235387 ORIGIItAL TO CITY CLERK � '~ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ���'� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,` UNCIL S UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I � V COMMISSIONE DATE REAS, Champion Chevrolet Co. , 610 North Robert Street, Saint Piaul, Minuesota 55102, has requested permission to resurf ce the public alley abutting their property beginning at the property line on 12th Street between Jackson and Robert Stre�s and proceeding 100 feet to the north; and WHEREAS, The resurfacing of the public alley before the winter season is a matter of extreme urgency and necessity to � said C ampion Chevrolet Co. ; and WI�REAS, An ordinance, C. F. N��,�����, granting permis ion to said Champion Chevrolet Co. to proceed with the resurfacing of the said public alley has been prepared and in�roduced to the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul on Octobe� 17 , 1967 , and has been read before the s�aid Council with even.tual adoption set to occur on November 1' , 1967; now, therefore, be it � � RESOLVED, That in view of the extreme urgency of the reques , the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and di�rected to issue a permit to Champion Chevrolet Co. for the resurfacing of the public alley abutting their property beginnting at the property line on 12th Street between Jackson ' and Ro:bert Streets and proceeding 100 feet to the north, subject to the sa� o ditions and requirements as set out in ordinance, C. F. No'�'�����y pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and formal approval of said resurfacing being hereby given in anticipat,ion of the final adoption of said ordinance. FOR APPROVE - s t. Corpor i n oUn I � 1 � ���� COUNCILME� Adopted by the Council ` 19— Yeas Nays �T 17 19�7 . Carlson ' " Dalglish Approved 19— Holland 1° Tn Favor Meredith ����� � Mayor Tedesco Aga�t �1Ct�n�' �1:���i��nt�:$.��_��::�:�zi 11961 �r,Y3ce President Cre�reon� PliBL1SI�E� ��T 2 �22 DUPLICJ�7'E TO rRINTER CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL A'O. �����F� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE �• COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF — � � EAS, Champion Chevrolet Co. , 610 North Robert Street, Saint P ul, Minnesot� 55102, has requeeted permiseion to resur3a e the publics alley abutting their property beginning at the roperty line on 12�h Street between Jaokson a.nd Robert Stre�s d proceeding 100 feet to the north; and EAS, The resurfaoing of the publiQ alley before the winter eaeon is a matter of e�treme ur�enQy and neQeasity to said Ch pion Chevrolet Co. ; and ��ftEAS, An ordinanoe, C. F. No��S���,� gra,ntin.g permission to said Champion Chevrolet Co. to proeeed with the rea��ur�aQing of the said publio alley has been prepared and int�roduaed to the Counvil of the City of Saint Paul on Oatobe� �7 , 196'7, and has been read be�ore the said Cqunail with e�entual adoption aet to occur on Navember 1 � 19673 now, t ere�ore, be it R.ESOLVED, That in view o� the extreme urgenay of the reque� , the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and di ected to issue � permit to Champion Chevrolet Co. for the re ur�aeing o� the publio alley abutting their property beginn ng at the property line on 12th Street between Jackson a.nd Ro ert StrQete and prooeeding 100 feet to the narth, aub�eat to the � d�.tione a,nd requirements as set out in ordina.noe, C. F. o�������� pending before the Coun.oil .of the City o� Saint aul, and tormal approval of s�id reaurfacin.g being hereby given in a,ntiQipat3on o� the �inal adoption o� �sid ordinanoe. OCT 17196� COUNCILME� Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays ��;-�' 1 � 1�6� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith n Mayor . .. I ..... . `/ A gainst Tedesco ���011�?yresi�ient;.Byrne;S':;� Mr. Vice President Peiereon) �22