235454 I ' ORIG�HyL TO CITY CLERK ' r 235�54 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � I RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Sain Paul are hereby authorized and directed to egecute, on b half of the City, Agreement No.� S.P. 6245-02 (T.H. 3-115) , �, . , � - betw en the City 'and Chicago Great Western Railway Company , ' and he State of Minnesota, Commissioner of Highways, pert ining to the construction of a storm sewer in the �. vici � ity of Kansas Avenue, � Saint Paul, Minnesota, as more particularly set forth in said, agreement. • ti k C� r' 4 , Y ] _ k n�x � �r t! • ' �� . FOR APPROVE , ' st. Corpora unse � , ' ,i t `� OCT � 01967 COUNCILME Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays ! � �� - � �CT 2 019�'b , ' Dalglish Approved 1y_ •�"° Holland � " �� Tn Favor � Meredith "" ' Peterson , - J � • , Mayor '� Tedesco � Aga�gt '' i Mr. President, Byr e OCT 2 8 196T , � � PUBLISHED � �.aa . , � DUPL1�11TE TO rRINT6R � 2�545� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY obert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE DATF _ RESOLYED, That the proper o�ficers ot the City of Sain Paul are hereby authorized and direoted to egeoute� on b half of the City, Agreement No. S.P. 62�t5-02 (T.H. 3-115) � betw en the City a.nd Ch�aago Great Western Ftaikway Company and he State oY Minnesota, Commissioner oY Highways, pert ining to the oonetruotion of a etorm sewer in the vioi ity o� Kansas Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as more part Qularly set forth in said agreement. (�CT 2 01967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays ��T �g 1�6�. _r.�a r'�c�,n� , Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Thomas R. Byrne Peterson Mayor Tedesco �ga�gt Mr. President, Byr e �22 .. � , „ • . . Form 25252 (9-6'�5) APPENDIX A Non-Di�scrimination Provisiorts of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. During the per�QI rmance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest ' (hereinafter ref�rred to as the 'contractor'), agrees as follows: (1) Compl ance with Regulations: The contractor will comply with the Regulatiorts of the Department of Comm rce relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Commerce (Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8, hereinafter referred to as the Regulatiorrs), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (2) Nondi crimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to compl tion of the contract work, will not d'rscriminate on the ground of race, color, or national origin in the�selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equip ent. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohib ted by Section 8.4 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix A-II of the Regulations. (3) Solicit;ations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either y competitive bidding or negotiation ma e by the contractor for work to be performed under a subco�ract, including procurements of material�s or equipment, each potential •subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relativ�e to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or national origin. (4) Inform�tion and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Reg�lations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, record�, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the State Highw y Department or the Bureau of Public Roads to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with�such Regul tions, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive posse sion of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to the State Highway Department, or the Bureau of Public Roads as appropriate, and shall set forth what e forts it has made to obtain the information. � , (5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor s noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of t is rnntract, t e State Highway Department�shall impose such contract�sanctiorrs as it or the Bu eau of Public Roads may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to, (a) wi hholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or (b) ca�cellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. (6) Incorporation of Provisiorrs: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6) in every �ubcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regul tions, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action with respec to any�subcontract or procurement as the State Highway Department or the Bureau of Public Roads ay direct as a means of enforcing such prov�sions including sanctions for noncompliance: Providgd, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a�Isubcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request the State to enter iJ to such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and, in addition, the contractor may request the Un ted States to enter into such I itigation to protect the interests of the United States. ' EXN�BIT "E°'' ,. . . ._�. • l , . � , � � .. . •� •1 ' �, •� � i I I � f � � s.P. 62l�-02 (T.x. 3°11�) � Storm Sewer C'oristruction Vicinity of Kansas Avenue._ _ 3t. Paul� Minnesota CHICAGO GREAT �PESTERN RJ�ILWAY COMPANY � . CITY OF ST. PAIIL � THIS AGREEMENT�made and entered into by and betiveen the CITY OF ST. PAIIL� acting by a d thrau�h its City Council, hereinafter called the "City"� the CHIGAGO C3REAT �'r�'STE RAIL�VAY COA�PANY� hereinafter called the "Company"� and the STATE OF 1iINNESOTA� cting by and through its Co�ni.ssioner of HighRays, hereinafter called the "Sta te"� TNESSETFI s �REAS� plans� specifications and special proviaions have been prepared for the co struction and improvement of Trunk Highway No. 3 from Annapolis Street to Concord St et� Ramsey County, Minneaota� wY�ich plana� specification8 and �pecial pro- visions fb S.P. 621�-02 (T,H. 3�115) are on file in the Office of the Departm�ent of Ha.ghways, t. Paul, �dinnesota� and made a part hereof by reference as though f�.i1J�* set forth here ; and , �REAS� storm sewer drainage constructed in accordance �S.th the afore- sa3d plana will require a storm sewer pipe to be carried under and acroae the Compan�y�s right of w y at the location shown on Exhibit "A�� attached he nsto and hereby made a part hereo ; and � �REAS� separate Agreement No. 551�37 provides for the City and 3tate . to� share i the costs of the aforesaid storm sewer construction; and �REAS� Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 160019 x�equires that �e cost of ch ditches be divided proportionately between the State and the Compar�y on the basie of benefits accruing to ea�h; and � WHEREAS� the State has determined that the Company will not receive any benefita om the atorm sewer under and across its right of way at the aforesaid loc�- , tion; and . , �REAS, storm sewer construction in accordance nrit,h the aforesaid p]ans will requ re the modification of certain existing Company signal and co�mxnication facilitie ; and I � , • � -1- I . , . - I VPHEREAS� the City has instituted condemnation proceedings to acquire ce� tain esta es in those portione of the Company�s ri..�ht of way shown colored red and yellow o said Exhibit "Att which are required for the construction and mainte83ance of the s orm sewer. ' ' NOYP THERE�ORE� IT IS AGREEDs 1). The Company hereby g rants to the City and the State, the r3�ht to � enter on those portiona of the Company+s right of way shown colored red and y�llow � on Exhib t "A�� for the purpose oP constructing and maintaining the storm sewer faci- lities s own in the plana for S.P. 6��5 02 pend3.ng completion of said condemnation proceedi gs. Upon completion of said condemn,ation proceedinga, the Company shall deliver to the City a flzlly executed and aclrnowledged easement in the form of �ibit "D" attached hereto. � 2). Upon request of the StateTS Engineer, the Company will remove and ;repa.ace its signal and communication pole and v�ire line facilities as required by �the sto sewer construction operations and as shown on the layou t marked Exhibit ' "B" att ched hereto and made a part hereof. ; 3). The aotual costs of removing and replacing the aforesaid signal and co�u cations pole and wire line facilitiea ahall be ascertained and paid to the Compa by the State in the marmer hereinafter set forth in Paragraph 1t. � lt). The actual costa of the work which is to be performsd by the Cont- par�y accordance with this agreement shall be ascertained in accordance with the , provis ons contained in the Buxeau of Public Roads Policy and Procedure Memorandum � ; No. 3 3 effective October 15� 1966 and shall be paid to the Compar�y by the State � � in the regu].ar course of businesa upon the receipt of pa rtial or final bills, marked "Prog ssive Bill No. 1� No. 2� etc." and "Fina]." and aigned by an officer of the Compa y, rendered in aextuplet on which the State wilZ pay 90�. Final payment will be ma e after audit of a final detailed bill rendered in sextuplet� in accordance zvith reau oP Public Roads Policy and Procedure Memorandum No. 3a3. Partial billa do no need to be in detail. Said final bill ahall be complete, detailed and itemized statement of , all i ma of work and so arranged and divided as to conform to each of the items of wo k performed by the Company as sho�m on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. -2` i ' . • i • � � The Company agrees that in addition to t�he foregoirig records and acts it � � ' �eill f�om t e to time make such other reports� keep such �other records and perform � ' such other ork in �uch manner and time as may be neceasar� to eriable the State to , � , collect and obtain available Federal Aid. ' • Upon request of the State�s Er�ineer during prosecution of the work� the i • Company�s presentative in charge thereof shall f�irnish full c�etailed information as � to progres of work and amount of labor and material used to da'te� arid shall furnish the State� Engineer "Mont,hly Report of Employment� form 2233"� sigr�ed in duplicate� , , showing th munber of r�ames on payroll� classification and tota]. hours for each month i not later an one week following the month in �hich the work was performe@. The Company agreea that it w311 notif�r the State+� E�hgineer in charge of , the pro�ec as to starting� stopping� resumption and complet�on �datea. I 5). If the Compar�y entera into a contract or agreement Rith a contractor , i , to p�erfo the removing and replacement of its signal and com�nunication pole and wire line faci itiea� the Company for itself, its assigne and succeasors in interest, � agrees t it �ill not discriminate in its choice of contractor and Ri].l include all of the noldiscrimination provisiona aet forth in �rhibit "E" attach�d hereto and made a part he of in any such contract or agreement. 1� � � � � 6). Detailed eatimates of costs_of the varioue iteme of��rork to be dons by the Co any hereunder, with its a�m equipment and regularly employ�ed forces� are , l attached he reto and marked Eahibit "C". For the purpose of encumber3n� fluids euch � � costs ar estimated as follows: Temporary V�ork: 1). �daterial $ 652 � 1 2). Labor 1236 • ; 3). 3alvage . l�68 Cr. �,I�20 � Permanent Work� , 1). Bda terial $ 58 � 2). Labor 916 � � ���� TOTAL , I \ 1 -3- � I . I . , . , 1 7). In the event it ia determined that a change from the foregoi.n� atate- ment of wor to be performed by the Company is required� it shall be authorized only by a m�itte change or extra work order isaued by t.he State prior to the performance o� the work imrolved in the change. 8). In consideration oY payment by the State ot part oP the cost o� con- structing e aPoresaid storm aewer facilit3es the City does hereby agree to raaintain � . . and, keep good repair wit,hout aost to the State or the Company all such storm sewer facilities which �ill be located upon and acroas the Compar�p�s right of Ray. � The City will continue to maintain the outlet ditch in a manner thst will not damage the right of way or tracka of the Compan�y. i 9). The City indemnifiea, savee and holda har�.ese the State and the Com- pany and a of their a�ents and emploqeea of and from any and all claim�, demands� actions o causes of action of Rhatsoever nature or char•acter arising ou� of or by reason of the storin sewer maintenance �►ork provided for herein to be performsd by the , ,, � City, and flxrther agrees to defend at its o�rn aole cost and expense any a�ction or pro- � ceecling c nced for the purpose of asserting aiy claim of whateoever ch�racter � arising a a re�ult of the said maintenance work. ' � , It is f`urther agreed that any and all employees of the City arid all other � employees� xhile engaged in the perfor�nance of said maintenance work ahall not be con- � aidered elmploy�ees of the State or the Company� and that any and all claims that may or � mi.ght ' irise under the �orlanen�s Compeneation Act o� the State of Minnesota on be- half of aid employ+ees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any other partie� as a con equence of any aat or omission on the part of said City employ+ae�.Rhile so In�aged n anp of the said maintenance work shall in no way be the obligation or re- 1ponsibi ity of the Sta te or t�he Company. � 1 ,� 10). The State agrees that all work provid�sd to be done by the $tate, on the rig�t of way of the Company shall be performed and completed in accordarice with , said p ans and specifications in a manner satisfactory to the Chief Engineer of t3�e �Compan� or his authorized representative. The State agreea that anp contract let by it for he performance of any construction work contemplated by this agreement �ill I � -� I . � � " , ' � I require e contractor to comply �vi.th all of the provisions relating to work on rail- road righ of way contained in Standard Sgecifications for Highway Conatruation issned by the S t.e of Minnesota, dated Jartuary l� 196�t, as amended by S�pplemental Specifi- � cations, ted February 1� 1966, and to carry z�eilRay insurance in accordance �rSth Bureau oY Public Roada Policy and Procedure Memorandum No. 2a-12� dated 1[arch 5� 1959 providing protection to the railway company. ; 11). It is further agreed by and bet�reen the parties hereto� anything to the cont ary herein notwithatainding� that the Commissionsr oY Ai�hways of the State of Minne ota is acting in his off�.cial capacity only and that he shall not be pe� � sonally spor�sible or liable to the Company� the City or to any peraon or persona whomsoev r for any claims� d,amages� actions or causes of action oP any kind or charac- . ter arie out of or by reason of the execution of this agreenaent or the performance or compl tion of the pro3ect provided for herein. 12). The la�s of the State of Bdinnesota shall govern all questione ae to the exe tion� nature, obligation, constraction� validity ar�d performarlce o� the agree- IIl2nt o ' 13). Before this agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be appr i ed by resolution of the Cit3 Counc3.l of s�iid City and it shall a].so receive the appr�oval of such State Offic�rs as the la�r msy provide in addition to the Commissi`oner of Highways. � • , i I � I -�. i � I i '• , ' . IN 9VITNESS �AEOF, the parties hereto have asused thie agreement to be duly e$ecu d as of thi8 day of , 196 . Countersig eds CITY OF 5T. PAIIL Bys Bys ' - ; City omptro er � dayor I Attest: By: �f � I o as oner o c or a ; ty er (C�.ty Seal) , Appro ed s to forms • �Y= rpora Counc In Presen of: GREAT � WAY COMI'ANY . � � � �iT/ � ' B p= � , G � $y� , _ �{- Secretary . . i Recommen ed for Approval: , APPROV AS TO FORM: � - -. .. ....... - . ng eer o wap ego a ons Recou�en ed for Approvals � , ng ee of g of ay i In Prese ce oPs STATE OF MINr1ESOTA By: o as oner o g xays Dated: , 19 • I - . ,Approve as to Form and E�cecutionr APPROVIDs i DEPARTMENT F S TIO � BY= pecial Assiatant Attorney (}eneral u o ' -(r ' � ' � I � • • .1+�� ,, � . . � .. . � ��.w' �:�r.:. ..�,. � . .i � , . ♦ . ' L ` � , o . . . . ' � � � � � � � s� , . � � . � ����. , . r� . - f �� � � (� ' , , • _ - ' . ' , . , ; `� ; �� , . � . � . . � � . . � � � � - � � . . . � � � � � � � . � � � � , . . , :, ��' , ' � . � . 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'. i . . . . � i EXHIBIT "C„ � , . . _.._ _- -- -- -- --- - . ----- . -- . - . . �,�.- - - -- .. . - .-----.---- 1 ' � . , � , y . . I ' ' • f , - . . � ��.. I ' • ' . J . �f��� . , �?�ie�av��a�, R::.•�r ars.�r.�r �a�.xQ ��G��,�.fii�a a��� • . ��r�a�au3A� � F;��.��iza� paLa ��.�a . ' � �a`�±`�4 Sc33���t����cc� ' aa�. �r:��.�:t� a�z� z �ot: ���s 5mo ' �Sr�a�•ia�j ..���. ,s�as�e 6 ;� a�s hI9 ��� I�a:�ie:�;� :��ga,a�::tz�fl �.lS� o� S19 � �,�.� �d. �: �x�svr���w� � �� caR :a� ' • 33. ��Y,�. i�a h.�o 1 � �� 56� , , �. �t.�ai�:� ��: C�+��� .���: 5 �, a� �3.9 �.�. �.��,. !�s �,3, �l< ��ax:�� Z�.4G�`� v� hFr�o . . �0. G�sra�s.�a��c���ics � 1(� `r� o� S33 ...�'�> i � . �9�.�. � F���:�,�aa��� '����1 Cass: �nF I'�acr�a�s��a� �ork _ z,}��+fao �r�f�s�ear� �ot�aL �cas� �i Pole �,��u 6�P�sk � �2,3�=>0 � i � � � � ' � . Ac��.�c� o� � �.��-�zhgi����c -. - E���g �.i', l�:n � R�E•��i:n, �c�H a ; � . 1 - ? , . , i I ' , • � . i ' . f ' � - — � . EXh1iBIT "C' ' � � . ._.�._.------,.___-�-_.-_ __ --� -.- --� -- -- , �.._T�._T--.�- -- - -�-..-. ---r .-- ----- . I r . � '� i • � • - . + � i I i , • EASEMENT AGhEEMENT . .' � THIS INDENTUr�E, Made this day of � � � ' ; 196'7 , between Chicago Great Western Railway Company, a • Dela are corporation, party of the first part, hereinafter � ' call d "First Par1;y" , and the City of Saint Paul, a munici- � � pal. corporation of the State of Minnesota , hereinafter . " . call� d "Second Party" , • , . . WITNESSETH, That the party of the first part, in cons�ideration of the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred and no/1�00 (�1,500. 00)-I}bllars , to it in hand paid by the said . ' part!y of the second part, the rece�pt whereof is hereby � ackn�'�owledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey , - unto the said party of the second part, its successors and ' assi�gns , the estates and interests hereinafter specified ' in t�he following described parcels of land situated in the • � City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota: , ' ' � 1.! A permanent and non-exclusive easement (sub 'ect ' , � to reasonable use by First Party and ersons � claiming under or through First Party� for the � construction and rnaintenance of a public sewer ' on, under, across -and through the following � described lands : T}�e northerly 5 feet of Lot 8 and that part of '"' the northwesterly 5 feet of Lot 7 lying north- � . easterly of �a 'line 5 feet southerly of and . parallel to the northerly line of Lot 8 extended� easterly� all in Dawson' s Seconcl Rearrangement of Block 28 of Brown and Jackson' s Addition to , West Saint Paul; and a strip of land 20 feet in " �!; width in that part lying northeasterly of a line 50 feet southwest from and parallel to center � line of the Chicago, Great' Western Railway Company . right-of-way of Block 28, Brown and Jackson' s • Addition to West Saint Paul, the center line of . ' said strip being described as follows : Commencing ` at a point on the hereinbefore described parallel line, 145 feet northwesterly of the westerly line of Witham as measured on said paY�allel .line ; thence . . northeasterly on a straight line to a point on the ' southerly line of Robie Street 46 feet westerly of the westerly line of Witham Street as measured � , • along the said line of Robie Street and there � terminating, except so much thereof that lies � within the existing 12-f oot-wide sewer easement ; in said Block 28. . A temporary and non-exclusive easement for con- ' � struction purposes on the following described lands : Lots 6, 7 , and 8, Dawson' s Second Rearrangement • • of Block 28 of Brown and Jackson' s Addition to � West Saint taul, except those parts of said Lots ; v� 7 and 8 encompassed within �he hereinbefore de- i scribed permanent easements ; and that par�; of Block 28� Brown and Jackson,' s Addition to Wes�t Saint Paul lying northeasterly of a line 15 feet , . I � .� . . . � � ��� { � , o� �u �,;, _ � . _ � � northe�sterly of and parallel to the most nor,th- � easterly •track of the Chicago, Gr•eat Western Railway, excep�; that part thereof encompassed ' , � within the h�reinbefore described permanent • . easemen�;; and on 2 stz�ips of land 20 feet in . width on either side of and immediately adjacent. � to that portion of the hereinbefore described permanent easement lying southwesterly of the � � existing 12-foot-wide permanent eas�ment, all ' in said Block 28, Brown and Jackson' s Addition � to West Saint Paul. The said tempo�rary ease- � � • ments to terxni�nate, on November 1, 1968, or upon ' ! completion of the sewer co�nstruction, whichever - � comes first. ' , � - , . ' First tarty shall have the right to construct, relocate, mai tain, repair and renew tracks and to place pipe line, pol�s , wire's, and cross arms and any other facilities upon � and �across the easement premises so long as such tracks and � facilities will not unreasonably interfere with the use of � � saic� easements by Second tarty for the purpose herein granted. ' , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SANE, Together with all the � � ' her di�taments and appurtenances thereunto belonging , or in anywise appertaining , to the said party of the second part, • ' its successors and assigns , Forever. And the said party of _ ' , .� the first part, for itself and its successors , does covenant '� ; wit� the said party �of the second part, its successors and - � ass gns, that it is well seized' in fee of the lands and . ' � pre ises af oresaid, and has good right to sell and convey . h a . t e�s me in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are • fre from all incumbrances . � And the above .bargained and granted lands and premises, in he quiet and peaceable possession oi the said party of � � � , � the second part, its successors and assigns , against all per- son lawfully claiming or to , claim the whole or any part there'of, sub�ject to incumbrances , if any,, hereinbefore mentioned, the said par�ty of tne first part will 'r�arrant and Defend. . . � IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said First Party has caused � ' � the e presents to be executed in its c'orporate name b its Y. , ; President and its and its � cor orate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and ye�r first abo� e written. I . � (SEAL) IBY , � In Presence of Its President - � � Its ' � � , - . I` I � �' � J ' • ��I • ' � /`I � � V I Y , ��� �� . . ��� • • � � u . . A . . � � I . . 1 ' STAT� OF ) . ; , ) ss . � . . C OUN Y OF ) ; � . ; ' On this day of , � 1g67 , before me , a ' rrithin and for . . sai County, personally appeared , � � and to me personally known, who , � being each by me dul.y sworn, did say that they are respectively i the � � � �resident and the � � � � of t�he corporation named in the f oregoing instrument� and that � � the �seal affixed to said instrument is' the corporate seal of " ; saic� corporation, and that sald instrument was signed and ' ; seal!ed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board � of I and said and� . 1 acknowledged said instrument ; to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ' � � ' � � I ' ' - i � • l � • Notary �ublic , � � ' , " My commission expires � ^ , j � . � � . , � i , , . - ; � . , i • ; . , ; . , , , ; � . , ' � , �� . . � � � . - EXHI � IT . ����� r . I , -3- �