befor. . this court to answer the offense heroin complainod ol AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED�hot(a warrant jsaue and)ihe offendor bo(orres�ed ond)daal�with occordinq lo low 'Daied at SI.Poul,Minn.This day Jvdye of Alunicipol Court ,..._,-"- ' --.- .-' ..._'•"-�._.......�'—'-'- --' .. _____ . .. _.. -- r - ' ' -- " _' '.- ' -�. • '- • . - - . . • ' . b��1'f��e�16: �� krF31VV�e���IV � t�EP�6�T OFr{-l�l��l6�� � The undersigned hereby certifies that the defendant herein was: ❑convicted of, � forfeited bail for, � plead guilty to,�was determined , to hav.e cornmitted the foilowing offense, in this tourt,on 19 MoNh Day • relative fo the operation of motor vehicles: Amount of Fi�e $ Amount Suspended � Days in Workhouse or Joil Recommendation as to driver's licenso: ❑ Nono ❑Suspension for days ❑ No suspension Remorks Dated 19 – - Clerk, Judge or Justice of Peaco If revocation is mandatory or suspension is recommended by iho court,dofendants driver's license musl bo forwarded with this certifica�e. (M.S. 171.1 G) ' � Driver's license card forwarded with this certificate � � Warrant•issued 19 � � Monlh Day .MS. 169.95 and 171.16 require transmission within 10 days to: , Minneso4a Wigl�way Department — Sfiate I-ligli�vaj� E3uilding — St. Paul, Minnesota 55101_ - - - - • �_ ., • ` . � � -- , � _ ,, � i ' , . ' . � - � ' � _ j � • � _. - : . . . - � � . " � , . . . � . . . . 1� ._. Plpa Court Date Warrant No. � Confinucd to Reoson Warrant Date Continued to Roason DRIYER'S PAST RECORD Continued to Rcason • Confinucd to Rcason Ba�� Fixod Atty Posted Finding by Court Finod � or �oiled Days • Driver's License Suspended forl (or Days Traffic School Judgo's Notes Siqnature of Judgm OF�ICER'S IdOTCS FOR TESTIFYIP�G IW COURT�(Include dehicle Defects) �f drivnr's liconso violation,roas.on drivor was stoppad Othor Comments � � '- � • ' ' '--� .._.._�__----"-� '- '--.-' " - . '---_'- .._. .�-_.---' 'T ' ------_h ---_ _._ . . _..r.-- -- ---. ;-'_'-.� , • 1 ' ' •2 -' I . � ., - ' ! ' -_ ' I � _ \. - ` ' - _ 1 �" " � • ` - • , i . , ; , ' , � � . ' i . � � � � - i . . _ . � � , � . ; - , . � � . - � _ � � `i � � � � � � � �I . ' - ' . . I .� � � � - � - . . . - ; . - � � � . . ; � . ..� . � _ . .. ' ' � ., _ r _ . . �y � ' , . . , ' JL/l1�!iJ. �.�y .��. _ I STATE OF MINtdE50TA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY MUNICIPAL COURT � CITY OF ST. PAUL , /o[��� ' You arc hcreby svmmoned to appcar beforc ihis Court lo om�vcr for thc followin9 offensc: i Paront s name, On Iho day of ,19 ,ot o'clock Q AM❑PM if juvenilo (Home Cily i Address S I Nom� \Bu�inots Stote Birlh Doie ph'��No � Hi. W�. Smc_did unlowfvlly�operalc)(pork� roilcr license No. 19_S�ola A1oko li Ne. � 19_Stare Moko� vpon o pvblic hiphwoy to wit: _ 3 � �l�.; f l � locatcd in thc Covnt and Stalc oforesoid,and did Ihen ond Ihcre commil thc followinp offensc: SYEEDINO(ovcr limil� ( m.r•h•In m. h.xon� Slippary I❑���� Cau�ad In Accidont P• � 7heso VIO- Pavomonl l❑ Sr.ow or Icc Ponon �1•10 m.p.h ❑11-15 m.p.h. ❑Orar 15 m.p.h lations Cavso �Night to Dodpe ❑PD ❑PI LEFT ❑No signol �.•U.•Turn �From wronp lans Pow ❑ ❑Fatal • Impropor TURN { Aeeidonts �Fog or Smoke p�estrian RIdHT ❑Prohibi�ed {Q Into wrong lano Visi6lity (] Snow or Rain �Vehicl� �Padesfrian DISOUEYED TRAFFIC SIGIJAL ❑ TftoSO �Cross �Vchiclo (when lighl Ivrned ted� C�reutnifaneef �hor �Q Ontoming DI506EYED STOP SIGN T�O��'� Pcdeslrian �Wronp place ❑Wolk speed ❑Fmtcr introase ❑ (or floshing red� P'�S°^� Same Dircdion �lana ❑Cvt in No possinp zona Soriousno6t of ❑ IfAP{:OPER PASSINO i�raddling {0 y�r�on8 lone �On hill or curve Vlolallons prao ��� �park a Ployground ❑Residenlial and IANE USE PARKIN(3 VIOLATIOt�S:Expired Metcr❑ O�ertimo❑ No Pnrk Zorro❑ Rvsh Hour Zone❑ Fre Hydrant� Keys in Ipniticn❑ Olher Il1:8a1?arkin0❑ No. Othor Yolation(�� �(describe)❑ In Violc,tion of)he Stotvte or Ordinonce,�Sec.rlo. � In svch cou mado•ond�provided und a�ainsl�he peaca and digniy of Ihn•S�a�e of letinnesota � You are notified ihat the officer who�e si9noture anoears below will file o sworn comploint in ihis Court charging you with the otfenso set for�h obovc. D.O.No. q"7 � � .�( . Of(icer-No. i %%� / /-�s� (.. / r»y , �/-t'<"� J<�i» ! �S C v �y . i� - � � - . .:: -� - � - - _ _ :..__ �.-. . ._ -- ---- _---- �--�-- -------- - ----- JAY�'�A.Itff�t3 d`!PA1:E:111�r VIaLAi7OiVS O�ILY ���lQ�f�R�;(�L'!:Y If ov aro uil of fho PAl�ti�IRS�ofFonse chor ed on the raverse side of this FOR ALL VlO1ATIONS EXCEP7 PARKING AND JAY b;IALK(P�1G ftBPORS' I , y Q h' 9 NO SOONER•THAfV 3:00 PM OF THE 2ND WORK DAY AF7ER RECEIV- Svmmons and you vrish fo plead guilty, you must witfiin fivo (5) day. ING SU1J�h10N5. (�Turclays, Sundays and Holidays or.clud�ct),bring or maii tho flna s�! You mua4,rlithin sovon (7) days (Safiuedn�s,Sundays and Fiolidays Forih bolor�, to�o4hor�•�ifh this Summons, after siflning Iho appearance, e��clu�lad), BRI(vG 4hls Sumrnons to f6e Yra(i`le ViolaFions Durotru.The pleo ond waiver horeon,So ino Yraffie Violafions Buroau. Fines for parking , violations,as follo�vs. Jay 5'lolking.......51.00 Yolations Bureau will advise you whether or not you mvst appear in Coort. Fire Hydrant.....510.00 Rush Hour Zone..56.00 Keys in Ignition.510.00 All Otl,er Parking.53 00 ff a Court appearancu is not required, ond you are guilly of the ofFense ET the S�ne is nof paid�•�ithin flvo{5)dayc(Saivrcfays,Svndays and holidays ux- �horged anCl wish to pleod guilly,the Violations Bureou moy dispose of your dudod)and no warronf has beon issuad,$3.00 m_�sf 6o addod to tho amounis sel for9h abovo.VJhen payment may bc moaa by mail,the envclopo musl ba posrmorkcd offiense if you(lj turn in tnis Summons with Ihe appearonce,pleo ond waiver - — oof laler Ihan fiva(5�days afler Iho datc of the offensc.(5ofurdoy3,,5undays o�d holi- heroon duly signed,and�2)pay tho total fines se!by the Court{or such offensa. doy�oxcludcd) If rou wlsh to plend h107 GUILTY to ony offensa charged,you mvsf BRlPIO this Summons to tho Yolations Buroau vrilhin the tima spetificd and delermino the doto of Iha Court hoorinq. hlail to:,TP.AFFIC d10LATIONS BUREAU, NIAIN FLOOP. COURT HOUSE, ST. PAUL, �AINN. 55102. SEt+1D CHECK OP. MONEY ORDEf;—DO NOT �AAIL CASH. fAake checks payable to: TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS BUREAU. Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. PIOTIC�:IF A DEFENDANT fAILS TO ANSWER A TRAFFIC SUMMONS IN THE �,AANNER DIRECTED,A E`a'AI:RASdT WILL BE ISSUED FOR HIS AR�iEST.UP TO $25.00 WILL BE ADD�D TO THE FINE IMPOSED. /APP�I��APdCE, PLEA 0� GUILTY A{�D bVAIV�� �,tho undersigned,do hereby enfar my op�crante on tho comploint of tho oRenw eharged,on othcr sido o(Ihis�ummens.1 hove been informed oE my right fo a triol,Iha�niy r(gnature to fhts pleo of guilly vrill havo tho samo forco ond efiad os o�udpment of court,ond fhol this record�vill be sent to fhe Licensin�Aulhority of fhis Stole�or of Iho Stato whero 1�ocalved my liwnso fo drlve�.I do hereby PLEAD GUILTY to said ofFenso es charged,WAIVE my right to a HEARING by tho court,ond ogrea fo poy Ihn penalty pro- Wfbed for my offense. � �Defendont's SiOnotvrc� (Drirer's licenso Number� - �d��y� (ChauReur's Licwo NumbarJ � ; \ • ' � i . r ' � • , ' , �. . � . ., . ' � _ ' � ' , .. � ' _ , ' i � ' � ' _ . . .. „ • , � � • . _ t_._.._ -- -� - - " .. —•9 - �'�c,�,� L G/�, • �l,;`<,f J��`' � STATE OF MINNESOTA•COUNTY OF RAMSEY MUtdICIPAL COURT o CITY OF ST. PAUL ���•6• '�{ � I�— � �L� . . � � Thc undersigned,bcing d�ly sworn, vpon his oulh deposes ond soys: Parent's namo, On Iho day of ,19 ,ol o clak�N.l�PM if juvenile . ' Addre�s�Home G1y ; Nome Buunaft Slote Birth Do�o Ch.Lic.a HC W�. Sox_dd i�nlowfuily�operalo)�Park� D.l.No. Troilcr �' lKCnse No. 19_Slole Moko Lic No. 19_Store Mako 1 upon o pvblic highway to w�t: ; locotcd in the County and Slole o(oresoid,ond did then ond Ihere commit the Following oRense: ' SPEEDIN.O ovcr limit m. .h in m. .h:on� 51iPP°fY f❑�y0� Cau�ed In Actidanl ( I ( P P 1 Thoso Yio- pavom�ni L Q Snow orlce Penon ❑1-10 m.p.h �1I-15 m.p.h. �Ovcr 15 m.p.h lations Cause Ni hl to Dodpa ❑PD ❑PI � IEFT { No signol �.•U..Tvrn �Fran wrong fane Poor � 8 ❑Fotol , Improper TURN Prohibiled Inlo wron lone Aetidenis �Fo9 or Smoko p�eslrian � RIGHT l� �❑ 9 �si6iliy � � DISOBEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL ' ❑ Thoso ❑ Snow or Rain �Vehicl� �pedeslrian � ��ross � (when liahl I�rned red� ' CifeUms}aneef ah°r �pntpming ❑Yehicla ' DISOBEYED STOP SIGN �Wrong place ❑Walk speed ❑Foster Int►oaso TfO�r� ❑ Pedeslrian �t �a Ooshin red Pros�N o � Soriousnoss of p some Oiredion �" �lone �Cvt in No puising,zonr - IhIPROPER=PASSINO f��od�p��8 {�Wrong lone �On hill w curve Vlo�ations prea ❑School ❑Pork a Ployground �]Residmtiol ' ond LANE USE 1 PARKING VIOLATIOt15:Expired hSNer❑ Overtime❑ No Pork Zorro❑ Rvsh Hour Zona❑ Firo Hydrant❑ Keys in leniticn❑ O�her I!Icgal Parking❑ 4 '� No. � Othor Yola�ior1(s) (descri6e�Q ` In Yolciion of�he StotWe or Ordinance(Sec.t�o. ) In such casa mad�end provided end ogainst tho pexo and digniy of Ihn Stale of Minnesota � That offionf'�complofnt is mode(upon infwmo�ion received(rom othnr low enforcemenr opents)and(upon ln(ormotion resulling(rom his own Inves�igotian). j WHEREFORE COA4PLAINANT PRAYS,That(a warrant iss�e(a the apprehansion o()said offender(and he)be(artestedand)dealt with occwdi�p to low. D.O.No. � Complainont W(icer-No. Upon�ha Iweqoinp c ploinr,subscri6ed and sworn to be(ore e,ond up omina�ion of comploinonl�nder oo�h,THE COURT FINDS�hat there is probable cause to brinq the o((ender bafore 1 rhis eourt to onswor the oflense herein eomplained of AND IT'IS HEREBY ORDERED'thot(a.�raeront issue and)tha offonder be(orres�ed and)daal�with occordiny to low. Daied at St.Poul,Minn.Thia doy Judqe of Muntcipol Court • '_'--'. .. __ .�.__,..._.__ .�„-'-- •- -"'-_ ' -- ° -' --- - -' ' - -_' - - � — --�-- - - - — _ �� C��TfFIC6�"I� �� ���1VIC5'IOf�! � [�E{�ORT �FpH�ARiR� I The undersigned hereby certifies that the deFendant herein�vas: ❑convicted of, ❑forfeited bail for, ❑ pleod guilty to, �was determined , to have commitled tho follov�ing offense, in this tourt,on 19 Aloath Doy - rolative to the operation of motor vehicles: Amount of Fi�e $ Amount Suspended 5 Doys in Workhouse or Jail Recommendation as to driver's license: � None ❑Suspension for days � No suspension Remarks , Dated 19 Clerk,Judgo or Justice of Peace If revocation is mandatory or suspension is recommended by tho court,deFendants driver's license must be forv+arded with this certificate. (1�1.5. 171.1G) . � Driver's license card forwarded with this certificate ' 0•Warra�t issued- 19 � Month Day M.S. 169.95 and 171.16 reqvire transmission wilhin 10 days to: ' , Minnesota t-iighway Department — State Wigh4vay duilding — St. Paul, Minnesofa 5510� -- -- -- - - �- - ' � ' ' � .., ' . � • i - ' .. . . i . � . . . . � . , . . � � . . _ . - _ _ � _ P�ca Court Da�e Warrant No. Continved to Reoson 1Yarrant Dato / Continuedto Rcason DRIYER'S PAST RECORD Confinued to Raason • Conlinucd lo Reason Bail Fixod Atty Posted Finding by Court Fined � or Joifed Days , Driver's Licenso Suspended forl for Days Traffic School � Judge's Notos Siflnoturo of Judgo • OFFICER'S NOTES FOR TESTIFYING fhl COUf:T*(Include Vehicle Defects) If drivcr's liconso violation,roason drivor was stoppod Othor Comments I � _ —_ -_—__•---------- ----- -- -- --- - - --- -_..-- -��-----_— -------� _ . ----�_.i,r------ - ----__ ... __------- � ---- - . i ' ''� -- ., _ � f . _ _ f ' ' ' - . � . '_ " - _ , _ � ,.` .. ' . • . � � . . � . . . �. ' . ' �� ' � _ � - ' . � I . � � + . ' . �' ' ' � . � � . � f� ' � ' . . � ' � : ; i � . � ' .,� � " " l • ' _ . .�r . r Y' r F � y . . .... . . ,� . �GiJ��>,� ,r y ..__ � I SiATE OF MINNESOTA•COUNTY OF RAh15EY MUNICIPAL COURT 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL , /d U/� You arc hcreby summoned to uppear beforc Ihis Court to ans�ver for thc follo�ving o(fcnsc: Parenfs name, On Iho day of ,19 ,ot o'clock�AM Q PM if jwenile ' ( Home � Gly � Addrou S • Noma l�3iness Staio Birth Do�o Ch.lic u �Hi, v,h, Scx_d�d unlowfvify�operaie)�purk� D.L No. Troiler ticcnse No. 19_Sloia Moko li No. 19_Siore Moko - upon o pvbl�c highway to wit: 3 // (��•,- < l � located ii Ihe Count and Siatc o(oresoid,ond did Ihen ond thcre cammit Ihc following oHensc: SPEEDIPIO(ovcr limil� ( n.p.h.fn m. h. xono 5�'DF°rY /❑W°� Ca��od In Accidont P• � Th¢so Vio- Pavomont l❑ Snow w Ice Ponon �1•10 m.p.h. �11•IS m.p.h. �Ovar 15 m.p.h � �Q�jons Causo �PD �PI No si nol U��Turn From wron lano ❑ Nipht lo Dodpo Im ro r �EFT 7URN e 1� � 9 AttidOnts PO°� � F or Smoke ❑Fatal P P0 Prohibiied In�o wron lone ❑ °9 ❑Pcdeslrian RIGHT l0 9 Ysi61�y $�ow or Rain DISOOEYED TRAFFIC SICNAI ❑ ThOSB 0 Cross ❑Vehitle �p���rian (when light�vrnrd red� Cittumstaneas � ` O+her ��Oncoming ❑Yehido DISOBEYED STOP SIGN Tf°�r� Pedestrian �Wronp plote �Wolk speed �Fosler �nCr0a50 ❑ (w Oosh�ng rcd� Pr�+onl $amo Direclion �Lane ❑Cut in h!o pnssina zone Sorlouano6s of ❑ 11.1PROPER PASSItJO atraddling {�Wrong lone �On hill a cune Vlolnlionf /U�a �$chool ❑Park a Playgruvnd ❑Residmtial and LANE USF PARKINO YIOI'AilONS:Expired htetcr❑ Overtime❑ No Pork Zo:re❑ Rvih Hovr Zone❑ Fre Hydrant❑ Keys in Ipniticn❑ Olher Iilegal Parking❑ No. O:hcr Yolction�i) (dcscrbc)❑ In Vroldion o( �F.e Aotuts or Ordinance(Sec No. � In such cow mode and provided 6nd agoinst ihe peoce and digni�y of Ihe Slate:of Minnesola �, You are notified tha} the officer whose signoture auoears below will file a sworn complaint in this Courl charging you wilh the offense set forth above. D.O.No. � P � • O(Iicer.No. "� / � �L� �( �ll,/� f �/-t'<�-t S�i�� r /'/S �O/."y , r' � -- - - - ._ ... _ - - - - - -__.._�.- - ��---- ----- -------�•---- --- -•---- - -_.. JAl'V'�Al!{1PaC3�R PAf2i:ING VIOLAYlO�lS OtdiY ���D CAREFUL6Y ' tf ov aro vilt oF iho PAR({Itdt3 offenso char ed on ihe reverso side oF ihis FOR ALL ViOLATIONS EXCEPT PARKING A11D JAY V�ALK(R]G REPQRTi I , y 9 Y 9 td0 SOOnER THAN 3:00 PM OF TH6 2P1D WORK DAY AFTER RECEIV- Summons and yoo ��sh to plead guilty, you rriusl wi�hin �ivo (5� days ING SUMh10N5. (�afurdaps,Sun�aya and F;alidays oxclud�ci),bring or mail 1Mo fino act You must, t•rithin savon (7) days (Safurda;s,Sondays and I�olidays forth bolovi, tygo4hor wit�i fhis Sumrnons, ofler signing Ihe appeoronce, pleo and woiver i�ereon,fo i'he Trafic Vioiatione Iiurauu.Fines for porking oxcluded), [fR1�aG 9hla Summons to 4he Tra;ilc Violaflont Buroau.The violotions as foilovn. Jay 4lolking.......51.00 Yolations Bureau will advise you whether or not you mvst appear in Cour1. Fire Hydrant.....510.00 Rush Hour Zone.. 56.00 Keys in Ignition.510.00 All Ot{,cr Parking.53.00 ff a Court appearance is not required, and you are guilly of iha offcnse Ff tho fine is not pcid r�ithin tivo(5j doys(Sclurdoys,Sundays and holidan ox- �harged and viisF�to pleod guiity,the�olatians Bureau moy dispose of your tludod� ond no warront ha:beon issued,^,�,QQ musl bo addod ta tho amounis sel for7h c4�o�o.When payment may ba mad:by mail,the envclopa musf be postmarked offense if you(1)tutn in this Svmmons with tho oppearance,pleo ond waiver not loler Ihan fivo�Sj days ohcr Ihe dolc of Iha o�rense.(Soturdpys,Sundoys ond holi• hereon duly si�ned,and(2�pay tho tolal fines sef by the Court(or s�ch ofienw. doys oxcludcd) if rou wish to plead(�10T GUILTY Io arry offense charged,you musl BR1N0 this Summons to the Yolations Buroau wilhin Ihe lime specified and determino Ihe date of fhe Covrt heorinfl. hlail to: TRAFFIC VIOLATIOtJS FSUREAU, �hAIN FLOOR COURT HOUSE, ST. PAUL, FriINN. 55102. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER—DO iVOi A1AIL Cl�SH. 1�5ako checks payable to: TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS BUREAU. Office hours ore from 8:30 A1�h to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. ROTICr: IF A DEF:f�DANT FAILS TO ANSWER A TRAFFIC SUMMONS IN THE MANnER DIRECTED,A 1�ARRANT WILL BE ISSUED FOR HIS ARREST.UP TO $25.00 Wlll aE ADUED TO�HE FINE IMPOSEU. �FPE/�r AFlCE, PLEA OF GUILTY APJD 1r1lAiV°s,� �iho vndersigned,do hareby entcr my app.:arance on fho tom�laint of Iho ofian»charged on othcr side of Ihit wmmcns.I have b:en informed oF my right to a triol,Ihal my tignaluro to Ihls pleo of guilty will havo Ihe soma force ond e,4ad os o�u�gment oF court,and thot this record�4•rill be sent fo Ihe litensin,�Authorily of fhis Stote(or of the Stale �yhero I tecolved my licenso to drlro�.I do hereby PLEAD GUILTY fo soid of�enso as tharged,WAIVE my righf to a HeARING by Iho court,and ogreo to poy the penolly pro- ttribed for my offcnx. � �Defendanl's SiBnotvreJ �Driver's License Number� - • ���� (ChavBaur�Gcenso Nwnbor) � � i � ' . , ' ,,, � 1 � � � + COMPLAINT COP'Y � STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY MU�IICI�PAL COURT • CITY OF ST. PAUL - O O O O O The undersigned,being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: � ParenYs name, _ - On the day of ,19 ,ot o'dak❑AM[J PM if juvanile �._.� .. _ _ ' Address�Fbm° I G�y Nam� y* • ~•, - Businau Stme a+r.�ef.�1:�IC.O� . • Birlh Daro D.L No. HL Wt. Sox—�d unlawfulfy�operate)(pork) roiler Licenx No. 19_Siate Mak� lic No. 19_Stare Make upon o public highway to wir: bcated in the County and State aforesoid,and did then and there commil the Following offense: ' �,SKEDINO(ovw limit� � ( s�h M� �w�.k:°^�) ' Thes�Vio- : Slipp.y f❑ e� Caui�d _ In Acdd�nf �1•10�np.h ❑11•15 m.p.h. �Over IS m.p.h Pav�m�M 1❑ Snow or Ice P�rton lalions Caus� PD PI ; �� f 8 No sipnd J8"U"Tum ❑Fran wronp larn I p� (O Ni9h1 to Dodp� Falal O ( �w��IOHTTURN i Accld�nts I �6ry' { ❑Fop«Smok. �Pedestrian � hoh7bir.d 1 wo wra�p Im� ay � pi����S1oN�t ❑ Th • l[] Snow w Rain �Vehid� ❑Goss ❑P°d°shi°^ ircum ances ah'r r� Oncominp ❑V.hid� oiso��rEC na s�oN p w�«q�. ❑w�,P..a p r�m.� incr • Tmffic i � Pedntrian �a�;�� " Pni�M Sam�Direction ��� ��� �p�t4p m„� � Sariousn�ss of � IM►ROrER MSSING uraddlirp �yy�� �p� '�N p� Vlolalionf � � �park or Playpround ❑Residenlial ANE USE — �MRKINO VIOUTIONk&pind Mehr❑ OwAim��� — No►ark Zaw Q � Rvih Mour Zar❑ � 15n NydraM❑ Ke�i�+Ipnf�ion❑ Olhn Mipd�vkir� 1 Na ❑ Snow Ert»ry. di. .i o�.�h.+�ca i�l O � In Vhla�Ien•t tM S►a�uh«Ordinax.(S�c.1�to. J In wd�om�mod�ad providd ad opairot d» and d Ifi�5101�d MierN�olo Thm a(H�nt'�com�l�in�i�mad�(upen inlwmofion.�c��rd f.em e�h�r law mlwc�m�m op�n��)�nd(u�en Inl�rm�h�n i��ultinp(rom hU Nn inws�I��11�nI. WHEREFORE COMPLAINANT PRAYS,Thot(�..uren����u�(n�h�app�h�nuon ol)��N dl�nd�r(aid h�)b�(an��uJ�n�)/�olt.rllh�ccMdlnp��I.w. D.O.N�, Cemplelnon� r d(ic�r•Ne. Upan rh�1«•poinq comclafnt,.ub.crib.d�nd�.+w��e b.le�.m•,ond upm�,am��w4on•f eemplofnont und«w�h,t�HE COURT FINDS rh�r thw i�p�MLI�cw����Mfn�d+��H�n��r Mfv� �his cow�to�n�rn�h.eN.nu he��in cemylam�d al AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED�ha�(��.arron�iaw�an1)th��H�nd�r b(arcu��d on�)�It wUh�cc�r�In�t�I�w. Dm�d at 5�.Poul,Minn.Thi�day � I Ju�p�(Munlelnl Cwl � � � .. __ , .. � POLICE COPY �.�..:: ' � �` �i STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY MUNI�IPAL COURT • CITY OF ST. PAUL O O O O O The undersigned,being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: � Parent's rwme, On the day of ,19 ,at o'clock Q AM 0 PM if jwenile Address j Home � Qy Nmne l�L�+ I Stma Ch.Lic u I Birlh Date D.L No. H�• �• Sex_did unlawfully(operate)(park) Trailx Litanse No. 19_State � Make lic No. 19_S�are Make upon a public highway lo wit: located in the County and Stale oForesoid,and did Ihen and there mmmit the following oRense: � S►EEDINO(w�*fimit� ( �Fk�^ "'�1O^�) These Vio- SIiPP�ry f❑Wel Cau:od In Accid�nf 1•10 m.p.h ❑l l•IS m.ph. ❑Ova 15 in.µh Pavem�nt l� Snow«ke P�non � lations Causa , pD PI ly��r � TURH N°4pnd 1 "U Tum �Fr°m wr°np�°"� ❑ Niehl to Dodp• � ❑ RIOHT �8��"b't� le�"'*�^D�O^� cidsnfs �°' � �� Fop or Smob �Pedes�rian ❑Fatal $now or Rain es� ❑Cross ❑Pedwtrian DISO{EVED TRAfFFC SIONAI ❑ ❑Vehicl� �M"��^�� Ci umctane a f�Oncominp ❑v�hid� p�SO�EYED Si0/SION �yy�p{� �W��p� �Fat�r Traffic Incraa�� } � Pcdestrian ���A� ❑�, �y, ��yp,. Sariousn�c:of Pr.:.n� �� �me Direaion NE USE �fO�"� �W��0^� �0n^M a�� Vlolofions �a ❑� ❑Park or Pla round yg ❑Residmtial � MRKINO VIOUTIOHk&prad Mehr� a.rn�,,.❑ rb r«r z�.p e�,r�,�z«�.O �+�+r�+D �r�b��� �« �M 0 ❑Snow Eemry. Ord. � o�..��ca i�i❑ � �,v�«+.r n,.s�aw.«o��.Is.�.r�. h�h�.�d.a�e ao„d.a o�a rn a�a �x,.sM.d�vnwora � Th�t a(lian�'s compl�in�i�m�J�(uyen in(rmation r�c�iv�d(.om erh�r lar�nfwc�m�nt ay�n��)�n�(uP�n infwm�ti�n��sul�inp fr�m hi��.+n Inv��li��fl�n). � WHEREFORE COMPLAINANT PRAYS,Tha�(a wurant fuu�Iw�h•opp�Mn�i.n d)�ai��((�nd�r(�nJ h�)��(an��t�l�n/)d�d�with ecc�r�in���IN. D.O.N�. C.m�l�inon� qllc�r-N�. � Upan th�fe.�yoin0 c�mpbinq�ub�cri►d�n��wan t�►�(�r�m�.�n�u�,n�ramin�tien d cem�l�inent und�r o�eh.TNE COURT FINDS eMt thv�I�p�M►I�cw��1�Yln�eh�df�n�w Mfp� ih��cour�to�n�ra�h��ff�n��hv�ln com�ldn�d d AND IT IS NEREBY ORDERED�ha�(��w.ran�i��v�an�)Ih��B�ndv M(ur��b�.n�)d�.h rirh�ccw�in�t�I�r. D�+�d m S�. Paul,Minn.Thi�/�Y I Ju�y��1 Munlel��l C�url � T , � � * ,;�'" ABSTRACT OF COURT RECORD STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAAAS�'Y""`rr;MUNICIPAL COURT �'CITY OF ST. PAUL � O O O O O The undersigned,being duly sworn, upon his oafh deposes and says: • Parenl's nama, pn fhe ddy of ,19 ,at o'clodc Q AM 0 PM if jwanile Address�Fbm4 Gh Name _ Busineu Stat� Birlh Date Ch.Lic or HI. Wt. $uz_did unlawFully�oparate)(P�*I D.L No. �a��� Licenm No. 19_Slate Make Lic Na. 19_Stare Make upon o pvblic highwoy lo wit: located in fhe Counly ond State aforesoid,and did Ihen and Ihere commit Ihe following ofiense: � SrEEqNp�uwr Iimi1� ( ' RPk N+ �k=�� Thes�Vio- Pla�� •m m l❑ Snow u ke Cauud In Acdd�nl ❑1•10 m.p.h Q 11•IS m.pk ❑Owr 15�*.p.t► �ations Cause P�rson � � �u J U.'T� �F�M�� P� (❑ Nighl to Dodp� ❑ ❑ � �� IEFi TU�N {8�rohibd'�id le Wo wronp larw Accidants y, ��Fop or Smolu �Pedastrian ❑Fatal RIOHi Snow or Rain p��n'E�Y�EpVT�F�SIONAI � eS� ❑❑Cross ❑Vehicl� �p���rian i Cf umstant a (�p���i�9 ❑Vahicl� ` �EYED STO►SION p w��«. O W�w� O� Iner.a:• r�arr� i p P�d��ria„ ^9� a�� �� ���„Q y� SariousMis of P"""� �0 scme Oirectio� t IM►RME�MSSINO q���� �Yy�� ���a�w Violafions Ana ❑School ❑Pork or Playground ❑Residmfial UNE USE . f' ARKINO VIOIATIONk Eaµred h4rer� Ovenimi 0 No►ark Zor�❑ Rwh How Zom❑ Fn Hydrar❑ K�y�in I�rtion Q ptha Nipd/briY�0 . j Na ❑ Snow Em�rp. O►d. ( oth..v+dallod�l 1�1 O I I�Vbheloe d th.StavN«Ordnanc.(S�c.Pto. � In wd�ma mad�ond pwidd ad ' Ih� ad d kr SIa1�d MtM�woln 4 Th��a((ioni'�cem'I�inr u med�(u�on I1IIMIM�IM ncsird h�m�rh�r ler�nfwc�m�M eq�n1�I e�(upn inl«m��l�n n�ul�ln�Ir�his rn Inr�sli��tlan). WHEREFORE COMPLAINANT PRAYS,Th��(�wart�M iuu�fa Ih�ayp�h�n�I�n ef)�dd dl�nd�r(�n�h�)��(�e��l�l�n�)/�dl rllh�ccrdln�t�Iw. D.O.N�. ' C.molo��w�� I Ofhur.N�. Upon rh�fe.��oiny eompl�m�,�ub�erib��nJ�wwn�0 6dw�m�,�nd uym�aoTm��ion el eomploin�n�und«�.�h,THE COURT FINDS rM�fhw�I�p�M►1�ew.•�.Min�eh�.N.n�«Mbe� �hu ceurt te an+wv th��tl�ns�h�r�in c�mplain�d�1 AND IT IS HEREBY ORDEREU�he�(a war.anr inw on�)rh��fhnbr M(ornN��n�)JNh wi�h�eur�in�»I�r l I � D•r.d a Sr.Poul,Minn.Thls d.r Ju���d MunielHl Cnre � ! :* �* i y ,. I STATE OF MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RA141SEY–�-%•YNUNICIPAL COURT � CITY QF ST. PAUL SUMMONS COPY � You are hereby summoned to appear before thjs.,Court_�o ynsv�aF for 4he'�ollowing offense: s' • � O 0 O O O ParenYs name, � On tho day of ,19 ,at ; o'clock Q AM Q PM if jwenile � (Home I G�Y i � ' ^ Addras` I Name l Business Stote � &rth Date �.�'°f Ht � Wt. Scx_did unlawfullY Ioperoiel IP��) D.L.No. Troiler i (itense No. 19_State Moke Lic No. 19_51are Make � upon o public highway fo wil: Ixated in the County and Slote a(oresoid,and did Ihen and there mmmi�the following offense: ' - - ' ' Slipp�ry f❑Wet Caus�d � In Acdd�nf �p�µp(���� (� y,k q� �,�,k�) Thes�Vio- Pav�m�n� l❑ Snow a ke P�non � . �1.10 m.p.h �11•IS m.ph. �Oar IS n�.ph lations Caus� � Nipht to Dodp• �� �% i IEfT �'�O W9^d �T�'^ ❑�^r^�D� AeefdaMs PO°� F or Smok� ❑Fatd I�p�r TUlN {8►�Fubil�d {8 4�to lar VIsiM1'ny ❑ °Q ❑Pedeshian RIOHT '"�� Snow w Rain DISO{E1fED iRAFFIC SFOHAL p Thes� �Cross ❑Vehicl� �p��y�rian � (wlrn lip1+nxmd r.d1 rcumst nces h�` ❑ pncom�ny ❑V.hid� � raffic Pedastrian fT0►SION �Wronp P�oo ❑Wutk��d ❑Fafv InC�� ! �t�nt � � (��w�) ariousn of I ❑ Sam.Direction '��NE U ESSINO ���•� ��� ���� Violal(onf � �a �$�� �pmk or Playground Residmtial � � ►ARKINO VIOLATIONk&pirad IMt�r� �OvMirm❑ No►or�Zar❑ Ru�Hax Zon�❑ + Rn Mpd►a�1❑ KM i^���i�'*� ���M4�1� � No. � <'";�';•.k' Q Snow E�r�. Or�. o�hw v�l�ek�(a l��l O ` �, ..' t I�Vbl�ti�e�(tM Statub a Ordina�u(Sa.tJo. N wd�oew�nod�ad in� Mr wd d IM�51�1�M'Minw�ola - ' You are nofified that�fficer whose signdture�6ppear�low wi I i e a swom comp aint in f is -Courf chargiBg you�uith"The� � D.O�'fl�. - Traffic Violatlons Bureau ` ' Bring or mail only to:Main Floor,Court House � dri�«•N.. St.Paul,Minn 55102 •- NOTICE TO VIOLATOR: Read back of this Summons carefully. BRING SUM�IONS WITH YOU. IF TAG IS WET,WRITING MAY DISAPPEAR—DRYTAG AND IT WILL REAPP�AR � ..-�.. . _ �• �+ COMPLAINT COPY G STATE Oi MINNESOTA-COUNTY OF RAMSEY .MUNICIPAL COURT • CITY OF ST. PAUL O O O O O The urldersigned, being duly sworn,upon his oath deposas and says: Parsnf's nam�, On fhe day of ,19 ,at o'dock❑AM Q PM if jwanile . �� (Home Gry Name ' <&nineu Slae Birlh Date .��)�' Ch.Lic.or : .. ` Ht V✓1. Soz_�d unlawfullY Ioperaro)(P��l D.L TJo. �o��� License No. 19_Slafe Make lic No. 19_Stare Mak� upon o publ'K highway to wil; bcaled in the Counry and State a(oresoid,and did Ihen and Ihere mmmit Ihe following offansa: Slipp�ry r❑�''�e� Cau:�d In Acdd�nl SPEEDINO(over Iimi1� ( m.ph.in m.p.h.:an�) Thls�Vio- pa��m�rn `Q Snow a Ice P�rton �1•10 m.p.h. ❑11•15 m.p.h. ❑Over 15 m.p.h �a}ions Caus! Y ❑� ❑� �E� No signal U"Tum �From wrong lane P� (� Niphl to Dodp� Fa�� improp�r RI(3HT TURN {g Prohibited {S Into wrong Ime Accid�Ms y�6ility ; ❑FO�°�SmO� ❑Pedeslrian � DISOEEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL�Past middl� � dle oF �Nd Th � t �Q G�'^'a Rain �Vehicb �p��hian whsn li ht turned red , intenection rsettion n inte � � 0 1 '(�t ircum ances ah" ❑Oncominp ❑V.hid� Tra(Rc DISOEEYED STOP SIC3N �Wr o n p place � k s p aad�N ❑Fmr Incr • �❑ Padestrian �w flashing red) Pns�rt1 $�e Direction IMP.ROPER PASSING ❑�O"e ❑Cut in , �No passinp zon� S�riousn�cs of ❑ and IANE USE straddling {�y�rong bna �On hill or curn Vlo�ationt �na �School �Park or Playgro�md �Residmficl �ARKINO VIOlA710N5:Expired Meter❑ Overtims❑ No Park Zone❑ Ru�Hour Zone❑ Fira Hydranl❑ Keys in lynition❑ Other Illepal Parking❑ No. . Olh�r Violafion(�) (dnuibe�❑ In Yrolatlon of the Stmute or Ordinance�Sec rto. � In suth cas�mad�and provided and agoinst the peata and digniy of tM Srote of Miruiaota The undarsigned further stales�hat hs has just and reawnobls yrounds to 6eli�ve,and does bdiave,that the person named obov�commifted Ihe ofians�huein sat forlh,mntrary to law. Subtcrib�d and�worn to Mfon m�,af th�wid City oF Sant Paul,Ram:�y Counfy,Mlnn��ota, � thls dah I PAUL G. PREINER . �- � I (Sipnalun of Complainant) Qvk of Munidpal Court _. ., .BY D.O.Numbrr - ' ...... _. ... ,. �t.D�puty � ari um r '' +: �,-"#, �--A�3STRACT OF COURT RECORD �STA�;OF,bA�INNE50T�1�-COUNTY OF•R�hASEY � ,MUNICIPAL COURT • CITY OF ST. PAUL � O O O O O O The un�ersigned,�ieing duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: Parent's rwme, On the day of ,19 ,at o'dock Q AM�PM if jwenile Address�Home Gry Name Business Slate Birlh Date Ch.Lic ar Ht. Wt. Sox_did unlawfull o rate rk D.L.No. Troiler Y� � ��� � Litanse No. 19_Stote Make Lic No. 19_Stare Make upon a publit highway lo wit: located in the County and$late oforesoid,and did Ihen and there commil the following ofianse: SPEEDINO�over limit� ( m.p.k in m.p.h.xan�) TMese Vio- Slipp�ry f❑ We� Cautod In Acdd�nf ❑1•10 m.p.h �11•15 m.p.h. �Over 15 m.p.h. Pav�m�nr l Q Snow w ke P�non lations Causa PD PI �'., LEFT No signal U"Turn �From wrong lane P� ❑ Nighl to Dodp� �Fatal ❑ Improp�r RI6HT TURN {�Prohibited {�Into wronp lane Aeeidenft ��bn' �0 Fop or Smalu �Pedestrian � PmYmiddle Middle of N reached ❑S�+ow or Rain �Vahid� DISODEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL`� '�' ❑ • � � ❑Pedesfrian :-� (wh�n ligh�turned red) intersection> intersacK i "'ion p�ha Cr� ❑V�hid� DISOEEYED STOP SIC3N Circu stances f� Oncwniny ❑W��^B Place ❑Walk speed �Fas�er ���rya�� Traffi y �Pedestrian (or floshing red) Pn+ml IMP,ROPER PASSING ❑�O"e ❑Cut in No pmsinp zont Sariousn�as of �O�ms Direclion and LANE USE straddling {�y�rong lane �On hill or curve Vlolatl0nt Ana ❑School ❑Park a Playground �]Residmtial PARKIN6 VIOLATIONS:&pired Me1er❑ Overtime� No Park Zone❑ Rush Hour Zone❑ Fre Hydrant❑ Keys in Iflnition❑ Other Illepal parking❑ No. Othtr�olation(s) (describe)❑ In YwlaHon o(Ihe Slatute or Ordinance�Sec f�to. � In such cas�mad�and providad cnd ogainst Ihe pex�and dignity of ths State of Minnesola The undersipned Further states Ihat he has just ond reawnoble grounds to beli�ve,and does believe,Ihat the perwn namad abov�committed the ofiense h�rein set Forlh,mntrary to law. Subserib�d and sworn fo b�for�m�,al fh�said City of Saint Paul,Rama�y Counfy,Mlnn�sota, Mis daM i PAUL G. PREINER � � �Sipnatur�of Complainant� q�rk of Munidpai Court � BY D.O.Numb�r /j Aut.Deputy � arc um r � �. . � �� j�� POLICE COPY � STATE QF�,N�IINNESOTA-COUNTY OF R/!�MSEY ,MUNICIP�iL COURT • CITY OF ST. PAUL O O O O O O 4` THe.��erslgned,b�eing duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says: Parenf'snam�, On fhe day of ,19 ,at o'clodc Q AM 0 PM if jwenile Address�H°me Gty Name Business 51ate Birlh Date Ch.Lic or Ht. Wt. Sox_did unlawfulfy�operale)(park� D.L No. Troiler license No. 19_Slate Moka lic No. 19_State Moke upon a public highway to wit: I«ated in 1he Counry ond Stote oforesoid,and did then ond Ihere mmmit Ihe following oRense: SPEEDINO(over limit� ( m.p.h.in m.p.h.:on�) Thes!Vlo- Slipp�ry f W�� Cau��d In Acdd�nt �1-10 m.p.h. �11-15 m.p.h. �Over 15 m.p.h Pav�m�nt 1 Q $now or Ice P�non lafions Causa ❑PD ❑PI �E� No signol U"Tum �From wrong lane P� ❑Nipht to Dodp� �Falal Improper TURN {g Prohibited {g Into wro ne AtCid�nts �� Fop w Smok� pnJBSfrian RI6HT Visibtl' ❑ Snow or Rain DISOEEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAI Q P��middle ❑Middle oF ❑N�r each�d � ❑ ❑Vehicl� �p��yhian � (when lipht Iurned red� ielenection+ inlersecti ir���ection ah�� ❑Cross �V�hid� u u Cirtu sfantas ❑ Oncominp Tra(Fic 01506EYED STO�SIGN �y�ronp plau ❑Walk speed �Faster IntrYat! ❑ Pedestrian (a floshing red� Pns�M $ame Diracfion ❑Lane ❑Cut in No passiny zon� $Qriousn�sf of ❑ IMPROPER PASSINO straddling {�y�rortg lane �On hill a curn Vloldtfont Ana ❑School ❑Park or Playground ❑Residmtial and LANE USE PARKIN(3 VIOIATIONS:Expired Meler❑ Ovartime❑ No Park Zone❑ Rush Hour Zax❑ Fre Hydrant❑ Keys in Ipnition❑ Other IIIeBaI Parking❑ No. , Oth�r�olation(�) (desuibe)❑ In Ywlatfon of the 5lmute or Ordinance�Sec.IJo. � In such ws�madt and provided and ogainst ths peac�and digniry of Ih�Slate of Minnesofa Th�undsrsigned fur�her slates that he has just and raosonable pround:fo beli�ve,and does believe,�hat the person nomed abov�commined�hs offense h�rein set forlh,mntrary fo law. Suburib�d and fwom fo b�For�m�,al th�wid Cty of Saint Paul,Ram��y County,Minn�sola, fhlt dat� PAUL G. PREINER - (Sipnatun of Comploinanf� Cl�rk of Municipol Cour! B1' D.O.Numbrt f Nsl.D�pv�y ar� um � '� � /f •�.�G�+„u f ; � .� I r $TATE OF�VIINNESOTI}'•CbUNTY OF RAMSEY �� MI�NICIPAt COURT • CITY OF ST. PAULSUMMONS COPY O O O O O -�You p�e�ereby surrmoned to appear before'this Court�io answer for tha following otfense: j _ � ParanYs nam�, On the day of ,19 ,af o'dxk❑AM Q PM if jwenile • Addrau��� I �Y Name Business ' State Birth Date � Ch.Lic,or Ht. � 1M. Soz—�d unlawfully(operate)(park� D.L No. roiler Lic�nse No. 19_Slale Make lic No. 19_51are Make vpon a public highwoy ro wit: bcatad in the Couny and Stats o(oresaid,and did then and fhere commit Ihe following oRense: SPEEDINO�over limil� ( m.p.h.tn m.p.h.:on.) Thes�Vio- ;BPP.ry f❑�✓Q� Cau��d In Acdd�nt 1•10 m. h 11•15 m. h. Over 15 m. h Pa�am�M 1 0 Snow u ke p�a� ❑No si nal ❑ U"Turn ❑From wron Plane �a�ions Causa � ❑� ❑% ' LEFT g ❑ p P� ❑Nighl to Dodp• Fa�� Imprap�r TURN Attid�nfs F ar Smolu ❑ , RIGHT {�Prohibited {�Inlo wronp lane ��b��, ❑ °0 ❑Pedestrim " OISOEEYED TRAFFIC SIGNAL�-PasF middle' 0 Middla of ❑Nd rc8cfied The � ��1O`�°�R��� �Vehicl� �PadesMian wh�n li hf lurnad red intenection� � ection: inten h�r ❑Goss Vehid� e� n trcums nces �❑Oncominp � s i � W � � DISODEYED STOP SIGN raf(ic p��y��� �Wrong plaa ❑ speed �Fm1e InC►� • ❑ (a flashing red� ni�n1 Sam�Direction ❑lane Cuf in No passinp zon� SQriousn�ss of ❑ IMPROPER PASSIN6 straddlinp ��yyron lone �On hill or cun� Vlolallont �a �� pork or Pla round Residmfial and LANE USE � 9 ❑ ❑ � YB ❑ PARKINf3 VIOLATIONS:Expired Meler❑ OvaAime❑ No Park Zone❑ Rush Hour Zone❑ Fre Hydrant❑ Keys in Ipnition❑ Other Illeyal Parking❑ No. i Oth�r Yolalion(�) (describa)� In Yalation o(fhe Slotute or Ordinance�Sec hto. � In such cas�mad�and provided cnd agains!the peoca and dignity of Ih�Sfate of Mimaota You are notified that the officer whose signature appears below will file a sworn complaint in this �Court charging you•with the offensa set forth above. Traffic Vlotations Bureau Brfng or mail only to:Main Floor,Court House , St.Paul,Minn.55102 ( (Sipnafun oF Complainant� NOTICE TO VIOLATOR: Read back of this Summons carefully. BRING SUMMONS WITH YOUe « �m IF TAG IS WET,WRITING MAY DISAPPEAR—DRYTAGAND IT WILL REAPPEAR� .