235649 l' ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK /����(�� CITY OF ST. PAUL . couNCi� '"°`.��`,` �` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ CIL RESO�TI N—GENERAL FORM a � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, It is necessary for the Board of Water Commissioners to construct a water main on Winona Street from Kansas Street to Waterloo Street, and the construc— tion of said water main will necessitate the partial gradin.g of Winona Street from Kansas Street approximately 110 feet east to the State Highway right—of—way to obtain a uniform grade; now, therefore, be 'it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to 'grant permission to the Board of Water Commissioners to rough grade Winona Street from Kansas Street approximately 110 feet east to the State Highway right—of—way so as to obtain a uniform grade, subject to compliance with the following conditions: t 4 1. The permittee; shall file plans with the Commissioner of Public Works, which plans shall be satisfactory to the said Commissioner of Public Works. i 2. The permittee , shall rough grade said Winona Street under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the � Commissioner of Public Works. . , � � . _ � � F'OR APPROV • _ t.. Corpor�i n un I � NOV 31967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9._ Yeas Nays Carlson • �QV J �.��� Dalglish � pproved 19.._ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith + Peterson Mayor Tedesco �`�ga'�t PUBLISHED ���I �.0 i96� Mr. President, Byrne � 1 �22 � � � � ' ��5��� DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j COMMISSIONER DATE _ WHEREAS, It is neoessary for the Board of j�ater Commissioners to oonstruQt a water main on Winona Street from Ka.nsas Street to Z�Taterloo Street, and the construc- tion of said water main will neoes$i.tate the partial grading o� S�Tinona Street from Kansas Street approximately 110 �eet east to the State High�,ray right-o�-way to obtain a uni�orm grade; no��r, there�ore, be it ' 1��SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub13c Works ia hereby authorized to grant permission to thQ Board of Water Commissioners to rough grade Winona Street from IZansas Street approgimately 110 feet east to the State Highway ri�;ht-of--way ao as to obtain a uniform grade, sub�eQt to complianee with the following Qonditionss 1. The permittee shaZl. file plans with the Commissioner o� PubliQ j�Torks, which pla.ns sh�ll be satis�aotory to the said • Commissioner o� Public Works. 2. The permittee shall rough grade said Winona Street under the supervision and to the satisfaction o� the Commissioner of Public Works. �0'� 319�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���/ 3 j��� Dalglish Approved 19� Holland � rn Favor Meredith Peterson /� Mayor Tedesco v ASainst Mr. President, Byrne ' ��