235533 �L TO CITY CLERK �/ � � ] CII 1 OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO�����P�" � �CFNSE C�ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO CIL RESO UTI N—GENERAL FORM J %EMM SS�IONE ^ � October 26� 1967 DATE J / RES�VIDt That licenses for pexr�i.t to conduct Bingo �ames, applied for by the folJ.ow�ng t' organizations� at the addresses stated, for the days� d ates� and hours � 3.ndicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. � House �ommi.ttee� Charles Thompson Memorial Hall _ 1$2�. Marshall Ave• 3 Pa.s• App. �&1�21 New .- �._ .._ Chri.st �hi1.d services, Inc. �hr3.st Ch3.ld School for �cept3.onal �hildren _ . 2078 Summit Ave. 1 Pd. App. 18938 Rsne�aal Each application for series of games ` Informally approved. by Council as shorrm on appn. , � , ��T 2 61967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � �g6� Carlson ' ne.,-�=-�- � pproved 19� � . , Holland ` Tn Favor ' Meredith ' nl ' Peterson �/ Mayor Tedesco Ag��t i96� Mr. President, Byrne , pUBL1SNED �CT 2 8 �22 r