05-334Council File # �' �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA GreenSheet# 3026043 �q Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on February 23, 2005, pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 74.05, the City established by ordinance the "University-Raymond Commercial Historic DistricY' (hereinafter, the "DistricY'), enacted under Council File No. OS-52 and effective as of April 14, 2005 under the City Charter. A hue and correct copy of the said ordinance is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and 8 WHEREAS, the City now desires to certify the said District as substantially meeting the National 9 Register criteria for registered historic districts pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 67.9 (2004), which also 10 permits certification of certain historic structures within the district for certain tas incentives 11 involving the historic preservation of such structures; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, The City has been designated by the Minnesota Historical Society (hereinafter, the "MHS") with "Certified Local Government" status for the purpose of identifying, evaluating and protecting historic properties within the City as set forth in an Agreement between the City and the MHS (MHS Document No. 85-C-1395) which, in relevant part, is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B;and WHEREAS, the City's ordinances enacted far the purpose of identifying, evaluating and protecting historic properties within the City haue also been certified by the Department of the Interior as indicated in the Certification Letter of the Secretary dated 5eptember 25, 1985 and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit C; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 679 (2004), the City's duly authorized representative shall make application to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Officer and provide all docuxnentation necessary to complete the said application under 36 C.F.R. § 679(d)(1-5) (2004) and submit the same for the purpose of receiving certification of the University-Raymond Commercial Historic District from the Department of Interior as a registered historic dishict substantially meeting National Register criteria; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, for the purpose of the undertaking stated above, that the City's duly authorized representative for this certification request for the said Disriict shall be the staff person of the department of license, inspections and environmental protection whose duties include the enforcement of the City's municipal heritage preservation ardinances as set forth under Exhibit B, whose responsibilities, as specified above, shall also include keeping the Councii of the City of Saint Paul informed of the status of this application; AND, BE TI' 1 o5-33a 2 FINALLY RESOLVED, by the passage of this resolution by the Council and its approval by the 3 Mayor, that the Department of Interior should certify the University-Rayxnond Comxnercial 4 Historic District within the boundaries established as set forth in E�ibit D or as may be 5 modified, as deemed necessary, upon the discretion of the Depax[ment of the Interior. 6 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departrnent/o(fice/counciL _ Date Initiated: tP — LicensellnspectiunlEmiranProt - 08-APR-0S Contact Person 8 Phone: Pefer Wamer 266-8710 Must Be on Council Aaen bY (Date): � Assign Number For Routing Ofder Green Sheet NO: (�' 33� 3026043 Deoartrnern Sent To Person 0 'o nvir n ro I ice ectio nviron Pro D ariment Dir or 2 ' A rue 3 or's OfTce Ma odAssistan 4 ounc' 5 Cle k i Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of a resolution requesting certification of the University/Raymond Commercial Historic Dishict by the United States Secretary of the Interior. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No _ 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent cily employee? Yes No Explain al1 yes answers on separate sheet and aHach io green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): On February 23, 2005 the City Council approved an ordinance creating the University/Raymond Commercial Historic Distdct. Passage of tlus resoution�and certification by the Deparhnern of the Interior�will allow owners to obtain tax credits for investment in historic properties. AdvantaaesifApproved: � Certificarion allows foi properry owners of conhibuting buildings to obtain the Federal Historic Tax GYedits for rehabilitation. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Property owners will not be able to take advantage of Federal Historic Tas Credits. 'ohal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Finandal informatioo: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: ActiviN Number: a ���v�r�'�? ��'�'�¢� {�� �� _� X ri; �j i i � Presented By Referred To CouncIlFffe# � 33� Qrdinance # Crreen Sheet # 3024881 3a Committee Date : 2 A leaslative ardinance amending Legislative Code 3 Chapter 74 by adding new language creating the 4 University-Raymond Commercial Heritage 5 Preservation District and providing design 6 guidelines appropriate for the said district. 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TI� COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Saint Paul I,egislative Code Chapter 74 is hereby amended by adding the following new sections: Sec. 74.06.1 Heritage Preservation District Established. Boundaries Designated and Le�l Descr�tions of Preservation District Pro�erties. [A� Pursuant to Leaslative Code Chanter 73, upon the recommendation of the Heritage Freservation Comxnission and after havinQ dulLCOnsidered the matter at a nublic hearine the following described area is herebv designated the Universitv-Ravmond Heritaee Preservation District: All of those �roroerties, leeallv described in Sec 74 06 1�b) which front either the north or the south side of Universitv Avenue be�¢ on the west end of the said district at Cromwell Avenue. and n,nninQ east to a propertv, legally described below located just east of Ham den Avenue. � The UniversitwRaymond Herita�e Preservation District, enerally described above sha11 include the followin le e¢ally described nroroertv: Address: 731 Ham�den Avenue PIN: 322 923 120 028 Legal: HEWITTS OIJT LOTS EX NLY 105 F"T: LOT 83 Address: 771-777 Ravmond Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 017 OF LOTS 25 AND LOT 26 �}�t�`E PRINTED LEGAL LfDGER ,x�..:.._ � 1,! � oS - ��� 1 OS 2 Address: 2233 W. UniversitY Avenue 3 PIN: 322 923 110 014 4 Legal: HEWITTS OiJT LOTS PART OF I,OT 60 AND OF BERNHEIMER AVE VAC AD7 5 LYING SLY OF A L RUN FROM NELY COR OF SD LOT TO A PT ON E L OF HANIl'DEN 6 AVE 75 FT S OF S L OF CHARI,ES AVE AND ALL OF LOT 61 8 Address: 2242 W. Universitv Avenue 9 PIN: 322 923 120 033 10 Legal: HEWTTTS OUT LOTS NO PART OF VAC MYRTLE AVE ADJ & LOT 84 11 12 Address: 2250 W. University Avenue 13 PIN: 322 923 120 O15 14 Le�al: HEWTTTS OUT LOTS NLY 105 FT OF LOT 83 15 16 Address: 2251 W. Universitv Avenue 17 PIN: 322 923 120 003 18 Lepal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS SWLY 60 FT OF LOT 59 19 20 Address: 2264 W. Universitv Avenue 21 PIN: 322 923 120 032 22 Legal: HEWTTTS OiPT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMT; NELY 125 FT OF SELY 87 FT OF 23 LOT 82 24 25 26 27 28 29 Address: 2274 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 322 923 120 030 Legal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMT; NELY 150 FT LYING SELY OF NWLY 50 FT OF LOT 81 & NELY 150 FT LYINGNWLY OF SELY 87 FT OF LOT 82 30 Address: 2285 W. University Avenue 31 PIN: 292 923 430 084 32 Legal: HEWITTS OLTT LOTS VAC ST ACCRUING & FOL: EX ALLEY & EX NLY 113 FT• 33 LOT 55 ALSO THE SLY 197 FT OF LOTS 56, 57 & LOT 58 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Address: 2288 W. University Avenue (Also known as 2288 MYrtle Avenue� PIN: 322 923 120 035 Legai: HEWITTS OUT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMT; VAC STS ACCRIJING & EX NELY 150 FT: LOTS 80 81 Address: 2295 W. University Avenue fAssociated with 2309 W. Universitv Avenue� PIN: 292 923 430 085 Legal: HEWITTS OiJT LOTS SUBJ TO ALLEY AND EX NELY 113 FT' THE FOL SELY 60 FT OF LOT 53 AND ALL OF LOT 54 1 os- sT� aS 33 �P 2 Address: 2309 W. University Avenue (Associated Addresses: 2324 Charles Avenue. 3 2341 Universitv Avenue W., and 783 Hampden Avenuel 4 PINs: 292 923 430 069. 292 923 430 072. 292 923 430 073,292 923 430 074 5 Legal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS PART N 69.5 FT OF LOT 58: HEWTTTS OUT LOTS 6 STREET AS VACATED IN DOC 1803121 ACCRUING & FOL: NE 113 FT OF LOT 7 52 & VAC LA SALLE ST BET & NELY 94.5 FT OF LOTS 53 T'HRU LOT 57 8 Legal: HEWITTS OiJT LOTS SUB7 TO ALLEY AND EX NELY 113 FT T`HE FOL 9 SELY 60 FT OF LOT 53 AND ALL OF LOT 54 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Address: 2314 W. University Avenue PIN: 322 923 230 040 Legal: F3EWTfTS OUT LOTS VAC ST ACCRUII�G IN DOC N0.2829884 & FOL EX NELY 75 FT; THE NWLY'/a OF LOT 79 AL50; EX NWI,Y 9 FT OF SWLY 11 FT 2 IN OF NELY 94.5 FT & EX NELY 75 FT LYING SELY OF NWLY 83 FT• LOT 78 Address: 2324 W. University Avenue PIN: 322 923 120 039 Legal: HEWTTTS OUT LOTS VAC ST ACCRUING IN DOC N0.2829884 & FOL NWLY 9 FT OF SWLY 11 FT 2 IN OF NELY 94.5 FT OF LOT 78 & ALL OF LOT 77 Address: 2334 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 322 923 120 023 L�e al: HEWTI'TS OUT LOTS VAC ST ACCRUING IN DOC N0.2829884 & LOT 76 Address: 2341 W. Universitv Avenue (Associated Addresses: 2324 Charles Avenue, 2309 W. Universitv Avenuel PIN: 292 923 430 068 Legal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS STREET AS VACATED IN DOC 1803121 ACCRUING & FOL: EX NELY 113 FT: LOT 52 & EX NELY 113 FT & EX SELY 60 FT: LOT 53 Address: 2345 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 430 067 Legal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS SWLY 250 FT OF SELY 50 FT OF LOT 51 Address: 2356-2362 W. University Avenue PIN: 292 923 430 075 Legal: HEWITTS OiTT LOTS SUB7 TO AND WITH ESMT AND EX SWLY 140 FT THEREOF THE FOL LOT 73 AND EX SELY 25 FT OF NELY 140 FT LOT 74 AND EX NELX 140 FT THE NWLY 25 FT OF LOT 75 Address: 2363-73 W. University Avenue PIN: 292 923 430 064, 292 923 430 062. 292 923 430 059 Lega1: HEWITTS OiJT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMTS & PARTY WALL & EX NELY 80 FT THE SELY 56 FT OF LOT 50; HEWITTS OUT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMTS & PARTY WALL THE SWLY 50 FT OF NELY 80 FT OF SELY 56 FT OF LOT 50; HEWITTS OUT LOTS SUBJ TO ESMTS & EX NELY 30 FT & EX SELY 56 FT; LOT 50; HEWTTTS OUT LOTS EX NELY 80 12/100 FT OF SELY 22 52/100 FT SELY 35 FT OF LOT 49 o s- sa �5 2 Address: 2375 W. Universitv Avenue 3 PIN: 292 923 430 058 4 Lesal: HEWITTS Oi3T LOTS VJLY 60 FT OF ELY 95 FT OF LOT 49 6 Address: 2383-87 W. University Avenue 7 PIN: 292 923 430 057 8 Legal: HEWTTTS OiTT LOTS EX NELY 170 FT MEASURED AT RA TO NELY L 9 OF LOTS 48 AND 49 TF� FOL WLY 5 FT OF LOT 49 AND ALL OF LOT 48 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Address: 2383-87 W. UniversitvAvenue PIN: 292 923 430 057 Lesal: HEWITTS OUT LOTS EX NELY 170 FT MEASiJRED AT RA TO NELY L OF LOTS 48 AND 49 THE FOL WLY 5 FT OF LOT 49 AND ALL OF LOT 48 Address: 2388 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 065 Legal: AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAL3L. MINN. BBG AT NELS� COR OF LOT 30 TH NWLY ON NELY L 33 42/100 FT T'H SWLY PAR TO SWLY L OF SD LOT 65 125/1000 FT TH SELY PAR TO NELY L TO W L OF RAYMOND AVE TH N ON SD W L TO AFORESAID NELY COR OF LOT 30 Address: 2389-2401 W. University Avenue (Also known as: 759-765 Raymond Avenuel PIN: 292 923 340 018 Legal: AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PALTL. MINN. LOT 28 Address: 2390-2400 W. University Avenue (Also laiown as: 735 Ra�mondl PIN: 292 923 340 064 Legal: AUDITOR'S SL3BDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. SELY 50 FT OF NWLY 150 FT OF NELY 120 FT OF LOT 30 AND EX NWL.Y 150 FT AND EX SWLY 56 FT AND EX SELY 33 42/100 FT MEASI.JRED ON NELY LOT L OF NELY 65 12511000 FT MEASURED PAR WITH NWLY LOT L LOT 30 34 Address: 2402-2414 W. Universit,�Avenue 35 PIN: 292 923 340 062 36 L�al: AUDTfOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. EX SWLY 35 FT THE 37 FOL THE NWLY 100 FT AND EX NELY 140 FT THE SELY 50 FT OF NWLY 150 38 FT OF LOT 30 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Address: 2418-2426 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 058. 292 923 340 059, 292 923 340 060 L�al: AUDTI'OR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. SUBJ TO PARTY WALL AGREEMENT & ESMTS: EX NWI,Y 11233 FT & EX W 57.8 FT OF S 162.95 FT OF E 94 FT; LOT 29; AUDTfOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL, MINN. SUBJ TO PARTY WALL AGREEMENT & ESMTS & EX PART LYING SWLY OF NELY 137.05 FT:1`I� NWI,Y 11233 FT OF LOT 29 os- sa 1 05 -33� 2 Address: 2428-30-32 W. UniversityAvenue 3 PIN: 292 923 340 057 4 L�e al: AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVLSION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. SLTB3 TO PARTY 5 WALL AGREEMENT & ESMTS & EX PART LYING SWLY OF NELY 137.05 FT• 6 'IT� NWLY 11233 FT OF LOT 29 8 Address: 2429 W. University Avenue 9 PIN: 292 923 334 020 10 Legal: AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAiJL. MINN. SWLY 25 F"T OF LOT 11 ll & EX SELY 121.57 FT MOL THE SWLY 25 FT OF LOT 10 & ALL OF LOT 22 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Address: 2441 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 021 Legal: AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. SELY 15 99/100 FT OF LOT 20 AND ALL OF LOT 21 Address: 24A6 W. University Avenue (Also l�own as: 756 Pelham Boulevard2 PIN: 292 923 340 048 Legal: BAKER'S ADDTTION TO THE CITY OF ST. PALJL. RAMSEY CO.. MINN. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & FOL: PART OF LOTS 6& 7 NELY OF L RUN FROM PT 12 FT SWLY ON SELY L FROM NE COR OF LOT 7 TO PT ON WL OF & 26.73 FT FROM SW COR OF LOT 6 AS IN DOC 1412484 & ALL OF LOTS 1 THI2U Address: 2447 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 022 Le�al: AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAITL. MINN. NWLY 35 FT OF SELY 50 99/100 FT OF LOT 20 Address: 2451-2459 W. Universit�Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 023, 292 923 340 024 L�al: AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. NWLY 100 FT OF SELY 150 99/100 FT OF LOT 20 Address: 2469 W. University Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 025 L�e al: AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 4 ST. PAUL. MINN. SUBJ TO ESMTS THE SELY 75.9 OF LOT 19 & EX SELY 163.49 FT: LOT 20 Address: 2470-2512 W. University Ave. PIN: 292 923 340 027 Legal: BAKER'S ADDTTION TO TIiE CITY OF ST. PAITL. RAMSEY CO., NIINN. LOTS 1 THRL3 LOT 6 BLK 6 Address: 2505 W. Universitv Avenue PIN: 292 923 340 080 Le�a1: CROMWELL PLACE SUBJ TO ALLEY; VAC ALLEY ACCRiJING & IN AUD SUBD N0.4: EX SELY 75.99 FT LOT 19 & IN SD CROMWELL PLACE LOTS 1 THRU LOT 12 BLK 1 Sec. 74.06.2 Record of Legal Descriptions. oS- s� os-33� 4 The City Clerk shall record the lesal description of the Universitv-Raymond Commercial 5 Historic District with the Ranisev County recorder and the Ramse�Couni�e�istrar of titles as 6 required under Secrion 73.09 of the Saint Paul I.eg,islative Code. 8 Section 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Sec. 74.06.3 Design Review Gnidelines, Purpose and Intent LA,Z The following ¢uidelines for desiQU review serve as the basis for the herita�e preservation commission's �ermit review decisions in the UniversitL ond Commercial Historic District. The guidelines define the most imnortant elements of the Historic DistricYs unique �hvsical appearance and are intended to state the best means of preservine and enhancine these elements in rehabilitation or new construction. When agplvine the guidelines, the Commission. in cleazly defined cases of economic hazdsYup, will also consider de�rivation of the owners reasonable use of proroertv. j�B The Commission shall conduct its desian review for all proiects in the District accordin� to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (19951. These standards shall be applied to all District �rojects in a reasonable manner and take into consideration their economic and technical feasibility. The ten Standazds are: 1. A�ropertv shall be used for its historic purpose or be pdaced in a new use that reguires minimal chanQe to the defining characteristics o�the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a pro�erty shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and s�aces that characterize a propertv shall be avoided. 3. Each pro�tv shall be reco .mized as a phvsical record of its time, place. and use. Changes that create a false sense ofhistorical develoament. such as addin�niectural features or architectural elements fi•om other buildings. shall not be undertaken. � S. Most�roperties chanQe over time: those changes that have ac uired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. Distinctive eatures. fznishes. and construction techniques or examples of cra tsmanship that characterize a historic�ropertv shall be�reserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than re laced. Where the severitv of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature. the new feature shall match the old in design, color. texture. and other visual aualities and. where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shaZ1 be substantiated bv documentary,_phvsical. or pictorial evidence. OS- Sa. a5-33 � z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 7. Chemical or phvsical treatments. such as sandblastin� that cause damage to historic materials shaZl not be used. The surface cleanin�of structures, �Dprapriate. sha11 be undertaken using the gentlest means �ossible. 8. S�ificant archeoloQical resources a(f'ected bv a project sha11 be protected and nreserved. If such resources must be disturbed. miti a,�n measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions. exterior alterations. or reZated new construction shall not destrov historic materials that characterize the proDertv. The new work shaZ1 be di fferentiated fi the aZd and sha11 be compatible with the massing, size. scale. and architectural features to Drotect the historic integ_ritv o{the propertv and its environment. 10. New additions and adiacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that ifremoved in the future. the essential fo»n and inte rity of the historic r OD2 rtv and its environment would be unim aired. (C) Restoration and Rehabilitation. 1. Masonry and Walls fa Use ofMaterials. Original masonrv and mortar should be retained whenever possible without the annlication of anY surface treatment. A similar material should be used to re�air or re�lace, where necessarv, deteriorated masonry._ New masonrv added to the structure or site, such as new foundations or retainine walls, should be compatible with the color, texture and bondin o�f original or existin� masonrv. Formstone, stucco and wood or metal sidin or �aneline should not be used. (b) Cleaning_ Masonrv should be cleaned onlv when necess , ta �r5 o halt deteriorafion or to rexnove eraffifi and stains and always with the eentlest method nossible such as low pressure water (under 300 �sil and soft bristle brushes. Brick and stone surface should not be sandblasted with drv or wet grit or other abrasives. Abrasive cleaning methods can erode the hard surface of the material and accelerate deteriorafion. Chemical cleaning�roroducts which could haue and adverse chemical reacrion with the masonr�material such as acid on limestone or marble shouid not be used. Chemical solvents should not be used at all except for removing iron and oil stains. It is preferable to use water with a non-ionic biodee,radable deter�ent. Mortar should be re�ointed and window frames should be caulked before cleanine. Waterproof or water repellent coatinQS or surface consolidation treatments should not be applied unless required to solve a specific technical rop blem that has been studied and idenrified and determined to com�l,�with applicable desien guidelines. In eeneral, however, coatines are frequently unnecessary, expensive, and can accelerate deterioration of the masonrv. 2 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 2. OS- S�1 bs,3�y (c�epointin�epointing should be done on those mortar joints where there is evidence of moisture problems or when mortaz is missin¢ to allow water to stand on the mortar joint. Using_vneumatic hammers to remove mortar can seriouslv dama eg the adiacent brick and onlv motor'szed tools that do not dama�e brick should be used. Vertical joints should be hand chiseled. When repointin�. it is importaut to use the same materials as the e�sting mortar. This includes matching the color. texture. coefficients of exroansion and coniraction_ and in�redient ratio of the oriainal mortar mix, creatin¢ a bond similaz to the orianal. A rorofessional mortar analysis can t�ve this information. Re�mtin� with Portland cement mortaz mav create a bond stronger than is appropriate for the buildin� materials, possibly resulting_in cracking or other damaee. Old mortar should be duplicated in joint size, method of a�nlicafion and joint profile. jd) Painting. The orieinal or eazlv color and texture of masonrv swrfaces should be retained, includingearly si�naee wherever uossible. Brick or stone surFaces ma�have been roainted or whitewashed for�ractical and aesthetic reasons and uaint should not be indiscriminatelyremoved from masonrv surfaces as this ma�subiect the building to damage and chan�e its appearance. If masonry surfaces were not originally_painted or ever intended to be painted, they should not be painted. Windows and Doors (a) Openzn2s. Existin� window and door openings should be retained. New window and door openin�s should not be introduced into the princinal elevations. Enlar�in� or reducin� window or door openin tg o fit stock window sash or new stock door sizes should not be done. Infillin� of window openings ar installin2 new openines mav be �emussible on secondarv facades if standard sizes approxunate the size and proportions of the openine. Generally, a secondar�facade will be considered as any facade not facinQ the street and not havine the omamentation and hieher oualitv materials usuallv associated with street facades. (b) Panes. Sashes and Hardware. It is desirable to retain ori i� windows and doors. but thev mav need replacement for functional reasons. Replacement is cleazl�acceptable for functional reasons if new materials closelv match ori�inal materials. Different materials ma�be acce�table on a case-by-case basis. Window panes should be two-way�lass. No reflective or spandrel ¢lass is pernutted. The stylistic period or periods a buildin� represents should be respected. Shutters are eenerally inapnrororiate in the dishict. Missin o� r ureparable windows should be reDiaced with new windows that match the original in material, size. 2eneral muntin and mullion �roroortion and confi�urarion and reflecrive qualities of the ¢lass. Renlacement sash should not alter the setback relationship between window and wail. 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 3. OS- ; � 05-33c� Heatine and air condirioning units should not be installed in the window frames when the sash and frames mav be dama� . Window instailations should be considered only when all other viable heating and coolin� s�stems would result in sienificant damaee to historic materiais. Window installations may be acceptable in minor facades. jc) Storm Windows. Storm windows and doors should be comroarible with the character of the building and should not damage window and door frames or require removal of orianal windows and doors. Exterior storm windows should be a in size and color and should be o erp able• (d) AwninQS ¢nd Canopies. Awviues and canopies should not be used when they conceal richly detailed entries and windows. Ahtwinum or nlastic awniu�s shall not be used. LazQe letterin�or font styles inconsistent with the lustorical and architectural character shall not be used on awnings Awnings should have a traditional shape such as a tent sha�e or be rounded when the openin¢ is arched. (e) Lintels. Arches. and Sills. Lintels sills architraves pediments hoods and steps should be retained or renaired if nossible. Existing colors and textures should be matched when repairing these elements. ( Storefronts. Original or storefronts determined to ha�e historical architectural or en ineerin�significance should be retained and repaired includine windows, sash, doors. transoms, si�¢e and decorarive features where such features contribute to the architectural and historic chazacter of the buildin¢. Where oria_inal or earlv starefronts no longer exist or are too deteriorated to save, the commercial chazacter of the buildine should be retained throueh• Ll contemporarv desien which is compatible with the scale, desi�, materials. color and texture of the historic buildin ar(21 an accurate restoration of the storefront based on historical research and phvsical evidence. Storefronts or new desien elements on the ound floor. such as arcades. should not be introduced which alter the azchitectural and historic character of the buildine and its relationship with the street or its settin� or which cause destruction of si�ificant historic fabric. Materials which detract from the Yustoric or architectural character of the buildin�, such as mirrored ¢lass. should not be used. Entrances throu significant storefronts should not be altered. Roofs, Cornices and Other Details (a) Roof Shape. The orieival roof shape should be ureserved. New skvli�hts and vents should be behind and below roazanet level. When the roof is visible from street level, the original material should be retained if nossible, otherwise it should be renlaced with new material that matches the old in composition. size, shape. colar. and texture. as- 5' � � os _ 2 (b) Cornices and Other Details. All architectural features that give the 3 roo£its essential character should be preserved or replaced. Similar 4 material should be used to re�air/replace deterioratin�or missing 5 architectural elements such as comices, brackets, railin¢s, shutters. ste�s 6 and chimne�, whenever nossible. If an accurate reconstmcfion of a 7 missing cornice is not feasible, due to cost structiu�al issues or lack of 8 pictorial documentation. then the intricacv of detail is least important for 9 new elements at or near the roof line. The same massin�pronortions. 10 scale and desien theme as the orignal shouid be reta3ned. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 D� Signs and Accessories 1. Sims, Generally. Existing historic sians that reflect the development of the district should be preserved. These siens mav be in the form of painted si s on buildin�s, surface mounted or pzojectin�si�ns. New siens should be comroatible with the character of the District and blend with the character of the shuctures on or near which thev are placed. New signs should not conceal architectural detail. clutter the buildin 'e s isnage, or distract from the unitv of the facade but_ rather, should comrolement the overall desi�n. (a) Materials. SiQn materials should com�lement the materials of the related building and/or the adjacent buildings. Surface desir� elements should not detract from or conflict with the related shucture's age and desim in terms of g_raphics, lettering, and related patterns or pictures. Materials used should be the same as those used for siens durine the period of the building's conshuction, such as wood. wroueht iron, steel. and metal �rill work. Newer materials such as exhuded aluxninuxn and vlastics ma�not be a (b) Tvpes. The sig�ty�e should enhance the buildine's desi i and materials. There aze a number of t}rnes of siens which mav be used: (11 single-faced: (22�rojecting, double-faced;�31 thre�dixnensionaL• (� »ainted wall si s; and (5 temporary signs. /c) Location and Method ofAttachment. There should be no si� above the cornice line or uppermost uortion of a facade wall. Siens should not disfiQUre or conceal azchitectural details. Painted si is may be �ermissible on ulass windows and doors. The facade should not be damaeed in si�n a�plication except for mere attachment. The method of attachment should respect the structure's arclutectural inteeritv and should become an extension of the azchitecture. Proiectin� sims should have a space separatin� them from the buildin¢. (Protection of architechue in method of attachxnent shall be reeazded as a basis for eranting variance of the normal zonine code prohibition aeainst euy wire suuports for proiectinQ si s. (d) Li h�ti�. Location of exterior liehts should be appronriate to the structure. Si�ns should ¢enerallv be lit from on the site. There should be no flashing, blinking, movin , or var�e intensity liehting. Subdued li tin is preferred. Backlit fluorescent or exUOSed neon are 2enerally ina pDro nriate• 2_ Accessories OS- Sa- 0 5-.334 4 (a) Grills. Exhaust Fans. etc. Cttills, ezchaust outlets for air conditioners, 5 bath and kitchen e�aust fans should be incorporated into filler vaneis. if 6 possible. Thev mav be painted the same color as the filler panel. 7 8 E New Construction 10 1. Generallv: New construction refers to totallv new shuctures, moved-in 11 structures and new additions to existinp structures. Anv new construction should 12 possess hei�ht, massine, setback, materials and rh s comUatible with 13 surroundin� sixuctures. The reproduction of historic desi� and details is 14 recommended onlv for limited cases of infill or small scale construcrion. 15 Guidelines for new conshuction focus on general rather than specific desim 16 elements in order to encourage azchitectural innovation. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (a) Setback. There are a variely of setbacks exnressed in the Universit� Ravmond Commercial Historic District. However, new setbacks should relate to adjacent historic buildin�s (b) Massing. Volume. Hei¢ht. Most of the shuctures of the dishict aze distin�uished bv their boxYprofiles; nreservation of ttris aspect is the most essential element for maintauring district unitv. New conshuction should be compatible with the massinn., volume, and height, of existing shuctures in the historic district. (c�Rhythm. The rhvtl�m in the Universitv-Ravmond Commercial Historic District can be found both in the relation of several buildin¢s to each other. and in the relation of elements on a sin¢le buildin¢ facade. Rh�thin between buildin�s is usually distinguished by sli�ht variations in height, windows and doors. and details, includin�vertical and horizontal elements. Rhvthxn mav be accentuated b�sli h�t �roiections and recessions of the facade, causinn. the scale of the buildinQ to match that of its nei�hbors. The rhythm of new construction should be compatible with that of existing structures. jd Roofs. Cornices. New roof, and cornice designs should be com at�ble with existin�jacent structures. Generallv. roofs in the district are flat. It is mare important far roof edges to relate in size and prouortion, than in detailine. re) Materials and Details. Brick and nressed brick. Bedford stone and Mankato-Kasota stone, terra-cotta ceramic rile, concrete, metal and elass are the most commonlv used materials in the district. D S- S� � 2 The materials and details of new construction should relate to the materials �� 3 and details of existin¢ adjacent buildines. New buildin¢s in the district 4 should �ossess more detailin¢ than tvpical modern commercial buiidin�s, 5 to respond to the surroundin¢ buildinas and to reinforce the human scale 6 of the district Walls of buildin¢s in the distdct are �enerally of brick with 7 stone trim Thev displav the colors of natural clav dark red, buff and 8 brown When walls are painted, similaz eatthtones aze usuall� 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (fl Windows Doors Windows should relate to those of e�stine buildines in the district in the ratio of solid to void, distribution of window openin�s, and window setback The nronortion size stvle function and detailing of windows and doors in new construction should relate to that of existin¢ a�d�acent buildinas. Window and door frames should be wood or bronze- finished ahuninum. � Parking Th�referred location of pazkin� lots is behind the buildin� rather than in front or beside them. If street frontage is the only option, the lots should be screened from street and sidewalk either bv walls or olantin¢s or both If walls are used their materials should be comroatible with the walls of existinQ adiacent buildin�s. Walls should be at least 18" hi¢h Walls or plantings should be located to disrupt the street plane as little as possible. (h) Landscapin� Street Furniture. Traditional street elements of the area should be preserved New street fu.niiture and landscapinQ features should compliment the scale and character of the azea. 74.06.4 Guidelines for Non-Contributin� and Contem�orary Buildines � Chan¢e to Contributine Status: A buildine classified as non-contributing to the historic district but built within the period of significance established for the district that has been substantiallv altered may be reclassified as a contributing buildin¢, if it is returned to its ori¢inal historic facade by means of restoration or replicarion. B� Non-Contributin¢ and Contemporarv Building Additions and Alterations Additions and alterations to non-contributine and contem�ararv buildines must be s n�nnathetic and subordinate to original buildin� and adjacent structures. These chan�es must help the orieinal better fit its context. Guidelines for new construction shall annlv to non-conhibutinQ and contempararv buildings. 74.06.5 Demolirion �, Proposals for demolishing structures while reviewed with special care bv the Heritage Preservation Commission aze not necessarilv in conflict with district guidelines. When reviewin� nroroosals for demolition of structures within the district, the Heritage Preservation Coimnission refers to Section 73.06(11(21 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which states the followine: oS- 3�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet GreEn Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: Lp L;��a��,�t ,Z�,�-05 Green Sheet NO: 3024881 ConWct Person 8 Phone: Deoartmenf Sent To Person Inifial/Date Janeen Rosas � 0 ice s n ection/Enviro Pr / 2�0 266-9013 p 1 icense/In ection/Environ Pro De artment Director � /2�V Must Be on Council Agertda by (Date): Number 2 tt rn r For " ROUfing 3 a or's Office MavodASSis�nt Order 4 00 ' 5 i Clerk C� erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of an Ordinance esbblishing the University Raymond Commericial Heritage Preservation Dishict and providing design guidelines appropriate for the said district. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission - 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No ' 3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes ansWers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Aftez severnl connnunity meetings and commnuity notifications the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission recomuieuded flvs distdct with the suppor[ of the community. Council and Mayoral approval aze now necessary in order to make this disirict one of Saint Paul's Heritage Preservarion Dishicts. Advantages If Approved: DisadvanWges IfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: ToWI Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: � Trensaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Informati on: (Explain) 05 - 5 a, a5 33y Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: January 19, 2005 TO: Council President Lantry, Manuel Cervantes, Amy Spong FROM: Peter Warner, CAO RE: Agenda Item 23, Council File No. 05-52, First Reading of an ordinance to create the University - Raymond Commercial Heritage District. Time lines for adoption. Council File No. OS-52 is set on today for a first reading. The file contains a proposed ordinance to create the first new heritage preservation district in the City in over a decade. The purpose of this memo is to advise you that the normal schedule of ordinance readings must be modified in orderto comply with the specific city ordinances regulating the establishment Qf heritage preservation districts. Failure to follow the adoption procedures outiined below would leave the proposed ordinance open to a legal challenge to strike down its validity based upon a failure to follow the duly designated procedure for adopting an ordinance as specified in the L.egislative Code. Under normal circumstances, the readings for CF. No. OS-52 would be as follows: First reading (formal introduction): 1-19-OS Second reading: 1-26-OS Third reading (the public hearing): 2-2-OS Fourth reading (formal adoption ): 2-9-OS However, with respect to establishing a new heritage preservation district, L,eg. Code § 73.05(fl provides in pertinent part: "Prior to such designation, the city council ... shall hold a public hearing, notice of which shall have been published in a newspaper of general circulation at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the hearing, and notice of the hearing shali be sent to all owners of property which is proposed to be designated a heritage preservation site and to all owners of property within one hundred (100) feet of the boundary of the azea to be designated a heritage preservation site." AA-ADA-EEO Employer 05-5 � 05-33� f Memo: CP Lantry, et al 7anuary 19, 2005 Page: two This language states that the council cannot properly adopt Council File No. OS-52 if it rigidly follows the time line noted above. Instead, in order to comply with the notice requirements of Leg. Code § 73.05(fl, I would suggest the following new rime line: First reading (formal introduction): 1-19-OS [same as presently scheduled] Second reading: 1-26-OS [same as presently scheduled] NEW: Third reading (the public hearing): 2-16-05 NEW: Fourth reading (formal adoption): 2-23-OS Following the time line noted above will allow city staff adequate time to arrange for both published and written notice at least 20 days prior to the public. hearing date as required under I.eg. Code 73.05(�. These changes can be made today either by noting on the record the dates proposed for the third and fourth readings of the ordinance or at next week's second reading by requesting a layover of the third reading to February 16, 2005 with the fourth reading to follow on February 23, 2005. If you have any questions, piease don't hesitate to call me. PWW AA-ADA-EEO Employer / � 14 OS 11:59a LRC February 1g, z005 n'rs- AmY Spong Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 SE. Paul, MN 55102 65122357�8 p.2 D� 5� dS�33� � a� �aof��� x�,er,r r:. u<s Muy�r X¢nclr Ke[ly Miebae! J, I3aireit leeanu GY�[x Hrrr.WiIIiam T�Irnid Rngcr IL NieGeie Emi[y F. ,S�ese� C;.lticbard .SlaJ�• w nr " si�i�te ` „ ' i RE: Nomination of the University-ltaymond Commercial Historic District As a St. Paul Heritage Preservation Site Dear Amy: I am delighted to see that you are considexing designating this area as a historic distzict. It is an area with many buiidings of historic significance, and many diverse activities, including the arts. I just wanted to express mq full support for this effort. Sincerely, � Weiming Lu President WL/mb l,07[�yt]"O WN AFDEVPLOPMPNT COIfPORAITON ' .�(7./[[G(.Klpt 5%hY7 Cuu+�' P/uzru!Arirc� 75n .4iinl PqrrL AIA` >SI01 657 117-91.f1 Pa.r !S/?=i-57(hS «mc+i! !}/((d;;['�(OfIYYlUIp/I.OTX �x+�ir�► 3 d5-3�� CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERPlf•1ENT � _. A6REE11ENT MHS EO�TRACT # 85 - C �i . ..�.�-°- ��-- This agreement is made betiveen the cI� oF sT. PAUi. and the Fiinnesota Historical Society. 1. As a Certified Local Government (CLG} established under the provisions of the "6uidelines of Implementation of Certified Local Governnent Programs in htinnesota" and of 36 CFR 61.5 and 36 CFR 61.7, made a part of this agree�ent by reference, the �ITZ' OF ST. PAUL agrees to: • k. Enforce appro�riate state and local iegislation for the desig- nation and protection of historic properties. B. Have established an adeGuate and qualified historic or2ser•�ation review cormission by State and local legislation. C. t•laintain a syste:n fpr tne survey and inventory o` fiistcric properties. D. Provide for adequate public participaLion in the local historic preservation progra�n, including the process of reco�endina � properties for nomination to the National Register. E. Satisfactorily perfo n tne responsibiiities iisted in poir.ts ?,-� aoovz and those speci`icaliy delegated io it under the :.ct by t�e State Nistoric Freservation Officer (SrPO). 2. 7he specific obligations er the CLG under each of the above areas are outlined in ti:e dccument "�uidelines for Impler�entation or CertiTied Local Govern;�ent Prograr:s in t•tinnesota." Performance of thzse responsibilities wi11 be demonstrated in the annuai report submitteo by the CLG to the S�PC by November 1 or eacfi year (See Section I.E. of the Guidelines). Failure to report or unsatisfactory performance may be grounds tor potential decertifi- cation as described in Section III of th2 6uidelines. 3. It is mutualty understood that upon final execution of this agreement, the Local Government o-rill achieve, subject to final revietia by the Secretary of the Interior, Certified Locai Government status. Transference of funds pursuant to said status rri11 require compliance with "Procedures to award Historic Preservation funds to Certified Local Governments" February 1985. 4. Certified Local Government agrees to indemnify and save and hold the SOCIETY, fts agents, contractors, and employees harmless from any and a71 claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this Agreement. 5. The Certified Local.Government will comply with Title VI of the Civil � Rights Act of 19b4; Pub7ic Law 88 - 352 ( 78 Stat. 241; 42 U.S.C. ZOOOd ) wfiich prohibits discrimination and is made a part of this Agreement by reference. I have read the above-stated contract and agree to abide by its provisions. MINNESOTA HISTORICHL SOCIETY 690 Cedar Street St. PdUI, Minn250td 55101 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0 te Mayor Director and State Nistorical Preservation Officer . By �i�..�..�';,� � /, /�-s . Dennis 6itrene ad Date C ` Asst. State Historic Preservation � Officer � ��1��. .y// �� Glor�a A. Thompson T' Date Contract Officer LOCAL GOVERNMENT , ° -� � �„`L. «.1�...���-� ��t �� Chief Local Elected Date Off'cial T�I �.�n,v,u.�/k. __ �l9olk'S Chair, H itage Preservation � rDate Commission � O� 3'�� � MHS Contract �i85-C-1395 Amead Yrovision 1.A. of the above contract between the City of St. Paul � and the Minnesota Historical Society to include the £ollowing: "The CLG will conduct its design review o£ designated properties according to the Secretary o£ the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation." MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 690 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 � � /� , r N e^-^- /it . Russell W. Fridley Director and State Historic Preservation Officer Dennis Gimmestad Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Contract Officer • J- Ill l J/• • , Heritage Commission /� �S Date l� / � � Date \ � �� 4 . s ; :.�' a � Tti AEPLY REFER SO: . ,�'.;E�'F .. .� United States Department of the Interior ;vATIOVAL PARK SERVIGE AOCKY M�UtiTAIN REGIOVAL OFFtCE 655 Paricc Scceec P.O. Bor 2i2E7 ' Dem•ec. Colorado E0225 i�.�6 (h'F78—YP.? H4norablo 6eorgr F.at�.mei^ [��ayor, City a£ St, Frzil. 3$7 c3ty f:a,ii St. Paul, Ninn�aota 53'!D2 DRar M�9or La�er: SCP 2 5 1 �a5 E x�-� zQlT65 G y 41e Iteve r�aaived xnd reviewaQ 8�r Certific3d tacr.7. t?c+ver�3!t�mt R9Gueat and CortlfSa2tSoQ ABL'�� rt�r tbe C�ty of S'F» Paul, t L'ro� tf:e �±ca�s�' " SCate EistoY��c Pr�ervati.tyn nffiaer (s�'JPO). Z� aearrdance uith �csth Stato emi � �cdcral r� �rm�* u�.t�t.Ee SHP6fa�reCCa�n�e'atie� t�hat C���St�P�l Pz'oF,�'� r qeml3i�.� ca a Gereifi.e_d Lat2a1 Gotect�ext. Tt�.crk yau Car your Past and on�rzg eftorta �o ericeurRBm hi�ztorfe PrszervaE�.on in St. Psul. � 53ncei��3,Y � �. �ei}l� �� Q�.���� de Tee1 Psttersaa xil�.tr, Chic£ Sr°anch cS Pz�o�eet Pevisw and Technlc+a2 P.�s3atFtr..� 4� �� � ' • 111 ! � • �vg . . •P Mi ' ♦ . w N _ _ - w� 1 �x�l�► � U � � U ,� � O � � _ � ,� U � � i� � C� � i � � _ R � " � I I Y � !� ' e �t � � �€ '�i c • .a � ` t �a v� .'�'r'� A' �*i r'...�. Y j �.2� __JI i.! nj I ���� � f � ; r� ;, ��. � Y � g � � • a ` � iff� �;� 8�` t �� �� �'E! � ' ,s� � ti a 3 � ����� ` a!�' ` t ��' 4� .: � �^�'�� ,' M £� y. a �y{,"����.'�.. 9y �s� � �� N . ... .�. ��: h � �' ,p �Y�� N � j� �; (O N ����{� �:. N N � ..,� ����. � ' �' ��°� : x"�; � O ....� �;.�. "M1 � �� x � �; C���: :� - � ���� � .�� E � � IS�.. {� m3YU£� � 5 � c'�9 r �� �iY . smv r � � " > .,±.�=...x,Gla. . ' ; II ��Iplll���l��lllll I������ e: �S� �� D �S-33� � :�� �.' � �' � �, � � t v � � �� 3f �� t �' �f 4 ��3. : ...���x�e 'ia tA U; ;h�" '. r �� �\ � � � !� � Y � �5-33� University-Raymond Commercial Historic District/S� Paul Heritage Preservation Commission Map Key 1.) Current Name: Boston Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 731 Hampden Avenue 2.) Historic Name: Sweitzer & Sons Store & Wazehouse 771-777 Raymond Avenue 3.) Current Name: Wright Building Historic Name: Wright, Barrett, and Srillwell Building 2233 W. University Avenue 4.) Historic Name: Louis F. Dow Company 2242 W. University Avenue 5.) Current Name: University Auto 2250 W. University Avenue 6.) Current Name: River of Goods Outlet 2251 W. University Avenue 7.) Current Name: Spiros Mediterranean Market Historic Name: Conshucrion Equipment Sales 2264 W. University Avenue 8.) Current Name: Summit Amusement 2274 W. University Avenue 9.) Current Name: Midway Commerce Building Historic Name: Twin City Wholesale Grocery Warehouse 2285 W. UniversityAvenue 10.) Historic Name: Louden Machine Company Warehouse 2288 W. University Avenue 11.) Current Name: 2295 Building Historic Name: Patterson Sazgent Company 2295 W. University Avenue 12.) 2309 W. University Avenue 13.) Current Name: Midway Commons 2314 W. University Avenue 14.) Current Name: Midtown Commons Historic Name: Minneapolis Street Railway Company Streetcar Bam 2324 W. University Avenue 15.) 2334 W. University Avenue �5-33� 16.) Historic Name: Simmons Mattress Company Warehouse 2341 W. University Avenue 17.) Current Name: Twin City Janitor Supply Historic Name: Red Wing Stoneware Company Sales Office and Warehouse 2345 W. University Avenue 18.) Current Name: Specialty Building Historic Name: Northwestern Furniture and Stove Exposirion Building 2356-2362 W. UniversityAvenue 19.) C�rrent Name: Reprile Supply Historic Name: M.J.O. Neill Conmiercial Row 2363-73 W. UniversityAvenue 20.) Historic Name: Borchert-Ingersoll Machinery Co. 2375 W. University Avenue 21.) Current Name: U.S. Bank Historic Name: First Security State Bank 2383-87 W. University Avenue 22.) Historic Name: Twin Cities State Bank 2388 W. University Avenue 23.) Cturent Name: Security Building Historic Name: Upham Building 2389-2401 W. University Avenue 24.) Historic Name: General Motors Truck Garage 2390-2400 W. University Avenue 25.) Current Name: Chittenden & Eastman Building Historic Name: M. Surg & Sons Building 2402-2414 W. University Avenue 26.) Historic Name: Irving Hudson Commercial Row 2418-2426 W. University Avenue 27.) 2428-30-32 W. University Avenue 28.) C7urent Name: New Wine Church Historic Name: Twin City Commercial Bulletin 2429 W. University Avenue 29.) Historic Name: Brown-Jaspers Store Fixtures Co. 2441 W. University Avenue 30.) Current Name: Picture Frame Supply, African International Market Place Historic Name: Frigidaire Building 2446 W. University Avenue � 33y 31.) Historic Name: 7ohnson Wax Co. Sales Office 2447 W. University Avenue 32.) Historic Name: Conditioned Air Equipment Co. Building 2451-2459 W. University Avenue 33.) Current Name: Strommen Building 2469 W. University Avenue 34.) Current Name: Midway Commercial Building Historic Name: Twin City Four Wheel Drive Company 2470-2512 W. University Building 35.) Historic Name: Mack International Motor Tmck Co. 2505 W. University Avenue