235584? ���� I �� � ` ' Counoil File No............. ��� � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN'� + , � . and I � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. , , , Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublia�mprnvement by the Citq oi 8aint Psul�v�s.: � � I�roving LAFAYETTE ROAD from Grove Street to Arch-Penn. Hi�hwa,�r b�r widening, �ading, - ........... .................................i ......................... paving and curbing; by constructing street, �alley a.nd driveway returna; by constructing &S�.X'.�G43'}5:�.���r�l€�_�.�.S�.�i�a7.�.;...]J3T..�S2i��41�:��,Ag..S.#G2�JLt.�d��7C.5�.�:A���..���,�.�.��3.�Y..�Q14- structing sewer, water and gas service connections; by conatructing an ornamental l i h •;p8.-��s�e�o,:-.7�.-�QZ�at��3.ug..a..tx.a�f�..sax�r.�z]....a3rr�t�m;...a.n�...b�..ds�3,�..a�,.1...s��h�..�taxk which is necessaxy and incidental to coruplete sai.d improvement. ........................................................ ........�. ............ .............................�M........... Dstedthie........................day of.............................�........._.........�.�. .., lg ...... , ...................... ......._ ......�_ . .............. ' Counoilman. � PRELIMINARx ORDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement� vis.: Improving LAFAYETl� ROAD from Grove Street to Arch-Penn. Highwa�r b� widening� gradin� paving a.nd�curbing;���b���constructin��street, alley and�driveway re'turns;�by constructing and reconstructin�.si���fFa....�X.S��'�x?.1�:��1�..�:���lt.W�!��:..s�X:��,,t1�8�...����7.�:���k.x...�L�Aa- structing se�rer, water and g s service connections; by constructing an o�+�+A*^pntal li�htin� s�rs�temr b�r,construc�in��a traffic control system,�._.and bx.doin��all.other work • which�is necessary aiid��incidental to complete said�3.mprovement� � �...�.. ....�.. � having been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.................._........._...............%.................._............_.... therefore, be it � � R,FSOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated: 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for� or deairability of,,the malang of eaid improvement. 2. To fnvestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement� and the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. - • 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked gor on�he petition of theee�r mo�ownere. b. To report upon all of'the foregoing mattere to the f'�mmiesioner of Finanoe. � �-� � 119�7 Adoptedby the �ounaiL.......................».........�.....................................» Y�se � ' • Councilman .Carlson. OCT 3 1 1��7 Da1 g 1 is h �PPtoved................................................................. Holland ' Meredith • • • Peterson • Tedesco • -- � ° Mr. President. B.}t�rre . ' Mayor. �000 �.sa � � PUBLISHED NO� � �9� v � �