235375 � I, ,.COIINCI FII NO. ���� � � ' 2�5�'�5 BY � FINAL O�tDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ; _ ; . � - Ly ��n_mn+4�r_ n� „«,�„�=w+...�..,:w �,..-..�-.�..-.._ 1...,�..,....,�. -- Qpening,'�widening;e .d extending the ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY from, La£ayette Road �to Payne,Avenue-�by ondemning�and- taking ,t�he, following d"escribed �lots`"and"parcels of laricl, al l� in the i�t�r of St. Paul: ',-�-�:.,,.,._ ._,_. . y . _ : i That�part of Lo 5, Irvine��s..Addition of. Outlots to�tfie T.ow.n �of St. Paul, described �as fo l,ow�s;c. , Commen�,ing at a poi�t, on the easterly�line of said Lot 5, lOL'� fee� south of the northe�sterly corne�r of said lotj• th�nce southerly on said-east li e 101'� feet; thence westerly at right angles 82�, feet; then e n� ttheral at ri �h't�'fian` les and ara�l-Lel to said'�easferly`line�of�sRid_lot � utd�.. .,�,.�.�'..� ,...�,.�_ .. g_ g_..� --p-, �.r��..:�t - -- ._ ,. ...__ . , � ' 101'� feet; then e easterly at right angles 82'� feet to the place of beginning ; exce t those� as tions of3 said remises ,taken for stree-t's;�a��� Z''� l�:�d i In�E: .P:�� ' ..l�P- — - _-- - ,P.._ ___ _,�_ _ - - , , p� ♦� . ' _ _ _ ._� . r . _ . ,e...r._..-» .e. .-,-� .+—�...- s . . � A public h'earing having been h�d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereons, objec �one and recommendations relative thereto, arid having fully coneidered the eame; . therefore, be it I ' �� �� "`"RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of,im- ,, provement to �be mdde {�y the eaid City ie 'Opening, widening a c! e.xtending the ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY from Lafayette Road to Payne �Avenue by ondemning. and taking the following described lots and parcels - of lan'd,°all in the_ City of St,; Paul: � „ ' i - . That paxt of Lo 5, Irvine�s p.ddition of Outlots to the Town of St. l�aul� - � described as fo lows: Commencing at a poiiit on the easterly line of said ' �� ; � Lot 5, 1�01'� fee south of the northeasterly corner of said lot, thence southerly I � ��onQS�a�id��e�ast�li �;��0���ueew,t�,^�hunue�we�ster.ly��at right angles 82'� feet.; t£tience northerl at right angles and parallel to said easterly line of said lot i : }Ol��f�yet�;1 i�e�n e��easte�r�lyhata�;i_gh.t� angle's,;�,2'�_feet�to;_the�_nl�ar`ea oft�lieg�inning��'G ��V�e;cept:�t{hos,e�pp. tio=,s,_r�o,f,�isaid rpremises�ta�en�forr�s�t�reets:;�i�q�e�i��*�:�1`p4C�1@I'i�,FiD.: � Opening,. idening and extending"tfieTARCH-PENNSYLVANIA�'HIGHWhY from_Lafayette°Ro�.d� _ '`to•Payne �venue�'b��" condemning� and taking tlie f ollowing�dPSCribed lots and parcels - � � of lancj, all in t eCity of $t� Paul: - �., ` , � - =Thet.par� of _ ot 5��_Irviners Additionabf Outlots_to_the Town of- St. Paul, � �� . described�as ollows: _ �Commencing at a point on the easterly line of said � Lot 5; 101'� f et south�of ,the northeasterly corner of said lot, thence southerly �v�n�1sY af�er l�� � �'i i..14 ���4. .�� -__....,.I,: Y.i�a'CYtri ht3 an'T�esh'. '� -•-.°<_•�a.��.i� �11f� i•ne LO•1'� feet-•-,thence aaesterl" ` g ' g 8'2'-�'. feeG, � 1'Ll'.1 , il� ����hen�e,�no�r�he �lyn�at�prigh�t=��angLes„-and�par,a�l=lelt,to_csai�d�'ea_s.G'erly �li.�rie�nof��s�ai�d��-1ot i.utho�ix��i��n�e e tr�-ct�u �n,,,�Nr��sµer l+y �at Frig h�t apgles;�82'��vf:eett t�o tthe;�'pllaee�'of'r6eginning , except �hose ortions of said premises taken for streets. -�. a, - Adopted by the Co °cii � `b . • ._ � � , �� r�I �.�" � �. � ���� � - Clerk. � i �. Approved— '���_., 19 � � .- r • ,.� Mayor. ' � :�- ! Councilmen: { ;;:` , ' `y� Pl9�LiSHED 0 G� � 1196� - .�.. Dalgl i5h � ' �.� ..°•, , t Holland '� �'`' . Xtf�i� Carlson � -2� � J,� d�e�rt-i-nssa."����� . Peterson ; 9T�5C�4i Tedesco Mr. Pres i denf,, ��t Byrne .. I - . y . s • � � w � ^ / 7DS'7- /� . . 2350�6 i � , , ; OFFI E OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS f�����) AEPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ' September 15, 19 67 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: � I The Commissioner o�f Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- i li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 235034 � ' approved Se�tembe ; 14 1_9 67 relative to • -:r .s T— �d@Q~ -:�:.�,,:•' ^ �Pen;' ;�-�nd exte d=•tha �AR6H-F�NI�SYLVt1HIA HIGHwl4Y`-ftroai Lafa ett� Aaed to P ��I �'�'. - Y_- ayn�--Avenua • ',, by condemnin$ aad.,.tekin� the follovina.,diacrib�d-„lot� and ps=c�ls of Lead, all in th� Citq ����' of St. Peu2: ° "� - - . . .. That part of� Lot S. Irvines Addition of Outlot� to the Town of St. L'aul, da�cribed a� followa: ICommon ing et a point on the �aat�rly line of said I.ot S. ldl� t�et � soutb of th�; northQ at�rly corner of eaid lots thence souther�,y on aaid �ast lin� . 101� f�et; thence w�storly •t right anglos 82� �a�ti thenc� northerly nt right anglea end perellel to a�id ��mt�rly line o� aaid lot 101� �a�tt thonc• sa�Carly � at right �nglo� 82� teet to th� p�act b��innin�, �xc�pt thoi• portionr of oaid pro�i��a takin for tr��t�. � . � , . reports�— - --- � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• I � � ' 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof, 3. Initiated y the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Imp iovement i s asked fo'r upon peti ti on I " I �� i, Commi ssi oner of ub�,a�c o��� �U�