235467 lOdaInal to City Clerk � � � --�: . � � RDINANCE 23546"1 � , � � ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED IBY i ORDINANCE NO ' �3� �� I I An ordina ce amending Ordinance No.� 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various claseas of , pos�tions in the Classified Service of the City, " approveti February 13, 1935, as amended. THE ICOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935,.� � . as ame ded, be and the same is hereby further amended by placing a number � sign (#� before the title "Utilities Investigator II, and by adding the following � f note after the specifications for said title: I ! #Applies only to employees appointed to positi.ons in this class . � prior to January 1; 1968:" - Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is �hereby further amended by striking out the spECifications for Utilities i - • Investi ator I, and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi.ng specifications: _1_ Yeas , Co ncilmen Nays Passed by the Councia Carlson ' � . Dalglish Tn Favor Y Ho�land =��� � ' Me edith - Againat ' Pe erson � � i I Te esco Mr. Pr sident (Byrne) Approved: Attest: • � � C`ty Clerk � ' ayor � �O '' ' - I Form approved Corporation Counsel By : , . � � � �: .. , I ' ._ " . - Orl¢ln�l to Clty Clerk , ' � �� � � � � - ORDINANCE �� . � 2�5�6`7 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED�BY ORDINANCE NO- ��� ��� 1 I Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is : hereby rther amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order � the following specifications for the titles Ut�.lities Investigator II � Air Pollution Technician I � Air Pollution Technician II I . � •n `-� I � � 4 � A � � r � -3- • Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council - rCarlson Dal�glish - n Favor Ho'land Q � Me�edith � Against P�erse�r ,. ,. ; Tedesco - i Mr. Pr�sident (Byrne) � _ Approved• Attest:I - � �� r � City Clerk % 1Vlayo� , . �� y V �1 • IForm approved Corporation Counael By _ I - �� OiilQIna1 to City Clerk , r y �, � I ORDINANCE W 2���s� ' � . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /� � � � i Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on�.� the fir �t day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passag , approval, and publication. � ' I � � " � ± � � f � I • � r \ ,. _, '..:."�.�' �" ` ' " _ - -- ` �;� . ,/� � i = Y � � + r i ` � , . -`�. i � • _ f � . � , . i � . i � ' �'s. .. � . .E � _7.. � Nov a i9sa Yeas Co cilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Car son Dalglish � n Favor ' Hol�and ' Meredith LS Against • ,' � _ ..�ec��Q ,.,x....�; fVOV 8196� � ��::Preai:dezit;:�$3�:�?�.�:::::EE: .�vi� Pr� : r9on� Approved: — Att st: ' �� , f �ty Clerk , ����� Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � PUBLISHED N�V 1� �967 � � • - , Daplicate to Printer THIRD READING & APPROVAI, OF FORM - Nov. l, 1967 R i ORDINAT�TCE 2����~f i COUNCIL FILE NO I PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An o.rdinance arnendiag Ord�riance No. 7607, e��itl.a$: , � ' "An ordinance fi3cin� the di�tie� and respon�i�ilfties � an the minimum qua.lification� for th� various c5,a�e�s of I gos t'i.ons�fn �he C1ast�3fiQd 5ervic� o£ th� E9.ty, " , , approve,d '�'ebruary 13, �.935,. as am�nd�d. � • � T�IE COt�NC:IL OF �'HE CITY OF SA�N'T �?AUL �7t'�ES 4RD�IN: .. _ _ ! 5�ction i. `Tha.t �rdinance 1Vo. 7607, approved �'ebrua�y ],3, �.g35, � _ � �as axriend�d, be .and the sarne 3.a �.+�rcby furthex am�z�.ded by placing a numl�er sign (¢�� before tho titl.e "Ut9.Iiti.ea �n.veetigator II, and by addi.ng the following note afti r the epecificatione for said titl.�: � #Appli:es only to employees a�poia�t�d to po�itiona fn th�.s cl��s priox to �Tanuary �, i968. �� � Section 2. Tha� said 4xdiaance� as amended, be a.nd the same ie� hereby �u�ther' amex�ded by stx�ki�g a�t tb,e epecificatiane far Utiiiiti�� Invegti �.tor I, and by �ubat�i.tutiag in iieu thereof the followirig spec3.�ication�: , ' . ' . . ' . • • . � , , , . • ,� , -1, Yeas Cou�cilmen Nays ' Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish 7n Favor Holland . Meredith A gainst Peterson Ted�sco Mr. Pre ident (Byrne) Approved• _ Attest: � . I Ci�y Clerk Mayor �� � orm approved Corporation Counsel By I , Dapllcate to Printer , • � � ORDINANCE 2��`��~� ; � COUNCIL FILE NO i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � � �� I , .. ' �ecxi.on 3. 'That s�.id o�dinan�ei ae amended, be �nd the ;�ame is . i - �exeby &�.er amended by �nserting in their proper alphabetical or.de� � . the foll Wing speci.fi.cat�ona for th� title� , I � � � Ut�li�iee Inve$Mgatc�r �I ; • Air Po�.].ution Techrkic#.�.n I , � Air Po11u�Ion Technician I� � , • , . ' :";•c•x.i_�n_ r . -3� Yeas Cou cilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Car son Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Mer�edith A gainat Petgrson - Te esco Mr. Pre ident (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest:� I � Ci y Clerk Mayor �� � Form approved Corporation Counael By � � \ •. • ' . w��u�1..• \ _ • - .�-��..._sA'��-Y � � . . . � 'Y� •.TT^.'CT�+�I�!'y�! , Duplicate to Printer � Y � � � ORDINANCE � ��- 2�5�.�r�� _ COUNCIL FILE NO — PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � � ` -w � �, I� Sectioin 4. '��i3s ordi.nance �hall:take effect �d b� #r� force c�r.�r. -J th� firs day of th���first paproll per�od fo�.Zov�ing thi�ty d.�y� aft�r it� ���sage approval. anc1. publication� �' �.� . i . . - , . � . . . (-� �r -7- . IUOV 8196� Yeas Cou cilmen Nays Passed by the Council Car�son Dalglish n Favor Holland Mer�edith O A gainst Peterson .�es�g�co,. �0��' � 1967' >�:� :,�, ., ��,. ..�.... y.....�. . � .:, ,.. attT'�1 FSizr���S:::� Mr.'Vice Yresident (Yeterson) Approved: Attest: C'ty Clerk Mayor �� , Form approved Corporation Counsel By Title f class: �� ? � � AIR POLLUTZON TECHNICIAN II Duties and responsibilities: Un er supervision, to perform responsible and supervisory work ncidental to the enforcement of all ordinances within the urisdiction of the Depar�ment of Public Utilities relative to he stiudy and control of air pollution; and to perform related ork ae assi�ned. Exam les of work performed: To sel�ct sampling si�es arad designing sampling netwo�ka. To set up equipment for sampling air pollutiione To operate and maintain air pollution sampling equipment. To surv�y special problem� relative to air pollution. To evaluate air pollution datae � To calculate chemical values and rates from recorded data. I� To contact commercial industries and sugges� possible corrective ction to eliminate violations of air pollutzon con�rol ordinances, To supervise work relativ� f:o prevention and/or elimination of i ir pollution. , To speak at meet-ings. To assume the duties of �he Division Chief in his absence. , Mini um qualifications; . Hi h school graduation and 30 credits in acceptable college courses ertinent to the duties of the posision {a list of such courses is � maintained in the Civil Service Bureau); and two years° experience I as an Air Pollution Technician I or equivalent �(no substitution for ', education); or one year of experieiice as Air Pollution Control Man. � � � . i i. f . it I • I . i . i . I , � . , T it e o£ cla s s: .., � � � ; AIR POLLUT�ON TECHNIC7AN I I� , . � Dut es and responsibilities: i nder supervision, to perform the more dif£icult work incidental to i:he enforcement of all ordinances within the jurisdiction of the Depar�ment of Public Utilities; to do subprofessional air pollution control work in the field and laboratory; and to perform rela�ed work as assigned. Exa ples of work performed: T operate complex air monitoring equipment, T malce laboratory evaluations of air samples including the use • af laboratory balances and the mixing of chemical used with air sampling equipment. T inspect fuel bur�zing and dust collection equipnzent, T worlc witih the mobile laboratory unit and its i�istrnments and to provide proper maintenance for it. T conduct gurveys and inspections for the detection of air �, pollution emissiono ' T investigafe air pollution complaintse '� T assist- in the instruction and demonstration regarding the mobile laboratory and various air monitoring equipment at �, schools and civic functions. ' T install, calibrate, repair and maintain the various air monii:oring equipment. To assisti in select-ing and settin� up sites for air monitoring si:ations e � To talce r�adin s and lcee records of air ollution sair� les. , g P P P To write reports, To evaluate sa�mples data and malce graphs and charts. ' To coiztaci: commercial indust-ries and suggest possible corrective �, ction �o eliminate violations of air pollution control ordinances. i �� Mini m qualifications: � Hig school �raduation and 15 credits in acceptable college courses ertinent to the duties of the position (a list of su.ch courses is , aintained in the Civil Service Bureau}; and two years� experience s an Utilities Investigaf:or II or equivalent ino aubstitution for - ducationp; or t�vo years� experience as an Iltilities InveEtigator IIo �I i �I I i � � � V . I r . , � 'i f Titl of class: � � ' �3 � � UTILITIES INVESTIGAT OR II �I ! Duti s and respon�ibilities: U der supervision� to nerform work incidental L-o the enforcementi of all ordi.nances wi.thin the jurisdict-ion of the Departmen� of Public Lli:ili�iest and to perform related work as assigned. (Employees worlcing under this title may be required to wo�k split shifts or to work add hours. } Exa ples of work performed: T checic bus schedules, loading and services. T invegtigate and gather evidence regarding violations of fuel ordinances. To investigate complaint5 of smoke and gas nuisances. To investigate va.rious probleins involved in the prevention and/or elirninat•ion of smoke and r�lafced nuisancea. To gather evidence necessary for the prosecution of violators of ordinances coucerned. 'I To operate air a�nonit-oring equipment. To inspect buildings for air pollution emissions. i To inspect fuel burning and dust collection equipment. To make routine laboratory evalua�ion of air monitoring samples. To �ork with the m�bile laboratory and thc: relateci instruzner�its '� nd to provide proper maintenance. � To cecp records and make written report� of investigations. !� Minim m qualifications: ' Higz school gradtiati�n, �ncZ n11� yeax�s experience as Utilities nvesi:igator I or equi•c�•alezzt. i � . I � � � i i j il � i . . Titl of class: � � �� � • i UTILITIES INVESTIGATOR I Duti s and re sponsibilitie s: U der supervi+�iono to be trained in and tv perform work incidental to the enforcemcnt of all ordinances within the jurisdic�Cion of the Department of Public UtiliL-ies; and to perform related work as assigned. �Employees workin� under this title may be requi-red to K�o�k split shifi:s or to �cuurk odd hours, � Exa plea of work ��erforxrzecl: • - T check bus schedules, loarling and services. " . T assist in invas�igating anci.gathering evideiices regarding violation� of fuel ordinanc�ns. • . , , To keep records and make written re��orts of inves�igations. '�o receive instruc�ion and training in how properlya� � To operate air monitoring equipment. To inspect-' builclixzgs for a�.r nollution er�isaions. . i o insPect fuel burning and duEt collection equipment, � o make routine laboratory evaluation air monitoring samples. o work with the mobile laboratox y and the related instruments - .. and to provide proper maiizteiiazce. ' i . �� Mini m qualificationa: . Hig school graduation with courses in the nhysic�l. scaen.r,.c�s. � • I ' i • I ' ' ' � - � _ � � ' , , �'1 � I � � � �� v , ' . " i ' , ! 7 � �Title of class: � ` � � 1 AIR POLLUT�ON TECHNICIAN II Duties nd responsibilities: Und r supervisiono to perform responsible and supervi.sory work i cidental to t�ie enforcement of all ordinances within the j risdiction of the Depa�tment of Pu.blic Utilities relative to - t e study and contirol of air pollution; and to perform related ork as assigneda � Exam es of work performed: To elect sampling sites and designing sampling networksa To et up equipment for sampling air pollution. To perate and maintain air polltttion sampling equipment. � To urvey special proUlems relative to air pollution. I To valuate air pol.lution data� iTo calculate chemical. tralues and rates from recorded data. � To contact commercial industries and suggest possiUle correctiive � ction to eliminate violations of air j�ollution cont�ol ordinances. � To supervise work relative to prevention axid/or elimination of � ir pollutione To speak at meetings. ' To assume tche duties of the Division Chief in his absence. � 'izi um ualifications; � Mi q i i Hi h school. �raduation and 30 credits in acceptable col.lege courses IpertinenL to the dut-ies of the posi�'ion {a list of such courses i.s � maintained in the CiviZ Service Bureau); and two years° experience 1 as an Air Polluti.on Technician I or eqnivalent {no substa,tutior� for ' educatzon}; or one year of experience as Air Pollution Control Man. _ � . . - -.- �t__- _ .. _ .. - w---.� _� ._ _ � __ .. __.�.._ „ i' i • i . � • � . i i � � I i � i � ' . I i I . _ _ � � - � � �`� , �. I . • . � � . a r , I Title £ class: / � � � ` 1 ` �IR POLLUTION TECHNIC7AN I Duties and responaibil.ities: Un er supervision, to perform the more difficult work incidental o Lile enforcement of all ordinances ��ithiii the jurisdiction of he Departmeiit of PuUlic Utilities; to do subprofessional air ollution control work in the field and laboratory; and to perform ' •ela�ed work as assigned. Exam les of work perfornied: To operate complex air monitoring equipment. To malce laboratory evaluations of air samples including the use f laboratoiy balances and the mixing of chemical used witlz ir sarnpling equipment. , • _ To ixzspect fuel bur.ning and dust collection equign�ent. _ . . To work with the mobile laboratory unit and its iristruments and - o provide proper maintenance for it, � To conduct sur�reys aa.zd inspeci:ioiis for the detection of air ' i ollution emissione I T`o investi�ate air pollution complaintse 10 ass�ist in the instruction and demonstration regarding the � mobile l�boratory and various air monitorin� equipment at . ._ schools and civic functions, � To install, calibrate, repair and maintiain the variaus air � moni.toring equipme�t. , � �'o �.ssist in selecting a�d �etf:ing up sites for air monitoring ��.� _ . . ,.-�,.t1="?.__ _ � ��. - � . �� �1.� �� � _ _ � oi:atzons. - - _ � ' T talce readings and Iceep records of air pollution sarnpl�s. r' -_ � , •, T•o write reports. . � To evalua�e samples data and make �raphs and charts. ! T contaci: commercial industries and sug�;est possible corrective , action to eliminate violations of air pollui:ion control ordinances. I � , _ � � Mini um qualifications e � �_ � � � y 4 Hi h school �raduation and 15 credits in accep�able co�lege courses • per�;inent to the duti.es af the position (a list of such coursea is � maintained in the,.C'ivil Service Bttreau}; and two years� experience � as an Util.ities Snve�tigator SI or equivalenti �no substitution for � , educa�ion�; or t�vr� years� experience as an Utilities Investigator IIa i � I ' . I I I �- " • - . i _ . � � . ' � i , t � , i . M t I 'J� n' '1 � � � ��" l Title of lass: � UTILITIES INVESTIGATOR II Dutie s a d re sponsibilitie s: Unde supervision� to Perform work incidental to the enforcement of all ordinances within the jurisdic�ion of the Department of P blic Utilities; and to perform r�lated work aa assigr�.ed. tE ployees-worlcing under thi� t:ii:le may be required to work sp it shifts or to work odd hours. � , xampl s of wozk performed; i To c ecl: bus schedule�, loading anci services. ' 'Ta i vestigate and ;ather evidence r�garding violaL-ions of fu.el o dinances. , , � To i vesi:igate compl.aints a£ smoke and gas nui�ances. i To i ves�igate vaiious problems involved in t-he prevention and/or e imination of ainoke and �el.�.ted nuisances, � ; To ther evidence necessary for the prosecu�ion of violators ; o ordinances concern.ed. - ; o erate air inonitoring equ�.pment. To i spect buildings for air pollution emissions. � To i spect fuel burning and dus� collection equipment. � To ake routine laboratory evaluation of air monitoru�g samples. .- To �ork with the mobile laboratory and th� reiated instruments - ' nd tu provide proper rnaintenance. . To e�p records and make wxititen repori:s of inve�l:igations. i ; Minim m qualification�: _,� ,.s - -� , j �-I'rg �rclxool g�al�nati�n, :�nd �ri� year°s ex�e�ience as Utilities ! yest�gator I a_z eyui•v'ale:�t. ' ' � :� .�.�. - - _-�_ - - � -- �� , - i ' ! � � ' ,:. � . . .���� . I . , ; , � , � i I i � . (o . ' I o , . � . � I � � i , Title of clags: i, � UTILITIES INVESTIGATOR I �� � �� — . Dutie and re s onsibilitie s: ' � . � P U er supervi'sion, L-o be �rained in and to perform work' incidental to the enforcemen�: of all ordinancea wi�hin the �jurisd�ction of the Departrnent of Pub3.ic Utilities; and to perform re�.ated work , '� as a�signed. (.�mployees working under this f;itle may be requ.ired to work split shifts or to �vurk odd hours. j � Exam les of work perforrnecl; • � To checic hus schedules, �oading and services, • ' To assis� in inves�igatin� and gathe-ting e�i.dence9 regarding � iolai:ions of fuel ordinanc�s. • . . iTo lceep records and make written reporLE of investigations. To receive instruction and training in how propeily�b 0 ope�•a�te air monitoring ea�ipment. o inspect buildings for air pollution emissions. o in�pec9; fuel btii�ning and du�t collecf:ian equipment, , o make routine laboratory evaluation air monitoring samples. o �vork v��ith the mobile laboratory and the related instruments and to provide proper maintenance. � liiini uxn qualifications: { Hi h echool graduaL-ioii with caurses in the nhysi�al. scien.ces. ' - I � _ � I �. I � . I` I � , I . � I . - . � I � , _ i Ist I� �^ �� ' � ' 2nd I -/ ILaid over to � 1 , � � � 3rd and app _�4dop+ed Yea Nays Yeas Nays �Carlson �Carlson i � 9 /,���`���� �U g i al lish al lish I I olland \Holland ' �teredith � �Meredith �Beterson V fleterson J aTedesco � \Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ Byrne :��:" •:�'�;;-. ::s::2�`r�;;. ��Mr. Vice Yresident (Yeteraon) I �