235611 i ,, ' OfiQIn�l to Clty Clerk � - 1 � • , � ORDINANCE � 2�5��.'�. � OUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ` ; RDINANCE NO An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordi.nan 1e relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approvuig and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " � .approved August 20, 1914, as amended. � ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S,A.INT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, under the headi_n.g "Manu.al and Maintenance Group", all of the titles in Grades 51 through 66; and,� by inserti.ng in lieu thereof the �, • , . followi.ng: � � ; , �.. . .\ ..1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Holland Meredith . Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Appr Attest: i City Clerk Mayor • �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel B . ' • i ,, '' Orl¢ina!to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE � ���5��.� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �l ��° �" ; Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ' � and after December 30, 1967. Approved: : � i '1 Service ommissio er -3- � NOV 161967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the uncii Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor /� Holland " ` \ Meredith b n Against Peterson ! Tedesco F NOV 1 � 19��� Mr. President (B rn � . . Approve A est: � " . . � Ci erk Mayor �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � pUBLISHED NOV 18 �7 2 • � � , � I7upllcate to Printer � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ������•/� PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO I��'+�� A�e ordinance amending Ordin�.nce No. 3250, entit�.ed: �'An adm�n3.�tr�.tive drdinance rel.�t�ng to tY�e C3.vi1 Sexvice i�u,rea.0 of th� City of Saint Paul, approving and adaptin.g rule� and xegulations the�efo�, �' ap�rQved A.ugtt�t 20, 1914, as am�nded. � TH� COUN�I� CyF THE ��TY Q� SAINZ' PAUL DQES 4RDAIt�: 5ectfan 1. That Ordin�nC� No. 3250, approved Augu�t 20, 1g14, as amended, be and the aame ie her�by furthe� amended by striking out � of Section 6, unde� the heading "Manu,�►1 and M,a�ntenance Group�',. all of th� �itl.es in Grad�s 51 through 6b; and, by iu�erting in ],�.eu thereof the followiag: � ' ��_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: I � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By DhDu�+�to Printer � � ORDINANCE . COUNCIL FILE NO- - ���� � PRESENTED BY • ORDINANCE NO � " � Section 2. Thi� o�dinan�e �hall talc'e eff�ct and 'be 3n fo�ce from and aft�r Decembe� 30, 1967. • , , Approv�edt � ivil �r ce o saaioner � � , . � � _3, (VOV �. 61961 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Holland • Meredith _� Against Peterson Tedesco NOV i b 19�8� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By , � . � � GRADE 5 i . � Sani.tatioz� Forexnan 2,�;5���, Supervisor of Refuse Disposal • G£��iDE 52 Filter Plant Operator III GRADE 54 � � � � . • Cllief Ivieter Repairman ' �District I'oreman � . Grecns':�eeper � Parlc Forexnan �Public Works I�oreman I � � Supervisin� Gardener • � bYater Service Foremarz Water-Shed Foreman I , � 7,QO Foreman � � ' r ' � GRADE 55 ' Sewer Fareman ' , , � ' GRADE `56 � " Asst. Maini:enance Foieman �Filter Plant) Asst, Supervisor of Street Main�enance , �ridge Foreman � ' Forexnan�-aWater Department r • . Public vVorlcs Foreman II � ' S�:hool Ground Mainten�nce Foreman Superviso� of Garbage Collec�ian Watez aShed Foreman II GRADE 5? Y Supervisoi of Flariculture GRADE 58 Building Superintendent �Auditorium� Maintenance Foremaii tFilter Plani;� ' Paving PZant Foreman , GRADE 60 Supervisax of Sewer I�fiai�ltenance Supervisor of ,S�reet Cleaning Sizpervisor of Street Maintenance GRADE 62 ` Supervisor of Building Maint-enance and Repair�� Parlcs and Recreation GRADE 66 Supervisor of Ground Maintenance-�Parks and Recreation GRADE b7 , Supervisor of Znspectors -2- . ' ' �� - ' GRADE' �1 � � � _ ,l` *`"� Sanitation Foreman .g � Supervisor of Refu�e Disposal ��,5� 1��� GRADE 52 � Fili:er Pla�zt Opera�or III � GRADE 54 � � Chief I�Zeter Repairman �Disi:ric2 F.oreman ' Gree�s'�eeper � � ' P�rk Foreman 'Public Works �oreman I Supervi.sin� Gardener . . ti�atcr Service Forerraaxi tiVater-Shed Foreman I . ' 7,0o Foreman � ' GRA.DE 55 - ` Sewer Foreman GRADE 56 ' .l�sst, iVIa�intenance Foxeman �:E�ili:er Plant} Ass`. Supervisor o£ Street Maintenance Brid�;e Foreman Fo.reman-��diTater Department Public �V'orlcs Foreman lI " S�:hool Ground Maintenance Foreman � � Supervisor of Garbage Collection Water�Shed Forema�z II ' GRADE 57 Supervisor of Fl.or iculture � ,� GRADE 58 Building Supe�intendent 4Auditorium� Maizltenance Foreman �Fil�er Plant� ' Paving Plaizf Foreman GRILDE 60 Supervisor of Setv�r IV7.aintenaizce Supervisor of Street Cleaning Siipervisor of Street Main�exz�nce GRADE 62 Supervisor of I3uilding N,.aini:enance and Repair�� Parks and Recrea�ion GPADE 66 Supervisor of Ground Maintenance-�Parks and Recreation � GRADE 67 � Supervisor of Inspectors i -2' . �' � /I _ �. �, Ist / 2nd �� � F Laid over to 3rd and app � �—Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays •--Ca�lson---� Carlson '�—� Dalglish \ Holland ^`'����� Holland � Meredith Meredi+h � —Pef'ersvt►— J Peterson y \ Tedesco Tedesco ;;;�v�,�1�„P„r,.esident.oByrne:�������� Mr. President Byrne Mr.Y�ce Presidea�t. (�et�r�n 0 .