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�> CITY OF ST. PAUL, couNCa ,
COMM SSDONE � F Novem ber 7, 1967
WHEREA5, the City Architect �has requested the City Council to
hold a public,�hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of t�he correction
• or wrec.kin�and removal of the two story two family dwelling at 585 Dayton Avenue
more particularly described as t�he East one-half of Lot 18, Block 2, Woodland
Park addition to the C�ty of Saint Paul, because said building is reported to
constitute a hazardous structur.e; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owner of the ,
property is Mar�K. Wohl; therefore, be it '
RE50LVED, that a public 'hearing be held by and before the Council
of t'he City of 5aint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city
at lA a,m, on Tuesday, November 21, 1967 to consider the advisability and
necessity of ordering the eorrection or wrecking and removal of the structure
� on the above described property because said structure is reported to constitute
a hazardous build.ing and a hazard to public �health,' safety and welfare; be it
FUR.THER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the
City Council, notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the
last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date
, and time ,Qf the 'hearing.
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- - �OV 71961
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�cil 19_
Yeas Nays
Carlson �OV 71���
� Dalglish � Approved 19._
, Holland '�
fn Favor
Meredith ' '
Peterson � Mayor
Tedesco .. : - ASainst
Mr. President, Byr,ne �;�����p �0� �� )96�
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect' 445 City Hall, 55t02 223-4212
November 21, 1967
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Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor ; 2�j
and Members of the City Council �
Re: File No. 1921--585 Dayton Avenue
Gentlernen: �
T`he Building Department is 'hereby submitting its report on the .conclition
of the property known as 585 Dayton Avenue, a two-family dwelling of frame
construction, two stories in height with a full bas ement approximately 20 ft, wide
50 ft. long and 22 ft, high. 'I`here are no accessory builclings on the property.
The building �has been vacant for an extended period of time. The following is
a list of the items affecting the condition of the building:
The front porch roof boards are rotting. The windowsills have rotted,
the gutters have rusted througli. The shed roof at the rear door has been
covered with metal and has become loose and the shed roof has sagged due to failure
of one of its supports. The front porch suppoxting posts are rotted, as is t�he
front porch floor. The roof of the main building �has s agged considerably due to
the failure of the structural support of t1�.e roof. A �rear added'�-,on s ection of
the building has the sill joist rotted to the extent that the west side wall is
s agging. �
Approximately one-third of the bas ement floor area is concrete, and the
remaining two-thirds section is dirt. The mortar Yias e�roded from the joists
between the limestone foundation, causing the stones to loos en. T`he stairway
to the basement is in a dilapidated conclition with the treads split and parts missing.
The supporting bearn posts have rotted off at the lower end and the sub floor. 'I`he
first floor joists snd the supporting beams all slzow�considerable rotting.
Consists of four rooms and bath. The kitchen area has a tiled ceiling
which has partially fallen down, t1�.e lock has been smashed out of the exterior
door, and pieces of the flooring are loose. A section of the gypsum board has