235470 ` OrlgInai to City Clerk i � �� ORDINANCE 2354'�0 . ' � ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO- I� 7 7�� i I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250,. entitled: . � .�,-. ! "An administrative ordinance relating to the Cival � Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting ( rules and regulations therefor�, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. 1 ; TH COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, � � as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in Section 6, under the heading "Subprofessional Group", the following t ti.tle s.in the indicated grades: �� T itle Gr ade Valuation and As se s sment Aide I 43 ' Valuation and As s e s sment Aide II 47 Valuation and As se s sment T e chnician I 51 ' ` Valuation and Assessment Technician II 55 Valuation and As se s sment Te chnician III . 59 - Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. — - . -._ -- . ~-d �. -- - ' _ .___ _� _ _ ,- - _...._...x_... , _ , �'~ T � � Approved: , vi ervice Co mi ioner r� � , �pV � 1967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council , Carl�on � / Dalg�lish Tn Favor U Holl�,nd � 1 Mer�dith v Against ' Te�oo.= ::�..;....� N011 � 196� ,� .,,....r e - ��,��r'es d'ent�::(B.'y;'rne�eiE�a?o ,. - Vice resid t= t on) Approved: t Atte � , � � ��,7� � / I C' � Clerk ��� Ma�r �� orrn approved Corporation Counsel By ; � � 11B�ISHED N V � � j�6� � � , I DnD�icate to Printer � �DING & APPROVAL OF FORM - Nov. l� 1967 � � �� ORDINANCE 235�'�0 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� 7 �� I Aa ordin�.nce amending �3rdinance Y�to. 3250, e�titled: "An. admiu�.�atra.ti�ve o�dinance relating �o the Civ�l. Se�rvice Bureau of thp Gity'of Saint Paul� approving and adopting � rules and regulatione thexefore, " ' appro d August 2U, 19�4, as am�nded. , 'TH COUNCIL OF THE CITY qF $AINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: S�ction �.. Z'hat Ordir}amc� No� 3250, �pprovesd Augt��t 20� I91�, , ai� a ended� be and '�he $ame i�, herebp further am�nd�d by ineerting 3.n Sec"ti n 6� under th� $e�.di�g '�5ubprofes�ional GrQUp�', the following title� 3n tihe �.dica�ed grade�: � �'itle � Grade Valua�t3.oi� and Asseasrrient .(Lide I 43 Valuatian ancl .As�e��rment Aide II 47 Val.uation and Asees�ment TeehniGiati � 51 - Valuation �nd Aase��ment Techr�ician ]� 55 V'aluatlon and A�sesement 'Technician III 59 Sect3on 2. Thi� ordiu�u�e e$aIl take effect and be #xi force thi�ty da.y� af$�r it� pa�eage,. approva�.. and publicat3on.. - App�raved: ' Civii rvi�e Comrni��ioner NoV a i961 Yeas Co�ncilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish n Favor , Ho and Me edith C� p ga����, Te esco . `j 11Lra:�x ��de�t...�.g.Y.rAe):tiEii51 Mr. Vic President (Petcreon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By I st , � - „ _ 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted I Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �carlson arlson alglish Dalglish ' �iolland Holland \ � 235�'7 1Gleredith eredifh V `Peterson � Pe�Fersrm. \Tedesco . �Tedesco .. r. President Byrne @e::. '�;e:Pr.�sis��iit:f�yf!Y�efi�:;::..::� �� Mr...�ce President (Petzrson)