05-307Council File # � - � Green Sheet # 3025506 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA " Presented Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library Agency has deteruiined that a competency-based job classification system is required to better met workforce succession plauuing needs, and Wf�REAS, the Saint Paul Public Library Agency and the Office of Human Resources have 4 conducted a collaboxative process that has developed a new competency-based job classification system for the Library-specific administrative support positions, not to include Library Administration, and a corresponding administrative procedure, and WHET2EAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more flexibility in duty assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class 9 specifications, and 10 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with cleazly 11 defined career ladders, and professional development opportuniries, and 12 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission 13 of the Saint Paul Public Library Agency, and 14 WHEItEAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A.6., permits the Human Resources Director to conduct pilot 15 andJorresearchprojectsdesignedtoenhancerecnuhnent,selection,employeecareerdevelopmentprograms, 16 and referral and/or appoinhnent processes for filling City positions, and 17 WHEREAS,theCityofSaintPaulOfficeofHumanResourcesandtheAmericanFederationofState 18 and County Municipal Employees, Council #14, Clerical #2508, representing the employees in the job 19 classifications affected by the Saint Paul Libraries Competency Modeling Project - Library Clerk Job DS- 3�7 20 Family, have met and confened regazding the modificarion of certain Civil Service Rules in the 21 administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached 23 memorandumofagreementgoverningtheadmuustrationoftheSaintPaulLibrariesCompetencyModeling 24 Project - Library Clerk 7ob Family, and be it 25 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the 26 attached Saint Paul Libraries Competency Modeling Project - Library Clerk Job Family, and be it 27 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of said pilot proj ect shall be the first pay period 28 following passage and approval of this resolution, and be it 29 FURTI�ER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire two years following passage and 30 appzoval of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it 31 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office of Huxnan Resources and the Saint Paul Public Library 32 Agency shall submit to the City Council and the Mayor a final report being submitted three months 33 prior to expiration of the pilot project. Requested by Deparhnent o£ Office of an Resources By: Potm App�ou�e�i'i� City � for Submissipn to Adoption Certified � lybr: Date . ' � nh904Vtaolutian fOr AMmi Support CAmpehncy fllot Prolec[.wpd �.'� Adoptedby Council: Date G�Dr � �.3� e��s OS- 30� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE INAT[ATED GREEN SHEET No.: 3025506 Human Resources 3/3/OS CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: . 17aliUATE 7taT1'fALDATE L,eeAnII Tuichin 266-6517 i nsrnnrn�xr nu' `�� \— a cm mv�uca. A$$ICNED 2Q1YATfORNEY � CCI'YCGERK iVU�ffiEItFOR � MUST BE OlY COUI`7CII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUY'nvG �ANCw,sacv um F¢+axcw.s�twaccrG ORDER 3 MAYOR(ORASS7.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE YAGES (CLIP AI,L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrcox xEQUESTEn: Approval of a pilot project entitled "Saint Paul Libraries Competency Modeling Project-Library Clerk Job Family" and accompanying memorandum of agreement. RECOhIDgNDAi'IONS: Appmw (A) orRejwt (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CON'CRAC'CS Ml7SP N'1SWERTHE FOI,LOWIIVG QUEST[ONS: 1. Has this person/fum ever �wdced under a mmract for �is depaM�ent? _PI,ANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB CAMMII7EE 2. Has this persoNfi�m everbeen a city employee7 CIVII.SERV[CECOMMISSSON Yu No 3. Does Nis persodfirtn possess a slall mt nortmlly possessedby any ci¢ren[ city employee? � Yes No 4. Is this persodfirm a qlgekd vendofl Yes No Expiain aIl yes aiuwers an separate Sheet and attaCh to gi'een sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, wnere, why): In July of 2004, the Saint Paul Public Library Agency established an Administrarive Support Competency Team to develop a competency-based system for Library-specific adininistrative support positions to ensure competent staffing in the future. Attached is the "Saint Paul Libraries Competency Modeling Project - Library Clerk 7ob Family" modeling document and Competency Matzix the team developed. 'This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rules 8.A.6., which is aiso attached, hauing a durarion of two years. - anv,�rrracES te nrrxovEn: The pilot project will enable the Saint Paul Public Library Agency to use the developed competencies as the basis for future selection (both hiring and promotion), training, education and development, performance management, and coaching and mentoring. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOT10. n�sanv,uvTwc�es � rroz nrrxovEn: The goals and objectives of the Saint Paul Public Library Agency regazding succession and workforce piazuiing wiil not be met. roTni,an�ourrroFTa�wsacr�ox: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � � � � � FINANCIAI. INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� C�.�? �a���-n� �^��§�r MAR 3 1 2��5 APR � 4 �� ���� A�7'�RNE G:\Shared�HR-Competencies�PilotProjects�I.ibraries4ldminSupportCompetencies904�F'inal.Rec.Dceuments Sheet for Admin Support Lompetency euo[ rro�ec[.wpa , ' � � ��ROI3TIISCr�ORDER � � � � � � � � � � � , �' far sncmostfr documeots: „ Helow aie conect contings the equent types � � „ � �� corrrxACrs �� �o�a �r �� courica.xESO�uTTOx ��avIIasessi�t �) ° i o�ae ' , . Ag . � ��� , , ' 2. DeparhnentDiiector ' 2 OffceofFmsneialSavicesB�rectbr , � � 3. �CitYAttoraeS�� � �� � � � � �� �' 3. CitKh�aaney ,,,, � , � � ', , � 4 ' Mapor/Assistant, (f� bonhacis ;aou $25 OOU), � 4. Magor�As�sfant, � � � � er n � 5. �Ium�,RiBhts ff� cpnhacts ov� $$0,00,0) , 5. City�Cofficil ,. �� � � � 6.Office,of,FinenciatSecvices-Acco�ting' 6.,0$ce�F`"�nenc�Sen�iii�s-Acco�mtmg "„ „ , t l , S � . nnNmus�riz�.�oi�E[zs�sua��r��j courrc��sor.trrtorr�euo�ffia,o�) i.'a�zi�cy�or,n��a�r�t t-,n���n�t�' 2. ���cn;�c� 2 c�iy,.'nu�y . ' , 3:OtficecifFinanciatServicesDirector 3 Ivfax�It�ssist�t- , , ! , C�,��, � � � �� � � � 4.,'Ci{g'Co�cil ' . � � , � � 5. Office ofF�inanciat Seivices -'Acco�ting' � � � � � ADMII3lSTRATIVE bRDERS (al�' others) . ERECL77TVE ORDER � � �� �� � 1. DepactmentDirector ' ; 2 Depm�mertDuect°r Z.'Crtyl�ttorney �� � � � 2 Cily'A�y ', �� 3_ �OffeeofFinaociat'SavicesDirectoi' .� � Ma�ar�Acasr� �"� � � � , � � �� , � .,,' �� � �''� � 4. � Ci1p�Clerk � � 4 Criy��Cte�c � �" �� � „ r, ' ; .' ' TOTAL'NUA�IBEROFSIGNATUREPfiGES ' , I � i Iudicate the # ofpsg+es � wli�ch,siguahurs arereqaue�i aud pa'percLp orRag each of fLese pages. � � QCTIONREQIIESTED ' � � � � � � i � �� �,� � � � � �� ��� � � Descn'bewhattbeProledhequesC'�toaccompl'sshmedherc6mnologicaladuazorderof�ioitance,whichea��s' , 'mostapproprietefor9ieissµe. Donotwritecompletes�tences BegdeachltemmyoehstvudTi'aveab "� � 12ECOMb�IDA1TONS' „ � � �� � �.� � � � � "' � � Compl�e ffthe usue m'qqeafioa hes be�presented befae anY �Y P�� �'P!?o�' „ � . �� PERSOAFAL SER�iCE�CONfRACTS•� � � � ��� �� � � � � � � � � . � � � � � , � �Thisinfoimati'onwi}lbeu.sedtodeteimiae,the�eity,'shab�tyf�w�cers ���c�peosat3��e]arms�t�sandpnoPaQVil : � � service hizing catas.' I , �i' INi17ATfl�tGPROBLE1v�TSSUE, OPPORTUNLTY i � a for 'ed � � � or .. onsthatczeal� �ed ]aintfiesidiatiam m�dih mn � g�P Yrnu'�r°J �r�esF. � � � � � � �� � ADVANTAGESIEAPEROVED� ��� ��� � ���� � �� ��, � , Tndicatewhetliu8usis�iplp�annuatbudBdProc�o�ere4u�redbgiaw/cfimta��,duhetfiertfiere�espeetficwaysm , . ' whichfl�;CityofSaintPaatanditc.citizens;wilLbenefitfin�tTispm�ecHachon. ' � DFSABVAI�TA(�S2Fr1FPROVED � � � � � � ;�� '���,,; � � , w��e����m��s�n� '�����i�r�¢�c�°',�a (e:g. +raffic ''detays noise, r�c mcrees� � ass�ts)7 xo;wL�T wlienY F�ttowlongR DLSADVAIITAGESIF'NOTAP�ROVID , r WhatwillbetLenegatiueconsequencesif$ie'pro�sedadionisnotappicived?,Fnabilitybodetiversavice2 Continae �� � � bi'glifca�c;�noise,accidentrate?�Lossofrev�ne?� � � � ��� � �'' � � " FR�ANC7AL'IIv1PACT , � ' �� � � ,.� �� ��' � � ,,, � � Althoagh you•�sKtsiIorthe info�mationgad piv�ide hece to;the isme 7'� ��B. � 8�� Ycru �ist answa ,tivo qaestions_, Fioce mucfi is it goiug to cost? ' Who �s &��8"� P� �' , h , e , � , � „ , � � � � � , � , , . • � � „ � „ . � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � „ , � „ � � � � � � �� � � , � � , , r l �i.l�� I'�I�I! � I.,', I i � , � pl r . � I._�� . �. . �..,� I �..�I i .��"� .,.. ,� 4I , � .�� I i i�l I. � lVl'. 1 il I�, i Bt�1 "I� r� (i�ln �ui�.l" , iui i i��I�w ., �l�IP�tI aS-3o� 2005 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council #14, Clericat #2508 hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project - Librazy Clerk Job Family dated September 16, 2004" and the "Library Clerk Job Family Competency Matrix dated September 16, 2004." The City and AFSCME agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Saint Paui Public Library Agency who hold positions allocated to the Library Clerk I, Library Clerk II, Library Clerk III, and Library Clerk N. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the adminish�aiion of this pilot projeet: 1. Civil Service Rnle 6.B (Examination Conteats) Examinations for the Library Cierk class series will continue to be provided by Human Resources (HR) as outlined in CSR 6.B. An attempt will be made by FiR to provide promotional testing for the Saint Paul Public Library Association at least twice a yeaz for the aforementioned job series. Employees will be allowed to re-test once in the hopes of improving their ranking. However, the last test score will be the one used to determine new rank order foilowing an eacamination, even if the most recent score is lower than the one from a previous e�minarion. 2. Civil Service Rnle 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Librazy Clerk II, III, and N vacancies in the Saint Paul Public Librazy Agency to remain in effect indefinitely. 3. Civil Service Rule 8.A.3 and 8.B.1 shall allow for the following certification process. The Office of Human Resources sha11 certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which shall include the top 5 eligibles, plus ties from within the Saint Paul Public Library Agency. Lists filled from an original entrance list for a single vacancy shall be filled as follows: When a list has twenty or fewer eligibles: The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the five highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of HR shall certify to the appointing authority the five lughest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. For lists having more than twenty eligibles: When underutilizarion or under representafion, as defined in Section 8.B.l.b., does not exist in any protected class, the Office of HR shall certify to the appointing authority the five highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of HR shall certify the five highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ries, from each and every protected class who aze among either the top thirty-three percent or the highest scoring twenty eligibles on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. aS- 307 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) This Rule governing requirements to be met for promotional rights still applies in full. 5. Civil Service Rnle 22 (Layoff/Seniority) Given the need to transfer individuals holding a variety of tifles into the new Librazy Clerk series, the guiding principles set ford� in flus Rule will be used. "If a class as been abolished and the posirion it described exists under a new class, then the seniority of employees who have held a position in the fomner class shall be determined as if the former class stili existed. If two or more classes have been included in one new class, seniority will be determined for all affected employees as if the classes had always been one class." It is agreed that adoprion of the "Library Clerk Job Fatnily Competency Matrix dated September 16, 2004" shall be done through the twenty-day notice process. In additiou, AFSCME and the City agree to transfer individuals to the following corresponding classes: Library Clerks will become Library Clerk Is at the same rate of pay; Cierk IIs and Clerk IIIs who as of February 16, 2005 aze employed by the Saint Paul Public Library Agency in all Library Agency azeas excluding Administration, will become Library Clerk IIs and Library Clerk IIIs respectively at the same rate of curreat pay. There are currentiy no Library Clerk IVs in the Library Agency. It is fiuther agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure oudined in the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regazding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the September 16, 2004 Competency Modeling Project - Library Clerk Job Family document, which is attached. It is further agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall inirially be in force for rivo years from the adoption of the pilot project by the Saint Paul City Council, anticipated to be March 2005, with an automafic ea�tension to Mazch 2009 unless the City and AFSCME Local #2508 mutually agree to end or modify said agreement p to Mazch of 2007. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall ot be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. l 9 ��/✓ + ti �. Angela alezny, Hu Resources Director Kurt Emckson, Business Representative AFSCME Clerical #25 son Sc ', Labor Relations Manager ie Sc '' ger, Pr ident t1FSCME�C erical, 2508 natea: 3 a o5 � G:�S6aredlHIi-CompetencieslPilotProjecisN.i6rsria4ldminSupportCompetmcies9041Fival.Ru.Dawmenis9041memo.aLAgree.d+aft21605AFSCME.wpd Sec 08 - Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 4 DS- 307 8.A.3 Vacant positions sha11 be filled from a promotion etigible list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner: The O�ce of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing o�cer a list of eligibles which shall include the top 3 eligibles, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. Tf the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term 'division' used in this paragraph shall mean 'departmenY in alI cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this paragraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's O�ce; Human and Civil Rights; O�ce of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Opereting shall be considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division of the Fire and Safety Services Department, the Depar[ment of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Planning and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall 6e considered as one division. S.A.4 Section 8.A.3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5 When two or more titles are combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new title without further competitive testing as long as they have been certified to one of the titles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new title. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Section 22 Layoff. 8.A.6 The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental learning placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment actio� in the above referenced pilot and/or research projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Notice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shaH incfude the folfowing: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supplant existing certified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affeded by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs will be certified, having a probationary period, involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. --d. Classifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining u�it as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on Cerms and conditions of empfoyment are subjecC to negotiations. f. Pilot employment projects will be in accordance with State and Federal http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/h�es/csrules/sec08.htm 3/29/2005 Sec 08 - Civil Service Rules laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. Page 3 of 4 oS- 30� g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research projed. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-year time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end of the project. 8.B.1 Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: S.B.l.a Vacancy Filied From An Original Entrance List Single vacanty from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR 4ISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The O�ce of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN THENTY (20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization or underrepresentation, as defined in Section S.B,i.b,, does not exist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, ptus ties, from each and every protected class who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific �ob title is underutilized or when underrepresentation exists in the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The O�ce of Huma� Resources shall certify Yo the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shalt certify to the appointing auYnority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, of each and every protected class who are among the top forty-five percent (45%) of the highest scoring eligibles on the overall list. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. 8.S.l.b Definitions: Number of eligibles on a list: For purposes of determining the number of eligibles on a list, this number shall be determined at the time a new list is established and shall include only those new persons who took and passed the most recent examination and are placed on that list. Underrepresentation: A condition that exists at any given time when the percentage of each protected-class group within the overall work force for the Saint Paul Board of Education and the departments/divisions of the City of Saint Paul are below the City's goals for each protected-class group as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/Affirmative Action Plan (OOPAP/AAP). Underutilization: A condition that exists at any given time when the number of protected-class members employed in the job categories is fewer than the number of qualified protected-c(ass members that would be reasonably expected to be employed by the availability in the relevant labor market areas, based upon census data and information as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/Affirmative Action Progrem (OOPAP/AAP). http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/humres/csrules/sec08.hhn 3/29/2005 t�S- 3b7 � .� � � !� .r; r� 1'�1 � C4' �i .� � � � � � H �o � N � b � ~ � � � � V r��j � 1 i O o �� ❑ � � o � � '� � � � O �� � � � d` � � � �� �� Hv � y c� � �'d R � p � O � U� d � � � �� � `" � � � U � 3�, � ' L .� .�. O •� x .�. �$ �u dz « � � C"' Q O � 'a Q 0 U �j K O y R � � IH S d e °' U� � � a. o b y � � w o ; � U � R d �' r.' � O Jr � � U � F d � � a � � U � y � d �h 7w V . 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R' � � o �, p a � � rn �-s �u w ��� � w � a � � �' � a. a�a • �' o � � c � c�oTS =�� y L'3 H � 0 s�� � o� � �� ���� a ��o� � �� � ., �o�,� .�,o � � �� � � � � � H� � �t D5 30� Each com etenc builds u on the others as the class series ro resses. Educafion, Must be at least 16 years of age and able to High School diploma or GED and, at least, High School diploma or GED and four yeazs of Hi�h School Diploma or GED and six years of clerical Certification� read, write, speak, and understand English. fwo years of clerical experience. clerical experience, rivo years of which must have experience a[ teast hvo of which mus[ have been aY a Library Registration, and been as a Library Clerk II or equivalent. Clerk III or equivalent. other Requirements Technical Expertise Demonstrates an ability to develop an Demonstrates an ability to quickly gain an Demonstrates a good understanding of cunent Demonstrates an expeR understanding of current Librazy understanding of current Library organizarional understanding of current Library Library organ'vational structure, policies, organizarional structure. practices, policies, procedures, shucture, practices, policies, procedures, organizarional shvcture, policies, procedures, procedures, programs, practices, temunology, and pro�ams, temvnology, and services; demonsh'ates an ability prograrr�s, terminology and services including programs, practices, terminolo�y, and services and demonstrates an understanding of to apply this unZerstanding in suggesting policy changes and the Library of Congress Classif cation system services including an understanding of the common tnathemafical principles; demonstrates an in developing and maintaining complex work scheduling, and local librery dassification systems; Library of Congress Classification system and ability to apply this understanding in suggesting creating accurete reports, producing detailed resource demonstrates an abiliry to apply this local library classification systems; improvements in policies and procedures, in materials, and i� resolving the most complex challenges understanding in the sorting, shelving, demonstrates an ability to apply this performing basic work scheduling, producing associated with administrative support work in the Libraries, rehieval, and circulation of library materials understanding in the effecrive sorting statisrical reports, processing the procurement of system-wide. and in resolving basic challenges associated shelving rehieval, and circulation of ma[erials, resources, and tools for an assigned with administrative support work in the materials and in resolving common challenges Library agencg and in resolving the full range of libraries. associated with adminishative support work challenges associated with administrative support in the libraries. work in the Ubraries, system-wide. Technical Expertise Demonstrates an abiliry ro leam to operate the Demonshates an ability to operate modem Demonstrates an ability to instruct others in the Demonstrates an expert understanding of the operation of Technology office equipment and computer softwaze used office equipment and use common computer operation of the L�brary's office equipment and specialized, library specific, office equipment and computer in conducting operations within an assigned software applications; demonstrates an abilIIy software applications; demonstrates an abiliry ro softwaze; demonshates an ability to conduct analyses of library area; demonshates an abil�ry to apply to quickly leam to effectively operate office recognize equipment malfunctions and recommend o�ce equipment maintenance, replacement, and this understanding in completmg routine work equipment and wmputer software necessary maintenance and/or replacement of prowrement needs either for an assigned library agency or assignments. applications that aze speci£c to the operation equipment to the appropriate staff. system-wide and make appropriate recommendations; of the Library; demonstrates an ability to demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding and apply this understanding in the resolution of ability in resolving the full range of work related challenges. common work related challenges. Technical Expertise Demonshates an ability to safely and Demonstrates an abiliry to safely and Demonstrates the abiliry ro instruct others in the Demonstrate an undersTanding of the most current and Risk Management aud effecrivety perform the sorting, shelving, effectively perform the sorting, shelving, most safe and effective methods of sorting, effective work methods, i.e., best practices, used in Work Methods re[rieval, and circulation of lazge wlumes of rehieval, and circulation of large volumes of shelving, rehieving and circulating library conducting library agency or library system-wide library materials by using step stools, ladders, library materials in a Library agency; materials; demonstrates an ability to identify administrative support activities; demonstrates an ability to other equipment, and appropriate lifting demonstrates an ability to identify bass common safery risks associated with all of the instruct others in such best practices. methods in the repeated lifting, bending, safery risks and recommend changes and administrative support work of an assigned Libxary stretchmg standing, walking, labeling, and encourage oihers to make changes in work agency and take action to minimize those risks. manipulation of material wrappings in a methods. Library agency. Page 1 of 5 �, O 5 -�� � .� � � �, � <� �: `z� ,�,� � _ � a�",~ ? �t : ,�.� �..«, .u.� �._a ,. � �"� �e �' OFrC'�ln � �=s" I� 0 " � -• �? ��' "� e `� I) ?d � ' �,,...'�3.: ' . � -0`ru' . '3}��^'T . !/�" 5 . .�rtftd' Y$'.�Iw rA. Project Management, Demonstrates an abiliry to plan and organize Demonstrates an ability to quickly gain an Demonstrates a complete understanding of the Demonstrates an expert understanding of the priorities, goals Prioritizafion, Problem work assignments to ensure the continuous understanding of the priorities, goals, and assigned Library agency's priorities, goals, and and objectives of the assigned Library agency; demonshates Solving and Planning movement of librazy materials. objectives of an assigned Library agency and objectivu; demonstrates a common understanding a good understanding of the Library System operarions, a basic understanding of fhe Library system- of fhe Library system-wide mission and vision. demonstrates a common undershanding of the Library Demonstrates an abiliry to adapt to a variery of wide mission and vision. system-wide mission and vision. assignments, changes in policies, technology, Demonshates, wnsistently, an ability to work schedules, and changes in deadlines for Demonstrates an ability to prioritize work by independently prioritize one's own work and assist Demonstrates, consistently, an ability to independently routine tasks. esrimaring the rime required to complete an others in prioritizing, planning, organizing, and initiaTe, plan, and coordinate multiple projects ranging from assignment, and by organizing assignments, completing work assigvnents. the routine to the complex. Demonstrates an abiliry to effecrively identify duties, and tasks on the basis of their and analyze information that requires attention relarionship to the prioriries, goals and Demons�ates, consistently, an ability to complete Demonstrates, consistently, an abiliry to independently to defail and quick resolurion of basic work objecfives of the assi3ned Library agency, work assignments independently and within ageed prioritize one's own work and the work of others. associated challenges. demonstrates an ability to idenrify and use upon time lines. appropriate materials, methods, and resources Demonstrntes an abiliry to identify and use appropriate necessary to complete common work Demonstrates an ability to assist in the analysis of materials, methods, and resources necessary to complete the assignments within estimated tune lines. work flow and idenrify and use appropriate most complex a<_sigunents associated with Library System materials, methods, and resources necessary to administrative support work. Demonstrates an ability to effectively resolve complete the full range of assignments associated emergency situations involving coworkers with the work of an assigned Library agency. Demonstrates an abiliry to coordina[e the prowrement of and/or patrons. materiats and resources that aze required for the effective Demonstrates an ability [o procure materials and completion of the work of an assigned Library agency or Demonstrates an ability to effectively identify resources needed to effectively complete the work agencies, and demonstrates the ab�liry to identify and analyze moderately detailed infonnation of an assigtted Library agency; demonstrates an improvements in such procurement processes and and resolve common work associated abiliry to �dentify improvements in work methods. procedures. challenges. Demonstrates an abiliry to effectively identify and Demonstrates an ability to effectively and thoroughly analyze information of complex detail and resolve analyze and organize detailed, complex, and confidenrial the full range ofchallenges associated with the information; demonstrates an ability to identify and reso[ve work. the most complex challenges associated with the effective operation of a Library agency. Page 2 of 5 c Communications Demonstrates an ability to follow oral and written instructions. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversiry of customers, coworkers, and supervisors, including individuals who may be hearing impaired or whose first language may be one other than English. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen and speak in a tactful manner with library customers, coworkers, and supervisors. Demonstrates an ability to follow detailed oml and written instructions. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversity of customers, coworkers, and supervisors, including individuals who may be hearing impaired or whose first language may be one other than English. Demonstrates an understanding of English ganu���ar, spelling, and proper usage and demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in written and oral communica[ion. Demonstrates an ability to communicate effectively with coworkers, supervisors, and the public by listening attentively, asking questions, speaking clearly, and by producing written correspondence, such as emazl, memoranda, and letters that can be easily understood by the intended reader. Demonstrates an ability [o answer questions and admit that one does not know the answer to questions that aze beyond one's level of expertise and demonstrates an abiliry to refer questions to more knowledgeable members of the Library staff. Demonstrates an ability to consistently follow moderately complex oral and written instructions. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversity of customers, coworkers, and supervisors, including individuals who may be hearing impa'ved or whose first lanwage may be one other than English. Demonshates an ability to select and use the most appropriate method of communication with the public, coworkers, and supervisors based on the situation. Demonstrates an ability to assist coworkers and supervisors in communicating with the public by effectively listening, asking quesrions, and answering quesrions based on one's leve] of expertise; demonstrates an understanding of the appropriate staff to which the more complex questions should be directed. Demonstrates an ability to consistently follow complex oral and written instructions. Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversiry of customers, coworkers, and supervisors, including individuals who may be heazing vnpa"ved or whose first language may be one other than English. Demonstrntes an abiliry to select and use the most appropriate method of communication with the public or coworkers in situarions which may be considered complex, uncomfortable, or confrontational. Demonstrates an ability to facilitate group communication and encourage coworkers and supervisors to ask questions and make recommendations. Page 3 of 5 /,� Teamwork and Demonstrates an ability to be an effective team Leadership member by being self motivated, accepting of assignments willingly, and completing assignments within agreed upon time lines and established standazds. Demonstrates an understanding of the specific roles, responsibilities, and expectazions of employees within the assig�ed Library agency and an understanding of the general roles, responsibiliries, and expectation of employees within the Library, system-wide. Demonsh'ates an ability to make decisions both independently and as a part of a group decision-making process. Demonstrates an ability to be punctual, adaptable, and accountable in individual daily work assignments and in work projects with coworkers. Demonstrates support of others in perfomilng the assigned duries of the Library agency by contributing to the team effort, and by avoiding inte�personal conflict; demonstrates an awazeness and support of coworker needs and resources. Demonstiates an ability to make duisions both independently and as a part of a goup decision-making process. Demonstrates a willingness to provide help, guidance, and training to team members. Demonstrates an ability to effectively participate on Library agency and system- wide task forces and committees. Demonstrates an ability to provide effec[ive scnall group leadership by encouraging individual � participation and aeativity, by being supportive of others and the group decision making process, by effectively managing conflict, and by providing a good exarnple in identifying and perfomung tasks that improve the flow of work assigned to the group. Demons�ates an ability to appropriately delegate work, provide constructive feedback in review of employee performance, and provide training and coaching; demonstrates an ability to assist in deteimining group success factors and monitor individual and group success progress. Demonstrates an ability to effectively participate on Library agency and system-wide task forces and committees and serve as a chair of a task force or committee. Demonstrates an ability to provide effective leadership to a Library work group assigned to support interagency programs and projects; creates a positive azid supportive work environment through demons[rating considerarion of others, by being tactful, by encouraging understanding among employees, and by showing an awareness of coworkers' needs and resources. Demonstrates an ability to locate and provide the resources necessary to complete programs and projects including training and equipment. Demonstrates an effective response to change by remaining posirive and acceprin� of the challenges imposed; encourages coworkers to accept change as a nom�al aspect of work. Demonshates an understanding of specific roles, responsibilities and expectations of employees within the organization and uses that understanding to establish effective relationships with coworkers. Demonstrates an ability to make decisions both independently and as a part of a group decision-making process; demonstrates the ability to lead the group decision making process. Demonshates an abiliry to efY'eaively represent the Library on system-wide and regional task forces and committees; demonstrates an ability to chair system-wide task forces and committees. Page 4 of 5 "." D r �� � � � �� � � � J.. � ,� - o e��cres ��""�'� s�Cle�r� � ��°� n,, .�• , . ' ,�. ��r, .„�r. .s�._ ",��.�.�..x. :�.aw.:a:.. Customer Service Demonstrates an ability to quickiy gain an Demonstrates an ability to quickly �ain an in Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the Demonsirates an expert understanding of the Library system- understanding of the Library system-wide depth understanding of the Library system- Library system-wide mission and vision and the wide mission and vision and the associated customer serviee mission and vision and the associated customer wide mission and vision and the associated associated customer service standazds by standazds by working to provide a posirive e�mpie in service standards. customer service standazds. consistently working in accordance wiih those consistenfly working in accordance with the established established standazds and by enco coworkers standazds, by suggesting unprovements m the standards, and Demonstrates respect for the diversity of all Demons[rates an ahility to assist hi,�er ]evel to meet or excaed the standazds. by encomaging ail staff to mcet oc exceed the standards. customers, both intemal library staff and the staff in conducfing customer service needs public, and demonstrates a commitment to the analysis; demonstrates an ability to respond, Demonstrates an abifiry to promptly and Demonstrates an ability to promptIy and appropriately continuous unprovement of customer service. consistentty, to customer needs by meering or appropriately respond to requests for seivice from respond to the most difficult requests for service from exceecling customer expectarions and Library customers and coach coworkers in Library customeis by resoiving those difficult or wmplex Demonstrates an abiliry to assist in identifying continnously improving customer service. appropriately responding to customer service customer service requests and by quickly responding to and responding to the needs of Library requests; demonstrates an ability to assist in situations refened by less imowledgeable staff members. customers. Demonstrates patience and attentiveness in identifying customer service needs and developing providing customec service; demonsuates an appzopriate customer service strategies and _ Demonstrates an ability to assist librazy profrssional and abiliry to quickly respond to customer service standards. management staff in identifying customer service needs and issues that need to be directed to more establishing customer service standards by analyzing knowledgeable staff inemSers. Demonstrates an abi(ity to work respect&Ily with customer service request data and developing creative � custamers and maintain the best possible public sarvice delivery op6ons for the Library, system-wide. relations by responding quickiy to customer service requests, by idenrifying and quickly resolving Demonstrates amability to promote customer service conflict, and by idenrifying siNations t�at aie excellence by recognizing and implementing effactive bayond one's abiltry m handle and xefecring svch customer service detivery strategies suggested by wworkers siivations to the appropriate ]rnowledgeable staff and superv9sors. member. uatea: �eptember 16,1uun G;1Shared�HI2-Competencies\Pilot.ProjectslLibraziesL4dminSupportCompetencies90A1Final.Rec.Documents9 #5 of Library Clerical Competency Matrix.wpd Page 5 of 5