235585 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ^ ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL L TION=GF�IE L FORM - � � .. � PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson ^� V October 31 , 1967 COMMISSIONE � WHEREAS, The City of West St. Paul is permitted to connect their sewer system to that of the City of St. Paul , authorized under Ordinance No. 8829, approved October 23, 1946, and ` WHEREAS, Said ordinance has been amended by Ordinance 9509, approved May-31 , 1950, said amendment authorizes that property immediately abutting on Delaware Avenue on the�Village of Mendota Heights side thereof, between Annapolis Street a�id Moreland Avenue, 'may be granted permits to connect such property "to the. sewer of the �ity of West St. Paul , and � , , �at WHEREAS, The ownar of the property �1119 Deleware Avenue in the Village of M�ndota Heights desires to connect his property to that of the City of West St. Paul subject to all the provisions of the above mentioned ordinances; therefore be it� • � �� RESOLVED, That permisslon for a sewe�connection is hereby gran,ted � /y� for the above described property to connect to the West St. Paul sewer j�` in accordance with Ordinance No. 8829 approved October 23, 1946 and as amended. � .�- -� �DCT 3 � 196) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Carlson �C.�„ 3 $ 19�� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith n Favor , Peterson a , Mayor Tedesco " Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED N0�( 4196� �zz