05-313Council File # �� � `�'�v Presented By Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheet# 3�26018 �� Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the reappointment, 2 made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Saint Paul Civil Service Commission. 3 4 5 Name 6 Matthew Johnson Reappointment Alternate Term Expires December 31, 2010 .�- _ . � . os 3 3 � Green.Sheet Green 9heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � MO �YorsO�ce � Cor�trd Person 8 Phone: KuR Schul� Council Agenda by (Date): ContradType: RE-RESOWTION Date initiated: 06APR-05 Green Sheet NO: 3026018 � ' Assign Number for Roufing Order DeoartmeM SentTo Person IniliallDate 0 �Iavor's Office 1 r•s ent " r 2 ttorne 3 s oCS O�ce a t a nca 5 Clerk LS Clerk Total # of Signaiure Pages _(Clip All Locations f Signat Aetion Requested: � Reappoin�xnent of Matthew Johnson to the Saint Paui Civil Service Commission. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission Cf8 Cqmmittee CiHI Sertice Commission Personal Service Contracts MustAnswerthe Foliowing Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contract fw this department? Yes NO 2. Has this person/firm eeer been a city employee? Yes NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnalfy passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet tnitiating Problem, i5sues, Opportuniiy (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanta9es NApproved: Disadvantaqes If Approved: DisadvantaAeslfNokADproved: Transaction: Fundin5l Source: Financial information: (Exptain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: April 6, 200512:26 PM Page 1 oS- 3/3 5.>�.T PqCL � IIIIAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[ly, Mayor To: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Kathy Lantry Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Pat Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Councilmember Dave Thune 390 City Hall I S West Kellogg Bouievard Saint Paul, MN 55702 Te[ephone: 651-266-8510 Fac simile: 65I -266-85 Z 3 From: Kurt Schultz Date: Apri16, 2005 RE: Saint Paul Civil Service Gommission Mayor Kelly has recommended the reappointment of Matthew Johnson as an alternate to the Saint Pau1 Civil Service Commission. Ais term shall expire on December 31, 2010. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any questions regarding this reappointment. Attachments cc. Sue Wegwerth �