235497 . i ORIG AL'TO CITY GLERK " � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. �35�� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RE TI N—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER Robert F. geterson �V�d�A� IWhere�as, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6967, the BATTLE CREEK �AS.T AFARTMENTS SEWER SYSTEM - Winthrop to 1000� easterly, F. Morettini onstruction Company, Contractor, the specified date of com- , pletion is August 18, 1967, and Whereas, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due to delay i� processing the contract documents it was not possible to complete t� e contract by said date of completion; therefore be it4 IResol'ved, That the proper City Officials be and theq are hereby authorize�and directed to egecute an amendment to said contract extend- • ing the t e of completion to September 29, 1967 provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the - Contracto�'s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City C,omptroller, and be it f IFurttier Resolved, �hat the City of Saint Fsul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on is project will be charged to the Contractor for snch estended period. . , .�i .� r � �:. :� -� 2 r� 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays Carlson+ Dalglish � proved�� � ����' 19— �u�'t�d'. Meredith Tn Favor ' Peterson # V Mayor Tedesco A gainst � I Mr. President, Byrne - pUBLISHED �CT �� ��6� �zz , � �����q�� DUPLICATE TO rRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF I ' � Itih�re e, IA the �atter of Co�ptrnllsr�s Contsact L-6969y the ,�ATTLB CitE�IC ��WT-�I�FARTt!$1�S S1d�i� SYS?BN - Ninthrop to 1000'� eaetsrly, F. ' � lloretttni C'onstruction Co�pany. Con�raeto�. th� epecif��d ,d�t� pf eoti- . ,,, ., , ple�ion ie � gti,sC 1�, 1967, and � �. , , . . . . , 1 ' � iilisr�a�s, The :Coatractor has prosscut�d the w�ork diligsntly but dua to �lelay in� proc�saing the contract docuMnts ii �ae not poasibl� to co�lete th Gontract bq said dat� of ca�plstion, th�rafosa� be it, : , I Aaeolv d, That tha propsr Ciey Officials b� and the� are h�reby �uttroris�d d direc��d to e�ecut� an.aaands�nt to said contract �extmnd- iag�ths t_ ;of co�pl�tioA to Septeaba�r 29, 1967 providad hoi+ev�r� that thi� sA�ola ion shall have no force or ef�ect ual�es th� susetiss on tha � Conttractor' bond cons��t thereto �nd file sacb con�an� ia writiag vith . . t the �City C t�oll�r, aud ba i�, , � . ' , . � , , , � � ' ' Fnrtbs Rsaolvsd, That tha City of SaiAt Paul hsre�� waives all claiP for 1 qtiidated de�ag�a u=d that r�o� engiaeer3Ag �nd 1nsp�ction coats on, th s pro jsct,will �bA �cturg�d to ths Contractor for such est�nd�d pe iod. � � � . ' � � OCT � 419�� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ' Nays � � ; Carlson �,`r � � ��6� Dalglish E . i Approved 19— �Fe�iri j . Meredith i In Favor , � Peterson + � Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ' i 3 f ' �22 f