235614 ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL ` COUNCIL ������ . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` COMMISSIONE DATE t_�r RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Industrial Commission, dated October 18 , 1967, Robert Jents be paid the sum of $3 ,219.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the Water�Tlepartment Fund for compensation at the weekly rate of $45.00 for 22 3/5 weeks of_ temporary total disability and compensation at the weekly rate of $28.00 for 22 2/5 weeks of temporary partial disability and for 35 weeks for a 10 percent permanent partial. disability to his back; and further, payment of $31.50 to the Workmen's Compensation Commission for the benefit of the Special Compensation Fund and payment of the following me dical bills : $573.60 to the Minnesota Hospital Service Association � as reimbursement for money paid b.y them to Miller Hospital; $85.00 - to Dr. Meyer Z. Goldner; $49.00 to Dr. Bowe ; $287.05 to Robert Jents as reimbursement for money paid on medical bills and to Brown and � Day;,� FURTHER RESOLVED, that 25$ .of the amount herein awarded. shall be deducted and gaid to Arnold M. Bellis , employee's attorney, as and for attorney's fees herewith. � ' ' • - M APP V st. Co oration Counsel ' r _ � y _ J.: 4 , �ov � i��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson �OV � 19�� Dalglish Approved 19.._ Holland � � - Tn Favor Meredith - � Peterson , Mayor ,� .•_ J , � Tedesco . ASa�t . • • Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISNED �0� � 1��� � �22 � (((���j'`�(� iDUPLICATE TO rRINTHR �_{�6��/� j CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ���� � `.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Industrial Commission, dated October 18 , 1967, Robert Jents be paid the sum of $3 ,219.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the Water Department Fund for compensation at the weekly rate of $45.00 for 22 3/5 weeks of temporary total disability and compensation at the weekly rate of $28.00 for 22 2/5 weeks of temporary partial disability and for 35 weeks for a 10 percent permanent partial disability to his back; and further, payment of $31.50 to the Workmen's Compensation Commission for the benefit of the Special Compensation Fund and payment of the following medical bills : $573.60 to the Minnesota Hospital Service Association as reimbursement for money paid by them to Miller Hospital; $85.00 to Dr. Meyer Z. Goldner; $49.00 to Dr. Bowe ; $287.05 to Robert Jents as reimbursement for money paid on medical bills and to Brown and Day, FURTHER RESOLVED, that 25$ of the amount herein awarded shall be deducted and paid to Arnold M. Bellis , employee's attorney, as and for attorney's fees herewith. ��� � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ~ ��� � 191�� Dalglish Approved 19.� Holland � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson U Mayor Tedesco A ga�t Mr. President, Byrne �22