235555 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /����4w F�, � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �' �•'°-% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL R O UTION—GENERAL FORM. _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF . WHEREAS, Northern Malleable Iron Company has requested permission to construct an 8 foot high fence using 9 guage wire, 2" mesh with 3 strands of barb on top, on the south side, 3 feet north of the south right-of-way line o� Wells Street between Forest Street and Mendota Street; and • S�IEREAS, The construction of the said fence be�ore the winter season is a matter of egtreme urgency and necessity to said Northern rialleable Iron Company; and S�HEREAS, An ordinance, C. F. No.�t.��c1�Q 6��, granting permission to said Northern Malleable Iron Company to proceed with the construction of the said fence has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul on October 27, 1g67, and has been read before the said Council with eventual adoption set to occur on November 14th , 1967; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in view of the extreme urgency o� the request, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby suthorized and directed to issue a permit to Northern Malleable Iron Company �or the construction of the said fence using 9 'guage wire, 2" mesh with 3 strands of barb on top, on the south side, 3 feet north of the south right-of-teay line of Wells Street between Forest Street and Mendota Street, subject to the same cq�� y�,n.s and requirements as set out in ordinance, C. F. No. �-t, c�c.g��, pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and formal approval of said construction being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption of said ordinance. , FORM PROVED As orporatio nsel ' � ' - ��T 2 71g61 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �» ��T 2 7196� \Carlson -��lgli=—,_. � Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith • Peterson � � Mayor Tedesco A gainst PUBLISHED NQ}/ 4 ���� Mr. President, Byrne � �22