235542 ORIGIN�AL TO CITY CLERK � �r�5,���� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `y����� '� ,� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ ; COUNCIL LUTIO���`+�- L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE D T Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the construction of SCENIC OVERLOOK-OLD BRIDGE ABUTMENT - Seventh Street West, Com�troller's Contract L-6928, Bituminous Roadways, Inc. , Contractdr, have been pro- vided for in the Speci€ications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS � Due to substantial irregularities in the existing surface of the concrete abutment structure additional mortar filling was required in order to obtain an even surface in placing the stone veneer Mortar backfill 7.96 cu. yd. @ $100.00 per cu. yd. ,S 796.00 Extra work for providing anchorage for the steel angles supporting the stone veneer where the existing concrete had deteriorated, at the southeast corner lump sum 102.03 - - ^ Lugs welded to supporting angles to provide an anchor for the stone veneer 15.00 "._-�+-.+-v..+�w ` Furnish and placing dowels and anchors to tie coping stones to the wall 20Q.62 � and TOTAL ADDITIONS $11,�13.�65 Whereas, The total additio�. is $1113.65 and the Commissioner of Fublic Works has • agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $1113.65 is the correct sum to be added to said contract; therefore be it !d' Resolved, That the City of St. Faul throu h its Cit Council a i- g y pproves the fore- going additions made in accordance� with the Specifications in the sum of $1113.65, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-6928, and which amount is to be paid for from N'lunicipal + State Aid Suspense Fund. . QCT 2 6196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson , ��,g,i� OCT 2 61�6� pproved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson � � Mayor Tedesco � Against �961� Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED OCT 2 8 , �za w OUrLICT1T TO rRINTHR �l�• 9�L��� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��'�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ♦ *_ �,.te�O� DATF COMMISSIONE2 R,pb��_ _ iih�rsaa. �aaition4 �hicb �igbt•provs to b� nsc��aarp ia tb�t Lprov�wnt dec�ribad •a th� construction of SCEMIC OV�RLOOIC•OLA �AIDG� A�VP� �• S�vsnt6 �tr�st �is�t� Co�t�colle�r's Con�raeC 1.=692�, Bitwinous Ro�di►aqa, Inc., Contrsctor. hav� bten pro- vided for in the Sp�ciFications� and t+lh�rsas. �t hao baRn fouad aec�saary to �akm th� folloWing A�dditioa�: , , . � ' , ADDIT�OKS . Dut to sub�tanti�l irrsgul�ritie� ia tiw uci�tiag eurfaca og tht concr�t� atiuCten� stsvcture additional �iorCar �il],ing was a�quix�d 3n ord�r�to. ob.tain en • •v�n �urface in placing the �tono v�ns�r Idortar bukfill 7.96 cu. yd. i� �100.00 p�r cu. yd. $ 796.00 �actra �rork for providing �anctsarag� for ths ats�l angl�e supp�or�ting th� atons v�no�s Whmxe th� euYsting coACrote had d�teriorated, at th� 4outhsast corc�r luap sw 102.03 Lug� xelded to supportiug anglea to prnvidu � uschor for tls� stona v�n�ar 13.00 , � • Furnish and plaaing do�l� and ancbors to ti� coping atonss to th�' wall 2�00_62 TOTAI. 11DDITI011S $1113.6� and � � � . � �. Wh�r�as, The toLa� �ddition is $1113.65 and tht Coriaaion�r of Public Works has , aga��d with tbe Contractor that the aaount of $1113.65 i� th� cornct aua to be addad to a�id eoatract� thsr�fose bo it � • ' R�solvmd. That �h� City of St. Fsul through it� City Coancil appronea tha fqra•, � goiag additions �ade in accosdance with thm Spsci�ications in ths sw of $1113..65, sa`id a�ount to bs addad to tha luap aw considAr�tion naaed in tlu contract. known ae Co�ytrnller's Contract L-692�� snd �rhich a�ount is to bs paid for graa Municip�tl� • Stata Aid Suap�na• P'und. ,, COUNCILMEN �CT 2 6 196� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Q(�'T 2 6 19�� ���— � Approved 19— Holland . � , � . Meredith ' Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �22