05-310Council File # OS' 3� 0
Green Sheet # ��,5�1Z
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Referred To
Committee Date
1 WIIEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID #0021520) for Malt On Sale
2(Strong) License by 128 Cafe, 128 Cleveland Avenue North, be approved with the following conditions:
3 1. Wine and beer may be served as menu items only;
4 2. The commercial use is limited to that portion of the southwest corner of the lower level of the building (24' x
5 60') formerly known as Stewarts Restaurant; and
6 3. The business hours of the premises will be restricted to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm.
7 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license
8 application with the aforemenfioned conditions.
Requested by Deparhnent of:
Fortn Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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Adopted by Council: Date Q�� e��s
Adoption Certified by Coy�il Secretary
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet, Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
co -co„�,
ContaetPerson & Phone:
Marcia Mcertnond
Must Be on Council Aqen�
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Total # of S ign aW r e P age s _( Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Resolution approving the license applicarion wifh condirions, per the Legislarive Hearing Officer, for Malt On Sale (Strong) License by
128 Cafe, 128 Cleveland Avenue North.
or Reject
CosVRevenue Budgeted:
Planning Commission 9, Has this personlfirtn eeerwo�Cetl undera coMractforthis department?
CB Gommittee Yes No
Ciul Senice Commission 2. Has this persoNfimi e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current cdy employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, WhaR �en, Where, Why):
Advantaqes MApproved:
Disadvanqpes If Approved:
DisadYantages lf Not ApprOVed:
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
, (Explain)
Green Sheet NO: 3025975
DeDattment SentTo Person
0 o c� I
1 ouncil De srtm t Direetor
2 'lv Ckrk (Stv Cieck 1
Personal Service ConVacts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Actfvitv Number.
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March 31, 2005 19:50 AM Page 1
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128 Cafe -128 Cleveland Avenue
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Room 330 City Ha1UCourthouse
Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Kristina Schweinler, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP)
and Jeff Hawkins, LIEP
Marcia Moermond explained that this license applicarion required neighborhood norificarion. Two
letters objecting to the issuance ofthis license were received which necessitated a hearing. There
were three possible outcomes of this hearing: 1) the license would be issued without conditions, 2)
the license would be issued with conditions, 3) the license would be referred to an Administrative
Law Judge (ALJ). The ALJ process could involve four to six months and typically the interested
parties engage legal counsel which made it was more expensive and time consuming.
Ms. Schweinler stated this was an application for on-sale malt license (strong) beer. On February
25, 2005 the change of non-conforming use, with conditions, was approved by the Planning
Commission. Those conditions were: wine and beer may be served as menu items only, which
was in accordance with state statute; the commercial use was lnnited to that portion of the building
formerly known as Stewart's Restaurant; and the business hours of the premises be restricted to
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. LIEP's recommendation was for approval with those conditions.
Mr. Hawkins stated the non-conforming use change was made to allow sales of malt liquor. The
previous condition was for sale of wine only. Staff recommended approval and the Planning
Commission recommended approval with the three conditions.
Brock Obee, owner, appeared and stated he had been in business at this location for eight yeazs.
His costumers had requested he serve beer, in addition to wine, and it was tus desire to improve his
business to cater to his clientele. He noted he did not market to students from St. Thomas
University; this was a neighborhood restaurant as well as a destinarion restaurant for fine dining.
He understood the concerns of the neighborhood with the granting of this license were it could
transfer to a subsequent owner. He was advised that if he sold the business, the new owner would
be required to apply for a new license as this ficense would not transfer.
Ms. Schweinler stated city ordinances do not allow for the transfer from person to person or place
to place of any license. Any new owner would need to go through the applicarion process for a
new license.
Mr. Hawkins clarified that the non-conforming use permit would remain with the property so that
any new owner would not need to go through that process again.
Steve Wolfe, 2052 Selby Avenue, appeared and stated he had concerns with the addition of beer
sales at this location. It was across the street from the University of Saint Thomas and his fear was
students drinking. He did agree the current restaurant was a great addition to the neighborhood,
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Minutes of the Legislarive Hearing - Cafe 128 - 128 Cleveland Avenue Page 2
however, he was highiy concemed if the business was sold to a new owner. There were problems
with previous owners and management conceming noise, litter, and neighborhood disturbances.
He understood the license would not transfer, however, he believed it would be difficult for the city
to deny a new owner the same licenses. His ma}or issue was with over consuxnption of alcohol,
noise from people leaving the establishment and sneaking alcohol into the pazking lot. Tlus was
especially prevalenY with the "pariy houses" in the neighborhood.
Ms. Schweinler clarified this was a strong beer license in conjunction with an existing wine license.
Both carry the same condirions as state statute, along with city ordinances, that they be in
conjunction with food, as a menu item only. This requires sixty (60) percent of their gross
proceeds being aliotted to food. Mr. Obee must provide proof of receipts on the sale of alcohol in
relation to food.
Mr. Hawkins sated no one would be able to go into the restaurant and order six beers without
ordering a food item or they would be in violation of the license. Also, the non-conforming use
permit restricted hours of operation from 7:00 am. to 10:00 p.m.
Ms. Moermond stated she also received a phone message from Teri Geis, 2034 Selby, who
indicated she and her husband were opposed to the sale of more alcoholic beverages at this location
believing it would cause more problems, that they have smali children and did not believe it
contributed to a wholesome environment far their upbringing. A letter was received from Robert
and Dorothy Rongitsch, 2030 Laurel, stating they didn't believe the use was appropriate at this site
and were also concerned with "party houses." She had also received a phone call from Scott Banis,
president of the Merriam Park Community Council, but was unaware as to their position on this
issue. Mr. Hawkins responded that the Merriam Park District Council was in fauor of the non-
conforming use permit at the P12m�ing Commission. He presented a letter in support.
Ms. Schweinler stated if there was a violation on the sale of alcohol, the city could take adverse
action against the license and the non-conforming use permit would also be revoked. If a license
were ever revoked at this business, a license for beer and wine to a new owner would not be
Ms. Moermond reconnmended granring the license with the conditions which had been adopted by
the Plavning Commission.
The heating was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.