235631 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ; �t � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N� < < �c�_ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .�OUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF • WFi�REAS� The City of St. Pa.ul is the owner of the following described lands: That portion of Lot 32, F. Steele's Subdivision of Lst 2, Section 21, Township 28, Range 23 West, beginning at a point on the south line of Mississippi Avenue at an intersection with a southerl,y prolongation of the west line of Lot 20 i.n said Subdivision; thence in a souther�y direction al�ng said west line of Lat 20, �+10 feet more or less to the left bank of the Mississippi River�; thence in an easter]�y disection along said left bank of the Nli ssissippi River 260 feet more or less to a point i.ntersected by the southerly prolongation of the east line of Lot 23 in said Subdivisi�n; thence in a northerly direction along the souther�y prolonga.tion of the east line of Lot 23, 280 feet more or less to an intersection with the south line of Mississippi Avenue; thence in a westerly disection 200 feet more or less to point o�' begin- � ning, cantai.ning 1.6 acres more or less, a portion of which is being requested for use by the Minneapolis-St. Faul - Sanitary District for temporary installation of a water monitoring station; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary — Distxict be granted the use of so much of the above described land as neces- N sary for housing of a water monitoring station, under sponsorship of the I � Federal Government, including the right to install necessary utility poles � to serve the trailer, for a period of two years. � w c > o O � ' � ['►_ a � � o ' Q U ' . c P C � � ` � ' O u. COUNCILMEN . ��� Z lg�� Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays � Carlson - Dalglish _ Approved�� � ,��� 19_ Holland � Meredith Tn Favor " Peterson U / Mayor .�. Tedesco A gainst � - Mr. President, Byrne � 1���' ' Pt}Bl���l�� I1�4� �22