235610 ' I OriYlnal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE rA : 2����� � COUNCIL FILE NO , � �� PRESENTED BY � i ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of ' positions i.n the Classified Service of the City, " , approved February 13, T935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Si NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No.! 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the minimum qualifications for the title "Project Nurse", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: . "Three years'g� experience as a Public Health Nurse I in the Bureau of Public Health,or equiva.lent experience. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty • days after i.ts passage, approva.l, and publication. ' � , � � � .. `.. _ _ . - - - " � - — ' tVOV 161967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish , Tn Favor Holland Meredith � � Against Peterson Tedesco ` NQ�' 1 6 1967 Mr. President (Byrne) . _ Appr A est: - C' Clerk Mayo � �� ` , _ Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ' � PUBLISHED NOV 1 $ 1yb� ��: Dapllcate to PrInter ,.. , �, ORDINANCE . �� � , COUNCIL FILE NO � ����"�� ' PRESENTED.BY ORDINANCE NO � �� `+" An or�.inance amending Ordfnance No. ?647, en�itled: "An ordinaace £i.�i.ng the du�ies and re�pon�ibilities and th� minimitm qualificatfom� for th� �raxioue classe� of po�it3on� 3n the�Cla.���.fied Servi,ce of the City, " . approved Febru�r�r 13, 1935, a�t am�nded. � TT� GO[�NC�L' OF THE CITY" O�' SAIN�'' PAi�L DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. That Ordfnance I�To. 7b07, approved February �3, � 193�a� ae amended, be and the same iet hereby fu"rther arnended by �triking out the minimum quali£ication: for the� title "ProjeCt Nur�e"� and by sub�tituti�g �n lie�. .t�e�eaf �he followii�g; • � � '!Three year�� exper�en�e a�-a Public Health Nur�e I ixi the Bureau o� Public Health,or equivalent �xperience. " - ' Section 2. Thi� ordinaa�ce �liall take effect a.nd be in force tYxirty d�,ys after �ite p�.s�age, approval, ancl publication. , . • , , , . . � ' , . _, , � . � • . , � � . .. - , . Yeas Councilmen � Nays Passed by the ounci�NOV 1619G7 Carlson I � �� . Dalglish � . Holland � � n Favor Meredith - i a Against Peterson Tedesco �OV 16196� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By 1 I st j r .� � � 2nd ���� i ` Laid over to I 3rd and app _Adopted . Yeas Nays Yeas I Nays �-6erlse� Carlson ' ` �� Dalglish Holland Holland �vleredith �``'����'�l Meredith �-Q:cFSnir�� Peterson ��� .y-' Tedesco Tedesco �, ��r:�?��s[°s��1��:rB�ri;,n�','e;;'sa,'�,r•',°r�,.��.��� Mr. President Byrne R .W Mr.�'�ce Presidemt (Pe�er�� E -