235496 4 Ol21GINAL TO GII Y CLERK �g�� ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N� ��5i�q, ' , - � . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� , �� UNCIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 COMMISSIONE ' DATE I I . , . i _ • UHERFAS�, Under date of April 21 , 1967, the City of St. Paul , the Village of Maplewood and kthe County of Ramsey entered into a joint agreement to share equally in the costs for the construction of certain - cooperative storm,,sewers partially in Larpenteur Avenue; and . �' y r . WHEREAS, Certain construction work js now in progress in Larpenteur Avenuelfrom East SFiore Drive to Clarence Street, under a Maplewood contract approved by St. Paul in Resolution C.F. 23�+064, approved June 27, 1967 and C.F. 2i4340, approved July 19, 1967; and WHEREAS, It is now mutually desired that pending street restoration work be modified from that originally contemp�lated; now, therefore, be �t RESOLVED, That the Maplewood Contract Change Order No. 1 for storm sewer �mprovement 67-1 , Phase � I, in the amount of $4,917.20 is hereby japproved and `that "the proper City officers are hereby authorized to approve and are directed to execute on behalf'of the City the Change Order, a copy � of which is attached. hereto and incorporated by refe'rence. � a. ,>.� . � . I ' . � 1 i i � � t � � � . �-� 2 a� �96� �:.. , � COUNCILMENM Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas N, ys Carlson _ Dalglish �(�'(' �:� 1��' � pproved 19_ �e�it�-- � - Meredith �� In Favor �". Peterson /` ' Mayor + Tedesco �� ' v A gainst Mr. Presiderit, Byrne PUBLISHED �CT `�$ 1��� I � �22 DUr ICATE TO rR�NTER ' ��'��y�7� '' � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE � � � , . � � , i � , . � ' , . 1 ' � �R,QI4S, tlnder date of Ap'r�l Z1,� 1967. rthe City of �t. �au`l;' t,�w 'W�t I lage �f' !{iple�ood and' the Couaty, of� lta�sey'ent��ad 'i'h`to 'a joint' ' agreea�e�nt� to sM'a'ra �quall'y 'in 't�i cost� 'for #i�e construction of certain cooper�tive s#or� se�+iers ps�tially �n Larpe�nteur Avenw; and , � . , . , � , , , , , , ., , , I�i�REAS; �e�tai'n construct.�'on work 1,s now 'in progce�� �in 1.a'rpenteu� ' ` Avenu's �rorn ��es� 'Share Drtve �to Clar'ence Street, dnder a 'Maplswood cor�tract `�pprovetl by �t.� '�aul fn he�ol�t'�.on� C.F. 234064, apProved June 27. 1967 and C.F. 23�340, �pproved Juiy 19, i96�; and , � , , . , . . , „ , . � ' 11t! EA5, ft is now �autu�l'I.� d'e's3red .ti�rt pendinq`s'tre�+�t' resto'�atlon' '+,rork bel modif ied fram that original ly conten�plated�, now, t�refors, be It � , . RE�iOLVEb, That the Maplewobd Con�rac� Change Oi�der #i�. ! for st��a �sew�er',�i�rove�ae'nfi 67-1. i'hase ` i#, i`n the amount'of $4,"917:Z0' is here6y ' �approve�! and that ths proper Cit�i o�fic�r's are hereby auti�rized 'to approv� �nd aro�d i ractad to sic�cute on bef��1'�F of tbe C i Ly the Change Qrdsr, a copy �of whicN is attached herato and incorporated by reference. � ��� 2 4196� COUNCILMEN � � - Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nay Carlson Dalglish Approved��2 �+ ���� 19— �s�l�ud Meredith in Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2a I t � • � , ' . . , � • t �_._. . , . ' . ,. �.+��`��� • . � ' � ► , , _ .,v._ _ � , :�s :. . �' � HOWARD A. KUUSISTO . CONSULTING EI�TGINEERS CAANG� ORDER � STORM SEWER IMPR, �7-1 DATE: ocTO��t i6. ].967 " PHASE NOo 1 PROJE IT WAI�FIELD I�AKE OVERFLO�•T• LOCATION: �p�i00D�. MTNNES07'A CHANGEI ORDER N0. � �.,1 OWNER: �VIZLAGE OF MAPLES•TOOD� _ �Nature of Change � Description� and Cost: Extra work consisting of reshaping street ' � intersections and driveway approaches and subgrade correction on � Iarpenieur Ave.nue to meet new design grades. OTAL LUMP SUN (Addition to contract) oo..o,..o. . . ..o.$ �+,917.20 Ie Cosi Actual or Eetimated? Actual . Thfs aithorizes Contractor to perform tbis work as part of Base Contract when signed by all parties. Recommended for Approva.l: HOWARD A. KUUSISTO . CONSULTING ENGINEERS , Rtr1_ �2��.�.��_�c�� / � _ / / � i /