235530 * � � (� r'l x ^�ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �'l�r?I�Q l CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. �P �D'`�'' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N I DATF _ � R E S O L V E D T h a t t h e v a r i o u s a m o u n t . , s o f e g p e n d i t u r e s i n d o l l a r s that may� be made by the several departments , bureaus or activities of fthe City Government of the City of Saint Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1g68, shall be the sums set forth opposite ' • the various numbered funds as shown. upon the budget schedule hereto attached for all City expenditures ; and be it .� � , j FUR HER RESOLVED, That the estimated receipts and the financing schedulelattached to the ig6s budget, as submitted by the Comptrolle� and as amended by the Council, be and the same are hereby adopted, and the �.epartmental receipts shown. therein are hereby appropriated to� the v�rious funds as shown. in. said schedule of the Comptroller, as'; amend d; and be it � i FUR HER RESOLVED, That any revenues received by the City during 196� in xcess of financing schedules and in excess of currently anticipa�ed revenues as set forth in the Comptroller' s Budget Estimates for ig68� including new sources of revenues received during 1g68, �" are hereby appropriated to the Surplu� Account of the General Revenue Fund and to the extent the same are not required to fin.ance the '' . accounts set forth in the sg6$ budget, any such re�ren.nes�. �eceived ,� in' egcess of currently anticipated revenues as set forth in said �y�: - bu,dget are hereby appropriated to such purposes as the Council, by �:� resoluti � n, may direct. . � ��;"�,��i�'r„,:3• - _`^y:�,�':�='�"..� .x`o+ls`� ��x�� 4 c'�`'�� .�'��.. _��w,�;,.•,,�,, „ ,. . � -����;�; :����,�=�.r�,,, :�,:�.� . x f� ��� --r:- �� �;i-� `k:�t -�t,,•� r, �_• ..i 4. , �'�C�`;,�`Yf . ,�isl":S�t 4� . .,,;. ,_�,w���, . � r� � � "^Y'�'�r`i:k��' �, ''�*-+4l I � � ' I � F.ORM APPROVED � I a��u� ��T 2 51367 COUNCILMEN As , Corporation Co nsel Adopted by the Council 1 19— 'eas Nays � - Carlson ��"�� � ���7 1 Dalglish pproved 19— , �Nnl� Meredith � � fn Favor � � � ?eterson Mayor ;esco ASainst $ ���� nt, Byrne PUBLISNED �C� 2 �22 . � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL • COU +������� FILENCIL NO. �I OFFICE OF THE GTY CLERK - I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF I I I RE OLVED, That the various amounts of expenditures in dollars that ma be made by the eeveral departments� buresus or aotivities o the �ity Government of the City of 5aint Paul during the �iseal y�ar be inning January 1, 1g68, shall be the sums set forth oppoeite the var ous numbered fun.ds as shown upon th� budget sche�dule hereto a tache for all City egpendituree; and be it _ F THER RESOLVED, That the estimated reQeipta and the financing s hedul attached to the ig6s budget, as s�ubmitted by the Comptroller a d as a�nended by the Counoil, be and the same are hereby adopted, d the �departmental receipts shown therein are hereby appropriated t the v�a,rious �unda ae ahown in said schedule of the Comptroller, a amend�ed; and be it FIIR HER RESOLVED, That any revenues received by the City during 196 8 in gQess o� finanQing sohedules and in e$Qess of currently an�tioipa�ed revenues as set �orth in the Comptrollar' s Budget Estimates �ox ig6g� including new sourQea of revenuea received during 1g68, are hereby appropriated to the Surplus Aecount of the General Revenue Fund and to the egtent the same are not required to �inance the - accounts �et �orth in the 196$ budget, any auch �epe�aes�xeceived in' e$oes o� ourrently antiQ�.pated revenues as set �orth in said budget a e hereby appropriated to such purposes aa the Counail, by resoluti n, may direat. ���� � -._ � . ' ' I � I OCT 2 5 196� COUNCILMEN I Adopted by the Council 19_ 'eas I Nays Carlson �'� 2 � j��� ; Dalglish Approved 19_ i ��s'�'^.,� , Tn Favor � Me�edith � Peterson G Mayor � � A gainst . Tedesco i 'resident, Byrne .\ � '• �2z � , I � ,. . ��y � / . ;�' . ' ' , ' V. -�� � ,�;�-, � 3.� � �3 � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL t � , ... • , ' • . �:-. I—`, ',f, .''+'s��4;. ' , , � MI OTA � U l�G°�'!����°�o �e�/��"/d a1,�. � � e � 1��� ., , . . � .1 ,.:.� � , 1968 � �'r„�; _ • '�!��.�'�.. '���I V tia.�,7�� • ',. , . .a �r�'. " - , . . a , � • �''�:. � _ • ' �, . - ,�'�` � , � � 1•��^ ''' ' , .•k � � � • . �:' - C'orr� � o� Qa.Jec� on �:� ir- . - ' ti=-'' i ;�r�a����� - � ,- � {, ,. �. Proposed Appropriations ' Department Requests , !. „, � ' . ';F��';�'. � `!'`�� -` and and ����� Gr;; , ' . . - , , z ,, � F._ a � ' Propo ed Financing ' Revenue Sources Made Available . , , s, _� by the . q: � Mayor and City Council '`� _ . F, ' .. , . r1� � � , ��Yi�,'� � S, fll'i ,•�`'� . ,� ��. , �i� � 'l!iSi��1�. . ;', . . _ ` � '' i`��17 �� ' • '� r r • ;1 �i � CITY COMPTROLLER , ` .�.r;f'Joseph JH, Mitchell `' . ;J, �'.°3?�;`F.7�� ' . ; _ .'r•'',��r �+ } }. 1'F ' , I ' ;�" � .� L l . ., . .�SV,`jr , , _ t . ' , 1 I SIJNINIARY Charter , Code Charter Fund Amount 1.00 City Officers' Salaries 105,600.00 2.00 Mayor's Office Administration 5.5, /9�OD �^��-� � 2.01 City Planning �30,0/o,oo , . 2.02 Civil Defense 130,782.00 , 2.03 Civil and Human Rights 33,176.00 2.04 Publicity Bureau 14,600.00 f3°00 Corporation Counsel 402,976.00 4.00 City Clerk - Records 144,815.00 ' 4001 " " - Registration 39,267.00 , 5.00 Commissioner of Finazce ��G,/��o0 , . 6.00 Commissioner of Public Safety 188,325.00 -• 6.01 Police 4,630,824.00 , 6.02 Fire ���f�y . 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm �311,443.00 ' 6.04 Health 90 f oG3.00 �_,g� ' 7e00 Commissioner of Public Works 1,296,063.00 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 680,114.00 , 7.d2 Sewer Maintenance and Repair , 396,270.00 7.03 3treet and Sewer Cleaning 1,909,951.00 ' � ' 7.04 Bridge Building and Repai.r 128,599.00 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium , and Civic Buildings 39,157.00 , 9.01 Public Library /,a�`�,2�00 �z��E.� 9.02 Auditorium 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia 14,780.00 , 9.04 Civic Education Center x � � 218,�48.00 11.00 . T���, „_Commissioner, of__Pub.lic,_Ut-ilities ^ __�_� �__�_,� 215,895,00 11.01 ,;',- `-Public Lighting � . 732,157.00 12.00 Water Department ' 4,811,500.00 , 13.00 City Comptroller 170,253.00 13.01 Civil Service 170,871.00 14.00 Municipal Court ,37` 7a,�,op ".",'." ^^ 15.00 Purchasing Agent � 147,521.00 , 16.00� Council Investigation and Research Bureau None 18.00I Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and ' Public Buildings 82,232.00 18.01 Public Parks and Recreation 1,918,494.00 18.02� Public Buildings 7.Z��Sa�DD , 19.00 Elections 165,046000 ' 20.00 Board of Public Welfare 4,614,481.00 21.00 City Hall and Court House 286,208.00 22.00 Detention Authority -s 6.1, 3�0.00 �, �,^�' .^" 25.00 Employee Benefits 3,369,953.00 ' 26.00 Judgment and Compromise 9,853.00 27.00 Local Improvement Aid 900,000.00 28.00 Bond and Note Interest 1,938,818.00 ' 30.00 Bond and Note Redemptions 2,121,750.00 35.00 General Fund 'G�3/7� 00 TOTAL T�.�I.S��9�t D 0��;�� �.,�--�,�� 1 ' � ' � . r ' � ' " ± � ii . FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1968 ' � Amount Sub Totals Totals REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Appxopri�ated in 1968 Budget � With�in Charter Limitations 12,075,000.00 Outs`de Charter Limi'tation ���3��/�,��� Op �,"`', `O°.°°- ��!►�Real Est�ate and Personal Property Taxes � a����.5�,��Ob ' I . � /t � � I � 0 , � > > . � PENALTIES ON PROPERTY TAXES 35,OOOo00 I FORFEITED PROPERTY TAX SALES APPORTIONMENT r j y 25,000.00 1 I � � . � SPEC L TAXES - STATE COLLECTED . � ' Bank Exc�se 300,000.00 Oigarette and Liquor � 1,025,000.00 Sales and Use Tax (Additional Source,) ,• � 2,180,340.00 1 � ' S , I L � n �mva�mcl��\ } L�tl��j n�� .�,s'e,�,3�0.G D Total Specia l Taxes - State Collected . o, ��.�,��'•�o ' _ ..� • SPECIAL TAXES - COUNTY COLLECTED , ~~ Coal Dock Operator • �, . 200.00 Grain Tax ' 4,000.00 , Mortgage Registry Tax � 40,000.00 � Total Specia Taxes - County Collected _ - 44,200.00 , -.� r�- � SPECIAL TAXE - CITY COLLECTED � , '4 r Drug Store and Mortuary , , - �• � 4,750.00 Gross Earnings Tax ���,2(�s��Q d` , , . ' Electric a nergy Tax - - 12,500.00 - � a�3�.�� °� °� Total Special Taxes - City Collected " ' • ' °,'.",""`.°� 1 , ^ , . I , — - ao%Doo,oa PAYMEiTS IN L EU OF TAXES , • � LICENSES AND ERMITS � B siness Licenses 880,000.00 C�garettelLicenses ,. , , � � 20,000.00 � ' � Dog Licenses . • ' 7,000.00 Permits - Public Buildings ' 3��ooa,oa , . I " - Other � 80,000.00 ' Trade �and Occupational Licenses - City Clerk 20,000.00 I" " " "- Pub1iC Buildings �(/, OOQ�dD _ , ,/' ��. ��f,d���OQ ' TotallLicense and PeYm1tS • t�a���nnn.�� .,�.._ • t ' . �� , � 111 FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1968 , Amount Sub Totals Totals FEES, FINES AND BAIL FORFEITS � Fees - C�ty Clerk 12,000.00 " - Conciliation Court 5,000.00 " - Mu�nicipal Court 19,000.00 " - Health � 31,000.00 ' " - Public Buildings 7✓,ao��ld �98�`$A— " - Parking Meters •400,000.00 Fines an� Bail Forfeits � �O��ddd��� � DD � � � �,3�y,�4� TotaT Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits � � I I � RENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS Rents - �oard of Education (City's Share) 22,072.00 " - City and County ' Credit Union " " 1,462.00 � " - ater Department " " 9,750.00 33,284.00 � Interest - Bank Balances 90,000.00 ' Milk Ins ection 40,000.00 Miscella eous 20,000.00 Services - Board of Education 144,568.00 , I " - Water Department 31,000.00 , Total Rents and Miscellaneous 358,852.00 I �aa3 /7a,ae ' DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS - See Schedule � nn� � �� �� > >� i I . I SELF�SUSTAI�ING BUREAUS Auditorium 94,000.00 Water Dipartment 4,811,500.00 ' 4,905,500.00 Total Self-Sustaining Bureaus I G��@6- ' RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT OF DEBT OBLIGATIONS � I � �i.r�o a 0.06 , APPROPRIATED SURPLUS ( — ��fl ' TOTAL ESTI TED REVENUE (Gross Budget) • ' �% �.��sy��e � � � � ' iv SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS ' , 1968 ' Amount Sub Totals Totals , GENERA� GOVERNI�ENT OFFICES AND ACCOUNTS Civil Defense- - Operations 68,100.00 Corporation Counsel -- � Se�vice tolother gov't. . agencies 34,500v00 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 37,500.00 CitylClerk - Records Service to the public 1,500.00 ' CitylClerk - Official Publications Service to+ the public 1,000.00 Aid from P�.I.R, assessments 10,000.00 11,000.00 ' Department if Finance•-- Aid from P.I.R, assessments-Clerical 20,000.00 "� " " " -Postage -1,000,00 21�000.00 ' Comptroller -- Service to other city agencies 7,000.00 Civil Serviee- -- , Services to other city agencies 4,000.00 Purchasing� �- Sirvice to other gov't. agencies , 48,790.00 198,890.00 ' DEPARTNIENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Building Maintenance - Service to other city agencies 28,167.00 � Pol�.ce -� Aid and grants - Fed, thru Civil Defense 2,165000 Service to the public 11,850.00 Service t�o other city agencies 10,320.00 � Service t�o other gov't. agencies 10,165.00 Damage cl�aim recoveries 5,000.00 39,500.00 Fire - Damage claim recoveries 750,00 , Pol�ice and�F'ire Alarm -- Service• �o other city agencies 18,000.00 Service to other gov't. agencies 2,OOOo00 � Ai.d - State Highway Maintenance. 20,000.00 Damage c�.aim recoveries 13,000.00 53,000.00 Health - A�.ds and Grants - Federal 100,000.00 221,417000 DEP I2'MENT OI 'PUBLIC WORKS � Administra�ion _ 2,000.00 Engineers �-- � � Service �to other city agencies 450,000.00 Service o other gov't. agencies 95,000.00 Service to private parties S,OOOo00 550,000°00 � Traffic Co trol -- Aid - S ate Highway Maintenance 25,000.00 Damage � laim recoveries 2,OOOo00 27,000.00 Paved Str et Repairs -- � Aid - S afe Highway Maintenance 110,OOOo00 I " - M nicipal State Aid 165,OOOo00 Service to other city agencies 12,OOOe00 � iService to the public_ 10,000.00 297,000.00 ��aded Street Repairs - � Aid - M nicipal State Aid 50,000.00 , �Service to other city agencies 20,000.00 70,000.00 \ � F � I • V SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS (continued) ' , 1968 " � ' Amount Sub Totals Totals ' DEPARTMENT OF BLIC'WORKS (cont.) , Sewer and Tu nel Repair - • _ - Sewer main enance 30,000.00 � '� Miscellane�ous _ 10,Q00.00 �.;f ` 40,000.00 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance ;�;: Appropria�ion from Sewer Rental Fund 110,183.00 � Cleaning Pa �ed Streets -- Aid - �Iuni�cipal State Aid 77,000.00 Snow� Plowing -- . Aid - State��Highway Maintenance 54,000.00 � Snow� Removal -- Aid - Municipal State Aid 30,000.00 Icy Street Control -- ' Aid - Mun�cipal State Aid _ 30,000.00 Temp�orary W�nter Street Repair - Aid - Mun�icipal State Aid 15,000.00 � Bridge Main�enance- -- Service to other gov't. agencies 2,500.00 Damage claim recoveries 1,500.00 4,000.00 1,306,183.00 I f 1 DEPARZ'MENT OF� LIBRARIES,. AUDITORIUM � AND CIVIC BUILDINGS Public Libr�ary -- ' Service t�o the public 53,000.00 Miscellan�eous 2,000.00 55,000.00 � � ' DEPARTMENT 0� PUBLIC .UTILITIES AirqPollut�on - Federal Aid 40,100.00 Pub'lic Uti�ities -- Service to other city agencies 8,000.00 ..' Raentals I 11,580.00 19,580.00 Eublic Lighting D;amage claim recoveries ' 27,500.00 87,180.00 � DEPAR`TNIENT 'OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Pa�ks and Recreation -- � Eark Po13.ce fines 16,000.00 � Service to other city agencies 20,000.00 Miscel�la�� eous 40,000.00 76,000.00 ' Pu�ilic Bui�`ldings //,�,D40,da Neryice to other city agencies 25,000.00 -i-6�999-:99� ' DETENTION CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY � Appropriation from Authority's Receipt Fund �f�Q 04�3—,986-99 ��,✓ d�.d(� Nervice Ito other city agencies 7 ,500.00 ��i,�"—�-o� , TOTAL DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS '� ��' "" �� �,oa 3 i�D,ao � ' � V1 - , ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVY \ Collectible during 1968 � Estimated � � Budget Net Tax Appropriation Shrinkage Levy Charter Limi ation 12,075,000.00 120,750.00 12,195,750.00 ' Tax L�vy (In Lieu of Monies and Credits) 182,000.00 1,820.00 183,820.00 .3 �3z S G�'eQ Ps�j,�a o �.5��.3�d.ao Debt � Gener 1 City Purposes �-������ �,�� � 3��^f''^nn�nn .� N � � Police Relie � Association 481,312.00 4,813.00 486,125.00 � � �• 6 016.00 607 656.00 � Fire�en s Relief Association 601�640.00 , , Health Relief Association 24,066.00 241.00 24,307.00 ' Publ�c Employees Retirement Association 1,581,330.00 -- 1,581,330,00 Publ�c Welfale 4,614,481.00 46,145.00 4,660,626.00 ' Metr�politan Airports Commission -- -- -- Health and Welfare 394,232.00 3,942.00 398,174.00 1 � � M. Heal�h and W�lfare - C.H. and C.H. 5,850.00 59.00 5,909.00 tSevezance Pa 109,273.00 1,093.00 110,366.00 Unemployment Compensation 125,000.00 1,250.00 126,250v00 t � Civi� Defensi MSA 12.26, Subd. 2 62,682.00 627.00 63,309.00 I Detention Au�thority -- / �� e - � Operatior� and Mainteriance ��/, e,N:DO .__��1 ?,�����8-�-6@-if,1, dfo�fr��.o.-QV. N n, cnr nn Ono'1 c�fc ncL.• P�blic Employees Retirement Assn. ��,��Z.do __�r ' �,Z'f�. , � i o n�c nn_ .3.�0� `�8- ,j,���,Od.o ni,�—vr„rQ^� � Teachers .�etirement Funds �f,�oo �r•�- r , , Port AuthorLty - Operations ' 36,098.p0 361.00 36,459.00 Public Exam'Iner's Fee 25,000.00 250.00 25,250.00 1,_ .-.�. -r Tort Liability 125,000.00 1,250.00 126,250.00 ` Health and elfare - Retirees 53,100.00 531.00 53,631.00 � h'' Health and elfare - Retirees-C,H. & C.H. 1,500.00 15.00 1,515.00 , �� Publwicity B reau MSA 465'.55 14 600.00 146.00 14 746,00 ��.,� ,.���.oc a79.�69°Q � . 7 , ,DD (,'�ta�r ss.r�� 1 ! I > > • �$�$3'`�� , , • MSA �475.61-5% Debt Excess Levy -- �,T�i�eO'�� ���`�Q� � � � , , � � o '' - n, noz �no—nn ��� '� �_�� n �.� nn-�.•cia 2�--_++�--rrT� _c�c� `"�+� p �_ G '.� Y.o0 3G.�G� .OD .��• .�D-?✓ . 00 ' , * Additiona amount required to conform to MSA 475.�1 whic requires a evy or ebt o 5%� in exc�ss of requirements. - , � ' , . . � vii EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS I , .. R . Charter Section *201 ' Charter,r ; Code I 2.01 �City Planning Office Equipment 500.00 ' 3.00 CorpQration Counsel Office Equipment 500.00 5.00 Commissioner of Finance Office Equipment 1,000.00 5.00 � " " " Furniture 500.00 ' 6.00 Publ c Safety - Administration Office Equipment 500.00 6.01 Poli�e - Detective Division Office Equipment 2,500.00 6.01 " - Staff and Inspection Office Equipment 1,500.00 6.01 " - " " " Automotive Equipment 50,000.00 � 6.01 , " - " " " Radio Equipment 2,500.00 6.02 Fire - Fire Fighting Automotive Equipment 49,000.00 6.02 � " - " " New Hose 6,000.00 , 6.02 " - Radio Divisi,on Radio Equipment 3,900.00 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm Automotive Equipment 2�500.00 7.00 Public Works - Engineers Shop �Bquipment 1,800.00 7.00 " " - " Automotive Equipment 1,600.00 ' 7.00 � " " - " . Furniture � ' , 1,000.00 7.00 " " - Traffic Control Parking Meters 20,000.00 7.02 " " - Sewer Maint. & Repair Construction Equipinent 2,000.00 ' 7.02 " " - " " " " Automotive Equipment ' 1,000:00 , 7.03 " " - Street & Sewer Cleaning Construction Equipment 23,000.00 7.03 ,' " , " - Winter Street Maint. Automotive Equipment 50,000.00 ' 7.03 " " - Garbage Disposal Building�Improvement 2,500.00 7.04 " " - Bridge Maintenance Construction�Equipment 3,500.00 7.04 " " - " " Autom�'otive Equipment 3,000.00 9.01 Pub ic Library - Library Service Office Equipment � 1,200.00 , 9.O1 '�� ��_ - �� " . Furniture 8�800.00 11.01 Uti ities '. Air Pollution . Mechanical Equipment 1,500.00** 11.02 Pub�ic Lighting - Maintenance Shop Equipment 500.00 ' 11.02 " I " - " Automotive Equipment 5,000.00 15.00 Purchasing Agent Office Equipment 1,000.00 18.01 Parks and Recreation - Administration Office Equipment , 500.00 ' 18.01 " " " - Police & Watchman Automotive Equipment . 2,000.00 18.01 " " " - Conservatory Land - Improvements 1,000.00 18.01 " " " - Vehicle Maint. Automotive Equipment 7,800.00 18.01 '" " " - " " Mechanical Equipment 7,265.00 I . 266,865.00 1 * "Out of the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and departments other than schools, at least $250,000 shall be reserved each year and may be exp�nded for new, replacement or renewal of departmental equipment. Any papt ther�of not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such ' use in fut re years." � ** Ci�y's sha e only. � ' :� ' ' ' 1X ANALYSIS OF APPROPRIATION A�JUSTM�NT to � FINANCE 50 ADDITIONAL POLICE . Exempt Subject Appropriation ' f�om to Adjustment after Adjustment Adjustment (1.4660746%) Adjustment 105,600.00 -- -- 105,600.00 �- 61,456.00 901.00 60,555.00 � - 185,733.00 2,723.00 183,010.00 13d,782.00 -- -- 130,782.00 33,670.00 494.00 33,176.00 � 1�,600.00 -- -- 14,600.00 125,000.00 282,112.00 4,136.00 402,976.00 146,970.00 2,155.00 144,815.00 T- 39,851.00 584.00 39,267.00 ' �- 310,740.00 4,556.00 306,184.00 � - 191,127.00 , ' 2,802.00 188,325.00 4, 38� , 917.00 -- -- 4,630,824.00�� , 8�,306.00 4,084,018.00 59,875.00 4,112,449.00 � - 316,077.00 4,634.00 311,443.00 �- 898,232.00 13,169.00 885,063.00 � i= 1,315,347.00 19,284.00 1,296,063.00 i 690,233.00 10,119.00 680,114.00 110,183.00 290,344.00 4,257.00 396,270.00 780, 128.00 ' 1,146,633.00 16,810.00 1,909,951.00 ' - 130,512.00 1,913.00 128,599.00 !- 39,740.00 583.00 39,157.00 , �- 1,285,474.00 18,846.00 1,266,628.00 94,000.00 94,000.00 !-- 15,000.00 220.00 14,780.00 � �-- 221,800.00 3,252.00 218,548.00 �-- 219,107.00 3,212.00 215,895.00 !-- 743,051.00 10,894.00 732,157.00 � 4,8 1,500.00 -- -- 4,811,500.00 �-- 172,786.00 2,533.00 170,253.00 - �-- 173,413.00 2,542.00 170,871.00 103,000.00 250,120.00 3,667.00 349,453.00 ' ' _= 149,716.00 2,195.00 147,521.00 None None 83,455.00 1,223.00 82,232.00 ' 1 0,000.00 1,794,807.00 26,313.00 1,918,494.00 670,352000 9,828.00 660,524.00 , -- 167,502.00 2,456.00 165,046.00 4,614,481.00 4,614,481.00 -- 290,466.00 4,258.00 286,208.00 515,356.00 • -- -- 515,356.00 ' 3,369,953.00 -- -- 3,369,953.00 I-- 10,000.00 147.00 9,853.00 9 0,000.00 -- -- . 900,000.00 1,9�8,818.00 -- -- 1,938,818.00 � 2,121,750.00 -- -- 2,121,750.00 101,950.00 499,732.00 ' 7,326.00 594,356.00 • 24,.458,324.00 16,909,576.00 247,907.00 41,367,900.00 . ' ' * Inc� udes $247,907.00 Cos of 50 additional police officers. � 1 Code Appropriations Charter Clissification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 1 CITY OF ICERS' SALARIES . � � • 0010 �Charfer or Statutory Salaries 131 Salaries - Elected Officials-- Mayor 14,100.00 Comptroller 13,500000 � Councilmen (6) 78,000,00 105,600.00 ' � MAYOR'S OFFICE AD�lINISTRATION 2 0020 Administration - 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,626.00 � 136 " - Exempt 17,116.00 28,742.00 201 Automobile Allowance 900000 202 Telephone 1,600,00 � 203 Postage 500.00 223 Maint, & Repairs-Office Equipo 100,00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 600.00 275 Duplicating Service � 50.00 3,750.00 � 340 Office Supplies , 2,100.00 475 Contingent Account � 6,OOOo00 476 Council and Legis. Exp. 200e00 6,200.00 40, 792000 � • ' - , ' � . .,a,_ 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,106.00 . ' � ' " - Professional � 11,668v00 17 0 201 A obile Allowance 540000 202 Telepho 400. � 203 Postage .00 206 Printing and Bindi 300v00 223 Maintenance and Repairs Office Equipment �' 150000 � 251 Dues, Memberships & Subs p� 00.00 " 275 Duplicating Services 10 0 1,740000 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 ' . ' 349 Books and P ' dicals 150.00 1 .00 20,664e00 61,456.00 -,,.[N. .° 901,00 Z[�-�� �-�-�-� , �� '��� � � } /✓,'D00,00 x� � �t6�ldd���, 79�.aa �r�;�y � 2.0 0022 City Planning -� sp�G f r 112 Salaries - Clerical 18,225.00 G �;5;�y .00 • 116 " - Professional %/��•40-4�+;4-��-�— i3o ��o•�� � , 117 " - Subprofessional 21,007a00 �6�A� 201 Automobile Allowance 1,100a00 u 202 Telephone and Telegraph 1;500.00 203 Postage 200.00 ' ;' 204 Travel 900.00 �r• 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 � ,� � 223 Maint. and Repairs - ' Offi�ce Equipment 250.00 � 241 Rentals � Buildings & Office Space 15,000.00 ' 2 Code Appropriations Charter Clasiification • Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 2�50 Blueprinting 600.00 . 2�51 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 269 Misc, Contractual Services 10,000.00 30,350.00 � 3�40 Office Supplies � 700.00 342 Drafting Supplies 700000 1,400.00 461 City Contribution 52,992.00 a,s-�9o.oa ' i01 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 , . �0024 Capital Long Range Planning � �12 Salaries - Clerical 4,942.00 , � .�.16 " - Professional 11,501.00 16,443.00 203 Postage 100.00 206 Printing 50000 150.00 ' 340 Office Supplies , 250.00 16,843.00 �3��3�aBi-8�3-66— Less 1.466%� /�f 73-� � 2,723.00 � a3oo�o00,o, ,,,„ ,.,. , � 2.02 0025 Civil Defense �11 Salaries - Attendance and Inspectional 13,552000 �112 " - Clerical 26,221.00 . ' �116 " - Professional 52,793.00 !136 " - Exempt 15,414.00 �143 Fees - Educational 700.00 108,680.00 �201 Automobile Allowance 1,270.00 ' �202 Telephone .. �. . 4,870.00 _ • �203 Postage 1,220.00 +204 Travel 2,400.00 , 1206 Printing and Binding 800000 � r 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , , Of'fice Equipment , 250.00 ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 550.00 - � 226 Main.tenance and Repairs - _ " � Machinery and Equipment 400.00 � 227 Laundry 40.00 � 241 Rent - Bldg. & Office Space 6,000,00 247 Office Equipment Rental 100000 '' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 12,00 . 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 110.00 265 Authorized Meetings 50.00 , 269 Misc. Contractual Services 50000 18,122000 322 Motor Fuel 860000 340 Office Supplies 1,500000 ' 341 Clothing 1,200.00 348 Instruction Supplies 150.00 .. 369 Miscellaneous Materials 270000 3,980.00 130,782a00 � ' 2.03 0027 Civil and Human Ri.ghts Commission , 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,479.00 136 " - Exempt 23,251.00 29,730.00 1 \ � . 3 Code Appropriations Charter Classlification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 201 Automobile Allowance 700.00 202 Telephone , 470.00 203 Postage 80.00 204 Travel 550.00 206 Printing and Binding 560.00 ' 2l23 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 80000 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 2,540.00 , 340 Office Supplies 300.00 348 Instruction Supplies 900.00 1,200.00 805 Capit�l Outlay - Furniture and Appliances 200.00 33,670000 Less 1.466% 494.00 33,176,00 2.04 0029 Municipal Publicity Bureau �36 Salaries - Exempt _ 12,000.00 �201 Auto Allowance 900.00 ��202 Telephone . 200.00 1,100.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 14,600,00 SiTNIl�1AR - MAYOR'S OFFICE 2 Administration -�- s.�,/'�/�QO �6&�5�5-@6' 2.01 City Planning. ! . �„3 0, d/O,DD�@9 2.02 Civil Defense � - 130,782000 �• 2.03 ; Civil and Human Rights Comm. ' 33,176.00 � 2.04 Municipal Publicity Bureau _ 14,600000 ���s�/�`DO .i_nn � n� nn �6 .��j��. • �� M �:7:',N��� , 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 0030 Administration 112 Clerical 55,233.00 136 Exempt 199,179.00 • 141 Fees - Legal 4,000.00 258,412.00 201 Auto Allowance 900.00 202 Telephone � i 4,000.00 203 Postage , 600.00 204 Travel +, 1,000.00 ° ' ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - • Office Equipment 500.00 ' 247 Rentals - Office Equipment ; 4,700.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. ' . 800000 12,500.00 � 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00 349 Books and Periodicals - Law Library . 4,200.00 6,700.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipo " 500.00 278, 112,00 r' �- ' 4 Code Appropriations Charter � Class''fication Titles Amounts Sub'Totals Totals ' 0031 Co ification of Ordinances — 206 Printing and Binding 4,000.00 1 , 0035 To�t Liability - MSA 466 • 136 Salaries - Exempt 16,639.00 � 14� Fees - Legal 3,000.00 160 " - Medical 1,500.00 17� " - Investigation 16,000.00 37,139.00 ' 421 Judgments and Claims 87,861.00 125,000.00 407,112e00 Less 1.466% of $282,112.00 4,136.00 402,976.00 , ' 4 C�ITY CLE i ` � „ • ' ' 0040 Records 112 Salaries - Cleri,cal . 60,291.00 136 " - Exempt 12, 779.00 73,070.00 2Q-2 Telephone 650.00 ' 203 Postage 600.00 204 Travel 400.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Office Equip.-Maintenance 400.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 275 Duplicating Services 300.00 2,650.00 ,_ , 340 Office Supplies 1,050.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office . , 200.00 - 76,970,00 � 'k� ' 0041 O�fficial Publications • 208 Official Publications , ', 70,OOOo00 ' ' 146,970000 Less 1.466% 2,155.00 144,815.00 � � 4.01 0045 Registration � ' 1�12 Salaries - Clerical 36,951.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 202 Telephone 1,000.00 , 204 Travel 350.00 2,550.00 �40 Office Supplies 350.00 39,851.00 � Less 1.466% 584°00 ' 39,267.00 � SLTNIMARY - CITY CLERK 4 Records 144,815a00 ' 4.01 Registration 39,267e00 \ I 184,082,00 5 Code � Appropriations Chartei Claisification Titles Amounts Sub Totals • Totals i � 5 i EPARTN�NT OF FINANCE 0050 lommissioner of Finance ' 112 Salaries '' Clerical 183,395.00 � 116 " - Professional . 46,151.00 ` 117 " - Subprofessional 25,855,00 � 136 " - Exempt • 11,359.00 266,760.00 201 Automobile Allowance 4,300.00 202 Telephone' ,_ 2,900.00 203 Postage 4,500.00 ' 204 Travel 2,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 9 1,500.00 219 Misc. Communication & Transp. 360.00 . 223 Office Equipment Maint. 1,000.00 a' 245 Rental - Motor Vehicles 660.00 , 247 " - Office Equipment 450.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 400.00 , 260 Tabulating Services 75.00 261 Insurance-and Bonds 200.00 275 Duplicating Services 750.00 19,095.00 ' �340 Office Supplies . 3,800.00 � , �342 Drafting Supplies 200.00 4,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 . � � �805 Capital Outlay - Furniture 500.00 1,500.00 291,355.00 - 0051 Parking Meter Service � ' 111 Salaries - Attendance and ' ' ' Inspectional " ° r � i8;755�.00�`- �, " = 201 Automobile Allowance % 480.00 � 340 Office Supplies 25.00 , 341 Clothing (Uniforms) 125.00 150.00} 19, 85.00 , a � . -=__ , •:_�o, . 556. , 6 0 . , _ .� 1 , , 04 J � � �Ci� ��►��c�.G . ' ' �// � .� ��.f0,d6 , . 3�i - ' ( .) _ a,oa.do ��` a� ��.� �o.ad , �J00:�0 dDOd0.0l� ' � � 330, 7��� G .�-> >.���� � 3/D, ����,� d �.���,a D � +' ` - - � 3d� l�� d -;�, � o ' � , , . � . .. '. � � � ' , " ,� ' � ti 6 I ' Code Appropriations Charter Clas ification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals I • ' D+EPARTME T OF PUBLIC SAFETY I 6 iOMMISSI�NER OF PUBLIC SAFETY � 0100 dministration 12 Salaries - Clerical 25,508.00 ' 16 " - Professional 12,378.00 36 " - Exempt 11,359.00 49,245.00 �O1 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 � , 202 Telephone 1,700.00 �03 Postage 500.00 �04 Travel 250.00 � 206 Printin,g and Binding 250.00 ' � 223 Office Equipment Maint. 25.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 25.00 4,550.00 340 Office Supplies 125.00 � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 54,420s00 � - I ' 0101 Building Maintenance 101 Salaries - Ungraded 114,457.00 220 Gas and Electricity 14,500.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,350.00 • � 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 600.00 227 Laundry 1,600.00 232 Elevator Maintenance 150.00 � ' �239 Misc. Maintenance & Repa,ir 100.00 �272 Paving Plant Services 250.00 18,550.00 �301 Custodial Supplies 700.00 i302 Plumbing Supplies 100.00 , �303 Paint Supplies 350.00 , 304 Electrical Supplies 350.00 305 Heating Fuels 1,500.00 � 313 Carpentry Materials 200.00 • 319 Misc. Maintenance - Supplies 250.00 ' 324 Small Tools 100.00 3,550.00 � 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 150.00 136,'107.00 191,127.00 Less 1.466% 2,802,00 188.325.00 , ' � 6.01 POLICE � 0110 Administration 112 Salaries - Clerical 5,467.00 115 " - Police 83,314.00 ' 136 " - Exempt 17,638.00 106,419.00 202 Telephone 22,050.00 203 Postage 1,200.00 , � ' y 204 Travel . 425.00 '' " 207 Advertising 200.00 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 2,280.00 239 Misc. Maint. and Repairs 800.00 1 [ ! � ' Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 2L51 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 600.00 � 265 Authorized Meeting Expenses 250.00 2�73 Criminal Investigation 300.00 28,105.00 � 3i40 Office Supplies 100.00 343 Household Supplies 300.00 3�49 Books and Periodicals 300.00 700.00 � 8�05 Capital Outlay - Furniture & Appl. 100.00 135,324.00 t 0111 icense Division �12 Salaries - Clerical 7,087.00 �15 " Police 34,252.00 136 " - Exempt 12,379.00 53,718.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 4,200.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 450.00 58,368000 � 0112 niformed Division �12 Salaries - Clerical 10,637.00 115 " , Police 2,465,297.00 2,475,934.00 � 201 Au.tomobile Allowance `"'"'r 900.00 �40 Office Supplies 100.06 341 Clothing 42,480.:00 ` � " 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 800.00 ' ' t352 Law, Enforcement Supplies 6,000.00 49,380.00 2,526,214.00 � ..` - - • - � 0112 niformed Div. - 50 Additional Police � 115 Salaries - (July 1, 1968) 206,657.00 � �44 Fees - Psychiatrist 1,750.00 � 145 " - Personnel '� 1,500.00 209,907.00 � 225 Maintenance - Motor Vehicles 2,625.00 241 Building Rental - Training Classes 700.00 3,325.00 , 322 Motor Fuel 3,675.00 341 Clothing - Uniform Allowance � 1,750.00 348 Instruction Supplies 200.00 5,625.00 � 803 Capital Outlay - Auto.-Equip. Squads 20,000.00 Lights and Sirens - 2,500.00 Shot Guns - 550.00 23,050.00 � 807 Capital Outlay - Radio 6,000.00 29,050.00 247,907.00 � 0113 Detective Division 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,398.00 115 " - - Police 638,997.00 145 Fees - Personnel 900.00 651,295.00 � 273 Criminal Investigation 300.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 341 Clothing 9,800.00 10,000.00 � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 2,500.00 664,095.00 ' � 0114 Staff and Inspection ��� � 112 Salaries - Clerical 201,081.00 115 " - Police . 538',055.00 116 " - Professional ' 30,380.00 ' 144 Fees - Psychiatrist 1,000.00 770,516.00 $ I . ' Code Appropriations Charter Class ification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 206' Printing and Binding 600.00 220 Electricity 300.00 223 Maint. of Equip. - Off�ce 250.00 ' 225 " " " - Motor Vehic�e 60,000.00 22Z Laundry 300,00 24� Rental-Bldg. & Office Space 60.00 ' 242 " -Data Processing Equip. 6,480.00 245 " -Motor Vehicles 19,560.00 247� " -Office Equipment 3,500.00 264 Police Training Schools 4,100.00 95,150.00 ' 32� Motor Fuels 55,000.00 326 Radio Maint. and .Supplies 3,250.00 340 Office Supplies 12,000.00 ' 345 Chem. and Lab. Supplies 3,000.00 34i6 Food 2,500.00 34�8 Instruction Supplies 500,00 ' 370 Photo Supplies 3,000.00 79,250.00 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equipment 1,500.00 �µ 803 " " -Automotive Equip. 50,000.00 „�,, : � 807 " " -Radio 2,500.00 54,000.00 '� 998,916.00 ' � � . 4.630,824.00 t ! ' 6.02 iIRE � 0140 Admini.stration • 1�.2 Salaries - Clerical 6,287.00 ' 113 " - Fire 170,811.00 - • 136 ' " - Exempt 31,986.00 209,084.00 �� 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and .Binding 300.00 � 2�23 Oftice Equipment Maint. 50.00 2�39 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 25.00 875.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals 150.00 450.00 210,409.00 I ' ;0141 Fire Prevention 112 Salaries - Clerical 8,485.00 113 " - Fire 112,182.00 120,667.00 t 201 Automobile Allowance 9,800.00 204 Travel 400.00 206 Printing and Binding 150.00 10,350.00 340 Of�ice Supplies 200.00 131,217.00 � I 0142 Fire F�ghting 3��,%G.��D ' �13 Salaries - Fire '� "'" '`"."" 225 Equip. Maint. - Motor Vehicles � 52,000.00 j301 Janitor Supplies 350.00 ' �322 Motor Fuel 11,000.00 !324 Small Tools 50.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 341 Clothing 4,000.00 , 343 Household Sup,plies .� 3,000.00 356 Fire Figh.tirig Supplies 4,000.00 22,500.00 I , 9 ' Code Appropriations Charter Clas�ification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 8�03 Capital Outlay - Auto Equip. 49,000.00 � 7��0(3•00 8�21 " ' " - New Hose 6,000.00 55,000.00 � '"-" "'"-"� -� ---; ------ Note: Additional equipment may be ._ ' purchased from Special Fund 5140 - Fire Fighting E'quipment ' 0143 tation Maintenance ' �O1 Salaries - Ungraded 46,156.00 14 " - Manual & Maint. 7.,241.00 ' S3,397.00 , 2�02 Telephone 3,000.00 '` ?�20 Gas and Electricity 26,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental , 2,000.00 � ' �22 Sanitary Serv.ices 50.00 31,050.00 � 302 Plumbing Supp'lies 400.00 ` 303 Paint Supplies 600.00 , 304 Electrical Supplies .,� 750.00 �� 313 Carpentry Materials 500.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00 340 Office Supplies ' 100.00 2�,850.00 87,297.00 1 I y 0144 Radio Division , ' 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 5,000.00 807 Capital Outlay - Radio 3,900.00 8,900000 I ~ ' ' , 0145 Fire Hydrants � 244 Fire Hydrant Maintenance � 77,741.00 � �21 Fire Hydrant Inst�allations 10,565.00 88,306.00 1 . ' ,... 0146 � ire Plans and Training School �"`'• ' � 13 Salaries - Fire � ` 20,532.00 �144 Fees - Psychiatrist 250.00 20,782.00 i204 Travel 500.00 1 �206 Printing and Binding " 300.00 �239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair ' 200.00 �251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50,00 1,050.00 �340' Office Supplies 200.00 ' 348 Instruction Supplies 150.00 34�9 Books and Periodicals 200.00 370 ,.Photo Supplies , 500.00 1,050.00 � ' 801'Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 375.00 � 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. 200.00 806 " " - Instructional Equip. 675.00 ''•.� 1,250.00 24,132000 .� ��,�-3.t�oa�, ��� ��i, nn , Less 1.466% of $4,084,018.00 �� 59,875.00 ' , � ��/d��yQa �' 1 1 ' 10 I 1 Code Appropriations Charter I Classii�ication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 6,03 PiLICE AND FIRE ALARM 0170 Adlinistrati•,on and Operations ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded 22,340.00 112 " - Clerical 4,170.00 113 " - Fire • 91,122.00 117,632.00 202 Telephone , 10,500.00 , 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 � 2i3 Maintenance and .Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 ' 2i4 Maintenance and Repairs - :�� Buildings and Structur.es 100.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 _ , 2i9 Miscellaneous Rentals 50.00 14,350.00 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00 . 324 Small Tools 750.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 200.00 3�49 Books and Peri-0dicals 75.00 1,125.00 8:03 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 2,500.00 135,607.00 ' I 0171 Traffi.c Signal Maintemance , 101 Salaries - Ungraded 112,470.00 220 Electricity 40,000.00 i26 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and. Equipment 1,000.00 41,000.00 ' �04 Electrical Supplies 5,000.00 306 Traffic Si�gnal Parts 21,000.00 � 316 Fire Alarm Repair Materials 1,000.00 27,000.00 180,470.00 ' 316,077.00 Less 1.466% 4,634..00 311,443.00 , � , 6.04 HEALTH • , , 0180 Administration 112 Salaries - Clerical 38,528.00 116 " - Professi-onal 16,639.00 , 136 " - Exempt 23,031.00 78,198.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,100.00 203 Postage 3,200.00 204 Travel 500.00 ' 206 Printing and .Binding 500.00 223 Maintenan_ce and Repairs - Office Equip. and Furniture 300.00 � 226 Maintenance and Re'pai.rs - Machinery and Equ.ipmen.t 300.00 227 Laundry 200.00 . ' 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 125.00 7,225.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip.- Parts and Supplies 150.00 340 Office Supplies 3,500.00 , Jr - i - , Code Appropriations Charter Classification Ti�les Amounts Sub Totals Totals r349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 370 Photo Supplies 100.00 3,850.00 80i Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 300.00 • 89,573.00 , 0181 Vi al Statistics ' 112 Salaries - Clerical 51,468.00 22i Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 100.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 500.00 52,068.00 0182 Pr�omotion �of Health - Schools ' 1 2 Salaries - Clerical - Promotion � �� of Health 21,572.00 11�6 - Prof. - 156,644.00 , 1J�6 " - " - Dental Health 21,861.00 11�7 " - Subprofessional - I Promotion of Health 45,067.00 245,144.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 6,000.00 2a6 Printing and �inding 400.00 2i6 Maintenance and Repairs -- Machinery and Equipment 100.00 � 227 Laundry 1,600.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 50.00 8,150.00 3i9 Maint. and Operation of Mach. , and Equip.- Parts & Supplies 100.00 340 Office Supplies . 400.00 344 Medical & Den.tal Supplies 3,000.00 3/+8 Instruction Supplies 150.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 3,700.00 256,994.00 I ' 0183 Food Regulation L12 Salaries - Clerical 10,047.00 L16 " - Professional 72,842000 82,889000 201 Automobile Allowance 4,100.00 , 204 Travel 200.00 245 Rental - Motor Vehicles 1,900.00 251 Dues, Memberships, and Subscrip. 50.00 6,250.00 ' 322 Motor Fuel 1,800.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 2,100.00 91,239e00 I , , 0184 Medical and Inspectional 112 Salaries - Clerical 8,562.00 �16 " - Professional 73,383.00 81,945.00 � �O1 Auto Allowance 3,600.00 206 Printing and Binding 50,00 227 Laundry 100.00 ' �251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 50.00 3,800a00 304 Office Supplies 200.00 85,945000 ' 0185 Tuberculosis 112 Salaries - Clerical 15,615.00 � 116 " - Professional 86,629.00 ' 117 " - Subprofessional 6,301.00 108,545.00 12 I , Code Appropriations Charter Clasiification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 201 Auto Allowance 2,500.00 2b6 Printing and Binding 200.00 2i6 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 600.00 3,400.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 ' 3 4 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,600.00 1,700.00 113,645.00 0186 B ilding Maintenance ' � 2�02 Telephone 7,000.00 2�20 Gas and Electricity 7,000.00 2�21 Water and Sewer Rental 900.00 ' I26 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 200000 �27 Laundry " 250000 ' �29 Airconditioning Maintenance 100.00 ' 232 Elevator Maintenance 50.00 236 Custodial Services 28,167.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00 44, 167.00 ' 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 750.00 i02 Maint. and Operation of Bldg. and Imp. Plumbing 50.00 304 Maint. and Operation of Bldg. and Imp. Electrical 100.00 �05 Heating Fuels - Coal and Gas 800.00 �24 Small Tools 100.00 , 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies 100.00 1,900.00 46,067.00 ' 0187 �ealth Laboratory i112 Salaries - Clerical 5,421.00 j116 " - Professional 28,237.00 33,658.00 ' 1226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 650.00 t 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 25.00 775.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip.- Parts and Supplies 100.00 ' 345 Laboratory Supplies 1,400.00 1,500.00 35,933.00 � 0188 Dog License Enforcement � 111 Salaries - Attendance & Inspec. 21,650.00 202 Telephone 200,00 220 Gas and Electricity 500v00 ' 221 Water and Sewer Rental 50000 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicle 1,500.00 ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery & Equipment 400.00 227 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Laundry 50.00 2,700.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 100.00 340 Office Supplies 50.00 345 Chemical and Labo Supplies 200.00 ' 346 Food , 250.00 600.00 24,950.00 rCode Appropriations 13 Charter ilassifiCation Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ` 0189' Housing Insp'ection ' 112 Salaries - Clerical /�/��00 �p �a/�/�DD 116 I " - Professional /a 3�p,o����' '�"� � 201 Automobile Allowance 4,000,00 /�,/,�/�4� , 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 4,100.00 , 9.z�,�3��d � Less 1.466% 13,169.00 ' �p�p`�DD � SUMMARY - DEPARTNIENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 6 Commissioner of Public Safety .� — 188,325.00 ' 6.01 Pol�ice / 4,630,824:00 6.02 Fire �j�/(J� /T/��Q / '11��/./.n nn . 6.03 Pol�ice and Fire Alarm 311,443.00 6.04 He �1 th � 1�° 9 �L 3�°O "8�@f�3-66' , /��JO' �d�Od in i �o �ni. nn � ' _ � � � ,.,� . � � , , , ,�,�. , . ' � � � N . ' � ' 1 � . . , 14 I , C'ode Appropriations Charter' Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' IEPARTME OF PUBLIC WORKS I 7 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS , I 0200 Aldministration 1�12 Salaries - Cl�erical 41,718.00 1�16 " - Professional 22,944.00 ' 1�36 " - Exempt 11,359.00 76,021.00 ?�O1 Automobile Allowance 1,700.00 � 202 Telephone 7,800.00 203 Postage 1,000.00 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 150.00 ' i23 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 300.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 300.00 � 275 Duplicating Services 5,000.00 16,750.00 �40 Office Supplies 300,00 93,071.00 ' t 0201 Engineers 1I- 11 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 14,301.00 � � 112 " - Clerical 56,582.00 116 " - Professional 285,879.00 �117 " - Subprofessional 541,362.00 i136 " - Exempt ` � 23,37'9.00 921,503.00 , �201 Automobile Allowance 20,000.00 - �202 Telephone 800.00 �204 Travel , 1,500.00 • , 206 Printing and Binding 800.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 1•,000.00 ,' � ' 225 Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 1,500.00 � 250 Blueprinting 3,000.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 500.00 252 Testing Services . 600000 - � 255 Microfilming , 500.00 34,200.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 2,800.00 342 Drafting and Surveyin.g Supplies 3,000.00 360 Microfilming Supplies 250.00 6,050.00 � 801 Capital Outla.y , Office Equip. 350.00 802 " " - Shop Equipment 1,800.00 803 " • " - Auto Equipment 1,600.00 � ' 805 " " - Furniture and Appliances 1,000.00 4,750.00 966,503.00 ' 0203 Traffie Control and Parking Meter Service 101 Salaries - Ungraded 47,235.00 , 112 " - Clerical 13,288.00 114 " - Manual & Maint. 37,845.00 116 " - Professional 57,945.00 , 117 " - Subprofessional 21,96U.00 178,273.00 � - 15 Code Appropriations Charter Class�fication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 201 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 � 202 Telephone • 600.00 20� Travel 200.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 22Q Gas and Electricity 3,000.00 22� Water and Sewer Rental 150.00 1 22i Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 300.00 22i Maintenance and Repair - , Buildings and Structures 400.00 22�5 Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 3,800.00 2 6 Maintenance and Repair - ' Machinery and Equip. 800.00 2 �0 Blueprinting 500.00 12,850.00 303 Paint 20,000.00 ' 307 Traffic Signs and Parts 21,OOOo00 324 Small Tools 500.00 327 Traffic Meter Parts 500.00 . 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip,- � Parts and Supplies 2,000.00 3�0 Office Supplies 500.00 342 Drafting and Surveying Supplies 150.00 44,650.00 ' 811 Capital Outlay - Parking Meters 20,000.00 255,773.00 1,315,347.00 Less 1.466% 19,284.00 , 1,296,063.00 � 7.01 STREET MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR , I I 0210 Paved Street Repairs 112 Salaries - Clerical 18,937.00 �14 " - Manual and Maint. 3,464.00 � 116 " - Professional 12,831.00 117 " - Subprofessional 10,375.00 45,607.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 , � 204 Travel . , 300,00 i26 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 200.00 � 239 Misc. Maint. and Repair Service 1,500.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 . 272 Paving Plant Services 395,000.00 403,000.00 (308 Street Repair Materials 5,000.00 453,607.00 � 021�. Graded Street Repairs � 101 Salaries - Ungraded • 116,400.00 112 " - Clerical 2,311.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 19,615.00 138,326.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800000 202 Telephone 600.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - , Motor Vehicles 4,500.00 16 � , . ' Code Appropriations Charter Class '�fication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 22� Maintenance and Re airs - I P Machinery and Equipment 500.00 24 Rent - Motor Vehicles 2,600.00 � 26� Misc, Contractual Services 300.00 272 Paving Plant Services 47,000.00 57,300.00 30 Street Repair Materials 6,000.00 201,626.00 1 �� 0212 Si� ewalk Repairs 272 Paving Plant Services 35,000.00 ' � 690,233.00 Less 1.466% 10, 119.00 680,114.00 , ' 7.02 SEWER MA NTENANCE AND REPAIR � ' 0230 Sewers and Tunnel Repairs 101 Salaries - Ungraded 139,058.00 1�.2 " - Clerical 5,692.00 � 114 " - Manual and Maint. 18,940.00 116 " - Professional 3,590.00 167,280.00 _ 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone 900.00 ' 204 Travel 200.00 2i5 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicle 3,500.00 � 2(+5 Rental - Motor Vehicle 6,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 272 Paving Plant Services 16,000.00 28,700.00 ' 305 Heating Fuels 1,000.00 3;10 Maint. and Operation of Bldgs. and Improve.-Sewer Repair Material 18,000.00 ' 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 324 Small Tools 500.00 i29 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies � 300.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 300.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 300.00 20,600.00 804 Capital Outlay - Construc. Equip. 2,000.00 218,580.00 � 0231 nspection of House Drain Connection �17 Salaries - Subprofessional 14,564°00 , i25 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 1,200.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 1,000.00 16,764.00 ' 0232 ajor Sewer Repairs ' 272 Paving Plant Services 50,000.00 310 Sewer Repair Material 5,000.00 55,OOOo00 � � - i . � Gode . Appropriations Charte� Clasiification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 0236 I�nterceptor Sewer Maintenance 101 Salaries - Ungraded 74,089.00 1�12 " - Clerical 2,176v00 ' 1�14 " - Manual and Maint. 11,809.00 1�16 " - Professional 6,334.00 94,408.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 ' 202 Telephone 200.00 205 Shipping and Moving 25.00 �06 Printing and Binding 50.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,800.00 � i25 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 2,500e00 i26 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment 500.00 i37 Maintenance and Repairs - Tools 200.00 L 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 300.00 . �62 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 600.00 L69 Misc. Contractual Se rvices , 500.00 272 Paving P�.ant Services 800.00 8,475.00 � 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 200.00 303 Paint 100.00 �04 Electrical Materials 200.00 ' �i05 Heating Fuels 300.00 310 Sewer Repair Material 2,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00 �319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 ' i323 Oil and Lubricants 100.00 i324 Small Too1s 200.00 i329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts � and Supplies 1,500.00 340 Office Supplies 50,00 341 Clothing 200.00 � 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 50.00 357 Bottle Gas 100.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,500.00 7,300.00 110,183.00 � 400,527.00 � Less 1e466% of $290,344.00 4,257.00 396,270,00 i � 7.03 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING ' 0250 Administration � 112 Salaries - Clerical 17,548.00 116 " - Professional 20,187.00 37,735.00 201 Automobile Allowan.ce 1,000.00 � 202 Telephone 1,000.00 204 Travel 300.00 � "�' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , Office Equip. and Furniture 200.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip, 200.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 3,000.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 41,235:00 , '. , 18 Code Appro�nriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0251 Clean�ing Graded Streets ' � 101 Salaries - Ungraded 52,275.00 111 " - Attendance and � Inspectional 5,557.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 8,685.00 66,517.00 201 utomobile Allowance 3,000.00 � 225 iaintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 3,000.00 245 � ent - Motor Vehicles 2,500.00 8,500.00 75,017.00 � 0252 Cle ning Paved Streets � 101 Salaries - Ungraded 165,240.00 � ' 111 " - Atten�lance and . � , Inspectional 4,762.00 112 " - Clerical 21,294.00 • � 114 " , - Manual & Maint. 11,407.00 202,703.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,300.00 202 Telephone 1,500.00 220� Gas and Electricity , 2,000.00 � 221� Water and Sewer Rental 200.00 _ 225; Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 48,000.00 � 24 � Rent - Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 59,000.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 300.00 303 Paint 100.00 32�+ Small Tools � 200.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 200.00 375 Brooms and Broom Fibers 14,000.00 14,800.00 804 Capital Ou.tlay - Construc. Equip. 23,000.00 299,503.00 � 0253 Re�fuse Removal . � 101 Salaries - Ungraded 15,797.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 2,000.00 17,797.00 �' 0254 Snow Plowing 101 Salaries - Ungraded 64,512.00 � 112 " - Clerical 2,312.00 1�14 " - Manual and Maint. 12,839.00 79,663.00 201 Automobile Allowance 750.00 � I25 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 40,000.00 239 Misc. Mainten ance and Repairs 250.00 245 Rental - Motor Vehicles 54,000.00 95,000.00 , 324 Small Tools 100.00 174,763.00* � 0255 now Removal �O1 Salaries - Ungraded 158,466.00 14 " - Manual and Maint, 10,867.00 169,333.00 � �O1 Automobile Allowance '" 1,000.00 �221 Maintenance and Repairs - Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' • Motor Vehicles 8,365.00 * Wi�ter Street Maintenance � 19 Code Appropriations Charter' Clasiification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 2.45 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 80,000.00 90,365.00 3�05 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 400.00 3'24 Small Tools 200.00 � 600.00 260,298.00� , 0256 cy Street Control � 101 Salaries - Ungra�ed . 90,256.00 112 " - Clerical 7,793.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 15,545.00 113,594.00 �O1 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - I Motor Vehicles 12,000.00 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 � 269 Misc. Contractual Services 1,000.00 19,500.00 �72 Sand and Salt 95,000.00 228,094000� I , 0257 Emergency Temp. Street Repair �101 Salaries - Ungraded 31,485.00 . � �114 " - Manual and Maint. 3,988.00 35,473.00 � �225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 500.00 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 � 272 Paving Plant Services 30,000.00 31,500.00 66,973.00� ' 0258 Winter Street Maint. Equipment 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 50,000.00� rRecap. of Winter Street Maintenance* S' 0254 Snow Plowing 174,763.00 0255 Snow Removal 260,298.00 ' 0256 Icy Street Control 228,094.00 0257 Emergency Temporary Street Repair 66,973.00 0258 Winter Street Mtnce. Equipment 50,000,00 780,128.00* �, 0270 Weed Cutting � 101 Salaries - Ungraded 11,125.00 111 " - Attendance and Inspectional 5,558.00 16,683.00 I 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 2,500.00 345 Chemical & Lab. Supplies 500,00 347 Agricultural Suppl.-Weed Killer 1,600.00 2,100.00 21,283.00 ' 02 1 arba e is osal 7 G g D p 101 Salaries - Ungraded 418,639.00 � 112 " - Clerical 6,106.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 44,335.00 469,080.00 201 Automobile Allowance ' 4,000.00 - I 202 Telephone 1,000.00 220 Gas and Electricity 4,800.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 400.00 � , 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 38,000.00 1 20 , Code Appropriations Charter Clas�ification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � I45 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 20,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 68,700.00 � 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 350.00 324 Small Tools 1,OOOe00 340 OffiCe Supplies 300.00 369 Misc. Materials 500.00 2,150.00 , �09 Capital Outlay - Bldg. Improve. 2,500.00 542,430.00 I , �0280 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 101 Salaries - Ungraded 88,564000 112 " - Clerical 3,195.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 11,017.00 102,776.00 ' �O1 Automobile Allowance 300.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 i25 Maintenance and Repairs - 1 Motor Vehicle 4,600.00 2I26 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 300.00 � 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 300.00 2�45 Rental - Motor Vehicle 300.00 2�2 Paving Plant Services 5,000.00 11,800.00 3�15 Sewer Cleaning Chemicals 300.00 � 3�9 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00 3i9 Misc, Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies 1,500.00 1 369 Miscellaneous Materials 500.00 2,400000 116,976.00 � � 0281 Sewer Pumping Stations 101 Salaries - Ungraded 15,392.00 220 Electricity 14,000.00 29,392.00 I � 0282 Rodent Control 2i2 Sanitary Services 3,000.00 � 1,926,761000 Less 1.466% of $1,146,633.00 16,810.00 1,909,951.00 � � t7.04 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR , I I ' 0290 Administration 11�2 Salaries - Clerical 6,106.00 lli6 " - Professional 16,160.00 22,266.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 100.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 100.00 200.00 319 Miscellaneous Supplies 100.00 � 340 Office Supplies • 50.00 150.00 22,616,00 ' ' � 21 Code Appropriations Charter IClassification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 0291 Maintenance - Bridges 101� Salaries - Ungraded 60,312.00 � 114� " - Manual and Maint. 5,805.00 66,117.00 202 Telephone 200.00 22q Gas and Electricity 1,000.00 � 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 - 22 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 300.00 , 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 300.00 246 " - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 � 272 Paving Plant Services 3,500.00 9,400.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 200.00 • 303 Paint 100a00 3�1 Bridge Repair Materials 6,000.00 � 324 Small Tools 500.00 3�9 Miscellaneous Materials 100.00 6,900.00 6i6 Capital Outlay - Construction , Electrical 3,500.00 801 " " - Office Equipment 230.00 803 " " - Automotive Equip. 3,000.00 3,230.00 89,147.00 I � 0292 Maintenance - Fences and Stairways �'O1 Salaries - Ungraded 15,590.00 � ll14 " - Manual and Maint. 1,089.00 16,679.00 i24 Maintenance and Repairs - Buildings 70.00 ; 303 Paint 500.00 311 Bridge Repair Material 1,500.00 2,000.00 18,749.00 130,512.00 � Less 1.466% 1,913.00 128,599.00 � � SUI�IARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 Commissioner of Public Works 1,296,063.00 ' 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 680,114.00 ' 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair • 396,270.00 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,909,951.00 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 128,599.00 4,410,997a00 ' � ' , ' 22 Code Appropriations Charteir Claisification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 9 COMMISSIONER OF LIBRARIES, A�DITORIUM, IAND CIVIC BUILDINGS 0400 Administration � �12 Salaries - Clerical 13,698.00 ' �16 " - Professional 10,378.00 ' 136 " - Exempt 11,694.00 35,770.00 201. Automobile Allowance 1,620.00 202 Telephone 1,100.00 . 203 Postage 100.00 , 204 Travel 500.00 i23 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equip. & Furniture 200.00 ' 251 Dues, Membershi�s and Subscrip. 125.00 - 3,645.00 340 Office Supplies 325.00 _ -39,740.00 Less 1.466% 583.00 � �' 39,157.00 ,.�- , . 9.01 PUBLICILIBRARY ° � 0410 Library Service - 109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 89,076.00 � 112 " - Clerical 186,079.00 116 " - Professional 316,076.00 117 " - Subprofessional 239,852.00 � � 136 " - Exempt 20,466.00 851,549.00 203 Postage 5,500.00 204 Travel 700.00 • 206 Printing and Binding 6,000.00 � , •, ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � . ;t,f-'.��' _ Office Equip. and Furniture 2,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � Motor Vehicles 2,500.00 242 Rental - Data Processing Equip. 7,200.00 247 Rental - Office Equipment 2,800.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 150.00 26,850.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 500.00 349 Books /f oo0,00�49-;99�-9� fv,oc 258 Library Supplies 21,000.00 �1����^.�— , 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,200.00 /�pf,��J�Af1 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. 8,800.00 10,000.00 , , ' 0411 Building Maintenance 101 Salaries - Ungraded 147,452.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 10,773.00 158,225.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,300.00 202 Telephone 12,000.00 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 45,000.00 � 221 Water and Sewer Rental�` 2,000.00 222 Sanitary Services 250.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Building , 7,000.00 ' 23 Code Appropriations Charter Cl�ssi ication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - i Machinery and Equipment 800.00 � 232 Elevator Maintenance 600.00 239� Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 400.00 69,550.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 2,200.00 ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 400.00 30� Paint 300.00 30� Electric�l Materials 1,200.00 , 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 500.00 313 Carpentry M�terials 500.00 31� Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,800.00 324 Samll Tools 100.00 � 32i9 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - , Parts and Supplies 400.00 3�7 Agricul. and Hort. Supplie$ '400.00 7 800.00 235,575.00 � /..'i �f.��7; . �, .Zy.l��f7 .06 � 18,846.00 Less 1.466% � /,���, `��°° • 1 . , 9.02 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) 4 0440 Aiditorium Operations 94,000.00 � � � . � . � 9.03 �STADIA . _ _ 1 � I0450 S tadia ^ • . �+61 City Contribution • 15,000.00 � Less 1.466% '" 220.00 �'���'� 14,780,00 � , � , 9.04 CIVIC E;DUCATIONAL CENTER `�, I ; 0460 �Civic Educational Center �. 461 City Contribution 221,800.00 Less 1.466% ' - , 3,252.00 , � 218,548.00 ' SUMMAR - DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS 9 Administration G 39,157.00 ' 9.01 Public Library /,,27�,6�O.Oo��3.�� 9.02 Auditorium 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia 14,780.00 9.04� Civil Educational Center 218,548.00 �' .. � /,��3,/�3.oa �. ' 24 - Code Appropriations Charter Claissification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 11 COMMISS� ONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES � � 0500 Administration 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,287.00 116 " - Professional 10,378.00 136 " - Exempt 11,359.00 28,024.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 202 Telephone 375.00 203 Postage 200.00 � �204 Travel 250.00 i206 Printing and Binding 50.00 247 Rental - Office Equipment ` 300.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 ' 275 Duplicating Services 25.00 2,200.00 840 Office Supplies 435.00 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 485.00 30,709.00 1 I 1 , 0510 Testing Laboratories ' 116 Salaries - Professional 35,628.00 � 1�17 " - Subprofessional 22,349.00 57,977.00 - 202 Telephone 550.00 204 Travel 100.00 ' 222 ,Sanitary Services 100.00 2i3 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 � 2i5 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 100.00 2i6 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment 150.00 227 Laundry 35.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 100.00 2�1 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 1,435.00 , 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 150.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts 100.00 . 340 Office Supplies 100.00 34�5 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 600.00 , 34�9 Books and Periodicals 50.00 , 1,000.00 ` �� 805 Capital�"Outlay - Furniture & Appl. 200.00 60,612.00 1 � - ~ 0520 In estigations� , 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 12,115.00 � 11� " - Clerical 11,297.00 llfi " - Professional 8,992.00 32,4p4.00 203 Postage �'�^ 25.00 � ` 204� Travel 350.00 � 206i Printing and Binding 200.00 223'. Maintenance and Repairs - � � Office Equipment 100.00 3��: , 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 775.00 � 340 Office Supplies 150.00 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 200.00 33,379.00 ' yw , F' n r 25... Code Appropriations Charte'r Clas:sification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � I525 �ir Pollution Control 1�11 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 48,707.00 ' ]�12 " - Clerical 3,818.00 ]�59 Fees - Other 1,200.00 53,725.00 201 Automobile Allowance 4,700.00 2�02 Telephone 600.00 , ° 2�03 Postage 25.00 2�04 Travel 1,000.00 2�06 Printing and Binding 100.00 , ?�23 Office Equip. & Furniture Repair 100.00 �26 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 150.00 2�39 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 100.00 ' 241 Rental - Bldgs. & Office• Space 1,500.00 2�51 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 65.00 2�65 Authorized Meetings 175.00 1 2�71 Lecture & Workshops 300.00 2�75 Duplicating Services 50.00 8,865.00 3�01 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00 ' 3'19 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 329 Misc. Macttinery and Equip. Parts 750.00 3�40 Office Supplies 600.00 3'45 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 1,200.00 � 3�49 Books and Periodicals 50.00 3'.70 Photo Supplies 100.00 3,000.00 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 950.00 ' 435 Pension Contribution - PERA 4,965.00 5,915.00 8'08 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 3,000.00 74,505.00 ' 0530 U�tilities Building Maintenance 1,01 Salaries - Ungraded 6,802.00 2,02 Gas and Electricity 5,000.00 � 2,21 Water and Sewer Rental 350.00 222 Sanitary Supplies 50.00 2,24 Maintenance and Repairs - ' � Building 4,400.00 2�32 Maintenance and Repairs - Elevator 550.00 2�39 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 50.00 ' 2�61 Insurance and Bonds 600.00 �� 2�69 Misc. Contractual Services 50.00 11,050.00 3'.O1 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00 ' 3�04 Electrical Supplies 150.00 305 Heating Fuels - Oil 1,500.00 3'19 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 2,050.00 19,902.00 ' 219,107a00 Less 1.466% 3,212.00 215,895.00 ' . ' 11.01 PUBLIC LIGHTING I540 �dministration '' , 1�12 Salaries - Clerical 14,384.00 1�16 " - Professional � 11,281.00 25,665.00 � 26 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals r201 .Automobile Allowance 1,700,00 202 Telephone 600.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00 2,550.�00 34d Office Supplies 100.00 28;315.00 , ' 0550 Maintenance • 101 Salaries - Ungraded 250,391.00 109 " - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 8,240.00 • � 112 " - Clerical 8,005.00 266,636.00 202 Telephone 600.00 220 Electricity 343,800.00 220 Christmas Lighting 1,200.00 ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 12,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - , Machinery and Equip. 5,000.00 362,600.00 312 Materials - Street Lighting 78,000.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,500.00 � 324 Small Tools 500.00 80,000.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 500.00 803 " " - Automotive Equip. 5,000.00 5,500.00 '714,736.00 ' 743,051.00 ' Less 1.466% O 10,894.00 732,157.00 � - � SUMMAR - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 11 Commissioner of Public Utilities 215,895.00 � 11.01 Public Lighting 732,157.00 948,052.00 ' ' 12 WATER llEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) , OS80 Water Department Operations 4,811,500.00 ' �M'• ' ! ')l. � Y � � z� Code Appropriations Charter C�assification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE ' 13 0600 Comptroller 112 Salaries - Clerical 54,224.00 116 " - Professional 76,983.00 136 " - Exempt 11,359.00 142,566.00 , 201 Automobile Allowance 1,700.00 202 Telephone 1,900.00 203 Postage 300.00 ' 204 Travel 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Office Equipment 1,100.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. ' 220.00 260 Tabulating Services 22,000.00 271 Lecture and Workshop 100.00 � 275 Duplicating Services 300.00 28,820.00 340 Office Supplies 1,100.00 349 Books and Periodicals 300.00 1,400.00 172,786.00 � Less 1.466% 2,533.00 170,253.00 ' • 13.01 0610 Civil Service � 112 Salaries - Clerical 67,350.00 116 " - Professional 90,863.00 �.45 Consultant Fees - Personnel 1,000.00 159,213.00 ' 202 Telephone 1,750.00 . � 203 Postage 1,500.00 204 Travel 600.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,300.00 � 207 Advertising 2,500.00 i23 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 150.00 ' 241 Rental - Bldg. and Office Space 1,000.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 400.00 260 Tabulating Services 500.00 275 Duplicating Services 100.00 9,800.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 4,000.00 8'.O1 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 400.00 173,413.00 Less 1.466% ' 2,542.00 ' 170,871.00 � SUMMARY � COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE � 13.00 Comptroller 170,253e00 13.01 Civil Service 170,871.00 , 341,124.00 � 1 28 Code Appropriations Chartei Clasi ification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 14 MUNICIPAL COURT 0630 Mlnicipal Court ' ll2 Salaries - Judges and Clerk of Municipal Court 103,000.00 L36 Salaries - Exempt a.�Ua��.O���",'`"'•"� 366 �z0.� 6 ' 1�44 Fees - Psychiatrist 7,500.00 , . 202 Telephone 3,200.00 2'03 Postage 3,500.00 2�04 Travel 1,800.00 r 206 Printing and Binding 2,000.00 i23 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 450.00 ', 231 Furniture Repair 1,000.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 150.00 12,400.00 � 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00 346 Food (Jury Meals) 1,000.00 ,j��370.QQ �49 Books and Periodicals 1,500.00 5 000.00 353�8�19- ,' Less 1.466% of 250,120.00 � 3,667.00 1 �,.„ ._ ., „ �-�=�.,0 ` . ' • .3��,76 ,a o DD/ '�����I�NVI�v� i}i.�d.d 0 �� ' � 15 PURCHAS+ING AGENT 0650 Purchasing Agent � 112 Salaries - Clerical - 106,896.00 136 " - Exempt 28,370.00 135,266.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,400.00 202 Telephone 1,700.00 , � 203 Postage 3,200.00 204 Travel 450.00 206 Printing and Binding , � 3,500.00 � 223 Maintenance and Repairs� - Office Equipment 650.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 750.00 11,650.00 340 Office Supplies 1,800.00 � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 149,716.00 Less 1.466% 2,195.00 147.521.00 , , 16 COUNC L INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH � 0670 Council Investigation and Research None � . ' ' ' 29 Code Appropriations Charter Classifioation Titles A�►ounts Sub Total$ Totals ' PARKS'I AND REaREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 COMMISSIONERIOF PARKS AND ' RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 0700 Adminlstration ' 112 Salaries - Clerical 40,358.00 116 J " - Professional 10,073.00 ' 136 I " - Exempt 25,924.00 �Et,355.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone 1,800.00 203 Postage 150.00 , 204 �ravel ' S00.00 206 �Printing and Binding 850.00 223 � aintenance and Repairs - � Office Equipment 300.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 5,600.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 1„�00.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 400.00 83,455.00 Less 1.466% T�— 1,223.00 . 82.232.00 � �, i 18.01 PAIRKS AND RECREATION , ' 0710 Administration " ' -- , 1]��2 Salaries - Clerical 19,683.00 11�6 " - Professional' S5,372.00 75,055.00 ' ' 201 Automobile Allowance . 2,400.00� 202 Telephone 1,200.00 203 Postage 1,000.00 � 204 Travel 600.00 206 Printing and Binding 800.00 �3 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 50.00 � 2'S1 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip, 100.00 6,150.00 • 340 Office Supplies 1,700.00' 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 � 1,750.00 - , � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 � 83,455.00 ,---�- 4� ' � ' 0712 olice and Watchmen . % 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 5,113.00 115 " - Police 116,390.00 121,503.00 201 Automobile Allowance • 4;00.00 ' 202 Telephone \ . 500.00 206 Printing and. Binding , , ,� � 200.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � Motor Vehicles ' y6,600.00 7,700,00 ' , - , 30 Code Appropriations Charter Classif"'cation Titles Amounts S�b Totals� Totals ' 305 �eating Fuels - Coal and Oil 200.00 340 Office Supplies 50.00 341 �lothing (Uniform Allowance) 1,500.00 1,750.00 ' 803 Capital Outlay - Automobile Equip. 2,000.00 1�2,953.00 � 0713 Cons rvatory 114 �alaries - Manual and Maint. 65,057.00 201 utomobile Allowance 300.00 ' 202 elephone 250.00 203 Postage 100.00 220 Electricity 3,000.00 ' 224 Maintenance and Repairs = Buildings 3,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs Motor Vehicle 500.00 ' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 7,250.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00 303' Paint 200.00 30� Electrical Materials 200.00 , 313 Garpentry Materials 150.00 31� Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00 32� Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts 600.00 1,450.00 ' S02 Land - Improvements 1,000.00 74,757.00 � 0714 Zo� 11�1 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 1,108.00 1L4 " - Manual and Maintenance 64,979.00 116 " - Professional 12,015.00 � 78,�.02.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 400.00 202 Telephone 600.00 204 Travel 400.00 ' 205 Shipping and Moving 400.00 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 20 Gas and Electricity 4,000.00 ' 24 Maintenance and Repairs - Building 4,500.00 i25 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 350.00 227 Laundry 1,200.00 239 Misce Maintenance and Repairs 100.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 ' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 12,650.00 �301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,000.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 150.00 ' 303 Paint Supplies 300.00 304 Electrical Supplies 300.00 305 Heating Fuels 100.00 313 Carpentry Materials 300.00 , 319 Misc. Maintenance Materials 250.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies 100.00 � 340 Office Supplies 200.00 341 Clothing 200.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 300.00 t345 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 800.00 ., ' Code Appropriations 31 Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 346 Provisions (Food for Animals) 17,000.00 34� Books and Periodicals 100.�0 353 Merchandise for Resale 500.00 21,600.00 112,352.00 � I . 0715 H�ating Conservatory and Zoo ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded 23,068.00 2�0 Electricity 10,000.00 305 Heating Oil 3,000.00 36,068.00 , � 1 � 0716 Park Concerts 258 Entertainment (Band Music) 6,000.00 1 0717 U�keep of Lake Como , 2. 0 Electricity (Pump House) 2,000.00 ' 0718 Recreation Centers � 1�09 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 127,750.00 1�16 " - Professional 173,080.00 117 " - Subprofessional 134,636.00 435,466.00 , 201 Automobile Allowance 3,900.00 202 Telephone 150.00 204 Travel 1,200.00 1 220 Gas and Electricity 25,500.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 5,000.00 222 Sanitary Services 500�00 241 Rental - Bldg. (School Gyms) 10,500.00 ' 245 Rental - Motor Veh�.cles 1,000.00 249 Rental - Misc. Equipment 300.00 j258 Entertainment (4th of July) 1,750.00 49,800.00 , �305 Heating Fuels 5,000.00 350 Athletic Supplies 11,000.00 351 Recreation Supplies 14,000.00 30,000.00 515,266.00 ' 0719 Athletics and Sports 109 Salar.ies - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. 1,600.00 116 " - Professional 20,785.00 22,385.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 241 Rentals - Buildings 5,500.00 7,300.00 350 Athletic Supplies 1,000.00 30,685.00 ' 0720 Special Activities , , 116 Salaries - Professional 8,435.00 117 " ' - Subprofessional 12,579.00 21,014.00 201 Automobile Allowance 360.00 , 203 Postage 50.00 410.00 ' 340 Office Supplies �00 21,494.00 " � , . ' 32 Code Appropriations Charter iClassification Titles Amounts Sub Tota�s Totals , 0721 Cust dial and Maintenance �o.f Recreatioa racilities 101 alaries - Ungraded 15,631.00 ' 114 � ." � Manual & Maintenance 228,847.00 244,478.00 224 aintenance and Repairs Buildings and Structures 6,000.00 1 226 aintenance and Repairs - , Machinery and Equipment 150.00 228 Maintenance and Repairs - ' � Grounds 500.00 239 Misco Maintenance and Repairs 200.00 6,850.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies • 2,000.00 304 Electrical Supplies 1,800.00 ' 313� Carpentry Materials 500.00 319� Misco Maintenance Supplies 1,000.00 32� Samll Tools 1,000.00 6,300.00 257,628v00 ' 0730 Park and Recreation Ground Maint. - I 10� Salaries - Ungraded 49,835.00 • 11� " - Manual and Maint. 209,751.00 259,586.00 20� Telephone 1,000.00 22.0 Gas , Electricity and Steam 7,500.00 ' 22� Water and Sewer Rental 15,OOOo00 26i9 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00 27'2 Paving Plant Services 1,750.00 25,500.00 ' 305 Heating Fuel 1,000.00 � 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,000.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 3�7 Agricultural Supplies 500.00 3,600.00 288,686.00 ' I , . 0731 Park and Recreat�.on Bldg. Maint. ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded 85,220.00 . 1�14 " - Manual and Maint. 11,262,00 96,482.00 Z'Ol Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 ' 221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,000.00 i24 Maintenance and Repair - Building 5,000.00 ' 246 Rentals - Machinery and Equip. 300.00 8,300.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 1,000.00 303 Paint 800.00 �304 Electrical Supplies 1,200.00 , �313 Carpentry Materials 3,000.00 319 Misce Maintenance Supplies 1,600.00 ' 324 Small Tools 50.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. 100000 7,750.00 112,532,00 ' 0732 Park and Recreation Vehicles and Equipment Maintenance 101 Salaries Ungraded 2,5,900.00 111 " - Attendance and Inspec. 9,604.00 ' 112 " - Clerical . 7,965.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 34,997.00 78,466.00 , ' 33 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � ' 2i5 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 20,000.00 2i6 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equip. 200.00 269 Misco Contractual Services 500.00 20,700.00 3;01 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00 , 3�03 Paint 100.00 3'19 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 3�20 Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies 4,000.00 3'24 Sma1L Tools 300.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery Parts 2,000.00 6,700.00 803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equip. 7,800.00 08 " " - Mech. Equip. 7,265.00 15,065.00 120,931000_� � 0736 City's Share Tree Trimming ' 451 City's 1/2 Share Assessment 150,000.00 , �. 1,944,807.00 Less 1.466% of 1,794,807.00 26,313.00 ' 1,918y494.00 , . 18.02 PUBLIC UILDINGS , 0750 Administration ,. i112 Salaries - Clerical 72,250.00 116 " - Professional 17,640.00 � 136 " - Exempt 21,712.00 111,602.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,650.00 202 Telephone 4,600.00 , 203 Postage 1,200.00 204 `Tr.avel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 � 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 600.00 �+► " 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles - 250.00 , 247 Rental.s - Office Equipment '�` � 100.00 249 Miscellaneous Rentals _ 600.00 250 Blueprinting ° 150.00 ' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 400.00 10,250.00 340 Office Supplies 3,200.00 348 Instruction Supplies 250.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 100.00 370 Photo Supplies 150.00 3,900.00 801 �Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,500.00 127,252.00 1 0751 Building Inspection d ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded ���°Z�'�'��'O^,� "�o.^ ,���`7z.Od 114 " - Manual and Maint. 12,670.00 �48�7�-99 ' ' 34 „ Code Appropriations Charter Classifi,'cation Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 201 A�utomobile Allowance 26,000.00 � 251 �ues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 26,100.00 �9J1,LY6 d 340 Office Supplies 350.00 �*�,""�^�- 1 , 0752 Draf� ing and Plan Checking , 116 Salaries - Professional 85,943.00 117 I " - Subprofessional 27-,035.00 112,978.00 340 Office Supplies ' 200.00 342 ��Draf.ting and Survey Supplies 100.00 300.00 � 805 �Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 113,778.00 G�o 3�.00 �3C,�,f�L.o Less 1.466% � , , 9,828.00 � ��L,f�UU6-6�6r@�69— � � SUMMARY - I EPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDZNGS 18 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 82,232.00 ' 18.01 Parks and Recreation 1,918,494.00 18.02 Public Buildings 7�(�,/�e�(�6�60 a•7�7,z✓�e='��s a�e-�o— ' � ., , . ' � ' .. ' ' ;, � 1 ' ' 35 Code Appropriations Charter Claisificat3.on • Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 19 I LECTIONS I0800 Ilections ' �12 - Salaries - Clerical 63,222.00 �46 Fees - Judges Elections 56,014.00 119,236.00 203 Postage 6,000.00 ' 205 Shipping and Moving 20,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 7,000,00 207 Advertising � 300.00 ' 208 Official Publications 500.00 223 Maint. & Repairs - Oftice Equip. 200.00 243 Rentals - Elections Booths 10,766.00 �60 Tabulating Services 900.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds 350.00 �269 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00 46,266.00 1340 Office Supplies 2,000.00 167,502.00 ' Less 1.466% 2,456.00 165,046.00 � � 20 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE (City's 27'� Share) 0820 Administration � 134 Salaries - Public Welfare , 848,898.00 435 Contribution to PERA 107,668.00 487 Other Expense 158,798.00 , • 1,115,364.00 Less - Cash Receipts 212,552.00 902,812.00 , 0821 Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital 134 Salaries - Public Welfare 2,632,503T00 435 Contribution to PERA 109,014.00 ' 436 Contribution to Social Security 63,250.00 487 Other Expense 774,968.00 3,579,735.00 , I,ess - Cash Receipts , 3,579,735.00 None ' 0822 County Home 134 Salaries - Public Welfare 166,773.00 435 Contribution to PERA 19,800.00 487 Other Expense 68,585.00 , 255,158.00 ' Less - Cash Receipts 214,500.00 40,658.00 , 0823 Social Services 489 Medical General Relief 1,602,260.00 490 Food Stamps 4,441.00 ' 491 01d Age Assistance 503,585.00 492 Aid to Dependent Children 2,224,397.00 493 Aid to the Blind 36,373.00 ' , � � 36 Code Appropriations Charter �Classif�cation Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 494 Aid to the Disabled 398,137.00 495 General Relief 517,859.00 496 Child Welfare 494,281.00 � 497fPayments to State Institutions 33,000.00 498 Disabled Veterans 2,475.00 499 Medical Assistance 2,904,000.00 8,720,808.00 ' Less Cash Receipts: Old Age Assistance 418,571.00 Aid to Families with ' Dependent Children 1,822,092.00 Aid to the Blind 28,842.00 Aid to the Disabled 322,199.00 � General Relief 27,500..00 Child Welfare 97,625.00 Medical Assistance 2,332,968.00 5,049,797.00 3,671,011.00 4.614,481.00 ' , 21 CI L AND H E ncludes ount 's Share ITY HAL COURT OUS (I C y ) ' 0850 Bu�ilding Maintenance 13'S Salaries - Co. Civ. Serv.-Regular 351,603.00 " " " " -Ex. Help 22,500.00 � 1 1 Fees - Public Examiner 94.00 374,197.00 242 Telephone 5,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 300.00 , 220 Gas, Electric and Steam 97,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 10,377.00 222 Sanitary Services 1,000.00 2�3 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Office Equip. & Furniture 50.00 224 Major Building Repairs 5,000.00 .. 226 Machinery and Equip. - Repair 700.00 2�27 Laundry 5,000.00 ' ?128 Maintenance of Grounds 500.00 i29 Maintenance and Repair - ' Air Conditioning 3,000.00 i32 Maintenance and Repair - Elevators 22,500.00 239 Misc, Maintenance & Repairs 500.00 � 246 Rentals - Machinery and Equip. 175.00 253 Oiling and Flushing Assess. 301.00 �261 Insurance and Bonds 2,100.00 � 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 153,603.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 3,500.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 1,200.00 , 303 Paint Supplies 2,700.00 304 Elec, Supplies (Light Bulbs and Globes) 3,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials 350.00 ' 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,500.00 - 322 Motor Fuels 50.00 323 Oil and Libricants 50.00 ' � 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - ` Parts and Supplies 300.00 , 37 Code , Appropriations Charter Class�fication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 340 Office Supplies 200.00 k'� '-,i 34� Clothing - Uniform Allowance 500.00 - 36�9 Miscellaneous Materials 1,000.00 14,850.00 _ ' 43�1 Premiums - Health and Welfare 1�1,700.00 ' 43+1 " - Retiree Health & Welfare 3,000.00 - 43�4 Severance Pay 5,000.00 ' 45�2 Reimb. to Purchasi�.g 1,000.00 20,700.00 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appl. 200:00 808 " " - Mechanical Equip. 1,000.00 1,200.00 , 564,550.00 � 0851 Veterans Quarters 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service 12,500.00 2�0 Gas and �lectriFity 29.00 2�±1 Rent-Building Space (Aud.) 3,600.00 3,629.00 , 301 Janitor and Sanit�tion Supplies 150.00 303 Paint 1(J0.00 250.00 16,379.00 � ' Total Appropriation 580�929.00 Less County's 50% Share 290,463.00 290,466.00 Less 1.466% 4,258.00 ' , 286,208.00 � 22 DETENTIOI & CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY (Includes County's Share) 0870 Administration �J',Z�7, e0 , �35 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service �53A-r99 , OD ', ��G a37 ]�51 Fees - Public Examiner � 750.00 �S�'66 , 201 Automobile Allowance 2,200.00 202 Telephone 700.00 203 Postage 175.00 ' 204 Travel . . 600.00 206 �rinting and Binding 500.00 a��)223 Equipment Maint. - Office �00.00 , 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,200.00 ��a�D 269 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00 j,^�"n-v� 340 Office Supplies 500.00 � 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 600.00 . 425 Workmen's Compensation 500.00 426 " "-Doctors' Fees 500.00 � 427 " , "-Hosp. and Nurses 1,000.00 428 " "-Miscellaneous 100.00 �+31 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 1,605.00 ' �+34 Severance Pay a 5,000.00 � �435 Pens ion Contribution PERA DO�O.�D ',°�— `�� /�7�-l•�D �452 Reimb. to Purchasing 2,000.00 i43-���-.-^oy^o- 805 Capital Outlay - Furnitur� & Appl. T00 ' ��� �cn nn , //.�/3 7, a a f</ /�stiti�J � 3i�40 d!� d����� , ' . ' 38 . Code Appropriations Charter + Classification Titles Artiounts Sub Totals Totals � 0871 Woodview Detention Home /�3�3,d d 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service i"� ;"":"^_ ' 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 202 Telephone 1,350.00 203 Postage 250.00 204� Travel 300.00 , 205� Shipping Costs 150.00 206� Printing and Binding 150.00 20 Gas, Electric and Steam 4,700.00 ' 22 Water and Sewer Rental "625.00 222. Sanitary Services 220.00 22i Maintenance and Repairs - � Office Equipment 125.00 22�} Maintenanc� and Repairs - I Structures 500.00 , 22i Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 , 22� Laundry 2,200.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 100.00 ' 230 Street Lighting Repairs 205.00 26�. Insurance and Bonds 230.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 125.00 �2,030.00 � 302 Plumbing Supplies 250.00 303 Paint Supplies 210.00 30.'4 Electrical Supplies 200.00 31�3 Carpentry Materials 100.00 ' � 31�9 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00 � --� 3�0 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 50.00 321 Tires and Tubes 100.00 , 322 Motor Fuel lOQ:QQ 324 Small Tools Su uu 3�9 Misce Machinery and Equip. Parts 100.00 3�+0 Office Su�pplies 300:00 ' 341 Clothing 1,500.00 3�+3 Household Supplies 1,500.00 3�+4 Medical Suppl:i.es 300.00 346 Food 8,900.00 1 347 Agriculture and Horti. Supplies 100.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 25.00 14,285.00 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 2,920.00 435 Pension Contributions (PERA) /��0��0[��1�?�-80 , 4�53 Reimb, to School D3.strict �7�yZ`,dd (Roseville School Dist.) /o,/oo• 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture & Appl. � �500.00 ' iG� a��,s a � �0872 ome School for Boys a.zj.?79°� 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service , 201 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 ' 202 Telephone 2,400.00 203 Postage 350.00 204 Travel 500.00 205 Shipping Costs 400.00 , 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 �! 220 Gas and Electricity 10,600.00 '; 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,500.00 � �222 Sanitary- Services 150.00 ' 39 Code Appropriations Charter Class�fication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 22;3 Maintenance and Repairs - I Off ice Equipment 300.00 � 22'4 Maintenance and Repairs = � Structures 500.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs IMotor Vehicles 125.00 � 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment 500.00 227 Laundry 3,000.00 � 228 Maintenance of Grounds 500.00 230 Street Lighting Repairs 500.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 253 Sprinkling Assessments 385.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,060.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 24,470.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 150.00 ' 303 Paint Supplies 200.00 3�04 Electrical Supplies 400.00 305 Heating Fuel 2,500.00 � • 3�13 Carpentry.Material 500.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 600.00 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 250.00 321 Tires and Tubes 150.00 � 322 Motor Fuel 550.00 323 Oil and Lubricants 75.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 � 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - j Parts and Supplies 250.00 340 Office Supplies 400.00 341 Clothing 4,000.00 ' 343 Household Supplies 5,500.00 i344 Medical Supplies 700.00 �346 Food 24,800.00 � 347 Agriculture and Horti. Supplies 100.00 349 Books and Periodicals 75.00 350 Athletic Supplies �,500.00 ' 351 Recreation Supplies 300.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 100.00 43,2Q0.00 431 Health and Welfare Premiums 7,568.00 435 Pension Gontributions �3y��.ld a� *��e' 73 3zG.aa ' 453 Reimb. to School Dist. 3o,q/o.ed /��$gg=^�- 6.5�$8:p0 604 Capital Outlay - Const. Mechani:cal . 2,000.00 805 " " - Appliances 1,165.00 ' ���,'�o�� jr�� � .� 36���a.d0 *Teachers -b�839:-A8- Za���a ' *PERA l���A:AA- 02 �30,a 0 �9 .�4�-nn� � . P.r.Qo � :.t _ ' 0873 Workhouse-Workfarm 30����`�d4 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service a �� ,"'�o 201 Automobile Allowar.ce 480.00 � 202 Telephone 2,600.00 203 Postage 250.00 204 Travel 300.00 � , �' , 40 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals �fiotals ' 206 Printing and Binding 450.00 220 Gas and Electricity 21,500.00 ' 221 Water and Sewer Rental 528.00 222 Sanitary Services 100.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 150.00 ' 224 Maintenance and Repairs - , _ Structures 500.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 750.00 22I Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 600.00 � 228 Maintenance of Grounds 150.00 23i Maintenance and Repairs - Automotive Detachable Equip. 200.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs - 200.00 ' 261 Insurance and Bonds 3,370.00 26� Misc. Contractual Services 600.00 32,728.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 450.00 � 303 Paint Supplies 750.00 304 Electrical Supplies 750.00 305 Heating Supplies 2,000.00 31� Carpentry Materials 500,00 � 31'9 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,200.00 32�0 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 1,000.00 32'1 Tire� and Tubes 375.00 � 32'2 Motor Fuels . 1,900.00 323 Oil and Lubricants 200.00 324 Small Tools 300.00 ' 3i5 Maintenance and Operation - Automotive Detachable Equip. 750.00 3i9 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - � Parts and Supplies 1,000.00 340 Office Supplies 65�.00 341 Clothing 3,500.00 343 Household Supplies 6,300.00 � 344 Medical Supplies 450.00 346 Food 35,450.00 347 Agriculture Supplies 5,000.00 ' 357 Bottled Gas ` 400.00 ', 369 Miscellaneous Materials 150.00 63,075.00 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 8,634.00 ��3�a,6p �35 Pension Gontribution - PERA 39���aa ' ° ^'^ ^^ �y `�' �� � ro�'rv—vv z'r--v�v�vv 805 Cap3.tal Outlay - Furniture & Appl. 1,000.00 9'j�'-T.ca � '�.-,��3�-80 Total Appropriation ��a�6do.� ����r�•�°' � Less Coanty's 50% Share 6 3 D.00 , 51s �« �� i—�-�r,-1-,., , �.?, 3�.�6 � 25 EMPLOYE BENEFITS � 0900 ealth and Welfare 112 Salaries - Clerical 3,978.Ob ' 116 " - Professional 8,294.00 12,272.00 � 41 Code Appropriations Charte'r Clasisification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , IO2 Telephone 100.00 ?�03 Postage 150.00 � 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 223 Maintenance - Office Equip. 50.00 269 Miscellaneous Services 5,100.00 275 Duplicating Services 100.00 5,600.�00 1 �31 Premiums 506,360.00 524,232.00 Less estimated 1967 Balance 130,000.00 394,232.00 � ' 0901 Severance Pay �+34 Severance Pay 109,273.00 � 0902 Unemployment Compensation . 432 City's Share-Compensation Cost 125,000.00 � ' 0903 Police Relief Association %+35 Pension Contribution 481,312.00 � 0904 iremen's Relief Association 435 Pension Contribution 601,640.00 �� 1 0905 Health Relief Association �435 Pension Contribution 24,066.00 , 0906 Public Employees Retire. Assn. 435 Pension Contribution 1,581,330.00 ' � 0907 Retiree Insurance 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) .5`�,100.00 . 3,369,953.00 ' � 26 NDGME T AND GOMPROMISE • , 0910 Judgment and Compromise 421 Judgments and Claims 10,000,00 Less 10466% - 147.00 9,853.00 , ' 42 Code Appropriations Charter Clas�sification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 27 i OCAL IMIPROVEMENT AID �920 lapital Contributions • � 701 City's Share 900,000.00 , 0921 xempt Properties 253 Sprinkling Assessment 38,283.00 254 Forestry Assessment 6,776.00 ' Z11 Permanent Improvements ^70,230.00 Deferred 115,289.00 None ' 0922 Forfeited Properties 253 Sprinkling Assessments 2,571,00 254 Forestr-y Assessments 200.00 � 711 Permanent Improvements 1,381.00 Deferred 4.152.00 None 900,000.00 � � � 28 BOND AND NOTE INTEREST 0930 leneral Debt Interest � 401 General Debt 2�003,531,00 Less: � Paid from Trunk Highway Trust Fund ' 70,000.00 Paid from Budgeted General Fund 1,933,531.00 ' 0933 Note Interest 401 Interest 5,287.00 - 1,938,818.00 ' . ' 30 BOND AND NOTE REDEMPTIONS 0940 IGeneral Debt Maturities " ' �402 Maturities 2,085,000.00 Less: - ' Paid from Trunk Highway Txust Fund , 330,000.00 Paid from Budgeted General Fund ^ ^ 1,755,000.00 ��; '� 0943 Note Maturities 402 Maturities 340,000.00 � ` rJ , ya � .. . , 43 Code , Appropriations Charter I Classilfication Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ( 0944 Armory M�turities 402� Maturities 26,750.00 ' 2.121,750.00 � \ . 35 GEI ERAL F[J�ND ' MISCELLANEOUS I 09.50 Wolkmen's Compensation ' 425 Payment in Lieu of Salary 170,000.00 426 Doctors ' Fees 35,000.00 p 42� Hospitals and Nurses 45,000.00 a�O,d 0�•� ' 42 Other Expenses y�0,000,00 5$,�$g-gQ , ' 0951 De� t Service 112 Salaries - Clerical 8,456.00 141 Fees - Legal 3,500.00 159 Fees - Other 2,000.00 13,956.00 � 202 Telephone 30.00 203 Postage 200.00 206 Printing 3,000.00 � 20'8 Official Publicity 150.00 24�9 Miscellaneous Rentals 60.00 25�9 Bank Service Charges 6,000.00 9,440.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 100.00 23,496.00 0952 Financial Forms � 206 Printing and Binding . 25,000.00 � 1 0953 Surety Bond Premiums 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 I � 0954 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen 269 Misc. Contractual Services 7,000.00 I ' 0957 W�ilder Baths 221 Water 2,450.00 1 0958 Auditorium Rentals 2�41 Bldgs. & Office Space-Rental 66,179.00 � Less Amount Deferred 40,867.00 25,312.00 ' 0965 Payroll Processing . 260 Tabulating Seryice 23,000.00 ' ' 44 � � Code . Appropriations Charte`r Cla sification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals t �0970 ational League of Cities �51 Dues = Memberships & Subscrip. 1,000.00 � 0971 �eague of Minn. Municipalities 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. 2,008.00 � I , . �0972 �tamsey Co. T,eague of Municipalities ' 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscript 1,125.00 I ' 0973 , League of Minn. Municip.-Metro Section 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. 1,407.00 ' I ' 0975 Public Examiner 151 Fee - Public Examiner 25,000.00 I ' 1 0976 Wrecking Buildings 256 Demolition 35,000.00 . I ' � , 0977 Port Authority 257 Operation 36,098.00 , I . 0978 Easements , 422 Charter Sec. 257 5,000.00 I 0981 Memorial Day Observance . � %+61 City Co�ntribution 1�000.00 I � 0982 Humane- Society 461 City Contribution 3,600.00 ' 0983 �nternational Institute 461 City Contribution �7,500.00 ' , 0984 Human Relations � p � � �461 City Contribution �5,000.00 pJ I � �'�6 � �/��!� 7 0 4 D,�B � 0990 �ficrofilming (City's 50% Share) , o�a /a�06 � 461 City Contribution . 12,015.00 I 0991 �Data Processing (City's 50% Share) ' �461 City Contrib�rtion 43,6$9.00 ' ., , � 1 ��� 1 � � _ O�' � � ���-� t?���'� 9 �!� --- 1 ��� . , - —----- --�— ��-��114 d �__ � -- --- 6 �� � u�., a.�,l ' / ,�.�',�.�;�� � ' -- - --% _ � �,�o,��r�r . . _' //� ' — �/��� od /7s �7 , a� —. aa _._ � _ _ i,40 D..aa ' __._T- �o d -� - --- `�o o. o� ao3 � �, 00 ' . .'— _-- - -;-- --- d�,� � � _ ^ �� � .�e a, a� _� �� ���,� - -- " _� ��. � - — ------ '��� T� � � -- �sd.oD -- 1 . � � ;, -- — � .2� V d. � l4 Q, 4 Q J o D� 3�0' � � _I, eoo,dQ _' J � � O / _ ��_ � _ �� D'.0 � l,�Jo, o0 2�, �� .d4 -' . ' � - - � - . 1 . _� — ' -- ' . . _' � - _' -, -- f ' 45 Code Appropriations Chart'er � Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 0992 Duplicating (City's 50% Share) 461 City Contribution 4,982.00 , $ ' n � , -rti. . � �.l a, �dG,o D -6�e�;6�-00 . Less 1.466% of 4_ _� �� �Q6 �' '-�- '��-,�� ,�z0 3�6,a o G 3 � 7 .00 �-ss�-ea- , , ' ' � ` — 1 , ' , _ —_ \ � • .. ' , �: ' a � ` � � \ ' � 'G� , �. \ 'y- � , . , 7'J�`-�'G/y �o ,� UDG�� � _ o �T/ e n/ Q�S 9 LV���� � �'p . � �3�53 � KERWIN L. MICK � � �h� � �,..,�__ �' ' L. W. MARSH CNI[F ENOIN[[N AND SIJPCRINT[ND[NT � E%[OUTIV[ SGCR¢TARY � , . IYIINNEAPOLIS - SAINT PAUL SANITARY DfSTRICT 2400 CHILDS ROAD� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 PH�NE: 771-8B45 BOARD OF TRUSTEES I I R. A. �LSON, CHAIRMAW� Dl1LUTN ALDERMAN DONALD P.�RISK� VICQ•CHAIRMAN� MINN6APCL1■ ADDRE58 ALL COMMUNICATIONB ARNOLD J. t{vISDAHL� CORPORATE HB6RETARY� HAINT P�u� TO THE SECRETARY UNLE59 MAYOR THDMAB R. BYRNE, HAINT PAl1L OTHERWISE REqUEBTED COMM18810NER ROBERIT F. PETER80N. HAINT Pwu� NATHAN HARRIB, MINNG�APOLI• ALDERMAN JACK E. NE ONr MINN[APOLI■ June LH, 1967 I �., The City Coulcil of Saint Paul City Hall St. Paul, Mi nesota 55102 1 Attention: . Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Gent 1 I men: � 1 k IHerewit� is a certified copy of a detailed Budget of the needs of the Min- neapolis-Sain��t Paul Sanitary District for the operation and maintenance of said Sanitary District, as well as for capital additions contained therein, for the calendar year� 1968. We are also enclosing certified copies of two resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District June 26, 1967I, viz: No. 117f, providing for a Budget of the needs of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District for the operation and maintenance of said Sanitary Dis- trict a�id for the capital additions contained therein for the calendar year Januaryll, 1968 through December 31, 1968. No. 1178, providing that all monies budgeted for the design and construc- tion ofladditional sewage disposal facilities in Schedule G, the Capital Additions and Ma.jor Replacements portion of the 1968 Budget, be and they �are re-appropriated and made available for lawful expenditure during the balancelof the calendar year 1967 and during the calendar year 1968. Your attention is directed to page 23 of the Budget report where the Chief Engineer and Superintendent pointed out that the Sanitary District law, Chapter 341, Mason's Statutes, Minnesota Session Laws of 1933, provides in Section 17 that the governing body of each of the two cities shall, on or prior to August 1 of each year, ldetermine by resolution the basis of sewer rentals to be charged withiri each of said cities. . ' ` Respectfully yours, For the Board of �rustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District � . �_� , ' . �larsh _ LWM:ba, ' Executive Secretary ; Enclosures (6); � � . �� , �ia I, Lowell W. Marsh, Executive Secretary of,the Minneapolis- �aint Patrl Sanitary District do hereby certify that I have examined the attaihed copy of the Budget Report for the Year 1968 adopted by �he Boarld of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District at their regular{meeting of June 26, 1967. " 1 I have compared the same with the original thereof in the �ffice of said Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District and do certify that it is a true and correct copy of said original Budget �Report. • . ' • - ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF;'` I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of June; 1967. _ - - ` °- ` � . ' Subscribed and sworn to on this 28th day of June, 1967. ' ��' ���, - ' KENNETH E. ROBINS ;;:;_ ,. Notary Public, Ramsey County,=P4inn. My Commission Expires June 7;�19a,4, _ � � � � i _ � ' -`.. ' ' . , � _ � , ���. . . _ , . _-...__..' . • • :,� � •,a • _ �r+ S + ` � . ,•' , . _ • '� . �� ' }: - � . S ' ._ � 1' � . , - ' i , � ' �}, '. 2 ' � ., • • � r ' X — 4. , ' • ' � ' �� �" ' t . . i II, Lowell W. Marsh, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis- �aint P�ul Sanitary District do hereby certify that" the attached • copy of the , - - . esolution Providing for A Budget for the Needs - of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District Ior the Operation and Maintenance of Said Sani- �tary District As.Well As for Capital Additions ' . �Contained ,Therein for the Calendar Year January 1, 1968 through December 31, 1968 � . adopted �y the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sani- � � tary District at their regular meeting of June 26, 1967, is a true and correct copy thereof. - + �Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, on this - • 28th dayl of June, 1967. _ _,•> '' � . . . � _�0`G=-�� � . _ �4 _ _ KENNETH E. ROBfN$, ��- - _ � '� Notary Public, Ramsey Cou�ty, Minn:'� r : - ` ' • � My Commission Expires Jun� 7, 1974 ���-` `'-='- • ` t �, . ., "'. ••. ` - i r ��r: W,`��4J� . `�;�t #� - �� . ' � • - ' • , _ ` � • . ' e _ _ � � r , a, ��i � � RESOLUTION NO. 1177 MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL SANITARY D(STRICT TRUSTEFED BY RiSlt DATF' June 26, 1967 I I � RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET FOR THE NEEDS OF THE MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL SANITAR.Y DISTRICT ' FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID SANITAR.Y DISTRICT AS WELL AS FOR CAPITAL ADDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN FOR THE CALENDAR. YEAR. JANUARY 1, 1968 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1968 , W'HEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, heretofore, on the 13th day of November 1933 adopted a comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collection, treatment, and disposal of tlie sewa�e and waste materials of said Sanitary District with all necessary maps, plat�, surveys, and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system, all in the m�Ianner and form as by law required, and as subsequently modified or amended, arid IHEREA5, It is both urgent and necessary that provision be now made for the financing of the operation and maintenance of such sewerage disposal system for the calendar year commencing January 1, 1968 and ending December 31, 1968, and ' HEREAS, On July 13, 1944, the date of the expiration of the ten-year period from and after the commencement of construction of the sewage disposal system of the Sanitary District, the law required and has ever since required that app�rtio �ent of operating c ost, maintenance, and repair of said joint or common sewers and of the treatment and the disposal works and appurtenances thereto, shall be allocatetl in the proper proportion to each city within said District on the basis of the itotal arinual volume of sewage contxibuted by each city.as the same shall be ' . xneasured Or estimated, and , IHEREAS, Measurement or accurate estixnate of such volume for the year 1968 cannot be made until the end of said year in the budget herewith submitted, said proportion has been estixnated as accurately as is practic�.ble at this time, and I � � WHEREAS, The apportionment of cost for capital additions provided for in this budget shall be allocated in the prop�r proportion;to each city within said Dis�trict on the sewage volume basis, the same basis used for apportioning the costs of operation and maintenance, in accordance with enactment by the Legislature of the� State of Minnesota, Session Laws of 1955; " ' ��e RESOLUTION NO. 117? � MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL , ` SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEFED BY Risk DATE June 26, 1967 i I � i NO�W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, as follows: , 1. That the operation and maintenance budget, filed in the office of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District and dated June 12, 1967 and marked "Exhibit A", including the capital additions , provided for in Schedule G thereof, be and it is adopted. 2. That it is hereby found, 'determined and declared that the needs of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar • year January 1, 1968 through December 31, 1968 for the purposes of operation, maintenance and capital outlay is the aggregate sum of $7,496, 829; and it is further found, determined, and declared , that of said total axnount of $?,496, 829, the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Minneapolis is $4, 273, 193 and the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Saint Paul is $3, 223, 636. � 3. That each of said cities, respectively, is hereby directed to raise in ecti e axnounts for the funds sufficient to meet the forego g resp v purposes aforesaid either by tax levies, bond sales, sewer rental charges, or by any other methods within the authoritative reach of each of said cities. 4. That insofar as the cost of operation, maintenance, and capital outlay is concerned at the close of the year 1968, the proportionate • voluxne of sewage contributed by each city for that year be measured or further estimated, and the final basis of apportionsnent of such cost be readjusted in accordance with such final determination. 5. That if, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, it becomes necessary to txansfer funds from one item of the budget to another item in order to carry out the purposes of operation and maintenance of said system and provide for the capital additions contained therein, the Board of Trustees of said District, by a majority vote of all the members of said Board, may authorize and make such transfer. - , ' ���^18 ' , ' • RESOLUTION NO. 1177 � - � MINNEAPOLIS—SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT PRESENTED BY Risk June�i, 1967 TRUSTEF' � DATF I I 6. That the Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District is hereby directed �o file one properly certified copy of the aforegoing budget with the Council of it'he City of Saint Paul and one with the Common Council of the City of Minneapolis for approval. , � I I I ( o ' i � • 2RUSTEES 6 Yeas 1 0 Nayes Adopted by the Board June 26 1967 . X BYRNE , Abs ent �,RRIS , f �'. X IMSDAHL 6 In favor • � C�� Chairman. II X NE�ON X PETERSON � Against � X RISK ,' C,C � �r�-�—� ��.� � � • X CHAIRIVIA ' OLSON Corporate Secretary. �,,_� — `. y .. . ' ' � • i , ,. - � _ - � , , r K ` i t � • , � • 4 � 1 � � . � I, Lowell W. Marsh, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis- - iaint Paul Sanitary District do hereby certify that the attached • - copy of the Resolution Providing for A Budget and for the Re- � . Appropriation of Funds of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul - ISanitary District for Capital Addition Purposes for tthe Calendar Year January 1, 1968 through December 31, 1968 . - . - _ adopted by the Board of 'I`rustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary Districtl at their regular meeting of June 26, 1967, is a true and cor- rect cop� thereof. , , - � �IN WITNESS WHEREOF;� I have hereunto set my hand this .28th day of June, 1967. � - Subscribed and sworn to on this 28th day of June, 1967. � . � � f/�/j4�1�\�+�'t�j` ' ` .. ��''I'/`^"dc�� ' ' ?..� , � . � . KENNETH E. ROBIN$ �_f� c : . Notary Public, Rarnsey Counfy;.Minn. �- � �' ' MY Commissfon Expires June=7, 19"74 : ' � - - _,,i� ! ,� ,.-' J '`` , . . : .. _� 1 �, � . � - • F . ; , r , , ` • ; _ ' r ' , s., � �- , � � � } � . - * . . . i � � 'T� S .- . - � , _ ^W . . r "'��,e � � RESOLUTION NO. 1'17H MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT PRESENTED BY • R,1SIt � June 26, 1967 TRUSTEF DATF' I I Resolution Providing for a Budget and for the Re-Appropriation Of Funds of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District • For Capital Addition Purposes for the Calendar Year January 1, 1968 through December 31, 1968 WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-5aint Paul Sanitary Distrlict, he�etofore, on the 13th day of November 1933 adopted a comprehensive plan and progr of procedure and work for the collection, treatment, and disposal of the si wage a�nd waste materials of said 5anitary District with all�necessary maps, plats, surveys, and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system, all iri the manner and form as by law required, and • WI EREAS, The Board of Trustees of this Sanitary District, heretofore, on the 22nd day of June 1966 adopted a detailed budget of the needs of said Minneapolis- Saint�Paul 5�nitary District for the calendar year 1967, and . I � WHEREAS, Schedule G, the Capital Additions and Major Replacements portion of said budget provided funds to be expended on the construction of additional sewage disposal facilities, and I EREAS, There ma be some unex ended funds at the close of 1967 Y P in Schedule G of said budget which could be carried over in 1968 and used to supple- ment funds �rovided in the 1g68 budget for the aforesaid purpose; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, as follows: • � . 1. That all unexpended monies budgeted for the construction of additional sewage disposal facilities in Schedule G, the Capital Additions and Major Replacements portion of the 1967 budget, be and they are hereby re-appropriated and rnade available for lawful expenditure during the balance of the calendar year 1967 and during the calendar year 1968 for the purposes set forth in the comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the collection, treatment, and disposal of the sewage and waste materials of said 5anitary District as adopted November 1�3, 1933, . and as subs equently modified or amended. , r ti ^ r ,' � � w � � �18 ' � RESOLUTION NO. 117H MINNEAPOLISSAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEFED BY � R,1SZC June 26, 1967 � { DATE � - � j 2. That the Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary �� District is hereby directed to file one properly certified copy of this resolution with the Council of the City of 5aint Paul and one ; copy with the Common Council of the City of IV�inneapolis for approval. ; � , ! •� � � . . 4 f I � • 0 ' TR,USTEES 6 Yeas � 0 Nayes Adopted by the Board June 26 i9 67 X BYRNE • Abs entHp,RRIS -• � X IMSDAHL � 6 In favor ' ` ' � ' Chairman. X NEWTON X PETERSON � Against X B'IS�K • �� .,. �IYL�—r�-c� �� ' X CHAIRMAN 0 SON � Corporate Secretary. �+. , � _-— - � • 4 ` , 4' i� � - . - ., `�. . -- . .. ._ -^ - ; - _ , c. - , -{ , -' - , � . �, - - " _ . - _ ' • . ' - _ ,. - _? - - _ • ` - ' • � 'I � , :^ -f � � ' .•.. : . _ _ T_ �� - � i• :_ _ . 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' to Au�,�ZSt ls.t de�trmine _the s �set z rent���..to='be charged� � ` ' Y�- - �i�th�;rn each o sa,i�`cit�.es ' ..� .be°� by 1uti�oi�.{. ` _ - - . , ° -� - -- � • � � , The Ci�y Coune�il� �eferre he rn�tter sewer ren ,� �� . - ' �.`" ' - ,' ��1: chArges tq� � _ �he Te�hni�al �Comm�ttee recommen�l t on. ; ` � � : ._ ` � , : �", f . � . . • � _ - � _ . . : , ` . - _ . _ ; �R � , _ � � . -' ' _ .`, _ . Very iiru `yours,' �' ` °. - • ^ . .� -, - � . � � ' � _ - - - r `�� , , _ . __ _� ._ . . _ `� - . - . i,: ,; . - . . . -_. , _ , , �_ _� . , � . - ��'. . _ - - . . - .. _���'" _ - -- . . � t �� _` AO�ng^ ' . �. , ' ., � � ` : _ - . ' Ci'tg �G���'�C ' : . , . ' . ' ` . , � � t' ' r ' ' �� _ ' � _ , ' _ ,.' ' � �`�y' y + •, , � ' � _ r `-, , ` . - � . .- ^ i: _ i. _ . - .. - . `_ ,_� `�` . s- _ •� ` . _ � - ... � . ._ � _ - _ . • . _ � . . ` - �_ , .+;\,`,.t - , - � _ . _ - . . _ . � . . . � � -._. . "- _ , � . _ _ _ . _. . 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MITGHELL ,.. ■■■ ' JOSEPH P. LA NASA CITY COMPTROL�.ER DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER August 1, 1967 . . Honorable Mayor and Me iers of he City Council ' , Gent1emen: , The otal budget of the Sanitary District for 1968 �s $7,496,829.00. The City's share, base� on att estimated percentage of 439'., 3.s $3,223,636.00. Ex- hihi,t "A" attached details these expenses by activity and may be summarized by functiori as follows: - _ � Increase � 1967 � � 1968 or Decrease _� Capital Outlaq �Treatme�t Plant $1,825,110 1,154,120 (670,990) �Sewer Rggulator System � 555.57U 518,580 36 990 ITotai Capital Outlaq : • $2,380.680 �1,672�70U (707,98Q) , Operati�g E�Cpense �Treatment Plant $1,139,977 1,482,087 - 342,110 �Sewer R�gulator System 41,646 68,849 27.203 Totai Operating Expense $1-18�1.62�3 ���� 369�._313 The reduction of Capital Outlay needs in the amaunt of $7Q7,980.00 wiZl l�e reflected inla reduction in the amount required fiom Bond Funds. The i,ncrease of $369,313.00 ia operating expense must be financed by revenue from the aewer rentals. • IComparative Statement Expenditures to be financed from the Sewer Rental Fund 1967 1968 Sanitary Di.aCrict - Operations $1,181,623 1,550,936 369,313 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 107,105 111,3I6 4,211 Billing Cos s - Water Department 70,100 77,80Q 7,7.00 I $1 358 28 � 1•74�0.052 81. 24 Revenue Estimatea to Finance these budgets: Sewer Rental - Collected by Water Dept. 1,235,000 " 1' - Collected by Public Works b300,000 Estimate�l Fund Balance . 100,000 " Accounts Receivable 15Q.000 , Total ��. � , . A � �� � e ` Honorable Mayor and � Members of th City Council Page .2 ' IExhibi "B" attached is a tabulation of the Sewer Rentals billed to various suburbs during the first quarter of 1967, and a record of payments received. It should be� noted dhat there are four different methods in which these bills have been handled. . • 1. Some suburbs paid the bill in full 2. Some suburbs paid one-third of the current billing • 3. Some auburbs paid a portion of their bill based on rates effective prior to October 1, 1966 4. Some did aot make any payment • These ctions stem from the urgent request from the suburbs for rate ad- justment as pres�ribed by law. A proposed ordinance for iietermining sewer rental charges was subm�tted to the suburbs in late 1966. Due Co the possibility of a Metrp- politan district� no further negoti.ations were had during the Iegislative session. AR your honorable body committed the City to possible rate adjustments retroactive to July 1, 1965, itlis the considered judg�ment of your committee that these accounts re- ceivable will noi be disposed of unti.l a new rate structure is agreed upon. . Considerable progress in evolving a new form of contract for suburban sewer service tias been� made. As of May, 1967, agreement was reached with suburban technical and legal representatives concerning the general principles and philosophies to be em- bodied in a standard form of suburban agreement. Since that time work has proceeded on the detailed �COntract exhibits unique to each suburb. The firm of Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson� & Associates has been retained to augment the Public Works staff in order to� advance this work as quickly as possible. Complete drafts of the Roseville, North St. Paul and Falcon Heights contracts have been sent to represen�aCives of those communities for �comment. Conferences with Roseville and Falcon Heights technical and legal represent�tives are scheduled for the next few days and are expected to re3olve any rema�ining questions with those comnunities. The details of contracts for White Bear Lake, West �St. Paul, Little Canada, Mendota Heights, and Maplewood, are being developed and a�e expected to be completed one by one in the near future. Some of them are; extremely complicated. For example, the White Bear Lake matter is difficult because �of irregular boundaries due to annexatione. The Maplewood and West St. Paul contracts are complicated because of the large number of� small connections where sewage enters the SainC Paul sezaers. Work to resolve this matter is proceeding in cooperaCior with the techni�al people of the suburbs and will be concluded as soon as possible. Due t the variables present, it is recommended that no rate adjustment be mada at thie ti e and the negotiation be pursued to mnke a new rate schedule a reality. It is the recommendation that capital outlay continue to be financed through the issuance of general obligation bonds. Respectfully subm3.tted, Euge e V. Avery, 'Chairman Clemens J. leck, Secretary TECHNICAL COI�lITTEE OF SAINT PAUL . i � � . � m � ao o►,o � .fl e� oo �-+ o .-a �n � c� � � �n '� o c� o o O O� n a ,. af N e+1 .7�oo �D 1�. �D M u1 0� �t Nq er1 1� �O e+1 O� .-1 O O� o� CO OO CO �C O �p � �+ CO �O�CO e'n N tf1 GO O► N N �t O� Cr1 C� tf1 �t � N M Q� 01 Q► 00 1� �D � Q� � V w � w w w w w n w w v a d� CO CO 1� �i' .-1 v1 �-1 �D C� �7 �' u'1 N 1�O� O �D f� OO O► GD 1� p 6 N �A O► � eN�l � � � �' c+'f � N N � N � � � ^ tNrt c�rf cM�1 V V V � � . � � � � � ��C 1� C rl 00 O G G Cl C G1 tf1�t O� �D � C 1'r C��D C C C 1� C� �D C � 1� i� O O c'r1 c'1 �O n c�1 O d� O� N N �? GO !�1 N pp �t M N 00 O O !V c'�1 O t� 00 O O �O i� e'�'1 00 00 1� �O N 00 O► .t vl O u1 �G O a0 C� .-1 u1 1� N �7 �O CO .� w w w �. w w w w w C�► � t� C���O r'f O c�1 �t r+ ri N Q► � �C t�"1 e+1 N OD Q �t 00 N �O f� M 1� rl Q1 r1 c�'1 N O�N1 t� Q� C� 1� f� 1� N O O O �D �A u1 *-� [� c+1 OD N 1� p M �1 �C r-1 1�. 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C� Q u1 GO;N �D N p N a► O C� c'�'f v1 00 c+1 � ^ � � N O O O +-1 .�1 N p� Cp .-� op�Y �t �t O .t O O O �7 � OD 1� N O► f� .-t o0 O O O 1� r� O� � w wl w w w n w w w w p`' � � ao ���n ao �o c+ u� o+ cn c� ao �-+ o� a� � o m o.o � �c o o � �c y,� � it1 U1:00 C� 1� OD O� O .-1 �O t� c+'! �t �7 �O O oO O O► M �O C� Cl �t N 1� �O �D c'�1 �7 �i' �7 N N �� �-1 � �O N GO rl e'�f � � (,�j b .-i .-1 M c'�1 N �"� c� �C ri 1� v3 � � � � y a � � 0� 000 � 000 O O 000 N N O� 00� 00 Q O� OO� p y� �O v1 O N O O O O O � �/1 N ch c+1 N V1 f� O O O N u1 1� W (�q O �`- I I� c0 C �D �O e'� C� O+ O► �O a'f O �i' �t N �O 00 O CO O �D �C H � � w wf w w � w w � w w w w pp G� O �-1 �-1 N1 N V1 1� O 1 O N 01 N O► 1 O► Op �f1 M � �G 1� O .-� � �D rl I rl C7 l7 Op 0� CO C� T N �' 1� 1� 1� .-1 O�e-� O� t� �O r-1 1� 00 C� N N �7 c'7 e'�1 N N c'�'1 M �--1 +�I tfl 1� � N �t Cn cr1 � ,� � ri r�l i N N �7 r"� u'1 �O �-1 00 N G! � «d GO �1 �.i � a d 3 a � 6 a� H � q ++ m 8 d e � � 6 a�i 6 � q ,d u d co p � v u c� a d d oo a� D, a a� o0 a� q a+ �t7 q d 'bb q a� m q � a4 � +� a+ at �+ a+ � �m ao cd w t7 Cl a� +1 a3 ao � at w �! ao m .-� � � ,� �.7� Gl A !� 4f i.� ar� ..1 fJ >+ O q 'C! � � �a.� R7 '.� ►a cn ++ a1 y t� t�, v v� N m � �n' p �' �n C= v� �-+ I +-+ a� m cI� a� q � � al �! 00 � «a u�i `� a�i a,a.� t�+ a � � � .� y�, .-`�i � a ao m p m m ca 3 ,�+ s+ m �if s� N �.�+ � t+ � �u 1a � �O I�d C� ,�.� iOJ l�.I il 'C� iOi !d � J�.1 G) fS � �0.1 � f� � � � D�� � M 'S7 �"'� W i�d 3 d 'r�a �-�+ �i3 � � o"'�o � .-�+ � ao � r-�i m w� �2f .-�i �. � W � w W � a a� a .-+ ad �°qaa �o�ov�i � ab�O� aab�a�O� �baS�O� �vao�o °a3 0 �.+ o�o� i ,.� o�oc� °cDa� S�a 3 a�o � apif� .°-ia��+ ��w aa�, °4� �0 � � � '� .'� a '.'a � a a m � � a �ao o Ha w d cd �.+ �la t� W 41 F+ y a0 W 3+ a+ � cd �+ � � W la � O a� L+ o .-1 � L+ L � s.� 1a �.�1 N q G! O �.�1 i+ N O 1�+ C7 O .-1 F+ Cl O 3�+ L+ N O W N i�t t0 a0 N O W al a.t ,-�+ �� v� H a�+ O � E �3O� H auiOt/� F WOtA � � � ai � +�i F�+ � H tIt N � b�0 � �cq s.� E+ v� 1�H � � E+ � �7 � � , £ w � � E� C� C� p�q H ,. . r � CQ � +�1 � 1� 1� 1� f� i� 1� 1� h h P. f� 1� 1� 1� V1 � 1� O .rD � �O �O � �O tC �O �O �O �O �O �G �O �D �O N O� O c'� �r�l a\ \ \�\� \ \�\� \ \ \ . • . . .0 c+1 �C o� 00 GO o0 C� 00 00 CO 00 �-I CO �G �'-. �O 1� r'1 � �d y � N .-1 '-+ .-� � .-� N N N N N U I� �+'1 c+1 O Ls� �� � ����. � ���� � � � �-1 pd � �7 u1 IA tr'1 tP1 U'1 �1' �7 �t �T �O �G .t A n ' � � O O O i0 I� �t cr1 N �O O �r1 00 O 1� O c� .-I O O O► N r-1 '� .d �7 00 O O� �t O �' N �t u'1 1� vl c'� N V1 00 N N'f W �O O� N ' . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N 41 00 �7 00 u1 t� O c+1 �t u1 O 1� �C I� O� N r-a �O (� 1� C� CO �O a� a O+ t� .y' u1 N tC Q► O �t Q+ 00 1� c� M c'� �t O O �C .-i �-1 O y� O 1� u'1 n � N N O� rl O� O O N M �G �-1 tr1 O� r-I �C � w w w w w w w w w w w w w w O� u'1 N �7 ri .=1 N � .-I rl .-1 <+1 C� �G �G �O G� � c^ •-+ V �• N cr1 r-+ t` � U U � O O c+'1 e*1 '-1 �O t� .t c+1 N t� � 00 cr1 O 1� er1 rl � �' �C � .d N O N �7' O C� �t O �t N .-t c� cr1 u1 c+1 1� Op cr! 1� cr1 N M ,dj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . cr'f N O O� u1 1� O c�1 � O � O �D h � �--� ^ � � � � ,..� t� c0 �t N tA N �D O► 00 O �-1 crf cr'1 1� �' O� 00 �C O� ,� � � N �-°� �O 00 u1 f� rl N N �O O �D N O N th � 00 �O � � w w w w w n w w w w w n w w w � w � O� 1� c+1 �7 N �T � � •N OD �O f� �t c'n 1� �O M �O �--1 c'�y trf u1 00 �O G� N1 CG ri .� a � y tr1 ' � . � 'd e�l a °�' � aa � � � °c� o ,a a~ .�' a a�'i +�+ � W � � A b � � � � ..r.r, � � °a H a� � � a� u •-+ u �u '-+ aC �-+ �+ .� c0 r+ � 3 � ,�-� c a"�i � �i'.-� � � i a3i ,a .+C W �+ � at ++ ]C �+ o � b � • � N C3d +�1 � � � � '� � � � � � � � � � .� � � a � � .�i ,�'-� � � � � � w °� �.i � � ` � r+ x ° ,; tn o w w .-� m d cn .c a3i : o = :. = o ,a �., an o �+ .-� ' > = _ = o co .c � � a �- = _ � � � � w a: x � � �+ z � � x ,- � � � OFFICE OF TH � COMPTROLLER , • SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA b5102 I LL JOSEPH J. MITCHELL ... ■■■ JOSEPH P. LA NASA CITY COMPTROLLER ' , DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER - 1 ,; . August l, 1967 - � _ ' - � � Hoaorable Mayor and Membera of t�e Citq Council Gentlemei: IThe tatal budget of the Sanitary District Eor 1968 is $7,496,829.00. The City's sharei, based on an eatimated percentage of 439'0, is $3,223,636.00. Ex- hibit "A" attach�ed details these e:penses bq activity and may be aummarized by function� as foll�ows: Increase 1967 1968 or Decrease Capitai Outliay Treatment Plant $1,825,110 I,154,120 {670,990) Sewer Re�gulator System 555,570 51$,580 3b 90 Tota 1 Capital Outlay $2,380,680 1,672.700 ?07 980 I � Operating E�pense � , Treatment Plant $1,139,977 1,482,087 342,110 Sewer Regulator System 41,b46 68 9 27,203 Tota� Operating Bxpense $1.181.6 3 1•55�O.y36 369�.313 The reduction of Capital dutlay needs in the amount of $707,980.00 will be reflected inia reduction in the amount required from Boad Fuads. The i�ncrease of $3b9,313.00 in operating expense must be financed by reuenue fram the sewer rentals. - Comparative Statement Exgeaditures to be financed from the Sewer Rental Fund 1967 1968 Sanitary AisCrict - Operations $�,181,b23 1,550,936 369,313 InterceptorESewer Maintenance 107,105 1i1,3I6 4,211 Billing Costs - Water Departmene 70.100 77.80U 7,700 � $��� �� as� Revenue Estimatea to Finance these budgets: Sewer Rerital - Collected bq Water Dept. 1,235,000 �" 'j � Collected by Public Works 300,000 Estianated Fund Balance 100,000 " Accounts Receivable 150.fl00 � ' Total •785�.00� - �� � � Honorable Mayor and Members of �he City Council Page .2 Exhi iC "B" attached is a tabulatfon of the Sewer Rentals billed to various suburbs during the first quarter of 1967, and a record of payments received. It should be note that there are four different methods fn which these bills have been, handled�. � . Some suburbs pafd the bill in full 2�. Some suburbs paid one-third of Che current billing 3'. Some suburbs paid a portion of their bill based on rates effecCive prior to October 1, 1966 • 4�. Some did not make any payment These� actions stem from the urgent request from the suburbs for rate ad- ,justmen as pre�scribed by law. A proposed ordinance for determining sewer rental charges was submitted to the suburbs in late 1966. Due to the possibility of a Metrp- politan district, no furCher negotiations were had during the legislative session. .4�-R your honorable �body co�►itted the City to possible rate adjustments retroactive to July 1,I1965, i!t is the considered judgment of your committee that these accounts rer ceivable will nit be disppsed of until n new rate structure is agreed upon. ' Considerable progress in evolving a new form of contract for suburban sewer service has bee� made. As of May, 1967, agreement was reached with suburban technic�l and legal xepre enCatives concerning the general principles and philosophies to be e�n- bodied in a sCa�idard form of suburban agreement. Since that time work has proceeded• on the detailed� contract exhibits unique to each suburb. The firm of Toltz, King, � Duvall, Anderso�n & Associates has been retained to augment the Public Works staff in order to advance this work as quickly as possible. Complete drafts of the Roseville, North St. Paul �nd Falcon Heights contracts have been senC to representatives of those cou�►unities forlcomment. Conferences with Roseville and Falcon Heights technical and legal representatives are scheduled for the next few days and are expected to resolve any remaining q�estions with those communiCies. The details of contracts for White ° Bear Lake, West� St. Paul, Little Canada, Mendota Heights, and Maplewood, are being developed and are expected to be completed one by one in the near future. Some of them are extre�ly complicated. For example, the White Bear Lake maCter is difficult becauselof irregular boundaries due to annexatione. The Maplewood and West St. Paul contracts are complicated because of the large number of small connectiions where sewage enters the Saint Paul aecaers. Work to resolve this matter is proceeding in cooperation with the technical people of the suburbs and will be concluded as soon as possible. � Due tl the variables present, it is reco�nended that no rate adjustment be made at this time and the negotiaCion be pursued to make a new rate schedule a reality. It is the recommendation that capital outlay continue to be financed through the issuance of general obligatioa bonds. Respectfully submitted, Euge e V. Avery, 'Chairman Clemens J. leck, Secretary TECHNICAL CONIMITTEE OF SAINT PAUL . i , � o�D cd CO C� O 1� �G N CO r+ O � u1 � N r-+ �t �r1 O e+'1 M O O O O 1� 1� O � q1 d trf � aD �D t� �O t+1 u1 0� �t �+N e�1 1� t0 N1 O� .� O r+ O+ o� 00 0o CO �O O �p � � Op OQ ch N tA CO O� N N �' C� l*f O� tA �7 rl N O� Q� O� 00 1� �D f� C� w w w w w w w w w � C3 A O► � r�1 N N '� N •-1 �G O� �t �t �' u1 N 1�O► O �D h 00 O► 00 1� p .? �' c� �t N N �T N �O � �'�1 O N P''! M d �..� rl r-1 �-1 C�1 r1 v � v � M � � � O � I .O �I � 1'� O .� OD O O O O� O O� u1�t d� �D �' O t� O��O O O p t+ O� �C O �O g�' OOC!1M �Of� c�'! OQ� O� NN �t oQN1N CO M NODO OnferlOM 00 O Q t0 f� tr1 0� GO 1� �O N CO G� �t c+1 O �f1 �O O � 01 .-1 u1 n N �7 �D 00 �7 w w w w � w w w w w w C�i �. 1� O� e�'f O M �t �+ � N G► �C �O M c+1 N 00 O .� 00 N �O � M 1� �-1 y .-I e+�'1 N O M 1� O� O� t� f� f� N O O O pp �D u1 �1 e�1 h N1 00 N 1� O N �i' �C .-1 f�. ' N N .�-I r-t rl N ri .�i �7 V1 rl �1 �C �O �A N e'n � .-� �-1 rl �-i N cr1 tr) i7 � m �.1 O� � � .-1 �t o0 N 00 00 O 1� I� tr1 u1 I� �O c'�1 O O O f� �p M O � �.d i� �O �+"1 u1 1� c0 O C� �1 v1 O� 1� N N 1� �N rl h� 00 OO �-1 O O Q C,) 1� � r-1 C► 00 O► u'1 M 00 �D �D �7 � O► .� r-i C1 �O�O � v1 �C O N �'r1 .-� � w w ' w w � w A � A w q w � u: 1� O 1� u1 �D N CO �D 1 �O O .-1 �-1 00 1 00 O► rl .-1 u1 u'1 O u1 1� N O N r-1 Cr1 N O r=1 �t �O �C N N �' N �O f� 1� M �T 00 N �J'1 00 �C O� �O 1� M � �P1 e-1 �D �--I rl rl �-�1 �--1 �-1 rl rl � lf1 �1 C� �A 1f1 �O w w w �. . �-1 r1 r1 N ' N P1 . � N � �j m p�j ' �p V1cr1 �i' 000 000 �--� 0 � �1' � u1 tD .'t0 000 �t �00 1-d Fq c0 !+ CO N N N'1 N O N a► O C� �O O �D O �7' .t �D u'1 O C O �-1 c�'1 v1 Q n � t� �'�1 O o0 oO n u1 .� O .-1 1� �-�1 00 F1 N tr1 � �7 T 00 O CO c'�'1 u'1 00 p� w w w w w w w w w w y+ �G t� A f� c+1 .t c+�1 c�'1 I� ao c�'1 � u1 N I� O '-+ .-+ CO .t N t� O � C� �r1 .7 y+ p� p � N ' .-1 O► O► O '-1 O� .-� O �O �D N �O C� O I� 1� 1� 00 E� � H � N c*1 N N � r-i r-1 �-1 00 00 v1 V1 � �D H O `"r '"� � � v v H � � u1 cr1 e!'1 r1 O O O O O O �-/ O �-1 �p .-1 P• u1 �t O► O O O �t �7 � �10ON �D NON � p � c"1 �'1G0 l"1 �' ^ � � N 00p r-� .-1N 00 � 00 �7 �t �' O �i' 000 �t � 00 I� NO� n � 00 000 I� � 00 � �p �. .� � w w w w w w w w d o� ao .t �n oo �c a� �n a► c� a ao .-� o+ rn �-+ o �c o � �o 0 0 .a .c � pi y� r-1 �f1 u'1 00 O� 1� 00 O� O �-1 �O 1� c+r1 �t �D O CO O O► M �O O� O 01 �' N I� �G �O c'r1 �7 � �' N N � rl�O �O N 00 r1 !�1 � w � V � .�1 � e'� tr1 N � R1 �C �-1 1� 1 FI �/] Ccl H � � o� op O +� O O O O C O O O N N O� O C� O O O O� O d� 'o"'� � �o �n �7 N O O O O O 1� u'1 N M Cr1 N �1 n O O O N k1 1� W i1D O �'`� t� CO O �O �G t�1 O► O� G� �O R1 O �t �7 N �O 0� CO O CO O �C �O F..� �p w w I w w � n w � w w w w p0 C� O .-� �"� M N v1 f+ O 1 O N O� N O� 1 O� Op K1 !� � �O 1� O � � ,o � +-+ c+� :t o0 a� c� a� c� .* � � n .+ c�r+ o� � .D .� � o0 O► N N � c'�1 e"'1 N N cr1 n''f .-a �-1 t0 1� rl N �t � M � � � r-1 .-1 N N � �"� �1 �O rl 00 oD GJ � � �-1 r-1 Q) a d 3 qc� • � 6 a� � c�n q a+ a� 8 N 6 � q g � � �d u c! ad 8 .ct o N c� N d d ai b0 a�i D+ � a�i o0 ta► q � �U CJ o0 A i+ m Q a+ c�4 a.► as �+ at �+ �.+ � �oo m co m a � �+ •� ao � ec ao a oo m .� •a � .� '��, d �z >, at �.+ oo a � >, o � �o .�+ � a, u �n �, *-� cI� 'a d V� � d� m V� d aD y � O � U] p V� .-�1 � ,-+ ti m cn �.+ C7 � � sti � 00 � ,� �o ,o� m a a ��-+ � a m w w sx m m �s ao °1i,' ao ca d � d a,-.q� N cu � � •.+ s�+ �+ � �.�+ sr m � ai s� ..a a,r s+ �-+ +a w w� �� s�+ u�i `T ��.+ N �+ ^d ��.+ w � � � � � � � Q � � � � a�+ a�i � � �.�i a�i � � 'r`°+ ,� �t •� i' � � � �' �ttr+ � °a3 � � � ,°�+ a ° � �a � a �a, w � w � o � j�� � a �� aobtiow � ob'�o� aoa�oa°� � � o�o� � qb'�oc� �qS�a � � .�+ a °r� � m .a °c� � b ..� a°� r+ ct � a°� .a w ..� r°� ..� °a� m b� °r� � o a°� o �o �., c� �o .-� ,� � a �.+ �o w �., w � �'. � m � af �+ °� w a� w � s+ L �o �o � .+ w at �+ a+ � at s+ �, m co �+ +� O a, s� o .-� �.+ s+ ++ a � w � �+ f3 N O � H C� O �+ N O �-1 N N O 4+ i.� G! O c0 N �+ W W O cQ N � w �►�+ 3 H �+ �► 3 [� �+ � 3 H a► � 3 H �q� � 3 H �-+ d 3 c7 +� d H �-+ a� �3J d ,.� � �� ii �a�cq.+ 0ii � Oii .m0 � WO � � H ai �H o FtA �E�., v� £ a � a�G H c� E i c a H \ • W � � �/� M � � � � ^ ^ � ^ � ^ ^ ^ n ^ ^ ^ r I W ^ O .G � �O �D �C �O �D �C �O �O �C �O �O � � �O N O� O c'7 �1 a\ \ \\\� � \�\\ \ \ \ . . . . ,� c+'1 �D o0 aD 00 OD OO OG 00 00 00 �-+ 00 �C �."''I�O 1� d'1 1� DC y � N � �--� � � � NNNN N C7r�l �f'1 <+10 Ir7 y�� � ���� � ���� � � � ,-� cp �n .t �n �n u1 �n �n �t �T �t �t �o �o � A h � � � O O O tp I� �t M N �G O u1 00 O 1� O M .-� O O O� N .-1 � .d �' 00 O O� �y' O �i' N �t �1 1� V1 M N U1 GO N N1 �D �C 01 N ~ ia �1 i • . • . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . • Cl �0 00 �t o0 u'1 1� O ti1 �t u1 O 1� �D f� O� N r-� �C 1� I� O� 00 �O y,� �y C� t� �t u1 N �O C� O �t O� 00 � c'� M c+1 �' O O �O .-a � O },� O I� u'1 t� �-1 N N O� � a► O O N M �O .-� u'1 C� �-1 �O � w w w w w n w w w w w w w w n O� t�1 N � �--1 e-1 N � •-i .-I e-1 M O► �G �D �O C� � M e-1 U 1� N c'�1 �-1 1� �y U U . � O O ch t+� �-+ �O 1� �t c+1 N t� � c0 c'7 O 1� e'� r-� �-1 �t �C rl .� N O N �Y' O G� �' O �7 N r-+ c+1 c'�'f u1 c�1 1� Gp c+'1 1� e�'1 N e'n �• . • • . . • . • • • . . . . • • • • • � M � N Q O� u1 1� O e'r1 � O O� C t0 h �-i �-�1 1� C� �T Cr1 1� ,,..� 1� oD �T N u1 N �O C� CO O �-I c'�1 c�'1 1� �7' C� 00 �O �t O� ,,,,� � N �-°� �D 00 v1 f� � N N �G O �p N O N �+1 � OO �O �O r-1 i w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w � O� .-t�{ � .7 `N �1' •-+ •-� N oq �O f� � c�'1 CO � O�0 M O^0 u•1 �-d .-1 a � �, �o . �, b � wa�i � oa`�.+ m +� f�+ q ct u f+ co ao � �N a � � c°� ax � � � � � � � y �' b � � � r....�. a� a o H � � � � � i+ � u � .-� � 3 � � q � x �i'� t i � ai •a � � � � �n ++ aa +� o '° b c�o - � a�, a � ,�-� z ao � � a °� � .°� � ai � � � � � � � � � y � � �ao � e�d oa a ,.� � � � � ..a w a► w � ,;' 'g � = - _ � xi O � I' c/] O 4a W �-+ c0 d V� � .L" C3! ' � O � � � O rl ' = � i1 OD � ►�i �Gi. a.�'i - � � m . b '-�i L W 2 � U � AC', � '''� O - ✓ 'T. d � t � �� �5'�3 � , , ��� � ' � • Sc��� Pa�� � �� � � � ���� ���((� METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION t 4 J. .� ��l '� � G� P. O. BOX 1700 TV1/IN CITY AIRPORT • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55111 ��� OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • PHONE 722-6685 .lune lg, 1g67 Mr. Harry E. Marshall 386 C�i ty Ha 11 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear r. Marshall : e transmit herewith budget of the needs of the Minne� polis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Corrxnission for t�he year 1968, duly certified, together with a letter to th�e Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul . Would you please present this budget and letter to the Council of th� City of Saint Paul at your first opportuniity? Yours very truly, . . Kuitu � Executive Director HGK: 1 Encl . OFFICE LOCATIO -6040-2 th AVE. SO.-WEST TERMINAL AREA- MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ��� �C NC' �� • SG�i�n� Pa�c� � •�S ?� "'?} METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION t ��; t I L 3^ 1 P. O. BOX 1700 TWIN CITY AIRPORT • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55111 � G A'�� OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • PHONE 722-6685 June 19, 1g67 Honorat�le Coun il City o� Saint aul Court ouse Saint iaul , Mi nesota " Gentlelen: Pursuant o Section 13, Chapter 500, of the Minnesota Session Laws of 1943, as amend d, you will find attached a detailed budget of the needs of the Minneapoli -Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission for the next (1g68) �fiscal ear, duly adopted and approved by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan A rports Commission at its regular meeting June 5, 1967. This budgetlsets fo th separately the amounts to be expended for acquisition of propert�y and c nstruction oq page 34 and specifies the amounts to be expended for bor�ded inde�btedness on page 33. On these matters the statute provides only that tl�ey be b ought to your attention in this manner and at this time, and does not requi�e any action on your part. We also set forth separately the amounts� to be �xpended for operation and maintenance of this Commission and its properties pages 1 through 32, which requires no deficit financing from the Ci ies of Minneapolis and Saint Paul for such operating budget. TF�e under igned certifies that the attached budget, pages 1 through 34, was adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission at a regul�ar meet�ng held on June 5, 1967, and is a true copy of the budget adopted on tha date. H. G. Kuitu, Executive Director HGK: Ip June 19, 1967 ' Certifil d: cc: Cily Coun il of Minneapolis Comptroller, City of St. Paul Val Bjornspn, Treasurer, MAC Board of Estimate and Taxation, Mpls. OFFICE LOCATION -6040-28 h AVE. SO.-WEST TERMINAL AREA- MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT I � �'—�- - �- / . ��, . � � ' ��� • {�� � �`��^�W P`��{�/�IG/ � t �� � !� t� METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION � � P. O. BOX 17Q0 TWIN CITY AIRPORT • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55111 �v�aor�� G ' � OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE 722-6685 I L_ 1 � - 1 .lune 19, 1967 I � � Honorable Council City of Minneapolis Court House Minneapolis, innesota I , Gentlemen: Pursuant� to Section 13, Chapter 500, of the Minnesota Session Laws of 1943, as amended, you will find attached a detailed budget of the needs of the Minneapolis-S;aint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission for the next (1968) fiscal year, �duly adopted and approved by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan � Airpo;rts Commission at •its regular meeting June 5,- 1967. This budget sets forth separately tFie amounts to be expended for acquisition of property and construction on page 34 and specifies the amounts to be expended for bonded indebtedness on page 33. Onithese matters the statute provides only that they be brought to your �attention in this manner and at this time� and does not require any action on your part� We also set forth separatety the amounts to be expended for operation and maintenance of this Commission and its properties� pages 1 through i 32, which requires no deficit financing from the Cities of Minneapolis and Sain� Paul fir such operating budget. _ � �The undersigned certifies that the attached budget, pages 1 through 34, was adopted by the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission at a regular meeting held on June 5. 1967, and is a true copy of the budget adopted on that date. � i t � � � I f, iH. G. Kuitu, Executive Director HGK: lp . June 19, 1967 i . � Certified: I ' � cc:i City Council of Saint Paut Comptroller, City of St. Paul iVal BJornson� Treasurer, h�AC Board of Estimate and Taxation� Mpls. i _ • � f � . � ' OFFICE LOCATION -6040-28th AVE. SO.-WEST TERMINAL AREA - MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT �_ I . _ , _' - i i Edition I DS �290 MINNEAPOLIS-SAiNT PAUL i4ETROPOLITI4N AORPORTS COt�fISS10N BUDGEB . ��8 B�dget Dist�ibu7ion on the 8asis of the Latest Assessed Yaluations of Real ESta�e and Personai Property of the Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Saint Paui Minneapoljs To al � Valuation or 19 $240,655,925a00 $�a03,518,092,00 $6�e4�17�,017,00 Percentage for ig S Budget 37,36� b2o64� 100oQ�X I Budg�t N Opera ing RequiPernerot L i 1 / . , Edition t OS 4290 MINNFJ�POLIS-SAIN'r PAUL P9E�ROPOLI�'AN AlRPOR'�S COt�PRISSiQt+1 �intenance and Operation Budget Requiremcnts Swrrr�ary of Requ I rements � YEAR - 1968 , ' PdET REVENUE EXPENSE REQ.UlREMENTS MAlN OFFIC $ $ 35.132oA0 $ 35,13�;00 WOt�-CHAI� LA B N T X D 1 S7'R 1 CT 260.000 0 00 (260,000�:.00) �o��ct�a� Ru�►ow � E� 4,63a,o�8aoo 4,857,i64000 �25, i46000 (AIRLIPIES) I GEHERAL AtlBA'�IOH 245.894000 _,245.616°00 2 8� 00) T6's'AL 5,137,912000 5,137,912000 -0- 2 � . Edition I ' DS 4290 MINNEAPOLIS-SAIN7' PAUL METROPOLlTAN ABRPO}tTS COP�4ISSIOW MAIN Ot�FICE ESTtt�9ATED OPERA�ING EXPENSE - YEAR 1968 Salaries and 1�1a e Rate 1�,.68 , Execi�tiv� Dirocto� 1,917 ,00 23,004v00 Di�ector of per�tions 10299000 15a588 .00 Oirector of Finance 1,418,00 17,016 ,00 Sec°�+ to th Execo Di�ector 610,00 7.320 .00 Accot�ntant 812,00 9,7�+e 00 Account�nt 675000 8�100000 Clerk Typis OB 414000 4,958v00 Acco�ntant S85�a� 7.030000 2 Clerk Typi�st I 325 �00 7,800 ,00 2 Glerk Typi�st I . 313 000 7,512 000 1 B kpg a t�9ac e Operator 365�00 �4,38fl o 00 1 Account C erk 11 461v00 5,532000 • 1'r�surer°s Staff 660000 Com�. Pe� D dn 10,000 0 00 t�oo S�la�y d�o 8 Overtirtt$ 9,936a00 Pra�lc� Con pol Eng. 1,130000 13,560000 D i recto�- of PPO�ert ies 1,3b4 000 ib,32�000 Engi�neering Asd II 7�So00 8,4b0,Q0 Secret�ry-S�enographer 488.00 5,856,00 C i eik-S tereo rapher 1 325 o QO 00,00 1'OT�L SALAR ES AMD MAGES 186,676o0Q Pe�sion Fund ��9L I+ ;2,36 a 00 18,230,00 !ns� . Empioyees l ,surance 4.950,00 General I 1,000,00 WoP � en°s C en5etivn 2,� 00.00 � 6. 150,00 0 erat in �Su 1 i Off�ce Supp ies 3.500,00 Eng�neering Suppiies SOOo00 ' Postage 1,3p0o00 Sunc�ry 100 0 00 Jan�tor Sup lies 100000 Fue� 4.100000 ' 9,600°00 3 � r` z Edition 1 , as 4290 1 NNEAP0�1 S-SA i N'P PAU� 09EYROP01.14AN A 6 RPQRTS COt�Mi SS I ON MAIN OFFICE � � ESYIMATED OPERA�'ING EXPENSE - YEAR 196$ Uti� �� Po�� 20QeA0 '�elephone � T�elegraph 4,500,00 Elect�ic Cu�P nt for Lighti�g 2�600,00 ' Water OOo00 7.80Qe00 M�i�tener�ce llater i 1 S Ex ense Cont�actual Cleaning 7,OOOo00 Elect�ical Re�alrs 5�000 Elect� ic Ligh't Bulbs 100,00 P�jnt�ng Repa�irs $0,00 Carpenttry Re �1 rs 1Q0,00 Equ i p�i�ent Rep t rs - �1 dgs o 200,00 Rep�i s to F ces and Signs 10000 Repai s to Au�tos and 'Prucks � 200,00 Rep�i�s to Mechani�al Equipment Z00,00 R�apa i�s to Fu�rn i tua�e and F i xtures RoO,pp Equipi�te�t Co tract Maintenance 740,00 Sund�y 50o0Q � F xed 8,740000 81dg.Il4rrwrto in Lieu of Rent 16.�OOo00 Equ i p�nent Re ta 1 400 a 00 Licenies and axe� 5,00 17.205o0A Miseelianeous f9er�ei sh i p, Ques & Subscr i pt ions 4.5�e 00 Adve�tisiag � Legal '100000 Advert i s i ng Errop 1 oyruent 100 0 00 � Professior�al 'Services: ��d�fi 7,SOOo00 Legal 9,500000 Yravel g�5oq,p0 ��e�g�t and rayage 100000 Mileage Ali nce - Auto ' 900000 Bond �pense 4,900v00 Civil Aerona tics Board 5,500000 Zoning - 3,500000 �a 11 $or�ar i.500 0 00 Sundry Zpp,Op 44.800.g00 � , TOTAL� OPERA'�I'N6 EXPENSE 299,201 ,00 4 � : Edition � - . Ds �+290 MINNEAPOLIS-SAIN'f PAUL PtEI'ROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COPtMISSiOM MAIN OFFICE � , ESTBtiA'�ED OPERATIMG EXPENSE � YEAR 1968 Capital Ou�lav . � Miscellaneous quipment 2.00po00 TO'�Ab 301,201000 Less amoun� I i located to h'otd-Chamberlain Field 266,L06,�o00 NI T 1'OT'A 1'2 00 5 , Edition I DS 42$0 19lNNEP�POLIS-SAIN'� PAU6 ME�ROPOLITAM AORPORTS COW98SS10�1 SA 1 NT PAI!!. D4�:�T0lJN A 0 RPOR4 �HOi.MAN F I ELD) ES�if�64TED OPERA'�iNG REVEIdUE - YEAR 1968 }IeA�P L Sf:S � Hangar #1 !� ngs, Once (10-31-68) . 2�040000 H�ngar #2 Motte Aviation 4�$OOo00 Noe Riversi e Ha�gar (F4erc.) (12-31-70) 10,000,00 So. Riversi e Ha�egaP (3M) (12-31-7�) 20.000,00 Percentage ses 2�400s00 I �39,240000 round Space Naegeie Sig 10,00 Army Aviati n (Plat°1 G�a�-d) 1,920,00 Aero-Mechan x (6-110�-71) 904,00 �i�� (il-D4 66� 384�a00 �'wi� City B rge S Tawing Coo 600,00. Ro�b Avlati �License) (8-31-66) 600,Op XIV �Army Co pso (6-30-67) � 904,00 FE4A �R�mote �ransmi tte� S i tes . 2,�0 T i e IOo�trs 00,OQ . 5,620,00 Administ�ation �u ldinQ Space �Rentels , Firslt Floor . 105 l�inne ota Highway Pa�sol (6-3�°68) 567,00 11;9 Phel Ae�o 612000 120 Ph�lp �o�0 657�00 �23, ti24. �25. �z8, �29. 203, aog, 2�2, 2i9, 613A State Depto (6-30-67) 8,�4b,00 ` ftest�u�a�e 2.4Q0,00 Seeorad F 100 208 204 6 222 '�win Clty �arge a,631,00 20�i �tssti Const�uction 1,63b,00 216 f�G 0 f i ce Zi� Robb � 765000 220, 221 �'awa� Facilicy (6-30-67) 2,2o6�oq zo,ota000 Hiscell�n us Fu�1 F 1 oa�+g 17,000,00 Ve�d'ing 14ac i�es 200000 - .�. � 17,YOOo00 b . Edition 1 DS 4290 MINNEAPOLIS-SAIM3 PAUL MEYROPOLITAN AtRPORTS CO►�MlSSION SAiN'P PAUL DOM�Tal�1 A�RPOR7' (HQLMl�Pd F6ELD) EST 1 MPITED OPERRT i iVG RE!lEHUE - YEAR .1968 [�eimbursad �Exp�qse 1� Hangir No. 2 insurance 830000 Fire �P�otect oa Rive�side Hangar 720.00 Gas Tax Refu � U 00 1.600aoo OTAL 0 ERK�'ING REI►EPIUE 8 6 8 00 � 1 Edition l DS 4290 MI NE�PQLIS-SA1N7' PAUL WE�OPOLIYAN AIRPOR7'S C0f�191SSl��� SA 9 N3 PAU L DAk'N�OWPI A 1 RPOR�' (HOlI�AN F I ELD) EST 1 MfA'S�D OPERAT 1 NG EXPENSE - YEAR 1968 Sa 1 a r i es and aaes � i�„b_8 Adminisltrative 1 Aitpo�t Su ervisor 850000 10,200�d0 I - i Sec°y Sten 32Sa00 3,900�Ofl �ield inten nce Electriclan 60� hrs. 4.92 2,952000 i �4s�s°t IFor n Equip. Opee�ation 705000 $,460000 3 �Mlaintenan e Men 3043 ' 21�486�00 2 Senior f� �tenance Men 3,58 i�a"9� 61,948000 OWert me and Rionthi y Sala AdJustn�t 4.376000 i0�'AL SA,'I�AR 8 ES AND 1�i4GES 66,324e 00 Less llocatlon to Lake Eimo . 2.00Oo00 64,32�.00 P�ns i o� Fur�d 8� I $85800 6.075.00 �nsur�n4e , Em�ioyees S surance 1,800a00 Gene�sl 7,400,00 Wor � n°s C nsation 0 OQ 9,950000 8 Edition i DS 4290 MONNEAPOLIS-SAI�IT PAUL M�RAPOLITAN AIRpQRTS COM0�11SSION • . . SAINT PAUL DOWNTOWN AIRPORT (NOLMAM FIELD) ESTIMIA4ED OPERATING EXPENSE - YEAR 1968 ra i 'Su i ie , � . Offi�ce Supp ies 200000 Postiage b0.00 Euel� 2,b00,00 Gasoline Ec�uipment I�aintenance 2�000,00 Jan i',toor Sup i i�s 625�00 40�1 and u�d�°y 70 0 08 -� Shap Suppti s 250,00 $ttR f'�/ ��O_Q OO - 5.905 000 U en ils � Tool , I Too 1 s 150 0 00 tli ies Telephone a d Telegr�ph 1,200000 Poa�r 500,00 Electric Cu rent Ac�ninistr tion Bldg. 3�OOOo00 �ield and Runo�ys 1,OOOa00 I�ater 35�0 00 Sev�ge _ ,80,00 , 6,130000 9 Edition e OS 4290 MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COl�ISSlON " SAlN'!' PAUI. DOIsRV'S'OWN AIRPORY (HOLi�AN FBELD) ESTIM{A7'ED OPERAVING EXPENS� - YEAR 1968 Maintenance Mlateri 1 8 Ex�ense � � Elect�icai R pairs 100e00 -Repa��s to F eld Lighting 2,100000 Electric Lig t Bulbs Admin�stra ion Bidga 150.0� �6etd and unways 350,00 P 1�b i�g Re i rs 2000 00 Painting � 200.00 Buil�li�g Equiprtient Repairs 1,k00,00 Buiiding 14at riais 1,600000 Cutting � Ca e of Grass 200v00 Sand'�ng Ru ys � 100,00 Snawi Removall Runvrays (Extra L�bor) 800000 Etepa i rs to Rfamps • l 000 00 Repa�i rs to S�torm Set�r S�o 00 Etepa�irs to P�arking 'Lots • i50o00 Repa�rs to P�blic Areas 100000 Repa li cs to F��Cnces 6 S i gns 2000 00 Repa��s to R�unways 4000 00 Repa'trs to R�oads, Curbs � Gutters 10Uo00 G rad t rog F i$l d l 000 00 Reps,i rs to k�a 1 ks 250 00 Repa i rs to S�nea 11 Too 1 s 500 00 Repairs to utortwbite S Trucks 2,SOOo00 Rep�,irs to ieid Equipment . 700000 Repairs to chanical Equipment 250000 Rep�,i rs to urn i ture and Fi•xturas 500 00 Tempec�te�e�e Control 505000 Sund'ry 1000 00 I12,580000 �'ixed Cheraas � Equ i;pment R ,n ta 1 SOOo 00 Licenses � axes ' �ODOO r�� SSOO OO . 10 Edition f DS �90 " MS NEAPOLIS-SAIl�' PAUI METROPOLI�AN AIRPORYS COH�4ISSION SA i NT PAUL DOI�A�ITOId�! A 1 RPORT (HOt.�SAN F i ELD) EST S t�A�'ED OPERAT 8 NG EXPENSE - YEAEi 1968 isceilaneaus .� 19embers'hIp Due tr �ubscriptions 100000 Travell 200.00 Professional S rvices 800000 Freight� and Or yage $Oo00 M i 1 eag � A 1 a ovs ce - Auto 15r,0.00 1�00_�00 TOYAL OPE 'P I t�6 EXPENS E 105,9640 00 Sapital Outlav � Miscelian�ous quipment 500 00 '�0'�AL 10 �64 00 � i li Edition i DS 4290 M1B NNEAPOL I S-Sd0.1 WT PAU L P4ETROPOL I1'AN A 1 RPORTS COMO�{6 SS I ON WOLD-CWAt48ERi.AlPJ FIELD ' '�AX D I S'!'R i C'T 1968 Amount to be r�is d by texes (Estimated 14ssessed Yaluatio� of: (PePSOr�a1 raperty � 995.3�.00) (Real Esta e $3,570,635000) less (see note b�low) P1�7 FOR BUDGET $ 260�000 e 00 U�der and as au2h riYed by chapter 715, Laars of �linnesota 1g53; Section 4� �linnesota Stato 1953, 3��1 6 - 3fs0o132, for disbursements tir�der ar�d as authoriaed by said law for "t'o1 i c i ng and f i re pt�atect ion at and wi th i n" the ma jor a i rport, corm�only knoo+,� as lrbld-C�iart�erla n F1eld but officiaily designated as Minneapolis-Saint Paul IrotePnational Air rt - klald-ChambePlain Field, "and fo� the co�st�uction, maintenance and repai� of str�ets �nd motor vehicle parkir�g areas within such airporte" t30TEo (�a�ed on rriefhod of valu�ation used in prior yearso) � recent decision of the t9inrteso�a Distrtct Court IfoP Hennepin Coungy hoids r�l p�op�rty �t Wold- Chamberlain Field exert�pt from tax� though unde�- leas� to airpor� ter�nCso (Appe�l pending) 12 - Edition 1 DS 4290 M NNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL IA�ROPOLITAN AIRPURTS C0f4MISSION . WOLD-CHAMBERtA1M FlELD ES�'lMATED OPERATtNG REIIENUE - YEAR 196$ .�n,qar leases � De Ponti Avia �ion ���RL) } ' -Qe Poflti Avia ion (Sou�h liangars) 10.800000 De Ponti Jet iuel Stoeage � S,OOOo�d� De Ponti Gas �torage-De Ponti Ramp) Morth Central Airlines Wanga� ##i) 6dorth �Centrai Ai�lines Hangar #2) 45,q06o00 Nortfi� �Central Airii�es �ldgo #16) NoPth �Centr�l Airlines Bldgo #16 Addno 29,Q93o00 NoPt�►�s4 Air ines Fiain Base i ,010,177v00 Idestern Airli es Hangar 80,307°00 . 1�181,283000 Grcwnd S ac Air Tirmi��l i e�vices-Parking ' 65fl.000o00 A11te� Fueling • 4a82�o00 Avis �tent-A-CaP �28,U58) 72,000,00 Bre�iff Lo� (4-30-6�) 2,410,00 -D� Penti 81d o Area #2 �10-31-78) 11,847000 E�plo�ree Par ing T4,500000 • FAA (ILS. UH . VHF� ALS) 5000 -Ge�aral �ii�l t -Bldgo Area #4 . 3,866000 Naegele Sigr� 1,080.00 tdaeg�ie Slgr� - Highw�,y 720000 Gu�s� Yransp rtation (5.249) 6�OOOo00 IiePt� Corpor tioe� (45,05�) 100,000000 Higi�ti�y Disp ay 120000 Lend�Leasa C r Rental �18.380) 47,OOOo00 t�pis -Star T ibun� 100000 Pio�tli Cent�a�l Fuel SLorage 2,400000 �iorth Centra�l Auto Park +�.504000 NSP Sub-stat�ion �500.00 Nbrt 1 i�ee� �red i t Un ion 2�a0o00 Nort�it�st�rn� Refining - Servtee Stat3oe� 16,OOOa00 Opdi�ar�ce Vi�olation Fines 39�OOOo00 Parl�ing C�et rs 41,OOOo00 -per,vey s co et�-3o-,0) ��,083�00 S�l�y oit oo (�-7-67) 900000 �e !� Fai�b 1l�CS 3�4300�0 Ur�i�ed Airi nes Ha�tg�P 8 Cargo 2�,043�00 � 1 ,056.471000 Bui �dina Saace Rental Adm nistratlion Butlding {FedoBldge) 135,598000 F 13 Edition 1 DS 4290 MeNNEAPOLIS-SAlW'� PAUL ME'�ROPOLBTP+N A9RPORTS CO@�a91SSiAN kSOLD-Ct�WMEBERlA6N FdELD ES$I MrAYED OPERAT 1 NG RtllENUE - YE�4R 1968 Buildinq Saace Renta �Continued) �68 ' Westher Bur u 8�1�6,00 . ldeatier �ur u Addne 2.b93s00 1�6,437000 FAA - iew Tv�e (6-30-67} 3o,C32,00 Terminal �ullding: . Airljne Cou�tesies � 2,876,00 Airl�i�e Pilqts Assno �7�31°b3� 1,160000 Air �'erminal� Services - Newsstand �48,OOOo00 ADlicd Avia ion Fuelirrg 6.167000 Amer;ican !. ke� Co: - Storage Lxkers •�17,000.00 A�er�ican Ne►los Coo - Restaura�� 220,OOOo00 ArnePican News Coo - Storage 666000 A�aeric�n td�rs Coo - Liquor Licensa ZOOo00 Avis� Rent-A1Car - Counter � Office 2,621v00 6ra�iiff - A ea (18,518°) 112.589000 B�a�tff - P System � 2,100000 • 9roaks Barb�r Shop 2,7000�0 Custom Disp �y (1-20-67) 47,OOOo00 Clinic (Di- 6-69) 9,652000 � EastcPn 14ir t�es - Area (8,666°� 52,689e00 Eastern Air i�es - PA Syst�ra 595�00 E�ne� Air �� eight �,5�202000 � G t i�ech Do�e 1 opr�ent Coo 5,252 0 00 Guest Tr�ns�ortiation - �ountep 435000 Herta Cor �a�ion - Counfier 8 Office 5,977�00 Ela�oad Joh son - Sh�e Shine 1,800000 • Norinan Je on 8840 00 !(iddi� Kon essions - Anaasert�ent Oevices Z8,OOOo00 L�nd L��e CsP Re�tai - Counter 580000 i4a�"sh S F�c �nnan - �nsu�ance 72,OOOo00 Mi c� Cant i:n��t A i t�ys 8840 00 99odar� V�lk3ng Picturc� S.IOOo00 d�til�-O-Lok �sy 'Poiiets 10a000v00 Nort�► Cent�al �►ir�ines - Are� (i1.a92°� 68.655�00 No�th Cent al Airtines - pA Systern 3,i1�oA0 6do�tbwest �i�lines = Ar�a (45,93b°� a79,291000 No�thr�est birlincs - PA System 5�964000 �lorti�aFeste n Bell Telephone 19�300000 No�thvdeste fl Ref i n i ng - Coaenter 455.�0 Obsewvatio Decks 18,000�00 OaaPk Airlines - Area (4,065°) 2��715�00 . Ozark AirlFi�ees - PA Syst�n gtW,00 Pa�ific At�r l�reight 2.041a00 Ptieips Aa�o Corpo - Cou�te� 1,365000 ' Pionae� Di�stributing - Vendtng Machines i1o000,00 Railway E ress Agency 10,370,00 Cfia�les N Schayer - l4erchandise 71,000,00 S � H Bem rages - Vending Machi�es 32,O�Q�00 - 1�e Edition L DS 4290 MINNEAPOLIS-SEIINT PAUL METROPOLITAN AlRPORTS C019M�SS90N tdOL.O-CHAMBERLAI�J FIELD EST t MPITED OPERA'�1 NG RENEtdUE - YEAR 1968 Buildin S' aca Re tai Co�t�nued �� • Tc�avel Se vice . 300�00 � . Te�rneffe sl�nd Lodge i,969,00 United Ai lines - Are� �16,249°) 98,794,00 Uni�ed Ai ltnes - PA System 1.884000 , l�testern A rl lnes - Area (25.296°) �153,800.00 . W�stern A �lines - PA System • 1.600000 ��st��n U io� 125a00 Wate� 8 S wage Service iZ.000o00 ' ( 1,480,812000 aruii Area Usa Min�iesot� Id t°1 Guerd (6-30-67) 14,3SOo00 Uo So Air F rce 1S,OOOo00 Uo S. Nav� 22e0Q0o00 A i r� i c�es 560,OOOo00 61i,35o�00 W 1 sce l laneous 9 eocame • �arining (FR�I, JOH� 2,148000 Go�� Drfving Range (12-31-66) 1,800000 �ue� Flo+�ge 24.00Oo00 � Water and S��wage Service 38.00Oa00 � l�np�ah Sc�ool {NQR) 4,�54000 -Pe�centage Le�ses • ' 8,S 20,OQOo00 . Misceilan@ ��as �1.00 000 Igt.8oa�oo - I v�ment Rent ls Post Offic _ b1,98g,00 R.�mp - t?� ont i ..5��00,00 g7.389000 f��imb:urs Id E�en es 1 ns�urance: - D'e Ponti tdaL � South Plang�rs 2,800,00 �or�h Ce t�ai Hangar #1 3,OOOo00 orth Ce t�al t0�ngar #2 2,700 ,00 North Ca trbl Bidg. �16 3,238000 No�th Cc�tral-Meno�ah Schcal 200,00 � ' 11.938a00 g0�'AL OPERAT6NG �NCOME .b78:114,00 15 Ed i t ton 1 DS �t290 M NNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL F�E�'ROPOLITAN AIRPOR'6S COP�ISSION WOLD-C4lAl4�ERLAeN FOELD £STBR�TEO OPERATING EXPENSE - YEAR 1968 Salarles and �Idaq�s Rate 1�6 _8— ��.r. Adminis?t�ative 1 Di�ector 1,478,00 17,736000 1 6usiiness s Finance Coordinator 1,096000 13,152v00 ' 1 Airport En ineer ' 1�230,00 14.760e00 1 Sec'rata ryr 634000 7,608.00 i Clerk 3ypi t 11 446.00 5,352000 • 1 Cie��k Ste 6 352000 4,224000 1 Clerk Typt t i 300000 3.600000 I66,�32000 Field Maintena ce 1' Supe�visor of A3Pport lt�atntenanc g40,00 i1,380000 1 Mo�ile Equ p, Operator 3.6n 7,517a00 2 Sen�ior Mai tenance P�n 91 3�58 14.950000 1} h{�int�nanc Men ! 30�3 i36,075000 1 Carpenter 4010 �,561,00 1 Electricia -Forertsan 4,92 10�273000 3 Autio Mecha ics 3092 2�,555000 1 I�c�anic M ld�r 3092 8,185,00 i Equipment ervic� Man 3�53 7.371000 • 2 Gonstructi n Equtpo Operators ,4a0� 17s038,00 E��gency bor 6 � v �o �'e'7�v000 267,a9t000 �uilding Matnt na�ce-Hew Terminal �idgo 1 Sup�o of 9 ild6ngs 995a00 11,940,00 1 Ass°t to S pto of Building 676o0Q 8,112000 1 Cle�k Typis�t B 325ofl0 3.90ao� 1 Chdaf Ope�°�ttng Engineer 904000 i0,84$000 8 Ope�ati�g r�gtneer #1 3092 b5,480000 4 Ope at i rag E�ng i n�r #2 3 a�2 31.905.00 • 3 Eie�trician-Journeyman 4,42 27,687000 i Carpenter 4oi0 8,560000 1 Painter 3097 8,290,00 S Mat�ons 338/380��� 22,596e00 i M6�tFon 338�� 400yboo0 8 danitors 591000 56,736000 2 Attendents (1/2 time) 1,75 3o65�eo00 263,764000 ' 16 Edition I pS �g0 MIiNNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL ME3'ROPOL84AN AIRPdRTS COMPIISSAON l�fOLD-CHAt�ERLAIN F9ELD ESTiF�TED OPERATiNG EXPENSE - YEAR )g68 . ala ies and Wa es Co t�nu , Ra e �,�56 Safety D�pa tment i fire Chi�ef 1,214.28 14.572v00 2 �ire Ca�tains 739.00 17,736000 2 �ire C�qtains Junior 713,00 17.112000 13 ii�efig �ters 588/654e00 101,232°00 � �+ Pollce S�ergeants 706000 34,OSbo00 13 �atrolme�r� 588/654000 95.688000 � 1 Police n 530000 6,360,00 ' 3 Eme�genc, Operators 396/�a63 0 00 15�864s00 � 302,620000 . EOo�thly� Wage Adjustment 6 Ov�rtime 94.00Ov00 � TOT L SALAR B ES AND 1,�1GE5 994,107 0 00 � Pensian,�,Fund � 8� ia,76o 00 • � 95,26oeoo nsu anc Ea�1 oy�ees 8� urance 25,875 0 00,, � ���"s�'�� 75 0500.00 � Morlaaen°s nsatio� 11 e4�000 ` � �a,775o00 t7 E�itlon 1 DS �290 HINNEAPOIIS�SAit�ls PAUL M�'i'ROPOL�YAN AIRP06tTS COMY9ISSI�N WOI.D-CHAt�BERLAIN �IEID ESTIMPITED OPERATIN6 EXPENSE - YEAR 1958 Operat 1 nct u�pl i'es � � Office Supp ies 2,400,00 Engtnee�ie�g SuAP� i� 25000 ���n9e 400 0 00 I Ac�ninistr tion 81dg. 7,OOOo00 Terminal idg, (Boiler Pl�nt) 88,OOOo00 Eq'uipment Bldgsa 10,000,00 Ftre�Stat on 1,500000 1'owral � L.au dry Service Adfiir�ist� tion Bldgo 200000 ' Eq ipmant idgo 100a00 F1 e Sfia�i�on 50a00 Fo ice 5Q,00 Terminal B�ldgo i�lOOeQO . Jaai�o� S�pp�lies Ad inlstra�tion 61dgo 400,00 1'e ir�al B��d9� i 1,000000 Fi e Stati � 700e00 T��° 100,00 8o�ler Pla t � 20Q,00 Gaso�tne 6 D esei-Solvents Eq ipir�ent i�tena�nce 9,000,00 Fiie Stati n � 2,8Qpo00 Shop °Suppl Ie , ' Equ�iprr�ant idgsa 3�OOOoOQ Terminai B dgo �a00oU0 Boirter Pla t 300000 FiPe Stati n 1QOo00 , • 18 Edition 8 DS 4290 F!9 Nt�EAPOII S-SA 1 NT' PAUL METROPOE.il'AN 141 RPORTS COt1t�11 SS I ON . . b�OID-CHAFI�ERLAIN �IELD - ESTINW4ED OPERATING EXPENSE - YEAR 196$ Oaer�ti� Su lies �ontinued) ,�68 Sundry Operat �g Scspplies Adm nistc�t ve 75�00 Adm nistrat�on Bidgo 50,00 Equ pment B dgo 200000 T@rr�inal A� SDOo00 Secrrity 1�400,00 Police Unifoc Allawance a,100o00 Fire nifo�m ilowance E•,�QO°00 lti],85o0�� '�tensi,l� and 1'ools _ Tools 1,3o0a00 ��t 1 i,�,I�s � Tele � one �n Telegraph Adm�inistra ive 3,OOOo00 Ad�, Bldgo 510000 Equ�i�nt idgo S70o00 Terminai A s� 810000 sccurity 4,100000 Electric Cu� ent Ad�iinistra ion �1dgo 49700,00 f i e 1 d and , unr�ys 18,000 0 00 Eqt�ipm�nt ldgo 20000000 Te�minal A ea 145,000,00 Fi�e Stati n ' 2�OOOo00 To+�er 7,200 0 00 k�afie� Te�mir�l A e� � 30,OOOo00 AdTinistra� ion �ldgo 400000 Ey�ipment�ldgo 300,00 Pu�1ic A�° and Structures 6,000,00 Fi e Stati n 300000 �'o r 300 0 00 Se�aa e 'Pe minal rea 1i,000o40 Ad�ninistp tion Bldgo 200000 Eqluip►rerit BTdgo 100000 Pu�lic Ar a and S��uctur�s 24,000,00 Fi�e Stat on 50000 Ta6ve r _ 100 0 00 Po�aer Administr�tion Bidg. _ 300,00 260,940,00 � Edition i DS 4290 i�DNE�IPOLIS-SAI�iT PAUL FIETROPOIITAN AIRPOR'fS COI�ISSION �lOLD�CFWPRBERLA6H FIELD ESY S P4A'�ED OPERAT 9 NG EXPENSE - �EAR 1968 F�ainten�ance� t�ateri�l 6 Ex ens 1 6$ Elect ic�al Re airs Adm nistra2ion 81dg. 200v00 Public Arca� (Pa�king) 100000 Equ�pment �ldgo 200000 Repairs to ield I.ighrir�g 8,500000 Tr�ffic Sig ls - 200,OQ Na��qa�s DOOoOA Fire Statio i00o0Q Terminai Nr 9,200ad0 'Poar�rs 50 0 00 Ei�ct�ic Ligh Bulbs Adm nistPat on Bldgo SOOo00 � Fie d and R rn+�ys 300,00 Pub ic Area 100,00 Equ prne�t B dg, 100000 Fir 5tatio 2Se00 Toa�mi�i Ar 8�500,00 Plumb�ng Repa rs Administra� on Bldgo 500000 Pubi�ic Area 300000 Equ�pment B dgo 200oQ0 4�atdr �ter Al�intenance 900000 Fir� Statio i00o0A Te i�l A� 9,100000 Sanit�ry Se r 500a00 &�a 1 nt i�ng R�pa rs Administrat on �Idg, 500,00 Equi�ment � clgso 109o0Q Public A�ea ' 300000 Runv�ys SOOa00 Security 50,00 1'eno�in�l At� 10,700000 Carpen�ry Rep irs , Admi ist�ati.on �idgo 400,00 Equi nt Bl�dgo 100,00 Pabltc Area iQ0a00 Fire� Statio 100,00 , Tepmlinal Ar 600,00 Buildi g Equi , Repai�s Admi istrati n 81dgo 1,200,00 Equi e�t B1 gso 200000 Publ c Ar�s lOfla00 Fire Statio 200a0Q Term� nal A r � 9,000,00 �utlding Materials Admi�istrati n �ldgo 500000 Equi nt B1 g, 600,00 20 Edition 1 DS �290 !4 NNEAPOLIS-SA9N1' PAUL AZETROPOLITAN AIRPOR7'S COi9�JISSIOH 1�i0LD-CHAN9ERLAIN FIELO ES3lMiAYEO OPERAT6NG EXPEt�SE - YE�4R 1968 !4�i ntenance !#ater i a 8 �x ense Co t i nued 1�68 8utiding Mate ials (Continued) Hangar� � 50000 �i�re Stations iQ�0o00 Pubilic Area 400000 7'er�inal Ar i,600,Ot� Care of Grass (Seed. Ferto. � Applic�tian k�esc� Cont ro ) 1�800,00 � Repa i rs to Rn r�ys 8 Tax iv�ys Patchj�g 1,60Qe00 ites�aliag Jqints 9.5Q0,00 Reseaitng R�mps , 1.500,00 Repa i r� to St �rm Sev�er i,200 0 00 Snow Removal unv�ys � �teld 6,000,00 �Eguipm�nt ental) Sno�r Remavai art�s (Equipment Rent�i) 14�600000 Snaa R�oval ubl ic Ar�a 8 Parka Lot (Rental) 6,000,00 Sanding Runv�y�s 6,500000 Repa i r"�s �o �fa l�ks 100,00 t�ep�ira to R ds, Curbs 6 Gutters 4,600000 Sa��d F� Pe�b 11 Arees 3,000,00 • Rep�i e- to Fer�c�s 6 S i gns , Admi�istratipn Bidgo Z00,00 �ielti �nd R�nv�ys 8,000,00 Pe�lic A�eas 400a00 Secu�ity 50,00 Termfnal Ar 6�OOOo00 R�atr� to Par ing Lots 10,800o0Q Repair to Aut � 'Prucks 19,fl00o00 Repair to Fie, d Eq�ei�me�t 9�000,00 Repa i r to Ma� , Equ 1 prt�sn t Admir�istrati a� Office 100000 Admiflistratl n �ldgo 600000 Equi�nen� B1 g, ZOOo00 Publ�c Area 200000 Secu it Tee,m�nai ar 6.2ooaoo Repair� to Fur iture 8 Fix�ures Admi�istrari e Of'fice 100,00 Admi Zstrati n 81dgo �Ia0,00 �t ♦ Editton 1 DS �290 MiNNEAPOL9S-SAINY PAU! MIEYROPOLITAPI A9RPURYS COl9�11S510H b10LD-CHAIffiERLAI�t FIELD • ESTIMAi'EO OPERATIidG EXAENSE - YEAR 196$ Naintenance I�te ial 8 Ex ense Continued� � Reqairs to Furniture S Fixtures (Cont°d� '�erminal �krea 2�100000 �quipmen Bldgo 100.00 Secu�ity 200a00 Sundry 604000 � S�op Naint nance 100,00 Con�tractua Cleaning Termin�i Bldg, 227a267,00 Wiadow Ci ning Terminal @ldgo 7,895000 Contract C e�ning To�ar 8 Old Admo t3ldgo 38.3�4000 Coni�act Cleaning Equipment Bldga 2.790,00 ' 4b3.4810�0 Fixed Charqes .,..�. Equ'��i�nt e�tal Administ� tion Bldg, 100000 , Teemin�i uilding 3�200000 Field 8 R �ways 10�000000 ' P�bitc Ar� as 1,OOOo00 • ' Easer�ent Re ta 1 300,00 Licgc�ses an Yaxes 200000 Pubitc Addr ss System 8,�80000 Background usic 420oQ0 Elevator Se v�c� AgPeement 7.921,00 Esc�l�tor S rvice Agreement i2,b65o00 Ertksr�gcncY P X 2,306000 Clock Syst 7,800000 . Tem�e�ature Control 1,242,00 . Offilce Equi ent i�0o00 55,7��00 Hiscellaneoua t9ertab'ership� Dues � Subscriptions 200000 . Advectising - Legsi 300000 Adve�tising - E�loyrt�ent 100,00 Travel 300000 Frei� ht 6 D ayage 200,00 Br�n�°s Se�ice 600,00 Prof ssional Services 17�000.00 Rubb�sh Disp�sal • Ad�inist�a�tion Bldgo 1,800000 '�e�ntnal A�ee 1�600,00 Field � Ru vaays 100a00 Public Ar s 8 St�uctur�s 500,00 Equipment uilding 400e00 Miteage Allo nce - Auto 20Uo00 Sundry 200000 �lne Collect on 500,00 ' Fire Protect on 6.250000 30,250,00 � Edition 1 • DS 4290 . M! HEAPOL 1 S-SA 0 NT PAU! ME'�ROPOl.1 YAtd A I RPO�tTS C014R91 SS I ON WOLD-CHAF�ERLAi�f FiELD ES3IMATED OPERA�ING EXPENSE - YEAR 196� �� Equlpint Revoiving Fund 100,000000 . Replacement Re erve �Furniture) 39.678v00 2,3010405�00 Setf-Liq,.uidatinq Ex ens MOR Flai a Ad �i , g r tion 28,034,00 Hk'A Mla�in �ase 996,555e00 b�1L Ha' gar 73,876,00 3ermtn�l Build�ing C�pit�l Recovery 875�b56o00 � Ai�l ine Res�t �dJustment 215,743000 Post O�ffice 46,g21o00 Old �'e�rminal ui lding 48 059a00 A i Pcra�ft Park ng Area 4,84be 00 � Field �Improve nts ' 2.289,690000 SUB-TO'�A OPEf�ATIN� EXPENSE � 4,59i,o95,00 Plus Administ�attve Expense fram Main Office 256.069000 TO'�Al 4.�57s 1640 00 g� Edition i DS 4290 FI NNEE4POLtS-SAON�' PAUL I�TROPOLITAN AlRPORTS COI�IiSS10N SECONDARY AiRPORTS SUPI�WRY . Revenue �$ Fiyiqg Cloud 58,220a00 Crystat 34.o30ao0 Anoka County i8,800,00 Laka Eimo 0 Ov00 TOTAL 116.120000 Disbursemen ' , Flyi�ng Clou . 49,490000 Crys�tat 33a362oo0 ARO{�a Count 51,465,00 lake Elmo S .00 YOTRL 1 8 1 2000 �� Edition 1 OS 4Z90 MONNEA�OIIS-SAIH� PAUL METROPOLITAN �lRPOR�S COl�i1SS00N SECONDARY AiRPORTS E��'1 KA4E0 OPERA7'I NG REVEMUE - YEAR 196� Fl in Clond Fiel 1Z68 Gr lund Spa e {3er�tal (Base) 17,372,00 Ground Spa e Rental Crop 802e00 Ground Spa e Tiedoam 2500�0 N�n�a� 2,250,00 Percentage Leas�s 24.00Oa00 Ali;ey Asse sment 2,486000 Bui�iding S�ce t�ental 1a020o00 To�r Rent 1 9�140000 � Vending Ma�hines SOOo00 Mts� ellan� us 100000 TOYAL Fl1Ft�1G CLOUD FIEI.D 58,2�Oo00 stal Fi 1d go r Rent�l � �,560,00 6ro�nd Spac 1'iedor� 96000 Ail�y Asses ment 2.550.00 Gr nd Spac Rentai (Base) 13,6240�0 Por entage eases B,SQOo00 6ui ding Sp ce Ren�at 600000 Mis ell�neo s 100000 YOTAL RYS�AL FiELD 34,030000 Anoka Cc�r� y Field Ailiy � Ent �nce 1,037,00 Outc�oor 5 i g bo�rd 50 a 00 6round Spac Rental �Base' 6.279,00 " Geou�nd Spac �apming 2. 180,00 Percentage eases 1,7��00 Univ rsity ent 6,130,00 G rou d Spac T i edc�ta 1,21e4,00 P{isc ilaneo s �_ pp,pp TO�AL NOKA COl1N'rY F�ELD 18,�OOo00 t�ake Elmo F�eld Percent�gs l ses 1,616000 . Grou�d Space Rental (Base) 2,b0�o00 � Fe rm�rog 300,00 Atte�r Assess �¢ �OOo00 Miscdllaneou 50,00 TOTAI KE ELl40 FtELD 5.070000 `�03AL S COWOARY REFIENIlE ���� � Edition I DS 4290 INNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL t+�TROPOLITAN AIRPORYS COP�40SS10� SECONDARY AIRPORTS - FLYtNG CLOUD FIELD . ESTIIti1AATE0 OPERATIN6 EXPENSE - YEAR 1968 Sa lar ies and Hactes Rate 1� ' Admi�istreti e 1 qirport upervisor 598v00 7,176a00 1 itrport upervisor 583000 6.996v00 O ver t irr� & Par t T ime Superv isors �8 8.0 0 - 21,260,00 Pe sion Fun 8� � $1,023 00 2.830,00 Insurance Ert�ployoes In ur�nce 450,00 Genoral 2.bo0.00 Wor � n°s C nsation inso 260,00 3,310000 0 a�atin S li� Offiie Suppl es 50.00 Engir�eering upplies a5o00 Post�ga i0o00 Fuei 2,OOOe00 ShoP Supplie 150,00 Ja�a i�or Supp i es 250 0 00 Gasotline 3,300000 Su�de1y 100,00 Utensils an� �oois 5.885a00 Tools 50000 . Utilities . Tolephone an �elegraph 640000 � Eiec rIc Cu� ent �.100e00 3.740000 Maintenance Mate�i ls S Ex nse aep�t�rs to S i t�ry Se►�ers 5Qo00 Elec ric Rep te�s t00a00 - Elec �ic Lig t Bulbs 50,00 P1 ing Rep irs 200000 Repairs to F �id lighting b00,pp Bu i 1 c�i ng Equ prtosnt Repa i rs 900 0 00 Cutti,ng and are of Grass 450,00 Repai'�rs to t3 ds� Curbs 8 Gutters 50000 �b Edition I ' DS 42g0 , MINNEAPOLIS�SAONT PAUL �ETROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COWMISSOON SECQNDARY AIRPORTS - FLYiNG CLOUD FIEl.D ES7'It�ATED OPERA4ING EXPENSE - YEAR 196$ C'l�i ntenance. Nater a 1 s t� Expense (Cont i nuedD 1� Repfirs to Fentes and Signs 100000 Re�airs to �mps 100000 Repairs to utos � Trucks 4 OOOo00 Rep�irs to ield Equipment �900,00 Repairs to , chanicai Equipa 50000 Repa i rs to unv�ays 20ti,00 Carpentry SOa00 Painti�g lte airs 100a00 Rep�trs to too� Sewe�s 100000 Gea�IRg 100,00 � Repalra to ools 25000 � Repairs to aiks 25o0Q TempePature Cont�ol 300000 Elev�o Naint nance 60,00 Su�d�ry 50,OQ Cont�ractual Cleaning 2,�9�p,pp 11.�570 0 00 Fixed Charqes Eqai� nt R ntal 400,00 Lice ses a� Taxes 5,00 405000 �liscellaneo s � Adve�tising 25000 Fc°eight and D�ayage 20000 � Professional� Se�vices 200000 Nilebge All nce 70000 Rubb�sh Dis sai 25000 Sur�d y �pp,pp �40,00 TO�AL 0 ERI�TING EXPENSE , 4 4 Oo00 �'T Edition 1 DS 4290 M NNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL MEfROPOLI�AN AIRPORYS CO?lh1OSSI0N SECONQARY AIRPORTS - CRYSTAL FIEI.D ESTII�ATED OPERATIkG EXPEHSE - YEAR 1968 Salaries a�d waqes Rate i� i Ai�port Su rvisor 598.00 7,176000 1 Airport Sup rvisor 583000 6,996000 Overttme 6 Pa t 4ime Supe�visors 7.08$000 21 �260v00 Pens i on Fured , 8� + $1.0230 2,830,00 ,�+sura�ce � Employee 9nsu a�ce 450000 • General 820000 Warkmin°s Carn nsation Ens. 260,00 1,530000 O�erati�a Su�alies Fuel 1.$OOo00 Jan i f r Seappl es 220.00 6asoi �ne 300.00 Office Suppii s 2Qa00 ' Posta�e 10000 Shop. Supplies 1.25000 E�gineering S ppliss 25000 Sund� 50,pa 2.250000 Utensils and Ti ools Tools §0,0� Utilities Se�rag i 25 a 00 Telephone and Telegraph 50000 Electcic Curr nt 2�OOOo00 P�P 25000 2� 100000 Mai� enance i�teria a d Ex e�se Electr�ic Rapa �s 100a00 Elect�ic Ligh Bulbs i00o00 Plumbing Repa rs 50.00 Buildi�ng hlat� ials 75000 ' Pai�ti�ng Repa rs SOo00 Butldi�g Equi nt Repairs �00,00 Sand i ng Runvaa ,s , 25�00 28 . Edit�on L DS 4290 � INNEAPOLIS-SA1N'P PAUL �9E'i'ROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COF�ISSION SECQNDARY AERPOR4S - CRYSTAL FiELQ ESTiP4ATED OPERA�ING EXPENSE - YEAR �96$ Matntenance,�ateo-1�a1 and Ex ense (Con#°d) 1�b8 � Cutting and �Care of Grass 50000 Repairs to F�ences and Signs 50,00 Reapa�i rs to I�echan l ca 1 Equ i pment 50,00 Repa;i�s to aaop 100,QO Resu�facing and Oiltng Roads 100000 Repa3 rs to an i e�ry Sev�e�s 100,00 , Repa;irs to ield Lighting 150000 Rep�irs to oads, Cu�bs and Gutters 25a00 Rep�'i�s to �nweys 100000 C€�rpentry 25 0 00 Repairs to mail Tools 2$a00 R�pairs to F�uPniture and Eixtures � 25,00 Repairs to torm Sew�ars 100,00 Grad,ing 100000 Repairs to arking lots 100a00 Temp��erature EontPOl 334000 Elevator Se vtce 53,00 Sund�ry 2 0 00 2,312000 ,�ixQd Charqes Equilpn�ent R ntal 5�0,00 L i celnses an 7'axes ____5_00 5S5o00 Pi i sce I 1 aneaus Adve�rtlsing _ 25000 Profe�siona Services 300000 . F�et�ght a�d Or�yage 25000 t9i leage A11 �ce � 75000 Rubb�ish Dis asal 25�00 Sun ryr 25o0U 475000 TOTAL PERATIW6 EXPENSE 62000 29 � Edition 1 OS �290 . HB NEAPOlIS-SAIWT PAUL t�4ETROPOLIYAN AiRPORYS COMP91SStOtd SECQi+1DARY AIRPQRTS - ANOKH COUNTY FIELD ESTIh1ATED OPERAYIM6 EXPENSE - YEAR ig68 Salaries and a,qes � Rate ,.� 1 Chie� Supe iso� 647000 7r764o00 1 Airport Su rvisor 598s00 7�176,00 1 AiPport Sup�rvisor 583000 6,996v00 1 Ai�port Sup rvisor 538.00 6;456.00 - Overti � Pa�t 1'irne Supervisor 1 1 8000 . ` 42,590000 Pension Fund 8� 3,620000 I resu�ar�e Employee Insu ance 90p,Qp � Gene�ail 420 0 00 kbrlaneln°s G ensation Insa 520,00 1,840,00 0 ratjn Su I�1 ies . , Shop Suppiies 60,00 Office� Suppii s 20000 Postage )0,00 F�e� I 310000 Gasal iine 200,00 � Engi�ewing S ppljes 25000 Surtdr� 25,pp �ILensi ls arid Tocils b50o00 gQ°�s �Oo00 l�t,ilities Elect ic Cur� nt 700000 Te a ep i ne S `� 1 egpaph . 150,00 ��.. OS�o QO Maintenance J4at@ria and Ex ense Repa i e^s to T 1 s 40 0 00 Electrical Re irs � 50000 Elect�jic Ligh Bulbs 50000 Painting Repa rs 250�0 Buitdi,ng Equi nt Repairs 50000 Repair�s to Fi ld Lighting � 300,00 Repairs to Fe ces and Sig�s 50,00 Sand i�ig Run� s 8 Ramps Zp,pp Cutti�g and C re of Grass 150,00 30 c ' Edttton t DS 4290 . IHNEI4PaLIS-SAINT PI4UL 1�E'�ROPOLIYAN AIRPQR`PS �OM�90SSION S ECOtdDARY A I RPORYS - At�OKA COUNT1/ F 1£LD EST1t�4YED OPERATING EXPENSE - YEAR ig6$ � i nterta�ece Mate�i 1 and E ense C t a d) 1� Repa i rs to R arps 150 e 00 . Resu�r�facing nd Oiling Roads §Oo00 Csrpe�try 25000 G�adi g 50000 Repai s �o R ds. Curbs 8 Gutters 50000 ' �_ ' 1,060000 Fixed Charaea Equi�ent R0 t�l 300o0Q �icenses and axes SooO � I305000 Fliscellaneovs ' Adve��ising 25.00 Professivn�l ervtces 400.00 Miiea�e Allo� nce 50.00 Sundry 25000 I �00,QO OTAL �P RAT'ING EXPENSE 1 46 .00 31 . . � Edttion 1 . 7S 4290 , iNNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL METROPOLiTAN AiRPaRTS COt�R11SS10N SECONOARY AIRPORYS - LAKE ELP40 FIELD ESTtl9ATED OPERATI�G EXPENSE - YEAR !96$ Sala�ies end Waaes 1�68 Labol (Holma 14ilocatio�) � 2.000,00 O�sur�nc� 200,00 y tensils a�d Todls i I � i'oo 1 s 25 0 00 Utilities : Elec�ric Cur ent 650000 llain ena ce Mate i 1 and ense Pl�ing Rep irs 25000 Resurfacing �d Oiling Roads 25000 El�cf�ric Lig t Bu)bs 40,00 kacd �Control 100,00 Elect��ical R pairs 50000 , Repat�rs to F eld Lighting 200,00 Grading Fiel 35,00 R�iirs to f ncas 30,00 Rep�iirs to R ads, Curbs 6 GuttePS 20000 Repai i irs to R s 2�,00 Repa i irs to R nv�ys 50,00 Build�ing Mat �ials - Repairs 20�00 610ao0 Ftxed Char,+qes Equi nt Re tal 200000 Mi ellaneou Profe sional Services 100000 Milea�e A�1 nce 25000 Sund ,25,00 y 1SOo00 OTAL OP RATlNG EXPENSE 8 00 3� � � Editjon 1 DS 4290 MIMNEAPOLIS-SAONT PI�UL Nl�3ROPQI.IYAN AIRPURTS CONWISStON BONDED INDEB�EDNES5 BUDGET - 1968 Hennepin a Ramse Ccunty Audito�s Ceriified t x levy S�e�ies 0 B 264�815a00 Series �l 743,295v00 Se�tes �ll , 732�490000 Se�ies 11 • 155,72�000 Series 111 619,345000 Secies 'I!X 169,250000 Series h( 79� 170000 Series �(1 171�425000 Series h(!0 270.130000 SU -TOTAI 3,205�644a00 0 NAND 2.343�602000 TOTAL 862,038000 Disburseme�ts ,�ertes !1 ' Pri�cipsi 200�000,00 IntePest 64.815000 " 264.815,00 Ser� es V P�i cipal 430�000.00 Bntl rest 313.295000 . 743,295000 Ser�ies VI P�i cipal 430�000.00 Int rest �02,490,00 732,490.00 Serii es V 1 I Pri cipal 50,OOOo00 Int��ast 105,720,00 155.720000 Series V111 Pri�cipai �e00,000000 lntirast 219.3�Sa00 619,345000 Series IX Pri�icipal 110�000.00 Interest 59.250,00 �69,a5o.00 Ser�i es X � Pri cipal 50.000,00 Int�erest 29.170000 79, 170vo0 Ser� Pri' cipal 90,000,00 I nteres t _81_425�00 ��1.425 0 00 Series X11 PriF�cipal 135,OOOo00 i�terest 1 Sn130,�00 2 0 1 Oo00 .7Ubl t0t'.a� 3e205�6 Yo00 �esh on Ha d 2:343,602000 Total Indeb�tedness Requirement . 862.0�8000 I B�ILANCE -0- � � �� K . Edition 1 pg ��9p I tdNEAP01.1 S-SA I IdT PAUL ME�ROPOL ITAN A 1 RPORTS COMPII SS I ON • ACQUIS1410N OF PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCYION BUDGE'� YEAR - 1968 Proceeds fr �m Saie f Bonds 200,000,00 _ ' , 5,OQ0,000,00 ' � �, I.00O,OOOo00 0V 600,OOOo00 • � � 13,0000000000 V0� 13•,000,000000 ' v� �! . 3.000.000000 ���!� 7ti000.000000 ��y4 2,200,OOOo00 • A �y0�����DeO� xs 2,500,000000 X�S _3.500.000,00 ` 52.000,000,00 Qisbu�sements 8 Ali ations i.�nd 5,110.00Oo00 Construc �on 3.279,000,00 • • N�fA Ove�h�aul Base ' 18,000,000,00 NbR Naag�r Addition 375y000o00 ►d4L Har�ga� 1.385,000000 ,� I�proveme ts 3� 112,OOOo00 ` TBrminal uilding 7.619.000,00 M�zzanjn0 Developmant 300.00Oo00 P�ers � 8 C 2,126�000,00 Addttions to Loading Pters 2�OSO,Q00,00 B¢iler P1 nt b Utilities 939,000000 U�ilittes 6 i�nprovements to Hotel Site 250.000,00 Ap�°on �r T xi 2,000�OOOo00 Ac�cess Et d 850,000,00 Cdntro� T c� 365.000000 Ol�d Termi ai 6ui lding Rer�oodel ing S77�OOO,QO ' Perk�ng A ea 590,0OO,OQ Post Offi e 623.000,00 Pi��r D 1.450�000,00 Run�ray 2 , 1.000.000,00 • �2.000.00Oa00 BA�/4 CE _p_ 34 ,a O 7Y Ane Cod�612 � ����l �A�py PAUL J. KELLY Z23-b121 a� 'x THOMAS J.STEARN$ ° JON R. DUCKSTHD � '-�-�� °' ARTHUR M. NELSON '8 ��� ^c � JEROME J.SEGAL �'` THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E O'CONNELL JAMES W. KENNEY ' ��=t i sistant � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK GERALD H.SWnNSON DANIEL A.KLAS GORDON C. MOOSBRUGGER Speetel Aul�ta�rt . . LEGAL DEPARTMENT PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. � ' 316 Cif�y Hcll, St. Paal. Minnesota 5b102 JOSEPH P�. SUMMERS ` ,. Corporatton Counsd October 20, 1967 The HonQrable Thomas R. Byrne and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul Pu suant to your request dated September 21, 1967, per- taining to the letter received from State Auditor Stafford King re arding the amount to be paid to the City under the Tax Refdrm and Relief Act of 1967, it appears that the Auditor has fol �owed the statutory procedure set forth in that act. � Inlhis letter Mx. King states that he has computed the a�ount t�hat Saint Paul will receive at $3,272,010.84, one-half of whic� will be paid by June 15, 1968, -and one-half of which will be aid by November 15, 1968. . � - `` The� question arises as to why the Auditor has not prov�ded for an adjustment as of September 1, 1968, which could increase tl�e amount he has computed to be paid November 15, 1968. It is m�r opiniion that the statute cannot be construed in this way. Any incr.ease or decrease in subsequent years will not be re- flected sn payments made to the various muni.cipalities and school district�s until the following year. ,' Very truly yours, JOSEPH P. SUMMERS � Corporation Counsel � ` G����� DANIEL A. KLAS . Special Assistant Corporation Counsel DAK:ja . ccl: City Comptroller � . . . v � �� � r •'. , - - , � • OFF ICE OF TE-LF STATE AUDITOFt � ' SeptPmber 15, 1967 � P r u n o the rovisions of Section 1 Article V u s a t t p , of the Tax Reform and Relief Act of 1967, I hereby certify that the amount available for distribi�tion to the municipal subdivisions of the State has been estimated September 1, 1967; to be $37,909,717.56. Based on a State Census of 3,631,199, the per capita distributive share to cities of the first class will be $10.44, of which two—thirds goes to the city and one—third to the school district. The per capita share for the 2,723,032 people outside cities of t}�e first class will be $5.22. Based on a School C�nsus of 873,644 between the ages of six and sixteen, both inclusive, of which 162,811 are in cities of the first class, the distributive share for the 710,833 pupils �outside cities of the first class will be $20.03. T'�e computed amount for your municipality will be J �$ 3 , 272,010.$4 to City of St Paul . �one—half of which will be paid by June 15, 1968, anc� one—half hy !November 15, 1968, and similarly computed amounts Nill be' Idistributed each June 15 and November 15 thereafter. ,� �--- 2, p-Y� �� � �xA�ORD KING, State Auditor. SKsmam , �tTT �. � �r R � i N 0 � 7„ y �,e - . ^e OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Thomaa R. Byrne October `�5 , 1967 Mayor To Th�e Honorable Members of the Council : IThe in�reases in appropriations which we agreed on yesterday are embodied in the attached resolutions . They have been, as you know,lheld to areas where definite service cuts will otherwise occur or Fe�eral grants forfeited, where urgent needs of our city demar.►�d new rograms , or where the expenditure is both necessary and s�elf-su�porting. �riefl' , these resolutions will make possible the following objec�tives • (1) Co duct of a comprehensive study and plan •for riverfront deveLopment • (2) Co�pletion of work on a new zonin.g ordinance--our first since 1922-�and which is also a Federal requirement; �(3) Permit the planning board to fulfill other Federal requirement� needed for recertification; (4) Ma�ntain fire department strength at 1967 levels ; (5) Provide additional sanitarians and inspectors �o build up our code enforcement and public health programs , including control of rat habitat; �6 Retain our Federal library book purchase grants ; 7 � Carry out our pledged share of the census tract 9 and 10 code �enforcement project. (8) Authorize a selft�supporting meter monitor program to free polic,emen fpr law enforcement duties ; (g) Prbvide for city participation, with private sources , in vital summer work projects for underprivileged children; (10) Eiable our court to staff the Ordinance Violations Bureau. Also , the resolutions provide for a legally mandated amendment to th:e Detentions and Corrections Authority budget made necessary by a �County salary increase adopted too late for inclusion in the Autho ity' s budget. � �� : Honorable Council - 2. The last amendment resolution will provide for the use of an additio� al �200, 000 of the interest on the City' s investments � for debt x�etirement. Even allowing for the Detention and Correction�s Authority increase , this will enable us to reduce thelnet am�ount of the property tax levy certified to us � by the ComptrolleJr by �163, 016 , or more than one—half mill . � Sinle these earnings cannot be used other th an for debt retirement�, I think it wise to use them t�o provide additional taxlrelief� for our citizens . This is made especially true since homeowners are not eligible for relief from the sales tax fund forldebt retirement levies . We are thus preserving the tax relief the people expect. 1 One incidental item will be noticed. The original budget estimates placed the Council Investigative and Research Bureau in my offiice. While I concur with the Comptroller that a more definite �hain of comma.nd should be set up in this Bureau, I feel it i� an agency of the Council , n.ot of my office, and properly iught to be under Council jurisdiction. IAccordingly, I suggest its transfer to the General Fund, together �ith a modest increase in appropriations for essential activities . To provide supervision over the Bureau, I plan to establishla Council committee under the chairmanship of the Vice President, to which the Bureau would be immediately responsibie. IWith these amendments the 1g68 budget is a good budget. It provide�s what the people need without excessive tagation and with itringent economies in every account. Your favorable consideration of these matters will be appreciated. Sincerely, _ . Thomas R. Byr MAYOR . F OFFICE OF TH � COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 • 1 H LL JOSTM COMPTROC ERL� ••� ■■■ D PUOTY CIT1fPCAMPTROLLER •---�. � ` October 25, 1967 Honorable� Mayor and IMembers of the City Council Gentleme I• IThe 1968 financing schedule shows an item of $2,650,000 p�ersonal property tax relief. That figure was based on information r�eceived from the County Assessor. IAs I indicated in my letter of transmittal to you, that f�igure w s the latest available and should be reviewed and revised relative to the latest information. The latest figures received from the County Assessor indi- oate that that figure should be corrected to read $2,174,000.00. Very truly yours, � �" V�v\ . Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroller JJM/dn �. r _ . , , , _ � , , �� �`.� n' w a MUNICIPAL COURT . . _ � - SAINT PAUL J. CLIFFORD JANES ' , � JUDGE _ � � � October 23, 1967 . _ - � - ._ ' ' , � ° , ' ` - Mayor a d C i ty Counc�:i.l � Clity of St. Paul , Minnesota � � D ar Sirs : � • � - • - We understand that the Municipal Court budget request fbr Cod 136 - Salaries Exempt - may be reduced by four positions � a;nd tha this reduces it to the number of positions that this Oourt h d filled on January 1 , 1967. . , Since that date, we have, of necessity, added one �lerica position before the effective operational date of �he Ordinance Violations Bureau, the Bureau that was set up at the �instance of the City Council and the City Corporation Council . In order for this 8ureau to function properly it will e nece sary to add �two new positions to the clerical staff. �'he 196�8 budget allocation for the present 36 employees will . fall� approximately $9,000.00 short of ineeting the payroll obligation. Added to that will be the salary item required to procure these additional three people, which is an amount of � � 1b,00 .00. In order to mee,t the bare ' salary items required, we mus have an additional $25 ,000.00 for that purpose. fIn conjunction with the required additional personnel �t is ecessary that certain office equipment be supplied and eplaced. The minimum amounts required to adequately meet this need w uld be $2,250.00. The requirements for additional p� erson el and addit�nonal equipment perhaps can be more clearly 1�nders �ood by reflecting upon the increase in the volume of usine�s handled in the Municipal Court, which is indicated in art by the increase in the amount of money handled by� this Court 't�y way of fines , etc. The estimates furnished the Comptroller in 1967 as to this amount was $625 ,000.00. The presen -day figure, if continued throughout this year, will be in exc ss of $730,000.00. Little consideration of this figure � , �� � l �.: has bee given to those fines which may result from the enforce- ment oflthe Ordinance Violations Bureau recently inaugurated as put �nto full effect. While some of this increase of receipts h'as res lted from an increase in the average amount of fines , i�t must be recognized that it also involved an increase of busines in the Court. We anticipate that there will be a glreater increase in the business of the Court in 1968; - the � Ordinan e Violat:ions Bureau did not start operation until June; -� an i crease in the number of police officers in 1968 will be increasing the number of persons cited or arrested for prosecution i�n this Court; - the progressive increase of offenses. Our budget, as requested for 1968, calls for 39 positions without anticipating the 5.2 per cent increase in pay, as the Liudget rocedure did not call for the entry of such increase i�n our stimated budget as submitted. For this reason, for this Co rt to fill the 39 positions needed at the increase in pay of 5 .2 er cent, which has been authorized city-wide, means that this Court 's budget for Code 136 - Salaries Exempt - as previou� ly requested for 39 positions must be $250,600.08. IAny review of the past operations of this Court as against its budgets and its budget requests , I am sure, will i,ndicat�e that the operation of this Court= has . been carefully done so� as to recogn i ze the f i nanc i a 1 needs of the C i ty and of the tax�payer. � Yours very truly, � . � a . � �ITY p . +.`�a �'�. ' THOMAS R. D RNC . �:, � MAYOR I o '�'^"r°4, .� WILLIAM E. CARLSON �y " " ,�C JAMES J. Dl�LGLISH BERNARD T. HOLLAND DEAN A7EREDISH ' ROBERT F.PE7ERSON VICTOR J.TEDESCO co�eMis�toti�as . DUREAU OF JOSEPH J. MITCHELL INVESTIGATION AND RESEqRCH � COMPTROLLE�R CI7L`Y 0 � �.AIIVT I'A�JL 918 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE � ST. PAUL,�M(NNESOTA 55102 TELEPHONE 223-4iG3 ' . October. 16, 19h7 To the IIonoral�l Thomas R. Byrne, Piayor and Dlimbers of the City Council .� Gen t 1 e men: The Council Research Bureau submitted to the Comptrollex a 196S budget rec�uestlof £imds for the f.ollowing thrce progra.ms : 1) A Research and Intergovern- mental Relations Program; 2) A Commuiiity Improvement Pro�ram; and 3) A Code rn- forcemerit Program for Census Tracts 9 and 10. In orderl t}iat the City will 1) continue to sho�a progress in the �aorkahle program I and 2) tal:e acivanta.ge of federally-aided cocle enforcement nrogram it is requested that the Comptroller's budget be modified as follows : Research Comptroller's h9odi£ied Increase Over. � - Bureau Net Net Gormtroller.'s Request Bud�et Reqt�est Buc �e�t '�— 1 . Researcl� and Inter- government�al Rela- tions I $ 21,718 $ 20,362 $ 22,327 � 1 ,965 I 2. Community I�mprovc- � . me i t Program �� a. Researc}i� Bureau 31,500 0.00 29,815 29,815 b. �{ealth Biureau 0.00 24,000 24,000 c. City Arc7iitect Funds f.or four . additional Ins�cctors 3. Code F.n£oraement Pro- gram £or Census Tracts 9 �nd 10 59,100 0.00 54,000 5n,000 . �''�O Comments 1. Reslarch ancl Inter�overnmental Rclations � � The �1�,965 increase is £or replacin� typewriter, calculator, dictatin� equipment, and to increase t}ic milea�e allotment. 2. Comi nity I rovement Program • a. IResearc� Bureau j9o�CkaUle Program Guide Number 7 requires for annual recertification tliat eacli community have ati active, continuous citizens coorclinating coimcil� staff.ecl �aith qualified personnel. The citizens committee, its xolc and res2�onsibilities }�as been the subject of mucl� disciission over , t}�e past five years. The most recent workable pro�ram subr�ission named , thc com�nittee and assi�ied the activity to the Research Bureau, althou�;h throu�li lack of staff. it is not f.unctioning. On October 13, 1967, we -�rere verbally advised by the }iUD staff in Chicago that it �vot�ld be their recor�mendation tliat the next workal�le program recertificatioti be }ield un until the committee is actively at �aork £o� several months. The program is due to be suhr�itted next July 1. If. we can actively start t}ie program .Tanuary 1, 1968, there should be no ' problem`. One Program Administrator and one secretary is reniiested. Ar- proxir�ately 70% of. the •administrator's time would be devotecl to 1) Tlie � Coordin�ating Council's wor}: and 2) Liaison with some fourteen otiler major committ�es ancl some eleven neig}ibor3iood organizations. The balance of his time would be spent coordi.nating Code E�iforcement Programming and pr�- ' paring ederal Aid applications. i A1 o included is a request £or one person to serve as a capital bucl- ; get ana�yst �aorking with the Citizens' Long-P.�ige Capital Iitidget Comr�ittee. . No additional personnel is requcsted for secretarial help as it is be- � lieved the two secretaries should be able to handle the work load. i I � Th�.s staf£ing �aill meet mi.nimuri kno�an needs with which to demonstrate ' � progress £or t}ie citizen participation pro�;ram, tiaorkable proQram, and ; legislaltive program. � � I ` b. Health Bureau Thl workable program requires that thc city s]io�a some rrogress over ' � . the pre�rious ycar in eacli of seven elements. The two eler�eiits noiti� bein� given snecial attention are codes and citizen partici�ation. The workable pxogram requires t}le city to provide ade�uate housin� code inspection. In a lette� from .Tohn P. D�cCollum, Regional Administrator, dated July 19, 1965 ; to Mayo� �Vavoulis the word adec�uate was interpreted to mean ttiventy (20) � Fiousing, Code Inspectors. It was suggested in this same communication that this goal sh�ould be reached in four or five years. At the time this letter ti•ras � receive�d there were seven t�ousing Code insrectors. Since then f.ive have heen added, aking a totalcF twelve. . _ 2 _ b . Fle�alth �Bureau (Continued) � T I remain on schedule ancl to shoiv adequate progress we were verUally � advisec� on October 13, 19G7 by the Chicago Regional o f fice t hat t hey tivot�l d not recommend recertif,ication next year unless at least three (3) Housing Code Irispectors are adciecl in 1968. There£ore, it is suggested t}iat $24,OOC� be adcled to the 1-iealth Bureau budget. This �oould permit ttioo ins- pectors to be added the first of January and one inspector added approx- imatel i the first of A1ay. Although not directly related to the' budget �re were advised that the - city sliould take a close looh at code provisions, particularly housino, buildirip, planning and zoning, because recertification is being tivithheld until u�n-to-date codes are in effect. At the next revie�u we can expect tliat tlie code content will be as significant as having an adec�uate ntimber � o£ inspectors. _ , . ; c. City Ar�chitoct � Orle of the major factors in sho�•:ing progress in tlie Code sectian in t}ie recent workable program submission �oas the building department's pro- i gram of starting the certificate of occupancy for multifamily and public . , buildings. Theref.ore, to show contintied progress this nrogram should be ! contin�ed and accelerated. Therefore I would recommend supnort o£ the '• City Architect�s request that foux adctitionar insnectors be added to his � - Uuclgetj offset by receipts from services performed, ' i � ; 3. Cod'e Enforcement Program f.or Census Tracts 9 and 10 � . I I£ thl Federal Government approves the application for Code En£orcement for Census�Tracts 9 and 10 so t}iat tlie program coul.d start Janulr}• 1, 1968, the � city depax ments will receive a minimum of $89,800 in salaries �?lus funds for : admini.stra�ion, office supplies and equipr�ent costs for a total well in excess ; of ��100,00i. � The s lary receipts would be distributed as follows: � i i ealth Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . � 32 ,098 ' Builcling Department . . . . . . . . 37,924 j i i ' Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . 16,230 � City Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 IComptroller . . . . . . . . . . . . 628 i . TOTAL $ 89,880 I To meet the city's one-third. cost of the nrogram �46,000 �vas ree�uested from � the Comntroller. Except for unusual costs due to inflation this is the maximum i amount of tlie local sharo for operations that would be needed in each of tlie ; three years tl�e program ri�ns, In addition $8,000 wzs renuested that ���ot�ld be allocated to the Planning Board to assist t}lem in developing a detailed land use plan for tlie area. This amount �aill also �robably be needed in eaclt of t}ie � three years. i ' ' � I " i - 3 - ! � '�. . . � = In sum �ry then the funds rec�uested f.or thc Community Im�rovemcnt Pro�- ! ram in� tlie jt�c��;ement of thc writer are a minimum necessaxy to demonstrate suf.- • , " ficient pro�;r�ss to qtialif.y for recertification next year. In addition, the code enforcement pro�ram sl�ould net, ti�e city over tl�irty-.f.ive thousand dollars the first t�ao year.s and onc-}ialf as much t}ie t}iird ycar. IIn ordor that we shall continue to demonstrate to the Fecleral Govcrnment that the City `}ias a coor.dznated 19or.};able Program, the citizen ��articipation and code enforcement budget shoulcl be combined tivith the Bureau. (See Attacliment) I {Ve wil be happy to answcr any quest•ions or discuss this tivith you at your • convenience. Sincerely yours, . �, � � John IY, Connelly ;• � • � � _ � . ; j � ' - 4 - ATTAC}1 D'�NT 1, Delete Fund 2 - 0021 2. Add under Fund 35: ' ' I 35 Ceneral Fund � 0998 Council Investigation and Fesearch Bureau . 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,048 _ - Professional 32,468 • 201 Automobile Alloivance 1,180 202 Telephone 475 . 203 Postage . 250 206 Printing and Binding 600 223 A1aintenance and Repair - O.ffice Equipment 200 251 Dues, Atemberships and Sub- scriptions 300 260 Tabulatin� Service 1,200 , 275 Duplicating Services 150 340 Office Supplies 1,500 . 349 Books F Periodicals 300 �. � 461 City Co�ttribution 54,000 801 Capital Outlay 2,475 TOT/1L 106,146 , Additional 1,466%� 1,556 . 107,702 , i : Flarry E. Marshall �1Ty op Aibert B. Olson City Clerk and c�' �, Council Reoorder a k�`�ti""_� ,x Commiasioner of Registrati n ,, ,, , , � --- -�'� a' .pe ° M1C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City H¢ll St.Paul,Minneaota 5610Q Oct. 18, 1967. Hon. Thomas . Byrne, M,ayor, and Members of the City Council: 1 Gentlemen: The bidget request of the City Clerk's Office, Bureau of Records, for � 1968 was based on the fact that the staff and services would remain the same as in 1967. The Cacmptroller's estimate for 1968 is almost identical to the 1967 budget, however the reduction of 1.�+66� would be �1,071 in the Salaxy Fund alone and might necessitate a reduction in personnel for some period d��uring the year. The staff in I�the Bureau of Records has been reduced from 13 to 10 employees sincelJuly, 1�66, and the practice of employing paxt�`time s�unmer employees during vacation periods ha.s been discontinued. The staff is now at an a.bsolute minimwn to handle the Council Proceeding work and the work of the License Bureau. We allo call our attention to the Official Publications Account which was reduced b 1.466�. The City Clerk's Office does not have control over the expe�ditures in this fund. If the appropriated amount is not sufficient, the Council must take some steps to reduce the n�ber of pub- lications, shorten the form and contents of ma.tters that must be published, or privide adiitional money at the end of the year. While �the 1.466�o reduction covers all the items in the Bureau's budget and amount�s to $2;155.�, we urge that the $1,071.00 reduction in the Salary Fund be replaQed to assure adequate staffing for the entire year. e tru7.y yo s, � City Clerk AO�ng �� : i Harry E. Marshall �,T,• of. Albert B. Olson Citv Clerlc a�irl ,�.��' ; Coicncil Recorder . , Conr,�tiissioaccr o�IZcqisti•ati at , �_-,n.�. •�� o .....; -+ _ ( ���°�s:�:3^^` ' OFFICE OF THE CI 'PY CLERK � �.+� Y � �1' �.t�.l l�I� �1-A l.J � BUREAU OF RECORDS - 38G City Hall . St.Pau1,112in�acsota 55102 , . Oct. 18, 1967. Hon. Thomas �R. Byrne, Mayor�; � and iembers �of the City Council: Gentlemen: � The budget request of the City Clerk's Office, Bureau of Records, for t 1968 was based on the fact that the staff and services would remain the � same� as in �967. The Comptroller's estima�e for 1g68 is almost identical ' to the 1967 budget, hos�rever the reduction of 1.�+66°� would be �1,071 in i the Salary Fund alone and might necessitate a reduction in personnel for � some� period �during the year. ; , The Itaff in the Bureau of Records has been reduced from 13 to 10 employees � since Ju1y, 11966, and the practice of employing part �time summer employees � during vaca�ion periods has been discontinued. The staff is now at an F absolute miriimtun to handle the Council Proceeding work and the work of the • License Buriau. 1 We also call� your attention to the Official. Publications Account which ' was reducedlby 1.�+66�. The City Clerk's Office does not have control I over� the expenditures in this fund. If the appropriated amount is not � sufficient, �the Council must take some steps to reduce the number of pub- � lications, shorten the form and contents of matters that must be published, or provide idditional money at the end of the year. 1 Whill the 1.��+66� reduction covers all the items in the Bureau's budget and � amounts to $2,155.00, we urge that the �1,071.00 reduction in the Salary � Fund� be replaced to assure adequate staffing for the entire year. ! ' . � ie y truly yo s, i �� � • j . ������� i ,City Clerk j AO�ng F i � � . � . , . � t . �O i ' ' I . • Harry E. Marshall ��jy of, Albert B. Olson CiGy Clerlc ancl ,�� � Cotc�tcil Recordcr , Co�ri��aissio�acr of, Reqistration . ,`„i;;1 '!; � • % �_��1 )J � � . �.P A { i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ , �,r� 1 � �� ��JLl`4 1L �tl tU � • BUREAU OF RECORDS 38G City Hall St.Paul,Dlinnesota 55i0Q � • Oct. 1.8, 1g67. , Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor; ; and �embers of the City Council: , Gentlemen: � • The Ibudget request of the City Clerk's Office, Bureau of Records, for � 1968iwas based on the fact that the staff and services would remain the � same� as in ig67. The Comptroller's estimate for 1g68 is almost identical � to the 1967 budget, hot�rever the reduction of 1.466�o would be �1,071 in i the Salary und alone and might necessitate a reduction in personnel for � some� period durin� the year. i � The staff i the Bureau of Records has been reduced from 13 to 10 employees since July, �g66, and the practice of employing part'�time summer employees } during vaca�ion periods has been discontinued. The staff is now at an � ; absolute mir�imtun to handle the Council Proceeding work and the work of the ; License Bur�au. � � I We also call your attention to the Official Publications Account which � was reducedlby 1.466�, The City Clerk's Office does not have control over� the expenditures in this fund. If the appropriated amount is not sufficient, �the Council must take some steps to reduce the number of pub- lications, shorten the form and contents of matters that must be published, or provide additional money at the end of the year. Whill the 1:�+66�f reduction cover"s all the items in the Bureau's budget and amounts to $2,155.00, we urge that the �1,071.00 reduction in the Salary Fund be replaced to assure adequate staffing for the entire year. � • � e y truly yo s, f - � ��,� - � �lL�� � � y /City Clerk � AO�ng � i " � i � � � � . � . � � �O • , i • � • _ .... . . ,r _r; i ;,° r - - - - - , .'sr�" i'p'' ` ''A -- a� - ' -- - 'el c'r. siotl!�3r "°"- "'n` -E.a�:..�- ..'-- ._ ..�..� _ . � . � � ' • � � ` ` � � • . � S • � . � I DEPT �OF PUBLIC UTIL,ITIES FO�t RELEASE TU�SDAY, OCT• 17� 1967 ; Commieeioner Bernard T. Ao1.land • ' . 216 C'ity Ha�ll, St. Paul 5�102 _ . � _ , , . ! 1 � . �a 5 aEconmmiee" in the city� budget m��t krep in mind �, �t. Paul' e city charter, Commigeioner �ernard T. Holland . ,� I � � Baid �oday. � � "Well-meaning adviaere may off.er eug���tions for , � f . ;eaving money, " Commie�ioner Holland eaid, "that the law may 'not A�. 0W. , . I , � - '� ' "Fmr e�tample., the eo-called 'practi�e' of Eharging i , • � the fi�e dr,partment fvr repair and installation of Pire i • . hydrant{8 -- a �eerviee received f�om the Board of Water . . i • Commise�ioners -- i8 required by Section �60 oP the ci�y charter�, " Commiesioner Fiolland eaid. � jlThe water. boar,d in turn re-imburece the City and � ' ilt� depi rtmente for actual a� eta oP eervice� receivr�d by th� board �ich as rent of epace� 'Legal services, purcha�ing e'�vice,� and the like. " � � � . � � Cor�miaeioner Hollsnd pointed out that •in pas� yeare I city co �ptrAllere have been ordered by tr�e courts to pay . � �I � theae c arge� in accordance with the city charter. i � I ' • , OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 I � LL JOSEPH J. MITCHELL ,.. ■■■ JOSEPH P. LA NASA CITY COMPTROLLER DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER October 13, 1967 Honorable Mayor and embers of the City Council � Gentlemen: II shall be pleased to comply with your request dated October 6, 1967 in which you request that I assist you in tabulating department requests as submitted to you during the Council's budget hearings. ' Very truly yours, � . - U � Joseph J. •Mitchell � City Comptroller JJM�dn cc-C. Schleck �� `i�. . '" CITY O F ��A��NT PAU L . DEPARTMENT OF�;iP�UBLIC UTILITIES 216 City Hall� and�Coutt House 55102 � .. II IN IH b�+,� �I�H k PHONE: 223-4747� r BERNA�RD��T���OLLAND Commiseioner�of'Public Utilities M W r� �and Preaident,Board of water Commie`slonera �WI�LIkAM W�.ROO�NEY���-���=���...,..��� �Depah��ieeioner� October 13, 1967 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Genllemen: In Qlur presentation to the Council on October 10, 1967 of problems facing this department in operating under the budget as proposed by- the Comptroller for the calendar year 1968, we listed the following as the most critical areas: Air Pollution Control 0525-116 Salaries - Professional Our budget request for $7,755 for one Chemist I was not granted. In denying this request and because there is no provision in the budget for any other professional personnel or for professional testing services, the program of testing for air pollution is not adequately provided for. In 19.68 this program will be financed two thirds by the Federal government in the first quarter and fifty percent for the balance of the year which reduces the net expenditure of the city to considerably less than half of the amount requested for one Chemist. � B0 . .. - - - 2 - Honorab e Mayor and City Council October 13, 1967 � Lig� ting Maintenance � 055�0-220_ Electric Current • The $19,300 cut in our budget request for electric ene�rgy will result in the curtailment of approximately 700 street lights which were scheduled to be in service � in11968 and would result in no Christmas street lighting prisently being paid by the Lighting Bureau. ' 05i0-312 Street Lighting Material The $10,000 cut in our request for lighting maintenance . ma�erial wi.11 make it impossible for us to continue our • program of up-grading street lighting in residential areas. � We are fullq aware of the financial plight facing our city and will ake every possible effort to render adequate service with- in th limitations imposed by the other budget cuts made, but we as that every possible consideration be given to restoring � the i ems listed above as bare minimum requirements. Respectfully submitted, , /��� ' Bernard T. Aolland Commissioner of Public IItilities CC: Joseph J. Mitchell CE'ty Comptroller . � � � . - �ITY OA . �.�F' 8'�i = A O i ��� ab .p� �C OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Thomas R. Byrne arayor October 16 , 1967 To t�e Honorable Members of the City Council Sain� Paul,� Minnesota , \ There are some very serious budgetary problems that face all of us as rr�embersnof the City Council of St. Paul. We have been presented with the Comptro�ller's proposed budget for 1968 . We are now in the process of ho.lding the required hearings . We have set one hearing on the matter of fi�nancin the proposed budget. It is apparent to all of us that there are s me serious deficiencies in the budget `as it now stands . Every depa� ment so far has made an excellent presentation and set forth an un�uestionable program that calls for more departmental funds, not less . All of us like to think that St. Paul is a progressive, forwa�d-mov�ng urban center that demonstrates its concern by meeting the needs o its citizens with vital programs . We are right in thinking this i.n eve� aspect except one: the financial base and procedures used for dete�min'ng our budgets , and thus our programs , is confusing, con- finin�, and ithout fixed responsibility in any one office. Truly, we are fa�ced wi h a problem of 1914 procedures trying to face and solve the pr�Oblems of 1967 . As we come closer to the time of decision concer�ing the 1968 budget the�e are se � eral personal positions that I bring to your attention at this time as a starting point for our future discussions . � 1) There are several changes that I would suggest in the proposed . fu�gee iri order to avoid serious consequences for our city in the , u ur . 2) Thl pas`t istory of St. Paul has always been to simply add the inc�reased cost of city government on to the .property; taxpayer. � I c�annot 'n conscience vote for any city budget prop:osal that wo�ld add to the tax burden of the property owner. Even further -' thain �•thi5�, may I refer to the so-called "tax break" afforded by the� statute of the State Legislature. The public has been led to , bel�a.eve� t�at a 35� tax relief will be given. This is not true and it never was a true statement of what this poorly drafted statu�e �O � , _ 2 _ To the Ho orable Members of the Ci�y Council Saint Pau � , Minnesota October 16 , 1967 provides . I cannot be a part of further. deluding the public. The Ci�ty real and personal property tax levy for 1968 will be increa�sed by approximately 8 mills . This is caused by greater demand�s in the Ramsey County Welfare Department, legislative amendmgnts to PERA, and increases in debt service costs . I will nQ� support any proposal that has the intention of depriving �the prqperty taxpayer of any more of this relief than has already been taken away. The taxpayers of Minnesota will not get 35� -- �relief; we must take no action to lessen whatever relief they iight �et. May I b.ring to your attention the fact that the Charter Commission very wi�sely has included a section in the new charter proposal that cl�early protects the property taxpayer of St. Paul in this iegard. I subscribe whole-heartedly to this section. 3) I� feel iery strongly that the increased appropriations which are necessary in restricted areas must be financed by budget cuts in o�her areas . This is very hard to do, but it is precisely the k�Ynd oflresponsibility we are seeking under the proposed new charte�1 We must demonstrate the legislative ability to decide w�ich ftinctions to cut and which to increase. The clncernl I have expressed and the conclusions I have advocated are not easy on s . If belts must be tightened, let them be tightened. But with the� greatest concern for our city foremost in our minds , I am sure that we can approach this decision with the statesmanship that will produce the best possible budget for 1968 . Sincerely, . THOMAS R. BYRNE MAYOR TRB: lm . _ • ' �v=�.�_-�,"..�- _:.�,�.- : .. .., �..1� ''a� �,s,;; ,+�! • , ;-1' �. s ,�. �i s „ , , . , ", . -`:"'_'' _ j^4'E. M {r • - :� .. '� _� +�s-.:i;..;�..-. ,i4-.,•. ., �,.. � -�' ~}F� �'#i - I ••+ ^, ''�-: ' r :' ;d:, u't� _ .$j�.:,� �'yir4:� . <i� . tiit ` r '�.�ry,.�� = „J�'�1 }���'�� �� '�_-_-� - � �� - T� � 0!� � :S�INT PAUI: �a� � .; ;-�� �;�.� - =�. � =-��}}- � �. �{- ��= �. :��� :��'� _-�.. ro: o,. ����- ~ . '� , :�T,�"- � :�.. :,' �:�.;.';_;. ..,'�� -. � : `s� ;�,.3=.�S�y„`h:' '� -�' :r. ' � : .Y�,t� ���l1�,2lt Q�,�I�I��,Q��' . � , �� . t�ti.,_, : :K� ;•�� '.� t`'"`r''- , �`�:,ro c�-�1-'_£ »r�� ���''�`K' s'`, '' i ( _ . ',,.`=. `_'�.� ' •t: ';YF�� _i�s- - - � ►,r„ � . _s'}' �.r -� �� . �rt:��f.,. ,r ; - ,i ,� �� ..s.r� / - � �FR�TP,i. 2. s {`;' -� �� � — � '�] `��445_ C`ity el1 � � �"', .....°�. ��::t�� .. _� .. .�•° t ��1.�4.5 �: ' -S i� ��� � .'`�S ��' ""�i ') ''.� ��. -�„ I BUREAU OF� PUBLIC B.UILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 I � October 17, 1967 �Honora� le�.Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor • , � � � and . �� Membe s of the City Council ' Subject: 1968 Proposed Bud.get �Gentle en: � • The proposed bud.get for the Bureau of Public Buildings for 1968 has bee submitted by the Comptroller at $6.60, 524. Even though this is an • increase of $22, 753 over the bureau's last year's budget, the,proposed �amount is inadequate to meet the work load for 1968. There has been an . �ever-increasing demand for services in connection with such projects as the Surrunit'�-University Urban Renewal project, the Concord Terrace Renewal • area, t�}e work in connectiori with the proposed code enforcement program in Census Tracts 9 and 10, the work required in connection with the probable �demolit{on grant, and the certificate of occupancy program started in 1967 and which i� a part of the recertification program in Saint Paul. ' In 1967 the City Council passed an ordinance requiring the annual inspection of all buildings except one and two family dwellings. Because of the i time re uired to obtain and train inspectors, we did not make as much progress a during t e year 1967 as was anticipated. However, through September 30, 1967, $25, 642 was obtained as revenue to the city for certificates of occupancy vs, an expendit re of $17, 817 paid out in salaries by the bureau for this service. The certificate of occupancy program is progressing and is a great step forward in the Saint Paul code enforcement program required by the Department of ¢ Housing and Urban Development. ' � More employees will be re.quired than are presently provided for • � in the p ioposed budget in order for this program to continue and to show progxess as needed in connection with code enforcement. Since we are at this tYme di ited to a 10 per cent increase in the proposed budget, the bureau cannot � possibly obtain the number of employees that are needed to move forward, with � . . ; • ��. _ �. -' �- .. or .• .__ . Hon. T omas R. Byrne, Mayor � , and Me bers of the City Council Page 2 October 17, 1967 t,he prog am as was originated in 1966. However, a 10 per cent budget • i�creas�j would allow for approximately an additional $66, 000. It would enable tY�e Bureau of Public Buildings to hire two additional inspectors in April, two additional inspectors in August and a final additional two inspec- tors in October. It would also provide for one clerk-typist in January and one in J ly of 1968, one mechanical engineer in April and a design supervisor • i�n May. We feel that this program of adding to department personnel is one tk�at can e met by civil service and is realistic department-wise with regard to personnel training. ' In order to justify the request for a budget increase, it is the Bureau's opinion th� at the estimated revenues as indicated on Pages ii, iii and v of the C��mptrol;ler's Budget Estimates could justifiably be increased on the basis of past year�s' receipts, as follows : PAGE ii, LICENSES AND PERMITS: The budget estimate indicated an incom of $300, 000 for 1968 from build,ing permits. The Bureau's revenue thirough SI ptember of this year i: $243, 160 from this source. Prorated, the income from this source will be $ 325, 000 or an increase of $25, 000 over the estimated` revenue using average construction cost figures over the last five years, The proposed budget further indicated that the income from trade anld occupi tional licenses is $25, 000. This source has provided an income in excess of l$32, 000 for a number of y.ears. We would conservatively estimate an�l income� o! $30, 000 from this source or an increase of $5, 000 over that in th� Comp�roller's proposed budget. • IPAGE iii, FEES: The bud et estimate also indicated an income from g � fees of $5 , 000. The bureau's anticipated income from all lees for 1968 -- . el�vator i spections, new and renewals of annual inspection fees for certificates nf �occupa �cy, etc. -- will be in excess of $75, 000, or an increase of $25, 000 ov�r the e�timated revenue from this source. �PAGE v, SERVICES TO OTHER AGENCIES: The bud et estimate g indicates a;n income from other departments for design services at $25, 000. In �onsid���jation of the increased activity due to the Capital Improvements Prbgram, 'Iwe feel we will have much more work in this area than we can handle witH the present personnel and would anticipate our income in excess of $36, 000 or an $11, 000 increase over the Comptroller's estimate. , � he total increase, then, from the aforementioned revenue items would be: , . .--- i -- • .,..___ca......_..__... � - . •- � � � tti� ..e � � Hon, homas R. Byrne, Mayor and M�mbers of the City Council Page Three October 17, 1967 Building Permits • $25, 000 � Trades and Occupational Licenses 5, 000 � - , Fees 25, 000 Income from Other Departments 11, 000 � Total $66, 000 It should be re-emphasized that the income from the sources listed above cannot be provided on the income side of our bud et estimate unless the Ibureau 7s able to employ additional personnel to earn this income. Also, it �should � e emphasized that the increase requested will not increase taxes ut ��ill be paid for by building owners as an inspectional service as required �y City 'Ordinance and the Federal Government for recertification. All of the above matters have been discussed with the Comptroller's ffice p ior to submission to the City Council. . er tru y rs, . Robert L. A s City Architect RILA/mfsi A'I PROV�D: IV ���1�'� � Victor J. � desco `v Cc�mmis s'�oner � , .' — �- -.�4 ' ;� r T_X i `- i'f{`�.1�iw^P7���yii� -�'�+t i'� - a y s ,r�' , ' ' , , � 'x , ' ' � ' ,F . . I�L'«r..: "=ry'��".s. �,` . . .. W . , . ` . ' . ' , � . , � .+ � i , ' r +�' 1y.;.`,. [:��n},_l:;T.;` ,,. ,� �i , � .A� T,�, � r,' �,, � ., '� ` � . �r _ - }I . , , ., - . � ' ; I ---_.. �C_.".y 'f �f . , ,. `i 4 • � r ' - � � k ' � � . . � � I ' � r: t�. � �� � ;��. a4 . + • ' ` . ;�f•' '' .��` ' , . - " ' � i _ . i �/ ;r. t.�•�> _'�,':a. . ' . �� y�' _°, ; . - • ' , . - '�C i S�.l_p.' ' R i Y� _ .. .,� , ,� ` • • 1. 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' • ' ' . - - . - � � . -_ - � October 17,..1967 - ` _ -_ _ . . . _ ... � . . _ � �, _ . . . - _ - � - . . - : . _ �- . . � � _ - � � - � - �- � � � . . � . � � , � � : � ..�- - � � , - - - _.. � _ �= �- - - _� - .. - - _ � . '. , �_ - ,: - - � � - ' �- � - - . _ ._. _ : � _ . ' _ i. -, .- _ . � . - `- • ;� � � - : � _ ' � �; . •. - . � - , ' -. . -� - � � . . _ i . . _ - . • . .. . - � . - - - ' r .,- �. ` .- . - - ' ." . - . � .� � . -` Mr. �oseph .P.��Summ�ers •± � . . - _ � - . ' f -. . - -. = I . . . � ' : , Cs�rporation Counsel � �' , � _ . : _ . � _ � � -, Buildin8 ' .. � .i � .. -- - s - ' . ; 1 ' ' ' -. _ � � . . , � . , _ , ., �. . ' �_ _ , .. � - _ _ ` - ; - _ Dear� Sir: � � ;-_ _., . . ' : - �` , - -' _ ° .' , . -� ' - � = The Council reqixests �hat you investi , report on whetY�er �or not� '� � � ` _ . the Charter requires the city � a� fox repair and -installation _ A - . � - _ -- of fire Y�ydrants�to the-Bo C ioners arid also 'whether `-� . � - � - ` _ or_not there have been co� proceedi -in past on this issue. . - � '� � . .� • -. . � " _ ' " _ - .. - : - .. ; _ . . . . . _ _ . . , � .. . , . _ L � . ; _ - � .. . _ Very tr.ulyy ouurs, ' . - . - _ , � � - - � t . ti . � . ' -- - � _ - .. � - . - -� , , � . - . } _ , . � - � - � - . - - - - . . , _ �_ -, . , � . _ " - � • , _ _ �� r- _ - . _ - . _ _ - � � . � � _ - - � - � ' - °, - -- ` � City Clerk � � v� ° � - AO�ng = - - _ } _ - � . - . _ _ i . . - - . .- . . .- , . •_ ., _� , - ` = .- , .4 . ,,, , _ , : . .,, . ; , . . _ . - . � ' � " � ' � c'� ' -_ . _ � ' � � • - � ' .1 - ._ . � ' . ,. . , - - .. j � *1 . ' • : " ` 4 . �- - ' �' ' � , • � � - � , - � , . � . + ... F -., . ' ' • . - , ; - ' - ± - � _ - � _ ' • ,_ - i - - ' " i ! . ' ' _ a . S � , ' • _ ' •.- , 4 ., �.- • _._. S _ J ' ,•` •4 , ' ' �•`. .'� , � - , �. _ _t - . �' ' . i'' .'.. .._ . , - _ ' - � ' • I, . _ , . . ' . - �_ .. • _ . f �` �_ . � . ' } . .� ' _ - � --' . Y . ' 'y .� . � _' - ,- ' r ` - h• R ` „ ' C -- - , - ` -Y � - • a ` , '-',• � • • - � ' -- ' � ' ,_� • * ' ?' �:.' . . _ �� � �. _ � ` -' . _ ' _ - ' �i , ,` , • +. • - � _ . � } '` - , i -�. - ' ' _ ' ' '+ _ , i - ' '. _ . i :� '_ _ .t - . . . .. . • -. y C ' _.. K ' , - • . , , �a - . � ' • - '_ r+2 f ._ ~ • _ �_•_ . _�- ' . - ' - , . �` .� � t�. , ' " , _ � • _ ` - + '. .. _ _ � . _ - - ' +' y - : T r ` . • .� . � • � -i -- - • _ c - • ` .. `` '� - _ . - �•- ` _ � _ ' •. ' , � '+� ' _ ' � ' _ _ . " ... ._ . 'EUGENE V. AVERY C I T Y O I' S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA ' CHItR[HOIH[[R . D¢rUTY COMMI/lION¢R Capita) of Minnesota • � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 1NORKS ' � , za4 c�ty Hen & ca�rt Ho�se 55102 . . _ • ROBERT F. PETERSON � Commissioner • , . . . _ . • �b�� � • . - October 13, 1967 T0: The Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul ' FROM: The Department of Public Works SUBJECT: Review of the Department of Public Works Budget as presented . by the Comptroller. . � The Department of Pubiic Works budget request was cut $830,371 by the Comltroller's office. The following is a brief description of how this cu{t will affect our activities in 1968. l . Engineer's salaries were cut $97, 186 from our request. This was for new positions which are needed by the Department to . , meet its ever increasing wurk load. In addition to our regular engineering work, we are presently doing engineering work for the Housing Authority. With the Capitel Improvement program beginning this year, our engineering force is being called upon to produce more design work than ever before. We are also being asked to do work for the Civic Center in regard to the Auditorium Expansion and without additional staff w�e are considering hiring a consultant to accomplish a traffic study „ and a preliminary layout of the streets in the area. This will cost approximately $25�000. . ' ' -2- . � The result of this expanded program� withbut an increase in personnel , will further handicapp our regular activities. 2. The Traffic Budget was cut $38,708. Salaries were cut $17,320 and Capital outlay was cut $15,295. We had requested money for a new striping machine to replace the one in use� which is l7 years old and is continually breaking down. We feel that this street striping machine should be replaced as soon as possible. 3. Our Cleaning Paved Streets Budget was cut $45,807. This was � in Capital outlay items for which we asked for 4 power sweepers- I$55�000, 1 tractor loader - $16,000. The Comptroller allowed , lus $23�000 and we are carrying over $7,000� so we only have � ney for less t han ha l f o f w hat we nee d to buy. ' , .. 4. Winter Street Maintenance - all activities were cut $343,999. Although this activity will probably be supplemented by emergency borrowing, the Capital outlay request was cut by $55,000 and this lill prevent the Department from buying the equipment it knows � is needed. Through the first six months of this year, $9�,255 ias been spent for winter street maintenance. $780� 128 is provided in Comptroller's Budget Estimate for 1968. I 5. iarbage Collection - $12,000 in Capital outlay that was cut will impair our replacement program. I ' 6. ileaning Graded Streets - 59�000 in Capital outlay wes cut. iunds were for two front end loaders which are needed to . accomplish a more efficient program of cleaning streets. . . � -3- � ;7. Weed cutting - $5�600 was cut in Capita) outlay. Funds were needed for two tractor mowers which w�ere to replace smaller mowers that are not as efficient. . 1�� addition to the above budget problems, we are faced with providing the Stite Highway Department with $165,000 for work on the Short Line Crossiig on West Seventh Street in 1968. We have reviewed this with the Comptr�ller's office and it seems that the only solutio� is to cut projects from ou� planned program and use either Municipal State Aid Funds or Local Improve�nt Funds. This project was not in our planned program and is the result of a mandatory order by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. I We Isk that the Mayor and Council consider the above deletions in our budget when they are considering the Comptroller's Budget Estimate. . \ -. __ ' � � : �� p�; ��� , � .;� / , '� � � � ����,� ��" -, � -_ - � ��� ������ �.��, . ' �I . � � �� . F � , � , � � o � � � � � ; - � ' � j. � � � • � � !a � �' " ', � �. � � � , � � � � � � �� . � � � �� �� d 1 �� �- '�,,� 1 � � � � � � • ~ I��� � �� � � . ' I � � . 1 • I 1 � . � � • � I� � � .� � � • � , l ' r ' rt � _ ( \� � r � � � 1 ~ � � ~ + / �� ��,� ',/ ' •• � ��4TRa� � f� � � `. Y "' '� � �� . � ��"' ° " ` �� �'`,�� �� � � ' p$� . �� � ���a�� ,�� �� :. � �� � . „ � , ., , , �, � a � r ~ � r �r � N� � �� � `� � ` } i , � a,+, � � � � „ - . �° � `?���� � . ��� �� � ; � ; � $� � ��� � � . �, � . . , . a, ''' > '' � � ���� y�� .�• � • � �� N�h p � � • � �,.�'"'-. � N w , �1+ �• " e . �' � �' � �' '. �������� �1���� � f � ,� � �d� � ���i . . . w . ' I ��. � » ,p 'O ►►a ' , r e � � � ' � , � ' �' � � � s � � ' � � � ���� , � � ' �� � ��- � ; . � � M �/ � ��.� u T!� /�I•��T' � � �M r � � -.� S�!' � �� • r -n M�'{V • v r � ��� ♦/ , I + I + M #�� `' ��� Y���� � + � � � � �� � 4 + ♦ ♦ � I � ♦ . M -. � �I• � � � � �� � � � � � �r . . . . �1 � " � - � - • � �'�k �� ' � -- --- — _� �` ..� , ,' . � _"A�-�-'- _-- --. ~�-•- __+ • - _�_�___ - _ __ , _ • � � � . T .• , •I . . � � , � � . • , S ' Budget Compartsons } 196� and 1968 ' � Auditorium I . . j � 1968 196� 1968 Increase _ ; Request Budgr.t Budget (Dec_ rease� � ���_o r� � . 09rj8��ludi toriwn Rtntals ` 241 Bldgs. � Of,f iee Spaee-Rental 66,l�9 65',25'7 66,1�9 - ,,,,�, ,Less-ARtount D�,�erred � (40,867�.� (40,867J - , . Total ee U�e • ' 25,�12 (40,86�J (Rei�nburse nt ,�'or �966 1�'ree �Use) � � J400 �labnin�eLr�t�on � ______�. _ ' 112 Salarte8-Clertcal 1�,021 1�y024 •1�,698 674 116 �� .Pro,�eas t onal 9,969 9,,�.97 10,��8 981 1.�6 " Z'xeinpt lI,.I16 11, 11� .11,694 .577 i To t a.l 100' �4,106 a ,33,S".�8 3j,77d 2 s 2.3� _....�..d_.�.,., _ �2r0,�A�ow�'��.•►- T ' 1,620 1 ,620 �1,520 - 202 Te1 e��hone 1,1_30 1 ,1�� � 1, 100 (,30� 203 Postage � 100 1G0 100 - 204 Trave? . , 500 500 500 - 22� Xatntanarrce-Ofj1'tce EQutp. 200 200 ?_00 - 251 Dues,�[e�be�rsh�ps,Subscr. z25' 125 125 - 261 Insurance & Bonds 2,000 - -- - - i Tota1 '200 5,675 336��� .3,�5 l.�o) I ,j40 O,�f i c e supp.l i es j25 ,�25 T- �2�' - � Total Administration 40, i06 ��,5',�8 ��9,�40 2,202 .Less 1��466� reduc t i on _ (58,�) (,58�) , . Tota1 Adminzstration Budqet .39,15�? 1,619 � _- � 04S"0 S t ad�a - 461 City Contributton 15',000 15',000 1�,000 - Less I.466� reduetion (220) (220J Total Stadia Budget, 14,780 (220� f_ I , . 0460 Ct vtc a'duoat�t onul Center ..�.�����d 461 C i t y C o n t�i bu t�on 240,600 24S',000 221,800 16,800 .Less 1.466�, reduc t t on ' " �3;25�2 <3,252� Tota1 Civtc �ueatipn Cen�er Budget 2.18,,5'4B 1,3,548 J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 228-5317 Valuation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City HAII $einf Paul, Minnsco+a 55102 '�� October 6, 1967 To �he Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Pa.u1 RE: 1968 Budget Request of the Depa.rtment of Finance - Gen lemen: � ThelDepartment of Finance wishes to go on record in stating tha.t the 1968 budget request submitted by the department and adjusted by the Cam�troller does not include funds necessary to cover the department's expected costs in connection with the long-range Capital Improvement Pro�am. A la�rge ma.�ority of the capital improvements included in the C I B report dated Ju1y, 1967, include property acquisitions. The Valuation � Bureau, in the Department of Fir�ance, is now geaxed and manned to carry forward current city land acqua.sition programs. All of these acqui- sition programs are planned in advance and are scheduled so as not to place too heavy a burden on the depaxtment. The Capital Improvement Program as now proposed will seriously handicap the depaxtment and will certainly lessen its efficiency unless the department is able to hire additional personnel to carry forth its pa.rt of the program. With the information now available in connection with the long-range _ Capi al Improvement Program, it is impossible to ascertain the number of aiditional personnel tha,t wi]1 be needed. In the light of these facts, and because the department will not be a1lo�ted additional budget f�ands to hire additional personnel, it will�be necessary that the department chaxge its services against the various C I B pro�ects in which the department will become involved. ' Very truly yours, .�GC.l�er-�---- I�J � J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer . Ap ro� ed: � ' � C i� s er of F' nce �m/�� . .f . r ' .� . Mayor - Gentlemen of the Council (The Finance Department as submitted to the Comptroller is the minimum figure necessaxy to maintain the level of ser- vice which was authorized for the current yeax. The total request for 1968, as adjusted to include the sa1- axy increase effective 1-1-68, amounts to $303,24�+, which figure ha.s been reduced by the Co�ptroller in the amount of � $�6,731.. Inasmuch as the main portion of this budget is for salaries, ar�y reduction would have to come out of the salary fund,'which would result in the lay-off of � employees, with the resultin� loss in services to the public. The reductions recommended by the Campt�oller's office are broken down as follows: . �4�271 required for financing the additions to the � police force $770 f�om the office supply accovnt #340 $800 f`rom contractual services, being telephone, ' office equipment, and blueprinting services $5,890 requested for 1 additiona,l employee 5 000 - Capital outlay $16,73� The capital outlay item of $5,000 can be postponed for next year, but the remaining unfinanced portion of $11,731 is re- quested to be added to the proposed budget, w`h c�i will al- low the replacement hiring to fi11 a present vacancy, a11ow 1 additional e.�ployee, and provide the present level of service to be ma.intained by the depa.rtment. J f �'� The Parking Meter Collection service is budgeted as a separate acclunt of the Finance Department ` ' Her�e again the requested budget of �20,884, as adjusted to in- cl�de the 1968 salaxy changes, was reduced in the amount of $1;784. The department proposes to f�zrnish uniforms for the three park- ing meter collectors to identify them as employees of' the City oflSt. Pa,ul when they axe making theix collections. In order to set up a �pro�am of this type, it is necessary that the Comptro]1er's recommended rec7.uction be replaced in the 1968 bui get. ' The reco�ended budget allows only �630 to provide mileage, which amounts to $�+80 and leaves $150 to purcha,se necessary supplies and allow for uniform clothing allowa,nce. � In s�munation, the department's request for 1968 is for $L1,731 to be added to the Finance Department budget and $1,784 to be added back to the Pa.rking Meter Service budget. , �� ,. . . _ . - - -- -�� � DETENTION AND CORRECTIONS Ai1TgORITY 3� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ° 1700 Court House Phone: 223-4308 _ q!.� � - . � ' � 1 ' THOMAS R. BYRNE—Cti�IaM�N HERNARD M.TROJE IJOHN E. DAUBNEY—VICL-CHAIRMAN bCHCUTIV6 DIRL�CTOR 4 WILLIAM E. CARLBON KERMIT E. HEDMAN � , t , LUCILE E. BLANK BERNARD T. HOLLAND ' � � � ' ' " ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ROY P. NADEAU ' ' � ,- - - ' - ROBERT F. PE?ERSON � _, , ` � . . - . � October 4, 1g67 � . . , - , _ , ; . _ . _ . Honorable embers� of the City Council_ • ~ . City of_ St: Paul . . � City Hall nd Court House � St. Paul , innesota 55102 Gentlemen: ` _ ' " � - , The Detent,ion and Corrections Authority at their regular monthly meeting held on Se�ptember 25, 1967, voted unanimous approval of the 1968 budget covering all institutions and the Administration Department under the Detention a�d Corrections Authority. These revised budget figures as . approved ere made necessary by the recent salary increments recommended - bjr the Ra sey County Civil Se rvice Commission and approved by the Board of Ramsey Co nty Commissioners. In addition, substantial adjustments were made nece sa ry in the P.E.R.A. contributions item in line with suggested and esti ted cost for this item.� . We are at aching herewith the budget items where an increase or a decrease was made ecessary. In all other budget items not listed the figures will remain th same as �previously submitted. The City's total share of the . 1g68 appr ved budget request for this department, as indicated on the attached chedule, is $562,340.00. The City's portion of departmental receipts o be used to reduce the tax levy was previously estimated at - $32,500.0 � ; but due to the increased revenue from out-of-county commit- ments, we can now increase this estimate in the surplus receipts account by $10,00 .00 to a total of $42,500.00. The following is the summa ry of the City' (50%) share of the Detention and Corrections Authority's budget request f r 1968 and comparison to 1g67 total figures: Revised 1968 Original 1968 Increase 1967 a968 Budget Over Budget Re uest • Re uest 1967 Gross Bud et $497,036.00 $515,356.00 $562,340.00 $65,304.00 Less: Dep . Receipts 37,367.00 32,500.00 42,500.00 5,133.00 Tax Levy $459,669.00 $482,856.00 $519,840.00 $60,171.00 . . . _ �----- � ' ���� — ADMINISTRATION OF: • Woodview Detsnti I n Home ` • Workhouse-Workfarm • Boys'"Tof�m"Town v " . OE'tENTION AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY '" 1968 REVISED SUDGET REQUEST � � Increase Orlginal Revised or � Accbun.t Request Re uest Decrease Administration Department Personat. Ser�ices 80,280.00 $6,037.�� + 5,757.00 Contractival : . Office Rental --- 3,600.00 + 3,600.00 OtNer CF�arges: P.E.i.A./O.A. S. 1. 3,850.00 8�070.00 + 4,220.00 Woodview Detention Home Personal Services 105,g11.00 113,503.00 + 7,5g2.00 Other Cliarges: +-�� School Services 10,900.00 10,100.00 - 800.00 P.E.R.A./O.A. S. I . 7,120.00 14,906.00 + 7,786.00 Boys TotemlTown � Personai Services 205,562.00 223,279.00 + 17,717.00 Othe r Cha rges: School Services 41 ,800.00 30,900.00 - 10,900.00 Teachers Reti�ement 6,030.00 7,028.00 + 998.00 P.E.i.A./O.A.S. I. 13,310.00 27,830.00 + 14,520.00 Wo rld�ouse-�lo rkfa rm � ' Personal Services 305,974.00 328,684.00 + 22�710.00 Other Charges: P.E.R.A./O.A.s. l, 18,970.00 39,738.00 + 20,768.00 TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST INCREASE� 93 68.00 1968 Original 1968 Revised Net Account Budget Request Budget Request increase �� � Administration 1Q1,560.00 115,137.00 13,577.00 Woodview D�tention Home 153,666.Q0 168,244.00 14,578.00 Boys Totem� Town 345,105.00 367,440.00 22,335.00 workhouse-i orkfarm 430,381_00 473z859.00 43,�478.00 GRAND� TOTAL: �030,712.00 1 124 680.00 9 68.00 � - � � :i a_ . x . { . .. , . : `. . ~- , _ .' __ i . ' ' ; , i,r« ' .' . �. Y•. f ! - _� i ¢ _ ` ` .. ' _ -. ''J '• • . _ � � • y - ' � �' . � • - 4j , - . '...4 ^ � . _ -' ' _' - - _ _ . ` > , ; � ._ ' r ` + ' �J ' ' , : '' . ' - � . l.- - � ,' - , �� � � F ' � : � ' �' , ` . -_ . _ • � ` :a. � . . � - . . . ' _- �.� • s l� _" - ' _}1 h 4 , . . �' ' � . . ' - '_`` - � - � � • . � _ + , • - � ' -. -F � � t�r� _ � •-. � , - �• " . ' ',�. _ � � . • �r � � . ; • � � - .' • • - ' _ � ' - , • -S � a. ,N : _ 4 i ' • _ • . �. , . . ` .•- • ` � � _ •T• � � - n 1�- . � '� I . S ' ' . �` -� - - • ' t � ? ' � ... - "." " ' - '__ � ri I � _ , . . _ , " _ _' � . ' .. • _ . . . , � e� • _ ,.. ' " - �- � � • � _ ' ' • ' [ - , � _ • ,r ' _' ' 1 • _ � , . ., - - . . �. - - ' Octob�r 6, 1967 -_ . _ . - -- . > - � -. . t _ - . . - , _. . - - , - : - - � - � � - ._i _ '_ ,� — _ ' - � - � � ' � " - _ ' ^ _ - _{ -, • .. . - - . -a _ -, _ , . ', , ' ' ` ' ' r ' - . 'f - � - _ _ • ' _ . l , • -i q-, - S .. - - _ _ . - _ , ; ' _- . ,, .. " - _ _-� . - ., -?_.- - -- � � " . . , � ' -- • '. � `-, { '" _ - , _ „ • ' -h ' • � . • .� - �". ' _ � i _ ' . ' . s - � • . � � . - -- �.. � - , - ` ' � � ., _. • ' . -� � � - . • - � -_ • _ - . . ' - __ � : � Hon. Jos�ph J. Mitchell - - . � - ' '- , � ° - �_ ' .� ` . � - � City Comptroller .• -. _ _ , - - ; - : _ ' - : . __ ` � - . . - . Buildit�$ i. - . . � - . .. ' - ; .. � . • �Dear 31r �. . , � . - . _ .- ' , ' - . . . _ - - �4� : - - --� - : : , -- ..- _ � , - � � _ Attaehed �or your-information°is a ter o e -Deten�ion� and �or"rections ,> � - � .-- - '-A�tboa^it�rr gubmitted �at todsy''� budget g� _transmitting a revised ].968- - ` � , � -budg��-reguest. - - ` " � - - • • • � _. .. ��� � _ = , � , -=. - . ' rTery trul,y yours, - . � ,_ _' . ^ . ' • -^ _ � �� . . �-�± - � _ ' „ � ` y � ,` r Y' Y � � y ; .- . , � .^ . • T� ' � ` • . - ~ • ' 'i , ' , :_ � � _ . _ _ � � -- . . ,- - ' ..City�Cler� : - ; - . _ '- - < . - - ng _ . �'� � - -• - ' � . _ .�_� =- � _. - - � � �. � _' Y - _ �. . "; c � f - . - ' • -. -- ' ' . . _ _. •_ . - -- -�y' ' .f . . . _ - � - i - 1 . ` _ •_,}_ -- - , ,- - ' �.r ' . :• , - '._ , _ - ° � � `�- " , : "-�._ .. ' ' . .. r ' + . . - ' . -. , _ _ ��1 _ ' .'l�• _1 ' � . -. ' - - . `_ � S - ,. �.' ' .-�`, � - + • ' � " • ' � ' r � � • . ' ' _. . �. ._ - , , • ' _� x • . -- . � , " S_4..� � ^ � . - ' .' _ -.�. � c_• Y : _ ', ` P_ '- ,' 1 . -` _ . ' .i ' ' - .��- . . � ' - '_ .• , _ - � . ,_ ` ` •_-,••y:, , .=} _ . � _ � , in - j • ' .. ;' ' � ' , • j J_ s' , _ - s'+ + ` � r, - „' , n- , ' ' � t , � 1 � ` � ' •• .. � . . _. ' ' ' -_ - ` ` . _ .. . - ' [ �• ' - • _ .- - - _ +- " ' •`�e.s�'c ' r` ' _ ` `'{ �` ' `,` F ` .. -r ♦ F - ° ` � - _ _ -_ ��' - ' . .. ' • • �• _ . • '- ' r =� i- . - , ; , � . , - `, - ,` � _ - _ . •^ - ...- i . _, ± , . ,- ' , ' �� ' . . ` �.. ' : .i� ' -. s - t � �.. , . �,�{i � ` _ . - ' , . . -- +`, . , - r . • . � ; _ _' � = ,- _.. •'.; ' _- . � Y. Y� ` '. _ ' . _ � � c . . . _�., �. ._ ; ' � ` ` . ' ... - ' � � _ l •� ' K - - • • . ` �` ' _+ . -_ ' ' � / �'F .. .� . _ ' ' '� . t_ - ' .. : -- , -. ., ' • ` _. , l . .,. - _ - ,� . __ . . . F_ _ • , . • — _ - . • � - _ _ _ , x = + - � ._ ; ;�#.;_I�. , . ' � y " _ ' .- � ' '�'. ' t ' _ �� . _ . . " , ' , f -' r r ' ' . _ • ' _ ` . _ - . ' - ' _ • p , ` •_ ' ��` � '� ' ,, F _ � � • _ y � ; L 1� � • � - ' ( s - ' S �,�-' \• , - , ' ` � ' ,Y `�^' " " {- ' . ;. ' . _ ' v . .� • � _ ,i - ° _ - Y_`' '- _, _ '_. + - t , • , , . - . � � R � ' - _• • � , 4 � ` . � , � ` .L� � ' . _ � _ � ' . r _ „ ., _ � - _ _ . - - � L � _.` , .. • • � -• �� _ , i , - ', - • - ` ` '�_ .' ._ . _ ; � _ _ ', ' ' � ` �, , - � _ _ -- - �' • �. . -4 - _ ' .... . `} . . � _ ' - ' ` _ _ y `. ', - � " ., -1 _ . = ' _ 1`. _ _ . � _ . ' . - . - �FT _ " � ^ '� • ' ^ � ' � � J _ • • f � 1- � • • � � _ � � � • � r �• c• • - ' • � . • - • - • � . , .> > -_ •: - - ._ October 6, 1g67 . � . . -_ _ , , . - _- . . . _ _ . -# _ ` ; - � - _ _ ; .t - _ . � , . - . ' - _ . � _ - ° - � _ - � - - - . - . , . - • - � - w . 1 _ ' _� " , • ._ � ' , - - , • -' - � , _ ' , .�� ; . _� ' . - ' , L ' ' �_ . , , , i _- - . . �. " . �� _ . . Y __ "' - . = . . _ ;. . . , Hon: Joseph, J j'Mit chell.� -� � . - - -� , - .� ,- - . � - � � _ ° City,Comptro er � - . _ - ' � , � . - • . 4 +� - - : � Building •- .� , • - . : , . ` '. , _; -- _ I?ea"r 8ir t _ .. �- _ -� - � � -_ : �. . . - _ _ . • - - r � _ ' - _ . - ' - � • _ � - . ' - ._ , - ' • � - Attached is a 'copy o� a comm ion o arles P.� MeCa"rty which was . � -` ` - submitted at today•s budg� ert g to'the appropriation - � " - - - ' in the Miscell;aneo�s a.nd oreseen d, � Council requests_tha,t - � y ouu be presen�' on Oct. 1_ to fur�he explain thi,s matter to th�m:' � _ , .- . ' - -" _ � � � - _ ,. - - Very tru7,y yaurs� " _ - , - _ � - __ - � - - - • - - � • � - - - - - - . � ' ' , � , - ' '- - _ - ,- ' : - • , , �_ ., _ - . . s . . _ _ - . -_ -l - • . - '- -_. � .' - e ,- . �- �. . . AO ng a ' ' � 'j . City�Clerk ° ' � --_ - ; � - �. . , ! . . .. - _ - -' - . . .. - . . _ , � � �-- . � . l • . _ - • _ - ,_ . p ' F ` .l . ,_ , . 1 .v . ` ^ -, _ ' � • . ' ! .� . ` . � � ' � � - • {_� ` � . ' � �� . - � � y• • , ' ��` - . � _ ' � _ �r ' i ^ • - . � i !L � : ,- -' � + - � _„ , .. v. ` ` _ . _ • • • ' � .`` � r` • y - .. '- �1 ± � . 4 � _ . ` _ , r� _ _ + .'� . " " ` _ . _ ' . � � . _ '• . . - '. }- ' .. - . _ .. . � . . . _ '� " ' I ` 1 . ' `- , , • " . . • r ��'S - .i . . . � . ' � . ' ? �- , , + , t _ . - ,� � � `� � '_' _ �I _ ' ' _ ` ..r. � ' ` - , r - . n , . , ' ' .. , . ; i ' ` . ' . - ` . ' - • , i - . . �. - -. ' _ .. . '. �F .r ' � .-` , ` - ' - ,. ' - T • . - � _ • , T. ' . . -_ - , " ` r I ,�, ; ..- .. - .- . • .-- . - � ' . ° ' '., ' f - ' _� T - - .. -+ ` --. . '- ._ ' ` , ` �_', _`i - . ' _ � �- _. .. ;- ' •- - _` _ - - . . , ' ' - . _ �_ - - . _. `�^' . - _ , { -. - ' : � - - .. . _ . •,� .� ' .. _ � ' - `-�r`: � � , T . � p _ , " _ __�; � . 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"• � � - _ � � � . � t }• ' ' • . • ^�T'� ,+ - - , . �� f. _ _ : � � _ • V. _ ` - `. i 4` • � ,- - � Y .. � �� �� � � ; " � October 6, 1967 � : • . .� -� � , . - - - . , � _ ... . - • � � • '. _S � -s . . � . •r . � . _ _ . ' '_ .� " . ^' _. "" • 4 - ' . ^ - . ' ���- ` ,-i �.- • - ` " . . �' = J .�" . ' - � . � . _ S �_`� � l_ - T ` _ F - � y y, • - •' ♦ - _ .� ' r _ • � V_"L `•' • _ ' a • . . " - '" _, . .. ' . .1 • ., , V - ` , ,. ' • r . .. � _' . ' -� - . .. . . _ . Hon. .Joseph �.� Mitchell� � - „ �• . ,-.. _ - .. .- - .. . - , --' _, -. _-. _ _ - �- ' CSty �Comptrolle� _ ', � - • ' " __ : - . r ' � _ . � , • _ - � . Building . -- � - . , . . . . . _ , - � - , ' .. , - - , �' `�Dear Sir s ' � " ^ . �- - , . - , . ' ,f . -_ _ � • � .. _ . - _ ._ � {. , - - _ - -. _ _ - � t ... ' _ . .. _ � - , _ � .. - ' � _: The.;City Caunci7., ,�� the . udget ing toda,y,� c�3,sc�ssec� ; . : ; ;• �" �' . � the matter'oF t`tabulating the� request � tted byAvarious- dep&r�=` � --: _ - - � : - .- � - ments during-�the budget hearin s. � ', . - -�� ' ; � • - � ` y_ � _ - _ _. _ � . s ' • _ - . . - _ _ - - _ ..�, - . �- . . . . - - The,_Council hae asked .me fox�mal ' _eque� th�,t you�asatat them - . - " . • . - • � � - ;6 - in �abuTating 'these,requ s as_�an a to,them�3,n -a.dopt�.ng-the .biidget.` ' " � : � _ ' ' �_ , - . - # : � '_-_ • . _ - - " - Very�tru�y�your.s� - . ; -, s -� _ : _'_-_ . _ , , ,. -J_ _^ _ :�'^ . _ _ � � �. • - � . , --. - -. , _I_ -. , ' , - , -_.. _ • _ _ Y, ' � _ -, _ � i� - � ' . ' _ ` ' . ' - * ,. „J ' ' ._• " � - y, `. + ..- ,� - `�c+2,�S ., _. f� -. . - .• _ ' . ' ' a . ' - - . -• = _ - __ - - . - . City C'l.erk - ` , , . ..' . AO�ng - - _' .�� - ~ • � _ : . ` , - ,-. ' . . , . - - - ' `_- i ' < ' ; .. ` 1 t � . _ _ _ ' l_ � _ � _ . _ _. ' . � � . 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' • � ` ' x . � -- _ r . , - .. _ �� ' • _ ' • _ ' ` , ' ' r __ - , • � , _ t - ' S ' L `\ _ ' �, ` . _ � ' . . , � � � .� ♦ .� � , " ^ � + � Y � _ .- . .-- - • • - - •t �_ _ � � r * _ • - - .� ` , _ _ • - ' . , • _ � , � r,�_ `Y _ . • ` -_° _ , . . � .r ��_ � = � : '_ .,y _ �October 6, 1�6.7�.. -, � ' ; . . -� � _ - �. _ ,. ' � , � � . "1 - _ ., _ , - . � - _ -- _ . . : -, - _ �,� - = j i ._ : _ _ --4 : ; - ' - � :_ - ' - = . - _ " . , -: - ,. • ' , ' ' . � . ` . , ` '�, t_ „ I - -' .` S � � .T - L • i� � --�. e . �. ' d.� ' ' i t • r rY ' � ` _ '� ♦ . � . � �' ` -�.' ' _ • ` - � � - ! � -- � � � �- � - - • . Mr. Jo�eph P.�Su�ners� ., .. ,,: _ � ' � _ :� •_ - � ,. _ . . '� �� ' - _ - Corporation C�iunse3. _ . . -� _ . � - - _ - ' . . . . . .- � ,. .' -"�' ..- ? � - Building _ ' - f _ � _ , - { . , , .. _ _ - . " . Dear`Sirt . � � � " . .� _ l - ._ - r ." � -, �, � - .- ' � � - Attaclied - -, � _ . ; + ' .. . . _ l • i '. ` ` .. � _ . � _ . j ' > T = is�a copy� o� a.� er �oP J m.. �onovan�y Va,luation .� •: i. "� � _ - :Engineer, whi h was: rece3.y.ed at �o � bi�d � -heari�g-pertain�.ng tQ :� � - - ' � - � -. � needed- Pund����a cover• the department o f.r� �o�nection-�ith the � � _ °-- •t_ . . �'�- , • � Lo�g� Range Ca�ital�I�provemen am. -. : ' . - � � - � � - - � - � -. _ , - • . , - . . R - ; -z - ; ', '_ - - _ . • -� . _ " =. -` The FCouncil re , � ts your co�vne tion on. whether ox not - �= . :�� �- - the�e; costs �could be .c d-to spec c Capita� Im�irove�ent pro�ectg. � ' ' ' - ' = . •.� _ __- - �� � . . .L' � �� .. .- ° =Veryr-�tru1Y yours� ` � _ ,� -• � -- - . _ f- • - , x i .. , _ a : . � Y- .. ' ,� . r � . , - - f � - ` '_ - ,,(' ' ', ^ .A ` . T_Y . . � •. . - ` . - � " - � ; AO�ng - " ._ - . - _ �` ' - - -,- - � ___ . City..C1erk : - s . - . �, - r . � . ,, . _,: . . -- - 1 . _ .' , _ i . _ . - ; . � _ - _ i .. � , ' -�. . . . . �_ � _: _ t -' • � � - - -_, . . ' ` . - - • � - � � ' � � " . e �°j - + , - � '} . _' . . �- =_ . . . .- - _ • -� :.' . . � - _ - . ' � l"^ . _- ±_ • , ° , ' • S. ' - '_ - - � " . - , . - . _ - . - . � , ` - . ' - _ - �- : _. " _ : � _ � - _ ' __ . --. � � �. � . . _ . , _ . , - • . ` , , - _ . _ �. :' . " -.. - � ? � • � � . � '�' � i - - , ° " . , . , _ ; � � - - . - � - • _ , - - . -- _ � r . " . _ � ' ' _ _• y ' , ` ' , _ ' _ , : r' . . ~ a . ' . • ' .. ' �• _ ; � + ' ' - ' ' ' �_ -� . ' ,f _ . . -` Y �r_"'� ' •. ._ ' '- ,. � ` � � � : ' - � x - ' -- " ' . � . .} '- ., ' ' . .! � - � � _ � ' , " � � _; � � ' _ i_ . � . -. � _, > . � � a .. ` _ • • _ " ^ . ' ` F `'+ ' _ - .. . , ` ` ' ' I ' F_ _'`. j � • ,.._ . , _� : ' . • • , _y n " - . . . . • ' � - Y _ - � � . • , � .- . ' _ � - • . . , _ - _ - - . - ..f` ' - ' ' ` ` _ " , - - � - ?: . : . - � ` � _ a� . .. ' _ _ ^ - _ � . `4 • ' ' - ' •Y - ` - � '" P - ,-� S ' ' " ' ' , ; a _ ` . = , � - , " . , _ - � -. - ' +- i . . ' _ _ . , - ' ;l-` . � ` " - t � . � � � �:. _ . _ � . • -. _ �•_. � ., . v �� � � MUNICIPAL COURT SA1NT PAUL J. CLIFFORD JANES JUDGE . . Oc tobe r 23 , 1967 Mayor and City Council � C i ty of I t. Paul , 1�fi nnesota Dear Sirs : _ Lde understand that the Municipal Court budget request for Code 130 - Salaries Exempt - m�;� be reduced by four positions and that this reduces it to the number of positions that this Court had filled on January 1 , 1957 . � Since that date , we have, of necessity, added one clerical, position berore the effective operational date o� the Ordinance Violations Bureau, the Bureau that vaas set up at the instance of the City Council and the City Corporation Council � I (n order for this Bureau to function properly it will be n�cessary to add t��o new positions to the clerical staff. The 19�'�i budget allocation for the present 36 employees will fall ap�proximately $9,000.0� short of ineeting the payr�] 1 o�ligat�'ion. Added to that vrill be the salary item required to procure �hese additional three people, �rhich is an amount of $1a,000.00. In order to meet the bare salary items required , • �rJe must have an addi � ional $25 ,000.00 for that purpose. . � In conjunction e�iith the required additional personnel it is necessary that certain office equipment be suppli�ed and replaczd. The mini�un amounts required to adequately meet this need �vould be $2,250.00. The requirements for additional person�nel and additi�onal �equipment perhaps can be more clearly unders�tood by reflecting upon the increase in tfie volume of business handled in the P�Iunicipal Court , tivhich is indicated in part by the increase in the amouni: of money handled �y this Courtlby �•�ay of fines , etc. 7hz estimates furnished the Compt�oller in 19�7 as to this amount U.�as $u25 ,000.0�. The present-day figure, if continued throughout this year , will be in excess of $730,000.00. Lit�le consideration of this figure r .j ✓� h�s been given to those fines which rnay result from tne en�Force- ment of the Ordinance Violations Bureau recently inaugurated � as put into full effect . I�Ihile some of this increase of receipts has resu�li:ed from an increase in the average amount of fines , f it r�ust 'be recognized that it also involved an increase of , � business� in the Court . S�le anticipate that there will be a greaterlincrease in the business of the Court in 1908; - the . Ordinance Violations Bur-eau did not start operation until June ; , - an increase in the number of police officers in 19b� �vill i�e increasing the numuer of persons cited or arrested for prosecution � n this Court ; - the progressive increase of offenses . Our budget , as requested for 19u8, calls for 3� positions without anticipating the 5 . 2 per cent increase in pay, as fihe budget procedur� did not call for the entry or such increase in our estimated budget as su�mitted. For this reason , for this Co�rt to fill the �9 positions needed at the increase in pay of 5 . 2 per cen� , which has been authorized city-wide, means that this Court 's budget for Code 13� - Salaries Exempt - as previously requested for 39 positions must be $250,000.0$. I .Any revie�•a of the past operations of this Court as against� � ts budgets and its bud5et requesi:s , 1 am sure , will indicate that the operation of this Court has been carefully done so as to recogn i ze the f i nanc i a 1 needs of the C i ty and of the taxpayer. ' � Yours very truly, • G\ � .�, f' �/�__r.�.�. C��.� ,� . � / , ' . � ��� � �5' � �, • �3 � �' e � �n � �. �ti �u � Z w � � � q �� � � � � 'o� C�s � ' !J � � c) e �n � �► �. � J �-- Q CI �� � E � 3 � � � o y � Q� ._ � � C � � � � � , b (1f S:. � � � � N � a � � � � '� Z � � u s :� � �' v U � � � O � � � � � J � �� � 11 `U " � � � a. � 4 � � � �� U �' 2 Z-' , �" ' � � � �- ----0�--�–�I- --5--�--�- --� �-�-U �- -- -- �----- ;—�-- � � � Q; �" � Z t�. � � S d � � � � � �; � � � � � � � � � q � � dl � ,t,► c1 Q. vC E �4 � z L�� > > ; i� � ev � Q � � q � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � q2 ? � e!- � � � � � o O � � ti � I c� Q � � '� "' � � � � � • Q � � ? �11 �� a � � � p W N � s. -z s° C� � • . � � �- ',, � Q � � °. T � S ; � Q. T � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � -N � C� c� /� � � � � O � •� 0 1 1 S- �� � � � � � � � ��} � � v • � �'Lp � •++ � S a � ,I, ��- � 3 o � � � � � � •5 � "� � o - �o � a o � fl �o u V, ? � � � . � � � r V � � � � � � � j �' � 6.� {(1 •— �" � � _ N � � � � ( � , ` `9 �-' �✓J � � ' � � A � � ` � � � � � V � 0 � Q � 0 Q � `� Q � �' '� � � O Q p .� � �.n ,�--� --•---�-1-�---- °--O__ t�' _ ---- ---- ` -�-- � - �---��-- ---_ �1_ V M� � Q �` 1 � ^ � T � Q � � V� .1' �` ^.� � o.l � � -� �., ,� � �, �` � � � � �1 , � � - ` � � ' s � � . � � � � g � s � � � a : � � � � � o � � . � v � .�� � x =� ^ � �1 �- '� � tW ,�. � �1 �..�, � "_' � � a� - r_ I � s �� � - � � � . . ; � w � �$ � � -� a � � � � WX � � � s, a �' � .� � � � � o � .� � � � a -� � � � �- �V � � 1�.. � —1 �' � � �� c� � ; _ t , r � ����s�� �u.,���- ��'u,s�r���rrs ,�a ��3- � � � CCT• ��ouu� �c��t�osE �l�a oY's c��c. � �IS�oo� �u�� �u�+n�� c� Pc�eG�� � '`uegAN ����-�tav �,v�,� ~ ����`� -r�a�s� ��- e -� ��N� i � Fu r�1 c (�O + 2d ,ro lo � ,� ,� �� • �, �, 1�-E��r� �- 2 y,�oa � ����� �r�s4��-��.� � FiR� -�- �SOi��o �Yl�t N���ti P2�s�r�T FteG � s��u��� PC.�N PJ E N � -1- Sb�00'o C'�M PlE'T� NEW Zta►v rNC� o�D INAN�� W��t� C�N Co M�u. (2e r�w�� ��f �� CON�tJ�C°� �IvE�.PftAUT ��v�taPf�1GN`� �,�ay p.��«��r►6s -�- 6(0,�� �NS�� c���s . �� � .� -� ��� noo � I��s��� �Dc P�°��G� iN -t��e�s � � � o. 2$3, �00 �' �En�� eEC��iR�a�� � � tN �Net�JC�: �g3, 000 �- ���C�08 INt R� PraE�D �• �� �eC►P�S 2, � 7� pU0 lo Sio �� �-�� �N ���u �ua�.� - Il �. ,o � � �p � ovo " �PPR�P�rAT�g SU(�.�c.�S � (�Z, o oa INCI��'A5� �N �N`�iciPp►T�9 6R�ss �A��►�r�r�s - 7� R.�v�vu� � +�� ��-C.�� o� C�(�S� EP+�,N iN�� R�e�t� s av�� ���A�°c — � �!�°� . .. . . i � k � L� ` `_^ The i�;em in thi proposed budget on pa;e 9 undor ch�rter fund 6.02 activi�;y No. 01�5 on{;itled Fire Hydr�nts should be roducod to approxi�nately �3200.00 instead of tha � n , ��;,.: . ' ,_ . ' _- - f- E� — . , ..- . . • „ i.. _ ,�t - � .. �. -- Pi '�. 1 • u : � . ; �F � d:; . ;-� __ OFFI t°E OF TH - COMPTROLLER��. � - — � " � . ; � . � � � � , tSAINT_PAUL . MINNESOTA b5102 . . . . , - �i , =� -_ ' _.: .__.� .°_.. � = _ 'I LL- :_. _ •: •�' . , 3 ' � • - - =S , il ' •� ' ' �J,T� T1� �_� .� � � �. 1.. ... .� � `� ► _ o�._�. � �� , r . II JOSEPH J. MITCHELL � ., � �� - �„ .■■ -� • �JOSEPH�P. L4 NASA � �I CITY COMPTROLLER _ „� „_ � . ,� y ; , _ DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER' , � � • :_1- '• �Y , _ ;' { ��t � , ,� , ..' __ . � _ _ . . ` - - ' � � �- �� ..s ; • . - . .• . , - ' � ' . - , _ , I ` October 18, 1967 - ` • � � • - ••a • � � ' � _ -- ,� - �• , �. , _ . ' . .. , . z_ , :, - ,. _t�. ' � Honorable Ma or Thomas` R. Byrne ` -�• '`L�'� - - - '� �i - ' � �. ' '4?' � � _ _ � . ..�'; � `��and Membe s 'of the City Council � ' - �- - � � ' ' `-' ' �- i '. . . �- _ ' ' - _ - . . ; . 1 ' Gentlemen: � � ; Under date of October 6 you referred to me a copy of a communication re- ceived by yo r honorable body pertaining to the proposed budget allocation for ! the activity "Miscellaneous and Unforeseen." � 1 }= Please keep in :mind that the primary consideration in _the development of � the 1968 Bud�et Estimates was to p"rovide" increased salary_ rates in an endeavor „ • to ma.intain the same 1eve1 of service as was=provi:ded in the�adopted �1967 budget. � These iric'reased salary costs, together �with'certain mandatory oliligations such`as i elections, iricreased steam rates, uniform allowance, exceeded available revenue � ' long before many justifiable budget demands could be met. ' ` # i � � • i�. • ; . � . ; I, too, had in my budget planning a separate activity which I would have + called "Contingencieso" Attached is the budget request and "Operating Data" which � was to be proposed to you. Only lack of additional revenue prevented me from ac- � complishing this idea. However, you have such an opportunity if you;so desire to + take advantage of the means at your disposal. I refer you to Section 201.4, part A, of your City Charter which makes it possible for you to present the problem + � to your constituents and let the voters decide. Such�an ordinance presented at ' the special election must list the purpose or purposes for which the additional , y . funds are to� be appropriated and could possibly propose revenue sources in addition � to or as repilacement for an additional property levy. � � : + t . . ' � F _ The Council, by this method, has the opportLmity to let those who must pay . , the bill decide the level of service they feel the City should offer. My staff ; and I are available at all times to discuss this proposal with you, if you so # desire. : ; , ' � ' 4 i Respectfully submitted, � � . � � � , � °�-�.� ` ��,�� , . � ' Joseph J. Mitchell � City Comptroller t Enclosures (3) , ; - ; � , 1 , � . � 1 { • I �.. . . � � . , �� .. - . � . �. .- . �� pa�e 2 � . to the s'�re,ngtli it ivas on Janu�ry 1, 19G7o � ' Now vre all realize that all of these �:hings will oost money and I would like to point out to this oounoil whero they may ge-b tho addi�;ional funds for tho firo bu.reau in additioil to tho �85,000.00 vrhiah will be avail8.ble by reducing the aost of vra-�er. f I Thero is a f�,ind in our city entitled PaS�nents in lieu of taxes speoial rovenue fund. The detai].ed 'i.nformation aoncerning tl:is fund may ba foiuid on. p�ge C 7 of -�ho 1966 i Ccanptrollers Am1u�1 Financial roport. There is a surplus in this fund as of D000mber, 31, 1966 of �138,959.21 Ti►is is money that has been p�.id to the aity in lieu of taxes and like a.11 tax money should hitve been placod in the �er_er�1 rovenuo fvnd. � � It vras not hov�ever but it is availalile to -this council f'or ar�y pui•pose that you may � , see fit -�o use it. The firo dopartment needd a minimum of �141,04�.00 �ust to got even and additional men at the rate of �7200.00 per man. 10 men ZYOUld cos-t �72,000.00 but ��ri�h tho to�Z3.1 of the �85,0�0.00 an.d tha w138,000.00 you aan do this nicoly and sti11. huve money lef`E ovor e I ". � I I F � i i - i � � � Ootober 6, 1967 i � • • To The Honorable I�ayor and �Iembers of the City Counail City Hall and Oourthouse - St. Paul, �innesata� . 1 Gentlemens ' - - � This morning I would like to bring to your attention the f�,at th�,t � grossly ina�dequate swn has been plaoed in the proposed budget for 1968 in �nd No. 35 Aoti�ity No.; 0954- er�titled Misoellanous and Unforeseen. The Canptroller has proposed th�t the swn of �7,000.00 be �,ppropriated to finanoe this �ativity: T� suggest to this Body that this � a ocmpletly unres�listio figure f or the f ol l awing reas ons. For the period of the past ten years, a study of the reaords of the oity show that Misaell�nous and Unforeseen expenditures that hr�►ve not been speoifioally budgeted for have �,veraged between �300,000.00 �,nd �350,000.00, in eaoh of these ten years, and this figure does not refleot s�r of the money for snaw removal. Fn the pc�st the o►mounts spent have been provided for. thru the use of the so called "�}nergenoy Borroaring". The time for suo1� subterfuge is over. You Are going to adopt A budget for the yea,r of 1968 and in so doing it is your obligAtion to provide for the neoessary exPenses of the operation of this oity. Fn the adoption of this budget you have to give reaognition to the f�,et th�t sane unforeseen expenses w3.11 �rise, they alw�ys have in the past, c�nd you must provide c� .sum that is a realistio stan. to t9ake oare 'of these oont3ngenvies. � The pr�atiae ;of plaoing a token s�nn in the budget for unforeseen events 3.s the swne manuever tha,t was used in the past to 3ustify "Ilnergenay Borrawing'� for sno�v removal and you �,re ill aware, Z am sure, -thAt that praotice w�,s hs�.lted by.the Courts. Now is budget making time� now is the t3me for this b ody to aot. Zf you fail to aot af`ter having�not3.oe, an.d having beem informed of wha,t the �reoords ahoaP in regard to past unforeseen expenses, then it wi1T be too lAte, when, scnnetime next year, sanething happens tha,t requires the expenditure of �addition�l funds and you �.ttempt to resort aga�in to the so oalTed "�nergenoy Borraa�3.ng" routine. ft oAnn.ot and will not be allowed to happen. _ . I I Cprdially yours � ��Charles . MoCe�rty Jr. • 145 So. Lexington Parkway St. Paul, �i.nnesota 55105 i t I i • , I � !8, I • I I . �__ � ' i --- — ----= �-_ . � • _ � - , ,, �, • " DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE , , a �. � � � � ���� . . . � ; CITY OF� SAINT PeAUL � . � � ' . ' . MINNESOTA • . I ' � ' 113 Court Hou:�,6bI0Z � � I • , , . F , I . ,JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner � o,,.:z23-�� . I � LOUIS H.=McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner i���°'�` � ✓ � ' .. � . � ' . � Se tember, 25, 1967 � � ' l . � p � , ' . . . , , . 1 . . • , � • • • .. _ � i . • TY►e Honorable Joseph J. Mitchell . . , Comptroller � I . , • , • • � • . . . BUILD ING , ' ' . • . I. , . . . j . Dear Sir: i � ' , • ' ' ' Please refer I-o my letter of August 21, 1967, regarding the matter of employing ,y ' young men ,in a manner similar to the St. Paul Beautification, Inc. program. , ' The .reports that I have indicate that the program was a success--for the short � period it was� used. • ' . �-- '� ' ' I would suggest that a sum of $25,000.00 be put, in the 1968 budget as the city' s � share of a continuing program. A much larger amount should� be contributed by . , ' private donors • ° � • • � 1, . 7 � . , � • A continuous �program--�asting years--seems to me to be one of the few ways we , '' ' • have to break the cycle of generation to generation poverty. Unless this cycle hi her welfare budgets each year. An even • is broken, we �,ill continue to have g � � � greater los�siwill be the waste of human resources. Perhaps the greatest loss • , • •will fall on all of our citizens Yaho are enti�tled to live 'as human beings in an urban soiiety: • . - ` , . ; ' ' I know tHat �you are haying a trying experience in your budget proposal recommenda- ` ' � � tion to the•;council. , ' • .- , ' i • . ' r� . � • ' • As Mayor Tate of- Philadelphia, the new president 'of �the National�.Congress of , " ° E � • .Cities, said recently, we .in city government have great responsibilities •and will � . do our best� to meet them. He •further, stated that� we cannot go it alone. T�'►e � ' . ,federal governmerit has given, token consideration�, the state goveg�eTOblemsoof • ' , � nothing, and private' entities ,have almost forgotten the real tou h p . � •• ' core cities. . ' • • , ' Joe--in S�t! Paul, let's start now in this suiall way to solve long-range problems ' • � even if it� chops us up a .very little bit--like 1/2Dof 1% of our total spending. Thank you �or your cbnsideration. � , ' • �, � . • • I ' ' ' , . ' . . ' Si erely qour's, • . • . ' • . . . • . . . . , ames ' Dalgl' ' • ' . • , • °Comm' s one o Finance . ' � , . . ' , . � • . • . . : . . • . . • • . . . • . . . • . , • • • • ' �` . . ` I . , l . • , • • ' °�'O., ` . • . - � ' , I ' . '.. � , � ' � . � � ' . ' . . � ` • • � 4. � �i.t,!:�N , � , / , � • ' � �r o - . ; . � ' . � • ' . % , . . , . � . • . , � . ` ,' � � �� . � • • � . . ' � ' � ' ' � . • ' • August 21, 1967 ' � . - � `�• . ' f • . . ,� , • � ' ., The Honorable Joseph Mitchell _ , � ° - The Honorable� Mayor Thomas R. Byrne ^ ' ' • Members of the City Council � - • . • ' Gentlemen: . . . . - , May I respectfully suggest that an item be put into the 1968 City Budget ' , to continue and expand the work which was started with the St. Paul ' ,_ ' . Beautification, Inc, program which provides for employment of young men • � and improvement of health and property standards in the Summit-University � . � area. . , • . ° . � ..�- • • You `wi11 r-ecall' that public spirited citizens and corporations donated ` . -� _ _ , ' � over $12,000 for a' limited project--limited in time and geogr,aphy--in the � . . middle' of the s�immer. � � , , e � • It seems' imperative to me that such an activity be continued into 1968 ' • . • . for the benefit of the entire city. • � ' � , ` , ' � A continuing program is imperative. City� government may be the only present � � � body which can provide certainty by having a budget for such �a purpose. Ex- pansion could take place by the use of matching 'funds from interested citi- '' . . zens, foundations, civic groups, corporations, labor groups, and others. ' �, • . . Such an investment in human and property resources certainly will pay off o over the next decade or two or three if it is properly funded and operated, • t , . ' Such a program will take time. The longer it takes, the better reason there ``�-' , is to start right now. " "T'he proper amount and the proper supervisory organization should receive � ' minute scrutiny and attention by all of us. We cannot afford to miss this ° opportunity by default of attention and ,decision. ° Thank� you for your consideration. . ° _ Sincerely yoy�rs, � .y � � . � . ' / r' rl/ � ' ' i L��f- J�� �G�l� ,��� ' � • • � ames� . Da�ish . ' • /. Comm sei�fie of Finance - ' ' _ - ' . � � r r / �� J � � • � � ' / • • � • ,�, • • -� DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE , � ���j ' � � , . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � . • • • , MINNESOTA • , � 113 Court How�,65102 � ' . . t . ,JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner ' � LOUIS H. McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner , • � onr 223-4646. • • i�l� /�6�, f , � � September, 25, 1967 • ' . . . . , � � • The Honorable Joseph J. Mitchell , . , Comptroller � � ' . . . . . BUILDING . , ` . • Dear Sir: ' � , ' • ' , , . , , �, � Please refer to my letter of August 21, 1967, regarding the matter of employing � � young men �n a manner similar to the St. Paul Beautification, Inc, program. " The .reports that I have indicate that the program was a success--for the short . period it was used. ' r . • . ,� , � ' I would suggest that a sum of $25,000.00 be put. in the 1968 budget as the city' s �, share of a continuing program. A much larger amount should� be contributed by , � ,private donors. . ' � � . • . . � ' � ' A continuous program--l.asting years--seems to me to be one of the few ways we ` . ' • have to brealc the cycle of generation to generation poverty. Unless this cycle . _• is broken, we Will continue to have higher welfare budgets each year. An even • greater 1os�s will be the waste of human resources. Perhaps the greatest loss • . • •will fall on all of our citizens who are enti•tled to live 'as human beings in an urban society. � • � . • • • ' '. I know tYiat you are having a trying experience in your budget proposal recommenda- ', . . . . . • � tion to the• council. • . ' . ' ' • As Mayor Tate of� Philadelphia, the new president 'of �the National•�Congress of � �Cities, said recently, we .in city government have great responsibilities•and will • ` ' ' do our best, to meet them. He •further, stated that we cannot go it alone. The ; • ,federal governmeri°t has given, token consideration, the state goverrcments almost y , . ' nothing, and private' entities _have almost forgotten the real tough problems of • • •• . core cities. . . � ' . . � ' Joe--in, St. Paul, let's start now in this sutalT way to solve long-range problems • • even if it chops us up a �very little bit--like 1/Zp of 1% of our total spending. • Thank you for your cbnsideration. � . . •� , ' Si erely your's, . ' ' � . • . ' � • � • � • " • , '. ames ' Dalgl' • • ' ' . Comm' s one o Finance . • • ' , • . . ; . , . � �c . • ' . . . . . . . ' i . . . . . ��' �. . � � � . I � THOMAS R.BYRNE z BOARD OF RAMSEY CHAIRMAN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �OHNE.DAUBNEY MRS.DONALD M.DE COURCY STATE OF MINNESOTA ARTHUR T.GIBBONS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GEORGE A.HARDENBERGH THOMAS J. KELLEY COUNTY AUDITOR ... ■■• ROY P. NADEAU � ED SALVERDA RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE I SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA b5102 �, September 25, 1967 j ✓ St. Paul City Council c�o City Clerk Building ' . Gentlemen: The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, in session on September 25, �967, considered the problem of razing the structure$ in the Ancker Hospital complex and directed that your honorable body be advised that the City must ' provide funds in the 19d� budget to pay the City's share of the cost of razing ' the buildings. � I The Minnesota Lua�ber and Wrecking Corporation, in response to Formal Bid No. 2315 received on May 24, 1y67, submitted the low bid in the amount of �u�933•�• �• 'Robert L. Ames, under date of June l, 1967, reco�nended that the contract be awarded to that company as the lowest responeible bidder meeting the speci:fications. �I Mr. Robert E. Larkin, City Purchasing Agent, advised the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners at the meeting of September 25, 1967, that the loW bidder has stated they will honor their bid to and inclnding October 31, 1967. The County Board intends to provide furids in the 1968 budget of Ramsey County for this �rork and on the basis of the property ownership, the City's share oP the cost will be $37,311.00 which should be provided in the 1968 City budget. The County Attorney has advised the Board that upon formal adoption of the 1968 budget, the contract may be let. � Yours very truly, THOMAS J. KELLEY, )C unty Auditor � � BY�. l J-'-��`" D. Swan, Executive Secretary JD6:w � . cc: Mr. Rob.ert E. Laxkin, Purchasing Agent Mr. Thomas J. Kelley, County A�ditor � Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell, City ,Comptroller „ Mr. William B. Randall, County Attorney �, ' Mr. Joseph P. S�mers, Corporation Counsel � 1 M1 �� � I .. .._ " _ l . . . ,... . . .. _ � � / �Z�� �I 7 I a II ' I 1 I Tha iteni in tho proposod budget on paga 9 t�dor ahs�r�rar fund 6.02 c�ctivi-�y Noo 01�5 1 � enta.tled Firo �iydrants should be reduced to approx:uaa-l;ely �320�000 insteac� of the � amount nrn�r proposed of �88,306.00 _ � Charter section 460 requires in pax-E "that the counoil shall nnnuo.11y appropriate ; funds for the payment to suoh (tivA'�or) board for a111i�FATER supplied for the extinguish- ' � mont of fi.res, for publ.ic foualta,ins, public vra-�ering placas, publia baths, the c].eanin.g . ; - of stteets and for all a�ther public purposes zvhore it is imprao-tical to mec�sure the �� � t�mount(of water) " _ It is thus plain to see tha-c there is an obligation to pay for the water but nawhero � in tho charter do vre find any me�tion of or authoriza�ion for tlae pgyment to the 3 � vrater board of aa�y stiuns by the firo depart�m�.t for hydrant rentalo � � I m�ght �.ention in passing that by reduaing tho p�ymc�n� to the vrater depar-kment to pay only for the �svater used by the firo department that thoro is almost no danger that �he water board will find. themselves bankrupt, the folla�ring schedule will illustra•ce �rrat a fine businoss they really have. k net profit in excoss of 30f , � Year Gross Revenues Zdet Profit � 1966 �5,350,470.07 $1,243,4�3073 � 1965 , 4,400,031052 1,655,740.34 � 1964 4,1.64,153.96 1,495,748.27 1963 3,861,332.48 1,385,233073 � 1^ota.ls ].7,775,988.03 �785,166.07 � l � � At any ra•L-e �he reaords of the fire depar-�nent shasrr -th�t they use non-mo�erQd vr�.ter � for �11 purposes in the amoun-t of approxir�ately 1,000,000 gallor�s per month und basod ? � on the current cos-L- of vrater this co��s �256.00 or about �310U.00 on an annval basis o . � f It is my considercd opinion that the sum of about' �105,000.00 must be restorod to the � ' _ � , fire deparl,�non-t budget just to keep �Lhem even and �;o restore •the forae to the total � . � , ntunbor o#t mon that they had on Januos�rl, 1967 tivhich ti�rill roquire the �.dding the cost � of 5 additioiial men that tho ccanptrollor did not provide for, this will cost about; • I � , �36,000.00 and at ti�is poi�nt ti�e vra.7.l only havo ti�rhat 1�vas the to�al of manpoNrer in i ; , January of this year. Addition.al the fire bureau requ�sted 30 more men to bring tho ' � ; manpower up somc��rhat closor to tre n.aoded t�a1. �;de realiza tha-� it may not be possiblo � for this counoil to add al� 30 men but you must surely realizo tlia.t -�ho need is thore ' � , i and rnaybe you aan only add �;en men -this year in additioi� to bi•inging the buraau up . � � puge 2 t? . � , to the s'tron�tl� i•r ivas on January 1, 1967 0 ' I�ovr ti•re all rvulize that all of these thin�s will oost money and I would like to point out to this oounoil tivhoro they may get tho additional fun.ds for tho fire bureau in addition to the �85,000.00 whia}� v�rill be avail8.ble by reducin� the aost o� ti�r�tere i ' ; i Thero is a. f�nd in our city entitled Pa��men�;s in lieu of taxes speaial revenue fund. The datailed information ooncerning t?:is fuzxd may be fow.zd on pa.ge C 7 of the 1966 Comp-�i•ollers Anuual Finanaial ropoz�t. There is a surplus in this fund as of Doaember, 31, 1966 of �138,959.21 Tnis is money that has been paid to tho city in lieu of taxes and like al]. tax money should havo been: placod in th.e �er_oi�stl revenue fun.d. . - It v�ras nat havrever but it is available to this council for ar�y purpose that .you may see fit to use it. The fire dopartraent needd a minimum of �147.,0O�.OJ Just to get evon and additional men at the rate of �7200.00 per man. 10 men ti�rould cos� �72,000.0� but tiFrith tho to��l of the �85,000.00 and the $138,000.00 you oan do this niaely and still hava monoy lei't over o � " � .