235379 ORIGINAL'TO CII Y CLERK � 2���'�9 . f? CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CL K FILE NO. _ OUN RES LUT G L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF � WHEREAS, he Council did by Resolution No. 235282 approved October 6, 1967, authorize the �'ssuance and sale of $1,500,000 Water Works Bonds, Series 1967E, to be dated as�of October 1, 1967, and as the proper City officers have fu11y causel the sail b�nls t• be advertised f�r sale and said ad:vertisement re�uired �, sealed bids to be submitted on October 17, 1967, and as the bids were submitted and opened, ex�mined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of First Nation�l City Bank, Drexel Harr,i.man Ripley, Inc. , New York, Joint Managers, and Associates, 'ncluding Juran & Moody, Inc. Saint Paul was found to be the most advantageous; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the joint bid of First National City Bank, Drexel Harri.man Ripley, Inc. , New York, Joint Managers, and Associates, including Juran & Moody, Inc. Saint Paul -- - � � � � � _ • ,- , ...-- - - - _ - -� be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with a coupon rate of 4_20 per cent per annum and a premium of $12,418.50 ; be it - � FURTHER SOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and app�roves each and every act of the Sin ing Fund Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. FO APPR V D, / -st. Corporation Q unsel � . � 1 'r ' b 7 1967 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved��1 7 �9��, 19— Holland_ ,�:• F " � Meredith n Favor � � Peterson C� • '' Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 'p�l���$�#�B ��CT 21196�' � � . ,. � . ��� . �, . � .a� �22 ,;- ; , . • .� � • � r .� �.�' i I � CITY OF SAIl�1T PAUL, MINNESOTA ' i i LIST OF BIDS RECEIVED C� TOBER 17� 1967 (1) �$1,150,000 Sewage Diaposal System Bonds, Ser3.es 1967E (2) $1,500,000 Water Works Bonda, Series 1967E (3) $4,000,000 Capital ImprovemenC Bonds, Series 1967A (4) �$2,275,.00Q IIrban Renewal Bonds, Series 1967D �� �$250,000 Joint Starm Water Sewer Construction Bonds , NAi+� � BIDDER COUPON RATE PR��iIUM YYELD First National Ci Bank ty )Joint (�) 4.20% $ 9,803.75 4.1545* Drexel Earrim Ripley, Incorporated) Mgrs. (2) 4.20 12,418.50 4.1549* Mercantile Tru�t Co�mpany, N.A. : (3) 3.90 1,640.00 3.8925 White, Weld & �o. (4) 4.20 20,158.78 4.1535* Wertheim � Co,� ; �(5) 4.20 2,010.50 4.1593* Paribas Corpor tion , Clark, Dodge &�Co., Inc. � IInited California Bank � Barr Brothers � Co. Rooaevelt & Cr�ss, Inc. � J.. C. Bradford �& Co, Woad, Struthexe � Winthrop � The Fidelf�y Ba�nk , Industrial Nati�onal Bank of Rhode Island Brown Brothers Harriman & Go. � North Carolina �Jational Bauk ' Dempsey=Tegeler & Co., Inc. R. W. Craigie & Co., Iac. Fahnestock & Co. " Model Roland bc Co.., Inc, Virginia Nation�al Bank Anderson � Strudwick � Austin Tobin & �Co. Incorporated Juran & Moody, �Inc. Schweickart & G�,o. � I Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago)J�. (1) 4.20 6,669.00 4.1691 The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A,) Managera (2) , 4.20 8,549�00 4.i6'90 Merrill Lyn�h, �ierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. (3) 3.90 1,599.00 3.8927 Firat National Bank of Oregoa (4) 4.20 13,875.00 4.1680 John Nuveen & Co,, Inc. (5) 4.20 1,225.00 4.1752 Seattle—First National Bank L, F. Rothschild � Co. First National �ank in Dallas First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee The Marine Midl�nd Trust Compaup of Western New York Franklin National Bank � Baxter & Company Trust Company of Georgia Blunt Ellis & S3mmons Shaughnesay & C�ompany, Inc,. Wells �� Christe en, Incorporated " � �Y t � { � � ' w i �� 1 I LIST UF BIDS :RECEIVED OC�OBER 17, 1967 Page 2 � i � OF BIDDER COUFON RATE PREMIUM YIELD Halsey�, Stuar � Co. Inc. ) (1) 4,20% $ 4,485.00 4.1792 Morgan Guarant�► Trust Companq of New York) (2) 4.20 6,450.00 4.1766 Glore Forgan, �Tm, R,. Staats Inc.) Managars (3) 3«90 3,200.00 3.8855* and Associates (4) 4.20 11,602.50 4.1732 � ; (5) 4..20 � 25.00 4.1995 Lehman�Brother�s ) �oint (1) 4.20 24,38 4.1999 • Ridder;. Peabod� & Co., Incorporatea� M�re. (2) 4.20 30.15 4.1999 , and AasociaC,es (3) 4.00 2U,080.00 3.9087 Phelps; Fenn &� Co. • (4). 4.20 5,391,75 4.1876 I � (5) 4.20 2j50 4.1999 The First NatiQnal Bank of Chicago, Acct. (1) 4.25 6,I27�00 4.2216 Mgr. (2) 4.25 7,677.00 4.2221 Tlze Northern Tlust Company (3) 4.00 18,447.00 3.9161 Continental Il�inois National Bank aad ' (4) 4.25 12,577.50 4.2210 Trust Compa�y of Chicago (5) 4.25 1,077.50 4.2282 Mellon Nationa�. Bank and Trust Company ^ Equitalile Secu�ities Corporation , Haztford National Bank and Truat Campany Ring, Quirk & C�o�, Incorporated ' Bacoa, Stevenson & Co, American Natio�al Bank, St, paul Davenport & Co.� Rowles, Winston � Co., Inc. Hutchinson, Sh ickey, Erleq & Co. Bankera' Trust Company) Joint (1) 4.ZS 2,845.10 4.2368 Blyth &' Co., In�c. ) Managers (2) 4.25 5,026.50 4.2318 Chemical Bank N�ew York Trust Compauy (3) 3.90 37A.00 3.$98S Smith, Barney � Co., Incorporated (4) 4.25 11,056,50 4.2245 Republic Natioaal Bank of Dallas (5) 4.25 129.50 4.2474 Daminick � Domi�ick, Incorporated First of Michigan Corporation Bacon, Whipple � Co. Robert Garrett � Sons, Inc. The First Netioaal Bank of St. Pau1 Stern Brothers � Co. Third National Bank ia Nashville Wachovia Bank & Truat Cnmpaay Aayden, �Miller Co. Prescott & Co. The Ohio Campany Bakr=,� Watts & Co. - McRelvy ;& Compa�uy Allisoa-William� Company . Seattle �Trust and Savings Bank Boettcher and C�mpany C. S. Ashmun Co�pany JOSEPS J. MITCHELL � C I'i'Y CQMPTROLLER *Successful bid er. � I DU►LICATE TO �RINTERw �_l��r�� V -�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � WHEREAS, �he Council did by Resolution No. 235282 approved October 6, 1967, suthorize the i,ssuance and sale of $1,500,000 Water Works Bonds, Series 1967E, to be dated as �of October 1, 1967, and as the proper City officers have fully caused the sai� bonds to be advertiaed for sale and said ad�ertiaement required sealed bida tolbe submitted on October 17, 1967, and as the bids were submitted and opened, ex�ined and tabulated by the Council, and the �oint bid of First Nationa� City Bank, Drexel Harriman Ripley, Inc. , New York, Joint Managers, and Associates, i cluding Juran & Moody, Inc. Saint Paul was found to b� the most advantageous; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the joint bid of First Nationa City Bank, Drexel Harriman Ripley, Inc. , New York, Joint Managers, and Asaociates, i cluding Juran & Moody, Inc. Saint Paul be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accruad inCereat with a coupon rate o _�+ �Q per cent per annum and a premium of $12,418.50 ; be it FURTgER RE�SOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sink ng Fund Co�ittee in connection with the sale of said bonds. ;�,��' 171967. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Na s Carlson Dalglish Approved'�� 1 7 19�►'� 19— Holland . � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �zz