235393 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � /�� �('[ ,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�' �1'�'� f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rot�ert F. Peterson Oct. 1Z 1967 COMMISSIONE DATF � " e t. o u ic Work � , � I WHEREAS, The following SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR having met all of the provisi�ns of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul • and hav ng .made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTR.ACTOR'S LICENSE, it is h reby RE OLVED, That the said SIDEWALK CONTR.ACTOR upon providing a bond and the pa ent of the Sixty Dollars ($60.00) license fee, is hereby granted a license authorizing him to engage in the business of SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR in the Cit of St. Paul for the year 1967. McCord Building Maintenance Co. COUNCILMEN OGT 17196� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved � 1 7 196� 19_ Holland /� Meredith b Tn Favor �1 �,�� � y' , erso 0 Mayor Tedesco A gainst ���j� i..,�.ei x;••�°,�.�,,,....�,�.. . N�'��.�xesid�.t"�y.��ee`3�� PUBLISHEO OCT 2 � 1967 Mr. Vice President (Pe eraon) � �22 D�LICATE TO PRINTER �+���,p� J Cln OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �Q�rt.'�� re��j+�pII �C�� �7.� 1967 COMMISSIONE DATF � Dt. �O ' �C WOT , The follaving ST1��W� E�OIi'r�bA havin� �t a11 of tl:i �rrovieio � of C�aptar 220 of th�� i,egisl�tiv"s God� of t�s �it�,of St: �aul and hsvi g mada ti�u pro�er agp�licat�oa for d� $IH�1A� C�A�'$' L�C���: i�� i�: �a�C�tby�' • . AZSOLV�D, That tl» said $ID�lAL1C COlZ�1lC'1�0� upon providing a i�ond tn�• ths pay�ent of th� Si�tq Doilar� (�60.00) lic�n�� f�e� i• h�r�by graatad a licsnse �authorisia� hi� to �agxg� in th� bu�ia�ss of �IDI��AZx CtY�TRACTO�t i"n the Cit�,of �t. Zaul for tt� r�ar i967.. �cCord Euil�ia� baiat�naacs Co. �� - � COUNCILMEN � 1 � ig�� � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ays Carlson " � Dalglish • Approved ����' � 1��� 19— Holland Meredith ' Tn Favor 1 n��-- Mayor Tedesco � A gainst EMr:;President;Byrri;:�';€:�� Mr.�Vice President (Pe rson) �' +2z