235587 . i , OBIGINAL�O CITY CLERK �'1���' / _ 'f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ��y a - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NC L R S FJ �ON—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE DATE i � , k RESOLVED, By the Council !of the City of Saint Paul that pursuant to Section 127 E of the Charter of said City, the � Finance Department, after receipt of an Inter-departmental Requisition, is hereby authorized to, and may, from time to time, as the Finance Department deems necessary, submit Inter- � departmental Invoices to various City departmen.ts and bureaus � for which the Finance Department is performing work and , services arising out of Capital Improvement bond fund projects , projects financed from fun.ds received by the City as gifts, or projects financed from grants from Federal, State or other governinental entities or similar projects which are not �- ` financed as a part of the City' s Operating Budget. FO APPROVED / Asst. Corporation Cou sel �C�° 31196�' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' 19— Yeas Nays . ��T 3 1 19��' Carlson Dalgliah � Approved � 19— Holland � Tn Favor Meredith - � Peterson �7 Mayor Tedesco A Sa�t Mr. President, Byrne 4 ��� PUBLISHED �4� �22 � ��' ;r . � �3,5`��� -� ., � lTY f � Ana Cod�612 aa�� �''e� PAUL J. KELLY ' c�' 223-5121 � '� THOMAS J.STE/1RN5 � JON R. DUCK57AD ARTHUR M. NELSON ` _ �b `�� ""`""' ^c JEROME J. SEGAL THOMnS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL � JAMES W. KENNEY Hrst Assistent CITY O�' SAINT PA'CJ'L GERA DHH.SWA SONCK DANIEL A.KLAS GORDON C. MOOSBRUGGER Sp�cfel Asst�tanf LEGAL DEPARTMENT PAUL F.McCLOSKEY,dR. 316 Ctf�y Hall. St. Paal. Minnesota b5102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS , Corporetlon Couns�i , 1 h ' To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul , Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for a legal opinion of this office transmitted by the City Clerk in his letter of October 6, 1967, together with an attached letter of the same date to your honorable body over the signatures o� Commissioner James J. Dalglish, Commissioner of Finance, and J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer, which presents the question whether the Finance Department can be reimbursed out of Capital Improvement Bond Funds for work which the department per�orms for various City departments on projects to be financed in whole or in part �rom Capital Improvement Bond Funds. The Finance Department points out that these bond fund projects will require additional work and personnel by their department, whieh additional work is not covered or provided for in the City' s Operating Budget with the Council' s approval by resolution. The answer to the inquirp is in the affirmative. Section 12? E of the Charter provides: "E. Departments or bureaus to charge for services. -- The City Council shall have power by resolution to authorize a department or bureau to charge another City department, bureau, board, authority, etc. for serqEmehasis�sumelied said department or bureau. l P PP ) - Consequently, if the Council, by resolution, authorizes the Valuation Bureau to submit an interdepartmental bill to the City departments for which it is performing the additional �� ; + �. �� � ` y � y � s. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul -2- , services in connection with the bond fund projects, the Finance Department can be reimbursed for certain of the additional costs resulting from the Capital Improvement budget programs, out of bond or other available funds. , I have taken the liberty of preparing the enclosed resolution for consideration by your honorable body in connec- tion �vith the instant matter. In addition to providing reimbursement for projects involving bond funds, it would also cover other situations where the' City' s Operating Budget is not involved in the project, such as; projects funded by Federal grants or other gifts. i ? Yours very truly, . Jos ph P. ummers Corporation Coun.sel � � R ert E 'C nn G'�-��� o . 0 0 11 First Assistant � Corporation Counsel ftE0/mlp Enclosure _ ! � � 1 � � D�rLICATE TO rRINTER ,1'J��C��`j CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. r=�.� :; �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ RESOLVED, Hy the Counail of the City o� 5aint Paul that pursuant to Section 127 E o� the Charter of said City, the Finance Depaxtment, after receipt o� a.n Inter—departmental Requisition, is hereby authorized to, and may, from time to time, as the Fina.nae Department deems neoessary, submit Inter— departmental InvoiQes to various City departmente and bureaus for whiQh the Finance Department is per�orming work and servioes axising out of Capital Improvement bond fund pro�eata, pro�eota financsod from funds reoeived by the City as gifta, or pro�ects �ina.n.ced from grants from Federal, State or other governmental entitiea or similar pro�ects which are not finanoed as a part of the City' s Operating Budget. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�CT � � 19G�. 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �c�' � � lgs�' Dalglish Approved 19�. Holland n Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco �---ABainst Mr. President, Byrne � � ,., c ��