05-324Council File # �g• 3�•`� Green Sheet # 3026085 Presented �� Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 10 11 GRADE 002 (286B) C�ty Council Asistant - Hourly 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 14 FiTRTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force beginning the first 15 pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources B �-�. �.� _� � ���,��� ��� Adoption Certifiuj'by�(:ouncil Secretary •.. � - �� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for City Council Assistant - Hourly (286B) in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, that the compensation for the unclassified position tifled Ciry Council Assistant / Hourly shall be that as set forth in Grade 002, of the Employee Group 99, Special Bmployment, S alary Schedule, and be it RESOLVED, that the grade 002 be established in Bazgaining Unit 99, Special Employment Salary Schedule, and that grade 02H and steps there in be as follows: FormApproved � City By: r Approv � Mayor for By: G \SharoQlLlre.DCSien\Coasultam n CI899 WOi�:\Clt}' � Adopted by Council: Date /�� % o2lJ�T?Uo�- r,�.z�� �� ..- -' DEp`ux�'�'�ro�n'ICe�'�°vrr�°': pAx� mtrr�A�D GREEN 5HEET No.: 3026085 " � fii7N1AN RESOi3RCE5 ais-os , CONTACTPERSON&PHONE: PtITw/DATE NnFfai/DATE , LISA MCKEOWN 266-6479 � oernnn�rrr n�e < crrvcoueta� ' LEE TURCFIIN 266-6517 �� ��,, «,�,� NOMBHRFOR MIISI'BEONCOUtlGLAGPNDABY(DA]b] ROUiING FQiqryCW.y'4tVD�2 FWkNCIALSERV/ACCtG As soon as possible. o�� , (This is for the Apri120t Agenda.) 3�+Y��OftASSf.) avo.seancECOn+n+�orv >. 'IOTAL # OF SIGIVATURE PAGES_1 (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox xEQUESrEU: Attached is a resolution requesting approval of the establishment of the rate of pay for the temporary �� City Council Assistant - Howly at Grade 002; of the SpeeiatEmployinent Salary Schedule. � RECObQvfENDATIONS:App[ove(A)orRejeet�) PERSONALSERViCECONiRAC15MU5fMi5WERTHEFOLLOWIlVGQUESiTO1VS: . l. HasiSispnsodfamevawoxkal�mdvacoahxtfoctltisdepazhuent? PLANNMGCAMMISSION Yes No CIBCOMMTffEE 2. HasfL'apersodf¢meverbxnaciryemployee7 ` CNQ,SERV7CECOhAUSSION Yes No . ' 3. DoestLispecsvdfmnPossasaslalinotno�mallypossasedhYffiy��m[cityemployeel Yes No . 4. is this perwNfum a prgekd vmdoR Yas No - Eapmin all yes answers on aeparate shee[ and attach to green sheet . , INTTIAITNGPROBLEM,ISSiJE,OPPORTOHITY(Who,WhayWhen,Where,Why): ' The City Council has requested tUat the Office of Human Resources study their short-term staffing needs for project- based assignments at various levels of responsibility. City Council Assistant - Hourly has been created to meet this need. The Office of Human Resources evaluated the duries and responsibilities of the proposed position and recoimnends the establishment of an houriy rate of pay scale. "" � ADVANTAGESLFAPPROVED: ' ' Approval of this tesolution will establish equitaUle compensation for this new posifion and aid in the recruitment and retention of a successful candidate. ", DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , None. � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: , The City Council has used other titles such as the Parks and Recreation Worker title to meet their needs. By creating City Council Assistant - Hourly, hiring can occur in a title which is more appropriate. , TOTAL AMOUNI' OF TRANSAGTION: COST/ftEVENUE BUDGETED: yea FiJiYDWG SOUACE: ACTIVITY nUMBER: FINANCLAL INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIN) G:�Shared\Org.Desi�\Consuhant-MCKeownV.isa's Class Work\City CouncinCiry Council Chief Budget Analyst Pay Greensheet.wpd c�-3Za Title of Class: CITY COUNCIL ASSISTANT - HOURLY (ADVISORY SPEC ONL� Description of Work General Duties Code: 286B BU: 99 Effective Date: 4/13/05 Provides assistance to the City Council on short-term project work to include but not lunited to researching, coordinating, planning, analyzing, managing projects and performing duties as assigned. This is a temporary position. See Civil Service Rule 12 regarding details of temparary employment. The intent of this position is to meet the City CounciPs staffing needs far short-term project work at various skilllevels. Supervision Received Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor ar a higher-level City Council empioyee. Supervision Exercised None. Competencies • Demonstrates an ability to gain an understanding of the principles, terminology, and procedures associated with projects assigned by City Council Members and staff and apply that understanding in resolving problems associated with the work assigned. • Demonstrates an understanding of the software available in conducting assigned work to potentially include internet, database, spreadsheet, and ward processing softwaze. Demonstrates skill in operating a computer keyboazd, mouse, and peripheral devices such as scanners, copiers, and faY machines. • Demonstrates an ability to plan, prioritize, and manage and complete projects within negotiated deadlines. • Demonstrates an ability to effectively communicate, verbally and 'm writing, with diverse communities and individuals, community organizations, and the media. • Demonstrates the ability to create reports that are well organized and easily understood by the reader or audience; demonsh good interpersonal skills through attentive listening, showing patience and appropriate mannerisms. • Demonstrates an ability to provide quality customer service. Requirements None.