235464 COIINCIL FILE NO. �� 2354�� � BY � FI AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS � . In the matte of condemnin� and takina� an easemen�3n �hQ l�nr3 nerP�- aA-oc fcar the s].ores, cuts and fills, ncluding right of removal of lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereof, o casioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing th bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Como Prospect Addition, f`rom Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. I � I ' under Prelimihary Order 231277 , approve�l December 22, 1966 � i . Intermediary Order �34�9 , approve� August 15, 1967 , i ` A public earing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ' heard all per ona, objectione a,nd recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the same; , , therefore, be �it � I R,ESOL�ED, By the Council of the City of $aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be mdde by the eaid City ie Condemni� and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including ight of removal of la�eral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasione by excaYations thereof or construction of slopes in the grad.ing and surfacing with bit 'nous material the aLley in Block 7� Como Prospect Addition, fra� Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. - � - - -�- ; . and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. � , ' REBOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvements, vis.: Condemnin and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from sub�ect land or rema,inder thereof, occasione by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bit 'noias material the alley in Block 7, Como Prospect Addition, from CookuAvenue to� Jess ne Avenue. . I �� RESOL D FIIRTHER, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and ia hereby inetructed and directed to p epare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby � , euthorized a d directed to proceed with the^making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith. v 4 � �7� � � �JV� � I Adopted by the Councii • . ' � �T 2 � ���� 'ty Clerk. r � Approve , 19 ., • ' - Mayor. Councilmen• . -y ' � � � ar : , Da 1 g 1 i sh `: � pUBLISHED 0 CT 2� 196� �' .�o��—' � • �� � Peterson . -Res�.��. Mr. Presic�ent, . � I � n � ��� COIINCIL I E NU. �`�`�� ;�BY ! � � 3�s�� . �� , In the matter of condemnin� and takin� an easement in the l�nd necessa�Y. for thP �lo=es, cuts and fills, ncluding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, oc asioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing w th bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Como Prospect Addition, from � Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. under Preliminary Order 2312�� , approved December 22, 1966 � Intermediary I rder 234669 � approve�i �gust 15, 1967 , A public �earing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hsving heerd all pereons, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully considered the eame; therefore, be }t RESOL I D, By the Council of the G�ty of 8sint ul that , ovement to be made by the said City ie • Co emning and taking an easement in the lan essary for the slopes, cu s and fills, inclu ight of removal of lateral support from su or remainde thereof, occasione tions thereof or construction of sl in th grading an surfacing with bitum'nous mater 1 the alley in Block 7, Como Prospect A on, from Cook Avenue to �essamine Ave ue. , -� A,I! orders i�, the aiiove �natter be and the s�me al�e 4�oreb� cancelled, annu(led $nd rescinded and alf �rocegdingt.�n 3aid matter be discontinued. and�the. oun�cil hereby ordere esid improvemente to be de. I RESOL I FURTHER, that the following land, lande r easemente therein be and t e eame are � hereby ordere t e taken, appropriated and condemned for the rpose of making said improve ente, via.: Conde ning nd ta 'ng an easement ,in the land necess ry for the slopes, cut and fills, including ight of r oval of lateral support from su ject land or remainder hereof, occasioned y excavati s thereof or construction of s opes in the grading an surfacing with bitumi ous material the alley in Block 7, Como Pro ect Addition, from Co Avenue to Jessami e Avenue. ; � � RESOL �ED FURTHER, That t Commiesioner of Public Worke be d is hereby inetructed an a���a � piepare plane and epecificati for eaid improvement, and the pro er city officiale are hereb ' authori�ed a d directed to proceed with th making of eaid improvement in acc dance therewith. � Adopted y the Council - S�P 1 � ���� , 19 , � ��� � � �1��� City Clerk. Approve , 19 , • � � Mayor. Councilmen: Dalglish `S � F�o.a-l-�rrd �XX , MO�RSefl- ;^"... Peterson R�I� Tede co Mr. Presidi nt, �$$,� Byrne ��.: ? � COIINCIL FILE NU. � 234��� ,� BY • , In the matter condesu�irg �nd xaki�g �a �ese�ent in the land nea�s�ary for tb• slopes. cuts and f�lls. in luding rigbt of re�oval oP 1e�teral ruppo�t froe� subjeet lsnd ar r�indQr khar4of. occa ionsd by �xcavatiana tbereof as conatruction og slopsr la the �rading and •urgacfng.��t bitu�fnou� aat�rial tha al�ey� in Block 7. Go�o Prosp�ct Addition, fiaa Cook Avscrue t Je��amfn� p,vsnue. i � � � � under Prelimina Order 2312�� , approve�l ����� �Z• �966 � Intermediary 0 der� � 29�►669 , approve� �S�it 15� �967 � i , A public he ring having been h�d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all person , objections and recommendatione relative thereto, and having' fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it RFSOLVE , By the Council of the City of $aint Paul t rovement to b made by the said G�ty ie de�ning a� teil�ing ad ee�sement in the land necs ry for t�a �lo�aE, cuts d fil�,a. ine �in�� ri ht og re�av�l of lateral support fros w t land ox rneeaind�r t �reof� occ�sio b aaac�vetiono ther�of or conotructtcn oP alop�� �n and a acing wiCb 'bitu�in s ma �the �lley in Block 7, Co�o Proepeat Addi.tion, from Av�n�e to 3e oeiuiae Avenue. , �,P! order; in the aGav� matt9r be and the s�me are hereby ca�celle , snn�il . � � xnd ��scinded and all proceeding� fn �ai� matter be discontinued. arid th Counc' hereby ordere said improvementa be made. RF,fiO FURTHER, that the following lan lande or easemente therein be and the eame are hereby ordere t�o be taken, appropriated and condemned or the purpose of making eaid improvem te, vis.: �ondea�ni� taking nn eesement in the Yan neceseery for the slope�, outs nd fiils. �rrcludinQ tigb o� removal af lateral cupport rom �ub�ect land pr remninder h�xeof. occarioaed by� �vations thereof or constructi o£ olopas in �he grading eurgaciag With bituvina�e , ter3:al �he �iley in Biock 9. 8rovpect bddition. Eror C Av�mi� to Jes��ine vaau . RESOLVED FURTH , That the Commiseioner of Public rka be and is hereby instructed d directed to prep�re plans an epecifications for said improvement, an the proper city officiale are here authorized and tiirected to pro ed with the making of said improveme in accordance therewith. Adopted bylthe Council �EP 1 2 196� ` , 19 ��� 12 1��� City Clerk. Approved— , 19 , Mayor. Councilmen: � Dalgtish - � �d M�e�'-�sen' YII` ''' • ` ' r . � Peterson S� � � T�de�c - Mr. Presiden�, �� �'r°�