235383 , ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK 2�5��� ` ' ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL S UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHER AS, The Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul presen�ed to the City Council certain amendments to the .home rule c arter, of the City on September lg, 1967 , and the Council did fig-the date of election thereon for December 5, 1967, � by resolution, C. F. No. 235051, approved September 19, 1967; ! and 1 � ; WHEREAS, On October 13, 1967, Commissioner James J. Dalglish did inform the City Coun.cil that the Charter Commission determined that it wanted to recall the proposed amendments to the charterlfor the purpose of making certain changes therein, and that th Commisaion requested permission of the City Council therefor; � ow, therefore, be it RESO VED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does " hereby authorize the recall by the Charter Commission of the proposed am�ndments to the charter of the City of Saint Paul so as to� permi further action on the said amendments by the Charter Commission. , . "_� ' " " �...��^.t. ._. ' ..... ��.+��.�w�_. � / � FOR APPROVED � � . Corporation el � � � � � � � ' �C-� 1 � 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas � Nays Carlson � ��'j 1 7 1��� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland ! � � Tn Favor , . ' Meredith ' � Peterson . � Mayor+ Tedesco � aSa�t Mr. President, Byrne Pli6L1SHE� ��� � �- 19�� ; �22 j ' , � �UrLIGA�TO rRINTER /2/����� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF - REAS, The Charter Co�niasion of the City o� Saint Paul pres nted to the City Counoil certain a.mendments to the home rule, ohaxter of the City on September 19, 1g67, and the Coun.Qil d�3.d fig the date o� eleotion thereon �or Deeember 5, 1967, by �resolution, C. F. No. 235051, approved September 19, �967; a . �REAS, On October 13, 1967, Commnissioner James J. Dalglish did in�orm the City Coun.Qil that the Ch�arter Commission determin d that it wanted to reaall the proposed a.mendments to the ohar er �or the purpose o� making oertain ohanges therein, and that the Commiesion requested permission of the City Counoil therefor; now, therefore, be it �ESOLVED, Th�t the Counail of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uthorize the reo�ll by the Charter Commisaion of the Propo�e amendmente to the charter o� the City of Saint Paul so as to p rmit �urther aQtion on the said amendmentg by the Charter Commiss on. ; OC�C 17 19�7i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas I Nays Carlson ��T 171961 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland �Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A Sa�st Mr. President, Byrne �22