235460 i .�3-�- ��o � � Councll Flle No. 235460—gy Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, The Council of the City of I Saint Paul did, by resolution, C. F. 234502 approved August 3, 1987, and amended by�C.F. 235118 approved Sep- tember 21, 1967;vacate that section of public street described as: � Beginning at the southivest corner of Lot 18, Block 8, Iiiawattia Park Addition No. 2 St. Paul Ramsey � Co.;Minn.; thence in a southeast- erly direction to a point on the north line of Block 1,'Lane-Norton Addition, 170.92 feet we'st of the northeast�corner of said Block 1, Lane-Norton Addition,thence west- erly on the north line of said Block � 1, Lane-Norton Addition a distance I of 77.0 feet to a point; thence I northerly an a straight line parallel to and 247.92 feet'westerly of the i west line of Cleveland Avenue for a distance�of 305'B feet to a point; I thence northwe�terly on a straight line to the.point-of beginning, be- he Sou h o�tGovernment Lot 4 in �. 4 Qf the;Southeast of Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 23'West'��_"� �.^ � and; - - ^ Whereas, The conditions bf the vaca- I tion resoluribn bited above have�now been satisfied by the petitioners: Be It Re"solWed,Tha�upon the recom- mendation of,tpe�Ci�y Committee on Lands, the proper city .officers are hereby authorized and,directed to exe= cute a quitclairr�tleed, a copy of which �� is attached hereto`•$nd made a part hereof, conveying that cet�tain tract of iland as described above tb Harold B. I Shapira and Carl WaYrud. Adopted by the Council October 20, 1967. + Approved October 20, 1987. I (October 28, 1987) {II , � •