05-329Council File # �5' 3 2 -� Presented Referred To Comutittee Date VJI�REAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license applicarion (ID # 20030015513) for Liquor On Sale-Club and Liquor On Sale-Sunday by Scott Fisher, Board Member, doing business as St. Paul Curling Club, 470 Selby Avenue, be approved with the following condition: Per City of Saint Paul Legislative Code 409.02 and Minnesota Statutes Section 340A.404, Subd. 1(4) - Liquor sales will be only to members and bona fide guests; TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned condition. Yeas Nays Absent Benanau J Bosffom � Harris ,� Helgen � Lanhy J Montgomery � Thune .� � Adopted by Council: Date �ir�j a?p��ji,�`s Adoption By: Approved By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 3026076 �� Requested by Department oE � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Rv - _. � � , � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �, � _.. _ , ! IT.�„ .. . .. ... . .... � �^���Q � Deparhneirt/oiRce/councif: Date InAiated: V J J�+ � co ��ci 12APR-05 Gr een Sheet NO: 3026076 Co�Ct Person & Phone: ���eM Sem To Perso» Initial(Date Maraa Mcemrontl � 0 on ' Z �� - Assign I o ci De rhment Dir or Must Be on Council Agenda by (DaFe): Number 2 C1 k For Routing 3 prdgr 4 5 Tofal # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Action Requested: Approving license applicauon with condition, per the Legis]a6ve Hearing Officer, for Liquor On Sale-Club and Liquor On Sale-Sunday by Scott Fisher, Boazd Member, doing business as St Paul Curling Club, 470 Selby Avenue. " Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pe�sonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questio�u: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No , 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? , „ Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Advanppes If Approved: Disadvantapes If Approved: � Counci9 Research Cer��' . APR 1 � 2�D5 Disadvantages If Not Approved: , . 4 " .�...,u..�....+w.rs.:..tLw+�r... � �f -r...e.�. Total Amourk of CosURevenue Budgetec� � Transaction: Punding Source: Acfivity Number. Pinancial {nformation: , (EUPlain) . NIINUTES OF TT� LEGISLATIVE HEARING SAINT PAUL CURLING CLUB - 470 SELBY AVENLJE Wednesday, Apri18, 2005 Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer Room 330 City Hall, 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West The hearing was called to order at 14:09 am. ��� �� o� Z�� STAFF PRE5ENT: Jeff Hawkins License, Inspections, Environmentai Protection (LIEP); Kristine Schweinler, LIEP The foliowing appeared: Scott Fisher, Board Member and Applicant; Bob Nelson, President Ms. Moermond stated this is a license hearing. The neighbozhood was notified that the applicant has applied for a license and letters of concern were received about the issuance of those licenses. Ms. Moermond will make one of three recommendations: 1) grant the license without conditions, 2) grant the license with conditions that the applicant agrees to, 3) refer the matter to an Administrative Law Judge. The ALJ process can involve four to six months and attorney fees. To keep it out of that process is better for everyone. The license application goes on the Council agenda as a resolution. Kristine Schweinlex reported the Saint Paul Curling Ciub has applied for On Sale Liquor Club (C) and an On Sale Liquor Licenses. All requirements have been met. There is one condition that LIEP is recommending: "Per City of Saint Paul Legislative Code 409.02 and Minnesota Statute Section 340A.404, Subd. 1(4) - Liquor sales will be only to members and bona fide guests." That means that the guest has to be there in conjunction with a member. Normally, most of the on sale liquor club licenses have log books for the member and guest to sign. C means 501 to 1,000 members. The club members' license has a reduced fee according to the number of inembers they have. Ms. Moermond asked is there a change in flie parking requirements. Jeff Hawkins responded there is not. All private clubs are figured at the same rate as for Entertainment B. The parking is grandfathered in. There is 3.2 beer on site right now. Mz. Nelson stated one of the issues is the mess around the dumpster. They lease a dutnpster and a patio to La Grolla. They have asked the owner to clean it up and that has been done. The lot is new. The parking lot on the other side is about 20 years old now. They plan to redo the whole parking lot next smmner. As for the looks of the building, the Ramsey County Preservation Society will not let them change anything with the building. The building has been re-stuccoed. The inside is in good shape. The exterior is not the most attractive on the street. They are limited as to what they can do. They do not have gutters because the water went into the sewer system and they cannot run downspouts across the sidewalk. The p1an is to heat the sidewalk electricaliy. The City is going to redo the whole street and narrow it. The issue may be a little less of a problem at that point because the sidewalk will be further away. r _; � LEGISLAITVE HEARING MINI TTES FOR ST. PAUL Ci JRLING CLi3B Page 2 Robert Gausman, 451 Selby Avenue, appeazed and stated he has been here for 25 years. The Curling Club has been here a long time and has been a good neighbor. There was oniy one issue in the last 25 yeazs: there was loud music, Mr. Gausman called them, and they shut it down. Mr. Gausman does not object to basic liquor. There ue a lot of weeds in the azea. The Curling Club has been kind of insulaz there. Part of the year, the club is not there. He would like to see them better connected to the community. As for parking, the business has part of the Hill Plaza pazking lot. (Mr. Gausman went into detail about some of the issues on Selby Avenue.) Ms. Moermond asked what he is looking for. Mr. Gausman responded he has an investment. He does not want forces to come along and trash the neighborhood. He would like to see common sense and responsibility. He is a small properiy owner and he does not want to get dumped on by an organization. Mr. Nelson stated there aze 30 to 40 members in the neighborhood. The Curling Club is a huge volunteer organization. In the early 1970's, the building and neighbarhood were bad. One neighbor is supposed to take care of the weeds and other things. If this person is not doing that, then it can be taken care of. The parking lot will be aestherically better than it is now. Mr. Gausman asked if they had any effect with the decision to chop down the screening of the lot. Mr. Nelson responded no. Ms. Moermond asked if the screen is a part of the site plan approved by the City. Mr. Hawkins responded that the language is to install and maintain. Ms. Schweinler responded it may haue been a reaction to a study. The FORCE Unit (Police Depariment) says that visual screening can be dangerous because there are places to hide in the pazking lots. Ms. Moermond asked does the Curling Club belong to anything besides the Selby Area Business Association. Mr. Nelson responded it is a volunteer organization. He is the president for two yeazs and then someone else is president. They have not belonged to the business association for a long time. They have a good relationship with the businesses there, and the club is an asset because it brings people into the neighborhood. Ms. Moermond read the following conespondence into the record: Christine Butterfield, 452 Selby Avenue, wrote her concerns about the parking lot, which she says is an eyesore. It sounds like they have plans on the pazking lot, said Ms. Moermond. Mr. Nelson responded they plan to redo the parking lot to the west. They kind of shaze it with Chang O'Haras. It will be more pleasing to the eye when they are done with it. The old cooling tower will be removed tivs sutmner. They can do things different in the back and the sides, but the front has to stay the same. Mr. Gausman stated there is an old dispute. The City has pictures of what the Curling Club used to look like and the City said they should put it back that way; however, the Curling Club did not want to do it that way with all the windows. They may want to reconsider that. Mr. Nelson US- 3 Z.� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES FOR ST. PAIJL CITRLING CLUB Page 3 responded he does not do the building; it is another person. There were store fronts along the building, but that area is now a locker room. Ms. Moermond asked about the date for the pazking lot. Mr. Nelson responded the summer of 2006. The power lines above will then go underneath the parking lot. Ms. Moermond recommends that this license appiication is granted with the condirions recommended by staff. She is having a hard time connecting the neighborhood problems of liquor consumpfion and density with this particular license. The hearing was adjourned at 1030 a.m. rrn